צי האָסטו הנאה געהאַט די פּיצע? Did you enjoy the pizza? Did Hostu Hannah have the pizza? Ești pregătit să faci asta? Are you prepared to do this? Are you ready to do this? Se svým platem jsem spokojen. I'm content with my salary. I'm happy with my pay. ¿Preferirías hablar en inglés? Would you prefer to speak in English? Would you rather speak English? Tota classis tacebat. The whole class was quiet. The whole class was quiet. Պաշտպանի՛ր ինքդ քեզ: Defend yourself. Protect yourself. Том често и се јавува на Мери. Tom often calls Mary. Tom often calls Mary. Tomó una foto del precioso paisaje. He took a picture of the beautiful landscape. He took a picture of the beautiful landscape. तुला हा स्कर्ट विकत घ्यायचा आहे. You want to buy this skirt. You have to buy this shirt. Hur långt borta var det? How far was it? How far was it? Ich war zu erstaunt, um etwas zu sagen. I was too surprised to speak. I was too surprised to say something. Mogę myśleć o kilku powodach. I can think of several reasons. I can think of a few reasons. Você reconhece o homem da foto? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man of the photo? Mi cliente no está diciendo una palabra más. My client isn't saying another word. My client is not saying a word anymore. Maria Thomae desponsa est. Mary is engaged to Tom. Maria Thomae is in charge. Πρέπει να παρκάρω το αυτοκίνητό μου εδώ. I have to park my car here. I have to park my car here. Húsið hrundi í jarðskjálfta. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house collapsed in an earthquake. Мисля, че Том ще умре. I think Tom is going to die. I think Tom's gonna die. Дали ќе бидам заменет? Am I being replaced? Shall I be replaced? क्या आप काले घोड़े को देखते हो? Do you see a black horse? Do You See the Black Horse? Jeg blir til i morgen. I'll stay until tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. सभी शिक्षक वैसा बर्ताव नहीं करते। Not all teachers behave like that. Not all teachers behave that way. J'étais belle. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. Страстта му към него не стихва. His passion for me doesn't cool. His passion for him doesn't. Wladiwostok is en Stad in Russland. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Aoi blev danser. Aoi became a dancer. Aoi danced. کیا میں جلدی ٹھیک ہو جائو گی؟ Will I get well soon? Will I be okay soon? Ќе прифатам што било. I'll take anything. I'll accept anything. Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need a new glass. Ditt arbeid er langt fra tilfredsstillende. Your work is far from being satisfactory. Your work is far from satisfactory. Te puedes fiar en eyos. You can trust them. You can trust them. तुम्हाला रक्ताची भीती वाटते का? Are you afraid of blood? Do You Fear Blood? Aku butuh informasi lagi. I need more information. I need more information. Sayang sekali kamu tidak bisa datang. It's a pity that you couldn't come. Unfortunately you can't come. Том не отруював Мері. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. Necessito un got d'aigua. I need a glass of water. I need a glass of water. Աշխատեց: That worked. He worked. O suicídio de Fadil não afetou Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Том щось їсть. Tom is eating something. Tom's eating something. Tom tilbød Mary og John nogle chips. Tom offered Mary and John some potato chips. Tom offered Mary and John some chips. La nieve ha desaparecido. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. Ubi teniludio ludis? Where do you play tennis? Kill a lunatic? Оваа недела е извонредно топло. It's been unusually warm this week. This week is extremely hot. Qui va inventar el piano? Who invented the piano? Who invented the plan? Escolho dentre duas opções. I chose between two options. I choose between two options. Io le ho uccise. I killed them. I killed them. Я ходжу повільно. I'm a slow walker. I'm walking slowly. Οι περισσότεροι από τους συμμετέχοντες είναι από την Αυστραλία. Most of the participants are from Australia. Most participants are from Australia. Tom nije ekspert. Tom is no expert. Tom's not an expert. Εκείνος ο μαθητής είναι ο Τομ. That student is Tom. That student is Tom. Se burló de nuestra ignorancia. He made fun of our ignorance. He got rid of our ignorance. Nabavićemo vam jednog. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. Era um milagre que Fadil ainda estivesse vivo. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. It was a miracle Fadil was still alive. Пия вода в кухнята. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. Drinking water in the kitchen. Том је откључао врата. Tom unlocked the door. Tom unlocked the door. अॅबटने मेरीला ठार मारलं. Abbott killed Mary. In time, however, she became pregnant, and her husband died. Passer det at I ikke kan svømme? Is it true that you can't swim? Do you think you can't swim? Du müsstest bitte ein paar Dinge für mich erledigen. I need you to do a couple of things for me. You have to do a few things for me. Tá scian ann. There is a knife. There's a knife. A të pëlqen ngjyra e verdhë? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like yellow? Tom está no andar de cima. Tom's upstairs. Tom's on top. Les ânes sont gris. The donkeys are gray. The dogs are gray. Это башня. This is a tower. It's a tower. मला टॉमचा आवाज ऐकायचा आहे. I want to hear Tom's voice. I have to listen to Tom’s voice. Tom è sempre di buonumore. Tom is always in a good mood. Tom's always a good man. Není co dodat! Nothing to add! There's nothing to add! Што Вы намерваецеся рабіць? What do you intend to do? What are you going to do? Πρέπει να το δεις για να το πιστέψεις. You have to see it to believe it. You have to see it to believe it. Tom se včera oběsil. Tom hanged himself yesterday. Tom hung up last night. Σας απολύω. I'm firing you. I'll fire you. Naboens kat spildte sin kop mælk ud på gulvfliserne. The neighbor's cat spilled its cup of milk on the floor tiles. The neighbor’s cat poured its cup of milk on the floor tiles. Μπορείς να τη χρεώσεις στο δωμάτιό μου; Could you charge it to my room? Can you charge her to my room? Kven skuldar vi pengar? Who do we owe money to? Who do we owe money to? De lente komt eraan. It will be spring soon. The spring's coming. Voi non siete responsabili. You're not responsible. You're not responsible. तो कुठे राहतो? Where does he live? Where does he live? טאָמס טאַטע איז געווען אַ ייִד. Tom's father was a Jew. Tom's tattoo was a yed. Det virker fuldstændig latterligt. It seems absolutely ridiculous. It seems completely ridiculous. बुल्ला, की जाणा मैं कौण! Bulla, who knows who I am! I don't know what you're talking about. मैंने वादा किया था कि इस राज़ के बारे में किसी को कुछ नहीं बताऊँगा। I promised not to breathe a word of the secret. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone about this rage. Uansett hvilket musikkinstrument du ønsker å lære å spille, er det viktigste å unngå å gjøre feil fra begynnelsen av, fordi feilene du gjør lettere fester seg i hodet ditt enn alt det du gjør rett. No matter which musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is not to make any mistakes from the beginning on, because mistakes are always imprinted on your mind more easily than everything you do right. No matter what musical instrument you want to learn to play, it's important to avoid making mistakes from the beginning of, because the mistakes you make make make it easier to stick to your head than all you do right. Gör som jag säger åt dig. Do like I tell you. Do as I say. Tá an obair déanta agam. I have done the work. I've done the work. Как беше името на тоя, с който излизаше преди Том? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? What was the name of the guy you were dating before Tom? त्याला खोका उघडता आला नाही. He was not able to open the box. He was not able to open the door. Том попросил немного воды. Tom asked for some water. Tom asked for some water. Mogło mi pójść lepiej. I could've done better. I could have gone better. টম স্কুটার চড়ে। Tom rides a scooter. Tom's on the scooter. Ва ўдавы было дзве дачкі. A widow had two daughters. There were two daughters in the widow's house. ও কে? Who is she? Who is he? Y avait-il un problème avec la voiture ? Was there something wrong with the car? Was there a problem with the car? Así fue como llegué a conocerla. That's how I came to know her. That's how I got to know her. Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There are too many things I don't know how to cook. Зарем не се чувствуваш осамено? Don't you get lonely? Don't you feel lonely? Tu lietas atceries vieglāk kā es. You remember things more easily than me. You remember things easier than I do. És extrany que els nostres amics no estiguin aqui. It's strange that our friends aren't here. It's strange our friends aren't here. পানী জীৱন। Water is life. Water lives. Kalz em eus c'hoarzhet. I laughed a lot. I'm sick of it. Говориш ли грузински? Do you speak Georgian? Are you speaking Georgian? To był pracowity dzień. It's been a busy day. It was a working day. Aš per jaunas mirti! I'm too young to die! I'm too young to die! Peut-être nous verrons-nous de nouveau ce soir. Perhaps we will see each other again tonight. Maybe we'll see each other again tonight. Él se lastimó su pie izquierdo al caer. He hurt his left foot when he fell. He hurt his left foot when he fell. As maçãs são as melhores frutas. Apples are the best fruit. The apples are the best fruits. वेळ लागणार आहे का? Is this going to take a while? Will It Take Time? Си го прочитал ли? Have you read it? Have you read it? On ei l'estanc de bus ? Where's the bus stop? Where's the bus station? टॉम तुझ्यासारखा दिसतो. Tom looks like you. Tom looks just like you. Die perd is in die bos. The horse is in the forest. The horse is in the woods. Por fabor. Please. Please. O Tom sabia que a Mary estava cansada. Tom knew Mary was tired. Tom knew Mary was tired. Prosila ho, aby tam nechodil. She begged him not to go there. She asked him not to go there. Звідки ти знаєш, коли потрібно зупинитися? How do you know when to stop? How do you know when to stop? Thomas mihi solvit. Tom paid me. Thomas solved me. Es wurde eine große Menge Geld in die neue Brücke gesteckt. A large amount of money was spent on the new bridge. A large amount of money was put into the new bridge. M'a escrit ger. He wrote to me yesterday. He wrote me a letter. Выглядите умопомрачительно. You look fabulous. You look stunning. Thomas putabat Mariam Gallice non intellegere. Tom thought that Mary didn't understand French. Thomas thought Mary Gallice wouldn't understand. Il a été enlevé par des extra-terrestres. He was abducted by aliens. He was abducted by extraterrestrials. Ви були у лікаря? Did you see a doctor? Have you been to a doctor? Yw res dhymm mos? Do I have to go? Are you out of your mind? Maria e Alice não são irmãs. Mary and Alice aren't sisters. Maria and Alice are not sisters. তোমার বয়স কত? How old are you? How old are you? वह उनकी मदत करती है। She helps him. She helps them. Illud mihi reficiendum est. I need to repair that. There's something I need to do. Följ den bilen. Follow that car. Follow that car. Asta-i o presupunere, nu un fapt. That's a supposition, not a fact. That's an assumption, not a fact. Il ne faut pas vivre comme on le veut mais comme on le peut. Don't live like you want to, live how you can. We don't have to live as we want it to be, but as we can. Ти голосував за Тома чи Мері? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Jeg snakker dansk, svensk og engelsk. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. Dit is communisme. This is communism. This is communism. Si non manducas, morieris. If you don't eat, you die. If you don't eat, you'll die. Dit vlees snijdt gemakkelijk. This meat cuts easily. This meat cuts easily. मैं अंग्रेज़ी पढ़ सकती हूँ। I am able to read English. I can read English. Откъде си? Where are you from? Where are you from? Kvinden er sygeplejerske. The woman is a nurse. The woman is a nurse. L'abbiamo fermata. We stopped it. We stopped him. Tom er endnu ikke teenager. Tom isn't a teenager yet. Tom's not a teenager yet. Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova till mitt på dagen. I thought Tom would sleep until noon. I thought Tom was gonna sleep in the middle of the day. Γιατί σταματήσατε; Why did you stop? Why did you stop? Nie pchaj nosa w moje prywatne sprawy. Keep your nose out of my business. Don't touch my nose in my private affairs. Laat mij niet alleen! Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone! Излуђујеш ме. You drive me crazy. You're driving me crazy. Ви продаєте будильники? Do you sell alarm clocks? You're selling buildings? Сѐ има во досието. It's all in the file. It's all in the file. कृपा करून दार बंद करावे. Please close the door. Please shut the door. Ты с ним хотя бы разговаривал? Have you even talked to him? Would you at least talk to him? रविवारी मी घरी नसतो. I'm not home on Sundays. On Sundays, I am not at home. Los sovrebiviremos. We will outlive them. We'll survive them. Lei è più felice quando è a casa. She is happiest when she is at home. She's happier when she's home. La smetta! Gli sta facendo male! Stop! You're hurting him! He's hurting him! Yw homma bleujen? Is this a flower? You're blushing? Ἀλγῶ πάλαι δὴ τἀπὶ σοὶ στένων κακά. I have long been sorrowing lamenting for your woes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tu turi atsakyti šiuos klausimus. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. উনি ফরাসিতে কথা বলেন। He speaks French. He speaks French. Том набрзо се изгуби во толпата. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom was soon lost in the crowd. Aku sama sekali tidak berkata demikian. That isn't what I was saying at all. I didn't say that at all. Ви знали Тома? Did you know Tom? You knew Tom? Ништо попаметно не ми текнува. That's my best guess. There's nothing smarter than that. Onde devemos nos encontrar? Where should we meet? Where are we supposed to meet? Feles duas aures habet. A cat has two ears. He's got two ears. मी तुझ्या वडिलांना एकदा भेटले होते. I met your father once. I had once met your father. Puellam cognosco. I know the girl. Let's get to know each other. Mon père écoute de la musique classique. My father listens to classical music. My father listens to classical music. Том випив пиво. Tom drank a beer. Tom had a beer. Kun je het goed vinden met je nieuwe klasgenoten? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Can you find yourself with your new classmates? Ved brand alarmér 119. In case of fire, call 119. By fire alarm 119. Snidt d'eerdappels. Cut the potatoes. Cut the apples. Et ass kloer, datt de Schëff ënnergoung. It is clear that the ship sank. It is clear that the ship has submitted. Tom no pudo ayudarnos. Tom couldn't help us. Tom couldn't help us. Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. Didymus fumat. Tom's smoking. Didymus smoke. कोणता चेंडू पांढरा आहे? Which ball is white? What kind of lamp is white? Você ficará sozinho. You'll be alone. You'll be alone. Tom sah auf seine Uhr und bemerkte, dass ihm nur noch fünf Minuten bis zum Mittagessen blieben. Tom looked at his watch and saw that he only had five minutes left until lunchtime. Tom looked at his watch and noticed that he only had five minutes left until noon. Tom är autistisk. Tom is autistic. Tom's autistic. Vi siete già registrati? Have you registered yet? Are you already registered? Stižete li uskoro? Are you almost here? Are you coming soon? Maria meinte, Tom sei der Ansicht, sie dürfe das vielleicht allein. Mary said Tom thought she might be permitted to do that by herself. Maria thought Tom was the view that she might be able to do it alone. Eg må skunda meg til stasjonen for å ta det siste toget. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. Vakar bija Svētdiena. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday. Co je to kritické myšlení? What is critical thinking? What's a critical thought? Przepraszam, ale nie mogę. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Искам да те обичам завинаги! I wanna love you forever! I want to love you forever! Tom dro til Australia sist sommer. Tom visited Australia last summer. Tom went to Australia last summer. Zwei Menschen kamen in Rio beim Zusammensturz eines erhöhten Fahrradweges ums Leben. Two persons were killed when an elevated bike path collapsed in Rio. Two people died in Rio during the collapse of an increased cycle. Šis tiltas buvo pastatytas prieš dvejus metus. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. Hamaar naam Tom hai. My name is Tom. Hamaar's name is Tom. Tom købte tre kilo æbler. Tom bought three kilograms of apples. Tom bought three kilos of apples. Fādil Arabs est. Fadil is Arab. Fadil Arab is. কি খবৰ? How are you? What do you know? समुंदर में मछलियां हैं। There are fish in the sea. There are fish in the sea. Tom byl nucen odstoupit. Tom was forced to retire. Tom was forced to resign. Я рад, что ты тоже пришёл. I'm glad you came, too. I'm glad you came, too. Numquam cede. Never give up. Never give up. Apa yang kau katakan pada Paula? What did you say to Paula? What did you tell Paula? Folosim facilități comune. We use shared facilities. We use common facilities. Eu sempre amarei a Mary. I will always love Mary. I've always loved Mary. Apa status perkawinanmu? What's your marital status? What's your marriage status? У хижи є? Is it in the room? Is there a cabin? आत्मा अनन्त है। The soul is eternal. The Spirit is eternal. Извинете, сум се јавил на грешен број. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. I'm sorry. I called the wrong number. Fun capaz de contestar a tódalas preguntas. I was able to answer all the questions. I was able to answer all the questions. Tom wird dir keine Schwierigkeiten mehr bereiten. You won't have any more trouble with Tom. Tom's not gonna get you any more trouble. Купи ли нешто за јадење? Did you buy anything to eat? Did you buy something to eat? Ο γιατρός με συμβούλευσε να μην δουλεύω τόσο πολύ από 'δω και πέρα. The doctor advised me that I should not work so much anymore. The doctor advised me not to work so much from here on. Apa yang kamu lakukan saat luang? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing when you're naked? One już zapomniały. They've already forgotten. They've forgotten. Hvem forrådte os? Who betrayed us? Who betrayed us? Má rakovinu. He has cancer. He's got cancer. Ήσουν ευτυχισμένη. You were happy. You were happy. Морам да одам да се видам со Том. I have to go see Tom. I have to go see Tom. Συχνά παίζω ποδόσφαιρο μετά το σχολείο. I often play football after school. I often play football after school. Fékkstu það lánað? Did you borrow it? Did you get that loan? जिम, खिडकी बंद कर. Shut the window, Jim. Jim, close the window. Трябва да се обличам. I have to get dressed. I need to get dressed. Ответ - "да". The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Estarei olhando. I'll be watching. I'll be watching. La chica estaba siempre siguiendo a su madre. The girl was always following her mother. The girl was always following her mother. وہ اپنے خرچے کم کرے گے۔ They will cut down on their expenses. They will be able to reduce their spending. Tom sta andando molto bene in francese. Tom is doing very well in French. Tom's doing very well in French. Ew goşt e. This is meat. That's good. Это не жук. It's not a bug. It's not a rat. Коли вона хоч щось для мене зробила? When has she ever done anything for me? When did she do something for me? Parece divertido. ¿Por qué no lo intentamos? It looks fun. Why don't we try it? It seems funny. Why don't we try? আমি আজকে কাজে যেতে চাই না। I don't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work today. Hƿonne cumaþ ᵹē hām? When are you coming home? You don't know where you're going? Cad é? What? What is it? Изчаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Quid ratione divinius? What is more divine than reason? What divine reason? Je prenais un bain quand le téléphone a sonné. I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. I took a bath when the phone rang. Hur står det till? Jag har inte sett dig på evigheter! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! I haven't seen you in forever! Později navštívíme akvapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. We'll visit the aquarium later. La question ne permet qu'une seule interprétation. The question only allows one interpretation. The question allows only one interpretation. Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου τραγούδι; What is your favorite song? What's your favorite song? Вони добрі. They're good. They're good. Zou u even kunnen wachten? Could you wait a moment? Could you wait a minute? Nihil tibi dicere habeo. I don't have anything to say to you. I have nothing to say to you. Ne t'en va pas ! Don't leave! You're not going! Jeg dusjer hver morgen før jeg går på skolen. I take a shower every morning before I go to school. I shower every morning before I go to school. Том даже не знает, почему его исключили из школы. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza. Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head. Since I'm not a good swimmer, I avoid meddling over my head. Він недешевий. It isn't cheap. He's inconvenient. Hast du heute Abend dienstfrei? Are you off duty tonight? Did you get off duty tonight? Tom wyglądał na bardzo zajętego. Tom looked really busy. Tom looked very busy. I bambini stavano scivolando sul ghiaccio. The children were sliding on the ice. The kids were floating on the ice. Ты здрадзіў мне. Чаму? You betrayed me. Why? You betrayed me. یک وجدان گناه‌کار به سرزنش دیگران محتاج نیست. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. There is no need for a sinner to be ashamed of his reproach. W ubiegłym roku mieszkałem w Nowym Jorku. I lived in New York last year. I lived in New York last year. On je moj prijatelj. He is my friend. He's my friend. Esta frase é tão bela quanto verdadeira. Eu certamente nunca a esquecerei. This phrase is as beautiful as it is true. I will surely never forget it. This phrase is as beautiful as it is true. रशिया जगातला सर्वात मोठा देश आहे. Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia is the largest country in the world. Prate jo Japansk? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak Japanese? Не трябва да се поддаваме на тези безочливи искания. We mustn't give way to these impudent demands. We should not succumb to these indiscriminate demands. Dělával jsem totéž. I used to do the same thing. I was doing the same. Яго дом у Стамбуле. His house is in Istanbul. His house in Istanbul. Tom kunne ikke finde en tom parkeringsplads. Tom couldn't find an empty parking space. Tom couldn't find an empty parking lot. Questa è una radio? Is this a radio? Is this a radio? Você consegue contar até dez em francês? Can you count to ten in French? Can you count to ten in French? शोपाँचं संगीत सुंदर आहे. Chopin's music is beautiful. The music of the shop is beautiful. मला पाऊस आवडत नाही. I do not like the rain. I don’t like rain. Я правдивий. I'm truthful. I'm real. Descubram o que eles estão fazendo aqui. Find out what they're doing here. They find out what they're doing here. Følg reglene. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Том не носи чорапи. Tom isn't wearing socks. Tom doesn't wear socks. Како реагираше на вестите? How did he respond to the news? How did you react to the news? Šťastný Nový rok! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Hebben jullie het raam dichtgedaan? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Tom sta provando a raggiungere Boston. Tom is trying to get to Boston. Tom's trying to reach Boston. Hun sprang til stasjonen fordi hun var redd for ikke å nå toget. She ran to the station for fear that she would miss the train. She jumped to the station because she was afraid not to reach the train. Πείτε της ότι είστε άρρωστοι. Tell her you're sick. Tell her you're sick. Você nunca fez isso antes, não é? You've never done that before, have you? You've never done that before, have you? É difícil ser vegetariano? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Is it hard to be vegetarian? Du siehst heute anders aus. You look different today. You look different today. Mäin Buch ass hei. My book is here. My book is here. Gesù la accoglie. Jesus welcomes you. Jesus welcomes her. Qui lui avait dit? Where did she hear that from? Who told him? M'agradaria oblidar la Marika? I'd like to forget Marika. Would you like me to forget Marika? Tom je umro skoro istog trena. Tom died almost instantly. Tom died almost the same time. El presidente de Francia visitará Japón el mes que viene. The President of France will visit Japan next month. The president of France will visit Japan next month. मी कधीही डॉक्युमेन्टरी बघत नाही. I never watch documentaries. I’ve never seen a documentary. Kalmaring kita barmaeng bola kaki. I played soccer yesterday. Calm down, we're a football player. Liberi mei Novi Eboraci habitant. My children live in New York. My liberators Novi Eboraci live. De ce este importantă energia alternativă? Why is alternative energy important? Why is alternative energy important? Een jongen van zeventien is vaak even groot als zijn vader. A boy of seventeen is often as tall as his father. A boy of seventeen is often as old as his father. Ovo su mi najbolji drugari. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Mirëdita. Good afternoon. Good morning. ¿Estades listos para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? Nie możemy przewidzieć, jak Tom się będzie czuł. We can't predict how Tom is going to feel. We can't predict how Tom will feel. Wilcume be Tatoeba Welcome to Tatoeba. Wilcume be Tatoeba Det påverkade egentligen inte oss. It really didn't affect us. It didn't really affect us. Μη φοβάσαι να κάνεις λάθος όταν μιλάς αγγλικά. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English. Don't be afraid to make a mistake when you speak English. L'aracnofobia è la paura dei ragni. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Aracnophobia is the fear of frogs. Die Vögel sind die natürlichen Feinde der Insekten. Birds are natural enemies of insects. The birds are the natural enemies of insects. Aš prisiekiu aš ketinau pasidalinti. I swear I was going to share it. I swear I was gonna split up. Sunt sigur că vei reuși. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. Donald Trump es un mentirozo patolojiko. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Ubi flores emistis? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you send flowers? Tom mówił po francusku na spotkaniu. Tom spoke in French at the meeting. Tom spoke French at the meeting. من زیاد ریاضیات را دوست ندارم. I do not like mathematics very much. I have no love for hypocrisy. I don't love hypocrisy. Vous auriez pu tuer quelqu'un. You could've killed somebody. You could have killed someone. Румънците от Трансилвания говорят много бавно. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. জীবনে চড়াই উতরাই আছে। In life there are ups and downs. There's running down in life. Додека имав запаление на белите дробови, само чемреев во својата соба, чекајќи да се опоравам. While I had pneumonia, I just languished in my room, waiting to recover. While I was burning my lungs, I was just choking in my room, waiting for me to recover. Han blev tilldelad en ansvarsfull position. He was appointed to a responsible post. He was assigned a responsible position. Tom sarà spaventato. Tom is going to be frightened. Tom will be scared. Имаш ли нещо против да отвориш вратата? Do you mind opening the door? Do you mind opening the door? Deixeo. Just leave it. I quit. Prepar prânzul în fiecare zi. I make lunch every day. I prepare lunch every day. Scisne quanti constet? Do you know how much it costs? Do you know how much it costs? Не съм удушила Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't suffocate Tom. Har du ein hobby – måling, til dømes? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? Do you have a hobby – measurement, for example? On ne parle pas la bouche pleine. You must not speak with your mouth full. We're not talking full-mouthed. Том не знае никого тука. Tom doesn't know anybody here. Tom doesn't know anyone here. त्याने मला तिथे भेटायला सांगितलं. He told me to meet him there. He asked me to visit him there. Zapomněl jsem nalepit známku na obálku. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to stick the mark on the envelope. আমি কি ওখানে হাঁটতে পারব? Can I walk there? Can I stand there? তোমার যা পছন্দ হয় তাই খাও। Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you like. Còst l'è trôp chêr! This is too expensive! It's too much at home! एका महिन्यात परत ये. Come back in a month. Come back in a month. Ακούσατε την ομιλία του Τομ; Did you hear Tom's speech? Did you hear Tom's speech? Han er afroamerikaner. He's an African American. He's an African American. Ti si zelo elegantna. You are very elegant. You're very elegant. Мария не испытывала жажду. Marie wasn't thirsty. Mary had no desire. Jeg har allerede en konvolutt. I already have an envelope. I already have a envelope. Чому ви думаєте, що Том не зміг би цього зробити? What makes you think Tom couldn't do that? Why do you think Tom wouldn't be able to do that? Дан не сакаше повторно да оди во сиропиталиште. Dan didn't want to go back to an orphanage. Dan didn't want to go to the orphanage again. टॉम म्हणतो तो ऑक्टोबरमध्ये बॉस्टनला जाईल. Tom says he'll go to Boston in October. Tom says he's going to Boston in October. Vi har inte misslyckats. We haven't failed. We haven't failed. Da li si video ko je to bio? Did you see who it was? Did you see who it was? Boisz się tego? Are you afraid of that? Are you afraid of that? Karš ir elle. War is hell. It's hot and el. मी त्याच्याशी एकट्याने बोलेन. I will speak to him alone. I will speak to him alone. Nie mogłem zrozumieć jego idei. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his idea. John er góður nemandi. John is a good student. John's a good student. از او بپرس هواپیمای بعدی کی خواهد بود. Ask him when the next plane will be. Ask him, 'When will these things be?' Ne radi previše! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! Nu folosi biroul de lângă fereastra aceea. Don't use the desk by that window. Don't use the office next to that window. Ik vervolg. I sue. I'm on it. Πώς προφέρεται αυτή η λέξη; How do you pronounce this word? How is that word spoken? Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They can't come out because there's lights inside. শুভ কানাডা দিবস! Happy Canada Day! Happy Canada Day! Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι για σας. This book is for you. This book is for you. Що ти вчиш? What do you learn? What are you learning? Не искам да бъда обезпокояван. I don't want to be disturbed. I don't want to be upset. मी तुम्हाला त्याचं नाव सांगेन. I will tell you his name. I will tell you his name. Мæ багаж фесæфтис. My luggage got lost. You've got my luggage. Combien de temps devons-nous rester ici ? How long do we have to stay here? How long do we have to stay here? Том решил пойти. Tom decided to go. Tom decided to go. Tidak ada yang peduli terhadap masalah kita. Nobody cares about our problems. Nobody cares about our problems. Han viste meg sin samling av sommerfugler. He showed me his collection of butterflies. He showed me his collection of summer birds. Každý krok byl pro ní těžký. Every step was difficult for her. Every step was hard for her. Eu abomino a violência. I abhor violence. I hate violence. Het sneeuwt hier altijd in de winter. It always snows here in winter. It's always snowing here in the winter. Ik beloof dat ik hier morgen zal zijn. I promise that I'll be here tomorrow. I promise I'll be here tomorrow. Tom se ve agotado. Tom looks worn out. Tom's exhausted. Dont a reas ur c'hazh eus dindan an daol-skrivañ. A cat came out from under the desk. There was an error while writing to the document. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. He sleeps like a bear in the winter. He sleeps like a bear in the winter. Ik kom út Noard-Brabân. I'm from North Brabant. I'm from North Brabant. Celeberrimus est. He is very famous. It's a celebration. Това е страхотен план. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Tom e timid. Tom's shy. Tom's shy. Tom este mai drăguț decât Mary. Tom is nicer than Mary. Tom's nicer than Mary. Ты явно устал. You do look tired. You must be tired. Da mihi poculum lactis, quaeso. Please give me a cup of milk. Give me a cup of milk, please. Parece que están satisfechos con el resultado. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. They seem to be satisfied with the result. Tom trägt dasselbe wie gestern. Tom is wearing what he wore yesterday. Tom wears the same thing yesterday. برائے مہربانی، دھیان سے فیصلہ کی جیئے گا۔ Please choose wisely. Except for mercy. He will come to judgment with attention. Man kan ikke adskille sprog og kultur. You can't separate language from culture. You can't separate languages and cultures. Non ! Tu vas exploser en mille morceaux ! No! You'll be blown to smithereens! You're gonna blow up a thousand pieces! Come possiamo farlo? How can we do that? How can we do that? Тя вярва, че синът ѝ е още жив. She believes her son is still alive. She believes her son is still alive. আমি সাতটা সময়ে ফিরে আসবো। At seven I'll be back. I'll be back in seven hours. Por que Tom não terminou? Why didn't Tom finish? Why didn't Tom finish? باید راههای نرفته را امتحان کرد. Unprecedented ways should be tried. He must go and test him by what he doesn't go. Это ты сказал Тому, что ему не стоит идти? Were you the one who told Tom that he shouldn't go? That's what you said 'cause he doesn't have to go? Nauczę cię prowadzić samochód. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you how to drive. Tom twierdzi, że cyfrowym nagraniom brakuje ciepła winylowych nagrań. Tom says that digital audio lacks the warmth of vinyl records. Tom says digital recordings lack the heat of vinyl recordings. Sigurna sam da će mi Tom mnogo nedostajati. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. Це виняток. That is an exception. It's an exception. Vad gör vi nu? What do we do now? What do we do now? आपण तिसरे आलो. We came in third. We arrived in the third place. Je ne vous laisserai plus jamais seuls. I'll never leave you alone again. I'll never leave you alone again. Не съм казал нищо. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. O que posso fazer para ajudar? What can I do to help? What can I do to help? ¿Cómo están resultando tus compras navideñas? How's your Christmas shopping coming along? How are your Christmas shopping going? Puedes hacer una tarta con harina, leche y un huevo. You can make a cake with flour and milk and an egg. You can make a cake with flour, milk and egg. Ye stinken. You guys stink. You stink. तोहरा घर बड़ा ह। Your house is big. Tohra's house is big. Ik bün tohuus. I'm at home. I'm home. Il ferro è molto più utile dell'oro. Iron is much more useful than gold. Iron is much more useful than gold. Elsker du din kone? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? Ce l'hai un fiammifero? Do you have a match? What's a flame? Juče sam bila srećna. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Ik wil gewoon een vriend van je zijn, niets meer. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be a friend of yours, nothing more. Slobodna sam. I'm available. I'm free. Toasters toast keen Toast, Minschen doot dat. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. Tourniquets are not recommended unless in the direst emergency Spaansch is licht. Spanish is easy. Spanish is light. Tous les gens sont bons au fond de leur cœur. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Ich werde versuchen, eine andere Formulierung zu finden. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I'll try to find another formula. Jag är redan rik. I'm already rich. I'm already rich. Tom è di buonumore, vero? Tom is in a good mood, isn't he? Tom's a good man, isn't he? Он бы не одобрил. He would not approve. He wouldn't approve. کوئی بھی بچہ نہیں بیٹھا ہوا۔ None of the children are sitting. There is no child sitting. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да помолиш Том за помощ? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom to help? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom for help? Trovai un vaso in cui c'erano diverse monete antiche. I found a pot in which there were several old coins. You found a vessel in which there were several ancient coins. Universet er et mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. हाती नाही आणा, मला कारभारी म्हणा. Not an anna in hand, but call me administrator nonetheless. Do not hold back. Tell me the manager. Hovorí sa, že pôjde do zahraničia. It is said that he will go abroad. He's talking about going abroad. На момчето му беше невозможно да ја преплива реката. For the boy to swim across the river was impossible. It was impossible for the boy to cross the river. ¿Cuánto tiempo al día pasas afeitándote? How much time do you spend shaving every day? How long do you spend the day touching yourself? Heute ist es wärmer geworden. It's become warmer today. It's got warmer today. Pater meus valde severus est. My dad is very strict. My father is very hard. Я не відчуваю болю, і це добре. I have no pain, which is good. I don't feel pain, and that's good. Tatoeba: el único lugar donde el uso de distintas apóstrofos es polémico. Tatoeba: the only place where the use of different apostrophes is controversial. Tatoeba: the only place where the use of different apostrophes is controversial. Tom skulle vilja byta plats med Maria. Tom would like to change seats with Mary. Tom would like to change his place with Maria. Остави ме да се сосредоточам. Let me concentrate. Let me focus. Я знаю, що ти хочеш стати лікарем. I know that you want to become a doctor. I know you want to be a doctor. El primer ministre Koizumi va dir, "Hi ha gent que diu aixó, perque és inconstitucional, jo no hauria de pregar al temple Yasukuni. Prime Minister Koizumi said, "There are people who say that, because it's unconstitutional, I should not pray at the Yasukuni Shrine". Prime Minister Koizumi said, "There are people who say this, because it is unconstitutional, I should not pray at the Yasukuni temple. तुम्ही जिंकलात. You won. You won. Jeho dcera je zdravotní sestra. His daughter is a nurse. His daughter is a nurse. Χόρευα. I was dancing. I smelled. વાર્તા પુરી That's all she wrote. The story is full. Tom achou Maria fascinante. Tom found Mary fascinating. Tom found Mary fascinating. L'è mìa fâcil. That's not easy. It's easy. سوزن آج کل بہت محنت کر رہی ہے۔ Susan is working very hard these days. Susan's working so hard today. Што правеле досега? What have they been doing? What have they been doing so far? میں بالکل اسی بارے میں سوچ رہا تھا۔ It's exactly what I was thinking about. I was just thinking about it. Колкото повече тичаш, толкова повече се изморяваш. The more you run the tired you become. The more you run, the more tired you get. Le Mozambique ? Il ne sait même pas où c'est. Mozambique? He doesn't even know where that is. Mozambique, he doesn't even know where it is. To przestępstwo zostało popełnione prawdopodobnie przez kobietę. This crime was probably committed by a woman. This crime was probably committed by a woman. टॉमने दाढी वाढवली. Tom grew a beard. Tom raised his breast. Hvilke språk snakker du? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? Io non lo so cosa vuole Tom. I don't know what Tom wants. I don't know what Tom wants. Infans meus loqui vult. My baby wants to talk. My kids want to talk. Mai degrabă aş sta acasă dacă pentru tine e totuna. I'd rather stay home if it's all the same to you. I'd rather stay home if it was still for you. Тому не разрешили уйти. Tom wasn't allowed to leave. So they were not allowed to leave. हवा ने पत्तियों को यहाँ-वहाँ बिखेर दिया। The wind scattered the leaves about. The wind scattered the cards here. Souhlasíš se mnou, že? You agree with me, don't you? You agree with me, don't you? Полетът ти е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight's cancelled. Μπορώ να μιλήσω στη γιατρό; Can I speak to the doctor? Can I talk to the doctor? Ihr habt mich nicht verstanden. Ich meinte etwas anderes. You didn't understand me. I meant something else. You didn't understand me. Stell de Ledder an ’e Müür. Stand the ladder against the wall. Place the ladder on a wall. मुझे अकेले रहने की आदत पड़ गयी है। I've gotten used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Navê wî Elî ye. His name is Ali. The name is Eli. Un soldo risparmiato è un soldo guadagnato. A penny saved is a penny earned. A saved money is a earned money. ارزش خرد بیشتر از مروارید است. The price of wisdom is above pearls. The desire of the diligent is more than the desire of the diligent. ओकर नाउँ टाम ह। His name is Tom. Oker Nau Tam. Mamy pod dostatkiem jedzenia. We have ample food. We've got enough food. Strašno je ovdje dolje. It's scary down here. It's awful down here. Jeg er for lille. I'm too small. I'm too small. टॉमने काही बटाटे विकत घेतले. Tom bought some potatoes. Tom was sold for some coins. دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست. Fine words butter no parsnips. And he spake two hundred times, because it was not so much as half. Мій тато вдома. My father is home. My dad's home. तुझ्या ताईचा निधन कसा झाला? How did your sister die? How did your daughter - in - law become pregnant? Jeg ønsker at hjælpe hende, men jeg ved ikke hvordan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help her, but I don't know how. উনি ফ্রান্সে বড়ো হয়েছেন। She was raised in France. He grew up in France. Bude to dlouhá cesta. It'll be a long journey. It'll be a long way. आम्ही काल रात्री भेटलो. We met last night. We met in the morning. Cei mai mulți oameni au mari reticențe în a se da jos din pat devreme, chiar dacă trebuie să facă asta. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people have great reservations about getting out of bed early, even if they have to. Ti aiuteremo a salvare Tom. We'll help you rescue Tom. We'll help you save Tom. - Które słowo? - zapytałem. "Which word?" I asked. - What word? ते मी बघेन. I'll take care of that. I’ll take a look at it. Той по-добре ли се чувства днес? Is he feeling better today? Does he feel better today? Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag medium gebakken. I like my steak medium. I'd like to cook my steak medium. Diolch. Thanks. Thank you. Drożdże powodują, że ciasto rośnie. Yeast makes dough rise. The more expensive they make the cake grow. Νόμιζα πως ο Τομ ήταν Καναδέζος. I thought Tom was Canadian. I thought Tom was Canadian. Сам питай Том. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Mary me prometeu que faria isso. Mary promised me she'd do that. Mary promised me she'd do that. Tom je želeo veću kuću od svog komšije. Tom wanted to have a bigger house than his neighbor. Tom wanted a bigger house than his neighbor. Осомничениот призна. The suspect confessed. Suspected confession. Tout le monde sait qu'un service d'hôtesses propose davantage qu'un bon massage. Everyone knows that an escort service offers more than a good massage. Everyone knows that a host service offers more than a good massage. Miała do niego zadzwonić o 14:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. ¿Te dijeron cuándo tienes que venir? Have you been told when to come? Did they tell you when to come? Este lugar es enorme. This place is huge. This place is huge. Δεν είμαι ικανοποιημένος μ' αυτό. I'm not satisfied with this. I'm not satisfied with that. तो एक संचारण माध्यम आहे, कोणता पदार्थ किंवा एखादी क्रिया नव्हे. It’s a communication medium, not a substance or specific activity. It is a form of communication, not a substance or an action. Familia eius magna est. His family is large. His family is great. Ich werde Tom mitbringen. I'll bring Tom. I'll bring Tom. Il est mort dans mes mains. He died in my arms. He died in my hands. Acum trebuie să regândim totul. Now we have to rethink everything. Now we have to rethink everything. Namjestili su knjižnicu novima knjigama. They furnished the library with new books. They set up a library with new books. Трябва ли да отворя всичко? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? La banca non è aperta il sabato. The bank is not open on Saturdays. The bank isn't open on Saturday. Mnogo puta sam igrao golf sa Tomom. I've played golf with Tom many times. I played golf with Tom a lot of times. Его руки посинели от холода. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. His hands are cold. Estou agardando o tren. I am waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the train. Je n'ai aucun ami avec qui en parler. I don't have a friend with whom I can talk about this. I don't have any friends to talk to. On želi postati učitelj. He wants to become a teacher. He wants to become a teacher. We moeten ons aan de wet houden. We must abide by the law. We have to stick to the law. आपण इतर कोणालाही दोष देऊ शकत नाही. We can't blame anyone else. We cannot blame anyone else. Mayuko le dio una mascada a mi manzana. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko gave my apple a mask. Яна адчыняе акно. She opens the window. It opens a window. Hendes navn er Lucifera. Her name is Lucifera. Her name is Lucifera. Hun bor i New York. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. dy'Mergher yw hedhyw. Today is Wednesday. Your day is today. Tomm yw an kota ma. This coat is warm. This city is full. आपण जास्तीतजास्त १०० डॉलर देऊ शकतो. We can pay 100 dollars at most. We can spend up to $100. Како се викаш, синко? What's your name, son? What's your name, son? Мисля, че сте го правили и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done it before. Tom kan goed horen. Tom has good hearing. Tom can hear good. Ekvator deli Zemljo na dve polobli. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres. The equator divides the earth into two halfs. Ne penses-tu pas que j'aimerais le faire ? Don't you think I would like to do that? Don't you think I'd like to? Io pensavo che Mary fosse la morosa di Tom. I thought Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I thought Mary was Tom's ugly. چرا تی شرتت آب رفت؟ Why did your T-shirt shrink? Why did you go for the water? Tom a fait ses devoirs. Tom has done his homework. Tom did his duty. Ek sal terug na jou toe moet kom. I'll have to get back to you. I'll have to come back to you. Кнїжка желєна. The book is green. The book is desirable. Aš nepakankamai gerai kalbu pracūziškai! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak well enough! Han tror att han vet allt. He thinks he knows it all. He thinks he knows everything. Sans toi je ne suis rien. Without you I am nothing. I'm nothing without you. De Vörhang hett Füür fungen. The curtain caught on fire. The preset worked for Führ. Jeg ville ikke at Tom skulle forstyrre meg. I didn't want Tom to bother me. I didn't want Tom to disturb me. Har du noen gang sett en UFO? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever seen a UFO? Non avrei dovuto farlo. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have. ¿Te gusta el apartamento? Do you like the apartment? Do you like the apartment? नमस्कार। Hello! Hello. Šta treba da uradiš? What should you do? What are you supposed to do? Sono andata in spiaggia con lui. I went to the beach with him. I went to the beach with him. Mina fötter är ömma. My feet are sore. My feet are thin. Gasté demasiado. I spent too much. I spent too much. Tom parece estar disgustado. Tom seemed to be disgusted. Tom seems to be upset. Itu konyol. That's absurd. That's ridiculous. Ich konnte es nicht ertragen, dass mein Haus zerstört wurde. I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't bear it that my house was destroyed. Han så hende aldrig igen. He never saw her again. He never saw her again. Saccharum non volo. I don't want any sugar. I don't want sucrose. Шта си радио данас? What did you do today? What were you doing today? Inače, koja je tvoja adresa? By the way, what's your address? Otherwise, what's your address? Eu quero que você olhe uma coisa para mim. I want you to look at something for me. I want you to look at something for me. Jurusanmu apa? What is your specialty? What's your jury? Tom to pajac. Tom is a clown. Tom's a cop. Том твърди, че може да говори на френски. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom claims he can speak French. Боли ме глава. I have a headache. My head hurts. "Я з ним згоден". - "Я теж". "I agree with him." "So do I." "I agree with him." "I agree with him." टॉमने हेडफोन घातले आहेत. Tom is wearing headphones. Tom’s headphones are on. Горе-долу колко излиза едно такси от там? About how much would a taxi be from here? Up and down how much does a cab come out of there? Нужни са ни по-малко приказки и повече действие. We need less talk and more action. We need fewer stories and more action. Jag träffar honom då och då. I see him from time to time. I'll meet him then and then. धोकादायक होती. It was dangerous. The Bible says: “The one walking with the wise will become wise, but the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly Той самият така каза. He himself said so. That's what he said. Ich bedaure, aber im Moment habe ich zu tun. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, but I have to do it right now. Не можам јас да донесам таква одлука. That's not my call. I can't make that decision. তুমি কি কর? What do you do? What are you doing? Hicisteis trampa. You cheated. You cheated. Είσαι ο φίλος μου. You are my friend. You're my friend. He estat esperant que arribi aquest dia. I've been waiting for this day to come. I've been waiting for that day to arrive. Nie jest dla pisarza niemoralnym mówić kłamstwa. W istocie, im większe kłamstwa, im lepsze kłamstwa, tym bardziej zwykli ludzie i krytycy będą cię chwalić. It's not immoral for a novelist to tell lies. In fact, the bigger the lies, the better lies, and the more the common folks and critics will praise you. It is not for an immoral writer to lie; in fact, the greater the lies, the better the lies, the more ordinary people and critics will praise you. Tom lo vio. Tom saw it. Tom saw it. Μ' αρέσει το μυθιστόρημά της. I like her novel. I like her mystery. کیا میں آپ کا فون نمبر پوچھ سکتا ہوں؟ May I ask for your phone number? Can I ask your phone number? فکر می‌کنم برای او امکان دارد که مسئله را حل کند. I think it's impossible for him to solve the problem. I think that he has the means to solve the problem. Stůl je prostřen. The table is set. The table is wide open. जितना तुम सोच रहे हो उतना आसान नहीं है। It's more difficult than you think. It's not as easy as you think. Он дал собаке кусок мяса. He gave the dog a piece of meat. He gave dogs a piece of meat. আমি কুঁড়ে। I'm lazy. I'm broke. त्यांनी आमच्यावर भाले फेकले. They threw spears at us. They threw guns at us. Buter se pravi od mleka. Butter is made from milk. Butter is made of milk. Quan el veig ballar no puc parar de riure. I can not help laughing to see him dance. When I saw him dancing, I couldn't stop laughing. Том мами Мери през цялото време. Tom lies to Mary all the time. Tom's mom Mary all the time. Reci mi šta sam propustio. Tell me what I missed. Tell me what I missed. امروز صیح خیلی زود از خواب بیدار شده ای؟ کاری داری که انجام بدهی؟ You're up very early this morning. Do you have something to do? "Today, Zion, wake up quickly from her sleep! Do you have any work to do? El scrie o scrisoare. He writes a letter. He writes a letter. ह्वान कपडे घालतोय. Juan is getting dressed. He wears his own clothes. Saccus meus vacuus est. My bag is empty. My fault is empty. Что это за фильм? Популярный? What kind of movie is it? Is it popular? What's this movie? Nicht so schnell! Not so fast! Not so fast! ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? Want milk and sugar? Ombord på vilket skepp var du? What ship were you on? On board which ship were you on? Я комуніст. I'm a communist. I'm a communist. Κλείσ' το στόμα σου! Close your mouth! Shut your mouth! এখানে বসো। Sit here. Sit here. La gente miente todos los días. People lie every day. People lie every day. Tom was versteur deur die rigting van sy gedagtes. Tom was disturbed at the direction of his thoughts. Tom was disturbed by the direction of his thoughts. We weten wat we willen. We know what we want. We know what we want. त्यांना इथे यायला सांगा. Tell them to come here. Ask them to come here. Pesce e vino rosso non stanno bene assieme. Fish and red wine don't go well together. Red fish and wine are not good together. Я пытаюсь защитить их. I'm trying to protect them. I'm trying to protect them. D’éirigh liom san obair. I succeeded in the work. I was successful in the work. Izgleda da Tom tako misli. Tom seems to think so. Looks like Tom thinks so. Ji vetvetja. Be yourself. It's on its own. Јадевме јастог и стег. We ate lobster and steak. We ate lobster and starch. Tie ir vieni vienīgi meli. That's a total lie. They're the only lies. Ho schiacciato la mano di Tom. I squeezed Tom's hand. I broke Tom's hand. Tom zei dat hij het niet wist. Tom said that he didn't know. Tom said he didn't know. Cé a ghoid mo chuid eochracha? Who stole my keys? Who took my keys? Уяві, што ты на месяцы. Imagine yourself to be on the moon. Imagine you're for months. Вие можете ли да дойдете утре? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Hans temperament løb af med ham. He lost his temper. His temper ran out with him. Waar gaat de os naartoe? Where is the ox going? Where are we going? Va tornar a casa tres hores més tard. He came home three hours later. He came home three hours later. Cad a tharla? What happened? What happened? Diriez-vous qu'elles se correspondent ? Would you say they match? Would you say they fit? Je veux te donner de l'argent pour t'aider à traverser ces temps difficiles. I want to give you some money to help you through these hard times. I want to give you money to help you get through these difficult times. J'ai eu des choix difficiles à faire. I've had to make some tough choices. I've had difficult choices to make. Понеділок, мабуть, буде зайнятим днем. Monday will probably be a busy day. Monday's probably gonna be a busy day. Я её разбил. I broke it. I broke it. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די רעפֿאָרמער ייִדן. Esther's family is Reform Jewish. Astres family is of the reformer ids. Не си одам. I'm not going away. I'm not leaving. जाऊन बघा! Go and see! Go and see! Tom me je pozvao da mi kaže da neće biti da današnjem sastanku. Tom called to say he wouldn't be at today's meeting. Tom invited me to tell me it wouldn't be that meeting today. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is on. The breakfast's ready. Ze heeft haar geheimen mee in het graf genomen. She took her secrets to the grave. She took her secrets to the grave. Kent u me? Do you know me? Do you know me? Jullie zijn schuldig aan moord. You are guilty of murder. You're guilty of murder. Ich will mein Spanisch verbessern. I'd like to improve my Spanish. I want to improve my Spanish. त्याने आपल्या मुलीचं लग्न एका श्रीमंत माणसाशी लावून दिलं. He married his daughter to a rich man. He arranged for his daughter to be married to a wealthy man. Man kann kein Meerwasser trinken, weil es zu salzig ist. You can't drink seawater because it's too salty. You can't drink seawater because it's too salty. کار چندان سختی نیست. It's not rocket science. The work is not hard at all. Я знаю, что Том мне за это не заплатит. I know Tom isn't going to pay me for doing this. I know Tom won't pay me for it. Kapan kamu akan pulang? When are you going home? When are you going home? Mi chiedo cosa penserà Tom. I wonder what Tom will think. I wonder what Tom will think. No me lo puedo creer. I can't believe that. I can't believe it. Nie mów Tomowi co dzisiaj robiliśmy. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Ne znam. I don't know. I don't know. वह मेरी है। That is mine. He's mine. Он будет исключён из нашего клуба. That person will be read out of our club. He'll be expelled from our club. रोम इटलीमध्ये आहे. Rome is in Italy. In Italy, Rome is home to the Roman Catholic Church. Том е безобѕирен. Tom is inconsiderate. Tom's pointless. Tud zo o vont d’ar gêr. There are people going home. People are going home. Preciso avisá-la. I must warn her. I need to warn you. Sy hardloop. She runs. She's running. Vreau să te iubesc pentru totdeauna. I want to love you forever! I want to love you forever. Možeš da sediš sa mnom. You can sit with me. You can sit with me. Jamás imaginé que yo podría dar un concierto en Boston. I never imagined I'd be able to give a concert in Boston. I never imagined I could give a concert in Boston. Quero visitar Luxemburgo. I want to visit Luxembourg. I want to visit Luxembourg. Dítě uklidnila jeho matka. The child was comforted by his mother. The baby calmed down his mother. Byl jsem unavený a spal jsem. I was tired and I slept. I was tired and I slept. Wat is der te rêden? What's the matter? What's there to talk about? Hallo, alle miteinander! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Tom bertanya apakah ia perlu mengenakan dasi. Tom asked if he needed to wear a tie. Tom asked if he needed to wear a tie. Ο Τομ έχει διαβήτη. Tom has diabetes. Tom has a diabetes. Всеки проблем може да бъде разрешен, ако си упорит и търпелив. Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient. Any problem can be solved if you are patient and patient. ¿Quieres dejar un mensaje? Would you like to leave a message? Do you want to leave a message? Ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I've helped a lot, I think. Samozřejmě to přeložit můžu, neboť pevně věřím, že všechno, i nepřeložitelné, se dá přeložit; a co nedokáže přeložit mozek — to snad přeloží srdce. Obviously I can translate that, since I strongly believe that everything is translatable, even what is untranslatable; and what the brain cannot translate - maybe the heart can. Of course, I can translate it, for I firmly believe that everything, even irreprehensible, can be translated; and what cannot be translated by the brain — perhaps by the heart. Hi a wor kewsel Spaynek. She can speak Spanish. There's a great Spanish girl. Nessuna risposta è necessaria. No answer is necessary. No answer is required. Jeg har allerede valgt min efterfølger. I've already picked my successor. I've already chosen my successor. Me pregunto cuánto tiempo más tendremos que hacerlo. I wonder how much time we will have to do that. I wonder how much longer we'll have to do it. Él sabe silbar. He knows how to whistle. He knows how to silbar. Ji žiūri bet nieko nemato. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. She's looking at nothing. Pokušali ste. You've tried. You tried. Män är svin. Men are pigs. Men are pigs. Cum te numești? What's your name? What's your name? Ik heff en Stieven kregen. I've got a boner. I picked up and got Steven. Todos vosotros moriréis. You will all die. All of you will die. ¿Qué es lo que realmente viste? What did you really see? What did you really see? Намерих играта за доста вълнуваща. I found the game very exciting. I found the game very exciting. Jeg vil ikke se det igjen. I don't want to see that again. I don't want to see it again. Ten film jest świetny. That movie is ace. This movie is great. Можеш тука да учиш. You can study here. You can learn here. Ba mhaith liom teileagram a sheoladh. I want to send a telegram. I want to send a telegram. J'ai bu trop de café. I've been drinking too much coffee. I've had too much coffee. Il boit comme un poisson. He drinks like a fish. He drinks like a fish. Коли ти приїхав до Китаю? When did you come to China? When did you get to China? Ќе му го земам местото на Том. I'm going to take Tom's place. I'll take Tom's place. Il semble que nous ayons fait fausse route. Looks like we barked up the wrong tree. Looks like we've made the wrong way. Vai tu esi pārsteigts? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Policija nije odbacila mogućnost samoubistva. The police haven't ruled out suicide. The police didn't reject the possibility of suicide. Δε μ' αρέσει το χοιρινό. I don't like pork. I don't like pork. Thomas blattam scopis occidit. Tom killed the cockroach with a broom. Thomas killed the wheat for a purpose. Βοήθησέ με να τη σηκώσω. Help me lift it. Help me get her up. Ele está brincando aqui. He is playing here. He's playing here. Ти треба пријател. You need a friend. You need a friend. Anglų kalba yra kalbama aplink pasaulį. English is spoken around the world. English is spoken around the world. El este un om pe care te poți baza. He is a man you can rely upon. He's a man you can rely on. Hun går ind i skoven midt om natten, og nu foregiver hun at være bange for mørke. She goes to the woods in the middle of the night and now, she pretends to be scared of the dark. She goes into the woods in the middle of the night, and now she pretends to be afraid of the dark. Personne ne m'arrêtera. Nobody is going to stop me. No one's gonna stop me. Jag vill ha mera mjölk. I want more milk. I want more milk. पिछले महीने ज़्यादा बारिश नहीं हुई। We didn't have much rain last month. There wasn't much rain last month. Il n'y avait pas de décision facile. There were no easy decisions. There was no easy decision. Преди няколко дена се свързах с тях, но не можах да получа отговор. I contacted them the other day, but I was not able to get an answer. A few days ago, I got in touch with them, but I couldn't get an answer. Има ли некаков приговор? Are there any objections? Is there any objection? Кој е таму со тебе? Who's there with you? Who's there with you? Στον Τομ αρέσουν οι ντομάτες; Does Tom like tomatoes? Tom likes tomatoes? Filia eius multa carmina recitare potest. Her daughter can recite many poems. His daughter can read many songs. Ten park jest piękniejszy od tamtego. This park is more beautiful than that. This park is more beautiful than that. Penso di avere sentito la voce di un uomo. I think I heard a man's voice. I think I've heard a man's voice. Ursus murmurat 'mum mum'. The bear growls 'grr grr'. Ursus whispers 'mum mummy'. Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu. I don't watch television. I don't watch TV. Направих си една здравословна закуска. I had a healthy breakfast. I made a healthy breakfast. Res vydh dhis dos a-vorow. You'll have to come tomorrow. There will be ten more jobs. Το πάρτι είναι την Κυριακή. The party's on Sunday. The party is Sunday. Perché non rilasceranno Tom? Why won't they release Tom? Why won't they release Tom? To pro nás není problém. It's no problem for us. That's not a problem for us. Я не беден. I'm not poor. I'm not poor. Os rapaces son ruidosos e groseiros coas rapazas. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Deme la mitad. Give me half. Give me half. To kompletny bałagan i działa mi na nerwy. It's a complete mess, and it's getting on my nerves. It's a complete mess and it works on my nerves. Hvem tror du komme til å ta over selskapet? Who do you think will take over the company? Who do you think will take over the company? Semua yang telah aku beritahukan padamu mungkin tidak sepenuhnya benar. Everything I've told you may not be true. All I've told you may not be entirely true. Δεν μπορούσα να το κάνω χωρίς εσάς. Ευχαριστώ. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't do it without you. Сме се сретнале неколкупати. We've met a few times. We've met several times. Det er et levende vesen, så selvfølgelig driter det. It's a living being, so of course it shits. It's a living creature, so of course it dries. मी चावत नाही. I don't bite. I don’t cook. Det blæser ikke så meget i dag. It's not very windy today. It doesn't blow so much today. Ses conseils sont tombés dans l'oreille d'un sourd. His advice fell on deaf ears. His advice fell into the ears of a deaf man. ¿De quién era ese plan? Whose plan was that? Who was that plan? Oppidum pulchrum est. The town is beautiful. It's a nice hole. Ich habe ihm einen langen Brief geschrieben, aber er hat mir nicht geantwortet. I wrote him a long letter, but he sent me no reply. I wrote him a long letter, but he didn't answer me. Den officielle middag fandt sted i Det Hvide Hus. The official dinner took place at the White House. The official dinner took place in the White House. У тебя до сих пор с этим проблемы? Are you still having trouble with that? You still have a problem with that? Acho que choverá hoje. I think it'll rain today. I think it'll rain today. Exi e diaeta mea. Get out of my apartment. Exi is my diabete. Поехали за ёлкой. Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's go get the trigger. Я чув, як вони шепотілися. I heard them whispering. I heard them whisper. Θα προσπαθήσω να σ' τα βρω. I'll try to find them for you. I'll try to find you. خرگوش کے کان لمبے اور دم چھوٹی ہوتی ہے۔ Rabbits have long ears and short tails. The ear of the whisperer is short-lived and short-lived. Jo prefereixo la natació a l'esquí. I prefer swimming to skiing. I prefer swimming in the ski. Я тобі спробував допомогти. I tried to help you. I tried to help you. Det är inte ett brott. It's not a crime. It's not a crime. Aqueste burèu qu'ei plan. This desk is good. This is the computer that's planned. লড়াই কোরো না। Don't fight. Don't fight. Kannst du noch weiterlaufen? Can you still walk? Can you continue? O Tom xasardas peski buči de trin šon. Tom lost his job three months ago. Tom lost a three-point sandstorm. Kde ses to naučil dělat? Where did you learn how to do this? Where did you learn to do this? Vou anotar o endereço. I'm going to write down the address. I'll record the address. Tom se chtěl vrátit do Bostonu. Tom wanted to return to Boston. Tom wanted to go back to Boston. Toe, teken eens 'n schaap voor me. Draw me a sheep... Then why don't you sign a sheep for me? Falo russo. I speak Russian. I speak Russian. Es tevi mīlu. I love you. I love you. Os animais que viven nunha granxa son o gando. The animals living on a farm are the livestock. The animals that live in a farm are cattle. Ξέχασα να αγοράσω λουλούδια στη Μαίρη. I forgot to buy Mary flowers. I forgot to buy flowers in Mary. TV nije uključen u struju. The TV isn't plugged in. TV's not on the power. Какво ще кажеш да спрем колата и да си починем? How about stopping the car and taking a rest? How about we stop the car and rest? Jeg havde en meget vigtig beslutning at træffe. I had a very important decision to make. I had a very important decision to make. Neznám její jméno, ale znám ji od vidění. I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight. I don't know her name, but I know her since I saw her. Er Tom hos deg? Is Tom at your place? Is Tom with you? Det ser ud til at han kommer her i næste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he'll be here next month. C'è qualcuno qua? Is anybody here? Is there anyone here? Tha mi tinn. I am sick. I'm sick. Я забылася на твой нумар тэлефону. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your phone number. 1935 erhielt Einstein von den Vereinigten Staaten eine dauerhafte Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und 1940 die Staatsbürgerschaft. In 1935 Einstein was granted permanent residency in the United States and became a citizen in 1940. In 1935, Einstein was granted a permanent residence permit from the United States and in 1940 he was granted citizenship. Men vad gör du om han inte kommer? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what if he doesn't come? W drodze słucham radia. I listen to the radio while in transit. I'm listening to the radio on the way. Jeg så Mary med ham. I saw Mary with him. I saw Mary with him. ती नेहमीच माझा फोन नंबर विसरत असते. She is always forgetting my phone number. She always forgets my phone number. Доскоро! See you soon! I'll see you soon! تام همیشه رویای پلیس خصوصی شدن را داشت. Tom always dreamed of becoming a bounty hunter. To this end he had always saw the vision of an evil one. Mary bliver frustreret når hendes kolleger ikke genanvender. Mary gets frustrated when her colleagues do not recycle. Mary is frustrated when her colleagues don't re-apply. No subas esa escalera, no es segura. Don't climb that ladder - it's not secure. Don't climb that ladder, you're not sure. Winna była moja pamięć. My memory was at fault. It was my memory. La estaca que sobresale es machacada hacia abajo. The stake that sticks out gets hammered down. The stick that excels is smashed down. Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi. He put milk in his coffee. He used milk in his coffee. Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Этот персик прекрасен. This peach is a beauty. This peache is beautiful. Tom løb hen imod duerne. Tom ran towards the pigeons. Tom ran against the doors. Είσαι απίστευτη. You're incredible. You're unbelievable. Jeg spiser nudler. I am eating noodles. I'm eating noodles. Tom a trois filles. Tom has three daughters. Tom has three daughters. Колко е стара Айфеловата кула? How old is the Eiffel Tower? How old is the Eiffel Tower? Проблемът не е в парите. Money isn't the problem. The problem isn't in the money. Θ' αλλάξει ο Τομ. Tom'll change. Tom's gonna change. Waar is mijn appelsap? Where's my apple juice? Where's my apple? Да му се јавиме ли? Should we call him? Should we call him? Hon förespråkade jämställdhet. She advocated equal rights for women. She advocated equality. 𐌷𐌿𐌲𐌲𐍂𐌴𐌹𐍃? Hungry? - Oh, yeah? Убава си. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Ne smeš nikad da se vratiš. You can never go back. You can never come back. Ти все ще дозволяєш Тому цим займатися? Do you still allow Tom to do that? So you're still letting me do this? Laten we een bus pakken. Let's take a bus. Let's get a bus. झोपला आहेस का? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Том не можа да повярва, че Мери наистина го обича. Tom couldn't believe that Mary really loved him. Tom can't believe Mary really loves him. Manche Leute glauben an ein ewiges Leben nach dem Tod. Some people believe in eternal life after death. Some people believe in everlasting life after death. Akibat pukulan itu, dia menjadi gila. As a result of the blow, he became insane. As a result of that blow, he's gone crazy. Ah, alguém fez um sanduíche pra mim. Muito bom. Ah, someone made me a sandwich. Very nice. Oh, someone made a sandwich for me. Πες τες ότι θα είμαστε έτοιμοι. Tell them we'll be ready. Tell them we'll be ready. Tom slukkede sin cigaret. Tom put out his cigarette. Tom turned off his cigarette. Já bydlím v Turecku. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. I den forgangne september var hun i Paris. Last September she was in Paris. She was in Paris last September. Ramudi shkoi në shkollë. Ramudu went to school. Ramudi went to school. টম্‌ আৰু মেৰীক কওঁকগৈ। Go and tell Tom and Mary. Let's call it Tom and Mary. Mayuko tog en bid af mit æble. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Tala högre så att alla kan höra dig. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Talk louder so everyone can hear you. Podèm estar en retard a l'escòla. We may be late for school. We can be late for school. Има ли намаление за деца? Is there a discount for children? Is there a reduction for children? اس نے اس کو اپنے سارے پیسے دے دیئے۔ She gave him all of her money. He gave him all his money. Jeg vil ikke gå alene. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. Rummet var mörkt. The room was dark. The room was dark. Не сміши мене! Don't make me laugh! Don't laugh at me! ती टॉमची मुलगी आहे. That's Tom's girl. She is Tom’s daughter. त्याचं वजन ८० किलोपेक्षा जास्त आहे. He is over 80 kilos. Its weight is over 20 pounds [80 kg]. Я хотіла бути Томом. I wanted to be Tom. I wanted to be Tom. K tomu má přístup pouze Tom. Only Tom has access to it. Only Tom has access to it. Спасибо тебе за беспокойство. Thank you for your concern. Thank you for your concern. Jag skulle säga att du gjorde dig förtjänt av det. I'd say you earned it. I'd say you earned it. Kan jag tänka på saken? Can I think about it? Can I think of it? Voda žádná není. There is no water. There's no water. Hvor mange kalorier er der i den sandwich? How many calories are there in that sandwich? How many calories are there in that sandwich? आपली शाळा या गावात आहे. Our school is in this village. Our school is located in this town. No es ninguna sorpresa que el inglés sea el idioma más hablado del mundo. It isn't a surprise that English is the world's most spoken language. It is no surprise that English is the most spoken language in the world. Tom tog ett IQ-test. Tom took an IQ test. Tom took an IQ test. Wat för en Spraak warrt in Ägypten snackt? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Ho saltato le prime pagine del libro. I skipped the first few pages of the book. I skipped the first pages of the book. Não nade no rio. Don't swim in the river. Don't swim on the river. Co říkal? What did he say? What did he say? Maak dat Door dicht. Close the gate. Shut up. Πού είναι το ταχυδρομείο; Where is the post office? Where's the post office? Hvor mye betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Ik hou van Italiaans eten. I love Italian food. I like Italian food. Tire esse lixo daqui. Take this junk out of here. Get that trash out of here. Mari kita lakukan seperti ini: aku akan berbicara selama lima menit, lalu kau bisa berbicara selama lima menit, dan kemudian kita akan berdiskusi. Let's do it like this: I'll speak for five minutes, then you'll have five minutes to speak, and then we'll discuss. Let's do this: I'll talk for five minutes, then you can talk for five minutes, and then we'll talk. Nisi me fallit animus, impossibile est. If I'm not mistaken, that is not possible. I didn't miss my heart, it's impossible. Den blyga pojken mumlade sitt namn. The shy boy mumbled his name. The lame boy mumbled his name. Maria heeft een allergische reactie op iets dat ze heeft gegeten. Mary is having an allergic reaction to something she ate. Maria has an allergic reaction to something she ate. Ceļš ir garš. The way is long. The road's long. Jeg går til skolen på gåben. I go to school on foot. I'm going to school at the gift. Ze komen niet vandaag. They are not coming today. They're not coming today. Czy ty jesteś pewny, że ten mężczyzna nazywa się Tomek? Are you sure that this man is called Tom? Are you sure this man's name is Tomek? Опасявам се, че няма да стане. I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid it won't happen. Wat ons weet oor gesondheid het ons deur die studie van siektes geleer. What we know of health we have learned from the study of disease. What we know about health has been taught by the study of diseases. घड़ी ठीक करें। Fix the clock. Set the clock. Tom se hodlá stát novinářem. Tom intends to become a journalist. Tom wants to be a journalist. Fang tyven! Get the thief! Catch the thief! Είμαι μαθητής. I'm a student. I'm a student. Solo hay una toalla en nuestro cuarto de baño. There is only one towel in our bathroom. There's only one towel in our bathroom. دوبلین پایتخت ایرلند است. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. The second is the second rank of an eagle. Kupiłem od niej telewizor. I bought the TV from her. I bought a TV from her. तुला आमच्याबद्दल काही माहीत आहे का? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Kolik jablek jsi dnes snědl? How many apples did you eat today? How many apples did you eat today? Vino aici. Come here. Come here. Я не зразумеў. I didn't understand. I didn't understand. Perché non poteva venire sabato? Why couldn't you come on Saturday? Why couldn't she come on Saturday? Dine læsere vil sætte pris på det. Your readers will appreciate it. Your readers will appreciate it. Добро ќе нѐ плаќаат. We'll be well paid. They'll pay us well. Yma teyr hath dhywgh. You have three cats. This is your turn. Jeg har bedt Tom om at komme. I asked Tom to come. I asked Tom to come. Chyba znalazłem coś Twojego. I think I've found something of yours. I think I found something for you. Ea birota mea est. This bicycle is mine. She's my office. Кто эта женщина? Who is that woman? Who is this woman? Ella vive en Londres. She is living in London. She lives in London. क्या मैं टॉम के साथ बैठ सकती हूँ? Can I sit with Tom? Can I sit with Tom? Tenho problemas para engolir comprimidos. I have trouble swallowing pills. I have problems swallowing tablets. Lepo je biti potreban nekome. It's nice to be needed. It's nice to be someone. ও একজন ডাক্তার। He's a doctor. He's a doctor. Не бих заложил на това. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on that. Inde, ubi prima fides pelago, placataque venti / dant maria, et lenis crepitans vocat auster in altum, / deducunt socii naves et litora complent. / Provehimur portu, terræque urbesque recedunt. Soon as our ships can trust the deep once more, / and South-winds chide, and Ocean smiles serene, / we crowd the beach, and launch, and town and shore / fade from our view. In those places, where the first pelagic faiths, and the platypus / dat maria, and the rising lazys call the austere in height, / draw the ship's partners and the shores complete. / We provide the port, the city's terror and recedes. Moja starija sestra dobro pjeva. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister sings well. Як мені потрапити на інший бік? How do I get to the other side? How do I get to the other side? Sigurna sam da će Tom mnogo da mi nedostaje. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure Tom will miss me a lot. Herr und Frau Schmidt leben jetzt getrennt. Mr. and Mrs. Smith live apart from each other now. Mr and Mrs Schmidt are now living apart. Siden sin barndom ønskede han at blive pilot, og han blev det. He wanted to become a pilot ever since he was a child, and he did. Since his childhood, he wanted to be a pilot, and he became. Maďaři jsou přátelští lidé. Hungarians are friendly people. The Hungarians are friendly people. Φέρε μου το κλειδί. Bring me the key. Bring me the key. N'i a pas arren de hèr entad aquò. There's nothing to be done about it. There's no end to all this. भारत का मौसम इंग्लैड के मौसम से एकसमान नहीं है। India has a different climate from England. The weather of India is not the same as the weather of England. Dals jí pusu, ne? You kissed her, didn't you? You gave her your mouth, didn't you? عصبانیت اتلاف انرژی است. Anger is a waste of energy. Your disobedience is an abomination to the sons of men. Min far plejede at sige at tid er kostbar. My father used to say that time is precious. My father used to say that time is precious. Această nava se duce la Vancouver. This ship is bound for Vancouver. This ship is going to Vancouver. Том сказал, что она у него на столе. Tom said it was on his desk. Tom said she had it on his desk. جامعه متشکل از اشخاص است. The community is made up of individuals. The synagogue is full of people. Non dubito quin Thomas laetus esset. I'm sure Tom was happy. I don't doubt what Thomas was happy about. Significas mucho para mí. You mean a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. Essen Sie, wenn Sie Hunger haben! Eat - if you are hungry! Eat if you're hungry! Setiap hari adalah hadiah. Every day is a gift. Every day is a gift. Byli lepší, než jsem očekával. They were better than I expected. They were better than I expected. Quidquid pro te facerem. I'd do anything for you. What did we do for you? Parece muito divertido. It sounds like a lot of fun. Looks like a lot of fun. Мисля, че Том направи нещо, което не биваше да прави. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have done. मला पॉप संगीत ऐकायला आवडतं. I'd like to listen to pop music. I enjoy listening to pop music. Áttu barnabörn? Do you have grandchildren? Do you have babies? Я мог цябе забіць. I could kill you. I could have killed you. Όχι. No. No, it's not. Имам ранен спомен как дядо ми си замрежва чорапите. I have an early memory of my grandmother darning socks. I've got an early memory of my grandfather messing up my socks. Da haben Sie Glück gehabt, dass Sie es gefunden haben. It was lucky for you that you found it. That's where you were lucky to have found it. Eum saepe visito. I visit him often. I'm a regular visitor. Ta ruda kepurė yra sena. The brown hat is old. That brown hat is old. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee shall meet twice a month. Я знаю, что вы много работаете. I know you work hard. I know you work a lot. Saí da África para sempre. I left Africa forever. I'm out of Africa forever. من اینجا ایستاده ام، رودررو با هیچ. I am standing here, face to face with nothing. I am standing here with nothing at all. Пес білий. The dog is white. White dog. تام ادّعا کرد که نمی‌دانسته خانه‌ی ساحلی اش برای فعالیت‌های غیرقانونی استفاده می‌شده است. Tom claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities. He hath even accused the LORD of lying in wait, and of lying in wait, and of lying in wait, and of lying in wait, and of lying in wait. Σου αρέσω; Do you like me? Do you like me? El Tanah es la Biblia djudia. The Tanach is the Jewish Bible. Tanah is the Jewish Bible. کمرے سیاہ ہے۔ The room is dark. The room is black. I cani cominciarono ad abbaiare a Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. The dogs started going down to Tom. Нейкі ты тоўсты. You look fat. You're kind of thick. Moram da idem. I must get going. I have to go. Sedet super mensam. She's sitting on the table. Sit over the table. Animal edit. He is eating the animal. Animal editing. Не дърпай дявола за опашката. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't shoot the devil at the tail. Gustos! Yummy! Like it! Heb je hem geen brief geschreven? Didn't you write a letter to him? You didn't write him a letter? همه دانش آموزان همزمان شروع به صحبت کردن نمودند. All the students began talking at once. All who knew him began to speak well. Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Це був чудовий коментар. That was a great comment. That was a great comment. Non siamo i tuoi genitori. We're not your parents. We're not your parents. Qu'am acabat lo disnar. We have finished lunch. I'm done drawing it. Vem som helst kan göra misstag. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes. Nu utilizați în mod greșit acest produs! Don't misuse this product! Do not use this product incorrectly! Hvor mange templer er der på denne ø? How many temples are there on this island? How many temples are there on this island? Hraju s přáteli fotbal. I am playing football with my friends. I'm playing football with my friends. Си замисли ли желба? Did you make a wish? Can you imagine a wish? Нічога страшнага! Never mind! It's no big deal! Vou me encontrar com um amigo. I will meet a friend. I'll meet a friend. Pourquoi est-ce qu'un corbeau ressemble à un pupitre ? Why is a raven like a writing-desk? Why does a crow look like a papyrus? Didymus sitit. Tom's thirsty. Didymus sit. Tom er en hengiven lærer. Tom is a dedicated teacher. Tom is a devoted teacher. O Tom ouviu atentamente a Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Jeg kan ikke bebrejde Tom at han ikke ønsker at komme. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. Estou devendo trezentos dólares ao Tom. I owe Tom $300. I'm owed $300 to Tom. Kelionė buvo varginanti. The trip was exhausting. The trip was a tiring one. Мая машына працуе на алкаголі. My car is alcohol-powered. My car's working on alcohol. Ele tem um filho e duas filhas. He has one son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Čitaš nešto zanimljivo? Are you reading something interesting? Are you reading something interesting? Umauns sainza umur sun erva sainza flur. People with no humour are like meadows without flowers. Human sansa umur on grass sansa floor. Ich übersetzte gewöhnlich aus dem Englischen ins Spanische. I usually translate from English into Spanish. I used to translate from English into Spanish. Schiet! Shit! Shit! टॉमशी तसं बोलू नका. Don't speak to Tom like that. Don’t talk to Tom like that. Jsem vězeň? Am I a prisoner? Am I a prisoner? Tom is een prins. Tom is a prince. Tom is a prince. Նա շտապում էր գնալ տուն: She was in a hurry to go home. He was hurrying home. Ich war vor zehn Jahren in Fukuoka. I visited Fukuoka ten years ago. I was in Fukuoka ten years ago. تم یہاں بیٹھ سکتے ہو۔ You may sit here. You can sit here. Traficul este o mare problemă a orașelor. Traffic is a major urban problem. Traffic is a major problem in cities. Sviđa mi se kako si uredio stan. I love what you've done with the place. I like the way you set up the apartment. Me gîndiv ke Tom si baš čino. I think Tom is just tired. I'm thinking about Tom, you're doing exactly what you did. Io non sto cercando di essere sarcastico. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. Молилъ нъı сѧ помочи. He asked us to help him. Please help me. Jeg elsker lugten af pandekager om morgenen. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. Je bent voor mij bestemd. You were meant for me. You're meant for me. Том не е старолик. Tom doesn't look old. Tom's not an old man. Природата не знае граници. Nature knows no boundaries. Nature doesn't know the boundaries. Mohl bych se podívat na vinný lístek? May I see the wine list? Would you mind if I take a look at the fault card? آرمین پنجره را شکست. Armin broke the window. The window is destroyed. Que pensez-vous de ce chapeau rouge ? How about this red hat? What do you think of this red hat? Мiй дiд - з Осаки. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather is from Osaki. דער בילד איז נישט אין פאקוס. The image is out of focus. The image is not in focus. Non dirò una parola. I won't say a word. I won't say a word. Wiem kim ona jest. I know who she is. I know who she is. Vai tu esi pārliecināts? Are you sure? Are you sure? Θα ήθελα να παραβρεθείτε αύριο στη συνάντηση. I'd like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. I'd like you to meet tomorrow. Za svakog muškog lika postoji ženska verzija. For every given male character, there is a female version of that character. There's a female version for every male. Op zijn minst wil ik alledaagse gesprekken kunnen voeren. At the very least, I'd like to be able to have everyday conversations. At least I want to be able to have everyday conversations. Sostar o Tom gindisardas ke trubusardas te kerel les? Why did Tom think he had to do that? Why does Tom think he's going to make it? Мини сукње су поново модерне. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. Minnie's skirts are modern again. Didymus valde periculosus est. Tom is very dangerous. Didymus is very dangerous. तू झोपून गेलास तर? What if you fall asleep? If you went to sleep? Алигаторот го изеде песот. The alligator ate the dog. The Alligator ate the dog. Вони зробили помилки. They made mistakes. They made mistakes. Thomas confessus est se esse furem. Tom admitted that he was a thief. Thomas confessed to being a thief. Jag var älskad. I was loved. I was in love. Tom spiser tit røræg til morgenmad. Tom often eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tom often eats snacks for breakfast. मी टॉमच्या खोलीत गेले. I went into Tom's room. I went to Tom’s room. Ninguém pode parar o Tom. No one can stop Tom. No one can stop Tom. Comportamentul lui Tom era ireproșabil. Tom's conduct was beyond reproach. Tom's behavior was irreparable. Jag vet att du fortfarande älskar mig. I know you still love me. I know you still love me. Sitque pulvis super omnem terram Aegypti; erunt enim in hominibus et iumentis ulcera et vesicæ turgentes in universa terra Aegypti. And be there dust upon all the land of Egypt: for there shall be boils and swelling blains both in men and beasts, in the whole land of Egypt. And there shall be dust upon all the land of Egypt; for there shall be sore sores and briers throughout all the land of Egypt. Definitivno sam imala sreće. I was certainly lucky. I was definitely lucky. Так, все, послушайте, пожалуйста. Hey everyone, please listen. Yes, everyone, listen, please. Я забув, як звати дружину Тома. I've forgotten Tom's wife's name. I forgot what I called Tom's wife. Juntas, las edades de los dos niños equivalían a la edad de su padre. The ages of the two children put together was equivalent to that of their father. Together, the ages of the two children amounted to the age of their father. Ми требаат три маркера. I need three markers. I need three markers. Tom e Maria saíram para caminhar. Tom and Mary are out jogging. Tom and Maria went out for a walk. U ovom razredu ima 40 učenika. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are 40 students in this class. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. Jsi nejlepší. You are the best. You're the best. Það er enginn glæpur að bara sóa heilum degi öðru hverju. It's no crime to just idle the whole day once in a while. There's no crime in just sucking each other's whole day. He hett en behöllern Kopp. He has a good memory. He's got a better head. Том ходи да бяга в парка всяка сутрин. Tom goes jogging in the park every morning. Tom runs into the park every morning. Pensavo che sarei stata bene. I thought I'd be fine. I thought I'd be okay. Какво има в бутилката? What's in the bottle? What's in the bottle? Ek neem aan dit gaan nie 'n probleem wees nie. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I'm assuming it's not going to be a problem. Sesuatu yang kecil dapat menyebabkan hal yang besar. Small things can lead to bigger things. Something small can cause a huge amount of damage. Θα εξέπλησσε αν σ' είδε. He would be surprised if he saw you. He'd be surprised if he saw you. Ik wil dit woordenboek. I want this dictionary. I want this dictionary. L'usine utilise de nombreuses machines compliquées. The factory uses many complicated machines. The plant uses many complicated machines. Ο Τομ τρώει ένα σάντουιτς. Tom is eating a sandwich. Tom's eating a sandwich. Wi hebbt grade teemlich wat üm’e Hand. We're pretty busy right now. We have a little bit of a hand. В прошлый раз Том был первым. Tom was first last time. Last time Tom was the first. मला काय इतिहासाच्या धड्याची गरज नाहीये. I don't need a history lesson. I don’t need a lesson in history. यह मानना होगा कि वह एक योग्य मार्ग दर्शक है । He is admittedly an able leader. It must be believed that he is a proper observer. 2. verdenskrig sluttede i 1945. World War II ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. क्या तुम मुझ से नफरत करते हो? Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Une tempête se prépare. A storm is brewing. A storm is getting ready. Ist dieser Satz wahr, grenzt Deutschland an China. If this sentence is true, then Germany borders China. If this is true, Germany borders China. Tom był tu dzisiaj wcześniej. Tom was here earlier today. Tom was here earlier today. Fyrirgefðu, ég er ekki að fylgja þér. I'm sorry, I don't follow. I'm sorry, I'm not following you. Ako ne radiš, ne možeš jesti. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't, you can't eat. Hur stor procent av alla giftermål slutar med skilsmässa? What percentage of marriages end in divorce? How much of all marriages end with divorce? Είναι καλός άνθρωπος; Is she a good person? Is he a good man? हे गाव वायूप्रदूषणापासून मुक्त आहे. This village is free from air pollution. This town is free from air pollution. Aeque pulchra est ac Albanix. She is as beautiful as Snow White. She's pretty and Albanian. Ma yê şınê teber. We're going out. You're welcome. Я не додаватиму речень російською. I will not add sentences in Russian. I won't add Russian. Ihr seid sicher müde. I'm sure you're sleepy. I'm sure you're tired. اگر حیات و مرک سقراط، حبات و مرگ یک انسان خردمند باشد، پس حیات و مرگ مسیح نیز حیات و مرگ یک خداوند است. If the life and death of Socrates was the life and death of a wise man, then the life and death of Jesus is the life and death of a God. If any man's life and mark be clovenfooted, and death perish one man, then life and death of Christ is one Lord. Estamos perdidos, não estamos? We're lost, aren't we? We're lost, aren't we? Tenho que fazer isso de vez em quando também. I have to do that sometimes, too. I have to do this every once in a while. Jim wrócił do Londynu, by zobaczyć się z nią. Jim went back to London for the purpose of seeing her. Jim came back to London to see her. Hast du schon gegessen? Have you already eaten? Have you eaten yet? Jag har din nyckel. I have your key. I have your key. Што се кезиш? What are you grinning about? What are you doing? Uczę się. I am studying. I'm learning. Omnia negavit. He denied everything. The Allia has denied it. من برایت به تاکسی تلفن خواهم کرد. I'll call you a taxi. I, even I, will cause one to perish for thee. Що ти сьогодні вивчила? What have you learned today? What did you learn today? Siapa yang lebih bisa berbahasa Inggris, Yoko atau Yumi? Who can speak English better, Yoko or Yumi? Who else can speak English, Yoko or Yumi? Shpresoj ti arrijme deri ne fund keti misteri sebashku. I hope we will get to the bottom of this mystery together. I hope we get to the end of this whole mystery. Том ти е добар пријател, зарем не? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's a good friend, isn't he? Tom non voleva farlo oggi. Tom didn't want to do that today. Tom didn't want to do it today. इस पेड़ पर फल नहीं लगते हैं। This tree bears no fruit. There's no fruit on this tree. Cur nemo adest? Why is no one here? Where's nobody here? Mari cari solusi yang bisa diterima semua orang. Let's find a solution that is acceptable to everyone. Let's find a solution that everyone can accept. Diese Medizin hat keine Nebenwirkungen. This medicine has no side effects. This medicine has no side effects. Tom a Mary kráčeli po ulici a drželi se za ruce. Tom and Mary walked down the street holding hands. Tom and Mary were walking down the street holding their hands. Я знал, что тебе понравится этот фильм. I knew you'd enjoy that movie. I knew you'd like this movie. Ты не можешь всегда побеждать. You can't win every time. You can't always win. Den rosa kudden är ren. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Diene Moder mutt smuck wesen hebben, as se jung weer. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your Mother must have been beautiful when she was young. तुम्ही बातम्या किती वाजता बघता? What time do you watch the news? How do you feel about the news? El concepto no tiene sentido. The concept doesn’t make sense. The concept doesn't make sense. Am nevoie de niște medicamente pentru a îi calma durerea. I need some medicine to kill the pain. I need some medication to relieve her pain. Hur ser Tom ut? How does Tom look? What does Tom look like? Γιατί είναι ακριβό αυτό το πράγμα; Why is this thing expensive? Why is that accurate? Kryć się! Take cover! Turn around! Quid dicas, intellego. I can understand what you are saying. What do you say, I understand. Er spricht gut Japanisch, aber ich kann kein Deutsch sprechen. He speaks good Japanese, but I cannot speak German. He speaks Japanese well, but I can't speak German. Jeg kommer tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Δε θα συμφωνήσουμε ποτέ. We will never agree. We'll never agree. Φαίνεστε κατηφείς. You look gloomy. You look pathetic. Це трапилося лише одного разу. This only happened once. It happened only once. Cá bhfuil príomhchathair na Stát Aontaithe Mheiriceá? Where is the capital of the United States of America? Where is the capital of the United States of America? Ich bin Japaner, aber ich lebe nicht in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Marīam in spēluncam dūxit Thōmās. Tom led Mary into the cave. Mary in the game drowned Thomás. Non preoccupatevi. Parlerò con lui. Don't worry. I'll talk to him. Don't worry, I'll talk to him. Je to velmi ostrý nůž! That is a very sharp knife! It's a very sharp knife! Nie mogę udawać kogoś, kim nie jestem. I can't pretend to be something I'm not. I can't pretend to be someone I'm not. Zai eten sukkeloa. They eat chocolate. I'll get you some sugar. Didymus Mariam clamantem audivit. Tom heard Mary yelling. Didymus heard Mary cry. Hagen er bak huset. The garden is behind the house. The garden is behind the house. Opfør dig ikke som en elefant i en glasbutik! Don't act like a bull in a china shop. Don't act like an elephant in a glass store! Tuve que aceptarlo. I had to accept it. I had to accept it. Ո՞վ գիտի: Who knows? Who knows? Guus Hiddink jest Holendrem. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is a Dutchman. Σας παρακαλώ, πείτε μου. Θέλω να ξέρω. Please, tell me. I wanna know. Please tell me. Questa è una frase che ha il conteggio delle sillabe di un haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. This is a phrase that has the count of the syllables of a shark. Tom pożyczył mi swój komputer. Tom lent me his computer. Tom lent me his computer. Γιατί θες να γίνεις γιατρός; Why do you want to be a doctor? Why do you want to be a doctor? मी त्यांना उठवलं. I woke her up. I woke them up. Wie is dat? Who is that? Who's that? ¡Hombre, no me fastidies con esas bromas! Don't annoy me with those jokes. Man, don't bother me with those jokes! Io penso che Tom sia piacevole. I think Tom is likable. I think Tom's nice. Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. На хора като тях не мога да им имам доверие. I can't trust people like him. I can't trust people like them. Heb je Tom vermoord? Did you murder Tom? Did you kill Tom? Acreditamos que foi Tom quem matou Mary. We believe that it was Tom that killed Mary. We believe it was Tom who killed Mary. Jeg vil tænde op. I'm going to build a fire. I'll turn it on. Tu sei un'uigura? Are you an Uighur? You're a shark? O fogo queimou nossa casa. The fire burned our house. The fire burned our house. Oni ci po prostu nie ufają. They just don't trust you. They just don't trust you. Ги добив овие менѓуши од баба ми. I got these earrings from my grandmother. I got these moustaches from my grandmother. Си го заборавив пасошот. I forgot my password. I forgot my passport. Ik stuur je wel een brief. I'll send you a letter. I'll send you a letter. Šta bih bez tebe? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Dè fon ghrèin a tha sin? What on Earth is that? What is that under the sun? Ela estava lavando as louças. She was washing the dishes. She was washing the candles. Hvem har mon givet Tom det blå øje? I wonder who gave Tom that black eye. Who the hell gave Tom that blue eye? Я пропустил что-нибудь интересное? Did I miss something interesting? Did I miss something interesting? Der Techniker kletterte auf den Telefonmast. The engineer climbed the telephone pole. The technician climbed onto the phone mast. Espero que o Tom tenha feito o que a Mary falou para ele fazer. I hope Tom did what Mary told him to do. I hope Tom did what Mary said about him. Yo te haré feliz. I'm going to make you happy. I'll make you happy. ¿Por qué estás tan triste? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Hai ging. He went. Come on. Yma’n ydhyn ow kana. The birds are singing. Here you are. Защо просто не ни кажеш какво те тормози? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you just tell us what's stopping you? Бихте ли ми казали името си, ако обичате? May I have your name, please? Would you tell me your name if you loved it? María fue hasta la ventana y abrió las cortinas. Maria went to the window and opened the curtains. Mary went to the window and opened the curtains. No me dijiste que había una reunión esta mañana. You didn't tell me there was a meeting this morning. You didn't tell me there was a meeting this morning. Tom ble banket opp forrige uke. Tom took a beating last week. Tom was banked up last week. Tai ne jų. This is not theirs. It's not theirs. У Тома є діти й онуки. Tom has kids and grandkids. Tom has children and grandchildren. Sie kleidete sich wie eine Schauspielerin. She dressed like an actress. She was dressed like an actress. Где я был? Where was I? Where have I been? Tom comprende quello che intendo, penso. Tom understands what I mean, I think. Tom understands what I mean, I think. Μ' αρέσει το καλοκαίρι. I love summer. I like summer. Nulli rosae desunt spinae. There is no rose without thorns. There's no roses down the spines. Neque bibo neque fumo. I don't drink or smoke. I don't drink or smoke. त्या खोलीत काळोख होता. It was dark in the room. There was darkness in that room. Игру отложили до следующей недели. The game was postponed until next week. The game was postponed until next week. Не беше толкова добра. It wasn't that good. It wasn't that good. دمکراسی بدترین نوع حاکمیت است، البته به جز انواع دیگر که امتحان شده‌اند. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Damascus is the worst kind of rulership, except that which has been tested. Во Бостон ќе бидам целава недела. I'm in Boston all this week. I'll be in Boston all week. Не искам да се отказва. I don't want him to give up. I don't want to give up. Mergaitė sėdinti prie pianino yra mano dukra. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl sitting next to the piano is my daughter. Nous sommes tout à fait seuls. We're quite alone. We're all on our own. Hún lofaði mér að þrífa herbergið mitt. She promised me to clean my room. She promised me to clean my room. मैं तुम्हारे देश के बारे में जानना चाहती हूँ। I want to know about your country. I want to know about your country. Θα είσαι ακόμα εδώ το επόμενο έτος; Will you still be here next year? Are you still here next year? मैं पास्ता खाती हूँ। I eat pasta. I eat pasta. Никто не хотел говорить о моей стране. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. ही बिल्डिंग सात-मजली आहे. This building has seven floors. This building is seven-storey. Nastavi s kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. मी टॉमला एक सफरचंद दिला. I gave Tom an apple. I gave Tom a ride. Tā ir imitācija. That's an imitation. It's an imitation. Tom har ikke en hund. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. Той е нахлул в една къща. He broke into a house. He broke into a house. یہ کتا ایک آنکھ سے اندھا ہے۔ The dog is blind in one eye. This dog is blind from one eye Fuit quoque Her primogenitus Iudæ nequam in conspectu Domini, et ab eo occisus est. And Her, the first born of Juda, was wicked in the sight of the Lord: and was slain by him. And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and he was slain by him. Il est fauché comme les blés. He is poor as a church mouse. He's faked like lightning. Πόσο χρονών είναι; What is his age? How old are they? Тя мразеше съпруга си. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. Nie mogłem znaleźć jego domu. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. Abajo. Get down. Down. Ich möchte nur wissen, auf was ich mich da einlasse. I just want to know what I'm getting into. I just want to know what I'm going to do. Ласкаво просимо до світу політики. Welcome to the world of politics. We welcome the political world. Մի հրիր: Stop pushing. Don't worry. Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin's an Austrian. उद्या मी होक्काइदोला जाईन. I will go to Hokkaido tomorrow. I would go to Hokkaido tomorrow. J'adore votre chandail. I love your sweater. I love your pants. Він живе в селі. He lives in a village. He lives in the village. Кажи шта ћеш да попијеш? What's your poison? Say what you want to drink? Hned jsem zpátky. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Tom doufal, že někdo koupí jeho staré kolo. Tom hoped somebody would buy his old bicycle. Tom was hoping someone would buy his old bike. Powinniśmy dać Tomowi szansę. We should give Tom a chance. We should give Tom a chance. Tá tart orm. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Хватит шутить! Stop laughing. That's it! Kita akan berjuang sampai akhir. We'll fight to the last. We'll fight to the end. To je zvláštní otázka. That's a strange question. That's a special question. मी चहा पितोय. I'm drinking tea. I drink tea. Это ты сделала? Did you do this? Is that what you did? No tengo más tiempo para hablar con vos. I have no more time to talk with you. I don't have any more time to talk to you. Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was strictly limited. Byli jste milovaní tímhle člověkem kvůli vašemu bohatství. This man loved you because of your money. You were in love with this man for your wealth. Když zůstávám doma, začínám se nudit. I get bored when I stay home. When I stay home, I get bored. O magron o l'e 'n öxello d'ægoa. Cormorants are waterbirds. It's a spider's eyeball. Jis nenori šiandien mokytis. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to learn today. Tom estaba tan asustado como o estaba Mary. Tom was just as scared as Mary was. Tom was as scared as Mary was. Ek gaan nie saam met Tom terugkom nie. I won't be coming back with Tom. I'm not coming back with Tom. Μου λείψατε. I missed you. I missed you. Ella va a tener un bebé en julio. She's going to have a baby in July. She's having a baby in July. या मुलीने एक बुर्किनी घातली आहे. This girl is wearing a burkini. The girl wears a brilliance. Se ha formado un comité para investigar el problema. A committee has been set up to investigate the problem. A committee has been formed to investigate the problem. Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He baptized his son, James. Jis dainavo dainą. He sang a song. He sang the song. Ha scordato qualcosa? Did you forget anything? Did you forget something? Jag tycker mer om katter än hundar. I like cats more than dogs. I like cats more than dogs. Не верьте ничему из того, что он говорит. Don't believe anything he says. Don't believe anything he says. Die rekening asseblief. The bill, please. Please select from the account. Днес не ми се говори френски. I don't feel like speaking French today. I don't speak French today. Thomas irascetur. Tom will be angry. Thomas will be angry. Apa yang ada di bajumu itu? What's that on your shirt? What's in that dress? Чому ти раніше нічого не сказав? Why didn't you say something before? Why didn't you say anything before? Возьмите ещё одно печенье. Have another cookie. Take another stove. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass das Parlament aufgelöst wird. It's likely the Diet will be dissolved. It is likely that Parliament will be dissolved. Том немного старше, чем я. Tom is somewhat older than I. Tom's a little older than me. Тому було жахливо нудно. Tom was awfully bored. So it was awfully boring. Dw i'n dod adre. I'm coming home. I'll be right back. Якщо не поливати квіти, вони помруть. Failure to water plants will cause them to die. If you don't catch flowers, they'll die. Боныхъæд хорз у. The weather is good. Bonitide is good. Ce sont de très bons conseils. That's very good advice. That's very good advice. Zůstaň doma. Stay home. Stay home. अगर ऐसी बात है तो मैं पुलिस को फ़ोन मिलाता हूँ। In that case, call the police. If that's the case, I'll call the police. Der Fremde hat keinen italienischen Namen. The foreigner does not have an Italian name. The stranger has no Italian name. Sie ist super geworden. It turned out great. She's gotten great. Veamos si Tom está parando en este hotel. Let's see if Tom is staying at this hotel. Let's see if Tom's stopping at this hotel. तुटलेलं नसेल तर दुरुस्त करू नकोस. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If that is not the case, do not correct the situation. Η Πουά θα τραγουδήσει. Pua is going to sing. Pua's gonna sing. Is téacsleabhar maith é seo. This is a good textbook. This is a good text book. Tom řekl, že jsem nudný. Tom said I was boring. Tom said I was boring. Bhí greim daingean ag an Eaglais Chaitliceach ar an tsochaí. The Catholic Church had a strong grip on society. The Catholic Church held a firm grip on society. उसकी राय कुछ हद तक सही है। His opinion is right to some extent. His opinion is right to some extent. Zná je. He knows them. He knows them. Eles estavam preocupados em pegar um resfriado. They were worried about getting caught. They were worried about getting a cold. Тому трэба адпачыць. Tom needs rest. So we need to get some rest. Je n'ai rien à lire. I don't have anything to read. I don't have anything to read. Tom se Mary svěřil, že má problémy s pitím. Tom confided to Mary that he had a drinking problem. Tom believed he had a drinking problem. میں معافی چاہتا ہوں۔ میں یہاں سے نہیں ہوں۔ I am sorry. I am not from here. I'm sorry. I'm not from here. Je chytřejší než Mary, ale ne tak krásná jako Mary. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. He's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. Heeft Tom gisteren zijn moeder geholpen? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Is aoibheann liom do bhlas Gearmánach. I love your German accent. I admire your German taste. Han likte ikke å gå på skole. He didn't like going to school. He didn't like to go to school. Ce ar fi să te întorci la muncă? How about you back at work? Why don't you go back to work? Di recente mi sono trasferito in un altro appartamento. Recently I moved to another apartment. I recently moved to another apartment. Il économise pour acheter une maison. He is saving in order to buy a house. He's saving to buy a house. Je ne suis pas impressionné. I'm not impressed. I'm not impressed. Я врач. I am a doctor. I'm a doctor. Asi za dva týdny. In about two weeks. In about two weeks. Los perros i los gatos no son amigos. Dogs and cats aren't friends. Dogs and cats are not friends. Men varför? But why? But why? Fiat justitia ruat cælum. Let justice be done though the heavens fall. Fiat justice rants for the boulevards. Засіб для зняття лаку дуже смердить. Nail polish remover stinks a lot. The paint removal tool smells so good. Tom è abbastanza debole. Tom is quite weak. Tom's pretty weak. Мери је изгубила кључ. Mary has lost her key. Mary lost her key. Tom e Mary sono davvero gelosi, vero? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? La pel·lícula va començar a les 2. The film started at 2 o'clock. The movie started at 2:00. My eth dhe Loundres. I went to London. We've got Loundres. Paour-du e oa. He was very poor. Puour-du is her. Sie sind an Ihrem Ziel angelangt. You have reached your destination. You have reached your goal. Она ему, похоже, нравится. He seems to like her. He seems to like it. La semaine du lundi au vendredi, de 9 heures à 17 heures. Weekdays Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Δεν τους θυμάστε; Don't you remember them? Don't you remember them? Tom è di cattivo umore in questo momento. Tom is in a bad mood right now. Tom's a bad humour right now. ¿Los mataste? Did you kill them? Did you kill them? Tom veut venir avec nous à Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. Jeg så din ven her i går. I saw your friend here yesterday. I saw your friend here yesterday. Cómo te clamas? What is your name? How do you cry? Eu venho comendo pizza todos os dias.‎ I have been eating pizza every day. I come eating pizza every day. Che cosa significa ciò per l'Australia? What does this mean for Australia? What does this mean for Australia? Tom llenó la copa de vino de María hasta el borde. Tom filled Mary's wine glass to the rim. Tom filled Mary's wine cup to the edge. Віно зроблена з марошкі. The wine was made from cloudberries. It's made from a moustache. Wat betekent een naam? Dat wat wij een roos noemen zou met een andere naam net zo zoet geuren. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What does a name mean? That what we would call a rose with another name smells just as sweet. Nisam zadovoljna time. I'm not happy with it. I'm not happy with that. Том завжди каже Мері, що він її кохає. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mary that he loves her. मला डॉक्टर बनायचं आहे. I want to become a doctor. I have to make a doctor. Das lass ich mir nicht mehr bieten! I won't put up with this any longer. I can't afford that anymore! Det hjälper. It helps. It'll help. Eg gleði meg til jóla. I am looking forward to Christmas. I'm happy for Christmas. O Tom provavelmente não vai esperar pela gente. Tom likely won't wait for us. Tom's probably not gonna wait for people. Maniau, sakiai, kad ji tavo. I thought you said it was yours. I thought you said she was yours. Luister naar me alstublieft. Please listen to me. Please listen to me. Tom spiste det gratis brød og gik derefter ud af restauranten. Tom ate the free bread and then walked out of the restaurant. Tom ate the free bread and then went out of the restaurant. Дети напуганы. The children are scared. Children are scared. विसरलीस का? Did you forget? Why? Io mi sento sempre stanco. I feel tired all the time. I always feel tired. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to leave? Mary si è abbracciata le ginocchia. Mary hugged her knees. Mary hugged her knees. In de laatste jaren is het veel gebeurd. In the last few years it happened frequently. In recent years, it's been a lot. Мостът се строи. The bridge is under construction. The bridge's built. Eu atravessei a rua escura. I crossed the dark street. I went through the dark street. Eu trecut zece ani de când el a plecat din Japonia. It has been ten years since he left Japan. I've been ten years since he left Japan. Diteci come vi sentite. Tell us how you feel. Tell us how you feel. Aš paslydau ir nukritau nuo laiptų. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I listened and fell off the stairs. Obožavam ovu radnju. I love this store. I love this store. Tha dà chat agam. I have two cats. I have two chats. Mijn broer is naar tv aan het kijken. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. "Hou loat is t?" "t Is twinteg over drije." "What's the time?" "It is twenty minutes past three." "How lath is t?" "It's twenty over three." Գնա՛ այստեղից: Get out. Get out of here. Dat is en Boot. That is a boat. That's a boat. Θέλησες να σκοτώσεις τον Τομ; Did you want to kill Tom? You wanted to kill Tom? Fuglene sang i træerne. The birds used to sing in the trees. The birds sing in the trees. Sie hat Brot gebacken. She baked bread. She baked bread. Waarom kwam je uit de kamer? Why did you leave the room? Why did you come out of the room? Vous avez raison, Tom. You're right, Tom. You're right, Tom. میرے ماموں ۱۹۸۳ میں میکسیکو گئے تھے اور کبھی واپس نہیں آئے۔ My uncle went to Mexico in 1983, never to come back. My moms went to Mexico in 1983 and never came back. Tom er veldig rask. Tom is really fast. Tom's very fast. Me pergunto por que o Tom não disse a verdade. I wonder why Tom didn't tell the truth. I wonder why Tom didn't tell the truth. Samis kat kradsede Layla. Sami's cat was clawing Layla. The four of us are stealing Layla. Han har en japansk bil. He has a Japanese car. He's got a Japanese car. "Hvad er hun?" "Hun er lærer." "What is she?" - "She's a teacher." "What is she?" "She's a teacher." Мы поговорим с Томом двадцатого октября. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. Адзінкі здароўя можна аднавіць толькі залатым яблыкам. HP can only be restored with a golden apple. You can only restore your health with a golden apple. Toutes les deux se sont mises à rire. Both of them started laughing. They both laughed. Придържайте се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stand by the facts. To jakiś początek. It'll be a start. It's a start. Is te adiuvabit. He is going to help you. It'll help you. Večera može čekati. Dinner can wait. Dinner can wait. Ми требаш малку. I need you a second. I need you a little bit. Cărțile studentului acestuia sunt noi. This student's books are new. His student's books are us. Te nylonowe skarpetki dobrze się pierze. These nylon socks wash well. Those nylon socks are good. कोणी काहीही बघितलं नाही. Nobody saw anything. No one has seen anything. No bi'n ha prou con una luenga. One language is never enough. It's not long enough. María se fue a un colegio católico. Mary went to a Catholic high school. Mary went to a Catholic college. Você tem que contar tudo para o Tom. You have to tell Tom everything. You have to tell Tom everything. Sie verlassen Australien doch nicht für immer, oder? You're not leaving Australia for good, are you? You don't leave Australia forever, do you? La climatisation ne fonctionne pas. The air conditioner doesn't work. Air conditioning is not working. Spert e bain d'inrer cha vain. Fast and good rarely go well together. Don't give up on me. Яны з сябрамі селі на лаўку. He and his friend sat on the bench. They and their friends sat down at the bedside. Io non ricordo il volto di mio padre con precisione. I don't remember my father's face accurately. I don't remember my father's face exactly. Jak krásná duha! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful spirit! מיר לעבען אין אַ געזעלשאַפֿט. We live in a society. We live in a society. Mana māte ir traka. My mother is crazy. My mother's crazy. Хорошо провёл выходной? Did you enjoy your holiday? Have you had a good weekend? Πόσο έχει αυτό το καπέλο; How much is this hat? How much does this hat have? Седи до мене. Sit by me. Sit next to me. Oslo ist die größte Stadt Norwegens und hat eine Einwohnerzahl von 629 313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway and has a population of 629 313. तिची गाडी दोन वर्षं जुनी आहे. Her car is two years old. Her car is two years old. टॉम भी मुस्कुराया। Tom also smiled. Tom also smiled. Niko nije umro... još. No one has died... yet. No one died... yet. Wat goed is voor u, is goed voor mij. What is good for you is good for me. What's good for you is good for me. Voy tan seguido como puedo. I go as often as I can. I'll follow as closely as I can. Kau masih belum punya cukup pengalaman. You still don't have enough experience. You haven't had enough experience yet. Эй, это я. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. तुम मेरे पैर पर खड़े हो। You're standing on my foot. You're standing on my feet. Bardzo prawdopodobne, że zostanie wybrany. It's very likely that he'll be chosen. Very likely he'll be chosen. Мислам дека си испаничил. I think you panicked. I think you've panicked. Djoeba is de hoofdstad van Zuid-Soedan. Juba is the capital of South Sudan. Djoeba is the capital of South Sudan. Por que as senhoras ainda estão acordadas? Why are you still awake? Why are the ladies still awake? Mary assomiglia davvero a sua madre. Mary really takes after her mother. Mary really looks like her mother. Имаш много книги. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Tomten är inte till salu. Santa Claus is not for sale. The land is not for sale. Він пішов у відставку у віці 65 років. He retired at 65. He retired at age 65. De Füürwehrlüüd hebbt dat Füür utdaan. The fire fighters put out the fire. The Führer People have removed the Führer. Le serve la chiave? Do you need the key? Do you need the key? Ne želim raditi pod ovim uvjetima. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Није свака лампа чаробна. Not every lamp is magic. Not every lamp is magical. Сум го слушнал тоа од многу луѓе. I've heard that from a lot of people. I've heard that from a lot of people. Él fue nombrado ministro de finanzas. He was appointed Minister of Finance. He was appointed Minister of Finance. Oppidum, in quo habitat, mihi non placet. I don't like the city in which he lives. Opidum, where he lives, I don't like it. Voor Dan heb ik een stropdas gekocht, voor Elena koop ik een sjaal. I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena. For Dan, I bought a tie, for Elena, I buy a scarf. Том и Мэри не были женаты. Tom and Mary weren't married. Tom and Mary were not married. Tom menerima surat dari Mary. Tom received a letter from Mary. Tom received a letter from Mary. Tom non está tan san como adoitaba estar. Tom isn't as healthy as he used to be. Tom's not as healthy as he used to be. Paour-tre e oa. He was very poor. She's three. Asemenea afirmații nu sunt considerate științifice. Such claims are not considered scientific. Similarly, the statement is not considered scientific. Îmi place limba occitană. I like the Occitan language. I like the Occitan language. एयरपोर्ट के रास्ते पर गाड़ी खराब हो गई। The car broke down on the way to the airport. The car was damaged on the road to the airport. Dlaczego zapytałeś? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Možeš da učiš, nezavisno od starosti. You can learn, no matter your age. You can learn, regardless of your age. Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. Je déteste mon ordinateur. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. Jeg klædte mig om. I changed clothes. I put on my clothes. Tom drömmer ofta om sin flickvän. Tom often dreams of his girlfriend. Tom often dreams about his girlfriend. यह काम दोपहर तीन बजे से पहले खतम हो जाना चाहिए। The job must be finished by 3 p.m. This job should be finished before three o'clock in the afternoon. Azmêno beno tari. The sky is getting dark. I think I'm good. Том няма да дойде на време. Tom won't be in time. Tom's not coming in time. „Michael“ je mužské jméno, ovšem „Michelle“ je ženské jméno. "Michael" is a man's name but "Michelle" is a lady's name. “Michael” is a male name, but “Michael” is a female name. Tom mluví se svojí matkou častěji, než se svým otcem. Tom talks to his mother more often than he talks to his father. Tom talks to his mother more often than to his father. Saya tidak ingin membicarakannya lagi. I do not want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Achei que você gostasse de ler. I thought you loved reading. I thought you liked reading. Скажи Тому, що я виснажений. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell 'em I'm exhausted. Elas não me interessam. They don't interest me. They don't interest me. Sei por que o Tom está surpreso. I know why Tom is surprised. I know why Tom's surprised. Il mio coltello è affilato. My knife is sharp. My knife's blown. Я не размаўляю па-японску. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Wat eetst? What are you eating? What are you eating? Ви можете попросити Тома про допомогу. You can ask Tom for help. You can ask Tom for help. Kontynuuj beze mnie. Continue without me. Keep going without me. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You'd better see if you'd get out of here. Is sár-éasca blas nádúrtha bheith agat i do theanga féin. Is sár-éasca, freisin, blas mínádúrtha bheith agat nuair nach bhfuil sé do theanga féin. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. It is very easy to have a natural taste in your own language. It is also very easy, too, to have a mineral taste when it is not your own language. Ми слухаємо. We're listening. We're listening. Είστε έτοιμος. You're ready. You're ready. वह उनके साथ पोकर खेलती है। She plays poker with them. She plays poker with them. Lui fa il bagno ogni mattina. He takes a bath every morning. He does the bathroom every morning. Ai grijă de tine. Look after yourself. Take care of yourself. जलेष्वेव जयामहे । On the sea, we are victorious. Ilsevev Jámhe. Τι κάνουμε εδώ μέσα; What're we doing in here? What are we doing in here? Ek is bly dat ons dit agter ons gesit het. I'm glad we put all that behind us. I’m glad we put it behind us. Viskijs ļoti labi iet kopā ar tēju. Whiskey goes very well with tea. Whiskey's really good at going along with tea. Ut ego quidem sentio, lingua Gallica difficilis est discitu. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. I really feel that Gallica is a difficult language to learn. Харесва ми да си говоря с теб. I like talking to you. I like talking to you. Ќе си го вратам од нив. I'll get it back from them. I'll get it back from them. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш малко? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Are you sure you don't want a little? Nevěděl jsem, že jsi Kanaďan. I didn't know that you were Canadian. I didn't know you were Canadian. Eu não vou negar que foi difícil. I won't deny it was difficult. I won't deny it was difficult. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаме, докато Том дойде тук. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. Thomas francogallice libere loquitur. Tom speaks French fluently. Thomas the Frenchman speaks freely. Tu prodat nemůžeš. You can't sell it. You can't sell here. Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen. Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. Whoever doesn't know foreign languages doesn't know anything about his own. Samantha is aangekomen. Samantha has arrived. Samantha's here. Euthyk yw an gewer hedhyw. The weather is terrible today. Euthical is the word today. Jeho sestra ho pozvala na oběd. His sister invited him to lunch. His sister invited him to lunch. Аз идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Bell woonde vroeger in Londen, of niet? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Vamos a casa. We're going home. Let's go home. Regeringens politik misslyckades kapitalt. The government's policies failed miserably. Government policy failed capitally. میں ٹرین پر اپنا ٹینس ریکیٹ چھوڑ آیا۔ I left my tennis racket on the train. I left my tennis racket on the train. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی Humans are peers of a united race, Thus in creation, share the same base. If one is affected with pain, Others share the faith of same. When you are indifferent to this pain, You shall not earn the Humans' name. The children of Adam shall have one member put/ who shall bet on the creation of Zacchaeus. Wek me morgenochtend om zes uur alsjeblieft. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me in the morning at six o'clock. To jednostavno mora da bude tako. That's just the way it's got to be. It just has to be like that. Oderat ergo Esau Iacob pro benedictione, qua benedixerat ei pater, dixitque in corde suo: Appropinquabunt dies luctus patris mei, et occidam Iacob fratrem meum. Esau therefore always hated Jacob, for the blessing wherewith his father had blessed him; and he said in his heart: The days will come of the mourning for my father, and I will kill my brother Jacob. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him; and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; and I will kill my brother Jacob. Зарем не доби? Didn't you get one? Didn't you get it? एक और गिलास चाय लेंगे क्या? Will you have another cup of tea? What will another glass of tea do? Možeš li razlikovati srebro od kositra? Can you tell silver and tin apart? Can you distinguish silver from shirt? Potrzebujemy nowej opiekunki do dziecka. We need a new babysitter. We need a new babysitter. बाबा कुठे गेले? Where did Dad go? Where did Dad go? Min mobiltelefon er handy. My mobile phone is handy. My cell phone's on the phone. Ne slažem se. I disagree. I don't agree. Tåget har redan åkt. The train has already gone. The train's already gone. Skynda på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Come on, Tom. Neodkladne choď k lekárovi, ak sa ti to zhorší. Make sure you go to a doctor if you get worse. Don't delay the doctor and he'll make it worse for you. Kvadratroten av én er én. The square root of one is one. The square root of one is one. Tom sover ikke. Tom's not asleep. Tom's not sleeping. Nadal ganhou uma partida de tênis extenuante, que se estendeu por cinco sets. Nadal won a grueling tennis match. It lasted five sets. Christmas won an extensive tennis game, which extended by five sets. Sami va devoir partir. Sami will have to leave. Sami has to leave. J'ai été invitée à une soirée demain. I've been invited to a party tomorrow. I was invited to an evening tomorrow. We Francji panuje zdrowa demokracja. France is a vibrant democracy. There's a healthy democracy in France. Том правдивий. Tom is truthful. Tom's real. Што се случи со сите тие пари? What happened to all that money? What happened to all that money? Seid ihr beide der gleichen Meinung? Do both of you have the same opinion? Are you both the same? Apesar de morar do lado, ele nem diz oi para nós. Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us. Despite living on the side, he doesn't say hello to us. Zirgi ir dzīvnieki. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Tom okamžitě poznal, že Mary má problém. Tom could tell right away that Mary was in trouble. Tom knew right away that Mary had a problem. Зарем тоа не се подразбира? Doesn't that go without saying? Isn't that what you mean? Sila bina satu ayat menggunakan perkataan ini. Please make a sentence by using this word. Please build a verse that uses this word picture. Calla i escolta! Shut up and listen. Shut up and listen! Dobrú noc! Good night! Good night! Tom ha vinto il campionato. Tom won the championship. Tom won the championship. Aine het mien poaskaai eten. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Aine ate my peaches. Току-що приключих с домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished my home in French. Είναι μια καλή επένδυση. It's a good investment. It's a good investment. Том не хотел, чтобы кто-то знал. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Nici o estimare a costurilor nu era disponibilă. No cost estimate was available. No cost estimate was available. Не знаю, что сказать. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Moja rodina je veľká. My family is a large one. My family's ugly. Je suis un mec bien. I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. Není možné, že to udělal právě Tom? Isn't it possible Tom was the one who did this? Isn't it possible that he just did it to Tom? Atopamos un cravo espetado no pneumático. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a scratch on the tire. उ रिसाएको छ । He is angry. U risako’s six - year - old son, U - risako. Я хотела бы почистить зубы. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to clean my teeth. Thomas adhuc plorat. Tom is still crying. Thomas is still crying. Mnoho Kanaďanů to nedělá. Many Canadians don't do that. Many Canadians don't. Noël est seulement dans trois semaines. Christmas is only three weeks off. Christmas is only in three weeks. Quam lentae estis! How slow you are! How slow you are! Non dubito quin errent. I'm sure they're wrong. I don't doubt what they were wrong. Историята е много интересна за мен. The story is very interesting to me. The story is very interesting to me. On doit lui prendre sa pression artérielle chaque jour. He has to have his blood pressure taken every day. We have to take her blood pressure every day. Ta wiadomość nas zadowoliła. The news gratified us. That message pleased us. گربه موش را گرفت. The cat caught the mouse. The glory of the mouse took hold of it. Toms dager er talte. Tom's days are numbered. Tom's days are numbered. דאָס פֿלעשל איז נישט פֿול. The bottle isn't full. The panel is not at all. Я всё-таки думаю, Том не понимает, что происходит. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. I still don't think Tom understands what's going on. खूप झालं का? Is that too much? Was it too late? "Quota hora est?" "Triginta minuta post tertiam horam sunt." "What time is it now?" "It's 3:30." "What time is it?" "The thirty minutes are after the third hour." Var ligger Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Том ништо не би дофрлил. Tom wouldn't comment. Tom wouldn't have thrown anything away. Les employés d'Air France étaient en grève l'été passé. The employees of Air France were on strike last summer. The employees of Air France were in a hurry last summer. हे पुस्तक मी काल विकत घेतलं. I bought this book yesterday. I bought this book for the first time in my life. Tegnet viser at svaret er riktig. The sign means that the answer is correct. The character shows that the answer is correct. ٹام اٹھ چکا ہے۔ Tom's up. Tom's up. Si ako tvoja sestra. You're like your sister. You're if your sister. Stöðin er nærri. The station is near at hand. It's close. Kom ensam. Come alone. Come alone. Мері робить все, що їй каже робити Том. Mary does everything Tom tells her to do. Mary does what she's told Tom to do. Twój dom jest duży. Your house is big. Your house is big. Librum tuum video. I see your book. I see your book. Ez wazena o bê bo tepışyaye. I want him to be arrested. It was too late. Cantou e cantou. He sang and sang. He sang and sang. Koji je tvoj najomiljeniji youtube-video? What's your favorite YouTube video? What's your favorite YouTube video? Ты никогда не хотел поговорить об этом. You never wanted to talk about it. You never wanted to talk about it. Ven y echa una mano. Come over and help out. Come and put your hand out. Jeg ser min rose. I see my rose. I see my rose. Я в порядку. I am fine. I'm fine. Ellos van a Ishikawa. They're going to Ishikawa. They're going to Ishikawa. Lei ha mai letto la Bibbia? Have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever read the Bible? Prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu może być niebezpieczne. Drinking and driving can be dangerous. Conducting under the influence of alcohol may be dangerous. Niðurstaðan er enn óviss. The result is still in doubt. The result is still uncertain. Etteraping av gester, handlinger og væremåter kan, men behøver ikke være, en bevisst handling. Imitation of gestures, actions and manners may or may not be a conscious act. Etherapy of gestures, actions and manners may, but need not be, a conscious act. Том працює. Tom is working. Tom's working. Tom é o vencedor. Tom is the winner. Tom is the winner. Hon antydde att hon kanske skulle studera utomlands. She hinted that she might study abroad. She suggested that she might be studying abroad. Mir sind nöd riich. We are not rich. We have to be rich. Це має хоч якийсь сенс? Does it have any sense? Does that make any sense? Tes lèvres douces m'ont manqué. I missed your sweet lips. I missed your sweet lips. Не будь таким егоїстом. Don't be so selfish. Don't be so selfish. तू गाडीचे हेडलाईट चालू ठेवलेस. You left the car headlights on. You're the one who kept the car on the headlight. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag gör. He earns three times more than I do. He earns three times as much as I do. Stilla vatten rinner djupt. Still waters run deep. Keeping water running deep. Nós éramos vizinhos. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. A cada passo deparamos com barreiras. At every step, we face obstacles. Every step we face barriers. Si te levantas temprano te sentirás mucho mejor. If you get up early, you will feel so much the better. If you get up early, you'll feel much better. Mano tėvas paprašė manęs atidaryti duris. My father asked me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. Ты можешь меня минуту послушать? Can you listen to me for a minute? Can you hear me for a minute? Jag är vid den norra grinden. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the northern border. Kannst du deinen Urlaub um ein paar Tage verlängern? Can you extend your holiday by a few days? Can you extend your vacation for a few days? Можеби Том би можел да ни пее на свадба. Perhaps Tom can sing at our wedding. Maybe Tom could sing us a wedding. Uw antwoord is juist. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. Поздравете Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Te quiero en mi oficina en una hora. I want you in my office in one hour. I love you in my office in an hour. نادان همه را به کیش خود پندارد. A fool always believes that it is the others who are fools. The fool supposeeth not all of them to be troublesome. Ja sam iz Japana. I'm from Japan. I'm from Japan. Том је поцрвенео. Tom blushed. Tom's red. Didymus et Maria unam filiam et duos filios habent. Tom and Mary have one daughter and two sons. Didymus and Maria have one daughter and two sons. To mnie zaskoczyło. It amazed me. It surprised me. He seed nix. He didn't say anything. He didn't see anything. Баш сам размишљао о теби. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. মানুষরা অতিবেগুনী রশ্মিকে দেখতে পায় না। Humans can't see ultraviolet light. People can't see too much lust. Волен сум да помогнам. I'm willing to help. I'm happy to help. Han såg en hund i närheten av dörren. He saw a dog near the door. He saw a dog near the door. Ξέχασες να σβήσεις το φως. You forgot to turn off the light. You forgot to take out the light. Կարո՞ղ ես ֆրանսերեն խոսել: Can you speak French? Can you speak French? उसे धोका मत दो। Don't deceive him. Don't put him at risk. Norveška me je iznenadila. Norway surprised me. Norway surprised me. Что вы об этом думаете? What do think about that? What do you think? Stundom vurderer eg å skilja meg frå han. Now and then I think of divorcing him. Sometimes I consider separating myself from him. Tom führte ein einfaches Leben. Tom led a simple life. Tom lived a simple life. Я никогда не видела Тома. I never saw Tom. I've never seen Tom. Su marido es amerikano. Her husband is American. Your husband is American. Možeš li da mi dodaš daljinac? Could you hand me the remote? Can you give me a remote? Моментът на слава за Ханшин не продължи дълго. Те набързо бяха изместени от първото място. Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry. The moment of fame for Hanshin didn't last long. Non avevo intenzione di rimanere così a lungo. I hadn't intended to stay this long. I didn't mean to stay that long. Не биди толку перверзен! Don't be so perverse! Don't be so perverse! Otac mi je dao puno novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Tāns turri jāukun emnin. He has a common name. That must be the subject. Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Take care of him. Thomas, de sella surrexus, loqui coepit. Tom, having risen from his chair, began to speak. Thomas, from the surrexed seat, talk straight. Pemahaman Bahasa Inggerisnya lemah. His knowledge of English is poor. The English language is weak. Zvuči jednostavno, znam. It sounds simple, I know. Sounds simple, I know. तू टॉम जॅक्सनला ओळखतोस का? Do you know Tom Jackson? Do you know Tom Jackson? Что нового в этом году? What's new this year? What's new this year? Δεν ήταν εκεί τον περασμένο μήνα. She wasn't there last month. He wasn't there last month. En av tigrarna rymde från djurparken. One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo. One of the tigers escaped from the zoo. Por favor, no tocar. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. To je umělohmotný pavouk. It's a plastic spider. It's an artificial spider. Disculpa, cómu te llamas? Excuse me. What's your name? Excuse me, what's your name? Мисля, че трябва да си луда да не отидеш. I think you'd be crazy not to go. I think you should be crazy not to go. Jesteś bardzo szczodry. You're very generous. You're very generous. Devo mostrarvi qualcosa. I have to show you something. I have to show you something. Усі посміхаються. Everyone is smiling. Everyone smiles. Шкло вырабляюць з пяску. Glass is made from sand. The glass is made of sand. त्यांनी उत्तर मिशिगनमध्ये एक अमेरिकन गड ताब्यात घेतला. They captured an American fort in northern Michigan. He was arrested by an American gang in northern Michigan. Han kom med bussen. He came by bus. He brought the bus. Em sembla interessant. I think it's interesting. I think it's interesting. Tom ist nicht verrückt. Tom isn't that crazy. Tom's not crazy. Толку ли беше очигледно? Was it that obvious? Was it so obvious? Chcę ci pogratulować awansu. I want to congratulate you on your graduation. I want to congratulate you on your progress. Sy het blonde haare. She has blonde hair. She has blonde hair. Der ligger en appelsin på bordet. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Prirodzene. Of course. Natural. Чекај да проверам во прирачникот. Let me check the manual. Wait for me to check the manual. Půjč mi nějaké peníze. Loan me some money. Give me some money. Том не сказал, когда здесь будет. Tom didn't say when he'd be here. Tom didn't say when he was here. De qué pensas qu'a hèit ? What do you think he did? What do you think this is about? Zij houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salads. Tom powiedział mi, że musi sobie kupić nowy komputer. Tom told me he needed to buy a new computer. Tom told me he had to buy a new computer. Σου αρέσει να οδηγείς γρήγορα αυτοκίνητα; Do you like to drive fast cars? Do you like driving fast cars? Թոմը Մերիից լավ է լողում: Tom swims better than Mary does. Tom's swimming better than Mary. Wohnst du noch bei deiner Mutter? Are you still living with your mom? Do you still live with your mother? Verriez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je vous embrasse ? Would you mind if I kissed you? Would you mind if I kissed you? Examenul se apropie. The examination is approaching. The exam's coming. Kalno viršūnėje buvo bokštas. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. Vang Lao Đi nije pivo. Čaj je. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao Dji isn't a beer. Μην τον ρωτάς ποιος είναι. Don't ask him who he is. Don't ask him who he is. I er utrolige. You guys are amazing. You're amazing. Blýská se. There is lightning. It's shining. میرے پاس یہ خریدنے کے لئیے کافی پیسے ہے۔ I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy this. Não, isso não é verdade. No, that's not true. No, that's not true. La machine à laver est une invention merveilleuse. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. Я ошибалась относительно этого. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about that. Olhe para a esquerda e para a direita antes de atravessar a rua. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look to the left and to the right before crossing the street. میرا آج کچھ کھانے کا دل نہیں کر رہا۔ I don't feel like eating anything today. I'm not having any food today. Kapitan statku postanowił zmienić kurs. The captain of the ship decided to change course. The captain of the ship decided to change the course. Μένουν ακόμα δύο στάσεις. There are still two stops left. There's two more stops left. Þú lítur út fyrir að vera góð. You do look nice. You look good. Не ги изхвърляй. После ще ти потрябват. Don't throw them away. You'll need them later. Don't throw them away, then you'll need them. Ich bin schwer beeindruckt. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Marcus je postao uzurpator. Marcus became a usurper. Marcus has become an intruder. Aunque suene extraño, anoche tuve el mismo sueño dos veces. Strange to say, I dreamed the same dream twice last night. Although it sounds strange, last night I had the same dream twice. Можеш да ме оковеш, да ме мачиш, и дури да ми го уништиш телово, но никогаш нема да ми го заробиш умот. You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. You can hug me, torture me, and even destroy my body, but you'll never catch my mind. Man geht davon aus, dass der Barringer-Krater in der Nähe von Winslow, Arizona vor 49 000 Jahren durch den Einschlag eines 300 000 Tonnen schweren Meteoriten entstanden ist. The Barringer Meteorite Crater near Winslow, Arizona is believed to have been formed about 49,000 years ago by the impact of a 300,000 ton meteorite. It is estimated that the Barringer crater, near Winslow, Arizona, was created 49,000 years ago by the impact of a 300,000 tons of heavy meteorite. Apakah ini kotoran baru? Was it a hot poo? Is this new shit? Que son las meas bragas. Those are my trousers. That it's my brats. Je suis toujours heureux. I'm always happy. I'm always happy. Wat zou er gebeuren als twee grootmachten met verschillende talen - zoals de Verenigde Staten en China - zouden overeenkomen bij wijze van proef Esperanto te onderwijzen in de basisscholen? What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools? What would happen if two major powers with different languages - such as the United States and China - would agree to teach Esperanto in basic schools? Sie antwortete nicht. She made no reply. She didn't answer. У тебе кращий кабінет, ніж у мене. Your office is nicer than mine. You have a better office than I have. Хто останній? Who's last? Who's the last? Ἀγαπητοί, πᾶσαν σπουδὴν ποιούμενος γράφειν ὑμῖν περὶ τῆς κοινῆς ἡμῶν σωτηρίας ἀνάγκην ἔσχον γράψαι ὑμῖν παρακαλῶν ἐπαγωνίζεσθαι τῇ ἅπαξ παραδοθείσῃ τοῖς ἁγίοις πίστει. Dear friends, although I was making every effort to write to you concerning our common salvation, I considered it a necessity to write to you to encourage you to contend for the faith delivered once and for all to the saints. Lovers, like a student who writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Том сакаше да открие каде била Линда претходната вечер. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Tom wanted to find out where Linda was the other night. Kann ein zwei Jahre alter Junge so schnell rennen? Can a two-year-old boy run that fast? Can a two-year-old run so fast? Не съм ви давал разрешение да напуснете. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Ligarei para ele antes de ir. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. Ese es el elefante más grande que he visto nunca. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. Necesito tiempo. I need time. I need some time. Este aceea cartea ta? Is that your book? Is that your book? उसने मुझे अंग्रेज़ी में लिखी हुई चिट्ठी दिखाई। She showed me a letter written in English. He showed me the letter written in English. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public talks. जोखिम उठाइये! पूरी जिंदगी एक जोखिम है। Take a chance! All life is a chance. Get up, you wounded! Your whole life is in danger. To ni bil moj namen. That wasn't my intention. That wasn't my intention. Ji juos veža į mokyklą. She's driving them to school. She's taking them to school. Dovršite ovo. Finish this. Finish this. מעריס טאַטע איז רײַך. Mary's father is rich. Too many attributes are required. Tom heeft nu kinderen. Tom has kids now. Tom now has children. Не си сваляй палтото. Keep your coat on. Don't take your coat off. Ni a allas gul henna. We could do that. We're all yellow. Jangan ganggu aku. Don't bother me. Don't bother me. Вам можно доверить секрет? Can you keep a secret? Can you trust the secret? „Зарем нема да го јадеш спанаќот?“ „Ќе го изедам после.“ "Aren't you going to eat the spinach?" "I'll eat it later." "Will you not eat the Spanish?" "I'll eat it later." Nunca traiciones la confianza de tus amigos. Never betray the trust of your friends. You never betray your friends' trust. Η Μαίρη ξέρει τι κάνει. Mary knows what she's doing. Mary knows what she's doing. Това е за Том. It's for Tom. That's for Tom. माझ्याकडे दोन हात व दहा बोटं आहेत. I have two arms and ten fingers. I have two hands and ten legs. यह कहानी है प्यार और दोस्ती की। This is a story of love and friendship. It's a story of love and friendship. Tom je išao na plažu. Tom went to the beach. Tom went to the beach. No sé qué creer. I don't know what to believe. I don't know what to believe. Αυτά είναι τα παιδιά μας. These are our children. These are our children. Ubi pater meus est? Where is my dad? Where is my father? Jesi li završio? Have you finished it? Are you done? Είναι από την Ελλάδα. They're from Greece. It's from Greece. My a vynn diberth. I want to leave. We're getting rid of it. Est-ce ce que Tom voulait dire ? Is that what Tom meant? Is that what Tom meant? Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki ein. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Har jeg ingen rettigheter? Don't I have any rights? Do I have no rights? من این داستان را شنیده‌ام. I have heard this story. I have heard this story. O que é certo em uma sociedade pode não ser em outra. What is right in one society can be wrong in another. What is true in one society may not be true in another. Tots els homes son mortals. All men are mortal. All men are mortal. Закон е! It's so cool! It's a law! Je to mäkké. That's soft. It's soft. Tom tiene dos niños. Tom has two children. Tom has two kids. Значит, ты её купил? Does that mean you bought it? So you bought it? Jsem svobodný. I am single. I'm free. O irmão de meu pai é meu tio. The brother of my father is my uncle. My father's brother is my uncle. Прывітанне. Hello! Hello. Ich gebe es auf. I'm giving up on it. I'll give it up. Я зустрічав Тома кілька разів. I've met Tom on several occasions. I met Tom several times. Я её открою. I'll open it. I'll open it. Давай дадим Тому ещё один шанс. Let's give Tom another chance. Let's give it another chance. Carros japoneses são muito populares. Japanese cars are very popular. Japanese cars are very popular. Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the council. Не позволяйте ему кричать. Don't let him scream. Don't let him scream. ¿Vas mañana a la escuela? Are you going to school tomorrow? Are you going to school tomorrow? Živjeli su sretno do kraja života. They lived happily ever after. They lived happily ever after. Der skete en ulykke på Fifth Avenue i går. There was an accident on Fifth Avenue yesterday. There was an accident at Fifth Avenue yesterday. Том поехал в Австралию. Tom has gone to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Том си ја исплакна устата. Tom rinsed his mouth. Tom cried his mouth out. Том не ги помрдна усните. Tom didn't move his lips. Tom didn't move his lips. Wenn ik man jünger weer. If only I were younger. If I'm younger. Vem upptäckte Amerika? Who discovered America? Who discovered America? Τ' αναγνωρίσαμε. We recognized them. We recognized her. Tá gach duine ansin. Everybody is there. Everyone is then. Son hermosos. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. Poté, co zalil zahradu, smotal hadici a uklidil jí do kůlny. After he had watered the garden, he coiled the hose and put it into the shed. After he slammed the garden, he slammed the snakes and put them on his knees. Eu quero saber como o Tom faz isso. I want to know how Tom does that. I want to know how Tom does it. Espolvoreamos la sal para alejar la mala suerte. We sprinkle salt to ward off bad luck. Let's spill the salt to get away from bad luck. Я хачу стаць праграмісткай. I want to be a programmer. I want to be a programmer. Tom si è rifiutato di dire quello che ha fatto. Tom refused to say what he did. Tom refused to say what he did. Hon köper allt hon vill ha utan att bry sig om priset. She buys everything she wants without paying attention to the price. She buys everything she wants without worrying about the price. Ceapann Tomás go bhfuil tú ag insint bréige. Tom thinks you're lying. Tomás thinks you're lying. Какие у тебя планы, Том? What are your plans, Tom? What are your plans, Tom? Moarns let, de hiele dei let. If you are late in the morning, you will be late the whole day. Tomorrow's lettuce, all the lettuce. Moltes felicitats! Congratulations! Thank you very much! Discipulus probus es. You are a good student. You're a good disciple. Ο Τομ πούλησε στη Μαίρη τ' αμάξι του. Tom sold Mary his car. Tom sold his car to Mary. तू व्यायाम करायला पाहिजेस. You should exercise. You have to exercise. Нико ником више не верује. No one trusts anyone anymore. Nobody trusts anyone anymore. Eu geralmente concordo com Tom. I generally agree with Tom. I usually agree with Tom. Jeg ble kjent med ham da jeg var student. I got to know him when I was a student. I got to know him when I was a student. Le amiamo tutte. We all love them. We all love her. Quero ir a Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. Jeg har aldrig været i cirkus. I've never been to a circus. I've never been in a circus. Liefde maakt blind. Love is blind. Love makes blind. Tom je ozbiljno povređen u nezgodi. Tom was seriously injured in the accident. Tom was seriously injured in an accident. Ja też nie. Me neither. Me neither. Բավական է բորբոքվեք: Stop overreacting. That's enough. Mijn grootmoeder houdt van tv kijken. My grandmother loves watching TV. My grandmother likes TV watching. Saya pasti sudah membuat kesalahan. I must've made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Εδώ μένω. I live here. I live here. Cosa farebbe Gesù? What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do? Ο Τομ θέλει να πεθάνει. Tom wants to die. Tom wants to die. Les scandales sexuels présidentiels font toujours bien vendre du papier. Presidential sex scandals always make good copy. Presidential sexual scandals always make good sale of paper. Kamarmu yang mana? Where is your room? Which room are you in? Jūs patinkate Tomui. Tom likes you. You're in touch with Tom. Сакам да го оставиш Том да живее. I want you to let Tom live. I want you to let Tom live. Είναι από τη Γαλλία. She is from France. It's from France. Hun fandt ringen som hun havde tabt under rejsen. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. She found the ring as she had lost during the trip. Hvor meget fik du i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse? How much severance pay did you get? How much did you get in retirement? ¿Por qué son tan paranoicos? Why are you so paranoid? Why are they so paranoid? Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend’s life. ما از استرالیا هستیم. We are Australian. We are of Estralia. Får jag röka? May I smoke? Can I smoke? Aku ingin sebuah pemutar MP3! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player! Ты не говоришь мне ничего такого, чего я бы не знал. You're not telling me anything I don't know. You're not telling me anything I don't know. Том сказал, что у него нет страховки. Tom said that he didn't have insurance. Tom said he didn't have insurance. Jeg elsker dig. I love you. I love you. Πήγες στο καζίνο. You went to the casino. You went to the casino. Haastige spoed is zelden goed. Haste makes waste. Quick speed is rarely good. ती एकटी दिसत होती. She looked lonely. It seemed that she was alone. Var i Turkiet bor du? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? У мене ще не було можливості подивитися цей фільм. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I haven't had the opportunity to watch this movie yet. Znam na to lepszy sposób. I know a better way to do that. I know a better way. Jeg vil ikke mæle et ord. I won't breathe a word. I don't want to say a word. Dobry z niej kierowca. She's a good driver. She's a good driver. Caia fora daqui. Preciso de paz e tranquilidade. Get out of here. I need some peace and quiet. I need peace and quiet. Sāmī frāga placent. Sami likes strawberries. Sami fria placent. C'est ce que j'ai toujours voulu faire. This is what I've always wanted to do. That's what I always wanted to do. Ei s-au dus la pescuit. They went fishing. They went fishing. Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no hurry. There's no need to hurry. דאָס איז אַ פּען. That's a pen. It's a pen. Vocês fizeram a parte de vocês. You did your part. You did the part of you. Somos de Rusia. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. नॉर्वेची लोकसंख्या सुमारे ५ दशलक्ष आहे. Norway's population is about 5 million. The population of Norway is about five decades old. Hast du Angst vor der Finsternis? Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the darkness? Hun købte et armbåndsur til mig. She bought me a wristwatch. She bought me a bracelet. É o Tom quem está chorando agora. Tom is the one who's crying now. It's Tom who's crying now. Han bor inuti ett äpple. He lives inside an apple. He lives inside an apple. Þetta hof er sagt hafa verið byggt fyrir meira en fimm hundruð árum. This temple is said to have been built over 500 years ago. This court is said to have been built more than five hundred years ago. Det är sant, jag lovar. That's the truth, I tell you. It's true, I promise. हे तर सोपं होतं. This was easy. It was easy. Ar inis tú le do mháthair? Have you told your mother? Did you tell your mother? Ik denk dat dat een beetje raar klinkt. I guess it sounds a bit silly. I think that sounds a little weird. Il caffè le fa bene? Is coffee good for you? Does coffee make you feel good? Hij was boos dat ik hem had beledigd. He was angry that I had insulted him. He was angry that I had offended him. Det ser ud til at jeg kom her for tidligt. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I got here too early. Hún ráðlagði honum að minnka reykingarnar en hann taldi sig ekki geta það. She advised him to cut down on smoking, but he didn't think that he could. She advised him to reduce his smoking, but he did not think he could. تا به حال یک درخت را هرس کرده‌اید؟ Have you ever pruned a tree? Ye have already made one tree for each one of you. Tom pracuje na zahradě. Tom is working in the garden. Tom works in the garden. Ένιωσα αμήχανα με τόσους ανθρώπους να με παρατηρούν. I felt nervous with so many people watching me. I felt numb with so many people watching me. शोर मत मचाओ। Don't make noise. Don't shout. Res vydh dhis gortos omma. You'll have to wait here. You're gonna be fine here. Θα του αφήσω φιλοδώρημα. I'm gonna leave him a tip. I'll leave him alone. ਮੁਬਾਰਕ! Congratulations! Congratulations! तो कालच वारला. He passed away yesterday. He died in the morning. Tom sucht eine größere Wohnung. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Tengo familia en Los Ángeles. I have family in Los Angeles. I have a family in Los Angeles. Нямам намерение да ловя риба в мътна вода. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I have no intention of fishing in muddy water. Du trenger kun gi denne boken til han. All you have to do is to hand this book to him. You only need to give this book to him. Það er að segja; ég hef betri skilning á kínversku þjóðinni. That's to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese nation. That is, I have a better understanding of the Chinese people. Том та Мері вирішили одружитися. Tom and Mary decided to get married. Tom and Mary decided to get married. Onde eu preciso virar? Where do I need to turn? Where do I have to turn? Können Sie Ihre Antwort erklären? Can you explain your answer? Can You Explain Your Answer? मला एक बिअर द्या. Give me a beer. Give me a beer. Идем! Let's go! I'm going! Tom je pisao po zemlji štapom. Tom wrote on the ground with a stick. Tom wrote on the ground with a stick. Я не такі, як ты. I'm not like you. I'm not like you. Decía que le habían engañado. She was saying they had tricked her. He said he had been deceived. Nie wiem o czym mówisz. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Quando id fiet? When's that going to happen? When's the fiet? आप भूल कैसे सकते हो? How can you forget? How Can You Forget? Hur ska det här kunna hjälpa? How can this help? How is this supposed to help? Ti ho sempre amata. I've always loved you. I've always loved you. Mislio sam da si oženjen. I thought you were married. I thought you were married. Es viņu nožņaugšu. I'm going to strangle him. I'll kill him. O Tom phendas ke vo sas but khino. Tom said that he was really tired. Now he had said this, that he was dead a long time. Hör auf zu meckern und fang an zu arbeiten! Stop complaining and start working. Listen to meckering and start working! Seit wann interessiert dich, was uns geschieht? Since when do you care about what happens to us? Since when do you care what happens to us? Πρέπει να μάθω Γαλλικά. I have to learn French. I need to know French. —An lugha ort Tòmas? —Cha lugha idir, tha gràdh agam air! "Do you hate Tom?" "Of course not, I am quite fond of him!" —Did you miss Thomas? —At least in the meantime, I love him! Lui ti ha detto cosa fare? Did he tell you what to do? Did he tell you what to do? Hur tog du dig dit? How did you get there? How did you get there? Is féidir leat féin é inseacht do Tom. You can tell Tom yourself. You can yourself intrude it to Tom. Цени ја мислата. Cherish the thought. Appreciate the thought. Salve, Mimi! Ut vales? Hi, Mimi! How are you doing? Hi, Mimi! Hledáte práci? Are you looking for work? Are you looking for work? Вы можете коротко описать Тома? Can you describe Tom briefly? Can you describe Tom briefly? Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata. Speak of the devil. We're about a wolf, and a wolf on the door. Jag har redan bett Tom att inte åka tidigt. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. Можно е да врне денес. It might rain today. It can come back today. Lad være med at ærgre dig for meget. Don't fret too much. Don't be too angry. Kommer hon att komma? Will she come? Is she coming? Dixitque ad Ioseph, ut imperaret fratribus suis dicens: Onerantes iumenta ite in terram Chanaan et tollite inde patrem vestrum et cognationem et venite ad me; et ego dabo vobis omnia bona Aegypti, ut comedatis medullam terræ. And he spoke to Joseph that he should give orders to his brethren, saying: Load your beasts, and go into the land of Canaan, and bring away from thence your father and kindred, and come to me; and I will give you all the good things of Egypt, that you may eat the marrow of the land. And he said unto Joseph, Go into the land of Canaan, and take your father and your father's house, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of Egypt, and ye shall eat the honey of the land. Я привіталася з Томом. I greeted Tom. I said hello to Tom. Man nepatīk lidot. I don't like flying. I don't like flying. Nie mogę pozwolić, żeby Tom poszedł do więzienia za coś, czego nie zrobił. I can't let Tom be put in prison for something he didn't do. I can't let Tom go to jail for something he didn't do. Spädbarnet döptes till Alfred efter sin morfar. The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather. The infant was baptized to Alfred after his grandmother. Av frustrasjon over europeiske språk, som han syntes var «for kjedelige», oppfant Kristoffer Columbus «columbisk», et språk som var så innviklet at bare han kunne snakke det. Frustrated with the European languages, which he considered "too boring", Christopher Columbus invented "Columbian", a language so complicated that only he could speak it. Of frustration over European languages, which he felt was ‘too boring’, he invented Kristoff Columbus ‘Columbian’, a language that was so complicated that only he could speak it. Tek smo stigli ovde danas. We just got here today. We just got here today. Idemo u bioskop. We are going to the cinema. Let's go to the movies. Ti uvijek pjevaš. You always sing. You always sing. Wanneer hebben jullie dat beslist? When did you guys decide that? When did you decide that? Брат хворіє. My brother is sick. Brother is sick. Warum kann ich nicht beide lieben? Why can't I love both of them? Why can't I love you both? Roj berfê dihelîne. The sun melts the snow. Clears the appointment list. امروز تام یک ژاکت چهارخانه پوشیده است. Tom is wearing a plaid jacket today. To this day it is covered with a veil over the four houses. Jag vet precis vad Tom kommer att säga. I know exactly what Tom is going to say. I know exactly what Tom's gonna say. Jeg hadde steik og poteter i går. I had steak and potatoes last night. I had steaks and potatoes yesterday. És aquest un cavall o una egua? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a horse or an egg? টম তোমার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে চায় না। Tom doesn't want to see you. Tom doesn't want to see you. Du musst mit dat Smöken ophören. You must quit smoking. You have to stop snooping. Spela den sången igen. Play that song again. Play that song again. Thomas surrexit ad solem orientem spectandum. Tom woke up to watch the sunrise. Thomas got up to look at the sun. ان کو اپنی قسمت قبول کرنا پڑی۔ She had to accept her fate. Indeed, they had to accept it from their own people. Yth esons i ow tos. They're coming. There's nothing to be afraid of. Сауна е тука. It's boiling in here. Sauna's here. Culina nobis purganda est. We must clean up the kitchen. Our kitchen is clean. मला त्यांच्या कल्पना अजिबात समजत नाहीत. I can't understand his ideas at all. I don’t understand their ideas. Na pokładzie samolotu było 150 pasażerów. There were 150 passengers on the plane. There were 150 passengers on board. Eu ajudo o Tom quase todos os dias. I help Tom almost every day. I help Tom almost every day. A ferida supurou. The wound discharged pus. The wound surmised. Ніхто з нас не говорить французькою. None of us speak French. None of us speak French. Tom zmarł kilka dni po wypadku. Tom died a few days after the accident. Tom died a few days after the accident. Incredibil! Incredible! Incredible! Äntligen är vi två ensamma. The two of us are finally alone. Finally, we're alone. Han kommer inte att stanna i mer än fyra dagar. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. وہ اس طرف گئی ہے۔ She went that way. That's where she's headed. Jednou v Anglii byla. She has been to England once. She was once in England. Skriv til mig! Write to me. Write to me! Можна мені поставити декілька запитань? May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you a few questions? Het meer is berucht wegens de vervuiling. The lake is notorious for its contamination. The lake is famous for the pollution. Espera un poco hasta que esté listo. Hang on a bit until I'm ready. Wait until I'm ready. Aujourd'hui c'est pour moi. Today it is on me. It's for me today. Увезуваме жито од САД. We import grain from the United States. We import grain from the United States. Сега оди напред. Now go forward. Now go ahead. Prøv å ikke lage noe lyd. Try not to make any noise. Try not to create sound. Això et posarà en perill. That'll put you in danger. This will put you in danger. Том сакаше да знае каде да оди. Tom wanted to know where to go. Tom wanted to know where to go. Я могу говорить откровенно? May I speak frankly? Can I speak in public? Том подозревал, что Мэри употребляет наркотики. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Tom suspected that Mary was using drugs. Сам ли беше дома? Was he home alone? Was he alone at home? Þetta eru mér nýjar fréttir. This is my new news. That's new news for me. Credeam că glumești. I thought you were joking. I thought you were kidding. लोकं गावांमध्ये रहायची. People lived in villages. The people lived in villages. Знаех си, че той ще приеме. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd take it. On ne peut vous forcer à témoigner contre votre mari. You can't be forced to testify against your husband. We can't force you to testify against your husband. Само продолжи да одиш. Just keep walking. Just keep going. Det er en fugl. It is a bird. It's a bird. ¿Está ocupado hoxe? Are you busy today? Is he busy today? আমরা আমাদের দেশকে ভালোবাসি। We love our country. We love our country. Tom ist ein fauler Hund. Tom is a lazy dog. Tom is a foul dog. Była gotowa oddać mu wszystkie jego pieniądze. She was ready to give him back all his money. She was willing to give him all his money. Ils distribuent des échantillons gratuits. They're giving away samples free. They distribute free samples. Nicht die stärkste Spezies überlebt, nicht die intelligenteste, sondern diejenige, die am besten auf Veränderungen reagiert. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Not the strongest species survives, not the smartest, but the one who best reacts to changes. Ik ben niet ontslagen. Ik heb mijn ontslag gegeven. I wasn't fired. I quit. I didn't quit. Los gustos musicales de Tom son parecidos a los míos. Tom's taste in music is similar to mine. Tom's musical tastes look like mine. Mirë, koha mbaroi. / Mirë, boll me kaq. Le të mbarojmë mësimin tani. Well, time is up. Let's finish the lesson now. Okay, time's up. Nauticus exoritur vario certamine clamor, / hortantur socii: "Cretam proavosque petamus!" Loud rise the shouts of sailors to the sky; / "Crete and our fathers", rings for all to hear / the cry of oarsmen. Nauticus calls out a number of battles: "We believe we ask!" Ik begryp it net. I do not understand. I just get it. De Pries för Ries is fullen. The price of rice has come down. The Ries price is full. Nílim claonta. I have no prejudice. I'm not inclined. Tom melanggar hukum. Tom broke the law. Tom broke the law. آه! برف! Ah! Snow! Ah! Snow! मी घरी जाऊ शकत नाही. I can't go home. I can’t go home. Iulia Aemiliam non videt. Julia does not see Amelia. Julia doesn't see Aemilia. Lasciate che parli con loro prima. Let me talk to them first. Let me talk to them first. Он пытался меня рассмешить. He tried to make me laugh. He was trying to make me laugh. Не знаю, як вам дякувати. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to thank you. Luft er usynlig. Air is invisible. Air is invisible. L'infermiera misurò la sua temperatura con un termometro. The nurse took her temperature with a thermometer. The nurse measured its temperature with a thermometer. त्या हल्ला करणार आहेत. They're going to attack. They will attack. Min ven er sytten år gammel. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is seventeen years old. Αγνοήστε τους. Ignore them. Ignore them. Als je op de tekst van het liedje let, dan gaat het eigenlijk nergens over. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you look at the lyrics of the song, it doesn't really matter. तुझ्या देशात कोणती भाषा बोलली जाते? What language is spoken in your country? What language is spoken in your country? فریڈ ہمیشہ جھوٹ بولتا ہے۔ Fred is always telling lies. Fred always lies. Veng lo mei lèu possible. Come as soon as possible. I'll be back as soon as possible. Ποιος είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης αυτού του σπιτιού; Who is the owner of this house? Who owns this house? Σήμερα είναι δέκατη ογδόη Ιουνίου και είναι τα γενέθλια της Μουιριέλ! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today it's the tenth of June and it's the birthday of Muriel! Ceart go leor. Okey doke. That's right. Ова ми се родителите. These are my parents. These are my parents. Masz konto na Facebooku? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? উনি রবিবার রাতে কাজ করেন নি। He did not work on Sunday night. He didn't work on Sunday night. Том не трябваше да прави това. Tom shouldn't have done that. Tom shouldn't have done that. Ella ni siquiera intentó ayudarle. She didn't even try to help. She didn't even try to help him. Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Bist du zehn Jahre alt? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Иш, џукело! Scram, mutt! Ish, you son of a bitch! Sumnjaš li na mene? Am I under suspicion? Do you doubt me? Pogledajte to. Check that. Look at that. दुसरे बोलत असताना मध्ये बोलू नकोस. Don't cut in when others are talking. Do not talk in the middle of another conversation. Nous mangeons pour vivre, nous ne vivons pas pour manger. We eat to live, not live to eat. We eat to live, we don't live to eat. На Том му се прави нешто. Tom wants something to do. Tom's doing something. Te devojke su veoma zauzete. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. Ο Τομ κι εγώ θέλουμε να έρθεις. Tom and I want you to come. Tom and I want you to come. Tom a încercat să o sugrume pe Mary. Tom tried to strangle Mary. Tom tried to bribe Mary. Tha iad a’ bruidhinn ri chèile. They are talking among themselves. They're together. Nescio an bona sit. I don't know if it is good. I don't know the right place. Tom har tre morbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three cousins. Pe Tom nu-l deranjează frigul, dar Mary nu-l poate suporta. Tom doesn't mind the cold, but Mary can't stand it. Tom doesn't mind the cold, but Mary can't bear it. De låter besvikna. They sound disappointed. They sound disappointed. Ik ben nog nooit in een onderzeeër geweest. I've never been in a submarine. I've never been to a submarine before. पुस्तकात पाने असतात. A book has pages. There are pages in the book. Tom es grande. Tom is big. Tom's big. Tom spiser vanligvis alene. Tom usually eats alone. Tom usually eats alone. Да видиме со што си имаме работа. Let's see what we're up against. Let's see what we're dealing with. Ne dis pas à ton père que tu veux devenir clown. Don't tell your father you want to become a clown. Don't tell your father you want to be a clown. Mary er nysgerrig, er hun ikke? Mary is nosy, isn't she? Mary's curious, isn't she? Πότε ανοίγει ο φούρνος; When does the bakery open? When does the oven open? Λατρεύω τα χάμπουργκερ. I love hamburgers. I love hamburgers. आता त्यांच्याकडे तीन मुलं आहेत. Now they have three children. Now they have three children. Тази задача е толкова лесна, че всеки студент може да я реши. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This task is so easy that any student can solve it. Lei ha votato per Romney od Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Did you vote for Romney from Obama? Han gir henne alltid en gave på fødselsdagen. He never fails to give her a birthday present. He always gives her a gift on his birthday. Tom deluje malo gadljivo. Tom looks a bit queasy. Tom seems a little nasty. Je ne comprends pas ce raisonnement. I don't understand this reasoning. I don't understand this reasoning. Не съм казвал на Том. I haven't told Tom. I didn't tell Tom. Вы должны идти на работу. You should go to work. You have to go to work. To ti je život. It's a fact of life. It's your life. Hij eet veel. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. Nei, det var ikke deg jeg snakket med. No, it wasn't you I was talking to. No, it wasn't you I talked to. Я на Тома злий. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Кој бил крадецот? Who was the thief? Who was the thief? Сетка! Переподача. Let! First serve. It's a broadcaster. Talvez papai possa fazer o trabalho sujo. Maybe dad can do the dirty deed. Maybe Daddy can do the dirty work. ٹام پچھلے ہفتے کہیں نہیں گیا۔ Tom didn't go out last weekend. Tom didn't go anywhere last week. Se lastimó su codo cuando se cayó. She hurt her elbow when she fell down. He was hurt when he fell. Tokamen Week schall dat villicht Frost geven. We might have frost next week. You may want to freeze next week. Vinsamlegast mundu að senda þetta bréf. Please remember to post this letter. Please remember to send this message. हो सकता है कि मैं आपके विचारों से सहमत न हो पाऊँ I may not agree with what you say. I may not agree with your thoughts وقتی که با تو دعوا می‌کرد، قلبش دو تکه می‌شد. When he was fighting with you, his heart broke half-and-half. When he contended with thee, his heart was faint. Tom ma łódź. Tom has a boat. Tom has a boat. Det är gratis. It's free. It's free. Ти не си един от нас. You're not one of us. You're not one of us. Se kay Anita. It is Anita's house. It's Anita's house. आपण त्यांच्या घरी गेलो, पण त्या घरी नव्हत्या. I went to her house, but she was not at home. We went to their home, but they were not there. Я понимаю. I'm catching on. I understand. Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is similar to mine. Skąd mam wiedzieć, że tego nie ukradniesz? How do I know you won't steal it? How do I know you won't steal it? Non possiamo più essere amiche. We can't be friends anymore. We can't be friends anymore. Tom á enga bræður. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Tom has no brothers. Nisam dobar plivač. I'm not a good swimmer. I'm not a good swimmer. Волен сум да ти платам многу пари за да го извршиш тоа. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm happy to pay you a lot of money to do that. Я сказал Тому, что надо сделать. I told Tom what should be done. I told you what to do. Чајов убаво мириса. This tea smells good. Tea smells good. Опитах се да бъда твоя приятелка. I've tried to be your friend. I tried to be your friend. Tom quiere saber por qué no le regresaste la llamada. Tom wants to know why you didn't call him back. Tom wants to know why you didn't call him back. Ny allav vy oberi a-vorow. I can't work tomorrow. I can't do it right now. Didymus puer aureus est. Tom is a golden boy. Didymus is a golden boy. Fái meg ikki at trúgva, at eg umsíðir hitti teg. I can't believe I finally managed to meet you. I can't let you know that I'm going to meet you. Vulneratus sum. I was wounded. I'm Volnerated. Þú ert mikilvægur. You are important. You're important. Po të kisha mjaftueshëm para, do ta bleja atë makinë. If I had enough money, I'd buy that car. If I had enough money, I'd buy that car. Tom a faim. Tom is hungry. Tom's hungry. Co si chceš koupit? What do you want to buy? What do you want to buy? És culpa teva. It's your fault. It's your fault. Il n'y a aucune chaise dans cette chambre. There are no chairs in this room. There's no chair in this room. Nullam pecuniam habes. You don't have any money. You have no money. Poparzyłem się. I've burnt myself. I took care of myself. Мислам дека нема да можам да го положам тестот. I don't think I'll be able to pass the test. I don't think I can pass the test. Kun je me later bellen? Could you call me later? Can you call me later? Das Motorrad kollidierte mit einem Auto. The motorcycle crashed into a car. The motorcycle collided with a car. तो वेगळा आहे. He's different. In fact, the Bible says that “the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. ” Mater libum in octo partes secuit. Mother divided the cake into eight pieces. The libum mother followed in eight parts. Tá sneachta ann le mí anuas. We’ve had snow for the past month. Snow has been there for the past month. Είμαι Μεξικάνος. Μιλάω άπταιστα Ισπανικά. I am a Mexican. I speak Spanish fluently. I'm Mexican, I speak Spanish. শুনুন। Listen. Listen. Tom kommer fra nord. Tom comes from the north. Tom's from the north. Byl jsem dlouho pryč. I've been away for a long time. I've been gone a long time. मी त्याच्याशी लग्न करायचं ठरवलं. She decided to marry him. I decided to marry him. Doufám, že Marie brzy napíše. I hope Maria writes soon. I hope Marie writes soon. Jú meiri, jú betri. The more, the better. The bigger, the better. Том продолжи да се пакува. Tom kept packing. Tom kept packing. Man gav mig et tilbud jeg ikke kunne afslå. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. You gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. "रूक" हा शब्द संस्कृतपासून येतो, व त्याचा अर्थ "रथ" असा आहे. The word "rook" comes from Sanskrit and means "chariot". The word "stop" comes from a culture, and it means "wheel." Nemo problema solvit. Nobody has solved the problem. No problem solved. Jest w dobrych stosunkach z panem Brownem. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's in a good relationship with Mr. Brown. Ze klaagt over hoofdpijn, en vaak. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains about headaches, and often. Dit was baie mooi. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful. Non è che l'idea di mettermi in casa un elettrodomestico ad ammoniaca mi attiri molto. The idea of getting ammonia-powered household appliance inside my house doesn't attract me a lot. It's not that the idea of putting an ammonia electric home at home attracts me very much. Ne načrtujem glasovati na prihajajočih volitvah. I don't plan to vote at the upcoming election. I do not plan to vote in the forthcoming elections. Czemu nigdy nie gotujesz? Why don't you ever cook? Why don't you ever cook? Tom et moi ne sommes pas occupés. Both Tom and I aren't busy. Tom and I are not busy. Budi oprezna. Take care. Be careful. Никто не видел, как ты это взял. No one saw you take it. Nobody's seen you take it. Той ми благодари че съм дошъл. He thanked me for coming. He thanks me for coming. Vreau timpul și puterea să termin manualul de islandeză. I want the time and the health to finish my Icelandic textbook. I want time and power to finish the Icelandic manual. Tom har tre farbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. ¿Ela toca o piano? Does she play the piano? Does she play the piano? Мері поводилася добре. Mary behaved herself. Mary was doing well. این اتاق برای چندین منظور استفاده می شود. This room is used for various purposes. This is the case with so many approvals. Pareces algo triste. You look kind of down. You look kind of sad. Policininkas įsakė man sustabdyti automobilį. A police officer told me to stop the car. The police officer ordered me to stop the car. Том не уходит. Tom isn't leaving. Tom's not leaving. वे नहीं भागे। They didn't run. They didn't run. Kaffe vore trevligt. Coffee would be nice. Coffee would be nice. Говорити французькою непросто. It's not easy to speak French. It's not easy to speak French. Declarația nu este pe deplin adevărată. The statement is not wholly true. The statement is not entirely true. Ikeda nama belakangku, dan Kazuko nama depanku. Ikeda is my last name, and Kazuko is my first name. Ikeda is my last name, and Kazuko is my first name. Sie hat den ersten Schritt getan. She made the first move. She took the first step. Это утро ужасно жаркое. It's terribly hot this morning. This morning is awfully hot. Je veux boire du lait. I want to drink milk. I want to drink milk. Μπορείς να αφαιρέσεις από τα δέκα τα έξι; Can you subtract six from ten? Can you get rid of the six? Jag läser inte så många böcker som jag gjorde tidigare. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don't read as many books as I did before. Tom klang beschäftigt. Tom sounded busy. Tom's busy. Autor zadedykował tę książkę swojej siostrze. The author dedicated the book to his sister. The author has dedicated this book to his sister. Faça isso você mesmo! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Marija yra knygėdis. Mary is a bookworm. Mary is a bookkeeper. Wo ist Toms Mutter? Where's Tom's mother? Where's Tom's mother? Vyžádal si ode mě velký peněžní obnos. He demanded a large sum of money from me. He asked me for a large amount of money. "Виждали ли сте ми телефона?" - "На масата е." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my phone?" - "It's on the table." Timida eram. I was shy. I was shy. Awak mahu saya balik rumahkah? Do you want me to go home? Would you like me to come home? Они улыбнулись друг другу. They smiled at each other. They smiled at each other. Нашли что-нибудь интересное? Have you found something interesting? Did you find anything interesting? Gjør det du synes er rett. Do what you think is right. Doing what you think is right. तुझ्या आईवडिलांना अभिमान वाटला असता. Your parents would be proud. Your parents may have been proud of you. بہرے لوگ اکثر ایک دوسرے سے نشانی زبان میں بات کرتے ہیں۔ Deaf people often talk to each other using sign language. Most of the deaf speak a sign to one another. Oh, une chenille ! Oh look, a caterpillar! Oh, a chain! می دانی دوستانم چگونه مرا توصیف می کنند؟ Do you know how my friends describe me? You know how my friends deliver me. Ѝ се јави ли? Did you call her? - Did he call you? باور کنی یا نه، هلو و بادوم از یه خونوادن. (Bāvar koni yā na, hulu o bādum az ye xunevādean) Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are in the same family. Whether you believe it or not, hello. Je la connais un peu. I know her a bit. I know her a little bit. У мене в Бостоні є рідні. I have some relatives in Boston. I have a family in Boston. میرا سر پھٹ رہا ہے۔ My head is exploding. My head's breaking זי קענט זיי. She knows them. She knows them. Ich kann Ihnen keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame you. I can't challenge you. Бродот смени правец. The ship changed its course. The ship's changing direction. Mary continuava a fissare Tom. Mary kept staring at Tom. Mary kept fixing Tom. Ve své eseji "Esperanto: Evropský nebo Asijský jazyk" Claude Piron ukázal podobnosti mezi esperantem a čínštinou, čímž ukončil představu, že Esperanto je čistě eurocentrické. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asian" Claude Piron showed similarities between hopeant and Chinese, ending the idea that Esperanto is purely Eurocentric. Tom a yll neuvya mar skav avelos. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can rejuvenate like a velvet. По-умна съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Itu agak menggelikan. It was kind of funny. That's kind of weird. Започвам да свиквам да се храня сам. I'm getting used to eating alone. I'm getting used to eating alone. Од кога има огномет? Since when are there fireworks? Who's got the fireworks from? Uważaj, by nie jechać pod prąd na drodze jednokierunkowej. Be careful not to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. Make sure you don't run on a one-way road. Zostawił swój parasol w autobusie. He left his umbrella on the bus. He left his parasol on the bus. Kas yw genev gortos. I hate to wait. Sorry, I don't know. Jag undrar vem som skulle göra något sådant här. I wonder who'd do something like this. I wonder who would do something like this. Alle hønsene er allerede i hønsehuset. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the chicken house. Je ne croyais pas que ça finirait comme ça. I didn't think that it would turn out like this. I didn't think it would end like this. Lämna mig i fred. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Il est accro. He's addicted. He's cold. তুমি খুব সাহসী। You are very brave. You're very brave. Ik heb geen moedertaal. I do not have a mother tongue. I don't have a mother tongue. Gofynodd y dewin am wirfoddolwr o'r gynulleidfa. The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience. The director asked for an elder from the congregation. Tom a l'ha dësvijà Mary a ses e mesa e chila a l'era nèn contenta 'd sòn. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 and she wasn't happy about that. Tom had Mary's six-year-old table in Chile when she was a happy kid. Ήμουν στα βουνά. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Deus non est. There is no god. God is not. Tom essuya ses lunettes. Tom wiped his glasses. Tom's trying his glasses. Tiek to, išversiu dar penkiolika sakinių ir tada išeisiu. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. That's it, I'm gonna turn fifteen more sentences and then I'm gonna go out. Zastanawiam się, dlaczego Tom chce iść do Bostonu. I wonder why Tom wants to go to Boston. I wonder why Tom wants to go to Boston. Ahora tengo dos prometidas. Now I have two fiancées. Now I have the promised ones. Ndryshon forma, por në parim ngelesh vetëm. The form varies, but in principle you remain alone. It changes shapes, but in principle you're stuck alone. Jeg går. Vi ses i morgen. I'm leaving. See you tomorrow. I'll go. I'll see you tomorrow. Вы же из Бостона? You're from Boston, aren't you? You're from Boston, aren't you? DNA-tests viste at han var uskyldig. DNA tests showed he was innocent. The DNA test showed that he was innocent. सगळे म्हणतात की मी माझ्या बाबांसारखा दिसतो. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says that I look like my father. Jag tänkte att det skulle vara värt det. I thought it'd be worth it. I thought it would be worth it. Na rozcestí odboč vlevo. Turn left when you get to the fork in the road. On the road to the left. Да ли ово има смисла? Does this make sense? Does this make sense? Hon kommer från Frankrike. She's from France. She's from France. Том огидний. Tom's repulsive. Tom's disgusting. पुलिस ने सड़क पर पहरा लगा दिया था। The police were patrolling the street. The police had put a guard on the street. Sé que ganarás. I know you'll win. I know you'll win. Ich bin meiner Arbeit müde. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my work. Du kom for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You came too much sugar in your tea. Ребёнок проснулся среди ночи. The baby woke up in the middle of the night. The baby woke up in the middle of the night. Griekeland is 'n ou land. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Wo haben Sie den Anzug denn her? Where did you get that suit? Where do you get the suit? Ze heeft 5 kinderen. She has 5 children. She has five children. Você é um covarde. You're a coward. You're a coward. J'ignorais que vous aviez le rhume des foins. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had the rhyme of the wells. Ji niekada nesužinojo tiesos. She never found out the truth. She never knew the truth. Vi Tom sorrir. I saw Tom smile. Tom's smiling. Placetne tibi cibus Turcicus? Do you like Turkish food? Do you like Turkish food? Utra vestrum id fecit? Which of you did it? Is that what your fellow man did? Забудь про цю сумну подію. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. Ikke besvim. Don't pass out on me. Don't faint. Með hverjum finnst þér skemmtilegast að hanga? Who's your favorite person to hang out with? Who do you find most enjoyable to hang with? Tom nikdy v životě neviděl skutečný sníh. Tom has never seen real snow in his life. Tom never saw a real snow in his life. Me aspice, quaeso. Please look at me. Look at me, please. Bhí Tomás ag labhairt le Máire. Tom was speaking to Mary. Thomas was talking to Mary. Juče sam pričao sa Tomom. I talked to Tom yesterday. I was talking to Tom yesterday. Proč jste prostě neodešli? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Kada norėtum jį pamatyti? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Том купил много сувениров. Tom bought lots of souvenirs. Tom bought a lot of souvenirs. ٹام نے جب پہلی دفعہ مریم کو دیکھا تو وہ اس کے عشق میں گرفتار ہو گیا۔ Tom fell in love with Mary the first time he saw her. When Tom first saw Mary, he fell in love with her. Добра робота! Nice one! Good job! लोकं रागावली आहेत. The people are angry. People are angry. D'smook lait ons ogen troanen. The smoke made our eyes water. D'mook lets our eyes rot. Նստե՛ք: Sit down! Sit down. Het regent dat het giet. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining, it's raining. Rád poslouchám dobrou hudbu. I like listening to good music. I like listening to good music. Νόμιζα πως ήσαστε Καναδός. I thought you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. Тази книга беше лесна. This book was easy. This book was easy. O Tom é um cidadão britânico. Tom is a British citizen. Tom is a British citizen. Em gasto els diners de seguida que en tinc. I spend money as soon as I get it. I'll spend my money as soon as I have it. Ég er laus í nótt. I'm free tonight. I'm free tonight. Unë po shikoj në televizor. I'm watching television. I'm watching TV. Том послизнувся на кризі та впав. Tom slipped on the ice and fell. Tom slipped into the crisis and fell. Eu recebi uma carta de minha mãe ontem. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. Nie przeszkadzaj nam w rozmowie. Don't cut in while we're talking. Don't bother talking to us. Я прыгажэйшая за цябе. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Ο Τομ θα πιάσει τη Μαίρη. Tom will catch Mary. Tom's gonna catch Mary. Ние нямаме часове в сряда следобед. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. We don't have hours on Wednesday afternoon. Ég geng í skóla. I go to school. I'm going to school. Je pense qu'on peut dire avec certitude que Tom ne sera pas là demain. I think it's safe to assume Tom won't be here tomorrow. I think we can definitely say that Tom won't be here tomorrow. Наистина се забавлявах. I really did have a great time. I was really having fun. Chealg beach mé. I was stung by a bee. I snuck the beach. On być może nie jest szczęśliwy. He might not be happy. He may not be happy. Samo mi je trebalo malo vremena. It just took some time. It just took me a while. Гледам дека никому не сум потребен тука. I can see I'm not needed here. I see no one needs me here. Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be or not to be, that is the question. Sy, or Nödsy, that's the question. Средният пръст е най-дълъг. The middle finger is the longest. The middle finger is the longest. Pronađite Toma. Find Tom. Find Tom. Едвај чекам да си отидам дома. I can't wait to get home. I can't wait to go home. Vor præst er vegetar og ateist. Our minister is a vegetarian and an atheist. Our priest is a vegetarian and an atheist. Τα φύλλα είναι κίτρινα! The leaves are yellow! The cards are yellow! Je na takové situace zvyklý. He is used to such situations. He's used to this situation. Ο Τομ έχει ακριβά γούστα. Tom has expensive tastes. Tom's got a taste. He weer ganz ut ’e Puust. He was out of breath. He was out of his mind. Том сакаше да проведува повеќе време со своето семејство. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. J'adore Ken le survivant ! I love Fist of the North Star! I love Ken the survivor! Det är inte söndag varje dag. Not every day is Sunday. It's not Sunday every day. Мы всегда всё друг другу рассказываем. We always tell each other everything. We always tell each other. Vi kommer att ta med mycket mat. We'll bring plenty of food. We'll take a lot of food. Я був чарівником. I was a magician. I was a wizard. Ne vous rappelez-vous pas ce que vous avez dit ? Don't you remember what you said? Don't you remember what you said? Дали си вегетаријанец? Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Ela está se exibindo. She's showing off. She's showing up. मला तो चमचा द्या. Give me the spoon. Give me that light. Почекай-но, ти сказав "дівчина" чи "хлопець"? Wait, did you say girl or guy? Wait, did you say "girl" or "boy"? Τι σκοπεύει να παραγγείλει στο εστιατόριο; Εγώ σκεφτόμουν κάτι σε σούσι. "What will he order at the restaurant?" "I think some sushi." What's he going to order in the restaurant? Giv hende det. Give it to her. Give it to her. Hij verdient zijn boterham. He earns a living. He deserves his butterham. A propósito, de onde você é? By the way, where are you from? By the way, where are you from? Hai is n mìnsk. He is human. There's a problem with this. त्या आम्हाला सांगणार नाहीत. They won't tell us. They won't tell us. Min bedstemor har en tvillingebror. My grandmother has a twin brother. My grandmother has a twin brother. Am atât de mult de muncă încât voi sta încă o oră. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work to do that I'm gonna stay for another hour. তুমি কেনে আছা? How are you? Where are you? Я розберуся з Томом. Let me deal with Tom. I'll deal with Tom. Том ми запрети. Tom threatened me. Tom threatened me. Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin. There's no place like home. There is no spark as your own spark. Księżyc jest za chmurami. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon's behind the clouds. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á sjónvarpinu. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. ¿Puedes parar de llamarme así? Can you stop calling me that? Can you stop calling me that? De ce ar face Tom un astfel de lucru? Why would Tom do such a thing? Why would Tom do such a thing? Arkene er skitne. The sheets are dirty. The sheets are shit. Tomova je knjiga na vrhu Božićne prodaje knjiga, i teško da će je neka knjiga zbaciti sa položaja. Tom's book is topping the Christmas sales of books, and hardly any book can put it off its game. Tom's book is at the top of Christmas book sales, and it's hard to get some book out of position. Chciałem, żeby wygrała. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. Валеше на потоп. It rained cats and dogs. It was sinking. آرام سے کام کرو۔ Work slowly. Work in Peace Li ho visti entrare in banca. I saw them enter the bank. I saw them go into the bank. Μιλάει Γαλλικά. He speaks French. He speaks French. जो हो चुका है सो हो चुका है। What is done cannot be undone. That's what's been done. Избавься от ружья. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the rose. Cei ce simpatizează cu naziștii gramaticii trebuie și ei să moară! Grammar-Nazi-sympathizers must die too! Those who sympathize with the grammatical Nazis must also die! Ὁ Θωμᾶς κακῶς γράφει. Tom writes badly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grawitaciōni dīlai na wissan en uniwērsu. Gravity acts on everything in the universe. Gravitational parts of wissan en universe. Малко ме боли вратът. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Престани да се коцкаш. Quit gambling. Stop gambling. Rád bych věděl, co v té místnosti je. I wonder what's in that room. I'd like to know what's in that room. Byli s výsledkem spokojeni. They were satisfied with the result. They were satisfied with the result. Lui dedicò tutto il suo tempo allo studio della storia. He devoted all his time to the study of history. He spent all his time studying history. Edzi tiyada. I'm here, too. Eddie's week. Licetne mihi? Do I have permission? Does it matter to me? Мэри пыталась продать свой дом. Mary tried to sell her house. Mary tried to sell her house. Ja sam iz Italije i govorim talijanski. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm from Italy and I speak Italian. Apa kau masih membaca buku-buku? Do you still read books? Are you still reading my books? وہ لندن چلا گیا ہے۔ He has gone to London. He's gone to London. Я люблю моркву. I love carrots. I love carrots. Tom i Mary grają w rosyjską ruletkę. Tom and Mary played a game of Russian roulette. Tom and Mary are playing Russian roulette. Det har regnet meget. It's been raining a lot. It's been a long time. Том беше дебел. Tom was overweight. Tom was fat. Saya harus pergi tidur. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Eu estou convidado? Am I invited? Am I invited? Modlili sa. They were praying. Pray with me. La mia schiena mi sta uccidendo. My back is killing me. My back is killing me. Ecco un'idea ancora migliore. Here's an even better idea. Here's an even better idea. त्यांना काहीही थांबू शकत नाही. Nothing could stop them. They cannot wait for anything to happen. On dał mi dobrą radę. He gave me some good advice. He gave me good advice. Kada je bila u Los Angelesu, imala je najmanje 6 različitih poslova. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. Vi tager afsted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you are ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Толкова съм дебел. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Είμαι κοντόφθαλμος. I'm nearsighted. I'm a close-up. मासाओ प्रोफेसर इतोच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली इतिहास शिकतो. Masao studies history under Prof. Ito's guidance. Masao learns history under the guidance of Professor Eto. Tomas nemanė kad jam buvo reikalingas asmens sargybinis. Tom didn't think he needed a bodyguard. Thomas didn't think he needed a personal guard. या वेळी भरपूर काम आहे. There is a lot of work at this time. There is plenty of work to do in this time of the end. Том поїхав у центр. Tom went downtown. Tom went downtown. Tom fick det inte heller. Tom didn't get it either. Tom didn't get it either. Ich stehe nicht auf. I'm not getting up. I'm not standing up. Ο Τομ θα μείνει. Tom'll stay. Tom's staying. Ich stehe noch immer unter Schock. I'm still in shock. I'm still in shock. Προσπαθούμε να δουλέψουμε. We're trying to work. We're trying to work. Meine Nichte arbeitet in einer Behindertenwerkstatt. My niece works at a sheltered workshop. My niece works in a disabled workshop. Δεν είστε ευπρόσδεκτες εδώ. You aren't welcome here. You're not welcome here. Kupił tę ciężarówkę z Polski. He bought this truck from Poland. He bought this truck from Poland. Бразилія була португальскою колонією. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. वह फिल्म में हमेशा अपनी मां से झगड़ता रहता था। He always got in a fight with his mother in the movie. He was always arguing with his mother in the movie. Ο Τομ κλαίει. Tom's crying. Tom's crying. Mieliśmy nadzieję, że natychmiast przyjdzie i nam pomoże. We hoped he would come and help us at once. We were hoping he'd come and help us. Zašto nosiš džemper? Why are you wearing a sweater? Why are you wearing a sweater? Begitulah hidup. Such is life. That's how you live. Nous sommes en retard sur l'emploi du temps. We're behind schedule. We are late on the use of time. Tom og Mary udvekslede telefonnumre ved selskabet. Tom and Mary exchanged numbers at the party. Tom and Mary exchanged phone numbers with the company. Ontspan gewoon en geniet ervan. Just relax and have fun. Just relax and enjoy it. Este sombrero es demasiado pequeño para mí. This hat is too small for me. This hat is too small for me. Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary tu przychodziła. Tom didn't want Mary to come here. Tom didn't want Mary to come here. Bem ceaiul cu zahăr. We take our tea with sugar. I drink sugar tea. Nullus canis maior est quam hic. There are no dogs bigger than this one. No dog is bigger than here. Hvor mange katte har I? How many cats do you have? How many cats do you have? Сакам да ги најдеш ти. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. Matka Felicji jest Polką pochodzenia rumuńskiego. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. The mother of Felicia is a Pole of Romanian origin. An ki a vynn diberth. The dog wants to leave. This is the wine that comes out. Tens això també en altres colors? Do you also have this in other colors? Do you have this in other colors too? Il y a eu deux-cent-quinze suffrages en faveur de la motion et quinze contre. There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it. There were two hundred and fifteen suffrages in favour of the motion and fifteen against. То помогнє. That will help. That's helpful. Alles, was man sich vorstellen kann, ist real. Aber die einzig wahre Frage ist: Was ist wirklich real? Everything we can imagine is real, but what is really real is the real question. All you can imagine is real. But the only real question is: What really is real? Од што се плаши Том? What's Tom afraid of? What's Tom afraid of? История имеет дело с прошлым. History deals with the past. History has something to do with the past. Ich habe kein Bild von dir. I don't have a picture of you. I don't have a picture of you. Кто в синей футболке? Who's wearing the blue T-shirt? Who's in the blue football? Ποιός είναι ο αγαπημένος σου ζωγράφος; Who's your favorite painter? Who's your favorite painter? Kan noen fortelle meg hvorfor Tom er sint? Can someone tell me why Tom is angry? Can anyone tell me why Tom's mad? Tak se nezdráhej. So don't hesitate. Don't give up. Ви дасте відповідь на моє запитання? Will you answer my question? Will You Answer My Question? پارٹی پہ صرف چھہ لوگ تھے۔ There were only six people at the party. The party was just a bunch of people. Tom peut contacter Mari par e-mail. Tom can get in touch with Mary by email. Tom can contact Mari by e-mail. Tom sprach sehr laut. Tom was talking very loudly. Tom spoke very loud. Tom je želeo da bude dobro. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be okay. Czemu jesteś śpiąca? Why are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping? Pekerjaan sekarang sudah selesai. The work is not finished. Work's done now. Eu não peço um peso mais leve, mas ombros mais largos. I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. I don't ask for a lighter weight, but longer shoulders. Բարի եղիր: Be kind. Be good. Δεν είναι εκεί. He is not there. He's not there. Jag vet att Tom inte är lycklig där. I know Tom isn't happy there. I know Tom's not happy there. Pronašli smo otiske stopala u pesku. We found the footprints in the sand. We found fingerprints in the sand. O Sami pušlas Laylatar te mudarel lesko dades. Sami asked Layla to kill his father. And Sami slew Laylatar, and slew his father. Að foreldrum hans undanskildum mundi enginn verja hinn ákærða. Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. His parents, apart from others, would not defend the accused. ମୁ କରିବି। I will. I'll do it. Донеси ми нещо за пиене. Get me a drink. Get me something to drink. عروس نمی‌توانست برقصد، می‌گفت زمین کج است. A poor workman blames his tools. The bride couldn't stand, because she said, "The earth is perverse." Mam dość jedzenia ryb. I'm sick of eating fish. I have enough fish to eat. Rugina mănâncă din fier.‎ Rust eats away the iron. Rugina eats from iron. Том слишком ленивый, чтобы сделать это. Tom is too lazy to do that. Tom's too lazy to do this. Él pesa 10 kilos más que yo. He outweighs me by 10 kg. He weighs 10 pounds more than I do. Сакаме да му помогнеме. We want to help him. We want to help him. Δεν έχουμε κανένα λόγο να ντρεπόμαστε. We have no reason to be ashamed. We have no reason to be embarrassed. Άνοιξε το ραδιόφωνο. Turn on the radio. Open the radio. Jag undviker inte er. I'm not avoiding you. I'm not avoiding you. Kontynuował, jak gdyby nigdy nic. He went on talking as though nothing had happened. He went on like he'd never done anything. Apa kau sudah menghabiskan makan siangmu? Have you finished your lunch yet? Have you spent your lunch? Почему бы тебе не найти кого-нибудь другого, кому нужна твоя помощь? Why don't you go find someone else who needs your help? Why don't you find someone else who needs your help? Έφτασα. I arrived. I'm here. Ich spreche Kurdisch. I speak Kurdish. I speak Kurdish. Tom dijo que no podría limpiar la piscina mañana por la tarde. Tom said he couldn't clean the pool tomorrow afternoon. Tom said he couldn't clean up the pool tomorrow afternoon. Заслужујеш награду. You deserve the prize. You deserve a reward. Linguam Arabicam discit. He's learning Arabic. The Arabic language is learned. Нам з вами треба поговорити. You and I need to talk. We need to talk to you. Du er i gode hænder. You are in good hands. You're in good hands. এটা নাও। Take it. Take this. De gick i kras. They crashed. They went to crash. Deze vogel dreigt nu uit te sterven. That bird is now in danger of dying out. This bird is threatening to die now. Ioannes librum de historia Iaponiae quaerit. John is looking for a book on Japanese history. Ioannis is looking for a book in Japan's history. عمر جو مرضی ہو، بچہ بچہ ہوتا ہے۔ No matter the age, a child is a child. If you're old enough, you're a child. Neříkej mu, že jsem tu byl. Don't tell him that I was here. Don't tell him I was here. Les gens croient ce qu'ils voient. People believe what they see. People believe what they see. Toms hund nyder at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being hoovered. Tom's dog enjoys getting sucked. Peki. OK. Peky. टॉम जिंकू शकत नाही हे आपल्याला माहीत आहे. We know Tom can't win. We know that Tom cannot win. Eso debe echar leña al fuego. That should stir things up a bit! That must throw wood into the fire. Io vengo da Boston, e anche Tom. I'm from Boston and so is Tom. I'm from Boston, and so is Tom. Je veux te parler. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. Том сказал мне, что ему интересно. Tom told me that he was interested. Tom told me he was interested. Мне нужно тебе кое-что объяснить. I have something I need to explain to you. I need you to explain something. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. If I were you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I'd ignore it. Tom är inte den gitarrist som han brukade vara. Tom isn't the guitarist he used to be. Tom is not the guitarist he used to be. Vai jums patīk jūsu māti? Do you love your mother? Do you like your mother? Du hast vermutlich nicht so viel Zeit wie ich. You probably don't have as much time as I do. You probably don't have as much time as I do. Пролетта скоро ще бъде тук. Spring will be here soon. The spring will be here soon. Berapa nilaimu? What's your score? How much are you worth? Oni mogu govoriti malo španjolskoga. They are able to speak Spanish a little. They can speak a little Spanish. Lies den Titel. Read the title. Read the title. Čas byl proti Danovi. Time was working against Dan. Time was against Dan. Το πράσινο τσάι μου αρέσει. I like green tea. I like green tea. De dood van één persoon is een tragedie; de dood van miljoenen is statistiek. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. The death of one person is a tragedy; the death of millions is statistics. Ovo selo je dosadno. This village is boring. This village is boring. Týká se to i naší rodiny? Does it apply to our family as well? Is this about our family? Мислам дека Том се преселил во Бостон. I think Tom moved to Boston. I think Tom moved to Boston. My a wre dybri kig. I used to eat meat. We're really deep. Ο Τομ έπλυνε το πρόσωπό του. Tom washed his face. Tom washed his face. Denne hjemmeside er rimeligt brugbar. This site is quite useful. This website is reasonably usable. Credo eam maiorem quadragenaria esse. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's 40 years older. Credidi te praeesse. I thought you were in charge. You believed the president. Mari kita melakukannya untuk Tom. Let's do it for Tom. Let's do it for Tom. Искам да подобря произношението си по френски. I'd like to improve my French pronunciation. I want to improve my French speech. Ursäkta, var ligger posten? Excuse me, where is the post office? Excuse me, where's the post? Tom fuhr mit dem Lesen fort. Tom resumed reading. Tom continued reading. Колко искате? How much money do you want? How much do you want? Ik heb een computer van de hoogste kwaliteit gekocht. I bought a computer of the best quality. I bought a computer of the highest quality. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wensdenken. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wishful thinking. The fact that Esperanto becomes the European language tomorrow is wishful thinking. Tom en Mary zijn bereid om ons te helpen. Tom and Mary are willing to help us. Tom and Mary are ready to help us. Tom je definitivno izvukao deblji kraj. Tom definitely got a raw deal. Tom definitely pulled the thicker end. Jeg kan ikke gjøre det. I'm not able to do that. I can't do it. Effer manus tuas e sinibus. Take your hands out of your pockets. Put your hands and your breast down. Me tuvieron que sacar una muela. I had to get a molar extracted. They had to get me out of here. Nu sta în pat, cu excepția când poți face bani în pat. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed, except when you can make money in bed. Carregava uma faca ou algo similar. He carried a knife or something similar. I was carrying a knife or something. من شکلات دوست دارم. I like chocolate. I have shapes that I love. Σκότωσαν τις αγελάδες μας. They killed our cows. They killed our cows. Ја доби ли поканата од Том? Did you receive Tom's invitation? Did you get Tom's invitation? Том на взводі. Tom is psyched. Tom on the porch. Os na fydd gennych chi docyn dilys, gallwch gael eich erlyn a chael dirwy o hyd at £1000. Failure to have a valid ticket may result in prosecution and a fine of up to £1000. If you don't have a valid document, you can get your fingerprints and get up to £1000. Het jy vanaand televisie gekyk? Did you watch TV tonight? Did you watch TV tonight? Доскоро. See you around. I'll see you soon. I bambini hanno risolto il problema da soli. The children solved the problem for themselves. The children solved the problem by themselves. Ας μάθουμε γαλλικά. Let's study French. Let's learn French. Vi er i den samme båd. We're in the same boat. We're in the same boat. Почнувам да се грижам. I'm getting worried. I'm starting to worry. Ten słownik mi się bardzo przydaje. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary is very useful to me. La cena está lista. Dinner's ready. The dinner's ready. Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлива. A hug from you would make me happy. One hug of yours will make me happy. We zullen ons voorbereiden op een boycot tegen West-Samoa. We will prepare for a boycott against Western Samoa. We'll get ready for a boycott against West Samoa. Jag måste leva som jag lär. I need to walk the talk. I have to live as I learn. Uczę się na pamięć. I learn by heart. I'm learning to remember. Πότε αποφοίτησες από το Χάρβαρντ; When did you graduate from Harvard? When did you leave Harvard? Non capisco cosa sta provando a dire. I don't understand what you are trying to say. I don't understand what he's trying to say. Han sprang av. He legged it. He jumped off. Ek het van hulle vergeet. I forgot about them. I forgot about them. Tha am fear àrd. The man is tall. The man is high. टॉमकडे खरच अजून कोणताही पर्याय नाही. Tom really has no other option. In fact, Tom still has no choice. No em tornis a trucar. Don't call me again. Don't call me again. Ο Τομ αγάπησε τη Μαίρη. Tom loved Mary. Tom loved Mary. Tomův večírek byl nudný. Tom's party was boring. Tom's party was boring. Mercés ! Thanks! Thank you! Die Börse ist mir Wurst. I don't give a damn about the stock market! The stock exchange is mine. Немам никакво пенкало. I haven't got any pen. I don't have a pen. Децата спијат горе. The children are asleep upstairs. The kids are sleeping upstairs. Ja mrzim matematiku. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Όταν μεγαλώσω εγώ θα γίνω πιλότος. Εσύ τι θέλεις να γίνεις; When I grow up, I'm going to be a pilot. What do you want to be? When I grow up, I'll be a pilot. Tom mempunyai istri yang cantik. Tom has a pretty wife. Tom has a beautiful wife. Tom cantou com Maria. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Mary. Ο Τομ είναι απ' το Χάρβαρντ. Tom is from Harvard. Tom's from Harvard. Никој не појде со мене. Nobody went with me. No one came with me. Tom je přesvědčený, že něčeho v životě dosáhl. Tom is confident that he achieved something. Tom is convinced he's achieved something in his life. او به آرامی کار می کند. She works slowly. He worketh with quietness. Užsisakiau naujus baldus. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. چه کسی آشپزی می‌کند؟ Who'll cook? What is the one who is greedy? Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What's your type of blood? Io avevo solo bisogno di un po' di spazio. I just needed some space. I just needed some space. Ecce potio Arabica. This is the coffee. There's an Arab. Tom visade oss hur. Tom showed us how. Tom showed us how. Jestem dzisiaj w Bostonie. I'm in Boston today. I'm in Boston today. Det er ikke lett å skrive et kjærlighetsbrev på engelsk. It's not easy writing a love letter in English. It's not easy to write a love letter in English. Þú ferð ekki í skólann á sunnudögum, er það nokkuð? You don't go to school on Sunday, do you? You're not going to school on Sundays, are you? Es un portokal. It is an orange. It's a orange. Jag kommer att vänta här. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Ich weiß, dass Sie es waren. I know it was you. I know you were. Staden var öde. The town was deserted. The city was a waste. Tom bude věřit všemu. Tom will believe anything. Tom will believe everything. De omfamnade varandra. They embraced. They hugged each other. Bleiben Sie nicht zu lange in der Sonne. Don't stay in the sun too long. Don't stay in the sun for too long. linguam Zamenhofiānam difficilem esse putō. I think Esperanto is difficult. Zamenhofian's language is difficult to understand. टॉम अतिशय आळशी आहे. Tom is very lazy. Tom is very rude. Ecce. Here it is. Come on. Vejo a minha coroa. I see my crown. I see my crown. Jag trodde att du gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Costa soltanto una moneta. It only costs a coin. It only costs one coin. Каква е минималната заплата в твоята страна? What's the minimum salary in your country? What's the minimum wage in your country? कल्पना येतात कुठून? Where do ideas come from? Where Can I Get Imagination? O Tom é careca. Tom is bald. Tom's missing. Vodcam libenter non bibo. I don't feel like drinking vodka. I don't drink liquor. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en involucrarte? Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved? Are you seriously thinking about getting involved? Halo, apa kabar? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Lei arò il campo. She plowed the field. You'll see the field. Oblíbil jsem si maďarštinu. Je to krásný, ale poněkud těžký jazyk na učení. I grew fond of Hungarian. It is a beautiful language but a little difficult to learn. I liked Hungarian, it's beautiful, but it's kind of hard to learn. Das ist unser Problem. That's our problem. That's our problem. Елена - скорее хорошенькая, чем красивая. Helen is more pretty than beautiful. Elena's nicer than beautiful. Ukrcajte se. Come aboard. Get on board. Той е много добре запознат с международните дела. He knows a lot about foreign affairs. He's very well acquainted with international affairs. Tæl til tredive. Count up to thirty. Count to thirty. Tomas negyvena su savo tėvais. Tom doesn't live with his parents. Thomas doesn't live with his parents. Вы думаете, мы победим? Do you think we'll win? You think we're gonna win? Ќе ни требаат приближно три часа да се симнеме од планинава. Getting down this mountain will take about three hours. It'll take us about three hours to get off this mountain. टॉम आपले केस आठवड्यातून एकदाच धुतो. Tom only washes his hair once a week. Tom washes his hair once a week. Isprike na greškama. Sorry for all the typos. I'm sorry about the mistakes. Nuk kanë fjetur gjumë për dyzetetetë orë. They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours. They haven't slept in twenty hours. Den största skillnaden mellan bandy och innebandy är att bandy spelas på is. The biggest difference between bandy and floorball is that bandy is played on ice. The biggest difference between bandy and internbandy is that bandy is played on ice. Lhali vám. They lied to you. They lied to you. Könnt ihr uns davon berichten? Can you tell us about it? Can you tell us? Tom nemá hlad. Tom isn't hungry. Tom's not hungry. Ne me fais pas une tête aussi triste. Don't give me such a sad look. Don't make my head so sad. Sono appena tornato in città. I just got back in town. I just got back to town. Бирата, която донесох за купона, беше излишна, семейството на домакина притежаваше пивоварна. The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery. The beer I brought for the party was too much, the host's family owned beer. Si kachen. They're cooking. Like a dog. Ο Τομ μετανάστευσε το 2013 στην Αυστραλία. Tom emigrated to Australia in 2013. Tom moved to Australia in 2013. Aš parašiau jai ilgą laišką. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. আমার নাম টম। My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Ville du have noget imod at jeg satte mig her? Would you mind if I sat here? Would you mind if I sit here? Tom está convencido de que Mary roubou o clarinete dele. Tom is convinced Mary stole his clarinet. Tom is convinced that Mary stole his clarinet. Ny wor den vyth hy hanow. No one knows her name. Don't call him by his name. मैं नहीं जाऊंगा। I won't go. I'm not going. Wyglądasz fantastycznie. You look amazing. You look fantastic. Quau ei la toa adreça postau ? What's your home address? What's your address? Θα ήθελα να πάρω μια κάμερα σαν αυτήν. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to get a camera like this. Los dos casos no están relacionados. The two cases are not related. The two cases are not related. Esa fue la última vez que vi a Tom. That was the last time I saw Tom. That was the last time I saw Tom. Я вывучала партугальскую два месяцы. I have studied Portuguese for two months. I studied Portuguese for two months. Pediludium patri meo non placet. My dad doesn't like soccer. My father's pediludium doesn't like it. Хайде, бейби, бий се с моя лъжец! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Måske vinder Tom. Maybe Tom will win. Maybe Tom wins. Nisam uvek u pravu. I'm not always right. I'm not always right. Lorg an focal seo san fhoclóir, le do thoil. Look this word up in the dictionary, please. Unable to find this word in the dictionary. Guilelmus multos amicos habet. Bill has many friends. Guilelmus has many friends. Adesso lei è in pericolo. She is now in danger. She's in danger now. Ken je dat jongetje dat aan het huilen is? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know that kid who's crying? Месяц — сонца казакоў. The Moon is cossacks' Sun. The moon is the sun of tales. Tu sais jouer au mahjong ? Do you know how to play mahjong? Do you know how to play mahjong? Tom ist alt genug, um zu wählen. Tom is old enough to vote. Tom is old enough to choose. Lei avrà diciassette anni l'anno prossimo. She will be seventeen next year. She'll be seventeen next year. Dette er en dvd. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Kupio sam nov šešir u prodavnici. I bought a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat in the store. Non darle il tuo numero. Don't give her your number. Don't give him your number. Abbiamo bisogno d'acqua. We need water. We need water. Å spise er en av livets store gleder. Eating is one of life's great pleasures. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures of life. Де найближча станція метро? Where is the closest subway station? Where's the nearest metro station? Jeg vil ha mer detaljert informasjon. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. Уволнена ли съм? Am I fired? Am I fired? Hvor er mine drager? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Па нели не ја сакаше наградата? I thought you didn't want the reward. So you didn't want the reward? Αυτός είναι ο γάτος μου. This is my cat. That's my cat. Одувек је било тако. It's always been like that. It's always been like that. Aku sangat capek. I'm really tired. I'm so tired. É melhor você sair daqui. You'd better get out of here. You better get out of here. Czekałem na nią naprawdę dlugo. I waited for her for a really long time. I've been waiting for her for a really long time. Ο Θωμάς με έβρισε. Tom swore at me. Thomas found me. Duw genes! Good-bye! God begets! On često citira Shakespeara. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. Гэта таму што ты дзяўчынка. That's because you're a girl. It's because you're a girl. Mary kom inte hem i går kväll. Mary didn't come home last night. Mary didn't come home last night. Água, por favor. Water, please. Water, please. Res yw dhywgh gweres agas mamm. You must help your mother. I need to take care of your mom. Po długim namyśle, złodziej zdecydował się przyznać. After much thought, the thief decided to confess. For a long time, the thief decided to confess. आम्ही वनात हरवून गेलो. We got lost in the woods. We lost our garden. Він готовий. It's ready. He's ready. Ги замолив да ја отклучат вратата. I asked them to unlock the door. I asked them to unlock the door. به دلیل اینکه می توان سرعت بازتکرار صدا روی دستگاه ضبط صوت همراه را تغییر داد، من از آن برای یادگیری فرانسه استفاده می کنم. Since you can change the playback speed on the walkman, I use it to learn French. By reason of the commandment, that I should be able to cause the voice of him who sent me to disallow the hand of Zoth with him, that I may receive it of my own free will. Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? You said 'cause I was kidding? C'est toi qui m'a donné ça. You were the one who gave this to me. You're the one who gave me this. Sella procul a ianua est. The chair is far from the door. The seat is far away from the window. Ik kan de deur niet openen. Hebt gij de sleutel? I can't open the door. Do you have the key? I can't open the door. Jak poszło ostatniej nocy? How did it go last night? How was last night? कप भरलं आहे. The cup is full. It’s full of tea. Ich überredete ihn, die Idee aufzugeben. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him to give up the idea. Kan du skydda mig? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Jag undrar om Tom talar sanning. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. Nie chcę cię. I don't want you. I don't want you. No recuerdo cuándo se trasladó él a Boston. I can't remember when he moved to Boston. I don't remember when he moved to Boston. Вони сперечалися про те, хто має сидіти попереду. They were arguing about who should sit in front. They argued about who should sit in front. साडे नौ बज गये हैं। It's nine-thirty. It's just nine. Я нашёл эту бутылку, прогуливаясь сегодня утром по пляжу. I found this bottle when I was walking on the beach this morning. I found this bottle, walking down the beach this morning. तू हे पुस्तक विकत घेतलंस का? Did you buy this book? Did you buy this book? Postea mittam et adducam te inde huc. Cur utroque orbabor filio in uno die? Afterwards I will send, and bring thee from thence hither. Why shall I be deprived of both my sons in one day? I'll send you back and get you out of here. Libellus viridis est. This is a green notebook. There's a guy's name. Том седна до прозореца. Tom sat by the window. Tom sat by the window. مجھے نہیں پتا کہ آپ کہاں جائو گے۔ I don't know where you will go. I don't know where you're going. قصد کردم رسما شکایت کنم. I intend to file a formal complaint. I tried to complain about the rules. Lui viaggia per il mondo. He traveled around the world. He travels the world. Уыцы хæдзар стыр у. That house is big. This medicine is great. Je serai pas contre passer une bonne soirée. I'm not averse to a good night out. I won't mind having a good evening. Tom ha comprato un paio di orecchini per Mary. Tom bought a pair of earrings for Mary. Tom bought a couple of earrings for Mary. A vynn'ta kavos neppyth dhe eva? Would you like anything to drink? Can I find you something else? Как это часто бывает, сегодня днём Майк опоздал на встречу. As is often the case, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon. As often happens, today Mike is late for the meeting. तुला बॉस्टन आवडत नाही का? Don't you like Boston? Do you not like Boston? To bardzo kusząca propozycja. That's a very tempting offer. It's a very tempting proposal. Будь ласка, не говоріть так швидко. Don't speak so fast, please. Please don't talk so fast. Tom era troppo lontano per sentire Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Non penso che Tom acconsentirà. I don't think Tom will agree. I don't think Tom will agree. Мне нужна работа. I need the work. I need a job. Оставь его себе. Keep it to yourself. Leave him alone. Ο Τομ ακούει τη Μαίρη. Tom is listening to Mary. Tom's listening to Mary. Eu emprestei a minha bicicleta ao Tom. I lent my bicycle to Tom. I borrowed my bike from Tom. О, глядзі, глядзі! Там вялікая вясёлка! Oh, look, look! There's a big rainbow over there! Oh, look, look! there's a great fun! Զանգահարեք ինձ: Call me. Call me. Diese seltene Gehirnfresseramöbe dringt über die Nase ins Gehirn vor und beginnt, es zu fressen. This rare brain-eating amoeba travels up the nose to the brain and starts eating it. This rare brain hair loss pushes through the nose into the brain and begins to eat it. Tom non sa quando sarà qui Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be here. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be here. A me piacerebbe vedere Tom. I'd like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Segg Papa, dat he kamen schall. Tell Dad to come. Segg Papa, he's coming. Es probable que él venga. He is likely to come. He's probably coming. Jeg tror det vil blive en travl uge. I think it'll be a busy week. I think it'll be a busy week. Том тврди дека сака да научи француски. Tom says that he wants to learn French. Tom claims he wants to learn French. जॉन न्यूयॉर्कमध्ये राहतो. John lives in New York. John lives in New York. Mi smo stoga postavili malu prenosivu kolibu koja se može podeliti na dva dela i može da se odveze bilo gde. We therefore introduce a small portable cabin that can be divided in half and carried anywhere. We have therefore set up a small portable cabin that can be divided into two parts and can be driven anywhere. تام متوجه نبود که در قبال رفتار برادر اش مسئول است. Tom did not consider that he was responsible for his brother's behaviour. He didn't consider that it was an evidence of the conduct of his brother. Uznal, že jsem zkušenější řidič. He recognised me to be a more experienced driver. He recognized that I was a more experienced driver. La seva explicació del problema no tenia ni cap ni peus. Her explanation of the problem made no sense. His explanation of the problem had nothing to do with his feet. Je loog tegen me! You lied to me! You lied to me! Мері прочитала все, що змогла знайти. Mary read everything she could find. Mary read everything she could find. वह शहर में रहना चाहती है। She wants to live in the city. She wants to live in town. हिंदी बोलतेस का? Do you speak Hindi? Do you speak Hindi? Il nous a dit de quitter immédiatement la pièce. We were told by him to leave the room at once. He told us to leave the room immediately. Praca w pojedynkę nie cieszy. Working alone is no fun. I don't like working alone. Je n'ai pas de tronçonneuse mais je connais quelqu'un qui en a une. I don't have a chain saw, but I know someone who does. I don't have a wallet, but I know someone who's got one. Защо си толкова умен? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Як твоя матінка? How is your mother? How's your mother? Tom en Maria hebben geen kinderen. Tom and Mary don't have any children. Tom and Maria don't have children. Je savais que Tom m'aurais aidé. I knew Tom would help me. I knew Tom would help me. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I don't have a clue. I don't have any blonde benula. My a’s gorras y’th roum. I put it in your room. I’m sick of your bed. Kami mengkhawatirkanmu. We're worried about you. We're worried about you. अग्र आगच्छन्तु। Come forward. First fireman. तू तितकी मूर्ख आहेस का? Are you that stupid? Are you such a fool? Þú ættir ekki að reykja svona mikið. You ought not to smoke so much. You shouldn't smoke that much. Ниеден дел од свињата не пропадна. No part of the pig is wasted. No part of the pig has collapsed. Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is this a free shop? Ona nie mogła powiedzieć czegoś takiego. She can't have said such a thing. She couldn't say anything like that. मैं उससे सच्चा प्यार करता था। I truly loved her. I really loved him. ¿Por qué no nos vamos a casa? Why do we not go home? Why don't we go home? Aku akan membicarakan puisi - puisi. I'll talk about poems. I'll talk poetry. तुम्हाला मासे आवडत नाहीत का? Don't you like fish? Do you like fish? Le train partit à l'heure. The train left on time. The train leaves in time. Том тебя больше не побеспокоит. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I love listening to classical music. Es ist keineswegs unmöglich, monatlich eine Million Yen zu verdienen. It's by no means impossible to earn one million yen a month. It is not possible to earn a million yen monthly. Volim kabilsku kuhinju. I love Kabyle cooking. I love cable kitchen. Pokušala si. You tried. You tried. Ved vaskehallen ved siden af indkøbscenteret. At the car wash next to the shopping mall. At the laundry room next to the shopping center. Povabil me je na zabavo. He invited me to the party. He invited me to a party. Goslow orti. Listen to her. Goslow you. Okkar er ánægjan. It's our pleasure. We're happy. Hann kom með strætó. He came by bus. He came by the street. Nossa classe consiste em 40 garotos. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class consists of 40 girls. Dwi am fynd draw i weld Tomas. I want to go round to see Tom. I want to go see Thomas. Je croyais tout ce que tu disais. I used to believe everything you said. I thought everything you said. Це й був наш план. That was our plan. That was our plan. Han matade kycklingarna med hirs. He fed the chickens millet. He fed the chickens with hens. Tom liker ikke Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary. Jag trodde du var van vid att bo i husvagn. I thought you were used to living in a trailer. I thought you were used to living in a trailer. Grįžk namo. Come home. Go home. Ha mai mentito a sua madre? Have you ever lied to your mother? Did you ever lie to your mother? Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom pleite ist. I wonder why Tom is broke. I'd like to know why Tom's complaining. टॉमची गाडी महागडी आहे. Tom's car is expensive. Tom’s car is a highway. On m'a confisqué mon permis. I've had my driving license confiscated. I got my license. Jis nėra turtingas, bet jis yra laimingas. He isn't rich, but he's happy. He's not rich, but he's happy. Graag morgen het huiswerk inleveren. Please turn in your homework by tomorrow. I'd like to deliver the homework tomorrow. Ty nápady byly poslem demokracie. Those ideas were the harbinger of democracy. Those ideas were the message of democracy. Ik ben er over tien minuten. I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll be there in ten minutes. Volela bih da znam da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I'd like to know how to paint like that. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. Jag skulle vilja veta varför. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. Çi yo kê ez zana pêro ey musna mı ra. He taught me everything I know. It won't take long for that to happen. Thomas semper felix videbatur. Tom always looked happy. Thomas was always happy. Nonne ipse dixit mihi: "Soror mea est", et ipsa quoque ait: "Frater meus est"? In simplicitate cordis mei et munditia manuum mearum feci hoc. Did not he say to me: She is my sister: and she say, He is my brother? in the simplicity of my heart, and cleanness of my hands have I done this. Didn't he say to me, 'She is my sister?' And she said, 'He is my brother.' In the simplicity of my heart and the purity of my hands have I done this. Deberías dar un bo exemplo aos teus fillos. You should set a good example to your children. You should set a good example for your children. Их встреча была неизбежна. Their meeting was inevitable. Their meeting was inevitable. dy'Gwener yw hedhyw. Today is Friday. You are today. Нека ни помогнат. Get them to help us. Let them help us. Es ist leichter zu sterben als zu lieben. It's easier to die than to love. It's easier to die than to love. Том излъга Мери, когато каза, че не познава Джон. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Թոմը եկել է, որ օգնի մեզ: Tom has come to help us. Tom came to help us. No estoy de acuerdo contigo. I disagree with you. I don't agree with you. Мисля, че трябва да разберем къде е Том. I think we need to find out where Tom is. I think we need to know where Tom is. Убирайся из этой комнаты. Get out of this room. Get out of this room. Σου 'χω πει να μη με φωνάζεις Τομ. I told you not to call me Tom. I told you not to call me Tom. Gobeithiodd y bydd yn clywed ohoni. He hoped he might hear from her. He hoped that he would hear from him. Amo questa sedia. I love this chair. I love this chair. Gdzie jest moja mamusia? Where's my mommy? Where's my mom? Tu n'as pas à avoir peur de faire des erreurs. You need not be afraid of making mistakes. You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. Estne hoc medicamentum mihi sumendum? Do I have to take this medicine? Do you remember this medicine? Моя сім'я живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Ich hoffe, das Wetter hält noch einen Tag lang. I hope the weather will hold for another day. I hope the weather lasts another day. Pričao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. I talked to Tom yesterday. Apakah kamu di situ? Are you down there? Are you there? Seu cabelo está bonito. Your hair looks nice. Your hair's beautiful. पुलाच्या वरती एक धबधबा आहे. There is a waterfall above the bridge. There is a raid on the bridge. Tom besøgte Colosseum i Rom. Tom visited the Colosseum in Rome. Tom visited Colosseum in Rome. Kin k noar boeten? Can I go outside? Can there be any fines? Tá an t-uisce glas. The water is green. The water is green. У вас есть чем вывести пятна? Do you have anything to remove stains? Do you have anything to do with Friday? Ik will nich mit em speelen. I don't want to play with him. I don't want to play with him. तो गावात सर्वांच्याच ओळखीचा आहे. He is known to everyone in the village. He is well - known to all in the city. Yw da genes ow gols? Do you like my hair? You don't know? Chutná to dobře. It tastes good. It tastes good. ¡Baila! Dance! Baila! Μη μιλάτε έτσι για τη φίλη μου. Don't talk about my girlfriend like that. Don't talk like that about my friend. Ela dorme como se nunca tivesse feito isso antes. She sleeps as if she had never done that before. She sleeps like she's never done that before. Nihil boni in hac urbe videre potui. I could see nothing good in this city. Nothing good in this town you can see. Κάλεσε το γιατρό! Send for the doctor! Call the doctor! Веди себя соответственно возрасту. Act your age. Take care of yourself accordingly. Mislim, torej sem. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I am. Talade Marika svenska? Did Marika speak Swedish? Talade Marika Swedish? Tantum decem dollariis constat! It only costs $10.00! That's ten dollars! मैं घर गया और रोई। I went home and cried. I went home and Roy. Eg går på skolen kvar dag. I go to school every day. I go to school every day. Je těžké pro Toma vařit, protože je moc vybíravý. It is hard to cook for Tom because he is too picky. It's hard for Tom to cook because he's too picky. Το πάθος γίνεται μάθος. Mistakes are teachers. Passion becomes a lesson. Sami nigdy się nie goli. Sami never shaves. They're never naked on their own. Doe bist nog n begunner. You're still a beginner. You're still a facilitator. Telefone para Mary essa noite. Call Mary this evening. Call Mary tonight. Заробітна плата змінюється в залежності від віку працівника. Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker. The wage varies depending on the age of the employee. Людзі амаральныя. Humans are immoral. People are immoral. সবাই সেটা দেখেছিলো। Everybody saw it. Everyone saw it. Níl Gearmáinis agam. I don't know German. I don't have German. वह समलैंगिक है। He is gay. He's gay. Jô zelten robjã feler. I seldom make a mistake. An internal error occurred. Jag är en elev på den här skolan. I am a student of this school. I'm a student at this school. अभी आप शादीशुदा हैं। You're married now. Now you're married. Musíš se vrátit do devíti hodin. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to go back to nine o'clock. क्या टॉम तैर सकता है? Is Tom able to swim? Can Tom cook? ¿No querés saber lo que pasó? Don't you want to know what happened? Don't you want to know what happened? Обожавам пеперутки. I love butterflies. I love peppers. Νομίζω πως τους ακούω. I think I hear them. I think I hear them. Опасявам се, че те засегнах. I'm afraid I've offended you. I'm afraid I've touched you. Jeg kender et par franske sange. I know a few French songs. I know a couple of French songs. Πού είναι ο φίλος σας; Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Ellos lo hicieron. They did it. They did. Je ne veux pas que tu restes. I don't want you to stay. I don't want you to stay. Non aegritudo fuit quae fecerat ut Sami per dolorem pateretur sed venenum. It wasn't a natural illness that made Sami suffer in agony. It was poisoning. It wasn't a pain that made Sami suffer from pain, it was poison. Ποιο είναι τ' όνομά του; What is his name? What's his name? जब मैं छोटा था मैं हमेशा जल्दी सोकर उठा करता था। I always got up early in my childhood. When I was a kid, I always slept fast. Ik moet erheen. I need to go there. I have to go there. Hör auf, damit zu spielen! Stop playing with that thing. Stop playing with it! Dia telah mengaku bahawa dia telah bersilap. He admitted he'd been wrong. He admitted that he had made a mistake. Се обидувам да му помогнам на Том. I'm trying to help Tom. I'm trying to help Tom. Eu sei que você está se esforçando muito. I know you are struggling. I know you're trying hard. Voldelig kriminalitet spredde seg til forstedene. Violent crime spread into the suburbs. Violent crime spread to the suburbs. तिने त्याला भरपूर पैसे दिले. She gave him a lot of money. She gave him plenty of money. Der Lehrer bat mich, mein Referat vor der Klasse vorzulesen. The teacher asked me to read my paper in front of the class. The teacher asked me to read my report in front of the class. Кога е изградено? When was it built? When was it built? Не ми пипай фотоапарата. Leave my camera alone. Don't touch my camera. Жыццё — не пустая абалонка. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not an empty shell. NAF, ken farsus ez eo. Lol, this is so funny. NaF, it's funny. Já falei sobre isso várias vezes. I've already talked about that several times. I've talked about it several times. Esto es una norma. This is a rule. This is a rule. Тази ситуация е смешна. This situation is funny. This is a funny situation. Всеки ден ли говориш френски? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? जितकं चॉकलेट खाशील, तितका जाडा होशील. The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you'll get. The more chocolate you eat, the more delicious it will be. Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines. Here's looking at you, kid. Look into my eyes, little ones. Você deve ter senso de humor para usar os nossos produtos. You must have a sense of humour to use our products. You must have sense of humor to use our products. Aku akan pergi apapun yang terjadi. I'll go no matter what. I'll go whatever happens. Das ist ein günstiger Laden. That's a cheap store. That's a cheap charge. Quid est nomen tuum? What is your name? What's your name? तुला कोण शिकवतं? Who teaches you? Who Teaches You? Том, тука ли си внатре? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you in here? Druge devojke iz Merinog odeljenja su joj se podsmevale zbog odeće. The other girls in Mary's class teased her about her clothes. The other girls in Mary's department were smiling about her clothes. Да, портокалов сок, моля. Yes, orange juice, please. Yeah, orange juice, please. Eu acho que preciso de um pouco de ar. I think I need a little air. I think I need some air. Er det ikke imod reglerne? Isn't that against the rules? Isn't that against the rules? Nosotros escribimos para informarle que el Sr. Koichi Ohara ha sido designado como Administrador del Departamento en reemplazo del Sr. Taro Iida. We are writing to inform you that Mr Koichi Ohara has been appointed as Manager of the Technical Department in succession to Mr Taro Iida. We wrote to inform you that Mr. Koichi Ohara has been appointed Administrator of the Department in place of Mr. Taro Iida. Hätten Sie Insektenspray? Do you have any bug spray? Do you have insect spray? Elle prend toujours des airs, agissant comme si elle était une reine. She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were a queen. She always takes air, acting like she was a queen. Se sünd Singers. They are singers. They're Singers. No me gusta la persona en que te has convertido. I don't like who you've become. I don't like the person you've become. Ты едзеш у школу на аўтобусе? Do you go to school by bus? Are you going to school on the bus? No volveré a dejarte solo. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave you alone again. Το θέλουμε πίσω. We want it back. We want it back. Jeśli chcesz mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik, słuchaj rodzimych użytkowników gdzie tylko możesz. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. If you want to tell us how to give birth to a user, listen to your parents wherever you can. Troque a fronha do travesseiro. Change the pillowcase. Change the crossword puzzle. Jag kan inte se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Aku adalah seorang laki-laki tanpa wanita I'm a man without a woman. I'm a man without a woman. Го користам секој ден. I use it every day. I use it every day. De Jung snackt as en grootwussen Minsch. That boy talks as if he were a grown up. The boy talks like a big man. Doufali jsme, že vyhraje. We hoped she would win. We were hoping he'd win. Eya es una ladrona. She is a thief. That's a thief. Wéi kënne mir de Konflikt entschäerfen? How can we de-escalate the conflict? How can I extract the conflict? Tom kaute an seinem Bleistift. Tom chewed on his pencil. Tom was put on his leash. Давайце замовім дванаццаць шашлыкоў! Let's order twenty kebabs! Let's order twelve hats! Zřídili v Londýně novou společnost. They set up a new company in London. They set up a new company in London. Placetne tibi schola? Do you like school? Do you like school? Каде е роден? Where was he born? Where was he born? Kast att ballen åt meg. Throw the ball back to me. Throw that ball at me. Δεν έλεγε ψέματα ο Τομ. Tom wasn't lying. Tom wasn't lying. Μείνε ακίνητος. Stay still. Stay still. πυρὸς βροτοῖς δοτῆρʼ ὁρᾷς. Thοu seest the giver of fire to mortals. It's a fire. It's a fire. तो चांगला स्वेटर आहे. That's a nice sweater. He is a good swimmer. Non ho bisogno di convincerlo. I don't need to convince him. I don't need to convince him. Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you. I understand everything. Horologium lentum est. The watch is slow. The clock is slow. Том вели дека и тој сака да го направи тоа. Tom says he also wants to do that. Tom says he wants to do it, too. Tom mi je rekao šta da radim. Tom told me what to do. Tom told me what to do. Мы іх забілі. We killed them. We killed them. Ne treba da jedeš odmah pre nego što legneš da spavaš. You shouldn't eat just before you go to bed. You don't have to eat right before you go to bed. Nyns esa den vyth y’n stevel-na. There wasn't anybody in that room. Not one of them will fall to the ground. Не гледай Том. Don't look at Tom. Don't look at Tom. Ти простив јас веќе. I've forgiven you. I forgave you already. Salimos aunque hacía mucho frío. Even though it was very cold, we went out. We left even though it was very cold. Divno! Wonderful! That's great! Это заняло бы несколько часов. Doing that would take hours. It'd take a few hours. Era una nit fosca, sense lluna. It was a dark night, with no moon. It was a dark night, no moon. Ich habe ihn einen Baum fällen sehen. I saw him cut down a tree. I saw him fall a tree. Devojke su spavale. The girls were asleep. The girls were sleeping. Tomův pes je v jeho autě. Tom's dog is in his car. Tom's dog is in his car. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch Mary. Lo entenderé. I'll understand. I'll understand. टॉम तुझ्याइतक्या वेगाने पोहू शकतो. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can reach you so quickly. 'Εχω δυο βιβλία. I have two books. I have two books. जे दगडं फेकतात त्यांच्यावर अन्न फेका. Throw food at those who throw stones. Cast your bread on those who throw stones. Мені потрібна лише хвилина. I just need a minute. I just need a minute. Cupio ut omnia mihi problemata eiciantur. I wish my problems would all go away. I thought all my problems were thrown out. Nevím. Měl by ses zeptat Toma. I don't know. You should ask Tom. I don't know, you should ask Tom. Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi. I get you. I understand what you're talking about. Tom è stato brutalmente pestato e medici lo hanno dovuto mettere in un coma indotto per alleviare il gonfiore nel suo cervello. Tom was viciously bashed and doctors had to put him into an induced coma to relieve the swelling on his brain. Tom was brutally tortured and doctors had to put him in a coma induced to relieve the swelling in his brain. Том делает это, когда у него бывает свободное время. Tom does that whenever he has free time. Tom does it when he has free time. Таа му ја даде сета своја сребренина. She gave him all of her silver. She gave him all her silver. Ich bin beim Radiohören eingeschlafen. While listening to the radio, I fell asleep. I fell asleep on the radio. Знаеш ли нешто за нас? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Я вернулся в Бостон двадцатого октября. I returned to Boston on October 20th. I went back to Boston on October 20th. Não importa qual a sua profissão, ou o quão feliz você seja nela, existem momentos que você desejaria ter escolhido outra carreira. No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are moments when you wish you had chosen some other career. No matter what your profession, or how happy you are in it, there are times that you would like to have chosen another career. Como eu sinto sua falta. How I miss you. How I miss you. Weet Tom hoe om te dans? Does Tom know how to dance? Does Tom know how to dance? हा त्रिकोण आहे. This is a triangle. It is a triangle. Anak-anak adalah bunga dari kehidupan kita. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Zjadłem hamburgera i poszedłem spać. I ate a burger, then went to bed. I ate a hamburger and went to bed. Tom a été choisi parmi trois cents candidats. Tom was chosen from among 300 applicants. Tom was among three hundred candidates. Nic o tym nie wiem. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about that. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш ти да караш? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Tu n'aurais pas dû emprunter la voiture de Tom. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Du sover virkelig mye! You really sleep a lot! You're really sleeping a lot! Construir um túnel do Japão à China está fora de questão. Building a tunnel from Japan to China is out of the question. Building a tunnel from Japan to China is out of question. I dag er det tirsdag den første oktober. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Today is Tuesday the first October. Não os conheço pessoalmente. I don't know them personally. I don't know them personally. Vi spiste nogle æbler. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Czy jest zdrowy? Is he healthy? Is he healthy? Moram iti v šolo. I have to go to school. I have to go to school. Tomova žena byla opravdu rozzlobená. Tom's wife was really angry. Tom's wife was really angry. Det är roligt att spela baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun to play baseball. De taler kurdisk. They speak Kurdish. They speak Kurdish. Hans frånvaro berodde på sjukdom. His absence was due to illness. His absence was due to illness. او با ظاهری بهت زده، گفت: من چیزی نشنیده ام، بنابراین نمی توانم چیزی بگویم. He said with a perplexed expression, "I've heard nothing, so I can't say anything." He struck you with the palms of his head, and said, "I have heard nothing. Therefore I can't say anything. लहान मुलं आपल्या पालकांशी खोटं का बोलतात? Why do children lie to their parents? Why do young children lie to their parents? Ioanni calamus est. John has a pen. It's John's. Isch's woar? Really? Where is it? Ich nehme einen Kaffee und ein Hörnchen. I'll have a coffee and a croissant. I'll take a coffee and a corner. Trugarez ! Thanks! Thank you. Jag är kanske galen, men jag är inte dum. I might be crazy, but not stupid. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid. ¡Realmente te extraño mucho! I really miss you a lot! I really miss you so much! Griekelân is in âld lân. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Tom kan simma mycket snabbare än Mary. Tom can swim much faster than Mary. Tom can swim much faster than Mary. Метода му на преподаване е и добър и лош. His teaching method is both good and bad. His teaching method is good and bad. ¿Puedes encontrar el momento para jugar con nuestra hija? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Tomo rakewno. Tom's asleep. It's cancer. আপনি কত টাকা তুলতে চান? How much money would you like to withdraw? How much money do you want? Која је твоја крвна група? What's your blood type? What's your blood group? Dove hai comprato questa chitarra? Where did you buy this guitar? Where did you buy this guitar? Яны выйшлі з пакою адзін за адным. They went out of the room, one after another. They went out with the room one by one. Man ser kun klart med hjertet. Det væsentlige er usynligt for øjet. One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. You can only see clearly with your heart, which is invisible to the eye. Nous avons besoin que vous soyez forts. We need you to be strong. We need you to be strong. Yma seghes bras dhymm. I'm very thirsty. I'm so sorry. Tom lädt Spiele herunter. Tom is downloading games. Tom is downloading games. Dakter, man niez kājstarpe. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Doctor, I've got a leg between my legs. En god mandellikör skulle allt sitta bra nu. I sure wouldn't mind a sip of some fine almond liqueur right now. A good maniac would be all right now. Ester er holocaustoverlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is the survivors of the fire. Ти не міг би не займатися цим тут? Could you not do that here? You couldn't do this here? No quiero ni prestar ni pedir prestado. I don't want to lend or borrow. I don't want to borrow or ask for loans. Ο Τομ φορούσε μάσκα. Tom was wearing a mask. Tom was wearing a mask. Tom wird nächstes Jahr zurück sein. Tom will be back next year. Tom will be back next year. Le dio un obsequio que le recordaría los días felices que habían vivido juntos. He gave her a gift that would remind her of the happy days they experienced together. He gave him an obsess that would remind him of the happy days they had lived together. У неї добрий смак. She has good taste. She's got a good taste. Słyszałem tę piosenkę śpiewaną po francusku. I have heard that song sung in French. I heard that song in French. Tom está casado con Mary ahora, pero una vez estuvo casado con Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but at one time he was married to Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but once he was married to Alice. To jsou svíčky? Are these candles? Are those candles? Słucham najnowszą piosenkę Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. Ich denke mal, du hast dein Haus noch nicht sauber gemacht. I'm guessing you didn't clean your house yet. I think you haven't cleaned your house yet. Väntade du länge? Did you wait long? Did you wait a long time? Aku cuma bercanda. I was just joking. I'm just kidding. Це буде цікаво. That'll be interesting. That'll be interesting. Ní dheachaigh aon duine ar bith ansin. Nobody went there. No one then died. Яка вона? What is she like? What's she like? Underteckna på den här raden. Sign on this line. Sign this line. Opprimantur operibus et expleant ea, ut non acquiescant verbis mendacibus. Let them be oppressed with works, and let them fulfil them; that they may not regard lying words. Let them be oppressed and exploited, that they may not hear lies. Tom zna da kuca veoma brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking very fast. Eu ensinei francês ao Tom três anos atrás. I taught French to Tom three years ago. I taught Tom French three years ago. Том знае бонтон. Tom has good manners. Tom knows the canton. خیلی سخت کار می کرد. He worked hard. She did that which was evil in the sight of her husband. Нам нужно такси. We need a taxi. We need a cab. Tom schaltete das Licht aus, um Strom zu sparen. Tom switched off the light to save electricity. Tom turned off the light to save power. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where she lived. तो एखाद्या ग्रीक देवासारखा दिसतो. He looks like a Greek god. He looks like a Greek god. टॉमकडे तीन बहिणी आहेत. Tom had three sisters. Tom has three sisters. Tom vivió en Australia por varios años. Tom lived in Australia for quite a few years. Tom lived in Australia for several years. मेरीने केक सजवला. Mary decorated the cake. Sea cake decorated. Είστε σίγουρος ότι είμαι ο μοναδικός Καναδός εδώ; Are you sure I'm the only Canadian here? Are you sure I'm the only Canadian here? Wie, du weißt nicht?! What do you mean you don't know?! How, you don't know? Mae o'n byw yn ei gar. He lives in his car. He lives in his neighborhood. Nos n' avans nole prouve. We don't have any proof. We don't have any proof. Er du allergisk overfor dette medikament? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Quando você contou ao Tom? When did you tell Tom? When did you tell Tom? Постигла је свој циљ. She achieved her goal. She's reached her goal. B'fhearr liom colscaradh a fháil. I'd rather that we get a divorce. I'd rather get a divorce. Quot acetabula habemus? How many bowls do we have? How much acetabula do we have? Curiosus sum. I am curious. I'm curious. Vi uno. I saw one. One of you. Jag luktar med näsan. I smell with my nose. I smell with my nose. Perché si nasconde? Why is he hiding? Why are you hiding? Yth esov vy owth assaya gul henna. I'm trying to do that. I know you're a very good man. برج خمیده پیزا از کلیسا بلندتر است. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The tower that hangs out is greater than the assembly. टॉम मोठा होवून इंजिनियर बनला. Tom grew up to be an engineer. Tom grew up to be an engineer. Ech sinn Dokter. I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Katten spiser. The cat is eating. The cat's eating. टॉमने मला गोळी मारली. Tom shot me. In time, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ik hou van friet met ketchup. I love french fries with ketchup. I love fries with ketchup. Mereka berhenti bercakap. They stopped talking. They stopped talking. Θέλω να ξέρω πώς ονομάζεται αυτό. I want to know what this is called. I want to know what it's called. Fadil se tornou um homem perigoso. Fadil became a dangerous man. Fadil became a dangerous man. Том понякога пее на френски. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sings in French sometimes. Вали отсюда! Get out of here! Get out of here! आपले व्यवस्थापक टॉम जॅक्सन आहेत. Our manager is Tom Jackson. Our managers are Tom Jackson. Πείτε τους ότι δεν είστε έτοιμη. Tell them you're not ready. Tell them you're not ready. Il arrivera dans la soirée du cinq. He'll arrive in the evening of the fifth. He'll arrive at 5:00 p.m. Contra spem spero. I am hoping against hope. I hope so. Він тяжко працював, щоб досягти своєї мети. He worked hard to obtain his objective. He worked hard to reach his goal. Eu não te contei o que ele escreveu naquela carta. I didn't tell you what he wrote in that letter. I didn't tell you what he wrote on that letter. ¡No seas boludo! Are you crazy? Don't be silly! Ich glaube, das, was du suchst, befindet sich hinten im Schrank. I think what you're looking for is in the back of the closet. I think what you're looking for is in the back closet. Avez-vous jamais effectué un travail volontaire ? Have you ever done any volunteer work? Have you ever done a volunteer job? میں تھکا ہوا تھا اسی لئے میں سونے چلا گیا۔ I was tired so I went to bed. I was tired. That's why I went to sleep. Varför gjorde Tom det? Why did Tom do it? Why would Tom do that? Záhada je pořád nevyřešená. The mystery is still unsolved. The secret is still unsolved. Tom wyjął klucz z kieszeni i otworzył drzwi. Tom took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Tom took the key out of his pocket and opened the door. Mange børn går med jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids go with jeans. Vous êtes-vous jamais cassée un os ? Have you ever broken a bone? Have you ever broken a bone? Alif is de eerste letter van het Arabisch alfabet. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Arif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Sie haben mich nicht angerufen. You didn't call me. You didn't call me. Aparent, ai dreptate. Apparently you are right. Apparently, you're right. Мы не забудзем. We won't forget. We won't forget. Gli ho disubbidito. I've disobeyed him. I disobeyed him. Nunca te abandonaremos. We won't ever abandon you. We'll never leave you. Aš mokausi Ložbano. I study Lojban. I'm teaching Lozban. Том знае, че съм вкъщи. Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. Han hvilte i et stykke tid. He rested for a while. He stayed for a while. Ik heb schrik van wilde beesten. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild beasts. ई एक किताब है। This is a book. It's a book. Wenn auch krank, so tat ich doch mein Bestes. Although I was sick, I did my best. Even if I'm sick, I'm doing my best. به ایران رفتم. I went to Iran. I went to Iran. Czy to jest zepsute? Is it broken? Is that broken? Թոմը հաղթեց: Tom won. Tom won. Frændi minn býr í Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. Сестра ми ја прави косата на фризер два или три пати неделно. My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week. My sister makes my hair cold twice or three times a week. Тобі телефонував Том. You got a phone call from Tom. Tom's been calling you. El perro está durmiendo en el auto. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog is sleeping in the car. Ça se passe vraiment très bien. It's going really well. That's really good. Ты их напугал. You scared them. You scared them. Kto ma broń? Who has the gun? Who's got a gun? Tom sagte, dass er so voll sei, dass er für Nachtisch keinen Platz mehr im Magen hätte. Tom said he was so full he had no room left for dessert. Tom said he was so full that he wouldn't have room for dinner anymore. Tom zei dat hij het niet gedaan heeft. Tom said that he didn't do it. Tom said he didn't. इस मस्जिद को एक नये इमाम की ज़रूरत है। This mosque needs a new imam. This museum needs a new building. Tom má rád všechnu zeleninu kromě zelí. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Tom likes all vegetables except vegetables. Hoeveel musea hebben jullie bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Dlaczego po prostu nie wyjdziesz i nie powiesz tego? Why don't you just come out and say it? Why don't you just go out and say that? Навистина ми се допаѓа како ти изгледа косата. I really like the way your hair looks. I really like what your hair looks like. Внеси го внатре. Bring him inside. Bring him in. Sta aspettando qualcuno? Are you expecting somebody? Is anybody waiting? Ele é um gênio. He is a genius. He's a genius. Hun tog fyldige noter. She took copious notes. She took full notes. Թոմը կարդում է իր դստեր համար: Tom reads to his daughter. Tom reads to his daughters. Ни го откажаа летот поради неповолните временски услови. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. They canceled our flight because of unfavorable weather conditions. Ik heff noch nie so en groten Waal sehn. I've never seen a whale that big. I can't even see Waal like this. Tom nechtěl Mary ztratit. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. Väggarna i det gamla huset var inte raka. The walls in the old house were not straight. The walls of the old house weren't straight. Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mother with the kitchen. No me queda tiempo. I have no time left. I don't have time. Идея нямам кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Tá oifig an phoist suite i lár an bhaile. The post office is located in the center of the town. The post office is located in the centre of the town. Вие пиете от моята часа. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my watch. Tom si jekh čobano. Tom is a shepherd. Tom, you're an asshole. Solta meu cabelo! Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair! È ancora suo amico, vero? He's still your friend, isn't he? He's still his friend, isn't he? Je parie contre lui. I bid against him. I'll bet on him. Je to skutečně pravda. This is actually true. It's really true. Нема да биде лесно да го извршиме тоа без голема помош. It's not going to be easy to do that without a lot of help. It won't be easy to do that without a lot of help. Perché non siete stati qui ultimamente? Why haven't you been here lately? Why haven't you been here lately? Quanto è vecchio questo posto? How old is this place? How old is this place? Аз знам, че си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Од Библијата е. It's from the Bible. It is from the Bible. राजा सुलेमान अपनी बुद्धी के लिये जाने जाते थे। King Solomon was known for his wisdom. And king Solomon went to know his wisdom. Wi kunnen nich rutkriegen, wat se wull. We couldn't make out what she wanted. We can't figure out what his will is. Vystupuju na příští zastávce. I get off at the next station. I'm on my way to the next stop. Det finns ingenting på jorden som inte påverkas av solen. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. ¿Tienes una opinión? Do you have an opinion? Do you have an opinion? Les champs ont produit une bonne moisson. The fields yielded a good harvest. The fields produced a good harvest. Том се мачеше да остане сконцентриран. Tom struggled to stay focused. Tom was struggling to stay focused. Deze zin is ambigu. This sentence is ambiguous. This sentence is ambiguous. Ich glaube, ich sollte sie allmählich nach Hause fahren. I think it's time for me to give her a ride home. I think I should take her home gradually. Ich krieg den Deckel nicht ab. I cannot get the lid off. I didn't get the lid. Italienerne spiser alltid spagetti. The Italians always eat spaghetti. The Italians always eat spaghetti. Estash en Berlin? Are you all in Berlin? Are you in Berlin? Balena e madhe blu është gjallesa më e madhe që jeton. The great blue whale is the largest animal to have ever existed. The great blue whale is the largest living creature. Quinque sumus in familia. We are a family of five. Five of us are in the family. مادرم می خواهد که من در سوئیس درس بخوانم. My mom wants me to study in Switzerland. My mother asked me to read a passage of Scripture. Tempo scaduto. Per piacere consegnate gli esami. Time's up. Please pass in your exams. Time's up, please deliver the exams. Det oroar mig mycket. This worries me a lot. I'm so worried. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir. You didn't need to come. You didn't need to come. Tom nu mai poate locui aici. Tom can't live here anymore. Tom can't live here anymore. Det er en encellet organisme. That is a unicellular organism. It's a single organism. On je čovek moći. He is a man of power. He's a man of power. Êtes-vous complètement devenue folle ? Have you gone completely insane? Are you completely out of your mind? Šis kaķis ir melns. Vai suns arī? This cat is black. Is the dog, too? This cat is black. Han talar inte engelska. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Vet du om noen gode, japanske filmer å se? Do you know of any good Japanese movies to watch? Do you know any good Japanese movies? Довидзеня! Good bye! Goodbye! De schrijver werkt aan zijn nieuw boek. The writer is working on his new book. The writer works on his new book. Ne pouvez-vous pas y appliquer une petite remise ? Can't you discount it a little? Can't you apply a little rebate? Aku melihatnya melarikan diri dari toko itu. I caught sight of him escaping from that shop. I saw him run away from that store. टॉम तिसर्‍या मजल्यावर काम करतो. Tom works on the third floor. Tom works on the third floor. Τομ, μας αφήνεις μόνους για μια στιγμή; Tom, would you leave us alone for a moment? Tom, are you leaving us alone for a moment? Можам да направам повик. I can make a call. I can make a call. De battre, mon cœur s'est arrêté. My heart stopped beating. In battle, my heart stopped. Säg vad problemet är. Tell me what the problem is. Tell me what the problem is. Све се одиграло брзином светлости. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything's been played at the speed of light. Moet ik hier mijn schoenen uitdoen? Do I have to take off my shoes here? Do you want me to put my shoes out here? Volvió a poner la foto en su lugar. She put the photo back in its place. He put the photo back in place. Schließlich gab er ihre Zukunftspläne preis. At last he unfolded his plans for their future. Finally, he awarded her plans for the future. Doctorul i-a dat unele medicamente pentru a îi calma durerea. The doctor gave him some drugs to relieve the pain. The doctor gave her some medication to relieve her pain. To sam navikao da radim. It's what I'm used to doing. That's what I used to do. "Θα υπάρχει ζωντανή μουσική στο πικ-νικ." "Τι είδους μουσική;" "There will be live music at the picnic." "What kind of music?" "There will be live music in the picnic." "What kind of music?" Qualsiasi sia la scelta, sarai soddisfatta. Whichever you choose, you will be satisfied. Whatever choice you make, you'll be satisfied. Ho fatto andare Tom. I made Tom go. I made Tom go. Я напісала кнігу пра Кітай. I wrote a book about China. I wrote a book about China. کارم واقعا تمام شده است. The work is actually finished. My work is done, it is finished. Allez, chante avec moi. Come on, sing with me. Come on, sing with me. भारताच्या मुलींचा विचार कर. Think of the girls of India. Consider the daughters of India. Я должен увидеть тебя. I must see you. I need to see you. Kamma? How much? Where? Онази книга за кабуки може да е скъпа. That book on kabuki might be expensive. That cowboy book could be expensive. Tom a Mary se chystali zabít Tomova otce kvůli životní pojistce. Tom and Mary were plotting to kill Tom's father for the life insurance. Tom and Mary were going to kill Tom's father for life insurance. Ne parlez pas tous en même temps. Don't all speak at the same time. Don't all talk at the same time. टॉम अजिबात घाबरलेला नाहीये. Tom isn't a bit scared. Tom was not afraid. Том се ожени когато беше на 30 години. Tom got married when he was 30 years old. Tom got married when he was 30. Они су урадили незамислив посао. They did an unimaginable job. They did an unimaginable job. Njezin sastav je vrlo dobar, osim nekoliko grešaka u izgovoru. Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling. Her composition is very good, except for a few mistakes in the excuse. Ele se manteve bem tranquilo. He kept quite calm. He stayed calm. Schiet op. Hurry up. Let's go. Nogle gange taler han lidt underligt. Sometimes he talks a little weird. Sometimes he talks a little weird. Hice algunas correcciones. I made some corrections. I made some corrections. Lexoje këtë në mbrëmje. Read this in the evening. Read this last night. Du vet verkligen inte? You really don't know? You really don't know? Δεν πεινάμε. We're not hungry. We're not hungry. Ми змогли зрозуміти одне одного. We could understand each other. We could understand each other. Kto ci dał do tego upoważnienie? Who gave you permission to do that? Who gave you this authorization? Apakah yang dipelajari Sovietolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does Sociolog teach us? चिंपांझी काय खातात? What do chimpanzees eat? What do chimpanzees eat? Tom stellte mir seine Mitbewohnerin vor. Tom introduced me to his roommate. Tom introduced me to his roommate. C'est déjà un homme. He's already a man. He's already a man. Jag forska i det. I'll look into it. I'm researching it. میرے ابو کو فوت ہوئے پانچ سال ہو گئے ہے۔ Five years have gone by since my father died. My dad's been dead for five years. Ple’th esos ta? Where art thou? Is that what they are? Мой внучек кричит очень громко. My grandson cries very loud. My granddaughter screams very loud. Bha an cù dubh air an fheur ris a’ ghrèin. The black dog on the grass was exposed to the sun. The dog was black on grass to the sun. Том прийшов? Did Tom come? Tom's here? "Et jam nox humida cœlo / præcipitat suadentque cadentia sidera somnos. / Sed si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros / et breviter Trojæ supremum audire laborem, / quamquam animus meminisse horret luctuque refugit, / incipiam." "And now already from the heaven's high steep / the dewy night wheels down, and sinking slow, / the stars are gently wooing us to sleep. / But, if thy longing be so great to know / the tale of Troy's last agony and woe, / the toils we suffered, though my heart doth ache, / and grief would fain the memory forego / of scenes so sad, yet, Lady, for thy sake / I will begin," and thus the sire of Troy outspake: "It's a wet night of the brain/precipitated and suspicious fall of the stars of dreams. / But if so much love happens to recognize ours/and shortly Troy's hearing the supreme work, / though our hearts remember horrors and sorrow flees, / begin." Dorothy in officio non est. Dorothy isn't in the office. Dorothy's not in the office. ¡Déjame marchar! Let me go! Let me go! Ο Τομ δουλεύει σε μια πιτσαρία. Tom works at a pizzeria. Tom's working in a paint shop. Yng Nghymru, mae'n orfodol i fyfyrwyr ysgol astudio cemeg hyd at lefel TGAU (16 oed). In Wales, it is compulsory for students to study chemistry at GCSE level (16 years old). As an example, students at school must study German until they reach the level of TGAU (16 years of age). Они идиоты. They're idiots. They're idiots. Rēķinā ir kļūda There's a mistake in the bill. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Nie krępuj się pytać. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask. De hatar spindlar. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Vi er på vej. We're on our way. We're on our way. Ele foi mordido na perna por uma cobra. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. He was bit in the leg by a cobra. Եղեք դուք ինքներդ: Be yourself. It's you. Хората тук са добри. The people here are good. People here are good. Eu suspeitava que algo assim pudesse acontecer. I suspected that something like this might happen. I suspected something like this could happen. Имаш ли пари изобщо? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money at all? Läraren skrev någonting på svarta tavlan. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something on the black board. Puthja juaj eshte me e embel se mjalta. Your kiss is sweeter than honey. Your kiss is better than honey. Jen abys věděl, to byl můj nápad. For your information, that was my idea. Just so you know, that was my idea. Jeg kan ikke åbne dokumentet. I can't open the document. I can't open the document. साफ ठेव. Keep it clean. Keep it clean. På dødsleiet ba han meg om å fortsette å skrive til deg. On his deathbed he asked me to continue writing to you. On the death row, he asked me to continue writing to you. Thomas natare didicit. Tom learned how to swim. Thomas is an educated swimmer. Я поїду на машині. I'll take my car. I'll go to the car. Nechci být ponechán v úplné samotě. I just don't want to be left completely alone. I don't want to be left alone. Tom instalou uma câmera de vigilância. Tom installed a surveillance camera. Tom installed a surveillance camera. Ella tiene un nuevo trabajo y novio nuevo. She has a new job and a new boyfriend. She has a new job and a new boyfriend. Ič hæbbe dōhtor. I have a daughter. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Kritiķī var strīdēties par to, ka visi iepriekšminētie raksturojumi ir ļoti abstrakti. Critics may argue that all the foregoing characterizations are very abstract. The critic may argue that all the above characteristics are very abstract. Статуя Свабоды знаходзіцца ў Нью-Ёрку. The Statue of Liberty is located in New York. The Statue of Freedom is in New York. तो किल्ला सुंदर आहे. That castle is beautiful. That key is beautiful. Վե՛ր կացեք: Wake up! Stand there. Том ја поздравува Мери со мавтање. Tom greets Mary by waving his hand. Tom greets Mary with a mutiny. Kalkuliatorius yra puikus išradimas. The calculator is a wonderful invention. The calculator is a great invention. Logo você vai se acostumar. You'll soon get used to it. Then you'll get used to it. È un uomo di parola. He is a man of his word. He's a man of speech. Je bent trotser dan een pauw. You are prouder than a peacock. You're more proud than a dick. Vols jugar a tennis amb nosaltres? Do you want to play tennis with us? You want to play tennis with us? Buíochas le Dia nach raibh aon duine gortaithe. Thank God that nobody was hurt. Thank God no one was hurt. A vida no campo é moi tranquila en comparación coa vida na cidade. Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life. Life in the field is very quiet compared to life in the city. Siete interessati alla politica. You're interested in politics. You're interested in politics. Potete insegnarmi a giocare a scacchi? Can you teach me to play chess? Can you teach me to play chess? Älskling, är du skadad? Honey, are you hurt? Honey, are you hurt? Attendez un instant. Hang on just one moment. Wait a minute. Ini akang torang bayar 30 pound. This will cost €30. It's a 30-pound raiser. Hann borgaði tuttugu dollara fyrir varalitinn. He paid $20 for the lipstick. He paid $20 for the robbery. Non sarei mai dovuta venire a Boston. I never should've come to Boston. I would never have come to Boston. Том мислеше, че Мери е необвързана, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was unbinding, but he wasn't quite sure. Co bys udělal, kdybys byl na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Den ulogiske samtalen fortsatte. The irrational conversation continued. The unlogic conversation continued. Cur ea non saltat? Why isn't she dancing? Why didn't she jump? Povedi me kući sa sobom. Take me home with you. Take me home with you. Przykro mi, mój ujgurski nieco kuleje. I'm sorry, my Uighur is a little coarse. I'm sorry, my uncle's got some balls. Jeg drømmer hver nat om hende. I dream about her every night. I dream about her every night. Care este cântecul dumneavoastră preferat? What is your favourite song? What's your favorite song? Berhentilah melamun. Stop daydreaming. Stop fighting. تم نے وایلن بجانا کیسے سیکھا؟ How did you learn how to play the violin? How did you learn to do the whale? Sie kam ins Zimmer. She came into the room. She came into the room. Askush nuk do të na shohë. No one's going to see us. No one will see us. Unii oameni cred că Pământul va fi invadat de extratereștri. Some people think that Earth will be invaded by aliens. Some people think the Earth will be invaded by aliens. टॉमला सारखी पार्टी करायची असते. Tom wants to party all the time. Tom needs to be a party like that. Каква е минималната заплата в Италия? What's the minimum salary in Italy? What's the minimum wage in Italy? È tornato a casa ora? Are you back home now? Is he home now? Fuair mé an t-airgead. I found the money. I got the money. Thomas nunc per telehorasim loquitur. Tom is on television now. Thomas is now speaking out loud. Tím bych si příliš jistý nebyl. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Zašto si toliko paranoična? Why are you so paranoid? Why are you so paranoid? Könntest du bitte das Licht anmachen? Could you turn on the light, please? Could you please turn on the light? Ik kom uit Hongarije. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Mı çımê xû groti u sereyi xû tada. I closed my eyes and turned my head. The earth's orbit is sharper than ever before. Ich bin deinetwegen gekommen. I came for you. I'm here for you. Ik zal proberen snel te zijn. I'll try to be quick. I'll try to be quick. Що ви викладаєте? What do you teach? What do you teach? Том відмовився говорити будь-що. Tom refused to say anything. Tom refused to say anything. От всичко, което Том е правил миналия уикенд, той казва, че уиндсърфингът му е бил най-забавен. Of all the things Tom did last weekend, he says that windsurfing was the most fun. Of all Tom did last weekend, he says his windsurfing was fun. Čo cítiš? What do you feel? How do you feel? Имам само осумнаесет години. I'm only eighteen. I'm only 18 years old. Ich komme nach Hause. I'm coming home. I'm coming home. Il faut que cela soit corrigé. That needs to be corrected. This has to be corrected. La uva maduró bien aquel verano. The grapes ripened well that summer. The grape matured well that summer. Du fortalte meg ikke at Tom flyttet til Boston. You didn't tell me Tom moved to Boston. You didn't tell me Tom moved to Boston. Du er skide høflig! You're polite as fuck! You're fucking polite! Quand avez-vous commencé à étudier le latin ? When did you start studying Latin? When did you start studying Latin? טאם וואוינט אליין אין א זעלבסט-געגזר׳טע גלות און כמעת קיין-מאל-נישט זייט ער קיינעם. Tom lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone. Tom Wont Allen in a self-oppressive glaucoma and chemat-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no- Durante los últimos diez años, la gente se ha dado cuenta progresivamente de que necesitan cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios. Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits. Over the past ten years, people have gradually realized that they need to change their eating habits. तुम्हें दर्द सहना ही पड़ेगा। You must endure the pain. You'll have to suffer. Ze gaat een beetje melk drinken. She's going to drink some milk. She's gonna have some milk. Ada pohon ceri di setiap sisi jalan. There are cherry trees on each side of the street. There are lumber trees on each side of the road. टॉमकडे किती वेळ आहे? How much time does Tom have? How much time does Tom have? Hva er du så nærvøs for? What are you so nervous about? What are you so excited about? Работата не е срамна. Work isn't shameful. It's not a shame. Ar galėčiau tau padėti? Could I help you? Can I help you? Ο Τομ βρήκε το ημερολόγιο της Μαίρης. Tom found Mary's diary. Tom found Mary's diary. Tom ha rifiutato il loro invito. Tom declined their invitation. Tom refused their invitation. Hic liber est pariter parvus ac ille. This book is as small as that one. Here's the book together and he's small. Etterspørselen etter dette produktet har vokst raskere enn tilbudet i det siste. Recently the demand for this product has increased faster than the supply. Demand for this product has grown faster than the latest offer. Vi råkar ha två exemplar av "Räddaren i nöden". It happens that we have two copies of Catcher in the Rye. We happen to have two copies of "Saver in Need." Många människor litar inte på regeringen. Many people do not trust the government. Many people don't trust the government. Hún fékk stöðuhækkun. She was promoted. She got a promotion. Tá cosc ar chaint sa leabharlann. Talking in the library is not allowed. There's a ban on talking in the library. Сфаќаш? Get it? Do you understand? لطفاً به آتش‌نشانی زنگ بزنید. Please call the fire department. Striking with sparks of fire. आप कैसे हैं? How are you? How are you? Да, ангеле мој. Yes, my angel. Yes, my angel. Tom s'est fait attaquer par un essaim d'abeilles. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Tom was attacked by a bee test. ତୁମକୁ ଦେଖିଲେ ଏକାକୀ ପରେ ମନେ ହେଉନଥିଲ _ You didn't look like you were lonely. When I see you, I'm feeling lonely. O que você está fazendo no meu quarto? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Neefkes leggen aaier. Flies lay eggs. - Don't worry. - Don't worry. টোকিওর জন্য পরের ট্রেনটা কটার সময় ছাড়ে? What time does the next train leave for Tokyo? How long did the next train leave for Tokyo? Άσε τα κόλπα! Let the tricks begin! Get the fuck out of here! К счастью, он не погиб в аварии. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Luckily, he didn't die in an accident. Nedával jsi pozor. You didn't pay attention. You weren't paying attention. Napísal včera list. He wrote a letter yesterday. He wrote a letter yesterday. Два плюс два будет четыре. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. Позади дома есть большой сад. There is a large garden at the back of his house. There's a big garden behind the house. Θέλω να τους πω ότι τους αγαπώ. I want to tell them I love them. I want to tell them I love them. Citește această carte în timpul tău liber. Read this book at your leisure. Read this book in your spare time. Jeg var ikke i skolen, for jeg var syg. I wasn't at school, because I was sick. I wasn't in school because I was sick. Det trækker her. There is a draught in here. It's pulling here. Том си ги испружи рацете. Tom put his arms out. Tom, put your hands out. Będzie mi miło panu pomóc, kiedykolwiek będzie taka potrzeba. I am glad to help you whenever you need me. It'll be nice to help you whenever you need it. Ах, колко жалко! What a pity it is! Ah, how sad! Okrucieństwo, jakiego dopuszczono się na tym komisariacie, jest niewyobrażalne. The cruelty of the torture in the police station is beyond description. The abuse allowed by the Commissioner is unimaginable. Drugi semestr dobiegł końca. The second term came to an end. The second semester is over. Chi l'ha dipinto? Who painted that? Who painted it? יעקב איס און גﬞודﬞייו סיקולאר. Jacob is a secular Jew. Jacob Is and G. U.S. Kan du vara snäll och låsa dörren? Would you please lock the door? Can you please lock the door? Je suis tombée d'un arbre. I fell from a tree. I fell from a tree. Per favore, li prenda. Please get them. Please take them. এটা কটার সময় বন্ধ হয়? At what time does it close? How long does this stop? Hij verbleef de afgelopen vijf dagen in dat hotel. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He's been staying at that hotel for the last five days. Vous souvenez-vous lorsque vous avez vu Tom pour la dernière fois? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember when you saw Tom for the last time? Valde senex fuit. He was very old. Valde sanex is gone. Avsky er som å drikke gift, og deretter håpe at det vil drepe din fiende. Resentment is like drinking poison, and then hoping it will kill your enemy. Avsky is like drinking poison, and then hoping it will kill your enemy. Est-ce que tu veux essayer ? Do you want to give it a try? Do you want to try? Tom verrà punito per quello che ha fatto. Tom is going to be punished for what he did. Tom will be punished for what he did. Оде нам аутобус. Мораћемо сад да идемо пешке. There goes our bus. Now we'll have to walk. We'll have to go on foot now. Quidam serius venerunt. Some people were late. Some serious ones have come. A-vorow y fynnav ri dhodho an lyver. I will give him the book tomorrow. At least the resource selected by the library. Նրանք քայլեցին: They walked. They walked. केट मिडलटन अभी केंब्रिज की डचेस हैं। Kate Middleton is now the duchess of Cambridge. Kate Midleton is now the dock of Cambridge. Φαίνονται ευτυχισμένα. They seem happy. They look happy. Eles estão discutindo o problema. They are discussing the problem. They're discussing the problem. Ech wëll net wëssen, wat wäert geschéien. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't want to know what will happen. Libenter legit. She likes to read. Libender read. Δεν πήγα στον ζωολογικό κήπο. I didn't go to the zoo. I didn't go to the zoo. J'espère l'épouser. I hope to marry her. I hope to marry him. Qu'est-ce qui te fait tenir ? What keeps you going? What's keeping you? Не думаю, что Том знает, что происходит. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. O cachorro de Tom dorme na cama com ele. Tom's dog sleeps in bed with him. Tom's dog sleeps in bed with him. Har ni träffat alla här? Have you met everyone here? Have you met everyone here? Máš ráda sladký čaj? Do you like sweet tea? Do you like sweet tea? به نظر می رسد که کیف پولم را گم کردم. I seem to have lost my purse. Behold, I have lost the straw. I have lost the straw. Era liniștea de dinaintea furtunii. It was the calm before the storm. It was quiet before the storm. En god konjak kompletterar en fin måltid. A good brandy completes a fine meal. A good cognac complements a nice meal. "Привет", - робко сказал Том. "Hi," Tom said shyly. "Hello," said Tom. Vår personlighet påverkas av omgivningen. Our character is affected by the environment. Our personality is affected by the environment. Vikl dig ikke ind i selvmodsigelser. Don't get all tied up in knots. Don't get caught up in self-defense. Det finns en fågel här. There is a bird here. There's a bird here. Wyt ti wedi ymweld â sw yn dy wlad di? Have you visited a zoo in your country? Have you visited your country? हे रामूला दे. Give this to Ramu. Give it to Ramulah. Ο Τομ δεν ξέρει ότι είμαι Καναδέζα. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm Canadian. Wir werden unser Zimmer aufräumen, damit Mama zufrieden ist. We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied. We'll clean up our rooms so that Mom's satisfied. Toget ankom til Kyoto til tiden. The train arrived in Kyoto on time. The train arrived in Kyoto at the time. Di dekat rumahku ada jalan besar. There is an avenue near my house. There's a great road near my house. J'ai trop sommeil pour manger. I'm too sleepy to eat. I have too much sleep to eat. Nemo in culina est. There's nobody in the kitchen. No one's in the kitchen. Rych owgh. You are rich. Go ahead. Он разрешил им гулять по саду. He permitted them to walk in the garden. He allowed them to walk through the garden. Ovaj brončani kip je prekriven patinom. This bronze statue is coated with patina. This bronze statue is covered with suffering. Hobi im janë gjuhët. My hobby is languages. My hobby is language. Завтра будет снег. It will be snow tomorrow. Tomorrow will be snow. Posso entrare? May I come in? Can I come in? Helen Keller var blind, døv og stum. Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute. Helen Keller was blind, deaf and dumb. काही नाही. Nothing. Not at all. Tá carr agam. I have a car. I got a car. Aquera mangiscla n'ei pas sanitosa. This food is unhealthy. That manicure isn't healthy. Samo zatvori oči. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Mary je opravdu krásná. Mary is really beautiful. Mary's really beautiful. Certains des étudiants aiment jouer de la guitare. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some students like to play guitar. Чому ви лаєтеся? Why are you cursing? Why are you sweating? त्यावर मी विचार करतो. I'll think about it. I think about it. Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka. I have no idea how long it'll take. I don't have a clue how long it's gonna take. Han er bedre enn oss alle. He's better than us all. He's better than all of us. Pojechaliśmy na narty do Kanady. We went skiing in Canada. We're on our way to Canada. उसकी जान-पहचान में तो बहुत लोग थे पर दोस्त कोई भी नहीं थे। She had plenty of acquaintances, but no friends. There were a lot of people in his life, but there were no friends. Não sei porque o Tom está com medo. I don't know why Tom is afraid. I don't know why Tom's scared. Den er 8:30. It's eight-thirty. It's 8:30. Это было бы возможно. It would be possible. That would be possible. Ο Τομ ισχυρίζεται πως είναι Καναδέζος. Tom claims to be a Canadian. Tom claims he's Canadian. Rufen Sie den Sicherheitsdienst! Call security! Call the security service! Англійська - не рідна мені мова. English isn't my first language. English isn't my language. Πεινούσα πολύ. I was very hungry. I was hungry. Sie sah sich im Spiegel. She saw herself in the mirror. She saw herself in the mirror. A te piace viaggiare? Do you like to travel? Do you like traveling? U kan ontbijten tussen zeven en negen uur. You can have breakfast between 7 and 9. You can have breakfast between seven and nine hours. Θα πρέπει να του πω πως μου αρέσει, η ότι τον αγαπάω; Should I tell him that I like him or that I love him? Should I tell him I like him, or do I love him? Tom en ik woonden in 2013 in Boston. Tom and I were living in Boston in 2013. Tom and I lived in Boston in 2013. Lei non mi ha mai detto che era sposata. You never told me you were married. She never told me she was married. Culina huius domus maxima est. The kitchen of this house is very large. The kitchen is big. Lei gioca a calcio o a rugby? Do you play soccer or rugby? Do you play football or rugby? Yma diw vyrgh dhyn. We have two daughters. Here's the two of you. La prenderò domani. I'll get it tomorrow. I'll take it tomorrow. Animal es. You're an animal. He's an animal. Nevím, co chceš, a je mi to jedno. I don't know what you want and I don't care. I don't know what you want, and I don't care. تمھیں اتنی جلدی جانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ You don't need to go in such a hurry. You don't have to go that fast. Dorang binci kita ka? Do they hate me? Do you want us to come? Ти не знала, що Том — викладач французької? Didn't you know Tom is a French teacher? Did you not know that Tom was a French teacher? Гледала съм всичките Ви филми. I've seen all your movies. I've seen all your movies. मला अभ्यास करायला हवा. I must study. I want to study. Rád bych věděl, co bude dál. I wonder what comes next. I'd like to know what's next. De hele natie wil vrede. The whole nation wants peace. The whole nation wants peace. Побачивши собаку, кіт утік. At the sight of the dog, the cat ran off. Seeing the dog, the whale ran away. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Мораш да се обидеш, Том. You have to try, Tom. You have to try, Tom. Probaću da ih nađem. I will try to find them. I'll try to find them. ज़रूर कोई वाइरस होगा. It must be a virus. There'll be no virus. مردم دور یک میز جمع شدند The people gathered around a round table. People assembled at one table, from far. तुम्ही जर हे औषद घेतलंत, तर तुम्हाला खूप बरं वाटेल. If you take this medicine, you'll feel a lot better. If you take this medicine, it will make you feel better. Vilken färg har ditt hår? What color is your hair? What color does your hair have? C'est un mot difficile à traduire. It's a difficult word to translate. It's a hard word to translate. Sei por que Tom me deixou em paz. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Ji atmetė mūsų pasiūlymą. She turned down our proposal. She rejected our proposal. Res o dhodho diberth an drev. He had to leave the village. There are no items to write to disc. Simplemente tenía ganas de escuchar tu voz. I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice. I just wanted to hear your voice. Puer in exedra stat. The boy is standing in the living room. Power in exedra state. Al contrario, nunca diría algo así. On the contrary, I'd never say such a thing. Otherwise, I'd never say anything like that. Tidak, bukan Oratorio Vivaldi yang aku maksud, tapi Oratorio Haydn, apa kau mengetahuinya? I don't mean Vivaldi's, I mean Haydn's Oratorio, do you know it? No, not Oratorio Vivaldi that I mean, but Oratorio Haydn, do you know? A medida que él hablaba, se ponía cada vez más entusiasmado. As he talked, he got more and more excited. As he spoke, he became increasingly enthusiastic. On évite de parler politique. We avoid talking about politics. We avoid talking politics. Ela quer dançar. She wants to dance. She wants to dance. Ще го имам предвид. I'll take that into consideration. I mean it. Huset med det ødelagte taket er blitt reparert. The house with the damaged roof has been repaired. The house with the destroyed roof has been repaired. Norėjai pasimatyti su manim? Did you want to see me? You wanted to see me? ¿Quies dir de compres? Do you want to go shopping? You mean shopping? Erinaceus est animal parvum. The hedgehog is a small animal. Erinaceus is a small animal. Tom e Mary si stavano baciando quando sono entrata. Tom and Mary were kissing each other when I walked in. Tom and Mary were kissing when I got in. ἀλλʼ ἐχρῆν τι δρᾶν. You ought to have done something. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vůbec ti nerozumím. I don't understand you at all. I don't understand you at all. Aš išvalysiu virtuvę vėliau. I'll clean up the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. Kolik lidí to umí? How many people can do that? How many people can do that? पृथ्वीवर भरपूर संस्कृती आहेत. There are many cultures on Earth. There are many cultures on earth. Uno de mis hijos está malo. One of my children is sick. One of my kids is bad. Я не знал, о чём говорю. I didn't know what I was talking about. I didn't know what I was talking about. Avez-vous d'autres questions ? Have you any further questions? Do you have any other questions? Scisne ubi Turris Tokii sit? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where Turris Tokyo is? Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary does. Tom lives in the same part of the city where Mary lives. Apes quid edunt? What do bees eat? What are they eating? Ήταν απογοητευμένος. He was disappointed. He was disappointed. Comment es-tu raccordée ? How are you connected? How are you connected? Pensei que Tom tivesse respondido todas as suas perguntas. I thought Tom had answered all your questions. I thought Tom had answered all his questions. Hij drinkt bier. He drinks beer. He's drinking beer. Cunctæ animæ, quæ ingressæ sunt cum Iacob in Aegyptum et egressæ de femore illius, absque uxoribus filiorum eius, sexaginta sex. All the souls that went with Jacob into Egypt, and that came out of his thigh, besides his sons' wives, sixty-six. All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, except the wives of his sons, threescore and six. Den står på katedern. It's on your desk. It's on the catheter. Het is te lang. It's too long. It's too long. Hierdie is die tydskrif waaroor ek met jou gepraat het. This is the magazine I spoke to you about. This is the magazine I was talking to you about. Ich habe beide Bücher gelesen. I've read both these books. I read both books. Jóga může vylepšit lidské zdraví a pohodu. Yoga can improve one's health and well-being. Yoga can improve human health and well-being. Yth esov vy ow tonsya. I'm dancing. That's what you're saying. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put his socks on. Tom's wearing his socks. El Burj Khalifa desso xe el pì alto gratasielo del mondo. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa on this ice the high foot thanks the world. Semper tibi fisa sum. I've always trusted you. I'm always cool with you. Di mana terminal busnya? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus terminal? Han försökte inte ens. He didn't even try. He didn't even try. Спиш ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Tom jest przepracowany. Tom is overworked. Tom's processed. Reescribí mi informe. I rewrote my report. I rewritten my report. Девојчињата влегуваат во пубертет на возраст од десет до единаесет години, а момчињата на возраст од единаесет до дванаесет години. Girls begin puberty around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve. Girls enter puberty from ten to eleven years of age, and boys from eleven to twelve years of age. Ha delle arance? Do you have any oranges? Do you have any oranges? ब्रासिलिया ही ब्राझीलची राजधानी आहे. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. Brazil is Brazil’s capital city. Ο Τομ εργάζεται. Tom works. Tom's working. В какое время вы хотите встретиться? What time do you want to meet? When do you want to meet? Jestem bezwzględny. I'm strict. I'm invincible. Credo che sia esatto. I believe that's correct. I think that's right. Taiwan è la Cina democratica. Taiwan is the democratic China. Taiwan is democratic China. به نظر می رسد که امروز صبح در حالت بدی هستی. It seems like you're in a bad mood this morning. Behold, you are in trouble this morning. Nie mam nic do powiedzenia w tej sprawie. I have nothing to say on this matter. I have nothing to say about it. Vennligst vent et øyeblikk. Please hold on a moment. Please wait. Sada je prilično zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's pretty busy right now. Debido al mal tiempo, mi profesor de piano me sugirió que vaya a casa temprano. Because of the bad weather, my piano teacher suggested that I go home early. Because of the bad weather, my piano teacher suggested that I go home early. Mijn studenten hebben vol ongeduld zitten wachten op de testresultaten. My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results. My students have full patience waiting for the test results. Non dubito quin veniat. I'm sure he's coming. I don't doubt who's coming. Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Cette porte ne sera pas fermée à clé. This door won't lock. This door won't be locked. Essa será uma boa lembrancinha da minha viagem pelos Estados Unidos. This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. That will be a good reminder of my trip to the United States. Los dirigibles son un tópico habitual en las obras steampunk. Airships are a common trope in steampunk works. The conductors are a regular topic in the steampunk works. Tom se zdráhal s Mary diskutovat na ono téma. Tom hesitated to discuss the subject with Mary. Tom tried to discuss the subject with Mary. Tempus est ad meschitam ire. It's time to go to the mosque. It's time to go mixed up. আমি সন্ধ্যার আগে ফিরে আসবো। I'll be back by evening. I'll be back in the evening. Et idcirco occidit et eum Dominus, quod rem detestabilem fecerat. And therefore the Lord slew him, because he did a detestable thing. And the LORD slew him, because he had done an abominable thing. Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Nous parlions souvent de notre avenir. We would often talk about our future. We often talked about our future. Tom hat das Gebäude verlassen. Tom has left the building. Tom left the building. रेस्तराँ का नाम "पुराना युरोप" है। The name of the restaurant is "Old Europe". The name of the restaurants is "Old Europe". Et ait Deus: Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram; et præsint piscibus maris et volatilibus cæli et bestiis universæque terræ omnique reptili, quod movetur in terra. And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them set upon the fish of the sea, and upon the fowl of the air, and upon the creeping things, and upon the beasts of the earth, and upon every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Ea intro aufer. Take them inside. She's coming up. Nije nov problem. It's not a new problem. It's not a new problem. Estou ouvindo uma voz. I am hearing a voice. I'm hearing a voice. Welk weren Buurn, welk weren Jägers. Some were farmers, some were hunters. Who are our neighbors, who are our hunters? Հերիք է այդ աղջկան նայես: Stop looking at that girl. It's nice to see that girl. नाव के सफ़र में कार से ज्यादा समय लगता है. Traveling by boat takes longer than going by car. It takes more time than a car on a ship's voyage. Ek gaan nie in dit geboelie word om dit te doen nie. I won't be bullied into doing that. I am not going to get involved in doing this. Ik ontmoet Mihaela elke morgen in de metro. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I meet Mihaela every morning in the subway. Merkad! Buy! Meredad! Wer könnte ihn vergessen? Who could forget it? Who could forget him? Γιατί σε μισώ. Because I hate you. Because I hate you. C'est ma nouvelle voiture. This is my new car. It's my new car. Ти вже їх знайшла? Have you found them yet? Have you found them yet? Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl? Do you remember what I told you? Remember what I told you? Ik vertaalde. I translated. I translated. Πού 'ν' τα πράγματά σου; Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Ons het baie vriende in Tokyo om by te kuier. We have many friends to visit in Tokyo. We have many friends in Tokyo to visit. Bardzo tęskni za swoją rodziną. He misses his family very much. You miss your family very much. Prendete delle precauzioni. Take precautions. Take precautions. Mâine va ploua. Tomorrow it will rain. Tomorrow's gonna rain. Tom veoma dobro imitira način na koji Meri govori. Tom is very good at imitating the way Mary talks. Tom is very good at imitating the way Mary speaks. Он умнее меня. He's smarter than me. He's smarter than me. Zmniejsz to. Make it smaller. You'll cut it. Uxor eius Galla est. His wife is French. His parents are Galla. Jis nusižudė. He killed himself. He killed himself. Tomi është më i fortë se unë. Tom is stronger than I am. Tommy's stronger than I am. Koelkaast is dicht. The refrigerator is closed. The refrigerator is closed. O Tom si pŕabut lažano te kerel les. Tom is too timid to do that. Tom, you're a liar. ¿Por qué no solo te callas? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you just shut up? Прекъсвам ли ви? Am I interrupting? Am I interrupting you? Sá sem hefur það að starfi að skemmta fólki sem kemur á sýningu er skemmtikraftur. The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer. The one who has the job of entertaining people on display is a power of entertainment. Bene, parata sum. OK, I'm ready. All right, I'm ready. Gammal är äldst. Old is eldest. Old man's older. Vino de muy lejos. He came from far away. He came from far away. Man inviterede ham ikke. He was not invited. You didn't invite him. Non mi vedranno senza un appuntamento. They won't see me without an appointment. They won't see me without an appointment. Хватайте его! Seize him! Get him! Можливо, вона не про тебе говорила? Maybe she wasn't talking about you. Maybe she wasn't talking about you? Tom sembra a disagio. Tom looks uneasy. Tom seems upset. Tau reikalingas automobilis? Do you need a car? You need a car? No dalej, chodźmy. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Tom bilang dia tidak tahu kenapa Mary absen. Tom said he didn't know why Mary was absent. Tom said he didn't know why Mary was gone. Chi chaunta da sted, lavura d'inviern. Who sings in the summer, works in the winter. I'm telling you, it's winter lava. Ո՞րն է քո սիրելի թռչունը: What is your favorite bird? What's your favorite bird? Belajarlah dari kesilapan orang lain. Awak tidak pernah dapat hidup cukup lama untuk membuatnya semua diri sendiri. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make it all your own. Водата беше млака. The water was lukewarm. The water was milk. Veðurfréttamaður er manneskja sem veðrið er ekki alltaf sammála. A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree. A weather reporter is a person who does not always agree with the weather. Es viņu zinu. I know him. I know him. Trods bekymringerne var vejret pragtfuldt. Despite the concerns, the weather was magnificent. Despite the concerns, the weather was beautiful. Kami semua sangat bersemangat. We're all very excited. We're all very excited. Él viene poco a verme. He seldom comes to see me. He's coming to see me. আমি এখানে বাস করি। I live here. I live here. Tom é imaturo. Tom is immature. Tom's an idiot. Mám rád angličtinu, ale nemluvím jí dobře. I like the English language, but I don't speak it well. I like English, but I don't speak well. କେତେଟା ସମୟ ହେଲା? What time is it? What time was it? Hie comon þa to þære stowe þe him gesweotolode God, and he þær weofod arærde on þa ealdan wisan, and þone wudu gelogode swa swa he hit wolde habban to his suna bærnette siððan he ofslægen wurde. They came to the place that was revealed to him by God, and he there erected an altar in the ancient manner, and the wood was arranged just as he wanted to have it happen for his son's burning after he slayed him. He could afford to stand them they had sweetened God, and he had their wewood arrested on that old wisan, and they wudu ogode either he he would have had to his son-in-law since he was expelled. Deseo hablar de inmediato con mi abogado. I want to talk to my lawyer straight away. I want to talk to my lawyer right away. Le enseñé a manejar a mi novia. I taught my girlfriend how to drive. I taught you how to handle my girlfriend. टॉमने खिडकी फोडली. Tom smashed the window. Tom broke the window. Byl jsem hned za Tomem. I was right behind Tom. I was right behind Tom. Nevěřil bys, jaké věci lidi vyhodí. You wouldn't believe the stuff people throw away. You wouldn't believe what things people throw away. ਜੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਸਲਾਹ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਤਾਂ ਮੈਂ ਮੰਗ ਲੈਣੀ ਸੀ। If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have asked for it. If I had asked for your advice, I would have asked. Sie ist sehr neugierig. She's very curious. She's very curious. No se engaña a aquel que sabe que está siendo engañado. He is not cheated who knows he is being cheated. You're not fooling anyone who knows you're being tricked. Mary chce být baletkou. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Mary wants to be a ballet girl. Jeg ville ønske jeg var ung igen. I wish I were young again. I wish I was young again. Există surse de hrană abundente. There are abundant food supplies. There's plenty of food. Il s'évanouit de faim et de fatigue, mais revint à lui peu après. He fainted with hunger and fatigue, but came to after a while. He starves away from hunger and fatigue, but comes back to him shortly after. Mary preparò la colazione. Mary made breakfast. Mary prepared the breakfast. Omezením spotřeby masa můžeme zlepšit životní prostředí. By reducting meat consumption, we can improve the environment. By limiting the consumption of meat, we can improve the environment. Cogite. Think. Here you go. Tom är en bra grabb. Tom is a great kid. Tom's a good guy. Waarom zou ik Frans leren? Why should I learn French? Why would I learn French? Eu acho que esse tem de morrer para que o outro viva. É um mundo cruel. I think this one has to die for the other to live. It's a cruel world. I think this one has to die for the other to live. Η Αυστραλία είναι φανταστική χώρα. Australia is an amazing country. Australia is a fantastic country. टॉम जाडा नव्हता. Tom wasn't fat. Tom was not a coward. Le spie hanno avvelenato il conte. The spies poisoned the count. The spies poisoned the account. Dat Problem is, dat ik nich noog Geld heff. The problem is that I don't have enough money. The problem is I don't have enough money. Ex Italia oriundus sum et Italice loquor. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I came from Italy and I speak Italian. وہ سکون سے رہ رہا ہے۔ He lives comfortably. He's staying calm. Tout le monde t'apprécie. Everyone likes you. Everybody likes you. Tu dovresti ringraziarmi. You should thank me. You should thank me. Ko tu dzersi? What can I get you for drinking? Who are you drinking? Tumensque Iacob cum iurgio ait: Quam ob culpam meam et ob quod peccatum meum sic persecutus es me, quia scrutatus es omnem supellectilem meam? Quid invenisti de cuncta substantia domus tuæ? Pone hic coram fratribus meis et fratribus tuis, et iudicent inter me et te. And Jacob being angry said in a chiding manner: For what fault of mine, and for what offence on my part hast thou so hotly pursued me, and searched all my household stuff? What hast thou found of all the substance of thy house? lay it here before my brethren, and thy brethren, and let them judge between me and thee. And Jacob took hold of him, and said, What is my iniquity? and why hast thou so persecuted me, that thou hast sought out all my goods? why hast thou found out all the goods of thy house? set them here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge between me and thee. Еве, брат, по пола. Here, bro, halfsies. Here, brother, half. Ο Τομ απάντησε στις ερωτήσεις. Tom answered the questions. Tom answered the questions. Ken sprang over muren. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken jumped over the walls. Ich sehe ohne meine Brille nichts. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Helvete! Damn it! Oh, shit! Mas quem chamou por ti sem te conhecer? But who called for you without knowing you? But who called for you without knowing you? আমরা বিভিন্ন বিষয় নিয়ে কথা বললাম। We talked about various topics. We talked about different things. Það er tími til kominn að þú farir í háttinn. It is high time you went to bed. It's time for you to go. Tá orm scaradh an pholaitíocht ón gcreideamh. We must separate politics from religion. I have the separation of politics from religion. Je zima. It's cold. It's cold. Gówno prawda. Bullshit. Oh, shit. Warum sollte es mich kümmern, was die Gesellschaft denkt? Why should I care what society thinks? Why should I care what society thinks? Том ужива во тоа да јаде по ресторани. Tom enjoys eating out. Tom enjoys eating after restaurants. Loro sono fortunati ad essere vivi. They're lucky to be alive. They're lucky to be alive. Thorax laneus eius purpureus est. Her sweater is purple. Thorax's wool is purple. De toeristen bezoeken het museum. The tourists visit the museum. Tourists visit the museum. Prieks iepazīties. Es esmu skudrulācis. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Nice to meet you. Връщай се в леглото. Just go back to bed. Go back to bed. जब तक जीवन है, आशा है। As long as there is life, there is hope. As long as there's life, there's hope. Tom is erg beleefd. Tom is very polite. Tom is very impressed. টম কি বাড়িতে আছে? Is Tom home? Is Tom home? Mike hett en poor Frünnen in Florida. Mike has a couple of friends in Florida. Mike has some friends in Florida. Hic equus candidus non est. This horse isn't white. There's no white horse here. Ρώτησα τον Τομ πού ήθελε να πάει. I asked Tom where he wanted to go. I asked Tom where he wanted to go. Nu cred că ești nebun. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. Tom kan inte arbeta i morgon. Tom can't work tomorrow. Tom can't work tomorrow. Том даст Мэри всё, что ей нужно. Tom will give Mary everything she needs. Tom will give Mary everything she needs. Gwell yw genes koffi. You prefer coffee. It's better to have coffee. Wie heeft haar geholpen? Who helped her? Who helped her? Avete davvero parlato con lui? Did you really talk to him? Did you really talk to him? Казах ти всичко, за което мога да се сетя. I've told you everything I can think of. I told you everything I could remember. Како беше вчера? How was yesterday? How was it yesterday? Vær høflig over for dine forældre. Be polite to your parents. Be kind to your parents. Het Nederlands is een Nederfrankische taal. Dutch is a Low Franconian language. The Netherlands is a Dutch language. Do jaké strany patříte? Which party do you belong to? Which side do you belong to? Eu vou arriscar. I'll take my chance. I'll risk it. نهنگ در ساحل واکایاما پیدا شده بود. The whale has been found off the coast of Wakayama. A reed was found at the sea. A reed was found at the right end. Παίζουν μπάσκετ. They play basketball. They're playing basketball. El a inventat o poveste despre acel câine. He made up a story about the dog. He invented a story about that dog. Ini payung milik siapa? Whose umbrella is this? Who's this? Зачем ты перевёл это предложение? Why did you translate this sentence? Why did you transfer this proposal? Nadam się na twojego/ twoją partnera/ partnerkę? Will I do as your partner? I'm hoping for your partner/partner? Da mihi poculum aquae, quaeso. Please give me a cup of water. Give me a cup of water, please. Jeg kører over den bro hver eftermiddag på vej hjem fra arbejde. I drive across that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. I drive over that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. Tom leva o seu cachorro para passear no parque quase todos os dias. Tom walks his dog in the park almost every day. Tom takes his dog to the park almost every day. सिक्का सोने का है। The coin is gold. Zikka's gold. Πόσο κάνουν αυτά τα μήλα; How much are these apples? How much do these apples do? Valeo, gratias! I'm fine, thanks! Valeo, thank you! Nikada više neću da pomenem ovo. I won't ever mention this again. I'll never mention this again. Vidistine unquam Turrim Tokii? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you ever seen Turrim Tokyo? Não façamos nada estúpido. Let's not do anything stupid. We don't do anything stupid. Никој ли не сака да седи со тебе? Won't anyone sit with you? Doesn't anyone want to sit with you? Sovražniki smo. We're enemies. We're enemies. Hvad er den længste flod i Australien? What's the longest river in Australia? What's the longest river in Australia? Ég ætla með þér til Hanover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going with you to Hanover. Что я могу сделать? What can I do? What can I do? Eu me orgulho do que faço. I take pride in what I do. I'm proud of what I'm doing. তুমি যতক্ষণ ইচ্ছে থাকতে পারো। You can stay as long as you like. You can stay as long as you want. Du trenger godt utstyr for å bestige det fjellet. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. You need good equipment to take over that mountain. Hun skar æblet i to. She cut the apple in two. She cut the apple in two. Is é an Domhnach an lá deireanach don tseachtain. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Odiavo il francese alle superiori. I hated French in high school. I hated French at the top. Daaraan had je moeten denken vooraleer je haar zwanger maakte. You should have thought of that before you got her pregnant. You should have thought about that before you made her pregnant. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna. No one's perfect. No one's perfect. Ny vynnav vy dybri omma. I don't want to eat here. I didn't mean to. Você já ouviu esta música antes? Have you ever listened to this song? Have you heard this music before? Une phrase inspirée ? An inspired sentence? An inspired phrase? Ο Τομ και η Μαίρη είπαν ότι δε χρειάζεται να το κάνουν άλλη φορά. Tom and Mary said they didn't have to do that again. Tom and Mary said they didn't have to do it again. Jego macocha jest moją szwagierką. His stepmother is my sister-in-law. His stepmother's my sister-in-law. Wokeen hett dat Universum schapen? Who created the universe? Who made that universe? Vielleicht solltest du ihm die Wahrheit sagen. Maybe you should tell him the truth. Maybe you should tell him the truth. Er is hier een restaurant. There's a restaurant here. There's a restaurant here. Rogavi quis esset. I asked who he was. I asked who it was. Het Erechtheion is een tempel op de Akropolis van Athene. The Erechtheion is a temple located inside the Acropolis of Athens. The Errechtheion is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Не беспокойся о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Я іноземка. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Sami kan somtyds 'n las wees. Sami can be a pain sometimes. Sami may sometimes be a burden. Aku lupa mengunci lacinya. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the lock. Я ем яблоко. I am eating an apple. I eat apples. Zorg ervoor dat de deur gesloten is. Make sure the door is locked. Make sure the door is closed. Nesciebam tibi febrim esse. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you were feverish. Komputery są ciągle ulepszane. Computers are constantly being improved. Computers are constantly improving. Nemam pojima o čemu ti pričaš. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. Tohle jí dá lekci. This will teach her a lesson. This gives her lessons. Crkni! Die! Let's go! Tom had met ons moeten komen. Tom was supposed to come with us. Tom should have come with us. Han hadde på seg et lyseblått slips. He wore a light blue tie. He was wearing a light blue tie. Come lo fissiamo? How do we fix it? How do we fix it? Tua sorella ha figli? Does your sister have children? Your sister has children? मला कळून आलं की बिलचे वडील आजारी आहेत. I learned that Bill's father was sick. I learned that Bill’s father was ill. तुला फ्रेंच कोणी शिकवली? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Vi har forbedret kvaliteten. We improved the quality. We've improved quality. איך וועל אים רופן יעצט. I'm going to call him right now. I want to call him eat. Kami percaya bahwa perdamaian dari koeksistensi dua sistem sosial yang berbeda sepenuhnya bisa terwujud. We believe that peaceful coexistence of the two different social systems is fully possible. We believe that the peace of the coexistence of two totally different social systems can exist. Ja volim Leanne. I love Leanne. I love Leanne. ¡Feliç Dia Internacional de la Dona! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! کیا تم پچھلے مہینے امریکا میں تھے؟ Were you in America last month? Were you in the U.S. last month? Zar te ničemu nisam naučio? Have I taught you nothing? Didn't I teach you anything? त्याला बाहेर न्या. Take him outside. Take him out. Tom wszedł, niosąc torby z jedzeniem. Tom came in carrying a grocery bag. Tom came in carrying a bag of food. Cuius plumbum est? Whose pencil is this? Whose lead is it? Конференција није баш била успешна. The conference was not a complete success. The conference wasn't really successful. Non sono fortunata come voi. I'm not as lucky as you. I'm not lucky like you. Jumi će biti učiteljica. Yumi will become a teacher. Jumi will be a teacher. Мені подобається твоя сорочка. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Не помирайте, будь ласка! Please don't die! Don't die, please! E Gallia oriunda est. She's from France. And Gallia's everywhere. Allir þekktu raunverulegar tilfinningar hennar. Everybody knew her true feelings. Everyone knew her real feelings. Muriel acabou de fazer vinte anos. Muriel just turned twenty. Muriel's just been 20 years. Nos hicieron quedarnos en una habitación pequeña. We were made to stay in a small room. They made us stay in a small room. Drog yw genev, ny allav dha weres. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Sorry, there is something wrong with that name. De grootte maakt uit. Size does matter. Size doesn't matter. Tom esperou por Mary em seu carro. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Ik ken geen van deze vijf dames. I don't know any of the five ladies. I don't know any of these five ladies. Me siento atraído por Mary. I'm attracted to Mary. I feel attracted to Mary. Jy is verkeerd. Ek is nie pessimisties nie, maar skepties. You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but sceptical. You're wrong, I'm not pessimistic, I'm skeptical. আমি ভেবছিলাম টম অন্যরকম। I thought Tom was different. I thought Tom was different. Muren er tredive yard lang. The wall is thirty yards long. The wall is thirty yards long. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. She had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. She was in the hospital for six weeks because of her illness. Pasaulis yra pilnas kvailų žmonių. The world is full of dumb people. The world is full of fools. Volal som ťa. I called you. He called us. Me paenitet me iratum esse. I'm sorry I lost my temper. I'm sorry to be angry. טאם האט געזאגט מערי׳ן אז ער גלויבט נישט אין אסטראלאגיע. Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology. Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology. Ne le traduis pas littéralement. Don't translate it literally. Don't literally translate it. Шта ћеш да урадиш са Томом? What do you want to do about Tom? What are you gonna do with Tom? Ale ja nie mam pieniędzy. But I don't have money. But I don't have the money. Waarom kom je niet naar mij thuis in de nabije toekomst? Why don't you come to my house in the near future? Why don't you come home to me in the near future? Սուրճ, խնդրեմ: Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Koupili svým dětem do školy psací potřeby. They bought their children some writting implements for school. They bought their kids at school writing needs. Καλῶς γράφεις. You write well. You're welcome to write. मैं चाहती हूं कि टॉम सच जाने। I want Tom to know the truth. I want Tom to know the truth. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Նախազգուշական միջոցներ կիրառեք: Take precautions. Use warning tools. मी अजूनही प्रयत्न करतोय. I'm still trying. I’m still trying. Tokyo er levende. Tokyo is bustling with life. Tokyo is alive. Sunt geloşi pe succesul nostru. They are jealous of our success. They're jealous of our success. Книгите са наши. The books are ours. The books are ours. Bis auf Tom kannte ich niemanden dort. Except for Tom, I didn't know anyone there. To Tom, I didn't know anyone there. Я познакомился с ним несколько месяцев назад. I met him a few months ago. I met him a few months ago. Vun Sofia na Warna föhrt man mit dat Auto söß Stunnen. It is a six-hour drive from Sofia to Varna. From Sofia to Varna you drive the car for a sweet hour. Lo Tòm que dèu aver au mensh trenta ans. Tom must be at least thirty years old. The Tom that must have been in less than thirty years. آن بچه به میمون موز می داد. The child was feeding the monkey with the banana. The young child gave birth to a mammon. Canada maior quam Iaponia est. Canada is larger than Japan. Canada is bigger than Japan. آلبرت انیشتن یک بار گفته است: اسپرانتو بهترین راهکار برای ایده ی زبان جهانی است. Albert Einstein said once: "Esperanto is the best solution for the idea of an international language". Your desire has gone out there once, saying, 'Spare!' and, 'The best of all the peoples is the tongue of the world.' In am is i dtráth. All in good time. In time. किडे कोणाला आवडतात? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Nyns yw res dhis dos a-vorow. You don't have to come tomorrow. It's not like that. Hvem har fortalt dig historien? Who told you the story? Who told you the story? Tom hat das Haus verlassen. Tom left the house. Tom left the house. Родителите на Том са разочаровани, че той не успя да влезе в Харвард. Tom's parents were disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Tom's parents are disappointed he couldn't get into Harvard. Le pain est vieux. The bread is old. The bread is old. Би сакал маринирана риба и морски плодови. I would like marinated fish and seafood. I'd like marine fish and seafood. Том сказав, що цього не було. Tom said that didn't happen. Tom said it wasn't. Гледаме кој се смее, но не и кој плаче. We can see who's laughing, but not who's crying. We see who's laughing, but not who's crying. Φαίνεται ότι όλοι κάνετε λάθος. It appears that you're all mistaken. Looks like you're all making a mistake. Bob tok oppvasken da. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob took the dish. Montamos calentadores de agua. We assemble water heaters. We're mounting water heaters. Hij slaagde erin om daar op tijd te zijn. He managed to get there in time. He managed to be there in time. Tom při hodině francouzštiny sedával vedle mne. Tom used to sit next to me in French class. Tom was sitting next to me at the French hour. I gatti solitamente miagolano. Cats usually meow. The cats usually megalen. Incredibile! Incredible! Incredible! Schaffe mir die Beweise her! Get me the evidence. Get me the evidence! Þrífum herbergið okkar. Let's clean our room. Let's clean our room. To oczywiste, że skłamałeś. It's obvious that you told a lie. It's obvious you lied. Všechny tyhle tři krásné dívky jsou moje neteře. These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine. All these three beautiful girls are my nieces. Барбару забіў Элістэр. Barbara was killed by Alister. Barbara killed Elyster. Hur ofta händer det? How often does that happen? How often does it happen? Reci Tomu da sam nedužan. Tell Tom I'm innocent. Tell Tom I'm innocent. मुझे थोड़ा आराम करने का मन है। I feel like taking a rest. I have a little rest. टॉम वह नहीं खाएगा। Tom won't eat that. Tom won't eat it. Desculpe, você fala inglês? Excuse me. Do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? बिस्तारै भन्नुस्। Please speak more slowly. Splendid bonnets. Murt! Shit! Murt! Я не двинусь с места, пока вы не вернётесь. I'll stay right here until you get back. I won't move from place until you get back. Spoken kunnen mensen bezitten. Ghosts can possess people. Spocks can have people. Nemohu vysvětlit, co se stalo. I can't explain what happened. I can't explain what happened. Gud skabte mennesket. God created man. God created man. Tom è un giudice. Tom is a judge. Tom is a judge. Ada masalah apa? What is the problem? What's the matter? Non posso proteggerli. I can't protect them. I can't protect them. Πήρα ένα πολύτιμο μάθημα. I learned a valuable lesson. I got a valuable lesson. Kako sam prevideo to? How did I miss that? How'd I miss it? Id facile non fuit. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. Eu avisei para o Tom não comer o camarão. I advised Tom not to eat the shrimp. I warned Tom not to eat the shrimp. Ik ben gevaarlijk. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Minha mãe fez algumas roupas novas. My mother made some new clothes. My mother made some new clothes. Ninguém olha para mim. No one's watching me. No one's looking at me. Det är en ordbok. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Ajo tha se ajo vete ishte e alkolizuar. She said he herself was an alcoholic. She said she was drunk herself. ও এই বিষয় কথা বলতে চায় না। She doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to talk about it. Դուք խոսու՞մ եք ֆրանսերեն: Can you speak French? You speak French? Kāds ir tavas māsīcas vārds? What's your cousin's name? What's your sister's name? Bystyret vedtok å bevilge én million kroner til forprosjektering av nytt teater i Bergen. The City Council voted to grant one million for the preliminary engineering work on the new theater in Bergen. The city council decided to grant one million kroner to project new theatres in Bergen. Tem chovido muito. It's been raining a lot. It's raining a lot. Thomas timidus est. Tom's shy. Thomas is shy. J'ai encore dû lui repasser ses chemises ! C'est la dernière fois ! I had to iron his shirts again! It's the last time! I still had to change his shirts! Մի բղավեք: Stop yelling. Don't yell. Powróć natychmiast. Return immediately. I'll be right back. Perché Tom è bravo in francese? Why is Tom good at French? Why is Tom good in French? Sposób, w jaki ubierają się turyści uchybia miejscowym standardom przyzwoitości. The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety. The manner in which tourists dress is flawed by local standards of speciality. Πρέπει να πάω για ψώνια. Θα είμαι πίσω σε μία ώρα. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Ce a făcut cu toţi banii? What did she do with all the money? What did he do with all the money? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? E Gallia oriundus sum. I am from France. And I'm Gallia. माझं पाकीट हरवलंय. I have lost my wallet. I lost my pack. Mari berpesta. Let's party. Let's party. Μετά το ατύχημα οι τραυματίες μεταφέρθηκαν στο νοσοκομείο. After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital. After the accident, the wounded were transferred to the hospital. Vidličky boli používané veľa rokov v Európe a na Blízkom východe, ale len na varenie. Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking. Great pain in the years used in Europe and in the Middle East, but in the spring. Inizieremo appena possiamo. We'll begin as soon as we can. We'll start as soon as we can. À quelle fréquence te douches-tu ? How often do you take a shower? How often do you shower? Es ist für mich. It's for me. It's for me. তোমার বয়স কত? What's your age? How old are you? Ο Τομ είναι βασικά καλός σε οτιδήποτε κάνει. Tom is good at practically everything he does. Tom's actually good at anything he does. Kan ik die sinaasappel eten? Can I eat that orange? Can I eat that orange? Quel en est le délai ? What is the delay? What time is it? Ајде наваму. Let's go this way. Come this way. Eu tenho outra ideia. I have another idea. I have another idea. Я уже задавал тебе этот вопрос. I've asked you this question before. I've already asked you this question. Hon räckte upp handen för att få bussen att stanna. She raised her hand for the bus to stop. She raised her hand to get the bus to stop. Lepiej chodźmy do innego pokoju. Tu mogliby nas łatwo usłyszeć. We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here. We'd better go to another room. Ради. It works. It works. Δε είμαι φίλος του. I'm not his friend. I'm not his friend. Θα σου τις φέρω. I'll bring them to you. I'll get it for you. Tom ima težak posao. Tom has a difficult job. Tom's got a hard job. Не ме рецкаш. You're ignoring me. You're not taking me off. Você aproveitou a sua viagem? Did you enjoy your trip? Did you take advantage of your trip? Ji gali būti rimtai ligota. She might be seriously ill. She may be seriously ill. На овој заб му треба пломба. This tooth has to have a filling. This tooth needs a bullet. Jag har en begäran. I have one request. I have a request. Nuk i kuptoj rregullat e lojës. I don't understand the rules of the game. I don't understand the rules of the game. Αυτός θέλει να μάθει πώς να μαγειρεύει. He wants to learn how to cook. He wants to know how to cook. Kami mengetahui bahwa pintu depan terkunci. We found the front door locked. We know that the front door is locked. Музеят е затворен в неделя. The museum is closed Sundays. The museum is closed on Sunday. De manière générale, les petites filles adorent les poupées. Generally speaking, little girls are fond of dolls. In general, little girls love dolls. मी घरी जाऊन रडलो. I went home and cried. I went home and cried. Er din kone god til at lave mad? Is your wife good at cooking? Is your wife good at making food? k Kom oet Zeeilaand. I'm from Zeeland. k Come to Sealand. Извини ме. Excuse me. Excuse me. 't Is veujoar. It's spring. It's a widow. मी एकेकाळी रोममध्ये राहिले. I once lived in Rome. At one time, I was living in Rome. Salve! Welcome. Hello! Пациентът оздравяваше малко по малко. The patient got better little by little. The patient recovered a little bit. Ik heff dat Auto köfft. I bought the car. I'll take that car. Математика мені легко дається. I'm very good at math. Mathematicians are easy for me. Quan li convendria venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When would you like to come? Du var selv ude om det. You had it coming. You were out of it yourself. Ze houdt ook van boeken. She likes books too. She likes books, too. Den här maskinen går på elektricitet. This machine works by electricity. This machine goes to electricity. Ja no ho puc suportar més. I can't put up with it any longer. I can't bear it anymore. Odwiedziłem dom mojej babci. I visited my grandmother's house. I visited my grandmother's house. Die Sushis in diesem Laden sind gut. The sushi at this shop tastes good. The sushis in this store are good. Cudownie! Wonderful! That's wonderful! Έχεις αρχίσει να έχεις τριχόπτωση. You have developed a bald spot. You've started to have a hair loss. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Ken ik jou? Do I know you? Do I know you? Tom nu avea nicio idee că Mary era o criminală în serie. Tom had no idea that Mary was a serial killer. Tom had no idea Mary was a serial killer. Hon är en drama queen. She's a drama queen. She's a drama queen. פּוטין איז אַ שװאַנץ! Putin is a dickhead! Putin is a monster! Ο Τομ είναι λίγο πιο μικρός απ' την κόρη σας. Tom is a little younger than your daughter. Tom's a little younger than your daughter. Тайская — афіцыйная мова ў Тайландзе. Thai is the official language in Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Pes stáhl ocas. The dog tucked its tail. Dog's got tails. Линкът ти не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link doesn't work. Deixe de ser pessimista, tudo se ajeita. Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Stop being pessimistic, everything falls apart. Il est scénariste. He's a screenwriter. He's a screenwriter. Goejûn. Good evening. Good. Coneixes el meu germà Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Um elf passt es mir gut. Eleven o'clock is good for me. I'm good at eleven. Nie lubię Toma i Mary. I don't like Tom and Mary. I don't like Tom and Mary. मला तुझा प्रश्न समजला नाही. I don't understand your question. I didn't understand your question. Io non ho paura di baciare Tom. I'm not scared to kiss Tom. I'm not afraid to kiss Tom. Jedina reč napisana na stranici bila je "žaba". The only word written on the page was the word "frog." The only thing written on the page was a frog. Perché siete così influenti? Why are you so influential? Why are you so influential? Ka shume para. He has a lot of money. There's a lot of money. Он только что вернулся. He has just come back. He just came back. Никто не видит моих слёз. No one sees my tears. No one sees my tears. या तुमच्या चाव्या आहेत का? Are these your keys? Are these your keys? Nonne alterum filium habere vis? Don't you want to have another child? Don't you want another son? Je hoeft je sokken niet uit te trekken. You don't have to take off your socks. You don't have to remove your socks. Tom určitě umí dost francouzsky na to, aby si vystačil. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. Tom must be able to make enough French for himself. Том сказал мне, что Мэри не захочет идти. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Ես հավատում եմ, որ դուք հաջողության կհասնեք: I believe that you will succeed. I believe that you will succeed. बीस लोग पार्टी में हाजिर थे। Twenty people attended the party. Twenty people were in the party. Nombre furent massacrés. Many were slain. Many were massacred. माझ्याकडे तुझी फाइल आहे. I have your file. I have your file. Je Tom mrtev? Is Tom dead? Is Tom dead? Las flores huelen bien. The flowers smell good. The flowers smell good. Ir ļoti auksti. It's very cold. It's very cold. Utra pila alba est? Which ball is white? Is there another white pile? তিনি কি ফরাশি ভাষা বলতে পারেন? Can he speak French? Can he speak French? Niets hiervan is goed. None of this is good. None of this is good. Un gifft dat dor Bööd? And are there boats? And there are floors? Teniu fam, ara? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? Welke is de hoofdstad van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, Washington of New York? Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York? What is the capital of the United States of America, Washington or New York? Es rico, ¡no necesita dinero! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He's rich, he doesn't need money! T'due. I love you. T'due. O Tom naj les či jekh than te trajil. Tom doesn't have any place to live. Whether it's a wood or a hunt, it's gonna take you a long time. Умеете ли да яздите кон? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Sono felice della mia vita. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy about my life. Том сакаше Мери да му дојде на забавата. Tom wanted Mary to be at his party. Tom wanted Mary to come to the party. जेम्स कैमेरन ने फ़िल्में बनाने का एक नया तरीका निर्माण किया। James Cameron created a new way to make movies. James Cameron created a new way to make the film. Imaš li stabilnu vezu sa dečkom? Do you have a steady boyfriend? Do you have a stable relationship with the boy? Hest du weten, dat de 6. Juli de Internatschonale Küss-Dag is? Did you know that July 6 is the International Kissing Day? Did you know that July 6 is the International Wedding Day? Хіба ты не разумееш маю праблему? Don't you understand my problem? Don't you understand my problem? Mes esame namie. We are home. We're friends. Unser Jachtklub hat zehn Mitglieder. Our yacht club has ten members. Our yacht club has ten members. Він повернеться до Японії в середині травня. He will come back to Japan in the middle of May. He will return to Japan in mid - May. तू किती सेक्सी दिसतोस. You look so sexy. How sexy you look. Tom je jednom radio sa mnom. Tom once worked with me. Tom worked with me once. Είστε ελεύθεροι; Are you guys free? Are you free? Du måste vänta på nästa buss. You have to wait for the next bus. You have to wait for the next bus. Et je n'ai pas tiré. Je n'ai pas pu... Au dernier moment, c'est honteux à dire... Je n'ai pas eu le courage de tirer. And I did not shoot. I couldn't... At the last moment, it's shameful to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. And I didn't shoot. I couldn't... at the last moment, it's embarrassing to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. Gruñía porque no le pagaban bastante. He grumbled because they didn't pay him enough. Grunny because they didn't pay him enough. Η Μίλι αγαπάει τη σοκολάτα. Millie loves chocolate. Millie loves chocolate. Ты можешь купить себе собаку в том магазине. You can buy yourself a dog in that store. You can buy yourself a dog in that store. Er ist etwas älter als ich. He's a bit older than me. He's something older than me. Puxo unha gorra na cabeza. He put a cap on his head. He put a hat on his head. Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you smile at Tom? Kunne du være så snill og slå på lyset? Would you be so kind as to turn the light on? Would you be so nice to turn on the light? To jest zasadniczo dobre poza pomniejszymi błędami. This is fairly good except for minor mistakes. That's basically good beyond the least mistakes. Cabe a nós fazer isso. It's up to us to do that. It's up to us to do that. Tom is waarschijnlijk in Boston. Tom is probably in Boston. Tom's probably in Boston. Libenter loquimur. We enjoy talking. We're talking. Jak masz na imię? What is your first name? What's your name? Tom är beslutsam. Tom is determined. Tom is determined. Estou triste. I'm sad. I'm sad. Exspecta donec cras. Wait until tomorrow. Wait till tomorrow. Ad Appii Claudii senectutem accedebat ut cæcus esset. In his old age, Appius Claudius faced the additional challenge of being blind. In Claudio's old age, he came to be blind. Da yw gans Mary ergh. Mary likes snow. It was Mary's turn. Så fort som tjejen såg sin mamma så började hon att böla. The instant the girl saw her mother, she burst out crying. As soon as the girl saw her mother, she started bluffing. Da li ga je Tom našao? Did Tom find him? Did Tom find it? El este un om căsătorit. He's a married man. He's a married man. Jeg er gravid. I'm expecting. I'm pregnant. Potrebbe chiamarlo? Could you call him? Could you call him? Tag det ikke bogstavelig. Han har det med at overdrive. Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate. Don't take it literally. Това колело принадлежи на мен. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike belongs to me. Jag tror att han heter Tom. I think his name is Tom. I think his name's Tom. O Tomás está a dormir no berço. Tom is fast asleep on the cot. Tomás is sleeping in the pool. Eu nunca cantei e nunca cantarei em um karaoke em bar nenhum. I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar. I've never sang and I'll never sing in a karaoke bar. تا قبل ار این هرگز از او چیزی نشنیده بودم. I have never heard of him since then. I have not heard of him until now, even until now. Ok. Jeg bøjer mig. Okay. I give in. Okay, I'm bending. Ничего удивительного, - ответил Том. "I don't wonder", said Tom. No wonder, he answered Tom. Siapakah penyanyi yang terbaik dalam syarikat kami? Who's the best singer in our company? Who is the best singer in our company? Я написал много предложений на эсперанто. I wrote many phrases in Esperanto. I've written a lot of suggestions on the experiment. Она научилась нырять, когда ей было пять лет. She learned to dive when she was five. She learned to dive when she was five years old. Той е фотогеничен. He is photogenic. He's a photogenic. Δεν είστε Γιαπωνέζος. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Jeg drømte at jeg spiste en æblekage. I dreamed I was eating an apple pie. I dreamed I'd eat an apple cake. Il n'est pas médecin. He's no doctor. He's not a doctor. De klok op het raadhuis van Lviv is voor het eerst aangebracht in 1404. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. The clock at Lviv's councilhouse was first placed in 1404. De reste tillsammans. They traveled together. They stay together. Toms ir pie lidostas. Tom is at the airport. Tom's at the airport. Я ўжо рабіла гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Вы не должны передо мной извиняться. You don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to apologize to me. Proverite svakoga. Check everyone. Check everyone. Tom hat kleine Hände. Tom has small hands. Tom has little hands. Det vil ikke ske. That won't happen. It won't happen. Capillos murreos habebat. His hair was brown. He had brown hair. Tom er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen. Tom isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Tom's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Очите ми са уморени. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Is Herr Parker vondaag dor? Is Mr Parker in today? Is Mr. Parker there today? Ich will nicht, dass sie stirbt. I don't want her to die. I don't want her to die. Μ' αρέσει να τραγουδώ. I like singing. I like singing. Hic exspecta. Wait here. He's waiting here. Taip, suprantu. Ačiū. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yeah, I get it. Von si sagda ane k than. They're always together. I hope you're always a year old. Er rühmte sich seiner Pünktlichkeit. He prided himself on his punctuality. He boasted of his punctuality. Volo invenire similem rem. I wanna find something like that. I want to find a similar thing. ती जोआन्ना आहे. She is Joanna. She's Joanne. Zrobiłem, co mogłem. I did what I could. I did what I could. איך בין אַ מענטש. I'm a good person. I'm a man. Tom glimlachte en zwaaide naar Maria. Tom smiled and waved at Mary. Tom smiled and swam to Mary. تو ساشیمی دوست نداری، دوست داری؟ You don't like sashimi, do you? You don't have a close friend, do you? Moje hobby to słuchanie muzyki. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. Tom n'a plus joué de guitare depuis des années. Tom hasn't played the guitar for years. Tom hasn't played guitar in years. Защо говориш на френски? Why are you speaking in French? Why are you speaking French? Me río por no llorar. Pero esto es serio. I laugh to not cry. But this is serious. I laughed for not crying, but this is serious. Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн? What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein? What's the minimum wage in Liechtenstein? O número de Sami está no celular da Layla. Sami's number is in Layla's phone. Sami's number is on Layla's cell phone. Câți studenți sunt în facultatea ta? How many students are there in your university? How many students are in your college? По време на пресконференцията, президентът засегна темата за международните отношения. During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations. During the press conference, the president raised the issue of international relations. Tom saiu, mas Maria está em casa. Tom is out, but Mary is at home. Tom's out, but Maria's home. Jsem ošklivá. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. Am o pereche de mănuși. I have a pair of mittens. I have a pair of gloves. Мне всё равно, останемся мы или нет. I don't care whether we stay or not. I don't care whether we stay or not. Idem na put. I'm going on a trip. I'm going on my way. Conozco un buen sitio para cenar. I know a good place for dinner. I know a good place to dinner. Доктора пришлось ждать долго: он был на операции. We had to wait for the doctor for too long; he was on an operation. The doctor had to wait a long time. He was in surgery. Mien Roboter heet Maruchi. My robot's name is Maruchi. My robot is Maruchi. Tá smaoineamh maith agam. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Wo ist der Bahnhof? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Бурҷи Халифа айни ҳол аз ҳама балантарин зеботарин дар ҷаҳон мебошад. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Watchtower is now the most widely distributed magazine in the world. Mihemed kî ye? Who is Muhammad? Who is Mihemed? Réfléchissez-y s'il vous plaît et faites-moi part votre décision. Please think it over and let me know your decision. Think about it, please, and share your decision. No se comprendió el valor de su descubrimiento sino hasta después de su muerte. The value of his discovery was not realized until after his death. The value of his discovery was not understood until after his death. Dor wahnt Tom un Ria. That's where Tom and Mary live. Because Tom wasn't a Ria. Tack för er gästfrihet. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Sein Herz schlug schneller bei der Nachricht. His heart beat fast at the news. His heart beat faster with the message. Það er rétt! That's right! That's right! Na pravé oko nic nevidím. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything on my right eye. نا برده رنج گنج میسر نمی‌شود. No pain, no gain. Unceasing suffering can't be done away with. Nisam te ovdje prije vidjela. I haven't seen you in here before. I haven't seen you here before. Я слышал, как ты кричал. I heard you scream. I heard you scream. Θέλω να γίνω γλωσσολόγος. I want to be a linguist. I want to be a linguist. Bila sam na recepciji. I was at the reception. I was at the reception. जिन बच्चों के माता-पिता की मृत्यु हो गई होती है उने "अनाथ" बुलाया जाता है। Children whose parents are dead are referred to as "orphans". Children whose parents die are called "anaths". Savořê bešle ane k than. Everybody stayed together. The assembly went on and on. Continuez d'essayer. Keep trying. Keep trying. Er waar een Dichder un een Diplomat. He was a poet and a diplomat. There was a poet and a diplomat. Я забыўся патэлефанаваць спадару Форду. I forgot to call up Mr Ford. I forgot to call Mr. Ford. Tom sa att han kunde laga den. Tom said he could fix it. Tom said he could make it. En dag kommer du att glömma bort mig. You'll forget about me someday. One day you'll forget me. Silakan duduk. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Зачем они это сделали? Why did they do that? Why did they do that? Рослини потребують сонячного світла й води. Plants need sunshine and water. Plants need sunlight and water. Viņa pieklauvēja pie durvīm. She knocked on the door. She slammed at the door. Jy gaan nie glo wie vandag verby gekom het nie. You won't believe who came by today. You are not going to believe who came through today. Elle ne mange que peu. She eats but little. She eats as much as she can. Du bist meine Partnerin. You're my woman. You're my partner. Η Μαίρη είναι Ελληνίδα. Mary is Greek. Mary is Greek. Este no es lugar para un niño de tres años. This is no place for a three-year-old kid. This is no place for a three-year-old. J'ai besoin que vous partiez, maintenant. I need you to leave now. I need you to leave now. Krivica je naša. We're to blame. It's our fault. Cur haec dicis, Thoma? Why do you say these things, Tom? Why do you say that, Thoma? Ей, гледай да не му се мяркаш днеска на шефа, че нещо яко го е разлютило. Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, make sure you don't measure up today to the boss that something really pissed him off. Hij wordt zeker gestraft. He will certainly be punished. I'm sure he'll be punished. So che posso fare questo impiego. I know I can do this job. I know I can use this. Я би приїхав з вами до Бостона, якби міг. I would've come to Boston with you if I could've. I'd come with you to Boston if I could. Tom undervisar. Tom teaches. Tom's teaching. Dabar tikrai nuobodžiauju. I'm really bored right now. Now I'm really tired. Ek weet jy gaan nee sê. I know you're going to say no. I know you're going to say no. Budu to muset udělat bez přípravy. I'll have to wing it. I'll have to do it without preparation. Jesteś moją przyjaciółką. You are my friend. You're my friend. Ele está cavando sua própria cova. He is digging his own grave. He's digging his own cave. Retten Sie sich selbst! Save yourself. Save yourself! Nechcem chodiť do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Не суйся в чужие дела. Don't meddle in other people's affairs. Don't get involved in other people's affairs. Aguanta. Stick it out. Hold on. मी टॉमच्या खोलीत गेलो. I went into Tom's room. I went to Tom’s room. Kemarin adalah hari pertama di musim gugur. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Yesterday was the first day in the autumn. Výzkum od železničního dopravce Deutsche Bahn zjistil, že vlaky mají o poznání nižší uhlíkovou stopu, nežli letadla, auta, či autobusy a přesto se mnoho lidí stále přepravuje na krátké vzdálenosti letecky. A study by train operator Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a drastically lower carbon footprint than planes, cars or buses, yet many people are still flying short distances. Research by the railway carrier Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a lower carbon footprint than airplanes, cars, or buses and yet many people are still moving to short distances by airplane. Τι σε φέρνει εδώ; What brings you here? What brings you here? Не се чувствувам многу добро денес! I am not feeling very well today! I don't feel so good today! Apa kamu punya akun Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Jeg troede Tom var rig. I thought Tom was rich. I thought Tom was rich. Is mijn kleding al droog? Are my clothes already dry? Is my clothes dry? Vi följer med. We'll go with you. We'll go with you. Tom včera v práci nadělal více škody, nežli užitku. Yesterday, Tom did more harm than good at work. Tom did more damage at work last night than he used to. Pouvez-vous me frotter les épaules ? Can you rub my shoulders? Can you shake my shoulders? All Minschen sünd vör dat Gesett egaal. All men are equal according to the law. All people are equal before the law. No puedes dar una buena pelea con una actitud tan pesimista. You can't fight a good fight with such a defeatist attitude. You can't give a good fight with such a pessimistic attitude. Обичам френските филми. I love French movies. I love French movies. Je suis encore en train de penser à l'énigme. I'm still thinking about the riddle. I'm still thinking about the trick. Tom, titta på mig! Tom, look at me! Tom, look at me! चलो यह खेल फिर से खेलते हैं। Let's play this game again. Let's play this game again. Прачынайся! Wake up! Wake up! Jag är ingen tiggare. I'm not a beggar. I'm not a tiger. Salutare tuum exspectabo, Domine! I will look for thy salvation, O Lord. I will look forward to your greeting, Lord! Maafkan saya, saya tersesat. Excuse me, I'm lost. I'm sorry, I'm lost. Elle a recouvert son lit avec des draps. She put sheets on her bed. She covered her bed with drapes. Numquam Thomas depositus sit. Tom should never have been fired. Never has Thomas deposited. Jeg klippede artiklen ud af tidskriftet. I cut the article out of the magazine. I cut the article out of the magazine. Σε χρειάζομαι. I need you. I need you. Imagina que tu padre nos viera juntos, ¿qué diría? Suppose your father saw us together, what would he say? Imagine your father coming to us together, what would you say? Jag måste ta mig hem. I have to get home. I have to go home. Wie viele Geschwister hast du? How many siblings do you have? How many brothers do you have? Том тебе зрадив. Tom betrayed you. Tom, I betrayed you. Hun sang mens hun gikk. She sang as she walked. She sang while she went. Mám narozeniny v listopadu. My birthday is in November. I have my birthday in November. To jo dobre měso. This is good meat. That's good meat. O koronaviru toho mnoho nevíme. We don't know a lot about the coronavirus. We don't know much about coronavir. Jeg vil ha noe varmt å drikke. I want something hot to drink. I want something hot to drink. Hon tyckte om det. She liked it. She liked it. Ходя на работа с автобус. I go to work by bus. I'm on a bus. Он попал в западню. He was caught in an ambush. He's down in the west. Gestern bin ich in die Oper gegangen. Yesterday I went to the opera. I went to the opera yesterday. Io sono rimasta a lungo in silenzio. I've been silent for a long time. I stayed in silence for a long time. Донаправи ли го? Have you finished it? Did you make it? Se está haciendo tarde, y no me gusta irme solo para la casa. Me debo ir, si no te molesta. It's getting late and I don't like to go home alone. I have to go if you don't mind. It's getting late, and I don't like going home alone. Þekkiru þetta? Do you know this? Do you know this? Я зазвичай подорожую першим класом. I usually travel in first class. I usually travel first class. Tom este la masa de ruletă. Tom is at the roulette table. Tom's at the roulette table. Според полицията пожарът беше подпален умишлено. Police think the fire was deliberately lit. According to the police, the fire was incinerated. El hombre es el único animal sujeto a volverse un imbécil. Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile. Man is the only animal subject to become an idiot. Тя стана на двайсет и една. She turned eighty-one. She's become twenty-one. Thoracem laneum flavum meum amo. I love my yellow sweater. I love my blonde thoracic wool. कोणत्या? Which ones? ( b) How can we show that we love Jehovah? Ho chiamato il mio cane Cookie. I named my dog Cookie. I called my dog Cookie. Ich habe heute mit ihnen zu Mittag gegessen. I had lunch with them today. I've had lunch with them today. Jeg hader interviews. I hate interviews. I hate interviews. Πέστε τες ότι θα είμαστε έτοιμες. Tell them we'll be ready. Tell them we'll be ready. Atudèt lo lum. He turned off the light. Turn off the light. Czy już skończłeś swój lunch? Have you finished your lunch yet? Have you finished your lunch yet? उसने फटाफट चिट्ठी का जवाब दिया। He lost no time answering the letter. He answered the quick letter. Tuigeann mé. I understand. I understand. Doe bist schier. I like you. Don't be silly. Я таксама граю на сінтэзатары ў маім гурце. I also play keyboard in my band. I also play synthesizers in my group. За мене ли си го направил ова? Did you do this for me? Did you do this for me? Πες τες γιατί δεν μπορείς να πας. Tell them why you can't go. Tell them why you can't go. Supozova që do ta merrja vesh herët a vonë. I supposed that I would hear about it sooner or later. I thought I'd find out sooner or later. Op de vierde verdieping is er geen warm water, maar op de begane grond wel. There's no hot water on the fifth floor, but there is on the ground floor. On the fourth floor there is no hot water, but on the ground. Está bem. It's OK. Okay. Vuile klootzak! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Les humains ne peuvent pas vivre sur Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. People can't live on Mars. Čisté svědomí je neobyčejně měkký polštář. A clear conscience is an extraordinarily soft pillow. A clean conscience is an unusually soft pillow. Отъвѣти ми добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. You gave me a good thing. Изглежда попаднахме в капан. It looks like we fell into a trap. Looks like we got caught. Немој да си зуцнал. Don't you say a word. Don't worry about it. Sigurna sam da je Tom imao neke veze s tim. I'm sure Tom had something to do with that. I'm sure Tom had something to do with it. Det tror jeg også. I think so too. I think so too. No necesitamos un visado para ir a Francia. We don't need a visa to go to France. We don't need a visa to go to France. Можешь перевести эту рукопись с французского на английский? Can you translate this manuscript from French to English? Can you transfer this manuscript from French to English? Tom was niet gewond geraakt bij het ongeluk. Tom wasn't hurt in the accident. Tom wasn't hurt by the accident. ’S e an fhìrinn a tha agam. I'm telling the truth. That's true. Cet édifice est très grand. This building is very large. This building is very large. Czy już do niej dzwoniłeś? Have you called her yet? Have you called her yet? Tom er ved at komme til bevidsthed. Tom is regaining consciousness. Tom's coming to consciousness. De gik direkte i seng. They went straight to bed. They went straight to bed. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world with no war. Imagine a world without war. Ne zavidim joj. I don't envy her. I don't envy her. Tetangga kita dipaksa untuk menjual rumahnya. Our neighbors were forced to sell their house. Our neighbors were forced to sell his house. Eu não estou, absolutamente, interessado em física. I'm not interested in physics at all. I'm absolutely not interested in physics. Du sover ikke mye, gjør du? You don't sleep much, do you? You don't sleep much, do you? Яких комах ти їв? What insects have you eaten? What insects did you eat? Den er grim, lysegul og passer ikke til noget. Men du vil i det mindste ikke blive påkørt i mørket! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, light yellow and it doesn't fit anything, but at least you won't be driven in the dark! Mamy niepozałatwiane sprawy między sobą. You and I have unfinished business. We have unsatisfied cases between us. Ο Τομ είπε πως είχε να πάει κάπου. Tom said he had to go somewhere. Tom said he had to go somewhere. माझ्याबरोबर पोहायला या. Come swim with me. Let me come with you. Ты не знал, что Том и Мэри - родители Джона? Didn't you know Tom and Mary were John's parents? You didn't know Tom and Mary were John's parents? Unrum. Yep. Unrum. Вось за што я люблю Еўрабачанне. That's why I like Eurovision. That's what I love Eurobage for. Hij vertrekt morgen naar Peru, nietwaar? He is leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? He's leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? Han er en færdig mand. He's a goner. He's a done man. Tom introduceerde zichzelf. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Je hebt een e-mail gestuurd. You sent an email. You sent an e-mail. Es dauerte einige Wochen, bis Toms gebrochener Arm verheilt war. Tom's broken arm took several weeks to heal. It took a few weeks until Tom's broken arm was healed. Não foi capaz de terminá-lo. I could not finish it. He couldn't finish it. Jeg tager mit arbejde alvorligt. I take my job seriously. I'm taking my job seriously. Konst har inga gränser. Art has no limits. Art has no limits. ¡Qué desgracia! What rotten luck! What a shame! Λέγουσιν οἱ ποιηταὶ τὸν ὕπνον ἀδελφὸν εἶναι τοῦ θανάτου. The poets say that sleep is the brother of death. It's almost like he's breathing and he's dying. We zongen met luide stem. We sang in loud voices. We sing with a loud voice. Dizze bouken binnen nij. These books are new. These books are in the new one. Toms mani neapturēs. Tom won't stop me. Tom won't stop me. Том се сложи со мене. Tom agreed with me. Tom agreed with me. Tom har aldrig ätit rått hästkött. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Tom never ate raw horse meat. Не съм предател. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. बच्चा पालनी में सो गया। The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The child fell asleep in the womb. Tenemos mucho puré de patatas. We have a lot of mashed potatoes. We have a lot of potatoes. Дадох им дрехи и малко храна. I gave them clothing and some food. I gave them clothes and some food. Мисля, че е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think it's terrible. Ellos admiraban el adorable panorama. They admired the lovely scenery. They admired the lovely panorama. Ik heb een roze auto. I have a pink car. I got a pink car. मग कोण? Then who? Who, then, is “the faithful and discreet slave ”? Tom was baie bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very afraid. Siamo tutte prigioniere qui. We're all prisoners here. We're all prisoners here. Unterrichten Sie noch Geschichte? Do you still teach history? Do you still teach history? سولہ سال سے کم عمر کے بچے ٹھیٹر میں داخل نہیں ہو سکتے۔ Children who are sixteen years old or younger may not enter the theater. Less than a hundred years of age, children can't enter the theater. Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Ας περιμένουμε εδώ μέχρι να γυρίσει. Let's wait here till he comes back. Let's wait here until he gets back. Er zijn miljoenen sterren in het universum. There are millions of stars in the universe. There are millions of stars in the universe. Я виснажений. I'm bushed. I'm exhausted. Citroenen groeien aan citroenbomen en sinaasappels aan sinaasappelbomen. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Si te caes de la escalera llegas pronto abajo. If you fall from the staircase, you'll quickly end up on the floor. If you fall off the stairs, you'll be right down. Ты можешь повторить то, что сказал? Can you repeat what you said? Can you repeat what you said? Das war eine wertvolle Erfahrung. That was a valuable experience. That was a valuable experience. C'est ma paire de chaussures préférée. These are my favorite pair of shoes. It's my favorite pair of shoes. Cosa diremo agli altri? What will we tell the others? What are we gonna tell the others? Моя краватка помаранчова. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. मैं यह अभी नहीं कर सकती। I can't do this now. I can't do it right now. Rana ex aqua exiit. The frog came out of the water. The wound came out of the water. Počeo je da se dere. He began to shout. He started shitting. Я не певен, зробить це Том чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not. I'm not sure Tom will do it or not. Dans une conversation, il est probable que quelqu'un découvre assez facilement certaines choses à propos de l'autre personne. In conversation, one is likely to find out certain things about the other person quite easily. In one conversation, it is likely that someone will discover quite easily some things about the other person. एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती। You can't clap with just one hand. Don't play with one hand. Jeg er imponert over Japan, og føler en dyp respekt for det japanske folk. Japan impresses me very much and I feel profound respect for the Japanese people. I'm impressed with Japan, and I feel a deep respect for the Japanese people. Mae swydd arall gen i. I got another job. I have another job to do. Jag tar chansen. I'll take the chance. I'll take the chance. Убаво си ја извршил работата. You did good work. You've done your job well. तुला आता सगळं माहीत आहे. You know everything now. You know everything now. Можно я предложу другую стратегию? May I suggest another strategy? Can I suggest another strategy? Hij schrijft een brief. He's writing a letter. He's writing a letter. I dua gjuhët uralike. I love Uralic languages. I love the Urical languages. Apa kau ingat malam ketika Tom lahir? Do you remember the night Tom was born? Do you remember the night Tom was born? Aplink namą yra tvora. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. Idziesz do domu? Are you going home? Are you going home? तुझ्याकडे विकल्प आहे. You have an alternative. You have a choice. Со нетрпиене чекам да ја видам новата верзија на Татоеба. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I look forward to seeing Dadob's new version. Jag tänker kasta ut Tom. I'm going to throw Tom out. I'm gonna throw Tom out. Я не такий високий як мій брат, але вищий від мого батька. I am not so tall as my brother, but taller than my father. I'm not as tall as my brother, but taller than my father. Smanji televizor. Turn down the television. Let's get the TV down. Id autem Tatae non placebit. But Dad won't like it. But I don't like Dad. Я вже закінчу коледж, коли ви вернетеся з Америки. I will have graduated from college by the time you come back from America. I'll finish college when you get back from America. Þú verður að fara að heiman klukkan sex. You have to leave home at six. You have to leave at six o'clock. Hic liber mihi a Thoma datus est. This book was given to me by Tom. Here's a free gift from Thoma. "Tatoeba" মানে কী? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Si dobrý novinár. You are a good journalist. You're a good journalist. Trebuie să nu o faci acum. You must not do it now. You don't have to do it now. त्याला सांगू नकोस. Don't tell him. Do not tell him. Quando fumare coepisti? When did you start smoking? When did you start smoking? Tomémoslo con calma. Let's take it easy. Let's take it easy. Piscem, quaeso. Fish, please. Pissme, please. Dat zegt me iets. That rings a bell. That's what I'm talking about. Moj otac je popravio polomljenu stolicu. My father fixed a broken chair. My father fixed the broken chair. Iebāz to sev dirsā. Stick it up your arse. Put it in your ears. Er is een groot verschil tussen een theorie en een idee. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There's a big difference between a theory and an idea. Hun er vakker. She is beautiful. She's beautiful. Kriva sam. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. Ik geloof in het christendom. I believe in Christianity. I believe in Christianity. Ο Τομ κοιμήθηκε επίσης. Tom is asleep, too. Tom also fell asleep. Nie ciągnij mnie za rękaw. Don't pull my sleeve. Don't pull my hand. Askus vy! Excuse me! Ascus you! Том был очень напуган. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Jag gillar bowling. I like bowling. I like bowling. Habuitque possessionem ovium et armentorum et familiæ plurimum. And he had possessions of sheep and of herds, and a very great family. He had possessions of flocks, herds, and many families. Tom ser väldigt glad ut. Tom looks very happy. Tom looks very happy. Ja, jeg ved det. Yes, I know it. Yeah, I know. Τον αγόρασες στη μαύρη αγορά; Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy him in the black market? C'è qualcosa che non va con te? Is there anything wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you? Ktoś zajął moje miejsce. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. Misschien zou ze er echt niet zijn? Maybe she really won't be there? Maybe she wouldn't really be there? Je hoeft niet meer dan 400 woorden te schrijven. You don't need to write more than 400 words. You don't have to write more than 400 words. Tu ne peux pas partir tant que tu n'as pas dit au revoir à Tom. You can't leave until you've said goodbye to Tom. You can't leave until you say goodbye to Tom. اس نے میری پیشکش ٹھکرا دی۔ He turned down my offer. He rejected my offer. Var någon annan frånvarande? Was anybody else absent? Was anyone else absent? क्या आपको लगता है के टेलीविज़न से बच्चों को हानी होती है? Do you think television does children harm? Do you think television harms children? Kończyło nam się paliwo, a co gorsza - zaczął padać gęsty śnieg. We were running out of gas, and what was worse, it began to snow heavily. We're running out of fuel, and the worse the snow started to fall. Det är dödligt gift! It's a deadly poison! It's mortally married! Zabrinut sam za tebe. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you. Chciałbym mówić po angielsku tak dobrze jak po swojemu. I wish I could speak English like a native speaker. I'd like to speak English as well as mine. Wer ist dein Chinesischlehrer? Who is your Chinese teacher? Who's your Chinese teacher? Ми не знайшли хлопця. We have not found the boy. We didn't find the guy. Tom diz que ele já te encontrou várias vezes. Tom says that he's met you several times. Tom says he's met you several times. Faço as coisas do meu jeito. I do things in my own way. I do things my way. Βοήθησα χθες τον πατέρα μου. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my father yesterday. Том знал, что Мэри несчастна. Tom knew Mary wasn't happy. Tom knew Mary was unhappy. Odwołali spotkanie. The meeting was cancelled. They canceled the meeting. Sempre es poden dir coses dels errors, però se'n digui el que se'n digui, el més important que se'n pot dir és que són erronis. There is something to be said for every error; but, whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous. You can always say things about mistakes, but you can tell them what they say, the most important thing you can say is that they're wrong. Io penso che Tom non sarà sorpreso. I think Tom won't be surprised. I don't think Tom will be surprised. Tom pidió direcciones. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for directions. Je suis membre de ce club de musique. I belong to the music club. I'm a member of this music club. In Boston war es kalt. It was cold in Boston. It was cold in Boston. Mary ser hot ud. Mary looks hot. Mary looks hot. Wenn ich genug Geld gehabt hätte, hätte ich die Tasche gekauft. If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag. If I had enough money, I'd have bought the bag. Ille respondit: En morior; quid mihi proderunt primogenita? He answered: Lo I die, what will the first birthright avail me? And he said, Behold, I die: what profit hath the firstborn of me? Terima kasih banyak. Many thanks. Thank you so much. নিজেকে বিভ্রান্ত কোরো না। Don't delude yourself. Don't fool yourself. Uniwersytet nosi imię swego założyciela. The university bears the name of its founder. The University bears the name of its founder. У Тома завтра насыщенный день. Tom has a busy day tomorrow. Tom's got a busy day tomorrow. Calitatea traducerii s-a îmbunătăţit. The quality of translation has improved. The quality of translation has improved. Ich habe mich an die Hitze gewöhnt. I've become accustomed to the heat. I got used to the heat. Jam saya akurat. My watch is accurate. My clock is accurate. Manapun yang Anda pilih, itu akan memberikan Anda banyak manfaat. Whichever you may choose, it will do you a lot of good. Whatever you choose, it will give you many benefits. Samolot odrzutowy miał 500 pasażerów na pokładzie. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. The jet had 500 passengers on board. Том не знає, що йому потрібно зробити. Tom doesn't know what he needs to do. Tom doesn't know what to do. Стоудено. It's freezing. It's cold. Yth esa hi ow mires orto. She was looking at him. That's what I'm looking at. Multas stellas in caelo videre potes. You can see a lot of stars in the sky. You can see many stars in the sky. Jag kan skydda dig. I can protect you. I can protect you. Дай мне денег. Give me some money. Give me the money. Má rád svoje děti? Does he like his children? She likes her kids? Я дам відповіді на будь-які ваші питання. I'll answer any questions you have. I'll answer any of your questions. Ik zal mijn mond niet houden. I won't shut up. I won't keep my mouth shut. Vlak vykolejil a způsobil paniku mezi cestujícími, ale nebyly hlášeny žádné oběti. The train derailed causing panic among the passengers, but no casualties were reported. The train broke out and panicked among passengers, but no victims were reported. Jô nje mëslił, co nasze karno je pò prôvdze tak lëché. I didn't think our team was really this bad. He did not think that our group was going to be so wrong. Pentru că Tom vorbea în franceză, nu am putut înţelege ce spunea. Since Tom was speaking in French, I couldn't understand what he was saying. Because Tom was speaking French, I couldn't understand what he was saying. Yma seghes dhywgh. You're thirsty. You have six. क्या तुम मेरे साथ जर्मनी जाना चाहती हो? Do you want to go to Germany with me? Do you want to go to Germany with me? Sve devojke vole Toma. All the girls love Tom. All the girls love Tom. O Tom não é um de nós. Tom isn't one of us. Tom's not one of us. Quins son los simptòmas ? What are the symptoms? What are the symptoms? O menu exibirá a opção de inicializar a partir da unidade de disquetes. The menu will display the option to boot from the diskette drive. The menu will display the option to initialize from the floppy drive. Αυτό δε θα ξανασυμβεί. This won't happen again. This will never happen again. Тебе стоит рассказать ей, что ты чувствуешь. You should tell her how you feel. You have to tell her how you feel. Япония потребляет много бумаги. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Usar essas vacinas viola o mandamento sagrado de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. To use these vaccines violates the sacred commandment from Our Lord Jesus Christ. Using these vaccines violates the sacred commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ. Обережніше з Бобом. Ви знаєте, він нещодавно пережив важкий період. Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently. Be careful with Bob, you know, he's been through a tough time recently. मी तुमच्याशी बोलायचा प्रयत्न करतोय. I'm trying to talk to you. I'm trying to talk to you. Han er altid ked af det. He's always sad. He's always sorry. Joe binnen mien faveriet. You're my favorite. Joe's in my favorite. Δεν είστε ευτυχισμένοι; Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Je zapotřebí, abys to spravil. You need to fix it. You need to fix it. Bemærk at du har et ekstra mellemrum mellem disse to ord. Note that you have an extra space between these two words. Note that you have an extra space between these two words. Aký je výmenný kurz? What is the exchange rate? What's the exchange course? Vi er hjemme i dag. We are at home today. We're home today. Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. Greeks are good cooks. Greece's open cook. Земјата, Марс и Јупитер се планети. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Veamos cómo reacciona Tom a eso. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. هر کسی این را بگوید، یک دروغگوست. Anyone who says so is a liar. Let each one of you say this, 'It is a lie.' Це одруківка. That's a typo. It's a handkerchief. Ella va arribar a l'hotel a altes hores de la nit. She got to the hotel late at night. She arrived at the hotel at high hours of the night. टॉम पुढच्या वर्षी विदेशात जाणार आहे. Tom is going abroad next year. Tom is going to go abroad next year. Hvat kjøt smakkar best? Which meat tastes the best? How much meat tastes best? Soy mejor que él. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Моля ви, имайте търпене. Please have patience. Please be patient. I de fleste europæiske lande skal biler køre i højre side af vejen. In most of the countries in Europe, cars have to keep to the right. In most European countries, cars must drive on the right side of the road. Jeder muss einen Bericht darüber schreiben, was er gesehen hat. Each of them has to write a report about what he saw. Everyone has to write a report on what he's seen. De tout inconnu le sage se méfie. Of any stranger, wisemen are suspicious. Of all the unknown, the wise fail. Ελπίζω να βρουν τον Τομ. I hope they find Tom. I hope they find Tom. Тиждень має сім днів. A week has seven days. The week's seven days. Haec sume. Take these. That's enough. Twajjas presnas perwaidinnas persennušas. Your opinion seems to be out of date. You're too old for a piece of paper. Cé a chreidfidh seo? Who will believe this? Who believes this? Dnes si vedeš o dost lépe. You're doing much better today. You know, today's a lot better. Quizás sólo soy yo. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me. Rinne sí an obair go cúramach. She did the work carefully. She did the work carefully. Apenas esperem aqui até que a ajuda chegue. Just wait here until help arrives. Just wait here until the help arrives. Il a été élogieux à ton sujet. He spoke highly of you. He was very grateful for you. Դուք պատրաստվու՞մ եք այս տարի արձակուրդ գնալ: Are you going to go on holiday this year? Are you going to go on vacation this year? Том дал волю гневу. Tom burst into a rage. Tom gave his will to anger. Io parlerò con lei. I'll have a talk with her. I'll talk to her. Rapporte-moi le journal du jour. Bring me today's paper. Report the newspaper to me. Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured. I don't know, but I feel like I'm going to cross. Han gjorde alt for dem. He did everything for them. He did everything for them. Zastanawiam się, co Tom i Mary robią jutro po południu. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. On dirait qu'il est en train de gagner. It looks like he's winning. Looks like he's winning. Тој си замина. He went away. He's gone. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What's this commotion all about? Why are we in this mess? تفاوت اندک. Scant difference. A little bit of research. मैं जैसे कहूँ वैसे करो। Do like I tell you. Do as I say. Eg er i Boston. I'm in Boston. I'm in Boston. Я слышал обо всех твоих проблемах. I've heard about all your problems. I've heard about all your problems. Res yw dhyn gwaynya. We have to win. It's the wrong thing to do. Том беше бос. Tom was barefoot. Tom was the boss. मुझे अंडे पसंद नहीं है। I don't like eggs. I don't like eggs. Лев силён. A lion is strong. Left strong. Žinau, kad nieko nežinau. I know that I know nothing. I know I don't know anything. Ingen kan kontrollere oss. Nobody can control us. No one can control us. Jag gillar färgerna. I like the colors. I like the colors. Ik ben een loodgieter. I'm a plumber. I'm a pilot. او هیچگاه عاشق نشده است. She's never fallen in love. He has never been fond of anything. Affer mihi aliqua pocula, quaeso. Please bring me some glasses. Give me a cup, please. De tv werkt niet. The TV doesn't work. The TV's not working. Acho que sou um escritor muito bom. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. Mój brat dołączył do klubu baseballowego. My brother has joined the baseball club. My brother joined the baseball club. Jag delar gärna. I'm willing to share. I'd like to share. Si se agacha un poco, se puede ver cómo aparece y desaparece de la vista la bandera de señalización. If you just crouch a little, the signal flag can just be seen flicking in and out of sight. If you turn around for a while, you can see how the signal flag appears and disappears from the view. Nepůjdeme, pokud bude pršet. We won't go if it rains. We won't go if it's raining. Prefiro água mineral. I prefer mineral water. I prefer mineral water. Tom je zrovna ve škole. Tom is at school right now. Tom's just at school. Това е добър план. That's a good plan. That's a good plan. Tom je trenutno v redu. Tom is all right at the moment. Tom's fine right now. Tom mødte Mary foran biblioteket. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Мне нужно идти дальше. I need to move on. I need to move on. Aku tidak mau tinggal dengan itu. I don't want to live with that. I don't want to live with that. Det är okej med mig. I'm fine. It's okay with me. আর একদিন চলে গেলো। Another day passed. I left one day. Eg eigi at fara til Danmarkar i morgin. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I'm not going to Denmark tomorrow. टॉम कहता है उसे भूक लगी है। Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Slagteren er ved at veje kødet. The butcher is weighing the meat. The killer's weighing the meat. Come traduci "Pfirsichbaeumchen" in berbero? How do you translate "Pfirsichbaeumchen" into Berber? How do you translate "Pfrichbaeumchen" into barbero? Non ho detto che non stavo andando. I didn't say I wasn't going. I didn't say I wasn't going. फलों को धूप में सुखाया जाता है। The fruits are dried in the sun. Fruits are dried up in the sun. ٹام ہمیشہ تیز کافی پیتا ہے۔ Tom always drinks his coffee strong. Tom always drinks fast enough. Quis esurit? Who's hungry? Who's hungry? Chceš dnes ráno ovesnou kaši? Do you feel like porridge this morning? You want some oatmeal this morning? В воде нет калорий. Water has no calories. There's no calories in the water. Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. He's no doubt much smarter than you. Jesi li ikad video jednu? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? Nikdy nebudu sám. I'll never be alone. I'll never be alone. Том е водачот. Tom is the leader. Tom's the leader. Η Μαίρη χάιδεψε τα μαλλιά της Κέιτ. Mary stroked Kate's hair. Mary took care of Kate's hair. Tom viene aquí casi todos los días. Tom comes here almost every day. Tom comes here almost every day. Jak dlouho to tam trvá autobusem? How long does it take to get there by bus? How long has it been on the bus? Anak itu seketika tertidur di ranjangnya. The child soon fell asleep in the bed. The boy was when he fell asleep in his bed. Não toque o plugue do cabo de alimentação AC com as mãos molhadas. Do not touch the plug of the AC power cord with wet hands. Do not touch the plug of AC power cable with wet hands. Я не ожидал, что Том и Мэри здесь будут. I didn't expect Tom and Mary to be here. I didn't expect Tom and Mary to be here. Përshëndetje, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hello, Tom. আমি তাকে নিয়ে যাবো। I'll take him. I'll take him. Dia mungkin tidak bisa jalan lagi. He will probably never walk again. He may not be able to walk anymore. Disneylandia anno MCMLV aedificata est. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in the year MCMLV. Krásně voníš. You smell great. You smell good. Vòli cantar ua cançon. I want to sing a song. I want to sing a song. Nema svrhe samo čekati da se nešto dogodi; moraš odmah nešto da preduzmeš. It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once. There's no point just waiting for something to happen; you have to do something right now. هفته دیگه، پسر خواهرم (یا برادرم) چند روز میاد خونه. Next week, my nephews will come to spend a few days at home. The week of Millah, my sister's son, was a few days old when she died. Eu tive de fazer tudo sozinha. I've had to do everything by myself. I had to do it all by myself. Snaž se! Try! Try it! Тука е топло. Можеш да го соблечеш палтото. Here it is warm. You could put away your coat. You can take off your coat. Ufa byla postavena na příkaz Ivana IV. (známějšího jako Ivan Hrozný) roku 1547. Ufa was built on the orders of Ivan IV (more commonly known as Ivan the Terrible) in 1547. The trust was built on the order of Ivan IV. (known as Ivan Hrosny) in 1547. Свършихме наличностите. We're out of stock. We're done with cash. Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. It's mine. It's not his. Loquebar. I was speaking. Talk to me. اگر بیشتر وقت داشتم، یک نامهٔ کوتاه‌تر نوشته بودم. If I'd had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter. If I had more time, I would have written a little less. گرچه در قرن نوزدهم بسیاری از محققین غربی بر روی ادبیات قدیم فارسی تحقیق کرده اند، اما دنیای جدید هیچ توجهی به ادبیات معاصر ما نمی کند. Although many European researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the nineteenth century, the new world is not paying attention to our contemporary literature. Many among the Westerners have searched out the old Persians in the nineteenth quarter, but the new world doesn't help us with the new world. Wie praatte er? Who talked? Who was he talking about? مراقب ماشین ها باش وقتی که از خیابان عبور می کنی. Watch out for cars when you cross the street. Beware of crafty men, when thou passest by the watchmen: Le batteur a été enterré la semaine dernière. The drummer was buried last week. The drummer was buried last week. Aku suka terung. I love brinjal. I like to stand. Tom je někdo, komu se nedá věřit. Tom is someone who can't be trusted. Tom is someone you can't trust. Kom og se oss spille. Come to watch us play. Come and see us play. Tom äter. Tom is eating. Tom's eating. Der var skjulte kameraer overalt. There were hidden cameras everywhere. There were hidden cameras everywhere. Ea a muls vaca. She milked the cow. She's a cow. Відкрийте свої книжки на сторінці тридцять. Open your books to page 30. Open your books on page 30. Malo smo zauzete ovde. We're sort of busy here. We're a little busy here. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom get away. Don't let Tom get away with it. Бесполезно просить его о помощи. There is no use in asking him for assistance. It's useless to ask him for help. Infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis: omne masculinum in generationibus vestris, tam vernaculus quam empticius ex omnibus alienigenis, quicumque non fuerit de stirpe vestra. An infant of eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every manchild in your generations: he that is born in the house, as well as the bought servant, shall be circumcised, and whosoever is not of your stock. Children of eight days shall be circumcised among you: every male in your generations, born or bought of all strangers, which shall not be of your seed. Aku benar-benar cuma ingin pergi. I really do just want to go. I really just want to go. A minha mãe está lá. My mother is out there. My mother's there. मी युरोपमध्ये राहते. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Не ме карай да те удрям. Don't make me hit you. Don't make me hit you. Trebuie să beau. I have to drink. I have to drink. Это ясно? Is that clear? Is that clear? Richard Dawkins er en berømt ateist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. من از ترس ایجاد مزاحمت باهات تماس نگرفتم I didn't call on you for fear of disturbing you. I didn't consider oppression, for the fear of man. Я знал, что это ложь. I knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie. Ја обиле вратата. The door has been forced. They knocked on the door. Opkaldet er gratis. The call is free of charge. The call is free. Vi er nødt til at finde et nyt marked for disse produkter. We have to find a new market for these products. We need to find a new market for these products. Не думаю, что я предвзят. I don't think I'm biased. I don't think I'm in charge. Jeg har ikke en kæreste. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't have a girlfriend. Dans un almanach, on peut trouver les informations concernant les phases de la lune. In an almanac you can find information about the phases of the moon. In a Germanach, you can find information about the phases of the moon. Դա ոչինչ չի փոխի: That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Le royaume fut envahi par l'ennemi. The kingdom was invaded by the enemy. The kingdom was invaded by the enemy. Os japoneses são pessoas valentes. The Japanese are a brave people. The Japanese are brave people. Tom ist im Herzen jung. Tom is young at heart. Tom is young in heart. اور کوئی طریقہ نہیں ہے۔ No other way. There's no way. І не сподівайся. Don't hold your breath. And don't wait. Да му се јавиме ли на Том? Should we call Tom? Should we call Tom? Трябва да викнем полицията. We have to call the police. We need to call the police. میں ہمیشہ سے وہ کتاب پڑھنا چاہتی تھی۔ I've always wanted to read that book. I always wanted to read the book. Biljetterna kostar 20 yen styck. The tickets cost 20 yen apiece. The tickets cost 20 yen pieces. Schaut Tom mich an? Is Tom looking at me? Will Tom look at me? Тука престојува откако стигна од Канада. He has stayed here since he arrived from Canada. He's been here ever since he came from Canada. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. Lucys mor bad hende om at tage sig af sin lillesøster. Lucy's mother told her to take care of her younger sister. Lucy's mother asked her to take care of her little sister. Ocularia gessit. She wore glasses. The eyelids are gone. میلی کتاب دارد. Millie has a book. He has a thousand books. केन प्रत्येक दिवशी फुटबॉल खेळतो. Ken plays soccer every day. Ken plays soccer every day. घरी कोणी नव्हतं. Nobody was home. There was no one at home. Didymus est aeque procerus ac Maria. Tom is as tall as Mary. Didymus is a neighbor with Mary. Deus genen. Come with us. God damn it. اس کا ذائقہ بھی بہت اچھا ہے۔ It tastes great, too. He's got a good taste, too. Вона твоя королева. She is your queen. She's your queen. از عربستان سعودی هستم. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I am a Zealot, from Arabia. Каква боја му беа чорапите на Том? What color were Tom's socks? What color were Tom's socks? Tens dificultats per entendre el que les dones o els nens petits et diuen? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you find it hard to understand what young women or children are telling you? झोपलेलो. I was asleep. Sleeping. O casamento é em duas semanas. The wedding is in two weeks. The wedding is in two weeks. Може ли да зборуваме горе? Can I talk to you upstairs? Can we talk upstairs? बरफ़ गिरनी शुरू गो गई। It started to snow. The snowfall has begun. Dit is myn computer. This is my computer. This is my computer. Loro sono pronti per lei. They're ready for you. They're ready for you. Spes quae differtur, aggravat animum. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Hope that's different, it's worse at heart. Imate li vremena da dođete sutra? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Sensationelle billeder! Skaber du selv disse fotomontager? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photomontages yourself? Sensational images! Do you create these photo mounts yourself? Ora vada a lavarsi i denti. Now go brush your teeth. Now go wash your teeth. Bajalang palang-palang. Walk slowly. You've got to be kidding me. Tiene que trabajar incluso en domingo. He had to work even on Sunday. He has to work even on Sunday. Mary procurou por toda sua família. Mary looked around at her family. Mary searched for her entire family. Tom blev stor. Tom got big. Tom grew up. Aš noriu kitais metais išvykti į užsienį. I want to go abroad next year. I want to go abroad next year. Denne telefon fungerer ikke. This telephone doesn't work. This phone doesn't work. Ο Τομ κοίταξε. Tom looked. Tom looked. Ο Τομ είναι ακαταμάχητος. Tom is irresistible. Tom is invincible. Han sov i bilen. He slept in the car. He slept in the car. Сутра ћу бити заузета. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Sie macht meinen Tag so viel heller. She makes my day so much brighter. It makes my day so much brighter. Se són atrovæ inte 'na forèsta. They found themselves in a forest. They're not a forest. Ήμουν στη Ρώμη. I was in Rome. I was in Rome. Из Тома и Мэри получилась бы отличная пара. Tom and Mary would make a perfect couple. Tom and Mary would get a great couple. তিনি একজন ডাক্তার। He is a doctor. He's a doctor. De fleste englændere er konservative. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most Englishmen are conservative. के तिमीले चाहेको कुरा पायौ? Did you find what you needed? What do you want me to do? C'è buio qui dentro. It's dark in here. There's darkness in here. हिमाचल प्रदेश की राजधानी, शिमला, चण्डीगढ़ से केवल ११५ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है। The capital of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla, is only 115 kilometres away from Chandigarh. The capital of the Himalayan region, Shimla, is only 115 kilometres from the base. Vaša tajna je sigurna s nama. Your secret's safe with us. Your secret is safe with us. Ona se jenom trochu stydí. She's just a little shy. She's just a little shy. Vezi vreo asemănare? Do you see a resemblance? Do you see any similarities? আমি ওখানে গিয়েছি। I've been there. I'm there. मी आत्ता तेच म्हटलं. I just said that. That is what I now say. Ние сме нови в града. We're new in town. We're new in town. तुमच्या मते मी तुम्हाला कोण वाटतो? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? Wij wonen in Noorwegen. We live in Norway. We live in Norway. Tom hat drei Französischwörterbücher. Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionaries. Cur stolam non geris? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a suit? Nu vreau să mă uit la acel video. I don't want to watch that video. I don't want to look at that video. דו ביסט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You're stronger than we are. You're stronger than us. Te rog să te abții de la fumat. Please refrain from smoking. Please get rid of the smoke. Том ја вози таа кола веќе три години. Tom has had that car for years. Tom's been driving that car for three years. Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had a problem sleeping. Děti se rády dívají na televizi. Children like to watch TV. Kids like to watch TV. Viņa ir ļoti gudra, vai ne? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Montrez-moi comment faire, s'il vous plaît. Show me how to do it, please. Show me how to do it, please. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave each child three pieces like that. Jag har inte sett henne på nästan ett år. I have not seen her for almost a year. I haven't seen her in almost a year. Скажите им, чтобы сняли трубку. Tell them to pick up the phone. Tell them to take off the tube. Tom ordinò un gelato. Tom ordered an ice cream. Tom ordered an ice cream. Ganamos. We won. We won. O čem mluvíš,Tome? What are you talking about, Tom? What are you talking about, Tom? Зайздрасць і гонар ходзяць поруч. Envy is the companion of honour. Envy and pride go by. Ik ben optimistisch. I'm optimistic. I'm optimistic. I byn finns inga tjuvar. In the village there are no thieves. There are no thieves in the village. Будь ласка, зніміть взуття. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. Pensei muito em você no mês passado. I thought a lot about you this past month. I thought a lot about you last month. Yw hemma dha lyther? Is this your letter? Is this his letter? Она непременно сюда придёт. She is bound to come here. She'll definitely be here. Rolig nu, fortæl hvad der er sket. Calm down and tell us what happened. Don't worry, tell me what happened. तमले भन्यो कि उ आफु जन्मेको ठाउँमा फर्किनेछ । Tom said that he would return to the city in which he had been born. In fact, the fact that the U - afu is born varies greatly from one person to another. Doe schriefst. You are writing. Do it written. Niko se ne slaže sa tobom. Not everyone agrees with you. No one agrees with you. O Tom realmente não quer comer agora. Tom doesn't really want to eat now. Tom really doesn't want to eat now. कोण जिंकतंय? Who's winning? Who is the winner? Sumatra insula est. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Tom var ekki þreyttur Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't tired. Он лежит на траве. He is lying on the grass. He's lying on the grass. Tidak ada yang tinggal di gedung. No man lives in the building. Nobody lives in the building. Θα 'ναι έτοιμος. It'll be ready. He'll be ready. Він мертвий. It's dead. He's dead. Saya harap saya belum menikah I wish I wasn't married. I hope I'm not married yet Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in the class. Je tiens à vous remercier d'avance pour l'évaluation de cet article. I want to thank you in advance for evaluating this article. I would like to thank you in advance for the evaluation of this article. Не ми се умилквай. Don't get cute with me. Don't shut up. आप कब से अंग्रेज़ी सीखने लगीं? When did you begin studying English? When did you begin to learn English? Šiuos vaistus reikia vartoti tris kartus per dieną. These medicines should be taken three times a day. These medicines should be used three times a day. Nos engañaste. You betrayed us. You cheated on us. Øl får deg til å føle deg slik du bør føle deg uten øl. Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. Alcohol makes you feel the way you should feel without beer. ¿Alguien está en casa? Anyone home? Anybody home? Res vydh dhyn gortos. We will have to wait. We'll have to wait for it to end. Ništa nisam dao. I didn't hand out anything. I didn't give anything. Го знам твојот сој. I know your kind. I know your soybean. Том удома зі своїми дітьми. Tom is at home with his children. Tom and his children are at home. Sta comprando quelle, giusto? You're buying those, right? He's buying those, right? Das Schiff brachte Hunderte Auswanderer nach Amerika. The ship carried hundreds of immigrants to America. The ship brought hundreds of immigrants to America. Vi trenger flere opplysninger om dette. We need more information about this. We need more information about this. Hva består aspirin av? What's aspirin made of? What does aspirin consist of? Imos. Come on, let's go. Let's go. Ga alsjeblieft door. Please go on. Please go ahead. ওখানে যাওয়ার আর কোন রাস্তা আছে? Is there another way to get there? Is there any other way to get there? Tom het sy foon in die kar gelos. Tom left his phone in his car. Tom left his phone in the car. Ik spreek Frans. I speak French. I'm speaking French. Том не почувається у безпеці. Tom doesn't feel safe. Tom doesn't feel safe. मी माझ्या कुटुंबाची काळजी घेतो. I take care of my family. I take care of my family. Ποιο είναι το νόημα της ζωής; What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of life? Zameraj sa na jednu vec a urob ju dobre. Focus on one thing and do it well. It's been a long time with one already, and the clock's good. Είσαι Καναδός· σωστά; You're Canadian, right? You're Canadian, right? Имам само една минута. I only have a minute. I only have one minute. Pracoval jsem na letišti. I used to work at the airport. I worked at the airport. El teléfono sonó repetidamente. The telephone rang repeatedly. The phone sounded over and over again. Не те ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't he interest you? Математика складна. Math is hard. Maths are complicated. Ele me enganou. He deceived me. He cheated on me. तेहरान इराणमध्ये आहे. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Jestem szantażowany. I'm being blackmailed. I'm blackmailed. Preferiría no ir. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. त्यांचं तुमच्यावर किती प्रेम आहे याची तुला जाणीव आहे का? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you realize how much they love you? No recorde on la vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. Don't remember where I bought it. सही! Correct! Right! Klava está fuera del país y te manda sus saludos. Klava is abroad and sends her regards to you. Klava is out of the country and sends you her greetings. Bha a chainnt iomchaidh san t-suidheachadh. His speech was suitable for the occasion. The appropriate Talker was in the setting. Tom sucht seine Schuhe. Tom is looking for his shoes. Tom's looking for his shoes. Дојдов да ти посакам среќа. I came to wish you good luck. I'm here to wish you luck. Du måste återvända. You need to go back. You have to go back. Drej til venstre. Turn to the left. Turn left. Niko drugi nije bio povređen. No one else was hurt. No one else was hurt. Zaspali jsme. We overslept. We're asleep. Ці ты п'яны? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Имам само десет книги. I only have ten books. I only have ten books. Ο Τομ είναι ακόμη στην Αυστραλία. Tom is still in Australia. Tom's still in Australia. Χορεύω. I'm dancing. I'm dancing. Jeg er overbevist om din uskyld. I am convinced of your innocence. I'm convinced of your innocence. Tom kunne ikkje symje. Tom wasn't able to swim. Could not close temporary folder: %s Adiós! Goodbye! Bye-bye! L'ha ascoltata in silenzio. He listened to her in silence. He listened quietly. Det er ikke blod, det er tomatpure. It's not blood, it's tomato paste. It's not blood. It's tomato purée. Neem toukommende bus. Take the next bus. Take the bus. Nu sunt profesor. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a professor. Unu plus doi egal trei. One plus two is equal to three. One plus two is equal to three. Em sembla que he agafat un constipat. I'm afraid I caught a cold. I think I've got a constipation. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. Playing baseball is fun. It's good to play baseball. Leží mu v hlavě něco jiného. He has something else on his mind. There's something else in his head. Es ist auf natürliche Weise dazu gekommen. It happened naturally. It has come naturally to this. Δεν με καταλαβαίνουν όταν μιλάω Γερμανικά. They don't understand me when I speak German. They don't understand me when I speak German. Folk sier ofte at japansk er et vanskelig språk. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. Tom beantwortete die Fragen des Lehrers. Tom answered the teacher's questions. Tom answered the teacher's questions. Hann hitti markið. He hit the mark. He met the target. Пожалуйста, выберите более надёжный пароль. Please choose a stronger password. Please choose a more reliable password. Du siehst besorgt aus. You look worried. You look worried. Да ли разумете шта говорим? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Kako da sprečimo da se to dogodi? How can we prevent that from happening? How can we prevent that from happening? میں اپنی پوری کوشش کرتا ہوں۔ I do my best. I'm trying my best. Том ми помогна. Tom helped me out. Tom helped me. És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. This is the best book that I've ever read. It's the best book I've ever read. Tinc una pregunta. I've got a question. I have a question. Jis atidaro langą. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Ce que vous pensez ne m'intéresse guère. I'm not interested in what you think. I don't care what you think. Het is zeven uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's seven hours. Ho detto loro che non sono interessato. I told them I'm not interested. I told them I wasn't interested. De rits zit vast. The zipper is stuck. The ritz is stuck. Thomas per ostium intravit. Tom came in the front door. Thomas entered the door. Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. Tá tríocha giotár le Tom. Tom owns about thirty guitars. There are thirty guitars with Tom. Žiūrėk į knygą ant stalo. Look at the book on the desk. Look at the book on the table. صدای عمل رساتر از حرف است. Actions speak louder than words. The sound of the pipe works is from words. तुम्ही खेळलात. You played. You have played it. Tom políbil všechny v té místnosti. Tom kissed everyone in the room. Tom kissed everyone in that room. Η απόρριψη πονάει. Rejection hurts. The rejection hurts. Hun giftede sig igen da hun var i midten af fyrrerne. She remarried when she was in her mid-forties. She got married again when she was in the middle of the boys. Wir müssen den ersten Schritt machen wollen. We have to be willing to take the first step. We need to take the first step. Трябва да се съобразявам с желанията на Том. I have to respect Tom's wishes. I have to comply with Tom's wishes. Da ist etwas dort unten. There's something down there. There's something down there. Mary is neurotisch. Mary is neurotic. Mary is neurotic. Ο κύριος Ίτο διδάσκει ιστορία. Mr Ito teaches history. Mr. Ito teaches history. È sparito il mio anello. My ring is gone. My ring's gone. Ці хлопці вам щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did these guys do anything to you? Hrana je neophodna za opstanak. Food is essential for survival. Food is necessary for survival. Той ми направи костюм. He made me a suit. He made me a suit. Хтой ваш улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who's your favorite artist? Què et passa? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Tom wird selten böse. Tom rarely gets angry. Tom will rarely get angry. Се прејадов денес. I ate too much today. I'm having lunch today. Zdá se, že Tom si nikoho z nás nepamatuje. Tom didn't seem to remember any of us. Looks like Tom doesn't remember any of us. Мы ему помешали. We disturbed him. We interfered with him. Забравих как се казва. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Te dixi me non ebrium esse. I told you I'm not drunk. I told you I wasn't drunk. Τι τον ρωτήσατε; What did you ask him? What did you ask him? अगर टॉम हमारी मदद नहीं करेगा तो हम ये समय पर कभी नहीं कर पायेंगे। If Tom doesn't help us, we'll never be able to finish this on time. If Tom doesn't help us, we'll never be able to do it at this time. Gwra. Yes, she does. Ma'am. La intensidad eléctrica se mide en amperios. Electric current is measured in amps. The electrical intensity is measured in amperes. Co masz nadzieję kupić? What is it you hope to buy? What are you hoping to buy? ¿Qué hay ahí? What's in there? What's there? Maria gab Tom einen Kuss auf die Wange. Mary kissed Tom's cheek. Mary gave Tom a kiss on the cheek. Том живее едноставен живот далеку на Хималаите. Tom lives a simple life far away in the Himalayas. Tom lives a simple life away from the Himalayas. Laten we even binnenspringen bij hem thuis. Let's drop by his house. Let's get into his house. Habetisne calamum an plumbum? Do you have a pen or pencil? Have you got any straw or lead? Tu n'as pas d'alibi pour le jour du meurtre. You've got no alibi for the day of the murder. You don't have an alibi for the day of the murder. Это именно то, что я им сказал. That's exactly what I told them. That's what I told them. کیا آپ گرین ٹی پی رہے ہے؟ Are you drinking green tea? Are you drinking Green T? Ти си проблем. You're a problem. You're a problem. Том никогда не говорил мне, что был женат на Мэри. Tom never told me he used to be married to Mary. Tom never told me he was married to Mary. Ze meenden dat werkelijk. They did mean that. They really meant that. Come sta suo padre? How's your father? How's your father? Tomu je potreban razlog. Tom needs a reason. It needs a reason. He descubierto que es muy típico de él llegar muy tarde. I find that it's typical for him to come too late. I found out it's very typical of him coming too late. Todos olharam para Tom. Everybody looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. Се надевам дека си спремен за предизвик. I hope you're up to the challenge. I hope you're ready for a challenge. Волим корејску храну. I like Korean food. I love Korean food. Pozvaću je telefonom večeras. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her by phone tonight. Tunicam meam suo. I am sewing my shirt. My tunic own. Me estoy desnudando. I'm undressing. I'm getting bored. Das wäre nie passiert, wenn ihr gleich auf mich gehört hättet. This would never have happened if you had listened to me in the first place. That would never have happened if you had just listened to me. Време је да устанеш. It's time for you to get up. It's time to get up. Det vil ikke ta lang tid før han blir frisk. It won't be a long time before he gets well. It won't take long for him to get healthy. Avez-vous eu des nouvelles d'elle récemment ? Have you heard from her recently? Have you had any news of her recently? आम्ही बरे आहोत. We're fine. We are good. Var är mina saker? Where are my things? Where are my things? Колко си гладна? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Venetiae urbs pulchra esse dicitur. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. Venice is called a beautiful city. Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си тръгват. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time for them to leave. Nenávidím teroristické organizácie. I hate terrorist organizations. I hate terrorist organizations. Chcecie je? Do you guys want these? Do you want them? Duudlek. Obviously. Dudk. Tom pode sentar lá atrás se quiser. Tom may sit in the back if he wants to. Tom can sit back there if he wants. Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål. He's always asking silly questions. He's always asking stupid questions. Haal man ehr Medizin un en Glas Water. Go get her medicine and a glass of water. Get her medicine and a glass of water. Може ли само да ми дадеш една минута? Can you just give me a minute? Can you just give me a minute? Θέλω να φτάσω στο ξενοδοχείο πριν βραδιάσει. I want to reach the hotel before it gets dark. I want to get to the hotel before dinner. Приятелката ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My friend doesn't know. Nie ma słodyczy bez potu. No sweet without sweat. There's no candy without a pot. Proszę otworzyć drzwi. Please open the door. Open the door. Jis man papasakojo savo gyvenimo istoriją. He told me his life's story. He told me the story of his life. Du kan inte se. You can't see. You can't see. Jag tänkte att det var värt ett försök. I thought it was worth a try. I thought it was worth a try. Том беше стигнал порано од Мери. Tom had arrived earlier than Mary. Tom had arrived earlier than Mary. Hun gikk og handlet med ham forrige Mandag. She went shopping with him last Monday. She went and dealt with him last Monday. Скршив ваза денес. I broke a vase today. I broke the vase today. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I didn't really expect you to. Не говоря японски. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. На Том може да му се верува. Tom can be trusted. Tom can be trusted. Полицата ти е полна со книги. Your shelf is full of books. Your police are full of books. Uit hoeveel dagen bestaat een schrikkeljaar? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days does a year go by? اسب پیشکشی را به دندانش نگاه نمی کنند. One does not look a gift horse in the mouth. They don't respect the gift with their teeth. Haec effigies Saturni est. This is a statue of Saturn. This is Saturn's effect. Jag kommer tillbaka snart. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. আমি হাঁটু ভাজ না করে হাতের পাতা মাটিতে রাখতে পারি। I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can keep my hands on the ground without shaking my hands. На що він схожий? What is it like? What does he look like? Foi isso que ela disse. That's what she said. That's what she said. Tom glemte at sende et julekort til Mary. Tom forgot to send Mary a Christmas card. Tom forgot to send a Christmas card to Mary. तुझ्या इथे का माझ्या इथे? Your place or mine? Why are you here with me? Die idee is omstreden. This idea is controversial. That idea is controversial. Beth mae Tom yn gwneud? What is Tom doing? What does Tom do? Aku sudah mencoba semuanya yang ada di toko, tapi tidak ada yang cocok denganku. I must have tried on everything in the shop, but nothing looked right on me. I've tried everything in the store, but there's nothing right with me. Le garçon s'est sali les mains. The boy got his hands dirty. The boy's out of his hands. Eu não fiz por querer. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't do it for you. Кой Ви каза, че името ми е том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was that? Esta flor tem um aroma forte, dá para sentir? This flower has a strong scent, can you smell it? This flower has a strong aroma, does it make you feel? Ho refregues sovint? Do you often rub it? Do you often cool it? شما او را با آن توضیح آرام نمی‌کنید. You won’t mollify him with that explanation. You don't rest on him, but in his perfect state you don't rest. Ehrlich gesagt, gefällt mir diese Vorstellung nicht. Frankly speaking, I don't like the idea. Honestly, I don't like this idea. Toho muže vyhodili minulý týden. That man was fired last week. That man was fired last week. Φεύγω. I'm leaving. I'm leaving. Ella me chivateó a su maestra. She tattled on me to her teacher. She nailed me to her teacher. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. It's always nice. Tom vaří večeři. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's cooking dinner. Rzuciłem palenie i picie. I have quit smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Chłopcy i dziewczynki bawią się w ogrodzie. Boys and girls play in the garden. Boys and girls play in the garden. न रोचते वा? Don't you like it? Are you not troubled? Я це купив того тижня. I had bought it the week before. I bought it that week. Κακούργου ἐστὶ κριθέντʼ ἀποθανεῖν, στρατηγοῦ δὲ μαχόμενον τοῖς πολεμίοις. It is like a criminal to die by sentence of court, but like a general to die fighting with the enemy. Kakurgus is a credit man who died, a soldier fighting the war. Двор без женщин как сад без цветов. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. Court without women like a garden without flowers. Misión superada. Mission accomplished. Mission overrun. Det er utroligt kedeligt. It's incredibly boring. It's incredibly boring. Radiophoniam habebat. She had a radio. He had radio. Ne faites pas une généralité. Don't make generalizations. Don't be general. Come ha convinto Tom a venire? How did you persuade Tom to come? How did Tom convince you to come? Menja menjar ràpid, mor ràpid. Eat fast food, die fast. Eat fast food, die fast. Der er mange lange ord i det tyske sprog. In the German language there are many long words. There are many long words in the German language. Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref. The leaves change color in autumn. The colour you've chosen for this image. Kadangi jis dažnai meluoja, juo negalima pasitikėti. As he often tells lies, he is not to be relied on. Since he often lies, he cannot be trusted. Normalmente no lo haces tú mismo, ¿verdad? You don't usually do that by yourself, do you? You don't usually do it yourself, do you? Том ќе се откаже. Tom'll quit. Tom's gonna give up. Αυτή είναι μια γυναίκα, την οποία μπορούμε να εμπιστευτούμε. This is a woman who we can trust. This is a woman we can trust. Том и Мэри выглядят здоровыми. Tom and Mary look healthy. Tom and Mary look healthy. Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Don't take it for granted. Er du sikker på at du ikke bruger maskinoversættelser? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you're not using machine translations? Ik ben Spaans. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. मी बाबांचं ऐकायला हवं होतं. I should've listened to my father. I had to listen to my father. Dovremmo lasciarla riposare. We should let you rest. We should let her rest. Lisez-la-moi ! Read it to me. Get off me! Ми щойно знайшли знаряддя вбивства. We just found the murder weapon. We just found a murder weapon. Том розкаявся у своїх гріхах. Tom repented of his sins. Tom repented of his sins. Policija je pronašla ukraden novac. The police recovered the stolen money. The police found stolen money. Otrokyně zkusila utéct. The slave tried to escape. She tried to run away from the baby. Apsveicam! Congratulations! Congratulations! Būtent tą jis ir pasakė. That's exactly what he said. That's what he said. Цягнік ідзе з хуткасьцю 50 міль у гадзіну. The train is going at a speed of 50 miles per hour. The train leaves at a speed of 50 miles per hour. Не можат да си го приуштат. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. Mijn familie is erg trots op me. My family is very proud of me. My family is very proud of me. আমার হাত-ঘড়িটা ঠিকমতো কাজ করছে না। My watch isn't working properly. My hand watch doesn't work properly. Вы ведь эту книгу ищете? This is the book that you are looking for, isn't it? You're looking for this book, aren't you? Plumbo ursum petii. I shot a bear. It's a pendulum. Też to widział. He saw it, too. He saw it, too. Sūrį gamina iš pieno. Cheese is made from milk. The cheese is produced from milk. Isto não é uma rocha. É um mineral. This is not a rock. It's a mineral. This isn't a rock. I Brasilien er der stemmepligt. In Brazil, voting is mandatory. In Brazil there is a duty to vote. Kamu membuat kesalahan dengan sengaja, kan? You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you? You made a mistake on purpose, didn't you? Við urðum svolítið leið hvort á öðru. We got a little bored with each other. We became a little bit of each other. Mien Puckel deit weh. My back hurts. My dick hurts. मला संगणक हवाय. I want a computer. I need a computer. Ніколи не буває запізно. It's never too late. It's never too late. די זאַץ זעט אויס זייער אומאיידל. This sentence seems to be in very bad taste. The sentence looks very immortal. Jsem si jist, že náš tým vyhraje. I'm sure that our team will win. I'm sure our team will win. तू त्यांची आई आहेस का? Are you their mother? Are you their mother? Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a jar of tomatoes. Ég skal láta þig fá símanúmer Shiegal læknis. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's phone number. এটা আপনার চাবি। This is your key. It's your key. Heu, Tom. Alos buenus días. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tom, good morning. Sans un instant d'hésitation, ils prirent des mesures draconiennes contre la conspiration. Without a moment's hesitation, they took drastic action against the conspiracy. Without a moment of hesitation, they take draconian measures against conspiracy. Я не розчула твоє прізвище. I didn't catch your surname. I didn't hear your name. Просто попросите у него прощения. Just apologize to him. Just ask him for forgiveness. Acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. Mon oreille me gratte. I have an itch in my ear. My ear is thanking me. Nu este asta minunat? Isn't this great? Isn't that great? Те молам пушти ме да останам. Please let me stay. Please let me stay. "Cave ne moveas pedem hinc antequam redeam." "Movebo nusquam, dummodo redeas mature, alioqui non expecto tuum reditum." "Take care that you don't move an inch from this spot." "I won't, assuming that you come back in time, otherwise I will not be waiting when you return." "Cave don't move your foot here before I get here." "I'll always move before you get mature, but I don't expect your income." De her er Toms briller, ikke mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. Mogę zapytać nad czym teraz pracujesz? May I ask what you are working on now? May I ask what you're working on now? Eu sei que o Tom está com o coração partido. I know that Tom is heartbroken. I know Tom's with the broken heart. Tómese el tiempo que necesite. Take as long as you need. Take the time you need. Zag de auto er oud uit? Did the car look old? Did the car look old? Том закохався у героїв свого роману. Tom fell in love with the characters in his novel. Tom fell in love with the heroes of his novel. O camelo pode estocar uma grande quantidade de água nas suas corcovas. A camel can store a large amount of water in the hump on its back. The camel can store a large amount of water in its shells. Precatae sunt. They said their prayers. They're precata. Tycker du att jag skulle kunna ta Tom? Do you think I could take Tom? Do you think I could take Tom? У всех, кроме Тома, шляпы. Everyone but Tom is wearing a hat. Everyone else, except Tom, has pencils. این جعبه خالی است. هیچ چیز درون آن نیست. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This gate is empty. There is nothing inside it. Odana sam. I'm loyal. I'm loyal. Za chwilkę się spotkamy. I'll see you in a bit. I'll see you in a minute. Dej mi prosím tě pokoj. Give me a break, please. Give me a room. Okazał się inny niż myślałem. He was otherwise than I thought. He turned out to be different than I thought. Οι σύζυγοί μας είναι Πολωνοί. Our husbands are Polish. Our husbands are Polish. Whoua ! C'est une côte raide. Mais la descente sera un vrai plaisir. Whew! This is a tough hill. But coming back sure will be a breeze. It's a red coast, but the descent will be a real pleasure. Nu știu de ce trebuie să fac asta. I don't know why I have to do that. I don't know why I have to do this. Как думаете, на кого из родителей Вы похожи? Which of your parents do you think you look like? Which parent do you think you look like? Llama al médico de inmediato. Call the doctor right away. Call the doctor immediately. Я думала, гэта забаронена. I thought it was forbidden. I thought it was forbidden. जीवन एक भ्रम है। Life is an illusion. Life is a waste. চলো, তৈরী হওয়া যাক। Let's get ready. Come on, let's get ready. Oni są zmęczeni bezczynnością. They're tired of not doing anything. They're tired of inactivity. Pan dhifunis, yth esen y’n karr-tan. When I woke up, I was in the car. When you die, the person is in the car. मी टॉमला रडवलं. I made Tom cry. I cried to Tom. در اتاقم منتظرت خواهم بود. I will be waiting for you in my room. I will wait for you at that time. Ο γιατρός μου είπε να μην τρώω πάρα πολύ. The doctor told me not to eat too much. My doctor told me not to eat too much. Tatoeba: dove i dibattiti sono più caldi di due conigli che fanno dei bebè in una calza! Tatoeba: Where debates are hotter than two rabbits making babies in a sock! Tatoeba: where the debates are warmer than two rabbits who make babies in a shoe! Τους κάλεσες στο πάρτι; Did you invite them to the party? Did you invite them to the party? Hij zal een goede echtgenoot zijn. He'll become a good husband. He'll be a good husband. Ајде да одиме да го собереме Том. Let's go and get Tom. Let's go get Tom. Кен не тичаше. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. Τί γίγνεται; What is happening? What's going on? Tom é maior que você. Tom is bigger than you are. Tom is bigger than you. Работев за него. I worked for him. I was working for him. Том боялся, что его запрут, а ключ выбросят. Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key. Tom was afraid he'd be locked and the key would be thrown out. मला आज दुपारी बोलवा. Call me this afternoon. Call me this afternoon. Допоможи мені. Give me a hand. Help me. On czyta nudną powieść He read a boring novel. He's reading a boring story. मुझे अपनी कौपी दिखाईए। Please show me your notebook. Show me your copy. Canem considere iussi. I ordered the dog to sit. We can consider the dead. Jeg vil se hva som skjer. I want to see what happens. I want to see what's going on. Peut-être vous apprécie-t-elle de même. Maybe she likes you, too. Maybe she likes you the same way. Maria is zeer onder de indruk. Mary is very impressed. Maria is very impressed. Devo sciusciame o nazo de longo. I have to blow my nose all the time. I must have known my long nose. Люди завжди говорять, що я дуже привітна. People always say I'm very friendly. People always say I'm very friendly. Nemo venit. Nobody came. No one's coming. En Tom no estava gelós. Tom wasn't jealous. Tom wasn't jealous. Lesgeven aan jonge kinderen is niet makkelijk. To teach young children is not easy. Teaching to young children is not easy. Je veux que tu viennes avec moi. I want you to come with me. I want you to come with me. Cave apes. Look out for bees. It's a cave of monkeys. Yo no moví. I didn't move. I didn't move. Cén teach a bhfanann sibh ann? Which house do you stay in? Which house do you stay in? Сред ноќна мора си. You're having a nightmare. You're in the middle of the night. Jeg ville elske at tilbringe julen med dig. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. I'd love to spend the Christmas with you. Možemo li da samo počenemo ispočetka? Can we just start over? Can we just start over? Η εξέταση είναι εύκολη. The exam is easy. The examination is easy. Bitte singe das Lied noch einmal. Please sing this song again. Please sing the song again. Avunculus meus iratus est. My uncle is angry. My uncle's angry. Er bestaan veel onterechte vooroordelen tegen Esperanto. There is much undeserved prejudice against Esperanto. There are many unwarranted prejudices against Esperanto. Ha habido un aumento en el número de asesinatos. There has been an increase in the number of murders. There has been an increase in the number of murders. Tom tego nie zrobi, chyba że go nie poprosisz. Tom won't do that unless you ask him to. Tom won't do it unless you ask him. Kavla upp din högerärm. Roll up your right sleeve. Tie up your right arm. Aceasta este doar o ipoteză. This is just a hypothesis. This is just a hypothesis. Jura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem / partibus aequabat justis, aut sorte trahebat: / cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno / Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum / Teucrorumque alios, ater quos aequore turbo / dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras. There, ministering justice, she presides, / and deals the law, and from her throne of state, / as choice determines or as chance decides, / to each, in equal share, his separate task divides. / Sudden, behold a concourse. Looking down, / his late-lost friends AEneas sees again, / Segestus, brave Cloanthus of renown, / Antheus and others of the Trojan train, / whom the black squall had scattered o'er the main, / and driven afar upon an alien strand. The jury gave the men and the law, and the work/parties were equal to the righteous, or it drew lots: / immediately Aenas came to the big contest / Anthea Sergestum and saw Cloanth / Teucrorum and others, where they were troubled/spared by the same turbo / disparagement, and few others approached. Tres annos linguam Anglicam didicimus. We have been studying English for three years. We've been learning English for three years. Envoyons une invitation à Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Ir chommät us Taipei. You come from Taipei. He left us Taipei. "Мога ли да Ви помогна?" - "Не, благодаря. Само гледам." "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Can I help you?" - "No, thank you. I'm just looking." Том пришёл вчера. Tom came yesterday. Tom came here yesterday. خانم تامپسون می خواست این حقیقت را که میلیونر هست، پنهان کند. Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire. The house even wanted to cover this matter, that there was a millionaire. Ti nuk je spiun, apo jo? You aren't a spy, are you? You're not a spy, are you? Mislila sam da idete u Boston autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going on a Boston bus. Šalio sam se prije. I was kidding before. I've been kidding before. Я такий дурний... Я намагаюся тобі пояснити те, що сам не розумію. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you what I don't understand. Aqueth líber qu'ei pesuc. This book is heavy. That's free. That's cool. Kāigi aupalla tū kērdan per skatīsnan? How do you find the time to exercise? What do you think they're looking at? Waarom gaat u niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Η ημερομηνία θα προσδιοριστεί αργότερα. The date will be determined later. The date will be set at a later date. Извини ме на кратко. Excuse me for one moment. Excuse me for a second. Многу добро ме плаќаш. You pay me very well. You pay me very well. तो पत्र लिहिण्यात व्यस्त आहे. He is busy writing a letter. That letter is busy in writing. Том рече дека ќе тргне во 2:30. Tom said he would leave at 2:30. Tom said he'd leave at 2:30. Rád chodí na procházky sám. He likes taking a walk by himself. It's nice to go for a walk alone. Co nam dał Tom? What's Tom given us? What did Tom give us? Vänligen ring mig vid halv sju. Call me at six-thirty, please. Please call me at half seven. Ini komputer saya. This is my computer. It's my computer. Gde si našao ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? Jobbar hon hårt? Does she work hard? Did she work hard? Ще те закарам вкъщи. I'll drive you home. I'll take you home. Er kam trotz des schlechten Wetters. He came in spite of bad weather. He came in spite of the bad weather. Կանգնիր այստեղ: Stay here. Stay here. Io sono sposato e ho due bambini. I am married and have two children. I'm married and I have two kids. Dw i'n gweithio. I am working. I'm working. त्यात लाज वाटून घेण्यासारखं काहीच नाही. There's no shame in that. There is nothing like shame in it. Почувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Questi sono belli. These are beautiful. These are beautiful. जसा चीनचा विकास होतो, तसंच वाढत्या संख्येत दुसर्‍या देशांना त्याच्याशी चांगले संबंध ठेवायचे आहेत. As China develops, more and more countries want to have good relations with it. As China develops, more and more countries want to have a good relationship with it. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mich weiter mit Französisch beschäftigt. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had kept busy with French. Polica je spala pa su se sve knjige prevrnule na Vasju. The shelf fell off and all the books went tumbling down on Vasya. The police were asleep, so all the books turned to Vasa. Оваа девојка е најинтелигентна. This girl is the most intelligent. This girl is the smartest. तुझा आवडता कोरियन संगीतकार कोण आहे? Who's your favorite Korean musician? Who is your favorite Korean musician? वह मेरा पुस्तक है। That is my book. That's my book. Diesen Satz bitte löschen! Please delete this sentence. Please delete this sentence! Tom är besviken. Tom is disappointed. Tom's disappointed. Вона його слухає. She listens to him. She's listening to him. Винаги чакаме с нетърпение ежегодното посещение на Том. We always look forward to Tom's annual visit. We always look forward to Tom's annual visit. Hvordan var det? How was that? How was it? Teken met een potlood. Draw with a pencil. Draw with a pencil. Goud is zwaarder dan zilver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Вгадайте, хто я. Guess who I am. Imagine who I am. আমি একজন মহিলা। I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Io ho delle notizie magnifiche. I have wonderful news. I have great news. Tænker du på fransk? Do you think in French? Are you thinking French? দুর্ভাগ্যবশতভাবে এটা সত্যি। It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately it's true. Gezien ik hem morgen zal zien kan ik hem een boodschap doorgeven, als je dat wilt. Since I will see him tomorrow, I can give him a message if you want. Since I'll see him tomorrow, I can give him a message if you want. Вы помните, как их всех зовут? Do you remember all of their names? Do you remember what they all call them? Barba non facit philosophum, neque vile gerere pallium. A beard doesn't make a philosopher, nor does wearing a cheap coat. Barba doesn't make philosophers or make bad clothes. Destul de curând a venit un excavator care a tăiat un drum prin dealul acoperit cu margarete. Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies. Pretty soon there came an excavator who cut a path through the hill covered with margarette. Следващия въпрос, моля. Next question, please. Next question, please. Mı ma u pi yê xuya piya we. I ate with my parents. If you're ever lost and alone in the woods, hug a tree Tá mé ag obair i siopa mo charad. I work at my friend's shop. I'm working in my friend's shop. Este asta un lucru rău? Is that a bad thing? Is this a bad thing? Mám jenom tebe. I have no one but you. I only have you. Италия е много хубава страна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very nice country. Ei nu aveau surse de energie alternative. They had no alternative energy sources. They didn't have alternative energy sources. Non podes aparcar aquí. Non obstante, hay un aparcadoiro xusto virando a esquina. You can't park here. However, there is a parking lot just around the corner. You can't park here. Θέλω να γυρίσεις στη Βοστώνη. I want you to return to Boston. I want you to go back to Boston. So was hat zu mir noch keiner gesagt. No one has ever said such things to me. That's what no one's ever told me. Unë hyj në Tatoeba një herë në javë. I log in to Tatoeba once a week. I go into Tatoeba once a week. Er bügelte seine Hosen. He pressed his trousers. He was bending his pants. C'étaient des soldats. They were soldiers. They were soldiers. Ти хочеш скинути вагу? Do you want to lose weight? You want to lose weight? Ik zal je nooit dwingen om met hem te trouwen. I will never force you to marry him. I'll never force you to marry him. Che il concerto abbia inizio! Let the concert begin! Let the concert begin! У нього дві машини. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. ¡Pásale! Do come in! Step aside! Thomas vir negotiosissimus est. Tom is a very busy man. Thomas is a businessman. Том е премногу емотивен. Tom is overemotional. Tom's too emotional. Kattungen leker i regnet. The kitten is playing in the rain. The cat's heart in the rain. O vestido tem saia rodada. The dress has a full skirt. The dress's got a round skirt. Ce n'est pas cher, pas vrai ? That's cheap, isn't it? That's not expensive, is it? Pomozi mi samo na minut. Help me for just a minute. Just help me for a minute. अल्जीरिया मेरा देश है। Algeria is my country. Algeria is my country. Þú hefur góðar líkur á því að ná þér. You have a good chance to get well. You've got a better chance of getting to you. آنها نمی توانستند از عهده ی آن مشکلات برآیند. They could not cope with those difficulties. They were not able to go up out of the covenant, out of the trouble thereof. او در معرض خشم بود. He was prone to anger. He was full of wrath. Jag kan inte heller dansa. I can't dance either. I can't dance either. Том је Мерин деда. Tom is Mary's grandfather. Tom's Mary's grandfather. Tom je dao sve od sebe. Tom tried his best. Tom did his best. Ik wil een computer. I want a computer. I want a computer. Einn af öðrum stóðu þeir upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of them stood up and walked out. Може ли да зборуваме утре? Can we talk tomorrow? Can we talk tomorrow? Я не хочу говорити з Томом. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk to Tom. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вы остались. I'd like it very much if you'd stay. I'd really like you to stay. Какво прави това лято? What did you do this summer? What's this summer doing? Не ми надничай в килера. Don't look in my closet. Don't fuck with me in the basement. Jag har aldrig träffat Toms fru. I've never met Tom's wife. I've never met Tom's wife. Com'è patetico! How pathetic! How pathetic! La situación de Tom es diferente. Tom's situation is different. Tom's situation is different. Opakuje se to pořád dokola. It repeats over and over again. It's all over again. οὔτοι συνέχθειν ἀλλὰ συμφιλεῖν ἐφῦν. I am not one (was not born) to join in hatred, but in love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eu tenho certeza de que ela tem outras habilidades. I'm sure she has other skills. I'm sure she has other skills. Жал ни е. We're sorry. We're sorry. Θα 'θελες λίγο τσάι, Τομ; Would you like some tea, Tom? Would you like some tea, Tom? Loše stvari će se dogoditi. Bad things will happen. Bad things will happen. Non exceda-lo límite de velocidade. Don't go beyond the speed limit. Do not exceed the speed limit. Tom hat oft eine Sonnenbrille auf. Tom often wears sunglasses. Tom often has a sunglasses. Warum können Tiere nicht reden? Why can't animals talk? Why can't animals talk? Ik wil in Brazilië wonen. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Tom weiß, dass du nicht sehr gut Französisch sprichst. Tom knows you can't speak French very well. Tom knows you don't speak French very well. Y a-t-il une différence ? Is there a difference? Is there a difference? Jis nėra blogas žmogus. He's not a bad person. He's not a bad man. Se fossi in lei, comprerei quello. If I were you, I'd buy that one. If I were in her, I'd buy that. Hlídávala jsem tě. I used to babysit you. I was watching you. Ik kom uit Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm from Saitama. নিজৰ হাত দুখন মোৰ টকাৰ পৰা দূৰত ৰাখা। Keep your hands off my money. Put your hand far away from me. त्यांनी कोणते फोटो निवडले? Which photos did she choose? What pictures did they take? Он посоветовал ей не идти. He advised her not to go. He advised her not to go. Nie wiem jak ona to robi. I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she does it. Essaja aqueth tricòt. Try on this sweater. Try this trick. Δεν ήταν ο Τομ εκείνος που σκότωσε τη Μαίρη. Tom wasn't the one who killed Mary. It wasn't Tom who killed Mary. Idź i zawołaj gości! Go and call the guests! Go and call the guests! Mislio sam da ćemo ići negdje. I thought we were going to go somewhere. I thought we were going somewhere. O meu idioma materno é o polonês. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. Ritheann mé. I run. I'm running. Prašau šampano. Champagne, please. I'm asking for champagne. În fiecare duminică după-amiaza merg la târg. Every Sunday afternoon, I go to the bazaar. Every Sunday afternoon I go to the store. Ο Τομ είναι αποφασισμένος να κάνει κάτι. Tom is determined to do something. Tom is determined to do something. Usiadł obok niej. He sat next to her. He sat next to her. Non fissi. Don't stare. I didn't. Nemusíš utíkat rychle. You do not have to run fast. You don't have to run fast. Кто написал то письмо? Who wrote that letter? Who wrote that letter? डाउनलोड पूर्ण झाला आहे. The download is complete. The download has been completed. Tom war zu schüchtern, um es zuzugeben. Tom was too shy to admit it. Tom was too scared to give it. बाघ ने उसे चाटा। The tiger licked him. Bagh kicked him. Τι σου 'δειξε ο Τομ; What did Tom show you? What did Tom show you? Jestem trochę spóźniony. I'm a bit late. I'm a little late. من دفتر یادداشتم را به ات قرض می دهم. I'll lend you my notebook. I have remembered the book. I will give it to you. Připomeň se jim. Let them hear from you. Remind them. Zaljubio sam se u nju na prvi pogled. I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first sight. Perché si mette così tanto trucco? Why do you wear so much makeup? Why is it so tricky? Snakker du om oss? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Јадат сендвичи. They are eating a sandwich. They eat sandwiches. ہمارے ملک میں سمندری اشیائیں بہت ہے۔ Our country is rich in marine products. There's a lot of seaplanes in our country. Умирам от глад! I'm starving. I'm starving! Tom macht mich immer ärgerlich. Tom always makes me angry. Tom always makes me angry. Ήταν μόνος. He was alone. He was alone. Mary est une fille chanceuse. Mary is a lucky girl. Mary is a lucky girl. Δεν είμαστε έτοιμες. We're not ready. We're not ready. Alguém havia aberto a janela. Somebody had opened the window. Someone had opened the window. Ο Τομ έφερε στη Μαίρη μερικά λουλούδια. Tom brought Mary some flowers. Tom brought some flowers to Mary. Poţi folosi dicţionarul meu. You may use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Es-tu une enfant unique ? Are you an only child? Are you a single child? Jeg kedede mig. I was bored. I was sorry. Alla är upptagna. Everybody's busy. Everybody's busy. Пускай себе! Whatever. Let go of yourself! Vi chiamerò quando è finita. I'll call you when it's done. I'll call you when it's over. Cibum edis. You eat food. You're going to eat. Είστε καινούριοι; Are you new? Are you new? मैंने उसे अपना नौकर बना लिया। I made him my servant. I made him my servant. Tom crede ca planul ar putea avea efecte nedorite. Tom thinks the plan may backfire. Tom thinks the plan might have undesirable effects. Novum emam. I'll buy a new one. I'll take a new one. Млад човек је често непромишљен. The young man is often foolhardy. A young man is often uneducated. Това няма да промени нищо. That won't change anything. That won't change anything. Yth esov vy owth assaya konvedhes. I'm trying to understand. That's what you're trying to convert. Zastanawiałem się, kiedy tutaj dotrzesz. I was wondering when you'd get here. I was wondering when you'd get here. Tom este mândru de Maria. Tom is proud of Mary. Tom is proud of Mary. Тя може да говори френски. She can speak French. She can speak French. युमीने काल रात्री इंग्रजीचा अभ्यास केला. Yumi studied English last night. A few months later, I was appointed to serve as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. টম ভেতরে ছিলো। Tom was inside. Tom was inside. हम आज रात लौटेंगे। We'll be back tonight. We'll be back tonight. Ваша кошка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Tune quoque Latine loqueris? Do you speak Latin also? Are you also speaking Latin? Ne mogu da zaboravim njene oči. I can't forget her eyes. I can't forget her eyes. Той използва времето си добре. He makes good use of his time. He used his time well. Я не смогу прийти на вашу свадьбу. I won't be able to attend your wedding. I can't come to your wedding. Bevor er zum Zahnarzt ging, hatte Tom einen Schnaps getrunken. Before he went to the dentist, Tom drank a glass of schnapps. Before he went to the dentist, Tom had a drink. من اینجا غریبه ام. I am a stranger here. I am a stranger here. Անիմա՞ստ է թվում: Does this sound stupid? Does it look like animous? Pastatinnamai delli nawwans lāiskans iz winnatautans. We ordered some new books from abroad. Delli Nawwans is built from Winatautan. Ella me echó una mirada extraña. She gave me a strange look. She took a strange look at me. Cur hoc facis? Why are you doing this? How do you do that? Εργάζεται ως μεταφραστής. He works as a translator. He's working as a translator. این یک اتلاف وقت محض است. It is a sheer waste of time. This is one and the same time. Mastica bien tu comida para que se pueda digerir bien. Chew your food well so it can be digested properly. Eat well so you can digest well. ඔබ මොකක් හරි විදේශ භාෂාවක් හදාරනවා ද? Do you study any foreign language? Do you make any foreign language? ¿Dónde está el vodka? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? Je ne trouve pas ça si difficile. I don't find it that difficult. I don't think it's that hard. तुम्ही तिच्यावर रागावल्या आहात का? Are you angry with her? Are you angry with her? Hvernig líður Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary? Thomas com felibus suis lusit. Tom played with his cats. Thomas with his faults was lucid. Eg har svarte augo. I have black eyes. I have black eyes. Tom dneska ráno zaspal. Tom overslept this morning. Tom fell asleep this morning. El pasto es verde. The grass is green. The pasta is green. Нещо изглеждаше ли не както трябва? Did something seem wrong? Didn't something look right? Él trabaja duro para convertirse en abogado. He is studying hard so that he may become a lawyer. He works hard to become a lawyer. सगळ्यात जवळचं मेट्रो स्थानक कुठे आहे? Where's the nearest metro station? Where is the nearest metro station? We moeten een uniform dragen op school. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We need to wear a uniform at school. Овај пут води у град. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. शरणागतीचा एकमात्र विकल्प म्हणजे लढणं. The alternative to surrender is fighting. The only way to escape is to fight. Elas estão perdendo tempo. They are wasting time. They're wasting their time. पुढच्या वेळी मी अजून बनवेन. Next time I'll make more. The next time, I will continue to build. Tom fylder halvfems i overmorgen. Tom will be turning ninety the day after tomorrow. Tom's full half in the morning. نقاشی یک شعر بدون کلام است. A painting is a wordless poem. The foundation is a poet without words. Você sofre de insônia? Do you suffer from sleeplessness? Do you suffer from insomnia? Si solo bebes este zumo durante unos días, te encontrarás mejor. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you'll get better. If you just drink this zum for a few days, you'll find yourself better. इनसान सपने देखे बिना जी नहीं सकता है। Man can't live without dreams. Man can't live without a dream. मी त्यांच्यासाठी काम केलं. I worked for him. I worked for them. Alla såg den. Everyone saw it. Everyone saw it. Imam stari bicikl. I have an old bicycle. I got an old bike. Cieszę się, ze wróciłaś. I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're back. Cet endroit n'est il pas terrible ? Isn't this place great? Isn't this place terrible? Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. Глув и нем сам док једем. I'm deaf and mute while I'm eating. I'm deaf and dumb while I'm eating. Ξεχάσατε τίποτα; Did you forget anything? Did you forget anything? Само полако! Easy does it. Just take it easy! Ellos están aburridos de su tedioso trabajo. They are weary of their tedious work. They're bored with their tedious work. Ο Θωμάς ίσως να μπορεί να προτείνει ένα καλό ξενοδοχείο. Tom might be able to recommend a good hotel. The room might be able to offer a good hotel. Quid putas ei faciendum esse? What do you think she should do? What do you think we should do to him? Han deltog i en nätundersökning. He participated in an online survey. He took part in a network survey. Kako mogu zaboraviti te dane? How can I forget those days? How can I forget those days? Той е роден и израснал в Токио. He was born and raised in Tokyo. He was born and grew up in Tokyo. Uważaj na kieszonkowców. Beware of pickpockets. Watch your pockets. Ještě nevím. I still don't know. I don't know yet. Я с нетерпением жду Рождества. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to Christmas. ¡Ven conmigo! Come with me! Come with me! Сакам да знам кога ти е роденден. I want to know when your birthday is. I want to know when your birthday is. Հեռու կանգնեք: Keep back. Stay away. Možete li to da dokažete? Can you prove that? Can you prove that? Numri im i telefonit është 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Kto może wybrać? Who can choose? Who can choose? Čačes? Really? Chuck? Je doručení zdarma? Is the delivery free? Is it a free delivery? Tom quase se esqueceu de fazer o dever de casa. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Tom almost forgot to do the homework. Я мешкаю в Мілані. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. Kann ich dir ein Lied vorspielen? Can I play you a song? Can I play you a song? È molto teso. He's very tense. It's very tight. My a vynn agas gweles a-vorow. I will see you tomorrow. I'll see you soon. Ζυγίζω 58 κιλά. I weigh 58 kilograms. I weigh 58 pounds. Ova zgrada je plava. This building is blue. This building is blue. Todos concordam contigo. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Tom stellte Maria seine Familie vor. Tom introduced Mary to his family. Tom presented his family. V pravé ruce drží naběračku. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's holding a pickup in his right hand. Jdete špatně. You're going in the wrong direction. You're going wrong. Désolé, je rêvassais. Sorry, I was woolgathering. I'm sorry, I was dreaming. Tas maksās aptuveni 10000 jēnu. It will cost around 10,000 yen. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. Χάνουμε. We're losing. We're losing. Tengo que ir al hospital. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Eu deixei algumas mensagens para o Tom. I left Tom a couple of messages. I left some messages for Tom. Dé do chor? How are things? You're crying? Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Це моє. Віддай. That's mine. Give it back. It's mine. Cadê eles? Where are they? What are they? Ellos se gobiernan a sí mismos. They rule themselves. They rule themselves. Dormiunt. They're asleep. Sleeping. Ο Τομ μου 'δωσε αυτή τη γραβάτα. Tom gave me this tie. Tom gave me this tie. Том не би бил толкова глупав. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Tom wouldn't be so stupid. Ты думаешь, это точный перевод? Do you think that this translation is accurate? Do you think this is a correct translation? O capitão nos deu as boas vindas. The captain welcomed us. The captain gave us the welcome. Pero las comadronas temían a Dios, y no hicieron lo que les había mandado el rey de Egipto, sino que dejaban con vida a los niños. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children. But the midwives feared God, and they did not do what the king of Egypt had commanded them, but they left the children alive. Banken openen om negen uur. Banks open at nine o'clock. Banks open at nine o'clock. À en juger par ce qu'il dit, il paraît un homme capable. Judging from what he says, he seems to be a man of ability. To judge by what he says, he looks like a capable man. Le visage de Tom est rugueux car il a besoin de se raser. Tom's face feels rough because he needs to shave. Tom's face is rough because he needs to shave. Quins aliments són rics en calories i quins no? Which foods are rich in calories and which aren't? What foods are rich in calories, and what are they not? Έχετε χάσει την απόδειξη; Have you lost the receipt? Have you lost the evidence? Unutra smo. We're inside. We're in. Jaz grem v LA. I'm going to LA. I'm going to LA. Tom býval šťastný. Tom used to be happy. Tom was happy. Ovo bi moglo boljeti. This might hurt. This could hurt. लाज वाटली पाहिजे! For shame! It must be embarrassing! Είσαι ο μοναδικός Καναδέζος στο σχολείο μας. You're the only Canadian in our school. You're the only Canadian in our school. Ich werde Tom nicht erlauben zu gehen. I won't allow Tom to go. I'm not gonna let Tom go. Mūsų traukinys staiga sustojo. Our train stopped suddenly. Our train stopped suddenly. Hai is aaltied doen! He is always drunk! Hai is always doing it! Prijateljstvo im se postepeno pretvaralo u ljubav. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Jeg arbejdede under sne. I was working under snow. I was working under snow. Le connaissais-tu ? Did you know him? Did you know him? La brique ne remplacera jamais le béton armé ici. Bricks never take the place of ferro-concrete here. The brick will never replace the armed concrete here. Парня Мэри зовут Томом. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Твоите аргументи ми се нелогични. I find your arguments illogical. Your arguments are illogical. Han hadde et solid alibi. He had a strong alibi. He had a solid alibi. Чух, че си много добра с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. "Soy demasiado grande para jugar con bichos," dijo el muchacho. "I'm too old to be playing with bugs," said the boy. "I'm too big to play with bugs," said the boy. Възможно ли е това да е любов? Could this be love? Is it possible that this is love? Я вимагаю, щоб ти це зробив просто зараз. I demand that you do that right now. I'm asking you to do this right now. Том знае да биде многу одмаздољубив. Tom can be very vindictive. Tom knows he's very vengeful. Parli con le sue amiche. Talk to your friends. Talk to your friends. Io ne sono piuttosto fiero. I'm pretty proud of that. I'm quite proud of it. Вчера посетих Тони. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. Aš nepratusi keltis anksti. I'm not used to getting up early. I don't know how to get up early. Toms izskatās ka ir pazaudējis savas atslēgas. Tom seems to have lost his key. Tom seems to have lost his keys. Jeg har vært gift en gang. I was married once. I've been married once. Летючі риби також існують. There are also fish that fly. Flying fish also exist. Isso vai deixar ele muito feliz. That'll make him very happy. That'll make him very happy. त्यांनी साधारण कपडे घातलेले. They were plainly dressed. They put on their normal clothes. तुम्ही तसं कधी करता का? Do you ever do that? Do you at times feel that way? आम्ही जिंकतोय. We're winning. We win. Защо още слушам това? Why do I still listen to this? Why am I still listening to this? Ergo ubi delapsæ sonitum per curva dedere / litora, dat signum specula Misenus ab alta / aere cavo. So when their screams descending fill the strand, / Misenus from his outlook sounds the fray. Ergo where delapsæ sonitum through the curve of giving / litor, gives signal to the specular Missenus of the high / air cable. Vem annan är där inne? Who else is in there? Who else is in there? Thou art a knave. You're a boy. You're an artefact. Undskyld mit franske. Pardon my French. I'm sorry about my French. Svjetlo je nestalo samo od sebe. The light went out by itself. The light is gone by itself. Nejdůležitější je zdraví. Health matters the most. The most important thing is health. Я лучше пойду их поищу. I'd better go look for them. I'd better go find them. Можешь поблагодарить Тома за это. You can thank Tom for this. You can thank Tom for that. W klasie są tylko trzy dziewczyny. There are only three girls in the class. There are only three girls in class. Come stai? How are you getting on? How are you? Umarł w wieku 54 lat. He died when he was 54 years old. He died at the age of 54. Él es capaz de correr una milla en cuatro minutos. He is capable of running a mile in four minutes. He can run a mile in four minutes. Aperi librum et animam tuam aperiet. Open a book and it will open your soul. Open your book and it will open your soul. Jsme v otevřené válce. We're in an open war. We're in an open war. आपने टॉम से शादी क्यों की? Why did you marry Tom? Why did you marry Tom? Hvem er det Toshio liker? Who does Toshio like? Who does Toshio like? टॉम ने हम से झूठ बोला है। Tom has lied to us. Tom has lied to us. Я дам вам усе, про що ти попрохаєш. I'll give you anything you ask for. I'll give you everything you ask. Il signor Hashimoto ha avviato il motore. Mr Hashimoto started the engine. Mr. Hashimo started the engine. Հանգիստ եղեք: Be calm. Don't worry. Te chipsy są tak pyszne, że palce lizać. These crisps are very moreish. These chips are so proud to lick their fingers. Робот вийшов з-під контроля. The robot went out of control. The robot's out of control. Tom siene ierste Fru keem ut Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came out of Boston. Лесно можеш да ги разликуваш. It's easy to tell them apart. You can easily distinguish them. Învăț spaniola. I'm learning Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. عجله کار شیطان است. More haste, less speed. The morning is Satan's work. On mało wie o tamtym zwierzęciu. He knows little about that animal. He doesn't know much about that animal. Они его найдут. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Είσαι ικανοποιημένη; Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? Dronning Victoria blev gift i 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Vamos ver o que o Tom está fazendo. Let's see what Tom is doing. Let's see what Tom's doing. דער ישׂראלישר העברעאיש איז באַזירט אויף די ספֿרדישע הבֿרה. Israeli Hebrew is based on the Sephardi reading tradition. The Hebrew Hebrew is based on the Spherical Habreh. Za mene je ovde previše bučno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too loud for me here. Problema s-a dovedit a fi foarte controversată. The issue turned out to be very contentious. The problem has turned out to be very controversial. Я познакомился с ним, когда был студентом. I got to know him when I was a student. I met him when I was a student. Hún fékk inngöngu í Waseda háskólann. She was admitted to Waseda University. She was admitted to Waseda University. Ξέρω ποιος είναι ο εχθρός μου. I know who my enemy is. I know who my enemy is. फ़ैक्टरी में काम अगले महीने से रुक जाएगा। The factory will cease operations next month. The factory will stop work from next month. Pse gjithçka po shkon keq? Why does everything go wrong? Why is everything going wrong? Ist das Produkt aus der Werbung schon ausverkauft? Is the product in the ad already out of stock? Has the product already been sold out from the advertising? باب چندین بار سعی کرد که سیگار را ترک کند. Bob often tries to give up smoking. For he hath determined how many things he would forsake the Lord. Eu achei que o Tom estivesse apaixonado pela Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. My oom is gediagnoseer met bloedkanker. My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia. My uncle was diagnosed with blood cancer. Am avut dificultăți în interpretarea întrebării. I had difficulties interpreting the question. I had difficulty interpreting the question. Eu estava falando com vocês. I was talking to you. I was talking to you. Jsem zvyklý slýchat sirény. I'm used to hearing sirens. I'm used to hearing sirens. Dohajydh da! Good afternoon! Take it easy! Tom ar fi trebuit să-i spună lui Mary de la bun început că el nu este singur. Tom should have told Mary right away that he wasn't single. Tom should have told Mary from the start that he's not alone. Él se quedó dormido bajo el árbol. He fell asleep under the tree. He fell asleep under the tree. कोर्दोबा हे दक्षिण स्पेनमधील एक शहर आहे. Cordova is a city in southern Spain. The city of Córdoba is located in southern Spain. Ek sal dit terug bring. I'll bring it back. I'll bring it back. Se kennt veel Seggwöör. She knows many proverbs. They know a lot of Seggwords. Θέλεις κάτι; Do you want anything? You want something? Het interesseert me niet. I don't care. I don't care. عاشقتم I love you. CategoryName Elles sont nos invitées. They are our guests. They're our guests. Заспах, докато четях една книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep while I was reading a book. Kylian Mbappé är bara nitton år gammal. Kylian Mbappé is only 19 years old. Kylian Mbappé is only nineteen years old. Jeg tror Tom sover endnu. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. وہ جاپان کا اڈیسن ہے۔ He is an Edison in Japan. He's Japan's Adison. Anna właśnie miała wychodzić z domu, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anna was just about to leave the house when she called. Я не люблю, когда Том занимает у меня деньги. I don't like it when Tom borrows money from me. I don't like Tom taking the money. Ceilalți nu pot fi deranjați. The others can't be bothered. The others can't be disturbed. Snažna posvećnost životnoj sredini nije kompatibilna sa velikim investicijama u naftu i gas. Strong commitment to the environment is not compatible with large investments in oil and gas. Strong commitment to the environment is not compatible with large investments in oil and gas. ببخشید، نتوانستم جلوی خنده‌ام را بگیرم. Excuse me, I couldn't help laughing. Forgive, I beg you, I am not worthy to receive the glory of my laughing. Vypadáš stejně jako před třemi lety. You look like you did three years ago. You look just like three years ago. Thòisich mi air ionnsachadh dha-rìribh san Dàmhair. I started to learn it seriously in October. I started real learning in Duma. Iniziamo prima che sorga il sole. Let's start before the sun rises. Let's start before the sun rises. Се чувствувам некако болно. I feel kind of sick. I feel kind of sick. Thomas se paratum esse dixit. Tom said that he was prepared. Thomas said he was ready. खरच खूप मजा आली. That was really fun. What a delight it was to be there! - Unde ai fost? - Am fost la dentist. "Where have you been?" "I've been to the dentist." - Where have you been? उसे अंग्रेज़ी में नब्बे अंक मिले। He got 90 on his English test. He's got a number in English. Ég var að endurlesa bréfin sem þú sendir mér. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was just reading the letters you sent me. Mary se miró en el espejo. Mary looked at herself in the mirror. Mary looked in the mirror. Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt, en hann hlustaði ekki á hana. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he did not listen. Maria döst auf dem Sofa. Mary is napping on the sofa. Maria's lying on the couch. Я ґей. I'm gay. I'm gay. Ти зараз сама? Are you alone now? You're on your own now? Nie ma nic lepszego niż gorąca kąpiel. There's nothing like a good hot bath. There's nothing better than a hot bath. Spytałaś Toma o Marię? Did you ask Tom about Mary? Did you ask Tom about Mary? Innisibh dhomh an t-ainm a tha air an naoidheamh mìos. Tell me the name of the ninth month. Tell me the name of the infant in the womb. मोरे मामा क इटली मां एक घर ह। My uncle has a house in Italy. Ma's Italian mother has a home. Você realmente está doando isso? Are you really just giving it away? Are you really giving that? Фала ти што ме пушти да зборувам со Том. Thank you for letting me speak with Tom. Thank you for letting me talk to Tom. Vi kan ikke gøre andet end at vente. We can't do anything but wait. We can't do anything but wait. आम्हाला आमच्या देशावर प्रेम आहे. We love our country. We love our country. سنگ بزرگ نشانهٔ نزدن است. He who starts ten tasks won't finish a single one. The great stone is not worth a mark. Ik kan er niet meer tegen! I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore! Quelle langue on parle en Égypte ? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language do we speak in Egypt? Kijk naar de landkaart op pagina 25. Look at the map on page 25. Look at the map on page 25. Osiemnastoletni chłopak jest w szpitalu po sprzeczce na imprezie wczorajszej nocy. An 18-year-old male is in hospital after an altercation at a party last night. The 18-year-old boy is in the hospital after the opposite of last night's party. Tha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch. This hotel is very near the lake. This host house may have been busy on the lake. Potete prendere appunti per telefono? Can you take notes over the phone? Can you take notes on the phone? Ο Τομ ζήτησε από τη Μαίρη να μην παραιτηθεί. Tom asked Mary to not resign. Tom asked Mary not to give up. Як прайшоў урок французскай? How was the French class? How did the French lesson go? Glødepærer bruger strøm. Lightbulbs consume electricity. Sweet peppers use electricity. Il y a ceux qui prétendent qu'une catastrophe se produira en 2012. There are those who claim that a catastrophe will occur in 2012. There are those who claim that a catastrophe will occur in 2012. Tom wziął list, zmiął go i włożył do kieszeni. Tom took the letter, crumpled it and put it in his pocket. Tom took a letter, washed it, and put it in his pocket. Nie mogła tego powiedzieć. She cannot have said that. She couldn't say that. Tom gab nur drei Dollar für sein Mittagessen aus. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom only paid three dollars for his lunch. De qué hè ? What is he doing? What is it? Что это вы такое несёте? What're those things you're carrying there? What are you wearing? Ek dink alles is reg. I think everything is ready. I think everything's right. Един момент. Не съм решил. Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind. One moment, I didn't decide. N corp uman mesan tegn ite assà osc per componer n ossam uman entriech. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. And the human body makes signs of you too osc to make up the human ossam entry. पक्ष्यांचा थवा खूप सुंदर आहे. The flock of birds is very beautiful. The birds ’ wings are beautiful. Šta si zaključio? What have you concluded? What did you conclude? Том має план. Tom has a plan. Tom has a plan. Не съм си взимала душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't had a shower in three days. हे तुमचं आहे. This belongs to you. It's yours. Ми недостига Бостон. I miss Boston. I miss Boston. Pažiūrėjome pro langą, bet nieko nepamatėme. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked through the window, but we didn't see anything. Ich mache jeden Morgen eine Runde um den See. I do a lap around the lake every morning. I round the lake every morning. Якое мяса найсмачнейшае? Which meat tastes the best? Which meat is the most delicious? Utra vestrum mecum veniet? Which of you will come with me? Will your fellow come with me? Tha feuch grom ann anns an achadh. There is green grass on the field. There's a gromble trying to come up. Tom mengasuh tiga anak sendirian. Tom raised the three children by himself. Tom had three children on his own. Δε συνεισφέρετε αρκετά. You don't contribute enough. You don't make enough contributions. Дитина лежить на ліжку. The kid is in bed. The child is lying on the bed. Nie jestem wśród tych, którzy muszą stracić na wadze. I'm not the one who needs to lose weight. I'm not among those who have to lose weight. Saya buta warna, Saya tidak dapat membedakan merah dan hijau. I'm colorblind. I can't tell red from green. I'm blind, I can't distinguish red and green. יעצט איז דער צייט צו אנפאנגן דער ארבעט פון בוינען א וועלט-שלום אן אַטאָמישע וואפן. Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons. This is the time to start the work of building a world-class nuclear weapon. त्यांनी त्यांना गाताना ऐकलं. She heard him sing. They heard them sing. Žmogaus kūnas yra 70% vanduo. Man is 70% water. The human body is 70% water. Zabierz mnie do domu. Take me home. Take me home. Sagt mir, wie das möglich ist! Tell me how that's possible. Tell me how it's possible! Nyns yw res dhis bos omma. You don't have to be here. You don't have enough credit in here. Ha i baffi. He's got a moustache. He's got the buffies. Que suis-je censé dire à Tom maintenant ? What am I supposed to tell Tom now? What am I supposed to say to Tom now? Вече е единадесет. It's already eleven. It's eleven now. Tom nu se sperie aproape niciodată. Tom almost never gets scared. Tom's never scared. Tańsza nie zawsze znaczy gorsza. Cheaper doesn't always mean worse. It doesn't always mean worse. Os ingleses são um povo prático. The English are a practical people. The English are a practical people. Nie jestem chory. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. तुला काय करायला आवडतं? What do you like to do? What do you like to do? Haec potio Sinensis valde bona est. This tea is very good. This is a very good Sinensis potion. Gandhi is doodschaten worrn. Gandhi was shot dead. Gandhi was killed. Furono uccisi tredici americani. Thirteen Americans were killed. Thirty Americans were killed. Они сказали, что хотят помочь. They said they wanted to help. They said they wanted to help. Θα σας συγχωρέσω. I'll forgive you. I'll forgive you. Jestem teraz nieco zakłopotany. I'm quite embarrassed now. I'm a little upset right now. Există trei culori primare. There are three primary colours. There are three primary colors. Ne poznaješ me. You don't know me. You don't know me. Beata esse posses, si velles. You could be happy if you wanted. Blessed are those powers, if you will. Wi sünd morgens Klock veer opkamen. We got up at four in the morning. We arrived at four o'clock in the morning. हा फोटो नारामध्ये घेतलेला. This photo was taken in Nara. The picture was taken in the theater. Truman dorazil do Bieleho Domu v priebehu niekoľkých minút. Truman arrived at the White House within minutes. Truman arrived at the White House in fear of a few minutes. Yo no ayudo a nadie. I help nobody. I don't help anyone. Den här hunden är min. This dog is mine. This dog is mine. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. मी तिथे पोहोचलो तेव्हा टॉम जायला तयार होता. Tom was ready to go when I got there. When I got there, Tom was willing to go. हे एक पत्र आहे. This is a letter. This is a letter. Wyślij ten list, proszę. Please mail this letter for me. Send this letter, please. আপনার তাকে পরামর্শের জন্য জিজ্ঞাসা করা উচিৎ। You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Algeriet har brug for flere renseanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more cleaning facilities. Билетите ти са у мене. I have your tickets. You're taking tickets from me. Ти реков дека ќе биде тешко да се изведе. I told you it was going to be hard to do. I told you it would be hard to get out. Jag älskar honom. I love him. I love him. Je někdo doma? Anyone home? Anybody home? Būk atsargus, gerai? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Cambodja wordt ''Kampuchea'' genoemd in het Khmer. Cambodia is called "Kampuchea" in Khmer. Cambodia is called 'Kampuchea' in Khmer. Вона має довге волосся. Her hair is long. She has a long hair. बैचलर पार्टी कैसी थी? How was the bachelor party? What was the baseball party like? Orator fit, poeta nascitur. An orator is made, but a poet is born. Orator fit, poet born. Kada su doživeli Francusku revoluciju, građani su postali slobodni ljudi, oslobođeni tradicija i crkve, hvalili su slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo. When they experienced the French Revolution, citizens became free people, detached from their traditions and the church; they praised Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. When they experienced the French Revolution, citizens became free people, freed traditions and churches, praised freedom, equality and brotherhood. De älskar varandra väldigt mycket. They love each other deeply. They love each other very much. Усё добра. It's all right. It's okay. Починай. Begin. Let's go. Мы смотрели на руины старой крепости. We were looking at the ruins of the old fortress. We were looking at the ruins of the old fortress. Ons onderwyser het 'n liedjie goed begin sing. Our teacher began singing a song well. Our teacher started a song well. Videsne illum virum? Maritus meus est. Do you see that man? He's my husband. Do you see him? He's my husband. Det var ingen som ville ta emot oss. Nobody would see us. There was no one who would accept us. Pyth yw y hanow? What's his name? What is this name? Я би порадив тобі не їсти м'яса. I'd advise you to not eat that. I would advise you not to eat meat. Potřebuji si s někým promluvit. I need someone to talk with. I need to talk to someone. Том хотів послухати Моцарта. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Usvojena sam. I'm adopted. I'm adopted. Það er sagt að honum muni líklega mistakast. It is said that he is likely to fail. It is said that he will probably fail. Hon bor i huset där borta. She lives in the house over there. She lives in the house over there. می خواستم یک سوال ازت بپرسم توی جلسه ولی یادم رفت. I meant to ask you a question in the meeting but I missed out. I was about to ask you a question, but you have forgotten, but I am gone. Экватор делит землю на два полушария. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the land into two semi-trailers. Escuchamos atentamente para no perdernos ni una palabra. We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word. We listen carefully so as not to lose a word. میں آپ کو مقدپے کے بارے میں بتاتی ہوں۔ Let me tell you about the case. I'll tell you about the campaign. Kami sedang membantu Tom. We're helping Tom. We're helping Tom. Πώς και ξέρετε τόσα για τον Θωμά; How come you know so much about Tom? How do you know so much about Thomas? Ніхто нас не бачив. No one has seen us. Nobody's seen us. В этом соборе есть большой орган. This cathedral has a large organ. There's a big organ in this assembly. Membosankan sekali. What a bore. It's boring. Μην ανησυχείς τόσο πολύ για τον Τομ. Don't worry so much about Tom. Don't worry so much about Tom. আমার বাবা লম্বা। My father is tall. My dad's tall. मैं मानती हूं कि गलतियां करना यह सीखने कि प्रक्रिया की एक महत्त्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होता है। I consider making mistakes an important part of the learning process. I believe that making mistakes is an important part of the process. Schiel nicht, sonst bleiben deine Augen so! Don't cross your eyes or they'll get stuck. Don't worry, or your eyes will stay like this! Яке ваше улюблене місце в Бостоні, де можна поїсти? Where's your favorite place to eat in Boston? What is your favorite place in Boston, where you can eat? Nebol v rozpakoch spraviť to. He had no qualms in doing so. Don't worry about it. Jest ich sześć osób. They are a party of six. There are six of them. Jeg kan ikke finde mine bukser. I can not find my pants. I can't find my pants. Allez, jouons ! Come on, let's play. Come on, let's go! Ayo kembali. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Der kommer vores bus! There's our bus. There's our bus! Мы хацелі б купіць канапу. We would like to buy a sofa. We'd like to buy a couch. त्याने दरवाजा बंद केला. He closed the door. He closed the door. Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I'm sure I'll visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Желим да те видим иза решетака. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. Том ме заплаши. Той каза, че ако не му дам парите, ще ми отреже един от пръстите. Tom threatened me. He said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. Tom threatened me, he said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut one of my fingers off. Tom är känd. Tom's famous. Tom's known. Σ' αρέσουν οι μαύρες γάτες; Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's gonna be gone for a week. Ne lui parlez pas comme ça. Don't talk to him like that. Don't talk to him like that. Creo que te equivocas en eso. I think you're wrong about that. I think you're wrong about that. Ne slažemo se dobro sa komšijama. We don't get along well with our neighbors. We don't agree well with our neighbors. Per què no m'ho demaneu? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Zastanawiam się, gdzie są lody. Myślisz, że Tom mógł zjeść wszystkie? I wonder where the ice cream is. Do you think Tom could've eaten it all? I wonder where the ice is. He es mi Jeheimnis. Et es ärch einfach: Mer süht bloß jot me'm Hätz. Wat wirklich wichtich es, es för de Auge nit ze sinn. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. It's just that you just see me hate. How important it is to be naked for the eye. Выбачыце мяне. Excuse me. Excuse me. Му го чувам седиштево. I'm saving this seat for him. I'm keeping his seat. अफवाह पूरे देश में फैल गयी। The rumor spread throughout the country. The complaint spread throughout the country. Não havia nada que pudessem realmente fazer para evitar que Fadil batesse em Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from beating Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from getting baptized in Layla. Jdu také. I'm going, too. I'm going too. En gång till? Again? One more time? Jeg tænkte at det var et forsøg værd. I thought it was worth a try. I thought it was worth a try. Посмотри на него. Look at him. Look at him. ¿Está en lo cierto? Is he right? Is it true? Vi hade inget bättre för oss. We had nothing better to do. We had nothing better for ourselves. আমি রান্না করবো। I'll cook. I'll cook. Faccio questo lavoro per aiutare un amico. I'm doing this job to help a friend. I'm doing this job to help a friend. Ow howethesow owgh hwi. You are my friends. You're up. Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? Tom rakte Mary den tomme pizzaæske. Tom handed the empty pizza box to Mary. Tom pulled the empty pizza. Tom is drie jaar oud. Tom is three years old. Tom is three years old. To mi je omiljena majica, i uvek je perem na ruke. That's my favorite shirt, and I always wash it by hand. It's my favorite shirt, and I always wash it on my hands. तुम्हाला झोपायला पाहिजे. You should sleep. You need to sleep. Yw res dhyn gul hemma arta? Do we need to do this again? Is there something wrong with this? No soy un mendigo. I'm not a beggar. I'm not a beggar. He köfft Kledaasch. He buys clothes. He's the head of Kledasch. Repeti seus vídeos várias vezes, e agora falo Inglês muito bem com meus amigos, muito obrigado. I watched your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends. Thank you very much. I repeated your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends, thank you very much. Στον Τομ αρέσουν οι περιπέτειες. Tom likes adventures. Tom likes adventures. Táimid ag an cogadh. We are at war. We're at war. Wann geht der Zug? When does the train depart? When's the train going? Et dimisit eum, postquam dixerat: “Sponsus sanguinum”, ob circumcisionem. And he let him go after she had said: A bloody spouse art thou to me, because of the circumcision. And he let him go, after he said, "Sponsor of blood," for circumcision. Jag behöver en röd penna. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Вклучи го радиото, те молам. Put the radio on, please. Turn on the radio, please. С Том няма проблеми. There's no problem with Tom. It's okay with Tom. Res yw dhymm diberth arta. I have to leave again. I don't have to get rid of this again. Det tog mig en halvtimme att lösa det här problemet. It took me half an hour to work out this problem. It took me half an hour to solve this problem. Премногу е впечатливо. It's too conspicuous. It's too impressive. Un ser humano es parte de un todo, llamado por nosotros Universo, una parte limitada en el tiempo y el espacio. Se experimenta a sí mismo, sus pensamientos y sentimientos como algo separado del resto, una especie de ilusión óptica de su conciencia. Esta ilusión es una especie de prisión para nosotros, que nos restringe a nuestros deseos personales y al afecto hacia unas pocas personas de las más cercanas a nosotros. Nuestra tarea debe ser liberarnos de esta prisión ensanchando nuestro círculo de compasión para abrazar a todas las criaturas vivas y a toda la naturaleza en su belleza. A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a limited part in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, which restricts us to our personal desires and affections to a few of the closest to us. Our task must be to free us from this prison by enlarging our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all nature in its beauty. Aquera poma qu'ei sucrada. This apple is sweet. That apple I'm sucked. Moja práca je výučba angličtiny. My job is teaching English. My job is to study English. Gott erschuf die Welt in sechs Tagen. God created the earth in six days. God created the world in six days. Zwiedziłem już wcześniej Boston. I've visited Boston before. I've seen Boston before. ¿No sería mejor que nos fuéramos ya? Hadn't we better go now? Wouldn't it be better if we left now? Är de förälskade i varandra? Are they in love? Are they in love with each other? Zgubiłem portfel po drodze do szkoły. On the way to school I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet on my way to school. k Woon ien Uropa. I live in Europe. To live a Europe. У Нэнси есть фортепиано. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Understandably, there must be some local hospital. Tom marcó un número incorrecto. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom scored the wrong number. Statek do przewozu ropy naftowej nazywa się tankowiec. A ship that transports oil is called an oil tanker. The oil tanker is called tanker. Flestir háskólanemar nota tölvur aðallega til að skrifa ritgerðir. Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers. Most college students use computers primarily to write scripts. У вас есть любимый ресторан в Бостоне? Do you have a favorite restaurant in Boston? Do you have a favorite restaurant in Boston? Ich weiß, dass Sie Französisch nicht beherrschen. I know you can't speak French. I know you don't rule French. Том сказал, что он беспокоится. Tom said he was worried. Tom said he was worried. Vasa escaria post cenam lavi. I washed the dishes after supper. Vasa went out after dinner. Він завжди щасливий. He is always happy. He's always happy. حالا که صحبت از سویس شد، شما هیچ وقت زمستان به آنجا رفته‌اید؟ Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? When a company came from Crete, you didn't go there any time in winter. Sugiro que veja o Sr. White. I suggest that you see Mr. White. I suggest you see Mr. White. El a vorbit despre muzică. He talked about music. He talked about music. Nagle usłyszał dziwny dźwięk. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Не се храни, докато схващането не мине. Don't eat till the numbness wears off. Don't feed until the catch's gone. Тој е многу љубезен, исто како и ти. He is very kind, just like you. He's very kind, just like you. او هویج را برید. He chopped the carrot. And he did cut down the waters of Hog. На каком этаже живёт Том? What floor does Tom live on? What floor does Tom live on? איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I don't feel well. I feel bad. Bhí sé ag obair don chomhairle. He worked for the council. He was working for the council. Փայտը լողում է: Wood floats. The tree swims. Том вели дека и се допаѓаш на Мери. Tom says Mary likes you. Tom says she likes you, Mary. Ти з нами згоден? Do you agree with us? You agree with us? Piger homo semper pauper est. A lazy man is always poor. Piger man is always poor. Que préférez-vous, l'automne ou le printemps ? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? What do you prefer, fall or spring? Мэри поправилась после болезни. Mary recovered from her illness. Mary was healed after her illness. Усмешка пачвары была лютай. The monster's smile was cruel. The cave's smile was furious. वह चिल्लाने लगा। He began to shout. He started screaming. Tom voli sir. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes sir. He is mien Naver. He is my neighbour. He's my Never. Il padre di Tom è molto rigido. Tom's father is very strict. Tom's father is very rigid. My a vynn kavos dha woos. I want your blood. We found his boss. Cé a bhí Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Είστε σίγουροι ότι είμαι ο μοναδικός Καναδός εδώ; Are you sure I'm the only Canadian here? Are you sure I'm the only Canadian here? Em vaig comprar la tele d'una tacada. I paid in a lump sum when I bought a television set. I bought my flat-screen TV. જવાહરલાલ નેહરુ ભારતના પ્રથમ વડાપ્રધાન હતા. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India. The Red Negro was India’s first archbishop. We moeten intensiever en effectiever werken. We need to work more intensively and effectively. We need to work harder and more effectively. Laten we deze problemen een voor een bekijken. Let's look at these problems one at a time. Let's take a look at these problems. Я думав, що ти казав, що Том твій брат. I thought you said Tom was your brother. I thought you said Tom was your brother. Jeg skriftede. I confessed. I wrote. Я щойно купив трохи картону. I just bought some cardboard. I just bought some cardboard. Перепрошую, що вас турбую. Sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. Eu faço, já que você insiste. I'll do it, if you insist. I do, since you insist. Ik vertell di nich geern de Wohrheid. I don't like telling you the truth. I'm not telling you the truth. Pozdě vstávám. I'm a late riser. I'm getting up late. তুমি কি এই ছবির মধ্যের লোকটিকে দেখেছো? Have you ever seen the person in this photo? Did you see the guy in this picture? Не е по вина на Том. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Italo Calvino blev født i 1923 i Cuba. Italo Calvino was born in 1923 in Cuba. Italo Calvino was born in 1923 in Cuba. Это длинное путешествие. It's a long journey. It's a long trip. Δεν υπάρχει κανείς εκεί. There's nobody there. There's no one there. La nena no va dir res. The girl didn't say anything. The girl didn't say anything. Io non vi farei mai del male. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Hladuju. I'm hungry. I'm freezing. Die Tür will nicht aufgehen. This door will not open. The door doesn't want to go up. Hay muchos edificios antiguos famosos en Kyoto. There are a lot of famous old buildings in Kyoto. There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto. Ghulja har rigtig mange slags æbler. Ghulja has very many kinds of apples. Julia has a lot of apples. Tom lädt sich oft Filme herunter. Tom frequently downloads movies. Tom often download movies. Incoloratae virides cogitationes dormiunt saeviter. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Reddish-headed thinking always sleeps. Sie enthält viele Lehnworte aus anderen Sprachen. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. It contains many phrases from other languages. Цей краще виглядає. This one is prettier. It looks better. Жена Тома умерла на прошлой неделе. Tom's wife died last week. Tom's wife died last week. Πού είναι ο πατέρας σου; Where's your father? Where's your father? Wiä häissisch zum Vornamä? What is your first name? What's the big deal? Hajde da ostanemo unutra večeras. Let's stay in tonight. Let's stay inside tonight. Мислех, че Том не ви харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Jeg ved at Tom er forelsket i Mary. I know that Tom is in love with Mary. I know Tom is in love with Mary. Pasovaly ti nějaké boty, které jsi zkoušel? Did any of the shoes that you tried on fit? Did any of the shoes you tried fit you? Коли дочитаєте книжку, можете мені її позичити? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? When you read the book, can you lend it to me? Nu mânca în grabă. Do not eat hastily. Don't eat quickly. उन्होंने सभी कैदीयों को आज़ाद कर दिया है। They released all the prisoners. They have freed all prisoners. Mı né şayé ey vındernayé. I couldn't make it stop. No, she's not. Mund te me telefononi perseri me vone ju lutem? Could you call again later, please? Can you call me back later, please? Él es más inteligente que ellos. He's brighter than they are. He's smarter than they are. Любы сказ, што пачынаецца «Я не расіст, але», найбольш верагодна будзе сапраўды расісцкім. Every sentence that starts with "I'm not racist, but" is likely to be very racist indeed. Any saying that starts "I'm not racist, but," is most likely to be really racist. Είσαι εξυπνότερος απ' αυτούς. You're smarter than them. You're smarter than them. Quid non habes? What don't you have? What don't you have? Proszę dopisać litery. Please fill in the letters. Please write the letters. Henn yw hy hares. That's her girlfriend. That's her hares. Han ble vant til å være våken langt ut på natta. He fell into the habit of keeping late hours. He got used to being awake far out at night. Tengo que cambiar las llantas. I have to change tires. I have to change the sheets. La impresora de la oficina de Peter está rota y ya no imprime. The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore. Peter's office printer is broken and no longer prints. টম খুব কম হাসে। Tom hardly ever laughs. Tom's in a very low mood. Încetează să mai vorbești așa. Stop talking like that. Stop talking like that. Tom je promijenio svoje ime. Tom has changed his name. Tom changed his name. Ne pensez pas que je ne sois pas reconnaissant de ce que vous avez fait ! Don't think I don't appreciate what you've done. Don't think I'm not grateful for what you've done! Я певна, що Тому це сподобається. I'm sure Tom is going to like that. I'm sure that's why I'm going to like it. Од кожа е изработено. It's made of leather. It's made of leather. Ovo bi moglo da traje nedeljama. This could take weeks. This could take weeks. Eam veneramur. We respect her. We're venerating. Él lee antes de dormir. He reads before bedtime. He reads before he sleeps. Թոմին դուր եկավ Ավստրալիան: Tom liked Australia. Tom liked Australia. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Ако се отпуснеш и си починеш, ще се почувстваш много по-добре. If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better. If you relax and rest, you'll feel much better. আমি বিস্মিত হয়ে গেছিলাম। I was astonished. I was surprised. तो नागासाकीमध्ये राहतो. He lives in Nagasaki. He lives in Nagasaki. टॉम बसने शाळेत जातो. Tom goes to school by bus. Tom goes to school. Mám stejný slovník jako tvůj bratr. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Jeg skulle ønske at du ikke hadde fortalt den historien til moren min. I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother. I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother. Hvílum okkur hérna. Let's rest here. Let's get some rest here. Ona će platiti najviše 50 dolara. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay up to 50 bucks. Дяволите да те вземат! Damn you! Damn you! Я знаю, что Том здесь делает. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Lous e oant. They were dirty. Lous and tears. Είστε φιλόδοξες. You're ambitious. You're ambitious. Jullie zijn monsters. You're monsters. You're monsters. Ο Τομ μπορεί να μείνει εδώ. Tom can stay here. Tom can stay here. Jeg skal gjøre det. I'll do it. I'll do it. تابستان در کشور من زود آغاز می شود. Summer begins early in my country. The summer is near in my land. Elle se rendit en Italie pour étudier la musique. She went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. She goes to Italy to study music. Я стамілася глядзець тэлевізар. I'm tired of watching television. I was tired of watching TV. Plašim se visine. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Selv jeg forstår ikke. Even I don't understand. Even I don't understand. Tom ví, že je to lež. Tom knows it's a lie. Tom knows it's a lie. Víš, jak to použít? Do you know how to use it? You know how to use it? Kako se zove? What's its name? What's his name? Mae eu traed yn fudr. Their feet are dirty. Their feet are broken. مجھے نہیں معلوم۔ I don't know. I don't know. Num ploratis? Are you guys crying? Are you crying? Μου 'πε ψέματα. He lied to me. He lied to me. Pytanie, jak to powiedzieć, żeby nie rozzłościć Toma. The question is how to say no without making Tom angry. The question is, how do I say it so I don't get mad at Tom? Je to úžasná žena. She is a wonderful woman. She's a wonderful woman. Мора да купи сину нови бицикл. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He has to buy his son a new bike. Εγώ είμαι από το Κυότο. I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. Barnið þarfnast móður sinnar. The baby needs its mother. The child needs his mother. Многу сме ефикасни. We're very efficient. We're very effective. Gdzie ja teraz jestem? Where am I now? Where am I now? अझरबैजानची राजधानी बाकु आहे. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. And the rest of the king's house is the king's house. Ha una teoria? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? Тази история ме накара да се замисля върху бъдещето на Токио. That story made me think over the future of Tokyo. This story made me think about Tokyo's future. Люблю гісторыі з сумным канцом. I like stories that have sad endings. I like stories with a sad ending. Ko jam reikia? What is he after? What does he need? Tappa aldrig hoppet! Never lose hope! Never give up hope! Никога преди не съм те виждала тук. I've never seen you here before. I've never seen you here before. Io e Tom avevamo lo stesso sogno. Tom and I had the same dream. Tom and I had the same dream. Sono molto riservata. I'm very reserved. I'm very reserved. Traficul a fost oprit pentru câteva ore. Traffic was halted for several hours. Traffic has been stopped for a few hours. Ek sal hier wees wanneer jy terugkom. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you get back. Долкун во последно време многу интензивно работи, но не гледа ни најмал резултат од тоа. Dolkun has been working very hard lately, and yet isn't able to see even the slightest result. Dolcun has a lot of hard work lately, but he doesn't even see the slightest result of it. Abbia fede in Dio. Have faith in God. Have faith in God. Potete contare su di noi. You can count on us. You can count on us. Jimmy prøvde å overtale foreldrene hans til å la ham kjøre på tvers av landet med vennene sine. Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends. Jimmy tried to persuade his parents to let him run across the country with his friends. हा तोच माणूस आहे ज्याला आपण शोधत होतो. He is the very man that we've been looking for. This is the man we are looking for. Могѫ се пѣти ѩглıаньскъı. I can sing it in English. I could use a backrub right about now. Aku akan membicarakan ini denganmu nanti, ok? I'll talk with you about this later, OK? I'll talk to you later, okay? Weißt du, wo das Polizeirevier ist? Do you know where the police station is? Do you know where the police station is? És una dona que mereix admiració. She is a woman worthy of admiration. She's a woman who deserves to be admired. Paarden zijn nuttige dieren. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. In che università studiate? At which university are you studying? In what universities do you study? Твої ліки готові. Your medicine is ready. Your drugs are ready. Tu nic nie ma. There's nothing here. There's nothing here. Թաքնվի՛ր: Take cover! Keep your mouth shut. Konsep itu tidak masuk akal. The concept doesn’t make sense. The concept doesn't make sense. Koty nie jedzą bananów. Cats don't eat bananas. Cats don't eat bananas. Она начала петь. She began to sing. She started singing. Saludó al hombre, y volvió a casa, a su normal y aburrida rutina. He greeted the man, and came back home, to his normal, boring routine. He greeted the man, and returned home, to his normal and boring routine. Saya belum lagi menghabiskan makan. I haven't quite finished eating. I haven't eaten yet. Kraf ov. I'm mean. Craft o'er. Jedí Němci hodně vepřové? Do Germans eat a lot of pork? Do the Germans eat a lot of pigs? Ik bün en Mann. I'm a man. I'm good and man. Barnet fik et hysterisk anfald fordi det ønskede legetøjet. The child threw a tantrum because he wanted the toy. The baby had a hysterical attack because he wanted the toy. Släpp mitt hår. Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair. Niedźwiedź może wejść na drzewo. A bear can climb a tree. The bear can go into the tree. Norveška je moja nova domovina. Norway is my new homeland. Norway is my new home. Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm going to marry. Hij is bang voor honden. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Hujan bana hari, inyo ka main golf juo. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. The rains of the day, they're playing golf too. Er was eens ... Once upon a time... There was one... Колко дълго останахте? How long did you stay? How long have you been staying? Это я так сказал? Is it something I said? Is that what I said? Ežero vanduo lygus kaip veidrodis. The lake's water is as smooth as a mirror. Lake water is like a mirror. لطفا دست نزن. Please don't touch. Don't touch the kindnesses. Dělejme, že jsme to neslyšeli. Let's pretend we didn't hear that. Let's make sure we didn't hear it. טאָם איז אַ שׂונא־ישׂראל. Tom's an antisemite. Tom is a Hong Kong branch. Είναι όμορφες. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. Тој флертува толку нападно што жените на крај бегаат од него. He flirts so forcefully that he ends up pushing women away. He flirts so aggressively that women eventually run away from him. Ти замкнув машину? Did you lock the car? You locked the car? Eu cresci na Austrália. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. Yma teyr myrgh dhodho. He has three daughters. This is a selection too. اکر من جای او بودم با آن کنار نمی آمدم. If I were him, I wouldn't put up with it. I was his place, and I didn't come near his place. Любовь сильна, да деньги сильнее. Love is strong, but money is stronger. Love is strong, and money is stronger. Aš negaliu rasti Timo. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. सुबह के नाश्ते में तुम क्या लेना पसंद करोगी? What would you like for breakfast? What would you like to take in the morning? Eam semper venerata sum. I've always respected her. I'm always veneration. Die Leistung der Schüler an deutschen Schulen wird auf einer Skala von 1 bis 6 bewertet. The performance of the learners in German schools is graded according to a scale 1 to 6. The performance of students in German schools is assessed on a scale of 1 to 6. Chcesz być znowu w mojej drużynie? Do you want to be on my team again? You want to be in my team again? Þæt is þīn bōc. It's your book. The format is your book. Corrí adonde mi madre. I ran to my mother. I ran where my mother was. Han slutade plötsligt. He suddenly stopped. He stopped all of a sudden. Я, як правило, працюю з дев'ятої до п'ятої. I usually work from nine to five. I usually work from ninth to fifth. Tom lebt in einem kleinen Städtchen in den Bayerischen Alpen. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Video canem. I see a dog. We're watching. Carson a thèid daoine don taigh-dealbh? Why do people go to the cinema? What are people going to do to the house? La gente se cree lo que ve. People believe what they see. People believe what they see. पोलिसांनी आपल्याला अटक केली. The police arrested us. The police arrested us. टॉमने तुला सांगितलं का? Did Tom tell you? Did Tom tell you? Qu'èi descobèrt uei un endret hèra agradiu. I discovered a very nice place today. What's discovered today is a pleasant place to live. Том, можливо, десь тут, але я його на бачила. Tom might be here somewhere, but I haven't seen him. Tom might be here somewhere, but I saw him. Pastor oves amissas quaerit. The shepherd is looking for the lost sheep. The shepherd is looking for the lost sheep. Jedva da sam oka sklopio. I barely slept a wink. I barely closed my eyes. मी काहीतरी शोधून काढेन. I'll find something. I'll find something. ہمیں ٹھنڈ نہیں لگ رہی تھی۔ We weren't cold. We didn't feel cold. Jo treballo a un banc. I work in a bank. I work at a bank. ऑस्ट्रिया में आप कहां बड़े हुएं? Where in Austria did you grow up? Where did you grow up in Austria? Hai het mainstekaans wonnen. He probably won. Hey, they won the main stage. Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selanjutnya? What do you want to do next? What do you want to do next? Shyqyr Zoti. Thank God. Thank God. Как, ты там говорил, его звали? What did you say his name was? What did you say there, his name? Ze stopte met praten. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. Ši gėlė yra gražesnė nei ana. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than ana. τοῖσι δ᾽ ἀνέστη ἥρως Ἀτρεΐδης εὐρὺ κρείων Ἀγαμέμνων ἀχνύμενος: μένεος δὲ μέγα φρένες ἀμφιμέλαιναι πίμπλαντ᾽, ὄσσε δέ οἱ πυρὶ λαμπετόωντι ἐΐκτην. And among them rose the hero son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon, lamenting: his blackened heart brimming over with rage, and his eyes like blazing fires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Este lloc em fa recordar-me de quan era un xiquet. This place reminds me of when I was young This place reminds me of when I was a kid. Η Αννα πάντα διατηρεί καθαρό το δωμάτιό της. Ann always keeps her room clean. Anna always keeps her room clean. A causa do incêndio é desconhecida. The cause of the fire is not known. The cause of the fire is unknown. Přestože jsme čekali do deseti, Bill se vůbec neobjevil. Although we waited until ten o'clock, Bill never showed up. Although we were waiting for ten, Bill didn't show up at all. Таа ги знае поважните главни градови. She knows the main capital cities. She knows the most important capitals. Многу ми се допаѓа таа тетоважа. I love that tattoo. I really like that tattoo. আপনারা কত রাত্রি থাকবেন? How many nights will you stay? How many nights will you stay? Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big science fiction fan. He's a great fan of science. Tom är fri. Tom's free. Tom's free. Том не е тука денес. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. No li agradava ser pobre. He didn't like being poor. He didn't like being poor. Не си престар за неа. You're not too old for her. You're not too old for her. टॉम आणि मेरी अजूनही बॉस्टनमध्ये आहेत. Tom and Mary are still in Boston. Tom and I are still in Boston. Том любить Австралію. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Können Sie mir eine Karte von Ihrer Straße zeichnen? Can you draw me a map of your street? Can you draw me a map of your street? Unieważniłam jedną. I cancelled one. I made one. Том не дуже добре грає в теніс. Tom can't play tennis very well. Tom doesn't play very well in tennis. Vi är inte i fara nu. We're in no danger now. We're not in danger right now. Vi spelade schack inte så mycket för att vi gillade att spela som för att bara slå ihjäl tiden. We played chess not so much to enjoy the game as just to kill time. We played chess not so much because we liked to play as just to kill time. Я не знал, что собаки это делают. I didn't know dogs did that. I didn't know dogs were doing that. Ќе ја поставам трпезата. I'll set the table. I'll set the table. Шта ћу ја овде? What am I doing here? What am I gonna do here? Dovrebbe essere revocato immediatamente. It should be revoked immediately. It should be revoked immediately. Meu amigo quer ter seu próprio carro. My friend wants a car of his own. My friend wants his own car. Ich denke nicht, dass Sie Ihren Job aufgeben sollten. I don't think you should quit your job. I don't think you should give up your job. Jesteś gotowy na najgorsze? Are you prepared for the worst? Are you ready for the worst? En, adsum; duc me in nomine Dei. See, here I am; lead me in the name of God. Here I am; take me in the name of God. Aku ingin minum kopi. I would like to have a cup of coffee. I want some coffee. Slažeš li se? Is that agreeable? Do you agree? Persoanele cu dizabilități fizice detestă să fie compătimite. People with physical disabilities abhor being pitied. Persons with physical disabilities hate to be compatriots. Gueti Besserig. Get well soon! Look for Besserig. Ο Τομ δεν ήθελε να πεθάνει. Tom didn't want to die. Tom didn't want to die. To byla ta poslední věc kterou jsem čekal, že uslyším. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Jestem wdzięczny, że się zaofiarowałeś, aby mi pomóc. I'm grateful you volunteered to help. I'm grateful you sacrificed yourself to help me. Versuch’s doch mal! Give it a try. Try it! Tom loog. Tom lied. Empty log. वे मेरा विश्वास नहीं करेंगे चाहे मैं कसम भी क्यों न खालूँ। They won't believe me even if I swear it is true. They will not believe me, though I swear by them. Я залишуся тут, допоки ви не повернетеся. I'll stay here till you get back. I'll stay here until you get back. Ég er laus á sunnudaginn. I'm free on Sunday. I'm free on Sunday. Вони занадто великі. They are too big. They're too big. Nie mogę przypomnieć sobie jej imienia. I can't remember her name. I can't remember her name. Кој те научил како се прави тоа? Who taught you how to do that? Who taught you how to do that? Wat vind je van sex voor het huwelijk? How do you feel about sex before marriage? What do you think of sex for marriage? Трябва да реша какво да правя. I have to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Har du en Facebookkonto? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Budu pokračovat ve své práci. I'll get on with my work. I'll continue my work. Zanech lží. Stop lying. Don't lie to me. Ne skrbi. Lahko računaš name. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. Si no quieres ponerte protector solar es tu problema, pero no vengas a quejarte conmigo cuando tengas quemaduras de sol. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don't want to have a sunscreen, it's your problem, but don't come complaining to me when you have sunburns. Можеш ли да дойдеш утре? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Rád by som si dal koláč ako dezert. I'd like to have cake for dessert. I'd like some cake if it's dessert. Tak fordi du er min ven. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being my friend. तू कधी कॅनडाला गेली आहेस का? Have you ever been to Canada? Have you ever moved to Canada? Kako je Tomu na poslu? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom at work? Jsem Tvá minulost. I'm your past. I'm your past. Koliko je star ovaj avion? How old is this airplane? How old is this plane? У нас пять уроков английского в неделю. We have five English lessons a week. We have five lessons in English every week. טאָם האָט געשפּיגן. Tom spat. Tom said. Odlično mi je. I'm having a blast. It's great for me. Allt du behöver göra är att trycka på knappen. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. ती पिशवी माझी आहे. That bag is mine. It's me. It's me. Hvor er klokken min? Where is my watch? Where's my time? Атеист е. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Wir gehen nicht nach Boston. We're not going to Boston. We're not going to Boston. "Buka mulutnya", kata dokter gigi. "Open your mouth", said the dentist. "Open your mouth," said the dentist. Jeg tog til Norge. I went to Norway. I went to Norway. Колко е часът? What is the time? What time is it? Scire velim quot annos nata sit. I'd like to know how old she is. I don't know how many years she's been born. Това е камерта, която купих вчера. This is the camera I bought yesterday. That's the camera I bought yesterday. Teší ma, že ťa spoznávam. Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. Ceapaim gur féidir linn seo a láimhseáil. I think we can handle this. I think we can handle this. داشتیم صحبت می کردیم که این یارو که می شناختمش رد شد. We were talking that this guy I know walked by. We had therefore a company, and it was rejected; for we knew it. Ni a dhallathas dhe hwegh eur. We started at six. It didn't start for a while. Ябълката падна! The apple fell! The apple's down! Сега изобщо не съм заета. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not busy right now. Bostoniam non imus. We're not going to Boston. We didn't go to Boston. Cine știe asta? Who knows that? Who knows that? Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. The prices have fallen lately. Jag vill inte prata om henne. I don't want to speak about her. I don't want to talk about her. Tom passa tempo demais no trabalho. Tom spends too much time at work. Tom spends too much time at work. Benvenute su Tatoeba, tequila, sesso e marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Hari Valentine hampir berakhir, dan aku masih tidak tahu apa yang akan kuberikan padanya. Valentine's Day is close, and I still don't know what to give to her. Valentine's day is almost over, and I still don't know what I'm going to give her. माझा कान दुखतोय. I have an earache. My ear hurts. Вечірка вийшла з-під контролю. The party got out of hand. The party's out of control. Regner det nu? Is it raining now? Is it raining now? আমরা হারিয়ে গেছি। We are lost. We're lost. Elle voulait à tout prix perdre du poids. She was desperate to lose weight. She wanted to lose weight at all costs. Ona me ljubi bolj kot njega in ona me ljubi bolj kot on. She loves me more than him and she loves me more than he. She loves me more than he does, and she loves me more than he does. Tom a reușit în multe. Tom has achieved a lot. Tom managed a lot. Не само аз мисля, че Том не трябва да прави това. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing that. Not only do I think Tom should not do this. Не е нужно да плащаш за апартамента предварително. You don't have to pay for an apartment in advance. You don't have to pay for the apartment in advance. Los diamantes son eternos. Diamonds are forever. Diamonds are eternal. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There is little chance that she will make it. Том го пратија во психијатриска болница. Tom was sent to a mental hospital. Tom was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Он друг моей жены, а не мой. He's my wife's friend, not mine. He's my wife's friend, not mine. Честността ѝ е неоспорима. Her honesty is beyond question. Honesty is unquestionable. Νόμιζε ότι είναι ιδιοφυία. He thought that he was a genius. He thought it was identity. Tá bunáit mhíleata in aice anseo. There is a military base near here. There are military bases near here. Deixi'm prémer el botó. Let me push the button. Let me press the button. In meinem Dorf gibt es einen kleinen schmalen Steg über einen Bach. In my village, there is a small, narrow footbridge over a brook. In my village there is a small narrow step over a bush. Je suis conscient de la situation. I'm aware of the situation. I'm aware of the situation. Fugle bygger reder i træer. Birds make their nests in trees. Birds build nests in trees. Mam wielu znajomych, którzy mówią płynnie, ale jednak nie na poziomie rodowitego użytkownika. I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers. I have many friends who speak fluently, but not at the level of the native user. सफ़ेद गेंद का वज़न लाल गेंद जितना ही है। The white ball weighs as much as the red ball. The weight of the white ball is red. Ev a vynn metya orthowgh. He wants to meet you. This will be done to you. Esta festa está ótima! This party is great. This party is great! Noe er i ferd med å skje. Something is coming. Something's going on. Juče sam kupio ovo. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Lex twee is temlich licht. The second lesson is very easy. Lex two is mysterious light. Miluje-li Tom Mary a Mary miluje Johna, pak Tom miluje Johna? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? If Tom Mary and Mary love John, then Tom loves John? Баща ми е малко старомоден. My father is a bit old-fashioned. My dad's a little old-fashioned. Fadil usa e abusa das mulheres. Fadil is a user and abuser of women. Fadil uses and abuses women. Gurita itu membawa tempurung kelapa. The octopus carries a coconut shell. The gurita was carrying a goat’s load. Ještě jsem jim nevolal. I haven't called them yet. I haven't called them yet. Nu lees ik, lees jij en leest hij; wij lezen allen. Now I'm reading, you're reading and he's reading; we're all reading. Now I read, you read, and he reads; we all read. Θα 'ναι έτοιμο. It'll be ready. He'll be ready. Как мне тебя благодарить? How do I thank you? How can I thank you? Seyth eur yw lemmyn. It is seven now. The time is now seven hours. Мислам дека требаше да побарам помош. I think I should've asked for help. I think I should have asked for help. Вам не нужно туда идти, если не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go there if you don't want to. Apa este realmente murdară. The water is really dirty. The water is really dirty. Wissen ist eine Sache, Unterrichten eine andere. To know is one thing, to teach is another. Knowledge is one thing, teaching is another. Por que você está procrastinando? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you procrastinating? Qu’attends-tu de nous ? What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Живеам тука веќе долги години. I've been living here for many years. I've been living here for years. Þú veist að mér finnast egg ekki góð. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Tom ville ha pengar. Tom wanted money. Tom wanted money. Ці вы за ці супраць гэтага? Are you for or against this? Are you for or against this? Hvor bor han? Where does he live? Where does he live? Nu mai pot continua să ignor problema. I can't continue to ignore the problem. I can't keep ignoring the problem anymore. Хлопці спричинили багато проблем. The boys caused a lot of trouble. The boys caused a lot of trouble. Los miembros de la banda de bronces se veían muy felices. The brass band members looked very happy. The bronze band members were very happy. Bez trudności wyjaśnił tajemnicję. He had no difficulty explaining the mystery. Without difficulty, he explained the secret. Iulius iratus puerum improbum verberat. Julius angrily beats the rude boy. Julius was angry and tried. Utviklingen innenfor det teknologiske området går med lynets hastighet. Development in the technological area is proceeding at lightning speed. The development in the technological area is at the speed of the light. ¿Que harías tú si estuvieses en mi lugar? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Deze vogel kan niet vliegen. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Un erer bras 'zo bet gwelet ganit? Have you seen an eagle ? Have you ever seen a big scarf? Ich freue mich, dass ihr Tom um Rat gefragt habt. I'm glad that you asked Tom for advice. I'm glad you asked Tom for advice. Pensavo vivessi con lei. I thought you lived with her. I thought I'd live with her. Moje dcera se nachladila. My daughter caught a cold. My daughter's cold. Må jeg åbne en dåse? May I open a can? Can I open a box? Կներե՛ք, որ այսքան ուշացա: I'm sorry I took so long. I'm sorry I'm so late. De zaken escaleerden snel. Things escalated quickly. Things are escalating fast. Σας κάλεσα στο πάρτι. I invited you to the party. I called you at the party. Hij is zanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Vem är den där kvinnan i brun jacka? Who is the woman in the brown coat? Who's that woman in the brown jacket? قصد ندارم ناراحتت کنم I don't mean to make you worry. I'm not trying to get away with it. Κλαίει. She is crying. She's crying. Ceapaim go bhfuil mé líofa as Fraincis. I think that I'm fluent in French. I think I'm fluent from French. Jesteś zaangażowana? Are you involved? Are you involved? Ons is nog nie baie honger nie. We aren't very hungry yet. We are not very hungry yet. Mučili su Toma. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. Det er ikke min hustru. That's not my wife. It's not my wife. Hoc Rhipeus, hoc ipse Dymas omnisque juventus / læta facit: spoliis se quisque recentibus armat. So / doth Rhipeus, so brave Dymas and the rest; / all in the new-won spoils their eager limbs invest. This Ripeus, this he does with Dymas and every young man/laws: with the theft of anyone who weapons himself in the past. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We've discussed whether to cancel the reservation. Dette er ikke mitt. This isn't mine. This isn't mine. Nemluvím anglicky. I don't speak English. I don't speak English. Tom stod op til endnu en grå morgen. Tom awoke to another gray morning. Tom stood up for another gray morning. Ich muss es nicht kochen. I don't have to cook it. I don't have to cook it. Navnene deres er Tom og Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Non girateci attorno. Don't beat around the bush. Don't turn around. Me gusta el sushi. I like sushi. I like trash. Ik weet niet of hij een dokter is. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Мені просто пощастило. I was just lucky. I just got lucky. Bob har vært forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Нашето училище е използвало неговите методи на обучение. Our school adopted his teaching methods. Our school used his teaching methods. Tom zal vannacht niet hier zijn. Tom won't be here tonight. Tom won't be here tonight. تام نمی‌داند که این راست است یا نه. Tom doesn't know whether it's true or not. Till he doesn't know whether it is true or not. Turrim, in præcipiti stantem summisque sub astra / eductam tectis, unde omnis Troja videri / et Danaum solitæ naves et Achaica castra. Sheer o'er the highest roof-top to the sky, / skirting the parapet, a watch-tower rose, / whence camp and fleet and city met the eye. Turrim, in precipitated standing and top under the stars/educated roofs, where all Troy can see / and Danaum alone ships and Achaica camp. उसने जैसे ही अपनी मम्मी को देखा, वह चिल्ला उठी। She cried out the moment she saw her mother. As soon as she saw her mother, she lifted up her voice. Може ли да използвам твоя телефон? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Govor mu je bio, blago rečeno, katastrofa. His speech was an unmitigated disaster. His speech was, well said, a disaster. Дай да го видя това. Let me see that. Let me see that. Willst du etwas zum Trinken? Would you like to drink anything? You want something to drink? Я не хочу, чтобы Том думал, что он должен мне растолковывать. I don't want Tom to think he has to interpret for me. I don't want Tom to think he has to explain to me. हर्बर्ट हूव्हर १९२८ची निवडणूक जिंकला. Herbert Hoover won the election of 1928. The election was won by Herbert Hower in 1928. Kako čudno! How strange! How strange! Fàilte romhad chun dùthaich. Welcome! Failed to move file to the wastebasket. Eu amo Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Jeszcze się nie zgodziłem. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't agreed yet. Neki prijatelji ne mogu biti zamjenjeni. Some friends can't be replaced. Some friends can't be replaced. Wo rieker en Stad is, wo mehr Affall maakt se. The richer the city, the more rubbish it generates. Where there is a richer city, where more waste is made. Том навистина нашол нешто интересно. Tom has indeed found something interesting. Tom really found something interesting. Per què no estàs a la teua oficina? Why are you not in your office? Why aren't you in your office? Знае ли Том зошто не си му отишол на забавата? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you didn't go to the party? Що ти робила сьогодні вранці? What were you doing this morning? What did you do this morning? В някои отношения то приличало на футбола, който се играе в наши дни. It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today. In some respects it was like a football playing in our day. छुप रहो। Keep quiet. Shut up. Ne sois pas fâché ! Don't be upset. Don't be mad! Silakan membayar di kasir. Please pay the cashier. Please pay in cash. मी त्यांना आज फोन करायला विसरले. I forgot to call him today. I forgot to call them today. Muchas madres malcrían a sus hijos por no ser lo suficientemente estrictas. Many a mother spoils her sons by not being strict enough. Many mothers abused their children because they were not strict enough. Колку направи? How much did you make? What did you do? Не сакам да ја разочарам. I don't want to disappoint her. I don't want to disappoint her. Кога мочам, излегува нешто налик на гној. Something like pus comes out when I pass urine. When I wet, there's something like a moustache. Слагай си туристическите обувки и не губи време. Put on your hiking shoes and don't let any time be lost. Put on your tourist shoes and don't waste your time. Mi ke un sunchi. I want a kiss. You got me a kiss. Maakt u zich geen zorgen over mij. Don't you worry about me. Don't worry about me. Mae llyfr gen i. I've got a book. I have a book. Os cavalos são animais. Horses are animals. The horses are animals. Як збольшваецца колькасць сродкаў зносін, так і слабеюць сувязі паміж людзьмі. Гэта цудоўны прыклад сітуацыі, калі блытаюць сродкі і мэты. As all kinds of communication methods are proliferating, human relationships are weakening. This is a perfect example of mistaking means for ends. As the number of means of communication is increased and the relationship between people is weakened, this is a wonderful example of the situation when the means and the goals are confused. Είστε μεθυσμένη; Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Myslel jsem, že to možná je složité. I thought it might be complicated. I thought it might be complicated. त्यांनी स्वतःसाठी एक कप कॉफी ओतून घेतली. She poured herself a cup of coffee. They took a cup of coffee for themselves. ער האָט געהאַלטן זײַן װאָרט. He kept his word. He kept his word. Ovo bi trebalo da uspe. This should do the trick. This should work. Su hija se convirtió en una bella mujer. Her daughter became a beautiful woman. His daughter became a beautiful woman. Pecuniam inter se partiti sunt. They divided the money among themselves. The money between the parties is. मी नाही झोपणार. I won't sleep. I will not sleep. Защо Том не е на училище? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? Por favor, hágalo. Please do that. Please do it. شما انرژی بیشتری از من دارید. You have more energy than me. You have a more excellent song than I. Дан ни дојде во посета вчера. Dan came for a visit yesterday. Day came to visit us yesterday. Tom się uśmiechnął. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Рятуйтеся. Save yourself. Get out of here. मला तुम्हाला परत भेटायचं आहे. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Der Lehrer kann so etwas nicht gesagt haben. The teacher can't have said such a thing. The teacher can't have said anything like that. Meu irmão possui uma conta no Twitter. My brother has a Twitter account. My brother has an account on Twitter. पैशांपेक्षा लोकं जास्त महत्त्वाची असतात. People are more important than money. People are more important than money. Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to water the plants. אַ שידוך זאָל מען טאָן אין דער היים, אַ גניבֿה אין דער פֿרעמד. Get married close to home and go far away to steal. A fish should be made in the home, a creature in the environment. Vím, že stále Toma miluješ. I know that you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. Znič své nepřátele: udělej z nich své přátele. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Destroy your enemies. Make them your friends. Не знаев дека имало базен тука. I didn't know that there was a swimming pool here. I didn't know there was a pool here. De Reuzen zijn gisteren in elkaar geslagen. The Giants got clobbered yesterday. The Giants hit each other yesterday. Se is bang vör Hunnen. She's scared of dogs. They're afraid of females. Ten film je skvělý. The film is fantastic. That movie's great. یکی دیگر از عوامل مهمی که رسیدگی به جرایم شرکت های بزرگ را دشوار می سازد، وسعت و پیچیدگی فعالیت های آنها است. Other factors of importance, which make litigation of large corporations more difficult, are the size and complexity of their activities. And another of those that are of little means, which troubleth the coming of strong holds, is the breadth and nature of their doings. Тобі не варто їй довіряти. You shouldn't trust her. You don't have to trust her. Почему ты грустный? Why are you sad? Why are you so sad? Градоначелник је лично уручио награде. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor gave himself the awards. Πόσο έχουν αυτά τα μήλα; How much are these apples? How many apples do they have? Не го оставяйте да го направи. Don't let them do this. Don't let him do it. Вяхотка Самі была брудная. Sami's loofah was dirty. The heat of Sami was dirty. Esto no presagia nada bien en absoluto. This doesn't bode well at all. This doesn't presuppose anything good at all. Você já pediu? Have you already ordered? Did you ask? Zanim Tom tutaj dotrze, mnie już nie będzie. I'll be gone by the time Tom gets here. Before Tom gets here, I'll be gone. Os rapaces a menudo nadan no lago. Children often swim in the lake. Boys often swim in the lake. Tom spiser mere is end jeg. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more ice than I do. Pagal mokslininkus, atmosfera tampa vis šiltesnė metai po metų. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year. According to scientists, the atmosphere becomes ever warmer year after year. Ich habe ihn durch einen glücklichen Zufall kennen gelernt. I met him by happy accident. I got to know him by a happy coincidence. Tom är inte någon schyst kille. Tom isn't a nice guy. Tom's not a fucking guy. پول در آوردن هدف زندگی نیست. To make money is not the purpose of life. Money is not a life in bringing goals. Aš matau ir girdžiu. I see and hear. I can see and hear. आपण दोन कोल्हे पकडले. We caught two foxes. We caught two bullets. Ты зʼела дэсерт? Did you eat dessert? You're out of dessert? Մոռացանք: We forgot. We forgot. Майк не играет в баскетбол по понедельникам. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Kau ini keras kepala seperti bagal! Sekali saja, akuilah kalau dia benar. You are as stubborn as a mule! For once, accept that she is right. Once in a while, admit he's right. No me he divertido tanto en años. I haven't had this much fun in years. I haven't had much fun in years. Том вирішив одружитися на Мері. Tom decided to marry Mary. Tom decided to marry Mary. Ты можаш уявіць, што ты ідзеш па месяцу? Can you imagine walking on the moon? Can you imagine you're going for a month? Aš nežinojau ką pasakyti. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Хтопчик та дівчинка сидять на паркані. A boy and a girl are sitting on the fence. The bird and the girl are sitting in the parking lot. "Tenesne nunc?" "Opinor sic, faciam periculum, si vis audire me." "Do you remember it now?" "I think so, I will make an attempt at it, if you will listen to me." "Do you have it now?" "I think so, I'll do the danger, if you want to listen to me." У неї гарні манери. She has fine manners. She's got nice manners. इ मोरी बिटिया ह। This is my daughter. I'm Mori Bitia. Didymus duos liberos habet. Tom has two children. We've got two kids. Profesor Brown menerangkan perkara-perkara dengan baik. Professor Brown explains things very well. Professor Brown explained things well. Tu peux prendre le mien. You can have mine. You can take mine. Geef me vijf dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. हमर नाम टॉम छी। My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Ik hou ook van appels. I too like apples. I like apples, too. Que fera Tom demain ? What'll Tom do tomorrow? What would Tom do tomorrow? Vem har dött? Who died? Who died? Dovete saperla. You need to know it. You'll have to know. Jag hatar när det händer. I hate when that happens. I hate it when it happens. En hel del er sket siden da. A lot has happened since that time. A lot has happened since then. Curate, ut valeatis! Take care! Be careful, that's what you're doing! Volo te Thoman invenire. I want you to find Tom. I want to find you, Thoman. Ég er hrygg. I'm sad. I'm sorry. На Том му беше тешко да се справува со Мери. Tom had problems dealing with Mary. It was hard for Tom to deal with Mary. त्या खूष आहेत. She is happy. They are happy. El meu fill ha anat a Amèrica a estudiar medicina. My son has gone to America to study medicine. My son went to America to study medicine. Аптыміст глядзіцца ў люстра і стае аптымістычнейшым, а песіміст — песімістычнейшым. The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes more optimistic, the pessimist more pessimistic. An optimist looks at the mirror and becomes more optimistic, and a pessimist is more pessimistic. Том говорит, что может доказать, что Мэри этого не делала. Tom says he can prove Mary didn't do that. Tom says he can prove that Mary didn't. Quid est nomēn tibi? What is your name? What's your name? So palestiniano. I'm Palestinian. I'm Palestinian. Заборавеноста и мрзата обично одат во пар. Forgetfulness and laziness are siblings. Forgetfulness and hate usually go together. Estou de acordo contigo. I agree with you. I agree with you. Slakken zijn sloom. Snails are slow. Let's go! Let's go! میں نے ایک ہفتے کی چھٹی لے لی ہے۔ I took a week off. I've taken a week off. Serios? Seriously? Really? وہ دُمدار ستارے جو ہم ہر تھوڑے ہزار سالوں میں دیکھتے ہیں "اوٗرٹ کے بادل" سے آتے ہیں۔ The comets that we see rarely — every few thousand years — come from the Oort Cloud. The faint stars we see every few thousand years come from the "Whart Cloud" ह्यातलं काहीही खरं आहे का? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Co přesně chceš říct? What exactly are you planning to say? What exactly do you mean? مجھے آپ سے پیار ہے۔ I love you. I love you. Vzpomínáš, jak jsme se spolu poprvé potkali? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Remember when we first met? Попрво би пешачел сам. I prefer walking by myself. I'd have walked alone first. Yma'n ki y'n garth. The dog is in the yard. This is the card. میں انکار نہ کر سکی۔ I couldn't refuse. I couldn't deny it. टॉम नेहमी तसंच करतो. That's what Tom always does. Tom always does the same. Още не съм говорил с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. Você pode fumar um charuto quando crescer. You can smoke a pipe when you grow up. You can smoke a charuto when you grow up. Tom colocou sal no café em vez de açúcar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in the coffee instead of sugar. Je jedenásť hodín. It's eleven o'clock. It's eleven o'clock. Sara har enogtredive kuglepenne. Sara has 31 pens. Sara has one-and-a-half bullet pens. Вие заслужавате наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol con nosotros? Do you want to play football with us? You want to play football with us? Neváhej mi klást otázky. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Don't hesitate to ask me questions. Той ми се обади от Токио. He called me up from Tokyo. He called me from Tokyo. Tom spojrzał podejrzliwie na Mary. Tom looked at Mary suspiciously. Tom looked suspiciously at Mary. Ze is mijn vriendin. She is my girlfriend. She's my girlfriend. Sie hat selbst gesagt, dass sie sich nie wieder in jemanden verlieben wird. She said herself that she won't fall in love with anyone anymore. She said she'd never fall in love with anyone again. Je ne vous ai même pas remarqué. I didn't even notice you. I didn't even notice you. El Japó necessitava establir relacions amb els països d'occident. Japan needed contact with the Western countries. Japan needed to establish relations with Western countries. Vul de emmer met water. Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water. "Qui est dans la voiture ?" "Tom." "Who is in the car?" "Tom is." "Who's in the car?" "Tom." Es ging ihm nicht gut. He was not feeling well. He wasn't doing well. Ήμουν λιγάκι άτυχη. I was a bit unlucky. I was a little unhappy. Datemi una pausa, per piacere. Give me a break, please. Give me a break, please. Quand le soleil de la culture se couche, les nains aussi paraissent géants. When the sun of culture sets, the dwarfs too look like giants. When the sun of culture lies down, the babies also look giant. टॉमने मांजर बघितली. Tom saw the cat. Tom saw the manger. Com'è il tuo berbero? How is your Berber? How's your barber? Δε θέλω να μιλήσω στον Τομ αυτήν τη στιγμή. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. Penso que iso é incorrecto. I think that's wrong. I think that's wrong. אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She was undoubtedly a beautiful woman when she was young. Away she was a long way off when she was young. Haruskah aku tinggal atau haruskah aku pergi? Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go? Թոմը լացեց: Tom cried. Tom cried. Une telle occasion doit être saisie ! An opportunity like this must be seized! Such an opportunity must be seized! Här är en mening, med stavelseantalet, som i en haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. Here's a point, with the number of letters, as in a shark. Цвета вам нравятся? Do you like the colours? Do you like flowers? N-ar fi trebuit să spun asta. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. Не думаю, что мне хочется тут находиться. I don't think I want to be here. I don't think I want to be here. Говориш ли английски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Я знаю, ты видел ужасные вещи. I know you've seen some awful things. I know you've seen terrible things. Tom cometeu algúns erros no exame. Tom made some mistakes in the test. Tom made some mistakes at the exam. Я знаю, что вы бы сделали для меня то же самое. I know you'd have done the same for me. I know what you would have done for me. Ангелец, бельгіец і галандзец уваходзяць у паб і сядаюць ля стойкі. Бармэн кажа: «Зачакайце, гэта жарт ці што?» An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a pub and sit down at the counter. Says the barkeeper, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?" The angel, the Belgian and the Dutch are going into the pub and they're going to stand there, and Bartender says, "Wait, this is a joke or what?" Dame un shawarma y una coca cola de dieta. Give me a shawarma and a diet cola. Give me a shawarma and a cola diet. Hur många självmord tror du att det sker varje år i Japan? How many suicides do you think there are every year in Japan? How many suicides do you think happen in Japan every year? Você poderia parar com isso. You could stop this. You could stop that. Jak mogę się tam dostać? How can I get there? How can I get there? Nyns yw klavji. It isn't a hospital. This is not a keyboard. Tom konnte keinen Beweis zur Untermauerung seiner Aussage erbringen. Tom couldn't produce any evidence to back his statement up. Tom could not give any evidence to undermine his statement. Quel est l'objectif principal de votre apprentissage de l'anglais ? What is the main purpose of your studying English? What is the main objective of your English learning? Que cheiro é este? What's that smell? What's this smell? او خیانتکار شد. He turned traitor. He was a traitor. Ada lebih dari 150 negara di dunia. There are more than 150 nations in the world. There are over 150 countries in the world. Mieliśmy nieporozumienie. We had a disagreement. We had a misunderstanding. I er ikke sjove. You guys are no fun. You're not funny. هیچ چیزی به آن سادگی که به نظر می‌رسد، نیست. Nothing is as simple as it seems. There is nothing to be compared to the light that appears to the eyes. De tog støvlerne af. They took off their boots. They took off the boots. पाऊस पडला तरीही मी उद्या पोहायला जाईन. Even if it rains, I'll go swimming tomorrow. Even when the rains fell, I went to arrive tomorrow. « Pour te dire la vérité, j'ai le vertige. » « Tu es un lâche ! » "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "To tell you the truth, I have the truth." "You are a coward!" हे मांस कोशर आहे. This meat is kosher. It is the flesh, the flesh is the flesh. Le agradecí por haberme ayudado. I thanked him for helping me. I thanked you for helping me. Daardie is my suster se boeke. Those are my sister's books. Those are my sister’s books. Зашто би Том желео то? Why would Tom want that? Why would Tom want that? On popravlja elektronske uređaje. He repairs the electrical devices. He's fixing electronic devices. Um diabético tem muito açúcar no seu sangue e na sua urina. A diabetic has too much sugar in his blood and in his urine. Diabetics have a lot of sugar in their blood and urine. El noventa y nueve siempre me hace reír. Ninety-nine always makes me laugh. Ninety-nine always makes me laugh. Kłótnia niczego nie rozwiąże. Fighting won't settle anything. The fight won't solve anything. Мені цікаво, чи Том запізнився. I wonder whether or not Tom was late. I wonder if Tom was late. Penso che sia Tom che Mary siano qui. I think both Tom and Mary are here. I think it's Tom that Mary is here. Том го задржа здивот. Tom held his breath. Tom kept his breath. Pokud snížíš cenu, tak to možná koupím. If you lower the price, I might buy it. If you lower the price, I might buy it. Он поделился со мной своим супом. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. তোমরা চেঁচাচ্ছো কেন? Why are you shouting? Why are you shaking? Ame sam zurale khetane. We are strong together. I'm a zural ketane. We zullen u roepen wanneer uw tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We'll call you when your table is ready. Verumne dicit Thomas? Is Tom telling the truth? Does Thomas really say that? Pojdimo v park igrat košarko. Let's go play basketball in the park. Let's go to the park and play basketball. Możliwe, że Tomowi nic nie jest. Tom might be all right. Maybe Tom's got nothing. Sine aere vivere non possumus. We can't live without air. We can't live without air. Itu bukanlah hal yang mengejutkan. That's not surprising. That's not surprising. Ho regalato a mio padre un tamburello. I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift. I gave my father a drum. Não repita o mesmo erro! Don't repeat the same mistake! Don't repeat the same mistake! Kéž bych neměl žádné děti. I wish I had no kids. I wish I had no children. Voi state sprecando il mio tempo. You're wasting my time. You're wasting my time. Ție îți plac elefanții. You like elephants. You like elephants. «Sheila ha decidido no ir a Acapulco con Joe.» «¡Gracias a Dios!» «Sí, habría sido una tonta si lo hubiera hecho.» "Sheila decided not to go to Acapulco with Joe." "Thank goodness she didn't." "Yeah, she'd have been a fool to." “Sheila has decided not to go to Acapulco with Joe.” “Thank God!” “Yes, I would have been a fool if I had.” Если вы устали — спите! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you stop, you're asleep! Tom tiene una voz grave. Tom has a deep voice. Tom has a serious voice. Още нищо не съм започнал. I haven't started anything yet. I haven't started anything yet. Didymus valde pauper est. Tom is very poor. Great is very poor. Sami przyszła wcześniej w tym tygodniu. Sami came earlier this week. She came by herself earlier this week. Ihr Buch wurde rasch zu einem Verkaufsschlager. Her book quickly became a bestseller. Her book quickly became a salesman. Lägg dina böcker i ditt skåp. Put your books in your locker. Put your books in your locker. Sarai al sicuro qua. You'll be safe here. You'll be safe here. हसू नकोस! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Го познавав Том многу добро. I knew Tom very well. I knew Tom very well. Jeg har ikke vasket håret mitt. I haven't washed my hair. I haven't washed my hair. Έχει λιακάδα. It is sunny. She's got lice. Weet een, wo Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Il s'est mis en colère. He got angry. He got angry. Це буде нашим секретом. It'll be our secret. It'll be our secret. Noi lo abbiamo sentito scendere le scale. We heard him come downstairs. We heard him come down the stairs. Jesi li pojela nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Карл изглеждаше много щастлив. Carl looked very happy. Carl looked very happy. Lavori la domenica? Do you work on Sundays? You work Sunday? La cinci ani eram deja în stare să schiez. At five I was already able to ski. At the age of five, I was already able to break. Si è lavato oggi? Have you washed yourself today? Did you wash today? El cohete fue lanzado al espacio. The rocket was launched into space. The rocket was launched into space. Engelsk er et sprog der tales over hele verden. English is a language spoken all over the world. English is a language spoken all over the world. Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is a lot shorter than Mary is. Tom is much smaller than Ria. Til sammenligning kan lava fra vulkanudbrud være alt mellem 700 °C og 1.200 °C. For comparison, lava from volcano eruptions can be anywhere between 700 and 1,200°C. For comparison, emissions from volcanic eruptions may range from 700 °C to 1200 °C. Повірити не можу, що я врешті решт зробив це. I can't believe I finally did it. I can't believe I finally did it. Sut dych chi, Draig? How are you, Dragon? How are you, Dragon? Meu sogro é engenheiro. My father-in-law is an engineer. My father-in-law is an engineer. Nemůžeš mít duhu bez trochy deště. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. You can't have a ghost without a little rain. Μη με υποτιμάς. Don't underestimate me. Don't underestimate me. Mnogo je lepih parkova u Londonu. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Tom zaprowadził mnie do siebie. Tom brought me home. Tom took me to himself. Ich glaube, er interessiert sich für mich. I think he's interested in me. I think he's interested in me. Eo tempore descendens Iudas a fratribus suis divertit ad virum Odollamitem nomine Hiram. At that time Juda went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Odollamite, named Hiras. And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned aside to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hiram. Він підхопив метелика, затиснувши його між великим і вказівним пальцями. He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger. He grabbed the butterfly by squeezing it between large and pointed fingers. मैंने एक कुत्ते को तैरकर नदी पार करते हुए देखा। I saw a dog swim across the river. I saw a dog plowing through the river. Niemand is in mijn land geïnteresseerd. Nobody is interested in my country. No one's interested in my country. No sé si ho sap. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. Cela ne prouve-t-il pas quelque chose ? Doesn't that prove anything? Doesn't that prove anything? Dacă aș putea să-ți trimit un dulce, Trang, aș face-o. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a sweet, Trang, I would. Mal si pravdu? Were you right? You're a little bit of justice? O Tom haj i Mary le duj žene žanen les. Tom and Mary both know this. The only thing about Tom and Mary is to give the woman a female wood. Lo último que querría hacer es herir a Tom. The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt Tom. The last thing I want to do is hurt Tom. Apa kau serius? Are you serious? Are you serious? Cantemos una canción. Let us sing a song. Let's sing a song. מײַן טאַטע ווילט‎ זיך באַגעגענען מיט דיר. My father would like to meet you. This tag wants to be associated with you. Cosa sono queste cose? What are these things? What are these things? 𐌱𐌹𐌻𐌴𐌹𐍆! Stay! - Oh, my God! Jak se tato vesnice jmenuje? What is the name of this village? What's this village called? Kan du åbne det? Can you open it? Can you open it? Die großbusige Blondine da ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh. That big busted blonde is as dumb as a rock. The big blond is stupid like a bonnet. Mislim otići u inozemstvo. I am thinking of going abroad. I think I'm going abroad. Pažiūrėk į tą namą su raudonu stogu. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at that house with a red roof. Su opinión no es muy creíble. His view isn't very reliable. His opinion is not very credible. Han tog til London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. सर्वोत्तम चटणी म्हणजे भूक. Hunger is the best sauce. The best thing to do is to starve. Han går ofte med hånden i lommen. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. He often goes with his hand in his pocket. Nebyli bychom v téhle šlamastyce, kdybys nám byl pomohl. We wouldn't be in this mess if you had helped us. We wouldn't be in this mess if you could help us. Hefurðu nokkurntíma fengið þér ost með eplaköku? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever had an apple cake? I když budík zazvonil, nevzbudil jsem se. Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up. Even though the alarm rang, I didn't wake up. सैनिकांना धोक्याची सवय असते. Soldiers are used to danger. The Bible says: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh. ” На мен ли говориш? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Δεν αρέσει σε κανέναν. Nobody likes it. Nobody likes it. Hij heeft geen geld. He doesn't have any money. He doesn't have any money. Θα έπρεπε να πω την αλήθεια στον Τομ. I should've told Tom the truth. I should have told Tom the truth. Ik kom uit Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. Дуже прошу, не злися. I'm begging you, don't be mad. Please don't be angry. او به ایتالیا رفت به قصد خواندن موسیقی. He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. He went to Italy to read the musick. हम अरब हैं। We are Arabs. We're Arabs. Нужно вернуть это в исходное состояние. This should be reverted back to the original. We need to get this back to baseline. Kompren a ran da vat. I do understand. I understand. Solo quiero que seas feliz. I just want you to be happy. I just want you to be happy. Тя си направи дупка в блузата. She tore a hole in her blouse. She made a hole in her blouse. Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to offend you. त्यांच्याकडे छोटे आहेत. She has short hair. They have little. Молим вас, напишите то. Please write it down. Please write that. Земля перейшла від батька до сина. The land descended from father to son. The earth passed from father to son. सभी हसे। Everybody laughed. All laughs. Das ist nicht genau das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. That's not exactly what I had in mind. That's not exactly what I imagined. Attendre trop longtemps exaspère la plupart des gens. Waiting for too long makes most people annoyed. Waiting too long exasperates most people. Som barn tog jeg altid til stranden hver sommer. When I was a child, I used to go to the beach every summer. As a child, I always went to the beach every summer. Yw da genes hemma? Do you like this? Are you here? Este rio é perigoso de nadar em julho. This river is dangerous to swim in July. This river is dangerous to swim in July. उसके उपन्यास, अधिकतर, बहुत उबाऊ हैं। His novels are, for the most part, very boring. Its production, most, is very busy. Apakah mereka memecatmu? Did they fire you? Did they fire you? "Quo signo vis repetam?" "Nempe hoc, quod habeo ejus epistolas." "How do I demand this?" "Simply say that I have his letters." "What sign do you want me to repeat?" "Neither this, that I have an estuary." Espanya komparte frontieras kon Fransya, Portugal, El prinsipado de Andorra i la kolonia britanika de Jibraltar. En las sus tierras de pais afrikanos, komparte frontieras terrestres i maritimas kon Marroko. Spain shares borders with France, Portugal, the principality of Andorra, and the British colony of Gibraltar. In its African territories, it shares terrestrial and maritime borders with Morocco. Spain shares borders with France, Portugal, the capital of Andorra and the British colony of Gibraltar. In its lands of African countries, it shares land and maritime borders with Morocco. Tom se ušunjao na zabavu. Tom snuck into the party. Tom sneaked into the party. ما باهم به حمام خواهیم رفت. We're going to take a shower together. We will go to Shammah together. Gehst du mit? Are you coming along? Are you going with me? Sig altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Ovaj put vodi u grad. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. Том даже не затормозил. Tom didn't even slow down. Tom didn't even stop. Non sic, aggeribus ruptis cum spumeus amnis / exiit oppositasque evicit gurgite moles, / fertur in arva furens cumulo, camposque per omnes / cum stabulis armenta trahit. So when the foaming river, uncontrolled, / bursts through its banks and riots on the plain, / o'er dyke and dam the gathering deluge rolled, / from field to field sweeps on with cattle, flock and fold. Not like this, the rocks are broken with the foam of amnesia / came out and the opposition avoids spoiling mollusks, / is carried in a stolen grass, and fields are drawn through all / with herds of herds. Sandt venskab varer for evigt. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. Давайте простим их на этот раз. Let's give them another chance. Let's forgive them this time. Tha an là brèagha. The day is beautiful. It is the day of the puzzle. Mig langar til að eyða lífinu með þér. I want to spend my life with you. I want to spend my life with you. Επισκεύτηκα πολλές φορές τον Τομ στη Βοστόνη. I've visited Tom multiple times in Boston. I visited Tom many times in Boston. Ik verfde het hek groen. I painted the fence green. I painted the fence green. تام شروع به تمیز کردن اناقش کرد. زیرا کار بهتری برای انجام دادن نداشت. For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room. So he began to discern between them; for he didn't do any good at all. Poți fi, te rog, atent? Can you pay attention, please? Can you please be careful? Video sam zmiju. I saw a snake. I saw the snake. फ्रेंच क्रांतीच्या वेळी ग्विलोटीनचा मोठ्या प्रमाणावर वापर करण्यात आला. The guillotine was widely used during the French Revolution. At the time of the French Revolution, guillotine was widely used. Tienes de garrar l'autobús. You've got a bus to catch. You have to get the bus. Du büst dat föffte Rad an ’n Wagen. You are the fifth wheel on the wagon. You're the fifth wheel in a car. Том делуваше малку дезориентирано. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Tom seemed a little disoriented. On ne puši i ne pije votku. He doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink vodka. He doesn't smoke or drink vodka. Ik vond dat heel gênant. I found that very embarrassing. I thought it was very embarrassing. Kdes nechal svůj kufr? Where did you leave your suitcase? Where did he leave his suitcase? Findest du Tom gutaussehend? Do you think Tom is handsome? Do you think Tom's good-looking? Tom i ja smo bliski prijatelji već godinama. Tom and I have been close friends for years now. Tom and I have been close friends for years. Leghi il cane a un albero. Tie the dog to a tree. Put the dog in a tree. Naš učitelj će se vratiti iz inozemstva u kolovozu. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Momenteel werk ik in Tokio. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm currently working in Tokyo. Può aiutarmi a chiamare un taxi? Can you help me call for a taxi? Can you help me call a cab? Вы слышали последние слухи? Have you heard the latest rumours? Did you hear the last rumors? تام یک گنجینه یافت. Tom found a hoard. And when they had found one treasure, they found it. Es war eine andere Zeit. It was a different time. It was another time. Jag kommer inte att förlora. I won't lose! I'm not gonna lose. Rusia este o ghicitoare înfășurată într-un mister în interiorul unei enigme. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Russia is an instigator in a mystery inside an enigma. O Tom comprou uma câmera há apenas alguns dias, mas já a perdeu. Tom bought a camera just a couple of days ago, but he's already lost it. Tom bought a camera just a few days ago, but he already lost it. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you spoken clearly now? Ти не се разбираш во бизнис. You don't understand business. You don't understand business. Te enganaram. They've fooled you. I cheated on you. Tom het gesê dat hy dink dat Mary steeds by haar ouers woon. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living with her parents. Tom said that he thought that Mary still lived with her parents. Meine Familie hat drei Kinder. There are three children in my family. My family has three children. Сакаме да им помогнеме. We want to help them. We want to help them. Har du någon lösning? Do you have a solution? Do you have a solution? Том ја замоли Мери да му дозволи да се погрижи за тоа самиот. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it himself. Voulez-vous vous joindre à moi pour déjeuner ? Do you want to join me for lunch? Would you like to join me for lunch? Met mij gaat het goed en met jou? I'm fine, and you? Are you okay with me and you? Mange tant que c'est chaud. Eat while it's warm. Eat as long as it's hot. पाठशाला छूटने के बाद टॉम अक्सर मॅरी के साथ टेनिस खेलता है। Tom often plays tennis with Mary after school. After completing school, Tom often plays tennis with Mary. Ruangan ini tidak mendapat banyak sinar matahari. This room does not get much sun. This room doesn't get much sunlight. Se catt is blæc. The cat is black. See cat's blizzard. Вы лжёте мне. You are lying to me. You're lying to me. Можеш ли да се справиш со тоа? Can you handle that? Can you handle that? Poprosił o trochę pieniędzy. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. منظورتان از انسان چیست؟ What do you mean by Human? What is it among those who are approved by man? È qualcosa che solamente Tom può fare. It's something only Tom can do. It's something only Tom can do. O vei invita la petrecere? Are you going to invite her to the party? Will you invite her to the party? Сите му се кезат. They're all grinning at him. They're all messing with him. Том - лучший баскетболист, которого я когда-либо видел. Tom is the best basketball player I've ever seen. Tom is the best basketball player I've ever seen. Ποιος έκλεψε το ποδήλατο του Τομ; Who stole Tom's bicycle? Who stole Tom's bike? Algo ficou preso no encanamento. Something is stuck in the pipe. Something's stuck in the spell. Hvernig fékkstu það? How did you get it? How did you get it? Yo nunca viajo sin mi diario. Uno debería siempre tener algo sensacional para leer en el tren. I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train. Он пришёл, надеясь увидеть тебя. He came hoping to see you. He's here to see you. Thomas ientaculum coquit. Tom is cooking breakfast. Thomas the cooker. Llevo años viviendo aquí. I have been living here for many years. I've been living here for years. Tom caiu do cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom fell from the horse. Es bueno para nosotros el entender de otras culturas. It is good for us to understand other cultures. It is good for us to understand other cultures. तो सांगेल तसं कर. Do as he tells you. Do what he tells you to do. "Kur ir Toms?" "Es nezinu. Viņš kādu brīdi atpakaļ te vēl bija." "Where's Tom?" "I don't know. He was here a few moments ago." "Where's Tom?" "I don't know. پنیر کپک می زنه اگه نگذاریش توی یخچال. Cheese goes mouldy if you don't put it in fridge. Thou shalt not put it in the bottle, neither shalt thou put it in the bottle, neither shalt thou put it in the bottle. Δεν καταλαβαίνω καθόλου Γαλλικά. I don't understand French at all. I don't understand French at all. Sono il nemico di nessuno. I am nobody's enemy. I'm nobody's enemy. Bogen er lyserød. The book is pink. The book is bright red. Wir waren überrascht, als wir ihn solch vernichtende Bemerkungen über seinen besten Freund machen hörten. We were surprised to hear him make such scathing remarks about his best friend. We were surprised to hear him make such destructive remarks about his best friend. Moeder maakte ons middageten klaar. Mother prepared us lunch. Mother prepared us for lunch. Jullie vergelijken appels met peren. You are comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples to pears. শীত আসছে। Winter is coming. It's cold. Не видѣла ли єста моихъ пътъкъ? Didn't you see my birds? Didn't she see my path? Бев тажен. I was sad. I was sad. As crianças deveriam tomar leite todos os dias. Children should drink milk every day. Children should take milk every day. Haría cualquier cosa por vosotras. I'd do anything for you. I'd do anything for you. Оружие не убивает людей. Люди убивают людей. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Han vil snart være her. He'll be here soon. He'll be here soon. Būsiu su tavim kad ir kas benutiktų. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be with you whatever you want. Vidíte své vlastní chyby? Can you see your own mistake? Do you see your own mistakes? Em que empresa você trabalha? Which company do you work for? What company do you work in? Ти вже попоїв? Have you eaten yet? Have you had a drink? आमच्या गावाच्या शाळेत जर्मन भाषेचे शिक्षक नव्हते. In our village school, there was no German language instructor. There were no German - speaking teachers in our village school. Nunc possum multum melius dormire. I can sleep a lot better now. Now I can sleep a lot better. Deixem-me em paz! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Združte sa. Band together. Come with me. Sve je drugačije. Everything's different. Everything's different. Thomas fuit pauper, cum ditissimus esse posset. Tom was poor, although he could have been very rich. Thomas was poor, when we were rich he could be. میں جلدی واپس آوانگی۔ I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Rozporek ci się rozpiął. Your flies are undone. You got a divorce. Det där är inte en kniv. Det HÄR är en kniv! That isn't a knife. THIS is a knife! That's not a knife. Mér fannst þetta vera góð bók en Jim var á annari skoðun. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I felt that this was a good book, but Jim had a different view. فرانسیسی ان کی مادری زبان ہیں۔ French is their mother tongue. French is their mother tongue. Исплукав крв. I coughed up blood. I've drained blood. Тоа беше понуда којашто не можев да ја одбијам. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Correct! Correct! Right! Danke, dass Sie das erwähnt haben! Thank you for mentioning this. Thank you for mentioning that! Дан се преправи во питач. Dan was disguised as a beggar. Dan's turned into a question. De trein had vertraging wegens hevige sneeuwval. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train had a delay due to severe snowfall. Вижѭ Ѳома сѧ гноушаѥть моѥго пьса. I think Tom hates my dog. Look, I'm sorry to bother you. Том сказав Мері, що, на його думку, Джон вдома. Tom told Mary that he thought John was at home. Tom told Mary that he thought John was at home. Là où l'on brûle les livres, on finit aussi par brûler des hommes. Where they burn books, they will eventually burn people. Where books are burned, we also end up burning men. Već smo odlučili da ne radimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to do that. Aplaudă! Clap! Oh, thank you. Они решили пожениться. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Tu riesci a vederla? Can you see her? Can you see her? Том ведь в безопасности? Tom is safe, isn't he? Tom's safe, isn't he? Mi imamo neke mogućnosti. We do have some options. We have some possibilities. Lei ha un problema cardiaco. She has a heart disease. You have a heart problem. Stasjonen er hundre meter borte. The station is 100 meters away. The station is 100 meters away. Han udspreder usande rygter. He's spreading false rumors. He spreads unscrupulous smokes. Questo si chiama amore vero. This is called true love. This is called true love. Tom har aldri vært punktlig. Tom has never been punctual. Tom has never been punctual. Ny vynnav vy leverel dhis. I don't want to tell you. A resource cannot be deleted. Lei vede il suo tavolo? Do you see your table? You see his table? Καιρός ἐστι δειπνεῖν. Time for dinner. Time for dinner. Didymus brevissimus est. Tom is very short. Great is the shortest. Estes infelices débense ter en conta. These unhappy people must be taken good care of. These accidents must be taken into account. Tom llegó a casa muy tarde. Tom came home very late. Tom came home very late. Com'è cambiato Tom? How has Tom changed? How did Tom change? Ta dívka, co má na sobě šátek, je panna. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl who wears a dress is a girl. Η μητέρα ράβει. The mother sews. Mother's scratching. Proč lžeš? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Per què no m'ho demanes? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Tom seběhl po schodech do suterénu. Tom ran down the stairs into the basement. Tom ran down the stairs into the basement. Volim kablska jela. I love Kabyle dishes. I like cable food. Como você vai ajudar o Tom? How will you help Tom? How are you gonna help Tom? Jestem pewien, że Tom nie lubi Mary. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't like Mary. I'm sure Tom doesn't like Mary. तुझ्या मित्रांबरोबर गप्पा मार. Chat with your friends. Be silent with your friends. Þetta er aspassúpa. This is asparagus soup. It's an ashtray. Все гаразд? Is everything in order? Are you all right? मैं ओसाका में रहती हूँ। I live in Osaka. I live in Osaka. On leży w szpitalu. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. Dia manangis. She cried. He's crying. Sono sicura che starò bene. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll be fine. Tom ga je sâm napravio. Tom made it himself. Tom made it himself. बाडस्ट्रास्सं जाणारी बस पकड आणि सेस्ट्रास्संला उतर. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. The bus to Badstrass was arrested and sent to Sestrass. Etnische minderheden kampen met vooroordelen, armoede en onderdrukking. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression. Ethnic minorities face prejudice, poverty and oppression. Nëse nuk të pëlqen aq shumë mënyra ime për të bërë gjërat, pse nuk i bën vetë? If you dislike my way of doing things that much, why don't you just do it yourself instead. If you don't like my ways so much to do things, why don't you do them yourself? Ymlacia! Relax! Imlacia! Не искам да се оженя за теб. I don't want to marry you. I don't want to marry you. Vi försökte att kontakta det andra skeppet. We tried to contact the other ship. We tried to contact the other ship. رمضان ماه قرآن است. Ramadan is the month of the Quran. [It is] the Qur'an of the moon. Maria stieg aus dem Schwimmbecken und trocknete sich mit einem Tuch ab. Mary got out of the swimming pool and dried herself with a towel. Mary stepped out of the pool and dried off with a cloth. Tom er meget dygtig. Tom is very efficient. Tom's very capable. Vocês sentem falta do Tom? Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? E un lac în faţa casei mele. There is a lake in front of my house. There's a lake in front of my house. Colui che scrive legge due volte. He who writes reads twice. The one who writes law twice. E podi dromir dehòra ? Can I sleep out? And can you sleep outside? Ми були готові атакувати. We were ready to attack. We were ready to attack. Šis sakinys yra keistas. That is a strange sentence. This saying is strange. Том хорошо ладит с Мэри. Tom gets along well with Mary. Tom's having a good time with Mary. Laudes pretiosiores sunt quam blasphemia. Praise is more valuable than blasphemy. Praises are more precious than blasphemy. Не се тревожи за мен. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Перейду одразу до справи. Ти звільнений. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired. I'll go straight to the case. Gör dig av med pistolen. Get rid of the gun. Put the gun off. L'amore ama l'amore. Love loves love. Love loves love. Quelles sont les nouvelles? What's the news? What's the news? আপুনি ভালে আছে নে? How are you? Are you all right? Gràcies! Thank you! Thank you! Я не хочу с тобой разговаривать. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Я лише намагаюся допомогти. I'm just trying to be helpful. I'm just trying to help. Aku belum makan siang. I haven't eaten lunch yet. I haven't had lunch yet. Aku melempar satu. I threw one. I threw one. Nu mot ik gaon. I have to leave now. Now I'm going. Sundejte si kalhoty. Take your trousers off. Take off your pants. Puellae magnus petasus ruber erat. The girl had a big red hat. The big girl was a petasus ruber. Zij verveelt zich. She is bored. She's getting bored. दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध १९४५ मध्ये संपले. World War II ended in 1945. The second world war ended in 1945. Vet du vad det betyder? Do you know what it means? You know what that means? Wat is hier leuk om te doen? What is fun to do around here? What do you like to do here? Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you so much for the inspired comment. Ela estava pronta em ajudá-lo a limpar a casa. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. She was ready to help you clean the house. Por favor, enviem-me uma ambulância. Please send an ambulance. Please send me an ambulance. Я сказал что-то смешное? Did I say something funny? Did I say something funny? Nonne nigrum est? Isn't it black? Isn't it black? Я вас не видел. I didn't see you. I didn't see you. Tom no hace mucho más aparte de tocar guitarra. Tom does little other than play the guitar. Tom doesn't do much more than play guitar. Ea a vorbit în numele celor fără adăpost. She spoke in behalf of the homeless. She spoke in the name of the homeless. Με κατάστρεψες. You ruined me. You ruined me. Las clases empiezan el lunes. Classes begin on Monday. The classes start on Monday. As-tu travaillé hier ? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Sikapnya padaku berbeda dari biasanya. Her behaviour toward me was a departure from the norm. His attitude to me is different from that of most people. Man patīk izspiesta sula. I like extracted juice. I like the squeezed juice. Вчера дојдов тука. Yesterday I came here. I came here yesterday. De gick hand i hand. They went hand in hand. They went hand in hand. Não consigo imaginar Tom e Maria juntos. I can't picture Tom and Mary together. I can't imagine Tom and Maria together. Одного дня ми зустрінемось знову. We'll meet again someday. One day we'll meet again. Je pense souvent à vous. I think about you often. I often think of you. "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Tom sagt, dass er bereit ist, so ziemlich alles für mich zu tun. Tom says he's willing to do just about anything for me. Tom says he's ready to do everything for me. Том никогаш повеќе не се појави. Tom never turned up again. Tom never showed up again. Nara er en by jeg liker veldig godt. Nara is a city which I like very much. Nara is a town I like very well. Ég afbókaði tíma með henni. I canceled an appointment with her. I set aside time for her. זי עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. She doesn't eat meat. She doesn't eat any fish. Девојка види дечака. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. Neprotestovala. She didn't protest. She didn't protest. Tom merasa gembira. Tom was elated. Tom's happy. Nigdy nie używamy cukru. We never use sugar. We never use sugar. Ta tajemnica wciąż pozostaje nierozwiązana. The mystery still remains unsolved. This secret is still unsolved. Nessuno può fare niente. No one can do anything. Nobody can do anything. Залепи бележка на дъската. Stick a notice on the board. Paste a note on the board. Вы и половины не знаете! You don't even know the half of it! You don't even know half! Tom wie, gdzie można mnie znaleźć. Tom knows where he can find me. Tom knows where to find me. Na vstávání je příliš brzy. It is too early to get up. It's too soon to get up. Gallus canit. The Frenchman sings. Gallus canit. টম চিৎকার আরম্ভ করলো। Tom began screaming. Tom started screaming. मैं आपको और अच्छी तरह से जानना चाहता हूं। I want to get to know you better. I want to know you better. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading a book is interesting. Tom věděl, že by se měl stěhovat. Tom knew he ought to move. Tom knew he was supposed to move. Mary ist Professorin. Mary is a professor. Mary is a professor. Jag har mina egna problem. I have my own problems. I have my own problems. Posso usare il tuo telefono? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Я певен, що ти дуже зайнята. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Jag har sömnsvårigheter. I'm having trouble sleeping. I have sleep problems. Θα μπορούσα να μάθω που εργάζεστε; Can I know where you work? Could I know where you're working? Diese Briefe sind hauptsächlich von meiner Mutter. These letters, in the main, are from my mother. These letters are mainly from my mother. Ho visto troppo. I've seen too much. I've seen too much. Da yw genev neuvya. I like to swim. That's a new name. Tá rothar agam. I have a bicycle. I have a bike. Se catt is dēad. The cat is dead. See cat's done. Του αρέσει να τρέχει. He likes to run. He likes to run. La historia del mundo no es sino otra cosa que el progreso de la conciencia por la libertad. The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom. The history of the world is nothing but the progress of conscience for freedom. De var sårbara. They were vulnerable. They were vulnerable. Tom muss reich sein. Tom must be rich. Tom must be rich. Má brata, ktorý žije v Tokiu. He has a brother who lives in Tokyo. He has a brother who lives in Tokyo. আমার দুটো ভাইঝি আছে। I have two nieces. I have two sisters. आज कौनसा दिन है? What's the day today? What day is it? Wir alle waren mit dem System nicht zufrieden. All of us were not satisfied with the system. We were not all satisfied with the system. Wychodzę rano. I leave in the morning. I'm leaving in the morning. میں سمجھ آگئی ہے کہ اس مسئلہ کو کیسے حل کرنا ہے۔ I understand how to solve the problem. I've figured out how to solve this problem. Den gode skribent kan renskrive og forbedre sin tekst mange ganger. A good writer can reshape and improve his text many times. The good writer can write and improve his text many times. Má velmi rád zvířata. He loves animals a lot. He likes animals very much. যে কেউ ভুল করতে পারে। Anybody can make a mistake. Someone who can make a mistake. Du må studere engelsk skritt for skritt. You have to study English step by step. You have to study English step too. Δεν καταλαβαίνω τι θέλει. I don't understand what he wants. I don't understand what he wants. Това е, което търся. That's what I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Я повинна компенсувати втрачений час. I must make up for lost time. I'm supposed to make up for the lost time. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed my room to her. I have shown him what I deserve. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I'm translating the article. Kāpēc tu joprojām runā? Why are you still talking? Why are you still talking? Deberías haber venido antes. You should have come home before. You should have come earlier. Pójdę już do domu. I'm going to head home. I'll go home. Aku rasa besok aku benar-benar akan menjadi botak. I guess that tomorrow I'll be completely bald. I think tomorrow I'm really gonna be a fool. Tom är väldigt rik, eller hur? Tom is very rich, isn't he? Tom's very rich, isn't he? Thomas parentes veneratur. Tom respects his parents. Thomas' parents are venerable. Papasakok man apie savo žmoną. Tell me about your wife. Tell me about your wife. "ते कधी निघाले?" "वीस मिनिटांपूर्वी निघाले ते." "When did they leave?" "They left twenty minutes ago." "When did they leave?" "They left 20 minutes ago." To był zły tydzień. It's been a bad week. It was a bad week. Este nebună. She is crazy. She's crazy. Me requieren para trabajar más duro. They require me to work harder. They require me to work harder. Je sais que certains d'entre vous veulent revenir aux choses telles qu'elles étaient mais ça ne va pas arriver. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but that's not going to happen. I know some of you want to go back to things like they were, but it won't happen. Ik ben de beste. I'm the best. I'm the best. Het was donker en koud in de kamer. It was dark and cold in the room. It was dark and cold in the room. তাঁর যা ইচ্ছে তিনি বলতে পারেন। She can say whatever she wants. He can say anything he wants. Sie het ihn ginget. She kicked him. She went to him. Ο σκύλος είναι άσπρος. The dog is white. The dog's white. Der Ideåreichdomm isch am greschda, wenn oinr auf domme Gedangå kommd. The wealth of human ideas is greatest when people come up with dumb ones. Idea is on the road when we get to stupid Gedangå. Wracaj na swoje miejsce. Go back to your seat. Go back to your place. Zwischen moosbewachsenen Bäumen rauschte ein kleiner Waldbach dahin. A small forest brook flowed between the moss-covered trees. Among moss grown trees there was a small forestbach. Jy moet so bietjie langsamer. Die inkopiesentrum gaan nêrens heen nie. You need to slow down a little bit. The shopping mall isn't going anywhere. You need to slow down a little bit. Noe vero invenit gratiam coram Domino. But Noah found grace before the Lord. But Noah found favor in God’s eyes. Προετοιμάσου. Prepare yourself. Get ready. Tom tar en snabb joggingtur runt kvarteret varje morgon innan frukost. Tom takes a quick jog around the block every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a quick jogging tour around the neighborhood every morning before breakfast. Том беше засегнат. Tom was concerned. Tom was affected. Du er en meget heldig mand. You're a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Voy a necesitar un poco de ayuda. I'm going to need some help. I'm gonna need some help. Op de brug zit een mug met haar muil wijd open; zeven ezels, achttien kwezels zijn er in gekropen. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. On the bridge there is a moose with her mollusk wide open; seven donkeys, eighteen sheaves are stuck in it. Á fimmtándu öld blómstruðu listir á Ítalíu. The fine arts flourished in Italy in the 15th century. In the 15th century, Italian art flourished. Den här skjortan behöver tvättas. This shirt needs washing. This shirt needs to be washed. Živijo! Kako ste? Hi! How are you? Hi, how are you? אַ גלאָז קאַֹװע האָט גרינגער געמאַכט מײַן קאָפּװײטיק. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. A mouse that has a bigger hole than a horizontal one. Io non la posso rischiare. I can't risk it. I can't risk it. टॉम जाडा नाहीये. Tom isn't fat. Do not ask me this again. Wees jezelf. Be yourself. Be yourself. Што би сакал да го прашаш Том? What is it that you'd like to ask Tom? What would you like to ask Tom? Том ми каза да се срещна с него там. Tom told me to meet him there. Tom told me to meet him there. आपने कोशिश की। You tried. You tried. Heur klaainkiend woont ien Nederlaand. Her grandchild lives in the Netherlands. Your son lives in one of the Netherlands. איר שטינקט. Y'all stink. You're right. Låt Tom leva. Let Tom live. Let Tom live. Yma sehes dhymm. I am thirsty. Here I am. Plânsul nu are nici un rezultat. Crying is of no avail. The cry doesn't have any results. Farò qualche chiamata. I'll make a few calls. I'll make some calls. Um passarinho me contou. A little bird told me. A little passerby told me. Cosa non farei per tirarvi entrambe fuori dai guai? What would I not do to help you both out of the trouble? What wouldn't I do to get both of you out of trouble? Illud spiraculum altissimum est. That chimney is very high. There's a very high spiral. Vi sulter. We're starving. We're starving. Per piacere portagli la sua birra. Please bring him his beer. To please bring him his beer. Ser du min pen? Do you see my pen? You see my pen? Θες να τους πω; Do you want me to tell them? You want me to tell them? Je veux ce qui est mien. I want what's mine. I want what's mine. Da li je to mogao biti Tom? Could it have been Tom? Could it be Tom? Í dag fleyg ein stórur bilur av vegnum. A big car flew off the road today. Today, there's a big mess going on. Памылковая погляды на матэматыку сустракаюцца яшчэ часцей, чым памылкі ў напісанні майго імені. Having misconceptions of what mathematics is is even more ordinary than not knowing how to spell my name. Errors in mathematics are more common than errors in writing my name. Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing this? Nevynechej žádné detaily. Don't skip over any details. Don't miss any details. Tomaré una copa de champaña. I'll take a glass of champagne. I'll take a cup of champagne. ὑπαί τις ἀρβύλᾱς λῡ́οι, μή τις πρόσωθεν ὄμματος βάλοι φθόνος. Let one undo my shoes, lest from afar an envious look should smite me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Du är det vackraste flickan jag någonsin sett. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. मैं पुर्तगाल में हूँ। I'm in Portugal. I'm in Portugal. Гледай да не се случи отново. Don't let it happen again. Make sure it doesn't happen again. میرے ماموں نے مجھے یہ گھڑی دی تھی۔ My uncle gave me this watch. My moms gave me this watch. Que mencionè l'incident a la soa hemna. He mentioned the incident to his wife. Let him mention the incident in his own hemna. ही साखर नाहीये. This isn't sugar. This is not sugar. Tom scheint genervt zu sein. Tom seems annoyed. Tom seems generous. Залиште нас самих, благаю вас! Leave us alone, please. Leave us alone, please! Пожалуйста, пристегивайте ремни во время взлёта и посадки. Please fasten your seat belt during takeoff and landing. Please pull the straps during take-off and landing. तू त्याला सांगणार आहेस का? Are you going to tell him? Are you going to tell him? Jag slår vad om att det gör ont. I'll bet it hurts. I'll guess what that hurts. Lhala jste mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. आओ! मैं तुम्हें हार का स्वाद चखाऊँगा। Come on! I will best you. Come on, I'll give you a taste of losing. Я вивчаю в'єтнамську мову. I am learning Vietnamese. I'm studying Vietnamese. Φρονήσεως καὶ ἀληθείᾱς καὶ τῆς ψῡχῆς οὐκ ἐπιμελεῖ οὐδὲ φροντίζεις. For intelligence and truth and the soul you take no care or thought. Take care of yourself. Ev a dheuth omma rag ow gweres. He came here to help me. This is what you want to do. Mijn vader werkt voor een fabriek. My father works for a factory. My father works for a factory. Vom sta aici. We'll stay here. We'll stay here. Ek wil nie gebruik word nie. I don't want to be used. I don't want to be used. ती तर माझी लाईन आहे! That's my line! It’s my line! De zoon van mijn zus is onze neef. My sister's son is our nephew. My sister's son is our cousin. Non riuscivo a trovarlo da nessuna parte. I couldn't find him anywhere. I couldn't find him anywhere. De pe gîndo! Remember! Get out of here! टॉम लालची था। Tom was greedy. Tom was red. Той е фотогеничен. He's photogenic. He's a photogenic. Зошто се противиш? Why do you resist? Why are you resisting? Ο Τομ Τζάκσον είναι ο πρόεδρος της εταιρείας. Tom Jackson is the president of this company. Tom Jackson is the president of the company. Ik zou willen dat mijn cijfers me meer konden schelen, maar het lijkt erop dat ik op een gegeven moment in mijn leven besloten heb dat die niet zo belangrijk meer zouden zijn. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I would like my figures to matter more, but it seems that at some point in my life I have decided that they would not be so important anymore. Si. Yes. Yes. Tom kommer inte att få köra på ett tag. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Tom won't be driving for a while. Redde Caesari quae sunt Caesaris, et quae sunt Dei Deo. Return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God that which belongs to God. Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, and God's things to God. میوه ها متعلق به همه ی شماست اما زمین متعلق به هیچ کس نیست. The fruits belong to all of you, but the earth belongs to no one. The fruit of all things is yours, but the land is not yours. Lo men pair qu'ei a la soa cramba. My father is in his room. I mean, he's got his leg on him. Tue es, Tom. Go for it, Tom. You're dead, Tom. Si vis amari, ama! Love if you want to be loved! And you love it, Mom! Je to houževnatá žena. She's a tough woman. She's a charming woman. Dette er til min ven. This is for my friend. This is for my friend. No entiendo francés. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Le téléphone est sur la table. The phone is on the table. The phone's on the table. Eu quero ir lá de novo. I want to go there again. I want to go back there. Der Englisch sprechende Junge da ist größer als ich. That boy who is speaking English is taller than I. The English-speaking boy here is bigger than I am. Тој има пасивен карактер. He has a passive character. He has a passive character. Thomas cum filio tuo ludit. Tom is playing with your son. Thomas is playing with your son. Kan I huske Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Kde je najbližšia reštaurácia? Where's the nearest restaurant? Where's the nearest reindeer? কি খবর? What's up? What's up? Tai kad tu apie tą nežinojai, nereiškia kad tai neatsitiko. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The fact that you didn't know about that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Tienes ojeras. You've got bags under your eyes. You've got ears. Potionem Arabicam sine saccharo malo. I prefer coffee without sugar. I can do the Arabic without being soaked. Cur me nemo monuit? Why did no one warn me? What's the matter with me? Poglej nas! Look at us! Look at us! Budeš tam? Will you be there? Will you be there? Él tiene la mala costumbre de beber demasiado vino. He has a bad habit of drinking too much wine. He has the bad habit of drinking too much wine. Остави го да лае като куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. To właśnie tego słownika szukałem. This is the very dictionary I've been looking for. That's what I was looking for. Дзе знаходзіцца сабор? Where is the cathedral located? Where's the collection? Не ти кажав да примиш мито. I didn't tell you to take a bribe. I didn't tell you to take the bribe. Pyth yw homma? What is this? What's wrong with this guy? Ти зламав ногу. You broke your leg. I broke your leg. Wkrótce poznamy prawdę. We'll soon know the truth. Soon we will know the truth. مدرسه دو کیلومتر به سمت جلو است. The school is two kilometers ahead. So they went up by themselves, and by themselves, and by themselves, and by themselves, and by them, and by them, and by them, and by them, and by them, and by them, and by them, and Залишайся зосередженим. Keep focused. Stay focused. Ο Τομ προσπάθησε. Tom tried. Tom tried. वह सर से पांव तक कीचड़ में लतपत था। He was covered in mud from head to foot. He was lying in wait from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill. Nevím. Don't know. I don't know. Perché queste ragazze sono così meschine? Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? Eg er ikki tín móður. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Por ahora será mejor que no la veas. You'd better not see her now. For now it'll be better if you don't see her. Nous croyons que c'est possible. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Κράτα με, Τομ. Hold me, Tom. Hold on to me, Tom. У меня сейчас нет дел. I don't have anything to do now. I don't have a case now. Þér kemur það ekki við. That's none of your business. You don't care. Tom hat sein Kind bei sich. Tom has his kid with him. Tom's got his kid with him. Il est trop jeune. He is too young. He's too young. Alle lo, og Tom lo højest af alle. Everybody laughed, Tom loudest of all. Everybody loo, and Tom loo highest of all. Lui ha provato ad alzarsi presto. He tried to get up early. He tried to get up early. ما به دنبال چه هستیم؟ What are we after? What are we to put on? What are we to put on? Nomen tuum mihi non placet. I don't like your name. I don't like your name. Per piacere, ditemi che state preparando ciò per il mio compleanno! Please tell me you're getting this ready for my birthday! Please tell me you're preparing this for my birthday! Ik heb er genoeg van met jullie te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've had enough to talk to you! Tom fue el único que no se rió del chiste de María. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Respia, ch'o l'é de badda! Breathe – it's free! Say it, it's bad shit! Waist doe nog? Do you remember? Are you still doing this? Das wird kompliziert. This is going to be complicated. That's complicated. आपातकाल में ११९ को फ़ोन करें In case of emergency, call 119. Call 119 in the morning आपण काल बेसबॉल खेळलो. We played baseball yesterday. We played baseball in the morning. Matka nevěděla, co si se svým synem počít. The mother didn't know what to do with her son. Mother didn't know what to count on her son. Я слышала, ты хорошо играешь на банджо. I hear you're good at playing the banjo. I heard you're playing a good bando. Céard? What? What? Tom svako veče zapiše nešto u dnevnik, koliko god da je umoran. Tom writes something in his diary every evening, no matter how tired he is. Tom writes something in the diary every night, no matter how tired he is. Tom vil beholde den. Tom wants to keep it. Tom will keep it. Незнаењето секогаш создава страв. Ignorance always creates fear. Ignorance always creates fear. Никога не съм бил в Европа. I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe. Bonjour ma biche ! Hello honey. Hello, my bitch! Aan tafel! To the table! Get on the table! איך האב נישט געזעהן טאם אין מער פון דריי מאָנאַט. I haven't seen Tom for over three months. I haven't seen Tom in more than three minutes. Αυτός δεν μπορούσε να καταλάβει τη φράση. He couldn't understand the sentence. He couldn't understand the phrase. Deit mi leed, dat heff ik nich verstahn. Kannst du dat villicht in een von disse Spraken översetten: Excuse me, please. I didn't understand that. Can you maybe translate it into one of the following languages? Sorry I didn't understand that. You may translate it into one of the following languages: Jag är skild. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. Necesito una camisa limpia. I need a clean shirt. I need a clean shirt. Заключи портата. Lock the gate. Lock the door. Тому сказали самому этого не делать. Tom was told not to do that by himself. That's why they told themselves not to. Wyszedł z domu po angielsku. He left the house without so much as saying goodbye. He left home for English. Il discorso di Tom era abbastanza interessante. Tom's speech was quite interesting. Tom's speech was quite interesting. נעם אַ בוך און לייען אים. Take a book and read it. Take a book and read it. Perché Tom si sta comportando in modo così stupido? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Јадев пристоен оброк. I had a decent meal. I ate a decent meal. Ero così nervosa. I was so nervous. I was so nervous. Orang Jepang dan Inggris biasanya menunggu di pemberhentian bis dengan mengantri. Japanese and British people usually wait at a bus stop in a queue. The Japanese and the English usually wait for the bus stop by the train. Det var godt, mens det varede. It was good while it lasted. That was good while it was. Ти колись її цілував? Did you ever kiss her? Have you ever kissed her? La sal que agregué a la pasta era rosada. The salt I added to the pasta was pink. The salt I added to the pasta was pink. Comment t'en souviens-tu ? How do you remember that? How do you remember? Vi så en baseball-kamp på TV. We watched a baseball game on television. We saw a baseball game on TV. Том е буден. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Hur kan speglar vara sanna om våra ögon inte är äkta? How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real? How can mirrors be true if our eyes are not real? من آن آواز را نمی شناختم. I didn't know that song. I didn't know the voice. Ná habair mura bhfuil rud ináirithe le rá agat. Don't speak unless you have something worth saying. Don't worry if you don't have a reckonable thing to say. Domus mea in colle sita est. My house is on a hill. My house is on the hill. Vollkommen ist ein Tag, verlebt im Garten. A perfect day is one spent in the garden. Perfect is a day, living in the garden. Jsem rád, že jsi mě na to upozornil. I am glad that you brought it to my attention. I'm glad you warned me. Контролирайте емоциите си. Control your emotions. Control your emotions. Die muur is koud. That wall is cold. The wall is cold. त्या बेशुद्ध आहेत. She's unconscious. They are unclean. Tom nije uradio to. Tom hasn't done that. Tom didn't do it. मला आज टॉम दिसला नाही. I didn't see Tom today. I didn’t see Tom today. Јас сум лудакот. I'm the insane one. I'm the lunatic. Tu tagad gatavo. You're cooking now. You're ready now. त्यांना अटक करण्यात आली आहे. They've been arrested. They have been arrested. मी तुला नंतर फोन करेन. I'll phone you later. I'll call you back. Noli me verberare! Don't beat me! Don't talk to me! Hun giftede sig med en brandmand. She married a firefighter. She married a fireman. मी टॉमच्या नात्यातला आहे. I'm related to Tom. I’m as good as Tom. Тръгнете по това шосе и като стигнете до светофар, завийте наляво. Go down this road until you get to a traffic light and then turn left. Go get this show and when you get to the lighthouse, turn left. Apparemment, il n'y a rien qui ne puisse se produire aujourd'hui. Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today. Apparently, there is nothing that can happen today. No kero ke lavores ayi. I don't want you working there. I don't want you to work here. Nu m-am speriat. I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared. Две негације поништавају једна другу. The two negatives cancel each other out. Two negations cancel each other. त्या कोण आहेत मला माहीत नाही. I don't know who she is. I don't know who they are. कल रात मैं बारिश में फंस गया और तर तर भीग गया। Last night I was caught in a shower and got wet to the skin. I was caught in the rain by night, and the rain was gone away. Чому ти не готуєш? Why aren't you cooking? Why aren't you ready? Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make me look nice. Είσαι εξυπνότερος απ' αυτόν. You're smarter than him. You're smarter than him. Отспа ли барем малку? Did you get any sleep at all? Did you at least get some sleep? Fata obstant. It's not meant to be. The girl, however. Ich habe dir bereits mitgeteilt, was ich denke. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. Смее ли да те допрам? Can I touch you? May I touch you? Ο ένας μιλάει αγγλικά και ο άλλος γιαπωνέζικα. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English and the other Japanese. Iedereen was blij. Everybody was happy. Everyone was happy. Treci la subiect! Get to the point! Get to the subject! Я хотел проводить с тобой больше времени. I wanted to spend more time with you. I wanted to spend more time with you. या नगरात एकेकाळी एक श्रीमंत माणूस रहायचा. There once lived a rich man in this town. There was a rich man in the city who once lived. टाम मसहूर ह। Tom is famous. Tom Mashhur. Es mīlu amerikāņu pārtiku. I love American food. I love American food. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν είστε Καναδέζες. The problem is you're not Canadian. The problem is you're not Canadian. Blief! Stay! Please! Управо сам мислио на тебе. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Exercitātio potest omnia. Practice makes perfect. Exercise can do anything. Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He's been working all day. Сакам да ги употребам овие. I want to use these. I want to use these. Qu'ei çò qu'èi besonh. This is what I need. That's what I'm talking about. Ela ficou surpresa com a notícia. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised by the news. Tú sabes dónde estaré. You know where I'll be. You know where I'll be. Ο Τομ είναι χορτοφάγος. Tom is a vegetarian. Tom's a horticulture. Я хотів би потанцювати. I'd like to dance. I'd like to dance. Том має тобі щось сказати. Tom has to tell you something. Tom has something to tell you. Medtävlanden tjuvstartade två gånger. The competitor twice jumped the gun. The country of competition started stealing twice. На каго ты працуеш? Who do you work for? Who are you working on? Ikke snakk stygt om andre. Don't say bad things about others. Don't talk bad about others. Tom brækkede næsen. Tom broke his nose. Tom broke his nose. Што здарылася з Лайлай? What happened to Layla? What happened to Lily? Dieses Puzzle hat fünfhundert Teile. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle has five hundred pieces. Я помню Тома. I remember Tom. I remember Tom. Aš manau kad Tomas ketina nužudyti Merę. I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary. I think Thomas is going to kill Mary. Перацінаючы час, жамяра з мінулых часоў жыва танчыць у бурштыне. Transcending time, the insects of ages gone past dance livelily in amber. Estimating the time, the lobster of the past dances live in a burskin. Αυτή είναι μια φωτογραφία της αδερφής μου. This is a picture of my sister. This is a photograph of my sister. मुझे नाचना पसंद है। I like to dance. I like dancing. Cave raedam venientem! Watch out! There's a car coming! I'll make it up to you! Том реши да отложи събранието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. La signorina Caifeng vuole insegnarmi il cinese. Miss Caifeng wants to teach me Chinese. Miss Caifeng wants to teach me Chinese. Jūs bijāt gatavi? Were you prepared? You guys ready? Том быў цвярозы. Tom was sober. Tom was sober. Die Ampel wurde rot. The traffic light changed to red. The lamp's getting red. Todavía no ha sonado la campana. The bell has not rung yet. He hasn't sounded the bell yet. Или той, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. Either he or I'm wrong. Ich glaube, du fehlst Tom. I think Tom misses you. I think you're missing Tom. ullie hebben elkaar nodig. You guys need each other. Oil needs each other. Tu es fort courageux. You're very brave. You're very brave. Jag tänkte ringa. I meant to call. I was gonna call. Soy un hombre de acción. I'm a man of action. I'm a man of action. Den här butiken har öppet dygnet runt. This store here is open around the clock. This store has been open all day. Apa kau serius mengatakannya? Are you in earnest in saying so? Are you serious about that? A chi non piace quello? Who doesn't like that? Who doesn't like that? Δεν είσαι μαθητής. You are not a student. You're not a student. Souhlasil, že s námi udělá rozhovor. He agreed to give us an interview. He agreed to have a conversation with us. Beach kahaan hai? Where is the beach? Beach kahaan hi? Europa er i krise. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Dette gamle hus er hjemsøgt. This old house is haunted. This old house has been searched home. טאָם איז אַ מענטש. Tom is a good person. Tom is a man. Я не думал, что вы сегодня здесь будете. I didn't think you'd be here today. I didn't think you'd be here today. هنگام نظافت کلاس، چند دانش‌آموز تریبون را حمل می‌کنند. When cleaning the classroom, a few students carry the podium. In the time of the feast of the school, how many wise men bear the burdens of one another! Mi sono sentita molto fiera. I felt very proud. I felt very proud. Nimeni nu m-a ascultat. No one listened to me. Nobody listened to me. Delovalo mi je žuto. It looked yellow to me. It seemed yellow to me. Jullie waren aan het bidden. You were praying. You were praying. Якая твая ўлюбёная спявачка кантры? Who's your favorite country singer? What's your favorite singer against? Площа Ринок — історичний центр міста. Market Square is the historic centre of the city. The Market Square is the historic center of the city. No reconozco a ninguno de los que aparecen en la foto. I don't recognize any of the people in the picture. I don't recognize any of those who appear in the photo. Tom fer av Kobe fyrramorgin. Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom's leaving Kobe in the morning. Halte mir diesen Hund fern! Don't let that dog come near me! Keep this dog away from me! Eles são pacifistas? Are they pacifists? Are they pacifists? Причины неясны. The reasons are unclear. The reasons are unclear. Resterà il nostro segreto. That'll remain our secret. It will remain our secret. Ik wilde je niet van streek maken. I don't want to upset you. I didn't want to make you a district. No kurienes ir nākuši tavi senči? Where do your ancestors come from? Where did your old men come from? Er scheint uns zu kennen. He seems to know us. He seems to know us. Ik heb een auto gekocht. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Tom bewe. Tom is trembling. Tom's moving. Դա շատ զվարճալի է: It's great fun. It's very funny. I miei amici mi hanno invitato a cena. My friends invited me to dinner. My friends invited me to dinner. Un gatt l'è gnì föa da sota la scrivania. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat's ugly under the desk. Не хочѭ ѣсти. I'm not hungry. Not at all. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit. Greece, conquered, took captive her savage conqueror. Greece captures the ferum victory. Թոմը ուշադրություն չի դարձնում նրան, թե ինչպես է հագնվում: Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses. Tom doesn't pay attention to how he gets dressed. Yma tri broder dhodho. He has three brothers. There are three brothers who came. Det enda språk som Tom kan tala är franska. The only language Tom can speak is French. The only language Tom can speak is French. Où est la chemise que je t'ai achetée ? Where's the shirt I bought you? Where's the shirt I bought you? Azi a fost o zi minunată și mâine va fi deasemenea. Today was a wonderful day, and tomorrow will be too. Today was a wonderful day and tomorrow will be the same. Es ist ihnen kalt. They're cold. It's cold to them. Мисля, че трябва да съобщим на родителите на Том. I think we should notify Tom's parents. I think we should tell Tom's parents. די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman reads. The read feed. "Прости!" - "Ничего. Не парься". I'm sorry! - It's OK. Don't worry. "Excuse me!" "Nothing. Don't be afraid." Estava à venda. It was on sale. I was on sale. Qui auget scientiam, auget et dolorem. As wisdom grows, and so does pain. He who grows knowledge, grows and hurts. Nemám svoje vlastní děti. I haven't got my own children. I don't have my own kids. Když povím své matce, bude si dělat starosti, takže si nemyslím, že jí povím. If I tell my mother, she'll worry, so I don't think I'll tell her. If I tell my mother, she'll worry, so I don't think I'll tell her. Том не може да те види. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Вы должны сделать это прямо сейчас. You should do that right now. You have to do this right now. Hvornår tog du sidst et brusebad? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you took a shower? Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom took the mouse from the wall hole with a piece of bread. Ik ben een beginner. I'm a beginner. I'm a beginner. Tá sin go hálainn. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. Wo liegt eigentlich das Esperantoland? Where is Esperantoland actually? Where's the Esperanto? Ајде да играме одбојка. Let's play volleyball. Let's play a volleyball. Obudziłeś się już? Are you already awake? Did you wake up already? Tom demanda à Mary de se taire. Tom asked Mary to stop talking. Tom asked Mary to laugh. Jesi li donijela kavu? Did you bring coffee? Did you bring coffee? Чудя се дали ще можеш да ми помогнеш. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you can help me. Jeg er slet ikke med. I am lost. I'm not at all with you. Étiez-vous au cinéma, hier soir ? Were you at the cinema last night? Were you at the movie last night? Ko tu meklē? What're you looking for? What are you looking for? Abbiamo catturato il ladro. We caught the thief. We caught the thief. Yw da genes pysk? Do you like fish? Are you sure you want to save the fish? Какъв цвят е косата на Том? What color is Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Disneyworld er lukket. Disneyworld is closed. Disneyworld's closed. Tillsätt naturell yoghurt och sojamjölk. Add plain yogurt and soy milk. Add natural yoghurt and soy milk. Труд делает жизнь слаще. Work makes life sweet. Work makes life a pleasure. Šel jsem ven brzy ráno. I went outside early in the morning. I went out early in the morning. Onze tijd is gelimiteerd. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Том закрыл за ними дверь. Tom closed the door behind them. Tom closed the door behind them. Tom naléhavě Mary žádal, aby s ním zůstala. Tom begged Mary to stay with him. Tom urgently asked Mary to stay with him. V té knihovně je hodně knih. The library has many books. There's a lot of books in that library. Ella es una empleada en el supermercado. She is a clerk in the supermarket. She's an employee in the supermarket. Je viens juste d'arriver ici. I have just come here. I just got here. ही गिटार तुम्ही कुठून विकत घेतलीत? Where did you buy this guitar? Where did you buy this guitar? Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Je vous protègerai. I will protect you. I'll protect you. Soarele a topit zăpada. The sun melted the snow. The sun has hit the snow. Tom va souvent à l'école à pied. Tom often walks to school. Tom often goes to school. L'accident s'est produit il y a deux heures. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident happened two hours ago. Weder Gerechtigkeit noch Freiheit sind möglich, wenn nur das Geld regiert. No justice or freedom is possible when money always takes the crown. Justice and freedom are not possible if only the money rules. Той може да говори и френски. He can also speak French. He can speak French. Tom mengirimiku tiga puluh lebih pesan kemarin. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom sent me thirty more messages yesterday. ¿Cuándo comemos? ¡Tengo hambre! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? Dieses Eis wird bald aufbrechen. This ice is going to crack. This ice will soon come to an end. Get ég hjálpað þér? Could I help you? Can I help you? На колко години си? How old are you? How old are you? Det här är dåligt för miljön. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. Месяц нявідны за хмарамі. The moon is invisible behind the clouds. The moon is faint beyond the clouds. Jesus kam an den Jordan, um sich von Johannes taufen zu lassen. Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized by John. Jesus came to the Jordan to get baptized by John. Tom naprawdę jedzie sam do Bostonu? Is Tom really going to Boston by himself? Tom's really going to Boston alone? Sami's gesprek verliep heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's conversation started very fast. Том сказал, что он тоже так сделает. Tom said that he'd do that, too. Tom said he'd do the same. Als je iets nodig hebt, geef dan een gil. If you need anything, just give me a holler. If you need anything, give me a shot. Mørke er fravær av lys. Darkness is the absence of light. The darkness is gone from light. Tu hai una famiglia numerosa? Do you have a large family? Do you have a large family? Viņš nopelna viņa dzīvei rakstot He earns his living by writing. He deserves to write his life Не ни се сомневав во тоа. I never doubted that. I had no doubt about that. Chyba tak jest w porządku. I guess it's only fair. I think it's okay. در جنوب چین ،وضعیت متفاوت است In the south of China, the situation is different. In the south, China. Tom comprò dei regali per i suoi cari. Tom bought gifts for his loved ones. Tom will buy gifts for his loved ones. Jag är ledsen, men jag har ingen växel. I'm sorry, but I don't have change. I'm sorry, but I don't have any change. Alfredus pilam pede pulsavit. Fred kicked a ball. Alfredo pushed his leg. No hay de qué. You're welcome. There's nothing. To nije povezano. That's unrelated. That's not related. উনি কে? Who's she? Who is he? আমার একটা ফ্যাক্স পাঠানোর দরকার আছে। I need to send a fax. I need to send a fax. Dainda no tengo nada. I don't have anything yet. I still have nothing. Sie wohnt im Haus, in dem ihre Großeltern lebten. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. Mám rád tenhle druh jablek. I like this kind of apple. I like this kind of apple. Dis net nie die moeite werd nie. It's just not worth it. It just isn't worth the effort. Han kan göra det. He can do it. He can do it. Tom nebyl nikdy pánem situace. Tom was master of the situation in no time. Tom was never the master of the situation. Wann würde es euch passen? When would it be convenient for you? When would you like it? Tom s-a innecat în cada. Tom drowned in his bathtub. Tom's stuck in the body. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν είστε Καναδές. The problem is you're not Canadian. The problem is you're not Canadian. Ik heff twee Bröder un een Süster. I've got two brothers and a sister. I took two brothers and a sister. Я хотів співчуття. I wanted sympathy. I wanted compassion. Ég sá ekkert. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. Том — не кузен Мері. Tom isn't Mary's cousin. Tom is not Mary’s cousin. Dapatkah kamu melihatku, Tom? Could you look at me, Tom? Can you see me, Tom? Il ladro si farà vivo. The thief will show up. The thief will be alive. Вы знакомы со всеми здесь? Have you met everyone here? Are you familiar with everyone here? Пьсъ погъна лисицѭ. The dog ran after a fox. The dog moved the fox. Di hadapan hukum kita semua sejajar, tetapi orang kaya terkadang memiliki keuntungan lebih. We are all equal before the law, but the rich often have a big advantage. All of us are equal in the eyes of the law, but the rich at times have more advantage. Не беше толкова силна. It wasn't that loud. She wasn't that strong. Hvem fortalte dig at vi var nødt til at gøre det? Who told you that we had to do that? Who told you we had to do it? پدر من مهندس الکترونیک است. My father is an electric engineer. My Father is one, and I am not one. Той се предаде. He threw in the towel. He gave himself up. Морозить. It's freezing. It's freezing. आम्हाला लवकर निघायला हवं. We must leave early. We had to leave soon. Nyns yw res dhyn gul henna. We don't need to do that. This is not a good time. Ek't nêrens om vanaand te slaap nie. I've nowhere to sleep tonight. I'm not sleeping anywhere tonight. Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Ty wocki! You idiot! You wock! Tom het gedink dit was onregverdig. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom thought it was unfair. Algumas pessoas parecem concordar contigo. Some people seem to agree with you. Some people seem to agree with you. Semua orang pernah melakukan kesalahan. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has made a mistake. Maria kuste de kikker. Mary kissed the frog. Maria kissed them. Ти вчора голився? Did you shave yesterday? You were naked yesterday? तुझा केक एकदम स्वादिष्ट आहे. Your cake is very delicious. Your cake is so delicious. Heb je mijn tandenborstel gebruikt? Did you use my toothbrush? Did you use my toothbrush? Libum in sex partes secuit. She divided the cake into six pieces. Libum followed in six parts. Eric comezou a cantar. Eric has begun to sing. Eric started singing. Самі прийде завтра. Sami will come tomorrow. He'll be here tomorrow. Jeg er finsk. I'm Finnish. I'm Finnish. Apes pungunt. Bees sting. It's a puncture. Auditisne me? Can you hear me? You're auditing me? O Tom não pôde recusar o pedido da Maria. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Vobis assentior. I agree with you. Vobis assiduous. Tú nos lo enseñaste. You taught us that. You taught us. Ἐν τοῖς ἀγροῖς οἰκεῖ. She lives in the country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . چگونه چنین بهانهٔ خوبی پیدا کردی؟ How did you come up with such a good excuse? How could you find such a thing? No soy muy buena para hablar árabe. I'm not very good at speaking Arabic. I'm not very good at speaking Arabic. Ljuta sam na Toma. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Þær þekktu allar Tom. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Rīt mēs noskūsimies par brīvu. Tomorrow, we shave for free. Tomorrow we'll go free. Cuéntales a tus amigos lo que te traes entre manos. Tell your friends what you're up to. Tell your friends what you bring between your hands. Ex Australia oriundi sumus. We're from Australia. Ex Australia wherever we are. Ki Ken yw hemma. This is Ken's dog. Ken is here. В усякому разі я хотів би подякувати вам усім. At any rate, I would like to thank you all. Anyway, I'd like to thank you all. Pubonan a wor henna. Everybody knows that. The villages were pitiful. Я знаю, що Том дуже схожий на батька. I know that Tom is a lot like his father. I know Tom is very much like his father. Cur in ecclesia est? Why is she in the church? What's in the church? तुम्ही त्याचं वर्णन कसं कराल? How would you describe him? How would you describe it? Rökning kan orsaka impotens. Smoking can cause impotence. Smoking can cause impotence. Jeg er nødt til å studere. I must study. I have to study. Dia tiba di sini tadi malam. He arrived here last night. He came here last night. A filha dele se tornou uma linda mulher. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter became a beautiful woman. Ο Θωμάς ξέρει ότι η Μαίρη έχει δίκιο. Tom knows Mary is right. Thomas knows Mary's right. Líttu á stjörnurnar. Look at the stars. Look at the stars. Dragi Bože, ljudima je zaista teško kada moraju da ti skrenu pažnju na jednu ili drugu stvar o tebi, tvojim stavovima ili tvom izgledu, na primer. Dear God, people really find it difficult when they have to point out one thing or another about you, such as your attitudes or your appearance. Dear God, it's really hard for people when they have to pay attention to one thing or another about you, your attitudes or your looks, for example. Том беше работлив. Tom was hardworking. Tom was working. Tom gaf toe dat hij het gedaan heeft. Tom admitted that he did that. Tom admitted he did it. Tom giver mig aldrig svar. Tom never gives me any answers. Tom never gives me an answer. Дажьте ми отъвѣтъ добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. Give me a taste of that good creature. Реци јој да сам невин. Tell her I'm innocent. Tell her I'm innocent. मला तुझे खिसे दाखव. Show me your pockets. Show me your own glory. Ik denk dat Tom in Australië woont. I think Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he'd expect Mary to do it. Ez divê porê xwe şe bikim. I have to comb my hair. I'm going to go through this door. Alamak, saya terlupa bawa dompet! Oh no, I forgot to bring my wallet! Alamak, I forgot to bring my wallet! Das hier ist ein Adverb. This is an adverb. This is an adverb. Das ist eine Kreuzung, an der alle Fahrzeuge anhalten müssen. This is a four-way stop. This is a crossing on which all vehicles must stop. Es macht mir nichts aus, durch den Regen zu gehen. I don't mind walking in the rain. It doesn't matter to me to go through the rain. Você está despedido. You're fired. You're fired. Ce fut une chouette fête. It was a nice party. It was a party. Zapni si pásy. Buckle your seatbelts. Turn your belts on. Miene Süster is temlich plietsch. My sister is very intelligent. My sister's pretty clever. Felul în care o persoană privește lucrurile depinde de situația sa. A person's way of looking at something depends on his situation. The way a person looks at things depends on his situation. एक वाजला आहे. It's one o'clock. There's a light. Ich beeile mech. I'll hurry. I'm having a lot of fun. Co to za gadka? What kind of talk is that? What the fuck? टॉम आपल्या कुत्र्याबरोबर खेळतोय. Tom is playing with his dog. Tom is playing with his dog. Es wird nicht weh tun. Versprochen! It won't hurt, I promise. It won't hurt. Том кожного дня обідає вдома. Tom eats lunch at home every day. Tom eats at home every day. Res yw dhyn gul neppyth. We need to do something. You must be kidding me. Уверена, что вы не удивлены. I'm sure you're not surprised. I'm sure you're not surprised. Un cas vraiment malheureux fut soumis à notre attention il y a plusieurs années. A very unfortunate case came to our attention several years ago. A very unfortunate case was brought to our attention several years ago. Kita manganto skali sampe mata mu tabuka me susa bahaya. I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. We're keeping your eyes peeled with dangerous lipstick. Složio sam se da je kupim. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. Puer e lecto cecidit. The boy fell off the bed. Power and read down. Ова не е виц. This is not a joke. This isn't a joke. Du er velkommen her når som helst, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. Siapa aktor favoritmu? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Ты можаш сыграць гэты акорд на сінтэзатары? Can you play that chord on the keyboard? Can you play this chord on the synthesizer? Eres la única persona que conozco, aparte de mí mismo, a la que no le gusta ver béisbol. You're the only person I know besides myself who doesn't like watching baseball. You're the only person I know, apart from myself, who doesn't like to see baseball. Да им се јавиме ли? Should we call them? Shall we call them? टॉमने रात्र तुरुंगात घालवली. Tom spent the night in jail. Tom spent the night in prison. টম খুব কাশে। Tom coughs a lot. Tom's in a lot of trouble. Genus panis est. This is a kind of bread. There's a kind of bread. टॉमला स्विस चीज आवडतं. Tom likes Swiss cheese. Tom likes Swiss things. Sempurna! Perfect! Perfect! Ja bih otišao. I'd leave. I'd go. Não fique com vergonha. Don't be shy. Don't be ashamed. शिक्षणाला शॉर्टकट नसतो. There is no easy road to learning. There is no shortcoming to education. Starałem się być rozsądny. I've tried to be reasonable. I was trying to be reasonable. Имаш ли виолина? Do you have a violin? Do you have a violin? Tom lächelte mir in Erwiderung zu. Tom answered me with a smile. Tom laughed at me in contempt. Kupiłem dobry aparat. I bought a good camera. I bought a good machine. Hver planaði þetta? Whose plan is it? Who planned this? Ik heb Tom zijn huiswerk ge-e-maild. I emailed Tom his homework. I've emailed Tom's homework. To nie jest pułapka. This isn't a trap. It's not a trap. Thomas iratus Mariae erat. Tom was angry at Mary. Thomas was angry with Mary. وہ زیادہ ذہین ہے۔ They are more intelligent. He's smarter. Харесва ли ти музиката на Моцарт? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? J'aimerais t'accompagner, si tu n'y vois pas d'inconvénient. I'd like to come along if you don't mind. I'd like to accompany you if you don't see any inconvenience. Mari kita mencari tempat untuk berteduh. Let's get out of the rain. Let us look for a place to complain about. برای رقص تانگو دو نفر لازم است. It takes two to tango. Two men ought to be at the table, not to play. Io mi sono dimenticato di Tom. I forgot about Tom. I forgot Tom. सामीने गाडी थांबवली. Sami stopped the car. Sammy stopped the car. Grad je oštećen tokom rata. The city was damaged during the war. The city was damaged during the war. Ze heeft veel grijze haren. She has a lot of gray hair. She's got a lot of gray hair. Ich plane diese Reise schon seit drei Monaten. I've been planning this trip for three months. I've been planning this trip for three months. L'esperanto è una lingua artificiale internazionale. Esperanto is an international planned language. Esperanto is an international artificial language. तुम्हाला त्याच्याबद्दल काहीही माहीत आहे का? Do you know anything about him? Do you know anything about him? Die zwölf Tiere des chinesischen Tierkreises kommen von elf Tierarten, die wir in der Natur vorfinden: der Ratte, dem Ochsen, dem Tiger, dem Hasen, der Schlange, dem Pferd, dem Widder, dem Affen, dem Hahn, dem Hund und dem Schwein sowie vom Drachen aus der Mythologie; sie werden als Kalender benutzt. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac come from eleven types of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, and the mythological dragon; they're used as a calendar. The twelve animals of the Chinese animal circle come from eleven species we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the prey, the monkey, the hare, the dog and the pig and the dragon from mythology; they are used as calendars. Il me faut faire mes tâches ménagères. I've got to do my chores. I have to do my homework. Я хочу, щоб моє ім'я пам'ятали. I want my name to be remembered. I want my name remembered. Eu consigo me ver no espelho. I see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Мисля, че тичането е добро упражнение. I think jogging is good exercise. I think running is a good exercise. Я повністю виснажений. I'm completely exhausted. I'm totally exhausted. Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not only a necessity but also a pleasure. Les oiseaux ont évolué à partir des dinosaures. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Birds have evolved from dinosaurs. Eam cepimus. We captured her. I'm a vassal. Праблема з комплексам непаўнавартаснасці у тым, што ён ёсць не ў тых людзей. The bad thing about inferiority complexes is that the wrong people have them. The problem with the complexity complex is that it's not in those people. Aqua nobis opus est. We need water. We need water. Η Μαγιούκο φαίνεται τσαντισμένη. Mayuko looks cross. Mayuko looks pissed off. Skamarátili sme sa. We became friends. We've been chatting with each other. Bisakah kami duduk di meja luar? Could we have a table outside? Can we sit outside? A lógica é um método sistemático de chegar à conclusão errada com confiança. Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence. The logic is a systematic method of reaching the wrong conclusion with confidence. C'est mieux d'être un gagnant qu'un perdant. It's better to be a winner than a loser. It's better to be a winner than a loser. Znów zasnąłeś? Did you fall back asleep? Did you fall asleep again? Saccharum salemque in illa taberna vendunt. They sell sugar and salt at that store. They sell sucrose and salt in that tent. Jeg hedder Tom. Hvad hedder du? My name is Tom. What's yours? My name is Tom. nunc trīstis sum. I'm sad now. I'm three now. Man bør aldrig opgive håbet. You shouldn't give up hope. You should never give up hope. Eg dugi eitt sindur av fronskum. I speak a little French. I gave you one cent of French cum. टॉमने एक बंदूक चालवली. Tom shot a gun. Tom ran a gun. Bostoniam iter Thomam visitatum faciam. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'll visit Boston on Thomas's way. Tom er besat af Pokémon Go. Tom is obsessed with Pokémon Go. Tom is possessed by Pokémon Go. এটাকে কি অন্য ভাষায় প্রকাশ করা যায়? Can it be phrased in another way? Can it be published in another language? Jeg har brug for en tolk. I need an interpreter. I need an interpreter. چند سی دی دارید؟ How many CDs do you have? How much do you have? Asta este ceea ce mă îngrijorează. That's what worries me. That's what worries me. Նա անհայտացավ: She disappeared. He disappeared. आता करुया. Let's do it now. Do it now. Grazie mille! Sono viva. Thank you so much! I am alive. I'm alive. Jag kan allt det här. I know all this. I can do all this. Я засмутився із-за цього. This made me sad. I'm sorry about that. My re bia ow kortos ragos. I've been waiting for you. I'm afraid I've had a little bit of a bad time. O Tom phendas mange kaj i Mary sas nasvali. Tom told me that Mary was sick. Tom told me what had happened, and Mary was sick. A ciência não é uma religião. Science is not a religion. Science is not a religion. Nie wiem, czy mam czas. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Potesne hodie vespere catillos lavare? Can you wash dishes tonight? Can you tonight wash boilers? आणि हे माझं पान आहे. And this is my page. And that’s my page. मैं अपने जूते उससे ठीक करवाऊँगा। I will have him mend my shoes. I'll fix his shoes. Toms jau ir šeit. Tom is already there. Tom's here. Jeśli szukasz pracy, przejrzyj dział z ogłoszeniami. Read the advertisement section if you're looking for a job. If you're looking for a job, take a look at the announcements. Крис не можа да скрие тъгата си когато чу,че Бет не може да намери ценният си часовник. Chris could not conceal his sadness when he heard that Beth had been unable to find his valuable watch. Chris can't hide his sadness when he hears Beth can't find his precious watch. Как се работи с този фотоапарат? How do you use this camera? How's this camera? Comment as-tu perdu autant de poids ? How did you lose so much weight? How did you lose so much weight? Quam celeriter movetur hamaxostichus! How fast the train runs! How quickly the hammock moves! Můj otec mě nedovolí samotnému chodit v noci ven. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Θέλεις να τους πω; Do you want me to tell them? You want me to tell them? Dej limetku do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put the cap on the coconut. To je veoma retko. That one is very rare. That's very rare. Dlužíš mi pivo. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Încerc să muncesc. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. È sempre meglio essere preparati. It's always better to be prepared. It's always better to be prepared. Самі быў сапраўды збянтэжаны. Sami was really confused. He himself was really confused. Я щасливий, що маю так багато друзів. I am happy to have so many good friends. I'm happy I have so many friends. Policja aresztowała wczoraj podejrzanego. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Želim živjeti u gradu. I want to live in the city. I want to live in town. من می توانم از کوره در بروم/عصبانی بشوم! I can become angry. I can go from blind to lame, to lepers. Mary helpt uns morgen. Mary is going to help us tomorrow. Mary will help us tomorrow. W zoo na Marsie są zwierzęta z Ziemi. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. There are animals from Earth in the zoo on Mars. Dziesma, kas mainīja viņu dzīvi, joprojām jādzied katrā uzstāšanās reizē. The song, which changed her life, is being sung at every one of her performances. The song that changed their lives must continue to sing at every time. Denne fugl er ikke i stand til at flyve. This bird cannot fly. This bird is unable to fly. Ella faltó a las actividades del club. She was absent from the club activities. She missed the club's activities. Kāpec mums vajaga iet mājās? Why do we have to go home? How do we need to go home? Waarom hadden ze ruzie? Why did they argue? Why did they have a fight? Изпълнявам си задълженията. I'm doing my duty. I'm carrying out my duties. Ο Τομ έχει τρία ενήλικα παιδιά. Tom has three adult children. Tom has three grown-ups. Tom hade mer arbete att uträtta. Tom had more work to do. Tom had more work to do. Sviđa mi se kad je hladno. I like it when it's cold. I like it when it's cold. Mogu li uzeti tvoj rječnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I take your dictionary? Гледаш ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Do you watch carefully? کامپیوتر من دیروز خراب شد. My computer was down yesterday. My cup was destroyed yesterday. Τα μαθηματικά είναι η μουσική της λογικής. Mathematics is the music of reason. The maths are the music of her logic. Hvad bør jeg gøre nu? What should I do now? What should I do now? Él abrió el sobre. He cut the envelope open. He opened the envelope. Sein Geheimnis war ein beschämendes. His secret was a shameful one. His secret was a shame. Aconselleino de que non sufrira polo pasado. I advised him not to grieve over the past. I advised him not to suffer for the past. Mi-ar fi plăcut să fi văzut 'Casablanca' când s-a discutat acest film. I would have liked to have seen 'Casablanca' when the movie was discussed. I'd love to see Casablanca when this movie was discussed. माँचोद! Motherfucker! Manchod! Szkło stłukło się. The glass was broken to pieces. The glass's squeezing. Tom je opravdu silný. Tom is really strong. Tom's really strong. Na dworze robi się jaśniej. It is getting lighter outside. It's getting clearer in the yard. Tá eagla orm. I am afraid. I'm afraid. Zastosował się do wskazówek lekarza. He followed the doctor's suggestions. He applied to the doctor's instructions. Tom ist in Australien. Tom is in Australia. Tom's in Australia. Puxo moito énfase neste punto. He put great emphasis on this point. He put a lot of emphasis on this point. Tom potrebbe venire domani. Tom might come tomorrow. Tom could come tomorrow. Я только что закончил смотреть третий эпизод. I've just finished watching episode three. I just finished looking at the third episode. Том побледнел. Tom turned pale. Tom fainted. Том ушёл на рыбалку. Tom has gone fishing. Tom went fishing. Har du träffat Tom? Have you met Tom? Have you met Tom? Ես գործից դուրս եկա: I quit. I'm out of work. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan caminando? How long have they been walking? How long have they been walking? Potřebuji s ním mluvit. I need to talk to him. I need to talk to him. Si faccia gli affari suoi! Mind your own business! Do your business! तुम मुझे पाँच सौ येन उधार दे सकते हो क्या? Can you lend me 500 yen? Can you lend me five hundred dollars? Біологи вважають чупакабру сучасною легендою. Biologists view the chupacabras as a contemporary legend. Biologists believe it to be a clumsy modern legend. Økonomisk udvikling er vigtig for Afrika. Economic development is important for Africa. Economic development is important to Africa. Tom sagte, ich war der Einzige, der sich bedankt hat. Tom said I was the only one who said thank you. Tom said I was the only one who thanked himself. Много време беше загубено напразно. A lot of time was wasted. It's been wasted a lot of time. टॉम मला दररोज फोन करतो. Tom calls me every day. Tom calls me every day. Noli digitabulorum oblivisci. Frigus est. Don't forget your gloves. It's cold. Don't forget your fingerprints. It's cold. Vi spelade baseball. We played baseball. We played baseball. En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird in his hand is better than ten on the roof. Мисля, че е по-добре да полегнете. I think you'd better lie down. I think it's better to go to bed. Não me arrependo. I don't regret it. I don't regret it. Saya merasa sedih tanpa alasan. I felt sad for no reason. I felt sad for no reason. Tom a dorit ca asta să fie așa. Tom wanted it this way. Tom wanted this to be like that. Unora nu le place asta. Some people don't like that. Some people don't like that. Kate está loca por un nuevo cantante que aparece a menudo en la televisión. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on TV. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on television. John var upptekinn við að undirbúa ferðina sína. John was busy preparing for his trip. John was busy preparing for his journey. Han er canadisk. He is Canadian. He's Canadian. १९९१ में सोवियत संघ विघटित होने पर युक्रेन फिर स्वतंत्र हो गया। Ukraine became independent again when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. Ukraine became free again after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Den här kostar ingenting. This costs nothing. This one doesn't cost anything. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. I'm bored. A atmosfera de Mercúrio é muito fina e é composta por hélio e sódio. Mercury's atmosphere is very thin and is composed of helium and sodium. Mercury's atmosphere is very thin and consists of helium and sodium. Ме касна нешто. I got stung. I'm late for something. او زیر میکروسکوپ را نگاه کرد. He looked through the microscope. He looked under the velvet. Tom planlægger at stå tidligt op i morgen. Tom is planning to get up early tomorrow. Tom's planning on getting up early tomorrow. Tá mo dheartháir níos láidre ná mé. My brother is stronger than me. My brother is stronger than I am. Eg havi hoyrt um teg. I've heard about you. I'll give you a cup of tea. Daj mi još jedan razlog. Give me another reason. Give me another reason. Ich will nicht, dass Tom aufgibt. I don't want Tom to give up. I don't want Tom to give up. Samo ti ostani sa mnom. You just stay with me. Just stay with me. La Tierra se mueve alrededor del Sol. The Earth moves around the sun. The Earth moves around the Sun. Децата обожаваат торти. Children love cake. Kids love cake. È stato sprecato molto tempo. A lot of time was wasted. It's been wasted a long time. Tom ama stare sdraiato sull'erba nelle giornate di sole. Tom loves to lie in the grass on a sunny day. Tom loves to be on the grass in the days of the sun. Том сакаше Мери да игра тенис со него. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. Я знаю, что Том не сдастся. I know that Tom won't give up. I know Tom won't give up. Это подпись Тома. That's Tom's signature. It's Tom's signature. Udělám domácí úkol. I will do the homework. I'll do my homework. टॉम ट्रेनवर झोपून गेला. Tom fell asleep on the train. Tom fell asleep on the train. Tha mi à Siakoku. I am from Shikoku. Give me Siakuku. Тя отсъства от училище пет дена. She's been absent from school for five days. She's been away from school for five days. Bienvenido a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Kdes celou tu dobu byl? Where have you been all this time? Where has he been all this time? Джил е сгодена за Джак. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's married to Jack. Ramudu vino al colegio. Ramudu came to school. Ramudu came to school. У меня есть чёрно-белая собака. I have a black and white dog. I have a black and white dog. हास्यास्पद! Ridiculous! Laughing! Nestalo nam je para. We ran out of money. We're out of money. Jeg er sulten som en ulv. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm hungry like a wolf. Човекот гладува. The man is starving. Man's starving. Todos mundo, menos Tom já comeu. Everybody but Tom has already eaten. Everybody, less Tom already ate. Indija je sedma zemlja na svetu po veličini. India is the seventh largest country in the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world. Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm! I have a terrible headache! This is the wrong euthical head! Il n'a pas de foyer. He has no house to live in. He doesn't have to go home. Μ' αρέσουν τα λουλούδια. I like flowers. I like flowers. Том ретко излегува. Tom rarely goes out. Tom rarely comes out. Gledaj svoja posla! Mind your own business! Look at your business! Él dejó que lo besara. He let her kiss him. He let her kiss him. टॉम व मी एकत्र काम करू. Tom and I'll work together. Tom and I work together. अमेरिका खूपच विशाल आहे. America is very large. The United States is vastly superior to the United States. Ne felle ket da d-Tom mont da vezañ un tisavour evel e dad. Tom didn't want to become an architect like his dad. You don't want Tom to be a loser like his father. Puedo oírte, pero no puedo verte. I can hear you, but I can't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Masz rodzeństwo? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have a family? Веднаш ќе се фатиме за тоа. We'll get right to it. We'll catch up on that. Θα υπακούσουμε. We'll obey. We'll obey. Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Nisam odavde. I'm not from here. I'm not from here. Per piacere, credimi. Please believe me. Please, believe me. Veliki sam fan fudbala. I'm a big football fan. I'm a big fan of football. Πότε ήταν η τελευταία φορά που έπαιξες ένα επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδι; When was the last time you played a board game? When was the last time you played a board game? Halo, bagaimana kabarmu? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Non mi diede soltanto dei consigli, ma anche dei soldi. He gave me not just advice, but money as well. Not only did he give me advice, but he also gave me money. Том держал в руке окровавленный нож, когда в комнате появилась полиция. Tom was holding a bloody knife in his hand when the police entered the room. Tom held the knife in his hand when the police showed up in the room. Не ми одговори на писмото. He didn't reply to my letter. You didn't answer my letter. Беше иронично. It was ironic. It was ironic. Aku hanya tidak lagi merasa aman di sini. I just don't feel safe here anymore. I just don't feel safe here anymore. Mi potete prestare un po' di soldi? Can you lend me a little money? Can you lend me some money? Mi tipo sanguíneo es A positivo. My blood type is A positive. My blood type is A positive. Том повісив сумку собі на плече. Tom slung his bag over his shoulder. Tom hung his bag on his shoulder. On rijetko odustaje. He rarely gives up. He rarely gives up. La historia tenía un final feliz. The story had a happy ending. The story had a happy ending. Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go into that room. उसका ज़िन्दगी में एक की उद्देश्य था और वह था अमीर बन जाना। His main object in life was to become rich. His purpose in life was to become rich. Ми пролітаємо над Тихим океаном. We are flying over the Pacific. We're flying over the Pacific. Cymerwch y prawf lliw wrin. Take the urine colour test. Take the green colour test. Зборуваш ли англиски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Tom i-a lăsat ceva mâncare lui Mary. Tom left some food for Mary. Tom left Mary some food. Stilhed er guld. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. It snijt yn Ruslân. It snows in Russia. It's cut in Russia. Varför är han så tyst? Why is he so quiet? Why is he so quiet? Upravo smo ju vidjeli. We just saw her. We just saw her. Me gustaría algo para tomar. I'd like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Mary bývala modelkou. Mary used to be a model. Mary was a model. Нещасні випадки неминучі. Accidents are inevitable. Accidents are inevitable. Ik wist dat Tom Maria niet zou helpen. I knew that Tom wouldn't help Mary. I knew Tom Maria wouldn't help. पुन्हा पाकीट विसरलात का? Did you forget your wallet again? Could not close temporary folder: %s Mary chodí na rande se dvěma různými chlapy zároveň. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary goes on a date with two different men at the same time. Tom mora no mesmo andar de que eu. Tom lives on the same floor as I do. Tom lives on the same foot as I do. Aonde você está indo? Where are you going to? Where are you going? Той беше напълно изтощен. He was completely fagged out. He was completely exhausted. Tom og jeg har spilt poker sammen mange ganger. Tom and I have played poker together many times. Tom and I have played poker together many times. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de réduire les coûts. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost. For this, it is necessary to reduce costs. Noorwegen verraste me. Norway surprised me. Norway surprised me. Jeg har boet i dette hus i to år. I've lived in this house for two years. I've lived in this house for two years. איך עס אַ ציבעלע. I'm eating an onion. I'm it's a cable. Katten kunnen in het donker zien. Cats can see when it is dark. Cats can see in the dark. «Чаму ты мне хлусіш?» — «Я не хлушу». "Why are you lying to me?" "I'm not lying." "Why do you lie to me?" "I am not lying." Han hoppade över diket. He jumped over a ditch. He jumped over the dike. мислим, дакле јесам. I think, therefore I am. I mean, so I did. Crezi ceea ce a spus el? Do you believe what he said? Do you believe what he said? Калі глядзець зверху, выспа вельмі прыгожая. Seen from the sky, the island was very beautiful. When you look up, the island is very beautiful. Grasias! Thank you! Thank you! एस्थर गे आहे. Esther is gay. Esther is gone. Den här möjligheten kan inte uteslutas. This possibility cannot be ruled out. This option cannot be excluded. Οι πιο πολλές απ' αυτές είναι Καναδέζες. Most of them are Canadians. Most of these are Canadians. Mi hermana se ducha cada mañana. My sister showers every morning. My sister showers every morning. Ти виглядаєш здивованим. You look surprised. You look surprised. Те носам на школо. I'm taking you to school. I'm taking you to school. Hy kan nie veel Engels praat nie. He can't speak much English. He cannot speak many English. Mostrame otros. Show me some others. Show me the others. Du kan komma in igen. You can come back in. You can come back in. Jag njuter av klassisk musik. I enjoy classical music. I enjoy classical music. Voy a tener que pasar de eso. I'm going to have to pass on that. I'm gonna have to go through with that. Dicen que, en el día de Colón, el fantasma de Cristóbal Colón sale de su tumba y vuela alrededor del mundo, castigando a los chicos y chicas malos que no creen en él. They say that on Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus's ghost rises up from its grave and flies around the world, punishing the bad boys and girls who don't believe in Christopher Columbus. They say that on the day of Colon, the ghost of Cristóbal Colon comes out of his grave and flies around the world, punishing bad boys and girls who don't believe in him. Me či som mirime ke o Tom si akathe. I'm not surprised that Tom is here. We'll take a look at Tom as an akathea. Vi begyndte arbejdet i april. We began the work in April. We started work in April. Dziś wieczorem idę na kolację z Tomem. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. Tonight I'm going to dinner with Tom. Мы доберемся до Токио, прежде чем стемнеет. We will get to Tokyo before it gets dark. We'll get to Tokyo before it gets dark. Nejauciet Ķīniešus ar Japāņiem. Don't confuse Chinese with Japanese. Do not mix Chinese with Japanese. Jag beställde två pizzor via nätet. I ordered two pizzas on-line. I ordered two pizzas online. Том не вярва в еволюцията. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Pensavo che Tom mi avesse visto. I thought that Tom saw me. I thought Tom saw me. Nenhum corpo é perfeito. No body is perfect. No body is perfect. Popřel, že ji tam viděl. He denied seeing her there. He denied seeing her there. Vem gav den till mig? Who gave it to me? Who gave it to me? Вам не нужно приходить на собрание. You don't have to come to the meeting. You don't have to come to the meeting. Hoc modo scripsi. This is how I wrote it. This is how it's written. Dovete venire qui domani. You need to come here tomorrow. You have to come here tomorrow. Tom zarabia trzy razy więcej ode mnie. Tom earns three times as much as me. Tom earns three times more than I do. Другом ти то! You know better than that. You're the other one! Dov'è il resto degli archivi? Where are the rest of the files? Where's the rest of the archives? Tom sier han tenker å spille golf med oss i dag ettermiddag. Tom says he intends to play golf with us this afternoon. Tom says he's thinking of playing golf with us this afternoon. Je ne dispose pas des réponses à toutes les questions. I don't have the answers to all of the questions. I have no answers to all the questions. Είσαι θυμωμένη; Are you angry? Are you mad? John skyndte seg ut. John left home in a hurry. John hurried out. Puedes irte si quieres. You can go if you want to. You can go if you want. Sie freundete sich mit ihnen auf dem Schulfest an. She made friends with them at the school festival. She was friends with them at the school party. Nemoj da si pisnuo! Don't say a word. Don't you write! Tom mrzi strance. Tom hates foreigners. Tom hates strangers. पढ़के सुनाओ। Read it aloud. Read and hear. Gde je mnogo babica, kilava su deca. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Where there's a lot of grandmothers, they're kids. Lei ignora anche la nozioni più basilari della scienza. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. She also ignores the most basic concepts of science. Ти не можеш це зробити сама, еге ж? You can't do that by yourself, can you? You can't do this on your own, can you? Это одно из самых уродливых зданий, которое я когда-либо видел. That is one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen. It's one of the most ugly buildings I've ever seen. Не отваряй тази врата, моля те. Don't open this door, please. Don't open that door, please. Gwra. Yes, it does. Ma'am. Dintre toți jucătorii de baseball faimoși, el se evidențiază ca fiind un geniu. Of all the famous baseball players, he stands out as a genius. Of all the famous baseball players, he stands out as a genius. Sărăcia este o povară, dar nu o ruşine. Poverty is a pain, but no disgrace. Poverty is a burden, but not a shame. Lege bonos libros. Read good books. Read nice books. Ella me sonrió mientras cantaba una canción. She smiled at me while she sang a song. She laughed at me while singing a song. Tak rovně a pak doprava a pak? So, straight, then to the right, and then? Right and then right and then? मुझे बस इतना ही कहना है। This is all I have to say. I just have to say that. Det er for tidligt at gå i seng. It's too early to go to bed. It's too early to go to bed. „Ти се допадна ли неговата музика?“ „Не, а тебе?“ "Did you like his music?" - "No, did you?" "Did you like his music?" "No, and you?" Solo tú puedes responder a esta pregunta. Only you can answer the question. Only you can answer this question. Illo vero retrahente manum, egressus est frater eius; dixitque mulier: “Qualem rupisti tibi rupturam?” Et ob hanc causam vocatum est nomen eius Phares (id est Ruptura). But he drawing back his hand, the other came forth: and the woman said: Why is the partition divided for thee? and therefore called his name Phares. But when he drew back his hand, his brother came out; and the woman said, "What did you break in your hand?" And for this reason his name was called Pharez (the rupture). तुम्हाला सर्वात जास्त कोणतं फूल आवडतं? What flower do you like best? What kind of flower do you like most? Holland is een klein land. Holland is a small country. Holland is a small country. Hun varmede sig ved ilden. She warmed herself by the fire. She warmed herself by the fire. Mnogo ptica je na grani. Many birds are on the branch. There's a lot of birds on the line. Nos da. Good night. We don't. Ο Τομ δεν ξέρει καθόλου Γαλλικά. Tom doesn't know French at all. Tom doesn't know French at all. כ'בין אַ קינד. I'm a kid. If specified, the child will not be given up on the child. Neću ići u školu sutra. I won't go to school tomorrow. I'm not going to school tomorrow. Toaletten är bakom trappuppgången. The toilet is behind the staircase. The bathroom is behind the stairs. Terraemotus domum vetus delevit. The earthquake has destroyed the old house. The earthquake destroyed the old house. Не си во никаква опасност. You're in no danger. You're not in any danger. Ich kann nicht mit Mädchen reden. I can't talk to girls. I can't talk to girls. La patience est la mère de la science. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. मला जपानला जायचं आहे. I want to go to Japan. I wanted to go to Japan. Il y a une voiture de police garée devant notre maison. There is a police car parked outside our house. There's a police car parked in front of our house. Aujourd'hui c'est mon seizième anniversaire. Today is my sixteenth birthday. Today is my sixteenth anniversary. Tratá de mirar hacia delante. Try to look ahead. Try to look forward. Вона це сказала просто із ввічивості. She just said that to be nice. She just said it out of politeness. M'agrada jogar al fotbòl. I like to play soccer. I like to play football. तुझी बहीण कशी आहे? How is your sister? How is your sister? Ik hoorde een vrouw schreeuwen. I heard a woman scream. I heard a woman screaming. Tom raramente ri. Tom seldom laughs. Tom rarely laughs. Мораме ли да ѝ помогнеме? Do we have to help her? Do we have to help her? По моему мнению, нам следует уделять больше внимания нынешнему положению вещей. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the present state of affairs. In my view, we should pay more attention to the current situation. Том беше првиот што постави прашање. Tom was the first one to ask a question. Tom was the first one to ask a question. Πρέπει να δουλέψουμε πολύ σκληρά. We have to work very hard. We have to work very hard. मुझे अब जाना होगा। I must leave now. I have to go now. एलजीरिया उत्तर आफ़्रिका में स्थित है। Algeria is situated in North Africa. Algeria is located in North Africa. Min puls er høj. My pulse is fast. My pulse is high. Hans fru är svenska. His wife is Swedish. His wife is Swedish. Թոմը տեսավ Մերիին այս շաբաթ: Tom saw Mary earlier this week. Tom saw Mary this week. Der er meget kaffe tilbage i kanden. There's a lot of coffee left in the pot. There's a lot of coffee back in the can. "Wat moet ik doen, dan?" "Ik weet het niet. Doe iets." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What should I do then?" "I don't know. Do something." Ech sinn e Pompjee. I'm a firefighter. I'm a pump. Não me importa o quanto você diga que me ama. Eu sei que os seus sentimentos por ela não mudaram. I don't care how much you say you love me. I know your feelings for her haven't changed. I don't care how much you say you love me. Heb je helemaal geen vaardigheden? Don't you have any skills? You don't have any skills at all? Tom, met wie ik een appartement deelde, is afgelopen maand verhuisd. Tom, with whom I was sharing the apartment, moved out last month. Tom, who I was sharing an apartment with, moved in last month. Հիասքա՜նչ է: Wonderful! It's amazing. Στρίψε δεξιά. Turn right. Turn right. Vad var det som Tom dödade? What killed Tom? What was it that Tom killed? Для мяне ён загостры. It's too spicy for me. For me it's hot. È in grado di parlare in giapponese. He's able to speak Japanese. He's able to speak in Japanese. Jag åkte aldrig fast. I never got caught. I never got caught. टॉम शाळेत गेला नाही. Tom didn't go to school. Tom did not go to school. Следната недела нема да бидам во градов. I'm out of town next week. I'm not gonna be in town next week. Si cum multis loqui vis, lingua Esperantica tibi discenda est. Cur haec lingua? Quia pulchra est, et studium nostrum excitat. Lingua internationalis magni momenti est, quia multi homines terrarum diversarum in orbe terrarum sunt. Ehodum! Lingua Esperantica non tantum utilis, sed etiam facilis est! Si Esperantice loqueris, in multas terras ire potes. Veni, disce! If you wish to speak with many people, you ought to learn Esperanto. Why this language? Because it is both beautiful and stimulates our study. An international language is of great moment because there are so many people in the various countries of the world. And besides, Esperanto is not only useful but easy to learn. If you speak Esperanto you can travel in many countries. Come and learn it! If you want to talk to many people, you have to learn the Esperanto language. Why? Who is this language? Who is beautiful, and our study is exciting. The international language is great moments, because many people of different countries are in the world of countries. Ehodo! The Esperanto language is not only useful but also easy! If you speak Hopefully, you can go to many countries. Come, learn! Гледај ги облацине. Look at those clouds. Look at the clouds. اینجا هیچ چیزی برای من نیست. There's nothing for me here. There is nothing here for me. Płacisz. You're paying. You're paying. Stvarno mi se dopada tvoja muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. Jeg håber, Tom har ret. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. A nins ieri. It snowed yesterday. He was born yesterday. Určitě jsi věděl, co má na mysli. You must have known what she meant. I'm sure you knew what he was thinking. Дзе твой дом? Where is your house? Where's your house? ٹام کی ایک بیٹی کا نام ہے مریم۔ Tom has a daughter named Mary. The name of Tam's daughter is Mary. Ստեղծարար եղեք: Be creative. Be creative. Tato věta je chybná. This sentence is incorrect. This sentence is wrong. Δε θα 'στε μονάχος. You won't be alone. You won't be alone. आमच्याकडे तीन विमानं आहेत. We have three airplanes. We have three airplanes. Само сакам да се вратиш тука во Бостон. I want you back in Boston. I just want you back here in Boston. Его попытка закончилась неудачей. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt was unsuccessful. Tom falleció anoche. Tom passed away last night. Tom died last night. Es wäre gescheiter gewesen, du hättest diese Pastete nicht gegessen. You better not have eaten that pie! It would have been a mistake if you hadn't eaten these pasta. Mam dziś lekką gorączkę. I have a slight fever today. I've got a little bit of heat today. Tko će biti prvi? Who is going to be the first? Who's gonna be first? Ik at met mijn kleine broer. I ate with my baby brother. I'm with my little brother. Kamu orang baru? Are you new? You're the new guy? Какъв силен вятър! What a strong wind! What a strong wind! Tom aplaudió. Tom clapped his hands. Tom applauded. Tom construiu a própria casa. Tom built his own house. Tom built his own house. В стаята имаше малко обзавеждане. There was little furniture in the room. There was a little in the room. Legen kom i siste øyeblikk. The doctor arrived in the nick of time. The doctor came in at the last minute. No quiero que entrés en pánico. I don't want you to panic. I don't want you to panic. Este fallo no es mío. That's not my mistake. This mistake is not mine. آبجو های آلمانی رو دوست داری? Do you like German beers? Do You Make Amorous Friends? Crec que en Tom no està a casa. I think Tom isn't home. I don't think Tom's home. Canicus proximo anno quindecim annos natus erit. Ken will be 15 next year. Canic will be born in the next 15 years. Πέντε και τρία μας κάνουν οκτώ. Five plus three is eight. Five and three make us eight. Non deberías visitar ao meu avó hoxe. You shouldn't visit my grandfather today. You shouldn't visit my grandfather today. Les partisans de ton père ne se réduisent pas à ses amis. Your father's friends aren't his only supporters. Your father's supporters don't reduce themselves to his friends. Eu ainda estou trabalhando como advogado. I still work as a lawyer. I'm still working as a lawyer. Том лише балакає. Tom is all talk. Tom's just talking. Op daardie stadium was ek oorsee. I was overseas at the time. At that time, I was a stranger. Ella gritaba mientras blandía el cuchillo. While she was screaming, she brandished the knife. She yelled as she mixed the knife. मला आत्ताच्या आत्ता जायचं आहे. I want to go right now. I have to go now. Øl består af 90 % vand. Beer consists of 90% water. Oil consists of 90 % water. Թոմը մանրամասնությունների մեջ չխորացավ: Tom didn't go into detail. Tom didn't get involved in the details. Znam dziewczynę, która umie jeździć na jednokołowym rowerze. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. Ivus uvam vidit. Ivo saw the grape. Ivus' ear to see. Ο σκύλος σου είναι πολύ μεγάλος. Your dog is very big. Your dog's too big. Я гарний? I am handsome? Am I good? Man hat es bestätigt. It has been confirmed. You confirmed it. Bibi. I've been drinking. Auntie. Ini adalah tempat yang sangat bagus. This is a fantastic place. This is a very good place. Где здесь поблизости супермаркет? Where's there a supermarket around here? Where's the near supermarket? Je pense que le temps résoudra le problème. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve the problem. Scribendum est mihi. I must write. I have to write. Почуваюся амебою. I feel like an amoeba. I feel like an ameb. מסתמא טאם רעדט צו מערי׳ן יעצט וועגן דאס. Tom is probably talking to Mary right now about that. Tom probably speaks to many about this. На Том навистина му се свиѓа Бостон. Tom really does like Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Fale para o Tom que eu não estarei lá. Tell Tom I won't be there. Tell Tom I won't be there. Είν' εντάξει; Is she okay? It's okay? Je te conseille de ne plus aider Tom. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. Яна вучыцца плаваць. She's learning to swim. She learns how to swim. Παντρεύτηκα μια Καναδέζα. I married a Canadian. I married a Canadian. Tom is te jong om auto te rijden. Tom is too young to drive a car. Tom's too young to drive a car. Цял живот съм чакал този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've been waiting my whole life for this day. Чаму ты спазнілася сёння раніцай? Why were you late this morning? Why are you late this morning? Tom je zvyklý zařídit si to po svém. Tom is accustomed to getting his own way. Tom's used to putting it on his own. Я не усвідомлювала, що Том одружений з Мері. I didn't realize that Tom was married to Mary. I didn’t realize that Tom was married to Mary. Калі ласка, пакладзі шуфлік у кладоўку да мётлаў. Please put the dustpan in the broom closet. Please put the shuffle in the metal storage. Det er min skyld. My mistake. It's my fault. Kāpēc tu neapciemo mūs. Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come see us. Jag ser ett mönster. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. Ho ricevuto una chiamata da lei. I got a call from her. I got a call from her. Chcę się zestarzeć z Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. I want to get old with Mary. Zašto ne svratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? Rentene utgjør tre tusen kroner i året. The interest amounts to NOK 3,000 a year. The interest rate is three thousand kroner a year. Počas vojny sme mali veľa bolestivých zážitkov. We had many bitter experiences during the war. During the war, we have little painful experiences. Му кажав на Том за тебе. I told Tom about you. I told Tom about you. Joe binnen old. You are old. Joe's in old age. Tom non è ancora stato catturato. Tom hasn't been caught yet. Tom hasn't been caught yet. Wann werden wir in Sapporo ankommen, wenn wir diesen Flug nehmen? What time shall we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane? When will we arrive in Sapporo when we take this flight? De förökar sig som kaniner. They're multiplying like rabbits. They're growing like rabbits. Я останусь, если хочешь. I'll stay if you want. I'll stay if you want. টম সবসময় ওনার কথা রাখেন। Tom always keeps his promises. Tom always remembers him. Les seules réponses utiles sont celles qui posent de nouvelles questions. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. The only helpful answers are those that raise new questions. Jaden, dwa, tśi, styri, pěś, šesć, sedym, wósym, źewjeś, źaseś. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Poison, two, tssi, styrene, peas, six, seven, ostriches, ostriches, ostriches. Toți pasagerii au avut rău de mare în timpul furtunii. All the passengers got seasick during the storm. All passengers had bad weather during the storm. त्या आपल्याला काहीही सांगणार नाहीत. They won't tell us anything. They will not tell us anything. Σιδερώνω το φορέμα μου. I'm ironing my dress. I'm ironing my dress. Semua orang di sini ramah. Everyone here is friendly. Everyone here is friendly. Нямам идея как работи. I have no idea how it works. I have no idea how it works. Cześć Susan. Jak leci? Hi, Susan. How are you? Hey, Susan, how's it going? Той си закачи палтото. He hung up his coat. He hung his coat. Nie byłem w stanie wyjść na zewnątrz. I was unable to go outside. I couldn't go outside. Немає надії. There's no hope. There's no hope. Tom włożył lody do zamrażarki. Tom put the ice cream in the freezer. Tom put ice cream in the freezer. Όλοι οι δρόμοι οδηγούν στη Ρώμη. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Afrikietiški drambliai yra didesni už azijietiškus dramblius. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. African brakes are larger than Asian brakes. Tom mi ukázal fotky jídla, které jedli na hostině. Tom showed me a picture of the food they ate at the banquet. Tom showed me the photos of the food they ate at the hotel. I plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde I ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Tom liebt uns. Tom loves us. Tom loves us. Jakimi językami mówi się w Ameryce? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Este pentru un prieten de-al meu. It's for a friend of mine. It's for a friend of mine. Tom sabe de dónde sopla el viento. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind comes from. A frase tem de ser completada assim: The sentence has to be completed like this: The sentence must be completed as follows: Sy kan nogal 'n handvol wees. She can be a bit of a handful. She can be quite a handful. Те гризе совест, нели? You have a guilty conscience, don't you? They bite your conscience, don't they? Με το πάσο σου. Take your time. It's all yours. Его все знают. He is known to everybody. They all know him. Onzin. Bullshit. Nonsense. Henn o pur dha. That was very good. That's him. Dure accepit hoc Abraham propter filium suum. Abraham took this grievously for his son. Abraham took this very thing for his son. Se kann dat nich sülvs schreven hebben. She can't have written it herself. She can't have written it herself. Oni žive na visokoj nozi. They're eating high on the hog. They live on high feet. Nihil dixisti. You didn't say a word. Nihil said it. Šta da kažem? What am I supposed to say? What can I say? Мисля, че ще ни трябва помощта на Том. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we're gonna need Tom's help. Kobieta, którą miałem nadzieję poślubić okazała się mężczyzną! The woman that I hope to marry turned out to be a man! The woman I was hoping to marry turned out to be a man! Είμαι έξυπνη. I'm smart. I'm smart. Odgovor na ovo pitanje je jednostavan. The answer to this question is simple. The answer to this question is simple. Том спие на грб. Tom sleeps on his back. Tom's sleeping on his back. Tom diz que precisa de mais tempo. Tom says he needs more time. Tom says he needs more time. ¿Olvidé escribir la fecha? Did I forget to write the date? Did I forget to write the date? लैला म्हणाली की ती कुरूप आहे. Layla said she was ugly. Lala said that she was a whore. मेरीकडे चांगले पाय आहेत. Mary has nice legs. I have good feet. Iskrena da budem, ne znam baš. To be honest, I really don't know. Honestly, I don't know. Селото е надалече. That village is a great distance off. The village is far away. Heelwat mense het na die partytjie gekom. Quite a few people came to the party. A lot of people came to the party. Том винит Мэри в смерти Джона. Tom blames Mary for John's death. Tom blames Mary for John's death. Ti si bil, kajne? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? От сутринта няма ток. The power has been off since this morning. There's no flow since morning. Spoléhám na tebe. I count on you. I rely on you. Jag tycker verkligen om rött. I really like red. I really like red. Коронавирус появился в Китае. The coronavirus emerged in China. The coronation virus has appeared in China. यह किताब उस किताब से पुरानी है। This book is older than that one. This is the ancient Book. Боях се да не заспя, както карам. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. I was afraid I wouldn't sleep like I was driving. Екваторът разделя Земята кълбо на две полукълба. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres. The equator divides the Earth into two half-clubs. Sie ist nicht mein Fall. She's not my type. She's not my case. Kerana ia hari Ahad, ramai orang berada di pasar raya. It being Sunday, the supermarket was very crowded. Because he was on Sundays, many people were in the marketplace. Изненадени се. They're surprised. They're surprised. Diese Frage ist schwierig zu beantworten. This is a complicated question to answer. This question is difficult to answer. Îmi place casa lor. I like their house. I like their house. ¿Cuántos huevos pone esta gallina por semana? How many eggs does this hen lay each week? How many eggs does this chicken put in a week? Saya tidak bisa menghadiri rapat itu. I can't attend the meeting. I can't attend that close. तुम्हाला बरं वाटतंय का? Are you feeling okay? Do you feel that way? Tom vill bli brandman. Tom wants to be a firefighter. Tom wants to be a fireman. Kom ut med oss. Come out with us. Come out with us. El hombre que vi ayer era un completo caballero. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. Jag drömde att jag flög. I dreamed I was flying. I dreamed I was flying. Sorori petasum novum emi. I bought my sister a new hat. My new petasum sister. Wir werden sehen. We'll see. We'll see. Sum ipsa innocentia. I am innocence itself. I'm the same innocency. आमच्याकडे पंचेचाळीस आहेत. We have forty-five. We have forty - five. Har du noget særligt for i denne weekend? Is there anything special you want to do this weekend? Do you have anything special for this weekend? Temo che mi verrà il mal di testa pensando a quant'è fastidioso Chris. My head starts to hurt when I think about how annoying Chris is. I'm afraid I'm gonna get a headache thinking about how annoying Chris is. Chan eil an t-eagal orm idir. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not afraid between. Es gab keine Zeugen, die das Delikt beobachteten. There were no witnesses to the crime. There were no witnesses who observed the crime. Kami akhirnya telah menerbitkan buku itu. We finally published the book. We finally published the book. Јас веќе мислам дека си луд. I already think you're crazy. I already think you're crazy. Nyns o res dhedhi mos dhe'n kuntelles. She didn't need to go to the meeting. I don't know what happened. I policija gindil ke astardas le manušes kaj kerdas les. The police think they caught the guy who did it. And the police were looking at the assholes, but they're just doing what you're doing. Was, wenn ich nein sage? What if I refuse? What if I say no? Þrátt fyrir „Reykingar bannaðar“ skilti reykti bátsmaðurinn blygðunarlaust allan tímann. Despite "No Smoking" signs, the boat operator was brazenly smoking all the time. Despite the sign “Smoking Bans, ” the boatman was smokeless at all times. ער וווינט אין נאגאסאקי. He lives in Nagasaki. He died in Nogosaki. Trenger du ambulanse? Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? मेरी म्हणाली की तिने टॉमला पोहताना कधीच पाहिलं नाही. Mary said she's never seen Tom swim. She told me that she had never seen Tom before. Sentí lástima por ella cuando oí su historia. I felt sorry for her when I heard her story. I felt sorry for her when I heard her story. Ne donim te flisnim me presidentin e kompanise, por ai refuzoi te fliste me ne. We wanted to speak to the president of the company, but he refused to speak to us. We wanted to talk to the company president, but he refused to talk to us. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das geschafft habe. Die Hauptsache ist, dass ich’s überhaupt geschafft habe. I don't know how I managed to do that. The main thing is that I was able to do it at all. I don’t know how I did it. The main thing is that I did it at all. Ons voedsel raakte op. We ran out of food. Our food was on. Я стоятиму. I'll stand. I'll stand. «Ён учора напісаў ліст?» — «Так». "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." 'Has he written a letter yesterday?' 'Yes, indeed.' Tom pratar ofta med sig själv. Tom often talks to himself. Tom often talks to himself. Hi a gews teyr yeth. She speaks three languages. She's got her tongue. Jag har planterat ett träd. I planted a tree. I planted a tree. Liefde is zoals mazelen, we moeten er allemaal door. Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it. Love is like a mule. We all have to go through it. Όλοι τους είναι Καναδέζοι. All of them are Canadian. All of them are Canadians. Я застануся дома сёння. I'll stay home today. I'll stay home today. Dacă dai peste un cuvânt necunoscut, caută-l în dicționar. If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary. If you say an unknown word, look for it in the dictionary. Πείτε τους ότι δεν είστε έτοιμες. Tell them you're not ready. Tell them you're not ready. बुधवार है। It's Wednesday. Wednesday. Imam ujnu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. Esperamos mejorar con el tiempo. We hope to improve with time. We hope to improve with time. Slavim. I'm celebrating. I'm celebrating. Мне тебя жалко. I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry. Je vais à Mayence puis à Cologne l'an prochain. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mayence and then to Cologne next year. Da yw genev redya lyvrow. I like to read books. It is the name of the book stream. Том ја затвори устата. Tom closed his mouth. Tom closes his mouth. Том очень хороший мальчик. Tom's a very nice boy. Tom's a very good boy. Zai waarkte. She worked. Zai warned me. Меня подставили. I was framed. I've been brought up. Tatoeba.org रखरखाव के लिये ऑफलाइन है। Tatoeba.org is offline for maintenance. Tatoeba.org is offline for storage. Probabilmente non è una buona idea farlo adesso. It's probably not a good idea to do that now. It's probably not a good idea to do it now. O Tom ouviu um barulho alto lá fora. Tom heard a loud noise outside. Tom heard a loud noise out there. זי קען שפּאַניש. She knows Spanish. She can speak Spanish. Mense Februario septemdecim annos natus erit. He'll be seventeen in February. The month of February shall be seventeen years. Kada dobijete Vaš telefon, baterija je unapred napunjena. When you get your phone, the battery is precharged. When you get your phone, the battery is fully charged. मुझे शहर का नक्शा चाहिए। I'd like a city map. I need a map of the city. À sa mort, Harry a laissé 200 millions de yens à sa famille. Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died. At his death, Harry left 200 million yen to his family. राजाने वर्षांनुवर्ष देशावर राज्य केलं. The king ruled the country for years. The king ruled over the land year after year. Er muss dies nicht tun. He does not have to do this. He doesn't have to do this. Aku gagal. I failed. I failed. Tens dificultats per entendre el que et diuen dones o nens petits? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you find it hard to understand what women or children call you? तुम्हाला सुमारे किती इंग्रजी शब्द येतात? About how many English words do you know? How many English words do you hear? Bez pýtania sa! No question! Don't ask me! Няма да съм тук толкова време. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Це ваша мобілка? Is this your all's cellphone? Is that your cell phone? Hon gifte sig mot sin fars vilja. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Aš turiu gyvybės draudimą. I have life insurance. I have a life insurance. Πες του ότι δεν το χρειάζεσαι. Tell him you don't need it. Tell him you don't need it. Džons iet uz skolu. John goes to school. Johns, go to school. Похоже, что в молодости он был беден. It seems that he was poor in his youth. He seems to have been poor in his youth. Espanya es un paez de Evropa. Spain is a European country. Spain is a landscape in Europe. Jeg banket på døra di for å be om hjelp. I knocked on your door to ask for help. I knocked on your door to ask for help. Веднъж го направи това. You did that once. You did this once. Nuair a thugaim cuairt ar mo gharmhac, tugaim rud éigin liom dó i gcónaí. When I go to see my grandson, I always give him something. When I visit my goat, I always give him something. Nulla civitas habet ius exsistendi. No state has the right to exist. No city has the right to exist. Желите ли да чујете истину о том догађају? Would you like to know the truth about this fact? Do you want to hear the truth about that event? Aldrig har jeg set sådan en smuk scene. Never have I seen such a beautiful scene. I've never seen such a beautiful scene. Možná má jiné plány? Maybe she has other plans? Maybe he's got other plans? Se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares is se æftera Ġēola. The first month of the year is January. The shape of the sides is se eftera øleola. Kinst doe mie leren gappen? Can you teach me how to steal? Can you teach me? Hai sloapt. He is asleep. Let's go. Sper. I hope so. I hope so. Hann sefur eins og barn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a child. Thomas e vita abiit. Tom died. Thomas' life is gone. Vraťte se do práce. Go back to work. Go back to work. Oglądam telewizję wieczorem. I watch television in the evening. I watch TV tonight. Thomas panem in duas partes secuit. Tom divided the bread into two pieces. Thomas followed bread in two parts. C'est honteux. This is shameful. It's embarrassing. Жестоко грешиш. You're dead wrong. You're so wrong. ¿Por qué Tom falta? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom missing? Часовникът изостава. The clock is slow. The clock's out. Nie po raz pierwszy widzę to zdanie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. I don't see it for the first time. Почти не ни остана време за вечеря. We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We're almost out of time for dinner. Tres raedas habes. You have three cars. You have three rows. Saya merasa agak tidak enak badan hari ini. I feel a little bad today. I don't feel good about the body today. Rostliny nás činí šťastnými. Plants make us happy. Plants make us happy. Изглеждаш точно като по-големия си брат. You look just like your older brother. You look just like your older brother. Хіба ти з нами не лишишся? Aren't you going to stay with us? Aren't you staying with us? Máš z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Зарем не би почнал да кубеш коси од тоа? Wouldn't that make you tear your hair out? Wouldn't you start chewing hair out of it? Se você se considera um osseto, você deve aprender o seu idioma materno. If you consider yourself an Ossetian, you must learn your mother language. If you consider a bone, you should learn your mother tongue. Mendapatkan saat kebahagiaan, mencintai dan dicintai! Ini adalah realitas hanya di dunia, semua lainnya adalah kebodohan. Ini satu-satunya hal yang menjadi perhatian kita di sini. Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here. It's reality only in the world, it's all stupid, it's the only thing that gets our attention here. Том отказался подписать документ. Tom refused to sign the document. Tom refused to sign a document. Bla om boken til side ni. Open your book to page nine. Take a look at the book on page nine. Нам нужна была помощь Тома. We needed Tom's help. We needed help, Tom. Perché le avete lasciate andare? Why did you let them go? Why did you let them go? Tom ziet er jong uit. Tom looks young. Tom looks young. আমার গাঁটগুলো ব্যাথা করছে। My joints ache. My limbs are hurting. Ma yê şırê teber. We'll go out. I swear to God. Spróbuj jeszcze raz. Try it once more. Try it again. La quiero hacer feliz. I want to make her happy. I want to make her happy. Sami mi ha parlato di Layla. Sami talked to me about Layla. Sami told me about Layla. Veux-tu entrer ? Do you want to come in? Do you want to come in? Δε μ' αρέσει το κρασί. I don't like wine. I don't like the wine. Դա հեշտ կստացվի: This will be easy. It'll be easy. Мисля, че направи правилния избор. I think you made the right choice. I think you made the right choice. Մեզ հայտնի են բոլոր մանրամասնությունները: We have all the details. We know all the details. Você está uma hora atrasada. You're an hour late. You're a late hour. Aviat arribara l'estació de les plujes. It'll soon be the rainy season. Soon the rainy season will arrive. Man atrodo kad traukinys vėluoja. It seems to me that the train is late. I think the train's late. У Тома та Мері все гаразд. Tom and Mary are doing OK. Tom and Mary are fine. Возможно, мне придётся уволить Тома. I may have to fire Tom. Maybe I'll have to fire Tom. Militæret knuste opstanden i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military broke the rebellion in a few hours. Том — самонадеянный идиот. Tom is an arrogant idiot. Tom is a confident idiot. Ще ви съдя. I'll sue you. I'll judge you. Tom havde et slips på i går. Tom wore a tie yesterday. Tom had a tie on yesterday. तुम्हाला काही करता येईल असं काही आहे का? Is there anything you can do? Is there anything you can do? Сомневаюсь, что Том всё ещё сердится. I doubt that Tom is still angry. I doubt Tom's still mad. Aangesien jy 'n seer keel en koors het moet jy eerder in die bed bly. Since you have a sore throat and a fever, you should probably stay in bed. Because you have a sore throat and fever, you should stay in bed. Ni verkar glada. You seem happy. You look happy. Jeg bor alene. I live by myself. I live alone. तुला जास्त काय आवडतं, कोंबडी की मासा? Which do you like better, chicken or fish? What do you like more, bean or fish? Ποιος γνωρίζει πού γεννήθηκε ο Τομ; Who knows where Tom was born? Who knows where Tom was born? A atitude de Tom foi indefensável. Tom's behavior was inexcusable. Tom's attitude was undefenseable. Tom był pochłonięty problemami w domu, co nie pozwoliło mu się skoncentrować na pracy. Tom was preoccupied with problems at home, and found it hard to concentrate at work. Tom was overwhelmed by problems at home, which did not allow him to concentrate on his work. دیروز، زمانی است که من یک ماشین خریدم. Yesterday is when I bought a car. Yesterday is the time when I bought one. Chi sei, amico? Who are you, friend? Who are you, man? Gehen wir an die Arbeit. Let's go at our work. Let's go to work. Res yw dhis praktisya gramer. You must practice grammar. You must be a gramer. Eu gostaria de beber um café. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like to have a coffee. Me encanta este restaurante. I really love this restaurant. I love this restaurant. इथे कुठेतरी आहे. It's here somewhere. There is nowhere to go. De syntaxis van Python scripts is erg eenvoudig. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. Zij deed haar sokken uit. She removed her socks. She took off her socks. Sami je bio Lejlin plesni partner. Sami was Layla's dance partner. He was Leyl's own dance partner. Та й шкода ж! What a pity! That's too bad! Nach mise do namhaid. I am not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. זי ווילט איינער. She wants one. She wants one. Я хожу в одну школу с Томом. I go to the same school as Tom. I'm going to school with Tom. Дай мне пацалаваць цябе апошні раз. Let me kiss you one last time. Let me kiss thee last time. इ मोरी जिन्नगी ह! It's my life! I'm Mori Ginny! Ας τον ευχαριστήσουμε. Let's thank him. Let's thank him. Voudrais-tu une autre bière ? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? Kakerlakker gjemmer seg om dagen. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Cake lacquer's hiding in the daytime. No me agregues en Facebook, ya te he dicho que no quiero saber nada más de ti. Don't add me on Facebook, I've already told you that I don't want anything more to do with you. Don't add me on Facebook, I told you I don't want to know anything more about you. Jag rådde honom att komma tillbaka omedelbart. I advised him to come back at once. I told him to come back right away. Ова е одбивно. This is revolting. This is negative. Tom este bătrân. Tom is old. Tom's old. Tvätta händerna. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Ти взагалі колись збираєшся це робити? Aren't you ever going to do that? Are you ever gonna do that? Min nye kollega er en robot. My new colleague is a robot. My new colleague is a robot. तत्त्वमसि । That is you. ( b) What will we consider in this article? Прочитај го ова. Read this. Read this. Papá administra la tienda. Father manages the store. Dad manages the store. Hē sealde eall ðæt hē āhte. He sold all that he owned. He sells every one of them. Tebi treba nešto više od kave. You need more than a coffee. You need something more than coffee. Illud aedificium pulchrum est. That building is beautiful. There's a beautiful building. Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. A nourishing soil is essential for a good crop. ¿Oíste lo que pasó anoche? Did you hear about what happened last night? Did you hear what happened last night? मैं वह कल करने वाला था। I was going to do it yesterday. I was gonna do it tomorrow. Conceptul este același. The concept is the same. The concept is the same. Том чу како му ѕвони телефонот. Tom heard his telephone ringing. Tom heard his phone ringing. Odkud jste? Where are you from? Where are you from? Не ми се подигравай. Don't make fun of me. Don't play with me. Byli słabi. They were weak. They were weak. Posećivaćemo vas s vremena na vreme. We will visit you occasionally. We'll visit you from time to time. Borde du inte ta en paus? Shouldn't you take a break? Shouldn't you take a break? همه بگن هلووو Everyone, say cheese. All Bugs Пра што ты? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Ήσασταν απασχολημένος χθες; Were you busy yesterday? Were you busy yesterday? Jeg ønskede at leje en bus. I wanted to rent a bus. I wanted to rent a bus. Bidh mi trang a-màireach. I will be busy tomorrow. I'll be right back. Bıhand! Read! Oh, my God! Hun bodde der alene. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Сега живееме заедно. We live together now. Now we live together. Caesar telephonum gestabile non habuit. Caesar had no mobile phone. Caesar didn't have a mobile phone. Ik wuifde terug naar hem. I waved him back. I waved back to him. Você estava definitivamente drogado. You were definitely drugged. You were definitely drugged. Izviniću se. I'll apologize. I'll apologize. Que't caleré melhor t'amanejar. Lo trin s'avia a tres oras. You had better hurry. The train leaves at three. I'll give you a better shot, the train starts at three o'clock. Cet hôtel est loin de mériter les quatre étoiles que le guide lui décerne. This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it. This hotel is far from worthy of the four stars the guide gives him. Disk' a! See you soon! Disk! ¡Soy la ley! I am the law! I'm the law! Tom não sabia que Mary era uma estudante de ensino médio. Tom didn't know that Mary was a high school student. Tom didn't know Mary was a high school student. Ајде да играме „Вистина или предизвик“. Let's play truth or dare. Let us play “True or Challenge. ” Czy jest tu ktoś? Anybody here? Is anyone here? Cela ne te vient-il pas à l'esprit que c'est bizarre ? Doesn't that strike you as odd? Doesn't that make you think it's weird? Ти, очевидно, маєш рацію. Apparently you're right. You're obviously right. Είμαστε οι μόνες Καναδές εδώ. We're the only Canadians here. We're the only Canadians here. O Tom si pŕabut buťako te ažutil tut. Tom is too busy to help you. You know, Tom used to feel like you're here. Том, къде си? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Не сакав јас така. That's not the way I wanted it. I didn't like it that way. Яна стала паліцэйскай. She became a police officer. She became a police officer. Разбојниците му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The thugs tied his mouth. खरं तर चूक तुझी आहे. Actually it's your fault. In fact, it is your fault. Que vam aquiu sovent. We go there often. That we've been here a lot. Давайте определим наше местонахождение, прежде чем идти дальше. Let's get our bearings before we go any further. Let's determine our location before we move on. Aprendemos a ler Francês. We learned how to read French. We learned to read French. El îi ajută pe cei care au greutăți în viața. He helps those who have hardships in their lives. He helps those who have a heavy burden in their lives. فایلها در نظم خوبی هستند. The files are in proper order. Files are in a good way. मला वाटतं तो चांगला शिक्षक आहे. I think that he's a good teacher. I think he's a good teacher. Você consegue arrumar isto? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Zadzwonię do ciebie później. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Wenn jemand das reparieren kann, dann Tom. If anyone can fix this, it's Tom. If anyone can fix it, Tom. Jeg kaldte katten "Tama". I named the kitten Tama. I called the cat "Tama." डॉक्टर ने उसको छुट्टी लेने की सलाह दी। The doctor advised that she take a holiday. The doctor advised him to leave. टॉम तुम्हाला त्रास देतोय का? Is Tom bothering you? Does Tom bother you? Je me demande s'il est vraiment malade. I wonder if he's really sick. I wonder if he's really sick. Том выйшаў замуж за Самі. Tom married Sami. Tom married Sam. Jy is baie laat. You're very late. You're too late. Thomas domi mansit apud Mariam. Tom stayed at home with Mary. Thomas stayed with Mary at home. मी पोलीस आहे. I'm a policeman. I am a police officer. Мога ли да направя друго предложение? May I make another suggestion? Can I make another offer? Дигалката може да крене дваесет тона бетон. The crane can lift twenty tons of concrete. The elevator can raise 20 tons of concrete. Wat een mooie dag! What a nice day it is! What a beautiful day! Tom nje dozvòli Mary to zôs zrobjic. Tom won't allow Mary to do that again. Tom did not allow Mary to do this again. El ten dúas fillas. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. Jeg venter her indtil hun kommer tilbage. I will wait here until she comes back. I'll wait here until she gets back. Under ingen omstændigheder! No way! Under no circumstances! Non posso credere che lo abbia fatto! I can't believe he did that! I can't believe I did it! Man patinka ši muzika. I like this music. I like this music. Стотици хора са умрели от глад в този район. Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district. Hundreds of people died of hunger in this area. Cosa ne dice di uscire a fare una passeggiata dopo cena? How about going out for a walk after dinner? What does it say to go out for a walk after dinner? Немаше други повредени. Nobody else got hurt. There were no other injuries. У мене колись була така сама проблема. I used to have that same problem. I used to have the same problem. Tom sudah berada di sana selama lebih dari tiga tahun. Tom has been there for over three years. Tom's been there for over three years. Jestem optymistą. I'm an optimist. I'm an optimist. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt Tom will come. Los dos enemigos estaban frente a frente. The two enemies were face to face. The two enemies were in front. Καλημέρα. Good morning! Good morning. США официально объявили чрезвычайное положение. The United States officially declared a state of emergency. The United States had officially declared the emergency situation. Bras ha brav eo. He's tall and gorgeous. That's great. That's great. Práce šlechtí člověka. Work ennobles man. The work of a lucky man. Ahora está ahí. It's there now. He's there now. Θα την πάρω. I will take it. I'll get it. Ik vraag me af waarom Tom beweerde Marie niet te kennen. I wonder why Tom said that he doesn't know Mary. I wonder why Tom claimed to know Mary. Дзе мой гадзіннік? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? Daj da ponovim to. Let me say that again. Let me do it again. Prefiro morrer a ficar sem Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. I'd rather die without Fadil. У тебе є аспірин? Do you have any aspirin? Do you have aspirin? Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom alleine ist. I wonder why Tom is alone. I'd like to know why Tom's alone. Wo sind die Parkuhren? Where are the meters? Where are the parking garages? Han skrev en bok om Kina. He wrote a book about China. He wrote a book about China. Sono sicuro che Tom sta solo provando ad aiutare. I'm sure Tom is just trying to help. I'm sure Tom's just trying to help. Bé tiyad roş. Come and sit over here. Good evening, my dear. Jag kunde inte stoppa Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. Kewsewgh dhymm. Speak to me. Please visit me. È piuttosto sovrappeso, vero? He's quite overweight, isn't he? It's too much, isn't it? My a wra gweles lew. I see a lion. We saw a lion. Mae'r nos yn dywyll. The night is dark. The night is dark. Muž střílel ze svého balkonu. A man was shooting from his balcony. A man shot from his balcony. Підемо розважимося. Let's go have some fun. Let's go have some fun. Han mistede livet ved en ulykke. He lost his life in an accident. He lost his life in an accident. Aku menulis surat untuk putriku. I'm writing a letter to my daughter. I wrote a letter to my daughter. Tom se začal nudit. Tom became bored. Tom's getting bored. Hast du Tom umgebracht? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Пробај да бидеш храбар, Том. Try to be brave, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. Kann ik mit Kreditkoort betahlen? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay with the credit card? Том очень возбужден. Tom is very excited. Tom's very excited. Колькі разоў на дзень ты глядзішся ў люстра? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Peperitque maior filium et vocavit nomen eius Moab; ipse est pater Moabitarum usque in præsentem diem. And the elder bore a son, and she called his name Moab: he is the father of the Moabites unto this day. The firstborn bore a son, and named him Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day. Bahasa Prancis tu susa. French is difficult. You speak French with your lips. Tom poderia estar lá. Tom could be there. Tom could be there. k Kin nait vlaigen. I can't fly. Can fly at night. Eu não permitirei que você use a minha caneta. I will not allow you to use my pen. I won't let you use my pen. Hvilken er dyrest av de to? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which one is the most expensive of the two? Han er ombord på skipet. He is on board the ship. He's on board the ship. Ro dhymm diwes, mar pleg. Give me a drink, please. I'm late, please. Θα μας βρουν. They'll find us. They'll find us. Tom fragte Maria nach ihrer Arbeit in Boston. Tom asked Mary about her job in Boston. Tom asked Maria about her work in Boston. उसे बहुत सारा पैसा मिला। He got a lot of money. He got a lot of money. Твърдо сме убедени, че когато съставя изречения, авторът трябва да избягва да се поддава на вредните привички, присъщи при използването на твърде много непотребни думи, които всъщност са абсолютно излишни в светлината на целения смисъл. We firmly believe that when composing sentences, the author should avoid falling into the bad habit inherent in the use of too many unnecessary words, which are actually absolutely superfluous in light of the intended meaning. We are firmly convinced that when it consists of sentences, the author must avoid succumbing to the harmful habits present in the use of too many unnecessary words, which are actually absolutely excessive in the light of the whole sense. Вы говорите по-французски лучше меня. You speak French better than I do. You speak French better than me. Manny will ein Einhorn sein, damit ihn die Mädchen reiten. Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him. Manny wants to be a unicorn so the girls can ride him. As-tu couché avec elle ? You slept with her? Have you slept with her? Hƿæt sæᵹde hē? What did he say? Let's see. Zdecydowałem się pójść. I've decided to go. I decided to go. Bojí se tě. They feared you. They're afraid of you. Ta med dig din verktygsback. Bring your tool box. Take your back. Tom gaf Maria Johns nummer. Tom gave Mary John's number. Tom gave Maria John's number. Faint o bres oes gen ti? How much money do you have? What's the big deal with you? Нікого не хвилує. No one gives a shit. Nobody's worried. Είναι ψηλότερος απ' τον πατέρα του. He is taller than his father. He's taller than his father. Πρέπει να καθαρίσεις την τάξη σου. We must clean our classroom. You've got to clean up your class. Þetta er svo sorgleg saga. This is such a sad story. It's such a sad story. În clipa în care l-am văzut, am știut că e supărat pe mine. The moment I saw him, I knew he was angry with me. The minute I saw him, I knew he was mad at me. Впусти Тома. Let Tom in. Let Tom in. Zbieram komiksy. I collect comics. I'm collecting comics. Kolla in den, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Look at it, Tom. Καταδικάστηκα. I was convicted. I've been sentenced. אסתּר איז אַ לערערקע פֿאַר לשון־קודש‎. Esther teaches Hebrew. Astru is a lesson for Lun Kukush. Yma diw desen. There were two cakes. There are two drawings. Tom tittade i golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom was looking at the floor. E kam bërë jetën tënde shumë më të lehtë. I made your life a whole lot easier. I've made your life so much easier. Когда откроется почта? When does the post office open? When will the mail be opened? Me či gindiv ke Tom si lašo. I don't think Tom is cool. I don't think I'm gonna miss Tom. Հերիք է նվնվաս: Stop whining. It's a nuisance. Jeg tvivler på hans succes. I am doubtful of his success. I doubt his success. Ny wor den vyth aga hanow. No one knows their name. You don't have your name. Tom è indeciso. Tom is uncertain. Tom's indecisive. Не. Ён не любіць воду! No. He doesn't like water! He doesn't like water! Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I put the car? Imam dušu. I have a soul. I have a soul. Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do that. Nikt nic nie widział. No one saw a thing. Nobody's seen anything. ঠিক ওখানেই বসো। Sit right there. Sit right there. Сколько пар носков вы купили? How many pairs of socks did you buy? How many legs did you buy? کتاب بند کرو۔ Close your book. Close Book Tom hrál včera s Mary tenis. Tom played tennis with Mary yesterday. Tom played with Mary tennis yesterday. Hon vill hålla honom på avstånd. She wants to keep him at a distance. She wants to keep him away. Io devo parlare con lei. I have to talk to her. I need to talk to her. Θα ζηλέψετε. You'll be jealous. You'll be jealous. Tom mengalami pendarahan dalam. Tom is bleeding internally. Tom suffered an internal hemorrhage. Vi kaller New York "the Big Apple". We call New York the Big Apple. We call New York the Big Apple. Komiksy máš na poličce. Your comic books are on the shelf. You've got comics on your thumb. Que fas? What are you doing? What are you doing? Vilken skitstövel! What an asshole! What an asshole! Я старанно працюю. I work hard. I'm working hard. Alia reptilia corpus nudum, alia corpus squamosum habent. Some reptiles have a plain body, others a scaly body. Other reptiles have naked bodies, other dead bodies. Вам не зрозуміти. You can't understand. You don't understand. Io non riesco a vivere senza di lei. I can't live without her. I can't live without her. Son succès n'était rien moins qu'un miracle. His success was nothing short of a miracle. His success was nothing less than a miracle. Odpověděl, že neví. He replied that he did not know. He said he didn't know. Tomas sugriovė vaikų pastatytą smėlio pilį. Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Thomas destroyed the children's castle of sand. Том не хоче залишатись менеджером середньої ланки до завершення своєї кар'єри. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in middle management. Tom doesn't want to be the manager of the middle chain until he's finished his career. मी रुग्णालयात असताना त्या मला भेटायला आल्या नाहीत. When I was at hospital, she didn't come to visit me. They did not visit me while I was in the hospital. Vím, co Tom míval rád. I know what Tom used to like. I know what Tom liked. Per piacere, non ditemi di smettere di bere. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. Los domingos no voy al colegio. Sundays I don't go to school. I'm not going to college on Sundays. Том презема. Tom is taking charge. Tom's taking over. Ekki labba svona hratt. Don't walk so fast. Don't run so fast. Никад нема да го заборавам. I'll never forget him. I'll never forget him. मी जुगारगृहांमध्ये भरपूर वेळ घालवला आहे. I've spent a lot of time in casinos. I have spent a lot of time in the gymnasiums. Moi! Hey! Moi! Izskatās, ka viņš pazīst Annu It seems he knows Ann. Looks like he knows Anna. Braucht ihr eine Mitfahrgelegenheit? Do you need a lift? Do you need a ride? Dievča pije čaj. The girl is drinking tea. The girl drinks tea. Broren min er god til å spille tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. Ну і што, калі я гей? Гэта што, злачынства? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? Well, what if I'm gay? Čekám tady skoro tři hodiny. I've been waiting here nearly three hours. I've been waiting here for almost three hours. Me phendem le Tomeske te kerel les adžes. I told Tom to do that today. I told Tomés to make his adjectives. Seperti halnya tubuh perlu olahraga, pikiran juga perlu stimulasi agar tetap sehat. Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy. Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs to be stimulated to remain healthy. I skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't worry about me. Tha mi eòlach air na h-oileanaich a tha seo. I know these students. This is what I am aware of. Líbí se mi obě. I like both. I like both. Wir haben mit lauter Stimme gesungen. We sang in loud voices. We sang with a loud voice. Tomu je bilo toliko hladno da su mu zubi cvokotali. Tom was so cold his teeth were chattering. It was so cold that his teeth were chewing. Proza proastă a unui scriitor este plină de fraze banale. A bad writer's prose is full of hackneyed phrases. A writer's bad prose is full of banal phrases. Vad ska vi göra nu? Now what do we do? What are we gonna do now? Nosotros éramos más jóvenes entonces. We were younger then. We were younger then. Этому нужно положить конец. We'll have to put a stop to this. That's what we need to put an end to. Je trouve ça déplaisant. I find that offensive. I think it's moving. Ez slovakî fêr dibim. I am learning Slovak. I can't come from Slovakia. Я недавно написал Тому, но он ещё не ответил. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet. I just wrote to him, but he hasn't answered yet. Z jakého města jsou Marco a Maria? Maria a Marco jsou z Říma. From which city are Marco and Maria? Maria and Marco are from Rome. Where are Marco and Maria from? Maria and Marco are from Rome. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Særskriving er et stort problem i Norge. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. Specialization is a major problem in Norway. Il ne voulait pas la voir. He didn't want to see her. He didn't want to see her. Les statistiques fournirent de l'eau à son moulin. The statistics gave ammunition to her argument. The statistics provide water to his mill. Bylo by to rasistické. That would be racist. It would be racist. Πουλάει αυτοκίνητα. He sells cars. He's selling cars. Мені це подобалося ще перед тим, як це стало круто. I liked it before it was cool. I liked it before it got cool. Als je opschiet kan je de trein nog halen. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. If you wake up, you can still get the train. Mary y Maki son hermanas. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mary and Maki are sisters. Me voy a París mañana. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. "An tigeadh tu a dh'Astràilia?" "Thigeadh gu dearbh." "Would you come to Australia?" "Yes indeed." "Will you come to Australia?" "Will you come to Australia?" "Yes." Веројатно е тешко. It's probably hard. It's probably hard. Ο Τομ έπεσε μες στο πηγάδι. Tom fell into the well. Tom fell into the well. We moeten opschieten als we op tijd bij het station willen aankomen. We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. We need to shoot if we want to get to the station on time. Држи го! Hold it! Hold him! S'il continue de boire trop, il tombera malade tôt ou tard. If he continues drinking too much, he will fall ill sooner or later. If he keeps drinking too much, he'll get sick sooner or later. Você poderia por favor me dizer sua altura e peso? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Сакам да знам зошто ќе доцниш. I want to know why you're late. I want to know why you're late. Я можу зрозуміти твій гнів. I can understand your anger. I can understand your anger. Хіба ти не хочеш льоду? Don't you want some ice? Don't you want ice? Это самое высокое здание, которое я когда-либо видел. This is the tallest building that I have ever seen. It's the tallest building I've ever seen. Поскольку я простужен, я ничего не чувствую на вкус. Since I have a cold, I can't taste anything. Because I'm cold, I don't feel anything like it. Se misst em. She misses him. He's messing with me. Detectivul a promis că va investiga problema imediat. The detective promised to look into the matter right away. The detective promised he'd investigate the problem immediately. तुम अभी ठीक हो जाओगी। You'll be OK now. You'll be fine now. Auf der Schachtel ist ein Aufkleber mit der Aufschrift „zerbrechlich“. There's a sticker on the box that says "fragile." On the box is a sticker with the inscription “broken. ” Dia punya kebiasaan buruk selalu datang terlambat. She has the bad habit of always being late. He's got bad habits always come too late. Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende. Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look. Tom once described Mary as a woman with a playful appearance. Čovek se nada dok god je živ. Man hopes as long as he lives. A man hopes for as long as he's alive. Isso não tem um gosto bom. This doesn't taste good. That doesn't have a good taste. हे कधीच संपणार नाही आहे. This is never going to end. It will never end. Som si celkom istý. I'm pretty sure. We're all the same. Soud odkládá rozhodnutí. The court delays decision. The Court shall defer the decision. Ik nehm mien Book mit. I'm taking my book with me. I'll take my book. Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go get him? Neredzot tiešsaistē veselu dienu, tu mani gandrīz pārbiedēji. It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day. Without seeing me online all day long, you're almost intimidating. Să-l lăsăm pe el să decidă. Let's leave it up to him. Let's let him decide. Hoe goed ken jij Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Jiro, qui n'avait jusque-là jamais pleuré en public, se mit à fondre en larmes. Jiro, who had never cried in front of anyone before, started crying. Jiro, who had never cried in public before, burst into tears. Mary åbnede vinduet. Mary opened the window. Mary opened the window. स्टेक खाऊ या. Let's eat steak. Let's eat the stock. To psát neměla. She shouldn't have written that. She didn't have to write that. Том беше нахален. Tom was brash. Tom was found. Σ' όλους αρέσουν τα λεφτά. Everybody likes money. Everybody likes the money. Том не може да говори френски, нали? Tom can't speak French, can he? Tom can't speak French, can he? Hans kone er en af mine venner. His wife is one of my friends. His wife is one of my friends. میں میلان میں رہتا ہوں۔ I live in Milan. I live in peace. Tom heeft niet veel tijd. Tom doesn't have much time. Tom doesn't have much time. Estaban motivados por la venganza. They were motivated by revenge. They were motivated by revenge. Lubię podróże. I like trips. I like travel. Impreza trwała ponad 3 godziny. The party lasted more than three hours. The impression lasted more than three hours. तुमने टॉम से शादी क्यों की? Why did you marry Tom? Why did you marry Tom? उसने लड़के की आँखों में देखा। He looked into the boy's eyes. He looked into the boy's eyes. Goslow orto. Listen to him. Goslow you. Прерано ли сум дојден? Am I too early? Am I too early to come? Κοιτάξτε το μπράτσο μου. Look at my arm. Look at my arm. Том сказал Мэри, чтобы она не беспокоилась. Tom has told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Demandez à la guérite là-bas. Ask at the police box over there. Ask the healer over there. Том не можеше да биде спречен. There was no stopping Tom. Tom couldn't be prevented. D'où tient-elle cette connaissance sur les poissons ? How did she get to know so much about fish? Where does she keep this knowledge of fish? Ανοίξτε τα βιβλία σας. Open your books. Open your books. Jag vill köpa en ordbehandlare. I want to buy a word processor. I want to buy a word processor. Und Feminismus? Was denkst du über den Feminismus? And feminism, what do you think about feminism? And feminism, what do you think about feminism? Îi voi scrie o scrisoare lui Tom. I'll write Tom a letter. I'll write a letter to Tom. Поднялся сильный ветер. A strong wind arose. A strong wind rose. Жива душа немаше на паркиралиштето. Not a soul was to be seen in the parking lot. There was no living soul in the parking lot. To ja zaproponowałem, żeby Tom zatrudnił ochroniarza. I was the one who suggested that Tom hire a bodyguard. That's what I'm proposing for Tom to hire a security guard. Як ти зараз себе почуваєш? How do you feel now? How do you feel now? Quando Lutetiam proficiscemini? When will you depart for Paris? When's Lutetium going to work? Δε θα είστε μόνη. You won't be alone. You won't be alone. Τον θέλω. I want him. I want him. C'est hilarant. This is hilarious. It's hilarious. Robi się późno. Muszę iść. It's getting late. I gotta go. It's late. তুমি ক্লান্ত, তাই না? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Regeringen har ændret forfatningen. The government changed the constitution. The government has changed the Constitution. Snackst du Lettsch? Do you speak Latvian? Did you speak Latvian? Είστε αναποφάσιστη. You're indecisive. You're invincible. Het meisje springt. The girl is jumping. The girl's jumping. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die meisten Amerikaner heute das Gleiche wie jene ersten Amerikaner wollen: ein besseres Leben für sich und ihre Kinder, ein Minimum an Staatsgewalt. I'm convinced that today the majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. I am convinced that most Americans today want the same thing as those first Americans: a better life for themselves and their children, a minimum of state violence. Abair amach! Speak out! Say it out! Pamiętasz Toma? Do you remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Я хачу памерці разам з Гетэр Яані. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Heather Yaani. Saya ada katak di dalam tekak saya I've got a frog in my throat. I've got a bat in my tack Tom è incorreggibile. Tom is incorrigible. Tom is invincible. Malam ini saya kencan dengan Tom. I have a date with Tom tonight. Tonight I met Tom. Vem träffar du? Who are you meeting? Who do you meet? Tom är hög. Tom's stoned. Tom's high. Нямам време да обяснявам. I don't have time to explain. I don't have time to explain. हाच तो बार जिथे मी माझी पहिली बियर प्यायले. This is the bar where I drank my first beer. That is where I drank my first beer. Hun ble varm av raseri. She got hot with rage. She was hot with rage. Skal vi gå hjem? Why don't we go home? Shall we go home? Ήταν πεινασμένα. They were hungry. They were hungry. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go and change. माझ्याकडे तिच्यापेक्षा तीनपट जास्त पुस्तकं आहेत. I have three times as many books as she has. I have three more books than she has. Vrati se za jedan sat. Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour. Ele já completou este formulário. He has already completed this form. He's already completed this form. Plažam nekog da uradi umesto mene. I pay someone to do that for me. I'm begging someone to do it for me. Гадаю, Том буде засмучений. I think Tom will be upset. I think Tom's gonna be sad. Hun er hiv-inficeret. She is HIV-infected. She's HIV infected. Ho molte amiche berbere. I have many Berber friends. I've got a lot of good friends. Is dit echt wat zij wil? Is this really what she wants? Is this really what she wants? با آسانسور پائین رفتم. I took the elevator down. I went with ease and ease. Życzę jej szczęścia. I wish her happiness. I wish her luck. Kde je tvoja čapica? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? त्यापेक्षा मी इथेच राहेन. I'd rather stay here. I’ll stay here more than ever. Gib mir bitte einen Rat, was ich tun soll! Please advise me on what to do. Please give me some advice. On se izvinio, pa ja nisam želeo da tome pridajem poseban značaj. He apologized, so I didn't want to make a big deal about that. He apologized, so I didn't want to add that special meaning. Perché le vorrebbe aiutare? Why would you want to help them? Why would he want to help her? Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Dobrze się bawiła. She had a good time. She had a good time. Отново ще го направя. I'll do it again. I'll do it again. Ця коробка трохи заважка. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box's a little heavy. Hvis jeg var en fugl, så kunne jeg flyve hen til dig. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. Се сеќаваш ли што носеше кога те запознав? Do you remember what you were wearing the first time I met you? Remember what you were wearing when I met you? Weet u waar het is? Do you know where it is? Do you know where it is? Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom's always complaining about me. Hvorfor så jeg ikke det? Why didn't I see that? Why didn't I see it? Nikdy si neuvědomíš hodnotu něčeho, dokud to neztratíš. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You'll never realize the value of anything until you lose it. A Tom li agrada fotografiar paisatges; Maria prefereix retrats. Tom likes to photograph landscapes; Mary prefers portraits. Tom likes to photograph landscapes; Mary prefers portraits. Если подумать, мне действительно нужен мобильный телефон. Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone. If you think about it, I really need a cell phone. Се надеваме дека е добро. We hope it's good. We hope it's okay. तो माझ्या वडिलांचा आहे. That's my father's. He is my father’s. Aku seorang penata buku. I'm a bookkeeper. I'm a book painter. Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumé à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you gotten used to eating Japanese food yet? Are you even used to eating Japanese food? Cén fáth nach ndéanfaidh tú? Why don't you? Why don't you? Eu posso sugerir para você alguns websites muito bons para seus estudos. I can suggest to you some very good websites for your study. I can suggest to you some very good websites for your studies. François, ist das deins? François, is this yours? François, is that yours? Begrijpen jullie me? Do you guys understand me? Do you understand me? Hij had bleke lippen. He had pale lips. He had pale lips. Jaká to škoda, že jeho život byl tak brzo přerušen. What a pity that his life was cut off so early. What a pity his life was so quickly interrupted. Kau agresif. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. Ο Τομ είπε στη Μαίρη να σηκωθεί όρθια. Tom told Mary to stand up. Tom told Mary to get up right. Ik zou willen uitstappen bij de volgende halte. I'd like to get off at the next stop. I'd like to go out at the next stop. Θα ζήσω. I'll live. I'll live. टॉम ने अपनी टोपी उतारी। Tom took off his hat. Tom dropped his hat. Salii sull'automobile di Tom. I got into Tom's car. It's Tom's car room. Tom și Mary sunt pe aceeași lungime de undă. Tom and Mary are on the same wavelength. Tom and Mary are at the same length from where. Ο πατέρας τους είχε ένα μεγάλο μαγαζί με παπούτσια στην πόλη. Their father had a large shoe shop in the town. Their father had a big shoe shop in town. Τον κατέβασα. I downloaded it. I got him. Я ничего не помню с прошлого вечера. I can't remember anything from last night. I don't remember anything since last night. Una rosa huele bien. A rose smells sweet. A pink smells good. Tom SMS'er til Mary. Tom is texting Mary. Tom texts to Mary. S Büsi isch wiis. The cat is white. I'm sure you did. Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með verkin í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with gardening. Nie zamierzają mu pomagać. They aren't going to help him. They're not gonna help him. Tom sas ferdi jekh cinořo atunči. Tom was just a little boy at that time. Tom was just a jerk. Quella canzone mi suona familiare. That song sounds familiar to me. That song sounds familiar to me. Elle est plus mignonne que belle. She is pretty rather than beautiful. She's more cute than beautiful. من از جدال متنفّرم. I hate fighting. I speak out of strife. Algeriet og Rusland er nære allierede. Algeria and Russia are close allies. Algeria and Russia are closely allies. Ми пукна крвен сад во окото. A blood vessel broke in my eye. You broke my blood now in my eye. Моята майка ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mother made me a very nice sex. Betoven je napisao devet simfonija. Beethoven wrote nine symphonies. Betoven wrote nine symphonies. C'est complètement faux. That's all wrong. It's totally wrong. Sami e Layla cominciarono a incontrarsi in segreto. Sami and Layla started meeting in secret. Sami and Layla started meeting secretly. I Tom je prodavac. Tom is a salesman, too. And Tom's a salesman. До сего дня я никогда их прежде не видел. I never saw them before today. I've never seen them before. Il garde ce pistolet chargé. He keeps this gun loaded. He's keeping this gun loaded. Tom half wieder. Tom helped again. Tom's half back. Том часто туда ходит. Tom often goes there. Tom goes there a lot. Odkąd wiem, że istnieje uniwersytet, chcę tam iść. As long as I've known about the existence of the university, I've wanted to go there. Since I know there's a university, I want to go there. Așa se face asta. That's the way it's done. That's how it's done. Jag fick precis ditt mail. I just got your email. I just got your e-mail. Je les avais prévenus. I did warn them. I warned them. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought would work. I thought it was gonna work. Prag y fynn'ta prena an lyver ma? Why do you want to buy this book? Do you want to buy this lion? Утре е неделя. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Vakar visą dieną gulėjau lovoje. I was in bed all day long yesterday. I slept in the bed all day yesterday. Plato je můj přítel, ale pravdu si cením více. Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more. Pay is my friend, but I really appreciate it more. Příští rok touhle dobou už Tom bude v důchodu. This time next year Tom will have been on pension. Next year, Tom will be retired. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien nicht verheiratet. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Nemyslel jsem si, že Tom je velmi šťastný. I didn't think that Tom was very happy. I didn't think Tom was very happy. Wat is dien leevst Woord? What's your favorite word? What is your dear Word? Taşî! Shut up! Hang up! Nomen mihi est Aemilia. My name is Emily. My name is Amelia. Ik fraag mi, woveel Peer in ’n Börgerkrieg doodbleven sünd. I wonder how many horses died during the Civil War. I wonder how many Pierre died in a civil war. Том поводиться як злюка. Tom is being mean. Tom's acting like he's mad. Mii de oameni fuseseră răniți în ambele tabere. Many thousands on both sides had been wounded. Thousands of people were injured in both camps. गेली काही वर्षं हवामान खूपच विचित्र राहिलं आहे. We've been having strange weather the past few years. In the past few years, the weather has been very strange. Я їх не бачила. I didn't see them. I didn't see them. Gefällt Ihnen diese Handtasche? Do you like this purse? Do you like this handbag? Слободно можеш да чекаш тука. You're welcome to wait here. You can wait here. Băiatul, în autobuz, i-a cedat locul său unui om bătrân. The boy gave up his seat to the old man on the bus. The boy, on the bus, gave his place to an old man. Jeg så alt. I saw everything. I saw everything. J'étais en train de peindre. I was painting. I was just painting. A Ostrali yth yw Jane devedhys. Jane comes from Australia. And this is Australia. Jane's ex-wife. Muncho plazer. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Het bedrijf is failliet gegaan. The company went bankrupt. The company went bankrupt. Mense Augusto ad Iaponiam cum amicis ibo. In August, I'm going to Japan with my friends. Augusto to Japan with friends I'll go. Tom suona spesso da solo. Tom often plays by himself. Tom often sounds alone. ¿Por qué es tan paranoico? Why are you so paranoid? Why is he so paranoid? Merita una promozione. He deserves a promotion. He deserves a promotion. Вселената е загадка. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de fournir des explications. You don't have to explain. You are not obliged to provide explanations. Том се опоравува. Tom is in recovery. Tom's recovering. Ik zit krap bij kas. I'm broke. I'm stuck at the cash register. Vliegtuige vlieg bo ons. Airplanes fly above us. Airplanes fly over us. Nee. Ik moet helaas weer vroeg terug. No. I'm sorry, I've got to go back early. No, I'm sorry, I have to go back early. Dīwan tū wīrst kailūstinuns. You will soon get well. It's the monster who's making a fuss. Харесваш ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like this blouse? Я завтра сделаю об этом доклад. I'll report on this matter tomorrow. I'll report this tomorrow. Kin k zain? Can I see? How about zain? Ich au. Nice to meet you too. I'm out. Ge mig skjuts. Give me a ride. Give me a shot. मैं फ़ैसला कर चुका हूँ। I have decided. I've decided. Hun så meget smuk ud i sin nye kjole. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. She looked so beautiful in her new dress. Ty a allas gul hemma. You could do this. You're all yellow at home. Avevamo torto. We were wrong. We had a cake. Het klimaat in Japan is zachter dan in Engeland. The climate in Japan is milder than in England. The climate in Japan is softer than in England. आपण पाणी सोडल्यास सर्वकाही पितो. We drink everything except water. When we leave the water, we drink everything. Australië is geen Oostenrijk. Australia is not Austria. Australia is not Austria. Tom a mâncat un castron cu supă de scoici. Tom ate a bowl of clam chowder. Tom ate a casserole with scotch soup. Pensate che voglia ancora vedermi? Do you think he still wants to see me? Do you think he still wants to see me? Hajde da ne pričamo o ovome sada. Let's not discuss this now. Let's not talk about this now. Is seantír í an Ghréig. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancestor. Том вам потом позвонит. Tom will call you later. Tom will call you later. टॉमकडे एक बंदूक आहे. Tom has a gun. Tom has a gun. मैंने एक लाल कार और सफ़ेद कार देखि. लाल कार सफ़ेद कार से दिखने में ज्यादा अछी थी. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white car. The red car was too tight to look at. Får jag se ditt ID-kort? May I see your ID? Can I see your ID card? Kau adalah sahabat karibku. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. On parle l'anglais dans de nombreux pays. English is spoken in many countries. English is spoken in many countries. És molt dificil crear una aplicació per a smartphones? Is it very difficult to create an app for smartphones? Is it very difficult to create an application for smartphones? Mislio sam da idete u Boston autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going on a Boston bus. Magistra non sum. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a master. Ξέρω ότι αυτό είναι παράξενο. I know that this is strange. I know this is weird. Morirò stasera. I'm going to die tonight. I'm gonna die tonight. Co píšeš? Píšu dopis. What are you writing? I am writing a letter. What are you writing? Tom var nyfiken. Tom was nosy. Tom was curious. Mor er eldre enn far. My mum is older than my dad. Mom's older than father. S Büsi isch alt. The cat is old. S Büsi is old. Isso é uma mão na roda. That comes in handy. That's a hand on the wheel. Spring. Jump. Run. Je n'aime pas les gros chiens. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Σήμερα είναι η τυχερή μου μέρα. Today's my lucky day. Today is my lucky day. Ѿче на́шъ иже еси на небесехъ, да свѧти́тсѧ и́мѧ Твое́, да прїидетъ царствїе Твое́, да будетъ волѧ Твоѧ́, ѧко на небеси и на земли́. Хлѣ́бъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь и оста́ви на́мъ долъгы на́ша, ѧко и мы оставлѧ́емъ долъжникомъ на́шимъ и не въведи на́съ в напа́сть но изба́ви насъ ѿ лука́ваго. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. You are already in heaven, that I may inherit your kingdom, that I may be your will, and that I may dwell in heaven and on earth. Mari kita mengobrol sambil minum bir dingin. Let's talk over a cold beer. Let's talk about a cold beer. Będziesz mógł jutro przyjść? Shall you be able to come tomorrow? Are you going to be able to come tomorrow? Заповядайте! Be our guest. Here you go! Μπορείς να μου δανείσεις το αυτοκίνητό σου για απόψε; Can I borrow your car tonight? Can you lend me your car tonight? Vous n'êtes simplement pas la personne que je pensais. You're just not the person I thought you were. You're just not the person I thought you were. Том вчора звільнився. Tom resigned yesterday. Tom was released yesterday. Аз обичам твърдо сварени яйца. I love hard-boiled eggs. I love hard-boiled eggs. Dabòun? Really? Do you want to do that? او بر روی کاناپه خوابید، با چشمانی بسته. He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed. She lay upon her bed, and closed her eyes. Se wulf æt þone cyning The wolf ate the king. See the wofl to their chin Таа секогаш добро се грижи за својот стар татко. She always takes good care of her old father. She always takes good care of her old father. An chiow na yw bras. Those houses are big. The fish is not large. Я не впевнений, що Том знає, що робити. I'm not certain Tom knows what to do. I'm not sure Tom knows what to do. Diteci cos'è successo davvero. Tell us what really happened. Tell us what really happened. Los españoles son gente amigable. The Spaniards are a friendly people. The Spanish are friendly people. Tom řekl, že nesouhlasí. Tom said that he disagrees. Tom said he wouldn't agree. Это девушка, которая приходила вчера. This is the girl that came yesterday. This is the girl who came here yesterday. टॉम हमारा मेहमान है। Tom is our guest. Tom is our guest. Jeg har ikke lyst til å høre flere av de dumme vitsene dine. I don't want to hear any more of your stupid jokes. I don't want to hear more of your stupid jokes. Qualcuno ha rubato la mia valigia. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my suitcase. Nous prenons notre thé avec du sucre. We take our tea with sugar. We take our tea with sugar. My a vynnas mos. I wanted to go. We and the towns don't. Δέσε τη ζώνη σου, σε παρακαλώ. Fasten your seat belt, please. Put your belt on, please. Яна закахалася ў новага настаўніка. She fell in love with the new teacher. She fell in love with the new teacher. Если он не придёт, что ты тогда будешь делать? If he doesn't come, what will you do then? If he doesn't come, what are you gonna do? Stále ještě neumím tancovat. I still can't dance. I still can't dance. Mach dein Bett! Make your bed. Make your bed! Tom se spřátelil s lidmi z celého světa. Tom made friends with people from all over the world. Tom has been friends with people all over the world. Res yw dhywgh mos lemmyn. You must go now. You must be kidding me now. Tom og Mary er i samme båd. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Pourquoi ne demandez-vous pas simplement de l'argent à vos parents ? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Thomas amat scribere. Tom loves to write. Thomas loves writing. म्हणून तुम्ही बॉस्टनला गेलात का? Is that why you went to Boston? So did you go to Boston? हे मी नक्कीच करेन. I'll certainly do this. I will, of course, do it. Небо синѥ. The sky is blue. Oh, my God. Ist das meines? Is this mine? Is that mine? Aliquisne illud edet? Is anyone going to eat that? Does anyone eat it? Ta obično upali. That one usually works. It usually works. Da li stvarno mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Ce n'était qu'une façon de parler. That was only a figure of speech. It was just a way to talk. Moja žena je Polka. I am married to a Polish woman. My wife is Polka. আপনাকে অতি অবশ্যই এই কাশির সিরাপটা খেতে হবে। You must take this cough syrup. You must eat this cheese. من خیلی چاق ام. I'm so fat. I am meek and lowly in heart. Зрабі яго фотаробат! Make his identikit! Take a picture of him! वह नगर सदियों तक दफ़न रहा। The town lay buried for centuries. The city has been buried forever. Jedí jablka. They're eating apples. He's eating apples. Том сказав, що ти говориш французькою. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you speak French. Nalakovali plot. They painted the fence. They're closing the plate. Он быстро соображает. He has a nimble mind. He's picturing fast. Mislim da će Tom moći da nam pomogne da savladamo ovo. I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out. I think Tom will be able to help us control this. Молим те, иди. Please leave. Please go. Om Tom hade pratat franska hade han haft mer kul. If Tom could've spoken French, he'd have had more fun. If Tom had spoken French, he would have had more fun. Dobro veče. Good evening. Good evening. Tot ce am nevoie este o pauză. All I need is a break. All I need is a break. Mars, den røde planet, er den fjerde planet. Mars, the red planet, is the fourth planet. Mars, the red planet, is the fourth planet. Том немаше храброст да се обиде да го направи тоа пак. Tom didn't have the courage to try doing it again. Tom didn't have the courage to try to do it again. में उसे समझा पाया. I managed to make him understand it. I got him. Kalau dia tidak keberatan, saya bisa menjemput putrinya dari sekolah hari ini. If she doesn't mind, I can pick up her daughter from school today. If he doesn't mind, I can take his daughter from school today. Nie mogę przestać myśleć że tom powinien być tu z nami. I can't help thinking that Tom should be here with us. I can't stop thinking it should be here with us. За что ты её ненавидишь? Why do you hate her? Why do you hate her? O primeiro-ministro renunciou ontem. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The Prime Minister gave up yesterday. Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you'd text me a Quaker, but you lied to me, obviously. Nie mam cierpliwości. I have no patience. I have no patience. Их каноэ опрокинулось. Their canoe capsized. Their canoes are overrun. J'ai obtenu ce dont vous aviez besoin. I got what you needed. I got what you needed. Κανείς δεν ξέρει πώς δουλεύει. No one knows how it works. No one knows how it works. Чух, че Том се жени. I hear Tom is getting married. I heard Tom was getting married. Не откланяй поглед от мене. Don't look away from me. Don't look away from me. ἓν ἑκάτερον, ἀμφότερα δὲ δύο. We are each one, but together we are two. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moja matka jest w kuchni. My mother is in the kitchen. My mother's in the kitchen. Jsem astronom. I'm an astronomer. I'm an astronaut. Roma uno die aedificata non est. Rome was not built in a day. Rome is not built one day. ہندی اور اردو ایک ہی زبان ہیں۔ Hindi and Urdu are the same language. Hindi and Camps are the same language. Ficaria feliz se eu fosse mais saudável. I'd be happy if I were healthier. I'd be happy if I were healthier. Я обожнюю садівництво. I love gardening. I love gardening. मुझे पियानो बजाना पसंद है। I like playing the piano. I like playing piano. Eu só estava de passagem. I was just passing by. I was just passing. Не знам што имам. I don't know what I have. I don't know what I got. Das war nicht genug. It wasn't enough. That wasn't enough. Nikada ranije nismo igrali fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. Mary l'ha corretta. Mary corrected it. Mary fixed it. Я был расстроен, что её не было дома. I was disappointed that she was not at home. I was upset that she wasn't home. Spem abiecit. He abandoned hope. I'm dreaming. Mi nombre es Omid. My name is Omid. My name is Omid. নিজকে নিগলাই ৰাখক। Isolate yourself. Keep yourself out of the way. Je veux te montrer ce que Tom m'a donné. I want to show you what Tom gave me. I want to show you what Tom gave me. O menino estava chorando no quarto. The boy was crying in the room. The boy was crying in the room. Ќе му дадам на Том што год му треба. I'll give Tom whatever he needs. I'll give Tom whatever he needs. Io ve ne posso prendere di più. I can get you more. I can get you more. Го пишувам своето завештание. I'm writing my will. I'm writing my will. Том в парке. Tom is in the park. Tom in the park. Сегодня ветрено. It is windy today. It's the wind today. Tom er, tror jeg, enten homo- eller biseksuel. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. Tom is, I think, either gay or bisexual. Някой отсъства ли днес? Is anyone absent today? Anybody's missing today? Nestovėk prie lango. Don't stand next to the window. Don't stand by the window. Jeg ringte og spurte Tom om han visste når Mary skulle ankomme. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would be arriving. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary was coming. Librum video. I see a book. Librum video. Он говорит, что не планирует ехать. He says he's not planning to go. He says he's not planning on going. Das ist eine brillante Idee. That's a brilliant idea. That's a brilliant idea. I ser Tatoeba-TV. You're watching Tatoeba TV. And be Tatoeba TV. Том дуже докучливий. Tom is very annoying. Tom's very clumsy. Sedit et fumavit. She sat and smoked. He sat down and smoked. Mary, apakah yang sedang awak lakukan? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? این کتاب کیه؟ Whose book is this? What is this book? मैं खुश हो रहा हूँ। I'm getting happy. I'm happy. Kewer euthyk o. It was dreadful weather. Euthyk Kwer o. Has hecho realidad todos mis sueños. You have made all my dreams come true. You've made all my dreams come true. Eu tenho alergia à lagosta. I'm allergic to lobsters. I'm allergic to lagosta. Daudz laimes; dzimšanas dienā! Happy birthday! Many happiness; on the day of birth! Не можам да излезам на крај со нив. I can't handle them. I can't go out with them. Ты ей очень нравишься. She likes you very much. She likes you very much. Všeč mi je igrati klavir. I like to play the piano. I like playing the piano. Quod si orto sole hoc fecerit, erit reus sanguinis. Fur plene restituet. Si non habuerit, quod reddat, venumdabitur pro furto. If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. If he does this to the sun, he will be guilty of blood. He will pay back the full price. If he has nothing to pay, he will be sold for the theft. Pferde können Angst wittern. Horses can sense fear. Horses can lift fear. पाठी बघ. Look back. Look back. É muito complicado para mim. That's way too complicated for me. It's very complicated for me. Cainus in Abelem impetum fecit. Cain attacked Abel. Cain rushed to Abel. Det är trist. That's sad. It's sad. Apakah kamu tinggal di sini? Do you live here? Do you live here? Fue un milagro. It was a miracle. It was a miracle. Pensé que habíamos encontrado el escondite perfecto, pero la policía nos encontró. I thought we had found the perfect hiding place, but the police found us. I thought we had found the perfect hiding place, but the police found us. Jeg sætter mig ikke urealistiske mål. I don't set myself unrealistic goals. I'm not setting unrealistic goals. Sororem tuam nudius tertius vidi. I saw your sister the day before yesterday. I saw your sister naked third. माझे स्लिपर कुठे आहेत? Where are my slippers? Where are my slippers? Nous nous accordâmes entre nous. We agreed among ourselves. We agree with each other. Έχεις σχέση; Are you in a relationship? Do you have a relationship? Sei un membro di questa società? Are you a member of this society? Are you a member of this company? Identifikuj se. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. Ik heb tegen mijn vriendin gelogen over mijn leeftijd. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. Cześć. Hey. Hey. Epistulam ab ea accepi. I received a letter from her. I'm taking it from her. ’Séard a rinne siad ná an fhuinneog a bhriseadh. What they did was break the window. What they did is break the window. "Това е първият ми полет. Нервен съм", каза Хироши. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," says Hiroshi. "This is my first flight, I'm nervous," said Hiroshi. Puto eum e Sinis oriundum esse. I think that he is from China. I think he's born and Sinis. Мені, будь ласка, біфштекс з печеною картоплею. I would like steak with a baked potato. For me, please, steaks with baked potatoes. Харесвам тениса и голфа. I like tennis and golf. I like tennis and golf. WC je zdarma. Bathroom's free. The toilet is free. Mira y aprende. Watch and learn. Look and learn. Сделай ещё раз. Do that again. Do it again. Έχω ερωτήσεις. I have questions. I have questions. Не сакав да ме мразиш. I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want you to hate me. سلام، مگ. چه طوری؟ Hello, Meg. How are you? Hello, ma'am. How? Pelliculas amat. He adores the movies. Nice movies. Da yw genev tus. I like men. That's good for home. Me pergunto se o Tom não é feliz aqui. I wonder if Tom isn't happy here. I wonder if Tom's not happy here. Tom a falsificat evidențele contabile. Tom cooked the books. Tom falsified the accounting records. Це ваші сонцезахисні окуляри? Are these sunglasses yours? Are these your sunglasses? Jeg kunne ikke ringe deg. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. Obsessa est a daemonio. She is possessed by a devil. Obsess is a demon. Vi var väldigt ledsna. We were very sad. We were very sorry. Виждал ли си нецензурираната версия? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the uncensored version? Ich habe Ihnen nichts getan. I didn't do anything to you. I didn't do anything to you. Nemůžeš mi půjčit nějaké peníze? Can you lend me some money? Can't you borrow me some money? Tom macht sowas, wenn er traurig ist. Tom does that when he's sad. Tom does something when he's sad. Eya mora en Mueva York. She lives in New York. She lives in Mosa York. Mes voisins sont mes amis. My neighbors are my friends. My neighbors are my friends. Dych chi'n fy neall i. You understand me. You're my uncle. Nu pot identifica problema. I can't pinpoint the problem. I can't identify the problem. Hou kin k verlaizen? How can I lose? Can't you leave? Дан порасна во сиропиталиште. Dan grew up at an orphanage. Dan grew up in an orphanage. Wyt ti'n siarad. Are you talking? You're talking. De gamla gudarna vaknar. The elder gods are waking up. The old gods wake up. Tom nigdy nie dowie się, że to ty mi to powiedziałeś. Tom will never know it was you who told me. Tom will never know it's you who told me. Слухайте уважно. Listen closely. Listen carefully. Месяц сёння надзвычайна прыгожы. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. The month today is extremely beautiful. Ça ne vaut pas la peine de s'en soucier. It's not worth worrying about it. It's not worth worrying about. हम बॉब के आ जाने तक शुरू नहीं करेंगे। We won't start till Bob comes. We won't start until Bob gets here. दवाई पियो। Drink the medicine. The drug is drinking. Tom je v resnih težavah. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom's in serious trouble. Multa deversoria in media urbe sunt. There are many hotels downtown. There's a lot of waste in the middle of town. Była bardzo opalona po urlopie. She was very brown after her holiday. She was very hot after the break. Тя обича да бяга. She likes to run. She likes to run. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne et godt svar på det spørsmålet. I wish I could come up with a good answer to the question. I should like to be able to find a good answer to that question. तुम्ही यात पडू नका. You keep out of this. Do not fall into that trap. Hør nu efter! Now listen up. Listen to me! Doorzettingsvermogen is, onder andere, noodzakelijk voor succes. Perseverance is, among other things, necessary for success. Transposition capacity is, among other things, necessary for success. Jakich jest pięć pierwszych liter twojego adresu emailowego? What are the five first letters of your e-mail address? What are the first five letters of your e-mail address? Peníze nejsou všechno. Money is not everything. Money isn't everything. Zaboravila je ugasiti svjetlo. She forgot to turn off the light. She forgot to turn the light off. Elephantus cinereus est. The elephant is grey. He's an elephant. Hesin bilurin er vakrari enn tykkara. This car is prettier than yours. This car is more beautiful than thicker. Dječak baca kamen. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a stone. Том скочи в студената вода. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into cold water. Ποιος έμεινε; Who stayed? Who's left? Tom mi všechno přeložil. Tom translated everything for me. Tom translated everything for me. Der er tre køer i stalden. There are three cows in the barn. There are three cows in the stable. J'ai vécu à Sasayama il y a deux ans. I lived in Sasayama two years ago. I lived in Sasayama two years ago. तुझी मैत्रिण कुठची आहे? Where is your friend from? Where is your friend? Nicht eintreten! Don't enter. Don't come in! Non surdus sum. I am not deaf. I'm not deaf. با اینکه او معذرت خواسته من هنوز عصبانی ام. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. While I was yet in the habit of making excuses, I was still in trouble. میں چاہتا ہوں کہ تم ٹام کو ڈھونڈو۔ I want you to look for Tom. I want you to find Tom. Само през трупа ми! Over my dead body! Just through my body! Táim i ngrá leat. I'm in love with you. I love you. Δεν σταμάτησαν ποτέ. They never stopped. They never stopped. דער קויל האט געטראפן דעם פאליציאנט אין פוס. The bullet got the policeman in the leg. The guy hit the policeman in the bus. Videl som psa. I saw a dog. It's like a dog. Neem me niet kwalijk. Ik neem terug wat ik heb gezegd. I'm sorry. I take back my words. Don't blame me, I'll take back what I said. Lisa låtsades inte höra. Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa wasn't supposed to hear it. Não deixe que isso aconteça de novo. Just don't let it ever happen again. Don't let that happen again. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. The grass is green. Ce oraș frumos! What a beautiful town! What a beautiful city! छुप रह। Keep quiet. Shut up. Þú missir af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Η ζωή δεν είναι δίκαιη. Life isn't fair. Life is not fair. Він закінчив Токійський університет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from Tokyo University. Віддай мені свою кров, і я віддам тобі свободу. Give me your blood, I will give you freedom. Give me your blood, and I'll give you your freedom. Ходімо здивуємо її. Let's go and surprise her. Let's take a look at her. Quisiera hablar con Judy. I'd like to speak to Judy. I'd like to talk to Judy. Тя обзаведе стаята с красиви мебели. She furnished the room with beautiful furniture. She took over the room with beautiful furniture. Με ποιον πήγατε στη Βοστώνη; Who did you go to Boston with? Who did you go to Boston with? Мама купила жовту парасольку моєму молодшему брату. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought a yellow parasol for my younger brother. Att spela tennis är bra för hälsan. Playing tennis is good for your health. Playing tennis is good for your health. ती त्यांच्याजवळ उभी होती. She was standing near him. She was standing by them. Դա իրոք տպավորիչ է: That's really impressive. That's really impressive. Omnia fluit. Everything flows. Allia's on the run. Ellos pagan bien. They pay well. They'll pay well. Es nezinu kā es to izdarīju. I don't know how I did that. I don't know how I did it. Læser du ikke tabloidaviserne? Don't you read the tabloids? Don't you read the tabloids? Ο Τομ είπε ότι ξέρει το μυστικό της Μαίρης. Tom said he knows Mary's secret. Tom said he knew Mary's secret. Siamo qui per incontrarla. We're here to meet her. We're here to meet her. Christophe Colomb détestait les erreurs historiques. Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies. Christophe Colomb hated historical errors. Tom hat nicht ganz Unrecht. Tom is not far off the mark. Tom's not entirely wrong. Abbiamo pregato assieme. We prayed together. We prayed together. Il a marché dans une merde de chien. He stepped into dog shit. He walked into a dog shit. Zašto ne skinete kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? Dia adalah salinan dari ayahnya. He's a carbon copy of his father. He's a copy of his father. Sunt în permanență sub stres. I'm always under stress. I'm still under stress. Ik kom uit Afrin. I am from Afrin. I'm from Afrin. Ho er ein person eg ikkje kan leva utan. She is one person I can't live without. She's a person I can't live without. Се преучи. He studied very hard. It's being studied. Nemám rád chladné počasí. I dislike cold weather. I don't like cold weather. Vilken tunnelbanelinje går till stadskärnan? What subway goes to the center of town? Which tunnel line goes to the city core? Musimy się dowiedzieć, ile osób zamierza iść z nami. We need to find out how many people are planning to go with us. We need to find out how many people are going with us. Gerų vasaros atostogų Have a good summer vacation! Good summer holidays O Tom naj siguro so kerel i Mary. Tom isn't sure what Mary is doing. Oh, Tom must be a guy and Mary. Кому ти купив цю машину? Who did you buy this car for? Who did you buy this car? I conigli possono nuotare? Can rabbits swim? Can rabbits swim? No inverno passado, eu fui esquiar no Canadá. I went skiing in Canada last winter. Last winter, I went skiing in Canada. Du måste följa reglerna. You have to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Me'n balhas un pauc ? Will you give me some? Can you give me a minute? Он предпочитает не говорить об этом. He prefers not to talk about it. He prefers not to talk about it. На горі багато мавп. There are many monkeys on the mountain. There's a lot of monkeys on the mountain. Ајде прво со Том да се обидеме. Let's try Tom first. Let's try Tom first. Kunne du vise mig vejen til stationen? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you show me the way to the station? Tom er ikke konservativ. Tom isn't conservative. Tom's not conservative. Han kan næsten ikke læse. He can barely read. He almost can't read. Maria ist eine Leseratte. Mary is a heavy reader. Maria is a reader. Preciso de espaço. I need space. I need space. Man reikėjo ateiti anksčiau. I should have come earlier. I had to come first. Je suis professeur. I am a professor. I'm a professor. Тя правеше не особено леки намеци какво иска за Коледа. She's been dropping some not-so-subtle hints about what she would like for Christmas. She didn't really make any mild hints about what she wanted for Christmas. Je viens de découvrir que mon petit ami m'a trompée. I just found out that my boyfriend has been stepping out on me. I just found out that my little friend cheated on me. Han kiggede hende dybt i øjnene. He looked deeply into her eyes. He looked her in the eye. Ќе одам да ги прашам. I'll go and ask them. I'll go ask them. Kalau saja aku bertanya padanya, dia akan memberitahuku yang sebenarnya. Were I to ask him, then he would tell me the truth. If I asked her, she'd tell me the truth. Τρώει πολύ. He eats a lot. He's eating a lot. A loro piacerà. They'll like it. They'll like it. Você é feio. You are ugly. You're ugly. Imam tetu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have a aunt who lives in Kyoto. Dopo quello è andato a casa. After that, he went home. After that he went home. Хіба ви не розумієте, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? De ninguna manera vamos a hacer eso. There's no way we're going to do that. We're not going to do that in any way. Jag är elev. I'm a student. I'm a student. Mój sąsiad całkowicie odnowił swój dom. My neighbour has renovated his house completely. My neighbor totally restored his house. Сакам да купам ананаси. I want to buy pineapples. I want to buy pineapple. Поторопись, пожалуйста! Том ждёт. Please hurry! Tom is waiting. Hurry up, please! No pagaré las deudas de mi hijo. I won't pay my son's debts. I won't pay my son's debts. Possiate tutte voi essere felici. May you all be happy. You could all be happy. Zagrajmy! Let's play! Let's play! Per favore, dille di partire. Please tell her to leave. Please tell him to leave. Vei trăi mai mult dacă nu fumezi. You will live longer if you don't smoke. You'll live longer if you don't smoke. Úspěch obvykle vyžaduje těžkou práci. Success usually requires hard work. Success usually requires hard work. Tom ne m'a pas dit son nom. Tom didn't tell me her name. Tom didn't tell me his name. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor han græder. I don't know why he's crying. I don't know why he's crying. Sie war so verängstigt, dass sie nicht sprechen konnte. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She was so scared she couldn't talk. Une chaîne se compose de nombreux maillons. A chain is made up of many links. A chain consists of many sendons. जर्मनीमध्ये भरपूर अल्जेरियन होते का? Were there a lot of Algerians in Germany? Were there many Algerians in Germany? Я радий, що ти радий. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Tom potrzebował pieniędzy, żeby kupić coś Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed money to buy something from Mary. Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. He did, though. Русија је нападнута. Russia is under attack. Russia's been attacked. I denne uge var vejret meget omskifteligt. This week the weather was very unpredictable. This week the weather was very changing. Напиши си ја датата на раѓање. Write the date of your birth. Write your birth date. Ez almanî fêr dibim. I am learning German. I can't go to Germany. Ponestalo ti je sreće, Tome. You're out of luck, Tom. You're out of luck, Tom. Uxor mea feles odit. My wife hates cats. I'm making mistakes I hate. Helaas, mijn vader is niet thuis. Unfortunately, my father isn't at home. Unfortunately, my father isn't home. Hy hares yw henna. That's her girlfriend. He's a female. Ha un senso dell'umorismo molto buono. He has a very good sense of humor. It has a very good sense of humor. प्रधानमंत्री ने कल इस्तीफ़ा दे दिया। The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The Prime Minister gave Estifa yesterday. Што іх забіла? What killed them? What killed them? टॉमला आधीच उशीर झाला आहे. Tom is already late. Tom is already in his late teens. Ο δάσκαλος είναι φιλικός. The teacher is friendly. The teacher is friendly. Ik heb nog nooit een echte diamant gezien. I've never seen a real diamond. I've never seen a real diamond before. Πες τους ότι είμαστε απασχολημένοι. Tell them we're busy. Tell them we're busy. Tom verkar uttråkad. Tom seems bored. Tom seems exhausted. Dise que o alcalde acepta subornos. It's said that the mayor is on the take. He says the mayor accepts bribes. Elle vit de l'autre côté de la rue. She lives across the street. She lives on the other side of the street. Ти си добър лекар. You're a good doctor. You're a good doctor. L'hockey inizia questo fine settimana. Hockey starts this weekend. The hockey starts this weekend. Tom est plus intelligent que moi. Tom is smarter than I am. Tom's smarter than I am. To jsem kdysi dělal já. I used to do that. That's what I used to do. Никой не знаеше колко силно Том обичаше Мери. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. Hwerow yw an korev ma. This beer is bitter. This basket is read-only. डरावना है, ना? Scary, isn't it? It's scary, isn't it? Utra magis tibi placet? Which one do you like best? Do you like it any more? Што мислиш дека треба да направиме следно? What do you think we should do next? What do you think we should do next? Малыш заполз в комнату. The baby crept into the room. Small gain in the room. Odezwij się zanim będzie za późno. Speak before it's too late. Answer it before it's too late. La Turquie était plus forte que la Grèce. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Quis melius canit? Who sings better? What better canyon? Mål! Goal! Target! इस तस्वीर को अच्छी तरह से देखो और बताओ कि तुम मुझे ढूँढ पा रहे हो कि नहीं। Have a good look at this picture and tell me whether or not you can find me in it. Look at this picture and tell me you're looking for me. Lo sappiamo tutti che tu vai al cinema a vedere "Twilight" per via del suo "copione brillante" e non per via dei suoi attori. We all know you go to the cinema to watch "Twilight" because of its "brilliant script" and not because of its actors. We all know that you're going to the cinema to see "Twilight" through his "bright copy" and not through his actors. Трябваше да работиш по-усърдно. You should have worked harder. You should have worked harder. Вона виростила троянди. She grew roses. She grew roses. Ska problem. No problem. It's gonna be a problem. तुला तिथे जायचं नसेल तरीही तुला तिथे जायलाच लागेल. You have to go there, even if you don't want to. Even if you don’t want to go there, you’ll have to go there. Ти телефонуєш мені сьогодні вдруге. You are calling me for the second time today. You're calling me today. Ты правда один живёшь? Do you really live alone? Are you really the only one alive? Я заеду за тобой в шесть. I'll pick you up at six. I'll follow you at 6:00. Одеднаш, тој ја промени темата. Suddenly, he changed the subject. Suddenly, he changed the subject. ওয়েটার, আমার জন্য একটু জল এনো। Waiter, please bring me some water. Weather, get me some water. Как вам удалось произвести впечатление на Тома? How did you manage to impress Tom? How did you make an impression on Tom? टॉमकडे एक सुंदर बायको आहे. Tom has a beautiful wife. Tom has a beautiful wife. Właściwie to mi się podobało. I actually enjoyed that. Actually, I liked that. ¿Hay cartas para mi en el correo de hoy? Are there any letters for me in today's mail? Are there any letters for me in today's mail? Tom encendió la cocina. Tom lit the stove. Tom set the kitchen on fire. Vamos todos ficar de pé. Let's all stand. Let's all stand up. আমি তার আমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করলাম। I accepted her invitation. I accepted her invitation. Ο Τομ έπιασε ένα ψάρι. Tom caught a fish. Tom caught a fish. Hon är ansvarsfull. She is responsible. She's responsible. Harga makanan di kedai ini sangat mahal. The food in this restaurant is very expensive. The price of food in this store is very high. Neturėtum be leidimo skaityti kitų žmonių asmeninių laiškų. You shouldn't read other people's private letters without permission. You should not be allowed to read other people’s personal letters. Можно е да не дипломирам. I may not graduate. I may not graduate. मी जिंकू इच्छिते. I want to win. I want to win. Spraak un Kultur laat sik nich vonenanner lösen. Language and culture can't be separated. Language and culture cannot be resolved from one side. Noi non abbiamo segreti. We don't have secrets. We don't have secrets. Não quero ofender-te. I don't want to offend you. I don't want to offend you. De draak kan niet worden gedood. The dragon cannot be killed. The dragon can't be killed. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Sally is twee Johr öller as Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Sally is two years old than Ken. Men hvordan kan de gjøre dette? But how can they do this? But how can they do this? Мы с Томом партнёры по команде. Tom and I are teammates. Tom and I are partners on the team. Você tem um mapa? É que estou perdido olhando para você. Do you have a map? Because I'm getting lost in your eyes. Do you have a map? I'm lost looking at you. Myślę, że to najlepsza chińska restauracja w Bostonie. I think this is the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. I think it's the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. J'étais agacée. I was frustrated. I was aghast. Τους είπα να σταματήσουν. I told them to stop. I told them to stop. Har jag inte lidit tillräckligt? Haven't I suffered enough? Haven't I suffered enough? Dania je nastavila slijediti Fadilov primjer. Dania continued to follow Fadil's lead. Denmark continued to follow Fadil’s example. För tillfället har jag inte nog med pengar. I don't have enough money at the moment. At the moment, I don't have enough money. माझा सर्वात आवडता पियानिस्ट फ्रेडेरिक शोपाँ आहे. My favorite pianist is Frederic Chopin. My favorite is the Pianist Frederic Shop. Том най-накрая отиде. Tom has finally gone. Tom finally left. माझ्या हनिमूनसाठी मी सर्व प्रकारची लैंगिक खेळणी विकत घेतली. I bought all sorts of sexual toys for my honeymoon. I bought all kinds of sex toys for myself. Ich weiß nicht, ob Tom und Maria heute zu Hause sind. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are home today. I don't know if Tom and Maria are home today. Wiesz, kto zabił Toma? Do you know who killed Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? 𐍃𐌹𐌽𐌳 𐍆𐌹𐌻𐌿 𐍅𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌳𐌴 𐌸𐌰𐌼𐌼𐌴𐌹 𐌽𐌹 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌸𐌾𐌰. There are many words that I don't understand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Аз съм против смъртното наказание. I'm against the death penalty. I'm against the death penalty. Tom ist ein guter Sprecher. Tom is an excellent speaker. Tom is a good speaker. La burocrazia si sta espandendo per incontrare i bisogni della burocrazia in espansione. The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of bureaucracy in expansion. Es domāju, ka es pazaudēju savas atslēgas. I think I lost my keys. I think I lost my keys. Той си помисли, че това може да е номер. He thought maybe this was a trick. He thought it might be a number. В любом случае, я сейчас подумываю испробовать похожие вещи. In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things. In any case, I'm going to try things like that. Я жыву поруч, але рэдка яе бачу. Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her. I live next door, but I rarely see her. Decidiron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They decided to elect him as president. ¿Sabes como pronunciar esta palabra? Do you know how to pronounce this word? Do you know how to pronounce this word? Kobieta powiedziała, że to jej miejsce. The woman said the spot was hers. The woman said it was her place. Musisz się przesiąść na Shinjuku. You have to change trains at Shinjuku. You have to move to Shinjuk. Tempus erat quo prima quies mortalibus ægris / incipit, et dono divum gratissima serpit. 'Twas now the time, when on tired mortals crept / first slumber, sweetest that celestials pour. The time was when the first person to die starts a virgin, and I don't give a lot of money to save. Žanav so kamel te kerel o Tom. I know what Tom wants to do. Jean's camel is talking about Tom. Er gab ihr eine Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung. He gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He gave her a mouth-to-mouth beat. Jamais je n'avais vu un tel bazar. Never had I seen such a mess. I've never seen such a bazaar. Stanna här, sa jag. I said stay here. Stay here, I said. Devo parlare con lui ora. I need to talk to him now. I need to talk to him now. Skolan är på gångavstånd från mitt hus. The school is within walking distance of my house. The school is walking distance from my house. Quantum potero adiuvabo. I will help as much as I can. Quantum can help. As-tu vu la version non approuvée ? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the unapproved version? لطفا قبل از آنکه به بیرون بروی در را قفل کن. Please lock the door before you go out. Close the door before you go out. Ուշադիրությու՛ն: Look out! Be careful. Het ziet er naar uit dat het gaat regenen. It is likely to rain. Looks like it's raining. k Zaag autobus. I saw the bus. to Zaag bus. For at forstå nutiden skal man tage fortiden med i betragtning. In order to understand the present, one has to consider the past. In order to understand the present, consideration must be given to the past. Testudinibus aquatilibus dentes non sunt. Sea turtles don't have teeth. There are no waterproof teeth. Dat reckt nich, man een Spraak to könen. It's not enough to know only one language. This is not correct, but a language can be used. Odwołano moje zajęcia. My class was cancelled. My class was revoked. Je zmatená. She is confused. She's confused. Аз съм изключително заета. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Tene hoc. Hold this. Here you go. আমরা সারা দুপুর পরাশুনা করছিলাম। We were studying all afternoon. We've been asking all afternoon. Jak si tím můžeš být jistý? How can you be sure of that? How can you be sure? मैंने एक फेंकी। I threw one. I threw one. Sáňkování je velká zábava. Sledding is a lot of fun. Sleeping is great fun. To je ale rozkošná květina, že? This is a beautiful flower, isn't it? That's a lovely flower, isn't it? No kero ke lavoresh ayi. I don't want you to work there. Don't want to work here. Мисля, че така ще бъде най-добре. I think that would be best. I think it'll be best. Czemu jesteś tak złośliwy w stosunku do mnie? Why are you mean to me? Why are you so mean to me? No vivo más en Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Hun snakker polsk. She speaks Polish. She speaks Polish. Hún ráðlagði honum gegn því. She advised him against doing it. She advised him against that. Това аз не мога да го направя. That's impossible for me. That's what I can't do. O Tom ficaria relutante em fazer isso. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Трябва да призная, че хъркам. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I'm lying. Prosím, zavrite dvere. Please shut the door. Please shut the door. Дуже холодно. It's freezing. Very cold. आप लंदन में हैं? Are you in London? Are you in London? Той не яде нищо освен плодове. He eats nothing but fruit. He doesn't eat anything but fruit. Ȝe stinken. Y'all stink. It's stinking. Eram pe punctul de a plecat când ai sunat. I was about to leave when you telephoned. I was about to leave when you called. मी तुला लढायला शिकवू शकतो. I can teach you how to fight. I can teach you how to fight. Чому Том лютий на Мері? Why's Tom mad at Mary? Why is Tom angry with Mary? Amo suonare qui. I love playing here. I love to play here. Aspeté. Wait. I waited. De Putzbüdel hett sien Hoor sneden. The barber cut his hair. The Putzbüdel has cut his ear. তাঁদের দুটো মেয়ে আছে। They have two daughters. They have two daughters. Placetne tibi ludus? Do you like school? Do you like the joke? Na to nemůžu odpovědět. I can't answer that. I can't answer that. Der Laden hat 2013 dichtgemacht. That store closed in 2013. The shipment closed in 2013. Oprzyj drabinę o ścianę. Place the ladder against the wall. Get the curtain on the wall. Hij was dronken en vergat de achterdeur te sluiten. He was too drunk to remember to shut the back door. He was drunk and forgot to close the back door. Nakonec jsem souhlasil, že to udělám. I finally agreed to do that. I finally agreed to do it. De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek wordt ''République Centrafricaine'' genoemd in het Frans. The Central African Republic is called "République Centrafricaine" in French. The Central African Republic is called 'Republic of Central Africa' in French. Varför vill du ha det där? Why do you want that? Why do you want that? Кой ден обикновено си свободен? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Danke für heute. Thank you for today. Thank you for today. Il nie avoir cassé la fenêtre. He denies having broken the window. He refused to break the window. Myslím, že minulé pondělí se Tom dostal domů sám. I think Tom got home by himself last Monday. I think Tom got home alone last Monday. Partout, il y avait des fruits et de douces et adorables fleurs. Everywhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers. Everywhere there were fruits and sweet and adorable flowers. דער גן־עדן איז אַנדערע מענטשן. Paradise is other people. This meeting has been held by other people. Familia eius maxima est. His family is very big. His family is great. ¿Por qué los ateos no creen en Dios? Why don't atheists believe in God? Why do atheists not believe in God? Pse është ende në shkollë Tomi? Why is Tom still at school? Why is Tommy still in school? Она вышла за него из-за денег. She married him for his money. She married him for money. Я навчу вас грати в шахи. I will teach you to play chess. I'll teach you to play chess. Dit medicijn is zeer effectief. This medicine is very effective. This medicine is very effective. Hou. Hi. Whoa. Разве он не был твоим парнем? Wasn't he your boyfriend? Wasn't he your boyfriend? Saki to skaidri skaļā balsī. Say it clearly in a loud voice. You say that in a clear voice. Moderen ammede sit barn i bussen. The mother breastfed her child on the bus. The mother took her baby in the bus. Toutes ces querelles m'usent les nerfs. All this bickering is starting to fray my nerves. All these queries are using my nerves. Wie du weißt, habe ich meinen Arbeitsplatz verloren. Ich habe daher Schwierigkeiten, meine ganzen Rechnungen zu bezahlen. As you know, I've lost my job, so I'm having trouble paying all my bills. As you know, I lost my job, so I have difficulty paying all my bills. Ich hätte gern etwas Leichtes. I'd like something light. I'd like something easy. Які кубак твой? Which cup is yours? What do you have? Nemo vidit fratrem suum nec movit se de loco, in quo erat. Ubicumque autem habitabant filii Israel, lux erat. No man saw his brother, nor moved himself out of the place where he was: but wheresoever the children of Israel dwelt, there was light. No one saw his brother, and didn't move from the place where he was. Where the children of Israel lived, there was light. Вы этого не хотите? Don't you want that? You don't want that? Puoi confermarlo? Can you confirm that? Can you confirm that? Ուշադի՛ր: Watch yourselves. Come on, let's go. Я не считаю их друзьями. I don't consider them friends. I don't think they're friends. Aku sudah menulis tiga surat. I've written three letters. I've written three letters. Noi dobbiamo andare. We need to go. We have to go. Aku tidak yakin. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Seni to o pey h'esiyai? How did you come to hear of it? Are you out of your mind? Tom kiekt kiekkaast. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching. k Wil nait eten vandoag. I don't want to eat today. k Want to eat dinner today. У Мэри карие глаза. Mary has hazel eyes. Mary's eyes. Cur mentem mutavisti? What changed your mind? How did you change your mind? O Tom não sabia que ele precisava fazer isso. Tom didn't know that he needed to do that. Tom didn't know he needed to do that. Tom er ikke her. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Duos pisces rubros habeo. I have two red fish. I've got two redfish. Hoc est optimum. This is the best. This is the best. El libro está en la pieza. The book is in the room. The book is in the piece. Tom n'a pas aidé Marie autant qu'il aurait dû. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Kinder sollten nicht verdorben werden. Children should not be spoiled. Children should not be corrupted. Ad ecclesiam ivimus. We went to church. Let's go to church. چه کسی در ایران است؟ Who is in Iran? Who is there in Iran? Kom met me dansen! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! Lažete! You're lying! You're lying! O Sami razumisardas les. Sami understood that. O Sami you understand them. Negotiosissima est. She is very busy. It's a great deal. No t'oblidis d'agafar el paraigües quan surtis. Don't forget to take your umbrella when you go out. Don't forget to take the parachutist when you get out. Ze maakten spaghetti. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. Vous parlez vraiment vite. You talk really fast. You're talking really fast. Моля те, гледай този филм. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. Jag behöver en hatt. I need a hat. I need a hat. Нямаш ли нещо друго? Don't you have anything else? Don't you have anything else? ग्यारह बज चुके हैं। मुझे चलना चाहिए। It's already eleven o'clock. I must be leaving now. I have to go. Che inizino le vacanze! Let the holidays begin. What vacations start! Nenašli mě. They didn't find me. They didn't find me. Viņa ir ļoti atklāta. She's very open. She's very open. Ik ben er niet. I'm not in. I'm not here. "Dia itu sapa?" "Dia itu ngana pe mama." "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "He's a frog?" "He's a bitch to mom." Él colgó antes de que pudiera decir nada. He hung up before I could say anything. He hung up before he could say anything. Mangiamo presto. We eat early. Let's eat soon. Haigh! Hi! Hey! Да не паничиме. Let's not panic. Let's not panic. वे ज़्यादा थका हुआ नहीं लग रहे। He does not seem to be very tired. They don't seem too tired. Não dependa muito de seus pais. Don't depend on your parents too much. It doesn't depend much on your parents. Том го знае патот. Tom knows the way. Tom knows the way. Io sono stata all'ufficio postale. I have been to the post office. I was in the post office. É impossível que o pássaro escape da armadilha. It's impossible for the bird to escape from the trap. It is impossible for the bird to escape from the trap. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan jeg kan få bilen min lakkért uten å betale mye. I wish I could figure out how to get my car painted without paying a lot of money. I wish I could figure out how to get my car lacquer without paying much. Man er nødt til at spise for at kunne leve. We need to eat in order to live. You have to eat to live. Elas não tinham nada. They had nothing. They had nothing. पीकर खतम करदो। Drink it down. Drink and finish. Que menina má! What a bad girl! What a bad girl! Naučil jsem se novou věc. I learned a new thing. I learned a new thing. Costa a l'é la cà 'nté ch'a stavo quand ch'a j'ero cit. This is the house in which they lived when they were children. Costa was there last night when I was quoting. Ένιωσα αμήχανα με τόσους ανθρώπους να με κοιτάνε. I felt nervous with so many people watching me. I felt numb with so many people looking at me. Egesne sacculo? Do you need a bag? Do you need a bag? Морам итно да го видам Том. It's urgent that I see Tom. I need to see Tom first. Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy lots of stuff at that store. I'm buying a lot of stuff in that store. Jeg møtte en ulv i en drøm. I met a wolf in a dream. I met a wolf in a dream. Дан го удрија по чело со чекан. Dan was hit on the forehead with a hammer. Dan was punched in the forehead with a hammer. Język angielski jest używany przez wielu ludzi. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. Bezdomne dziecko siedzi z psem przy torach. An unclaimed child and his dog sit by the railroad tracks. The homeless child is sitting with a dog at the market. Ο Τομ δε με βοήθησε καθόλου. Tom didn't help me at all. Tom didn't help me at all. Niekas nežino, ar jis ją myli ar ne. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows whether he loves her or not. Ik ben moe en ik wil naar bed gaan. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Sy hou van katte. She adores cats. She likes cats. Hamaar naam Andrea hai. My name is Andrea. Hamaar's name is Andrea. Vatten, tack. Water, please. Water, please. Widziałam wczoraj Toma w restauracji. Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I saw Tom at the restaurant last night, he was talking to some girl. Turun hujan di hutan. It rained in the forest. It's raining in the forest. A vida não é tão doce assim. Life is not that sweet. Life isn't that sweet. A lei è piaciuto? Did she like it? Do you like it? Je changerai de chemise avant d'y aller. I'll change my shirt before I go. I'll change shirts before I go. Descendez au prochain arrêt et prenez un bus à destination de l'aéroport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Go down to the next stop and take a bus to the airport. Том не знаеше каде е. Tom didn't know where it was. Tom didn't know where he was. Nerozumím tomu, co děláš. I don't understand what you're doing. I don't understand what you're doing. Os perigos são óbvios. The dangers are obvious. The dangers are obvious. Raději bys měl říci pravdu. You had better tell the truth. You better tell the truth. Ei au condus spre casă. They drove home. They drove to the house. U heeft mijn vraag niet beantwoord. You did not answer my question. You didn't answer my question. Je was mijn vriend. You were my friend. You were my friend. Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and I--we both have to take care of the dog. Dua të vdes. I want to die. I want to die. Asini animalia robusta sunt. Donkeys are tough animals. So these are robust animals. Jeg elsker oksekød. I love beef. I love beef. Myślę, że nie miałeś racji. I think you were wrong. I don't think you were right. Ти любиш італійську музику? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? Potete usare la mia penna. You can use my pen. You can use my pen. তেল জলে ভাসে। Oil floats on water. Oil in the water. تا وقتی نیستم، او جانشین من خواهد بود. He will be my deputy while I am away. Until I be no more, he shall remain in my place. Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket without giving anything. Наютре Крачун. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. On the inside, Krachun. Faites-moi savoir où vous restez. Let me know where you're staying. Let me know where you're staying. Това е моят стол. That's my chair. This is my chair. Nic takového neřekl. He didn't say anything like that. He didn't say anything like that. Una esponja absorbe el agua. A sponge absorbs water. A sponge absorbs the water. Ich habe mit Tom gesprochen. I talked to Tom. I talked to Tom. O que o Tom fez foi irresponsável. What Tom did was irresponsible. What Tom did was irresponsible. Ο Τομ κλαίει. Tom is crying. Tom's crying. Поміж гілками ховалася білка. A squirrel hid among the branches. There was a white between the branches. Prosím, nepoužívej víc tuto rtěnku. Please, don't wear this lipstick again. Please don't use this lipstick anymore. माझा मोबाईल बंद होता. My cell phone was off. My cell phone was shut down. Έκανε τίποτα ο Τομ; Did Tom do anything? Did Tom do anything? Nich to löven! Incredible! Not allowed! Radiophoniam auscultabant. They were listening to the radio. They're listening to the radio. Começou a chover um pouco. It started to rain a little. It started raining a little. He abandonado la idea de comprar una casa. I have abandoned the idea of buying a house. I've abandoned the idea of buying a house. Maria hat eine passiv-aggressive Persönlichkeitsstörung. Mary is passive-aggressive. Maria has a passive-aggressive personality disorder. Tom tiene una relación íntima con María. Tom has a close relationship with Mary. Tom has an intimate relationship with Mary. Zasad sam videla dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough for now. لوبلیانا تکی از زیباترین پایتخت های اروپا است. Ljubljana is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. Lublinia is a staff of the most beautiful onyx. मुझे बाहर जाने दो! Let me out! Let me out! Pedro nemluví rusky. Pedro doesn't speak Russian. Pedro doesn't speak Russian. To twój pies. This is your dog. It's your dog. म सबैभन्दा धनी हुँ । I'm the richest. I am the Most High over all the earth. Scio Marcum aegrotare. I know that Marco has been sick. I know Markum's aggravating. Мне 18 гадоў. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Мені здається, ви говорите неправду. I think you're lying. I think you're telling the truth. Dovremmo farglielo sapere. We should let him know. We should let him know. Таму бев со Том. I was there with Tom. I was there with Tom. Він має дванадцять синів. He has 12 sons. He has twelve sons. فرانسیسی ان کی مادری زبان ہے French is her mother tongue. French is their mother tongue Eu me animei ouvindo música. I cheered myself up by listening to music. I got excited listening to music. Դու այնքան կրքոտ ես: You're so intense. You're so smart. Aktualizujte své programové vybavení. Update your software. Update your software. Bagaimana bisa kau mengambil gambar ruang keluargaku? How the hell did you get a picture of my living room? How can you take a picture of my family room? Мы приняли их приглашение. We accepted their invitation. We accepted their invitation. Când te îndoiești, abține-te. When you doubt, abstain. When you doubt it, hold on. Es arī redzēju Nilsi. I saw Nils, too. I saw Nils too. Aš turiu tokį patį žodyną, kaip tavo brolis. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same word as your brother. ওটা একদম ভুলবে না। Don't you forget that. Don't forget that. Vi tillbringade en utmärkt semester i Sverige. We spent a great holiday in Sweden. We spent an excellent holiday in Sweden. मी काय विकत घेऊ? What should I buy? What would I buy? Perché hai firmato la confessione? Why did you sign the confession? Why did you sign the confession? Tá iníon aici agus Mary is ainm di. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. She has a daughter and Mary is her name. Таа одговорност за него претставува бреме. That responsibility is a burden to him. That responsibility for him is a burden. তুই কোথায়? Where are you? Where are you? Tom nevie nič o Marynej rodine. Tom knows nothing about Mary's family. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary's family. O Tom pušlas mandar te dav duma tusa. Tom asked me to talk to you. Tom has come to me to talk with you. Mi son sempre chiesto se foste tornati. I always wondered whether you'd come back. I always wondered if you were back. Tror du att Tom var full? Do you think Tom was drunk? You think Tom was full? Później odwiedzimy aquapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. We'll see the aquapark later. Ten kolor jest zwany "niebieski w poświacie księżyca o północy". We call that color "midnight blue". This color is called "Blue in the Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon's Moon Держи Тома в неведении. Keep Tom guessing. Keep Tom out of the way. शेर और तेंदुओं में फरक क्या होता है? What's the difference between lions and leopards? What is the difference between the lion and the bear? Eu não estava a mentir quando disse que as amava. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved you. I wasn't lying when I said I loved them. Am toigh leat a bhith a' leughadh Tatoeba? Do you like to read Tatoeba? Would you like to read Taboeba? गयानाची सुमारे सात टक्के लोकसंख्या मुसलमान आहे. About seven percent of Guyana's population is Muslim. Some seven percent of the population are Muslims. Vo wo bisch? Where are you from? Where'd you get that? موقع رفتن است. It is time to go. It's an opportunity to go. Вечірка буде у середу. The party's Wednesday. The party will be in the middle. Tom skreg. Tom was screaming. Tom's screaming. Если хочешь быть свободным, уничтожь свой телевизор. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you want to be free, destroy your TV. Tom i Mary muszą być teraz małżeństwem. Tom and Mary must be married by now. Tom and Mary must be married now. جمعیت حدود 500 نفر تو تیاتر بود. A crowd of 500 filled the theater. The multitude of the borders of your people were fifty-five. O que eu tenho que fazer? What do I have to do? What do I have to do? Queria mudar de canal, mas minha esposa não deixou. I wanted to switch channel, but my wife didn't let me. I wanted to change the channel, but my wife didn't. Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He was staring at her. तू महत्त्वपूर्ण आहेस. You are important. You are important. Ваша дружина вміє водити машину? Can your wife drive? Does your wife know how to drive? В череде дурных любовных связей её сердце всё больше ожесточалось. Her heart has been hardening all throughout her string of bad hookups. In a chain of stupid love relationships, her heart became ever more severe. Hur har Tom och Mary det? How are Tom and Mary? How are Tom and Mary doing? तुला त्या आवडल्या असत्या. You would've liked her. You would have liked that. Jangan belajar. Don't study. Don't learn. πάντες μιᾷ ὁρμῃ προσεκύνησαν τὸν θεόν. All with one impulse worshiped the god. They all paid attention to the god. Този път изглежда аз греша. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. This time it looks like I'm wrong. Осъден на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Trochu jsem přibral. I gained some weight back. I picked up a little bit. Том ја затвори фиоката. Tom shut the drawer. Tom closed the drawer. Postav se tamhle a uvidíš to lépe. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Get up there and you'll see it better. Sy het met hom getrou. She married him. She married him. Hun er en neger. She's a ghost writer. She's a nigger. Daleko mu do dobrego tenisisty. He is far from a good tennis player. Far away from him to a good tennis player. मेरी ही एक जननी आहे. Mary is a mother. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Μου αρέσει να δουλεύω με τον Τομ. I like working with Tom. I like working with Tom. Prošli močálem. They got through the marsh. Last wet. Non dobbiamo parlare in biblioteca. We must not speak in the library. We don't have to talk in the library. Φέρε το κλειδί. Bring the key. Bring the key. Óhappið hendi knappliga. The accident happened all of a sudden. Unhappily handy. Aku merasa bodoh. I felt dumb. I feel stupid. Het is weer aan het regenen. It's raining again. It's raining again. Том із Мері постійно зайняті. Tom and Mary are always busy. Tom and Mary are always busy. Promenio sam se. I've changed. I've changed. Работев за нив. I worked for them. I worked for them. Mi go vintitrì ani. I'm twenty three-years old. I was 20 years old. "Wo oold büst du?" "Ik bün sössteihn." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I am sixteen." मैं तभी से उसकी देखभाल करता आया हूँ। I have been taking care of him ever since. I've been looking after her ever since. Esos ta ow tos? Are you coming? Is that you? Saya diminta untuk meneruskan pesan ini kepadamu. I've been asked to forward this message to you. I'm asked to continue this message to you. Mae ganddi blodau coch. She has red flowers. He has red flowers. तू इतका वेळ होतीस कुठे? Where were you for so long? Where have you been so long? Acel hotel parcurge într-adevăr tot drumul pentru a se asigura că oaspeţii săi se simt ca acasă. That hotel really goes the extra mile to make sure their guests feel at home. That hotel really goes all the way to make sure his guests feel at home. Är han död? Is he dead? Is he dead? Sore ini sangat dingin. It's very cold this evening. It's very cold this afternoon. Ви зрозуміли правильно. You got that right. You got it right. Je me demande lequel je devrais choisir. I wonder which one I should choose. I wonder which one I should choose. Не го беспокој Том. Don't disturb Tom. Don't worry, Tom. Avec qui suis-je supposé y aller ? Who am I supposed to go with? Who am I supposed to go with? Num me amas, Maria? Mary, do you love me? Do you love me, Maria? Tu peux rester dans la chambre supplémentaire, si tu veux. You can stay in the extra bedroom if you want. You can stay in the extra room if you want. Ο Τομ θα απολύσει τη Μαίρη. Tom is going to fire Mary. Tom's gonna fire Mary. Значення слова визначається контекстом, в якому воно використовується. The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used. The value of the word is defined by the context in which it is used. k Gaf Maria sukkeloa. I gave Mary chocolate. k Gaf Maria sukelloa. Devorabat ille igitur suas fabas solus? Did he eat his beans by himself then? Did he eat his beans alone? A sopa estava muito quente. The soup was too hot. The soup was very hot. Yth esa ev ow mires orti. He was looking at her. That's what I'm looking at. Тийнейджърите напуснаха. The teenagers left. Teenagers have left. Non tocchi niente qui. Don't touch anything here. Don't touch anything here. So Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. It's Ahmad. Mi dispiace di impormi, ma potresti aprire la finestra, per favore? Sorry to impose, but would you please open the window? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you open the window, please? Jag är hungrig eftersom jag inte åt frukost. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I don't eat breakfast. Ακούγεται απλό. It sounds simple. Sounds simple. Kikkers binnen baange veur slaange. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Smashed cocksuckers in the banagh four. Ты безнадёжен. You're hopeless. You're hopeless. Ti nuk ke sy të kafe. You don't have brown eyes. You don't have any coffee eyes. Tom mnie nie zrozumiał. Tom didn't understand me. Tom didn't understand me. Имам намера да го користам. I intend to use it. I intend to use it. El avión despegó y a lo pronto ya estaba fuera de vista. The plane took off and was soon out of sight. The plane went off and was soon out of sight. Tom ser utmattad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Entri. Insisto. Come in. I insist. Come on in. Кој им дал толку пари? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them so much money? Vädret är sämre i dag än i går. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather is worse today than yesterday. Je ne voulais pas que tu manques ton bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. तुझं पुस्तक आहे. It's your book. You have your own book. Ar tu myli savo motiną? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Том е разјарен. Tom is infuriated. Tom's angry. Didymus matrimonio coniunctus est. Tom's married. Didymus married together. Es nevēlos tevi ievilkt nepatikšanās. I don't want to get you in trouble. I don't want to drag you into trouble. Jeg gjorde alt hvad jeg kunne for at få denne pris. I did everything I could to obtain this prize. I did everything I could to get this prize. Η απάντησή του ήταν αρνητική. His reply was negative. His answer was negative. Hvorfor falder du ikke bare død om? Why don't you just drop dead? Why don't you just drop dead? Res yw dhedha eva dowr. They have to drink water. There is a need for courage. আমি ৭ঃ০০টার ট্রেনটা ধরতে পারিনি। I missed the 7:00 train. I couldn't catch the 7,000. Bagaimana bisa Tom melakukan ini pada Mary? How could Tom do this to Mary? How could Tom do this to Mary? আমাকে একটু সবুজ জামাটা দেখাবেন। Please show me the green shirt. You'll show me the green suit. Морав да ѝ помагам. I had to help her. I had to help her. Не думаю, что у Тома есть братья или сёстры. I don't think Tom has any brothers or sisters. I don't think Tom has brothers or sisters. वाह! Hooray! Whoa! Том сигурно е самотен. Tom must be lonely. Tom must be lonely. Том сказав, що Мері, мабуть, все ще цим займається. Tom said that Mary is probably still doing that. Tom said Mary's probably still doing it. Ich hätte lieber Rotwein. I'd prefer red wine. I'd rather have red wine. Quando você aprendeu a nadar? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Niemand praat met me. Nobody speaks to me. Nobody's talking to me. Is aingeal thú! You're an angel! You're an angel! Ele ficou endividado. He ran into debt. He was indebted. Olyckligtvis pratade Tom bredvid mun. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom spoke next to his mouth. Potesne comprehendere Thomas? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Thomas? Tom me disse que não tinha muito tempo. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Kan jy vir my 'n kopie maak? Can you make me a copy? Can you make me a copy? Gde sam pogrešio? Where did I go wrong? Where was I wrong? Jeg har ikke søstre. I don't have any sisters. I don't have sisters. El movimiento del Sol alrededor de la Tierra es una ilusión. The movement of the sun around the earth is an illusion. The movement of the Sun around the Earth is an illusion. Наш город был окутан смогом. Our city was covered with smog. Our city was haunted by power. Quamdiu stat Colysaeum stat et Roma, quando cadet et Colysaeum cadet et Roma, quando cadet et Roma cadet et mundus. As long as the Colossus stands, so shall Rome; when the Colossus falls, Rome shall fall; when Rome falls, so falls the world. Both the Colysian state and Rome, when it falls and the Colysian falls and Rome, when it falls and Rome also falls and the world. Se poate să ningă. It may snow. He can't. Том не думає, що може зробити це самостійно. Tom doesn't think that he can do that by himself. Tom doesn't think he can do it on his own. Նույնիսկ եթե ստացվի այնպես, որ մենք ուշանանք, դա մեզ չի անհանգստացնի: Even if we end up being late, it doesn't bother us. Even if we get so late, it doesn't bother us. Nauczyłem się tego na pamięć. I learned it by heart. I learned that from memory. Ella dejó a su niño en la cama. She laid her baby on the bed. She left her baby in bed. Jag är inte det minsta förvånad. I am not in the least surprised. I'm not the least surprise. Hij las erg veel. He read a lot. He read a lot. मैं इस विषय से परिचित हूँ। I am well acquainted with the subject. I'm familiar with this. Dat nieuws is nieuw voor mij. This news is new to me. That news is new to me. Han är säker på att det är curry. He is sure of it being curry. He's sure it's curry. Ѕвонев со саати. I've been calling for hours. I've been calling for hours. Μισό λεπτό, παρακαλώ. Just a moment, please. Wait a minute, please. मला जर्मन समजत नाही. I don't understand German. I don’t understand German. Thomas verum dicit. Tom is telling the truth. Thomas says so. Tom måste stoppas. Tom must be stopped. Tom has to stop. Вы купили дорогое пальто. You bought an expensive coat. You bought a expensive coat. Va aider ton frère ! Go and help your brother. Help your brother! Non riesco a sopportare questo rumore. I can't stand this noise. I can't bear this noise. Tom zat alleen aan de keukentafel. Tom sat alone at the kitchen table. Tom was alone at the kitchen table. Har alla gjort sin läxa? Did everyone do their homework? Has everyone done their lesson? El avuse puţini prieteni şi puţini bani. He had few friends and little money. He brought some friends and some money. Мне сложно работать с Томом. I have trouble working with Tom. It's hard for me to work with Tom. Mogadishu is de hoofdstad van Somalië. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Poma ab arboribus fructiferis decerpuntur. Malum est rotundum. Pyrum et ficus sunt oblonga. Fruits are picked from fruit-bearing trees. The apple is round. The pear and the fig are somewhat long. Fruit trees are decoupled. It's bad to round. Pyrus and fig are oblong. Ich werde mich um dich kümmern. I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you. Qeçid şa bé. The children will be happy. Don't worry about it. Bobas tuo metu plovė indus. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob was washing the guts at the time. Miyuki preparó la mesa para la fiesta. Miyuki set the table for the party. Miyuki prepared the table for the party. Is dat waar? Is this true? Is that true? U telefonu. Speaking. On the phone. Вам надо его увидеть. You have to see it. You need to see him. Estás com vontade de ir esquiar? Do you feel like going skiing? Are you willing to go skiing? Ik ben heel de zomervakantie van huis weg geweest. I was away from home all through the summer vacation. I've been away from home all summer. Ainda estamos discutindo essa questão. We're still discussing that matter. We are still discussing this issue. माझा जन्म २३ मार्च १९६९ रोजी बोर्सेलोना येथे झाला. I was born on 23 March 1969 in Barcelona. I was born on March 23, 1969, in Borcellona. Къде трябва да се подпиша? Where is it that I must sign? Where do I need to sign? Gdy teraz o tym myślę, dochodzę do wniosku, że nie powinienem był tam z nią jechać. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gone there with her. Now that I think about it, I come to the conclusion that I shouldn't have been there with her. Tá an abairt úsáideach. The sentence is useful. The expression is useful. मुझे यह वाला पसंद है। I like this one. I like this future. Возможно, ты никогда больше не сможешь ходить. You may never be able to walk again. Maybe you'll never be able to walk again. Кога ще заминеш ти? When will you leave? When are you leaving? L'été est long à venir cette année. Summer is slow in coming this year. Summer is long to come this year. Cine joacă golf? Who plays golf? Who's playing golf? Ich bin mir im Klaren, dass das keine einfache Entscheidung für dich ist. I realize that this is a difficult decision for you. I'm pretty sure this isn't a simple decision for you. Ele é um ladrão. He is a thief. He's a thief. Ponosan sam na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. आपल्याला जिंकायचंच आहे. We need to win. We have won. Я забылася, як іх завуць. I forgot their names. I forgot what they were called. Хіба вас це не турбує? Aren't you bothered by this? Doesn't that bother you? Ich bin kein guter Läufer. I'm not a good runner. I'm not a good runner. Waarom gee jy vir hulle om? Why do you care about them? Why do you care about them? आस्ट्रेलिया मा अंग्रेजी बोली जात है। English is spoken in Australia. Australian is spoken English. איך מיין אז מ׳זאל עס טאן. I think we should do it. I'm sure it does. Chá com limão, por favor. A tea with lemon, please. Tea with lemon, please. Вона студентка. She's a student. She's a student. Je l'ai vu avec vous. I saw him with you. I saw him with you. Mă bucur să vă cunosc, domnule Zhang. Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang. Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang. Você pediu o livro? Did you order the book? Did you ask for the book? Res o dhymm mos ena de. I had to go there yesterday. There's no two left. Tom se está riendo. Tom is laughing. Tom's laughing. Щастлива ли си наистина? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Била съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Ebbe un ictus. She had a stroke. I've got a shot. Казалось, что он собирается меня поцеловать. It looked like he was going to kiss me. He said he was going to kiss me. Você que fez isso? Did you make it by yourself? What did you do? Que é que a senhora pensou que o Tom ia fazer? What did you think Tom would do? What did you think Tom was gonna do? ¡Demos el primer paso! Let us do the first step! Let's take the first step! El prisionero que escapó dos días atrás sigue dado en fuga. The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still at large. The prisoner who escaped two days ago remains in flight. Habetisne plumba? Do you have any pencils? Have you got a lead? Благодаря ти за всичко. Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. Hon kom inte innan två. She didn't come before two. She didn't come before two. Гэта будзе каштаваць 30 еўра. This will cost €30. It's going to cost 30 euros. Jeg ville foretrække en kat frem for en hund. I would rather have a cat than a dog. I'd prefer a cat to a dog. Tom dnes vynechal všechny vyučovací hodiny. Tom skipped all of his classes today. Tom missed all the training classes today. Pjevali smo glasno koliko smo mogli. We sang as loudly as we could. We sang loud as we could. Hvor mange kopper kaffe drakk du? How many cups of coffee did you drink? How many cups of coffee did you drink? मला चांगलं नाही वाटलं. I didn't like it. I didn’t feel good. Myslíš si, že Tom zhubl? Do you think Tom has lost weight? You think Tom's lost? हम आपको बुलाएँगे। We'll call you. We'll call you. Nosotros jamás cederemos a demandas de terroristas. We will never give in to terrorist demands. We will never yield to the demands of terrorists. Я домой пойду. I'll go home. I'll go home. Nyns yw da genev oberi. I don't like to work. It's not your business. Він детально пояснив правила. He explained the rules in detail. He explained the rules in detail. Tom adalah pekerja yang baik. Tom is a good worker. Tom's a good worker. Ikke her. Not here. Not here. Nema devojki na internetu. There are no girls on the Internet. There's no girl on the Internet. Късите поли вече не са на мода. Short skirts are already out of fashion. The short fields are no longer fashionable. Седеше пред мене. He sat in front of me. He was sitting right in front of me. میں اتنی اونچی چھلانگ کیسے لگائو؟ How can I jump so high? How did I get so high? Kita tara dengar apa-apa. I didn't hear any sounds. We're gonna hear nothing. Mı bıpaw eza yena. Wait for me, I am coming. She is so hot, she's hot. Můj starší bratr chodí každý víkend rybařit. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. Тя няма да успее. She won't make it. She won't make it. Chiel al pitura sovens dij paesagi. He often paints landscapes. Chiel to the painting is often said to be ravaged. Costul real a fost mai mare decât s-a estimat. The actual cost was higher than the estimate. The real cost was higher than it was estimated. Aš tada buvau Kanadoje. I was in Canada then. I was in Canada at the time. Nie ma nic gorszego niż to. Nothing can be worse than that. There's nothing worse than that. Jag ser fram emot i eftermiddag. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. Gain probleem. No problem. Win problem. এখনকার দিনে কেউই ভুতে বিশ্বাস করে না। Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. No one believes in hell today. Il suo romanzo vendette bene. Her novel sold well. His novel sells well. Ona je Kineskinja. She's Chinese. She's Chinese. Том может сделать это без нашей помощи. Tom can do that without our help. Tom can do this without our help. Dafür wirst du bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You'll pay for that! টম একটা ছেলের নাম আর মেরি একটা মেয়ের নাম। Tom is a boy's name and Mary is a girl's name. Tom a son's name and Mary a girl's name. کھانے سے پہلے ہمیشہ ہاتھ دھویا کرو۔ You should always wash your hands before meals. Wash your hands before you eat. Eu não acredito em amor verdadeiro. I don't believe in true love. I don't believe in true love. Titta inte ut genom fönstret. Don't look out of the window. Don't look out the window. Katten, der ikke kunne nå pølsen, siger: "Under alle omstændigheder er det fredag". The cat that couldn't reach the sausage says, "In any case it's Friday". The cat that couldn't reach the cat says, "At any rate, it's Friday." Tom har ikke blitt funnet enda. Tom hasn't yet been found. Tom hasn't been found yet. Mówiłyśmy mu o tym, najwyraźniej zapomniał. We told him about it; seems he forgot. We told him about it, apparently he forgot. Det var et vindu Tom ødela i går. It was a window that Tom broke yesterday. It was a window Tom died yesterday. Prawie zawsze wygrywam. I almost always win. I almost always win. Měli bychom teď odejít. We ought to leave now. We should leave now. Διδακτόν ἐστιν ἡ ἀρετή. Virtue is a thing that may be taught. Teacher . . . . . . . Det är nu eller aldrig. It's now or never. It's now or never. Seid ihr gut auf die heutige Prüfung vorbereitet? Are you well prepared for today's exam? Are you well prepared for today's test? আমি টম নই। I'm not Tom. I'm not Tom. Это апельсин. This is an orange. It's an orange. Vi piace il golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Tom tomou sopa de legumes hoje de manhã. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom took vegetable soup this morning. Ми всі дуже за тобою сумуємо. We all miss you very much. We all miss you so much. Bidh mi a' dol tràth dhan leabaidh air sgàth 's gum feumaidh mi dùsgadh tràth. I go to bed early because I have to wake up early. I am already sleeping in a mirror and I need to hibernate. Wo macht Tom das? Where does Tom do that? Where's Tom doing this? Proč nevěříte Tomovi? Why don't you believe Tom? Why don't you believe Tom? Τους τιμώρησα. I punished them. I punished them. Для чего ты учишь французский? What do you learn French for? What are you learning French for? La anciana está ocupada en el jardín. The elderly lady is busy in the garden. The old lady is busy in the garden. Wyglądało na to, że był chory. It seemed that he had been ill. Looks like he was sick. Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. Překvapilo by vás, co se můžete naučit za týden. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. Kada se obično ustaješ? What time do you often lay down? When do you usually get up? Quan comença ? When does it begin? When does it start? Şo eyrê bê xû vac. Go tell him yourself. That's what I'm talking about. Sy het haarself vermoor. She killed herself. She killed herself. Ai vrea ca noi să aducem ceva la cină? Would you like us to bring anything to the dinner? Would you like us to bring something to dinner? Tady je účet. Here's the bill. Here's the account. Том очень щедрый человек. Tom is a very generous man. Tom's a very generous man. И двамата се подсмихнаха. They both snickered. They're both smiling. Przyjechałem do Tokio dwa miesiące temu. I came to Tokyo two months ago. I came to Tokyo two months ago. Во всех культурах младенцы засыпают под колыбельные. In all cultures, babies fall to sleep with lullabies. In all cultures, young people fall asleep under cobblestones. Што би сакал принцот? What would the prince like? What would the prince want? Nie pamiętam, co powinienem zrobić. I don't remember what I need to do. I don't remember what I should do. Том багатий, холостий, трохи підстаркуватий, але не занадто потворний. Tom is rich, single, a bit old, but not too ugly. Tom is rich, helmsy, helmsy, helmsy, helmsy, but not too ugly. De ninte! You're welcome. Ninth! Ο Τομ ήταν ο καλύτερός μου φίλος. Tom was my best friend. Tom was my best friend. Kryzys finansowy dotarł do Brazylii. The financial crisis has arrived in Brazil. The financial crisis has reached Brazil. Mi casa, mis normas. My house, my rules. My house, my standards. Я попросила их отремонтировать мою машину. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. Те молам, запиши го тоа. Please write it down. Please write that down. A ieșit să mănânce. He went out to eat. He went out to eat. Res yw dhymm assaya. I need to try. I don't have to try. मी रागवेन. I will become angry. I'm angry. Αυτοί παίζουν στον κήπο. They're playing in the garden. They're playing in the garden. Se suponía que nos íbamos a encontrar en el restaurante, pero Tom nunca apareció. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. Аз съм опасен. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Non ti farò del male. I won't hurt you. I won't hurt you. Hämta en shot av det här. Get a shot of this. Get a shot of this. Набрах ти малко цветя. I picked you some flowers. I got you some flowers. Levatisque oculis, vidit mulieres et liberos earum et ait: “Qui sunt isti tibi?” Respondit: “Liberi sunt, quos donavit mihi Deus servo tuo". And lifting up his eyes, he saw the women and their children, and said: What mean these? And do they belong to thee? He answered: They are the children which God hath given to me, thy servant. He lifted up his eyes, and saw their women and their children, and said, "Who are these to you?" He said, "They are free. Whom has God given to your servant?" Nach dem Unterricht spiele ich Gitarre. I play the guitar after school. After learning, I play guitar. टॉम को तो हम बाद में भी बता सकते हैं। We can tell Tom later. We can tell Tom later. Am lingura asta dintr-o cutie de cereale de când eram copil. I got this spoon from a cereal box as a kid. I've had this tongue from a cereal box since I was a kid. Примустімо, що це правда. Let's suppose it's true. Let's make it happen. Verwacht niet dat anderen voor jou denken. Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think about you. Hun afbrød mig. She interrupted me. She broke me. Šta si uradio ovde? What have you done here? What have you done here? Frumvarpið var samþykkt af litlum meirihluta tíu atkvæða. The bill passed by a small majority of 10 votes. The primary pump was approved by a small majority of ten units. Таа дојде. She came. She's here. Invenitque loseph gratiam coram domino suo et ministrabat ei. Et factum est, postquam præposuit eum domui suæ et omnia, quæ possidebat, tradidit in manum eius, benedixit Dominus domui Aegyptii propter Ioseph, et benedictio Domini erat in omni possessione eius tam in ædibus quam in agris. And Joseph found favour in the sight of his master, and ministered to him: and being set over all by him, he governed the house committed to him, and all things that were delivered to him: And the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian for Joseph's sake, and multiplied all his substance, both at home and in the fields. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he ministered unto him: and it came to pass, when he had made him master of his house, and all that he had, that he put into his hand, that the LORD blessed the house of Egypt for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was in all his estate, both in the fields and in the fields. Jeg trenger litt sukker. I need some sugar. I need some sugar. Thomas vinum non bibit. Tom doesn't drink wine. Thomas won't drink wine. Αυτά τα μήλα είναι σάπια. These apples are rotten. These apples are soups. Ai është gjithmonë i përpiktë. He's always punctual. He's always close. Debeo sam. I'm fat. I'm fat. Я припустила, що Том — хлопець Мері. I assumed that Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I assumed Tom was Mary’s boyfriend. Anda mahu saya ambil itu untuk andakah? Do you want me to get that for you? Would you like me to take that for you? Ich habe erbrochen. I threw up. I broke up. Do toho ti nic není! It's none of your business! There's nothing wrong with that! Te llevaré al aeropuerto. I'll drive you to the airport. I'll take you to the airport. Чим займається ваш батько? What's your father do? What does your father do? Nevěděl jsi, že jsem schopen to udělat, že? You didn't know that I was able to do that, did you? You didn't know I could do it, did you? Su risa infantil es encantadora. His childlike laugh is charming. Your child's laugh is lovely. उस दुर्घटना ने पूरे स्कूल को सदमा पहुँचाया। The incident gave a shock to the whole school. That incident caused the whole school to suffer. दस बजने वाले हैं। It is almost ten o'clock. Ten players. Hodie codicem meum amisi. I lost my notebook today. I'm friends with my code today. Mam, ik wil dit niet aantrekken. Mom, I don't want to wear this. Mom, I don't want to attract this. Веома сам импресионирана. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Kënns du mat? Are you coming along? Do you know food? На Том чорапите му се распар. Tom's socks don't match. Tom's socks are broken. Tom está discutiendo con Mary. Tom is arguing with Mary. Tom's talking to Mary. Wat wullt du drinken? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What do you want to drink? Том просто марнує час. Tom is just wasting time. Tom's just wasting his time. A Tom le plazen las paras. Tom likes money. Tom's got the money. Vení. Come here. Come on. Tom jen dál hulákal. Tom just kept yelling. Tom just kept screaming. Možeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom za mene? Could you talk to Tom for me? Can you talk to Tom about me? Aš neprisimenu jos vardo. I don't remember her name. I don't remember her name. Non la mostrai a Tom. I didn't show it to Tom. I didn't show Tom. Það er of stórt. It's too large. It's too big. Том опять проспал. Tom overslept again. Tom fell asleep again. माझे बाबा हॉटेल चालवतात. My father runs a restaurant. My father runs a hotel. Musíme udělat to samé. We need to do the same. We have to do the same. Ова личи на свила. This looks like silk. This looks like silk. Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack's hard to convince. Mangiò una mela. She ate one apple. He ate a apple. Er zijn veel sloppenwijken in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. Моля те, отвори пакета. Please open the package. Please open the package. Wenn du dich nicht beeilst, kommst du zu spät zur Schule. Unless you hurry, you will be late for school. If you don't mind, you'll be late for school. Por favor, sólo déjame sola. Please just leave me alone. Please just leave me alone. Vždycky přicházím první. I'm always the first to arrive. I always come first. Var det du som kidnappade Tom? Did you kidnap Tom? Were you the one who kidnapped Tom? Il est certain que Tom passe beaucoup de temps à l'intérieur. Tom certainly spends a lot of time indoors. It's certain Tom spends a lot of time inside. Jeg kan godt lide at køre. I like to drive. I like driving. Nonne fessa es? Aren't you tired? Don't you? Tom říkal, že přijdeš. Tom said you would come. Tom said you were coming. Fortæl mig hvad der foregår! Tell me what's going on. Tell me what's going on! Hace mucho calor en este cuarto, ¿no es así? It is very hot in this room, isn't it? It's hot in this room, isn't it? Дотримуйся своїх обіцянок. Keep your promises. Keep your promises. Jag skulle vilja vara ensam. I would like to be alone. I'd like to be alone. Det afgik klokken to og ankom til Rom klokken fire. It left at two, reaching Rome at four. It was two o'clock and arrived at Rome at four o'clock. Pater meus domi est. My father is in. My father is home. Skąd? From where? Where from? Jag tappade kontrollen. I dropped the controller. I lost control. Pomagamy sobie nawzajem. We help each other out. We're helping each other. Моё не такое хорошее, как ваше. Mine is not so good as yours. Mine's not as good as yours. Мы всегда можем найти время для чтения. We can always find time for reading. We can always find time to read. मी २०१३ पासून बॉस्टनला गेले नाहीये. I haven't been to Boston since 2013. I didn’t go to Boston since 2013. Estoy muy decepcionada. I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed. Tom is vergeten zijn belastingaangifte te doen. Tom forgot to file his taxes. Tom forgot to make his tax statement. Είμαι νέος. I'm young. I'm young. אַלע װערטער װערן מיד, קײן מענטש קען עס ניט אַרױסרעדן; דאָס אױג קען זיך ניט אָנקוקן זאַט, און דאָס אױער קען זיך ניט אָנהערן פֿול. All things are full of weariness beyond uttering. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. All words are bad, no man can speak it; the clock can't wait for a watch, and the clock can't start again. Denne kandidaten er kraftig forbedret i forhold til sin forgjenger. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate has been greatly improved in relation to its predecessor. Nedělej si starosti, dnes je plastická chirurgie mnohem lepší než za časů doktora Frankensteina. Don't worry, present day cosmetic surgery is much better than what it used to be in Doctor Frankenstein's days. Don't worry, plastic surgery is much better today than in Dr. Frankenstein's time. Hoc glossarium est tam utile quam tuum. This dictionary is as useful as yours. This glossary is as useful as yours. Lâr din pezh peus c'hoant da gaout. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Pedih rasanya melihat anak-anak yang menderita karena kelaparan di Afrika. My heart aches for the starving children in Africa. It's sad to see children suffering from hunger in Africa. Ќе бидам во своите одаи. I'll be in my quarters. I'll be in my chambers. Por que você não nos faz uma visita? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you make us a visit? Hvad betyder dette ord? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Том тогда был женат. Tom was married at that time. Tom was married then. Dale un cacho de carne al perro. Give some meat to the dog. Give the dog a piece of meat. मी थकून जातो. I get tired. I’m tired. Tom și Mary au divorțat. Tom and Mary got divorced. Tom and Mary divorced. Senex fame interiit. The old man died from hunger. Senex starved. Як французькою сказати «привіт»? How do you say "hello" in French? How does French say "hello"? Pospěš si, nebo nestihneš vlak. Be quick, or you will miss the train. Hurry up or you don't get the train. Hast du Töchter? Do you have any daughters? Do you have daughters? Ik zou willen dat ik zo kon zingen als jij. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing like you. ہم نے کل رات ٹی وی پر بیس بال گیم دیکھی۔ We watched the baseball game on TV last night. We saw twenty ball games on TV tomorrow night. Ou ké manjé. You will eat. Or something to eat. Ele sabia que estava errada. He knew it was wrong. He knew I was wrong. Italus sum. I am Italian. I'm Italian. Ајде да почнеме со Том. Let's start with Tom. Let's start with Tom. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. Me volví rico. I became rich. I got rich. Ten coñecementos de inglés. He has a knowledge of English. He has knowledge of English. Le dije que no volviera. I told him not to come back. I told him not to come back. उसने टूटे हुए टुकड़ों को वापस जोड़ा। He stuck the broken pieces together. He put the broken pieces back together. Odlučila sam. I've decided. I made up my mind. Toms ir cīņas mākslu eksperts. Tom is a martial arts expert. Tom is an expert in martial arts. Jag önskar dig allt väl. I wish you well. I wish you all well. Debes vivir de acordo aos teus ingresos. You must live according to your income. You must live according to your income. Den här filmen är ett mästerverk. This film is a masterpiece. This movie is a masterpiece. Том скочи. Tom jumped. Tom's jumping. J'ai l'impression de t'avoir toujours connu. I feel like I've known you forever. I feel like I've always met you. मेरीने निळा ड्रेस घातलेला आहे. Mary is wearing a blue dress. Mary is wearing a blue dress. Jag ska börja banta. I'm going on a diet. I'm going to start beating. A ela gústanlle os xeados. She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. Вы очень заняты. You're very busy. You're very busy. Том не беше единствениот преживеан по масакрот. Tom wasn't the only survivor of the massacre. Tom wasn't the only survivor of the massacre. Han er for feit til å løpe fort. He is too fat to run fast. He's too fat to run fast. Het Picardisch is een langue d'oïl. Picard is an oïl language. The Picardis is a language of oil. O general norte-americano Custer foi derrotado na batalha de Little Bighorn pelos indígenas americanos em 25 de junho de 1876. The U.S. General Custer was defeated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Native Americans on June 25, 1876. The U.S. General Custer was defeated in the Battle of Little Bighorn by American indigenous peoples on June 25, 1876. Isso é o que o Tom diz. That's what Tom says. That's what Tom says. El dolor de dientes es uno de los peores dolores que haya tenido. Toothache is one of the worst pains I've been through. The pain of your teeth is one of the worst pain you've ever had. Acabo de terminar de comer. I have just finished eating. I've just finished eating. Tom a așteptat-o o oră bună pe Mary. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Том е силен маж. Tom is a strong man. Tom's a strong man. Ze ging naar huis. She went home. She went home. Ögonen är själens spegel. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Ell estava disposat a treballar per altres. He was willing to work for others. He was willing to work for others. Leila voltou para o Cairo. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leila went back to Cairo. Загляне сонца і ў наша аконца. Every cloud has a silver lining. Look at the sun and into our window. Я не знаю, что вы ищете. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Tom krzyknął. Tom shouted. Tom yelled. Da li si uradio domaći? Is your homework done? Did you do your homework? Tidak ada yang melihat kita. No one saw us. Nobody's seen us. Том ќе чека. Tom will be waiting. Tom's gonna wait. Alle universitetets studenter kan fritt benytte universitetsbiblioteket. All students are free to use the university library. All university students can freely use the university library. Me či daštisardem te dav duma le Tomesa. I wasn't able to talk to Tom. But I determined this with myself, that I might speak to Tom. Emily pode nadar. Emily can swim. Emily can swim. आपने मेरे साथ ऐसा क्यों किया? Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to me? L'anglèis a l'é nèn mia lenga mare. English is not my native language. English is my mother tongue. Αποδείξτε ότι μ' αγαπάτε. Prove that you love me. Prove that you love me. Partageons l'argent ! Let's share the money. Let's share the money! Magister me hortatus est ad legendum, scribendum et loquendum. The teacher encouraged me to read, write and speak. The Master encouraged me to read, write and speak. Je pense que c'est bon. I think it's fine. I think it's good. Tom bydlí ve člunu. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives in the boat. Είμαι έξυπνος. I'm smart. I'm smart. Eu sinto que esse foi um quebra-cabeça relativamente difícil. I felt it was a relatively difficult jigsaw puzzle. I feel that this was a relatively difficult puzzle. Izo inyeve en Yerushalayim. It snowed in Jerusalem. Iso inyve and Jerushalayim. Ciągle masz rodzinę w Bostonie? Do you still have family in Boston? You still have a family in Boston? Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. We're very happy with the results. We are very pleased with the results. Попытаемся сохранять спокойствие. Let's try to stay calm. We're trying to stay calm. No te rías de su error. Don't laugh at his mistake. Don't laugh at his mistake. Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why ask me, wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Tom už je možná tam. Tom might already be there. Tom might be there by now. ¿Todavía tiene usted mi llave? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my key? Каква полза имаме од тоа? What help is that? How do we benefit from that? Interesujące. Interesting. Interesting. Ny allav hy gweles. I can't see it. Don't let her see. Том недружелюбний. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's unfriendly. Պատասխանեք ինձ: Answer me. Answer me. Quando tornerete? When will you return? When are you coming back? 𐍈𐌰? What? - Oh, yeah? Am reuşit să găsesc strada, dar nu am putut să-i găsesc casa. I was able to find the street, but I couldn't find her house. I managed to find the street, but I couldn't find his house. Jag träffade Tom i dag. I saw Tom today. I met Tom today. Na ścianie wisi kalendarz. There's a calendar hanging on the wall. On the wall of the calendar. गाजर में बहुत सारा विटामिन ए समाया होता है। Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. There's a lot of vitamin A in Gaza. A tots els meus amics els agraden els videojocs. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like video games. Вы оба сегодня произвели большое впечатление. Я горжусь вами. You've both been very impressive today. I'm proud of you. You both made a big impression today, and I'm proud of you. Tom har boet her i tre år. Tom has lived here for three years. Tom's been living here for three years. Text je nejdůležitější část této písně. The lyrics are the most important part of this song. Text is the most important part of this song. Fără cea mai mică îndoială! Without the slightest doubt! No doubt about it. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It's time for you to go to sleep. It's time for you to go to bed. John verður kominn eftir fimm mínútur. John will be here in five minutes. John will be here in five minutes. Woneem büst du güstern henwesen? Where did you go yesterday? Who were you referring to yesterday? Estaba a tratar de matar o tempo. I was trying to kill time. I was trying to kill time. Ο Τομ δεν ήθελε να πάει έξω χωρίς το καπέλο και τα γάντια του. Tom didn't want to go outside without his hat and gloves. Tom didn't want to go out without his hat and his hands. Др Џексон има добар однос према пацијенту. Dr. Jackson has a good bedside manner. Dr. Jackson has a good relationship with the patient. Ho dormito con il mio capo. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Procurem ter a certeza de escolher bem. Make sure you choose wisely. They're trying to be sure to choose well. Quella è davvero una grande mela. That's a really big apple. That's really a big apple. Нито пък съм казала това. I didn't say that either. I didn't even say that. C'è ancora tempo. There is yet time. There's still time. Я розповів Тому анекдот. I told Tom a joke. That's why I told you the anecdote. Io sono calmo. I'm easy-going. I'm calm. Perché non lo farà? Why aren't you going to do that? Why won't he? Dicite! Speak out! Tell me! Hjernen er kun en indviklet maskine. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Թոմը Մերրին իր մեքենայով տուն տարավ: Tom gave Mary a ride home. Tom brought Mary home with his car. Neige-t-il beaucoup en hiver ? Does it snow much in winter? Does it snow a lot in winter? Tom semble très anxieux. Tom looks very anxious. Tom seems very anxious. Eravamo obbligati ad ubbidire alla regola. We were obliged to obey the rule. We were obliged to obey the rule. Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Tha mi ag iarraidh rudeigin òl. I want to drink something. I want something to drink. Toms ieslēdza savas atslēgas mašīnā. Tom locked his keys in his car. Tom put his keys in his car. मी आता त्याच्याबरोबर काम करतेय. I'm working with him now. I now work with him. Хіба ти не вмієш говорити французькою? Aren't you able to speak French? Don't you speak French? Ni är oansvariga. You're irresponsible. You're responsible. Θα πρέπει να μιλήσεις στον Τομ γι' αυτό. You'll have to talk to Tom about that. You should talk to Tom about it. टॉम ने मैरी को एक घड़ी दी। Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary an hour. E Gallia oriundi sumus. We are from France. It's Gallia everywhere. Я хочу сыграть в шахматы. I want to play chess. I want to play chess. "Коні" — множина слова "кінь". "Horses" is the plural of "horse." Horses are a set of words for horses. La Première Guerre mondiale commença en 1914 et prit fin en 1918. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Ella le mostró varios libros que estaban en el estante. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. She showed him a number of books that were in the barn. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að leggja þetta á þig. You needn't have gone to the trouble. You didn't have to put this on you. टॉम आणि मेरीच्या मुलांना "बेबी शार्क" खूप आवडतं. Tom and Mary's children love "Baby Shark." Tom and her children love "baby sharks." Il s'enfuit avec le diamant. He ran away with the diamond. He's running away with the diamond. Comment savez-vous de quelle épaisseur c'est ? How do you know how thick it is? How do you know what thickness it is? Nikomu z nás se Tomův nápad nelíbil. None of us liked Tom's idea. None of us liked Tom's idea. Gulielmus est aeque procerus ac Iacobus. Bill is as tall as Jack. Gillmus is a neighbor and a friend of James. Je vous ai trouvé. I found you. I found you. तू अजूनही एकटी आहेस का? Are you still alone? Are you still alone? Aquele é o quarto de Tom? Is that Tom's bedroom? That's Tom's room? Mary ha avvertito davvero Tom. Mary did warn Tom. Mary really warned Tom. Razočarao si me. You disappointed me. You disappointed me. Han er en intelligent ung mand. He's an intelligent young man. He's an intelligent young man. Sono invitato alla festa di Claudia stasera. I'm invited to Claudia's party tonight. I'm invited to Claudia's party tonight. Наш цягнік спазняецца. Our train is late. Our train is late. Том знае как да направи Мери щастлива. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. An ye o escusau? Where's the bathroom? Where is it? Spójrz na tamten. Look at that one. Look at that guy. Cred că toată lumea ar trebui să învețe o altă limbă. I think everybody should learn another language. I think everyone should learn another language. Non chiederò mai più aiuto a Tom. I'll never ask Tom for help again. I'll never ask Tom for help again. Ní thuigim do cheist. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. We wachtten. We waited. We were waiting. Kau nampak semangat daripada dulu. You look more determined than ever. You've seen a spirit from the beginning. من پای پیاده یا با دوچرخه بار دیگر به آنجا خواهم رفت. I will go there on foot or by bicycle next time. I will go there again with my foot, or with two wheels. Ki Ken yw pur vras. Ken's dog is very big. Ken is pure too. Skloni se u stranu. Step aside. Get away from me. Nikad nećemo da se vratimo tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never get back there. Fortell meg hva du finner ut. Tell me what you find out. Tell me what you find out. Thomas non saeviebat. Tom wasn't violent. Thomas didn't manage. Ne krivim te. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Tak si matka pomyslela. Then his mother thought. That's what my mother thought. Tom is mien bruier. Tom is my brother. Tom's my brother-in-law. Apa yang menghalangimu untuk datang lebih awal? What prevented you from coming earlier? What's stopping you from coming early? Él es un buen violinista. He is a good violinist. He's a good violinist. Hur kommer vi in? How can we get in? How do we get in? Su chantaje me dejó sin elección. His blackmail left me no choice. His blackmail left me without a choice. Донеси ми суха кърпа. Bring me a dry towel. Get me a dry towel. Ini adalah hari yang paling buruk seumur hidupku. It was the worst day of my life. This is the worst day of my life. De Amerikanen hadden niets te maken met de kwestie. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. The Americans had nothing to do with the issue. Gwelloc'h eo din chom. I'd rather stay. I'm better off. Ha en fin kveld. Have a nice evening. Have an evening. این اتاق به اندازه کافی بزرگ است. This room is large enough. This is a very great thing. तू बरी आहेस का? Are you all right? Are you well? Всеки може да се опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. Ayolah, mari kita lakukan. Come on, let's do it. Come on, let's do it. Elles te faisaient confiance. They trusted you. They'd trust you. Elle a l'habitude de faire la cuisine. She is used to cooking. She's used to making the kitchen. Dobio je šta je hteo. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. त्याने मागच्या ऑक्टोबरमध्ये स्वतःचं जीव घेतलं. He killed himself last October. He died in October of that year. J'étais en train de danser. I was dancing. I was dancing. Blijkbaar is Tom heel goed in skiën. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Looks like Tom's really good at skiing. Kan du skjutsa oss hem? Can you give us a ride home? Can you shoot us home? Eg vart sett stygt på då eg spurde etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I got worse when I asked for my prescription at the local medical office. Sie weigerte sich, seinen Entwurf anzunehmen. She refused to accept his proposal. She refused to accept his proposal. Danas je tvojoj ćerki rođendan. Today is your daughter's birthday. It's your daughter's birthday today. Tom ist nicht mein Bruder. Tom isn't my brother. Tom's not my brother. Sistemele noastre au fost avariate. Our systems were damaged. Our systems have been compromised. Jag såg vad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. دو روزه این آهنگ تو مغزم گیر کرده! I've had this song stuck in my head for two days! These two days thou shalt take thy yoke upon thee. Зошто мораше баш ти? Why did it have to be you? Why did you have to? Haben Sie schon gefrühstückt? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you had breakfast yet? Я хотів би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom to be on our team. Аргументот му беше логичен. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. Драго ми е што забележа. I'm glad you noticed. I'm glad you noticed. Devi essere molto orgoglioso di tua figlia. You must be very proud of your daughter. You must be very proud of your daughter. Tom je znalac. Tom is a connoisseur. Tom's a knower. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln? Can we change the subject, please? Can we please change the subject? Љубазан је. He is kind. He's cute. Auf dem Papier sieht es gut aus, aber ich frage mich, ob es auch funktioniert. It seems OK on paper, but I wonder if it's going to work. It looks good on the paper, but I wonder if it also works. Pode ser que este diamante não seja verdadeiro. This may not be a real diamond. Maybe this diamond isn't true. Šta pišu novine? What do the papers say? What do the papers say? मी पुलाच्या जवळ आहे. I am close to the bridge. I am near the bridge. Chvilku prosím počkejte. Please wait a minute. Please wait. Thomas canem verberavit. Tom beat the dog. Thomas can beat us. Controlli la sua posta in arrivo. Check your inbox. Check your incoming mail. Джейн написа писмото сама. Jane wrote the letter herself. Jane wrote the letter herself. Diekou, Einstein! Thank you, Einstein. Diekou, Einstein! श्वः तस्याः जन्मदिनम् अस्ति। Tomorrow is her birthday. All files are online. Tibi dormiendum est. You have to go to sleep. You have to sleep. Unde veniat, nescio. I don't know where he comes from. Where he came from, I don't know. Il m'a invitée personnellement. He invited me personally. He invited me personally. Háblanos sobre ellos. Tell us about them. Tell us about them. « Serveuse, que fait cette mouche dans ma soupe ? » - « Je dirais du dos crawlé, monsieur ! » "Waitress, what's this fly doing in my soup?" "Looks to me to be backstroke, sir!" "Serve, what does this fly do in my soup?" - "I'd say from the back, sir!" Volám sa Emily. My name is Emily. I'm calling Emily. Debes ayudarla. You must help her. You have to help her. Ese hombre está muy bronceado. That man is very tanned. That man's very tanned. У тебя это займет всего минуту. It'll only take a minute of your time. You're gonna have a minute. Tom juga als escacs. Tom plays chess. Tom plays chess. Mor er i gang med at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Nyns o res dhymm mos dhe Almayn. I didn't need to go to Germany. I'll stay away from Germany. Não foi erro meu. It was not my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Řekni mi, jak se jmenuješ. Tell me what your name is. Tell me your name. TV:n var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was all the time. É muito pequeno. It's very small. It's too small. Кому Том продал свой автомобиль? Who did Tom sell his car to? To whom did Tom sell his car? Том е лош. Tom is bad. Tom's bad. Пробај ја кошулана. Try on that shirt. Try the shirt. Dua perkara tidak terkait. The two cases aren't related. Two things are not involved. C'est un gentleman et il faut le traiter comme tel. He is a gentleman and ought to be treated as such. He's a gentleman and he needs to be treated like that. Jag köpte en vacker klänning till henne. I bought her a beautiful dress. I bought her a beautiful dress. Jag önskar bara att det var så enkelt. I only wish it were that simple. I just wish it was that simple. Todos nosotros tenemos algún interés en la historia. En cierto sentido, somos todos historiadores. All of us have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians. We all have some interest in history. In a sense, we're all historians. Ovde je nekad bilo mirno. It used to be peaceful here. It used to be quiet here. Мері втримала рівновагу. Mary kept her balance. Mary kept her balance. Я не знал, что у тебя есть кот. I didn't know you had a cat. I didn't know you had a cat. টম খেয়েছিল। Tom ate. Tom ate. Un dia m'agradaria visitar New York. I would like to visit New York someday. One day I'd like to visit New York. Люди похожи на муравьёв. The people look like ants. People look like ants. Garaget är dammigt. The garage is dusty. The garage is dirty. Ik mutt mien Geldbüdel in ’n Supermarkt verloren hebben. I must have lost my purse in the supermarket. I must have lost my money in a supermarket. Hun giftet seg med ham i fjor. She married him last year. She married him last night. Δεν έχουμε μιλήσει ακόμη στον Τομ. We haven't talked to Tom yet. We haven't talked to Tom yet. Jag trodde att du var i tjänst. I thought you were on duty. I thought you were in service. Ní thuigfeá go brách cé chomh pianmhar agus atá sé é seo a rá leat. You have no idea how painful it is to say this. You will not understand how painful this is and this is what you say. Táim ag foghlaim Spáinnise. I am learning Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. Tím však moje problémy s Tomem neskončily. However, it wasn't the end of my issues with Tom. However, my problems with Tom have not ended. Babyen smilede til mig. The baby smiled at me. The baby smiled at me. Tom wygłosił wczoraj bardzo długie przemówienie. Tom gave a very long speech yesterday. Tom made a very long speech yesterday. Vocês são meus heróis. You guys are my heroes. You're my heroes. Loro hanno lasciato le loro mogli. They left their wives. They left their wives. Ходи говори с Том. Go talk to Tom. Come talk to Tom. Nancy wygląda na tak zmęczoną. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy looks so tired. هر وقت می خواهی بگیر. Take whichever you want. You always want to take it. Indiferent de vreme, voi merge. I will go regardless of the weather. No matter how long, I'll go. Пиво есть пиво. Beer is beer. There's beer. Tom ha detto che Mary non sembrava diffidente. Tom said that Mary didn't seem suspicious. Tom said Mary didn't seem different. Bien, grasias. Fine, thanks. All right, thank you. Kann mann keypa eplir her? Is it possible to buy potatoes here? Can you buy an apple here? Я никогда не хотела обидеть Тома. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never wanted to offend Tom. Chcę, żebyśmy zostali razem. I want us to stay together. I want us to stay together. Všechny slepice jsou už v kurníku. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the blinds are in the cock already. Est-ce que Tom est là ? Is Tom there? Is Tom here? Գնացե՛ք: Get away! Let's go. Я уважна. I'm attentive. I'm careful. Hvad synes du om reggae? What do you think of reggae? What do you think of reggae? Tom escreveu um livro enquanto esteve na Austrália. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. Por favor, me chame de Bob. You can call me Bob please. Please call me Bob. Fahre nicht über diese Brücke! Don't cross this bridge. Don't drive through this bridge! टॉमने मला प्रसाद दिला. Tom gave me prasada. In time, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Desculpa, eu realmente estraguei tudo. I'm sorry, I really messed up. I'm sorry, I really ruined everything. Tom kam her, um Französisch zu lernen. Tom came here to learn French. Tom came here to learn French. Nós prometemos a você que nunca faremos isso novamente. We promise you that we'll never do it again. We promise you we will never do that again. Hästarna galloperade. The horses galloped. The horses were galloping. Нико није ништа рекао. No one said anything. Nobody said anything. Eu vou enviar uma carta para a minha mãe. I'll send a letter to my mother. I'll send a letter to my mother. De qué vòu ? What is he after? What do you want? Nofiodd Tom gyda'i fab. Tom swam with his son. Tom denied with his son. Tu collezioni ancora francobolli? Do you still collect stamps? You're still collecting stamps? Geweldig! Fantastic! Great! मैं भारत जाना चाहती हूँ। I want to go to India. I want to go to India. Дебел сум. I'm obese. I'm fat. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not going down on his plan. My a wra mos dhe'n diwotti. I'm going to the pub. I didn't do it. Asta e ceea ce aș fi spus. This is what I would have said. That's what I'd say. Fortissimus es. You are very brave. You're strong. টম এটা শুনতে চায় না। Tom doesn't want to hear it. Tom doesn't want to hear it. Ich bin müde! I'm tired! I'm tired! Музиката е вид развлечение. Music is a form of entertainment. Music is kind of fun. Má krev není o nic červenější než tvá. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood is nothing reder than yours. Du siehst müde aus. Du solltest zu Bett gehen. You seem tired. You should go to bed. You look tired, you should go to bed. Cha bu chòir dhut dol a-mach. You shouldn't go out. You should not log out. तुम्हे अपनी रिपोर्ट मुझे सोमवार को सौंप देनी चाहिए। You should hand in your report to me on Monday. You should hand me your report on Monday. Eldgosið virðist vera að réna. The eruption seems to be waning. The fire seems to be cleaning up. Yo era demasiado rápido. I was too fast. I was too fast. Io penso che Tom non sarà in grado di farlo. I think Tom won't be able to do that. I don't think Tom will be able to do that. ¿Me dejas un boli? Can you loan me a pen? Will you leave me a bowl? As macieiras floresceram cedo este ano. The apple trees blossomed early this year. The apple trees flourished early this year. To je sve o čemu brinem. That's all I worry about. That's all I care about. Престани да го тупиш курот. Stop badgering me. Stop squeezing the dick. Tom spytał Mary, czy go kocha. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Odiavano Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Мери и Джон се скараха,но след малко се оправиха. Mary and John quarreled, but made up after a while. Mary and John had a fight, but after a while they got better. Is tusa mo chara. You are my friend. You're my friend. Hon rörde om i kaffet med en sked. She stirred her coffee with a spoon. She touched the coffee with a cup of coffee. Тебя тоже пригласили. You're invited, too. You've been invited, too. Feminae homines sunt. Women are people. Women are men. Eu tenho medo de gatos. I'm afraid of cats. I'm afraid of cats. Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do such a thing? Това е прекалено голямо. This is too big. That's too big. Die klip voel nat. The rock feels wet. The rock feels wet. J'adore entendre carillonner une horloge à pendule. I love to hear a grandfather clock chime. I love to hear a hanging watch. Naboen min totalrenoverte huset sitt. My neighbor renovated his house completely. My neighbor totally cleaned his house. Nejsem proti tomu. I'm not against doing that. I'm not against it. আমি এটা সামলে নিতে পারি। I can manage this. I can handle it. Има копче на внатрешната страна од вратата. There's a button on the inner side of the door. There's a button on the inside of the door. सुन्नर ह। It's beautiful. Sonner. Skolen vår er nær stasjonen. Our school is near the station. Our school is close to the station. He wahnt in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He's dying in Kyoto. Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait for the wedding. Cred că e puțin probabil că noi vom putea să evadăm din această închisoare. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to escape from this prison. I think it's unlikely we can get out of this prison. Ήμουν τρομοκρατημένος. I was terrified. I was terrified. ती अजूनपर्यंत इथे आली नाही आहे. She has not come here yet. She’s not here yet. Se quedaron en Roma hasta Septiembre. They stayed in Rome till September. They stayed in Rome until September. Ei nu se vor preda. They would not surrender. They won't surrender. El mănâncă mult. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. Ce tapis est confectionné sans employer d'enfants. This rug was made without the use of child labor. This carpet is made without using children. До всього можна звикнути. One gets used to anything. You can get used to it. Alla tittade. Everyone looked. Everyone's looking. Тоа е само привремено решение. It's only a temporary solution. It's just a temporary solution. यह आप सब के लिए एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण मामला है। This is an important thing for all of you. It's a very important matter for you all. Лицето му изразява радост. His face expresses joy. His face expresses joy. Pense por si mesmo. Think for yourself. Think about yourself. Δεν το πιστεύω! I can't believe it! I don't believe it! Jestem z Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, a ty z Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. I am from the Republic of Poland, you are from the Federal Republic of Germany. I'm from the Republic of Poland, and you're from the Federal Republic of Germany. Los piratas no tuvieron más alternativa que entregarse. The pirates had no choice but to surrender. The pirates had no alternative but to surrender. È pagato per farlo, vero? He's paid to do that, isn't he? He's paid to do it, isn't he? L-am văzut uitându-se la mine. I saw him looking at me. I saw him looking at me. Není naděje. There is no hope. There's no hope. Том хотел поговорить с адвокатом. Tom wanted to talk to a lawyer. Tom wanted to talk to the lawyer. Pro populo meo pugnabo. I will fight for my people. I will fight for my people. Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. Toto město je obklopeno horami. This town is surrounded by mountains. This town is surrounded by mountains. Я люблю бути на самоті. I like being alone. I love being alone. Pourris-moi la vie ! Fuck my life. Give me my life! Questo è il tramonto dal traghetto. This is the sunset from the ferry. This is the ferry break. Tom ist nicht eingeladen worden. Tom wasn't invited. Tom wasn't invited. علی انسان خوب است. Ali is a good person. A good man is better than a good man. Η δουλειά μου είναι να διδάσκω αγγλικά. My job is teaching English. My job is to teach English. Det gjorde mig ytterst glad. It made me supremely happy. It made me very happy. Kdybys vyžehlil Švýcarsko, bylo by větší než Německo. If you ironed Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. If you were to burn Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. Я заплатила за Тома. I paid for Tom. I paid for Tom. Saya berada di dalam rumah yang indah. I am inside a house that's beautiful. I was in a beautiful home. Якими мовами розмовляють в Америці? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Hun undgik at svare på mine spørgsmål. She avoided answering my questions. She didn't answer my questions. Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставила във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses. Veuillez me dire quel bus prendre pour me rendre en ville. Please tell me which bus to take to go downtown. Please tell me what to take to get me into town. Tom je štreber. Tom is a nerd. Tom's a nerd. Ël passà a peul mach esse conossù, nèn cambià. Ël futur a peul mach esse cambià, nèn conossù. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. He doesn't know who he is, he doesn't change, he doesn't change. Mae hi'n fyd creulon. It's a cruel world. She's a creature. Nevrátil jste mi správně drobné. You didn't give me the correct change. You didn't give me the right little one. То, что ты говоришь, важнее того, как ты это говоришь. What you say is more important than how you say it. What you say is more important than how you say it. He hett dat mit alle Macht oplücht. He lifted it up with all his might. He has brightened it with all power. टॉम अतिशय महत्त्वाचा आहे. Tom is very important. Tom is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ты прыгожая. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Você tem uma bela família. You have a beautiful family. You have a nice family. Vet du var fru Hudson bor? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? You know where Mrs Hudson lives? Ich gehe erst, wenn du mir sagst, was du weißt. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I want to know. I'll only go when you tell me what you know. Är du verkligen klar? Are you really done? Are you really ready? Wat zou je doen als je, laten we zeggen, tienduizend dollar had? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if you, let's say, had tens of thousands of dollars? Všichni zaměstnanci podali výpověď, až na jednoho. All the employees gave in their notices but for one. All the employees gave a statement, one at a time. Rompre ta promesse est irresponsable de ta part. It is irresponsible of you to break your promise. Your promise is irresponsible on your part. Eraīns ezze tenesse malnīkamans turri swajjan stubban. Each of his children has his own room. Eaine ezze tenesse malniykamans turri Swajjan stubban. Θέλουμε να 'μαστε οι καλύτερες. We want to be the best. We want to be the best. Chciałbym żeby Tom był moim młodszym bratem. I wish Tom were my younger brother. I'd like Tom to be my younger brother. Znam da nisam savršena. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Stanna gärna och ät middag. Please stay for dinner. Stay and eat dinner. एकेकाळी स्पेन हा फिलिपीन बेटांचे शासन करत होता. Spain once governed the Philippine Islands. At one time, Spain was ruling the Philippines. Wat maakt Se? What are you doing? What's Se doing? Jag minns den första gången. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Mihi videnda es. I have to see you. My sight is. Mijn oor bloedde vanochtend. My ear was bleeding this morning. My blood on this morning. In hoc loco habito. I live in this place. I live in this place. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en comprar ese cacharro? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Are you seriously thinking about buying that box? Han är amatörskådespelare. He's an amateur actor. He's an amateur actor. Máis café, por favor. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. "Estne verum quod dicent?" "Quod?" "Carnem hominis similem carni porci sapere." "Is it true what they say?" "What?" "That human flesh tastes like pork." "Is it true that they say?" "What?" "The flesh of man is like the flesh of pigs." तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे, बात खतम! You'll go with me. Full stop! You'll come with me, it's over! Ik draag contactlenzen. I wear contact lenses. I'm wearing contact lenses. „Wen kümmert’s?“ – „Mich!“ "Who cares?" "I care." “Who cares?” – “Me!” Niemand antwoordde. No one responded. No one answered. Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom learns English. Том се върна до колата си и взе фенерче. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom came back to his car and took a flashlight. सुंदरता के कई उदाहरण हैं। There are many examples of beauty. There are many examples of beauty. Uter liber tuus est? Which is your book? Is it your book? Él volvió a las cinco. He came back at 5 o'clock. He came back at 5:00. Това е моята къща. This is my house. This is my house. Tom szybko stracił zainteresowanie. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom lost interest quickly. Estamos tentando ajudar o Tom. We're trying to help Tom. We're trying to help Tom. Såg du min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book that I've ever read. It's the best book I've ever read. J'adore le soleil. I love the sun. I love the sun. Tha fios agam gum bheil fios agad gum bheil fios agam. I know that you know that I know. I know that you know me. Meine Mutter starb, als ich ein Kind war. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. Cela m'intrigue. I'm intrigued. That's what I'm interested in. Diam! Shut up! Shut up! ¿Podrías arreglar esto, por favor? Could you fix this, please? Could you fix this, please? टॉम त्याची गिटार उचलून वाजवू लागला. Tom picked up his guitar and started to play. Tom started playing his guitar. Aspice filium meum, quaeso. Please keep your eye on my child. Look at my son, please. Chodziłbym na filmy, jeśli miałbym czas. I would've gone to the movies if I'd had the time. I'd go to movies if I had time. वह उनकी मदत करता है। He helps her. He helps them. Houten stoelen zijn duur. Wooden chairs are expensive. Stealing chairs are expensive. Квадратний корінь із двох — іраціональне число. The square root of 2 is irrational. The square root of two is an irrational number. Ji tai pažodžiui išvertė. She translated it word for word. She translated it into words. Aliquando domum novam emit. She bought a new house the other day. Sometimes he sends out a new house. Сколько раз я тебе говорила складывать свою одежду? How many times have I told you to fold your clothes? How many times have I told you to put my clothes on? Hoc fidem amicis eius monstrat. This shows his loyalty to his friends. This is shown by the faith of his friends. Тому точно больше тридцати. Tom is certainly above thirty. That's why it's over thirty. A lei piace cacciare, vero? She likes to hunt, doesn't she? You like hunting, don't you? Tu domā ka es to negaidiju. Do you think I haven't anticipated that? You think I'm not expecting it. Tha thu trang an-dràsda, nach eil? You are busy now, aren't you? You're already busy, right? Баща ми ми четеше преди да заспя. My father used to read to me at bedtime. My father read before he fell asleep. Ich hoffe, es geht ihm bald besser. I do hope that he will get well soon. I hope he'll be better soon. Τα μαλλιά τους είναι απαλά σα μετάξι. Their hair is silky smooth. Their hair is just like mexican. Гугли старанніше! Google harder! Google is more careful! Landluft ist gesünder als Stadtluft. Country life is healthier than city life. Land air is healthier than city air. Гадаю, цього тижня я буду зайнятий. I think I'll be busy this week. I think I'll be busy this week. È straniero? Are you a foreigner? Is he a stranger? زمانی که تام به خانه ی ماری رسید، ساعت نزدیک 2:30 بود. It was close to 2:30 by the time Tom reached Mary's house. And when even was come into the house of the dragon, it was about 2:30 p.m. माझ्याकडे माझ्या बहिणीपेक्षा जास्त ड्रेस आहेत. I have more dresses than my sister. I have more dread than my sister. Δεν έχουμε τίποτα. We've got nothing. We don't have anything. Η Μαίρη μου είπε ότι νόμιζε ότι ο Τομ ήταν χωρισμένος. Mary told me that she thought Tom was divorced. Mary told me she thought Tom was apart. Det är inte viktigt vad jag heter. It's not important what my name is. It doesn't matter what my name is. Ci ha salvati. You saved us. He saved us. Ich denke nicht. I don't think so. I don't think so. On je zamilovaný do te dívky. He's in love with that girl. He's in love with that girl. Budu velmi šťastný, když budeš moci přijít. If you can come, I will be very happy. I'll be very happy if you can come. Metai praeina greitai. The years pass by quickly. The year is fast. Este hombre es mercader. This man is a merchant. This man is a merchant. Synes du Tom er kjekk? Do you think Tom is handsome? Do you think Tom's crazy? Auxilio egeo. I need help. Auxilio egeo. Tom de fapt aproape niciodată nu studiază. Tom actually hardly ever studies. Tom, in fact, almost never studied. Још не. Not yet. Not yet. टॉमला आत पाठवा. Send Tom in. Send Tom in. Hai un cellulare? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a phone? Dlaczego to ukradłeś? Why did you steal that? Why did you steal it? Kapan kamu pulang ke rumah? When are you walking home? When did you get home? Das ist sein Geschäft. That's his business. That's his business. क्या यह मेरे स्वास्थ्य के लिये हानिकारक है? Is this harmful to my health? Is it harmful to my health? On je učiteľ v našej škole. He is a teacher at our school. He's a teacher at our school. Μην ανησυχείς, είμαι βέβαιος ότι μπορώ να βρω κάποιον άλλο! Don't worry, I'm sure that I can find someone else! Don't worry, I'm sure I can find someone else! Jeg har penge. I have money. I've got money. Vänta här. Wait here. Wait here. Tom le colgó a Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it self-evident? Bitte sage mir, dass das keine Bombe ist. Please tell me that's not a bomb. Please tell me it's not a bomb. Må jeg bruge din telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Tom synes ikke at filmen er interessant. Tom didn't think that movie was interesting. Tom doesn't think the movie's interesting. Malum per diem ut medicus absit. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Too bad a day for a doctor to stop. Hold op! Det kildrer! Stop. That tickles. Stop it! Jag ringer honom i kväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. Том говорит, что я ем как свинья. Tom says I eat like a pig. Tom says I eat like a pig. যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব এটা শেষ করুন । Finish this as soon as possible. Do it as soon as possible. Do it as soon as possible. Aku tidak bisa menaikkan lengan kananku. I can't raise my right arm. I can't raise my right arm. ¿Mis zapatos te gustan? Do you like my shoes? Do you like my shoes? Zet de radio zachter. Turn the radio down. Put the radio down. Populus Thoman praesidem fecit. The people elected Tom president. The people of Thoman made the president. We zijn van verschillende leeftijd. Hij is ouder dan ik. We are different ages. He is older than me. We're from different ages, he's older than me. Feles mea humida est. My cat is wet. My bones are wet. Aquele cavalo não é branco. That horse is not white. That horse's not white. Том твёрдо решил поцеловать Машу. Tom was determined to kiss Mary. Tom was determined to kiss Masha. Том не обича математика. Tom doesn't like math. Tom doesn't like math. Widzisz, ten chłopak jest moim synem. The boy, you see, is my son. You see, this boy is my son. Mogę skorzystać z łazienki? Can I use the bathroom? Can I use the bathroom? Vorrei insegnarvi il cinese in cambio di un'altra lingua. I'd like to teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me another language. I'd like to teach you Chinese instead of another language. La rumeur, après tout, s'est avérée fausse. The rumor, after all, turned out untrue. The noise, after all, proved false. Proximo Solis die Novum Eboracum ibit. She will leave for New York next Sunday. The next day will be the New Eboracum. ते शाळेत इंग्रजी शिकवू इच्छित होते. He wanted to teach English at school. They wanted to teach English at school. Ik gah slapen. I am going to sleep. I went to sleep. मोका पानी क जरूरत ह। I need water. Moka needs water. Tom potrebbe essere ubriaco. Tom could be intoxicated. Tom could be drunk. Svi učitelji su bili mladi i voljeli podučavati. All our teachers were young and loved teaching. All the teachers were young and loved to teach. Han dricker enbart i berusningssyfte. He drinks only for the sake of getting drunk. He only drinks for the purpose of embalming. Il n'y a pas le choix. There's no choice. There's no choice. Kto wygrywa? Who's winning? Who wins? Мисля, че трябва да си помислите отново. I think you should reconsider that. I think you should think again. Wo hat Tom sich die Haare schneiden lassen? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom cut his hair? Сите зборуваа. They all talked. Everyone was talking. Наступного тижня я планую поїхати до Європи. I'm planning to go to Europe next week. Next week, I plan to go to Europe. Che cosa vi è successo? What has become of you? What happened to you? Gerðu svo vel að róa þig. Please relax. Please calm down. Perché non abbiamo abbastanza cibo per tutti? Pensavo fosse andata a fare la spesa questo pomeriggio. Why don't we have enough food for everyone? I thought you went shopping this afternoon. Why don't we have enough food for everyone? Dešimt metų yra ilgas laikas. Ten years is a long time. Ten years is a long time. Den här är väldigt billig. This is very cheap. This is very cheap. Neviděl důvod, proč čekat déle. He saw no advantage in waiting any longer. He didn't see why to wait any longer. टॉम जानता है हम यहाँ हैं। Tom knows we're here. Tom knows we're here. Фадль застрелив Лейлу, а потім спробував зробити так, щоб це виглядало як самогубство. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadl shot Layla, and then he tried to make it look like a suicide. Tom har ingen sociale færdigheder. Tom has no social skills. Tom has no social skills. Може ли да му кажеш на Том дека сме вратени? Would you tell Tom we're back? Can you tell Tom we're back? Você vai manter sua palavra, não é? You will keep your word, won't you? You're gonna keep your word, aren't you? দেখা যাক টম কি করছে। Let's see what Tom is up to. See what Tom's doing. Perché eri silenzioso? Why were you silent? Why were you quiet? Jeg vil tage en taxi. I'll go by taxi. I'll take a cab. Presiden mengunjungi Prancis bulan itu. The president was visiting France that month. The president visited France that month. Die Medizin hatte eine wundervolle Wirkung auf ihn. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Tom behöver hjälp. Tom needs help. Tom needs help. আমরা পার্কে খেলতাম। We used to play in the park. We were playing the park. Miło mi się z nią rozmawiało. I enjoyed talking to her. It was nice talking to her. Uns ist der Rotwein ausgegangen. We've run out of red wine. We're out of red wine. Պա՜հ: Wow! Why? Я не магу табе яго даць. I can't give it to you. I can't give it to you. Би сакал да можам да им го кажувам своето право име на луѓето. I'd like to be able to tell people my real name. I'd like to be able to tell people my true name. Apa? What? What? Том не се страхува от неуспеха. Tom isn't afraid to fail. Tom's not afraid of failure. Dieses Bild sticht durch seine sich beißenden Farben hervor. The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out. This image stands out by its beaking colors. Каква е минималната заплата в Египет? What's the minimum salary in Egypt? What is the minimum wage in Egypt? Дан ги украси ѕидовите од својата соба со расистички симболи. Dan decorated the walls of his room with racist symbols. Dan decorated the walls of his room with racist symbols. I bambini suonavano assieme. The children played together. The kids are sleeping together. Estou seguro de que se encontrarán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure they'll find exploits. Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own room? Hvilken dato er det i dag? What is the date today? What date is it today? Han satt på en liten sten och såg ut över havet. He sat on a small rock and looked out to sea. He sat on a small stone and looked out over the sea. Je ne peux les laisser partir avant que la montre ne soit réparée. I can't let them leave before the watch is fixed. I can't let them go before the watch is repaired. Tom aveva tutto quello che voleva. Tom had everything he wanted. Tom had everything he wanted. Ternyata itu memang benar. It turned out to be true. It turns out to be true. Det här skrivbordet som jag köpte igår är väldigt stort. This desk, which I bought yesterday, is very big. This desk I bought yesterday is very big. До біса твою допомогу. Fuck your help. To hell with your help. Det har du rigtig godt af. That serves you right. You're really good at that. Не думаю, що я змогла би провести шість годин з вами наодинці. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. Jag vet inte vad jag vill. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. No puedo dejar de pensar en el dinero robado. I cannot stop thinking of the stolen money. I can't stop thinking about the stolen money. To był niewątpliwie ich najsłabszy mecz w tym roku. That was, without doubt, their weakest match this year. It was certainly their weakest match this year. Seu jeito acalorado de tratar as pessoas o tornou enormemente popular. His warm way with people had made him hugely popular. His eager way of treating people made him very popular. E se o Tom ainda estiver vivo? What if Tom is still alive? What if Tom's still alive? Мэри, я серьёзно. Mary, I'm serious. Mary, I'm serious. Il est venu en bus. He came by bus. He came by the bus. तुम्ही कशाबद्दल बोलत आहात? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Mijn verklaring was niet voldoende. My explanation was not sufficient. My statement wasn't enough. Οι μαθήτριες γέλασαν. The students laughed. The students laughed. Weinig studenten kunnen Latijn lezen. Few students can read Latin. Few students can read Latin. Je dois bientôt me faire couper les cheveux. Soon I have to go get a haircut. I'll have to cut my hair soon. Gallinae nigrae ova alba pariunt. Black hens lay white eggs. Gallinae nigrae this white parent. Jaga dirimu sendiri. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Tire as suas meias. Take off your socks. Remove your half. T'es un gamin bizarre. You're a weird kid. You're a weird guy. Jeg har købt en hybridbil. I bought a hybrid. I bought a hybrid car. Si vous voulez aller plus loin, n'oubliez pas de consulter également cet autre article de notre blog. If you want to go further, be sure to check out this other article from our blog too. If you want to go further, do not forget to also consult this other article in our blog. Ich sehe Tom am Montag wieder. I'm seeing Tom again on Monday. I'll see Tom again on Monday. Jeg stødte på en gammel ven. I ran into an old friend. I met an old friend. Čeká nás pozitivní změna. We are in for some positive change. There's a positive change waiting for us. गाँव में बिजली नहीं है। The village has no electricity. There's no electricity in the village. Hun holder af fuglekigning. She likes birdwatching. She likes bird watching. Astăzi este 18 iunie și este ziua lui Muiriel. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and it's Muiriel's day. Інститут — це марнування часу. College is a waste of time. The Institute is a waste of time. در حالی که در خیابان های شلوغ قدم می زدیم، آوازهای قدیمی را می خواندیم. We walked along the busy street, singing old songs. While we walked in the tabernacles of the jackals, we called for the old voices. Кога пристигнува Том? When does Tom arrive? When does Tom arrive? Листата падат през есента. Leaves fall in the autumn. The list falls in the fall. वह भारत और चीन दोनो में बहुत प्रसिद्ध है। She is well known in both India and China. He's very famous in India and China. Том живе не один. Tom doesn't live alone. Tom lives not alone. Tom ist nicht dumm. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Regresé del extranjero. I returned from abroad. I went back from abroad. Modlili sme sa. We were praying. We prayed with. Ei caută un țap ispășitor. They're looking for a scapegoat. They're looking for a lunatic. Det er din skønhed. That is your beauty. It's your beauty. Jag har alldeles nyss gett Tom sparken. I just fired Tom. I've just given Tom the kick. Não podemos trabalhar sem energia elétrica. We can't work without electricity. We can't work without electricity. Ødelæg alt. Bring everything to ruin. Destroy everything. Naučiti sve ove rečenice napamet ne dolazi u obzir. It is out of the question to learn all these sentences by heart. Learning all these phrases can't be taken into consideration. Je n'y avais pas vraiment pensé. I hadn't really thought about that. I didn't really think about it. Starczy na dziś. That's enough for today. That's enough for today. Você viveu em Boston ano passado? Did you live in Boston last year? You lived in Boston last year? Ти какво яде, риба или месо? Which did you eat, fish or meat? What do you eat, fish or meat? ती घरी जपानी बोलत नाही. She doesn't speak Japanese at home. She does not speak Japanese at home. Nepodpisuj dokument, kým si ho neprečítaš. Don't sign the document until you've read it. Don't sign a document you don't read. Τι θ' αφήσετε πίσω; What'll you leave behind? What are you gonna leave behind? Ogni tanto gioco a calcio con mio fratello. Every once in a while I play soccer with my brother. Every time I play football with my brother. Tom är knäpp. Tom is cranky. Tom's crazy. Foi realmente muito interessante. It was seriously very interesting. It was really very interesting. Tom en Maria hebben een gehandicapt kind geadopteerd. Tom and Mary adopted a handicapped child. Tom and Maria have adopted a disabled child. Lo chiama spesso. She often calls him. He often calls it. Potkala jsem je jen třikrát. I only met them three times. I only met them three times. Изгледа се чувствувам малку уморно. I guess I'm feeling a little tired. I guess I feel a little tired. Të dashuroj. I love you. I love you. Eu sabia que não deveria ter tentado fazer isso sem a tua ajuda. I knew I shouldn't have tried doing that without your help. I knew I shouldn't have tried to do that without your help. Ты много о нас знаешь? Do you know much about us? You know a lot about us? आप इतने जल्दी क्यों आ गएं? Why did you come early? Why did you come so soon? Det er åbenlyst for enhver at han er forelsket. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It's obvious to anyone that he's in love. माझ्यासोबत या. Come along with me. Come with me. Du bliver ikke fyret. You won't be fired. You're not being fired. Aliquid casei emere opto. I would like to buy some cheese. Something I've been home for a while. Ez qelav niya! I am not fat! I'm gonna kill you! Mám ó bože ó velký pamatovat si takový cifer řad, velký slovutný Archimedes, pomáhej trápenému, dej mu moc, nazpaměť nechť odříká ty slavné sice, ale tak protivné nám, ah, číslice Ludolfovy! I have to -- oh God oh great -- remember such a string of numbers, great famous Archimedes, help the suffering, give him the power, let him recite by heart those famous, and yet for us irritating, ah, numbers of Ludolph! Oh, my God, remember a number like that, big word Archimedes, help the grieving man, give him power, remember, let him say the famous things, but so contrary to us, oh, the numbers of Ludolph! Ти заслужаваш наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Hendes ur er ti minutter bagefter. Her watch is ten minutes slow. Her watch's ten minutes behind. Jeg tror, ​​den er færdig. I believe it's finished. I think it's over. Kan jeg låne telefonen din? May I use your telephone? Can I borrow your phone? La prospérité d'un pays dépend de ses citoyens. The prosperity of a country depends upon its citizens. The prosperity of a country depends on its citizens. Mary i Tom cenią sobie prywatność. Mary and Tom value their privacy. Mary and Tom appreciate their privacy. Res o dhymm fistena. I had to hurry. There's something wrong with the party. Mă bucur să te cunosc. I am delighted to meet you. Nice to meet you. Sólo para adultos. Only for grownups. For adults only. Ik ontmoette een Amerikaans meisje. I met an American girl. I met an American girl. Não tenho que estar aqui. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Tom não gosta da minha família. Tom doesn't like my family. Tom doesn't like my family. मी ह्या नगरात कोणालाही ओळखत नाही. I don't know anybody in this town. I know no one in this city. Kan je er ook één voor mij kopen? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy one for me? Chiar m-am săturat de viață. I'm really sick of life. I'm really tired of my life. Пожалуйста, высадите меня на этой стороне от светофора. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Please put me on this side of the lighthouse. Sie ist mittelgroß. She is of average height. She's middle-aged. Tom har ikke fått sparken. Tom hasn't been fired. Tom hasn't been fired. Зошто никогаш не победувам? Why don't I ever win? Why don't I ever win? আমি তার নাম ভুলে গেছি। I've forgotten her name. I forgot his name. Io apprezzo davvero la vostra offerta. I really appreciate your offer. I really appreciate your offer. Somente água, por favor. Just water, please. Just water, please. Том сакаше рано да си оди дома. Tom wanted to go home early. Tom wanted to go home early. Tá an t-iasc dearg ag snámh san aigéan. The red fish is swimming in the ocean. The red fish is swimming in the ocean. De Romeinen droegen toga's. The Romans wore togas. The Romans wore tau's. Triginta tres annos nata est. She's thirty-three. Thirty-three years old was born. تم رات کو سو سکے تھے۔ Did you get any sleep at all last night? You were able to sleep at night. Napisz wypracowanie na temat: "Przyjaźń". Write an essay on "Friendship". Write about "Friendly." Tom começou a chorar incontrolavelmente. Tom started crying uncontrollably. Tom began to cry uncontrollably. Eu não achava que o Tom podia correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run so fast like that. Nullus amor maior matris amore est. No love is greater than the love of a mother. No greater love is the mother of love. Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary holding his hand. Бях зает тази седмица. I have been busy this week. I was busy this week. Вы не можете вот так взять и исчезнуть. You can't disappear like that. You can't take it like that and disappear. Felem edi. I ate a cat. We're missing the editor. यह पुस्तक चीन के बारे में है। This book is about China. It's about China. आपण त्या माणसाचं घर विकत घेतलं. We bought the man's house. We bought the man’s house. Yo soy de Noruega. I am from Norway. I'm from Norway. Том - талантливый шахматист. Tom is a talented chess player. Tom is a talented chess player. Mange lande har lavet love der forbyder rygning på offentlige steder. Many countries have passed laws to prohibit people from smoking in public places. Many countries have made laws prohibiting smoking in public places. Само прави што сакаш. Just do what you want. Just do what you want. Может ли это быть приемлемым для вас? Would this be acceptable to you? Could it be acceptable for you? Таа изгледаше како да е длабоко потресена од прашањето. She seemed surprised by the question. She looked like she was deeply shaken by the question. Jestem z Kolumbii. I am from Columbia. I'm from Colombia. Пази се од искрите што летаат од огништето. Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace! Watch out for the rumors that fly from the fire. Ich bin Chinesin. I am Chinese. I'm Chinese. Это мой кот. That's my cat. It's my cat. Eu estava com uma febre muito alta. I had a very high fever. I was with a very high fever. Ніколі не пішыце словы "боршч" і "шчы" па-нямецку! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borch" and "cheese" in German! Не Том створює правила. Tom isn't the one who make the rules. Tom doesn't make rules. Ich bin hungrig! I'm hungry. I'm hungry! El hotel me cobró ocho mil yenes por la habitación. The hotel charged me 8000 yen for the room. The hotel paid me eight thousand yen per room. Não era para ser; simples assim. It just wasn't meant to be. It wasn't to be; simple like that. Фома должен быть там к двум тридцати. Tom has to be there by 2:30. There's got to be about two-thirty. Κάντε κάτι! Do something! Do something! Hun er omtrent like høy som deg. She's almost the same height as you. She's about as tall as you. Haar verhaal bring herinneringe van my ouers terug. Her story brings back memories of my parents. Her story brings back memories from my parents. I de dage plejede jeg at stå op klokken seks hver morgen. In those days, I used to get up at six every morning. In those days, I used to stand up at 6: 00 a.m. every morning. Waarschijnlijk weet hij dat ik hem leuk vind. He probably knows I like him. He probably knows I like him. Хутчіш, бо не встигнеш на автобус. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Hurry up, 'cause you can't get on the bus. Du milde Moses! Holy cow! Mild Moses! Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ сърѣлъ Томъ? Where did you first meet Tom? Where are you first Sir Tom? Można mu zaufać. He can be trusted. You can trust him. Geef me deze hoed. Give me this hat. Give me this hat. Bebi água. I drank some water. I've had water. Inget av detta är verkligt. None of this is real. None of this is real. Si ricorda il compleanno di suo padre? Do you remember your father's birthday? Do you remember her father's birthday? Je voulais y aller. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go. ¿Cuándo perdiste las llaves? When did you lose your keys? When did you lose your keys? Escóitame, ¿queres? Listen to me, will you? Listen to me, will you? मैं खुशकिसमत था कि सफ़ल हो गया। I had the good fortune to succeed. I was happy to succeed. Ήσαστε ευτυχισμένη; Were you happy? Were you happy? Ni är tidiga igen. You're early again. You're early again. Ich bin dazu nicht befugt. I'm not authorized to do that. I'm not authorized to do this. Ik begrijp niet wat u bedoelt. I don't get what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Aš paklausiau jos kokią ji mėgsta muziką. I asked her what kind of music she liked. I asked her what music she likes. Благодарю тебя от всего сердца. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much. وہ جتنا مرضی کھا لے، اس کا وزن بڑھتا ہی نہیں ہے۔ No matter how much she eats, she never gains weight. No matter how much he wants to eat, he doesn't increase his weight. Han ser lite trött ut. He looks a bit tired. He looks a little tired. Nous nous rendîmes à la plage. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Ich zensiere ihre Artikel nicht. I don't censor their articles. I'm not censoring her articles. Vi forsøger at holde os ajour. We're trying to stay up to date. We're trying to keep us up to date. "Call up" означает звонить по телефону. "Call up" is a phrase that means to telephone. "Call up" means dialing on the phone. Je viens de manger un falafel. I just ate a falafel. I just ate a falafel. Dovresti comprare un'auto nuova ora. You should get yourself a new car now. You should buy a new car now. Ich mag es überhaupt nicht. I don't like it at all. I don't like it at all. ٹام پیر کو شاید مصروف ہو گا۔ Tom is probably going to be busy on Monday. Tom's gonna be busy. Setite se imena fajla pre nego što pokušate da izvršite povratak obrisanih fajlova. Recall the filename before you try to perform file recovery. Remember file names before trying to restore deleted files. Deszcz zmienił się w śnieg. The rain changed into snow. The rain has changed into snow. Ne ho a sufficienza. I have enough. I've got enough. You! Hooray! You! Mam nadzieję, że jesteś w bezpiecznym miejscu. I hope you are in a safe place. I hope you're in a safe place. Tom vertrou haar. Tom trusts her. Tom trusts her. Dia memberitahuku bahwa dia akan mengunjungi Nara bulan depan. He told me that he would visit Nara next month. He told me he was going to visit Nara next month. Dacă aş fi fost străin, probabil că nu aş fi putut mânca peşte crud. If I were a foreigner, I probably couldn't eat raw fish. If I were a stranger, I probably wouldn't be able to eat raw fish. Πότε πήγες εκεί; When did you go there? When did you go there? Certe! Certainly! Sure! Io voglio solo umiliare Tom. I just want to humiliate Tom. I just want to humiliate Tom. Este peixe é delicioso. This fish is delicious. This fish is delicious. मैं फ़ैसला कर चुका हूँ। I've made a decision. I've decided. De kunne ikke holde op med at le. They couldn't stop laughing. They couldn't stop laughing. Ты такая надменная. You're so stuck up. You're so proud. Είναι τόσο νεαρός. He's so young. He's so young. Spring inte så fort, jag hinner inte med. Don't run so fast; I can't keep up with you. Don't jump so fast, I don't mind. Daar was 'n kat op die tafel. A cat was on the table. There was a cat on the table. Eu não estava errado. I wasn't wrong. I wasn't wrong. J'ai reçu mon cadeau d'anniversaire. I received my birthday present. I got my birthday present. Lubię jeździć na nartach. I like skiing. I like to ride on the rafts. Oblitus sum mei. I forgot myself. I forgot about me. Qui que ce soit vous y a-t-il vu ? Did anyone see you there? Who the hell did you see? Denne telefon er i stykker. This telephone is out of order. This phone's in pieces. Det er veldig kaldt nå. It's very cold now. It's very cold now. Tom má s tím problémy. Tom is having trouble with this. Tom's got a problem with that. Idi pravo. Go straight. Go straight. Verujem da si iskrena. I believe you're honest. I believe you're honest. „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. ‘123456’ is a frequently used password. تعداد ژاپنی هایی که نان می خورند افزایش یافته است. The number of Japanese who live on bread has increased. The number of loaves that they eat has increased. Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas tank nearby? Ea tandem advenit! She finally arrived! She's on her way! Lorsque je me trouve avec toi, je suis heureuse. When I'm with you, I'm happy. When I meet you, I'm happy. কী হয়েছে? What's happened? What happened? Мы с Томом должны держаться вместе. Tom and I have to stick together. Tom and I have to stick together. Nu a fost un accident. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident. सामी एका लेस्बियन जोडप्याला भेटला. Sami met a lesbian couple. In time, I was appointed as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. De bildade en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. Il me faut partir. I ought to go. I have to go. Ποιος το 'στειλε; Who sent it? Who sent it? Потцењујете ме. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Hesten er tørst. The horse is thirsty. The horse's thirsty. तू डोळे बंद करून चालू शकतोस का? Can you walk with your eyes closed? Can you shut your eyes? Tom è estremamente onesto. Tom is extremely honest. Tom is extremely honest. Soñjet em eus e oa marv Tom. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Algunos piensan que el presidente pasa demasiado tiempo viajando. Some people think the president spends too much time traveling. Some think that the president spends too much time traveling. Είναι τρεις η ώρα. It's three o'clock. It's three hours. Apakah ada kehidupan di Mars? Is there life on Mars? Is there a life in Mars? Ο Τομ και η Μαίρη φίλησαν ο ένας τον άλλο με πάθος. Tom and Mary passionately kissed each other. Tom and Mary kissed each other with passion. Chan eil sinn a' fuireach ann an Alba fhathast. We don't live in Scotland yet. Scotland still doesn't exist. Han er en god sanger. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Overwinnen leek onmogelijk, maar eigenlijk was het dat niet. Victory may seem impossible, but actually it is not. Winning seemed impossible, but actually it wasn't. Han kramade henne. He hugged her. He hugged her. Најдоа изолирана плажа па таму го проведоа денот. They found a secluded beach where they spent the day. They found an isolated beach and spent the day there. Eg veit vi kan vinna. I know we can win. I know we can win. Блиски смо пријатељи. We're close friends. We're close friends. Είναι κανείς σπίτι; Is anybody home? Is anybody home? Ze was aardig tegen iedereen. She was nice to everyone. She was kind to everyone. Tom marinò la scuola. Tom cut school. Tom set sail for the school. Kin k heur vertraauwen? Can I trust them? Can You Trust an Hour? हमे लोगों की पीठ के पीछे उनकी बुराई नहीं करनी चाहिए। We must not speak ill of others behind their backs. We shouldn't do them wrong behind the back. Tha fear dhuinn ceàrr. One of us is wrong. One is wrong. Конечно си заминаа. They finally left. They're finally gone. Jeg kunne ikke høre hva som ble sagt. I couldn't hear what was being said. I couldn't hear what was said. Я знаю, что Том хочет, чтобы вы это сделали. I know Tom wants you to do that. I know Tom wants you to do it. Omnia sunt normativa. Everything is normal. Everybody's a normative. ¿Te gusta este color? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Θα ψηφίσω τον Τομ. I'll vote for Tom. I'll vote for Tom. Koliko je ovaj kišobran? How much is this umbrella? How much is this umbrella? Det kalla vädret fortsatte i tre veckor. The cold weather continued for three weeks. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Tom prøvede at overtale Mary til at være med i en trekant. Tom tried to convince Mary to have a threesome. Tom tried to convince Mary to join a triangle. Εξαρτάται από σένα. It is up to you. It depends on you. Lei ha il raffreddore. She has a cold. She's cold. Da li se slažeš sa onim što je Tom napisao u svom izveštaju? Do you agree with what Tom wrote in his report? Do you agree with what Tom wrote in his report? Vilken frukt tycker du bäst om? What fruit do you like the best? What kind of fruit do you like best? Og træet var ofte alene. And the tree was often alone. And the tree was often alone. تلفن الان درست نیست. The telephone is now out of order. Losing now is not true. Dlaczego pomalował pan ławkę na czerwono? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint a red spoon? Jag sa god morgon. I said good morning. I said good morning. Je sedem hodín. It's seven o'clock. It's seven hours. Сабака перастрыбнуў праз крэсла. The dog jumped over a chair. The dog slipped through the chair. Kiedy Tom powiedział Mary, żeby czuła się jak w domu, w sekrecie miał nadzieję, że pójdzie do kuchni pozmywać mu naczynia. When Tom told Mary to feel right at home, he was secretly hoping that she'd go and wash up the dishes in the kitchen. When Tom told Mary to feel at home, in secret he was hoping to go to the kitchen to wash his dishes. Ce problème est difficile à résoudre. This problem is hard to solve. This problem is difficult to solve. Res yw dhyn dalleth lemmyn. We must start now. You need to run this session now. När kan vi mötas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Man kann dadurch Energie sparen, dass man beim Verlassen eines Zimmers das Licht ausschaltet. You can save energy by turning off the lights when you leave a room. You can save energy by turning the light off when you leave a room. Мы с Томом вскоре стали друзьями. Tom and I soon became friends. Tom and I soon became friends. "Ast ego, quæ divum incedo regina, Jovisque / et soror et conjux, una cum gente tot annos / bella gero! Et quisquam numen Junonis adorat / præterea, aut supplex aris imponet honorem?" "But I, who walk the Queen of Heaven confessed, / Jove's sister-spouse, shall I forevermore / with one poor tribe keep warring without rest? / Who then henceforth shall Juno's power adore? / Who then her fanes frequent, her deity implore?" "I am, what do I call a queen, a Jewess / and a sister and a partner, one with people all year round / war! And does anyone call Junonis worship / pretense, or does the complex aris impose honor?" Я купіла новы камп’ютар. I bought a new computer. I bought a new computer. Muřo kak mulo řakatar de duj berša. My uncle died of cancer two years ago. There's got to be a dead racatar de duj bear. Ik heb wat koffie nodig. I need some coffee. I need some coffee. Je vais lui faire une proposition sérieuse. I am going to make him a serious offer. I'm going to make him a serious proposal. Thig còmhla rium. Come with me. Thirty groups of Rome. Ora la cancello. Now I delete you. Now cancel it. Sudah buka saja pintunya. Just open the door. Just open the door. A respirat adânc. He breathed deeply. He's breathing deep. זי איז געווען אַ מיידל, און ער איז געווען אַ ייִנגל. She was a girl, and he was a boy. She was a girl, and he was a dragon. Uz šosejas ir satiksmes sastrēgums. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's a traffic jam on the road. Том приїхав до Японії з Австралії. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Hvad er der i posen? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Ea Ruthenice loquitur. She can speak Russian. She's talking to Ruthenic. A încercat să rezolve problema, dar nu a avut noroc. He tried to solve the problem, but had no luck. He tried to solve the problem, but he wasn't lucky. Detroit é famosa pela sua indústria de carros. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Har du kondom? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? Eu acho que o Tom quer ficar. I think Tom wants to stay. I think Tom wants to stay. دنبالش برو. Follow him. Let's go. Neříkej mi, že je ti mě líto. Don't tell me you feel sorry for me. Don't tell me you're sorry. Potesne loqui? Can you talk? Can you talk to him? Можеби ќе можеш да им помогнеш. You might be able to help them. Maybe you can help them. Ik woon niet hier in Australië. I don't live here in Australia. I don't live here in Australia. Nu se poate în ambele moduri. You can't have it both ways. It can't be both ways. Prag na allav dha weles? Why can't I see you? Why don't you go see him? Ik vertroo di. I trust you. I trust you. Это трудно сказать. It's hard to say. It's hard to say. Nie musisz przepraszać. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. Ni håller på att bli lata! You are becoming lazy! You're getting late! Tom försvann snabbt in i folkmassan. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom disappeared quickly into the crowd. Том сказал, что я выгляжу уставшей. Tom said that I looked tired. Tom said I'd look in the mood. Ты, кажется, страдаешь. You look like you're in pain. You seem to be suffering. Het is je favoriete liedje. It's your favorite song. It's your favorite song. Mŕtveho neoživíš. You can't reanimate the dead. You're not gonna make it. ते अमेरिकन वाटताहेत. They seem American. They think they're American. Voor mij is dat een beetje bizar. It's a bit strange as far as I'm concerned. For me, that's a little bizarre. Стисни го копчево. Push the button here. Push this button. Wiem, że Tom jest zajęty. I know that Tom is busy. I know Tom's busy. Po tom dni už jsem Toma neviděl. I never saw Tom again after that day. I haven't seen Tom since that day. Tom vuole fuggire. Tom wants to escape. Tom wants to get away. डेंग्यू एडीस इजिप्टाय डासांमुळे होतो. Dengue is spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dingu AIDS is caused by the Egyptian forces. Tom eet veel volkoren rijst. Tom eats a lot of brown rice. Tom eats a lot of rice. Не давай на Том номера си. Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number. Je ne suis pas la personne que j'étais. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the person I was. Я живу в Європі. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Skórnir þínir eru hér. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Sono rimasta con mio zio la scorsa settimana. I stayed with my uncle last week. I stayed with my uncle last week. Hun begynte å synge. She began to sing. She started singing. "Благодаря." "Няма защо." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "No reason." Jestli mi ukážeš tvůj jazyk, možná ti ukážu můj. If you show me your tongue, I might show you mine. If you show me your tongue, maybe I'll show you mine. Ze ging met hem naar de bioscoop. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the theater with him. Сакам брокула но мразам карфиол. I like broccoli, but I hate cauliflower. I want broccula, but I hate carp. Han kommer nog inte. He probably won't come. I don't think he's coming. मी चालतो. I walk. I am walking. Fjern batteri fra røykvarsler. Remove battery from smoke detector. Remove the battery from the system tray notification. این متن برای مبتدی ها در نظر گرفته شده است. This text is aimed at beginners. This counsel hath been given to them that are wise of heart. टाम ग़रीब है लेकिन वह खुश है। Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor but he's happy. Hvað kostar þetta? How much does this cost? What's the cost? Moramo to da uradimo. We have to do that. We have to do it. আমি কোনমতেই তোমাকে এখানে একলা ছেড়ে রেখে যেতে পারবো না। There's no way I'm going to leave you alone here. I can never leave you here alone. Ovo je komunizam. This is communism. This is communism. به صندلی خود برگرد. Go back to your seat. Turn to your dromedaries. Nie lubię, gdy matematycy, którzy wiedzą o wiele więcej niż ja, nie potrafią się jasno wyrazić. I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly. I don't like it when mathematicians who know a lot more about me can't express themselves clearly. Thomas birotam suam reficit. Tom is fixing his bicycle. Thomas repays his daughter-in-law. Dat Finster is ut Glas. The window is made of glass. The window is from glass. Ka mijëra pjesëmarrës në ngjarjen e sotme. There are thousands of participants at today's event. There are thousands of participants in the event today. Masz jakieś pytania odnośnie tej lekcji? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Tá plean acu. They have a plan. They have a plan. Šta imate tamo? What do you have there? What have you got there? Одеднаш се почувствував старо. I suddenly felt old. I felt old all of a sudden. Io non ne sarei sorpreso. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Koje godine je napravljen tvoj auto? What year was your car made? What year has your car been made? Jeg tror Tom kommer fra Australia. I think Tom is from Australia. I think Tom comes from Australia. मेड्रिड स्पेन की राजधानी है। Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Þetta var nú gott. That hit the spot. That was good. Не е толкова трудно. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. Подранили са. They're early. They're early. Drik ikke vandet i det beskidte glas! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water in the dirty glass! Не могли бы вы проводить меня? Could you see me off? Couldn't you give me a ride? Сколько времени у тебя ушло на написание этого отчёта? How long did it take you to write the report? How long have you been writing this report? Je le lui donnerai. I'll give that to her. I'll give it to him. Solo quiero ir a casa. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Това е най-добрият ресторант за морска храна в този квартал. This is the best seafood restaurant in the neighborhood. This is the best seafood restaurant in this neighborhood. A nossa equipa pode ganhar. Our team can win. Our team can win. Ik wil mijn tas. I want my bag. I want my bag. Mes eisime, bet be tavęs. We will go, but without you. We'll go, but without you. یاد گرفتم که بدون او زندگی کنم. I learned to live without her. I remembered to live without him. Mijn moeder gaf me een naaimachine. My mother gave me a sewing machine. My mother gave me a sewing machine. No puedo saltar al mar. No sé nadar. I cannot jump to the sea. I don't know how to swim. I can't jump to the sea. Давайте припинемо цю марну дискусію. Let's stop this fruitless discussion. Let's stop this empty discussion. Esperamos allí tranquilamente. We waited there quietly. We'll wait there quietly. मला वाचव. Help me. Save me. टॉमने मला फसवलं. Tom tricked me. Tom cheated on me. Ann nie ma siostry. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Ann doesn't have a sister. No se puede estar en dos lugares a la vez. You can't be at two places at once. You can't be in two places at once. Tu esi par jaunu lai mirtu mans draugs. You're too young to die, my friend. You're too young to die for my friend. Leur maison a été brûlée par l'incendie. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was burned by fire. Ще правим купон в събота вечер. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We're having a party Saturday night. Едноставно не ѝ верував. I just didn't believe her. I just didn't trust her. Er stellt seinem Vater Fragen. He asks questions to his father. He's asking his father questions. Видов како Том го прави тоа. I saw Tom do it. I saw Tom do it. Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was chasing the thief. मैं कभी-कभी उसको समझ नहीं पाती। At times I can't understand him. I never get it. Kesi ney né va. Nobody said that. Don't worry about it. Зачем бы Тому врать про свой возраст? Why would Tom lie about his age? So why don't you talk about your age? Höre bitte nicht auf Tom! Please don't listen to Tom. Don't listen to Tom! टॉमला पैश्याची फिकीर नाहीये. Tom doesn't care about money. Tom is not money - hungry. Erat annos natus quattuor et quinquaginta, cum mortuus est. He died when he was 54 years old. He was born four and fifty years after he died. Stop met me steeds te bekritiseren! Don't keep criticizing me! Stop criticizing me all the time! Там прадаюцца мандарыны? Do they sell tangerines? Is that where the mandarins are sold? Não quero cantar agora. I don't want to sing right now. I don't want to sing now. Διαβάσατε χθες; Did you study yesterday? Did you read yesterday? 𐌹𐌺 𐌲𐌹𐌱𐌰 𐌸𐌿𐍃 𐌹𐍄𐌰. I will give it to you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom não sabe o que Mary quer que ele compre para o seu aniversário. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy her for her birthday. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy for her birthday. Vilnius är Litauens huvudstad. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Jag fixar trasiga radioapparater. I fix broken radios. I'm gonna fix some scary radios. Ta zupa potrzebuje odrobiny soli. This soup wants a bit of salt. This soup needs some salt. Tom machte Seifenblasen. Tom blew soap bubbles. Tom made soap bubbles. Hi a wrug glaw de. It rained yesterday. It's too bad. Mary zmarła przy porodzie. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died when she was born. Правя твърде много грешки. I make too many mistakes. I'm making too many mistakes. Nadie te quiere. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants you. Porazilo ho auto. He was hit by a car. He was hit by a car. अजून एकदा करून बघू या. Let's try once more. Let us see again. Mam nadzieje że jutro nie będzie aż tak źle. I hope tomorrow isn't too bad. I hope it won't be that bad tomorrow. Poinformował mnie o zmianach planu. He informed me about the changes in the plan. He informed me about the changes in the plan. O enxofre queima numa chama azul. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. Encipherment burns in a blue bell. Var är din soptunna? Where is your garbage can? Where's your mushroom? Се чувствувам како да сум те изневерил. I feel like I let you down. I feel like I've let you down. Cine e de pază azi? Who's on duty today? Who's on guard today? तुम ने अभी तक टॉम को क्यों नहीं बताया है? Why haven't you told Tom yet? Why haven't you told Tom yet? Tom har en benprotese. Tom has a prosthetic leg. Tom has a bone prosthesis. Вы принесли книгу? Did you bring the book? Did you bring the book? C'est un évènement important. This is an important event. It's an important event. Nebylo to poprvé, co jsem to dělal. That wasn't the first time I'd done that. It wasn't the first time I did it. Sluk din mobil. Please turn off your cellphone. Turn off your car. Otac mi je dao mnogo novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Ето я чантата ти. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Том думал, что Мэри, наверное, не сдаст французский. Tom thought Mary would probably fail her French test. Tom thought Mary probably wouldn't give up French. Sie ist selbständig. She's self-employed. She's independent. Sekarang bukanlah waktu yang tepat. Now isn't a very good time. Now is not the right time. Ali is mijn broer. Ali is my brother. Ali's my brother. "Co jest nie tak?" "Nie mogę odpalić samochodu." "What's wrong?" "I can't get my car started." "What's wrong?" "I can't fire the car." Mid þam þe he wolde þæt weorc beginnan, þa clipode Godes engel arodlice of heofonum, 'Abraham!' He andwyrde sona. Just when he was beginning the task, the angel of God called out from the heavens, 'Abraham!' He answered immediately. Among them he wanted things work started, that clipode Gods angel arodlice of heroes, 'Abraham!' He andyarde son. Tá, tá oraibh. Yes, you must. Yes, we do. ও আমার থেকে ছোট। She is younger than me. He's less than me. У Тома був інсульт. Tom had a stroke. Tom had an stroke. Tom bertindak atas kemauannya sendiri. Tom is acting on his own. Tom's acting on his own wishes. এখানে শুরু কর। Start here. Start here. तू तिथे नव्हतास. You weren't there. You were not there. Büst du för oder gegen dat Projekt? Are you for or against the project? Are you for or against the project? Моя мати теж вчителька. My mother is a teacher, too. My mother's a teacher, too. "Seu vos Hesperiam magnam Saturniaque arva, / sive Erycis fines regemque optatis Acesten, / auxilio tutos dimittam opibusque juvabo". "Whether ye sail to great Hesperia's shore /and Saturn's fields, or seek the realms that own / Acestes' sway, where Eryx reigned of yore, / safe will I send you hence, and speed you with my store." "Sit you the great Hesperia and Saturnia grass, / or the ends of Eric and the king you choose, / I will let all of you go and do good." Sag mir, was du darüber weißt! Tell me what you know about this. Tell me what you know about it! Kan jeg få noe å drikke? May I have something to drink? Can I have something to drink? Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Du kommer säkert på nånting. I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure you'll find something. Jag går tillbaka till sängen. I'm going back to bed. I'm going back to bed. Я вас помню. I remember you. I remember you. Não fique em casa o dia inteiro. Don't stay home all day. Don't stay home all day. Talar du italienska? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? तिने एक उंदीर पकडला. She caught a mouse. She caught a knife. Schon beim bloßen Gedanken, Schnecken zu speisen, befällt mich Übelkeit. The very thought of eating snails makes me feel sick. As soon as I think about eating snacks, I'm sick. Var kan jag köpa äpplen? Where can I buy apples? Where can I buy the apple? Не беше толку тешко колку што мислев дека ќе биде. It wasn't as difficult to do as I thought it was going to be. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Montem no gato. Get on the cat. Let's go to the cat. Fun membro do club de fútbol cando estaba no instituto. I was a member of the soccer club when I was in junior high. I was a member of the football club when I was in high school. Sie kauft Brot. She is buying bread. She buys bread. یک گزارش بنویس. Write a report. It is a record of what is written down. Gi meg brillene mine. Give me my glasses. Give me my glasses. Карол се върна в хотела си. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol came back to her hotel. Sigur! Sure! Sure! Você não consegue levantar o piano. You can't lift the piano. You can't lift the piano. Ile miałeś lat, kiedy twoi rodzice się rozwiedli? How old were you when your parents got divorced? How old were you when your parents got divorced? Tom kan ikke synge så godt som Mary. Tom can't sing as well as Mary. Tom can't sing as well as Mary. Вам не кажется, что вам надо было мне сказать? Don't you think you should've told me? Don't you think you should have told me? Sprawdź przydatność krwi do transfuzji. Check the suitability of the blood for transfusion. Check the suitability of the blood for the transfusion. Tidakkah kau tahu apa yang terjadi kemarin? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Kai ateina pavasaris, dienos tampa ilgesnės diena po dienos. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When the spring comes, the days become longer than the day. Том се навали нанапред. Tom leaned forward. Tom went ahead. Hebben jullie mijn vrienden gezien? Have you seen my friends? Have you seen my friends? Ame keras laši buči ane k than. We work well together. I'm tired of blowing a bell. Je m'apprêtais à partir. I was just leaving. I was about to leave. Том ја усреќува Мери. Tom makes Mary happy. Tom's making Mary happy. Мне нравится цвет твоей рубашки. I like the color of your shirt. I like the color of your shirt. Tom och Mary fick ändra planerna. Tom and Mary had to change their plans. Tom and Mary had their plans changed. Kiek laiko ten gyvenai? How long did you live there? How long have you lived there? Det fortsatte att snöa i fyra dagar. The snow lasted four days. It continued to snow for four days. 𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍄 𐌸𐌰𐍄𐌰 𐌾𐌿. I know that already. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Nos veremos al mediodía. We are to meet at noon. I'll see you at noon. Du hjelper ikkje. You aren't helping. You are not helping. A allav vy kewsel orth Judy? May I speak with Judy? Did you all complain about Judy? Най-накрая истината ни беше разкрита. At last, the truth became known to us. Finally, our truth was revealed. Inter se altercati sunt. They quarreled. They're different. Том сміливий, а Мері ні. Tom is courageous, but Mary isn't. Tom's brave, and Mary's not. ती इंग्रजी शिकवते. She teaches English. She teaches English. دارو ها مزه تلخی دارند. The medicine tastes bitter. The taste of green grass shall be bitter. Combien de fois avez-vous été amoureuses dans votre vie ? How many times have you been in love in your life? How many times have you been in love in your life? Тече ми гной от венците. I have pus coming out of my gums. I'm running out of venison. Lucy non riesce a usare le bacchette. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. Lucy can't use the bags. ¿Te gustaría ir a tomar algo? Would you like to go have a drink? Would you like to go get something? Ich betrachte das nicht als ein Kernproblem. I don't see this as a core issue. I didn't think it was a core problem. Aš greitesnė už jus. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Quand vient le printemps, les jours rallongent de jour en jour. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, the days are extended by day. No abrió la boca para protestar. He didn't open his mouth to protest. He didn't open his mouth to protest. Si el sol saliera por el oeste, no cambiaría de idea. If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind. If the sun went out west, it wouldn't change its mind. De arts gebruikte een tongspatel om de keel van de patiënt te onderzoeken. The doctor used a tongue depressor to examine the patient's throat. The doctor used a tongue spatula to check the patient’s throat. Мне всё равно, что ты делаешь со своими деньгами. I don't care what you do with your money. I don't care what you do with your money. Сила, мъдрост, търпение и иновации. Притежаваш ли всичко това? Ти, който искаш да носиш короната, ще понесеш нейния товар. Power, wisdom, patience and innovation. Do you possess all these? Thou who wishes to wear the crown shall bear its burden. Strength, wisdom, patience and innovation, do you possess all this? Tycker du om Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Jag känner inte riktigt för att dansa. I don't really want to dance. I don't really feel like dancing. Jsou tady. They are here. They're here. Du musst Englisch sprechen. You have to speak English. You have to speak English. नाही, तो नव्हता. No, it wasn't him. No, he was not. Тук е снимана сестра ми. That's a photo of my sister. This is my sister's picture. मुझे तो चाय से ज़्यादा कॉफ़ी पसंद है। Me, I prefer coffee to tea. I like coffee more than tea. Vad orsakade strömavbrottet? What caused the power failure? What caused the power break? ¿Qué vas a llevar puesto? What will you wear? What are you gonna wear? Jag skämdes. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! Well, now it's even more beautiful! Si Tom aparece, entrégale este documento, por favor. If Tom drops by, please give him this document. If Tom shows up, please send him this document. Isso é para o quê? What's that for? That's for what? Θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε. We want to talk. We want to talk. Толкова дълго чаках. I've waited so long. I've waited so long. Przestań się obijać i zabieraj się do roboty! Quit slacking off and get to work! Stop being scared and get to work! मैं फ़ैसला कर चुका हूँ। I've made my decision. I've decided. “Tenesne memoriā?” “Sic opinor.” “Do you hold it in memory?” “So I think.” “Tene in memory?” “Sic opinion.” Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to get you a glass of water? Jag har alltid varit intresserad av politik. I've always been interested by politics. I've always been interested in politics. Tredici case sono state distrutte. Thirteen homes have been destroyed. Thirteen houses have been destroyed. Кой ден почиваш обикновено? At what day are you off, usually? What day do you usually rest? Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. Fugle lærer at flyve per instinkt. Birds learn to fly by instinct. Birds learn to fly by instinct. आज टॉमचा वाढदिवस आहे. It's Tom's birthday today. Today is Tom’s birthday. Hoe is het weer in New York? How's the weather in New York? How's New York again? Ich werde das Mädchen einstellen, weil sie Französisch kann. I will employ the girl, because she can speak French. I'll set the girl up because she can French. Saya mulai malam ini. I will start tonight. I'm starting tonight. Я вже це зробив. I have done that already. I've already done it. Jeg tror det å elske penger, er noe vi alle har til felles. I think the love of money is common to us all. I think loving money is something we all have in common. Може ли да ми платите предварително? Can you pay me in advance? Can you pay me in advance? Кажи што сакаш. Say what you want. Say what you want. Želim da idem na Bali. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bala. Ek wil nie trou nie. I don't want to get married. I don't want to marry. Adressez-vous à mon collègue. Go and speak to my colleague. Please contact my colleague. As minhas lágrimas estão frias. My tears are cold. My tears are cold. Tom ada di dok. Tom is on the dock. Tom's on the dock. Es geht das Gerücht um, dass sich die Schauspielerin scheiden lassen wird. The rumor is going around that the actress is going to get a divorce. It's the rumor that the actress will be separated. Δεν έχω λεφτά μαζί μου. I don't have any money on me. I don't have any money with me. Didymus in mensa scriptoria sua sedet. Tom is at his desk. Didymus sits on his desk. Сигурно била таа. It must've been her. Must have been her. Ik lees. I'm reading. I read. No sé qué puedo hacer. I don't know what I can do. I don't know what I can do. त्यांनी एक घर भाड्यावर घेतलं. They rented a house. They took a house on the roof. Io non mordo. I don't bite. I don't bite. Io sono felice. I'm contented. I'm happy. Пірог смачны. The cake is tasty. The pie is delicious. Eu não compreendo a sua geração. I don't understand your generation. I don't understand your generation. Igra može biti odgođena do sljedećeg tjedna. The game may have been put off till next week. The game can be postponed until next week. Datemi l'indirizzo di Tom. Give me Tom's address. Give me Tom's address. Jeg kan ikke se filmen. I can't see the movie. I can't see the movie. Jeg vil skrive en sætning på tysk. I'm going to write a sentence in German. I'll write a sentence in German. Henn yw agan tas. That is our father. That's your bag. Ќе се видиме после, добро? See you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? Kim es dos años mayor que él. Kim is two years older than he is. Kim is two years older than he is. Не смейся! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Thomas plectrocymbalo canit. Tom plays piano. Thomas took out the canit. Io non ho mai smesso di amare Tom. I've never stopped loving Tom. I never stopped loving Tom. Това беше добра година за теб. You've had a good year. That was a good year for you. Tom kann Mary seine wahren Gefühle nicht anvertrauen. Tom can't tell Mary his real feelings. Tom can't trust his true feelings. त्यांनी त्या कादंबरीचा रशियन भाषेतून आर्मेनियन भाषेत अनुवाद केला. They translated the novel from Russian into Armenian. They translated it from Russian into Armenian. C'était négligent de sa part de faire une telle erreur. It was careless of him to make such a mistake. It was a mistake on her part to make such a mistake. Том учи ли френски в училище? Is Tom studying French at school? Did Tom teach French at school? Работи бавно и няма да правиш грешки. Work slowly, and you won't make mistakes. You work slow and you won't make mistakes. Ann kommer ikke til vores fest. Ann won't be coming to our party. Ann's not coming to our party. আমি কি কয়েকটা টাওয়েল পেতে পারি? Could I have some towels? Can I get some towels? Warum hast du sie geküsst? Why did you kiss her? Why did you kiss her? Я криком позвал на помощь. I screamed for help. I yelled for help. Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Very few people have no fear of death. Hans far kalder ham "Tom". His dad calls him Tom. His father calls him "Tom." Deberías ir. You should go. You should go. Tionailidh maoin, maoin, agus tionailidh fiachan, fiachan. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Consistency of property, property, and tenure of debt, debt. Мисля, че не разбирате най-важното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you understand the most important thing. Какво се опитва да постигне Том? What's Tom after? What's he trying to achieve? Voláš mi dnes podruhé. You are calling me for the second time today. You're calling me again today. Ela foi envenenada. She's been poisoned. She was poisoned. V případě potřeby jí budu po ruce. I'll be with her if I'm needed. I'll get her by the hand if I need her. تام فقط به پول فکر می کند. Tom only thinks about money. He only thinks about money. Quem anulum vides? What ring are you seeing? Who do you see? Том учи француски со години. Tom has been studying French for years. Tom's been learning French for years. Hai eet. He's eating. Let's eat. Tom și Mary întotdeauna joacă tenis sâmbătă de dimineață. Tom and Mary always play tennis on Saturday morning. Tom and Mary always play tennis Saturday morning. Το αγόρασες στη μαύρη αγορά; Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Mein älterer Bruder ist wirklich groß — etwa einen Meter achtzig. My older brother is really tall. He's about 180 centimeters. My older brother is really tall — about eight feet. I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. Jeg skal gjøre som du råder meg til. I'll do as you advise. I'll do as you advise me. जपान चीनच्या जवळ आहे. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. Mary se maldijo a sí misma. Mary cursed herself. Mary cursed herself. माझ्या मते तू चुकीची आहेस. In my opinion, you're wrong. I think you're wrong. पुस्तक त्यांना द्या. Give her the book. Give them a copy of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Rapporterna ska lämnas in kommande måndag. Reports are due next Monday. The reports shall be submitted on the following Monday. Πότε θα 'ρθει; When will he come? When will he come? میں نے ٹام کا کافی دیر انتظار کیا۔ I waited for Tom for a long time. I waited a long time for Tom. Ја крена книгата. He picked up the book. He set up the book. वे लड़की हैं। She's a girl. They're girls. Ты не знал, что Тому и Мэри не нужны визы? Didn't you know Tom and Mary didn't need visas? You didn't know why Mary and I didn't need visas? वह जाचुका है। He's already left. He's a coward. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the cafe. She met him at the cafe. Ми треба дозвола. I need authorization. I need permission. Շարունակեք գրել: Keep writing. Keep writing. Jsem člověk. I am human. I'm a man. Ви хто? Who are you? Who are you? به چیزی که نمی‌فهمید انتقاد نکنید. Don't criticize what you can't understand. Don't turn aside to do that which you don't know. Populisterne har vundet. The populists won. The populists have won. Не си бъркай в носа. Don't pick your nose. Don't mess with your nose. Jest zamężną kobietą. She's a married woman. She's a married woman. Multi homines in urbe sunt. There are many people in the city. There are many people in the city. Hvor glemte du dem? Where did you forget them? Where'd you forget them? Sie verbeugte sich stets, wenn sie jemanden begrüßte. She always bowed when she greeted someone. She always yelled when she greeted someone. Han optrådte på tv i aftes. He appeared on television last night. He was on TV last night. Vorrebbe volerla provare una qualche volta. You might want to try it sometime. He'd like to try it sometime. Spero fore ut amica mea veniat. I hope that my friend will come. I hope my friend comes out. Vrátím se zítra před obědem. I'll be back before lunch tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow before lunch. Wat moeten we doen? What do we need to do? What are we supposed to do? Мері сказала, що готова. Mary said she's ready. Mary said she was ready. ¿Qué pasó en realidad? What actually happened? What really happened? Ils ont un cheval. They have a horse. They have a horse. Ona kładzie dzieci do łóżek. She puts the children to bed. She's putting kids in bed. Tom è appena tornato a Boston. Tom has just come back to Boston. Tom just got back to Boston. Aku tidak tahu tepatnya. I do not know exactly. I don't know exactly. Pogledajte ponovo. Check again. Look again. Вы ведёте себя как дурак. You're acting like a fool. You're acting like a fool. Lassen Sie mich das erledigen. Let me do it. Let me do this. Nimm das mit nach Hause. Take this home with you. Take it home. Ти знаєш, що він сказав? Do you know what he said? You know what he said? Tom kom för att hjälpa. Tom came to help. Tom came to help. کارت چیه؟ What line of work are you in? What are you doing? Se no ghe n'é de vento, e veie no se peuan insciâ. If there's no wind, the sails cannot fill. If you don't freeze, you can't breathe. ¿Quién pondrá fin a esta huelga? Who is going to put and end to this strike? Who will put an end to this strike? Ich hatte gar nichts dagegen, das zu tun. I didn't mind doing that at all. I had nothing to do with it. Mick vertrieb sich die Zeit mit einer Zeitschrift, während er auf seine Verabredung wartete. Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date. Mick spent his time with a magazine while waiting for his interview. Da li si sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital. Ogladnio sam od svog ovog trčanja. All this running has made me hungry. I'm starving from this run. Tom perdeu o guarda-chuva dele de novo. Tom has lost his umbrella again. Tom lost his umbrella again. Tom nous a dit de ne pas nager ici. Tom told us not to swim here. Tom told us not to swim here. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. All things are done. تام مشت هایش را گره کرد. Tom clenched his fists. He has torn his hands in pieces. Det var en ny bok. It was a new book. It was a new book. Thomas et brevior et gravior quam Ioannes est. Tom is shorter and heavier than John. Thomas and I are shorter and heavier than Joanne. Habeo nullos collusores. I have no playmates. I don't have any charms. انشاللہ God willing... If Allah wills. Mes visi esame skirtingi. We're all different. We're all different. Timuit Iacob valde et perterritus divisit populum, qui secum erat, greges quoque et oves et boves et camelos in duas turmas dicens: Si venerit Esau ad unam turmam et percusserit eam, alia turma, quæ reliqua est, salvabitur. Then Jacob was greatly afraid; and in his fear divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and the sheep, and the oxen, and the camels, into two companies, saying: If Esau come to one company, and destroy it, the other company that is left shall escape. And Jacob was sore afraid; and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and the herds, and the camels, into two bands, and said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company that is left shall escape. Η Αιμιλία μου έκλεψε την καρδιά. Emily stole my heart. Emily stole my heart. Tom je veoma sofisticiran. Tom is very sophisticated. Tom's very sophisticated. Die Polizisten nahmen die Waffen herunter. The police lowered their weapons. The cops took the guns down. Sva trojica dečaka su se smejala. All three boys laughed. All three boys were laughing. Tom vaknade när han hörde någon knacka på dörren. Tom woke up when he heard someone knocking on the door. Tom woke up when he heard a knock on the door. Ти агресивна. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Våra mammor är starka kvinnor. Our mothers are strong women. Our moms are strong women. Þið eruð öll iðin. All of you are diligent. You're all dead. Denne fugl kaldes en måge. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a way. Što voliš? What do you like? What do you like? Jeg har glemt hvor jeg har lagt mit pas. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I forgot where I put my passport. Tom mengambil batu dan melemparkannya pada Mary. Tom picked up a rock and threw it at Mary. Tom took the stone and threw it on Mary. Kamu sebaiknya memberitahu Tom untuk tidak melakukannya. You'd better tell Tom not to do that. You better tell Tom not to. Η σύζυγος της Μαίρης είναι πλούσιος. Mary's husband is rich. Mary's husband is rich. Moje práce je starat se o naše dítě. My job is taking care of our baby. My job is to take care of our child. Väntar du på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? من هفته ای دو بار پیاده روی می کنم. I jog twice a week. I go on my feet twice a week. Potřebuji odpočinek. I need to rest. I need a rest. Цікаво, про що думає Том. I wonder what Tom is thinking about. I wonder what Tom's thinking. मैं उसे जितना हो सकेगा उतना समय में खतम करने की कोशिश करूँगा। I'll try to finish it in time as best I can. I'll try to finish as long as I can. Цвіценне вішні зараз найпрыгажэйшае. The cherry blossoms are at their best. The flowering spring is now the most beautiful. मला खेळ सोपा वाटला. I found the game easy. I felt at ease with the game. Nenoriu daugiau būti blogiečiu. I don't want to be the bad guy anymore. I don't want to be bad anymore. افراد زیادی بطور غیرقانونی در کشور زندگی می کنند. Many people are living illegally in the country. Most people live in a land that is not according to law. N’eo ket gwall vras an ti-se. This house isn't very big. This is not a major error. Warum hast du mir das nicht gesagt? Why didn't you tell me that? Why didn't you tell me? Er hans historie sand? Is his story true? Is his story true? Tom a Mary žijí v McMansionu. Tom and Mary live in a McMansion. Tom and Mary live in McMansion. Μου αρέσει το σπίτι σου. I like your house. I like your house. Der Prinz wartet. The prince is waiting. The Prince is waiting. Mogli bi smo postići to što smo pre započeli. We could accomplish what we had started before. We could do what we started before. Als ik je een spekje kon sturen, Trang, zou ik het doen. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a ghost, Trang, I'd do it. Dobbiamo portare Tom da uno specialista. We have to get Tom to a specialist. We need to get Tom from a specialist. Kvůli čemu hulákáš? What are you yelling about? What are you screaming about? Благодаря ти за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Snälla sänk volymen lite till. Please turn down the volume a little bit more. Please lower the volume a bit. Íosfaidh mé an fheoil. I will eat the meat. I'll show you the meat. As-tu un frère jumeau ? Do you have a twin brother? Are you a twin brother? Мъжете влизат във форма, карайки колело. The men are getting into shape riding bicycles. Men get in shape by riding a bike. Поздравяваше винаги с поклон. He always bowed when he greeted someone. You always said hello with a gift. Samo reci Tomu da sam zvala. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Я не наважилася їй розповісти. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I didn't have to tell her. Warum ist der Bus nicht stehen geblieben? Why didn't the bus stop? Why didn't the bus stay? Grasias a todos. Thanks, everyone. Thank you all. Ο Τομ ήταν παντρεμένος με Καναδή. Tom was married to a Canadian. Tom was married to Canada. त्याने चुकीचं उत्तर दिलं. He answered incorrectly. He said: “I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. ” Kako biste se osećali ako bi Vas napustila supruga? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if you left your wife? Wat wil Tom van ons? What does Tom want from us? What does Tom want from us? An bhfuil bron ort? Are you sad? Is there a source for you? Здається, уночі знов побачу тебе. Perhaps we'll see each other again tonight. I think I'll see you again at night. टॉमने एक बोलोन्या सँडविच खाल्लं. Tom ate a bologna sandwich. Tom ate a savory sandwich. आपके ही भले के लिये है। It's for your own good. It's for your own good. Segeralah kembali. Come back soon. I'll be right back. Det var en vacker flicka med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. There was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Kiek dat Woord in ’t Wöörbook na. Look that word up in the dictionary. Look up the word in a dictionary. Esta frase no tiene autor. This sentence has no authors. This sentence has no author. To oczywiste, że kłamał. It's obvious that he lied. It's obvious he lied. Vi cinco homens. I saw five men. Five men. Jag måste komma hem. I need to come home. I have to get home. У меня нет лошади. I don't have a horse. I don't have a horse. बाजार बड़ा ह। The market is big. The market is big. टॉमला माहीत असायला हवं होतं. Tom should've known. Tom wanted to know. Ella nos agrada. We like her. We like her. Va a la escuela caminando. She goes to school on foot. Go to school walking. Dane wskazują, że optymalna długość wykładu powinna wynosić 30 zamiast 60 minut. The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes. The data indicate that the optimal duration of the lecture should be 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes. Hierdie muur is hoër as daardie een. This wall is taller than that one. This wall is higher than that one. দাম কত? What's the price? How much? Ось чого ми бажаємо. Here's what we want. That's what we want. Il gruppo ha provato a risolvere dei problemi sociali. The group tried to solve social problems. The group has tried to solve social problems. Не ја забележа промената. He didn't notice the change. I didn't notice the change. Вам нужно постричь ногти на ногах. You need to cut your toenails. You need to stretch your legs. Я вчера чуть не умер. I almost died yesterday. I didn't die yesterday. Πρέπει να έρθετε μαζί μου. You must come with me. You have to come with me. Czy w Niemczech dużo pada? Does it rain much in Germany? Is there a lot of falls in Germany? Il tuo consiglio mi portò al successo. Your advice led me to success. Your advice led me to success. Qui a bu boira. Once a thief, always a thief. This guy's drunk. Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. Der er for mange turister her. There are too many tourists here. There are too many tourists here. Jeg læser bogen. I read the book. I'm reading the book. Fox missti af tækifæri til að verða kvikmyndastjarna. Fox missed a chance to be a movie star. Fox missed the opportunity to become the movie star. Ia loc. Sit. Take a seat. Aquera manta que t'està plan. This coat fits you. She keeps telling me she's planning on you. Ljudi su komplicirani organizmi. People are complicated organisms. People are complicated organisms. माझा प्रश्न तो नव्हता. मला काहीतरी वेगळंच जाणून घ्यायचं होतं. This wasn't my question. I wanted to know something else. It wasn't my question. I wanted to know something different. Hij spaart elke maand geld. He puts aside some money every month. He saves money every month. Ωραίο κουστούμι. Nice suit. Nice suit. Jeg skjønner det ikke. I don't understand it. I don't understand. Bestaan spoken echt? Do ghosts really exist? Does it really exist? O Toμ βρήκε το ποδήλατό μου. Tom found my bicycle. Tom found my bike. Taj dečak priča kao da je odrasla osoba. That boy speaks as if he were an adult. That boy talks like he's an adult. On se obrušio na Toma sa argumentima. He attacked Tom with strong arguments. He suffocated on Tom with arguments. Nejsi dost starý na to, aby jsi šel plavat sám. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Тој ме искористи. He took advantage of me. He used me. Tom é inapto para o trabalho. Tom is unfit for the job. Tom is unfit for work. Estou tentando encontrar um emprego novo. I'm trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. Загрижени сме за него. We're concerned about him. We're worried about him. Pashë të dashurën tënde duke puthur Tomin. I saw your girlfriend kissing Tom. I saw your girlfriend kissing Tom. As súas palabras fixéronse realidade. His words have come true. His words have come true. Bussen kom to minutter for tidlig. The bus was two minutes early. The bus came two minutes early. Glasina se proširila celim gradom. The rumor's all over town. The rumor has spread throughout the city. Трябва да използвам телефона. I have to use the phone. I need to use the phone. Cucullus non facit monachum. The cowl does not make the monk. Cucullus doesn't make a monachum. Ek weet alles van haar. I know all about her. I know everything about her. Не исках да направя нищо лошо. I meant no harm. I didn't want to do anything wrong. Tom nu a fost niciodată certat de tatăl său. Tom has never been scolded by his father. Tom was never arguing about his father. Velkommen til Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Навистина ли остана дома цела ноќ? Did you really stay home all night? Did you really stay home all night? Ik leer graag oude talen. I like learning old languages. I'd like to learn old languages. Jag tyckte jag sa åt dig att inte stå i vägen för mig. I thought I told you to get out of my way. I thought I told you not to stand in my way. Eum cognovit. He knows him. He knew it. Hett ik dat ehr wüßt, hett ik dor wat doon kunnt. Had I known earlier, I could have done something about it. If I knew that, I could do something there. برایت توضیح نمی‌دهم. I'm not going to explain it to you. I don't approve for you. আমি খাম কোথা থেকে কিনতে পারব? Where can I buy envelopes? Where can I buy food from? De er nogle barske fyre. They're tough guys. They're some bartender guys. Je n'attends pas de cadeaux de gens que je ne connais pas. I don't expect presents from people I don't know. I don't expect gifts from people I don't know. Толку ли ги мразиш? Do you hate them that much? Do you hate them so much? Es feliz. He is happy. I'm happy. Tom će uspeti. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna make it. Беше завършен. It's been completed. It was over. Thomas consensit. Tom agreed. Thomas consented. Jak se máš? Dobře, díky! "How are you?" "Fine, thank you." How are you? मी पुष्कळ धडे शिकलो आहे. I have learned many lessons. I have learned many lessons. Meus filhos tinham comido todas as bolachas quando voltei para casa. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My kids had eaten all the bubbles when I came home. Перестаньте бути боягузами. Stop being cowards. Stop being cowards. Pensa che Tom sia innocente? Do you think Tom is innocent? Do you think Tom's innocent? Lui îi place zăpada. He likes snow. He likes snow. Том подписал прошение. Tom signed the petition. Tom signed an application. Ο Τομ έχει εργαστεί σκληρά. Tom has worked hard. Tom's been working hard. É duro ser mulher. É preciso pensar qual um homem, proceder qual uma senhora, parecer uma garota e trabalhar qual um cavalo. It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse. It's hard to be a woman. You have to think about what a man, act like a lady, look like a girl and work like a horse. Yo no puedo calcular tan rápido como él. I can't calculate as fast as he. I can't calculate as fast as he does. Tom är nedstämd. Tom is depressed. Tom's depressed. Rumah tersebut berhantu. The house is haunted. The house was haunted. Tom dan Mary telah menikah selama kurang lebih 3 tahun. Tom and Mary have been married for about three years. Tom and Mary have been married for at least three years. Tom è sciupato. Tom's wasted. Tom's broke. Добър ден. Good afternoon. Good morning. Ora, perché sei qui? Now, why are you here? Now, why are you here? Tom sabia onde Maria estava. Tom knew where Mary was. Tom knew where Maria was. Ještě jsem se nesetkal se všemi. I haven't met everybody yet. I haven't met everyone yet. तुम्हाला तो खेळ आवडला. You liked that game. You loved that game. Kde je hudba, tam je i radost. Where there is music there is joy. Where there's music, there's joy. Зошто не ни помага Том? Why isn't Tom helping us? Why doesn't Tom help us? Я видел твою сестру позавчера. I saw your sister the day before yesterday. I saw your sister tonight. Тя изглежда много болна. She seems to be very ill. She looks very sick. Eu concordo que nós não deveríamos fazer isso. I agree that we shouldn't do that. I agree that we shouldn't do that. An robh sibh air a’ mhonadh an-dè? Were you in the moor yesterday? Were you at the funeral? Son anniversaire tombe dimanche. His birthday falls on Sunday. Its anniversary falls tomorrow. टॉम, मुझे तुमसे बात करनी है। Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I need to talk to you. Ο Τομ λέει ότι θα πάει τον Οκτώβριο στη Βοστώνη. Tom says he'll go to Boston in October. Tom says he's going to Boston on October. सच कहूं तो मुझे उनका बात करने का तरीका ही पसंद नहीं आया। To tell the truth, I don't like his way of talking. To be honest, I didn't like their way of speaking. Cred că am tendinită. I think I have tendonitis. I think I've got a tendency. Non ero impressionata. I wasn't impressed. I wasn't impressed. কাল রাতে আমি দেরি করে ফিরেছিলাম। Last night I arrived late. I was late last night. Aóí dansar. Aoi dances. Now dance. ما گربه ی سفيد داريم. We have a white cat. We've got the fat right here. Ibisne proximo anno in Americam? Will you go to America next year? Is it next year in America? Jeśli winien jesteś dyrektorowi banku tysiąc funtów, jesteś zdany na jego łaskę. Jeśli jesteś mu winien milion funtów, to on zdany jest na twoją łaskę. If you owe your bank manager a thousand pounds, you are at his mercy. If you owe him a million pounds, he is at your mercy. If you're the bank's director of a thousand pounds, you're committed to his grace, and if you're a million pounds, he's committed to your grace. Eu quero morar perto da estação. I want to live close to the station. I want to stay close to the station. Ce n'est rien d'autre qu'un idiot utile. He's nothing more than a useful idiot. It's nothing but a useful idiot. Сакам да станам и физички и ментално посилен. I want to become both physically and mentally stronger. I want to become physically and mentally stronger. Tom puttede salt i sin kaffe i stedet for sukker. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. او قصد دارد برای تحصیل در زمینه مد به نیویورک برود. She's intent on going to New York to study fashion. He purposed to enter into the land of Midian, to live there. سوزان گربه ها را دوست دارد. Susan likes cats. The slothful loveth his own ass. Mana kļūda. My mistake. My mistake. Це чудово! That's great! That's great! Jeg vet ikke hva Tom sitt telefonnummer er. I don't know Tom's telephone number. I don't know what Tom's phone number is. Você não tem medo de altura, tem? You're not afraid of heights, are you? You're not afraid of heights, are you? La meva mare s'aixeca aviat cada matí. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother gets up early every morning. Сакам да знам од кого бил тој телефонски повик. I'd like to know who that phone call was from. I want to know who that phone call was from. Não tem ninguém melhor que o Tom. There's nobody better than Tom. There's no one better than Tom. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt. I am greatly impressed. I'm very impressed. Zítra koupím vše, co potřebuju. I'll buy what I need tomorrow. I'll buy everything I need tomorrow. Él tiene dos hijos, que todavía no van a la escuela. He has two sons that don't go to school yet. He has two children, who still don't go to school. Tom będzie sławny. Tom will be famous. Tom will be famous. Merci de toute ton aide. Thank you for all your help. Thank you for all your help. Tom nie jeździ motocyklem. Tom isn't used to riding a motorcycle. Tom doesn't drive a motorcycle. Това е началото на нова ера. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of the new era. Man kan kende et menneske på dets venner. You can know a man by his friends. You can get to know a man on his friends. Gibt es irgendwelche Baken? Are there any landmarks? Is there any bakery? Jeg havde en motorcykel. I used to have a motorcycle. I had a motorcycle. Damit das klar ist, ich werde meine Meinung nicht ändern! I'd like to make it clear that I will not change my mind. So that's clear, I'm not going to change my mind! Vediamo chi vince! Let's see who wins! Let's see who wins! Драго ми е што не ми го направи ова ти. I'm just glad it wasn't you who did this to me. I'm glad you didn't do this to me. Тоа е уникатно и незаменливо. It's unique and irreplaceable. That's unique and irreplaceable. तुम्हारे बाल सोने की तरह चमकते हैं। Your hair shines like gold. Your hair shines like gold. Мораћу да мењам своје навике. I will have to change my ways. I'm gonna have to change my habits. E drăguţ, dar nu e pentru mine. He is nice, but he's not the one for me. It's nice, but it's not for me. मुझे अच्छा लगेगा। I will like it. I'm gonna love it. De buitenlandse investeerders trokken hun geld uit de VS terug. Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. Foreign investors withdraw their money from the US. Dit is afzetterij. This is a rip-off. This is detachment. Pennen Sarah gav mig, er ikke blå. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. The pen Sarah gave me, it's not blue. हमने बड़ी मौज करी। We really enjoyed ourselves. We've had a great time. हमने टॉम को बचाने की कोशिश की। We tried to save Tom. We tried to save Tom. Să jucăm o partidă de baseball. Let's play a game of baseball. Let's play a baseball game. Noi ci stiamo avvicinando. We're getting closer. We're getting closer. وقتی تام مقابل تابلوی ایست ایستاد، موتورش واماند. When Tom stopped for a stop sign, his engine stalled. And it came to pass at that time, that he stood over against the mount, and set up the hangings thereof. Ты п'яны. You're drunk. You're drunk. Jag har massor med vänner. I have lots of friends. I have lots of friends. Ha catturato un topo. She caught a mouse. He caught a peak. Espero que te recuperes pronto. Hope you'll get better soon. I hope you get back soon. बच्चे अपने माता-पिता से झूठ क्यों बोलते हैं? Why do children lie to their parents? Why do children lie to their parents? कायदा व राजकारण ह्या दोन वेगळ्या गोष्टी असतात. Law and politics are two different things. The law and the politics are two different things. Kan jeg si deg noe? Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Era tutto buono. Everything was good. It was all good. Eu não estou acostumado a esse tipo de tratamento. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to this kind of treatment. Você nem sequer chorou. You didn't even cry. You didn't even cry. Pot să-i cer ajutor lui Tom. I can ask Tom to help. I can ask Tom for help. k Lait n vörk valen. I dropped a fork. k Lets you choose a function. Том взе грешния автобус. Tom took the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. Jezdím do práce na kole. I cycle to work. I'm on my way to work. S Buech isch schwarz. The book is black. S bow is black. Аз съм герой. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Het is van mijn broer. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. یہ گھر ایک ہفتہ بعد ہی زمین بوس ہو گیا۔ The house fell down one week later. It was just a week later that the land was busted. Том сказав, що хоче зробити пиріг для Мері. Tom said he wanted to bake a cake for Mary. Tom said he wanted to make pie for Mary. Я знаю, что Том сделает. I know what Tom will do. I know what Tom will do. Ако храната се оладила, загреј ја во микробрановата печка. If the food's cold, put it in the microwave. If the food is cold, heat it in the microwave oven. M'auré agradat qu'i estósses. I wish you had been there. I'd love you to be there. Си згрешил. You were mistaken. You've made a mistake. Ο Τομ θα έκανε τα πάντα για σένα. Tom would do anything for you. Tom would do anything for you. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo się znów zobaczymy. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope I'll see you again soon. Koja je tvoja specijalizacija? What's your major field? What's your specialization? Tom wartete bang. Tom waited anxiously. Tom was waiting for fear. Ég vildi óska að fólk mundi hætta að segja hluti á vegu sem rústa ungum draumum. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I wanted people to stop saying things about young dreams. כ'בין נישט קײן זונה. I'm not a whore. I don't think there's any sun. Дайте мне немного времени, чтобы это обдумать. Give me a little time to think it over. Give me some time to think about it. A Tom a pias soa màchina neuva. Tom likes his new car. Tom's on his own new machine. Itulah yang aku katakan pada mereka. That's what I told them. That's what I told them. Jag har fortfarande några lektioner den här eftermiddagen. I still have a few more classes this afternoon. I still have some lessons this afternoon. Он завоевал её любовь. He earned her love. He won her love. 𐌸𐍉𐌼𐌰𐍃 𐌽𐌹𐍃𐍄 𐌱𐌹𐌲𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌽𐍃. Tom hasn't been found. . . . . . . . . . . . . Шта ти је на уму? What's on your mind? What's on your mind? Ona se razvela od muža. She divorced her husband. She got divorced from her husband. Tu możesz się uczyć. You can study here. Here you can learn. Nunca pensei que algo assim aconteceria. I never thought that would happen. I never thought anything like that would happen. Želim ići kući i zato plačem I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. Próbowałem zabić czas. I was trying to kill time. I tried to kill time. Iemand voeden tijdens de heilige maand ramadan is zeer de moeite waard. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Someone was feeding during the holy month of Ramadan was worth the effort. Jag har inte ett öre. I don't have a cent. I don't have an ear. Παίζω βιολί. I play violin. I'm playing violin. A roj germ bi. The day was hot. And I'd like to see some germs. Wij gaven onze paard water. We watered our horse. We gave our horse water. Kur tas notika? Where did it happen? Where did this happen? وہ تھکا ہوا تھا مگر وہ پھر بھی کام کرتا رہا۔ He was tired, but he kept on working. So he was tired, yet he did what he was doing. Hon pratar inte bara flytande engelska utan också flytande franska. She is not only fluent in English but speaks French fluently as well. She not only speaks fluent English but also fluent French. Fun capaz de triunfar grazas ao teu consello. I was able to succeed because of your advice. I was able to triumph thanks to your advice. Wiesz, Tom chce cię z powrotem. Tom wants you back, you know. You know, Tom wants you back. मी कधीही फुजी पर्वत चढलो नाहीये. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. And I went up into the mountain, and never came up. Η Μαίρη ήξερε, ότι θα νικούσε. Mary knew that she'd win. Mary knew she'd win. De Küsel dreiht sik mit de Klock. The top is turning clockwise. The ball rotates with the clock. Δεν αρέσει στον Τομ να τρώει λαχανικα. Tom doesn't like eating vegetables. Tom doesn't like eating vegetables. А утре да се состанеме? How about we meet tomorrow? Why don't we meet tomorrow? Pênûsa min heye. I have a pen. My profile is there. Dje Maria pastroi shtëpinë dhe lau rrobat. Yesterday, Mary cleaned the house and washed clothes. Mary cleaned the house and washed the clothes. E departe de a fi frumoasă. She is far from beautiful. She's far from being beautiful. Jag pratar inte tyska. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Вы убедились, что дверь заперта на ключ? Have you made sure the door is locked? Are you sure the door's locked on the key? Ben je kwaad? Are you angry? Are you mad? Mache es so, bitte. Please do it this way. Make it that way, please. এটা খালি নিজস্ব রুচির ব্যাপার। It is just a matter of personal taste. It's empty-handed. Μου είπαν να περιμένω εδώ. They told me to wait here. They told me to wait here. माझी मुलगी तसं कधीच करणार नाही. My daughter would never do that. My daughter will never do that. ¡Ya son las cuatro! It's already 4:00! It's four! Este é um dos piores filmes que eu já vi. This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Soy estudiante de la universidad Hyogo. I am a student at Hyogo University. I'm a student at Hyogo University. Nyns ov agas mab. I'm not your son. I don't want your son. Hij komt uit Georgië. He's from Georgia. He's from Georgia. El terra era cobert de neu. The ground was covered in snow. The land was covered with snow. Ти залишиш повідомлення? Will you leave a message? You leave a message? Είμαστε μια χαρά τώρα. We're fine now. We're fine now. ¿Por qué nun fuiste a la oficina? Why didn't you go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Я знайшов гроші. I found the money. I found the money. Ich habe das Mädchen letztens im Park getroffen, und ich habe sie wiedergesehen. I met the girl in the park the other day, and I saw her again. Last time I met the girl in the park, I saw her again. Er dette din bil? Is this your car? Is this your car? कुत्रा भुंकत आहे. A dog is barking. The dog is blushing. Ela tem o cabelo avermelhado, daí seu apelido "Cenoura". She has reddish hair, whence comes her nickname "Carrot". She's got reddish hair, so her name is "Honey." Ти оддавам почит. You have my respect. I'm honoring you. Io leggo spesso dei libri. I often read books. I read books a lot. Is Ruthenice loquitur. He speaks Russian. It's Ruthenice talking. Každý desátý trpí nedostatkem spánku. One out of ten people suffers from a lack of sleep. Every tenth suffers from lack of sleep. Che marchio di shampoo utilizzi? What brand of shampoo do you use? What shampoo brand are you using? Leva manum ad caelum. Raise your hand to the sky. Take your hand to heaven. Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. আপনি কি ফরাসি শিখতে চান? Do you want to learn French? Do you want to learn French? Jeg fortalte Tom at jeg ikke ville gøre det. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. I told Tom I wouldn't. Er hat das Augenlicht verloren. He lost his eyesight. He's lost his eyelid. Я разведён. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. Detta är total demagogi. This is pure demagogy. This is total demagogy. Том не може да го има. Tom can't have it. Tom can't have it. माझा बो कुठे आहे? Where is my bow? Where is my cow? Kako mogu da se zaštitim? How can I protect myself? How can I protect myself? Неко је звао. Someone called. Somebody called. ও খাচ্ছে। She is eating. He's eating. দশ, বিশ, ত্রিশ, চল্লিশ, পঞ্চাশ, ষাট, সত্তর, আশি, নব্বই, একশ। Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, seven, seven. Ελπίζω να 'χει δίκιο ο Τομ. I hope Tom's right. I hope Tom's right. Omnes pueri plorare coeperunt. All the children started crying. All the boys began to cry. Τις είπα για σένα. I told them about you. I told them about you. श्वः शुक्रवारः। Tomorrow is Friday. Saturday. Nuestro departamento tiene cinco habitaciones. Our flat has five rooms. Our department has five rooms. In realtà sono più ricchi di noi. Actually they're richer than us. They're actually richer than us. Σας εμπιστεύομαι. I trust you. I trust you. Привет, Мими! Как дела? Hi, Mimi! How are you doing? Hey, Mimi, how's it going? Artou Frensh or English? Are you French or English? Did you speak French or English? Γιατί βήχεις σήμερα; Why are you coughing today? Why are you out today? Je dois le rappeler. I must return his call. I have to remind him. دوران ناگوار، روش های ناگوار می طلبند. Drastic times call for drastic measures. In the time of his calamity, they sought to please him, they didn't please him. Nyns yw da gans Tom benenes. Tom doesn't like women. It's not good with women Tom. Том говори френски по-добре от който и да е от неговите съученици. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French better than any of his students. Английский непрост, но интересен. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but interesting. Je veux que nous gagnions. I want us to win. I want us to win. Studiez la universitate. I study at the university. I'm studying at the university. Carson a thuirt thu gum bu choir dhomh Fraingis ionnsachadh? Why did you say that I should learn French? Why did you say that I should be taught by France? Gostaria de ir ao cinema. I'd like to go to the movies. I'd like to go to the movies. Мораш да учиш вредно. You must study hard. You have to learn valuable. Jeg tvinger mine børn til at bruge berberisk derhjemme. I force my kids to use Berber at home. I force my children to use barberic at home. Говориш ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? You speak Turkish? Τα μήλα είναι κόκκινα. Apples are red. The apples are red. Våra ansträngningar medförde inte någon framgång. Our efforts did not result in success. Our efforts did not lead to success. Ik weet dat Tom bang is voor spinnen. I know that Tom is afraid of spiders. I know Tom's afraid of spins. Nartis prolabi maxime Mariae placet. Mary likes skiing the best of all. Nartis beats the maximum Mariae place. Cela est-il disponible en une quelconque autre couleur ? Does this come in any other colour? Is it available in any other color? O céu inteiro se iluminou e houve uma explosão. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. The whole sky was lit up and there was an explosion. Zastanawiam się co malarz chciał przekazać. I wonder what the painter wanted to convey. I wonder what the painter wanted to deliver. Си ги рекламираме производите на телевизија. We advertise our products on TV. We're advertising our products on TV. In Australien gibt es viele chinesische Restaurants. There are many Chinese restaurants in Australia. In Australia there are many Chinese restaurants. Чаму б табе не купіць машыну? Why don't you buy a car? Why don't you buy a car? Eu queria que fosse mais magra. I wish that I were thinner. I wanted him to be worse. Twój ruch. It's your move. Your move. Я попросил Тома не носить вещи сестры. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear the sister's stuff. Sve moram da isplaniram. I have to plan everything. I have to plan everything. Zajemalko drži z njeno desno roko. She is holding a ladle with her right hand. She's holding the envelope with her right hand. Jeg misunder ikke folkene i Det Hvide Hus. I do not envy the people at the White House. I don't miss the people in the White House. Jag är berlinare. I'm a Berliner. I'm a Berliner. De noodzaak van een theoretische en praktische voorbereiding ligt voor de hand. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is at hand. Han besluttede sig for at prøve lykken i Algeriet. He decided to try his luck in Algeria. He decided to try the happiness in Algeria. Η αδερφή του και ο άντρας της μένουν στον Καναδά. His sister and her husband live in Canada. His sister and her husband live in Canada. Вие сте добра певица. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. Acabamos de casarnos. We just got married. We just got married. Дякую за інформацію. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Ќе дојдам со метро. I'll come by subway. I'll come by the subway. क्या आप मुझसे और कुछ पूछना चाहेंगे? Would you like to ask me something else? Would you like to ask me something else? Atitudinea lui Spencer mă înnebunește. Spencer's attitude drives me nuts. Spencer's attitude is driving me crazy. क्या मैं आपका ई-मेल जान सकती हूँ? May I have your email, please? Can I know your e-mail? Не искам да бъда различен. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be different. Я хотів, щоб Том заспівав. I wanted Tom to sing. I wanted Tom to sing. Det är mycket mer än så. It's a lot more than that. It's a lot more than that. Tom zdaje się być okropnie smutny, nieprawda? Tom seems awfully sad, doesn't he? Tom seems awfully sad, doesn't he? भुंकणारे कुत्रे क्वचितच चावतात. Barking dogs seldom bite. Freaking dogs rarely eat. Через несколько дней Том нашёл другую работу. A few days later, Tom found another job. A few days later, Tom found another job. Nikad nisu progovorili s nama. They never spoke to us. They never talked to us. ¡Agarrá un hoja y escribí! Take a paper and write! He'll grab a sheet and write it! Vad som helst blir bra. Anything will be fine. Anything's gonna be fine. Так нормально? Is that okay? Is that okay? Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink water from a dirty glass! Он - позор всего города. He is a shame of the town. He is the destroyer of the whole city. Θα 'στε ασφαλείς με τον Τομ. You'll be safe with Tom. You'll be safe with Tom. Tom cortó la lechuga. Tom shredded the lettuce. Tom cut off the leech. Tom non sta guardando la TV adesso. Tom isn't watching TV now. Tom's not watching TV right now. Tom nikad nije morao da uradi to. Tom never had to do that. Tom never had to do that. Uvila je kosu papilotnama. She curled her hair with curlers. She's got her hair covered with papillotines. ٹام طاقتور ہے۔ Tom's strong. Tom's strong. Το όνομά μου είναι Φαρσάντ. My name is Farshad. My name is Farsand. बस एक मिनट रुक। Just wait a minute. Just a minute. Vad är alternativet? What's the alternative? What's the alternative? Вие говорите френски много добре. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. През лятото той излизаше на дълги разходки. He would go to out for a long walk in summer. In the summer he went out for a long walk. On, do, tri, cuatro, sinque, sié, sete, oto, nóve, diéxe. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Where, do, three, four, five, be, seven, eight, nine, die. Ne znam koliko dugo trebat će ovo. I don't know how long this will take. I don't know how long this will take. Vai tu esi garlaicīgs? Piedod, vai tev ir garlaicīgi? Are you boring? Sorry, are you bored? Are you crazy? „Andreas, wo ist die Karte? Hast du sie?“ – „Ich glaube, nicht.“ "Andrew, where's the map? Have you got it?" "I don't think so." “Andreas, where is the card? Do you have it?” – “I believe not.” Läraren underströk vikten av att föra anteckningar. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. Deem-no de alimento aos tubarões. Feed him to the sharks. Give it food to the tubers. Том пробуваше да му текне каде си го ставил пасошот. Tom tried to remember where he had put his passport. Tom was trying to figure out where you put the passport. Tom je znao šta je hteo. Tom knew what he wanted. Tom knew what he wanted. Сето тоа е завршено сега. That's all over now. It's all over now. Još si neiskusan. You're still inexperienced. You're still unsatisfied. Sono troppo indebitati per ottenere il prestito per le piccole imprese. They are too far in debt to get the small business loan. They're too indebted to get the loan for small businesses. Eu estou muito cansada. I'm pretty tired. I'm very tired. Tom quebrou algo de novo? Has Tom broken something again? Tom broke something again? Είχα διαβάσει αυτό το βιβλίο την προηγούμενη βδομάδα. I read this book last week. I had read this book last week. Ги замолив да престанат. I asked them to stop. I asked them to stop. Kou bölkte. The cow mooed. Crowds. Πού 'ν' το λεωφορείο; Where is the bus? Where's the bus? Perché non riuscite a farlo? Why can't you do it? Why can't you do that? Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú blázniví. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. We thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Chiesi a Tom di suonare la chitarra. I asked Tom to play the guitar. I asked Tom to play the guitar. Я сподівався, що морозиво не розтане так швидко. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so quickly. I was hoping the freezer wouldn't break up so fast. Avete mai mischiato del chilli con della senape? Have you ever mixed chilli with mustard? Have you ever mixed chili with mustard? Dîmeşq paytexta Sûriyê ye. Damascus is Syria's capital. Syria's paddle is a screenplay. Chciałbym dziś wieczorem z tobą wyjść. I'd like to hang out with you tonight. I'd like to go out with you tonight. Изобщо нямам представа защо. I have absolutely no idea why. I have no idea why. Сега е точно 10:00. It's exactly 10:00. Now it's exactly 10:00. Я думаю, вам треба проігнорувати репліку Тома. I think you should ignore Tom's remark. I think you should ignore Tom's reply. Jeg gik til fods i skole. I walked to school. I went to school. Tak, to jest to, co miałem na myśli. Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, that's what I meant. Het meisje was zwaar verwond in het verkeersongeluk. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. Non posso spiegare tutto ora. I can't explain everything now. I can't explain everything right now. Os preços dependem da oferta e da demanda. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prices depend on supply and demand. Fece una lista. He made a list. He made a list. Berapa harganya? What does it cost? How much is it? Tom hett dat Licht nich utmookt. Tom didn't turn the light off. Tom did not turn off the light. Jeg merket ikke at jeg hadde mistet lommeboka før jeg først hadde kommet hjem. I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home. I didn't notice that I had lost my wallet before I first came home. Quin era el resultat en la mitja part? What was the score at halftime? What was the result in the middle? Nous avons beaucoup de choses importantes à faire. We have lots of important things to do. We have a lot of important things to do. Eles comem tomates. They eat tomatoes. They eat tomatoes. Том никого не целуна. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Hat es Ihnen Freude gemacht? Did you enjoy it? Did it make you happy? Han är alltid ivrig att få höra skvaller. He's always anxious to pick up gossip. He's always eager to hear trouble. Mislim da ćemo stići u Boston prije mraka. I think we'll probably reach Boston before dark. I think we'll get to Boston before dark. Há quatro quartos na minha casa. There are four bedrooms in my house. There are four rooms in my house. Disse dyr er venlige. These animals are friendly. These animals are friendly. Dove li ha sciacquati? Where did you rinse them? Where'd he kick them? Не можеш да ме контролираш, Том. You can't control me, Tom. You can't control me, Tom. Tomi hiré mengi veri xu kışt. Tom killed himself three months ago. Tom: That's why I'm here. Wiskunde is haar lievelingsvak op school. Math is her favorite subject in school. Mathematics is her favorite at school. Sudah mulai turun hujan. It's already started to rain. It's starting to rain. ऑक्टोबरमध्ये मी बॉस्टनमध्ये होतो. I was in Boston in October. In October, I was in Boston. Tom fer ekki á markaðinn. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom's not going to the market. Vaya donde vaya, no perderé mi pasión. Wherever I go, I won't lose my passion. Go wherever you go, I won't lose my passion. Poslali dopisy minulý měsíc. They sent the letters last month. They sent letters last month. Han taler godt engelsk. He speaks English well. He speaks English well. Agus anois? And now? And now? Eu perdi as chaves de casa. I lost my house keys. I lost my keys to the house. Гэтага выстачыла. That was enough. That's enough. Nie pozwolę ci iść. I'm not letting you go. I won't let you go. Kami membuat keputusan bersama. We make decisions together. We made decisions together. Mnogi turisti posjećuju Kyoto. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Many tourists visit Kyoto. In balneo est. She is in the bathroom. It's in the bathroom. Ήταν παράξενο. It was strange. It was weird. Случи се два пъти. It happened twice. It happened twice. Quot insulas habet Germania? How many islands does Germany have? How much do you have in Germany? Él se perdió mientras caminaba por el bosque. He got lost while he was walking in the woods. He was lost as he walked through the forest. Ich fürchte, Sie haben recht. I'm afraid you're right. I'm afraid you're right. Можеш да ги прашаш самиот. You can ask them yourself. You can ask them yourself. आपण खेळ खेळत आहोत. We're playing a game. We are playing a game. او برای همیشه عاشق او خواهد بود. He will love her forever. He shall be his love for ever and ever. আমি এখনো তোর বন্ধু আছি। I'm still your friend. I'm still your friend. Tom musí být blázen. Tom must be nuts. Tom must be crazy. Io non voto neanche. I don't even vote. I don't even vote. Soarele este benefic pentru plante. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. The sun is beneficial for plants. Δε σου 'πα να μην κλείσεις την πόρτα; Didn't I tell you not to close the door? Don't you just shut the door? Denne nye Macintosh-computer gør konkurrenternes produkter til skamme. This new Macintosh computer puts the competition to shame. This new Macintosh computer shames competitors' products. Надо было мне подождать. I should've waited. I had to wait. Tom är listig. Tom is crafty. Tom's smart. Тој нежно ја допре. He softly touched her. He gently touched her. Никой не считаше неговите думи за важни. No one conceived his words to be important. No one considered his words important. Avertitque se et ingressus est domum suam nec ad hoc apposuit cor suum. And he turned himself away, and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to it this time also. So he turned and went into his house, and didn't harden his heart for this. Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Met deze ogen zal ik bergen zien branden. With these eyes, I shall see mountains burn. With these eyes, I'll see mountains burning. Non me toques os collóns. Don't touch my balls. Don't touch my fucking ass. Die Polizei fasste den Dieb. The police caught the thief. The police arrested the thief. Ima nekoliko razloga. Here are a few reasons. There's a couple of reasons. दुनिया में कोई भी जंग नहीं चाहता। Nobody in the world wants war. There's no war in the world. Ten návrh zákona prošel na poslední chvíli. The bill passed at the last moment. The bill's been passed at the last minute. Jeg var på nippet til å gi opp da jeg plutselig fant løsningen. I was on the point of giving up when I suddenly hit upon the solution. I was about to give up when I suddenly found the solution. ٹام ابھی بھی یہاں نہیں ہے۔ Tom is no longer here. Tam's not here yet. Musel jsem se zabavit hračkama. I had to amuse myself with toys. I had to have fun with toys. Նա արյան կորստի պատճառով թուլացած էր: He was weak from the loss of blood. He was weak because of his blood loss. Още не съм се съгласил. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't agreed yet. सड़कें बस गाडियों के लिए नहीं होती। Streets are not just for cars. Roads aren't just for cars. Han tog sit liv sidste oktober. He killed himself last October. He took his life last October. En taxi står och väntar. A cab is waiting. A taxi is standing and waiting. Risolviamo questo problema assieme. Let's solve this problem together. Let's solve this problem together. Nie mogę się do niej dodzwonić. I can't get through to her. I can't call her. Varifrån kommer du? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Soweit ich weiß, gibt es eine solche Funktion nicht. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there's no such function. Чому люди поводяться як великі мавпи, і навпаки? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do people act like big monkeys, and on the contrary? Noapte bună, mamă. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. Jeg er bange for at jeg er løbet tør for kaffe. I'm afraid I've run short of coffee. I'm afraid I'm running dry for coffee. तुम क्यों नहीं आए? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Lui Tom nu-i place să locuiască la țară. Tom doesn't like living in the country. Tom doesn't like to live in the country. Tom phenel ke suřučisarel te kerel les. Tom says he plans to do that. Tom says he's ashamed to make him do it. Tom begynte å arbeide igjen. Tom went back to work. Tom began to work again. Tu sugrįžai. You came back. You're back. Birayekî min heye. I have one brother. Sorry, there is a problem. Mary mówiła wolno po japońsku. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke freely in Japanese. Voi sta la mătușa mea în timpul verii. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. I'll stay at my aunt's during the summer. Disneyland is gebouwd in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Ова е добро место да си го поставиме шаторот. This is a good place to pitch our tent. This is a good place to set up our tent. Tom est plutôt organisé, n'est-ce pas ? Tom is quite organized, isn't he? Tom's organized, isn't he? Deze chocolade is heerlijk. This chocolate is delicious. This chocolate is delicious.