Bárcsak ne láttam volna ilyen borzalmas filmet! I wish I hadn't seen such a horrible film. I wish I hadn't seen such a terrible movie. Csodálom az írói képességeit. I admire his writing style. I admire your writing skills. Sokan gondolják úgy, hogy az ügyvédek túl sokat keresnek. A lot of people think that lawyers get paid too much. A lot of people think lawyers make too much money. Ez Japán zászlója. This is the flag of Japan. This is the flag of Japan. Talán nem nyerték meg a meccset. Maybe they hadn’t won the game. Maybe they didn't win the game. Tudom, hogy életben maradok. I know I will survive. I know I'll live. Tomnak meg kellett volna nyernie a versenyt. Tom should have won the race. Tom should have won the race. Tom megkért, hogy segítsek Marynek. Tom asked me to help Mary. Tom asked me to help Mary. Megbántottak téged? Did they hurt you? Did they hurt you? Az idő nagyon gyorsan telt. Time passed very quickly. Time passed very quickly. Látom, hogy ott áll a függöny mögött. I can see him standing behind the curtain. I see you standing behind the curtain. Be tudtad pakolni az összes ruhát a táskába? Did you fit all the clothes in the bag? Did you pack all the clothes in the bag? Még nem született döntés. The jury is still out. No decision has been made yet. Próbálj meg pihenni. Try to rest. Try to get some rest. Nagyok. They are big. They're big. Minden kérdésem megválaszoltatott. All my questions were answered. All my questions have been answered. Csinálhatod, amit mondanak, vagy elmehetsz. You can do what they say or you can leave. You can do what they say, or you can leave. Nélküled nem tudom elkészíteni. I can't make it without you. I can't do it without you. Ügyvédet akarok. I need a lawyer. I want a lawyer. Szó nélkül kiment a szobából. He went out of the room without saying any words. He left the room without saying a word. Meg nem vizsgált életet nem érdemes élni. The unexamined life is not worth living. An unexamined life is not worth living. Kinn a semmi közepén él. She lives in the middle of nowhere. He lives out in the middle of nowhere. Mikor állt el az eső? When did it stop raining? When did the rain stop? Mit veszthetek? What do I stand to lose? What can I lose? Fejszéjének egyetlen erős csapásával kivágta a fát. The tree was felled with one hard blow of his ax. With one strong blow from his axe, he cut down the tree. Mehetsz, ahová akarsz. You can go anywhere you want. You can go anywhere you want. Említésre sem méltó. Don't mention it! It's not worth mentioning. Emeld fel a kezed, ha nincs könyved! Raise your hand if you don't have a book. Raise your hand if you don’t have a book. Franciául sem beszélek. I can't speak French either. I don't speak French either. Kicsit beszélek magyarul. I speak a little Hungarian. I speak a little Hungarian. A hegy számtalan hegymászót vonz. The mountain attracts many climbers. The mountain attracts countless climbers. Bújjunk el a függöny mögé. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. Én mindig tudtam, hogy eljön ez a nap. I always knew this day would come. I always knew this day would come. Nem sikítottam. I didn't scream. I didn't scream. Közel vagyok. I'm close. I'm close. Nagyapám, John Weissman, visszatérve Amerikából Magyarországra magyarosította a nevét. Having returned from America to Hungary, my grandfather, John Weissman, magyarized his name. My grandfather, John Weissman, returned from America and translated his name into Hungary. Ki van zárva, hogy Tomi három nyelvet beszélne. There's no way that Tom speaks three languages. There's no way Tom could speak three languages. Nem igazán tudok állást foglalni ezzel kapcsolatban. I can't really take a stance on this. I can't really take a position on this. Ne szólj hozzám soha többé! Don’t speak to me ever again. Don't ever talk to me again. Miért ilyen lassú ez a weboldal? Why is this website so slow? Why is this website so slow? Messze van még a vége. This is far from over. It's a long way from over. Az már nem érdekel. That doesn't interest me anymore. I don't care about that anymore. Szegények vagyunk, de boldogok. We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but we're happy. Tudod, hogy értem. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. Jól megfizetlek. I'll pay you well. I'll pay you well. Valószínűtlen, hogy ez történjen. That's unlikely to happen. That's unlikely to happen. Nem tudod a szabályokat? Don't you know the rules? Don't you know the rules? Jövőre Ausztráliába utazom. I'm taking a trip to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. Az alvás az egészséghez nélkülözhetetlen dolog. Sleep is essential to health. Sleep is essential for health. Tom megadta nekem a számát. Tom gave me his number. Tom gave me his number. Mi volt a probléma? What was the problem? What was the problem? Nem tudtam aludni a hőség miatt. I couldn't sleep because of the heat. I couldn't sleep because of the heat. Ebben a garázsban minden kocsi Tomié. All the cars in this garage belong to Tom. All the cars in this garage belong to Tom. Ellopták a buszon a pénztárcámat. My purse was stolen on the bus. My wallet was stolen on the bus. Megpróbáltam figyelmeztetni őt. I did try to warn her. I tried to warn him. A kutyám megtámadta Tomot. My dog attacked Tom. My dog attacked Tom. Kellemes személyiség. He's a nice person. Nice personality. Stewardesst vett feleségül. He married a stewardess. She married a stewardess. Mindketten tanárok. They both are teachers. They're both teachers. Szerinted melyik a tiéd? How do you know which one is yours? Which one do you think is yours? Az emberek ma már nem tartják különösnek, ha egy férfi hosszúra növeszti a haját. People no longer consider it strange for men to let their hair grow long. People no longer find it strange for a man to grow his hair long. Azt hiszem, megvan a válasz. I think I have the answer. I think I have the answer. Én is süket vagyok. I'm also deaf. I'm deaf, too. Úgy döntöttem végül, hogy nem pályázom meg az állást. In the end, I decided not to apply for that job. In the end, I decided not to apply for the job. Tudom, hogy hülyének tartanak. I know that they think me stupid. I know you think I'm stupid. Tom elrejtette a bizonyítékokat. Tom concealed evidence. Tom hid the evidence. Mérges lesz, ha megtudja. He'll be angry if he gets to know it. He'll be mad if he finds out. Megette a húst és meghagyta a krumplit. He ate the meat and left the potatoes. He ate the meat and left the potatoes. Szerintem félreértetted. I think you misunderstood. I think you misunderstood. Algéria vezetői csakis mecseteket építenek, és amikor meg betegek, akkor meg külföldre mennek. Algerian leaders build only mosques, but when they are sick they go abroad. Algeria's leaders only build mosques, and when they're sick, they go abroad. Az algebra a matematika egyik ágazata. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Osztályozta a teszteket? Did you grade the tests? Did you grade the tests? A válaszai többnyire helyesek. In most cases, his answers are right. His answers are mostly correct. Nem vagyok mérnök. I'm not an engineer. I'm not an engineer. Ez neked való állás. That job is for you. This is the job for you. Melyik napokon dolgozol te? On which days do you work? What days do you work? A becsületesség hosszú távon kifizetődik. Honesty will pay in the long run. Honesty pays off in the long run. Előre kellett ülnöm. I had to sit in the front. I had to sit in front. Tom tegnap nem volt ott a bulin. Tom didn't show up at the party yesterday. Tom wasn't at the party last night. - Kaphatok egy palack vizet? - Simát vagy szénsavasat kér? "Can I get a bottle of water?" "Still or sparkling?" - Can I have a bottle of water? Számítsunk akkor rád avagy ne? So should we expect you or not? Should we count on you, then, or not? Jobb szeretek rádiót hallgatni mint tévét nézni. I prefer listening to the radio to watching television. I'd rather listen to the radio than watch TV. Négyen vagyunk a családban. There are four of us in our family. There are four of us in the family. Korán a dolgunkhoz láttunk. We started work early. We got to work early. Akarom ezt a kutyát. I want this dog. I want this dog. Mikor házasodsz meg? When will you get married? When are you getting married? A barátom megszállottja ennek. My friend is obsessed with this. My friend is obsessed with this. Nem tudom Tania-t szlovénul üdvözölni, nem beszélem ezt a nyelvet. I cannot greet Tania in Slovene. I don't know this language. I can't welcome Tania in Slovenian, I don't speak that language. Mindenkivel barátságos. She is friendly to everybody. Friendly to everyone. Egymást hibáztatták. They accused each other. They blamed each other. Tom őszinte. Tom's sincere. Tom's honest. Mari nyerte meg a jelmezversenyt. Mary won the costume contest. Mari won the costume contest. Először is, kérem, mutassa be magát három percben. First, please take about 3 minutes to introduce yourself. First, please introduce yourself in three minutes. Bostonban dolgoztam. I worked in Boston. I worked in Boston. Ezt várják el. That's what's expected. That's what they expect. Ki van zárva! No way! Absolutely not. Koncentrálj a jelenre. Focus on the present. Focus on the present. Eddig azt gondoltam, hogy hazudik, de most már tudom. Till now I thought he lied. Now I know. I used to think he was lying, but now I know. Hány megállónyira van innen? How many stops is it from here? How many stops from here? Műtétre volt szükség. Surgery was required. We needed surgery. Gyakrabban kéne beszélgetned anyukáddal. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mom more often. Máshol valószínűleg olcsóbb lenne. It probably would be cheaper somewhere else. It would probably be cheaper elsewhere. Tomi nem tudott segíteni Marinak. Tom couldn't have helped Mary. Tom couldn't help Mari. Három évvel fiatalabb Marinál. She is three years younger than Mary. He's three years younger than Mari. Tom egyik barátjának ellopták a személyazonosságát. A friend of Tom's had his identity stolen. A friend of Tom's had his identity stolen. Ez egy rossz hely. That's a bad spot. This is a bad place. Elköszöntek. Sami eltevegelt, Tomi tovalovagolt. They said goodbye. Sami rode away on a camel, Tom on a horse. They said good-bye, Sami took a ride, Tomi rode away. Minden barátom elfelejtett. All of my friends forgot me. All my friends have forgotten me. Sikeresen elvégezte az orvosi egyetemet. He successfully graduated from medical school. He successfully graduated from medical school. Ingyen sör van csütörtök esténként. There's free beer on Thursday nights. There's free beer on Thursday nights. Szörnyen ügyetlen vagyok gyerekekkel. I'm horrible with kids. I'm awfully clumsy with kids. Ki akart menni. She wanted to go out. He wanted to go out. Kételkedni kezdtem állítása igazságában. I started doubting the truthfulness of his statement. I began to doubt the truth of his claim. Folyton te jársz a fejemben. I constantly think of you. I can't stop thinking about you. Hogyan jutott eszedbe ilyen jó kifogás? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you come up with such a good excuse? Bostonban hol szálltál meg? Where did you stay in Boston? Where are you staying in Boston? Segíteniük kell! They have to help. I need your help. Mindene fáj neki. She was aching all over. Everything hurts him. Miért jöttél mostanában olyan későn? Why have you been coming so late recently? Why are you here so late? Nélküled nem tudom elképzelni a jövőmet. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. Mennyire irigyellek. How I envy you. How I envy you. Kell a kulcsom. I need my key. I need my key. Nem valószínű, hogy összeházasodnak. They're unlikely to get married. They're unlikely to get married. Elaludtam az unalomtól. I was bored, so I fell asleep. I fell asleep from boredom. Nem kell a dolgokat siettetni. There's no need to rush things. You don't have to rush things. A macskák egereket fognak. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Három órát fogunk várni. We'll wait three hours. We'll wait three hours. Hiszünk Istenben. We believe in God. We believe in God. Mindenkinek módot kell találnia arra, hogyan vehet részt annak a bolygónak a megőrzésében, amit az otthonunknak hívunk. Everyone should find a way to get involved in preserving the planet we call home. Everyone must find a way to participate in the preservation of the planet we call home. Egy rövid szünet után Caesar úgy döntött, hogy ismét belép a seregbe; majd elhagyta Rómát. Mialatt a tengeren vitorlázott át, egy csapat kalóz rabolta el őt. After a brief interlude, Caesar decided to join the army once again and left Rome. While he was sailing across the sea, a group of pirates kidnapped him. After a short break, Caesar decided to rejoin the army; then he left Rome. While sailing across the sea, he was kidnapped by a group of pirates. Szeretnék köszönetet nyilvánítani önöknek a nagyszerű munkájukért. I'd like to thank you for doing such a great job. I'd like to thank you all for your great work. Vidd magaddal az esernyődet. Take your umbrella with you. Take your umbrella with you. Hány éves is vagy? How old are you anyway? How old are you again? Mennyi időt kell várnom a következő autóbuszig? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? Bárcsak velünk maradtál volna, nem kerültél volna bajba. If only you had stayed with us, you wouldn't have gotten into trouble. I wish you'd stayed with us. You wouldn't have gotten in trouble. Az igazi keresztény szívében tiszta. A true Christian is pure in heart. It is pure in the heart of a true Christian. Linda ma este találkozik velük. Linda is meeting them this evening. Linda's meeting with them tonight. Valaki van a garázsunkban. Someone's in our garage. There's someone in our garage. A kísérlet sikeres volt. The experiment was successful. The experiment was successful. Tom mindkét nagybátyja Bostonban él. Both of Tom's uncles live in Boston. Both of Tom's uncles live in Boston. Miért ment össze a pólód? Why did your T-shirt shrink? Why did your shirt shrink? Elvette tőlünk. He took it from us. He took it from us. Tegnap este Tomival voltam. I was with Tom last night. I was with Tom last night. Mindenki gyanúsított. Everybody's a suspect. Everyone's a suspect. Neki jutott szülei összes szeretete. She had her parents' love to herself. He had all the love of his parents. Mi a tartózkodási helye? What's your place of residence? What's your location? Köszönöm! Egyedül is boldogultam vele. Thanks. I came up with it myself. Thank you, I managed to do it alone. Tamásnak két testvére van. Az egyik Bostonban él, a másik Chicagóban. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Thomas has two brothers, one in Boston and the other in Chicago. És mit fogunk csinálni, ha mégsem jön el? And what will we do if he doesn't come after all? And what are we gonna do if he doesn't show up? Melyiket választod ezek közül? Which one of them will you choose? Which one do you choose? Mit vettél? What did you buy? What'd you get? Mivel foglalkozol? What do you do? What do you do? Valaki jött tíz perccel ezelőtt. Someone came ten minutes ago. Someone came ten minutes ago. Nem szeretném, hogy Tom azt gondolja, meg kell engem védenie. I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me. I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me. Tessék, Tom. Here you are, Tom. Here you go, Tom. Nem az a fontos, hogy mit csinálsz, hanem az, hogy azt hogyan csinálod. It's not what you do, but how you do it that matters. What matters is not what you do, but how you do it. Szokás szerint reggel korán kelt fel és kocogott. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. Szöknek a rabok! The prisoners are escaping! Prisoners are escaping! Fel kell készülnünk a jövőre. It is necessary that we provide for the future. We have to prepare for the future. Róma sem egy nap alatt épült. Nothing happens overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day. Ilyen még soha nem történt velem. Such a thing has never happened to me. This has never happened to me before. Írd le, hogyan végződött. Write down how it ended. Write down how it ended. Nálad van a védőszemüvegem. You've got my goggles. You have my goggles. Valami furcsa történt. A strange thing happened. Something strange happened. Jól vagyok. I feel good. I'm okay. Jobban szeretek biciklizni. I prefer biking. I prefer to ride a bike. Mélyen érzek Ön iránt. I feel for you deeply. I have deep feelings for you. Betegek vagyunk. We are sick. We're sick. Bezártál minden ajtót? Did you lock all the doors? Did you lock all the doors? Találj ki egy mondatot, mely tizenöt szótagból áll. Try to come up with a sentence that has fifteen syllables. Make up a sentence that consists of 15 syllables. Micsoda emlékezet! What memory! What a memory! Van valami ötleted arra, hogyan tudjuk ezt a problémát megoldani? Do you have any ideas on how we can solve this problem? Do you have any idea how we can solve this problem? Elraboltak. They kidnapped me. I've been kidnapped. Ezt a hegyet egész évben hó fedi. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Mennyi a bab kilója? How much is the kilo of beans? What's the bean weight? Más tervem van holnapra. I have other plans for tomorrow. I have other plans for tomorrow. Tudom, hogyan kell újraélesztést alkalmazni. I know CPR. I know how to use CPR. Nem akarok lefeküdni. I don't want to lie down. I don't want to go to bed. Mindenki jól van. Everybody is fine. Everybody's fine. Ez érdekes volt. That was interesting. That was interesting. Elálmosodom teli hassal. I get sleepy when I'm full. I'm getting sleepy with a full belly. Tom megbukott franciából a múlt félévben. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed French last semester. Együnk egy fánkot! Let's get a doughnut. Let's have a donut. Gyűjtsd össze a gondolataidat, mielőtt nekiállsz dolgozni. Collect your thoughts before you begin your work. Gather your thoughts before you get to work. Azt az utat választotta. She went that way. He chose that path. Mi az, hogy UFÓ? What is a UFO? What do you mean, UFO? Meggyőző vagy. You're decisive. You're convincing. A tungolaj a tungfa magjából készül. Tung oil is made from the seeds of the Tung tree. Tung oil is made from the core of the tung tree. Fedezd fel a világot! Discover the world! Discover the world! Nagyon tetszik az az album. I love this album. I really like that album. Tom orra elkezdett viszketni. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started to itch. Tudom, hogyan kell. I know how to make it. I know how. Az egészség drága kincs. Health is a precious treasure. Health is a precious treasure. Ki kell fizetnem. I must pay for that. I have to pay. Anyáméknál voltam. I was at my parents'. I was at my mom's. Tom mosolygott. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Az égés hőt szabadít fel. Combustion liberates heat. Burning releases heat. Üldöznek minket? Are we being chased? They're chasing us? Igen, és itt egy fénykép a farmról, ahol a teheneket fejtük. Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows. Yeah, and here's a picture of the farm where we milked the cows. Fontos, hogy a szülők egy oldalon álljanak, amikor gyereknevelésre kerül a sor. It's important for parents to be on the same page when it comes to disciplining their children. It is important that parents are on the same side when it comes to raising children. Remélem, hogy hamarosan esni fog! I hope it will rain soon! I hope it rains soon. Körülbelül kétezer könyve van. She has about 2,000 books. He has about 2,000 books. Elvesztetted a realitásérzékedet. You lost your sense of reality. You've lost your sense of reality. A türelmem a határához ért. My patience has its limits. My patience has reached its limit. Tom a késéért nyúlt. Tom reached for his knife. Tom reached for his knife. Most elmehetsz. You can go now. You can go now. Van egy könyv az asztalon. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. Ezek gyermekdalok. These are nursery rhymes. They're children's songs. Ahogy megjön, kezdünk. When he arrives, we'll start. As soon as he comes, we'll start. Te fáradtnak tűnsz, de Tomi nem. You look tired, but Tom doesn't. You look tired, but Tom doesn't. Tamás töltött magának még egy whiskeyt. Tom poured himself another scotch. Thomas poured himself another whiskey. Apám éppen javítja az összetört biciklimet. My father is repairing my broken bicycle. My dad's fixing my broken bike. Magyarázd el nekem! Explain it to me. Explain it to me. Még a részeges celebek tweetjei is jobban néznek ki 24 pontos Georgia betűtípussal. Even drunken celebrity tweets look better in 24-point Georgia. Even drunk celebrities' tweets look better with a 24-point Georgia font. Gyakran beszélgetek Tomival franciául. I often talk with Tom in French. I often talk to Tom in French. Enyém lehet? Can I have it? Can I have it? Otthon vagy? Are you home? Are you home? Ez most lényegtelen. That doesn't matter now. That's beside the point. Tom tévedésből ütött meg. Tom hit me by mistake. Tom hit me by mistake. Írd le, mi lett a vége. Write down how it ended. Write down how it all ended. Még csak azt sem tudom, ki ő. I don't even know who she is. I don't even know who he is. Nincs oda a sportokért, mint ahogy én sem. He is not fond of sports, and I am not either. He's not into sports, and neither am I. Néha nem tudok elaludni és egész este csak forgolódom. Sometimes I can't fall asleep and toss and turn all night. Sometimes I can't sleep and I just turn around all night. A kiadót nem érdekelte a könyvem. The publisher isn't interested in my book. The publisher didn't care about my book. Ez az a számítógép, amelyen írja a cikkeit. That's the computer on which he writes his articles. This is the computer on which you write your articles. Mozart 200 éve hunyt el. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart died 200 years ago. Ferenc hatkor érkezett meg a Galeãora. Francis arrived at Galeao at six. Francis arrived at Gale a.m. at six. Mindkettő utálja a másikat. They hate each other. Both hate the other. Írtam egy könyvet. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. Ki mit látott? Who saw what? Who saw what? Ne főjön miatta a fejed! Don't sweat it. Don't worry about it. Mindig nevet és mókázik. He's always laughing and having fun. He's always laughing and having fun. Tom egy vén szaros. Tom is an old fart. Tom's an old shit. Sami élete hátralévő részében itt fog maradni. Sami is gonna stay here for the rest of his life. Sami will stay here for the rest of her life. Melyik résznél tartasz? Which episode are you on? What part are you on? A járművek legalább három havonta hibaellenőrzésen mennek keresztül. The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months. Vehicles shall be subject to an error check at least every three months. Nincs mit vesztenem. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Véleményem szerint a Twitter csak időpocsékolás. In my opinion, Twitter is a waste of time. In my opinion, Twitter is a waste of time. Semerre nem haladunk. We're getting nowhere. We're not going anywhere. A zöld nem jó együtt a lilával. Green does not go well with purple. Green is not good with purple. Elégettek minden dokumentumot. They burned all the documents. They burned all the documents. Itt vagy. You're here. There you are. Pöcs! Asshole! Dick! Élet vagy halál? Life or death? Life or death? A múlt évben hajléktalan voltam. I was homeless last year. Last year I was homeless. Jobb lenne békén hagyni. Better leave it! It's better to leave him alone. Jó memóriád van. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Micsoda rendetlenség! What a mess! What a mess! Holnap jöhetsz. You can come tomorrow. You can come tomorrow. Habár esett, kimentem. Although it was raining, I went out. Although it rained, I went out. Az imáinkba foglalunk. We'll keep you in our prayers. We include you in our prayers. Add fel! Give it up. Give up. Esetleg veszítünk. We might lose. We might lose. Nagyon fáradt vagyok. Most nincs kedvem sétálni menni. I'm very tired. I don't feel like taking a walk now. I'm so tired, I don't feel like going for a walk right now. Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy nem vagyok valami szép. I know that I am ugly. I know I'm not very pretty. Olyan vagy, mint én. You're like me. You're just like me. Tomi szellemeket lát mindenhol. Tom sees ghosts everywhere. Tom sees ghosts everywhere. A kocsiban smaciztunk. We smooched in the car. We were kissing in the car. Ilyen vagyok. I am as I am. That's me. Tuti, hogy elhasalok holnap a vizsgán. I'm sure that I'm not going to pass my exam tomorrow. I'm sure I'll pass the test tomorrow. Drágám, minden rendben? Honey, are you OK? Honey, are you okay? Vele sem, meg vele sem. Neither with her nor with him. Not with him, not with him. Tom valószínűleg még mindig izgatott. Tom is probably still excited. Tom's probably still excited. Néhányan új órát fognak viselni jövőre. Some will be wearing new watches next year. Some will wear new watches next year. Tele van a fejem kérdésekkel. I have questions running around in my mind. I've got questions all over my head. Nemsokára itt van a busz. The bus should arrive soon. The bus will be here soon. Kerdezte, hogy ő jön-e. He asked if she would come. He asked if he was coming. Beszélek kicsit oroszul. I speak a little Russian. I speak a little Russian. Ebben a városban született. This is the town where he was born. He was born in this town. Szeptember 3-án Los Angelesből Szöulba fogok utazni egy barátommal. On September 3rd, I will go from Los Angeles to Seoul with a friend. On September 3rd, I will travel from Los Angeles to Seoul with a friend. Mindannyian nagyon boldogok voltunk. We were all so happy. We were all very happy. Hozz nekem még egy sört. Bring me another beer. Get me another beer. Mi a különbség a dzsem és a citruslekvár között? What's the difference between jam and marmalade? What is the difference between jam and citrus jam? Tom lógott a suliból. Tom cut school. Tom skipped school. A teáskanna elkezdett fütyülni. The teapot started to whistle. The teapot started whistling. Az iskolánk három amerikai cserediákot fogadott. Our school accepted three Americans as exchange students. Our school received three American exchange students. Kezdünk óvatlanok lenni. We're getting careless. We're getting careless. Nem tudtam aludni a zaj miatt. I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. Tudnál várni egy pillanatig? Would you mind waiting a moment? Can you just wait a second? Szart sem csináltam egész nap. I didn't do shit all day. I haven't done shit all day. Mikor mész el otthonról reggel? What time do you leave your house in the morning? When do you leave home in the morning? Nem akarom, hogy a gyerekeim dohányozzanak. I don't want my kids to smoke. I don't want my kids smoking. Utánzó! Copier! Copycat! Segítene nekem odébb vinni az asztalt? Could you help me move the table? Can you help me move the table? Nem vagyok én sem magasabb nála. I'm not taller than him, either. I'm not taller than him. Csak kezdj el dolgozni. Just start working. Just get to work. Tamás fél a kutyámtól. Tom is afraid of my dog. Tom is scared of his dog. Nem jó az íze. It has an unpleasant taste. It doesn't taste good. Esővízlevezető csatornacsövön mászott le a politikus a rendőrök elől. The politician climbed down a rainwater downpipe from police officers. The politician climbed down a rain drain pipe from the police. Milyen hosszú a szünet? How long is intermission? How long is the break? Beszélnek. They're talking. They're talking. Kímélj meg a technikai részletektől. Spare me the technical details. Spare me the technical details. Tom böszme. Tom is ignoble. It's Tom's fault. Tomi még az egyszerű matematikai műveletekkel is hadilábon áll. Tom can't do even simple arithmetic. Tom is at odds with even simple mathematical operations. Tudják, hogy mit tettünk. They know what we did. They know what we did. Add vissza a könyvemet! Give me back my book. Give me back my book. Tomnak gyenge a szíve. Tom has a weak heart. Tom has a weak heart. Bárcsak lenne egy autóm. I wish I had a car. I wish I had a car. Tomból soha nem lesz igazi apa. Tom will never be a good father. Tom's never gonna be a real father. Légy nagyon boldog! Be very happy. Be very happy. A bátor lovag megmentette a gyönyörű királykisasszonyt a gonosz sárkánytól. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. Érdekel a japán történelem. Japanese history interests me. I am interested in Japanese history. Tom lefoglalt egy időpontot Marynek. Tom booked an appointment for Mary. Tom booked an appointment for Mary. Visszamentem a székemhez. I went back to my seat. I went back to my chair. Irodákat létesítettünk Bostonban. We've set up offices in Boston. We set up offices in Boston. Tamással dolgoztam. I worked with Tom. I worked with Tom. A szavadat adtad, hogy megcsinálod. You gave me your word that you would do that. You gave me your word you'd do it. Komolyan mondod? Seriously? Are you serious? Tom szereti ezt. Tom likes this. Tom likes this. Magas férfi volt. He was a tall man. He was a tall man. Ugyanazok a jogaid, mint akárkinek itt. You have the same rights as anyone else here. You have the same rights as anyone here. Te a tűzzel játszol! You're playing with fire. You're playing with fire! Japán egy szigetcsoport, sok-sok heggyel és szinte majdnem semmi erdővel. Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forests. Japan is an archipelago with many mountains and almost no forests. Soha nem létezett. It never existed. He never existed. Hangember ez a fickó. Nem is érdemes vele foglalkozni. That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him. He's a voice-man, and he's not worth dealing with. Az meg mi? What's that? What is that? Hú, nagyon rossz ma az idő! It is terrible weather today. Wow, the weather's really bad today. Szeretnék egy könyvet, amit a vonaton olvashatok. I want a book to read in the train. I want a book I can read on the train. Tomi azt akarta Maritól, hogy válaszoljon ő neki néhány kérdésre a múltjából. Tom wanted Mary to answer some questions about her past. Tom wanted Mari to answer some questions from her past. Adnom kellett Tomnak egy kis pénzt. I had to give Tom a little money. I had to give Tom some money. El kellet költöznünk. We had to move away. We had to move. Tom meg akarja csinálni. Tom intends to do that. Tom wants to do it. Úgy döntöttem, veled megyek. I've decided to go with you. I've decided to go with you. Kérdezd meg Tomit, hogy hol van Mari! Ask Tom where Mary is. Ask Tom where she is. Nem akarok elájulni. I don't want to pass out. I don't want to faint. — Nincs itt egy fa sem — morgott a kutya. "There's no tree here", growled the dog. “There’s not a tree here,” the dog growled. Próbáld magad a helyzetébe képzelni. Try to put yourself in her shoes. Try to put yourself in his position. Kizártad magad. You locked yourself out. You locked yourself out. Szeretek fából készült klumpában járni. I like to wear wooden clogs. I like to walk in wooden clumps. Tom mindig úgy csinálja. That's the way Tom always does that. Tom always does that. Ne vitatkozz egy nőstény krokodillal. Don't quarrel with a female crocodile. Don't argue with a female crocodile. Ez a gyógyfőzet mandragóragyökérből készült más titkos összetevők mellett. This potion is made from mandrake roots, as well as other secret ingredients. This medicinal brew is made of mandrake root in addition to other secret ingredients. Rómában jártam. I was in Rome. I was in Rome. Ő volt az egyik. He was one of them. He was one of them. Anyám nem engedte, hogy miniszoknyát viseljek. My mother didn't let me wear a miniskirt. My mother wouldn't let me wear a miniskirt. Akarod, hogy felvegyelek? Do you need me to pick you up? You want me to pick you up? Azt tette Tom, amit mondtál neki. Tom did do what you said he did. Tom did what you told him to do. Éles kést használj a paradicsomok szeleteléséhez. Use a sharp knife to slice tomatoes. Use a sharp knife to slice tomatoes. Muriel immár 20 éves. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now 20 years old. Ha repülni tudnék! I wish I could fly. If I could fly! A görögök jól főznek. Greeks are good cooks. The Greeks are good cooks. Valójában tetszik nekem. I actually like it. I actually like him. Van Youtube csatornád? Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you have a YouTube channel? Vett nekem egy nyakláncot. He bought me a necklace. He bought me a necklace. Tom, Mary, John és Alice mind tudják. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. Ha az idő is engedi, menjünk piknikezni. Weather permitting, let's go on a picnic. If time permits, let's go on a picnic. Túl közel került hozzám. She got too close to me. He got too close to me. Tom rájött, hogy hibát követett el. Tom realizes he's made a mistake. Tom realized he made a mistake. Adj időt, hogy elgondolkodjak rajta. Give me time to think about it. Give me time to think about it. Hívtál tegnap este? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Ő is beszél franciául. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Folytasd, amit csináltál. Continue doing what you've been doing. Keep doing what you did. Egy alvó gyerek olyan, mint egy angyal. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child is like an angel. Értesz franciául? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Beszélek kicsit hollandul. I speak a little Dutch. I speak a little Dutch. — Hol voltál és mit csináltál tegnap délután 2³⁰-kor, Tom? — Bostonban voltam, otthon, és franciát tanultam. "Where were you and what did you do, Tom, at 2:30 p.m. yesterday?" "I was in Boston at home and I learned French." “Where were you and what were you doing yesterday at 230 o’clock, Tom?” I was in Boston, home, studying French. Nem tudna gyorsabban menni? Couldn't you drive faster? Can't you go any faster? Az élet itt nagyon drága. Life here is very expensive. Life here is very expensive. A rendőrség szervezett egy rajtaütést a rabló elfogására. The police arranged an ambush to catch the mugger. The police organized a raid to capture the robber. Három vacsorát rendelt. She ordered three dinners. He ordered three dinners. Tovább olvastam. I went on reading. I kept reading. Túl sok hibát vétek. I make too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Tomi 2013-ban lépett ki a cégtől. Tom left the company in 2013. Tom left the company in 2013. Mit vacsiztál? What did you have for supper? What did you have? Szólalj meg! Talk! Talk to me. Elolvastad ezt a könyvet? Did you read this book? Have you read this book? Tomihoz jöttem látogatóba. I came to see Tom. I'm here to see Tom. Éles kanyart vett balra. He made a sharp turn to the left. He took a sharp turn to the left. Igen, Szapporóból származom. Yes, I am from Sapporo. Yeah, I'm from Sapporo. Harminc perc kell, hogy odaérjek. I can be there in 30 minutes. I need 30 minutes to get there. Tom sokat fejlődött ezen a héten. Tom really improved this week. Tom's made a lot of progress this week. Ez a kutya nem kedvel engem. I am not liked by this dog. This dog doesn't like me. Tom több lehetőséget fontolgat. Tom is considering several possibilities. Tom's considering more options. Ez egy forró nap. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. Sajnálom, hogy kételkedtem benned. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Nem tudom, hogy hol él. I don't know where she lives. I don't know where he lives. Szeret főzni a családjának. She likes to cook for her family. He likes to cook for his family. Valaha egy park mellett laktam. I used to live next to a park. I used to live next to a park. Nem itt laksz, ugye? You don't live here, do you? You don't live here, do you? Szeretnék a fiam nevében elnézést kérni. I'd like to apologise on behalf of my son. I'd like to apologize on behalf of my son. Főzz egy tojást! Boil one egg. Cook an egg. — Meghalsz! — Mindannyian meghalunk. "You'll die." "We all will." We're all going to die. Ha kell, hamarább jövök. If necessary, I will come soon. I'll be back soon if I have to. Van egy autóm. I own a car. I have a car. Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy megházasodjak. I don't see myself getting married. I can't imagine getting married. Tominak jelentős gyűjteménye van Star Trek DVD-kből. Tom has a huge collection of Star Trek DVDs. Tomi has a significant collection of Star Trek DVDs. Meghalt a telóm. My cellphone died. My phone's dead. Meg fogom mondani Tomnak, hogy mit kéne mondania Marinak. I'll tell Tom what he should say to Mary. I'm gonna tell Tom what he should say to Mari. Úton vagyunk. We're on our way. We're on our way. Egyet értett. She agreed. Agreed. Tom meg fogja szerezni. Tom will get it. Tom's gonna get it. Boldog embernek tartod magad? Would you describe yourself as a happy person? Do you consider yourself a happy person? Hívj csak Tominak. Just call me Tom. You can call me Tom. A lovak állva alszanak. Horses sleep standing up. Horses sleep standing up. Könyveket kell írnom. I must write books. I have books to write. Megvásárolta a földet azzal az elgondolással, hogy házat épít rajta. He bought the land with the plan to build a house on it. He bought the land with the idea of building a house on it. Tom előre fizetett. Tom prepaid. Tom paid in advance. Becsületesnek tűnik. He seems honest. You seem honest. Te mindig ilyen csöndes szoktál lenni? Are you normally this quiet? Are you always so quiet? Megtalálta a kerékpáromat. He found my bike. He found my bike. Nem hagyhatsz minket itt! You can't leave us here. You can't leave us here. Tom nem próbálta meg leplezni az igazságot. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Kezdd elölről! Start over. Start over. Szinte semmit nem tud arról az állatról. He knows almost nothing about that animal. He doesn't know anything about that animal. Az egészség fontosabb a gazdagságnál. Health over wealth. Health is more important than wealth. Nem jelentettek nagy segítséget. They weren't much help. They weren't much help. Milyen színű az öved? What color is your belt? What color is your belt? Nagyon jól tudod, kire célzok. You know very well who I mean. You know very well who I'm referring to. Tudom, hogy Tom elkésett. I know that Tom was late. I know Tom's late. Japánban sok melegvizű fürdő található. In Japan, there are many hot springs. There are many hot water baths in Japan. Tom támogató. Tom is supportive. Tom is supportive. Tomi szokta hívni Marit? Does Tom ever call Mary? Does Tom call Mari? Azok a kígyók rendkívül veszélyesek. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Tom holttestét megcsonkították. Tom's corpse is mutilated. Tom's body was mutilated. És te ki vagy? And who might you be? And who are you? Tom folyamatosan figyelte az óráját. Tom kept checking his watch. Tom was constantly watching his watch. Izgatott vagy? Are you excited? Excited? Szkurának van egy szobalánya. Skura has a maid. Skura has a maid. Mikor van ebédszüneted? When is your lunch break? When's your lunch break? Itt van! There you are. He's here! Közgazdász-hallgató vagyok. I'm a student at the Economics Department. I'm an economics student. Berúgott és bőbeszédű lett. He got drunk and became talkative. He got drunk and talked. Mikor fogsz visszajönni? When will you be coming back? When are you coming back? Kiolvasták a regényt? Have they finished reading the novel? Have you read the novel? Egy hotelben tartózkodik. He's staying at a hotel. He's staying at a hotel. Jó keze van. He has a good hand. He's got good hands. Tomi és Mari gyakran SMS-eznek egymással még akkor is, ha ugyanabban a házban vannak. Tom and Mary often text each other, even when they're in the same house. Tomi and Mari often text each other even if they're in the same house. Hogy tetszik önnek Japán éghajlata? How do you like the climate of Japan? How do you like Japan's climate? Tom egy nagyon szoros barátom. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Gyere ide, hallod! Hey you, come here! Come here, you hear me? Ma iskolába kell mennem. I have to go to school today. I have to go to school today. Tom magánál szándékozik tartani a lopott pénzt. Tom intended to keep the stolen money for himself. Tom intends to keep the stolen money with him. Távolról nézve úgy nézett ki, mint egy emberi arc. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. From a distance, he looked like a human face. Több mint egy órát váratták. She was made to wait for over an hour. They waited over an hour. Miért tartotok meg mindent magatoknak? Why do you keep everything to yourselves? Why do you keep everything to yourself? Adni fogok neked egy biciklit a születésnapodra. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'm gonna give you a bike for your birthday. Nagyon megfázott, ezért ma nem jött iskolába. Having a bad cold, he was absent from school today. He had a cold, so he didn't come to school today. Ezt nem hisszük el. We don't believe that. We don't believe that. Szerbia határos Magyarországgal, Romániával, Bulgáriával, Horvátországgal, Macedóniával, Boszniával és Montenegróval. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Én nem értem a zenét. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Nem én hozom ezeket a szabályokat. I'm not the one who makes these rules. I don't make those rules. Mennyivel akarsz egészségesebb lenni? How much healthier do you want to be? How much healthier do you want to be? Eladott mindent, amije csak volt. He sold everything he had. He sold everything he had. Melyik a tíz kedvenc filmed? What are your top ten favorite movies? What are your 10 favorite movies? Dan rálőtt az emberre, aki megpróbálta ellopni a kocsiját. Dan shot at the man who tried to steal his car. Dan shot the man who tried to steal his car. Néha az az érzésem, hogy Tamás a múzeumban lakik. Sometimes I think that Tom lives at the museum. Sometimes I think Tom lives in the museum. Segíts a kitöltésben! Help me fill this out. Help me fill it out. Vágasd le a hajad! Get a haircut. Get your hair cut. Caesar kiásott egy csontot és odaadta Buksinak. Caesar dug out a bone and gave it to Woofy. Caesar dug up a bone and gave it to Buksi. Amikor valami rosszul indul, még rosszabbul végződik. When something starts off bad, it ends worse. When something goes wrong, it gets worse. Egy perccel késtem le a repülőt. I missed the airplane by a minute. I missed the plane by a minute. Az emberek annyira udvariatlanok tudnak lenni. People can be so rude. People can be so rude. Azt hittem, megbízhatok önben. I thought I could trust you. I thought I could trust you. Ez az alma rothadt. This apple is rotten. This apple is rotten. Az ősz után jön a tél. After fall comes winter. Winter comes after autumn. Ne panaszkodj, ne magyarázkodj! Don't complain, don't explain. Don't complain, don't explain. Valamikor tegyük ezt újra! Let's do this again sometime! Let's do this again sometime. Tom a sátrában van, ugye? Tom is in his tent, isn't he? Tom's in his tent, right? Előtted odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll get there before you. Felmentek az emeletre. They walked upstairs. They went upstairs. Tom már nem tagja ennek a klubnak. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Mária méhkirálynő. Mary is a queen bee. Mary bee queen. Foghíjasan mosolygott és egy kacagás után mondta: - Most jön a harmadik kívánságod. Mi lesz az? She grinned toothlessly and, after a cackle, spoke, "Now your third wish. What will it be?" He smiled toothlessly, and after a laugh, he said, "Here comes your third wish. Ki figyelt oda? Who listened? Who was listening? Abban különbözünk az állatoktól, hogy tudunk beszélni. We are different from animals in that we can speak. We're different from animals in that we can talk. Vagy te vagy én tévedek. Either you or I am wrong. Either you or I are wrong. A fürdőben egész a plafonig minden ki volt csempézve. Everything in the bathroom is tiled except the ceiling. Everything in the bathroom was tiled up to the ceiling. Nem megyek hozzád most és soha. I'm not marrying you and never will. I won't marry you now and never. Nem szeretem az ilyen típusú házakat. I don't like this type of house. I don't like houses like this. A földön ültem. I sat on the floor. I was sitting on the floor. Hol laksz most? Where do you live now? Where do you live now? Ez a szótár jó. This dictionary is good. This dictionary is good. Tomi megállt és Marira meredt. Tom stopped and stared at Mary. Tom stopped and looked at Mari. Almát hasonlítasz össze körtével. You are comparing apples and oranges. You're comparing apples to pears. Egy svájci és egy szomáliai is egyenlőnek teremtetett, csak a svájci Svájcban, a szomáliai Szomáliában él. A Swiss and a Somali are born equal, but a Swiss lives in Switzerland and a Somali in Somalia. A Swiss and a Somali were created equal, only in Switzerland, Somalia. Mindig korábban felkelek, mint a többiek. I always get up earlier than the others. I always wake up earlier than everyone else. Siet, hogy elérje a nyolc órási vonatot. He is in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. He's in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. Tamás már aludt. Tom was already asleep. Tom was asleep. Szánalmas vagy. You're pathetic. You're pathetic. Ők hallgatók. They're students. They're students. Most horgászok. I'm fishing now. Now I'm fishing. Magam főztem. I cooked this myself. I cooked it myself. Tom elfoglalt. Tom is busy. Tom's busy. Lehet, hogy számodra egyértelmű, de számomra nem. Perhaps it's obvious for you, but not for me. It may be obvious to you, but not to me. Mehetnek, ahová akarnak. You may go anywhere you like. You can go anywhere you want. Szerintem személyesen kellene bemenned. I think you need to go in person. I think you should go in person. Már nem lehetsz benne biztos, hogy az „igazság” az igaz vagy annak cáfolata – vagy esetleg egyik sem. Now you can't be sure whether the "truth" or the opposite of that is true – or eventuel none of them. You can no longer be sure whether the “truth” is the truth or a rebuttal to it – or perhaps none of it. Tom rosszindulatú volt. Tom was mean. Tom was mean. Hagyd felkapcsolva a világítást! Leave the lights on. Leave the lights on. Egyáltalán nem beszéltem Tomról. I didn't talk about Tom at all. I didn't talk about Tom at all. Ülj vissza! Sit back down. Sit down. Tárgyalásokat folytattunk a társasággal. We continued negotiations with the company. We had negotiations with the company. Megfeledkeztem róluk. I forgot them. I forgot about them. Megváltoztattam a mondatot. I changed the sentence. I changed the sentence. Imádkozzunk Tamás bűnös lelkéért! Let's pray for Tom's guilty soul. Let us pray for Thomas's sinful soul. Van ott egy hotel. There's a hotel over there. There's a hotel there. Mindenki össze van zavarodva. Everyone is confused. Everyone's confused. Tom jól gondját viseli a madaraknak. Tom takes good care of the birds. Tom takes good care of the birds. Magyarázd meg nekem, Tom miért nincs itt. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. Explain to me why Tom's not here. Csukd be az ablakot, mielőtt elmész. Close the window before you leave. Close the window before you leave. Ki fogja megcsinálni? Who will do it? Who's gonna do it? Ki engedett oda a gépemhez? Who let you sit to my computer? Who let you into my computer? Nem vicceltem. I wasn't kidding. I wasn't kidding. Nem akartam menni és Tom sem. I didn't want to go and Tom didn't either. I didn't want to go, and neither did Tom. Mária nem szegény. Ellenkezőleg, ő elég gazdag. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. Manapság azt akarjuk, hogy a gyermekeink önálló döntéseket hozzanak, de elvárjuk, hogy ezek a döntések nekünk megfeleljenek. Nowadays we want our children to make their own decisions, but we expect those decisions to please us. Today, we want our children to make their own choices, but we expect them to make them for us. Mondd, mit vegyek! Tell me what to buy. Tell me what to buy. Adja meg az útlevele számát és a születési dátumát. Give your passport number and your date of birth. Enter your passport number and date of birth. Ne taposs rá! Don't tread on it. Don't step on him. Csináld, amit csak mond. Do whatever she tells you. Do whatever he says. Tom egész nap dolgozott, szünet nélkül. Tom worked all day without taking a break. Tom's been working all day, without a break. A szörnyeteg él, éber és éhes. The beast is alive, awake and hungry. The monster is alive, awake and hungry. Tom még mindig ül. Tom is still sitting. Tom's still sitting. A fiam férfivá vált. My son has become a man. My son has become a man. Ne aggódj miattuk! Don't worry about them. Don't worry about them. Őrült! Crazy! Crazy! Jó vagy a főzésben? Are you good at cooking? Are you good at cooking? Kiöntötted a kávédat. You've spilled your coffee. You spilled your coffee. Nem szeretném, hogy abbahagyd a zongorázást. I don't want you to quit playing the piano. I don't want you to stop playing the piano. Majd meghalok, úgy fáj a kezem. My arm is killing me. I'm dying, my hand hurts so much. Van egy galambunk. We have a pigeon. We have a pigeon. Gyakran vannak vendégeink. We often have guests. We often have guests. Az szívem ifjú. I'm young at heart. My heart is young. Anyám ellenzi a dohányzást. My mother objects to smoking. My mother is against smoking. Nem kell holnap visszajönnünk. It won't be necessary for us to come back here tomorrow. We don't have to come back tomorrow. Született győztes. He's a born winner. A born winner. Tudom, hogy Tamás jól van. I know that Tom is fine. I know Tom is fine. Nem a 19. század ez. It's not the 19th century. It's not the 19th century. Tomi soha nem szól a gyerekeiről a blogjában. Tom never mentions his children in his blog posts. Tom never talks about his kids on his blog. Szeretném, ha ott lennél. I'd like you to be there. I want you there. A következő vonat a 2-es vágányra érkezik és továbbindul Shibuya-ra 4:35-kor. The next train arriving at platform 2 will depart for Shibuya at 4:35pm. The next train arrives on track 2 and leaves for Shibuya at 4:35. Ki fog vezetni? Who'll drive? Who's gonna drive? Tomi megcsinálta, amit meg akart. Tom has already accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Tom did what he wanted. Üzit küldött nekem. She sent me a message. He texted me. Tom elnyomott egy vigyort. Tom stifled a grin. Tom put down a grin. Megakadt a cipzárom. My zipper is stuck. My zipper's stuck. Virágos a kert. In the garden, many flowers are in bloom now. The garden is flowery. Ez szokatlan. That's unusual. That's unusual. Ne adj semmit! Don't give me anything. Don't give me anything. Úszok a folyóban. I am swimming in the river. I'm swimming in the river. Bostonban fogunk dolgozni a jövő évben. We're going to be working in Boston next year. We're going to work in Boston next year. Szép hangja van. He has a beautiful voice. You have a nice voice. Operálni kell Tomit. Tom needs surgery. We need to operate on Tom. Feltételezzük, hogy igaz. Let's assume it's true. Let's assume it's true. Ez egy jó ötlet. That's a good idea! That's a good idea. Túl sokat isznak. They drink too much. They drink too much. Itt kellesz. You're needed here. I need you here. Ő az egyik munkatársam. He is one of my colleagues. He's one of my co-workers. Örömmel hallom ezeket a híreket. I am glad to hear the news. Glad to hear this news. Bouteflika ambíciózus szociális programokat vezetett be. Bouteflika implemented ambitious social programs. Bouteflika has introduced ambitious social programmes. Tomi egy álomvilágban élt. Gyakran, ahogy lenni szokott, csak a teste volt közöttünk, míg az elméje teljesen máshol járt. Tom lived in a dream world. Often, as it were, only his body was among us, while his mind was quite somewhere else. Tomi lived in a dream world, often, as usual, only his body was among us, while his mind was completely different. A gépem előtt gubbasztva töltöttem az egész napot. I spent the whole day in front of my computer. I spent the whole day sitting in front of my computer. Nagyon szeretjük a parkjainkat. We love our parks. We love our parks. Ki készít neki reggelit? Who makes breakfast for him? Who's making him breakfast? Nem voltak ott. They weren't there. They weren't there. Folytasd! Go ahead! Go on. Nem tudom, hol van Tom esernyője. I don't know where Tom's umbrella is. I don't know where Tom's umbrella is. Kifárasztott a 12 órás utazás. The twelve-hour journey had tired me out. I'm tired of the 12-hour trip. Kedveli a vadászatot. He likes hunting. He likes hunting. Milyen szép nap van ma! What a beautiful day today! What a beautiful day today! Ne gondoljatok rám már úgy, mint egy átlagos személyre! Stop thinking of me as just an average person. Don't think of me as an ordinary person. Szürke haja az életkoránál idősebbnek mutatja a hölgyet. Her gray hair makes her look older than her age. Her gray hair shows her to be older than her age. Nem más, csak egy féreg. He's just a scumbag. Nothing but a worm. Én nem rájuk adtam le a voksomat. I didn't vote for them. I didn't vote for them. Ezt a problémát érdemes átgondolni. This problem deserves considering. This problem is worth considering. Hiába próbálta véka alá rejteni aggályait. She tried in vain to hide her anxiety. He tried to hide his concerns in vain. Ne hagyd elmenni a lehetőséget! Don't let opportunities pass by. Don't let the opportunity pass you by. Egyik válasz sem korrekt. Neither of the answers is correct. None of the answers are correct. Jóra használja ezt az információt. He put this information to good use. He's using this information for good. Éhes vagy? Are you hungry? You hungry? Már nem is emlékszem rá, hogyan nézett ki Tomi. I don't even remember what Tom looked like. I don't even remember what Tom looked like. Bárcsak engednéd, hogy Tom befejezze a történetét. I wish you would let Tom finish his story. I wish you'd let Tom finish his story. Ezt akarom megvenni. That's the one I want to buy. I want to buy this. Ez a torta mennyei. This cake is delicious. This cake is delicious. Tom vett Marynek ebédet. Tom bought Mary lunch. Tom bought Mary lunch. El tudnád magyarázni? Can you explain this? Can you explain? A biciklim egyik kereke defektes. My bicycle has a flat tire. One of the wheels on my bike is flat. Jól lehet vasalni ezt az anyagot. This cloth irons well. You can iron this material well. Alszom néha. I sometimes sleep. I sleep sometimes. Szomjaznak. They're thirsty. They're thirsty. Kórházba kell menned. You need to get to a hospital. You need to go to the hospital. Emlékszem rá, amikor még csak kislány voltál. I can remember when you were just a little girl. I remember when you were a little girl. Norvégia lakossága körülbelül 5 milliós. Norway's population is about 5 million. Norway has a population of about 5 million. Vett egy pajzsot és egy kardot. He bought a shield and a sword. He bought a shield and a sword. Ő az egyetlen egy, aki túlélte. He's the only one who survived. He's the only one who survived. Folyton leáll a kocsim. My car keeps stalling. My car keeps shutting down. Semmit sem ér. Dobd el! That's junk. Throw it away. It's not worth anything. A természeti erőforrások nem korlátlanok. Natural resources are not limitless. Natural resources are not unlimited. Te éppen akkor kenyeret vásároltál. You were buying some bread. You just bought bread. Egyetemista vagyok. I am a college student. I'm a college student. Ezek mind ugyanannyiba kerülnek? Do these all cost the same? Do they all cost the same? Itt a cím. Here's the address. Here's the address. Ez afféle izléstelen tréfa? Is this some kind of cruel joke? Is this some sort of unattractive joke? Ez társadalmi probléma. This is a social issue. This is a social problem. Ne keverd össze a búzát a rozzsal! Don't mix wheat with rye. Don't confuse wheat with rye. Ha nem lett volna a térkép, eltévedtem volna. If it had not been for the map, I would have lost my way. If it wasn't for the map, I'd be lost. Nem érdemes siránkozni miatta. It's not worth crying over. It's not worth crying about. Nincs vége mindaddig, amíg nem vagyunk túl rajta. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until it's over. Hamlet valószínűleg nem akart megházasodni. Hamletből csak egy volt, de a hozzá hasonlók sokan vannak. Hamlet probably didn't want to get married. There was only one Hamlet, however there are many people like him. Hamlet probably didn't want to get married, there was only one Hamlet, but there's a lot of people like him. Elég jól beszél angolul. She can speak English pretty well. He speaks English pretty well. Mióta megérkeztünk, Tom folyamatosan ki volt készülve. Tom has been a nervous wreck ever since we arrived. Ever since we got here, Tom's been freaking out. A nevetés tényleg jót tesz neked. Laughing really is good for you. Laughter is really good for you. Egész életemben vártam rád. I waited for you my entire life. I've been waiting for you my whole life. Románia fővárosa Bukarest. Romania's capital is Bucharest. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Tom Mária fia? Is Tom Mary's son? Tom is Mary's son? Először is, túl drága. To start with, it's too expensive. First of all, it's too expensive. Ennek a helynek rossz a szaga. This place smells bad. This place smells bad. Erre van szükséged. You need this. That's what you need. Neki mennyi pénze van? How much money does he have? How much money does he have? Már megint ittál. You've been drinking again. You've been drinking again. Ha továbbra is elkésel, le fogom vonni a béredből. If you keep arriving late, I'm taking it off your paycheck. If you're still late, I'll deduct it from your wages. Tomon nem lehet segíteni. Tom is beyond help. Tom can't be helped. A lányból nő lett, a nőből meg férfi. The girl became a woman and the woman became a man. The girl became a woman, and the woman became a man. Jobb lenne vigyáznod. You'd better watch out. You'd better be careful. Tom tudott a rablásról. Tom knew about the robbery. Tom knew about the robbery. Ez kell nekem. I want that. That's what I need. Itt Brazíliában motorbicikliket is használnak taxiként. Here in Brazil, even motorcycles are used as taxis. Here in Brazil, motorcycles are also used as taxis. Pont egy órát vett igénybe. It took exactly an hour. It took me exactly an hour. Nálad van a könyvem? Do you have my book? Do you have my book? Van nálad pénz taxira? Do you have money for the taxi? Do you have money for a cab? Arra kérlek, hogy ezt senkinek ne említsd meg. Please don't mention this to anyone. I'm asking you not to mention this to anyone. Tom azt mondta, hogy azt gondolja, ostoba vagy. Tom said that he thinks that you're stupid. Tom said he thinks you're stupid. A maradás mellett döntöttem. I decided I'd stay. I decided to stay. Egyedül élek. I live alone. I live alone. Tényleg biztos vagy benne? Are you really sure? Are you really sure? Mi van a kertben? What is in the garden? What's in the garden? Tom nem egyedül cselekedett. Tom didn't act alone. Tom wasn't acting alone. Tíz, tizenegy, tizenkettő, tizenhárom, tizennégy, tizenöt, tizenhat, tizenhét, tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, húsz. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. A gyógyszer barna folyadék volt. The medicine was a brown liquid. The medicine was brown liquid. Szíveskednél válaszolni nekem? Could you do me the courtesy of replying? Would you like to answer me? Mondd meg Tominak, hogy én csak zöld teát iszom. Tell Tom I only drink green tea. Tell Tom I only drink green tea. Nem működik nálam a wifi. The wifi isn't working for me. I don't have Wi-Fi. Szóval, miről is beszéltünk? So what were we talking about? So, what were we talking about? A kertész volt a gyilkos. The gardener was the murderer. The gardener was the killer. Nem gond, ha leülök ide? Is it OK to sit here? Do you mind if I sit here? Mondtam neked, hogyan törött el a lábam? Have I told you how I broke my leg? Did I tell you how I broke my leg? Csendben maradnál? Would you pipe down? Will you be quiet? Tom lenézi a nőket. Tom looks down on women. Tom despises women. Nem tudok neked segíteni. