>>eng<< Le destin nous a séparés. Fate tore us apart. Fate has separated us. >>eng<< Mio padre è morto da tre anni. My father has been dead for three years. My father died three years ago. >>deu<< Quem é esta rapariga? Wer ist dieses Mädchen? Wer ist das Mädchen? >>eng<< Ziri e Rima arrivarono all'ospedale. Ziri and Rima arrived at the hospital. Ziri and Rima arrived at the hospital. >>nld<< Je vais à la piscine. Ik ga naar het zwembad. Ik ga naar het zwembad. >>eng<< Loquerisne cum felibus tuis? Do you talk to your cats? How do you feel about Felicity? >>eng<< Ehi ragazzi, penso di aver trovato qualcosa. Hey guys, I think I found something. Hey, guys, I think I found something. >>nld<< Îmi poți da niște bani? Kan jij mij wat geld geven? Kun je me wat geld geven? >>eng<< Vogliamo aiutarti con quello. We want to help you with that. We want to help you with that. >>deu<< Ellos atacaron al enemigo. Sie griffen den Feind an. Sie griffen den Feind an. >>eng<< A me non servono amiche. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. >>eng<< As línguas modernas mudam o tempo todo. Modern languages change all the time. Modern languages change all the time. >>eng<< El camino está cubierto de hielo. The road is covered in ice. The road is covered with ice. >>eng<< Tutti fuori! Everybody out! Everybody out! >>eng<< Você está ensopada de suor. You're sweating buckets. You're soaked in sweat. >>nld<< Je ne savais pas que les chiens nageaient bien. Ik wist niet dat honden goed konden zwemmen. Ik wist niet dat honden goed zwemmen. >>eng<< Ziri è un amico fedele. Ziri is a loyal friend. Ziri is a faithful friend. >>deu<< Rien ne vaut quelque chose de bien. Es gibt nichts Besseres als etwas Gutes. Nichts ist besser als etwas Gutes. >>deu<< Hier il faisait chaud. Gestern war es warm. Gestern war es heiß. >>eng<< Le volume est trop bas. The volume is too low. The volume is too low. >>eng<< Não acho que haja alguém na sala de aula. I don't think that there's anybody in the classroom. I don't think there's anyone in the classroom. >>deu<< Sa cinquième fille est bien plus belle que les autres. Seine fünfte Tochter ist viel schöner als die anderen. Ihre fünfte Tochter ist viel schöner als die anderen. >>eng<< Quelle est la langue la plus facile à apprendre ? What is the easiest language to learn? What is the easiest language to learn? >>eng<< Eri molto spaventato? Were you very scared? Were you really scared? >>eng<< Şi-a ţinut respiraţia. He held his breath. He held his breath. >>deu<< Je sais que tu m'aimes encore. Ich weiß, dass du mich noch liebst. Ich weiß, dass du mich noch liebst. >>deu<< Yo veo la televisión todos los días. Ich sehe jeden Tag fern. Ich schaue jeden Tag fern. >>eng<< Non ho motivo di incolpare la vecchiaia. I have no reason to blame old age. I have no reason to blame old age. >>eng<< "Possibilidade de geada durante a noite em áreas de baixa altitude," disseram eles na previsão do tempo. "A chance of nighttime frost in low-lying areas," they said in the weather forecast. "Possibility of frost at night in low-lying areas," they said in the weather forecast. >>eng<< Fai moito frío. It's really cold. It's very cold. >>eng<< Te semper amabo. I will always love you. I always love you. >>nld<< Il s'est assis sur la rive du ruisseau. Hij is aan de beekoever komen zitten. Hij zat op de oever van de beek. >>eng<< Ella es dutxa. She showers. She's in the shower. >>deu<< Je dois me faire beau. Ich muss mich feinmachen. Ich muss mich schön machen. >>deu<< Queremos información. Wir wollen Informationen. Wir wollen Informationen. >>eng<< Ti sei scopata il mio ragazzo, come hai potuto? You fucked my boyfriend, how could you? You fucked my boyfriend, how could you? >>eng<< O Tom não veio porque ficou doente. Tom didn't come because he got sick. Tom didn't come because he got sick. >>eng<< Quiero sentir más y ver menos. I want to feel more and see less. I want to feel more and see less. >>eng<< John a continué à collecter des informations. John kept gathering info. John continued to gather information. >>eng<< Semper Thomae fisa sum. I've always trusted Tom. I’m always on Thom’s side. >>eng<< Elimina i malintesi. It removes misunderstandings. Eliminate misunderstandings. >>deu<< Ho una laurea. Ich habe einen Universitätsabschluss. Ich habe einen Abschluss. >>eng<< Ele tem dois lápis; um grande e um pequeno. He has two pencils; one is long and the other short. He has two pencils; one large and one small. >>deu<< Je pense qu'il y aura de la neige demain. Ich glaube, morgen wird es schneien. Ich glaube, es wird morgen Schnee geben. >>deu<< Amo il caffè. Ich liebe Kaffee. Ich liebe Kaffee. >>eng<< Je n'ai malheureusement aucune idée. Unfortunately, I've no idea. Unfortunately, I have no idea. >>eng<< Me enamoré de la atractiva ingeniera. I fell in love with the charming female engineer. I fell in love with the attractive engineer. >>eng<< ¿Podría indicarme cómo ajustar el volumen? Could you show me how to change the volume? Could you tell me how to adjust the volume? >>deu<< Ils bénéficieront de beaucoup d'avantages. Sie werden in den Genuss vieler Vergünstigungen kommen. Sie werden von vielen Vorteilen profitieren. >>deu<< Ci si vede domani? Sehen wir uns morgen? Wir sehen uns morgen? >>eng<< Il vino è nel mercato. The wine is in the market. The wine is in the market. >>eng<< Você só precisa de prática. You just need practice. All you need is practice. >>eng<< Você não acha? Don't you think so? Don't you think so? >>eng<< Você é minha musa. You are my muse. You are my muse. >>eng<< Sunt mândru să fac parte din acest proiect. I'm proud to be a part of this project. I am proud to be part of this project. >>eng<< Vocês ficarão bem agora. You'll be fine now. You'll be all right now. >>eng<< L'ambulance est arrivée rapidement. The ambulance arrived quickly. The ambulance arrived quickly. >>eng<< J’ai une maîtresse et une maîtresse. I have a teacher and a mistress. I have a mistress and a mistress. >>eng<< À ta place, je serais plus prudent. I'd be more careful if I were you. If I were you, I'd be more careful. >>eng<< Vada lì da solo. Go there alone. Go there alone. >>deu<< Tu sembles déçu. Du klingst enttäuscht. Du siehst enttäuscht aus. >>nld<< Quand est-ce que je commence ? Wanneer begin ik? Wanneer begin ik? >>eng<< Conocí tanto a la escritora como al libro. I knew both the writer and the book. I knew the author as well as the book. >>eng<< Je ne me souviens pas que vous m'ayez demandé de faire cela. I don't remember you asking me to do that. I don't remember you asking me to do that. >>deu<< ¿Puedes andar? Kannst du gehen? Kannst du gehen? >>eng<< Eu gosto de viajar no verão. I like to travel in the summer. I like to travel in the summer. >>eng<< Il criminale aveva una complice. The criminal had an accomplice. The criminal had an accomplice. >>eng<< Bien qu'il y avait du bruit dans la rue, j'ai pu entendre que l'on m'appelait. Though it was noisy on the street, I could hear my name being called. Although there was noise in the street, I could hear people calling me. >>eng<< Mi padre era la autoridad suprema de esa familia en la que el poder descendía jerárquicamente hacia los hermanos mayores. My father was the ultimate authority of that family in which power was hierarchically passed down to the eldest brothers. My father was the supreme authority of that family in which power descended hierarchically toward the elder brothers. >>eng<< Perché pensi che tutti gli americani siano ricchi? Why do you think that all Americans are rich? Why do you think all Americans are rich? >>deu<< Eu me enganei ao achar que ele era um homem confiável. Ich lag falsch in der Annahme, er wäre ein vertrauenswürdiger Mann. Ich habe mich getäuscht, als ich dachte, er sei ein vertrauenswürdiger Mann. >>eng<< El aeropuerto está a cuarenta minutos del centro. The airport is forty minutes away from the center. The airport is 40 minutes from downtown. >>eng<< Estamos cansados do Tom. We're sick of Tom. We're tired of Tom. >>deu<< Cuando tenía 14 años, él empezó a plantar frutillas. Als er 14 Jahre alt war, begann er, Erdbeeren anzupflanzen. Als er 14 Jahre alt war, begann er, Erdbeeren zu pflanzen. >>nld<< Davvero? Echt? Echt waar? - Ja. >>deu<< É difícil contentar gregos e troianos ao mesmo tempo. Man kann es nicht Katze und Maus zugleich recht machen. Es ist schwierig, Griechen und Trojaner gleichzeitig zufrieden zu stellen. >>eng<< Ho catturato una mosca. I caught a fly. I caught a fly. >>eng<< Ele estava dando em cima dela. He was hitting on her. He was hitting on her. >>nld<< Vocês estão me evitando, né? Je mijdt me, nietwaar? Je ontwijkt me, h<0xC3><0xA8>? >>eng<< In ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hominum. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. He was alive, and life was man’s light. >>eng<< Bonus vere amicus esse volo, sed difficile est. I really want to be a good friend, but it is hard. It’s a great flight, but it’s difficult. >>eng<< Habesne telephonum? Do you have a phone? Do you have a phone? >>eng<< Gioca a tombola. He plays bingo. Play the tombola. >>eng<< Prima di diventare un famoso attore, Tom lavorò come personal trainer. Before becoming a famous actor, Tom worked as a personal trainer. Before becoming a famous actor, Tom worked as a personal trainer. >>deu<< Lui l'ha fatto di nuovo. Er hat es schon wieder getan. Er hat es wieder getan. >>deu<< C'è ancora bisogno di spiegare queste cose. Es besteht bei diesen Sachen noch Erklärungsbedarf. Diese Dinge müssen noch erklärt werden. >>eng<< No soy Darth Vader. I'm not Darth Vader. I'm not Darth Vader. >>eng<< Ce n’est pas ce que tu as dit que tu ferais. That's not what you said you'd do. This is not what you said you would do. >>nld<< Je pleure facilement. Ik huil gemakkelijk. Ik huil gemakkelijk. >>eng<< Ventus fiat validē. The wind blows strongly. Ventus fiat valid<0xC4><0x93>. >>eng<< Puer patrem morientem vidit. The boy saw his father dying. My father was dying. >>deu<< Il fut en retard à cause de la neige. Er war wegen des Schnees zu spät. Er kam wegen des Schnees zu spät. >>nld<< Tiberis Romam praeterfluit. De Tiber stroomt door Rome. Tiberius vloeit voort uit Rome. >>eng<< A criança tem de se habituar à escola. The child must get used to school. The child has to get used to school. >>eng<< Tom se voluntarió para ayudar. Tom volunteered to help. Tom volunteered to help. >>nld<< Augmente le son. Zet het geluid harder. Verhoog het geluid. >>nld<< Heu d'ajudar-lo. Ge moet hem helpen. Je moet hem helpen. >>eng<< A chuva continuou por 40 dias. The rain continued for 40 days. The rain continued for 40 days. >>deu<< Est-ce que tu veux répondre ou non ? Willst du antworten oder nicht? Willst du antworten oder nicht? >>nld<< Acest apartament nu este de vânzare. Deze flat is niet te koop. Dit appartement is niet te koop. >>eng<< Nosotros debemos aprender a encarar virtuosamente la adversidad. We must learn to meet adversity gracefully. We must learn to face adversity virtuously. >>deu<< Se esperará que bailes con Tom. Man wird von dir erwarten, dass du mit Tom tanzt. Sie werden erwartet, dass du mit Tom tanzt. >>deu<< Venez lundi. Kommen Sie am Montag. Kommen Sie am Montag. >>eng<< Après que tu aies mangé ? After eating? After you ate? >>deu<< Um piano é caro. Ein Klavier ist teuer. Ein Klavier ist teuer. >>eng<< Tiens, voilà l'autre clown qui en redemande ! There, here is the other clown asking for more! Here's the other clown who's asking for it again! >>eng<< Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You're gonna call me, aren't you? >>eng<< Chi di noi ha ragione? Which of us is right? Who of us is right? >>deu<< Mi piace il clima brasiliano. Das brasilianische Klima gefällt mir. Ich mag das brasilianische Klima. >>deu<< Tuve un montón de tiempo para hablar con muchos amigos. Ich hatte ausgiebig Gelegenheit, mit vielen Freunden zu reden. Ich hatte viel Zeit, mit vielen Freunden zu sprechen. >>eng<< Non sei alto esattamente come Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. You're not exactly as tall as Mary. >>eng<< Le dieron licencia absoluta del ejército. He got his discharge from the army. He was given absolute leave of the army. >>deu<< Te provarei que não estou errado. Ich werde dir beweisen, dass ich mich nicht irre. Ich werde dir beweisen, dass ich nicht falsch liege. >>eng<< Sei metodico. You're methodical. You're methodical. >>deu<< O que aconteceria se um imenso asteroide colidisse com a Terra? Was geschähe, wenn ein großer Asteroid die Erde träfe? Was würde passieren, wenn ein riesiger Asteroid mit der Erde kollidiert? >>eng<< No es inteligente. She's not smart. He's not smart. >>eng<< Lui non era mai appagato. He was never content. He was never satisfied. >>eng<< Mâine va ploua. Tomorrow it will rain. Tomorrow it'll rain. >>eng<< Tom non è più l'uomo di una volta. Tom is no longer the man he used to be. Tom is no longer the man of the past. >>eng<< Eu mereço uma promoção. I deserve a promotion. I deserve a promotion. >>deu<< Tom sabe jugar al fútbol. Tom kann Fußball spielen. Tom kann Fußball spielen. >>eng<< Didymus nartis prolabitur. Tom's skiing. Didymus nartis prolabitus. >>deu<< Buon compleanno, Shishir! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Shishir! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Shishir! >>eng<< Développe de bonnes habitudes. Build good habits. Develop good habits. >>eng<< Tom es un hombre de treinta años de Australia. Tom is a thirty-year-old man from Australia. Tom is a 30-year-old man from Australia. >>eng<< Eu achei fácil falar inglês. I found it easy to speak English. I found it easy to speak English. >>eng<< Nu e nevoie de permis. No permit is required. There's no need for a permit. >>nld<< E você? En u? Hoe zit het met jou? >>deu<< Nous n'avons plus de thé. Wir haben keinen Tee mehr. Wir haben keinen Tee mehr. >>deu<< La gata está debajo de la silla. Die Katze ist unter dem Stuhl. Die Katze ist unter dem Stuhl. >>deu<< Es realmente una persona extraordinaria. Er ist wirklich ein außergewöhnlicher Mensch. Er ist wirklich eine außergewöhnliche Person. >>eng<< Este vestido fica muito bem nela. This dress looks really good on her. This dress looks great on her. >>eng<< Ela a lo pèu cort. She has short hair. She is short-sighted. >>nld<< Je me suis assise à côté de lui. Ik ging naast hem zitten. Ik zat naast hem. >>eng<< Os bois estão arando. The oxen are plowing. The oxen are plowing. >>eng<< No olvidé que me traicionaste. I haven't forgotten that you betrayed me. I didn't forget you betrayed me. >>eng<< À cause du mauvais temps, je n'y suis pas allé. Because of the bad weather, I didn't go. Because of the bad weather, I didn't go. >>nld<< El niño dibujó un triangulo esférico. Het kind tekende een bolvormige driehoek. Het kind tekende een sferische driehoek. >>eng<< Quot custodes erant? How many guards were there? How many guards? >>eng<< Vão embora daqui. Get away from here. Get out of here. >>nld<< ¡Gracias, doctor! Dank u wel, dokter. Dank u, dokter. >>deu<< Eu sou motorista de caminhão. Ich bin Lastwagenfahrer. Ich bin Lkw-Fahrer. >>nld<< Savez-vous conduire ? Kunt u autorijden? Kun je autorijden? >>eng<< Qual é a largura desta rua? What is the width of this street? How wide is this street? >>eng<< El sol lo ilumina todo con su luz. The sun illuminates everything with its light. The sun illuminates everything with its light. >>eng<< Cet endroit est parfait. This place is all right. This place is perfect. >>eng<< Depois de não conseguir persuadir Washington a aderir ao acordo nuclear iraniano e de enfrentar protestos em casa sobre as suas reformas laborais e previdenciais, o Presidente Francês Emmanuel Macron poderá encontrar consolo na quinta-feira na Alemanha, onde ele receberá um prestigioso prémio europeu por outra ambição importante: os objetivos abrangentes de reforma e renovação da União Europeia. After failing to coax Washington to stick with the Iran nuclear deal, and facing protests at home over his labor and pension reforms, French President Emmanuel Macron may find solace Thursday in Germany, where he will be given a prestigious European award for another key ambition: far-reaching goals to reform and revamp the European Union. After failing to persuade Washington to join the Iranian nuclear deal and facing protests at home over his labor and pension reforms, French President Emmanuel Macron will be able to find solace on Thursday in Germany, where he will receive a prestigious European award for another important ambition: the comprehensive reform and renewal goals of the European Union. >>eng<< Es difícil encontrar un rubor que hace juego con mi tono de piel. It's hard to find a blush that goes well with my skin tone. It's hard to find a blush that matches my skin tone. >>deu<< Sois gentil ! Sei nett! Sei nett. >>eng<< Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he go to Mongolia? >>deu<< Desidero sottolinearlo in maniera esplicita. Ich möchte das ausdrücklich betonen. Ich möchte dies ausdrücklich betonen. >>nld<< Je veux que vous restiez en Australie au moins jusqu'à Noël. Ik wil dat u ten minste tot Kerstmis in Australië blijft. Ik wil dat je tenminste tot Kerstmis in Australië blijft. >>deu<< Dopo che l'aveva visto, è caduto in una enorme confusione dei pensieri, era divenuto immobile e, in breve, trasformato in pietra. Nachdem er sie erblickt hatte, geriet er in eine gewaltige Verwirrung der Gedanken, wurde regungslos und, mit einem Wort, zu Stein verwandelt. Nachdem er ihn gesehen hatte, fiel er in eine gewaltige Verwirrung der Gedanken, er war unbeweglich geworden und kurz gesagt in Stein verwandelt. >>eng<< Ell va ajudar els pobres tota la seva vida. He helped poor people all his life. He helped the poor all his life. >>eng<< Nossa nova loja deve ser inaugurada em outubro. Our new store is due to open in October. Our new store is due to open in October. >>eng<< Eu conheço o pai dela, embora não a conheça. I know her father, though I know not her. I know her father, though I don't know her. >>nld<< J'ai commencé à pleurer. Ik barstte in tranen uit. Ik begon te huilen. >>eng<< Nunca jamás ha visto la nieve. He has never ever seen snow. I have never seen snow. >>eng<< Chi parla l'esperanto? Who speaks Esperanto? Who speaks Esperanto? >>eng<< Me temo que no puedo ayudarte. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm afraid I can't help you. >>deu<< Você é muito inteligente. Du bist sehr intelligent. Du bist sehr schlau. >>eng<< Tomás quería ir a la universidad. Tom wanted to go to college. Tom wanted to go to college. >>eng<< Eu não o vejo desde que ele se mudou para Los Angeles. I haven't seen him since he moved to Los Angeles. I haven't seen him since he moved to Los Angeles. >>deu<< Bienvenue dans la jungle. Willkommen im Urwald. Willkommen im Dschungel. >>eng<< Toki Pona nu este o limbă care trebuie vorbită, ci doar care trebuie citită și scrisă. Toki Pona is not a language to be spoken, but only to be read and written. Toki Pona is not a language to be spoken, but only to be read and written. >>nld<< Comment peut-on concilier vie professionnelle et vie privée ? Hoe kan je het beroepsleven met het privéleven in overeenstemming brengen? Hoe kan je werk en privé combineren? >>nld<< Je n'ai plus parlé à Tom depuis Noël dernier. Ik heb sinds vorige Kerstmis niet meer met Tom gesproken. Ik heb Tom sinds afgelopen kerst niet meer gesproken. >>eng<< J'ai demandé qui il était. I asked who he was. I asked who he was. >>deu<< Tutti prima o poi fanno degli errori. Jeder macht irgendwann mal einen Fehler. Jeder macht früher oder später Fehler. >>deu<< Los gatos son más listos de lo que piensas. Katzen sind klüger, als du glaubst. Katzen sind klüger als du denkst. >>deu<< Non bevo molto vino. Ich trinke nicht viel Wein. Ich trinke nicht viel Wein. >>eng<< Uter saccus tuus est? Which is your bag? Is that your sack? >>deu<< Quand nous étions plus minces, nous étions plus proches l'un de l'autre. Als wir noch dünner waren, standen wir uns näher. Als wir dünner waren, waren wir näher beieinander. >>nld<< Quel est ton pianiste préféré ? Wie is uw lievelingspianist? Wie is je favoriete pianist? >>eng<< Non riesco ad accedere. I can't sign in. I can't get in. >>eng<< C'est vachement compliqué ! It's complicated as hell. It's fucking complicated! >>nld<< Tom quería que Mary trabajara más duro. Tom wilde dat Mary harder werkte. Tom wilde dat Mary harder zou werken. >>eng<< Non voglio essere coinvolto. I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved. >>eng<< Que dis-tu ? What are you saying? What do you say? >>eng<< Eu espero que amanhã não seja tão ruim. I hope tomorrow isn't too bad. I hope tomorrow isn't so bad. >>eng<< ¿Están seguras de que no quieren nada? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? >>nld<< Esto es el final. Dit is het einde. Dit is het einde. >>eng<< L'app non funzionerà se non sei connesso a Internet. The app won't work if you're not connected to the Internet. The app will not work if you are not connected to the Internet. >>eng<< Elas são eternas inimigas. They are eternal enemies. They are eternal enemies. >>deu<< Beurk, c'est quoi ça ? Igitt, was ist das denn? Beurk, was ist das? >>deu<< Puis-je leur en prendre une ? Kann ich ihnen einen abnehmen? Darf ich ihnen einen nehmen? >>eng<< È importante tenere d'occhio le proprie calorie. It's important to watch one's calories. It is important to keep an eye on your calories. >>eng<< Elle a ses ragnagnas. She's on the rag. She's got her spiders. >>nld<< Soyez objectif. Wees objectief. Wees objectief. >>deu<< Tout laisse prévoir que Tom sera réélu. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Tom wiedergewählt wird. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Tom wiedergewählt wird. >>deu<< Prends ta règle ! Nimm dein Lineal! Nimm deine Regel! >>eng<< A él, siempre le entra por un oído y le sale por el otro. For him, it always goes in one ear and out the other. He always comes in through one ear and comes out through the other. >>eng<< Eu gosto de falar sobre futebol. I like to talk about soccer. I like to talk about football. >>eng<< El gatu metióse pente les tables. The cat went through the boards. The cat squeezed the tables. >>eng<< Annunciarono ufficialmente il loro fidanzamento. They officially announced their engagement. They officially announced their engagement. >>eng<< Comment vont ta mère et ton père ? How are your mother and father? How are your mom and dad? >>deu<< Mon époux est polonais. Mein Gatte ist Pole. Mein Mann ist Polnisch. >>deu<< Este artículo contiene algunas ideas totalmente nuevas. Dieser Artikel enthält einige gänzlich neue Ideen. Dieser Artikel enthält einige völlig neue Ideen. >>eng<< Elles sont tombées. They fell. They fell. >>nld<< Compris ? Begrepen? Begrijp je dat? >>eng<< Isaac autem venerat a regione putei Lahairoi et habitabat in terra Nageb. At the same time, Isaac was walking along the way to the well which is called Of the living and the seeing: for he dwelt in the south country. And Isaac came from the well of Lahairoi, and dwelt in the land of the south. >>eng<< Non voglio sapere niente di ciò che provi per quel tipo. I don't want to know anything about how you feel about that guy. I don't want to know anything about how you feel about that guy. >>eng<< La ciudad fue destruida por el fuego. The city was destroyed by fire. The city was destroyed by fire. >>deu<< As pessoas criativas tendem a fazer as melhores perguntas e, portanto, obtêm as melhores respostas. Kreative Menschen neigen dazu, die besten Fragen zu stellen, und daher bekommen sie die besten Antworten. Kreative Menschen neigen dazu, die besten Fragen zu stellen und erhalten daher die besten Antworten. >>eng<< Non aveva soldi per comprare la fattoria. He had no money to buy the farm. He had no money to buy the farm. >>eng<< Tom dizia isso. Tom said that. Tom said that. >>eng<< Regele locuiește în castel. The king lives in the castle. The king lives in the castle. >>deu<< Cette île est un paradis tropical. Diese Insel ist ein tropisches Paradies. Diese Insel ist ein tropisches Paradies. >>eng<< Tom capturó un lobo y trató de domesticarlo. Tom caught a wolf and tried to tame it. Tom captured a wolf and tried to tame it. >>eng<< Tom não envenenou ninguém. Tom didn't poison anybody. Tom didn't poison anyone. >>eng<< Il ristorante ha le pareti rosse. The restaurant has red walls. The restaurant has red walls. >>eng<< L'ascenseur est arrivé. The lift arrived. The elevator's here. >>eng<< –¿Novatos? –preguntó Dima con un ligero tono de enfado en la voz– ¡Esto no es un videojuego, Al-Sayib! ¡Esto es la vida real! "Noobs?" Dima asked, a slight hint of anger in his voice. "This isn't a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!" “Novatos?” Dima asked with a slight tone of anger in her voice. “This is not a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life! >>nld<< ¡Abre los ojos! Doe je ogen open. Doe je ogen open. >>eng<< Pan e manteiga é o meu almorzo habitual. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. >>eng<< Nomen mihi Didymus, ei Maria est. My name is Tom and this is Mary. My name is Didymus, this is Mary. >>deu<< Tom e Mary si sono sposati in segreto. Tom und Maria haben heimlich geheiratet. Tom und Mary haben heimlich geheiratet. >>nld<< Una música fúnebre acompañó al cofre en el camino a la tumba. Rouwmuziek begeleidde de kist op weg naar het graf. Begrafenismuziek begeleidde de kist op weg naar het graf. >>nld<< J'ai besoin d'un visa pour entrer dans ce pays. Ik heb een visa nodig om dat land binnen te komen. Ik heb een visum nodig om dit land binnen te komen. >>deu<< Déjalo donde lo encontraste. Lass es dort, wo du es gefunden hast. Lass ihn dort, wo du ihn gefunden hast. >>eng<< Ante portas germani sunt. The Germans are at the city gates. There are German doors. >>deu<< Combien cela coûte-t-il par mois ? Was kostet das monatlich? Wie viel kostet es pro Monat? >>deu<< Quel âge as-tu ? Wie alt bist du? Wie alt bist du? >>deu<< Reste ici avec moi. Bleib mit mir hier. Bleib hier bei mir. >>eng<< Is dominus huius terrae est. He is the owner of this land. This is the land of dominion. >>eng<< Omnes pueri digitabula gerebant. All of the boys were wearing gloves. All of the kids are digital. >>deu<< Je lui ai posé une question. Ich stellte ihm eine Frage. Ich habe ihm eine Frage gestellt. >>deu<< À quelle heure est la prochaine représentation ? Um wie viel Uhr ist die nächste Vorstellung? Wann ist die nächste Vorstellung? >>deu<< Vous nous manquerez terriblement. Wir werden euch schrecklich vermissen. Wir werden Sie sehr vermissen. >>deu<< Il grano saraceno è diventato più costoso. Buchweizen ist teurer geworden. Buchweizen wurde teurer. >>eng<< La temperatura è davvero bella. The temperature is really nice. The temperature is really nice. >>deu<< São realizadas experiências em um laboratório. Experimente werden in einem Labor durchgeführt. Experimente werden in einem Labor durchgeführt. >>eng<< Non dabam pecuniam ei. I didn't give him money. I didn’t give them money. >>eng<< Mostrami qualcosa di un po' più grande. Show me something a little larger. Show me something a little bigger. >>eng<< Estic parlant per telèfon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm talking on the phone. >>deu<< Les lignes rouges sur la carte représentent les chemins de fer. Die roten Linien auf der Karte stehen für die Eisenbahnlinien. Die roten Linien auf der Karte stellen die Eisenbahnen dar. >>eng<< Pourquoi les antisémites prétendent-ils toujours avoir lu le Talmud ? Why do antisemites always pretend they've read the Talmud? Why do anti-Semites always claim to have read the Talmud? >>eng<< Niente è indistruttibile. Nothing is unbreakable. Nothing is indestructible. >>eng<< Nemo alius in via erat. There was no one else on the road. No one else was on the road. >>eng<< Les enfants ont été réprimandés par leurs parents. The children have been told off by their parents. The children were reprimanded by their parents. >>nld<< Las frutillas calientes se vendían como pan caliente. De verse aardbeien gingen als warme broodjes van de hand. Hete aardbeien werden verkocht als warm brood. >>nld<< Noi abbiamo abbastanza tempo. Wij hebben genoeg tijd. We hebben genoeg tijd. >>eng<< Questo è un uomo vestito da donna. This is a man dressed as a woman. This is a man dressed as a woman. >>eng<< Ele tinha ido como voluntário para ajudar a construir uma barragem simples para lama, necessária na captação da água das monções para o gado. He'd gone as a volunteer to help build a simple mud dam needed to trap monsoonal water for cattle. He had gone as a volunteer to help build a simple dam for mud, necessary in the collection of water from monsoons to cattle. >>eng<< ¿Los necesitas en este mismo minuto? Do you need them right this minute? Do you need them right now? >>eng<< Eu quero que Tom compre um presente de aniversário para Mary. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. >>eng<< En la ciudad hay pocos perros. There are few dogs in the city. There are few dogs in the city. >>deu<< Tengo que irme ahora. Ich muss jetzt gehen. Ich muss jetzt gehen. >>eng<< Quia mundae sunt. Because they are clean. They are mundane. >>nld<< Débarrassez-vous d'elles ! Zorg dat je hen kwijt raakt. Gooi ze weg. >>eng<< Tom n'est pas une personne, mais plutôt une idée. Tom isn't a person, but rather an idea. Tom is not a person, but rather an idea. >>eng<< Quien conoce a una mujer las conoce a todas; quien conoce a cien, no conoce a ninguna. If you know one woman, you know them all. If you know a hundred, you don't know any of them. He who knows a woman knows all of them; he who knows a hundred knows none of them. >>eng<< Tom estava entediado. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. >>eng<< Ser capaz de utilizar un ordenador es una ventaja. Being able to use a computer is advantageous. Being able to use a computer is an advantage. >>eng<< Terminé con ella ayer en la noche. I broke up with her yesterday evening. I broke up with her last night. >>eng<< C'est à une heure de bus. It's an hour away by bus. It's an hour by bus. >>eng<< Il limone è acido. Lemon is sour. The lemon is acidic. >>deu<< Esto es karne. Das ist Fleisch. Das ist Karne. >>nld<< Nous devons donner une chance à Tom. Wij moeten Tom een kans geven. We moeten Tom een kans geven. >>eng<< Je me sens confuse. I'm feeling confused. I feel confused. >>eng<< Pensi che le generazioni precedenti vivessero meglio? Do you think that the prior generations lived better? Do you think previous generations lived better? >>deu<< Ad therotrophium ivi. Ich bin zum Zoo gegangen. Die Therotrophie. >>deu<< Georges n'y a pas rencontré âme qui vive. Georg hat dort keine Menschenseele angetroffen. Georges hat dort keine lebendige Seele gefunden. >>eng<< Li conosco da molti anni. I have known them for many years. I've known them for many years. >>eng<< Temos opiniões opostas. We have opposite opinions. We have opposing opinions. >>deu<< Les règles de ponctuation varient d'une langue à l'autre. Die Zeichensetzungsregeln sind von Sprache zu Sprache verschieden. Die Interpunktionsregeln variieren von Sprache zu Sprache. >>nld<< Nu înțeleg. Ik begrijp het niet. Ik begrijp het niet. >>deu<< J'ai eu beaucoup à faire. Ich habe viel zu tun gehabt. Ich hatte viel zu tun. >>eng<< Su paquete será enviado mañana. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Your package will be shipped tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom fue promovido a gerente. Tom was promoted to manager. Tom was promoted to manager. >>deu<< Du sucre ! Zucker. Zucker! >>nld<< Tu muerte es mi vida. Jouw dood is mijn leven. Jouw dood is mijn leven. >>deu<< Mi sueño es ir a Japón. Es ist mein Traum, nach Japan zu gehen. Mein Traum ist es, nach Japan zu gehen. >>nld<< Soyons honnêtes ! Laat ons eerlijk zijn. Laten we eerlijk zijn. >>eng<< Legite hanc fabulam! Read this story! Read Hank's Fabulous! >>eng<< Não sei se o Tom está interessado nisto ou não. I don't know whether Tom is interested in this or not. I don't know if Tom's interested in this or not. >>eng<< Thoman inventurus sum. I have to find Tom. Thomson was born. >>eng<< Parla con il mio medico. Speak with my doctor. Talk to my doctor. >>eng<< Je suis resté au lit toute la journée. I stayed in bed all day. I stayed in bed all day. >>eng<< Si multam pecuniam habebis, terrebis. If you have a lot of money, you will become afraid. You have a lot of money, you have a lot of money. >>eng<< Queria que ela tivesse vindo noite passada. I wish she had come last night. I wish she had come last night. >>eng<< Ziri lasciò la scuola. Ziri left the school. Ziri left school. >>eng<< Pot să fumez? Can I smoke? Can I smoke? >>eng<< Dovrei dare questo a Tom? Should I give Tom this? Should I give this to Tom? >>deu<< O que a senhora sabe? Was wissen Sie? Was wissen Sie? >>deu<< Dicen que nació en Alemania. Man sagt, dass sie in Deutschland geboren wurde. Es heißt, er sei in Deutschland geboren. >>eng<< Tom necesita un poco de ayuda. Tom needs a bit of help. Tom needs a little help. >>nld<< Ça sent pas un peu le brûlé ? Ruikt het niet ietwat verbrand? Ruikt het niet een beetje naar brandwonden? >>eng<< Je savais que tu apprécierais le concert. I knew you'd enjoy the concert. I knew you'd enjoy the concert. >>eng<< Tom esfregou o chão. Tom mopped the floor. Tom rubbed the floor. >>eng<< De la famille ou des amis viendront-ils vous chercher ? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends come to pick you up? >>nld<< Quand comptez-vous me rembourser ? Wanneer bent u van plan om me terug te betalen? Wanneer ga je me terugbetalen? >>eng<< Tom ha baciato Mary ed è andato al lavoro. Tom kissed Mary and went to work. Tom kissed Mary and went to work. >>deu<< La sua casa è in vendita. Sein Haus steht zum Verkauf. Ihr Haus steht zum Verkauf. >>eng<< Podul Porțile de Aur este din fier. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. >>eng<< Él falta a clase a menudo. He is often absent from school. He misses class often. >>eng<< La porta es tanca amb clau a les nou. The door is locked at nine o'clock. The door is locked at nine o'clock. >>deu<< Se vós vierdes, nós também viremos. Wenn ihr kommt, kommen wir auch. Wenn ihr kommt, kommen wir auch. >>eng<< È importante tenersi occupati. It's important to keep busy. It is important to keep busy. >>eng<< Me fui a la cama con la ropa puesta. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed with my clothes on. >>eng<< Ce n'est pas là que j'ai garé ma voiture. This isn't where I parked my car. That's not where I parked my car. >>deu<< Gallice loqui potest. Er kann Französisch sprechen. Galizisch kann gesprochen werden. >>nld<< Le samedi est son jour de liberté. Zaterdag is zijn vrije dag. Zaterdag is zijn dag van vrijheid. >>eng<< A Tom le gusta saltarse al último episodio y luego regresar al comienzo cuando ve una serie, para saber qué esperar. Whenever Tom watches a series, he likes skipping to the last episode, and then going back to the start, so he knows what to expect. Tom likes to skip the last episode and then go back to the beginning when he sees a series, to know what to expect. >>eng<< Prenez votre crayon ! Grab your pencil. Take your pencil! >>eng<< Tom stava soltanto osservando. Tom was just watching. Tom was just watching. >>deu<< Il figlio maggiore di Pompeo fu ucciso, il minore fuggì. Der ältere Sohn von Pompeus wurde getötet, der jüngere floh. Pompeios ältester Sohn wurde getötet, der jüngste floh. >>deu<< Ne t'assois pas dessus ! Setz dich nicht darauf! Setz dich nicht darauf! >>eng<< Questo è veramente un miracolo. This is truly a miracle. This is truly a miracle. >>deu<< Nous ne vivons qu'aujourd'hui. Wir leben nur heute. Wir leben nur heute. >>eng<< Tom está bien de salud. Tom is in good health. Tom is in good health. >>eng<< Calamus meus mihi inveniendus est. I have to find my pen. It is my inventiveness. >>eng<< Il cinismo di Tom è insopportabile. Tom's cynicism is unbearable. Tom's cynicism is unbearable. >>eng<< A criança tem muita energia. The child has a lot of energy. The child has a lot of energy. >>eng<< Sono arrivato a casa prima delle due e mezza. I got home before 2:30. I got home before two and a half. >>eng<< ¿Te lo puedo rentar? Can I rent it to you? Can I rent it for you? >>eng<< Sono andata a vedere Tom lunedì. I went to see Tom today. I went to see Tom on Monday. >>eng<< Ho mangiato solamente del pane. I only ate bread. I ate only bread. >>eng<< Quando viene in Giappone? When are you coming to Japan? When are you coming to Japan? >>eng<< Tom trova le formalità noiose. Tom finds formalities tedious. Tom finds the formalities boring. >>eng<< Estou no hospital com Tom. I'm at the hospital with Tom. I'm in the hospital with Tom. >>deu<< Scrivo canzoni. Ich schreibe Lieder. Ich schreibe Lieder. >>eng<< Tom trabalha muito. Tom works a lot. Tom works hard. >>eng<< Fu una storia veramente tragica. It was a really tragic story. It was a truly tragic story. >>nld<< Où Tom va-t-il passer Noël ? Waar zal Tom Kerstmis doorbrengen? Waar gaat Tom Kerstmis doorbrengen? >>eng<< A Turquia é um país culpado de genocídio. Turkey is a country guilty of genocide. Turkey is a country guilty of genocide. >>eng<< Aggiungi più sale alla zuppa. Add more salt to the soup. Add more salt to the soup. >>eng<< Corta la tarta con un cuchillo. Cut the cake with a knife. Cut the cake with a knife. >>eng<< J'aimerais devenir avocat. I'd like to become a lawyer. I'd like to become a lawyer. >>eng<< Não ponha à prova minha tolerância. Don't test my tolerance. Don't test my tolerance. >>eng<< No hay sufrimiento en las profundidades del amor, y nunca lo ha habido. There's no suffering in the depths of love, and there never has been. There is no suffering in the depths of love, and there has never been. >>deu<< Chiedi a Trang se esce stasera. Frag Trang, ob er heute Abend ausgeht. Frag Trang, ob er heute Abend ausgeht. >>eng<< Tienes razón, más o menos. You're right, more or less. You're right, more or less. >>eng<< O aniversário de Tom é daqui a três dias. Tom's birthday is in three days. Tom's birthday is in three days. >>deu<< Come, enquanto está quente! Iss, solange es heiß ist! Iss, während es heiß ist! >>eng<< ¿Por qué no vamos en coche hasta allí? Why don't we drive up there? Why don't we drive up there? >>eng<< Este tipo es realmente débil. No puede tomar una decisión para salvar su vida. This guy is really wishy-washy. He couldn't make a decision to save his life. This guy is really weak, he can't make a decision to save his life. >>eng<< Alguém tem um canivete para me emprestar? Does anyone have a pocketknife that I could borrow? Does anyone have a knife to lend me? >>eng<< Esta oración tiene precisamente ochenta y siete caracteres, igual que sus traducciones. This sentence comprises of exactly eighty-seven characters, and so do its translations. This sentence has exactly eighty-seven characters, as well as its translations. >>eng<< Am avut suișuri și coborâșuri, dar am reușit întotdeauna să îmi revin. I've had my ups and downs, but I've always managed to pull myself together. I’ve had ups and downs, but I’ve always managed to recover. >>eng<< Los estudiantes visitaron el parque de dinosaurios. The students visited the dinosaur park. The students visited the dinosaur park. >>eng<< ¿Por qué es tan difícil aprender un idioma extranjero? Why is it so difficult to learn a foreign language? Why is it so hard to learn a foreign language? >>nld<< Nara es tan antigua como Kioto. Nara is zo oud als Kioto. Nara is zo oud als Kyoto. >>nld<< Il ne peut distinguer le vert du bleu. Hij kan groen en blauw niet uit elkaar houden. Hij kan groen niet onderscheiden van blauw. >>eng<< Le sue frasi sono molto lette, ma poco tradotte. His sentences are widely read, but little translated. His sentences are widely read, but poorly translated. >>eng<< "¿Me prestas algo de dinero?" "Estoy sin blanca." Can you lend me some money? I'm skint. "Can I borrow some money?" "I'm out of white." >>eng<< Ella tiene como máximo 18 años. She is at most 18 years old. She is at most 18 years old. >>nld<< Estaba a punto de salir de mi casa. Ik stond op het punt mijn huis te verlaten. Ik stond op het punt mijn huis te verlaten. >>eng<< Sună la poliție! Call the police! Call the police! >>nld<< Tom é otimista. Tom is optimistisch. Tom is optimistisch. >>eng<< ¿De dónde proviene esta palabra? Where does this word come from? Where does this word come from? >>nld<< La abuela de Tom parece estar sana. Toms grootmoeder ziet er gezond uit. Tom's oma lijkt gezond. >>eng<< Il suo diamante sta brillando sotto la luce. Her diamond is sparkling under the light. His diamond is shining under the light. >>deu<< J'ai appelé. Ich habe angerufen. Ich habe angerufen. >>deu<< Le roman a été publié après sa mort. Dieser Roman wurde nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht. Der Roman wurde nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht. >>deu<< Preferiría quedarme en casa. Ich würde lieber zuhause bleiben. Ich bleibe lieber zu Hause. >>eng<< Post mortem Mariae, Thomas in magno luctu erat. After Mary's death, Tom was in deep mourning. After Mary's death, Thomas was in great mourning. >>deu<< Ulla deformior species est civitatis quam illa in qua opulentissimi optimi putantur. Es gibt keine hässlichere Staatsform als die, in der die Reichsten als die besten gelten. Die Stadt ist die größte Stadt der Welt, in der die meisten Menschen leben. >>deu<< In questa zona è probito nuotare. In diesem Bereich ist Schwimmen nicht gestattet. In diesem Bereich ist Schwimmen verboten. >>eng<< Nada me sale bien. Nothing ever goes my way. Nothing works for me. >>eng<< Il cibo era insipido. The food was bland. The food was insipid. >>deu<< Me alegra que todavía estés aquí. Ich freue mich, dass du noch hier bist. Ich bin froh, dass du noch da bist. >>eng<< Trabajarás en la playa. You'll work on the beach. You'll work on the beach. >>eng<< Ils espèrent que leur train arrivera à l'heure. They hope that their train will arrive on time. They hope their train arrives on time. >>eng<< Nous parlerons de ce livre dans la prochaine leçon. We will discuss this book next lesson. We will talk about this book in the next lesson. >>nld<< Ça ne résoudra pas quoi que ce soit. Dat lost niets op. Dat lost niets op. Het is niet goed. >>nld<< Mi dispiace interromperti, ma ho bisogno di dire una cosa. Het spijt met dat ik je moet onderbreken, maar ik moet iets zeggen. Sorry dat ik stoor, maar ik moet je iets vertellen. >>deu<< ¿Es verdad que él ganó la carrera? Ist es wahr, dass er das Rennen gewonnen hat? Stimmt es, dass er das Rennen gewonnen hat? >>eng<< Eya no es intelijente. She isn't smart. She's not smart anymore. >>nld<< C'est mon frère. Hij is mijn broer. Hij is mijn broer. >>eng<< Estarei aí daqui a pouco. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be there in a little while. >>eng<< Ele cuidou da mãe após a morte do pai. He cared for his mother after his father died. He took care of his mother after his father's death. >>eng<< A este mundo llegamos solos, y así es como nos iremos. We come into this world alone, and that’s how we’ll leave it. We come to this world alone, and that's how we're going to go. >>nld<< No necesitan pararse. Ze hoeven niet op te staan. Ze hoeven niet te staan. >>eng<< L'utilité d'un pot est dans son vide. The usefulness of a pot is in its emptiness. The usefulness of a pot is in its void. >>eng<< Nous allons nous en sortir, parce que nous comprenons. We’re gonna get through, cause we understand. We're going to get out of it, because we understand. >>eng<< Tom a plecat din Boston. Tom left Boston. Tom left Boston. >>deu<< Entre suas composições há doze óperas e operetas. Unter seinen Musikwerken sind ein Dutzend Opern und Operetten. Zu seinen Kompositionen gehören zwölf Opern und Operetten. >>eng<< Todo es político. Everything is political. Everything is political. >>nld<< Tom a așteptat-o o oră bună pe Mary. Tom heeft een goed uur op Maria gewacht. Tom heeft een goed uur op Mary gewacht. >>eng<< Eu acho que o Tom votou em mim. I think that Tom voted for me. I think Tom voted for me. >>deu<< Où est ce village ? Wo ist wohl dieses Dorf? Wo ist das Dorf? >>deu<< Dos niñitas están recogiendo margaritas. Zwei kleine Mädchen pflücken Gänseblümchen. Zwei kleine Mädchen sammeln Gänseblümchen. >>eng<< Per favore, guida più lentamente. Please drive slower. Please drive slower. >>deu<< Ho letto il suo libro. Ich habe sein Buch gelesen. Ich habe Ihr Buch gelesen. >>eng<< Sanguinem enim animarum vestrarum requiram de manu cunctarum bestiarum; et de manu hominis, de manu viri fratris eius requiram animam hominis. For I will require the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man, and of his brother, will I require the life of man. For I will require the blood of your souls from the hand of every beast, and from the hand of man, from the hand of his brother's man, I will require the life of man. >>nld<< As-tu eu des douleurs abdominales récemment ? Heb je onlangs buikpijn gehad? Heb je de laatste tijd buikpijn gehad? >>eng<< Ler é uma boa atividade. Reading is a good activity. Reading is a good activity. >>eng<< Vi piace la cioccolata calda? Do you like hot chocolate? Do you like hot chocolate? >>eng<< Pot fuma? Can I smoke? Can I smoke? >>eng<< Arrectae erant horore meae comae. My hair stands on end from fear. I was so horrified when I came. >>nld<< Am o pisică. Ik heb een kat. Ik heb een kat. >>eng<< E atât de cald încât ai putea găti un ou pe capota unei mașini. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. >>eng<< So che eri lì. I know you were there. I know you were there. >>eng<< Non le ho ancora detto la cosa più importante. I haven't told you the most important thing yet. I haven't told you the most important thing yet. >>deu<< Planeo estar ahí en persona. Ich beabsichtige persönlich dort zu sein. Ich plane, persönlich dort zu sein. >>deu<< Non ci ha aiutato. Das hat uns nicht geholfen. Er hat uns nicht geholfen. >>eng<< Après avoir marché pendant environ une heure, nous sommes arrivés au lac. After walking for about an hour, we got to the lake. After walking for about an hour, we arrived at the lake. >>eng<< Ho imparato a non vendicarmi peché non serve a nulla. I've learnt not to take revenge because it's useless. I learned not to take revenge because it is useless. >>eng<< Su madre está escribiendo una carta. Her mother is writing a letter. His mother is writing a letter. >>nld<< Petit emmerdeur ! Nijdige klier! Jij kleine eikel. >>nld<< Se casará pronto. Zij zal weldra trouwen. Ze gaat binnenkort trouwen. >>eng<< Costa-sì a l'é n'ideja mata. This is a crazy idea. It's a dead-end idea. >>eng<< Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack is hard to convince. >>eng<< In una partita a scacchi, molte mosse tattiche si basano sulla capacità dei cavalli di attaccare simultaneamente due pezzi dell'avversario. In a game of chess, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the knights to simultaneously attack two opponent's pieces. In a chess game, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the horses to simultaneously attack two pieces of the opponent. >>eng<< ¿Has salido del estado en los últimos catorce días? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you left the state in the last 14 days? >>eng<< «¿Cómo, hija?, ¿tu marido se encierra con mujeres desnudas y tú tienes la inocencia de creer que las dibuja?»«Pero mamá, todos los pintores necesitan tener modelos.» "My daughter, how is it that your husband locks himself in with naked women and you have the naïveté to believe he draws them?" "But Mom, all painters need models." “How, daughter, does your husband lock himself up with naked women and you have the innocence to believe that he draws them?” “But Mom, all painters need to have models.” >>eng<< Je veux avoir en mains un rapport écrit à la première heure, demain matin. I want a written report in my hands first thing tomorrow morning. I want to have a written report in hand the first hour, tomorrow morning. >>eng<< Voulez-vous un plateau avec ? Do you want a tray with that? Do you want a tray with it? >>eng<< Non. Pas à ma connaissance. No. Not that I know of. No, not to my knowledge. >>deu<< Ele comprou bebidas para ela. Er gab ihr Getränke aus. Er hat ihr Getränke gekauft. >>eng<< Él por fin aprobó nuestro plan. He finally consented to our plan. He finally approved our plan. >>eng<< Le jardin est entouré d'une haie épaisse. The garden is surrounded by a thick hedge. The garden is surrounded by a thick hedge. >>deu<< Il n'existe pas de mère qui n'aime pas son fils. Es gibt keine Mutter, die ihren Sohn nicht lieben würde. Es gibt keine Mutter, die ihren Sohn nicht liebt. >>eng<< Cur Thomas Mariam timet? Why's Tom afraid of Mary? Why did Thomas Mariam time? >>nld<< ¿Dónde puedo comprar un mapa? Waar kan ik een kaart kopen? Waar kan ik een kaart kopen? >>deu<< Pensez-vous vraiment que Tom vous aiderait ? Glaubt ihr wirklich, dass Tom euch hülfe? Glaubst du wirklich, dass Tom dir helfen würde? >>deu<< I miei genitori mi hanno impedito di rivedere Tom. Meine Eltern verboten mir, Tom wiederzusehen. Meine Eltern haben mich daran gehindert, Tom wiederzusehen. >>eng<< Tom não lê nada. Tom doesn't read anything. Tom doesn't read anything. >>eng<< Mia madre è l'unica che mi comprende. My mother is the only one who understands me. My mother is the only one who understands me. >>eng<< Ubi est ursus niger? Where is the black bear? Where is Niger? >>deu<< Vieillir est chose fascinante. Plus on vieillit, plus on veut vieillir. Alt werden ist etwas Faszinierendes. Je älter man wird, desto älter will man werden. Altern ist faszinierend, je älter man wird, desto mehr will man altern. >>eng<< ¿Qué justifica eso? What justifies that? What justifies that? >>eng<< Hacía mucho frío ayer por la noche. It was very cold yesterday evening. It was very cold last night. >>eng<< L'honneur commande de ne rien oublier. Honour demands that nothing be forgotten. Honour commands you not to forget anything. >>eng<< Nous ne te demanderions pas de faire ça. We wouldn't ask you to do that. We wouldn't ask you to do that. >>eng<< Ella corrió hasta donde mí, y su cabello volaba con el viento. She ran up to me, her hair flying in the wind. She ran to me, and her hair flew in the wind. >>eng<< Tom è uno studente laureato. Tom is a graduate student. Tom is a graduate student. >>eng<< ¿Qué podemos hacer por la paz? What can we do for peace? What can we do for peace? >>eng<< Questa è una casa blu. This is a blue house. This is a blue house. >>nld<< Le quai a vraiment été battu par l'ouragan. De kaai werd echt getroffen door de orkaan. De kade is echt verslagen door de orkaan. >>eng<< O presidente do Zimbabué disse no sábado que a União Africana planeava formar um grupo dissidente com países como a Rússia, China e Índia se o Conselho de Segurança da ONU não incluísse membros do seu continente no próximo ano. Zimbabwe's president said Saturday that the African Union was planning to form a splinter group with countries such as Russia, China and India if the U.N. Security Council did not include members of his continent next year. The Zimbabwean president said on Saturday that the African Union planned to form a dissident group with countries such as Russia, China and India if the UN Security Council did not include members of his continent next year. >>eng<< La vida es cara. Life is expensive. Life is expensive. >>eng<< I miei genitori mi impedirono di sposarlo. My parents prevented me from marrying him. My parents prevented me from marrying him. >>eng<< Mă simt cam obosit. I'm feeling kind of tired. I feel a little tired. >>nld<< Ya no vive aquí. Hij woont hier niet meer. Hij woont hier niet meer. >>eng<< Tom compró tres juegos de cuerdas de guitarra. Tom bought three sets of guitar strings. Tom bought three sets of guitar strings. >>eng<< Bevve un sorso di vino. He took a sip of wine. He had a sip of wine. >>eng<< Hai să mergem undeva să vorbim. Let's go someplace and talk. Let's go somewhere and talk. >>deu<< Sunt student. Ich bin ein Student. Ich bin Student. >>eng<< Perché non lo spiega? Why don't you explain that? Why don't you explain it? >>eng<< A ti no te conozco pero conozco bien a la gente como tú. I don't know you, but I know people like you very well. I don't know you, but I know people like you. >>deu<< Qui voudrait vivre ici ? Wer möchte hier leben? Wer möchte hier wohnen? >>eng<< Estou melhorando. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. >>eng<< Magnus Carlsen retuvo su título de Campeón Mundial de Ajedrez. Con cuatro victorias y siete empates en once partidos, sometió por 7.5 x 3.5 al retador Ian Nepomniachtchi, quien a lo largo de la competencia cometió algunos errores graves. Magnus Carlsen retained his title of World Chess Champion. With four wins and seven draws in eleven games, he subdued by 7.5 x 3.5 the challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi, who throughout the competition made some serious mistakes. Magnus Carlsen retained his title of World Chess Champion. With four wins and seven draws in eleven games, he submitted by 7.5 x 3.5 to challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi, who throughout the competition made some serious mistakes. >>eng<< Is liber meus est. This is my book. It's free for me. >>nld<< Didymus natare potest. Tom kan zwemmen. Hij kan zwemmen. >>deu<< Los escucharé a todos de uno por uno. Ich werde euch alle nacheinander anhören. Ich werde euch alle einzeln hören. >>eng<< Ce qui lui est arrivé est justement ce qu'il craignait. What befell him was precisely what he feared. What happened to him was exactly what he feared. >>deu<< Quería agradecerte todo lo que has hecho. Ich möchte dir für alles danken, was du getan hast. Ich wollte dir für alles danken, was du getan hast. >>deu<< Le livre que j'ai lu aujourd'hui me plait. Das Buch, das ich heute gelesen habe, gefällt mir. Das Buch, das ich heute gelesen habe, gefällt mir. >>nld<< Reprenons là où nous en étions ! Laten we verdergaan waar we gebleven waren! Laten we teruggaan naar waar we waren! >>nld<< Ele me fez esperar por uma hora. Hij heeft mij een uur laten wachten. Hij liet me een uur wachten. >>eng<< Omnis mundi creatura quasi liber et pictura nobis est, et speculum. Every creature of the world is like a book and a picture to us- and a mirror. Every creature of the world is like a book and a picture for us, and a mirror for us. >>eng<< Emily pode nadar. Emily can swim. Emily can swim. >>eng<< Plusieurs bâtiments ont été détruits. Several buildings were destroyed. Several buildings were destroyed. >>eng<< J'ai aussi quelque chose à dire. I've also got something to say. I also have something to say. >>eng<< Mi misi a camminare avanti e indietro nella stanza. I started walking back and forth in the room. I walked back and forth in the room. >>nld<< Tom tenía expectativas demasiado altas. Toms verwachtingen waren te hoog. Tom had te hoge verwachtingen. >>nld<< Mon père est occupé en ce moment. Mijn vader heeft het nu druk. Mijn vader heeft het druk. >>nld<< Eric est dans notre équipe de football. Eric speelt in onze voetbalploeg. Eric zit in ons voetbalteam. >>eng<< Você não devia ter comido tanto. You shouldn't have eaten so much. You shouldn't have eaten that much. >>eng<< Ela fala ruso. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. >>nld<< Mantén tus ojos abiertos. Hou uw ogen open. Hou je ogen open. >>eng<< Les gènes individuels spécifient des fonctions individuelles, mais la relation entre les gènes permet la physiologie. Individual genes specify individual functions, but the relationship between genes enables physiology. Individual genes specify individual functions, but the relationship between genes allows physiology. >>eng<< Je voudrais une robe à manches courtes pour l'été. I would like a short-sleeved dress for summer. I would like a short-sleeved dress for the summer. >>eng<< ¿Crees que las generaciones anteriores vivían mejor? Do you think that the prior generations lived better? Do you think previous generations lived better? >>nld<< C'est bien, que vous soyez venu ! Fijn dat u bent gekomen! Fijn dat je er bent. >>eng<< Este cachorro não quer se mexer porque sua pata está doendo. This dog doesn't want to move because his paw hurts. This dog doesn't want to move because his paw is hurting. >>nld<< Je dois rendre le livre avant samedi. Ik moet het boek voor zaterdag terugbrengen. Ik moet het boek voor zaterdag teruggeven. >>eng<< El anciano perdió las ganas de vivir. The old man lost the will to live. The old man lost the desire to live. >>eng<< Je me suis bourré la gueule, hier soir. I got hammered last night. I got drunk last night. >>nld<< Es probable que Jane venga. Jane zal waarschijnlijk komen. Jane zal waarschijnlijk komen. >>eng<< Vocês são bons em física? Are you good at physics? Are you good at physics? >>deu<< Non sono sorda. Ich bin nicht taub. Ich bin nicht taub. >>eng<< Je pense qu'on va passer une bonne journée. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think we're going to have a good day. >>eng<< linguam Zamenhofiānam difficilem esse putō. I think Esperanto is difficult. The language of Zamenhofi<0xC4><0x81>nam is difficult to put<0xC5><0x8D>. >>deu<< Marie est au parc sans son mari. Maria ist ohne ihren Mann im Park. Marie ist ohne ihren Mann im Park. >>nld<< Mère a acheté deux bouteilles de jus d'orange. Moeder kocht twee flessen sinaasappelsap. Moeder kocht twee flessen sinaasappelsap. >>eng<< A me piace fare degli sport. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. >>eng<< Puisque les Noirs ont l'avantage de faire le premier pas, les Blancs commencent généralement la partie avec quelques points supplémentaires, komi, en général 6,5 dans le système de règles japonais et 7,5 dans le système chinois. Since Black has the advantage of making the first move, White usually starts the game with some additional points, komi, generally 6.5 in the Japanese system of rules and 7.5 in the Chinese. Since blacks have the advantage of taking the first step, whites usually start the game with a few extra points, komi, usually 6.5 in the Japanese rule system and 7.5 in the Chinese system. >>eng<< ¿Crees que estamos haciéndolo bien? Do you think we're doing it right? Do you think we're doing it right? >>eng<< Non posso entrare nello specifico al momento. I can't get into specifics at the moment. I can't go into specifics right now. >>deu<< Ela veio me visitar. Sie kam mich besuchen. Sie kam, um mich zu besuchen. >>eng<< La gente è molto amichevole qui. The people are very friendly here. People are very friendly here. >>nld<< Il va de soi que nous nous aidions l'un l'autre. Het spreekt vanzelf dat wij elkaar helpen. Het is duidelijk dat we elkaar helpen. >>eng<< Beh, voglio un altro caffè. Well, I want another coffee. Well, I want another coffee. >>eng<< Aliméntame con tu alma. Feed me your soul. Feed me with your soul. >>eng<< El compune poezii frumoase. He composes beautiful poems. He writes beautiful poems. >>eng<< Os animais têm consciência? Do animals have a conscience? Do animals have consciousness? >>deu<< Nu-l lăsa să fugă. Lass ihn nicht weglaufen. Lass ihn nicht entkommen. >>eng<< Lui Tom nu-i place atitudinea lui Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. >>eng<< Je veux vivre à la campagne. I want to live in the countryside. I want to live in the countryside. >>eng<< Mi ermano mora en Mueva York. My brother lives in New York. My brother lives in Move York. >>eng<< Quis meminit? Who remembers? Who remembers? >>deu<< El régimen argelino es un régimen estalinista. Das Regime Algeriens ist ein stalinistisches Regime. Das algerische Regime ist ein stalinistisches Regime. >>deu<< "¿Por qué hay tantos argentinos en México?" — "Seguro que les encanta el país." „Warum gibt es so viele Argentinier in Mexiko“ – „Denen wird das Land gefallen.“ "Warum gibt es so viele Argentinier in Mexiko?" — "Ich bin sicher, sie lieben das Land." >>eng<< Tom vino tarde y se fue pronto. Tom came late and left early. Tom came late and left early. >>eng<< Hoc instrumentum photographicum mihi est. This camera belongs to me. This is a photographic tool for me. >>deu<< Ele melhorou o aparelho. Er verbesserte das Gerät. Er hat das Gerät verbessert. >>nld<< Belgrado tiene cerca de dos millones de habitantes. Belgrado heeft ongeveer twee miljoen inwoners. Belgrado heeft ongeveer twee miljoen inwoners. >>eng<< Tom trató de llegar a fin de mes. Tom tried to make both ends meet. Tom tried to get to the end of the month. >>nld<< Quels crimes avez-vous commis ? Welke misdaden heeft u begaan? Welke misdaden heb je gepleegd? >>eng<< Por favor, ven tan axiña como sexa posíbel. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. >>deu<< Se mi ricordo correttamente, Tom ha venduto la sua automobile a Mary per appena 500 dollari. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, hat Tom sein Auto an Maria für nur 500 Dollar verkauft. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, verkaufte Tom sein Auto an Mary für nur 500 Dollar. >>eng<< Je n'en veux pas beaucoup. I don't want a lot. I don't want much of it. >>eng<< A Rima e Skura piace il sesso. Rima and Skura like sex. Rima and Skura like sex. >>eng<< O que você quer que eu faça com o Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? >>eng<< Não há memória suficiente para instalar este software. There is not enough memory to install this software. There is not enough memory to install this software. >>deu<< Non cogito, ergo non sum. Ich denke nicht, also bin ich nicht. Ich denke nicht, ich bin nicht ergo. >>eng<< Unum inveni. I found one. One of them invents. >>eng<< I-am spus. I told him. I told him. >>eng<< Nous ne voulions pas être dans vos pattes. We didn't want to get in your way. We didn't want to be on your feet. >>deu<< Mon anglais n'est pas très bon. Mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut. Mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut. >>deu<< La mezcla de ambos materiales provoca una reacción violenta. Die Mischung der beiden Stoffe erzeugte eine heftige Reaktion. Die Vermischung beider Materialien löst eine heftige Reaktion aus. >>eng<< Tu parli italiano? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? >>deu<< Me imagino que tú todavía no has limpiado la casa. Ich denke mal, du hast dein Haus noch nicht sauber gemacht. Ich schätze, du hast das Haus noch nicht geputzt. >>eng<< Eu não posso te dizer o que é. I can't tell you what it is. I can't tell you what it is. >>eng<< Désolée, quelque chose a foiré. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something went wrong. >>deu<< Vir aquam bibit. Der Mann trinkt Wasser. Komm und trinke Wasser. >>eng<< O mulțime de oameni așteptau în fața magazinului. A lot of people were waiting outside the store. A lot of people were waiting in front of the store. >>eng<< Meu pai me perguntou se eu posso encurtar as calças dele. My father asked me if i can shorten his pants. My dad asked me if I could shorten his pants. >>eng<< Numa exposição recente, realizada no extenso campo de refugiados Zaatari no norte da Jordânia, adolescentes sírios apresentaram invenções destinadas a tornar os campos de refugiados mais habitáveis. At a recent exhibition, held in the sprawling Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan, teenage Syrians showcased inventions geared toward making refugee camps more livable. In a recent exhibition, held at the vast Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan, Syrian teenagers presented inventions aimed at making refugee camps more habitable. >>nld<< Fabre escreveu livros sobre insetos. Fabre schreef boeken over insecten. Fabre schreef boeken over insecten. >>eng<< Non erat labor jucundus. It wasn't a pleasant job. There was no playful work. >>eng<< Je me suis entraîné. I exercised. I've been training. >>eng<< Num dia de dezembro nesta clínica de reabilitação nos arredores da capital, Acra, os toxicodependentes recitaram as suas orações de serenidade e procuraram refúgio dos amigos e do ambiente social que muitos diziam os encorajavam a beber, injetar heroína, snifar cocaína ou a abusar de qualquer uma de uma panóplia de drogas duras. On a December day at the rehabilitation clinic outside the capital, Accra, addicts recited their serenity prayers and sought refuge from the friends and social environment many said encouraged them to drink, shoot heroin, snort cocaine, or abuse any of a litany of hard drugs. One December day at this rehabilitation clinic on the outskirts of the capital, Accra, drug addicts recited their prayers of serenity and sought refuge from friends and the social environment that many said encouraged them to drink, inject heroin, snort cocaine or abuse any of a panoply of hard drugs. >>nld<< ¿Cómo están todos? Hoe gaat het met iedereen? Hoe gaat het met iedereen? >>eng<< "¿Qué hiciste?" "Memoricé el vocabulario en latín". "What did you do?" "I memorized the Latin vocabulary." "What did you do?" "I memorized the Latin vocabulary." >>eng<< Restituirò il vostro libro martedì se l'avrò finito. I will return your book on Tuesday if I have finished it. I'll return your book on Tuesday if I finish it. >>eng<< Andiamo a fare una passeggiata in spiaggia. Let's go for a walk on the beach. Let's go for a walk on the beach. >>eng<< Solo io, tra le persone della mia età, non ho mai posseduto un telefono. Only I among people my age have never owned a phone. Only I, among people my age, have never owned a phone. >>eng<< Él no tiene la edad mínima para votar. He is not old enough to vote. He does not have the minimum age to vote. >>eng<< La mia vita è come un test per cui non ho studiato. My life is like a test I haven't studied for. My life is like a test I haven't studied for. >>deu<< ¿Le invitaste? Hast du ihn eingeladen? Hast du ihn eingeladen? >>eng<< Ella quiere saber la verdad. She wants to know the truth. She wants to know the truth. >>eng<< És una bona nedadora. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. >>nld<< Ele é meu melhor amigo. Hij is mijn beste vriend. Hij is mijn beste vriend. >>deu<< Terra est rotunda. Die Erde ist rund. Die Erde ist rund. >>eng<< Inizialmente ho avuto difficoltà a capire quello che stava dicendo. I initially had trouble understanding what he was saying. Initially I had trouble understanding what he was saying. >>deu<< A vida é demasiado curta. Das Leben ist zu kurz. Das Leben ist zu kurz. >>deu<< Io ho solamente trent'anni. Ich bin erst 30 Jahre alt. Ich bin erst 30 Jahre alt. >>eng<< No tengo ni idea de cuántos primos tiene Tom. I have no idea how many cousins Tom has. I have no idea how many cousins Tom has. >>eng<< Deus me creavit. God created me. God created me. >>deu<< Tres faciunt collegium. Drei bilden einen Verein. Drei von ihnen bilden das Kollegium. >>eng<< Ziri sentiu que ela tinha algo em comum com Rima. Ziri felt he had something in common with Rima. Ziri felt that she had something in common with Rima. >>deu<< No vive aquí. Er wohnt hier nicht. Er wohnt nicht hier. >>deu<< Si è congratulato con me per il mio successo. Er gratulierte mir zu meinem Erfolg. Er gratulierte mir zu meinem Erfolg. >>eng<< Pena que Schrödinger não esteja mais por aqui para ver como tem crescido o interesse por seu gato. Too bad Schrödinger isn't around to see the increasing interest in his cat. Too bad Schrödinger is no longer around to see how interest in his cat has grown. >>eng<< Ti racconterò tutto quando torno. I'll tell you everything when I get back. I'll tell you everything when I get back. >>eng<< Eu não tenho sobrinha. I don't have a niece. I don't have a niece. >>nld<< Prenez l'appareil photo. Pak de camera. Neem de camera. >>eng<< Brânza este galbenă. The cheese is yellow. The cheese is yellow. >>eng<< Flores hic erant. There were flowers here. Flowers are here. >>deu<< Lui Mary îi place zăpada. Maria mag Schnee. Mary liebt den Schnee. >>nld<< Sólo gasté tres dólares. Ik heb maar drie dollar uitgegeven. Ik heb maar drie dollar uitgegeven. >>deu<< Je commence à comprendre. Ich beginne zu verstehen. Ich fange an zu verstehen. >>nld<< Él actuó en contra de su convicción, y por eso actuó mal. Hij handelde tegen zijn overtuiging in, en daarom handelde hij verkeerd. Hij handelde tegen zijn overtuiging in, en daarom handelde hij verkeerd. >>eng<< Ziri si intrufolò nella stanza di Rima. Ziri sneaked into Rima’s room. Ziri sneaked into Rima's room. >>eng<< Pourquoi aimes-tu tant Boston ? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you love Boston so much? >>deu<< Este remédio mitigará a dor. Dieses Medikament wird den Schmerz lindern. Dieses Mittel wird den Schmerz lindern. >>eng<< I-a pus imaginea în palmă. She put the picture back in his hand. He put the image in his palm. >>eng<< Vocês pensam que as gerações anteriores viviam melhor? Do you think that the prior generations lived better? Do you think previous generations lived better? >>deu<< Há algum bar ou restaurante neste andar? Gibt es auf dieser Etage ein Restaurant oder eine Bar? Gibt es auf dieser Etage eine Bar oder ein Restaurant? >>eng<< Ho solamente una lezione oggi. I've only got one lesson today. I only have one lesson today. >>eng<< Mary montó la foto en la pared. Mary hanged the picture on her wall. Mary put the photo on the wall. >>eng<< Si immagina che nevichi domani. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Imagine it snowing tomorrow. >>nld<< Il annula le voyage. Hij cancelde de reis. Hij annuleert de reis. >>nld<< Tu es modeste. Jij bent bescheiden. Je bent bescheiden. >>eng<< Los pájaros usualmente se levantan temprano por la mañana. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. >>eng<< Exoptati pagum nostrum advenistis. Welcome to our village. Seek ye the portion of our advent. >>eng<< Pasé días sin hacer nada en las vacaciones. I spent idle days during the vacation. I spent days doing nothing on vacation. >>eng<< Quid nunc dicam? What should I say now? What do they say now? >>eng<< Loro dove sono? Where are they? Where are they? >>eng<< Lo primero que vi fue el niño. The first thing I saw was the boy. The first thing I saw was the boy. >>nld<< Permiso por favor, tengo que salir. Neem mij niet kwalijk, ik moet vertrekken. Alstublieft, ik moet gaan. >>deu<< Pollicerisne mihi te venturam esse? Versprichst du mir zu kommen? Kannst du mir das abkaufen? >>eng<< O xadrez é uma luta entre dois exércitos: um de uniforme branco e outro de uniforme preto. Chess is a fight between two armies: one in white uniform and the other in black uniform. Chess is a fight between two armies: one in white uniform and the other in black uniform. >>deu<< Eles admitiram que estavam errados. Sie räumten ein, sich geirrt zu haben. Sie gaben zu, dass sie sich geirrt hatten. >>deu<< « Eh bien, comment as-tu trouvé le film ? » « Je n'ai pas saisi grand-chose de ce qui s'est passé. » „Na, wie hat dir der Film gefallen?“ – „Ich habe von dem, was passiert ist, nicht viel mitgekriegt.“ "Nun, wie hast du den Film gefunden?" "Ich habe nicht viel verstanden, was passiert ist." >>eng<< I pinguini sono degli uccelli strani. Penguins are strange birds. Penguins are strange birds. >>nld<< As-tu souffert de douleurs thoraciques récemment ? Heb je de laatste tijd borstpijn gehad? Heb je de laatste tijd last gehad van pijn op de borst? >>deu<< Tienes que levantarte un poco más temprano. Du musst etwas früher aufstehen. Du musst etwas früher aufstehen. >>eng<< A qualcuno piacque il mio commento. Someone liked my comment. Some people liked my comment. >>eng<< Soyons objectifs. Let's be objective. Let's be objective. >>eng<< Perdió su empleo y cayó en la bebida. He lost his job and fell into drunkenness. He lost his job and fell into drinking. >>nld<< M'agradaría estudiar a París. Ik zou graag in Parijs studeren. Ik wil graag in Parijs studeren. >>eng<< Você vai estar ocupado amanhã de manhã? Are you going to be free tomorrow afternoon? Will you be busy tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Je me couche à dix heures et demie. I go to bed at 10.30. I'm going to bed at 10:30. >>deu<< Il était obstiné. Er war beharrlich. Er war hartnäckig. >>eng<< Yo le corregí hasta los detalles más finos. I corrected even the smallest details. I corrected him to the finer details. >>eng<< María agregó casi diez mil oraciones a Tatoeba. Mary added almost 10,000 sentences to Tatoeba. Mary added almost ten thousand prayers to Tatoeba. >>eng<< Lei non ascolterà una parola di quello che dico. She won't listen to a word I say. You will not listen to a word of what I say. >>eng<< Mi innervosisce. He makes me nervous. It makes me nervous. >>eng<< Il ne leur a pas écrit depuis longtemps. He has not written to them for a long time. He hasn't written to them in a long time. >>nld<< ¡Barco a la vista! Schip in zicht! Boot in zicht! >>eng<< Um tiroteio intermitente abalou a capital da Somália, Mogadíscio, no domingo, quando forças rivais se confrontaram após a rutura de conversações sobre eleições. Intermittent gunfire rocked the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Sunday as rival forces clashed following the breakdown of talks on elections. An intermittent shooting shook Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, on Sunday as rival forces clashed after talks over elections broke down. >>nld<< Elle lui massa le dos. Ze masseerde zijn rug. Ze zette haar rug naar hem toe. >>eng<< Há pessoas que não gostam de ir para a cama cedo. There are people who don't like to go to bed early. There are people who don’t like to go to bed early. >>deu<< Ho fame! Ich habe Hunger! Ich bin hungrig! >>eng<< O Tom agarrou a mala dele. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom grabbed his suitcase. >>deu<< Ce sac appartient-il à Marie ? Gehört die Tasche Maria? Gehört diese Tasche Maria? >>eng<< Ziri è occupato con la scuola. Ziri is busy with school. Ziri is busy with the school. >>eng<< Salut, les enfants ! Hi, kids! Hey, kids! >>eng<< Si usted es forzado a firmarlo, el contrato es inválido. The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid. If you are forced to sign it, the contract is invalid. >>deu<< Ils ont passé quelque temps ensemble et sont finalement tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre. Sie verbrachten einige Zeit zusammen und verliebten sich schließlich ineinander. Sie verbrachten einige Zeit miteinander und verliebten sich schließlich ineinander. >>eng<< Poderiam falar mais baixo, por favor? Estou de ressaca. Could you please speak more quietly? I have a hangover. Could you please speak quieter, I'm in a hangover. >>deu<< Dos es el único número primo par. Zwei ist die einzige gerade Primzahl. Zwei ist die einzige gerade Primzahl. >>eng<< Tom a fost singur în majoritatea timpului. Tom was alone most of the time. Tom was alone most of the time. >>eng<< A me non piace il calcio. I don't like football. I don't like football. >>eng<< I morti non hanno amici. The dead have no friends. The dead have no friends. >>nld<< Estoy hirviendo agua. Ik ben water aan het koken. Ik kook water. >>eng<< Quid dicat, intellego. I understand what she's saying. What you say, I understand. >>eng<< Não me dês isso. Don't give me that. Don't give me that. >>deu<< Hai lavorato molto oggi? Hast du heute viel gearbeitet? Hast du heute viel gearbeitet? >>nld<< Cine este politicianul tău preferat? Wie is jouw lievelingspoliticus? Wie is je favoriete politicus? >>deu<< Sei pronto a cominciare? Bist du bereit anzufangen? Bist du bereit zu beginnen? >>deu<< Remplissez le questionnaire. Füllen Sie den Fragebogen aus. Füllen Sie den Fragebogen aus. >>nld<< Ils tremblent. Ze beven. Ze schudden. >>nld<< Puis-je utiliser ton téléphone ? Mag ik je telefoon gebruiken? Mag ik je telefoon gebruiken? >>nld<< George calculó el coste del viaje. George berekende de prijs van de reis. George heeft de reiskosten berekend. >>deu<< A él le gusta todo lo que sea dulce. Ihm schmeckt alles, was süß ist. Er mag alles, was süß ist. >>deu<< Você me deixou curioso. Agora eu quero saber! Du hast mich eben neugierig gemacht. Nun möchte ich es wissen! Du hast mich neugierig gemacht. >>nld<< Parle avec eux. Praat met hen. Praat met ze. >>eng<< La prof a puni ses élèves car ils ont utilisé les mauvais mots. The teacher punished her students for using bad words. The teacher punished her students because they used the wrong words. >>eng<< Contudo, ele diz que o governo não tolerará pronunciamentos que incitem à violência e ao caos. He however says the government will not condone pronouncements that incite violence and chaos. However, he says the government will not tolerate pronouncements that incite violence and chaos. >>nld<< Tu n'es pas obligé de parler aussi fort. Je moet zo hard niet roepen. Je hoeft niet zo hard te praten. >>eng<< Que é que as mulheres estão bebendo? What do the women drink? What are women drinking? >>nld<< Este libro es de Tony. Dit boek is van Tony. Dit boek is van Tony. >>nld<< Je sais monter à cheval. Ik kan paardrijden. Ik kan paardrijden. >>eng<< Siete state arrestate? Have you been arrested? Were you arrested? >>nld<< Soy tan tonto. Ik ben zo'n dwaas. Ik ben zo dom. >>eng<< Toată lumea are defecte. Everyone has faults. Everyone has flaws. >>eng<< Quantos canais particulares existem na Grécia? How many private channels are there in Greece? How many private channels are there in Greece? >>deu<< A escravidão é um crime contra a humanidade. Sklavenhaltung ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit. Sklaverei ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. >>deu<< Siete più intelligenti di Tom. Ihr seid klüger als Tom. Ihr seid klüger als Tom. >>deu<< Ele sempre foi gentil comigo. Er war immer nett zu mir. Er war immer nett zu mir. >>eng<< Foi planejado para que parecesse um acidente. It was made to look like an accident. It was planned to look like an accident. >>nld<< El tiempo vuela y no espera a nadie. De tijd vliegt en wacht op niemand. De tijd vliegt en wacht op niemand. >>eng<< Hoc me facere dixisti. You told me to do this. That made me say it. >>nld<< Hazlo de nuevo, igual que antes. Doe het opnieuw, net zoals eerder. Doe het nog een keer, net als voorheen. >>nld<< Odia la vodka. Hij haat wodka. Hij haat wodka. >>eng<< Catillus e materia plastica factus est. The plate is made of plastic. It is made of plastic and plastic. >>eng<< Perché sei così motivato? Why are you so motivated? Why are you so motivated? >>eng<< Sono nativa di Odessa. I'm a native of Odessa. I am a native of Odessa. >>eng<< Forse la frase non sembra naturale, però non è sbagliata. Perhaps the sentence doesn't sound natural, but it isn't wrong. Perhaps the phrase does not seem natural, but it is not wrong. >>nld<< Solo tienes que darle un poco de ayuda. Ge moet hem maar een klein beetje helpen. Je hoeft hem alleen maar een beetje te helpen. >>eng<< Aquele livro não é seu, é meu. That book isn't yours, it's mine. That book isn't yours, it's mine. >>deu<< Es difícil creer lo que dices. Es ist schwer zu glauben, was du sagst. Es ist schwer zu glauben, was du sagst. >>nld<< Copacii erau foarte rari. De bomen waren erg schaars. Bomen waren zeldzaam. >>eng<< Si manejas el inglés, el latín será pan comido. If you handle English, Latin will be a piece of cake. If you speak English, Latin will be eaten. >>eng<< Musam nolo. I don't want a banana. Musam nolo. >>eng<< Thomas Mariam occidet. Tom is going to kill Mary. Thomas Mariam was killed. >>eng<< ¿Te mareas a menudo si te levantas rápidamente de la cama? Do you often become dizzy if you get up from bed quickly? Do you get dizzy often if you get out of bed quickly? >>deu<< O pajem vai levá-lo até o seu quarto. Der Page wird Sie auf Ihr Zimmer führen. Der Strohmann bringt Sie in Ihr Zimmer. >>deu<< A religião é necessária? Ist Religion notwendig? Ist Religion notwendig? >>eng<< Che inizino le partite. Let the games begin. Let the games begin. >>eng<< Existe ar condicionado no quarto? Is there air conditioning in the room? Is there air conditioning in the room? >>nld<< Aidez vos amis. Help jullie vrienden. Help je vrienden. >>eng<< El ruido se detuvo de repente. The noise suddenly stopped. The noise suddenly stopped. >>nld<< Sono andata a Bali durante le vacanze estive. In de zomervakantie ging ik naar Bali. Ik ging naar Bali tijdens de zomervakantie. >>deu<< Estuve hablando mucho tiempo y conseguí que ella me creyera. Ich sprach lange Zeit auf sie ein und brachte sie schließlich dazu, mir zu glauben. Ich habe lange gesprochen und ich habe sie dazu gebracht, mir zu glauben. >>deu<< Em minha opinião, você é bonita. Nach meiner Ansicht bist du schön. Meiner Meinung nach bist du schön. >>eng<< Tom attendit Marie pour continuer. Tom waited for Mary to continue. Tom waited for Mary to go on. >>deu<< L'histoire nous a beaucoup affectées. Die Geschichte bewegte uns sehr. Die Geschichte hat uns sehr berührt. >>eng<< Vous n'êtes simplement pas la personne que je pensais. You're just not the person I thought you were. You're just not the person I thought you were. >>nld<< Il est pauvre, mais honnête. Hij is arm, maar eerlijk. Hij is arm, maar eerlijk. >>deu<< "Você se lembra de Tom e Mary?" "Sim, bons tempos aqueles! Como nos divertíamos!" „Erinnerst du dich noch an Tom und Maria?“ – „Ja, das waren noch Zeiten! Da hatten wir noch Spaß!“ "Erinnerst du dich an Tom und Mary?" "Ja, gute Zeiten, wir hatten so viel Spaß!" >>eng<< ¿Qué quiere la gente? What do the people want? What do people want? >>eng<< J'ai feuilleté le magazine. I leafed through the magazine. I flipped through the magazine. >>deu<< Tu nous manqueras. Du wirst uns fehlen. Wir werden dich vermissen. >>eng<< Am nevoie să fiu aici. I need to be here. I need to be here. >>eng<< Nós vamos descer na próxima estação. We're getting off at the next station. We're going down at the next station. >>eng<< Il serait préférable de traîner à la maison aujourd'hui. It would be better to stay home today. It would be better to hang out at home today. >>eng<< Dentem quoque si excusserit servo vel ancillæ suæ, dimittet eos liberos pro dente. Also if he strike out a tooth of his manservant or maidservant, he shall in like manner make them free. And if he smite his servant's or his maidservant's tooth, he shall let them go free for the tooth. >>eng<< Mi hermano mayor es muy bueno conmigo. My big brother is really nice to me. My older brother is very good to me. >>eng<< À quoi le journal fait-il référence ? What is the newspaper referring to? What does the newspaper refer to? >>eng<< Tom sta migliorando. Tom is improving. Tom is getting better. >>eng<< Leão come peixe? Do lions eat fish? Lion eats fish? >>eng<< Tom não conseguia fazer isso há um bom tempo. Tom hasn't been able to do that for quite a while. Tom hadn't been able to do that for a long time. >>eng<< Ela diz que há numerosos casos de pessoas que são tratadas injustamente devido ao uso incorreto da IA no exercício da lei, na segurança nacional, na justiça penal e nas zonas de gestão das fronteiras. She says there are numerous cases of people being treated unjustly because of the faulty use of AI in law enforcement, national security, and criminal justice and border management areas. She says there are numerous cases of people being treated unfairly due to the misuse of AI in law enforcement, national security, criminal justice and border management zones. >>deu<< Ils sont allés avec Mary à Boston. Sie sind mit Maria nach Boston gefahren. Sie sind mit Mary nach Boston gegangen. >>eng<< Cras Lutetiam eo. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Crassus was fighting for it. >>eng<< Undecim homines in turma pediludii sunt. There are eleven people on a soccer team. There are eleven men in the pedigree group. >>deu<< ¿Estás llamando desde Alemania? Rufst du aus Deutschland an? Du rufst aus Deutschland an? >>nld<< Marcus est devenu l'usurpateur. Marcus werd een usurpator. Marcus werd de usurper. >>deu<< Helen gritó de miedo. Helen schrie vor Angst. Helen schrie vor Angst. >>nld<< Estou com muitas coisas na cabeça nesses últimos dias. Ik heb deze dagen veel aan mijn hoofd. Ik heb de laatste dagen veel aan m'n hoofd. >>eng<< Te voy a hacer un favor. I'm going to do you a favor. I'm gonna do you a favor. >>eng<< Il mio compleanno è il ventidue gennaio. My birthday is on the twenty-second of January. My birthday is January 22nd. >>eng<< Volveré en dos semanas. I will return in two weeks. I'll be back in two weeks. >>eng<< Ta vie pourrait en dépendre. Your life could depend on it. Your life could depend on it. >>deu<< Cuelga tu abrigo en el perchero. Häng Deinen Mantel an die Garderobe. Hänge deinen Mantel an den Kleiderständer. >>eng<< Era il il ritratto della salute l'ultima volta che l'abbamo visto. He was a picture of health when we last saw him. It was the portrait of health the last time I saw it. >>eng<< L'île de Taïwan est une république indépendante. The island of Taiwan is an independent republic. The island of Taiwan is an independent republic. >>deu<< Tu sei mio padre. Du bist mein Vater. Du bist mein Vater. >>nld<< Todo paró. Alles stopte. Alles stopte. >>eng<< Pourquoi le gaz naturel est-il moins cher que l'essence ? Why is natural gas cheaper than gasoline? Why is natural gas cheaper than gasoline? >>eng<< Eu não sei quando é que meu pai vai voltar. I don't know when my father will come back. I don't know when my dad will be back. >>eng<< Eso es todo lo que tienes que hacer. That's all you've got to do. That's all you have to do. >>eng<< Mandalo dentro. Send him in. Send him in. >>deu<< Il a été renvoyé pour vol. Er wurde wegen Diebstahls entlassen. Er wurde wegen Diebstahls entlassen. >>deu<< ¡Mírame cuando te hablo! Schau mich an, wenn ich mit dir rede! Sieh mich an, wenn ich mit dir rede! >>deu<< Visne lac? Willst du Milch? Träumen Sie vom See? >>deu<< Eu gosto de brincar com as palavras. Ich liebe es, mit Worten zu spielen. Ich mag es, mit Worten zu spielen. >>eng<< Je pense que vous avez l'air d'avoir chaud. I think you look hot. I think you look hot. >>deu<< Combien t’ont-elles payée ? Wieviel haben die dir gezahlt? Wie viel haben sie bezahlt? >>eng<< La ciudad entera quedó sin electricidad. The entire city was without electricity. The whole town ran out of electricity. >>eng<< Canticum cantavit. He sang a song. The song sings. >>eng<< Vado a casa con mio fratello. I am going home with my brother. I'm going home with my brother. >>deu<< Sinto muito. Eu não estava querendo assustá-las. Tut mir leid. Ich wollte euch keine Angst machen. Tut mir leid, ich wollte sie nicht erschrecken. >>eng<< Cosa non farei per tirarvi entrambe fuori dai guai? What would I not do to help you both out of the trouble? What wouldn't I do to get you both out of trouble? >>deu<< Une voiture sur deux est une voiture importée. Jedes zweite Auto ist ein Importwagen. Jedes zweite Auto ist ein importiertes Auto. >>deu<< Perché Tom ha ucciso Mary? Warum hat Tom Maria umgebracht? Warum hat Tom Mary getötet? >>deu<< Tom n'a révélé ni pitié ni compassion. Tom verriet weder Mitleid noch Mitgefühl. Tom zeigte weder Mitleid noch Mitgefühl. >>eng<< Perché mi parlate sempre in inglese? È perché sono straniero? Why do you always speak to me in English? Is it because I'm a foreigner? Why do you always speak to me in English? Is it because I am a foreigner? >>eng<< Acertamos tudo na prova. We aced the exam. We got it all right in the test. >>deu<< Le minigonne sono passate di moda. Miniröcke sind aus der Mode. Minirocks sind aus der Mode gekommen. >>eng<< Te gândești serios să cumperi mașina aia veche? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Are you serious about buying that old car? >>eng<< No es tonto, pero sí es absurdo. It's not silly, but it's ridiculous. It's not silly, but it's absurd. >>eng<< Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're watching. >>eng<< Am citit o scrisoare. I read a letter. I read a letter. >>eng<< Tu hai letto dei libri di Agatha Christie? Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? Have you read any of Agatha Christie's books? >>deu<< Le téléphone a sonné quand je me douchais. Das Telefon klingelte, während ich duschte. Das Telefon klingelte, als ich in die Dusche ging. >>eng<< Tom non la voleva nemmeno. Tom didn't even want it. Tom didn't even want her. >>nld<< Él es un peligro para la sociedad. Hij is een gevaar voor de maatschappij. Hij is een gevaar voor de samenleving. >>deu<< Je ne suis pas sûr de vous avoir compris. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich Sie verstanden habe. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Sie verstanden habe. >>deu<< Sou lésbica. Ich bin lesbisch. Ich bin lesbisch. >>eng<< Quel crétin ! What a dumbass! What a jerk! >>deu<< Sono un genio. Ich bin ein Genie. Ich bin ein Genie. >>eng<< Gostaria de denunciar um roubo. I'd like to report a theft. I'd like to report a robbery. >>eng<< No quería sacarla de este ambiente porque le encanta estar aquí. I didn't want to yank her out of this environment because she loves it here. I didn’t want to get her out of this environment because she loves being here. >>eng<< Las columnas de acero suelen ser recubiertas por hormigón para reforzarlas. The steel columns tend to be covered by concrete for reinforcement. The steel columns are usually covered with concrete to reinforce them. >>eng<< Dobbiamo portare Tom da uno specialista. We have to get Tom to a specialist. We need to get Tom to a specialist. >>eng<< Hablo bien el francés. I can speak French well. I speak French well. >>eng<< Apuesto a que eres un excelente profesor. I bet you're a great teacher. I bet you're an excellent teacher. >>eng<< Avui fa fred! It's cold today! It's cold today! >>eng<< A necessidade do micólogo, do micófago e do estudante amador de cogumelos é de um livro que contenha os géneros, nomes e descrições dos cogumelos americanos proeminentes cuja comestibilidade já foi testada ou cujas qualidades venenosas já foram descobertas. The need of the mycologist, mycophagist and amateur toadstool student is a book giving the genus, names and descriptions of the prominent American toadstools whose edibility has been tested, or whose poisonous qualities have been discovered. The need of the mycologist, the mycophagus, and the amateur mushroom student is for a book containing the genera, names, and descriptions of prominent American mushrooms whose edibility has already been tested or whose venomous qualities have already been discovered. >>eng<< Ese chico alto salvó al niño ahogándose. That tall boy saved the drowning child. That tall boy saved the boy by drowning. >>eng<< Nous sommes supposés aimer tout le monde. We are supposed to love everybody. We're supposed to love everyone. >>eng<< Uma "aeroambulância" elétrica que se estima ser mais rápida, segura e silenciosa do que um helicóptero, foi desenvolvida por pesquisadores na Austrália. An electric “aero-ambulance” that is estimated to be faster, safer and quieter than a helicopter has been developed by researchers in Australia. An electric “air ambulance” estimated to be faster, safer and quieter than a helicopter was developed by researchers in Australia. >>deu<< So suonare il piano molto bene. Ich konnte mal sehr gut Klavier spielen. Ich kann Klavier sehr gut spielen. >>eng<< Ai grijă. E foarte picant. Be careful. It's very spicy. Be careful, it's very spicy. >>eng<< Potrei parlare di lui per ore. I could talk about him for hours. I could talk about him for hours. >>eng<< Sabéis que estaré a vuestro lado cuando estéis en peligro. You know that I will be there for you when you're in danger. You know I'll be by your side when you're in danger. >>deu<< Une cuillère est posée près du saladier. Bei der Schüssel liegt ein Löffel. Ein Löffel wird in der Nähe des Salatbehälters gelegt. >>eng<< De ce ai nevoie de ea? Why do you need her? Why do you need it? >>nld<< Cualquiera puede hacer eso. Iedereen kan dat doen. Iedereen kan dat doen. >>deu<< Ar trebui să dormi. Du solltest schlafen. Du solltest schlafen. >>eng<< Tom riesce a dare un passaggio a casa a Mary? Can Tom give Mary a ride home? Can Tom give Mary a ride home? >>deu<< Inter se amant. Sie lieben einander. Inter liebt sich. >>eng<< Un crocodile n’est pas un alligator. A crocodile isn't an alligator. A crocodile is not an alligator. >>deu<< Tenho saudade daquele tempo. Ich denke mit Wehmut an diese Zeit. Ich vermisse diese Zeit. >>eng<< Mira esa estrella brillante. Look at that brilliant star. Look at that bright star. >>eng<< Ella intentó no derramar ni una lágrima. She tried not to shed a tear. She tried not to shed a tear. >>eng<< ¿En qué idioma están hablando esos dos? What language are those two speaking? In what language do these two speak? >>eng<< Non è sbagliato dire che gli scacchi sono uno sport: vengono riconosciuti come tale. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. >>nld<< Je vais faire les courses tous les matins. Ik doe iedere morgen boodschappen. Ik ga elke ochtend boodschappen doen. >>deu<< Che cosa sai di lui? Was weißt du über ihn? Was weißt du über ihn? >>deu<< ¿Sabes por qué vine aquí? Weißt du, warum ich gekommen bin? Weißt du, warum ich hier bin? >>deu<< Je veux que tu saches que je t'aime. Ich will, dass du weißt, dass ich dich liebe. Ich will, dass du weißt, dass ich dich liebe. >>eng<< Non me l'hanno detto. They didn't tell me that. They didn't tell me. >>deu<< Algunos ya estaban algo ebrios. Einige waren schon ziemlich blau. Einige waren schon etwas betrunken. >>nld<< Nous allons vendre notre maison. We gaan ons huis verkopen. We gaan ons huis verkopen. >>eng<< Cercate di stare assieme. Try to stay together. Try to be together. >>eng<< Hemos estado observando sus negociaciones. We've been watching your negotiations. We've been watching your negotiations. >>eng<< O código ISO 693-3 para Toki Pona é "tok". The ISO 693-3 code for Toki Pona is "tok." The ISO 693-3 code for Toki Pona is "tok". >>eng<< Le regole dovrebbero essere cambiate. The rules should be changed. The rules should be changed. >>deu<< Il devenait de plus en plus angoissé. Ihm wurde bang und bänger. Er wurde immer ängstlicher. >>eng<< Pon la silla cerca de la ventana, por favor. Put the chair near the window, please. Put the chair near the window, please. >>deu<< En nuestra sociedad, la capa de ricos es sumamente fina, en cambio, sus billeteras son muy gruesas. In unserer Gesellschaft ist die Schicht der Reichen äußerst dünn, deren Geldbörsen sind hingegen mächtig dick. In unserer Gesellschaft ist die Schicht der Reichen extrem dünn, aber ihre Brieftaschen sind sehr dick. >>nld<< Ha nevado toda la noche. Het heeft de hele nacht gesneeuwd. Het heeft de hele nacht gesneeuwd. >>nld<< Sora lui George mi-a făcut niște sandvișuri. George's zuster heeft een paar sandwiches voor me gemaakt. George's zus heeft wat broodjes voor me gemaakt. >>eng<< Nel caso della teoria del big-bang, si suppone che tutta la materia e l'energia nell'universo, e tutto lo spazio e il tempo, siano stati impacchettati in un punto infinitesimamente piccolo. Da questa "singolarità", come viene chiamata, è sorto l'intero universo. In the case of the big-bang theory, they assume the existence of all the matter and energy of the universe, and all of space and time, wrapped up into an infinitesimally small point. From this "singularity", as it is called, the whole universe sprang forth. In the case of the big-bang theory, it is assumed that all matter and energy in the universe, and all space and time, were packed into an infinitesimally small point. From this "singularity", as it is called, arose the entire universe. >>deu<< Tom est un bon cuisinier. Tom ist ein guter Koch. Tom ist ein guter Koch. >>eng<< Sono una cuoca. I am a cook. I'm a cook. >>eng<< Parlare è difficile. Speaking is hard. Talking is difficult. >>eng<< Nessuno ha visto Tom da allora. No one has seen Tom since then. No one has seen Tom since. >>nld<< Son jouet est bleu. Zijn speelgoed is blauw. Zijn speelgoed is blauw. >>deu<< Ella tiene caderas anchas. Sie hat breite Hüften. Sie hat breite Hüften. >>nld<< Haz lo que sea mejor para Tom. Doe wat voor Tom het beste is. Doe wat het beste is voor Tom. >>nld<< Ce qu'il dit est faux. Wat hij zegt, is fout. Wat hij zegt is niet waar. >>deu<< So che ha cose più importanti da fare. Ich weiß, dass du wichtigere Dinge zu tun hast. Ich weiß, dass er wichtigere Dinge zu tun hat. >>nld<< Vorbiți japoneză? Spreekt u Japans? Spreek je Japans? >>eng<< Cantos precisas? How many do you need? How many do you need? >>eng<< Non mi piace fare errori. I do not like to make mistakes. I don't like to make mistakes. >>deu<< Hm, acum chiar e ciudat... Oh, jetzt ist es wirklich verwirrend... Hm, jetzt ist es wirklich komisch... >>eng<< Agora estamos prontos para testar esta teoria. We're now ready to test this theory. Now we're ready to test this theory. >>eng<< Tom hizo su parte. Tom did his part. Tom did his part. >>nld<< Cuando tienes hambre, todo sabe bueno. Als je honger hebt, smaakt alles goed. Als je honger hebt, smaakt alles goed. >>deu<< Il déjeune avec vous. Er isst mit Ihnen Mittagessen. Er isst mit Ihnen zu Mittag. >>nld<< Ele normalmente se acorda às seis horas. Gewoonlijk staat hij om zes uur op. Hij wordt meestal om zes uur wakker. >>eng<< Avete guardato la televisione ieri. You watched TV yesterday. You watched TV yesterday. >>nld<< As-tu déjà reçu un vaccin contre la Covid-19 ? Heb je al een COVID-19-vaccin gekregen? Heb je ooit een vaccin tegen Covid-19 gekregen? >>eng<< L'algoritmo che una cellula segue quando produce una proteina è estremamente complesso. In parole povere, le informazioni codificate – parole di quattro lettere – immagazzinate nel DNA vengono copiate, tradotte in una lingua il cui alfabeto ha venti lettere, editate e trasmesse all'area in cui la proteina è assemblata. The algorithm a cell follows when making a protein is extremely complex. Roughly speaking, the coded information – four-letter words – stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited, and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. The algorithm that a cell follows when it produces a protein is extremely complex. Simply put, the encoded information — four-letter words — stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. >>eng<< Pensava que o Tom tinha se saído bem. I thought that Tom did all right. I thought Tom did well. >>eng<< La investigación del físico ayudará a mucha gente. The physicist's research will help a lot of people. Physical research will help a lot of people. >>eng<< Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement pour une maladie sexuellement transmissible ? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? >>eng<< Estoy empezando a ponerme celoso. I'm starting to get jealous. I'm starting to get jealous. >>nld<< Tu ne saigneras pas à mort. Je zult niet doodbloeden. Je zult niet doodbloeden. >>eng<< Thomas avarus non est. Tom isn't greedy. Thomas is not. >>eng<< Che cos'è successo qui ieri? What happened here yesterday? What happened here yesterday? >>eng<< Tom a dit qu'une certaine Marie voulait me voir. Tom said that someone named Mary wanted to see me. Tom said some Marie wanted to see me. >>eng<< Tom ne remarqua pas la différence. Tom didn't notice the difference. Tom didn’t notice the difference. >>deu<< Aux premiers temps, les hommes communiquaient par signaux de fumée. In der Anfangszeit kommunizierten die Menschen über Rauchzeichen. Früher kommunizierten die Menschen durch Rauchsignale. >>nld<< Exprime ton idée clairement. Druk je gedachten klaar uit. Maak je idee duidelijk. >>deu<< Mi taza de café desapareció. Mein Kaffeebecher ist verschwunden. Meine Tasse Kaffee ist weg. >>eng<< Chiar îmi placi. I do like you. I really like you. >>deu<< Non sarà d'accordo a un divorzio. Sie wird einer Scheidung nicht zustimmen. Er wird einer Scheidung nicht zustimmen. >>eng<< Nuestros amigos esperaban que los ayudáramos. Our friends hoped that we would help them. Our friends were waiting for us to help them. >>eng<< Ha pranzato al ristorante di Linda. She ate lunch at Linda’s restaurant. He had lunch at Linda's restaurant. >>nld<< No lo encontrarán. Ze zullen het niet vinden. Ze zullen hem niet vinden. >>deu<< Marie a crié aussi fort que possible. Maria schrie, so laut sie konnte. Maria schrie so laut wie möglich. >>deu<< La mer des Wadden est un paysage d'une beauté austère. Das Wattenmeer ist eine Landschaft von herber Schönheit. Das Wattenmeer ist eine Landschaft von strenger Schönheit. >>eng<< Aunque amas a otro, yo te amo a ti. Although you love another, I love you. Even if you love someone else, I love you. >>eng<< Placentne tibi bestiae? Do you like animals? Do you like animals? >>eng<< Personne ne croit en son innocence. No one believes she is innocent. No one believes in his innocence. >>eng<< Sinice loquimini? Do you speak Chinese? Are you talking? >>deu<< L'Autriche a une frontière commune avec l'Allemagne. Österreich grenzt an Deutschland. <0xC3><0x96>sterreich hat eine gemeinsame Grenze mit Deutschland. >>eng<< Qual é a coisa mais incomum que você já comeu? What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? >>nld<< Nous avons passé tous les Noël de ces trente dernières années ensemble. We hebben de afgelopen dertig jaar elke Kerstmis samen doorgebracht. We hebben alle Kerstmis van de afgelopen dertig jaar samen doorgebracht. >>eng<< Ils te craignent. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. >>eng<< Pater e natu france locutus est mater etiam anglice locuta est. My father is a native French speaker and my mother is a native English speaker. Her father and mother spoke French, and her mother spoke English. >>eng<< Ni siquiera conozco al tipo. I don't even know the guy. I don't even know the guy. >>eng<< Entonces era una niña pequeña. She was a little girl then. Then she was a little girl. >>nld<< Je ne suis pas un professionnel. Ik ben geen professional. Ik ben geen professional. >>eng<< Chi è il pubblico di riferimento di questo libro? Who is the target audience for this book? Who is the target audience for this book? >>deu<< Locuiesc în Qatar. Ich lebe in Katar. Ich wohne in Katar. >>deu<< De ce îți pare rău pentru ceva ce n-ai făcut? Wieso tut dir etwas leid, das du nicht gemacht hast? Warum bereust du etwas, das du nicht getan hast? >>eng<< ¿Dónde queda Cabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where is Cabal? >>deu<< J'essaie d'apprendre le Toki Pona, mais je vois qu'il est très difficile de maîtriser un langage aussi simplifié. Ich versuche Toki Pona zu lernen, aber ich sehe, dass es sehr schwierig ist, eine so vereinfachte Sprache zu beherrschen. Ich versuche, Toki Pona zu lernen, aber ich sehe, dass es sehr schwierig ist, eine so vereinfachte Sprache zu beherrschen. >>eng<< A quin hostel vau passar la nit? At which hostel did you spend the night? What hostel did you spend the night in? >>eng<< Devemos respeitar os idosos. We must respect the elderly. We must respect the elderly. >>eng<< ¿Ves al pájaro sobre el cable de teléfonos? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? See the bird over the phone cable? >>eng<< Son échec est-il attribuable à de l'incompétence ou à un malheureux hasard? Is his failure ascribable to incompetence or to bad luck? Is its failure attributable to incompetence or an unfortunate accident? >>eng<< Tu as deux enfants. You have two children. You have two kids. >>eng<< La mujer trabaja de enfermera doble jornada y por una migaja de salario. The woman works double shifts as a nurse, and for a worthless salary. The woman works as a double-day nurse and for a crumb of salary. >>deu<< La mancanza di denaro è la fonte di tutto il male. Geldmangel ist die Wurzel allen Übels. Der Mangel an Geld ist die Quelle all des Bösen. >>eng<< Non c'è alcuna vittima. There are no victims. There's no casualties. >>eng<< J'ai mis l'argent dans le coffre-fort. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. >>deu<< Eu só sei nadar de costas. Ich kann nur auf dem Rücken schwimmen. Ich kann nur auf dem Rücken schwimmen. >>eng<< Ho lasciato la mia borsa a casa. I left my bag at home. I left my bag at home. >>nld<< No lo vimos por ningún lado. We zagen hem nergens. We hebben hem nergens gezien. >>deu<< ¡Si no obtengo mi billetera de vuelta para mañana, van a rodar cabezas! Wenn ich meine Brieftasche nicht bis morgen zurückbekomme, werden Köpfe rollen! Wenn ich meine Brieftasche nicht für morgen zurückbekomme, werden sie Köpfe rollen! >>eng<< Ella se casó con él por su dinero. She married him for his money. She married him for his money. >>eng<< Apenas faça de conta que eu a amo. Only make believe I love you. Just pretend I love you. >>eng<< Tom está cocinando. Tom is cooking. Tom's cooking. >>eng<< Sembra una sfida. That sounds like a challenge. Sounds like a challenge. >>eng<< La mayor parte de la riqueza de Argelia procede del petróleo y del gas. The majority of Algeria's wealth is derived from oil and gas. Most of Algeria’s wealth comes from oil and gas. >>eng<< Dovete andare là oggi. You have to go there today. You have to go there today. >>deu<< È molto romantico! Das ist sehr romantisch! Es ist sehr romantisch! >>eng<< Tom está comiendo patatas fritas. Tom is eating French fries. Tom's eating chips. >>eng<< Ele conhece muito bem a literatura inglesa. He is well read in English literature. He knows English literature very well. >>deu<< Peu après sa sortie de prison, Tom récidiva. Kurz nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis wurde Tom rückfällig. Kurz nachdem er aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wurde, wiederholte sich Tom. >>eng<< El presidente de Francia va a Japón el próximo mes. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The president of France is going to Japan next month. >>eng<< Urcă! Climb! Get in! >>deu<< Ama a verdade, mas perdoa o erro. Liebe die Wahrheit, doch verzeihe den Irrtum. Er liebt die Wahrheit, aber er verzeiht den Fehler. >>eng<< Ambeza inglez. She studies English. It's English. >>nld<< Conozco al muchacho de ahí. Ik ken die jongen daar. Ik ken die jongen daar. >>eng<< O crescente protecionismo e os conflitos comerciais com a China são grandes preocupações, enquanto os mercados asiáticos esperam por clareza política por parte de uma administração estadunidense liderada pelo presidente eleito Donald Trump. Rising protectionism and trade conflicts with China are major concerns as Asian markets wait for policy clarity from a U.S. administration led by President elect Donald Trump. Growing protectionism and trade conflicts with China are major concerns, as Asian markets wait for political clarity from a U.S. administration led by President-elect Donald Trump. >>deu<< Multos libros habes. Du hast viele Bücher. Du hast viele Bücher. >>deu<< La connaissez-vous ? Kennt ihr sie? Kennen Sie sie? >>eng<< Tu veux que je te chante quelque chose ? Shall I sing you something? Do you want me to sing you something? >>eng<< Lisa é a namorada do Bryan. Lisa is Bryan's girlfriend. Lisa's Bryan's girlfriend. >>deu<< Quelle est la différence entre ceci et cela ? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesem und dem da? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesem und diesem? >>eng<< John est vraiment tombé malade. John got really sick. John really got sick. >>eng<< Non la mostrai a Tom. I didn't show it to Tom. I didn't show it to Tom. >>nld<< Le di una dirección falsa a Tom. Ik gaf Tom een vals adres. Ik gaf Tom een vals adres. >>deu<< Descriva la sua colazione ideale. Beschreiben Sie Ihr ideales Frühstück. Beschreiben Sie Ihr ideales Frühstück. >>eng<< Deve-se o maior respeito à criança. The greatest respect is due to the child. We owe the greatest respect to the child. >>deu<< Uma vitória é uma vitória! Ein Sieg ist ein Sieg! Ein Sieg ist ein Sieg! >>eng<< Dites-moi juste ce qui s'est passé ! Just tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened! >>eng<< La mia città preferita è Granada. My favourite city is Granada. My favorite city is Granada. >>deu<< Podíamos oír el repicar de las campanas de la iglesia cercana. Wir konnten das Läuten einer nahegelegenen Kirche hören. Wir konnten die Glocken der nahe gelegenen Kirche läuten hören. >>eng<< Ziri deve avere fame. Ziri must be hungry. Ziri must be hungry. >>eng<< Tout ce que nous voyons nous influence d'une manière ou d'une autre. Everything we see influences us in some way. Everything we see influences us in one way or another. >>deu<< É a maçã do João. Es ist Johns Apfel. Das ist Johns Apfel. >>deu<< Essa tesoura não está cortando. Die Schere schneidet nicht. Die Schere schneidet nicht. >>eng<< Para poderem reconquistar o Ko, as pretas forçam agora as brancas a jogar em outro ponto do tabuleiro e, no lance seguinte, repetem o ataque anterior. E a luta prossegue assim, naquilo a que se dá o nome de batalha de Ko. In order to recapture the Ko, Black now forces White to play elsewhere on the board and, on the next move, repeats the previous attack. And the fight goes on like this, in what is called the battle of Ko. In order to win back Ko, the blacks now force White to play at another point on the board and, in the next move, repeat the previous attack. And the fight continues like this, in what is called the battle of Ko. >>eng<< Ho trascorso l'intera giornata là. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. >>nld<< Quel grand nombre ! Wat een grote hoeveelheid! Wat een grote menigte. >>eng<< Fere nonaginta annos natus sum. I am almost ninety years old. I was ninety years old. >>eng<< Combien de personnes se trouvaient-elles à bord de ce bateau ? How many people were aboard that ship? How many people were on board this boat? >>eng<< Todo el mundo merece cosas buenas, incluido yo. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Everyone deserves good things, including me. >>deu<< Il n'y a aucune circulation dans cette rue la nuit. Auf dieser Straße herrscht nachts kein Verkehr. Es gibt keinen Verkehr in dieser Straße in der Nacht. >>eng<< Aide-moi à faire le ménage. Help me clean up. Help me clean up. >>eng<< Mi sembra ovviamente falso. It seems obviously false to me. It seems to me obviously false. >>nld<< Ella no quiere que él juegue póquer. Ze wil niet dat hij poker speelt. Ze wil niet dat hij poker speelt. >>deu<< Quel corso di informatica era una perdita di tempo. Dieser Computerkurs war Zeitverschwendung. Dieser Computerkurs war Zeitverschwendung. >>deu<< Vous avez durement travaillé. Sie haben hart gearbeitet. Sie haben hart gearbeitet. >>deu<< Je ne sais pas pourquoi les gens disent ça. Ich weiß nicht, warum die Leute das sagen. Ich weiß nicht, warum die Leute das sagen. >>deu<< Me encantan los viajes. Ich liebe Reisen. Ich liebe Reisen. >>eng<< Je suis en première année d'université. I'm in the first year of university. I'm in my first year of college. >>deu<< Mamá está revolviendo la sopa con una cuchara de madera. Mama rührt die Suppe mit einem Holzlöffel um. Mama rührt die Suppe mit einem hölzernen Löffel. >>eng<< Aconselleino de que non sufrira polo pasado. I advised him not to grieve over the past. I advise you not to suffer from the past. >>nld<< Ci sono altri aspetti. Er zijn andere kanten. Er zijn andere aspecten. >>nld<< Ellos me llaman Bob. Ze noemen me Bob. Ze noemen me Bob. >>deu<< ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita? Was ist der Grund deines Besuchs? Was ist der Zweck Ihres Besuchs? >>eng<< A maçã é uma fruta comestível. The apple is an edible fruit. The apple is an edible fruit. >>eng<< Dan habite Boston dans le Massachusetts. Dan lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Dan lives in Boston, Massachusetts. >>eng<< Non mi servono amiche. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. >>eng<< Acetabulum metallicum carum est. The metal bowl is expensive. Acetabulum metallicum. >>eng<< Prima di iniziare, devi prepararti psicologicamente. Before starting, you must prepare psychologically. Before you start, you need to prepare yourself psychologically. >>deu<< Marie est déprimée. Maria ist deprimiert. Maria ist deprimiert. >>eng<< Il porridge è troppo dolce. The porridge is too sweet. The porridge is too sweet. >>eng<< La vida es un arte. Life is an art. Life is an art. >>eng<< Peter a l'era 'n giugador ëd video-gieugh altruista; chiel a l'avrìa dait la ròba a la gent ch'a n'avìa da manca, pitòst che vëndje për profit përsonal. Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit. Peter was an altruistic video ëd-gieugh gambler; he wanted to give the rage to the people who lacked it, rather than selling it for personal profit. >>deu<< Enfin ! Endlich! Endlich! >>deu<< Che lingue parlano in Corea? Welche Sprachen werden in Korea gesprochen? Welche Sprachen sprechen sie in Korea? >>eng<< El diumenge és l'últim dia de la setmana. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. >>eng<< Me ha fallado uno de mis mejores amigos. One of my best friends has failed me. One of my best friends failed me. >>eng<< Verba praesidis a populo omni audita sunt. The president's words were heard by the whole nation. The words of the governor were heard by all the people. >>eng<< Vede la porta di metallo nera? Dietro c'è un laboratorio segreto. Do you see the black metal door? Behind it is a secret laboratory. There's a secret lab behind it. >>eng<< Aqueth capèth qu'ei men. This house is mine. This is the man he is. >>eng<< Elle m'aimait. She loved me. She loved me. >>eng<< Non ci accorgemmo di niente. We didn't notice anything. We didn't notice anything. >>nld<< Ça va bientôt être le matin. Het wordt binnenkort ochtend. Het wordt 's morgens vroeg. >>eng<< Sono segretamente innamorato di lui. I'm secretly in love with him. I'm secretly in love with him. >>eng<< El policía detuvo al ladrón. The police officer arrested the burglar. The police arrested the thief. >>eng<< Mi casa está a la orilla del río. My house is on the riverbank. My house is by the river. >>eng<< Soube que estão construindo um aeroporto novo em Boston. I hear they're building a new airport in Boston. I hear they're building a new airport in Boston. >>eng<< Como você pode permitir isso? How could you allow it? How can you allow that? >>eng<< Le cose sembrano tornate alla normalità tra di noi. Things seem to be back to normal between us. Things seem to be back to normal between us. >>deu<< Devi fare come ti è stato detto. Du musst tun, was man dir gesagt hat. Du musst tun, was dir gesagt wurde. >>eng<< Non abbiamo molto tempo, il termine scade domani. We don't have much time, the deadline expires tomorrow. We don't have much time, the deadline expires tomorrow. >>eng<< Montiamo la tenda finché c'è ancora luce. Let's put up the tent while it is still light. Let's set up the tent while there's still light. >>nld<< Me dio su palabra de que estaría en casa sobre las nueve. Ze gaf mij haar woord dat ze tegen negen uur thuis zou zijn. Hij gaf me zijn woord dat hij om negen uur thuis zou zijn. >>eng<< Tutto questo appartiene a lei? Does this all belong to you? Does this all belong to you? >>deu<< Quem é que está vindo? Wer ist denn gekommen? Wer kommt denn hierher? >>eng<< Não estou cem por cento certo de que seja lã. I am not a hundred percent sure it is wool. I'm not 100 percent sure it's wool. >>deu<< È felice. Sie ist glücklich. Er ist glücklich. >>nld<< L'amour vrai n'existe pas ! Ware liefde bestaat niet! Echte liefde bestaat niet! >>eng<< J'appris à conduire à ma sœur. I taught my sister how to drive. I learned to drive to my sister. >>deu<< Caeruleus est. Er ist blau. Es ist Caeruleus. >>eng<< Je suis plus astucieux que vous. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. >>eng<< Didymus est pariter procerus ac Iacobus. Tom is as tall as Jack. Didymus is both a procerus and a jacobus. >>eng<< Le supermarché est à quelques pas. The supermarket is within walking distance. The supermarket is a few steps away. >>eng<< Está claro que él es rico. It is clear that he is rich. It is clear that he is rich. >>deu<< Je paie d'avance. Ich zahle voraus. Ich zahle im Voraus. >>eng<< La sua mano mi sfiorò i capelli. His hand grazed my hair. His hand touched my hair. >>nld<< Tu ne dois pas partir maintenant. Je moet nu niet vertrekken. Je hoeft nu niet weg te gaan. >>deu<< Non c'è nulla di più confortante del profumo del pane fatto in casa. Es gibt nichts Beruhigenderes als den Duft von selbstgebackenem Brot. Es gibt nichts Tröstlicheres als den Duft von hausgemachtem Brot. >>eng<< Di chi è questo bicchiere? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is this? >>eng<< Conosci un signor Green? Do you know a Mr. Green? You know a Mr. Green? >>eng<< Nu avea nimic de spus. She was at a loss for words. He had nothing to say. >>eng<< Preciso de um novo. I need a new one. I need a new one. >>eng<< Eu quase não passei naquela prova. I almost didn't pass that test. I almost didn't pass that test. >>eng<< Il tuo piano è riuscito. Your plan succeeded. Your plan has succeeded. >>deu<< Sim, mas o restaurante é caro demais. Doch, aber das Restaurant ist zu teuer. Ja, aber das Restaurant ist zu teuer. >>eng<< Pouvez-vous me donner l'adresse de Tom ? Can you give me Tom's address? Can you give me Tom's address? >>eng<< Je pus répondre à toutes. I could reply to all of them. I could answer all of them. >>deu<< As-tu rencontré beaucoup de gens intéressants à la fête ? Hast du auf der Party viele interessante Leute getroffen? Hast du viele interessante Leute auf der Party getroffen? >>nld<< ¿Puedo tomarle una foto? Mag ik een foto van u maken? Mag ik een foto van u maken? >>deu<< L'énergie et le dynamisme sont des qualités des hommes que l'on voit souvent célébrer pour la première fois lors de leur mise à la retraite. Energie und Tatkraft sind Eigenschaften eines Mannes, die man häufig erst bei dessen Pensionierung zu rühmen weiß. Energie und Dynamik sind Eigenschaften von Männern, die oft zum ersten Mal bei der Pensionierung gefeiert werden. >>eng<< Díganle que no cante. Tell him not to sing. Tell him not to sing. >>nld<< No próximo domingo termina o horário de verão. De volgende zondag eindigt de zomertijd. Zondag eindigt de zomertijd. >>eng<< No puedo permitirme aceptar tu oferta. I cannot bring myself to accept your offer. I can't afford to accept your offer. >>eng<< Hans este un om de afaceri german. Hans is a German businessman. Hans is a German businessman. >>nld<< Alemania colinda con Holanda. Duitsland grenst aan Nederland. Duitsland grenst aan Nederland. >>eng<< Eu sei o que Tom fez em Boston. I know what Tom did in Boston. I know what Tom did in Boston. >>eng<< Dixit ergo ad Ioseph: Quia ostendit tibi Deus omnia, quæ locutus es, numquid sapientiorem et consimilem tui invenire potero? He said therefore to Joseph: Seeing God hath shewn thee all that thou hast said, can I find one wiser and one like unto thee? And he said unto Joseph, Because God hath shewed thee all that thou hast spoken, can I be found wiser and wiser than thou? >>eng<< Ești sigur că nu-ți amintești ce s-a întâmplat? Are you sure you don't remember what happened? Are you sure you don't remember what happened? >>eng<< Não me odeies. Don't hate me! Don't hate me. >>eng<< Ha sparso la voce che sono gay. He spread the rumour that I'm gay. He spread the word that I'm gay. >>eng<< Ahora mismo estoy un poco ocupada. I'm a little busy now. I'm a little busy right now. >>eng<< Eu realmente não quero ir. I really do not want to go. I really don't want to go. >>nld<< Me quemé la yema del dedo. Ik heb mijn vingertop verbrand. Ik heb mijn vingertoppen verbrand. >>deu<< Sumsistine ientaculum? Habt ihr schon gefrühstückt? Sumsistine Ientaculum? >>deu<< Che metafora maldestra! Was für eine unpassende Metapher! Was für eine unhöfliche Metapher! >>deu<< Tomaram nossos passaportes. Sie haben unsere Pässe eingezogen. Sie haben unsere Pässe. >>eng<< È andato a Boston ieri? Did you go to Boston yesterday? Did you go to Boston yesterday? >>nld<< Los animales viven en el bosque. Dieren wonen in het bos. De dieren leven in het bos. >>eng<< Por que não lhe dizes a verdade? Why don't you tell her the truth? Why don't you tell him the truth? >>eng<< Les nerfs des investisseurs sont à vif. Investor nerves are jangling. Investors' nerves are up. >>deu<< Les causes peuvent être très diverses. Die Ursachen dafür können sehr vielseitig sein. Die Ursachen können sehr unterschiedlich sein. >>eng<< Je changerai de chemise avant d'y aller. I'll change my shirt before I go. I'll change my shirt before I go. >>deu<< Je suis enseignante. Ich bin Lehrerin. Ich bin Lehrerin. >>eng<< Ricevetti un paio dei vostri messaggi. I received a couple of your messages. I got a couple of your messages. >>eng<< Il radicalismo è il male. Radicalism is evil. Radicalism is evil. >>eng<< Até onde eu sei, ele é um homem confiável. As far as I know, he is a reliable man. As far as I know, he's a reliable man. >>eng<< Nous aimons jouer au football. We like playing soccer. We like to play football. >>eng<< Nunc clavichordo cano. I am playing the piano now. It's a canoe now. >>eng<< Je dois devenir aveugle. I must be going blind. I have to go blind. >>deu<< Tom siempre habla con una precisión robótica. Tom spricht immer mit robotischer Präzision. Tom spricht immer mit Robotergenauigkeit. >>nld<< Hoy me he levantado con el pie izquierdo. Ik ben vandaag met het verkeerde been uit bed gestapt. Vandaag stond ik op met mijn linkervoet. >>eng<< Preciso encontrá-la. I need to find her. I need to find her. >>eng<< Me pregunto cómo se traducirá al francés esta frase. I wonder what this sentence translates to in French. I wonder how this phrase will be translated into French. >>deu<< Mandami una cartolina. Schick mir eine Postkarte. Schick mir eine Postkarte. >>deu<< Elle a donné du lait au chat. Sie hat der Katze Milch gegeben. Sie gab der Katze Milch. >>eng<< Non omnes aequales nascuntur. Not all men are created equal. Not everyone is born equal. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es tu vino favorito? What's your favorite wine? What is your favorite wine? >>nld<< Ella vino una vez en que mi hermana estaba en casa. Ze kwam één keer toen mijn zuster thuis was. Ze kwam een keer toen mijn zus thuis was. >>eng<< Êtes-vous tous les deux occupés ? Are you two busy? Are you both busy? >>nld<< Sí, con mucho gusto. Ja, met veel plezier. Ja, graag gedaan. >>eng<< Tom non vorrà andare con noi. Tom won't want to go with us. Tom won't go with us. >>deu<< Quien no tiene fuerza para soñar no tiene valor para luchar. Wer keine Kraft zum Träumen hat, hat keinen Mut zum Kämpfen. Wer nicht die Kraft hat zu träumen, hat nicht den Mut zu kämpfen. >>eng<< Nel 1997, in una seconda partita (la prima si era verificata l'anno prima), il supercomputer IBM Deep Blue sconfisse il Gran Maestro Garry Kasparov di 3,5 X 2,5. In 1997, in a second match (the first one had occurred the year before), IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, in a second game (the first occurred the year before), the IBM Deep Blue supercomputer defeated Grandmaster Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. >>eng<< Saúde e inteligência são as duas bênçãos da vida. Health and intellect are the two blessings of life. Health and intelligence are the two blessings of life. >>nld<< Tom está con sus amigos. Tom is met zijn vrienden. Tom is bij zijn vrienden. >>nld<< Je suis brisé et las. Ik ben kapot en moe. Ik ben kapot en moe. >>eng<< Estamos livres! We're free! We're free! >>eng<< A Tom servono delle amiche. Tom needs friends. Tom needs friends. >>nld<< ¿Puedo enojarme ahora? Mag ik nu boos worden? Mag ik nu boos worden? >>eng<< Vous n'êtes pas si vieux. You're not that old. You're not that old. >>deu<< Gracias por comprarme esta revista. Danke, dass du mir diese Zeitschrift gekauft hast! Danke, dass du mir dieses Magazin gekauft hast. >>eng<< A Grécia fica cheia de turistas no verão. Greece is full of tourists in the summer. Greece is full of tourists in the summer. >>nld<< Después de la tormenta viene la calma. Na regen komt zonneschijn. Na de storm komt de rust. >>eng<< Ci sono così tante case qui. There are so many houses here. There are so many houses here. >>eng<< Le coureur a atteint le point de mi-parcours. The runner had reached the halfway mark. The rider reached the mid-point. >>eng<< Que souhaitez-vous commander, Messieurs ? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What would you like to order, gentlemen? >>nld<< Comentariile lui Tom au fost inadecvate. De commentaren van Tom waren niet geschikt. Toms opmerkingen waren ongepast. >>nld<< Que has de dormir nou hores! Ets un cap de son. Je hebt negen uur slaap nodig! Je bent echt een marmot. Je moet negen uur slapen! Je bent een slaapkop. >>eng<< Frater meus est aeque procerus ac ego. My brother is as tall as me. My brother is the same as me. >>eng<< Tu as une grande gueule et tu parles beaucoup. You have a big mouth, and you talk a lot. You have a big mouth and you talk a lot. >>eng<< Je suis célibataire. I am single. I'm single. >>deu<< Eles tomam leite? Trinken sie Milch? Trinken sie Milch? >>eng<< Le produit de deux nombres négatifs est positif. The product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is positive. >>eng<< No tinc diners. I have no money. I don't have any money. >>deu<< Salut, Tom ! Comme c'est sympa que tu sois venu ! Hallo Tom! Wie schön, dass du doch noch gekommen bist! Hey, Tom, wie schön, dass du gekommen bist. >>eng<< Britannia quoque insula est. Britain is also an island. The UK is the island. >>eng<< Sai che a Tom piacciono le macchine. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. >>eng<< Vii mâine pe la mine? Will you come to my place tomorrow? Are you coming to my place tomorrow? >>eng<< Alerg zece kilometri zilnic. I run ten kilometers daily. I run ten kilometers a day. >>eng<< Următorul lor atac a fost la nord-est de Paris în luna mai. Their next attack was northeast of Paris in May. Their next attack was northeast of Paris in May. >>deu<< Bem-vindo a Boston. Willkommen in Boston! Willkommen in Boston. >>deu<< O mais importante não é a arquitetura, mas a vida, os amigos e este mundo injusto que devemos modificar. Das Wichtigste ist nicht die Architektur, sondern das Leben, die Freunde und diese ungerechte Welt, die wir verändern müssen. Das Wichtigste ist nicht die Architektur, sondern das Leben, die Freunde und diese ungerechte Welt, die wir ändern müssen. >>eng<< Os senhores pensavam em mim? Were you thinking about me? Did you guys think of me? >>eng<< Sembra che Tom stia aspettando qualcuno. It looks like Tom is waiting for someone. Looks like Tom's waiting for someone. >>eng<< Por favor, encienda la estufa. Turn on the stove, please. Please turn on the stove. >>deu<< Lac tuum bibe. Trink deine Milch. Dein See trinkt. >>eng<< Tantundem tibi reprecor. I wish you the same. So much for reprimanding. >>eng<< Minha irmã tem cabelo ruivo. My sister has ginger hair. My sister has red hair. >>eng<< O Tom não parece estar infeliz. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy. Tom doesn't seem unhappy. >>eng<< Podría usar zapatos menos feos. She could wear less ugly shoes. I could wear less ugly shoes. >>deu<< Deberías escuchar a tu madre. Du solltest auf deine Mutter hören. Du solltest auf deine Mutter hören. >>deu<< Vreau sa-ți povestesc ceva ciudat. Ich möchte dir etwas Seltsames erzählen. Ich möchte dir etwas Seltsames erzählen. >>eng<< A decir verdad, no comí nada después de la mañana. As a matter of fact, I haven't eaten anything since this morning. Actually, I didn't eat anything after the morning. >>eng<< Io penso che Tom non sarà sorpreso. I think Tom won't be surprised. I don't think Tom will be surprised. >>eng<< Avete portato del vino? Did you bring wine? Did you bring wine? >>eng<< Pe când eram la liceu, mă sculam la 6 în fiecare dimineață. Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I was in high school, I woke up at 6 a.m. every morning. >>deu<< Questo libro è scritto in inglese facile. Dieses Buch ist in einfachem Englisch geschrieben. Dieses Buch ist in einfachem Englisch geschrieben. >>deu<< M'estic rentant. Ich wasche mich. Ich wasche mich. >>deu<< Como vai o Tom? Wie geht es Tom? Wie geht es Tom? >>eng<< Abbiamo sempre avuto il meglio. We've always had the best. We've always had the best. >>deu<< Me feras-tu une faveur ? Tust du mir einen Gefallen? Würdest du mir einen Gefallen tun? >>eng<< Le amiamo tutte. We all love them. We love them all. >>eng<< Le Premier Ministre a signé un accord commercial entre les deux pays. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. >>deu<< Preferisci vino bianco o rosso? Magst du lieber Weißwein oder Rotwein? Bevorzugen Sie Weiß- oder Rotwein? >>nld<< Combien de temps t'a-t-il fallu pour décorer ton sapin de Noël ? Hoe lang heb je erover gedaan om je kerstboom te versieren? Hoe lang duurde het om je kerstboom te versieren? >>eng<< Dați-mi cartea. Give me the book. Give me the book. >>deu<< Las palabras hieren más fácilmente que como sanan. Das Wort verwundet leichter als es heilt. Worte verletzen leichter als sie heilen. >>nld<< Ella lloró toda la noche. Ze huilde de hele nacht. Ze huilde de hele nacht. >>eng<< Investigadores na Nova Zelândia desenvolveram novas tecnologias que poderão tornar as pontes mais resistentes aos terramotos. Researchers in New Zealand have developed new technology that could make bridges more resilient to earthquakes. Researchers in New Zealand have developed new technologies that could make bridges more earthquake-resistant. >>eng<< Non mi parla. She doesn't speak to me. He's not talking to me. >>nld<< Je suis allé jusqu'au bureau de poste. Ik ging tot het postkantoor. Ik ging naar het postkantoor. >>eng<< ¡Cierra la puñetera puerta! Close the damn door! Shut the fucking door! >>nld<< Quiero poner una queja sobre el servicio. Ik wil een klacht indienen over de service. Ik wil een klacht indienen over de service. >>deu<< Chiamò il suo gatto Tatoeba. Sie hat ihre Katze Tatoeba genannt. Er rief seine Katze Tatoeba. >>eng<< De qué inventè lo Bell ? What did Bell invent? What did Bell invent? >>deu<< Você se acalma ao menos uma vez? Ruhst du dich jemals aus? Beruhigen Sie sich wenigstens einmal? >>nld<< En amour, les femmes sont expertes et les hommes sont d'éternels novices. Wat liefde betreft, zijn vrouwen experts en mannen eeuwige groentjes. In de liefde zijn vrouwen experts en mannen zijn eeuwige beginners. >>eng<< Praeterivi hoc oppido, cum rediens essem. I drove past this town on the way home. I went back to this place as I was. >>eng<< Se presupune că e un cadou? Is this supposed to be a gift? Is it supposed to be a gift? >>deu<< Era totalmente imposible escapar. Ein Entkommen war gänzlich unmöglich. Es war völlig unmöglich zu entkommen. >>deu<< Mais les gens ont peu d'espoir. Aber die Leute haben wenig Hoffnung. Aber die Menschen haben wenig Hoffnung. >>deu<< Entra nel negozio. Er geht in den Laden. Geh in den Laden. >>eng<< Aún no tenemos una vacuna contra el coronavirus. We still don't have a COVID-19 vaccine. We don't have a coronavirus vaccine yet. >>eng<< Él se resbaló en una cáscara de plátano. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped into a banana peel. >>deu<< Le niez-vous ? Leugnen Sie? Leugnen Sie das? >>eng<< El mercurio es también conocido como azogue. Mercury is also known as quicksilver. Mercury is also known as azogue. >>eng<< Te rog să mă trezești mâine la șase. Please wake me up at six tomorrow. Please wake me up tomorrow at six. >>deu<< Chi non può chiedere non può vivere. Wer nicht fragt, kann nicht leben. Wer nicht fragen kann, kann nicht leben. >>eng<< No entanto, autoridades médicas em África e noutras partes do mundo têm manifestado a preocupação de que a verdadeira situação da COVID-19 no continente africano tenha sido subdiagnosticada e sub-relatada. However, medical officials in Africa and overseas have expressed concern that the African continent’s true COVID-19 situation has been underdiagnosed and underreported. However, medical authorities in Africa and other parts of the world have expressed concern that the real situation of COVID-19 on the African continent has been underdiagnosed and underreported. >>eng<< Aquam ad bibendum aptam non habebamus. We had no drinking water. We didn’t have enough water to drink. >>deu<< Hay muchas personas aquí. Hier sind viele Leute. Hier sind viele Leute. >>deu<< Senza Tom, non sarei qua oggi. Ohne Tom wäre ich heute nicht hier. Ohne Tom wäre ich heute nicht hier. >>eng<< Não estou com vontade de me levantar. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like getting up. >>eng<< Dovrai imparare molte cose. You will have to learn a lot of things. You'll have to learn a lot. >>eng<< Lavoriamo tutta la notte. Let's work all night. We work all night. >>eng<< Tutti erano felici. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. >>deu<< Jugamos al ajedrez, no tanto por disfrutar del juego como para matar el tiempo. Wir spielten Schach nicht so sehr, um uns am Spiel zu erfreuen, sondern um die Zeit totzuschlagen. Wir spielen Schach, nicht so sehr, um das Spiel zu genießen, als um die Zeit zu töten. >>eng<< Il travaille de neuf heures à cinq heures. He works from nine to five. He works from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. >>deu<< Quelle est la question ? Was ist die Frage? Was ist die Frage? >>deu<< Él nos conoce muy bien. Er kennt uns sehr gut. Er kennt uns sehr gut. >>eng<< Lo ayudé a cruzar la calle. I helped him walk across the street. I helped him cross the street. >>nld<< Je ne parviens pas à oublier Mary. Ik kan Maria niet vergeten. Ik kan Mary niet vergeten. >>eng<< Il m'a demandé si j'étais heureux. He asked me if I was happy. He asked me if I was happy. >>eng<< ¿Cómo lograste que Tom regresara? How did you get Tom to come back? How did you get Tom back? >>nld<< Nous avons protesté en vain. We hebben vergeefs geprotesteerd. We protesteerden tevergeefs. >>nld<< Dites-moi simplement ce que vous voulez. Zeg mij gewoon wat ge wilt. Vertel me gewoon wat je wilt. >>eng<< È passato un po' di tempo dalla nostra ultima visita. It's been a while since our last visit. It's been a while since our last visit. >>nld<< Suis-je mignon ? Ben ik schattig? Ben ik schattig? >>eng<< Semel tantum inter nos osculatae sumus. We only kissed once. There are only a few oscillations between us. >>eng<< Tiene una casa grande en la montaña. He has a big house on the mountain. It has a large house in the mountain. >>eng<< Está en pijama. He's in pajamas. He's in his pajamas. >>eng<< Ho notato che i piedi di Tom non erano puliti. I noticed Tom's feet weren't clean. I noticed that Tom's feet weren't clean. >>deu<< Son muy inteligentes. Ihr seid sehr klug. Sie sind sehr schlau. >>deu<< J'ai lu ta lettre à ma famille. Ich habe deinen Brief meiner Familie vorgelesen. Ich habe deinen Brief an meine Familie gelesen. >>deu<< Senhores, eu lhes disse que não se mexessem. Ich habe Ihnen doch gesagt, dass Sie sich nicht bewegen sollen! Meine Herren, ich habe euch gesagt, dass ihr euch nicht bewegen sollt. >>eng<< Où est mon saxophone ? Where is my saxophone? Where's my saxophone? >>eng<< Tom are nevoie de-o vacanță. Tom deserves a vacation. Tom needs a vacation. >>deu<< Um quadrado tem quatro lados iguais. Ein Quadrat hat vier gleiche Seiten. Ein Quadrat hat vier gleiche Seiten. >>eng<< No ano que vem, eu quererei estas aqui. Next year, I'll want these ones. Next year, I'll want these here. >>eng<< Em várias cidades dos EUA, os amantes da aventura de todas as idades podem trepar às árvores, baloiçar em cordas e deslizar pelo dossel de uma floresta, à semelhança de Tarzã, tal como representado nos filmes de aventura na selva de Hollywood. In several U.S. cities, adventure lovers of all ages can climb trees, swing on ropes and zip through a forest canopy, like Tarzan as depicted in Hollywood's jungle-adventure movies. In several U.S. cities, adventure lovers of all ages can climb trees, swing on ropes, and glide through the canopy of a forest, much like Tarzan, as depicted in Hollywood jungle adventure films. >>deu<< Mon arrière-grand-père était originaire de Galicie. Mein Urgroßvater stammte aus Galizien. Mein Urgroßvater stammte aus Galicien. >>eng<< Lo ama con tutta se stessa. She loves him with all her being. She loves him with all of herself. >>nld<< Él fue expulsado de la escuela. Hij werd van de school weggestuurd. Hij werd van school gestuurd. >>nld<< Mantendré mi palabra, pase lo que pase. Ik zal mijn woord houden, wat er ook gebeurt. Ik zal mijn woord houden, wat er ook gebeurt. >>eng<< Tom a perdu tout sens des réalités. Tom has lost all sense of reality. Tom has lost all sense of reality. >>eng<< Feles sub raeda est. The cat is under the car. It's under the roof. >>eng<< Ti m'ô traduxi? Will you translate it for me? Did you translate it to me? >>eng<< Aquila regina avium est. The eagle is king of birds. Aquila is the queen of birds. >>eng<< Sol rex caeli, Luna regina stellarum est. The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. >>eng<< M'estic dret a l'ombra. I'm standing in the shade. I stand in the shadow. >>nld<< Ele é um jovem muito promissor. Het is een zeer beloftevolle jonge man. Hij is een veelbelovende jongeman. >>deu<< Un hombre honesto nunca roba dinero. Ein ehrlicher Mann stiehlt nie Geld. Ein ehrlicher Mann stiehlt nie Geld. >>deu<< Le pape est très occupé. Der Papst hat sehr viel zu tun. Der Papst ist sehr beschäftigt. >>eng<< Llámame Ishmael. Call me Ishmael. Call me Ishmael. >>eng<< Je sens comme si je pouvais vomir. I feel like I might throw up. I feel like I can vomit. >>deu<< Ele tem três irmãos. Er hat drei Brüder. Er hat drei Brüder. >>deu<< Comment traduirait-on cette phrase en allemand ? Wie würde man diesen Satz ins Deutsche übersetzen? Wie würde man diesen Satz ins Deutsche übersetzen? >>nld<< Madre, algo huele a quemado. Moeder, er ruikt iets aangebrand. Moeder, er ruikt iets brandends. >>nld<< Este libro cuesta cuatro dólares. Dit boek kost 4 dollar Dit boek kost vier dollar. >>deu<< Nessuna delle automobili è la mia. Keines dieser Autos gehört mir. Keines der Autos gehört mir. >>eng<< Sami sta leggendo quel libro. Sami is reading that book. Sami is reading that book. >>eng<< Nu sunt un idiot. I'm not an idiot. I'm not an idiot. >>deu<< Io voglio condividere questo con te. Ich will das mit dir teilen. Ich möchte das mit dir teilen. >>deu<< ¿Su historia era cierta? War seine Geschichte wahr? War seine Geschichte wahr? >>eng<< Que fez Ferdinand Magellan? What did Ferdinand Magellan do? What did Ferdinand Magellan do? >>eng<< Illud horologium minus carum est quam hoc. That watch is less expensive than this one. Illusive horology is less expensive than this. >>eng<< Você tem de cuidar do seu coração. You have to take care of your heart. You have to take care of your heart. >>eng<< Scordateli. Forget them. Forget them. >>eng<< A chi è destinato questo libro? Who is this book aimed at? Who is this book for? >>nld<< Ella fue a la peluquería. Ze ging naar de kapper. Ze ging naar de kapper. >>deu<< Il n'est pas autorisé à quitter le pays. Es ist ihm nicht erlaubt, das Land zu verlassen. Er darf das Land nicht verlassen. >>eng<< Él se mantuvo en el trabajo todo el día. He kept at the job all day. He stayed at work all day. >>eng<< Ziri parlerà. Ziri will speak. Ziri will speak. >>eng<< Tom y Mary están haciendo un muñeco de nieve. Tom and Mary are building a snowman. Tom and Mary are making a snowman. >>eng<< Tom nu este agent CIA. Tom isn't a CIA agent. Tom's not a CIA agent. >>deu<< Tom quase nunca fica doente. Tom wird fast nie krank. Tom wird fast nie krank. >>nld<< Relève le compteur. Lees de meter af. Zet de meter omhoog. >>eng<< Ken tiene un perro blanco. Ken has a white dog. Ken has a white dog. >>nld<< Ele tem muito dinheiro. Hij heeft veel geld. Hij heeft veel geld. >>deu<< Tom et Marie étaient ensemble. Tom war mal mit Maria zusammen. Tom und Marie waren zusammen. >>deu<< La donna è bella. Die Frau ist schön. Die Frau ist schön. >>eng<< Vamos ver o que o Tom está fazendo. Let's see what Tom is doing. Let's see what Tom's doing. >>deu<< Lei porta gli occhiali? Sind Sie Brillenträger? Tragen Sie eine Brille? >>deu<< J'aurais dû vous en parler en premier. Ich hätte zuerst mit Ihnen darüber sprechen sollen. Ich hätte zuerst mit Ihnen darüber reden sollen. >>eng<< Ego quoque vidi. He also saw it. What I saw. >>eng<< O vírus "prosperou porque a pobreza, a desigualdade, a discriminação, a destruição do nosso ambiente natural e outros fracassos de direitos humanos criaram enormes fragilidades nas nossas sociedades", disse Guterres, ao mesmo tempo dando aos líderes um pretexto para impor "respostas de segurança pesadas e medidas repressivas que restringem o espaço cívico e a liberdade dos média". The virus “has thrived because poverty, inequality, discrimination, the destruction of our natural environment and other human rights failures have created enormous fragilities in our societies,” Guterres said, while simultaneously providing leaders with a pretext to impose “heavy-handed security responses and repressive measures that curtail civic space and media freedom.” The virus “has thrived because poverty, inequality, discrimination, the destruction of our natural environment and other human rights failures have created enormous fragility in our societies,” Guterres said, while at the same time giving leaders a pretext to impose “heavy security responses and repressive measures that restrict civic space and media freedom.” >>eng<< Dis-leur que je l'aime. Tell them I love him. Tell them I love him. >>deu<< Nous avons ouvert la porte et sommes entrées. Wir haben die Tür geöffnet und sind eingetreten. Wir öffneten die Tür und gingen hinein. >>eng<< Llorar no es solo de chicas. Crying isn't just for girls. Crying isn't just about girls. >>eng<< Mon père est très strict. My dad is very strict. My father is very strict. >>eng<< La climatisation ne fonctionne pas. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioning is not working. >>eng<< Ora non è il vostro turno. Now's not your turn. Now it's not your turn. >>deu<< Non alzarti. Nicht aufstehen. Stehen Sie nicht auf. >>deu<< Je veux seulement savoir d'où tu viens. Ich will nur wissen, wo du her bist. Ich will nur wissen, wo du herkommst. >>eng<< Io? Incoraggiare lei a lavorare? Blasfemia! Me? Encourage you to work? Blasphemy! You want me to encourage you to work? >>deu<< J'admire votre esprit. Ich bewundere Ihren Geist. Ich bewundere Ihren Geist. >>eng<< Zuckerberg me baniu por 30 dias. Zuckerberg banned me for 30 days. Zuckerberg banished me for 30 days. >>nld<< Mormonii au părăsit orașul Illinois în primăvara anului 1846. De mormonen verlieten Illinois in de lente van het jaar 1846. Mormonen verlieten Illinois in het voorjaar van 1846. >>eng<< Uccidilo quando lo trovi. Kill him when you find him. Kill him when you find him. >>eng<< Francês não é fácil. French isn't easy. French is not easy. >>nld<< Nenhum lugar no mundo é tão belo quanto os Alpes Suíços. Nergens ter wereld is het zo mooi als in de Zwitserse Alpen. Nergens ter wereld is zo mooi als de Zwitserse Alpen. >>eng<< O "suxeito" é a persoa ou obxecto que leva a cabo a acción da oración. Pasado ao Xaponés sería a parte que remata en "wa" ou "ga". The "subject" is the person or object to carry out the action in the sentence. Transformed to Japanese it would be the part that end in "wa" or "ga". The "subject" is the person or object that performs the action of the prayer. Past Japanese would be the part that ends in "wa" or "ga". >>eng<< Ningún artículo de esta tienda cuesta más de un real. No item in this shop costs more than one real. No item in this shop costs more than a real one. >>deu<< I bambini e gli ubriachi non mentono. Kinder und Betrunkene lügen nicht. Kinder und Betrunkene lügen nicht. >>eng<< Vou esperar aqui até ele voltar. I'll wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he gets back. >>deu<< Meu nome é Henry. Mein Name ist Henry. Mein Name ist Henry. >>eng<< Tom usa la stessa password per ogni sito. Tom uses the same password for every site. Tom uses the same password for each site. >>deu<< O ouro não se oxida. Gold rostet nicht. Gold rostet nicht. >>nld<< Nous avons deux chiens, trois chats et six poules. We hebben twee honden, drie katten en zes kippen. We hebben twee honden, drie katten en zes kippen. >>eng<< Les livres d'échecs étaient quelque chose d'inéchangeable pour lui. Chess books were something irreplaceable for him. Chess books were something inexchangeable to him. >>deu<< Un argument massue habituel : il ne reste plus d'argent. Ein bekanntes Totschlagargument: Es ist kein Geld übrig. Ein übliches Argument: Es ist kein Geld mehr übrig. >>eng<< El peruano Esteban Canal (1896-1981) ganó el título de gran maestro de ajedrez en 1977, ¡a la edad de ochenta y un años! Peruvian Esteban Canal (1896-1981) won the title of chess grandmaster in 1977, at the age of eighty-one! The Peruvian Esteban Canal (1896-1981) won the title of grandmaster of chess in 1977, at the age of eighty-one! >>eng<< Écoute ton père ! Listen to your father! Listen to your father! >>deu<< A cabra comia da mão dela. Die Ziege fraß ihr aus der Hand. Die Ziege aß aus ihrer Hand. >>deu<< Comment est-ce que je déclare un vol ? Wie melde ich einen Diebstahl? Wie erkläre ich einen Flug? >>deu<< Questa non è la mia grande casa. Das ist nicht mein großes Haus. Das ist nicht mein großes Zuhause. >>eng<< Le roi Thomas et la reine Mary jouaient aux échecs tous les soirs dans leur magnifique château aux quatre tours et aux nombreux remparts. King Thomas and Queen Mary played chess every night in their magnificent castle with four towers and many battlements. King Thomas and Queen Mary played chess every night in their magnificent castle with its four towers and numerous ramparts. >>eng<< Él lamentó no haber seguido mi consejo. He regretted not having taken my advice. He regretted not taking my advice. >>eng<< Eu achei que você não conhecesse o Tom. I thought you didn't know Tom. I thought you didn't know Tom. >>deu<< Julia embrasse sa fille. Julia küsst ihre Tochter. Julia küsst ihre Tochter. >>eng<< Ele acumulou uma grande fortuna. He accumulated a large fortune. He has amassed a great fortune. >>deu<< Les loirs se réveillent trop tard de sept mois. Siebenschläfer verschlafen sieben Monate des Jahres. Die Loirs wachen sieben Monate zu spät auf. >>eng<< Gustaríame nadar neste rio. I'd like to swim in this river. I'd like to swim in this river. >>deu<< J'ai entendu les enfants chanter ensemble. Ich hörte die Kinder gemeinsam singen. Ich hörte die Kinder zusammen singen. >>eng<< Pensons à ce qui pourrait arriver de pire. Let us think about the worst that could happen. Let’s think about what could happen worse. >>eng<< Ziri écrivait. Ziri wrote. Ziri wrote. >>eng<< Espera aqui até que eu volte. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. >>deu<< Ele esteve reparando o carro e parecia cansado quando eu cheguei em casa. Er hatte das Auto repariert und sah müde aus, als ich zu Hause ankam. Er reparierte das Auto und sah müde aus, als ich nach Hause kam. >>eng<< O novo robô, apelidado de “Flipperbot”, foi concebido para permitir aos cientistas aprender mais sobre a locomoção de animais como as focas, as tartarugas-marinhas e os saltadores-do-lodo. The new robot, dubbed “Flipperbot,” was designed to allow scientists to learn more about the locomotion of animals such as seals, sea turtles and mudskippers. The new robot, dubbed the “Flipperbot,” was designed to allow scientists to learn more about the locomotion of animals such as seals, sea turtles and mudfighters. >>nld<< Ma sœur est enfin mariée. Mijn zus is eindelijk getrouwd. Mijn zus is eindelijk getrouwd. >>eng<< Didymus libum in sex partes secuit. Tom cut the pie into six pieces. The librum didymus in six parts. >>eng<< Cuando era pequeño, me encantaban las paletas. I loved lollipops when I was little. When I was a kid, I loved palettes. >>eng<< Tom est aussi actif qu'une abeille. Tom is as busy as a bee. Tom is as active as a bee. >>eng<< Ils envoient de l'aide. They're sending help. They're sending help. >>eng<< Nós nos conhecemos em um concerto de música clássica. We met each other at a classical music concert. We met at a classical music concert. >>deu<< Ti piace fare surf? Surfst du gerne? Surfen Sie gerne? >>nld<< Per quanto ne so, non c'è una parola così. Voor zover ik weet bestaat zo'n woord niet. Voor zover ik weet, is er zo'n woord niet. >>eng<< Corect. Correct. That's right. >>eng<< Molti giovani lavoreranno negli alberghi locali in estate. Many young people will work at the local hotels in the summer. Many young people will work in local hotels in the summer. >>eng<< Ele será certamente deportado se for encontrado. He will certainly be deported if found. He will certainly be deported if he is found. >>deu<< Compré esta pluma en París. Diesen Füller habe ich in Paris gekauft. Ich habe diese Feder in Paris gekauft. >>deu<< L'aulor deus mots me harta pas. Der Wörter Duft macht mich nicht satt. Die Worte Gottes haben mich nicht gequält. >>eng<< Um mês mais tarde, a agente imobiliária de 28 anos de idade disse que o mundo dela se tinha desmoronado. One month later, the 28-year-old real-estate saleswoman said her world had collapsed. A month later, the 28-year-old real estate agent said her world had crumbled. >>eng<< Um cavalo é um animal. A horse is an animal. A horse is an animal. >>eng<< La bibliothèque est ouverte jusqu'à neuf heures. The library is open until nine. The library is open until 9 a.m. >>eng<< O Tom parece perigoso. Tom seems dangerous. Tom looks dangerous. >>eng<< Tom si è rifiutato di uscire dall'automobile. Tom refused to get out of the car. Tom refused to get out of the car. >>eng<< Tu n'as pas besoin de raconter ta vie. You don't have to tell your life story. You don't have to tell your life. >>deu<< Il est indispensable que tous suivent ces règles. Es ist erforderlich, dass alle diese Regeln beachten. Es ist wichtig, dass alle diese Regeln befolgen. >>eng<< Mi madre insiste en que no salga después de que oscurezca. My mother insists that I should not go out after dark. My mother insists she doesn't leave after it gets dark. >>eng<< Nu-ți încălca niciodată promisiunea. Never break your promise. Never break your promise. >>nld<< Él conoce bien al señor Davidson. Hij kent de heer Davidson goed. Hij kent Mr Davidson goed. >>nld<< L'opération devait rester secrète. De operatie moest geheim blijven. De operatie moest geheim blijven. >>eng<< Non mi sta ascoltando. You're not listening to me. He's not listening to me. >>eng<< Todo lo que vive proviene de un huevo. Everything that lives comes from an egg. Everything that lives comes from an egg. >>eng<< Ubi est pupilli domus? Where is the orphanage? Where are the pupils at home? >>eng<< Non ho mai voluto ferirli. I never wanted to hurt them. I never wanted to hurt them. >>eng<< Tot el cel s'il·luminà i va haver-hi una explosió. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. >>eng<< Por favor, mostre-me a cicatriz. Please show me the scar. Please show me the scar. >>deu<< Je fais des progrès. Ich mache Fortschritte. Ich mache Fortschritte. >>eng<< Vamos fazer algumas mudanças. Let's make some changes. Let's make some changes. >>eng<< Mala rubra edi. I ate the red apples. Mala rubra edi. >>eng<< Il partira au Brésil en avion. He will go to Brazil by plane. He will fly to Brazil. >>nld<< Questi sono regali. Dat zijn cadeaus. Dit zijn cadeautjes. >>deu<< Maria comprende chino. Maria versteht Chinesisch. Maria versteht Chinesisch. >>deu<< Se qui c'è scritto Allegro, tu devi eseguire Allegro. Wenn hier Allegro steht, musst du auch Allegro spielen. Wenn hier Allegro steht, müssen Sie Allegro ausführen. >>nld<< ¡Niños gratis! Gratis kinderen! Kinderen gratis! >>nld<< Mi aggiunga su Facebook se vuole. Il mio nome là è Ryck Vernaut. Voeg me bij Facebook toe, als je wenst. Mijn naam daar is Ryck Vernaut. Voeg me toe op Facebook als je wilt. Mijn naam is Ryck Vernaut. >>eng<< La casa es demasiada grande para mí. The house is too big for me. The house is too big for me. >>deu<< Aquela é a sua casa? Ist das Haus dort Ihres? Ist das Ihr Haus? >>eng<< En fait, le risque est faible. The risk is actually low. In fact, the risk is low. >>deu<< Non c'è bisogno di scusarsi. Sie brauchen sich nicht zu entschuldigen. Sie müssen sich nicht entschuldigen. >>eng<< A instalação do jogo levou-me duas horas. The game's installation took me two hours. The installation of the game took me two hours. >>eng<< As estradas estreitas também têm sido um problema, fazendo com que alguns automobilistas sofram acidentes ao desviarem-se. Narrow roads have also been an issue, causing some motorists to swerve and get into accidents. Narrow roads have also been a problem, causing some motorists to suffer accidents while deviating. >>deu<< Betty pode tocar piano. Betty kann Klavier spielen. Betty kann Klavier spielen. >>deu<< Ton téléphone portable était éteint. Dein Mobiltelefon war ausgeschaltet. Dein Handy war aus. >>eng<< Novum emam. I'll buy a new one. Novum emam. >>eng<< Il n'y a pas beaucoup de neige sur le sol. There isn't much snow on the ground. There is not much snow on the ground. >>nld<< M-am săturat să stau acasă toată ziua. Ik ben het beu om de hele dag thuis te zijn. Ik ben het zat om de hele dag thuis te blijven. >>eng<< Num haec sententia recta est? Is this sentence correct? Is this sentence correct? >>eng<< Eu gosto de estar preparado. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. >>nld<< Ele colocou a chave na mesa, como de costume. Hij legde de sleutel op de tafel, zoals hij gewend was. Hij legde de sleutel op tafel, zoals gewoonlijk. >>deu<< Ele está a caminho. Er ist unterwegs. Er ist auf dem Weg. >>eng<< Votre ordinateur est le même que le mien. Your computer is the same as mine. Your computer is the same as mine. >>nld<< Tom criait. Tom schreeuwde. Tom schreeuwde. >>eng<< Scripsistine nomen tibi? Did you write your name? Write a name for you? >>deu<< Hay un gato enfrente del portón. Vor dem Tor sitzt eine Katze. Vor dem Tor ist eine Katze. >>deu<< Eu não gosto de ovos. Ich mag keine Eier. Ich mag keine Eier. >>deu<< Oggi la gente non può vivere senza l'aria condizionata. Heutzutage können die Leute nicht leben ohne Klimaanlage. Heute können die Menschen nicht ohne Klimaanlage leben. >>deu<< Panem emit. Er kauft Brot. Panem emittiert. >>deu<< Eu estava embriagado. Ich war besoffen. Ich war betrunken. >>eng<< Faites-moi savoir où vous restez. Let me know where you're staying. Let me know where you're staying. >>nld<< El año pasado, él pasó tres meses en el mar. Hij heeft vorig jaar drie maanden op zee doorgebracht. Vorig jaar bracht hij drie maanden op zee door. >>eng<< Un sacrificio real es un sacrificio falso. A true sacrifice is a false sacrifice. A real sacrifice is a false sacrifice. >>eng<< Cada segundo nacen cuatro bebés en el mundo. Four babies are born every second around the world. Every second, four babies are born in the world. >>deu<< Duvido que eles farão isso. Ich bezweifle, dass sie es tun werden. Ich bezweifle, dass sie das tun werden. >>deu<< El fuego consumió la casa entera Das Feuer fraß sich durch das ganze Haus. Das Feuer verzehrte das ganze Haus. >>deu<< Le président est habituellement accompagné de sa femme quand il va à l'étranger. Der Präsident wird gewöhnlich von seiner Frau begleitet, wenn er ins Ausland reist. Der Präsident wird normalerweise von seiner Frau begleitet, wenn er ins Ausland geht. >>eng<< Ci siamo conosciuti all'aeroporto. We met each other at the airport. We met at the airport. >>eng<< Ta voiture est derrière cette banque. Your car is behind this bank. Your car is behind this bank. >>eng<< Ray Kurzweil vive in un sobborgo di Boston. Ray Kurtzweil lives in a suburb of Boston. Ray Kurzweil lives in a suburb of Boston. >>nld<< Prietenului meu îi place înghețata de ciocolată. Mijn vriend houdt van chocolade-ijs. Mijn vriend houdt van chocolade-ijs. >>eng<< Meu carro morreu no túnel. My car stalled in the tunnel. My car died in the tunnel. >>eng<< L'amore ama l'amore. Love loves love. Love loves love. >>eng<< Socrate fu accusato di aver corrotto la gioventù. Socrates was arraigned on the ground that he was corrupting the young. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth. >>deu<< Porte du parfum partout où tu désires être embrassée. Trage überall Parfüm, wo du geküsst werden wünschst. Tragen Sie Parfüm überall dort, wo Sie geküsst werden möchten. >>eng<< Tra le persone della mia età, sono l'unica senza telefono. Among people my age, I'm the only one without a phone. Among people my age, I'm the only one without a phone. >>eng<< Tom non ha ricevuto l'invito. Tom didn't receive the invitation. Tom didn't get the invitation. >>eng<< Acest castel are o vechime de peste o mie de ani. This castle is over a thousand years old. This castle is over a thousand years old. >>eng<< Ela acrescenta que os ornamentos são as estrelas da loja: todos eles, desde bugigangas de vidro soprado à mão a peças com temas desportivos e até ornamentos com motivos cinematográficos. She adds the ornaments are the stars of the store: everything from hand-blown glass baubles to sports-themed pieces, and even movie motif ornaments. She adds that the ornaments are the stars of the store: all of them, from hand-blown glass trinkets to pieces with sports themes and even ornaments with cinematic motifs. >>nld<< La poule a picoré du blé. De kip heeft tarwe gepikt. De kip heeft de tarwe opgegeten. >>eng<< Si mundum mutare non potes, mundum tuum muta. If you can't change the world, change your world. If you cannot change your world, your world will change. >>nld<< Esta mesa es pesada. Deze tafel is zwaar. Deze tafel is zwaar. >>eng<< Je sais à quel point Tom est important pour vous. I know how important Tom is to you. I know how important Tom is to you. >>eng<< Non posso contattare i miei parenti. I can't contact my relatives. I can't contact my relatives. >>eng<< Non cercai di ucciderli. I didn't try to kill them. I didn't try to kill them. >>eng<< Desde aquí a la estación de tren se tarda unos tres minutos. From here to the train station takes about ten minutes. From here to the train station it takes about three minutes. >>eng<< Non parlo con Tom. I don't speak to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. >>deu<< A filosofia não deve cuidar mais de responder a perguntas do que de suscitá-las. Die Philosophie soll nicht mehr antworten, als sie gefragt wird. Die Philosophie sollte sich nicht mehr darum kümmern, Fragen zu beantworten, als sie zu wecken. >>eng<< Convidei meus amigos. I invited my friends. I invited my friends. >>eng<< Tom não conseguiu abrir a caixa. Tom wasn't able to open the box. Tom couldn't open the box. >>nld<< J'admets que c'est étrange. Ik geef toe dat het vreemd is. Ik geef toe dat het vreemd is. >>eng<< Je serai en mesure de l'achever d'ici un jour ou deux. I'll be able to finish it in a day or two. I'll be able to finish it in a day or two. >>nld<< Veuillez retenir votre respiration. Hou alstublieft uw adem in. Houd je adem in. >>deu<< Je crains que tu ne te sois pas mal encroûté. Ich fürchte, du bist ziemlich betriebsblind geworden. Ich fürchte, du hast dich nicht schlecht verkrochen. >>nld<< Îmi pare rău, nu pot sta mult. Het spijt me, maar ik kan niet lang blijven. Het spijt me, ik kan niet lang blijven. >>eng<< Paulus Lusitanice bene non loquitur. Paul doesn't speak Portuguese well. Paul Lusitania does not speak well. >>deu<< Ele tremia de frio. Er zitterte vor Kälte. Er zitterte vor Kälte. >>nld<< Oí un ruido en la habitación. Ik hoorde een geluid in de kamer. Ik hoorde een geluid in de kamer. >>eng<< Tom e Mary hanno cominciato a danzare. Tom and Mary began dancing. Tom and Mary started dancing. >>eng<< Esperei por ti porque tinhas prometido vir. I waited for you because you had promised to come. I waited for you because you promised to come. >>deu<< La arquitectura antigua era bella y fina. Alte Baukunst war schön und feingliedrig. Die alte Architektur war schön und fein. >>eng<< Nesciebam te Argentinum esse. I didn't know that you were Argentinian. I didn’t know you were an Argentinian. >>eng<< On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the train station? Where is the railway station? >>eng<< J'ai l'œil pour ces choses-là. I have a keen eye on things like that. I have an eye for these things. >>eng<< Que fa calor a fora? Is it hot outside? What's hot outside? >>eng<< Espero que todos tus sueños se cumplan. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope all your dreams come true. >>eng<< A característica mais marcante na aparência deste pequeno animal são os seus dois grandes olhos redondos, que lhe conferem uma sensibilidade ocular incrível. The most striking feature in the small animal’s appearance are its two large round eyes, which provides it with incredible ocular sensibilities. The most striking feature in the appearance of this small animal is its two large round eyes, which give it an incredible eye sensitivity. >>deu<< Non sono la tua sorellina. Ich bin nicht dein Schwesterchen. Ich bin nicht deine kleine Schwester. >>nld<< Il veut nous revoir. Hij wil ons weerzien. Hij wil ons weer zien. >>nld<< La primera edición se publicó hace diez años. De eerste uitgave verscheen tien jaar geleden. De eerste editie werd tien jaar geleden gepubliceerd. >>eng<< Escolhi esta profissão porque não gosto de lidar com pessoas. I chose this profession because I don't like to deal with people. I chose this profession because I don't like dealing with people. >>nld<< Le tengo miedo a las arañas. Ik ben bang voor spinnen. Ik ben bang voor spinnen. >>eng<< Yo animo a la selección francesa porque me identifico con el país y porque mi abuelo vino de allá. Yo le quería mucho. I root for the French national team because I identify with the country and because my grandpa was from there. I loved him very much. I encourage the French national team because I identify with the country and because my grandfather came from there. I loved him very much. >>deu<< Le preparó una tarta. Er hat ihr einen Kuchen gebacken. Er bereitete ihr einen Kuchen zu. >>nld<< La sauvegarde est endommagée et ne peut pas être utilisée. Veuillez sortir du jeu et le relancer une fois que vous aurez effacé la sauvegarde. Het opslagbestand is beschadigd en kan niet worden gebruikt. Beëindig de game, verwijder de opslagdata en start de game opnieuw op. De back-up is beschadigd en kan niet worden gebruikt. Verlaat het spel en start het opnieuw nadat u de back-up hebt gewist. >>eng<< Eu não me lembro da última vez que fizemos isso. I can't remember the last time we did that. I don't remember the last time we did that. >>nld<< Ho paura che lui sia malato. Ik vrees dat hij ziek is. Ik ben bang dat hij ziek is. >>eng<< Un cinturón ayuda a que no se te bajen los pantalones. A belt keeps your pants from falling down. A belt helps keep your pants down. >>eng<< Cur digitabula non geris? Why aren't you wearing gloves? Why aren't you using a computer? >>eng<< Nossa amizade é a coisa mais linda da minha vida. Our friendship is the most beautiful thing in my life. Our friendship is the most beautiful thing in my life. >>deu<< ¿Escuchaste ese ruido? Hast du das Geräusch gehört? Hast du das Geräusch gehört? >>eng<< "Benene sapit?" "Ita, sapit." "Does it taste good?" "Yes, it does." "Bene sapit?" "Ita, sapit." >>deu<< Puis-je vous appeler Bob ? Kann ich Bob zu dir sagen? Darf ich Sie Bob nennen? >>eng<< Nascondeva i suoi veri sentimenti. She was hiding her true feelings. He hid his true feelings. >>deu<< Ce zi frumoasă! Welch ein schöner Tag! Was für ein schöner Tag! >>nld<< L'Uganda è un paese africano. Oeganda is een Afrikaans land. Oeganda is een Afrikaans land. >>deu<< Lo guardava nuotare. Sie hat ihm beim Schwimmen zugesehen. Sie beobachtete ihn schwimmen. >>nld<< J'ai bien dormi cette nuit. Ik heb goed geslapen vannacht. Ik heb vannacht goed geslapen. >>nld<< La lettre arrivera demain. De brief zal morgen aankomen. De brief komt morgen. >>deu<< Appelle-moi quand tu auras à nouveau de la batterie. Ruf mich an, wenn du wieder Akku hast. Ruf mich an, wenn du die Batterie wieder hast. >>deu<< Femina sum. Ich bin eine Frau. Ich bin eine Frau. >>nld<< Il ne veut pas en parler. Hij wil daar niet over spreken. Hij wil er niet over praten. >>nld<< Sono stata invitata da un vecchio amico. Ik werd door een oude vriend uitgenodigd. Ik ben uitgenodigd door een oude vriend. >>eng<< Sono orgogliosa di voi. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. >>eng<< Não esqueça de buscar as crianças depois da escola. Don't forget to pick the kids up after school. Don't forget to pick up the kids after school. >>eng<< Vocês já terminaram? Have you finished yet? Are you guys done yet? >>eng<< Le cinéma américain est marqué par de grands acteurs juifs tels que Paul Newman, Harrisson Ford, Sean Penn, Kirk Douglas, Woody Allen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Scarlett Johansson... The American cinema is marked by great Jewish actors such as Paul Newman, Harrisson Ford, Sean Penn, Kirk Douglas, Woody Allen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Scarlett Johansson ... American cinema is marked by great Jewish actors such as Paul Newman, Harrison Ford, Sean Penn, Kirk Douglas, Woody Allen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Scarlett Johansson... >>nld<< El lápiz es negro. Het potlood is zwart. Het potlood is zwart. >>nld<< Questo appartamento non è in vendita. Deze flat is niet te koop. Dit appartement is niet te koop. >>eng<< David abbassò gli occhi. David lowered his eyes. David lowered his eyes. >>deu<< Você é tão doce! Du bist so süß! Du bist so süß! >>deu<< Che arroganti! Wie arrogant! Das ist arrogant. >>nld<< Habille-toi ! Kleed je aan! Kleed je aan. >>nld<< Cielos, señor, mi madre me echó de la casa. O wee, mijnheer, mijn moeder zette mij het huis uit. Mijn god, mijn moeder heeft me uit het huis gegooid. >>eng<< Tú faries el mateix per mi. You'd do the same for me. You would do the same for me. >>eng<< Está pronto para a festa? Are you ready to party? Are you ready for the party? >>eng<< Coupez le fil rouge. Cut the red wire. Cut the red thread. >>eng<< Didymus aegrotat. Tom is sick. Didymus aegrotata. >>eng<< Planeta noastră este frumoasă. Our planet is beautiful. Our planet is beautiful. >>eng<< Laisse-le où tu veux. Leave it wherever you want. Leave it where you want it. >>nld<< ¿Cómo opero ahora que estoy registrado? Wat moet ik doen, nu ik me aangemeld heb? Hoe werk ik nu dat ik geregistreerd ben? >>eng<< Tom no puede decir tres oraciones sin soltar palabrotas. Tom can't go three sentences without swearing. Tom can’t say three sentences without letting go of words. >>eng<< Las rosas se marchitaron y Ania lloró mucho. Roses withered and Ania cried very much. The roses withered and Ania cried a lot. >>eng<< Ils forment une bande hétéroclite. They're a motley crew. They form a heterogeneous band. >>eng<< Elle enseigne le néerlandais. She teaches Dutch. She teaches Dutch. >>eng<< Nick es muy bueno hablando el portugués. Eso es porque lo ha estudiado por 5 años. Nick can speak Portuguese very well. That's because he's been studying it for 5 years. Nick's very good at speaking Portuguese, that's because he's been studying it for five years. >>eng<< Personne ne m'arrêtera. Nobody is going to stop me. No one's gonna stop me. >>eng<< Solía tomar drogas. I used to do drugs. I used to take drugs. >>nld<< Tengo un amigo cuyo padre es profesor. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader leraar is. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader een leraar is. >>nld<< Me gusta mucho. Dat vind ik erg leuk. Ik vind het erg leuk. >>eng<< Tom vive di fianco a una chiesa. Tom lives next to a church. Tom lives next door to a church. >>eng<< ¿Cúando te has levantado esta mañana? When did you get up this morning? When did you get up this morning? >>deu<< Este libro solo está en una tienda. Dieses Buch gibt es nur in einem Laden. Dieses Buch ist nur in einem Geschäft. >>eng<< Tom hizo salsa de toma de cero. Tom made tomato sauce from scratch. Tom made sauce from scratch. >>deu<< Heureusement, le temps était au beau. Zum Glück war gutes Wetter. Zum Glück war das Wetter schön. >>eng<< Yo estaba vivo. I was alive. I was alive. >>deu<< Je n'ai pas de filles, juste des fils. Ich habe keine Töchter, nur Söhne. Ich habe keine Töchter, nur Söhne. >>nld<< J'ai joué au foot hier. Gisteren heb ik gevoetbald. Ik heb gisteren voetbal gespeeld. >>eng<< Avez-vous déjà subi une intubation à cause d'une crise d'asthme ? Have you ever been intubated because of an asthma attack? Have you ever had an intubation due to an asthma attack? >>deu<< Ele rapidamente adaptou-se às novas circunstâncias. Er hat sich schnell an seine neue Umgebung gewöhnt. Er passte sich schnell an die neuen Umstände an. >>deu<< O médico o aconselhou a diminuir a bebida. Der Arzt riet ihm, weniger zu trinken. Der Arzt riet ihm, das Trinken zu reduzieren. >>eng<< Es difícil estudiar solo. It is hard to study alone. It is difficult to study alone. >>eng<< Tom empalideció al verme. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. Tom turned to see me. >>eng<< No me gusta acostarme pronto. I don't like going to bed early. I don't like to go to bed early. >>nld<< Tom est allé chanter des chants de Noël avec d'autres membres de la chorale de son église. Tom is met andere leden van zijn kerkkoor kerstliederen gaan zingen. Tom ging kerstliederen zingen met andere leden van het koor van zijn kerk. >>eng<< È ancora un po' presto. It's still a bit early. It's still a little early. >>deu<< Está en un cuarto pequeño al final del jardín. Es ist in einem kleinen Zimmer am Ende des Gartens. Es ist in einem kleinen Raum am Ende des Gartens. >>eng<< Tu hija necesita ayuda. Your daughter needs help. Your daughter needs help. >>eng<< C’est un attrape-gogo. This is strictly for the birds. It is a catch-gogo. >>eng<< Furit ventus. The wind is raging. Stealing the wind. >>nld<< Son las siete. Het is zeven uur. Het is zeven uur. >>eng<< Non ha mai firmato l'accordo. You never signed the agreement. He never signed the deal. >>eng<< Deja de poner esa cara tan triste. Quit making such a sad face. Stop putting on that sad face. >>eng<< Estimăm daunele la o mie de dolari. We estimate the damage at one thousand dollars. We estimate the damage to be a thousand dollars. >>eng<< Errare humanum est. To err is to be human. It is human error. >>eng<< Sur les rives de l'Indus, les temps anciens ont donné l'intelligence à toutes les forces de la Nature, créant ainsi d'innombrables divinités, dont Kaissa, la déesse des échecs. On the shores of the Indus, ancient times gave intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating countless divinities, including Kaissa, the goddess of chess. On the banks of the Indus, ancient times gave intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating countless deities, including Kaissa, the goddess of chess. >>deu<< Dieci minuti all'una - sono le 00:50 o le 12:50. „Zehn vor eins“ bedeutet 0.50 Uhr oder 12.50 Uhr. Zehn Minuten um eins - es ist 00:50 Uhr oder 12:50 Uhr. >>eng<< Ci siamo persi nelle strade. We got lost in the streets. We got lost in the streets. >>eng<< É uma honra imensa para mim. It's such a honor to me. It's an immense honor for me. >>nld<< L'aereo decollò alle due e mezza. Het vliegtuig vertrok om half drie. Het vliegtuig vertrok om half twee. >>eng<< A partida de futebol será jogada ainda que chova. The soccer game will be played, even if it rains. The football game will be played even if it rains. >>eng<< La felicità è nelle piccole cose. Happiness is in the little things. Happiness is in the little things. >>eng<< Sala de clasă a fost aproape goală. The classroom was almost empty. The classroom was almost empty. >>eng<< A máquina faz passar a água quente do poço através de um cano ao lado de outro cheio de um material arrefecedor chamado refrigerante. The machine moves the hot well-water through one pipe next to another filled with a cooling material called refrigerant. The machine passes hot water from the well through one pipe next to another filled with a cooling material called a refrigerant. >>deu<< Este lápiz es mejor que el otro. Dieser Bleistift ist besser als der andere. Dieser Bleistift ist besser als der andere. >>deu<< Não há prisão pior que o medo de magoar um ser amado. Es gibt kein ärgeres Gefängnis als die Furcht, einem Liebenden weh zu tun. Es gibt kein Gefängnis, das schlimmer ist als die Angst, einen geliebten Menschen zu verletzen. >>eng<< Acho que é melhor não ficarmos aqui esta noite. I think it's better that we don't stay here tonight. I think we better not stay here tonight. >>eng<< Je n'ai pas encore décidé quoi faire. I haven't decided what to do yet. I haven't decided what to do yet. >>nld<< Îi scrie fiului ei când şi când. Zij schrijft nu en dan naar haar zoon. Ze schrijft haar zoon wanneer en wanneer. >>eng<< Sono abituato a Tom adesso. I'm used to Tom now. I'm used to Tom now. >>eng<< Sono sicuro che non avrò problemi a trovarlo. I'm sure I'll have no trouble finding it. I'm sure I won't have a problem finding him. >>deu<< Où puis-je échanger des yens contre des dollars? Wo kann ich Yen gegen Dollar tauschen? Wo kann ich Yen gegen Dollar eintauschen? >>nld<< Dans la pièce, vissés au sol, sont disposés des lits sur lesquels sont assis ou allongés des gens habillés d’une blouse bleue d’hôpital et d’un bonnet à l’ancienne. Ce sont les fous. In de kamer staan bedden, vastgeschroefd aan de vloer. Daarop zitten en liggen mensen in blauwe ziekenhuiskleding en net als vroeger met mutsjes op. Dat zijn de gekken. In de kamer, vastgeschroefd op de grond, liggen bedden waarop mensen zitten of liggen, gekleed in een blauw ziekenhuisjasje en een ouderwetse muts. Dit zijn de gekken. >>eng<< Ella instaló una nueva estufa eléctrica en la pieza. She installed a new electric stove in the room. She installed a new electric stove in the piece. >>eng<< Je suis terriblement occupée, vous comprenez. I'm terribly busy, you understand. I'm terribly busy, you know. >>eng<< Quoi que vous désiriez dans la vie, les objectifs, l'ambition et les activités des autres constituent des obstacles essentiels le long de votre chemin. No matter what you desire of life, other people's aims, ambitions and activities constitute vital obstructions along your pathway. Whatever you want in life, the goals, ambition and activities of others are essential obstacles along the way. >>eng<< Eu li todos os seus romances. I've read all his novels. I've read all your novels. >>deu<< La recherche de bons guides commence le plus souvent en juillet. Die Suche nach passenden Führern beginnt meist im Juli. Die Suche nach guten Reiseführern beginnt meistens im Juli. >>eng<< Ziri chiese perché Rima fosse ancora vivo dopo l'esplosione. Ziri asked why Rima was still alive after the explosion. Ziri asked why Rima was still alive after the explosion. >>eng<< Désolé, je ne m'en suis pas rendu compte. Sorry, I overlooked that. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. >>eng<< Le gusta el jazz, y a mí también. He likes jazz, and so do I. He likes jazz, and so do I. >>eng<< Suntem destul de mândri de asta. We're pretty proud of that. We're pretty proud of that. >>eng<< Savez-vous jouer aux cartes ? Do you know how to play cards? Do you know how to play cards? >>deu<< Imparerete l'inglese? Ihr werdet Englisch lernen? Werden Sie Englisch lernen? >>eng<< Ci sono più soluzioni. There are multiple solutions. There are more solutions. >>deu<< ¿Qué tarjetas de crédito puedo utilizar? Welche Kreditkarten kann ich nutzen? Welche Kreditkarten kann ich verwenden? >>eng<< O Tom tentou, mas falhou. Tom tried but he failed. Tom tried, but failed. >>eng<< O pai de Tom é rico. Tom's father is rich. Tom's father is rich. >>eng<< Il futuro è cominciato. The future began. The future has begun. >>eng<< Pertence a que agregado familiar? You belong to which household? Belongs to which household? >>deu<< Tu es arrivé là-bas avant eux. Du bist dort vor ihnen angekommen. Du warst dort vor ihnen. >>eng<< Tom está discutiendo con Mary. Tom is arguing with Mary. Tom is arguing with Mary. >>eng<< Los dentistas toman rayos x para examinar tus dientes. Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth. Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth. >>nld<< Chi è la morosa di Tom? Wie is Tom zijn vriendin? Wie is Tom's slet? >>eng<< Je veux juste que vous me disiez pourquoi vous avez menti. I just want you to tell me why you lied. I just want you to tell me why you lied. >>eng<< Nascondiamoci. Let's hide. Let's hide. >>eng<< Lui ha pagato 1000 yen per questo libro. He paid 1,000 yen for this book. He paid 1,000 yen for this book. >>deu<< Soltanto mia madre mi capisce veramente. Nur meine Mutter versteht mich wirklich. Nur meine Mutter versteht mich wirklich. >>deu<< Nunca se me habría ocurrido. Ich wäre niemals draufgekommen. Das wäre mir nie in den Sinn gekommen. >>eng<< Dors bien, Timmy. Sleep well, Timmy. Sleep well, Timmy. >>eng<< É mais fácil para mim traduzir do português do que do japonês. It's easier for me to translate from Portuguese than Japanese. It is easier for me to translate from Portuguese than from Japanese. >>eng<< Hai mai studiato in biblioteca? Have you ever studied in the library? Have you ever studied in the library? >>eng<< El inglés no es un idioma. Es brujería. English isn't a language. It's witchcraft. English is not a language, it's witchcraft. >>eng<< Il a perdu ce qu'il a reçu de son père. He wasted that which he had received from his father. He lost what he received from his father. >>nld<< Alcuni di loro dissero di sì, e gli altri dissero di no. Enkelen van hen zeiden ja, anderen zeiden neen. Sommigen van hen zeiden ja, en de anderen zeiden nee. >>deu<< Tertium non datur. Eine dritte Chance gibt es nicht. Tertius gibt es nicht. >>eng<< Contra malum mortis non est medicamentum in hortis. Against the evil of death, there is no remedy in the gardens. There is no medicine for death in the garden. >>eng<< Dans une finale de tour, chaque camp n'a qu'une tour, quelques pions et le roi. C'est le type de fin de partie le plus courant. In a rook endgame, each side has only a rook, a few pawns, and the king. This is the most common type of endgame. In a round final, each side has only one round, a few pawns and the king. This is the most common type of endgame. >>eng<< Il frappa la balle avec sa raquette. He hit the ball with his racket. He hit the ball with his racket. >>eng<< Intercambiamos números de teléfono. We exchanged phone numbers. We exchanged phone numbers. >>eng<< Los dinosaurios se extinguieron hace sesenta y cinco millones de años. Dinosaurs went extinct sixty-five million years ago. The dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. >>eng<< Non c'è nessuno in casa e posso parlare liberamente. There's no one in the house and I can speak freely. There is no one in the house and I can speak freely. >>eng<< Siempre kantash. You always sing. Always Kantash. >>eng<< Eu queria ser jornalista. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. >>eng<< Arrête simplement de m'ennuyer, d'accord ? Just stop bugging me, okay? Just stop annoying me, okay? >>eng<< Mi madre me envolvió con la ropa más abrigada que pudo encontrar. My mother bundled me in the warmest clothes she could find. My mother wrapped me in the warmest clothes she could find. >>nld<< Él es anciano. Hij is oud. Hij is oud. >>eng<< Ziri non ha fatto nulla nella sua vita. Ziri didn't do anything in his life. Ziri has done nothing in his life. >>eng<< No me molesta si abres la ventana. I don't mind if you open the window. I don't mind if you open the window. >>eng<< Votarono per lei. They voted for her. They voted for her. >>eng<< A guerra é algo terrível. War is a terrible thing. War is a terrible thing. >>deu<< Va ser una setmana terrible. Es war eine schreckliche Woche. Es war eine schreckliche Woche. >>eng<< Je vais essayer de faire ça la semaine prochaine. I'll try to do that next week. I'll try to do that next week. >>eng<< A la oficina de la línea aérea. To the airline office. To the airline office. >>deu<< Accettò con riluttanza. Er akzeptierte widerwillig. Er akzeptierte widerwillig. >>eng<< Le toki pona est une jeune femme charmante. Toki Pona is a charming young lady. The toki pona is a charming young woman. >>eng<< Tom doveva aiutare Mary. Tom was supposed to help Mary. Tom had to help Mary. >>nld<< Studi ogni giorno? Studeer je iedere dag? Studeer je elke dag? >>eng<< ¿Necesitas una pistola? Do you need a gun? Do you need a gun? >>deu<< C'était sans cœur de sa part de dire une telle chose à cet homme malade. Es war herzlos von ihm, so etwas zu dem kranken Mann zu sagen. Es war herzlos von ihm, so etwas zu diesem kranken Mann zu sagen. >>eng<< Pas un seul instant ! Not in a million years. Not for a moment! >>deu<< Il n'y a point d'amours sans jalousie. Keine Liebe ohne Eifersucht. Es gibt keine Liebe ohne Eifersucht. >>eng<< Tom este fotbalist. Tom is a footballer. Tom is a footballer. >>eng<< O lance das pretas ocupa a última liberdade da pedra branca, circundando-a. Portanto, ela é capturada e será removida do tabuleiro. Black's move surrounds the white stone by occupying its last liberty. The white stone is thus captured and will be removed from the board. The black throw occupies the last freedom of the white stone, surrounding it. Therefore, it is captured and will be removed from the board. >>eng<< Ea s-a îndrăgostit de un anumit prinț. She fell in love with a certain prince. She fell in love with a certain prince. >>eng<< Nu îmi place peștele făcut pe grătar, cu atât mai puțin peștele crud. I don't like grilled fish, let alone raw fish. I don’t like grilled fish, much less raw fish. >>eng<< El banco está detrás de este edificio. The bank is behind this building. The bank is behind this building. >>deu<< En été, il fait très chaud à Kyoto. Im Sommer ist es sehr heiß in Kyōto. Im Sommer ist es in Kyoto sehr heiß. >>deu<< Dejó de cazar. Er hörte auf zu jagen. Er hat aufgehört zu jagen. >>eng<< Então, como foi o encontro? So how did the date go? So, how was the date? >>nld<< Je préfère la viande au poisson. Ik heb liever vlees dan vis. Ik heb liever vlees dan vis. >>eng<< Les enfants voudraient tuer toutes les fourmis ! The children would like to kill all the ants! The kids would like to kill all the ants! >>nld<< Aves alas habent. Vogels hebben vleugels. De vogels hebben vleugels. >>eng<< La vraie valeur du moment présent se trouve toujours dans l'attention que nous accordons à ce moment, et non dans le contenu de notre expérience. The true value of the present moment is always to be found in the attention we give to this moment, not in the content of our experience. The true value of the present moment is always found in the attention we give to that moment, not in the content of our experience. >>eng<< Ziri es timide tanben. Ziri is shy as well. Ziri is very shy. >>eng<< No tuvimos más alternativa que dejarle el asunto a él. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. >>deu<< Viviamo nell'era nucleare. Wir leben im Atomzeitalter. Wir leben im Atomzeitalter. >>eng<< Les nombres qui se terminent par zéro peuvent être divisés par deux. Numbers that end in zero can be divided by two. Numbers that end with zero can be divided by two. >>eng<< O que Tom está fazendo aqui fora? What's Tom doing out here? What's Tom doing out here? >>deu<< Estou sentado sozinho em minha casa. Ich sitze alleine zuhause. Ich sitze allein in meinem Haus. >>eng<< Eravate tristi quando è morto Tom? Were you sad when Tom died? Were you sad when Tom died? >>eng<< Tu hai deciso dove festeggerai la Vigilia di Natale? Have you decided where you're going to celebrate Christmas Eve? Have you decided where to celebrate Christmas Eve? >>deu<< ¿Podría recomendarme un lugar donde alojarme en Londres? Können Sie mir eine Unterkunft in London empfehlen? Können Sie mir eine Unterkunft in London empfehlen? >>eng<< Dacă suntem prinși împreună, va fi o mare încurcătură. If we get caught together, there will be big trouble. If we get caught together, it will be a big mess. >>deu<< Eu não tenho que estar aqui. Ich muss nicht hier sein. Ich muss nicht hier sein. >>eng<< West até agora tem sido um apoiante fervoroso de Trump, chegando mesmo a encontrar-se com ele na Sala Oval da Casa Branca. West has previously been an outspoken supporter of Trump, even meeting with him in the Oval Office at the White House. West has so far been a fervent supporter of Trump, even meeting him in the White House Oval Office. >>nld<< Cuando era pequeño solo vestía pantalones largos. Toen ik klein was had ik enkel lange broeken aan. Toen ik klein was, droeg ik alleen een lange broek. >>deu<< Tom não canta há anos. Tom hat seit Jahren nicht mehr gesungen. Tom hat seit Jahren nicht mehr gesungen. >>eng<< Avete un'automobile blu? Do you have a blue car? Do you have a blue car? >>deu<< Je te déteste. Ich verabscheue dich. Ich hasse dich. >>nld<< Tom m'a sauvé la vie. Tom heeft mijn leven gered. Tom heeft mijn leven gered. >>eng<< Deschide-ți cartea la pagina zece. Open your book to page ten. Open your book on page 10. >>eng<< En las últimas dos semanas, ¿has tenido contacto estrecho con alguien con síntomas parecidos a los de la gripe? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? In the past two weeks, have you had close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms? >>eng<< È piuttosto giudicante nei confronti degli altri. He's quite judgmental of others. He is quite judgmental towards others. >>eng<< Ce texte vaut la peine d'être traduit. This text is worth translating. This text is worth translating. >>deu<< Estou certo de que Tom não as odeia, senhoras. Ich bin sicher, Tom hasst Sie nicht. Ich bin sicher, Tom hasst Sie nicht, meine Damen. >>deu<< L'addition s'il vous plaît. Die Rechnung bitte. Die Rechnung, bitte. >>deu<< Ces poissons sont habitués aux hautes pressions et à la présence de lumière. Diese Fische sind hohen Druck und an die Anwesenheit von Licht gewöhnt. Diese Fische sind an den hohen Druck und das Vorhandensein von Licht gewöhnt. >>eng<< Sono nativo di Odessa. I'm a native of Odessa. I am a native of Odessa. >>deu<< ¿Cuánto has bebido ya esta noche? Wie viel hast du heute Abend schon getrunken? Wie viel hast du heute getrunken? >>eng<< Mi è venuta in mente una buona idea. I just got a good idea. I came up with a good idea. >>deu<< Le froid ne durera pas. Die Kälte wird nicht andauern. Die Kälte wird nicht anhalten. >>eng<< Le livre a des points de vente dans toute la France, la Belgique, la Suisse romande et le Québec. The book has points of sale throughout France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland and Quebec. The book has outlets throughout France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland and Quebec. >>eng<< Sais-tu ce qu’est cette chose là-bas ? Do you know what that thing over there is? Do you know what that thing is there? >>eng<< Non podo aceptar esta teoría. I can't accept this theory. I cannot accept this theory. >>eng<< Non sono sicura che Tom vorrebbe che io gliela dessi. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give you that. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give it to him. >>eng<< L'entreprise connaît des difficultés financières. The company is in financial trouble. The company is in financial difficulties. >>eng<< Transforme os problemas grandes em problemas pequenos, e reduza os pequenos a nada. Turn big problems into small ones, and make small problems into nothing. Turn big problems into small problems, and reduce small ones to nothing. >>eng<< Tom invocou um demônio. Tom summoned a demon. Tom summoned a demon. >>deu<< Creo que Tom es un buen bailarín. Ich finde, Tom ist ein guter Tänzer. Ich glaube, Tom ist ein guter Tänzer. >>nld<< À quelle heure peux-tu venir ? Hoe laat kun je komen? Hoe laat kun je komen? >>nld<< Está a unas cinco millas lejos de aquí. Dat is ongeveer vijf mijlen hiervandaan. Het is zo'n vijf mijl hier vandaan. >>deu<< Onde posso encontrar um orelhão? Wo kann ich eine Telefonzelle finden? Wo finde ich eine Telefonzelle? >>deu<< Ça ne lui ressemble pas. Das sieht ihr nicht ähnlich. Sie sieht ihm nicht ähnlich. >>eng<< Lapis in calceo meo est. There's a rock in my shoe. It's in my shoe. >>eng<< Il suo lavoro è fantastico. Your work is fantastic. His work is fantastic. >>nld<< Acá nadie ordenó pizza. Hier heeft niemand een pizza besteld. Niemand heeft hier pizza besteld. >>deu<< ¿Puede hablar un poco más despacio? Können Sie etwas langsamer sprechen? Können Sie etwas langsamer sprechen? >>deu<< Questa non mi piace. Me ne faccia vedere un'altra. Diesen mag ich nicht. Zeig mir einen anderen. Das gefällt mir nicht, zeig mir noch eins. >>eng<< Acceptez-vous ce défi ? Do you accept this challenge? Do you accept this challenge? >>deu<< Je n'ai rien d'autre à offrir que du sang, de la peine, des larmes et de la sueur. Ich habe nichts zu bieten außer Blut, Mühsal, Tränen und Schweiß. Ich habe nichts zu bieten als Blut, Schmerz, Tränen und Schweiß. >>nld<< Me sorprendió que ella me haya reconocido inmediatamente. Het verraste mij, dat ze mij onmiddellijk herkende. Ik was verbaasd dat ze me meteen herkende. >>nld<< Deu anys, és molt. Tien jaar, dat is lang. Tien jaar, dat is veel. >>eng<< On doit parfois échouer avant de réussir. Sometimes, you must fail before you succeed. Sometimes we have to fail before we succeed. >>deu<< L'amour et le pouvoir ne font pas bon ménage. Liebe und Herrschaft leiden nicht Gesellschaft. Liebe und Macht passen nicht zusammen. >>eng<< Escrevi meu endereço? Did I write my address? Did I write my address? >>nld<< O Tom é perigoso? Is Tom gevaarlijk? Is Tom gevaarlijk? >>deu<< Les glaciers sont les thermomètres médicaux de notre planète. Gletscher sind die Fieberthermometer unseres Planeten. Gletscher sind die medizinischen Thermometer unseres Planeten. >>eng<< Les bons amis ne sont jamais perdus. Good friends are never lost. Good friends are never lost. >>deu<< Tom et Marie souhaitent aux locuteurs Tatoeba du monde entier une bonne et heureuse année 2021 ainsi qu'une très bonne santé. Tom und Marie wünschen Tatoeba-Sprechern auf der ganzen Welt ein frohes neues Jahr 2021 und eine sehr gute Gesundheit. Tom und Marie wünschen den Tatoeba-Sprechern auf der ganzen Welt ein gutes und glückliches Jahr 2021 und eine sehr gute Gesundheit. >>eng<< O vídeo de Ziri foi muito rápido. Ziri's video was too fast. Ziri's video was very fast. >>eng<< Non ho piani per stasera. I have no plans for tonight. I have no plans for tonight. >>eng<< Només jo puc fer-ho. Ho vaig fer sol. Only I can do it. I did it alone. Only I can do it. I did it alone. >>eng<< Tom sanble terib. Tom looks awful. Tom sanble terrific. >>deu<< Paucs tesaurs an tan de valor qu'un amic savi e ajudaire. Wenige Schätze sind so viel wert wie ein weiser und hilfreicher Freund. Wenige Schätze sind so wertvoll wie ein weiser Freund und Helfer. >>deu<< Soyons objectifs. Seien wir objektiv! Seien wir objektiv. >>eng<< Ea l-a iubit cu toată inima ei. She loved him with all her heart. She loved him with all her heart. >>deu<< O Brasil supre o mundo com grãos de café de qualidade. Brasilien beliefert die Welt mit Qualitätskaffeebohnen. Brasilien versorgt die Welt mit hochwertigen Kaffeebohnen. >>nld<< Il suo nome inizia con una vocale. Zijn naam begint met een klinker. Zijn naam begint met een klinker. >>eng<< Qu'est-ce qu'elles t'ont fait ? What did they do to you? What did they do to you? >>deu<< Sé dónde ella vive. Ich weiß, wo sie lebt. Ich weiß, wo sie wohnt. >>nld<< Le thé est chaud. De thee is warm. De thee is heet. >>nld<< Moncalvo é a menor cidade da Itália. Moncalvo is de kleinste Italiaanse stad. Moncalvo is de kleinste stad van Italië. >>deu<< És un noi espavilat. Er ist ein schlauer Junge. Er ist ein kluger Junge. >>deu<< Vorbești franceză? Sprichst du Französisch? Sprichst du Französisch? >>nld<< Él me habló acerca de ello. Hij sprak er met mij over. Hij vertelde me erover. >>nld<< Îți va lipsi Tom? Ga je Tom missen? Ga je Tom missen? >>deu<< El zelandés es una lengua regional. Seeländisch ist eine Regionalsprache. Zelanisch ist eine Regionalsprache. >>deu<< Maria tem facilidade para falar. Maria hat einen guten Zungenschlag. Maria ist leicht zu sprechen. >>deu<< Mi sentivo male. Ich fühlte mich schlecht. Ich fühlte mich schlecht. >>eng<< Je suis contente que Tom ait pu te voir pendant que tu étais à Boston. I'm glad Tom was able to see you while you were in Boston. I'm glad Tom could see you while you were in Boston. >>eng<< Muitos habitantes locais culpam a extração de petróleo e gás pelo poderoso sismo. Many locals are blaming oil and gas extraction for the powerful tremor. Many locals blame oil and gas extraction for the powerful earthquake. >>eng<< Faccia quello che ama. Do what you love. Do what you love. >>nld<< ¿Le gustan los gatos negros? Houdt ge van zwarte katten? Hou je van zwarte katten? >>eng<< Isso não tem um gosto bom. This doesn't taste good. That doesn't taste good. >>eng<< Ils nous ont offert beaucoup d’occasions de nous rendre. They offered us many opportunities to surrender. They gave us many opportunities to give back. >>deu<< Eu não gosto quando matemáticos que sabem muito mais do que eu não conseguem se expressar explicitamente. Ich mag es nicht, wenn Mathematiker, die viel mehr als ich wissen, sich nicht genau ausdrücken können. Ich mag es nicht, wenn Mathematiker, die viel mehr wissen als ich, sich nicht explizit ausdrücken können. >>eng<< Mark passou primeiro e Tom veio depois. Mary walked first, and Tom came behind. Mark passed first and Tom came later. >>eng<< Ha trentuno anni. She's thirty one years old. She's thirty-one. >>deu<< J'attendrai ici jusqu'à ce qu'il revienne. Ich werde hier warten, bis er zurückkommt. Ich warte hier, bis er zurückkommt. >>eng<< Él está seguro de su éxito. He is sure to succeed. He is sure of his success. >>nld<< Tom perguntou a Maria se ela podia lhe fazer um sanduíche. Tom vroeg Maria of zij voor hem een sandwich kon maken. Tom vroeg Maria of ze een broodje voor hem kon maken. >>deu<< L'anniversaire de mon amie est en mai. Meine Freundin hat im Mai Geburtstag. Der Geburtstag meiner Freundin ist im Mai. >>eng<< Je vous appellerai aujourd'hui. I'll give you a ring later today. I'll call you today. >>deu<< Marie n'en finit pas de pleurer. Maria weint immerzu. Maria hört nicht auf zu weinen. >>eng<< Alii ad theatrum visum veniebant, alii ut viderentur. Some came to the theater to see, others to be seen. Others came to the theater, others came to the theater. >>eng<< Com quem você vai? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? >>eng<< Esas son las reglas. Those are the rules. Those are the rules. >>deu<< Nous sommes partis avec la pluie mais nous sommes arrivés avec le soleil. Wir sind mit dem Regen gegangen, aber mit der Sonne angekommen. Wir verließen mit dem Regen, aber wir kamen mit der Sonne. >>eng<< Il y a quarante personnes dans le groupe. There are forty people in the group. There are 40 people in the group. >>eng<< Sarò ricco un giorno. I'll be rich someday. I'll be rich one day. >>eng<< ¿Va a testificar Tom contra John? Is Tom going to testify against John? Will Tom testify against John? >>deu<< Tom s'appuie contre le mur. Tom lehnt sich gegen die Wand. Tom lehnt sich an die Wand. >>eng<< Gostaria de comer aqui? Would you like to eat here? Would you like to eat here? >>eng<< Raedam habes. You have a car. Raedam you have. >>nld<< Je ne suis pas tellement bon en tennis. Ik ben niet zo goed in tennis. Ik ben niet zo goed in tennis. >>eng<< Vuoi passare il tempo che ti rimane in prigione? Do you want to spend your remaining time in prison? Do you want to spend the time you have left in prison? >>eng<< Elle nous a servi un bon repas. She served us a good meal. She served us a good meal. >>nld<< O vestido é verde. De jurk is groen. De jurk is groen. >>eng<< La signorina Caifeng vuole insegnarmi il cinese. Miss Caifeng wants to teach me Chinese. Miss Caifeng wants to teach me Chinese. >>nld<< Meu irmão está trabalhando num posto de gasolina. Mijn broer werkt in een benzinestation. Mijn broer werkt bij een tankstation. >>nld<< Al anciano le gusta exagerar. De oude man overdrijft graag. De oude man overdrijft graag. >>eng<< Non ha ricevuto una promozione. He didn't get a promotion. He didn't get a promotion. >>deu<< ¿Por cuánto te vas a quedar? Wie lange wirst du bleiben? Wie lange bleibst du noch? >>deu<< É verdade que os elefantes têm boa memória? Stimmt es, dass Elefanten ein gutes Gedächtnis haben? Stimmt es, dass Elefanten ein gutes Gedächtnis haben? >>nld<< Pretendió estar enferma. Zij deed alsof ze ziek was. Ze deed alsof ze ziek was. >>eng<< De ninguna manera vamos a hacer eso. There's no way we're going to do that. There's no way we're gonna do that. >>eng<< Enquanto a maior parte do mundo estava a aquecer entre 1910 e 1980, algumas áreas a sul do equador perto dos Andes estavam pelo contrário a arrefecer e depois desse período não registaram nenhuma mudança até meados dos anos 90. As most of the world was warming up between 1910 and 1980, some areas south of the equator near the Andes were actually cooling down, and then afterwards had no change at all until the middle 1990s. While most of the world was warming between 1910 and 1980, some areas south of the equator near the Andes were instead cooling and after that period did not register any change until the mid-1990s. >>eng<< Nessuno ha voluto andare con Tom. Nobody wanted to go with Tom. No one wanted to go with Tom. >>nld<< Devo scrivere una lettera? Moet ik een brief schrijven? Moet ik een brief schrijven? >>eng<< Delinea circulum parvum. Draw a small circle. Delineate the parvum circle. >>eng<< Gli confessai che avevo avuto tue notizie. I confessed to him that I'd heard from you. I confessed to him that I had heard from you. >>deu<< L'eau était très chaude. Das Wasser war sehr heiß. Das Wasser war sehr warm. >>deu<< Betty corre. Betty fährt schnell. Betty läuft. >>eng<< Le considero un gran escritor. I consider him a great writer. I consider him a great writer. >>nld<< La vieja pareja dio a su hijo por perdido. Het oude paar gaf hun zoon op als vermist. Het oude echtpaar gaf hun zoon op als verloren. >>deu<< Nu am computer acasă. Ich habe keinen Computer zu Hause. Ich habe keinen Computer zu Hause. >>eng<< Eu quero saber o que você encontrou. I want to know what you've found out. I want to know what you found. >>deu<< O cu é por onde sai o cocô. Das Arschloch ist, wodurch die Kacke austritt. Der Arsch ist der Ort, an dem der Kot rauskommt. >>eng<< Decidiu mudar-se para a Bélgica. She decided to move to Belgium. He decided to move to Belgium. >>deu<< Noli me tangere! Fass mich nicht an! Noli me tangere! >>eng<< M'agradaré que la ploja s'estanquèsse. I wish the rain would stop. I'd like the rain to stop. >>eng<< A me manca mio padre. I miss my father. I miss my father. >>nld<< Será que a vida é comum, ou é rara, no universo? Ainda não sabemos. Zou het leven gangbaar zijn of zeldzaam in het universum? Wij weten het nog niet. Is het leven gewoon of zeldzaam in het universum? >>eng<< Las instalaciones sanitarias están sucias. The toilets are dirty. The sanitary facilities are dirty. >>deu<< Mientras Mary estaba en la universidad, trabajó para un abogado. Während Mary an der Universität war, arbeitete sie für einen Anwalt. Während Mary auf dem College war, arbeitete sie für einen Anwalt. >>nld<< Pero ahora vivo en Tokio. Maar nu woon ik in Tokio. Maar nu woon ik in Tokio. >>deu<< Gli manca solo la parola. Er ist nur sprachlos. Ihm fehlt nur das Wort. >>eng<< Ad Allen fu dato un problema impossibile da risolvere. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Allen was given an impossible problem to solve. >>eng<< Es un virus muy contagioso. It's a very contagious virus. It is a very contagious virus. >>deu<< O fresco aroma do limão enche o ar. Frischer Zitronenduft erfüllt die Luft. Der frische Duft der Zitrone füllt die Luft. >>eng<< Cumque consumpta esset aqua in utre, abiecit puerum subter unum arbustum et abiit; seditque e regione procul, quantum potest arcus iacere. Dixit enim: "Non videbo morientem puerum". Et sedens contra levavit vocem suam et flevit. And when the water in the bottle was spent, she cast the boy under one of the trees that were there. And she went her way, and sat over against him a great way off, as far as a bow can carry, for she said: I will not see the boy die: and sitting over against, she lifted up her voice and wept. And it came to pass, when the water was consumed in the bottle, that she cast the child under one bush, and went and sat afar off, as far as the bow lieth: for she said, I will not see the child die. And she sat opposite, and lifted up her voice, and wept. >>deu<< A maior força da vida é a gratidão. Die größte Kraft des Lebens ist der Dank. Die größte Kraft im Leben ist Dankbarkeit. >>eng<< ¡El día está tan bueno! Time is so beautiful. The day is so good! >>nld<< Comió frutas y verduras. Hij at fruit en groenten. Hij at groenten en fruit. >>eng<< Je me les caille. I'm bloody freezing. I'm chewing on them. >>nld<< Éteignez les lumières du sapin de Noël lorsque vous quittez la maison. Doe de kerstboomlichten uit als u het huis verlaat. Schakel het licht van de kerstboom uit als je het huis verlaat. >>eng<< A única língua verdadeiramente internacional é o Inglês. Há muito tempo foi o Latim. O Esperanto é candidato. Toki Pona tem alguma chance? The only truly international language is English. Long ago it was Latin. Esperanto is a candidate. Does Toki Pona stand a chance? The only truly international language is English. Long ago it was Latin. Esperanto is a candidate. Does Toki Pona have a chance? >>eng<< Eu queria te resgatar. I wanted to rescue you. I wanted to rescue you. >>eng<< Voglio risparmiare più denaro. I want to save more money. I want to save more money. >>eng<< Pan ! Bang! Pan! >>eng<< El prestidigitador sacó un conejo de una chistera y todavía no sabemos cómo lo hizo. The magician pulled a rabbit out of a top hat and we still don't know how he did it. The conjurer pulled a rabbit out of a joker and we still don't know how he did it. >>eng<< L'ha fatta lentamente. She did it slowly. He did it slowly. >>eng<< Scribere disco. I'm learning how to write. Write discs. >>deu<< Ho preso il raffreddore. Ich habe mir eine Erkältung eingefangen. Ich habe eine Erkältung. >>eng<< Uma gravação de áudio com mais de 12 minutos de duração publicada nas redes sociais na quinta-feira apresentou o novo emir do Estado Islâmico pelo nome de guerra Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi e declarou que ele tem liderado o grupo desde pouco tempo depois da morte do seu predecessor. A more than 12-minute-long audio recording posted to social media Thursday introduced the new IS emir by the nom-de-guerre Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi and claimed he has been leading the group since shortly after the death of his predecessor. A more than 12-minute audio recording posted on social media on Thursday featured the new Islamic State emir by the wartime name Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi and stated that he has been leading the group since shortly after the death of his predecessor. >>deu<< Enviaste leche desde tu granja. Du sandtest Milch von deinem Landgut. Du hast Milch von deiner Farm geschickt. >>eng<< Je veux juste dormir ! I just want to sleep! I just want to sleep! >>eng<< Quem quer participar de uma experiência biológica um pouco perigosa? Who wants to take part in a slightly dangerous biological experiment? Who wants to participate in a somewhat dangerous biological experiment? >>eng<< Ellos intentaron escapar. They tried to escape. They tried to escape. >>eng<< Il faut que je sorte d'ici. I need to get out of here. I have to get out of here. >>nld<< Nous le savions déjà depuis le début. We wisten dat al van in het begin. Dat wisten we al vanaf het begin. >>deu<< Ta voiture va vite, mais la mienne va encore plus vite. Dein Wagen fährt schnell, aber mein Wagen fährt schneller. Dein Auto fährt schnell, aber meins fährt noch schneller. >>eng<< Ziri a mangé. Ziri ate. Ziri ate. >>deu<< Il peut parfois être une vraie tête de mule. Manchmal kann er ein richtiger Dickkopf sein. Manchmal kann er ein echter Maultierkopf sein. >>eng<< "Me si cœlicolæ voluissent ducere vitam, / has mihi servassent sedes." "For me, had Heaven decreed a longer day, / Heaven too had spared these walls, nor left my home a prey." "If I were to be saved, I would be saved." >>nld<< Connais-tu quelqu'un que tu peux appeler si tu as besoin de parler ? Heb je iemand die je kunt bellen als je wilt praten? Ken je iemand die je kunt bellen als je wilt praten? >>eng<< Sine ulla spe milites in oppidum redierunt. The soldiers went back to the town without any hope. There is no hope that the soldiers will return to the city. >>eng<< Por que você não quer pegar o metrô? Why don't you want to take the subway? Why don't you want to take the subway? >>eng<< Disney me convirtió en un furro. Disney made me a furry. Disney turned me into a furro. >>deu<< ¿Alcanza con esto? Reicht das? Erreicht er das? >>eng<< Potestisne clavichordo canere? Can you play the piano? Could you have a candy candy cane? >>eng<< Ella nunca me dijo que tenía un gato. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. >>eng<< La Atlántida se hundió en el mar. Atlantis sank into the sea. Atlantis sank into the sea. >>deu<< Equus Napoleonis albus erat. Napoleons Pferd war weiß. Napoleon war ein weißer Mann. >>deu<< Tom parla il francese peggio che l'inglese. Tom spricht schlechter Französisch als Englisch. Tom spricht Französisch schlechter als Englisch. >>eng<< Ela compra estruturas de cadeiras antigas, dá-lhes um novo acabamento e adiciona os estofos personalizados dela, pintados à mão. She buys antique chair frames, gives them a new finish, and adds her custom-designed, hand-painted upholstery. She buys old chair structures, gives them a new finish and adds her custom upholstery, painted by hand. >>nld<< Él está comprando un sombrero antiguo. Hij koopt een oude hoed. Hij koopt een oude hoed. >>nld<< Eu queria trabalhar neste verão. Ik zou deze zomer willen werken. Ik wilde deze zomer werken. >>deu<< Je ferai une réservation. Ich werde reservieren. Ich mache eine Reservierung. >>deu<< Ci sono ancora delle salsiccette. Es sind noch Würstchen da. Es gibt immer noch Würstchen. >>eng<< Lui ha avuto il lavoro per un colpo di fortuna. He got the job by a fluke. He got the job for a stroke of luck. >>eng<< Cosa pensi che dovrebbe fare David? What do you think David should do? What do you think David should do? >>eng<< Aqueth peish qu'ei gròs. This fish is big. This fish is so big. >>deu<< Tom prende sempre in giro John per via del suo dialetto. Tom macht sich immer über John wegen dessen Dialekt lustig. Tom verspottet John immer wegen seines Dialekts. >>eng<< Hunc calamum in illa taberna emit. She bought this pen at that store. This is a tavern on the island. >>eng<< Elle m'a enseigné la conduite. She taught me how to drive. She taught me how to drive. >>eng<< Gioca a football con suo figlio. He plays football with her son. He plays football with his son. >>deu<< I giapponesi hanno gli occhi scuri. Japaner haben dunkle Augen. Die Japaner haben dunkle Augen. >>eng<< Le hice jaque mate a mi oponente utilizando mis dos torres. I checkmated my opponent by using my two rooks. I checkmate my opponent using my two towers. >>deu<< Estou ocupado, por isso não posso ajudar. Ich bin beschäftigt und kann leider nicht helfen. Ich bin beschäftigt, also kann ich nicht helfen. >>eng<< Cuando nos miramos sabemos cómo nos sentimos. When we look at each other we know how we feel. When we look at each other, we know how we feel. >>eng<< Libertatea constă în a fi capabil de a face totul cât de inofensiv posibil. Liberty consists of being able to make everything as harmless as possible. Freedom consists in being able to do everything as harmless as possible. >>eng<< O touro é um animal forte. The bull is a strong animal. The bull is a strong animal. >>eng<< Familia mea locuiește în oraș. My family lives in the city. My family lives in the city. >>deu<< Ainda penso nele. Ich denke noch immer an ihn. Ich denke immer noch an ihn. >>deu<< El bote estaba lleno de refugiados cubanos. Das Boot war voller Flüchtlinge aus Kuba. Das Boot war voll von kubanischen Flüchtlingen. >>eng<< ¡Eres una chica muy hermosa! You're a really pretty girl. You are a very beautiful girl! >>eng<< Mater eius epistulam scribit. His mother is writing a letter. His mother wrote a letter. >>eng<< Aunque hoy en día Irán es conocido por ser un bastión shiíta, la mayoría de los persas eran musulmanes sunna hasta el siglo XV. Although Iran is nowadays known for being a stronghold of Shia Islam, most Persian Muslims were Sunni until the XVth century. Although today Iran is known to be a Shiite stronghold, most Persians were Sunni Muslims until the 15th century. >>eng<< L'hai visto da qualche parte? Have you seen him anywhere? Have you seen him anywhere? >>deu<< Je croyais que Tom et Marie avaient tous deux moins de 30 ans. Ich glaubte, Tom und Maria seien beide unter 30. Ich dachte, Tom und Marie wären beide unter 30 Jahre alt. >>deu<< Ele era uma pessoa bem educada e pediu que se gravasse em sua lápide: "Permitam-me permanecer deitado." Er war ein höflicher Mensch und bat, auf seinen Grabstein zu schreiben: „Gestatten Sie, dass ich liegen bleibe.“ Er war ein gut erzogener Mensch und bat darum, sich auf seinen Grabstein zu gravieren: "Erlauben Sie mir, im Bett zu bleiben." >>deu<< Você perdeu muito sangue. Du hast viel Blut verloren. Du hast viel Blut verloren. >>eng<< Non so cosa avrà fatto. I don't know what he did. I don't know what he's done. >>deu<< Eccolo. Er ist hier! Da ist er. >>eng<< A correlação quântica transcende o espaço-tempo. Quantum correlation transcends spacetime. Quantum correlation transcends space-time. >>eng<< Questo non sorprese Yanni. This didn't surprise Yanni. This did not surprise Yanni. >>eng<< I fiori fioriscono. Flowers bloom. The flowers bloom. >>deu<< Eu gostaria de que você partisse. Ich möchte, dass du gehst. Ich möchte, dass du gehst. >>eng<< Dobbiamo indossare un casco quando siamo in moto. We must wear a helmet when we are on a motorcycle. We have to wear a helmet when we're on a motorcycle. >>eng<< Os programas de realidade televisiva podem tornar as pessoas em celebridades instantâneas, e um jovem concorrente do programa de realidade Top Chef (Maior Chefe de Cozinha) está a aproveitar ao máximo o tempo que passou na ribalta. Reality television shows can make people instant celebrities, and a young contestant from the reality show Top Chef is making the most of his time in the spotlight. Reality TV shows can make people instant celebrities, and a young contestant on the reality show Top Chef is making the most of the time he’s spent in the limelight. >>nld<< No puedo mirar dentro de su cabeza. Ik kan niet in zijn hoofd kijken. Ik kan niet in zijn hoofd kijken. >>eng<< Ne fais rien que tu pourrais regretter. Don't do anything you might regret. Don't do anything you might regret. >>eng<< Talvez possamos nos ajudar. Maybe we can help each other out. Maybe we can help each other. >>deu<< Dice che non riesce a stare senza vino neanche per un giorno. Er sagt, dass er keinen Tag ohne Wein auskommt. Er sagt, er kann nicht mal einen Tag ohne Wein auskommen. >>nld<< Tu hai mai parlato con Tom? Heb je ooit met Tom gepraat? Heb je ooit met Tom gesproken? >>eng<< Comparare desine Thoman ad Mariam. Stop comparing Tom with Mary. Compare Thoman to Mariam. >>eng<< Era l'a trucat. She hit him. It was him calling. >>eng<< J'aime ton t-shirt. I like your T-shirt. I like your shirt. >>eng<< Non vedo contraddizioni qua. I see no contradiction here. I don't see any contradictions here. >>nld<< Tu me manques énormément. Ik mis je enorm. Ik mis je heel erg. >>eng<< Lei ha finito il lavoro con facilità. She finished the job with ease. You finished the job with ease. >>deu<< Sta nuotando nel fiume. Er schwimmt im Fluss. Er schwimmt im Fluss. >>eng<< Tu primus advenisti. You are the first to arrive. You are the first adventist. >>deu<< Il est à peine croyable qu'on trouve ici tant de phrases chauvines, mais aucune sur le chauvinisme. Kaum zu glauben, dass sich hier so viele chauvinistische Sätze finden, aber kein Satz über Chauvinismus. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass hier so viele chauvinistische Sätze zu finden sind, aber keine über den Chauvinismus. >>eng<< Durante un período de seis años, Anatoly Karpov y Garry Kasparov se enfrentaron en cinco encuentros (144 juegos, 5540 movimientos) por el campeonato mundial de ajedrez. In six years, Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov played against each other five matches (144 games, 5540 moves) for the world chess championship. Over a six-year period, Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov faced each other in five matches (144 games, 5540 moves) for the World Chess Championship. >>nld<< Como você pode ter certeza de que a sua namorada não finge os orgasmos? Hoe kan je er zeker van zijn dat je vriendin geen orgasme veinst? Hoe kun je er zeker van zijn dat je vriendin haar orgasmes niet faket? >>eng<< Non ho mai letto dei libri erotici. I never read erotic books. I have never read erotic books. >>deu<< Raggiungiamo infine una cittadina di cercatori d'oro che è nascosta in una valle tra alte montagne. Schließlich erreichen wir ein Goldgräberstädtchen, das versteckt in einem Tal zwischen hohen Bergen liegt. Schließlich erreichen wir eine kleine Stadt der Goldsucher, die in einem Tal zwischen hohen Bergen versteckt ist. >>eng<< Les juges ont beaucoup d'autorité. Judges have a lot of authority. Judges have a lot of authority. >>eng<< Vaig llegir diversos llibres la setmana passada. I read several books last week. I read several books last week. >>deu<< Eu adoro essa música! Ich liebe dieses Lied! Ich liebe dieses Lied! >>deu<< Tom segnò un goal. Tom hat ein Tor geschossen! Tom erzielte ein Tor. >>eng<< O que seria de Boston sem Tom? What would Boston be without Tom? What would Boston be without Tom? >>eng<< Era disponibile. He was available. He was available. >>eng<< Si no hago trampa, no ganaré. If I don't cheat, I won't win. If I don't cheat, I won't win. >>eng<< Tom não quer viver desse jeito. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Tom doesn't want to live like that. >>eng<< Quando viene qua? When are you coming here? When are you coming here? >>deu<< Garons-nous là ? Parken wir doch dort drüben! Sollen wir hier parken? >>eng<< Tom tirou sarro da cara de Maria por causa de seu sotaque. Tom made fun of Mary's accent. Tom made fun of Maria's face because of her accent. >>deu<< No necesito hacer eso solo Ich muss das nicht alleine machen. Ich muss das nicht alleine machen >>eng<< Ille respondit: En morior; quid mihi proderunt primogenita? He answered: Lo I die, what will the first birthright avail me? And he said, Behold, I die: what profit is my firstborn? >>nld<< El chico saltó al agua. De jongen sprong in het water. De jongen sprong in het water. >>deu<< Moun Filipin yo pa tankou moun Swis. Filipinos sind nicht wie Schweizer. Denn die Philippinen sind nicht wie die Swister. >>deu<< Yanni sabe dónde está Skura. Yanni weiß, wo Skura ist. Yanni weiß, wo Skura ist. >>eng<< Io ho bisogno di sapere perché Tom era assente da scuola oggi. I need to know why Tom was absent from school today. I need to know why Tom was absent from school today. >>nld<< Qu'est-ce qui te fait croire que je veux passer Noël avec Tom ? Waarom denk je dat ik Kerstmis met Tom wil doorbrengen? Waarom denk je dat ik Kerstmis met Tom wil doorbrengen? >>deu<< A maçã é vermelha? Ist der Apfel rot? Ist der Apfel rot? >>eng<< ¿Por qué tienes que levantarte siempre tan pronto? Why do you always have to get up so early? Why do you always have to get up so early? >>deu<< Neva em Paris. Es schneit in Paris. Es schneit in Paris. >>deu<< Je ne veux pas d'argent. Je veux juste de l'amour. Ich will kein Geld. Ich will nur Liebe. Ich will kein Geld, ich will nur Liebe. >>eng<< Le livre est à vous ? Is the book yours? Is the book yours? >>eng<< Les bactéries ne se reproduisent pas dans l'alcool. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. Bacteria do not reproduce in alcohol. >>eng<< Non rimetterò mai più piede in quel posto. I'll never set foot in that place again. I'll never set foot in that place again. >>deu<< Lei l'ha sposato. Sie heiratete ihn. Sie hat ihn geheiratet. >>eng<< Todos nós ficamos imensamente entretidos com suas piadas. We were all greatly amused by his jokes. We were all so amused by his jokes. >>eng<< Tom e Mary odiavam a escola. Tom and Mary both hated school. Tom and Mary hated school. >>eng<< Mi jefe actual es difícil de complacer. My current boss is hard to please. My current boss is hard to please. >>eng<< Magnum armarium frigidarium emere volo. I want to buy a large sized refrigerator. The Magnum Armory is a freezer. >>eng<< Cariño, por favor, recuerda. Darling, please remember. Honey, please remember. >>eng<< Le ciel est rempli d'étoiles. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. >>deu<< Chiudi quella porta. Mach die Tür da zu! Mach die Tür zu. >>eng<< Papa est impatient aujourd'hui. Dad's in an impatient mood today. Dad's looking forward to it today. >>eng<< Vita dulcis est. Life is sweet. Life is sweet. >>nld<< Yo tenía paraguas, pero mi amigo no. Ik had een paraplu maar mijn vriend niet. Ik had een paraplu, maar mijn vriend niet. >>deu<< Nella nostra città tutti conoscono Tom. In unserer Stadt kennen alle Tom. In unserer Stadt kennt jeder Tom. >>eng<< Est-ce que tu lui as demandé ? Have you asked him? Did you ask him? >>eng<< Vara a trecut înainte să-mi dau seama de asta. The summer had gone before I knew it. Summer passed before I knew it. >>deu<< Jamais encore je n'ai été amoureux. Ich war noch nie verliebt. Ich war noch nie verliebt. >>eng<< On a eu recours à la torture pour leur arracher des aveux. Torture was used to wring confessions from them. Torture was used to extract confessions from them. >>eng<< Mets-le à la poubelle. Put it in the rubbish. Put it in the trash. >>eng<< Mi hai fatto venire voglia di combattere per lei. You made me want to fight for her. You made me want to fight for her. >>eng<< Cuando llegó la policía los ladrones ya se habían ido de la casa. By the time the police arrived, the robbers had already left the house. When the police arrived, the thieves had already left the house. >>eng<< Vostra madre non è a casa? Isn't your mother home? Isn't your mother home? >>deu<< Ouvrez votre livre en page dix. Schlagt euer Buch auf Seite zehn auf. <0xC3><0x96>ffnen Sie Ihr Buch auf Seite zehn. >>eng<< Ego has flores carpsi. I picked these flowers myself. I have carp flowers. >>eng<< Una escalera es una secuencia de movimientos, en zigzag, en la que un atacante persigue a un grupo en atari a través del tablero. A ladder is a sequence of moves, in a zigzag pattern, in which an attacker chases a group in atari across the board. A ladder is a sequence of movements, in zigzag, in which an attacker chases a group in atari through the board. >>eng<< As-tu déjà séjourné dans un hôpital psychiatrique ? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? Have you ever been in a psychiatric hospital? >>nld<< Grecia es un país antiguo. Griekenland is een oud land. Griekenland is een oud land. >>nld<< El policía está conduciendo el coche. De politieagent bestuurt de auto. De agent rijdt in de auto. >>eng<< Non dubito quin Thomas erret. I'm sure Tom is wrong. I don't know which Thomas is wrong. >>nld<< Ella siguió trabajando. Ze ging door met werken. Ze bleef werken. >>deu<< Il ne nous restait que les miettes. Wir hatten das Nachsehen. Wir hatten nur noch die Krümel. >>eng<< Yanni gritó pero no hubo respuesta. Yanni yelled but there was no reply. Yanni screamed but there was no answer. >>nld<< Kate quiere terminar su tarea para las diez. Kate wil haar huistaak tegen tienen af hebben. Kate wil haar huiswerk om tien uur afmaken. >>eng<< Era sempre così. It was always so. She was always like that. >>nld<< Él es guapo e inteligente. Hij is mooi en intelligent. Hij is knap en slim. >>eng<< Quando escuto as Variações Goldberg, de Bach, tocadas por Glenn Gould, fico imaginando se o próprio compositor também interpretava com tamanho virtuosismo essa maravilhosa peça musical. When I listen to Bach's Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould, I wonder if the composer himself also performed with such virtuosity this wonderful musical piece. When I listen to the Bach Goldberg Variations, played by Glenn Gould, I wonder if the composer himself also interpreted this wonderful musical piece with such virtuosity. >>eng<< Non prendere decisioni stasera. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make decisions tonight. >>eng<< Decidiu mudarse a Bélxica. She decided to move to Belgium. He decided to move to Belgium. >>eng<< Sono molto turbata. I'm very upset. I'm very upset. >>eng<< Preferisco il tè senza zucchero. I prefer tea with no sugar. I prefer tea without sugar. >>eng<< Il mio lavoro paga bene, però è davvero esigente. My job pays well, but it's really demanding. My job pays well, but it's really demanding. >>eng<< Pour le crime de meurtre au premier degré, cette cour vous condamne à la prison à perpétuité, sans possibilité de remise de peine. For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. For the crime of first degree murder, this court sentences you to life imprisonment, with no possibility of remission of sentence. >>eng<< Nous avons encore deux cours après le déjeuner. After lunch we have two more classes. We still have two classes after lunch. >>eng<< Trump parese komo un bovo. Trump looks like a fool. Trump looks like an ox. >>deu<< "Você já pensou em suicídio?" "Jamais. Minha agenda lotada não me deixa tempo para isso". „Haben Sie schon einmal an Selbstmord gedacht?“ – „Niemals. Mein voller Terminkalender lässt das gar nicht zu.“ "Haben Sie jemals an Selbstmord gedacht?" "Niemals. Mein überfüllter Zeitplan lässt mir keine Zeit dafür." >>deu<< Tom a un fusil de chasse. Tom hat eine Schrotflinte. Tom hat ein Jagdgewehr. >>eng<< Tom ha detto che non aveva scelta. Tom said he didn't have a choice. Tom said he had no choice. >>eng<< Se você trabalhar muito e nunca desistir, poderá realizar qualquer coisa... se tiver sorte. If you work hard, and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. If you work hard and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. >>eng<< Thomas confessus est se esse furem. Tom admitted that he was a thief. Thomas confesses that he is stealing. >>deu<< Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec ta proposition. Ich bin mit deinem Vorschlag völlig einverstanden. Ich stimme deinem Vorschlag voll und ganz zu. >>deu<< Nous étions voisins. Wir waren Nachbarn. Wir waren Nachbarn. >>eng<< Truca'm si necessites ajuda. Give me a call if you need help. Call me if you need help. >>eng<< Ela disse que parou de usar o carro na segunda-feira após uma tentativa fútil de comprar combustível num posto de abastecimento. She said she stopped using her car Monday after a futile attempt to buy fuel at a pumping station. She said she stopped using the car on Monday after a futile attempt to buy fuel at a filling station. >>deu<< El pasado lo podemos conocer pero no cambiar. El futuro lo podemos cambiar pero no conocer. Die Vergangenheit kann man nur kennen, nicht ändern. Die Zukunft kann man nur ändern, nicht kennen. Die Vergangenheit können wir kennen, aber nicht ändern. Die Zukunft können wir ändern, aber nicht kennen. >>eng<< Él se bajó del árbol. He climbed down from the tree. He got off the tree. >>eng<< Tom n'a jamais vu Mary. Tom never saw Mary. Tom has never seen Mary. >>eng<< L-am văzut pe Tom sărutând-o pe Mary. I saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw Tom kiss Mary. >>eng<< Je l'ai fait une fois. I did that once. I did it once. >>deu<< Le cœur de l'homme est l'endroit où demeure le diable ; je sens parfois en moi un enfer. Des Mannes Herz ist wohl die Stätte, worin der Teufel haust; so manches Mal verspür' in mir ich eine Hölle. Das Herz des Menschen ist der Ort, wo der Teufel wohnt; manchmal spüre ich in mir eine Hölle. >>eng<< Questa è la versione originale? Is this the original version? Is this the original version? >>eng<< Tout dépend de qui le dit ! It all depends on who's saying it! It all depends on who says it! >>nld<< Avec l'argent tout est possible. Met geld is alles mogelijk. Met geld is alles mogelijk. >>deu<< Io sono ancora giovane. Ich bin noch jung. Ich bin noch jung. >>deu<< Este acidente ocorreu mesmo ano passado? Ist dieser Unfall wirklich letztes Jahr geschehen? Hat sich dieser Unfall im letzten Jahr ereignet? >>eng<< David était lent tout comme Barbara. David was slow like Barbara. David was slow just like Barbara. >>eng<< Non ne ha avuto abbastanza? Haven't you had enough? You haven't had enough? >>eng<< Dos cosas son infinitas: el universo y la estupidez humana. Y no estoy seguro sobre el universo. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe. >>eng<< No puedo sacar tiempo para viajar. I can't afford the time to travel. I can't make time to travel. >>nld<< No creo que esto sea una buena idea. Ik geloof niet dat dat een goed gedacht is. Ik denk niet dat dit een goed idee is. >>deu<< Tu as tendance à parler trop vite. Du neigst dazu, zu schnell zu sprechen. Du neigst dazu, zu schnell zu reden. >>eng<< Si stabilì in città. He settled down in the city. He settled in the city. >>nld<< Le jeune musicien n'a jamais envisagé de rejoindre l'orchestre symphonique. De jonge muzikant heeft er nooit aan gedacht om zich bij het symfonisch orkest aan te sluiten. De jonge muzikant heeft nooit overwogen om lid te worden van het symfonieorkest. >>eng<< J'achète du lait presque tous les jours. I buy milk almost every day. I buy milk almost every day. >>deu<< Yo no quiero arriesgar mi vida. Ich will nicht mein Leben riskieren. Ich will mein Leben nicht riskieren. >>deu<< On ne peut pas nier que le prisonnier est coupable. Man kann nicht leugnen, dass der Gefangene schuldig ist. Man kann nicht leugnen, dass der Gefangene schuldig ist. >>deu<< Todos los paizes son falsos. Alle Länder sind gefälscht. Alle Länder sind gefälscht. >>nld<< No puedo acordarme cuándo se mudó él a Boston. Ik kan me niet herinneren wanneer hij naar Boston is verhuisd. Ik kan me niet herinneren wanneer hij naar Boston verhuisde. >>eng<< Obrigado por me avisar, Ryck. Thanks for letting me know, Ryck Thanks for letting me know, Ryck. >>deu<< O senhor tem medo de filmes de terror? Bekommen Sie bei Horrorfilmen Angst? Haben Sie Angst vor Horrorfilmen? >>eng<< Todo mundo está cantando. Everyone is singing. Everybody's singing. >>eng<< Come y bebe. Eat and drink. Eat and drink. >>eng<< Puer, ubi est frater senior tuus? Boy, where is your older brother? Child, where is your elder brother? >>nld<< Seu nome não consta na lista. Você não foi chamada para a festa. Uw naam staat niet op de lijst. U bent niet uitgenodigd voor het feest. Je naam staat niet op de lijst, je bent niet opgeroepen voor het feest. >>eng<< C'est précisément ce que je voulais. This is just what I wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. >>eng<< Je freine. I am braking. I'm slowing down. >>eng<< Souhaitez-vous un jour faire de la politique ? Do you wish someday to be involved in politics? Do you ever want to do politics? >>deu<< Él nada mejor que yo. Er schwimmt besser als ich. Er ist nicht besser als ich. >>eng<< Fece un cenno. He waved. He nodded. >>eng<< Todas as noites ele dizia a ela que qualquer pessoa com o mínimo de bom senso deveria saber que a brisa noturna é má para o corpo humano. Every evening he told her that anybody with ordinary gumption ought to realize that night air was bad for the human frame. Every night he told her that anyone with the least bit of common sense should know that the night breeze is bad for the human body. >>nld<< ¿Es necesario? Moet het? Is dat nodig? >>eng<< Speriamo che le piaccia il nostro show. We hope you like our show. We hope you enjoy our show. >>eng<< J'ai besoin de quelque chose sur lequel écrire. I need something to write on. I need something to write about. >>eng<< "Pharmako AI" è il titolo del primo libro scritto da un umano (K Allado-McDowell) in collaborazione con un'intelligenza artificiale (GPT-3). "Pharmako AI" is the title of the first book written by a human (K Allado-McDowell) in partnership with an Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3). "Pharmako AI" is the title of the first book written by a human (K Allado-McDowell) in collaboration with an artificial intelligence (GPT-3). >>deu<< Això no em concerneix. Das geht mich nichts an. Das geht mich nichts an. >>eng<< Sei sicuro che Tom ci abbia mentito? Are you sure Tom lied to us? Are you sure Tom lied to us? >>deu<< Prendete la mia. Nehmt meine. Nehmt meine. >>deu<< Manedum parumper! Warte! Manedum parumper! >>deu<< Os bígamos recebem o castigo mais cruel: ter duas sogras! Bigamisten erhalten die grausamste Strafe: zwei Schwiegermütter zu besitzen! Bigamisten erhalten die grausamste Strafe: zwei Schwiegermütter zu haben! >>deu<< Sono italiano. Ich bin Italiener. Ich bin Italiener. >>eng<< Tom sarà così felice di vederla. Tom will be so happy to see you. Tom will be so happy to see you. >>deu<< Vou vender o meu carro. Ich werde mein Auto verkaufen. Ich verkaufe mein Auto. >>eng<< Le piace qui in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? >>eng<< Cuidado al salir. Be careful when exiting. Be careful when you go out. >>eng<< Ho sempre voluto viaggiare intorno alle lune gioviane. I've always wanted to travel around the Jovian moons. I've always wanted to travel around the Jupiter moons. >>eng<< À cause de ma maladie, je n'ai pu te rendre visite. Due to my illness, I couldn't visit you. Because of my illness, I couldn't visit you. >>eng<< Qu'ei lo men can. This is my dog. He can do it. >>eng<< Mi salutò con la mano quando la nave salpò. He waved goodbye to me when the ship set sail. He waved at me as the ship sailed. >>nld<< Tu problema es parecido al mío. Jouw probleem lijkt op dat van mij. Je probleem lijkt op het mijne. >>deu<< Takeshi levantou a mão para fazer uma pergunta. Takeshi hob die Hand, um eine Frage zu stellen. Takeshi hob seine Hand, um eine Frage zu stellen. >>eng<< Noli dic id. Don't say that. Don't call me ID. >>eng<< Non mi voglio avvicinare a loro. I don't want to go near them. I don't want to get close to them. >>eng<< Habui equos, viros, arma, opes: quid mirum si haec invitus amisi? Nam si vos omnibus imperitare vultis, sequitur ut omnes servitutem accipiant? I had horses, men, arms, and riches: are you surprised I am sorry to lose them? For if you want to rule the world, does it follow that everyone else welcomes enslavement? I have horses, men, weapons, and wealth. What’s the surprise if I invite you to love me like this? For if you want to control everyone, you want to control everyone, so that everyone will be enslaved. >>deu<< Que Dieu renouvelle toutes les énergies et remplisse nos cœurs d’espoir pour demain. Möge Gott alle Energien erneuern und unsere Herzen mit Hoffnung für morgen füllen. Möge Gott alle Energien erneuern und unsere Herzen mit Hoffnung für morgen erfüllen. >>eng<< Ne donnez pas de fessée à vos enfants. Don't spank your kids. Do not spank your children. >>eng<< Vous ne devez jamais laisser votre roi et votre dame sur une diagonale ouverte qui peut être contrôlée par le fou ennemi. You should never leave both your king and queen on an open diagonal that can be controlled by the enemy bishop. You must never leave your king and queen on an open diagonal that can be controlled by the mad enemy. >>eng<< Tom a plecat fără zgomot. Tom left without a sound. Tom left quietly. >>eng<< Veuillez tourner autour ! Turn around, please. Please turn around! >>deu<< Su explicación no me convenció. Ihre Erklärung hat mich nicht überzeugt. Seine Erklärung hat mich nicht überzeugt. >>eng<< Sunt mort de foame. I am terribly hungry. I'm starving. >>deu<< Noi dobbiamo andare sul serio. Wir müssen wirklich gehen. Wir müssen es ernst meinen. >>eng<< Libri quoque ei placent. He also likes books. What books you like. >>eng<< Nós caímos e nos levantamos. We fall and we get up. We fell and got up. >>eng<< Compra tutti i cavalli. Buy all the horses. Buy all the horses. >>deu<< Ama il caffè. Er liebt Kaffee. Sie liebt Kaffee. >>deu<< Tom partagea l'addition avec Marie. Tom teilte sich die Rechnung mit Maria. Tom teilte die Summe mit Maria. >>eng<< Você é uma pessoa maravilhosa! You are a wonderful person! You're a wonderful person! >>eng<< Ella le mostró varios libros que estaban en el estante. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. >>eng<< Muchos extranjeros viajan a Japón a estudiar japonés. Many foreigners travel to Japan to study Japanese. Many foreigners travel to Japan to study Japanese. >>eng<< Onde eu preciso virar? Where do I need to turn? Where do I need to turn? >>eng<< Andò là con lei. He went there with her. I went there with her. >>eng<< Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio de ellos. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. >>deu<< Noi non ci possiamo più fidare di Tom. Wir können Tom nicht mehr vertrauen. Wir können Tom nicht mehr trauen. >>eng<< Viaggiate spesso? Do you travel often? Do you travel often? >>deu<< Sólo dura 15 minutos, ¿no? Es dauert lediglich 15 Minuten, nicht? Es dauert nur 15 Minuten, oder? >>deu<< La journée sera froide. Der Tag wird kalt werden. Der Tag wird kühl. >>eng<< Tout ceci est-il nécessaire ? Is it all necessary? Is all this necessary? >>eng<< Tom y Mary estaban en perfecta sintonía. Tom and Mary were in perfect sync. Tom and Mary were in perfect harmony. >>eng<< Tom sembra stupefatto. Tom seems dazed. Tom looks surprised. >>deu<< Meu trabalho aqui está concluído. Meine Arbeit hier ist fertig. Meine Arbeit hier ist abgeschlossen. >>eng<< C'était un dimanche matin typique. It was a typical Sunday morning. It was a typical Sunday morning. >>eng<< Hoje não estou fazendo nada bem feito. Today I am messing up everything. I'm not doing anything well today. >>eng<< Obrigado pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. >>nld<< No tengo perro. Ik heb geen hond. Ik heb geen hond. >>eng<< Eu também dou aulas de português brasileiro. I also teach Brazilian Portuguese classes. I also teach Brazilian Portuguese. >>eng<< A língua portuguesa se fala no Brasil com vogais mais abertas e sonoras. The Portuguese language is spoken in Brazil with more open and sonorous vowels. The Portuguese language is spoken in Brazil with more open and sonic vowels. >>eng<< Mi dica che c'è una ragione. Tell me there's a reason. Tell me there's a reason. >>eng<< In toto, valde simplex est. It's all very simple. All in all, it's simple. >>nld<< Lavoro in una banca. Ik werk bij een bank. Ik werk bij een bank. >>eng<< Si j'étais toi, je serais plus prudent. I'd be more careful if I were you. If I were you, I'd be more careful. >>eng<< ¿Tienes los tobillos hinchados cuando te levantas por la mañana? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Do you have swollen ankles when you get up in the morning? >>deu<< Lui è un bravo cantante. Er ist ein guter Sänger. Er ist ein guter Sänger. >>deu<< Si je veux, je peux ! Wenn ich will, dann kann ich! Wenn ich will, kann ich! >>eng<< Lo men pair qu'ei a la soa cramba. My father is in his room. I think he's just a crocodile. >>eng<< Hominis mens magnifica est. The human mind is magnificent. Mankind is magnificent. >>eng<< Richard Feynman ha detto che l'esperimento delle due fenditure contiene "l'unico mistero" della meccanica quantistica. Richard Feynman said that the two-slit experiment contains the "one mystery" of quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman said the two-slit experiment contains the "only mystery" of quantum mechanics. >>eng<< C’est une douleur vive. It is a sharp pain. It is a sharp pain. >>eng<< Cur multi Catholici piscem Veneris diebus edunt? Why do many Catholics eat fish on Fridays? Why do many Catholics eat fish every day? >>eng<< Todas as maçãs estão ali. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. >>eng<< Traduce esto. Translate this. Translate this. >>deu<< Sed amables con los ancianos. Seid nett zu alten Menschen. Seid freundlich zu den Alten. >>deu<< Se l'avessi saputo avrei cambiato il mio piano. Wenn ich davon gewusst hätte, hätte ich meinen Plan geändert. Wenn ich das gewusst hätte, hätte ich meinen Plan geändert. >>deu<< Eles viram Pedro falando com a professora de artes. Sie sahen Pedro mit der Kunstlehrerin sprechen. Sie sahen Petrus mit der Kunstlehrerin sprechen. >>eng<< Russo disse que há 2.000 anos este era o coração do anfiteatro flaviano onde se realizavam todos os preparativos para os espetáculos. Russo said 2,000 years ago this was the heart of the Flavian amphitheater where all the preparations for the shows took place. Russo said that 2,000 years ago this was the heart of the Flavian amphitheater where all the preparations for the shows were being made. >>eng<< Non tutto riescono a farlo. Not everyone can do it. They can't do it all. >>eng<< J'ai fait quelques erreurs. I made a few mistakes. I made some mistakes. >>eng<< Ele chamou-lhe um "gesto do coração" porque os Estados Unidos e o mundo ocidental tinham respondido tão magnanimamente quando o Seri Lanca foi devastado pelo tsunami de dezembro passado. He called it a “gesture of the heart” because the United States and the Western world had responded so magnanimously when Sri Lanka was devastated by last December’s tsunami. He called it a “heart gesture” because the United States and the Western world had responded so magnanimously when the Seri Lanca was devastated by last December’s tsunami. >>eng<< Potrebbe vivere in questa città? Could you live in this city? Could you live in this city? >>nld<< J'ai trois chiens. Ik heb drie honden. Ik heb drie honden. >>eng<< N'èi pas tròp de dinèrs en aqueste moment. I'm short of cash at the moment. I don’t have a lot of money at the moment. >>eng<< A educação do homem nada tem a ver com seus diplomas. A man's education has nothing to do with his degrees. The education of man has nothing to do with his diplomas. >>nld<< Eran aproximadamente 25 centavos por libra más baratos. Ze waren ongeveer 25 cent per pond goedkoper. Ze waren ongeveer 25 cent per pond goedkoper. >>nld<< El dinero simboliza el valor de las posesiones. Geld symboliseert de waarde van bezittingen. Geld symboliseert de waarde van bezittingen. >>eng<< Piaci a mia madre. My mother likes you. My mother likes you. >>eng<< Um avião transportando mais de 9 toneladas de ouro e outros metais preciosos entornou quase 200 barras para a pista e num mercado automóvel próximo quando a sua escotilha de carga avariou após ter descolado num aeroporto na cidade de Iacutusque. A plane carrying more than 9 tons of gold and other precious metals spilled nearly 200 bars onto the runway and on a nearby car market when its cargo hatch failed after it took off at an airport in the city of Yakutsk. A plane carrying more than 9 tons of gold and other precious metals surrounded nearly 200 bars for the runway and a nearby car market when its cargo hatch broke down after taking off at an airport in the city of Iacutusque. >>eng<< Vi ho portato il cacciavite sbagliato. I brought you the wrong screwdriver. I brought you the wrong screwdriver. >>deu<< Luke, sono tuo padre. Luke, ich bin dein Vater! Luke, ich bin dein Vater. >>nld<< Din păcate încă nu știm ce ne așteaptă. Spijtig genoeg weten we nog niet wat ons te wachten staat. Helaas weten we nog steeds niet wat ons te wachten staat. >>deu<< Ma chambre est une porcherie. Mein Zimmer ist ein Schweinestall. Mein Zimmer ist ein Schweinestall. >>eng<< La guerra in Ucraina potrebbe durare per anni. The war in Ukraine could last years. The war in Ukraine could last for years. >>deu<< Assieds-toi sur cette chaise, s'il te plaît. Setz dich bitte auf diesen Stuhl. Setz dich bitte auf diesen Stuhl. >>eng<< Dove posso mettere questa scatola? Where can I put this box? Where can I put this box? >>nld<< Necesito cargar mi celular. Ik moet mijn mobieltje opladen. Ik moet mijn telefoon opladen. >>deu<< Il suo comportamento è la mia preoccupazione primaria. Sein Verhalten ist meine größte Sorge. Sein Verhalten ist mein Hauptanliegen. >>eng<< Ziri è corso alla biblioteca. Ziri ran to the library. Ziri ran to the library. >>eng<< Solamente un pesce vive nell'acquario. Only one fish lives in the aquarium. Only one fish lives in the aquarium. >>deu<< Spiacente, mi sono sbagliato. Tut mir leid, ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Tut mir leid, ich habe mich geirrt. >>nld<< J'ai un grille-pain. Ik heb een broodrooster. Ik heb een broodrooster. >>eng<< Tom sta cominciando a scoraggiarsi. Tom is beginning to get discouraged. Tom is starting to get discouraged. >>eng<< Je raffole de ce magasin. I love this store. I love this store. >>deu<< Da próxima vez, diga a verdade. Sag nächstes Mal die Wahrheit. Sagen Sie das nächste Mal die Wahrheit. >>nld<< Elle se réveilla. Ze werd wakker. Ze werd wakker. >>eng<< Sus jeans están llenos de agujeros; ¿eso es normal? Her jeans are full of holes; is that normal? Their jeans are full of holes; is that normal? >>eng<< Nos sero operari nocte iussit. He made us work till late at night. We will be operating at night. >>nld<< Non vi piacciono le mele? Hou je niet van appels? Hou je niet van appels? >>nld<< Stavo solo parlando con lei. Ik was alleen maar met haar aan het praten. Ik praatte alleen met haar. >>eng<< Enquanto que o seu marido, Dave, pode continuar a cultivar as suas plantações de milho, soja, feno e aveia, ela tem permanecido em casa com muito tempo livre. While her husband, Dave, is able to continue growing his crops of corn, soybeans, hay and oats, she has been home with time on her hands. While her husband, Dave, can continue to grow her crops of corn, soybeans, hay and oats, she has stayed home with plenty of free time. >>deu<< O que é, exatamente, que tu queres que eu faça? Was genau möchtest du, dass ich mache? Was genau willst du, dass ich tue? >>eng<< Dice che era felice. She says that she was happy. He says he was happy. >>deu<< Hay muchos pájaros en este parque. In diesem Park gibt es viele Vögel. Es gibt viele Vögel in diesem Park. >>eng<< Escuta os meus podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. >>eng<< Está críticamente enfermo. His illness is critical. He's critically ill. >>eng<< L'espressione aveva poco senso. The expression made little sense. The expression made little sense. >>deu<< Les phrases sont composées de mots. Sätze bestehen aus Wörtern. Sätze bestehen aus Wörtern. >>eng<< ¡Qué hermoso lugar! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! >>nld<< Es sólo su imaginación. Het is enkel je verbeelding. Het is gewoon zijn verbeelding. >>eng<< La chica apretó a su muñeca con afecto. The girl squeezed her doll affectionately. The girl squeezed her wrist with affection. >>eng<< En Angleterre, le serveur nous demanda : "-Combien de bière désirez-vous, une demi pinte ou bien une pinte ?". N'ayant aucune idée de ce que ça pouvait représenter, nous lui demandâmes de nous montrer les verres. In England the waiter asked us, "How much beer would you like, a half pint or a pint?" Having no idea how much that would be, we asked him to show us the glasses. In England, the waiter asked us, "How much beer do you want, half a pint or a pint?" Having no idea what it might be, we asked him to show us the glasses. >>eng<< En la Unión Europea está prohibido amputarle las garras a los gatos. Declawing cats is forbidden in the European Union. In the European Union it is forbidden to amputate the claws of cats. >>eng<< I ricordi mi assalirono. Memories assailed me. The memories assaulted me. >>eng<< Potesne raedam gubernare? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive a car? >>eng<< Sono stato forzato a imparare lo spagnolo. I was forced to learn Spanish. I was forced to learn Spanish. >>deu<< S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi essayer ! Bitte lassen Sie’s mich mal versuchen! Bitte lass es mich versuchen! >>eng<< Habesne canem? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? >>nld<< Faites en sorte qu'elle ne fasse pas de bruit. Houd haar stil. Zorg dat ze geen lawaai maakt. >>deu<< Karl Marx n'était pas marxiste. Karl Marx war kein Marxist. Karl Marx war kein Marxist. >>deu<< ¿Qué estás diciendo? Was laberst du da? Wovon redest du? >>deu<< Il n'est pas marié mais il est en bonnes mains. Er ist nicht verheiratet, aber in festen Händen. Er ist nicht verheiratet, aber in guten Händen. >>eng<< La verità è che non mi sento proprio di parlare. Truth is, I don't really feel like talking. The truth is, I really don't feel like talking. >>eng<< Gostaria de saber mais idiomas. I'd like to know more languages. I would like to know more languages. >>deu<< Arrête de frapper le chat ! Hör auf, die Katze zu schlagen! Hör auf, die Katze zu schlagen! >>eng<< Quelle cuisson voudrais-tu pour ton bifteck ? How would you like your steak? What would you like to cook for your steak? >>eng<< Thomas manuballistula armatus erat. Tom was armed with a pistol. Thomas was an armed manoeuvrateur. >>eng<< Jamais je n'avais vu un tel bazar. Never had I seen such a mess. I've never seen such a mess. >>eng<< Le pedí al vecino que me ayude. I asked the neighbour to help me. I asked the neighbor to help me. >>eng<< Lucernam accendi. I turned on the lamp. Lucerne lights up. >>eng<< Nu pot să beau cafea. I cannot drink coffee. I can't drink coffee. >>nld<< ¿Has recibido mi carta? Hebt ge mijn brief ontvangen? Heb je mijn brief gekregen? >>eng<< Tu es plus grand que moi maintenant. You're now taller than I am. You're bigger than me now. >>deu<< Tom vive en Chicago desde hace un año. Tom lebt seit einem Jahr in Chicago. Tom lebt seit einem Jahr in Chicago. >>eng<< Vedrai che presto si sistema tutto. You'll see that everything will soon settle down. You'll see it all sorted out soon enough. >>eng<< Prends ça ! Eat that! Take this! >>nld<< Ellos me miraban en silencio. Zij keken me in stilte aan. Ze keken me in stilte aan. >>eng<< Il termometro segna tre gradi sotto zero. The thermometer reads three degrees below zero. The thermometer marks three degrees below zero. >>eng<< A bolsa de valores dos Estados Unidos abriu acentuadamente em baixa na quinta-feira com os investidores globais inquietos devido ao surto de coronavírus e às suas consequências económicas. U.S. stocks opened sharply lower Thursday as global investors fret over the coronavirus outbreak and its economic fallout. The U.S. stock market opened sharply lower on Thursday with global investors worried about the coronavirus outbreak and its economic consequences. >>eng<< Tom ne croit pas ce qu'il dit. Tom doesn't believe what he's saying. Tom doesn't believe what he's saying. >>nld<< Você escreve. Jij schrijft. Jij schrijft. >>deu<< Nunca é tarde demais para aprender. Es ist nie zu spät zum Lernen. Es ist nie zu spät zu lernen. >>eng<< Lo hablaré con Marty y veré que piensa él. I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks. I'll talk to Marty and see what he thinks. >>eng<< Vreau ca Tom să vină la petrecerea mea. I want Tom to come to my party. I want Tom to come to my party. >>deu<< Il fait une tête d'enterrement. Er schaut wie sieben Tage Regenwetter. Er hat einen Totenkopf. >>deu<< No hay peces en Neptuno. Auf Neptun gibt es keine Fische. Es gibt keine Fische auf Neptun. >>deu<< Ho solo la metà dei libri che ha lui. Ich habe nur die Hälfte von den Büchern, die er hat. Ich habe nur die Hälfte der Bücher, die er hat. >>eng<< Tom perguntou a Mary se ela conhecia o John. Tom asked Mary if she knew John. Tom asked Mary if she knew John. >>eng<< Non abbiamo ancora un'intelligenza artificiale in grado di risolvere questo tipo di problemi. We do not yet dispose of artificial intelligence capable of solving such problems. We do not yet have an artificial intelligence that can solve these kinds of problems. >>eng<< Avez-vous déjà subi un traumatisme crânien ? Have you ever had a head injury? Have you ever had a head injury? >>eng<< Quale delle due è sbagliata? Which of the two is wrong? Which of the two is wrong? >>deu<< Ese hombre está muy bronceado. Der Mann dort ist braungebrannt. Der Mann ist sehr gebräunt. >>eng<< As-tu eu des maux de tête persistants récemment ? Have you had persistent headaches recently? Have you had any persistent headaches recently? >>deu<< A senhora será castigada se fizer isso de novo! Sie werden bestraft, wenn Sie das noch einmal tun! Sie werden bestraft, wenn Sie das noch einmal tun! >>deu<< Eu estou jogando mahjong pela primeira vez. Ich spiele zum ersten Mal Mahjong. Ich spiele zum ersten Mal Mahjong. >>nld<< Es-tu déjà allé en Amérique ? Was je ooit al in Amerika? Ben je ooit naar Amerika geweest? >>nld<< O arranha-céu está no centro da cidade. De wolkenkrabber bevindt zich in het midden van de stad. De wolkenkrabber ligt in het centrum van de stad. >>nld<< As-tu appelé le plombier ? Heb je de loodgieter gebeld? Heb je de loodgieter gebeld? >>eng<< Aujourd'hui, je me porte à merveille. Today I'm doing wonderful. Today, I'm doing great. >>eng<< ¿Dónde compraste bloques de cemento? Where did you buy cinder blocks? Where did you buy cement blocks? >>eng<< Cuesta un rato hacer galletas. Making cookies takes time. It takes a while to make cookies. >>nld<< Me gustaría saber si mi equipaje llegará pronto. Ik wil graag weten of mijn bagage snel komt. Ik zou graag willen weten of mijn bagage binnenkort aankomt. >>deu<< Tom comprò una casa in Australia. Tom kaufte ein Haus in Australien. Tom kaufte ein Haus in Australien. >>nld<< Quelqu'un criait. Iemand schreeuwde. Iemand schreeuwde. >>eng<< Ela non distingue entre o correcto e o incorrecto. She can't tell right from wrong. It does not distinguish between right and wrong. >>deu<< Hai solo una scelta? Du hast nur eine Wahl? Du hast nur eine Wahl? >>nld<< È necessario che tutti rispettino queste regole. Het is noodzakelijk dat iedereen zich aan deze regels houdt. Iedereen moet zich aan deze regels houden. >>eng<< Onde eu posso comprar petiscos? Where can I buy snacks? Where can I buy snacks? >>eng<< ¡Gracias, mamá! Thanks, Mom. Thank you, Mom! >>deu<< Você não deve se aproveitar de sua inocência. Du darfst ihre Naivität nicht ausnutzen. Du solltest deine Unschuld nicht ausnutzen. >>nld<< El tailandés es la lengua oficial de Tailandia. Thai is de officiële taal van Thailand. Thai is de officiële taal van Thailand. >>deu<< El laboratorio tiene el equipamiento más moderno. Das Laboratorium hat die modernste Ausrüstung. Das Labor verfügt über die modernste Ausstattung. >>eng<< Tom traduziu a carta do francês para o inglês para o chefe dele. Tom translated the French letter into English for his boss. Tom translated the letter from French into English for his boss. >>deu<< Je ne suis plus jeune, mais je peux encore mordre. Ich bin nicht mehr jung, aber noch kann ich beißen. Ich bin nicht mehr jung, aber ich kann immer noch beißen. >>nld<< Ferme la porte, s'il te plait. Sluit de deur alsjeblieft. Doe de deur dicht, alsjeblieft. >>eng<< Il est temps ! It's about time. It's time! >>eng<< Há 14 bilhões de anos, o Universo era uma bola de fogo comprimida. Fourteen billion years ago, the universe was a compressed ball of fire. 14 billion years ago, the Universe was a compressed ball of fire. >>eng<< Feles sub lecto est. There is a cat under the bed. It is under the bed. >>deu<< Angela Merkel va nàixer a l'Alemanya Oriental. Angela Merkel wurde in Ostdeutschland geboren. Angela Merkel wurde in Ostdeutschland geboren. >>deu<< Ça tu peux ! Das kannst du! Das kannst du! >>eng<< Cadê o meu chá? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? >>deu<< Non prendere le cose così seriamente. Nimm es nicht so ernst. Nimm es nicht so ernst. >>deu<< Le tsar russe Ivan le Terrible était surnommé Vassiliévitch pour sa cruauté. Der Russische Zar Iwan der Schreckliche wurde wegen seiner Grausamkeit „Wassiljewitsch“ genannt. Der russische Zar Iwan der Schreckliche wurde wegen seiner Grausamkeit Wassiljewitsch genannt. >>deu<< A ver su herida. Zeigen Sie mir bitte Ihre Wunde. Sehen wir uns seine Wunde an. >>deu<< ¡Gracias! Ya había pensado en eso. Danke! Ich habe schon daran gedacht. Danke, darüber habe ich nachgedacht. >>eng<< As-tu besoin de gants ? Do you need gloves? Do you need gloves? >>nld<< O garoto é muito honesto. De jongen is heel eerlijk. Die jongen is heel eerlijk. >>eng<< L'economia japonesa es va desenvolupar depressa. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. >>deu<< Mon sac à dos est jaune. Mein Rucksack ist gelb. Mein Rucksack ist gelb. >>eng<< Jam pridem cupio te visere. I have long been desiring to visit you. Jam pridem cupio dreaming you. >>eng<< Envié a tu email algunas tareas de español. I sent some Spanish exercises to your email. I sent some Spanish assignments to your email. >>eng<< Y pasó lo mismo los ocho días siguientes. And the same thing happened the next eight days. The same thing happened the next eight days. >>eng<< Hominum est laborare. Men should work. Hominin is work. >>deu<< Ils ne s'occupent pas du chien. Die kümmern sich nicht um den Hund. Sie kümmern sich nicht um den Hund. >>nld<< Un fonds a été créé pour préserver la vie marine. Een fonds is opgericht voor de bescherming van het zeeleven. Er is een fonds opgericht om het mariene leven te beschermen. >>nld<< Tom réussira. Tom zal slagen. Tom zal slagen. >>nld<< Mayuko come pan de desayuno. Mayuko eet brood voor het ontbijt. Mayuko eet ontbijtbrood. >>eng<< Non posso mostrargliela. I can't show you. I can't show you. >>deu<< Il a l'habitude de se lever lorsqu'il est en colère. Er hat die Angewohnheit aufzustehen, wenn er wütend ist. Er ist es gewohnt aufzustehen, wenn er wütend ist. >>nld<< Él podría haberlo hecho. Hij kon het voor elkaar krijgen. Hij had het kunnen doen. >>deu<< Îmi place să joc tenis și golf. Ich spiele gerne Tennis und Golf. Ich spiele gerne Tennis und Golf. >>eng<< Personne ne put trouver la grotte. No one could find the cave. No one could find the cave. >>deu<< És el meu oncle. Er ist mein Onkel. Er ist mein Onkel. >>deu<< A livraria está aberta. Die Buchhandlung ist geöffnet. Die Buchhandlung ist offen. >>eng<< Las leyes han cambiado. The laws have changed. The laws have changed. >>eng<< Nasci em 1979. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. >>eng<< Dites-moi comment épeler votre nom. Tell me how to spell your name. Tell me how to spell your name. >>deu<< J'ai de l'argent. Ich habe Geld. Ich habe Geld. >>eng<< Não existe remédio para o amor. There is no medicine for love. There is no remedy for love. >>nld<< Nuestra profesora se ve muy joven. Onze lerares ziet er heel jong uit. Onze lerares ziet er erg jong uit. >>eng<< Qual dos dois é mais importante, eu ou Tatoeba? Which is more important, me or Tatoeba? Which of the two is more important, me or Tatoeba? >>eng<< Siete veramente gemelle? Are you really twins? Are you really twins? >>deu<< Ce chapitre est incompréhensible. Dieses Kapitel ist unverständlich. Dieses Kapitel ist unverständlich. >>eng<< Puedes ver el baloncesto en televisión. You can watch basketball on TV. You can watch basketball on TV. >>nld<< Noi impariamo l'inglese tutti i giorni. We leren elke dag Engels. We leren elke dag Engels. >>deu<< Cada pessoa tem sua maneira de sofrer. Jeder leidet anders. Jeder Mensch hat seine eigene Art zu leiden. >>deu<< Soy un anciano. Ich bin ein alter Mann. Ich bin ein alter Mann. >>eng<< Les miennes sont plus grosses que les tiennes. Mine are bigger than yours. Mine are bigger than yours. >>deu<< Sa déception était évidente pour tous. Ihre Enttäuschung war für alle offensichtlich. Seine Enttäuschung war für alle offensichtlich. >>eng<< Tenemos una cita con el director. We have an appointment with the director. We have an appointment with the director. >>eng<< Come hai trovato la tua vacanza in Germania? How did you find your vacation to Germany? How did you find your holiday in Germany? >>eng<< Discuteremo questo libro nella prossima lezione. We will discuss this book next lesson. We will discuss this book in the next lesson. >>eng<< Ce matin, la température est descendue en dessous de zéro. The temperature has fallen below zero this morning. This morning, the temperature dropped below zero. >>deu<< No cedí a su chantaje. Ich fügte mich ihrer Erpressung nicht. Ich gab seiner Erpressung nicht nach. >>eng<< Mantenga sus piedras conectadas. Keep your stones connected. Keep your stones connected. >>eng<< Estoy preocupado por el futuro de este proyecto. I'm worried about the future of this project. I am concerned about the future of this project. >>eng<< Debilitados pelo vinho, os rútulos tinham adormecido e estavam em silêncio. Weakened by wine, the Rutulians had fallen asleep and were silent. Weakened by the wine, the labels had fallen asleep and were silent. >>nld<< El nombre del autor nos es familiar. De naam van de auteur is ons bekend. De naam van de auteur is bekend. >>nld<< Fresh Reader, trois fois plus intéressant que Twitter (en ce qui me concerne). Fresh Reader, drie keer zo interessant als Twitter (wat mij betreft). Fresh Reader, drie keer interessanter dan Twitter (wat mij betreft). >>eng<< No vine aquí a pedir disculpas. I didn't come here to apologize. I didn't come here to apologize. >>eng<< Você se chama Eduardo? Is your name Edward? Is your name Eduardo? >>deu<< Je vous apporte l’addition tout de suite. Ich bringe Ihnen sofort die Rechnung. Ich bringe Ihnen sofort die Addition. >>nld<< Me gusta esa universidad, pero está demasiado cerca de casa. Deze universiteit bevalt mij wel, maar ze is te dicht bij huis. Ik hou van die universiteit, maar het is te dicht bij huis. >>nld<< Tom llegó a casa a las dos y media. Tom kwam om half drie thuis. Tom kwam om half twee thuis. >>eng<< Porque continua a olhar para mim dessa maneira? Why do you keep looking at me like that? Why do you keep looking at me like that? >>eng<< Estes sapatos não são quentes. These shoes aren't warm. These shoes aren't hot. >>eng<< Je serais heureux que ça se reproduise. I'd be happy if that happened again. I'd be happy if it happened again. >>eng<< Você não precisa necessariamente ir. You don't necessarily have to go. You don't necessarily have to go. >>eng<< Ziri a demandé pardon. Ziri apologized. Ziri apologized. >>nld<< Ese es el hogar donde él vive. Dat is het huis waar hij woont. Dat is het huis waar hij woont. >>deu<< Ti sei strinata? Bist du verwirrt? Bist du nervös? >>deu<< Non mi aspetto nulla da questa proposta. Ich halte nichts von diesem Vorschlag. Ich erwarte nichts von diesem Vorschlag. >>eng<< Eu entendi. Eu não preciso de tradução. I understood. I don't need a translation. I understand. I don't need translation. >>eng<< Desde el inicio de la pandemia, nosotros hemos tomado decisiones basadas en la ciencia, datos y pruebas de los expertos en salud. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on science, data and evidence from health experts. Since the start of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on the science, data and evidence of health experts. >>deu<< C'est encore au loin. Das liegt noch in weiter Ferne. Es ist noch weit weg. >>eng<< La gloire est le soleil des morts. Glory is the sun of the dead. Glory is the sun of the dead. >>nld<< ¿Puedo ver esa revista un poco? Mag ik dat tijdschrift even zien? Mag ik dat tijdschrift een beetje zien? >>eng<< Tom non è bravo a leggere le mappe. Tom isn't good at reading maps. Tom isn't good at reading maps. >>deu<< Mes cheveux sont aussi longs que ceux de Jane. Meine Haare sind genauso lang wie Janes. Meine Haare sind so lang wie Janes. >>eng<< Ele quase se afogou. He almost drowned. He almost drowned. >>eng<< Vocês querem que eu fale em finlandês ou em inglês? Do you want me to speak in Finnish or in English? Do you want me to speak Finnish or English? >>eng<< Perché volete vederci? Why do you want to see us? Why do you want to see us? >>deu<< Estoy embarazada. Ich bin schwanger. Ich bin schwanger. >>eng<< Ha sposato la ragazza dei suoi sogni. He married the girl of his dreams. He married the girl of his dreams. >>deu<< Questo non è sale. Das ist kein Salz. Das ist kein Salz. >>nld<< "Un chat ?" demanda le vieil homme. "Een kat?" vroeg de oude man. ‘Een kat?’ vroeg de oude man. >>deu<< Diablos, olvidé mis píldoras. Verdammt - ich habe meine Pillen vergessen. Verdammt, ich habe meine Pillen vergessen. >>eng<< Comment peux-tu être certain que c’est ce qui va se produire ? How can you be sure that's going to happen? How can you be sure that’s what’s going to happen? >>eng<< A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Semifinale del Torneo dei Candidati, Leningrado, 1974. Chiunque conosca questo gioco sa quanta bellezza può esserci nel gioco degli scacchi. A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Candidates Tournament semifinal, Leningrad, 1974. Anyone who knows this game knows how much beauty there can be in the game of chess. A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Candidates Tournament Semifinal, Leningrad, 1974. Anyone who knows this game knows how much beauty there can be in the game of chess. >>eng<< Pilato chiese quale fosse la verità, ma Gesù non rispose. Pilate asked what the truth was, but Jesus did not answer. Pilate asked what the truth was, but Jesus did not answer. >>eng<< La Terre met un an pour orbiter autour du Soleil. The Earth takes a year to orbit the Sun. The Earth takes a year to orbit the Sun. >>nld<< Me gusta la ensalada de papas. Ik hou van aardappelsalade. Ik hou van aardappelsalade. >>eng<< Ele acha que pode pegar câncer do Vinil. He thinks he can get cancer from vinyl records. He thinks he can get vinyl cancer. >>nld<< Ela é tão inteligente quanto bonita. Ze is even intelligent als mooi. Ze is net zo slim als mooi. >>deu<< Jill è l'unica ragazza nel nostro club. Jill ist das einzige Mädchen in unserem Verein. Jill ist das einzige Mädchen in unserem Club. >>deu<< J'ai lu ce livre il y a deux ans. Ich habe dieses Buch vor zwei Jahren gelesen. Ich habe dieses Buch vor zwei Jahren gelesen. >>deu<< Je ferai en sorte que Tom reçoive votre message. Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass Tom Ihre Nachricht bekommt. Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass Tom Ihre Nachricht erhält. >>eng<< Ele está chamando o médico. He is calling the doctor. He's calling the doctor. >>eng<< Eu gosto das montanhas mais do que do mar. I like the mountains more than I like the sea. I like the mountains more than the sea. >>eng<< Lectus meus commodior est quam tuus. My bed is more comfortable than yours. My reading is more comfortable than yours. >>eng<< Negra y vacía es la noche, si tus ojos no me miran, si tu boca no me habla, si tú, niña, no suspiras, y me destrozas el alma, pues te miro cada día, y con tu mirada callada, otra mirada tú miras. Dark and empty is the night if your eyes do not look at me, if your mouth does not speak, if you, girl, do not sigh, it destroys my soul, so I look at you each day, and with your quiet look, you catch another glance. Black and empty is the night, if your eyes do not look at me, if your mouth does not speak to me, if you, child, do not sigh, and shatter my soul, for I look at you every day, and with your silent gaze, another gaze you look. >>deu<< Le vecchie ferite sanguinano facilmente. Alte Wunden bluten leicht. Alte Wunden bluten leicht. >>eng<< Sarete informate. You'll be informed. You will be informed. >>eng<< Che cos'è un obelisco? What is an obelisk? What is an obelisk? >>eng<< Discrepo con la decidión. I disagree with the decision. I disagree with the decision. >>eng<< Não há nada a ser dito. Todo mundo já sabe a verdade. There's nothing to say. Everyone already knows the truth. There's nothing to be said, everyone already knows the truth. >>deu<< Les lignes bleues sur la carte symbolisent les rivières. Die blauen Linien auf der Karte stehen für Flüsse. Die blauen Linien auf der Karte symbolisieren die Flüsse. >>eng<< Possiamo ricominciare tutto d'accapo. We can start all over again. We can start all over again. >>eng<< ¿Aún puedes recordarlo? Can you still remember it? Can you still remember that? >>deu<< Demà començo a fer règim. Morgen fange ich mit der Diät an. Ich beginne morgen mit dem Regime. >>eng<< Magnus Carlsen a conservé son titre de champion du monde d'échecs. Avec quatre victoires et sept nuls en onze matches, il a dominé par 7,5 x 3,5 le challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi, qui tout au long de la compétition a commis de graves erreurs. Magnus Carlsen retained his title of World Chess Champion. With four wins and seven draws in eleven games, he subdued by 7.5 x 3.5 the challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi, who throughout the competition made some serious mistakes. With four wins and seven draws in eleven games, Magnus Carlsen dominated challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi by 7.5 x 3.5, who made serious mistakes throughout the competition. >>eng<< Non ho quello che stai chiedendo. I do not have what you are asking for. I don't have what you're asking. >>eng<< Amo ascoltare le sue storie. I love listening to his stories. I love listening to his stories. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo es el momento adecuado para plantar plántulas de pimiento? When's the right time to plant pepper seedlings? When is the right time to plant pepper seedlings? >>deu<< Ela viu muitos animais na rua. Sie hat viele Tiere auf der Straße gesehen. Sie sah viele Tiere auf der Straße. >>eng<< A alta comissária para os direitos humanos da ONU, Michele Bachelet, advertiu que a pandemia do coronavírus irá provavelmente alargar as desigualdades existentes a nível mundial se ela não for controlada, com os pobres, os portadores de deficiência, os sem-abrigo, as minorias, as mulheres e os idosos, entre outros, em maior risco. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet warned the coronavirus pandemic is likely to widen existing inequalities around the world if left unchecked, with the poor, the disabled, the homeless, minorities, women and elderly among others most at risk. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet warned that the coronavirus pandemic would likely widen existing global inequalities if left unchecked, with the poor, disabled, homeless, minorities, women and the elderly, among others, at greater risk. >>deu<< O navio não estava pronto para a batalha. Das Schiff war nicht gefechtsbereit. Das Schiff war noch nicht bereit für die Schlacht. >>eng<< Numeri magni momenti in Toki Pona non sunt. Numbers are not important in Toki Pona. There are no great moments in Toki Pona. >>deu<< Tom tomó raticida por accidente. Tom hat aus Versehen Rattengift zu sich genommen. Tom nahm Ratizid versehentlich. >>eng<< Avez-vous été piqué par une abeille ? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been stung by a bee? >>deu<< Ella es la más joven de las dos niñas. Sie ist die jüngste von den beiden Mädchen. Sie ist das jüngste der beiden Mädchen. >>eng<< Ebulliens sicut aqua non excellas, quia ascendisti cubile patris tui et maculasti stratum meum. Thou art poured out as water, grow thou not; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed, and didst defile his couch. You do not excel when you roast like water, for you have gone up to your father's bed, and have defiled my bed. >>deu<< "Obrigado." "Por nada." „Danke!“ – „Bitte!“ "Danke." "Ganz umsonst." >>eng<< No vuelvas aquí. Don't come again. Don't come back here. >>nld<< Os homens estão a almoçar. De mannen zijn aan het lunchen. De mannen zijn aan het lunchen. >>nld<< Ese accidente pasó al lado de su casa. Dat ongeluk gebeurde vlak bij zijn huis. Dat ongeluk gebeurde naast zijn huis. >>nld<< On és el Papa, allà és Roma. Waar de paus is, is Rome. Waar de paus is, daar is Rome. >>eng<< Quantos anos tem esse castelo? How old is this castle? How old is this castle? >>eng<< Se fizeres isso, ficarei profundamente grato; se não o fizeres, eu te perdoarei. If you do it, I shall be deeply grateful; if you do not do it, I shall pardon you. If you do this, I will be deeply grateful; if you do not, I will forgive you. >>eng<< Ovviamente, ero molto scioccata. Obviously, I was very shocked. Of course, I was very shocked. >>eng<< Rima e Skura si fermarono dietro l'autobus. Rima and Skura stopped behind the bus. Rima and Skura stopped behind the bus. >>eng<< Así no es como funciona. That's not how that works. That's not how it works. >>eng<< Vexillum nostrum caeruleum et album est. Our flag is blue and white. It’s an album and an album. >>eng<< Ce champignon est-il vénéneux ? Is this mushroom poisonous? Is this mushroom poisonous? >>eng<< Tom pensó que él podría contar con Mary para hacer un buen trabajo. Tom thought that he could count on Mary to do a good job. Tom thought he could count on Mary to do a good job. >>nld<< Las ballenas son mamíferos. Walvissen zijn zoogdieren. Walvissen zijn zoogdieren. >>eng<< Eu não estava a mentir quando disse que as amava. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved you. I wasn't lying when I said I loved them. >>eng<< O time deles não era muito conexo. Their team is not very cohesive. Their team wasn't very connected. >>eng<< Quello era Tom. That was Tom. That was Tom. >>deu<< Esta camisa social te cairia bem com uma gravata roxa. Mit einem lila Schlips wird dieses Hemd gut aussehen. Dieses Sozialhemd würde dir mit einer lila Krawatte gut gefallen. >>eng<< Estou com dor de cabeça. Vou me deitar. I have a headache. I'm going to lie down. I have a headache, I'm going to bed. >>eng<< Eu apenas pensei que você não quisesse ir. I just thought that you wouldn't want to go. I just thought you didn't want to go. >>deu<< איל גﬞודﬞאאיזמו איס אירמוזו. Das Judentum ist schön. <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0x9C> <0xD7><0x92><0xEF><0xAC><0x9E><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0x93><0xEF><0xAC><0x9E><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0x96><0xD7><0x9E><0xD7><0x95> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA8><0xD7><0x9E><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0x96><0xD7><0x95>. >>eng<< Minha mãe teve sete filhos e quatro filhas. Tinha cinco irmãs. My mother had seven sons and four daughters. She had five sisters. My mother had seven sons and four daughters. She had five sisters. >>deu<< ¿Es este animal sagrado? Ist dieses Tier heilig? Ist dieses Tier heilig? >>eng<< Ninguém sabia o que tinha acontecido. Nobody knew what had happened. No one knew what had happened. >>eng<< No et facis mala sang. You don't have to kick yourself. Don't do bad blood. >>eng<< Tom est maintenant en danger. Tom is now in danger. Tom is in danger. >>eng<< No te creas la historia del cazador sin haber oído la del león. Don't believe the hunter's story without listening to the lion's side. Don't believe the hunter's story until you've heard the lion's story. >>eng<< Encontrei-me com Maria e João em Londres. I met Mary and John when in London. I met Mary and John in London. >>nld<< Espero que vengas de nuevo. Ik hoop wel dat je nog een keer komt. Ik hoop dat je weer komt. >>eng<< Totul părea ok. Everything seemed OK. Everything seemed okay. >>eng<< I l'hai mai 'vù dij problema con lòn. I've never had a problem with it. I've never had a problem with it. >>eng<< Sono il cognato di Helen, perché è la moglie di mio fratello; lei è mia cognata. I am Helen's brother-in-law, because she is my brother's wife; she is my sister-in-law. I'm Helen's brother-in-law, because she's my brother's wife; she's my sister-in-law. >>eng<< Un territorio è l'insieme di intersezioni che un giocatore è riuscito a circondare con le sue pietre in modo tale da diventare inespugnabile. A territory is the set of intersections that a player has managed to encircle with his stones in such a way that it has become impregnable. A territory is the set of intersections that a player has managed to surround with his stones in such a way as to become impregnable. >>deu<< Quella è un'informazione utile. Das ist eine brauchbare Information. Das ist eine nützliche Information. >>eng<< Ele está bebendo café? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? >>eng<< Estos comentaristas sostienen que la Pantera Rosa de los dibujos animados presenta características comportamentales propias del espectro autista. These commentators argue that the Pink Panther from the animated cartoons shows the behavioral characteristics of someone on the autism spectrum. These commentators argue that the Pink Panther of cartoons exhibits behavioral characteristics characteristic of the autism spectrum. >>deu<< El coche que lleva no es suyo. Das Auto, das er fährt, ist nicht seins. Das Auto, das Sie fahren, gehört Ihnen nicht. >>eng<< Le cambié la batería al teclado. I changed the keyboard's battery. I switched the battery to the keyboard. >>eng<< No eres un monstruo. You aren't a monster. You're not a monster. >>deu<< Studiamo arabo. Wir lernen Arabisch. Wir lernen Arabisch. >>eng<< Mea istud non iam interest. That doesn't interest me anymore. I was not interested in it. >>nld<< J'ai laissé ton parapluie dans le bus. Ik heb je paraplu in de bus gelaten. Ik heb je paraplu in de bus gelaten. >>deu<< C'est de l'eau minérale que j'aime boire le plus. Am liebsten trinke ich Mineralwasser. Es ist Mineralwasser, das ich am liebsten trinke. >>eng<< ¿Podemos hacer algo por ti? Can we do something for you? Can we do something for you? >>eng<< Non ho ancora finito di leggere il libro. I'm still not finished reading the book. I haven't finished reading the book yet. >>deu<< Comme je suis né au Vietnam, je parle vietnamien. Weil ich in Vietnam geboren wurde, spreche ich Vietnamesisch. Da ich in Vietnam geboren bin, spreche ich Vietnamesisch. >>deu<< Non sono senza difetti, ma questi difetti possono essere facilmente corretti. Ich bin nicht ohne Fehler, aber diese Fehler können leicht korrigiert werden. Sie sind nicht ohne Mängel, aber diese Mängel können leicht korrigiert werden. >>deu<< Tom a quelque chose à vous dire. Tom hat Ihnen etwas zu sagen. Tom hat Ihnen etwas zu sagen. >>eng<< Para jugar al ajedrez de forma competitiva de acuerdo con las reglas internacionales de la FIDE, el jugador debe anotar sus movimientos. To play chess competitively according to the international rules of FIDE, a player must write down his moves. To play chess competitively according to FIDE international rules, the player must write down his moves. >>deu<< Qual era a casa em que você morava? Was war dein Zuhause? In welchem Haus wohnten Sie? >>eng<< Simplemente ten cuidado de no dejar que el gato salga del bolso. Just be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. Just be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. >>deu<< On est dans le pétrin. Wir sind in Schwierigkeiten. Wir stecken in der Klemme. >>nld<< Eu quero um amigo. Ik wil een vriend. Ik wil een vriend. >>eng<< Sta chiaramente nascondendo qualcosa. He's clearly hiding something. He's clearly hiding something. >>eng<< Je suis à ton côté. I'm by your side. I'm by your side. >>eng<< Sentado no solo, ele parecera tão preguiçoso e inerte como um cerdo, mas agora o seu corpo estava tão tenso e ativo como o de uma pantera. Seated upon the ground, he had seemed as lazy and inert as a hog, but now his body was as tense and active as that of a panther. Sitting on the ground, he had seemed as lazy and inert as a pig, but now his body was as tense and active as that of a panther. >>eng<< Il a eu un problème en se garant. He had a problem while parking. He had a problem guaranteeing himself. >>nld<< Je lui ai dit: Je parie que tu l'aimes. Il m'a répondu bonne pioche! Ik zei hem: "Ik durf wedden dat je van haar houdt." Hij antwoordde: "Dat klopt!" Ik zei: "Ik wed dat je van hem houdt." Hij antwoordde: "Goed gedaan." >>eng<< Thomas operabitur nobis. Tom will work for us. Thomas is working. >>deu<< Oggi pomeriggio c'è un esame di inglese. Heute Nachmittag gibt es einen Englischtest. Heute Nachmittag gibt es eine Englischprüfung. >>deu<< Esse preço inclui café da manhã? Ist das Frühstück im Preis enthalten? Ist der Preis inklusive Frühstück? >>eng<< El s-a mutat în cartierul meu. He moved into my neighborhood. He moved into my neighborhood. >>eng<< Informationes processus omnes vitae rationes permeat. Information processing permeates all aspects of life. Process information is provided to all living organisms. >>nld<< Nadie creerá eso. Niemand gelooft dat. Dat gelooft niemand. >>eng<< Tu n'aurais pas dû emprunter la voiture de Tom. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. >>eng<< Non indicare le persone. Don't point at people. Don't point to people. >>eng<< Ziri s'est reposé. Ziri rested. Ziri has rested. >>eng<< O Tom ficou parado. Tom kept still. Tom stood still. >>nld<< El mundo es una nación. De wereld is een natie. De wereld is een natie. >>eng<< Voilà déjà longtemps que tu es en sécurité. You've been safe for a long time now. It's been a long time since you've been safe. >>eng<< "Nunc Phœnissa tenet Dido blandisque moratur / vocibus, et vereor, quo se Junonia vertant / hospitia: haud tanto cessabit cardine rerum". "Him with speeches fair / and sweet allurements doth the queen detain; / but Juno's hospitality I fear; / scarce at an hour like this will she her hand forbear." "Now Phönix is holding Dido in her soothing voices, and the truth is that Junonia is turning to her hostage: so much will cease from the pivot of the things." >>eng<< Si tu veux venir, tu peux. If you want to come, you can. If you want to come, you can. >>eng<< Se volverá más y más difícil vivir en la villa. It will become more and more difficult to live in the village. It will become more and more difficult to live in the villa. >>eng<< Tom ha trovato un coltello. Tom found a knife. Tom found a knife. >>eng<< Estamos empezando a cuestionar lo que pensábamos que sabíamos. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. >>eng<< En espéranto l’accent tonique se place toujours sur l’avant-dernière syllabe. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto the tonic accent is always placed on the penultimate syllable. >>deu<< Je l'attrapai par le bras avant qu'il ne tombât. Ich bekam seinen Arm zu fassen, bevor er fiel. Ich packte ihn am Arm, bevor er fiel. >>eng<< Le capitaine ira à la station météorologique pour avoir un compte-rendu météorologique. The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing. The captain will go to the weather station for a weather report. >>eng<< Avete il mio numero di telefono? Do you have my phone number? Do you have my phone number? >>eng<< Tom a rougi. Tom blushed. Tom blushed. >>nld<< Și el învață chineza. Hij studeert ook Chinees. Hij leert ook Chinees. >>eng<< ¿Qué prefieres, té o café? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? What do you prefer, tea or coffee? >>eng<< Le projet de loi fut fortement allégé avant d'être voté par le parlement. The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature. The bill was greatly lightened before it was voted on by parliament. >>eng<< Por favor, solte. Please let go. Please, let go. >>eng<< No debes perderte. You must not get lost. Don't get lost. >>nld<< He estado ocupada. Ik was bezig. Ik heb het druk gehad. >>eng<< Tom a vizitat-o pe Mary săptămâna trecută. Tom visited Mary last week. Tom visited Mary last week. >>eng<< ¿Es verdad que usted habla todos estos idiomas? Is it true that you speak all these languages? Is it true that you speak all these languages? >>eng<< Nec soli pœnas dant sanguine Teucri; / quondam etiam victis redit in præcordia virtus, / victoresque cadunt Danai. Crudelis ubique / luctus, ubique pavor et plurima mortis imago. Nor hath vengeance found / none save the Trojans; there the victors groan, / and valour fires the vanquished. All around / wailings, and wild affright and shapes of death abound. Nor do the only punishments give the blood of Teucrus; / when even the defeats return to the strength of the heart, / when the victories fall to Danai. Cruel everywhere / mourning, everywhere dread and much death image. >>eng<< Scripturam in pariete legere possum. I can read the writing on the wall. I can write on the wall. >>nld<< Je voudrais que ça apparaisse comme un cambriolage. Ik zou graag hebben dat het er als een inbraak uitziet. Ik wil dat het lijkt op een inbraak. >>deu<< La idiotez humana no tiene límites. Die menschliche Blödheit kennt keine Grenzen. Die menschliche Dummheit hat keine Grenzen. >>eng<< Ha il permesso di essere qui? Do you have permission to be here? Do you have permission to be here? >>nld<< Eso suena realmente interesante. Dat klinkt heel interessant. Dat klinkt echt interessant. >>nld<< Je n'ai jamais escaladé le mont Fuji. Ik heb nog nooit de berg Fuji beklommen. Ik heb nooit de berg Fuji beklommen. >>eng<< Je suis contre. I stand against it. I'm against it. >>eng<< Nulla ha senso nel mondo. Nothing in the world adds up. Nothing makes sense in the world. >>deu<< Toda a felicidade se baseia apenas na relação entre nossas esperanças e aquilo que alcançamos. Alles Glück beruht nur auf dem Verhältnis zwischen unseren Ansprüchen und dem, was wir erhalten. Alle Glückseligkeit beruht nur auf der Beziehung zwischen unseren Hoffnungen und dem, was wir erreicht haben. >>deu<< Tómese esta medicina dos veces al día. Nehmen Sie dieses Medikament zweimal täglich ein. Nehmen Sie dieses Medikament zweimal täglich ein. >>eng<< Depois mergulhe cada croquete em ovo batido, volte a rolar em pão ralado e frite em gordura quente. Then dip each croquette in beaten egg, roll in bread-crumbs again, and fry in hot fat. Then dip each croquette in beaten egg, roll back into breadcrumbs and fry in hot fat. >>eng<< Ce téléphone ne marche pas. This telephone doesn't work. This phone's not working. >>eng<< Tom dormiu durante o dia. Tom slept during the day. Tom slept during the day. >>deu<< Preciso me desculpar com a Ann. Ich muss mich bei Ann entschuldigen. Ich muss mich bei Ann entschuldigen. >>deu<< O Tom vai ser feliz. Tom wird glücklich sein. Tom wird glücklich sein. >>eng<< A luglio nuotiamo. In July we swim. In July we swim. >>deu<< Oui, j'ai besoin de me défouler ! Ja, ich brauche Abwechslung! Ja, ich muss mich austoben! >>deu<< À part ça, la phrase est-elle correcte ? Ist der Satz ansonsten richtig? Abgesehen davon, ist der Satz richtig? >>deu<< Mets les chaussettes dans la corbeille, s'il te plaît. Lege bitte Socken in den Korb. Leg die Socken bitte in den Korb. >>deu<< Iesus aquam in vinum convertit. Jesus verwandelte Wasser in Wein. Das Wasser verwandelt sich in Wein. >>eng<< Elle a disparu il y a deux jours. She disappeared two days ago. She disappeared two days ago. >>deu<< Un dia sense humor és un dia d'allò més trist. Ein Tag ohne Humor ist ein äußerst trauriger Tag. Ein Tag ohne Humor ist ein trauriger Tag. >>nld<< Se você comer muito, vai ficar gorda. Als je te veel eet, word je dik. Als je te veel eet, word je dik. >>nld<< Je ne peux pas boire de café. Ik kan geen koffie drinken. Ik kan geen koffie drinken. >>eng<< Me gusta Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. >>eng<< Sono venuto a vederla. I came to see her. I came to see you. >>nld<< Tu sei il più alto. Jij bent de grootste. Jij bent de grootste. >>nld<< Tom courait pieds nus sur la plage. Tom rende met blote voeten op het strand. Tom liep met blote voeten op het strand. >>eng<< Si nos vamos temprano, podemos evitar el tráfico de la hora punta. If we leave early, we can avoid the rush hour traffic. If we leave early, we can avoid rush hour traffic. >>eng<< Esse é o jornal de hoje? Is this today's newspaper? Is that today's paper? >>eng<< Gîndaci se ascunde în timpul zilei. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Goose hides during the day. >>nld<< No me gusta comer tomates. Ik eet niet graag tomaten. Ik eet niet graag tomaten. >>deu<< "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "Wie alt bist du?" - "Ich bin sechzehn." "Wie alt bist du?" "Ich bin sechzehn." >>deu<< Les raisins secs sont des raisins secs. Getrocknete Weintrauben sind Rosinen. Rosinen sind Rosinen. >>eng<< Dopo l'alba, beve il caffè. After dawn, he drinks coffee. After dawn, he drinks coffee. >>nld<< Ella no es tan tímida como solía ser. Ze is niet zo verlegen als vroeger. Ze is niet zo verlegen als vroeger. >>deu<< Fale bem devagar, se você quer que eu o entenda. Sprich schön langsam, falls ich dich verstehen soll. Sprich langsam, wenn du willst, dass ich es verstehe. >>nld<< C'è una mela sopra la scrivania. Er ligt één appel op de tafel. Er ligt een appel boven je bureau. >>eng<< Tom sabe que non vai ser quen de ir a Boston con Mary. Tom knew that he wouldn't be able to go to Boston with Mary. Tom knows he won't be able to go to Boston with Mary. >>deu<< Mi sembra di avere tutto, ma dentro sento il vuoto. Ich scheine alles zu haben, aber im Inneren fühle ich eine Leere. Ich habe alles, aber im Inneren spüre ich die Leere. >>deu<< Tom prononce la lettre « r » de manière incorrecte. Tom spricht den Buchstaben „r“ falsch aus. Tom spricht den Buchstaben „r“ falsch aus. >>nld<< El perro me atacó súbitamente. De hond viel me plotseling aan. De hond viel me plotseling aan. >>eng<< Ele olhou debaixo da cama, atrás dos armários e no banheiro. He looked under the bed, behind the closets, and in the bathroom. He looked under the bed, behind the closets and in the bathroom. >>eng<< Il n'y a pas de crime parfait. There is no such a thing as a perfect crime. There is no perfect crime. >>eng<< Tornate prima che sia troppo tardi. Come back before it's too late. Come back before it's too late. >>eng<< Elle est russe. She is Russian. She's Russian. >>deu<< El Dio es. Gott ist. Gott ist. >>eng<< Sei sicura che Tom non sarà occupato? Are you sure Tom won't be busy? Are you sure Tom won't be busy? >>eng<< Est-ce que c'est un restaurant végétarien ? Is it a vegetarian restaurant? Is this a vegetarian restaurant? >>eng<< Los niños están jugando Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. >>eng<< Las flores huelen bien. The flowers smell good. The flowers smell good. >>eng<< "Namque ut conspectu in medio turbatus, inermis, / constitit, atque oculis Phrygia agmina circumspexit, / 'Heu, quæ nunc tellus,' inquit, 'quæ me æquora possunt / accipere, aut quid jam misero mihi denique restat, / cui neque apud Danaos usquam locus, et super ipsi / Dardanidæ infensi pœnas cum sanguine poscunt?'" "As, scared the Phrygian ranks to see, / confused, unarmed, amid the gazing throng, / he stood, 'Alas! what spot on earth or sea / is left,' he cried, 'to shield a wretch like me, / whom Dardans seek in punishment to kill, / and Greeks disown?'" "Neither as he looked in the midst, troubled, unarmed, and with Phrygia's eyes he looked round about, and said, 'Alas, what can I now receive, or what shall I send, that I may not be left, who neither at Dana's house, nor at the place, nor at the place, where there is no place, nor upon him, nor upon the dardanids?' >>eng<< Nunca me he olvidado de ti. I've never forgotten you. I've never forgotten you. >>nld<< Bonjour, étranger. Hallo, vreemdeling. Hallo, vreemdeling. >>nld<< Amo il sole. Ik hou van de zon. Ik hou van de zon. >>deu<< Lo vendí en diez dólares. Ich habe es für zehn Dollar verkauft. Ich habe es für zehn Dollar verkauft. >>deu<< Cerco di imparare Toki Pona, ma vedo che è molto difficile padroneggiare un linguaggio così semplificato. Ich versuche Toki Pona zu lernen, aber ich sehe, dass es sehr schwierig ist, eine so vereinfachte Sprache zu beherrschen. Ich versuche, Toki Pona zu lernen, aber ich sehe, dass es sehr schwierig ist, eine so vereinfachte Sprache zu beherrschen. >>eng<< Bona educatio bonum hominem non facit, tamen bonus homo cum bona educatione mundum pro multa hominibus mutare potest. A good education doesn't make a good person, but a good person with the right education can change the world for a lot of people. A good education does not make a good man, but a good man with a good education can change the world for many people. >>eng<< Să jucăm o partidă de baseball. Let's play a game of baseball. Let's play a game of baseball. >>nld<< Encara que estic cansat he fet el que he pogut. Hoewel ik moe was, heb ik gedaan wat ik kon. Hoewel ik moe ben, heb ik gedaan wat ik kon. >>deu<< Cette robe rouge lui va très bien. Das rote Kleid steht ihr sehr gut. Dieses rote Kleid passt ihm sehr gut. >>deu<< ¿Por qué no hacemos nada? Warum taten wir nichts? Warum tun wir nichts? >>eng<< Me pergunto se o Tom está morto. I wonder if Tom is dead. I wonder if Tom's dead. >>nld<< Eu tomarei a providência que me parecer necessária. Ik zal de maatregelen nemen die mij noodzakelijk lijken. Ik zal alles doen wat nodig lijkt. >>eng<< La berenjena es el ingrediente principal de algunos platos vegetarianos con salsa de tomate. Aubergine is the main ingredient of some vegetarian dishes with tomato sauce. Eggplant is the main ingredient in some vegetarian dishes with tomato sauce. >>nld<< Trois ans se sont écoulés depuis. Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar voorbijgegaan. Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar verstreken. >>eng<< Tom era medio choncho en el tercer grado. Tom was kind of chubby in the third grade. Tom was half-cocked in third grade. >>deu<< Il va souvent au cinéma avec elle. Er geht oft mit ihr ins Kino. Er geht oft mit ihr ins Kino. >>eng<< Inizieremo appena possiamo. We'll begin as soon as we can. We'll start as soon as we can. >>eng<< Dá uma olhada. Have a look. Take a look. >>eng<< Il n'a aucune expérience. He has no experience. He has no experience. >>deu<< Elle aime jouer au baseball. Sie spielt gerne Baseball. Sie spielt gerne Baseball. >>eng<< Tom è un amico di Mary. Tom is a friend of Mary's. Tom is a friend of Mary's. >>nld<< La nueva película fue un gran éxito. De nieuwe film was een groot succes. De nieuwe film was een groot succes. >>eng<< Adicionei 3.333 frases em Russo ao corpus de Tatoeba. I have added 3,333 Russian sentences to the Tatoeba corpus. I added 3,333 sentences in Russian to Tatoeba's corpus. >>deu<< Ça ne se fait pas tout seul. Das macht sich nicht von selbst. Das kann man nicht alleine machen. >>eng<< Ziri era così arrabbiato con la sua famiglia. Ziri was so angry at his family. Ziri was so angry with his family. >>eng<< La risposta del profeta ha deluso la donna. The prophet's answer disappointed the woman. The prophet’s response disappointed the woman. >>eng<< Tu non sai come farlo, vero? You don't know how to do it, do you? You don't know how to do that, do you? >>nld<< Si en otro idioma natural existe una palabra cuyo significado no puede expresarse a través de las palabras ya existentes en el esperanto, uno puede importar la palabra desde aquel idioma al esperanto. Als er in een of andere natuurlijke taal een woord bestaat, waarvan men de betekenis niet kan uitdrukken door reeds bestaande woorddelen van het Esperanto, kan men het woord uit die taal invoeren in het Esperanto. Als er in een andere natuurlijke taal een woord is waarvan de betekenis niet kan worden uitgedrukt door woorden die al in het Esperanto bestaan, kan men het woord uit die taal importeren in het Esperanto. >>eng<< Quando deve partire? When do you have to leave? When do you have to leave? >>eng<< No veo ningún hueso roto. I don't see any broken bones. I don't see any broken bones. >>eng<< Non penso che lei sia schizofrenica. I don't think you're schizophrenic. I don't think you're schizophrenic. >>eng<< Thomas Biblia in novem linguis habet: Hispanica, Esperanto, Gallica, Graeca, Hungarica, Anglica, Latina, Lusitana et Russica. Thomas has the Bible in nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Portuguese and Russian. Thomas Bible has nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, Galician, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Lusitanian and Russian. >>nld<< Você sabe dirigir um carro? Kunt u autorijden? Weet je hoe je een auto bestuurt? >>deu<< Il est difficile de s’habituer aux us et coutumes d’un autre pays. Es ist schwierig, sich an die Sitten und Bräuche eines anderen Landes zu gewöhnen. Es ist schwierig, sich an die Bräuche und Gebräuche eines anderen Landes zu gewöhnen. >>eng<< Magnam domum et duas raedas habet. She has a big house and two cars. It has a great house and two rajas. >>nld<< Amicus Mariae sum. Ik ben een vriend van Maria. Ik ben een vriend van Maria. >>nld<< Laisse-moi y réfléchir et je te le ferai savoir plus tard. Laat me erover denken en ik zal het je later laten weten. Laat me erover nadenken en ik laat het je later weten. >>deu<< Quis docebit me hoc? Wer wird mir das beibringen? Wer hat mir dies gelehrt? >>eng<< Quid Thomas edit? What's Tom eating? What did Thomas do? >>deu<< Hay una casa en la colina. Auf dem Hügel steht ein Haus. Es gibt ein Haus auf dem Hügel. >>deu<< Etiam homines sapientissimi errare possunt. Auch sehr kluge Menschen können irren. Die weisesten Menschen können sich irren. >>deu<< Si tu veux la paix, prépare la guerre. Willst du Frieden, bereite dich zum Krieg. Wenn du Frieden willst, bereite den Krieg vor. >>eng<< Não venha. Don't come. Don't come. >>eng<< Estamos felices de estar aquí. We're happy to be here. We're happy to be here. >>eng<< Tom interrompe Mary o tempo todo. Tom interrupts Mary all the time. Tom interrupts Mary all the time. >>eng<< Je n'avais pas le cœur au travail. My heart wasn't in the work. I had no heart at work. >>eng<< Me costó muchísimo encontrar tu apartamento. It was very hard for me to find your apartment. I had a hard time finding your apartment. >>eng<< "Tu audi me igitur dum pronuncio prælectionem, ego audiam te deinde." "Age, pronuncia." "You listen to me then while I recite the lesson, and I will listen to you afterwards." "Go on, recite it." "You listen to me when I pronounce the choice, I'll hear you afterwards." "Age, pronounce." >>eng<< A jaqueta azul me serve direitinho. The blue jacket fits me just right. The blue jacket fits me right. >>eng<< Să sperăm că ne vor lăsa în pace. Let's hope they leave us alone. Let's hope they leave us alone. >>eng<< Quando estudo Toki Pona, me lembro de Tarzan dizendo: "Mim Tarzan, você Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "My Tarzan, you Jane." >>eng<< No hay cura. There's no cure. There's no cure. >>deu<< Stavo cercando qualcuno. Ich suchte jemanden. Ich habe nach jemandem gesucht. >>deu<< Non capisco l'ungherese, spiacente. Ich verstehe kein Ungarisch; tut mir leid. Ich verstehe kein Ungarisch, tut mir leid. >>eng<< Questa legge è stata approvata l'anno scorso. This law was passed last year. This law was passed last year. >>eng<< Ziri sa che Rima e Yazid non sono mai usciti insieme. Ziri knows that Rima and Yazid never dated. Ziri knows that Rima and Yazid have never dated. >>eng<< Feles bibit. The cat is drinking. Drinks are fine. >>deu<< Mulțumesc pentru explicație. Danke für die Erklärung. Danke für die Erklärung. >>nld<< Tu es très élégant. Jij bent zeer elegant. Je ziet er goed uit. >>eng<< Você é muito sortudo. You're so lucky. You're very lucky. >>eng<< Quando você vai vê-lo novamente? When will you see him again? When will you see him again? >>eng<< Nulla di quello che ha detto Tom era vero. None of what Tom said was true. Nothing Tom said was true. >>deu<< Io non volevo andare, però dovevo. Ich wollte nicht fortgehen, aber ich musste. Ich wollte nicht gehen, aber ich musste. >>eng<< Lui ha indossato una maschera così che nessuno l'avrebbe riconosciuto. He wore a mask so no one would recognize him. He wore a mask so no one would recognize him. >>deu<< Sempre estamos expostos a algum tipo de perigo. Wir sind immer irgendeiner Gefahr ausgesetzt. Wir sind immer einer Art Gefahr ausgesetzt. >>eng<< Estoy escribiendo un libro en Toki Pona que ya contiene 7700 oraciones, pero aún está en revisión. I'm writing a book in Toki Pona that already contains 7700 sentences, but it's still under review. I am writing a book in Toki Pona that already contains 7,700 sentences, but is still under review. >>eng<< Nous devrions être partis. We should be on our way. We should be gone. >>eng<< Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. Moreover, I am of the opinion that Carthage must be destroyed. Carthage is the seat of Carthage. >>eng<< A água no estado gasoso é conhecida como "vapor". Gaseous water is known as "vapor". Water in the gaseous state is known as "vapor". >>eng<< L'intelligenza artificiale farà sparire questi lavori? Will artificial intelligence make these jobs disappear? Will artificial intelligence make these jobs disappear? >>deu<< Les Musulmans croient en un Dieu unique. Die Muslime glauben an einen einzigen Gott. Muslime glauben an einen einzigen Gott. >>eng<< Vamos, tócaa. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. >>nld<< Prima il meccanico prendeva molto di più. Vroeger heeft de monteur veel meer genomen. Vroeger nam de monteur veel meer. >>nld<< Avez-vous ramassé des baies, quand vous étiez jeune ? Hebt u bessen geplukt toen u jong was? Heb je bessen geplukt toen je jong was? >>eng<< Tom se puso peor. Tom got worse. Tom got worse. >>eng<< Lei ha abbracciato Mary. You hugged Mary. She hugged Mary. >>eng<< Le plan a été sabordé. The plan was scuppered. The plan was scuttled. >>nld<< Faisons un duel ! Laten we duelleren! Laten we een duel beginnen. >>eng<< Questi rintocchi hanno un suono dolce. These chimes have a mellow sound. These bells have a sweet sound. >>eng<< ¿Qué quieres decir con eso? Explícate. What do you mean by that? Explain yourself. What do you mean by that? >>eng<< Ho abitato qui per dieci anni. I have lived here for ten years. I've lived here for ten years. >>eng<< Non è il suo unico problema. That isn't your only problem. It's not his only problem. >>deu<< Rifletterò circa la vostra proposta. Ich werde über Ihren Vorschlag nachdenken. Ich werde über Ihren Vorschlag nachdenken. >>eng<< Mi manca veramente il mio ex. I really miss my ex. I really miss my ex. >>eng<< Esqueci de pagar a conta. I forgot to pay the bill. I forgot to pay the bill. >>eng<< Il y avait beaucoup de portraits de la même femme. There were many portraits of the same woman. There were many portraits of the same woman. >>deu<< Tom no quiere nada del dinero de Mary. Tom möchte Nichts von Marys Geld. Tom will nichts von Marys Geld. >>deu<< Peut-être puis-je être d'une aide quelconque. Kann ich vielleicht irgendwie behilflich sein? Vielleicht kann ich irgendeine Hilfe sein. >>eng<< L'acqua era tiepida. The water was lukewarm. The water was lukewarm. >>eng<< Hem d'escriure amb tinta, mestre? Sir, do we have to write in ink? Do we have to write with ink, Master? >>deu<< Peux-tu identifier l'homme à l'aide de cette photo ? Kannst du den Mann mit Hilfe dieses Fotos identifizieren? Kannst du den Mann anhand dieses Fotos identifizieren? >>eng<< Ayer no tuve que estudiar. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn’t have to study yesterday. >>nld<< Regarde, un écureuil. Kijk, een eekhoorn. Kijk, een eekhoorn. >>nld<< La mia frase è corretta? Is mijn zin correct? Is mijn zin correct? >>eng<< Mia moglie non ha potuto venire. My wife couldn't come. My wife couldn't come. >>eng<< ¿Cómo te lastimó Tom? How did Tom hurt you? How did Tom hurt you? >>eng<< Tenemos que cortar los champiñones para la ensalada. We need to slice mushrooms for the salad. We have to cut the mushrooms for the salad. >>nld<< Una parte de esa tierra es mía. Een deel van dit land is van mij. Een deel van dat land is van mij. >>deu<< Êtes-vous si sûr que c’est une coïncidence ? Sind Sie sich so sicher, dass es ein Zufall ist? Bist du dir so sicher, dass es ein Zufall ist? >>nld<< Não fale coisas sem sentido! Zeg geen onzin! Zeg geen onzin. >>nld<< Je n'ai jamais eu de mal à m'endormir. Ik heb nooit moeite gehad om in slaap te vallen. Ik heb nooit moeite gehad om in slaap te vallen. >>eng<< Peço a sua opinião. I ask you for your opinion. I ask for your opinion. >>nld<< Um menino é uma criança do sexo masculino. Een jongen is een mannelijk kind. Een jongen is een mannelijk kind. >>deu<< Je veux changer le cours des choses. Ich möchte den Lauf der Dinge ändern. Ich will den Lauf der Dinge ändern. >>deu<< L'homme se dressa. Der Mann stand auf. Der Mann stand auf. >>deu<< Io non ti volevo alcun male. Ich wollte dir nichts Böses. Ich wollte dich nicht verletzen. >>nld<< Él es un inglés. Hij is een Engelsman. Hij is een Engelsman. >>deu<< Viens et tiens-moi un peu compagnie. Komm und leiste mir etwas Gesellschaft. Kommen Sie und halten Sie mir Gesellschaft. >>deu<< C'est un faux. Es ist eine Fälschung. Das ist eine Fälschung. >>eng<< Maria filia Didymi est. Mary is Tom's daughter. Mary is the daughter of Didymi. >>eng<< Has ganado. You won. You've won. >>deu<< Ils sont en plastique. Sie sind aus Kunststoff. Sie sind aus Plastik. >>eng<< Ho bisogno di una donna nella mia vita. I need a woman in my life. I need a woman in my life. >>eng<< Il n'a aucun respect pour ses parents. He has no respect for his parents. He has no respect for his parents. >>deu<< Mi amigo Mike estudia química en la Universidad de Oxford. Mein Freund Michael studiert Chemie an der Universität von Oxford. Mein Freund Mike studiert Chemie an der Universität Oxford. >>eng<< Ela o deixou rico. She made him rich. She made him rich. >>nld<< Ai prieteni în Antigua? Heb je vrienden in Antigua? Heb je vrienden in Antigua? >>eng<< Viața e ceea ce ți se întâmplă în timp ce tu ești ocupat cu făcutul altor planuri. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. >>eng<< Nobis Roma profecturis, pluere coepit. When we were about to depart from Rome, it started to rain. The Romans have a lot of prose, a lot of prose. >>deu<< Ya te lo han dicho. Sie haben es dir ja gesagt. Das haben sie dir schon gesagt. >>eng<< Admire les femmes pour leur intelligence et leur personnalité... la beauté ne suffit pas ! Admire women for their intelligence and personality... beauty is not enough! Admire women for their intelligence and personality... beauty is not enough! >>eng<< Mon ami hongrois a dit que Toki Pona était son araignée, mais il n'a pas expliqué ce qu'il voulait dire par ça. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona is his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona was his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. >>nld<< Ochii de pisică sunt foarte sensibili la lumină. De ogen van een kat zijn zeer gevoelig voor licht. Kattenogen zijn zeer gevoelig voor licht. >>nld<< Es mi perro. Het is mijn hond. Het is mijn hond. >>eng<< No entenc el que el està dient. I don't understand what he's saying. I don't understand what he's saying. >>eng<< Il caffè mi rende assonnato. Coffee makes me sleepy. Coffee makes me sleepy. >>nld<< El lago Baikal en Rusia es el lago más profundo del mundo. Het Baikalmeer in Rusland is het diepste meer ter wereld. Het Baikalmeer in Rusland is het diepste meer ter wereld. >>eng<< Siamo soddisfatte. We're contented. We are satisfied. >>deu<< ¿Puedo participar? Kann ich mitmachen? Kann ich teilnehmen? >>eng<< Los médicos parecían preocupados. The doctors seemed concerned. The doctors seemed worried. >>deu<< Al principio Dios creó el cielo y la tierra. Am Anfang erschuf Gott den Himmel und die Erde. Am Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde. >>deu<< Notre projet est tombé à l'eau. Unser Projekt ist ins Wasser gefallen. Unser Projekt ist ins Wasser gefallen. >>deu<< Petasum in taberna emi. Ich habe in dem Geschäft einen Hut gekauft. Petasum in der Taverne emi. >>nld<< Pensez-vous pouvoir vous rendre à Boston pour Noël ? Denkt u dat u met Kerstmis naar Boston kunt komen? Denk je dat je met Kerstmis naar Boston kunt gaan? >>eng<< La escalera es una técnica para capturar piedras. A cada paso, el atacante reduce las libertades del defensor de dos a uno. A ladder is a technique for capturing stones. At each step, the attacker reduces the defender's liberties from two to one. The ladder is a technique for capturing stones. At each step, the attacker reduces the defender's freedoms from two to one. >>eng<< Ne prenda solamente una. Take only one. Just take one. >>deu<< Numără merele din Coş. Zähl die Äpfel im Korb. Zähle die Äpfel im Korb. >>eng<< Trabalharemos até que tudo esteja feito. We will work until everything is done. We will work until everything is done. >>eng<< L'amicizia significa molto per me. Friendship means a lot to me. Friendship means a lot to me. >>deu<< Me hipnotizaron. Ich wurde hypnotisiert. Ich wurde hypnotisiert. >>eng<< Ponlo en la alacena. Put it in the cupboard. Put it in the cupboard. >>deu<< Tom veut vraiment apprendre le français. Tom will wirklich Französisch lernen. Tom will wirklich Französisch lernen. >>nld<< No siguis tan tancat. Wees niet zo gereserveerd. Wees niet zo gesloten. >>eng<< Lei che farà domenica prossima? What are you doing next Sunday? What will you do next Sunday? >>eng<< Siete andate a Boston ieri? Did you go to Boston yesterday? Did you go to Boston yesterday? >>nld<< Je suis un peu plus grand que toi. Ik ben iets groter dan jij. Ik ben een beetje ouder dan jij. >>nld<< Abandonne. Geef op. Verlaat het. >>eng<< Não feche os olhos. Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. >>eng<< Veuillez cesser de vous disputer, s'il vous plaît. Please cease from quarreling. Please stop arguing, please. >>eng<< Vir equo vehitus est. The man rode a horse. It is a fair vehicle. >>eng<< Lei è mio amico. You are my friend. You're my friend. >>eng<< Amenez tout votre argent ! Bring all your money. Bring all your money! >>eng<< È imprevedibile. He is unpredictable. It's unpredictable. >>eng<< De quem são esses guarda-chuvas? Whose umbrellas are these? Whose umbrellas are they? >>eng<< Pecuniam non habeo. I do not have any money. I have no money. >>nld<< No bebas nada. Drink niets. Drink niets. >>eng<< Depois de sair da reunião do G-7, o Presidente Norte-Americano Donald Trump descreveu o Primeiro-Ministro Canadiano Justin Trudeau como «manso e brando» e «desonesto e fraco». After leaving the G-7 meeting, U.S. President Donald Trump described Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “meek and mild” and “dishonest and weak.” After leaving the G-7 meeting, U.S. President Donald Trump described Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “meek and gentle” and “dishonest and weak.” >>eng<< Cosa intende fare quest'estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? >>eng<< Veuillez me prévenir quand vous n'arriverez plus à entendre cela. Please tell me when you cannot hear this anymore. Please let me know when you can no longer hear this. >>eng<< Elle lui conseilla de rester chez lui. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him to stay at home. >>eng<< Mi esposa no pudo venir. My wife couldn't come. My wife couldn't come. >>eng<< Perdonatemi per avere interrotto l'altro giorno. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. >>eng<< La capacidad productiva de petróleo de Argelia está limitada. Algeria's oil production capacity is limited. Algeria’s oil production capacity is limited. >>eng<< No cabe duda que el ladrón fue Tom. There's no question that Tom was the thief. There is no doubt that the thief was Tom. >>eng<< ¿No puedes diferenciar entre fantasía y realidad? Can't you divorce fantasy from reality? Can't you tell the difference between fantasy and reality? >>eng<< It deve capì che chiel a l'é mòrt. You have to understand that he died. You have to know that he's dead. >>deu<< Eu posso te esperar. Ich kann auf dich warten. Ich kann auf dich warten. >>eng<< A sala de jantar fica perto da cozinha. The dining room is near the kitchen. The dining room is close to the kitchen. >>nld<< Une foule importante s'est rassemblée sur le lieu de l'incendie. Een grote menigte kwam bijeen op de plaats van de brand. Een grote menigte verzamelde zich op de plaats van de brand. >>eng<< David a invité Martha pour prendre une bière. David invited Martha for a beer. David invited Martha for a beer. >>deu<< Se ha acabado la cerveza Das Bier ist alle. Das Bier ist aus >>eng<< Non mentii a loro. I didn't lie to them. Don't lie to them. >>eng<< Quem casa quer casa. Married people need a home of their own. Anyone who wants a house. >>deu<< Il est déjà dix heures. Es ist schon zehn Uhr. Es ist schon zehn Uhr. >>eng<< Nous sommes pressés d'arriver. We can't wait to arrive. We are in a hurry to arrive. >>eng<< Il campionato sarà nostro. The championship will be ours. The championship will be ours. >>eng<< Thomas apud nos non esse simulavit. Tom pretended he wasn't with us. Thomas isn’t simulating that. >>nld<< Janeiro é o meu mês. Januari is mijn maand. Januari is mijn maand. >>eng<< Perché non provi a dormire un po'? Why not try to get some sleep? Why don't you try to get some sleep? >>eng<< Chiese al sindaco il permesso di parlare. He asked the mayor for permission to speak. He asked the mayor for permission to speak. >>deu<< Mai bine mor de foame decât să fur. Ich sterbe lieber vor Hunger, als zu stehlen. Ich verhungere lieber, als zu stehlen. >>eng<< Ce que je n'ai pas compris est pourquoi le Kabyle ne peut pas parler aux Kabyles en kabyle? What I don't not understand is why a Kabyle can not speak to another Kabyle person in the Kabyle language? What I didn't understand is why the Kabyle can't speak to the Kabyles in Kabyle? >>eng<< Mlle. Green m'a appris l'anglais. Miss Green taught me English. Miss Green taught me English. >>nld<< On nomme un côté d'une pièce « face », et l'autre, « pile ». Een zijde van een muntstuk noemt men "kop", de andere "munt". De ene kant van een munt heet 'gezicht' en de andere 'stapel'. >>eng<< Nem sempre é fácil distinguir o bem do mal. It is not always easy to distinguish good from evil. It is not always easy to distinguish good from evil. >>deu<< Amanhã Tom vai tomar café bem cedinho. Tom wird morgen früh frühstücken. Morgen früh wird Tom frühstücken. >>nld<< A él no le gusta el deporte. Y a mí tampoco. Hij houdt niet van sport, en ik ook niet. Hij houdt niet van sport, en ik ook niet. >>eng<< Dovetti sacrificare molto. I had to sacrifice a lot. I had to sacrifice a lot. >>eng<< Asta este exact la ce mă gândeam. That's exactly what I thought. That's exactly what I was thinking. >>nld<< El 26 de septiembre es el Día Europeo del Lenguaje. El Consejo de Europa quiere agudizar la atención en el patrimonio multilingüe de Europa, promover el desarrollo del multilingüismo y alentar a los ciudadanos a aprender idiomas. Tatoeba, como un medio para el aprendizaje de fácil acceso y como una comunidad activa, promueve un método muy práctico para el estudio y la apreciación de las lenguas. 26 september is de Europese Dag van de Talen. De Raad van Europa wil de aandacht toespitsen op het veeltalig erfgoed van Europa, de meertaligheid van de maatschappij bevorderen en de burgers aanmoedigen talen te leren. Tatoeba als gemakkelijk bruikbaar leermiddel en als levendige gemeenschap ondersteunt op een zeer praktische manier het leren van en de waardering voor talen. 26 september is de Europese Dag van de Taal. De Raad van Europa wil de aandacht vestigen op het meertalige erfgoed van Europa, de ontwikkeling van meertaligheid bevorderen en burgers aanmoedigen talen te leren. Tatoeba, als een middel voor gemakkelijk toegankelijk leren en als een actieve gemeenschap, bevordert een zeer praktische methode voor het bestuderen en waarderen van talen. >>deu<< C'est la raison pour laquelle elle apprend l'anglais. Das ist der Grund, warum sie Englisch lernt. Das ist der Grund, warum sie Englisch lernt. >>eng<< Lo último que querría hacer es herir a Tom. The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt Tom. The last thing I want to do is hurt Tom. >>nld<< E ridicol! Dat is belachelijk! Dat is belachelijk. >>eng<< Hace mucho calor en este cuarto, ¿no es así? It is very hot in this room, isn't it? It's very hot in this room, isn't it? >>deu<< È un gatto quello? Ist das eine Katze? Ist das eine Katze? >>deu<< O passaporte do presidente dos Estados Unidos é preto, e não azul como o dos cidadãos comuns. Der Pass des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten ist schwarz und nicht blau wie die der gewöhnlichen Bürger. Der Reisepass des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten ist schwarz und nicht blau wie der gewöhnliche Bürger. >>eng<< A empresa desenvolve novos produtos a cada mês. The company develops new products every other month. The company develops new products every month. >>nld<< Reste avec nous. Blijf bij ons. Blijf bij ons. >>deu<< Es fácil tener la consciencia limpia si uno no la ocupa. Leicht, ein reines Gewissen zu haben, wenn man es nicht benutzt. Es ist leicht, ein reines Gewissen zu haben, wenn man es nicht einnimmt. >>deu<< Vivre, c'est vieillir, rien de plus. Leben heißt alt werden, sonst nichts. Leben heißt alt werden, mehr nicht. >>deu<< J'ai du courage et une forte volonté. Ich habe Mut und einen starken Willen. Ich habe Mut und einen starken Willen. >>deu<< « Que fais-tu ce soir ? Tu viens au cinéma ? » « Non, je vais nager ce soir. Le Centre Olympique a une très belle piscine. » „Was machst du heute Abend? Kommst du mit ins Kino?“ – „Nein, ich gehe heute Abend schwimmen. Das Olympiazentrum hat ein sehr schönes Schwimmbad.“ „Was machst du heute Abend? Kommst du ins Kino?“ „Nein, ich werde heute Abend schwimmen. Das Olympiazentrum hat einen sehr schönen Pool.“ >>nld<< Quel jour es-tu libre habituellement ? Op welke dag van de week ben je vrij, normaal gesproken? Op welke dag ben je meestal vrij? >>eng<< Commenti e ce lo faccia sapere! Comment and let us know! Comments and let us know! >>eng<< Multum valet. He is very strong. A lot of valet. >>deu<< On a déjà de nouveau besoin de la lumière le matin. Morgens braucht man schon wieder Licht. Wir brauchen schon wieder Licht am Morgen. >>eng<< Je ne suis pas fier de vous. I am not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. >>eng<< Thomas erat primus dilectus Mariae. Tom was Mary's first boyfriend. Thomas was the first beloved of Mary. >>eng<< Didymus a parentibus relictus est. Tom was abandoned by his parents. He is a relic of his parents. >>eng<< Il dottore ha esaminato il mio cervello. The doctor examined my brain. The doctor examined my brain. >>deu<< Está en fuga. Sie ist auf der Flucht. Er ist auf der Flucht. >>nld<< As árvores são organismos vivos. Bomen zijn levende organismen. Bomen zijn levende organismen. >>eng<< Não havia banheiro. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. >>deu<< Este é o meu filho. Das ist mein Sohn. Das ist mein Sohn. >>eng<< Portami il libro. Bring me the book. Bring me the book. >>eng<< Tu mujer está al teléfono, quiere hablar contigo. Your wife is on the phone. She wants to talk to you. Your wife's on the phone. She wants to talk to you. >>eng<< Tom sabe que fui yo. Tom knows it was me. Tom knows it was me. >>deu<< J'ai beaucoup à faire cette semaine. Ich habe diese Woche viel zu tun. Ich habe diese Woche viel zu tun. >>deu<< Suénate la nariz. Nase putzen! Klingt wie eine Nase. >>eng<< No me gusta mucho la tempura. Creo que es demasiado aceitosa. I don't like tempura much. I think it's too greasy. I don't like tempura very much, I think it's too oily. >>nld<< Elles parlent beaucoup. Ze praten veel. Ze praten veel. >>eng<< Lei sa cos'è successo a Tom? Do you know what's happened to Tom? Do you know what happened to Tom? >>nld<< Cierra la puerta detrás de ti. Doe de deur achter je dicht. Doe de deur achter je dicht. >>deu<< Vous devez prendre les choses comme elles sont. Sie müssen die Dinge so nehmen, wie sie sind. Sie müssen die Dinge so nehmen, wie sie sind. >>eng<< Mi alzai prima dell'alba. I got up before dawn. I got up before dawn. >>eng<< Talis erat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat / per medios, instans operi regnisque futuris. E'en such was Dido; so with joyous mien, / urging the business of her rising state, / among the concourse passed the Tyrian queen. Such was Dido, such was the joy of doing / by means of present and future kingdoms. >>deu<< Elles ne sont pratiquement jamais chez elles. Sie sind fast nie zu Hause. Sie sind fast nie zu Hause. >>deu<< Inter se osculati sunt. Sie küssten sich. Sie sind untereinander gewappnet. >>eng<< Meu professor trabalha mais que todos os seus alunos juntos. My teacher works harder than all of his students together. My teacher works more than all his students together. >>eng<< Sono nata nel 1982 ad Atene, dove vivo ancora oggi. I was born in 1982 in Athens, where I still live today. I was born in 1982 in Athens, where I still live today. >>eng<< Tenemos un gran mapa del mundo en nuestro salón de clases. We have a big world map in our classroom. We have a big map of the world in our classroom. >>eng<< Mi nieta tiene ocho años. My granddaughter is eight. My granddaughter is eight years old. >>eng<< Por favor, ligue para o Tom. Please phone Tom. Please call Tom. >>eng<< Une vignette est une courte description écrite ou une brève scène dans un film ou une pièce de théâtre. A vignette is a short written description or a brief scene in a movie or play. A vignette is a short written description or a brief scene in a film or play. >>nld<< Ma mère a quatre frères. Mijn moeder heeft vier broers. Mijn moeder heeft vier broers. >>eng<< Quelle est la probabilité que tu te fasses virer ? What's the likelihood of you being sacked? What is the probability that you will be fired? >>deu<< Eu sou um mentiroso. Ich bin ein Lügner. Ich bin ein Lügner. >>eng<< A bondade é uma linguagem que os cegos podem ver e os surdos podem ouvir. Kindness is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Kindness is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. >>eng<< Tom não rezou. Tom didn't pray. Tom did not pray. >>eng<< No tenemos que estudiar francés. We don't have to study French. We don't have to study French. >>eng<< Esta frase ya existe. This sentence already exists. This phrase already exists. >>eng<< Il y a un nouveau variant du coronavirus. There is a new coronavirus variant. There is a new variant of the coronavirus. >>deu<< La patience n'est pas ton point fort. Geduld ist nicht deine Stärke. Geduld ist nicht deine Stärke. >>eng<< "Hai finito il tuo compito?" "Quasi." "Have you finished your task?" "Almost." "Have you finished your task?" "Almost." >>eng<< Ignoro por qué no tenemos neumonía todos. I don't know why we don't all have pneumonia. I don't know why we don't all have pneumonia. >>eng<< ¿Tienes una regla? Do you have a ruler? Do you have a rule? >>eng<< O camelo pode estocar uma grande quantidade de água nas suas corcovas. A camel can store a large amount of water in the hump on its back. The camel can store a large amount of water in its crows. >>eng<< Queres me ridicularizar. You're taunting me. You want to ridicule me. >>eng<< Tom mă așteaptă acolo. Tom is waiting for me there. Tom's waiting for me there. >>deu<< Minha casa fica de frente para a praia. Mein Haus liegt direkt am Meer. Mein Haus liegt direkt am Strand. >>nld<< Te vient-il une meilleure idée ? Weet gij iets beters? Heb je een beter idee? >>eng<< Esse livro está velho. That book is old. This book is old. >>eng<< ¡Amo a mi madrastra! Afortunadamente, mi padre se volvió a casar después del divorcio. I love my stepmother! Fortunately, my father got remarried after the divorce. Thankfully, my father remarried after the divorce. >>deu<< C’est précisément parce que je l’aimais, que je ne l’ai pas épousée. Eben weil ich sie liebte, habe ich sie nicht geheiratet. Gerade weil ich sie liebte, habe ich sie nicht geheiratet. >>eng<< Tom ha un amico che abita a Boston. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. >>eng<< Línguas mortas, o grego e o latim, foram ressuscitadas para reabastecer a nossa população verbal com os termos necessários nas ciências. Dead tongues, Greek and Latin, have been revived to replenish our verbal population with the terms needed for the sciences. Dead languages, Greek and Latin, were resurrected to replenish our verbal population with the necessary terms in the sciences. >>eng<< No totes les pomes vermelles tenen el mateix gust. Not all red apples taste the same. Not all red apples have the same taste. >>eng<< Le président aime voyager. The president likes to travel. The president likes to travel. >>nld<< No puedo aceptar la invitación porque tengo otro deber. Ik kan de uitnodiging niet aannemen want ik heb een andere verplichting. Ik kan de uitnodiging niet aannemen omdat ik een andere plicht heb. >>eng<< Les araignées fabriquent des toiles. Spiders make webs. Spiders make canvases. >>nld<< Il a deux crayons ; l'un est long, et l'autre est court. Hij heeft twee potloden; het ene is lang en het andere kort. Hij heeft twee potloden; de ene is lang en de andere kort. >>eng<< -Estoy seguro -Dima sonrió- de que está bromeando. "Surely," Dima grinned. "You must be joking!" "I'm sure," Dima smiled, "you're joking. >>nld<< Propoziția nu este corectă din punct de vedere gramatical. Uit grammaticaal standpunt is die zin niet correct. De zin is niet grammaticaal correct. >>eng<< No me importa mi porvenir. I don't care about my future. I don't care about my future. >>nld<< Uleiul va pluti pe apă. Olie zal op water drijven. De olie zal op het water drijven. >>eng<< Tom a un nom facile à prononcer. Tom's name is easy to pronounce. Tom has an easy name to pronounce. >>eng<< Esto es lo que queremos saber. This is what we want to know. This is what we want to know. >>eng<< Pagai Silya. I paid Silya. I paid for Silya. >>eng<< Siamo separati legalmente. We're legally separated. We are legally separated. >>eng<< Envelhecer é obrigatório. Crescer é opcional. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. Aging is mandatory. Growing up is optional. >>deu<< Ce couteau est coupant. Dieses Messer ist scharf. Das Messer ist scharf. >>eng<< Debes hablar con él sobre el asunto. You must talk with him about the matter. You need to talk to him about it. >>eng<< Le Sahara occidental n'est pas marocain. Western Sahara isn't Moroccan. Western Sahara is not Moroccan. >>nld<< Le plan est discuté. Het plan is in discussie. Het plan wordt besproken. >>eng<< El libro es vuestro. The book's yours. The book is yours. >>eng<< Non, je ne vois rien. No, I don't see anything. No, I don't see anything. >>eng<< Je lui achèterai un ballon de volley-ball. I'll buy him a volleyball. I'll buy him a volleyball. >>eng<< Aqueth burèu qu'ei copat. This desk is broken. This is the office that I am wearing. >>eng<< Mas sentado numa poltrona à lareira estava um homem alto, cuidadosamente vestido, com botões de diamante na sua camisa, e uma toalete que, embora moderada em tom como o traje de um cavalheiro deve ser à noite, era ainda assim demasiado elaborada para a ocasião. But seated in an easy-chair by the fire was a tall man, carefully dressed, with diamond studs in his shirt, and a toilette which, though subdued in tone as a gentleman's evening dress must be, was yet too elaborate for the occasion. But sitting in an armchair by the fireplace was a tall man, carefully dressed, with diamond buttons on his shirt, and a toilet which, though moderate in tone as a gentleman's suit must be at night, was still too elaborate for the occasion. >>eng<< I panda non sono pericolosi come i leoni. Pandas aren't as dangerous as lions Pandas are not as dangerous as lions. >>eng<< In hac platea duae sunt ecclesiae. There are two churches on this street. There are two churches in the church. >>nld<< Il giapponese ha qualcosa in comune con il coreano. Japanees en Koreaans hebben iets gemeenschappelijks. Het Japans heeft iets gemeen met het Koreaans. >>eng<< Mi hermano vive en Inglaterra desde hace más de treinta años. My brother has lived in England for more than thirty years. My brother has lived in England for over thirty years. >>nld<< Tu comptais. Je telde. Je telde. >>eng<< Él estaba viendo la tele ayer. He was watching TV yesterday. He was watching TV yesterday. >>nld<< Me duele aquí. Ik heb hier pijn. Het doet hier pijn. >>eng<< Mă voi duce la spital. I'll go to the hospital. I'll go to the hospital. >>eng<< Eu não preciso ir mais para a escola. I don't need to go to school anymore. I don't have to go to school anymore. >>nld<< Mais à la fin il mit le livre au feu. Maar uiteindelijk gooide hij het boek in het vuur. Maar uiteindelijk gooide hij het boek in het vuur. >>eng<< On évite de parler politique. We avoid talking about politics. We avoid talking about politics. >>eng<< Venite qui lentamente. Come here slowly. Come here slowly. >>deu<< La radio está muy fuerte. ¿Puedes bajarle un poquito? Das Radio ist zu laut. Kannst du es nicht ein wenig leiser drehen? Das Radio ist zu laut. Kannst du es ein wenig runterdrehen? >>deu<< Preciso impedir que isso chegue mais longe. So weit will ich es nicht kommen lassen. Ich muss verhindern, dass das noch weiter geht. >>deu<< Ha anat a peu a casa. Er ist zu Fuß nach Hause gegangen. Sie ist zu Fuß nach Hause gegangen. >>deu<< Tenemos la misma edad. Wir sind gleichaltrig. Wir sind gleich alt. >>nld<< Otra palabra menos popular para la transpiración es sudor. Een ander, minder beleefd woord voor transpiratie, is zweet. Een ander minder populair woord voor transpiratie is zweet. >>eng<< ¿Dónde vivías hace tres años? Where were you living three years ago? Where did you live three years ago? >>nld<< Écoute-moi bien. Luister goed naar mij. Luister goed naar me. >>deu<< Mihi satis apparent propter se ipsam appetenda sapientia. Für mich ist es ganz offensichtlich, dass Wissen an sich es schon wert ist, dass man danach strebt. Mir scheint, dass sie sich selbst nach Weisheit trachtet. >>deu<< Io avrei fatto la stessa cosa. Ich hätte dasselbe getan. Ich hätte dasselbe getan. >>nld<< C'est mon ami. Le connaissez-vous ? Dit is mijn vriend. Kent u hem? Dit is mijn vriend, ken je hem? >>eng<< Eles viram o que aconteceu, mas não por que aconteceu. They saw what happened, but not why it happened. They saw what happened, but not why it happened. >>deu<< Lembre-se de mim de vez em quando. Erinner dich von Zeit zu Zeit an mich. Erinnern Sie sich von Zeit zu Zeit an mich. >>deu<< Se dice que sabe mucho sobre España. Man sagt, dass er viel über Spanien weiß. Man sagt, dass er viel über Spanien weiß. >>eng<< Am diaree. I have diarrhea. I have diarrhea. >>eng<< Depuis que j'ai mis mon ordinateur à jour, il est beaucoup plus rapide. Since I updated my computer, it is a lot faster. Since I updated my computer, it is much faster. >>eng<< Oblita sum quid dixerit. I forgot what he said. I forgot what he said. >>eng<< A assistência humanitária a mais de 4 milhões de sírios que vivem em áreas controladas pela oposição pareceu estar ameaçada na sexta-feira, após a Rússia ter vetado uma resolução do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas que teria prolongado a missão por mais um ano. Humanitarian assistance for more than 4 million Syrians living in opposition-held areas appeared in jeopardy Friday, after Russia vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have extended the mission for another year. Humanitarian assistance to more than 4 million Syrians living in opposition-held areas appeared to be threatened on Friday after Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have extended the mission for another year. >>eng<< Potrivit surselor, nu au existat victime. Reportedly, there were no casualties. According to sources, there were no casualties. >>deu<< Il est loin d'être parfait. Er ist bei Weitem nicht perfekt. Es ist alles andere als perfekt. >>eng<< Ele venderia a sua alma ao diabo. He would sell your soul to the devil. He would sell his soul to the devil. >>eng<< Tom sta cercando una cintura. Tom is looking for a belt. Tom's looking for a belt. >>eng<< Através de um farrapo de linho ele fez buracos com um pelo de porco-espinho. Through a piece of linen he punched holes with a porcupine quill. Through a rag of linen he made holes with a porcupine hair. >>nld<< En été, je vais à la mer, en hiver à la montagne. Zomers ga ik naar de zee, 's winters naar de bergen. In de zomer ga ik naar de zee, in de winter naar de bergen. >>eng<< Afortunadamente, el tiempo era bueno y pudimos comer fuera. Fortunately, the weather was good and we were able to eat outside. Fortunately, the weather was good and we were able to eat out. >>eng<< O que isso provará? What will that prove? What will that prove? >>deu<< Io e Tom siamo lontani parenti. Tom und ich sind entfernte Verwandte. Tom und ich sind weit entfernte Verwandte. >>deu<< Mi madre es rica. Meine Mutter ist reich. Meine Mutter ist reich. >>deu<< Vous savez, vous ne recevez pas votre salaire de moi ou d'un patron, vous le recevez du client. Wissen Sie, Ihr Gehalt bekommen Sie nicht von mir oder von Boss, das bekommen Sie vom Kunden. Weißt du, du bekommst dein Gehalt nicht von mir oder einem Chef, du bekommst es vom Kunden. >>deu<< Elle a couru comme une folle quand elle a vu le cafard. Sie rannte wie eine Verrückte, als sie die Küchenschabe sah. Sie rannte wie verrückt, als sie die Kakerlake sah. >>eng<< Vi muitas coisas por estar lá. I saw many things by being there. I've seen a lot of things from being there. >>eng<< Rob mi ha detto le buone notizie! Rob told me the good news! Rob told me the good news! >>deu<< Tom foi detido pela polícia. Tom wurde von der Polizei festgenommen. Tom wurde von der Polizei festgenommen. >>nld<< Una de las luces en la escalera no prende. Een van de lampen in het trappenhuis is stuk. Een van de lichten op de trap gaat niet branden. >>eng<< Esa canción fue popular hace unos pocos años. That song was popular a few years ago. That song was popular a few years ago. >>deu<< Malcom ha ucciso Tom perché era stanco di vedere il suo nome in molte sentenze. Malcom tötete Tom, weil er es satt hatte, in vielen Sätzen immer seinen Namen zu sehen. Malcolm tötete Tom, weil er es leid war, seinen Namen in vielen Urteilen zu sehen. >>deu<< Eu me chamo Jiaming Wang. Ich heiße Jiaming Wang. Mein Name ist Jiaming Wang. >>eng<< Eres demasiado inteligente para creerte más listo que yo. You are way too intelligent to think you'd be smarter than me. You're too smart to think you're smarter than I am. >>eng<< Tom bebió directamente de la botella de vino. Tom drank directly from the wine bottle. Tom drank directly from the bottle of wine. >>eng<< O Tom não precisa saber disso. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. >>eng<< Teus pais te visitaram muitas vezes quando estavas na Alemanha? Did your parents visit you many times when you were in Germany? Did your parents visit you many times when you were in Germany? >>deu<< Vous ne courez pas aussi vite que Tom. Ihr lauft nicht so schnell wie Tom. Du rennst nicht so schnell wie Tom. >>eng<< ¿No estás contenta de ser rica? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you happy to be rich? >>eng<< Tom non ha cercato di resistere. Tom didn't try to resist. Tom didn't try to resist. >>eng<< Eu lhe trouxe algo. I've brought you something. I brought you something. >>eng<< Il suo cuore si fermò. His heart stopped. His heart stopped. >>eng<< Ziri tiene un coche patrulla. Ziri has a patrol car. Ziri has a patrol car. >>eng<< Videsne patrem meum? Can you see my father? Do you see my father? >>eng<< Elle ne m'a pas oubliée. She didn't forget me. She didn't forget me. >>eng<< Tom era demasiado tímido para invitar a Mary a salir. Tom was too shy to ask Mary out. Tom was too shy to invite Mary out. >>eng<< Sa réponse dépend de son humeur. His answer depends on his mood. The answer depends on his mood. >>deu<< Los djudios estan kansados. Die Juden sind müde. Die Juden sind erschöpft. >>nld<< Stasera andiamo in chiesa. Vanavond gaan we naar de kerk. We gaan vanavond naar de kerk. >>deu<< Chi vincerà la Coppa del Mondo? Wer wird die Weltmeisterschaft gewinnen? Wer gewinnt die Weltmeisterschaft? >>eng<< Lo debiste haber terminado hace mucho. You should have completed it long ago. You should have finished it a long time ago. >>deu<< Tom casi se ahogó. Tom wäre fast ertrunken. Tom war fast ertrunken. >>deu<< La innocència és preciosa. Unschuld ist eine schöne Sache. Unschuld ist kostbar. >>deu<< Il y a des gens qui n'appartiennent certainement pas à ce monde. Es gibt Leute, die sicher nicht zu dieser Welt gehören. Es gibt Menschen, die sicherlich nicht zu dieser Welt gehören. >>eng<< Eu sabia que você queria fazer isso. I knew that you wanted to do that. I knew you wanted to do that. >>deu<< Roma urbs antiqua est. Rom ist eine alte Stadt. Rom ist eine antike Stadt. >>eng<< Io mi sono divertita qui. I had fun here. I had fun here. >>eng<< At quis tu es? But who are you? Who are you? >>eng<< Rogavi quis esset. I asked who he was. I asked what you wanted. >>eng<< Pelo que você as está punindo? What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? >>deu<< Non videris laetus. Du siehst nicht glücklich aus. Du siehst nicht, was ich sehe. >>deu<< J'ai trouvé ce livre facile. Ich habe das Buch einfach gefunden. Ich fand dieses Buch einfach. >>deu<< No puedo ocultar mis sentimientos. Ich kann meine Gefühle nicht verbergen. Ich kann meine Gefühle nicht verbergen. >>eng<< Je l'ignore. I do not know. I don't know. >>eng<< Tienes que quedarte a pasar la noche. You must stay the night. You have to stay for the night. >>eng<< En el derecho consuetudinario inglés, los bienes raíces son los terrenos en propiedad más las estructuras físicas asociadas a ellos. In English common law, realty is owned land plus the physical structures associated with it. In English customary law, real estate is the land owned plus the physical structures associated with it. >>eng<< Nessuno appartiene a nessuno. Nobody belongs to anybody. Nobody belongs to anybody. >>eng<< Por que esta guerra irrompeu? Why did this war break out? Why did this war break out? >>nld<< Este destul de greu să stăpânești limba franceză în 2 sau 3 ani. Het is best moeilijk om Frans in 2 of 3 jaar te beheersen. Het is vrij moeilijk om de Franse taal in 2 of 3 jaar te beheersen. >>eng<< Hoje em dia, os caiaqueiros e canoístas adoram transpor os rápidos do Rio Platte Sul, que corre através das sombras dos arranha-céus de Denver. Today, kayakers and canoers love to run the rapids of the South Platte River, which flows through the shadows of Denver's skyscrapers. Today, kayakers and canoeists love to traverse the rapids of the Platte South River, which runs through the shadows of Denver’s skyscrapers. >>deu<< Nescio quod facere. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. >>eng<< Sono entrata in contatto in maniera frequente con degli studenti stranieri. I came into frequent contact with foreign students. I have been in frequent contact with foreign students. >>nld<< Crois-tu aux extraterrestres ? Geloof jij in buitenaardse wezens? Geloof je in buitenaardse wezens? >>eng<< Peut-on manger la peau d'un kiwi ? Can you eat the skin of a kiwi? Can you eat the skin of a kiwi? >>eng<< Elas incluem um dinossauro parecido a uma ave, apelidado de “galinha do Inferno”, que media 3,5 metros do bico à cauda e pesava até 300 quilogramas; uma aranha que habita no deserto marroquino e que consegue usar os seus talentos ginásticos fazendo rodas para escapar ao perigo; um bicho-pau com 23 centímetros de comprimento, comum no Vietname; e uma lesma-marinha colorida das ilhas japonesas que é o elo perdido entre as lesmas que se alimentam de colónias de minúsculas medusas e aquelas especializadas em corais. They include a bird-like dinosaur, dubbed the “chicken from Hell,” that was 3.5 meters from beak to tail and weighed as much as 300 kilograms; a spider that lives in the Moroccan desert and can use its gymnastic talents to cartwheel out of danger; a 23-centimeter-long walking stick common in Vietnam; and a colorful sea slug from the Japanese islands that is the missing link between slugs that feed on colonies of tiny stinging jellies and those specializing on corals. They include a bird-like dinosaur, nicknamed the “Inferno’s Chicken”, which averages 3.5 meters from the beak to the tail and weighed up to 300 kilograms; a spider that inhabits the Moroccan desert and manages to use its gymnastic talents by making wheels to escape danger; a woodpecker 23 centimeters long, common in Vietnam; and a woodpecker who is a squirrel in Vietnam. >>eng<< Sic fatus, amicum / Ilionea petit dextra, laevaque Serestum, / post alios, fortemque Gyan, fortemque Cloanthum. So saying AEneas with his left hand pressed / Serestus, and Ilioneus with his right, / Brave Gyas, brave Cloanthus and the rest. So Fatus, friend / Ilionea little right, lavaque Serestum, / after others, strong Gyan, strong Cloanthum. >>eng<< Prima a tecla. Press the key. Press the key. >>eng<< Elle m'a fait courir. She made me hurry. She made me run. >>eng<< Mi abuela le añadió una cebolla al relleno. Grandma added an onion to the filling. My grandmother added an onion to the filling. >>eng<< Ziri fuma. Ziri smoked. Ziri smokes. >>deu<< "Está ouvindo esse barulho, Maria? De onde vem? Estou com medo!" Maria ficou escutando atentamente. Depois riu: "Ora, isso é o Tom! Ele dome no quarto abaixo do nosso e está roncando". „Hörst du dieses Geräusch, Maria? Woher kommt das? Ich habe Angst!“ Maria lauschte; dann lachte sie: „Ach, das ist Tom! Der schläft im Zimmer unter uns und schnarcht.“ "Hörst du dieses Geräusch, Maria? Woher kommt es? Ich habe Angst!" Maria hörte aufmerksam zu. Dann lachte sie: "Nun, das ist Tom! Er zähmt im Raum unter unserem und schnarcht." >>eng<< Esperemos que eles nos deixem em paz. Let's hope they leave us alone. Let's hope they leave us alone. >>nld<< Yo oigo con mis oídos. Ik hoor met mijn oren. Ik hoor met mijn oren. >>eng<< Lei è la mia protettrice. She is my protector. She's my protector. >>deu<< Que faites-vous ici ? Was machen Sie denn hier? Was machen Sie hier? >>deu<< Jo treballo a un banc. Ich arbeite bei einer Bank. Ich arbeite in einer Bank. >>nld<< Eu me encontrei com ela na rua. Ik ben haar op straat tegengekomen. Ik ontmoette haar op straat. >>eng<< Tom sembra indeciso. Tom looks hesitant. Tom seems undecided. >>deu<< Io non posso aprire la mia cassetta delle lettere. Ich kann meinen Briefkasten nicht öffnen. Ich kann meine Briefbox nicht öffnen. >>deu<< Não quero ir com você. Ich möchte nicht mit dir gehen. Ich will nicht mit dir gehen. >>deu<< O promisiune e o promisiune. Ein Versprechen ist ein Versprechen. Ein Versprechen ist ein Versprechen. >>nld<< Crétin ! Idioot! Stomme idioot. >>nld<< Tus preguntas eran demasiado directas. Jouw vragen waren te direct. Je vragen waren te direct. >>deu<< Tom attend Marie à la maison. Tom wartet zu Hause auf Maria. Tom wartet zu Hause auf Maria. >>eng<< Notre entreprise est dans une situation désespérée. Our company is in dire straits. Our company is in a desperate situation. >>eng<< Ascoltiamo della musica. We listen to music. Let's listen to the music. >>eng<< Eu comi o último pedaço de pizza. I ate the last slice of pizza. I ate the last piece of pizza. >>eng<< Dentro da caixa há uma confusão de papel amarelado e amarrotado. Inside the box is a jumble of yellowed and crinkly paper. Inside the box there is a confusion of yellowish and crumpled paper. >>eng<< Il caffè è troppo caldo. The coffee is too hot. The coffee is too hot. >>eng<< Le persone sono libere. People are free. People are free. >>nld<< Je n'ai pas besoin de votre protection. Ik heb jullie bescherming niet nodig. Ik heb je bescherming niet nodig. >>nld<< Huía. Hij liep weg. Hij vluchtte. >>eng<< El satélite artificial fue puesto en órbita. The artificial satellite was launched into orbit. The artificial satellite was put into orbit. >>deu<< Eu dormi nove horas. Ich schlief neun Stunden. Ich habe neun Stunden geschlafen. >>deu<< Podemos começar. Wir können beginnen. Wir können anfangen. >>eng<< Spero fore ut diu vivat. I hope he will live long. I hope he lives. >>eng<< Nós podemos nos encontrar no meio da tarde. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon. >>eng<< Té vosté un mapa? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? >>deu<< De ce ești aici? Warum bist du hier? Warum bist du hier? >>nld<< Da mihi quinque dies. Geef me vijf dagen. Geef me vijf dagen. >>deu<< Credebam eum fratrem meum esse. Ich dachte, er wäre mein Bruder. Ich dachte, er wäre mein Bruder. >>eng<< A estratégia atualizada apela à vacinação de 100% dos profissionais de saúde e 100% das populações em maior risco, tais como os idosos e aqueles com problemas de saúde subjacentes. The strategy update calls for vaccinating 100% of health care workers and 100% of the highest-risk populations, such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. The updated strategy calls for the vaccination of 100% of health professionals and 100% of populations at highest risk, such as the elderly and those with underlying health problems. >>eng<< C'est impoli de manger la bouche ouverte. It's impolite to eat with your mouth open. It's rude to eat with your mouth open. >>eng<< Eu queria que fosse mais magra. I wish that I were thinner. I wish you were thinner. >>eng<< La salute di mio marito mi preoccupa. My husband's health concerns me. My husband's health worries me. >>eng<< Potestisne Thomas intellegere? Can you all understand Tom? Could Thomas understand? >>eng<< Você está tão pálida! You are so white! You're so pale! >>deu<< Il a bu directement à la bouteille. Er trank direkt aus der Flasche. Er hat direkt aus der Flasche getrunken. >>deu<< No es un buen momento. Es ist 'ne arge Zeit. Das ist kein guter Zeitpunkt. >>deu<< A confeitaria está fechada. Die Konditorei ist geschlossen. Die Konditorei ist geschlossen. >>nld<< Ele está cavando a própria cova. Hij delft zijn eigen graf. Hij is zijn eigen graf aan het graven. >>eng<< Aggiungetela alla lista. Add her to the list. Add it to the list. >>nld<< Él volvió a casa tres horas después. Drie uur later keerde hij naar huis terug. Hij kwam drie uur later thuis. >>eng<< Ci sono circa 20.000 castelli in Germania. There are around 20,000 castles in Germany. There are about 20,000 castles in Germany. >>eng<< Vira't de cap a jo, que't prègui. Turn toward me, please. Turn your head back to me, let me go ahead. >>eng<< Não tem ninguém em casa. Nobody's home. There's no one in the house. >>eng<< A importância do rei é tão grande, que a mulher com quem ele se casar se tornará, automaticamente, rainha. The king's importance is so great that the woman he marries will automatically become queen. The importance of the king is so great that the woman he marries will automatically become queen. >>deu<< Tu voulais être heureux. Du wolltest glücklich sein. Du wolltest glücklich sein. >>eng<< Tom își ia serviciul în serios. Tom takes his job seriously. Tom takes his job seriously. >>eng<< Les verres sont sur mon compte. Drinks are on me. The glasses are on my account. >>eng<< È stata divertente. It was fun. It was fun. >>nld<< Non l'ho sentito bussare. Ik had u niet horen kloppen. Ik hoorde hem niet kloppen. >>deu<< Tom se espremeu através do buraco na parede. Tom zwängte sich durch das Loch in der Wand. Tom drückte sich durch das Loch in der Wand. >>deu<< Cette fille-là avec les cheveux longs, c'est Judy. Das Mädchen mit den langen Haaren dort ist Judith. Das Mädchen mit den langen Haaren ist Judy. >>deu<< Vocês preferem a primavera ou o outono? Bevorzugt ihr Frühling oder Herbst? Lieber Frühling oder Herbst? >>eng<< Eu não comi todo o sorvete. Ainda sobrou um pouco. I haven't eaten all the ice cream. There's still some left. I haven't eaten all the ice cream. >>eng<< Après tout nous n'avions pas dit que nous allions le faire. After all, we didn't say we'd do it. After all, we didn't say we were going to do it. >>deu<< Non riesco a dimenticare i suoi occhi. Ich kann ihre Augen nicht vergessen. Ich kann seine Augen nicht vergessen. >>eng<< Él murió el día en que llegó su hijo. He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day his son arrived. >>eng<< La maggior parte dei lamponi sono rossi, ma ci sono anche lamponi bianchi, gialli e persino viola. Most raspberries are red, but there are also white, yellow, and even purple raspberries. Most raspberries are red, but there are also white, yellow and even purple raspberries. >>eng<< Vi fidate davvero di noi? Do you really trust us? Do you really trust us? >>eng<< Elle lui expliqua comment résoudre l'énigme. She explained to him how to solve the puzzle. She explained to him how to solve the puzzle. >>eng<< Je préfèrerais que tu ne quittes pas le bureau maintenant. I'd rather you did not leave the office now. I'd rather you didn't leave the office now. >>eng<< Abbi fiducia in Tom. Have faith in Tom. Trust in Tom. >>eng<< Não estou falando de mim mesmo. I am not talking about myself. I'm not talking about myself. >>nld<< Coronam video. Ik zie de kroon. Ze kronen video. >>deu<< ¡No tengáis miedo! Habt keine Angst! Habt keine Angst! >>eng<< Perché così economiche? Why so cheap? Why so cheap? >>eng<< Tom a explorat peștera subacvatică. Tom explored the underwater cave. Tom explored the underwater cave. >>eng<< ¿Le importa si abro la puerta? Would you mind my opening the door? Do you mind if I open the door? >>nld<< Insegno biologia e francese. Ik geef biologie en Frans. Ik geef les in biologie en Frans. >>eng<< Vamos al oeste. Let's go west. Let's go west. >>eng<< Incubuere mari, totumque a sedibus imis / una Eurusque Notusque ruunt creberque procellis / Africus, et vastos volvunt ad litora fluctus. / Insequitur clamorque virum stridorque rudentum. They press down upon the sea and stir it up from the lowest depths, East and South and Southwest winds as one, thick with tempests, they roll the vast waves to the shores. There follows the shouting of men and the shrieking of ropes. Incubate the sea, all of it from the seats of the imams / One Eurus and Notus break down and crumble the procelles / Africa, and vast return to the shores of the waves. / It chases and cries out to a man who squeaks rudimentary. >>deu<< Je veux qu'il vienne avec moi. Ich möchte, dass er mit mir kommt. Ich will, dass er mit mir kommt. >>nld<< ¿Adónde vas? Waar gaat ge naartoe? Waar ga je heen? >>eng<< Mi piacciono gli orsi. I like bears. I like bears. >>eng<< Ho finito di pranzare. I finished eating lunch. I'm done having lunch. >>nld<< Todo está bien en casa. Thuis is alles in orde. Alles is in orde thuis. >>eng<< Je ne vous examine pas. I won't examine you. I'm not examining you. >>eng<< Nu-mi pasă dacă e puțin rece. I don't care if it's a bit cold. I don't care if it's a little cold. >>eng<< Che tipo di sconto può farmi? What kind of discount can you give me? What kind of discount can you give me? >>eng<< Non prendo droghe. I don't take drugs. I don't take drugs. >>eng<< Riguardo alla questione della pena di morte, l'opinione pubblica è divisa. Regarding the question of the death penalty, public opinion is divided. On the issue of the death penalty, public opinion is divided. >>nld<< Dormivistine bene? Heb jij goed geslapen? Slaap je goed? >>eng<< Quale città preferisce, Boston o Chicago? Which city do you prefer, Boston or Chicago? Which city do you prefer, Boston or Chicago? >>eng<< « Quel genre de plantes fais-tu pousser ? » « J'aime beaucoup les plantes grasses. Il y a différentes variétés dont je m'occupe. » "What kind of plants do you grow?" "I really love succulents. I have a few different varieties that I take care of." "What kind of plants do you grow?" "I really like fat plants. There are different varieties that I take care of." >>deu<< Yo me lavé. Ich habe mich gewaschen. Ich habe mich gewaschen. >>eng<< La penna è nella scatola. The pen is in the box. The pen is in the box. >>eng<< È rimasto dello champagne. There's some champagne left. There's champagne left. >>deu<< Non parlare mai più così con me! Rede nie wieder so mit mir! Sprich nie wieder so mit mir! >>eng<< Em puc dutxar pel matí? May I take a shower in the morning? Can I take a shower in the morning? >>eng<< No es eso lo que te pregunto. That's not what I'm asking you about. That's not what I'm asking you. >>eng<< O flamingo cor-de-rosa — um símbolo de lazer americano amado por alguns, mas vilificado por outros como sendo o epítome do mau gosto — está em apuros. The pink flamingo — a symbol of American leisure beloved by some but reviled by others as the epitome of bad taste — is in trouble. The pink flamingo—a symbol of American leisure loved by some but vilified by others as the epitome of bad taste—is in trouble. >>eng<< C'est un heureux événement. This is a happy occasion. It's a happy event. >>deu<< A polícia começou a investigar o caso do assassinato. Die Polizei begann, den Mordfall zu untersuchen. Die Polizei hat begonnen, den Mordfall zu untersuchen. >>deu<< Ils se sont mis d'accord pour l'élire en tant que président. Sie einigten sich darauf, ihn als Vorsitzenden zu wählen. Sie haben sich darauf geeinigt, ihn als Präsidenten zu wählen. >>deu<< El comentario que hiciste en la fiesta sobre el peso de Lisa fue totalmente fuera de lugar. Die Bemerkung, die du auf der Party über Lisas Gewicht gemacht hast, war total unnötig. Der Kommentar, den du auf der Party über Lisas Gewicht gemacht hast, war völlig falsch. >>deu<< Tom dort sur mon lit. Tom schläft auf meinem Bett. Tom schläft auf meinem Bett. >>eng<< David était bizarrement déçu. David weirdly felt disappointed. David was strangely disappointed. >>nld<< No sabía que él tenía una enfermedad al corazón. Ik wist niet dat hij een hartziekte had. Ik wist niet dat hij een hartziekte had. >>deu<< Tom avrà bisogno di aiuto. Tom wird Hilfe brauchen. Tom braucht Hilfe. >>eng<< Ceea ce spui este corect. What you say is right. What you're saying is right. >>eng<< Aș putea împrumuta încărcătorul tău de telefon? Al meu s-a stricat. Is there any chance that I can borrow your phone charger? Mine broke. Can I borrow your phone charger? Mine broke. >>eng<< Sei que vas dicir non. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. >>eng<< Je souhaite te parler une fois que tu seras habillé. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you once you're dressed. >>eng<< Monstra mihi pecuniam. Show me the money. The monster paid for me. >>eng<< Lo llamé al teléfono. I called him up on the phone. I called him on the phone. >>eng<< Dove posso trovare dell'ossigeno liquido? Where can I find liquid oxygen? Where can I find liquid oxygen? >>deu<< Il manoscritto sarà ritrovato all'interno di una bottiglia. Die Handschrift wird man im Inneren einer Flasche wiederfinden. Das Manuskript wird in einer Flasche gefunden. >>nld<< Chegou a hora de nos separarmos. De tijd is gekomen dat onze wegen scheiden. Het is tijd om uit elkaar te gaan. >>eng<< No cerré la puerta. I left the door open. I didn't close the door. >>eng<< Elle l'entendit pleurer au milieu de la nuit. She heard him cry in the middle of the night. She heard him cry in the middle of the night. >>eng<< In mediam urbem eamus. Let's go downtown. In the middle of the city. >>eng<< Je veux te parler. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. >>eng<< Apesar da sua relativa inospitalidade, a vida abundava lá. Despite its relative inhospitality, life abounded there. Despite its relative inhospitability, life abounded there. >>eng<< Estaba cansada, pero decidió caminar. She was tired but decided on walking. She was tired, but decided to walk. >>deu<< Qual é o conteúdo? Was ist der Inhalt? Was ist der Inhalt? >>deu<< La mort n'est pas la solution. Der Tod ist keine Lösung. Der Tod ist nicht die Lösung. >>eng<< Dévissez-le. Unscrew it. Unscrew it. >>eng<< Eu não consigo achar meu guarda-chuva. I can't find my umbrella! I can't find my umbrella. >>eng<< Haec est vita! This is life! This is Life! >>eng<< C'est la lettre que j'ai écrite. This is the letter which I wrote. That's the letter I wrote. >>eng<< Penso che loro saranno in ritardo. I think they'll be late. I think they'll be late. >>deu<< Creo que todavía soy el novio de María. Ich bin noch Marias Freund, glaube ich. Ich glaube, ich bin immer noch Marias Freund. >>eng<< L'amour allège les fardeaux. Love eases burdens. Love eases the burdens. >>deu<< Io ci sarò. Ich werde dort sein. Ich werde da sein. >>eng<< Avete visto il file, vero? You saw the file, didn't you? You saw the file, didn't you? >>eng<< Les miens sont plus gros que les tiens. Mine are bigger than yours. Mine are bigger than yours. >>eng<< No conseguía encender la vela porque la mecha era demasiado corta. I couldn't light the candle because the wick was too short. I couldn’t light the candle because the wick was too short. >>eng<< Nuestro tejado salió volando por el tifón. Our roof got blown off in the typhoon. Our roof came flying over the typhoon. >>eng<< Preferireste viaggiare in autobus o in treno? Would you rather travel by bus or by train? Would you rather travel by bus or train? >>eng<< Vidi che sua figlia stava piangendo. I saw his daughter was crying. I saw her daughter crying. >>eng<< "Poftă bună, Mary." "Mulțumesc." "Enjoy your meal, Mary." "Thanks." "Good food, Mary." "Thank you." >>eng<< Sono felice di conoscerti. I'm happy to meet you. I'm so glad to meet you. >>eng<< Multi homines animi perturbationibus serviunt. Many are slaves to the passions. Many people are disturbed. >>eng<< Non ha avuto il coraggio di dirmi la verità. He didn't have the courage to tell me the truth. You didn't have the courage to tell me the truth. >>eng<< Versi a Tom un po' di caffè. Pour Tom some coffee. Pour Tom some coffee. >>eng<< Estou aqui pronto para ajudar. I'm here and ready to help. I'm here to help. >>eng<< On t'attend dans la voiture. We'll be waiting for you in the car. We're waiting for you in the car. >>deu<< La mia ragazza è cinese. Meine Freundin ist Chinesin. Meine Freundin ist chinesisch. >>eng<< Molti turisti visitano questa città. Many tourists visit this city. Many tourists visit this city. >>nld<< Hace mucho tiempo desde que nos vimos por última vez. Het is lang geleden sinds we elkaar voor het laatst zagen. Het is lang geleden dat we elkaar voor het laatst zagen. >>eng<< Es una especie de círculo vicioso. It's some kind of vicious circle. It's kind of a vicious circle. >>deu<< Estou faminto! Ich bin hungrig! Ich bin hungrig! >>eng<< Potrei avere un po' di pane? Could I have some bread? Could I have some bread? >>nld<< Él es el más alto de la clase. Hij is de grootste in de klas. Hij is de hoogste in zijn klasse. >>eng<< Per piacere, non mi comprate niente per il mio compleanno. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. >>eng<< Chaque règle a son exception. There is an exception to every rule. Every rule has its exception. >>eng<< Prefiro um homem muito feio, mas gentil, a um homem bonito, mas indelicado. I prefer a very ugly but kind man to a handsome but unkind one. I prefer a very ugly but gentle man to a handsome but rude man. >>eng<< Il sole le abbronzava le spalle pallide. The sun tanned his light shoulders. The sun tanned her pale shoulders. >>eng<< Non creo que a TV vaia nunca a tomar o lugar dos libros. I don't think TV will ever take the place of books. I don’t think TV will ever take the place of books. >>eng<< Tudo que preciso saber é que você está bem. All I need to know is that you're OK. All I need to know is you're okay. >>nld<< Los gemelos son tan parecidos que es casi imposible distinguir al uno del otro. De tweeling is zo gelijkend dat het bijna onmogelijk is de ene van de andere te onderscheiden. Tweelingen lijken zo op elkaar dat het bijna onmogelijk is om ze van elkaar te onderscheiden. >>eng<< Mon nom est connu de tous dans mon école. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone in my school. >>nld<< Toda la cuestión duró solo un instante. De ganse aangelegenheid duurde maar een ogenblik. De hele kwestie duurde maar een ogenblik. >>deu<< Você quer sair comigo? Willst du mit mir ausgehen? Willst du mit mir ausgehen? >>eng<< De quel niveau sont les dommages ? How bad is the damage? What level is the damage? >>eng<< Tom est un très bon charpentier. Tom is a very good carpenter. Tom is a very good carpenter. >>eng<< Ele se decidiu rapidamente. He made up his mind quickly. He decided quickly. >>eng<< El que la gente está intentando usar esta crisis en su beneficio está claro. That people are trying to use this crisis to their advantage is clear. That people are trying to use this crisis to their advantage is clear. >>eng<< Tibi invideo. I envy you. You're envious. >>eng<< "Sed ut redeamus ad propositum, dabis mutuo mihi istum assem?" "Miror te petere mutuo a me, qui habes plus quam ego." "But coming back to the point, will you lend me that penny?" "I do wonder about you asking to borrow from me, given that you have more than me." "If we go back to our purpose, will you give me this one to borrow?" "I look forward to asking you to borrow from me, who you have more than I do." >>nld<< Somos personas. Wij zijn mensen. We zijn mensen. >>nld<< Uomo avvisato, mezzo salvato. Een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee. Man gewaarschuwd, half gered. >>nld<< Ti piace il rap? Vind je rap leuk? Hou je van rap? >>deu<< Ubi frater tuus est? Wo ist dein Bruder? Wo ist dein Bruder? >>eng<< Estou aqui. I'm over here. I'm right here. >>eng<< Vocês sabem sobre o que eles conversam? Do you know what they're talking about? Do you know what they're talking about? >>eng<< Mi dispiace per vostra sorella. I am sorry about your sister. I'm sorry about your sister. >>deu<< L'entrée de la grotte est bloquée par un dragon. Der Eingang zur Höhle wird von einem Drachen blockiert. Der Eingang der Höhle wird von einem Drachen blockiert. >>deu<< Tenía mucha hambre. Ich hatte viel Hunger. Ich war sehr hungrig. >>eng<< Tom conseguiu comprar os dois livros que ele queria. Tom was able to buy both of the books that he wanted. Tom was able to buy the two books he wanted. >>deu<< Io sono un dottore. Ich bin Arzt. Ich bin Arzt. >>eng<< Sarai informato. You will be informed. You'll be informed. >>eng<< Roosevelt était un criminel de guerre. Roosevelt was a war criminal. Roosevelt was a war criminal. >>eng<< Hai mai studiato l'antropologia? Have you ever studied anthropology? Have you ever studied anthropology? >>eng<< Tom parece estar disgustado. Tom seemed to be disgusted. Tom seems to be upset. >>eng<< Eu também estou indo. I am going, too. I'm going, too. >>deu<< Je voulais y aller. Ich wollte dorthin gehen. Ich wollte gehen. >>eng<< Tenemos opiniones opuestas. We have opposite opinions. We have opposing opinions. >>eng<< Depois da Coreia do Norte ter realizado dois testes a mísseis balísticos intercontinentais em julho de 2017, o então presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ameaçou a Coreia do Norte com "fogo e fúria como o mundo nunca viu". After North Korea conducted two intercontinental ballistic missile tests in July 2017, then U.S. President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with "fire and fury like the world has never seen." After North Korea conducted two intercontinental ballistic missile tests in July 2017, then-US President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” >>eng<< Raedarii Itali insani sunt. Italian drivers are crazy. The Italians are insane. >>nld<< A Millie tem os olhos azuis. Millie heeft blauwe ogen. Millie heeft blauwe ogen. >>deu<< Je n’ai jamais travaillé dans un restaurant. Ich habe noch nie in einem Restaurant gearbeitet. Ich habe noch nie in einem Restaurant gearbeitet. >>deu<< Puedo oír a un gato arañando la ventana. Ich kann eine Katze am Fenster kratzen hören. Ich höre eine Katze durch das Fenster kratzen. >>eng<< Tu veux bien baisser la musique ? Would you mind turning down the music? Will you turn the music down? >>deu<< À quelle heure est notre rendez-vous ? Um wie viel Uhr ist unsere Verabredung? Wie spät ist unser Termin? >>deu<< Ma fille me rend visite de temps en temps. Meine Tochter besuchte mich von Zeit zu Zeit. Meine Tochter besucht mich von Zeit zu Zeit. >>eng<< Tom est un vieil homme joyeux. Tom is a jolly old man. Tom is a happy old man. >>eng<< Les traductions ne sont rien de plus que des interprétations de l'original. Translations are nothing more than interpretations of the original. The translations are nothing more than interpretations of the original. >>eng<< È economica, però non è di alta qualità. It's cheap, but it's not high quality. It is cheap, but not of high quality. >>nld<< ¿Podría ser cierto el rumor? Zou het kunnen dat dat gerucht waar is? Zou het gerucht waar kunnen zijn? >>eng<< Conhecer a história das grandes partidas e dos grandes torneios aviva-nos o interesse pela maior compreensão do fascinante jogo do xadrez. Knowing the history of big games and big tournaments makes us more interested in understanding the fascinating game of chess. Getting to know the history of big games and big tournaments fuels our interest in greater understanding of the fascinating game of chess. >>eng<< Elle viendra peut-être demain. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. >>eng<< Je ne suis pas fier de toi. I am not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. >>nld<< ¿Qué hizo Jean? Wat heeft Jean gedaan? Wat heeft Jean gedaan? >>eng<< La Bulgarie est le seul pays d'Europe où un ancien souverain ait été élu Premier ministre. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former sovereign has been elected prime minister. >>nld<< Ohé, du bateau ! Schip ahoi! Hé, de boot. >>eng<< Aujourd'hui, je me considère comme l'homme le plus chanceux du monde. Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. Today, I consider myself the luckiest man in the world. >>nld<< Non mi piace quella donna. Ik vind die vrouw niet aardig. Ik mag die vrouw niet. >>eng<< nōn disputābit Thōmās. Tom isn't going to argue. We don't have any disputes. >>eng<< Mă întreb de ce vrea Tom să cumpere casa. I wonder why Tom wants to buy that house. I wonder why Tom wants to buy the house. >>eng<< Sei una vera perdente. You're a real loser. You're a real loser. >>eng<< Tens dificultats per entendre el que et diuen dones o nens petits? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or young children call you? >>nld<< Él no sabe nada de francés. Hij kan helemaal geen Frans. Hij kent geen Frans. >>eng<< Omnes aequi sunt. All are equal. They're all alike. >>eng<< Tu es une couille molle. You're a wet. You're a soft cunt. >>eng<< Todos os aviões possuem asas. All planes have wings. All planes have wings. >>eng<< O que o médico te disse? What did the doctor tell you? What did the doctor tell you? >>nld<< Je suis dans une situation un peu délicate. Ik zit hier een beetje in het nauw. Ik zit in een lastige situatie. >>deu<< La guerre les a privées de leur bonheur. Der Krieg beraubte sie ihres Glücks. Der Krieg hat ihnen ihr Glück genommen. >>eng<< La desembocadura del río está a unos cinco kilómetros al norte. The mouth of the river is about five kilometres north. The mouth of the river is about five kilometers to the north. >>nld<< Nosotros no conocemos a él. We kennen hem niet. We kennen hem niet. >>eng<< Elles ne sont plus jeunes. They're not young anymore. They're not young anymore. >>deu<< Ce joueur est grand. Dieser Spieler ist groß. Dieser Spieler ist groß. >>eng<< Eu tenho que dar um discurso? Do I have to make a speech? Do I have to give a speech? >>eng<< ¿Quién los hace y qué tienen adentro? Who makes them and what is in them? Who makes them and what do they have inside? >>eng<< Tom diz que pode ler livros em francês. Tom says he can read books in French. Tom says he can read books in French. >>eng<< Ce n'était pas si cher. It wasn't that expensive. It wasn't that expensive. >>deu<< Terra dedit fructum suum. Das Land gibt sein Gewächs. Die Erde bringt ihre Frucht hervor. >>eng<< Ela decidiu deixar o trabalho. She decided to resign her job. She decided to quit her job. >>nld<< Au début je ne savais pas quoi faire. In het begin wist ik niet wat te doen. In het begin wist ik niet wat ik moest doen. >>eng<< Ele está ocupado e não pode te encontrar. He's busy and can't meet with you. He's busy and can't find you. >>nld<< Am așteptat afară. We hebben buiten gewacht. Ik wachtte buiten. >>eng<< Stavi giocando. You had been playing. You were playing. >>deu<< Ella no mostraba ni una pizca de remordimiento. Sie zeigte keine Spur von Reue. Sie zeigte keine Spur von Reue. >>eng<< Nous avons marché. We walked. We walked. >>deu<< Acorde, Tom. Wach auf, Tom! Wach auf, Tom. >>deu<< No es nada. Das ist nichts. Es ist nichts. >>eng<< Non deberías deixar que os nenos xoguen co coitelo da cociña. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. Don’t let kids play with the kitchen knife. >>nld<< O meu gato é preto. Mijn kat is zwart. Mijn kat is zwart. >>deu<< Os acontecimentos na Ucrânia Oriental desdobram-se a um ritmo cada vez mais acelerado. Die Ereignisse im Osten der Ukraine überschlagen sich. Die Ereignisse in der Ostukraine entwickeln sich immer schneller. >>nld<< Eché sal en la herida. Zout in de wonde strooien. Ik heb zout in de wond gegooid. >>deu<< C'est une arnaque nigériane classique. Das ist die klassische "Nigeria-Masche". Es ist ein klassischer nigerianischer Betrug. >>deu<< Você prefere que eu te leve na escola hoje? Wäre dir lieber, dass ich dich heute zur Schule bringe? Willst du, dass ich dich heute zur Schule bringe? >>deu<< Regarde le ciel. Blicke zum Himmel empor! Sieh dir den Himmel an. >>eng<< Puerto Moresby es la capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. >>eng<< Nous faisons une demande d'exemption fiscale. We're applying for a tax exemption. We are applying for a tax exemption. >>eng<< Tom non accetta regali. Tom doesn't accept gifts. Tom doesn't take gifts. >>nld<< Aide-toi et Dieu t'aidera ! Help jezelf en God zal je helpen! Help jezelf en God zal je helpen. >>nld<< Un artista ocupa muchos tubos de pintura para hacer una pintura grande. Een kunstenaar gebruikt veel tubes verf om een groot schilderij te maken. Een kunstenaar neemt veel verfbuizen in beslag om een groot schilderij te maken. >>eng<< Pensez-vous que les dessins animés pour enfants doivent être didactiques ? Ou simplement amusants ? Do you think children's cartoons should be didactic? Or just for fun? Do you think children’s cartoons should be didactic? Or just fun? >>nld<< Tom n'avait pas d'autre choix que de se rendre. Tom had geen andere keuze dan zich over te geven. Tom had geen andere keuze dan zich over te geven. >>eng<< Elle a rempli la carafe de jus d'orange. She filled the jug with orange juice. She filled the carafe with orange juice. >>deu<< Tom n'a pas rempli les conditions. Tom hat die Bedingungen nicht erfüllt. Tom hat die Bedingungen nicht erfüllt. >>eng<< Tom murió de vejez. Tom died of old age. Tom died of old age. >>eng<< Tutti i posti migliori erano stati presi. All the spots were taken. All the best places had been taken. >>nld<< Il répara le filet. Hij repareerde het net. Hij heeft het net gerepareerd. >>eng<< Je ne sais pas exactement quand il arrivera. I don't know exactly when he will arrive. I don't know exactly when he'll be here. >>nld<< El este vecinul meu, dar nu-l cunosc bine. Hij is mijn buur, maar ik ken hem niet al te goed. Hij is mijn buurman, maar ik ken hem niet zo goed. >>eng<< Não tem relógio no meu quarto. There is no clock in my room. There's no clock in my room. >>eng<< Vamos juntos à loja. We're going to the store together. Let's go to the store together. >>deu<< Hizo lo contrario. Er machte das Gegenteil. Er tat das Gegenteil. >>eng<< Minha bolsa deve estar em casa. My bag must be at home. My purse must be home. >>eng<< Potrebbe aver ragione. You might be right. He might be right. >>eng<< Lei viene alla mia festa? Are you coming to my party? You coming to my party? >>nld<< Să iubești și să fii iubit este cea mai mare fericire. Liefhebben en geliefd worden, dat zijn de grootste vormen van geluk. Liefhebben en bemind worden is het grootste geluk. >>deu<< Marie a juste suivi la recette. Maria hat nur dem Rezept gefolgt. Marie folgte dem Rezept. >>nld<< J'ignorais qu'il se trouvait là. Ik wist niet dat hij daar was. Ik wist niet dat hij hier was. >>eng<< Una corriente eléctrica puede generar un campo magnético. An electric current can generate a magnetic field. An electric current can generate a magnetic field. >>eng<< Babeé. I drooled. Babeé. >>eng<< Porti un po' di piatti dalla cucina. Bring some plates from the kitchen. Bring some dishes from the kitchen. >>deu<< C'est ce qu'on pouvait lire dans Der Spiegel il y a quelques jours. Das konnten wir vor ein paar Tagen im Spiegel lesen. Das konnte man vor ein paar Tagen in Der Spiegel lesen. >>eng<< Tom come más que Mary. Tom eats more than Mary. Tom eats more than Mary. >>nld<< Tom est formidable. Tom is geweldig. Tom is geweldig. >>eng<< Ambos son de Australia. They are both from Australia. Both are from Australia. >>eng<< I vas anar dab lo Tòm ? Will you go with Tom? Did you go to Tomo? >>deu<< ¿Cuándo vendrás a Japón? Wann kommst du nach Japan? Wann kommst du nach Japan? >>eng<< Por favor, ajuste a imagem da televisão. Please adjust the television picture. Please adjust the image of the television. >>eng<< Eles sabem a verdade. They know the truth. They know the truth. >>deu<< Eles acenderam velas em seu (deles) quarto. Sie zündeten Kerzen an in ihrem Zimmer. Sie zündeten Kerzen in ihrem Zimmer an. >>nld<< Ella habla más bien deprisa. Ze spreekt eerder snel. Ze praat nogal snel. >>eng<< Voglio vederla adesso. I want to see you now. I want to see her now. >>eng<< Le spedì una lettera. She sent her a letter. He sent her a letter. >>nld<< Falo sobre meu amigo. Ik heb het over mijn vriend. Ik heb het over mijn vriend. >>eng<< ¿Crees que me sobran kilos? Do you think I'm overweight? Do you think I have extra pounds? >>eng<< ¿Estuvo Tom en el equipo de ustedes? Was Tom on your team? Was Tom on your team? >>eng<< Si vous en parlez à qui que ce soit, on est finis. If you say anything about this to anyone, we're through. If you tell anyone, we're done. >>eng<< Mio fratello corre molto velocemente. My brother runs very fast. My brother runs very fast. >>deu<< Sozinho, o bastão não espanca ninguém. Es schlägt nicht der Stock, sondern der Mensch. Alleine schlägt der Stock niemanden. >>eng<< Soy profesor de inglés. I am a teacher of English. I'm an English teacher. >>deu<< Él le dio su primer beso. Er gab ihr seinen ersten Kuss. Er gab ihm seinen ersten Kuss. >>deu<< L'arbre était si grand qu'il dépassait le mur du jardin. Der Baum war so hoch, dass er die Gartenmauer überragte. Der Baum war so groß, dass er über die Gartenmauer hinausragte. >>nld<< La mano tiene cinco dedos: el pulgar, el índice, el medio, el anular y el meñique. Een hand telt vijf vingers: de duim, de wijsvinger, de middelvinger, de ringvinger en de pink. De hand heeft vijf vingers: de duim, wijsvinger, middelste, ringvinger en pink. >>nld<< Tom a les cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Tom heeft blond haar en groene ogen. Tom heeft blond haar en groene ogen. >>deu<< Não falo depressa, mas compreendo bem. Ich spreche nicht schnell, aber ich verstehe gut. Ich rede nicht schnell, aber ich verstehe. >>eng<< Tiene problemes. She has issues. He's in trouble. >>eng<< Tiene mucha confianza en sí mismo. He has a lot of self confidence. He has a lot of self-confidence. >>eng<< È, senza dubbio, un giovane davvero talentuoso. He is, without a doubt, a really talented young man. He is, without a doubt, a very talented young man. >>nld<< Peux-tu le faire encore une fois ? Kan je dat nog eens doen? Kun je het nog een keer doen? >>eng<< Charles improvisou um breve discurso. Charles improvised a short address. Charles improvised a brief speech. >>deu<< A maçã está podre. Der Apfel ist faul. Der Apfel ist verdorben. >>eng<< Quanti anni hanno ora? How old are they now? How old are they now? >>eng<< Sami saiu do estacionamento subterrâneo. Sami exited the underground parking lot. Sami got out of the underground parking lot. >>nld<< Vous savez tout sur moi. Jullie weten alles over mij. Je weet alles over mij. >>eng<< A Ziri è piaciuto cucinare quel piatto. Ziri enjoyed cooking that dish. Ziri liked to cook that dish. >>eng<< Tom garde chaque lettre que lui envoie sa mère. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. >>eng<< Acreditamos nela. We believe her. We believe in her. >>nld<< Ellos se olvidaron de cerrar la puerta con llave. Ze zijn vergeten de deur met de sleutel dicht te doen. Ze vergaten de deur op slot te doen. >>deu<< Logo será primavera. Bald ist Frühling. Bald ist Frühling. >>nld<< Hable un poco más alto, por favor. No oigo. Iets luider alstublieft, ik hoor u niet. Praat eens wat harder, alsjeblieft. >>nld<< Él la saludó amistosamente. Hij groette haar vriendelijk. Hij begroette haar vriendelijk. >>eng<< Există vreo lege despre traversarea printr-un loc nepermis? Is there a law here about jaywalking? Is there a law about crossing an unauthorised place? >>eng<< Tom sourit toujours. Tom always smiles. Tom is always smiling. >>eng<< Il sud-est è un importante produttore di energia del carbone, petrolio greggio e gas naturale. The Southeast is a major energy producer of coal, crude oil, and natural gas. The Southeast is a major producer of coal energy, crude oil and natural gas. >>deu<< La condizione della donna è la misura della civiltà di un paese. Die Stellung der Frau ist das Maß für das zivilisatorische Niveau eines Landes. Der Zustand der Frau ist das Maß der Zivilisation eines Landes. >>deu<< A Tom le plazen las paras. Tom mag Geld. Tom mag die Paraden. >>eng<< Isso será suficiente? Will this be enough? Will that be enough? >>eng<< Sunt bine. Nu-ți face griji. I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm fine, don't worry. >>eng<< Aceste date nu pot fi programate. These data cannot be programmed. These data cannot be programmed. >>nld<< Algunas personas son buenas, algunas son malas. Sommige mensen zijn goed, sommige mensen zijn slecht. Sommige mensen zijn goed, sommige zijn slecht. >>eng<< Tom provò una nuova tecnica. Tom tried a new technique. Tom tried a new technique. >>nld<< Sono sposato e ho tre figli. Ik ben gehuwd en ik heb drie kinderen, Ik ben getrouwd en heb drie kinderen. >>nld<< Creo en fantasmas. Ik geloof in spoken. Ik geloof in geesten. >>eng<< Come si addestra un gatto ad usare una lettiera? How do you train a cat to use a litter box? How do you train a cat to use a litter box? >>eng<< Est-ce qu'il y a vraiment des gens comme ça ? Are there really people like this? Are there really people like that? >>eng<< Sembra che sia stata lei a prendere l'iniziativa. It seems that she's taken the initiative. Looks like you took the initiative. >>nld<< Io ho la diarrea. Ik heb diarree. Ik heb diarree. >>eng<< Los republicanos MAGA han tomado su decisión. Aceptan la ira. Prosperan en el caos. No viven en la luz de la verdad sino en la sombra de las mentiras. MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. The MAGA Republicans have made their decision. They accept anger. They thrive in chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. >>eng<< An discipulus lycei es? Are you a high school student? Are you a high school student? >>eng<< Él me dijo que no condujera demasiado rápido. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive too fast. >>eng<< Hoc instrumentum photographicum valde carum est. This camera is very expensive. This is a very expensive photographic device. >>deu<< El español no se habla sólo en España. Spanisch wird nicht nur in Spanien gesprochen. Spanisch wird nicht nur in Spanien gesprochen. >>eng<< ¿Tienes tiempo para desayunar? Do you have time for breakfast? Do you have time for breakfast? >>eng<< Tengo muchos proyectos de traducción. I have many translation projects. I have many translation projects. >>eng<< Podria ben bé tornar a dir coses ambigües. He may well just say something ambiguous again. I might as well say some ambiguous things again. >>eng<< Domus rubea est. The house is red. The house is ruby. >>deu<< Lo observado no puede separarse del observador. Das Beobachtete kann nicht vom Beobachter getrennt werden. Das Beobachtete kann nicht vom Beobachter getrennt werden. >>eng<< Non posso andare alle prove senza la mia partitura. I can't go to the rehearsal without my music score. I can't go to rehearsals without my score. >>eng<< Forsitan et, Priami fuerint quæ fata, requiras. Haply the fate of Priam thou would'st know. If you want to know what kind of girl you are, you will need it. >>eng<< Alguém deixou a janela do escritório aberta. Someone left the office window open. Someone left the office window open. >>nld<< Cada policía en Boston está buscando a Tom. Elke agent in Boston is nu op zoek naar Tom. Elke agent in Boston is op zoek naar Tom. >>eng<< Lei vive con suo padre. She lives with her dad. She lives with her father. >>eng<< O que as mulheres bebem? What do the women drink? What do women drink? >>eng<< Gosto de chuva, mas um dia de sol também é bom. I like rain, but sunny days are nice too. I like the rain, but a sunny day is also good. >>eng<< Raeda mea caerulea est. My car is blue. It's my rage. >>eng<< Perché non volete comprare un'automobile? Why don't you want to buy a car? Why don't you want to buy a car? >>eng<< Ella lo besó. She kissed him. She kissed him. >>eng<< Tom deu leite para o gato. Tom gave some milk to the cat. Tom gave the cat milk. >>nld<< ¡No me vengas con jueguitos! Speel geen spelletje met mij! Kom niet met speelgoed naar me toe. >>eng<< Vérifie tout encore une fois. Check everything once more. Check everything again. >>eng<< A Millie tem os olhos azuis. Millie's got blue eyes. Millie's got blue eyes. >>eng<< Il est tout à fait probable que la FIFA est pourrie jusqu'à l'os. It's quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the core. It is quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the bone. >>eng<< Perché non vanno a casa? Why don't they go home? Why don't you go home? >>eng<< Russice scio. I know Russian. I know Russian. >>deu<< Sami avait une belle femme et un petit garçon. Sami hatte eine schöne Frau und einen kleinen Jungen. Sami hatte eine schöne Frau und einen kleinen Jungen. >>eng<< A ţintit pasărea. He aimed at the bird. He targeted the bird. >>eng<< La firma de la niña es muy bonita. The signature of the girl is very beautiful. The girl's signature is very pretty. >>eng<< Fazia uma semana que minha vó estava doente quando eu visitei ela. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. It had been a week since my grandmother was sick when I visited her. >>eng<< Tom vive nella stessa strada di Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary does. Tom lives in the same street as Mary. >>eng<< Este es el coche del futuro. This is the car of the future. This is the car of the future. >>deu<< Merg la școală cu autobuzul. Ich fahre mit dem Bus zur Schule. Ich fahre mit dem Bus zur Schule. >>deu<< Unas tres mil personas participaron en la huelga la semana pasada. Ungefähr dreitausend Menschen beteiligten sich an dem Streik letzte Woche. Rund 3.000 Menschen nahmen in der vergangenen Woche am Streik teil. >>eng<< Fii onest cu mine. Be honest with me. Be honest with me. >>eng<< Éloignez-vous de la fenêtre et venez vers moi. Back away from the window and come to me. Get away from the window and come to me. >>eng<< O Tom nunca machucaria ninguém. Tom would never hurt anybody. Tom would never hurt anyone. >>eng<< C'est un écrivain très imaginatif. He is a very imaginative writer. He is a very imaginative writer. >>eng<< Habesne fratres et sorores? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters? >>deu<< Mi hermana trabaja en la embajada de Los Estados Unidos en Londres. Meine Schwester arbeitet bei der amerikanischen Botschaft in London. Meine Schwester arbeitet in der US-Botschaft in London. >>nld<< Nada surge de la nada. Uit niets komt niets. Niets komt uit het niets. >>nld<< Fue un accidente atroz. Het was een vreselijk ongeval. Het was een afschuwelijk ongeluk. >>eng<< Lo peor que puede resultar de los cuasiduplicados es la frustración o el aburrimiento; lo peor que puede resultar del lenguaje de odio es el genocidio. The worst thing that can result from near duplicates is frustration or boredom; the worst thing that can result from hate speech is genocide. The worst that can result from the quasi-duplicates is frustration or boredom; the worst that can result from hate speech is genocide. >>deu<< No le costó resolver el problema. Er konnte das Problem leicht lösen. Es war nicht schwer für ihn, das Problem zu lösen. >>eng<< Le Sahara occidental a des gisements pétroliers. Western Sahara has crude oil deposits. Western Sahara has oil deposits. >>eng<< ¿Es posible creer que las partículas subatómicas, así como las fuerzas muy peculiares que las llevan a combinarse para generar materia, no son obra de una Inteligencia Sobrenatural? Is it possible to believe that subatomic particles, as well as the very peculiar forces that lead them to combine to generate matter, are not the work of a Supernatural Intelligence? Is it possible to believe that subatomic particles, as well as the very peculiar forces that lead them to combine to generate matter, are not the work of a Supernatural Intelligence? >>eng<< J'ai hâte de te revoir dimanche prochain. I am looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday. >>eng<< Troisième coup ! Strike three! Third shot! >>deu<< Nous nous voyons presque chaque jour. Wir sehen uns fast jeden Tag. Wir sehen uns fast jeden Tag. >>eng<< Toki Pona não é uma língua, mas um enigma. Toki Pona is not a language but a riddle. Toki Pona is not a language, but an enigma. >>nld<< Elle m'appelle Kenji. Zij noemt mij Kenji. Ze noemt me Kenji. >>nld<< Te sun înapoi în curând. Ik bel je onmiddellijk terug. Ik bel je zo terug. >>eng<< Cred că e improbabil ca extratereştri similari cu ceea ce vedem în filme să fi vizitat vreodată planeta noastră. I think it's unlikely that aliens similar to what we see in the movies have ever visited our planet. I think it's unlikely that aliens similar to what we see in the movies have ever visited our planet. >>nld<< Je skiais. Ik skiede. Ik was aan het skiën. >>eng<< Isso também é parte do seu trabalho, como eu te disse antes. This is also part of your work, as I told you before. This is also part of your job, as I told you before. >>eng<< Lingua Anglica mihi magis quam mathematica placet. I like English more than maths. I like English more than I like English. >>deu<< Engleza lui este mai bună decât a mea. Sein Englisch ist besser als meins. Sein Englisch ist besser als meins. >>deu<< Il a failli, mais il a aussi expié. Er hat gefehlt, aber er hat auch gebüßt. Er hat versagt, aber er hat auch gesühnt. >>nld<< Tu veux construire un bonhomme de neige ? Wil je een sneeuwpop bouwen? Wil je een sneeuwman bouwen? >>deu<< Qu'a-t-elle dit d'autre ? Was hat sie sonst noch gesagt? Was hat sie noch gesagt? >>eng<< Je parle aussi bien français que vous. I speak French as well as you do. I speak French as well as you. >>deu<< Ne soyons pas comme eux. Lass uns nicht wie die sein! Seien wir nicht wie sie. >>nld<< Bom dia, meu raio de sol. Goedemorgen mijn zonneschijn. Goedemorgen, zonnestraaltje. >>eng<< È più forte di me. She's stronger than me. He's stronger than me. >>eng<< ¿Que idioma falan en Corea? What language do they speak in Korea? What language do you speak in Korea? >>eng<< Assim que ele terminou de comer, ele voltou a andar. As soon as he finished eating, he began to walk again. As soon as he finished eating, he walked again. >>eng<< ¿Algún día la IA, la inteligencia artificial, podrá crear un lenguaje artificial para que lo utilicen los humanos? ¿Sería mejor que un lenguaje natural? Will AI, artificial intelligence, someday be able to create an artificial language for humans to use? Would it be better than a natural language? Will AI, artificial intelligence, ever be able to create an artificial language for humans to use? Would it be better than natural language? >>eng<< La patience a des limites à un moment. Patience runs out at some point. Patience has limits at a time. >>deu<< Tom si sta ubriacando. Tom betrinkt sich. Tom wird betrunken. >>eng<< Este livro, que eu li duas vezes, foi presente do Peter. This book, which I've read twice, was a gift from Peter. This book, which I have read twice, was a gift from Peter. >>eng<< Il loro padre è severo. Their father is strict. Their father is strict. >>eng<< Questo è un buon sistema. This is a good system. This is a good system. >>eng<< Scholae triginta minuta post octavam horam incipiunt. School begins at eight-thirty. The school starts at 30 minutes after 8 o’clock. >>eng<< Non è il momento di abbandonarmi ai ricordi. This is not the time to indulge in memories. This is not the time to give up on memories. >>eng<< O soneto tem quatorze versos. The sonnet has fourteen verses. The sonnet has fourteen verses. >>eng<< Tom estava deitado de costas olhando para o teto. Tom was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Tom was lying on his back looking at the ceiling. >>eng<< Abita a Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. >>eng<< Eu vou tentar. I will try. I'll try. >>nld<< Soy todavía joven. Ik ben nog jong. Ik ben nog jong. >>eng<< Fii pozitivă. Be positive. Be positive. >>eng<< Per piacere, non mi compri nulla per il mio compleanno. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. >>eng<< Les gens ont toujours boycotté les entreprises et les produits. People have always boycotted companies and products. People have always boycotted businesses and products. >>eng<< Quantos você matou? How many have you killed? How many did you kill? >>eng<< Questo telefono è difettoso. This phone is defective. This phone is defective. >>eng<< On ne peut pas faire confiance à la police. We can't trust the police. We can't trust the police. >>deu<< A identidade do garoto desaparecido foi confirmada através das roupas que ele portava. Die Identität des vermissten Jungen wurde anhand der Kleidung, welche er trug, bestätigt. Die Identität des vermissten Jungen wurde durch die Kleidung bestätigt, die er trug. >>eng<< De acordo com Jay, as estrelas estavam alinhadas, porque no espaço de um ano, as vendas do álbum subiram em flecha. According to Jay, the stars were aligned, because within a year, sales of the album soared. According to Jay, the stars were aligned, because within a year, sales of the album rose sharply. >>eng<< Elle est allée prendre l'air. She went to get some fresh air. She went to get some air. >>eng<< Su reloj adelanta. Your watch gains time. His clock is ticking. >>deu<< Oslo es la capital de Noruega. Oslo ist die Hauptstadt von Norwegen. Oslo ist die Hauptstadt Norwegens. >>eng<< Não posso dormir por causa do barulho. I cannot sleep because of the noise. I can't sleep because of the noise. >>nld<< C'est un livre intéressant, non ? Dit is een interessant boek, toch? Het is een interessant boek, nietwaar? >>eng<< Il fornello è in cucina, a destra del frigorifero. The stove is in the kitchen, to the right of the refrigerator. The stove is in the kitchen, to the right of the refrigerator. >>eng<< Ninguém sabe que eu estou aqui. No one knows I'm here. No one knows I'm here. >>nld<< Ell ven sucre i sal a la botiga. Hij verkoopt suiker en zout in de winkel. Hij verkoopt suiker en zout in de winkel. >>eng<< Hoje em dia os telefones móveis são muito populares. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. >>deu<< Non venirmi troppo vicino. Komm mir nicht zu nahe. Komm mir nicht zu nahe. >>eng<< Et dixit ad eos: "Non effundatis sanguinem; sed proicite eum in cisternam hanc, quæ est in solitudine, manusque vestras servate innoxias”. Hoc autem dicebat volens eripere eum de manibus eorum et reddere patri suo. Nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father. And he said to them, Shed no blood; but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and let your hands be guiltless. And he said, Rescue him out of their hand, and give him back to his father. >>nld<< Tu ne devrais pas jouer au base-ball ici. U kunt beter ergens anders baseball gaan spelen. Je zou hier geen honkbal moeten spelen. >>eng<< Bien sûr, la réponse est oui. Of course, the answer is yes. Of course, the answer is yes. >>eng<< Dis-le-lui, connard ! Tell him, asshole! Tell him, asshole! >>eng<< Chi ha spento le luci? Who turned off the lights? Who turned off the lights? >>nld<< No se enfade. Word niet boos. Wees niet boos. >>eng<< La cause du décès est l'asphyxie. Asphyxiation was the cause of death. The cause of death is asphyxia. >>deu<< Io ho un po' paura. Ich habe ein bisschen Angst. Ich habe ein bisschen Angst. >>eng<< Câncer pode ser tratado se for detectado nos estágios iniciais. Cancer can be treated if it is detected in the early stages. Cancer can be treated if it is detected in the early stages. >>deu<< On se voit ce soir ! À tout à l'heure ! Wir sehen uns heute Abend! Bis gleich! Wir sehen uns heute Abend. >>nld<< Pourquoi la neige est-elle blanche ? Waarom is sneeuw wit? Waarom is sneeuw wit? >>nld<< Chi leggerà un giorno le frasi che ho scritto? Wie zal op een dag de zinnen lezen die ik heb geschreven? Wie leest ooit de zinnen die ik heb geschreven? >>deu<< "No", ripeté l'inglese. „Nein“, wiederholte der Engländer. "Nein", wiederholte der Engländer. >>deu<< Esta colônia foi fundada em 1700. Diese Kolonie wurde im Jahre 1700 gegründet. Diese Kolonie wurde 1700 gegründet. >>eng<< Ils sont arrivés en Angleterre il y a une semaine. They arrived in England a week ago. They arrived in England a week ago. >>deu<< Io ho visto un cane. Ich habe einen Hund gesehen. Ich habe einen Hund gesehen. >>eng<< Adivina qué me pasó. Guess what happened to me. Guess what happened to me. >>eng<< Aquera blosa qu'ei de coton. This blouse is cotton. It's a blouse that's made of cotton. >>nld<< Les jeunes d'aujourd'hui n'écoutent pas les adultes. De jeugd van vandaag luistert niet naar de volwassenen. Jongeren luisteren tegenwoordig niet naar volwassenen. >>eng<< Ganha-se um ponto por cada peça do oponente que se captura. You gain one point for every opponent piece you capture. A point is earned for each piece of the opponent that is captured. >>eng<< Vamos a jugar tenis esta semana. We are playing tennis this weekend. We're going to play tennis this week. >>eng<< Tu voz me suena. Your voice sounds familiar. Your voice sounds to me. >>nld<< La lumière s'est éteinte d'elle-même. Het licht ging vanzelf uit. Het licht ging vanzelf uit. >>nld<< A chuva durou a noite toda. De regen bleef de ganse nacht door aanhouden. De regen heeft de hele nacht geduurd. >>eng<< Les Kabyles voudraient voir les ukrainiens et les russes vivre en paix cote à cote. The Kabyles would like to see the Ukrainians and the Russians live side by side in peace. The Kabyles would like to see Ukrainians and Russians living in peace side by side. >>deu<< Não tenho a quem me dirigir. Ich habe niemanden, an den ich mich wenden kann. Ich habe niemanden, an den ich mich wenden kann. >>eng<< Ho solo bisogno di riposo. I just need rest. I just need some rest. >>deu<< Oggi mi sento malinconica. Heute bin ich melancholisch. Heute fühle ich mich melancholisch. >>nld<< Nous sommes aventureux. We zijn avontuurlijk. We zijn avontuurlijk. >>eng<< A carreira da piloto Fabienne Lanz começou neste circuito há mais de duas décadas, quando lhe foi oferecida uma oportunidade de conduzir um carte. Fabienne Lanz’s racing career started at this racetrack more than two decades ago when she was offered a chance to drive a kart. The career of driver Fabienne Lanz began on this circuit more than two decades ago, when she was offered an opportunity to drive a card. >>eng<< Scelga tre carte qualsiasi. Pick any three cards. Choose any three cards. >>eng<< Non se poterat ultra cohibere Ioseph omnibus coram astantibus, unde clamavit: “Egredimini, cuncti, foras!” Et nemo aderat cum eo, quando manifestavit se fratribus suis. Joseph could no longer refrain himself before many that stood by: whereupon he commanded that all should go out, and no stranger be present at their knowing one another. And Joseph could no longer restrain himself from all those who stood by him. And he cried, Come out, all of you, and go out. And no man was with him when he told his brothers. >>eng<< Ontem foi domingo, hoje é segunda-feira e amanhã é terça-feira. Yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday, and tomorrow is Tuesday. Yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday. >>eng<< ¡La gramática de Yoda aprendido has! Yoda's grammar learned you have. Yoda's grammar you've learned! >>eng<< Hola, me gusta el dinero. Hello, I like money. Hi, I like money. >>eng<< Ziri e Rima hanno aspettato a lungo. Ziri and Rima waited long. Ziri and Rima have waited a long time. >>deu<< Visne me tecum ire? Soll ich mit dir gehen? Willst du mit mir gehen? >>eng<< Rideva di me e non sapevo perché. He was laughing at me and I didn't know why. He laughed at me and I didn’t know why. >>eng<< Há mais de oito anos que o Conselho de Segurança autoriza os humanitários a atravessar da Turquia para o noroeste da Síria, trazendo em média 600 camiões por mês com alimentos, medicamentos e outros bens essenciais. For more than eight years, the Security Council has authorized humanitarians to cross from Turkey into northwest Syria, bringing on average 600 trucks each month with food, medicine and other essentials. For more than eight years, the Security Council has allowed humanitarians to cross from Turkey to northwestern Syria, bringing an average of 600 trucks a month with food, medicine and other essential goods. >>eng<< Sánchez debería haber dimitido hace tiempo. Sanchez should've stepped down a long time ago. Sanchez should have resigned a long time ago. >>deu<< Aimez-vous ma langue ? Gefällt euch meine Sprache? Mögen Sie meine Sprache? >>eng<< Je dirai tout à mon père et à ma mère. I'll tell everything to my father and mother. I'll tell my father and mother everything. >>eng<< Quem estava tocando? Who was playing? Who was playing? >>eng<< Estou bem. I'm all right. I'm fine. >>nld<< Não leio. Ik lees niet. Dat kan ik niet lezen. >>eng<< A veces fumo sólo para darles a mis manos algo que hacer. Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do. Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do. >>eng<< Matrem benignam habeo. I have a kind mother. I have a benign mother. >>eng<< Ma sœur a peur des petites souris et des araignées. My sister has a fear of little mice and spiders. My sister is afraid of little mice and spiders. >>eng<< Prenez, s'il vous plait, votre temps, avant de décider ce qu'il faut faire. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Please take your time before deciding what to do. >>eng<< Les voitures étaient vendues très bon marché. The cars were sold dirt-cheap. The cars were sold very cheaply. >>eng<< Quanto è lungo questo ponte? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? >>eng<< Chi ha aperto le finestre? Who opened the windows? Who opened the windows? >>eng<< Mortem non timebat. He didn't fear death. Death is not fearful. >>deu<< Tu manigances quelque chose. Du heckst etwas aus. Du hast was vor. >>eng<< Elles nous aimaient. They loved us. They loved us. >>eng<< Hic ultimus est. It's the last one. This is the ultimate. >>eng<< Patience Afor Abdullahi, uma parteira que é também a diretora de enfermagem do Hospital Nacional de Abuja, na capital nigeriana, já perdeu a conta de quantos bebés ela ajudou a dar à luz e ela não trocaria a sua profissão por nada. Patience Afor Abdullahi, a midwife and the head of nursing at Abuja National Hospital in the Nigerian capital, has lost track of how many babies she has delivered and she would not trade her job for anything. Patience Afor Abdullahi, a midwife who is also the director of nursing at the Abuja National Hospital in the Nigerian capital, has already lost track of how many babies she helped give birth and would not trade her profession for anything. >>eng<< Je m'assis à côté d'elle. I sat down next to her. I sat next to her. >>eng<< Lo que sucedió estaba fuera de mi control. What happened was out of my control. What happened was out of my control. >>eng<< Il cibo costa denaro. Food costs money. Food costs money. >>nld<< ¿Quieres ser rico? Wil je rijk zijn? Wil je rijk worden? >>eng<< Não deixe de pensar em mim. Don't stop thinking of me. Don't stop thinking about me. >>eng<< Com uma chocalhada e um guincho, um trator rolou pelo terreno, esmagando as ervas com um rolo de amassar vermelho gigantesco. With a rattle and a screech, a tractor rolled through the field, knocking the grass flat with a giant red rolling pin. With a rattle and a winch, a tractor rolled across the ground, crushing the herbs with a gigantic red kneading roller. >>eng<< S'avièn de d'ora de paur de mancar lo trin. They started early for fear they should miss the first train. It was time for the trinity to disappear. >>deu<< Qual è il tuo uccello preferito? Was ist dein Lieblingsvogel? Was ist dein Lieblingsvogel? >>eng<< Tom è nato a Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. >>eng<< Escolto el que estàs dient. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. >>eng<< Eu não gostei muito deste livro. I didn't really like this book. I didn't like this book very much. >>eng<< O bebê no berço é muito bonitinho. The baby in the cradle is very cute. The baby in the crib is very cute. >>deu<< Vreau să locuiesc într-un oraş mare. Ich möchte in einer großen Stadt leben. Ich möchte in einer großen Stadt leben. >>nld<< Peux-tu me fournir un exemple ? Kan je me een voorbeeld geven? Kun je me een voorbeeld geven? >>nld<< Él es precisamente a quién buscas. Hij is precies degene die je zoekt. Hij is precies wie je zoekt. >>eng<< Vada là da solo. Go there alone. Go there alone. >>deu<< Mettez la table tout de suite. Decken Sie sofort den Tisch. Legen Sie sofort den Tisch auf. >>deu<< Je le tiens pour Étasunien. Ich halte ihn für einen Amerikaner. Ich halte ihn für US-Amerikaner. >>eng<< Lui mi sparò. He shot at me. He shot me. >>nld<< Je rêvais et riais, pendant que je dormais. Ik droomde en lachte, terwijl ik sliep. Ik droomde en lachte terwijl ik sliep. >>eng<< J'ai quelques pièces dans mon portefeuille. I have some coins in my wallet. I have a few coins in my wallet. >>nld<< Dorm com un ós a l'hivern. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. >>eng<< J'ai déjà écrit ma part du rapport. I've already written my part of the report. I have already written my part of the report. >>eng<< Tom se dio cuenta de que el cuadro que colgaba de la pared estaba torcido, así que lo enderezó. Tom noticed the picture hanging on the wall was crooked, so he straightened it. Tom realized that the picture hanging from the wall was crooked, so he straightened it. >>deu<< Tu n'as pas de cheveux. Du hast keine Haare. Du hast keine Haare. >>eng<< Félicitez-le. Praise him. Congratulate him. >>eng<< Les toilettes sont sales. The toilets are dirty. The toilets are dirty. >>eng<< Ne sors pas de la pièce en laissant la fenêtre ouverte. Don't leave the room with the window open. Do not leave the room by leaving the window open. >>eng<< En Venus, en cuestión de minutos, la sonda espacial que aterrizó se derritió por el calor. On Venus, within minutes, the space probe that landed melted in the heat. On Venus, in a matter of minutes, the space probe that landed melted in the heat. >>eng<< Le dijimos a Tom que no era bienvenido aquí. We told Tom he wasn't welcome here. We told Tom he wasn't welcome here. >>eng<< Eso no parecía preocuparle. That didn't seem to worry him. That didn't seem to bother him. >>eng<< ¿Necesitan una ambulancia? Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? >>eng<< Mangia manzo con olio d'oliva e ciliegie. He eats beef with olive oil and cherries. Eat beef with olive oil and cherries. >>eng<< Qué loco, todas las cosas que nos podemos inventar para hacer la vida más conveniente y así jalarle más dinero a la gente. It's funny, all the things we can come up with to make life more convenient and suck more money out of people. How crazy, all the things we can invent to make life more convenient and so pull more money out of people. >>eng<< Nunca encontraré a alguien como él. I'll never find someone like him. I'll never find someone like him. >>eng<< Tengo buenas noticias para ustedes. I have good news for you. I have good news for you. >>eng<< La mancanza di comunicazione ha esacerbato la situazione. Lack of communication exacerbated the the situation. The lack of communication has exacerbated the situation. >>nld<< Lo cogeremos. We krijgen het. We pakken hem wel. >>eng<< Je suis à la recherche d'une chambre avec des lits jumeaux. I am looking for room with twin beds. I'm looking for a room with twin beds. >>eng<< Jelle Van Loon, do Centro Internacional para o Melhoramento do Milho e Trigo, demonstra o protótipo de um plantador manual. Jelle Van Loon, of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, demonstrates a prototype hand planter. Jelle Van Loon, from the International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement, demonstrates the prototype of a manual planter. >>eng<< No tengo ganas de cenar esta noche. I don't feel like eating supper tonight. I don't feel like having dinner tonight. >>eng<< Ne changez pas cela. Don't change that. Don't change that. >>eng<< Tom nu mai este începător. Tom isn't a rookie anymore. Tom is no longer a beginner. >>eng<< Penso che sia maleducato farlo. I think it's impolite to do that. I think it's rude to do that. >>deu<< Qual o lugar mais bonito do mundo?‎ Wo ist der schönste Ort der Welt? Was ist der schönste Ort der Welt? >>eng<< Muitas cidades na Europa prometeram suprimir gradualmente os carros a gasóleo — e há esperança de que as vendas de veículos elétricos possam ocupar o seu lugar à medida que a duração das baterias melhora. Many cities in Europe have pledged to phase out diesel cars — and there’s hope that sales of electric vehicles could take over as battery life improves. Many cities in Europe have promised to phase out diesel cars — and there’s hope that EV sales could take their place as battery life improves. >>deu<< Elle rougit. Sie rötete sich. Sie errötet. >>nld<< Le voleur a utilisé un tournevis pour s'introduire dans la voiture. De dief gebruikte een schroevendraaier om in de auto in te breken. De dief gebruikte een schroevendraaier om in de auto te komen. >>eng<< Habla con mi médico. Speak with my doctor. Talk to my doctor. >>eng<< No puedo creer que el código genético haya surgido al azar y por selección natural. I can't believe the genetic code came about by chance and natural selection. I can't believe the genetic code came about by chance and natural selection. >>deu<< O sistema educacional da atualidade não fertiliza – antes esteriliza – a mente dos estudantes. Das heutige Bildungssystem lehrt die Schüler nicht, es leert sie. Das heutige Bildungssystem düngt nicht – sondern sterilisiert – den Verstand der Schüler. >>eng<< Mi-e tare frică de a fi disprețuit de către cei pe care îi iubesc și de care îmi pasă. I have a great fear of being disdained by those I love and care about. I am very afraid of being despised by those I love and care about. >>eng<< Ce roman est loué pour son réalisme cru. This novel is praised for its gritty realism. This novel is praised for its raw realism. >>eng<< Estou a sair-me muito bem. I'm doing quite well. I'm doing really well. >>nld<< Yo soy Ricardo. Ik ben Ricardo. Ik ben Ricardo. >>eng<< Dacă începem să călcăm Elveția, devine mare cât Germania. If you ironed Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. If we start trampling Switzerland, it becomes as big as Germany. >>eng<< Non perderti nella nebbia. Don't get lost in the fog. Don't get lost in the fog. >>eng<< Uter canis est tuus? Which dog is yours? Is your dog your dog? >>deu<< Você não deve acreditar em tudo que lê nos jornais. Sie dürfen nicht alles glauben, was Sie in den Zeitungen lesen. Du solltest nicht alles glauben, was du in den Zeitungen liest. >>eng<< Ele bateu-me bem. He beat the crap out of me. He hit me good. >>eng<< Tom s'est joint à l'équipe de natation. Tom joined the swim team. Tom joined the swimming team. >>eng<< Acabo de enviarte un regalo por correo. I just sent you a present in the mail. I just sent you a gift by mail. >>eng<< Eu estou comendo macarrão. I am eating pasta. I'm eating pasta. >>eng<< ¿Cuánto medía el dinosaurio? How big was the dinosaur? How big was the dinosaur? >>eng<< Parece que Jack está doente. It seems that Jack is sick. Looks like Jack's sick. >>eng<< Scribo. Deinde lego. I write and then I read. I'm writing. I'm writing. >>eng<< El cannabis es ahora legal en el estado de Nueva York. Cannabis is now legal in New York State. Cannabis is now legal in the state of New York. >>deu<< Da quanto tempo sta studiando l'esperanto? Wie lange lernen Sie schon Esperanto? Wie lange lernst du schon Esperanto? >>eng<< Acest medicament te va ajuta. This medicine will help you. This medicine will help you. >>deu<< A menina sorriu para mim. Das Mädchen lächelte mich an. Das Mädchen lächelte mich an. >>deu<< La fiebre de Tom está empeorando. Toms Fieber verschlimmert sich. Toms Fieber wird immer schlimmer. >>deu<< Je ne veux pas qu’elle le sache. Ich will nicht, dass sie es erfährt. Ich will nicht, dass sie es weiß. >>nld<< Siempre le habla en voz alta. Ze spreekt tegen hem altijd met luide stem. Hij praat altijd hardop tegen haar. >>nld<< ¿Puede pasarme la sal? Kunt u mij het zout even aangeven? Mag ik het zout? >>nld<< Eran las siete y media. Het was half acht. Het was half zeven. >>deu<< Para os senhores, nunca estou muito ocupado. Für Sie bin ich nie zu beschäftigt. Für Sie bin ich nie zu beschäftigt. >>eng<< O frango está cru. The chicken is raw. The chicken is raw. >>eng<< Un día, elegirás cómo vivir tu vida. One day, you will choose how to live your life. One day, you will choose how to live your life. >>nld<< Este problema es demasiado sencillo. Deze opgave is te eenvoudig. Dit probleem is te eenvoudig. >>deu<< Il avait beaucoup d'argent pour son voyage. Er hatte viel Geld für seine Reise. Er hatte viel Geld für seine Reise. >>eng<< Tom está ficando cego. Tom is going blind. Tom's getting blind. >>deu<< Paz e longa vida! Lebe lang und in Frieden. Frieden und ein langes Leben! >>eng<< Pouvez-vous vérifier cela ? Can you verify that? Can you verify that? >>eng<< ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te hicieron una revisión oftalmológica? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had an eye exam? >>eng<< Ho una serratura. I have a lock. I have a lock. >>deu<< O sol que nascia espantou a neblina. Die aufgehende Sonne vertrieb den Nebel. Die aufgehende Sonne erschreckte den Nebel. >>eng<< O Twitter anunciou um novo serviço especial para utilizadores no Canadá e na Austrália que permite aos utilizadores pagantes ajustar tuítes, entre outras funcionalidades. Twitter announced a new premium service for users in Canada and Australia that allows paying users to adjust tweets, among other features. Twitter has announced a new special service for users in Canada and Australia that allows paying users to adjust tweets, among other features. >>nld<< Credo che Tom abbia ragione. Ik denk dat Tom gelijk heeft. Ik denk dat Tom gelijk heeft. >>eng<< A gente quer visitar o parque. We want to visit the park. We want to visit the park. >>deu<< A la galleta le gusta comer galletas. Der Keks isst gerne Kekse. Der Keks isst gerne Kekse. >>eng<< Il nous faut maintenant attendre un court instant. Now we need to wait for a while. Now we have to wait a short moment. >>eng<< ¿Es el cumpleaños de Tom mañana? Is it Tom's birthday tomorrow? Is it Tom's birthday tomorrow? >>eng<< Ocultémonos detrás de la cortina. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. >>nld<< Tienes un ojo morado. Je hebt een blauw oog. Je hebt een paars oog. >>eng<< Valde perciti eramus. We were very excited. Awesome washers. >>eng<< Comparado a você, eu sou apenas um iniciante neste jogo. Compared to you, I'm just a beginner at this game. Compared to you, I am just a beginner in this game. >>eng<< Brutissimus es. You are very insensitive. It is brutish. >>eng<< Pediludium ei non placet. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn’t like pedicures. >>eng<< ¡Muérete, insecto! Die, insect! Die, bug! >>deu<< Ci incontriamo domenica. Wir treffen uns Sonntag. Wir treffen uns am Sonntag. >>nld<< L'Estonia ha il suo proprio inno. Estland heeft zijn eigen volkslied. Estland heeft zijn eigen volkslied. >>nld<< Sont-ils heureux ? Zijn ze blij? Zijn ze gelukkig? >>eng<< Mi madre no sabe cocinar comida moderna. My mother doesn't know how to cook modern food. My mother doesn't know how to cook modern food. >>eng<< Quiero saber qué ha pasado desde que me fui. I want to know what has happened since I left. I want to know what's happened since I left. >>eng<< Na superfície central da mesa havia sal, pimenta, queijo ralado e gressinos, galhetas a condizer com azeite pálido e vinagre escuro. The inner surface of the table held salt, pepper, grated cheese and breadsticks, matching cruets of pale olive oil and dark vinegar. On the central surface of the table were salt, pepper, grated cheese and grisinos, biscuits to match with pale olive oil and dark vinegar. >>nld<< Sta arrivando l'inverno. De winter is in aantocht. De winter komt eraan. >>eng<< Sono calde? Are they hot? Are they hot? >>deu<< Voglio tornare qui. Ich möchte wieder hierherkommen. Ich will zurück. >>eng<< No te burles de mí, Tom. Don't make fun of me, Tom. Don't make fun of me, Tom. >>eng<< Tieni la bandiera algerina. Keep the Algerian flag. Keep the Algerian flag. >>eng<< Tom are leucemie. Tom has leukaemia. Tom has leukemia. >>deu<< No hay nada peor que eso. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres als das. >>deu<< Quem foi o infeliz que fez isso? Wer war der Unglückliche, der dies getan hat? Wer war der Unglückliche, der das getan hat? >>eng<< A agência espacial norte-americana NASA testou com sucesso o sistema de interrupção de lançamento da nave espacial Oríon, concebido para salvar os membros da tripulação caso ocorra uma emergência durante o lançamento. The U.S. space agency NASA has successfully tested the Orion spacecraft's launch abort system, designed to save crew members should an emergency occur during a launch. NASA has successfully tested the Orion spacecraft’s launch disruption system, designed to save crew members in the event of an emergency during launch. >>eng<< È proibita nella maggior parte dei paesi. It's prohibited in most countries. It is prohibited in most countries. >>eng<< Tom ha fatto di un sassolino una montagna. Tom made a mountain out of a molehill. Tom made a pebble a mountain. >>eng<< Quand avez-vous commencé à étudier le latin ? When did you start studying Latin? When did you start studying Latin? >>eng<< Tom spense il suo cellulare. Tom turned his cellphone off. Tom turned off his phone. >>eng<< C'est seulement quand il a voulu acheter quelque chose qu'il a réalisé qu'il avait oublié son portefeuille. Only when he wanted to buy something did he realise he'd forgotten his wallet. It was only when he wanted to buy something that he realized that he had forgotten his wallet. >>eng<< C'est une personne importante au FBI. He's an important person in the FBI. He's an important person in the FBI. >>eng<< Sei tutto quel che ho. You're all I've got. You're all I have. >>nld<< Você não deveria ter feito isso. U had dat niet hoeven doen. Dat had je niet moeten doen. >>nld<< ¡Gracias! Dank je wel! Dank je wel. >>deu<< Je crois que Tom est un chat. Ich denke, dass Tom eine Katze ist. Ich glaube, Tom ist eine Katze. >>deu<< Bubo ululat 'u u'. Der Uhu macht „uh-uh”. Bubo heult 'u u'. >>eng<< Tom è il manager? Is Tom the manager? Is Tom the manager? >>nld<< Siete d'accordo? Zijn jullie het ermee eens? Ben je het daarmee eens? >>eng<< Ele veio apesar da forte nevasca. He came in spite of the heavy snowfall. He came despite the heavy snow. >>nld<< Sono contento, perché sto imparando un po' di olandese. Ik ben gelukkig, want ik leer wat Nederlands. Ik ben blij, want ik ben een beetje Nederlands aan het leren. >>eng<< Quisiera hacer una llamada telefónica. I would like to call. I'd like to make a phone call. >>eng<< Com o apoio da UNICEF, ele lidera uma campanha de distribuição de vacinas contra o pneumococo e o rotavírus, que, segundo Levine, conseguem proteger as crianças em todo o mundo em desenvolvimento contra a pneumonia e a diarreia. With UNICEF support, he is leading a campaign to distribute pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, which Levine says can protect children throughout the developing world against pneumonia and diarrhoea. With the support of UNICEF, he leads a distribution campaign for pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, which Levine says can protect children around the developing world from pneumonia and diarrhea. >>deu<< Você é vegetariano? Bist du Vegetarier? Sind Sie Vegetarier? >>eng<< L'opulence de la fête émerveilla tout le monde. The lavishness of the party amazed everybody. The opulence of the feast astonished everyone. >>deu<< Es tu turno de cantar. Du bist dran mit singen. Jetzt bist du dran zu singen. >>nld<< Lorsque tu es assise ? Terwijl je zit? Wanneer zit je? >>nld<< Ella es cantante. Zij is zangeres. Ze is zangeres. >>deu<< Un homme avisé ne commet pas lui-même toutes les erreurs. Il laisse également une chance aux autres. Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selbst. Er gibt auch anderen eine Chance. Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selbst, er lässt auch anderen eine Chance. >>eng<< O peixe tem sabor a mar. The fish tastes of the sea. The fish tastes like the sea. >>eng<< J'ai dû me démener pour sortir du métro. I struggled to get out of the subway. I had to scramble to get out of the subway. >>eng<< Ho detto la cosa sbagliata. I said the wrong thing. I said the wrong thing. >>eng<< Pensé que Tom sorprendería a María y la llevaría a cenar. I thought Tom would surprise Mary and take her to dinner. I thought Tom would surprise Maria and take her to dinner. >>deu<< Nunca é tarde demais. Es ist niemals zu spät. Es ist nie zu spät. >>nld<< Il est né à Osaka. Hij is geboren in Osaka. Hij werd geboren in Osaka. >>nld<< Pourquoi tant de haine ? Waarom zoveel haat? Waarom zoveel haat? >>nld<< À noite, a temperatura caiu para dez graus. 's Nachts daalde de temperatuur tot tien graden. 's Avonds daalde de temperatuur tot tien graden. >>eng<< A maioria das serpentes desta ilha é inofensiva. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Most of the snakes on this island are harmless. >>deu<< Não pedi tua ajuda. Ich habe dich nicht gebeten, mir zu helfen. Ich habe nicht um deine Hilfe gebeten. >>eng<< Fui eu quem convenceu o Tom a parar de fazer aquilo. I'm the one who convinced Tom to quit doing that. I was the one who convinced Tom to stop doing that. >>eng<< Glossario usus est. He used the dictionary. Glossary is used. >>eng<< Tom odiava vivere a Boston. Tom hated living in Boston. Tom hated living in Boston. >>deu<< Je suis seule. Ich bin allein. Ich bin allein. >>deu<< À l'école, Tom se faisait beaucoup embêter. In der Schule wurde Tom viel geärgert. In der Schule machte sich Tom viel Mühe. >>deu<< Ayer Tomás me escribió más de treinta mensajes. Tom hat mir gestern über dreißig Nachrichten geschrieben. Thomas hat mir gestern mehr als 30 Nachrichten geschrieben. >>eng<< Je lui achèterai un balai. I'll buy him a broom. I'll buy him a broom. >>eng<< Felix sit annus novus! Happy New Year! Felix is a new year! >>eng<< Che cosa farà quest'estate? What are you going to be doing this summer? What will he do this summer? >>eng<< O gato derrubou o vaso da mesa. The cat knocked the vase off the table. The cat knocked the vase off the table. >>deu<< Los americanos simplemente no querían luchar. Die Amerikaner wollten einfach nicht kämpfen. Die Amerikaner wollten einfach nicht kämpfen. >>eng<< Tom va in vacanza domani. Tom is going on vacation tomorrow. Tom's on vacation tomorrow. >>eng<< Portez-le sur le compte de ma chambre. Charge it to my room. Put it on my room bill. >>eng<< Le bois est solide. Wood is solid. The wood is solid. >>nld<< Ești bolnav? Ben je ziek? Ben je ziek? >>eng<< Tom était le meilleur ami de Marie, au lycée. Tom was Mary's best friend in high school. Tom was Marie's best friend in high school. >>eng<< Ti piace guardare la TV, non è vero? You like watching TV, don't you? You like watching TV, don't you? >>eng<< "Com et sents aquest matí?" "Bastant bé, gràcies." "How are you feeling this morning?" "Pretty good, thanks." "How are you feeling this morning?" "Enough, thank you." >>eng<< Odio la pubblicità. I hate advertising. I hate advertising. >>eng<< Îi știi pe toți. You know everyone. You know them all. >>deu<< C'est Tom que vous voulez voir. Es ist Tom, den Sie sehen wollen. Das ist Tom, den Sie sehen wollen. >>deu<< Voy a bañarme. Ich werde ein Bad nehmen. Ich gehe baden. >>eng<< David, de nove meses, ajoelha-se, rasteja em direção a um biberão com leite no balcão e começa a choramingar. Nine-month-old David drops to his knees, crawls toward a bottle of milk on the counter and begins to whimper. Nine-month-old David kneels, crawls toward a bottle of milk on the counter, and begins to whine. >>eng<< Los científicos están investigando por qué fracasó el experimento. The scientists are investigating why the experiment failed. Scientists are investigating why the experiment failed. >>eng<< Forse ci vedremo domani. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. >>eng<< Yanni le devolvió a Skura su dinero. Yanni gave Skura her money back. Yanni gave Skura his money back. >>eng<< On utilise cet insecticide depuis deux ans. We have been using this insecticide for two years. We've been using this insecticide for two years. >>eng<< La lluvia me impedía salir de casa. The rain prevented me from leaving the house. The rain kept me from leaving the house. >>deu<< Cosa desiderate? Was wünschen Sie? Was wünschen Sie sich? >>eng<< Prends-tu de la kétamine ? Do you use ketamine? Do you take ketamine? >>eng<< Per la sua età, è in buona salute. For her age, she's in good health. For his age, he is in good health. >>eng<< Nu te uita! Don't look! Don't look! >>eng<< Les quatre sœurs vivent à Rome. The four sisters live in Rome. The four sisters live in Rome. >>eng<< Ce maillot de bain est en promotion. This swimsuit is on sale. This swimsuit is on sale. >>eng<< Me alegro de que estéis bien. I'm glad you guys are doing well. I'm glad you're all right. >>eng<< OK, mi ricorderò di lei. OK, I'll remind you. Okay, I'll remember you. >>deu<< Es una buena muchacha. Sie ist ein gutes Mädchen. Sie ist ein gutes Mädchen. >>deu<< Scisne iam novum carmen? Kennst du schon das neue Lied? Haben Sie schon einmal einen neuen Carmen gesehen? >>deu<< Que sou eu, comparado com o universo? Was bin ich denn gegen das All? Wer bin ich im Vergleich zum Universum? >>nld<< Je vais passer à la télévision. Ik ga op tv komen. Ik ga op tv. >>eng<< La morte non deve spaventarci. Death must not scare us. Death must not frighten us. >>deu<< Te estaría agradecido si pudieras esperar hasta mañana. Ich wäre dankbar, wenn du bis morgen bleiben würdest. Ich wäre dir dankbar, wenn du bis morgen warten könntest. >>eng<< Combien de temps va-t-elle rester au Japon ? How long is she going to stay in Japan? How long will she stay in Japan? >>nld<< El maltés es una lengua semítica. Maltees is een Semitische taal. Het Maltees is een Semitische taal. >>eng<< L'elefante è stato ucciso dal cacciatore. The elephant was killed by the hunter. The elephant was killed by the hunter. >>deu<< Elle est allée en Allemagne pour étudier la médecine. Sie ist nach Deutschland gegangen, um Medizin zu studieren. Sie ging nach Deutschland, um Medizin zu studieren. >>eng<< Eu prefiro os filmes de ação. I prefer action movies. I prefer action movies. >>eng<< Ti ha mandato una lettera. He sent you a letter. He sent you a letter. >>eng<< C'è un ciottolo nella mia scarpa. There's a stone in my shoe. There's a pebble in my shoe. >>deu<< Lei sta portando uno zaino sulla schiena. Sie trägt einen Rucksack auf dem Rücken. Sie trägt einen Rucksack auf dem Rücken. >>eng<< Erai aici când Tom a fost împușcat? Were you here when Tom got shot? Were you here when Tom was shot? >>deu<< On a oublié de fermer la porte. Wir haben vergessen, die Tür zu schließen. Wir haben vergessen, die Tür zu schließen. >>eng<< El balde estaba lleno de agua. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. >>eng<< Pauvres montagnards, pauvres étudiants, pauvres jeunes gens, vos ennemis de demain seront pires que ceux d'hier. Poor mountain people, poor students, poor young people, your enemies of tomorrow will be worse than those of yesterday. Poor mountaineers, poor students, poor young people, your enemies of tomorrow will be worse than those of yesterday. >>eng<< Le football est un sport d’abrutis. La preuve ? Les clubs sont détenus par des oligarques ruSSes et des émirs. Football is a sport for idiots. Why? The clubs are held back by Russian oligarchs and emirs. Football is a stupid sport. The proof? The clubs are owned by russian oligarchs and emirs. >>eng<< O que você quer dizer com isso? Explique-se. What do you mean by that? Explain yourself. What do you mean by that? Explain yourself. >>deu<< Nous le supposons. Wir vermuten es. Wir vermuten es. >>nld<< Il y a partout des gens qui s'aiment. Overal zijn er mensen die van elkaar houden. Er zijn overal mensen die van elkaar houden. >>nld<< Não nos permitiram utilizar o elevador de serviço. Zij stonden ons niet toe de dienstlift te gebruiken. We mochten de servicelift niet gebruiken. >>deu<< Le Müritz est-il le plus grand plan d'eau d'Allemagne ? Ist die Müritz das größte Gewässer in Deutschland? Ist der Müritz der größte Wasserkörper Deutschlands? >>deu<< Elle est en droit de dire ce qu'elle veut. Sie hat das Recht, zu sagen, was sie will. Sie hat das Recht zu sagen, was sie will. >>nld<< Los niños a menudo me piden dinero. Kinderen vragen mij vaak om geld. Kinderen vragen vaak om geld. >>eng<< Estamos dando uma festa sexta-feira de noite lá em casa. We're throwing a party Friday evening at our place. We're having a Friday night party at home. >>eng<< Numa manhã recente de sábado no bairro de Morningside Heights em Manhattan, Irene Zola — alta com uma longa juba de cabelo prateado — encontra-se numa calçada movimentada de Broadway. On a recent Saturday morning in Manhattan's Morningside Heights neighborhood, Irene Zola - tall with a long mane of silver hair - stands on a busy Broadway sidewalk. On a recent Saturday morning in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood, Irene Zola — tall with a long mane of silver hair — finds herself on a busy Broadway sidewalk. >>eng<< Favlash Ladino? Do you all speak Ladino? Favlash Ladino? >>nld<< Quel giorno entrerà nella storia. Deze dag zal de geschiedenis ingaan. Die dag zal de geschiedenis ingaan. >>eng<< La sua calligrafia è terribile. Your handwriting is terrible. His handwriting is terrible. >>eng<< Eu não falo nada de italiano. I don't speak any Italian at all. I don't speak any Italian. >>deu<< Hágalo por mí. Tun Sie’s für mich! Tu es für mich. >>deu<< "Macbeth" di Shakespeare è una tragedia. Macbeth von Shakespeare ist ein Tragödie. Shakespeares "Macbeth" ist eine Tragödie. >>nld<< Tengo un diccionario. Ik heb een woordenboek. Ik heb een woordenboek. >>deu<< Diu te non vivi. Ich habe dich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen. Er sagt, du lebst nicht. >>eng<< Veuillez me prévenir quand vous n'arriverez plus à entendre cela. Please tell me when you can't hear this anymore. Please let me know when you can no longer hear this. >>deu<< En bref, je ne suis pas d’accord avec vous. Kurz gesagt, ich bin nicht Ihrer Ansicht. Kurz gesagt, ich stimme Ihnen nicht zu. >>deu<< Minha carreira está em jogo. Meine Karriere steht auf dem Spiel. Meine Karriere steht auf dem Spiel. >>eng<< Est-ce que vous prenez des médicaments ? Are you taking any medicine? Are you taking any medications? >>eng<< Le compré un carro nuevo a mi hija. I bought my daughter a new car. I bought my daughter a new car. >>deu<< Vuole un iPad 4. Sie will ein „iPad 4“. Er will ein iPad 4. >>deu<< Il y a une télévision dans ma chambre. Ich habe einen Fernseher in meinem Zimmer. Es gibt einen Fernseher in meinem Zimmer. >>deu<< Dobbiamo fare del nostro meglio per cambiare le cose. Wir müssen unser Bestes tun, um diese Dinge zu ändern. Wir müssen unser Bestes tun, um die Dinge zu ändern. >>eng<< Lasciatelo qui! Leave it here! Leave him here! >>eng<< Tu mihi istius audaciam defendis? Tell me, do you defend that man's audacity? Do you dare to defend me? >>eng<< No quiero verla. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see her. >>eng<< Raeda mea sordida est. My car's dirty. My hair is sordid. >>eng<< Acest atlet este puternic și agil. This athlete is strong and agile. This athlete is strong and agile. >>eng<< Ela é fermosa. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. >>deu<< O cachorro não comeu a carne. Der Hund fraß das Fleisch nicht. Der Hund hat das Fleisch nicht gegessen. >>eng<< Il me demande de faire plus attention. He's asking me to be more careful. He asks me to be more careful. >>nld<< Je crois que cette photo a été prise en mai. Ik denk dat deze foto in mei genomen is. Ik denk dat deze foto in mei is genomen. >>nld<< Je ne pense pas que Tom soit occupé. Ik denk niet dat Tom bezig is. Ik denk niet dat Tom het druk heeft. >>deu<< Tengo tanto que hacer que no sé por dónde empezar. Ich habe so viel zu tun, dass ich gar nicht weiß, womit ich anfangen soll. Ich habe so viel zu tun, dass ich nicht weiß, wo ich anfangen soll. >>nld<< Bărbatul fără burtă este ca o casă fără balcon. Een man zonder buik is net zoals een huis zonder balkon. Een man zonder buik is als een huis zonder balkon. >>eng<< He dejado de beber cerveza. I don't drink beer anymore. I stopped drinking beer. >>nld<< Tom est fatigué. Tom is moe. Tom is moe. >>eng<< Estou fora de forma. I'm out of shape. I'm out of shape. >>eng<< Elle nous craint. She's afraid of us. She's afraid of us. >>eng<< Avui et convido jo a dinar. Today, I invite you to have dinner. Today I invite you to lunch. >>deu<< Il mio sogno è quello di imparare il tedesco. Ich träume davon, die deutsche Sprache zu erlernen. Mein Traum ist es, Deutsch zu lernen. >>eng<< Canis animal fidele est. The dog is a faithful animal. The dog is a faithful animal. >>deu<< En cuanto termines, te pago. Sobald du fertig bist, bezahle ich dich. Sobald du fertig bist, bezahle ich dich. >>eng<< Eu espero que você seja meu amigo. I hope that you'll be my friend. I hope you're my friend. >>eng<< Je ne veux plus entendre ce charabia. I don't want to hear any more of that mumbo jumbo. I don't want to hear that gossip anymore. >>eng<< Siamo qui per un computer. We're here for a computer. We're here for a computer. >>eng<< Tom é o amigo imaginário de Mary. Tom is Mary's imaginary friend. Tom is Mary's imaginary friend. >>eng<< Tengo que volver a empezar. I have to start over. I have to start over. >>deu<< Il commençait à neiger. Es begann zu schneien. Es fing an zu schneien. >>nld<< Estaba impresionado con su música. Ik was onder de indruk van haar muziek. Hij was onder de indruk van zijn muziek. >>eng<< Temos tempo nublado e neblina. It is cloudy and foggy. We have cloudy weather and fog. >>eng<< Le 15 juillet 2020, aux Nations unies, le Maroc par le biais de son diplomate, son excellence Monsieur Omar Hilale, a soutenu officiellement et ouvertement le droit du peuple kabyle à son autodétermination. On July 15, 2020, at the United Nations, Morocco through its diplomat, His Excellency Mr. Omar Hilale, officially and openly supported the right of the Kabyle people to self-determination. On July 15, 2020, at the United Nations, Morocco, through its diplomat, His Excellency Mr. Omar Hilale, officially and openly supported the right of the Kabyle people to self-determination. >>deu<< Nu sunt sigur de ce. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, warum. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, warum. >>eng<< Rima e Skura amano gli ospedali. Rima and Skura love hospitals. Rima and Skura love hospitals. >>eng<< In taberna quando sumus non curamus quid sit humus, sed ad ludum properamus, cui semper insudamus. In the tavern we do not think how we will be dust, but rush to gamble at dice, which always makes us sweat. In the tavern, when we are there, we do not care what the soil is, but we go to the playground, to which we always insuffer. >>nld<< Leul este regele junglei. De leeuw is de koning van het oerwoud. De leeuw is de koning van de jungle. >>eng<< Inspiroume confianza. He inspired me with confidence. It inspires confidence. >>deu<< Ricordati queste regole. Merke dir diese Regeln! Denke an diese Regeln. >>nld<< Il cappello marrone è vecchio. De bruine hoed is oud. De bruine hoed is oud. >>nld<< Cuando España colonizó las Filipinas, estaban administradas por Ciudad de México. Así que fue el español mexicano, y no el español castellano, el que influyó en el tagalo. Toen Spanje de Filippijnen koloniseerde, werden ze bestuurd door Mexico-Stad. Dus het was het Mexicaans-Spaans, niet het Castiliaans-Spaans, dat het Tagalog beïnvloedde. Toen Spanje de Filippijnen koloniseerde, werden ze bestuurd door Mexico-Stad. Dus het was de Mexicaanse Spanjaard, en niet de Castiliaanse Spanjaard, die de Tagalog beïnvloedde. >>eng<< Te quitarán los puntos de sutura en unos pocos días. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. They will remove your stitches in a few days. >>eng<< Você deseja um dia se envolver na política? Do you wish someday to be involved in politics? Do you want to get involved in politics one day? >>nld<< Bine. Și dumneavoastră? Goed. En u? En jij dan? >>eng<< Los pájaros no son reales. Birds aren't real. Birds are not real. >>eng<< Es difícil tener buenas ideas. It's difficult to have great ideas. It’s hard to have good ideas. >>deu<< Ela toma café? Trinkt sie Kaffee? Trinkt sie Kaffee? >>eng<< Vou visitá-lo amanhã, sem falta. I'll visit you tomorrow without fail. I'm going to visit you tomorrow without fail. >>deu<< Voi lo sapete chi ha inventato la macchina? Weißt du, wer die Maschine erfunden hat? Wissen Sie, wer die Maschine erfunden hat? >>eng<< Hai tempo per la colazione? Do you have time for breakfast? Do you have time for breakfast? >>deu<< Qui jeûne ? Wer fastet? Wer fastet? >>deu<< Nous visiterons la vieille ville. Wir werden die Altstadt besuchen. Wir besuchen die Altstadt. >>deu<< Elle n'a jamais menti. Sie hat niemals gelogen. Sie hat nie gelogen. >>eng<< Utilizzerete questa penna. You will use this pen. You will use this pen. >>eng<< Félicitations pour votre mariage. Congratulations on your marriage. Congratulations on your wedding. >>eng<< Unos huyen en una dirección, otros en otra. Some flee in one direction, others in another. Some flee in one direction, others in another. >>deu<< Estaba tan enfadado que no podía hablar. Er war so wütend, dass er nicht sprechen konnte. Er war so wütend, dass er nicht sprechen konnte. >>eng<< Skura tiene un vestuario muy elegante. Skura has a very stylish wardrobe. Skura has a very elegant wardrobe. >>deu<< Che ne dici di fare una passeggiata? Was hältst du von einem Spaziergang? Wie wäre es mit einem Spaziergang? >>eng<< Emily m'ha abraçat. Emily hugged me. Emily hugged me. >>eng<< Seguramente la ciudad de Nueva York no está en California, ¿verdad? Surely the city of New York is not in California, is it? Surely New York City isn't in California, is it? >>deu<< Él me lo explicó. Er erklärte mir das. Er hat es mir erklärt. >>eng<< Quería que Tom confesara. I wanted to hear Tom confess. I wanted Tom to confess. >>deu<< Vivo en la ciudad. Ich wohne in der Stadt. Ich wohne in der Stadt. >>eng<< O caso é complexo. The case is complex. The case is complex. >>deu<< "Tens uma câmera aí contigo?" perguntou Tom. „Hast du einen Fotoapparat dabei?“ fragte mich Tom. "Hast du da eine Kamera?" fragte Tom. >>eng<< Tengo que saber por qué te quedaste en casa de María ayer por la noche. I need to know why you stayed overnight at Mary's house yesterday. I need to know why you stayed at Maria's house last night. >>nld<< Depois eu parto, mas então me dou conta que esqueci minha mochila em sua casa. Daarna vertrek ik, maar dan realiseer ik me dat ik m'n rugzak bij hen thuis heb laten liggen. Dan vertrek ik, maar dan realiseer ik me dat ik mijn rugzak vergeten ben in jouw huis. >>eng<< Pare de se comparar com os outros. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop comparing yourself to others. >>eng<< Él está leyendo un libro. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. >>eng<< Por Dios, dime la verdad. For God's sake tell me the truth. For God's sake, tell me the truth. >>eng<< El a înfruntat multe greutăți în tinerețe. He went through many hardships in his youth. He faced many hardships in his youth. >>deu<< Oí un sonido extraño venir de la cocina. Ich hörte aus der Küche ein seltsames Geräusch. Ich hörte ein seltsames Geräusch aus der Küche. >>eng<< Je joue avec mon fils tous les soirs. I play with my son every night. I play with my son every night. >>eng<< Tom stava fumando. Tom was smoking. Tom was smoking. >>nld<< Eu dei a ela todo o meu coração. Ik gaf haar mijn hele hart. Ik gaf haar mijn hele hart. >>eng<< Mantenga la sua parola! Keep your word! Keep your word! >>eng<< Le gouvernement devrait abroger ces réglementations. The government should do away with these regulations. The government should repeal these regulations. >>eng<< Vix ea fatus eram: tremere omnia visa repente, / liminaque laurusque dei, totusque moveri / mons circum, et mugire adytis cortina reclusis. / Submissi petimus terram, et vox fertur ad aures: Scarce spake I, suddenly the bays divine / shook, and a trembling seized the temple door. / The mountain heaves, and from the opening shrine / loud moans the tripod. Prostrate on the floor / we her a voice: I was scarcely fat: I saw all things trembling suddenly, / and the threshold and the laurels of God, / but I moved / the mountains all around, / and the curtains of the seclusion murmured. / I subdued the earth, and the voice stopped in my ears: >>eng<< Tocchi la sua fronte. Touch his forehead. Touch his forehead. >>eng<< Dis-moi, à quelle fréquence viens-tu à Rome ? Tell me, how often do you come to Rome? Tell me, how often do you come to Rome? >>eng<< Istud non edicas; scio quid opineris. You do not have to say it; I know what you think. I don’t know what you think; I know what you think. >>deu<< No todos los judíos son religiosos. Nicht alle Juden sind religiös. Nicht alle Juden sind religiös. >>deu<< Lavora in una banca. Sie arbeitet in einer Bank. Er arbeitet in einer Bank. >>eng<< Cosa costa meno? What is cheaper? What costs less? >>eng<< Accipe librum et devora illum. Take the book and devour it. Take the book and eat it. >>eng<< No tienes llave para esta puerta, ¿verdad? You don't have a key to this door, do you? You don't have a key to this door, do you? >>eng<< Fiecare era prietenos cu noua fată. Everyone was friendly to the new girl. Everyone was friendly with the new girl. >>eng<< Tom não ligou para Maria, ligou? Tom didn't call Mary, did he? Tom didn't call Maria, did he? >>deu<< Su tía vive completamente sola en Londres. Seine Tante lebt ganz allein in London. Ihre Tante lebt allein in London. >>eng<< Yo kreyo en el sol, afilu si el no briye. Yo kreyo en el amor, afilu si no lo senta. Yo kreyo en el Dio, afilu si El se kaye. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I believe in the sun, I am sharp if it does not shine. I believe in love, I am sharp if it does not feel it. I believe in God, I am sharp if it does not shine. >>deu<< No hay edad para aprender. Zum Lernen ist man nie zu alt. Es gibt kein Alter, um zu lernen. >>eng<< Eu não esperava isso. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that. >>eng<< Didymus diarium interretiale habet. Tom has a blog. The diary has a diary. >>eng<< Rareori avem oaspeți. We seldom have guests. We rarely have guests. >>eng<< Justo a tiempo. Nice timing. Just in time. >>eng<< Un cos humà mitjà conté prou ossos per a compondre un esquelet humà sencer. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. An average human body contains enough bones to make up an entire human skeleton. >>deu<< Mi piacerebbe lavorare al refettorio. Ich würde gern in der Cafeteria arbeiten. Ich würde gerne im Refektorium arbeiten. >>eng<< Êtes-vous enseignante ? Are you a teacher? Are you a teacher? >>eng<< Ho sentito dire che Tom sta imparando a guidare. I heard that Tom is learning how to drive. I heard Tom's learning to drive. >>nld<< Êtes-vous souvent enrhumé ? Bent u vaak verkouden? Ben je vaak verkouden? >>eng<< Prefiero vivir en un mundo lleno de secretos antes que en uno que sea tan pequeño que yo sea capaz de comprenderlo. I'd rather live in a world full of secrets than one that's so small that I'm able to understand it. I’d rather live in a world full of secrets than one that’s so small that I’m able to understand it. >>deu<< Je suis debout sur une table. Ich stehe auf einem Tisch. Ich stehe auf einem Tisch. >>eng<< Je vous ai vues avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. >>deu<< Non, je ne veux pas de smoking; j'ai demandé un costume ! Nein, ich will keinen Smoking, ich habe nach einem Anzug gefragt! Nein, ich will keinen Smoking, ich habe um einen Anzug gebeten. >>eng<< ¿Cuántas palabras tiene tu vocabulario de toki pona? How many words does your Toki Pona vocabulary have? How many words does your toki pona vocabulary have? >>eng<< Nessuno la vede. Nobody sees it. No one sees her. >>nld<< Tom a l'air terrifié. Tom ziet er doodsbang uit. Tom ziet er doodsbang uit. >>nld<< ¿Qué piensas que hará ella? Wat denk je, wat zou ze gaan doen? Wat denk je dat ze gaat doen? >>nld<< ¿Tú crees lo que él dijo? Geloof je wat hij zei? Geloof jij wat hij zei? >>nld<< Carlomagno fue coronado por el Papa. Karel de Grote werd door de paus gekroond. Karel de Grote werd gekroond door de paus. >>eng<< Entretanto, espera-se que representantes do governo e da fação rebelde assinem um acordo subsequente este fim de semana na capital do Sudão, Cartum. Meanwhile, government and rebel faction representatives are expected to sign a follow-up agreement this weekend in Sudan's capital, Khartoum. Meanwhile, representatives of the government and the rebel faction are expected to sign a subsequent agreement this weekend in Sudan’s capital Khartoum. >>eng<< Todos concordam contigo. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. >>eng<< Tom ya pidió pizza. Tom already ordered pizza. Tom already ordered pizza. >>deu<< Siete pronte a sentire la cattiva notizia? Seid ihr bereit, die schlechte Nachricht zu hören? Sind Sie bereit, die schlechte Nachricht zu hören? >>eng<< Ele está com medo. He is afraid. He's scared. >>deu<< Você quer me tirar de minha toca? Willst du mich aus dem Bau locken? Willst du mich aus meiner Höhle holen? >>eng<< ¿Cómo se dice esto en cabilio? What's this called in Kabyle? How do you say this in Cabilio? >>deu<< John gosta de xadrez. John mag Schach. John liebt Schach. >>eng<< Em frente ao acampamento estavam os vaus do Boyne profundo e perigoso, protegidos por bancos acidentados, e defendidos por algumas barreiras; enquanto as cabanas e sebes estavam rodeadas de infantaria na retaguarda; e a alguma distância erguiam-se a igreja e a aldeia de Donore, sobre cujas alturas imponentes o rei James se encontrava pessoalmente estacionado. In front of the camp were the fords of the Boyne deep and dangerous, protected by rugged banks, and defended by some breast-works; while the huts and hedges were lined with infantry on the rere; and at some distance arose the church and village of Donore, upon whose commanding heights King James in person was stationed. In front of the camp were the deep and dangerous fords of the Boyne, protected by rugged benches, and defended by some barriers; while the huts and hedges were surrounded by infantry in the rear; and at some distance stood the church and the village of Donore, on whose imposing heights King James was personally stationed. >>eng<< Alcuni fuggono in una direzione, altri in un'altra. Some flee in one direction, others in another. Some run in one direction, others in another. >>eng<< Următorii doi ani au fost încărcați pentru Jackson. The next two years were busy ones for Jackson. The next two years were charged for Jackson. >>eng<< Pax maximi momenti est. Peace is of the utmost importance. The best time is now. >>deu<< Dépêchez-vous. Beeilen Sie sich. Beeilt euch. >>nld<< Lui è venuto a Berlino come insegnante. Hij kwam naar Berlijn als een leraar. Hij kwam naar Berlijn als leraar. >>eng<< Tom è frustrato. Tom is frustrated. Tom is frustrated. >>eng<< Non abita più qui. He doesn't live here anymore. He doesn't live here anymore. >>deu<< Quel âge a l'univers ? Wie alt ist das Universum? Wie alt ist das Universum? >>eng<< Ho bisogno che capisca. I need him to understand. I need you to understand. >>nld<< Avez-vous reçu un cadeau de Noël de Tom cette année ? Hebt u dit jaar een kerstcadeau van Tom gekregen? Heb je dit jaar een kerstcadeau van Tom gekregen? >>deu<< Os médicos não puderam fazer nada. Die Ärzte waren machtlos. Die Ärzte konnten nichts tun. >>eng<< Le minigonne sono tornate di moda. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. The miniskirts are back in fashion. >>deu<< Je fus contraint d'attendre le bus suivant durant vingt minutes. Ich war gezwungen, zwanzig Minuten auf den nächsten Bus zu warten. Ich war gezwungen, 20 Minuten auf den nächsten Bus zu warten. >>eng<< ¿Quieres ver tu pieza? Do you want to see your room? Want to see your piece? >>deu<< Las dos montañas son de igual altura. Die zwei Berge sind gleich hoch. Die beiden Berge sind gleich hoch. >>eng<< Quis est haec puella quae tecum est? Who is this girl that you have with you? Who is this girl that you are? >>eng<< Eles não deveriam estar fazendo aquilo. They shouldn't be doing that. They shouldn't be doing that. >>deu<< Eles usavam estas ferramentas primitivas. Sie benutzten diese primitiven Werkzeuge. Sie benutzten diese primitiven Werkzeuge. >>eng<< Cervus magis velox est quam fortis. The deer is more rapid than strong. A magician is stronger than a magician. >>deu<< Él obtuvo un préstamo del banco. Er erhielt ein Darlehen von der Bank. Er hat ein Darlehen von der Bank bekommen. >>eng<< Tuve una reacción similar. I had a similar reaction. I had a similar reaction. >>eng<< Tom est inquiet au sujet de l'examen à venir. Tom is worried about the next exam. Tom is worried about the upcoming exam. >>deu<< Nam castum esse decet pium poetam ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest. Es gehört sich in der Tat, dass keusch der fromme Dichter ist persönlich, doch seine kleinen Verse müssen's überhaupt nicht sein. Der Dichter selbst ist ein würdiger Gedichtdichtdichter, aber es ist nichts nötig. >>eng<< Você fala bem. You speak well. You speak well. >>deu<< Eles morreram na tentativa de salvar os outros. Sie starben bei dem Versuch, die anderen zu retten. Sie starben, als sie versuchten, die anderen zu retten. >>deu<< El cielo se aclareció. Der Himmel ist heller geworden. Der Himmel hat sich geklärt. >>deu<< Puis-je traduire cette phrase ainsi ou avez-vous une autre suggestion ? Kann ich diesen Satz so übersetzen oder habt ihr einen anderen Vorschlag? Kann ich diesen Satz so übersetzen oder haben Sie einen anderen Vorschlag? >>eng<< O semblante deles denunciava mau humor e insatisfação; e se falavam um com o outro, era em tons grosseiros e ríspidos. Their countenances betrayed ill-humour and dissatisfaction; and if they spoke to each other, it was in gruff, surly tones. Their countenance denounced humour and dissatisfaction; and if they spoke to one another, it was in coarse and harsh tones. >>eng<< Ora è là. Now he's there. Now it's there. >>eng<< Ho bisogno di cambiare ad Amburgo. I need to change at Hamburg. I need to change in Hamburg. >>eng<< Multum me delectat. I like it very much. I am very pleased. >>nld<< Ils ont passé la nuit ensemble. Ze brachten de nacht samen door. Ze hebben de nacht samen doorgebracht. >>deu<< Estou me sentindo bem essa manhã. Heute Morgen fühle ich mich gut. Ich fühle mich heute Morgen gut. >>eng<< È il nuovo capo? Are you the new boss? Is he the new boss? >>deu<< ¿Te acuerdas del día en que conocimos a Dick? Erinnerst du dich an den Tag, als wir zum ersten Mal Dick trafen? Erinnerst du dich an den Tag, als wir Dick kennenlernten? >>eng<< Tom è un nome di tre lettere. Tom is a three-lettered name. Tom is a three-letter name. >>deu<< Mi lavo le mani. Ich wasche mir die Hände. Ich wasche mir die Hände. >>nld<< Ellos van a jugar béisbol después de clases. Zij gaan na school honkbal spelen. Ze gaan na school honkbal spelen. >>nld<< Su novia llevaba un vestido de verano rojo. Zijn vriendin droeg een rode zomerjurk. Zijn vriendin droeg een rode zomerjurk. >>eng<< Sai che a Tom piacciono le automobili. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. >>eng<< Il Canada è in Nord America. Canada is in North America. Canada is in North America. >>eng<< Ele come carne com azeite e cerejas. He eats beef with olive oil and cherries. He eats meat with olive oil and cherries. >>eng<< ¿De quién es esa cama? Whose bed is that? Whose bed is that? >>eng<< A família dela mudou-se para o Brasil. Her family moved to Brazil. Her family moved to Brazil. >>deu<< C’est incroyable ! Das ist unglaublich! Das ist unglaublich! >>eng<< L'absence de réponse équivaut à un consentement. A lack of response is tantamount to acquiescence. Failure to respond is tantamount to consent. >>eng<< Le vieil homme a trébuché. The old man tripped over his own feet. The old man stumbled. >>deu<< Kuantos gatos son demaziados? Wie viele Katzen sind zuviel? Wie viele Katzen werden ausgerottet? >>nld<< C'est un célèbre poète de Perse. Het is een beroemde dichter uit Perzië. Hij is een beroemde dichter uit Perzië. >>nld<< Siempre es difícil empezar una carta. Een brief beginnen is altijd moeilijk. Het is altijd moeilijk om een brief te beginnen. >>deu<< Comparado con Tokio, Londres es pequeño. Im Vergleich zu Tokio ist London klein. Im Vergleich zu Tokio ist London klein. >>nld<< Le demandó que explicase en qué había empleado el dinero. Hij vroeg haar uit te leggen hoe ze het geld had gebruikt. Hij vroeg hem uit te leggen waar hij het geld voor had gebruikt. >>nld<< El agua del lago está muy fría. Het water in het meer is heel koud. Het water in het meer is erg koud. >>nld<< Meu amigo comprou um carro amarelo. Mijn vriend kocht een gele auto. Mijn vriend heeft een gele auto gekocht. >>eng<< Hic liber gravissimus est. This book is very heavy. This is a serious book. >>deu<< Merci d’utiliser les guillemets français quand vous faites une phrase en français. Bitte französische Anführungszeichen verwenden, wenn Sie einen französischen Satz schreiben. Bitte verwenden Sie französische Anführungszeichen, wenn Sie einen Satz auf Französisch machen. >>nld<< El periodista entrevista al político. De journalist interviewt de politicus. De journalist interviewt de politicus. >>deu<< Cette robe est bien trop grande pour moi. Dieses Kleid ist mir viel zu groß. Dieses Kleid ist viel zu groß für mich. >>nld<< Je l'ai sur le bout de la langue. Het ligt op het puntje van mijn tong. Ik heb 'm op m'n tong. >>eng<< Esta é minha madrasta. This is my stepmother. This is my stepmother. >>eng<< O tanque está quase cheio. The tank is almost full. The tank is almost full. >>eng<< ¿Hay maestros artificialmente inteligentes? Are there artificially intelligent teachers? Are there artificially intelligent teachers? >>eng<< Tu sais comment changer une couche ? Do you know how to change a diaper? Do you know how to change a diaper? >>eng<< La polizia ha arrestato il sequestratore. The police arrested the kidnapper. The police arrested the kidnapper. >>eng<< Desde que estoy aquí, se me ha ensuciado toda la ropa. All my clothes have gotten dirty since I've been here. Since I've been here, I've been getting all my clothes dirty. >>deu<< La iglesia necesita un nuevo techo. Die Kirche braucht ein neues Dach. Die Kirche braucht ein neues Dach. >>nld<< Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai pu être bête ! Wat was ik toch dom! Wat ben ik toch dom geweest. >>eng<< Tom lavora in questo edificio. Tom works in this building. Tom works in this building. >>eng<< Je suis encore débutante en espéranto. I'm still a beginner at Esperanto. I am still a beginner in Esperanto. >>nld<< Não gosto de viajar de avião. Ik reis niet graag per vliegtuig. Ik hou niet van vliegen. >>eng<< Lee a diario algo que nadie más esté leyendo. Piensa diariamente en algo en que nadie más esté pensando. Haz cada día algo que nadie más sería tan idiota de hacer. Es malo para la mente ser siempre parte de la unanimidad. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Read something every day that no one else is reading. Think about something every day that no one else is thinking about. Do something every day that no one else would be so stupid to do. It’s bad for the mind to always be part of unanimity. >>eng<< Quid est nomen tuum? What is your name? What is your name? >>deu<< Ils n'ont rien d'autre. Sie haben sonst nichts. Sie haben nichts anderes. >>deu<< Essa tradução não é das mais felizes. Das ist keine sehr glückliche Übersetzung. Diese Übersetzung ist nicht die glücklichste. >>eng<< Eu posso te perguntar quem é você? May I ask who you are? Can I ask you who you are? >>deu<< Fala-se espanhol na maioria dos países da América do Sul. Spanisch wird in den meisten südamerikanischen Ländern gesprochen. Spanisch wird in den meisten südamerikanischen Ländern gesprochen. >>nld<< Le ciel s'illumina. De lucht klaarde op. De hemel schijnt op. >>deu<< Molti giovani sono senza lavoro nel paese. Viele Jugendliche im Land sind ohne Arbeit. Viele junge Menschen sind arbeitslos im Land. >>deu<< Peux-tu définir ce mot de manière univoque ? Kannst du dieses Wort eindeutig definieren? Kannst du dieses Wort eindeutig definieren? >>eng<< Tom suonò una canzone con la sua chitarra. Tom played a song on his guitar. Tom played a song with his guitar. >>eng<< Io non ricordo nulla. I don't remember anything. I don't remember anything. >>eng<< Tom mi-a spus că se mută în Australia. Tom told me he was moving to Australia. Tom told me he's moving to Australia. >>eng<< ¿Me puedes enviar una captura de pantalla? Can you send me a screenshot? Can you send me a screenshot? >>deu<< Tom es más deportista que Carlos. Tom ist sportlicher als Karl. Tom ist sportlicher als Carlos. >>eng<< C'è qualcuno qua che non ha paura di Tom? Is there anyone here who isn't afraid of Tom? Is there anyone here who isn't afraid of Tom? >>eng<< Non bibimus. We don't drink. Not to drink. >>nld<< J'entends. Dat hoor ik. Ik hoor je. >>deu<< L'insalata è molto salata. Der Salat ist sehr salzig. Der Salat ist sehr salzig. >>eng<< Même seule, je me sens très bien. Even alone, I feel great. Even on my own, I feel very good. >>eng<< Mi chiedo cosa penserà Tom. I wonder what Tom will think. I wonder what Tom will think. >>eng<< Tom lavora per un'azienda farmaceutica. Tom works for a pharmaceutical company. Tom works for a pharmaceutical company. >>eng<< Eu me pergunto como Tom escapou. I wonder how Tom escaped. I wonder how Tom got away. >>eng<< Pater, ubi est poculum meum? Father, where is my glass? Father, where is my cup? >>eng<< Salonicco dista cinquecento chilometri da Atene. Thessaloniki is five hundred kilometers from Athens. Thessaloniki is five hundred kilometers from Athens. >>eng<< Je joue de la lyre, de la guitare et de la flûte. I play the lyre, the guitar, and the flute. I play lyre, guitar and flute. >>eng<< Nec possum tecum vivere nec sine te. I can't live with or without you. I can’t live without you. >>eng<< Scriva con una biro, per favore. Write with a pen, please. Write with a birch, please. >>eng<< Yonn, dé, twa, kat, senk, sis, sèt, ywit, nèf, dis. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>eng<< Attrapez ! Catch! Get it! >>eng<< A Rima piace la pizza. Rima likes pizza. Rima likes pizza. >>deu<< A-t-elle un petit copain ? Hat sie einen Freund? Hat sie einen Freund? >>nld<< Merci beaucoup. J’ai encore appris quelque chose. Hartelijk dank. Ik heb nog iets bijgeleerd. Hartelijk dank. Ik heb weer iets geleerd. >>deu<< Él traduce más rápido de lo que otros leen. Er übersetzt schneller, als andere lesen. Er übersetzt schneller, als andere lesen. >>nld<< La mayoría de los romanos no son nómadas. De meeste Roma zijn geen nomaden. De meeste Romeinen zijn geen nomaden. >>deu<< Ea și-a pierdut ceasul nou. Sie verlor ihre neue Uhr. Sie hat ihre neue Uhr verloren. >>deu<< Tom quería darte las gracias. Tom wollte sich bei dir bedanken. Tom wollte dir danken. >>eng<< Num quis sine pecunia beatus esse potest? Can anyone be happy without money? What kind of money can that be? >>eng<< Rima e Skura hanno perso l'autobus. Rima and Skura missed the bus. Rima and Skura missed the bus. >>nld<< Tienes que irte. Je moet gaan. Je moet gaan. >>eng<< On vòus anar ? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? >>deu<< J'aime bien la couleur de cette table. Ich mage die Farbe dieses Tisches. Mir gefällt die Farbe des Tisches. >>nld<< Cicera me delectant. Ik hou van kikkererwten. Cicera verrukt me. >>eng<< Au eşuat amândoi în găsirea celei mai serioase probleme cu care s-a confruntat vreodată planeta noastră. They have both failed to find the most serious problem that has ever faced our planet. They both failed to find the most serious problem our planet has ever faced. >>nld<< ¿Tienes papel? Hebt ge papier? Heb je papier? >>eng<< Anna tem bons pais, um marido carinhoso e uma sogra gentil. É digna de inveja. Anna has good parents, a loving husband, and a kind mother-in-law. She is worthy of envy. Anna has good parents, a loving husband and a kind mother-in-law. >>eng<< Ton bateau part à quatre heures et quart. Your ship sails at a quarter past four. Your boat leaves at four-and-a-quarter. >>eng<< Des centaines de personnes ont perdu leurs gagne-pain. Hundreds of people have lost their livelihoods. Hundreds of people have lost their livelihoods. >>eng<< Cosa sta disegnando? What are you drawing? What are you drawing? >>eng<< El camino desciende. The track descends. The road goes down. >>eng<< Stavamo cambiando le tende. We were changing the curtains. We were changing the curtains. >>eng<< Em caso de incêndio, não use o elevador. Don't use the elevator if there's a fire. In case of fire, do not use the elevator. >>deu<< Son las veinte horas. Es ist zwanzig Uhr. Es ist 20 Uhr. >>deu<< Comae arrectae sunt. Die Haare stehen einem zu Berge. Ich bin ein Koma. >>eng<< Parler une langue étrangère est très important. Speaking a foreign language is very important. Speaking a foreign language is very important. >>eng<< Los instigadores también se llevaron su merecido. The instigators also got what they deserved. The instigators also took their due. >>eng<< Benvenuta nel Livello Tre. Welcome to Level Three. Welcome to Level Three. >>deu<< "Una piedra rodante no junta musgo" es un refrán. „Wer rastet, der rostet“ ist ein Sprichwort. "Ein Walzstein verbindet kein Moos" ist ein Sprichwort. >>eng<< "¿Dónde está el servicio?" "A la izquierda." "Where is the restroom?" "To the left." "Where's the service?" "Left." >>eng<< Tom è molto materialista. Tom is very materialistic. Tom is very materialistic. >>deu<< Na escola, nós aprendemos uma língua estrangeira. In der Schule lernen wir eine Fremdsprache. In der Schule lernen wir eine Fremdsprache. >>eng<< Ils l'ont laissé sous la table. They left it under the table. They left him under the table. >>eng<< Quand j'essaie de marcher, j'ai une douleur affreuse ici. When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here. When I try to walk, I have terrible pain here. >>eng<< Estaba desarmado. I was unarmed. He was unarmed. >>deu<< Ele se vestiu. Er hat sich angezogen. Er hat sich angezogen. >>eng<< Yanni también tiene hambre. Yanni is hungry, too. Yanni's hungry too. >>eng<< El are nevoie de instrucțiuni mai detaliate. He needs more detailed instructions. He needs more detailed instructions. >>eng<< Tom ha un figlio, vero? Tom has a son, doesn't he? Tom has a son, right? >>eng<< Siete meglio di me. You're better than me. You're better than me. >>eng<< Ho detto che avevo fame. I said I was hungry. I said I was hungry. >>eng<< Se lòn a l'é ver, alora Tom a l'é nossent. If that's true, then Tom is innocent. If you look at it, it's not Tom. >>eng<< A bateria do meu telefone está quase acabando. My phone battery is almost dead. The battery on my phone is almost gone. >>eng<< Tu devrais au moins porter une cravate. You should at least wear a tie. At least you should wear a tie. >>deu<< Che lingua stanno parlando? Welche Sprache sprechen sie? Welche Sprache sprechen sie? >>eng<< Mark no tardará mucho en recuperarse. It won't be long before Mike gets well. Mark will be recovering soon. >>deu<< La borsa è stupenda e in più anche economica. Diese Tasche ist ausgezeichnet und außerdem noch günstig. Die Tasche ist wunderschön und auch preiswert. >>eng<< La muchacha se vistió de varón para buscar trabajo y así alimentar a su padre enfermo y a su hermanito. The teenage girl disguised herself as a boy to look for work to feed her ailing father and small brother. The girl dressed as a man to look for work and feed her sick father and her little brother. >>deu<< ¿Te gustó el concierto? Hat dir das Konzert gefallen? Hat Ihnen das Konzert gefallen? >>eng<< Tengo sueño. ¿Me puedes leer un cuento? I'm sleepy. Can you read me a story? I'm sleepy. Can you read me a story? >>eng<< Descrevendo as suas descobertas num estudo publicado pela revista Geologia, Menge sugere que cinzas vulcânicas com carga eléctrica provenientes da erupção devastadora provocaram um curto-circuito na ionosfera, o que produziu as nuvens que despejaram as chuvas torrenciais sobre Napoleão e as suas tropas em Waterloo. Outlining his findings in a study published by the journal Geology, Menge suggests that electrically charged volcanic ash from the devastating eruption short-circuited the ionosphere, which produced the clouds that dumped the soaking rains on Napoleon and his troops at Waterloo. Describing his findings in a study published in the journal Geology, Menge suggests that electrically charged volcanic ash from the devastating eruption caused a short circuit in the ionosphere, which produced the clouds that dumped the torrential rains on Napoleon and his troops at Waterloo. >>eng<< A-i é gnente ch'i podoma fé për salvé Tom a 's pont-sì. Tut lòn ch'i podoma fé a l'é preghé. There's nothing we can do to save Tom at this point. All we can do is pray. I'm sure he's going to be able to save Tom's life, but he's going to be able to pray for him. >>deu<< Mike canta bene. Mike kann gut singen. Mike singt gut. >>deu<< Tenga questo. Halten Sie das! Behalten Sie das. >>eng<< Tutto o niente. All or nothing. All or nothing. >>eng<< Questa frutta è ammuffita. This fruit is moldy. This fruit is moldy. >>eng<< Acesta este un caz urgent. This is an emergency case. This is an urgent case. >>eng<< A honestidade deles é duvidosa. Their honesty is dubious. Their honesty is doubtful. >>eng<< Sono abituato al rumore. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. >>eng<< Portò il suo computer. He brought his computer. He brought his computer. >>eng<< Il a fait tout le travail d'enquête. He did all the legwork. He did all the investigative work. >>nld<< - Ai încredere în mine, a spus el. "Vertrouw me", zei hij. - Vertrouw me, zei hij. >>nld<< Quanto? Hoeveel? Hoeveel? >>eng<< Amo-a mais que a mim mesmo. I love you more than myself. I love her more than myself. >>eng<< Isto parece muito razoável para mim. This thing seems very plausible to me. This seems very reasonable to me. >>eng<< Ho fatto la sua conoscenza due settimane fa. I became acquainted with her two weeks ago. I met him two weeks ago. >>eng<< Vengo da Madrid. I'm from Madrid. I'm from Madrid. >>eng<< Il y a plus de filles que de garçons dans cette école. There are more girls than boys in this school. There are more girls than boys in this school. >>eng<< Sono un testimone di Geova. I'm a Jehovah's Witness. I am a Jehovah’s Witness. >>eng<< I Beatles erano un famoso gruppo rock inglese. The Beatles were a famous English rock band. The Beatles were a famous British rock band. >>eng<< Am ceva timp de pierdut. I have some time to kill. I have some time to lose. >>eng<< La prova è oggi. The rehearsal is today. The proof is today. >>eng<< No puedo volver a casa. I can't go back home. I can't go home. >>eng<< J'en ai besoin ici. I need it here. I need it here. >>eng<< En comptes d'anar jo mateix, he enviat un missatger. Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger. Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger. >>eng<< Quelles sont les dernières nouvelles en provenance d'Ukraine ? What is the latest news from Ukraine? What is the latest news from Ukraine? >>deu<< Meu pai tem cinquenta anos de idade. Mein Vater ist 50 Jahre alt. Mein Vater ist 50 Jahre alt. >>eng<< Quid de eo faciendum esse putas? What do you think should be done about it? What are you doing with that bitch? >>eng<< Ziri non aveva parole. Ziri had no words. Ziri had no words. >>nld<< Astăzi este ziua mea. Vandaag ben ik jarig. Vandaag is mijn verjaardag. >>eng<< No puedo aceptar esto. I can't accept this. I can't accept this. >>eng<< L'amore è bello. Love is beautiful. Love is beautiful. >>eng<< Emptor canem meum emere vult. The customer wants to buy my dog. I want to buy my dog. >>deu<< Tom regarda Maria avec méfiance. Tom sah Maria misstrauisch an. Tom schaute Maria misstrauisch an. >>eng<< Está na hora do intervalo. It's break time. It's time for the break. >>eng<< Es-tu en train de dire que ma vie est en danger ? Are you saying that my life is in danger? Are you saying my life is in danger? >>eng<< Ea mecum eat. She is going with me. She eats with me. >>deu<< E Ruthenia oriunda sum. Ich komme aus Russland. Es ist Ruthenia, wo ich herkomme. >>deu<< ¿Qué haces aquí? Was tust du hier? Was machst du hier? >>deu<< Mes oncles vivent à Londres. Meine Onkel leben in London. Meine Onkel leben in London. >>eng<< J'ai acheté de la viande hachée chez le boucher. I bought some mince from the butcher. I bought some minced meat from the butcher. >>eng<< Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi. She is interested in learning new ideas. She is interested in learning new things. >>nld<< Hablas muy mal holandés. Je spreekt beroerd Nederlands. Je spreekt heel slecht Nederlands. >>eng<< Tom comprou uma camisa nova. Tom bought a new shirt. Tom bought a new shirt. >>eng<< ¿Por qué me contaste esto? Why did you tell me this? Why did you tell me this? >>eng<< Io avrei voluto che lui avesse partecipato alla conferenza. I wish he had attended the meeting. I wish he had attended the conference. >>deu<< L'amore è egoista. Liebe ist egoistisch. Liebe ist egoistisch. >>eng<< Elle est borgne. She's blind in one eye. She's blind. >>eng<< Desde la antigüedad, el hombre siempre ha querido volar. Since antiquity, man has always wanted to fly. Since ancient times, man has always wanted to fly. >>eng<< Le persone non cambiano facilmente. People do not change easily. People don’t change easily. >>deu<< Se necesitan dos años para aprender a hablar y sesenta para aprender a callar. Man benötigt zwei Jahre, um das Sprechen zu lernen, und sechzig Jahre, um das Schweigen zu lernen. Es dauert zwei Jahre, um zu lernen, wie man spricht, und sechzig, um zu lernen, wie man schweigt. >>deu<< Jana le preguntó a María si quería pasar la noche en su casa. Jana fragte Maria, ob sie bei ihr übernachten wolle. Jana fragte Maria, ob sie die Nacht in ihrem Haus verbringen wolle. >>eng<< Aquí es donde está enterrado el tesoro. This is where the treasure is buried. This is where the treasure is buried. >>nld<< Tom ne veut pas être vétérinaire. Tom wil geen dierenarts worden. Tom wil geen dierenarts worden. >>deu<< Tom tem três cachorros. Tom hat drei Hunde. Tom hat drei Hunde. >>eng<< Todos miraron. They all watched. They all looked. >>eng<< Necesito beber cerveza. I need to drink some beer. I need to drink beer. >>deu<< Veuillez m'informer par courriel. Bitte geben Sie mir per Mail Bescheid. Bitte informieren Sie mich per E-Mail. >>eng<< Nu sunt o persoană invidioasă. I'm not an envious person. I'm not an envious person. >>nld<< Tous ses efforts d'apprendre le klingon n'ont abouti à rien. Al zijn inspanningen om Klingon te leren zijn op niets uitgelopen. Al zijn pogingen om Klingon te leren hebben tot niets geleid. >>nld<< Je préfère du café et des toasts au petit-déjeuner. Ik neem liever koffie en toast als ontbijt. Ik heb liever koffie en toast bij het ontbijt. >>eng<< Indovini cosa. Guess what. Guess what. >>nld<< ¿Cómo fue la recepción? Hoe was de ontvangst? Hoe was de receptie? >>eng<< Tom está desanimado, não é? Tom is discouraged, isn't he? Tom's down, isn't he? >>eng<< Pallium tuum pulcherrimum est. Your coat is very beautiful. Your palate is beautiful. >>eng<< ¿Que tal se me promoves de só amigo a noivo? How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend? How about you promote me from friend to fiancé? >>eng<< Em caso de incêndio, não use o elevador. Use água. In case of fire, don't use the elevator. Use water. In case of fire, do not use the elevator. Use water. >>eng<< Me gustaría ver tu habitación. I'd like to see the room. I'd like to see your room. >>eng<< ¿Puedo tomar esto prestado? Lo devolveré mañana. Can I borrow this? I'll return it tomorrow. Can I borrow this? I'll give it back tomorrow. >>eng<< Il prend généralement l'initiative des discussions. He usually takes the initiative in discussions. He usually takes the initiative in the discussions. >>eng<< Van a construir un nuevo puente sobre el río. They're going to build a new bridge across the river. They're going to build a new bridge over the river. >>eng<< Basado en cómo vivo la vida haciendo de todo, a lo mejor me queda mejor ser doctor general. Because of my jack-of-all-trades approach to life, I'd probably be a better fit as a general practitioner. Based on how I live my life doing everything, maybe I'd better be a general practitioner. >>eng<< Elle n'est pas capable de lire ce qui est écrit. She is not able to read what is written. She is not able to read what is written. >>eng<< Prenons une photo. Let's take a picture. Let's take a picture. >>eng<< Vous avez gagné ! You won! You've won! >>deu<< Le colonne erano di marmo. Die Säulen waren aus Marmor. Die Säulen waren aus Marmor. >>eng<< ¿Alguna vez te has sentido abandonado por Dios? Have you ever felt abandoned by God? Have you ever felt abandoned by God? >>eng<< Esta é a cidade em que nasci. This is the town where I was born. This is the city I was born in. >>eng<< Hemos hecho nuestro deber. We've done our duty. We have done our duty. >>eng<< Tom piensa que es gracioso que Mary aún duerme con un osito de peluche. Tom thinks it's funny that Mary still sleeps with a teddy bear. Tom thinks it's funny that Mary still sleeps with a teddy bear. >>eng<< Non si ricordava di lei. She didn't remember you. He didn't remember her. >>deu<< Se ele tivesse me dito a verdade, eu o teria perdoado. Wenn er mir die Wahrheit gesagt hätte, hätte ich ihm vergeben. Hätte er mir die Wahrheit gesagt, hätte ich ihm vergeben. >>deu<< Elle a failli se noyer. Sie wäre fast ertrunken. Sie ist fast ertrunken. >>eng<< Come lo fermi? How do you stop it? How do you stop it? >>deu<< Tengo que volver a tomar el examen. Ich muss den Test nochmal machen. Ich muss die Prüfung noch einmal machen. >>eng<< "Ero il primo." "Sul serio?" "I was first." "Seriously?" "I was the first." "Really?" >>eng<< Legetne Marica meas litteras? Will Marika read my letter? Do you read my letters? >>eng<< O presidente Donald Trump está a preparar-se para uma política de imigração intransigente ainda mais dura, após ter demitido abruptamente a sua secretária de Segurança Interna, Kirstjen Nielsen, no domingo. President Donald Trump is gearing up for an even tougher hard line immigration policy, after abruptly dismissing his Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen Sunday. President Donald Trump is preparing for an even tougher uncompromising immigration policy after abruptly firing his Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Sunday. >>nld<< Je dors bien tous les jours. Elke dag slaap ik goed. Ik slaap elke dag goed. >>eng<< Il criminale aveva un complice. The criminal had an accomplice. The criminal had an accomplice. >>eng<< Tots l'estimen. Everybody loves him. They all love him. >>deu<< Le contenu de la lettre était simple. Der Inhalt des Briefs war simpel. Der Inhalt des Briefes war einfach. >>eng<< Neminem magis amo quam te. I love no one more than you. I love no one more than you. >>eng<< Il mio patrigno è un avvocato. My stepfather is a lawyer. My stepfather is a lawyer. >>eng<< A panela está no fogão. The pot is on the stove. The pot's on the stove. >>eng<< Saluta Tom da parte mia. Say hello to Tom for me. Say hello to Tom for me. >>eng<< Choisissez votre arme. Choose your weapon. Choose your weapon. >>deu<< O Tom perguntou à Mary se o jantar estava pronto. Tom fragte Maria, ob das Abendessen fertig sei. Tom fragte Mary, ob das Essen fertig sei. >>eng<< Conoscevo l'aeroporto. I knew the airport. I knew the airport. >>eng<< Je sentis quelqu'un me taper sur l'épaule. I felt somebody pat me on the shoulder. I felt someone hit me on the shoulder. >>deu<< Plus je travaille, moins je dors. Je mehr ich arbeite, desto weniger schlafe ich. Je mehr ich arbeite, desto weniger schlafe ich. >>nld<< Hai ricevuto la mia lettera? Hebt ge mijn brief ontvangen? Heb je mijn brief gekregen? >>eng<< Nomás te digo lo que me dijo Tom. I'm just telling you what Tom told me. I'll just tell you what Tom told me. >>nld<< Este adevărat? Is het waar? Is dat waar? >>eng<< ¿De quién es esta bolsa? Whose is this bag? Whose bag is this? >>eng<< He estado en París. I have been in Paris. I've been to Paris. >>eng<< Thoman odi et amo. I hate and love Tom at the same time. Thoman hates and loves. >>eng<< ¿Por qué son amarillos los patitos? Why are ducklings yellow? Why are ducks yellow? >>eng<< Ho parlato ancora con loro. I talked to them again. I talked to them again. >>eng<< Perché lo amavi? Why did you love him? Why did you love him? >>deu<< Si è lasciato con la sua ragazza, per questo prova spesso a suicidarsi. Er hat sich von seiner Freundin getrennt, deshalb versucht er oft, sich umzubringen. Er hat sich mit seiner Freundin getrennt, deshalb versucht er oft, Selbstmord zu begehen. >>deu<< Marie demanda à Alice si elle avait déjà embrassé un garçon. Maria fragte Elke, ob sie schon einmal einen Jungen geküsst habe. Marie fragte Alice, ob sie schon einmal einen Jungen geküsst habe. >>deu<< Noli cattam expergere. Nicht die Katze aufwecken! Wir wollen nicht experieren. >>deu<< Eu não te pedi que me ajudasses. Ich habe dich nicht gebeten, mir zu helfen. Ich habe dich nicht gebeten, mir zu helfen. >>deu<< Dov'è la tua scuola? Wo ist deine Schule? Wo ist deine Schule? >>nld<< Há uma agência de correios aqui perto? Is er een postkantoor in de buurt? Is er een postkantoor in de buurt? >>eng<< Eu ando a cantar em Grego. I walk singing in Greek. I'm singing in Greek. >>eng<< C'est l'une des miennes. It's one of mine. She's one of mine. >>eng<< Cura ut venias. Make sure you'll come. Take care to come. >>deu<< No bebo ni fumo. Weder trinke ich, noch rauche ich. Ich trinke oder rauche nicht. >>eng<< No te compares con Tom. Don't compare yourself with Tom. Don't compare yourself to Tom. >>deu<< Pourrais-tu ouvrir la fenêtre de la voiture ? Könntest du das Autofenster aufmachen? Könnten Sie bitte das Fenster des Autos öffnen? >>eng<< No se quede ahí. Pase. Don't just stand there. Come on in. Don't stay there. >>deu<< A esperança é uma ilusão. Die Hoffnung ist eine Illusion. Hoffnung ist eine Illusion. >>eng<< Los higos contienen fibra dietética. Figs contain dietary fibre. Figs contain dietary fiber. >>eng<< Tom fue desalojado por su propietario por no pagar la renta. Tom was evicted by his landlord for not paying rent. Tom was evicted by his landlord for not paying the rent. >>eng<< La pompa estalló. The bubble burst. The pump exploded. >>eng<< Aceitaram a situação atual. They have accepted the current situation. They accepted the current situation. >>eng<< ¿Qué sueles hacer los domingos? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you usually do on Sundays? >>eng<< Può collegare il suo computer al router con un cavo Ethernet. You can hook your computer up to the router with an ethernet cable. You can connect your computer to the router with an Ethernet cable. >>eng<< Tout le monde est là, maintenant. Everyone is here now. Everybody's here now. >>eng<< Quanto custa uma viagem de trem? How much does a trip by train cost? How much does a train trip cost? >>eng<< Não é minha culpa. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. >>deu<< Cet appartement est frais. Diese Wohnung ist kühl. Diese Wohnung ist frisch. >>eng<< Aquera monaca qu'a uelhs deus grans. This doll has big eyes. A woman who loves God’s greatness. >>deu<< É da senhora? Ist es Ihres? Gehört es Ihnen? >>eng<< Il resto è storia. The rest is history. The rest is history. >>eng<< Ziri risponde alle chiamate in berbero. Ziri answers calls in Berber. Ziri answers calls in Berber. >>deu<< Déjeme tratar otra vez. Lassen Sie es mich nochmal probieren. Lassen Sie mich es noch mal versuchen. >>eng<< Il tuo vicino è ricco. Your neighbor's rich. Your neighbor is rich. >>eng<< Chi dice queste cose non sa quello che dice. Whoever says these things doesn't know what he says. He who says these things does not know what he says. >>deu<< Je t'écris une lettre d'amour. Ich schreibe dir einen Liebesbrief. Ich schreibe dir einen Liebesbrief. >>nld<< Ella trató en vano de ocultar su temor. Ze probeerde haar angst tevergeefs te verbergen. Ze probeerde tevergeefs haar angst te verbergen. >>nld<< ¿Leyó todo? Hebt u alles gelezen? Heb je alles gelezen? >>eng<< Es rico el que piensa que nada le falta. He is rich who thinks he lacks nothing. He is rich who thinks he lacks nothing. >>deu<< El gos és el millor amic de l'home. Der Hund ist der beste Freund des Menschen. Der Hund ist der beste Freund des Menschen. >>deu<< No hay nada que Dios no pueda hacer. Es gibt nichts, was Gott nicht machen könnte. Es gibt nichts, was Gott nicht tun kann. >>deu<< Vuole un iPad 4. Er will ein „iPad 4“. Er will ein iPad 4. >>eng<< Oryzam edo. I eat rice. Oryzam edo. >>eng<< ¿Te importaría bajar la música? Would you mind turning down the music? Would you mind turning the music down? >>deu<< I lemming si suicidano in massa. Die Lemminge begehen Massenselbstmord. Lemminge begehen massenhaft Selbstmord. >>eng<< Demande-lui de venir tout de suite. Ask her to come straight away. Ask him to come right away. >>eng<< Aquela é sua mãe? Is that your mother? Is that your mother? >>eng<< Illa puella valde pulchra est. That girl is very beautiful. This girl is beautiful. >>eng<< Tom trajo a Mary aquí ayer. Tom brought Mary here yesterday. Tom brought Mary here yesterday. >>eng<< Aquela garota bonita é minha irmã. That pretty girl is my sister. That pretty girl is my sister. >>nld<< El cohete fue lanzado al espacio. De raket werd gelanceerd naar de ruimte. De raket werd in de ruimte gegooid. >>eng<< Então, não estás contente de me ver? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? >>eng<< Que va-t-il se passer si je fais ça ? What will happen if I do this? What will happen if I do this? >>deu<< ¿A que es lista? Sie ist schlau, nicht? Wozu ist sie bereit? >>nld<< Esta es probablemente la llave que buscan Tom y Mary. Dit is waarschijnlijk de sleutel die Tom en Maria zoeken. Dit is waarschijnlijk de sleutel die Tom en Mary zoeken. >>deu<< È tutto finito. Jetzt ist der Ofen aus. Es ist vorbei. >>nld<< Me gusta mucho la pizza. Ik hou echt van pizza. Ik hou echt van pizza. >>eng<< Tom dovrebbe farlo? Should Tom do that? Should Tom do that? >>deu<< Par beau temps, la vue ici dans les montagnes est à couper le souffle. Bei schönem Wetter ist die Aussicht hier in den Bergen atemberaubend. Bei schönem Wetter ist die Aussicht hier in den Bergen atemberaubend. >>nld<< Ella no es más bonita que su madre. Zij is niet mooier dan haar moeder. Ze is niet mooier dan haar moeder. >>eng<< Compère tortue va doucement, mais elle arrive au but pendant que compère chevreuil dort. Tortoise goes slowly, but he arrives at the barrel while Roe Deer is sleeping. Compr<0xC3><0xA8>te turtle goes gently, but it gets to the goal while compr<0xC3><0xA8>te deer sleeps. >>nld<< Antes iba a la escuela en bicicleta pero ahora toma el autobús. Vroeger ging hij op de fiets naar school maar nu neemt hij de bus. Vroeger fietste hij naar school, maar nu neemt hij de bus. >>eng<< Ma grand-mère me tricote un nouveau chandail. My grandmother is knitting me a new jumper. My grandma's knitting me a new sweater. >>eng<< ¿Vas todos los días a pie al colegio? Do you go to school on foot every day? Are you walking to school every day? >>eng<< Ces garçons sont dans leur prime jeunesse. Those boys are in the first flush of youth. These boys are in their prime youth. >>eng<< Qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur ton bureau ? What's on your desk? What's on your desk? >>deu<< Questo è il gatto di Tom. Das ist Toms Katze. Das ist Toms Katze. >>eng<< Pourquoi va-t-il au parc ? Why is he going to the park? Why is he going to the park? >>eng<< Rima e Skura non hanno un computer. Rima and Skura don’t have a computer. Rima and Skura don't have a computer. >>eng<< Encontrei várias celebridades naquela festa. I met lots of famous people at that party. I met several celebrities at that party. >>eng<< Mi sono iscritta a un corso di lingua online. I enrolled in a language class online. I enrolled in an online language course. >>eng<< "Tom, como traduzirias para Toki Pona o título do famoso livro 'As Mil e Uma Noites'?" "Talvez 'tenpo pimeja ale suli en tenpo pimeja wan'." "Tom, how would you translate the title of the famous book 'The Thousand and One Nights' into Toki Pona?" "Perhaps 'tenpo pimeja ale suli en tenpo pimeja wan'." "Tom, how would you translate to Toki Put the title of the famous book 'A Thousand and One Nights'?" "Perhaps 'tenpo pimeja ale suli en tenpo pimeja wan'." >>eng<< Nous devons passer des mots aux actes. We need to turn words into action. We need to move from words to deeds. >>deu<< Você anotou o número de telefone? Hast du die Telefonnummer aufgeschrieben? Hast du die Telefonnummer aufgeschrieben? >>eng<< Você é brilhante. Obrigado pelo bom trabalho que está fazendo. You're brilliant. Thank you for the good work that you're doing. Thank you for the good work you're doing. >>eng<< O Tom é um ótimo amigo, mas ele parece um javali selvagem, por isso eu não o considero um potencial parceiro romântico. Tom is a very good friend, but he looks like a wild boar, so I don't consider him a potential love interest. Tom is a great friend, but he looks like a wild boar, so I don't consider him a potential romantic partner. >>deu<< Il caso singolare di stasera affretta la nostra unione. Tu sei mia! Te l'ho già detto, e giurato, tante volte: ora non lo diremo né giureremo più, ora dev'essere così! Dieser überraschende Vorfall von heute Abend bringt uns schneller zusammen. Du bist die Meine! Ich habe dir’s schon so oft gesagt und geschworen; wir wollen es nicht mehr sagen und schwören, nun soll es werden! Der einzigartige Fall von heute Abend hat unsere Vereinigung in Eile gebracht. Du gehörst mir! Ich habe es dir schon so oft gesagt und geschworen: Jetzt werden wir es nicht mehr sagen und nicht mehr schwören, jetzt muss es so sein! >>eng<< Ordo verbi in Toki Pona valde strictus est. The word order in Toki Pona is very strict. The order of verbs in Toki Pona is very strict. >>nld<< Lo que es gramaticalmente correcto puede sin embargo no ser claro. Dat wat grammatisch correct is, kan alsnog onduidelijk zijn. Wat grammaticaal correct is, is misschien niet duidelijk. >>eng<< A teoria dos quanta nos convida a ver o mundo físico como um conjunto de relações cujos nós são os objetos. Quantum theory invites us to see the physical world as a set of relationships whose nodes are objects. The theory of quanta invites us to see the physical world as a set of relations whose nodes are the objects. >>eng<< Tenha um bom dia. Have a good day. Have a good day. >>eng<< Ainda existe um abismo entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia ao fim de dias de conversações por vídeo dirigidas pelo ministro da defesa da Ucrânia, Oleksii Reznikov, e pelo conselheiro presidencial ucraniano, Mykhailo Podolyak. There is still a chasm between Ukraine and Russia after days of video talks which have been led by Ukraine’s defense minister Oleksii Reznikov and Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak. There is still a chasm between Ukraine and Russia after days of video talks led by Ukraine’s defense minister Oleksii Reznikov and Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak. >>nld<< Iulia este o fată bună. Julia is een goed meisje. Julia is een goed meisje. >>eng<< Eu sou meio tímido. I'm rather shy. I'm a little shy. >>eng<< No apruebo su conducta. I don't approve of his conduct. I don't approve of your conduct. >>eng<< Por volta de abril de 1970, o Homem já tinha aterrado na lua e o interesse do público pelo programa espacial começou a diminuir. By April 1970, man had already landed on the moon and the public's interest in the space program began to wane. By April 1970, Man had already landed on the moon and public interest in the space program began to wane. >>deu<< Se ponen los guantes. Sie ziehen sich die Handschuhe an. Sie ziehen Handschuhe an. >>eng<< Hic puer felem habet. This child has a cat. This kid has a feline. >>eng<< Si tu réduis le prix, je l'achète. If you reduce the price, I'll buy it. If you cut the price, I'll buy it. >>eng<< Obbediamo alle regole. We obey the rules. We obey the rules. >>eng<< Tenho que comer com elas? Do I have to eat with them? Do I have to eat with them? >>nld<< Nihil sine labore. Niets zonder arbeid. Niets zonder werk. >>nld<< Revenez nous voir. Kom opnieuw. Kom terug naar ons. >>nld<< Ayer fue jueves. Gisteren was het donderdag. Gisteren was het donderdag. >>nld<< Eu gosto de maçã. Ik hou van appels. Ik hou van appels. >>deu<< Il me semble qu'il y a les deux variantes. Mir scheint, es gibt beide Varianten. Mir scheint, dass es beide Varianten gibt. >>nld<< No miro la tele. Ik kijk niet naar de tv. Ik kijk geen tv. >>eng<< Non sono in ritardo. I'm not late. I'm not late. >>deu<< Hoje à tarde eu vou jogar tênis. Ich spiele heute Nachmittag Tennis. Heute Nachmittag werde ich Tennis spielen. >>eng<< Posso ver minha filha? May I see my daughter? Can I see my daughter? >>eng<< El desarrollo es el proceso de mover tus piezas desde sus puestos iniciales a posiciones nuevas y más efectivas. Development is the process of moving your pieces from their starting posts to new and more effective positions. Development is the process of moving your pieces from their starting positions to new and more effective positions. >>eng<< Estou na casa. I'm at home. I'm in the house. >>deu<< Que dites-vous ? Was sagen Sie? Was sagen Sie dazu? >>eng<< Os compré esto cuando estuve en Australia. I bought this for you when I was in Australia. I bought this when I was in Australia. >>nld<< Ne t'en fais pas pour lui. Maak je maar geen zorgen over hem. Maak je geen zorgen om hem. >>eng<< Quando estudo as regras do jogo de Go, tenho a impressão de que estou aprendendo uma nova língua. When I study the rules of the game of Go, it looks like I'm learning a new language. When I study the rules of the game of Go, I have the impression that I am learning a new language. >>eng<< Tu deverias fazê-lo. You should do it. You should do it. >>deu<< Nós não podemos ficar aqui por muito tempo. Wir können nicht lange hierbleiben. Wir können hier nicht lange bleiben. >>eng<< Bonum est tu ipsa esse. Quis alia esse potes? It is good to be yourself. Who else could you be? That's nice of you. Who else is that pot? >>eng<< Feles post velum est. The cat is behind the curtain. It is a post-canopy. >>eng<< Tom costumava ir à igreja todos os dias. Tom used to go to church every week. Tom used to go to church every day. >>eng<< Sembrava calma. She looked calm. She seemed calm. >>eng<< Você estava tão feliz. You were so happy. You were so happy. >>eng<< Nunc multo magis quam ante scio. Now I know much more than before. It’s more magical now than I ever knew. >>deu<< Potio Arabica fratri meo placet. Mein Bruder mag Kaffee. Ich mag meinen arabischen Bruder. >>eng<< Quão diferentemente eu afinaria a história dos nossos dias estudantis, fosse eu a escrevê-la atualmente em memória afetuosa do meu amigo! How differently would I attune the story of our student days, were I to write it to-day in loving memory of my friend! How differently I would sharpen the history of our student days, if I were to write it now in the affectionate memory of my friend! >>eng<< Eles estão discutindo o problema. They are discussing the problem. They're discussing the problem. >>eng<< Eu vi o Tom remando do outro lado do lago. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. >>eng<< Guidano l'auto fino alla stazione. They drive the car to the station. They drive the car to the station. >>eng<< Vi darò i miei libri. I'll give you my books. I'll give you my books. >>eng<< No início de dezembro, o exército, com o apoio das Nações Unidas, lançou uma grande ofensiva contra os renegados, enviando cerca de 20.000 soldados para a região. In early December the army, with support from the United Nations, launched a major offensive against the renegades, pouring around 20,000 soldiers into the region. In early December, the army, with the support of the United Nations, launched a major offensive against the renegades, sending about 20,000 troops to the region. >>deu<< « Avez-vous des enfants ? » « Oui, j’ai un fils. » „Haben Sie Kinder?“ – „Ja, ich habe einen Sohn.“ »Haben Sie Kinder?<0xC2><0xAB> »Ja, ich habe einen Sohn.<0xC2><0xAB> >>eng<< Tu es juste. You're fair. You're right. >>eng<< Este bolso tuyo ya no está para muchos trotes. This bag of yours isn't in the best condition. This bag of yours is no longer for many trots. >>eng<< Non licet tibi illuc introire. You are not authorized to enter there. You can’t get in. >>nld<< Después de todo el esfuerzo que hemos empleado en establecer las bases de ese proyecto, solo les costó a ellos un segundo descartarlo en la reunión. Na alle moeite die we ervoor gedaan hebben om dat project op poten te zetten, kostte het ze maar een seconde het onderuit te halen bij de bijeenkomst. Na al de moeite die we hebben gedaan om de basis te leggen voor dat project, kostte het hen slechts een seconde om het op de vergadering af te wijzen. >>deu<< Si hubiese tenido un poco más de dinero, lo habría comprado. Wenn ich ein bisschen mehr Geld gehabt hätte, hätte ich ihn gekauft. Hätte ich mehr Geld gehabt, hätte ich es gekauft. >>eng<< Ai planuri pentru astăzi? Do you have plans for today? Do you have plans for today? >>eng<< Pulchra es. You are beautiful. It is beautiful. >>deu<< Potrei avere un pezzo di torta al formaggio? Könnte ich vielleicht ein Stück Käsekuchen bekommen? Kann ich ein Stück Käsekuchen haben? >>eng<< ¿Tengo que hacerlo ahora? Do I have to do it now? Do I have to do it now? >>eng<< Ambulanța a sosit repede. The ambulance arrived quickly. The ambulance arrived quickly. >>eng<< Andrò a vestirmi. I'll go get dressed. I'll go get dressed. >>eng<< ¿Por qué están llorando las nubes? Why are the clouds crying? Why are the clouds crying? >>eng<< Nunca he dicho esto a nadie. I've never told this to anyone. I've never told anyone this. >>eng<< Thomas capisce che le leggi e le forze naturali, lo spazio-tempo, i campi elettromagnetici e gravitazionali, l'energia, gli atomi, le stelle, le galassie, la vita - in breve, tutto ha avuto origine in una singolarità indescrivibile che è misteriosamente esplosa: il Big Bang. Thomas understands that natural laws and forces, space-time, electromagnetic and gravitational fields, energy, atoms, stars, galaxies, life, everything, in short, had its origin in an indescribable singularity that mysteriously exploded: the Big Bang. Thomas understands that laws and natural forces, space-time, electromagnetic and gravitational fields, energy, atoms, stars, galaxies, life — in short, it all originated in an indescribable singularity that has mysteriously exploded: the Big Bang. >>eng<< Sto provando a insegnare al mio pappagallo a parlare in cinese. I'm trying to teach my parrot to speak Chinese. I'm trying to teach my parrot to speak Chinese. >>eng<< ¿Por qué está Yanni aquí? Why is Yanni here? Why is Yanni here? >>eng<< A conferência terá lugar dentro do contexto da devastação provocada pelo ciclone Pam, na semana passada, em Vanuatu. The conference is taking place against the backdrop of the devastation wrought by Cyclone Pam last week in Vanuatu. The conference will take place in the context of the devastation wrought by Cyclone Pam last week in Vanuatu. >>eng<< Le coton absorbe l'eau. Cotton sucks up water. Cotton absorbs water. >>nld<< Los años 1950 se caracterizan por una guerra fría entre el este y el oeste. De jaren 1950 worden overheerst door een koude oorlog tussen Oost en West. De jaren 1950 worden gekenmerkt door een koude oorlog tussen het oosten en het westen. >>deu<< Ha una casa piccola. Er hat ein kleines Haus. Er hat ein kleines Haus. >>eng<< William a fait un choix terrible. William made a terrible choice. William made a terrible choice. >>deu<< Há muito açúcar no café. Es ist zu viel Zucker in dem Kaffee. Es ist viel Zucker im Kaffee. >>eng<< His dictis, erubuit. After he said it, he was ashamed. His words are, erroneous. >>deu<< A respeito de que as senhoras desejariam falar? Worüber möchten Sie sprechen? Worüber möchten die Damen sprechen? >>eng<< Nous allâmes tôt au théâtre, de sorte que nous puissions être assurés que chacun puisse disposer d'un fauteuil. We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat. We went early to the theatre, so that we could be sure that everyone could have an armchair. >>eng<< Mi animal espiritual es un conejo. ¿Cuál es el tuyo? My spirit animal is a rabbit. What's yours? My spirit animal is a rabbit. What is yours? >>eng<< Guarda da qualche altra parte. Look elsewhere. Look somewhere else. >>eng<< Perché non potete nuotare qua? Why can't you swim here? Why can't you swim here? >>eng<< Tom não estava nenhum pouco chateado com a notícia. Tom wasn't at all upset by the news. Tom was not a bit upset by the news. >>deu<< È nostro dovere ubbidire alla legge. Es ist unsere Pflicht, dem Gesetz Folge zu leisten. Es ist unsere Pflicht, dem Gesetz zu gehorchen. >>deu<< Parecía como si hubiese visto un fantasma. Sie sah aus, als wenn sie einen Geist gesehen hätte. Es sah aus, als hätte er ein Gespenst gesehen. >>deu<< Temo que va a llover mañana. Ich fürchte, morgen wird es regnen. Ich fürchte, es wird morgen regnen. >>eng<< La plupart des livres d'échecs visent à aider les lecteurs à améliorer leur jeu. Most chess books aim to help readers improve their chess. Most chess books aim to help readers improve their game. >>deu<< Sí, soy yo. ¿Es usted el señor Nakano? Ja, das bin ich. Sind Sie Herr Nakano? Ja, ich bin's. Sind Sie Mr. Nakano? >>deu<< Quoi de neuf ? Irgendwas Neues? Was gibt's Neues? >>eng<< J'ai parlé à l'actrice elle-même. I spoke to the actress herself. I spoke to the actress herself. >>deu<< Mary non è veramente malata. Finge. Maria ist eigentlich gar nicht krank. Sie tut nur so. Mary ist nicht wirklich krank. >>eng<< Il a également été instruit en musique par Linus le centaure (les centaures étaient des chevaux à tête d'homme), mais il s'est consacré avec moins d'intérêt à cet art. He was also instructed in music by Linus the centaur (centaurs were horses with a man's head); however, he devoted himself with less interest to this art. He was also instructed in music by Linus the Centaur (the centaurs were man-headed horses), but he devoted himself with less interest to this art. >>eng<< Tu te fiches de moi ! You're having me on! You're fucking with me! >>eng<< ¿Cómo se dice "granja" en ruso? How do you say "farm" in Russian? How do you say "farm" in Russian? >>eng<< La France avait de nombreuses colonies en Afrique. France used to have many colonies in Africa. France had many colonies in Africa. >>deu<< Si c'est vrai, j'avale un balai ! Wenn das wahr ist, fress' ich einen Besen! Wenn das stimmt, schlucke ich einen Besen. >>deu<< Loro sono i miei fratelli. Sie sind meine Brüder. Das sind meine Brüder. >>eng<< Mary est enceinte. Mary is pregnant. Mary is pregnant. >>deu<< Le cerveau se trouve à l'intérieur de la tête. Das Gehirn befindet sich im Kopfe. Das Gehirn befindet sich im Inneren des Kopfes. >>eng<< Has cometido un error fatal. You have made a fatal mistake. You made a fatal mistake. >>eng<< O que vocês acham que vão fazer? What do you think you're going to do? What do you think you're gonna do? >>eng<< Félix no es un gato. Felix isn't a cat. Felix is not a cat. >>eng<< Ziri era arrabbiato con Rima. Ziri was mad at Rima. Ziri was angry with Rima. >>eng<< Lo tenga lì. Keep him there. Keep it there. >>deu<< Au moins, le savais-tu ? Wusstest du es wenigstens? Wusstest du es wenigstens? >>eng<< Él tocó su cabello. He touched her hair. He touched her hair. >>deu<< Fuimos a la playa. Wir gingen zum Strand. Wir gingen zum Strand. >>eng<< A minha mãe é incrível! My mother is awesome. My mother is amazing! >>eng<< Después de que Tom plantara a Mary, ésta comenzó a verse con John. After Tom dumped Mary, she started seeing John. After Tom planted Mary, she started seeing John. >>eng<< Stanno parlando. They are speaking. They're talking. >>deu<< Oggi non fa così freddo. Heute ist es nicht so kalt. Heute ist es nicht so kalt. >>eng<< Mi padre construye puentes. My father builds bridges. My dad builds bridges. >>deu<< Elle nous a oubliés. Sie hat uns vergessen. Sie hat uns vergessen. >>eng<< O que há na caixa preta? What's in the black box? What's in the black box? >>eng<< Haec domus maxima non est. This house is not very large. This house isn’t the best. >>eng<< J'ai modifié la phrase française. I changed the French sentence. I changed the French phrase. >>deu<< Su esposa es nuestra profesora de italiano. Seine Frau ist unsere Italienischlehrerin. Seine Frau ist unsere Italienischlehrerin. >>deu<< Cette fille ressemble à sa mère. Das Mädchen ähnelt seiner Mutter. Dieses Mädchen sieht aus wie ihre Mutter. >>deu<< Fiquem quietas. Bleibt ruhig. Haltet die Klappe. >>eng<< Nauticus exoritur vario certamine clamor, / hortantur socii: "Cretam proavosque petamus!" Loud rise the shouts of sailors to the sky; / "Crete and our fathers", rings for all to hear / the cry of oarsmen. The nautical sailor comes out with a different cry, / gardening partners: "Cream proavosque petamos!" >>deu<< Comment peut-on se connaître soi-même ? Jamais par la méditation, mais bien par l'action. Cherche à faire ton devoir et tu sauras ce que tu vaux. Mais qu'est-ce que ton devoir ? L'exigence du jour. Wie kann man sich selbst kennenlernen? Durch Betrachten niemals, wohl aber durch Handeln. Versuche, deine Pflicht zu tun, und du weißt gleich, was an dir ist. Was aber ist deine Pflicht? Die Forderung des Tages. Wie kann man sich selbst kennen? Nie durch Meditation, sondern durch Handeln. Versuche, deine Pflicht zu tun, und du wirst wissen, was du wert bist. Aber was ist deine Pflicht? Die Forderung des Tages. >>eng<< ¡Afronta la vida con una sonrisa! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! >>eng<< Proporcionando alguma estabilidade face a uma elevada taxa de substituição de pessoal essencial, o chefe dos funcionários da Casa Branca concordou em permanecer por pelo menos mais alguns anos. Providing some stability amid a high rate of turnover of key personnel, the White House chief of staff has agreed to stick around for at least a couple of more years. Providing some stability in the face of a high replacement rate for essential personnel, the White House chief of staff agreed to stay for at least a few more years. >>eng<< O que isso tem a ver comigo? What's that have to do with me? What does that have to do with me? >>eng<< O conferenciante golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The speaker hit the table with his fist. >>eng<< ¿Puedes enseñarme portugués? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? >>eng<< Passei minhas férias em um país estrangeiro. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. >>deu<< Preciso urgente identificar a origem e o tamanho do universo! Ich muss dringend den Ursprung und die Größe des Universums herausfinden! Ich muss dringend den Ursprung und die Größe des Universums identifizieren! >>eng<< Personne ne croit en son innocence. No one believes that she is innocent. No one believes in his innocence. >>eng<< Rima pagò Silya. Rima paid Silya. Rima paid for Silya. >>eng<< Por que o Sol nasce no Leste e se põe no Oeste? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? >>eng<< Quindi, sposerà Tom oppure no? So, are you going to marry Tom or not? So, are you going to marry Tom or not? >>nld<< Ele conhece a verdade. Hij kent de waarheid. Hij kent de waarheid. >>eng<< Mon chinois n'est pas très bon. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not very good. >>eng<< Emily è a casa. Emily is home. Emily's home. >>eng<< No sé nada de ciencia. I don't know anything about science. I don't know anything about science. >>nld<< A maioria dos franceses é contra a pena de morte. De meeste Fransen zijn tegen de doodstraf. De meeste Fransen zijn tegen de doodstraf. >>eng<< J'enseigne le français dans un collège du coin. I teach French at a nearby junior high school. I teach French in a local school. >>eng<< Podes perguntar-me o que quiseres. You can ask me anything you like. You can ask me anything you want. >>eng<< Il est temps d'essayer autre chose. It's time to try something new. It's time to try something else. >>eng<< Cosa vi tormenta? What torments you? What's tormenting you? >>eng<< Bubula carior est quam gallinacea. Beef is more expensive than chicken. Bubula carior is more than gallinaceae. >>deu<< Ela gosta muito da escola dele. Sie mag seine Schule sehr gerne. Sie mag seine Schule sehr. >>eng<< Você não está preocupado? Aren't you worried? Aren't you worried? >>nld<< Și ce? En? En wat dan? >>eng<< Fous le camp d'ici ! Je ne veux plus te parler ! Get out! I don't want to talk to you anymore! I don't want to talk to you anymore! >>eng<< Cum Thomas loquitur, omnes auscultant. When Tom talks, people listen. As Thomas talks, everyone listens. >>nld<< No consigo hacer que alguien me ayude. Ik slaag er niet in hulp te krijgen van iemand. Ik krijg niemand om me te helpen. >>eng<< Tom non va mai a fare delle passeggiate. Tom never goes for walks. Tom never goes for walks. >>nld<< Gosto de estudar espanhol. Ik hou van Spaans studeren. Ik studeer graag Spaans. >>eng<< Tom non era a casa quella sera. Tom wasn't at home that night. Tom wasn't home that night. >>eng<< Sembrava ieri che lo tenevo tra le braccia. It felt like yesterday I was holding him in my arms. It looked like yesterday I was holding him in my arms. >>eng<< É uma e quarenta e cinco. It's a quarter to two. It's one and forty-five. >>eng<< Fue a verle cuando estaba en Londres. He went to see her while she stayed in London. She went to see him when he was in London. >>eng<< Seguii un'infermiera lungo il corridoio. I followed a nurse down the hall. I followed a nurse down the hall. >>eng<< Dame una galleta. Give me a cookie. Give me a cookie. >>eng<< A un tratto ha cambiato idea sul suo conto. She suddenly changed her mind about him. Suddenly he changed his mind about it. >>deu<< Potestisne cithara canere? Könnt ihr Gitarre spielen? Kannst du eine Canere-Cithara haben? >>deu<< El perro es el mijor amigo del ombre. Der Hund ist des Menschen bester Freund. Der Hund ist der beste Freund des Schattens. >>deu<< Ils vivent dans cette maison au milieu des bosquets. Sie leben in diesem Haus mitten im Wald. Sie leben in diesem Haus mitten in den Wäldern. >>eng<< Est-ce ton premier voyage ici ? Is it your first trip here? Is this your first trip here? >>eng<< Si le génie des échecs du XVIe siècle était l'espagnol Ruy López, et que le personnage principal des échecs du XVIIe siècle était joué par l'italien Greco, la star incontestée du XVIIIe siècle dans le domaine de Caissa était le Français Philidor. If the 16th-century chess genius was the Spaniard Ruy López, and the main character of 17th-century chess was played by the Italian Greco, the undisputed 18th-century star in Caissa's domain was the Frenchman Philidor. If the genius of 16th-century chess was the Spanish Ruy L<0xC3><0xB3>pez, and the main character of 17th-century chess was played by the Italian Greco, the undisputed 18th-century star in Caissa's domain was the French Philidor. >>eng<< È presumibilmente l'assassino. He is allegedly the murderer. He's presumably the killer. >>eng<< Tom viu as fotos. Tom saw the pictures. Tom saw the pictures. >>eng<< Eu quero uma lista de todos os parentes de Tom. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. I want a list of all of Tom's relatives. >>deu<< Qui a intérêt à la poursuite de la guerre ? Wer hat ein Interesse an der Fortsetzung des Krieges? Wer hat Interesse an der Fortsetzung des Krieges? >>deu<< Les messieurs sont bienvenus. Herren sind willkommen. Die Herren sind willkommen. >>eng<< As-tu des parents à l’étranger ? Do you have relatives abroad? Do you have parents abroad? >>eng<< Inimicos non habeo. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemies. >>deu<< Você está cansado, não é? Du bist müde, nicht wahr? Du bist müde, oder? >>eng<< Participé de la discusión. I participated in the discussion. I participated in the discussion. >>deu<< Elle a gagné le concours de tee-shirts mouillés. Sie hat den Nass-T-Shirt-Wettbewerb gewonnen. Sie hat den Wettbewerb für nasse T-Shirts gewonnen. >>deu<< Ellas viven en una casa grande. Sie leben in einem großen Haus. Sie leben in einem großen Haus. >>eng<< Eu não achava que você entenderia. Tom didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. >>eng<< Mi stai calunniando invano. You are slandering me in vain. You're slandering me in vain. >>eng<< L'homme a le don de la parole. Man has the gift of speech. Man has the gift of speech. >>deu<< Eu não tenho telefone. Ich habe kein Telefon. Ich habe kein Telefon. >>eng<< Ils connaissent le kabyle. They know Kabyle. They know Kabyle. >>deu<< Siamo marito e moglie. Wir sind Mann und Frau. Wir sind Mann und Frau. >>nld<< ¿En este país se celebra la Navidad? Wordt in dit land Kerstmis gevierd? Wordt in dit land Kerstmis gevierd? >>deu<< Ouvre le livre. Öffne das Buch. <0xC3><0x96>ffne das Buch. >>eng<< Nous achetons et vous payez. We buy and you pay. We buy and you pay. >>eng<< Qual a sua altura e peso? What is your height and weight? What is your height and weight? >>deu<< Votre maison est en vente. Ihr Haus steht zum Verkauf. Ihr Haus steht zum Verkauf. >>eng<< Timidus sum. I'm shy. I am timid. >>eng<< Estás impresionado, ¿no? You're impressed, aren't you? You're impressed, aren't you? >>eng<< Sembrava stanca ma felice. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. >>eng<< Sono solamente un altro uomo. I'm just another man. I'm just another man. >>eng<< La nonna mi ha viziato. Grandma spoiled me. Grandma spoiled me. >>eng<< Tom es un reaksionario. Tom is a reactionary. Tom is a reactionary. >>eng<< Vogate più veloce. Row faster. Fly faster. >>nld<< Sólo la paz puede salvar al mundo. Enkel vrede kan de wereld redden. Alleen vrede kan de wereld redden. >>deu<< Il est temps de tourner la page. Es ist Zeit, ein neues Kapitel aufzuschlagen. Es ist an der Zeit, die Seite zu drehen. >>eng<< Quid in animo habes? What do you have in mind? What do you have in mind? >>deu<< Eu o dou a ele. Ich gebe es ihm. Ich gebe es ihm. >>deu<< El mundo no gira a tu alrededor. Die Welt dreht sich nicht um dich. Die Welt dreht sich nicht um dich. >>nld<< La llamaré por teléfono esta noche. Ik zal haar vanavond bellen. Ik bel haar vanavond. >>deu<< Nu e câștig fără osteneală. Ohne Schweiß keinen Preis. Es ist kein Gewinn ohne Mühe. >>nld<< Pouvez-vous me pardonner ? Kunt u me vergeven? Kunt u me vergeven? >>deu<< Minha cabeça dói. Mein Kopf tut weh. Mein Kopf tut weh. >>eng<< Eu era exigente. I was demanding. I was demanding. >>eng<< Copia questo film per te stesso. Copy this film for yourself. Copy this movie for yourself. >>deu<< Passami la chiave da 12, per favore. Könntest du mir bitte den 12mm Engländer geben? Gib mir bitte den 12er-Schlüssel. >>nld<< È felice. Zij is gelukkig. Hij is gelukkig. >>eng<< Fatum nostrum est. It is our destiny. It is a nostalgic fad. >>deu<< Sou imaturo. Ich bin unreif. Ich bin unreif. >>eng<< Ea nu are nevoie de simpatie ci de suport. She doesn't need sympathy, but support. She doesn't need sympathy, she needs support. >>eng<< Meu Deus! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! >>eng<< Vale. Goodbye. Oh, okay. >>eng<< ¡Échale un vistazo! Check it out! Take a look! >>eng<< Ai Skype? Do you have Skype? Do you have Skype? >>eng<< Non lo intendo. I don't mean that. I don't mean it. >>deu<< Sono arrivato a Toronto all'inizio del mese di giugno. Ich bin Anfang Juni in Toronto angekommen. Ich bin Anfang Juni in Toronto angekommen. >>eng<< Quando ele apanha um, ele pressiona exatamente na parte certa do pé do caracol para o encorajar a segregar uma neurotoxina diretamente sobre uma meada de fio de algodão. When he catches one, he presses just the right part of the snail's foot to encourage it to secrete a neurotoxin directly onto a skein of cotton yarn. When he catches one, he presses exactly the right part of the snail’s foot to encourage it to secrete a neurotoxin directly over a cotton swab. >>eng<< Parlate l'ucraino o il russo? Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian? Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian? >>eng<< Je viens d'apprendre que Tom et Mary déménagent à Boston. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. >>eng<< Voudrais-tu une autre bière ? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? >>eng<< O l'à quarant'anni pöcassæ. He's in his forties. He's 40 years old. >>eng<< Qui étaient les Sept Sages de la Grèce antique ? Who were the Seven Sages of ancient Greece? Who were the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece? >>eng<< O cachorro está ao lado da mesa olhando a comida. The dog is next to the table looking at the food. The dog is standing next to the table looking at the food. >>eng<< Je me suis réveillé soudainement. I suddenly awoke. I woke up suddenly. >>deu<< Mi hermana trabaja en la embajada de Los Estados Unidos en Londres. Meine Schwester arbeitet bei der Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten in London. Meine Schwester arbeitet in der US-Botschaft in London. >>eng<< Ça marche bien. It works fine. It's working fine. >>eng<< Com'è Tom quand'è arrabbiato? What's Tom like when he's angry? How's Tom when he's angry? >>eng<< Cerca sempre di posizionare i tuoi pezzi sui quadrati dove possono essere più efficaci. Always try to place your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. Always try to place your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. >>nld<< Il manque une fourchette. Er ontbreekt een vork. Er ontbreekt een vork. >>deu<< Il entra à la maison, il te trouva endormi. Er kam ins Haus und fand dich schlafend. Er ging ins Haus und fand dich schlafend. >>deu<< Não há necessidade de palavras. Es bedarf keiner Worte. Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit für Worte. >>eng<< Quanto bene conosci questa zona? How well do you know this area? How well do you know this area? >>eng<< Sejam bem-vindos à nossa aldeia. Welcome to our village. Welcome to our village. >>eng<< Stanno andando da sole. They're going alone. They're going alone. >>eng<< Va bene fare domande. It's OK to ask questions. It's okay to ask questions. >>eng<< Comprendo el porqué. I understand why. I understand why. >>eng<< Nullum intelligendum est. There's nothing to understand. Null is intelligent. >>eng<< Este degradant pentru ei. It is degrading for her. It's degrading to them. >>nld<< La Chiesa Cattolica si oppone al divorzio. De Katholieke Kerk is tegen echtscheiding. De katholieke kerk verzet zich tegen echtscheiding. >>eng<< O Tom não ouviu nada. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. >>eng<< La décoration de l'église est belle. The decoration of the church is beautiful. The decoration of the church is beautiful. >>deu<< Tom deve levar até o fim aquilo que ele começou. Tom muss zu Ende führen, was er begonnen hat. Tom muss das, was er begonnen hat, zu Ende bringen. >>nld<< Por que você está aqui? Waarom ben je er? Waarom ben je hier? >>eng<< Le dije a Tom acerca de ti. I told Tom about you. I told Tom about you. >>eng<< Tom beijou Maria e depois foi trabalhar. Tom kissed Mary and then went to work. Tom kissed Maria and then went to work. >>eng<< Qu'est-ce que la Californie ? La Californie est un État américain. What is California? California is an American state. What is California? California is an American state. >>eng<< Soy una persona correcta y muy responsable. I am a polite and very responsible person. I am a correct and very responsible person. >>nld<< Je voulais leur rendre hommage. Ik wou hen mijn waardering tonen. Ik wilde ze een eerbetoon brengen. >>deu<< Después de comerse una pera, tomó una manzana. Nachdem er eine Birne gegessen hatte, nahm er einen Apfel. Nachdem er eine Birne gegessen hatte, nahm er einen Apfel. >>eng<< Peão passado é aquele que já não tem à sua frente (seja em sua própria coluna, seja nas duas colunas adjacentes) um peão adversário que lhe possa impedir (mediante bloqueio ou captura) o avanço até a última fila do tabuleiro. A passed pawn is one that no longer has in front of it (either in its own column or in both adjacent columns) an opponent pawn that can (by blocking or capturing it) prevent its advance to the last row of the board. Past pawn is the one who no longer has in front of him (either in his own column or in the two adjacent columns) an opponent pawn that can prevent him (by blocking or capturing) the advance to the last row of the board. >>nld<< No tengo una respuesta para eso. Daar heb ik geen antwoord op. Daar heb ik geen antwoord op. >>eng<< Tomamos al menos tres litros de agua por día. We drink at least three liters of water a day. We drink at least three liters of water per day. >>eng<< Boire ou conduire, il faut choisir ! Don't drink and drive! Drinking or driving, you have to choose! >>eng<< Les demandes d'emploi doivent être envoyées d'ici lundi prochain. Job applications must be in by next Monday. Applications should be submitted by next Monday. >>deu<< Vous ne vendrez rien si vous n'abaissez pas le prix. Sie werden nichts verkaufen, wenn Sie den Preis nicht senken. Sie werden nichts verkaufen, wenn Sie den Preis nicht senken. >>eng<< So che eri là. I know you were there. I know you were there. >>nld<< Êtes-vous occupé demain après-midi ? Zijt ge bezet morgennamiddag? Heb je het morgenmiddag druk? >>eng<< Tom pisou no meu pé. Tom stepped on my foot. Tom stepped on my foot. >>nld<< Il m'a fallu travailler. Ik moest werken. Ik moest werken. >>deu<< Io ho già un piano. Ich habe schon einen Plan. Ich habe schon einen Plan. >>eng<< A juventude tem sua própria cultura. Youth has its own culture. Young people have their own culture. >>eng<< Aimerais-tu parler à un prestataire de services de santé mentale ? Would you like to speak with a mental health provider? Would you like to talk to a mental health service provider? >>deu<< Vous pouvez choisir n'importe quelle couleur. Sie können jede Farbe wählen. Sie können jede Farbe wählen. >>eng<< Cantor es tu? Are you a singer? Are you the singer? >>eng<< "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." >>deu<< Vi piace il piano? Gefällt euch das Piano? Gefällt Ihnen der Plan? >>eng<< A técnica de Cojoc envolve gravar um vídeo de um segundo de um glóbulo vermelho, ao mesmo tempo brilhando uma luz colorida através dele. Cojoc's technique involves taking a one-second video of a red blood cell, while shining a tinted light through it. The Cojoc technique involves recording a one-second video of a red blood cell, while at the same time shining a colored light through it. >>eng<< Je saigne du nez. My nose is bleeding. I'm bleeding from my nose. >>eng<< Il n'y a pas loin du Capitole à la roche Tarpéienne. One's fall from grace can come swiftly. There is not far from the Capitol to the Tarpeian rock. >>nld<< Io mangio una mela. Ik eet een appel. Ik eet een appel. >>nld<< Io sono troppo stanco. Ik ben te moe. Ik ben te moe. >>nld<< Você é a minha vida e tudo o que quero e preciso. Je bent mijn leven en alles wat ik wil en wat ik nodig heb. Jij bent mijn leven en alles wat ik wil en nodig heb. >>eng<< Esta crema podría aliviarte los síntomas. This cream may help alleviate your symptoms. This cream may relieve your symptoms. >>eng<< Yo nací en Osaka en 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. >>deu<< Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous dépêcher. Ihr braucht euch nicht beeilen. Sie müssen sich nicht beeilen. >>eng<< Sou muito grato ao Tom por salvar minha vida. I am very grateful to Tom for saving my life. I'm so grateful to Tom for saving my life. >>eng<< C'est votre destinée. This is your fate. It's your destiny. >>nld<< Vous chantiez. Jullie zongen. Je zong. >>deu<< Ellos nunca sabrán que estamos aquí. Sie werden nie davon erfahren, dass wir hier sind. Sie werden nie wissen, dass wir hier sind. >>eng<< Silenzio, per piacere. Quiet, please. Silence, please. >>eng<< El deporte es salud. Sports mean health. Sport is health. >>deu<< Não esperem! Wartet nicht! Wartet nicht! >>eng<< ¿Puede indicarme cómo llegar a la estación? Can you give me directions to the station? Can you tell me how to get to the station? >>eng<< No copies y pegues oraciones de otros sitios. Do not copy-paste sentences from elsewhere. Do not copy and paste sentences from other sites. >>eng<< È stupida e brutta. You're dumb and ugly. She's stupid and ugly. >>eng<< Hanno dato una risposta a ogni domanda. They have given an answer to every question. They gave an answer to every question. >>eng<< Non avrei mai dovuto mangiare a quel ristorante. I should never have eaten at that restaurant. I should never have eaten at that restaurant. >>eng<< Abiti in una grande città? Do you live in a big city? Do you live in a big city? >>eng<< ¿Hay algo que no puedas hacer? Is there anything you can't do? Is there anything you can't do? >>eng<< Votre maison est en vente. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. >>eng<< Cosa influenza le tue decisioni e azioni? What influences your decisions and actions? What influences your decisions and actions? >>nld<< O Tom chegou em casa às 2:30. Tom kwam om half drie thuis. Tom kwam om half twee thuis. >>eng<< Qui, assumptis fratribus suis, persecutus est eum diebus septem et comprehendit eum in monte Galaad. And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days; and overtook him in the mount of Galaad. And he took his brethren, and pursued after him seven days, and overtook him in mount Gilead. >>eng<< Ha mangiato il pranzo al ristorante di Linda. He ate lunch at Linda’s restaurant. He ate lunch at Linda's restaurant. >>eng<< Veux-tu quelque chose à boire ? Do you want something to drink? Do you want something to drink? >>deu<< Je n'aime pas ce mot. Dieses Wort mag ich nicht. Das Wort gefällt mir nicht. >>eng<< Avete detto le vostre preghiere? Did you say your prayers? Have you said your prayers? >>deu<< Tens um telefone? Hast du einen Laptop? Hast du ein Telefon? >>eng<< ¿Cómo puede oírlo? How can you hear him? How can you hear it? >>eng<< L’é za agosto. It's already August. It is August. >>deu<< Cette maison coûte au moins trois cent mille euros. Dieses Haus kostet mindestens dreihunderttausend Euro. Dieses Haus kostet mindestens dreihunderttausend Euro. >>eng<< Il frutto è rotondo. The fruit's round. The fruit is round. >>eng<< Je voulais juste l’envelopper dans mes bras. I just wanted to wrap my arms around him. I just wanted to wrap it in my arms. >>eng<< Tom pediu um aumento de salário ao seu chefe, mas ele recusou. Tom requested a pay rise from his boss, but he turned him down. Tom asked his boss for a pay raise, but he refused. >>eng<< Le maire a attribué les prix en personne. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor gave the prizes in person. >>deu<< L'Afrique est considérée comme le berceau de l'humanité. C'est de là que les hommes se sont retrouvés dispersés à travers le monde, en se répandant, initialement le long des côtes, à travers le Moyen-Orient, l'Asie du Sud et l'Australie, puis à travers l'Asie centrale et orientale, les deux Amériques et l'Europe. Afrika gilt als die Wiege der Menschheit. Von dort breitete sich der Mensch, zunächst dem Verlauf der Küsten folgend, in den Nahen Osten, Südasien und Australien, dann nach Zentral- und Ostasien, über beide Teile Amerikas und nach Europa – und somit über die ganze Welt – aus. Afrika gilt als die Wiege der Menschheit. Von dort aus verstreuten sich die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt und verbreiteten sich zunächst entlang der Küste durch den Nahen Osten, Südasien und Australien, dann durch Zentral- und Ostasien, Amerika und Europa. >>eng<< Quell'infermiera è molto gentile ed educata. That nurse is very kind and polite. That nurse is very kind and polite. >>eng<< Él está comiendo. He is eating. He's eating. >>eng<< O que você quer mudar? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? >>deu<< Inizia ad allenarti! Fang an zu trainieren! Fangen Sie an zu trainieren! >>deu<< O Tom estava tímido, mas a Mary não. Tom war schüchtern, Maria hingegen nicht. Tom war schüchtern, aber Mary nicht. >>eng<< À quelle heure le magasin ouvre-t-il ? What time does the store open? What time does the store open? >>eng<< Ese pulpo regresó al mar sin ser devorado. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. That octopus returned to the sea without being devoured. >>eng<< Eu deixei o vaso cair e ele quebrou. I dropped the vase and it broke. I dropped the pot and it broke. >>eng<< Você bebe café com leite? Do you drink coffee with milk? Do you drink coffee with milk? >>nld<< La ville s'étend au pied de la montagne. De stad ligt aan de voet van de berg. De stad strekt zich uit aan de voet van de berg. >>eng<< Tom dice che non vuole imparare il francese. Tom says he doesn't want to learn French. Tom says he doesn't want to learn French. >>nld<< Je veux simplement te parler. Ik wil gewoon met je praten. Ik wil alleen met je praten. >>deu<< Fico enfastiado durante as aulas. Ich langweile mich im Unterricht. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt in der Schule. >>eng<< Tempo scaduto. Per piacere consegnate gli esami. Time's up. Please pass in your exams. Time's up, please turn in your exams. >>nld<< La vie n'est pas juste. Het leven is oneerlijk. Het leven is niet eerlijk. >>eng<< Los tests de personalidad me dan resultados inconsistentes. Personality tests give me inconsistent results. Personality tests give me inconsistent results. >>eng<< Mangiò il pranzo al ristorante di Linda. She ate lunch at Linda’s restaurant. He ate lunch at Linda's restaurant. >>eng<< È andato lì con lei. He went there with her. He went there with her. >>eng<< Rimase silenzioso a lungo. He remained silent for a long time. He remained silent for a long time. >>nld<< La Policía lleva casi un mes buscando los bienes robados. De politie had al bijna een maand gezocht naar de gestolen goederen. De politie zoekt al bijna een maand naar de gestolen goederen. >>eng<< Qu'y a-t-il dans la boîte noire ? What's in the black box? What's in the black box? >>eng<< Tom lavó el carro. Tom washed the car. Tom washed the car. >>eng<< Adoro blusas com mangas em estilo gótico. I love blouses with sleeves in the gothic style. I love blouses with sleeves in gothic style. >>eng<< Provavelmente, vocês estarão todos mortos nos próximos cinquenta anos. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. You'll probably all be dead for the next 50 years. >>eng<< Moramos perto de uma agência dos correios. We live near a post office. We live near a post office. >>eng<< Lei non ha ancora lavato i piatti? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? You haven't washed the dishes yet? >>nld<< Él continuó caminando bajo la lluvia. Hij bleef verder wandelen in de regen. Hij bleef lopen in de regen. >>deu<< Não pude ficar mais. Ich konnte nicht länger bleiben. Ich konnte nicht mehr bleiben. >>nld<< ¿Sabe lo que has hecho? Weet hij wat je hebt gedaan? Weet hij wat je gedaan hebt? >>nld<< Tom a besoin de nouvelles chaussures. Tom heeft nieuwe schoenen nodig. Tom heeft nieuwe schoenen nodig. >>deu<< Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît une bonne traduction pour cette phrase ? Kennt jemand eine gute Übersetzung für diesen Satz? Kennt jemand eine gute Übersetzung für diesen Satz? >>eng<< Princeps nihil induit. The emperor doesn't have any clothes on. The princes had nothing to do with it. >>nld<< Fa tres dies que no menjo res. Ik heb niets gegeten de laatste drie dagen. Ik heb al drie dagen niets gegeten. >>eng<< Meu irmão estuda para ser médico. My brother studies to become a doctor. My brother studies to be a doctor. >>nld<< Savez-vous taper à la machine ? Kunt u typen? Kun je met de machine typen? >>eng<< Fessus sum. I am tired. I'm a butt. >>eng<< Lo habéis entendido mal. You've misunderstood. You misunderstood him. >>eng<< Suntem gata! We're done! We're ready! >>eng<< Eu preferiria comer mussacá em uma cidade grega à beira-mar. I would rather eat moussaka in a seaside Greek city. I'd rather eat moussac in a Greek seaside town. >>deu<< Gracias por haber venido. Danke, dass Sie gekommen sind. Danke, dass Sie gekommen sind. >>nld<< Il a laissé toutes les fenêtres ouvertes. Hij liet alle vensters openstaan. Hij liet alle ramen open. >>deu<< Quelle équipe gagnera la partie ? Welche Mannschaft wird das Spiel gewinnen? Welches Team gewinnt das Spiel? >>deu<< Yanni se sentó a mi lado. Yanni saß neben mir. Yanni setzte sich neben mich. >>nld<< Las vacaciones de verano llegarán pronto. Het is bijna zomervakantie. De zomervakantie komt binnenkort. >>deu<< Filius tuus est. Er ist dein Sohn. Er ist dein Sohn. >>deu<< Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions ! Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Vorschläge! Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Anregungen! >>eng<< Le pedí a mi colega que recapitulara todo lo dicho en pocas palabras. I asked my colleague to recapitulate everything that was said in a few words. I asked my colleague to recapitulate everything he said in a few words. >>eng<< Mi licencia de conducir expira a final de este mes. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driver’s license expires at the end of this month. >>eng<< Voudriez-vous que nous échangions nos sièges ? Would you like to switch seats? Would you like us to change seats? >>eng<< Abbiamo comprato tutto. We bought everything. We bought everything. >>eng<< Passatemi il libro, per piacere. Pass me the book, please. Give me the book, please. >>eng<< Eu falei, mas ninguém me escutou. I spoke but I was not heard. I said it, but no one listened to me. >>nld<< Sont-ils violets ? Zijn ze paars? Zijn ze paars? >>eng<< Io non penso che a vostra madre piacerà. I don't think your mother will like it. I don't think your mother will like it. >>eng<< Cette blague est source d'hilarité pour le public. This joke is a source of mirth for the audience. This joke is a source of hilarity for the public. >>eng<< El gatito ha desgarrado un cojín y ha esparcido el relleno por todo el comedor y el pasillo. The cat ripped open a cushion and scattered the stuffing all over the table and hallway. The kitten has torn a cushion and spread the filling all over the dining room and hallway. >>deu<< On m'a demandé de donner une conférence sur l'astronomie. Ich wurde gebeten, einen Vortrag über Astronomie zu halten. Ich wurde gebeten, einen Vortrag über Astronomie zu halten. >>eng<< Posso rispondergli ma non voglio. I can answer him, but I don't want to. I can answer him, but I don't want to. >>nld<< Mary cocina sin sal. Mary kookt zonder zout. Mary kookt zonder zout. >>eng<< Nós os torturamos. We tortured them. We tortured them. >>nld<< Tom era meu namorado. Tom was mijn vriend. Tom was mijn vriendje. >>eng<< Il disait qu'il aurait dix-huit ans à son prochain anniversaire. He said that he would be eighteen on his next birthday. He said he would be 18 on his next birthday. >>eng<< Je pense que c'est évident, pas toi ? I think it's obvious, don't you? I think it's obvious, don't you? >>deu<< ¡Empecemos a traducir! Fangen wir an mit der Übersetzung! Beginnen wir mit der Übersetzung! >>deu<< Dorm prea mult și sunt mereu obosit. Obwohlich zu viel schlafe, bin ich immer müde. Ich schlafe zu viel und bin immer müde. >>deu<< Eu preciso de um lenço. Ich brauche ein Taschentuch. Ich brauche ein Taschentuch. >>eng<< J’ai travaillé pendant 20 ans. Maintenant je suis à la retraite. I worked for twenty years. Now I am a retiree. I worked for 20 years. Now I’m retired. >>deu<< O que teríeis vós feito no lugar dele? Was hättest du an seiner Stelle getan? Was hättet ihr an seiner Stelle getan? >>deu<< Lui voleva cambiare le cose. Er wollte die Dinge verändern. Er wollte die Dinge ändern. >>eng<< Este livro está escrito em Inglês simples, de maneira que você deverá poder lê-lo facilmente. This book is written in simple English, so it should be easy for you to read. This book is written in simple English, so you should be able to read it easily. >>nld<< Alimento a mi perro una vez al día. Ik voer mijn hond een keer per dag. Ik voer mijn hond één keer per dag. >>eng<< Domnul Spencer lucrează la magazin. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer works at the store. >>eng<< O algoritmo que a célula segue ao fabricar uma proteína é extremamente complexo. Grosso modo, a informação em código – palavras de quatro letras – armazenada no DNA é copiada, traduzida para um idioma cujo alfabeto tem vinte letras, editada e transmitida para a área onde se realiza a montagem da proteína. The algorithm a cell follows when making a protein is extremely complex. Roughly speaking, the coded information – four-letter words – stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited, and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. The algorithm that the cell follows when making a protein is extremely complex. Broadly speaking, the coded information – four-letter words – stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. >>eng<< Feceruntque filii Israel, sicut præceperat Moyses, et petierunt ab Aegyptiis vasa argentea et aurea vestemque plurimam. And the children of Israel did as Moses had commanded: and they asked of the Egyptians vessels of silver and gold, and very much raiment. And the children of Israel did as Moses commanded, and asked of the Egyptians vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and raiment. >>deu<< Tengo vacaciones pagadas. Ich habe bezahlten Urlaub. Ich habe bezahlte Ferien. >>deu<< Andem depressa! Beeilt euch! Beeilung! >>eng<< Sono un po' malato. I'm somewhat ill. I'm a little sick. >>eng<< Je suppose que peu importe le club de natation auquel je m'affilie. I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join. I guess it doesn't matter which swimming club I join. >>eng<< Adesso è lì. Now he's there. He's there now. >>eng<< Nos estamos quedando sin luz. Ya nos ocuparemos de ello luego. We're losing light. We'll deal with it later. We're running out of light, we'll take care of it later. >>nld<< Je suis chauffeur de tracteur. Ik ben tractorbestuurder. Ik ben een trekkerchauffeur. >>eng<< Me estoy empezando a cansar de oír música navideña por donde quiera que voy. I'm getting tired of hearing Christmas music everywhere I go. I'm starting to get tired of listening to Christmas music everywhere I go. >>eng<< Entre, Tom. Come in, Tom. Come in, Tom. >>eng<< Él tiene la pieza grande para él solo. He has the large room to himself. He has the big piece for himself alone. >>deu<< ¿Qué clase de pájaro es ése? Was für ein Vogel ist das? Was für ein Vogel ist das? >>deu<< Tous les êtres humains sont mortels. Alle Menschen sind sterblich. Alle Menschen sind sterblich. >>nld<< O cachorro estava morto. De hond was dood. De hond was dood. >>deu<< Linda socolatam amat. Linda liebt Schokolade. Schön, dass ich dich liebe. >>nld<< Muchos caminos conducen a Roma. Er zijn vele wegen die naar Rome leiden. Veel wegen leiden naar Rome. >>nld<< La muerte de su padre la impactó. De dood van zijn vader kwam haar hard aan. De dood van haar vader heeft haar getroffen. >>eng<< Prenem orgull en la nostra força. We took pride in our strength. We take pride in our strength. >>deu<< Me levanté el ánimo escuchando música. Beim Musikhören bekam ich wieder bessere Laune. Ich erwachte, als ich Musik hörte. >>eng<< Eu não quero viver convosco. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. >>deu<< Durante los años sesenta y setenta publicó sus libros más famosos. In den 60ern und 70ern veröffentlichte sie ihre berühmtesten Bücher. In den sechziger und siebziger Jahren veröffentlichte er seine berühmtesten Bücher. >>eng<< É complicado, não é? It's complicated, isn't it? It's complicated, isn't it? >>eng<< Combien coûte la voiture que tu prévois d'acheter ? How much is the car that you're planning to buy? How much does the car you plan to buy cost? >>nld<< Da quanto tempo vive a Via del Parco? Hoe lang woon je al in de Parkstraat? Hoe lang woont u al in de Via del Parco? >>eng<< Familia mea procul abest. My family is far away. My family is far away. >>eng<< Mañana será un nuevo día. Tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow will be a new day. >>deu<< Peux-tu modifier ta phrase ? Kannst du deinen Satz ändern? Kannst du deinen Satz ändern? >>eng<< Tom ha dato fuoco alla casa di Mary. Tom set Mary's house on fire. Tom set Mary's house on fire. >>nld<< M-am lovit la cot. Ik heb mijn elleboog pijn gedaan. Ik heb m'n elleboog geraakt. >>eng<< Sono rilassata. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. >>eng<< No início o homem era quase igual aos demais animais. In the beginning, man was almost the same as the other animals. In the beginning man was almost the same as other animals. >>eng<< Poucas ou nenhumas mordeduras de cobra são relatadas, uma vez que cobras que tenham algum bom senso evitam as trilhas, mas alguns cães de estimação que acompanham os caminhantes têm sido mordidos enquanto farejam no mato. Few if any snakebites are reported, since snakes with any sense about them avoid pathways, but some pet dogs accompanying hikers have been bitten while nosing around in the brush. Few or no snake bites are reported, since snakes that have some common sense avoid the trails, but some pet dogs that accompany walkers have been bitten while sniffing in the bush. >>eng<< ¿Tenéis algo que ver con eso? Do you have something to do with that? Do you have anything to do with that? >>deu<< Je mange des fraises en mai. Ich esse Erdbeeren im Mai. Ich esse Erdbeeren im Mai. >>deu<< Mihi praetervehitur aures illud. Das geht mir zu einem Ohr hinein, zum anderen hinaus. Ich habe mir die Ohren gefesselt. >>eng<< Ela saiu cinco minutos depois de ter chegado. She left five minutes after having arrived. She left five minutes after she arrived. >>eng<< ¿Tienes tu linterna? Do you have your flashlight? Do you have your flashlight? >>eng<< I miei capelli stanno ricrescendo. My hair is growing back. My hair is growing back. >>eng<< Tom è presuntuoso. Tom is cocksure. Tom is presumptuous. >>eng<< Si è scopato la mia ragazza. He fucked my girlfriend. He fucked my girlfriend. >>eng<< Sei un'adulta? Are you an adult? Are you an adult? >>eng<< Tom a appris le langage des signes. Tom learned sign language. Tom learned sign language. >>eng<< Tradii Silya. I betrayed Silya. You betrayed Silya. >>eng<< Os vapores do vinho estavam a intensificar-se gradualmente para lhe baralhar os miolos indiferentes. The fumes of the wine were mounting steadily to addle his indifferent brains. The vapours of the wine were gradually intensifying to shuffle his indifferent brains. >>eng<< Surge, propera, amica mea, columba mea, formosa mea, et veni. Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and come. Arise, come near, my love, my dove, my fair one, and come. >>eng<< Oh, rien de particulier. Oh, nothing special. Oh, nothing special. >>eng<< Giocava a baseball. He played baseball. He played baseball. >>eng<< J'aimerais vous reparler. I would like to talk with you again. I'd like to talk to you again. >>deu<< Je suis encore à la recherche de cadeaux. Ich bin noch auf der Suche nach Geschenken. Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach Geschenken. >>eng<< Quiero comer gimbap. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat gimbap. >>eng<< Por favor, llámeme si llueve. If it rains, please call me. Please call me if it rains. >>eng<< ¿Tienes sueño? Are you sleepy? Are you sleepy? >>eng<< Je veux me coucher plus tôt ce soir. I want to go to bed earlier tonight. I want to go to bed earlier tonight. >>deu<< Tom a subi une lourde opération. Tom hat sich einer schweren Operation unterzogen. Tom hatte eine schwere Operation. >>eng<< J'ai trouvé le livre par hasard. I found the book by chance. I found the book by chance. >>deu<< Estou perdendo a paciência com você. Ich verliere die Geduld mit dir. Ich verliere die Geduld mit dir. >>eng<< Con la comparsa di Skype, studiare le lingue è diventato più facile. With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier. With the advent of Skype, learning languages has become easier. >>eng<< Denle una cálida bienvenida. Give him a warm welcome. Give him a warm welcome. >>deu<< Questo è ciò che volevo sapere. Das ist es, was ich fragen wollte. Das wollte ich wissen. >>deu<< Il corso di tedesco comincia il cinque ottobre. Der Deutschkurs beginnt am fünften Oktober. Der Deutschkurs beginnt am 5. Oktober. >>nld<< Él lleva gafas. Hij draagt een bril. Hij draagt een bril. >>eng<< Hic aliquos dies manebo. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I have a few days of manicure. >>nld<< Il excelle. Hij blinkt uit. Hij blinkt uit. >>eng<< Avete parlato con loro? Have you spoken to them? Did you talk to them? >>eng<< De qué me cau portar ? What should I bring? What do I need to bring? >>eng<< Te pareces exactamente a tu madre. You look just like your mother. You look exactly like your mother. >>eng<< Com o poder da alma, qualquer coisa é possível. With the power of soul anything is possible. With the power of the soul, anything is possible. >>deu<< "¿Qué lee, mi príncipe?" "Palabras, palabras y nada más que palabras." „Was lesen Sie, mein Prinz?“ — „Worte, Worte, nichts als Worte." "Was liest du, mein Prinz?" "Worte, Worte und nichts als Worte." >>eng<< Ho dovuto viaggiare su un autobus. I had to travel on a bus. I had to travel on a bus. >>eng<< Está ok. This is OK. It's okay. >>eng<< Anteo Zamboni, un muchacho de 15 años, tras aparentemente haber disparado contra Mussolini, fue inmediatamente linchado y asesinado. Anteo Zamboni, a 15 year old boy, after apparently having shot at Mussolini, was immediately lynched and killed. Anteo Zamboni, a 15-year-old boy, after apparently shooting Mussolini, was immediately lynched and killed. >>eng<< Didymus optimus est. Tom is very good. Didymus is an optimist. >>eng<< Las rosas y las orquídeas son mis flores preferidas. Roses and orchids are my favorite flowers. Roses and orchids are my favorite flowers. >>eng<< Por favor, no asustes a los niños. Please don't scare the kids. Please don't scare the kids. >>deu<< Ils étaient si mignons tous les deux ! Sie waren so niedlich, diese Beiden. Sie waren beide so süß! >>nld<< Tom pensa che Mary sia ancora a Boston. Tom denkt dat Maria nog altijd in Boston is. Tom denkt dat Mary nog in Boston is. >>deu<< Não sei se haveria alguma coisa que eu pudesse querer de ti. Ich wüsste nichts, was ich von dir wollen würde. Ich weiß nicht, ob es etwas gibt, was ich von dir will. >>eng<< Spiacente, non posso mangiarlo - sono diabetico. Sorry, I can't eat that - I'm diabetic. Sorry, I can't eat it - I'm diabetic. >>eng<< Mi piace l'immagine su questo barattolo. I like the picture on this jar. I like the picture on this jar. >>deu<< Elles lui vont bien les lunettes ? Steht ihm die Brille gut? Steht ihr die Brille gut? >>nld<< Soyez heureuse. Wees vrolijk. Wees blij. >>deu<< Tutto va bene fino a quando non arrivano i problemi. Solange keine Probleme auftreten, geht alles gut. Alles ist in Ordnung, bis die Probleme kommen. >>eng<< Devi fermarti se il semaforo è rosso. You have to stop if the stoplight is red. You have to stop if the traffic light is red. >>deu<< Connaissez-vous un bon restaurant ? Kennt ihr ein gutes Restaurant? Kennen Sie ein gutes Restaurant? >>eng<< Caçoaram de Maria. They made fun of Mary. They mocked Maria. >>nld<< Recuerdo haberla visto en alguna parte. Ik herinner me dat ik haar ergens gezien heb. Ik herinner me dat ik haar ergens zag. >>eng<< Ho giudicato male Tom. I misjudged Tom. I misjudged Tom. >>eng<< Quorsum ego? Why me? What is Ego? >>deu<< Je me souviens de lui avoir donné la clé. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich ihm den Schlüssel gegeben habe. Ich erinnere mich, ihm den Schlüssel gegeben zu haben. >>deu<< Le ciel est bleu et sans nuages. Der Himmel ist blau und wolkenlos. Der Himmel ist blau und wolkenlos. >>eng<< Espero ir a Boston no próximo mês. I'm hoping to go to Boston next month. I hope to go to Boston next month. >>deu<< Ele não parece ter a idade que tem. Man sieht ihm sein Alter nicht an. Er scheint nicht so alt zu sein, wie er ist. >>nld<< Alex é genderqueer. Alex is genderqueer. Alex is een genderqueer. >>nld<< La he oído cantar. Ik hoorde haar zingen. Ik hoorde haar zingen. >>nld<< Poți să vii aici un minut? Kun je even hier komen? Kun je even langskomen? >>eng<< Admiră femeile pentru inteligența și personalitatea lor... frumusețea nu este suficientă! Admire women for their intelligence and personality... beauty is not enough! They admire women for their intelligence and personality... beauty is not enough! >>deu<< Pater meus non est. Er ist nicht mein Vater. Mein Vater ist es nicht. >>deu<< Il chanta de la même façon que moi. Er sang auf die gleiche Art wie ich. Er sang auf die gleiche Weise wie ich. >>eng<< Hablaremos tras la lección. We will talk after the lesson. We'll talk after the lesson. >>eng<< On s’est débattu avec ce problème depuis des années We've been struggling with this problem for years. We have been dealing with this problem for years. >>eng<< Nous aurons une nouvelle voiture le mois prochain. We're getting a new car next month. We'll have a new car next month. >>nld<< Veo una casa. Ik zie een huis. Ik zie een huis. >>eng<< Só falta uma semana para o Dia das Bruxas. Halloween's only a week away. There's only one week until Halloween. >>eng<< Me gustan los colores de algunas cosas. I like the colors of some things. I like the colors of some things. >>eng<< Je ferais mieux de me mettre au travail, j'ai beaucoup de travail aujourd'hui. Now I'd better put my nose to the grindstone, I have a lot of work today. I better get to work, I have a lot of work today. >>eng<< No me parezco a mis padres en nada. I don't look like my parents at all. I don't look like my parents at all. >>nld<< Quanti anni ha tuo padre? Hoe oud is je vader? Hoe oud is je vader? >>eng<< Você foi ao cassino. You went to the casino. You went to the casino. >>deu<< Eu tenho um cachorro e dois gatos. Ich habe einen Hund und zwei Katzen. Ich habe einen Hund und zwei Katzen. >>deu<< Eccolo qua! Er ist hier! Da ist er! >>eng<< La muerte no es la solución. Death is not the answer. Death is not the solution. >>deu<< La Croazia è nella parte sud-orientale dell'Europa. Kroatien liegt im südöstlichen Teil Europas. Kroatien liegt im südöstlichen Teil Europas. >>eng<< Nihil est quod metuas. There's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing you've got to do. >>nld<< En as-tu un ? Heb jij er een? Heb je er een? >>eng<< Poţi folosi dicţionarul meu. You may use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. >>deu<< Aprendí a manejar cuando tenía quince años. Ich lernte Autofahren, als ich fünfzehn war. Ich lernte Autofahren, als ich 15 war. >>eng<< Spune-mi cum te cheamă, te rog. What's your name, please? Tell me your name, please. >>deu<< Nimeni nu a rezolvat problema. Keiner hat das Problem gelöst. Niemand hat das Problem gelöst. >>eng<< Pour dire la vérité, je n'ai pas résolu ce problème. To tell the truth, I didn't solve this problem. To tell you the truth, I haven't solved this problem. >>eng<< Tom, se você não for, não vou também. Tom, if you're not going, I'm not going either. Tom, if you don't go, I won't go either. >>eng<< Felix era abituato al buio. Felix was used to the dark. Felix was used to the dark. >>nld<< Las tortugas ponen huevos. Schildpadden leggen eieren. Schildpadden leggen eieren. >>deu<< Je ne sais pas dessiner. Ich kann nicht zeichnen. Ich kann nicht zeichnen. >>nld<< O Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas é uma organização muito importante. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. >>eng<< O xadrez é um instrumento de ensino e aprendizagem mais antigo que os quadros-negros, os livros impressos, a bússola e o telescópio. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is a teaching and learning tool older than blackboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. >>eng<< Ce semestre est important. This semester is important. This semester is important. >>nld<< El barco se hundió. Het schip is gezonken. Het schip is gezonken. >>deu<< Viene da Parigi. Er kommt aus Paris. Er kommt aus Paris. >>nld<< Sau totul, sau nimic. Het is alles of niets. Of alles, of niets. >>nld<< Você está escrevendo. Jij schrijft. Je schrijft. >>eng<< Non hanno neanche un computer. They don't even have a computer. They don't even have a computer. >>eng<< Ce n'était pas lui. That wasn't him. It wasn't him. >>nld<< È diventato molto pericoloso. Hij werd heel gevaarlijk. Het is erg gevaarlijk geworden. >>deu<< Mi apodo es "Comezón". Mein Spitzname ist "Comezón". Mein Spitzname ist "Juckreiz". >>eng<< Nous devons nous débrouiller avec ce que nous avons. We need to get by with what we've got. We have to deal with what we have. >>eng<< Le hice perder los nervios. I made him lose his temper. I made him lose his nerve. >>nld<< Ella tiene un perro y seis gatos. Ze heeft een hond en zes katten. Ze heeft een hond en zes katten. >>eng<< Você não quer fazer isso? Do you want to do it? You don't want to do that? >>deu<< Enséñame tu nueva dirección. Lass mich deine neue Adresse wissen. Zeigen Sie mir Ihre neue Adresse. >>eng<< Spero che vi piacciano i vermi gommosi. I hope you like gummi worms. I hope you like rubber worms. >>eng<< Tráemelo. Bring it to me. Bring it. >>eng<< Un algoritmo es una receta para resolver un problema, paso a paso. An algorithm is a recipe for solving a problem, step by step. An algorithm is a recipe for solving a problem, step by step. >>eng<< Êtes-vous souvent enrhumé ? Do you frequently get colds? Are you often cold? >>deu<< El es el bohor. Er ist der älteste Sohn. Er ist der Trottel. >>eng<< Veux-tu boire de l'eau ? Do you wish to drink water? Do you want to drink water? >>nld<< Hai un gato na cociña. Er is een kat in de keuken. Er is een kat in de keuken. >>deu<< J'ai trouvé le livre que j'ai longtemps cherché. Ich habe das Buch gefunden, nach dem ich lange gesucht hatte. Ich habe das Buch gefunden, nach dem ich lange gesucht habe. >>deu<< Nenhum indivíduo atrasou-se. Nicht ein Einziger kam zu spät. Kein Mensch kam zu spät. >>nld<< Es muy bonita. Zij is zeer mooi. Ze is erg mooi. >>eng<< Nel 1743, Alexandre de Gusmão divenne membro del Consiglio d'oltremare. In 1743, Alexandre de Gusmão became a member of the Overseas Council. In 1743, Alexandre de Gusm<0xC3><0xA3>o became a member of the Overseas Council. >>deu<< Mors similis est somno. Der Tod ähnelt dem Schlaf. Der Tod ist wie ein Schlaf. >>eng<< ¿Tom está viendo la tele? Is Tom watching TV? Is Tom watching TV? >>eng<< Flumen in lacum influit. The river flows into the lake. The flux is influencing. >>deu<< ¿No has oído ese grito? Hast du nicht den Schrei gehört? Hast du den Schrei nicht gehört? >>eng<< Es mejor no usar lejía si no la necesitas. It's better not to use bleach if you don't need it. It is better not to use bleach if you do not need it. >>deu<< Tomás conduce. Tom fährt Auto. Tom fährt. >>deu<< À l'instant, elle est en train de boire du café. Sie trinkt gerade Kaffee. Im Moment trinkt sie Kaffee. >>eng<< Mi piace l'autunno ma non mi piace la pioggia. I like autumn but I don't like rain. I love autumn, but I don’t like the rain. >>nld<< Pourquoi dis-tu cela ? Waarom zeg je dat? Waarom zeg je dat? >>eng<< ¿Y ahora qué hice? Now what did I do? And now what did I do? >>nld<< ¿Se puede confiar en él? Kan men hem vertrouwen? Is hij te vertrouwen? >>eng<< Tom ne m'a pas dit son nom. Tom didn't tell me her name. Tom didn't tell me his name. >>deu<< Quelle vie ennuyeuse tu as ! Was für ein langweiliges Leben du hast! Was für ein langweiliges Leben du hast! >>eng<< La última vez que estuve malo me pasé cuatro días en cama. The last time I was sick, I was bedridden for 4 days. The last time I was bad, I spent four days in bed. >>deu<< N'importe quelle andouille avec un appareil photo, se prend pour une photographe. Jeder Depp mit einer Kamera hält sich für einen Fotografen. Jeder Schurke mit einer Kamera hält sich für einen Fotografen. >>eng<< ¿Qué ocurre realmente durante la absorción de la comida? What actually happens during food absorption? What really happens during the absorption of food? >>deu<< Mario diventa più grande quando mangia un fungo. Mario wird größer, wenn er einen Pilz isst. Mario wird größer, wenn er einen Pilz isst. >>deu<< Comme on fait son lit, on se couche. Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man. Wenn man sein Bett macht, legt man sich hin. >>eng<< ¿Cuántas estaciones de autobuses hay en esta ciudad? How many bus stations are there in this city? How many bus stations are there in this city? >>eng<< Solo quiero saber una cosa. I just want to know one thing. I just want to know one thing. >>eng<< No has dicho ni una palabra desde que has vuelto. You haven't said a word since you've returned. You haven't said a word since you came back. >>deu<< J'achète du café, mais j'aime bien boire du thé. Ich kaufe Kaffee, aber ich trinke gerne Tee. Ich kaufe Kaffee, aber ich trinke gerne Tee. >>eng<< Estou seguro de que se acharán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure there will be exploits. >>deu<< Tu as oublié de corriger. Du hast vergessen zu korrigieren. Du hast vergessen, es zu korrigieren. >>deu<< Quoi ! Tu as mangé mon ours en chocolat ? Was! Du hast meinen Schokobären gegessen? Hast du meinen Schokoladenbär gegessen? >>eng<< Habet parvan domon. She has a small house. They have dominoes. >>eng<< J'ai pensé que tu pourrais avoir besoin d'aide. I thought you might need help. I thought you might need some help. >>eng<< Quiconque a joué aux échecs plusieurs fois comprend à quel point cela peut être fascinant. Anyone who has played chess a few times understands how it can be engrossing in the extreme. Anyone who has played chess several times understands how fascinating it can be. >>eng<< Alguien envenenó a Tom. Somebody poisoned Tom. Someone poisoned Tom. >>nld<< Esperemos aquí hasta que ella vuelva. Laten wij hier wachten tot ze terugkomt. We wachten hier tot ze terugkomt. >>deu<< O nacionalismo é hoje em dia o pior inimigo da Europa. Der Nationalismus ist heute der schlimmste Feind Europas. Der Nationalismus ist heute Europas größter Feind. >>eng<< El policía me golpeó. I was hit by the policeman. The cop hit me. >>deu<< França és a l'Europa Occidental. Frankreich liegt in Westeuropa. Frankreich liegt in Westeuropa. >>eng<< Tom nu este pianist. Tom isn't a pianist. Tom is not a pianist. >>eng<< Ceea ce îi este permis lui Jupiter nu este în mod necesar permis și unui bou. All that is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. What is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. >>deu<< Tu es une vraie tête de mule ! Du bist ein echter Sturschädel! Du bist ein richtiger Maultierkopf! >>eng<< Non riusciamo. We can't. We can't. >>eng<< Il y a un flux constant de trafic sur cette route. There's a constant flow of traffic on this road. There is a constant flow of traffic on this road. >>deu<< Não preciso de dinheiro, e sim do teu conselho. Ich brauche kein Geld, sondern Ihren Rat. Ich brauche kein Geld, sondern deinen Rat. >>eng<< Nu am nevoie decât de tine. I only need you. All I need is you. >>deu<< Cette tâche, Tom ne sera pas en mesure de l'accomplir. Diese Aufgabe wird Tom nicht bewältigen. Diese Aufgabe, Tom wird nicht in der Lage sein, es zu erfüllen. >>eng<< Tom no consigue describir cuán divertido fue. Tom can't describe how fun it was. Tom can't describe how much fun it was. >>eng<< Ce cidre est vraiment bon. This cider tastes really good. This cider is really good. >>nld<< Él saludó a la mujer. Hij begroette de vrouw. Hij begroette de vrouw. >>nld<< Me gustaría jugar al tenis. Ik zou graag tennis spelen. Ik wil graag tennissen. >>deu<< Dime cuál quieres. Sag mir, welchen du willst. Sag mir, welche du willst. >>eng<< Dime que no intentarás hacerlo. Tell me you won't try to do that. Tell me you won't try. >>eng<< ¿Adivinas de qué quiero hablarte? Can you guess what I want to talk to you about? Guess what I want to talk to you about? >>deu<< Tu n'aimes pas le professeur. Du magst den Lehrer nicht. Du magst den Professor nicht. >>eng<< ¿Qué es lo opuesto de un coco? What's the opposite of a coconut? What is the opposite of a coconut? >>deu<< Êtes-vous allée dans un des jardins célèbres ? Waren Sie schon in einem der berühmten Gärten? Waren Sie in einem der berühmten Gärten? >>nld<< Hay mucha gente que adora el Fado. Veel mensen houden van Fado. Veel mensen zijn dol op Fado. >>deu<< Tom l'ha minacciato? Hat Tom Sie bedroht? Hat Tom ihm gedroht? >>eng<< Devo ancora pitturare i soffitti. I've still got to paint the ceilings. I still have to paint the ceilings. >>eng<< En quina direccion anàvan ? Which direction were they heading in? In which direction did you go? >>eng<< C'est un mot difficile à traduire. It's a difficult word to translate. It is a difficult word to translate. >>eng<< Avez-vous l'impression d'avoir des pensées incontrôlées dont vous ne pouvez vous débarrasser ? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you feel like you have uncontrolled thoughts that you can’t get rid of? >>eng<< Mi padre no es tan rico como mi abuelo. My dad isn't as rich as my grandpa. My father is not as rich as my grandfather. >>eng<< A noiva entrou na sala, com todos olhando para ela. The bride came into the room, with everyone staring at her. The bride entered the room, with everyone looking at her. >>deu<< Se necesita mucha agua. Man braucht viel Wasser. Es braucht viel Wasser. >>eng<< Nobis inveniendum est. We have to find it. Novelty is inventive. >>eng<< Il mio computer fallì. My computer failed. My computer failed. >>eng<< Emily tiene sed. Emily is thirsty. Emily's thirsty. >>eng<< Està millorant poc a poc. He is getting better bit by bit. It's getting better little by little. >>nld<< Encantado de conocerlo. Aangenaam kennis te maken. Aangenaam kennis te maken. >>eng<< Tua família mora em Berlim, e tu vais dentro em breve para lá. Your family lives in Berlin and you're going there soon. Your family lives in Berlin, and you're going there soon. >>eng<< ¿Por qué no llamó por teléfono? Why haven't you called? Why didn't you call? >>eng<< Somos libres de hacer lo que queramos, pero no somos libres de decidir qué es lo que queremos. We're free to do what we want, but not to decide what it is that we want. We are free to do what we want, but we are not free to decide what we want. >>eng<< Essa não é a única dificuldade. That's not the only difficulty. That's not the only difficulty. >>deu<< Io vado al parco. Ich gehe in den Park. Ich gehe in den Park. >>eng<< ¿Qué esperas de un drogadicto como Sami? What do you expect from a drug addict like Sami? What do you expect from a junkie like Sami? >>eng<< Él regresa a casa casi todos los fines de semana. He comes home almost every weekend. He comes home almost every weekend. >>eng<< J’ai des pertes vaginales. I have a discharge from my vagina. I have vaginal discharge. >>deu<< Qual jornal o senhor lê? Welche Zeitung lesen Sie? Welche Zeitung lesen Sie? >>eng<< Hoy es domingo. No trabajo. Me quedaré en casa. Today is Sunday. I do not work. I'll stay at home. It's Sunday, I don't work, I'll stay home. >>eng<< Quella carrozzina è nostra. That baby carriage is ours. That wheelchair is ours. >>eng<< Vénus est pareille à l'enfer. Sa température de surface, telle une fournaise, s'élève à plus de quatre-cent-cinquante degrés Celsius. Venus is like Hell. The oven-like surface temperature hovers over 450 degrees Celsius. Venus is like hell. Its surface temperature, like a furnace, is more than four hundred and fifty degrees Celsius. >>eng<< Eres el mejor maestro del mundo. You're the best teacher in the world. You're the best teacher in the world. >>eng<< Ela não é uma criança. She's not a child. She's not a child. >>deu<< Los crustáceos presentan un cuerpo dividido en cefalotórax y abdomen. Bei Krebstieren teilt sich der Körper in den Cephalothorax und das Abdomen. Krustentiere haben einen Körper, der in Cephalothorax und Abdomen unterteilt ist. >>eng<< Ascultă... Listen... Listen... >>nld<< América no es un país, es un continente. Amerika is geen land, het is een continent. Amerika is geen land, het is een continent. >>eng<< Ils ont eu une réception chaleureuse. They got a warm reception. They had a warm reception. >>eng<< Ho già preso una tazza di caffè oggi. I've already had a cup of coffee today. I already had a cup of coffee today. >>deu<< Tom nunca superó el coma. Tom ist nie aus dem Koma erwacht. Tom hat das Koma nie überwunden. >>eng<< Chiama un elettricista. Call an electrician. Call an electrician. >>eng<< Ce v-a făcut să vă decideţi să lucraţi pentru compania noastră? What has made you decide to work for our company? What made you decide to work for our company? >>eng<< Pensez-vous vraiment que Tom vous aidera ? Do you really think Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? >>eng<< Tom ha superato il limite di velocità. Tom exceeded the speed limit. Tom has crossed the speed limit. >>nld<< Avertis Tom. Waarschuw Tom. Waarschuw Tom. >>eng<< Se n'avessan contou che gh'é de l'ægua, no l'aviëscimo credduo. If they'd told us there's water, we wouldn't have believed it. If they hadn't said there was water, they wouldn't have believed it. >>deu<< Quem é o secretário? Wer ist der Sekretär? Wer ist der Sekretär? >>deu<< Estos cuadros fueron pintados por él. Diese Bilder wurden von ihm gemalt. Diese Bilder wurden von ihm gemalt. >>eng<< Non è stato facile per loro. It hasn't been easy for them. It was not easy for them. >>nld<< ¿Con quién hablo ahora? Met wie spreek ik nu? Met wie spreek ik nu? >>eng<< No comas panceta por la noche, que tiene mucha grasa. Don't eat bacon at night. It's too greasy. Do not eat bacon at night, which has a lot of fat. >>deu<< Hoy brilla el sol. Heute scheint die Sonne. Heute scheint die Sonne. >>eng<< Onde esta Beirut? Where is Beirut? Where's Beirut? >>eng<< Nonne dux es? Aren't you the boss? Isn't that a dude? >>eng<< Grandes inteligências discutem ideias; mentes médias discutem eventos; mentes pequenas discutem pessoas. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Great intelligences discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. >>deu<< Com licença, senhora, podemos nos sentar aqui? Entschuldigen Sie, dürfen wir uns hier setzen? Entschuldigen Sie, Ma'am, können wir hier sitzen? >>eng<< ¿Por qué Tom está todavía aquí? Why is Tom still here? Why is Tom still here? >>eng<< Mes parents ne m'auraient pas autorisé à faire ça lorsque j'étais plus jeune. My parents wouldn't allow me to do that when I was younger. My parents wouldn’t have allowed me to do that when I was younger. >>deu<< He estado desde octubre en Boston. Ich bin schon seit Oktober in Boston. Seit Oktober bin ich in Boston. >>eng<< Quali sono i tuoi sentimenti verso le donne? What are your feelings towards women? What are your feelings towards women? >>deu<< O telefone toca. Das Telefon klingelt. Das Telefon klingelt. >>deu<< Él dijo que vendría al día siguiente. Er sagte, er komme am folgenden Tag wieder. Er sagte, er würde am nächsten Tag kommen. >>eng<< Vous avez besoin de gants ? Do you need gloves? Do you need gloves? >>eng<< Como posso ajudar? How can I help? How can I help? >>eng<< Diedi a Tom un fiore da dare a Mary. I gave Tom a flower to give to Mary. I gave Tom a flower to give Mary. >>nld<< Alcoranum lego. Ik lees de Koran. Alcoranum lego. >>eng<< Possano tutti i vostri desideri avverarsi! May all your wishes come true! May all your wishes come true! >>deu<< J'ai échangé ma moto contre un cheval. Ich tauschte mein Motorrad gegen ein Pferd. Ich habe mein Motorrad gegen ein Pferd eingetauscht. >>nld<< Tom es una celebridad. Tom is een beroemdheid. Tom is een beroemdheid. >>deu<< Tatăl meu nici nu fumează și nici nu bea. Mein Vater raucht weder, noch trinkt er. Mein Vater raucht und trinkt nicht. >>eng<< Tom non voleva fissarlo. Tom didn't want to fix that. Tom didn't want to stare at him. >>eng<< C'est un adverbe. This is an adverb. It's an adverb. >>nld<< Ça n'a pas de sens. Daar is kop noch staart aan te krijgen. Dat slaat nergens op. >>deu<< Hanno speso sei mesi a costruire la casa. Sie waren sechs Monate mit dem Hausbau beschäftigt. Sie haben sechs Monate damit verbracht, das Haus zu bauen. >>eng<< Carthago a Romanis deleta est. Carthago was destroyed by the Romans. Carthage to the Romans. >>eng<< Per piacere, non sia pigra. Please don't be lazy. Please, don't be lazy. >>deu<< Quédate un poco más. Bleib noch ein bisschen. Bleiben Sie noch ein bisschen. >>eng<< Îmi place foarte mult țara ta. I like your country very much. I really like your country. >>eng<< Tom ha mangiato l'insetto. Tom ate the bug. Tom ate the bug. >>eng<< Cristiano Ronaldo es un jugador de fútbol. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. >>nld<< J'ai deux livres. Ik heb twee boeken. Ik heb twee boeken. >>nld<< Aș vrea să știu ce să fac. Ik wou dat ik wist wat ik moet doen. Ik wil graag weten wat ik moet doen. >>eng<< O pânico espalhou-se na Índia esta semana, quando muitas caixas automáticas ficaram sem dinheiro ou simplesmente deixaram de funcionar. Panic spread in India this week as many automatic teller machines ran out of cash or simply stopped functioning. Panic spread in India this week when many ATMs ran out of money or simply stopped working. >>nld<< Avez-vous l'habitude de prendre un petit-déjeuner ? Ontbijt u gewoonlijk? Ben je gewend om te ontbijten? >>eng<< Mio figlio non vuole rinunciare al ciuccio. My son doen't want to give up his dummy. My son doesn't want to give up the pacifier. >>deu<< Vai senza pensarci due volte! Geh hin, ohne erst noch einmal zu überlegen! Gehen Sie, ohne zweimal darüber nachzudenken! >>eng<< Tom a cumpărat apă. Tom bought some water. Tom bought water. >>deu<< Ei, amigos, não façam tanto barulho. He, Freunde, macht nicht so viel Lärm! Hey, Leute, macht nicht so viel Lärm. >>eng<< Partez ! Go! Get out! >>eng<< ¿Cuántas personas hay en el cohete? How many people are there in the rocket? How many people are on the rocket? >>eng<< Veo que estoy rodeado de rostros hostiles. I see that I'm surrounded by hostile faces. I see that I am surrounded by hostile faces. >>eng<< Por favor, diga-me a sua opinião. Please tell me your opinion. Please tell me your opinion. >>deu<< J'aimerais que vous restiez ici. Ich möchte, dass Sie hierbleiben. Ich möchte, dass Sie hier bleiben. >>deu<< Os senhores sabem disso? Wissen Sie das? Wissen Sie das? >>deu<< Ele nunca mantém sua palavra. Er hält nie sein Wort. Er hält sein Wort nie. >>eng<< Tres mulieres subriserunt. The three women smiled. Three women were laughing. >>eng<< Es muy caro. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. >>nld<< Esa es una historia inverosímil. Dat is een ongeloofwaardig verhaal. Dat is een onwaarschijnlijk verhaal. >>eng<< Dixit quoque Dominus ad Moysen: Dic ad Aaron: Tolle virgam tuam et extende manum tuam super aquas Aegypti, super fluvios eorum et rivos ac paludes et omnes lacus aquarum, ut vertantur in sanguinem; et sit cruor in omni terra Aegypti, tam in ligneis vasis quam in saxeis. The Lord also said to Moses: Say to Aaron, Take thy rod; and stretch forth thy hand upon the waters of Egypt, and upon their rivers, and streams and pools, and all the ponds of waters, that they may be turned into blood: and let blood be in all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and of stone. And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch forth thine hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, and over their rivers, and over their rivers, and over all their pools, that they may become blood: and there shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in stones. >>nld<< Je vous en prie, donnez-moi encore une chance. Geef me alstublieft nog een kans. Alstublieft, geef me nog een kans. >>deu<< Compró un billete de avión. Er hat ein Flugticket gekauft. Er hat ein Flugticket gekauft. >>eng<< Io non riesco a controllarla. I can't control it. I can't control it. >>eng<< Lasciala finire. Let her finish. Let her finish. >>eng<< Tu gato es negro. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. >>eng<< La mia pazienza ha un limite. My patience has a limit. My patience has a limit. >>eng<< Para aqueles nos degraus inferiores da escada económica, viverem amontoados é a dura realidade e manter uma distância de dois metros não é opção. For those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder, cheek-by-jowl living is the grim reality and staying two meters apart is not an option. For those on the lower steps of the economic staircase, living in heaps is the harsh reality and keeping a distance of two meters is no option. >>eng<< Vá cumprimentar Tom. Go say hi to Tom. Go say hello to Tom. >>eng<< Perché le vostre amiche mi odiano tutte? Why do your friends all hate me? Why do all your friends hate me? >>nld<< Usa siempre agua destilada en las planchas de vapor, porque el agua común y corriente con el tiempo provocará que una acumulación de minerales tape los huecos de vapor. Gebruik altijd gedistilleerd water in stoomstrijkijzers, want gewoon water zorgt voor mineraalophoping dat de stoomgaatjes na verloop van tijd verstopt. Gebruik altijd gedestilleerd water op stoomstrijkijzers, omdat gewoon stromend water na verloop van tijd ervoor zorgt dat een opeenhoping van mineralen de stoomgaten verstopt. >>eng<< Ellos atacaron al maestro nuevo con preguntas. They assailed the new teacher with questions. They attacked the new master with questions. >>eng<< Safaste-me desta e eu devo-te os meus agradecimentos, mas não precisavas de ter posto o teu pescoço na forca. You got me out of it, and I owe you my thanks, but you need not have put your neck into the noose. Get me out of this, and I owe you my thanks, but you didn't have to put your neck on the gallows. >>eng<< Lui è caduto in un sonno profondo. He fell into a deep sleep. He fell into a deep sleep. >>nld<< Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'il neige à Boston le jour de Noël. Dit is niet de eerste keer dat het in Boston sneeuwt op kerstdag. Het is niet de eerste keer dat het sneeuwt in Boston op kerstdag. >>eng<< El cantonés tiene de seis a nueve tonos. Cantonese has 6 to 9 tones. Cantonese has six to nine tones. >>nld<< N'agis pas contre ton opinion ! Handel niet tegen uw mening in! Doe niet tegen je mening in. >>deu<< Êtes-vous allés dans un des jardins célèbres ? Wart ihr schon in einem der berühmten Gärten? Waren Sie in einem der berühmten Gärten? >>eng<< Non sempre foi doado para Edison inventar novas cousas. It wasn't always easy for Edison to invent new things. It was not always easy for Edison to invent new things. >>eng<< Ele não se esqueceu de nós. He didn't forget us. He hasn't forgotten us. >>eng<< Erdogan no debería enloquecerse solo porque alguien quemó la bandera turca en frente de la embajada de Turquía. Erdogan shouldn't go nuts just because someone burnt a Turkish flag in front of the Turkish embassy. Erdogan shouldn’t go crazy just because someone burned the Turkish flag in front of the Turkish embassy. >>deu<< Son mari est un cuisinier excellent. Ihr Mann ist ein exzellenter Koch. Ihr Mann ist ein ausgezeichneter Koch. >>deu<< L'assassino è stato finalmente catturato la notte scorsa. Der Mörder wurde schließlich letzte Nacht gefangen. Der Mörder wurde letzte Nacht festgenommen. >>deu<< La chambre donne sur le jardin. Das Zimmer geht nach dem Garten. Das Zimmer mit Blick auf den Garten. >>deu<< Ne vous laissez pas submerger par le travail. Lassen Sie sich nicht von der Arbeit überwältigen. Lassen Sie sich nicht von der Arbeit überwältigen. >>eng<< Tahmid mi ha detto di andare. Tahmid told me to go. Tahmid told me to go. >>eng<< Tom deveria ter feito isso. Tom should've done that. Tom should have done that. >>deu<< ¿Dónde planeas pasar la noche? Wo hast du vor, die Nacht zu verbringen? Wo willst du übernachten? >>eng<< Quando hai intenzione di visitarci? When do you intend to visit us? When are you going to visit us? >>deu<< Mancavano questi! Diese fehlten! Es fehlten diese! >>eng<< Perderás o tren se non te dás présa. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry. >>eng<< Terminou de ler este livro? Have you finished reading this book? Have you finished reading this book? >>deu<< Sono andati a pescare. Sie sind fischen gegangen. Sie sind angeln gegangen. >>eng<< Apartamentul nostru începe să arate destul de bine. Our apartment is starting to look pretty cool. Our apartment is starting to look pretty good. >>eng<< Tom es agradable. Tom is very nice to me. Tom is nice. >>deu<< Quelqu’un a parlé. Jemand hat gesprochen. Jemand hat gesprochen. >>deu<< Quand il rentrera à la maison, faisons du popcorn et regardons un film. Wenn er nach Hause kommt, sollten wir Popcorn machen und einen Film ansehen. Wenn er nach Hause kommt, machen wir Popcorn und schauen uns einen Film an. >>eng<< Sembra che sia impossibile distinguere una nevrosi ossessiva da un amore intenso dal punto di vista biochimico. It seems that it's impossible to distinguish an obsessional neurosis from an intense love from a biochemical perspective. It seems that it is impossible to distinguish an obsessive neurosis from an intense love from a biochemical point of view. >>deu<< Lamento mucho haber sido tan flojo en mi época de colegio. Dass ich während meiner Schulzeit so faul war, bedauere ich sehr. Es tut mir so leid, dass ich in meiner Schulzeit so faul war. >>eng<< Filiam affer. Bring your daughter. Filiam Affer. >>eng<< Montre ton caractère génial à tes collègues au travail. Make your awesomeness known at work. Show your awesomeness to your colleagues at work. >>eng<< Un atto di citazione è stato emesso. A summons has been issued. An act of citation was issued. >>deu<< Eu sei que ele gosta de jazz. Ich weiß, dass er Jazz mag. Ich weiß, er mag Jazz. >>eng<< Questo è il gatto di Tom. This is Tom's cat. This is Tom's cat. >>eng<< Tu bebé nació y se encuentra bien. Your little girl was born and is doing well. Your baby was born and is well. >>deu<< Où est ta montre ? Wo ist deine Uhr? Wo ist deine Uhr? >>deu<< Je parie que vous êtes occupé. Ich wette, Sie sind beschäftigt. Ich wette, Sie sind beschäftigt. >>eng<< Tom não pensou sobre a Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. >>eng<< Riuscite a leggere la domanda? Can you read the question? Can you read the question? >>nld<< Poftă bună! Eet smakelijk! Eet smakelijk. >>nld<< Tom a été malade à Noël. Tom was ziek met Kerstmis. Tom was ziek met Kerstmis. >>eng<< Tom murió luchando con un canguro en Australia. Tom died fighting with a kangaroo in Australia. Tom died fighting a kangaroo in Australia. >>eng<< Il a dû manquer son train habituel. He must have missed his usual train. He must have missed his usual train. >>nld<< Nu pot să o fac. Ik kan dat niet doen. Dat kan ik niet doen. >>eng<< Dans peu de temps, une personne sur cinq possédera une voiture. It won't be long before one out of five people owns a car. In a short time, one in five people will own a car. >>eng<< Angela no es un ángel. Angela is not an angel. Angela is not an angel. >>deu<< La ville entière était endormie. Die ganze Stadt lag in tiefem Schlaf. Die ganze Stadt schlief. >>nld<< Chi è il tuo insegnante preferito? Wie is jouw favoriete leraar? Wie is je favoriete leraar? >>nld<< Cuanto más queso, más agujeros. Cuantos más agujeros, menos queso. Por lo tanto: cuanto más queso, menos queso. Hoe meer kaas, hoe meer gaten. Hoe meer gaten, hoe minder kaas. Waaruit volgt: hoe meer kaas, hoe minder kaas. Hoe meer kaas, hoe meer gaten. Hoe meer gaten, hoe minder kaas. Daarom: hoe meer kaas, hoe minder kaas. >>eng<< Volevo un fratello. I wanted a brother. I wanted a brother. >>deu<< Elles sont venues le lundi et sont reparties le jour suivant. Sie sind am Montag gekommen und am nächsten Tag wieder abgereist. Sie kamen am Montag und fuhren am nächsten Tag zurück. >>eng<< Mia moglie ha dei problemi a dormire. My wife has trouble sleeping. My wife has trouble sleeping. >>nld<< É muito chato. Het is erg vervelend. Het is erg saai. >>deu<< Siamo soddisfatti del risultato. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden. >>eng<< Solicitou a admisión no club de equitación. He applied for admission to the riding club. He applied for admission to the riding club. >>eng<< Tom s'est agenouillé. Tom knelt down. Tom knelt down. >>eng<< Eu sou parte da máfia do alfabeto. I take part of the alphabet mafia. I'm part of the alphabet mafia. >>eng<< Era molto rumoroso lì, e non ci sentivamo. It was very noisy there, and we did not hear each other. It was very noisy there, and we didn't feel it. >>eng<< Mark sta abusando di Jessica. Mark is abusing Jessica. Mark is abusing Jessica. >>eng<< Librum de Sinis scripsit. He wrote a book on China. The book of Sinis is written. >>eng<< Avem două frigidere în bucătărie. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. >>eng<< Evito manejar de noche si puedo. I avoid driving at night if I can. I avoid driving at night if I can. >>deu<< Tom è svenuto? Ist Tom ohnmächtig geworden? Ist Tom ohnmächtig geworden? >>nld<< ¿No crees que tiene muchos defectos? Denkt ge niet dat hij veel gebreken heeft? Denk je niet dat hij veel gebreken heeft? >>nld<< Tu changeais. Je bent veranderd. Je veranderde. >>eng<< Statio in media urbe est. The station is in the center of the city. It is located in the middle of the city. >>eng<< Le istruzioni erano tutte in cinese. The instructions were all in Chinese. The instructions were all in Chinese. >>eng<< Esta é a bicicleta de Tom. This is Tom's bicycle. This is Tom's bike. >>deu<< O senhor come arroz todos os dias? Essen Sie jeden Tag Reis? Essen Sie jeden Tag Reis? >>nld<< Vine al llit, Torronet. No, no encara. Encare he de traduir algunes frases a Tatoeba. "Liefste, kom naar bed." "Neen, nu nog niet. Ik moet nog enkele zinnen vertalen in Tatoeba." Kom naar bed, Torronet. Nee, nog niet. Ik moet nog wat zinnen vertalen naar Tatoeba. >>deu<< È schiattato ieri. Er ist gestern verreckt. Gestern wurde er verprügelt. >>eng<< C'erano alcuni ragazzi apertamente gay al liceo. There were some openly gay guys at high school. There were some openly gay kids in high school. >>eng<< Nous sommes déçus. We're disappointed. We are disappointed. >>deu<< Lui è il mio amico più interessante. Er ist mein interessantester Freund. Er ist mein interessanter Freund. >>eng<< Je vous ai désobéi. I disobeyed you. I disobeyed you. >>eng<< Holmes a ieşit din cameră fără să fie observat de nimeni. Holmes went out of the room without being noticed by anyone. Holmes walked out of the room undetected. >>nld<< Io sono nata a Hiroshima nel 1945. Ik ben in 1945 in Hiroshima geboren. Ik ben geboren in Hiroshima in 1945. >>eng<< Je croyais que tout s'était bien passé. I thought everything went well. I thought everything was going well. >>deu<< D'où vient Tom ? Wo kommt Tom her? Woher kommt Tom? >>deu<< La niña usaba listones rojos en su pelo. Das Mädchen trug gelbe Schleifen im Haar. Das Mädchen trug rote Latten auf ihren Haaren. >>deu<< O teatro é a atividade em que o homem reflexiona sobre si mesmo. Das Theater ist die tätige Reflexion des Menschen über sich selbst. Theater ist die Tätigkeit, in der der Mensch über sich selbst nachdenkt. >>nld<< Berlin est situé au bord de la rivière Spree. Berlijn ligt aan de oevers van de Spree. Berlijn ligt aan de rivier de Spree. >>eng<< Tom tentou ficar calmo. Tom tried to keep calm. Tom tried to stay calm. >>nld<< Am un prieten al cărui tată este profesor. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader leraar is. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader een leraar is. >>eng<< Sono interessati alla politica. They're interested in politics. They are interested in politics. >>eng<< Al mal temps, fer-li bona cara. What can't be cured must be endured. In bad weather, make a good face. >>nld<< Mañana hablaremos más acerca de tu matrimonio. We gaan morgen meer praten over jouw huwelijk. Morgen praten we meer over je huwelijk. >>eng<< Hic liber est tam parvus quam ille. This book is as small as that one. This book is as silly as it is. >>eng<< A fost un moment de tăcere. There was a moment of silence. It was a moment of silence. >>deu<< Io vengo dal Giappone. Ich komme aus Japan. Ich komme aus Japan. >>deu<< Tudo se perdeu. Alles ist weg. Alles ist verloren. >>eng<< A rua estava escura. The street was dark. The street was dark. >>deu<< Il dossier è stato inviato al Ministero. Die Akte wurde ans Ministerium geschickt. Das Dossier wurde an das Ministerium geschickt. >>eng<< Es un pedaso de medra. It's a piece of shit. He's a fuckin' grown-up. >>deu<< « Je viens tout de suite. » « Pas tout de suite, mais immédiatement ! » „Ich komme gleich.“ – „Nicht gleich, sondern sofort!“ „Ich komme sofort.“ „Nicht sofort, sondern sofort!“ >>eng<< Habesne tempus ad ientandum? Do you have time for breakfast? Do you have time to go out? >>deu<< O teu nome me soa familiar. Dein Name klingt mir vertraut. Dein Name kommt mir bekannt vor. >>nld<< Cette infirmière est très gentille et polie. Die verpleegster is heel vriendelijk en beleefd. Deze verpleegster is erg aardig en beleefd. >>deu<< Quiero ser como ella. Ich will wie sie sein. Ich will wie sie sein. >>eng<< Tenho de me apressar; o meu voo sai em uma hora. I have to hurry. My flight leaves in an hour. I have to hurry; my flight leaves in an hour. >>nld<< Ne lași un pic? Wilt u ons even alleen laten? Wil je ons even alleen laten? >>nld<< Je suis très occupée aujourd'hui. Ik ben vandaag heel druk bezig. Ik heb het erg druk vandaag. >>eng<< Existența este un concept fără sens. Existence is a meaningless concept. Existence is a meaningless concept. >>eng<< Eu gostei desta camisa listrada. I liked this striped shirt. I liked this striped shirt. >>nld<< Elle vend des fruits. Zij verkoopt fruit. Ze verkoopt fruit. >>nld<< Le monsieur est un économiste canadien. De heer is een Canadees econoom. Hij is een Canadese econoom. >>eng<< ¿Estabas aquí cuando le dispararon a Tom? Were you here when Tom got shot? Were you here when Tom was shot? >>eng<< El insulto es el mejor argumento de quienes no tienen argumentos. Insults are the best arguments for those without arguments. Insult is the best argument of those who have no argument. >>eng<< Tom sta indossando la sua uniforme. Tom is wearing his uniform. Tom's wearing his uniform. >>eng<< Ditegli che non l'ho letto. Tell him I didn't read it. Tell him I haven't read it. >>eng<< Quando nuptiae tuae sunt? When is your wedding? When are your weddings? >>deu<< Finito il lavoro, lui si lavò i denti e andò a letto. Als er mit der Arbeit fertig war, putze er sich die Zähne und ging zu Bett. Nach der Arbeit putzte er sich die Zähne und ging ins Bett. >>eng<< Quisiera decirte un par de cosas con respecto a lo que pasó ayer. I'd like to have a word with you about what happened yesterday. I'd like to tell you a couple of things about what happened yesterday. >>eng<< Riusciamo a sentire. We can hear. We can hear it. >>eng<< Isto é contra a lei. This is against the law. This is against the law. >>deu<< Je lui ai apporté de l'eau. Ich habe ihm etwas Wasser gebracht. Ich habe ihm Wasser gebracht. >>eng<< Je bois beaucoup de café. I drink a lot of coffee. I drink a lot of coffee. >>eng<< Au lieu de se reposer, il a travaillé encore plus dur que d'habitude. Instead of resting, he worked even harder than usual. Instead of resting, he worked even harder than usual. >>eng<< Ea a mers cu el la cinema. She went with him to the movies. She went with him to the cinema. >>eng<< Liberi mei animalia amant. My sons love animals. I am a free animal lover. >>eng<< Non giochi in quella stanza. Don't play in that room. You don't play in that room. >>deu<< Puis-je vous déranger un instant ? Darf ich Sie einen Augenblick stören? Darf ich Sie kurz stören? >>deu<< Cantar abre a porta para a alma. Singen öffnet das Tor zur Seele. Singen öffnet die Tür für die Seele. >>eng<< Rusia este o ghicitoare înfășurată într-un mister în interiorul unei enigme. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. >>eng<< Tom tinha várias fotos da Mary que o John havia lhe dado. Tom had several photos of Mary that John had given him. Tom had several pictures of Mary that John had given him. >>deu<< Crescendo, scopriamo che dire la verità non è sempre una buona idea. Während wir heranwachsen, entdecken wir, dass die Wahrheit zu sagen nicht immer eine gute Idee ist. Wenn wir älter werden, entdecken wir, dass es nicht immer eine gute Idee ist, die Wahrheit zu sagen. >>deu<< Tom necesita lentes nuevos. Tom braucht eine neue Brille. Tom braucht neue Brillen. >>deu<< Tom y Mary vieron cebras. Tom und Maria haben Zebras gesehen. Tom und Mary sahen Zebras. >>deu<< Marie est seule dans la capitale. Maria ist allein in der Hauptstadt. Maria ist allein in der Hauptstadt. >>eng<< Mi piaceva guardare le partite di calcio. I used to like watching football games. I loved watching football games. >>eng<< Pourquoi as-tu consulté le médecin à ce moment-là ? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why did you consult the doctor at that time? >>eng<< Je lui ai donné mon cœur entier. I gave her all my heart. I gave him my whole heart. >>eng<< É uma história triste. It's a sad story. It's a sad story. >>deu<< Le foglie cadono in autunno. Die Blätter fallen im Herbst. Die Blätter fallen im Herbst. >>nld<< El matrimonio no es algo que les interese a los jóvenes. Het huwelijk is niet iets waarvoor jongeren zich interesseren. Het huwelijk is niet iets wat jonge mensen interesseert. >>nld<< Vous voulez un reçu ? Bonnetje erbij? Wil je een bonnetje? >>deu<< Não há rosa sem espinhos. Es gibt keine stachellose Rose. Es gibt keine Rose ohne Dornen. >>nld<< Ce couple était fait l'un pour l'autre. Dat echtpaar is voor elkaar geschapen. Dit paar was gemaakt voor elkaar. >>eng<< ¿Registraste tu producto? Did you register your product? Have you registered your product? >>deu<< Il changea d'attitude brusquement. Mit einem Mal verhielt er sich ganz anders. Er änderte seine Haltung plötzlich. >>eng<< Non siamo le uniche qui che sanno il francese. We're not the only ones here who know French. We're not the only ones here who know French. >>deu<< Di che colore sono i tuoi capelli? Welche Haarfarbe hast du? Welche Farbe haben deine Haare? >>eng<< É uma borboleta ou uma mariposa? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is it a butterfly or a moth? >>nld<< J'ai pris l'autoroute 58. Ik ben over de A58 gegaan. Ik nam de snelweg 58. >>eng<< J'espère que nous pourrons nous arranger pour venir à ta fête. I hope we can make it to your party. I hope we can arrange to come to your party. >>eng<< Ubi sunt liber plumbumque? Where are the book and the pencil? Where is the free lead? >>eng<< Ziri verrà sfrattato. Ziri will be evicted. Ziri will be evicted. >>deu<< Por que vós haveríeis de fazer algo assim? Warum solltet ihr so etwas tun? Warum solltet ihr so etwas tun? >>eng<< Grand-mère nous a montré de vieilles photographies. Grandmother showed us old photographs. Grandma showed us old photographs. >>deu<< Él era el único hombre. Er war der einzige Mann. Er war der einzige Mann. >>eng<< Ell continuarà el negoci quan son pare es jubili. He will take over the business when his father retires. He will continue the business when his father retires. >>eng<< ¿De dónde lo conozco? Where do I know him from? How do I know him? >>eng<< Los bomberos trabajan con la esperanza de ayudar. The firefighters work hoping to help. Firefighters work in the hope of helping. >>eng<< Você está vendo uma rainha? Do you see a queen? Do you see a queen? >>eng<< Um bispo que está bloqueado por seus próprios peões e, portanto, tem pouca mobilidade é chamado de bispo mau. A bishop that is trapped by its own pawns and so has little mobility is called a bad-squared bishop. A bishop who is blocked by his own pawns and therefore has little mobility is called a bad bishop. >>deu<< Il a perdu toute combativité. Er hat jeglichen Kampfgeist verloren. Er hat alle Kampfbereitschaft verloren. >>eng<< Où la foire a-t-elle lieu ? Where does the fair take place? Where does the fair take place? >>eng<< O dr. Roscigno diz que o desenvolvimento de métodos de diagnóstico de doenças mais simples, fiáveis e económicos em países em desenvolvimento irá salvar milhões de vidas e ajudar as pessoas nestas nações a saírem da pobreza. Dr. Roscigno says the development of simpler, more reliable and more cost-effective methods of diagnosing diseases in developing countries will save millions of lives and help people in these nations move out of poverty. Dr. Roscigno says the development of simpler, more reliable and more economical methods of diagnosing diseases in developing countries will save millions of lives and help people in these nations get out of poverty. >>deu<< ¿Cómo tramitar la visa rusa si eres mexicano? Wie kann man als Mexikaner ein russisches Visum beantragen? Wie bekomme ich ein russisches Visum, wenn ich Mexikaner bin? >>eng<< La mamma sta dormendo. Mom's asleep. Mommy's asleep. >>eng<< La réaction de William a étonné Sandra. William's reaction stunned Sandra. William's reaction astonished Sandra. >>nld<< Il commercio aiuta la nostra economia. Handel helpt onze economie. Handel helpt onze economie. >>eng<< A Tom piace imparare il francese. Tom likes learning French. Tom likes to learn French. >>eng<< O território é o conjunto de interseções que um jogador conseguiu cercar com suas pedras de tal forma que ele se tornou inexpugnável. A territory is the set of intersections that a player has managed to encircle with his stones in such a way that it has become impregnable. Territory is the set of intersections that a player managed to surround with his stones in such a way that he became impregnable. >>eng<< Je suis debout sur un pont. I'm standing on a bridge. I'm standing on a bridge. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que comiste langostinos? When was the last time you ate shrimps? When was the last time you ate prawns? >>eng<< El ser humano no puede vivir sólo de amor y agua dulce. Human beings can't live off only love and sweet water. Man cannot live only on love and fresh water. >>deu<< Se corta el pelo una vez por mes. Er lässt sein Haar einmal im Monat schneiden. Die Haare werden einmal im Monat geschnitten. >>eng<< Sono andato ad un ristorante. I went to a restaurant. I went to a restaurant. >>nld<< Me fracturé un brazo. Ik heb een arm gebroken. Ik heb m'n arm gebroken. >>deu<< L'alcool est un remède pour ceux qui ont peur du plaisir conscient. Alkohol ist eine Abhilfe für diejenigen, die Angst vor dem bewussten Vergnügen haben. Alkohol ist ein Heilmittel für diejenigen, die Angst vor bewusstem Vergnügen haben. >>deu<< Solo lui ha letto questa lettera. Nur er hat diesen Brief gelesen. Nur er hat diesen Brief gelesen. >>nld<< J'ai acheté du shampooing et du dentifrice. Ik heb shampoo en tandpasta gekocht. Ik heb shampoo en tandpasta gekocht. >>deu<< Attendez d'entendre ce qui est arrivé aujourd'hui ! Warten Sie, bis Sie gehört haben, was heute passiert ist! Warten Sie, bis Sie hören, was heute passiert ist! >>deu<< É verdade que vais estudar para Londres? Ist es wirklich wahr, dass du in London studieren wirst? Ist es wahr, dass du nach London gehst? >>eng<< L'adresse qu'ils avaient écrite était fausse. The address they had written was wrong. The address they had written was false. >>deu<< Pronti per novembre? Bereit für November? Bereit für November? >>deu<< Juan y yo vimos un león ayer. Joe und ich haben gestern einen Löwen gesehen. John und ich haben gestern einen Löwen gesehen. >>eng<< Torni qui! Get back here! Come back here! >>eng<< Ela olhou para ele furiosamente. She looked at him angrily. She looked at him furiously. >>eng<< Ouvirei a menina. I shall hear the girl. I'll hear the girl. >>deu<< Junte o tofu e deixe dourar. Fügen Sie den Tofu hinzu und lassen Sie ihn anbraten. Fügen Sie den Tofu hinzu und lassen Sie ihn goldbraun werden. >>eng<< Si te gusta hablar con tomates, tenemos un psiquiátrico para ti. If you like to talk to tomatoes, have we got a psychiatric hospital for you. If you like to talk to tomatoes, we have a psychiatrist for you. >>eng<< Ho detto che l'avrei preso. I said I'd get it. I said I'd take it. >>eng<< "Cosa c'è per dessert oggi?" "Semolino. È quello che voleva il nonno." "What's for afters today?" "Semolina. Grandad wanted it." "What's for dessert today?" "Semolino. That's what Grandpa wanted." >>deu<< Où est le pilori, je vous prie ? Wo bitte schön geht’s zum Pranger? Wo ist die Pille, bitte? >>eng<< Ne parle à personne. Do not talk to anybody. Don't talk to anyone. >>deu<< Perché siete state sospese? Warum seid ihr suspendiert worden? Warum wurdet ihr suspendiert? >>eng<< ¿Cómo ajusto el volumen? How do I fix the volume? How do I adjust the volume? >>eng<< Toki Pona usa letras maiúsculas apenas para nomes. Toki Pona uses capital letters only for names. Toki Pona uses capital letters only for names. >>deu<< Não foi exatamente isso o que eu disse. Das ist nicht genau das, was ich gesagt habe. Das ist nicht genau das, was ich gesagt habe. >>eng<< Nihil habeo dicere. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say. >>deu<< Vous ne lisez pas de livres ? Lest ihr keine Bücher? Sie lesen keine Bücher? >>eng<< Lui era un cantante eccellente. Tom was an excellent singer. He was an excellent singer. >>eng<< Quando vires um bom lance, procura um melhor ainda! When you see a good move, look for a better one! When you see a good move, look for an even better one! >>eng<< Pelé fue el mejor futbolista de todos los tiempos. Pelé was the best soccer player of all time. Pelé was the best footballer of all time. >>eng<< El niño juntó un puñado de maníes y los metió en una cajita. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a box. >>eng<< Nu vorbesc japoneza. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. >>nld<< Me prometió que ordenaría mi cuarto. Ze beloofde me dat ze mijn kamer op zou ruimen. Hij beloofde dat hij mijn kamer zou opruimen. >>eng<< Vorrei non avervi mai conosciute. I wish I'd never met you. I wish I'd never met you. >>eng<< La fursona de Tom es una zorra llamada Neon. Tom's fursona is a vixen named Neon. Tom's fursona is a slut named Neon. >>deu<< Pourquoi cela devrait-il être agréable ? Wieso soll das vergnüglich sein? Warum sollte das angenehm sein? >>deu<< Hola, ¿eres Tomás? Hallo, bist du Tom? Hallo, bist du Tom? >>deu<< Io non voglio vederlo. Ich will ihn nicht sehen. Ich will ihn nicht sehen. >>eng<< Prendete entrambi. Take both. Take both. >>deu<< Tinha eu 84 anos de idade quando sonhei com um amor efêmero. 84-jährig, träumte ich von einer flüchtigen Liebe. Ich war 84 Jahre alt, als ich von einer vergänglichen Liebe träumte. >>eng<< Teniludio libenter ludit. He enjoys playing tennis. I like to play tennis. >>eng<< Pensi che una contadina che vive una vita più organica della tua in un paese abbandonato, mentre usa sterco di vacca per accendere il fuoco, sia in un certo senso più ricca di te? Do you think a peasant girl living a more organic life than you in a forsaken country, as she uses cow dung to make fire, is in a way richer than you? Do you think that a peasant who lives a more organic life than you do in an abandoned country, while using cow dung to light the fire, is somehow richer than you? >>eng<< Ho molte responsabilità che gravano sulle mie spalle. I have many responsibilities resting on my shoulders. I have many responsibilities on my shoulders. >>deu<< Ella está justo detrás tuyo. Sie ist gleich hinter dir. Sie ist direkt hinter dir. >>eng<< De quelle école quelqu'un est issu, ne joue absolument aucun rôle. What school a person graduated from counts for nothing. What school someone comes from, plays absolutely no role. >>eng<< Nu există nici un fel de problemă. There's no problem whatsoever. There's no problem whatsoever. >>eng<< Avec l'électricité, nous avons de l'eau chaude. With electricity, we have hot water. With electricity, we have hot water. >>deu<< Un bon résultat a pu être obtenu avec cette planification du personnel. Mit dieser Personalplanung konnte ein gutes Ergebnis erzielt werden. Mit dieser Personalplanung konnte ein gutes Ergebnis erzielt werden. >>eng<< La pluie ne montre aucun signe de répit. The rain shows no sign of stopping. The rain shows no sign of respite. >>deu<< ¡Sea blanco o negro, un gato que caza ratones es un buen gato! Ob weiß oder schwarz, eine Katze, die Mäuse jagt, ist eine gute Katze. Ob weiß oder schwarz, eine Katze, die Mäuse jagt, ist eine gute Katze! >>eng<< Sono molto alta. I'm very tall. I'm very tall. >>nld<< Sono ancora da sola. Ik ben altijd nog alleen. Ik ben nog steeds alleen. >>deu<< Quem está feliz não tem necessidades. Sobald der Mensch glücklich ist, hat er keine Bedürfnisse mehr. Wer glücklich ist, hat keine Bedürfnisse. >>eng<< Sunt destul de sigur că Tom locuiește acum în Boston. I'm pretty sure that Tom now lives in Boston. I'm pretty sure Tom now lives in Boston. >>nld<< Je ne veux plus en parler. Ik wil er niet meer over praten. Ik wil er niet meer over praten. >>eng<< Jugamos como nunca, perdimos como siempre. We played like we never played before, and we lost like always. We played like never before, we lost like always. >>nld<< Secondo me lui ha ragione. Volgens mij heeft hij gelijk. Ik denk dat hij gelijk heeft. >>eng<< AlphaZero é um jogador de xadrez que desenvolveu seu estilo criativo apenas jogando contra si mesmo. AlphaZero is a chess player that developed its creative style solely by playing games against itself. AlphaZero is a chess player who developed his creative style just by playing against himself. >>eng<< Ha passato metà della sua vita in galera. He spent half his life in prison. He spent half of his life in jail. >>eng<< Avete ricevuto il suo invito? Did you receive her invitation? Did you get his invitation? >>nld<< Es navidad. Het is Kerstmis. Het is Kerstmis. >>eng<< Onde esta Kabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where's Kabilia? >>deu<< Borboleta é uma palavra muito bonita. Schmetterling ist ein sehr schönes Wort. Schmetterling ist ein sehr schönes Wort. >>deu<< Tom não é tão jovem como eu. Tom ist nicht so jung wie ich. Tom ist nicht so jung wie ich. >>deu<< Tom entrò nella stanza nervosamente. Tom betrat nervös den Raum. Tom kam nervös in den Raum. >>deu<< È troppo grasso per correre veloce. Er ist zu dick, um schnell zu laufen. Es ist zu fett, um schnell zu laufen. >>deu<< Ela está fazendo a janta. Sie macht Abendbrot. Sie macht das Abendessen. >>eng<< Tom non gioca lealmente. Tom doesn't play fair. Tom doesn't play fair. >>eng<< O seu pacote será enviado amanhã. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Your package will be shipped tomorrow. >>deu<< L’année 2022 est trop proche. Das Jahr 2022 ist zu nah. Das Jahr 2022 ist zu nah. >>eng<< "Deus reducat illum." "Ita precor." "God speed his return." "So I pray." "God has reduced the light." "That's precedence." >>deu<< Si vous n'y allez pas, moi non plus. Wenn ihr nicht geht, gehe ich auch nicht. Wenn Sie nicht gehen, ich auch nicht. >>eng<< ¿Trataste de reiniciar la computadora? Did you try restarting your computer? Did you try to restart the computer? >>eng<< Lasciatela qui! Leave it here! Leave her here! >>eng<< Quella era una storia molto triste. That was a very sad story. That was a very sad story. >>deu<< Rêvez-vous aussi d'être allongé au soleil, là où les pommiers fleurissent ? Träumen Sie auch davon, in der Sonne zu liegen, da, wo die Apfelbäume blühen? Träumen Sie auch davon, in der Sonne zu liegen, wo die Apfelbäume blühen? >>nld<< Je recherche une veste à ma taille. Ik zoek een jas in mijn maat. Ik ben op zoek naar een jas van mijn maat. >>eng<< Talvez possamos fazer isso. We may be able to do that. Maybe we can do that. >>deu<< Ania es nativa de Cracovia. Ania ist gebürtige Krakauerin. Ania stammt aus Krakau. >>eng<< Vocês estão mesmo me ouvindo? Are you even listening to me? Are you really listening to me? >>eng<< Che ne pensate del Giappone? What do you think about Japan? What do you think of Japan? >>deu<< Você não tem dinheiro para uma bicicleta nova. Jack kann sich kein neues Fahrrad leisten. Sie haben kein Geld für ein neues Fahrrad. >>deu<< No tenemos mucha nieve aquí, ni siquiera en invierno. Wir haben nicht einmal im Winter viel Schnee hier. Wir haben nicht viel Schnee hier, auch nicht im Winter. >>eng<< Spero vos bene dormivisse. I hope you slept well. I hope you sleep well. >>nld<< Yo vivo en Kobe. Ik woon in Kobe. Ik woon in Kobe. >>nld<< ¿Cuánto te debo? Hoeveel ben ik je verschuldigd? Hoeveel ben ik je schuldig? >>deu<< È l'unica persona che conosco a Boston. Sie sind die einzige Person, die ich in Boston kenne. Sie ist die einzige Person, die ich in Boston kenne. >>eng<< Quis digitabula non gerit? Who's not wearing gloves? Who doesn’t have a doctor? >>eng<< Parlez-moi de vos parents. Tell me about your parents. Tell me about your parents. >>eng<< Moi non plus. Neither do I. I didn't either. >>deu<< O livro diz que os incas foram grandes arquitetos. Das Buch sagt, dass die Inkas große Architekten waren. Das Buch sagt, dass die Inkas große Architekten waren. >>eng<< Hoje eu não venho. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. >>deu<< A razão de duas pessoas ultrapassa a de uma só. Der Verstand von zwei Personen übertrifft den von einer. Das Verhältnis von zwei Personen übertrifft das von einem. >>eng<< Mon surnom est « Itch ». My nickname is "Itch." My nickname is “Itch.” >>deu<< Hai della protezione solare? Hast du ein Sonnenschutzmittel? Hast du Sonnenschutz? >>eng<< Tom ha perso molte lezioni. Tom missed a lot of classes. Tom missed a lot of lessons. >>deu<< Combien de façons y a-t-il de faire cela ? Wie viele Möglichkeiten gibt es, das zu tun? Wie viele Möglichkeiten gibt es, dies zu tun? >>eng<< Ho soltanto una lezione oggi. I've only got one lesson today. I only have one lesson today. >>eng<< Será que Tom ainda se lembra de mim? I wonder if Tom still remembers me. Does Tom still remember me? >>deu<< Très peu de gens ont été invités pour célébrer l'anniversaire du couple. Sehr wenige Menschen wurden eingeladen, das Jubiläum des Paares zu feiern. Sehr wenige Menschen wurden eingeladen, den Geburtstag des Paares zu feiern. >>eng<< Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you really think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? >>eng<< Ils nous ont menotté. They put handcuffs on us. They handcuffed us. >>deu<< Je peux faire plus. Ich kann mehr machen. Ich kann mehr tun. >>eng<< Você está falando do Tom de novo, não está? You're talking about Tom again, aren't you? You're talking about Tom again, aren't you? >>nld<< Ne remettez pas ces affaires à plus tard ! Stel deze dingen niet tot later uit! Stel deze zaken niet uit. >>eng<< Funcionários do Pentágono dizem que um programa multimilionário de renovação para tornar à prova de bombas o famoso edifício com cinco lados minimizou os danos e o número de vítimas do ataque terrorista desta semana. Pentagon officials say a multi-million-dollar bomb-proofing renovation program at the famous five-sided building minimized the damage and the casualty toll from this week's terrorist attack. Pentagon officials say a multimillion-dollar renovation program to make the famous five-sided building bomb-proof has minimized the damage and casualties of this week’s terror attack. >>eng<< Acest când mă face să mă gândesc la când eram tânăr. This song makes me think of when I was young. This makes me think about when I was young. >>eng<< Vremea s-a făcut rece. The weather got cold. The weather was cold. >>deu<< In generale, si sa poco di equazioni differenziali non lineari del secondo ordine. Im Allgemeinen weiß man wenig über nicht lineare Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung. Im Allgemeinen ist wenig über nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen der zweiten Ordnung bekannt. >>eng<< Avete mai visto un tasso? Have you ever seen a badger? Have you ever seen a badger? >>eng<< Ce n'est guère le cas. It's hardly the case. That's hardly the case. >>eng<< Ce n'était pas à propos de toi. It wasn't about you. It wasn't about you. >>eng<< Estou certo de que você virá à reunião. I take for granted that you will be coming to the meeting. I'm sure you'll come to the meeting. >>deu<< Je crois que Tom s'est enrhumé hier en nageant. Ich glaube,Tom hat sich gestern beim Schwimmen erkältet. Ich glaube, Tom hat sich gestern beim Schwimmen erkältet. >>deu<< Tutti ballano. Alle tanzen. Alle tanzen. >>eng<< Recebi notícias sobre o Tom. I've received news about Tom. I got news about Tom. >>deu<< Abbiamo due bambine. Wir haben zwei Kinder. Wir haben zwei Mädchen. >>eng<< Les enfants dépendent de leurs parents. Children depend on their parents. Children depend on their parents. >>deu<< Les pneus ont crissé. Die Reifen quietschten. Die Reifen knirschten. >>deu<< Je ne sais toujours pas de quoi il s'agit exactement. Ich weiß trotzdem nicht, was genau gemeint ist. Ich weiß immer noch nicht, worum es genau geht. >>deu<< Marie passe une bonne journée. Maria hat einen guten Tag. Maria hat einen schönen Tag. >>eng<< Eu realmente gosto de ópera. I really like opera. I really like opera. >>nld<< Maciek murió en diciembre. Maciek overleed in december. Maciek overleed in december. >>eng<< Trebuie să mă bărbieresc. I need to get a shave. I have to shave. >>deu<< Você experimentou o arroz? Hast du den Reis probiert? Hast du Reis probiert? >>nld<< Je veux que vous restiez en Australie au moins jusqu'à Noël. Ik wil dat jullie ten minste tot Kerstmis in Australië blijven. Ik wil dat je tenminste tot Kerstmis in Australië blijft. >>eng<< Ayuda a Tom. Help Tom. Help Tom. >>eng<< ¡Me acaban de ascender! I just got promoted! I've just been promoted! >>eng<< Ela quase foi atropelada por um carro. She was almost run over by a car. She almost got hit by a car. >>eng<< Nous avons été pleinement satisfaits. We were fully satisfied. We were fully satisfied. >>deu<< Eu te desejo bom sucesso. Ich wünsch dir gutes Gelingen. Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg. >>eng<< Mi madre está preparando el desayuno. Mother is getting breakfast ready. My mom's making breakfast. >>deu<< Isso faz-se notar? Merkt man es? Ist das zu bemerken? >>eng<< Isso é ridículo. This is ridiculous! That's ridiculous. >>deu<< La ville était recouverte de neige. Die Stadt wurde von Schnee bedeckt. Die Stadt war mit Schnee bedeckt. >>eng<< Aunque nos espere el dolor y la muerte, contra el enemigo nos manda el deber. Though pain and death await us, duty sends us against the enemy. Though pain and death await us, the enemy commands us to do our duty. >>eng<< Por que não começarmos pelo início? Why don't we start at the beginning? Why don't we start at the beginning? >>eng<< Comment pouvez-vous l'entendre ? How can you hear him? How can you hear him? >>deu<< Quelles sont les heures de visite ? Wie sind die Besuchszeiten? Wie sind die Besuchszeiten? >>eng<< Sei bellissima, anche con i capelli arruffati. You look beautiful, even with ruffled hair. You're beautiful, even with ragged hair. >>eng<< Concentre-toi sur le présent ! Concentrate on the present! Focus on the present! >>eng<< Veja a sétima linha de baixo para cima da página 34. Look at the seventh line from the bottom on page 34. See the seventh line from bottom to top on page 34. >>eng<< Quibus expletis, eadem die egressus est omnis exercitus Domini de terra Aegypti. Which being expired, the same day all the army of the Lord went forth out of the land of Egypt. And it came to pass at the end of the days, that on that day all the host of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt. >>eng<< Quid putas me fecisse? What do you think I've been doing? What the fuck are you doing to me? >>eng<< Tom așteaptă să te ia acasă. Tom is waiting to take you home. Tom's waiting to take you home. >>eng<< No se le puede enseñar nuevos trucos a un perro viejo. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. >>eng<< Você compraria um carro que borrifasse aromas relaxantes enquanto você está preso no trânsito da hora de ponta? Would you buy a car that sprayed soothing aromas when you are stuck in rush-hour traffic? Would you buy a car that sprays relaxing scents while you’re stuck in rush hour traffic? >>eng<< Sono disteso di lato. I'm lying sideways. I'm lying on my side. >>eng<< Me plaze ambezar linguas. I like learning languages. I like to learn languages. >>eng<< Ens assegurarem que ningú s'estiga aprofitant del poble americà per al seu propi interès a curt termini. We're gonna make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain. We will ensure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term interests. >>eng<< Tutti i treni del paese sono gratis per te. All trains running in this country are free for you to use. All trains in the country are free for you. >>eng<< Nadie lo diría así. No one would say it that way. No one would say it that way. >>eng<< Non est tibi loquendum. You're not supposed to talk. You are not talking. >>deu<< No me interesa el arte moderno. Moderne Kunst interessiert mich nicht. Ich interessiere mich nicht für moderne Kunst. >>eng<< Cine este femeia aceea? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? >>eng<< Tom se rió de todos los chistes de Mary. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. >>eng<< In toto corde tuo honora patrem tuum, et gemitus matris tuae ne obliviscaris: memento quoniam nisi per illos natus non fuisses; et retribue illis, quomodo et illi tibi. Honor your father with all your heart, and do not forget your mother's labor pains. Remember that by them you were begotten, and try to repay them for what you have received from them. Honor your father with all your heart, and do not forget your mother’s groaning. Remember that you were not born through them, and repay them as he was born to you. ” >>eng<< Sur le livre il y a une orange. On the book there is an orange. In the book there is an orange. >>eng<< Tu sais que ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. You know that wasn't what I meant. You know that's not what I meant. >>eng<< Pronepotes mei bilingues sunt. My great-grandchildren are bilingual. My grandchildren are bilingual. >>eng<< Deverém ganhar. We ought to win. You should win. >>eng<< Ad tabernam ibimus. We are going to the shop. I went to the Tabernacle. >>eng<< Linguam Gallicam discere volo. I want to learn French. I have a French language to learn. >>eng<< È veramente fuori forma, vero? He's really out of shape, isn't he? You're really out of shape, aren't you? >>nld<< Non abbiamo un Corano qua. We hebben hier geen koran. We hebben hier geen Koran. >>eng<< Mi amigo suele ayudar a mi hijo con sus estudios. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. >>deu<< Il visa l'oiseau. Er zielte auf den Vogel. Er zielte auf den Vogel. >>eng<< Como exemplo, Ross disse que apenas uma empresa nos EUA produz agora uma liga de alumínio de alta qualidade necessária em aeronaves militares. As an example, Ross said only one U.S. company now produces a high-quality aluminum alloy needed for military aircraft. As an example, Ross said that only one company in the U.S. now produces a high-quality aluminum alloy needed in military aircraft. >>eng<< Non è quello che ho promesso di fare. That isn't what I promised to do. That's not what I promised to do. >>nld<< Me gusta caminar por la naturaleza. Ik wandel graag in de natuur. Ik hou van wandelen in de natuur. >>eng<< Si le digo que no hay problema, es que no hay problema. If I say there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong. If I tell you there's no problem, there's no problem. >>eng<< La maggior parte di queste mele sono marce. Most of these apples are rotten. Most of these apples are rotten. >>eng<< Sarò uno studente a settembre. I'll be a student in September. I'll be a student in September. >>eng<< Me duele mi estómago. I have a stomach ache. My stomach hurts. >>eng<< Nimis bibimus. We drink too much. Not a bib. >>eng<< As vacas comem capim. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. >>eng<< Ça fait un bail ! It's been ages! It's been a while. >>eng<< Veuillez patienter quelques minutes. Please wait a few minutes. Please wait a few minutes. >>deu<< Todos estaban felices. Alle waren glücklich. Alle waren glücklich. >>eng<< A operação chama-se ablação por cateter, porque é queimada uma pequena quantidade de músculo cardíaco. The procedure is called catheter ablation because it burns off a small amount of heart muscle. The operation is called catheter ablation because a small amount of heart muscle is burned. >>eng<< Mary est la plus jolie des deux. Mary is the prettier of the two. Mary is the prettiest of the two. >>eng<< Arrivi qui presto. Get here early. Arrive here early. >>eng<< Les arbres perdent rapidement leurs feuilles. Trees lose their leaves quickly. Trees quickly lose their leaves. >>nld<< Mes amis sont compréhensifs. Mijn vrienden zijn begripvol. Mijn vrienden zijn begripvol. >>eng<< Puedo ver a Tom. I can see Tom. I can see Tom. >>eng<< Etiam nos te adjuvabimus. Yes, we will help you. We will help you. >>eng<< No quiero insultar a Tom. I don't want to insult Tom. I don't want to insult Tom. >>nld<< O que é a vida sem o brilho do amor? Wat is het leven zonder de glans van de liefde? Wat is het leven zonder de glans van de liefde? >>eng<< J’ai rêvé d’avoir gagné la course. I dreamed of having won the race. I dreamed of winning the race. >>nld<< Il y a une bouteille dans le frigo. Er ligt een fles in de koelkast. Er zit een fles in de koelkast. >>eng<< Metta se stessa per prima. Put yourself first. Put yourself first. >>eng<< Purtroppo non è un fotomontaggio! Sadly, it's not a photomontage! Unfortunately, it is not a photomontage! >>deu<< Il l'a implorée de revenir. Er flehte sie an zurückzukommen. Er flehte sie an, zurückzukehren. >>nld<< J'ai commandé deux hamburgers. Ik heb twee hamburgers besteld. Ik heb twee hamburgers besteld. >>eng<< Um crescendo de fogo de artifício no National Mall marcará o momento. A crescendo of fireworks on the National Mall will herald the moment. A firework crescendo at the National Mall will mark the moment. >>deu<< Grazie per la tua spiegazione. Danke für deine Erklärung. Vielen Dank für Ihre Erklärung. >>eng<< La lucha tiene lugar solo en las diagonales oscuras. The fight takes place only on the dark diagonals. The fight takes place only on the dark diagonals. >>eng<< Precor ut hic dies tibi candidus illuxerit. Have a wonderful day. I’m going to try to get you out of this candidacy. >>eng<< Pourquoi es-tu ici ? What are you here for? Why are you here? >>eng<< Toate viitoarele întâlniri vor fi ținute în această cameră. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. >>eng<< ¿Cuál os gustaría ver primero? What would you like to see first? Which would you like to see first? >>deu<< Ken és un futbolista. Ken ist ein Fußballer. Ken ist ein Fußballer. >>eng<< Io vorrei essere a Boston. I wish I were in Boston. I wish I was in Boston. >>deu<< Loro erano nascosti. Sie waren versteckt. Sie waren versteckt. >>eng<< Paula dijo que no vendría porque había quedado con su novio, pero era mentira. Paula said she wouldn't come because she was meeting up with her boyfriend, but that was a lie. Paula said she would not come because she had stayed with her boyfriend, but it was a lie. >>eng<< Há quatro quartos na minha casa. There are four bedrooms in my house. There are four bedrooms in my house. >>nld<< De unde au venit aceste persoane? Van waar zijn die mensen gekomen? Waar komen deze mensen vandaan? >>eng<< Penso que temos de esperar um pouco mais. I think we have to wait a little more. I think we have to wait a little longer. >>eng<< Yo rápidamente río ante cualquier cosa, por miedo de tener que llorar. I quickly laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. I quickly laugh at anything, for fear of having to cry. >>nld<< Tom est naïf, n'est-ce pas? Tom is naïef, nietwaar? Tom is naïef, h<0xC3><0xA8>? >>nld<< Tom est déjà rentré à la maison. Tom is al thuis. Tom is al thuis. >>eng<< Qualcuno ha fame? Is anyone hungry? Is anyone hungry? >>nld<< Il poliziotto deve dire "è la legge". De politieagent moet zeggen "Zo luidt de wet." De politie moet zeggen: "Het is de wet." >>eng<< Cet endroit existe-t-il vraiment ? Does that place even exist? Does this place really exist? >>eng<< Pauciores mihi sunt quam tibi. I have fewer of these than you. I am more calm than you. >>deu<< Este livro está escrito em um inglês tão fácil, que mesmo um iniciante pode compreendê-lo. Das Buch ist in so leichtem Englisch geschrieben, das es sogar Anfänger verstehen können. Dieses Buch ist so einfach in Englisch geschrieben, dass selbst ein Anfänger es verstehen kann. >>eng<< Tom era un perro como cualquiera. Tom was an average dog. Tom was a dog like any other. >>deu<< Ubi latrina est? Wo ist die Toilette? Wo ist die Latrine? >>nld<< J'ai rencontré Christine hier. Gisteren heb ik Christine ontmoet. Ik heb Christine gisteren ontmoet. >>deu<< La méduse à crinière de lion m'a paralysé les muscles, provoquant une sensation de chaleur insupportable. Die Feuerqualle lähmte meine Muskeln und verursachte das Gefühl einer unerträglichen Hitze. Die Löwenmähne Qualle lähmte meine Muskeln und verursachte ein unerträgliches Hitzegefühl. >>nld<< ¿Tienes este nuevo libro? Heb je dit nieuw boek? Heb je dit nieuwe boek? >>nld<< Bogdan a spus că va fi acolo mâine. Bogdan heeft gezegd dat hij daar morgen zal zijn. Bogdan zei dat hij er morgen zou zijn. >>eng<< Robert avait l'air miteux. Robert looked shabby. Robert looked mean. >>deu<< Eu sei quando você nasceu. Ich weiß, wann du geboren wurdest. Ich weiß, wann du geboren wurdest. >>eng<< Malheureusement, le téléphone était en panne. Unfortunately, the telephone was out of order. Unfortunately, the phone was broken. >>eng<< Io proverò quello. I'll try that. I'll try that. >>eng<< Hoc valde facile est. This is very easy. This is very easy. >>deu<< Ça pue. Da schwant einem Übles. Es stinkt. >>eng<< Questa è una città moderna. This is a modern city. This is a modern city. >>eng<< Ceci n'est pas pour vous. This is not for you. This isn't for you. >>eng<< Comúnmente se dice que las mujeres viven más que los hombres. They usually say that women live longer than men. It is commonly said that women live longer than men. >>deu<< Io non sono pigro. Ich bin nicht faul. Ich bin nicht faul. >>eng<< Lo abbiamo ripetuto. We repeated that. We've said it again. >>eng<< Je m'en sortirai, si j'ai un endroit où dormir. I'll get by if I have a place to sleep. I'll get away with it if I have a place to sleep. >>eng<< Tom était encore ivre quand je l'ai vu ce matin. Tom was still drunk when I saw him this morning. Tom was still drunk when I saw him this morning. >>deu<< Ella és d'origen francès. Sie ist von französischer Herkunft. Sie ist französischer Abstammung. >>nld<< J’ai appris à vivre sans elle. Ik heb geleerd te leven zonder haar. Ik heb geleerd om zonder haar te leven. >>deu<< Să începem cu lecția trei. Beginnen wir mit Lektion 3. Beginnen wir mit Lektion drei. >>nld<< Io preferisco fare una doccia di mattina. Ik douche liever 's morgens. Ik neem liever 's ochtends een douche. >>deu<< Je raconte à ma fille une histoire pour l'endormir. Ich erzählte meiner Tochter eine Gutenachtgeschichte. Ich erzähle meiner Tochter eine Geschichte, um sie einzuschlafen. >>eng<< S'es botat lo cap defòra de la finèstra. She put her head out of the window. The head was thrown out of the window. >>deu<< Questo è mio fratello. Das ist mein Bruder. Das ist mein Bruder. >>eng<< Esa casa é grande. That house is big. This house is big. >>nld<< Onde estão as duchas ? Waar zijn de douches? Waar zijn de douches? >>eng<< Cambia il tuo avatar. Change your avatar. Change your avatar. >>eng<< Il est difficile de trouver un flipper entièrement mécanique. De nos jours, ils sont tous électroniques. It's hard to find a totally mechanical pinball machine. These days, they're all electronic. It is difficult to find a fully mechanical pinball player. Nowadays, they are all electronic. >>eng<< Tres de los amigos de Tom fueron a la fiesta de María. Three of Tom's friends went to Mary's party. Three of Tom's friends went to Mary's party. >>eng<< Hic culter acerrimus est. This knife is very sharp. This is a cult acronym. >>eng<< A romã também é um símbolo de saúde, fertilidade e longa vida. The pomegranate is also a symbol of health, fertility, and long life. Pomegranate is also a symbol of health, fertility and long life. >>eng<< Você nunca fez isso antes, não é? You've never done that before, have you? You've never done this before, have you? >>eng<< Puedo venderte esto si quieres. I can sell this for you if you want me to. I can sell you this if you want. >>nld<< Ya es de día; la larga noche ha pasado. Het is al dag; de lange nacht is voorbij. Het is al dag; de lange nacht is voorbij. >>nld<< Oublie ça. Vergeet dat. Vergeet het maar. >>deu<< Tout est blanc dehors. Draußen ist alles weiß. Draußen ist alles weiß. >>deu<< Mi regalò un bouquet di fiori. Er überreichte mir einen Blumenstrauß. Er schenkte mir einen Blumenstrauß. >>eng<< Outrora renomado na Ásia pela sua durabilidade e versatilidade, o papel tradicional coreano, chamado hanji, é agora produzido em apenas um punhado de fábricas de papel rurais. Once renowned in Asia for its durability and versatility, traditional Korean paper called Hanji is now produced only in a handful of rural paper mills. Once renowned in Asia for its durability and versatility, traditional Korean paper, called hanji, is now produced in just a handful of rural paper mills. >>nld<< J'aime votre collier. Ik hou van uw halsketting. Ik hou van je ketting. >>deu<< קי איס אונה פאלאבﬞרה? Was ist ein Wort? <0xD7><0xA7><0xD7><0x99> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0xA0><0xD7><0x94> <0xD7><0xA4><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x9C><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x91><0xEF><0xAC><0x9E><0xD7><0xA8><0xD7><0x94>? >>deu<< Ele tem uma voz alta. Er hat eine laute Stimme. Er hat eine laute Stimme. >>nld<< Todos os seus segredos foram revelados. Al hun geheimen werden onthuld. Al zijn geheimen zijn onthuld. >>eng<< Penso che Tom sia creativo. I think Tom is artistic. I think Tom is creative. >>eng<< Vedrai il film? Will you see the movie? Will you see the movie? >>deu<< Si je voulais, je pourrais, mais je ne veux pas. Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich, aber ich will nicht. Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich, aber ich will nicht. >>eng<< Questo è più economico di quello. This one is cheaper than that one. This is cheaper than that. >>eng<< Quiero dejar mi auto ahí. I want to keep my car there. I want to leave my car there. >>eng<< ¡Qué plan malvado este! What an evil plan this is! What an evil plan this is! >>nld<< Elles noircissaient. Ze werden zwart. Ze werden zwart. >>deu<< Qui a cassé la fenêtre hier ? Wer hat das Fenster gestern kaputt gemacht? Wer hat gestern das Fenster kaputt gemacht? >>eng<< Elle est fière de sa fille. She takes pride in her daughter. She is proud of her daughter. >>eng<< Compré una nueva cámara digital. I bought a new digital camera. I bought a new digital camera. >>nld<< Não tenho nenhuma cárie. Ik heb geen enkel gaatje. Ik heb geen cariës. >>deu<< Posso usar teu lápis? Darf ich deinen Bleistift benutzen? Kann ich deinen Bleistift benutzen? >>eng<< Je ne vous ai pas demandé de le faire. I didn't ask you to do that. I didn't ask you to do that. >>deu<< Ai mâncat usturoi? Hast du Knoblauch gegessen? Hast du Knoblauch gegessen? >>eng<< Quis magister tuus est? Who's your teacher? Who is your teacher? >>eng<< Cu ce echipă ții? What team do you support? What team do you have? >>deu<< Passamos por colinas verdejantes que brilhavam à luz dos primeiros raios de sol. Wir zogen vorüber an grünenden Hügeln, die im Licht der ersten Sonnenstrahlen leuchteten. Wir gingen durch grüne Hügel, die im Licht der ersten Sonnenstrahlen leuchteten. >>eng<< Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works at a language school and loves it. >>eng<< Solo entrégale la billetera. Just give him the wallet. Just give him the wallet. >>eng<< Starò bene, spero. I'll be OK, I hope. I'll be fine, I hope. >>eng<< Contradicția era evidentă. The contradiction was obvious. The contradiction was obvious. >>deu<< Ma sœur a peur des petites souris et des araignées. Meine Schwester hat Angst vor kleinen Mäusen und Spinnen. Meine Schwester hat Angst vor kleinen Mäusen und Spinnen. >>eng<< Non menta a loro. Don't lie to them. Don't lie to them. >>eng<< Bienvenidos a la isla de sus sueños. Welcome to the island of your dreams. Welcome to the island of your dreams. >>eng<< Ai grijă sau vei scoate ochiul cuiva! Watch it or you'll poke someone's eye out! Be careful or you'll take someone's eye out! >>eng<< Retrouvons-nous près de la forêt à l'aube. Let's meet by the forest at dawn. Let's meet near the forest at dawn. >>eng<< Um museu novo foi recentemente inaugurado em Roma para exibir a arte roubada recuperada pelo esquadrão da polícia italiana encarregado de salvaguardar o património artístico e cultural do país. A new museum recently opened in Rome to display stolen art recovered by the Italian police squad charged with safeguarding the country's artistic and cultural heritage. A new museum was recently opened in Rome to display stolen art recovered by the Italian police squad charged with safeguarding the country’s artistic and cultural heritage. >>eng<< C'est l'un de mes films préférés. It's one of my favourite films. This is one of my favorite movies. >>eng<< Ne vire personne ! Don't fire anyone. Don't shoot anyone! >>eng<< Ho solo uno scopo, ma è un buono scopo. I only have one goal, but it's a good goal. I have only one purpose, but it is a good purpose. >>eng<< Dicen que este pueblo está lleno de estafadores. They say this town is full of cozenage. They say this town is full of scammers. >>deu<< Io credo che nessuna nazione dovrebbe essere lodata a scapito di un'altra. Ich glaube, dass kein Volk auf Kosten eines anderen gelobt werden sollte. Ich glaube, dass keine Nation auf Kosten einer anderen gelobt werden sollte. >>nld<< Hacía mucho viento. De wind was sterk. Het was erg winderig. >>eng<< Le résultat ne les a pas satisfaites. They weren't satisfied with the result. The result did not satisfy them. >>eng<< Los políticos se aprovechan de la situación. The politicians take advantage of the situation. Politicians are taking advantage of the situation. >>eng<< Lei è più intelligente di lui. She is smarter than he is. You're smarter than him. >>deu<< Hospites in culina sunt. Die Gäste sind in der Küche. Wir sind Gäste in der Küche. >>eng<< Tom pare foarte fericit. Tom looks very happy. Tom looks very happy. >>eng<< Estoy estacionando en el estacionamiento del cine. I'm parking in the movie theater parking lot. I'm parking in the movie park. >>nld<< Aussitôt qu'il m'a vu, il s'est enfui. Zodra hij mij zag, koos hij het hazenpad. Zodra hij me zag, vluchtte hij. >>eng<< ¿Eres propensa a los mareos? Are you susceptible to dizziness? Are you prone to dizziness? >>eng<< Die quodam festo, quum domi lautum convivium paravisset, misit filium ut aliquot e sociis ad prandium invitaret. In the day of a certain festival, when he would have prepared a hearty feast at home, he would send his son to invite a few of his friends to the meal. On a certain feast day, when he had prepared a feast at home, he sent a son to invite some of his companions to dinner. >>deu<< Certains le font quand même. Einige tun es trotzdem. Manche tun es trotzdem. >>deu<< Amico mio, come stai? Wie geht’s, mein Freund? Mein Freund, wie geht's dir? >>deu<< Pouvons-nous avoir une fourchette ? Können wir eine Gabel haben? Können wir eine Gabel haben? >>deu<< C'est une réunion très importante. Das ist eine sehr wichtige Versammlung. Es ist ein sehr wichtiges Treffen. >>deu<< Are o figură bine proporționată. Sie hat eine gutproportionierte Figur. Er hat eine gut proportionierte Figur. >>eng<< Quants fills tens? How many children do you have? How many children do you have? >>eng<< Vede întotdeauna frumusețea în lucrurile mici. He always sees beauty in the little things. He always sees beauty in the little things. >>eng<< La douleur empirait. The pain was getting worse. The pain was getting worse. >>nld<< Tengo que pasar este examen. Ik moet slagen voor dit examen. Ik moet dit examen halen. >>eng<< « Tu ne lui as même pas donné une chance de s'expliquer. » « D’expliquer quoi ? » "You haven't even given him a chance to explain." "Explain what?" “You didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.” “To explain what?” >>eng<< Les cigales ne sont pas dangereuses pour l'Homme. Cicadas aren't harmful to humans. Cicadas are not dangerous to humans. >>eng<< No puedo explicar el humor en el que estoy ahorita. I can't explain the mood I'm in right now. I can't explain the mood I'm in right now. >>eng<< Sarà molto divertente. It's going to be lots of fun. It'll be so much fun. >>eng<< El francés de Tomás mejoró después de empezar a estudiar gramática. Tom's French improved after he started studying grammar. Thomas's French improved after he began studying grammar. >>eng<< Mejóralo. Improve it. Improve it. >>eng<< En su conjunto, yo estoy satisfecho con el resultado. On the whole I am satisfied with the result. Overall, I am satisfied with the result. >>eng<< Era um milagre que Fadil ainda estivesse vivo. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. >>eng<< Questo monumento ha più di cento anni. This monument is more than one hundred years old. This monument is more than a hundred years old. >>deu<< Viens me rendre visite le matin ! Besuche mich morgens! Besuchen Sie mich morgens! >>deu<< Parece que te gusta la fruta. Du scheinst gerne Obst zu essen. Sieht aus, als ob Sie Obst mögen. >>nld<< Cuando el río suena, agua lleva. Waar rook is, is vuur. Als de rivier klinkt, is er water. >>eng<< Non gli parli mentre guida. Don't speak to him while he is driving. Don't talk to him while he's driving. >>deu<< Precisamos de apoio aéreo! Wir brauchen Luftunterstützung! Wir brauchen Luftunterstützung! >>deu<< El tiempo no cura las heridas, uno tan solo se acostumbra al dolor. Die Zeit heilt keine Wunde, man gewöhnt sich nur an den Schmerz! Die Zeit heilt die Wunden nicht, man gewöhnt sich nur an den Schmerz. >>deu<< Dov'è la tua bicicletta? Wo ist dein Fahrrad? Wo ist dein Fahrrad? >>deu<< ¡Esto me hace bien! Das tut mir gut! Das tut mir gut! >>deu<< Je peux commencer sans Tom. Ich kann ohne Tom anfangen. Ich kann ohne Tom anfangen. >>eng<< Vedete la porta di metallo nera? Dietro c'è un laboratorio segreto. Do you see the black metal door? Behind it is a secret laboratory. You see the black metal door? Behind it is a secret laboratory. >>deu<< ¿No quieres venir conmigo? Willst du nicht mitkommen? Willst du nicht mitkommen? >>deu<< Ella tiene aproximadamente la misma edad que yo. Sie ist ungefähr so alt wie ich. Sie ist ungefähr so alt wie ich. >>deu<< Ti preoccupi troppo. Du machst dir zu viele Sorgen. Du machst dir zu viele Sorgen. >>deu<< Ela me manca tant. Sie fehlt mir so. Ich vermisse sie so sehr. >>deu<< A igreja precisa de um telhado novo. Die Kirche bedarf eines neuen Daches. Die Kirche braucht ein neues Dach. >>eng<< Parlatemene. Talk to me about it. Talk to me. >>eng<< O librum mirabilem! What a wonderful book! A wonderful book! >>eng<< Esta ideia, de que um homem pode perder os seus direitos, é tão essencial para conceções adequadas de governo civil e liberdade civil, como a ideia de que um homem tem direitos; pois se não houver perda de direitos através do crime, então todas as punições legais carecem de fundamento na justiça; mesmo o direito de autodefesa, individual- e nacionalmente, deixa de existir. This thought, that a man may forfeit his rights, is as essential to proper conceptions of civil government, and civil liberty, as the thought that a man has rights; for if there be no forfeiture of rights through crime, then all legal punishments are without foundation in justice; even the right of self-defense, individually and nationally, ceases to exist. This idea, that a man may lose his rights, is as essential to adequate conceptions of civil government and civil liberty as the idea that a man has rights; for if there is no loss of rights through crime, then all legal punishments are groundless in justice; even the right to self-defense, individually and nationally, ceases to exist. >>eng<< Eu ensinei francês ao Tom três anos atrás. I taught French to Tom three years ago. I taught Tom French three years ago. >>deu<< La banque prêta un million à l'entreprise. Die Bank lieh der Firma 1 Million Dollar. Die Bank hat dem Unternehmen eine Million geliehen. >>nld<< Este aproape ora trei. Het is bijna drie uur. Het is bijna drie uur. >>deu<< Non dimenticate di citare le fonti con precisione. Vergesst nicht, exakte Quellenangaben zu machen. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Quellen genau zu zitieren. >>deu<< Quelqu'un a-t-il une meilleure formulation ? Hat jemand eine bessere Formulierung? Hat jemand eine bessere Formulierung? >>nld<< Tom trabajó día y noche. Tom heeft dag en nacht gewerkt. Tom werkte dag en nacht. >>eng<< C’est pire quand je m’allonge. It gets worse when I lie down. It gets worse when I lie down. >>eng<< Le président Jackson a éludé les questions des journalistes avec compétence. President Jackson ably dodged the reporters' questions. President Jackson evaded journalists’ questions competently. >>eng<< À quelle heure est servi le dîner ? At what time is dinner served? What time is dinner served? >>eng<< La campagne présidentielle commence à prendre de la vitesse. Tous les coups seront permis. Ça va saigner ! The presidential campaign starts getting speed. All moves will be allowed. There will be blood! The presidential campaign is starting to pick up speed, all blows will be allowed, it's gonna bleed! >>eng<< Nescio quid sit. I don't know what this is. I don’t know what sits. >>eng<< Avreste fatto meglio ad andare. You had better go. You'd better go. >>nld<< Je pense qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui. Ik denk dat het vandaag gaat regenen. Ik denk dat het vandaag gaat regenen. >>deu<< Ille vir est magister meus. Dieser Mann ist mein Lehrer. Er ist mein Meister. >>nld<< Una spugna assorbe l'acqua. Een spons neemt water op. Een spons absorbeert water. >>deu<< Sono curiosa. Ich bin neugierig. Ich bin neugierig. >>deu<< Il compara la copie avec l'original. Er verglich die Kopie mit dem Original. Er vergleicht die Kopie mit dem Original. >>eng<< Você recebeu o e-mail que te enviei? Did you receive the email I sent you? Did you get the email I sent you? >>deu<< ¿Qué se entiende como corrupción en Argelia? Was versteht man in Algerien unter Korruption? Was versteht man unter Korruption in Algerien? >>eng<< ¿Os gusta el vino blanco? Do you like white wine? Do you like white wine? >>eng<< Utilizza una calcolatrice. Use a calculator. Use a calculator. >>eng<< Il est dépourvu de défauts. He has no faults. It is free of defects. >>nld<< Il était un bon roi. Hij was een goede koning. Hij was een goede koning. >>eng<< Când noi am început, erau lucruri pe care nu le cunoșteam. When we started out, there were things we didn't know. When we started, there were things we didn’t know. >>deu<< « Pourquoi n'as-tu pas ouvert la porte ? » « J'étais nue. » „Warum hast du nicht die Tür aufgemacht?“ – „Ich war nackt.“ "Warum hast du die Tür nicht aufgemacht?" "Ich war nackt." >>deu<< Ubi pater tuus est? Wo ist dein Vater? Wo ist dein Vater? >>deu<< No puedo caminar rápido, pero puedo hacerlo por un largo tiempo. Ich kann nicht schnell gehen, aber ich kann eine lange Zeit gehen. Ich kann nicht schnell laufen, aber ich kann es für eine lange Zeit tun. >>eng<< La ménopause est la fin des menstruations. Menopause is the end of menstruation. Menopause is the end of menstruation. >>eng<< Sei sicuro di saper nuotare così lontano? Are you sure you can swim that far? Are you sure you can swim that far? >>deu<< Él le compró huevos y leche a un granjero. Er hat Eier und Milch bei einem Bauer gekauft. Er kaufte Eier und Milch von einem Bauern. >>eng<< Mio padre morì quando avevo sette anni. My father died when I was seven years old. My father died when I was seven. >>eng<< Chiamami appena sei nella mia strada. Call me as soon as you're on my street. Call me as soon as you're in my way. >>eng<< Ho bisogno di pannolini per la mia bambina. I need nappies for my baby. I need diapers for my baby. >>eng<< Lui Tom îi plăcea părul lui Mary. Tom liked Mary's hair. Tom liked Mary's hair. >>deu<< Os tigres vivem na selva; os leões, na savana. Tiger leben im Dschungel, Löwen in der Savanne. Tiger leben im Dschungel, Löwen in der Savanne. >>eng<< Paris é uma grande capital cultural. Paris is a large cultural capital. Paris is a great cultural capital. >>eng<< Tom ofereceu um gole de água a Maria, mas ela recusou. Tom offered Mary a drink of water, but she refused. Tom offered Maria a sip of water, but she refused. >>deu<< Laquelle préfères-tu ? Welches bevorzugst du? Welche liebst du am liebsten? >>eng<< Quando eu tinha cinco anos, não sabia ler. When I was five years old I could not read. When I was five, I couldn’t read. >>eng<< Io stavo solo facendo il mio dovere. I was just doing my duty. I was just doing my duty. >>deu<< Sono chiaramente contro di noi. Sie sind eindeutig gegen uns. Sie sind eindeutig gegen uns. >>deu<< Sei membro di questa società? Bist du bei dieser Gesellschaft Mitglied? Sind Sie Mitglied dieser Gesellschaft? >>deu<< Tradutor, traidor. Der Übersetzer ist ein Verräter. Übersetzer, Verräter. >>eng<< Perro que ladra no muerde. Dogs that bark don't bite. A dog that barks does not bite. >>eng<< L'équation de Schrödinger décrit l'évolution temporelle de la mécanique quantique. Schrodinger's equation describes the time evolution of quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger equation describes the temporal evolution of quantum mechanics. >>nld<< Salut, Tom. Hallo, Tom. Hé, Tom. >>deu<< On s'est changés. Wir haben uns umgezogen. Wir haben uns umgezogen. >>nld<< Hablo un poco de inglés. Ik spreek een beetje Engels. Ik spreek een beetje Engels. >>deu<< Estoy buscando un libro acerca de la España medieval. Ich suche ein Buch über das mittelalterliche Spanien. Ich suche ein Buch über das mittelalterliche Spanien. >>deu<< ¿Qué piensas? Was denkst du? Was denkst du? >>eng<< Acho que você precisa de ajuda. I think that you need help. I think you need help. >>nld<< Sora mea a fost o femeie foarte frumoasă. Mijn zuster was een heel mooie vrouw. Mijn zus was een heel mooie vrouw. >>eng<< Eu fui tomar um cerveja com uns amigos. I went to drink a beer with friends. I went for a beer with some friends. >>deu<< Nous l'attendons. Wir warten auf ihn. Wir warten auf ihn. >>eng<< Combien de fois me faut-il dire cela ? How many times do I have to say that? How many times do I have to say that? >>eng<< Y, bueno, dado que mi meta era alcanzar los 800 seguidores, ellos me ayudaban a acercarme a esa cifra. And, well, since my goal was to hit 800 followers, they helped me to reach that number. And, well, since my goal was to reach 800 followers, they helped me get closer to that number. >>eng<< Est-ce qu'il fait toujours aussi chaud ici ? Is it always this hot here? Is it still that hot here? >>eng<< Non lo so, Tom. I don't know, Tom. I don't know, Tom. >>eng<< Los trenes se detuvieron debido a la lluvia torrencial. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. Trains stopped due to torrential rain. >>nld<< La oscuridad provoca miedo a muchos niños. Duisternis jaagt veel kinderen schrik aan. De duisternis veroorzaakt angst voor veel kinderen. >>deu<< Edison ha inventato molte cose utili. Edison hat eine Reihe nützlicher Dinge erfunden. Edison hat viele nützliche Dinge erfunden. >>eng<< La macchina non è disponibile oggi. The car is not available today. The machine is not available today. >>deu<< Je le possède toujours. Ich besitze es immer noch. Ich besitze es immer noch. >>deu<< Rappelle-toi d'acheter de la mayonnaise. Denk dran, Mayonnaise zu kaufen! Denken Sie daran, Mayonnaise zu kaufen. >>eng<< Anas tretinnit 'kha kha'. The duck quacks 'quack quack'. Anas held 'kha kha'. >>nld<< Elles sont amusantes. Ze zijn grappig. Ze zijn leuk. >>eng<< Sou do Brasil e estou de férias na Grécia. Cheguei em Atenas no começo de junho. I'm from Brazil and I'm on vacation in Greece. I arrived in Athens at the beginning of June. I am from Brazil and I am on holiday in Greece. I arrived in Athens at the beginning of June. >>eng<< Será mejor que le des la fotografía al profesor. You'd better give the photograph to the teacher. You'd better give the picture to the teacher. >>eng<< Haz de la naturaleza tu maestra. Let Nature be your teacher. Make nature your teacher. >>nld<< Joyeux anniversaire Muiriel ! Gelukkige verjaardag Muiriel! Gelukkige verjaardag Muiriel! >>nld<< Chiama un dottore, per favore. Roep alstublieft een dokter. Bel een dokter, alsjeblieft. >>deu<< A me piace leggere. Ich lese gerne. Ich lese gern. >>deu<< Esta caixa é muito pesada para eu carregar. Diese Kiste ist für mich zu schwer zum Tragen. Diese Kiste ist zu schwer für mich zu tragen. >>nld<< Il chassait. Hij jaagde. Hij jaagde. >>deu<< No outono, as aves migratórias voam para o sul. Im Herbst fliegen die Zugvögel nach Süden. Im Herbst fliegen Zugvögel nach Süden. >>deu<< Empezó a llover. Es begann zu regnen. Es fing an zu regnen. >>eng<< La legislación no me ampara en este caso. The legislation doesn't protect me in this case. The legislation does not support me in this case. >>deu<< Tom achète toujours son pain à la boulangerie. Tom kauft sein Brot immer in der Bäckerei. Tom kauft immer sein Brot in der Bäckerei. >>deu<< Lui è andato a Londra tramite Parigi. Er ist über Paris nach London gekommen. Er reiste über Paris nach London. >>nld<< Je vais le tuer. Ik maak hem af. Ik ga hem vermoorden. >>eng<< Cur id emisti? Why did you buy it? Why did you send it? >>eng<< Ea a adormit repede buștean pentru că era foarte obosită. She was soon sound asleep because she was very tired. She quickly fell asleep because she was very tired. >>deu<< A máquina não funciona. Die Maschine ist kaputt. Die Maschine funktioniert nicht. >>nld<< Ponga su taza en el platillo. Zet je kopje op het schoteltje. Doe je kopje op de schaal. >>nld<< Estas são pesadas. Deze zijn zwaar. Deze zijn zwaar. >>eng<< Sigamos en contacto. Let's stay in touch. Let's keep in touch. >>nld<< Non capisco del tutto il tedesco. Ik begrijp absoluut niets van Duits. Ik begrijp Duits niet helemaal. >>eng<< Eu não estou com humor para isso agora. I'm really not in the mood for this right now. I'm not in the mood for this right now. >>eng<< Tom me animou a aprender o francês. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. >>eng<< Il contesto è necessario. Context is needed. Context is necessary. >>eng<< Être milliardaire est moralement inacceptable. Being a billionaire is morally wrong. Being a billionaire is morally unacceptable. >>eng<< Je dors habituellement dans un lit. I usually sleep in a bed. I usually sleep in a bed. >>eng<< Il est plein aux as, mais il n'est pas heureux. He's loaded, but he's not happy. He's full of aces, but he's not happy. >>eng<< Não iremos ao escritório amanhã de manhã. We won't come to the office tomorrow morning. We're not going to the office tomorrow morning. >>eng<< Notre groupe de recherche a arrêté de communiquer. Our research group has stopped communicating. Our research group has stopped communicating. >>eng<< Ainda assim, o GOP controla atualmente ambas as câmaras de 30 legislaturas estaduais. Still, the GOP currently controls both chambers of 30 state legislatures. Still, the GOP currently controls both chambers of 30 state legislatures. >>nld<< Tom no veía nada. Tom kon niks zien. Tom zag niets. >>deu<< Tome asiento, por favor. Setzen Sie sich, bitte. Setzen Sie sich, bitte. >>deu<< Tom não gosta de xadrez. Tom mag Schach nicht. Tom mag kein Schach. >>eng<< Lui sta mangiando. He's eating. He's eating. >>eng<< Tom é um péssimo padrasto. Tom is a terrible stepfather. Tom's a terrible stepfather. >>nld<< Mi tren llega a Düsseldorf mañana a las seis veinticinco. Morgen komt mijn trein om 5 voor half 7 in Düsseldorf aan. Mijn trein komt morgen om half acht in Düsseldorf aan. >>nld<< Esa niña es muy guapa. Dat meisje is heel knap. Dat meisje is erg mooi. >>eng<< On est fatigués, mais nous n'abandonnerons pas. We're tired, but we won't give up. We're tired, but we won't give up. >>deu<< De ce este zăpada albă? Warum ist Schnee weiß? Warum ist der Schnee weiß? >>deu<< Il tè dei monaci tibetani era buono. Der Tee der tibetanischen Mönche war gut. Der Tee der tibetischen Mönche war gut. >>eng<< ¿Que estás a facer na escola esta tarde? What are you doing at school this afternoon? What are you doing at school this afternoon? >>eng<< Te has acostumbrado demasiado a mí. You've gotten too used to me. You've gotten too used to me. >>eng<< Ao pularem para cabecear a bola, os dois jogadores chocaram-se violentamente, cabeça contra cabeça. While going up to head the ball, the two players hit their heads hard. As they jumped to head the ball, the two players clashed violently, head to head. >>deu<< Tu ne parles pas du tout l'allemand ? Du sprichst gar kein Deutsch? Sprichst du überhaupt kein Deutsch? >>eng<< J'avais beau me triturer les méninges, je ne pouvais me rappeler son nom. No matter how I racked my brain, I couldn't remember that name. Although I had shredded my brains, I couldn't remember his name. >>eng<< Quis id pinxit? Who painted that? Who is Pinto? >>eng<< La Russia ha difeso la Siria. Russia defended Syria. Russia has defended Syria. >>eng<< Il ferro è molto più utile dell'oro. Iron is much more useful than gold. Iron is much more useful than gold. >>eng<< O gênio um dia morre. A lenda é imortal. The genius dies one day. The legend is immortal. The genius dies one day, the legend is immortal. >>deu<< Vivere militare est. Zu leben heißt zu kämpfen. Es ist ein militärisches Leben. >>deu<< Os senhores, por favor, parem de importunar minha mulher! Unterlassen Sie es, meine Frau zu belästigen! Hört bitte auf, meine Frau zu belästigen! >>nld<< De nombreux admirateurs de Tom et Marie ont déjà passé un temps indéterminé ici à la recherche du temps perdu par ces deux idoles. Vele bewonderaars van Tom en Maria hebben hier al een onbepaald lange tijd doorgebracht op zoek naar de verloren tijd van deze twee idolen. Veel bewonderaars van Tom en Maria hebben hier al een onbepaalde tijd doorgebracht op zoek naar de tijd die door deze twee afgoden is verloren. >>eng<< Tu es en mesure d'y aller. You can go there. You're in a position to go. >>eng<< Clique aqui. Click here. Click here. >>deu<< Elle s'est assise à son côté. Sie setzte sich neben ihn. Sie setzte sich neben ihn. >>eng<< Você tem família? Do you have a family? Do you have family? >>eng<< O întâlnesc pe Mihaela în fiecare dimineață, la metrou. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I meet Mihaela every morning on the subway. >>eng<< Rector scholaris hoc animadvertit. The principal noticed that. The rector of the school is animated. >>deu<< Um amigo é difícil de encontrar e fácil de perder. Ein Freund ist schwer zu finden und leicht zu verlieren. Ein Freund ist schwer zu finden und leicht zu verlieren. >>nld<< No quieren. Ze willen niet. Dat willen ze niet. >>eng<< Tal vez pueda reciclar la lana de este chaquetón comido por la polilla. Maybe we can reuse the wool from this jacket that moth chewed up. Maybe I can recycle the wool from this moth-eaten jacket. >>deu<< Caim matou Abel. Kain erschlug Abel. Kain tötete Abel. >>deu<< Sono io ad essere in torto. Ich bin es, der falsch liegt. Ich bin derjenige, der Unrecht hat. >>eng<< Ma sœur se douche chaque matin. My sister showers every morning. My sister showers every morning. >>eng<< Toți au atât puncte forte cât și puncte slabe. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has both strengths and weaknesses. >>deu<< Domus ex saxo aedifico. Ich baue Häuser von Stein. Das Haus ist ein ehemaliges Saxophongebäude. >>eng<< Thomas Mariam legere docuit. Tom taught Mary how to read. Thomas Mariam reads. >>eng<< Nous commençons une nouvelle vie. We're starting a new life. We are starting a new life. >>nld<< L'étranger parle assez bien le japonais. De buitenlander spreekt redelijk goed Japans. De vreemdeling spreekt goed Japans. >>eng<< Thomas irascetur. Tom will be angry. Thomas is irritated. >>eng<< No m'agraden les ciutats grans. I don't like big cities. I don’t like big cities. >>eng<< España fue dirigida por un dictador hasta el año mil novecientos setenta y cinco. Spain was ruled by a dictator until the year nineteen seventy-five. Spain was ruled by a dictator until the year nine hundred and seventy-five. >>deu<< Tom não estará aqui hoje à noite. Tom wird heute Nacht nicht hier sein. Tom wird heute Abend nicht hier sein. >>eng<< Moltes gràcies! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! >>eng<< Siete daltonici? Are you colorblind? Are you colorblind? >>deu<< Ils nous ont vus hier. Sie haben uns gestern gesehen. Sie haben uns gestern gesehen. >>deu<< On dit que l’allemand est une langue difficile. Man sagt, Deutsch sei eine schwierige Sprache. Es wird gesagt, dass Deutsch eine schwierige Sprache ist. >>eng<< Tom deve abitare da queste parti. Tom must live around here. Tom has to live around here. >>nld<< Nous en avons quarante-cinq. We hebben vijfenveertig. We hebben er vijfenveertig. >>deu<< Is in contione nunc est. Er ist gerade in einer Sitzung. Er ist jetzt in Konjunktur. >>deu<< Vós acendestes velas em vosso quarto. Ihr zündetet Kerzen an in eurem Zimmer. Ihr habt Kerzen in eurem Zimmer angezündet. >>eng<< Entrambi i fratelli indossano la stessa taglia. Both brothers wear the same size. Both brothers wear the same size. >>deu<< Kenji è un tennista. Kenji ist ein Tennisspieler. Kenji ist ein Tennisspieler. >>eng<< Mes parents ne sont plus jeunes. My parents are not young anymore. My parents are no longer young. >>eng<< Nihil scripsistis. You wrote nothing. There is no writing. >>eng<< Il manque la virgule. The comma is missing. The comma is missing. >>eng<< La boda será bonita. The wedding will be nice. The wedding will be beautiful. >>nld<< Qui finance l'État Islamique ? Wie financiert de Islamitische Staat? Wie financiert de Islamitische Staat? >>eng<< Tutti i treni del paese sono gratis per voi. All trains running in this country are free for you to use. All trains in the country are free for you. >>deu<< Eles nunca vão concordar. Sie werden niemals zustimmen. Sie werden nie zustimmen. >>eng<< Se amplió el gimnasio de la escuela. The school gymnasium was enlarged. The school's gymnasium was expanded. >>eng<< ¿Por qué no salen de casa? Why won't they get out of the house? Why don't you guys leave the house? >>deu<< Eu rarissimamente uso essa expressão. Ich gebrauche diesen Ausdruck höchst selten. Ich benutze diesen Ausdruck selten. >>eng<< Tom diffututus est. Tom is shagged out. Tom is distracted. >>eng<< Ipse loquetur pro te ad populum et erit os tuum; tu autem eris ei ut Deus. He shall speak in thy stead to the people, and shall be thy mouth: but thou shalt be to him in those things that pertain to God. He shall speak for you to the people, and shall be your mouth; and you shall be to him as God. >>eng<< Je n'étais pas certain d'y arriver. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I wasn't sure I could do it. >>nld<< No transcurre una hora sin que piense en ti con amor. Geen uur gaat voorbij zonder dat mijn gedachten in liefde bij jou zijn. Er gaat geen uur voorbij zonder dat ik met liefde aan je denk. >>nld<< Mi hermano se hizo ingeniero. Mijn broer is ingenieur geworden. Mijn broer werd ingenieur. >>nld<< Laissez-moi passer, s'il vous plaît. Gelieve mij door te laten. Laat me erdoor, alsjeblieft. >>deu<< Quelquefois quand il fait très froid, je ne peux pas faire démarrer ma voiture. Manchmal, wenn es sehr kalt ist, kann ich mein Auto nicht starten. Manchmal, wenn es sehr kalt ist, kann ich mein Auto nicht starten. >>deu<< Queira ligar para casa, senhor! Rufen Sie zuhause an! Bitte rufen Sie nach Hause, Sir! >>nld<< Ultimamente, muita gente está perdendo seu emprego. Recentelijk raken veel mensen hun baan kwijt. De laatste tijd verliezen veel mensen hun baan. >>eng<< Tem a certeza de que quer apagar este ficheiro? Are you sure that you want to delete this file? Are you sure you want to delete this file? >>nld<< Y a-t-il un centre commercial par ici ? Is er hier ergens een winkelcentrum? Is er hier een winkelcentrum? >>eng<< No tenemos medicinas en casa. We do not have medicines at home. We don't have any medicine at home. >>eng<< Il est préférable de ne rien dire, ni de lui ni d'elle. It's better not to say anything about either him or her. It is better not to say anything about him or her. >>eng<< Había empezado a llover. It had started to rain. It had begun to rain. >>deu<< Vou fazer uma construção de madeira. Ich werde ein Gebäude aus Holz errichten. Ich mache einen Holzbau. >>deu<< Tom s’est essuyé les mains avec la serviette que Marie lui avait tendue. Tom trocknete sich mit dem Tuch, das Maria ihm gereicht hatte, die Hände ab. Tom wischte sich die Hände mit dem Handtuch ab, das Maria ihm ausgestreckt hatte. >>eng<< Nós precisaremos falar com o Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. We're gonna need to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Montamos calentadores de agua. We assemble water heaters. We set up water heaters. >>eng<< Há uma teoria segundo a qual frequentemente os proprietários de cães ficam parecidos com os próprios cães. There's a theory that dog owners often resemble their dogs. There is a theory that dog owners often look like dogs themselves. >>eng<< L'ha tradotta letteralmente. He translated it literally. He translated it literally. >>eng<< Tú sabes dónde estaré. You know where I'll be. You know where I'll be. >>nld<< Physalis este unul din fructele mele preferate. De lampionvrucht is een van mijn lievelingsvruchten. Physalis is een van mijn favoriete vruchten. >>eng<< Il n'y a pas de lait dans le verre. There isn't any milk in the glass. There is no milk in the glass. >>eng<< Vous avez oublié les cuillères. You forgot the spoons. You forgot the spoons. >>eng<< Gli hai dato una lettera? Did you give him a letter? Did you give him a letter? >>nld<< O sol está se pondo. De zon gaat onder. De zon gaat onder. >>deu<< Puer sitit. Der Junge hat Durst. Das Kind dürstet. >>eng<< Non possiamo vederla. We can't see it. We can't see her. >>eng<< Tò métod a l'é divers dal mè. Your method is different from mine. The method is different from the me. >>eng<< Non devo ancora andare. I don't have to go yet. I don't have to go yet. >>deu<< Uma viagem à América está fora de cogitação. Eine Reise nach Amerika kommt nicht in Frage. Eine Reise nach Amerika steht außer Frage. >>eng<< Un turista se murió después de caer de un risco. A tourist died after falling off a cliff. A tourist died after falling from a risk. >>eng<< E întuneric afară. It is dark outside. It's dark outside. >>eng<< Eu sei que vocês são vegetarianos. I know that you are vegetarians. I know you're vegetarians. >>eng<< Lo ingoi. Non lo mastichi. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Swallow it, don't chew it. >>nld<< Perdí el reloj que mi padre me dio. Ik heb het horloge verloren dat mijn vader mij gegeven heeft. Ik verloor het horloge dat mijn vader me gaf. >>eng<< Didymus et Susanna inter se amant. Tom and Sue love each other. Didymus and Susanna love each other. >>nld<< No te oí entrar. Ik hoorde je niet binnenkomen. Ik hoorde je niet binnenkomen. >>eng<< Ușa nu se deschide. The door wouldn't open. The door won't open. >>eng<< Ești sigur că nu e un foc? Are you sure it's not a fire? Are you sure it's not a fire? >>nld<< Elle est blonde. Ze is blond. Ze is blond. >>nld<< Je n'ai pas envie de bière ce soir. Ik heb geen zin om vanavond bier te drinken. Ik heb geen zin in bier vanavond. >>nld<< Je suis gay. Ik ben homo. Ik ben homo. >>eng<< Non dire quelle cose. Don't say those things. Don't say those things. >>eng<< Per piacere, venite nel mio ufficio. Please come in to my office. Please, come to my office. >>eng<< Marie a laissé sa sœur nettoyer les vitres. Mary left her sister to clean the windows. Mary let her sister clean the windows. >>nld<< Esta es la peor tormenta de los últimos diez años. Dit is de ergste storm in tien jaar. Dit is de ergste storm in tien jaar. >>eng<< Tant pis pour toi ! Tough titty! That's too bad for you! >>eng<< Ogni lingua è bella, a seconda di cosa vi si dice o si scrive. Every language is beautiful, depending on what you say or write in it. Every language is beautiful, depending on what you say or write. >>eng<< Eu tomei chá. I drank tea. I had tea. >>eng<< Sub ponte flumen languide fluit. The river flows sluggishly under the bridge. Under the bridge flows a flowing stream. >>deu<< Si vous lisez cette lettre, cela signifie que je ne suis plus de ce monde. Wenn Sie diesen Brief lesen, so bedeutet dies, dass ich nicht mehr auf dieser Welt bin. Wenn Sie diesen Brief lesen, bedeutet das, dass ich nicht mehr von dieser Welt bin. >>eng<< No outono, as folhas ficam amarelas e vermelhas. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and red. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and red. >>deu<< Vorbești italiană? Sprichst du Italienisch? Sprichst du Italienisch? >>eng<< David ha fatto un discorso di benvenuto. David made a welcome speech. David gave a welcome speech. >>eng<< Tom es un filozofo. Tom is a philosopher. Tom is a philosopher. >>eng<< Nunca foi feito antes. It has never been done before. It's never been done before. >>eng<< Il faut qu'on trouve une voiture. We need to find a car. We need to find a car. >>eng<< Tanto a leste como a oeste existem poços oraculares habitados por espíritos dotados de poderes de adivinhação. In East and West alike there are oracular wells inhabited by spirits gifted with powers of divination. Both to the east and west there are oracle wells inhabited by spirits endowed with powers of divination. >>nld<< Lo hizo él mismo. Hij heeft het zelf gedaan. Hij deed het zelf. >>eng<< Quando eu cheguei, todo mundo já tinha ido embora. When I arrived, everyone had already left. By the time I got here, everyone was gone. >>eng<< Não aposte todas as suas fichas em um único número. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t bet all your chips on a single number. >>eng<< Tenho necessidade de escrever. I have to write. I need to write. >>deu<< ¿Qué saben ustedes? Was wisst ihr? Was wissen Sie? >>eng<< Spegni la radio, per favore. Turn off the radio, please. Turn off the radio, please. >>eng<< Si j'étais toi, je serais plus prudente. I'd be more careful if I were you. If I were you, I'd be more careful. >>nld<< Est-il japonais ? Is hij Japans? Is hij Japans? >>eng<< Todos os convidados foram para casa. All the guests have gone home. All the guests went home. >>nld<< Elles ont raison. Ze hebben gelijk. Ze hebben gelijk. >>eng<< Ursi plerique omnivori sunt. Most bears are omnivores. They are omnivorous bears. >>eng<< ¡No tan cerca! Not so close! Not so close! >>eng<< Isto é trabalho fastidioso, detalhado, mas muito importante. This is fastidious, detailed, but very important work. This is annoying, detailed, but very important work. >>eng<< Des chercheurs ont découvert que les condors des Andes peuvent voler à 172 km en 5 heures sans battre des ailes. Researchers have discovered that Andean condors can fly 172 km in 5 hours without flapping their wings. Researchers have found that Andean condors can fly 172 km in 5 hours without flapping wings. >>deu<< Je vois la femme habillée en noir. Ich sehe die in Schwarz gekleidete Frau. Ich sehe die Frau in schwarz gekleidet. >>eng<< Tu sei irresistibile. You're irresistible. You're irresistible. >>nld<< Tom fue el primer chico que besó a Mary. Tom is de eerste jongen die Mary kuste. Tom was de eerste jongen die Mary kuste. >>deu<< Tom está dirigindo uma Ferrari vermelha. Tom fährt einen roten Ferrari. Tom fährt einen roten Ferrari. >>deu<< S'il te plaît, raconte-moi ce que Tom a dit. Bitte erzähle mir, was Tom gesagt hat! Bitte, erzähl mir, was Tom gesagt hat. >>deu<< Tom está tan saludable como siempre. Tom ist gesund wie eh und je. Tom ist so gesund wie immer. >>deu<< Este libro nos será muy útil. Dieses Buch wird uns von großem Nutzen sein. Dieses Buch wird uns sehr nützlich sein. >>eng<< Iba a ascender al trono. He was going to ascend to the throne. He was going to ascend to the throne. >>eng<< Como é possível que um ser com jóias tão sensíveis quanto os olhos, instrumentos musicais tão encantados quanto os ouvidos e tão fabuloso arabesco de nervos quanto o cérebro sinta que é algo menos que um deus? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? How is it possible that a being with jewels as sensitive as the eyes, musical instruments as enchanted as the ears and as fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain feels that he is anything less than a god? >>eng<< Trebuie să vorbim. We need to talk. We need to talk. >>deu<< Quante foto ci sono in questo album? Wie viele Fotos sind in diesem Album? Wie viele Fotos gibt es auf diesem Album? >>eng<< ¿Tus padres te visitaron muchas veces cuando estabas en Alemania? Did your parents visit you many times when you were in Germany? Did your parents visit you many times when you were in Germany? >>eng<< Pode ser que ele goste do emprego dele. It may be that he likes his job. He might like his job. >>eng<< Tal como a traça da lagarta-mede-palmos, ela trepa às árvores para pôr os seus ovos, mas pode ser impedida aplicando alcatrão no tronco. Like the moth of the inchworm it climbs trees to lay its eggs, but can be prevented by the use of tar on the trunk. Like the moth of the palm-tailed caterpillar, it climbs trees to lay its eggs, but can be prevented by applying tar to the trunk. >>nld<< Todos la aman. Iedereen houdt van haar. Iedereen houdt van haar. >>eng<< Tom y Mary no se llevan bien. Tom is on bad terms with Mary. Tom and Mary don't get along. >>eng<< Chiedi più domande. Ask more questions. Ask more questions. >>deu<< Eso explica por qué la puerta estaba abierta. Das erklärt, wieso die Tür offen war. Das erklärt, warum die Tür offen war. >>eng<< Quer um copo de leite? Do you want a glass of milk? Do you want a glass of milk? >>nld<< John est bon en maths. John is goed in wiskunde. John is goed in wiskunde. >>eng<< Non sapevo fossi venuto. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you were here. >>eng<< È in buona salute per una persona della sua età. She's in good health for someone her age. He is in good health for a person of his age. >>deu<< Non parli il francese? Sprichst du kein Französisch? Sprichst du kein Französisch? >>eng<< Kanji est le nom japonais pour les Hanzi, les caractères chinois. Kanji is the Japanese name for Hanzi, the Chinese characters. Kanji is the Japanese name for the Hanzi, the Chinese characters. >>nld<< Fue a la tienda. Hij ging naar de winkel. Hij ging naar de winkel. >>eng<< Rafael Leitão señala que la inserción del ajedrez en las escuelas brasileñas es un hecho positivo, pero cree que todavía estamos lejos del nivel mínimo aceptable para que alguien tenga ingresos estables como ajedrecista profesional. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leit<0xC3><0xA3>o points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to have a stable income as a professional chess player. >>deu<< Que signifie cette expression ? Was bedeutet dieser Ausdruck? Was bedeutet dieser Ausdruck? >>deu<< Sequere illum! Geh hinter ihm her! Folgt dem Unglauben! >>nld<< Rouvrons tout ! Laten we alles heropenen! Laten we alles stelen. >>nld<< Merci pour le cadeau. Dank je voor het cadeau. Bedankt voor het cadeau. >>deu<< La politica del passo a passo è giunta alla sua fine. Die Politik der kleinen Schritte führt nicht mehr weiter. Die Schritt-für-Schritt-Politik ist zu Ende. >>eng<< Voy a cruzar mis dedos. I will cross my fingers. I'm gonna cross my fingers. >>eng<< No hay nada más precioso que la vida. There's nothing more precious than life. There is nothing more precious than life. >>deu<< Nolite abire! Geht nicht weg! Geht nicht weg! >>eng<< Ziri mise le ciliegie in un secchio vuoto. Ziri put the cherries in an empty bucket. Ziri put the cherries in an empty bucket. >>nld<< Mon copain est journaliste. Mijn vriend is een journalist. Mijn vriend is journalist. >>eng<< Devi esprimerti con il tuo cuore. You must express yourself with your heart. You have to express yourself with your heart. >>eng<< La cappella è là. The chapel is there. The chapel is there. >>eng<< Me gustaría poder tocar la guitarra como tú. I wish I could play guitar like you. I wish I could play guitar like you. >>deu<< Nous n'avons pas visité sa nouvelle maison. Wir haben sein neues Haus nicht besichtigt. Wir haben sein neues Haus nicht besucht. >>deu<< Reste avec Tom ! Bleib bei Tom! Bleib bei Tom! >>deu<< Nuestros esfuerzos no nos han llevado a nada. Unsere Bemühungen brachten uns kein Stückchen weiter. Unsere Bemühungen haben uns zu nichts geführt. >>eng<< No sé del cert quan vindrà. I don't know for certain when he will come. I don’t know when it will come. >>eng<< Io non ho mai detto che questo lavoro sarebbe stato facile. I never said this job would be easy. I never said this job would be easy. >>eng<< O Tom não nos consultou. Tom didn't consult us. Tom didn't consult us. >>eng<< L'utilità di un vaso sta nella sua vacuità. The usefulness of a pot is in its emptiness. The usefulness of a vase lies in its emptiness. >>nld<< Elle a une imagination fertile. Ze heeft een rijke verbeelding. Ze heeft een vruchtbare verbeelding. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que bebiste un vaso de agua? When was the last time you drank a glass of water? When was the last time you drank a glass of water? >>eng<< Non avevo idea che voi foste così stupidi. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you guys were so stupid. >>deu<< Je t'ai attendue parce que tu avais promis de venir. Ich habe auf dich gewartet, weil du versprochen hattest zu kommen. Ich habe auf dich gewartet, weil du versprochen hast, mitzukommen. >>eng<< Io non vi perdonerò mai. I'll never forgive you. I will never forgive you. >>eng<< Incluso la vaca más negra da leche blanca. Even the blackest cow makes white milk. Even the blackest cow gives white milk. >>eng<< La ideología jamás debería estar por encima de la vida humana. Ideology should never trump human life. Ideology should never be above human life. >>nld<< Io sono quasi un'altra persona. Ik ben bijna een ander persoon. Ik ben bijna iemand anders. >>eng<< Spero che un giorno ne uscirò fuori. I hope that one day I'll come out of this. I hope that one day I will come out of it. >>eng<< Eu não sei se vá para casa. I do not know whether to go home. I don't know if I'm going home. >>deu<< Tom ne boit pas de bière. Tom trinkt kein Bier. Tom trinkt kein Bier. >>deu<< Allons-nous au marché ? Wollen wir auf den Markt gehen? Gehen wir zum Markt? >>deu<< Il rentra bientôt à la maison. Er kam bald nach Hause. Bald kehrte er nach Hause zurück. >>deu<< Je peux y aller. Ich kann gehen. Ich kann gehen. >>eng<< En la apertura, mueva solo los peones que ayuden a que las piezas se desarrollen. In the opening, move only those pawns that help develop the pieces. In the opening, move only the pawns that help the pieces develop. >>eng<< Él es alto y musculoso. He's tall and muscular. He's tall and muscular. >>deu<< Me encanta todo sobre él. Ich liebe alles an ihm. Ich liebe alles über ihn. >>deu<< Creo que no le gusta. Ich glaube, dass es ihm nicht gefällt. Ich glaube, er mag sie nicht. >>deu<< J'aurais dû me douter que je te trouverais ici. Ich hätte daran zweifeln müssen, dich hier anzutreffen. Ich hätte denken sollen, dass ich dich hier finde. >>deu<< O pedido deles era urgente. Ihre Bitte war dringend. Ihre Bitte war dringend. >>eng<< Te ligo depois. I'll give you a call later. I'll call you back. >>nld<< Dígame usted en qué puedo servirle. Vertel me wat ik voor u kan doen. Wat kan ik voor u doen? >>nld<< Este verano iremos a la montaña y al mar. Deze zomer zullen we naar de bergen gaan en naar zee. Deze zomer gaan we naar de bergen en de zee. >>deu<< La mansana es kolorada. Der Apfel ist rot. Die Mansana ist koloriert. >>deu<< Ha paura della morte. Er hat Angst vor dem Tod. Er hat Angst vor dem Tod. >>eng<< Ninguém vai acreditar em mim. No one will believe me. No one's gonna believe me. >>eng<< Le stalinisme, c'est du racisme. Stalinism is racism. Stalinism is racism. >>eng<< Me encanta el pan fresco. I love fresh bread. I love fresh bread. >>deu<< Grazie a Dio, finalmente sta piovendo. Gott sei Dank regnet es endlich! Gott sei Dank regnet es endlich. >>eng<< Complichi le cose. You complicate things. You're complicating things. >>eng<< Ele levantou-se para felicitar Berdych junto à rede, depois deu uma cambalhota frontal na relva, erguendo-se com ambos os punhos cerrados. He rose to congratulate Berdych at the net, then did a front somersault on the grass, rising to his feet with both fists clenched. He stood up to congratulate Berdych by the net, then gave a frontal reel on the grass, rising with both fists clenched. >>eng<< Stava nevicando oggi. It was snowing today. It was snowing today. >>nld<< Il leone è un mammifero? Is de leeuw een zoogdier? Is de leeuw een zoogdier? >>eng<< Pépé fut un vrai grincheux jusqu'à la toute fin. Grandpa was a real curmudgeon to the very end. Pépé was a real grumpy to the very end. >>eng<< Outrora uma estância turística e paraíso para a vida selvagem, o maior lago da Califórnia — o Mar de Salton — é agora um dos mais poluídos. Once a tourist resort and haven for wildlife, California’s largest lake — the Salton Sea — is now one of the most polluted. Once a tourist resort and wildlife haven, California’s largest lake —the Salton Sea— is now one of the most polluted. >>eng<< Non sono fortunata come voi. I'm not as lucky as you. I'm not as lucky as you. >>eng<< ¿Por qué no discutimos esto más tarde? Why don't we discuss this later? Why don't we discuss this later? >>eng<< Il calciatore si è stancato di correre. The soccer player has got tired of running. The footballer got tired of running. >>deu<< Œil pour œil, dent pour dent. Auge um Auge und Zahn um Zahn. Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. >>deu<< Tom comía como un cerdo. Tom fraß wie ein Schwein. Tom aß wie ein Schwein. >>eng<< Pensavo che avessimo bisogno di aiuto. I thought we needed help. I thought we needed help. >>nld<< No mientas. Di la verdad. Lieg niet. Zeg de waarheid. Lieg niet, zeg de waarheid. >>deu<< Maria ci ha mostrato la sua villa. Maria hat uns ihre Villa gezeigt. Maria zeigte uns ihre Villa. >>eng<< Você gosta de assistir a séries de TV? Do you like watching TV series? Do you like watching TV series? >>eng<< I leopardi sono predatori. Leopards are predators. Leopards are predators. >>eng<< Credo che scoprire il senso della nostra esistenza sia importante. I think discovering the meaning of our existence is important. I think discovering the meaning of our existence is important. >>eng<< La entrada cuesta seis euros, pero los domingos es gratis. The admission costs six euros but on Sundays it's free. Admission costs six euros, but on Sundays it is free. >>eng<< Não digam o nome daquela mulher dentro desta casa. Don't say that woman's name in this house. Don't say the name of that woman inside this house. >>eng<< Perché non assieme? Why not together? Why not together? >>eng<< Si j'étais libre, j'accepterais ton invitation. If I were free, I would accept your invitation. If I were free, I would accept your invitation. >>eng<< Esto es lo que compré en Australia. This is what I bought in Australia. This is what I bought in Australia. >>deu<< Esta árvore tem mais de cem anos. Dieser Baum ist mehr als einhundert Jahre alt. Dieser Baum ist über hundert Jahre alt. >>deu<< Él no deja pasar ninguna oportunidad para inmiscuirse en los asuntos de otras personas. Er lässt keine Gelegenheit aus, sich in die Angelegenheiten anderer Leute einzumischen. Er verpasst keine Gelegenheit, sich in die Angelegenheiten anderer Leute einzumischen. >>deu<< Pourquoi certaines traductions sont-elles grisées ? Warum sind einige Übersetzungen ausgegraut? Warum werden einige Übersetzungen vergraut? >>eng<< Non aprite le porte. Don't open the doors. Don't open the doors. >>eng<< Questo è l'albero più piccolo che io abbia mai visto. This is the smallest tree I've ever seen. This is the smallest tree I've ever seen. >>eng<< Oh, mi dispiace. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. >>deu<< Dijo que no necesitaba un abogado. Er sagte, er brauche keinen Anwalt. Er sagte, er brauche keinen Anwalt. >>eng<< Son explication n'était pas convaincante. Her explanation was not convincing. His explanation was not convincing. >>eng<< Sonitum audivi. I heard a noise. The sound is heard. >>eng<< Fareste meglio ad andare con lui. You'd better go with him. You'd better go with him. >>eng<< A Tom en realidad no le gustaba estudiar francés. Tom didn't really enjoy studying French. Tom didn't really like studying French. >>eng<< Il n'est pas Arabe, mais un Juif Mizrahi. He's not Arab; he's a Mizrahi Jew. He is not an Arab, but a Mizrahi Jew. >>eng<< O ônibus tem baixa velocidade. The bus has a low speed. The bus has low speed. >>eng<< Cos'è questa strana musica? What's this strange music? What's this weird music? >>eng<< Fun capaz de contestar a tódalas preguntas. I was able to answer all the questions. I was able to answer all the questions. >>deu<< L'oceano è pieno di pesci. Eine verloren, zehn gewonnen. Der Ozean ist voller Fische. >>deu<< Tom é um verdadeiro cavalheiro. Tom ist ein wahrer Gentleman. Tom ist ein wahrer Gentleman. >>eng<< Comment puis-je demander la citoyenneté ? How can I apply for citizenship? How can I apply for citizenship? >>deu<< El que puguis fer avui, no ho deixis per l'endemà. Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Was du heute tun kannst, lass es nicht für den nächsten Tag. >>eng<< Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous avez une réaction allergique ? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? >>deu<< Muitos consideram italiano a língua mais bonita do mundo. Viele halten das Italienische für die schönste Sprache der Welt. Viele halten Italienisch für die schönste Sprache der Welt. >>deu<< Pourrais-tu être un peu plus précis ? Könntest du etwas präziser sein? Könntest du etwas genauer sein? >>eng<< Vieste à Grécia e não me disseste. You came to Greece and you didn't tell me. You came to Greece and you didn't tell me. >>deu<< A língua oficial da Angola é o português. Die offizielle Sprache Angolas ist Portugiesisch. Die Amtssprache Angolas ist Portugiesisch. >>nld<< Hola, ¿sigues ahí? Hallo, ben je er nog? Hallo, ben je er nog? >>eng<< Yanni est né à Bejaia en Algérie. Yanni was born in Bejaia, Algeria. Yanni was born in Bejaia, Algeria. >>eng<< Cuando removí el cacao soluble que nadaba en la taza de leche, se creó sobre esta temporalmente una espiral galáctica que giraba rápidamente, una via láctea. When I stirred the cocoa mix swimming in the cup of milk, a galactic spiral formed for a bit on the top, spinning rapidly. A milky way. When I removed the soluble cocoa that was swimming in the milk cup, a rapidly spinning galactic spiral, a milky pathway, was created over it temporarily. >>eng<< L'infermiere mi ha vaccinato. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse vaccinated me. >>deu<< Je savais où je devais chercher. Ich wusste, wo ich suchen musste. Ich wusste, wo ich suchen musste. >>eng<< El otoño empieza en septiembre. Fall starts in September. Autumn begins in September. >>deu<< Os olhos são a língua do coração. Die Augen sind die Zunge des Herzens. Die Augen sind die Zunge des Herzens. >>deu<< Ele lê. Er liest. Er liest. >>eng<< Egesne cibo? Do you need any food? Did you have food? >>deu<< Tom perdió su voz. Tom hat seine Stimme verloren. Tom verlor seine Stimme. >>nld<< Lui non può nuotare. Hij kan niet zwemmen. Hij kan niet zwemmen. >>eng<< Adam doit s'inquiéter pour lui-même. Adam has to worry about himself. Adam has to worry about himself. >>eng<< Vidi tre navi. I saw three ships. I saw three ships. >>eng<< Metta in moto l'automobile. Start the car. Start the car. >>nld<< Pouvez-vous estimer quel retard aura le train ? Kunt ge schatten hoeveel vertraging de trein zal hebben? Kunt u inschatten hoe laat de trein zal zijn? >>deu<< Io non sono imparentato con Tom. Ich bin nicht mit Tom verwandt. Ich bin nicht mit Tom verwandt. >>nld<< Marte este zeul războiului. Mars is de god van de oorlog. Mars is de god van de oorlog. >>eng<< "¿Cuál corbata te vas a poner?" "La que compré ayer." "What tie are you putting on?" "The one I bought yesterday." "Which tie are you going to wear?" "The one I bought yesterday." >>deu<< Ele ainda não domina a arte da escrita. Er beherrscht noch nicht die Kunst des Schreibens. Er beherrscht die Kunst des Schreibens noch nicht. >>eng<< Stava piangendo di gioia. She was crying with joy. She was crying with joy. >>eng<< Eu acho que ele não se importaria. I don't think he would mind. I don't think he'd mind. >>eng<< Me alegra oír que sabes cómo la llaman. I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. I'm glad to hear you know what she's called. >>deu<< Es-tu l'auteur de ce livre ? Bist du der Schriftsteller dieses Buches? Sind Sie der Autor dieses Buches? >>eng<< Che auto hai comprato? Which car did you buy? What car did you buy? >>eng<< Tom lo disse a loro. Tom told them. Tom told them. >>eng<< Eu não gosto de estudar línguas. I don't like to study languages. I don't like to study languages. >>eng<< Probablemente hablamos durante una hora o dos. We talked for probably an hour or two. We probably talked for an hour or two. >>eng<< Eis aqui, Maria! Here you are, Mary! Here you are, Maria! >>deu<< Construirlo tomó muchos años. Es hat vieler Jahre bedurft, es zu bauen. Es dauerte viele Jahre, es zu bauen. >>eng<< Paniculos fartos edunt. They are eating sandwiches. They eat too much pancakes. >>nld<< Mon pare es va jubilar als 65 anys. Mijn vader is met pensioen gegaan toen hij 65 jaar was. Mijn vader ging op 65-jarige leeftijd met pensioen. >>eng<< Tom axuda a Mary a mover o moble. Tom helps Mary move the furniture. Tom helps Mary move the furniture. >>eng<< La odio veramente. I really hate her. I really hate her. >>eng<< Thomas toto tempore pomeridiano bibit. Tom has been drinking all afternoon. Thomas has been drinking all afternoon. >>eng<< É melhor irmos encontrar o Tom. We'd better go find Tom. We better go find Tom. >>eng<< Encontreime coa túa nai na biblioteca. I ran across your mother in the library. I met your mother at the library. >>eng<< Tom começou a gritar novamente. Tom started screaming again. Tom started screaming again. >>eng<< Cet insecte est toujours vivant. The bug is still alive. This insect is still alive. >>eng<< Él aínda anda solto. He is still on the loose. He's still on the loose. >>nld<< Hay un tenedor acá. Hier is een vork. Er is hier een vork. >>eng<< Os resíduos provenientes de viveiros mal geridos de aquicultura podem poluir as águas subterrâneas e costeiras e certas espécies carnívoras como o salmão têm de ser alimentadas com produtos derivados de outros peixes, como óleo e farinha — o que implica uma pressão continuada sobre as populações de peixes selvagens. Waste from poorly managed aquaculture ponds can pollute ground and coastal waters, and certain carnivorous species like salmon must be fed products made from other fish, like oil and meal — meaning continued pressure on wild fish populations. Waste from poorly managed aquaculture nurseries can pollute groundwater and coastal waters, and certain carnivorous species such as salmon have to be fed products derived from other fish, such as oil and flour — which means continued pressure on wild fish populations. >>eng<< Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas. Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend. A friend of mine, but a true friend of mine. >>eng<< Habesne gradum superiorem vel incipientis? Do you have an advanced or beginner level? Do you have a higher grade? >>nld<< Él lo tradujo palabra por palabra. Hij heeft het letterlijk vertaald. Hij vertaalde het woord voor woord. >>nld<< Io vado in chiesa alla domenica. 's Zondags ga ik naar de kerk. Ik ga zondag naar de kerk. >>eng<< A pedra que atingir a última fila à sua frente, ali parando, será promovida a dama, peça de mobilidade excepcional e que em grande número de casos representa uma vantagem decisiva. The checker that reaches the last row in front of it, stopping there, will be promoted to a king, a piece of exceptional mobility and which, in a large number of cases, represents a decisive advantage. The stone that reaches the last row in front of you, stopping there, will be promoted to the lady, a piece of exceptional mobility and that in a large number of cases represents a decisive advantage. >>eng<< Tom es encantador e irresistible. Tom is charming and irresistible. Tom is charming and irresistible. >>eng<< Lasciatemi andare a prendere la mia macchina fotografica. Let me go get my camera. Let me go get my camera. >>eng<< Saepe in difficultatibus versor. I am often in difficulties. It is difficult to cope with inconvenience. >>deu<< Il m'a demandé mon âge, mon nom, mon adresse, etc. Er fragte mich nach meinem Alter, meinem Namen, meiner Adresse usw. Er fragte mich nach meinem Alter, meinem Namen, meiner Adresse usw. >>deu<< No sé cómo se cambia una rueda. Ich weiß nicht, wie man einen Reifen wechselt. Ich weiß nicht, wie man ein Rad wechselt. >>eng<< Números grandes podem ser usados em Toki Pona. Large numbers can be used in Toki Pona. Large numbers can be used in Toki Pona. >>eng<< Ja estic llesta. I'm already ready. I'm ready. >>deu<< Espere un segundo; volveré enseguida. No corte. Warten Sie eine Sekunde; ich bin gleich zurück. Legen Sie nicht auf! Warten Sie eine Sekunde, ich bin gleich wieder da. >>nld<< Voy a la escuela a pie. Ik ga te voet naar school. Ik ga te voet naar school. >>eng<< Elle l'épousa seulement parce que ses parents la contraignirent. She married him only because her parents made her. She married him only because her parents forced her to. >>eng<< Usa a porta da frente. Use the front door. Use the front door. >>eng<< No escucho muy bien, así que tengo que poner los subtítulos cuando veo videos. My hearing isn't great, so I have to put on subtitles when I watch videos. I don't listen very well, so I have to put the subtitles when I watch videos. >>eng<< Tom disse che lo avrebbe fatto presto. Tom said that he'd do that soon. Tom said he would do it soon. >>deu<< Muitos anos depois, ele voltou. Viele Jahre später kehrte er zurück. Viele Jahre später kam er zurück. >>eng<< La bandiera è nera. The flag is black. The flag is black. >>eng<< Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. Please take a seat. Sit down, please. >>deu<< La scorsa estate ho fatto un viaggio in Italia. Letzten Sommer machte ich eine Italienreise. Letzten Sommer war ich auf einer Reise nach Italien. >>deu<< Vuoi guadagnare un sacco di soldi? Wollen Sie viel Geld verdienen? Möchten Sie viel Geld verdienen? >>deu<< Dale a Tomás algo para comer. Gib Tom etwas zu essen. Gib Thomas etwas zu essen. >>nld<< Tom semble différent. Tom ziet er anders uit. Tom ziet er anders uit. >>eng<< Tom guarda todas las cartas que su madre le manda. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps all the letters his mother sends him. >>eng<< Tom no pudo ver lo que estaba haciendo Mary. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. >>nld<< Où sont mes livres ? Waar zijn mijn boeken? Waar zijn mijn boeken? >>eng<< Noi viviamo sulla Terra. We live on the earth. We live on Earth. >>eng<< La sagesse me dit que je ne suis rien, l'amour me dit que je suis tout. Entre les deux, ma vie coule. Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows. Wisdom tells me that I am nothing, love tells me that I am everything. >>eng<< Igitur, transactis septem annis ubertatis, qui fuerant in Aegypto, cœperunt venire septem anni inopiæ, quos prædixerat Ioseph, et in universo orbe fames prævaluit; in cuncta autem terra Aegypti erat panis. Now when the seven years of plenty that had been in Egypt were passed, the seven years of scarcity, which Joseph had foretold, began to come: and the famine prevailed in the whole world, but there was bread in all the land of Egypt. And it came to pass at the end of the seven years of plenty that were in Egypt, that the seven years of famine began to come, which Joseph had said, and the famine prevailed in all the land of Egypt; and there was bread in all the land of Egypt. >>eng<< Mi disse che era molto povero. He told me that he was very poor. He told me he was very poor. >>eng<< No sabía que él estaba desarmado en ese momento. I didn't know he was unarmed at the time. I didn't know he was unarmed at the time. >>deu<< Es posible que llueva mañana. Es ist möglich, dass es morgen regnet. Es kann morgen regnen. >>eng<< Está caliente, no frío. It's hot, not cold. It's hot, not cold. >>deu<< Voi siete state avvisate. Ihr seid gewarnt worden. Ihr wurdet gewarnt. >>eng<< Ha preso il mio libro? Did you take my book? Did you take my book? >>deu<< Eu estou traduzindo. Ich bin am Übersetzen. Ich übersetze. >>eng<< La vie est une lutte. Life is struggle. Life is a struggle. >>deu<< Quanto tempo é necessário para a gente se adaptar a novo fuso horário? Wie viel Zeit braucht man, um sich an die Zeitzone zu gewöhnen? Wie lange dauert es, bis wir uns an die neue Zeitzone anpassen können? >>deu<< Vós ainda não fizestes nada? Habt ihr noch nichts getan? Habt ihr noch nichts getan? >>nld<< Je prends réellement plaisir à vos questions précises. Ik ben echt blij met uw precieze vragen. Ik ben erg blij met uw specifieke vragen. >>eng<< Te gusta el inglés, ¿no? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? >>eng<< Il burqa è una scelta. The burqa is a choice. The burqa is a choice. >>deu<< Ça ne me plait vraiment pas. Ich mag es überhaupt nicht. Das gefällt mir nicht. >>nld<< J'espère qu'il va arrêter de pleuvoir. Ik wou dat het ophield met regenen. Ik hoop dat het stopt met regenen. >>deu<< Estne lingua Anglica difficilior quam lingua Iaponica? Ist Englisch schwieriger als Japanisch? Ist Englisch schwieriger als Japanisch? >>eng<< Esne decem annos nata? Are you ten years old? Are you 10 years old? >>eng<< Mi dispiace che tu non possa venire stasera. I'm sorry that you can't come this evening. I'm sorry you can't come tonight. >>eng<< Dile a Tom que me debe treinta dólares. Tell Tom that he owes me thirty bucks. Tell Tom he owes me 30 bucks. >>deu<< Les oranges coûtent 7 pences pièce. Die Orangen kosten je 7 Pence. Orangen kosten 7 Pence pro Stück. >>nld<< Como funciona a Internet? Hoe werkt internet? Hoe werkt het internet? >>eng<< Creo que es una teoría estúpida. I think that's a stupid theory. I think it's a stupid theory. >>eng<< L'insegnante ha studentesse. The male teacher has female students. The teacher has students. >>eng<< Può scrivere. He can write. You can write. >>eng<< Ela é fluente em inglês. She's fluent in English. She is fluent in English. >>eng<< Tatoeba aide non seulement les étudiants, mais aussi ses collaborateurs, à apprendre une nouvelle langue. Tatoeba not only helps students learn a new language, but also its contributors. Tatoeba helps not only students, but also its collaborators, to learn a new language. >>eng<< Novos números da Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Económico mostram que os programas de assistência social protegeram alguns dos europeus mais pobres dos efeitos mais severos da crise financeira global — programas que estão agora a ser cortados à medida que os países adotam políticas de austeridade. New figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development show that social welfare programs shielded some of the poorest Europeans from the harshest effects of the global financial crisis — programs that are now being cut as countries adopt austerity measures. New figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development show that social assistance programmes have protected some of the poorest Europeans from the most severe effects of the global financial crisis — programmes that are now being cut as countries adopt austerity policies. >>eng<< Je l'ai loué selon ses mérites. I commended him according to his merits. I rented it according to its merits. >>eng<< Que ferais-tu si tu gagnais un million d’euros ? What would you do if you won a million euros? What would you do if you made a million dollars? >>eng<< Comment une cellule unique crée-t-elle un être vivant qui finira par acquérir sa forme spécifique ? How does a single cell create a living being that will ultimately acquire its specific form? How does a single cell create a living being that will eventually acquire its specific form? >>eng<< Faltan tres minutos para la hora del espectáculo. It's three minutes to showtime. Three minutes to show time. >>eng<< Les deux équipes sont arrivées sur le terrain. The two teams arrived on the field. Both teams arrived on the field. >>eng<< Bob diventò un predicatore. Bob became a preacher. Bob became a preacher. >>eng<< Lo último que quiero es ver la cara de Tom toda la noche. The last thing I want is to look at Tom's face all evening. The last thing I want is to see Tom's face all night. >>deu<< El francés no es la única lengua que habla Tom, pero es la única de la que habla. Französisch ist nicht die einzige Sprache, die Tom spricht, wohl aber die einzige, über die er spricht. Französisch ist nicht die einzige Sprache, die Tom spricht, aber es ist die einzige, über die er spricht. >>deu<< Tengo que saber el nombre del profesor. Ich muss wissen, wie der Lehrer heißt. Ich muss den Namen des Professors wissen. >>nld<< Lei ha un problema cardiaco. Ze heeft een hartkwaal. Ze heeft een hartprobleem. >>eng<< Ziri a bu. Ziri drank. Ziri's drinking. >>nld<< De nous tous, Tom était sans doute le meilleur nageur. Van ons allemaal was Tom veruit de beste zwemmer. Van ons allemaal was Tom waarschijnlijk de beste zwemmer. >>eng<< La dirección que habían escrito estaba equivocada. The address they had written was wrong. The address they had written was wrong. >>deu<< Tu consultais ton médecin. Du warst bei deinem Arzt. Du hast deinen Arzt konsultiert. >>deu<< J'ai rencontré Christine hier. Ich habe gestern Christine getroffen. Ich habe Christine gestern kennengelernt. >>eng<< Amicitiam divitiis antepono. I prefer friendship to riches. I have a divisional affiliation. >>eng<< Nimium gracilis es! You are too skinny! It's very gracious! >>deu<< La oficina de correos está a media milla. Das Postamt ist eine halbe Meile entfernt. Das Postamt ist eine halbe Meile entfernt. >>eng<< Esta es mi bicicleta vieja. This is my old bicycle. This is my old bike. >>eng<< Vocês devem respeitar os mais velhos. You must respect senior citizens. You must respect the older ones. >>deu<< Estoy viendo la televisión. Ich gucke Fernsehen. Ich schaue fern. >>nld<< El verano terminó. De zomer is voorbij. De zomer is voorbij. >>eng<< Peut-on boire cette eau sans risque ? Is it safe to drink this water? Is it safe to drink this water? >>eng<< No sabía que tu padre había fallecido. I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know your father was dead. >>eng<< Je peux vous apprendre à cuisiner. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. >>nld<< Mon père n'a jamais été malade de sa vie. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. Mijn vader is nog nooit ziek geweest. >>eng<< Um acordo russo-turco para criar uma zona-tampão desmilitarizada entre o exército sírio e os rebeldes dentro da província de Idlib, no norte da Síria, preveniu por enquanto uma guerra, de acordo com um alto funcionário das Nações Unidas. A Russian-Turkish agreement to create a demilitarized buffer zone between the Syrian army and rebels inside Syria's northern Idlib province has averted a war for now, according to a senior United Nations official. A Russian-Turkish agreement to create a demilitarized buffer zone between the Syrian army and rebels inside northern Syria’s Idlib province has for the time being prevented a war, according to a senior UN official. >>deu<< Dic me de Germania. Berichte mir von Deutschland! Sagen Sie mir aus Deutschland. >>eng<< Mi sto prendendo cura della casa. I'm taking care of the house. I'm taking care of the house. >>deu<< Le semblable nous laisse en repos, mais c'est la contradiction qui nous rend productifs. Das Gleiche läßt uns in Ruhe, aber der Widerspruch ist es, der uns produktiv macht. Das Gleiche lässt uns in Ruhe, aber es ist der Widerspruch, der uns produktiv macht. >>eng<< Litterae mihi scribendae sunt. I have to write a letter. I am a writer of letters. >>nld<< Feliz Día Internacional da Muller! Fijne Internationale Vrouwendag! Gelukkige Internationale Vrouwendag! >>deu<< O malogro é o tempero que dá sabor ao sucesso. Ein Fehler ist die Würze, die dem Erfolg sein Aroma gibt. Das Versagen ist das Gewürz, das dem Erfolg Geschmack verleiht. >>deu<< ¿Es chino? Ist er Chinese? Ist er chinesisch? >>eng<< Tenho sentido muita falta de ar. It's really hard for me to breathe. I've had a lot of shortness of breath. >>deu<< Mio zio ha una casa in Italia. Mein Onkel hat ein Haus in Italien. Mein Onkel hat ein Haus in Italien. >>eng<< Eu entendo seu posicionamento. I get your point. I understand your positioning. >>eng<< Non siete mai stati negli Stati Uniti. You've never been to the US. You've never been to the United States. >>eng<< Siamo atterrati su di un'isola solitaria. We were landed on a lonely island. We landed on a lonely island. >>nld<< Am mâncat caviar. Ik heb kaviaar gegeten. Ik heb kaviaar gegeten. >>eng<< M'encanta el menjar d'aquí. I love the food here. I love the food here. >>eng<< Carolina linguam Hispanicam discit. Carol is studying Spanish. Carolina learns Spanish. >>eng<< Êtes-vous occupés vendredi soir ? Are you busy Friday night? Are you busy Friday night? >>nld<< J'ai de moins en moins de temps pour lire. Ik heb minder en minder tijd om te lezen. Ik heb steeds minder tijd om te lezen. >>eng<< Hic hebdomadem fui. I have been here for one week. This week I went. >>nld<< Garde-le à l'œil ! Hou hem in de gaten. Hou hem in de gaten. >>deu<< Elle est tellement grande ! Sie ist so groß! Sie ist so groß! >>nld<< Té una cara molt coneguda. Zijn gezicht is voor velen bekend. Hij heeft een bekend gezicht. >>eng<< Eu farei qualquer tipo de trabalho. I'll do any kind of work. I'll do any kind of work. >>eng<< Tom mi disse che Mary mi odiava. Tom told me Mary hated me. Tom told me Mary hated me. >>eng<< Tom dice di essere preoccupato per la salute di Mary. Tom says he's concerned about Mary's health. Tom says he's worried about Mary's health. >>eng<< As flores alpinas da Nova Zelândia são geralmente brancas — helicrisos, margaridas ou ericas; embora por vezes as margaridas sejam amarelas e haja campânulas cor de malva e as violetas brancas tenham estrias de malva. The New Zealand Alpine flowers are usually white—helichrysums, daisies or heaths; though sometimes the daisies are yellow, and there are mauve campanulas, and the white violets have streaks of mauve. The alpine flowers of New Zealand are usually white—helicrys, daisies, or ericas; although sometimes daisies are yellow and there are mauve-colored bells and white violets have mauve streaks. >>eng<< ¿Puede existir una ilusión? Can an illusion exist? Can there be an illusion? >>eng<< Les statistiques montrent que notre niveau de vie s'est élevé. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living has risen. >>deu<< Escreva-me! Meu endereço ainda é o mesmo. Schreibe mir! Meine Adresse ist noch die alte. Schreiben Sie mir, meine Adresse ist immer noch die gleiche. >>eng<< ¿Has tomado medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil en las últimas veinticuatro horas? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken erectile dysfunction medication in the last 24 hours? >>eng<< Deixe de ser pessimista, tudo se ajeita. Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Stop being pessimistic, everything is going well. >>eng<< ¡Qué lástima! What a shame! What a pity! >>eng<< Papá está ocupado revisando mi tarea. Father is busy looking over my homework. Dad's busy reviewing my homework. >>deu<< Alcune stanze hanno una vista sull'oceano. Einige Zimmer haben Meeresblick. Von einigen Zimmern sieht man auf das Meer. >>nld<< Quel bel arc-en-ciel ! Wat een mooie regenboog! Wat een mooie regenboog. >>deu<< Ignosce, loquerisne Anglice? Verzeihung, sprechen Sie Englisch? Ignorieren Sie, sprechen Sie Englisch? >>nld<< Tendiamo a vedere la televisione qualunque cosa venga trasmessa. We zijn geneigd televisie te kijken ongeacht het programma dat bezig is. We hebben de neiging om televisie te kijken, wat er ook uitgezonden wordt. >>eng<< El profesor está leyendo un libro. The professor is reading a book. The teacher is reading a book. >>nld<< Mary este soția lui Tom. Maria is Toms vrouw. Mary is de vrouw van Tom. >>eng<< Lo principal es que estén vivas. The main thing is that they're alive. The main thing is that they are alive. >>eng<< Adiuvabimus. We'll help. Adjuvabimus. >>nld<< Non c'era nessuno nella camera. Er was niemand in de kamer. Er was niemand in de kamer. >>eng<< ¿Dónde está Cabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where is Cabal? >>deu<< Guardare e non toccare è una cosa da imparare. Das Berühren der Figüren mit den Pfoten ist verboten. Zuschauen und nicht anfassen ist etwas, das man lernen muss. >>eng<< Nu mânca între mese. Don't eat between meals. Don't eat between meals. >>eng<< Perché le tue amiche mi odiano tutte? Why do your friends all hate me? Why do all your friends hate me? >>eng<< Queste scarpe appartengono a loro. These shoes belong to them. These shoes belong to them. >>eng<< Nous ne fricotons pas. We're not dating. We don't fry. >>eng<< Escuta, por favor. Please listen. Listen, please. >>eng<< Carum non erat. It wasn't expensive. Carum was not. >>deu<< A mí la cafeína ya no me afecta. Bei mir hat Koffein schon gar keine Wirkung mehr. Koffein wirkt sich nicht mehr auf mich aus. >>eng<< È una specialità del mio paese. That is a specialty of my country. It is a specialty of my country. >>eng<< De ce nu te vrea Tom aici? Why doesn't Tom want you here? Why doesn't Tom want you here? >>eng<< Tomás bailó. Tom danced. Tom danced. >>eng<< Somente água, por favor. Just water, please. Just water, please. >>deu<< Siamo marito e moglie. Wir sind Eheleute. Wir sind Mann und Frau. >>eng<< Elle est lesbienne. She's a lesbian. She's a lesbian. >>eng<< Quelle est la localisation du pays ? What is the location of the country? What is the location of the country? >>eng<< "His commota fugam Dido sociosque parabat: / conveniunt quibus aut odium crudele tyranni / aut metus acer erat; naves, quæ forte paratæ, / corripiunt onerantque auro; portantur avari / Pygmalionis opes pelago; dux fœmina facti". "Thus roused, her friends she gathers. All await / her summons, who the tyrant fear or hate. / Some ships at hand, chance-anchored in the bay / they seize and load them with the costly freight, / and far off o'er the deep is borne away / Pygmalion's hoarded pelf. A woman leads the way." "This eventful flight of Dido and partners was prepared: / they agreed to whom either the cruel hatred of tyrants / or the steel year was; ships, which were heavily prepared, / they corrected and loaded gold; they carried avarice / Pygmalion's opes pelago; duce feminas made". >>eng<< Los makkabim eran el Taliban djudio. The Maccabees were the Jewish Taliban. The Makkabim were the Jewish Taliban. >>eng<< Les chaussures et la toge blanche sont dans la chambre. The shoes and the white toga are in the bedroom. The shoes and white toga are in the room. >>nld<< Où est la crème fouettée ? Waar is de slagroom? Waar is de slagroom? >>nld<< Io sono il nuovo partner di Tom. Ik ben Toms nieuwe partner. Ik ben Tom's nieuwe partner. >>eng<< ¡Perdón! Sorry! I'm sorry! >>deu<< L'ultimo dio è morto milioni di anni fa. Der letzte Gott starb vor Millionen von Jahren. Der letzte Gott starb vor Millionen von Jahren. >>eng<< Não esqueçam de ser feliz hoje! Don't forget to be happy today! Don’t forget to be happy today! >>eng<< Le jour où AlphaGo a battu Ke Jie, l'apprentissage en profondeur détrônait le meilleur joueur de Go que l'humanité ait jamais eu. On the day AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, the deep learning was dethroning humanity's best Go player ever. The day AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, deep learning dethroned the best Go player mankind has ever had. >>nld<< Él se enfadó y arrojó una taza. Hij werd kwaad en gooide een kop. Hij werd boos en gooide een kopje. >>eng<< Estne nomen tibi Marcus? Is your name Marcus? What is the name of Marcus? >>deu<< Tom si è offerto di prestarmi dei soldi. Tom hat sich angeboten, mir Geld zu leihen. Tom hat angeboten, mir Geld zu leihen. >>deu<< Você gosta de música? Magst du Musik? Magst du Musik? >>deu<< Aţi putea da volumul mai încet? Könnten Sie die Lautstärke senken? Könnten Sie die Lautstärke leiser machen? >>nld<< Găinile sunt în coteț. De kippen zijn in het kippenhok. De kippen zitten in de kooi. >>eng<< La gente del posto non si fida di Tom. The locals don't trust Tom. The locals don't trust Tom. >>eng<< Son discours a laissé une marque profonde dans la pensée des gens présents. His lecture left a deep impression on the mind of those present there. His speech left a deep mark on the thinking of the people present. >>deu<< Debería haber escuchado a Tomás. Ich hätte auf Tom hören sollen. Ich hätte auf Thomas hören sollen. >>eng<< Por que os meninos são tão burros? Why are boys so dumb? Why are boys so stupid? >>nld<< Só hai unha alternativa. Er is maar één alternatief. Er is maar één alternatief. >>eng<< Le carote sono ricche di vitamina A. Carrots are rich in vitamin A. Carrots are rich in vitamin A. >>deu<< Essa é sua obrigação. Das ist deine Verpflichtung. Das ist deine Pflicht. >>eng<< Ager oppidum factum est. The land became a village. It's an aeroplane made. >>eng<< Era obvio que quería besarme. It was obvious that she wanted to kiss me. It was obvious he wanted to kiss me. >>eng<< Sai che siamo qui. You know that we're here. You know we're here. >>eng<< El carácter oligárquico del Commonwealth inglés moderno no recae, como en muchas oligarquías, en la crueldad del rico sobre el pobre. Ni siquiera recae en la benevolencia del rico sobre el pobre. Recae en la perenne e inagotable generosidad del pobre hacia el rico. The oligarchic character of the modern English commonwealth does not rest, like many oligarchies, on the cruelty of the rich to the poor. It does not even rest on the kindness of the rich to the poor. It rests on the perennial and unfailing kindness of the poor to the rich. The oligarchical character of the modern English Commonwealth does not fall, as in many oligarchies, into the cruelty of the rich to the poor. It does not even fall into the benevolence of the rich to the poor. It falls into the perennial and inexhaustible generosity of the poor to the rich. >>eng<< Tom se dirigiu ao seu escritório. Tom drove back to his office. Tom went to his office. >>eng<< Ei aveau idei diferite. They had different ideas. They had different ideas. >>eng<< Questo libro è molto vecchio. This book is very old. This book is very old. >>eng<< Vou comprar isso para você amanhã. I'll buy it for you tomorrow. I'll buy this for you tomorrow. >>eng<< La viande ne coûte pas cher. The meat is cheap. Meat is not expensive. >>deu<< Disposez-vous de temps demain après-midi ? Haben Sie morgen Nachmittag Zeit? Haben Sie morgen Nachmittag Zeit? >>deu<< Mio fratello non nuota. Mein Bruder schwimmt nicht. Mein Bruder schwimmt nicht. >>eng<< La Spagna condivide i confini con cinque paesi. Spain shares borders with five countries. Spain shares borders with five countries. >>eng<< Que veut-il dire par là ? What does he want to say about that? What does he mean by that? >>eng<< Não escreva nos livros da biblioteca. Don't write in library books. Don't write in the library books. >>nld<< Au fait, où habitez-vous ? Waar woont gij eigenlijk? Trouwens, waar woon je? >>deu<< Hitler aborresia a los djudios. Hitler hasste die Juden. Hitler hasste die Juden. >>eng<< Textul era de neînțeles. The text was incomprehensible. The text was incomprehensible. >>eng<< Mario aspira a haberse leído todos los libros de "El diario de Greg" antes de la vuelta al cole. Mario's goal is to have read all of the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books by the time he goes back to school. Mario aspires to have read all the books of "Greg's Diary" before returning to school. >>deu<< Manebisne domi? Wirst du zu Hause bleiben? Manebisne häuslich? >>deu<< Você é esportivo? Bist du sportlich? Bist du sportlich? >>nld<< Tom est offensé. Tom is beledigd. Tom is beledigd. >>eng<< Creo que Tom no me reconoció. I think that Tom didn't recognize me. I don't think Tom recognized me. >>nld<< Elle s'occupe de sa mère malade. Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. >>eng<< Je ne mange jamais avant de faire un footing. I never eat before jogging. I never eat until I have a walk. >>eng<< Domnul Anton le-a vorbit rece. Mr. Anton spoke to them coldly. Mr. Anton spoke to them cold. >>eng<< Meu dia foi cheio de surpresas. My day was full of surprises. My day was full of surprises. >>eng<< Enquanto um pequeno grupo de cientistas mongóis visitantes e americanos aprecia o panorama, um deles repara numa criatura do tamanho de uma palma a saltitar entre dois tufos de erva da pradaria e lança-se a ela com um grito triunfante de "Sapo-de-chifres!" As a small group of American and visiting Mongolian scientists enjoy the panorama, one spots a palm-sized creature hopping between two clumps of prairie grass, and pounces on it with a triumphant cry of "Horny toad!" While a small group of visiting Mongolian and American scientists enjoy the view, one of them notices a palm-sized creature hopping between two bushes of grass from the prairie and throws himself at her with a triumphant cry of "Horn Frog!" >>deu<< ¿Te quedas aquí un momento? Bleibst du hier einen Augenblick? Bleibst du einen Moment hier? >>eng<< Va al colegio a pie. He goes to school on foot. He goes to school on foot. >>eng<< Hodie pecuniam non habeo. I have no money today. I don’t have any money today. >>deu<< Eu não conheço ninguém que bata com essa descrição. Ich kenne keinen, auf den diese Beschreibung passt. Ich kenne niemanden, der mit dieser Beschreibung übereinstimmt. >>eng<< Qui peut vous aider à apprendre l'allemand ? Who can help you guys learn German? Who can help you learn German? >>eng<< Jugar a las cartas es divertido. It is fun to play cards. Playing cards is fun. >>eng<< Nadie se percató del error. Nobody noticed the mistake. No one noticed the mistake. >>eng<< Nuestro país debe explotar sus recursos naturales. Our country must develop its natural resources. Our country must exploit its natural resources. >>nld<< Tenemos un gato blanco. We hebben een witte kat. We hebben een witte kat. >>eng<< Estudar como se comunicar de forma eficaz é um tempo bem gasto. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Studying how to communicate effectively is a well spent time. >>eng<< O livro que o Tom me emprestou era interessante. The book Tom lent me was interesting. The book Tom lent me was interesting. >>eng<< Je parle de notre maison. I'm talking about our house. I'm talking about our house. >>eng<< Lui lava la sua auto almeno una volta alla settimana. He washes his car at least once a week. He washes his car at least once a week. >>nld<< Lo que él dice es absolutamente correcto. Wat hij zegt is absoluut correct. Wat hij zegt is volkomen juist. >>eng<< I giocattoli sono nascosti nella scatola rossa. The toys are hidden in the red box. The toys are hidden in the red box. >>eng<< Bono glossario egeo. I need a good dictionary. A good Aegean glossary. >>nld<< Tenía miedo de pedirle un descanso a su jefe. Ze was bang haar chef om een pauze te vragen. Hij was bang om zijn baas om een pauze te vragen. >>deu<< S'il n'y a pas de virgule dans une phrase allemande, elle doit être examinée très attentivement. Wenn in einem deutschen Satz kein Komma steht, muss man ihn besonders sorgfältig überprüfen. Wenn es in einem deutschen Satz kein Komma gibt, sollte er sehr sorgfältig geprüft werden. >>nld<< Le soldat refusa le combat. De soldaat weigerde het gevecht. De soldaat weigerde het gevecht. >>deu<< Si on a compris que la volonté du peuple n'existe pas, alors il n'y a pas loin jusqu'à la reconnaissance que la démocratie représentative est plus démocratique que la démocratie directe. Wenn man verstanden hat, dass das Wort "Volkswille" etwas bezeichnet, das nicht existiert, dann ist es nicht mehr weit bis zu der Erkenntnis, dass die repräsentative Demokratie demokratischer ist als die direkte. Wenn man begriffen hat, dass es den Willen des Volkes nicht gibt, dann ist es nicht weit bis zur Anerkennung, dass die repräsentative Demokratie demokratischer ist als die direkte Demokratie. >>eng<< Omnia sunt normativa. Everything is normal. The rules are normative. >>eng<< Verus est! It's true! It is Verus! >>eng<< El coche se detuvo justo delante de ellos. The car stopped right in front of them. The car stopped right in front of them. >>eng<< Nu sunt obișnuită cu un asemenea tratament. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I am not accustomed to such treatment. >>eng<< Saltate l'introduzione. Skip the introduction. Skip the introduction. >>nld<< Quando piove lei prende l'autobus. Als het regent, neemt ze de bus. Als het regent, neemt ze de bus. >>eng<< Elizabeth estaba encantada. Elizabeth was delighted. Elizabeth was delighted. >>eng<< I tant. Obviously. Oh, yeah. >>nld<< Aujourd'hui, j'ai un léger mal de tête. Ik heb lichte hoofdpijn vandaag. Vandaag heb ik een lichte hoofdpijn. >>eng<< Les matemàtiques són importants a la vida diària. Mathematics is important in daily life. Mathematics is important in everyday life. >>eng<< Tiratevi giù i pantaloni. Pull down your pants. Put your pants down. >>eng<< Eles indicaram que o que resta do casco e outros detalhes estruturais chave são quase exatamente os registados relativamente ao Endeavour. They have pointed out that what is left of the hull and other key structural details are almost exactly those recorded for the Endeavour. They indicated that what remains of the hull and other key structural details are almost exactly those recorded in relation to Endeavour. >>nld<< As-tu eu des écoulements du mamelon ? Heb je tepeluitvloeiing gehad? Heb je tepel stromingen gehad? >>eng<< Êtes-vous étrangers ? Are you foreigners? Are you a stranger? >>nld<< Nous avons fermé le restaurant. We hebben het restaurant gesloten. We hebben het restaurant gesloten. >>eng<< Nimis parva eram. I was too small. I wasn't stupid. >>deu<< Quello che può la tua t-shirt, puoi anche tu. Was dein T-Shirt kann, kannst du auch. Was dein T-Shirt kann, kannst du auch. >>eng<< Maggiore il danno, maggiore l'onore. The more danger, the more honor. The greater the damage, the greater the honor. >>eng<< Eu estou livre até hoje às seis da tarde. I am free till 6 o'clock this evening. I'm free till six in the afternoon. >>deu<< Eles viviam de caridade. Sie lebten von der Barmherzigkeit. Sie lebten von Wohltätigkeit. >>eng<< Quis vocatur pater tuus? What's your father's name? What is your father’s name? >>deu<< C'était leur choix. Das war ihre Entscheidung. Es war ihre Entscheidung. >>deu<< Regarde ! Une renarde avec ses petits ! Schau! Eine Füchsin mit ihren Jungen! Sieh mal, ein Fuchs mit seinen Jungen. >>deu<< In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und Gott war das Wort. Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und Gott war das Wort. >>eng<< Tom solitamente ha il suo computer con sé. Tom usually has his computer with him. Tom usually has his own computer with him. >>eng<< Tom no vio a Mary en el autobús. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. >>deu<< No puedo creer que Tom verdaderamente me haya dicho no. Ich kann gar nicht glauben, dass Tom wirklich „Nein!“ zu mir gesagt hat. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Tom wirklich Nein gesagt hat. >>deu<< En Inglaterra el mesero nos preguntó, "¿Cuánta cerveza van a querer, media pinta o una pinta?". Sin tener idea de cuánto sería eso, le pedimos que nos mostrara los vasos. In England fragte uns der Kellner: Wie viel Bier wollen Sie, ein halbes Pint oder ein Pint? Ratlos, wie viel das sein könnte, baten wir ihn, uns die Gläser zu zeigen. In England fragte uns der Kellner: "Wie viel Bier werden Sie wollen, ein halbes Pint oder ein Pint?" Ohne zu wissen, wie viel das wäre, baten wir ihn, uns die Gläser zu zeigen. >>eng<< In regione caecorum rex est luscus. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the region of Caecorus, Rex is luscious. >>nld<< Il y a une bouteille au frigo. Er staat een fles in de koelkast. Er staat een fles in de koelkast. >>eng<< Je suis fait comme un rat ! I'm a dead duck! I'm made like a rat! >>deu<< Como un sándwich. Ich esse ein Sandwich. Wie ein Sandwich. >>deu<< Non ambulat. Sie läuft nicht. Er ist nicht ambulant. >>nld<< Je gesticulais. Ik gesticuleerde. Ik gebaarde. >>eng<< Tom nunca havia visto Maria tão ocupada. Tom had never seen Mary so busy. Tom had never seen Mary so busy. >>nld<< Ponga todo en un taxi. Steek alles in een taxi. Zet alles in een taxi. >>deu<< Sa seconde langue est le français. Seine zweite Sprache ist Französisch. Ihre zweite Sprache ist Französisch. >>eng<< Ascolti la canzone. Listen to the song. Listen to the song. >>eng<< Tendrás que ir en tren durante dos días. You will need to go by train for two days. You'll have to go by train for two days. >>eng<< Io lo persi di vista. I lost sight of him. I lost sight of him. >>eng<< Ziri sent mauvais. Ziri smells. Ziri smells bad. >>eng<< Tens fam, ara? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? >>eng<< ¿Ha rezado Tom? Did Tom pray? Did Tom pray? >>nld<< Sólo es el principio. Het is slechts het begin. Het is nog maar het begin. >>deu<< Non abbiamo più tempo. Sbrigati. Wir haben keine Zeit mehr. Beeil dich! Wir haben keine Zeit mehr. >>deu<< O vaso é transparente. Die Vase ist durchsichtig. Die Vase ist transparent. >>deu<< Helena in horto ludit. Helena spielt im Garten. Helena spielt im Garten. >>deu<< Enfin, la tempête se calme. Endlich beruhigt sich der Sturm. Schließlich beruhigt sich der Sturm. >>eng<< Pensé que habíamos encontrado el escondite perfecto, pero la policía nos encontró. I thought we had found the perfect hiding place, but the police found us. I thought we found the perfect hiding place, but the police found us. >>deu<< Acabo de comer um falafel. Ich habe gerade ein Falafel gegessen. Ich habe gerade einen Falafel gegessen. >>deu<< Je suis un fondu de photo. Ich bin ein Fotonarr. Ich bin ein Fototapete. >>deu<< Tom no escucha a sus padres. Tom hört nicht auf seine Eltern. Tom hört nicht auf seine Eltern. >>eng<< ¿Necesitas nuestra ayuda? Do you need our help? Do you need our help? >>eng<< No estás jugando según las reglas. You're not playing by the rules. You're not playing by the rules. >>nld<< Tom n'était pas un bon témoin. Tom was geen goede getuige. Tom was geen goede getuige. >>eng<< 'T parle anglèis? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? >>deu<< Ellos podían montar y disparar bien. Sie konnten gut reiten und schießen. Sie konnten gut reiten und schießen. >>eng<< A União Europeia lançou esta semana um fundo de "Conexão Global" no valor de 340 mil milhões de dólares para potenciar as infraestruturas globais, que, segundo os analistas, se destina a rivalizar com a Nova Rota da Seda da China. The European Union this week launched a $340 billion "Global Gateway" fund to boost global infrastructure, which analysts say is aimed at rivaling China's Belt and Road Initiative. The European Union this week launched a $340 billion “Global Connection” fund to boost global infrastructure, which analysts say is meant to rival China’s New Silk Road. >>eng<< All'inizio di una partita a dama, su una scacchiera di 64 scacchi, si mettono le pedine bianche su a1, c1, e1, g1; b2, d2, f2, h2; a3, c3, e3 e g3. Le nere occupano gli scacchi b8, d8, f8, h8; a7, c7, e7, g7; b6, d6, f6 e h6. At the beginning of a game of checkers, on a 64-square board, the white pieces are placed on a1, c1, e1, g1; b2, d2, f2, h2; a3, c3, e3, and g3. Black occupies the b8, d8, f8, h8, a7, c7, e7, g7, b6, d6, f6, and h6 squares. At the beginning of a checkerboard game, on a chessboard of 64 chess, white checkers are placed on a1, c1, e1, g1; b2, d2, f2, h2; a3, c3, e3 and g3. Blacks occupy the chess boards b8, d8, f8, h8; a7, c7, e7, g7; b6, d6, h6. >>eng<< Tu crois qu'on nous pardonnera un jour? Do you think we can ever be forgiven? Do you think we'll be forgiven someday? >>eng<< Non e ligno factum erat. It wasn't made of wood. It was not made of wood. >>eng<< Nenhuma notícia é boa. No news is good news. No news is good. >>eng<< Nunca me dices nada. You never tell me anything. You never tell me anything. >>eng<< Tom ha pagato con la carta di credito. Tom paid by credit card. Tom paid by credit card. >>eng<< Era ceva obișnuit. This was routine. It was normal. >>eng<< Pueri non laborant. The children do not work. The children are not working. >>eng<< Vous étiez terrifiées, n'est-ce pas ? You were terrified, weren't you? You were terrified, weren't you? >>eng<< C'est le sac le plus cher que j'ai jamais acheté. This is the most expensive bag I have ever bought. This is the most expensive bag I've ever bought. >>eng<< D'autres ont pleuré. Others cried. Others cried. >>deu<< Ma voiture doit être réparée. Mein Auto muss repariert werden. Mein Auto muss repariert werden. >>eng<< Tom realmente gosta de Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Tom really likes Boston. >>deu<< Não tenho tempo para estudar. Ich habe keine Zeit zu lernen. Ich habe keine Zeit zum Lernen. >>nld<< Aide-toi et Dieu t'aidera. Help u zelf, zo helpt u God. Help jezelf en God zal je helpen. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es la ciudad más grande de Grecia? What is the biggest city in Greece? What is the largest city in Greece? >>nld<< Y a-t-il quelqu'un ? Is daar iemand? Is er iemand hier? >>eng<< Nu trebuia să te grăbești. Oricum ai ajuns aici prea devreme. You didn't need to hurry. You got here too early anyway. You didn't have to hurry, you got here too early anyway. >>deu<< Je veux un bonbon. Ich will ein Bonbon. Ich will ein Bonbon. >>eng<< Déjame morir. Let me die. Let me die. >>deu<< Expliquer quelque chose signifie décrire l'inconnu en fonction du connu. Etwas zu erklären bedeutet, das Unbekannte in Bezug auf das Bekannte zu beschreiben. Etwas zu erklären bedeutet, das Unbekannte nach dem Bekannten zu beschreiben. >>deu<< Esto es algo sencillo de resolver. Das ist leicht zu lösen. Das ist einfach zu lösen. >>nld<< Je peux survivre. Ik kan overleven. Ik kan het overleven. >>eng<< Puedo leer la escritura en la pared. I can read the writing on the wall. I can read the writing on the wall. >>deu<< Marie commence à écrire les invitations. Maria macht sich daran, die Einladungen zu schreiben. Marie beginnt, die Einladungen zu schreiben. >>deu<< Nunc triginta annos natus sum. Ich bin jetzt 30 Jahre alt. Ich bin jetzt 30 Jahre alt. >>eng<< Os médicos curam muitos doentes. The doctors heal many sick people. Doctors treat a lot of patients. >>deu<< Quando não se sabe o significado de uma palavra, o melhor é consultar um dicionário. Weiß man die Bedeutung eines Wortes nicht, schaut man am besten in ein Wörterbuch. Wenn Sie die Bedeutung eines Wortes nicht kennen, ist es am besten, ein Wörterbuch zu konsultieren. >>deu<< Je ne le dirai à personne. Ich werde es niemandem sagen. Ich werde es niemandem sagen. >>deu<< Dis-moi que tu m'aimes encore. Sag mir, dass du mich noch immer liebst! Sag mir, dass du mich noch liebst. >>nld<< Voy de regreso. Ik ga terug. Ik kom terug. >>nld<< Je voudrais quitter cette ville et ne jamais revenir. Ik zou graag die stad verlaten en nooit meer terugkeren. Ik wil deze stad verlaten en nooit meer terugkomen. >>eng<< Durante los últimos diez años, la gente se ha dado cuenta progresivamente de que necesitan cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios. Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits. Over the past ten years, people have gradually realized that they need to change their eating habits. >>eng<< Il mio libro non è lì. My book is not there. My book is not there. >>eng<< Ti piace qui in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? >>eng<< Thomas tabularius est. Tom is a mailman. It's a tabular Thomas. >>deu<< Ha incontrato all'aeroporto una giovane coppia francese. Er hat auf dem Flughafen ein junges französisches Paar kennengelernt. Am Flughafen traf er ein junges französisches Paar. >>nld<< Há uma livraria em frente a minha casa. Voor mijn huis bevindt zich een boekhandel. Er is een boekwinkel voor mijn huis. >>deu<< ¿A qué huele? Wonach riecht das hier so? Was riecht das? >>eng<< As-tu une minute pour discuter ? Do you have a minute to talk? Do you have a minute to talk? >>deu<< Avete dei piatti regionali? Haben Sie lokale Gerichte? Haben Sie regionale Gerichte? >>eng<< Chi è quello col cappello? Who's that with the hat? Who's the one with the hat? >>deu<< Continuez à rouler ! Fahr weiter! Fahren Sie weiter! >>eng<< Quella parola contiene quattro consonanti. That word contains four consonants. That word contains four consonants. >>deu<< Nous avons perdu la compétition. Wir haben den Wettkampf verloren. Wir haben den Wettbewerb verloren. >>deu<< Je bois du thé vert, pas du noir. Ich trinke grünen, keinen schwarzen Tee. Ich trinke grünen Tee, nicht schwarz. >>eng<< Je prends des cours d'allemand. I take German classes. I'm taking German classes. >>eng<< Didymus in lacu saluit. Tom jumped into the lake. Didymus in the lake saluted. >>deu<< Tom a acheté une chemise hier. Tom hat sich gestern ein Hemd gekauft. Tom hat gestern ein Hemd gekauft. >>eng<< María se fue a un colegio católico. Mary went to a Catholic high school. Mary went to a Catholic school. >>nld<< Tenho algumas ideias. Ik heb enkele ideeën. Ik heb een paar ideeën. >>nld<< Él es viejo. Hij is oud. Hij is oud. >>deu<< Sempre pensamos que os outros são como nós mesmos somos. É por isso que os ladrões sempre põem fortíssimas fechaduras em suas portas. Man denkt über andere immer so wie man selbst ist, darum haben Diebe immer die größten Schlösser an ihren Türen. Wir denken immer, dass andere so sind, wie wir selbst sind. Deshalb legen Diebe immer sehr starke Schlösser an ihre Türen. >>deu<< Su humor es muy ingenioso, típicamente francés. Ihr Humor ist sehr geistreich, typisch französisch. Sein Humor ist sehr einfallsreich, typisch französisch. >>eng<< Mi manca la forza necessaria per sollevare la scatola da solo. I lack the necessary strength to lift the box by myself. I lack the strength to lift the box on my own. >>nld<< Cette musique est angoissante. Deze muziek is akelig. Deze muziek is angstaanjagend. >>deu<< Elles sont dehors. Sie sind draußen. Sie sind draußen. >>eng<< Eu assisti a um documentário. I watched a documentary. I watched a documentary. >>eng<< O Painel de Peritos das Nações Unidas sobre o Sudão do Sul alerta que o revitalizado acordo de paz do país corre perigo porque os parceiros do governo unificado estão a brigar sobre o controlo da segurança e os recursos, em vez de avançarem com a implementação do acordo. The United Nations Panel of Experts on South Sudan is warning that the country’s revitalized peace deal is in jeopardy because the unity government’s partners are bickering over security control and resources rather than moving forward with the deal’s implementation. The United Nations Panel of Experts on South Sudan warns that the country’s revitalized peace agreement is in danger because the unified government’s partners are fighting over security control and resources, rather than moving forward with the implementation of the agreement. >>eng<< Je suis épileptique. I'm epileptic. I'm an epileptic. >>deu<< Deve haver uma explicação lógica. Es muss eine logische Erklärung geben. Es muss eine logische Erklärung geben. >>deu<< Per pedes eo. Ich gehe zu Fuß. Für Sie es zu tun. >>eng<< O relatório está incorreto. The report is incorrect. The report is incorrect. >>eng<< Nous ne vous retiendrons pas trop longtemps. We won't keep you too long. We won't hold you too long. >>nld<< Eu falo uzbeque. Ik spreek Oezbeeks. Ik spreek Oezbeeks. >>eng<< Qual è lo scopo della vita se alla fine moriamo tutti? What's the point of life if we all eventually die? What is the purpose of life if we all die in the end? >>eng<< Mas no caso de um colecionador de Hot Wheels perto de Washington, DC, ele transformou uma paixão de infância num passatempo de adultos que ele pode partilhar com as outras pessoas. But for one “Hot Wheels” collector near Washington, DC, he’s turned a childhood passion into a grownup hobby he can share with others. But in the case of a Hot Wheels collector near Washington, D.C., he turned a childhood passion into an adult hobby that he can share with others. >>deu<< Decida-se! Entscheide dich! Entscheiden Sie sich! >>deu<< Ti dico che non vado. Ich sag dir, dass ich nicht gehe. Ich sage dir, ich gehe nicht. >>eng<< Aceasta este incontestabil cea mai bună metodă. It's incontestably the best method. This is undeniably the best method. >>eng<< ¡El magenta es el mejor color del mundo! Magenta is the best color in the world! Magenta is the best color in the world! >>eng<< Erinaceus est animal parvum. The hedgehog is a small animal. Erinaceus is a stupid animal. >>nld<< ¿Viene incluido el desayuno? Is het ontbijt inbegrepen? Is het ontbijt inbegrepen? >>deu<< Cette voiture correspond exactement à mes besoins. Dieser Wagen entspricht genau meinen Bedürfnissen. Dieses Auto passt genau zu meinen Bedürfnissen. >>nld<< Tom a une demi-sœur. Tom heeft een halfzus. Tom heeft een halfzus. >>eng<< Li salti. Skip them. You skip them. >>eng<< Ea eum osculata est. She kissed him. She was oscillating. >>deu<< Tom è intelligente. Tom ist klug. Tom ist schlau. >>deu<< Em vaig traure les sabates. Ich zog meine Schuhe aus. Ich habe meine Schuhe ausgezogen. >>eng<< Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an unhonored fellow, did not take ten steps as the rules mark, but two; then he turned and shot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus had not taken a single step. >>eng<< Eso tiene sentido de forma intuitiva. That does make sense intuitively. That makes sense intuitively. >>eng<< Dans ce genre de situation, il est préférable de rester calme. In this kind of the situation, it is preferable to remain calm. In this kind of situation, it is better to remain calm. >>nld<< Je déteste le bruit. Ik haat lawaai. Ik haat lawaai. >>eng<< Las ilustraciones del libro son muy buenas. The book's illustrations are very good. The illustrations in the book are very good. >>nld<< Je lui ai écrit une lettre quotidienne. Ik schreef haar elke dag een brief. Ik schreef hem elke dag een brief. >>eng<< Ell és un somia truites. He is a daydreamer. He's a dream trout. >>eng<< Avertitque se et ingressus est domum suam nec ad hoc apposuit cor suum. And he turned himself away, and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to it this time also. And he turned and went into his house, and his heart was not set on it. >>nld<< Su hermano siempre está viendo la televisión. Zijn broer is altijd tv aan het kijken. Haar broer kijkt altijd tv. >>deu<< Nos vamos a encontrar con Tomás en tres horas. Wir treffen uns in drei Stunden mit Tom. Wir treffen uns in drei Stunden mit Thomas. >>nld<< Je frappai à la porte, mais personne ne répondit. Ik klopte aan de deur, maar niemand deed open. Ik klopte op de deur, maar niemand antwoordde. >>deu<< Odio mia suocera. Ich hasse meine Schwiegermutter. Ich hasse meine Schwiegermutter. >>eng<< Elas não são professoras. They are not teachers. They're not teachers. >>eng<< Datele questa lettera quando viene. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her this letter when she comes. >>eng<< Le ho detto un miliardo di volte di smetterla di esagerare. I've told you a billion times to stop exaggerating. I've told her a billion times to stop overreacting. >>eng<< Na minha opinião, usar vírgula antes de la, depois de la, ou não usar vírgula é uma escolha estilística pessoal. In my opinion, whether to use a comma before la, after la, or to not use a comma at all is a personal stylistic choice. In my opinion, using comma before la, after la, or not using comma is a personal stylistic choice. >>deu<< Il se peut que Tom mente. Vielleicht lügt Tom. Vielleicht lügt Tom. >>eng<< Faça como ele lhe disser para fazer. Do it the way he tells you to. Do as he tells you to do. >>eng<< Pode-se começar a aprender a ganhar aprendendo-se a empatar. You can start learning to win by learning to draw. You can start learning how to win by learning how to draw. >>nld<< M-am simțit foarte fericită. Ik voelde me zeer gelukkig. Ik voelde me erg gelukkig. >>eng<< Come siamo arrivate a questo punto? How did we reach this point? How did we get to this point? >>nld<< Para mí, el juego era bastante interesante. Voor mij was het spel tamelijk interessant. Voor mij was het spel heel interessant. >>eng<< Tom non avrà più bisogno dell'aiuto di Mary. Tom won't need Mary's help anymore. Tom will no longer need Mary's help. >>eng<< Traducen el texto sin comprender su significado. They translate the text without understanding its meaning. They translate the text without understanding its meaning. >>eng<< Se você concordar em se tornar um doador de órgãos, pode ajudar a salvar a vida de alguém. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to become an organ donor, it can help save someone’s life. >>deu<< Hay mucho más por descubrir. Da ist noch viel mehr zu entdecken. Es gibt noch viel mehr zu entdecken. >>nld<< ¿Me conocés? Ken je me? Ken je mij? >>deu<< Tiene tres veces más libros que yo. Er hat dreimal so viele Bücher wie ich. Er hat dreimal so viele Bücher wie ich. >>deu<< Le chat est entre moi et toi. Die Katze ist zwischen mir und dir. Die Katze ist zwischen mir und dir. >>eng<< È troppo umido. It's too humid. It's too wet. >>eng<< Eyal Haddad était un juif tunisien qui a cherché refuge en France mais y a été assassiné. Eyal Haddad was a Tunisian Jew who sought refuge in France, only to be murdered there. Eyal Haddad was a Tunisian Jew who sought refuge in France but was murdered there. >>eng<< Non sei alto esattamente tanto quanto Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. You're not exactly as tall as Mary. >>eng<< O arco-íris lança chuva sobre a terra. The rainbow casts rain on the earth. The rainbow throws rain on the earth. >>eng<< Eles estão procurando o significado da palavra no dicionário. They are looking up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. They are looking for the meaning of the word in the dictionary. >>eng<< On ferme dans quinze minutes. We're closing in fifteen minutes. We're closing in 15 minutes. >>eng<< Herculem igitur corripuit et in vincula coniecit. Tum nuntios dimisit et diem sacrificio edixit. He arrested Hercules and threw him in prison. He then fixed the day of the sacrifice and had the news spread. And he rebuked Hercules, and bound him with chains, and sent away the messengers, and offered a day's sacrifice. >>eng<< Baixei algumas coisas. I've downloaded some stuff. I downloaded a few things. >>nld<< ¿Quiénes son ellos? Wie zijn zij? Wie zijn dat? >>eng<< Ricorda che nella maggior parte dei finali, il re cambia da pezzo da difendere a pezzo da attaccare. Remember that in most endgames, the king changes from a piece to be defended to an attacking piece. Remember that in most finals, the king changes from piece to piece to defend to attack. >>eng<< ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? >>eng<< A meu ver, a reunião foi um sucesso. In my opinion, the meeting was a success. In my opinion, the meeting was a success. >>eng<< Tengo un gato y un perro. El gato es negro y el perro es blanco. I have one cat and one dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. >>deu<< Sim, entendo. Obrigado. Ja, ich verstehe. Danke schön. Ja, ich verstehe. >>eng<< Écarte les doigts. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. >>eng<< Uma das espécies mais abundantes é o peixe-leão, um predador voraz proveniente da Ásia que está a dizimar os peixes nativos nos recifes de coral das Caraíbas. One of the most pervasive species is the lionfish, a voracious predator from Asia that is depleting native coral reef fish in the Caribbean. One of the most abundant species is the lionfish, a voracious predator from Asia that is decimating native fish in Caribbean coral reefs. >>eng<< Todo este sistema de apartheid debería desmantelarse. This whole apartheid system should be dismantled. This entire system of apartheid should be dismantled. >>deu<< Quand mange-t-elle des oranges ? Wann isst sie Orangen? Wann isst sie Orangen? >>eng<< A incerteza do momento deixou-o a fumegar quase diariamente no Twitter sobre aquilo que ele considera ser a injustiça do processo instaurado contra ele. The uncertainty of the moment has left him to fume almost daily on Twitter about what he sees as the unfairness of the case against him. The uncertainty of the moment left him smoking almost daily on Twitter about what he considers to be the injustice of the lawsuit brought against him. >>eng<< No te olvides de venir a recogerme mañana a las seis. Don't forget to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow at six. >>deu<< Dacă te plictisești, poți să contribui pe Tatoeba. Wenn du Langeweile hast, kannst du bei Tatoeba mitmachen. Wenn Sie sich langweilen, können Sie zu Tatoeba beitragen. >>eng<< Je dis ça pour toi. I say that for you. I'm saying that for you. >>nld<< Posso andare in bagno? Mag ik naar de wc gaan? Mag ik naar de wc? >>deu<< Você conhece Tom pessoalmente? Kennst du Tom persönlich? Kennen Sie Tom persönlich? >>eng<< Sally vocor. My name is Sally. Sally vocor. >>eng<< Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is the same as mine. >>deu<< No silbes en la escuela. Pfeife in der Schule nicht! Pfeifen Sie nicht in der Schule. >>deu<< Repetir siempre una mentira no la convierte en verdad, sino que, lo que es peor, en un hábito. Immer wieder behauptete Unwahrheiten werden nicht zu Wahrheiten, sondern, was schlimmer ist, zu Gewohnheiten. Eine Lüge immer zu wiederholen, macht sie nicht zur Wahrheit, sondern, was noch schlimmer ist, zur Gewohnheit. >>eng<< "O estatuto definiria a estrutura e a composição dos tribunais e o processo de nomeação dos funcionários dos tribunais", disse Deng ao Sudão do Sul em Foco da VOA. “The statute would describe the structure and the composition of the court and the appointment procedure for the court staff,” Deng told VOA's South Sudan in Focus. “The statute would define the structure and composition of the courts and the process of appointing the officials of the courts,” Deng told South Sudan in VOA Focus. >>eng<< Le feu était vert. The traffic light was green. The light was green. >>eng<< Les rues sont dangereuses à cause du gel. The streets are dangerous due to the frost. The streets are dangerous because of the frost. >>eng<< Não sou mais assim. I'm not like that anymore. I'm not like that anymore. >>eng<< Ela enviou uma mensagem de texto ao namorado. She texted her boyfriend. She sent a text message to her boyfriend. >>nld<< No es pobre quien tiene muy poco, sino quien ansía demasiado. Een arme is niet hij die te weinig heeft, maar hij die te veel wil. Arm is niet wie te weinig heeft, maar wie te veel verlangt. >>deu<< Não sou criativo. Ich bin nicht kreativ. Ich bin nicht kreativ. >>eng<< Saadia Musa é uma 'rececionista virtual', que atende chamadas em Carachi, no Paquistão, para uma empresa central de chamadas em Washington, D.C. Saadia Musa is a 'virtual receptionist,' answering phones in Karachi, Pakistan for a call center firm in Washington, D.C. Saadia Musa is a ‘virtual receptionist’, answering calls in Karachi, Pakistan, to a central calling company in Washington, D.C. >>eng<< Io intendo vedere la regina. I intend seeing the queen. I intend to see the queen. >>deu<< Non passerà molto prima che saremo in grado di viaggiare fino alla luna. Es wird nicht mehr lange dauern, dann können wir eine Mondreise unternehmen. Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis wir zum Mond reisen können. >>deu<< Eu te acompanho. Ich begleite dich. Ich komme mit. >>deu<< Cuando está borracho, pierde el control. Wenn er betrunken ist, verliert er die Selbstkontrolle. Wenn er betrunken ist, verliert er die Kontrolle. >>eng<< T'ê un grand'òmmo. You're a great man. You're a great man. >>eng<< Nu mă înțelegeți greșit. Don't get it wrong. Don't get me wrong. >>eng<< Haec ecclesia locus clarissimus pulcherrimusque est. This church is a very famous and beautiful place. This church is beautifully decorated. >>eng<< Et fecit Deus firmamentum divisitque aquas, quæ erant sub firmamento, ab his, quæ erant super firmamentum. Et factum est ita. And God made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so. And God made the expanse, and divided the waters that were under the expanse from those that were above the expanse. And it was so. >>nld<< Le miel est fabriqué par les abeilles. Honing wordt door bijen gemaakt. Honing wordt gemaakt door bijen. >>eng<< Ea futura uxor mea est. She is my future wife. This is my future wife. >>deu<< Quaisquer drogas ou armas? Irgendwelche Drogen oder Waffen? Irgendwelche Drogen oder Waffen? >>deu<< Pare! Stopp! Hör auf! >>eng<< ¿Canto costa unha noite? How much for the night? How much does a night cost? >>nld<< Le prince Charles sera le prochain roi d'Angleterre. Prins Charles zal de volgende koning van Engeland zijn. Prins Charles wordt de volgende koning van Engeland. >>eng<< Dio in paradiso, non lasciarmi! God in heaven, don't leave me! God in heaven, don't leave me! >>nld<< Comment passerez-vous Noël ? Hoe gaan jullie Kerstmis doorbrengen? Hoe ga je Kerstmis doorbrengen? >>eng<< A produção industrial — o maior componente da estatística — deu um salto de 0,7 por cento. Factory production — the largest component of the statistic — jumped by 0.7 percent. Industrial production — the largest component of statistics — jumped 0.7 percent. >>eng<< A volte vado a casa a pranzo. I sometimes go home for lunch. Sometimes I go home for lunch. >>eng<< Mi sono perso perché non avevo una mappa. I got lost because I didn't have a map. I got lost because I didn't have a map. >>eng<< Les trucs que j'ai mis à la poubelle ne sont plus utiles. The things I put in the trash can are no longer useful. The things I put in the trash are no longer useful. >>eng<< Michael a remercié tout le monde. Michael thanked everyone. Michael thanked everyone. >>nld<< Eles passaram a noite juntos. Ze brachten de nacht samen door. Ze hebben de nacht samen doorgebracht. >>eng<< Thomas vix stare potest. Tom can barely stand. Thomas was able to do it. >>eng<< I Giochi Olimpici sono nati in Grecia. The Olympic Games were born in Greece. The Olympic Games were born in Greece. >>eng<< Toutes les plantes ont besoin d'eau et de lumière du jour. All plants need water and daylight. All plants need water and daylight. >>eng<< Todas as flores caíram das cerejeiras. All of the blossoms have fallen from the cherry trees. All the flowers fell from the cherry trees. >>nld<< Estou em Londres. Ik ben in Londen. Ik ben in Londen. >>deu<< Il n'a pas dit beaucoup. Er hat nicht viel gesagt. Er hat nicht viel gesagt. >>nld<< Je ne suis pas le responsable. Ik heb de leiding niet. Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk. >>deu<< Por fin somos libres. Wir sind endlich frei. Endlich sind wir frei. >>eng<< Escribe con un bolígrafo. Write with a ballpoint pen. Write with a pen. >>eng<< Difficultatis amotionem habeo. I have a solution. I have a lot of fun. >>eng<< Sami tenía un terrible dolor abdominal. Sami had terrible abdominal pain. Sami had terrible abdominal pain. >>deu<< N'ei pas ua trufa. Das ist kein Witz. Sie ist kein Trüffel. >>nld<< Avec grand plaisir ! Met groot genoegen! Met veel plezier! >>eng<< Tom se apaixonou por Maria à primeira vista. Tom fell in love with Mary at first sight. Tom fell in love with Maria at first sight. >>eng<< La tomate est une plante américaine. The tomato is an American plant. Tomato is an American plant. >>deu<< O sorriso que o senhor envia lhe é devolvido. Das Lächeln, das Sie aussenden, kehrt zu Ihnen zurück. Das Lächeln, das Sie senden, wird Ihnen zurückgegeben. >>nld<< Ils ne craignent rien. Ze zijn onbevreesd. Ze zijn nergens bang voor. >>eng<< Fala mais alto, por favor. Speak louder, please. Speak louder, please. >>eng<< Creta é uma grande ilha grega. Crete is a big Greek island. Crete is a large Greek island. >>eng<< Fere recte dicitur. That is almost correct. It's a straight word. >>eng<< Tu es mon ange. You are my angel. You are my angel. >>eng<< Vă mulțumesc. Well, thank you. Thank you very much. >>eng<< Sono guidata dalla mia passione. I’m driven by my passion. I am driven by my passion. >>eng<< Lei canterebbe per Tom? Would you sing for Tom? Would you sing for Tom? >>nld<< Este jugo estaría aún mejor con dos cubos de hielo. Dit sap zou nog beter zijn met twee ijsblokjes. Dit sap zou nog beter zijn met twee ijsblokjes. >>eng<< Se chover, eu tenho um guarda-chuva. If it rains, I have an umbrella. If it rains, I have an umbrella. >>nld<< ¿Hay algo más para comer? Is er nog iets anders om te eten? Is er nog iets te eten? >>deu<< Tu recompensa. Hier ist deine Belohnung. Deine Belohnung. >>deu<< Savez-vous où je pourrais trouver Tom ? Wisst ihr, wo ich Tom finden kann? Wissen Sie, wo ich Tom finden kann? >>eng<< Não seja sempre tão curioso. Stop being so curious. Don't always be so curious. >>eng<< Ha detto che avrebbe parlato con lui. You said you'd talk to him. He said he'd talk to him. >>eng<< Como tenía muchas pesadillas, un amigo me regaló un cazasueños. I was having a lot of nightmares, so a friend gave me a dream-catcher. As I had many nightmares, a friend gave me a dream hunter. >>eng<< L'ho comprato in un negozio dell'usato. I bought it at a thrift shop. I bought it in a used store. >>deu<< La juventud -como una primavera fugaz- ya se fue. Die Jugend ist -wie ein flüchtiger Frühling - schon vergangen. Die Jugend – wie ein flüchtiger Frühling – ist fort. >>eng<< Tenho quase noventa anos de idade. I am almost ninety years old. I'm almost ninety years old. >>eng<< Nu este obligatoriu să porți cravată. It's not mandatory to wear a tie. It is not mandatory to wear a tie. >>nld<< Por favor, pregúntaselo a otra persona. Vraag alsjeblieft iemand anders. Vraag het aan iemand anders. >>nld<< Qual é a moeda da Grécia? Wat is de munteenheid van Griekenland? Wat is de munteenheid van Griekenland? >>eng<< Eles tiveram uma idéia. They had an idea. They had an idea. >>eng<< Thomas néquam est. Tom is vile. Thomas is not. >>deu<< Compré una lámpara vieja. Ich habe eine alte Lampe gekauft. Ich habe eine alte Lampe gekauft. >>deu<< Al bebé le gusta la leche. Babys trinken gerne Milch. Das Baby mag Milch. >>eng<< Algo así no ocurre todos los días. Something like this doesn't happen every day. Something like this doesn't happen every day. >>deu<< «¡Devuélveme inmediatamente mi pistola de agua, Tom!» «¡Ven y cógela!» „Gib mir sofort meine Wasserpistole wieder, Tom!“ – „Komm doch und hol sie dir!“ »Gib mir sofort meine Wasserpistole zurück, Tom!<0xC2><0xAB> »Komm und nimm sie!<0xC2><0xAB> >>deu<< Sinice scribit. Sie schreibt chinesisch. Singer schreibt. >>eng<< He elegido que hoy tenga un día estupendo. Today I choose to have a great day. I have chosen to have a great day today. >>eng<< Fais attention quand tu transportes de l'huile de tournesol. Be careful when carrying sunflower oil. Be careful when transporting sunflower oil. >>nld<< O tempo estava muito ruim ontem. Het weer was gisteren erg slecht. Het weer was erg slecht gisteren. >>deu<< As-tu déjà embrassé ton chien ? Hast du schon einmal deinen Hund geküsst? Hast du deinen Hund schon einmal geküsst? >>deu<< Aquele que diz toda manhã "eu vivi", carrega consigo uma vitória nova todo dia. Wer jeden Morgen sagen kann: „Ich habe gelebt“, dem bringt jeder Morgen einen neuen Gewinn. Wer jeden Morgen sagt: Ich habe gelebt, trägt jeden Tag einen neuen Sieg mit sich. >>eng<< A energia solar não ameaça o meio. Solar energy does not threaten the environment. Solar energy does not threaten the environment. >>eng<< Los científicos rastreaban a las aves mediante pequeños radiotransmisores que les acoplaban a la espalda. The scientists tracked the birds using small radio transmitters on their backs. Scientists tracked the birds using small radio transmitters that docked them to their backs. >>eng<< J'ai quatre-vingt-neuf ans. I am eighty-nine years old. I'm ninety-nine. >>nld<< Su prometida le dio un gran anillo. Zijn verloofde gaf hem een ​​grote ring. Zijn verloofde gaf hem een grote ring. >>eng<< Tom a menudo hace autostop. Tom often hitchhikes. Tom often hitchhiked. >>deu<< La vie n'est pas seulement une question de travail. Das Leben besteht nicht nur aus Arbeit. Das Leben ist nicht nur eine Frage der Arbeit. >>deu<< ¿Hay un comedor en la casa? Ist ein Esszimmer im Haus? Gibt es einen Speisesaal im Haus? >>eng<< ¿A cuántos museos fuiste? How many museums did you visit? How many museums did you go to? >>eng<< Tom es abogado. Tom is a lawyer. Tom is a lawyer. >>eng<< Quantum potero adiuvabo. I will help as much as I can. How much I can help. >>eng<< Ele achou que isto era uma má idéia. He thought this was a bad idea. He thought this was a bad idea. >>nld<< Vede întotdeauna frumusețea în lucrurile mici. Zij ziet altijd de schoonheid in de kleine dingen. Ze ziet altijd schoonheid in kleine dingen. >>deu<< Markku non mi ha dato alcuna risposta. Markku gab mir keine Antwort. Markku gab mir keine Antwort. >>nld<< La mano de Juan está limpia. De hand van Jan is rein. Juan's hand is schoon. >>eng<< Si vous n'avez pas d'autres questions, allez là-bas. If you have no further questions, go there. If you have no further questions, go there. >>eng<< Quan arribaram ? When will we arrive? When will we arrive? >>deu<< Além do inglês, ela fala francês fluentemente. Sie spricht nicht nur Englisch, sondern auch Französisch fließend. Neben Englisch spricht sie fließend Französisch. >>deu<< Tom échouera. Tom wird versagen. Tom wird scheitern. >>eng<< L'homme ne peut pas supporter une vie sans signification. Man cannot stand a meaningless life. Man cannot endure a meaningless life. >>eng<< Ella es belga. She's Belgian. She's Belgian. >>eng<< A renomeação poderá enfurecer os manifestantes antigovernamentais que exigem a demissão dele. The renomination could enrage anti-government protestors who demand he resign. The renaming could anger anti-government protesters demanding his resignation. >>deu<< L'Etna è un vulcano attivo in Sicilia. Der Ätna ist ein Vulkan auf Sizilien. Der Ätna ist ein aktiver Vulkan in Sizilien. >>eng<< Scio quod nescio. I know that I do not know. I know what I don't know. >>eng<< «Ayer le dije a uno de mis alumnos que se equivocaba, ¡y le dio una pataleta!» «Hombre, también habría que ver cómo se lo dijiste.» «Ya sabes que tengo mucha mano izquierda.» «Sí, sí, seguro...» "I told one of my students yesterday that he was wrong, and he threw a fit!" "Well, maybe it was the way you told him." "You know I've got a knack for this kind of situation." "Uh-huh, sure..." “Yesterday I told one of my students that he was wrong, and he gave him a kick!” “Man, you’d have to see how you told him too.” “You know I have a lot of left hand.” “Yes, yeah, sure...” >>eng<< Tenho um pente de madeira que comprei no Brasil. I have a wooden comb that I bought in Brazil. I have a wooden comb that I bought in Brazil. >>deu<< Era por isso que eu queria falar com a senhora. Deshalb wollte ich mit Ihnen sprechen. Deshalb wollte ich mit Ihnen sprechen. >>nld<< A me piace la vostra città. Ik hou van uw stad. Ik hou van jullie stad. >>deu<< Non siete più bambine. Ihr seid keine Kinder mehr. Ihr seid keine Kinder mehr. >>eng<< Cuidad bien de mi abuela. Take good care of my grandmother. Take good care of my grandmother. >>eng<< Siamo via. We are away. We're out of here. >>eng<< Esa no es mi experiencia. That's not my experience. That's not my experience. >>eng<< Mon père et ma mère ont une grande ferme là-bas. My father and mother have a big farm there. My father and mother have a big farm there. >>eng<< Je ne peux pas rattraper Tom. I can't catch up with Tom. I can't catch up with Tom. >>deu<< Não finjo competência. Ich tu nicht so, als wüsste ich Bescheid. Ich gebe nicht vor, kompetent zu sein. >>eng<< En di figgeu zeneixi. They are Genoese boys. It's the children of Jenni. >>eng<< Tenho certeza de que você fez de propósito, você é mau. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're bad. >>deu<< Votre téléphone portable était éteint. Ihr Mobiltelefon war ausgeschaltet. Ihr Handy war ausgeschaltet. >>nld<< Allez-vous encore à Boston chaque Noël ? Gaat u nog steeds elke Kerstmis naar Boston? Ga je nog elke kerst naar Boston? >>nld<< ¿Por qué trabajas aquí? Waarom werk je hier? Waarom werk je hier? >>deu<< Puis-je avoir ce livre ? Kann ich dieses Buch haben? Kann ich dieses Buch haben? >>eng<< Está muy limpio. It's very clean. It's very clean. >>eng<< Dov'è il suo cappello? Where's her hat? Where's your hat? >>nld<< Cu toate acestea nu voi ști dacă a venit sau nu. Met dat alles ga ik niet weten of hij gekomen is of niet. Maar ik weet niet of hij er is of niet. >>eng<< Mio padre vuole che io studi all'estero finché sono giovane. Father wants me to study abroad while I am young. My father wants me to study abroad while I'm young. >>eng<< Nous savions cela. We knew that. We knew that. >>eng<< ¿Adónde va esta pieza? Where does this piece go? Where's this piece going? >>eng<< Ti faccio una tisana. I'll make you a herbal tea. I'll make you some herbal tea. >>eng<< Sei l'unico adulto qui. You are the only adult here. You're the only adult here. >>eng<< ¿Dónde se cayó el niño? Where did the boy fall? Where did the child fall? >>nld<< ¿Por qué no vienes a visitarnos? Waarom kom je niet bij ons op bezoek? Waarom kom je ons niet opzoeken? >>deu<< O cachorro, balançando o rabo, seguia seu dono. Der Hund folgte schwanzwedelnd seinem Herrn. Der Hund, der seinen Schwanz schwang, folgte seinem Besitzer. >>eng<< Tom se está mudando a un sitio nuevo. Tom is moving into a new place. Tom is moving to a new place. >>eng<< Suas ideias são um pouco antiquadas. Your ideas are a little antiquated. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. >>eng<< Memoria hominibus mala est. People have short memories. Human memory is bad. >>deu<< Tom a téléphoné illégalement en conduisant. Tom hat verbotenerweise beim Fahren telefoniert. Tom hat beim Autofahren illegal telefoniert. >>eng<< Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir menti. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying to her. >>nld<< Comment se prononce ton prénom ? Hoe wordt je voornaam uitgesproken? Hoe zeg je je voornaam? >>nld<< Elles sont effrayées. Zij zijn bang. Ze zijn bang. >>eng<< Urăsc coșmarurile. I hate nightmares. I hate nightmares. >>eng<< Je ne pouvais m'empêcher de sourire. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't help but smile. >>eng<< De cât timp te ocupi de asta? How long have you been going at it? How long have you been doing this? >>eng<< Belle femme, n'est-ce pas ? Beautiful woman, isn't she? Beautiful woman, isn't she? >>deu<< La carta es para ti. Der Brief ist für dich. Der Brief ist für dich. >>eng<< Ad montes imus. We are going to the mountains. In the mountains. >>eng<< Dans le jeu de Go, deux joueurs placent à tour de rôle des pierres blanches et noires sur une table initialement vide, pour s'assurer de la propriété des espaces sur le terrain de jeu. Le gagnant est le joueur qui a conquis le plus de territoire. In the game of Go, two players take turns placing white and black stones on an initially empty board to ensure ownership of spaces on the playing field. The winner is the player who has achieved the greatest territorial conquest. In the game of Go, two players alternately place white and black stones on an initially empty table, to ensure ownership of the spaces on the playing field. The winner is the player who has conquered the most territory. >>eng<< Deschide pachetul. Open up the package. Open the package. >>deu<< Io sono coreano. Ich bin Koreaner. Ich bin Koreaner. >>eng<< David a adopté Barbara. David adopted Barbara. David adopted Barbara. >>eng<< Îl voi suna pe Tom mâine. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. >>nld<< Va travailler ! Ga werken! Ga aan het werk. >>eng<< Sous la couche de glace de la lune, une sonde sous-marine a parcouru l'océan de l'eau. Under the moon's layer of ice, a submarine probe scooted through the water ocean. Under the moon's ice sheet, an underwater probe has traversed the ocean from the water. >>eng<< O que você pensa que eu andei fazendo? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? >>nld<< Uno de los botones de mi abrigo se salió. Een van de knopen van mijn mantel is gelost. Een van de knopen van mijn jas kwam eruit. >>eng<< On ei lo gojat ? Where is the boy? Where did he go? >>nld<< Tout homme doit mourir un jour. Iedereen moet eens sterven. Ieder mens moet op een dag sterven. >>eng<< Que dis-tu d'y aller ? What do you say we go there? What do you say we go? >>eng<< Ziri frequentò l'università. Ziri attended college. Ziri attended university. >>eng<< Eu tive problemas maiores. I've got bigger problems. I had bigger problems. >>nld<< Faire du bon travail, c'est toujours difficile. Goed werk doen, is altijd moeilijk. Goed werk doen is altijd moeilijk. >>eng<< La tua vicina è ricca. Your neighbor is rich. Your neighbor is rich. >>eng<< Je t'ai violée. I have raped you. I raped you. >>nld<< Vista da lontano sembrava un volto umano. Vanuit de verte gezien zag het eruit als een menselijk gezicht. Van een afstand gezien leek het op een menselijk gezicht. >>eng<< Rectus erat. It was correct. It was rectum. >>eng<< Yanni bebe alcohol. Yanni drinks alcohol. Yanni drinks alcohol. >>eng<< Um relatório da Bloomberg, que citava oficiais norte-americanos, afirmava que a administração estava a ponderar a possibilidade de promover um acordo provisório que visasse a atenuação de algumas das sanções económicas contra o Irão em troca de Teerão concordar em suspender o seu projeto nuclear. A Bloomberg report, citing U.S. officials, said the administration is considering the possibility of pushing an interim deal that would see an easing of some economic sanctions on Iran in return for Tehran agreeing to a freeze on its nuclear project. A Bloomberg report, citing U.S. officials, said the administration was considering promoting an interim deal aimed at mitigating some of the economic sanctions against Iran in exchange for Tehran agreeing to suspend its nuclear project. >>eng<< "Qui scis diem?" "Pater ipse scripsit ad me." "How do you know the day?" "My father wrote to me himself." "Who do you know?" the father wrote to me. >>eng<< Dovreste pagare i vostri debiti. You should pay your debts. You should pay your debts. >>eng<< Noi nu suntem îngrijorați de asta. We're not worried about it. We're not worried about that. >>nld<< Sami se sentit vraiment seul. Sami voelde zich werkelijk eenzaam. Sami voelde zich echt eenzaam. >>nld<< ¿Cuánto has pagado por el vestido? Hoeveel hebt ge voor het kleed betaald? Hoeveel heb je betaald voor de jurk? >>nld<< Hay muy poco café en la jarra. Er is nauwelijks koffie over in de pot. Er zit te weinig koffie in de pot. >>eng<< Um passarinho me contou. A little bird told me. A little bird told me. >>eng<< Habrá comida suficiente para todos. There'll be enough food for everyone. There will be enough food for everyone. >>deu<< Sospechaba que él me dejaría. Ich hatte den Verdacht, dass er mich verlassen würde. Ich vermutete, dass er mich verlassen würde. >>eng<< Mi hermano menor es más grande que yo. My younger brother is bigger than me. My younger brother is bigger than me. >>deu<< È stato elevato al rango di capitano. Er wurde zum Capitano befördert. Er wurde zum Kapitän erhoben. >>eng<< Ele conhece muitas danças folclóricas. He knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of folk dances. >>eng<< "Chi ha appena scoreggiato?" "Dai! Tutti sul pianeta lo fanno, incluso te." "Bleah! Apri quella finestra!" "Who just farted?" "Come on! Everyone on the planet does it, including you." "Ew! Open that window!" "Who's just blinking?" "Come on! Everyone on the planet does it, including you." "Bleah! Open that window!" >>deu<< Voglio vincere e basta. Ich möchte bloß gewinnen. Ich will einfach gewinnen. >>eng<< Esfuérzate un poquito más. Put in a little more effort. Try a little harder. >>eng<< ¿Sigue el paciente en el quirófano? Is the patient still in the operating room? Is the patient still in the operating room? >>eng<< Ama la poesia. He loves poetry. He loves poetry. >>eng<< Poculum aquae frigidae petit. He wants a cold glass of water. A small cup of cold water. >>deu<< La teoría no dice cómo se mueve el electrón durante un salto. Simplemente dice lo que vemos cuando salta. Die Theorie sagt nicht, wie sich das Elektron bei einem Sprung bewegt. Sie sagt nur, was wir sehen, wenn es springt. Die Theorie sagt nicht, wie sich das Elektron während eines Sprunges bewegt. Sie sagt einfach, was wir sehen, wenn es springt. >>deu<< Eum momordit. Sie hat ihn gebissen. Er hat ihn gebissen. >>deu<< Si us plau, escull de forma assenyada. Wähle bitte klug. Bitte wählen Sie vernünftig. >>nld<< Je suis allé skier au Canada l'hiver dernier. De vorige winter ben ik naar Canada gaan skiën. Ik ben afgelopen winter naar Canada geweest om te skiën. >>eng<< Tu dormais. You were asleep. You were asleep. >>eng<< Ad Algeri lo spazio è limitato. In Algiers, space is limited. In Algiers, space is limited. >>deu<< Si nous proposons un candidat, ça sera soit un homme soit une femme. Wenn wir einen Kandidaten vorschlagen, wird es entweder ein Mann oder eine Frau sein. Wenn wir einen Kandidaten vorschlagen, wird es entweder ein Mann oder eine Frau sein. >>eng<< Cometae e glacie lapideque facti sunt. Comets are made from ice and rock. Comets and rocks are made of ice. >>eng<< Non è alta esattamente come Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. She's not exactly as tall as Mary. >>eng<< Não sabemos o que ele fez na festa. We do not know what she did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. >>eng<< Je te montrerai mon album. I'll show my album to you. I'll show you my album. >>eng<< Che cos'è il grafene? What is graphene? What is Graphene? >>eng<< Non devi andare là oggi. You don't have to go there today. You don't have to go there today. >>deu<< N'obéissez pas à cet homme. Gehorchen Sie diesem Mann nicht. Hören Sie nicht auf diesen Mann. >>nld<< Lui era seduto in biblioteca quando lo vidi. Toen ik hem zag, zat hij in de bibliotheek. Hij zat in de bibliotheek toen ik hem zag. >>eng<< No semblava que ell tingués sospites. He didn't seem suspicious. He didn’t seem to have any suspicions. >>eng<< Sentii una fitta al petto. I felt a twinge in my chest. I felt a dense in my chest. >>eng<< Tom está lendo um manual de jardinagem. Tom is reading a gardening manual. Tom is reading a gardening manual. >>eng<< Yanni dejó de hablar a Skura. Yanni stopped talking to Skura. Yanni stopped talking to Skura. >>deu<< Saps res de la seva família? Weißt du etwas über seine Familie? Weißt du etwas über seine Familie? >>eng<< No sé quién ha escrito esta carta. I don't know who wrote this letter. I don't know who wrote this letter. >>eng<< Telephonum meum invenire non possum. I can't find my phone. I can't find my phone. >>eng<< Eu chutei a bola. I kicked the ball. I kicked the ball. >>eng<< Tom non è mai venuto a casa quel giorno. Tom never came home that day. Tom never came home that day. >>eng<< Nostra aula est ampla. Our yard is large. The classroom is wide. >>eng<< Hic sciurus non est verecundus. This squirrel is not shy. The squirrels are not squirrels. >>eng<< Les États-Unis et la Russie ont raison l'un au sujet de l'autre. America and Russia are right about each other. The United States and Russia are right about each other. >>eng<< Le chat a vu une souris et a couru après elle. The cat saw a mouse and ran after it. The cat saw a mouse and ran after it. >>nld<< Non sono più una bambina. Ik ben geen kind meer. Ik ben geen kind meer. >>eng<< A un certo punto ho avuto il coraggio di dirgliene quattro. At one point I had the nerve to tell him off. At one point I had the courage to tell him four. >>deu<< Ne lui parle pas comme ça ! C'est mon amie. Sprich nicht so mit ihr! Sie ist meine Freundin. Rede nicht so mit ihr, sie ist meine Freundin. >>eng<< "Que horas são?" "Falta um quarto para as seis". "What time is it?" "It's a quarter to six." "What time is it?" "One room to six." >>eng<< Ci sono pochi cani in città. There are few dogs in the city. There are few dogs in town. >>deu<< Ho bisogno delle chiavi. Ich brauche die Schlüssel. Ich brauche die Schlüssel. >>eng<< Si alzò dal suo posto e andò ad abbracciarla. He got up from his seat and went to hug her. He got up from his seat and went to embrace her. >>eng<< El sol estaba tapado por un manto de nubes. The sun was covered up by a cloud blanket. The sun was covered by a blanket of clouds. >>deu<< Yumi remit un cadeau à Taro. « C'est pour toi ! » dit-elle. Yumi überreichte Tarō ein Geschenk. „Das ist für dich!“ sagte sie. Yumi gab Taro ein Geschenk. „Das ist für dich!“, sagte sie. >>deu<< J'ai rencontré un ami que je n'avais pas vu depuis trois ans. Ich habe einen Freund getroffen, den ich seit drei Jahren nicht mehr gesehen hatte. Ich habe einen Freund kennengelernt, den ich seit drei Jahren nicht mehr gesehen habe. >>deu<< Quelqu'un connaît-il un festival de rock qui se tient pendant les vacances de Pâques ? Kennt jemand ein Rockfestival, das während der Osterferien stattfindet? Kennt jemand ein Rockfestival, das während der Osterferien stattfindet? >>deu<< Je n’ai pas de fille. Ich habe keine Tochter. Ich habe keine Tochter. >>eng<< Ero incredibilmente grata di averlo al mio fianco. I was incredibly grateful to have him on my side. I was incredibly grateful to have him by my side. >>eng<< ¿Quién te crees para andar sonriendo así? Who do you think you are to be grinning like that? Who do you think you are to smile like that? >>eng<< È qui per aiutarci, vero? He's here to help us, isn't he? You're here to help us, aren't you? >>eng<< O mate é o objetivo final do jogo e, portanto, é o final ideal de qualquer combinação. Mate is the ultimate goal of the game and is therefore the ideal ending to any combination. The mate is the ultimate goal of the game and therefore is the ideal end of any combination. >>nld<< Întregul oraș este invadat de zombi. De hele stad wordt overspoeld door zombies. De hele stad wordt overspoeld door zombies. >>eng<< Su respuesta no fue favorable. His answer was not favorable. His response was not favorable. >>deu<< No soy tan alto como él. Ich bin nicht so groß wie er. Ich bin nicht so groß wie er. >>deu<< Depuis déjà tout à l'heure tu as complètement perdu ton sang-froid et tu es énervé. Ne peux-tu pas attendre un peu et te calmer ? Seit vorhin schon bist du ganz außer Fassung und aufgeregt. Kannst du nicht ein wenig abwarten und dich beruhigen? Du hast vorhin deine Erkältung verloren und bist nervös. Kannst du nicht ein wenig warten und dich beruhigen? >>eng<< Un juego sobre planificación, paciencia y patrones puede ayudarnos a mantener la mente alerta. A game about planning, patience, and patterns might help keep our minds sharp. A game about planning, patience, and patterns can help keep our minds alert. >>eng<< Ia-o mai lent. Slow up. Take it slow. >>deu<< Lui ci diede il segnale per cominciare. Er gab uns das Zeichen, zu beginnen. Er gab uns das Signal, damit zu beginnen. >>nld<< El diccionario está actualizado. Het woordenboek is bij. Het woordenboek is up-to-date. >>eng<< Nimeni nu a eșuat. No one has failed. No one failed. >>eng<< Vous êtes aussi une belle blonde. You are also a beautiful blonde. You are also a beautiful blonde. >>deu<< Sais-tu, il y a encore un point que je voulais discuter avec toi : ne crois-tu pas également que notre relation s'essouffle lentement ? Weißt du; es gibt noch einen Punkt, den ich mit dir besprechen wollte: Meinst du nicht auch, dass unserer Beziehung langsam die Luft ausgeht? Weißt du, es gibt noch einen Punkt, den ich mit dir besprechen wollte: Glaubst du nicht auch, dass unsere Beziehung langsam abnimmt? >>eng<< Nunca comas wafles aguados. Never eat soggy waffles. Never eat watery waffles. >>eng<< Rima guardò il baseball. Rima watched baseball. Rima watched baseball. >>eng<< Mi ritrovai a pensare sempre più spesso a lei. I found myself thinking more and more about her. I found myself thinking more and more about her. >>eng<< ¿Cómo sabemos que te podemos confiar? How do we know we can trust you? How do we know we can trust you? >>eng<< Os europeus desabafaram a sua frustração com o aumento dos preços e a diminuição do poder de compra. Europeans have vented their frustration over rising prices and shrinking purchasing power. Europeans have vented their frustration with rising prices and declining purchasing power. >>deu<< Je ne le comprends pas. Ich verstehe das nicht. Das verstehe ich nicht. >>deu<< Tom è paziente. Tom ist geduldig. Tom ist geduldig. >>eng<< El a strâns flori pentru ea. He picked flowers for her. He picked flowers for her. >>eng<< Unde se joacă Toni? Where is Tony playing? Where is Toni playing? >>eng<< Son casi las diez en punto. It's almost ten o'clock. It's almost ten o'clock. >>deu<< Lei è molto bella, solo che è un po' magra. Sie ist sehr hübsch, wenn auch etwas dürr. Sie ist sehr hübsch, nur ein bisschen dünn. >>eng<< Não conheço Boston tão bem assim. I don't know Boston that well. I don't know Boston that well. >>eng<< Fue un descuido de tu parte perder los documentos importantes. It was careless of you to lose the important documents. It was a failure on your part to lose important documents. >>eng<< Omnia odi! I hate everything! Omnia hates! >>eng<< Em vez disto, eu levo aquilo. Instead of this, I take that. Instead, I take that. >>deu<< Mon fils ne fonctionne pas comme une banque de données. Mein Sohn funktioniert nicht wie eine Datenbank. Mein Sohn funktioniert nicht wie eine Datenbank. >>nld<< Nous acceptons les chèques. We accepteren cheques. Wij accepteren cheques. >>eng<< Êtes-vous sexuellement active ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? >>nld<< ¿Cuánto pagaste por eso? Hoeveel hebt ge ervoor betaald? Hoeveel heb je ervoor betaald? >>deu<< En Canadá dormimos sobre una cama, no en el suelo. In Kanada schlafen wir im Bett, nicht auf dem Boden. In Kanada schlafen wir auf einem Bett, nicht auf dem Boden. >>eng<< Chi ha preso i suoi passaporti? Who took your passports? Who took his passports? >>eng<< Il avait besoin de se reposer. He needed to rest. He needed to rest. >>eng<< Você não sabia que Tom tinha muitos gatos? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? >>deu<< Non è sempre così. Es ist nicht immer so. Das ist nicht immer so. >>eng<< J'ai connu à la fois l'écrivain et le livre. I knew both the writer and the book. I knew both the writer and the book. >>eng<< Stava per mettersi a letto. He was about to get into bed. He was about to go to bed. >>eng<< Hay gente que hace lo imposible para no cotizar. There are people who'll do anything to not pay taxes. There are people who do the impossible not to quote. >>eng<< Todos cantaremos juntos. We'll all sing together. We'll all sing together. >>nld<< Je suis arrivé à Tokyo hier. Ik ben gisteren in Tokio aangekomen. Ik ben gisteren in Tokio aangekomen. >>eng<< Os cientistas dizem que o cérebro de um pica-pau é capaz de suportar forças-g de 1.200 g resultantes dos repetidos impactos e da desaceleração provocados por esta bicagem rápida. Scientists say that a woodpecker’s brain is able to withstand g-forces of 1,200 G’s from the repeated impacts and deceleration brought on by this rapid pecking. Scientists say the brain of a woodpecker is able to withstand 1,200 g g-forces resulting from the repeated impacts and slowdown caused by this rapid bifurcation. >>nld<< Donde nosotros nieva en enero. Bij ons sneeuwt het in januari. Waar het sneeuwt in januari. >>deu<< Él no quiere ir a la escuela. Er will nicht in die Schule gehen. Er will nicht zur Schule gehen. >>eng<< Sono chiaramente convinto della tua innocenza. I'm clearly convinced of your innocence. I'm clearly convinced of your innocence. >>eng<< Dans toki pona, les noms propres sont des adjectifs, pas des noms. Ils prennent la majuscule. In Toki Pona, proper names are adjectives, not nouns. They are capitalized. In toki pona, proper names are adjectives, not names. They take the capital. >>nld<< O mundo é uma nação. De wereld is een natie. De wereld is een natie. >>eng<< Quando você diz "web", você quer dizer a internet ou a teia de aranha? When you say "web", do you mean the internet or the spider web? When you say “web”, do you mean the internet or the spider web? >>eng<< "Qual era a nacionalidade das suas professoras" "Argentina." "What was your teachers' nationality?" "Argentinian." "What was the nationality of your teachers" "Argentina." >>deu<< Hai già finito i tuoi compiti di inglese? Hast du deine Englisch-Hausaufgaben schon fertig? Hast du deine Englisch-Hausaufgaben schon erledigt? >>eng<< Il faut sourire plus. You need to smile more. We need to smile more. >>eng<< Las estrellas brillan como diamantes en el cielo nocturno brasileño. The stars shine like diamonds in the Brazilian night sky. The stars shine like diamonds in the Brazilian night sky. >>eng<< Meu burro é mais rápido que seu carro. My donkey is faster than your car. My donkey's faster than your car. >>nld<< Es todo tu culpa. Het is allemaal jouw schuld. Het is allemaal jouw schuld. >>eng<< Cela faisait 8 mois qu’ils construisaient le pont. Ils ne l’avaient pas encore fini. It had been 8 months since they had been building the bridge. They had not finished building it yet. They had been building the bridge for eight months, and they hadn’t finished it yet. >>eng<< Le Sahara occidental n'appartient pas au Maroc. Western Sahara does not belong to Morocco. Western Sahara does not belong to Morocco. >>eng<< El próximo domingo, vamos a hacer una fiesta para el señor Oka. Next Sunday we are going to have a party for Mr Oka. Next Sunday, we're having a party for Mr. Oka. >>eng<< Sono nere? Are they black? Are they black? >>eng<< Haben Girma, uma advogada nascida surda e cega, tem defendido a facilidade de acesso desde a sua cidade natal de Oakland, na Califórnia, até à Casa Branca. Haben Girma, a lawyer born deaf and blind, has advocated for accessibility from her hometown of Oakland, California, all the way to the White House. Haben Girma, a deaf and blind-born lawyer, has advocated for ease of access from her hometown of Oakland, California, to the White House. >>eng<< ¿Cómo se deletrea esa palabra? How do you spell that word? How is that word spelled? >>deu<< Mon ourson m'a aidé à faire mes devoirs de mathématiques. Mein Teddy hat mir bei den Mathehausaufgaben geholfen. Mein Bär hat mir geholfen, meine Mathe-Hausaufgaben zu erledigen. >>eng<< Sa come scrivere. She knows how to write. He knows how to write. >>eng<< Thomas nos non veneratur. Tom doesn't respect us. Thomas does not worship us. >>deu<< Il mio bisnonno è ultracentenario. Mein Urgroßvater ist über hundert Jahre alt. Mein Urgroßvater ist über 100 Jahre alt. >>nld<< Los limones y las limas son frutas ácidas. Citroenen en limoenen zijn zure vruchten. Citroenen en limoenen zijn zure vruchten. >>eng<< Peut-être vous apprécie-t-il également. Maybe he likes you, too. Maybe he likes you too. >>nld<< Il povero non è quello che ha troppo poco, ma quello che vuole troppo. Een arme is niet hij die te weinig heeft, maar hij die te veel wil. De arme is niet degene die te weinig heeft, maar degene die te veel wil. >>eng<< Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ma tenue ? What's wrong with the way I'm dressed? What's wrong with my outfit? >>deu<< No te deberías asociar con hombres así. Du solltest dich nicht mit solchen Männern abgeben. Du solltest dich nicht mit solchen Männern zusammentun. >>deu<< Kyoto est l'ancienne capitale du Japon. Kyoto ist die frühere Hauptstadt Japans. Kyoto ist die ehemalige Hauptstadt Japans. >>deu<< Quelle est la meilleure façon de le dire en français ? Wie sagt man das am besten auf Französisch? Was ist der beste Weg, um es auf Französisch zu sagen? >>deu<< Hasta que no llegue, no empezamos. Wir fangen erst an, wenn sie kommt. Bis er da ist, fangen wir nicht an. >>eng<< Tom no quiere el bocadillo que Mary le hizo. Tom didn't like the sandwich Mary made for him. Tom doesn't want the sandwich Mary made for him. >>nld<< O que di non ten sentido. Wat hij vertelt heeft echt geen zin. Wat hij zegt, slaat nergens op. >>deu<< Sen dúbida o universo é infinito. Zweifellos ist das Universum unendlich. Das Universum ist unendlich. >>eng<< Me gusta el arte. I like art. I like art. >>eng<< Gracias por vuestra ayuda. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. >>eng<< Bănci în toată țara și-au închis porțile. Banks across the country had closed their doors. Banks across the country have closed their doors. >>eng<< Sono più bassa di lui. I am shorter than him. I'm lower than him. >>eng<< Theoria evolutionis incertis mutationis et lectionis naturalis non videt perquam manifestam praesentiam de consilio intellectus in universo. The theory of evolution by random mutation and natural selection fails to see the extremely obvious presence of a planning intelligence in the universe. The theory of evolution, of uncertainty, of mutation, and of the natural lesson, does not see why it manifests the presence of the intellectual counsel in the universe. >>eng<< Sta sempre studiando. He is always studying. He's always studying. >>deu<< Não temos regras. Wir haben keine Regeln. Wir haben keine Regeln. >>eng<< Scalae meae fractae non sunt. My ladder is not broken. There are no fractals. >>eng<< Le moteur est cassé ? Is the engine broken? Is the engine broken? >>nld<< Il te regarde. Est-ce-que tu le connais ? Hij kijkt naar jou. Ken je hem? Hij kijkt naar je, ken je hem? >>eng<< Les contributeurs de Tatoeba dorment-ils ? Do Tatoeba contributors sleep? Do Tatoeba contributors sleep? >>eng<< Tom está traduzindo este livro para nove idiomas diferentes. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. >>eng<< Provo fastidio nei confronti della tua persona. I feel annoyance towards your person. I feel annoyed at your person. >>deu<< ¿Puedo ayudaros? Darf ich euch helfen? Kann ich Ihnen helfen? >>eng<< La tendance générale indique un déclin des espèces d’oiseaux. The overall trend shows a decline in bird species. The general trend indicates a decline in bird species. >>nld<< La Namibie est un État africain. Namibië is een Afrikaanse staat. Namibië is een Afrikaanse staat. >>deu<< Nous sommes ouverts demain. Wir haben morgen geöffnet. Wir sind morgen geöffnet. >>eng<< Cerca de mi casa hay una familia nueva muy conflictiva. Near my house there is a very troubled new family. Near my house there is a very conflicting new family. >>eng<< Ha lasciato l'hotel. He left the hotel. He left the hotel. >>deu<< Todos nós sabemos que Tom é culpado. Wir wissen alle, dass Tom schuldig ist. Wir alle wissen, dass Tom schuldig ist. >>eng<< Ha sido mejorable. That wasn't good. It's been ameliorable. >>eng<< É verdade que estou loucamente apaixonado por ela. It is true that I was head over heels in love with her. It's true that I'm madly in love with her. >>eng<< Thomas abuse de son pouvoir. Thomas abuses his power. Thomas is abusing his power. >>deu<< La experiencia es la mejor profesora. Erfahrung ist der beste Lehrer. Erfahrung ist die beste Lehrerin. >>eng<< Êtes-vous contre eux ? Are you against them? Are you against them? >>eng<< Quis pro te coquit? Who cooks for you? Want to cook for you? >>deu<< Marie n'est pas une surfemme. Maria ist keine Überfrau. Marie ist keine Surferin. >>deu<< Tom, dans son sommeil, a prononcé le nom d'une autre femme. Tom hat im Schlaf den Namen einer anderen Frau ausgesprochen. Tom sagte im Schlaf den Namen einer anderen Frau. >>eng<< No es sólo Tom quien debe estudiar muy bien. Yo también tengo que. Tom isn't the only one who has to study hard. I have to study hard, too. It's not just Tom who should study very well. >>deu<< Le Liban a un taux de cancer de la peau plus élevé qu'Israël. Der Libanon hat eine höhere Hautkrebsrate als Israel. Der Libanon hat eine höhere Rate von Hautkrebs als Israel. >>deu<< Tengo cuarenta y cinco años. Ich bin fünfundvierzig Jahre alt. Ich bin 45 Jahre alt. >>eng<< Papà è impegnato a scrivere una lettera. Dad is busy writing a letter. Dad is busy writing a letter. >>eng<< O menino é gentil. The boy is kind. The boy is kind. >>deu<< J'essaierais de garder un œil là-dessus. Ich würde versuchen, das im Auge zu behalten. Ich würde versuchen, das im Auge zu behalten. >>nld<< N'êtes-vous pas fatiguée ? Bent u niet moe? Ben je niet moe? >>deu<< Ha venido en mi ayuda. Sie kam mir zu Hilfe. Er hat mir geholfen. >>deu<< Él lo negó todo. Er stritt alles ab. Er leugnete alles. >>nld<< C'est chouette de regarder la course. Het is leuk om de race te bekijken. Het is leuk om naar de race te kijken. >>eng<< Mary non si arrenderà. Mary won't give up. Mary won't give up. >>eng<< Pulchram imaginem contemplabantur. They looked at a beautiful picture. Awesome to contemplate. >>eng<< Sono qui per un computer. They're here for a computer. I'm here for a computer. >>eng<< ¿Cómo está él? How is he? How's he doing? >>eng<< Didymus valde negotiosus est. Tom is very busy. Didymus is a businessman. >>deu<< A coroa é o símbolo dos reis. Die Krone ist das Symbol der Könige. Die Krone ist das Symbol der Könige. >>eng<< Obrigada por me enviar os documentos de que eu precisava. Thank you for sending me the documents I needed. Thank you for sending me the documents I needed. >>eng<< Si era appena alzato dal letto. He'd just gotten out of bed. He just got out of bed. >>eng<< Tom me ajudou a comprar o meu primeiro carro. Tom helped me buy my first car. Tom helped me buy my first car. >>deu<< Le plus tard on me contacte, le mieux, parce que je gagne ainsi du temps. Je später man sich bei mir meldet, desto besser, weil ich dadurch Zeit gewinne. Je später man mich kontaktiert, desto besser, weil ich dadurch Zeit gewinne. >>nld<< Mi hermana lo vio con sus propios ojos. Mijn zus heeft het met haar eigen ogen gezien. Mijn zus zag het met haar eigen ogen. >>eng<< Os escravos naquela época geralmente tinham senhores severos. The slaves at that time often had severe masters. Slaves at that time usually had severe lords. >>deu<< Cet argument est irréfutable. Dieses Argument ist unwiderlegbar. Dieses Argument ist unwiderlegbar. >>eng<< No tengo ganas de intentar. I don't feel like trying. I don't feel like trying. >>eng<< Non dovevi sbrigarti. You didn't need to hurry. You shouldn't have rushed. >>eng<< Ziri stava cercando di parlare in berbero. Ziri was trying to speak Berber. Ziri was trying to speak Berber. >>eng<< Hoc horologium minus carum est illo. This watch is less expensive than that one. This watch is less expensive than that. >>nld<< Emily escribió una carta. Emily schreef een brief. Emily schreef een brief. >>eng<< Voudrais-tu aller dans ta chambre ? Would you go to your room? Would you like to go to your room? >>eng<< Sulla Terra, le forze di gravità e di attrito dissipano l'energia cinetica di un corpo in movimento e ne provocano l'arresto. On Earth, the forces of gravity and friction dissipate the kinetic energy of a moving body, causing it to stop. On Earth, the forces of gravity and friction dissipate the kinetic energy of a moving body and cause it to stop. >>nld<< Nós conseguimos cruzar o rio nadando. Het lukte ons de rivier over te zwemmen. We konden de rivier oversteken door te zwemmen. >>deu<< Creo que me voy a comprar un buen libro. Ich glaube, ich kaufe mir ein gutes Buch. Ich denke, ich kaufe mir ein gutes Buch. >>nld<< Él es el mayor. Hij is de oudste. Hij is de oudste. >>eng<< Videsne illum virum? Maritus meus est. Do you see that man? He's my husband. Do you see a man like that? He is my husband. >>nld<< Ce drapeau est très beau. Deze vlag is erg mooi. Deze vlag is erg mooi. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es la capital del país? What is the capital of the country? What is the capital of the country? >>nld<< A l'hotel Hilton, sisplau. Naar het Hiltonhotel alstublieft. In het Hilton Hotel, alstublieft. >>deu<< Thomas uxorem habet. Tom hat eine Frau. Thomas hat eine Frau. >>eng<< Llegamos al mismo tiempo. We got there at the same time. We arrived at the same time. >>eng<< Posso tentar. I can give it a try. I can try. >>eng<< Non mandatemi dei messaggi. Don't send me messages. Don't text me. >>nld<< Non so quando il marito abbia chiamato. Ik weet niet hoe laat de echtgenoot gebeld heeft. Ik weet niet wanneer haar man belde. >>eng<< No puedes mezclar agua y aceite. You can't mix oil and water. You can't mix water and oil. >>deu<< Quell'articolo rappresenta una incitazione ad uccidere. Dieser Artikel stellt eine Aufwiegelung zum Mord dar. Dieser Artikel ist ein Ansporn zum Töten. >>eng<< Tom ha scatenato Mary. Tom triggered Mary. Tom unleashed Mary. >>eng<< Para mim, é desagradável. It looks yucky to me. To me, it's unpleasant. >>eng<< El día ya se terminó. The day's already over. The day is over. >>nld<< Il risqua sa vie pour la sauver. Hij heeft zijn leven gewaagd om haar te redden. Hij riskeerde zijn leven om haar te redden. >>eng<< Ela não conseguia nunca encontrar motivação para fazer incursões significativas no trabalho que se acumulava em sua bandeja de entrada. She could never find the motivation to make significant inroads into the work piling up in her in-tray. She could never find motivation to make significant forays into the work that accumulated in her inbox. >>eng<< Este caballo cocea cuando cualquiera se le acerca por detrás. This horse kicks out when anyone approaches it from behind. This horse cooks when anyone approaches it from behind. >>eng<< As previsões agrícolas do governo australiano apontam para uma colheita de inverno muito abundante, que deverá ajudar a satisfazer a procura crescente proveniente da Ásia. Government agricultural forecasters in Australia are predicting a bumper winter crop, which should help to meet soaring demand from Asia. The Australian government’s agricultural forecasts point to a very plentiful winter harvest, which is expected to help meet growing demand from Asia. >>eng<< São notícias que foram verificadas por uma organização independente que se responsabiliza pela informação. It is news that has been verified by an independent organization that is accountable for the information. It is news that has been verified by an independent organization that is responsible for the information. >>nld<< 3% din populație nu mai vrea să mănânce. 3 percent van de bevolking wil niet meer eten. 3% van de bevolking wil niet meer eten. >>nld<< En tous cas, je ne l'aime pas parce que c'est comme ça ! In ieder geval, ik hou er niet van omdat het nu eenmaal zo is! Hoe dan ook, ik hou niet van hem omdat het zo is! >>eng<< Quali altre lingue parlate? What other languages do you speak? What other languages do you speak? >>deu<< El miedo debilita — la valentía fortalece. Angst schadet — Mut stärkt. Angst schwächt – Mut stärkt. >>nld<< Isso não tem nenhum sentido. Daar is kop noch staart aan te krijgen. Dat slaat nergens op. >>deu<< Si no fuera por la capa de ozono, estaríamos en peligro inminente. Gäbe es die Ozonschicht nicht, so wäre uns Gefahr. Ohne die Ozonschicht wären wir in unmittelbarer Gefahr. >>nld<< Où as-tu appris ça ? Waar heb je dat geleerd? Waar heb je dat geleerd? >>deu<< Por que você chorou? Warum hast du geweint? Warum hast du geweint? >>nld<< Je suis déçu. Ik ben teleurgesteld. Ik ben teleurgesteld. >>eng<< Ele tem sete filhos homens. He has seven sons. He has seven sons. >>nld<< La campana ha suonato. De bel ging. De bel ging. >>eng<< Spero che non capiti di nuovo. I hope that doesn't happen again. I hope you don't get it again. >>eng<< Tom și Mary încă sunt în Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. >>nld<< Tom scomparve nella foresta. Tom verdween het bos in. Tom verdween in het bos. >>eng<< Ni ell ni jo parlem espanyol. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. >>deu<< È molto interessata agli scacchi. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Schach. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Schach. >>eng<< Il leone è un mammifero? Is the lion a mammal? Is the lion a mammal? >>eng<< Ha sido así desde los albores de los tiempos. It’s been like this since the dawn of time. This has been the case since the dawn of time. >>eng<< Pecunia egimus. We need money. Pecuniary Egypt. >>eng<< Ce pouvoir sans entraves va à l'encontre de la démocratie. This unfettered power goes against democracy. This unfettered power goes against democracy. >>nld<< Eu estava cansado. Ik was moe. Ik was moe. >>deu<< Bevo il caffè con latte e senza zucchero. Ich trinke den Kaffee mit Milch und ohne Zucker. Ich trinke Kaffee mit Milch und ohne Zucker. >>eng<< Non sapevate che Tom stava dormendo? Didn't you know Tom was asleep? Didn't you know Tom was asleep? >>eng<< No soy yo quien tiene que cambiar, sino tú. It's not me who has to change, but you. It's not me who has to change, it's you. >>deu<< Quiero huevos para el desayuno de mañana. Ich möchte morgen Eier zum Frühstück. Ich will morgen Eier zum Frühstück. >>deu<< Siempre he sido gordo. Ich war schon immer dick. Ich war immer dick. >>eng<< Diga-lhe que não cante. Tell him not to sing. Tell him not to sing. >>eng<< Cu toate acestea nu voi ști dacă a venit sau nu. However, I won't know whether he came or not. However, I won't know if he came or not. >>nld<< Es fácil, no hay problema. Gemakkelijk, geen probleem. Het is makkelijk, geen probleem. >>eng<< Un individuo es la unidad más pequeña de la sociedad. An individual is the smallest unit of the society. An individual is the smallest unit of society. >>eng<< Ho passato l'intera giornata lì. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. >>eng<< Yo ni katwèvendis dòla. They have ninety dollars. And they have ninety-two. >>eng<< Est-ce que tu es capable de répondre à sa question ? Are you capable of answering her question? Are you able to answer his question? >>eng<< Los chicos que viven junto a mi casa tenían puesta una música horrible hasta pasada la medianoche, cuando por fin tuve que llamar a la policía para que les ordenaran bajar el volumen. The kids who live right by my house were playing this awful music until past midnight, when I finally had to call the police so they would tell them to turn the volume down. The kids living next door to my house had horrible music on until after midnight, when I finally had to call the police to order them to turn the volume down. >>eng<< Tom es mecánico. Tom is a mechanic. Tom is a mechanic. >>deu<< Tom y John fueron expulsados del equipo. Tom und Johannes wurden beide aus der Mannschaft geworfen. Tom und John wurden aus dem Team geworfen. >>nld<< Como ustedes saben. Zoals jullie weten. Zoals u weet. >>deu<< Él enseñaba historia en el colegio. Er unterrichtete Geschichte in der Schule. Er lehrte Geschichte in der Schule. >>eng<< El bebé se ha dormido. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby has fallen asleep. >>deu<< Nu vorbesc japoneza. Ich spreche kein Japanisch. Ich spreche kein Japanisch. >>eng<< Finivistine? Have you finished? Finivistine? >>eng<< Sentite il ritmo. Feel the rhythm. Feel the rhythm. >>eng<< Il giudice respinse l'obiezione. The judge overruled the objection. The judge rejected the objection. >>eng<< El tomate es una planta americana. The tomato is an American plant. Tomato is an American plant. >>eng<< C'est son modus operandi. That's her M.O. This is his modus operandi. >>eng<< Nesta conferência, a sra. Ward apresenta o leitor aos líderes deste novo movimento, dos moderados aos radicais violentos. At this conference Mrs. Ward introduces the reader to the leaders of this new movement, from the moderates to the violent radicals. At this conference, Ms. Ward introduces the reader to the leaders of this new movement, from moderates to violent radicals. >>deu<< Tom ne tue pas les animaux. Tom tötet keine Tiere. Tom tötet keine Tiere. >>eng<< As coisas finalmente mudaram. Things eventually changed. Things have finally changed. >>nld<< Fue una sabia decisión. Het was een wijs besluit. Het was een verstandige beslissing. >>eng<< No sabía que Tom vivía aquí. I didn't know Tom lived here. I didn't know Tom lived here. >>eng<< Todos sois unos sosos. You're all lame. You're all sober. >>eng<< Io andrò a fare una passeggiata se il tempo migliora. I'll go for a walk if the weather improves. I'll go for a walk if the weather gets better. >>eng<< Il vostro bagaglio è lì! Your baggage is there! Your luggage is there! >>nld<< Tomemos un taxi. Laten we een taxi nemen. Laten we een taxi nemen. >>eng<< Se stai parlando, non riesco a sentirti. If you're talking, I can't hear you. If you're talking, I can't hear you. >>eng<< Ho smesso di credere in Dio. I've stopped believing in God. I stopped believing in God. >>eng<< Bon chien. Good boy. Good dog. >>deu<< Ella habla demasiado rápido. Sie spricht zu schnell. Sie spricht zu schnell. >>eng<< Você tem que voltar para Boston. You have to go back to Boston. You have to go back to Boston. >>nld<< J'apprends le turc. Ik leer Turks. Ik leer Turks. >>deu<< A cosa state giocando in questo periodo? Was treibt ihr gerade? Was spielt ihr in dieser Zeit? >>eng<< Tinc una pregunta. I've got a question. I have a question. >>eng<< Ai bambini piace la neve. Kids like snow. Kids like snow. >>eng<< Es hora de reflexionar sobre tu pasado. It's time to reflect on your past. It’s time to reflect on your past. >>eng<< Não sou tão cínico assim. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that cynical. >>eng<< Ella siempre echa la culpa de sus errores a otros. She always blames others for her mistakes. She always blames her mistakes on others. >>nld<< Il pomodoro è una pianta americana. Tomaat is een Amerikaanse plant. Tomaat is een Amerikaanse plant. >>eng<< Non mwen sè Tom My name is Tom. It's not my sister Tom. >>eng<< ¿Qué haría Tom si se enterara? What would Tom do if he found out? What would Tom do if he found out? >>eng<< La gallina mangia una farfalla. The chicken eats a butterfly. The chicken eats a butterfly. >>eng<< La Terre tourne autour du Soleil. The Earth rotates round the Sun. The earth revolves around the sun. >>eng<< J’utilise une règle pour mesurer ma bite. I use a ruler to measure my cock. I use a rule to measure my dick. >>eng<< Rise e mi strizzò l'occhio. He laughed and winked at me. He laughed and shook my eye. >>nld<< Que faites-vous habituellement pour Noël ? Wat doen jullie meestal met Kerstmis? Wat doe je meestal met Kerstmis? >>eng<< Os casos de recaída ocorrem numa pequena percentagem dos pacientes que fazem o tratamento normal de cinco dias com Paxlovid, comprimidos produzidos pela Pfizer e aprovados para tratar pacientes de alto risco. Rebound cases occur in a small percentage of patients who take the standard five-day course of Paxlovid, a pill produced by Pfizer and authorized to treat high-risk patients. Cases of relapse occur in a small percentage of patients who receive the normal five-day treatment with Paxlovid, tablets manufactured by Pfizer and approved to treat high-risk patients. >>eng<< La situazione era impossibile. The situation was impossible. The situation was impossible. >>nld<< Si seulement je connaissais son adresse. Als ik tenminste zijn adres wist. Ik wou dat ik haar adres kende. >>eng<< Come si chiama questo? What's this called? What's this called? >>nld<< Soy Susan Greene. Ik ben Susan Greene. Ik ben Susan Greene. >>eng<< Estou em frente a um grande perigo. I am confronted with a great danger. I'm in great danger. >>eng<< La premisa de que los objetos macroscópicos pueden permanecer, si no se observan, en un estado de superposición es falsa. The assumption that macroscopic objects can remain, if not observed, in a state of superposition is false. The premise that macroscopic objects can remain, if not observed, in an overlapping state is false. >>deu<< ¿Por qué se mete? Nadie le quiere ni le necesita aquí, y no sabe nada de este país. Warum mischen Sie sich hier ein? Niemand will oder braucht Sie hier, und Sie haben keine Ahnung von diesem Land. Niemand liebt und braucht Sie hier, und er weiß nichts über dieses Land. >>eng<< J'ai perdu ma clé. I have lost my key. I lost my key. >>eng<< Supongo que ahora me tengo que ir. I guess I'll have to leave now. I guess I have to go now. >>deu<< Dacă vezi o greșeală, atunci corecteaz-o! Wenn du einen Fehler siehst, dann korrigiere ihn bitte. Wenn Sie einen Fehler sehen, korrigieren Sie ihn! >>eng<< Dobbiamo? Shall we? Should we? >>eng<< Cada prezo ten a súa razón de ser. Each price has its reason. Every price has its own reason for being. >>eng<< Entremos aquí a tomarnos una taza de café. Let's go in here and have a cup of coffee. Let's go in here and have a cup of coffee. >>eng<< On ne voit rien d'ici. You can't see anything from here. We can't see anything from here. >>deu<< Studio il Toki Pona. Ich lerne Toki Pona. Ich studiere Toki Pona. >>eng<< Non vede i suoi stessi difetti. He doesn't see his own faults. He doesn't see his own flaws. >>deu<< Non ho mai visto la Torre Eiffel. Ich habe nie den Eiffelturm gesehen. Ich habe den Eiffelturm noch nie gesehen. >>eng<< J'ai préparé à déjeuner. I made dinner. I've prepared lunch. >>nld<< Une année a douze mois. Een jaar heeft twaalf maanden. Een jaar tot twaalf maanden. >>nld<< Je ferai mes devoirs après avoir regardé la télévision. Ik maak mijn huiswerk, nadat ik televisie heb gekeken. Ik doe mijn huiswerk nadat ik tv heb gekeken. >>deu<< Ne jette pas de pierres. Wirf keine Steine. Werfen Sie keine Steine. >>deu<< Spero che i nostri soldati vinceranno. Ich hoffe, dass unsere Soldaten siegen werden. Ich hoffe, unsere Soldaten gewinnen. >>eng<< Dès que tu regarderas plus en profondeur, tu le découvriras par toi-même. As you start to look deeper, you will find it out yourself. As soon as you look deeper, you will find out for yourself. >>deu<< Mon père n'est pas encore à la maison. Mein Vater ist noch nicht zuhause. Mein Vater ist noch nicht zu Hause. >>eng<< Hai mai visto un disco volante? Have you ever seen a flying saucer? Have you ever seen a flying saucer? >>eng<< Tom nu se uita la mine. Tom wasn't looking at me. Tom wasn't looking at me. >>nld<< Vivimos en paz. We leven in vrede. We leven in vrede. >>eng<< Je suis désolé, mon père n'est pas là. I'm sorry, my father's not here. I'm sorry, my father's not here. >>eng<< Cometes Halleyanus anno MMLXI revertetur. Halley's Comet will come back in 2061. Halleyanus returns in the year MMLXI. >>deu<< Il m'est difficile de me lever avant six heures. Es fällt mir schwer, vor 6 Uhr aufzustehen. Es fällt mir schwer, vor sechs Uhr aufzustehen. >>eng<< Lasă-mă să trec. Let me through! Let me through. >>eng<< Elle habite à Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. >>deu<< State scrivendo una tesi di laurea? Su quale argomento? Sie schreiben eine Dissertation? Zu welchem Thema? Sie schreiben eine Dissertation? Zu welchem Thema? >>eng<< La comprensió és fonamental. Understanding is essential. Understanding is fundamental. >>eng<< Sono interessate alla politica. They're interested in politics. They are interested in politics. >>nld<< A pesar de que soy mayor que ella, me trata como si fuera su sirviente. Hoewel ik ouder ben dan zij, behandelt ze mij alsof ik haar bediende ben. Ook al ben ik ouder dan zij, ze behandelt me alsof ik haar bediende ben. >>nld<< ¿Cuántos días tiene previsto quedarse? Hoeveel dagen ben je van plan om te blijven? Hoeveel dagen bent u van plan te blijven? >>eng<< Ziri ama parlare in berbero. Ziri loves to speak Berber. Ziri likes to speak Berber. >>nld<< Da dove vieni? Waar kom je vandaan? Waar kom je vandaan? >>eng<< O nome genérico do Prozac é fluoxetina. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. >>eng<< Es una fashista. She's a fascist. She's a fashionista. >>deu<< Meg a trouvé un trèfle à quatre feuilles. Meg hat ein vierblättriges Kleeblatt gefunden. Meg fand einen vierblättrigen Kleeblatt. >>nld<< Prenez contact avec elle si vous avez la moindre question. Neem contact op met haar als u vragen hebt. Neem contact met haar op als je vragen hebt. >>nld<< Mi casa está aquí. Mijn huis is hier. Mijn huis is hier. >>deu<< Avla madjar. Er spricht Ungarisch. Avla Madjar. >>eng<< Thomas cum amico venit. Tom came with a friend. Thomas came as a friend. >>eng<< Io la baciai sulla bocca. I kissed her on the mouth. I kissed her on the mouth. >>deu<< Autant finir où tout commence. Praktisch da aufhören, wo alles anfängt. Am Ende, wo alles beginnt. >>nld<< Deus há de testar a tua fé. God zal je geloof op de proef stellen. God zal je geloof op de proef stellen. >>eng<< La vie ne se compose pas seulement de matière et d'énergie, mais aussi d'informations. Life does not consist of just matter and energy, but also information. Life consists not only of matter and energy, but also of information. >>eng<< Sarai sempre da sola. You'll always be alone. You'll always be alone. >>eng<< Hoje não conseguimos fazer nada. We haven't accomplished a thing today. We can't do anything today. >>eng<< Lui Tom îi place să forţeze limitele. Tom likes to push the limits. Tom likes to push boundaries. >>deu<< ¡No toques mis cosas! Fass meine Sachen nicht an! Fass meine Sachen nicht an! >>eng<< Chegamos aqui ontem à noite. We got here last night. We got here last night. >>nld<< No había nadie. Er was niemand. Er was niemand. >>eng<< A mio avviso, è importante che noi scopriamo il senso della nostra esistenza. In my opinion, it's important for us to discover the meaning of our existence. In my opinion, it is important that we discover the meaning of our existence. >>eng<< Je tourne la page du livre. I turn over a page of the book. I turn the page of the book. >>eng<< Fuimos desde Francia a España cruzando los Pirineos. We went from France to Spain by crossing the Pyrenees. We went from France to Spain crossing the Pyrenees. >>nld<< Sono troppo stanco. Ik ben te moe. Ik ben te moe. >>eng<< Io mi sento sufficientemente bene. I feel good enough. I feel good enough. >>eng<< Eu quero fazer uma pausa. I want to take a break. I want to take a break. >>nld<< No toques el botón. Raak die knop niet aan! Raak de knop niet aan. >>eng<< Quando minha família morava em uma casa alugada, no quintal dela, eu brincava com cascas de coco na areia. Imaginei-os como habitats em um planeta diferente. A água da torneira virou um rio. When my family lived in a rented house, in the backyard of it, I played with coconut shells on the sand. I imagined them as habitats on a different planet. The water from the faucet became a river. When my family lived in a rented house in their backyard, I played with coconut peels in the sand. I imagined them as habitats on a different planet. The tap water turned into a river. >>eng<< Les dinosaures ont disparu il y a soixante-cinq millions d'années. Dinosaurs went extinct sixty-five million years ago. Dinosaurs disappeared sixty-five million years ago. >>eng<< Perché volete imparare il portoghese? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? >>nld<< Éteins et on y va. Doe de lichten uit en we gaan. Zet uit en we gaan. >>eng<< Mon vélo s'est volatilisé dans la nature. My bike vanished into thin air. My bike has vanished into the wild. >>eng<< Dolió tanto. It hurt so much. It hurt so much. >>deu<< J'ai une phrase à traduire. Ich habe einen Satz zu übersetzen. Ich habe einen Satz zu übersetzen. >>eng<< ¿Qué quisiera comprar? What would you like to buy? What would you like to buy? >>nld<< Sono state molto gentili con me. Ze waren erg aardig voor me. Ze waren erg aardig voor me. >>eng<< ¿A qué hora almuerzas? What time are you having lunch? What time do you have lunch? >>nld<< Venderé mi casa. Ik ga mijn huis verkopen. Ik verkoop mijn huis. >>eng<< Atualmente, os enxadristas dispõem de avançados programas de computador, como Alpha Zero, Deep Mind e Stockfish, para analisar qualquer posição de uma partida de xadrez. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs, such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind, and Stockfish, to analyze any position in a chess game. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs, such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind, and Stockfish, to analyze any position in a chess game. >>eng<< Thomas prandet. Tom is eating lunch. Thomas is eating. >>eng<< Dennis estava estirat en el sòl. Dennis lay flat on the floor. Dennis was lying on the floor. >>deu<< Necessito un traductor. Ich brauche einen Übersetzer. Ich brauche einen Übersetzer. >>deu<< Qual foi a derradeira vez que tu viste o Tom? Wann hast du Tom zuletzt gesehen? Wann war das letzte Mal, dass du Tom gesehen hast? >>eng<< Oderat ergo Esau Iacob pro benedictione, qua benedixerat ei pater, dixitque in corde suo: Appropinquabunt dies luctus patris mei, et occidam Iacob fratrem meum. Esau therefore always hated Jacob, for the blessing wherewith his father had blessed him; and he said in his heart: The days will come of the mourning for my father, and I will kill my brother Jacob. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him. And Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand, and I will slay my brother Jacob. >>nld<< Tú estás cansado, y yo también. Jij bent moe en ik ook. Jij bent moe en ik ook. >>deu<< Poisson sans boisson est poison. Fisch muss schwimmen. Fisch ohne Getränk ist Gift. >>eng<< Ma classe est composée de quarante élèves. My class is made up of forty students. My class is made up of 40 students. >>deu<< ¿Por qué está usted tan feliz? Wieso sind Sie so glücklich? Warum sind Sie so glücklich? >>nld<< No sé si es verdad. Ik weet niet of het waar is. Ik weet niet of het waar is. >>eng<< En Suecia, la ley prohibe ser criminal. In Sweden, it is forbidden by law to be a criminal. In Sweden, the law prohibits being a criminal. >>eng<< Avevo paura di quello. I was afraid of that. I was afraid of that. >>eng<< Aliquis cum Thoma in culina est. Someone is in the kitchen with Tom. It’s like Thomas in the kitchen. >>eng<< Teniludio et pila Caledonica libenter ludo. I like playing tennis and golf. Teniludio and pila Caledonica love to play. >>eng<< Os ursos comem o mel sem se preocupar com as abelhas. Bears eat the honey and don't care about the bees. Bears eat honey without worrying about bees. >>deu<< Seja um pouco mais misericordioso! Sei ein bisschen gnädiger! Sei ein wenig barmherziger! >>eng<< L'Iran non ha paura di Israele. Iran is not afraid of Israel. Iran is not afraid of Israel. >>eng<< "Quid agis?" "Mandrabūli more res succidit." "How is it going?" "Out of the frying pan, into the fire." "What are you doing?" "Mandrab<0xC5><0xAB>li more nothing happened." >>eng<< O senhor Hirayama ensina muito bem. Mr Hirayama teaches very well. Mr. Hirayama teaches very well. >>eng<< Estão dormindo. They are sleeping. They're asleep. >>eng<< Ha soltanto un difetto. He has only one flaw. It has only one flaw. >>eng<< Caprum Italice non loquere. Please don't speak Italian to the goat. Italic does not speak. >>nld<< Mânerul ușii este rupt. De deurklink is gebroken. De deurknop is gebroken. >>deu<< Planeja trabalhar até às 10:00? Hast du vor, bis zehn Uhr zu arbeiten? Planen Sie bis 10:00 Uhr zu arbeiten? >>eng<< Tune quoque Latine loqueris? Do you speak Latin also? What kind of Latin do you speak? >>eng<< Hice lo suficiente por Tom. I did enough for Tom. I did enough for Tom. >>eng<< Haec machina nequam est. This machine is worthless. This car is bad. >>eng<< O que você está fazendo aí em cima? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? >>eng<< Io non sono sicuro di essere d'accordo con te. I'm not sure I agree with you. I'm not sure I agree with you. >>eng<< Yanni a juré. Yanni swore. Yanni swore. >>eng<< Precisamos chegar a um acordo com o proprietário do apartamento. We need to come to an agreement with the owner of the apartment. We need to reach an agreement with the owner of the apartment. >>nld<< Necesito cariño. Ik heb liefde nodig. Ik heb liefde nodig. >>eng<< He oblidat el llibre. I forgot the book. I forgot the book. >>deu<< Vous avez regardé la télévision hier. Ihr habt gestern Fernsehen geschaut. Sie haben gestern ferngesehen. >>deu<< Tom, tu devrais venir aussi. Tom, du solltest auch kommen. Tom, du solltest auch mitkommen. >>nld<< La casa roja es nueva. Het rode huis is nieuw. Het rode huis is nieuw. >>eng<< Ho comprato una poltrona, ma non so ancora dove la metterò. I bought an armchair, but I don't know where I am going to put it on yet. I bought an armchair, but I still don't know where I'm going to put it. >>eng<< Eso es un mango. That's a mango. That's a handle. >>nld<< Eu trabalhei muito hoje. Ik heb vandaag veel gewerkt. Ik heb vandaag hard gewerkt. >>deu<< Maria não tem motivos para se irritar com o marido. Maria hat keine Veranlassung, ihrem Mann böse zu sein. Maria hat keinen Grund, sich über ihren Mann zu ärgern. >>eng<< Lorsque la ville fut libérée, les gens s'alignèrent le long des rues en jetant des confettis. When the city was liberated, people lined the streets throwing confetti. When the city was liberated, people lined up along the streets throwing confetti. >>deu<< Bien qu'elle ait signé un pacte secret, l'Italie n'était pas en mesure de faire valoir l'ensemble de ses revendications concernant les territoires d'outre-mer après la Première Guerre mondiale. Trotz der Unterzeichnung eines geheimen Pakts gelang es Italien nach dem ersten Weltkrieg nicht, seine gesamten Ansprüche auf fremde Territorien durchzusetzen. Obwohl Italien einen geheimen Pakt unterzeichnet hatte, war es nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg nicht in der Lage, alle seine Forderungen in Bezug auf die Überseegebiete geltend zu machen. >>deu<< La vent était dans leur dos. Die hatten Rückenwind. Der Wind war hinter ihrem Rücken. >>eng<< Ele diz que o biocombustível derivado do uísque proporciona mais energia do que o bioetanol, um combustível produzido a partir de plantas como o milho ou a cana-de-açúcar. He says the whisky-based biofuel provides more power than bioethanol, a fuel made from plants like corn or sugar cane. He says the biofuel derived from whisky provides more energy than bioethanol, a fuel produced from plants such as corn or sugar cane. >>eng<< Je ne connais pas son nom, et je ne sais pas non plus où il habite. I don't know his name, and I don't know where he lives, either. I don't know his name, and I don't know where he lives. >>eng<< Est-ce de l'allemand ? Is that German? Is it German? >>deu<< C’était très bon ! Das war sehr gut! Es war sehr gut! >>eng<< Que vòli aver un maic. I want a friend. I want to have a mother. >>eng<< Essayez toujours de placer vos pièces sur les cases où elles peuvent être les plus efficaces. Always try to place your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. Always try to place your coins on the boxes where they can be most effective. >>eng<< Avevano intenzione di emigrare in Nuova Zelanda. They intend to emigrate to New Zealand. They were planning to emigrate to New Zealand. >>nld<< Ce bea? Wat is ze aan het drinken? Wat drinkt hij? >>eng<< La phrase était si élaborée que je n'ai pas immédiatement compris de quoi il en retournait. The sentence was so elaborate that I did not understand immediately what it was about. The sentence was so elaborate that I did not immediately understand what it was coming back from. >>deu<< Tom puede hablar y escribir francés. Tom kann sowohl Französisch sprechen als auch schreiben. Tom kann Französisch sprechen und schreiben. >>eng<< O centro no jogo de xadrez, formado pelas casas e4, e5, d4 e d5, tem excepcional importância estratégica. Quem contar com um centro forte, terá sempre vantagem na realização de operações tanto de ataque como de defesa. The center in the game of chess, formed by the e4, e5, d4, and d5 squares, has exceptional strategic importance. Whoever has a strong center will always have an advantage in carrying out both attack and defense operations. The center in the game of chess, formed by the houses e4, e5, d4 and d5, has exceptional strategic importance. Whoever has a strong center, will always have advantage in carrying out both attack and defense operations. >>deu<< Il suo cellulare era spento. Ihr Mobiltelefon war ausgeschaltet. Sein Handy war aus. >>nld<< À Hawai, on peut se baigner dans la mer toute l'année. Op Hawaï kan men het hele jaar door in de zee baden. Op Hawaï kun je het hele jaar door in de zee zwemmen. >>eng<< Tom sa più di quanto pensate. Tom knows more than you think. Tom knows more than you think. >>deu<< Lágrimas limpam o coração. Tränen reinigen das Herz. Tränen reinigen das Herz. >>eng<< Et sapientior et diligentior est quam Robertus. He is wiser and more careful than Bob. He’s smarter and smarter than Robert. >>deu<< Charles Martel est important parce qu'il était le grand-père de Charlemagne ; nous devons donc le célébrer. Karl Martell ist deswegen wichtig, weil er der Großvater Karls des Großen war; also müssen wir ihn feiern. Karl Martel ist wichtig, weil er der Großvater von Karl dem Großen war; deshalb müssen wir ihn feiern. >>deu<< Elle y est revenue. Sie kehrte dorthin zurück. Sie ist wieder da. >>deu<< Il est tard et la nuit tombe. Es ist spät und die Nacht bricht an. Es ist spät und die Nacht fällt. >>eng<< Scott foi un contemporáneo de Byron. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. >>deu<< Il paziente può morire in qualsiasi momento. Der Patient kann jeden Augenblick sterben. Der Patient kann jederzeit sterben. >>deu<< Nesse auditório cabem duas mil pessoas. In diesen Hörsaal passen zweitausend Menschen. In diesem Auditorium sind 2000 Personen untergebracht. >>nld<< Beati pauperes spiritu. Zalig de armen van geest. Zalig zijn de armen in de geest. >>deu<< Vous ne pouvez répondre que par oui ou par non. Sie dürfen nur mit ja oder nein antworten. Sie können nur mit Ja oder Nein antworten. >>eng<< Une centaine d'interprètes travaillent dans cette organisation internationale. About one hundred interpreters work in this international organization. A hundred interpreters work in this international organization. >>eng<< L'ajout de sel améliore considérablement la saveur. The addition of salt greatly improves the flavor. The addition of salt greatly improves the flavor. >>eng<< Je suis reconnaissant envers mes parents pour avoir fait tout ce qu'ils ont fait pour moi. I'm grateful to my parents for doing everything they've done for me. I am grateful to my parents for doing everything they have done for me. >>eng<< « Où sont les toilettes ? » « À gauche. » "Where are the toilets?" "On the left." “Where is the toilet?” “On the left.” >>eng<< Tem certeza de que foi ontem que Tom fez isso? Are you sure it was yesterday that Tom did that? Are you sure it was yesterday that Tom did this? >>eng<< Ești foarte bun la desen. You're very good at drawing. You're very good at drawing. >>eng<< Thomas pater factus est. Tom became a father. Thomas was a father. >>eng<< Horologium eius carius est quam meum. His clock is more expensive than mine. His clock is bigger than mine. >>eng<< Vom trimite pe cineva cât mai curând posibil. We will send someone over as soon as possible. We'll send someone as soon as possible. >>nld<< Je vous adresse mes vœux de paix et de joie à Noël. Ik wens jullie vrede en geluk toe met Kerstmis. Ik wens jullie vrede en vreugde met Kerstmis. >>eng<< C'è troppa gente qui. Andiamo da un'altra parte. There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere else. There's too many people here, let's go somewhere else. >>eng<< La presidencia no es de su propiedad. The presidency is not his property. The presidency is not your property. >>eng<< ¿De quién es la mente más difícil de cambiar? Whose mind is the hardest to change? Whose mind is the hardest to change? >>eng<< Tom est tombé dans l'eau. Tom fell into the water. Tom fell into the water. >>nld<< Si vous voyez la famille Popescu, s'il vous plaît, donnez-lui le bonjour de ma part. Als jullie de Popescu's zien, doe ze dan alsjeblieft de groeten van ons. Als u de familie Popescu ziet, groet u hem dan van mij. >>eng<< Eu esperava muito menos de ti. I expected much less from you. I expected so much less from you. >>nld<< La decisión de casarse de Tom sorprendió a su familia. Toms beslissing om te trouwen verbaasde zijn familie. De beslissing van Tom om te trouwen verraste zijn familie. >>eng<< Ils se vantent de leur pont. They boast of their bridge. They brag about their bridge. >>deu<< Io sono meglio di lui. Ich bin besser als er. Ich bin besser als er. >>eng<< Esa fue la madre de todas las batallas. That was the mother of all battles. That was the mother of all battles. >>deu<< El joven tomó la pluma de oro, se la llevó al rey por la mañana, y le contó lo que había visto durante la noche. Der Jüngling nahm die goldene Feder, brachte sie am Morgen dem König und erzählte, was er des Nachts gesehen hatte. Der junge Mann nahm die goldene Feder, brachte sie am Morgen zum König und erzählte ihm, was er in der Nacht gesehen hatte. >>deu<< Questa è la lista dei libri più venduti del mese scorso. Diese hier ist die Liste der meistverkauften Bücher des vergangenen Monats. Dies ist die Liste der meistverkauften Bücher des letzten Monats. >>deu<< Vado sempre a piedi. Ich gehe immer zu Fuß. Ich gehe immer zu Fuß. >>deu<< Cette bibliothèque a été construite en 2013. Diese Bibliothek wurde 2013 erbaut. Diese Bibliothek wurde im Jahr 2013 gebaut. >>deu<< Dar regalos es siempre más agradable que recibirlos. Geschenke zu machen ist immer angenehmer, als sie zu erhalten. Geschenke zu geben ist immer angenehmer, als sie zu empfangen. >>eng<< Per la prima volta in vita mia ho paura del mio futuro. For the first time in my life I'm frightened of my future. For the first time in my life, I am afraid of my future. >>eng<< Me he quedado sin pila. My battery ran out. I'm out of battery. >>nld<< Sois discret ! Wees onopvallend! Wees discreet. >>nld<< J'ai loué une chambre pour un mois à Paris. In Parijs heb ik voor een maand een kamer gehuurd. Ik huurde een kamer voor een maand in Parijs. >>eng<< In diaetam eius intravimus. Tom walked into his apartment. In his introductory speech. >>eng<< Praeceptor non sum. I'm not a teacher. I am not a preacher. >>eng<< Lui si sedette per leggere una storia. He sat down to read a story. He sat down to read a story. >>eng<< El niño juega con el caballo de madera. The boy plays with the wooden horse. The child plays with the wooden horse. >>eng<< Es la primera vez que ayudo a mi padre. This is the first time I've ever helped my father. It's the first time I've helped my father. >>eng<< No konoses a Tom. You don't know Tom. You don't know Tom. >>nld<< Nimeni nu râde. Niemand lacht. Niemand lacht. >>deu<< El accidente fue fruto de su imprudencia. Der Unfall wurde durch seine Fahrlässigkeit verursacht. Der Unfall war das Ergebnis seiner Unvorsichtigkeit. >>eng<< No hay un equivalente en alemán de esta palabra japonesa. There is no German equivalent of this Japanese word. There is no German equivalent of this Japanese word. >>eng<< Quindi, non ci sia dubbio: l'Islam è parte integrante dell'America. E io credo che l'America custodisca al proprio interno la verità che, indipendentemente da razza, religione, o posizione nella vita, tutti noi condividiamo aspirazioni comuni - vivere in pace e sicurezza; ricevere un'istruzione e lavorare con dignità; amare le nostre famiglie, le nostre comunità e il nostro Dio. Queste cose che abbiamo in comune. Questa è la speranza di tutta l'umanità. So let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America. And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity. So, there is no doubt: Islam is an integral part of America. And I believe that America holds within itself the truth that, regardless of race, religion, or position in life, we all share common aspirations - to live in peace and security; to receive an education and work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we have in common. This is the hope of all humanity. >>eng<< No te acerques al fuego. Don't go near the fire. Don't go near the fire. >>eng<< Su biblioteca se compone de 3500 ejemplares e incluye muchas primeras ediciones. Her library comprises 3500 and includes many first editions. Its library consists of 3,500 copies and includes many early editions. >>eng<< Joan era uma pequena menina atrevida com cabelo fiado de ouro e olhos que se humedeciam quando eu falava sobre Plutão e Úrano e que brilhavam como brasas vivas quando nós estávamos no espaço juntos. Joan was a little chit of a girl with spun gold hair and eyes that misted when I spoke of Pluto and Uranus, and glowed like live coals when we were out in space together. Joan was a daring little girl with gold-spun hair and eyes that moistened when I talked about Pluto and Uranus and that shone like live coals when we were in space together. >>eng<< Jude, embora ele já tivesse as suas dúvidas quanto aos remédios deste cavalheiro, sentia-o ser, inquestionavelmente, um personagem viajado e alguém que pudesse ser uma fonte fidedigna de informação sobre assuntos não estritamente profissionais. Jude, though he already had his doubts about this gentleman's medicines, felt him to be unquestionably a travelled personage, and one who might be a trustworthy source of information on matters not strictly professional. Jude, though he already had his doubts about this gentleman’s remedies, felt he was unquestionably a traveled character and someone who could be a reliable source of information on non-professional matters. >>eng<< Devemos passar das palavras às ações. We must move from words to actions. We must move from words to actions. >>deu<< Franklin liberò nel corso della sua vita tutti i suoi schiavi. Franklin ließ im Laufe seines Lebens alle seine Sklaven frei. Franklin befreite im Laufe seines Lebens alle seine Sklaven. >>deu<< De variadíssimas maneiras, o uso de ferramentas ocorre entre os seres humanos e, muito menos, entre os chimpanzés comuns. In der vielfältigsten Weise findet der Werkzeuggebrauch beim Menschen statt, sehr viel weniger beim Gemeinen Schimpansen. Auf vielfältige Weise findet der Einsatz von Werkzeugen bei Menschen statt, geschweige denn bei gewöhnlichen Schimpansen. >>eng<< Nuestra fotografía perdió el color. Our photograph lost its color. The photo lost its color. >>nld<< « Où va Tom ? » – « À Munich. » "Waar gaat Tom naartoe?" - "Naar München." ‘Waar gaat Tom heen?’ – ‘In München.’ >>deu<< A morte me motiva a viver. Der Tod motiviert mich zu leben. Der Tod motiviert mich zum Leben. >>eng<< Et erexit ibi altare et vocavit illud: Deus est Deus Israel. And raising an altar there, he invoked upon it the most mighty God of Israel. And he erected an altar there, and called it God of Israel. >>eng<< Anna socolatam libenter edit. Anna gladly eats chocolate. I like to edit it. >>deu<< Eso es lo que hay. So ist es. Das ist es, was es gibt. >>eng<< Tom pensa di essere Luigi XIV. Tom thinks he's Louis XIV. Tom thinks he's Louis XIV. >>eng<< Cur ad me iam non scribit? Why doesn't he write me anymore? Why didn’t you write to me? >>eng<< Llevamos ya más de diez años sin verle. It's been more than ten years since we've seen her. We haven't seen him for over ten years. >>eng<< Sou um cidadão da Terra. I'm a citizen of Earth. I am a citizen of the Earth. >>eng<< L'Artico è freddo. The Arctic is cold. The Arctic is cold. >>eng<< Isto é tudo muito aproximado. This is all very approximate. This is all very close. >>eng<< Abbiamo un'emergenza! We've got an emergency! We have an emergency! >>nld<< No me sigas más. Volg me niet meer. Volg me niet meer. >>eng<< Você está agindo como uma criança. You're acting like a child. You're acting like a child. >>deu<< Posso te esperar. Ich kann auf dich warten. Ich kann auf dich warten. >>eng<< El Dio ke vos mate a ambos! Fuck both of you! God will kill you both! >>eng<< Qual a daissat la pòrta dobèrta ? Who has left the door open? Who is going to leave the door open? >>eng<< Tom me dijo que se siente seguro. Tom told me that he feels safe. Tom told me he felt safe. >>nld<< Vouloir c'est pouvoir. Waar een wil is, is een weg. Willen is macht. >>eng<< Fue una gran decepción que Hingis fuera eliminado en el primer asalto. It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round. It was a big disappointment that Hingis was eliminated in the first round. >>eng<< A tela estava maravilhosa. Vocês deveriam ter visto. The picture was wonderful. You ought to have seen it. The screen was wonderful. You should have seen it. >>deu<< O vaso que ele quebrou é da minha tia. Die Vase, die er zerbrach, gehört meiner Tante. Die Vase, die er zerbrochen hat, ist von meiner Tante. >>eng<< Adesso sarà meglio che mi metta sotto, oggi ho un mucchio di lavoro. Now I'd better put my nose to the grindstone, I have a lot of work today. Now I'd better put myself down, I've got a lot of work today. >>nld<< Elle est disc-jockey. Ze is deejay. Ze is disco-jockey. >>eng<< ¡El mayor problema con la inteligencia artificial es que no puedes asustarla! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can't scare it! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can’t scare it! >>eng<< Sou de Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. >>eng<< Valde iratus est. He is very angry. It is very angry. >>eng<< Fă-o de dragul meu. Do it for my sake. Do it for my sake. >>deu<< Je descends au sous-sol. Ich gehe hinunter in den Keller. Ich gehe in den Keller. >>nld<< Quale lingua si parla negli Stati Uniti? Welke taal spreken ze in de VS? Welke taal wordt er gesproken in de Verenigde Staten? >>eng<< Rima e Skura comprarono un nuovo hotel. Rima and Skura bought a new hotel. Rima and Skura bought a new hotel. >>eng<< Tom ne pleure pas. Tom isn't crying. Tom is not crying. >>eng<< Tom a zis că nu era nimic de care să ne temem. Tom said there was nothing to worry about. Tom said there was nothing to be afraid of. >>eng<< Pensavo ci odiassi. I thought you hated us. I thought you hated us. >>nld<< Oui, volontiers. Ja, graag. Ja, graag. >>eng<< Ziri était surpris. Ziri was surprised. Ziri was surprised. >>nld<< Quiero mi desayuno. Ik wil mijn ontbijt. Ik wil mijn ontbijt. >>eng<< Quindi noi siamo infastiditi dal rumore delle automobili. Thus, we are annoyed by the noise of cars. So we are bothered by the noise of cars. >>eng<< É verdade que o Nilo é o rio mais extenso do mundo? Is it true that the Nile is the longest river in the world? Is it true that the Nile is the largest river in the world? >>eng<< Per lei, è gratis. For you, it's free. For her, it's free. >>eng<< Usate la punteggiatura. Use punctuation. Use punctuation. >>deu<< Per això veiem un cel blau. Deshalb sehen wir einen blauen Himmel. Deshalb sehen wir einen blauen Himmel. >>nld<< Ce fromage est fait avec du lait de chèvre. Deze kaas is gemaakt van geitenmelk. Deze kaas wordt gemaakt met geitenmelk. >>eng<< Ela pressionou o botão errado. She pressed the wrong button. She pressed the wrong button. >>nld<< No puedo vivir sin tele. Zonder tv kan ik niet leven. Ik kan niet leven zonder tv. >>eng<< Ellas son cuidadosas. They're careful. They are careful. >>eng<< ¡Ven conmigo! Come with me! Come with me! >>eng<< Qualcuno la visita? Does anybody visit her? Anyone visit her? >>eng<< A Tom le plazen los tomates? Does Tom like tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? >>eng<< Tradicionalmente, as mulheres suázis entrelaçam ervas para criar telhados de colmo para as suas casas. Swazi women traditionally plait grass to make thatch roofs for their homes. Traditionally, Swazi women intertwine herbs to create tufted roofs for their homes. >>eng<< Estne haec birota tua? Is this your bike? Is this your burlap? >>eng<< Io non posso proteggerla qui. I can't protect you here. I can't protect you here. >>eng<< N-aș fi crezut că într-o zi voi căuta „Viagra” în Wikipedia. I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up "Viagra" in Wikipedia. I would never have thought that one day I would look for “Viagra” in Wikipedia. >>nld<< Es difícil hablar inglés. Engels spreken is moeilijk. Het is moeilijk om Engels te spreken. >>deu<< O fato era de interesse dos cientistas. Die Sache war von Interesse für die Wissenschafter. Das lag im Interesse der Wissenschaftler. >>deu<< Nick me deve dez dólares. Nick schuldet mir zehn Dollar. Nick schuldet mir zehn Dollar. >>eng<< Joannes tristis est. John is sad. Joanna is sad. >>eng<< Je vais vous chercher du café. I'll get you some more coffee. I'll get you some coffee. >>eng<< It deve scondte. You've got to hide. It must scondte. >>eng<< Estuve esperando a Tom. I was expecting Tom. I've been waiting for Tom. >>eng<< Connais-tu quelqu’un qui joue de la guitare ? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know anyone who plays guitar? >>nld<< Hm, acum chiar e ciudat... Eh, nou is het echt raar... Het is nu echt raar. >>eng<< Tornerà in Italia? Is she going back to Italy? Will he return to Italy? >>eng<< ¿Por qué el judo es la mejor opción para su hijo? Why is judo the best choice for your child? Why is judo the best option for your child? >>nld<< Tom nu locuiește cu Mary. Tom woont niet met Maria samen. Tom woont niet bij Mary. >>eng<< Je suis mes luttes. I am my battles. I am my struggles. >>eng<< Tom stava solo parlando. Tom was just talking. Tom was just talking. >>eng<< La gallina puso cinco huevos. The hen hatched five eggs. The chicken laid five eggs. >>eng<< Con cada año que pasa, el área de pluviselva amazónica se reduce. With each passing year, the area of the Amazon rainforest shrinks. With each passing year, the area of Amazon rainforest is reduced. >>eng<< El globo ya casi se ha deshinchado completamente. The balloon is almost completely deflated. The balloon is almost completely deflated. >>eng<< I vas anar en trin ? Will you go by train? Did you go to Trin? >>eng<< È durata per quasi un'ora. It lasted for almost an hour. It lasted almost an hour. >>deu<< A él le gusta la ensalada de papas. Er mag Kartoffelsalat. Er mag Kartoffelsalat. >>eng<< Lei è affascinata dal cibo francese. She has a fascination with French food. She is fascinated by French food. >>eng<< Si necesitas ayuda, siempre puedes llamarme. If you need help, you can always call me. If you need help, you can always call me. >>nld<< L'as-tu dit à ton frère ? Heb je het je broer verteld? Heb je het je broer verteld? >>eng<< Laissez-moi tout vous expliquer depuis le début. Let me explain everything from the beginning. Let me explain everything to you from the beginning. >>nld<< Tutto è gratuito. Alles is gratis. Alles is gratis. >>nld<< Știți cum se ajunge acolo cu mijloacele de transport în comun? Weet u hoe men daar met het openbaar vervoer geraakt? Weet je hoe je daar komt met het openbaar vervoer? >>nld<< Ahora que has tomado tu decisión debes actuar. Nu je je besluit hebt genomen, moet je handelen. Nu je je beslissing hebt genomen, moet je handelen. >>eng<< A me piace il suo romanzo. I like her novel. I like your novel. >>eng<< O teu inglês é fantástico! Your English is great! Your English is fantastic! >>eng<< Numele meu este Ricardo. Pe tine cum te cheamă? My name's Ricardo. What's yours? My name is Ricardo, what's your name? >>nld<< Me hizo amargos reproches. Ze maakte mij bittere verwijten. Hij gaf me bittere verwijten. >>eng<< Noli murum ascendere. Don't climb up the wall. The wall rises. >>eng<< Abbiamo comprato un nuovo albergo. We bought a new hotel. We bought a new hotel. >>eng<< Parli ebraico? Do you speak Hebrew? Do you speak Hebrew? >>eng<< Sono arrivato all'ospedale. I arrived at the hospital. I got to the hospital. >>nld<< Então finalmente nos conhecemos! Eu esperei muito por este momento. Eindelijk ontmoeten we elkaar dan! Ik heb hier zo lang op gewacht. Ik heb lang op dit moment gewacht. >>eng<< Magnam habui fortunam. I was very lucky. Magnus was lucky. >>nld<< Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri. Vroeg of laat gaan we dood. Vroeg of laat gaan we dood. >>eng<< Quid pollicitus es te facturum esse? What did you promise to do? What are you going to do with that? >>eng<< Solis diebus ad scholam non eo. I don't go to school on Sunday. Not just in high school, not in high school. >>deu<< Questo pane è molto delizioso. Dieses Brot ist sehr lecker. Dieses Brot ist sehr lecker. >>eng<< Caput Iaponiae est Tokium. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokium. >>deu<< Siempre lo veo cuando viene a Madrid. Ich sehe ihn immer, wenn er nach Madrid kommt. Ich sehe ihn immer, wenn er nach Madrid kommt. >>eng<< Nobis placuit manere. We decided to stay. I liked the manners. >>deu<< Quanto tempo vocês levaram para escrever este livro? Wie lange habt ihr gebraucht, um dieses Buch zu schreiben? Wie lange hat es gedauert, dieses Buch zu schreiben? >>deu<< J'avais sommeil. Ich war müde. Ich habe geschlafen. >>eng<< ¿Tienes tu pasaporte? Do you have your passport? Do you have your passport? >>eng<< Possono esserci diverse varianti. There may be several variants. There may be several variations. >>deu<< Il avait l'habitude de lire la nuit. Er hatte die Angewohnheit, nachts zu lesen. Er pflegte nachts zu lesen. >>eng<< Connais-tu leur père ? Do you know their father? Do you know their father? >>deu<< Gosto de comida chinesa em geral. Im Allgemeinen mag ich chinesisches Essen. Ich mag chinesisches Essen im Allgemeinen. >>eng<< Rima aveva fame. Rima was hungry. Rima was hungry. >>eng<< Tom sempre perde. Tom always loses. Tom always loses. >>eng<< Por que derreteu aquela barra de sabão? Why did you melt that bar of soap? Why did you melt that bar of soap? >>eng<< No sé què li ha passat. I don't know what has happened to him. I don't know what happened to him. >>eng<< Sa fille n'est plus une enfant. His daughter isn't a child anymore. His daughter is no longer a child. >>eng<< Tom nu a terminat cântecul pe care îl cânta. Tom didn't finish the song that he was singing. Tom didn't finish the song he was singing. >>eng<< El se folosește de tine. He's using you. He's using you. >>nld<< C'est clair comme de l'eau de roche. Dat is zo klaar als een klontje. Het is duidelijk als rotswater. >>deu<< Esta camisa te queda bien. Dieses Hemd steht dir gut. Dieses Hemd passt dir gut. >>eng<< Irlanda está en Europa occidental. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is in Western Europe. >>eng<< Combien d'animaux avez-vous ? How many animals do you have? How many animals do you have? >>eng<< Correva veloce come una lepre. He ran as fast as a hare. He ran fast like a hare. >>deu<< Ils volèrent son porte-monnaie. Sie raubten ihre Geldbörse. Sie stahlen seine Brieftasche. >>eng<< La phrase suivante est fausse. The next sentence is false. The following sentence is false. >>eng<< Me encanta el zumo de naranja. I love orange juice. I love orange juice. >>eng<< Nici o estimare a costurilor nu era disponibilă. No cost estimate was available. No cost estimates were available. >>eng<< Aquera cançon qu'ei trista. This song sounds sad. That song is sad. >>nld<< No debes hacer ruido en clase. Je mag in de klas geen lawaai maken. Je moet geen lawaai maken in de klas. >>eng<< Ne fais pas encore sauter le champagne. Don't break out the champagne yet. Don't blow the champagne yet. >>eng<< Buradaki nedir, Tom? What's in here, Tom? Buradaki nedir, Tom? >>eng<< Furono rubati dieci milioni di euro. Ten million euros were stolen. Ten million euros were stolen. >>deu<< Je voudrais boire un peu d'eau. Ich möchte etwas Wasser trinken. Ich möchte etwas Wasser trinken. >>eng<< C'est un truc de filles. It's a girl thing. It's a girl thing. >>eng<< Hablo sorabo. I speak Sorbian. I speak Sorbian. >>deu<< En réalité, il se prénomme Eric. Tom, c'est un surnom. In Wirklichkeit heißt er Erich. Tom, das ist ein Spitzname. Eigentlich heißt er Eric, Tom ist ein Spitzname. >>eng<< A voi piace la cioccolata calda? Do you like hot chocolate? Do you like hot chocolate? >>eng<< Ziri não bebe aquele suco sozinho. Ziri doesn't drink that juice himself. Ziri doesn't drink that juice alone. >>eng<< O governo indiano avisou o Facebook de que tratará a empresa por lei como um instigador de violência se esta não desenvolver ferramentas para melhor combater a propagação de informações falsas. The Indian government has warned Facebook it will treat the company as a legal abettor to violence if it does not develop tools to better combat the spread of false information. The Indian government has warned Facebook that it will treat the company by law as an instigator of violence if it does not develop tools to better combat the spread of false information. >>deu<< Chi parla meglio inglese, Yoko o Yumi? Wer spricht besser Englisch, Yoko oder Yumi? Wer spricht besser Englisch, Yoko oder Yumi? >>deu<< Pourquoi en doutez-vous ? Warum zweifeln Sie daran? Warum bezweifeln Sie das? >>eng<< Está bem quente, não está? It's quite hot, isn't it? It's pretty hot, isn't it? >>deu<< Eu, Coélet, fui rei de Israel em Jerusalém. Ich, der Prediger, war König über Israel zu Jerusalem. Ich, Koelet, war König von Israel in Jerusalem. >>eng<< Não havia uma fila comprida no ponto de ônibus. There was not a long queue at the bus stop. There was no long queue at the bus stop. >>eng<< Eu estou bastante confiante. I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty confident. >>eng<< Dez por cento da população não trabalham. Ten percent of the population does not work. Ten percent of the population does not work. >>nld<< Waou ! C'est pas cher ! Wow! Dat is goedkoop! Het is niet duur. >>eng<< Disegnami qualcosa. Draw me something. Draw me something. >>deu<< Je ne crois pas avoir déjà rencontré une personne telle que toi. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich schon mal jemandem wie dir begegnet bin. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich jemals jemanden wie dich getroffen habe. >>eng<< No se puede huir de la edad. No one can escape growing old. You can't run away from age. >>deu<< Sua madre sta scrivendo una lettera. Seine Mutter schreibt gerade einen Brief. Ihre Mutter schreibt einen Brief. >>deu<< Les êtres humains diffèrent des animaux en ce qu'ils peuvent penser et parler. Die Menschen unterscheiden sich von den Tieren darin, dass sie denken und sprechen können. Menschen unterscheiden sich von Tieren in dem, was sie denken und sprechen können. >>eng<< Mirou ao ceo. He looked up at the sky. He looked at the sky. >>deu<< Ces choses ne sont pas mentionnées dans la loi. Diese Dinge werden im Gesetz nicht erwähnt. Diese Dinge werden im Gesetz nicht erwähnt. >>eng<< Me gusta comprar en esa tienda departamental. I like to shop at that department store. I like to shop at that department store. >>deu<< No me gusta este juego. Mir gefällt dieses Spiel nicht. Ich mag dieses Spiel nicht. >>eng<< Radical é uma pessoa que se apoia firmemente com ambos os pés no ar. A radical is a person who stands firmly with both feet in the air. Radical is a person who leans firmly with both feet in the air. >>eng<< Somos todos eternos aprendizes. We are all perpetual learners. We are all eternal learners. >>nld<< Traduis ceci pour moi, s'il te plaît. Vertaal dit voor me alsjeblieft. Vertaal dit voor mij, alsjeblieft. >>eng<< Ziri bussò alla porta di Rima. Ziri knocked on Rima's door. Ziri knocked at the door of Rima. >>eng<< Se me ha inflamado el lóbulo de la oreja izquierda. My left ear lobe is swollen. My left earlobe is inflamed. >>nld<< Sí, voy para allá. Ja, ik kom. Ja, ik kom eraan. >>eng<< A França é uma república. France is a republic. France is a republic. >>eng<< Batallo para encontrar un balance entre ser muy inseguro y ser muy arrogante. I struggle to find a balance between being too insecure and being too cocky. Battle to find a balance between being very insecure and being very arrogant. >>deu<< Combien vous ont-elles payés ? Wieviel haben die Ihnen gezahlt? Wie viel haben sie bezahlt? >>eng<< Mi piace andare allo zoo. I like going to the zoo. I like going to the zoo. >>deu<< Nu este nevoie să speli vasele, după ce mănânci. Du brauchst die Teller nach dem Essen nicht zu spülen. Es ist nicht notwendig, das Geschirr nach dem Essen zu waschen. >>eng<< Un'ulcera si forma nello stomaco. An ulcer forms in the stomach. An ulcer forms in the stomach. >>nld<< Aquellos que viven en casas de cristal no deberían tirar piedras. Wie in een glazen huis woont, moet niet met stenen werpen. Degenen die in glazen huizen wonen, moeten geen stenen gooien. >>deu<< ¿Cuál dijiste que era tu nombre? Wie war noch mal dein Name? Wie hießst du noch mal? >>nld<< Spenga la tele. Non riesco a concentrarmi. Zet de televisie uit. Ik kan me niet concentreren. Ik kan me niet concentreren. >>eng<< Quem foi que escolheu essas cores? Who chose those colours? Who chose these colors? >>deu<< Ce magasin ferme à 9 heures. Dieser Laden macht um neun zu. Dieser Laden schließt um 9 Uhr. >>eng<< Mi aiuterai a trovare mio figlio? Will you help me find my child? Will you help me find my son? >>eng<< Comment te sens-tu, Tom ? How are you feeling, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? >>eng<< Você ficará sozinho. You'll be alone. You'll be alone. >>eng<< Te rog spune-mi pe care să o iau. Please tell me which to take. Please tell me which one to take. >>deu<< Tom ha dato al suo gatto un po' di latte. Tom hat seiner Katze ein bisschen Milch gegeben. Tom gab seiner Katze etwas Milch. >>eng<< Imple hebdomadam hanc, et alteram quoque dabo tibi pro opere, quo serviturus es mihi septem annis aliis. Make up the week of days of this match: and I will give thee her also, for the service that thou shalt render me other seven years. Fulfil this sabbath, and I will give thee the other sabbath also for the work that thou shalt serve me yet another seven years. >>eng<< Magne-toi ! Move yourself! Hurry up! >>nld<< La lave durcit. Lava verhardt. De lava verhardt. >>eng<< Penso che Tom sia flessibile. I think Tom is adaptable. I think Tom is flexible. >>eng<< O capitão irá a estação meteorológica para ter uma atualização sobre as condições do tempo. The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing. The captain will go to the weather station to have an update on the weather conditions. >>eng<< Agora, porém, a comunhão da viagem marítima que se aproximava e dos gloriosos perigos a partilhar, bem como a sensação refrescante que a suave noite austral derramava sobre alma e sentido, uniam a banda de camaradas numa harmonia perfeita e imperturbável. Now, however, the fellowship of the approaching sea-voyage and of the glorious perils to be shared, as well as the refreshing feeling which the soft southern evening poured over soul and sense, united the band of comrades in perfect and undisturbed harmony. Now, however, the communion of the approaching sea voyage and of the glorious dangers to be shared, as well as the refreshing sensation that the gentle southern night poured out upon soul and sense, united the band of comrades in perfect and imperturbable harmony. >>eng<< Qual è il nome del tuo bambino? What's your child's name? What's your baby's name? >>eng<< O caminho do sucesso está sempre em construção. The road to success is always under construction. The path to success is always under construction. >>eng<< Ti è piaciuto lavorare a Boston? Did you like working in Boston? Did you enjoy working in Boston? >>eng<< Nosso templo é belo. Our temple is beautiful. Our temple is beautiful. >>deu<< Merci de m’avoir écoutée malgré que tu sois pris par ton travail. Ich danke dir, dass du mir zugehört hast, obwohl du von deiner Arbeit in Anspruch genommen wirst. Danke, dass du mir zugehört hast, obwohl du dich in deine Arbeit verstrickt hast. >>deu<< La flèche a manqué sa cible. Der Pfeil hat sein Ziel verfehlt. Der Pfeil hat sein Ziel verfehlt. >>eng<< Mi si è congelato il sangue quando me l'ha detto. My blood froze when he told me. My blood froze when he told me. >>eng<< ¿La inteligencia artificial puede identificar enfermedades con precisión? Can AI accurately identify diseases? Can Artificial Intelligence Identify Diseases Accurately? >>nld<< Tom este mândru de Maria. Tom is trots op Mary. Tom is trots op Maria. >>nld<< Tom escreveu seu nome na lousa. Tom schreef zijn naam op het bord. Tom schreef zijn naam op het bord. >>deu<< Je ne veux pas d'une femme aussi stupide. Ich will keine so dumme Frau haben. Ich will keine so dumme Frau. >>eng<< Nel 1891 Liliuokalani è diventata regina delle Hawaii. In 1891, Liliuokalani became queen of Hawaii. In 1891, Liliuokalani became Queen of Hawaii. >>eng<< Ela tem o cabelo avermelhado, daí seu apelido "Cenoura". She has reddish hair, whence comes her nickname "Carrot". She's got red hair, hence her nickname "Carrot." >>nld<< Ce ai spus? Îmi pare rău, căzusem pe gânduri. Wat zei je? Het spijt me, ik was in gedachten verzonken. Het spijt me, ik was aan het denken. >>eng<< ¿Vamos al teatro? Shall we go to the theater? Shall we go to the theater? >>deu<< Que la voiture se renverse et ça ne manque pas de conseils. Ist der Wagen einmal umgekippt, so fehlt es nicht an Ratschlägen. Lassen Sie das Auto umkippen und es mangelt nicht an Ratschlägen. >>eng<< Sono ancora una principiante. I'm still a beginner. I'm still a beginner. >>deu<< No puedes matar a alguien que ya está muerto. Man kann niemanden umbringen, der bereits tot ist. Du kannst niemanden töten, der schon tot ist. >>nld<< L'avió surt a les sis. Het vliegtuig vertrekt om zes uur. Het vliegtuig vertrekt om zes uur. >>eng<< ¿Por qué te quieres ir hoy? Why do you want to leave today? Why do you want to leave today? >>eng<< E'm podes miar aquiu ? Will you take me there? Can you give me a look? >>deu<< Je n’ai pas de téléphone portable. Ich habe kein Mobiltelefon. Ich habe kein Handy. >>eng<< Tom non sta bevendo vodka. Sta bevendo vino. Tom isn't drinking vodka. He's drinking wine. Tom's not drinking vodka, he's drinking wine. >>deu<< Elle veut la frapper. Sie will sie beeindrucken. Sie will sie schlagen. >>eng<< Scrie-i un bilețel ca să-i mulțumești. Write her a note to thank her. Write a note to thank him. >>nld<< Aujourd'hui est le plus beau jour de ma vie. Vandaag is de beste dag van mijn leven. Vandaag is de mooiste dag van mijn leven. >>nld<< C’est l’endroit idéal pour une embuscade. Het is de perfecte plaats voor een hinderlaag. Het is de ideale plek voor een hinderlaag. >>eng<< Non è alta esattamente tanto quanto Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. She's not exactly as tall as Mary. >>deu<< Tom tiene una colección de muñecas rusas. Tome hat eine Sammlung von Matrjoschka-Puppen. Tom hat eine Sammlung russischer Puppen. >>eng<< Os analistas dizem que a inauguração pessoal pelo presidente chinês Jinping Xi de três importantes navios de guerra na sexta-feira representa um passo ousado no sentido de apertar o controlo naval de mares asiáticos contestados e mais resistência àquilo que Pequim considera ser a influência crescente dos Estados Unidos na região. Analysts say Chinese President Xi Jinping’s in-person commissioning of three major warships on Friday represents a bold step toward tightening naval control over contested Asian seas and another pushback against what Beijing perceives as the United States’ growing influence in the region. Analysts say the personal inauguration by Chinese President Jinping Xi of three major warships on Friday represents a bold step towards tightening naval control of disputed Asian seas and more resistance to what Beijing sees as the growing U.S. influence in the region. >>eng<< Non ho paura di essere me stesso. I'm not afraid to be myself. I'm not afraid to be myself. >>eng<< Sono sicuro di aver visto qualcosa muoversi. I'm sure I saw something moving. I'm sure I've seen something move. >>eng<< Tens tempo para o café da manhã? Do you have time for breakfast? Do you have time for breakfast? >>deu<< Il a arrêté de fumer l'année dernière. Letztes Jahr hat er aufgehört zu rauchen. Er hat letztes Jahr aufgehört zu rauchen. >>eng<< À ta place, j'aurais fait pareil. If I had been you, I would have done the same. If I were you, I would have done the same. >>deu<< Esta colher é de sopa. Dieser Löffel ist ein Suppenlöffel. Dieser Löffel ist Suppe. >>eng<< Por lo que sé, Tom no estuvo aquí ayer. As far as I know, Tom wasn't here yesterday. As far as I know, Tom wasn't here yesterday. >>eng<< Ziri ha caricato il suo telefono. Ziri charged his phone. Ziri charged his phone. >>deu<< Maintenant c'est foutu. Jetzt isses im Eimer. Jetzt ist er erledigt. >>eng<< Nadie me hace sentir como tú lo haces. No one makes me feel like you do. No one makes me feel like you do. >>eng<< O baxaicò o l'é primmäio pe preparâ o pesto zeneise. Basil is essential in preparing Genoese pesto. The basalt is the first to prepare the veneer. >>eng<< Je me sens honteux. I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed. >>eng<< Noi siamo grati per la musica che ci ha lasciato. We are grateful for the music he left behind. We are grateful for the music he left us. >>eng<< Ce ar putea fi atât de rău în asta? What could be so bad about that? What could be so bad about this? >>deu<< Se bajó en la siguiente estación de autobuses. Er stieg an der nächsten Busstation aus. Er stieg am nächsten Busbahnhof aus. >>nld<< Ella miente acerca de su edad. Ze liegt over haar leeftijd. Ze liegt over haar leeftijd. >>eng<< Tom non nuota di notte. Tom doesn't swim at night. Tom doesn't swim at night. >>deu<< Ambas están muertas. Sie sind beide tot. Sie sind beide tot. >>deu<< Apesar da sua riqueza, ele não é feliz. Trotz seines Reichtums ist er nicht glücklich. Trotz seines Reichtums ist er nicht glücklich. >>eng<< Dacă tu ești fericit, eu sunt fericită. If you're happy, I'm happy. If you're happy, I'm happy. >>eng<< Quam longus est fluvius Nilus? How long is the Nile River? How long is the Nile River? >>deu<< É meu amigo. Das ist mein Freund. Er ist mein Freund. >>eng<< Tom sta pranzando in questo momento. Tom is eating lunch right now. Tom's having lunch right now. >>eng<< Ai-je déjà fait mention que j'étais fou ? Did I mention I'm crazy? Did I mention that I was crazy? >>nld<< Vara aceasta nu s-au mai acordat burse acelorași studenți ca anul trecut. Deze zomer werden er geen beurzen meer toegekend aan de studenten die er vorig jaar een kregen. Deze zomer werden niet meer beurzen toegekend aan dezelfde studenten als vorig jaar. >>eng<< Num Thomas hanc ranam edet? Tom isn't really going to eat that frog, is he? What about Thomas Hank? >>eng<< Je veux que tu te souviennes de ça. I want you to remember this. I want you to remember that. >>nld<< Estoy en casa. Ik ben thuis. Ik ben thuis. >>eng<< Spedì loro una lettera. She sent them a letter. He sent them a letter. >>deu<< Caput mihi dolet. Mein Kopf tut weh. Es tut mir leid. >>eng<< Canicus canem album habet. Ken has a white dog. The dog has an album. >>eng<< Sono stufa di prendere l'autobus per andare a lavorare. I'm sick of taking the bus to work. I'm tired of taking the bus to work. >>eng<< Quem conhece você melhor? Who knows you the best? Who knows you best? >>deu<< Ninguém notou sua ausência. Niemand bemerkte ihre Abwesenheit. Niemand bemerkte seine Abwesenheit. >>eng<< Il se retournerait dans sa tombe s’il apprenait ça. He would turn over in his grave if he heard about it. He would go back to his grave if he heard that. >>deu<< Mio fratello non ha denaro. Mein Bruder hat kein Geld. Mein Bruder hat kein Geld. >>nld<< Îmi place baclavaua. Ik hou van baklava. Ik hou van baclava. >>eng<< Le soleil nous procure lumière et chaleur. The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and warmth. >>eng<< Hi ha per ací alguna oficina de correus? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office here? >>eng<< Eramus pictores et pingabamus picturas pulchras. We we painters and we were painting beautiful pictures. We were painters and pingabamus beautiful paintings. >>deu<< Autant dire que c'est une goutte d'eau dans la mer ! Dann kann man gleich sagen, dass es nur ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein ist. Es ist ein Tropfen Wasser im Meer! >>eng<< Mi nombre es Omid. My name is Omid. My name is Omid. >>eng<< Vorrei poter dipingere così. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like this. >>eng<< Dovete consegnare il vostro rapporto lunedì. You have to hand in your report on Monday. You must submit your report on Monday. >>eng<< No se engaña a aquel que sabe que está siendo engañado. He is not cheated who knows he is being cheated. One who knows that he is being deceived is not deceived. >>deu<< On croit ce qu'on veut croire. Man glaubt, was man glauben will. Wir glauben, was wir glauben wollen. >>nld<< J'étais adolescent quand mon père est décédé. Ik was een tienerjongen toen mijn vader overleed. Ik was een tiener toen mijn vader overleed. >>deu<< Novecentos e noventa e nove mil, novecentos e noventa e nove mais um é igual a um milhão. 999 999 plus eins ergibt eine Million. Neunhundertneunundneunzigtausend, neunhundertneunundneunzig plus eins ist gleich einer Million. >>deu<< Tom estava na cozinha. Tom war in der Küche. Tom war in der Küche. >>nld<< Tom sabe alguns truques de mágica. Tom kent een aantal goocheltrucs. Tom kent een paar goocheltrucs. >>eng<< Sono sicuro che è arrabbiato con me. I'm sure he's angry with me. I'm sure he's mad at me. >>deu<< Toate ființele umane se nasc libere și egale în demnitate și în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu rațiune și conștiință și trebuie să se comporte unele față de altele în spiritul fraternității. Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen. Alle Menschen werden frei und gleich in Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und müssen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen. >>deu<< Tu veux dire que tu es un talent incompris ? Soll das heißen, dass du ein verkanntes Talent bist? Du meinst, du bist ein missverstandenes Talent? >>eng<< Tom lavora en un ospital. Tom works in a hospital. Tom works in a hospital. >>eng<< Tata e plecat acum. Father is away now. Dad's gone now. >>eng<< Combien de tasses de thé les Britanniques boivent-ils par jour ? How many cups of tea a day do the British drink? How many cups of tea do Brits drink per day? >>deu<< Vive no agora, vive na eternidade! Lebe im Augenblick, lebe in der Ewigkeit! Lebe im Jetzt, lebe in der Ewigkeit! >>eng<< Ella le identificó como el asesino. She identified him as the murderer. She identified him as the killer. >>eng<< Mi bisnieto no come huevos. My great-grandson doesn't eat eggs. My great-grandson doesn't eat eggs. >>eng<< Personne ne déteste mon pays. Nobody hates my country. No one hates my country. >>eng<< Am cumpărat centura lui. I bought his belt. I bought his belt. >>eng<< Penso di essere stata innamorata di lei. I think I was in love with her. I think I was in love with her. >>eng<< Maturabo. I will make haste. Mature. >>deu<< Les marguerites sont des fleurs. Margeriten sind Blumen. Gänseblümchen sind Blumen. >>deu<< Les roses ont particulièrement bien prospéré dans ce jardin. Die Rosen gediehen in diesem Garten besonders gut. Besonders gut gedeihen die Rosen in diesem Garten. >>eng<< Lasciò l'albergo. He left the hotel. He left the hotel. >>deu<< Concilium non erit. Das Treffen wird nicht stattfinden. Konzil nicht. >>nld<< Interésanche as flores? Interesseren bloemen u? Ben je geïnteresseerd in bloemen? >>eng<< Diversi topi mangiano formaggio. Several mice are eating cheese. Several mice eat cheese. >>nld<< Ho rimandato l'evento. Ik stelde het evenement uit. Ik heb het evenement uitgesteld. >>nld<< El museo está abierto a partir de las 9 de la mañana. Het museum is open vanaf negen uur 's morgens. Het museum is geopend vanaf 9 uur 's ochtends. >>eng<< Hoc in Europa non habemus. We don't have that in Europe. There is no such thing in Europe. >>deu<< Questo sarà doloroso. Das wird schmerzhaft werden. Das wird schmerzhaft sein. >>eng<< Eu vou lá com você. I'll go there with you. I'll go there with you. >>eng<< ¿Puedo comenzar? Can I begin? Can I start? >>eng<< Siete serie in questo momento? Are you being serious right now? Are you serious right now? >>eng<< Non sarò mai in grado di realizzare il mio sogno di diventare una bibliotecaria. I'll never be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a librarian. I will never be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a librarian. >>eng<< Los zorros no caen dos veces en la misma trampa. Foxes don't fall into the same trap twice. Foxes don't fall twice into the same trap. >>deu<< C'était prévisible. Das war vorhersehbar. Das war vorhersehbar. >>eng<< Ella quiere un sombrero nuevo. She wants a new hat. She wants a new hat. >>eng<< Tropecé pero no caí. I tripped, but I didn't fall. I stumbled, but I didn't fall. >>deu<< Vorrei giocare a golf. Ich würde gerne Golf spielen. Ich möchte Golf spielen. >>nld<< Me gusta más Sachiko que Akiko. Ik heb Sachiko liever dan Akiko. Ik hou meer van Sachiko dan van Akiko. >>eng<< Oye, era gigante ¿eh? Hey, it was huge, wasn't it? Hey, it was giant, huh? >>deu<< Come si dice...? Wie sagt man...? Wie heißt das? >>eng<< Come ha trascorso le sue vacanze? How have you spent your holiday? How did you spend your holidays? >>eng<< A còsa ch'al giba col òmo àut? What's that tall man playing? What's going on with the man? >>deu<< Muchos conductores abandonaron sus coches en la nieve. Viele Fahrer ließen ihr Auto im Schnee stehen. Viele Autofahrer ließen ihre Autos im Schnee stehen. >>nld<< Sé dónde ella vive. Ik weet waar ze woont. Ik weet waar ze woont. >>eng<< Sbuccia due banane. Peel two bananas. Peel two bananas. >>eng<< È permaloso, vero? He's touchy, isn't he? It's permalous, isn't it? >>eng<< Io sarò proprio dietro di lei. I'll be right behind you. I'll be right behind her. >>deu<< Il ne peut nous ralentir. Er kann uns nicht aufhalten. Er kann uns nicht verlangsamen. >>deu<< Mediante el ejemplo de la vida de Augustino podemos observar la transición de la Baja Antigüedad a la Edad Media. Am Beispiel des Lebens von Augustinus können wir den Übergang von der Spätantike zum Mittelalter verfolgen. Anhand des Lebens von Augustinus können wir den Übergang von der frühen Antike zum Mittelalter beobachten. >>eng<< Notre professeur est fatiguée. Our teacher is tired. Our teacher is tired. >>deu<< ¿Quién lo construyó? Wer hat es gebaut? Wer hat es gebaut? >>eng<< Quanti anni ha questo vino? How old is this wine? How old is this wine? >>nld<< No quiero tener más problemas con Tom. Ik wil niet nog meer problemen met Tom. Ik wil geen problemen meer met Tom. >>eng<< Diga-me o nome do pai dela; isso me basta. Tell me her father's name, and 'tis enough. Tell me her father's name; that's enough for me. >>eng<< State facendo compere. You're shopping. You're shopping. >>eng<< Mary, cette espiègle, vint coller son nom au début de cette phrase, pour ne pas en laisser le monopole à Tom, alors que ce n'était pas du tout nécessaire. Mary, this mischievous girl, came sticking her name at the beginning of this sentence, in order to not leave that monopoly to Tom, although it wasn't necessary at all. Mary, the mischievous one, came pasting her name at the beginning of this sentence, so as not to leave the monopoly to Tom, when it was not necessary at all. >>eng<< Dovevo pensare in fretta. I had to do some quick thinking. I had to think fast. >>eng<< Continuez d'essayer. Keep trying. Just keep trying. >>eng<< Sa quasi tutto di me. You know almost everything about me. He knows almost everything about me. >>deu<< Veux-tu boire du vin rouge avec moi ? Willst du mit mir Rotwein trinken? Möchtest du mit mir Rotwein trinken? >>deu<< I-am văzut acum scurt timp. Vor kurzem habe ich sie gesehen. Ich habe sie vor Kurzem gesehen. >>deu<< Qual é a sua senha? Was ist dein Passwort? Wie lautet Ihr Passwort? >>eng<< Tom ouvra la fenêtre puis la referma peu de temps après. Tom opened the window and closed it a bit later. Tom opened the window and then closed it shortly afterwards. >>nld<< Io sono sarcastica. Ik ben sarcastisch. Ik ben sarcastisch. >>eng<< A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez toi une hypertension artérielle ? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure in your home? >>eng<< Ea in habitu militare vestita est. She puts on the uniform. She was dressed in uniform. >>eng<< No começo, geralmente, o amor é simples. Depois, porém, pode ficar bem complicado. In the beginning, love is usually simple. But then it can get pretty complicated. In the beginning, love is usually simple, but then it can get very complicated. >>eng<< O lipsă de somn a afectat prestația cântărețului. A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. A lack of sleep affected the singer’s performance. >>eng<< Ho altre tre pagine da fare. I have three more pages to go. I have three more pages to do. >>eng<< L'app non funzionerà se non siete connessi a Internet. The app won't work if you're not connected to the Internet. The app will not work if you are not connected to the Internet. >>eng<< Êtes-vous sûres d'avoir assez chaud ? Are you sure you're warm enough? Are you sure you are warm enough? >>eng<< Sai dov'è adesso? Do you know where he is now? Do you know where he is now? >>eng<< Qualcuno è rimasto ucciso? Did anybody get killed? Has anyone been killed? >>eng<< O motor religou. The engine started again. The engine restarted. >>eng<< Siamo rifugiati. We are refugees. We are refugees. >>eng<< Lo giuro su Dio. I swear to God. I swear to God. >>eng<< Non poteva essere evitato. That couldn't be avoided. It could not be avoided. >>eng<< Embaralhem as cartas. Shuffle the cards. Scramble the cards. >>deu<< O semáforo mudou a vermello. Die Ampel wurde rot. Die Ampel wurde auf rot geändert. >>eng<< È sempre arrabbiato? Is he always angry? Is he always angry? >>eng<< Placetne tibi? Are you enjoying it? Do you like it? >>eng<< Lasciò un appunto. She left a note. He left a note. >>nld<< Un flot de gens sortit du théâtre. Er kwamen heel wat mensen uit het theater. Een stroom mensen kwam uit het theater. >>eng<< Quaesivi, non autem reperi id. I searched, but I didn't find it. I asked, but I didn’t find an ID. >>eng<< Tom decidió ir a Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. >>eng<< Nemo fores meas pulsat. Nobody knocks on my door. No one beats me. >>eng<< Kyoto es visitado por muchos turistas. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. >>eng<< Esa es la razón más importante. That's the most important reason. That's the most important reason. >>deu<< Tu as une imagination fertile ! Du hast eine blühende Fantasie! Du hast eine fruchtbare Phantasie! >>nld<< J'ai une maison ici dans le quartier. Ik heb een huis hier in de buurt. Ik heb een huis hier in de buurt. >>deu<< Debe hacer esto por mí. Sie müssen dies für mich tun. Sie müssen das für mich tun. >>deu<< Tom está tres meses atrasado en el pago del alquiler. Tom ist mit seiner Miete drei Monate im Rückstand. Tom ist drei Monate hinter der Miete zurückgeblieben. >>eng<< Placetne vobis anulus meus? Do you like my ring? Do you like my ring? >>nld<< Il fut condamné à mort. Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld. Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld. >>nld<< Ayer me encontré con Mary en la calle. Gisteren heb ik Mary op de straat ontmoet. Gisteren ontmoette ik Mary op straat. >>eng<< Él sonreía como si no le hubiera pasado nada. He was smiling as if nothing had happened to him. He smiled as if nothing had happened to him. >>eng<< Bună dimineața. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. >>eng<< Il n'est pas nécessaire qu'il travaille. There is no need for him to work. There's no need for him to work. >>nld<< Sono poliziotti. Zij zijn politieagenten. Het zijn agenten. >>deu<< Lo so che mi sta nascondendo qualcosa. Ich weiß, dass Sie mir etwas verheimlichen. Ich weiß, dass er mir etwas verheimlicht. >>nld<< Não posso perguntar ao professor sobre isso. Ik kan de leraar daar geen vraag over stellen. Dat kan ik de professor niet vragen. >>deu<< Tom va al aeropuerto a recoger a María. Tom fährt zum Flughafen, um Maria abzuholen. Tom geht zum Flughafen, um Maria abzuholen. >>deu<< Sois gentil et aide-moi donc ! Sei so nett und hilf mir doch! Sei nett und hilf mir! >>eng<< Israel es un gran país. Israel is a great country. Israel is a great country. >>deu<< Está prohibido fumar. Rauchen ist verboten. Es ist verboten zu rauchen. >>eng<< Sembra soddisfatto. You look satisfied. You seem satisfied. >>deu<< Los soldados protegían el puente. Die Soldaten beschützten die Brücke. Die Soldaten beschützten die Brücke. >>nld<< Lava le mani con acqua e sapone. Was je handen met water en zeep. Was je handen met zeep en water. >>nld<< Pas un geste ! Blijf staan! Niet bewegen. >>deu<< O famoso número pi é aproximadamente igual a 3,14159. Die berühmte Zahl Pi ist ungefähr gleich 3,14159. Die berühmte Zahl pi ist ungefähr gleich 3,14159. >>eng<< Sai qual'è la mia fantasia più spinta? Do you know what my dirtiest fantasy is? You know what my biggest fantasy is? >>eng<< La première année, les enfants apprennent toutes les lettres de l'alphabet. In the first year, the kids learn all the letters in the alphabet. In the first year, children learn all the letters of the alphabet. >>eng<< La sua vita sembrava aver preso un brusco cambio di direzione. His life seemed to have taken an abrupt change of direction. His life seemed to have taken a sharp turn. >>eng<< A crescente procura por parte da classe média e o aumento do comércio entre os países africanos atuam como um amortecedor face ao abrandamento económico global. A growing demand by the middle class and increasing trade between African countries act like a shock absorber for the global economic slowdown. The growing demand from the middle class and the increase in trade between African countries act as a buffer against the global economic slowdown. >>deu<< Il nostro tema della settimana è: _____. Unser Thema der Woche ist: _____. Unser Thema der Woche ist: _____. >>deu<< Yo nací el 31 de mayo de 1940. Ich bin am 31. Mai 1940 geboren. Ich wurde am 31. Mai 1940 geboren. >>nld<< Hoje eu vi uma estrela. Ik heb vandaag een ster gezien. Vandaag zag ik een ster. >>eng<< J'espère que nous allons faire quelque chose qui vaille le coup. I hope we're going to do something worthwhile. I hope we do something worthwhile. >>deu<< Você leu o jornal? Hast du die Zeitung gelesen? Hast du die Zeitung gelesen? >>eng<< ¿Están solas? Are you by yourselves? Are they alone? >>eng<< Susanna Gelliae stolam fecit. Susan made a dress for Jill. Susanna Gellia made the stole. >>deu<< Vous devez y penser. Ihr müsst darüber nachdenken. Sie müssen darüber nachdenken. >>deu<< Uma chama poderosa tem origem numa pequena faísca. Eine mächtige Flamme entsteht aus einem winzigen Funken. Eine starke Flamme entspringt einem kleinen Funken. >>nld<< C'était notre but. Het was ons doel. Dat was ons doel. >>eng<< ¡Guau! Perfecto. Wow! Perfect. Wow, that's perfect. >>eng<< Tom é um conselheiro. Tom is a counselor. Tom is a counselor. >>eng<< Eu não notei o Tom saindo. I didn't notice Tom leaving. I didn't notice Tom coming out. >>eng<< No sé si esto está prohibido. I don't know if this is forbidden. I don't know if this is forbidden. >>eng<< ¿Puedes adivinar este acertijo? Can you guess this riddle? Can you guess this puzzle? >>eng<< Yanni encendió la televisión. Yanni turned the TV up. Yanni turned on the TV. >>nld<< Las paredes tienen oídos. De muren hebben oren. De muren hebben oren. >>eng<< ¿El arte abstracto tiene reglas? Does abstract art have any rules? Does abstract art have rules? >>deu<< Que nadie haya muerto fue la alegría en medio de la tragedia. Es war Glück im Unglück, dass niemand zu Tode kam. Dass niemand gestorben ist, war die Freude inmitten der Tragödie. >>deu<< Tom cuida muy bien de su caballo. Tom kümmert sich sehr gut um sein Pferd. Tom kümmert sich sehr gut um sein Pferd. >>eng<< Nel gioco degli scacchi, il valore relativo dei pezzi è normalmente il seguente: la donna vale 9, la torre 5, l'alfiere 3, il cavallo 3 e il pedone 1. Il re ha valore assoluto. In the game of chess, the relative value of pieces is usually as follows: the queen is worth 9, the rook 5, the bishop 3, the knight also 3, and the pawn 1. The king has absolute value. In the game of chess, the relative value of the pieces is normally as follows: the woman is worth 9, the tower 5, the bishop 3, the horse 3 and the pawn 1. The king has absolute value. >>deu<< Ven a visitarme. Komm mich besuchen. Kommen Sie und besuchen Sie mich. >>deu<< Aoi danse. Aoi tanzt. Aoi tanzt. >>eng<< Ainda não soubemos nada do Tom. We haven't heard anything from Tom yet. We haven't heard from Tom yet. >>eng<< Ni siquiera nosotros mismos entendemos cómo hemos acabado por aquí. Not even we understand how we ended up here. Even we don't understand how we ended up here. >>eng<< Êtes-vous étrangère ? Are you foreign? Are you a foreigner? >>nld<< Tout s'est arrêté. Alles stopte. Alles stopte. >>deu<< Elle ne peut pas tenir sa langue, même pour un moment. Sie kann einfach nicht ihren Mund halten, nicht mal für eine Sekunde. Sie kann ihre Zunge nicht halten, auch nicht für eine Weile. >>nld<< Vou tentar de novo, obrigado. Ik probeer het opnieuw, dank u wel. Ik zal het nog een keer proberen, dank je. >>eng<< Ele disse que ambos os senhores concordavam que eles partilham uma "repulsa e aversão" pela guerra. He said both men agreed they share an "abhorrence and distaste" for war. He said both gentlemen agreed that they share a "repulsion and aversion" to war. >>eng<< Tom non se fía de Mary co seu coche. Tom doesn't trust Mary with his car. Tom doesn't trust Mary with his car. >>nld<< La moitié des pommes est pourrie. De helft van de appels is rot. De helft van de appels is verrot. >>eng<< Me has herido mucho. You've hurt me a lot. You hurt me a lot. >>nld<< J'aimerais que Tom reste à Boston jusqu'à Noël. Ik wou dat Tom in Boston zou blijven tot Kerstmis. Ik wil dat Tom tot kerst in Boston blijft. >>eng<< Dove ha messo la chiave della macchina? Where did he put the car key? Where did you put the car key? >>eng<< Eamne ad cenam invitavisti? Did you invite her to dinner? Have you had dinner guests? >>eng<< Os palestinianos dizem que qualquer plano que não lhes conceda um Estado em toda a Cisjordânia, Faixa de Gaza e Jerusalém Oriental é um plano sem chances. Palestinians say any plan that does not give them a state in all of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem is a non-starter. The Palestinians say that any plan that does not grant them a state throughout the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem is a plan with no chance. >>eng<< C'est exactement ce que je veux entendre. That's exactly what I want to hear. That's exactly what I want to hear. >>deu<< Acostumbro a beber zumo de manzana con agua mineral, pero el zumo de naranja también me gusta. Mein übliches Getränk ist Apfelsaft mit Mineralwasser, aber auch Orangensaft mag ich. Ich trinke normalerweise Apfelsaft mit Mineralwasser, aber Orangensaft gefällt mir auch. >>deu<< Tire parti du peu de temps qui t'est imparti ! Nutze die wenige Zeit gut, die dir gegeben ist! Nutze die knappe Zeit, die dir zur Verfügung steht! >>nld<< Isto dura quanto? Hoelang duurt dit? Hoe lang duurt dit? >>eng<< J'ai surpassé cette épreuve. Je me demande comment va être la prochaine. I passed this test. I wonder how the next one will turn out. I've passed this test, and I wonder what the next one will be like. >>eng<< Vous ne pouvez pas payer en espèces à cette caisse. You can't pay cash at this till. You can't pay cash at this checkout. >>eng<< Étiez-vous au cinéma, hier soir ? Were you at the cinema last night? Were you at the movies last night? >>eng<< Vous êtes très courageuses. You are very brave. You're very brave. >>deu<< Da quando Mario mi ha mentito, non gli rivolgo più la parola. Seit Mario mich angelogen hat, spreche ich nicht mehr mit ihm. Seit Mario mich belogen hat, spreche ich nicht mehr mit ihm. >>eng<< La sua vita sembrava mancare di direzione. His life seemed to lack direction. His life seemed to lack direction. >>eng<< A natureza não pode ser mudada. Nature can't be changed. Nature cannot be changed. >>deu<< Vamos fazer o máximo possível. Wir werden das maximal Mögliche tun. Wir werden alles tun, was wir können. >>eng<< La profesora de portugués es muy exigente. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. >>eng<< Tom se comió mi zapato. Tom ate my shoe. Tom ate my shoe. >>eng<< Estamos em dívida. We're in debt. We're in debt. >>nld<< Non leo. Ik lees niet. Ik lees niet. >>eng<< Hodie codicem meum amisi. I lost my notebook today. Today I am a friend of mine. >>nld<< Visitaríamos Budapest pero no tenemos dinero. Wij zouden Boedapest bezoeken, maar wij hebben geen geld. We zouden Boedapest bezoeken, maar we hebben geen geld. >>eng<< Andai di sopra per avere una visione migliore di quello che stava succedendo. I went upstairs to get a better view of what was going on. I went upstairs to get a better view of what was going on. >>eng<< Paululum spirat aura. A little breeze is blowing. Paululum spirat aura. >>deu<< Les remarques de ce type rendent Marie folle. Ebensolche Bemerkungen machen Maria wahnsinnig. Solche Bemerkungen machen Maria wahnsinnig. >>deu<< ¿Qué idioma enseñas? Welche Sprache unterrichtest du? Welche Sprache unterrichtest du? >>nld<< Mary está muy impresionada. Maria is zeer onder de indruk. Mary is erg onder de indruk. >>eng<< OK, mă bucur că ai putut veni. O.K. I'm glad you could come. OK, I'm glad you could come. >>eng<< Dis-moi que tu ne l'as pas vu venir. Tell me you didn't see that coming. Tell me you didn't see him coming. >>deu<< A prosperidade é apenas um instrumento para ser usado, não uma divindade a ser adorada. Wohlstand ist nur ein Werkzeug, das man benutzen, und kein Götze, den man anbeten sollte. Wohlstand ist nur ein Werkzeug, das benutzt werden kann, nicht eine Gottheit, die angebetet werden kann. >>eng<< Je veux que tu sois en moi. I want you inside me. I want you to be in me. >>nld<< Tom la ferma. Tom hield zijn mond. Tom op de boerderij. >>deu<< Tom l'a fait sans aucun doute. Tom hat es ohne Zweifel getan. Tom hat das ohne Zweifel getan. >>eng<< Cutia este albă. The box is white. The box is white. >>eng<< Você quer que eu te espere? Do you want me to wait for you? Do you want me to wait for you? >>eng<< Nimeni nu-l iubește. Nobody loves him. No one loves him. >>eng<< Eres mi prima. You're my cousin. You're my cousin. >>nld<< Quédate en silencio, por favor. Stil blijven, alstublieft. Zwijg alsjeblieft. >>eng<< Seki é uma espécie de simbiose onde dois grupos vivos compartilham liberdades que nenhum deles pode preencher sem morrer. Seki is a sort of symbiosis where two live groups share liberties which neither of them can fill without dying. Seki is a kind of symbiosis where two living groups share liberties that none of them can fill without dying. >>deu<< Trabalhar não é vergonhoso. Arbeit schändet nicht. Arbeit ist nicht beschämend. >>eng<< Procerissimus est. He is very tall. It is a process. >>deu<< ¿Qué es esta mierda? Was ist das denn für eine Scheiße? Was zum Teufel ist das? >>deu<< Cet énoncé est incompréhensible. Diese Aussage ist unverständlich. Diese Aussage ist unverständlich. >>eng<< Vous êtes celle que je cherchais. You're the one that I've been looking for. You're the one I was looking for. >>eng<< Réescribamos el final de la obra. Let's rewrite the end of the play. Rewrite the end of the play. >>nld<< Você deve estar triste, já que perdeu um de seus amigos. Je zult wel verdrietig zijn, dat je een van je vrienden hebt verloren. Je moet verdrietig zijn, want je hebt een van je vrienden verloren. >>eng<< O can persigue ao raposo. The dog is after the fox. The dog chases the fox. >>deu<< Não gosto de ficar só. Ich bin nicht gerne alleine. Ich bin nicht gern allein. >>eng<< Tras seis semanas a dieta, Eugenio no había perdido ni un gramo porque comía dulces a escondidas cuando creía que nadie miraba, sin darse cuenta de que a la báscula no la podría engañar. After six weeks on a diet, Eugenio hadn't lost a single ounce, because he secretly ate candies when he thought that no one was watching, not realizing that he couldn't trick the scales. After six weeks on a diet, Eugenio hadn’t lost a gram because he was eating candy secretly when he thought no one was looking, not realizing that the scale couldn’t be fooled. >>eng<< Khan criticou o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, a 3 de janeiro, chamando-o «ignorante e ingrato» após o líder dos EUA ter acusado o Paquistão de albergar terroristas. Khan criticized U.S. President Donald Trump on Jan. 3 as "ignorant and ungrateful" after the U.S. leader accused Pakistan of harboring terrorists. Khan criticized U.S. President Donald Trump on Jan. 3, calling him “ignorant and ungrateful” after the U.S. leader accused Pakistan of harboring terrorists. >>eng<< Voici un échantillon du travail d'un de nos ouvriers. Here is a sample of the work of one of our workmen. Here is a sample of the work of one of our workers. >>eng<< Esta lei foi aprovada no ano passado. This law was passed last year. This law was passed last year. >>nld<< Me pregunto por qué estará tan lleno aquí hoy. Ik vraag mij af waarom het hier vandaag zo vol is. Ik vraag me af waarom het hier vandaag zo druk is. >>eng<< Finjam que estão mortos. Pretend you're dead. Pretend you're dead. >>deu<< Al ristorante, ho mangiato un delizioso dessert al mango. Im Restaurant habe ich einen köstlichen Mangonachtisch gegessen. Im Restaurant aß ich ein leckeres Mango-Dessert. >>deu<< Non capiamo niente di quello che dite. Wir verstehen nichts von dem, was Sie sagen. Wir verstehen nichts von dem, was Sie sagen. >>deu<< Tu ne veux pas vraiment faire cela, n'est-ce pas ? Du möchtest das nicht wirklich tun, oder? Du willst das nicht wirklich tun, oder? >>deu<< Armstrong fue el primer hombre en llegar a la Luna. Armstrong war der Mensch, der als allererster den Mond erreichte. Armstrong war der erste Mensch, der den Mond erreichte. >>eng<< Tom tiene las manos velludas. Tom does have hairy hands. Tom has hairy hands. >>deu<< Muchos asiáticos tienen intolerancia a la lactosa. Viele Asiaten sind laktoseintolerant. Viele Asiaten haben eine Laktoseintoleranz. >>eng<< Está orgullosa de su talento. She prides herself on her talent. She is proud of her talent. >>eng<< Vuoi un vassoio con quello? Do you want a tray with that? You want a tray with that? >>deu<< Desculpe-me. Retiro o que eu disse. Es tut mir leid. Ich nehme zurück, was ich gesagt habe. Entschuldigen Sie, ich nehme das zurück. >>eng<< Le bébé grandit. The baby is growing up. The baby is growing. >>nld<< Has engordado. Je bent verdikt. Je bent dik geworden. >>eng<< La nostra galàxia s'anomena la Via Làctia. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. >>eng<< Tom è al lavoro? Is Tom at work? Is Tom at work? >>deu<< La llave del cuarto, por favor. Den Zimmerschlüssel, bitte. Der Schlüssel zum Zimmer, bitte. >>deu<< El camello es el barco del desierto. Das Kamel ist das Schiff der Wüste. Das Kamel ist das Schiff der Wüste. >>nld<< Nous nous sommes rencontrés auparavant. We hebben elkaar eerder ontmoet. We hebben elkaar eerder ontmoet. >>eng<< Je sais que je ne suis pas parfait. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. >>eng<< Trans flumen habitat. He lives across the river. The river is inhabited. >>nld<< Você fala georgiano? Spreek je Georgisch? Spreek je Georgisch? >>eng<< Não te devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. >>eng<< Não conheço nenhum desses três. I don't know any of those three. I don't know any of those three. >>eng<< Você poderia escrever o seu nome aqui? Would you please write your name here? Could you write your name here? >>eng<< Se no ghe n'é de vento, e veie no se peuan insciâ. If there's no wind, the sails cannot fill. If there is no wind, it cannot be seen. >>eng<< No me siento muy bien. Mis amigos no están aquí. I am not doing so well. My friends are not here. My friends aren't here. >>eng<< ¿Sientes que tienes fugas de ideas de las que no te puedes deshacer? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you feel like you have leaks of ideas that you can’t get rid of? >>eng<< I meli hanno dei bellissimi fiori. Apple trees have beautiful blossoms. Apples have beautiful flowers. >>nld<< Eso que dijo, suena extraño. Wat ze zei, klinkt raar. Wat hij zei, klinkt vreemd. >>eng<< A agência espacial norte-americana, NASA, diz que posicionou a Oportunidade com o seu painel solar inclinado para o Sol para se assegurar de que o astromóvel terá energia suficiente para funcionar durante o longo inverno marciano. The U.S. space agency, NASA, says it positioned Opportunity with its solar panel angled toward the Sun to make sure the rover will have enough power to last for the duration of the long Martian winter. The U.S. space agency, NASA, says it has positioned the Opportunity with its solar panel tilted to the Sun to make sure the spacecraft will have enough energy to run during the long Martian winter. >>eng<< Labor omnia vincit. Patience and hard work will conquer all. The work wins. >>eng<< Tom faz o que ele diz que vai fazer. Tom does what he says he'll do. Tom does what he says he's going to do. >>nld<< Dum spiro, spero. Zolang er leven is, is er hoop. Dum Spiro, hoop ik. >>eng<< Você foi para a praia na segunda-feira passada, não foi? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? >>eng<< Ils ont mangé tout le gâteau. They ate up all the cake. They ate all the cake. >>eng<< Numa democracia, os cidadãos têm os mesmos direitos. In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights. In a democracy, citizens have the same rights. >>eng<< Tom ya no necesitará eso. Tom won't need that anymore. Tom won't need that anymore. >>eng<< ¡Hola! Soy un nuevo usuario. Hello! I'm a new user. Hello, I am a new user. >>nld<< Temos um livro interessante em alemão. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. >>eng<< Lui si vantò del suo coraggio. He boasted of his courage. He boasted of his courage. >>eng<< Siamo andati al lago e abbiamo noleggiato una barca a remi. We went to the lake and hired a rowing boat. We went to the lake and rented a rowing boat. >>deu<< Avete qualche piano per il weekend? Habt ihr schon etwas für das Wochenende vor? Haben Sie Pläne für das Wochenende? >>deu<< Je ne faisais pas la sieste. Ich hielt keinen Mittagsschlaf. Ich habe nicht ein Nickerchen gemacht. >>deu<< Por desgracia, ninguno de mis amigos japoneses aprende alemán, aunque una amiga aprende ruso. Von meinen japanischen Freunden lernt leider keiner Deutsch; eine Freundin lernt aber Russisch. Leider lernt keiner meiner japanischen Freunde Deutsch, obwohl eine Freundin Russisch lernt. >>nld<< J'aime les bonbons. Ik hou van bonbons. Ik hou van snoep. >>eng<< Cerevisiam bibere cupio. I feel like drinking a beer. I asked for a cup of coffee. >>nld<< Il a trois filles. Hij heeft drie dochters. Hij heeft drie dochters. >>deu<< Vocês estão tomando leite? Trinkt ihr Milch? Trinkt ihr Milch? >>deu<< Quiero alquilar la habitación a un estudiante. Ich will dieses Zimmer an einen Studenten vermieten. Ich möchte das Zimmer an einen Studenten vermieten. >>eng<< No sabemos cuándo comenzó a existir este mundo. We don't know when this world came into being. We do not know when this world began to exist. >>nld<< La guerra esclatà el 1939. De oorlog brak uit in 1939. De oorlog uitbrak in 1939. >>deu<< Je considère que ton rêve n'est pas réalisable. Ich betrachte deinen Traum als nicht ausführbar. Ich halte deinen Traum für nicht realisierbar. >>deu<< À quelle vitesse écris-tu ? Wie schnell schreibst du? Wie schnell schreibst du? >>eng<< ¿Quieres que te cante algo? Shall I sing you something? Do you want me to sing to you? >>deu<< Perché dai loro da mangiare? Warum gibst du ihnen zu essen? Warum gibst du ihnen zu essen? >>deu<< Hanc epistulam lego. Ich lese diesen Brief. Hank schrieb einen Lego-Brief. >>eng<< Tom m'a forcé à y aller. Tom forced me to go. Tom forced me to go. >>deu<< Debeo eum adiuvare. Ich muss ihm helfen. Ich muss ihm helfen. >>eng<< Non ama il suo cane? Don't you love your dog? Don't you love your dog? >>deu<< Nu se comportă ca o femeie respectabilă. Sie benimmt sich nicht wie eine Dame. Sie benimmt sich nicht wie eine respektable Frau. >>eng<< Quem é mais alto: você ou Tom? Who is taller, you or Tom? Who is bigger: you or Tom? >>deu<< Esta cama é muito confortável. Dieses Bett ist sehr gemütlich. Dieses Bett ist sehr komfortabel. >>eng<< Esperamos mejorar con el tiempo. We hope to improve with time. We hope to improve over time. >>deu<< O computador está desligado. Der Computer ist ausgeschaltet. Der Computer ist ausgeschaltet. >>eng<< Ningú està treballant. Tots estan veient la Copa del Món. Nobody's working; they're all watching the World Cup. Nobody's working, everybody's watching the World Cup. >>eng<< Minha casa fica na margem do rio. My house is on the riverbank. My house is on the bank of the river. >>deu<< A ver si puedes hacerlo tú. Dann schauen wir einmal, ob du es kannst. Mal sehen, ob du das kannst. >>eng<< Dottore, mi fa male la schiena. Doctor, my back hurts. Doctor, my back hurts. >>eng<< Você poderia segurar esta foto por um tempo? Could you hold this picture straight for a while? Could you hold this photo for a while? >>eng<< Je suis gavée. I'm stuffed. I'm under pressure. >>deu<< Mi tío conduce un Ford. Mein Onkel fährt einen Ford. Mein Onkel fährt einen Ford. >>nld<< Je viens de voir Tom. Ik heb Tom net gezien. Ik heb Tom net gezien. >>eng<< Io spero che Tom si sposi presto. I hope Tom gets married soon. I hope Tom gets married soon. >>eng<< Eam invenimus. We found her. It was inventive. >>eng<< Prestate attenzione a quello che vi sto dicendo. Pay attention to what I'm telling you. Pay attention to what I am telling you. >>eng<< No ho sabrem mai. We'll never know. We'll never know. >>eng<< Pourquoi ne sortons-nous pas nous bourrer la gueule ? Why don't we go out and get drunk? Why don't we go out and get our mouths full? >>nld<< Ni un error escapaba a su atenta mirada. Geen enkele fout ontsnapte aan zijn wakkere blik. Geen enkele fout ontsnapte aan zijn aandachtige blik. >>deu<< Você tem apelido? Hast du einen Spitznamen? Hast du einen Spitznamen? >>eng<< Es que Tom no logra decidirse. Tom just can't make up his mind. Tom can't make up his mind. >>deu<< Votre question ne se réfère pas au sujet. Ihre Frage hat nichts mit dem Thema zu tun. Ihre Frage bezieht sich nicht auf das Thema. >>deu<< Il est allé là-bas seul. Er ist alleine dahin gegangen. Er war allein dort. >>eng<< William a immédiatement commencé à pleurer. William immediately started crying. William immediately began to cry. >>eng<< Personne ne sait son nom. No one knows her name. No one knows his name. >>eng<< Ziri stava vomitando. Ziri was throwing up. Ziri was vomiting. >>eng<< Quando avevo cinque anni non sapevo leggere. When I was five years old I could not read. When I was five, I couldn’t read. >>eng<< Ella le compró un regalo a su hijo. She bought a present for their son. She bought a gift for her son. >>nld<< Estaré de vuelta en una hora. Ik ben over een uur terug. Ik ben over een uur terug. >>deu<< Par égard pour sa santé, il se retira dans un endroit plus chaud. Mit Rücksicht auf seine Gesundheit zog er an einen wärmeren Ort. Aus Rücksicht auf seine Gesundheit zog er sich an einen wärmeren Ort zurück. >>eng<< ¡Aquí tienes, María! Here you are, Mary! Here you are, Mary! >>eng<< La vejez se nos acecha antes de que lo sepamos. Old age creeps up on us before we know it. Old age lurks before we know it. >>deu<< Notre nouveau magasin doit ouvrir ses portes en octobre. Unser neues Geschäft soll im Oktober eröffnet werden. Unser neuer Laden soll im Oktober eröffnet werden. >>eng<< Non notei nada fora do común. I didn't notice anything unusual. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. >>eng<< Veni, dilecte mi, egrediamur in agrum, commoremur in villis. Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages. Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field, let us lodge in the villages. >>deu<< C'est de la désinformation ! Das ist Desinformation! Das ist Desinformation! >>eng<< Fiquei completamente nua diante dele. I stood totally nude before him. I was completely naked in front of him. >>deu<< Mon père n'est pas toujours libre le dimanche. Mein Vater hat sonntags nicht immer Zeit. Mein Vater ist sonntags nicht immer frei. >>deu<< Je pense que Tom est invité à un mariage. Ich glaube, dass Tom zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen ist. Ich glaube, Tom ist zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen. >>deu<< Tout s'use, même les belles chansons. Alles nutzt sich einmal ab, selbst schöne Songs. Alles ist abgenutzt, auch die schönen Lieder. >>eng<< Ya se verá si tenemos tiempo suficiente. We'll see if we have any time left over. We'll see if we have enough time. >>deu<< Io amo mia figlia. Ich liebe meine Tochter. Ich liebe meine Tochter. >>nld<< Sa théorie était totalement irréaliste. Zijn theorie was totaal onrealistisch. Zijn theorie was volkomen onrealistisch. >>eng<< O ofertă ca aceea nu e de refuzat. An offer like that is not to be refused. An offer like that is not to be refused. >>eng<< Bonam opinionem de eo habeo. I have a high opinion of him. I have a good opinion of it. >>eng<< iTunes s'est révélé être une véritable vache à lait pour Apple. iTunes has turned out to be a real cash cow for Apple. iTunes has turned out to be a real milk cow for Apple. >>eng<< Lo comprenderai presto. You'll soon understand that. You'll understand soon enough. >>eng<< Por que ela está me ignorando? Why is she ignoring me? Why is she ignoring me? >>eng<< A Tom non importa neppure. Tom doesn't even care. Tom doesn't even care. >>eng<< Mentre stava facendo il bucato ha trovato un preservativo nella tasca posteriore dei pantaloni di suo figlio. While doing the wash she found a condom in the back pocket of her son's pants. While he was doing his laundry, he found a condom in the back pocket of his son’s pants. >>deu<< Quanti turchi vivono in Grecia? Wie viele Türken leben in Griechenland? Wie viele Türken leben in Griechenland? >>deu<< Quem quer um pedacinho de bolo? Wer möchte ein Stückchen Kuchen? Wer will ein Stück Kuchen? >>eng<< Podeis servir-vos de quantos quiserdes. You can have as many as you want. You can use as many as you want. >>eng<< No xadrez, o fator tempo é de máxima importância. O exército que mobilizar suas tropas mais rapidamente é o que terá maiores possibilidades de vencer. In chess, the time factor is of utmost importance. The army that mobilizes its troops most quickly is the one with the greatest chance of winning. In chess, the time factor is of the utmost importance. The army that mobilizes its troops the fastest is the one that will have the greatest chance of winning. >>nld<< Nancy sembla cansada. Nancy ziet er moe uit. Nancy ziet er moe uit. >>eng<< La gente que vive sola siempre tiene algo en sus mentes que gustosamente compartirán. People who live alone always have something on their minds that they would willingly share. People who live alone always have something in their minds that they will gladly share. >>eng<< O leão está rugindo. The lion is roaring. The lion is roaring. >>eng<< T'estimem. We love you. We love you. >>deu<< La nostra scuola incoraggia lo sport. Unsere Schule fördert den Sport. Unsere Schule fördert den Sport. >>eng<< Alla mia bambina serve un dottore. My child needs a doctor. My little girl needs a doctor. >>deu<< Ea este tânără și imatură. Sie ist jung und unreif. Sie ist jung und unreif. >>eng<< Da varanda temos uma bela vista do parque. From the balcony, we have a beautiful view of the park. From the balcony we have a beautiful view of the park. >>eng<< Cos'è successo al mio computer? What happened to my computer? What happened to my computer? >>eng<< Posso chiamarla domani? May I call you tomorrow? Can I call you tomorrow? >>eng<< C'è qualcosa che voglio controllare. There's something that I want to check. There's something I want to check. >>deu<< Taille unique. Eine Größe passt für alle. Einheitsgröße. >>deu<< Tom ha creato una nuova cartella nel suo computer. Tom erstellte an seinem Rechner einen neuen Ordner. Tom hat einen neuen Ordner auf seinem Computer erstellt. >>eng<< La prima mondiale è questa sera. The world premiere is tonight. The world premiere is tonight. >>deu<< J'étais endetté. Ich war verschuldet. Ich war verschuldet. >>eng<< Não quero ouvir suas teorias. I don't want to hear your theories. I don't want to hear your theories. >>eng<< C'è qualche avanzo nel frigorifero. There are some leftovers in the fridge. There's some leftovers in the fridge. >>eng<< Non aiutarono i poveri. They didn't help the poor. They did not help the poor. >>nld<< Ma maison est vieille et laide. Mijn huis is oud en lelijk. Mijn huis is oud en lelijk. >>nld<< Mi dia un biglietto per lo spettacolo delle 7 in punto. Geeft u mij een kaartje voor de voorstelling van zeven uur, alstublieft. Geef me een kaartje voor de show om zeven uur. >>deu<< Comment vivent les gens de Gaza ? Wie leben die Leute in Gaza? Wie leben die Menschen in Gaza? >>deu<< Molte persone sono morte nell'incidente aereo. Bei dem Flugunglück starben viele Menschen. Viele Menschen starben bei dem Flugzeugabsturz. >>nld<< Sem dúvida alguma! Zonder enige twijfel! Zonder twijfel! >>eng<< Persi quell'occasione. I missed that chance. Lose that opportunity. >>deu<< Tu sabes como se faz isso? Weißt du, wie man das macht? Weißt du, wie man das macht? >>eng<< Eu pensei que o Tom poderia ter permissão para fazer isso. I thought that Tom might be allowed to do that. I thought Tom might have permission to do that. >>deu<< Connaissez-vous d'autres expressions ? Kennen Sie andere Ausdrücke? Kennen Sie noch andere Ausdrücke? >>nld<< Săptămâna trecută am început să învăț limba chineză. De vorige week ben ik begonnen Chinees te leren. Vorige week begon ik Chinees te leren. >>eng<< La sua stanza è sporca. His room is dirty. His room is dirty. >>eng<< Ele deve pagar por seus crimes. He must pay for his crimes. He must pay for his crimes. >>deu<< J'ai vu votre père. Ich habe euren Vater gesehen. Ich habe Ihren Vater gesehen. >>eng<< A sociedade somos nós. We are the society. Society is us. >>eng<< Como não tenho programa adequado, não consegui abrir o arquivo anexado. Por favor, envie-o novamente em outro formato. Since I don't have the software to open the attached file, I can't open it. Please send it again in another format. Since I don't have a suitable program, I couldn't open the attached file. Please send it back in another format. >>eng<< Sto sbadigliando perché sono stanca. I'm yawning because I'm tired. I'm yawning because I'm tired. >>eng<< Pensi che Tom sarà ancora in ritardo? Do you think that Tom will be late again? You think Tom's still gonna be late? >>eng<< Moléculas plenamente capazes de transmitir e armazenar informação genética [teriam de estar] disponíveis já para o primeiro ser que habitou este planeta. Molecules fully capable of transmitting and storing genetic information [would have to be] already available to the first being that inhabited this planet. Molecules fully capable of transmitting and storing genetic information [would be] available already to the first being who inhabited this planet. >>eng<< Tenía frío. I felt cold. It was cold. >>eng<< Ils déclinèrent l'invitation. They declined the invitation. They declined the invitation. >>eng<< Tom es un conocido agente de narcóticos. Tom is a known narcotics agent. Tom is a well-known narcotics agent. >>eng<< Avancez plus vite ! Walk faster! Move forward faster! >>nld<< Elle n'est ni riche, ni connue. Ze is noch rijk, noch beroemd. Ze is niet rijk of bekend. >>eng<< Il nous faut encore emballer le jouet. We still need to box up the toy. We still have to pack the toy. >>eng<< Personne n'a rien vu. Nobody saw anything. No one saw anything. >>deu<< Pourquoi saignes-tu ? Warum blutest du? Warum blutest du? >>nld<< Utiliser l'espéranto pour communiquer internationalement, c'est une solution pour préserver la diversité linguistique. Esperanto gebruiken om internationaal te communiceren is een oplossing om de taaldiversiteit te bewaren. Esperanto gebruiken om internationaal te communiceren is een oplossing om de taaldiversiteit te behouden. >>nld<< Cât costă cartea aceasta? Hoeveel kost dat boek? Hoeveel kost dit boek? >>eng<< C'est un homme de lettres. He is a man of letters. He's a man of letters. >>deu<< Devemos aceitar nossa existência tanto quanto possível. Wir müssen unser Dasein so weit, als es irgend geht, annehmen. Wir müssen unsere Existenz so weit wie möglich akzeptieren. >>nld<< Sara tiene treinta y una plumas. Sara heeft 31 pennen. Sara heeft 31 veren. >>deu<< Em breve vocês jogarão futebol. Ihr werdet bald Fußball spielen. Bald werdet ihr Fußball spielen. >>eng<< Lei è brava. She's good. You're good. >>nld<< Tu te rappelles de moi ? Herinner je je mij nog? Weet je nog wie ik was? >>eng<< Lui ha assunto dei mercenari per uccidere Sami. He hired mercenaries to kill Sami. He hired mercenaries to kill Sami. >>eng<< No he visto a mi exmujer desde nuestro divorcio. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. >>deu<< Le suicide, c'est une vengeance personnelle, et moi, personnellement, je ne m'en veux pas. Selbstmord ist ein Akt der Rache an sich selbst, und ich persönlich habe nichts gegen mich. Selbstmord ist eine persönliche Rache, und ich persönlich bin nicht böse. >>nld<< Estoy consciente de tu problema. Ik ben me bewust van je probleem. Ik ben me bewust van je probleem. >>eng<< Eu aprendi a cozinhar sob a tutela da minha irmã. I learned cooking under my sister's tuition. I learned to cook under my sister's tutelage. >>eng<< A condição do paciente piorou. The patient's condition worsened. The patient's condition worsened. >>nld<< Ceci a-t-il de la valeur ? Is dit waardevol? Is dit waardevol? >>eng<< A zombiis impetebamur. We were attacked by zombies. The zombies are swarming. >>nld<< Elle cueillit des fleurs. Zij plukte bloemen. Ze plukt bloemen. >>eng<< As tentativas de derrubar o decreto ainda precisam passar pelo plenário. These attempts to overturn the ordinance still need to pass through Congress. Attempts to overturn the decree have yet to pass through the plenary. >>eng<< "¿Cuántos años tiene usted?" "Tengo ochenta y nueve". "How old are you?" "I am eighty-nine years old." "How old are you?" "I'm eighty-nine." >>eng<< La espalda me está matando. My back is killing me. My back is killing me. >>eng<< Eu esqueci de mencionar algo importante. I forgot to mention something important. I forgot to mention something important. >>eng<< Notre planète est malade. Our planet is ill. Our planet is sick. >>eng<< Trebuie să dau un telefon. I have to make a call. I have to make a phone call. >>eng<< Cos'è l'amore? What is love? What is love? >>eng<< Je suis arrivé à Toronto au début du mois de juin. I came to Toronto at the beginning of June. I arrived in Toronto in early June. >>eng<< Când ai ajuns la Londra? When did you get to London? When did you get to London? >>eng<< Você toma café com leite? Do you drink coffee with milk? Do you have coffee with milk? >>nld<< Armez les canons ! Bewapen de kanonnen! Bewapen de kanonnen. >>deu<< A filosofia só se pode apresentar em termos práticos, não nos permitindo descrevê-la, em termos genéricos, como atividade intelectual. Philosophie ist nur praktisch darstellbar und lässt sich, wie Genietätigkeit überhaupt, nicht beschreiben. Die Philosophie kann sich nur in praktischen Begriffen darstellen, indem sie uns nicht erlaubt, sie allgemein als intellektuelle Tätigkeit zu beschreiben. >>eng<< Je porte des chaussettes. I wear socks. I'm wearing socks. >>eng<< Passò metà della sua vita in prigione. He spent half his life in prison. He spent half of his life in prison. >>eng<< Se c'è un incendio, non usare l'ascensore. Don't use the elevator if there's a fire. If there is a fire, do not use the elevator. >>eng<< Ridică-te și te prezintă-te, te rog. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. >>eng<< Tenía frío, así que me puse un suéter. I was cold, so I put on a sweater. It was cold, so I put on a sweater. >>eng<< Il n'avait pas accepté la responsabilité de l'échec de l'équipe. He had not accepted responsibility for the failure of the team. He did not accept responsibility for the team's failure. >>eng<< He plantat un pomer al meu jardí. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. >>eng<< Savoir est savoir que vous ne savez rien. C'est la signification du vrai savoir. To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. To know is to know that you know nothing. It is the meaning of true knowledge. >>deu<< Il faisait chaud et humide. Es war schwülwarm. Es war heiß und feucht. >>eng<< Si no tienes más preguntas, ve allí. If you have no further questions, go there. If you have no further questions, go there. >>deu<< Los hombres son todos iguales. Männer sind alle gleich. Die Männer sind alle gleich. >>nld<< ¿Por Dios, cómo pudiste hacer algo así? Hoe hebt ge in godsnaam zo iets kunnen doen? Jezus, hoe kon je zoiets doen? >>eng<< Quali sono i suoi obiettivi? What are your goals? What are your goals? >>nld<< Toutes les personnes étaient déjà à l'église. Alle mensen waren al in de kerk. Alle mensen waren al in de kerk. >>deu<< Incluso le escribí una carta a Tom. Ich habe Tom sogar einen Brief geschrieben. Ich habe Tom sogar einen Brief geschrieben. >>nld<< Esto pasaba cada otoño. Dit gebeurde elke herfst. Dit gebeurde elk najaar. >>deu<< Lo spettacolo era straordinariamente bello. Das Schauspiel war außerordentlich schön. Das Spektakel war außergewöhnlich schön. >>eng<< Haz lo que te mande tu corazón. Do what your heart tells you. Do what your heart tells you to do. >>eng<< Non può pagare qualcuno per dormire al posto suo. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. >>eng<< Mary ha visto un topo. Mary saw a mouse. Mary saw a mouse. >>eng<< O Tom ainda está na Austrália. Tom is still in Australia. Tom's still in Australia. >>eng<< Je sais que tu as peur. I know that you're afraid. I know you're scared. >>deu<< Du 5 au 15 janvier, s'il vous plaît. Vom 5. bis zum 15. Januar, bitte. Vom 5. bis 15. Januar, bitte. >>eng<< Quanto você quer por todas estas coisas? How much do you want for all this stuff? How much do you want for all these things? >>eng<< Je n'ai pas de bonne réponse à cette question. I don't have a good answer to that question. I do not have a good answer to this question. >>eng<< Quem os está dirigindo? What man is leading them? Who's driving them? >>eng<< paucōs tantum librōs habeō. I only have a few books. There are only a handful of books I have. >>nld<< Pare el tren. Stop de trein. Stop de trein. >>eng<< Questo è il migliore dell'album! This is the best one from the album! This is the best of the album! >>deu<< Non bibit. Er trinkt nicht. Ich trinke nicht. >>eng<< Pourquoi travaillez-vous tard aujourd'hui ? Why are you working late today? Why are you working late today? >>nld<< Mio padre morì quando avevo sette anni. Mijn vader stierf toen ik zeven was. Mijn vader stierf toen ik zeven was. >>eng<< Ele era um homem atarracado, corpulento, de estatura média, com um ar um tanto cavalheiresco, e com aquele tom suave peculiar—especialmente enquanto infligia castigos—que é muito mais terrível para as crianças do que o olhar ou o gesto mais zangado. He was a squat, corpulent, middle-sized man, with something of the gentleman about him, and that peculiar mild tone—especially while he was inflicting punishment—which is so much more terrible to children than the angriest looks and gestures. He was a full-bodied man of average stature, with a somewhat chivalrous air, and with that peculiar soft tone—especially while inflicting punishment—which is far more terrible to children than the most angry look or gesture. >>eng<< È una nerd. You're a nerd. She's a nerd. >>eng<< Eu tava pra postar sobre política esses dias, mas desisti. I've been planning to post about politics, but gave up. I was supposed to post about politics these days, but I gave up. >>eng<< Ne fais pas l'effarouchée avec moi ! Don't play coy with me. Don't freak out with me! >>nld<< O que você acha dos Estados Unidos? Wat vind je van de Verenigde Staten? Wat vind jij van de Verenigde Staten? >>eng<< Dados todos os livros que você escreveu, seria assim tão difícil escrever um pequeno artigo? Given all the books you've written, would it really be so hard to write a small article? Given all the books you’ve written, would it be so hard to write a short article? >>eng<< Tom y Mary parecen un poco confusos. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. >>nld<< Me lavo la cara cada mañana. Ik was mijn gezicht iedere ochtend. Ik was mijn gezicht elke ochtend. >>eng<< ¿Tienes miedo de los fantasmas? Are you scared of ghosts? Are you afraid of ghosts? >>eng<< Migrantes, muitos do Haiti, atravessam o Rio Grande vindos de Del Rio, no Texas, para regressar a Ciudad Acuna, alguns para evitar uma possível deportação dos Estados Unidos e outros para se abastecerem. Migrants, many from Haiti, wade across the Rio Grande from Del Rio, Texas, to return to Ciudad Acuna, some to avoid possible deportation from the U.S. and others to get supplies. Migrants, many from Haiti, cross the Rio Grande from Del Rio, Texas, to return to Ciudad Acuna, some to avoid a possible deportation from the United States and others to stock up. >>eng<< ¿Quién bailará esta noche? Who will dance tonight? Who will dance tonight? >>deu<< Je suis né sous le signe de la Balance. Ich bin im Zeichen der Waage geboren. Ich wurde im Zeichen der Waage geboren. >>nld<< ¡Entrégame la llave de este castillo! Geef me de sleutel van dit kasteel! Geef me de sleutel van dit kasteel! >>deu<< Puoi usare il mio computer, se vuoi. Du darfst an meinen Rechner, wenn du möchtest. Du kannst meinen Computer benutzen, wenn du willst. >>eng<< Cum feminis loqui non possum. I can't talk to women. I can’t talk like women. >>eng<< A Alemanha está a debater como integrar os mais de 1,1 milhão de refugiados que chegaram ao país nos últimos 12 meses. Germany is debating how to integrate the more than 1.1 million refugees who arrived in the country in the past 12 months. Germany is discussing how to integrate the more than 1.1 million refugees who have arrived in the country in the last 12 months. >>eng<< Îmi place să citesc. I love to read. I like to read. >>deu<< Tu es une bonne amie. Du bist eine gute Freundin. Du bist eine gute Freundin. >>eng<< Scacciò una scintilla dalla selce. He struck a spark from the flint. He threw a spark from the flint. >>eng<< Șansele de reușită sunt mai mari dacă omul de afaceri cunoaște domeniul în cauză, și are, de asemenea, mai multe fonduri la dispoziția sa. The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the ropes, and also has more funds at his disposal. The chances of success are higher if the businessman knows the field in question, and also has more funds at his disposal. >>deu<< Eso es ilegal. Das ist illegal. Das ist illegal. >>eng<< "Estoy hecho de miel." "Ay, qué dulce eres." "I'm made of honey." "Aww, you're sweet." "I'm made of honey." "Oh, how sweet you are." >>eng<< Seja como for, eu não atesto o facto, mas apenas o anuncio, por uma questão de precisão e autenticidade. Be that as it may, I do not vouch for the fact, but merely advert to it, for the sake of being precise and authentic. In any case, I do not attest to the fact, but only to the announcement, for the sake of accuracy and authenticity. >>eng<< É muito triste quando as pessoas te excluem por causa da cor da tua pele. It's really sad when people exclude you because of your skin color. It is very sad when people exclude you because of the color of your skin. >>eng<< Didymus Bostoniae habitat et laborat. Tom lives and works in Boston. He lives and works in Boston. >>deu<< Ela sabe exatamente como levá-lo ao orgasmo. Sie weiß genau, wie man ihn zum Orgasmus bringt. Sie weiß genau, wie man ihn zum Orgasmus bringt. >>eng<< Non le dare della puttana. Don't call her a bitch. Don't give her a fuck. >>deu<< Ne t'implique pas avec ces gens. Lass dich mit diesen Leuten lieber nicht ein. Beteilige dich nicht an diesen Leuten. >>eng<< Savez-vous qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who his father is? >>deu<< Estoy buscando una casa en renta. Ich suche ein Haus zum Mieten. Ich suche ein Haus zur Miete. >>nld<< Enviaste artículos desde tu oficina. Je hebt artikels gezonden uit je kantoor. Je hebt artikelen gestuurd vanuit je kantoor. >>nld<< Tom lucrează acolo. Daar werkt Tom. Tom werkt daar. >>deu<< Le vandalisme est en augmentation. Der Vandalismus nimmt zu. Der Vandalismus nimmt zu. >>eng<< María es muy alta. Marie is very tall. Mary is very tall. >>eng<< ¿Te han dado un 120% en el examen de física? Probablemente podrías enseñar esa clase... You got 120% on the physics exam? You could probably teach that class... Did you get 120% on the physics test? You could probably teach that class... >>deu<< Son ambition était sans limites. Sein Ehrgeiz ist grenzenlos. Sein Ehrgeiz war grenzenlos. >>eng<< È un po' tardi per quello, non pensa? It's a little late for that, don't you think? It's a little late for that, don't you think? >>eng<< Peço perdão por dizer isso. I apologize for saying that. I apologize for saying that. >>eng<< Mi chiamo Melanie. My name is Melanie. My name is Melanie. >>eng<< È in ordine? Are you tidy? Is that all right? >>eng<< "Tom!" "Cosa?" "Tom!" "What?" "Tom!" "What?" >>eng<< Il n'est pas paresseux. Au contraire, je pense que c'est un bourreau de travail. He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a workaholic. He's not lazy, on the contrary, I think he's a workaholic. >>eng<< Minus habeo quam tu. I have less than you. I have less than you. >>eng<< O Tom também é um artista. Tom is also an artist. Tom is also an artist. >>eng<< Grazie per la tua onestà. Thanks for your honesty. Thank you for your honesty. >>eng<< Non ci sono più posti. There are no more seats left. There are no more places. >>eng<< Nem todo o mundo sabe o que são rebarbas. Not everybody knows what burrs are. Not everyone knows what burrs are. >>deu<< Alzati. Steh auf. Steh auf. >>nld<< Le vase est tombé de la table. De vaas viel van de tafel. De vaas viel van de tafel. >>nld<< E marfă. Dat is super. Het is goed. >>nld<< Ella se parece a su madre. Zij ziet eruit als haar moeder. Ze lijkt op haar moeder. >>eng<< Tenía la costumbre de comerse las uñas. He had the habit of biting his fingernails. I used to eat my nails. >>eng<< Desde lo alto de la noria se podía ver toda la ciudad. You could see the entire city from the top of the Ferris wheel. From the top of the wheel you could see the whole city. >>deu<< Tu deverias realmente beber menos café. Du solltest wirklich weniger Kaffee trinken. Du solltest wirklich weniger Kaffee trinken. >>deu<< Tom ne peut pas se permettre d'envoyer ses enfants à l'université. Tom kann es sich nicht leisten, seine Kinder studieren zu lassen. Tom kann es sich nicht leisten, seine Kinder aufs College zu schicken. >>nld<< Ella ama a la muñeca como a su propia hermana. Ze houdt van de pop als van haar eigen zuster. Ze houdt van de pop als haar eigen zus. >>nld<< El parchís es mi juego de mesa favorito. Parchís is mijn favoriete bordspel. Parcheesi is mijn favoriete bordspel. >>deu<< Tu dois demander la permission à ton professeur. Du musst deinen Lehrer um Erlaubnis bitten. Du musst deinen Lehrer um Erlaubnis bitten. >>eng<< ¡Qué bueno! That's fine! That's good. >>eng<< Riesco a prendere il resto. I can take the rest. I can get the rest. >>eng<< Io ho bisogno di dormire ora. I need to sleep now. I need to sleep now. >>deu<< Combien de semaines y a-t-il dans une année ? Wie viele Wochen hat ein Jahr? Wie viele Wochen gibt es in einem Jahr? >>eng<< Sacculum meum invenire non possum. I can't find my wallet. I can't find my bag. >>deu<< ¿Ya has comido hoy? Hast du heute schon gegessen? Hast du heute schon gegessen? >>eng<< Tom é uma boa pessoa com muitos defeitos. Tom is a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom is a good person with many flaws. >>eng<< Quelle heure est-il à Londres ? What time is it in London? What time is it in London? >>eng<< Vuole andare a fare la spesa con me? Do you want to go shopping with me? You want to go shopping with me? >>eng<< Mens sana in corpore sano. A sound mind in a sound body. Mens sana in corpore sano. >>nld<< Nunca pensé que me aceptarían. Ik had nooit gedacht dat ze me zouden accepteren. Ik had nooit gedacht dat ze me zouden accepteren. >>deu<< Tenho um irmão mais novo. Ich habe einen jüngeren Bruder. Ich habe einen jüngeren Bruder. >>nld<< Tom est fier de toi. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is trots op je. >>eng<< La strada fangosa mi ha rovinato le scarpe nuove. The muddy road ruined my new shoes. The muddy road ruined my new shoes. >>nld<< Ce-ai răspuns? Wat heb je geantwoord? Wat zei je? >>eng<< Recuerdo a tu suegro; él era divertido. I remember your father-in-law; he was funny. I remember your father-in-law; he was fun. >>deu<< Vous devez être lavé. Sie müssen gewaschen werden. Sie müssen gewaschen werden. >>deu<< Tom et Marie étaient tous deux célibataires il n'y a pas si longtemps. Tom und Maria waren vor Kurzem noch beide single. Tom und Marie waren beide vor nicht allzu langer Zeit Single. >>nld<< Il a attrapé la grippe. Hij heeft een griep opgedaan. Hij heeft de griep. >>eng<< Por favor, entre. Please come on in. Please come in. >>eng<< ¡Buenos días! Good morning! Good morning! >>eng<< À la prochaine intersection, piquez à droite. At the next intersection, take a right. At the next intersection, prick to the right. >>nld<< Lorsque la pauvreté frappe à la porte de devant, l'amour fuit par celle de derrière. Als de armoede aan de voordeur klopt, vlucht de liefde de achterdeur uit. Wanneer de armoede aan de voordeur klopt, vlucht de liefde door de achterdeur. >>deu<< Vi farò visitare la città. Ich werde euch die Stadt zeigen. Ich werde Sie durch die Stadt führen. >>eng<< Ei au greșit. They were wrong. They were wrong. >>eng<< Je voudrais avoir une autre tasse de café. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. I'd like another cup of coffee. >>eng<< Cur eum emisti? Why did you buy it? Why did you send him? >>deu<< Je ne peux comprendre cela. Ich kann es nicht verstehen. Ich kann das nicht verstehen. >>eng<< Aucune femme n'est parfaite. No woman is perfect. No woman is perfect. >>nld<< Hier on m'a volé de l'argent. Men heeft gisteren geld van mij gestolen. Gisteren werd er geld van me gestolen. >>deu<< José Raúl Capablanca fue uno de los ajedrecistas más brillantes de todos los tiempos. Él era cubano. José Raúl Capablanca war einer der brillantesten Schachspieler aller Zeiten. Er war Kubaner. José Ra<0xC3><0xBA>l Capablanca war einer der brillantesten Schachspieler aller Zeiten. Er war Kubaner. >>eng<< Il libro è impolverato. The book is dusty. The book is dusty. >>eng<< Él es mejor que yo para las matemáticas. He is better than me at math. He's better than me at math. >>eng<< O parque estava lotado. The park was crowded. The park was full. >>deu<< Es cierto que está muerta. Es stimmt, dass sie tot ist. Es ist wahr, dass sie tot ist. >>eng<< Je veux juste vous remercier pour votre aide. I just want to thank you for your help. I just want to thank you for your help. >>nld<< Tom est allé au musée avec Marie. Tom is met Maria naar het museum gegaan. Tom ging met Marie naar het museum. >>deu<< Mi proceder atrajo las críticas. Mein Verhalten rief Kritik hervor. Mein Vorgehen zog Kritik an. >>deu<< Vou falar em alemão com você. Ich werde mit dir auf Deutsch sprechen. Ich werde mit Ihnen deutsch sprechen. >>deu<< No creo que sea posible que Tom haya dicho algo así. Ich halte es nicht für möglich, dass Tom irgend so etwas sagte. Ich glaube nicht, dass es möglich ist, dass Tom so etwas gesagt hat. >>deu<< Les ordinateurs peuvent faire un travail très compliqué en une fraction de seconde. Computer können eine sehr komplexe Arbeit im Bruchteil einer Sekunde erledigen. Computer können sehr komplizierte Arbeit in einem Bruchteil einer Sekunde tun. >>eng<< Los judíos rezan mirando hacia Jerusalén. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. The Jews pray looking toward Jerusalem. >>eng<< Um gato gordo é lento. A fat cat is slow. A fat cat is slow. >>eng<< Tu pari pe jumătate adormit. You look half asleep. You look half asleep. >>eng<< Uma das rapariguinhas parou e voltou para trás para olhar para mim. One of the little girls stopped and turned back to look at me. One of the little girls stopped and turned back to look at me. >>deu<< Vale a pena estudar latim? Lohnt es sich, Latein zu lernen? Lohnt es sich, Latein zu lernen? >>deu<< Que soi a l'endarrèr d'eth. Ich bin hinter ihm. Ich bin im hinteren Teil von Eth. >>eng<< Je dois écrire une rédaction sur mes vacances. I have to write a composition about my vacation. I need to write an essay on my vacation. >>deu<< A senhora está tomando água. Sie trinken Wasser. Sie trinken Wasser. >>eng<< Recuerda limpiar tu puesto de trabajo. Remember to clean your workstation. Remember to clean your workplace. >>eng<< Ça fait drôle. This feels weird. That's funny. >>eng<< Io penso che il tuo inglese sia migliorato molto. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved a lot. >>nld<< Ayer fue mi cumpleaños. Gisteren was mijn verjaardag. Gisteren was mijn verjaardag. >>eng<< Tengo hambre, quiero lasaña. I’m hungry. I want some lasagna. I'm hungry, I want lasagna. >>eng<< Tom no quería quedarse solo en casa. Tom didn't want to stay at home alone. Tom didn't want to be alone at home. >>eng<< Tu hai una famiglia numerosa? Do you have a large family? Do you have a large family? >>deu<< Diventi più comprensiva, lui non è una macchina. Du solltest mehr Verständnis aufbringen; er ist doch keine Maschine. Werde verständnisvoller, er ist kein Auto. >>eng<< Ha ido a la tienda. He went to the shop. He went to the store. >>eng<< Il avertissait ses élèves. He warned his students. He warned his students. >>eng<< Ha dei forti principi. He has strong principles. It has strong principles. >>eng<< Há poucos cães na cidade. There are few dogs in the city. There are few dogs in town. >>deu<< Qui touche son visage avec ses doigts en permanence, ne rend pas service à son système immunitaire. Wer mit seinen Fingern ständig ins Gesicht greift, tut seinem Immunsystem keinen Gefallen. Wer sein Gesicht ständig mit den Fingern berührt, tut seinem Immunsystem keinen Gefallen. >>deu<< Jouer du piano, c'est son passe-temps préféré. Klavierspielen ist seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung. Klavier spielen ist sein Lieblingshobby. >>eng<< Nunca mais irei a Boston. I'm never going to Boston again. I'll never go to Boston again. >>deu<< Es probable que estés equivocada. Du hast wahrscheinlich unrecht. Wahrscheinlich liegst du falsch. >>eng<< Sai la risposta corretta? Do you know the correct answer? Do you know the correct answer? >>deu<< La crise climatique s'accentue. Die Klimakrise spitzt sich zu. Die Klimakrise verschärft sich. >>eng<< Quando se ne va? When is she leaving? When are you leaving? >>nld<< No tengo una cadera ancha. Ik heb geen brede heupen. Ik heb geen brede heup. >>deu<< Hoy en día, las mujeres sí tienen más derechos. Pero antes tenían más poder. Die Frauen haben heute sicher mehr Rechte. Aber mehr Macht hatten sie früher. Heutzutage haben Frauen mehr Rechte, aber früher hatten sie mehr Macht. >>deu<< Al final del juego, el rey y el peón vuelven a la misma caja. Am Ende des Spiels kommen König und Bauer in dieselbe Schachtel zurück. Am Ende des Spiels kehren der König und der Bauer in die gleiche Box zurück. >>deu<< Au Japon, on mange trois fois par jour. In Japan isst man dreimal am Tag. In Japan wird dreimal am Tag gegessen. >>nld<< Ai vrea ceva de băut? Wil je iets te drinken? Wil je iets drinken? >>eng<< Je viens de manger un falafel. I just ate a falafel. I just ate a falafel. >>eng<< O que aconteceria se eu fizesse isso? What would happen if I did this? What would happen if I did that? >>nld<< Es-tu en colère ? Ben je kwaad? Ben je boos? >>nld<< Tom canta. Tom zingt. Tom zingt. >>eng<< I-am privit cu atenție. We watched them carefully. I looked at them carefully. >>deu<< La piel de los animales está cubierta de pelo. Die Haut von Tieren ist mit Haaren bedeckt. Die Haut der Tiere ist mit Haaren bedeckt. >>nld<< Hicimos ... We maakten.. We hebben... >>eng<< Voi siete intrepidi. You're fearless. You are intrepid. >>eng<< Ora dammi il libro. Now give me the book. Now give me the book. >>eng<< A menina quer um biscoito. The girl would like a cookie. The girl wants a cookie. >>deu<< Êtes-vous enseignante ? Sind Sie Lehrerin? Sind Sie Lehrerin? >>eng<< Non fece i suoi compiti da solo. He didn't do his homework by himself. He didn't do his homework alone. >>eng<< Você gosta de democracia ou de oligarquia? Do you like democracy or oligarchy? Do you like democracy or oligarchy? >>eng<< O que pretendes fazer no próximo fim de semana? What are you planning on doing next weekend? What do you plan to do next weekend? >>eng<< Nous nous sommes arrêtés à la première station-service. We stopped at the first petrol station. We stopped at the first gas station. >>deu<< "Radioatividade" é um termo químico. "Radioaktivität" ist ein chemischer Begriff. "Radioaktivität" ist ein chemischer Begriff. >>deu<< Sua bicicleta é azul. Sein Fahrrad ist blau. Dein Fahrrad ist blau. >>eng<< ¿Sabes dónde trabaja él? Do you know where he works? Do you know where he works? >>deu<< Nous sommes jaloux. Wir sind eifersüchtig. Wir sind eifersüchtig. >>eng<< Você pode assistir YouTube enquanto viaja pela Argélia. You can watch YouTube while traveling in Algeria. You can watch YouTube while traveling around Algeria. >>eng<< Il est parfois difficile de résister à une furieuse envie d'éclater de rire. Sometimes it's hard to resist the impulse to burst out laughing. It is sometimes difficult to resist a furious urge to burst out laughing. >>eng<< Él es más suertudo que astuto. He is more lucky than clever. He's more lucky than cunning. >>nld<< Parli italiano! Spreek Italiaans! Je spreekt Italiaans. >>deu<< Hic et nunc. Hier und jetzt. Hier und jetzt. >>eng<< Yanni tiene un proyecto de trabajo. Yanni has a work project. Yanni has a work project. >>eng<< Omul ăsta e pacientul lui Tom. This man is Tom's patient. This man is Tom's patient. >>deu<< Todo el mundo hace cola. Jeder stellt sich an. Jeder steht in der Schlange. >>deu<< Vous avez le droit de tout faire mais ne me critiquez pas ! Sie dürfen alles tun, aber kritisieren sie mich nicht! Sie haben das Recht, alles zu tun, aber kritisieren Sie mich nicht! >>eng<< Il concerto è cominciato. The concert began. The concert has begun. >>eng<< Hi havia deu ous en total. There were ten eggs in all. There were 10 eggs in total. >>eng<< Seu pneumonia foi curado por meio de um milagre divino. His pneumonia was cured through a divine miracle. His pneumonia was cured by a divine miracle. >>nld<< Tom pensait souvent à Mary. Tom dacht vaak aan Mary. Tom dacht vaak aan Mary. >>eng<< Monte dans la voiture immédiatement. Get in the car immediately. Get in the car immediately. >>nld<< Quien quiere golpear a un perro encuentra siempre un palo. Wie een hond wil slaan, vindt altijd een stok. Wie een hond wil slaan, vindt altijd een stok. >>deu<< Estoy consciente de que cada decisión que tomo acarrea una consecuencia. Mir ist bewusst, dass jede Entscheidung, die ich treffe, Konsequenzen hat. Ich bin mir bewusst, dass jede Entscheidung, die ich treffe, Konsequenzen mit sich bringt. >>eng<< No me gusta cuando te ríes de mí. I don't like it when you laugh at me. I don't like it when you laugh at me. >>deu<< De quelle couleur est le chandail de Tom ? Welche Farbe hat Toms Pullover? Welche Farbe hat Toms Pullover? >>eng<< Do mesmo modo que o processo de união ao longo da linha mediana pode errar por um defeito ou omissão, este também pode, pelo contrário, errar por um excesso de realização, como, por exemplo, quando se constata que a uretra, a vagina ou o ânus se encontram imperfurados. As the process of union along the median line may err by a defect or omission, so may it, on the other hand, err by an excess of fulfilment, as, for example, when the urethra, the vagina, or the anus are found to be imperforate. In the same way that the process of union along the median line can err by a defect or omission, it can also, on the contrary, err by an excess of realization, as, for example, when it is found that the urethra, vagina or anus are imperforated. >>nld<< Ella quiere saber la verdad. Ze wil de waarheid weten. Ze wil de waarheid weten. >>deu<< Tom n'a pas eu le courage de lire le dossier. Tom hat sich an die Akte nicht herangewagt. Tom hatte nicht den Mut, die Akte zu lesen. >>eng<< Faz com gentileza. Do it gently. Do it kindly. >>eng<< È uno dei film peggiori che io abbia mai visto. That's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. >>eng<< Gostaria de discutir isso com minha esposa antes de tomar uma decisão. I'd like to discuss this with my wife before making a decision. I'd like to discuss this with my wife before I make a decision. >>eng<< Eu jurava que era verdade. I swore it was true. I swore it was true. >>nld<< Me gusta hablar del amor. Ik praat graag over liefde. Ik praat graag over liefde. >>eng<< Gli romani erano degli teppisti. The Romans were thugs. The Romans were thugs. >>eng<< Il jette généralement un œil au journal avant le petit-déjeuner. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. He usually takes a look at the newspaper before breakfast. >>eng<< "¿El abuelo y la abuela siempre vivieron en esta ciudad?" "Sí, y también sus antepasados". "Did grandfather and grandmother always live in this city?" "Yes, and also their forefathers." "Did Grandpa and Grandma always live in this city?" "Yes, and so did their ancestors." >>deu<< L'ho svegliato. Ich habe ihn geweckt. Ich weckte ihn. >>eng<< O Tom viaja a negócios de vez em quando. Tom often goes abroad on business. Tom travels on business from time to time. >>nld<< Je suis allée au zoo hier. Ik ging gisteren naar de dierentuin. Ik ben gisteren naar de dierentuin geweest. >>eng<< Il y a beaucoup d'enfants dans la cour de récréation. There are a lot of kids on the playground. There are many children in the playground. >>eng<< ¿Tienes que hacer la cama todos los días? Do you have to make the bed every day? Do you have to make the bed every day? >>eng<< David s'est rappelé qu'Amanda existait. David remembered Amanda existed. David remembered that Amanda existed. >>deu<< J'ai de bonnes raisons de croire qu'il est innocent du crime. Ich habe gute Gründe zu glauben, dass er an dem Verbrechen unschuldig ist. Ich habe guten Grund zu der Annahme, dass er unschuldig ist. >>deu<< Où est la poissonnerie, s'il vous plaît ? Wo ist bitte das Fischgeschäft? Wo ist der Fischladen, bitte? >>nld<< ¿Dónde está el teléfono público más cercano? Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde telefooncel? Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde openbare telefoon? >>eng<< Loro si schiantarono. They crashed. They crashed. >>eng<< Maria geminos peperit. Mary had twins. Mary twins peppered. >>nld<< És la primera ministra de Finlàndia. Zij is de eerste minister van Finland. Ze is de eerste minister van Finland. >>eng<< Você não está atrasada? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? >>nld<< Ce n'était probablement pas vrai. Het was waarschijnlijk niet waar. Dat was waarschijnlijk niet waar. >>deu<< Prego non riattaccare, ma rimanere in linea. Bitte legen Sie nicht auf, sondern bleiben Sie dran. Bitte nicht hängen, aber bleiben Sie online. >>eng<< Cosa ci è successo? What's happened to us? What happened to us? >>eng<< Je suis transgenre. I'm transgender. I'm transgender. >>nld<< Nu știu încotro mergi. Ik weet niet waar je naartoe gaat. Ik weet niet waar je heen gaat. >>eng<< Tenemos que aceptar la vida, para bien o para mal. We must accept life, for good or for evil. We have to accept life, for better or for worse. >>eng<< Je transmets la facture par fax. I am sending the invoice by fax. I send the invoice by fax. >>eng<< En 1997, en segundo combate (el primero había ocurrido el año anterior), la supercomputadora Deep Blue, de IBM, derrotó al Gran Maestro Garry Kasparov por 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, in a second match (the first one had occurred the year before), IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, in the second match (the first had occurred the previous year), IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. >>nld<< Seus amigos sentirão saudades de você quando você for embora. Uw vrienden zullen u missen wanneer u weg bent. Je vrienden zullen je missen als je weggaat. >>eng<< John volait des gâteaux. John stole cakes. John was stealing cakes. >>eng<< A ferida se infectou. The wound became infected. The wound became infected. >>eng<< Pachetul este pregătit pentru expediere. The parcel is ready for dispatch. The package is ready for shipment. >>eng<< Scio te hic habitare. I know that you live here. I know you live here. >>eng<< Tom tiene un hermano mayor. Tom has one older brother. Tom has an older brother. >>eng<< Il matrimonio fu annullato. The wedding was canceled. The marriage was annulled. >>eng<< Un bon ciutadan aubedís la lei. A good citizen obeys the laws. A good man obeys the law. >>eng<< Esperamos que vuelva pronto. We expect him to come back soon. We hope you will be back soon. >>eng<< Valde parva est. It's very small. She is stupid. >>eng<< Thomas in stomacho risit. Tom laughed inwardly. Thomas laughed in his stomach. >>deu<< Io posso vivere senz'acqua. Ich kann ohne Wasser leben. Ich kann ohne Wasser leben. >>deu<< J'ajoute que, dans l'état actuel du monde - aussi paradoxale que puisse paraître cette affirmation - être prêt à s'en sortir sans quête de bonheur est sans doute le plus susceptible de produire autant de bonheur qu'il est possible d'en atteindre. Ich füge hinzu, dass in dem gegenwärtigen Zustand der Welt – so paradox die Behauptung auch sein mag – die Bereitschaft, ohne Glück auszukommen wohl am ehesten geneigt ist, so viel Glück zu bewirken, wie überhaupt nur erreichbar ist. Ich füge hinzu, dass im gegenwärtigen Zustand der Welt - so paradox diese Behauptung auch klingen mag - die Bereitschaft, ohne das Streben nach Glück davonzukommen, wahrscheinlich am ehesten so viel Glück hervorbringt, wie man erreichen kann. >>eng<< Esa es una muy buena idea. That's a very good idea. That's a very good idea. >>deu<< O menino tem razão. Der Junge hat recht. Der Junge hat Recht. >>eng<< Chiamatelo questa sera. Call him this evening. Call him tonight. >>deu<< Me alegro por vosotros. Ich freue mich für euch. Ich freue mich für euch. >>eng<< Prefiero el arte chibi a estilos más realistas. I prefer chibi art to more realistic styles. I prefer chibi art to more realistic styles. >>eng<< Televizorul e plictisitor astăzi. TV's boring today. The TV is boring today. >>nld<< Estos niños están siendo descuidados por sus padres. Deze kinderen worden door hun ouders verwaarloosd. Deze kinderen worden verwaarloosd door hun ouders. >>deu<< Tom pensó acerca de lo que María dijo. Tom dachte darüber nach, was Maria gesagt hatte. Tom dachte darüber nach, was Maria sagte. >>eng<< Nous aimons notre école. We like our school. We love our school. >>eng<< Garotos têm sentimentos também. Guys have feelings, too. Boys have feelings too. >>eng<< Cliquez ici pour davantage d'information. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. >>nld<< Mi tía parece joven. Mijn tante ziet er jong uit. Mijn tante ziet er jong uit. >>deu<< La scrivania è troppo piccola per Meg. Der Schreibtisch ist zu klein für Meg. Der Schreibtisch ist zu klein für Meg. >>eng<< Tom la proverà ancora. Tom will try it again. Tom will try it again. >>deu<< Il n'y a pas de mère qui n'aime pas son fils. Es gibt keine Mutter, die ihren Sohn nicht liebte. Es gibt keine Mutter, die ihren Sohn nicht liebt. >>eng<< ¿Querés escucharlo? Do you want to hear it? Do you want to hear it? >>eng<< No queda mucho tiempo para decidir. There's not much time left to decide. There's not much time left to decide. >>deu<< Bob me ajudou. Bob half mir. Bob hat mir geholfen. >>eng<< Ex omnibus fratribus suis quinque viros statuit coram rege, quos ille interrogavit: “Quid habetis operis?” Responderunt: “Pastores ovium sumus servi tui et nos et patres nostri”. And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers. And he made five of his brothers stand before the king, and the king asked them, saying, What is your occupation? And they said, Your servants are shepherds of the flock, both we and our fathers. >>nld<< Cette application vous ouvre automatiquement une session lorsque vous l'ouvrez. Deze app meldt je automatisch aan wanneer je hem opent. Deze app logt u automatisch in wanneer u deze opent. >>eng<< Pronto, la investigación neurocientífica nos librará de enfermedades neurológicas graves como el Parkinson y el Alzheimer. Soon, neuroscientific research will rid us of serious neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Soon, neuroscientific research will rid us of serious neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. >>nld<< Hay muchas estrellas que son más grandes que nuestro sol. Er zijn veel sterren die groter zijn dan onze zon. Er zijn veel sterren die groter zijn dan onze zon. >>eng<< Je ne suis pas surprise que vous ne connaissiez pas la réponse. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. I'm not surprised you didn't know the answer. >>nld<< ¿El mercurio es verdaderamente un metal? Is kwikzilver echt een metaal? Is kwik echt een metaal? >>eng<< Se non siete colpevoli, non avete niente da temere. If you're not guilty, you've got nothing to fear. If you are not guilty, you have nothing to fear. >>nld<< Si lo ves, mándale saludos. Geef hem de groetjes als je hem ziet. Als je hem ziet, groet hem dan. >>deu<< Mais où prenons-nous ces phrases ? Et comment les traduisons-nous ? Aber woher bekommen wir diese Sätze? Und wie sollen wir sie übersetzen? Aber woher nehmen wir diese Sätze und wie übersetzen wir sie? >>nld<< Mon petit frère regarde la télé. Mijn broertje kijkt tv. M'n broertje kijkt tv. >>eng<< El a fost achitat. He was acquitted. He's been acquitted. >>eng<< Eu am decis să las școala. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. >>eng<< J'ai encore du travail à faire. I still have some work to do. I still have work to do. >>eng<< As dissemelhanças de temperamento, variedade e escolha de temas são manifestas, mas a diferença notável é esta: a poesia georgiana tem um editor e os poemas que ela contém podem ser interpretados como sendo a reação desse editor à poesia do dia. The dissimilarities of temperament, range and choice of subjects are manifest, but the outstanding difference is this: Georgian Poetry has an editor, and the poems it contains may be taken as that editor's reaction to the poetry of the day. The dissimilarities of temperament, variety and choice of themes are manifest, but the remarkable difference is this: Georgian poetry has an editor and the poems it contains can be interpreted as being that editor’s reaction to the poetry of the day. >>deu<< Se não houvesse nenhuma língua, não haveria pensamento. Wenn es keine Sprache gäbe, gäbe es keine Gedanken. Wenn es keine Sprache gäbe, gäbe es keine Gedanken. >>deu<< Pediste o livro? Hast du das Buch bestellt? Hast du das Buch bestellt? >>eng<< Hic non est. He's not here. He is not here. >>eng<< Tu as pensé à acheter du lait ? Did you remember to buy milk? Have you thought about buying milk? >>deu<< ¿Cuanto debería durar? Alrededor de unas dos semanas. Wie lange soll das dauern? Ungefähr eine bis zwei Wochen. Wie lange soll das dauern? Etwa zwei Wochen. >>deu<< Dans ce chapitre on va introduire deux méthodes numériques pour le calcul des valeurs propres d'une matrice. In diesem Kapitel werden wir zwei numerische Verfahren zur Berechnung der Eigenwerte einer Matrix einführen. In diesem Kapitel werden zwei numerische Methoden zur Berechnung der Eigenwerte einer Matrix vorgestellt. >>eng<< Gli scacchi sono come guardare attraverso un oceano. Dama è come guardare in un pozzo. Chess is like looking across an ocean. Checkers is like looking down a well. Chess is like looking across an ocean. Lady is like looking into a well. >>eng<< Je ne sais pas ce que Tom essayait de dire. I don't know what Tom was trying to say. I don't know what Tom was trying to say. >>deu<< No quiero morir ahora. Ich will noch nicht sterben. Ich will jetzt nicht sterben. >>nld<< Elle m'a invitée à son mariage. Ze nodigde mij uit op haar huwelijksfeest. Ze nodigde me uit voor haar bruiloft. >>nld<< La următoarea oră, vom studia zilele săptămânii, lunile și anotimpurile. In de volgende les gaan we de dagen van de week, de maanden en de seizoenen studeren. Het volgende uur bestuderen we de dagen van de week, de maanden en de seizoenen. >>eng<< Tom legge a sua figlia. Tom reads to his daughter. Tom reads to his daughter. >>deu<< A minha mulher cozinha bem. Meine Frau kocht gut. Meine Frau kocht gut. >>nld<< Je suis né en Israël. Ik ben geboren in Israël. Ik ben geboren in Israël. >>deu<< Tu sei una top model? Bist du ein Supermodel? Bist du ein Topmodel? >>eng<< La rueda gira. The wheel revolves. The wheel turns. >>deu<< Elle n'a pas pu ouvrir la porte parce qu'elle était verrouillée de l'intérieur. Sie konnte die Tür nicht öffnen, weil sie von innen verriegelt war. Sie konnte die Tür nicht öffnen, weil sie von innen verriegelt war. >>deu<< Un cocodrilo se comió a Tom. Ein Krokodil hat Tom gefressen. Ein Krokodil hat Tom gefressen. >>eng<< Ele perdeu toda a esperança. He has lost all hope. He lost all hope. >>eng<< Tom es un fanático. Tom is a zealot. Tom is a fanatic. >>nld<< Vivo en Maastricht. Ik woon in Maastricht. Ik woon in Maastricht. >>eng<< Ela fala vários idiomas. She speaks several languages. She speaks several languages. >>eng<< Envoie-moi de l'argent. Send me some money. Send me some money. >>deu<< Sinto-me honrado, Cédric. Ehrt mich, Cédric. Ich fühle mich geehrt, Cedric. >>eng<< Impactul științei asupra societății este mare. The impact of science on society is great. The impact of science on society is great. >>eng<< Nici măcar nu știam că e posibil să te saturi de tacos. I didn't even know that it was possible to get sick of tacos. I didn't even know it was possible to get tired of tacos. >>eng<< Juan invitó a sus amigos a pasar la noche en su casa para ver anime. John invited his friends to spend the night in his house watching anime. Juan invited his friends to spend the night at his house to watch anime. >>eng<< É urgente, você tem de ir agora. It's urgent, you have to go now. It's urgent, you have to go now. >>eng<< Ele estava especialmente desejoso de ajudar os reclusos e aqueles que necessitavam de consolo espiritual, e que eram vexados por espíritos malignos. He was specially desirous to help recluses and those who required spiritual consolation, and who were vexed by evil spirits. He was especially eager to help inmates and those in need of spiritual comfort, and who were vexed by evil spirits. >>eng<< Tom ligou para John e reclamou a respeito de Mary. Tom called John and complained about Mary. Tom called John and complained about Mary. >>nld<< Tom te mintió. Tom loog tegen je. Tom heeft tegen je gelogen. >>eng<< Me volví rico. I became rich. I became rich. >>nld<< Va chier ! Kus m'n kloten! Rot op. >>eng<< Você tem muitos alunos, não? You have many students, don't you? You have a lot of students, don't you? >>deu<< Ele é um tipo esquisito. Er ist ein komischer Kauz. Er ist ein komischer Kerl. >>deu<< ¿Tienes un bolígrafo? Hast du einen Stift? Hast du einen Stift? >>eng<< Tom a fost rănit grav. Tom was severely injured. Tom was seriously injured. >>deu<< Hoje de manhã, li um bom livro sentada num banco do parque. Heute Morgen saß ich auf einer Parkbank und las ein gutes Buch. Heute Morgen las ich ein gutes Buch, das auf einer Parkbank saß. >>eng<< A me piacciono le persone gentili. I like gentle people. I like nice people. >>deu<< Estou em Londres. Ich bin in London. Ich bin in London. >>eng<< À quelle date vos dernières règles ont-elles commencé ? On what date did your last period start? When did your last period begin? >>deu<< Io vengo dall'America. Ich komme aus Amerika. Ich komme aus Amerika. >>deu<< Hoy tendremos pescado para cenar. Heute haben wir Fisch zum Abendessen. Heute haben wir Fisch zum Abendessen. >>eng<< Maria panem in duas partes secuit. Mary divided the bread into two pieces. Mary broke the bread in two parts. >>eng<< A căzut din copac. He fell from the tree. He fell from the tree. >>eng<< Sono arrivata a casa prima delle due e mezza. I got home before 2:30. I got home before two and a half. >>eng<< Dovresti mangiare più lentamente. You ought to eat more slowly. You should eat slower. >>eng<< Levanté la mesa pesada y ahora tengo dolor de espalda. I lifted the heavy table, and now I have back pain. I raised the heavy table and now I have back pain. >>eng<< Il nostro treno è in ritardo. Our train is delayed. Our train is late. >>eng<< Bon Dieu ! Jesus! Oh, my God! >>eng<< Komo vos yamash? What's your name? How do you yamash? >>eng<< Vexo o neno. I see the boy. I see the child. >>eng<< Tom are personalitatea unui om dinamic. Tom has a dynamic personality. Tom has the personality of a dynamic man. >>eng<< No te estoy insultando, te estoy describiendo. I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you. I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you. >>nld<< Soror mea pulchra est. Mijn zus is mooi. Mijn zus is mooi. >>deu<< Mi tía es mayor que mi madre. Meine Tante ist älter als meine Mutter. Meine Tante ist älter als meine Mutter. >>eng<< Tom vai se divertir com isso. Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom's gonna have fun with this. >>deu<< La segunda guerra del Golfo provocó una subida vertiginosa del valor del petroleo. Der zweite Golfkrieg hat eine Explosion der Ölpreise hervorgerufen. Der zweite Golfkrieg führte zu einem schwindelerregenden Anstieg des <0xC3><0x96>lpreises. >>deu<< Tes « o » ressemblent à des « a ». Deine o sehen aus wie a. Deine "o" sehen aus wie "a". >>eng<< Scio te divitem esse. I know that you are rich. I know that divides you. >>eng<< Io non l'ho mai toccata. I never touched it. I never touched her. >>eng<< Maria não tem marido. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary has no husband. >>nld<< Tengo que explicar un par de cosas. Ik moet een paar dingen uitleggen. Ik moet een paar dingen uitleggen. >>nld<< Ne jouez pas avec moi, Tom. Speel niet met me, Tom. Speel niet met me, Tom. >>nld<< J'ai besoin d'un sac pour le transporter. Ik heb een tas nodig om het mee te nemen. Ik heb een tas nodig om hem te vervoeren. >>deu<< Est-ce que ton chien se laisse-t-il caresser ? Lässt sich dein Hund streicheln? Lässt sich dein Hund streicheln? >>deu<< È l'unica conclusione possibile. Es ist die einzig mögliche Schlussfolgerung. Das ist die einzig mögliche Schlussfolgerung. >>eng<< Sunt câteva case prin prejur. There are a few houses around. There's a couple of houses around. >>eng<< Você tece uma rede de mate quando cerca o rei oponente, cortando-lhe todos os meios de fuga antes de avançar para o golpe final. You weave a mating net when you surround the opponent king, cutting off all its means of escape before moving in for the kill. You weave a matte net when you surround the opposing king, cutting off all means of escape before advancing to the final blow. >>eng<< A me piacciono gli orsi. I like bears. I like bears. >>nld<< Estoy tratando de ponerme en contacto con su hermana. Ik probeer contact te krijgen met haar zus. Ik probeer contact te maken met je zus. >>nld<< ¿Qué vais a hacer esta tarde? Wat gaan jullie vanmiddag doen? Wat gaan jullie vanmiddag doen? >>eng<< Io ho distrutto tutto. I destroyed everything. I destroyed everything. >>eng<< Lorsque tu es allongé ? While lying down? When are you lying down? >>eng<< Você não precisa aspirar a atingir nenhum outro estado. Livre-se de seus atuais pensamentos, isso será o bastante. You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all. You do not need to aspire to reach any other state. Get rid of your current thoughts, that will be enough. >>deu<< Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk rief im Jahre 1923 die türkische Republik aus. Mustafa Kemal proklamierte 1923 die Türkische Republik. >>eng<< Que cela te serve de leçon ! Let that be a lesson to you! Let it serve as a lesson for you! >>nld<< Le sommeil est bon. Slaap is goed. De slaap is goed. >>eng<< Eu provavelmente vou encomendar um fursuit parcial quando tiver dinheiro. I'll probably get a partial fursuit when I get enough money. I will probably order a partial fursuit when I have money. >>deu<< Hoje em dia é preciso lutar, especialmente, pelos jovens e pelas velhas árvores. Heutzutage muss man vor allem für junge Menschen und für alte Bäume kämpfen. Heutzutage muss man vor allem für die jungen Menschen und die alten Bäume kämpfen. >>eng<< Va tutto bene in ufficio? Is everything okay at the office? Is everything okay in the office? >>eng<< Sei fastidiosamente insistente quando ti ci metti. You're annoyingly pushy when you get started. You're annoyingly insistent when you put yourself in it. >>deu<< Ieri mattina ho mangiato un waffel! Gestern Morgen habe ich eine Waffel gegessen! Gestern Morgen habe ich einen Waffel gegessen! >>eng<< ¿Lograste que regresaran? Did you get them to come back? Did you get them back? >>deu<< Você ainda se pergunta qual o significado da vida? Fragst du dich immer noch, was der Sinn des Lebens ist? Du fragst dich immer noch, was der Sinn des Lebens ist? >>eng<< Anche io l'ho pensata così. I thought so, too. I thought that way too. >>eng<< La prima fase è finita. The first phase is over. The first phase is over. >>deu<< Avez-vous parlé de mon livre ? Habt ihr mein Buch angesprochen? Haben Sie von meinem Buch gesprochen? >>deu<< Il n'existe pas de chemin vers le bonheur. Le bonheur est le chemin. Ein Weg zum Glück existiert nicht. Glück ist der Weg. Es gibt keinen Weg zum Glücklichsein. Glücklichsein ist der Weg. >>eng<< Aiuta te stesso e Dio ti aiuterà! Help yourself and God will help you! Help yourself and God will help you. >>eng<< Mi avete chiesto qualcosa. You asked me something. You asked me something. >>eng<< Lui Tom nu-i place acel tip de muzică. Tom doesn't like that kind of music. Tom doesn't like that kind of music. >>eng<< Je vis de l'autre côté de la rue. I live across the street. I live across the street. >>deu<< Estou disposta a levar em consideração outras propostas. Ich bin bereit, andere Vorschläge in Erwägung zu ziehen. Ich bin bereit, andere Vorschläge zu berücksichtigen. >>eng<< Vai a giocare con lui. Go play with him. Go play with him. >>deu<< Beijo de estima ninguém pode proibir. Einen Kuss in Ehren mag niemand verwehren. Liebeskuss kann niemand verbieten. >>nld<< Elle fut malade durant une semaine. Zij was al een week ziek. Ze was een week ziek. >>nld<< O marido dela agora está morando em Tóquio. Haar man woont nu in Tokio. Haar man woont nu in Tokio. >>eng<< Qu'èi pres ua setmana de repaus. I took a week off. I spent a week at rest. >>eng<< Tom estaba inconsciente. Tom was unconscious. Tom was unconscious. >>eng<< Cheamă salvarea. Call an ambulance. Call the rescue. >>eng<< Tom no tenía ganas de hablar. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom didn’t want to talk. >>eng<< Duos fratres et unam sororem habeo. I have two brothers and one sister. I have two brothers and one sister. >>deu<< Reservó una habitación. Sie buchte ein Zimmer. Er hat ein Zimmer reserviert. >>eng<< Avus carmina de avia scribit. Grandfather likes writing poems about grandmother. Avus carmina of avia writes. >>deu<< Ela bebe suco de maçã. Sie trinkt Apfelsaft. Sie trinkt Apfelsaft. >>eng<< Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. >>deu<< Qui est-ce ? Wer ist das? Wer ist das? >>eng<< Homo tam magnus est quam vestigium quod in mundo relinquit. Man is as big as the trail he leaves in the world. Man is greater than the clothes he leaves in the world. >>eng<< Voici une ordonnance pour quelques comprimés. Here is a prescription for some tablets. Here is a prescription for a few tablets. >>eng<< Quid Didymo accidit? What happened to Tom? What did Didymo do? >>nld<< Crianças e bêbados não mentem. Kinderen en dronkaards liegen niet. Kinderen en dronkaards liegen niet. >>deu<< Ils aimeraient savoir si je suis déjà allé en Angleterre. Sie möchten wissen, ob ich schon in England war. Sie würden gerne wissen, ob ich schon einmal in England war. >>eng<< As primeiras tentativas de tradução por computador produziram resultados medíocres, para não dizer ridículos. Hoje em dia, porém, existem algoritmos tradutores de ótima qualidade. The first attempts at computer translation produced mediocre, if not ridiculous, results. Nowadays, however, there are excellent quality translation algorithms. The first attempts at computer translation produced mediocre results, not to say ridiculous. Nowadays, however, there are translator algorithms of great quality. >>eng<< Miel dans la bouche et poison dans le cœur. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. >>eng<< Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ma façon de m'habiller ? What's wrong with the way I'm dressed? What's wrong with the way I dress? >>eng<< Noi abbiamo parlato di te. We've been talking about you. We talked about you. >>deu<< Nous avons décidé de déplacer la réunion à dimanche prochain. Wir haben beschlossen, die Versammlung auf nächsten Sonntag zu verschieben. Wir haben beschlossen, das Treffen auf nächsten Sonntag zu verschieben. >>deu<< Mi hijo piensa que las mujeres son más fuertes que los hombres. Mein Sohn glaubt, dass Frauen stärker sind als Männer. Mein Sohn denkt, dass Frauen stärker sind als Männer. >>eng<< Toki Pona non è una lingua da parlare, ma solo da leggere e scrivere. Toki Pona is not a language to be spoken, but only to be read and written. Toki Pona is not a language to speak, but only to read and write. >>eng<< Sedile sub arbore est. There is a bench under the tree. The seat is under the tree. >>eng<< State lontani da loro. Keep away from them. Stay away from them. >>eng<< Je mange du pain avec de la confiture au petit déjeuner. I eat bread with jam for breakfast. I eat bread with jam for breakfast. >>nld<< Beaucoup de jeunes filles aiment ce chanteur. Veel meisjes zijn gek op deze zanger. Veel meisjes houden van deze zanger. >>eng<< J'ai essayé de le lui expliquer, mais il ne comprend pas. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. >>deu<< Sono sicura che quel posto di lavoro ti calza a pennello. Ich bin überzeugt, dass dieser Arbeitsplatz ideal für dich ist. Ich bin sicher, der Job passt zu dir. >>eng<< Les chats boivent du lait. The cats drink milk. Cats drink milk. >>deu<< O alemão é uma língua germânica. Deutsch ist eine germanische Sprache. Deutsch ist eine germanische Sprache. >>eng<< Eu recebi a lista de livros para esse semestre. I just received the list of this semester's textbooks. I got the list of books for this semester. >>deu<< J'ai programmé une visite chez un gourou en Inde. Ich habe einen Besuchstermin bei einem Guru in Indien. Ich habe einen Besuch bei einem Guru in Indien geplant. >>eng<< Tu as raison, mais ce n'était pas ma faute. You're right, but it wasn't my fault. You're right, but it wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Memini. I remember. Memories. >>eng<< Mangeremo il tuo pane. We'll eat your bread. We'll eat your bread. >>eng<< Pandemia quid est? What's a pandemic? What is Pandemic? >>deu<< Existe-t-il une traduction en français qui soit aussi courte ? Gibt es eine Übersetzung ins Französische, die ebenso kurz ist? Gibt es eine deutsche Übersetzung, die so kurz ist? >>eng<< Quand je recevrai mon premier salaire, je ferai la fête. When I get my first salary, I will hit the town. When I get my first salary, I'll party. >>deu<< La mulți ani, România! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Rumänien! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Rumänien! >>eng<< Mi sono messa immediatamente le scarpe. I put on my shoes at once. I immediately put on my shoes. >>eng<< E un gând ispititor. It's a tantalizing thought. It's a tempting thought. >>nld<< Marie a de nombreuses pages à traduire. Maria moet veel pagina's vertalen. Maria heeft veel bladzijden om te vertalen. >>eng<< Tom arriesgó su vida para salvar a Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. >>nld<< Y vos, ¿cómo estás? En met jou, hoe gaat het met jou? Hoe gaat het met jou? >>eng<< Changez la cible. Change target. Change the target. >>eng<< Yo crecí con Tom. I grew up with Tom. I grew up with Tom. >>eng<< Hablo tibetano y uigur. I speak Tibetan and Uyghur. I speak Tibetan and Uyghur. >>deu<< Non desiderare è lo stesso che avere. Nicht wollen ist das Gleiche wie haben. Nicht zu wollen ist das Gleiche wie zu haben. >>eng<< El hombre es el único animal que puede reírse. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. >>deu<< A senhora tem medo de cães. Sie haben Angst vor Hunden. Sie haben Angst vor Hunden. >>eng<< Ha la gotta? Do you have gout? You got gout? >>nld<< Celui qui se perd dans sa passion perd moins que celui qui perd sa passion. Wie zichzelf verliest in passie, verliest minder dan wie de passie verliest. Wie zich verliest in zijn passie verliest minder dan wie zijn passie verliest. >>eng<< Mi chiese dove avrei passato la notte. He asked me where I was going to spend the night. He asked me where I would spend the night. >>eng<< « As-tu des enfants ? » « Oui, j'ai un fils. » "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." “Do you have children?” “Yes, I have a son.” >>deu<< As-tu une épouse ? Hast du eine Frau? Hast du eine Frau? >>deu<< ¿Esto es alemán? Ist das Deutsch? Ist das Deutsch? >>nld<< Tudo o que ele diz é verdade. Alles wat hij zegt, is waar. Alles wat hij zegt is waar. >>eng<< Non sta male per aver ucciso la sua amante. He doesn't feel bad about killing his lover. He's not bad for killing his mistress. >>eng<< O livro está junto à caneta. The book is next to the pen. The book is next to the pen. >>eng<< Nemo verum dicit. Nobody tells the truth. No one will tell. >>eng<< A gata está roncando no meu colo. The cat is snoring in my lap. The cat's snoring on my lap. >>eng<< Modifico questa frase. I edit this sentence. I'm changing this sentence. >>eng<< Non è parte del piano ufficiale. That isn't part of the official plan. It's not part of the official plan. >>eng<< Anas parva turpis est. The little duck is ugly. Anas is stupid. >>nld<< La cuisine n'est pas propre. De keuken is niet proper. De keuken is niet schoon. >>eng<< Na nossa escola, temos aulas até às três. At our school, we have classes until three. At our school, we have classes until three. >>eng<< O protótipo apresenta um ecrã translúcido a cores que é projetado na viseira no centro do campo de visão e com uma interface controlada pela voz. The prototype features a translucent color display that’s projected onto the visor in the center of the field of vision and with a voice-controlled interface. The prototype features a translucent color display that is projected onto the visor in the center of the field of view and with a voice-controlled interface. >>deu<< J'ai une idée. Ich habe eine Idee. Ich habe eine Idee. >>eng<< ¿Qué puedo hacer aquí? What can I do here? What can I do here? >>eng<< ¿Qué espera encontrar aquí? What do you hope to find here? What do you expect to find here? >>nld<< ¿Cuántas horas de sueño necesitas? Hoeveel uur slaap heb jij nodig? Hoeveel uur slaap heb je nodig? >>deu<< Tu mi hai insegnato una parola nuova. Du hast mir ein neues Wort beigebracht. Du hast mir ein neues Wort beigebracht. >>deu<< Onde estão as batatas? Wo sind die Kartoffeln? Wo sind die Kartoffeln? >>eng<< Los jóvenes deberían ser amables con los mayores. The young should be kind to the old. Young people should be kind to older people. >>eng<< "Ubi est tuus pater nunc?" "Puto eum esse Lugduni." "Where is your father now?" "I believe he is in Lyons." "Where is your father now?" "I think he's Lugduni." >>eng<< Amano la poesia. They love poetry. They love poetry. >>eng<< Ne mettez pas les coudes sur la table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Do not put elbows on the table. >>eng<< Abans de morir va passar més d'un mes hospitalitzat. Before dying, he spent more than a month in hospital. Before he died, he spent more than a month in hospital. >>deu<< Cuius birota est? Wessen Fahrrad ist das? Wem gehört der Schwanz? >>eng<< Adesso ti capisco. Now I understand you. Now I understand you. >>eng<< ¿Te gustaría ir a tomar algo? Would you like to go have a drink? Would you like to go for a drink? >>eng<< Sia Tom che Mary sono molto terrorizzati. Both Tom and Mary are very frightened. Both Tom and Mary are terrified. >>eng<< Il est con comme une valise sans poignée. He's as dumb as a rock. It's like a suitcase without a handle. >>eng<< Cose del genere accadono e basta. Things like this just happen. Things like that just happen. >>eng<< El meu pare va aturar de beure. My father quit drinking. My father stopped drinking. >>eng<< A lei piace Mary. She likes Mary. She likes Mary. >>eng<< Li posso portare? Can I bring them? Can I bring them? >>eng<< Les dents cariées font souvent mal. Bad teeth often cause pain. Caricatured teeth often hurt. >>deu<< Me gusta pasear solo. Ich gehe gern allein spazieren. Ich gehe gerne alleine spazieren. >>deu<< Ela gosta muito de cozinhar. Sie kocht sehr gern. Sie kocht gern. >>deu<< Cosa stava cantando Mario? Was hat Mario gesungen? Was hat Mario gesungen? >>eng<< On te réclame au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. We're calling you on the phone. >>nld<< Mama gătește în bucătărie. Moeder is in de keuken aan het koken. Mijn moeder kookt in de keuken. >>deu<< O Tom está escrevendo para um amigo. Tom schreibt einem Freund. Tom schreibt an einen Freund. >>eng<< Per quanto ha abitato a Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? >>eng<< Vivitne Thomas adhuc in casa iuxta flumen? Does Tom still live in the cottage by the river? Is Thomas still living in the house by the river? >>eng<< Ei și-au format propria asociație la nivel național, Asociația Americană a Persoanelor Pensionate. They have formed their own nationwide association, the American Association of Retired Persons. They formed their own national association, the American Association of Retired Persons. >>eng<< Esa es mi bicicleta. La puedes usar cuando quieras. That's my bicycle. You can use it whenever you want. That's my bike, you can use it any time you want. >>deu<< Tom se saoule à en mourir. Tom säuft sich zu Tode. Tom ist betrunken, um zu sterben. >>eng<< A operadora telefónica pediu ao que chamaba que esperase a que se establecera unha conexión. The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made. The telephone operator asked the caller to wait for a connection to be established. >>eng<< Portes-tu des jeans au travail ? Do you wear jeans to work? Do you wear jeans at work? >>deu<< Je ne suis pas ce que je fais, je suis ce que je peux faire. Ich bin nicht, was ich tue, ich bin, was ich tun kann. Ich bin nicht das, was ich tue, ich bin das, was ich tun kann. >>deu<< Estoy acostumbrada a comer sola. Ich bin es gewohnt, allein zu essen. Ich bin es gewohnt, alleine zu essen. >>eng<< Tom admitió que no era imparcial. Tom admitted that he was not impartial. Tom admitted that he was not unbiased. >>deu<< Gardez le sourire. Lächelt weiter. Bleiben Sie lächeln. >>nld<< Tu es bon en ski ? Ben je goed in skiën? Ben je goed in skiën? >>nld<< Êtes-vous chinois, monsieur ? Bent u Chinees, mijnheer? Bent u Chinees, meneer? >>nld<< DDT é a sigla de diclorodifeniltricloroetano. DDT is de afkorting van dichloordifenyltrichloorethaan. DDT staat voor dichloordifenyltrichloorethaan. >>deu<< Porque existe. Weil es ihn gibt. Weil es existiert. >>eng<< Tom are o mulțime de bagaje de mână. Tom has a lot of carry-on luggage. Tom has a lot of hand luggage. >>eng<< Et apposuit in conspectu eius panem. Qui ait: "Non comedam, donec loquar sermones meos”. Respondit: “Loquere”. And bread was set before him. But he said: I will not eat, till I tell my message. He answered him: Speak. And she set bread before him. And he said, I will not eat until I have spoken my words. And he said, Speak. >>eng<< Personne ne peut m'arrêter ! Nobody can stop me! No one can stop me! >>nld<< Ouro é bem mais pesado do que água. Goud is een stuk zwaarder dan water. Goud is veel zwaarder dan water. >>eng<< Rob, andá a mirar la tele. Rob, go watch TV. Rob, go watch TV. >>eng<< La llibertat no és gratuïta. Freedom is not free. Freedom is not free. >>eng<< Sono caldi. They're warm. They're hot. >>deu<< Andrà in America l'anno prossimo? Werden Sie nächstes Jahr nach Amerika gehen? Geht er nächstes Jahr nach Amerika? >>nld<< Lui continuò il suo lavoro dopo una breve pausa. Hij hervatte zijn werk na een korte pauze. Hij vervolgde zijn werk na een korte pauze. >>eng<< Ha un senso dell'umorismo molto buono. He has a very good sense of humor. He has a very good sense of humor. >>deu<< Agora são dezoito horas e quinze minutos. Jetzt ist es achtzehn Uhr fünfzehn. Jetzt sind es 18 Stunden und 15 Minuten. >>nld<< No Japão se fala japonês. Men spreekt Japans in Japan. In Japan spreekt men Japans. >>deu<< Ma mère est alcoolique. Meine Mutter ist Alkoholikerin. Meine Mutter ist Alkoholikerin. >>eng<< Tengo un amigo chino y me gustaría pedirle que me dé lecciones de chino. I have a Chinese friend and I would like to ask him to give me Chinese lessons. I have a Chinese friend and I would like to ask him to give me Chinese lessons. >>eng<< O senhor Mindon comia sempre refeições simples, porque tinha problemas de estômago. Mister Mindon always ate simple meals, because he had problems with his stomach. Mr. Mindon always ate simple meals, because he had stomach problems. >>eng<< Scusa, errore mio. Sorry, my mistake. Sorry, my mistake. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo me van a pagar? When do I get paid? When will I be paid? >>eng<< Montre-nous la chambre. Show us the room. Show us the room. >>nld<< Continuez de creuser. Blijf graven. Blijf graven. >>deu<< Ha qualcosa dell'erudito. Er hat etwas von einem Gelehrten. Er hat etwas vom Gelehrten. >>eng<< Pinge mihi ovem! Draw me a sheep! Pinge me ovem! >>deu<< Felicidade a vida toda! Ninguém poderia suportá-lo: seria o inferno na terra. Glück ein Leben lang! Niemand könnte es ertragen: Es wäre die Hölle auf Erden. Glück ein Leben lang! Niemand könnte es ertragen: Es wäre die Hölle auf Erden. >>deu<< Je vais faire ça lundi prochain. Ich werde das nächsten Montag tun. Ich mache das am nächsten Montag. >>eng<< Devo parlare con lui. I've got to speak to him. I need to talk to him. >>deu<< Nonostante che Tom lo consideri un peccato, lui pensa che l'adulterio sia comunque migliore dell'omicidio. Obwohl Tom ihn als Sünde betrachtet, denkt er, dass Ehebruch immer noch besser als Mord sei. Obwohl Tom es für eine Sünde hält, denkt er, dass Ehebruch immer noch besser ist als Mord. >>nld<< Escriba su nombre con lápiz, por favor. Schrijf uw naam met potlood, alstublieft. Schrijf uw naam met een potlood, alstublieft. >>deu<< Est-ce que tu peux me passer le lait? Kannst du mir die Milch reichen? Kannst du mir die Milch geben? >>deu<< Nous descendions. Wir stiegen aus. Wir gingen runter. >>deu<< Tom hizo demasiadas preguntas. Tom hat zu viele Fragen gestellt. Tom stellte zu viele Fragen. >>deu<< Mais soudain, Petit Vénusien a vraiment besoin d'aller au petit coin. Aber plötzlich muss Kleiner Venusianer unbedingt zum stillen Ort gehen. Aber plötzlich muss Little Venusian wirklich an die kleine Ecke gehen. >>nld<< La sua pelle è bianca come la neve. Haar huid is wit, zo wit als sneeuw. Zijn huid is wit als sneeuw. >>eng<< Je ne veux pas de petit ami. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want a boyfriend. >>eng<< Ești nebun să cumperi o bicicletă atât de scumpă. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. >>eng<< Tinon an mwen sé Anri. My name is Henry. My name is Ananias. >>eng<< At subitæ horrifico lapsu de montibus adsunt / Harpyiæ et magnis quatiunt clangoribus alas, / diripiuntque dapes, contactuque omnia fœdant / immundo; tum vox tetrum dira inter odorem. When straight, down-swooping from the hills meanwhile / the Harpies flap their clanging wings, and tear / the food, and all with filthy touch defile, / and, mixt with screams, uprose a sickening stench and vile. And the sudden horrific lapse of the mountains are joined / Harpyies and great ones wing four horns, / and steal from the damsels, contacting all the foul / unclean; the voice of the roofs will be said between the scent. >>eng<< A la madre le era difícil hablar sobre su hijo. The mother found it difficult to talk about her son. The mother had a hard time talking about her son. >>deu<< È solo un placebo. Es ist bloß ein Placebo. Es ist nur ein Placebo. >>eng<< Um relatório preliminar sobre a queda mortífera no mês passado de um avião a jato indonésio revela que um acelerador avariado na cabina de pilotagem causou a perda de potência num dos motores antes de o avião ter caído no Mar de Java. A preliminary report into last month’s deadly crash of an Indonesian jetliner reveals a malfunctioning cockpit throttle caused one of the engines to lose power before the plane plunged into the Java Sea. A preliminary report on the fatal crash last month of an Indonesian jet plane reveals that a broken accelerator in the cockpit caused the loss of power in one of the engines before the plane crashed in the Java Sea. >>deu<< Tout dépend de qui le dit ! Es kommt darauf an, wer es sagt! Kommt drauf an, wer es sagt! >>eng<< Tom ha un po' più di trent'anni. Tom is a little over thirty. Tom's a little over 30. >>eng<< Quinque neptes habemus. We have five granddaughters. I have five nights. >>deu<< C'est un iceberg. Es ist ein Eisberg. Das ist ein Eisberg. >>deu<< Encontré la caja vacía. Ich habe die leere Dose gefunden. Ich habe die leere Kiste gefunden. >>eng<< Irei e reunireime con el, se é necesario. I'll go and meet him, if it's necessary. I will go and meet with him if necessary. >>deu<< Mi lavai le mani. Ich wusch mir die Hände. Ich habe mir die Hände gewaschen. >>deu<< Mi madre me va a matar. Meine Mutter wird mich umbringen. Meine Mutter wird mich umbringen. >>eng<< Sto venendo usato. I'm being used. I'm being used. >>eng<< È il mio spazzolino da denti. That's my toothbrush. It's my toothbrush. >>eng<< ¿Tuviste una buena semana? Did you have a good week? Did you have a good week? >>eng<< Lei è un brav'uomo. You are a good man. You're a good man. >>deu<< A entrada inclui uma bebida. Im Eintritt ist ein Getränk inbegriffen. Der Eintritt beinhaltet einen Drink. >>eng<< Como recompensa de esta labor recibimos un yogurt magníficamente cremoso y suave, que sabe mucho mejor que un producto comprado. As a reward for this labor, we received a magnificently creamy and soft yogurt, which tastes much better than what you buy in the store. As a reward for this work we receive a magnificently creamy and soft yogurt, which tastes much better than a purchased product. >>eng<< Hoy no necesitas ir a la escuela. You don't need to go to school today. You don't need to go to school today. >>deu<< C'è un ospedale nei dintorni? Gibt es ein Krankenhaus in der Nähe? Gibt es ein Krankenhaus in der Nähe? >>eng<< Nós somos quem somos. We are who we are. We are who we are. >>eng<< Amo il fragore del mare. I love the roar of the sea. I love the sound of the sea. >>eng<< David avait une peur immense des endroits élevés. David was terribly afraid of heights. David was terrified of high places. >>nld<< Je viens d'apprendre que Tom et Marie reviennent en Australie pour Noël. Ik heb net gehoord dat Tom en Mary met kerst terugkomen naar Australië. Ik heb net gehoord dat Tom en Marie terugkomen naar Australië voor Kerstmis. >>eng<< Stanno diffondendo disinformazione. They're spreading misinformation. They are spreading disinformation. >>nld<< C'est tout à fait pareil. Dat maakt geen verschil uit. Het is precies hetzelfde. >>deu<< Ne fumez-vous pas ? Rauchen Sie nicht? Rauchen Sie nicht? >>eng<< Semplicemente non comprendono. They just don't understand. They just don't understand. >>deu<< No se puede sobrevivir sin dinero. Ohne Geld kann man nicht überleben. Ohne Geld kann man nicht überleben. >>eng<< Les enfants rêvent. The children are dreaming. The children dream. >>eng<< Il russo è la lingua che preferisco. Russian is my favorite language. Russian is my favorite language. >>deu<< ¿Hay mesa libre para dos el viernes? Ist am Freitag ein Tisch für zwei frei? Gibt es am Freitag einen Tisch für zwei Personen? >>deu<< Lei che cosa vuole? Was wollen Sie? Was wollen Sie? >>eng<< L'ascensore sta salendo e scendendo. The elevator is moving up and down. The elevator is going up and down. >>nld<< El café viene después de la comida. De koffie komt na het eten. Koffie komt na de maaltijd. >>eng<< No hace falta ser bueno en algo para que sea tu afición. You don't need to be good at something for it to be your hobby. You don’t have to be good at something to make it your hobby. >>eng<< Non faccio niente per cambiare. I don't do anything to change. I don't do anything to change. >>eng<< Lo trovo davvero interessante. I find that really interesting. I find it really interesting. >>deu<< Cautela não faz mal. Vorsicht schadet nicht. Vorsicht ist in Ordnung. >>eng<< Todo mundo está ocupado, menos eu. Everyone is busy except me. Everyone is busy, except me. >>eng<< Hoy he hablado con él por teléfono, te manda saludos. I talked with him today over the phone, he says hi. Today I spoke to him on the phone, he sends you greetings. >>eng<< Los dirigibles son un tópico habitual en las obras steampunk. Airships are a common trope in steampunk works. Airships are a common topic in steampunk works. >>eng<< Elle le persuada de l'épouser. She persuaded him to marry her. She persuaded him to marry her. >>nld<< O menino está pulando. De jongen springt. De jongen springt. >>eng<< Papilio insectum est. The butterfly is an insect. Papilio is an insect. >>eng<< Un étudiant visitait la maison du grand dramaturge. A student visited the house of the great playwright. A student visited the house of the great playwright. >>eng<< O mundo está mais doido que de costume hoje cedo? Is the world more mad than usual this morning? Is the world madder than usual this morning? >>eng<< Uma modelo deve ter um corpo atraente. A model must have an attractive body. A model should have an attractive body. >>eng<< Tom è ricco, ma non è felice. Tom is rich, but he isn't happy. Tom is rich, but not happy. >>eng<< Usted se atrevió a contradecirme dos veces ante el Comisario. You have twice dared to contradict me in front of the commissioner. You dared to contradict me twice before the Commissioner. >>eng<< Ho anche imparato ad ammirare questi giocatori di scacchi: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres e Carlsen. Ci sono quindi dodici grandi scacchisti di mia scelta. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres, and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my choice. I have also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres and Carlsen, so there are twelve great chess players of my choice. >>eng<< Es delicioso y saludable. It's both delicious and healthy. It is delicious and healthy. >>eng<< Et Didymus et Maria ire volunt. Tom and Mary both want to go. Didymus and Maria wanted to go. >>deu<< Esta casa es mía. Dieses Haus gehört mir. Dieses Haus gehört mir. >>eng<< C’est au juge de décider si une plainte peut donner lieu à une enquête de police. It's up to the judge to decide whether a report calls for a police investigation. It is up to the judge to decide whether a complaint can lead to a police investigation. >>deu<< C'est une Mexicaine qui lui a appris l'espagnol. Eine Mexikanerin lehrte ihn Spanisch. Eine Mexikanerin hat ihm Spanisch beigebracht. >>deu<< Il ne sert à rien de se plaindre. Es bringt nichts, sich zu beschweren. Es nützt nichts, sich zu beschweren. >>deu<< Apparemment, Tom ne sait pas ce qu'il doit faire. Offenbar weiß Tom nicht, was er machen soll. Anscheinend weiß Tom nicht, was er tun soll. >>eng<< Non ho mangiato niente stamattina. I didn't eat anything this morning. I didn't eat anything this morning. >>deu<< Rileggi l'articolo. Lies den Artikel noch einmal. Lesen Sie den Artikel noch einmal. >>eng<< La vie de Ziri était en danger. Ziri's life was in danger. Ziri's life was in danger. >>deu<< Enquanto estou escrevendo, estou vivo. Solange ich schreibe, lebe ich. Während ich schreibe, lebe ich. >>eng<< Mama mea a plecat ieri la cumpărături în centru. My mother went shopping downtown yesterday. My mom went shopping downtown yesterday. >>eng<< Este saco custa o preço de dois computadores. This bag costs the price of two computers. This bag costs the price of two computers. >>deu<< O que você quer inflamar nos outros deve estar ardendo em você mesmo. Was du in anderen entzünden willst, muss in dir selbst brennen. Was du in anderen entzünden willst, muss in dir selbst brennen. >>eng<< Sé un caballero. Please be gentle. Be a gentleman. >>eng<< La cultura de la cancelación se ha vuelto en la inquisición de hoy. Cancel culture has become today's Inquisition. The culture of cancellation has become today’s inquisition. >>eng<< Hasta donde yo sé, él viene en auto. As far as I know, he is coming by car. As far as I know, he comes by car. >>eng<< Le mie chiamate continuano ad andare nella segreteria telefonica. My calls keep going to voicemail. My calls keep going to my voicemail. >>deu<< Lui è un uomo pedante. Er ist ein pedantischer Mensch. Er ist ein pedantischer Mann. >>deu<< El edificio de los bomberos está situado justo al lado del aeropuerto. Das Feuerwehrgebäude ist unmittelbar neben dem Flughafen gelegen. Das Feuerwehrgebäude befindet sich direkt neben dem Flughafen. >>deu<< Tom fu preso prigioniero. Tom wurde gefangengenommen. Tom wurde gefangen genommen. >>eng<< Mieux vaut être aveugle que de voir ça. It would be better to be blind than to see that. Better to be blind than to see it. >>deu<< Bom dia! Meu nome é Maria. Em que posso ajudá-las, senhoras? Guten Tag! Ich heiße Maria. Wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein? Guten Morgen, mein Name ist Maria, was kann ich für Sie tun, meine Damen? >>nld<< Mi padre no va siempre andando al trabajo. Mijn vader gaat niet altijd lopend naar het werk. Mijn vader gaat niet altijd naar zijn werk. >>eng<< Homines caecos reddit cupiditas. Greed makes men blind. The blind men are red-headed. >>deu<< Je veux un coussin moelleux. Ich möchte ein weiches Kissen. Ich will ein weiches Kissen. >>eng<< De nombreux amis vinrent lui faire leurs adieux. Many friends saw him off. Many friends came to bid him farewell. >>nld<< Je veux acheter des chaussures de ski. Ik wil skischoenen kopen. Ik wil skischoenen kopen. >>deu<< Mañana me levanto temprano. Morgen stehe ich früh auf. Ich stehe morgen früh auf. >>eng<< Saranno assonnate. They will be sleepy. They'll be sleepy. >>nld<< Estamos calmados. Wij zijn rustig. We zijn rustig. >>eng<< Siempre está triste, por lo tanto, nunca sonríe. He is always sad, therefore, he never smiles. He is always sad, so he never smiles. >>eng<< Laeta est. She is happy. It is Laeta. >>deu<< In che università studiate? An welcher Universität studiert ihr? An welchen Universitäten studieren Sie? >>eng<< Tom vuole sempre tutto. Tom always wants everything. Tom always wants everything. >>eng<< Tranca-se a porta às nove horas. The door is locked at nine o'clock. Lock the door at nine o'clock. >>eng<< Couqui a miaulé et j'ai miaulé en retour. Cookie meowed, and I meowed back. I sighed and I sighed in return. >>eng<< "Crede mihi," inquit. "Trust me," he said. “Believe me,” he said. >>eng<< Bellum fere decem annorum fuit. The war lasted nearly ten years. A ten-year-old ran away. >>eng<< Nous pouvons facilement résoudre ce problème. We can solve this problem easily. We can easily solve this problem. >>nld<< Tenemos que recorrer dieciséis kilómetros antes de que se ponga el Sol. We moeten voor zonsondergang nog zestien kilometer lopen. We moeten 16 kilometer rijden voor de zon ondergaat. >>eng<< Vocês já leram isto? Did you already read this? Have you read this? >>eng<< Los padres de Tom hablan francés. Tom's parents speak French. Tom's parents speak French. >>deu<< Soltanto dell'acqua, per favore. Nur Wasser, bitte. Nur Wasser, bitte. >>eng<< Avete pulito la vostra stanza. You cleaned your room. You cleaned your room. >>nld<< Corrí tan rápido como un rayo. Ik rende met de snelheid van bliksem. Ik rende zo snel als een bliksemschicht. >>eng<< Eu poderei lhe arranjar um cobertor, se você precisar de um. I could get you a blanket if you need one. I can get you a blanket if you need one. >>eng<< Tapetum teximus. We are weaving a carpet. Tapestry tapestry. >>nld<< En realidad no me interesa la historia. Ik interesseer me echt niet voor geschiedenis. Ik ben niet echt geïnteresseerd in het verhaal. >>deu<< ¿Para qué tienes los pies? Wozu hast du Füße? Wozu hast du deine Füße? >>nld<< Io non so come ringraziarla. Ik weet niet hoe ik u kan danken. Ik weet niet hoe ik haar moet bedanken. >>eng<< Ella me contó por qué se marchó. She told me why she left. She told me why she left. >>eng<< Tem alguma coisa estranha? Is there anything strange? Is there something strange? >>eng<< Scrivete lettere? Do you write letters? Do you write letters? >>deu<< Je ne les perds pas. Ich verliere sie nicht. Ich verliere sie nicht. >>eng<< Hice un esfuerzo para terminar mi trabajo. I made an effort to finish my work. I made an effort to finish my work. >>eng<< Les médias ne rendent pas compte de ces histoires. The media are not reporting these stories. The media doesn’t tell these stories. >>eng<< Solo uso lentes para verme bien. I just wear glasses to look good. I only wear glasses to look good. >>deu<< No te retrases. Verspäte dich nicht! Komm nicht zu spät. >>eng<< A safira, gema azulada que emula o arco alto do céu, brilhará e lá a verdejante esmeralda libertará suavemente a luz mais verde e o carbúnculo ardente emitirá raios rosados desde o ouro puro. The sapphire, azure gem that emulates heaven's loftly arch, shall gleam, and softly there the verdant emerald shed its greenest light, and fiery carbuncle flash forth its rosy rays from the pure gold. The sapphire, the bluish gem that emulates the high arc of the sky, will shine and there the emerald green will gently release the greenest light and the fiery carbuncle will emit pink rays from pure gold. >>eng<< Es Tom otra vez. It's Tom again. It's Tom again. >>deu<< Les progrès que j'ai faits en allemand ne sont pas négligeables, n'est-ce pas ? Die Fortschritte, die ich in Deutsch gemacht habe, sind nicht zu verachten, nicht wahr? Die Fortschritte, die ich in deutscher Sprache gemacht habe, sind nicht unerheblich, oder? >>eng<< Lui Tom nu-i place să fie deranjat. Tom doesn't like to be disturbed. Tom doesn't like to be disturbed. >>nld<< Io sono il tuo sole. Ik ben jouw zon. Ik ben jouw zon. >>nld<< C'est parce que tu ne veux pas être seul. Dat is omdat je niet alleen wilt zijn. Dat komt omdat je niet alleen wilt zijn. >>nld<< La terra gira attorno al sole. De aarde draait rond de zon. De aarde draait om de zon. >>eng<< Munere suo bene fungitur. It works well. It is a good fungicide. >>deu<< Qui est l'homme qui a été tué sur cette colline ? Wer ist der Mann, den man auf diesem Hügel getötet hat? Wer ist der Mann, der auf diesem Hügel getötet wurde? >>nld<< Ha lasciato l'Africa per sempre. Hij heeft Afrika voorgoed verlaten. Hij heeft Afrika voorgoed verlaten. >>eng<< Dite a Tom che non ci sarò. Tell Tom I won't be there. Tell Tom I won't be there. >>deu<< A veces es difícil elegir. Ab und zu ist es schwer zu wählen. Manchmal ist es schwierig, sich zu entscheiden. >>nld<< Est-ce que tu te souviens ? Weet je nog? Weet je dat nog? >>nld<< Je voyage beaucoup en été. Ik reis veel in de zomer. Ik reis veel in de zomer. >>eng<< Não há evidências de que Tom tenha disparado a arma. There's no evidence Tom was the one who fired the gun. There's no evidence that Tom fired the gun. >>eng<< Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri. We will die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we'll die. >>eng<< Je le pense du fond du cœur. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I think it from the bottom of my heart. >>deu<< ¿Qué tan a menudo vas a la playa? Wie oft gehst du an den Strand? Wie oft gehen Sie zum Strand? >>eng<< Te estoy muy agradecido por tu consejo. I am very thankful to you for your advice. I am so grateful for your advice. >>eng<< Ten cuidado de tu entorno. Be aware of your surroundings. Take care of your environment. >>eng<< Io voglio ritornare a casa di Tom. I want to go back to Tom's. I want to go back to Tom's house. >>eng<< Anus e curru publico exivit. The old woman exited the bus. The Anus and the Public Race Exited. >>deu<< El tiempo se hace escaso. Die Zeit wird knapp. Die Zeit wird knapp. >>eng<< Vierta el aderezo sobre la ensalada y mezcle suavemente. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently. Pour the dressing over the salad and mix gently. >>eng<< Hanako resultó ser una persona sorprendentemente buena. Hanako turned out to be a surprisingly nice person. Hanako turned out to be a surprisingly good person. >>eng<< Eu tenho doze anos de idade. I'm twelve. I'm twelve years old. >>deu<< Ele estava procurando alguma coisa no escuro. Er suchte etwas im Dunkeln. Er suchte nach etwas im Dunkeln. >>eng<< O Malaui declarou uma catástrofe nacional em áreas atingidas esta semana pelo Ciclone Ana, que matou pelo menos 19 pessoas no país e também causou inúmeras vítimas em Madagáscar, Moçambique e Zimbabué. Malawi has declared a national disaster in areas hit this week by Cyclone Ana, which killed at least 19 people in the country and also caused scores of casualties in Madagascar, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. Malawi declared a national catastrophe in areas hit this week by Cyclone Ana, which killed at least 19 people in the country and also caused countless casualties in Madagascar, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. >>deu<< Nous n'avons pas la moindre objection à ce que tu adhères à notre cercle. Wir haben keinerlei Einwände dagegen, dass du unserem Club beitrittst. Wir haben nicht den geringsten Einwand, dass Sie unserem Kreis beitreten. >>eng<< Eu não conheço a prefeita, mas gostaria de conhecê-la. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet her. >>eng<< Avem in tecto video. I see a bird on the roof. We've got video on the ceiling. >>nld<< Vous habitez à Belfast. Jullie wonen in Belfast. Je woont in Belfast. >>eng<< Il cancello non era chiuso a chiave. The gate was unlocked. The gate was not locked. >>nld<< Admitieron que estaban angustiadas. Ze gaven toe dat ze verontrust waren. Ze gaven toe dat ze bedroefd waren. >>deu<< Perché devo subire questa tortura? Warum muss ich diese Folter erdulden? Warum muss ich diese Folter erleiden? >>eng<< Ai fost vreodată în Brazilia? Have you ever been in Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? >>eng<< El río se desbordó. The river overflowed. The river overflowed. >>eng<< A manga esquerda de Tom estava rasgada. Tom's left sleeve was torn. Tom's left sleeve was torn. >>eng<< ¿Cuáles son tus impresiones de los nuevos miembros del staff? What are your impressions of the new staff members? What are your impressions of the new staff members? >>nld<< Todo lo que puedes imaginar es real. Alles wat je je kunt voorstellen is echt. Alles wat je je kunt voorstellen is echt. >>eng<< Yanni era una persona debole. Yanni was a weak person. Yanni was a weak person. >>eng<< O governo está a tomar medidas para acalmar a agitação dos eleitores face à inflação acentuada. The government is taking steps to quell voter unrest over surging inflation. The government is taking steps to calm voter agitation over sharp inflation. >>eng<< Aqueth líber prim qu'ei lo men. This thin book is mine. This is the first Liberator he has. >>eng<< Tom dove ha preso questa macchina? Where did Tom get this car? Tom, where did you get this car? >>nld<< ¿Crees que los peces pueden oír? Denk jij dat vissen kunnen horen? Denk je dat vissen het kunnen horen? >>eng<< As autoridades dizem que os incêndios têm sido ateados por estudantes e avisaram que qualquer estudante apanhado num ato de fogo posto será excluído do sistema educativo. Authorities say the fires are being set by students, and have warned that any student caught in an act of arson will be locked out of the education system. Authorities say the fires have been set by students and have warned that any student caught in an act of fire set will be excluded from the education system. >>eng<< Nos tempos do coronavírus, o Vietname reequipou uma fábrica de telemóveis para produzir em massa os ventiladores tão vitais. In the time of the coronavirus, Vietnam has retooled a smartphone factory to churn out life-critical ventilators. In the times of the coronavirus, Vietnam re-equipped a mobile phone factory to mass-produce the vital fans. >>eng<< Sentiens Lia quod parere desisset, sumpsit Zelpham ancillam suam et tradidit eam Iacob in uxorem. Quæ peperit Iacob filium. Dixitque Lia: “Feliciter!”; et idcirco vocavit nomen eius Gad. Lia perceiving that she had left of bearing, gave Zelpha, her handmaid, to her husband. And when she had conceived, and brought forth a son, she said: Happily. And therefore called his name Gad. And when Leah saw that she had left childbearing, she took Zilpah her maidservant, and gave her to Jacob to be her wife; and she bare Jacob a son. And Leah said, Happy. And she called his name Gad. >>eng<< Tom se ha enamorado de Mary. Tom has fallen in love with Mary. Tom fell in love with Mary. >>eng<< È stata una gioia che non mi sarei mai aspettato. It's been a joy I never expected to happen. It was a joy I never expected. >>deu<< Les affaires sont dans la voiture de papa. Die Sachen sind in Papas Auto. Die Sachen sind in Dads Auto. >>eng<< «¿Me lo prometes?» «Sí, te lo prometo.» "Do you promise?" "Yes, I promise." “Do you promise me?” “Yes, I promise you.” >>eng<< Il ne m'est jamais arrivé que la corde casse. I have never known the string snap on me. It never happened to me that the rope broke. >>deu<< Oí decir que se había casado. Ich habe jemanden sagen hören, dass sie geheiratet hätte. Ich habe gehört, dass sie geheiratet hat. >>eng<< Quero falar com você quando estiver vestida. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you when you're dressed. >>deu<< Cette usine fut en son temps l'un des bâtiments industriels les plus modernes d'Europe. Diese Fabrik war seinerzeit eines der modernsten Industriegebäude Europas. Diese Fabrik war einst eines der modernsten Industriegebäude Europas. >>eng<< Este escritor criou uma nova linguagem. This writer created a new language. This writer has created a new language. >>eng<< Ho sempre cercato di capire le intenzioni delle persone. I've always tried to understand people's intentions. I've always tried to understand people's intentions. >>nld<< Prévois-tu d'acquérir cette voiture ? Ben je van plan die auto te kopen? Ben je van plan deze auto te kopen? >>deu<< Mais il a été chanceux. Aber er hatte Glück. Aber er hatte Glück. >>nld<< C'est dommage que tu ne puisses pas venir. Het is een zonde dat je niet kan komen. Jammer dat je niet kunt komen. >>eng<< Est-ce que ça se recycle ? Does it recycle? Does it recycle? >>deu<< Elle a les cheveux roux. Sie hat rote Haare. Sie hat rote Haare. >>eng<< Nous devons vraiment accélérer. We've really got to step on it. We really need to accelerate. >>deu<< Mi tierra natal es la lengua portuguesa. Meine Heimat ist die portugiesische Sprache. Meine Heimat ist die portugiesische Sprache. >>deu<< L'anno scorso ho letto più di cinquecento libri. Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich mehr als fünfhundert Bücher gelesen. Letztes Jahr habe ich mehr als 500 Bücher gelesen. >>eng<< Você consegue contar até dez em francês? Can you count to ten in French? Can you count to ten in French? >>deu<< J'ai entendu parler de lui, mais je ne le connais pas personnellement. Ich habe von ihm gehört, aber ich kenne ihn nicht persönlich. Ich habe von ihm gehört, aber ich kenne ihn nicht persönlich. >>eng<< Tu as un niveau avancé ou débutant ? Do you have an advanced or beginner level? Do you have an advanced or beginner level? >>nld<< Tu vas grossir si tu manges tant. Je zal verdikken als je zoveel eet. Je wordt dik als je zoveel eet. >>eng<< Perché queste cose succedono sempre a me? Why do these things always happen to me? Why do these things always happen to me? >>eng<< Tom a fost în Boston timp de o săptămână. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom was in Boston for a week. >>deu<< Tom e Mary não sabem que o John é casado. Tom und Maria wissen nicht, dass Johannes verheiratet ist. Tom und Mary wissen nicht, dass John verheiratet ist. >>eng<< Como foi a prova de matemática? How was the math test? How was the math test? >>eng<< Tom mandou umas flores para Maria. Tom sent Mary some flowers. Tom sent some flowers to Maria. >>eng<< Tom era in grande fretta. Tom was in a great hurry. Tom was in a hurry. >>eng<< Pranzerò presto. I'll eat lunch soon. I'll have lunch soon. >>nld<< Sei vicino a me, adesso tutto va bene. Je staat aan mijn kant, nu is alles goed. Je bent dicht bij me, nu is alles in orde. >>deu<< Je suis tellement débordé par le travail. Ich bin so überarbeitet. Ich bin so überwältigt von der Arbeit. >>eng<< Ho dimenticato di chiudere a chiave la porta. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. >>deu<< Non ho spento la luce. Ich habe das Licht nicht ausgemacht. Ich habe das Licht nicht ausgeschaltet. >>eng<< La capitale dell'Azerbaijan è Baku. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku. >>eng<< Contextul este important. The context is important. Context is important. >>eng<< Segundo os meios de comunicação locais, o "problema técnico" que suscitou o adiamento do lançamento foi uma fuga de combustível no foguetão. According to local media, the "technical snag" that prompted the postponement of the launch was a fuel leak in the rocket. According to local media, the "technical problem" that prompted the delay of the launch was a fuel leak in the rocket. >>eng<< Podries deixar de parlar de menjar? Will you please stop talking about food? Can you stop talking about food? >>eng<< Tim escribe como si fuera zurdo. Tim writes as if he were left-handed. Tim writes as if he were left-handed. >>eng<< Le finestre sono aperte e la nostra casa è illuminata. The windows are open and our house is bright. The windows are open and our house is lit. >>deu<< Il y a eu un terrible accident sur l'autoroute. Auf der Autobahn gab es einen schrecklichen Unfall. Es gab einen schrecklichen Unfall auf der Autobahn. >>deu<< Lo hace por amor al arte. Sie macht es aus Liebe zur Kunst. Er tut es aus Liebe zur Kunst. >>eng<< Thoman dormientem putabamus. We thought Tom was sleeping. Thomson is sleeping. >>eng<< Un prince vint sur un cheval blanc. A prince came on a white horse. A prince came on a white horse. >>deu<< Tom n'en a pas la moindre idée. Tom hat nicht die geringste Ahnung. Tom hat keine Ahnung. >>deu<< Ut soror tua valet? Wie geht es deiner Schwester? Deine Schwester als Dienerin? >>deu<< Tom m'a salué. Tom hat mich gegrüßt. Tom hat mich gegrüßt. >>deu<< Você tem muito que fazer? Hast du viel zu tun? Hast du viel zu tun? >>eng<< Incollate il collegamento. Paste the link. Paste the link. >>eng<< Id bibere volo. I want to drink it. I'm going to drink. >>nld<< Ella descubrió un nuevo y colorido mundo. Zij ontdekte een nieuwe, kleurrijke wereld. Ze ontdekte een nieuwe, kleurrijke wereld. >>eng<< Non sto condividendo questo con loro. I'm not sharing this with them. I'm not sharing this with them. >>eng<< Il y a du soleil et il fait chaud. It's sunny and it's hot. It's sunny and it's hot. >>eng<< I sai nèn përchè ch'i dev fé sòn-sì. I don't know why I have to do this. You don't have to believe it, you do. >>eng<< È bisessuale. Ne sono sicura al cento per cento. He's bisexual. I'm one hundred per cent sure of it. He's bisexual, I'm 100 percent sure. >>deu<< Mon frère a un chien. Mein Bruder hat einen Hund. Mein Bruder hat einen Hund. >>eng<< Relaxe por um minuto. Relax for a minute. Relax for a minute. >>deu<< Andamos pela cidade. Wir sind durch die Stadt gefahren. Wir sind durch die Stadt gegangen. >>eng<< Non fa parte del piano ufficiale. That's not part of the official plan. It's not part of the official plan. >>eng<< Non è l'unica cosa che devo fare. That's not the only thing I have to do. That's not the only thing I have to do. >>deu<< Hi ha un home a la porta que et vol veure. Da ist ein Mann an der Tür, der dich sehen will. Da ist ein Mann an der Tür, der dich sehen will. >>deu<< Pourriez-vous me faire une faveur ? Würden Sie mir einen Gefallen tun? Würden Sie mir einen Gefallen tun? >>nld<< Déjame ayudar. Laat me helpen. Laat me je helpen. >>eng<< Pourquoi Dan est-il si violent? Why is Dan so violent? Why is Dan so violent? >>eng<< C’est un sosie. He is a lookalike. He is an asshole. >>deu<< Moltes gràcies. Danke schön. Vielen Dank. >>eng<< Thomas potionem Arabicam bibit. Tom is drinking some coffee. Thomas had a drink of Arabic. >>deu<< Bisogna che io mi lavi i denti. Ich muss mir die Zähne putzen. Ich muss mir die Zähne putzen. >>deu<< Nous ne craignons rien ni personne. Wir fürchten nichts und niemanden. Wir fürchten nichts und niemanden. >>deu<< C'est terminé. Es ist abgeschlossen. Es ist vorbei. >>deu<< Deve essere pazza. Sie müssen wahnsinnig sein. Sie muss verrückt sein. >>eng<< Então tomou queijo fresco e leite e o bezerro que mandara preparar, e pôs tudo diante deles, ficando em pé ao lado deles debaixo da árvore enquanto comiam. Then he took fresh cheese and milk and the calf which he had had prepared, set them all before them, and stood beside them under the tree while they ate. And he took fresh cheese, and milk, and the calf which he had commanded to be prepared, and set it all before them, and stood by them under the tree while they were eating. >>deu<< A lei piace il pianoforte? Gefällt Ihnen das Piano? Mögen Sie Klavier? >>eng<< Que va fer ella amb tots els diners? What did she do with all the money? What did she do with all the money? >>eng<< Primeiro, verifique se as informações são corretas. First, make sure the information's correct. First, make sure the information is correct. >>deu<< ¿En qué cama duermo yo? In welchem Bett schlafe ich? In welchem Bett schlafe ich? >>eng<< As crianças estão brincando na piscina com uma bola inflável. The children are playing in the pool with a beach ball. The kids are playing in the pool with an inflatable ball. >>deu<< Nous nous sommes disputés pendant les vacances. Während der Ferien haben wir uns gestritten. Wir haben uns in den Ferien gestritten. >>eng<< Non può fare a meno di avere dei dubbi su di lui. She can't help but have doubts about him. You can't help but have doubts about him. >>deu<< Em todo boato existe alguma espécie de verdade. An jedem Gerücht ist irgendetwas Wahres dran. In jedem Gerücht steckt eine Art Wahrheit. >>nld<< Para empezar, tienes que dejar de fumar. Eerst moet je ophouden met roken. Om te beginnen moet je stoppen met roken. >>nld<< Le advertiré. Ik zal hem verwittigen. Ik waarschuw je. >>eng<< Columbarum pennae albae sunt. The pigeons' feathers are white. The pens are white. >>eng<< Meu gosto musical, pelo menos, eu não considero tão mau assim. My taste in music, at least, I don't consider it that bad. My musical taste, at least, I don’t consider it that bad. >>eng<< Știi de ce a lipsit el de la oră astăzi? Do you know why he skipped class today? Do you know why he missed class today? >>eng<< Veuillez serrer mes doigts. Please squeeze my fingers. Please squeeze my fingers. >>deu<< Gallus canit. Der Franzose singt. Gallus singt. >>eng<< Quel État as-tu visité et combien de temps es-tu restée ? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? Which state did you visit and how long did you stay? >>eng<< Uma das coisas que fizemos na Universidade de Pittsburgh foi utilizar a analogia desportiva, o que, como sabem, não é algo que nós inventámos. One of the things that we did at the University of Pittsburgh was we used the sports analogy, which, you know, is not something we came up with. One of the things we did at the University of Pittsburgh was to use the sports analogy, which, as you know, is not something we invented. >>eng<< Hace una prueba del motor todos los días. He does an engine test every day. He does an engine test every day. >>deu<< Accomodatevi. Nehmt Platz. Setzen Sie sich. >>nld<< Ese pulpo regresó al mar sin ser devorado. De octopus keerde terug naar de zee, zonder opgegeten te worden. Die octopus ging terug naar de zee zonder opgegeten te worden. >>nld<< O que é isto? Wat is dat? Wat is dit? >>deu<< Mercurio è un pianeta piccolo. Der Merkur ist ein kleiner Planet. Merkur ist ein kleiner Planet. >>eng<< Dure accepit hoc Abraham propter filium suum. Abraham took this grievously for his son. And it was hard for Abraham because of his son. >>eng<< Non ho ancora finito di leggere il libro. I'm still not finished reading this book. I haven't finished reading the book yet. >>eng<< Tom se preguntó por qué Mary no le había contado al respecto. Tom wondered why Mary didn't tell him about it. Tom wondered why Mary hadn’t told him about it. >>nld<< Lui nuota. Hij zwemt. Hij zwemt. >>deu<< ¡Mejor que cerrés el pico! Du hältst besser den Mund! Schließen Sie besser den Schnabel! >>nld<< Laisse Marie tranquille ! Laat Maria met rust! Laat Marie met rust. >>deu<< Abbiamo avuto un vasto pubblico. Wir hatten ein großes Publikum. Wir hatten ein großes Publikum. >>nld<< Qui d'autre est allé avec Tom ? Wie is er nog met Tom meegegaan? Wie is er nog meer met Tom meegegaan? >>nld<< Sabía que se podía confiar en ti. Ik wist dat ik je kon vertrouwen. Ik wist dat je vertrouwd kon worden. >>eng<< Ajudem-me a levar as malas. Help me carry the suitcases. Help me carry my bags. >>deu<< La seule différence entre un fou et moi, c'est que je ne suis pas fou. Der einzige Unterschied zwischen mir und einem Verrückten ist der, dass ich nicht verrückt bin. Der einzige Unterschied zwischen mir und einem Verrückten ist, dass ich nicht verrückt bin. >>deu<< Él fue a caminar antes de desayunar. Vor dem Frühstück ging er spazieren. Er ging spazieren, bevor er frühstückte. >>eng<< Tom gostava de futebol. Tom liked soccer. Tom liked football. >>nld<< El aroma a rosas llenaba la habitación. De geur van rozen vulde de kamer. De geur van rozen vulde de kamer. >>eng<< Ne mangez pas pendant le cours. Do not eat during class. Do not eat during class. >>eng<< Pintaram-se nuvens no teto. The ceiling was painted with clouds. Clouds were painted on the ceiling. >>eng<< Ce l'ha in verde? Do you have it in green? Do you have it in green? >>eng<< Voy a escribir una novela. I'm going to write a novel. I'm going to write a novel. >>deu<< Me pregunto si yo fui hecho para este mundo. Ich frage mich, ob ich für diese Welt gemacht bin. Ich frage mich, ob ich für diese Welt geschaffen bin. >>deu<< Je vais te confier un secret. Ich werde dir ein Geheimnis anvertrauen. Ich werde dir ein Geheimnis anvertrauen. >>eng<< Nous nous rendîmes à Rome où nous séjournâmes une semaine. We went to Rome, where we stayed a week. We went to Rome where we stayed for a week. >>nld<< Meu irmão é rico. Mijn broer is rijk. Mijn broer is rijk. >>nld<< Je dois prendre un peu de sommeil. Ik heb een beetje slaap nodig. Ik moet even slapen. >>eng<< Voici mon ordinateur. This is my computer. This is my computer. >>eng<< Vous êtes en vacances ici ? Are you on vacation here? Are you on holiday here? >>eng<< Tom i-a lăsat ceva mâncare lui Mary. Tom left some food for Mary. Tom left Mary some food. >>deu<< Io non sono proprio così affamato. Ich habe wirklich nicht so viel Hunger. Ich bin nicht so hungrig. >>eng<< Reacción de un darwinista al leer sobre el proceso de fertilización humana en un libro de texto de biología molecular: - ¡Qué poderosa es la selección natural! ¡La mente del autor de este libro evolucionó a partir de la mente de un primate! A Darwinist's reaction when reading about the human fertilization process in a molecular biology textbook: – How powerful natural selection is! The mind of the author of this book evolved from a primate's mind! A Darwinist's reaction to reading about the process of human fertilization in a molecular biology textbook: - How powerful is natural selection! The author's mind evolved from the mind of a primate! >>nld<< He vist saltar l'home. Ik heb de man zien springen. Ik zag de man springen. >>nld<< Mi padre atrapó tres peces ayer. Mijn vader heeft gisteren drie vissen gevangen. Mijn vader heeft gisteren drie vissen gevangen. >>eng<< Quando uma palavra indelicada é proferida, uma palavra irrefletida, é melhor dessintonizar. When an unkind word is said, a thoughtless word, it's best to tune out. When an indelicate word is uttered, an unthinking word, it is better to detonate. >>eng<< Tom est élégant. Tom is handsome. Tom is elegant. >>deu<< ¿Ha estado alguna vez en París? Waren Sie jemals in Paris? Waren Sie schon einmal in Paris? >>eng<< Eu estava escrevendo uma carta quando ele veio. When he came, I was writing a letter. I was writing a letter when he came. >>deu<< N'hésite pas à me dire si tu as besoin de quelque chose. Zögere nicht mir zu sagen, wenn du etwas brauchst. Zögern Sie nicht, mir zu sagen, ob Sie etwas brauchen. >>nld<< La habitación estaba templada. De kamer was warm. De kamer was gematigd. >>deu<< Ouça-me cuidadosamente com seu livro fechado. Jetzt hörst du mir mal aufmerksam zu, und dein Buch ist dabei geschlossen. Hören Sie mir mit Ihrem verschlossenen Buch aufmerksam zu. >>eng<< O vinho acabou. We're out of wine. The wine's over. >>nld<< Il n'y a aucune chance. Er bestaat geen enkele kans. Er is geen kans. >>nld<< Porecla mea este Tom. Mijn schuilnaam is Tom. Mijn bijnaam is Tom. >>deu<< Les pregunté cómo estuvo la cena, pero nadie me contestó. Ich fragte sie, wie das Abendessen gewesen ist, aber niemand antwortete mir. Ich fragte sie, wie das Abendessen war, aber niemand antwortete mir. >>eng<< Te quiero amar. I want to love you. I want to love you. >>eng<< Que devrais-tu faire si tu gagnais 1 million d’euros ? What should you do if you won a million euros? What would you do if you earned $1 million? >>deu<< O estômago e os intestinos delgado e grosso formam o sistema digestivo. Der Magen sowie der Dünn- und Dickdarm bilden das Verdauungssystem. Der Magen und der Dünndarm bilden das Verdauungssystem. >>deu<< Nenhum de nós tem irmãos. Keiner von uns hat Brüder. Keiner von uns hat Brüder. >>deu<< Dove abiti ora? Wo wohnst du jetzt? Wo wohnst du jetzt? >>deu<< Émilie a volé mon cœur. Emily hat mein Herz gestohlen. Emilie hat mein Herz gestohlen. >>deu<< L'économie du pays est sur le point de s'effondrer. Die Wirtschaft des Landes steht vor dem Zusammenbruch Die Wirtschaft des Landes steht kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch. >>eng<< Si quisquam, Cato sapiens fuit. If anybody was ever wise, Cato was. If you want, Cato Sapiens will run away. >>deu<< Elle a égaré un livre. Sie hat ein Buch verloren. Sie hat ein Buch verloren. >>nld<< Nos quedamos toda la noche hablando. We bleven de hele nacht praten. We bleven de hele nacht praten. >>nld<< Se piove domani staremo a casa. Als het morgen regent, blijven we thuis. Als het morgen regent, blijven we thuis. >>eng<< È necessario che io lo legga? Is it necessary for me to read this? Do I need to read it? >>nld<< No puedo dormir con este alboroto. Ik kan niet slapen met al dit lawaai. Ik kan niet slapen met dit gedoe. >>eng<< Sembra che tu abbia imparato molto. It seems you learned a lot. Looks like you've learned a lot. >>deu<< Aquele momento em que você está muito ocupada fazendo nada e alguém te interrompe. Gerade dann, wenn man ganz damit beschäftigt ist, nichts zu tun, unterbricht einen jemand. Dieser Moment, in dem du zu beschäftigt bist, nichts zu tun, und jemand dich unterbricht. >>deu<< Il tuo sistema di credenze è alla base delle tue decisioni. Dein Glaubenssystem ist die Grundlage deiner Entscheidungen. Ihr Glaubenssystem ist die Grundlage Ihrer Entscheidungen. >>eng<< La moustache, c’est pour les pédés. The mustache is for fags. The moustache is for pussies. >>eng<< Maintenant, j'en sais beaucoup plus qu'avant. Now I know much more than before. Now I know a lot more than before. >>eng<< Mulțumim! Thanks! Thank you! >>eng<< No olvides barrer la cocina. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen. >>eng<< Oceanus Atlanticus Americam ab Europa disiungit. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. The Atlantic Ocean is divided from Europe. >>deu<< Ela pôs os óculos escuros para proteger seus olhos da luz solar. Sie setzte eine dunkle Brille auf, um ihre Augen vor dem Sonnenlicht zu schützen. Sie trug eine Sonnenbrille, um ihre Augen vor Sonnenlicht zu schützen. >>deu<< En tant que journaliste, j'ai voulu savoir. Als Journalist wollte ich wissen. Als Journalist wollte ich es wissen. >>eng<< Quels âges ont tes enfants ? How old are your kids? How old are your children? >>deu<< Non merci ! Je ne mange pas de fruits. Nein, danke! Ich esse kein Obst. Nein, ich esse keine Früchte. >>eng<< In casa era tutto sottosopra. Everything in the house was upside down. At home it was all upside down. >>eng<< Le ho dato tutto il mio cuore. I gave her all my heart. I gave her all my heart. >>eng<< Pienso que sería bueno hablar una vez más con el jefe. I think it would be good to talk once more with the boss. I think it would be nice to talk to the boss again. >>nld<< No importa. Maakt niet uit. Maakt niet uit. >>nld<< Tom face o treabă bună în condiții foarte dificile. Tom presteert goed onder heel moeilijke omstandigheden. Tom doet goed werk in zeer moeilijke omstandigheden. >>eng<< Noi abbiamo bisogno di denaro per fare qualsiasi cosa. We need money to do anything. We need money to do anything. >>eng<< Si la masturbation était un crime, l'humanité toute entière serait dans le couloir de la mort. If masturbation were a crime, all of humanity would be on death row. If masturbation were a crime, all of humanity would be on death row. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es el apellido de Tomás? What's Tom's last name? What is Tom's last name? >>deu<< Marie était dehors. Marie war draußen. Marie war draußen. >>eng<< Acha que esta porta alguma vez foi aberta? Do you think this door has ever been opened? Do you think this door was ever opened? >>deu<< Não olhe para mim! Beachten Sie mich gar nicht! Sieh mich nicht an! >>nld<< Questa è mia moglie Anda. Dat is mijn vrouw Anda. Dit is mijn vrouw Anda. >>eng<< Io non sono mai stata a Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. >>deu<< A questa considerazione si può obiettare con una frase di Bert Brecht:» Ognuno parli della propria vergogna». Dieser Überlegung kann man einen Satz von Bert Brecht entgegenhalten: "Es rede jeder von seiner eigenen Schande ". Gegen diese Betrachtung kann man mit einem Satz von Bert Brecht einwenden: »Jeder redet von seiner eigenen Scham<0xC2><0xAB>. >>deu<< Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à les poser. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht, sie zu stellen! Wenn Sie Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht, sie zu stellen. >>eng<< È stata una storia davvero tragica. It was a really tragic story. It was a really tragic story. >>nld<< Toute cellule provient d'une autre cellule. Elke cel komt uit een cel. Elke cel komt uit een andere cel. >>nld<< Me lavo los dientes; me peino. Ik poets mijn tanden, ik kam mij. Ik poets mijn tanden, ik kam. >>eng<< Ils étaient mécontents de sa décision. They were angered at his decision. They were dissatisfied with his decision. >>deu<< La vie est la tombe dans laquelle je tourne et me retourne. Das Leben ist das Grab, in dem ich mich wieder und wieder umdrehe. Das Leben ist das Grab, in dem ich mich umdrehe und mich umdrehe. >>nld<< Empezó a nevar. Het is begonnen te sneeuwen. Het begon te sneeuwen. >>eng<< Somos pessoas, também. We're people, too. We're people, too. >>eng<< Je vais être fatigué. I'm going to be tired. I'm gonna be tired. >>deu<< Ulls que no veuen, cor que no sent. Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn. Augen, die nicht sehen, Herzen, die nicht hören. >>deu<< Dapprima, desidero comunicare una grave preoccupazione. Zunächst möchte ich meine ernste Besorgnis zum Ausdruck bringen. Zunächst möchte ich eine ernste Besorgnis ausdrücken. >>eng<< Sono nato qui in Australia. I was born here in Australia. I was born here in Australia. >>eng<< "¡Tom, no tomes eso!" "Pero dijiste que es un coctel." "¡Es un coctel molotov!" "Tom, don't drink that!" "But you said it was a cocktail." "It's a Molotov cocktail!" "Tom, don't take that!" "But you said it's a cocktail." "It's a Molotov cocktail!" >>deu<< Los neutrones pasan de todo. Neutronen gehen durch alles hindurch. Neutronen passieren alles. >>deu<< C'est à peu près la phrase que j'aimerais écrire. Das ist so ungefähr der Satz, den ich schreiben möchte. Das ist ungefähr der Satz, den ich schreiben möchte. >>eng<< Non c'è scusa che tenga. There can be no possible excuse. There's no excuse I have. >>deu<< C'était l'été et le temps était chaud. Es war Sommer und das Wetter war warm. Es war Sommer und das Wetter war heiß. >>eng<< A empresa disse que o vídeo visava celebrar a diversidade — a legenda chamou-lhe uma "bela confluência de duas religiões, tradições e culturas diferentes". The company said the video was meant to celebrate diversity — the caption called it a “beautiful confluence of two different religions, traditions and cultures.” The company said the video aimed to celebrate diversity — the caption called it a “beautiful confluence of two different religions, traditions and cultures.” >>eng<< Nós dois rimos. We both laughed. We both laughed. >>eng<< Desatadme. Untie me. Untie me. >>eng<< Je vous ai regardée étudier. I've been watching you study. I watched you study. >>deu<< Je suis désolé, ce vol est plein. Tut mir leid, der Flug ist voll. Tut mir leid, der Flug ist voll. >>deu<< Tom ne sait pas exactement, quand il y arrivera. Tom weiß nicht genau, wann er dort ankommen wird. Tom weiß nicht genau, wann das passieren wird. >>eng<< Ele desistiu de sua antiga carreira para se tornar jogador de xadrez em tempo integral. He gave up his old career to become a full-time chess player. He gave up his former career to become a full-time chess player. >>eng<< Utraque puella risit. Both girls laughed. The girl laughed. >>nld<< El problema es que él no tiene dinero. Het probleem is dat hij geen geld heeft. Het probleem is dat hij geen geld heeft. >>eng<< Tom está procurando a chave de seu carro. Tom is looking for his car keys. Tom's looking for his car key. >>eng<< Tengo dos libros. I've got two books. I have two books. >>eng<< Ar trebui să ne oprim. We should stop. We should stop. >>eng<< Eu não acho que isso é amor. I don't think that's love. I don't think that's love. >>eng<< Si satis pecuniae haberem, hoc instrumentum photographicum emere potuerim. If I had enough money, I could buy this camera. If we had enough money, we could use this photographic instrument. >>eng<< Ci siamo veramente divertite molto. We really had a lot of fun. We really had a lot of fun. >>nld<< Tom habla un Japonés fluido. Tom spreekt vloeiend Japans. Tom spreekt vloeiend Japans. >>nld<< Me dio comida y dinero. Hij gaf mij voedsel en geld. Hij gaf me eten en geld. >>eng<< Non è disponibile alcuna cura. No cure is available. There is no cure available. >>deu<< Tom quase nunca se comporta de acordo com sua idade. Tom benimmt sich fast nie seinem Alter entsprechend. Tom verhält sich fast nie nach seinem Alter. >>deu<< Eu gosto disto. Das gefällt mir. Das gefällt mir. >>eng<< Quandō uxōrem dūxistī? When did you marry? When are you going to get rid of it? >>eng<< O software é extremamente robusto e está cheio de funcionalidades. The software is extremely robust and full-featured. The software is extremely robust and full of features. >>deu<< Senza il sole non potremmo vivere sulla terra. Ohne Sonne können wir auf der Erde nicht leben. Ohne die Sonne könnten wir nicht auf der Erde leben. >>nld<< Los llamaré cuando regrese mañana. Ik bel ze morgen, wanneer ik weer terug ben. Ik bel je als ik morgen terug ben. >>eng<< Per favore, dille di partire. Please tell her to leave. Please tell her to leave. >>deu<< Mon oui est plus qu'un non au non. Mein Ja ist mehr als ein Nein zum Nein. Mein Ja ist mehr als ein Nein zum Nein. >>deu<< Gli manca qualche rotella. Er hat eine Schraube locker. Ihm fehlt ein paar Räder. >>eng<< Ele faltou à escola por uma semana. He was absent from school for a week. He missed school for a week. >>eng<< Somos mejores. We're better. We're better. >>eng<< Desliguem essa TV agora! Turn off that TV now! Turn off that TV now! >>eng<< Tom quería que me quedara con él. Tom wanted me to stay with him. Tom wanted me to stay with him. >>nld<< El muchacho estaba tirado encima del sofá. Het kind lag op de bank. De jongen lag op de bank. >>deu<< ¿Te dio el médico algo para el dolor? Hat dir der Arzt etwas gegen die Schmerzen gegeben? Hat Ihnen der Arzt etwas gegen die Schmerzen gegeben? >>eng<< Comment s'appelle ton groupe ? What's the name of your band? What's your band name? >>eng<< ¿Puedes mostrarme cómo se ocupa esta cámara? Will you show me how to use this camera? Can you show me how this camera works? >>eng<< Il fait un temps horrible aujourd'hui. It is terrible weather today. It's a horrible weather today. >>eng<< Vous pouvez partir. You may go. You can leave. >>eng<< Estoy estudiando francés e inglés. I'm studying French and English. I am studying French and English. >>eng<< Ai ieșit aseară? Did you go out last night? Did you go out last night? >>eng<< La plupart des Suisses parlent deux ou trois langues. Most Swiss citizens speak two or three languages. Most Swiss speak two or three languages. >>eng<< O ressurgimento das inoculações contra a varíola nos Estados Unidos traz de volta uma vacina considerada a mais perigosa de todas. The revival of smallpox inoculations in the United States brings back a vaccine considered the most dangerous of all. The resurgence of smallpox inoculations in the United States brings back a vaccine considered the most dangerous of all. >>nld<< Nous sommes mari et femme. We zijn een echtpaar. We zijn man en vrouw. >>eng<< O editorial do BMJ descreve a opressão contra as mulheres e raparigas como tratando-se de uma grande injustiça que é insidiosa, sistemática e generalizada. The BMJ editorial describes oppression against women and girls as a great injustice that is insidious, systematic and widespread. The BMJ editorial describes the oppression of women and girls as a great injustice that is insidious, systematic and widespread. >>deu<< Il conduttore è già di fronte all'orchestra. Der Dirigent steht bereits vor dem Orchester. Der Dirigent steht bereits vor dem Orchester. >>nld<< Este deja unsprezece. Het is al 11 uur. Het is al elf. >>eng<< Le Brésil avait un joueur de football nommé Bauer, mais ce n'était pas un pion, c'était un roi sur le terrain. Brazil had a football player named Bauer, but he was not a pawn, he was a king on the field. Brazil had a football player named Bauer, but he was not a pawn, he was a king on the field. >>eng<< Un diccionario define palabras. A dictionary defines words. A dictionary defines words. >>deu<< C'è sporcizia dappertutto. Überall ist Schmutz. Überall ist Dreck. >>eng<< Acea noapte a fost foarte friguroasă. That night was very cold. That night was very cold. >>nld<< Mi rimangono a malapena dei soldi. Ik heb nauwelijks nog wat geld over. Ik heb amper geld over. >>deu<< Depuis toujours, elle rêvait de devenir joueuse d'échecs professionnelle. Sie hatte immer davon geträumt, eine professionelle Schachspielerin zu werden. Seit jeher träumte sie davon, professionelle Schachspielerin zu werden. >>eng<< Estne confectum in Helvetia? Was it made in Switzerland? Is it made in Switzerland? >>eng<< Hai să plecăm când eşti pregătit. Let's leave when you are ready. Let's go when you're ready. >>deu<< Che fiori meravigliosi! Was für wunderbare Blumen! Was für wunderschöne Blumen! >>nld<< Todas as flores no jardim são amarelas. Alle bloemen in de tuin zijn geel. Alle bloemen in de tuin zijn geel. >>eng<< Aprender Toki Pona é um grande desafio para mim. Learning Toki Pona is a big challenge for me. Learning Toki Pona is a big challenge for me. >>eng<< Alí le dio like a una foto mía en Facebook. Ali liked one of my pictures on Facebook. There she liked a picture of me on Facebook. >>deu<< Por que você veio à Malásia? Warum bist du nach Malaysia gekommen? Warum sind Sie nach Malaysia gekommen? >>eng<< Tu ne peux pas admettre ta défaite. You can't give up. You can't admit your defeat. >>eng<< Los baños no están en el foro. The baths are not in the forum. Bathrooms are not on the forum. >>eng<< «¡Ya te echo de menos!» «¡Pero si todavía no me he ido!» "I already miss you!" "But I haven't even left yet!" “I miss you already!” “But I haven’t left yet!” >>eng<< Kevin May, membro da equipa do museu, escava em vários terrenos pré-históricos no Alasca. Museum team member Kevin May excavates at various prehistoric sites in Alaska. Kevin May, a member of the museum’s team, excavates several prehistoric sites in Alaska. >>eng<< Eso es lo que soy. I am that. That's who I am. >>nld<< Ayúdame. Help me. Help me. >>eng<< Esse é o livro que eu achava que eu tinha perdido. That's the book I thought I'd lost. This is the book I thought I had lost. >>eng<< O Presidente da República sancionou a nova lei. The President of the Republic sanctioned the new law. The President of the Republic passed the new law. >>nld<< J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Ik ben mijn wachtwoord vergeten! Ik ben mijn wachtwoord vergeten. >>eng<< ¿Cuántas millas caminaste? How many miles did you walk? How many miles did you walk? >>eng<< Por favor, cállate. Just please be quiet. Please shut up. >>eng<< Il n'aime pas se battre. He doesn't like fighting. He doesn't like to fight. >>eng<< Chá com limão, por favor. A tea with lemon, please. Lemon tea, please. >>deu<< ¿Ya has leído este libro? Hast du dieses Buch schon gelesen? Hast du dieses Buch schon gelesen? >>eng<< Tom está alimentando a las vacas. Tom is feeding the cows. Tom's feeding the cows. >>deu<< Tom oyó que Mary estaba enferma. Tom hörte, dass Maria krank ist. Tom hörte, dass Mary krank war. >>nld<< Sunt destul de sigură că nu vreau să mă căsătoresc cu tine. Ik ben heel zeker dat ik niet met je wil trouwen. Ik weet vrij zeker dat ik niet met je wil trouwen. >>eng<< Tem um gato na mesa. There is a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. >>nld<< Siéntate derecho. Zit recht! Ga rechtop zitten. >>eng<< ¿Qué hace aquí este niño? What's that kid doing here? What's this kid doing here? >>eng<< Puedes hablarme en cualquiera de mis idiomas, pero me siento más cómodo con el francés. You can talk with me in any of my languages, but I'm most comfortable with French. You can speak to me in any of my languages, but I feel more comfortable with French. >>eng<< C'est son copain. It's her boyfriend. That's her boyfriend. >>eng<< Quel est ton plus haut niveau d'études ? What is the highest level of school you completed? What is your highest level of education? >>eng<< Se você estivesse tendo um dia ruim, Fadil faria tudo para transformar o seu dia ruim em um grande dia. If you were having a bad day, Fadil made sure to turn your bad day into a great day. If you were having a bad day, Fadil would do anything to turn your bad day into a great day. >>eng<< Le pregunté su nombre. I asked him for his name. I asked him his name. >>eng<< La madre de Ziri va a tener un bebé. Ziri's mom is having a baby. Ziri's mother is having a baby. >>deu<< La cuisine est aussi un art. Kochen ist auch eine Kunst. Kochen ist auch eine Kunst. >>eng<< Redi, redi! Get back, get back! Redi, redi! >>eng<< Andrò a dirlo a loro. I'll go tell them. I'll go tell them. >>eng<< J'ai détecté une grosse erreur. I've detected a big mistake. I detected a big mistake. >>nld<< Sono irlandese. Ik ben Iers. Ik ben Iers. >>deu<< È una buona domanda. Das ist eine gute Frage. Das ist eine gute Frage. >>eng<< Cet ordinateur nous épargne beaucoup de travail. This computer saves us a lot of work. This computer saves us a lot of work. >>deu<< Preciso de primeiros socorros. Ich brauche Erste Hilfe. Ich brauche Erste Hilfe. >>eng<< Tu as deux enfants. You've got two kids. You have two kids. >>deu<< O banho quente relaxou meus músculos. Das heiße Bad entspannte meine Muskeln. Das heiße Bad entspannte meine Muskeln. >>eng<< Perché le stanno guardando tutti? Why is everyone looking at them? Why is everyone looking at them? >>eng<< Hic sum, amici mei. I'm here, my friends. Here I am, my friends. >>deu<< Vous ne le saviez pas ? Wussten Sie das nicht? Wussten Sie das nicht? >>eng<< Je l'ai rencontrée l'autre jour. I met her the other day. I met her the other day. >>nld<< Viens à la maison. Kom naar huis. Kom naar huis. >>eng<< Linda estava tão desapontada que caiu em prantos. Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears. Linda was so disappointed that she cried. >>eng<< El prisionero que escapó dos días atrás sigue dado en fuga. The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still at large. The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still on the run. >>eng<< Tom permaneceu solteiro toda sua vida. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom has been single all his life. >>deu<< Yo soy maestro también. Ich bin auch Lehrer. Ich bin auch Lehrer. >>eng<< Gli ha detto alcune cose terribili. She said some terrible things to him. He said some terrible things to him. >>nld<< Il parle aussi en français. Hij spreekt ook Frans. Hij spreekt ook Frans. >>deu<< C'était terrifiant. Das war schrecklich. Es war furchterregend. >>eng<< Il n'y a des rayures que sur les manches. There are stripes only on the sleeves. There are only stripes on the sleeves. >>eng<< Je fume de la beuh. I smoke weed. I smoke turkey. >>deu<< ¿Qué sería el mundo sin las personas que lo dimensionan? Was wäre die Welt ohne die Menschen, die sie vermessen? Was wäre die Welt ohne die Menschen, die sie skalieren? >>nld<< Les feuilles de l'arbre ont jauni. De bladeren van de boom zijn vergeeld. De bladeren van de boom zijn geel geworden. >>deu<< Eles comem muito arroz. Sie essen viel Reis. Sie essen viel Reis. >>nld<< Rougissez-vous ? Bloost u? Roodt u? >>deu<< Io sono un bravo cuoco. Ich bin ein guter Koch. Ich bin ein guter Koch. >>eng<< Pecuniam inter se partitae sunt. They divided the money among themselves. The money was split between them. >>eng<< Han pasado tres años desde que nos mudamos aquí. It's three years since we moved here. It's been three years since we moved here. >>eng<< O meu tio deu-me um belo colar no meu aniversário. My uncle gave me a beautiful necklace for my birthday. My uncle gave me a beautiful necklace on my birthday. >>eng<< La Russia ha una bassa densità di popolazione. Russia has a low population density. Russia has a low population density. >>deu<< Benvenuti nella nostra prima classe in italiano. Willkommen zu unserer ersten Italienischstunde! Willkommen in unserer ersten Klasse auf Italienisch. >>eng<< Tomó tres días pintar la casa entera. It took three days to paint the whole house. It took three days to paint the whole house. >>nld<< El pozo era tan profundo que no se podía ver el fondo. De put was zo diep dat men de bodem niet kon zien. De put was zo diep dat je de bodem niet kon zien. >>deu<< Zamenhof fue un judío askenazí. Zamenhof war aschkenasischer Jude. Zamenhof war ein aschkenasischer Jude. >>eng<< Didymus duos liberos habet. Tom has two children. Didymus has two freebies. >>deu<< Ils finiront par perdre leur guerre. Sie werden ihren Krieg verlieren. Am Ende werden sie ihren Krieg verlieren. >>nld<< El agua se congela a los cero grados centígrados. Water bevriest bij 0 graden Celcius. Het water bevriest tot nul graden Celsius. >>eng<< A ella no le gustó el regalo. She didn't like the present. She didn’t like the gift. >>eng<< Rima e Skura gestiscono il ristorante. Rima and Skura run the restaurant. Rima and Skura run the restaurant. >>eng<< As-tu déjà mangé des cuisses de grenouille ? Have you ever eaten frogs' legs? Have you ever eaten frog thighs? >>deu<< Tout le monde ne peut pas être premier. Es können nicht alle die Ersten sein. Nicht jeder kann der Erste sein. >>nld<< Sic semper fuit. Zo was het altijd. Altijd op de vlucht. >>eng<< John s'échappe. John is getting away. John is escaping. >>eng<< El meu fill ha anat a Amèrica a estudiar medicina. My son has gone to America to study medicine. My son went to America to study medicine. >>eng<< Dic! Speak out! I say! >>eng<< Eres mi fruto prohibido. You are my forbidden fruit. You are my forbidden fruit. >>eng<< Traducid al bereber cada palabra. Translate each word into Berber. Translate every word into Berber. >>eng<< Destrua esse templo. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. >>eng<< O peixe nada movendo a cauda. The fish swims by moving its tail. The fish swims moving its tail. >>eng<< Molti soldati arrivarono. A lot of soldiers arrived. A lot of soldiers came. >>deu<< Que chato... Eu não posso usar o computador nem mesmo uma vez sem ter dor de cabeça. Zu nervig... Ich kann nicht einmal einen Computer benutzen, ohne Kopfweh zu bekommen! Ich kann nicht einmal den Computer benutzen, ohne Kopfschmerzen zu haben. >>eng<< Él es, sin lugar a duda, el mejor hombre para el trabajo. He is, without question, the best man for the job. He is, without a doubt, the best man for the job. >>eng<< Sono sul tetto. I'm on the roof. I'm on the roof. >>eng<< In Graecia multae insulae sunt. There are many islands in Greece. There are many islands in Greece. >>nld<< Pero el universo es infinito. Maar het heelal is oneindig. Maar het universum is oneindig. >>deu<< O Sr. Smith pediu a Jane para casar com ele. Herr Smith machte Jane einen Hochzeitsantrag. Mr. Smith hat Jane gebeten, ihn zu heiraten. >>deu<< Tom no bebe té verde. Tom trinkt keinen grünen Tee. Tom trinkt keinen grünen Tee. >>eng<< Tu es enfin revenu, mon frère ! You finally returned, my brother! You're finally back, brother! >>eng<< Chiaramente, è diverso ora. Of course, it's different now. Clearly, it's different now. >>deu<< El soroll m'està tornant boig. Dieser Lärm macht mich noch ganz verrückt. Das Geräusch macht mich wahnsinnig. >>eng<< El invierno está aquí, y el clima se está poniendo helado. Winter is here, and the weather's getting cold. Winter is here, and the weather is getting icy. >>eng<< Un día lo entenderéis. You'll understand someday. One day you will understand. >>eng<< Puisque vous êtes fatigué, vous devriez vous reposer. Since you're tired, you should rest. Since you are tired, you should rest. >>nld<< Je devrais avoir économisé assez d'argent pour acheter une voiture d'ici Noël. Ik zou genoeg geld moeten hebben gespaard om tegen Kerstmis een auto te kopen. Ik zou genoeg geld moeten hebben gespaard om een auto te kopen voor Kerstmis. >>eng<< Tira fuori i tuoi cavalli prima di sviluppare gli alfieri. Bring out your knights before developing the bishops. Pull out your horses before you develop the bishops. >>eng<< Repeti seus vídeos várias vezes, e agora falo Inglês muito bem com meus amigos, muito obrigado. I watched your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends. Thank you very much. I repeated your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends, thank you very much. >>nld<< A nuestros hijos les gustan los perros, pero yo prefiero los gatos. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik hou meer van katten. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik geef de voorkeur aan katten. >>eng<< Madanm nonm-lan kité'y paski i té abizan The man's wife left him because he was abusive. And the woman departed from him, because she was accustomed to her husband. >>eng<< Eu prefiro o amor ao ódio. I prefer love to hate. I prefer love to hate. >>deu<< Il y a quelqu'un en bas qui voudrait te parler. Unten steht jemand, der dich sprechen möchte. Da unten ist jemand, der mit dir reden möchte. >>nld<< On ne sait même pas ci c'est vrai. We weten niet eens of het waar is. We weten niet eens wat waar is. >>eng<< Il est plus grand que n'importe quel autre chien de cette ville. It's bigger than any other dog in this town. He's bigger than any other dog in this town. >>eng<< Conosco qualcuno che è perfetto per il lavoro. I know somebody who's perfect for the job. I know someone who is perfect for the job. >>nld<< ¿Les gusta cantar? Houd je van zingen? Zingen jullie graag? >>eng<< Quell'uomo è nato fortunato. That man was born lucky. That man was born lucky. >>eng<< Las cochinillas de la humedad en realidad son un tipo de crustáceo. Roly polies are actually a kind of crustacean. Moisture porcupines are actually a type of crustacean. >>nld<< ¡Aún no me quiero ir a la cama! Ik wil nog niet naar bed! Ik wil nog steeds niet naar bed. >>eng<< Tom no aprendió a nadar hasta los treinta años. Tom didn't learn how to swim until he was thirty. Tom didn’t learn to swim until he was 30. >>eng<< Mordetne canis tuus? Does your dog bite? Does your dog bite? >>eng<< Tutto ciò che voglio è un abbraccio. All I want is a hug. All I want is a hug. >>eng<< Il y a des milliers d'étoiles dans l'univers. There are thousands of stars in the universe. There are thousands of stars in the universe. >>eng<< Minha mãe estava em lágrimas. My mother was in tears. My mother was in tears. >>deu<< Necessito una foto de carnet. Ich benötige ein Passfoto. Ich brauche ein Foto von meinem Ausweis. >>eng<< L'Algérie a une économie moderne. Algeria has a modern economy. Algeria has a modern economy. >>eng<< Vorrei avere una voce come quella di Tom. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. >>deu<< Ils ont réduit les marges bénéficiaires. Sie reduzierten die Gewinnmargen. Sie reduzierten die Gewinnmargen. >>deu<< A Melissa faltou à aula de novo? Melissa fehlte schon wieder im Unterricht? Hat Melissa die Schule wieder verpasst? >>eng<< "Você é francesa?" "Sim, eu sou." "Are you French?" "Yes, I am." "Are you French?" "Yes, I am." >>nld<< Le Titanic était considéré comme pratiquement insubmersible. De Titanic werd beschouwd als praktisch onzinkbaar. De Titanic werd beschouwd als vrijwel ononderdompelbaar. >>eng<< Llámalo, por favor. Please telephone him. Call him, please. >>nld<< Se casaron cuando eran jóvenes. Ze waren jong toen ze trouwden. Ze trouwden toen ze jong waren. >>eng<< Mi ha manomesso i freni della macchina. He tampered with the brakes of my car. He tampered with my car brakes. >>deu<< Estás empezando a enfadarme. Du fängst an, mich aufzuregen. Du fängst an, mich zu ärgern. >>deu<< Je déteste le karaoké. Ich hasse Karaoke. Ich hasse Karaoke. >>deu<< Os soldados depararam-se com uma armadilha forjada pelo inimigo. Die Soldaten liefen in eine vom Feind gestellte Falle. Die Soldaten stießen auf eine Falle, die der Feind geschmiedet hatte. >>eng<< Abbiamo adottato un'orfana. We adopted an orphan. We adopted an orphan. >>eng<< Tom è indeciso. Tom is uncertain. Tom is undecided. >>eng<< Mersi că ați venit, băieți! Ne vedem la ora viitoare! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming, guys, I'll see you around the next hour. >>nld<< Tom lui a montré la lettre du père Noël. Tom liet haar de brief van de Kerstman zien. Tom liet hem de brief van de kerstman zien. >>eng<< Noi vedem puțină zăpadă aici. We see little snow here. We see a little snow here. >>eng<< Se Tom lo vede, sarà furioso. If Tom sees that, he'll be furious. If Tom sees it, he'll be furious. >>nld<< Si ella conociera tu dirección, te escribiría. Als ze uw adres kende, zou ze u schrijven. Als ze je adres kende, zou ik je schrijven. >>eng<< ¿Ya ha terminado los deberes? Has he finished his homework yet? Are you done with your homework? >>nld<< Non posso vivere senza Tom. Ik kan niet leven zonder Tom. Ik kan niet zonder Tom. >>eng<< Abbiamo altri pazienti da visitare. We have other patients to see. We have other patients to visit. >>eng<< A che ora sei entrata? What time did you get in? What time did you get in? >>eng<< ¿Fumabas? Were you a smoker? Smoke you? >>eng<< Se quer saber, uma camiseta é muito masculina. If you ask me, a t-shirt is very masculine. If you're wondering, a T-shirt is very masculine. >>eng<< L'esperanto è una lingua artificiale internazionale. Esperanto is an international planned language. Esperanto is an international artificial language. >>eng<< Glossarium meum valde utile est. My dictionary is very useful. My glossary is very useful. >>eng<< Edit. He is eating. Edited. >>eng<< A veces lloro después de una gran partida de ajedrez. Sometimes I cry after a great game of chess. Sometimes I cry after a big game of chess. >>deu<< ¿Has perdido el juicio? Hast du den Verstand verloren? Hast du dein Urteilsvermögen verloren? >>eng<< ¿Esta casa está a la venta? Is this house for sale? Is this house for sale? >>eng<< Me gusta hacerte sonreír así. I love making you smile like this. I like to make you smile like that. >>eng<< Quis Didymum necavit? Who killed Tom? Who is Didymus? >>nld<< Hai da accendere? Hebt ge een aansteker? Heb je wat aan te zetten? >>deu<< El trabajo todo lo vence. Arbeit besiegt alles. Arbeit besiegt alles. >>deu<< Se esforce! Streng dich an! Bemühen Sie sich! >>deu<< ¿Oíste a mi hijo tocar violín? Hast du meinen Sohn beim Geigespielen gehört? Hast du meinen Sohn Geige spielen hören? >>eng<< O Tom é paralisado da cintura para baixo Tom is paralyzed from the waist down. Tom is paralyzed from the waist down >>eng<< Vozotras avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Vozotras avlash Ladino? >>eng<< Dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte, diumenge i festius són els dies de la setmana. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday are the days of the week. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are days of the week. >>eng<< Creo que la pollera de María es muy larga. I think Mary's skirt's too long. I think Maria's skirt is very long. >>deu<< Aquela casa é grande. Dieses Haus ist groß. Das Haus ist groß. >>eng<< Na primeira edição da Semana da Moda e do Estilismo do Gana neste outono, os espectadores da passarela podem contar ver criações que acentuam as ancas e os ombros, disse a porta-voz do evento, Ivy Prosper. At the first-ever Ghana Fashion and Design Week this fall, catwalk spectators can expect to see styles that accentuate the hips and shoulders, said the event’s spokesperson, Ivy Prosper. At the first edition of Ghana Fashion and Styling Week this fall, runway viewers can count on seeing creations that accentuate their hips and shoulders, said the event’s spokeswoman, Ivy Prosper. >>deu<< Eu quero contatá-lo. Você tem o número de telefone dele? Ich möchte ihn anrufen. Haben Sie seine Telefonnummer? Ich möchte ihn kontaktieren. Haben Sie seine Telefonnummer? >>deu<< ¿En qué estación del año suceden más crímenes? In welcher Jahreszeit geschehen die meisten Verbrechen? Zu welcher Jahreszeit passieren die meisten Verbrechen? >>eng<< Arrête de rêver. Stop dreaming. Stop dreaming. >>eng<< Noroc! Bless you. Good luck! >>eng<< Io cancellai il mio hard disk per sbaglio. I erased my hard disk by accident. I deleted my hard drive by mistake. >>deu<< A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. Am Anfang hatte Meg Heimweh. Am Anfang hatte Meg ein schlechtes Zuhause. >>eng<< Eu não quero beber nada hoje. I don't want to drink anything today. I don't want to drink anything today. >>eng<< Ho mangiato dei cereali per colazione. I ate cereal for breakfast. I ate cereal for breakfast. >>nld<< La mesa es larga. De tafel is lang. De tafel is lang. >>eng<< Tom é culpado de roubar. Tom is guilty of stealing. Tom is guilty of stealing. >>eng<< Prendi un po' d'acqua rapidamente. Get some water quickly. Get some water quickly. >>eng<< Estamos cavando um poço no quintal. We are digging a well in the backyard. We're digging a well in the backyard. >>deu<< Tom l'emmènerait jusqu'à la gare centrale. Tom würde sie zum Hauptbahnhof bringen. Tom würde ihn zum Hauptbahnhof bringen. >>nld<< Tom este student la universitate. Tom is een student aan de universiteit. Tom is een student aan de universiteit. >>nld<< Combien de CD as-tu ? Hoeveel cd's heb je? Hoeveel cd's heb je? >>nld<< In generale, si sa poco di equazioni differenziali non lineari del secondo ordine. Over het algemeen weet men maar weinig over niet-lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen van de tweede orde. Over het algemeen is er weinig bekend over niet-lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen van de tweede orde. >>eng<< Corrí adonde mi madre. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. >>deu<< Il faisait si sombre qu'elles pouvaient à peine voir quelque chose. Es war so dunkel, dass sie kaum etwas sehen konnten. Es war so dunkel, dass sie kaum etwas sehen konnten. >>eng<< Il n'a pas fait une seule erreur. He didn't make a single mistake. He didn't make a single mistake. >>eng<< Mi piacerebbe imparare il tedesco. I'd like to learn German. I would love to learn German. >>eng<< On n'a rien mangé de la journée. We haven't eaten anything all day. We ate nothing of the day. >>nld<< Elle ignore tout de la sexualité. Ze weet niets van de bloempjes en de bijtjes. Ze weet niets van seksualiteit. >>eng<< Accipe libellum et devora illum. Take the little book, and eat it up. Take a book and eat it. >>nld<< Sono noiosa. Ik ben saai. Ik ben saai. >>eng<< "¿Por qué quieres escalar la montaña?" "Porque está ahí mismo". "Why do you want to climb the mountain." "Because it is right there." "Why do you want to climb the mountain?" "Because it's right there." >>eng<< Tinc els ulls negres. I have black eyes. I have black eyes. >>eng<< Ellas me trajeron una cesta con fruta fresca. They brought me a basket with fresh fruit. They brought me a basket of fresh fruit. >>deu<< Jane insistió en que tenía razón. Jane bestand darauf, dass sie Recht hätte. Jane bestand darauf, dass sie Recht hatte. >>eng<< Cosa volete che faccia esattamente Tom? What exactly do you want Tom to do? What exactly do you want Tom to do? >>eng<< Parentes eius me ad cenam invitaverunt. His parents invited me to dinner. My parents invited me to dinner. >>eng<< Verti me ad aliud, et vidi sub sole nec velocium esse cursum, nec fortium bellum, nec sapientium panem, nec doctorum divitias, nec artificum gratiam; sed tempus casumque in omnibus. I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. And I turned to another, and saw under the sun, that the race was not of the swift, nor war of the mighty, nor bread of the wise, nor riches of the wise, nor favour of the craftsmen; but time and chance were in all. >>eng<< Est prope domum meam pharmacopolium. There is a pharmacy near my house. It is close to my home pharmacy. >>eng<< Avez-vous des difficultés à uriner ? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have trouble urinating? >>eng<< Por que eles fazem isso? Why do they do that? Why do they do that? >>eng<< Dove dovremmo cenare questa sera? Where should we have dinner this evening? Where are we supposed to have dinner tonight? >>eng<< Te vas a reponer en apenas unos días. You'll recover in just a few days. You're going to recover in just a few days. >>deu<< Сui prodest? Wem nützt es? Ist das prodest? >>deu<< Il me manque un livre ! Mir fehlt ein Buch! Mir fehlt ein Buch! >>nld<< ¡Irá bien, no temas! Dat zal goed gaan, geen schrik! Het komt goed. Wees niet bang. >>deu<< Prefiro vinho tinto. Ich ziehe Rotwein vor. Ich bevorzuge Rotwein. >>eng<< Au fost într-o excursie în străinătate pentru prima oară. They went on a trip abroad for the first time. They were on a trip abroad for the first time. >>nld<< Procure a palavra no dicionário. Zoek het woord op in het woordenboek. Zoek het woord in het woordenboek. >>nld<< C'est écrit noir sur blanc. Het staat hier zwart op wit. Het staat zwart op wit. >>eng<< Je suppose que nous étions heureux. I guess we were happy. I guess we were happy. >>eng<< Didymus te numquam amabit. Tom will never love you. Didymus will never love you. >>eng<< Per favore, allontanati dalla porta. Please move away from the door. Please get away from the door. >>eng<< Você voltou para casa cedo só para comer e depois sair de novo? Did you come home early just to eat then go out again? Did you come home early just to eat and then leave again? >>nld<< Tenemos un gran problema. We hebben een groot probleem. We hebben een groot probleem. >>eng<< Luis XV foi o rei da França de 1715 a 1774. Louis XV was the king of France from 1715 to 1774. Louis XV was King of France from 1715 to 1774. >>eng<< Esta orquídea imita a forma e as cores de uma flor de amor-perfeito para atrair os polinizadores que normalmente visitam os amores-perfeitos. This orchid mimics the shape and colors of a pansy flower to attract pollinators that normally go to a pansy. This orchid mimics the shape and colors of a love-perfect flower to attract pollinators who normally visit love-perfects. >>eng<< L'idéologie ne devrait jamais l'emporter sur la vie humaine. Ideology should never trump human life. Ideology should never prevail over human life. >>nld<< Comment épelles-tu "pretty" ? Hoe schrijf je "pretty"? Hoe noem je 'pretty'? >>eng<< Quoiqu'il arrive, je tiendrai ma promesse. No matter what happens, I'll keep my promise. Whatever happens, I will keep my promise. >>eng<< Tom perse quasi tutto. Tom lost nearly everything. Tom lost almost everything. >>deu<< Est-ce de moi que vous riez ? Lachen Sie über mich? Lachen Sie über mich? >>deu<< Il est aide-soignant. Er ist Pflegehelfer. Er ist Pflegehelfer. >>eng<< Tom vinse il primo round. Tom won the first round. Tom won the first round. >>eng<< Non prova neppure ad ascoltare gli altri. He doesn't even try to listen to others. Don’t even try to listen to others. >>eng<< Você não precisa se desculpar. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. >>deu<< Minha pátria é o mundo inteiro. Die ganze Welt ist meine Heimat. Meine Heimat ist die ganze Welt. >>eng<< Sono dei pesci. They're fish. They're fish. >>eng<< Tom sta camminando. Tom is walking. Tom is walking. >>deu<< ¡Eso habría sido peor! Das wäre schlimmer gewesen. Das wäre schlimmer gewesen! >>eng<< Habeo nullos collusores. I have no playmates. I have no collusion. >>deu<< Ha un'immaginazione vividissima. Er hat eine sehr lebendige Phantasie. Er hat eine lebhafte Vorstellungskraft. >>nld<< Pourquoi es-tu venue ? Waarom ben je gekomen? Waarom ben je hier? >>eng<< Rima è andata ad un ristorante. Rima went to a restaurant. Rima went to a restaurant. >>deu<< Lasci che le spieghi cosa penso di tutto questo. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen erklären, was ich von all dem denke. Ich erkläre Ihnen, was ich davon halte. >>nld<< Est-ce possible ? Is het mogelijk? Is dat mogelijk? >>eng<< Non riesco a dirlo con certezza. I can't say with certitude. I can't say for sure. >>nld<< Déjame ver la guía de televisión, por favor. Laat me alsjeblieft de TV-gids zien. Laat me de tv-gids eens zien. >>deu<< Cela pesait fort sur mon âme. Das wog schwer auf meiner Seele. Das belastete meine Seele sehr. >>eng<< Nunca he visto un frigo rojo. I have never seen any red fridge. I've never seen a red fridge. >>deu<< Quem trai a verdade trai a si mesmo. Não se trata aqui da mentira, mas do agir contra sua convicção. Wer die Wahrheit verrät, verrät sich selber. Es ist hier nicht die Rede vom Lügen, sondern vom Handeln gegen die Überzeugung. Wer die Wahrheit verrät, verrät sich selbst. Es geht hier nicht um Lügen, sondern darum, gegen seine Überzeugung zu handeln. >>eng<< El agricultor estuvo arando su campo todo el día. The farmer plowed his field all day. The farmer was ploughing his field all day. >>eng<< Cómprame este libro, por favor. Please buy me this book. Buy me this book, please. >>eng<< Cibum emit. She is buying food. Emit food. >>eng<< Malgré la pluie, le match n'a pas été annulé. In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled. Despite the rain, the game was not cancelled. >>deu<< Ciò che ha detto risultò essere vero. Was er sagte, erwies sich als wahr. Was er sagte, erwies sich als wahr. >>eng<< Yo soy yo. I am me. I'm me. >>deu<< No pierda su tiempo viviendo la vida de otra persona. Vergeuden Sie nicht Ihre Zeit damit, das Leben eines anderen zu leben. Verschwende deine Zeit nicht damit, das Leben einer anderen Person zu leben. >>eng<< Tom e ghid. Tom is a guide. Tom's a guide. >>deu<< Se enamoró de una mujer más joven. Er verliebte sich in eine jüngere Frau. Er verliebte sich in eine jüngere Frau. >>deu<< Me he pasado toda la tarde durmiendo. Ich habe den ganzen Nachmittag durchgeschlafen. Ich habe den ganzen Nachmittag geschlafen. >>deu<< Él comúnmente va al colegio en bus. Er fährt normalerweise mit dem Bus in die Schule. Er fährt oft mit dem Bus zur Schule. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es la edad de tu hermana? How old is your sister? How old is your sister? >>eng<< ¿Cuántos animales tienen ustedes? How many animals do you have? How many animals do you have? >>eng<< Mejorarás tu pronunciación hablando más. You will improve your pronunciation by speaking more. You will improve your pronunciation by speaking more. >>deu<< Debemos saber, sabremos. Wir müssen wissen. Wir werden wissen. Wir müssen es wissen, wir werden es wissen. >>eng<< Voglio costruire il mio futuro con lui. I want to build my future with him. I want to build my future with him. >>eng<< L'Algérie a ratifié le Traité sur le droit des peuples à l'autodétermination, qui soutient, d'une part, la Palestine et le Sahara occidental uniquement parce qu'ils sont soit disant États arabo-islamiques, mais d'autre part, assassine tout opposant kabyle qui aspire à l'indépendance de la Kabylie. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara only because they are so-called Arab-Islamic States, but on the other hand, assassinates any Kabyle opponent who aspires to the independence of Kabylia. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara only because they are either so-called Arab-Islamic States, but, on the other hand, assassinates any Kabyle opponents who aspire to the independence of Kabylia. >>nld<< Dime tu opinión, por favor. Geef me jouw opinie, alsjeblieft. Geef me je mening, alsjeblieft. >>eng<< C'è l'aria condizionata in camera? Is there air conditioning in the room? Is there air conditioning in the room? >>eng<< ¿Hasta cuando debes seguir regañándonos? Until when shall you tell us off? How long do you have to keep scolding us? >>eng<< Estic segur del seu èxit. I'm sure of his success. I am sure of his success. >>eng<< Tom è il solo qui che sa nuotare? Is Tom the only one here who knows how to swim? Is Tom the only one here who can swim? >>deu<< A história era verdadeira. Es war eine wahre Geschichte. Die Geschichte war wahr. >>eng<< David a fini de préparer son testament. David completed his will. David has finished preparing his will. >>nld<< No necesitan pararse. Jullie hoeven niet te stoppen. Ze hoeven niet te staan. >>nld<< Ho saps segur? Weet u dat zeker? Weet je dat zeker? >>eng<< As-tu récemment changé de savon ou de détergent à lessive ? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed soap or laundry detergent? >>deu<< Ele não é de nada na cama. Er ist im Bett nicht zu gebrauchen. Er ist nichts im Bett. >>deu<< Gli ho detto che non ero interessato. Ich sagte ihm, ich wäre nicht interessiert. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass ich nicht interessiert bin. >>nld<< Ele fala demasiado dela. Hij spreekt te veel over haar. Hij praat te veel over haar. >>nld<< Está frio? Is het koud? Is het koud? >>deu<< Je ne sais pas ce qu'il voit en toi. Ich weiß nicht, was er an dir findet. Ich weiß nicht, was er in dir sieht. >>nld<< Il est bisexuel. Hij is biseksueel. Hij is biseksueel. >>eng<< In casa avevano lo stretto necessario. At home, they had the bare necessities. In the house they had the necessities. >>deu<< Il museo non è aperto alla domenica. Das Museum hat sonntags nicht geöffnet. Das Museum ist sonntags nicht geöffnet. >>nld<< Yanni filmará otro vídeo el jueves. Donderdag zal Yanni nog een video filmen. Yanni filmt donderdag weer een video. >>nld<< ¿Qué necesitas? Wat heb je nodig? Wat heb je nodig? >>eng<< Combien de personnes ont postulé pour cet emploi ? How many people applied for that job? How many people applied for this job? >>eng<< Quem perder vai ter de lavar a louça. The one who loses is going to have to do the dishes. Whoever loses will have to wash the dishes. >>eng<< Gli hai detto che stavi scherzando? Did you tell him you were joking? You told him you were kidding? >>deu<< Si è alzato dalla sedia. Er hat sich vom Stuhl erhoben. Er stand vom Stuhl auf. >>eng<< Solo se ho personalmente ucciso e macellato un animale ne mangio la carne. I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered. Only if I have personally killed and butchered an animal will I eat its meat. >>deu<< Tom está comendo. Tom isst. Tom isst. >>deu<< Devi accettare il tuo ruolo. Du musst deine Rolle akzeptieren. Du musst deine Rolle übernehmen. >>eng<< Mi frase estaba mal, pero el profesor la corrigió. My sentence was wrong, but the teacher corrected it. My sentence was wrong, but the teacher corrected it. >>eng<< J'aime les vieux films. I like old films. I like old movies. >>eng<< Încearcă! Try! Try it! >>eng<< Ne vous fiez à quiconque ! Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone! >>eng<< Tatoeba è un libro che è stato scritto in centinaia di lingue e ha superato il milione di pagine. Tatoeba is a book that has been written in hundreds of languages and is now over a million pages long. Tatoeba is a book that has been written in hundreds of languages and has exceeded one million pages. >>nld<< No puedo reparar el ordenador. Ik kan de computer niet herstellen. Ik kan de computer niet repareren. >>deu<< Nitimur in vetitium semper cupimusque negat. Wir neigen zum Verbotenen immer und begehren Versagtes. Wir leugnen immer wieder, dass es sich um ein stürmisches Leben handelt. >>nld<< Você poderia me fazer um favor? Zou u iets voor mij willen doen? Zou je me een plezier willen doen? >>eng<< Compré un excelente diccionario de ruso. I bought an excellent Russian dictionary. I bought an excellent Russian dictionary. >>deu<< Está frío. Es ist kühl. Es ist kalt. >>nld<< Seuls ceux qui se risqueront à aller trop loin sauront jusqu'où on peut aller. Enkel diegenen die het risico nemen om te ver te gaan, weten tot hoever ze mogen gaan. Alleen degenen die het risico lopen te ver te gaan, weten hoe ver we kunnen gaan. >>deu<< Come si usa questa macchina fotografica. Wie benutzt man diesen Fotoapparat? Wie benutzt man diese Kamera? >>eng<< Non capisco la sua barzelletta. I don't understand his joke. I don't understand your joke. >>deu<< Non capisco la vostra domanda. Ich verstehe eure Frage nicht. Ich verstehe Ihre Frage nicht. >>deu<< La ràbia fa canviar el color del coll? Verändert Wut die Farbe des Halses? Ändert Wut die Farbe des Halses? >>deu<< Você tem quatro cachorros. Du hast vier Hunde. Du hast vier Hunde. >>eng<< Sami jouait. Sami was gambling. Sami was playing. >>deu<< Il treno sta per partire. Si sbrighi. Der Zug fährt gleich ab. Beeilen Sie sich! Der Zug fährt gleich los. >>eng<< Potresti cambiare la data di partenza per questo biglietto? Could you change the departure date for this ticket? Could you change the departure date for this ticket? >>eng<< Ela, portanto, enviou duas serpentes muito ferozes, que chegaram no meio da noite ao quarto de Alcmena, onde Hércules e seu irmão dormiam. So she sent two very fierce serpents; these in the middle of the night went into Alcmena's bedroom, where he slept with his brother Hercules. She therefore sent two very ferocious serpents, who arrived in the middle of the night in Alcmena's room, where Hercules and his brother slept. >>eng<< Acestea sunt cărțile tale. These are your books. These are your books. >>deu<< Me pregunto cuándo vendrá Anne. Ich frage mich, wann Anna kommt. Ich frage mich, wann Anne kommt. >>deu<< Em teoria, não existe diferença entre Teoria e Prática. Na prática, existe. In der Theorie gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Aber in der Praxis gibt es einen. In der Theorie gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. In der Praxis gibt es ihn. >>eng<< Ho incontrato la proprietaria della casa un anno fa. I met the owner of the house a year ago. I met the owner of the house a year ago. >>deu<< Personne ne rit. Niemand lachte. Niemand lacht. >>eng<< Ha perso l'autobus. She missed the bus. He missed the bus. >>deu<< Je chante en premier puis c'est à vous ! Ich singe vor und dann seid ihr dran! Zuerst singe ich und dann bist du dran! >>eng<< Estas azeitonas não estão no mercado. These olives are not in the market. These olives are not on the market. >>eng<< La prisión es pequeña. The prison is small. The prison is small. >>eng<< Lo telefonet deu Tòm estoc confiscat peu regent. Tom's phone was confiscated by the teacher. The phone number has been confiscated by the governor. >>eng<< O pai do Tom faleceu ano passado. Tom's father died last year. Tom's father passed away last year. >>deu<< Lui non rivelò la sua identità. Er gab seine Identität nicht preis. Er hat seine Identität nicht offenbart. >>nld<< Tot és il·lusió. Alles is illusie. Alles is illusie. >>eng<< Quis Thoman osculatus est? Who kissed Tom? Who is Thoman Osculatus? >>eng<< Tom mangiò l'insetto. Tom ate the bug. Tom ate the insect. >>eng<< El a primit o sumă considerabilă de bani drept compensație pentru rănile suferite. He received a large sum of money in compensation for his injury. He received a considerable amount of money as compensation for his injuries. >>deu<< C'est chez elle qu'elle est la plus heureuse. Sie ist am glücklichsten, wenn sie daheim ist. Zu Hause ist sie am glücklichsten. >>nld<< Hablé con él en inglés, pero no logré que me entendiera. Ik sprak hem aan in het Engels maar slaagde er niet in mij verstaanbaar te maken. Ik sprak met hem in het Engels, maar hij kon me niet begrijpen. >>deu<< Quando pensavate di ritornare negli Stati Uniti? Wann denkt ihr aus den Vereinigten Staaten zurückzukommen? Wann wollten Sie in die USA zurückkehren? >>eng<< È ora di studiare il giapponese. It is time to study Japanese. It is time to study Japanese. >>nld<< Corre. Zij rent. Schiet op. >>eng<< As súas palabra fixeron que todo o mundo escachara coa risa. His words set everybody roaring with laughter. His words made everyone laugh. >>eng<< Cadê o Tony? Where's Tony? Where's Tony? >>deu<< Aqui estamos. Da sind wir. Hier sind wir. >>deu<< Ela é uma garota esperta. Sie ist ein pfiffiges Mädchen. Sie ist ein kluges Mädchen. >>deu<< Isso era previsível. Das war vorherzusehen. Das war vorhersehbar. >>eng<< Isso foi antes de John ser preso. This was before John was put in prison. That was before John was arrested. >>nld<< Ești un tocilar. Je bent een nerd. Je bent een nerd. >>deu<< Vocês já começaram a aprender Francês? Habt ihr schon angefangen, Französisch zu lernen? Habt ihr schon angefangen Französisch zu lernen? >>eng<< No me gusta la persona en que te has convertido. I don't like who you've become. I don't like the person you've become. >>eng<< Tom a remporté le concours l'année dernière. Tom won the contest last year. Tom won the contest last year. >>deu<< No puedo ver a Tom. Ich kann Tom nicht sehen. Ich kann Tom nicht sehen. >>deu<< Avancez ! Fahren Sie weiter! Vorwärts! >>deu<< El gallegoportugués fue un idioma común en la parte occidental de la península Ibérica. Das Galicisch-Portugiesische war die gemeinsame Sprache im westlichen Teil der Iberischen Halbinsel. Galizisch-Portugiesisch war eine gemeinsame Sprache im westlichen Teil der Iberischen Halbinsel. >>eng<< Je vois de l'argent mais je ne vois pas d'or. I see silver, but I don't see gold. I see money, but I don't see gold. >>deu<< Quante amiche intime ha? Wie viele enge Freunde haben Sie? Wie viele intime Freundinnen hat er? >>eng<< Ho passato la scorsa domenica a leggere romanzi. I spent last Sunday reading novels. I spent last Sunday reading novels. >>nld<< Beton! Gaaf! Beton! >>eng<< Arrête de rôder par ici. Stop prowling around here. Stop roaming around here. >>eng<< No sabía que Tom y Mary se estaban muriendo. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. >>nld<< Che cosa dice il Corano riguardo a questo? Wat zegt de Koran hierover? Wat zegt de Koran hierover? >>nld<< Todo o mundo tem pai e mãe. Iedereen heeft een vader en een moeder. Iedereen heeft een vader en moeder. >>eng<< Tom está aprendiendo aikido. Tom is learning aikido. Tom is learning aikido. >>eng<< No estoy segura de estar preparada. I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm not sure I'm ready. >>eng<< Acum simt la fel. Now I feel the same. I feel the same way now. >>eng<< Il telefono suonò due volte. The phone rang twice. The phone rang twice. >>eng<< Ziri sembrava strano. Ziri looked strange. Ziri seemed strange. >>eng<< Por que você decidiu aprender o Árabe? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? >>nld<< Roger trabalha de manhã até à noite. Roger werkt vanaf de ochtend tot de avond. Roger werkt van 's morgens tot' s avonds. >>eng<< Me encanta tener crisis de identidad. I love having identity crises. I love having an identity crisis. >>nld<< Deberíamos tener los resultados para el jueves. We moeten de resultaten voor donderdag hebben. We moeten de resultaten hebben voor donderdag. >>eng<< felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. Fortunate is he who is able to know the causes of things. Felix was able to find out the causes. >>nld<< Mettez Tom de bonne humeur. Maak Tom blij. Zet Tom in een goed humeur. >>eng<< In Hispania multos annos habitaverunt. They lived in Spain for several years. They lived in Spain for many years. >>eng<< Tínhamos um acordo implícito de que iríamos apoiar-nos mutuamente. We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. >>eng<< J'étais très fatigué. I was very tired. I was very tired. >>nld<< Pour autant que je sache, elle est encore célibataire. Voor zover ik weet, is zij nog niet getrouwd. Voor zover ik weet is ze nog vrijgezel. >>nld<< Ella está resfriada y duerme. Zij is verkouden en slaapt. Ze is verkouden en slaapt. >>eng<< Eu nunca tentei tocar piano. I never tried playing the piano. I never tried to play the piano. >>deu<< La viande est congelée. Das Fleisch ist gefroren. Das Fleisch ist gefroren. >>eng<< Os objetos físicos são na verdade compostos principalmente de espaço. Até as partículas subatômicas parecem mais com espaço do que com coisas. Physical objects are actually made up mostly of space. Even subatomic particles appear more like space than like things. Physical objects are actually mostly composed of space. Even subatomic particles look more like space than things. >>eng<< Tom non riusciva a dire la verità a Mary. Tom couldn't tell Mary the truth. Tom couldn't tell Mary the truth. >>deu<< La colazione è servita dalle 7 alle 9. Das Frühstück wird von 7 bis 9 Uhr serviert. Das Frühstück wird von 7 bis 9 Uhr serviert. >>deu<< Faça o que quiser com ele. Tu mit ihm, was du willst. Tun Sie mit ihm, was Sie wollen. >>eng<< Frater meus in parvo vico habitat. My brother lives in a small village. My brother lives in a small town. >>eng<< ¿Qué agregaste? What did you add? What did you add? >>deu<< Un poco de aire fresco me hará bien. Ein wenig frische Luft wird mir guttun. Ein bisschen frische Luft wird mir gut tun. >>nld<< ¿Cuándo es la cena? Wanneer is het avondeten? Wanneer is het avondeten? >>eng<< Las flores del jarrón se han marchitado. The flowers in the vase were wilted. The flowers in the vase have withered. >>eng<< Est-ce que tu as récemment eu des palpitations ou l'impression que ton cœur s'emballait ? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently had heart palpitations or the impression that your heart was getting excited? >>eng<< A conta deste usuário já não está ativa. This user's account is no longer active. This user's account is no longer active. >>eng<< Il n'y a pas de preuve. There's no evidence. There's no evidence. >>deu<< O senhor me decepcionou muito. Sie haben mich sehr enttäuscht. Sie haben mich sehr enttäuscht. >>eng<< Gli uccelli sono a sangue caldo. Birds are hot blooded. The birds are warm-blooded. >>eng<< Dije: "¿hay algo que pueda hacer?" I said, "Is there anything I can do?" I said, "Is there anything I can do?" >>eng<< Ursum vivum ceperunt. They caught a bear alive. The bear is alive. >>deu<< Dar îţi place aceasta! Aber du magst es doch! Aber das gefällt dir! >>eng<< I campi hanno bisogno di pioggia. The fields need rain. The fields need rain. >>eng<< Je te laisse t'en occuper. I'll leave you to it. I'll let you take care of it. >>deu<< Nous t'aimons. Wir lieben dich. Wir lieben dich. >>eng<< Abbiamo confessato qualcosa. We confessed something. We confessed something. >>eng<< Aquera cadièra qu'ei lèda. This chair is ugly. This is the cage he is wearing. >>eng<< Ar trebui să determinăm ce trebuie făcut mai întâi. We should determine what is to be done first. We should figure out what to do first. >>eng<< Tom estava um pouco confuso. Tom was a bit confused. Tom was a little confused. >>eng<< Tom mange tout le temps. Tom's eating all the time. Tom eats all the time. >>deu<< Faut-il tolérer l'intolérable? Soll man ertragen, was unleidlich ist? Muss man das Unerträgliche tolerieren? >>deu<< Personne n'a encore jusqu'à présent revendiqué la responsabilité de l'attentat. Bisher hat noch niemand die Verantwortung für den Anschlag übernommen. Bisher hat noch niemand die Verantwortung für den Anschlag übernommen. >>eng<< En raison d'un épais brouillard il nous était impossible de voir devant nous. The heavy fog made it impossible for us to see anything in front of us. Due to a thick fog it was impossible for us to see in front of us. >>eng<< Você é americana e casada com um brasileiro. You are an American and married to a Brazilian. You're American and married to a Brazilian. >>eng<< Non siete spagnole. You’re not Spanish. You're not Spaniards. >>eng<< Vi a Tom llorar. I saw Tom cry. I saw Tom cry. >>eng<< Sami voulait empêcher Layla d'avorter. Sami wanted to stop Layla from having an abortion. Sami wanted to prevent Layla from having an abortion. >>eng<< Cientistas americanos e canadianos esperam que a orca de 560 quilogramas se volte a reunir com o seu grupo parental, comunicando através das suas vocalizações acústicas únicas. American and Canadian scientists are hoping that the 560-kilogram Orca will reunite with her family group by communicating through their unique acoustical vocal patterns. American and Canadian scientists expect the 560-kilogram orca to reunite with its parent group, communicating through its unique acoustic vocalizations. >>eng<< O papa-léguas obtém humidade em grande parte a partir da sua dieta omnívora, que inclui lagartos e pequenas cascavéis. The roadrunner gets its moisture largely from its omnivorous diet, which includes lizards and small rattlesnakes. The lizard gets moisture largely from its omnivorous diet, which includes lizards and small rattlesnakes. >>eng<< Librum legi. I read a book. The Book of Laws. >>deu<< ¡No puedes irte ahora! Du kannst jetzt nicht gehen. Du kannst jetzt nicht gehen! >>eng<< Nu ești o persoană rea. You're not a bad person. You're not a bad person. >>eng<< Je pense souvent à vous. I think about you often. I often think of you. >>eng<< Une armée de nettoyeurs de phrases a débarqué sur Tatoeba. Ils n’auront de cesse que d’avoir éliminé tout ce qui ne rentre pas dans leurs normes étriquées. An army of sentence purifiers landed on Tatoeba. They will not rest until they eliminate everything that does not fit their narrow standards. An army of phrase cleaners has landed on Tatoeba, and they will only have to eliminate everything that does not fit their narrow standards. >>eng<< Escrever tantas frases em Tatoeba faz-me sentir como se eu fosse um escritor. Writing so many sentences in Tatoeba makes me feel like I am a writer. Writing so many sentences in Tatoeba makes me feel like I’m a writer. >>nld<< Elle n'a rien dit du tout. Ze heeft niets gezegd. Ze zei helemaal niets. >>deu<< O que ele diz na carta? Was sagt er in seinem Brief? Was steht in dem Brief? >>eng<< Quot bēstiae tibi sunt? How many animals do you have? How many beans do you have? >>nld<< Tom nu știe nimic despre familia Mariei. Tom weet niets over de familie van Maria. Tom weet niets over Maria's familie. >>eng<< Ele estava prestes a falar. He was about to speak. He was about to speak. >>deu<< Credevo che stesse scherzando. Er dachte, er machte Witze. Ich dachte, Sie machen Witze. >>eng<< Lwi-la sé sans-la ka pèwmèt on moun tann. Our sense of hearing allows us to hear. The pasture is permitted to hear. >>nld<< No puedo vivir sin vos. Zonder jou kan ik niet leven. Ik kan niet leven zonder jou. >>eng<< Leila ficou imediatamente zangada com Sami. Layla was instantly angry with Sami. Leila was immediately angry with Sami. >>nld<< El vestido está hecho de una tela fina. Het kleed bestaat uit een dunne stof. De jurk is gemaakt van een dunne stof. >>eng<< Acest produs prezintă defecte semnificative. This product has significant shortcomings. This product has significant defects. >>eng<< Caminando por la calle, me encontré una cartera. Walking along the street, I found a wallet. Walking down the street, I found a wallet. >>deu<< Ulrike é um belo prenome alemão feminino. Ulrike ist ein schöner deutscher und weiblicher Vorname. Ulrike ist ein schöner weiblicher deutscher Vorname. >>eng<< Què vols veure? What do you want to see? What do you want to see? >>eng<< Dovette vendere la sua auto. He had to sell his car. He had to sell his car. >>eng<< Penso che il vostro piano sia troppo ambizioso. I think your plan is too ambitious. I think your plan is too ambitious. >>eng<< Minime. No. Minimally. >>eng<< J'ai bien peur de devoir vous demander de partir. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave. >>eng<< Les sentinelles se tenaient droites comme des piquets et immobiles. The sentries stood bolt upright and stock-still. The sentries stood upright like pickets and motionless. >>eng<< Jésus leur répondit. Jesus answered them. Jesus answered them. >>nld<< Quand cesse la pensée, l'être humain cesse d'exister. Wanneer het denken ophoudt, houdt de mens op te bestaan. Wanneer het denken ophoudt, houdt het menselijk wezen op te bestaan. >>eng<< Mai devreme sau mai târziu, tuturor li se întâmplă asta. Sooner or later, this happens to everyone. Sooner or later, this happens to everyone. >>deu<< Ils ont perdu leur chien. Sie haben ihren Hund verloren. Sie haben ihren Hund verloren. >>eng<< Que é aquilo do outro lado da rua? What is that across the street? What's that on the other side of the street? >>deu<< לוס פאליסטינייאנוס סון סיריס אומאנוס. Die Palästinenser sind Menschen. <0xD7><0x9C><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0xA4><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x9C><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA1><0xD7><0x98><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA0><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0xA0><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0xA1><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0x9F> <0xD7><0xA1><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA8><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0x9E><0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0xA0><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0xA1>. >>eng<< O fotojornalista do Cairo, Hamada Elrasam, oferece-nos uma espreitadela para dentro da magnífica estrutura em pedra cuja beleza e esplendor dão aos visitantes uma noção daquilo que em tempos foi uma das comunidades judaicas mais dinâmicas do mundo. Cairo photojournalist Hamada Elrasam gives us a peek inside the magnificent stone structure whose beauty and splendor gives visitors a sense of what was once one of the world's most vibrant Jewish communities. Cairo photojournalist Hamada Elrasam offers us a glimpse into the magnificent stone structure whose beauty and splendor give visitors a sense of what was once one of the most dynamic Jewish communities in the world. >>eng<< Dic nobis qua de re cogites. Tell us what you think! I’m talking about the King of Cows. >>nld<< C’est trop petit. Het is te klein. Het is te klein. >>nld<< Admiro su valor. Ik bewonder zijn moed. Ik bewonder zijn moed. >>deu<< Il s'est assis à son côté. Er setzte sich neben sie. Er setzte sich neben ihn. >>eng<< A dra. Jill explica como preparar o nosso próprio substrato para vasos, encontrar recipientes baratos (ou grátis!) e como decidir o que se deve cultivar. Dr. Jill explains how to make your own potting mix, find cheap (or free!) containers, and how to know what you should grow. Dr. Jill explains how to prepare our own potting substrate, find cheap (or free!) containers, and how to decide what to grow. >>eng<< Eles beberam café. They drank coffee. They drank coffee. >>eng<< I bambini sono la ricchezza dei poveri. Children are poor men's riches. Children are the wealth of the poor. >>deu<< Você devia contar a verdade para ele. Du solltest ihm die Wahrheit sagen. Du solltest ihm die Wahrheit sagen. >>eng<< Je pense que vous êtes juste en train de gaspiller votre temps. I think you're just wasting your time. I think you're just wasting your time. >>eng<< Uma abelha saiu voando pela janela. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out the window. >>nld<< ¡Apártate de mi vista! Onder mijn ogen uit! Blijf uit m'n zicht. >>eng<< Me gusta esa frase, pero lamentablemente no se me permite adoptarla. I like that phrase, but unfortunately, I am not allowed to adopt it. I like that phrase, but unfortunately I am not allowed to adopt it. >>eng<< Una forma de reducir el número de errores en el Corpus de Tatoeba sería fomentar que la gente tradujera únicamente a su lengua materna. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongue. >>eng<< Yanni se sintió como una estrella de rock. Yanni felt like a rock star. Yanni felt like a rock star. >>nld<< Tenho quarenta anos. Ik ben veertig. Ik ben veertig. >>deu<< Est-ce un proverbe ? Ist das ein Sprichwort? Ist das ein Sprichwort? >>eng<< A conferência de imprensa está marcada para daqui a uma hora. The press conference is scheduled to begin one hour from now. The press conference is scheduled for an hour from now. >>deu<< Non fa che lamentarsi dal mattino alla sera. Er tut den ganzen Tag nichts anderes, als zu klagen. Sie beschwert sich nur von morgens bis abends. >>eng<< Lavorate? Do you work? You're working? >>eng<< Molti greci vivono in Germania. Many Greeks live in Germany. Many Greeks live in Germany. >>nld<< Les enfants devraient jouer à l'extérieur. De kinderen zouden buiten moeten spelen. Kinderen moeten buiten spelen. >>eng<< Fermte! Stop! Stop! Stop! >>nld<< Prévoyez-vous d'aller chanter des chants de Noël cette année ? Bent u van plan om dit jaar met Kerstmis te zingen? Ben je van plan om dit jaar kerstliedjes te gaan zingen? >>deu<< Ho intenzione di smettere di bere a qualunque costo. Ich will mit dem Trinken aufhören, koste es, was es wolle. Ich werde um jeden Preis aufhören zu trinken. >>eng<< Ele veio pessoalmente. He came in person. He came in person. >>eng<< Mi sono sempre sentita davvero a disagio con lui. I've always felt really uneasy with him. I've always felt really uncomfortable with him. >>deu<< Venez ! Je vous emmène chez moi. Kommen Sie! Ich nehme Sie mit zu mir. Kommen Sie, ich bringe Sie nach Hause. >>nld<< Os cartos abren todas as portas. Geld maakt alle deuren open. Het geld opent alle deuren. >>eng<< Perguntem a Tom por que ele fez isso. Ask Tom why he did that. Ask Tom why he did this. >>deu<< Abbiamo bisogno della scala. Wir brauchen die Leiter. Wir brauchen die Leiter. >>nld<< L'homme me regarda. De man keek me aan. De man keek me aan. >>deu<< Io e lui siamo nati lo stesso giorno. Er und ich sind am selben Tag geboren. Er und ich wurden am selben Tag geboren. >>nld<< Lavar ropa es mi tarea. Kleren wassen is mijn taak. Kleding wassen is mijn taak. >>deu<< Elle m'a fixée. Sie starrte mich an. Sie hat mich angestarrt. >>deu<< Por favor, conte-me seus problemas. Bitte erzähle mir von deinen Problemen. Bitte, erzähl mir von deinen Problemen. >>eng<< ¿Vosotros sois de España? Are you from Spain? Are you from Spain? >>eng<< Vocês sabem fazer geleia? Do you know how to make jam? You guys know how to make jam? >>deu<< Lei passò tutta la notte a leggere un libro. Sie las die ganze Nacht über ein Buch. Sie verbrachte die ganze Nacht damit, ein Buch zu lesen. >>deu<< Si quieres dejar un comentario, cliquea en el cuadro de texto de abajo. Wenn du einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, klick in die Textbox unten. Wenn Sie einen Kommentar hinterlassen möchten, klicken Sie auf das Textfeld unten. >>deu<< Io avrei fatto ricorso, come minimo. Ich hätte es zumindest benutzt. Ich hätte wenigstens Berufung eingelegt. >>eng<< Mas Jesus lhe disse: Mulher, que tenho eu contigo? Ainda não é chegada a minha hora. But Jesus said to her, "Woman, what have I to do with you? My hour is not yet come." But Jesus said to her, “Woman, what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come.” >>eng<< J'ai acheté les dernières places libres. I bought the last available seats. I bought the last free seats. >>eng<< Nous n'avons pas de médicaments à la maison. We do not have medicines at home. We don't have any medicine at home. >>eng<< As-tu quelque chose d'autre à boire ? Do you have anything else to drink? Do you have anything else to drink? >>eng<< Non andrò a scuola. I'm not going to go to school. I'm not going to school. >>eng<< Puis-je savoir où vous travaillez ? Can I know where you work? May I know where you work? >>nld<< Elles essayent. Ze doen hun best. Ze proberen het. >>nld<< Estoy tan cansado que me iré a la cama apenas llegue a la casa. Ik ben zo moe dat ik naar bed ga zodra ik thuiskom. Ik ben zo moe dat ik naar bed ga zodra ik thuis ben. >>eng<< Une souscription fut lancée afin d'ériger un monument à la mémoire du défunt. A fund was launched to set up a monument in memory of the dead man. A subscription was launched in order to erect a monument in memory of the deceased. >>eng<< Il a été mutilé par la machine. He was mangled by the machine. He was mutilated by the machine. >>eng<< Vi piace il purè di patate? Do you like mashed potato? Do you like mashed potatoes? >>eng<< É isso o que você tem que fazer. That's what you have to do. That's what you have to do. >>eng<< Se dice que el límite que puede alcanzar el ELO de un jugador de ajedrez es 3000. Hasta el día de hoy, el máximo alcanzado fue de 2882, por el actual campeón del mundo Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that a chess player's ELO can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that can reach the ELO of a chess player is 3000. To this day, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. >>eng<< Il risultato del test è negativo. The test result is negative. The test result is negative. >>eng<< Semblava pas segura. You didn't seem certain. It didn’t seem safe. >>eng<< ¡Que semeya más guapa! What a beautiful picture! She looks more beautiful! >>eng<< Longo tempore ad pharmacopolium non ivi. I have not gone to the pharmacy in a long time. For a long time I didn’t go to pharmacopolis. >>deu<< Est-ce une renarde ? Ist das eine Füchsin? Ist das ein Fuchs? >>eng<< Qui que ce soit vous y a-t-il vu ? Did anyone see you there? Did anyone see you there? >>eng<< No te acerques al bulldog por si muerde. Don't come near to the bulldog in case it bites. Don't go near the bulldog if it bites. >>deu<< On est forcé de réfléchir à son comportement. Man ist gezwungen sich über sein Verhalten Gedanken zu machen. Man muss über sein Verhalten nachdenken. >>nld<< Mañana se los entrego. Ik geef ze morgen aan haar. Ik geef ze morgen aan jullie. >>eng<< Te vas a lastimar. You will hurt yourself. You're gonna hurt yourself. >>nld<< Vivo accanto a lei. Ik woon naast haar. Ik woon naast haar. >>nld<< Smettila di chiamarmi così. Stop met mij zo te noemen. Noem me niet zo. >>deu<< C'era anche un'altra ragione. Es gab noch einen anderen Grund. Es gab noch einen anderen Grund. >>eng<< Tom no quiere ensuciarse las manos. Tom doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Tom doesn't want to get his hands dirty. >>eng<< Gli affari sono affari, sapete. Business is business, you know. Business is business, you know. >>eng<< Ne disposez-vous pas d'un appareil pour l'air conditionné ? Don't you have an air conditioner? Don't you have an air conditioner? >>eng<< J'espère que tu seras un meilleur père que je ne l'ai été. I hope that you will be a better father than I was. I hope you're a better father than I've ever been. >>eng<< Tace et audi me. Stop talking and listen to me. Shut up and listen to me. >>eng<< O xadrez é como procurar ver através do oceano. O jogo de damas é como tentar enxergar o fundo de um poço. Chess is like looking across an ocean. Checkers is like looking down a well. Chess is like trying to see across the ocean. Checkers is like trying to see the bottom of a well. >>eng<< Nessuno ha visto Tom da allora. No one has seen Tom since. No one has seen Tom since. >>nld<< ¿A qué hora sale el tren? Hoe laat vertrekt de trein? Hoe laat vertrekt de trein? >>eng<< Ce limbă vei învața după asta? Which language are you going to learn next? What language will you learn after that? >>eng<< Sé que a los pájaros les gusta. I know birds like that. I know the birds like it. >>eng<< Eiecitque hominem et collocavit ad orientem paradisi Eden cherubim et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitæ. And he cast out Adam: and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. And he drove out the man, and set on the east side of the garden of Eden the cherubim, and the flaming sword that turned to keep the way of the tree of life. >>eng<< O casaco não é mau, eu gosto. The coat is not bad, I like it. The coat's not bad, I like it. >>nld<< Le presté 500 dólares sin intereses. Ik heb hem 500 dollar geleend zonder rente. Ik leende hem 500 dollar zonder rente. >>eng<< Animal amo. I love the animal. Animal I love. >>nld<< Finalmente è venerdì. Eindelijk is het vrijdag. Eindelijk is het vrijdag. >>eng<< Je désire depuis longtemps vous rendre visite. I have long been desiring to visit you. I have long wanted to visit you. >>eng<< Ya no tengo ganas de bailar. I don't feel like dancing anymore. I don't feel like dancing anymore. >>eng<< Il ne m'a pas oubliée. He didn't forget me. He didn't forget me. >>deu<< Non sono contento dei tuoi risultati: ecco ciò che volevo dirti. Ich bin mit deinen Ergebnissen nicht zufrieden: das ist es, was ich dir sagen wollte. Ich bin mit deinen Ergebnissen nicht zufrieden: Das wollte ich dir sagen. >>eng<< Il 13 febbraio sarò in grado di dire che avrò 35 anni. On February 13 I'll be able to say I'm 35 years old. On February 13th I will be able to say that I will be 35 years old. >>eng<< Qui t’a prêté ce livre ? Who lent you that book? Who lent you this book? >>eng<< O xadrez é mais difícil de aprender que as damas, mas na verdade o jogo de damas é muito mais difícil que o xadrez. Chess is more difficult to learn than draughts, but draughts is actually much harder than chess. Chess is harder to learn than checkers, but actually checkers are much harder than chess. >>nld<< Urăsc chimia. Ik haat scheikunde. Ik haat chemie. >>eng<< Si feceris, magnam habebo gratiam; si non feceris, ignoscam. If you do it, I shall be deeply grateful; if you do not do it, I shall pardon you. If thou do it, I will have great grace: if thou do it not, I will pardon it. >>eng<< Ya hemos concluido todas las tareas pendientes. We've finished all the pending tasks. We have already completed all outstanding tasks. >>eng<< Tu vas le briser si tu ne fais pas attention. You'll break it if you're not careful. You're gonna break it if you don't pay attention. >>eng<< Lui risponde dicendo di sì. He replies saying yes. He answers by saying yes. >>eng<< Él ha sido operado de la pierna izquierda. He has had surgery on his left leg. He has been operated on the left leg. >>nld<< Elle s'est entichée d'un homme plus jeune. Ze werd op een jongere man verliefd. Ze werd verliefd op een jongere man. >>eng<< Assim como as inscrições na Pedra de Roseta apontam para a atividade de um antigo escriba e um programa de computador aponta para um programador, argumentei que o código digital descoberto dentro da molécula de DNA sugere a atividade de uma mente planejadora na origem da vida. Just as the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone point to the activity of an ancient scribe and a computer program points to a programmer, I have argued that the digital code discovered within the DNA molecule suggests the activity of a designing mind at the origin of life. Just as the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone point to the activity of an ancient scribe and a computer program points to a programmer, I have argued that the digital code discovered within the DNA molecule suggests the activity of a planning mind at the origin of life. >>eng<< Ella dejó de fumar. She gave up smoking. She quit smoking. >>eng<< La violenza non è la risposta. Violence isn't the answer. Violence is not the answer. >>nld<< No hace mucha diferencia. Het maakt weinig verschil. Het maakt niet veel uit. >>nld<< Je suis fatigué d'écrire. Ik ben het schrijven moe. Ik ben het beu om te schrijven. >>deu<< Lei mi ascoltava molto attentamente mentre lodavo suo figlio. Als ich ihren Sohn lobte, hörte sie mir sehr aufmerksam zu. Sie hörte mir aufmerksam zu, als ich ihren Sohn lobte. >>deu<< Dommage qu'il ne soit pas réceptif à l'ironie ! Wie schade, dass er für Ironie unempfänglich ist! Schade, dass er nicht für Ironie empfänglich ist. >>nld<< E fratele meu. Hij is mijn broer. Hij is mijn broer. >>eng<< Peux-tu traduire cette phrase en hongrois ? Can you translate this sentence into Hungarian? Can you translate this phrase into Hungarian? >>eng<< Vive vicino alla metropolitana. He lives near the subway. He lives near the subway. >>eng<< C’est bourré de paranos. It's full of paranoia. It is full of paranoia. >>deu<< Estou satisfeito. Ich bin zufrieden. Ich bin zufrieden. >>eng<< William a jeté Sandra dans une confusion extrême. William made Sandra extremely confused. William threw Sandra into extreme confusion. >>eng<< Lo spam è fastidioso. Spam is annoying. Spam is annoying. >>eng<< Mecum bibe. Have a drink with me. With me, baby. >>nld<< Eu am intrat în panică și nu am știut ce să fac. Ik ben in paniek geraakt en ik wist niet wat te doen. Ik raakte in paniek en wist niet wat ik moest doen. >>eng<< Te diré cuál es el problema. I'll tell you what the problem is. I'll tell you what the problem is. >>eng<< Raedam emit. He bought a car. Raedam emit. >>eng<< Perché il gatto è nella cuccia del cane?! Why is the cat in the dog's house?! Why is the cat in the dog’s kennel?! >>eng<< Supongo que esta vez fuimos demasiado lejos. I guess we went too far this time. I guess this time we went too far. >>deu<< Ai-je vraiment écrit cette phrase ? Habe ich diesen Satz wirklich geschrieben? Habe ich diesen Satz wirklich geschrieben? >>nld<< Su abuela parece estar sana. Zijn grootmoeder ziet er gezond uit. Haar oma ziet er gezond uit. >>eng<< Pons nobis efficiendus est. We need to build a bridge. Pony is very efficient. >>deu<< As crianças foram entregues a si mesmas. Die Kinder wurden sich selbst überlassen. Die Kinder wurden sich selbst überlassen. >>deu<< Ôte ton manteau. Zieh deinen Mantel aus. Zieh deinen Mantel aus. >>eng<< È stato un breve tragitto in auto. It was a short drive. It was a short drive. >>eng<< O rádio é uma grande invenção. Radio is a great invention. Radio is a great invention. >>deu<< L'avvocato lo stava aspettando. Der Anwalt erwartete ihn. Der Anwalt wartete auf ihn. >>eng<< Il microfono è spento. The microphone is switched off. The microphone is off. >>eng<< Mettetelo nella scatola. Put it in the box. Put it in the box. >>eng<< Comment sais-tu ce que j'ai entendu ? How do you know what I heard? How do you know what I heard? >>nld<< Il est 1h30. Het is een uur dertig. Het is half drie. >>eng<< Niciodată n-am văzut un astfel de lucru. Never have I seen such a thing. I've never seen such a thing. >>eng<< Nihil fecisti. You did nothing. You did nothing. >>eng<< Este é o meu avô. This is my grandfather. This is my grandfather. >>eng<< Non c'era niente nel frigorifero. There was nothing in the fridge. There was nothing in the fridge. >>eng<< Ne pouvez-vous comprendre la douleur de vos parents ? Can't you understand the pain of your parents? Can't you understand your parents' pain? >>deu<< Non femina, sed parva puella est Iulia. Julia ist keine Frau, sondern ein kleines Mädchen. Sie ist keine Frau, sondern ein kleines Mädchen. >>eng<< A vida não é fácil para as mães que trabalham. Life is not easy for working mothers. Life is not easy for working mothers. >>eng<< Ne avete uno in blu? Do you have one in blue? Do you have one in blue? >>eng<< Fluiera mergând. He whistled as he walked. The whistle's going. >>deu<< Perché mi va tutto storto? Warum geht bei mir alles schief? Warum geht mir das alles so schlecht? >>nld<< Mangio. Ik eet. Ik eet. >>eng<< La stagione di baseball sta per iniziare. Baseball season's about to start. The baseball season is about to begin. >>eng<< Necdum intra se verba compleverat, et ecce Rebecca egrediebatur filia Bathuel filii Melchæ uxoris Nachor fratris Abraham habens hydriam in scapula. He had not yet ended these words within himself, and behold Rebecca came out, the daughter of Bathuel, son of Melcha, wife to Nachor the brother of Abraham, having a pitcher on her shoulder. And it came to pass, as soon as he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah came out, the daughter of Bethuel the son of Malcha, the wife of Nahor Abraham's brother, with her pitcher on her shoulder. >>nld<< Antes de dormirme solo leo novelas, no artículos científicos o cosas así. Voor het inslapen lees ik alleen romans, geen wetenschap of zo. Voor het slapengaan lees ik alleen romans, geen wetenschappelijke artikelen of dergelijke. >>deu<< Nemo super posse tenetur. Niemand ist zu mehr verpflichtet, als er kann. Keiner hat einen Superhelden. >>eng<< Sono speranzoso che le cose miglioreranno. I'm hopeful that things will improve. I'm hopeful things will get better. >>nld<< El rey era, como hoy se diría, un psicópata. De koning was wat je tegenwoordig een psychopaat zou noemen. De koning was, zoals men tegenwoordig zou zeggen, een psychopaat. >>eng<< Penso che Tom sia nel suo giardino. I think that Tom is in his garden. I think Tom's in his backyard. >>eng<< Dégage, cabot ! Scram, mutt! Get out of here, cabot! >>nld<< Tenemos tiempo suficiente. Wij hebben genoeg tijd. We hebben genoeg tijd. >>eng<< Vi ho portato un regalino. I brought you a little gift. I brought you a little present. >>deu<< Aquest és el teu gos. Das ist dein Hund. Das ist dein Hund. >>eng<< Nu e problema lui Tom. It isn't Tom's problem. It's not Tom's problem. >>eng<< Grazie per avermi lasciato parlare. Thank you for letting me speak. Thank you for letting me talk. >>eng<< L'anglais est la langue internationale. English is the international language. English is the international language. >>nld<< Tom a passé trente jours en prison. Tom heeft dertig dagen in de gevangenis doorgebracht. Tom zat dertig dagen in de gevangenis. >>deu<< Poftiți restul. Hier ist das Wechselgeld. Hier ist der Rest. >>deu<< Hay una diosa. Es gibt eine Göttin. Es gibt eine Göttin. >>eng<< Émue, elle a du mal à cacher ses larmes. Emotional, she could hardly hide her tears. Excited, she struggles to hide her tears. >>eng<< De nombreux Grecs vivent en Allemagne. Many Greeks live in Germany. Many Greeks live in Germany. >>eng<< Je suggère de changer l'ordre des mots. I suggest changing the word order. I suggest changing the order of the words. >>eng<< La dernière fois que j'ai été malade, je suis resté alité pendant 4 jours. The last time I was sick, I was bedridden for 4 days. The last time I was sick, I was bedridden for 4 days. >>eng<< Tom e Mary non vogliono parlare con te. Tom and Mary don't want to speak with you. Tom and Mary don't want to talk to you. >>eng<< Chiamiamo. Let's call. Let's call. >>eng<< Adottò quel ragazzo orfano. He adopted that orphan boy. She adopted that orphan boy. >>eng<< Eu só falo francês em casa com os meus pais. I only speak French at home with my parents. I only speak French at home with my parents. >>eng<< Tom tuvo algo que esconder. Tom had something to hide. Tom had something to hide. >>nld<< Ce mec est complètement maboul ! Die gozer is compleet geschift! Die man is een echte maboul. >>eng<< Apesar de estarem posicionados num não tão elevado 116º lugar na Tabela de Classificações Mundial da FIFA, os adeptos vietnamitas em qualquer grande jogo de futebol podem atestar um elevado entusiasmo quando se trata de apoiar o seu país em eventos internacionais. Despite being ranked a not-so-lofty 116 in the FIFA World Ranking Table, Vietnamese fans at any big soccer match can attest to high enthusiasm when it comes to supporting their country in international events. Despite being ranked not so high 116th in the FIFA World Rankings, Vietnamese fans in any major football game can attest to high enthusiasm when it comes to supporting their country in international events. >>eng<< Am învăţat multe din cărţile lui. I learned a lot from his books. I learned a lot from his books. >>eng<< Princeps scholae in secundo tabulamento est. The school's principal is on the second floor. The school is in the second grade. >>eng<< Chiesi di lei. I asked for her. I asked about you. >>deu<< Mi pulso está bajo. Mein Puls ist langsam. Mein Puls ist niedrig. >>deu<< Tócame Chopin. Spiel mir Chopin. Berühre mich, Chopin. >>eng<< Quantos desse você vai precisar para terminar o projeto? How much of these will you need to finish the project? How many of these will you need to finish the project? >>eng<< Excusez mon indiscrétion, mais avez-vous des problèmes à la maison? I don't mean to pry, but are you having problems at home? Excuse my indiscretion, but do you have any problems at home? >>eng<< Estoy cansada de oír eso. I am tired of hearing that. I'm tired of hearing that. >>eng<< La femme est jeune. The woman is young. The woman is young. >>eng<< Aprender es divertido. Learning is fun. Learning is fun. >>deu<< Elas têm água. Sie haben Wasser. Sie haben Wasser. >>eng<< Ayer aprendí un nuevo juego. Yesterday I learned a new game. I learned a new game yesterday. >>eng<< Ela vai comigo. She is going with me. She's coming with me. >>deu<< Tom disse boa noite. Tom sagte gute Nacht. Tom sagte gute Nacht. >>eng<< Como as apresentações são organizadas? How are presentations organized? How are the presentations organized? >>deu<< Tom, tu peux croire ce que tu veux. Tom, du kannst glauben, was du willst. Tom, du kannst glauben, was du willst. >>eng<< Lui è più forte di me. He's stronger than me. He's stronger than me. >>eng<< é que é a primeira vez que venho a um aquario. It's my first time coming to an aquarium. It's the first time I've ever been to an aquarium. >>eng<< As paixões são cegas. Passions are blinding. Passions are blind. >>nld<< A Tom piace leggere la letteratura inglese. Tom leest graag Engelse literatuur. Tom leest graag Engelse literatuur. >>nld<< ¿Conoces bien a Tom? Ken je Tom goed? Ken je Tom goed? >>deu<< On cad l'accent dens lo mot "Australia" ? Wo liegt der Akzent beim Wort „Australien“? Der Akzent fällt auf das Wort "Australien"? >>deu<< C'est la plus grande tour au Japon. Er ist der höchste Turm Japans. Es ist der größte Turm in Japan. >>eng<< Eu nunca comi carne de jacaré. I've never eaten alligator meat. I've never eaten alligator meat. >>eng<< Mais le café, ça n'est pas bon. But coffee is not good. But coffee is not good. >>deu<< Você deveria se envergonhar por me tratar dessa maneira. Du solltest dich schämen, mich so zu behandeln! Du solltest dich schämen, mich so zu behandeln. >>eng<< Mi chino no es muy bueno. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not very good. >>nld<< ¿Qué ha dicho? Wat zei ze? Wat zei hij? >>eng<< Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela. He will break up with her. He's gonna break up with her. >>eng<< Une fois n’est pas coutume. Just the once will not hurt. Once is not customary. >>eng<< Deschide ușile acelea. Open those doors. Open those doors. >>deu<< Brigitte é um nome holandês. Brigitte ist ein niederländischer Name. Brigitte ist ein niederländischer Name. >>deu<< Algunos leen libros solo para pasar el rato. Mancher liest nur Bücher, um die Zeit totzuschlagen. Manche lesen Bücher nur, um sich zu vergnügen. >>eng<< Filipinas ha tenido inglés desde 1898 en su ecología de idiomas, pero la mayoría de los filipinos aún no pueden pronunciarlo correctamente. The Philippines has had English since 1898 in its ecology of languages, but most Filipinos still cannot pronounce it correctly. The Philippines has had English since 1898 in its language ecology, but most Filipinos still cannot pronounce it properly. >>nld<< Estoy interesado en la historia de Japón. Ik interesseer me voor Japanse geschiedenis. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in de geschiedenis van Japan. >>deu<< Mi sono appena ricordato qualcosa. Mir ist gerade etwas eingefallen. Ich habe mich gerade an etwas erinnert. >>deu<< Le livre que j'ai lu hier est très intéressant. Das Buch, das ich gestern las, ist hochinteressant. Das Buch, das ich gestern gelesen habe, ist sehr interessant. >>nld<< Ese no puede ser un diamante auténtico. Dat kan geen echte diamant zijn. Dat kan geen echte diamant zijn. >>eng<< David non ha parlato molto. David didn't talk much. David didn't talk much. >>eng<< Mon père me tuera. My dad will kill me. My father will kill me. >>eng<< Quand avez-vous fait tester votre vue pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had your eyesight tested? >>eng<< Envoyez des renforts ! Send reinforcements. Send in reinforcements! >>eng<< Qui a aimé ce livre ? Who liked this book? Who liked this book? >>eng<< Las ciudades son los crisoles de la civilización. Cities are the crucibles of civilisation. Cities are the melting pots of civilization. >>deu<< Tom a réponse à toutes les questions. Tom hat auf alle Fragen eine Antwort. Tom beantwortet alle Fragen. >>eng<< Tiene derecho a cancelar su pedido. You have the right to cancel your order. You have the right to cancel your order. >>deu<< Rema más rápido. Rudere schneller! Paddeln Sie schneller. >>eng<< La amenaza para los puestos de trabajo llega mucho más rápido de lo que predijeron la mayoría de los expertos en inteligencia artificial. The threat to jobs is coming much faster than most AI experts predicted. The threat to jobs comes much faster than most AI experts predicted. >>nld<< Il pavone maschio ha le piume della coda colorate. De mannelijke pauw heeft kleurige staartveren. De mannelijke pauw heeft gekleurde staartveren. >>eng<< Come si dice "ti amo" nella tua lingua? How do you say, "I love you", in your language? How do you say “I love you” in your language? >>deu<< Liquide-le ! Trink es aus! Mach ihn fertig! >>eng<< Che ne dite di oggi? What about today? How about today? >>eng<< Lo visitò. She visited him. He visited him. >>eng<< Yanni le habló a Skura sobre eso. Yanni talked to Skura about it. Yanni told Skura about it. >>eng<< Avez-vous une règle ? Do you have a ruler? Do you have a rule? >>eng<< ¡Muere, insecto! Die, insect! Die, bug! >>deu<< Comment as-tu eu cette belle robe ? Woher hast du dieses wunderschöne Kleid? Wie hast du dieses schöne Kleid bekommen? >>eng<< Saltant. They're dancing. Jumping. >>eng<< Esta ropa no me queda bien. These clothes don't fit me. I don't like these clothes. >>eng<< Saíram-se bem na prova? Did you do well on the test? Did you do well in the test? >>eng<< Ho passato l'intera giornata là. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. >>deu<< Deixe-me terminar de falar, por favor. Lass mich bitte ausreden. Lassen Sie mich zu Ende reden, bitte. >>eng<< Mi ha raccomandato il film, così sono andato a vederlo. He recommended the film, so I went to see it. He recommended the movie to me, so I went to see it. >>nld<< 3 au cube vaut 27. Drie tot de derde macht is zevenentwintig. 3 per kubus is 27. >>nld<< Onde todos vocês vivem? Waar wonen jullie allemaal? Waar wonen jullie allemaal? >>nld<< ¿Ya ha venido el cartero? Is de postbode al gekomen? Is de postbode er al? >>deu<< Odia esta bicicleta. Er hasst dieses Fahrrad. Er hasst dieses Fahrrad. >>eng<< La scuola è a soli cinque minuti a piedi di distanza. The school is only a five-minute walk away. The school is only a five minute walk away. >>eng<< ¿Sois amigas? Y'all are friends? Are you friends? >>eng<< Sciō vōs ēsse. I know that you eat. You're going to get it. >>eng<< Il problema più urgente che ci troviamo davanti è il denaro. The most urgent problem we face is money. The most pressing problem we face is money. >>nld<< Tira el dado. Gooi de teerling. Gooi de dobbelsteen. >>eng<< ¿Cuál es el lugar más raro en el que te has quedado dormido? What's the weirdest place you fell asleep in? What's the weirdest place you've fallen asleep in? >>eng<< O chefe da Missão das Nações Unidas no Sudão do Sul (MNUSS), David Shearer, disse na terça-feira que o aumento dos confrontos intercomunitários está a causar mais sofrimento no Sudão do Sul e pode desfazer o frágil acordo de paz no país. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) chief David Shearer said Tuesday that increased inter-communal clashes are causing more suffering in South Sudan and could unravel the country’s fragile peace agreement. The head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), David Shearer, said on Tuesday that the increase in inter-communal clashes is causing more suffering in South Sudan and could undo the fragile peace agreement in the country. >>deu<< Tienes que hacerlo inmediatamente. Du musst es sofort machen. Du musst es sofort tun. >>eng<< Nous n'avons rencontré personne au musée. We didn't meet anyone in the museum. We didn't meet anyone at the museum. >>eng<< L'hai fermata? Did you stop her? You stopped her? >>eng<< Îți place literatura franceză? Do you like French literature? Do you like French literature? >>deu<< Creio que essa palavra esteja em desuso. Ich glaube, dieses Wort ist nicht mehr in Gebrauch. Ich glaube, dieses Wort ist veraltet. >>eng<< Tom è con le sue amiche. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. >>deu<< Perché sei stato sospeso? Warum bist du suspendiert worden? Warum wurdest du suspendiert? >>nld<< A lo sumo ella tiene 20 años de edad. Ze is hoogstens 20. Ze is hooguit 20 jaar oud. >>eng<< "Longa tibi exsilia, et vastum maris æquor arandum; / et terram Hesperiam venies, ubi Lydius arva / inter opima virum leni fluit agmine Thybris." "Seas remain / to plough, long years of exile must be thine, / ere thou at length Hesperia's land shalt gain, / where Lydian Tiber glides through many a peopled plain." "Far be it from thee to thee, and far from thee to thee, and far from thee to thee to thee, and to thee to the land of Hesperia; and thou shalt come, where Lydius arba, between thee and thy brother Thybris, floweth." >>deu<< Soy un estudiante de 40 años en la universidad de Hyogo. Ich bin ein vierzigjähriger Student an der Hyogo-Universität. Ich bin ein 40-jähriger Student an der Universität von Hyogo. >>eng<< Há um pouquinho de lamborghini em tudo que eu faço. There's a little bit of lamborghini in everything I do. There's a little bit of lamborghini in everything I do. >>deu<< Vaidade das vaidades — diz Coélet — vaidade das vaidades, tudo é vaidade. Es ist alles ganz eitel, sprach der Prediger, es ist alles ganz eitel. Eitelkeit der Eitelkeiten, sagt Coélet, Eitelkeit der Eitelkeiten, alles ist Eitelkeit. >>nld<< ¿Dónde estarás mañana a esta hora? Waar ben je morgen rond deze tijd? Waar ben je morgen om deze tijd? >>eng<< La felicità non entra attraverso le porte chiuse. Happiness doesn't enter through closed doors. Happiness does not enter through closed doors. >>eng<< Thomas non est problema meum. Tom isn't my problem. Thomas is not my problem. >>eng<< Timuit Iacob valde et perterritus divisit populum, qui secum erat, greges quoque et oves et boves et camelos in duas turmas dicens: Si venerit Esau ad unam turmam et percusserit eam, alia turma, quæ reliqua est, salvabitur. Then Jacob was greatly afraid; and in his fear divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and the sheep, and the oxen, and the camels, into two companies, saying: If Esau come to one company, and destroy it, the other company that is left shall escape. And Jacob was very afraid, and divided the people that were with him, and the flocks, and the oxen, and the camels, into two companies, saying, If Esau come to one company, and smite it, then the rest of the company shall be delivered. >>eng<< C'erano abbastanza soldi? Was there enough money? Was there enough money? >>eng<< Magna domus aedificabitur. A big house will be built. Great house built. >>eng<< É recomendável ir de trem. It's advisable to go by train. It is recommended to go by train. >>eng<< «Tenemos que amputar.» «¿Qué dirá cuando se despierte?» "We'll have to amputate." "What will he say when he wakes up?" “We have to amputate.” “What will you say when you wake up?” >>nld<< Todos respiran aire. Iedereen ademt lucht. Iedereen ademt lucht in. >>eng<< Le compré el cinturón. I bought the belt for him. I bought his belt. >>deu<< Savez-vous où c'est ? Wissen Sie, wo das ist? Wissen Sie, wo das ist? >>deu<< Io non ci capisco nulla di auto. Ich verstehe nichts von Autos. Ich verstehe nichts von Autos. >>deu<< Tu sais vaincre Hannibal, mais tu ne sais pas profiter de la victoire. Zu siegen verstehst du, Hannibal, aber den Sieg zu nutzen verstehst du nicht. Du kannst Hannibal besiegen, aber du kannst den Sieg nicht genießen. >>deu<< La mancanza di soldi è la fonte di tutto il male. Alles Böse entspringt dem Mangel an Geld. Der Mangel an Geld ist die Quelle all des Bösen. >>eng<< Îmi place limba occitană. I like the Occitan language. I like the Occitan language. >>deu<< Video te legentem. Ich sehe dich lesen. Das Video liest. >>eng<< La police israélienne a battu des fidèles musulmans à l'intérieur de la mosquée al-Aqsa. Israeli police beat Muslim worshippers inside the al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli police beat Muslim worshippers inside the al-Aqsa mosque. >>deu<< Elas estão jogando xadrez. Sie spielen Schach. Sie spielen Schach. >>deu<< La stavo guardando. Ich schaute sie an. Ich schaute sie an. >>eng<< Quel ragazzo è innamorato della sua insegnante. That boy is in love with his teacher. That boy is in love with his teacher. >>nld<< Eso pienso yo. Ik denk van wel. Dat denk ik. >>nld<< Ho un laptop. Ik heb een laptop. Ik heb een laptop. >>deu<< Ho parlato con più calma che ho potuto. Ich sprach so leise, wie ich konnte. Ich sprach so ruhig, wie ich konnte. >>eng<< Mis bolsillos están llenos. My pockets are full. My pockets are full. >>deu<< Ho ottantanove anni. Ich bin neunundachtzig Jahre alt. Ich bin 89 Jahre alt. >>eng<< Avete finito di mangiare la vostra colazione? Have you finished eating your breakfast? Have you finished eating your breakfast? >>eng<< O presidente filipino Rodrigo Duterte levantará questões em torno de uma disputa delicada sobre a soberania marítima junto do seu homólogo chinês este mês para ganhar mais favores económicos, preveem os observadores. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will bring up issues surrounding a touchy maritime sovereignty dispute with his Chinese counterpart this month to win more economic favors, observers predict. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will raise questions around a delicate dispute over maritime sovereignty with his Chinese counterpart this month to win more economic favors, observers predict. >>deu<< Ele visitou Quito ano passado. Er hat im letzten Jahr Kyōto besucht. Er besuchte Quito letztes Jahr. >>eng<< Stația este mijlocul orașului. The station is the middle of the city. The station is the middle of the city. >>eng<< Le vin est fait à partir du raisin. Wine is made from grapes. The wine is made from grapes. >>eng<< Lo siento, lo olvidé por completo. Sorry, I forgot it completely. I'm sorry, I completely forgot. >>deu<< Un ami fidèle est le plus beau des trésors. Ein treuer Freund ist der schönste Schatz. Ein treuer Freund ist der schönste Schatz. >>deu<< Io sono sempre molto nervoso. Ich bin immer sehr nervös. Ich bin immer sehr nervös. >>nld<< Te rog, scuză-mă că am venit târziu. Excuseer me alsjeblief om te laat te komen. Alstublieft, het spijt me dat ik te laat ben. >>eng<< Non entendo. I don't understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Voudriez-vous m'excuser un moment ? Would you excuse me just one moment? Would you excuse me for a moment? >>nld<< Combien de spectateurs y avait-il au stade ? Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er in het stadion? >>nld<< Él salió. Hij is vertrokken. Hij is weg. >>eng<< Eu não quero ser esquecido. I don't want to be forgotten. I don't want to be forgotten. >>eng<< Os registos incluirão certidões de nascimento, casamento, óbito e imigração, outrora não obteníveis na Internet. The records will include birth, marriage, death and immigration certificates once not obtainable on the Internet. The records will include birth, marriage, death and immigration certificates, which were previously not available on the Internet. >>nld<< Boa noite! Goedenavond. Welterusten. >>deu<< La figlia maggiore di Tom non è sposata. Toms älteste Tochter ist unverheiratet. Toms älteste Tochter ist nicht verheiratet. >>eng<< ¡No soy hombre! I am not a man! I'm not a man! >>deu<< Ella hace todo rápido. Sie macht alles schnell. Sie macht alles schnell. >>eng<< Si quisiera, podría, pero no quiero. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. If I wanted to, I could, but I don't want to. >>nld<< Comme c'est gênant ! Wat gênant! Dat is vervelend. >>nld<< ¿De quién son estos libros? Van wie zijn die boeken? Van wie zijn deze boeken? >>eng<< Noi non possiamo essere più precise. We can't be more specific. We cannot be more precise. >>eng<< Librum lego. I am reading the book. The Book of Lego. >>deu<< Suerte intentando traducir esta oración usando precisamente ochenta y siete caracteres. Viel Erfolg beim Versuch, diesen Satz, der aus genau 87 Zeichen besteht, zu übersetzen! Viel Glück beim Versuch, diesen Satz mit genau siebenundachtzig Zeichen zu übersetzen. >>eng<< O que há para beber? What do we have to drink? What's there to drink? >>nld<< Aquell és el diccionari que faig servir cada dia. Dat is het woordenboek dat ik alle dagen gebruik. Dat is het woordenboek dat ik elke dag gebruik. >>eng<< Siga-o. Follow him. Follow him. >>eng<< Eu os conhecia melhor do que você. I knew them better than you did. I knew them better than you. >>eng<< Precisa ser justo agora? Does it have to be right now? Does it have to be fair now? >>eng<< Eravamo tutti sull'autobus insieme. We were all on the bus together. We were all on the bus together. >>nld<< Je suis de retour ! Ah ? Nous avons un invité ? Ik ben er weer! O, hebben we bezoek? Ik ben terug, hebben we een gast? >>eng<< Dormitne? Is he sleeping? Are you asleep? >>nld<< Francia e Italia sono paesi molto belli. Frankrijk en Italië zijn erg mooie landen. Frankrijk en Italië zijn zeer mooie landen. >>deu<< C'est commode de vivre si près de la gare. Es ist praktisch, so nahe am Bahnhof zu wohnen. Es ist bequem, so nah am Bahnhof zu leben. >>deu<< Alza le mani in aria. Hebt die Hände in die Luft! Hände hoch in die Luft. >>eng<< Pouco a pouco, você vai notar melhoras nos seus textos. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. Little by little, you will notice improvements in your texts. >>deu<< Il écaillait le poisson. Er entschuppte den Fisch. Er hat den Fisch geschält. >>nld<< Elles s'évadent. Zij ontsnappen. Ze ontsnapten. >>nld<< Personne ne t'a demandé ton avis. Niemand heeft je om je mening gevraagd. Niemand heeft je om je mening gevraagd. >>deu<< Tendres baisers ! Zärtliche Küsse! Zärtliche Küsse! >>nld<< Aș vrea un dicționar bun. Ik zou graag een goed woordenboek hebben. Ik wil graag een goed woordenboek. >>eng<< A dieta é difícil. The diet is difficult. The diet is difficult. >>eng<< Prouve que tu n'es pas une poule mouillée. Prove you're not a chicken. Prove you're not a wet chicken. >>eng<< Non firmate niente! Don't sign anything! Don't sign anything! >>deu<< Ora vai, non farli aspettare! Und jetzt geh, lass sie nicht warten! Jetzt geh, lass sie nicht warten! >>eng<< Il ragazzo sta facendo una domanda. The boy is asking a question. The boy is asking a question. >>deu<< Esto es un portokal. Dies ist eine Apfelsine. Das ist ein Portokal. >>deu<< Io scrivo delle lettere quasi ogni giorno. Ich schreibe fast jeden Tag Briefe. Ich schreibe Briefe fast jeden Tag. >>eng<< Notre vache ne donne pas de lait. Our cow does not give milk. Our cow does not give milk. >>deu<< Me debiste haber dicho ayer. Das hättest du mir gestern sagen sollen. Du hättest es mir gestern sagen sollen. >>eng<< O recipiente está vazio. The container is empty. The container is empty. >>eng<< ¿Sabes cuánto pagaron por ellos? Do you know how much they paid for those? Do you know how much they paid for them? >>eng<< Tom era la persona más joven en la fiesta. Tom was the youngest person at the party. Tom was the youngest person at the party. >>nld<< J'ai acheté un hot dog à Tom. Ik heb een hot dog bij Tom gekocht. Ik kocht een hotdog voor Tom. >>eng<< N’oublie pas la valise ! Do not forget the suitcase! Don’t forget the suitcase! >>deu<< Os senhores viram o que ela estava vestindo? Haben Sie gesehen, was sie anhatte? Haben Sie gesehen, was sie anhatte? >>nld<< Estaba en casa. Ik was thuis. Ik was thuis. >>deu<< Tu parles trop. Du sprichst zu viel. Du redest zu viel. >>deu<< A marinha defende nossa costa. Die Marine verteidigt unsere Küste. Die Marine verteidigt unsere Küste. >>nld<< Nos vamos. We gaan ervandoor. We gaan. >>deu<< Videbaris veritatem nescire. Du schienst die Wahrheit nicht zu kennen. Du siehst die Wahrheit nicht. >>deu<< Não há motivo para que eu faça isso. Es gibt keinen Grund für mich, das zu tun. Es gibt keinen Grund, warum ich das tun sollte. >>eng<< Testis es. You are a witness. It is test. >>eng<< Ele passou toda sua vida naquela fazenda. He spent his entire life on that farm. He's spent his whole life on that farm. >>eng<< Ero così nervosa. I was so nervous. I was so nervous. >>eng<< Quot terrae in Europa sunt? How many countries are in Europe? How much land is there in Europe? >>eng<< Pyrrhus cum ingenti exercitu multisque elephantis in Italiam venit. Pyrrhus came into Italy with a great army and many elephants. Pyrrhus, with a large army of elephants, came to Italy. >>eng<< Je n’ai jamais ressenti cette douleur. I've never had this pain before. I never felt that pain. >>deu<< Te falta un tornillo. Du hast nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Dir fehlt eine Schraube. >>eng<< Tom sa più di quanto pensi. Tom knows more than you think he does. Tom knows more than you think. >>eng<< ¿Fuches capaz de facer todo o que querías? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Were you able to do everything you wanted? >>eng<< Ha tanti ragazzi che le sbavano dietro. She's got a lot of guys drooling over her. She's got a lot of kids crawling around behind her. >>eng<< Il luogo preciso della battaglia è sconosciuto. The exact battle site is unknown. The exact location of the battle is unknown. >>eng<< Le proteine sono costituite da molecole più piccole chiamate amminoacidi. Proteins are made of smaller molecules called amino acids. Proteins are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. >>eng<< Thomas et Maria ab apibus puncti sunt. Tom and Mary were stung by bees. Thomas and Mary are in awe. >>eng<< La teoría científica más eficaz y poderosa jamás producida por la humanidad es un misterio. The most effective and powerful scientific theory ever produced by mankind is a mystery. The most effective and powerful scientific theory ever produced by mankind is a mystery. >>deu<< Eu gosto mais do chá "café da manhã inglês". Am liebsten mag ich Englischen Frühstückstee. Ich mag den englischen Morgentee besser. >>deu<< Ela come uma maçã. Sie isst einen Apfel. Sie isst einen Apfel. >>eng<< Solum requiescere volo. I just want to rest. I just want to fly. >>deu<< Él nos hizo esperar harto tiempo. Er hat uns lange warten lassen. Er ließ uns lange warten. >>eng<< Come si fa a sentirlo? How can you hear him? How do you feel it? >>nld<< Ils ne semblent pas convaincus. Ze lijken niet overtuigd. Ze lijken niet overtuigd. >>eng<< Tenho certeza de que sentirei muitas saudades dela. I'm sure that I'll miss her a lot. I'm sure I'll miss her very much. >>deu<< A mulher usou um spray nasal porque tinha um forte resfriado. Die Frau benutzte ein Nasenspray, weil sie eine schwere Erkältung hatte. Die Frau benutzte ein Nasenspray, weil sie eine starke Erkältung hatte. >>eng<< Fai attenzione a loro. Look out for them. Be careful of them. >>deu<< Si no lo dices tú, lo digo yo. Wenn du es nicht sagst, werde ich es tun. Wenn du es nicht sagst, sage ich es. >>deu<< Él perdió todo su dinero. Er hat sein ganzes Geld verloren. Er hat sein ganzes Geld verloren. >>eng<< L'aria era tiepida. The air was warm. The air was warm. >>eng<< Thomas gubernare discere vult. Tom wants to learn how to drive. Thomas wants to learn to drive. >>deu<< Ils se sont téléphoné. Sie haben sich angerufen. Sie haben angerufen. >>deu<< Perseo decapitò Medusa. Perseus köpfte Medusa. Perseus enthauptete Medusa. >>eng<< Vivete in una grande città? Do you live in a big city? Do you live in a big city? >>eng<< Os tufões são muito perigosos. Typhoons are very dangerous. Typhoons are very dangerous. >>deu<< Avec ou sans lait ? Mit oder ohne Milch? Mit oder ohne Milch? >>eng<< Tom jamás podrá perdonar a Mary por haberlo engañado. Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. Tom can never forgive Mary for cheating on him. >>nld<< No puedes llevarte el gato a la escuela. Je kunt je kat niet naar school meebrengen. Je mag de kat niet mee naar school nemen. >>nld<< Com licença, que horas são? Pardon, hoe laat is het? Pardon, hoe laat is het? >>eng<< Sono un ragazzo etero. I'm a straight guy. I'm a straight guy. >>deu<< En Allemagne du Nord, il y a plus de landes qu'en Allemagne du Sud. In Norddeutschland gibt es mehr Heiden als in Süddeutschland. In Norddeutschland gibt es mehr Heidegebiete als in Süddeutschland. >>eng<< Ziri disse che era sordo. Ziri said he was deaf. Ziri said he was deaf. >>eng<< Non tutti gli errori devono essere chiamati follia. Not every error is to be called folly. Not all mistakes should be called insanity. >>eng<< Tom are multe timbre valoroase. Tom has many valuable stamps. Tom has a lot of valuable stamps. >>deu<< Sono una persona seria! Ich bin eine ernst zu nehmende Person! Ich bin ein ernster Mensch! >>eng<< Voglio riposarmi. I want to take a rest. I want to rest. >>eng<< Un tal Sr. Ito desea verle. There is a Mr Ito who wants to see you. A certain Mr. Ito wishes to see you. >>eng<< La sonda ha utilizzato una carotatrice per realizzare un carotaggio della crosta lunare Ganimede. The probe used a core drill to make a core sample of the moon Ganymede's crust. The probe used a corer to perform a core drilling of the Ganymede lunar crust. >>eng<< O equador divide a Terra em dois hemisférios: o do norte e o do sul. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern and the southern hemisphere. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern and southern hemispheres. >>eng<< Son nom a été supprimé de la liste. Her name was deleted from the list. His name has been removed from the list. >>nld<< Seria divertido ver como as coisas mudam ao passar dos anos. Het zou leuk zijn om te zien hoe alles in de loop van de jaren verandert. Het zou leuk zijn om te zien hoe dingen veranderen door de jaren heen. >>deu<< Bizarrement, son comportement particulier ne me semblait pas du tout étrange au début. Oui, peut-être un peu déconcertant. Merkwürdigerweise kam mir sein eigenartiges Verhalten anfangs gar nicht seltsam vor. Na ja, ein wenig befremdlich vielleicht schon. Seltsamerweise erschien mir sein besonderes Verhalten anfangs überhaupt nicht seltsam. Ja, vielleicht ein wenig verwirrend. >>deu<< Sans pain ni vin, le nid d'amour est froid. Ohne Brot und Wein ist das Liebesnest kalt. Ohne Brot und Wein ist das Liebesnest kalt. >>eng<< Les gens ne sont pas rationnels. People aren't rational. People are not rational. >>eng<< Regarde dans le cellier pour voir si on a de la confiture. Have a look in the larder to see if we've got any jam. Look in the storeroom to see if we have any jam. >>eng<< Trunchiul este partea principală a unui copac. The trunk is the main part of a tree. The trunk is the main part of a tree. >>eng<< Estas meninas não estão falando, mas cantando. These girls are not speaking but singing. These girls are not talking, but singing. >>nld<< Hay algunos libros encima de la mesa. Er liggen enkele boeken op tafel. Er liggen een paar boeken op de tafel. >>eng<< Amicum volo. I want a friend. My friend is flying. >>deu<< Éduquer une femme, c'est éduquer tout un village. Eine Frau zu erziehen bedeutet, ein ganzes Dorf zu erziehen. Eine Frau zu erziehen bedeutet, ein ganzes Dorf zu erziehen. >>deu<< Fue imposible para mí responder esta pregunta. Es war mir nicht möglich, diese Frage zu beantworten. Es war für mich unmöglich, diese Frage zu beantworten. >>nld<< Se adaptó rápidamente a la nueva situación. Hij is de nieuwe situatie rap gewoon geworden. Hij paste zich snel aan de nieuwe situatie aan. >>eng<< Scrivete qualunque parola in russo. Write any word in Russian. Write any word in Russian. >>eng<< E a bloquear a saída estava uma cabra muito velha que parecia prestes a bater a bota a qualquer momento. And blocking the exit was a very old goat that looked like she was about to keel over any second. And blocking the exit was a very old goat that seemed about to hit the boot at any moment. >>deu<< Les salles de classe sont rénovées. Die Klassenzimmer sind renoviert. Die Klassenzimmer wurden renoviert. >>deu<< Currit. Er rennt. Currit. >>eng<< Ce ne sont pas les couleurs du fromage. These are not the colors of the cheese. These are not the colors of cheese. >>deu<< Mi fili! Mein Sohn! Meine Söhne! >>eng<< Voi siete tutto per me. You are everything to me. You are everything to me. >>nld<< Me gusta comer sandía. Ik eet graag watermeloen. Ik eet graag watermeloen. >>eng<< Habesne computatorium? Do you own a computer? Do you have a computer? >>eng<< Il m'a offert un pot de confiture. He gave me a jar of jam. He offered me a jar of jam. >>eng<< Arriviamo là prima. Let's get there first. Let's get there first. >>eng<< Je vis à New York et ma famille vit à Boston. I live in New York and my family lives in Boston. I live in New York and my family lives in Boston. >>eng<< Et rursum: “Expande, inquit, palliolum tuum, quo operiris, et tene utraque manu”. Qua extendente et tenente, mensus est sex modios hordei et posuit super eam; quæ portans ingressa est civitatem. And again he said: Spread thy mantle, wherewith thou art covered, and hold it with both hands. And when she spread it and held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it upon her. And she carried it, and went into the city, And she said, Stretch out thy cloak, and take it in thy two hands. And she held it, and measured six measures of barley, and laid it upon her. And she came into the city. >>eng<< Fais de l'exercice avec modération. Exercise moderately. Exercise in moderation. >>deu<< É razoável. Das hat Hand und Fuß. Das ist vernünftig. >>deu<< Esta oferta sólo permanecerá durante un tiempo limitado. Dieses Angebot besteht nur für begrenzte Zeit. Dieses Angebot bleibt nur für eine begrenzte Zeit bestehen. >>deu<< Este autobús va a Minsk. Dieser Bus fährt nach Minsk. Dieser Bus fährt nach Minsk. >>eng<< Homines huius loci valde aegrotant! The people here are very ill! This is a crazy place to be! >>nld<< È un fiume? Is dit een rivier? Is het een rivier? >>eng<< Tom starà bene, vero? Tom will be fine, won't he? Tom's gonna be fine, right? >>deu<< C'est comme ça qu'elle l'apprécie. So hat sie es gern. So schätzt sie ihn. >>nld<< Je comptais les moutons. Ik telde de schapen. Ik telde de schapen. >>eng<< Compania încearcă să își îmbunătățească imaginea. The company is trying to improve its image. The company is trying to improve its image. >>eng<< Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas reçu votre réponse. Regrettably, we have not received your reply. Unfortunately, we have not received your answer. >>deu<< Les responsables affirment qu'ils régleront bientôt ce problème. Die Verantwortlichen behaupten, dass sie dieses Problem bald lösen werden. Die Verantwortlichen sagen, dass sie dieses Problem bald lösen werden. >>nld<< Él siempre está aquí entre las 5 y las 6 de la tarde. Hij is hier altijd tussen vijf en zes. Hij is hier altijd tussen 5 en 6 uur 's middags. >>eng<< Elle a ce qu’il faut là où il faut. She's got what it takes. She has what she needs where she needs it. >>nld<< Son père est japonais. Haar vader is Japanner. Zijn vader is Japanner. >>eng<< Estamos fazendo planos para nossas férias. We're making plans for our vacation. We're making plans for our vacation. >>deu<< Ontem fez muito frio de novo. Eu posso ter congelado. Gestern war es wieder sehr kalt. Ich habe vielleicht gefroren! Gestern war es wieder zu kalt. >>nld<< Je ne peux pas attendre. Ik kan niet wachten. Ik kan niet wachten. >>deu<< No hay donde esconderse. Da ist kein Ort, wo man sich verstecken könnte. Es gibt keinen Platz zum Verstecken. >>eng<< Sorprendentemente, él resultó ser un ladrón. Surprisingly enough, he turned out to be a thief. Surprisingly, he turned out to be a thief. >>deu<< Você poderia repetir, por favor? Kannst du das bitte wiederholen? Könnten Sie das bitte wiederholen? >>eng<< La manzana es una fruta comestible. The apple is an edible fruit. The apple is an edible fruit. >>nld<< Ela parou de fumar. Ze is gestopt met roken. Ze stopte met roken. >>eng<< Levatisque oculis, vidit mulieres et liberos earum et ait: “Qui sunt isti tibi?” Respondit: “Liberi sunt, quos donavit mihi Deus servo tuo". And lifting up his eyes, he saw the women and their children, and said: What mean these? And do they belong to thee? He answered: They are the children which God hath given to me, thy servant. And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and their children, and said, Who are these to thee? And he said, Those whom God hath given to thy servant shall be delivered. >>eng<< No necesito tu permiso para ser quien soy. I don't need your permission to be who I am. I don't need your permission to be who I am. >>eng<< On ne sait pas ce qui s'est mal passé. It's unclear what went wrong. We don't know what went wrong. >>deu<< Ils n'ont aucun droit à l'existence. Sie haben keine Existenzberechtigung. Sie haben kein Existenzrecht. >>eng<< De verdad lo dudo. I truly doubt it. I really doubt it. >>deu<< Parla bene il greco e un po' di inglese. Er spricht gut Griechisch und ein wenig Englisch. Er spricht gut Griechisch und ein wenig Englisch. >>deu<< Tu trouves ça drôle ? Das findest du witzig? Findest du das witzig? >>eng<< Eu só queria algum conselho de alguém que já tenha estado em Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's been to Boston before. >>eng<< Non saremo più gli stessi. We'll never be the same anymore. We'll never be the same. >>eng<< Solo puedo culparme a mí mismo, supongo. I have only myself to blame, I suppose. I can only blame myself, I guess. >>eng<< Tom é um cavalheiro. Tom is a gentleman. Tom is a gentleman. >>nld<< ¿Quieres marcharte hoy? Wil je vandaag vertrekken? Wil je vandaag vertrekken? >>deu<< Demande à ceux qui savent. Frag die, die’s wissen! Frag die, die es wissen. >>nld<< Est-ce que Tom veut quelque chose ? Wil Tom iets? Wil Tom iets? - Nee. >>eng<< És o meu primogênito. You are my first child. You're my firstborn. >>eng<< Passons aux choses sérieuses. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Let's get to the serious stuff. >>eng<< Nadie tiene derecho a echarme la culpa. No one has the right to blame me. No one has the right to blame me. >>deu<< Tom est le seul à être sobre. Tom ist der einzige, der nüchtern ist. Tom ist der Einzige, der nüchtern ist. >>eng<< Quindi, cosa dovrei dirgli? So, what should I tell him? So, what should I tell him? >>deu<< Você me fez perder o apetite. Du hast mir den Appetit verdorben. Du hast mich den Appetit verlieren lassen. >>eng<< Ho lavorato a sufficienza sul mio tedesco oggi. I worked enough on my German today. I've worked hard enough on my German today. >>deu<< Meu pai é maior e mais forte que o seu. Mein Vater ist größer und stärker als deiner. Mein Vater ist größer und stärker als dein Vater. >>eng<< Mundus parvus est. It's a small world. It's mundane. >>nld<< Sunt întru totul de acord cu tine. Ik ben het helemaal met je eens. Ik ben het helemaal met je eens. >>eng<< Me encantaría visitar Moscú con vosotras mañana. I would love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. I'd love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. >>deu<< Les histoires qui circulaient à propos du vieux cimetière étaient contradictoires, mais néanmoins elles vous glaçaient le sang. Die Geschichten, die rund um den alten Friedhof kursierten, waren widersprüchlich, aber alle geeignet, einem das Blut in den Adern gefrieren zu lassen. Die Geschichten, die über den alten Friedhof kursierten, waren widersprüchlich, aber trotzdem waren sie blutig. >>deu<< Bom dia. O que a senhora deseja? Guten Tag, was möchten Sie? Guten Morgen, was wünschen Sie sich? >>eng<< tē eum basiārē vīdī. nōlī negāre! I saw you kiss him. Do not deny it! It's not like I'm going to die, it's not like I'm going to die! >>eng<< Le dispiacerebbe dirmi una cosa? Would you mind telling me one thing? Would you mind telling me something? >>nld<< El vinagre tiene un sabor fuerte. Azijn heeft een scherpe smaak. De azijn heeft een sterke smaak. >>deu<< Il tenait fermement la bouteille par le goulot. Er hielt die Flasche am Hals fest. Er hielt die Flasche am Hals fest. >>eng<< Aún tengo desfase horario. I still have jet lag. I still have a time difference. >>nld<< Tom ocupa dos computadores al mismo tiempo. Tom gebruikt twee computers tegelijkertijd. Tom heeft twee computers tegelijk. >>eng<< Ela sempre sonhou em se tornar jogadora profissional de xadrez. She had always dreamed of becoming a professional chess player. She has always dreamed of becoming a professional chess player. >>eng<< Quid videt? What does she see? What do you see? >>eng<< Tom a l'ha mangià. Tom ate. Tom ate it. >>nld<< Estos libros están disponibles en esa tienda. Deze boeken zijn te verkrijgen in die winkel. Deze boeken zijn beschikbaar in deze winkel. >>eng<< Les marchés à terme des matières premières sont devenus hautement spéculatifs. Commodity futures markets have become highly speculative. Commodity futures markets have become highly speculative. >>eng<< A agência espacial norte-americana, NASA, mapeou a enorme pluma de poeira e detritos criada pelo meteoro de Chelyabinsk que explodiu sobre a Rússia em fevereiro passado com a força de 30 bombas atómicas de Hiroxima. The U.S. space agency, NASA, has mapped the massive plume of dust and debris created by the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia last February with the force of 30 Hiroshima atom bombs. The U.S. space agency, NASA, mapped the huge plume of dust and debris created by the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia last February with the force of 30 Hiroshima atomic bombs. >>eng<< David non rispose nemmeno. David didn't even answer. David did not even answer. >>eng<< ¿Por qué no puedes nadar aquí? Why can't you swim here? Why can't you swim here? >>deu<< Isso não pode ser verdade! Das darf nicht wahr sein! Das kann nicht wahr sein! >>nld<< Le musée est ouvert à partir de neuf heures. Het museum gaat open om 9 uur 's ochtends. Het museum is vanaf negen uur geopend. >>nld<< No quiero vivir en la luna. De día es demasiado caluroso allí, y de noche demasiado frío. Ik wil niet op de maan wonen. Overdag is het daar te warm, 's nachts veel te koud. Ik wil niet op de maan leven, het is daar overdag te warm en 's nachts te koud. >>deu<< La laïcité n'est pas une opinion parmi d'autres, mais la liberté d'en avoir une. Laizität ist nicht eine Meinung unter anderen, sondern die Freiheit, eine zu haben. Laizismus ist nicht eine Meinung unter anderen, sondern die Freiheit, eine zu haben. >>eng<< Oculi Didymi humidi lacrimis erant. Tom's eyes were wet with tears. Didymi's eyes were wet with tears. >>eng<< Un cambio es tan bueno como un descanso. A change is as good as a rest. A change is as good as a break. >>eng<< Hic templum Junoni ingens Sidonia Dido / condebat, donis opulentum et numine divæ, / ærea cui gradibus surgebant limina nexæque / ære trabes, foribus cardo stridebat ahenis. Here, by the goddess and her gifts renowned, / Sidonian Dido built a stately shrine. / All brazen rose the threshold; brass was round / the door-posts; brazen doors on grating hinges sound. This was the temple of Juno, which belonged to the Sidonian god Dido / and was condescending to it, with the gifts of the rich and with a diva’s name, / with the staircases of which the thresholds were raised, and the beams of which / the beams were made of copper, and the gates of thistle were squeezed by the haystack. >>nld<< Tom doit être fatigué. Tom moet moe zijn. Tom moet moe zijn. >>eng<< A palavra é meu domínio sobre o mundo. I rule the world through words. The word is my dominion over the world. >>eng<< No tengo otro sitio adonde ir. I have nowhere else to go. I have nowhere else to go. >>eng<< No ayudi. I didn't help. Don't help. >>nld<< Non la conosco. Ik ken haar niet. Ik ken haar niet. >>eng<< ¿Has tenido picazón, erupciones o sequedad en alguna parte del cuerpo? Have you had any persistent itching, rash, or dryness anywhere on your body? Have you had itching, rashes, or dryness anywhere on your body? >>deu<< Onde estamos? Wo sind wir? Wo sind wir? >>eng<< Potrebbe volerci più di un mese per finire questa cosa. It might take more than a month to finish this. It could take more than a month to finish this. >>eng<< Il faisait chaud et calme dans le parc. It was warm and quiet in the park. It was warm and quiet in the park. >>nld<< Tale padre, tale figlio. Zo de abt, zo de monniken. Zo'n vader, zo'n zoon. >>eng<< È così pigro. You're so lazy. He's so lazy. >>eng<< Ziri le preguntó a Rima si le podía dejar la espátula. Ziri asked Rima if he could borrow her spatula. Ziri asked Rima if he could leave the spatula. >>nld<< La niña es guapa. Het meisje is mooi. Het meisje is mooi. >>eng<< Tom quería responder. Tom wanted to answer. Tom wanted to answer. >>deu<< De toute façon, tu n'avais aucune raison de faire ça. Jedenfalls hattest du überhaupt keinen Grund, dies zu tun. Du hattest sowieso keinen Grund, das zu tun. >>deu<< Há esperança enquanto há vida. Man hofft, solange man lebt. Es gibt Hoffnung, solange es Leben gibt. >>nld<< Ancara é a capital da Turquia. Ankara is de hoofdstad van Turkije. Ankara is de hoofdstad van Turkije. >>eng<< Connaissez-vous le hongrois ? Do you know Hungarian? Do you know Hungarian? >>eng<< Ne sois jamais jaloux. Never be jealous. Never be jealous. >>eng<< Sta chi a no l'é l'America. This here isn't America. This is not America. >>nld<< Desearía que este trabajo terminara. Ik wou dat dit werk voorbij was. Ik wou dat dit werk klaar was. >>deu<< Il est demandé de faire des phrases complètes. Une phrase commence par une majuscule et ne finit jamais par une virgule. Es wird gebeten, vollständige Sätze zu bilden. Ein Satz beginnt mit einem Großbuchstaben und endet nie mit einem Komma. Ein Satz beginnt mit einem Großbuchstaben und endet nie mit einem Komma. >>eng<< Multos dies adfuit. He has been here for three days. Many days of adventurous. >>eng<< Friega la sartén. Scour the pan. Fry the frying pan. >>eng<< À l'heure du courrier électronique, je suis tellement heureux quand un ami m'envoie une vraie lettre. In the era of email, I'm so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. When it comes to e-mail, I am so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. >>eng<< O que você prometeu a ela? What did you promise her? What did you promise her? >>deu<< Haz que Tom te ayude. Lass dir von Tom helfen. Lass Tom dir helfen. >>eng<< Quanto latte è rimasto? How much milk is left? How much milk is left? >>eng<< Ele caiu num sono profundo. He fell into a deep slumber. He fell into a deep sleep. >>deu<< Isso é bem grande. Das ist sehr groß. Das ist ziemlich groß. >>deu<< Una pareja encontró por casualidad un tesoro de mil cuatrocientas monedas de oro en California. Ein Paar entdeckte in Kalifornien zufällig einen Schatz von tausendvierhundert Goldmünzen. Ein Paar fand zufällig einen Schatz von 1400 Goldmünzen in Kalifornien. >>eng<< Vim pra casa de ônibus. I came home by bus. I came home by bus. >>nld<< Je me souviens avoir lu à ce propos. Ik herinner me dat ik daarover iets gelezen heb. Ik herinner me dat ik erover gelezen heb. >>nld<< Domnule, vă rog completați acest formular. Meneer, vult u alstublieft dit formulier in. Meneer, vul dit formulier in. >>eng<< El aguacate es una fruta. Avocado is a fruit. The avocado is a fruit. >>deu<< La claridad del ido es notable. Die Klarheit von Ido ist bemerkenswert. Die Klarheit des Ido ist bemerkenswert. >>deu<< Tous les bus sont pleins. Alle Busse sind voll. Alle Busse sind voll. >>eng<< L'ha baciato, vero? He kissed you, didn't he? You kissed him, didn't you? >>eng<< Lui sta urinando sangue. He's urinating blood. He's urinating blood. >>deu<< Ce ci-nommé remède n'est pas simplement inutile mais carrément nuisible, voire même dangereux. Dieses so genannte Heilmittel ist nicht einfach nur unnütz, sondern geradezu schädlich und sogar gefährlich. Dieses so genannte Heilmittel ist nicht nur nutzlos, sondern geradezu schädlich, ja sogar gefährlich. >>eng<< Nu cred că aceste pete de cerneală vor ieși. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink stains will come out. >>deu<< Non posso permettermi di comprare un'auto costosa. Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, ein teures Auto zu kaufen. Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, ein teures Auto zu kaufen. >>eng<< Personne ne décroche. No one's picking up. Nobody's picking up. >>eng<< 17 de março é o Dia de São Patrício e, para milhões de americanos de ascendência irlandesa e outros à procura de diversão, isso significa um desfile garrido pela Quinta Avenida de Nova Iorque. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day, and for millions of Americans of Irish descent, and others in search of a good time, that means a razzle-dazzle parade up New York’s Fifth Avenue. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day and, for millions of Americans of Irish descent and others looking for fun, it means a garrisoned parade down New York’s Fifth Avenue. >>eng<< Hoc horologium fractum est. This clock is broken. This is a fractal clock. >>nld<< El año pasado decidí venirme a Japón. Vorig jaar heb ik beslist naar Japan te komen. Vorig jaar besloot ik naar Japan te gaan. >>deu<< Tutti tranne Joe sono andati alla festa. Mit Ausnahme von Joe gingen alle zu der Fete. Alle außer Joe sind auf die Party gegangen. >>eng<< Alcmena autem, mater puerorum, clamorem audiverat, et maritum suum e somno excitaverat. But Alcmena, the boys' mother, heard the scream and woke her husband. And the mother of the children heard the cry, and her husband was awakened in his sleep. >>deu<< Avec qui es-tu allée faire tes courses ? Mit wem bist du einkaufen gegangen? Mit wem hast du deine Einkäufe gemacht? >>eng<< Quanto lo amo! How I love him! How I love him! >>deu<< Est-il allé là ? Ist er dorthin gegangen? War er dort? >>eng<< Pregúntaselo al conserje, que seguro que lo sabe. Ask the janitor; I bet he knows. Ask the concierge, who probably knows. >>nld<< Mi hijo tiene ocho años. Mijn zoon is acht jaar oud. Mijn zoon is acht jaar oud. >>eng<< Prepara la comida. Prepare the food. Prepare the food. >>eng<< Eu trabalho até muito tarde. I work until very late. I work too late. >>eng<< Mary tiene un ojo hinchado: un mosquito le picó en el párpado mientras dormía. Mary's got a swollen eye: her eyelid was bitten by a mosquito while she slept. Mary has a swollen eye: a mosquito stung her eyelid while sleeping. >>eng<< Tous les garçons regardèrent leurs pieds. All the boys looked down. All the boys looked at their feet. >>eng<< Non mi voglio ancora arrendere. I don't want to give up yet. I still don't want to give up. >>deu<< Puteți fi, vă rog, atentă? Könnten Sie bitte aufpassen? Könnten Sie bitte vorsichtig sein? >>eng<< El a fost inconștient în marea majoritate a timpului. He was unconscious most of the time. He was unconscious most of the time. >>deu<< Tenemos que empezar antes de las cinco. Wir müssen vor fünf beginnen. Wir müssen vor fünf Uhr anfangen. >>deu<< Era in America il mese scorso? Waren Sie letzten Monat in Amerika? Waren Sie letzten Monat in Amerika? >>deu<< Le Japon déclara la guerre aux États-Unis en décembre 1941. Japan erklärte den Vereinigten Staaten im Dezember 1941 den Krieg. Japan erklärte den Vereinigten Staaten im Dezember 1941 den Krieg. >>deu<< Eu não contava com esta pergunta. Mit dieser Frage habe ich nicht gerechnet. Auf diese Frage habe ich nicht gewartet. >>eng<< Tom è il solo qui che non sa nuotare? Is Tom the only one here who doesn't know how to swim? Is Tom the only one here who can't swim? >>nld<< Marie volait. Maria was aan het vliegen. Marie was aan het vliegen. >>eng<< Estic tip que em sermonegi constantment. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I’m a man who constantly preaches to me. >>deu<< Les dragons crachent des flammes. Drachen spucken Feuer. Drachen spucken Flammen aus. >>eng<< Nunc quota hora est? What is the time now? What time is it now? >>nld<< Ma petite copine est chinoise. Mijn vriendin is Chinees. Mijn vriendin is Chinees. >>eng<< ¡Ayúdenme, por favor! No me siento bien. Help me, please! I don't feel well. Help me, please, I'm not feeling well. >>deu<< Vivo en la planta baja. Ich wohne im Erdgeschoss. Ich wohne im Erdgeschoss. >>eng<< Questo commento non era necessario. This comment was not necessary. This comment was not necessary. >>eng<< Ci dia la chiave. Give us the key. Give us the key. >>eng<< Si portò dietro il marito. She took her husband with her. She took her husband with her. >>deu<< Refuses-tu cela ? Lehnst du das ab? Lehnst du das ab? >>deu<< A chi vuole riempire un teatro serve il dramma. Per svuotarlo basta l'ideologia. Wer ein Theater füllen will, bedient sich der Dramaturgie. Um es zu leeren genügt Ideologie. Wer ein Theater ausfüllen will, braucht Drama. Um es zu leeren, braucht man nur Ideologie. >>eng<< Non c'è nulla nella bottiglia. There's nothing in the bottle. There's nothing in the bottle. >>nld<< Le gente se alzó contra el rey. De mensen kwamen in opstand tegen de koning. De mensen stonden op tegen de koning. >>deu<< José se mostró como una persona de mal carácter. Tom erwies sich als Person mit schlechtem Charakter. Joseph zeigte sich als eine Person mit schlechtem Charakter. >>deu<< Eu venho do Canadá. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich komme aus Kanada. >>deu<< Él ha roto su palabra. Er hat sein Wort gebrochen. Er hat sein Wort gebrochen. >>eng<< Lui è rimasto ferito in un incidente stradale. He got injured in a traffic accident. He was injured in a car accident. >>eng<< Deus est omnium causa. God is the cause of all things. God is an omnivorous cause. >>nld<< Un capitán está a cargo de su barco y de su tripulación. Een kapitein is verantwoordelijk voor zijn schip en zijn bemanning. Een kapitein heeft de leiding over zijn schip en bemanning. >>eng<< Il avait servi en tant que député et sénateur. He had served as a congressman and senator. He served as a Member of Parliament and Senator. >>deu<< Je te répondrai quand tu te seras calmée. Ich werde dir antworten, wenn du dich beruhigt hast. Ich antworte, wenn du dich beruhigt hast. >>eng<< Tengo una tortuga. I have a turtle. I have a turtle. >>eng<< Tu n’es pas non plus un saint. You're no saint, either. Nor are you a saint. >>eng<< Buvez-vous de l'alcool tous les jours ? Do you drink alcohol every day? Do you drink alcohol every day? >>eng<< Echipa noastră a pierdut toate meciurile. Our team lost all of its games. Our team has lost every game. >>eng<< Les idées ne meurent pas. Ideas don't die. Ideas do not die. >>deu<< Tom transmit son sac à Marie. Tom reichte Maria ihre Tasche. Tom übergab seine Tasche an Marie. >>deu<< Vorbeşti chineza? Sprichst du Chinesisch? Sprichst du Chinesisch? >>eng<< Les glaciers sont les thermomètres cliniques de notre planète. Glaciers are the clinical thermometers of our planet. Glaciers are the clinical thermometers of our planet. >>eng<< Lui avez-vous vraiment conseillé de déménager ? Did you really advise her to move? Did you really advise him to move? >>eng<< De no ser por la tormenta, habría llegado antes. Except for the storm, I would've arrived earlier. If it wasn't for the storm, I'd have arrived sooner. >>eng<< Nu știu ce să mai fac. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. >>eng<< Il vento si è un po' ridotto di intensità. The wind abated a little. The wind was a little less intense. >>eng<< Yanni y Skura son solo amigos. Yanni and Skura are just friends. Yanni and Skura are just friends. >>eng<< O neurocientista António Damásio define a consciência como "a sensação do que ocorre". Neuroscientist António Damásio defines consciousness as "the sensation of what is happening". Neuroscientist Ant<0xC3><0xB3>nio Dam<0xC3><0xA1>sio defines consciousness as "the sensation of what occurs". >>eng<< Ce qui rend malheureux en amour, c'est moins de ne pas être aimé quand on aime, que d'être encore aimé quand on n'aime plus. What makes one sad about love, it is not so much to not be loved when you love, but to still be loved when you do not love anymore. What makes you unhappy in love is less to be unloved when you love, than to be loved again when you no longer love. >>eng<< Es tonto tan siquiera intentar hacerlo. It's stupid to even try to do that. It's silly to even try to do it. >>eng<< Ella inspiró profundamente. She breathed in deep. She took a deep breath. >>eng<< Beaucoup de personnes sont mortes en Afrique à cause de la tempête. Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm. Many people died in Africa as a result of the storm. >>eng<< Il y a des déchets éparpillés partout dans la chambre. Mais c'est quand la dernière fois que tu l'as rangée ? There is trash strewn everywhere in the room. When on earth did you last clean it? There's rubbish scattered all over the room, but when was the last time you put it away? >>deu<< Je dois aller retirer de l'argent. Ich muss Geld holen gehen. Ich muss Geld abheben. >>eng<< Thōmās mē equō vehī docuit. Tom taught me how to ride a horse. I'm sure it's fair to say that I've learned it. >>eng<< Tu es juste différent. You're just different. You're just different. >>eng<< Se c'è un incendio, non usi l'ascensore. Don't use the elevator if there's a fire. If there is a fire, do not use the elevator. >>eng<< Eu não quero mais fazer isso. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to do that anymore. >>eng<< Me negué a aceptar eso. I refuse to accept that. I refused to accept that. >>eng<< Nemo id credet. No one's going to believe it. No one believes it. >>eng<< J'apprécie ton style. I like your style. I appreciate your style. >>nld<< ¿Le puedo ayudar, señora? Kan ik u helpen, mevrouw? Kan ik u helpen, mevrouw? >>deu<< Eu sou da Alemanha. Ich bin aus Deutschland. Ich komme aus Deutschland. >>deu<< Sapos têm medo de cobras. Frösche haben Angst vor Schlangen. Frösche haben Angst vor Schlangen. >>eng<< Por favor quita tu libro de esta mesa. Please take your book off this table. Please remove your book from this table. >>eng<< Didymus dixit se nihil vidisse. Tom said he saw nothing. Didymus said he saw nothing. >>eng<< L'uomo con cui stanno parlando Tom e Mary è un avvocato. The man Tom and Mary are talking to is a lawyer. The man Tom and Mary are talking to is a lawyer. >>deu<< Et tu, Brute? Auch du, Brutus? Und du, Brute? >>eng<< Les jeunes aiment le jeu vidéo PubG. Young people love PubG video game. Young people love the video game PubG. >>eng<< Quiero ser linda. I want to be cute. I want to be cute. >>deu<< Il refusait de contribuer aux dépenses. Er weigerte sich, sich an den Kosten zu beteiligen. Er weigerte sich, zu den Ausgaben beizutragen. >>eng<< Date un'occasione a un uomo. Give a man a chance. Give a man a chance. >>deu<< Abans aquí hi havia una església. Früher gab es hier eine Kirche. Früher gab es hier eine Kirche. >>eng<< Elles ne nous aiment pas. They don't love us. They don't like us. >>nld<< No quise herirlo. Ik wou u niet kwetsen. Ik wilde hem geen pijn doen. >>eng<< Avez-vous eu des écoulements du mamelon ? Have you had any nipple discharge? Did you have any nipple discharges? >>eng<< Tom nu este obez. Tom isn't obese. Tom's not obese. >>eng<< Los argelinos hacen cuscús. Algerians make couscous. Algerians make couscous. >>deu<< Tom morreu na Austrália. Tom starb in Australien. Tom starb in Australien. >>eng<< Su fuerza disminuía con la edad. Age diminished his strength. His strength diminished with age. >>deu<< Commence à lire là où tu t'es arrêtée. Fang dort an zu lesen, wo du aufgehört hast. Beginne dort zu lesen, wo du aufgehört hast. >>nld<< Les ampolles de cervesa són de vidre. Bierflesjes zijn van glas. De bierflessen zijn van glas. >>deu<< C'est tout à fait normal ! Das ist doch selbstverständlich! Das ist völlig normal! >>eng<< Vous achetez du pain. You buy bread. You're buying bread. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lavaste los platos? When was the last time you did the dishes? When was the last time you washed the dishes? >>eng<< ¿Dónde está la sección de cuidado de mascotas de esta tienda? Where is the pet care section of this store? Where is the pet care section of this store? >>nld<< Usaba sombrero negro. Ze droeg een zwarte hoed. Hij droeg een zwarte hoed. >>eng<< Ecclesiae auro ornatae sunt. The churches were decorated with gold. The church is decorated with gold. >>eng<< Tom est allé à Boston avec Mary. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom went to Boston with Mary. >>eng<< Les examens ADN montrèrent qu'il était innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed that he was innocent. >>nld<< Jim vient à la fête lui aussi. Jim komt ook naar het feest. Jim komt ook naar het feest. >>eng<< Mas Brian Padden da VOA relata que após anos de adiamento a cidade está a tomar medidas para resolver o seu problema talvez mais urgente: o congestionamento do trânsito, recentemente designado o pior do mundo. But VOA’s Brian Padden reports that after years of delays the city is taking action to address perhaps its most pressing problem: traffic gridlock, recently designated the worst in the world. But Brian Padden of VOA reports that after years of postponement the city is taking steps to solve its perhaps most urgent problem: traffic congestion, recently designated the worst in the world. >>eng<< Las banderas del mundo flamean orgullosas en el cuartel general de las Naciones Unidas. Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. The flags of the world are proudly flaming at United Nations headquarters. >>eng<< Elle a dit qu'elle a une idée. She said she has an idea. She said she had an idea. >>deu<< Sur l'affiche était écrit : "Complet" Auf dem Aushang stand "Alle Plätze ausgebucht". Auf dem Plakat stand: "Komplett" >>eng<< Parfois, j'aimerais être une fille. Sometimes I wish I was a girl. Sometimes I wish I was a girl. >>eng<< Saccus meus vacuus est. My bag is empty. My bag is empty. >>eng<< Thomas vix legere potest. Tom can barely read. Thomas is able to read. >>eng<< Chacun connaît monsieur Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr. Hashimoto. >>eng<< Tomás no quería que sus padres se enteraran. Tom didn't want his parents to find out. Thomas did not want his parents to know. >>eng<< Encontrémosla. Let's find it. Let's find her. >>deu<< Difficilmente riesco a fare un discorso senza sentirmi nervoso. Es fällt mir schwer, eine Rede zu halten, ohne dabei nervös zu sein. Ich kann kaum eine Rede halten, ohne nervös zu sein. >>eng<< Avete bisogno di pazienza. You need patience. You need patience. >>eng<< El problema es que no tenemos suficiente tiempo. The problem is that we don't have enough time. The problem is that we don’t have enough time. >>eng<< Sua cara era pálida e suas vestes, humildes. His face was pale and his clothing humble. His face was pale and his clothes humble. >>eng<< No tenía muy claro lo que Tom quería. It wasn't quite clear to me what Tom wanted. I wasn’t sure what Tom wanted. >>eng<< Un chubasco me cogió y me mojó hasta los tuétanos. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. A rainbow caught me and soaked me to the brim. >>eng<< Mia madre è uscita per delle commissioni. My mother went out on errands. My mother went out for commissions. >>eng<< Simplemente déjame probar. Just let me try. Just let me try. >>deu<< Ele foi condenado a três anos de cadeia. Er wurde zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Er wurde zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. >>deu<< Ha almeno dieci bambini. Sie hat nicht weniger als zehn Kinder. Sie hat mindestens zehn Kinder. >>eng<< Eles se sentaram um em frente ao outro. They sat across from each other. They sat one in front of the other. >>eng<< Tom nu i-a găsit. Tom hasn't found them. Tom couldn't find them. >>deu<< Mon portefeuille a été volé, donc, j'appelle la police. Meine Brieftasche wurde gestohlen, also rufe ich die Polizei. Meine Brieftasche wurde gestohlen, also rufe ich die Polizei. >>eng<< Lo rimpiango veramente! I really regret that! I really regret it! >>eng<< Pauci canes in urbe sunt. There are few dogs in the city. There are many dogs in the city. >>nld<< Parlez un peu plus lentement, s'il vous plaît. Spreekt u alstublieft langzamer. Praat wat langzamer, alsjeblieft. >>nld<< Sois généreux ! Wees gul! Wees gul. >>eng<< Nous avons hérité du don de la musique d'animaux tels que les insectes et les oiseaux. We have inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds. We inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds. >>nld<< C'est le sac le plus cher que j'ai jamais acheté. Dit is de duurste tas die ik ooit heb gekocht. Dit is de duurste tas die ik ooit heb gekocht. >>eng<< Quiero hablar con usted cuando se haya vestido. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you when you're dressed. >>eng<< Mundus mutatus est. The world has changed. The world is changing. >>eng<< El equipo verde perdió. The green team lost. The green team lost. >>eng<< Yanni necesita ceñirse a eso. Yanni needs to stick to that. Yanni needs to stick to that. >>eng<< Você está feliz aqui, não está? You're happy here, aren't you? You're happy here, aren't you? >>deu<< È caduta la mela! Der Apfel ist heruntergefallen! Der Apfel ist gefallen! >>eng<< Uccidete quella mosca. Kill that fly. Kill that fly. >>eng<< Scrisse una poesia. He wrote a poem. He wrote a poem. >>eng<< Îmi voi găsi propria cale. I will find my own way. I'll find my own way. >>eng<< "Ti prego, dimmi: sono rimasti dei gatti blu?" "Non ci sono più gatti blu. Sono rimasti solo quelli rossi". "Tell me, please, are there any blue cats left?" "There are no blue cats left. There are only red ones left." "Please tell me, are there any blue cats left?" "There are no blue cats left, only the red ones." >>eng<< Hercules, Alcmenae filius, omnium hominum validissimus fuisse dicitur. Hercules, the son of Alcmena, is said to have been the strongest of all men. Hercules, Alkmene's son, was said to have been a valiant man of all men. >>deu<< Tom a écrit une lettre à sa sœur. Tom hat seiner Schwester einen Brief geschrieben. Tom hat seiner Schwester einen Brief geschrieben. >>deu<< Est-ce qu'il y a de l'eau ou du lait dans les verres ? Ist in den Gläsern Wasser oder Milch? Gibt es Wasser oder Milch in den Gläsern? >>eng<< Tom quería que Mary se quedara con él para siempre. Tom wanted Mary to stay with him forever. Tom wanted Mary to stay with him forever. >>deu<< Anna è ancora piccola. Suo padre la porta a scuola. Anna ist noch klein. Der Vater fährt sie in die Schule. Anna ist noch klein, ihr Vater bringt sie zur Schule. >>nld<< Me gusta sacar fotos. Ik maak graag foto's. Ik maak graag foto's. >>eng<< On ne peut apercevoir des Koalas qu'en Australie. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. >>nld<< ¿Ellos saben acerca de nosotros? Weten ze over ons? Weten ze van ons? >>eng<< Nunc natat. He's swimming now. I'm born now. >>eng<< Sono andato a vivere in campagna. I went to live in the country. I went to live in the country. >>eng<< Vasya fu ucciso da una baionetta. Vasya was killed by a bayonet. Vasya was killed by a bayonet. >>eng<< Preferiría no ir. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. >>eng<< Thomas Mariam edere dixit. Tom said Mary was eating. Thomas Mariam said. >>eng<< Nunca escuché un sonido. I never heard a sound. I never heard a sound. >>deu<< Vorrei avere più tempo per parlare con Lei. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mehr Zeit, mit Ihnen zu reden. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mehr Zeit, mit Ihnen zu sprechen. >>deu<< La gente esperó pacientemente en una larga fila frente a la entrada. Geduldig warteten die Leute in einer langen Schlange vor dem Eingang. Die Leute warteten geduldig in einer langen Reihe vor dem Eingang. >>eng<< Duce nobis opus est. We need a leader. It's a dude's opus. >>eng<< Ero completamente fuori forma. I was completely out of shape. I was completely out of shape. >>eng<< Ubi est portus? Where is the harbour? Where is the port? >>eng<< Tirem uma sonequinha no sofá. Take a little nap on the couch. Take a nap on the couch. >>eng<< Hoy no he comido. I didn't have lunch today. I haven't eaten today. >>deu<< No me líes. Bring mich nicht durcheinander. Lies mich nicht. >>eng<< La pluma que estoy sujetando ahora no es tuya. The pen I'm holding now is not yours. The pen I'm holding now isn't yours. >>nld<< C'est déjà trop tard. Het is al te laat. Het is al te laat. >>eng<< Ne timueritis. Don't be afraid. Do not be afraid. >>eng<< Loro saranno compiaciuti. They'll be pleased. They will be pleased. >>deu<< Thomas est le seul à avoir remarqué. Tom ist der Einzige, der es bemerkt hat. Thomas ist der Einzige, der es bemerkt hat. >>deu<< N'oublie pas d'acheter de la mayonnaise. Vergiss nicht, Mayonnaise zu kaufen! Vergessen Sie nicht, Mayonnaise zu kaufen. >>nld<< Quand viens-tu à la maison ? Wanneer kom je naar huis? Wanneer kom je thuis? >>eng<< Ziri besó suavemente a Rima y ella le devolvió el beso. Ziri gently kissed Rima and she kissed him back. Ziri gently kissed Rima and she gave him back the kiss. >>eng<< Yo esto komprando. I'm buying. I'm buying this. >>eng<< Dinguno no kreia ke una tala koza podria afitar. No one believed such a thing could happen. I don't think any of them could make a speech. >>eng<< Venga a visitarmi. Come visit me. Come visit me. >>eng<< Domina earum est Aemilia: ea multas ancillas habet. Their mistress is Emily: she has many maids. Her mother is Aemilia; she has many maidens. >>deu<< Găsesc limbile străine foarte interesante. Ich finde fremde Sprachen sehr interessant. Ich finde Fremdsprachen sehr interessant. >>nld<< Écrivez-le ici, s'il vous plait. Schrijf het hier alstublieft. Schrijf het hier op, alsjeblieft. >>nld<< Tom e homofob. Tom is homofoob. Tom is homofoob. >>nld<< Tom a téléphoné à son amie. Tom heeft zijn vriendin telefonisch gesproken. Tom belde zijn vriendin. >>deu<< Vamos nos encontrar às 6h30. Treffen wir uns um halb sieben! Wir treffen uns um 6.30 Uhr. >>eng<< Sortiriez-vous jamais avec un gars qui ne saurait pas chanter ? Would you ever go out with a guy who couldn't sing? Would you ever date a guy who can't sing? >>eng<< J'aime toutes mes tantes. I love all my aunts. I love all my aunts. >>nld<< Je me sens désolée pour eux. Het spijt me voor hen. Ik heb medelijden met hen. >>eng<< Se eu ler este livro outra vez, tê-lo-ei lido três vezes. If I read this book once more, I shall have read it three times. If I read this book again, I will have read it three times. >>eng<< Nós prometemos a você que nunca faremos isso novamente. We promise you that we'll never do it again. We promise you that we will never do this again. >>eng<< Yanni acepta las críticas. Yanni accepts criticism. Yanni accepts the criticism. >>nld<< Intentaba impresionar al profesor. Ze probeerde de leraar te imponeren. Ik probeerde de professor te imponeren. >>deu<< Savez-vous où l'on peut apprendre l'espéranto ? Wisst ihr, wo man Esperanto lernen kann? Wissen Sie, wo man Esperanto lernen kann? >>nld<< Tom et Marie visitèrent la Scandinavie. Tom en Maria bezochten Scandinavië. Tom en Maria bezochten Scandinavië. >>nld<< Je m'appelle Wang. Mijn naam is Wang. Ik ben Wang. >>eng<< Sapevo che mi stavano osservando. I knew that I was being watched. I knew they were watching me. >>eng<< O xadrez é qual um vasto oceano. O jogo de damas é qual um poço profundo. Chess is like looking across an ocean. Checkers is like looking down a well. Chess is like a vast ocean, checkers are like a deep well. >>nld<< Je ne pense pas que tu crois vraiment cela. Ik denk niet dat je dat echt gelooft. Ik denk niet dat je dat echt gelooft. >>eng<< Bem, pessoal, vamos continuar. Now folks, let's go on. Well, guys, let's keep going. >>nld<< Ils se voient une fois par semaine. Ze zien elkaar een keer per week. Ze zien elkaar één keer per week. >>eng<< Quanti colpi di pistola hai sentito? How many gunshots did you hear? How many gunshots did you hear? >>deu<< L'homme vit pour travailler : c'est son destin. Der Mensch lebt, um zu arbeiten: das ist seine Bestimmung. Der Mensch lebt, um zu arbeiten: das ist sein Schicksal. >>eng<< Meu avô tem medo de cachorros. My grandfather is afraid of dogs. My grandfather is afraid of dogs. >>nld<< ¿Cuándo se va el señor Suzuki de Japón? Wanneer gaat mijnheer Suzuki weg uit Japan? Wanneer vertrekt Suzuki uit Japan? >>nld<< «¿Qué tal?» «No me puedo quejar.» „Hoe gaat het met je?” ‑ „Ik mag niet klagen.” ‘Hoe gaat het?’ ‘Ik kan niet klagen.’ >>nld<< Qu'avez-vous acheté à Tom pour Noël ? Wat hebben jullie Tom gekocht voor Kerstmis? Wat heb je Tom voor de kerst gekocht? >>deu<< Vous avez parfaitement raison. Sie haben vollkommen recht. Sie haben vollkommen recht. >>deu<< Pouvez-vous voir l'image ? Können Sie das Bild sehen? Können Sie das Bild sehen? >>nld<< Me gustan la geografía y la historia. Ik hou van aardrijkskunde en geschiedenis. Ik hou van geografie en geschiedenis. >>eng<< Ce șampon folosești? Which shampoo do you use? What shampoo are you using? >>eng<< Piango troppo. I cry too much. I cry too much. >>eng<< ¿Con qué frecuencia os llamaríais? How often would you guys call each other? How often would you call? >>eng<< Nu se poate în ambele moduri. You can't have it both ways. It can't be both ways. >>eng<< Una delle capacità più importanti che una persona che dibatte può avere è fornire argomenti convincenti in modo chiaro. One of the most important skills a debater can have is to deliver cogent arguments in a clear manner. One of the most important skills a debater can have is to provide convincing arguments clearly. >>nld<< Je décrochai. Ik antwoordde. Ik heb opgehangen. >>eng<< Hem d'actuar ràpid. We have to act quickly. We have to act quickly. >>eng<< Bostoniae tres menses manebimus. We'll be in Boston for three months. Boston is a three-month manoeuvre. >>eng<< La triangulation est une séquence de trois coups exécutés par l'un des rois afin de revenir à la même position avec l'avantage de l'opposition, ce qui laisse l'autre roi en zugzwang. Triangulation is a sequence of three moves performed by one of the kings in order to return to the same position with the advantage of the opposition, which leaves the other king in zugzwang. The triangulation is a sequence of three strokes executed by one of the kings in order to return to the same position with the advantage of the opposition, which leaves the other king in zugzwang. >>eng<< Hai delle mele? Do you have apples? Do you have apples? >>eng<< Dia un'occasione a un uomo. Give a man a chance. Give a man a chance. >>eng<< Non vivevo a Boston l'anno scorso. I didn't live in Boston last year. I didn't live in Boston last year. >>eng<< Eis uma foto dela. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. >>eng<< Alladin veut baiser Shéhérazade. Aladdin wants to fuck Scheherazade. Alladin wants to fuck Sheherazade. >>eng<< Hace rato que se fue. He went a while ago. He's been gone a long time. >>nld<< N'allez pas trop loin. Blijf dichtbij. Ga niet te ver. >>eng<< Maintenant, fermez le livre et dites de quoi parle le texte. Now, close the book and say what the text is about. Now, close the book and say what the text is about. >>eng<< Come mi conoscete poco... How little you know me... How little you know me... >>eng<< "Tu padrastro es muy agradable". "Sí, mi madre eligió bien a su segundo marido". "Your stepfather is very nice." "Yes, my mother chose her second husband well." "Your stepfather is very nice." "Yes, my mother chose her second husband well." >>eng<< Thomas calamum reperit. Tom found a pen. Thomas is reunited. >>eng<< Mira estas palabras en el diccionario. Look up these words in the dictionary. Look at these words in the dictionary. >>nld<< Il se léchait les doigts. Hij likte zijn vingers. Hij likte zijn vingers. >>deu<< J'ai raté l'occasion. Ich habe die Gelegenheit verpasst. Ich habe die Chance verpasst. >>nld<< Me duelen los ojos. Ik heb pijn aan mijn ogen. Mijn ogen doen pijn. >>deu<< Que opinam as senhoras sobre o aquecimento global? Was meinen Sie zu der globalen Erwärmung? Was halten Sie von der globalen Erwärmung? >>eng<< Argelia ha destinado fondos para la construcción de la carretera Transahariana. Algeria has earmarked funds to build the Trans-Sahara Highway. Algeria has allocated funds for the construction of the Trans-Saharan road. >>eng<< Au diable la loi. Fuck the law. To hell with the law. >>eng<< Ela era a filha de um sacerdote brâmane, um homem nascido duas vezes, e era tão formosa que o Rei de Benares a descrevia como sendo um petisco digno dos deuses. She was the daughter of a Brahmin priest, a twice-born man, and so fair was she that the King of Benares described her as a morsel fit for the gods. She was the daughter of a Brahmin priest, a twice-born man, and was so beautiful that the King of Benares described her as a treat worthy of the gods. >>eng<< Tom non aveva amici qua. Tom didn't have any friends here. Tom had no friends here. >>eng<< A Tom le plazio. Tom liked it. To Tom, please. >>eng<< É um costume celebrar o Natal. It's a custom to celebrate Christmas. It is customary to celebrate Christmas. >>eng<< Aggiungete la cipolla. Add the onion. Add the onion. >>eng<< ¿Os preocupáis por el medioambiente? Do you care about the environment? Are you concerned about the environment? >>eng<< Je ne peux pas plier la tête. I can't flex my neck. I can't bend my head. >>eng<< No tiene dinero para comprar una casa. He has no money to buy a house. He has no money to buy a house. >>nld<< Diseară mergem la biserică. Vanavond gaan we naar de kerk. We gaan vanavond naar de kerk. >>eng<< La matita non è lunga. The pencil is not long. The pencil is not long. >>eng<< Me pregunto si estoy bien. I wonder if I'm OK. I wonder if I'm okay. >>nld<< N'es-tu pas végétarienne ? Ben je niet vegetarisch? Ben je geen vegetariër? >>eng<< Non utilizzeranno mai più un computer. They’ll never use a computer again. They will never use a computer again. >>eng<< Cet investissement ne sera pas payant. This investment won't pay off. This investment will not pay off. >>eng<< Eu realmente me diverti. I really enjoyed myself. I really enjoyed it. >>nld<< ¿Le dijeron? Hebben ze het hem gezegd? Hebben ze je dat verteld? >>eng<< Saresti interessato a lavorare per me? Would you be interested in working for me? Would you be interested in working for me? >>nld<< Io sono epilettico. Ik ben een epilepticus. Ik ben epileptisch. >>deu<< Il nage très rapidement. Er schwimmt sehr schnell. Er schwimmt sehr schnell. >>eng<< Él dijo que había olvidado su cartera en casa. He said he had forgotten his wallet at home. He said he had forgotten his wallet at home. >>eng<< No quiero ir al baile con Tom. I didn't want to go to the dance with Tom. I don't want to go to the dance with Tom. >>eng<< Eu li as notícias sobre o deslizamento causado pela tempestade. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. >>deu<< Estó alebat mentre la batalha. Er wurde während der Schlacht verletzt. Er stürzte sich in die Schlacht. >>eng<< Como se parece o esposo da Mary? What's Mary's husband like? What does Mary's husband look like? >>deu<< Faccio fatica a capire perché sia così importante stabilire di chi fosse il missile. Es ist schwer zu verstehen, warum es so wichtig ist, festzulegen von wem die Rakete sei. Es ist schwer zu verstehen, warum es so wichtig ist, herauszufinden, wer die Rakete war. >>eng<< Non licet tibi illic sedere. You can't sit there. You can’t sit there. >>eng<< Nessun'altra montagna in Giappone è più alta del Monte Fuji. No other mountain in Japan is as high as Mt. Fuji. No other mountain in Japan is higher than Mount Fuji. >>nld<< Necesito un taxi. Ik heb een taxi nodig. Ik heb een taxi nodig. >>eng<< Estou procurando romances eróticos de ficção científica. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. >>deu<< Je suis fatigué et je n'arrive pas à me concentrer. Ich bin müde und kann mich nicht konzentrieren. Ich bin müde und kann mich nicht konzentrieren. >>eng<< Restez groupés en famille, car c'est facile de se perdre. Stick together as a family, because it's easy to get lost. Stay together as a family, because it’s easy to get lost. >>eng<< ¡No puedo creer que él me haya dejado por esa puta! I can't believe he left me for that whore! I can't believe he left me for that bitch! >>nld<< Je préfère l'eau minérale. Ik geef de voorkeur aan mineraalwater. Ik heb liever mineraalwater. >>eng<< Quanto dinheiro você tem? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? >>eng<< Devo mangiare prima. I have to eat first. I have to eat first. >>eng<< Le plafond était peint avec des nuages. The ceiling was painted with clouds. The ceiling was painted with clouds. >>deu<< Si yo fuera un pájaro volaría hasta ti. Wenn ich ein Vogel wäre, würde ich zu dir fliegen. Wenn ich ein Vogel wäre, würde ich zu dir fliegen. >>eng<< Ele achou a experiência divertida. He found the experience enjoyable. He found the experience fun. >>nld<< Yo pagaré la cuenta. Ik zal de rekening betalen. Ik betaal de rekening. >>nld<< Io voglio essere in grado di parlare inglese. Ik wil Engels kunnen spreken. Ik wil Engels kunnen spreken. >>eng<< Eu nunca tinha visto o Tom com tanta raiva. That was the first time I'd seen Tom so angry. I've never seen Tom so angry. >>deu<< Tom ha dimenticato il ketchup. Tom hat das Ketchup vergessen. Tom hat den Ketchup vergessen. >>eng<< Je sais à quel point tu aimes Tom. I know how much you love Tom. I know how much you love Tom. >>nld<< Él trabajó día y noche para hacerse rico. Hij heeft dag en nacht gewerkt om rijk te worden. Hij werkte dag en nacht om rijk te worden. >>deu<< Vous êtes étrangères. Ihr seid Ausländerinnen. Ihr seid Fremde. >>eng<< A montanha estava coberta de neve. The mountain was covered with snow. The mountain was covered in snow. >>deu<< Io ho pochi libri. Ich habe wenige Bücher. Ich habe nur wenige Bücher. >>deu<< La tour était d'accès facile. Der Turm war leicht zu erreichen. Der Turm war leicht zugänglich. >>deu<< La moralité de nos politiciens a été corrompue. Unsere Politiker werden immer korrupter. Die Moral unserer Politiker wurde korrumpiert. >>deu<< Ton nez coule. Deine Nase läuft. Deine Nase läuft. >>nld<< Escribí muchas frases en esperanto. Ik heb veel zinnen geschreven in Esperanto. Ik heb veel zinnen geschreven in het Esperanto. >>deu<< Tom a une femme, deux enfants et une voiture. Tom hat eine Frau, zwei Kinder und ein Auto. Tom hat eine Frau, zwei Kinder und ein Auto. >>nld<< Questo fiume arriva fino a New Orleans. Deze rivier vloeit helemaal tot in New Orleans. Deze rivier gaat helemaal naar New Orleans. >>deu<< Saps alguna cosa de la seva família? Weißt du etwas über seine Familie? Weißt du etwas über seine Familie? >>eng<< El arma homicida no fue hallada. The murder weapon wasn't found. The murder weapon was not found. >>deu<< Ho il diritto di chiamare il mio avvocato. Ich habe das Recht, meinen Anwalt anzurufen. Ich habe das Recht, meinen Anwalt anzurufen. >>deu<< Ils l'accusèrent de dire un mensonge. Sie beschuldigten ihn der Lüge. Sie beschuldigten ihn, eine Lüge zu erzählen. >>deu<< Quand la température de l’eau atteint les 100°c, elle commence à bouillir. Bei 100 Grad Celsius fängt Wasser an zu kochen. Wenn die Temperatur des Wassers 100 <0xC2><0xB0> C erreicht, beginnt es zu kochen. >>eng<< Es bien bueno. It's quite good. It's pretty good. >>eng<< Vīcīnae sumus. We're neighbours. V<0xC4><0xAB>c<0xC4><0xAB>nae sumus. >>eng<< Nadie sabe la razón. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. >>eng<< Je ne t'ai pas encore raconté la meilleure partie. I haven't told you the best part yet. I haven't told you the best part yet. >>deu<< El once es un número primo. Elf ist eine Primzahl. Die Elf ist eine Primzahl. >>nld<< Marche ou crève. Het is zwemmen of verzuipen. Loop of sterf. >>deu<< El descubrimiento de un nuevo tipo de comida contribuye más a la humanidad que el descubrimiento de una nueva estrella. Die Entdeckung einer neuen Ernährungsmöglichkeit leistet für die Menschheit mehr als die Entdeckung eines neuen Sterns. Die Entdeckung einer neuen Art von Nahrung trägt mehr zur Menschheit bei als die Entdeckung eines neuen Sterns. >>eng<< No todos los libros son dignos de ser leídos. Not all books are worth reading. Not all books are worth reading. >>eng<< Ha meno pazienza di suo fratello. He has less patience than his brother. He has less patience than his brother. >>eng<< Ellos dijeron que él se portó vergonzosamente. They said he had acted shamefully. They said he behaved shamefully. >>deu<< Todos os gatos são cinza no escuro. Bei Nacht sind alle Katzen grau. Alle Katzen sind grau im Dunkeln. >>eng<< « Pouvez-vous m'entendre ? » « Oui, je vous entends. » "Can you hear me?" "Yes, I can." “Can you hear me?” “Yes, I can hear you.” >>nld<< Je viens travailler. Ik kom werken. Ik kom naar m'n werk. >>deu<< Nós passamos a noite em Hakone. Wir übernachteten in Hakone. Wir verbrachten die Nacht in Hakone. >>eng<< Eu ia dizer a mesma coisa. I was just about to say the same thing. I was going to say the same thing. >>eng<< Quais países desejam visitar? What countries do you want to visit? Which countries do you want to visit? >>deu<< Qui est ton dermatologue ? Wer ist dein Hautarzt? Wer ist dein Dermatologe? >>eng<< Parlate bene. You speak well. You speak well. >>nld<< Tom travaille tout le temps. Tom werkt altijd. Tom werkt de hele tijd. >>eng<< De quem é a criança? Whose child is it? Whose child is it? >>eng<< O «Projeto Confiança», um consórcio de agências noticiosas e empresas tecnológicas que se reúne em Santa Clara, na Califórnia, pretende criar um «indicador de confiança» para informar os leitores sobre a credibilidade dos artigos noticiosos. The "Trust Project," a consortium of news agencies and tech firms meeting in Santa Clara, California, is creating a "trust indicator" to make readers aware of a news story's credibility. The Trust Project, a consortium of news agencies and technology companies meeting in Santa Clara, California, aims to create a “trust indicator” to inform readers about the credibility of news articles. >>eng<< Io sono il tuo re e tu sei la mia regina. I'm your king and you're my queen. I am your king and you are my queen. >>eng<< La nostra tecnica era sbagliata. Our technique was wrong. Our technique was wrong. >>eng<< Come sono belle le valli in primavera! How beautiful the valleys are in spring! How beautiful are the valleys in spring! >>eng<< Eu quero que você vá comigo. I want you to go with me. I want you to come with me. >>eng<< Un pugno chiuso può indicare stress. A closed fist can indicate stress. A closed fist can indicate stress. >>nld<< Afinal de contas, é impossível conhecer outra pessoa totalmente. Al met al is het onmogelijk om iemand geheel te doorgronden. Het is tenslotte onmogelijk om iemand volledig te leren kennen. >>eng<< Toki Pona è un tentativo di interpretare il significato della vita in poche parole. Toki Pona is an attempt to interpret the meaning of life in a nutshell. Toki Pona is an attempt to interpret the meaning of life in a few words. >>nld<< Volveré en seguida. Ik ben zo terug. Ik ben zo terug. >>deu<< Ex anno MCMXC hic habitamus. Ich wohne seit 1990 hier. Seit dem MCMXC-Jahr leben wir hier. >>deu<< Preferisco rimanere seduto. Ich bleibe lieber sitzen. Ich bleibe lieber sitzen. >>deu<< Ossigeno e idrogeno formano l'acqua. Wasser ist aus Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff zusammengesetzt. Sauerstoff und Wasserstoff bilden das Wasser. >>deu<< Il nous enseigne l'histoire. Er unterrichtet uns Geschichte. Er lehrt uns Geschichte. >>deu<< סי קי טום איס לוקו. Ich weiß, dass Tom verrückt ist. <0xD7><0xA1><0xD7><0x99> <0xD7><0xA7><0xD7><0x99> <0xD7><0x98><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0x9D> <0xD7><0x90><0xD7><0x99><0xD7><0xA1> <0xD7><0x9C><0xD7><0x95><0xD7><0xA7><0xD7><0x95>. >>eng<< Prends l'appareil photo. Get the camera. Take the camera. >>nld<< Regarde ce grand bâtiment ! Kijk eens naar dat hoge gebouw. Kijk eens naar dat grote gebouw. >>eng<< Maria dépense beaucoup d'argent en vêtements. Maria is spending a lot of money on clothes. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. >>eng<< Nous sommes prêts à partir. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. >>eng<< No puedes culparla por no saber lo que no le han enseñado. You can't blame her for not knowing what she hasn't been taught. You can't blame her for not knowing what she hasn't been taught. >>deu<< L'Algérie est belle. Algerien ist schön. Algerien ist schön. >>eng<< Como estoy ocupado, no puedo ir. As I am busy, I cannot go. Since I'm busy, I can't go. >>eng<< Tutti stavano sussurrando. Everyone was whispering. Everyone was whispering. >>eng<< L'intelligenza artificiale debole si riferisce alla costruzione di macchine e software parzialmente intelligenti, il cui funzionamento non fa a meno dell'intervento umano. Weak Artificial Intelligence refers to the construction of partially intelligent machines and software, whose operation does not dispense with human intervention. Weak artificial intelligence refers to the construction of partially intelligent machines and software, the operation of which does not do without human intervention. >>eng<< Hanno iniziato la scuola recentemente. They started school recently. They started school recently. >>eng<< Accettò tutte le condizioni imposte dal suo ex marito. She accepted all the conditions imposed by her ex-husband. She accepted all the conditions imposed by her ex-husband. >>eng<< Posso bere alcool? Can I drink alcohol? Can I drink alcohol? >>eng<< Tom gosta de se mostrar. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show himself. >>eng<< ¿Tienes Skype? Do you have Skype? Do you have Skype? >>nld<< Io ho perso le ultime due lezioni. Ik heb de laatste twee lessen gemist. Ik heb de laatste twee lessen gemist. >>nld<< Olá, Tom. Hallo, Tom. Hallo, Tom. >>deu<< A dona Smith veste preto. Frau Smith trägt Schwarz. Mrs. Smith trägt schwarz. >>deu<< As senhoras, por favor, parem de importunar minha esposa! Unterlassen Sie es, meine Frau zu belästigen! Hört bitte auf, meine Frau zu belästigen! >>eng<< Mater mea est meum ornamentum. My mother is my jewel. My mother is an ornament. >>eng<< Ma non è qui. But he isn't here. But he's not here. >>eng<< Io sono buona con te stamattina. I'm being good to you this morning. I'm good to you this morning. >>eng<< Quand je regarde une japanimation, j'ai généralement la bande originale japonaise. Ça sonne beaucoup mieux. Et ce n'est pas seulement la pratique de la langue... Youpi ! When I watch Japanese anime, I usually have the Japanese soundtrack on. It sounds much better. And it's not just language practice... Yay! When I look at a japonimation, I usually have the Japanese soundtrack. It sounds a lot better. And it's not just the practice of the language... Youpi! >>deu<< Où se trouve la bibliothèque ? Wo ist die Bibliothek? Wo befindet sich die Bibliothek? >>nld<< No quiero seguir mintiendo. Ik wil niet blijven liegen. Ik wil niet blijven liegen. >>deu<< Ese chillido tuyo perfora los tímpanos de cualquiera. Bei deinem Gekreische platzt ja einem jeden das Trommelfell! Dein Schrei durchbohrt jeden Trommelfell. >>nld<< Las clases empiezan a las nueve en punto todos los días. De lessen beginnen elke dag om negen uur. De lessen beginnen elke dag om negen uur. >>deu<< Vorbeşti letona? Sprichst du Lettisch? Sprichst du Lettisch? >>deu<< Es-tu un Américain ou un Européen ? Bist du Amerikaner oder Europäer? Bist du ein Amerikaner oder ein Europäer? >>eng<< A Londres hi han molts parcs bonics. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. >>deu<< Mon français est également bien rouillé. Mein Französisch ist auch ganz schön verrostet. Mein Französisch ist auch gut verrostet. >>nld<< Él va a menudo a pie al colegio. Hij gaat dikwijls te voet naar school. Hij loopt vaak naar school. >>eng<< Devi andare oggi? Do you have to go today? Do you have to go today? >>eng<< En Tom s'ha tornat pàl·lid. Tom turned white. Tom has become pale. >>nld<< Je ne prends jamais l'avion, et toi ? Ik neem nooit het vliegtuig, en jij? Ik neem nooit het vliegtuig, en jij? >>eng<< Nuestros descendientes llegarán tarde o temprano, como raza, a la condición de conciencia cósmica, al igual que, hace mucho tiempo, nuestros antepasados pasaron de la conciencia simple a la autoconciencia. Our descendants will sooner or later reach, as a race, the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness into self-consciousness. Our descendants will sooner or later, as a race, reach the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as long ago our ancestors moved from simple consciousness to self-consciousness. >>eng<< Qui dixerunt: Fac ut locutus es. And they said: Do as thou hast spoken. And they said, I do as thou hast said. >>eng<< Abita veramente qui? Do you really live here? Do you really live here? >>deu<< Tutti al riparo! Alle in Deckung! Alle in Sicherheit! >>eng<< Não consigo fazer isto sem a sua ajuda. I can't do it without your help. I can't do this without your help. >>deu<< Él está obsesionado por una extraña idea. Er ist von einer merkwürdigen Idee besessen. Er ist besessen von einer seltsamen Idee. >>eng<< Puerum ad nosocomium vehi viderunt. They saw the boy carried away to the hospital. We drove to the car park. >>eng<< Estoy deseando que llegue. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. >>eng<< Je suis juste allongé. I'm only lying down. I'm just lying down. >>eng<< Sono neri? Are they black? Are they black? >>eng<< Tu n'es pas la première personne à me demander ça. You're not the first person to ask me that. You're not the first person to ask me that. >>nld<< Le changement est la seule constante. Verandering is de enige constante. Verandering is de enige constante. >>eng<< O senhor pode me dar instruções para a estação? Can you give me directions to the station? Can you give me instructions for the station? >>eng<< De ce nu-i spui adevărul? Why don't you tell her the truth? Why don't you tell him the truth? >>eng<< È più facile imparare giocando. It's easier to learn by playing. It is easier to learn by playing. >>eng<< Ils ont ri à gorge déployée. They guffawed. They laughed with their throats wide open. >>eng<< Quero que você me explique tudo que está acontecendo. I want you to explain everything that is happening to me. I want you to explain to me everything that's going on. >>eng<< Sé algunas cosas sobre la lectura cuando se trata de filipinos. Cuando muchos filipinos leen, especialmente la élite, leen en inglés, a pesar de que comúnmente hablan en un idioma indígena todos los días. Filipinas es muy aural-oral cuando se trata de la lengua indígena. Hay, sin embargo, algunos cómics y otra literatura en tagalo para las masas. Muchos filipinos realmente no quieren leer en inglés, ya que tal vez no les atraiga, por lo que rara vez leen, sino que ven televisión, videos o cine, más comúnmente en el idioma indígena. Sospecho que las letras romanas no atraen a algunos filipinos. El tagalo ya no se escribe en la antigua escritura Baybayin, pero el estándar Unicode conserva los silabogramas. La literatura tagalo aún no es muy amplia, como lo es la literatura indonesia vecina. El inglés es como un refresco rosa con gas, mientras que el tagalo es como un pastel de mandioca de color marrón amarillento. (Algunos franceses han expresado que el tagalo es más como un tiburón gris en el mar. Pero podría imaginarme a algunos italianos equiparando el tagalo con los espaguetis con tinta de calamar. Tal vez, el tagalo es como el español "jamón de pata negra", un manjar caro.) I know some things about reading when it comes to Filipinos. When many Filipinos read, especially the elite, they read in English, although they commonly speak an indigenous language every day. The Philippines is highly aural-oral when it comes to the indigenous language. There are, nevertheless, some comics and other literature in Tagalog for the masses. Many Filipinos do not really want to read in English, as maybe it does not attract them, so they seldom read, but instead watch television, videos, or cinema, most commonly in the indigenous language. I suspect that Roman letters do not attract some Filipinos. Tagalog is no longer written in the ancient Baybayin script, but the Unicode Standard conserves the syllabograms. Tagalog literature is not yet extensive, as is that of neighbouring Indonesia. English is like a fizzy pink soda, whilst Tagalog is like a yellow-brown cassava cake. (Some French have stated that Tagalog is more like a grey shark in the sea. But I could imagine some Italians equating Tagalog with squid ink spaghetti. Maybe Tagalog is like Spanish "jamón de pata negra," an expensive delicacy.) I know a lot of things about reading when it comes to the Spanish language. When it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language. When it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language. When it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language. When it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language, it comes to the Spanish language. >>eng<< Lo regué, y lo sé. I screwed up, and I know it. I watered it, and I know it. >>eng<< Ne irata sis! Don't get angry! We're sorry for six! >>nld<< Tu n'avais pas faim. Je had geen honger. Je had geen honger. >>eng<< Deixarei filhos, netos e bisnetos, além das pobres frases que escrevi. I will leave children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, besides the poor sentences I have written. I will leave children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, in addition to the poor sentences I wrote. >>eng<< Desde que visitó París, sólo habla de eso. Ever since he visited Paris, he only talks about that. Ever since he visited Paris, he's only been talking about it. >>deu<< Dovete lasciarci un acconto. Ihr müsst eine Anzahlung machen. Sie müssen uns eine Anzahlung machen. >>eng<< Falsi erant. They were fake. falsely. >>eng<< Je ne vous parle pas à cause de votre épouse. I don't speak to you because of your wife. I'm not talking to you because of your wife. >>eng<< Tom este foarte disciplinat, nu-i așa? Tom is very self-disciplined, isn't he? Tom's very disciplined, isn't he? >>eng<< Consommez-vous de la marijuana ? Do you use marijuana? Do you consume marijuana? >>eng<< Estamos en huelga porque la empresa no nos ha subido los salarios. We're on strike because the company hasn't raised our wages. We are on strike because the company has not raised our wages. >>deu<< El nuevo método ya ha encontrado adeptos en muchos países. Die neue Methode hat schon in vielen Ländern Anhänger gefunden. Die neue Methode hat bereits in vielen Ländern Anhänger gefunden. >>deu<< Cine știe asta? Wer weiß das? Wer weiß das schon? >>eng<< Tom sourit sans enthousiasme. Tom smiled halfheartedly. Tom smiled without enthusiasm. >>eng<< Tom è solo un tipo qualunque. Tom is just an average Joe. Tom's just some guy. >>eng<< Ochii de pisică sunt foarte sensibili la lumină. Cats' eyes are very sensitive to light. Cat’s eyes are very sensitive to light. >>eng<< Ce n'est pas cher, pas vrai ? That's cheap, isn't it? It's not expensive, is it? >>eng<< Mi dispiace di impormi, ma potresti aprire la finestra, per favore? Sorry to impose, but would you please open the window? I'm sorry to impose, but could you open the window, please? >>eng<< Ela é bonita, mas perigosa. She is beautiful, but dangerous. She's beautiful, but dangerous. >>deu<< Esta menina mora conosco desde o seu nascimento. Dieses Mädchen wohnt bei uns von Geburt an. Dieses Mädchen lebt seit ihrer Geburt bei uns. >>deu<< Ela é uma prostituta. Sie ist eine Prostituierte. Sie ist eine Prostituierte. >>deu<< Non, ta traduction n'est pas correcte. Nein, deine Übersetzung ist nicht richtig. Nein, deine Übersetzung ist nicht korrekt. >>eng<< Estou escrevendo há oito anos um livro, que já tem mais de 14.000 páginas. I have been writing for eight years a book that is already over 14,000 pages long. I have been writing a book for eight years, which already has more than 14,000 pages. >>deu<< Roméo ne peut même pas écrire son propre nom. Romeo kann nicht einmal seinen eigenen Namen schreiben. Romeo kann nicht einmal seinen eigenen Namen schreiben. >>eng<< Mon frère a raté le train, parce qu'il s'est levé trop tard. My father missed the train because he got up too late. My brother missed the train because he got up too late. >>eng<< Io voglio un rimborso. I want a refund. I want a refund. >>eng<< Dormire volo. I want to sleep. Sleeping in flight. >>deu<< Ela me deu um bom conselho. Sie gab mir einen guten Rat. Sie hat mir einen guten Rat gegeben. >>eng<< Io sono a Parigi. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. >>deu<< ¿A quién no le gusta el olor de los plátanos? Wer mag nicht den Geruch von Bananen? Wer mag nicht den Geruch von Bananen? >>eng<< Quelque chose est-il différent ? Is something different? Is anything different? >>eng<< Sebbene sia una buona macchina,voglio qualcosa di più recente. Although it's a good car, I want something more recent. Although it's a good car, I want something more recent. >>nld<< Solo para uso externo. No ingerir. Enkel voor uitwendig gebruik, niet inslikken. Alleen voor extern gebruik. Niet inslikken. >>eng<< O maior icebergue do mundo está em rota de colisão com a ilha da Geórgia do Sul, um paraíso chave para a vida selvagem no oceano Atlântico do sul, dizem os cientistas. The world's largest iceberg is on course to collide with the island of South Georgia, a key haven for wildlife in the south Atlantic Ocean, scientists say. The world’s largest iceberg is on a collision course with the island of South Georgia, a key wildlife paradise in the South Atlantic Ocean, scientists say. >>nld<< Io avevo voglia di parlare con qualcuno. Ik had zin om met iemand te praten. Ik wilde met iemand praten. >>eng<< Desde essa época a distinção das duas raças, a conquistadora ou goda e a romana ou conquistada, quase desaparecera, e os homens do norte se haviam confundido com os do meio-dia em uma só nação, para cuja grandeza contribuíra aquela com as virtudes ásperas da selvagem Germânia, esta com as tradições da cultura e polícia romanas. Since that time the distinction between the two races, the conqueror or Gothic and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confounded with those of midday in a single nation, to whose grandiosity had contributed that with the rough virtues of savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and polity. From that time the distinction of the two races, the conqueror or Goddess and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confused with those of the noonday in one nation, to whose greatness that had contributed with the rough virtues of the savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and police. >>eng<< C'est mon premier mariage. This is my first marriage. This is my first wedding. >>deu<< Isso significa muito para mim. Es bedeutet mir viel. Das bedeutet mir viel. >>eng<< Chi è la donna seduta di fianco a Tom? Who's the woman sitting next to Tom? Who is the woman sitting next to Tom? >>deu<< Infelizmente poemas não entusiasmam um grande público. Leider begeistern Gedichte kein großes Publikum. Leider begeistern Gedichte kein großes Publikum. >>deu<< Abbatté un albero nel suo giardino. Er fällte einen Baum in seinem Garten. Er hat einen Baum in seinem Garten gefällt. >>nld<< No somos los únicos que creemos que no es culpable. Wij zijn niet de enigen die geloven dat hij onschuldig is. Wij zijn niet de enigen die denken dat hij niet schuldig is. >>eng<< Je suis certain qu'il y a un lien. I'm sure there's a connection. I'm sure there's a connection. >>eng<< Am nevoie de un plan cu siguranță. I definitely need a plan. I need a plan for sure. >>eng<< Trebuie să beau. I have to drink. I have to drink. >>deu<< Cosa credi che stessi facendo? Was denkst du, was ich gerade gemacht habe? Was glaubst du, was ich getan habe? >>eng<< È vaccinato? Are you vaxxed? Is it vaccinated? >>eng<< Se as brancas têm um peão em e5 e as negras jogam seu peão de d7 a d5, o peão branco pode tomar o peão negro, retirando-o do tabuleiro e ocupando d6, como se o peão negro aí estivesse. Isso se chama tomar "en passant". If White has a pawn on e5 and Black plays his pawn from d7 to d5, the white pawn can take the black pawn, removing it from the board and occupying d6, as if the black pawn were there. This is called taking "en passant". If White has a pawn in e5 and Black throws her pawn from d7 to d5, the white pawn can take the black pawn, removing it from the board and occupying d6, as if the black pawn were there. This is called taking "en passant". >>deu<< Adesso non basta? Reicht es jetzt nicht? Ist das nicht genug? >>deu<< Devo andare in banca. Ich muss zur Bank gehen. Ich muss zur Bank. >>eng<< Ellos cosieron. They sewed. They sewed. >>eng<< Sono un grande fan della cucina americana. I'm a big fan of American cooking. I'm a big fan of American cuisine. >>deu<< Je suis le père de famille. Ich bin der Familienvater. Ich bin der Familienvater. >>eng<< El veranillo de San Martín ya se está acabando. Second summer is coming to an end. The summer of St. Martin is already over. >>eng<< No confio en els polítics. I don't trust politicians. I don’t trust politicians. >>eng<< Voudrais-tu me prêter un peu d'argent ? Would you lend me some money? Would you like to lend me some money? >>eng<< Ho sempre sbavato dietro agli uomini in divisa. I've always drooled over men in uniform. I've always drooled behind the men in uniform. >>eng<< Mo ena enn frer. I have one brother. I have a brother. >>eng<< Lasă-mă. Go away. Let go of me. >>nld<< Yo no diría que no era importante. Ik zou niet zeggen dat het onbelangrijk was. Ik zou niet zeggen dat het niet belangrijk was. >>eng<< Vòus dançar ? Would you like to dance? Do you want to dance? >>eng<< La France et l'Italie sont de très beaux pays. France and Italy are very beautiful countries. France and Italy are beautiful countries. >>eng<< Vou lhe trazer mais café. I'll get you some more coffee. I'll get you some more coffee. >>eng<< Nosotros vamos hacia el río. We are going toward the river. We're going to the river. >>eng<< Tom și Mary au spus că încă le este frică. Tom and Mary said they're still afraid. Tom and Mary said they were still afraid. >>deu<< Elle est sourde. Sie ist taub. Sie ist taub. >>eng<< No es esa la cuestión. That's not the deal. That's not the point. >>deu<< Está leyendo un libro. Er liest gerade ein Buch. Er liest ein Buch. >>eng<< De obicei eu nu mă bag în nimic. I don't usually get involved in anything. I don't usually get into anything. >>deu<< Tom e Mary stanno già pianificando di trascorrere il Natale con i loro parenti in città. Tom und Maria planen bereits, Weihnachten mit ihren Verwandten in der Stadt zu verbringen. Tom und Mary planen bereits, Weihnachten mit ihren Verwandten in der Stadt zu verbringen. >>nld<< Subió las escaleras. Hij liep de trap op. Hij ging de trap op. >>nld<< Ceasul meu indică precis ora nouă. Op mijn horloge is het stipt negen uur. Mijn horloge geeft precies negen uur aan. >>eng<< Nuestro profesor de música me aconsejó visitar Viena. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. >>eng<< Quina bera flor ! What a beautiful flower! What a beautiful flower! >>eng<< Il n'en a pas le courage. He doesn't have the courage. He doesn't have the courage. >>nld<< Mon frère est assez grand pour voyager seul. Mijn broer is oud genoeg om alleen te reizen. Mijn broer is oud genoeg om alleen te reizen. >>deu<< Vreau unul și eu. Ich will auch eine. Ich will auch einen. >>deu<< A história se repete. Geschichte wiederholt sich. Die Geschichte wiederholt sich. >>deu<< Elle aime bien se promener à la campagne. Sie geht gerne auf dem Land spazieren. Sie geht gerne aufs Land. >>eng<< Maria costumava ser capaz de fazer isso por conta propiá. Mary used to be able to do that by herself. Mary used to be able to do this on her own. >>eng<< Almeno ascoltala in berbero. At least listen to it in Berber. At least listen to her in Berber. >>eng<< Tom a lavé la voiture ce matin. Tom washed the car this morning. Tom washed the car this morning. >>eng<< Un garçon joue et tombe. A boy plays and falls down. A boy plays and falls. >>nld<< Tom é seu tio. Tom is uw oom. Tom is je oom. >>deu<< Contador a gagné le maillot jaune au Tour de France. Contador hat bei der Tour de France das gelbe Trikot gewonnen. Contador gewann das Gelbe Trikot bei der Tour de France. >>deu<< ¿Qué me querés decir? Was willst du mir sagen? Was willst du mir sagen? >>eng<< Vigiles publici vestimenta caerulea gerunt. Police officers wear blue uniforms. The public guards dressed in cloaks. >>deu<< Anteontem foi sábado, sete de outubro. Vorgestern war Samstag, der siebente Oktober. Vorgestern war Samstag, 7. Oktober. >>eng<< ¿Cuándo vas a Alemania? When will you go to Germany? When are you going to Germany? >>eng<< Aprender un idioma es un placer o al menos puede convertirse en uno. Learning a language is a pleasure or at least it can become one. Learning a language is a pleasure or at least it can become one. >>eng<< J'ai apporté des renforts. I brought reinforcements. I've brought reinforcements. >>eng<< Il arrivera probablement dans l'après-midi. He will probably arrive in the afternoon. It will probably arrive in the afternoon. >>eng<< Nu se poate face nimic. There's nothing that can be done. There's nothing we can do. >>eng<< Certamen secunda hora pomeridiana incipit. The play begins at 2 p.m. The second hour of the afternoon begins. >>eng<< La physique ne décrit pas le monde ; elle décrit ce que nous savons du monde. Physics does not describe the world; it describes what we know about the world. Physics does not describe the world; it describes what we know about the world. >>nld<< És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. Dat is nu het beste boek dat ik ooit gelezen heb. Het is het beste boek dat ik ooit gelezen heb. >>eng<< Animais inteligentes podem ajudar as pessoas. Intelligent animals can help people. Smart animals can help people. >>eng<< I ka jwé. He is playing. He's playing. >>eng<< Si strofinò il naso. He rubbed his nose. He rubbed his nose. >>eng<< L'esperanto è molto più semplice dell'interlingua. Esperanto is much simpler than Interlingua. Esperanto is much simpler than interlingua. >>eng<< A noiva usava um vestido de seda com bolinhas. The bride was wearing a silk dress with polka dots. The bride wore a silk dress with dots. >>deu<< Mia mamma mi aiuta molto. Meine Mama hilft mir viel. Meine Mutter hilft mir sehr. >>eng<< Nadie votó en contra. No one voted against it. No one voted against it. >>eng<< Questo dipinto è stato restaurato dal museo. This painting was restored by the museum. This painting has been restored by the museum. >>eng<< Je parie que tu ne peux pas faire dix pompes. Bet you can't do ten press-ups. I bet you can't do ten pumps. >>eng<< Încape cablul? Does the cable fit? Fits the cable? >>eng<< Whoua ! C'est une côte raide. Mais la descente sera un vrai plaisir. Whew! This is a tough hill. But coming back sure will be a breeze. It's a steep coast, but the descent will be a real pleasure. >>eng<< Abbiamo vissuto tutto in simbiosi da quando avevamo cinque anni. We've lived everything symbiotically since we were five years old. We've lived it all in symbiosis since we were five years old. >>eng<< Tom ainda não cortou a carne. Tom hasn't cut the meat yet. Tom hasn't cut the meat yet. >>eng<< Soy la conciencia de que existo. I am aware that I exist. I am the consciousness that I exist. >>eng<< Toki Pona é uma tentativa de recriar a primeira língua que se falou nas cavernas da África. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. >>eng<< Auctor est amicus meus. The author is my friend. The author is my friend. >>eng<< Se robaron el libro de la Sra. Hana. They stole Mrs. Hana's book. Mrs. Hana's book was stolen. >>eng<< Io non voglio essere coinvolto. I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved. >>eng<< Tom sposò la sua ex insegnante. Tom married his former teacher. Tom married his former teacher. >>deu<< Os bombeiros faziam o que podiam. Die Feuerwehrleute taten, was sie konnten. Die Feuerwehr tat, was sie konnte. >>eng<< Eu irei para Boston amanhã. I'll go to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. >>deu<< Yo he vivido aquí. Ich habe hier gewohnt. Ich habe hier gelebt. >>eng<< Yanni encera su parabrisas. Yanni waxes his windshield. Yanni squeezes her windshield. >>deu<< Ele vive na beira do abismo. Er lebt am Rande des Abgrunds. Er lebt am Rande des Abgrunds. >>eng<< Ha mentito alla polizia. You lied to the police. He lied to the police. >>deu<< Numa piada genuína há um fundo de seriedade. Echtem Scherz liegt Ernst zugrunde. In einem echten Witz gibt es einen Hintergrund des Ernstes. >>deu<< Je t'aimais. Ich habe dich geliebt. Ich habe dich geliebt. >>eng<< Ella va cometre una altra vegada la mateixa errada. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. >>eng<< La mama i el para estan molt nerviosos. Mom and Dad are very nervous. Mom and Dad are very nervous. >>eng<< Sé cazador o sé presa, pero no seas el perro que lleva al cazador a su presa. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the hunter to the prey. Be a hunter or be a prey, but don't be the dog that takes the hunter to his prey. >>deu<< Che cosa ne pensa della nuova insegnante? Was hält sie von der neuen Lehrerin? Was halten Sie von der neuen Lehrerin? >>eng<< Io penso che Tom debba essere affamato. I think Tom must be hungry. I think Tom should be hungry. >>eng<< L'université porte le nom de son fondateur. The university bears the name of its founder. The university is named after its founder. >>deu<< Deseo una noche sosegada a todos los que anhelan una revisión de las leyes de derecho autoral, pero bien mirado, también a todos los otros. Ich wünsche eine geruhsame Nacht allen, die sich eine Überarbeitung der bestehenden Urheberrechtsgesetze wünschen, aber eigentlich auch allen anderen. Ich wünsche allen, die sich nach einer Überarbeitung der Urheberrechtsgesetze sehnen, aber auch allen anderen einen ruhigen Abend. >>eng<< Linguam Gallicam intellegit. She understands French. I understand the French language. >>eng<< Il faut que je trouve quelque chose à manger. I need to find something to eat. I need to find something to eat. >>nld<< J'ai eu de la chance. Ik had geluk. Ik heb geluk gehad. >>eng<< Je quitte ce groupe. I'm leaving this group. I'm leaving this group. >>eng<< Em Toki Pona tentei bela frase traduzir. Os erros logo, bem sei, meu mestre vai corrigir. I tried to translate a beautiful sentence into Toki Pona. I know my teacher will soon correct the mistakes. In Toki Pona I tried beautiful phrase translate. The mistakes soon, well I know, my master will correct. >>nld<< Los sueños no siempre se cumplen. Dromen worden niet altijd waar. Dromen komen niet altijd uit. >>eng<< Esta empresa fundada há seis anos, que tem escritórios na Índia e em nove outras nações, afirma ter trazido 100.000 casais indianos para o altar em todo o mundo. The six-year-old company, which has offices in India and nine other nations, claims to have brought 100,000 Indian couples to the altar worldwide. This six-year-old company, which has offices in India and nine other nations, claims to have brought 100,000 Indian couples to the altar around the world. >>eng<< O cachorro de Ziri é muito bem treinado. Ziri's dog is very well trained. Ziri's dog is very well trained. >>eng<< Lavora per una grande società. She works for a large corporation. He works for a big company. >>eng<< Pongamos el árbol de Navidad aquí. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. >>eng<< Mi serve qualcosa di pulito. I need something clean. I need something clean. >>eng<< Quid dicas, non intellego. I cannot understand what you say. What you say, I don’t understand. >>eng<< J’ai une leucémie. I have leukaemia. I have leukemia. >>deu<< Si Marie m'avait écouté, elle serait déjà riche. Hätte Maria mir zugehört, wäre sie schon reich. Hätte Maria auf mich gehört, wäre sie schon reich. >>eng<< O localizador será rebocado por mais de 6.000 metros atrás do navio da marinha australiana “Seahorse Standard”. The locator will be towed more than 6,000 meters behind the Australian navy ship “Seahorse Standard.” The locator will be towed more than 6,000 meters behind the Australian navy ship Seahorse Standard. >>eng<< Sei que haverás de ouvir meu canto amargurado, este gemido de um plangente coração. I know that you will hear my bitter song, this moan of a plaintive heart. I know you will hear my bitter song, this groaning of a weeping heart. >>eng<< Toutes ces personnes ont besoin d'être hospitalisées et soignées. All these people need to be hospitalized and treated. All of these people need to be hospitalized and treated. >>eng<< Lui ha avuto successo nella vita. He succeeded in life. He was successful in life. >>deu<< Tom élève du bétail. Tom züchtet Vieh. Tom züchtet Vieh. >>nld<< Ridică-te și luptă. Sta recht en vecht! Sta op en vecht. >>deu<< Maria oculos magnos habet. Mary hat große Augen. Maria hat große Augen. >>eng<< ¿Respondí correctamente? Did I answer correctly? Did I respond correctly? >>deu<< Sunt o mulţime de locuri frumoase în Japonia. Es gibt viele schöne Orte in Japan. Es gibt viele schöne Orte in Japan. >>nld<< J'ai besoin de protection. Ik heb bescherming nodig. Ik heb bescherming nodig. >>eng<< Mi ha dato una cravatta blu. He gave me a blue tie. He gave me a blue tie. >>eng<< Eya es ermoza! She is beautiful! She's a hermeneutic! >>nld<< Elle se présenta aux personnes qui étaient là. Ze stelde zich aan de aanwezigen voor. Ze stelde zich voor aan de mensen die er waren. >>eng<< Abbiamo una perdita. We've got a leak. We have a loss. >>deu<< El soldat m'ha donat aigua. Der Soldat hat mir Wasser gegeben. Der Soldat hat mir Wasser gegeben. >>nld<< Los padres están escuchando. De ouders luisteren. De ouders luisteren. >>deu<< Tom entró en el coche y encendió el motor. Tom stieg in den Wagen und ließ den Motor an. Tom stieg ins Auto und zündete den Motor an. >>deu<< A zombaria é o alimento dos tolos. Spott ist die Speise der Narren. Spott ist die Nahrung der Narren. >>eng<< Pluit mense Septembri. It rains in September. It was raining in September. >>eng<< Quel État avez-vous visité et combien de temps êtes-vous resté ? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? Which state did you visit and how long did you stay? >>eng<< Nos estamos acercando a Estambul. We're getting close to Istanbul. We are approaching Istanbul. >>nld<< Eu vivi aqui durante trinta anos. Ik heb hier dertig jaar lang gewoond. Ik woon hier al dertig jaar. >>nld<< Să v-ajut. Laat me helpen. Om u te helpen. >>eng<< Voi avete mai letto delle poesie in francese? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read poetry in French? >>eng<< Tom é muito independente. Tom is very independent. Tom is very independent. >>eng<< Abest, quia aegrotat. She is absent because of sickness. Awesome, awe-inspiring. >>nld<< Tom suona molto bene il pianoforte. Tom speelt heel goed piano. Tom speelt heel goed piano. >>eng<< Vivo lontano da qui. I live far away from here. I live far from here. >>nld<< Les dettes sont quérables et non portables. Schulden zijn haalbaar en niet draagbaar. Schulden zijn aardig en niet draagbaar. >>nld<< A maioria dos acidentes ocorre perto de casa. De meeste ongelukken gebeuren dicht bij huis. De meeste ongevallen vinden plaats in de buurt van huis. >>eng<< Sa voiture faisait trois mètres de long. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. >>eng<< Um vento forte bateu à noite. A strong wind blew at night. A strong wind struck at night. >>nld<< Je passe toujours le jour de Noël avec mes parents. Ik breng altijd kerstdag door met mijn ouders. Ik breng altijd Kerstmis door met mijn ouders. >>eng<< Le cerveau, c'est le matériel, et l'esprit, c'est le logiciel. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. The brain is the hardware, and the mind is the software. >>deu<< Il suo carattere è simile al tuo. Ihr Charakter ist deinem ähnlich. Sein Charakter ähnelt deinem. >>deu<< Pourquoi veux-tu donc acheter une moto ? Warum willst du denn ein Motorrad kaufen? Warum wollen Sie ein Motorrad kaufen? >>deu<< Frater scribit. Der Bruder schreibt. Bruder schrieb. >>eng<< Je suis nerveux. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. >>eng<< J'ai un petit creux. I'm feeling a bit peckish. I've got a little hole. >>eng<< Librum lecturus sum. I'm going to read the book. I am a librarian. >>eng<< Date da mangiare all'uccello. Feed the bird. Feed the bird. >>deu<< Les langues étrangères m'ont toujours intéressé. Fremdsprachen haben mich immer interessiert. Fremdsprachen haben mich schon immer interessiert. >>deu<< La strada va verso nord da qui. Die Straße führt von hier nach Norden. Die Straße geht von hier nach Norden. >>eng<< Ho saltato la cena. I skipped dinner. I skipped dinner. >>eng<< Considera il tuo impegno con la massima stima. He regards your efforts with the utmost esteem. Consider your commitment with the utmost esteem. >>eng<< Tom normalmente les echa mostaza y ketchup a sus completos. Tom usually puts mustard and ketchup on his hot dogs. Tom usually throws mustard and ketchup at them in their suits. >>eng<< C’est à marquer d’une pierre blanche. That's a turnup for the book. It is to be marked with a white stone. >>eng<< Ne ha una in blu? Do you have one in blue? Do you have one in blue? >>eng<< Pour améliorer la situation, il faut travailler plus dur. To improve the situation, we must work harder. To improve the situation, you have to work harder. >>deu<< Jamás hemos tenido una nevada tan intensa. Wir hatten noch nie so starken Schneefall. Wir hatten noch nie einen so starken Schneefall. >>eng<< Notre nouvelle boutique ouvrira en octobre. Our new store is due to open in October. Our new store will open in October. >>eng<< Meu cachorro ficou com medo do seu gato. My dog got scared of your cat. My dog was scared of your cat. >>eng<< Hi vull anar. I want to go. I want to go. >>deu<< ¿No sabrás por casualidad cuál es su nombre? Du kennst nicht zufällig seinen Namen? Weißt du nicht zufällig, wie er heißt? >>eng<< Quid agitis? How are you all doing? What agitated you? >>eng<< Comment est-il possible que vous n'aimiez pas les olives ? How is it possible that you don't like olives? How could you not like olives? >>eng<< No ay renares aki. There are no foxes here. There's no rebirth aki. >>nld<< Tom coopère. Tom werkt mee. Tom werkt mee. >>eng<< La radio era una grande invenzione. The radio was a great invention. Radio was a great invention. >>eng<< Devo fare subito una telefonata. I have to make a phone call right away. I need to make a phone call right away. >>eng<< Ao invés do francês, ele começou a estudar esperanto. Instead of French, he began to study Esperanto. Instead of French, he began to study Esperanto. >>eng<< Eam occident. They're going to kill her. Eam West. >>deu<< Les oiseaux boivent de l'eau. Vögel trinken Wasser. Vögel trinken Wasser. >>eng<< Perché pensi che sia lui? Why do you think it's him? Why do you think it's him? >>eng<< Il est plus facile d'apprendre en jouant. It's easier to learn by playing. It is easier to learn while playing. >>nld<< Él es tremendamente respetado por sus alumnos. Hij wordt enorm gerespecteerd door zijn studenten. Hij wordt enorm gerespecteerd door zijn leerlingen. >>eng<< Tom a rugat-o pe Mary să îl aştepte în faţa bibliotecii. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait in front of the library. >>eng<< Beh, sono stato meglio. Well, I've been better. Well, I was better. >>deu<< Ce serait une bonne chose si vous pouviez venir. Es wäre gut, wenn ihr kommen dürftet. Es wäre eine gute Sache, wenn Sie kommen könnten. >>eng<< Ela é muito tímida? Is she really shy? Is she too shy? >>eng<< Ci sono abituato adesso. I'm used to it now. I'm used to it now. >>eng<< Su amabilidad me conmovió. Her kindness touched me. His kindness moved me. >>deu<< Nenhuma das flores é feita de plástico. Keine der Blumen ist aus Kunststoff gemacht. Keine der Blumen besteht aus Plastik. >>eng<< Le village est vraiment proche. The village is really close. The village is really close. >>eng<< La bambina sta leggendo felice. The girl is happily reading. The little girl is reading happily. >>eng<< Les chats vont naître quand ? When are the kittens going to be born? When will cats be born? >>eng<< Tutto questo era roba nuova per me. All this was new stuff to me. This was all new stuff to me. >>deu<< Vuestro padre os quiere mucho. Ihr Vater liebt Sie sehr. Euer Vater liebt euch sehr. >>eng<< Alguém pisou no pé dele. Somebody stepped on his foot. Someone stepped on his foot. >>deu<< Esta tienda es una videoteca. Dieser Laden ist eine Videothek. Dieser Laden ist eine Videothek. >>nld<< Ciao George! Come va? Dag Georges. Hoe gaat het? Hoe gaat het? >>deu<< Una buena conversación es como la música: resuena en nuestra alma. Ein gutes Gespräch ist wie Musik: Es klingt nach in unserer Seele. Ein gutes Gespräch ist wie Musik: Es erklingt in unserer Seele. >>eng<< Maritus Didymi bisexualis est. Tom's husband is bisexual. Didymi is bisexual. >>eng<< En raison de vos symptômes, vous devez être placé en isolement médical temporaire. Because of your symptoms, you must be temporarily medically isolated. Because of your symptoms, you should be placed in temporary medical isolation. >>deu<< È incredibilmente bello. Es ist unglaublich schön. Es ist unglaublich schön. >>eng<< Tom es un nómada digital. Tom is a digital nomad. Tom is a digital nomad. >>deu<< Compramos pan. Wir kauften Brot. Wir kaufen Brot. >>eng<< Puto eum probum esse. It seems to me that he is honest. I can prove that to him. >>eng<< Tengo que quererlo. I have to love him. I have to love it. >>eng<< Portò Lina ad uno dei suoi ristoranti preferiti. He took Lina to one of her favorite restaurants. She took Lina to one of her favorite restaurants. >>eng<< No tenía ni idea de que Tom había muerto. I had no idea that Tom died. I had no idea Tom was dead. >>deu<< A garota tinha medo de sua própria sombra. Das Mädchen hatte Angst vor ihrem eigenen Schatten. Das Mädchen hatte Angst vor ihrem eigenen Schatten. >>eng<< Mi tratta come se fossi un estraneo. He treats me as if I am a stranger. He treats me like I'm a stranger. >>nld<< Merg la școală cu autobuzul. Ik ga met de bus naar school. Ik ga met de bus naar school. >>deu<< Sus ojos son azules. Seine Augen sind blau. Seine Augen sind blau. >>deu<< Non vivete nel mio quartiere. Ihr lebt nicht in meinem Stadtviertel. Ihr lebt nicht in meiner Nachbarschaft. >>eng<< Cerchi di fare delle pause. Try to take breaks. Try to take a break. >>eng<< È interessante, vero? It's interesting, isn't it? It's interesting, isn't it? >>deu<< La femme porte une robe noire. Die Frau trägt ein schwarzes Kleid. Die Frau trägt ein schwarzes Kleid. >>deu<< Non è stato facile convincerlo. Es war nicht einfach, ihn zu überzeugen. Es war nicht leicht, ihn zu überzeugen. >>eng<< Por favor, no me mandes mensajes. Please don't message me. Please don't text me. >>eng<< "Quousque Novi Eboraci manebis?" "Usque ad Saturni diem." "How long will you remain in New York?" "Until Saturday." "How long will you stay in New York?" "Towards Saturn Day." >>nld<< Premièrement, nous devons retrouver notre fille. Eerst moeten we onze dochter terugvinden. Ten eerste moeten we onze dochter vinden. >>nld<< ¿Qué piensas de eso? Wat denk je daarvan? Wat vind je daarvan? >>eng<< Flores flavi sunt. Flowers are yellow. Flowers are flowers. >>nld<< Pourquoi veux-tu partir aujourd'hui ? Waarom wil je vandaag weggaan? Waarom wil je vandaag weg? >>eng<< Hiemes in Germania frigidiores sunt quam in Italia. Germany's winters are colder than Italy's. It is colder in Germany than in Italy. >>eng<< Êtes-vous prêtes à faire la fête ? Are you ready to party? Are you ready to party? >>eng<< Yo conozco una manera muy buena de hacerlo. I know a very good way to get it done. I know a very good way to do it. >>nld<< Eu não posso fumar. Ik mag niet roken. Ik mag niet roken. >>eng<< Quinquaginta annos natus es. You are fifty. He is fifty years old. >>deu<< Agora já é quase uma hora. Jetzt ist es schon fast ein Uhr. Jetzt ist es fast eine Stunde. >>nld<< Onde estou? Waar ben ik? Waar ben ik? >>eng<< C'est juste ce que je cherchais. This is just what I was looking for. It's just what I was looking for. >>eng<< O grupo de vigilância divulgou os resultados da sua investigação de quatro meses daquilo que ele denunciou ser uma campanha "sinistra". The monitoring group has released findings of its four-month investigation into what it condemned as a "sinister" campaign. The watchdog group released the results of its four-month investigation into what it denounced as a “left-wing” campaign. >>deu<< Pensare è uno dei più grandi piaceri della razza umana. Das Denken gehört zu den größten Vergnügungen der menschlichen Rasse. Denken ist eines der größten Vergnügen der Menschheit. >>eng<< Ha richiamato. She called back. He called back. >>eng<< Eu quero comprar esse par de sapatos. I want to buy this pair of shoes. I want to buy this pair of shoes. >>nld<< Où allez-vous prendre votre petit-déjeuner ? Waar gaan jullie ontbijten? Waar ga je ontbijten? >>deu<< Le contrat est dans la poche, donc sortons fêter ça. Der Vertrag ist in trockenen Tüchern, also lasst uns das begießen. Der Vertrag ist in der Tasche, also gehen wir raus und feiern. >>deu<< Il cane è affamato. Der Hund hat Hunger. Der Hund ist hungrig. >>deu<< La grenouille et moi nous relayâmes pour deviner ce que pouvait être la recette secrète. Der Frosch und ich wechselten uns mit dem Raten, was das geheime Rezept sei, ab. Der Frosch und ich relayed, um zu erraten, was das geheime Rezept sein könnte. >>eng<< Non vi daremo niente. We won't give you anything. We're not giving you anything. >>nld<< No es buena idea. Het is geen goed idee. Dat is geen goed idee. >>eng<< Io amo la neve. È così carina! I love snow. It's so pretty! I love the snow, it's so cute! >>deu<< Je ne pourrai pas venir demain. J'espère que vous vous en sortirez sans moi. Ich werde morgen nicht kommen können. Ich hoffe, ihr schafft es ohne mich. Ich hoffe, Sie schaffen es ohne mich. >>eng<< L'ho sentito per la prima volta da Tom. I first heard that from Tom. I heard it for the first time from Tom. >>deu<< Davanti alla mia finestra cresce un vecchio albero. Su di esso ci sono sempre molti corvi. Gegenüber meinem Fenster wächst ein alter Baum. Darauf sitzen immer viele Krähen. Vor meinem Fenster wächst ein alter Baum. Auf ihm gibt es immer viele Krähen. >>eng<< È stata la madre di tutte le battaglie. That was the mother of all battles. She was the mother of all battles. >>deu<< Y a-t-il une station-service dans les environs ? Ist hier in der Nähe eine Tankstelle? Gibt es eine Tankstelle in der Nähe? >>deu<< Où est la clé de la porte d'entrée ? Wo ist der Haustürschlüssel? Wo ist der Schlüssel zur Haustür? >>eng<< Qual è la stagione migliore per osservare le balene? What is the best season for whale watching? What is the best season to watch whales? >>eng<< Provo sempre ad essere preparata. I try to always be prepared. I always try to be prepared. >>eng<< Pese a ser brasileño, soy hincha de la selección francesa por el hecho de que mi abuelo nació en París y tener un apellido francés, además de porque amo Francia. Even though I'm Brazilian, I root for the French national team because my grandpa was born in Paris and I have a French last name, and also because I love France. Despite being Brazilian, I am a fan of the French national team because my grandfather was born in Paris and I have a French surname, as well as because I love France. >>eng<< Tomad, bebeos esto. Here, drink this. Here, drink this. >>eng<< Combinação é uma manobra tática, geralmente numa sequência de dois ou mais lances, que um jogador realiza sacrificando material, não raro de maneira espetacular, com a finalidade de dar xeque-mate ao rei do adversário ou colocar este em situação irremediavelmente desvantajosa. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs sacrificing material, often in a spectacular way, in order to checkmate the opponent's king or put him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs by sacrificing material, often in a spectacular manner, for the purpose of giving the opponent's king a check-mate or placing him in an irretrievably disadvantageous situation. >>deu<< Qual foi a última vez que os senhores viram Tom? Wann haben Sie Tom zuletzt gesehen? Wann haben Sie Tom das letzte Mal gesehen? >>deu<< Su nombre no está en la lista. Sein Name steht nicht auf der Liste. Ihr Name steht nicht auf der Liste. >>nld<< Sono nata in Russia. Ik ben geboren in Rusland. Ik ben geboren in Rusland. >>nld<< La última vez que fumé fue hace harto más que un año. De laatste keer dat ik heb gerookt was ruim een jaar geleden. De laatste keer dat ik rookte was meer dan een jaar geleden. >>deu<< "Himalaya" significa "dimora di neve". „Himalaya“ bedeutet „Wohnstätte des Schnees“. "Himalaya" bedeutet "Schneehaus". >>deu<< Tu ne m'aimes pas ? Du liebst mich nicht? Liebst du mich nicht? >>eng<< Que l'am vista dançar. We saw her dance. I saw her dancing. >>eng<< É isso que eu sou. I am that. That's what I am. >>eng<< Nous voulons saisir le caractère unique de chaque langue. Et nous voulons aussi saisir leur évolution à travers le temps. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to capture the uniqueness of each language, and we also want to capture its evolution over time. >>nld<< Tom a dit qu'il ne vous connaissait pas. Tom zei dat hij u niet kende. Tom zei dat hij je niet kende. >>deu<< Hemos considerado tu propuesta, y hemos decidido que no podemos reducir el precio. Wir haben Ihren Vorschlag erwogen, und wir haben entschieden, dass wir nicht in der Lage sind, den Preis zu reduzieren. Wir haben über Ihren Vorschlag nachgedacht und entschieden, dass wir den Preis nicht senken können. >>eng<< Stai prendendo delle medicine? Are you taking any medicine? Are you taking any medicine? >>deu<< Les oiseaux volent. Vögel fliegen. Die Vögel fliegen. >>eng<< ¿Qué te gusta hacer para divertirte? What do you like to do to have fun? What do you like to do for fun? >>eng<< Rosas são um tipo de flor e pombos são um tipo de pássaro. Roses are a type of flower and doves are a type of bird. Roses are a type of flower and pigeons are a type of bird. >>deu<< Dibuja un mapa de tu pueblo en el reverso del cuaderno. Zeichne eine Karte deines Dorfes auf die Rückseite des Heftes! Zeichne eine Karte deines Dorfes auf die Rückseite des Notizbuchs. >>eng<< Tom n-a mers niciodată la universitate. Tom never went to university. Tom never went to college. >>eng<< Si hubiese sabido que estabas aquí, habría venido inmediatamente. If I had known that you were here, I would have come at once. If I had known you were here, I would have come right away. >>nld<< Tom a donné à Marie un peu d'argent pour l'aider à acheter un cadeau de Noël à sa mère. Tom gaf Mary wat geld om haar te helpen een kerstcadeautje voor haar moeder te kopen. Tom gaf Mary wat geld om haar te helpen een kerstcadeau voor haar moeder te kopen. >>nld<< Înveţi ceva nou in fiecare zi. Je leert iedere dag iets nieuws. Je leert elke dag iets nieuws. >>eng<< Fatelo voi stesse. Do it yourselves. Do it yourself. >>deu<< Mostratemi le foto, per favore. Zeigt mir bitte die Fotos. Zeigen Sie mir bitte die Fotos. >>nld<< E o que faremos? En wat gaan we doen? En wat gaan we doen? >>deu<< Quiero que me lo devuelvas lo más pronto posible. Ich möchte, dass Sie es mir so bald wie möglich zurückgeben. Ich möchte, dass du es mir so schnell wie möglich zurückgibst. >>nld<< Su mujer es mi profesora de italiano. Zijn vrouw is mijn leerkracht Italiaans. Zijn vrouw is mijn leraar Italiaans. >>deu<< ¡El día está tan bueno! Das Wetter ist so schön! Der Tag ist so gut! >>deu<< Sois sans crainte ! La chirurgie esthétique est de nos jours bien meilleure qu'au temps du Docteur Frankenstein. Sei unbesorgt! Die Schönheitschirurgie ist heutzutage weitaus besser als noch zu Zeiten des Doktor Frankenstein. Ästhetische Chirurgie ist heute viel besser als in der Zeit von Dr. Frankenstein. >>eng<< Nous sommes allés au match hier soir. We went to the match last night. We went to the game last night. >>eng<< La batterie a besoin d'être chargée. The battery needs to be charged. The battery needs to be charged. >>deu<< No puedo hablar sobre ti en frente de mis padres. Ich kann nicht vor meinen Eltern über dich reden. Ich kann nicht vor meinen Eltern über dich reden. >>deu<< Quem Thomas credit superaturum esse? Wer wird nach Toms Meinung gewinnen? Wer glaubt Thomas, dass er das übertrifft? >>deu<< Elles ne découvrirent jamais la vérité. Sie kamen nie hinter die Wahrheit. Sie haben nie die Wahrheit herausgefunden. >>eng<< I soldati sono affamati. The soldiers are hungry. The soldiers are hungry. >>deu<< Da quanto tempo sta studiando l'esperanto? Wie lange lernt sie schon Esperanto? Wie lange lernst du schon Esperanto? >>deu<< Les Japonais au Japon parlent le japonais. Die Japaner in Japan sprechen Japanisch. Die Japaner in Japan sprechen Japanisch. >>eng<< Tom a-t-il raison ? Is Tom correct? Is Tom right? >>deu<< N'aimes-tu pas le latin ? Magst du Latein nicht? Magst du nicht Latein? >>nld<< El e o persoană bună. Hij is een goed mens. Hij is een goed mens. >>eng<< ¿Quieres esto? You want this? Do you want this? >>deu<< Io vorrei sapere il motivo. Ich möchte den Grund wissen. Ich würde gerne wissen, warum. >>eng<< Senza di lui non avrei avuto un tetto sopra la testa. Without him I wouldn't have a roof over my head. Without him, I wouldn't have a roof over my head. >>eng<< Tipul ăla mereu se ia de Mi! That dude's always picking on Mi! That guy's always messing with me! >>eng<< J'ai un chat. Le chat est blanc. I have a cat. The cat's white. I have a cat, the cat is white. >>eng<< Prima luce Thomas e somno experrectus est. Tom awoke at daybreak. Thomas is the first to experience light and sleep. >>deu<< Non sono fiero di mio figlio. Ich bin auf meinen Sohn nicht stolz. Ich bin nicht stolz auf meinen Sohn. >>eng<< Tem mais dinheiro na gaveta. There's more money in the drawer. There's more money in the drawer. >>eng<< Va ser negligent per la seva part deixar la porta sense tancar amb clau quan ella va sortir. It was careless of her to leave the door unlocked when she went out. It was negligent of her to leave the door unlocked when she left. >>nld<< Je rigolais. Ik was aan het lachen. Ik was aan het lachen. >>nld<< Te reportaré a la Policía. Ik ga jou aangeven bij de politie. Ik zal je melden bij de politie. >>deu<< Era in Francia. Er war in Frankreich. Er war in Frankreich. >>eng<< Se você estivesse preso em uma ilha deserta, do que sentiria mais falta? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss most? >>eng<< Tom no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacer nada más. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Tom didn’t have enough time to do anything else. >>deu<< Ils apparaissent la nuit. Sie erscheinen nachts. Sie erscheinen nachts. >>eng<< Non siamo i tuoi genitori. We're not your parents. We're not your parents. >>eng<< Ha mai studiato l'antropologia? Have you ever studied anthropology? Have you ever studied anthropology? >>eng<< Subimos à torre. We go up the tower. We went up to the tower. >>eng<< C'est un homme respecté par tous. He's a man respected by everyone. He is a man respected by all. >>eng<< Thomas domi est apud liberos suos. Tom is at home with the children. Thomas home is next door to his friends. >>eng<< Studesne aut laboras? Are you studying or are you working? Do you study at work? >>eng<< Ha insistito che andassimo. She insisted that we go. He insisted we go. >>eng<< Une chaussure dépareillée était abandonnée sur le seuil. An odd shoe was left on the doorstep. A mismatched shoe was left on the threshold. >>eng<< Eres mejor que él. You're better than him. You're better than him. >>eng<< Quo ibat? Where was he going? What is IBA? >>nld<< Tout ce qui est trop stupide pour être dit est chanté. Alles wat te stom is om te zeggen, wordt gezongen. Alles wat te dom is om gezegd te worden, wordt gezongen. >>deu<< Cave, ne cadas. Pass auf, dass du nicht hinfällst. Grabe, steig nicht ein. >>eng<< Avete trovato un posto in cui vivere. You found a place to live. You have found a place to live. >>eng<< Sarò nello stesso posto di sempre. I will be at the same place as always. I'll be in the same place as always. >>eng<< Tom probabilmente andò a casa del suo amico. Tom probably went to his friend's house. Tom probably went to his friend's house. >>eng<< Si de verdad son tus amigos, te ayudarán. If they're really your friends, they'll help you. If they really are your friends, they will help you. >>eng<< Je ne sais pas pourquoi ils sont si en colère contre nous. I don't know why they're so angry at us. I don't know why they're so angry with us. >>nld<< Un elev întreabă și altul răspunde. Een leerling vraagt iets en de andere antwoordt. De ene student vraagt en de andere antwoordt. >>deu<< La caja estaba llena de libros. Die Kiste war voller Bücher. Die Kiste war voll mit Büchern. >>eng<< Levantei muito tarde esta manhã. I got up very late this morning. I woke up very late this morning. >>eng<< Somos de Rusia. We are from Russia. We are from Russia. >>eng<< Instrumentum photographicum meum Nikon est. My camera is a Nikon. This is my Nikon. >>eng<< « Vos parents sont-ils toujours en vie ? » « Oui. » "Are your parents still alive?" "Yes." “Are your parents still alive?” “Yes.” >>eng<< Abbiamo parlato nella lingua dei segni. We talked in sign language. We spoke in sign language. >>eng<< Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen dicens: Sanctifica mihi omne primogenitum, quod aperit vulvam in filiis Israel, tam de hominibus quam de iumentis: mea sunt enim omnia. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Sanctify unto me every firstborn that openeth the womb among the children of Israel, as well of men as of beasts: for they are all mine. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Sanctify me all the firstborn that openeth the womb among the children of Israel, of man and of beast: for they are all mine. >>nld<< Ella se sentía un poco cansada. Ze voelde zich een beetje moe. Ze voelde zich een beetje moe. >>deu<< Você quer leite? Willst du Milch? Willst du Milch? >>eng<< Tom notou que o quadro pendurado na parede estava torto, então ele o endireitou. Tom noticed the picture hanging on the wall was askew, so he straightened it. Tom noticed that the picture hanging on the wall was crooked, so he straightened it out. >>eng<< Votez s'il vous plaît. Please vote. Vote, please. >>eng<< Ma c'è una piccola differenza. But there is a small difference. But there is a small difference. >>nld<< Tom a rugat-o pe Mary să îl aştepte în faţa bibliotecii. Tom vroeg aan Mary om op hem te wachten voor de bibliotheek. Tom vroeg Mary om voor de bibliotheek te wachten. >>deu<< Todas as estudantes estavam apaixonadas por ele. Alle Studentinnen waren in ihn verliebt. Alle Schüler waren in ihn verliebt. >>eng<< Anem al cementeri. We are going to the cemetery. Let's go to the cemetery. >>eng<< Siamo insegnanti. We are teachers. We're teachers. >>eng<< Estar enfermo es perjudicial. Being sick is unhealthy. Being sick is harmful. >>nld<< Es muy aburrido. Het is erg vervelend. Het is erg saai. >>deu<< Ha un libro in inglese? Haben Sie ein englischsprachiges Buch? Haben Sie ein Buch auf Englisch? >>deu<< Est-ce trop loin pour marcher ? Ist es zu weit, um zu laufen? Ist das zu weit, um zu gehen? >>eng<< Abbiamo concordato che sarebbe tornato il giorno successivo per firmare il contratto con noi. We agreed that he would come back the next day to sign the contract with us. We agreed that he would return the next day to sign the contract with us. >>deu<< Poiché ero stanco, mi sono riposato. Da ich müde war, habe ich mich ausgeruht. Da ich müde war, habe ich mich ausgeruht. >>deu<< Você sabia que "crédulo" não está no dicionário? Wusstest du, dass "leichtgläubig" nicht im Wörterbuch steht? Wussten Sie, dass "Glaube" nicht im Wörterbuch steht? >>deu<< Tom a amélioré ses performances sportives. Tom hat seine sportlichen Leistungen verbessert. Tom hat seine sportliche Leistung verbessert. >>deu<< È un gentiluomo. Er ist ein Gentleman. Er ist ein Gentleman. >>deu<< Mis gatos me quieren. Meine Katzen lieben mich. Meine Katzen lieben mich. >>nld<< Quand montez-vous votre sapin de Noël ? Wanneer zetten jullie jullie kerstboom op? Wanneer zet je je kerstboom op? >>eng<< John invitera tout le monde. John will invite everyone. John will invite everyone. >>deu<< Marie aime prendre des bains très chauds. Maria badet gerne sehr heiß. Marie liebt es, sehr heiße Bäder zu nehmen. >>deu<< Quando incomincio? Wann fange ich an? Wann fange ich an? >>eng<< È un problema delicato. It's a delicate problem. It's a delicate problem. >>deu<< Mon nom est Roberto. Ich heiße Roberto. Mein Name ist Roberto. >>eng<< Non mi piace danzare davanti alle persone. I don't like dancing in front of people. I don't like to dance in front of people. >>eng<< O veículo ficou imobilizado devido à água que inundou a passagem inferior de uma autoestrada nacional, quase submergindo o veículo e os seus passageiros não longe do centro de Atenas. The vehicle was immobilized by water that engulfed an underpass on a main motorway, nearly submerging the vehicle and its passengers not far from the center of Athens. The vehicle was immobilized due to water that flooded the lower passage of a national highway, almost submerging the vehicle and its passengers not far from the center of Athens. >>eng<< Quer seja pintura, joalharia artesanal ou design de moda, Sanaa Gateja tem de tudo. Whether it is painting, handcraft jewelry or fashion design, Sanaa Gateja has got it all. Whether it’s painting, handmade jewelry or fashion design, Sanaa Gateja has it all. >>eng<< Me he pasado toda la tarde durmiendo. I slept the whole afternoon away. I've been sleeping all afternoon. >>eng<< Ha dovuto riordinare la sua stanza. He had to tidy his room. He had to clean up his room. >>eng<< No puedo cerrar la puerta. He perdido la llave. I cannot lock the door. I have lost the key. I can't close the door, I've lost the key. >>deu<< Eles exigem muito de mim. Sie verlangen viel von mir. Sie verlangen viel von mir. >>eng<< Estou cansado de suas desculpas! I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your apologies! >>eng<< Nunc in culina est. She is in the kitchen right now. It is now in the kitchen. >>deu<< Elle ne savait pas que George Sand était une femme. Sie wusste nicht, dass George Sand eine Frau war. Sie wusste nicht, dass George Sand eine Frau war. >>nld<< Qui est le roi d'Espagne ? Wie is de koning van Spanje? Wie is de koning van Spanje? >>deu<< Est-ce que ta femme est canadienne aussi ? Ist deine Frau auch Kanadierin? Ist deine Frau auch Kanadierin? >>eng<< Ce n'est pas ton ennemi. He is not your enemy. He's not your enemy. >>deu<< Minha filha teve uma concussão. Meine Tochter hatte eine Gehirnerschütterung. Meine Tochter hatte eine Gehirnerschütterung. >>eng<< Vou fazer isso. I'll go do that. I'll do it. >>eng<< Sono allergica ai sulfamidici. I am allergic to sulfa drugs. I'm allergic to sulfa drugs. >>eng<< Nunca perdimos la esperanza. We never lost hope. We never lost hope. >>nld<< Londres, donde vivo, solía ser famosa por su niebla. Londen, waar ik woon, was vroeger beroemd om zijn mist. Londen, waar ik woon, was beroemd om zijn mist. >>eng<< ¿Cómo se usa este dispositivo? How is this device used? How is this device used? >>deu<< Trouves-tu que cette cravate va avec ce caleçon ? Findest du, diese Krawatte passt zu dieser Unterhose? Denkst du, diese Krawatte passt zu dieser Unterhose? >>eng<< Na quinta-feira, o alpinista nepalês Sanu Sherpa alcançou o topo da montanha Gasherbrum II no Paquistão, fixando um novo recorde ao escalar todos os 14 picos mais altos do mundo — todos com mais de 8.000 metros — pela segunda vez. On Thursday, Nepalese climber Sanu Sherpa reached the top of Pakistan’s Gasherbrum II mountain, setting a new record by scaling all of the world’s 14 tallest peaks — all higher than 8,000 meters — for a second time. On Thursday, Nepalese mountaineer Sanu Sherpa reached the top of Pakistan’s Gasherbrum II mountain, setting a new record by climbing all 14 of the world’s highest peaks — all over 8,000 meters — for the second time. >>deu<< In cucina. In der Küche. In der Küche. >>eng<< Non capita nel mio mondo. That doesn't happen in my world. It doesn't happen in my world. >>nld<< Où puis-je trouver une paire de bottes ? Waar kan ik een paar laarzen vinden? Waar kan ik een paar laarzen vinden? >>eng<< Non posso più trattenermi. I can’t stay any longer. I can't hold back anymore. >>eng<< Vi algo muy inusual. I saw something very unusual. I saw something very unusual. >>eng<< Eu sou monogâmico. I am monogamous. I'm monogamous. >>nld<< Qu’est-ce que je vais bien pouvoir faire, aujourd’hui ? Wat zal ik eens gaan doen vandaag? Wat kan ik vandaag goed doen? >>eng<< Per favore, raccogli un po' di sterpi. Please gather some brushwood. Please, pick up some weeds. >>eng<< Cantan armoniosamente. They sing harmoniously. They sing harmoniously. >>nld<< Anima immortalis est. De ziel is onsterfelijk. Hij is onsterfelijk. >>eng<< Currus publicus meus est. It's my bus. I am a public curator. >>nld<< C’est une histoire tellement triste. Het is een heel treurig verhaal. Het is zo’n triest verhaal. >>eng<< No te puedo parar. I can't stop you. I can't stop you. >>nld<< Ella puede contar del uno al diez. Ze kan van een tot tien tellen. Ze kan tellen van één tot tien. >>deu<< ¿Cómo se dice XXX en portugués? Wie sagt man XXX auf Portugiesisch? Wie sagt man XXX auf Portugiesisch? >>nld<< Estoy enfadado contigo. Ik ben kwaad op je. Ik ben boos op je. >>eng<< I vostri genitori si stanno aspettando una vostra chiamata. Your parents are expecting your call. Your parents are expecting a call from you. >>eng<< Lo son roman navèth vau la pena d'estar lejut. His new novel is worth reading. His novel was well worth the effort. >>eng<< Vi servono dei vestiti nuovi. You need new clothes. You need new clothes. >>eng<< Liberate Palaestinam! Free Palestine! Release Palaestinam! >>eng<< Elle laissa la fenêtre ouverte. She left the window open. She left the window open. >>nld<< El aprendizaje es efectivo si repasas el material una y otra vez. Leren is effectief als je de stof telkens herhaalt. Leren is effectief als je het materiaal steeds opnieuw bekijkt. >>eng<< Morirán también los ricos, que son los que más tienen que perder en este mundo. The rich, having the most to lose in this world, will die too. The rich will also die, who are the ones who have the most to lose in this world. >>nld<< El tren avanzaba a 500 millas por hora. De trein bewoog zich voort met 500 mijl per uur. De trein reed met 500 mijl per uur. >>eng<< Hai detto che volevi la verità. You said you wanted the truth. You said you wanted the truth. >>deu<< El fin de la guerra no es morir por tu país, sino hacer que los otros bastardos mueran por el suyo. Worum es im Krieg geht, ist nicht, für sein Vaterland zu sterben, sondern dafür zu sorgen, dass der andere Bastard für sein Vaterland stirbt. Das Ende des Krieges besteht nicht darin, für dein Land zu sterben, sondern die anderen Bastards für ihr Land sterben zu lassen. >>eng<< Neste sector, isto é largamente considerado um golpe desleal feio contra a indústria britânica dos charutos. In the trade this is generally regarded as a nasty underhand jab at the British cigar industry. In this sector, this is widely regarded as an ugly unfair blow against the British cigar industry. >>nld<< È ora di andare adesso. Nu is het tijd om te gaan. Het is tijd om nu te gaan. >>nld<< Pourquoi me hais-tu ? Waarom haat je me? Waarom haat je me? >>deu<< Vós sabeis como se faz isso? Wisst ihr, wie man das macht? Wisst ihr, wie man das macht? >>deu<< Tes parents sont en vie ? Leben deine Eltern? Sind deine Eltern noch am Leben? >>eng<< El aeropuerto está en el norte de la ciudad. The airport is in the north of the city. The airport is in the north of the city. >>nld<< Les Pays-Bas sont l'un des pays les plus densément peuplés au monde. Nederland is één van de dichtstbevolkte landen ter wereld. Nederland is een van de meest dichtbevolkte landen ter wereld. >>nld<< Êtes-vous en danger ? Zijn jullie in gevaar? Ben je in gevaar? >>nld<< Dès que je quitte le travail, je dois aller chercher mes vêtements à la blanchisserie. Meteen als ik klaar ben met werken, moet ik mijn kleren uit de wasserij halen. Zodra ik mijn werk verlaat, moet ik mijn kleren halen bij de wasserij. >>nld<< Vi un partido de tenis por la tele. Ik heb een tenniswedstrijd gekeken op televisie. Ik heb een tenniswedstrijd op tv gezien. >>nld<< Ho bisogno di più tempo. Ik heb meer tijd nodig. Ik heb meer tijd nodig. >>deu<< Natalie è una grande fan di Harry Potter. Natalie ist ein großer Harry-Potter-Fan. Natalie ist ein großer Fan von Harry Potter. >>eng<< Estash en Berlin? Are you guys in Berlin? Estash in Berlin? >>nld<< El a strâns flori pentru ea. Hij heeft voor haar bloemen geplukt. Hij verzamelde bloemen voor haar. >>eng<< S'aider soi-même est la meilleure aide. Self-help is the best help. Helping yourself is the best help. >>nld<< Cuéntame. Vertel me erover. Vertel eens. >>eng<< Beton! Great! Beton! >>eng<< Você ainda não me disse o que fazer. You still haven't told me what to do. You haven't told me what to do yet. >>eng<< Por favor, dejen de explotar esos globos. Please stop popping those balloons. Please stop blowing those balloons. >>eng<< J'ai dix minutes pour attraper ma correspondance. I have ten minutes to catch my connection. I've got ten minutes to catch my correspondence. >>eng<< La fiesta judía más importante ocurre una vez a la semana. The most important Jewish holiday happens once a week. The most important Jewish festival occurs once a week. >>eng<< As folhas de prata são utilizadas em peças de cobre e ouro, a fim de obter melhores efeitos de esmalte, pois a maioria das cores transparentes são mostradas com maior vantagem sobre a prata. Silver foils are used on copper and gold work in order to obtain better enamel effects, for most transparent colors are shown to best advantage over silver. Silver sheets are used in copper and gold pieces in order to obtain better enamel effects, as most transparent colors are shown with greater advantage over silver. >>nld<< Él no lo sabía. Hij wist dat niet. Hij wist het niet. >>deu<< Por favor, indíquemelo en el mapa. Zeigen Sie mir das bitte auf dem Plan. Bitte teilen Sie mir dies auf der Karte mit. >>deu<< Quel salaire offrez-vous ? Was für ein Gehalt bieten Sie? Welches Gehalt bieten Sie an? >>eng<< Dove li avete scambiati? Where did you exchange them? Where did you trade them? >>nld<< Nós andamos muito. Wij hebben veel gelopen. We hebben veel gewandeld. >>eng<< A los extranjeros les cuesta acostumbrarse a la comida japonesa. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Foreigners find it hard to get used to Japanese food. >>eng<< Hodie reversa sum. I returned today. I am back today. >>deu<< ¿Por qué está tan caliente? Wieso ist es so heiß? Warum ist es so heiß? >>deu<< Je sais tout de vous. Ich weiß alles über Sie. Ich weiß alles über Sie. >>eng<< Pourquoi tu ne nous as pas présentés ? Why didn't you introduce us? Why didn't you introduce us? >>eng<< Hai detto che eri qui ieri. You said you were here yesterday. You said you were here yesterday. >>eng<< ele é costureiro he is designer He is a seamstress >>eng<< A sosit Crăciunul. Christmas is here. Christmas is here. >>eng<< Vexo a televisión. I watch television. I watch TV. >>nld<< J'étais content d'apprendre ta réussite. Ik was blij je succes te vernemen. Ik was blij te horen dat je succesvol was. >>eng<< La principal cosa que queremos en la vida es alguien que nos hará hacer lo que podemos. Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can. The main thing we want in life is someone who will make us do what we can. >>deu<< El liderazgo moral es más fuerte que cualquier arma. Die moralische Führungskraft ist stärker als jede Waffe. Moralische Führung ist stärker als jede Waffe. >>deu<< Eu serei abençoado esse ano. Ich empfange dieses Jahr den Segen. Ich werde in diesem Jahr gesegnet sein. >>deu<< Tom doit vous remercier. Tom sollte Ihnen danken. Tom muss sich bei Ihnen bedanken. >>eng<< Diré lo que pienso. I'll say what I think. I'll say what I think. >>eng<< ¿De verdad pasó el pasado? Did the past really happen? Did the past really happen? >>eng<< Ea intro aufer. Take them inside. She's intro austere. >>eng<< Restez debout. Remain standing. Stay on your feet. >>eng<< Yo me senté al lado de ella. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. >>eng<< Que va-t-il arriver de si terrible ? What's going to happen that's so terrible? What's going to happen to this terrible thing? >>eng<< Puedo hacer matemáticas de nivel universitario, pero no puedo lavar la ropa sin arruinarla. Puedo traducir entre cuatro idiomas diferentes, pero no me puedo bañar bien. I can do college-level math, but I can't do the laundry without ruining the clothes. I can translate between four different languages, but I can't shower properly. I can do college-level math, but I can't wash clothes without ruining it. I can translate between four different languages, but I can't bathe well. >>nld<< La rentadora és un invent meravellós. De wasmachine is een wonderlijke uitvinding. De wasmachine is een prachtige uitvinding. >>eng<< Je souhaite poser ma candidature pour un poste dans votre entreprise. I wish to apply for a position in your company. I would like to apply for a position in your company. >>eng<< Lei vuole essere mio amico? Do you want to be my friend? You want to be my friend? >>eng<< No todos los djudios avlan ivrit. Not all Jews speak Hebrew. Not all Jews are ivrit. >>eng<< Mi-am spălat tricoul. I washed my T-shirt. I washed my shirt. >>eng<< Vous prenez des médicaments ? Are you on medication? Are you taking any medications? >>deu<< Aranhas tecem teias. Spinnen spinnen Netze. Spinnen weben Netze. >>eng<< Noli ergo metuere, sed, quidquid dixeris mihi, faciam tibi; scit enim omnis populus, qui habitat intra portas urbis meæ, mulierem te esse fortem. Fear not therefore, but whatsoever thou shalt say to me I will do to thee. For all the people that dwell within the gates of my city, know that thou art a virtuous woman. » Do not be afraid. I will do everything you tell me to do. All the people living inside my city know that you are a strong woman. >>eng<< Não quero comer nesta restaurante nunca mais. I never want to eat at this restaurant again. I don't want to eat in this restaurant ever again. >>eng<< Questa è una descrizione ingannevole. This is a misleading description. This is a deceptive description. >>eng<< Qual é a pessoa mais inteligente que você conhece? Who is the most intelligent person you know? Who is the smartest person you know? >>eng<< Tu peux arrêter de te plaindre ? Can you stop complaining? Can you stop complaining? >>deu<< Amar e cantar não podem ser forçados. Lieben und Singen lässt sich nicht zwingen. Liebe und Singen können nicht erzwungen werden. >>deu<< Ele está dormindo? Schläft er? Schläft er? >>eng<< Potionem Arabicam sine saccharo malo. I prefer coffee without sugar. We drink Arabic without bad saccharos. >>deu<< Je ne vais pas supporter ça longtemps. Ich halte das nicht lange aus. Ich werde das nicht lange ertragen. >>eng<< Mi sta accusando falsamente. You are falsely accusing me. You're falsely accusing me. >>eng<< Oamenii deștepți știu cum să facă bani din orice. Clever people know how to make money out of nothing. Smart people know how to make money from anything. >>nld<< J'arrive à l'entendre. Ik kan het horen. Ik kan het horen. >>eng<< Ambos son impredecibles e impacientes. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. They are both unpredictable and impatient. >>eng<< Sono nato e cresciuto a Mosca. I was born and raised in Moscow. I was born and raised in Moscow. >>eng<< Avete toccato qualcosa? Did you touch anything? Did you touch anything? >>eng<< L'èi vist qui lavava la veitura. I saw him wash the car. I saw him washing the car. >>eng<< Vous avez besoin d'expérience pour obtenir le poste. You need experience to get the job. You need experience to get the job. >>eng<< Una lingua es un dialekto kon una armada i una flota. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect like an army and a fleet. >>nld<< Încă eram acasă. Ik was nog thuis. Ik was nog thuis. >>deu<< Tom aime beaucoup les enfants de Manon. Tom hat Marias Kinder sehr gern. Tom liebt die Kinder von Manon. >>deu<< Lei non sa quando Tom partirà per l'Algeria. Sie weiß nicht, wann Tom nach Algerien abreisen wird. Sie wissen nicht, wann Tom nach Algerien geht. >>nld<< Am fost un ușor dezamăgit. Ik was een beetje teleurgesteld. Ik was een beetje teleurgesteld. >>deu<< La strada costeggia il fiume. Die Straße verläuft entlang des Flusses. Die Straße grenzt an den Fluss. >>deu<< Nous habitons dans le même appartement depuis dix ans. Wir wohnen seit zehn Jahren in derselben Wohnung. Wir wohnen seit zehn Jahren in derselben Wohnung. >>eng<< Él es más inteligente que ellos. He's brighter than they are. He's smarter than them. >>eng<< Cambiò espressione. He changed his expression. He changed his expression. >>deu<< Obedece siempre a tu padre. Gehorche immer deinem Vater. Gehorche immer deinem Vater. >>eng<< Tudo bem. Você conhece um bom lugar? Sure. Do you know a good place? All right, you know a good place? >>eng<< O oceano tem a cor do céu. The ocean has the color of the sky. The ocean has the color of the sky. >>eng<< Foram relatados casos suspeitos da chamada síndrome de Havana na Rússia, na China, na Polónia e na Áustria e a enfermidade afetou de tal forma alguns funcionários norte-americanos que as suas carreiras descambaram. Suspected cases of so-called Havana syndrome were reported in Russia, China, Poland and Austria, and the sickness affected some U.S. officials so badly their careers derailed. Suspicious cases of the so-called Havana syndrome have been reported in Russia, China, Poland and Austria, and the disease has so affected some U.S. officials that their careers have fallen apart. >>eng<< Tom odia andare in palestra. Tom hates going to the gym. Tom hates going to the gym. >>eng<< Răbdare! Patience! Patience! >>deu<< Você poderia abaixar a voz, por favor? Würdest du bitte deine Stimme senken? Könnten Sie bitte leiser sprechen? >>nld<< Tom no conoce a sus vecinos. Tom kent zijn buren niet. Tom kent zijn buren niet. >>eng<< Vatz vénguer dab jo ? Won't you come with me? Do you want to come back to Jo? >>eng<< Utra tibi magis placet? Which one do you like most? Do you like magic? >>eng<< Não sabia que tinhas vindo. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you were here. >>deu<< Los alumnos no estudian en serio hasta justo antes de las pruebas. Erst kurz vor den Prüfungen werden die Schüler fleißig. Die Schüler lernen erst kurz vor dem Test ernsthaft. >>deu<< Sus manos estaban vacías. Seine Hände waren leer. Seine Hände waren leer. >>eng<< Provi a venire presto domani. Try to come early tomorrow. Try to come early tomorrow. >>deu<< C'est ma nourriture préférée. Es ist mein Lieblingsessen. Das ist mein Lieblingsessen. >>eng<< Michael était incompréhensiblement absent. Michael was strangely absent. Michael was incomprehensibly absent. >>eng<< Questo è un segno del nostro amore. This is a token of our love. This is a sign of our love. >>deu<< L'ho ascoltato spesso parlare in inglese. Ich habe ihn oft auf Englisch sprechen hören. Ich habe ihn oft auf Englisch sprechen hören. >>deu<< L'espòrt nos manteng en fòrma. Sport hält uns in Form. Die Spur hält uns auf Kurs. >>eng<< Tom parte presto. Tom is leaving early. Tom leaves soon. >>eng<< Él habla con tanta desfachatez. He talks with so much nerve. He speaks so rudely. >>eng<< Quis has fecit picturas, quae supra fenestram sunt? Who painted these pictures that are above the window? Who made the paintings that are above the window? >>eng<< Vocês viram isso? Did you see that? Did you see that? >>eng<< « Pourrais-tu me rendre un grand service ? » « Peut-être. De quoi s'agit-il ? » "Would you do me a big favour?" "Maybe. What is it?" “Could you do me a great service?” “Perhaps. What is it?” >>eng<< Deixe-me te pagar uma bebida. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. >>eng<< Tu pensi che Tom sia debole? Do you think Tom is weak? You think Tom's weak? >>nld<< Loro sono in diretta? Zijn ze live? Zijn ze live? >>eng<< J'ai été arrêté. I was arrested. I've been arrested. >>deu<< Vous êtes vraiment incorrigibles ! Ihr seid wirklich unverbesserlich! Ihr seid wirklich unverbesserlich! >>eng<< Sei inavvicinabile. You're unapproachable. You're unapproachable. >>eng<< Ziri a plongé. Ziri dived. Ziri dived. >>eng<< Não é o que o Tom queria fazer. That's not what Tom wanted to do. That's not what Tom wanted to do. >>deu<< Tenho poucos livros. Ich habe wenige Bücher. Ich habe nur wenige Bücher. >>nld<< ¡Hemos elegido a los ganadores! We hebben de winnaars gekozen! We hebben de winnaars gekozen! >>deu<< Chi ha scritto queste due lettere? Wer hat diese beiden Briefe geschrieben? Wer hat diese beiden Briefe geschrieben? >>eng<< Son développement mental a été lent. Her mental development was slow. His mental development was slow. >>eng<< Non sono riuscito a capire nulla di quello che ha detto Tom. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. >>eng<< Linguam Latinam nescio. I don't know the Latin language. I don't know Latin. >>eng<< No es de tu incumbencia. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. >>eng<< Volveré de Europa pronto. He will return from Europe soon. I'll be back from Europe soon. >>eng<< Vi aiuteremo gratis. We'll help you for free. We will help you for free. >>eng<< "Ubi est tuus frater?" "Ivit domum modo." "Quid eo?" "Petitum nobis opsonium." "Where is your brother?" "He just went home." "What's he doing there?" "Getting food for us." "Where's your brother?" "He went home somehow." "What's that?" "Ask us for an answer." >>eng<< Los pensamientos de Yanni son normales. Yanni's thoughts are normal. Yanni's thoughts are normal. >>eng<< Io sono andata a fare escursionismo con il gruppo. I went hiking with the group. I went hiking with the group. >>nld<< Todos aspiran tener una vida mejor. Iedereen streeft naar een beter leven. Iedereen streeft naar een beter leven. >>eng<< Il primo giorno della settimana è lunedì. The first day of the week is Monday. The first day of the week is Monday. >>eng<< Sono una minimalista. I'm a minimalist. I am a minimalist. >>eng<< Ne vous trompez pas. Don't be wrong. Don't get me wrong. >>nld<< Tom est monté à bord. Tom is aan boord gegaan. Tom is aan boord. >>eng<< Et pater Anchises: "Nimirum hæc illa Charybdis: / hos Helenus scopulos, hæc saxa horrenda canebat. / Eripite, o socii, pariterque insurgite remis!" "Behold / Charybdis!" cries Anchises, "'tis the shore, / the dreaded rocks that Helenus foretold. / Row, comrades, for dear life, and let the oars catch hold." And the father Anchises: "No one is this Charybdis: / these Helens aim, this horrendous stone sings. / Eripite, O partners, at the same time rise up remitted!" >>eng<< Ella simplemente no aceptaría la derrota. She just wouldn't accept defeat. She just wouldn't accept defeat. >>eng<< Hodie fessa eram. I was tired today. Today I was ass. >>eng<< Tom est postier. Tom is a postie. Tom is a postman. >>eng<< Qual è l'accordo? What is the agreement? What's the deal? >>eng<< Você pode trazer quem quiser. You may bring whoever you like. You can bring whoever you want. >>eng<< Ira venenifera est. Anger is poisonous. It is venomous. >>nld<< Deberías tener más cuidado. Je moet voorzichtiger zijn. Je moet voorzichtiger zijn. >>eng<< Eu não entendo o que o autor está tentando dizer. I don't understand what the author is trying to say. I don’t understand what the author is trying to say. >>deu<< Un caballero sin dama sería como un cuerpo sin alma. Ein Ritter ohne Dame wäre wie ein Körper ohne Seele. Ein Gentleman ohne Dame wäre wie ein Körper ohne Seele. >>eng<< Au cours de sa longue tirade, Poutine a affirmé que l'Ukraine était un accident de l'histoire. Over the course of his screed, Putin claimed that Ukraine is a historic accident. During his long tirade, Putin claimed that Ukraine was an accident of history. >>eng<< Estoy deseando probar este nuevo helado vegano. I can't wait to try this new vegan ice cream. I'm looking forward to trying this new vegan ice cream. >>eng<< O Tom conhece a Mary há anos. Tom has known Mary for years. Tom's known Mary for years. >>eng<< Foedus est. He's ugly. It is FEDUS. >>eng<< Estas monedas no son muy valiosas. These coins aren't very valuable. These coins are not very valuable. >>deu<< Vous vivez au-dessus de vos moyens. Sie leben über Ihre Verhältnisse. Du lebst über deinen Verhältnissen. >>eng<< Cale-se e sente-se. Shut up and sit down. Shut up and sit down. >>eng<< Tom estava realmente irritado. Tom was really annoyed. Tom was really angry. >>nld<< M-am trezit aproximativ la ora șase. Ik ben rond zes uur wakker geworden. Ik werd rond zes uur wakker. >>deu<< Este asta o poză recentă? Ist das ein aktuelles Foto? Ist das ein aktuelles Foto? >>deu<< ¡No te metas! Misch dich nicht ein! Halt dich da raus! >>eng<< Non mi aspetto niente da Tom. I don't expect anything from Tom. I don't expect anything from Tom. >>eng<< Je dois vous tester pour la tuberculose. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. >>eng<< Si tú dices "te amo", entonces te diré lo mismo a ti. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say "I love you," then I'll say the same to you. >>eng<< Tim é um grande fã de comédia satírica. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. >>eng<< Rex mortuus est. Vivat rex! The king is dead. Long live the king! Rex is dead. Long live Rex! >>nld<< Você tem que lidar com aqueles problemas difíceis. Je zult met die moeilijke problemen moeten omgaan. Je moet omgaan met die moeilijke problemen. >>eng<< Sono a casa della mia amica a Washington. I'm at my friend's house in Washington. I'm at my friend's house in Washington. >>eng<< Ziri era ancora nei paraggi. Ziri was still close by. Ziri was still nearby. >>nld<< Tom i-a lăsat lui Mary să ia decizia finală. Tom heeft de uiteindelijke beslissing aan Maria overgelaten. Tom liet Mary de definitieve beslissing nemen. >>eng<< Não se pode brincar com os nossos sentimentos assim. Our feelings can't be played with like that. You can't play with our feelings like that. >>eng<< On dit que la limite que l'ELO d'un joueur d'échecs peut atteindre est de 3000. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, le maximum atteint était de 2882, par l'actuel champion du monde Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that a chess player's ELO can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that the ELO of a chess player can reach is 3000. To date, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. >>eng<< Telehorasis maiore pretio quam ocularia solaria constat. The television costs more than the sunglasses. Telehorosis is more expensive than the solar eye. >>nld<< Ele pintou sua bicicleta de vermelho. Hij heeft zijn fiets rood geschilderd. Hij schilderde zijn fiets rood. >>deu<< Por favor, continue contando! Bitte erzählen Sie weiter! Bitte zählen Sie weiter! >>nld<< Il a de la chance d'avoir une si bonne épouse. Hij heeft geluk zo'n goede vrouw te hebben. Hij heeft geluk dat hij zo'n goede vrouw heeft. >>eng<< Por que vocês tentaram impedir Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? >>eng<< Nos quedaremos hasta el final. We'll stay until the end. We'll stay till the end. >>deu<< As crianças e os bêbados não mentem. Kinder und Betrunkene lügen nicht. Kinder und Betrunkene lügen nicht. >>eng<< No entanto, enquanto tantos dos seus filhos patriotas estavam envolvidos no conflito mortífero dos campos de batalha do Sul e o resultado do combate ficava no futuro incerto, uma nuvem sombria não podia deixar de invadir a nossa vida quotidiana, interferindo com o pleno desfrutar das bênçãos que conservávamos. Nevertheless, while so many of her patriot sons were engaged in the deadly strife of Southern battle-fields, and the result of the struggle was in the uncertain future, a sombre cloud could not fail to brood over our daily life, interfering with the full enjoyment of the blessings we retained. However, while so many of his patriotic sons were involved in the deadly conflict on the battlefields of the South and the outcome of the battle lay in the uncertain future, a dark cloud could not help but invade our daily lives, interfering with the full enjoyment of the blessings we retained. >>deu<< Jane es una chica maravillosa. Jane ist ein wunderschönes Mädchen. Jane ist ein wunderbares Mädchen. >>deu<< Nós somos irmãos de sangue. Wir sind Blutsbrüder. Wir sind Blutsbrüder. >>eng<< Le mot « Juif » vient du mot latin « Iudaeus », qui signifie « Judéen ». The word "Jew" comes from the Latin word "Iudaeus", meaning "Judean." The word “Jew” comes from the Latin word “Judeus,” which means “Judean.” >>nld<< Cuéntame algo acerca de tu familia. Vertel mij iets over jouw familie. Vertel me iets over je familie. >>eng<< Ya no le quiero ver. I don't want to see him any more. I don't want to see him anymore. >>deu<< Je m'étais juste renseigné auprès d'elle sur les chatons à donner, et elle m'a envoyé une photo d'elle toute nue. Ich hatte sie nur nach den Kätzchen, die zu verschenken sind, gefragt, und sie hat mir ein Nacktfoto von sich geschickt. Ich hatte mich nur mit ihr über die zu spendenden kitten erkundigt, und sie schickte mir ein foto von ihr ganz nackt. >>eng<< Entendido! Roger! Understood! >>eng<< Penso che sia sgarbato farlo. I think it's impolite to do that. I think it's rude to do that. >>eng<< À medida que as rotas comerciais têm entrecruzado o globo, plantas e animais têm apanhado boleia para novos ambientes. As trade routes have criss-crossed the globe, plants and animals have hitched rides into new environments. As trade routes have crisscrossed the globe, plants and animals have taken a ride to new environments. >>eng<< Acesta e prietenul meu. This is my friend. This is my friend. >>eng<< Combien de temps cela prend-il pour aller à Okinawa en avion ? How long does it take to go to Okinawa by plane? How long does it take to fly to Okinawa? >>nld<< Unde e biroul meu? Waar is mijn kantoor? Waar is mijn kantoor? >>eng<< Domum cum fratre vado. I am going home with my brother. The house as I see it. >>deu<< Il dolore di stomaco è comunemente confuso con dolore alla pancia. Magenschmerzen werden gewöhnlich mit Bauchschmerzen verwechselt. Bauchschmerzen werden häufig mit Bauchschmerzen verwechselt. >>nld<< ¿Puedo contarte un secreto? Kan ik je een geheim toevertrouwen? Kan ik je een geheim vertellen? >>nld<< Hai mai scalato il Monte Fuji? Heb je de berg Fuji als eens beklommen? Heb je wel eens de berg Fuji beklommen? >>deu<< Os minidicionários suportam poucos verbetes. Die Miniwörterbücher enthalten wenige Wörter. Die Mini-Wörterbücher unterstützen nur wenige Gelder. >>eng<< ¿Por qué solo hacen lo que se les manda hacer? Mejor hagamos que un montón de androides lo haga. Why do they only do what others tell them to do? We might as well get a bunch of androids to do it for us. Why don't you just do what you're told to do, let's get a bunch of androids to do it. >>nld<< Tom se había ocultado en las montañas. Tom had zich in de bergen verscholen. Tom verstopte zich in de bergen. >>eng<< Non si può riportare indietro l'orologio. One can't put back the clock. You can't bring the clock back. >>eng<< Ci si vede nel 2022! See you in 2022! See you in 2022! >>eng<< Tom aime voyager. Tom likes to travel. Tom likes to travel. >>deu<< La garanzia di un lavoro ben fatto è la passione che viene messa per realizzarlo. Das Unterpfand für eine gute Arbeit ist die Leidenschaft, mit der sie ausgeführt wird. Die Garantie für eine gut gemachte Arbeit ist die Leidenschaft, die für die Realisierung eingesetzt wird. >>deu<< Siamo i campioni, amico mio. Wir sind die Champions, mein Freund. Wir sind die Champions, mein Freund. >>eng<< M'as-tu oublié ? Have you forgotten about me? Did you forget me? >>eng<< Me pergunto quantas pessoas vêm visitar Boston por ano. I wonder how many people come to visit Boston each year. I wonder how many people come to Boston every year. >>deu<< Permettez-moi de partir. Erlauben Sie mir zu gehen. Lassen Sie mich gehen. >>eng<< La ballena azul, el mamífero más grande que existe, tiene un promedio de 30 metros de largo y puede pesar hasta 200 toneladas. The blue whale, the largest mammal in existence, averages 30 meters in length and can weigh up to 200 tons. The blue whale, the largest mammal in existence, is an average of 30 meters long and can weigh up to 200 tons. >>nld<< Mon voisin est cinglé. Mijn buurman is gek. Mijn buurman is gek. >>eng<< Ne fessez pas vos enfants. Don't spank your kids. Don't spank your kids. >>deu<< Tom non ha sentito niente. Tom hat nichts gehört. Tom hat nichts gehört. >>eng<< « Je n'ai pas faim, merci. » « Dans ce cas, je vous laisserai des sandwichs dans la cuisine. » "I'm not hungry, thank you." "I'll leave you some sandwiches in the kitchen, then." “I’m not hungry, thank you.” “In that case, I’ll leave you some sandwiches in the kitchen.” >>deu<< ¿Cómo estás? Wie geht’s? Wie geht's dir? >>eng<< Capilli mei sunt aeque promissi ac Ioannae. My hair is as long as Jane's. My hair is so full of promise. >>eng<< Qualem panem edis? What kind of bread are you eating? What kind of bread do you eat? >>eng<< En ce moment, mon frère est à Paris. At the moment, my brother is in Paris. Right now, my brother is in Paris. >>eng<< Je vais essayer de faire ça par la suite. I'll try to do that next. I'll try to do that later. >>eng<< Non le darò nulla. I won't give her anything. I won't give you anything. >>nld<< Poscor aliquid. Er wordt iets van me gevraagd. Ik heb iets gemist. >>eng<< So come farla parlare. I know how to make her talk. I know how to get her to talk. >>deu<< Você pronunciou todas as palavras erradamente. Du hast alle Wörter falsch ausgesprochen. Sie haben alle Wörter falsch ausgesprochen. >>eng<< C'est probablement une bonne idée. That's probably a good idea. That's probably a good idea. >>eng<< Je suis asexuelle. I'm ace. I'm asexual. >>deu<< Fins després! Bis später! Bis dann! >>eng<< Acest concept are multe sensuri. This concept has many meanings. This concept has many meanings. >>eng<< Insectis omnibus seni pedes sunt. All insects have six legs. Insects are omnibus. >>eng<< Je n'ai jamais lu un livre aussi ennuyeux. Never have I read such a dull book. I've never read a book so boring. >>eng<< Son souhait a été exaucé. His wish was granted. His wish was granted. >>eng<< Él se ha hecho rico. He became rich. He's gotten rich. >>deu<< Je serai bientôt de retour. Ich werde bald zurück sein. Ich bin bald wieder da. >>deu<< Puoi portarmi all'aeroporto, per favore? Kannst du mich bitte zum Flughafen bringen? Kannst du mich bitte zum Flughafen bringen? >>deu<< No me molestes cuando estoy estudiando. Stör mich nicht, wenn ich lerne. Störe mich nicht, wenn ich studiere. >>eng<< Iratusque pharao contra duos eunuchos, præpositum pincernarum et præpositum pistorum, misit eos in carcerem principis satellitum, in quo erat vinctus et Ioseph. And Pharaoh being angry with them, (now the one was chief butler, the other chief baker,) he sent them to the prison of the commander of the soldiers, in which Joseph also was prisoner. And Pharaoh was wroth with the two eunuchs, and with the chief of the cupbearers, and with the chief of the bakers, and sent them to the prison of the captain of the guard, where Joseph was bound. >>eng<< Todas as minhas frases foram conferidas por falantes nativos. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. >>deu<< Croire est la capacité d'aller au rythme de Dieu. Glauben ist die Fähigkeit, in Gottes Tempo zu gehen. Glauben ist die Fähigkeit, in den Rhythmus Gottes zu gehen. >>deu<< Io sto cercando una minigonna bianca! Ich suche einen weißen Minirock! Ich suche nach einem weißen Minirock! >>eng<< Ils ne souffriront plus de la faim. They’ll no more suffer from hunger. They will no longer be hungry. >>nld<< Je n'arrive pas à me rappeler comment utiliser cette machine. Ik kan me niet meer herinneren hoe ik deze machine moet gebruiken. Ik kan me niet herinneren hoe ik deze machine moest gebruiken. >>nld<< În fiecare zi orele încep la nouă. De lessen beginnen elke dag om negen uur. Elke dag begint de les om negen uur. >>deu<< Vieni a trovarmi quando è più conveniente per te. Komm mich doch besuchen, wann immer es dir passt! Kommen Sie zu mir, wenn es für Sie bequemer ist. >>eng<< ¿Cuántos sombreros tienes? How many hats do you own? How many hats do you have? >>eng<< No puedo pintar sin mi pincel. I can't paint without my brush. I can't paint without my brush. >>eng<< J'ai retiré son soutif. I removed her bra. I took off his bra. >>deu<< ¡No quiero ver más una botella de vino por un año! Ich will ein Jahr keine Weinflasche mehr sehen! Ich will für ein Jahr keine Flasche Wein mehr sehen! >>eng<< Lo conozco, pero no conozco su nombre. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know his name. >>nld<< A cada uno lo suyo. Ieder zijn ding. Ieder zijn eigen. >>nld<< Hier, je n'ai reçu aucun message. Gisteren heb ik geen berichten gekregen. Gisteren heb ik geen berichten ontvangen. >>eng<< Théoriquement, c'est possible. Theoretically, it's possible. In theory, it is possible. >>eng<< ¿Puedes frotar sobre mi un poco de loción de bronceado? Could you rub some suntan lotion on me? Can you rub some tanning lotion on me? >>deu<< A garotinha procura seu ursinho de pelúcia. Das kleine Mädchen sucht seinen Plüschteddy. Das kleine Mädchen sucht ihren Teddybär. >>eng<< Este foarte sufocant aici înăuntru. It's very stuffy in here. It's very suffocating in here. >>eng<< A montaña non é tan alta como o monte Fuji. The mountain is not as high as Mt. Fuji. The mountain is not as high as Mount Fuji. >>deu<< Tom a fait de la prison plus d'une fois. Tom war mehrmals im Gefängnis. Tom hat mehr als einmal ins Gefängnis gesteckt. >>eng<< Praestat fugere, quam rogare. It is better to dismiss than to request. It is better to run away than to pray. >>deu<< Habla con mi médico. Sprechen Sie mit meinem Arzt. Sprechen Sie mit meinem Arzt. >>eng<< El que va dir en quan a Anglaterra és veritat. What he said about England is true. What he said when in England is true. >>eng<< Ziri e Rima sono stati pagati. Ziri and Rima got paid. Ziri and Rima were paid. >>eng<< Poţi invita orice persoană doreşti. You may invite any person you like. You can invite anyone you want. >>deu<< Si fece male cadendo. Er hat sich beim Fallen wehgetan. Er hat sich beim Sturz verletzt. >>eng<< Nesciebam te poetam esse. I didn't know you were a poet. I didn't know you were poets. >>eng<< Mi personalidad es dudar constantemente de si soy lesbiana o bisexual y no aclararme nunca. My whole personality is questioning whether I am a lesbian or bisexual and never getting it straight. My personality is constantly doubting whether I am lesbian or bisexual and never clarifying. >>eng<< Cine a clipit? Who winked? Who blinked? >>deu<< Elle a claqué la porte. Sie knallte die Tür zu. Sie hat die Tür zugeschlagen. >>eng<< Lui non ha chiuso occhio. He did not sleep a wink. He didn't close his eyes. >>eng<< Ils vont à l'église tous les dimanches. They go to church every Sunday. They go to church every Sunday. >>deu<< La sua telefonata lo mandò in sollucchero. Ihr Anruf hat ihn hoch erfreut. Sein Telefonat schickte ihn zu einem Rettungsschwimmer. >>nld<< Tinc un amic que m'estima. Ik heb een vriend die van mij houdt. Ik heb een vriend die van me houdt. >>eng<< Ma tante est morte vieille fille. My aunt died an old spinster. My aunt died an old girl. >>deu<< Nunca uses un cañón para matar a una mosca. Benutze nie eine Kanone, um eine Fliege zu töten. Verwenden Sie niemals eine Kanone, um eine Fliege zu töten. >>nld<< Não saia, pois está chovendo. Ga niet naar buiten, het regent. Ga niet weg, want het regent. >>deu<< Sigue siendo un misterio dónde está oculto el tesoro. Wo der Schatz verborgen ist, bleibt ein Geheimnis. Es bleibt ein Rätsel, wo der Schatz versteckt ist. >>eng<< Me veo y sueno como un adulto, pero dentro de mí, aún soy un niño pequeño y juguetón. I look and sound like an adult, but I'm still a playful little kid inside. I look and sound like an adult, but inside of me, I’m still a small, playful child. >>eng<< Ce n'est pas équitable. It's not fair. It's not fair. >>eng<< Podemos deixar os detalhes da teoria deles por examinar, mas não devemos esquecer de lhes fazer a única pergunta na qual estamos interessados: Estarão todas as coisas em movimento e fluxo? We may leave the details of their theory unexamined, but we must not forget to ask them the only question with which we are concerned: Are all things in motion and flux? We may leave the details of their theory unexamined, but we must not forget to ask them the only question we are interested in: Are all things moving and flowing? >>eng<< J'essaie de ne pas trop jubiler. I’m trying not to gloat too much. I'm trying not to overjoy. >>eng<< Acest lucru ar putea avea consecințe grave. This could have far-reaching consequences. This could have serious consequences. >>eng<< As pessoas estavam em choque — um colapso económico agravado pelo confinamento anticovid-19, depois tensões renovadas com Israel na fronteira e agora isto. People were in disbelief — an economic collapse, worsened by the COVID-19 lockdown, then renewed tensions with Israel on the border, and now this. People were in shock — an economic collapse aggravated by anti-Vid-19 confinement, then renewed tensions with Israel at the border and now this. >>nld<< Vous ne savez pas ce que vous allez recevoir pour Noël, n'est-ce pas ? Jullie weten niet wat jullie krijgen voor Kerstmis, of wel? Je weet niet wat je met Kerstmis krijgt, h<0xC3><0xA8>? >>eng<< Nos condoléances, nos pensées et notre sympathie vont aux survivants, aux familles et aux amis des victimes et à tout le peuple israélien en cette période difficile. Our condolences, thoughts and sympathy go out to the survivors, families and friends of the victims and to the entire Israeli people at this difficult time. Our condolences, thoughts and sympathy go out to the survivors, the families and friends of the victims and to the entire Israeli people at this difficult time. >>nld<< Ayer fue cuando rompí la ventana por accidente. Het was gisteren dat ik per ongeluk het raam brak. Gisteren heb ik per ongeluk het raam gebroken. >>eng<< Mieux vaut prendre son temps que se dépêcher et faire des erreurs. It's better to take your time than hurry and make mistakes. It is better to take your time than to hurry up and make mistakes. >>eng<< Soy intersexual. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. >>deu<< Ella posee dos mil libros. Sie besitzt zweitausend Bücher. Sie besitzt zweitausend Bücher. >>deu<< Puis-je vous emprunter votre gomme ? Kann ich Ihren Radiergummi ausleihen? Darf ich Ihnen Ihren Radiergummi leihen? >>deu<< Beba menos e durma mais. Trink weniger und schlaf mehr. Trinken Sie weniger und schlafen Sie mehr. >>eng<< Linguam Lusitanam in Brasilia discit. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. He studied the Lusitanian language in Brasilia. >>eng<< Ponha o livro sobre a carteira. Put the book on the desk. Put the book on your wallet. >>eng<< Me ha hecho su heredero. He made me his heir. He made me his heir. >>deu<< Miri es una feminista. Marie ist Feministin. Miri ist eine Feministin. >>eng<< L'espace est plein de radiations. Space is full of radiation. Space is full of radiation. >>deu<< Me voy a bañar porque estoy sucio. Weil ich dreckig bin, gehe ich jetzt duschen. Ich gehe baden, weil ich dreckig bin. >>eng<< Je suis aveugle de l'œil gauche. I'm blind in the left eye. I'm blind from the left eye. >>eng<< Il se peut que je n'aie pas une autre occasion. I may not get another chance. I may not get another chance. >>deu<< No te pongas en mi camino. Steh mir nicht im Weg! Geh mir nicht in die Quere. >>eng<< Andando verso casa mia, l'ho incontrata. Going towards my house, I met her. On my way home, I met her. >>eng<< Você tem algum band-aid? Do you have any band-aids? Do you have any band-aids? >>deu<< Estoy esperando a alguien. Ich warte auf jemand. Ich warte auf jemanden. >>eng<< Qu'as-tu fait dimanche dernier ? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? >>eng<< Ploramus. We are crying. Crying. >>deu<< Ellas son muy viejas. Sie sind sehr alt. Sie sind sehr alt. >>deu<< El Sol me broncea la piel. Die Sonne bräunt meine Haut. Die Sonne bräunt meine Haut. >>nld<< Ei au spus că nu erau interesați. Ze zegden dat ze niet geïnteresseerd waren. Ze zeiden dat ze niet geïnteresseerd waren. >>deu<< Você deve se livrar de tal hábito. Du musst diese Angewohnheit loswerden. Sie sollten diese Gewohnheit loswerden. >>eng<< Hiemem difficilem habēbāmus. We had a difficult winter. It's hard to have hamburgers. >>eng<< Ego Thoman legere docui. I was the one who taught Tom how to read. I'm Thoman reading the doc. >>eng<< El mosquito salió volando por la ventana. The mosquito flew out of the window. The mosquito flew out the window. >>eng<< Era usata anche come medicina. It was also used as medicine. It was also used as medicine. >>eng<< Qualcuno vuole andare? Does anyone want to go? Anybody want to go? >>eng<< Il cielo ha molte nuvole. The sky has a lot of clouds. The sky has many clouds. >>eng<< Vei vedea filmul? Will you see the movie? Will you see the movie? >>eng<< Ai auzit asta, Rachel? Am descoperit cine mi-a furat portofelul. Did you hear that, Rachel? I found the person who stole my wallet. Did you hear that, Rachel? I found out who stole my wallet. >>eng<< Venga a fare festa con noi. Come party with us. Come party with us. >>deu<< Io sono sicura che abbiamo molto in comune. Ich weiß sicher, dass wir viel gemein haben. Ich bin sicher, wir haben viel gemeinsam. >>deu<< Il suo desiderio era andare in America. Sein Wunsch war es, nach Amerika zu gehen. Sein Wunsch war es, nach Amerika zu gehen. >>deu<< On célèbre aujourd'hui en Russie le jour des défenseurs de la patrie. Heute begeht man in Russland den Tag der Vaterlandsverteidiger. Heute wird in Russland der Tag der Verteidiger des Vaterlandes gefeiert. >>deu<< Le coréen est facile. Koreanisch ist leicht. Koreanisch ist einfach.