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Mindennek megvan a maga ára. Everything has its price. Everything has its price. Senki nincs itt, hogy üdvözöljön. There is no one to greet me. No one's here to say hello. Honnan szerezted a pénzt? Where did you get the money from? Where'd you get the money? Megkérdezte tőle, és ő igent mondott. She asked him and he said yes. He asked her, and she said yes. Tom és Mary együtt vannak. Tom and Mary are together. Tom and Mary are together. A bátorsága meggyőzött annyira, hogy bízzak benne. His courage impressed me enough for me to trust him. His courage convinced me to trust him. Házába csapott a villám. Lightning struck his house. His house was struck by lightning. Miért kell, hogy mindig ellentmondj nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you always have to contradict me? Nem túlzás azt mondani, hogy ő egy zseni. It is not too much to say that he is a genius. It's no exaggeration to say he's a genius. Egyszerű megérteni, hogy Tom miért nem szereti Marit. It's easy to understand why Tom doesn't like Mary. It's easy to understand why Tom doesn't love Mari. A képek beszéljenek önmagukért. Let the images speak for themselves. Let the images speak for themselves. Sok embert ismerek, akik így beszélnek. I know lots of people who talk like that. I know a lot of people who talk like that. Családalapításról álmodott. She was dreaming of starting a family. He dreamed of starting a family. A mobiltelefonjára pillantott és észrevette, hogy már háromnegyed kettő van. She looked at her cell phone and noticed that it was already a quarter till two. He looked at his cell phone and realized it was already 4:45. Vártam a válaszra, de senki sem válaszolt. I waited for the answer but nobody answered. I waited for an answer, but no one answered. Rengeteg időnk van. We have time to spare. We have plenty of time. Tejet ittam. I drank milk. I drank milk. Zavarónak találom. I found it disturbing. I find it disturbing. Csak franciául beszélek. I only speak French. I only speak French. Jövök, ha az időjárás megengedi. I will come, weather permitting. I'll come if the weather permits. Messziről könnyű bátornak lenni. It's easy to be brave from a distance. It's easy to be brave from afar. Szóval, mit csináltál? So what did you do? So, what did you do? Énekeltem. I was singing. I sang. Már összecsomagoltam a cuccaimat. I have already packed my things. I've already packed my things. Ne hagyd vezetni! Don't let him drive! Don't let him drive. Reméltem, hogy felgyógyul. I had hoped that he would recover. I was hoping he'd recover. Ilyenből többre van szükségünk. We need more of this. We need more of that. Valami hiányzik nekem. Tudom. Csak nem tudom, mi. I know I'm missing something. I just don't know what. I'm missing something, I know, I just don't know what. Odavagyok az írásaiért. I admire his writing style. I love his writing. Egymás után három játékot veszítettünk el. We've lost three games in a row. We lost three games in a row. Megint elkésünk. We're going to be late again. We're late again. A kígyó életben van, vagy halott? Is the snake alive or dead? Is the snake alive or dead? Úgy tűnt, a nap egy helyben állt. The sun seemed to stand still. The sun seemed to stand still. Néha félek magamtól. Sometimes I feel afraid of myself. Sometimes I'm afraid of myself. A kisgyermeket kínozta a mostohaanyja. The little child was subjected to violence from his stepmother. The child was tortured by his stepmother. Tom komolyan gondolja. Tom means business. Tom's serious. Épp arra megyek. I'm headed over there right now. I'm on my way. Ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Túl sok kódot kellene fejben tartani. There are too many codes to remember. Too many codes to keep in mind. Nagyon mérges lettem. I got very angry. I got really angry. Még mindig nálad van a kulcsom? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my keys? Még volt egy halvány reménysugár, hogy talán minden rendeződni fog. There was still a glimmer of hope that everything would be alright. There was still a faint ray of hope that maybe everything would settle down. - Ez meg mi? - Csak egy bevásárlólista. "What's this?" "It's just a shopping list." - It's just a shopping list. Kávéra van szükségem. I need coffee. I need coffee. Tom kreatívan szerette volna Mary tudtára adni, hogy szereti. Tom wanted to find a creative way to tell Mary that he loved her. Tom creatively wanted Mary to know that he loved her. Add ide a cukrot, kérlek. Pass me the sugar, please. Give me the sugar, please. Ez mire jó? What is it for? What's this for? Barátságos légkör van az irodában. There is a friendly atmosphere in the office. There is a friendly atmosphere in the office. Ez az én hálószobám. It is my bedroom. This is my bedroom. Tudod, hogy szeretem Tomot, igaz? You know I love Tom, don't you? You know I love Tom, right? Ha túl sok a munka, az baj, de a túl sok szabadidő is. Being too busy with work is a problem, but then so is having too much free time. Too much work is a problem, but too much free time is also a problem. Nem csak rám kiáltott, de a kutyámra is. He called out not only to me but also to my dog. He didn't just yell at me, he yelled at my dog. Tom nyugton maradt. Tom kept still. Tom stayed calm. Nélküled csak egy fél vagyok. I'm uncomplete without you. Without you, I'm only half. Nem is olyan drága. It isn't really that expensive. It's not that expensive. Tom egy kicsit vörös lett. Tom got a little red. Tom's a little red. Szaporáznunk kell a lépteinket. We must hurry. We need to multiply our steps. Az egyházaknak alázatot kell tanulniuk, úgymint tanítaniuk. The churches must learn humility as well as teach it. Churches need to learn humility, such as teaching. Franciául kell tanulnom. I must learn French. I have to learn French. Tényleg hiszel a varázslatban? Do you really believe in magic? Do you really believe in magic? Találd ki, mit vásárolt Tom! Guess what Tom bought. Guess what Tom bought? Buszsofőrként dolgozom. I work as a bus driver. I work as a bus driver. — Nagynéném nagyobb fia Ausztriába költözött a fővárosba. — Az unokatestvéred, Pete, Sydney-be? "The elder son of my aunt moved to Austria to the capital city." "Your cousin Pete to Sydney?" “My aunt’s older son moved to the capital city of Austria. ” Your cousin Pete, to Sydney? Menj, idegesíts valaki mást! Go annoy someone else. Go annoy someone else. Személy szerint élvezetesebbnek találom a szopást a hagyományos szexnél. I personally find blowjobs more enjoyable than classical sex. Personally, I find blowjobs more enjoyable than traditional sex. Megőrültél, vagy mi van? You're crazy or what? Are you crazy or what? Mindenki utálja. He is hated by all. Everybody hates him. Tom hogy válaszolt? How did Tom reply? How did Tom respond? Nem szeretem azokat a lányokat, akik eljátsszák, hogy megközelíthetetlenek. I don't like girls who play hard to get. I don't like girls who pretend to be inaccessible. Te még a szüleiddel laksz, nemde? You still live with your parents, don't you? You still live with your parents, don't you? Nem megy a falióra. The wall clock doesn't work. I can't do the wall clock. Bárcsak vettem volna jegyet a koncertre! I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. I wish I'd bought tickets to the concert. Néhány jó tanácsot adott nekem. She gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice. Ne bízzál Tomiban, akármit is mondjon. Don't trust Tom no matter what he says. Don't trust Tom, no matter what he says. Egy úrinő és egy virágáruslány között nem a viselkedésükben van a különbség, hanem abban, ahogyan az emberek kezelik őket. The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated. The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not in their behavior, but in the way people treat them. Tudni akarom, kik jönnek. I need to know who'll be coming. I want to know who's coming. Feleségét ismered? Do you know his wife? Do you know his wife? Melyik dalokat énekelték? Which songs did they sing? Which songs did they sing? Hát nem gyomorforgató? Isn't it sickening? Isn't it stomach-wrenching? Néhány embert nehéz megérteni. It is hard to understand some people. Some people are hard to understand. Utállak és ugyanakkor szeretlek is. I hate you, and at the same time I love you. I hate you and I love you at the same time. Van saját autóbusza. He has his own bus. He's got his own bus. Beszélj lassan és érthetően. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. Tom már itt van. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. Magyarország fővárosa Bukarest. Bucharest is the capital of Hungary. The capital of Hungary is Bucharest. Melyik Tom holmija ezek közül? Which ones are Tom's? Which one of these is Tom's? Verd fel a tojásokat! Beat the eggs. Beat up the eggs. Nehéz angolul beszélni? Is it hard to speak English? Is it hard to speak English? Az ünő nőstény szarvas. A doe is a female deer. The female deer. A gyereknevelésről kérdez. She asks questions about the education of children. He's asking about raising children. Ilyet én soha nem mondanék. I would never say such a thing. I would never say that. Az erdőben töltötte az éjszakát Tomi. Tom spent the night in the woods. Tom spent the night in the woods. Tom megbetegedett. Tom got shot. Tom got sick. Egy napon mindannyiunknak meg kell halnia. One day, we'll all have to die. One day we'll all have to die. Tedd a fiókba. Put it in the drawer. Put it in the drawer. Kínosan érzed magad? Are you embarrassed? Are you embarrassed? Mindegyiküknek ismerem a nevét. I know all their names. I know the names of all of them. Értem tudsz jönni az állomásra? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you pick me up at the station? Ez nem az enyém. It's not mine. It's not mine. Nem kell mindenkinek a kedvére tenni. You don't have to make a different dish for every person. You don't have to please everyone. Tomi és Mari mindig csipkedik egymást. Tom and Mary are always teasing each other. Tom and Mari are always picking on each other. Hallgattam, de nem hallottam semmit. I listened, but I heard nothing. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. Ne is foglalkozz vele, Tom. Csak féltékeny. Ignore him, Tom. He's just jealous. Don't worry about it, Tom, he's just jealous. Nem tudom elképzelni az életemet nélküled. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Én miért nem tudok erről? Why don't I know about it? Why don't I know about this? Várj! Mindjárt mutatok neked valamit. Wait. I'm going to show you something. Wait, I'm gonna show you something. A vita váratlanul véget ért, miután egy vizes ballont dobtak a színpadra. The debate was terminated abruptly after a water balloon was thrown at the stage. The debate ended unexpectedly after a wet balloon was thrown on stage. Azonnal csináld meg a házidat. Do your homework at once. Do your homework right now. Próbálok valamilyen segítséget szerezni. I'm trying to find some help. I'm trying to get some help. Félek apádtól. I'm afraid of your father. I'm afraid of your father. Aki itt akar élni, annak dolgoznia kell. Anyone who wants to live here must work. Anyone who wants to live here has to work. Az ősz a legjobb kiránduló évszak. Autumn is the best season for going on hikes. Autumn is the best hiking season. Köszönöm önnek az irántam tanúsított bizalmat. I thank you for the trust that you have expressed in me. Thank you for your trust in me. Tom népszerű volt. Tom was popular. Tom was popular. Melyik vakcinát vetted fel? Which vaccine did you get? Which vaccine did you take? Biztos vagyok benne, hogy apád nagyon büszke rád. I'm sure your father is very proud of you. I'm sure your father is very proud of you. Taxival ment a múzeumba. She took a taxi to the museum. He took a taxi to the museum. Ez kép. This is a picture. It's a picture. Szükségem van erre. I need this. I need this. Térjünk a lényegre! Let's get to the point! Let's cut to the chase. Látom a tengert és a folyót. I can see the sea and the river. I can see the sea and the river. Rendben van, ha Tomnak hívlak? Is it all right if I call you Tom? Is it okay if I call you Tom? Hülyébb vagy, mint voltál. You're more stupid than you used to be. You're more stupid than you used to be. Átmenetileg ez maradjon közöttünk. Let's keep this between us for now. Let's keep this between us for now. Ettől ugyan nem érzem magam jobban. That's not making me feel any better. That doesn't make me feel any better. Hiszen ez a lista üres! But this list is blank. This list is empty! Az áru tengeren érkezik. The goods arrive by sea. The goods arrive at sea. Füstszagú vagy. You smell like smoke. You smell like smoke. Sokáig fürödtem. I took a long bath. I took a long bath. Miért suttogunk? Why are we whispering? Why are we whispering? Sok üres sörös doboz volt a padlón. There were many empty beer cans on the floor. There were a lot of empty beer cans on the floor. Áll az alku. The deal is all but done. It's a deal. Kim édesen mosolygott. Kim smiled sweetly. Kim smiled sweetly. Mivel közeleg a karácsony, be kell szereznem néhány dolgot. With Christmas just around the corner, I should do some shopping. Since Christmas is coming up, I'm gonna have to pick up some stuff. Olyan rémes náthám volt, hogy egy hétig az ágyat nyomtam. I was flat on my back for a week with a terrible cold. I had such a terrible cold, I was in bed for a week. Sokat végeztél, nemde? You've been through a lot, haven't you? You've done a lot, haven't you? Ez egy ostoba szabály. That's a stupid rule. It's a stupid rule. Tom úgy nevetett, hogy az arcán könnyen folytak. Tom laughed so much tears ran down his cheeks. Tom laughed so hard, they flowed easily on his face. Tomnak segítséget kellett volna kérnie tőlünk. Tom should have asked us for help. Tom should have asked us for help. Elemet nem tartalmaz. Batteries not included. It doesn't contain any batteries. Úgy tűnik nekem, hogy becsületes vagy. It seems to me that you are honest. It seems to me you're honest. Ne változtass meg semmit! Don't change anything! Don't change anything. Egy kicsit beszélek magyarul. I speak a little Hungarian. I speak a little Hungarian. Nem szoktam hozzá a kíméletlen éghajlathoz, mivel déli országokból jöttem. I am not used to harsh climate as I come from South countries. I'm not used to the harsh climate because I'm from southern countries. Én is emlékszem erre. I remember it, too. I remember that, too. Holnapig el kell olvasnom ezt a könyvet. I must get through with reading the book by tomorrow. I have to read this book by tomorrow. Alkudoztunk vele a házért. We bargained with him for the house. We bargained with him for the house. Amikor ismeretlen eladóktól vásárolsz anyagokat, tedd kellő óvatossággal! When buying materials from unknown sellers, do your due diligence. When buying materials from unknown sellers, do so with caution. A rendőrség egy holttestet talált egy gazdátlan autóban a park közelében. The police found a dead body in an abandoned car near the park. Police found a body in an abandoned car near the park. Akarok egy robogót. I want a scooter. I want a scooter. Kiírtani szándékozzák az emberiséget. Their intention is to exterminate mankind. They intend to exterminate humanity. Ezt az embert semmivel nem lehet meggyőzni. There's nothing that can persuade that man. There's nothing to convince this man of. Mi az a videomagnó? What's a VCR? What's a VCR? Erősen kétlem. I highly doubt it. I highly doubt it. Imádom a német akcentusodat. I love your German accent. I love your German accent. Az építés hamarosan megkezdődött. Construction began shortly thereafter. Construction soon began. Két hét karantén!? Te jó ég! Marival együtt otthon?! Two weeks quarantine?! Oh my gosh! Together with Mary at home?! Two weeks of quarantine!? Oh, my God! Mari and I at home?! Az igazság mindig győz, mert mindig mindenki igazat mond. The truth always wins, since everybody always tells the truth. The truth always wins because everyone always tells the truth. Egy meredek hegyi úton találtam a banánt. I found the banana on a steep mountain road. I found the banana on a steep mountain road. Az autók drágák. Cars are expensive. Cars are expensive. Általában nem szoktam fecsegni. I'm not very chatty, usually. I don't usually talk. Azok a cipők túl kicsik rád. Those shoes are too small for you. Those shoes are too small for you. Utálom ezt mondani, de Tomnak és Marynek igaza van. I hate to say it, but Tom and Mary are right. I hate to say it, but Tom and Mary are right. Ő jól ismeri Davidson urat. He knows Mr. Davidson well. He knows Mr. Davidson well. Tom megevett egy tál áfonyát. Tom ate a bowl of huckleberries. Tom ate a bowl of blueberries. Megsérült egy autóbalesetben. She was injured in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Tom egy gyárban dolgozott. Tom worked in a factory. Tom worked in a factory. Tom jó munkát végzett. Tom did good work. Tom did a good job. Meglehetősen elfoglalt voltam. I was pretty busy. I've been rather busy. Nem haltál meg. You're not dead. You're not dead. Úgy gondolom, Tomi felizgató. I think Tom is exciting. I think Tom is excited. Meglepődött Tom, milyen jól zongorázik Mary. Tom was surprised how well Mary could play the piano. Tom was surprised how well Mary played the piano. Tamás csodálatos. Tom is amazing. Tom is wonderful. Tom adott nekem egy nagyon király ajándékot. Tom gave me a really cool gift. Tom gave me a very cool gift. Tételezzük fel, hogy igy van. Let's assume it's true. Let's assume that's true. Köztudott, hogy a medve szereti a mézet. It's common knowledge that bears like honey. It is well known that the bear loves honey. Nem érzel gázt? Do you smell gas? Don't you smell gas? A nővérem mindig méregeti a súlyát. My sister is always weighing herself. My sister always weighs herself. Egy kis házikóban lakom, innen nem túl messze. I live in a small cabin not too far from here. I live in a small house not too far from here. Rövidesen megérkezik. He will arrive shortly. He'll be here soon. Tartsd távol tőlem ezt az izét! Keep that thing away from me. Keep this thing away from me. Az otthonodat megsemmisítette a vihar. Your home was destroyed by the storm. Your home was destroyed by the storm. Ez az új modell. This is the new model. This is the new model. Tom ezt csinálta, nem azt. Tom did this, not that. That's what Tom did, not that. Valószínűleg éhes vagy. You're probably hungry. You're probably hungry. Tud kínaiul? Do you know Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Tamás és Mária házassága kezdett megfenekleni. Tom and Mary's marriage began to fall apart. Thomas and Mary’s marriage began to sink. Láttad őt? Have you seen him? Did you see him? Nem füstöl a kéménye. Rosszat sejtek. His chimney isn't smoking. I have a bad feeling. His chimney's not smoking. Tartsuk meg egy következő alkalomra. Let's reserve that for another occasion. Let's keep it for another time. Nem hiszem, hogy Tom ismeri a részleteket. I don't think that Tom knows the details. I don't think Tom knows the details. Amit mondott igaznak bizonyult. What he said proved true. What he said proved to be true. Szakállas. He has a beard. Bearded. Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy öregember. Once upon a time, there lived an old man. Once upon a time, there was an old man. Úgy tűnik, mintha csak tegnap lett volna, hogy együtt jártunk iskolába. It seems like just yesterday that we were walking to school together. It seems like it was only yesterday that we went to school together. Majd megszidom. I'll scold him. I'll scold him. Elment mellettem, hogy nem is köszönt. He passed by me without saying hi. He passed me without saying hello. Nem tudom, hogy miért akarom annyira. I don't know why I want it so much. I don't know why I want it so much. Vegyél a pitéből! Please have some pie. Have some of the pie. Elfoglalom a helyét. I take his place. I'll take your place. Tervezés alatt áll egy új szótár. A new dictionary has been projected. A new dictionary is under construction. Neked adom a szívem. I give you my heart. I give you my heart. Hogy van mindenki? How's everybody? How's everyone? Nem nagyon találó a hasonlatod. Your analogy isn't really apt. That's not a very good analogy. Tom egy tanárhoz ment hozzá. Tom is married to a teacher. Tom married a teacher. Felemelte a kezét. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. Olyat teszek, hogy Tom azt kívánja majd, bárcsak meg sem született volna. I'm going to make Tom wish he'd never been born. I'm going to make Tom wish he'd never been born. Időről időre még felhív engem. He still rings me from time to time. He calls me from time to time. Közel sem vagyok boldog. I'm far from happy. I'm nowhere near happy. Tom kiment. Tom went out. Tom's out. Ez nem lehet véletlen egybeesés. This can't be a coincidence. This can't be a coincidence. Nem bírom elkezdeni a napot a reggeli kávém nélkül. I can't function without my morning coffee. I can't start the day without my morning coffee. Nincs sebességkorlátozás. There's no speed limit. There's no speed limit. A csapat csak annyira erős, amennyire a leggyengébb tagja. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. Hangzását tekintve melyik áll közelebb az arabhoz, a spanyol vagy a portugál? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? In terms of tone, which is closer to Arabic, Spanish or Portuguese? Hol van már Tomi? Where's Tom already? Where is Tom? A magatartás az ima legmagasabb rendű formája. Behaviour is the highest form of preaching. Behavior is the highest form of prayer. Szeretek teát inni. I like to drink tea. I like to drink tea. Nem vagyok jó viszonyban a családommal. I'm not on good terms with my family. I'm not on good terms with my family. Dobozba raktam. I put it in a box. I put it in a box. A kis Marika lerajzolta a szent családot állatokkal együtt. Little Mary drew the holy family together with animals. Little Marika drew the holy family with animals. Tegnap délelőtt szakadt az eső. It rained hard yesterday morning. It was raining yesterday morning. A műsor siker lett. The show was a success. The show was a success. Étel és víz kell nekik. They need food and water. They need food and water. Tom nem mehet. Tom can't go. Tom can't go. Ha segítségre van szükséged, tudok segíteni. If you need help, I can help you. If you need help, I can help you. Merre van az idősebb öcséd? Where's your older brother? Where's your older brother? Sikere volt. It was successful. It was a success. Kicsi az esélye, hogy eljutok az értekezletre. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's little chance I'll make it to the meeting. Akármit is csinálsz, nem fogok nevetni. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Whatever you're doing, I'm not gonna laugh. Hányok a Teletabiktól. The Teletubbies disgust me. I'm sick of Teletabs. Azt ajánlom, tanulj meg franciául. I recommend that you learn French. I suggest you learn French. Hol a probléma? Where is the problem? Where's the problem? Nehezemre esik ez az én koromban. Doing that is hard at my age. It's hard for me at my age. Mondd el, hol rejtőztél idáig. Tell me where you've been hiding. Tell me where you've been hiding. Kiben bízol leginkább az életben? Who do you trust most in this life? Who do you trust most in life? Nem, nem, ez rajtam múlik. No, no, it's on me. No, no, it's up to me. A jó humorérzék segít a nehéz helyzetekben. A good sense of humor will help you deal with hard times. A good sense of humor helps in difficult situations. Tom a homlokát ráncolta. Tom frowned. Tom was wrinkling his forehead. Mi van, ha nemet mondok? What if I say no? What if I say no? Mindketten elveszettük a telefonunkat. Both of us lost our phones. We both lost our phones. Szeretnének. I would be loved. They do. Ne csoszogjál már! Stop shuffling. Stop shuffling. A professzor Shakespeare-kutatásáról ismert. The professor is noted for his study of Shakespeare. The professor is known for his Shakespeare research. Felvettük a kereszténységet. We converted to Christianity. We have embraced Christianity. Nem csak Brazíliában beszélnek portugálul. Portuguese is spoken not only in Brazil. They don't just speak Portuguese in Brazil. Maradok, ha esik. I'll stay if it rains. I'll stay if it rains. Felszeleteltem a pulykát. I sliced the turkey. I sliced the turkey. Tom most Ausztáliában él. Tom now lives in Australia. Tom now lives in Australia. Megfogta a kezem és a hálószobába vezetett. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. Ha-ha. Nagyon vicces. Haha, very funny. Ha-ha, very funny. Fogsz most nekünk segíteni? Will you help us now? Are you going to help us now? Már úton kellene lennünk. We should be on our way. We should be on our way. Ne beszélgess vele, mialatt vezet. Don't talk to him while he's driving. Don't talk to him while he's driving. Ne kérj meg rá, hogy segítsek neked többet! Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ask me to help you anymore. Összeütköztek. There was a crash. They collided. Csak azt akarom, hogy gondolj rám néhanapján. I just want you to think about me once in a while. I just want you to think about me once in a while. Nagyon tetszik a házad. I love your house. I really like your house. Tudják? Do they know? You know? Szájba vágta Tomot. He struck Tom in the mouth. He punched Tom in the mouth. Tom beteg lett az ételtől. The food made Tom sick. Tom got sick from the food. Mutasd a bokáidat. Show me your ankles. Show me your ankles. Fokról fokra jutott el az elnöki székig. He made his way to presidency step by step. He's come a step up to the presidency. Hol a kés? Where's the knife? Where's the knife? Lemossam a salátát? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? Shall I wash the salad? Ki fog menni? Who'll go? Who's going out? György az egyetlen külföldi barátom. George is my only foreign friend. George is my only foreign friend. Egyszerűen tudni akarom, hogy miről van szó. I simply want to know what it is about. I just want to know what's going on. Mutatta neked valaha Tom azt a levelet? Did you ever show Tom that letter? Did Tom ever show you that letter? Te miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Szélvédőmosó-folyadékot kell vennem. I need to buy windshield wiper fluid. I need to buy windshield fluid. Nem viccelek. I'm not kidding around. I'm not kidding. Tud németül? Do you know German? Do you speak German? Csak egy kis bátorítás kell nekem. I just needed a little encouragement. I just need a little encouragement. Bízol Tomi ítélőképességében. Do you trust Tom's judgement? You trust Tom's judgment. Küldött neked egy könyvet. He sent you a book. He sent you a book. A jóképű emberek jól néznek ki, függetlenül attól, hogy mit viselnek. Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear. Good-looking people look good, no matter what they wear. Tom nem eszik túl gyakran olasz ételeket. Tom doesn't eat Italian food very often. Tom doesn't eat Italian food very often. Meg kell még tudnunk az igazságot. We have yet to know the truth. We still need to know the truth. Még nem jártam Bostonban én, de már találkoztam Tommal. I haven't been to Boston yet, but I've already met Tom. I've never been to Boston, but I've met Tom. Ez az új gitárom. This is my new guitar. This is my new guitar. Anyu! Siess! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry! Pipák lesznek rám. They'll get mad with me. They'll be pissed at me. Korán távoztak. They left early. They left early. Elmentek. They've gone. They're gone. Ettünk néhány almát. We ate some apples. We had some apples. Srácok, nem szeretnétek valami murisat csinálni? Do you guys want to do something fun? You guys want to do something fun? Miért nem adunk neki egy esélyt? Why don't we give it a shot? Why don't we give him a chance? Na nehogy már! Come on! Oh, come on. A te mondataid az egyedüliek, melyeket le kellene fordítani ezen a webhelyen. Your sentences are the only ones which should be translated on this site. Your words are the only ones that should be translated on this site. A pénisz behatolt a hüvelybe. The penis entered the vagina. The penis has penetrated the vagina. Korlátozva van a böngészés náluk. The freedom to surf the Internet is restricted in that country. They have limited browsing. Ez a dzseki nem tetszik nekem. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. A beteg inkább élő, mint halott. The patient is more alive than dead. The patient is more alive than dead. Tom Datsunnal jár. Tom drives a Datsun. He's dating Tom Datsun. Nyerésre álltunk. We were winning. We were winning. Ez itt a miénk. This one here is ours. This is ours. Tom és Mary nem ugyanabban az államban élnek. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Külföldi létére jobban ismeri Magyarországot, mint sok magyar. Being a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. For a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. Az emberek a természet egy része? Are humans a part of nature? Are humans a part of nature? Sírt. He was crying. She was crying. Ez a madár nem tud repülni. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Hallok! I can hear. I hear! Nincs helyes válasz. There's no right answer. There's no right answer. Mi erre a magyarázat? How is this explained? What's the explanation? Beszakadt alatta a jég. The ice broke under him. The ice broke under it. Lehajolt. She bent down. He bent over. Aránytalanul nagy a feje. Its head is disproportionately big. His head is disproportionately large. A kutyád nagyon nagy. Your dog is very big. Your dog is very big. Eltökélte, hogy működőképessé teszi a házasságát. She was determined to make the marriage work. He was determined to make his marriage work. Nélküled nem tudom a jövőmet elképzelni. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. Tom azt mondja, beszélni akar Marival. Tom says he wants to talk to Mary. Tom says he wants to talk to Mari. Nincs ott semmi. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. Kinevetett. He laughed at me. He laughed. Tiltakoznunk kell ezellen. We must protest against it. We must protest against this. Ráismersz? Do you recognize it? Recognize me? Vele sem, de a másikkal sem. Neither with her nor with him. Not with him, not with the other one. Tomi filmre vitte gyermekkorát. Tom made a film about his childhood. Tom made a movie of his childhood. Nem ígérte meg, hogy újra eljön. She did not promise to come here again. He didn't promise to come again. - De anyu! - Ne anyuzz! "But Mom!" "Don't 'mom' me." - Don't be a mommy. Sok plüssállatom van. I have a lot of stuffed animals. I have a lot of stuffed animals. — Segítsek? — Nem, boldogulok egyedül. "Should I help you?" "No, I can manage doing this alone." Can I help you? – No, I can do it myself. Ők gyilkosok. They're murderers. They're murderers. Imádtam azt a műsort. I loved that show. I loved that show. Csapatunk öt főt számlál. Our team consists of five people. Our team counts five. Külföldi kocsija van. She has a foreign car. He's got a foreign car. Megszédültem. I was dizzy. I'm dizzy. Oda figyelj ám! Watch carefully. Look at that. Hagyd kint a kutyát! Keep the dog out. Leave the dog outside. Tom boldogan halt meg. Tom died happy. Tom died happy. Tommy, hallasz engem? Tommy, can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? Azt akarja nekünk mondani, hogy elkészült a házi feladatával. She wants to tell us that she's done with her homework. What he's trying to tell us is that he's done with his homework. Indulásnak ez is valami. That's a start. That's something to start with. Mikor voltál ott? When were you there? When were you there? Mária költészete túlnyomórészt a női tapasztalatokról szól. The female experience is a dominating theme in Mary's poetry. Mary’s poetry is mostly about women’s experiences. Vízbe fullt. She drowned. He's drowned. Tisztában van a saját hibáival. He is aware of his own fault. He knows his own mistakes. Az ember az egyetlen beszélő állat. Man is the only animal that can speak. Man is the only talking animal. Ez alkalommal én fizetek. This time I'll pay. This time it's on me. Tomi becsukta a szemét, azelőtt hogy megcsókolta Máriát. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Mary. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Mary. Nem kellett sietned. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to rush. Nem mondtam el Tominak. I didn't tell Tom. I didn't tell Tom. Menj csak előre! Go on ahead. You go ahead. Kérlek, gondold át! Please think it over. Please think about it. Keresnie kell a macskáját. She needs to search for her cat. You need to find your cat. Senki nem tud nekünk segíteni. No one can help us. No one can help us. Anyám nárciszokat ültetett a kertbe. My mother planted daffodils in the garden. My mother planted daffodils in the garden. Amikor Tamás Quebec-ben élt, tanult franciául. Tom learned French while living in Quebec. When Thomas lived in Quebec, he studied French. Türelmesebbnek kell lenniük. They must be more patient. They have to be more patient. Rá fogok jönni magamtól. I'll find out myself. I'll figure it out myself. Az utolsó számjegyre nem emlékszem. I don't remember what the last number was. I don't remember the last digit. Csak az ételre kell néznem, és hányingert kapok máris. Just looking at a picture of food makes me feel nauseous. All I have to do is look at the food, and I'm gonna get nauseous. Mi még nem vettünk fenyőfát. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought a pine tree yet. Hol vannak most a gyerekeitek? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Hol lakik? Where's his home? Where do you live? Nincs bizonyíték. There's no evidence. There's no evidence. Hé, figyelj már rám! Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. Vegyél bármelyik kajából, amit megkívánsz. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Take any food you want. Hagyd felkapcsolva a villanyt! Leave the light on. Leave the light on. Nem tudtam, hogy ezt meg tudom csinálni. I didn't know I could do this. I didn't know I could do this. Sokat ivott az éjjel. She drank a lot last night. He drank a lot last night. Összehasonlítottuk Tom és Mary munkáját. We compared Tom's work with Mary's. We compared Tom and Mary's work. Miért szeretik az erős kávét? Why do you like coffee strong? Why do you like strong coffee? Délen Algéria Malival és Nigerrel határos. To the south, Algeria borders Mali and Niger. In the south, Algeria borders Mali and Niger. Húzzál innen! Go away! Get out of here! Tom elköltözik. Tom is moving out. Tom's moving out. Szaggat a derekam. My hip hurts. I've got a bad back. A féltékenység nem egyenlő az irigységgel. Ne keverd össze a kettőt! Van különbség közöttük. Jealousy is not the same as envy. Do not confuse the two. There is a difference. Jealousy is not the same as envy. Do not confuse the two! There is a difference between them. Mit javasolsz nekem? What are you suggesting to me? What are you suggesting to me? Kussoljál, vagy kidobatlak! Shut up or you'll get thrown out. Shut up or I'll have you thrown out! Mutasd meg neki, hogyan kell görkorcsolyázni. Show her how to roller skate. Show him how to skate. Tomi egy ősi kézírást olvasott. Tom was reading an old manuscript. Tom was reading an ancient handwriting. Tudta a Tomi, hogy hova tette le Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. He knew where Mary had parked her car. Még egyszer elmosogatok. I'll wash the dishes once again. I'll do the dishes again. Kérlek, mondd meg nekem a neved. Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. Mennyire örülök neked, drága barátom! My dear chap, I'm overjoyed to see you. How happy I am for you, my dear friend. Vannak unokái? Do you have any grandchildren? Do you have grandchildren? Hol van a szeretet? Where's the love? Where's the love? Azt tanácsolta neki, hogy szokjon le a dohányzásról, de nem hallgatott rá. She advised him to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen to her. He advised her to quit smoking, but she wouldn't listen. A válaszát a következő kék mezőbe írja be. Write your answer into the following blue field. Enter your answer in the next blue field. Sok gumiszalagom van. I have lots of rubber bands. I have a lot of rubber bands. Nem késtél el? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? Tomi rászólt a kutyára, hogy üljön le. Tom ordered the dog to sit. Tom told the dog to sit down. A film csalódás volt a könyv után. The movie was disappointing after reading the book. The film was disappointing after the book. Persze, hogyne! Yes, of course! Yeah, sure. Hadd beszéljek Tomival. Let me speak to Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. Nem tudom biztosan. I am not sure. I'm not sure. Ne felejtsd el az úszónadrágodat! Don't forget your swimming trunks. Don't forget your swim trunks. Épphogy megmenekült a haláltól. He narrowly escaped death. He barely escaped death. Szokásom a kutyát reggel megsétáltatni. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I usually walk the dog in the morning. Csak álmodom róla. I'm just dreaming about it. I'm dreaming about it. Tudom, hogy ők hülyének hisznek. I know that they think me stupid. I know they think I'm stupid. Kényelmetlenül érzem magam. I'm uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable. Ne becsülj minket alá! Don't underestimate us! Don't underestimate us. Itt jövök. Here I come. Here I come. Biztos, nem baj? Are you sure it's no trouble? You sure you don't mind? Tom lopta el a pénzed. Tom stole your money. Tom stole your money. Honnan van neked ez a csodaszép virágcsokrod? Where did you get this wonderful bouquet of flowers? Where did you get this beautiful bouquet of flowers? Tom senkiben nem bízik meg. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Van egy csomó jó sztorim. I have a ton of cool stories. I've got a lot of good stories. Mari túl szemérmes volt, hogy bevallja az érzéseit. Mary was too shy to admit her feelings. Mari was too coy to admit her feelings. Egyél több gyümölcsöt. You should eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. Tominak egy fekete macskája van. Tom keeps a black cat. Tom has a black cat. Ezt vitatjuk meg. We're discussing that. We'll discuss that. A láza lecsillapodott. His fever subsided. Her fever's calmed down. Köszönetet szeretnék mondani mindenért, amit tettél értem. I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for me. I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. Boldogtalan vagy? Are you unhappy? Are you unhappy? Utálok vasalni. I hate ironing. I hate ironing. Einstein szerint minden viszonylagos. According to Einstein, everything is relative. Einstein said everything is relative. A vörösbort vagy a fehérbort kedveled inkább? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Nála voltam. I was at her place. I was at his place. A terménynek esőre van szüksége. The crops need rain. The crop needs rain. Inkább úszni megyek. I prefer to go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. Milyen színű eredetileg a hajad? What is your natural hair color? What color was your hair originally? Nyiss ajtót a szerelemnek. Open the door for love. Open the door to love. Szívesen gondolok rá vissza. I like to remember it. I'd like to think about it. Bolond lennék, ha nem mondanék neki igent. I would be a fool not to tell him yes. I'd be a fool not to say yes. Sört ittam tegnap éjszaka. I drank beer last night. I had a beer last night. Szerintem mindenki éhes. I think everybody's hungry. I think everyone's hungry. Én szerintem így van. I think it true. I think it's true. Szeretem a kutyát. I like the dog. I love the dog. Tom azt mondta, hogy Mary kanadai. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Jim nagyon szereti a barátnőjét. Jim is crazy about his girlfriend. Jim loves his girlfriend very much. Sok embernek az a szokása, hogy hárít, amikor megdicsérik, mert nem tudja, mit kezdjen a dicsérettel. A lot of people deflect praise that comes their way, because they don't know how to handle it. Many people have the habit of deflecting when they are commended because they do not know what to do with praise. Vett egy mély lélegzetet. He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. Ha megváltoztatod a mondatodat, hagyj üzenetet azoknak, akik lefordították a mondatodat, hogy ők is át tudják írni a sajátukat! If you change your sentence, leave a comment for the ones who translated your sentence so they can change theirs, too. If you change your sentence, leave a message for those who have translated your sentence so that they can rewrite their own. Nyisd ki! Open up. Open it. Azt hiszem, jól meglesz a szomszédaival. I think she will get along with her neighbors. I think he'll be fine with his neighbors. Oroszország nagyon sok ismert embert adott a világnak, mint például Lenin, Sztálin, Malenkov, Hruscsov, Brezsnyev, Andropov, Csernyenkó, Gorbacsov, Jelcin, Medvegyev és Putyin. Russia produced lots of well-known men like Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Medvedev, and Putin. Russia has given the world many well-known people, such as Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Medvedev and Putin. A világ hatalmas hely. The world is a huge place. The world is a huge place. A tehetséges pénzügyminiszter leleményes intézkedése megmentette a fizetésképtelenség szélén álló országot a teljes csődtől. The talented finance minister's ingenuity has helped his bankrupt nation to get out of the red. The ingenious action of the talented finance minister saved the country on the verge of insolvency from total bankruptcy. Nem tudom, hogy váltják az eurót dollárrá. I don't know how to convert euros to dollars. I don't know how to convert the euro into dollars. Énekelhetek? May I sing? Can I sing? Vannak gyerekei. She has children. He's got kids. A tiéd az melyik? Which is yours? Which one's yours? Magas. It's high. Tall. Mennyi idő alatt alakul ki az immunválasz? How long does it take for the immune response to develop? How long does it take to develop an immune response? Már meg is etted a süteményt? You've already eaten the cake? You already ate the cake? Tom túlságosan függ Maritól. Tom depends too much on Mary. Tom's too dependent on Mari. Majdnem megfulladt. She almost drowned. He almost drowned. Elfogyott a pénzük. Their money ran out. They're out of money. Meglepődtünk a hírek hallatán. We were surprised to hear the news. We were surprised to hear the news. Kértelek rá, hogy ne adj neki Coca Colát! Tomi hiperaktív. I asked you not to give him Coca Cola. Tom's hyperactive. I asked you not to give him Coca-Cola. Mit fogsz ott csinálni? What are you going to do there? What are you gonna do there? Tuti? Are you sure? You sure? Fiatalok voltunk és felelőtlenek. We were young and happy-go-lucky. We were young and irresponsible. Még mindig nem tudom, miért tetted. I still don't know why you did it. I still don't know why you did it. Ez a falu már olyan városszerű. This village is like a city. This village is so urban. Nagyon kedves öntől. It's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. Még sokat kell tanulnod arról, hogyan kell kedvesnek lenni. You've got a lot to learn about being nice. You still have a lot to learn about being nice. Tamás sosem lakott Bostonban. Tom never lived in Boston. Thomas never lived in Boston. Tudod, hogy ki az a srác? Do you know who that guy is? Do you know who that guy is? Tamás a csoportvezető. Tom is the group leader. Tom is the team leader. El kéne kezdened. You should begin. You should get started. Ezt a világot gonosz erők irányítják. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is ruled by evil forces. Micsoda lakoma! What a feast! What a feast! Pillanatnyilag Bostonban élek. I'm living in Boston at the moment. I currently live in Boston. Válassz valamit. Choose something. Pick something. Anyu, hogy kerülnek a lyukak a sajtba? Mum, how do they get the holes in cheese? Mom, how do the holes get in the cheese? A boszorkány megátkozta a szegény kislányt. The witch cursed the poor little girl. The witch cursed the poor little girl. Sír? Is he crying? Crying? Légzsákkal van felszerelve. This car is equipped with airbags. It's equipped with airbags. Elfelejtettem a telefonszámodat. I forget your telephone number. I forgot your phone number. Az nem látszik helyesnek. It doesn't seem right. That doesn't look right. Van egy régi kerékpárom. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bicycle. Fáradtan ébredtem. I woke up tired. I woke up tired. Nem tudtam megszólalni. I was speechless. I couldn't speak. Némelyik vadállat a kihalás szélén áll. Some wild animals are on the verge of extinction. Some animals are on the verge of extinction. Szia, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom. A zene csodálatos a lélek számára. Music is wonderful for the soul. Music is wonderful for the soul. Az élelmiszertartalékok nem fognak kitartani addig. The food supplies will not hold out till then. Food reserves won't last that long. A majmok intelligensek. Monkeys are intelligent. Monkeys are intelligent. Semmit nem tud Tom Bostonról. Tom knows nothing about Boston. He doesn't know anything about Tom Boston. Hallottál a tegnapi tűzesetről? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Tom nem volt fiatal. Tom wasn't young. Tom wasn't young. Keresel valakit? Are you looking for someone? Looking for someone? Az egyikőjüket ismerem. I know one of them. I know one of them. Szeretem a csirkét. I like chicken. I like chicken. Ha Rióban jársz, ne felejts el felhívni, hogy körbevezethesselek! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you're in Rio, don't forget to call so I can show you around. Nehéz mindenkinek a kedvébe járni. It is difficult to satisfy everyone. It's hard to please everyone. Nem gondolom, hogy ez az ing illik ahhoz a vörös nyakkendőhöz. I don't think this shirt goes with that red tie. I don't think this shirt fits that red tie. Ki van zárva, hogy Tomi három nyelvet beszél! There's no way that Tom speaks three languages. There's no way Tom can speak three languages. Nem jött figyelmeztetés. There was no warning. There was no warning. Mari fülbevalót visel. Mary is wearing earrings. Mari's wearing earrings. Véglegesen elbúcsúzott tőlem. She said good-by to me for good. He said good-bye to me permanently. A vér az erekben fut. Blood runs in the veins. Blood runs in the veins. Egyáltalán nem beszélnek. They don't talk at all. They don't talk at all. Nincs már erőm, hogy ezt megtegyem. I don't have the strength to do that anymore. I don't have the strength to do that anymore. Tom nem szokott bárokba járni. Tom doesn't go to bars. Tom doesn't go to bars. Remélem, hogy igen. I do hope so. I hope so. Én egy hős vagyok. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Tom el akart árulni. Tom was going to betray me. Tom wanted to betray me. Tom a fiam. Tom is my boy. Tom's my son. Nincs olyan messze. It's not that far. It's not that far. Szereted a fehér csokoládét? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Tom hasznavehetetlen. Tom's wasted. Tom's useless. — Az igazság mindig győz. — Melyik igazság? "The truth always wins." "Which truth?" “Truth always wins. ” Which truth? Szeretek spanyolul beszélni. I like speaking Spanish. I like to speak Spanish. Mikor hallom a híreket, libabőrös leszek. Hogy lehet ott olyan veszélyes dolog? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. How could there be such a dangerous thing? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. Ha ideges vagyok, dadogok néha. When I am nervous, I sometimes stutter. When I'm nervous, I stutter sometimes. A vasútvonalon új vonatbefolyásoló rendszert telepítenek. A new train control system is installed on the railway line. A new train control system will be installed on the railway line. Csináltassak tetkót? Should I get a tattoo? Should I get a tattoo? Tom egy tipikus angol. Tom's a typical Englishman. Tom is a typical Englishman. Ennek nem kellene ilyen nehéznek lennie. This shouldn't be this hard. This shouldn't be so hard. Tom fiatal volt és befolyásolható. Tom was young and impressionable. Tom was young and impressionable. Azért késtem el a munkából, mert a lányomat el kellett vinnem a napközis oviba. I got to work late because I had to drop my daughter off at the day-care center. I'm late for work because I had to take my daughter to daycare. Légy pozitív és ne kételkedj tovább az inteligenciádban! Use positive thinking, and stop doubting your own intelligence. Be positive and stop doubting your intelligence. Ez övön aluli ütés volt. It wasn't fair. That was a low blow. Egy bűvésztrükköt fogok csinálni. I'm going to do a magic trick. I'm gonna do a magic trick. Tom múlt hét óta elfoglalt. Tom has been busy since last week. Tom's been busy since last week. Muter alkesz. My mother is an alcoholic. Mom's a drunk. Tomnak azt mostanra meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should've done that by now. Tom should have done that by now. Tomnak nem volt sok mondanivalója. Tom didn't have much to say. Tom didn't have much to say. Nem fogod elhinni, mi történt ezt követően. You won’t believe what happened next. You won't believe what happened after that. Úgy érzem, senki nem mond nekem igazat. I feel no one tells me the truth. I feel like no one's telling me the truth. Segítséget kért. He requested help. He asked for help. Félnek tőled. You are feared. They're afraid of you. Az ikrek egyike életben van, de a másik halott. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. One of the twins is alive, but the other one is dead. Tom ahhoz is túl részeg, hogy hazasétáljon. Tom is too drunk to even walk home. Tom's too drunk to walk home. Nagy csalódást okozott nekem látni a filmet a könyv után. I was rather disappointed seeing the movie after reading the book. I was very disappointed to see the movie after the book. Bob Bostonban lakott gyermekkorában. As a child, Bob lived in Boston. Bob lived in Boston when he was a kid. Ennek vagy Tomnak vagy Johnnak kell lennie. That must be either Tom or John. This has to be Tom or John. Melyiket szereted jobban? Which one do you prefer? Which do you prefer? Az umeshu egy japán likőr, ami szilvából készül. Umeshu is a Japanese liqueur made from plums. Umeshu is a Japanese liqueur made from plums. Bementünk a városba. We entered the city. We went into town. Felhorkant. She snorted. He snored. Hozzá képest kispályás vagyok. Compared to him, I'm simply a beginner. I'm small-time compared to him. Rúgj! Kick! Kick! Tom háza közel van a temetőhöz. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom's house is near the cemetery. Leszarom. I don't care. Fuck it. A saját csatáidat vívd! Fight your own battles. Fight your own battles! Tom töredezettségmentesítette a merevlemezét. Tom defragmented his hard disk. Tom defragmented his hard drive. Elfeledkeztem Tomról. I forgot about Tom. I forgot about Tom. Forró a homlokod. Your forehead is hot. Your forehead is hot. Megmutatnád, mit vettél? Will you show me what you've bought? Can you show me what you got? Mit beszél? What does she say? What are you saying? Senki sem kényszerített rá. Nobody forced me to do it. No one forced me to. Nagyon kevés pénze van. He has quite a little money. He has very little money. Holnap este érkezek Bostonba. I'll arrive in Boston tomorrow evening. I'm coming to Boston tomorrow night. Ezt a növényt széles körben mint gyógyszert alkalmazzák. This plant is widely used as medicine. This plant is widely used as a medicine. Akkor is szeretném megpróbálni. I'd still like to try. I'd still like to try. Mindenkivel megesik. It happens to everyone. It happens to everyone. Ez egy hosszú nap volt. It's been a long day. It's been a long day. Átmegyek egy barátomhoz. I'm going to a friend's house. I'm going to see a friend. Add ide a térképet! Give me the map. Give me the map. Tom fogja átvenni Mary műszakjait. Tom will be covering Mary's shifts. Tom's gonna take over Mary's shifts. Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy jöjjön be. Tom asked Mary to come inside. Tom asked Mary to come in. Kávén élek. Coffee is life. I live on coffee. A falu legnagyobb háza a miénk. The biggest house of the village is ours. The biggest house in the village is ours. — Biztos, hogy ez igaz? — Igen. Láttam róla dokumentumfilmet a YouTube-on. "Are you sure that's true?" "Yes! I saw a documentary about it on YouTube!" “ Are you sure this is true?” Yes. I saw a documentary about it on YouTube. Ha elég pénzem lenne, megvenném a könyvet. If I had enough money, I would buy the book. If I had enough money, I would buy the book. Nem tudja senki, hogy segített-e neki valaki. No one knows if someone helped him. No one knows if anyone helped him. Belefulladt a tóba. She drowned in the lake. He drowned in the lake. Ezt akkor tettük, amikor ők azt. We did this when they did that. We did that when they did. Gyenge vagyok matekból. I am weak in math. I'm weak in math. Az az ember még érdeklődik irántad. That man is still interested in you. That man is still interested in you. Tudod, mit vesztünk. You know what we lost. You know what we lose. Mit csináltál múlt vasárnap? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Várjuk meg az éjszakát! Let's wait until night. Let's wait for the night. Az összes diák hazament. All the students have gone home. All the students went home. A semmittevés fárasztó. Doing nothing is very exhausting. Doing nothing is exhausting. Tom érdeklődése elhalványult. Tom's interest faded. Tom's interest faded. Mary kevésbé aktív, mint a lánytestvére. Mary is less active than her sister. Mary is less active than her sister. Jellemző rá! That is just typical of him. It's typical. Hiszen ez egyértelmű. But this is obvious. I mean, it's obvious. Gyakorló muzulmán vagyok és nem dohányzom. I'm a practicing Muslim and I don't smoke. I'm a practicing Muslim and I don't smoke. Nem értem a kérdést. I didn't understand the question. I don't understand the question. Fel kellene adnunk egy hirdetést a helyi újságban, hogy találjunk egy megbízható szobafestőt. Perhaps we should advertise in the local newspaper for a reliable house painter. We should put an ad in the local paper to find a reliable house painter. Kétlem, hogy emlékezni fog. I doubt she will remember. I doubt he'll remember. Samit feszélyezte a kudarc. Sami was afraid of failure. Sami was embarrassed by failure. Szánalmas, ahogy él. It's miserable how he lives. It's pathetic how he lives. Senki sem szeret szegény lenni, nem csak Tom. No one likes to be poor, not only Tom. No one likes being poor, not just Tom. Szeretné, hogy megismételjem a kérdést? Would you like me to repeat the question? Would you like me to repeat the question? Ez teljesen normális. It's completely normal. That's perfectly normal. A családom nem túl nagy. My family is not very large. My family's not that big. Biztos voltam benne, hogy a mi oldalunkon állsz. I took it for granted that you were on our side. I was sure you were on our side. A világegyetemnek csak egy apró részletét ismerjük. We are familiar with only a tiny fraction of the universe. We only know one small detail of the universe. Most rendben. It's correct now. It's okay now. Bácsikám rábólintott. My uncle agreed. Uncle said yes. Gyakran röplabdázom. I often play volleyball. I play volleyball often. Nincs vodkám. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. Ennek a háznak vannak melléképületei, és alagsora is. This house has outbuldings and a basement, too. This house has outbuildings and a basement. Ül a széken. He is sitting on the chair. He's sitting on the chair. Mennyit fektetett be? How much do you have invested? How much did you invest? Ilyet mond nekem Tomi. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tom says to me. Szerezz nekem egy másik ügyvédet. Get me another lawyer. Get me another lawyer. A férfi gyilkosságot követett el. The man committed murder. The man committed murder. Kevés kincs van, amely olyan értékes, mint egy bölcs és segítőkész barát. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful. There are few treasures as precious as a wise and helpful friend. Jövőre franciául akarok tanulni. Next year I want to learn French. I want to learn French next year. Tamásnak vannak rokonai Bostonban. Tom has relatives in Boston. Thomas has relatives in Boston. Tamás ma nincs itt. Tom isn't here today. Tom is not here today. Süket vagy? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? Azt a vitát elvesztettem. I lost that argument. I lost that argument. Tom lakása kicsi, de nagyon lakályos. Tom's apartment is small, but it's very cozy. Tom's apartment is small, but very cozy. Dan átszerelt egy új rendőri egységhez. Dan was assigned to a new police unit. Dan's reassigned me to a new police unit. Iskolában van. It's at school. She's at school. Melyik gimnáziumba jársz? Where do you attend high school? What high school do you go to? Senki nem tudja, hogy a jövőben mi fog történni. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. No one knows what will happen in the future. Ő cseh, ő meg szlovák. He is Czech and she is Slovak. He's Czech, he's Slovak. Nem volt része ez az eredeti tervnek. That wasn't part of the original plan. It wasn't part of the original plan. Tom jelen pillanatban optimista. Tom is optimistic at this point. Tom is optimistic right now. Intelligens ember az, aki felfedezett valamit, ami érdekesebb, mint a szex. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. An intelligent person is someone who has discovered something more interesting than sex. Ki nem állhatom azt a nőt. I can't stand that woman. I can't stand that woman. Itt vagy ott éljünk? Shall we live here or there? Do we live here or there? Lebarnultál? Did you get sunburned? You tanned? Tamás válaszolt? Did Tom respond? Did Tom respond? Még csak abban sem vagyok biztos, hogy látni akarom azt a filmet. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. Szerinted ő tudja azt, hogy én szeretem őt? Do you think he knows I like him? Do you think he knows that I love him? Mary azt mondta, hogy nem Tom lánya. Mary said that she wasn't Tom's daughter. Mary said she wasn't Tom's daughter. Fogd be! Shut up! Shut up! Egyél néhányat! Have some. Eat some. Általában otthon a családommal étkezem. I usually eat at home with my family. I usually eat at home with my family. Valamit eltitkoltam előled. I've been keeping something from you. I kept something from you. Azt hittük, nem lesz több baj. We thought there wouldn't be any more problems. We thought there'd be no more trouble. Soha nem láttam ezt a helyet ilyen üresnek. I've never seen this place so empty. I've never seen this place so empty. Együtt végezzük a munkát. We work together. We do the work together. Beszéljünk valami másról! Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about something else. Ebben a könyvben sok fénykép van. This book contains a lot of photos. There are many photographs in this book. Mindenki aggódik. Everybody's worried. Everybody's worried. Kérésemre körbevezette őt az új gyárban. She gave him a tour of the new factory for me. At my request, he showed her around the new factory. Azt mondják, nemsokára elhagyják Tokiót. It's said that they will soon be leaving Tokyo. They say they'll be leaving Tokyo soon. Azt mondtad, hogy senkinek sem mondod el. You said you wouldn't tell anyone. You said you wouldn't tell anyone. Miért nincsenek itt a gyerekeid? Why aren't your children here? Why aren't your kids here? Számítanak rád. They're expecting you. They're counting on you. Logikus volt az érvelése. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. A szovjet seregek elkezdtek visszavonulni Afganisztánból. The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan. Soviet troops began to withdraw from Afghanistan. Remek volt az új epizód. The new episode was great. The new episode was great. Nem mondtam el senkinek, hogy itt voltál. I didn't tell anyone that you were here. I didn't tell anyone you were here. Számítok önökre, hogy csatlakoznak hozzánk. I'm counting on you to join us. I'm counting on you to join us. Nem értem rá az egész cikket elolvasni. I didn't have time to read the whole article. I didn't have time to read the whole article. Ő biztos Tom testvére. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Nem csináltad meg még? Haven't you done it yet? You haven't done it yet? A hordárral vitettem föl a szobámba a csomagjaimat. I had the porter carry my luggage to my room. I had the porter carry my luggage up to my room. Tom mindannyiunkat bolonddá tett. Tom made a fool of us all. Tom fooled us all. Nagyon puha ez a fogkefe. This toothbrush is too soft. This toothbrush is very soft. Szeretek nyerni. I love winning. I like to win. Tomnak sok az ellensége. Tom has a lot of enemies. Tom has a lot of enemies. Majd egyszer Bostonban szeretnék lakni. I want to live in Boston someday. I'd like to live in Boston someday. Az eszperantó a szeretet nyelve. Esperanto is the language of love. Esperanto is the language of love. Ostoba vagy! You're stupid! You're a fool! Akik feladják Alapvető Szabadságukat egy kis Átmeneti Biztonságért, azok egyiket sem érdemlik meg. Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Those who give up their Basic Freedom for a little Transitional Security do not deserve either. El is felejtettem. I forgot. I forgot. Talán valaki tud neked segíteni. Perhaps somebody can help you. Maybe someone can help you. Tom szinte bármit megtesz pénzért. Tom will do just about anything for money. Tom does almost anything for money. Mit tettél oda? What did you put there? What did you put there? Tom még csak enni sem akart. Tom didn't even want to eat anything. Tom didn't even want to eat. Csókolj meg! Kiss me. Kiss me. Forróság volt, ráadásul párás volt az idő. It was hot, and on top of that, humid. It was hot, and it was humid. Inkább kimennék. I would rather go out. I'd rather go outside. Másra nincs pénzünk. We have no extra money. We can't afford anything else. Először nem is tudtam, mitévő legyek. At first, I didn't know what to do. At first, I didn't know what to do. Nálunk télen sok hó van. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We have a lot of snow in the winter. A vonatok időben jöttek. Trains were arriving on time. The trains arrived on time. Szeretem ezt a részét a filmnek; a szipirtyó mindjárt lelövi a főnököt. I like this scene of the movie; the old bag's going to shoot at the boss. I love this part of the movie; the squirt's about to shoot the boss. Meghívott, hogy vegyek részt az esküvőjén. He has invited me to attend his wedding. He invited me to attend his wedding. A kés nem éles. The knife is not sharp. The knife is not sharp. Ez mikor lesz megcsinálva? When will this be done? When will this be done? Holdfény nélkül sötétek az éjszakák. Without moonlight, the nights are dark. Nights without moonlight are dark. Tom volt a telefonban. That was Tom on the phone. Tom was on the phone. Tom nem tud úszni, és én sem. Tom can't swim and neither can I. Tom can't swim, and neither can I. Nekem nagyon tetszik a városi élet. I really like city life. I really like city life. Mi a félelem? What is fear? What is fear? Melyiket szereted jobban, a tavaszt vagy az őszt? Which do you like better, spring or fall? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? Nem akarom, hogy ez a titok nyilvánosságra kerüljön. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret to go public. Ha sokat nevetsz, boldog vagy, ha sokat sírsz, szomorú. If you laugh a great deal, you are happy; if you cry a great deal, you are unhappy. If you laugh a lot, you're happy, if you cry a lot, you're sad. Nem kívánom senki halálát. I don't wish anyone dead. I don't want anyone to die. Elő kell kerítenem Tomit. I must find Tom. I need to find Tom. Ez a terv mesterien hangzik. That sounds like a master plan to me. That plan sounds masterful. A szülei idősebbek, mint az én szüleim. Her parents are older than mine. His parents are older than my parents. Hullafáradt vagyok az egésznapi sétálástól. I'm dead tired from walking around all day. I'm tired of walking all day. Alig várom, hogy odaérjek. I can't wait to get there. I can't wait to get there. Köszönöm, hogy eljöttél. I thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Tudja, hogyan kell a tevét megülni. He knows how to ride a camel. He knows how to ride a camel. Tomi kikelne önmagából, ha ezt látná. Tom would freak if he saw this. Tom would get out of it if he saw this. Ő nem az unokatestvérem. He's not my cousin. He's not my cousin. A döntést elnapolták. The decision was put off. The decision was adjourned. A fiú beleugrott a vízbe. The boy jumped into the water. The boy jumped into the water. Vigyen be minket a városba. Give us a ride downtown. Take us into the city. Az egész családja az Egyesült Államokba ment, de ő Brazíliában maradt. All his family went to the United States, but he stayed in Brazil. His entire family went to the United States, but he stayed in Brazil. Meglepetésemre nagyon jól beszélt angolul. To my surprise, she spoke English very well. To my surprise, he spoke very well in English. Működik még a gép? Does the machine still work? Is the machine still working? Rigában lakom. I live in Riga. I live in Riga. Mari világossá tette, hogy nem akarja, hogy itt legyek. Mary made it clear that she didn't want me here. Mari made it clear she didn't want me here. Hogy hagyhattad, hogy Tomi ezt tegye? How could you let Tom do this? How could you let Tom do this? Jó buli volt. It was a nice party. It was fun. Nem tehetsz arról, ami vagy. You can't help being what you are. You can't help what you are. A villa leesett az asztalról. The fork fell off of the table. The fork fell off the table. Csöng a telefon. Felveszem, ha akarod. The phone's ringing. I'll get it if you want. The phone's ringing, I'll answer it if you want. Ne érj ott hozzám! Don't touch me there. Don't touch me there. Azonban soha ne hagyd a gyökereket vízben állni. Ez rothadást okoz és a növény el fog pusztulni. However, never let the roots sit in water. This will cause them to rot, and the plant will die. However, never let the roots stand in water. This will cause rot and the plant will die. Gyere be! Enter! Come on in. Ne tégy gyereket zsákba! Do not put child into bag! Don't put a kid in a bag. Nekem sincs jó kedvem. I'm not in a good mood either. I'm not in a good mood either. Apa még mindig ágyban van. Father is still in bed. Dad's still in bed. Mi a 67 négyzetgyöke? What is the square root of 67? What is the square root of 67? Nem figyelsz? Don't you pay attention? Aren't you listening? Azonnal mondd el, amire kíváncsi vagyok. Now, tell me what I want to know. Tell me what I want to know right now. Mennyi zoknid van? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many socks do you have? A lányok burgonyát főztek a konyhában. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The girls were cooking potatoes in the kitchen. Tudtam, hogy az mi. I knew what it was. I knew what that was. Most nincs szüksége pénzre. Now he doesn't need money. He doesn't need money right now. Nagyszerű az ajánlatuk. Their deals are so great. You have a great offer. A játékot valószínűleg lemondják. The game will probably be canceled. The game will probably be cancelled. Tom tejet öntött a macskája táljába. Tom poured milk into a bowl for his cat. Tom poured milk into his cat's bowl. Együttműködsz. You're cooperating. You're cooperating. Az ember soha nem tudhatja, kivel fut össze. One never knows whom one might run into. You never know who you're running into. Ki az elnök? Who's the president? Who's the president? Ötvenezer jenért vett egy biciklit. He bought a bicycle for fifty thousand yen. He bought a bicycle for 50,000 yen. Elfelejtettem a nevét. I forget her name. I forgot his name. Melyik irányban van nyugat? Which way is west? Which way is west? Tetszik ez a tetkó. I love that tattoo. I like this tattoo. Együtt tévézünk. We watch TV together. We watch TV together. Tom vagy? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? Egyél lassabban! Eat more slowly. Eat slowly. Azok voltak, akik hátul ültek a kocsiban? Were they the ones who were riding in the back of the car? Were they the ones in the back of the car? Készpénzre van szükségem. I want cash. I need cash. Mit akarsz mondani, cicamica? Nem értem. Én nem tudok macskául. What are you trying to say, pussy cat? I don't understand you. I don't speak Cat. I don't understand, I don't know cat. Ez igazi pénz? Is that really money? Is that real money? Ez pont a házasságunk napján történt, drágám. It happened exactly on our wedding day, darling. This happened on the day of our marriage, darling. Segíts fel, kérlek! Help me up, please. Help me up, please. Van néhány jó barátom. I have several good friends. I have some good friends. Fizessük a számlát felesbe. Let's split the bill fifty-fifty. Let's pay the bill in half. Figyelmet kérek! Attention please! Attention, please. Most tanul. He's studying now. He's studying. Szeretsz bevásárolni? Do you like shopping? Do you like shopping? Nincs kedvem vitatkozni. I'm not in the mood to argue. I don't feel like arguing. Mi történt a múlt héten? What happened last week? What happened last week? Ez a probléma? Is that the problem? Is that the problem? Bárcsak tudnék repülni! I wish I could fly. I wish I could fly. Nem bírtam megmozdítani a karjaimat. I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't move my arms. Ez áll a Bibliában. This is what the Bible says. That's what the Bible says. Tamás kerékpárral jár be dolgozni. Tom goes to work by bicycle. Tom rides a bicycle to work. Azon a könyvborítón volt pár tintafolt. There were some ink spots on the book jacket. There were ink stains on that book cover. Nem jók itt az európai villásdugók. European plugs don't work here. European fork plugs aren't good here. Ne gyere be! Meztelen vagyok. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Nem tudna gyorsabban vezetni? Couldn't you drive faster? Can't you drive faster? Tamás a parkban könyvet olvas. Tom is reading a book in the park. Thomas is reading a book in the park. Se vele, sem nélküle. Neither with her nor without her. Not with him, not without him. Értesíteni fogom Tomit. I will notify Tom. I'll let Tom know. Azt hiszem, Tamás holnap akarja megcsinálni. I think Tom wants to do that tomorrow. I think Tom wants to do it tomorrow. Azt hiszem, otthon felejtettem. I believe that I forgot it at home. I think I left it at home. A preskriptív nyelvészek szó szerint a legrosszabbak. Prescriptive linguists are literally the worst. Prescriptive linguists are literally the worst. Ha nem viselkedsz jól, nem jön a Mikulás. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you don't behave, Santa's not coming. Mi van Tomnál? What does Tom have? What about Tom? Hat darabra vágta a süteményt és minden gyermeknek adott egyet. She cut the cake into six pieces and gave one to each of the children. He cut the cake into six pieces and gave each child one. Örülök, hogy nem vagyok nő. I'm glad I'm not a woman. I'm glad I'm not a woman. Hogy mondod azt franciául, hogy szeretlek? How do you say "I love you" in French? How do you say I love you in French? Nézd meg újra! Look again. Look again. Harminc percet álltam a dugóban délután. I was stuck in a traffic jam for thirty minutes this afternoon. I was in traffic for 30 minutes this afternoon. Mennyire fontos neked az egészséged? How much do you value your health? How important is your health to you? Folytasd, próbálkozz. Go ahead, try it. Keep trying. Képzelheted, mi történt. You can imagine what happened. Imagine what happened. Tominak hosszú szakálla van. Tom has a long beard. Tom has a long beard. Az apád is büszke lenne rád. Your father would also be proud of you. Your father would be proud of you, too. Ki lesz a következő pápa? Who will be the next pope? Who will be the next Pope? Adj egy fájdalomcsillapítót, kérlek. Give me a painkiller, please. Give me some painkillers, please. Soha nem kellett volna Bostonba jönnöm. I should have never come to Boston. I should never have come to Boston. Kit látott? Who did you see? Who did you see? Nem nézek ki annyinak, amennyi vagyok. I do not look my age. I don't look as good as I am. Azt tudom. I know that. I know that. Figyelmeztettek, hogy ne higgyem el, amit Tom mond. I was warned not to believe anything Tom says. I was warned not to believe what Tom was saying. Évente több ezren halnak éhen. Millions of people starve to death every year. Thousands of people starve to death every year. A rendőrség tehetetlen a gettókban. In ghettos, police are powerless. The police are powerless in the ghettos. Mikor ettél utoljára gránátalmát? When was the last time you ate a pomegranate? When was the last time you ate pomegranates? Mi a baja? What's his problem? What's wrong with him? A buli után elválaszthatatlanná váltak. They became inseparable after that party. After the party, they became inseparable. Borzalmasan sajnálom. I'm terribly sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Jó lesz ma az idő? Will the weather be good today? How's the weather today? Mary Ann Evans írói álneve George Eliot volt. George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans. Mary Ann Evans' authorial alias was George Eliot. Remélem, igaz az, amit mondol. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Egyszerűbb a helyzet, mint volt. Things are simpler now than they used to be. It's easier than it used to be. Bárcsak meg tudnám csinálni! I wish I could. I wish I could do it. Miért ilyen bunkó a nővérem? Why is my sister so mean? Why is my sister such a jerk? Sokkal tartozunk a szüleinknek. We owe our parents a lot. We owe our parents a lot. Jól nézel ki, drágám. You're looking well, darling. You look great, honey. A Tatoeba nem működött. Tatoeba was out of service. Tatoeba didn't work. Mióta vagyunk haverok? Since when are we friends? How long have we been friends? Szükségünk van ügyvédre. We need a lawyer. We need a lawyer. Ez a te pénzed? Is this your money? Is this your money? Ki kell mennem az újságos bódéhoz, hogy szerezzek egy újságot. I have to go out to the newsstand to get a newspaper. I have to go to the newsstand to get a newspaper. Tudod a címemet? Do you know my address? You know my address? Pici keze van. He has tiny hands. He's got tiny hands. Mik voltak az utolsó szavai? What were her final words? What were his last words? Tom nyakig van az adósságban. Tom is head over heels in debt. Tom's up to his eyeballs in debt. A részletekhez nem lehetett azonnal hozzáférni. Details weren't immediately available. Details could not be accessed immediately. Sokat nyertem az autóm eladásán. I made a good profit by selling my car. I won a lot selling my car. Az nem igazán sok. That isn't so many. That's not much. Az a légy a képen van vagy oda van fényképezve? Is that fly on the picture or in the picture? Is that fly in the picture or is it photographed there? Egy szegény muzsikus volt. He was a poor musician. He was a poor musician. Ne költsön el olyan pénzt, amit még meg sem szerzett! Never spend your money before you have it. Don't spend money you haven't earned yet. A feleségemnek borzalmasan unalmas volt a hely, nekem maga volt a mennyország. For my wife, the place was terribly boring, for me, that was the heaven itself. It was a boring place for my wife, and it was heaven for me. A holnapi indulásunk, az időjárástól függ. Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather. Our departure tomorrow depends on the weather. Őt vádoltam, hogy ellopta a biciklit. I accused her of having stolen the bike. I accused him of stealing the bike. Biztosan szerelem volt. It must've been love. It must have been love. Bőven van borunk. We have plenty of wine. We have plenty of wine. Marika ráült Picurra, a dán dogra, kutyagolni. Mamie sat on the Great Dane Tiny to ride it. Marika sat on Tiny, the Danish dog, dogging. Legyen szíves megváltoztatni az írásjelek használatát. Please change the punctuation. Please change the use of punctuation. Hogy képezzük a főnevek többesszámát? How do you form the plural of nouns? How do we form the plural of nouns? Tudod, hogy ki készítette? Do you know who made it? Do you know who made it? Valaki betolt engem. Somebody pushed me in. Someone pushed me in. Írni akarok Tominak. I want to write to Tom. I want to write to Tom. Tompi megérdemelte, hogy kirúgják. Tom deserved to be fired. Tompi deserved to be fired. Tudtad, hogy Tom elment otthonról? Did you know that Tom had left home? Did you know Tom left home? Tom eléggé mérgesnek tűnt. Tom seemed to be pretty mad. Tom seemed pretty angry. Nincs értelme a múlton keseregni. It's no use crying over spilt milk. There's no point in mourning the past. Nagyon nem bírom. I really don't like him. I can't stand it. Hány éves leszel jövőre? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Tom nem fog megbántani engem. Tom is not going to hurt me. Tom won't hurt me. Jövőre lesz tíz éve, hogy ennél a cégnél dolgozom. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. I will be working for this company for 10 years next year. A padlizsán remek volt. The eggplant was great. The eggplant was great. Veszítettünk. We lost. We lost. Bűnösnek mondták ki. They adjudged him guilty. He was declared guilty. Tom ádámkosztümben volt. Tom was in his birthday suit. Tom was wearing an Adam's suit. Ne beszélj sokat a szerelőkkel! Do not talk so much to the mechanics. Don't talk to the mechanics too much. Engem senki nem értett meg. Nobody understood me. No one understood me. Tom és Mari olyan különbözőek, mint a tűz és a víz. Tom and Mary are as different as night and day. Tom and Mari are as different as fire and water. Tom meghalt. Tom's dead. Tom's dead. Ha megtehetném, állandóan olvasnék. If I could, I would read all the time. If I could, I would read all the time. Utálom a tejet. I hate milk. I hate milk. Augustus uralkodása alatt született Krisztus; Tiberius uralkodása alatt keresztre feszítették. During the reign of Augustus, Christ was born; during the reign of Tiberius, he was crucified. Christ was born during the reign of Augustus; he was crucified during the reign of Tiberius. Szeretnék néhány dolgot. I have wishes. I'd like some things. Tamás bátor volt. Tom was brave. Tom was brave. Zuhanyozzál! Take a shower. Take a shower. Hadd maradjak itt, kérlek. Let me stay here please. Let me stay here, please. A tied jobb volt. Yours was better. Yours was better. Introvertált vagyok. I'm introverted. I'm an introvert. Fogadok, hogy Tom tudja a dalszöveget. I bet Tom knows the lyrics. I bet Tom knows the lyrics. Veled is ez fog történni. That will happen to you too. That's what's gonna happen to you. Jobban tennéd, ha nem ennél túl sokat. You'd better not eat too much. You'd better not eat too much. Sokat megtudtam Tomiról. I learned a lot about Tom. I learned a lot about Tom. Környezeti katasztrófa. It's an environmental disaster. It's an environmental disaster. Tom otthon van. Tom's home. Tom's home. Bernie Sanders ül egy széken. Bernie Sanders sits on a chair. Bernie Sanders is sitting in a chair. Alszol te eleget? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting enough sleep? Jobb lehet a húgoddal. It can be better with your younger sister. She could be better with your sister. Azok a te cuccaid? Are those your things? Are those your things? Kussoljál! Shut up! Shut up! Közeledünk a találkozóhelyhez. We're approaching the rendezvous point. We're approaching the rendezvous point. Igazságért kiáltok. I want justice. I cry for justice. Szeret a tévében baseball-meccseket nézni. He likes watching baseball games on TV. He likes to watch baseball games on TV. Nehéz találni ebben a városban egy padot, melyen el lehet aludni. It's hard to find a bench that you can sleep on in this city. It's hard to find a bench in this town to sleep on. Tomi furcsa. Tom is weird. Tom is weird. Leült mellém. He sat down by my side. He sat next to me. Melyik ételt nem szereted? What food don't you like? Which food do you not like? Egy kalóz jelmezt viselt halloween-kor. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He was wearing a pirate costume on Halloween. Hol tanult lengyelül? Where did she learn Polish? Where did you learn Polish? Beteget jelentett. He called in sick. She called in sick. Egyedül élek. I live on my own. I live alone. Nincs sok barátja. She doesn't have many friends. He doesn't have many friends. Vágyik a hírnévre. He is thirsty for fame. He longs for fame. Vajas kekszet sütöttem. I baked butter cookies. I made butter cookies. Furcsa teremtmények a békák. Frogs are freaks. Frogs are strange creatures. A politikus lemászott egy esővízlevezető csatornacsövön a rendőrök elől. The politician climbed down a rainwater downpipe from police officers. The politician climbed down a rainwater drain from the police. Mindenki a másikat hibáztatta. Everyone shifted blame onto each other. Everyone blamed the other. Egy kis ésszel nem került volna ekkora kalamajkába. With a little more wisdom, he wouldn't have had such a difficult time. A little wit wouldn't have put you in such a mess. Ez a Tatoeba. That is Tatoeba. This is Tatoeba. Az egy bűncselekmény. That's a crime. That's a crime. Mary vörös hajú, nem igaz? Mary is a redhead, isn't she? Mary has red hair, doesn't she? Ez a kávé keserű. This coffee tastes bitter. This coffee is bitter. Lépjen távolabb az autótól. Step away from the car. Step away from the car. Nagyon köszönöm a leveledet. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Elég időtök van? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Dávid a buszmegállóban ácsorgot a buszt várva, mely vasárnap kimarad. David was standing about at the bus stop waiting for the bus which didn't come on Sundays. David was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to be left out on Sunday. Nincs vesztegetni való időnk. There's no time to lose. We don't have time to waste. Ez nem ezt jelenti. That isn't what it means. That's not what that means. Mindannyian készen vagyunk? Are we all ready? Are we all ready? Mit ajánlasz? What do you recommend? What are you offering? Ki festette ezt a képet? Who painted this painting? Who painted this picture? Hol vannak a többiek az osztályunkból? Where's the rest of our class? Where are the rest of our class? Egy fél grapefruitot reggeliztem. I had half a grapefruit for breakfast. I had half a grapefruit for breakfast. Uncsi! Boring! Boring! Mi a baj veletek? What's wrong with you two? What's wrong with you? Nincsenek szabályok. There aren't any rules. There are no rules. Elfogyott a pénzünk. We've run out of money. We're out of money. Magasabb vagyok. I am taller. I'm taller. Megfogta a kezemet és a hálószobába vitt. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He took my hand and took me to the bedroom. Nagytakarítást kell csinálnom a konyhában. I need to do a major clean of my kitchen. I have to clean the kitchen. Mennyi a jutalékod? What is your commission? What's your commission? Mit vegyünk a születésnapjára? What are we going to buy him for his birthday? What to buy for your birthday? Képzelheted, hogy ment. You can imagine how it went. You can imagine how it went. Szeretnél híres lenni? Would you like to be famous? Do you want to be famous? Itt nincs semmi. There is nothing here. There's nothing here. Igen, a hölgy a menedzserünk. Yes, she's our manager. Yeah, she's our manager. Nem tudott ellenállni a kísértésnek. He could not resist the temptation. He could not resist the temptation. Irigyli a tehetségét. He is jealous of his talent. He's jealous of his talent. Bocsásson meg, de az az én ütőm. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Excuse me, but that's my bat. Egy ötágú csillag volt az a figura, amit a gyerek a papírra rajzolt. The figure the child drew on the paper was a five-pointed star. A five-pointed star was the figure that the child drew on the paper. Az jól jöhet. That comes in handy. That could come in handy. Tudtam, hogy úton vagytok. I knew you were coming. I knew you were on your way. Ki vigyáz a gyermekekre? Who's watching the kids? Who takes care of the children? Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy esze ágában sincs téged elvenni. Tom told me that he has no intention of marrying you. Tom told me he had no intention of marrying you. A tanulók ebédideje 11-től 1-ig tart. The students' lunch period is from twelve to one. The students' lunch time is from 11 to 1. Tényleg büszke vagyok rá. I'm really proud of it. I'm really proud of him. Fogadok, nem láttad előre! I bet you didn't see this coming. I bet you didn't see it coming. Boldogok vagyunk. We are happy. We're happy. Akármit teszek, azt mondja, hogy jobban is meg tudom csinálni. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. Whatever I do, he says I can do better. Itt kell maradnom így. Hence, I shall have to stay here. I have to stay here like this. Tominak olyan a járása, mint Jar Jaré. Tom's walk is like Jar Jar's. Tom's walking like Jar Jar's. Maradj távol! Stay away from here. Stay away! Ebben a faluban lakik. She lives in this village. He lives in this village. Maradhatsz. You may stay. You can stay. Kinyithatom az ablakokat? Can I open the windows? Can I open the windows? Várnod kell, amíg néhány képeslapod megérkezik - akkor tudsz csak újra küldeni. You'll need wait until some of your traveling postcards arrive - then you'll be able to send some more. You have to wait until some of your postcards arrive - then you can just send them again. Ha több teafüvet teszel a kannába, jobb íze lesz a teának. If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better. If you put more tea leaves in the kettle, the tea will taste better. Vegyél egy szelet tortát! Help yourself to a piece of cake. Have a piece of cake. Kárpótlást próbálok nyújtani. I'm trying to compensate. I'm trying to make amends. Oda kell adnom neki. I must give it to him. I have to give it to him. Ellene vagyok, hogy egyedül menjen oda. I object to her going there alone. I'm against him going there alone. Kinyitottam az ajtót. I opened the door. I opened the door. Gyáva nyúl! Chicken! Cowardly rabbit! Kezeket fel! Hands up! Hands in the air! Ez helytelen volt. That was inappropriate. That was wrong. Egy dolog, amit nem szeretek a télben, kikelni a jó meleg ágyikóból. One thing I don't like about winter is climbing out of a warm bed. One thing I don't like about winter is getting out of a warm bed. Bármit is teszel, ne mondd el Tamásnak. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. A gyilkosságok hátterében Tom nagymamája állt. Tom's grandmother was behind the murders. Tom's grandmother was behind the murders. A gyerekek szívesen hallgatják meg ugyanazt a történetet újra és újra. Children want to hear the same story over and over again. Children enjoy listening to the same story over and over again. Időnként ez van. From time to time it happens. It happens sometimes. Tom kész hazajönni. Tom is ready to come home. Tom's ready to come home. Sok tetoválás van a testén. He has a lot of tattoos on his body. He's got a lot of tattoos on his body. Tamás kávéscsészéket gyűjt. Tom collected coffee cups. Thomas collects coffee cups. Azt mondod, az én hibám? Are you saying this is my fault? Are you saying it's my fault? Tudnám, ha akarnám, csak nem akarrom. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. I could if I wanted to, I just don't want to. Húzd el a beled innen! Get your ass out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Kérlek, olvasd el újra. Please read that again. Please read it again. Tom és Mary próbáltak nem túl hangosan nevetni. Tom and Mary tried not to laugh too loudly. Tom and Mary tried not to laugh too loud. Tom nem az apám. Ő a nagybátyám. Tom isn't my father. He's my uncle. Tom's not my father, he's my uncle. Tudod a címem? Do you know my address? You know my address? Senki sem ül itt. There's no one sitting here. No one's sitting here. Megettem egy doboz csokoládét. I ate a box of chocolates. I ate a box of chocolates. Tomi báránybőrbe öltözött farkas. Tom is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Tom is a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Nem haltam meg. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. Sokba kerül itt lakni. It's very expensive to live here. It costs a lot to live here. Ismerem, ezért nem is bízom benne. I know him, therefore I don't trust him. I know him, so I don't trust him. Amint megérkezik, kezdünk. When he arrives, we'll start. As soon as he arrives, we'll begin. Beszélni fogok Tomival. I'm going to be talking to Tom. I'll talk to Tom. Futok. I run. I'm running. Segíteni fogsz, ugye? You'll help, won't you? You're gonna help me, right? Mari hozzám jött ma reggel. Mary married me this morning. Mari came to see me this morning. Fejezd már be a csoszogást! Stop shuffling. Stop shuffling! Kétszázan tartózkodnak a helyiségben. There are two hundred people in the room. There are 200 people in the room. Tom nem halt meg a balesetben. Tom didn't die in the crash. Tom didn't die in the accident. Csak az agyunk 10%-át használjuk. We only use 10% of our brain. We only use 10% of our brain. Leülhetek melléd? Do you mind if I sit next to you? Can I sit with you? Hogyan tudnám veled megértetni? How can I make you understand? How can I make you understand? Megint elvesztette az esernyőjét. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Farkasüvöltést hallottam. I heard the howl of a wolf. I heard a wolf scream. Mennyit buktunk? How much did we lose? How much have we lost? Tomit sosem fogják elfelejteni. Tom will never be forgotten. Tom will never be forgotten. Törődök is én vele, hogy mit mond! I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says. Egy dagi, meztelen, repülő gyermek nyilával szíven lőtte Marit. A fatty naked flying little child shot Mary to the heart with his arrow. A fat, naked, flying child shot Mari in the heart with an arrow. Ez az övé. That's hers. It's hers. Ruhák kellenek Tominak. Tom needs clothes. I need clothes for Tom. Nem hiszem, hogy eljön. I don't think that he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Nem bírom elviselni a stresszt. I can't cope with stress. I can't take the stress. Nem szeretsz játszani velem? Don't you like playing with me? Don't you like playing with me? Csak azt akartam, hogy boldog légy. I just wanted you to be happy. I just wanted you to be happy. A féltékenység számomra a legalantasabb emberi érzés, ami csak van. Jealousy is, to me, the most ignoble human feeling there is. Jealousy is for me the lowest human emotion there is. Szarul érzem magam. I feel like shit. I feel like shit. A tapasztalat az a név, amelyet mindenki ad a tévedéseinek. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Egyszer majd eljön az igazság. One day the truth will come. Someday the truth will come. Nincs miről írnom. I have nothing to write about. There's nothing to write about. Ez az idős nő orvos. The old woman is a doctor. This old woman is a doctor. Hozzámentem Herkuleshez. I am married to Hercules. I married Hercules. Tamás nem iszik. Tom isn't drinking. Tom doesn't drink. A sorsom a te kezedben van. My fate is in your hands. My fate is in your hands. Nem eszem panettonét, mert nem szeretem a kandírozott gyümölcsöket. I do not eat panettone, because I do not like candied fruits. I don't eat panettone because I don't like candied fruits. Csak kicsit tudok angolul. I only know a little English. I only speak a little English. Régóta vártok engem? Did you wait a long time for me? Have you been waiting long? Tetszik nekem az az ing. I like that shirt. I like that shirt. Nem vagyok beszélő viszonyban Tommal. I'm not on speaking terms with Tom. I'm not on talking terms with Tom. Tom folyamatosan ellentmond saját magának. Tom constantly contradicts himself. Tom constantly contradicts himself. Nem túlságosan érdekli a baseball. He doesn't care much for baseball. He doesn't care much about baseball. Jusson eszedbe, hogy fogat kell még mosnod. Remember to brush your teeth. Remember, you still have to brush your teeth. A macska egeret fogott. The cat caught a mouse. The cat caught a mouse. Megszökött a majom a ketrecből. The monkey escaped from its cage. The monkey escaped from the cage. Az soha nem fog megtörténni. That'll never happen. That's never gonna happen. Tom házas ember. Tom is a married man. Tom's a married man. Ismerek néhány embert, akik tudnak neked segíteni. I know some persons who can help you. I know some people who can help you. Itt van a lakáskulcsom. Here's the key to my apartment. Here's my house key. Hatnak terítettem. I set the table for six. I set it for six. Mindkét megoldás helytelen. Both solutions are wrong. Both solutions are wrong. Fontolóra kell vennem, hogy ez valóban jó-e énnekem. I must think over whether it is really good for me. I have to consider whether this is really good for me. A lépcsőn megyünk. We'll take the stairs. We'll take the stairs. Aludtam. I was asleep. I was sleeping. Sem Tom, sem Mary nem várakozott nagyon sokáig. Neither Tom nor Mary has waited very long. Neither Tom nor Mary waited very long. Tudom, korábban kellett volna elmennem. I know I should have left earlier. I know I should have left earlier. Jól beszélsz kínaiul? Do you speak Chinese well? Do you speak Chinese well? A vacsora mindjárt kész. The dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. — Meglásd, az igazság győzedelmeskedni fog. — Biztosan, csak nem tudom, kinek az igazsága. "You'll see. The truth will win." "It surely will. I just don't know whose truth." “You will see, the truth will prevail.” Surely, I just don’t know whose truth it is. Tomi egyből tüzelt. Tom fired without hesitation. Tom fired immediately. Cserben hagyták Tomot. They betrayed Tom. They failed Tom. Ha befejeznéd, hogy azt mondogatod, hogy ne legyek ideges, valószínűleg nem lennék olyan ideges. If you'd stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. If you'd stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. Megint fáj. The pain returned. It hurts again. Zöldszemű. She has green eyes. Green eyes. Antal mivel foglalkozik? What does Tony do? What does Anthony do? Nem unatkozol, ha egyedül vagy? Don't you get bored when you're alone? Are you bored when you are alone? Mondd el, mi fog történni. Tell me what'll happen. Tell me what's gonna happen. Nem végeztem el az egyetemet. I didn't graduate. I didn't graduate from college. Zágráb Horvátország fővárosa. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Támogatnia kell az anyját és a nővérét. He has to support his mother and his sister. You need to support your mother and sister. Az elefánt egy nagyon nagy állat. An elephant is a very large animal. The elephant is a very big animal. Útmutatásra van szükségünk. We need instructions. We need guidance. Mikor Tom nyugdíjba ment, a fia vette át a vállalkozását. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. Sokféle kutya létezik. There are lots of different types of dogs. There are many types of dogs. Szeretem Marit, de néha sok belőle. I love Mary but sometimes I'm fed up with her. I love Mari, but sometimes there's a lot of her. A csapvíz nem egészséges. Tap water is dangerous. Tap water is not healthy. Hívd fel Tomot azonnal! Call Tom immediately. Get Tom on the phone right now. Mikor láttad Tomit utoljára sírni? When was the last time you saw Tom crying? When was the last time you saw Tom cry? Tomi sosem tudta azt. Tom never knew that. Tom never knew. Maradt még egy vagy két dolog, amit a bőröndbe kell rakni. I still have one or two other things left to pack in my suitcase. There's one or two things left to put in the suitcase. Mi a dolgod? What's your job? What do you do? Milyen nőnek tartasz engem? What kind of woman do you think I am? What kind of woman do you think I am? Én is iszok teát. I drink tea, too. I'll have some tea, too. Tom volt az, aki tüzet gyújtott. Tom was the one who set the fire. It was Tom who started the fire. Az utcák üresek voltak. The streets were empty. The streets were empty. Ő volt az egyik. She was one of them. He was one of them. Tom javasolta Ádámnak, hogy ne egyen a gyümölcsből. Tom suggested Adam not to eat that fruit. Tom advised Adam not to eat the fruit. Értesítette a rendőrséget a közlekedési balesetről. He notified the police of the traffic accident. He called the police about the traffic accident. Elvesztettem az esernyőmet. I've lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. Én portugál vagyok, ő meg brazil. I'm Portuguese, but he's Brazilian. I'm Portuguese, he's Brazilian. Tom volt olyan aranyos, hogy cipelte a bőröndömet. Tom was kind enough to carry my suitcase for me. Tom was cute enough to carry my suitcase. Jobbat érdemeltél volna. You deserved better. You deserved better. Nem kell megpróbálnod. You don't have to try. You don't have to try. Nem akartam használni a telefont. I didn't want to use the phone. I didn't want to use the phone. A fiú felnőttnek nézett ki. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked like an adult. Figyelj tovább. Keep listening. Keep watching. Hadd nézzem meg ezeket a fotókat. Let me have a look at those photos. Let me take a look at these photos. Ausztráliában vezethetek a saját jogosítványommal, ha odalátogatok néhány hónapra, vagy be kell szereznem egy másikat? Can I drive in Australia with my own driver's license if I visit there for a few months, or do I need to get another one? Can I drive in Australia with my driver’s license if I visit for a few months, or do I have to get another one? Lásd alább. See below. See below. A bíróság kimondta a vádlott ártatlanságát. The court declared the defendant innocent. The court ruled the defendant's innocence. Elkaptam egy szép pillangót. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I caught a beautiful butterfly. Adnom kellett neki inget. I had to lend him a shirt. I had to give him a shirt. Ostobák. They are foolish. They're stupid. Hova menjünk? Where shall we go? Where do we go? Énekeljünk egy kicsit! Let's sing some songs. Let's sing a little. Naiv voltam. I was naive. I was naive. Szándékomban áll odamenni. I intend to go there. I intend to go there. Felajánlották nekem. They offered it to me. They offered it to me. Jani már datolyát is szokott enni. Yanni added dates to his menu. Jani already eats dates. Egészen biztos vagyok benne, hogy igaz. I'm pretty sure it's true. I'm pretty sure it's true. Mintha egy patkányt láttam volna. I think I saw a rat. I thought I saw a rat. Soha nem kellett volna kételkedned bennem. You should have never doubted me. You should never have doubted me. A havi jövedelme félmillió yen. His monthly income amounts to half a million yen. His monthly income is half a million yen. Tradicionálisan a férfiaktól várják, hogy legyenek kezdeményezők az udvarlás során. Traditionally, men were expected to take the lead in courtship. Traditionally, men are expected to take the initiative in courtship. Nem értettem. I did not understand. I didn't understand. Spanyolul beszélek. I speak Spanish. I speak Spanish. - Kaphatok egy palack vizet? - Simát vagy szénsavasat szeretne? "Can I get a bottle of water?" "Still or sparkling?" - Can I have a bottle of water? Mire jók ezek? What are these for? What are they for? Bevallom, tévedtem. I admit that I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Tokióban élek. I live in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. Oda akarok menni. I want to go there. I want to go there. Nem beszélek magyarul. I don't speak Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian. A fiúk nem babáznak. Boys don't play with dolls. Boys don't play dolls. Küldd be! Send her in. Send him in. Imádunk piknikezni. We adore going on picnics. We love picnics. Mindegyik kabin zárva. All the cabins are locked. All cabins are locked. Annak ellenére, hogy részletesen elmagyaráztam Tomnak, képtelen volt helyesen megcsinálni. Even though I gave Tom detailed instructions, he wasn't able to do it correctly. Even though I explained it to Tom in detail, he couldn't do it right. Nem beszélek olyan jól angolul, mint ahogy szeretném. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I don't speak as much English as I'd like. Minden villámgyorsan történt. Everything happened at lightning speed. It all happened so fast. A vendéglátónk kihúzott egy fiókot. Egy ládika vált láthatóvá, mely puskaporral volt megtöltve. Our host opened a drawer, and a small box full of black powder was revealed. Our host pulled out a drawer, a box filled with gunpowder. Szombat délutánonként emberek milliói felejtik el a mindennapi gondjaikat. On Saturday afternoons, millions of people forget their everyday worries. On Saturday afternoons, millions of people forget their daily worries. Elpusztult a csűr. The barn was destroyed. The barn is dead. A hétköznapi emberek, mint mi, amúgy sem értenek belőle semmit. Ordinary folk like us understand nothing about it anyway. Ordinary people like us don't understand anything about it anyway. Megkaptad a kölcsönt? Did you get the loan? Did you get the loan? Várj meg! Wait for me! Wait for me. Valaki ellopta a táskámat. Somebody stole my bag. Someone stole my bag. Egyetemre megy. She goes to university. He's going to college. Ez magánút. This is a private road. It's a private trip. Egy egész palacknyi tejet megivott. He drank a whole bottle of milk. He drank a whole bottle of milk. Mindenki utálja Tomot. Everybody hates Tom. Everybody hates Tom. Van itt vajon Tamás nevű ember? I wonder if there's anyone here that’s named Tom. Is there a man named Tom? Ismered a családot? Do you know the family? You know the family? Miért beszélsz franciául? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Nézz arra! Look over there. Look over there. Árulnak notebookot ebben az üzletben? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Do you sell notebooks in this store? Lassan jobban érzem magam. I'm starting to feel better. I'm starting to feel better. Nem illik tele szájjal beszélni. It is rude to speak with your mouth full. It's not polite to talk with your mouth full. Agglegény vagy? Are you a bachelor? Are you a bachelor? Ez a könyv harminc dolláromba került. This book cost me thirty dollars. This book cost me $30. Tom megszárította a könnyeit. Tom dried his tears. Tom dried his tears. Fejezd már be, hogy engem faggatsz! Stop questioning me. Stop asking me! Nem annyira őrdöngős, mint amennyire annak hangzik. It's not as complicated as it sounds. It's not as crazy as it sounds. Ezen rövid mondatok dömpingjének nincs túl sok haszna. This huge amount of short sentences is of little use. Dumping these short sentences is of little use. Felhős napunk van. Today is a cloudy day. It's a cloudy day. Nem ápolok jó kapcsolatot a családommal. I'm not on good terms with my family. I don't have a good relationship with my family. Van egy probléma. There's one problem. There's a problem. Spanyolországban nagyon népszerű a foci. Soccer is very popular in Spain. Football is very popular in Spain. Zürich egy város Svájcban. Zürich is a city in Switzerland. Zurich is a city in Switzerland. Nem tudom, hogy a rabok mikor lesznek szabadlábra helyezve. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. Egy percre sem állt meg a munka. The work did not stop even for a minute. The work didn't stop for a minute. Tom egy fehér dobozt vitt. Tom was carrying a white box. Tom was carrying a white box. Akarod tudni, min vesztünk össze? Do you want to know why we quarrelled? You want to know what we had a fight about? Megvan mindenünk. We lack nothing. We've got everything. Néhányuknak baj van a hallásukkal. Some of them have trouble hearing. Some of them have trouble hearing. Ez sürgős volt. It was urgent. It was urgent. Tom gyémánt karkötőt adott Marinak a házassági évfordulójukra. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. Tom gave Mari a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. Itt az ideje, hogy elbúcsúzzunk. The time has come to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. Ezt kértem! That's what I asked for. I asked for this! Ez a történet a középkor végére röpít el minket. This tale brings us to the end of the Middle Ages. This story takes us to the end of the Middle Ages. Kérhetek harminc dollárt kölcsönbe? Can I borrow $30? Can I borrow $30? Tom nem tudta eldönteni, hogy kire szavazzon. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who to vote for. Tomi házához nagy udvar tartozik egy jó nagy tölgyfával. Tom's house has a big backyard with a large oak tree. Tomi's house has a large courtyard with a big oak tree. Mit gondoltok a modern művészetről? What do you think of modern art? What do you think of modern art? Sokkal alaposabbnak kellett volna lennem. I should have been more thorough. I should have been more thorough. A hajad elkezd kihullani. Your hair will start to fall out. Your hair's starting to fall out. Jóképűbb a férjem Al Pacinonál. My husband is handsomer than Al Pacino. He's more handsome than my husband Al Pacino. A második biztosan jobb lesz. The second will surely be better. The second one will be better. Tom takarítani kezdett. Tom started cleaning. Tom started cleaning. Találat érte. She got shot. He was hit. Ígérem, még egyszer nem fordul ez elő. I promise that I won't do it again. I promise this won't happen again. Növeszted a szakállad? Are you growing a beard? Are you growing your beard? Most mit kellene mondanom? What should I say now? What am I supposed to say? Mi történt október 20-án? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20? A padláson találtam. I found it in the attic. I found it in the attic. Tom és Mary elmentek megnézni a tűzijátékot. Tom and Mary went to watch the fireworks. Tom and Mary went to see the fireworks. A vonat egy heves hóvihar miatt késett. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was late because of a heavy blizzard. Egyértelműen lehetetlen. It's obviously impossible. It's definitely impossible. Pilóták vagyunk. We're pilots. We're pilots. Miből gondolod, hogy hazudik? Why do you think that she lies? What makes you think he's lying? Észrevettem, hogy a papucsomat hordja. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. I noticed you were wearing my slippers. Találkoztam egy lánnyal. I met a girl. I met a girl. Nagyon fél. He is very fearful. He's scared. Meghalt a remény. There's no hope. Hope is dead. Itt járt valaki. Someone's been here. Someone's been here. Hogyan tanultad ezt te meg? How did you learn that? How did you learn that? Tamás a szobában van. Tom is in the room. Tom is in the room. Remélem, jól vannak. I hope that they're OK. I hope they're okay. Vezet egy kötélhíd a folyó felett. There's a rope bridge over the river. There's a rope bridge over the river. Nem ismerem ki magam. I don't know my way around. I don't know my way around. Elégedett a férje jelenlegi fizetésével. She is content with his present salary. Satisfied with your husband's current salary. Jó szórakozást! Have fun. Have fun. Tom leellenőrizte a dátumot. Tom checked the date. Tom checked the date. Senki sem emlékszik rá, hogy kezdődött az egész. Nobody remembers how it all started. No one remembers how it all started. Külföldre akarok menni. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Katalin az eszperantónak szentelte az életét. Katalin dedicated her life to Esperanto. Catherine devoted her life to Esperanto. Hagyd abba! Give it up. Stop it! Mi ez a dallam, amit dúdolsz? What's that tune you're humming? What's that tune you're humming? Vihar volt és a hó elkezdett örvényleni keresztül-kasul az úton. There was a storm, and snow began whirling through the street. There was a storm, and the snow started to swirl across the road. Osztálytársak vagyunk. We're classmates. We're classmates. Ez dühítő. This is infuriating. It's infuriating. El fognak jönni. They will come. They'll come. Megmostad a zöldségeket? Did you wash the vegetables? Did you wash the vegetables? Van valami kérdésed? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Tom megkérdezte Marytől, hogy tud-e titkot tartani. Tom asked Mary if she could keep a secret. Tom asked Mary if she could keep a secret. Nem ismer határokat a hiúsága. His vanity knows no bounds. Your vanity knows no bounds. Nehogy engem basztass! Don't fuck with me. Don't fuck with me. Várni fogunk. We'll be waiting. We'll be waiting. Ez a dal emlékeztet a gyerekkoromra. This song reminds me of my childhood. This song reminds me of my childhood. A macska olyan mint egy ember. The cat is like a human. A cat is like a human. Nem merek neki ilyet mondani. I don't dare tell him such a thing. I don't dare say that to him. A mamám korán szokott felkelni. My grandmother gets up early. My mom used to get up early. Én vagyok az ön új ügyvédje. I am your new lawyer. I'm your new lawyer. Közel háromszáz embert kilakoltattunk. We've already evacuated close to three hundred people. Nearly 300 people were evicted. Tomi lefektette Marit. Tom put Mary to bed. Tom put Mari to bed. Nem feltétlenül hiszek neked. I'm not sure I believe you. I don't necessarily believe you. Csökkentek az árak. Prices have gone down. Prices are down. Zöldségárus. He sells vegetables. He's a vegetable salesman. Holnap kukanap van. Tomorrow's trash day. It's garbage day tomorrow. Tom bolygója kisebb, mint a kis hercegé. Tom's planet is smaller than the Little Prince's. Tom's planet is smaller than the little prince's. Az én csészémből iszol. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my cup. Tom nem látszott olyan elfoglaltnak, mint általában. Tom didn't seem any busier than usual. Tom didn't seem as busy as usual. Sem Tom, Sem Mari nem tud úszni. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Neither Tom nor Mari can swim. Én tettem, de nem vagyok büszke rá. I did it, but I'm not proud of it. I did it, but I'm not proud of it. Tamás személyleírást adott a rendőrségnek a látott egyénről. Tom described the person he saw to the police. Thomas gave the police a description of the individual he saw. Mikor fogják ezt megcsinálni? When will they do that? When are you going to do this? Ne felejtsd el a fürdőnadrágodat! Don't forget your swimming trunks. Don't forget your bathing suit. Tom tanácsai sokszor nem túl jók. Tom's advice often isn't very good. Tom's advice is often not very good. A tojáslikőr egy krémes, karácsonyi ital. Eggnog is a creamy Christmas drink. Eggnog is a creamy Christmas drink. Itt van egy másik példa. Here's another example. Here's another example. Figyelj az útra! Pay attention to the road. Watch the road. Nem tudta a könnyeit visszatartani. She couldn't hold back her tears. He couldn't hold back his tears. Nem haragszom rád. Elég alacsonyak már az elvárásaim veled kapcsolatban. I’m not mad at you, my expectations of you were already low. I'm not mad at you. Nagyon sikeresek. They're very successful. They're very successful. Tomot betegnek tippelem. I guess Tom is sick. I'm guessing Tom's sick. Ez elromlott. This is broken. It's broken. Nem fájt. It was painless. It didn't hurt. Ismerem a családját. I know his family. I know his family. Egy igazi lúzer vagyok. I'm a total loser. I'm a real loser. Tamásnak van egy saját weblapja. Tom has a personal website. Tom has his own website. Azt mondta Tomi, hogy ő nem tud franciául. Tom said that he didn't know French. Tom said he didn't speak French. Kirándulni megyünk. We're going on a hike. We're going on a trip. Nagyon sápadtnak tűnsz. You look very pale. You look very pale. Ez a hús jól át van sütve. This meat is roasted well. This meat is well cooked. Nem túl eredeti. That isn't very original. It's not very original. Fel tudsz törni egy kézzel egy tojást? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you crack an egg with one hand? Megfogant Tomitól. She got pregnant by Tom. He's got me from Tom. Tominak fáj a pocija. Tom has a tummy ache. Tom's tummy hurts. Szeretem a matekot. I like math. I like math. Ez egy elég nagy furkósbot. It's a pretty big club. That's a pretty big stick. Nézz a szemembe. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eye. Odaérsz időben? Can you get there in time? Can you get there in time? Öld meg Tomot! Kill Tom. Kill Tom! Tudni akarom, hogy mi folyik itt. I want to know what's going on. I want to know what's going on. Ne szólj hozzám, amíg dolgozom! Don't talk to me while I'm working. Don't talk to me while I'm at work. A mérkőzést esőben is lejátsszák. The game will be held even if it rains. The match is also played in the rain. Ennek következtében egy rakás pénzt bukott el. The consequence was that, she lost a considerable amount of money. As a result, he lost a lot of money. Házam előtt egy tó van. There is a lake in front of my house. There's a lake in front of my house. Tom Jackson négyméteres lovas bronzszobra Boston főterén található. Tom Jackson's 13 feet high bronze equesterian statue is located in the main square of Boston. Tom Jackson's four-metre horseman bronze statue is located in Boston's main square. A telefonom nem működik. My phone doesn't work. My phone's not working. Meddig kell a bringám? Csak azért, mert nekem is kell még ma. How long do you need my bike? I'm just asking because I'll need it today. Just because I need my bike today. Tom nem vette észre, hogy Mari boldogtalan volt. Tom didn't realize Mary was unhappy. Tom didn't realize Mari was unhappy. Emlékezz rá. Remember it. Remember that. A bolygót érted ezalatt vagy az istennőt? Do you mean the planet or the goddess? Do you mean the planet or the goddess? Busszal fogok jönni. I'll come by bus. I'll take the bus. Tamás nagyon okos. Tom is very smart. Tom is very smart. A kormány nem váltotta be az ígéreteit. The government didn't keep its promises. The government has not kept its promises. Tom azt mondta, hogy unja a kínai kaját. Tom said he's tired of eating Chinese food. Tom said he's tired of Chinese food. Tom kihajította Mary-t a házból. Tom threw Mary out of the house. Tom threw Mary out of the house. Húsz éves. She is twenty years old. He's 20. Ezek közül melyik a tied? Which one of these is yours? Which one of these is yours? Tom a sarokban ült. Tom was sitting in the corner. Tom was in the corner. Idegesít a hallgatásod. Your silence makes me nervous. Your silence makes me nervous. Mindannyian követünk el hibákat. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Néhány nap múlva vége lesz az egésznek. It will all be over in a few days. It'll all be over in a few days. A szüleimnek selyemfarmja volt. My parents were running a silk farm. My parents had a silk farm. A fehér labda olyan nehéz, mint a piros. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. A white ball is as heavy as a red ball. Ettől a gyógyszertől majd jobban leszel. This medicine will help you get better. This medicine will make you feel better. Nem tetszik nekünk Tomi. We don't like Tom. I don't like Tom. Sehogy sem tudta elviselni a rothadó hagyma rémes szagát. He could not by any means tolerate the ghastly smell of rotting onion. He couldn't bear the terrible smell of rotting onions. Kelly kihagyta a tornaórát, és hazament. Kelly cut physical education and went home. Kelly skipped gym class and went home. Igen szánalmas igyekezetnek tűnik nekem. That seems to me a rather pathetic aspiration. Seems like a pretty pathetic effort to me. Soha nem válaszolok azoknak az e-mailjeire, akiket nem ismerek. I never answer email messages from people I don't know. I never answer emails from people I don't know. Gyakran telefonál nekem. He calls me often. He calls me often. Tüzet szüntess! Hold fire. Cease fire! György a legszorgalmasabb fiú az osztályunkban. George is the most diligent boy in our class. George is the most diligent boy in our class. Néhány nap múlva lecseng az egész. It will all be over in a few days. It'll all be over in a few days. Régen Tom kedves volt. Tom used to be nice. Tom used to be nice. Tom a könyvelőm. Tom is my accountant. Tom's my accountant. Ne is hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. Fél fejjel magasabb vagy, mint mikor utoljára itt voltál. You're half a head taller than when you were here before. You're half a head taller than the last time you were here. Most már tőlük függ. It's up to them now. It's up to them now. Nem szeretem a kutyákat. I don't like dogs. I don't like dogs. Ezt nálunk senki nem tudja jobban csinálni. No one knows that better than we do. No one can do this better than us. Kinn a semmi közepén lakik. She lives in the middle of nowhere. He lives out in the middle of nowhere. Van televíziód? Do you have a television? You got a TV? Baseball ütővel fejbevágott engem Tomi. Tom hit me in the head with a baseball bat. Tom hit me in the head with a baseball bat. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy be vannak zárva az ajtók! Make sure the doors are locked. Make sure the doors are locked. Totális lúzer vagyok. I'm a total loser. I'm a total loser. Különbséget tehetsz. You can make a difference. You can make a difference. Szükségem van segítségre. I need help. I need help. Mondtad Tominak? Have you told Tom? Did you tell Tom? Erre csak egy lehetőséged lesz, úgyhogy ne rontsd el. You're only going to get one shot at this, so don't blow it. You'll only get one chance to do that, so don't ruin it. Cukiknak találom a pókokat. I think spiders are cute. I find spiders cute. Kicsit untam már magam. I was getting a little bored. I'm a little bored. Élete csak egy hajszálon függ. His life is hanging by a thread. His life is hanging by a thread. Tom még a legnehezebb helyzetekben sem kedvetlenedett el. Even in the most difficult situations, Tom has never lost heart. Tom didn't get discouraged even in the most difficult situations. Ráérnél holnap segíteni nekem? Would you have some time to help me tomorrow? Can you help me tomorrow? Mit mondjak Tominak? What should I tell Tom? What do I tell Tom? Részletes utasításokat adtam Tominak. I gave Tom detailed instructions. I gave Tom detailed instructions. Mellette álltam. I was standing next to him. I stood by him. Mit főz? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Gyakran kávézok a kávéházban. I often drink coffee at that cafe. I often drink coffee at the cafe. Szerintem ismered a szabályokat. I think you know the rules. I think you know the rules. Az a hobbim, hogy regényeket olvasok. My hobby is reading novels. My hobby is to read novels. Remélem, segítesz nekem. I hope that you'll help me. I hope you'll help me. Az idővel csak szépül. She became more beautiful as she got older. With time, it just gets better. Tom legyeket fogott és kitépte a szárnyaikat. Tom caught flies and tore off their wings. Tom caught flies and ripped out their wings. Ebben állapodtunk meg. It's what we agreed on. That's what we agreed. Mennyit fizettek neked, hogy azt megtedd? How much did they pay you to do that? How much did they pay you to do that? Csodálatos este volt. It was a wonderful evening. It was a wonderful evening. Az erdők a Föld tüdeje. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Forests are the lungs of the Earth. Voltál már a fodrásznál? Have you been to the barber? Have you been to the barbershop? Nem amerikai, hanem francia. He is not an American but a Frenchman. He's not American, he's French. Ha nem lett volna a térkép, nem találtuk volna meg az utat. If it hadn't been for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. If it wasn't for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. Mary belehalt a szülésbe. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died in childbirth. Értem. I understand it. Right. Szólj, ha mész. Mehetnénk együtt is. Let me know when you are leaving. We can go together. Let me know when you're going. Nem szeretett. She wasn't in love with me. He didn't love me. Jól van, hadd lássam, mit tehetek. OK, let me see what I can do. All right, let me see what I can do. Egy átverés áldozata vagy. You're the victim of a hoax. You're the victim of a hoax. Jövök, ahogy szólnak. I came as soon as I was told. I'll come as they say. Nem ártana, ha befognák a szájukat. They should shut up! It would be nice if they kept their mouths shut. Mondtam, hogy tetszeni fog neked Tomi. I told you you'd like Tom. I told you you'd like Tom. Nem mozdult a krokodil. The crocodile didn't move. The crocodile didn't move. Tomi forró vizet öntött a teára. Tom poured hot water over the tea. Tom poured hot water on the tea. Bocsásson meg! Please forgive me. Excuse me. Két állásom van. I have two jobs. I have two jobs. Mekkora ubi! What a long cucumber! What a ubi! Tom barátnője fiatalabb a lányánál. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. El vannak nehezülve a lábaim. My legs feel heavy. My legs are heavy. Szeretnék körülnézni. I'd like to take a look around. I'd like to look around. Tom Bostonban nőtt fel? Did Tom grow up in Boston? Tom grew up in Boston? Hol laktok? Where are you living? Where do you live? Ki hibáztathat téged? Who can blame you? Who can blame you? Mi az, amit szeretsz csinálni? What's one thing you love to do? What do you like to do? Ma délben Olaszországból hozott cseresznyét eszünk. Today at noon we'll eat cherries from Italy. We're eating cherries from Italy today at noon. Juss be! Get inside. Get in. A kapitalizmusban nincs rákényszerítve az ember, hogy vásároljon. In capitalism, a citizen is not obligated to shop. Capitalism does not force people to buy. Csak egy kis segítségre van szükségem. I just need a little help. I just need a little help. Ő sosem hazudik. He never lies. He never lies. Ugyanolyanok. They're the same. They're the same. Mit gondolsz az új kabátomról? What do you think of my new coat? What do you think of my new coat? Már hiányollak. I miss you already. I miss you. Ez mellettem Zsuzsa a fényképen. Milyen fiatal volt! This is Sue next to me in the picture. How young she was! That's Zsuzsa in the photo next to me. Mielőtt megnézzük a dolgozatokat, mondanom kell még valamit. Before we look at these test papers, I have something to say. Before we look at the tests, I have something else to tell you. Tom gyárban dolgozott. Tom worked in a factory. Tom worked at the factory. Kellemes nyaralást! Have a good vacation. Have a nice vacation. Kérem, töltse ki ezt az űrlapot, és várjon az értesítésünkre. Please fill out this form and wait for us to notify you. Please fill out this form and wait for our notification. Tudom, hogy tudsz segíteni nekünk. I know that you can help us. I know you can help us. El akarják lopni a lelküket. They want to steal their souls. They want to steal their souls. A szemébe merek nézni a halálnak. I do not fear death. I dare to look death in the eye. Részeg. He's drunk. Drunk. Tom nem ismeri a szomszédait. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Baktériumok mindenhol vannak. Bacteria are everywhere. Bacteria are everywhere. Ülj le, Tomi! Have a seat, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Nyertem a segedelmeddel. I won with your help. I won with your help. Egyetértek veled az adókkal kapcsolatban. I agree with your opinion about taxes. I agree with you on taxes. Ma van mosás. It's laundry day. It's laundry day. Majd beszakad a dobhártyám az ágyúlövéstől. My eardrums burst because of the gunshot. My eardrums are gonna burst from the cannon shot. Mikorra érsz haza a munkából? When do you get home from work? What time do you get home from work? Tomnak megmondták, hogy vagy csinálja, vagy kussoljon. Tom was told to put up or shut up. Tom was told to either do it or shut up. Fáradt vagyok ahhoz, hogy bármi mást csináljak ma. I'm too tired to do anything else today. I'm tired of doing anything else today. Ilyen csak Ausztráliában történik. This only happens in Australia. This only happens in Australia. Megvan neked Tom címe? Do you have Tom's address? Do you have Tom's address? Ha idenézel, akkor meglátod. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you'll see. Az út másik oldalán nincsenek még házak. On the other side of the street, there are no houses yet. There are no houses on the other side of the road. Nem utasíthattam vissza. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't refuse. Az a szándékom, hogy kilépek a cégtől. I mean to quit this company. My intention is to leave the company. Tom egyre gazdagabb. Tom is getting rich. Tom's getting richer. Csak három napra elegendő élelmünk és vizünk van. We only have enough food and water for three days. We only have enough food and water for three days. Ez a szoba hideg. This room is cold. This room is cold. Úgy éreztük, nincs választásunk. We felt we had no choice. We felt we had no choice. Anyám soha nem kel korán. My mother never gets up early. My mother never gets up early. Ne jöjjön, hacsak nem szólok. Don't come unless I tell you to. Don't come unless I tell you to. Az én hobbim régi játékok gyűjtése. My hobby is to collect old toys. My hobby is collecting old toys. Gondolom, tetszene neked. I think you might like it. I suppose you'd like it. Tom sérülései nem komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Meg kell számolnunk a szavazócédulákat. We have to count all of the ballots. We have to count the ballots. Miért nem veszed meg? Why don't you buy it? Why don't you buy it? Szerinted miket kell venni? What kinds of things do you think we need to buy? What do you think you should buy? Mary mondta, hogy hamarosan távozna. Mary said that she would depart soon. Mary said you'd be leaving soon. A magyarban gyakorlatilag tizennyolc eset van. Hungarian practically has eighteen cases. There are practically eighteen cases in Hungarian. Nézzük át! Let's review. Let's check it out. Nem mondanám azt, hogy helyes, és azt sem mondanám, hogy helytelen. I wouldn't say it's correct and I wouldn't say either it's incorrect. I wouldn't say it's right, and I wouldn't say it's wrong. Az tegnap volt. That was yesterday. That was yesterday. Nem fognak a fékek. The brakes didn't respond. The brakes won't work. Várandós Mária. Mary is pregnant. Pregnant Mary. Nem lett leellenőrizve a szöveg. The text hasn't been checked. The text hasn't been checked. Ne hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. Azt hiszem, Tom még mindig munkanélküli. I think Tom is still unemployed. I think Tom's still unemployed. Nagyon kérlek, ne szóljatok bele! Please do not interrupt. Please don't interfere. Ebből mit tudunk megtartani és mit eldobni? Which one of these do we need to keep and which can we throw away? What can we keep and what can we throw away? Milyen gyakran veszítesz el dolgokat? How often do you lose things? How often do you lose things? Miért nem bent beszélgetünk? Why don't we peek inside? Why don't we talk inside? Tamás türelmesen várt. Tom waited patiently. Thomas waited patiently. Itt leszek egész este. I'm going to be here all evening. I'll be here all night. Tom és Mari az arató fesztiválra mentek. Tom and Mary went to the harvest festival. Tom and Mari went to the harvest festival. Kérlek, kifele menet zárd be az ajtót! Please lock the door on your way out. Please lock the door on your way out. Beszélek egy kicsit oroszul. I speak a little Russian. I speak a little Russian. Tudok valamicskét franciául. I know some French. I know a little French. Tamás nem mérges Máriára. Tom is not mad at Mary. Thomas is not angry with Mary. Két zsák cement elég lesz. Two bags of cement will be enough. Two bags of cement will do. Az a férfi egy gebe, de a felesége egy tehén. That man is skinny, but his wife is fat. The man's a nag, but his wife's a cow. Egyesek a nyarat szeretik, mások a telet. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Some people like summer, others like winter. Érzem, hogy ki akarnak törni a könnyek. Gyötör a múlt és félek a jövőtől. I feel the flow of tears that I want to retain; the past torments me, and I fear the future. I can feel the tears coming out, the past is tormenting me, and I'm afraid of the future. Tudta Tomi, hol hagyta Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. Tom knew where Mary had left her car. Mária elfogadta az ajándékot. Marie accepted the gifts. Mary accepted the gift. A könyv fehér. The book's white. The book is white. Végül nem jött el. She didn't come after all. In the end, he didn't show up. A gyerekek imádnak a homokban ásni. Children love to dig in the sand. Kids love digging in the sand. Na akkor számoljunk veled vagy ne? So should we expect you or not? So should we count on you or not? Maradj velem! Stay with me. Stay with me. Egy lánc olyan erős, mint a leggyengébb szeme. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A chain is as strong as its weakest eye. — Apu, képzeld, megettem egy egész mandarint! — Megettél egy egész mandarint, kicsim!? És ezt mégis hogy képzelted!? — Nem én voltam! A Józsi. "Dad, just imagine, I ate a whole tangerine." "You ate a whole tangerine, my little one? How did you dare to do that?" "It wasn't me. It was Joe." “ Daddy, I ate a whole mandarin!” You ate a whole mandarin, baby!? And how did you imagine that?? “It wasn’t me! It was Józsi. Sokat hallom ezt. I hear that a lot. I hear that a lot. Ez mindent elmond. That says it all. That says it all. Zainab nagyon kövér. Ötször étkezik egy nap. Száz kilogrammot nyom. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Zainab is very fat, eats five meals a day, weighs 100 kilograms. Sami nem volt tisztában vele, mit jelent muszlimnak lenni. Sami didn't know what it meant to be Muslim. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. - Az én apám nem iszik alkoholt. - Az enyém sem. "My father doesn't drink alcohol." "Mine doesn't either." - My father doesn't drink alcohol. Jól viselkedtetek ma? Did you behave today? Did you behave yourself today? Versenytársak vagyunk. We're competitors. We're competitors. Tudom, hogy mit akarok. I know what I want. I know what I want. Ő az egyetlen, akit ismerek és el tudja végezni a feladatot. He is the only person that I known who is equal to the task. He's the only one I know who can do the job. A találkozón kellett volna lennem. I should have been at that meeting. I was supposed to be at the meeting. Bejöhet ez a terv. This plan might work. This plan could work. Gyorsan nő a szakállam. My beard grows quickly. My beard is growing fast. A vonatom hatkor indult, és tízkor érkezett meg. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train left at 6:00 and arrived at 10:00. Ne maradj el sokáig! Don't be long. Don't be late. Tamás egy bankban dolgozik. Tom is working at a bank. Tom works in a bank. Ó ne! Oh, no! Oh, no! Kezd komollyá válni. It's getting serious. It's getting serious. Ez egy farkas? Is it a wolf? Is that a wolf? Ön valóban mindenre gondolt. You've really thought of everything. You really thought of everything. Legyél komoly! Get serious. Be serious. Miért érzek így, nem tudom. I don't understand my own feelings. Why I feel that way, I don't know. Tudtam, hogy meg tudod csinálni. I knew you could do it. I knew you could do it. Hol a pizza? Where's the pizza? Where's the pizza? Tévedés volt, hogy ide jöttünk. Coming here was a mistake. It was a mistake to come here. Testvérek vagytok? Are you sisters? Are you brothers? Azt szeretném, ha megígérnéd nekem, hogy sosem fogod elmondani senkinek, amit láttál. I want you to promise me you will never tell anyone what you have seen. I want you to promise me that you'll never tell anyone what you saw. Busszal a város egy órányira van. The town is an hour away by bus. The city is an hour away by bus. Ő fiatalnak látszik. She looks young. He looks young. Igazán elfoglalt voltam. I was really busy. I've been really busy. Tom sosem mondta el nekem, miért csinálta. Tom has never told me why he did that. Tom never told me why he did it. A hozzánk hasonló közönséges halandó úgysem ért belőle semmit. Ordinary folk like us understand nothing about it anyway. A common mortal like us doesn't understand anything about it. Engem aztán mindig hívhatsz. You can always call me. You can always call me. Tom számítógépén a titkos mappa több száz gigabájtnyi hermelinvideót tartogat. The secret folder on Tom's computer holds hundreds of gigabytes of stoat videos. On Tom's computer, the secret folder holds hundreds of gigabytes of hermeline videos. A legtöbb ember inkább az érzéseire alapozza a politikai állásfoglalását, mint sem bizonyítékra. Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence. Most people base their political stance on their feelings rather than evidence. Szerintem ártatlan. I believe that he is innocent. I think he's innocent. Szereted a rokfortot? Do you like blue cheese? Do you like rokfort? Örülök, hogy visszajött. I am glad that you came back. I'm glad you're back. Kinek az oldalán állsz? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Tom kérte Maryt, hogy a könyvtár előtt várjon rá. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait outside the library. Nagy kertem van. I have a big garden. I have a big garden. Törökországból hoz be ruhákat. He imports clothes from Turkey. He's bringing clothes from Turkey. Két halat fogtam. I caught two fish. I caught two fish. Mindig felhívhatsz engem. You can always call me. You can always call me. Előre megmondta, hogy nyerni fog. He predicted she would win. He said he would win. Köszönöm, hogy itt aludhattam tegnap este. Thanks for letting me sleep here last night. Thank you for letting me sleep here last night. Talán csalódott leszel, ha elbuksz, de ha nem próbálod meg, akkor elítélnek. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. You may be disappointed if you fail, but if you don't try, you'll be judged. Tom elmondott neked valamit, ugye? Tom told you something, didn't he? Tom told you something, didn't he? Emily otthon van. Emily's home. Emily's home. Honnan is kaptad ezt a csodás csokrot? Where did you get this wonderful bouquet of flowers? Where did you get this lovely bouquet? Tetszett a meccs? Did you enjoy the match? Did you like the game? Köpött. He spat. Spit. Ott volt Tamás és Mária. Tom and Mary were there. Thomas and Mary were there. Reggel vörös az ég, globális felmelegedés. Éjjel vörös az ég, a reaktor csak ég. Red sky in morning; global warming. Red sky at night, reactor's alight. The sky's red in the morning, global warming, the sky's red at night, the reactor's just burning. Utálja a Fácsét. She hates Facebook. He hates his tree. Nem volt jogod ezt tenni. You had no right to do that. You had no right to do that. A pókok hálót szőnek. Spiders spin webs. Spiders weave webs. Éles mellkasi fájdalmat érzek. I have a sharp pain in my chest. I'm feeling a sharp chest pain. Megváltozott a politikai helyzet. The political situation has changed. The political situation has changed. Rosszul érzem magam amiatt, amit tettem. I feel bad about what I’ve done. I feel bad about what I did. — A kertészkedés jó az egészségednek. — Kapáltál te már valaha? "Gardening is good for your health." "Have you ever hoed?" “Gardening is good for your health.” Have you ever taken a bite? Tom ritkán nyer vitákat. Tom seldom wins arguments. Tom rarely wins arguments. Légy szíves, segíts! Please help me. Please help me. Körūlbelül öt évet élt ott. She lived there about five years. He lived there for about five years. Tomival nentem Ausztráliába. Tom is the guy I went to Australia with. I went to Australia with Tom. Tom valószínűleg elfoglalt lesz. Tom is probably going to be busy. Tom's probably gonna be busy. Ismeritek a dörgést. You know the drill. You know the drill. Most pedig átveszem itt az irányítást. Now I'll be taking charge here. Now I'm gonna take over here. Tom vigyázott Mari fiára, amíg Mari dolgozott. Tom had to take care of Mary's son while she was working. Tom took care of Mari's son while Mari was working. Tom, ezt megkaphatom? Can I have it, Tom? Tom, can I have this? Nem gondolom, hogy vesztesek vagyunk. I don't think we're losing. I don't think we're losers. Most azonnal szükségünk van rád. We need you right now. We need you right now. Pillanatnyilag nem vagyok nagyon éhes. I'm not feeling very hungry right now. I'm not very hungry at the moment. Mari kihajtotta a gömbvillámot egy söprűvel a konyhából. Mary chased the globe-lightning out of the kitchen with a broom. Mari threw the ball flash out of the kitchen with a broom. Hamarosan megérkezik. He will arrive shortly. He'll be here soon. Én tudom, hogy Tom boldog. I know Tom is happy. I know Tom's happy. Moziba mennék, ha lenne időm. I would go to the movies if I had the time. I'd go to the movies if I had time. Mindent hallottam. I've heard everything. I heard everything. Már végeztem a munkámmal. I've already finished my work. I've done my job. Figyeld, hogy mit mond. You must attend to what she says. Watch what he says. Mindenki a másik szobában vár. Everyone is waiting in the other room. Everyone's waiting in the other room. Ő beszél magyarul, és a nő meg németül. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. He speaks Hungarian, and she speaks German. Mikor adják ki a regényt? When's that novel going to be published? When will the novel be published? Leült az ágyra. He sat on the bed. He sat on the bed. Nem létezik legnagyobb törzsszám. The largest prime number doesn't exist. There's no biggest tribe number. Hadd próbáljam meg elmagyarázni. Let me try to explain. Let me try to explain. Hadd mondjam el, kérlek! Please let me speak. Let me tell you, please. Tessék? What? Excuse me? Minden nap hívom őket. I call them every day. I call them every day. Vett egy gyűszűvirágot. He bought a thimble. He bought a thimble flower. Üzenetet kell hagynom. I need to leave a message. I have to leave a message. Tom bátorsága példaértékű még akkor is, amikor elhagyta a szerencse. Tom's courage in dealing with adversity is an inspiration to those around him. Tom's courage is exemplary even when he's out of luck. Tom ezúttal nem viszi el szárazon. Tom isn't going to get away with it this time. Tom won't take it dry this time. Ez az én gondom. It's my problem. That's my problem. Tom nem valami toleráns. Tom isn't very tolerant. Tom's not very tolerant. Kérem, adja be a papírjait a hónap végére. Please hand in your papers by the end of the month. Please submit your papers by the end of the month. Akkor adj még kettőt! Then give me two more! Then give me two more. Megfeledkeztem róla. I'd forgotten about it. I forgot about that. Éppen csak, hogy elkezdte olvasni a könyvet, mikor valaki kopogott az ajtón. She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door. He just started reading the book when someone knocked on the door. Miért nem próbáljuk meg? Why don't we give it a shot? Why don't we try? Megint nem hallgattál meg. You didn't listen to me again. You didn't listen to me again. Semminek nem volt értelme. Nothing made sense. Nothing made sense. A biztos jövedelem fontos dolog számomra. A secure income is an important thing for me. A steady income is important to me. Örülök, hogy itt vagy. I'm glad you are here. I'm glad you're here. Ma van Tom és Mari házassági évfordulója. Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary is today. Today is Tom and Mari's wedding anniversary. Besült a mutatvány. The show failed. The stunt's gone bad. Hol tanultad mindezt? Where did you learn all that? Where did you learn all this? Ha nem tetszik, elmehetsz. If you don't like it, you can leave. If you don't like it, you can go. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tomot bűnösnek találják. I'm sure Tom will be found guilty. I'm sure they'll find Tom guilty. Nem számítok arra, hogy ez valaha is megint megtörténik. I don't expect that to ever happen again. I don't expect this to ever happen again. Néha pirkadattól alkonyatig a földön dolgozok. Sometimes I work from dawn to dusk in the fields. Sometimes I work on the ground from dawn to dusk. Meg tudnánk ma tenni. We could do it today. We could do it today. Tom elővett a zsebéből egy húszdollárost. Tom took a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket. Tom took a $20 out of his pocket. Engem nem fognak megállítani. They won't stop calling me. They won't stop me. Tegnap megjavítottam az autót. I fixed the car yesterday. I repaired the car yesterday. A csúfságnak van egy előnye a szépséggel szemben: tartós marad. Ugliness has one advantage over beauty: it lasts. ugliness has an advantage over beauty: it remains permanent. Ilyen időjárás mellett a legjobb, ha itthon maradunk és nem megyünk sehová. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. With the weather like this, it's best to stay home and not go anywhere. Egy saját éttermet akarok nyitni. I want to open a restaurant of my own. I want to open my own restaurant. Kimerült vagyok. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Talán ő még éppen most is az állomáson várakozik. Perhaps he's even waiting at the station right now. Maybe he's still waiting at the station. — Tomi, te a kisebb darabot adtad nekem. Ez nem volt valami udvarias. Ha nekem lenne két darab sütim, akkor én neked adnám a nagyobbat és magamnak a kisebbet. — Hát, a tiéd a kisebb, Jani. "Tom, you gave me the small piece. That's not very polite. If I had two pieces of cake, I'd offer you the big piece and take the small one for myself." "Well, you already have the small piece, John." “ Tomi, you gave me the smaller piece. That wasn’t very polite. If I had two cookies, I would give you the bigger one and I would give myself the smaller one.” Well, you have the smaller one, Jani. Tom mindig nagyon kedves volt hozzám. Tom has always been very nice to me. Tom has always been very kind to me. Az idegenek rejtett manipulációval megakadályoztak egy nagy földi háborút. Aliens prevented a major war on Earth by hidden manipulation. The aliens used hidden manipulation to prevent a great war on Earth. Azt hiszem, nem értelek. I think I don't understand you. I don't think I understand. Az őz egy szarvasféle. A hímet baknak, a nőstényt sutának, a szaporulatot gidának nevezik. A roe is a kind of deer. The male is called a roebuck, the female a doe, and their young are called fawns. The deer is a deer, the male is called a goat, the female is called a bitch, the progeny is called a kid. Tom miért nem akar velünk jönni? Why doesn't Tom want to go with us? Why doesn't Tom want to come with us? Bárcsak ne lennének dolgozatok. If only there were no tests. I wish there were no tests. Hamarosan találkozunk. I'll see you soon. See you soon. Mindennek ellen tudok állni, csak a kísértésnek nem. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. A leves nagyon forró. The soup's very hot. The soup is very hot. — Szeretnéd, ha megtenném azt? — És pontosan mit? — Hiszen tudod! — Nem, nem tudom. — Azt. — Minden oké veled, Tomi? "Would you like me to do that?" "And what exactly?" "You do know." "No, I don't." "That." "Is everything okay with you, Tom?" “ Do you want me to do that?” – And what exactly? – You know! – No, I don’t know. – Is everything okay with you, Tomi? Ez titok volt. That was a secret. It was a secret. Tom nagyon jószívű. Tom is very good-hearted. Tom's very good-hearted. Mindenki irigyelni fog téged. Everyone will envy you. Everyone will envy you. Kedveli a horgászatot. He likes fishing. He likes fishing. Ez együtt jár a szerelemmel, amit irántad érzek. It comes from within the love that I feel for you. It goes hand in hand with the love I have for you. Nem akarom hallani a panaszáradatodat. I don't want to hear your complaints. I don't want to hear your complaint. A jelentés szerint a világ sekélyvízi koralljainak fele eltűnt az elmúlt 30 év alatt. The report says that half of the world's shallow-water corals have been wiped out over the last 30 years. According to the report, half of the world's shallow water corals have disappeared in the last 30 years. Tom úgy tűnik, élvezi a partit. Tom seems to be enjoying the party. Tom seems to be enjoying the party. Most nincsen pénzünk cserére. Now, we don't have money for a change. We don't have any money to trade now. Ne nehezítsétek meg magatoknak a dolgot. Don't make this harder on yourselves. Don't make this difficult for yourself. Lassan töltődik be az oldal. This site loads slowly. The page is loading slowly. Tom és Mari minek nevezték el a babájukat? What did Tom and Mary name their baby? What did Tom and Mari name their baby? Tomnak sok ismerőse van, de nagyon kevés barátja. Tom has lots of acquaintances but very few friends. Tom has many acquaintances, but very few friends. Tudom, hogy kell ezt használni. I know how to use this. I know how to use this. Tom otthon volt egész hétvégén. Tom stayed at home all weekend. Tom was home all weekend. Tudja a nevem! She knows my name. You know my name! Nem tudott elaludni Tomi, hát felkelt és elment sétálni. Tom couldn't get to sleep, so he got up and went for a walk. Tom couldn't sleep, so he got up and went for a walk. Szeretem a hajad. I like your hair. I like your hair. Esetleg tanulhatnék németül. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I could learn German. Most hol vagy? Where are you now? Where are you now? Nem hiszem el! I don't believe it! I can't believe this. Kezded kapiskálni. You're getting the hang of it. You're getting the hang of it. Azelőtt pótágyon aludtam, amikor meglátogattam a nagynénémet és a nagybácsimat. I used to sleep in a trundle bed when I would visit my aunt and uncle. I used to sleep on an extra bed when I visited my aunt and uncle. Ha nem lesz itt mindjárt, fogom magam és elmegyek. If he doesn't get here soon, I'm leaving. If he's not here soon, I'm gonna go. A fiú egy egeret tartott a kezében a farkánál fogva. The boy was holding a mouse by the tail. The boy held a mouse by his tail. Számos könyvet adott nekem. She gave me several books. He gave me many books. Tamás és Mária azt mondták, hogy ők nem szeretik a kutyákat. Tom and Mary said that they didn't like dogs. Thomas and Mary said they didn't like dogs. Nekem kell valaki. I need somebody. I need someone. Az az utca nagyon hangos. That street is very noisy. That street is really loud. Nemrég találkoztam egy régi barátommal. I recently met an old friend. I recently met an old friend. A gazdagsághoz a szorgalom kevés. Diligence is not enough for wealth. There's not enough diligence to be rich. Munkát kerestek? Are you looking for work? Looking for a job? Ne már! Épp menni akartam! Oh, I was just about to leave. Come on, I was just leaving. Az űrruhák megvédik az asztronautákat attól, hogy az űrszemét apró darabkáinak becsapódásától megsérüljenek. Spacesuits protect astronauts from being injured from impacts of small bits of space dust. Space suits protect astronauts from being injured by the impact of tiny pieces of space junk. Emelje fel a kezét, ha nincs könyve! Raise your hand if you don't have a book. Raise your hand if you don’t have a book. Mindannyian kifejezték a halála miatti sajnálatukat. They all expressed regret over her death. They all expressed regret for his death. Elégedett vagyok. I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied. Káin nem volt jó testvér. Cain wasn't a good brother. Cain was not a good brother. Kérlek, vegyél belőle! Please, take some! Please take some. Találkoztál a húgommal, igaz? You met my sister, didn't you? You met my sister, didn't you? Amit Tomi tett, az az, hogy példát mutatott bátorságból. What Tom did took courage. What Tom did was set an example of courage. Nem maradt semmink. We don't have anything left. We have nothing left. Tom jól teljesít az iskolában. Tom is doing fine in school. Tom's doing well at school. Bármelyik nőt megkaphatta volna, de ő engem választott. He could've got any woman but he chose me. She could have had any woman, but she chose me. Tom nem normális. Tom is insane. Tom's not normal. Meghúzódott Tomi háta hólapátolás közben. Tom hurt his back while shovelling snow. Tom's back pulled when he was shoveling snow. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy működik ez. I wonder how this works. I wonder how this works. Van öngyújtója? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Nem a 19. század ez. It isn't the 19th century. It's not the 19th century. Szereljünk fel riasztót! Let's install a burglar alarm. Let's set up an alarm. Meg kell javítani. It needs to be fixed. We need to fix it. Tom egy kandúr. Tom is a tom cat. Tom's a cat. Lepj meg! Surprise me. Surprise me. Megértjük egymást. We understand each other. We understand each other. Sápadtnak tűnik. He looks pale. You look pale. Te és Tom mit ettetek? What did you and Tom eat? What did you and Tom eat? Hajlandó vagyok megvenni neked. I'm willing to buy that for you. I'm willing to buy it for you. Talán nem is olyan hülye, mint te azt hiszed. It's unlikely she's as stupid as you think. Maybe he's not as stupid as you think he is. Az a férfi meg tud enni egyszerre húsz nagy vörös chilit. That man can eat twenty big red chilies at once! That man can eat 20 large red chilies at once. Sohasem voltam Párizsban. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. Tudod, hogy meg tudom csinálni. You know that I can do it. You know I can do this. Én pontban 10-kor itt voltam, de ti nem. I was here exactly at ten o'clock, but you weren't. I was here at 10:00 sharp, but you weren't. Szeretem az esőzést. Te nem, Tomi? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? I like the rain, don't you, Tom? Felpezsdít az úszás. Swimming is refreshing. I'm excited about swimming. Trondheimből jöttem. I come from Trondheim. I'm from Trondheim. Nem viselek testhezálló ruhákat. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I don't wear fit clothes. Nincs időm pletykálni. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time to gossip. Engedélyezve van? Is that allowed? Is it authorized? Nagyon sok jó ötletem van. I got plenty of good ideas. I have a lot of good ideas. Ez már csak természetes. Of course. Of course. Magánnyomozó vagyok. I'm a private investigator. I'm a private investigator. Látom ezt. I see this. I can see that. Semmije sincs, ami nekem kellene. He has nothing I need. He's got nothing I need. Holnap nem dolgozom. I don't work tomorrow. I'm not working tomorrow. A macskám fekete. My cat is black. My cat is black. Afrika az emberiség bölcsője. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Nagyon faragatlan vagy. You're so rude. You're so rude. Felfüggesztettek egyet a hat Facebook fiókomból. One of my six Facebook accounts was suspended. One of my six Facebook accounts has been suspended. Tom nem középiskolai tanuló. Tom isn't a high school student. Tom's not a high school student. Miért tanulsz? Why are you studying? Why are you studying? Rakd az asztalra! Put them on the table. Put it on the table. Várták, hogy lecsendesedjen a vihar, akkor aztán útnak indultak. They waited for the storm to calm down and then they set out. They waited for the storm to calm down, and then they set off. Pihennie kellett Tominak. Tom needed rest. Tom had to rest. Történelmet akarok tanulni. I want to study history. I want to learn history. Tudod, hogy mit mondanak. You know what they say. You know what they say. Hallották ezt? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Tom egy kicsit sápadt. Tom is a little pale. Tom's a little pale. Előbb vagy utóbb mindannyian meghalunk. We all shall die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we all die. Melyik a legnépesebb földrész a világon? Which is the most populated continent in the world? What is the most populous continent in the world? Nem értem, hogy miért kéne azt megtennünk. I don't understand why we should do that. I don't see why we should do that. Ezt kérdeztem én. That's the question that I asked. That's what I asked. Húzd ki azokat a szavakat, amikre nincs szükséged. You should cross out any word you don't need. Pull out the words you don't need. Hazafelé egy gyönyörű nővel találkoztam. On my way home, I met a beautiful lady. I met a beautiful woman on the way home. Nem tudom, hogy ki volt ő. I had no idea who she was. I don't know who he was. Ha nagy leszek, tűzoltó szeretnék lenni. When I grow up, I want to be a fireman. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. Volt botrány? Was there a scandal? Was there a scandal? Látni akarom a képedet. I want to see your picture. I want to see your face. Van egy másik férfi az életében. She has another man in her life. There's another man in her life. Szomjasak. They're thirsty. Thirsty. Bármennyit hajlandó vagyok fizetni. I'll pay anything. Whatever I'm willing to pay. Éva okosabb, mint én. Eva is cleverer than I am. Eve is smarter than me. A cápa hal, míg a delfin emlős. A shark is a fish while a dolphin is a mammal. The shark is a fish, while the dolphin is a mammal. Boldog születésnapot kívánok neked. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. A tanító tanít. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Mari megsértődött, amikor Tomi néhány leheletfrissítőt vett neki. Mary was offended when Tom bought her some breath freshener. Mari was offended when Tom bought her some breath fresheners. Tom figyelmet akar. Tom wants attention. Tom wants attention. Mikor állsz megint munkába? When do you start to work again? When are you going back to work? Az íróasztalon van egy könyv a táncról. There is a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book on the desk about dancing. Egy bivaly ereje és egy oroszlán bátorsága lakozik benne. He's strong as a bull and brave as a lion. He has the strength of a buffalo and the courage of a lion. Ne flörtölj a barátnőmmel! Don't flirt with my girlfriend. Don't flirt with my girlfriend. Elég ideje van? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? A kerítésen ültünk. We sat on the fence. We were sitting on the fence. Északról fúj a szél. The wind is blowing from the north. The wind is blowing from the north. Ne legyél már okostojás! Don't act like a know-it-all. Don't be a smartass. Hallottál már valamikor róla? Have you ever heard of him? Have you ever heard of him? Az elhunyt tizennyolc éves volt. The deceased was eighteen years old. The deceased was eighteen years old. Senkit nem láttak. No one was seen. They didn't see anyone. A karórámban olyan kicsi az elem, hogy én nem bírom kicserélni. Because the battery of my watch is very small, I can't change it by myself. The battery in my watch is so small, I can't replace it. Azért vagyok itt, hogy a gondodat viseljem. I'm here to take care of you. I'm here to take care of you. Hogy lehettek ilyen kegyetlenek? How could they be so cruel? How could they be so cruel? Nem akarom, hogy a szomszédok lássanak és engem sajnáljanak. I don't want the neighbours to see me and feel sorry for me. I don't want the neighbors to see me and feel sorry for me. Leszámoltunk, mert a főnökök lehetetlenséget vártak el. We quite the job because the bosses made impossible demands. We've been downplayed because the bosses expected impossible. Bizonyára útközben veszítettem el a kulcsomat. I must have lost my key along the way. I must have lost my key on the way. A hagyományos életmódjuk már nem létezik. Their traditional life style no longer exists. Their traditional way of life no longer exists. Kegyetlen ember volt. He was a cruel man. He was a cruel man. Az üzlet az üzlet. Business is business. Business is business. Szeretnék neki segíteni, de nem tudom, hogy hogyan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help him, but I don't know how. Ma nagyszerűen érzem magam. I feel great today. I feel great today. Viszont ismerősen cseng nekem a neve. But his name is slightly familiar to me. His name sounds familiar to me. Ki akar lenni a vendég? Who is the guest? Who wants to be the guest? Add vissza a pénztárcámat! Give me back my wallet. Give me back my wallet! Tudnak messzire látni? Can you see far? Can you see far away? Tom lekapcsolta a világítást. Tom turned out the lights. Tom turned off the lights. Mit tegyünk tűz esetén? What should we do in the event of a fire? What to do in case of fire? Tominak van vér a pucájában. Tom has guts. Tom's got guts. Ne feledkezzünk meg az értekezlet fő céljáról. Let's not forget the main purpose of this meeting. Let’s not forget the main purpose of the meeting. Kirázott tőle a hideg. He made me shiver. It freaked me out. Semmit sem látott. He saw nothing. He didn't see anything. Kérlek, gondoskodj arról, hogy a szobám szellőztetve legyen, míg kinn vagyok. Please make sure to air my room while I'm out. Please make sure my room is ventilated while I'm out. Immár három éve tanulunk franciául. We've been studying French for three years now. I have been learning French for three years now. Ingyen odaadom neked. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. Muszáj pihennem. I have to rest. I need to rest. Hamarosan le fog kopni. It'll wear off soon. It'll wear off soon. Most kell cselekednünk. We must act now. We have to act now. Szerintem te vagy a legszebb lány, akit valaha láttam. I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Tomnak kettővel kevesebb játéka van, mint Marinak. Tom has two fewer toys than Mary. Tom has two fewer toys than Mari. Van nálad víz? Do you have any water? Do you have any water? Ki ütötte meg Tomit? Who hit Tom? Who hit Tom? Van ott egy hotel. There's a hotel there. There's a hotel there. Kedvem volna hozzá, de pénzem az nincs. I feel like doing it but I don't have any money. I'd like to, but I don't have any money. A víz hideg. The water's cold. The water's cold. Ezért jöttem vissza olyan hamar. That's the reason I came back so soon. That's why I came back so soon. Tom reggelizett. Tom had breakfast. Tom had breakfast. Le akarnak részegedni? Do you want to get drunk? You want to get drunk? Nem találtak DNS-t bizonyítékként. No DNA evidence was found. They didn't find any DNA as evidence. A statisztikák azt mutatják, hogy az életszínvonalunk magas. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living is high. Mindegy, hogy ki kezdte és miért. It doesn't matter who started it or why. It doesn’t matter who started it or why. Nagy vagyok és erős. I'm big and strong. I'm big and I'm strong. Tom következett. It was Tom's turn. Tom was next. Mi a családi állapota? What's your marital status? What's his marital status? Tom mókus jelmezt visel. Tom wore a squirrel costume. Tom's wearing a squirrel costume. Jelöld meg a szavakat, amelyeket nem értesz! Mark the words that you cannot understand. Mark the words you don't understand. Fáradt vagyok. I'm tired. I'm tired. Hogy mi az én sikerem titka, az maradjon az én titkom. What the secret of my success is should remain my secret. What is the secret of my success remains my secret. Sima keze van. He has soft hands. He's got smooth hands. Majd később elintézzük. We'll see to it later. We'll take care of it later. Elszundikáltál. You dozed off. You took a nap. A kilencvenes években sokan mentek Algériából Franciaországba. During the 1990's, many Algerians came to France. In the 1990s, many went from Algeria to France. Tominak alibije volt. Tom had an alibi. Tom had an alibi. Viszlát holnap! See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Az van, hogy én nem idevalósi vagyok. I'm not actually from here. The thing is, I'm not from around here. Azt mondta nekem, hogy jól van. He told me that he's well. He told me he was fine. A csapatunk ötfős. Our team consists of five people. Our team is five. Milyen gyakran etessem meg a kutyámat? How often should I feed my dog? How often should I feed my dog? Meg akarlak baszni. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. Micsoda gyönyörű éjszaka! What a wonderful night! What a beautiful night! Hamarabb ott kellett volna lennem. I should have been there sooner. I should have been there sooner. Dani megtudta, hogy Linda elhunyt. Dan was informed that Linda had passed away. Dani found out Linda's dead. Tudod, honnan van ez Tomnak? Do you know where Tom got this? Do you know where Tom got this? Tomnak nincsenek igazi barátai. Tom doesn't have any real friends. Tom doesn't have any real friends. Értékeljük a képességét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your ability. Eszedbe jut bármilyen indok? Can you think of any reasons? Can you think of any reason? Nem tud gondoskodni magáról. He can't take care of himself. He can't take care of himself. Az emberek szeretik a kutyákat. People love dogs. People like dogs. Soha nem mondd ki a nevét! Don't ever say her name. Don't ever say his name. Már hiányoltalak. I was already missing you. I've missed you. Beképzelt vagy. You're conceited. You're cocky. Anyám gyakran mondogatta, az idő pénz. Mom often said time is money. My mother used to say that time is money. Bár minden tőlünk telhetőt megtettünk, tudjuk, hogy nem fogunk győzni. Although we tried our best, we know we won't win. Although we have done our best, we know that we will not win. Nem vagyok mókus. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a squirrel. Nem akarok veled menni. I don't want to go with you. I don't want to go with you. Gyere, érintsd meg. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. Soha nem láttam még Tomot eddig ittasan. I've never seen Tom drunk before. I've never seen Tom drunk before. Nem valószínű, hogy Tom tudja, hol lakik Mari. Tom isn't likely to know where Mary lives. It's unlikely Tom knows where Mari lives. Lendítsd a karodat előre és hátra. Swing your arm back and forth. Swing your arms back and forth. A repülőgép készen áll. The airplane is ready. The plane is ready. Nem szeretem az iskolámat. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. Minden évben kiönt a folyó. That river floods every year. Every year, the river pours out. Tom állandóan eszik. Tom is eating all the time. Tom eats all the time. Szüleim előtt felfedtem szándékaimat. I made known my intentions to my parents. I revealed my intentions to my parents. Tomi felvitte a liftet a harmadikra. Tom took the elevator to the third floor. Tom took the elevator up to the third floor. Mind a ketten meghaltak. They both died. They're both dead. Ő elutasította a kérésemet. She rejected my request. He refused my request. Oda kellene mennem. I should go there. I should get over there. Nem jött kettő előtt. She didn't come before two. He didn't come before 2:00. Fent álltak a dombtetőn. They stood on the top of the hill. They were standing on the hilltop. Csináljuk együtt. Let's do that together. Let's do it together. Nem fogjuk csökkenteni az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We will not lower our expectations. Nehéznek találom a gondolataimat szavakba önteni. I find it difficult to express my thoughts with words. I find it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Ezt már elmondtam önnek. I've already told you that. I already told you that. Nem késtél el. You're not late. You're not late. Most megfelel? Is now an appropriate time? Is that okay? Ne légy olyan hülye! Don't be such an ass. Don't be so stupid. A csapatunk öt főből áll. Our team consists of five people. Our team consists of five. Remélem, nem okozunk nektek kényelmetlenséget. I hope we're not inconveniencing you. I hope we don't make you uncomfortable. Akkorra kész lesz, mikorra kell. It'll be ready by the time it'll be needed. It'll be ready when it's due. Ma meleg volt. Today was warm. It was hot today. Tomi lenyalta a kanalat. Tom licked the spoon. Tom licked the spoon. Tom megégette a pirítósát. Tom burned his toast. Tom burned the toast. Sally, mi történt? What happened, Sally? Sally, what happened? Egykor Tomi volt a mindenesünk. Tom used to be our handyman. Tom used to be our handyman. Főiskolai végzettségem van. I have a college education. I'm a college graduate. Ez jobb. It's better. That's better. Ito úr egy magasan kvalifikált egyén. Mr Ito is a highly educated man. Mr. Ito is a highly qualified individual. Milyen programmal csináltad ezt? What program did you make that with? What kind of program did you do that with? Éppen sorban állok. I'm waiting in line. I'm standing in line. Éjjel-nappal dolgozott a cége érdekében. He worked day and night in the interest of his firm. He worked day and night for his company. Mi nyertük a küzdelmet. We won the fight. We won the fight. Adjatok nekem egy második esélyt. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Voltak törekvései. He had ambition. He had aspirations. Tom csöndes. Tom is quiet. Tom's quiet. Tom kisegített engem egy zavarból. Tom helped me out of a jam. Tom helped me out of a mess. Ebben a szent minutumban kellesz nekünk. We need you right now. We need you in this sacred moment. Tessék, már megint jössz a panaszaiddal. There you go again with your complaints. Here you go again with your complaints. Dan kifizette az összes szerencsejáték miatti tartozását. Dan paid up all his gambling debts. Dan paid off all his gambling debts. Te meg mit csinálsz az én autómban? What are you doing in my car? What are you doing in my car? Milyen rossz film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Kop-kop. Ki van ott? Knock, knock. Who's there? Knock, knock, who's there? Az öregedő társadalom magasabb társadalombiztosítási hozzájárulást von maga után. The aging of the population will require more spending on health care. The ageing society entails a higher social security contribution. Páran a barátaim közül egész jól tudnak beszélni franciául. Some of my friends can speak French really well. Some of my friends speak French quite well. Ez a sütemény lisztet, tejet, tojást és cukrot tartalmaz. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. Lehet, hogy nem hallott téged. Maybe he didn't hear you. Maybe he didn't hear you. Tomi nem az a típus, aki tanul a hibáiból. Tom isn't the type of person who learns from his mistakes. Tom is not the type to learn from his mistakes. Sértegetéssel nem fogod őket magad mellé állítani. Insulting them will not bring them over to your side. You won't bring them to your side by insulting them. Hallgasd meg Tomot! Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. Mindenki itt van, akit ismerek. Everyone I know has been here. Everyone I know is here. Az nem vicces. That isn't funny. That's not funny. Fogd el! Seize him! Get him! Beszélgettünk. We were talking. We talked. Tom gyakran sétál egyet vacsora előtt. Tom often takes a walk before dinner. Tom often takes a walk before dinner. Betűzné, kérem? Can you spell that, please? Could you spell that, please? Szörnyen sajnálom! I'm terribly sorry. I'm so sorry. Ő itt van. She's here. He's here. Még mindig alszik. He's still sleeping. She's still asleep. Később majd elnézést kérek. I'll apologize later. I'll apologize later. A faluba vezető út nagyon rögös. The road to the village is very rough. The road to the village is very rough. - Jól vagy? - Aha. "Are you okay?" "Yes." - Are you all right? Mosd meg a fogad! Brush your teeth. Wash your teeth. Meg fogok ebédelni, amikor hazaérek. I'll eat lunch when I get home. I'll have lunch when I get home. Három perccel azelőtt értem ki az állomásra, hogy befutott Tomi vonata. I got to the station three minutes before Tom's train arrived. I got to the station three minutes before Tomi's train came in. Nem csak a történelem hazugság, de a jelen is. Not only the history is a lie but also the now. Not only is history a lie, it is the present. A falut végeláthatatlan sok föld veszi körül. The village is surrounded by endless fields. The village is surrounded by an endless amount of land. Holnap fog esni? Is it going to rain tomorrow? Will it rain tomorrow? Tom nagyon rendetlen. Tom is very messy. Tom's very messy. Jól gondold meg, hogy mit kívánsz, mert akár valóra is válhat. Be careful what you wish for. It just might come true. Think carefully about what you wish for, because it might come true. Ez a manga elég népszerű Kínában. This manga is pretty popular in China. This manga is quite popular in China. — Tom ott volt Joe Biden beiktatásán. — Ki az a Joe Biden? "Tom was at Joe Biden's inauguration." "Who's Joe Biden?" - Tom was at Joe Biden's inauguration. - Who's Joe Biden? Nem tudok valami jól franciául. My French isn't that good. I don't speak French very well. Mit mondanak az orvosok? What do the doctors say? What do the doctors say? Nem tudok sokat a kutyákról. I don't know much about dogs. I don't know much about dogs. Most nincs hozzá kedvünk. We don't feel like doing that right now. We're not in the mood. Tom állandóan alszik. Tom sleeps all the time. Tom sleeps all the time. Remélem, nem szakítalak félbe. I hope I'm not interrupting you. I hope I'm not interrupting. A lehetőségek jönnek, mennek. Opportunities come and go. Opportunities come and go. Semmit nem hallunk. We don't hear a thing. We can't hear anything. Feleségül vette a farmer lányát. He married a farmer's daughter. He married the farmer's daughter. Megígértem a szüleimnek, hogy nem fogok inni. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. Mit gondolsz a halálbüntetésről? What's your stand on the death penalty? What do you think of the death penalty? Van egy templom az utca túloldalán. There is a church across the street. There's a church across the street. Imádom a lepkéket. I adore butterflies. I love butterflies. Én ennek élek. This is what I live for. That's what I live for. Tomi elővett egy huszast a zsebéből. Tom took a twenty from his pocket. Tom took 20 out of his pocket. Már éhes is vagy!? Ébedelhetnél többet. You're hungry already? You should've eaten more at lunch. You're hungry now? A hó elolvadt a napon. The snow melted in the sun. The snow melted in the sun. Tom visszatette az övébe a pisztolyát. Tom put the gun back in his waistband. Tom put his gun back in his belt. Kérem, adjon nekem valamit inni. Please give me something to drink. Please give me something to drink. Mit szólnátok ahhoz, ha meglógnánk a suliból és lemennénk a strandra? How about we bunk off school and go to the beach? What do you say we skip school and go to the beach? Hiányoznak, igaz? You miss them, don't you? You miss them, don't you? Nem jó nekünk semmi igazán. Nothing's good enough for us. Nothing's really good for us. Tom azt csinálta, amit mondtak neki. Tom did what he was told. Tom did what he was told. Ez tényleg alkoholmentes sör? Is this really a non-alcoholic beer? Is this really non-alcoholic beer? Mit kellene csinálnom Tomival? What should I do about Tom? What should I do with Tom? Azért telefonálok, hogy köszönetet mondjak. I'm calling to thank you. I'm calling to say thank you. Mária a fiatalabb lányunk. Mary is our younger daughter. Mary is our younger daughter. Be kellene ezt fejeznünk. We should finish this. We should finish this. Ez nagyon jó hír. That's very good news. That's very good news. Először ideges voltam, de aztán fokozatosan megnyugodtam. I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed. At first I was nervous, but then I gradually calmed down. Honvágyad van? Are you homesick? You homesick? Ha menned kell, akkor menj. If you have to go, then go. If you have to go, go. Le kell feküdnöd. You have to go to sleep. You need to lie down. Minden nagyon ízletes volt! All of it was delicious! Everything was delicious! Az új fiúja fekete. Her new boyfriend is black. Her new boyfriend's black. Már mindent megpróbáltam. I have tried everything. I've tried everything. Annak idején nem volt ennyire elhízva. He wasn't that fat before. He wasn't that fat back in the day. El tudod nekem pontosan mondani, mit szeretnél valójában? Can you tell me exactly what you really want? Can you tell me exactly what you really want? A hazugság az ördög fegyvere. Lies are the weapons of the evil. Lies are the devil's weapon. Néhány ember lenéz másokat, csak mert kevesebb pénzük van. Some people look down on others because they have less money. Some people look down on others because they have less money. A mondatok szavakból állnak. Sentences are made up of words. Sentences are made up of words. El kell, hogy hagyjalak. I must leave you. I have to leave you. Tamásnak túl sok idejét veszi el a munka. Tomás spends too much time working. Tom is taking up too much time. Úgy tűnik, Tom képtelen barátokat szerezni. Tom seems to be unable to make friends. Looks like Tom can't make any friends. Mindenki téged keresett. Everybody was looking for you. Everyone was looking for you. Tulajdonképpen ő a húgom. As a matter of fact, she is my sister. She's actually my sister. Tudod, hogy ki mondta azt? Do you know who said that? Do you know who said that? Szeretek forró levest enni. I enjoy eating hot soup. I like to eat hot soup. Bratyómnak két hobbija van csak: vezetés és merülés. My bro only has two hobbies: driving and diving. My brother has only two hobbies: driving and diving. Milyen volt a légi utad? How was your flight? How was your flight? Tom megúszhatja. Tom can get away with it. Tom can get away. Nagyon veszélyes sport, ahol egy kis hiba is súlyos sérüléshez vezethet. It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury. It is a very dangerous sport, where even a small mistake can lead to serious injury. Mindent megtesz, amit akarok. He does everything I want. He'll do anything I want. Tele vannak a zsebeim. My pockets are full. My pockets are full. Miért nem jössz velünk? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? A legtöbb ember számára nagyon zavaró, ha nyilvánosság előtt kell megszólalnia. Most people find public speaking stressful. For most people, it's very confusing to have to speak in public. Érted? Understand? You know? Bill a legjobb barátom. Bill is my best friend. Bill's my best friend. A házat kísértetek látogatják. The house is haunted. The house is visited by ghosts. Egy percre sem állt meg a munka. The work didn't stop even for a minute. The work didn't stop for a minute. Tom már alig várja a születésnapi buliját. Tom is looking forward to his birthday party. Tom's looking forward to his birthday party. Éppen süteményt készítettem. I was making a cake. I was making a cake. Régimódi vagyok. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. A nővéremnek van állása. My sister has a job. My sister has a job. Mikor megyünk haza? When will we go home? When are we going home? Ne nyissátok ki! Don't open that. Don't open it! A pancsolt szesz megvakíthatja az embert. Moonshine can make people blind. Watered alcohol can blind a man. Tomi letérdelt. Tom kneeled. Tom's on his knees. Hol lakik most? Where does she live now? Where do you live now? Van egy terved? Do you have any plans? You got a plan? Legalább az első részen túl vagyunk már. At least, we finished the first part. At least we're past the first part. Azért van itt, hogy téged megvédjen. He's here to protect you. He's here to protect you. Elment. It is gone. He left. A füstjelzőt nem lehet kikapcsolni. It is not possible to switch off the smoke alarm. Smoke alarms cannot be turned off. Igaz, hogy egy hét alatt megtanultál eszperantóul? Is it true that you learnt Esperanto in a week? Is it true that you learned Esperanto in a week? Hívd fel apádat és kérdezd meg tőle. Call your father and ask him. Call your father and ask him. Utáltam. I hated it. I hated it. A film unalmas. The film is boring. The film is boring. Tom készen áll? Is Tom ready? Is Tom ready? Tomi gazdag, de Mari nem. Tom is wealthy, but Mary isn't. Tom's rich, but Mari's not. Nagyon sokan vannak és vállig felfegyverezve. There are many of them, and they're armed to the teeth. There's a lot of them and they're shoulder-to-shoulder armed. Mindenkinek azt mondta Tom, hogy az én hibám. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Sok éven át naponta csak két tál rizst evett. For many years, he ate only two bowls of rice a day. For many years, he only ate two bowls of rice a day. Tamás és Mária osztálytársak voltak. Tom and Mary were classmates. Thomas and Mary were classmates. Nincs számítógépem. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. Tom elkezdte a vallomását. Tom began confessing. Tom began his testimony. Hat hónapja nem ittam alkoholt. I haven't had any alcohol for six months. I haven't had a drink in six months. A gyerekeim nem szoktak hazudni nekem. My kids don't usually lie to me. My kids don't lie to me. Mindig megkérdezi a véleményedet. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. Úgy hallottam, hogy bébiszittert keresel. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. I hear you're looking for a babysitter. Térdre! Kneel! On your knees! Nagyon örülök, hogy megismerkedtünk. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. It's really nice to meet you. Tom nagyon vallásos. Tom is really religious. Tom is very religious. Tom készített reggelit. Tom made breakfast. Tom made breakfast. Miért nem jössz el hozzám? Why don't you come to my place? Why don't you come to my place? Csak egy kulcs van. We only have one key. There's only one key. Zsarolja őt. She is blackmailing him. He's blackmailing her. Voltak hibák. There were errors. There were mistakes. Mi a munkája? What does he do for a living? What's your job? Tamás balkezes? Is Tom left-handed? Is Tom left-handed? Baker urat inkább nevezném tudósnak, mint tanárnak. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. I'd rather call Mr Baker a scientist than a teacher. Könyvolvasás közben elaludtam. I fell asleep reading a book. I fell asleep reading books. Szeretem nézegetni a régi naplóm. I enjoy looking at my old diary. I like to look at my old diary. Köszönöm, hogy mindig mosolyt csalsz az arcomra. Thanks for always making me smile. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. Tomi besétált egy bárba. Tom walked into the bar. Tom walked into a bar. Végkimerülésig táncoltunk. We danced until we dropped. We danced to the end. Én ráérek. I have time. I'm free. Nekem csak két hobbim van: az autók és a vezetés. I only have two hobbies: cars and driving. I only have two hobbies: cars and driving. Soha többé nem láttam őt. Never did I see him again. I never saw him again. Nem tudja eldönteni, hogy munkába álljon, vagy továbbtanuljon az egyetemen. She can't make up her mind whether to get a job or to go on to college. He can't decide whether to go to work or study at the university. Jobb elfoglaltságot is találhatnál. You can find better things to do. You could find something better to do. Töltsd velem az éjszakát! I want you to be there tonight. Spend the night with me. Hagyjátok azt tenni, amit akar. Let him do what he wants. Let him do what he wants. Tomi vicces és elbűvölő. Tom is funny and charming. Tom is funny and charming. Tom belefáradt az olvasásba és ki akart menni játszani. Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go outside and play. Tom was tired of reading and wanted to go out and play. Azok vagyunk, amit ismételve csinálunk. A kiválóság tehát nem egy cselekvés, hanem egy szokás. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. We are what we do over and over again, so excellence is not an action, it's a habit. Rajtad áll. It is up to you. It's up to you. Szerintem Tom soha nem tanult franciául. I don't think Tom has ever studied French. I don't think Tom ever learned French. Van valakinek zseblámpája? Does anybody have a flashlight? Anybody got a flashlight? Miért tudsz olyan sokat Ausztráliáról? Why do you know so much about Australia? Why do you know so much about Australia? Beszart a mobilom. My cellphone died. My phone's fucked up. Ne hagyjál magamra. Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me. Apuval lakom együtt. I live with my dad. I'm living with Dad. Mary pörköltje olyan finom volt, hogy Tom kétszer is vett belőle. Mary's stew was so delicious that Tom had a second helping. Mary's stew was so delicious that Tom bought it twice. Amit Tom mondott Marynek, nem volt igaz. What Tom told Mary wasn't true. What Tom said to Mary wasn't true. Ez mindig segít. That always helps. It always helps. De a javasolt változtatások ellentmondtak egymásnak. But the proposed changes contradicted one another. But the proposed changes contradicted each other. Nem emlékszem, merre kell menni. I can't remember which way to go. I don't remember which way to go. Tom éhezni fog. Tom will starve. Tom's gonna starve. Az elégedettség az erőfeszítésből ered és nem az eredményből. Az igazi erőfeszítés teljes győzelmet jelent. Satisfaction is rooted in the effort and not in the result. A full effort is a complete victory. Satisfaction comes from effort, not from result. True effort means total victory. Nem tudjuk pontosan. We don't know exactly. We're not sure. Bocsánat! Visszavonom. I ask for your forgiveness. I take my words back. I'm sorry. Szerintem a nejem nem fog elengedni rá. I don't think my wife will let me go. I don't think my wife's gonna let me go. Az érvnek nincs ereje. The argument has no force. The argument has no power. Adj egyet. Give me one. Give me one. Tom egész életében agglegény maradt. Tom remained a bachelor his whole life. Tom's been a bachelor his whole life. Mikor lesz ennek vége? When will this end? When will this end? Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem tud lepipálni. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As far as English goes, no one can beat me. Bár tehetnénk valamit Tomért! I just wish there was something we could do to help Tom. I wish we could do something for Tom. Meglepő, hogy senki sem szavazott a jelöltre. Strange to say, no one voted for the candidate. I'm surprised no one voted for the candidate. Mindenkinek hallgatnia kellett volna. Everyone should have listened. Everyone should have listened. Te vagy az én boldogságom. You are my happiness. You are my happiness. Nem mentem ki. I didn't go outside. I didn't go out. Remélem, visszajössz. I hope you'll return. I hope you come back. Ha hiszed, ha nem, még tojást sem tud sütni. Believe it or not, she can't even fry an egg. Believe it or not, he can't even make eggs. Én mindenkinek segítettem és nekem most senki nem segít. I helped everybody and now no one is helping me. I've helped everyone, and no one's helping me now. Akarsz pihenni egy kicsit? Do you want to rest for a bit? You want to get some rest? Tom a főnököm. Tom is my boss. Tom's my boss. Tom megkockáztatta. Tom took a chance. Tom took a chance. Az állat eszik. The animal is eating. The animal eats. A felhő nagy mennyiségű pára az égen. A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. The cloud is a large amount of humidity in the sky. Szerintem jóvá fogod hagyni. I think you'll approve. I think you're gonna approve it. Kamu címet adtam meg Tominak. I gave Tom a fake address. I gave Tom a fake address. Valóban jól beszél. He speaks really well. You speak well indeed. Nem kezdjük el a gyűlést, amíg meg nem jön. We won't start the meeting until she comes. We're not gonna start the meeting until he gets here. Jánosnak nevezték el a fiukat. They named their son John. They named their son John. Eltörött a hajó árbóca a viharban. The ship was dismasted during the storm. The ship's mast broke in the storm. Tegnap voltam nála. I was at his house yesterday. I was at his house yesterday. Előre tudtam, mit fog mondani Tomi. I knew in advance what Tom was going to say. I knew what Tom was going to say. Most rögtön elintézem. I'll take care of it right now. I'll take care of it right now. Tavaly óta tagja vagyok a szülői munkaközösségnek. Since last year I am a member of parental community. I've been a member of the PTA since last year. Az asztal zöld. The table is green. The table is green. Látok egy különbséget. I can see a difference. I see a difference. Ikreim vannak. I have twins. I have twins. Tom előfizetése lejárt. Tom's subscription expired. Tom's subscription's expired. Csatlakozhatom hozzád? May I join you? May I join you? Senki sem nélkülözhetetlen. Nobody is indispensable. No one is indispensable. Nézd a harmadik oldalt. Look at page three. Look at page three. Kicsit elhagytam magam testileg. I am a bit out of shape! I've lost my body a little bit. Azok az én lányaim. Those are my daughters. Those are my girls. Tom nagyon részeg. Tom is pretty drunk. Tom's really drunk. Nem halogathatjuk tovább a műtétet. We can't delay the operation any further. We can't delay the surgery any longer. Nem akarok senkit sem látni. I don't feel like seeing anyone. I don't want to see anyone. Még mindig mozog. He's still moving. It's still moving. Egész biztos, éhes vagy. You must be hungry. I'm sure you're hungry. Ne próbáld megjátszani az ártatlant. Don't try to play innocent. Don't try to pretend to be innocent. Láttál már három méteresnél nagyobb cápát? Have you ever seen a shark over three meters long? Have you ever seen a shark over 10 feet tall? Vannak szeretői? Do you have lovers? Do you have lovers? Apám otthon henyél. My father doesn't lift a finger at home. My dad's at home. Nem vagyok olyan kövér már, mint amilyen voltam. I'm not as fat as I used to be. I'm not as fat as I used to be. Figyelmet kérek! Attention, please! Attention, please. Állandóan veszekszem a feleségemmel. I constantly quarrel with my wife. I fight with my wife all the time. Még csak szükségünk sincs erre. We don't even need this. We don't even need this. Ez a miénk. This is ours. This is ours. Meg tudnám csinálni, de nem fogom. I could do that, but I won't. I could do it, but I won't. A vélemények összehozzák vagy megosztják az embereket. Opinion unites or divides men. Opinions bring people together or divide them. Ide ne gyertek! Do not come here. Don't come here! Tudatában van a kockázatoknak. He understands the risks. He's aware of the risks. Otthon vagytok. You are at home. You're home. Ezt a kérdést hallom állandóan. That's a question that I hear all the time. That's the question I hear all the time. Szeretem a gyümölcsöt. I like fruit. I like fruit. Tamás nem itt lakik? Doesn't Tom live here? Doesn't Tom live here? Nem volt elég időnk befejezni azt. We didn't have enough time to finish doing that. We didn't have time to finish it. A Donald Jackson amerikai név. Nem lehet lefordítani. Donald Jackson is an American name. You can't translate it. Donald Jackson is an American name. It can't be translated. Írtam egy dalt a Tatoebáról. I wrote a song about Tatoeba. I wrote a song about Tatoeb. Hogyan kommunikálnak a csecsemők a szüleikkel? How do babies communicate with their parents? How do babies communicate with their parents? Szeretném megköszönni neked, amit Tomiért tettél. I want to thank you for what you did for Tom. I want to thank you for what you did for Tom. Ez a busz elviszi önöket az állomásra. This bus will take you to the station. This bus will take you to the station. Ez a hal kész. This fish is done. This fish is ready. Mozdulni sem bírtam. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. Meglehetősen meggyőző. It's pretty convincing. It's pretty convincing. Tom soha nem kérdezte, miért. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Hányszor mondjam el ugyanazt? How many times do I have to repeat the same thing? How many times do I have to say the same? Már tudom. I already know. I know that now. Ne fogadj el soha cukorkát idegenektől! Never take candy from a stranger. Never accept candy from strangers. Szedd össze a cuccaidat, és menj el! Gather your things and leave. Get your stuff and leave. Éltél már távkapcsolatban? Have you ever had a long distance relationship? Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Remélem, addig maradsz börtönben, míg meg nem halsz. I hope you stay in prison until you die. I hope you stay in jail until you die. Ki az? Who's that? Who is this? Jobban ismeri a zsiráfokat, mint bárki más. He knows giraffes better than anyone. He knows giraffes better than anyone. Felforgattad az életemet. You turned my life upside down. You turned my life upside down. Hova máshova mennénk? Where else should we go? Where else would we go? Tudod, hogy hol van Spanyolországban Toledo? Do you know where in Spain Toledo is? Do you know where Toledo is in Spain? Tudod vezetni ezt a dzsipet? Can you drive the jeep? Can you drive this jeep? Mindenki változik. Everyone changes. Everyone changes. De nekem egy vasam sincsen. But I don't have any money. But I don't have any money. Képtelenség beparkolni ide! Sosincs szabad hely. The parking here is ridiculous. There's never a spot open. It's impossible to park here, there's never any room. Ez velünk nem történhet meg. That can't happen to us. This can't happen to us. Te csaltál! You were cheating. You cheated! Ő magas? Is he tall? Is he tall? Tom azt mondja, sosem kedvelte a kínai kaját. Tom says he's never liked Chinese food. Tom says he never liked Chinese food. Ugye még nem mostak kezet? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? Az október rosszabb volt. October was worse. October was worse. Remélem, érti, mire gondolok. I hope he understands what I'm thinking about here. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Vízre van szükségem. I want some water. I need water. Figyelmeztettem Tomit. I warned Tom. I warned Tom. Meg tudnád nekem mutatni az utat? Could you show me the way? Can you show me the way? - Tom, te hatalmas és erős ember, gyere ide és csókolj meg! - Elnézésedet kell kérnem, de nős vagyok. "Oh Tom, you big, strong man! Come here and kiss me!" "I'm sorry! I'm married!" Tom, you big, strong man, come here and kiss me. Nem kedvelem őt. I don't like her. I don't like him. Fejezd be a pánikolást! Stop panicking! Stop panicking. Hát, te akartad hallani a véleményem. Well, you wanted to hear my opinion. Well, you wanted my opinion. Bocsi, de nem hallak jól. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Tamás evett már? Has Tom eaten? Has Tom eaten yet? Nem rendelkezik életbiztosítással. He doesn't have a health insurance policy. He doesn't have life insurance. Éppen egy hosszú levelet ír. He's writing a long letter. He's writing a long letter. Sírt, amikor meghallgatta a történetet. She cried when she heard the story. She was crying when she heard the story. A Földnek egyetlen természetesen előforduló "műholdja" a Hold. Earth has one naturally occurring satellite, the Moon. The only naturally occurring "satellite" on Earth is the Moon. Mindent megpróbáltunk, hogy segítsünk rajta. We tried everything to help him. We tried our best to help him. Új szomszédunk van. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. Ez nevetséges. That's ludicrous. That's ridiculous. Térjünk a lényegre. Get to the point. Let's cut to the chase. A hegyek mögött tér nyugovóra a nap. The sun is going down behind the mountain. The sun goes to rest behind the mountains. Már nem eszek annyit, mint egykor. I don't eat as much as I used to. I don't eat as much as I used to. Most nincs kedvem beszélni róla. I don't feel like talking about it now. I don't feel like talking about it right now. Soha nem ismertem még olyan képmutató embert, mint te. I've never known anyone as hypocritical as you. I've never known anyone as hypocritical as you. Tudod, Fadil, Sami hallotta, amikor Yanni mondta Tomnak, hogy ne bízzon Maryben, mert Skurát már becsapta. You know, Fadil, Sami heard Yanni told Tom not to trust Mary, because she had fooled Skura. You know, Fadil, Sami heard Yanni tell Tom not to trust Mary because she's already fooled Skura. A vonat három órát késett. The train was three hours late. The train was three hours late. Vetted? Do you copy? Got it? Társalapítója vagyok a helyi hermelinkedvelő egyesületnek. I am a co-founder of the local stoat lover society. I'm a co-founder of the local hermeline-loving association. Itt vagyok. I'm here. I'm right here. Mondd meg Tominak, hogy vissza fogok jönni. Tell Tom that I'll be back. Tell Tom I'll be back. Tudod, hogy ki Tom? Do you know who Tom is? Do you know who Tom is? Két órán át várt rá. She waited for him for two hours. He waited for two hours. Azt hiszem, hogy ön rossz számot hívott. I think you have the wrong number. I think you've got the wrong number. Tom vett Marynek egy doboz csokit. Tom bought Mary a box of chocolates. Tom bought Mary a box of chocolates. Mari pont úgy néz ki, mint a willendorfi vénusz. Mary looks exactly like the Venus of Willendorf. Mari looks just like the Venus of Willendorf. Tom tudja a számomat. Tom knows my number. Tom knows my number. A fekete az enyém. The black one is mine. The black one's mine. Holnap elmondok érted egy imát. I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow. I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow. Vitatkoztatok? Did you quarrel? You argued? Néha még ott is ebédel. He sometimes eats lunch there, too. Sometimes he even eats lunch there. Úgy tűnik, teljesen össze van zavarodva Tomi. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seems to be very confused. Elvigyelek valahová? Do you need a ride anywhere? You need a ride? Látni sem akarom! I don't even want to see her. I don't want to see it! Szerencsétlen vagyok. I'm miserable. I'm miserable. Szinte senki sem volt elégedett. Hardly anyone was satisfied. Almost no one was satisfied. Aggódom. I'm worried. I'm worried. Minden gomba ehető, de van, amelyik csak egyszer. Any mushroom can be eaten, but some only once. All mushrooms are edible, but some are only once. Elképesztő utazás volt. It's been an amazing journey. It was an amazing journey. Lassanként elhagyta a remény. She slowly lost hope. Slowly he lost hope. Tamás teljesen kifáradt. Tom is a total dead-beat. Tom is tired. Figyeljetek ide! A Tautológia Klub első szabálya a Tautológia Klub első szabálya! Listen up! The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. Listen, the first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. Hol történt? Where did that happen? Where did it happen? Mikor voltál a legboldogabb? What time are you the happiest? When were you the happiest? Mi a telefonszáma? What's your number? What's your phone number? Ez a mondat túl hosszú. This sentence is too long. That sentence is too long. A park másik felén van. It's on the other side of the park. It's on the other side of the park. Miért nem kerülünk beljebb? Why don't we step inside? Why don't we get inside? Nézd, mit talált Tom az ágy alatt. Look what Tom found under the bed. Look what Tom found under the bed. Tom életben van. Tom is alive. Tom's alive. Hallottam, hogy te se mész haza. I heard that you're not going home either. I heard you're not going home either. Tom gazdag. Tom is loaded. Tom's rich. Indulás! Start. Come on. Tom keresztény? Is Tom a Christian? Tom's a Christian? Nem szabad tiszteletlenül beszélni a halottakról. You must not speak disrespectfully of the dead. We must not speak disrespectfully of the dead. Ezek a madarak gyönyörűek. These birds are beautiful. These birds are beautiful. Végre megvagy. I've finally caught you. There you are. Majdnem elájult. She almost lost consciousness. He almost fainted. Pár percet kérek. Give me a few minutes. Give me a few minutes. Amerikai? Is he an American? American? Az utat megtakarították már a hótól. The street is free from snow now. The road has been saved from the snow. Tudod, tévedsz. You're wrong, you know. You know, you're wrong. Szépet választottál. You picked a nice one. You picked a nice one. Szeretsz utazni? Do you like to travel? You like to travel? Máris befejezted? Have you finished it already? Finished already? Mikor vetted ezeket a tojásokat? When did you buy these eggs? When did you get these eggs? Veszélyt szimatoltam. I sensed danger. I smelled danger. Nem számítok semmilyen különleges bánásmódra. I expect no special treatment. I don't expect any special treatment. Tom ismer engem. Tom knows me. Tom knows me. Tartsd egy másodpercig. Hold on for a second. Hold on a second. Nem tudtam őket megmenteni. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save them. Tom nem szereti a cicákat. Tom doesn't like cats. Tom doesn't like cats. Tom kinevette a tanárt. Tom made fun of the teacher. Tom laughed at the teacher. Henry látni akarja önt. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Akarsz velem táncolni? Do you want to dance with me? You want to dance with me? Tom jól szórakozik, ugye? Tom is having fun, isn't he? Tom's having fun, isn't he? Nem értem a viccét. I don't understand his joke. I don't understand your joke. Különböző? Hogyhogy? Different? How so? Different? Tudunk a szenvedésről. We know about the suffering. We know about suffering. Még a legnagyobb tudósok sem tudják ezt megoldani. Even the greatest scholar can't solve that. Even the greatest scientists can't solve this. Milyen betű ez? What is this letter? What kind of letter is that? Mosd meg az arcod! Wash your face. Wash your face. Örülök, hogy abba az iskolába járhatok. I'm proud of my school. I'm happy to go to that school. Azt hol vette? Where did you buy that? Where did you get that? A gyerekek ártatlanok. Children are innocent. The children are innocent. Az összes barátomat elvesztettem. I've lost all my friends. I lost all my friends. Soha sem mentem el veled horgászni, ugye így van? I've never been fishing with you, have I? I never went fishing with you, did I? Hajlamos vagyok már azt hinni, hogy ő egy pöcs. I'm starting to think he's a jerk. I tend to think he's a dick. Mennyibe kerül a buszjegy? What's the bus fare? How much is the bus ticket? A nagypapámnak hófehér haja van. My grandfather's hair is white as snow. My grandfather has white hair. Ha tudtad volna, elmondtad volna nekem, így van? If you had known, you would have told me, wouldn't you? If you'd known, you'd have told me, wouldn't you? Elmondtam Tomnak, hol vettem a biciklimet. I told Tom where I'd bought my bicycle. I told Tom where I bought my bike. Markold a kapaszkodót. Hold the handrail. Grab the handrail. A probléma megoldódott. The problem is solved. The problem is solved. Szörnyek jöttek elő az árnyékokból. Monsters came out of the shadows. Monsters came out of the shadows. Úgy érezte Tom, csapdába csalták. Tom felt trapped. He felt like Tom was being set up. Több az adóssága, mint amennyit ki tud fizetni. Her debts amount to more than she can pay. You have more debt than you can pay. Hol van a mosdó? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? Miért olyan nehéz a francia? Why is French so difficult? Why is French so hard? Azt mondja az egyház, hogy szeresd a szomszédodat. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ők ott nem találkoztak az én szomszédaimmal. The Church says to love your neighbor. I'm sure that they haven't met my neighbors. I'm sure they didn't meet my neighbors there. Tom azt ajánlotta, ne csináljam. Tom recommended that I not do that. Tom told me not to do it. Tom szólalt fel elsőként. Tom spoke up first. Tom spoke first. Ez a mustár sárga. This mustard is yellow. This mustard is yellow. Te ezt hívod hazaszeretetnek? Is this what you call patriotism? Is that what you call patriotism? Gyerünk, ismerd be. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Át fogom adni az üzenetet Tominak. I'll give Tom the message. I'll give the message to Tom. Néhány mondat túl nehéz nekem. A few sentences are too hard for me. Some sentences are too hard for me. Tudod tartani pár percig? Can you hang out for a few minutes? Can you hold for a few minutes? Ez nem a XIX. század. It's not the 19th century. This is not the 19th century. A bátraké a világ. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to the brave. Amikor fiatal voltam, sok mindent ingyen kaptam. When I was young I got lots of things for free. When I was young, I got a lot for free. Kerékpárral megy iskolába. He goes to school by bicycle. He's going to school by bicycle. Nem ér meg annyit, amennyit kérnek érte. That isn't worth the price that they're asking for. It's not worth what they're asking for. Ezen a helyen akarják felépíteni a házaikat. This is the place where they want to build their houses. This is where they want to build their houses. Mindketten nevetnek. They're both laughing. They're both laughing. Tom gondatlan. Tom is careless. Tom's careless. A legrosszabb következett be. The worst thing happened. The worst happened. Tudsz segíteni az iskolai munkámmal? Can you help me with my school project? Can you help me with my schoolwork? Gyakoroljuk még az alany-állítmány-tárgy-mondatok fordítását vagy lépjünk tovább? Should we exercise yet how to translate sentences containing a subject, a predicate and an object? Or should we go further? Should we still practice translating subject-prescription sentences, or should we move on? Igazán rendes tőled, hogy hazaviszel. It's kind of you to drive me home. It's really nice of you to take me home. Ne becsüljétek alá magatokat. Don't underestimate yourselves. Don't underestimate yourself. Még nem kaptam tőle híreket. I have had no news from him yet. I haven't received any news from him yet. Meg fogod bánni. You'll regret it. You'll regret it. Mi a fene történt? What on earth happened? What the hell happened? Tomnak nincsen jó mentsége arra, hogy miért nem jött. Tom didn't have a good excuse for not coming. Tom doesn't have a good excuse for not coming. Ne félj hibázni. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Annyira büszke vagyok a csapatomra. I'm so proud of my team. I'm so proud of my team. Amint Tom kisétált az ajtón, a rendőrség tüzet nyitott. As soon as Tom walked out the door, the police started shooting. As soon as Tom walked out the door, the police opened fire. Letette az asztalra a kék mappát. He put the blue folder down on the table. He put the blue folder on the table. Tom kiment az udvarra ausztráliai otthonában, hogy söprűvel csapkodja az egereket. Tom went out into the yard of his Australian home to thrash about the mice with a broom. Tom went out into the yard at his home in Australia to beat mice with a broom. Erre fordítsa a fejét. Turn your face this way. Turn your head this way. Ne érts félre! Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. Tom naponta egy órát szokott franciát tanulni. Tom spends about an hour a day studying French. Tom learns one hour of French a day. Melyik a te kocsid? Which one is your car? Which one's your car? Tom behúzta az ajtót. Tom slid the door shut. Tom closed the door. Milánóban lakom. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. Az oroszlán egy állat. The lion is an animal. The lion is an animal. Még nem beszéltük meg. We haven't discussed that yet. We haven't talked about it yet. Gyereke halálos balesetét követően magába roskadt. After the fatal accident of his child, he withdrew within himself. After his child's fatal accident, he collapsed into himself. Tom be van csípve. Tom's tipsy. Tom's drunk. Ez Tony könyve. This is Tony's book. It's Tony's book. Tamás becsukta az ajtót Mária előtt. Tom closed the door in Mary's face. Thomas closed the door to Mary. Az óceánt is látni akarom. I also want to see the ocean. I want to see the ocean. Nem nősült meg. He is unmarried. He didn't get married. Tomi ereje, mint a bivalyé, mindazonáltal egy nyuszi. Tom's as strong as an ox, yet nevertheless is a coward. Tom's power is like a buffalo's, but he's a bunny. Nem látni a fától az erdőt. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the forest from the tree. Ez nem sokkal azelőtt volt, hogy Jánosnak egy ötlete támadt. János tudott mindig egy kiutat a látszólag reménytelen helyzetekből. It was not long before John had an idea. John always knew a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. This was not long before John had an idea. John always knew a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. Bemegyünk az osztályterembe. We enter the classroom. We're going into the classroom. - Ezek a te kocsijaid? - Igen. "Are these your cars?" "Yes, they are." - Are these your cars? Soha nem fogod megtudni, ha nem kérdezel rá. You'll never know if you don't ask. You'll never know if you don't ask. Az ételünkre várunk. We're waiting for our food. We're waiting for our food. Holnap találkozom vele. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. Tom nagyon álszent. Tom is very hypocritical. Tom is very hypocritical. Érzem, hogy számomra te vagy az igazi. I can sense you're the one for me. I feel like you're the one for me. Zavarba jöttem attól, amit mondott. I was embarrassed by what she said. I was embarrassed by what he said. Felkészülök a legrosszabbra. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'll prepare for the worst. Jobb éjjel locsolni a kertet. It's better to water the garden at night. It's better to water the garden at night. Téged kerestelek. I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Tom fest. Tom's painting. Tom's painting. Zongorista vagy, igaz? You're a pianist, aren't you? You're a pianist, right? Jut kenyér mindenkinek. There is enough bread for all of you. There's bread for everyone. Napról napra jobban leszek. I'm getting better every day. I'm getting better every day. Igyál egy italt! Have a drink. Have a drink. Nem akarom. I don't want it. I don't. Nem tudok megjegyezni egy ilyen verset. Ez túl hosszú. I cannot memorize such a poem. It's too long. I can't remember a poem like that. Tomi a szalvétából egy darut hajtogatott. Tom folded the napkin into a crane. Tom was folding a crane out of the napkin. Egy év alatt a fiam erősebb lett. In the course of a year my son grew stronger. In a year, my son has grown stronger. Miért veszélyes? Why is it dangerous? Why dangerous? Négy év múlva nyugdíjba vonulok. I retire in four years time. I'm retiring in four years. Dél felé repülnek a libák. The geese are flying south. The geese are flying south. A New Hampshire-i Egyetem Carsey Intézetének kutatói szerint Amerikában 15,7 millió gyermek élt szegénységben 2010-ben. According to researchers from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, 15.7 million children lived in poverty in America in 2010. According to researchers at the Carsey Institute of the University of New Hampshire, 15.7 million children in America lived in poverty in 2010. Hisz a férfi ártatlanságában. She believes that he is innocent. He believes in the man's innocence. Caligula római császárnak volt egy lova, aki Incitatus névre hallgatott, mely azt jelenti: "gyors". Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse called Incitatus which means fast. Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse named Incitatus, which means "fast". Kértem a diákot, hogy csendesebben legyen, de mintha a falnak beszéltem volna, semmi sem történt. I asked the student to quiet down. It was like talking to a wall, nothing happened. I asked the student to be quiet, but it was like I was talking to the wall, nothing happened. Együttműködő vagyok. I'm cooperating. I'm cooperative. A bolygóra gondolsz vagy az istenségre? Do you mean the planet or the god? You mean the planet or the deity? Igencsak különös. Very strange. It's very strange. Megtennéd, hogy megismétled a kérdést? Would you mind repeating the question? Would you mind repeating the question? Hiányoztál már nekem. I was already missing you. I've missed you. Miért kérdezte ezt meg tőlem Tom? Why did Tom ask me that? Why did Tom ask me that? Édesapám több mint tizenöt évet élt Nagoyában. My father lived in Nagoya for over fifteen years. My father lived in Nagoya for over 15 years. Ez az én bőröndöm. It's my suitcase. This is my suitcase. Az érintetteknek többet kéne kommunikálniuk. There should be more communication between the persons concerned. Stakeholders need to communicate more. Nagyon kedvelem őket. I like them a lot. I really like them. Hány órakor szoktál reggelizni? What time do you usually have breakfast? What time do you eat breakfast? Kell, hogy adj még egy lehetőséget. You've got to give me another chance. I need you to give me another chance. Tom abba fogja hagyni. Tom'll quit. Tom's gonna stop. Hallgatnod kéne apád tanácsára! You ought to take your father's advice. You should listen to your father's advice. Tom hallotta, hogy az autó visszajön. Tom heard the car coming back. Tom heard the car coming back. Tom szinkronszínész. Tom is a voice actor. Tom's a synchronized actor. A fiam mesét néz. My son is watching a cartoon. My son is watching a story. Szerintem nem értettél meg igazán. I don't think you've really understood me. I don't think you really understand me. Hajlandó vagyok segíteni – a józan ész keretein belül. I'm willing to help – within reason. I am willing to help – within the limits of common sense. Nem én vagyok az, akivel Tomnak problémája van. It isn't me Tom has a problem with. I'm not the one Tom's got a problem with. Ez teljesen nevetségesen hangzik. It seems absolutely ridiculous. That sounds completely ridiculous. Egész nap pókereztünk. We played poker the entire day. We've been playing poker all day. Tamás félt Máriáról. Tom was afraid of Mary. Thomas was afraid of Mary. Mi a szabadság? What is liberty? What is freedom? Segítségre szorulsz. You need help. You need help. A barátaid rád várnak. Your friends are waiting for you. Your friends are waiting for you. Van fegyverre engedélye? Do you have a permit for a gun? Do you have a gun license? A rendőrség átvizsgálta a csomagjaikat. The police were examining their bags. The police checked their luggage. A részleteket még csak most véglegesítik. Details are still being finalized. The details are still being finalized. Az osztozkodás gondoskodás. Sharing is caring. Sharing is caring. Ezek a banánok nem érettek. These bananas are not ripe. These bananas are not ripe. Tom egy fekete kabátot viselt. Tom was wearing a black coat. Tom was wearing a black coat. Versenyképes vagyok. I'm competitive. I'm competitive. Tom részrehajló. Tom is biased. Tom's biased. Vártuk a reggelt. We waited for morning. We waited for the morning. A váza ezer darabra tört. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. A balesetben megsérült. She was hurt in the accident. He was injured in the accident. Mikor van napéjegyenlőség? When is the equinox? When is the equinox? Miért érdekel? Why are you interested? Why do you care? Az ő orra teljesen más. His nose is totally different. His nose is completely different. Mondj el nekik mindent, amit tudsz! Tell them everything you know. Tell them everything you know. Hívjad fel édesapád, és kérd meg! Call your father and ask him. Call your father and ask him. Nélküle mentem. I went without her. I went without him. Tom igencsak bűnösnek érezte magát amiatt, ami történt. Tom felt very guilty about what happened. Tom felt very guilty about what happened. Remélem, működni fog. I hope it works out. I hope it works. Ez most elég lesz. That'll be enough for now. That's enough for now. Nem fogom kímélni őket. I won't go easy on them. I won't spare them. Nem jut eszembe egy jó búvóhely sem. I can't think of a good hiding place. I can't think of a good hiding place. Tomi táncol. Tom dances. Tom is dancing. Ez fáj! It hurts! You're hurting me! Tom adott Marynek ezer dollárt egy barna papírzacskóban. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary a thousand dollars in a brown paper bag. Hadd menjek! Let me go! Let me go. Álljál már le a pénzszórással! It's high time you stopped wasting your money. Stop throwing money around. A tea drágább, mint a tej? Is tea more expensive than milk? Is tea more expensive than milk? Tom gyakran aggódik a pénz miatt. Tom often worries about money. Tom's often worried about money. Ha a külvárosban laksz, szükséged van autóra. You need a car if you live in the suburbs. If you live in the suburbs, you need a car. Beígértem a szomszédnak egy verést. I promised the neighbour I'd beat him. I promised the neighbor a beating. Drónról készült a videó. The video is made by a drone. It's a video of a drone. Tom ideges gyermek volt. Tom was a nervous child. Tom was a nervous child. Miért nem hívtál fel, mielőtt eljöttél? Why didn't you phone before coming? Why didn't you call me before you left? Tom rákban halt meg. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. Edd meg az ételt! Eat your food. Eat your food. A kávézó még nincs nyitva. The cafe isn't open yet. The cafe isn't open yet. Gyorsan csináld, ahogy csak bírod! Do it as quickly as possible. Do it as fast as you can. A farkasok nem olyan ravaszok, mint a rókák. Wolves aren't as smart as foxes. Wolves aren't as cunning as foxes. Valami mást kellett volna megpróbálnom. I should have tried something else. I should have tried something else. Bizonytalan volt, hogy feleségül fogja-e venni őt. It was uncertain whether he would marry her. He was unsure if he would marry her. Álmomban pillangó voltam. I was a butterfly in my dream. I was a butterfly in my dream. Jóképűbb a férjem Al Pacinonál. My husband is more handsome than Al Pacino. He's more handsome than my husband Al Pacino. Hadd csináljam egyedül! Let me do it alone. Let me do it myself. Tominak társasága akadt. Tom has company. Tom had company. Nyissa ki a száját, legyen szíves! Open your mouth, please. Open your mouth, please. Ez nem az én problémám. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Ki van kötődve a cipőfűződ. Your shoes are untied. Your shoelaces are untied. Kérlek, szolgáld ki magad a tortából. Please help yourself to the cake. Please help yourself to the cake. Kérlek, válaszolj! Please reply. Please answer me. Szeretnék tanulni németül, de nincs időm. I'd like to study German, but I don't have the time. I want to learn German, but I don't have time. Brazíliának sokkal több lakosa van, mint a többi portugál nyelvű országnak. Brazil's population is much larger than that of other Portuguese-speaking countries. Brazil has more inhabitants than other Portuguese-speaking countries. Te zongorázol, ugye? You play the piano, don't you? You play the piano, don't you? Mondd meg, hogy hova tegyem ezeket a dobozokat! Tell me where to put these boxes. Tell me where to put these boxes. Túl sokat dolgozom. I work too much. I work too much. Csak egy lánytestvérem van. I have only one sister. I only have one sister. Az új körülményeknek nem tudott megfelelni. He couldn't adapt to new circumstances. He couldn't live up to the new circumstances. Értem, mit beszél, de nem tudom, miről beszél. I understand what he's saying, but I don't know what he's talking about. I understand what you're saying, but I don't know what you're talking about. Busszal megy az iskolába? Does he go to school by bus? Are you taking the bus to school? Vegyél, kérlek! Please help yourself. Have some, please. Ez nem volt vicces. This was not funny. That wasn't funny. Szerencsés voltál. You were lucky. You were lucky. Megpróbálhatjuk. We can give it a try. We can try. Maradj távol! Stay away. Stay away! A szavát adta rá. He gave him his word. You gave me your word. A férj és a feleség teáznak. The husband and his wife drink tea. Husband and wife have tea. El tudnánk halasztani az utazást? Can we postpone the trip? Can we postpone the trip? Bocsásd meg, hogy elkéstem. Please pardon me for coming late. Forgive me for being late. Tomi az ajtó előtt áll. Tom is standing in front of the door. Tom is at the door. Lepke voltam álmomban. I was a butterfly in my dream. I was a butterfly in my dream. Jelenleg nincs itt. He isn't here now. He's not here right now. Tudok egy rövidebb utat. I know a shorter route. I know a shortcut. Az erős havazás ellenére eljött. He came, despite the heavy snowfall. Despite the heavy snow, he came. Csak hétvégenként iszom. I only drink on weekends. I only drink on weekends. Hazafele meg tudsz állni a boltnál? Can you stop by the store on your way home? Can you stop at the store on your way home? Ezt a kerékpárt miért vetted meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Az arckifejezése közel állt a gyűlölködőhöz. The look on his face was next door to hatred. His expression was close to the hater. Új zokni van rajta. He is wearing a pair of new socks. He's wearing new socks. Tom jól szórakozik. Tom is amused. Tom's having fun. Ez nem lesz megbocsátva. This won't be forgiven. This will not be forgiven. Elmegyek lezuhanyozni. I'm going to go take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower. Tomot elítélték emberölésért. Tom was convicted of manslaughter. Tom was convicted of manslaughter. Megvagy! Gotcha. Got you! Szeretem ezt a kutyát. I like this dog. I love this dog. Mary azt mondta Johnnak, hogy Tom meleg. Mary told John Tom was gay. Mary told John that Tom was gay. Nem tudom követni a logikádat. I cannot follow your logic. I can't follow your logic. Még akkor sem szeretem, ha ő engem igen. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't even like him if he likes me. Ettél már Tomi főztjéből? Have you ever eaten anything Tom's cooked? Have you eaten Tom’s food? Hozzászoktam, hogy egyedül élek. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Vasárnap elmegyek. I'm leaving on Sunday. I'm leaving on Sunday. Várhatóan hamarosan megszületik ez a döntés. That decision is expected soon. This decision is expected to be made soon. Tom nem ellenkezett. Tom didn't disagree. Tom didn't resist. Finom a bőre. She has delicate skin. She's got good skin. Itt senkinek nincs autója. No one here has a car. No one has a car here. Te biztosan Tom testvére vagy. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. Gondolkodj erősen! Think hard. Think hard. Interszex vagyok. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. Jut eszembe, jövő héten lesz az egyetemi diplomaosztó ünnepség. By the way, next week will be our university graduation ceremony. By the way, the graduation ceremony is next week. Tamásnak van néhány hold földje. Tom owns several acres of land. Thomas has a few moons of land. Anyutól és aputól egy biciklit kaptam. Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. Mom and Dad gave me a bike. Minden évszaknak megvan a maga szépsége. Each season has its own beauty. Every season has its beauty. A ház lángokban állt. The house was in flames. The house was on fire. Senki sem volt a szobában. There were none in the room. There was no one in the room. Nincs miért sajnálkoznod. You have nothing to be sorry about. There's nothing to be sorry about. Éhes vagyok. I am hungry! I'm hungry. Mit gondolsz a koncertről? What did you think about the concert? What do you think of the concert? Jobbra helyezte át az íróasztalt. He moved the desk to the right. He moved the desk to the right. Nem akartam, hogy sírni láss. I didn't want you to see me cry. I didn't want you to see me cry. Mondd el Tominak. Azt akarom, hogy megtudja, hogy én voltam az. Tell Tom. I want him to know it was me. Tell Tom I want him to know it was me. Megégettem a tortát. I burned the cake. I burned the cake. Adtam neked egy könyvet. I gave you a book. I gave you a book. Helyesli azt, amit csinál? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you approve of what you do? Tudom, hogy mit tettem. I know what I did. I know what I did. Holnap Bostonba megyünk. We're going to Boston tomorrow. We're going to Boston tomorrow. Vajon az mennyibe kerülhet. I wonder how much that costs. I wonder how much that'll cost. Hány éves voltál, amikor elkezdtél franciául tanulni? How old were you when you started studying French? How old were you when you started learning French? Mikor indul a következő vonat? When does the next train leave? When's the next train? Kérem, köpjön! Please spit. Please spit. Bocsánat! Visszaszívom. I ask for your forgiveness. I take my words back. I'm sorry, I'm taking it back. Senkit sem ismerek fel a képen. I don't recognize any of the people in the picture. I don't recognize anyone in the picture. Kérdések kavarognak a fejemben. I have questions running around in my mind. Questions are stirring in my head. Tom nyugdíjba vonult 2013-ban. Tom retired in 2013. Tom retired in 2013. Kinyissam? Shall I open it? Open it? A feleségem este általában nem iszik kávét, és én sem. My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I. My wife doesn't usually drink coffee at night, and neither do I. Jól megy az üzlet. Business is good. Business is good. A kutyám érti a franciát, de nem beszéli. My dog understands French, but he doesn't speak it. My dog understands French, but he doesn't speak it. Tom engedelmeskedni fog neked. Tom will obey you. Tom will obey you. Fogalmam sincs, ki az. I have no idea who that is. I don't know who that is. A segítségünkre szorul. She needs our help. He needs our help. Tom a szomszédom, de alig beszélek vele. Tom is my neighbor, but I hardly ever talk to him. Tom's my neighbor, but I barely talk to him. A fiatal nő olyan gyönyörű volt, hogy még az ördög is el akarta venni. The young woman was so beautiful, that even the devil wanted to marry her. The young woman was so beautiful that even the devil wanted to marry her. Amikor visszatértünk, akkorra már csak nyolc csapattag maradt. When we returned, there were only eight crew members left. By the time we got back, there were only eight team members left. Egy kis kávét? A bit of coffee? Some coffee? Ne legyél már olyan, mint egy kisbaba. Stop being such a baby. Don't be like a baby. Nyertünk. We won. We win. Nem reagálnak. They're not responding. They're not responding. Mi az az ido? What's Ido? What time is it? Ez nem lenne ám okos dolog. That wouldn't be a smart move. That wouldn't be smart. Nem akarom eltakarítani a kutyaszart. I do not want to clean up dog poop. I don't want to clean up the dog shit. Szerintem megbírkózunk vele. I think we can. I think we can handle it. Bizonyára van rá mód, hogy átkeljünk a folyón. There must be a way to cross the river. There must be a way to cross the river. Tom rókázott. Tom vomited. Tom threw up. Nem maradna egy teára? Won't you stay for tea? Would you like to stay for tea? Miért nem próbáljuk meg még egyszer? Why don't we try one more time? Why don't we try it again? Köszöntöttem Bettit, de ő semmibe se vett. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hello to Betty, but she ignored me. Ne keverd a búzát a rozzsal? Don't mix wheat with rye. Don't mix wheat with rye? A világ egy hatalmas hely. The world is a big place. The world is a huge place. Kibékültünk. We became reconciled. We're reconciled. A férfi, aki a buszt vezeti a legjobb barátom. The man who is driving the bus is my best friend. The man who drives the bus is my best friend. Fél óra van ebédig. It's a half hour till lunch. It's half an hour till lunch. Miért kell neked egy új létra? Why do you need a new ladder? Why do you need a new ladder? Nem számít, hogy mit teszek, a szüleim sohasem boldogok. My parents are never happy no matter what I do. No matter what I do, my parents are never happy. Jelöld ki a szöveget és másold. Highlight the text and copy it. Select the text and copy it. Titokban fogom tartani. I'll keep it secret. I'll keep it a secret. Olyan kevés időnk van. We have so little time. We have so little time. Most alszik el Tomi. Tom is falling asleep. Tom is going to sleep. Keresel valakit? Are you looking for somebody? Looking for someone? Néha hülyének érzem magam. I feel stupid sometimes. Sometimes I feel stupid. Ripsz-ropsz felnőttek a gyerekek. Children grow up quickly. Kids are grown-up. Az én órám olcsóbb, mint a tied. My watch is less expensive than yours. My watch is cheaper than yours. Magam sem csinálhattam volna jobban. I couldn't have done it better myself. I couldn't have done it better myself. Örömmel segítek, ha tudok. I am pleased to help you if I can. I'll be happy to help if I can. Ezeket a kekszeket lenmagból készítették. These crackers are made from flaxseeds. These biscuits are made from flaxseed. Aludj egy kicsit! Get some sleep. Get some sleep. Abszolút más véleményen vannak, mint én. Their opinion is quite different from mine. They have a completely different opinion than me. Tűzforró. It's boiling hot. It's hot. A kutyák szeretik, ha a fülüket dörzsölgetik. Dogs like to have their ears rubbed. Dogs like to be rubbed on their ears. Egyet nem érteni az normális, de folyamatosan ezt tenni az már eleg bosszantó. Disagreeing is normal, but constantly disagreeing with everything gets pretty annoying. One thing you don't understand is normal, but doing it all the time is already annoying. Mikor vacsorázol? What time will you have dinner? When's dinner? Tom az alanya ennek a mondatnak. Tom is the subject of this sentence. Tom is the subject of this sentence. Látod, ugye? You see that, right? You see that, right? Ezt újra meg kellene tennünk. We should do that again. We should do this again. Az csirke. That's chicken. That's chicken. Ez a kis fickó Tomi. This little fellow is Tom. This little guy is Tom. Veszélyesnek gondolnak minket. They consider us a menace. They think we're dangerous. Jobb, ha megyünk, Tom. We'd better go, Tom. We'd better go, Tom. A gazdagok egyre gazdagabbak lesznek. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. Nem fogsz nyerni. You won't win. You're not gonna win. Síelhetsz azon a dombon. You can ski on that hill. You can ski on that hill. Itt az ideje, hogy előrukkolj valamivel. The time has come for you to play your trump card. It's time for you to come up with something. Nem fogjuk hagyni, hogy Tomi azt tegye. We're not going to let Tom do that. We're not gonna let Tom do that. Mi okozta a balesetet? What caused the accident? What caused the accident? Ezek aranytojást tojó libák. These geese lay golden eggs. They're golden goose. Hó nélkül nem az igazi a tél. A winter without snow isn't winter. Without snow, winter isn't real. Inkubátorban töltöttem az életem kezdeti szakaszát. I spent my starting period of my life in an incubator. I spent the first part of my life in an incubator. Mindennek fejébe még a hó is elkezdett esni. To make matters worse, it began to snow. Even the snow began to fall in his head. Sok virág van a kertben. There are many flowers in the garden. There are many flowers in the garden. Jól jár az órád? Does your watch keep good time? Is your watch okay? Nekem jó a szaglásom. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Csinálsz előételeket? Will you make appetizers? Do you make appetizers? Egy hajtásra kiitta a poharát. He drained his glass in one gulp. He drank his glass at a drive. Én voltam az egyetlen, aki életben maradt. I was the only one who survived. I was the only one who survived. Egyikük sem él. None of them is alive. None of them are alive. Nézd meg ezeket a képeket. Look at these pictures. Look at these pictures. Barátomhoz megyek. I'm going to my friend's place. I'm going to my friend's. Szeretnék valamit kérdezni. I'd like to ask a question. I want to ask you something. Egy négyzet mindig derékszögű négyszög, de egy derékszögű négyszög nem mindig négyzet. A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. A square is always a square with a right angle, but a square with a right angle is not always a square. Háromszáz euró hány dollár? How much is 300 euros in dollars? Three hundred euros how many dollars? Csak vicc volt. It was only a joke. It was a joke. Gyere vissza ide! Come back here! Get back here! Tetszik neked Boston? Do you like Boston? Do you like Boston? Menj! Go! Go on. Ha nincs a térkép, nem találtuk volna meg az utat. If it hadn't been for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. If it wasn't for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. Kitől kaptad ezt a csokrot? Who did you get this bouquet from? Who gave you this bouquet? Ez a mondat helyes? Is this sentence correct? Is that sentence correct? Nem rajtam múlik, hogy mi fog történni. I can't control what'll happen. It's not up to me what happens. Vártam a megfelelő alkalomra. I've been waiting for the right time. I was waiting for the right time. Adj nekem egy napot! Give me a day. Give me a day. Tom nem mutatott túl nagy érdeklődést. Tom wasn't too interested. Tom didn't show much interest. Bírod még tartani? Can you hold it yet? Can you hold on? Van még ebből? Is there any more of that? Do you have any more of this? A felvetése igaznak bizonyult. His hypothesis proved to be true. Your suggestion proved true. Vak az egyik szemére. He is blind in one eye. He's blind in one eye. Te is így gondolod? Do you feel the same way? Is that what you think? Ez mind a te hibád. It's all your fault. This is all your fault. Itt is süt a nap. The sun is shining here, too. It's sunny here, too. Tomi nálam gyorsabban tudja ezt csinálni. Tom can do it faster than me. Tom can do this faster than me. Tamás csak bort iszik. Tom only drinks wine. Thomas only drinks wine. Attól tartok, hogy nincs több kávé. I'm afraid that there isn't any coffee left. I'm afraid there's no more coffee. Tom hol készül képeket készíteni? Where is Tom planning to take pictures? Where is Tom going to take pictures? Mondták neki, hogy álljon fel, és ő megtette. He was told to stand up, and he did so. They told him to stand up, and he did. Tom nyugdíjba ment néhány évvel ezelőtt. Tom retired several years ago. Tom retired a few years ago. Ez komoly lehet. This could be serious. This could be serious. Nem aludhatok a földön. I can't sleep on the floor. I can't sleep on the floor. A méh rászállt a virágra. The bee alighted on the flower. The bee landed on the flower. Megtalálták a gyilkost? Have you found the murderer? Did you find the killer? Ki futott el? Who ran away? Who ran? Ők árulók. They're traitors. They're traitors. Még nem próbáltam. I haven't tried. I haven't tried it yet. Meglepett a dolog. That surprised me. I was surprised. Nem akármilyen hét volt. It's been quite a week. It's been a hell of a week. Nem vagy olyan gyors, mint mondtad. You aren't as fast as you said. You're not as fast as you said. Ha nem játszol, nem nyerhetsz. You can't win if you don't play. If you don't play, you can't win. Tönkrement a nadrágom. My pants are ruined. My pants are ruined. Az alagsorban vagyok. I'm in the basement. I'm in the basement. Fáj a jobb kezem. My right hand hurts. My right hand hurts. Megpróbálom még egyszer. I'll try it again. I'll try again. A múltban élek. I live in the past. I live in the past. Egy dolog, amit nem szeretek a télben, kimászni a jó meleg ágyból. One thing I don't like about winter is climbing out of a warm bed. One thing I don't like about winter is getting out of a warm bed. Valószínűleg sírni fogok. I'll probably cry. I'm probably gonna cry. Tom nagyon aktív volt. Tom was very active. Tom was very active. Csak egy banánt ettem. I only ate a banana. I just ate a banana. Mindenki beteg. Everyone's sick. Everyone's sick. Nem szeretem, ha hülyének néznek. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being fooled. Egészen elképesztő. It's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing. Szívesen írnék többszáz mondatot a Tatoebán, de dolgom van. I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I'd love to write hundreds of sentences in Tatoeba, but I've got work to do. Lapozz, kérlek. Turn the page, please. Turn the page, please. Díler. She's a drug dealer. Dealer. Nem merek elaludni. I don't dare to fall asleep. I can't sleep. Tanárok vagyunk. We are teachers. We're teachers. Kihez van szerencsém? With whom do I have the honor of speaking? Who do I have? Nem tudom, mit hallottál róla. I don't know what you heard about her. I don't know what you've heard about him. Kicsit elhagytam magam testileg. I'm a bit out of shape. I've lost my body a little bit. Nem tudom megállni, hogy ne gondoljak Tomira. I cannot stop thinking about Tom. I can't stop thinking about Tom. Tomi ránézett a kutyára. Tom looked down at the dog. Tom looked at the dog. Ne menj annyira a nyakára! Don't drive that close to it. Don't go so hard on him. Papírra és tollra van szükségem. I need a pen and paper. I need paper and pen. Azt veled kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that with you. I should have done that with you. Úgy gondolom, hogy Tom bizonyára éhes. I think Tom might be hungry. I think Tom must be hungry. Elcsíptelek végre. I've finally caught you. I finally caught you. Ezt annyiranagyon nehéz megérteni? Is that so very hard to understand? Is that so hard to understand? Tamásnak nincs vízuma. Tom doesn't have a visa. Thomas does not have a visa. Talán csak félreértettél. Maybe you just misunderstood me. Maybe you misunderstood me. Lehet, hogy van egy problémánk. We may have a problem. We may have a problem. Egy kis sikátorba fordultam. I turned into a small alleyway. I turned into a little alley. A pékség a faluban bezárt. The bakery in the village has closed. The bakery in the village is closed. Ismerted őt? Did you know her? Did you know him? Most pont arra igyekszem. I'm headed over there right now. That's what I'm trying to do. Tom azt mondta, hogy valójában semmit nem látott. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. Boldog lett. She became happy. He's happy. Az a fiú fut. That boy is running. That boy's running. Még mindig mi vagyunk a legjobbak. We're still the best. We're still the best. Gyűlölöm az ügyvédeket. I hate lawyers. I hate lawyers. A fertőző betegségeket prionok, vírusok, rickettsiák, klamídiák, baktériumok, patogén gombák és protozoonok okozzák. Infectious diseases are caused by prions, viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia, bacteria, pathogenic fungi and protozoa. Infectious diseases are caused by prions, viruses, rickettsias, chlamydias, bacteria, pathogenic fungi and protozoa. Nyisd ki az üveget! Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Tom rosszabb, mint egy vírus. Tom is worse than a virus. Tom's worse than a virus. Ez inspiráló. It's inspiring. It's inspiring. Miért mész? Why are you going? Why are you going? Mennyire volt Tom berúgva? How drunk was Tom? How drunk was Tom? Megetettem a disznókat és a baromfiakat. I fed the pigs and poultry. I fed the pigs and the poultry. Lapoztam. I turned the page. I turned the page. Önként jelentkeztem. I volunteered. I volunteered. Milyen messze van innen Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is Ueno from here? Mennyi ennek a szobának a bérleti díja? How much is the rent for this room? How much is the rent for this room? Te vagy az egyetlen cimbim. You're my only friend. You're my only friend. Tomnak vörös volt a haja mielőtt megőszült. Tom had red hair before it turned gray. Tom had red hair before he turned gray. Lehet, hogy Tom nincs tudatában a veszélynek. Tom may not be aware of the danger. Tom may not be aware of the danger. Tom volt a legbefolyásosabb ember a városban. Tom was the most influential person in town. Tom was the most powerful man in the city. Jogos. This is justified. Fair enough. A dolgok nem azok, mint aminek látszanak. Things aren't what they seem. Things aren't what they seem. Tíz marhánk van. We have ten cattle. We've got ten cattle. Igazán sajnálom. Úgy tűnik, elvesztettem az esernyődet. I'm really sorry. I seem to have lost your umbrella. I'm really sorry, I seem to have lost your umbrella. Késő van. It's late. It's late. Ez egy kényes helyzet. It's a delicate situation. This is a delicate situation. Megígértem a szomszédnak, hogy megverem. I promised the neighbour I'd beat him. I promised my neighbor I'd beat him up. Talpig becsületes ember. He's honest to the bone. He's an honest man. Víz kellett Tominak. Tom needed water. Tom needed water. A hangyák, termeszek és méhek társadalomban élő állatok. Ants, termites and bees are social animals. Ants, termites and bees are animals living in society. Épphogy csak elkaptuk a vonatot. We just barely made the train. We just caught the train. Tomi mellett ültem. I was sitting next to Tom. I sat next to Tom. A segítségeddel győztem. I won with your help. I won with your help. Hallotta kiáltani. She heard him cry. He heard her scream. Tomnak soha nem kellett volna visszajönnie. Tom never should have returned. Tom should never have come back. Kissé kiestem a formámból. I am a bit out of shape! I'm a little out of shape. Megyek a postára. I'm going to the post office. I'm going to the post office. Még egyszer. Once again. One more time. Szeretném, ha a tiéd lenne. I'd like you to have it. I want you to have it. Megelégeltem Tomit. I've had enough of Tom. I've had enough, Tom. Adja át a fegyvereit! Hand over your weapons. Hand over your weapons. Nem tudom, hogy Tominak milyen kocsija van. I don't know what kind of car Tom drives. I don't know what Tom's car is. Ez hatékony stratégia volt. That was an effective strategy. It was an effective strategy. Tom autóját a volt felesége meggyilkolásának napja előtt látták utoljára a környéken. Tom's car was last seen in the neighborhood the day before his ex-wife was murdered. Tom's car was last seen in the area the day before his ex-wife was killed. Menj arrébb! Move over. Move aside. Tom aggódik a szülei egészsége miatt. Tom is concerned about his parents' health. Tom's worried about his parents' health. Elismerte a hibáit. He admitted his mistakes. He admitted his mistakes. Tizenéves voltál akkor. You were a teenager then. You were a teenager then. Tomi nem volt hajlandó meghallgatni Marit. Tom refused to listen to Mary. Tom refused to listen to Mari. Kétségkívül igaza van. I dare say he is right. No doubt you're right. Ez egy konyhakés. It's a kitchen knife. It's a kitchen knife. Túl öreg vagyok, hogy Ausztráliába menjek. I'm too old to go to Australia. I'm too old to go to Australia. Rászokott az orrtúrásra. He's got the bad habit of picking his nose. He's hooked on nose-snatching. Jól felöntött a garatra az este. She drank a lot last night. You've had a good night's sleep. A tengerben vannak szigetek. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Azt hiszem, hogy Tom valami mást mondott. I think that Tom said something else. I think Tom said something else. Tominak szüksége van rád. Tom needs you. Tom needs you. Elmesélte nekem élettörténetét. He told me his life's story. He told me his life story. Tom bizonytalan. Tom is uncertain. Tom's insecure. A helyzet javult. The situation has improved. The situation has improved. Nincs már három egész napunk. We don't already have three whole days. We don't have three whole days. Amikor hazajött, éppen tévét néztem. When he came home, I was watching TV. When he came home, I was watching TV. Ez a majom szerepel egy majomparádéban Ryogokuban. This monkey plays a part in a monkey show in Ryogoku. This monkey is in a monkey parade in Ryogoku. Utálom, amikor Tom ezt csinálja. I hate when Tom does that. I hate it when Tom does that. Erről ne beszéljünk. Let's not talk about it. Let's not talk about that. Nem igazán ismerem őt, így nem is igazán bízom benne. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. Azt szeretném, ha eljönne az összejövetelre. I wish he had attended the meeting. I want you to come to the meeting. Azon tűnődöm, hogy a Nap vagy a Hold a nagyobb. I wonder whether the Sun or the Moon is bigger. I wonder if the sun or the moon is bigger. Kérsz egy csésze teát? Would you like a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Nincs értelme összehasonlítani őket. There's no point in comparing them. There is no point in comparing them. Ez a téma nem tartozik az elméleti területeink közé. This subject is not within the scope of our study. This is not one of our theoretical areas. Hogyan érheti el az ember a sikert? How does one achieve success? How can one achieve success? Ő olyan fontos? Is she that important? Is he that important? Azt javaslom, beszélj Marival. I suggest you have a talk with Mary. I suggest you talk to Mari. Később találkozunk! See you later. See you later. Egy volt közülük. He was one of them. He was one of them. Egy labda megütötte a jobb lábát. A ball hit her right leg. A ball hit his right foot. Mennyi idős a lányod? How old is your daughter? How old is your daughter? Ezt akarja mindenki? Is that what everybody wants? Is that what everyone wants? Remélem, hogy beválik. I hope it pans out. I hope it works. Egy táncról szóló könyv van az asztalon. There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book on the table about dancing. — Nem gond, ha felteszünk néhány kérdést? — Kérdezzenek máshol! "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" "Ask away." “Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” Ask somewhere else. Tom mulatságos képet vágott. Tom made a funny face. Tom had a funny face. Te mutatod az utat. You lead the way. You lead the way. Az élete simán folyt le. His life ran smoothly. His life went smoothly. Hasonlítsd össze, hogy hány volt és hány maradt! Compare how many there were with how many are left. Compare how many were and how many are left. Szükségük van rád. They need you. They need you. Oda ülj, ahol látlak. Sit where I can see you. Sit where I can see you. Az eszperantó nemzetközi nyelv. Esperanto is an international language. Esperanto is an international language. Elméletileg lehetséges. It's theoretically possible. Theoretically possible. Meg tudod magyarázni, hogy mit jelent a PKO? Can you explain what PKO stands for? Can you explain what PKO means? Kapd magadra ezt a pulcsit! Put on this sweater. Put this sweater on. Szégyen a futás, de hasznos. Running away is shameful, but it's useful. It's a shame to run, but it's useful. Tom kapcsolatban maradt Maryvel. Tom stayed in touch with Mary. Tom stayed in touch with Mary. Milyen boldog vagyok! How glad I am! How happy I am! Ez egy nagy, kövér hazugság. That's a big fat lie. That's a big fat lie. Rávettem, hogy jöjjön velem. I got him to come with me. I made him come with me. Szabad vagyok, mint a madár az égen. I'm free as a bird flying in the sky. I'm free as a bird in the sky. Ez Tom volt. That was Tom. That was Tom. Mit tettetek Tomival? What've you done with Tom? What did you do to Tom? Mekkora pizzát szolgálnak fel abban az étteremben? How large is the pizza they serve at that restaurant? How much pizza is served in that restaurant? Én vagyok az egyetlen, aki rávette Tamást, hogy segítsen. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I'm the only one who got Tom to help me. Nagypapa vagyok. I'm a grandfather. I'm Grandpa. A szerencse fontos szerepet játszik az életben. Luck plays an important part in life. Luck plays an important role in life. Ma inkább nem mennék ki. I would rather not go out today. I'd rather not go out today. Miért tanácsolnák azt? Why would they suggest that? Why would they advise that? Matematika órán néha még azt sem értem, hogy mit nem értek. In math class I sometimes don't even understand what exactly I don't understand. In math class, sometimes I don't even understand what I don't understand. Menj haza, és lazíts! Go home and relax. Go home and relax. Valószínűleg nagyon keveset tudok tenni. There's probably very little I can do. There's probably very little I can do. Apám tanár volt. My father was a teacher. My father was a teacher. Ennek a szelepnek annyi. This valve is broken. This valve's gone. Ezelőtt már olvastam ezt a könyvet. I have read the book before. I've read this book before. Mondja, hol van a rendőrség? Tell me where the police station is. Tell me, where are the police? A fiú csendben maradt. The boy kept quiet. The boy remained silent. Hadd menjek én elsőként. Let me go first. Let me go first. Mit mondott nekik? What did she say to them? What did you tell them? Nem ezt akartam neked mutatni. That's not what I wanted to show you. That's not what I wanted to show you. Meglep, hogy nem hoztad magaddal Tomit. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom along. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom. Körülbelül hat óránként van dagály a tengeren. The tide rises approximately every six hours. There's a tide at sea every six hours. Tomnak el kellett volna mondania nekem az igazságot. Tom should have told me the truth. Tom should have told me the truth. Én megérdemlek jó cuccokat. I deserve good things. I deserve good stuff. Ki nem állhatom a hétfőket. I can't stand Mondays. I can't stand Mondays. Tomi a hátsó ajtón keresztül távozott. Tom left through the back door. Tom left through the back door. Azt javaslom, hogy beszéljen Tommal. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest you talk to Tom. A folyó irányába kezdett haladni. He began to angle toward the river. He started heading for the river. Tom egyike volt azon sokaságnak, akik szóban ellenezték a javaslatot. Tom was one of many to voice opposition to the proposal. Tom was one of the many who verbally opposed the proposal. Van metró a városodban? Is there a metro in your city? Is there a subway in your city? Nagyon azon gondolkodom, hogy Ausztráliába költözöm. I'm seriously considering moving to Australia. I am thinking about moving to Australia. Valószínűleg mennünk kellene. We should probably go. We should probably go. Ő állandóan fél. He is always scared. He's always scared. Ha van időd, miért nem nézel be a galériájába? If you have time, why don't you drop by his gallery? If you've got time, why don't you take a look at his gallery? Igyunk egy kis kávét! Let's grab some coffee. Let's get some coffee. A mókusok megőrjítenek. Squirrels drive me nuts. Squirrels drive me crazy. Lejárt a személyim, mit tegyek? My ID card has expired, what should I do? My ID is expired, what should I do? Mindig hidegek a kazaim és lábaim. My hands and feet are always cold. My hands and feet are always cold. Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm just a little tired. I'm a little tired. Soha ne állj szóba idegenekkel. Never talk to strangers. Never talk to strangers. Ez lényegesen rosszabb. This is much worse. This is way worse. Ó, köszönöm! Milyen figyelmes. Oh, thanks! How thoughtful. Oh, thank you. Dobj egy üzit, ha szeretnél többet tudni róla. Throw me a message if you want to know more about it. Text me if you want to know more about it. Ez éppen annyira művészet, mint amennyire tudomány. It's as much an art as it is a science. This is as much art as it is science. Ki kér fagylaltot? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? Tomi nem énekel valami jól, és én sem. Tom can't sing very well and neither can I. Tom doesn't sing very well, and neither do I. Beteg az egyik gyerekem. One of my children is sick. One of my kids is sick. Fizethetek MasterCard kártyával? Do you take MasterCard? Can I pay with MasterCard? Ezek élvezik, hogy megnehezítsék az ember életét. They enjoy giving people a hard time. They enjoy making people’s lives more difficult. Kedvesek a szigetlakók. The islanders are nice. The islanders are nice. Komoly tudományos felfedezést tett. He made an important scientific discovery. He's made a serious scientific discovery. Lő. He shoots. Shoot. Szeretem az arab nyelvet. I love Arabic. I love the Arabic language. Gyönyörűen működött. It worked beautifully. It worked beautifully. Most nincs hozzá kedvünk. We don't feel like it right now. We're not in the mood. Csak felnőtteknek. Only for grownups. Adults only. Meglásd, jobban leszel tőle. You'll see that you'll get better! You'll see, it'll make you feel better. Történhetett vele valami, hogy nem veszi fel a telefont? Could anything have happened to him that he isn't picking up the phone? Did anything happen to him that he wasn't answering his phone? Az angolok nagyra becsülik a szabadságot. The English set a high value on freedom. The English have great respect for freedom. Miért versz engem, Uram? Why are you beating me, Lord? Why are you beating me, Lord? Kína anyagi támogatást ajánlott Görögországnak. China offered Greece financial aid. China has offered financial support to Greece. Ezt mondtam, de nem gondoltam komolyan. I said it, but I didn't really mean it. That's what I said, but I didn't mean it. Egyáltalán nem értem ezt a kérdést. I don't understand this question at all. I don't understand that question at all. Kerítenünk kell Tominak egy nőt. We must find Tom a girl. We need to get Tom a woman. Tomnak nincs sok ideje a kikapcsolódásra. Tom doesn't have much time for recreation. Tom doesn't have much time to relax. Sami és Layla már hat éve nem élnek együtt. Sami and Layla haven't lived together for six years. Sami and Layla haven't lived together in six years. Ez nekem egyéni problémának tűnik. That sounds like a personal problem. This seems to be an individual problem. Nyilvánvalóan elromlott. It's obviously broken. It's obviously broken. Az asztal nem foglal sok helyet. The table does not occupy much space. The table doesn't take up much space. A szülőség a jó és rossz oldalaival valami teljesen új dolog volt Tomi és Mari számára. Parenthood with its joys and cares was a completely new experience for Mary and Tom. Parenting with its good and bad sides was something completely new for Tomi and Mari. Tom fog főzni. Tom will cook. Tom's cooking. Tom zavarban van, mikor óvszert vásárol. Tom is embarrassed about buying condoms. Tom's embarrassed when he buys condoms. Utálom azt a filmet. I hate that movie. I hate that movie. Megbukott a vizsgán. He failed the exam. He failed the exam. Nincs elég hely mindenki számára. There isn't enough room for everybody. There is not enough room for everyone. Megsérült valaki? Did anybody get hurt? Anybody hurt? Szó nélkül kiment. She went out without saying a word. He went out without a word. Elfutotta a méreg. She got angry. He ran away with the poison. Ez a nyaklánc jádekőből készült. This necklace is made of jade. This necklace is made of jade. Nem ezt csináltuk. That isn't what we did. That's not what we did. Nem volt meleg víz. There was no hot water. There was no hot water. Ha-ha-ha! Nagyon jó ötlet! Hahaha! That's a very good idea! Ha-ha-ha, that's a great idea. Ez nem túlzás. That's no exaggeration. That's not an exaggeration. Tom sértetlen. Tom's unharmed. Tom's unharmed. Otthon kávéznak. They drink coffee at home. They drink coffee at home. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni, amit értem tettél. I'll never forget what you've done for me. I'll never forget what you did for me. Hogyan tudunk védekezni? How can we protect ourselves? How can we defend ourselves? A mockarita hasonló a margaritához, egy tequila nevű alkohollal készített italhoz. A mockarita is similar to a margarita, a drink made with the alcohol called tequila. Mockingbirds are similar to margaritas, a drink made with alcohol called tequila. Ha kell neked, vedd meg! If you want it, buy it. If you want it, buy it. Hallottam egy hangot a fejemben, mely azt mondta, menjek gyorsan Tomihoz. I heard a voice in my head urging me to go to Tom's house. I heard a voice in my head telling me to go to Tom quickly. Semmi rosszat nem tehetsz azzal, hogy nyelvet tanulsz. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. You can do nothing wrong by learning the language. Készítettem Máriának egy játékbabát. I made Mary a doll. I made a doll for Mary. Neked sejtésed sincs, mennyit jelent az nekem. You have no idea how much that means to me. You have no idea how much that means to me. Aki szereti a virágokat, rossz ember nem lehet. Whoever loves flowers cannot be a bad person. Anyone who loves flowers can't be a bad person. Ennek a multimilliomosnak öt otthona van négy országban. This billionaire has 5 homes in 4 different countries. This multimillionaire has five homes in four countries. Melyik bíró vizsgálta ki az esetet? Which judge heard the case? Which judge investigated the case? Tamás nem szereti a hagymát. Tom doesn't like onions. Tom doesn't like onions. Muszáj aludnom most egyet. I must sleep now. I need to get some sleep. Tom jó tanár? Is Tom a good teacher? Is Tom a good teacher? Kösd be jól a cipődet, mert elbotlasz. Tie your shoes properly, or you'll trip. Put your shoes on, or you'll trip. Tom meggyógyult. Tom recovered. Tom is healed. Tartanád ezt nekem? Can you hold this for me? Can you hold this for me? Feladta, hogy külföldre menjen. He gave up going abroad. He gave up on going abroad. Kalifornia híres a gyümölcseiről. California is famous for its fruits. California is famous for its fruits. Senkit nem találtak el. No one was hit. No one was hit. Mi az az izé? What is that thing? What's that thing? Támadásra számított mindenki. Everybody expected an attack. Everyone was expecting an attack. Apám egy mihaszna naplopó volt, aki egész nap a hátsóján üldögélt és csipszet evett. My father was a good-for-nothing layabout who sat about on his posterior all day and ate potato chips. My father was a useless slacker who sat on his butt all day eating chips. Tudod, tévedsz. You know this is wrong. You know, you're wrong. Tom meg fogja próbálni. Tom will try. Tom will try. Találtál? Have you found one? You found it? Hogy mondod csehül? How do you say it in Czech? What do you say in Czech? Tamás szerette a munkáját. Tom loved his job. Tom loved his job. Mi van veled? Sápadtnak tűnsz. What's the matter with you? You look pale. You look pale. Azok a férfiak katonák. Those men are soldiers. Those men are soldiers. Ez számít. It matters. That's what matters. Helytelen mindkét válasz. Both of the answers are incorrect. Both answers are wrong. A szomszéd tyúkjai jobb fajták az enyémeknél. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. The neighbor's hens are better than mine. Bökd már ki, ha van gyanúsítottad! If you suspect someone, spit it out. Spit it out if you have a suspect. Miért nem költözöl hozzám? Why don't you move into my house? Why don't you move in with me? Tomot meglőtték a karján. Tom was shot in the arm. Tom was shot in the arm. Thania állása átmeneti. Thania's job is temporary. Thania's job is temporary. Ez a kutya az enyém. This dog is mine. This dog is mine. Tudod, hol van a buszmegálló? Do you know where the bus-stop is? Do you know where the bus stop is? Mindened megvan. Miért tetted? You had it all. Why did you do it? Why did you do it? Tom szeretett engem. Tom loved me. Tom loved me. Ez a pohár vizet tartalmaz. This glass contains water. This glass contains water. Meddig várt? How long have you waited? How long did you wait? Elköszöntek és elvágtattak. Sami tevén, Tomi lovon. They said goodbye. Sami rode away on a camel, Tom on a horse. They said good-bye and ran off, on Sami's camel, on Tom's horse. Hogyan repülnek a helikopterek? How do helicopters fly? How do helicopters fly? Minden egyes nap jobban érzem magam. Every day I feel better and better. I feel better every day. Mióta tanul Tom franciául? És mégsem ért téged!? How long has Tom been learning French? And doesn't he understand you yet? How long has Tom been learning French, and he doesn't understand you? Összesen tizenegyen vagyunk. We are eleven in all. There are 11 of us. Mi a legerősebb mondat a világon? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? What is the strongest sentence in the world? Vannak emberek, akik beszélnek evés közben. Some people talk while they eat. Some people talk while they eat. A faluban nincs áram. The village doesn't have electricity. There's no electricity in the village. Örülök, hogy visszajöttek. I am glad that you came back. I'm glad you're back. Ne érj hozzám! Összemocskolsz! Don't you touch me, you'd make me dirty! Don't touch me! Szeretem Tomit bosszantani. I like to annoy Tom. I like to annoy Tom. Időben érkezett a találkozóra. He arrived in time for the meeting. You're on time for the meeting. Szüksége van erre. She needs this. He needs this. Vörös a szemed. Your eyes are red. Your eyes are red. Én is utálom. I hate her, too. I hate it, too. Kezdek betépni. I'm getting high. I'm getting high. Nem hazudunk. We don't lie. We're not lying. Hol van a legközelebbi könyvtár? Where's the nearest library? Where is the nearest library? A pékség a faluban bezárt. The village bakery has closed. The bakery in the village is closed. A halálhírem kicsit túlzás. The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated. The news of my death is a bit extreme. Az egyik zsebem lyukas. I have a hole in one of my pockets. I have a hole in my pocket. Örülök ezeknek a cipőknek. I'm happy with these shoes. I'm happy with these shoes. Meg sem merem kérdezni, hogy került szósz a plafonra. I'm not even going to ask why there's sauce on the ceiling. I daren't ask how the sauce got on the ceiling. A halálomról szóló tudósítások kissé túlzóak. Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. The reports of my death are a little exaggerated. Egyedül maradt itt. He stayed here by himself. You're all alone here. Tomi minden második hónapban eljön ide. Tom comes here every other month. Tom comes here every two months. Korán kell kelned holnap. Miért nem fekszel le? You have to get up early tomorrow. Why don't you go to bed? You have to get up early tomorrow, why don't you go to bed? Megfelel 12:45-kor? How about 12:45? How's 12:45? Átgondoltam a jövőmet. I thought over my future. I've thought about my future. Sikerre számítunk. We anticipate success. We're expecting success. Tom semmi mást nem eszik, csak fehér húst. Tom eats nothing but white meat. Tom doesn't eat anything but white meat. Sétáltak egyet. They took a walk. They took a walk. Tűnj innen! Get out! Get out of here! Jones úr leszidott, mert egy kicsit elaludtam az órán. Mr Jones reprimanded me for taking a spot of shut-eye during class. Mr. Jones scolded me for falling asleep in class. Amennyiben idenézel, meg fogod látni. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you will see it. Talán Tomnak azt nem kéne megtennie. Perhaps Tom shouldn't do that. Maybe Tom shouldn't do that. Miért vagy ilyen fáradt ma? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Nem mondd meg, mit tegyek! Don't tell me what I have to do. Don't tell me what to do! Mary Tom igazi anyja. Mary is Tom's real mother. Mary is Tom's real mother. Majdnem mindent tudsz rólam. You know almost everything about me. You know almost everything about me. Mondd el neki! Na, ki vele! Tell it to him! Just tell it to him! Tell him, tell him. Nincs senki, akivel beszélgethetnék. I had no one to talk with. I don't have anyone to talk to. A karácsonyfa díszítése közben a fenyő boa mindig beleakad a ruhánkba. When we decorate our Christmas tree, tinsel always gets stuck to our clothes. While decorating the Christmas tree, the pine boa always gets caught in our clothes. Tomnak erre szüksége lesz, nem? Tom is going to need this, isn't he? Tom's gonna need this, isn't he? Tom megígérte nekem, hogy soha többé nem jön ide vissza. Tom promised me he'd never come back here again. Tom promised me he'd never come back here again. Nem szeretek tanulni. I don't like studying. I don't like studying. Örülök, hogy újra látlak. It is nice to see you again. It's good to see you again. Meg van kötve a kezem ebben. My hands are tied with this. My hands are tied in this. Tegnap vasárnap volt, nem szombat. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. It was Sunday, not Saturday. Szeretlek, de nem vagyok szerelmes beléd. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Nem szükséges becsomagolni. You don't have to wrap it up. No need to pack. Mit eszek? What am I eating? What am I eating? Nem vagy idős. You're not old. You're not old. Itt nem ez történt. That's not what happened here. That's not what happened here. Kivel kéne beszélnem? Who should I talk to? Who should I talk to? Ez nagyon fájdalmas. This is very painful. It's very painful. Kicsi, vagy egyáltalán nincs esély, hogy a valódi összeesküvőket megtalálják. The odds are slim to none that the true conspirators will be found. There is little or no chance that the real conspirators will be found. Ezt csak Tomi érti. Tom is the only one who understands this. Only Tom understands that. Egy kicsit el kéne lazulnod. You need to lighten up a little. You need to loosen up a little bit. Soha nem kellett volna megbíznom benned. I never should have trusted you. I should never have trusted you. Ki van kapcsolva a telefonja. Her phone's turned off. His phone's off. Sikerült meglepned. You managed to surprise me. You surprised me. Pont olyan, mint te. He's just like you. He's just like you. Nem vacsoráztunk. We didn't eat dinner. We didn't have dinner. A mi vidékünkön nem élnek mérges kígyók. Venomous snakes don't live in our place. There are no poisonous snakes in our country. A mormota halhatatlan. The marmot is immortal. The groundhog is immortal. Ez az? Is this it? Is that it? Láttál már valaha mókust? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Van nálad tűz? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a fire? Tomnak igaza van. Tom's right. Tom's right. Háromig számolok. I'm going to count to three. I'll count to three. Nem az az igazi probléma. That isn't the real problem. That's not the real problem. Ez valószínűleg rossz ötlet. This is probably a bad idea. That's probably a bad idea. Gondolod, hogy meg kellene mondanom Tomnak? Do you think I should tell Tom? Do you think I should tell Tom? Ki ölte meg Tomot? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? Elfogadsz néhány tanácsot? Can I give you some advice? Do you take some advice? A fákon megjelenő sárga, vörös és barna levelek az ősz első jelei. The yellow, red and brown leaves appearing on the trees are the first sign of autumn. Yellow, red and brown leaves on trees are the first signs of autumn. Ő az anyukád? Is she your mom? Is that your mom? Néhány ember gúnyolódott a helyzetemen. Some people made fun of my situation. Some people made fun of my situation. Bárcsak tudnám, hogy hol van! I wish I knew where he was! I wish I knew where he was. Épp hogy csak arrébb. It's just a little further. It's just over there. Mizu? Howdy! What's up? Engedj kimennem! Let me go out. Let me out! Nem tudok hazudni. I can't lie. I can't lie. Citruslekvárt kenek a kenyeremre. I spread marmalade on my bread. I'm putting Citrus jam on my bread. Önnek van egy új üzenete. You have one new message. You have a new message. Tudom, hogy mit nem szabad megenni. I know what not to eat. I know what not to eat. Tudod, hol vagyunk? You know where we are? Do you know where we are? Mi Tom társadalombiztosítási száma? What is Tom's social security number? What's Tom's Social Security number? Kiugrott az ablakon. He jumped out of the window. He jumped out the window. Fiatal és éretlen. He is young and immature. Young and immature. Milyen romantikus! How romantic! How romantic. Személyesen odament. He went there in person. He went there personally. Nem tudom elképzelni a jövőmet, hogy te nem vagy benne. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you in it. Megpróbálsz megvásárolni? Are you trying to buy me off? Trying to buy? Pillanatokon belül meg fogod szokni az itteni életet. You'll get used to living here in no time. You'll get used to living here in no time. Ez nagyon jó. That's very good. That's really good. Milyen fajta fájdalomcsillapítót adhatok a kutyámnak? What kind of pain medication can I give my dog? What kind of pain medication can I give my dog? A gránát öt méterre robbant fel a katonától. The grenade exploded five metres from the soldier. The grenade exploded five meters from the soldier. Mindenki megtette. Everyone did it. Everyone did. Ezek a meleg zoknik alpaka szőrből készültek. These warm socks are made from alpaca fiber. These warm socks are made of alpaca hair. Egész idő alatt egymással beszélgettünk. We were talking to each other all the time. We've been talking to each other the whole time. Kiket fogsz meghívni? Who are you going to invite? Who are you going to invite? Gyermek, ne nyúlj a tükörhöz! Kid, don't touch the mirror! Child, don't touch the mirror. Tíz percen át megállás nélkül beszélt. He spoke non-stop for ten minutes. He talked non-stop for ten minutes. Az ágyon ült, miközben anyja copfba fonta a haját. She sat on the bed as her mother braided her hair. He was sitting on the bed while his mother put her hair in a pigtail. Nincs kivel beszélnem. I had no one to talk with. I have no one to talk to. Mivel nem volt híd, Danilo azon volt, hogy keressen egy sekélyebb szakaszt a folyón az átkeléshez. As there was no bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallow spot where he could ford the river. Since there was no bridge, Danilo was trying to find a shallower section of the river to cross. Énekelni kezdtünk. We started singing. We started singing. Rosszul sült el neki minden. Everything went wrong for him. It all went wrong for him. Egy ilyen lányt szeretnék elvenni. I want to marry a girl like her. I want to marry a girl like that. Ellopták a kocsimat. My car's been stolen. My car was stolen. Miért Tom csinálja ezt? Why's Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing this? Ezt a törtet lehet egyszerűsíteni. This fraction can be reduced. This fraction can be simplified. Mennyibe kerültek a vonatjegyek? How much did the train tickets cost? How much did the train tickets cost? Mindent is tudok. I know everything. I know everything. Meg kell védenünk magunkat minden olyan próbálkozástól, amely elveszi a szabadságunkat. We must be on our guard against any attempts to take away our freedoms. We must protect ourselves from any attempt to take away our freedom. Tomnak iskolába kell mennie. Tom has to go to school. Tom has to go to school. Tom éjjel-nappal robotolt. Tom worked day and night. Tom was working day and night. Az a nő duci. The woman is fat. That woman is fat. A legjobb fodrászok homokosok. The best hairdressers are gay. The best hairdressers are gay. Meggyőztük, hogy ne menjen. We persuaded him not to go. We convinced him not to go. Ne menjünk vissza abba a vendéglőbe. Let's not go to that restaurant again. Let's not go back to that restaurant. Legalább tegyél úgy, mintha. At least pretend. At least pretend. Olyan hülye, mint az állat! He's as dumb as a rock. He's as stupid as an animal. Kiáltani akarok. I want to cry. I want to scream. Én vagyok az, aki beteg. I'm the one who's sick. I'm the one who's sick. Tik-tak, tak-tak, tik-tak – ketyegett a vén kakukkos óra a falon. Tic, toc, tic, toc – the old cuckoo clock was ticking on the wall. Tick-tock, tock-tock, tick-tock – the old cuckoo clock ticked on the wall. Nem ezért mondtam, hogy ez a munka nem könnyű. That isn't the reason why I said the job wasn't easy. That's not why I said this job wasn't easy. Egy nagy könyvtár közelében lakunk. We live near a big library. We live near a large library. Ő taxisofőr. He is a taxi driver. He's a taxi driver. Ha meggondolod magad, tudod, hogy hol találsz. If you change your mind, you'll know where to find me. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. Ez fog történni. It will happen. That's what's gonna happen. Olyan, mint egy tengeralatti mező, és a teknősök, ráják és cápák fölötte, mint repülő teremtmények. It's like an undersea meadow and turtles, rays and sharks over that are like flying creatures. It's like an underwater field, and turtles, rays, and sharks above it, like flying creatures. Tényeket akarok. I want facts. I want facts. Mentőt kellene hívnunk. We should call an ambulance. We should call an ambulance. Miközben átkeltem az úton, majdnem elütött egy autó. Crossing the street, I was nearly hit by a car. As I was crossing the road, I was almost hit by a car. Olyan jól néz ki! That looks so good. It looks so good. Talán később megeszem, ha nagyon éhes leszek. I might eat that later if I get really hungry. Maybe I'll eat it later if I get really hungry. Apám apja a nagyapám. My father's father is my grandfather. My father's father is my grandfather. A szemüvegemet! Hand me my glasses. My glasses! Bár én is annyit tudnék, mint te. I wish I were as smart as you are. I wish I knew as much as you do. Hét órakor reggelizek. I eat my breakfast at seven o'clock. I'm having breakfast at 7:00. Tamás régen sokat olvasott. Tom used to read a lot. Thomas used to read a lot. Tomi jó előadó. Tom is a great performer. Tom is a good performer. Miért nem segítesz Tamásnak? Why are you not helping Tom? Why don't you help Tom? Elmagyarázta nekem a szabályt. He explained the rule to me. He explained the rule to me. A levegőben van a szerelem. Love is in the air. Love is in the air. Ő egy csodálatos lány. She's a wonderful girl. She's a wonderful girl. Tom a bűnügyi nyilvántartásban szerepel. Tom has a criminal record. Tom's on the criminal record. Szerintem ez mindent megmagyarázna. I think that would explain everything. I think that would explain everything. Nem tűnik már olyan bonyolultnak. It doesn't seem as difficult as before. It doesn't seem that complicated anymore. Diszkzsoké. He is a DJ. It's a disco. A faluban a pékség bezárt. The village baker's has closed. The bakery in the village is closed. Te is csak fújod a sületlenséget, amit a médiában hallasz! You just reiterate stupidity what you can hear in the media. You're just blowing off the nonsense you hear in the media. Kicsit beszélek oroszul. I speak a little Russian. I speak a little Russian. Egy külön szobában él. He lives in a separate room. He lives in a separate room. Szeretem a mandulát, de a földimogyorót nem. I like almonds, but not peanuts. I like almonds, but I don't like peanuts. Hívtam Marit, de ő elutasított. I asked Mary out, but she turned me down. I called Mari, but she turned me down. Dobj el egy kártyát! Discard a card. Throw away a card. Semmi értelme gyónnod a papnak, ha nem tanúsítasz bűnbánatot. It's no use confessing your sins to the priest if you don't think twice before repeating them. There's no point in confessing to the priest if you don't repent. Amikor kaját csinálsz valakinek, kérlek ne piszkáld az orrod, ne vakard a segged, vagy ne tüsszents a tenyeredbe! When you're preparing food for someone, please don't pick your nose, scratch your ass, or sneeze in your hands. When you make food for someone, please don't poke your nose, scratch your ass, or sneeze in the palm of your hand. Tegnap levelet kaptam anyutól. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Rossz szokásom ez. That's a bad habit of mine. It's a bad habit. Ez a férfi nem a férjem. This man is not my husband. This man is not my husband. Hát persze! Hogy én erre hogy nem gondoltam!? Of course! How didn't I think of this? How come I didn't think of that? Nincs erre példánk. We have no such example. We don't have an example. Tengeribeteg vagyok. I'm seasick. I'm seasick. Nem szoktam gyakran Tamással ebédelni. I don't often go to lunch with Tom. I don't usually have lunch with Tom. Kimerültünk. We're exhausted. We're exhausted. Tudja az egész város. The whole town knows about it. The whole town knows. De hiszen ez a lista üres! But this list is blank. This list is empty! Több áramra van szükségem. I need more power. I need more power. Tom azt mondta, hogy vele minden rendben van. Tom said that he was all right. Tom said everything was fine with him. Hallottál róla valamit mostanában? Have you heard anything about her recently? Have you heard from him lately? Hogyan lehetsz ilyen optimista? How can you be so optimistic? How can you be so optimistic? Habár ő 38, még mindig függ a szüleitől. Even though he is 38, he still depends on his parents. Although he's 38, he still depends on his parents. Láttam egy medvét teherautót vezetni. I saw a bear driving a van. I saw a bear driving a truck. Öt meg három az nyolc. Five plus three is eight. Five plus three is eight. Tomnak hívnak. I'm called Tom. My name's Tom. Nem volt más lehetőségünk, csak harcolni. We had no alternative but to fight. We had no choice but to fight. Korán szoktam kelni. I usually get up early. I get up early. Tomi mindig igent mond. Tom always says yes. Tom always said yes. Mikor kezdődik a mozi? When does the movie start? When does the movie start? A tudományos díj nyertese úgy döntött, hogy a pénzjutalmat jótékonysági célra ajánlja fel. The winner of the science prize has decided to give the prize money to charity. The winner of the scientific award decided to offer the prize for charity. Szükséged van egy jó kis pihenésre. It is necessary that you take a good rest. You need a good rest. Elkaphatjuk Tomot, ha megpróbáljuk. We can catch Tom if we try. We can get Tom if we try. Csak nem akarom, hogy megsértődj. I just don't want you to get hurt. I just don't want you to be offended. Tomi sárga volt az irigységtől. Tom was green with envy. Tom was yellow with envy. Adj egy órát és megoldom. Give me an hour and I'll solve it. Give me an hour and I'll fix it. Jobb képű a férjem, mint Al Pacino. My husband is more handsome than Al Pacino. I have a better-looking husband than Al Pacino. Félek megtenni. I'm afraid to do it. I'm afraid to. Elöl kellett ülnöm. I had to sit in the front. I had to sit in the front. Tom attól tart, hogy becsapják. Tom is afraid of being cheated. Tom's afraid he's being deceived. Miért kérsz bocsánatot? What are you apologizing for? Apologize for what? Tamás nem szereti a kosárlabdát. Tom doesn't like basketball. Tom doesn't like basketball. Istenem segíts! Megöltem egy várandós anyát! Oh my god! I've killed a pregnant woman! God help me, I killed a pregnant mother. A barátaimmal töltöttem a délutánt. I spent the afternoon with my friends. I spent the afternoon with friends. Rajtad áll, hogy oda megyünk vagy sem. It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not. It's up to you whether we go there or not. Légy éber! Be watchful. Stay alert. Segíts neki! Help her! Help him. Vissza kell mennem az irodába. I need to get back to the office. I have to get back to the office. Nem igazán ismerem, így nem igazán bízom benne. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. Naponta nyolc kilométert futok. I run five miles a day. I run eight kilometers a day. Mari szereti a pénzt. Mary loves money. Mari likes money. Számtalanszor figyelmeztettek és még többször is, amit te nem fogadtál meg. They had warned you several times and yet, you didn't listen to. I've been warned many times, and many times, which you didn't take. Kölcsönkérhetek harminc dollárt? Can I borrow $30? Can I borrow $30? Tom unja magát. Tom's bored. Tom's bored. Tudnom kell, mi a szitu. I need to know what the situation is. I need to know what's going on. A Hold senkié. Nobody owns the moon. The moon belongs to no one. Gordon egész héten a fellegekben járt. Gordon has had his head in the clouds all week. Gordon's been in the clouds all week. Ma nagyszerű idő van Bostonban. The weather in Boston today is great. It's a great time in Boston today. A zászló a nemzet jelképe. A flag is a symbol of the nation. The flag is a symbol of the nation. Ne stírölj! Stop staring at me. Don't look at me. Tomi nem fog hallgatni erről. Tom won't shut up about it. Tom won't listen to this. Tom unatkozott. Tom got bored. Tom was bored. Te sohasem mondod nekem, hogy szeretsz engem. You never tell me that you love me. You never tell me you love me. Semmit nem tudok, mert én csak egy mondat vagyok. I don't know anything, for I am just a sentence. I don't know anything because I'm just a sentence. A legközelebbi város a dombok mögött terül el. The nearest town is behind the hills. The nearest town lies behind the hills. A pap megáldotta a gyülekezetet. The priest blessed the congregation. The priest blessed the congregation. Fogalmam sincs, mennyibe kerül. I have no idea how much it costs. I don't know how much it costs. A gép Hong Kong felé repül. The plane is flying towards Hong Kong. The plane is flying to Hong Kong. Búcsú nélkül ment el tőlem. He left without saying good-bye to me. He left me without saying goodbye. Hulla vagyok. I feel like death. I'm dead. Kedveled a japán konyhát? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese cuisine? Szeretnéd kölcsönvenni a tűzőgépemet? Would you like to borrow my stapler? Would you like to borrow my stapler? Nagyon büszke a tehetségére. She is very proud of her talent. He's very proud of his talent. Tomot nem nagyon zavarta. Tom wasn't very annoyed by that. Tom didn't mind much. Melyikőtök Tom apja? Which one of you is Tom's father? Which one of you is Tom's father? Folyékonyan tudok beszélni olaszul. I can speak Italian fluently. I can speak fluent Italian. Megpróbálok folyamatosan tájékozódni. I try to stay informed. I try to keep informed. Nem vagyok az apád. I'm not your father. I'm not your father. Jani nem tud gitározni. John doesn't know how to play the guitar. Jani can't play guitar. Nem akarok veled sétálni. I don't want to walk with you. I don't want to walk with you. Szerintem minden kövér embernek diétáznia kéne. I think all fat people should go on a diet. I think all fat people should diet. Mari becsukta a szemét és elkezdte számolni a mókusokat. Mary closed her eyes and began to count squirrels. Mari closed her eyes and started counting squirrels. Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. Mindent megakarok csinálni. I want to do everything. I want to do everything. Esélytelen. There's not a chance. No way. Azt mondta, hogy tíz perc múlva hívni fog. Ez fél órája volt. He said he would phone in ten minutes. That was half an hour ago. He said he'd call me in ten minutes. Ez a vers almákról szól. This poem is about apples. This poem is about apples. A fejem is megfájdult az egésztől. The whole thing gives me a headache. It gave me a headache. Tom és Mary még bent vannak. Tom and Mary are still in there. Tom and Mary are still inside. A kígyó szisszentett egyet és előrecsapta méregfogait. The snake hissed and bared its fangs. The snake sneezed and struck its fangs forward. Nem akarok venni sennit. Csak nézelődöm. I don't want to buy anything. I'm just looking around. I don't want to buy senni, I'm just looking. Kanada első himnuszát franciául írták. The text of the national anthem of Canada was first written in French. Canada's first anthem was written in French. Jöjjünk össze! Let's get together. Let's get together. Fütyörészik, miközben fürdik. He whistles while he's having a bath. He whistles while he bathes. Csukd be magaddal az ajtót, kérlek, kifelé menet. Please shut the door on your way out. Close the door with you, please, on your way out. Hová való vagy, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Tom lelkes sziklamászó. Tom is an avid rock climber. Tom's an enthusiastic rock climber. Én itt voltam, de te nem. I was here but you weren't. I was here, but you weren't. Tom nagyra értékelte Mari támogatását. Tom appreciated Mary's support. Tom appreciated Mari's support. Bob megpróbált beszélni Annával, de nem tudott. Bob tried to speak to Anne, but he couldn't. Bob tried to talk to Anna, but he couldn't. Semmi nem romlott el. Nothing's out of order. Nothing's broken. Az ajtó nincs bezárva. The door's unlocked. The door's unlocked. Nincs kedvem dolgozni; mi lenne, ha helyette moziba mennénk? I don't feel like working; what about going to a cinema instead? I don't feel like working; why don't we go to the movies instead? Tetszett, ahogy vele beszéltél. I liked the way you spoke to him. I liked the way you talked to him. Jobban is megcsinálhattam volna. I could've done it better. I could have done better. A tanár csak az osztályteremben engedné meg, hogy franciául beszéljünk. The teacher would only allow us to speak French in the classroom. The teacher would only allow us to speak French in the classroom. Nem értem, hogyan csináljam. I don't understand how to do it. I don't understand how to do this. Tele van a faszom az ilyen ócska szarokkal! I'm totally fed up with shitty junks like this. I'm sick of shit like that! Ebben nem kételkedem. I have no doubt about it. I don't doubt that. Mindenki itt van? Is everybody here? Is everyone here? Nem baj, ha meleg az ember. It's OK to be gay. It's okay to be gay. Megtudhatnám a teljes nevét? Can I have your full name? May I have your full name, please? London utcáit jártam. I was walking along the streets of London. I was on the streets of London. Négyéves korában már tudott olvasni. When she was four, she knew how to read. When he was four years old, he could read. Mi lenne, ha ma este elmennénk hazulról vacsorázni? How about dining out tonight? Why don't we go out to dinner tonight? Tom alig értette, amit Mari mondott. Tom could hardly understand what Mary said. Tom barely understood what Mari was saying. Az alap nagyon sziklás volt. The ground was very rocky. The foundation was very rocky. Semmi sem volt a hűtőben. There was nothing in the fridge. There was nothing in the fridge. Egymillió dollár diákhitel adósságom van. I owe $1 million for my student loans. I'm in a million-dollar student loan debt. Miért nem derítjük ki? Why don't we go find out? Why don't we find out? Ki a kedvenc színészed? Who's your favourite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Tiszta a part? Is the coast clear? Is the coast clear? Te is tudtad ezt? Did you know this, too? Did you know that? Egyetértett a nagybátyám. My uncle agreed. My uncle agreed. Jól akarom megcsinálni. I want to get it right. I want to do it right. Találkozzunk legközelebb is! Let's get together again. Let's meet again. Mindig iszom tejet lefekvés előtt. I always drink milk before going to bed. I always drink milk before I go to bed. Miért nem fejezzük be az időhúzást? Why don't we stop wasting time? Why don't we stop stalling? Ez a tojás friss. This egg is fresh. These eggs are fresh. Hány óra van? What's the time? What time is it? A vonat pontosan érkezett. The train arrived on time. The train arrived on time. Nem tudom a nevét. I don't know his name. I don't know his name. A fogtündér elvitte a fogam és otthagyott két dollárt. Mindet cukorkára fogom költeni. The tooth fairy took my tooth and left me 2 dollars. I'm going to spend it all on candy. The tooth fairy took my tooth and left me two dollars, and I'm gonna spend them all on candy. Nem vagyok jól megfizetve. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not well paid. Miért teszel úgy, mintha nem ismernél? Why are you acting like you don't know me? Why are you acting like you don't know me? Sohasem öltem, sem sebesítettem meg senkit. I've never killed nor injured anybody. I've never killed or injured anyone. Tom szorgalmas. Tom is hardworking. Tom's hardworking. Gyere, ahogy vagy! Come as you are. Come as you are. Hogy vannak a gyerekek? How are the children? How are the kids? Lövés érte. She got shot. Shots fired. Sokat változtál, mióta utoljára láttalak. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you. Tartsa a vonalat, kérem! Kapcsolom az irodáját. Hold the line please. I'll put you through to his office. Hold the line, please, I'll put you through to your office. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom egyetértene. I'm sure Tom would agree. I'm sure Tom would agree. Tom a közelünkben lakik. Tom lives near us. Tom lives near us. Tomi taxival ment kórházba. Tom took a taxi to the hospital. Tom took a taxi to the hospital. Nem gondoltam, hogy Tom elmegy Bostonba. I didn't think Tom would go to Boston. I didn't think Tom was going to Boston. Egy gazdag öregemberhez ment férjhez. She married a rich old man. She's married to a rich old man. Ha az élet citrommal kínál, csinálj belőle limonádét! When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life offers you lemons, make lemonade. A BLT szalonnából, salátából és paradicsomból áll. BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato. BLT consists of bacon, salad and tomatoes. Estére a fa árnyéka elérte a falat. By evening the shadow of the tree reached the wall. By evening, the shadow of the tree reached the wall. Ennek még közel sincs vége. This is far from over. This is far from over. Tom piás. Tom is a drinker. Tom's a drunk. Mi a baj? What is the matter? What's the matter? Először vasald ki ezeket az ingeket. Iron these shirts first. First, iron these shirts. Nem nyerhetsz mindig. You can't win every time. You can't always win. Már nem bánthat. He can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore. Változott bármi azóta? Has anything changed since then? Has anything changed since then? — Ezt egyedül csináltad? — Segítettek. "Did you do it alone?" "I had a little help." - Did you do this alone? - No. Itt nem beszélnek angolul. English is not spoken here. They don't speak English here. Mindenki ismeri a törvényt. Everyone knows the law. Everyone knows the law. Lehet, hogy forgalom lesz. There could be traffic. There may be traffic. Tudna egy másik időpontot javasolni? Could you suggest an alternative date? Can you suggest another date? Tom megette a maradékot. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom ate the leftovers. Figyelj! Pay attention. Look. Szeretem nézni a labdarúgó mérkőzéseket. I love watching soccer games. I love watching football matches. Nem sokat utazom. I don't travel very much. I don't travel much. Még gyerek vagyok. I'm still a kid. I'm just a kid. Nincs meleged abban a sok ruhában? Aren't you hot wearing all those clothes? Aren't you hot in all those clothes? Próbálj meg néhányat! Try some. Try a few. Itt csak Tomit ismerem. Tom is the only one I know here. I only know Tom. Meddig tartott a találkozó? How long did the meeting last? How long did the meeting last? A vacsora készítésével van elfoglalva. She is busy cooking dinner. He's busy making dinner. Megtartottam az ígéreteimet. I kept my promises. I kept my promises. Egy erős akaratú ember nem alanya a korrupciónak. A man of strong will is not subject to corruption. A strong-willed man is not a subject of corruption. Nakamatsu keserűen mosolygott a saját ostoba kérdésén. Nakamatsu smiled bitterly at his own stupid question. Nakamatsu smiled bitterly at his own stupid question. A lengyelben hét eset van. Polish has seven cases. There are seven cases in Poland. Hazudsz, ugye? You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, right? Laura, te tanár vagy? Laura, are you a teacher? Laura, are you a teacher? A segéd elvette a pénzt. The assistant took the money. The assistant took the money. A vonat indulásra kész volt. The train was ready to depart. The train was ready to leave. Mit ér ez neked? What's it worth to you? What's in it for you? Szinte minden nap beszélek franciául. I speak French almost every day. I speak French almost every day. Azt mondta, hogy nagyon éhes. She said that he's very hungry. He said he was very hungry. Kaotikus volt. It was chaotic. It was chaotic. - Láttad Tomot? - Láttam. Öt perccel ezelőtt. "Have you seen Tom?" "I have – five minutes ago." - Have you seen Tom? Mindenki elszótlanodott. Everyone was speechless. Everyone's speechless. Még mindig tagadja a bűnösségét? Do you still deny your guilt? Do you still deny your guilt? A fejfájás az éjszakai alkoholfogyasztás gyakori mellékhatása. Head pain is a common reaction to a night of drinking alcohol. Headaches are a common side effect of drinking alcohol at night. Láttam. I saw it. I saw. Sosem ettem még kagylót. I've never eaten clams. I've never had a clam before. Állj vagy lövök! Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop or I'll shoot! Elnézést kérhetnél Tamástól a késésért. You should apologize to Tom for being late. You should apologize to Tom for the delay. A gazdagság az ajtó mögött várt rá. Behind the door, wealth awaited him. Wealth was waiting for him behind the door. Ez mind az enyém. It's all mine. It's all mine. Mikor szeditek le a karácsonyfátokat? When do you take down your Christmas tree? When are you taking down your Christmas tree? El fogják fogadni a javaslatodat. They will accept your proposal. They will accept your proposal. Na látod, ezért nem akarok én megházasodni! You can see now this is why I don't want to get married. See, that's why I don't want to get married. Nézd meg jól ezt a képet. Have a good look at this picture. Take a good look at this picture. Mari szobájában megpillantotta Tomi a festőállványt a sarokban. Tom noticed the easel in the corner of Mary's room. In Mari's room, Tom saw the easel in the corner. Nem tudtuk, hogy melyik vonattal jönnek. We didn't know on which train they'd be coming. We didn't know which train they were on. Sok tanulnivaló van. There's so much to learn. There's a lot to learn. Ez a számítógép a legdrágább. This computer is the most expensive. This computer is the most expensive. Tomi hangüzenetet kapott Maritól. Tom got a voice mail from Mary. Tom got a voicemail from Mari. Nem tudom, mit hallották Tom-ról. I don't know what you heard about Tom. I don't know what you heard about Tom. Kivágott egy képet a könyvből. She cut a picture out of the book. He cut a picture out of the book. Meleg vagy. You're gay. You're gay. Tudod, hogy kell ezt csinálni? Do you know how to do it? You know how to do this? Először Tomit kell kérdezned. You have to ask Tom first. You have to ask Tom first. Bemutatkozhatok? May I introduce myself to you? May I? A kutyád éhesnek látszik. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. Nyugi van! Mondtam, hogy megcsinálom, nem? Relax. I said I'd do it, didn't I? I told you I'd do it, didn't I? Beszöktem a házba. I sneak into the house. I snuck into the house. Inkubátorban töltöttem életem kezdeti szakaszát. I spent my starting period of my life in an incubator. I spent the first part of my life in an incubator. Ez minden. That'll be all. That's all. Nem egyszerű kijönni vele. He is difficult to get along with. It's not easy getting along with him. Hol voltál, amikor szükségem lett volna a segítségedre? Where were you when I needed your help? Where were you when I needed your help? Nem maradt más tennivaló. There's nothing else left to be done. There's nothing else to do. Megértem, hogy az kényelmetlen neked, de ne aggódj. I understand that you feel uneasy, but don't worry. I understand that it's uncomfortable for you, but don't worry. Ez nehéz volt. This was hard. That was hard. Elrepült a madár. The bird flew away. The bird flew away. A hozzátok hasonló idióták keltik az iskola rossz hírét. You idiots are giving the school a bad name. Idiots like you are giving the school a bad name. Nem tudom, miért szeretem őt annyira. I don't know why I love him so much. I don't know why I love him so much. Hívták az állatorvost, mert nem volt más orvos a faluban. They called the vet, since there was no other doctor in the village. They called the vet because there was no other doctor in the village. Éppen most érkeztem. I just arrived now. I just got here. Egy hétig fog esni, ha holnap nem áll el. It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow. It'll rain for a week if it doesn't stop tomorrow. Nem volt rám többé szükség. There was no longer need for me. I was no longer needed. Sokat esik. It rains a lot. It rains a lot. Tényleg boldog vagy? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Nem voltak otthon. They weren't at home. They weren't home. A bal felső sarokban az van odaírva, hogy "eladó". In the upper left corner it says "For sale". In the top left corner, it says "for sale." Hozzatok valami nasit. Bring some munchies. Get me some snacks. Legközelebb egy nagyobb méretűt kell venned. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time, you'll have to buy a bigger one. Nem túl jó a könyv állapota. The book's condition's not so good. The state of the book is not very good. - Hangokat hallasz a fejedben? - Igen, démoni hangokat. "You hear voices in your head?" "Yes, demonic voices." - Do you hear voices in your head? Tamás pezsgőt iszik. Tom is drinking champagne. Thomas drinks champagne. Miért repü6lni, ha vonattal is lehet menni? Why fly when you can go by train? Why fly when you can take the train? Ígéretett tett neki. He gave him his word. He promised her. Nem én loptam el. I didn't steal it. I didn't steal it. Az orvosok nem tudják, mi baja van Tamásnak. The doctors don't know what's wrong with Tom. The doctors don't know what's wrong with Tom. Mindig korábban kelek a többieknél. I always get up earlier than the others. I always wake up earlier than the others. Hetvenöt osztva öttel az tizenöt. Seventy-five divided by five is fifteen. Seventy-five divided by five is fifteen. Az eltűnt gyermeke keresésére indult. She went in search of her lost child. He went looking for his missing child. Nem csináltam még meg, amire kértél, mert ezidáig még nem volt rá időm. I haven't done yet what you asked me to do since I haven't had time till now. I haven't done what you asked me to do because I haven't had time yet. Olyan jó itthon maradni! It's so nice to stay at home. It's so good to stay home. Sokáig voltam a kádban. I took a long bath. I was in the tub for a long time. Teljesen hibbant. He's completely crazy. He's crazy. A munkád befejeződött. Your work is done. Your work is done. Megcsinálom. Ne mondja senki rám, hogy gyáva. I'll do it. No one can say I'm a coward. Don't call me a coward. Szombaton nincs nyitva a bolt. The store doesn't open on Saturday. The store is not open on Saturday. Tudni akartam az igazat. I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to know the truth. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem megyek át a holnapi vizsgán. I'm sure that I'm not going to pass my exam tomorrow. I'm sure I won't pass tomorrow's exam. Valamikor majd meglátogatunk. We will visit you sometime. We'll come visit you sometime. Hadd menjek először én. Let me go first. Let me go first. Mari dühösnek tűnt. Mary looked furious. Mari looked angry. Jó feleség lesz. She'll make a good wife. She'll make a good wife. Tomi megmutatta Marinak a cetlit, amit a szélvédő lapátja alatt talált. Tom showed Mary the note he found under his windshield wiper. Tomi showed Mari the note he found under the windshield shovel. Tominak vendége van. Tom has a guest. Tom has a guest. Az ilyen emberre nincs is szükségünk. Anyway, we don't need a person like he. We don't need that kind of man. A széles látókörű emberek tudják, hogy nincs éles különbség a valós és a nem valós dolgok között. Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal. Broad-minded people know that there is no sharp difference between real and unreal things. Nem akarom beleártani magam a dolgodba. I don't want to stick my nose in your business. I don't want to get involved in your business. Nem jöttél el. You didn't come. You didn't come. Iszol alkoholt? Do you drink alcohol? Do you drink alcohol? Tom csak egyszer mos egy héten hajat. Tom only washes his hair once a week. Tom only washes his hair once a week. Kit érdekel? Who gives a damn. Who cares? Kihagyott egy osztályt. He skipped a grade. Missed a class. Ne pánikolj már! Stop panicking! Don't panic. Remélem, Tom jól szórakozik. I hope Tom has fun. I hope Tom's having fun. Az ebéd délben van. Lunch is at noon. Lunch is at noon. Tom nagyon elfoglaltnak tűnt. Tom looked very busy. Tom seemed very busy. Meglepi! Surprise! Surprised! Vesztettünk, de jól éreztük magunkat. We lost, but we had fun. We lost, but we had a good time. Mindig pletykál. He's always gossiping. He's always gossiping. Ez mentett meg. That's what saved me. That's what saved me. Percig sem kételkedtem benned. I didn't doubt you for a second. I didn't doubt you for a second. Ez egy régi vicc. That's an old joke. It's an old joke. Hagyj kimenni! Let me go out. Let me out! Talán holnap jön. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe he'll come tomorrow. Tom művirágot adott Marynek Valentin-napra. Tom gave Mary artificial flowers for Valentine's Day. Tom gave Mary artificial flowers for Valentine's Day. A váróteremben ül. He's sitting in the waiting room. He's in the waiting room. Jobban kedvellek nála. I like you better than she. I like you better than him. Tomit kirúgták? Was Tom fired? Tom got fired? Ezt senkivel nem beszélheted meg. You must not discuss this with anyone. You can't discuss this with anyone. Cégigazgató lett harminc éves korában. He became the company president when he was thirty. He became CEO when he was 30. Tetszeni fog neked ez a játék. You will like this game. You're gonna like this game. Mária szeretné, ha összeházasodnánk, de én nem. Mary would like us to marry but I wouldn't. Mary wants us to get married, but I don't. Persze! Of course. Yeah. Marx Károly kommunista volt? Was Karl Marx a communist? Was Karl Marx a Communist? Kölcsönkérhetem? Can I borrow it? Can I borrow? Még itt leszel ezen a délutánon? Will you still be here this afternoon? Will you still be here this afternoon? Tomi egy idegroncs. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tom is a nervous wreck. Mária nem emlékszik rá, hogy lekapcsolta-e a lámpát. Marie doesn't remember having turned the light off. Mary doesn't remember if she turned off the light. Most menj el! Now go away! Now go away. Folyton zongorán gyakorolt. She was always practicing the piano. He was always practicing on the piano. A Minecraft évek óta népszerű játék világszerte. Minecraft has been a universally loved game for years. Minecraft has been a popular game all over the world for years. Az orchideák öntözése sem egyszerű dolog. Az öntözés gyakorisága a növény ültetéséhez használt anyagtól és a hőmérséklettől is függ. Watering orchids is also tricky. How often you water depends on the material you use to plant the flower and also the temperature. The frequency of watering also depends on the material used for planting the plant and the temperature. Válaszoljon, vagy megfenyíttetem! Now answer my question or you'll be standing tall before the man. Answer me or I'll punish you. Az orvosok életeket mentenek. Doctors save lives. Doctors save lives. Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everybody. We can't save everyone. Nem bírom tovább. Már három napja nem aludtam. I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days! I haven't slept in three days. Ha nem ment meg a bátyám, megfulladtam volna. If my brother hadn't helped me, I would've drowned. If my brother hadn't saved me, I'd have drowned. Tomit a legenyhébb kritikus megjegyzés is felbőszíti. Tom gets angry at the slightest hint of criticism. Tomi is enraged by the mildest critical remark. Tom pizsamában van. Tom is in his pajamas. Tom's in his pajamas. Elromlott a tévém. My TV was broken. My TV's broken. Nem emlékszem, hogy hová tettem. I don't remember where I put it. I don't remember where I put it. — Tényleg? — Persze. "Really?" "Yeah right." - Really? - Yeah. Tom segített. Tom helped. Tom helped. Nem az vagyok már, mint aki egykoron voltam. I'm no longer the one I used to be. I'm not who I used to be. Erre még soha nem gondoltam. I have never thought of that. I never thought of that. Tamás mikor jön? When is Tom coming? When is Tom coming? Szomjazik a föld. The soil thirsts. The earth is thirsty. Tomnak meg kellett volna hallgatnia Marit. Tom should have listened to Mary. Tom should have listened to Mari. Mindig ugyanaz a nóta. It's always the same story. It's always the same song. Az hónapokkal ezelőtt volt. That was months ago. That was months ago. A főnököm egy pöcs. My boss is an asshole. My boss is a dick. Gyereke végzetes kimenetelű balesete után magába fordult. After the fatal accident of his child, he withdrew within himself. After his child's fatal accident, he turned to himself. Jövünk a hálaadásra, de nem eszünk ott. We're coming to Thanksgiving but we're not eating. We're coming to Thanksgiving, but we're not eating there. Tisztán tartod a szobádat? Do you keep your room clean? Are you keeping your room clean? Jó okod van rá, hogy dühös legyél. You have good reason to be angry. You have good reason to be angry. Vajon házas? I wonder if she is married. Is he married? Van valamilyen asztmagyógyszere? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medication? Már nem bánthat. She can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore. Nincs benne semmi különös. There's nothing to it. There's nothing special about it. Ne nevezd őt az apámnak! Don't call him my father! Don't call him my father. Miért nem járunk utána? Why don't we go find out? Why don't we look into it? Kaphatnék fél kiló csirkecombot, kérem? Can I get half a kilo of chicken legs, please? Can I have a pound of chicken legs, please? Tudod, hogyan halt meg az édesapja? Do you know how his father died? Do you know how his father died? A szokás második természet. Habit is a second nature. Habit is second nature. Ne menj, hallod! Hey, don't go. Don't go, you hear me? Meg kell itt bent fulladni. It's impossible to breathe in there. You have to drown in here. Régebben nem ettem húst. I used to not eat meat. I didn't eat meat before. Rád gondoltam. I was thinking about you. I meant you. Tom egy igazán nagyszerű fickó. Tom is really a great guy. Tom's a really great guy. Jövök, mihelyst szólnak. I came as soon as I was told. I'll come as soon as they say. Eléggé biztos vagyok benne. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. Ricardo vagyok. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Megcsókolt. Így volt? She kissed you, didn't she? He kissed me, didn't he? Maradj hátul! Stay back. Stay in the back. Olyan forró volt a homok, hogy égette a talpunkat. The sand was so hot that it burned our feet. The sand was so hot, it burned our feet. Csukva voltak a szemeim, de nem aludtam. My eyes were closed but I didn't sleep. My eyes were closed, but I didn't sleep. Tom egyedül volt. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. A strand melyik irányban van? Which way is the beach? Which direction is the beach? Megállás nélkül köhögök reggel óta. I've been coughing nonstop since this morning. I've been coughing nonstop since this morning. Miért akarod megvenni neki? Why do you want to buy it for him? Why do you want to buy it for him? Több kell nekünk. We need more. We need more. Rárakta a törölközőjét a radiátorra. He put his towel on the radiator. He put his towel on the radiator. Sajnálom, de nem értettem teljesen, amit mondtál. Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand what you were saying. Nem tudok autót vezetni. I can't drive a car. I can't drive a car. A mindkét szülőjét elvesztett gyereket árvának hívják. A child who has lost both his parents is called an orphan. Both parents are called orphans. Tudom, mi a bajod. I know what's wrong with you. I know what's wrong with you. Tom franciául beszélt hozzám. Tom spoke French to me. Tom spoke to me in French. Az új iskola elmulasztotta figyelembe venni a fiatalok különleges igényeit. The new school failed to take into account the special needs of young people. The new school failed to take into account the special needs of young people. Tamás nem iszik dzsúszt. Tom doesn't drink juice. Tom doesn't drink juice. Túlságosan is magabiztos. He is overconfident. He's too confident. Tom megadta Marinak a számát. Tom gave Mary his number. Tom gave Mari his number. Mára beteget jelentett. He has reported sick today. She called in sick today. Meg kell mosni. It must be washed. You have to wash it. Mindegy, hogy hívják az elnököt, Jóska, Pista vagy Mari, mert mindegyik csak hazudik. No matter how the president is called, Joe, Stevie or Mamie, because all of them just lie. It doesn't matter what the president's name is, Jóska, Pista or Mari, because they're all lying. A városban élek. I'm living in the town. I live in the city. Úgy beszélsz, mint anyám. You talk like my mother. You sound like my mother. Zárt ajtók mögött játszották le a meccset. The match was played behind closed doors. The game was played behind closed doors. Van valami, amit elfelejtettem elmondani neked. There's something I forgot to tell you. There's something I forgot to tell you. A ház jól nézett ki, emellett az ára is megfelelő volt. The house looked good; moreover, the price was right. The house looked good and the price was good. Minden tökéletesen ment. Everything was going perfectly. Everything went perfectly. Tom eddig még nem repült seprűnyélen. Tom had never flown on a broomstick before. Tom's never flown a broomstick before. Hacsak repülni tudnék! I wish I could fly. If only I could fly! Nem kérsz egy kis narancslevet? Don't you want any orange juice? Would you like some orange juice? Baromi drága! It is terribly expensive. It's so expensive. Hiányzol nekünk. We miss you. We miss you. Van egy javaslatom. I have a suggestion. I have a suggestion. Hát, tünetem az nincs. Well, I don't have any symptoms. Well, I don't have any symptoms. Tom elvigyorodott. Tom smirked. Tom grinned. Tom segít Máriának. Tom helps Mary. Tom's helping Mary. Félnek. They're afraid. They're scared. Lázasnak érzem magam. I feel feverish. I feel feverish. Egy új kémiai kísérletet hajtottak végre. They carried out a new experiment in chemistry. A new chemical experiment was carried out. Vasárnap ingyenes a belépés. Admission is free on Sundays. Entrance is free on Sundays. Te törted össze. You smashed it. You broke it. Imádom a tengert. I adore the sea. I love the sea. Tom aláírta a számlát. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. Eljött Tomi? Did Tom come here? Is Tom here? Annyira sok időt és energiát fektetett annak az esküvőnek az előkészítésébe. She spent so much time and energy preparing that wedding. He spent so much time and energy preparing for that wedding. Tomi lefordította a levelet franciára. Tom translated the letter into French. Tom translated the letter into French. Csak ugratlak. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. László felment Mari után a padlásra. After Mary, Leslie went up to the attick. Laszlo went up to the attic after Mari. Kedvelem a szerelmi történeteket. I like love stories. I like love stories. Néha-néha moziba megyek. I go to the movies once in a while. Sometimes I go to the movies. Bizonyíték kell. I need evidence. I need proof. Hívnál nekem egy taxit? Will you call a taxi for me? Can you call me a cab? Nekem volt. I had it. I did. Csak szendvicset ettem ma. I only ate sandwiches today. I just had a sandwich today. Szeretem a kisvárosokat. I like small towns. I like small towns. A mi problémánk össze sem mérhető az övével. Our problems are nothing compared to hers. Our problems are nothing compared to his. - Megnézhetem a jegyét? - Igen. Itt van. "Can I see your ticket?" "Yes. Here it is." - Can I see your ticket? Nincs időm olvasni. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. Tudom, hogy nem tudom olyan jól megcsinálni, mint Tom. I know I can't do that as well as Tom. I know I can't do it as well as Tom. Folyik az orrom. I have a runny nose. My nose is running. Vizsgálódtunk a múltjában. We made inquiries into his past. We've been looking into your past. Csak postán voltam. I was just at the post office. I was just in the mail. Nem tudom elképzelni nélküled a jövőmet. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. Tom egy étteremben dolgozik a Park Streeten. Tom works at a restaurant on Park Street. Tom works at a restaurant on Park Street. Nem fulladt a medencébe. He did not drown in the pool. He didn't drown in the pool. Nem talált senkit Tomi, aki segítsen neki. Tom couldn't find anyone to help him. He couldn't find anyone to help him. Ne nézd ezt! Don't look at it! Don't look at this. Elmennék Londonba. I'd like to visit London. I'd go to London. Boldogabb új évet! Happier New Year! Happy New Year! Tom nagyon energikus. Tom is very energetic. Tom is very energetic. Ez egy ocsmány üzlet, Watson, egy ocsmány, veszélyes üzlet, és minél inkább látom, annál kevésbé tetszik. It’s an ugly business, Watson, an ugly, dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. It's an ugly business, Watson, it's an ugly, dangerous business, and the more I see it, the less I like it. Tom körülnézett a bostoni lakásában, hogy témát találjon új mondathoz, és akkor meglátta a francia nyelvtankönyvet. Tom looked around in his Boston apartement to find a theme for a new sentence. And then he caught sight of his French textbook. Tom looked around his apartment in Boston to find a theme for a new sentence, and then he saw the French grammar book. Eljön? Does he come here? He's coming? A tuaregek nagy tisztelettel tekintenek a tevékre. The Tuaregs have great respect for camels. The Tuaregs have great respect for camels. Olaszországban, Genovában 39 embert megölve omlott le egy híd. A bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy, killing 39. In Genoa, Italy, 39 people were killed by a bridge. Itt vagyok a közelben. I'm nearby. I'm close by. Az utcán ismertem meg. I met him in the street. I met him on the street. Mary elmondta nekem, hogy élvezte a koncertet. Mary told me she enjoyed the concert. Mary told me that she enjoyed the concert. Most mit mondjak? What should I say now? What do you want me to say? A fiúja úgy néz ki, mint egy majom. Her boyfriend looks like a monkey. Your boyfriend looks like a monkey. Tom segített a rendőrségnek elkapni a tolvajt. Tom helped the police catch the thief. Tom helped the police catch the thief. Tom betette a bankba a pénzét. Tom put his money in the bank. Tom put his money in the bank. Tom nem olyan intelligens, mint te. Tom isn't as intelligent as you. Tom's not as intelligent as you. Melegek vagyunk. We're gay. We're gay. Az még nem baj, ha néhányan parasztnak tartanak. It's OK if some people think you're an asshole. It's okay if some people think I'm a peasant. Van gyerekosztályuk? Do you have a children's department? Do you have a children's ward? Részemről nincs kifogás. As for me, I have no objection. No excuses from me. Be van kapcsolva a mikrofon? Is the microphone on? Is the microphone on? Nem fogod őt meggyőzni ezekkel a szavakkal. You will not persuade her with these words. You won't convince him with those words. Ki kell innen jutnunk. We must get out of here. We have to get out of here. Hirtelen felnevetett. All of a sudden, she began to laugh. Suddenly he laughed. Nem szeretném, ha rossz benyomás alakulna ki benned rólam. I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression about me. I don't want you to get a bad impression of me. Várj, amíg közelebb jön! Wait until it comes closer. Wait till he gets closer. Nem szeretem az olyan embereket, mint te. I don't like people like you. I don't like people like you. Az nem egy igazi megoldás. That isn't really a solution. That's not a real solution. Azt hiszem, képes vagyok rá. I think I can. I think I can do it. Ne nézzünk tévét! Let's not watch TV. Let's not watch TV. A saját szememmel láttam és a saját fülemmel hallottam őt. I've seen him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears. I saw him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears. Korábban senki nem gondolt rá hogy jeget adjon el. No one had ever thought of selling ice before. No one had ever thought of selling ice before. Nem volt belém szerelmes. She wasn't in love with me. He wasn't in love with me. Nincs szükségem semmire. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Síri csend honolt a házban. The house was dead silent. There was a grave silence in the house. Azt mondták, hogy ők a menyasszony rokonai. They said they were related to the bride. They said they were relatives of the bride. Nevettek ők ketten. They both laugh. The two of them laughed. Mit adott a férjed a születésnapodra? What did your husband give you for your birthday? What did your husband give you for your birthday? Nem volt könnyű számomra. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. Kamionos vagyok. I am a truck driver. I'm a trucker. A török egy ragozó nyelv. Turkish is an agglutinating language. Turkish is a conjugating language. A semmiből került elő. It came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere. Én szeretem az ilyen dolgokat. I enjoy doing things like this. I like things like that. Biztos, hallucinálok. I must be hallucinating. I must be hallucinating. Dutyiba dugtak. They put me in jail. They put me in jail. Tom ott lesz a ma esti partin. Tom will be at tonight's party. Tom's gonna be at the party tonight. Csak erre volt szükségem. I just needed this one. That's all I needed. Tom és Mary párnacsatáztak. Tom and Mary had a pillow fight. Tom and Mary had a pillow fight. Voltak sérülések. There have been injuries. There were injuries. Bocsásson meg, bizonyára rossz számot hívtam. Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. Excuse me, I must have the wrong number. Bostonban voltam, amikor ez történt. I was in Boston when that happened. I was in Boston when this happened. Tom nem szereti a Becherovkát, de hát kit érdekel!? Tom doesn't like Becherovka, but who cares? Tom doesn't like Becherovka, but who cares? Tamás abbahagyja a dohanyzást. Tom is quitting smoking. Thomas is stopping smoking. Mikor találkoztál Tommal? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Maradjatok itt! Stay here! Stay here. Amikor felébredtem, szomorú voltam. When I woke up, I was sad. When I woke up, I was sad. Tom a kijárathoz ment. Tom went to the exit. Tom went to the exit. Tamás két üveg bort iszik meg minden étkezésnél. Tom drinks two bottles of wine with each meal. Thomas drinks two bottles of wine at every meal. Körültekintően vezess! Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Ez is valami. Better than nothing. That's something. Nyáron több kocsi van úton, mint télen. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. Körbevitorlázták a Földet. They sailed around the world. They've sailed around the Earth. Elköltöttem minden pénzemet. I spent all my money. I spent all my money. A marcipánmalacok nem röfögnek. Marzipan pigs do not grunt. Marzipan pigs don't grunt. Aztán az anyja elgondolkodott. Then his mother thought. Then her mother thought. Sokkalta újabb a bringád az enyémhez képest. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. You've got a lot of new bikes compared to mine. Majdnem három évbe telt felépíteni a házamat. It took almost three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build my house. Honnan ered a magabiztosság? Where does this self-confidence come from? Where does confidence come from? Görögök vagyunk. We're Greeks. We're Greeks. Menjünk el. Let's go away. Let's go. Úgy teszek, ahogy a kedvem tartja. I'll do as I please. I'll do as I please. Határozott irány alapján válogatunk színészeket. We make selections based on a definite direction. We choose actors based on a definite direction. Nem tudtam, hogy Tom éhes volt-e vagy sem. I didn't know whether Tom was hungry or not. I didn't know if Tom was hungry or not. Szerintem ismered őt. I think you know her. I think you know him. Van valami olcsóbb is? Do you have anything cheaper? Is there anything cheaper? Tom a barátnője fotóit a tűzbe dobta. Tom threw the photos of his girlfriend in the fire. Tom threw his girlfriend's photos into the fire. Tom újra rám nézett, és elmosolyodott. Tom looked at me again and smiled. Tom looked at me again and smiled. Mit dolgozik apád? What does your father do for work? What does your father do? A művészet célja nem az, hogy megmutassa a dolgokat kivűlről, hanem a belső lényegiségüket. The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. The purpose of art is not to show things from the outside, but to show their inner essence. A ház eladása mellett döntöttünk. We've decided to sell our house. We decided to sell the house. Szinte semmit nem hagytál nekünk. You left us almost nothing. You've left us almost nothing. További öt évre meghosszabbították Tomi szerződését. Tom renewed his contract for a further three years. Tom's contract was extended for another five years. Régóta vártok engemet? Did you wait a long time for me? Have you been waiting long? Tom nem bízik a kormányban. Tom doesn't trust the government. Tom doesn't trust the government. Ez csak egy üres fenyegetés. This is just an idle threat. It's just an empty threat. Büdös ez a sajt. This cheese stinks. This cheese stinks. Meg sem fontolod? Don't you even think about it? You won't even consider it? Táncolni fognak. They'll dance. They'll dance. Láttad az apámat? Did you see my father? Have you seen my father? Nagyon fontos, hogy alaposan kezet moss miután kicserélted a baba pelenkáját. It is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing a baby's diaper. It is very important to wash your hands thoroughly after changing your baby's diaper. Furcsa dolgok történnek. Strange things happen. Strange things happen. Tom kifogta és megette a nagy halat, amelyik megette a kis halakat. Tom caught and ate the big fish that had eaten the little fish. Tom caught and ate the big fish that ate the little fish. Felhívott, hogy késni fog tíz-tizenöt percet. He called he would be ten to fifteen minutes late. He called and said he'd be ten or fifteen minutes late. Tom ezt megcsinálta, azt pedig nem. Tom did this, but he didn't do that. Tom did this and he didn't. Szevasztok! Hi fellas! Hey, guys. Egyik legjobb barátom hagyott cserben. One of my best friends has failed me. One of my best friends let me down. Senkit sem lehet kínzásnak, durva, embertelen, megalázó bánásmódnak vagy büntetésnek alávetni. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. No one shall be subjected to torture, harsh, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Még fiatalok. They're still young. They're young. Szükségem van egy csavarhúzóra. I need a screwdriver. I need a screwdriver. Miért azt? Why that? Why that? Azt hittem, ismerem őt. I thought I knew him. I thought I knew him. Tom túl fiatal hozzá, nem? Tom is too young for that, isn't he? Tom's too young for that, isn't he? Otthon maradtunk és főztünk magunknak. We stayed at home and cooked for ourselves. We stayed home and cooked for ourselves. Ismerjük ezt a dalt. We are familiar with this song. We know this song. Lennél szíves kicsit lassabban beszélni? Could you please speak a little slower? Would you please talk slower? Hánykor éri el a vonat Jokohamát? What time does this train reach Yokohama? What time does the train reach Yokohama? A mostoha horcruxa a varázstükör volt. The horcrux of stepmother was the magic mirror. Her step-horcrux was the magic mirror. Tom nem akart beugrani a hideg vízbe. Tom didn't want to jump into the cold water. Tom didn't want to jump in the cold water. Tom a vadonban nőtt fel, állatok nevelték fel: egy erszényesfarkas-család, egy koala és egy dingó. Tom was grown up in the wilderness brought up by animals: a zebra-wolf family, a koala and a dingo. Tom grew up in the wild, raised by animals: a family of marsupial wolves, a koala and a dingo. Tom a legidősebb fiunk. Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our eldest son. Tomi nem kimondottan egy csapatjátékos. Tom isn't really a team player. Tom isn't exactly a team player. Nem tudom, hogy mikor történt, de megtörtént. I don't know when it happened, but it happened. I don't know when it happened, but it did. Tominak segítenie kellett volna lefestenie a csűrt, de nem került elő. Tom was supposed to help me paint the barn yesterday, but he never showed up. Tom was supposed to help paint the barn, but he didn't turn up. Te vagy az az egy, aki megért engem. You're the only one who understands me. You're the one who understands me. Nem Tom volt. It wasn't Tom. It wasn't Tom. Meg akartam neked üzenni valamit Tommal. I wanted Tom to tell you something. I wanted to tell you something about Tom. Reméljük, nemsokára megnyílik megint a múzeum. We hope the museum will reopen soon. Hopefully the museum will open again soon. Nem akarom megvenni ezt a fajta kanapét. I don't want to buy this kind of sofa. I don't want to buy this kind of couch. Nem tudom megnyitni a linket. I can't open the link. I can't open the link. A történet valóságos volt. The story was true. The story was real. Mit mondjak Tominak? What'll I tell Tom? What do I tell Tom? Nincs meg benne a motiváltság. She lacks motivation. He doesn't have the motivation. Kapcsold be a klímát! Turn on the air conditioner. Turn on the climate. Meg vagyok döbbenve. I'm astonished. I'm shocked. Egyáltalán nem tetszik az ötlet. I don't like that idea at all. I don't like the idea at all. Megkérdeztem tőle, hogy másnap el fog-e menni oda. I asked him if he would go there the next day. I asked him if he would go there the next day. Harminc méter hosszú. It is thirty meters in length. It's 30 meters long. Értesz a nők nyelvén. You're good with women. You know women's language. Csak olvasáshoz hordok szemüveget. I only wear glasses for reading. I only wear glasses for reading. Isten felébredt egyszer csak az idő közepén, és mivel sötét volt körülötte, azt mondta, legyen világosság. Once upon a time, in the middle of it, God woke up and since it was dark he said: Let there be light. God woke up in the middle of time, and because it was dark around him, he said there should be light. Az internet új műfajokat teremtett. The Internet created new genres. The Internet has created new genres. Néha csak a címsorokat olvasom el. Sometimes I only read the headlines. Sometimes I just read the headlines. Mire felébredtem, már nem volt ott. By the time I woke up she wasn't already there. When I woke up, he was gone. Felveszlek a hotel előtt. I'll pick you up in front of the hotel. I'll pick you up outside the hotel. Mondom, hogy nem bírom őt! I really don't like him. I'm telling you, I don't like him. Mi van akkor, ha történt vele valami? What if something happened to her? What if something happened to him? Amikor utoljára láttalak, még csak kisfiú voltál, Mary. When I saw you last time, you were just a little boy, Mary. The last time I saw you, you were just a little boy, Mary. Apám Tokióban él és dolgozik. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. Ezt olyan nehéz megérteni? Is this that hard to understand? Is that so hard to understand? Mit találok majd a dobozban? What'll I find in the box? What will I find in the box? Rosszabb a helyzet, mint hittük. The situation is worse than we believed. It's worse than we thought. Tom mennyi pénzt fog kapni? How much is Tom going to get paid? How much money will Tom get? Most már értem. Now I understand. Now I get it. Pár perc múlva kész vagyok. I'll be ready in a few minutes. I'll be ready in a few minutes. Ez bölcs dolog lenne. That would be wise. That would be wise. Ti ketten meg mit bámultok? What are you two staring at? What are you two looking at? Zavarnak engem. They're bothering me. They're bothering me. Megint elhagyta az esernyőjét. He lost his umbrella again. He left his umbrella again. Nincs egy óránk. We don't have an hour. We don't have an hour. Tom éppen most jött érkezett. Tom just came. Tom just got here. Apám aggódik az egészségem miatt. My father is worried about my health. My father is worried about my health. Milyen különös ország! What a strange country! What a strange country! Ki a franc az a Tom? Who the fuck is Tom? Who the hell is Tom? Arra kért Borisz, hogy ezt adjam át neked. Boris asked me to give this to you. Boris asked me to give you this. Semmi dolgom a múlttal - se a jövővel. Én a jelenben élek. With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. I have nothing to do with the past or the future. I live in the present. Ki csinálta ezt a tortát? Who made this cake? Who made this cake? Kismillió dolgom van. I have a ton of stuff to do. I've got a million things to do. Bárki szenvedhet alultápláltságban, mégha nem is tud róla. Any of us could suffer from malnutrition and not know it! Anyone can suffer from malnutrition, even if they don't know it. Meg van mentve a nap. The day is saved. The sun is saved. Elegem van mindenből. I am fed up with everything. I'm sick of everything. Elviselhetetlenné váltak a dolgok. Things have become unbearable. Things have become unbearable. Szerintem is jobb így. I think it's better that way, too. I think it's better that way. Hülye ötlet volt. It was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea. Tomnak korábban kellett volna hazamennie. Tom should have gone home earlier. Tom should have gone home sooner. Kissé kiestem a formámból. I'm a little out of shape. I'm a little out of shape. Tominak van egy ültetvénye. Tom owns a plantation. Tom has a plantation. Hoztam neked ebédet. I brought you some lunch. I brought you lunch. Tomi csodált minket. Tom adored us. Tom admired me. Mindjárt sírok. I want to cry. I'm gonna cry. Fizikailag topon vagyok. I'm physically fit. Physically, I'm on top. Úgy tűnik, nem működik a mikrofon. This microphone doesn't seem to be working. The microphone doesn't seem to be working. Mikor hunyt el Tamás? When did Tom pass away? When did Tom die? Sokat utazol? Do you travel a lot? You travel a lot? A páciens állandó gondozásra szorul. The patient requires constant care. The patient needs constant care. El kell majd mondanod a teljes történetet. You'll have to tell the whole story. You're gonna have to tell me the whole story. Biztos, szomjas vagy. You must be thirsty. You must be thirsty. A táblára az van írva, "tilos a dohányzás". The sign says "no smoking". The sign says, "No smoking." Nagyon baba! Cool! She's so cute. harmincezer dollárt keresett. She made thirty thousand dollars. He made $30,000. A franciád tökéletes. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. Nagyon örültek, amikor megérkeztünk. They were very happy when we arrived. They were very happy when we arrived. Tom fáradt volt. Tom was tired. Tom was tired. Te nekem nem parancsolhatsz. You can't give me orders. You can't give me orders. Gyerekkoromban gyakran sétáltam az erdőben. When I was a child I often walked in the woods. When I was a kid, I used to walk in the woods. Tennivalók vannak. There's work to be done. There's work to be done. Az évfordulók fontosak. Anniversaries are important. Anniversaries are important. Tom kedves volt. Tom was nice. Tom was nice. Tomi későn jött és korán távozott. Tom came late and left early. Tom came late and left early. Beszélek kicsit magyarul. I speak a little Hungarian. I speak a little Hungarian. Szomjasak? Are you thirsty? Thirsty? Azok rózsák nem olyan szépek, mint ezek. Those roses aren't as beautiful as these. Those roses aren't as pretty as these. A bekezdés, amit a tanár kért Sarahtól, hogy olvassa fel, nem volt valami érdekes. The paragraph the teacher asked Sarah to read was not very interesting. The paragraph the teacher asked Sarah to read wasn't very interesting. A torta, amit Tom sütött, finom volt. The cake that Tom baked was delicious. The cake Tom baked was delicious. Rövid várakozás után hülyeségeket kezdett el összehordani. After a short while, he began to talk nonsense. After a short wait, he started saying stupid things. Tom azt mondta, Mary most Bostonban van. Tom said that Mary is in Boston now. Tom said Mary's in Boston now. Jobb lett volna, ha hajóval jössz. You had better have gone by ship. It would have been better if you'd taken the boat. Éltél már nagyvárosban? Have you ever lived in a big city? Have you ever lived in a big city? Van? Is there any? Do you? Vannak földrengések Németországban? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Ez nem bátorság lenne, hanem butaság! It wouldn't be courage but folly. That's not bravery, that's stupid. Annak ellenére, hogy bocsánatot kért, én még mindig dühös vagyok. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even though he apologized, I'm still angry. Italokkal teli tálcával sétált el egy pincérnő. A waitress walked by with a trayful of drinks. A waitress walked away with a tray full of drinks. Szeretném tudni, hogy a nők miért élnek tovább, mint a férfiak. I'd like to know why women live longer than men. I want to know why women live longer than men. Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push this button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. Itt várok, amíg nem jön. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. Igazából nincs szükségem a pénzre. I don't really need the money. I don't really need the money. Mindenét pénzzé tette. He sold everything he had. He's turned everything into money. Vessen még egy pillantást a várostérképre. Take another good look at the city map. Take another look at the city map. Nem bánta meg Tom, amit tett. Tom doesn't regret what he did. Tom didn't regret what he did. Inkább biciklivel megyek oda, mintsem gyalog. I would rather go there by bike than walk. I'd rather ride my bike than walk. Nem az, aminek látszik. It's not what it seems. It's not what it looks like. Gyönyörű nyári nap volt. It was a beautiful summer day. It was a beautiful summer day. Mindennek van határa. Everything has its limit. There's a limit to everything. Valamilyen könyvben olvastam. I read it in some book. I read it in some book. Mit kívánnak, teát vagy kávét? Which do you want, tea or coffee? What do you want, tea or coffee? Vannak kérdések, melyekre senki sem tudja a választ. There are questions to which no one knows an answer. There are questions that no one knows the answer to. Ki tudod kérni a hétfőt? Can you take Monday off? Can you make it Monday? Tom kifizette a lakbért? Has Tom paid the rent? Did Tom pay the rent? A fiam bőre könnyen felrepedezik a forró évszakban. During the hot season, my son's skin breaks out easily. My son's skin cracks easily in the hot season. Az abszolút igazság nem létezik. Absolute truth does not exist. Absolute truth does not exist. Felejtsd el őt! Forget her. Forget about him. Kihúzhatom már a bakancslistámról. Now, I can cross that off my bucket list. I can cross him off my bucket list. Bármit is mond neked, tedd meg! Do whatever it is that he tells you to do. Whatever he says to you, do it. Egyáltalán nem találom ezt viccesnek. I don't find this funny at all. I don't find this funny at all. Nem volt kedve golfozni Tominak. Tom didn't feel like playing golf. He didn't want to play golf with Tom. Elnézést, de nagy volt a forgalom. Sorry. Traffic was heavy. I'm sorry, there was a lot of traffic. Képtelen volt beszélni hozzá. She wasn't able to talk to him. He couldn't talk to her. Létezel? Do you exist? You exist? Amikor bajban van, mindig a nővéréhez fordul segítségért. When he is in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help. When he's in trouble, he always goes to his sister for help. Tom fáradt. Tom is tired. Tom's tired. A folyó felé kanyarodott. He began to angle toward the river. He turned towards the river. Nem vagyok biztos ennek a jelentésében. I'm not sure what this means. I'm not sure about this report. Engem csak Tomi szeret. Tom is the only one who loves me. Only Tom likes me. A buddhizmus békés vallás. Legyél te is buddhista. Buddhism is a peaceful religion. Become a Buddhist. Buddhism is a peaceful religion. Be a Buddhist too. Az ágyban van még mindig. He's still in bed. He's still in bed. Tom elfelejtette visszatenni a tejet a hűtőszekrénybe. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the refrigerator. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the fridge. A szívverésed szabályos. You have a regular pulse. Your heartbeat is normal. Mik az aggodalmaid? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Ne öregedj meg! Nem jó öregnek lenni. Don't become old. It's not good to be old. Don't get old, it's not good to be old. Csillagok vezetnek utamon. The stars guide me on my way. Stars lead my way. Legyél szíves segíteni! Please help me. Please help me. Alig emlékszem rá. I can hardly remember it. I barely remember him. Tamás utálja ezt. Tom hates it. Tom hates that. Már megint vigyorogsz. You're smirking again. You're smiling again. Ez illegális. That's illegal. It's illegal. Te voltál az? Was it you who did it? Was that you? Ez eredményes stratégia volt. That was an effective strategy. It was an effective strategy. Szúnyogcsípéseim vannak, és nagyon viszketnek. Van rá valami gyógyszere? I've got mosquito bites and they really itch. Do you have any medicine for it? I've got mosquito bites, and they're itchy. Kennek két macskája van. Ken keeps two cats. Ken has two cats. Gyerekkoromban csak a gazdag családok gyerekeinek volt spirálfüzete. When I was a child, only children from wealthy families had ringed notebooks. When I was a kid, only the children of rich families had a spiral book. Nem negociálható. It's not negotiable. It's not negotiable. Építsünk ki behatolásjelző riasztót! Let's install a burglar alarm. Let's build an intrusion alarm. Mikor száll fel a géped? What time does your plane take off? What time's your flight? Zamenhof könyveit nem könnyű megtalálni. Zamenhof's books are not easily found. Zamenhof's books are not easy to find. Tom azt tanácsolta Marynek, hogy ne kérjen túl sok pénzt Johntól. Tom advised Mary not to borrow too much money from John. Tom advised Mary not to ask John for too much money. Erre bárki képes. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Tom bedrogozta Maryt. Tom drugged Mary. Tom drugged Mary. És ráadásul kirúgtak. And on top of it all, I was fired. And I got fired. Tom tud beszélni. Tom can talk. Tom can talk. Nem vagy isten. You're not God. You're not a god. Volt egy szellem a házban. There was a ghost in the house. There was a ghost in the house. Tom elvesztette a szaglását. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tudom, hogy vicceltél. I know you were joking. I know you were joking. Csak a fekete hajam miatt szeretsz? Do you love me just because I have black hair? You only like me because of my black hair? Persze, hogy szeretem. Of course I like it. Of course I do. Teázik Mária? Does Mary drink tea? Have tea with Mary? Ez eléggé rejtélyes. This is quite puzzling. It's kind of mysterious. Ez a kommunizmus. This is communism. This is communism. Szeretném, ha szeretnének. (Ady Endre) I'd like to be loved. I want them to love me. Zavard már el Tomit. Make Tom go away. Get Tom out of here. Tommal más vagy. You're different with Tom. You're different with Tom. Svájc szép ország. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Éjjel nagy a hőség. It is very hot at night. It's hot at night. A Fekete Erdő torta egy természetes afrodiziákum. The Black Forest cake is a natural aphrodisiac. Black Forest cake is a natural aphrodisiac. Nekem úgy tűnik, tévedsz. It seems to me that you are wrong. You look like you're wrong. Ez mindenkit befolyásol. It affects everyone. It affects everyone. Tom semmi mást nem tesz, csak tévét néz. Tom does nothing but watch TV. All Tom does is watch TV. Ugyanolyan idős, mint én. He's the same age as I. He's the same age as me. Nagyon szívesen megtenném még egyszer. I'd love to do it again. I would love to do it again. Nagyon sok időbe telt nekem megírni ezt a könyvet. It took me a long time to write this book. It took me a long time to write this book. A rendőrtisztek letartóztatták a betörőt. The police officers arrested the burglar. Police officers arrested the burglar. Nem vagyok képes megtalálni Timet. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. Szenteste mindig templomba megyünk. We always go to church on Christmas Eve. We always go to church on Christmas Eve. Próbáltam elaludni. I was trying to fall asleep. I tried to sleep. Gyerekkoromban bárhol képes voltam aludni. When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere. When I was a kid, I could sleep anywhere. Alkatrészeket gyártunk egy autógyárban. We are producing spare parts in an automobile factory. We make parts in a car factory. Tudom már, mit fogok most tenni. I already know what I'm going to do. I know what I'm going to do. Tomi levette a zokniját. Tom took off his socks. Tom took off his socks. Csinálj egy jó erős teát! Make the tea good and strong. Make a strong tea. A füzet az asztalon hever. The notebook is lying on the table. The notebook is on the table. A zöld szemeteszsák szivárog. The green trash bag is leaking. The green trash bag is leaking. Nekem egy örökkévalóságnak tűnt. It seemed like an eternity to me. It seemed like forever to me. Mit nevezünk madárnak? What is a bird? What do you call a bird? Tehetetlennek érzem magam. I feel helpless. I feel helpless. Megráztam a fejemet. I shook my head. I shook my head. Emlékszel arra a napra, amikor megismerkedtünk? Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we met? Nem nézed. You aren't watching. You're not watching. Hibát követett el. He made a mistake. You made a mistake. Készen van. Done. It's ready. Mi történik? What is happening? What's happening? Elköltötte az összes pénzt, amit adtam neki. She spent all the money I gave her. He spent all the money I gave him. Van egy nagy gondunk. We've got a big problem. We have a big problem. Cigiszagú vagy. You smell like cigarette smoke. You smell like smoke. Tomot meg kellett volna bilincselni. Tom should have been handcuffed. Tom should have been handcuffed. Tom szülei hippik voltak. Tom's parents were hippies. Tom's parents were hippies. Számonkérőn rám szegezte a tekintetét. He questioningly stared at me. He pointed his eyes at me. Láttam Danát. I saw Dana. I saw Dana. Nem értem oda időben. I failed to go there in time. I didn't get there in time. Mikor indulunk holnap? What time do we leave tomorrow? When do we leave tomorrow? Magatok csináltátok? Did you do it yourself? Did you do it yourself? Esik a hó. It snows. It's snowing. Nem akarok az időjárásról beszélgetni. I don't want to talk about the weather. I don't want to talk about the weather. Ez egy nagyszerű terv. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Nembináris vagyok. I'm nonbinary. I'm non-binary. Nem tart sokáig ez a meleg. This warm weather won't last. This heat won't last long. Az autóban smároltunk. We smooched in the car. We made out in the car. Mindjárt el kell kezdened. You must start soon. You're about to start. Az mi az orrod alatt? What is that under your nose? What's that under your nose? Azt kézzel kötötte a nagymamám. My grandmother knit that by hand. It was hand-stitched by my grandmother. Több mint egy éven át hánykolódott a palack, hol északra, hol délre, ahogy az óceáni áramlatok sodorták. For over a year the bottle drifted about, now north, now south, as the ocean's currents drove it. For more than a year, the bottle drifted north and south, as ocean currents carried it. Tom és Marika jól érezték magukat. Tom and Mary were enjoying themselves. Tom and Marika had a great time. Tudtam, hogy valamit el fogok felejteni. I knew I'd forget something. I knew I was going to forget something. Örülök, hogy volt alkalmad Tomival találkozni. I'm glad you got to meet Tom. I'm glad you had the opportunity to meet Tom. A szakmai gyakorlatom ma ér véget. My internship ends today. My internship ends today. John Smith, született Kovács János, olyan régóta él az Egyesült Államokban, hogy már akcentussal beszél magyarul. John Smith, born János Kovács, has been living so long in the United States that he speaks Hungarian with an accent. John Smith, born János Kovács, has lived in the United States for so long that he speaks Hungarian with an accent. Itt magasabb a hőmérséklet, mint Tokióban. The temperature here is higher than that of Tokyo. The temperature here is higher than in Tokyo. Segíthetek? Can I help? Help you? Ő volt az egyetlen, akit nem hívtak meg az ünnepségre. He was the only one not invited to the party. He was the only one who wasn't invited to the ceremony. Nem tudja megcsinálni. She can't do it. He can't do it. Válaszfalat építettek az autópálya szélén, hogy eltereljék a zajt a közelben lévő házaktól. A barrier, designed to deflect noise away from nearby houses, was erected along the edge of the freeway. A bulkhead was built on the side of the highway to divert noise from nearby houses. Készítesz előételeket? Will you make appetizers? Do you make appetizers? Abban a kultúrában a férfiak vonzónak tekintik a rendkívül hosszú nyakú nőket. For men of that culture, women with extremely long necks are considered attractive. In that culture, men are attracted to women with extremely long necks. A nevem Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. A tortája remek. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is great. Elkísérem önöket az állomásra. I'll accompany you to the station. I'll escort you to the station. Szükségünk van egy orvosra. We need a doctor. We need a doctor. Fél órával vagyunk éjfél után. It is half past midnight. It's half an hour after midnight. Hol tettél szert a pénzre? Where did you get the money from? Where did you get the money? Hívd a biztonságiakat. Call security. Call security. Erre nem fog sor kerülni. It's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Hogy történt a közlekedési baleset? How did the traffic accident happen? How did the traffic accident happen? Mária orvos. Mary is a doctor. Mary is a doctor. De nem hitt nekem senki. But nobody believed me. But no one believed me. Mely napokon dolgozol? On which days do you work? What days do you work? Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Ez jó móka lett volna. That would've been fun. That would have been fun. Belefulladt egy muslica a pezsgőmbe. A fruit fly drowned in my Champagne. A fruit fly drowned in my champagne. Istenem! Apa leszek! Whoa! I'm going to be a father! God, I'm gonna be a father. Láttunk a múzeumban múmiát. We saw a mummy in the museum. We saw a mummy at the museum. Nem a mi hibánk volt. Higgy nekem! It wasn't our fault. Believe me. It wasn't our fault. Tegnap halat ettem. I ate fish yesterday. I ate fish yesterday. Hurrá, megvan! Hurray! I have found it! Yay, got it! Reménytelen volt. It was hopeless. It was hopeless. Nem ismerem ki magam ezen a környéken. I don't know my way around this neighborhood. I don't know my way around this neighborhood. Nekem a kor nem számít. Age doesn't matter to me. Age doesn't matter to me. Nehéz szavakkal kifejezni. It's hard to put into words. Difficult to express in words. Ez a tárolóhelyiség. This is the storage room. This is the storage room. Ezen hamarosan változtatni fogunk. We'll soon change that. We will change that soon. Tom nem igazságot akart, hanem bosszút. Tom didn't want justice. He wanted revenge. Tom didn't want justice. He wanted revenge. Tom itt volt előttem. Tom was here before me. Tom was right in front of me. Ért angolul? Do you understand English? Do you understand English? Ezt én nem fogadom el. I don't buy it. I don't accept that. Azt hallottam valakitől, hogy a mai dolgozat pontosan ugyanaz volt, mint a múlt évi. Somebody told me that today's test was identical to the one we had last year. I heard from someone that today's test was exactly the same as last year. Micsoda megrázkódtatás! What a shock! What a shock! Hűséges vagyok. I'm faithful. I'm loyal. Bárcsak korán reggel csináltad volna azt. I wish you would do that early in the morning. I wish you'd done that early in the morning. Nekem ugyanolyannak tűnnek. They all look the same to me. They look the same to me. Ők egy tökéletes család. They're the perfect family. They are a perfect family. Tamás nem szereti a telet. Tom doesn't like winter. Thomas doesn't like winter. Mi az otthoni számod? What's your home number? What's your home number? A félelmeim fölé emelkedtem. I have overcome my fear. I have risen above my fears. Ha idenézel, látod. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you see. Elég elfoglalt vagyok. I'm fairly busy. I'm kind of busy. Túl keményen dolgozol. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Melyik jelölt tetszik jobban? Which candidate do you prefer? Which candidate do you like best? Ez fontos. It's important. This is important. Te már halott vagy! You are already dead! You're already dead! Én sem akarom tudni. I don't want to know either. I don't want to know either. Zárjuk egy pozitiv megjegyzéssel. Let's finish on a positive note. Let's close with a positive comment. Nem vagyok katolikus. I'm not Catholic. I'm not Catholic. Felháborító, ahogy az emberekkel bánsz. The way you treat people is disgusting. It's outrageous how you treat people. Hiszel a szellemekben? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Lajos elaludt az asztalnál. Louis fell asleep at the table. Louis fell asleep at the table. Gyere be! Come inside. Come on in. Tamást ma nem láttam. I didn't see Tom today. I didn't see Tom today. Cookie csóválta a farkát és ugatott. Cookie wagged his tail and barked. Cookie waggled her tail and barked. Időben érkeztem az állomásra. I arrived at the station on time. I arrived at the station on time. Anakin nem szereti a homokot. Anakin doesn't like sand. Anakin doesn't like sand. Egy betöréses lopás közben sebesült meg. He was wounded in a burglary. He was wounded in a burglary. Nem éreztem iránta semmit: se sajnálatot, se megvetést. I didn't feel anything for her: neither sorry nor contempt. I felt nothing for him: neither pity nor contempt. A szertartás lenyűgöző volt. The ceremony was impressive. The ceremony was impressive. Tamás mindig hét óra előtt megy el hazulról. Tom always leaves home before seven. Thomas always leaves home before seven o'clock. Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem jobb nálam. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As far as English is concerned, no one is better than me. Szeretnél űrhajós lenni? Would you like to be an astronaut? Would you like to be an astronaut? Minden vendéget meghatott a vendégszeretete. All the guests were touched by her hospitality. All the guests were touched by his hospitality. Egyetlen fiát közúti balesetben vesztette el. She lost her only son in a traffic accident. He lost his only son in a road accident. - Hány óra van? - Háromnegyed egy. - Meghívlak ebédre. Biztos éhes vagy. Van néhány szendvicsem, amit a feleségem készített. "What's the time?" "Quarter to one." "I'll treat you to lunch. You must be hungry." "I've got some sandwiches my wife made me." I'll buy you lunch, you must be hungry, I've got some sandwiches my wife made. Törökországban hol élsz? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Leírtam valahová. I wrote it down somewhere. I wrote it down somewhere. Mennyiért adja az aranygyűrűt? How much is that gold ring? How much for the gold ring? Milyen infó kell nekünk? What kind of information do we need? What information do we need? Tegyük fel, hogy Tom nem Bostonban lakik. Let's say, hypothetically, Tom did not live in Boston. Let's say Tom doesn't live in Boston. A gumi a gumifa nedvéből készül. Rubber is made from the sap of the rubber tree. The rubber is made from the sap of the rubber tree. Most máshogy nézel ki. You look different. You look different now. Van más választásom? Do I have any other choice? Do I have a choice? Tudnom kell, hol ásta el Tomi az aranyat. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. Földanya. Mother Earth. Mother Earth. Jó reggelt, édesem. Good morning, honey. Good morning, sweetheart. Én ültettem ezt a fát. I'm the one who planted this tree. I planted this tree. Tom nagyon jó énekes, de sosem énekel a templomban. Tom is a pretty good singer, but he never sings at church. Tom's a very good singer, but he never sings in church. Néha szomorú vagyok. I sometimes feel sad. Sometimes I feel sad. Tamással!? Csak légből kapott hír. Oh, with Tom? It's totally a hoax. It's just news from the air. Nincs győzelem áldozat nélkül. No sweet without sweat. There is no victory without sacrifice. Mi a keresztneved? What's your first name? What's your first name? Tartották a szavukat? Did they keep their promise? Did they keep their word? Szegénységben élünk. We live in poverty. We live in poverty. Szombaton nem nyitnak ki. The store doesn't open on Saturday. They don't open on Saturday. Megkértem, hogy randizzon velem, de nemet mondott. I asked him out, but he said no. I asked her to go out with me, but she said no. Kerékpárral jár iskolába. He goes to school by bicycle. He rides his bike to school. Legfőbb ideje, hogy új vállalkozásba kezdjél. It is high time you started a new business. It’s time to start a new business. Eljött hozzam vasárnap látogatóba. She came to see me on Sunday. He came to visit on Sunday. Nem ittam meg a teát, mert forró volt. I didn't drink the tea, because it was hot. I didn't drink the tea because it was hot. Nem tudom, hogyan kell leírni a nevét. I don't know how to spell his name. I don't know how to spell his name. Szándékosan megpróbálsz összezavarni? Are you intentionally trying to confuse me? Are you deliberately trying to confuse me? Szerintem itt az ideje egy karrierváltásnak. I think it's time for a career change. I think it's time for a career change. Megmutatnád azt a festményt még tegnapról? Can you show me your painting from yesterday? Can you show me that painting from yesterday? Jelenleg nincs munkám. I don't have a job right now. I don't have a job right now. Ó tényleg! Hogy ez nekem hogy nem jutott eszembe!? Of course! How didn't I think of this? Oh, really, how come I didn't think of that? Sikerült neki. He succeeded. He did it. Ma találkozom vele. I'll see her today. I'm meeting him today. Így találkoztunk. That's how we met. That's how we met. Mit ebédeltek ma önök? What did you eat for lunch today? What did you have for lunch today? Korán nekiálltunk dolgozni. We started work early. We started working early. — A hölgy a felesége, Jackson úr? — Kérhetném a diszkrécióját? — kérdezte a recepcióstól, miközben egy ötezrest csúsztatott neki. "The lady is your wife, Mr Jackson?" "May I ask for your discretion?", he asked the receptionist and slipped him a Jackson. “Is she your wife, Mr. Jackson?” he asked the receptionist as he slipped her a five grand. Miért kellett volna tudnom? How was I supposed to know? Why should I know? Remélem tudod, hogy ez nem igaz. I hope you know that's not true. I hope you know that's not true. Sok történelemkönyve van. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Nem fogadunk el borravalót. We don't accept tips. We don't take tips. Hallottak valamit a szervezetről? Have you heard anything about the organization? Have you heard from the organization? Szerinted tudja, hogy szeretem? Do you think she knows I like her? You think he knows I love him? Nem akarod magad meggondolni? Will you change your mind? Don't you want to change your mind? Tomi megmutatta nekem a rajzot, amelyet Mariról készített. Tom showed me a drawing of Mary that he drew. Tom showed me the drawing he made of Mari. Az úszás egészséges. Swimming is healthy. Swimming is healthy. Minden ember egyedi. Every human being is unique. Each person is unique. A könyv, amit vettem, az asztalon van. The book that I bought is on the table. The book I bought is on the table. Mari szeretné, ha megkérném a kezét, én viszont nem akarom elvenni őt. Mary would like me to marry her, but I don't want to marry her. Mari wants me to ask her to marry me, but I don't want to marry her. Azt hiszem, te tudsz rajtunk segíteni. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Beszéltél neki a tervünkről? Have you told her about our plan? Did you tell him about our plan? Örömmel csináltam. I had fun doing this. It was my pleasure. Tom nagyon szerencsétlen. Tom is very unlucky. Tom's very unlucky. Tegnap este elszundikáltam a tévé előtt. Last night I began to nod off in front of the TV. I took a nap in front of the TV last night. Tudtam, hogy Máriára vár. I knew he was waiting for Mary. I knew she was waiting for Mary. Kérem, hívja a mentőket! Please call an ambulance. Please call an ambulance. A nagybátyám egy szállodát üzemeltet. My uncle runs a hotel. My uncle runs a hotel. Tom rácsukta az ajtót az ujjára. Tom shut the door on his finger. Tom slammed the door on his finger. Milyen? What is it like? Like what? Sötét lesz, mire hazaérünk. It'll be dark by the time we get home. It'll be dark when we get home. Ez nem ilyen egyszerű. It's not that simple. It's not that simple. Remélem, hogy megállapodásra jutunk. I hope that we can reach a compromise. I hope we can reach an agreement. Téged szeretlek. You're the one I love. I love you. Hozzászokott, hogy nem eszik meleg ételt napi rendszerességgel. He got used to not having a hot meal every day. He is used to not eating hot food on a daily basis. Könnyebb el sem kezdeni, mint abbahagyni. It's easier not to start than it is to quit. It's easier not to start than to stop. Nem beszélek olyan jól angolul, mint ahogy én azt szeretném. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I don't speak English as well as I'd like. Mindannyian biztonságban vagyunk. We're all safe. We're all safe. Segített nekem megbirkózni a nehézségekkel. He helped me to get over the difficulties. He helped me cope with the difficulties. Nyáron egész nap a tengerparton szoktak játszani. In summer, they used to play on the beach all day long. They play on the beach all day in the summer. — Nem jó az a sok hús neked. — Az a sok hús jó nekem. "That much meat isn't good for you." "That much meat is good for me." "All that meat is not good for you." "All that meat is good for me." Láttam őt egy héttel ezelőtt. I saw her a week ago. I saw him a week ago. Sok leckét tanultam. I have learned many lessons. I learned a lot of lessons. Kényelmesen él. He lives comfortably. He's comfortable. Nem akarom elveszteni ezt a meccset. I don't want to lose this match. I don't want to lose this game. Miután befejezte, elment lefeküdni. Having finished it, he went to bed. After he finished, he went to bed. Iparkodnom kell. I have to hurry! I have to hurry. Kiabálok, de senki sem hall. I shout but no one hears me. I scream, but no one can hear me. Kit kerestek? Who were they looking for? Who are you looking for? Meglepődött valaki? Was anyone surprised? Surprised anyone? Tudom, hogy mi lesz a következő kérdés. I know what the next question will be. I know what the next question will be. Ügyvéd. He's an attorney. Lawyer. Nagyon kellemes íze van ennek az ételnek. This food has a really nice taste. This food has a very pleasant taste. Nem találom Timet. Már el is ment? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I can't find Tim. Tom múlt pénteken randevúzott Mérivel. Tom had a date with Mary last Friday. Tom dated Méri last Friday. Egyelőre senki nem mondott le. No one has resigned yet. So far, no one has resigned. Időben érkeztél. You arrived on time. You're on time. Két ablak van a szobádban? Are there two windows in your room? Do you have two windows in your room? A vallásoknak nincsen jövőjük. Religion has no future. Religions have no future. Szeretem a havat. I like snow. I like snow. Ez nem egy nőnek való munka. This is not a job that a woman can do. It's not a woman's job. Tom egy kihívással néz szembe. Tom is facing a challenge. Tom is facing a challenge. Ez nem rossz ötlet. That's not a bad idea. That's not a bad idea. Tom nem hisz a szellemekben. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. Szereted a sportot? Do you like sports? Do you like sports? Sosem adjuk meg magunkat. We'll never surrender. We'll never surrender. Egymás után meghaltak. They died one after the other. They died one by one. El sem gondolkodsz rajta? Don't you even think about it? Don't you even think about it? Reggeli előtt sétált egyet. She took a walk before breakfast. He took a walk before breakfast. Alig ismerem Tomit. I barely know Tom. I barely know Tom. Öt vagy tíz évre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a technológia elkészüljön. It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready. It takes five or ten years for the technology to be ready. Jó, de mi van a pénzzel? Well, but what about the money? Yeah, but what about the money? Itt kell várnunk. We must wait here. We'll have to wait here. Egyiküket ismerem. I know one of them. I know one of them. Tudom, hogy nem szereted a temetéseket. I know you hate funerals. I know you don't like funerals. Már majdnem lejárt az időd. Your time's almost up. Your time is almost up. Tom feladta. Tom quit. Tom gave up. Minek aggódni emiatt? Why worry about it? Why worry about that? Ezt a mondatot még nem fordították le. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. That sentence hasn't been translated yet. Mosogass el! Wash the dishes. Do the dishes. Mindig itt leszünk. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Tom beszélt. Tom talked. Tom spoke. Szerinted ezek mik? What do you think these are? What do you think these are? Cigarettázok. I smoke. Cigarettes. Helyet cserélnél velem? Do you want to trade places with me? Would you trade places with me? Milyen gyors! How fast! How fast! Most kezdtem koreai nyelven tanulni. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. Kekszet készített. She has been making biscuits. He made biscuits. Menjünk moziba! Let's go see a movie. Let's go to the movies. Lesz ott valaki, hogy segítsen nekünk? Will there be someone there to help us? Will someone be there to help us? El tud vinni bennünket a Brit Múzeumba? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you take us to the British Museum? Honnan jössz, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Felugrott a cukra. His blood sugar is spiking. He jumped on the sugar. Az egyetem területén tilos az alkohol. No alcohol is allowed on campus. Alcohol is prohibited on campus. Tudtuk, hogy Tomi nem fog késni. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. Miért nem veszi fel a telefont? Why doesn't he pick up the phone? Why isn't he answering his phone? Egyáltalán éhes vagy? Are you hungry at all? Are you even hungry? Kellemes repülést kívánunk Önöknek! We wish you a pleasant flight. We wish you a pleasant flight! A lány brit, a fiú meg amerikai. She is British and he is American. She's British, he's American. Berepült egy méhecske. A bee flew in. A bee flew in. Tom nem tett elég cukrot a kávémba. Tom didn't put enough sugar in my coffee. Tom didn't put enough sugar in my coffee. Nélküle megyek el. I'm leaving without him. I'm leaving without him. Nagyon érdekes volt, igaz? That was very interesting, wasn't it? It was very interesting, wasn't it? Tomi felhagyott a reménykedéssel. Tom abandoned hope. Tom gave up hope. Tom meghalt, miután rálépett egy skorpióra a sivatagban. Tom died after stepping on a scorpion in the desert. Tom died after stepping on a scorpion in the desert. Mielőtt hazamegyek, lazításként iszok pár italt. Before going home, I have a few drinks to relax. Before I go home, I'll have a few drinks to unwind. — Ezt egyedül csináltad? — Volt segítségem. "Did you do it alone?" "I had a little help." “Did you do this alone?” I had help. Tom várt. Tom was waiting. Tom was waiting. Általában ide jön keddenként. He usually comes here on Tuesdays. He usually comes here on Tuesdays. Fejezd be! Stop it! Stop it! Tom most asztalos. Tom is a carpenter now. Tom's a carpenter now. Van e-mail címed? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an e-mail address? Aszexuális vagyok. I'm asexual. I'm asexual. Remélhetőleg rendben lesznek a dolgok. Hopefully, things will work out. Hopefully things will be okay. Nincs ott senki. There's no one there. There's no one there. Mondtam Tominak, hogy ne adja föl. I told Tom not to give up. I told Tom not to give up. Hányan vannak? How many of them are there? How many are there? Anya, mehetek úszni? Mom, can I go swimming? Mom, can I go swimming? Nagyon késő kezd lenni. It is getting very late. It's getting very late. Az ember a kávéházban iszik kávét. One drinks coffee in a cafe. People drink coffee at the coffee shop. Azt hiszem, te vagy az egyetlen, akinek segítségre van szüksége. I think you're the only one who needs help. I think you're the only one who needs help. Tom csapata az egyetlen, akik eddig többször is megcsinálták. Tom's team is the only one to have done it more than once so far. Tom's team is the only one who's done it more than once. Továbbra is úgy gondolom, hogy ez a legjobb választás. I still think this is the best choice. I still think this is the best choice. Ne csoszogj már! Stop shuffling. Stop shuffling. Tízmilió yent nyert a lottón. She won ten million yen in the lottery. He won ten million yen in the lottery. Tom véletlenül meglőtte Maryt. Tom accidentally shot Mary. Tom accidentally shot Mary. Lemerült az elem. The battery died out. The battery's dead. Elég idős vagy már, hogy tudd. You're old enough to know this. You're old enough to know. Tominak ez tetszik a legjobban. Tom likes that best. That's what I like best about Tom. A férfi beszéde alatt ő figyelmesen hallgatott. During his speech she was all ears. During the man's speech, he listened carefully. Félelem járta át minden porcikámat. I was very scared. Fear has penetrated every part of my body. Neked való munka az. That job is for you. It's a job for you. Nem kaptam meghívót. I didn't get the invitation. I didn't get an invitation. Csinálnál egy képet rólunk evvel a kamerával? Would you take a picture of us with this camera? Can you take a picture of us with this camera? A szívinfarktus úgy jön gyakran, mint derült égből a villámcsapás. A heart attack often comes like lightning from a blue sky. Heart attack often comes like lightning from the sky. Azt mindenki tudja. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. Tom közvetlenül Mary mellett ült. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. Tomi nagyon büszke lett volna rád. Tom would've been very proud of you. Tom would have been so proud of you. Információkra van szükségünk. We needed information. We have information. We have information. Ki hozta ezt? Who brought this? Who brought this? Ha a feleségem mellettem ül, lassabban vezetek. If my wife sits next to me, I drive more slowly. If my wife sits next to me, I drive slower. — Melyik nemhez tartozónak vallja magát? — Férfi. Nem egyértelmű? "Which gender do you identify with?" "I'm a man. Isn't it obvious?" “Which sex do you claim to belong to?” Miért kéne engedelmeskednem neked? Why should I obey you? Why should I obey you? Naprendszerünk középpontjában a Nap áll. The sun is at the center of our solar system. The Sun is at the center of our solar system. Munka után édes a pihenés. The remembrance of past labour is pleasant. Rest is sweet after work. A tiszteletet nem lehet megvásárolni. You can't buy respect. Respect cannot be bought. Ez nem sokat segített. It didn't really help. That didn't help much. Nekem és neked közös a célunk. You and I have a common goal. You and I have a common goal. Tom hezitált. Tom hesitated. Tom hesitated. Én voltam az utolsó, aki láttam őt. I was the last one to see her. I was the last person to see him. Korán elkezdtünk dolgozni. We started work early. We started working early. Tomi röviddel a felesége halála után újraházasodott. Tom remarried shortly after his wife's death. Tom remarried shortly after his wife died. Ne légy túl családias. Don't get too familiar. Don't be too familiar. Nehéz elhinni. That's hard for me to believe. Hard to believe. Mindenki kész? Are you all ready? Everybody ready? Épp elkezdtem volna írni egy levelet, mikor hazaért. I was just going to write a letter when he came home. I was just about to start writing a letter when he got home. Szabaddá tudod tenni magad hétfőn? Can you take Monday off? Can you free yourself on Monday? Szeretek vonatozni. I enjoy travelling by train. I like to train. Vártam a válaszát, de nem hallatott magáról. I have been waiting for your reply, but have not heard from you. I waited for his answer, but he didn't hear from you. Ez a védelmedre szolgál. This is for your protection. It's for your protection. Bizonyítsd be, hogy tévedek! Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong. Mit hoztál nekem? What did you bring me? What have you got for me? Fáradtnak látszom? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? A nagyapja nevelte fel. He was educated by her grandfather. He was raised by his grandfather. Azt akarom, hogy olvasd el ezt a könyvet. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Tomi rendesen kidolgozta magát. Tom worked his fingers to the bone. Tom worked himself out. Biztos, hogy érted. You certainly understand. I'm sure you understand. Új-Zélandon élek. I live in New Zealand. I live in New Zealand. Igazán kijavíthatnád már a mondatban talált hibát! You could really fix the error that you found in the sentence. You might as well correct the error in the sentence. Megpuszilhatlak? Can I give you a kiss? Can I kiss? A hentes János összeköltözött a kasszás Erzsivel. The butcher John shaked up with the cashier Bess. The butcher John moved in with the cashier Erzsi. Isten előtt minden ember egyenlő. In the sight of God, all men are equal. All men are equal before God. Tom se nem gazdag, se nem híres. Tom is neither rich nor famous. Tom's neither rich nor famous. Az orvos megoperálta. He was operated on by the doctor. The doctor operated. Bajban vagyok. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. Azt mondta Tomi, hogy fel fog hívni téged később. Tom said that he'd call you later. Tom said he'd call you later. Miért nem alszol még? Why are you still not sleeping? Why aren't you sleeping yet? Annának vörös haja volt és tüzes vérmérséklete. Anne had red hair and a fiery temper. Anna had red hair and a fiery temper. Egy pasas, akinek dús bajusza volt, követni kezdett. A guy with a big mustache started following me. A guy with a moustache started following me. Egészen biztosan ellopták. It must've been stolen. It was definitely stolen. Dugd be a résbe. Shove it in the slot. Stick it in the slot. Be kell fejezned. You need to stop. You have to stop. A tóba veszett. He drowned in the lake. He's lost in the lake. Tomi feltápászkodott a székéből. Tom rose slowly from his chair. Tom got up from his chair. A nővérem Tomit szereti. My sister likes Tom. My sister loves Tom. A test élettelen. The body is lifeless. The body is lifeless. Mi a szobaszámom? What's my room number? What's my room number? Ő mindig kikéri a véleményedet. He always asks for your opinion. He's always asking for your opinion. Sok regényt olvastam. I read a lot of novels. I read a lot of novels. Szabálytalan a pulzusom. I have an irregular pulse. I have an irregular pulse. Nem parkolhat az utcán. You must not park the car on this street. You can't park on the street. Ez törvénytelen. It's illegal. It's illegal. Megmutathatom neked, hogyan kell, ha szeretnéd. I can show you how to do that if you want me to. I can show you how, if you want. Miért nem válaszoltál az e-mailemre? Why didn't you reply to my email? Why didn't you answer my e-mail? Jól tudok bánni gyerekekkel. I'm good with children. I'm good with kids. Mit főzöl? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Küldjük el őket mind! Let's send them all away. Let's send them all away. Néha a medvék bekószálnak a falunkba. Sometimes bears roam our village. Sometimes bears wander into our village. Hétkor reggelizünk. We have breakfast at seven. We're having breakfast at 7:00. A világ egészsége nagymértékben függ az erdők úgynevezett zöld gyógyszertáraitól. The health of the world is largely dependent on the forests’ so-called green pharmacies. The health of the world depends to a large extent on the so-called green pharmacies of forests. Mi értelme befoltozni ekkora szakadást? What's the point of patching such a big tear? What's the point of patching up such a rift? Imádok spanyolul beszélni. I love speaking Spanish. I love to speak Spanish. Várj a sorodra, Tom. Wait your turn, Tom. Wait your turn, Tom. Rengeteg víz van. There's plenty of water. There's plenty of water. Egy ételnek nem így kellene kinéznie. Food shouldn't look like this. That's not what food should look like. Úgy látom, már csináltad ezt korábban. I can see you've done that before. I see you've done this before. Emlékezz, mit mondtál! Remember your words! Remember what you said. Vágd el a piros drótot. Cut the red wire. Cut the red wire. Felismertem az arcát. I recognized his face. I recognized his face. Ez a tiéd. It's for you. This is for you. Erről nem tudlak biztosítani. That's something that I can't guarantee. I can't assure you of that. Kinek van kulcsa? Who has the keys? Who has a key? Nem én kezdtem a harcot. I'm not the one who started the fight. I didn't start the fight. Hivatásos búvár. He's a professional diver. He's a professional diver. Más megvilágításban látlak. I'm seeing you in a new light. I see you in a different light. Mit válaszoltál? What did you answer? What did you say? Amit most mondani fogok, nem fog neked tetszeni. You won't like what I'm going to say. What I'm about to tell you, you won't like. Tom elnézést kért, hogy nem jött korábban. Tom apologized for not coming earlier. Tom apologized for not coming earlier. Tom valaha ronda volt. Tom used to be ugly. Tom used to be ugly. Steve nem jött haza. Steve did not come home. Steve didn't come home. Alan szereti a pornográfiát. Alan likes porn. Alan loves pornography. Eressz ki engem! Let me go out. Let me out! Tudod te ezt. You know that. You know that. Tom kiment sétálni. Tom went out for a walk. Tom went for a walk. Hétfőn dolgozol? Do you work on Monday? You work Monday? Ez a póló túl kicsi nekem. This T-shirt is too small for me. This shirt is too small for me. Megindult a tömegtermelés. The mass production has started. Mass production has begun. Jó lenne, ha rendelkezésünkre állna a híres emberek utolsó szavainak gyűjteménye. One would like to have a collection of last words of famous people. It would be nice to have a collection of famous people's last words. A Csád-tó folyamatosan zsugorodik. Lake Chad continues to shrink. Lake Chad is constantly shrinking. Menj ki, és nézd meg, mi folyik ott! Let's go outside and see what's happening. Go out there and see what's going on. Megmutatta neki a képemet. She showed him my picture. He showed her my picture. Nagyon drága lehet az élet Dubaiban. Life in Dubai can be very expensive. Life in Dubai can be very expensive. Nem tarotta az ígéreteit a kormány. The government didn't keep its promises. The government did not keep its promises. Liberális gondolkodású. He's liberal-minded. He's liberal-minded. Te nagyon különleges ember vagy számomra. You're a very special person to me. You're a very special person to me. Kérem, jöjjenek ide. Please come here. Please come here. Gyakran hasonlítanak össze engem a fivéreimmel. I'm often compared to my brothers. They often compare me to my brothers. Azért nem alszik éjszaka, mert a gyengélkedő vállalkozását próbálja megmenteni. Trying to save his failing business is what's keeping him up at night. He doesn't sleep at night because he's trying to save the infirmary's business. Nem tehetek többet értetek. I can't do anything more for you. There's nothing more I can do for you. Minden héten le kell vágnom a füvet. Every week, I have to cut the grass. I have to cut the grass every week. Még sok időm van a szórakozásra. I still have a lot of time for fun. I still have a lot of time to have fun. Nagyon jól beszélsz franciául. Szeretnék ezen a nyelven olyan jól beszélni, mint te. You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you. You speak French very well, I'd like to speak it as well as you do. Remélem, ez megváltozik. I hope this changes. I hope that changes. A kutya halott volt. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. Szeretnék egy új kutyát! I want a new dog. I want a new dog. Minden jót! All the best! Take care. Jól nézel ki feketében. You look good in black. You look good in black. Tom nem lett öngyilkos. Tom didn't commit suicide. Tom didn't kill himself. Miért megy el? Why are you leaving? Why are you leaving? A farkasok nem olyan ravaszok, mint a rókák. Wolves are not as smart as foxes. Wolves aren't as cunning as foxes. Dicsőség Istennek! Glory to God! Praise God! Tom azt mondta, hogy szerinte Mari megőrült. Tom said he thought Mary was mad. Tom said he thought Mari was crazy. Olyan hosszú egy év! A year is such a long time. It's such a long year. Kínai nyelvet tanítok. I teach Chinese. I teach Chinese. Emília görög nyelvet akar tanulni. Emily wants to learn Greek. Emilia wants to learn Greek. Kérdeztem a fiamtól, mit is szeretne igazából. I asked my son what he really wanted. I asked my son what he really wanted. Végül egy mezővárosban aludt a szabad ég alatt. He ended up sleeping rough in a market town. Finally, he slept in a field town under the open sky. Nem szívesen megyek. I'm reluctant to go. I don't want to go. Vissza kell mennem. I need to go back. I have to get back. Csak egy esélyt adok neked rá. I'm only going to give you one chance to do that. I'm just giving you a chance. Ne vedd fel azt a telefont! Don't answer that phone. Don't answer that phone. Nem fogják elfogadni az ajándékokat. They won't accept the gifts. They won't accept gifts. Hányan értetek egyet? How many of you agree? How many of you agree? Ne nézzél! Don't look! Don't look. Amint bekanyarodtak, az udvar egészen sötét volt, és a nyárfalevelek selymesen susogtak körülötte. The yard was quite dark as they turned into it and the poplar leaves were rustling silkily all round it. As soon as they turned in, the courtyard was quite dark, and the leaves of poplars whispered silkyly around it. Jössz? Are you coming? You coming? Rengeteg iskola van ebben a városban. There are a great number of schools in this city. There's a lot of schools in this town. Úgy érzem, ideje szünetet tartani. I think it's time for me to take a break. I feel like it's time to take a break. Nincs szükségem férfiakra. I don't need men. I don't need men. Ez egy kivétel. That's an exception. It's an exception. Kinyitottam a kocsiajtót, és kiszálltam. I opened the car door and got out. I opened the car door and got out. Tomnak fekélye van. Tom has an ulcer. Tom has an ulcer. Nem hazudtam. I didn't lie. I didn't lie. Tom jól focizik. Tom is a good soccer player. Tom's good at football. Eltévedtél. You're lost. You're lost. - Kié ezek a gyűrűk? - Az édesanyámé. "Whose rings are these?" "They are my mother's." - Whose rings are these? Gazdag akarok lenni. I want to become rich. I want to be rich. Drága. It's expensive. Expensive. Ez tök jó! Biztosan nevetni fogsz. It's great! You'll laugh for sure. I'm sure you'll laugh. Hagyasd ezt abba Tomival! Make Tom stop doing it. Stop it with Tom. Mari sem csinálhatta volna rosszabbul. Mary couldn't have done worse. Mari couldn't have done any worse. Előre nézz, kérlek! Look forward, please. Eyes front, please. Nem volt érdekes. It wasn't interesting. It didn't matter. Nem neked szóltam. It's not you I'm speaking to. I'm not talking to you. A feleségem és én is szeretünk sakkozni. My wife and I both enjoy playing chess. My wife and I both like to play chess. Követnem kellett volna a tanácsaidat. I should've followed your advice. I should have followed your advice. Próbálj egy másikat. Try another one. Try another one. Erről nekem senki nem szólt. No one told me about that. Nobody told me about that. Válassz e kettő közül! Choose between these two. Choose one of these two. Tominak ebbe nincs beleszólása. Tom has no say in it. Tom has no say in this. Kérlek, betűzd a neved! Please spell your name. Please spell your name. Ez volt életem leghosszabb három napja. Those were the longest three days of my life. It was the longest three days of my life. A vihar megakadályozta, hogy pontosan érkezzen. The storm prevented her from arriving on time. The storm prevented him from arriving on time. Kérem, mondja hangosabban! Please speak more loudly. Please say it louder. Nem akarom azt, hogy ide gyertek. I don't want you to come here. I don't want you to come here. Úgy tűnt, Tom nagyon aggódott. Tom seemed very concerned. Tom seemed very worried. Ezek a fiú ikertestvérek úgy hasonlítanak egymásra, mint két tojás. These twin brothers are as alike as two peas in a pod. These twin brothers resemble each other like two eggs. Én krémet teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I put cream in my coffee. Szeretnék egy vanília fagylaltot. I want a vanilla ice cream. I'd like a vanilla ice cream. Hozzászokik a helyzethez. He's getting used to the situation. He's getting used to the situation. Most itt az ideje elkezdeni tanulni. Now it's time to start studying. Now is the time to start learning. Lecsökkent ennek a városnak a lakossága. The population of this city has decreased. The population of this city has been reduced. Nem kell tenned semmit. You don't need to do anything. You don't have to do anything. Meglátogathatlak holnap? May I visit you tomorrow? Can I visit you tomorrow? Ez nem egy teljes történet. This isn't the whole story. It's not a whole story. Tovább kell hajtania, hogy elérjen Bostonba. You need to drive farther south to reach Boston. You have to keep pushing to get to Boston. — Hülye vagy! — Nem is! "You're an idiot." "No I'm not." - You're an idiot! - No, you're not! Mit veszel anyukádnak anyák napjára? What are you buying your mum for Mother's Day? What do you get your mom for Mother's Day? Mindegyik macskád szürke. All of your cats are grey. All of your cats are gray. A templomban rejtette el. He hid it in the church. He hid it in the church. Ügyelj a lehulló kövekre. Keep an eye for falling rocks. Watch out for the falling stones. Valamit meg kell tennem. There's something I have to do. I have to do something. Van elég pénze? Do you have enough money? Do you have enough money? Már csinálom is. Here I go. I'm doing it. Miért nem említette, hogy volt ott egy tanú? Why didn't you tell us there was a witness? Why didn't you tell me there was a witness? Én felraktam a gyerekeket a buszra, anyu meg várja őket falun, a buszmegállóban. I've put the children on the bus, and mum is waiting for them at the bus stop in the village. I put the kids on the bus, and Mom's waiting for them in the village at the bus stop. Ez meglehetősen szórakoztató. That's rather amusing. It's kind of fun. Az eszperantó bármely szava könnyedén olvasható. Any word in Esperanto is easy to read. Any word of Esperanto can be easily read. Ők gyermekek. They're children. They're children. Tom véleménye megváltozott a cuki, kis mókusokról, miután foglyul ejtették, megkínozták őt és három hétig fogva tartották egy szűkös, sötét oduban. Tom's opinion on little cute squirrels changed after they had captured, tortured and held him captive for three weeks in a dark narrow hollow. Tom's opinion of the cute little squirrels changed after he was captured, tortured, and held for three weeks in a tight, dark odu. Lehet, hogy hazudik. It is possible that he is telling a lie. Maybe he's lying. Mennyibe kerül egy sóderrel megrakott teherautó? How much does a lorry loaded with gravel cost? How much does a truck full of gravel cost? Ez túl késő? Is it too late? Is it too late? Tom azt mondta, hogy jól van. Tom said that he was all right. Tom said he was fine. Elviszem Tomit az állomásra. I'll drive Tom to the station. I'll take Tom to the station. Ez a regény unalmas. This novel is boring. This novel is boring. Most hogy tudja már Tomi, ki vagyok, nem maradhatok itt. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Hol van a legközelebbi bank? Where's the nearest bank? Where is the nearest bank? Tom néhány nappal később érkezett. Tom came a few days later. Tom arrived a few days later. A tó zöld dombokkal van körülvéve. The lake is surrounded by green hills. The lake is surrounded by green hills. Fajgyűlölő vagy? Are you racist? Are you a racist? Ő mindig megkérdezi a véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. Itt fogok aludni. I'll sleep here. I'll sleep here. Szereti az antik dolgokat. She loves antiques. He likes antiques. Nem akarom, hogy tudjon róla. I don't want her to know that. I don't want him to know. Melyik város ez? Which town is this? What city is this? Parancsra támadtunk. We've been ordered to attack. We're under orders. Az alkalmazottaknak egyenruhát kell viselniük. Employees must wear a uniform. Employees must wear uniforms. Ez nagyon fehér. It's very white. That's very white. Meg tudnád ismételni a neved? Could you tell me your name again? Can you repeat your name? Nem vagy japán. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Ha elmondod neki, nem vagy többé a barátom. If you tell him that you won't be my friend again. If you tell him, you're not my friend anymore. Tom olyan, mint egy vírus. Tom is like a virus. Tom's like a virus. A kinézés nem minden. Looks aren't everything. Looking isn't everything. Ez a lány nem az a lány. This girl is not that girl. This girl is not that girl. Te új vagy itt? Are you new here? Are you new here? Tamás, mi a baj? What's wrong, Tom? Thomas, what's wrong? Miért akarsz elmenni? Why do you want to leave? Why do you want to leave? Ez én vagyok. It's me. That's me. Hallgatni fogok, mint a csuka. I'll be as quiet as a mouse. I'll keep my mouth shut. Meguntam az egyedüllétet. I got tired of loneliness. I'm tired of being alone. A szél a szemébe fújta a haját. The wind blew her hair into her eyes. The wind blew her hair into her eyes. El voltak hervadva a virágok a síron. The flowers were faded on the grave. The flowers were wilted on the grave. Annyi pénze van, mint a pelyva. He's got money to burn. He's got as much money as a chaff. Tom mossa a ruhákat. Tom is doing laundry. Tom's washing the clothes. Ki írta ezt? Who wrote this? Who wrote this? Megcsókolhatott volna búcsúzóul, de nem tette, csak elsétált. She could have kissed me goodbye but didn't and just walked away. He could have kissed me goodbye, but he didn't, he just walked away. Hogy találtad meg? How did you find that? How did you find him? Mesélj el Tomnak mindent, amit tudsz! Tell Tom everything you know. Tell Tom everything you know. Tom megrettent. Tom is horrified. Tom was terrified. Azt akarom, hogy fuss el értem az üzletbe. I want you to run to the store for me. I want you to run to the store for me. Kérlek, angolul válaszolj! Answer in English, please. Please answer in English. Őrült hét volt. It's been a crazy week. It's been a crazy week. Ez a gyümölcs kinézetre narancs, de ízre ananász. This fruit looks like an orange and tastes like a pineapple. This fruit looks orange, but tastes like pineapple. Erre gondoltunk, hogy ez fog történni. This is what we thought would happen. That's what we thought would happen. Szükséged lesz egy alibire. You're going to need an alibi. You're gonna need an alibi. Ennek meg kell szűnnie. This has got to stop. This has to stop. Miért festik az emberek a hajukat? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people dye their hair? Tom vesztésre áll. Tom is losing. Tom's losing. Tom elfehéredett. Tom turned white. Tom turned white. Tom kiállt az anyja mellett. Tom sided with his mother. Tom stood up for his mother. Hanni és Nanni ikrek. Hanni and Nanni are twins. Hanni and Nanni are twins. Nem szeretem az alkoholt. I don't like alcohol. I don't like alcohol. A skorpiók veszélyesek. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpions are dangerous. Itt járt a Mikulás! Santa Claus was here. Santa was here! Győződj meg róla, hogy Tom mindent elmondott neked. Make sure Tom tells you everything. Make sure Tom tells you everything. Mit számít ez most? What does it matter now? What difference does it make now? Melyik epizódnál tartasz? Which episode are you on? Which episode are you on? Az az igazság, inkább lennék rossz. Honestly, I would rather be wrong. The truth is, I'd rather be bad. Megittak két üveg bort. They have drunk two bottles of wine. They drank two bottles of wine. A franciák szeretik a békacombot. The French love frog legs. The French like frog legs. Láttál már pókot hálót szőni? Have you ever seen a spider making a web? Have you ever seen a spider weave a web? Vörös haja van. She has red hair. He's got red hair. Ma beugrottam hozzád, de nem voltál otthon. I stopped by today, but you weren't home. I stopped by your house today, but you weren't home. Dani fogselyemmel tisztogatta a fogait. Dan flossed his teeth. Dani brushed her teeth with dental floss. Ez egy fekete ló. The horse is black. It's a black horse. Hiszen ismersz. You know me well. You know me. Európa lakossága kisebb, mint Ázsiáé. Europe has a smaller population than Asia. The population of Europe is smaller than that of Asia. Hívj fel, ha esik! If it rains, call me. Call me if it rains. Nem foglak arra kényszeríteni, hogy menj és csináld, ám meglesznek a következményei, ha nem teszed. I won't force you to do that, but if you don't, there will be consequences. I won't force you to go and do it, but there will be consequences if you don't. Ezen még dolgoznunk kell. That's something that we need to work on. We'll have to work on that. Tom megszokja, hogy hogyan állnak itt a dolgok. Tom is getting used to the way things are here. Tom gets used to how things are here. Csak nappal dolgoznak. They work only during the day. They only work during the day. Fölöttébb türelmes volt. He was very patient. He was very patient. Ezek mind az enyémek. These all belong to me. These are all mine. Nem látok ezzel a szemüveggel. I can't see with these glasses. I can't see with these glasses. Az élet folyt tovább, mint általában. Life went on as usual. Life continued as usual. Holnap meglátogatom a bácsikámat. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'm going to see my uncle tomorrow. Szeretnék Öntől valamit kérdezni. I'd like to ask you something. I want to ask you something. Meg kell ettől őrülni! This is insane. It's got to drive you crazy. Tom nem tudta kinyitni a széfet. Tom couldn't get the safe open. Tom couldn't open the safe. Tom visszament a hotelbe. Tom went back to the hotel. Tom went back to the hotel. Szerintem van valaki az ajtóban. I think someone's at the door. I think there's someone at the door. Nem érzett sajnálatot irántam. He didn't feel sorry for me. He didn't feel sorry for me. Sosincs túl késő tanulni. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Ez egy madár? Is it a bird? Is that a bird? Tegnap levágattam a hajam. I had my hair cut yesterday. I cut my hair yesterday. Kaphatok egy kiló kicsontozott tonhalat légy szíves? Can I get a kilo of tuna fish fillets please? Can I have a kilo of boned tuna, please? Ne aggódj már annyit, Tomi. Don't worry so much, Tom. Don't worry so much, Tom. Eléggé sietős a dolgom. I'm sort of in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Én is kanadai vagyok. I'm Canadian, too. I'm Canadian, too. Tom nekem adta ezt a játékot. Tom gave me this game. Tom gave me this game. Fekvés és szunya! Go to bed and sleep. Lie down and nap! Futottam, ahogy csak bírtam, de lekéstem az utolsó vonatot. I ran as fast as possible, but I missed the last train. I ran as fast as I could, but I missed the last train. Bedobozoltam. I put it in a box. I boxed it. Nem muszáj felhívnod. You don't need to call her. You don't have to call him. Ahhoz hozzá kell majd szoknom. I'll have to get used to that. I'll have to get used to that. Merről? From where? Where? Szerintem ne bocsáss meg neki. I advise you not to forgive him. I don't think you should forgive him. Diszlexiás vagyok. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. Az elmélete teljesen távol áll a valóságtól. His theory was absolutely unrealistic. Your theory is far from reality. Anyám már negyven éves. My mother is already forty. My mother is 40 years old. Ne fáradj azzal, hogy fölkelsz. Don't bother getting up. Don't bother getting up. Te is otthon vagy? You're home too? Are you home, too? Hasonlít az apjára. She takes after her father. He looks like his father. Mit tett Tomi a táskába? What did Tom put into the bag? What did Tom put in the bag? A macskának két füle van. A cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Ez 30 euróba kerül. This will cost €30. It costs 30 euros. Menj az ágyba! Go to bed. Go to bed. Esik? Is it raining? Is it raining? A kíváncsisága kérdésekre sarkallta őt. His curiosity prompted him to ask questions. His curiosity prompted him to ask questions. Nem csak franciául tanulok. French is not the only language that I learn. I don't just learn French. Számolj el egytől tízig. Count from one to ten. Count from one to ten. Tom kimászott a szakadékból. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Tom got out of the ravine. Nekem is lenne egy kérdésem. I, too, have a question. I have a question for you, too. Valaki kint van. Someone's outside. Someone's out there. Ez egy fantasztikus, háború előtti whiskey. This is a wonderful pre-war whiskey. It's a fantastic pre-war whiskey. A vonatút három órás volt. The train ride was three hours. The train journey was three hours. Olyan szomorú volt, hogy majdnem beleőrült. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad, he almost went crazy. Hegymenetben leállt az autóm. My car stopped on the way up the hill. My car stopped in the mountains. Tom kicseszett velem. Tom sold me down the river. Tom screwed me. Nem iszok délelőtt. I don't drink before noon. I don't drink in the morning. Melyik szövegszerkesztőt haszálod? What editing software do you use? Which text editor do you use? Ismerem a titkot. I know the secret. I know the secret. Milyen operációs rendszert használsz? What operating system do you use? What operating system do you use? Tom jó akart lenni. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be good. Mondtam, hogy őrült vagyok? Did I mention that I'm crazy? Did I say I was crazy? Amikor kíváncsi leszek a véleményedre, megkérdezem majd. When I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it. When I want your opinion, I'll ask. Nem hiszem, hogy valaha meg fogom szokni a koreai ételeket. I don't think I'll ever get used to Korean food. I don't think I'll ever get used to Korean food. Elnézést, beszél portugálul? Excuse me, do you speak Portuguese? Excuse me, do you speak Portuguese? Ki kell vennem a bankból egy kevés pénzt. I have to take some money out of the bank. I need to take some money out of the bank. Ez a tört egyszerűsíthető. This fraction can be reduced. This fraction can be simplified. Ne sajnálj! Don't feel sorry for me. Don't be sorry. Akinek hatalma van, annak igaza is. Whoever has the power has the right. Anyone with power is right. Ezek a botrányok nem fogják erősíteni a cég hírnevét. These scandals will not enhance the company's reputation. These scandals will not strengthen the company's reputation. Tom orvostanhallgató. Tom is a medical student. Tom's a med student. Ki szökött meg? Who escaped? Who escaped? Farkaséhes vagyok. I have the hunger of a wolf. I'm starving. Beragadtunk a forgalomban. We got stuck in traffic. We're stuck in traffic. Ez kiváló. This is excellent. That's excellent. Ideje, hogy szedjük a sátorfánkat. It's time for us to leave here. It's time to get our tent together. Csak nagyon örülök, hogy segíthetek a munkádban. I am only too glad to help you with your work. I'm just really glad I can help you with your work. Ne ítélj senkit a külseje alapján! Don't judge a man by his appearance. Don’t judge anyone by their appearance. Mindig a szívemben foglak hordozni. I'll always carry you in my heart. I will always carry you in my heart. Az út számos része használhatatlanná vált a földrengés következtében. Many parts of the road are unusable because of the earthquakes. Many parts of the road have become useless as a result of the earthquake. Adott neki egy ajándékot. She gave him a present. He gave her a gift. Vége van, igaz? It's over, isn't it? It's over, isn't it? Sok szerencsét kívánunk! We wish you luck. We wish you good luck! Ők nem orvosok. They aren't doctors. They're not doctors. Ebben az osztályban 35 tanuló van. This class is composed of 35 pupils. There are 35 students in this class. Tomi elvan jól azzal, tudomást sem véve róla, hogy mennyire nem követi a divatot. Tom is blissfully unaware of how unfashionable he is. Tom's fine with it, ignoring how much he doesn't follow fashion. Vannak jogaim. I have rights. I have rights. Nyújtsd ki a nyelved. Stick out your tongue. Stick out your tongue. Jackson úr svarcba fizet nekem. Mr. Jackson is paying me under the table. Mr. Jackson is paying me in svarc. Ezt a dalt én kívülről fújom. I can sing this song without the text. I sing this song from the outside. Tényleg barátok? Are they really friends? Really friends? Megrázó élmény volt számára. This experience traumatized him. It was a shocking experience for him. El tudná magyarázni, hogy mi a különbség a fekete és a zöld tea között? Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea? Can you explain the difference between black and green tea? Édesszájú vagyok. I like sweets. I have a sweet tooth. Úgy tűnik, nem műkszik a mikrofon. This microphone doesn't seem to be working. Looks like the microphone isn't working. Az importcikkeket magas adók terhelik. Import goods are subject to high taxes. Imports are subject to high taxes. A bizottság tíz tagból áll. The committee is comprised of ten members. The Committee shall consist of ten members. Tomit ott találtam. I found Tom there. I found Tom there. Ne értsetek félre! Don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong. Ezt a hotelt tavaly építették. This hotel was built last year. This hotel was built last year. Látod, mi? You see that, right? You see what? Mit csináltál múlt éjjel? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Bár ne tennéd azt meg. I wish you wouldn't do that. I wish you wouldn't do that. Minden automatizálva lett. Everything's become automated. Everything was automated. Elvesztettem a tollamat. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. Ezt Ausztráliában vettük. We bought this in Australia. We bought this in Australia. Hiroko teljesen egyedül ült ott. Hiroko sat there all alone. Hiroko was sitting there all alone. Letérdelt mellé. She knelt beside him. He kneeled next to her. Látni akarlak. I want to see you. I want to see you. Egyfolytában nyávog a macsesz. The cat doesn't stop meowing. It's always meowing. Az a munkájuk, hogy virágokat termesszenek. Their job is to grow flowers. Their job is to grow flowers. Miként javíthatok az angolomon? How can I improve my English? How can I improve my English? A zúzmara jégkristálylerakódás. Frost is a layer of ice crystals. The gizzard is an ice crystal deposit. Ez egy véletlenszerű mondat. This is a random sentence. It's a random sentence. Ön az új asszisztens? Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? Látom a fényt. I can see the light. I can see the light. Tamás szerencsésnek tűnik. Tom seems to be lucky. Tom is lucky. Csapatunk öttagú. Our team consists of five people. Our team is five. Meséld el nekünk, hogy mit csináltál a múlt hétvégén. Tell us what you did last weekend. Tell us what you did last weekend. Anya most tortát készít. Mom is making a cake. Mom's making a cake. Közületek egy hazudik. One of you is lying. One of you is lying. Tom nagyszerű színész. Tom's a great actor. Tom is a great actor. Csak egy pár másodpercet kérek. Give me a few seconds. Just give me a few seconds. Az algák miatt ilyen színű a tó. Because of algae, the lake has that color. It's the color of the lake because of the algae. Én vagyok a legboldogabb férfi a földön! I'm the happiest man on Earth! I'm the happiest man on earth! A strandon hemzsegtek a turisták. The beach was crowded with tourists. There were tourists on the beach. Próbálom kitalálni, hogy mi történt. I'm trying to find out when it happened. I'm trying to figure out what happened. Szerezned kell egy barátnőt. You need to get a girlfriend. You need to get a girlfriend. Az a kedvenc festményem. That's my favorite painting. That's my favorite painting. Bizonyára Máriáról gondoskodik most Tomi. I guess Tom is looking after Mary. I'm sure Mary's being taken care of by Tom. Van valakinek kérdése? Does anyone have a question? Any questions? Mikor csináltál ilyet utoljára? When was the last time you did that? When was the last time you did this? Pont olyan vagy, mint az apád. You're exactly like your father. You're just like your father. Rod Johnnal szemben lakik. Rod lives across the street from John. Rod lives across the street from John. Kérem, figyeljen. Please pay attention. Please, listen. Fizetni akartam. I wanted to pay. I wanted to pay. Megpróbálok uralkodni magamon. I'll try to control myself. I'm trying to control myself. Imponálni akarsz nekem? Do you want to impress me? You want to impress me? "Szeretne nekem dolgozni, Tony?" Kérdezte Mr Wood. "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood. "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood. Reggelenként teniszezik. She plays tennis in the morning. He plays tennis in the morning. Mindkettőnknek ez a legjobb. That's the best for the both of us. It's best for both of us. Tom nagyon össze volt zavarodva. Tom was really confused. Tom was very confused. Próbálkozz valaki mással. Try someone else. Try someone else. Arra született, hogy szerkesztő legyen. He was born to be an editor. He was born to be an editor. Ezt most miért csinálod? Why are you doing it? Why are you doing this? Csak beszélni akartam vele. I just wanted to talk to him. I just wanted to talk to him. Múlt hónapban keményen dolgoztam. I worked hard last month. I worked hard last month. Dél van. It is midday. It's noon. Minden pénzét elvesztette. He lost all his money. He lost all his money. A délelőttöt egy könyv olvasásával töltötte. He spent the morning reading a book. He spent the morning reading a book. Tomnak van egy karmolás a homlokán. Tom has a scratch on his forehead. Tom's got a scratch on his forehead. Szereted a füstölt osztrigát? Do you like smoked oysters? Do you like smoked oysters? 1683-ban a törökök másodszor is megostromolták Bécset. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienne for the second time. In 1683 the Turks stormed Vienna for a second time. Tom eltévedt? Is Tom lost? Is Tom lost? Tomi menő csávó. Tom is cool. Tom's a cool guy. Tom már elment. Tom has already left. Tom's gone. Mindenhol kerestünk. We were looking everywhere for you. We looked everywhere. Hány szőrszál van egy macskafarkon? How many hairs are there in a cat's tail? How many hairs are on a cattail? Felmennek az árak. Prices rise. Prices are going up. Veled voltam. I was with you. I was with you. Nyolc éves. He's eight years old. Eight years old. Felkacagott, amikor meglátott engem. She burst out laughing when she saw me. He laughed when he saw me. Ne veszítsd el a türelmedet! Don't lose patience. Don't lose your patience. Szarkazmust érzékelek? Do I detect sarcasm? Do I detect sarcasm? Mit vettél a boltban? What did you buy in the shop? What did you buy at the store? Beszédem volt Tommal. I had a talk with Tom. I had a talk with Tom. Munkát keres. He's looking for a job. He's looking for work. Azt hiszed, igazad van, de nem. You think you're right but you aren't. You think you're right, but you're not. New Yorkban élek. I live in New York. I live in New York. Két éve már, hogy elhagyott. It's been two years since she left me. It's been two years since he left me. Tom szigorú. Tom's strict. Tom's strict. Az enyém a legjobb. Mine is the best. Mine's the best. Ez nem olyan rossz. This is not so bad. It's not that bad. Meg kellene próbálnod. You should try it on. You should try. Az újság azt mondja, hogy öngyilkosságot követett el. The newspaper says that he committed suicide. The paper says he committed suicide. Túl sok alkoholt iszik. He drinks too much alcohol. He drinks too much alcohol. Többször adta már a fejét házasságra. He has had several goes at marriage. He's given his head to marriage several times. Hősként tekintettek rá, mert megmentette a barátja életét. He was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life. He was seen as a hero because he saved his friend's life. Csodás volt a sziget, csak magányosnak éreztem magam. The island was wonderful, but I was feeling alone there. The island was wonderful, I just felt lonely. A szólásszabadságnak azokra is vonatkoznia kell, akiknek a véleményével nem értesz egyet. Free speech must also apply to those with whose opinions you disagree. Freedom of expression should also apply to those whose opinions you disagree with. Már elnézést! I beg your pardon? Excuse me. Senki sem látja. No one can see. No one can see it. Egy általános sztrájk megoldás lehet. A general strike might be a solution. A general strike could be a solution. Tom teste valószínűleg már a hullaházban pihen. Tom's body is probably already resting in the morgue. Tom's body is probably resting in the morgue by now. Adtam Tamásnak egy almát. I gave Tom an apple. I gave Tom an apple. Vártalak. I've been waiting for you. I waited. A vihar nagy kárt tett a termésben. The storm caused much damage to the crop. The storm did a lot of damage to the crop. Oda tedd a távirányítót, ahol Tomi nem éri el. Keep the remote somewhere where Tom can't reach it. Put the remote where Tom can't reach it. Nézd meg Google Fordítóval. Translate it with Google Translate. Take a look at Google Translate. Ez az életem! It's my life! This is my life! A zsiradékban sütött ételek nagyon finomak. Deep-fried food is delicious. The food baked in the fat is very delicious. Tom elkapta a tolvajt. Tom caught the thief. Tom caught the thief. Mária és Elke nem testvérek. Mary and Alice aren't sisters. Mary and Elke are not brothers. Szeretném, ha bemutathatnálak Tominak. I'd like you to meet Tom. I'd like to introduce you to Tom. Elhízol, ha nem mozogsz többet. If you don't get more exercise, you'll get fat. You'll get fat if you don't move anymore. Nem tudnék megölni egy állatot. I couldn't kill an animal. I couldn't kill an animal. A szálló 20 euró személyenként, éjszakánként. The hostel costs twenty euros per person per night. The hotel costs 20 euros per person per night. Az élőlények sejtekből épülnek fel. Living things are made from cells. Living beings are made up of cells. Le sem szarja senki. No one gives a shit. Nobody gives a shit. Tom nem olyan fiatal, mint Mari. Tom isn't as young as Mary. Tom's not as young as Mari. Mondd, te mit gondolsz, mit kellene csinálnom. Tell me what you think I should do. Tell me what you think I should do. Megfagyott valahol a hegyekben. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. It's frozen somewhere in the mountains. Sohase add fel. Sohase add meg magad. Never give up. Never surrender. Never give up, never surrender. Itt lakom, a környéken. I live in this neighborhood. I live around here. Hanyadik epizódnál tartasz? Which episode are you on? How many episodes are you on? Tom meglasszózta az egyik alacsonyabban szálló, kisebb felhőt, mely Ausztrália felé úszott, s rákapaszkodott a kötél végére. Lassan felmászott rajta és elfeküdt a felhőn, míg az meg nem érkezett Perth-be. Tom threw a lasso around one of the low-flying, small clouds floating to Australia and clung to the end of the rope. He slowly climbed up and lay down on the cloud until it arrived in Perth. Tom lassoed one of the lower, smaller clouds that swam towards Australia, clinging to the end of the rope, and slowly climbed up and lay down on the cloud until it arrived in Perth. Jönniük kell. They have to come. They must come. Mindenki keményen dolgozott. Everyone worked hard. Everyone worked hard. Mindketten elmosolyodtak. They both smiled. They both smiled. Rohannom kell. I have to rush. I gotta run. Utálom a macskáját. I hate his cat. I hate his cat. A legjobb lesz, ha most azonnal kiszállsz itt. You'd better get out of here right away. You better get out of here right now. Kemény telünk lesz. It's going to be a hard winter this year. It's gonna be a tough winter. Nem hagyta nekem. She didn't let me do it. He wouldn't let me. Bóknak veszem. I'll take it as a compliment. I'll take that as a compliment. Mindig is azon álmodoztam, hogy külföldön élek. I've always dreamed of living abroad. I have always dreamed of living abroad. — Bocsáss meg! — Isten majd megbocsát. "Forgive me." "God forgives." “Forgive me!” God will forgive you. Szerencsét hoz hullócsillagot látni. It's good luck to see a shooting star. It's lucky to see a shooting star. Késleltettél. You made me late. You're late. Tudod, hogy nem szeretem a tojást. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Valamikor az emberek úgy gondolták, hogy a világ lapos. People once held that the world was flat. Once upon a time, people thought the world was flat. Az első kérdés neked szól. This first question is for you. The first question is for you. Volt forgatókönyv, de rendszerint Tom nem ragaszkodott hozzá, jobban szeretett improvizálni. There was a script but, as a rule, Tom didn't stick to it, preferring instead to improvise. There was a script, but Tom usually didn't insist, he liked to improvise. Nem mondanám, hogy irigy lennék rájuk. I can't say I envy them. I wouldn't say I'm jealous of them. Érdekelnek az idegen nyelvek? Are you interested in foreign languages? Are you interested in foreign languages? Tizedikes vagyok. I'm a tenth grader. I'm in tenth grade. A legrosszabb fájdalom volt, amit valaha tapasztaltam. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced. Mindjárt megmosom az arcom. I’m going to wash my face. I'm about to wash my face. Ők nem beszéltek. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Add ide a kulcsot! Give me the key. Give me the key. Cathy abbahagyta a virágszedést. Cathy stopped picking flowers. Cathy stopped picking flowers. Más taktikát kell alkalmaznunk. We need to try a different tactic. We have to use a different tactic. Ezt ne a gyerekem előtt csinald! Don't do that in front of my kid. Don't do that in front of my kid. Nyitott ablaknál szoktam aludni nyáron. I usually sleep with my windows open in the summer. I used to sleep with the windows open in the summer. Néhányszor megtettem. I've done that a couple of times. I've done it a few times. Tomi már megint megrúgott az asztal alatt. Tom kicked me under the table again. Tom kicked me under the table again. Igazán hatékony vagyok, amikor nem kell csinálni semmit. I'm very efficient when there is nothing to do. I'm really effective when I don't have to do anything. Nem akarok Bostonban lakni. I don't want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston. Könnyü megtanulni beszélni eszperantóul? Is it easy to learn to speak Esperanto? Is it easy to learn to speak Esperanto? Nem félünk! We're not afraid. We're not afraid! Belerakom a dobozba. I'm putting it in the box. I'll put it in the box. Ez örökségünk része. That's part of our heritage. It's part of our legacy. Szóljál, ha készen állsz. Let me know when you're ready. Let me know when you're ready. Korábban ott voltam, hogy egy jó helyet kapjak. I was there early so that I might get a good seat. I used to be there to get a good place. Az autó kék. The car is blue. The car is blue. Ha megsebzed őt, kinyírlak. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If you hurt him, I'll kill you. Önkéntelenül nevetni kezdtek. They broke out into spontaneous laughter. They started laughing involuntarily. Ne elégedj meg kevesebbel. Don't settle for less. Don't settle for less. Jövök, hogy segítsek neked. I'm coming to help you. I'm coming to help you. Hihetetlen volt. That was unbelievable. It was incredible. Három fagylaltot kérek. Three ice-creams, please. Three ice creams, please. Nem engedem meg nekik, hogy használják a Husqvarna láncfűrészemet. I don't allow them to use my Husqvarna chainsaw. I won't let them use my Husqvarna chainsaw. A falvat hegyek veszik körül. The village is surrounded by mountains. The village is surrounded by mountains. Óvakodj a zsebtolvajoktól. Be on your guard against pickpockets. Beware of pickpockets. A hang abból az irányból jött. The sound came from that direction. The sound came from that direction. Jó utat kívánok! I wish you a good journey. Have a good trip. Azt hiszem, segítenem kellett volna Tomnak. I guess I should have helped Tom. I guess I should have helped Tom. Ez a könyv elképesztő. This book is amazing. This book is amazing. Nem tudtalak felhívni. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. Sötét az éjszaka. The night is dark. It's dark in the night. Majd háromszáz embert evakuáltunk. We've already evacuated close to three hundred people. Then we evacuated 300 people. Tom jól főz? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? Ki a vendég? Who is the guest? Who's the guest? Örülök, hogy senki nincs most itt. I'm glad that no one's around. I'm glad no one's here right now. Ő a világ legboldogabb embere. He is the happiest man on earth. He's the happiest man in the world. Tomot letartóztatták a születésnapján. Tom was arrested on his birthday. Tom was arrested on his birthday. Ez szép és jó elméletben, de működni fog ez a gyakorlatban? It's all very well in theory, but will it work in practice? That's nice and good in theory, but will it work in practice? Ha lenne pénzem, körbeutaznám a világot. If I had the money, I would travel around the world. If I had money, I'd travel around the world. Nem érdekel, kivel mész. I don't care who you're going with. I don't care who you go with. Tom talált egy sérült madarat. Tom found an injured bird. Tom found an injured bird. Köszönöm, hogy vagy nekem! Thank you for your love. Thank you for having me. Bocsáss meg nekem, én külföldi vagyok és nem olyan jól értem a cseh nyelvet. Excuse me, I'm a foreigner and I don't understand Czech all that well. Forgive me, I'm a foreigner and I don't understand Czech very well. Felment a házak ára. House prices are up. The price of the houses has gone up. Takarítsd fel, Tom! Clean it up, Tom. Clean it up, Tom. Hogy ment a próba? How did the rehearsal go? How'd the rehearsal go? Nagyjából két órát tanulok minden nap. I study about two hours every day. I study about two hours a day. Kérlek, javítsd ezt meg! Please fix this. Please fix this. Szükségem van a kezedre és az agyadra. I need your hands and your brain. I need your hands and your brain. Lekéstem az utolsó buszt, így taxival kellett mennem. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a cab. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a cab. Egy piros kocsi mellett döntött. He decided on a red car. He chose a red car. Ti ketten összebeszéltetek ellenem! The two of you are in cahoots against me! You two are conspiring against me! Tom pucér volt. Tom was naked. Tom was naked. Mikor érsz rá velem teniszezni? When have you got time for tennis with me? When can you play tennis with me? Bízzunk benne, hogy nem. Let's hope not. Let's hope not. Borzalmasan táncolok. I'm a terrible dancer. I'm a terrible dancer. Nem szándékos volt. It wasn't on purpose. It wasn't intentional. Nem ez a helyes megoldás. It is not the correct solution. It's not the right thing to do. Elismételnéd, kérlek, hogy hova tetted a kulcsot? Could you please tell me again where you put the key? Could you please tell me where you put the key? Csalódtam benned, Tom. I'm disappointed in you, Tom. I'm disappointed in you, Tom. Mikor építették a kastélyt? When was the castle built? When was the castle built? Nem foglak arra kényszeríteni, hogy menj és csináld, ám meglesznek a következményei, ha nem teszed. I won't force you to go and do that but it will have consequences if you won't. I won't force you to go and do it, but there will be consequences if you don't. Az arcomba fújta a füstöt. He blew smoke in my face. He blew smoke in my face. Tom jövő héten hazajön. Tom will be coming home next week. Tom's coming home next week. Add ide a következőt! Give me the next one. Give me the next one. A csirke, amit a pincér az asztalhoz hozott, még nyers volt. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. Korábban is történt ilyen. It's been done before. It's happened before. — Siess, hozd ide nekem az újságot! — Mióta vagy a főnököm!? "Run and get me the paper!" "Since when are you my boss?" “Hurry up, bring me the newspaper!” How long have you been my boss? Libasült van burgonyával. We have fried goose with potatoes. There's goose roast with potatoes. Erős a hite. He had strong religious beliefs. He has strong faith. Ez nagyon, nagyon jó. That's very, very good. That's very, very good. Titok? Is that a secret? Secret? John elindította az autót. John started the car. John started the car. Segítséget kell szereznünk. We must get some help. We need to get help. Megfőztem most, felsőpörtem és felmostam a konyhát. I've just now cooked, washed up and swept the kitchen. I cooked it now, topped it and cleaned the kitchen. Beszéltem Tommal egy párszor. I talked to Tom a couple times. I talked to Tom a few times. Most már tudom. I know now. Now I know. Ügyvédre lesz szükségünk. We need a lawyer. We're gonna need a lawyer. Nem émlékszem arra, hogy valaha elfáradtam volna a munkától, habár a semmittevés teljesen kimerít. I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely. I don't remember ever getting tired of work, even though doing nothing is exhausting. Veszíteni fogtok. You will lose. You're gonna lose. Tomi családjának pénzre volt szüksége. Tom's family needed money. Tom’s family needed money. Majdnem elütött a kamion. The truck almost hit me. I almost got hit by a truck. Szerinted tudja, hogy szeretem? Do you think he knows I like him? You think he knows I love him? Általában hatkor eszünk. We usually eat at six. We usually eat at 6:00. Hol történt ez? Where did this happen? Where did this happen? Iderakhatom? May I put it here? Can I? Odaadtam a koldusnak minden pénzem, ami nálam volt. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. I gave the beggar all the money I had. Tettesd magad halottnak! Pretend you're dead. Pretend to be dead. Azt hiszem, ez egy idevágó eset. I believe this is a case in point. I think it's a relevant case. Megőrülök. I'm going mad. I'm crazy. Jóváhagyják. They approve. It's approved. Nézz körül! Look around. Look around. Mit csinál arra? What's she doing over there? What are you doing over there? Éreztél bármit is irántam? Did you ever have feelings for me? Did you have feelings for me? Ez mitől olyan drága? I wonder why this is so expensive. Why is it so expensive? Ezt mondták. They said that. That's what they said. Tom kedveli. Tom likes her. Tom likes him. Ezt nem én írtam. I didn't write that. I didn't write this. Nem az én hibám volt. It wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Örülök, hogy Tomnak sikerült megváltoztatnia a nevét. I'm happy Tom managed to change his name. I'm glad Tom managed to change his name. Tom annyira paranoid volt. Tom was so paranoid. Tom was so paranoid. Nem találom a másik kesztyűmet. I can't find my other glove. I can't find my other glove. Sosem kellett volna kételkednem benned. I never should have doubted you. I should never have doubted you. Inába szállt a bátorsága. His heart sank to his boots. He's lost his nerve. Mindannyiuknak jelentést kellett írni arról, amit láttak. Each of them has to write a report about what he saw. They all had to report on what they saw. Egyszer elég volt. Once was enough. Once was enough. Ismernem kell a helyzetet. I need to know what the situation is. I need to know the situation. Tom sohasem fogja sokra vinni. Tom is never going to amount to much. Tom's never gonna get anywhere. Van itt egy probléma. There's a problem here. There's a problem. Anya sokszor mondja, hogy az idő pénz. Mum often says that time is money. My mom used to say that time is money. Igazából nem ő az apád. He-he. He's not really your father. Heh-heh. He's not really your father. Milyen információkra van szükségünk? What kind of information do we need? What information do we need? Sokkal több mindent nem tudok mondani. There's not much more to say. There's a lot more I can't tell you. Letörött a körmöm. I have a broken nail. My nails are broken. Nem hiszem, hogy elenged a feleségem. I don't think my wife will let me go. I don't think my wife will let me go. Hibáztam? Have I made a mistake? Mistake? A "person" többesszáma "people", nem "persons". The plural form of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The plural of "person" is "people", not "persons". Ez lesz a harmadik albumja. This will be his third album. This will be his third album. Ez nem érdekes. That's not interesting. It doesn't matter. Menjünk moziba! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to the movies. Tom megmondta volna nekünk, ha tudta volna. Tom would've told us if he'd known. Tom would have told us if he'd known. Ha csak másmilyen lehetnék! I wish I were different. If only I could be different. Ma láttam Tamást. I saw Tom today. I saw Tom today. Nincsen szökési útvonal. There is no escape route. There's no escape route. Olyan rusnya, hogy bottal sem piszkálnám. He's so gross I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. It's so ugly, I wouldn't touch it with a stick. Még válaszolnia kell néhány kérdésre. She has yet to answer any of the questions. You have a few more questions to answer. Tomi halála után röviddel a felesége újraházasodott. Tom's wife remarried shortly after his death. Shortly after Tomi's death, his wife remarried. Fel kell készülnünk Tomi fogadására. We have to get ready for Tom's arrival. We have to prepare for Tom's reception. Levelet olvasok. I read a letter. I'm reading a letter. Várj egy kicsit tovább! Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. Tom és Mary alig ismerték egymást. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. Miért nem beszélünk inkább valaki másról? Why don't we talk about somebody else? Why don't we just talk about someone else? Ez drága nekem. It's too expensive for me. It's expensive for me. A szokott helyen várlak. I'll be waiting for you at the usual place. I'll meet you at the usual place. Tom nem szeret a munkájáról beszélni. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Döntöttem. I have decided. I've decided. A házunk előtt két öreg gesztenyefa áll. In front of our house are two old chestnuts. There are two old chestnut trees in front of our house. Senkit nem ismerünk Londonban. We don't know anyone in London. We don't know anyone in London. Meg tudja valaki állítani Tomit? Can anyone stop Tom? Can anyone stop Tom? Bárcsak tudna főzni a feleségem! I wish my wife could cook. I wish my wife could cook. Ne most, drágám! Not now, honey. Not now, darling. Ez szőlőbor. This wine is made from grapes. It's grape wine. Mindenki imádta az egyszerű tudóst. Everybody loved the simple scholar. Everyone loved a simple scientist. Nem egyszerű itt az élet. Living here isn't easy. It's not easy here. Tom szándékai nyilvánvalóak voltak. Tom's intentions were obvious. Tom's intentions were obvious. A vízözön története nem csak a Bibliából ismert. The story of a great flood is known not only from the Bible. The story of the flood is not only known from the Bible. Lehűlt a levegő, amikor hazatekertem. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air got cold when I turned it home. Mehetsz, amikor lesz időd. You may go at your leisure. You can go when you have time. Senki sem beszélt velem. Nobody spoke with me. No one spoke to me. Gombamód nőtt a város ipari parkja az utóbbi években. The industrial park of the town has fungated during the last years. The city's industrial park has grown in mushroom mode in recent years. Próbáltam segíteni Tominak. I tried to help Tom. I tried to help Tom. Tom készpénzre váltotta az utazási csekkjeit. Tom exchanged his traveler's checks for cash. Tom cashed his travel checks. Ez túl gyakran fordul elő. This is happening too often. It happens too often. Ez egy nehéz időszak volt. It was a difficult period. It was a difficult time. Valaki tett az italába valamit. Someone put something in her drink. Someone put something in his drink. Túl hideg van az úszáshoz. It's much too cold to swim. It's too cold to swim. Hogyan kezdődött az élet a Földön? How did life start on Earth? How did life on Earth begin? Mit gondolsz a véleményéről? What do you think of her suggestion? What do you think of his opinion? A drog pénzbe kerül. Különcnek lenni lehet ingyen is. Drugs cost money. Being weird is free. Drugs cost money, you can be weird for free. Hol tanult lengyelül? Where did he learn Polish? Where did you learn Polish? Megfájdítod a fejemet. You're giving me a headache. You're hurting my head. A nyelv tudomásunk szerint egy emberi találmány. Language, as we know it, is a human invention. Language is, as far as we know, a human invention. Bolond vagy. You're a fool. You're crazy. Tom vett Marynek egy italt. Tom bought a drink for Mary. Tom bought Mary a drink. Seggrészeg volt. He got very drunk. He was drunk as an ass. Kérlek, add át neki legjobb üdvözleteimet. Please give him my best regards. Please give him my best regards. Csak rajta! Just go ahead! Go ahead. Gondolod, hogy Tom tette? Do you think that Tom did that? You think Tom did it? Nagyon zavaró. It's very embarrassing. It's very disturbing. Kérlek, a jövőben légy egy kicsit óvatosabb. Please, be a bit more careful in the future. Please be a little more careful in the future. Remélem, igaz, amit mondasz. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Csak néhány kérdést akartak nekem feltenni. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. Inkább élek békés szegénységben, mint gazdagon és rettegve. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than in wealth and fear. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than rich and terrified. Menjetek, de nélkülem! Go without me! Go, but without me. Az én országomban nehéz németül tanulni. In my country, it's difficult to learn German. In my country, it's hard to learn German. Van a közelben egy katonai bázis. There is a military base near here. There's a military base nearby. Tonynak szép hangja van. Tony's voice is nice. Tony has a nice voice. Hagyj minket békén! Give us peace! Leave us alone! Nem látom értelmét, de ha te ezt akarod, ám tessék. I don't see the sense of it, but if you want that just go ahead. I don't see the point, but if that's what you want, here you go. Elköltöttem minden pénzem. I spent all my money. I spent all my money. Beszélnem kell vele. I have to talk to him. I need to talk to him. Most hazamehetsz, ha tetszik. You can go home now if you like. You can go home now if you like. Néhányan tudnak a létezéséről. Few people know of its existence. Some people know of its existence. Nem tudtam, hogy Tomi addigra már halott volt. I didn't know Tom was already dead. I didn't know Tom was dead by then. Soha nem azonosultam a nézeteiddel s most sem, sem a jövőben nem fogok. I never agreed with your way of seeing things, nor do I now, nor will I ever. I've never identified with your views, and I won't do it now or in the future. Nem szeretnék ott élni. I wouldn't like to live there. I don't want to live there. Ki élt itt előtted? Who lived here before you? Who lived here before you? Valami oka kellett, hogy legyen ennek. It happened for a reason. There must have been a reason for this. Rendkívüli vagy. You're extraordinary. You're extraordinary. Tom nem csal. Tom isn't cheating. Tom's not cheating. Ne bocsáss meg neki! Don't forgive her. Don't forgive him. Egy újabb birodalmat fognak elpusztítani. Another empire is going to be destroyed. They're going to destroy another empire. Tom kapta meg az állást. Tom got the job. Tom got the job. Hallottad, amit mondtam? Have you heard what I said? Did you hear what I said? Milyen színt viselt Tom? What colour was Tom wearing? What color was Tom wearing? Én vagyok a legrosszabb tanuló az osztályban. I'm the worst student in the class. I'm the worst student in the class. — Nem túl nagy ez a templom. — Merthogy ez keresztelőkápolna. "This church is not that big." "Since it's a baptistery." “It’s not a big church. ” Because it’s a baptism chapel. De nem ez a valódi probléma. But that's not the real problem. But that's not the real problem. Azt hiszi, hogy ő Isten ajándéka a nők számára. He thinks he's God's gift to women. He thinks he's God's gift to women. Egyértelműen nagyon élvezetes volt. It was definitely very enjoyable. It was definitely very enjoyable. Nincs igazam? Aren't I right? Am I right? Öt évet éltem ott. I lived there for five years. I lived there for five years. Nem vesz el sok időt. It won't take long. It doesn't take much time. A felhőkarcolók liftjei szédületes sebességgel emelkednek. The skyscraper's elevators ascend at an astonishing rate of speed. The elevators of the skyscrapers are rising at a dizzying speed. Tomival fogok ebédelni. I'm meeting Tom for lunch. I'm having lunch with Tom. Mária nem a valaha élt legtökéletesebb nő, de Tamásnak ő a legjobb. Mary is not the most perfect woman ever lived but she's the best for Tom. Mary is not the most perfect woman who ever lived, but she is the best for Thomas. Úgy elment mellettem, hogy annyit sem mondott, szia. He passed by me without saying hi. He walked by me so much, he didn't say anything, bye. Mezítláb voltak. They were barefoot. They were barefoot. Vacsorázzunk. Let's have dinner. Let's have dinner. Tom feszült volt. Tom felt on edge. Tom was tense. Mi nem tartunk kutyát. We don't have a dog. We don't have dogs. Tegnap túl sokat ettem. I ate too much food yesterday. I ate too much yesterday. Remélem, hogy eljön holnap. I hope he comes tomorrow. I hope you'll come tomorrow. Elgondolkoztam, mit akart Tom. I wondered what Tom wanted. I wondered what Tom wanted. Ez kinek a tolla? Whose pen is that? Whose pen is this? Az a csörgődob törött. That tambourine is broken. That tambourine is broken. Néha fáj a gyomrom. I sometimes have a pain in my stomach. Sometimes my stomach hurts. Nem emlékszem, hogy kikértem volna a véleményedet. I don't remember asking for your opinion. I don't remember asking for your opinion. Tom semmibe vette a tanácsomat. Tom disregarded my advice. Tom ignored my advice. A kutyámnak megvan az a rossz szokása, hogy rávizel a székekre. My dog has the bad habit of peeing on the chairs. My dog has a bad habit of urinating on chairs. Nincs szükségem a pénzedre. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Aki egy társaságban nem iszik, az vagy egy tolvaj vagy egy spion. Someone who doesn't drink in company is either a thief or a spy. If you don't drink in a company, you're either a thief or a spion. Tom a legnépszerűbb fiú az iskolában. Tom is the most popular boy at school. Tom's the most popular boy in school. Vigyázz, el ne ess! Take care not to fall. Careful, don't fall. Nem értettem, hogy miről szól a könyv. I didn't get the book. I didn’t understand what the book was about. Tudasd velünk, ha meggondoltad magad. If you change your mind, let us know. Let us know if you change your mind. Tegnap csütörtök volt. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. Tom megnézte a zsebeit. Tom checked his pockets. Tom checked his pockets. Tom itt volt nem túl rég. Tom was here not too long ago. Tom was here not too long ago. Eszter jobbról balra olvas. Esther reads from right to left. Esther reads from right to left. A változás lehet jó és rossz. Change can be good or bad. Change can be good and bad. Vissza kell utasítanod. You must deny it. You have to refuse. Neked melyik lenne jobb? Which would be better for you? Which would be better for you? Ez a pizza gusztustalan! This pizza is disgusting! This pizza is disgusting! Tom egy hívatlan vendég. Tom is an uninvited guest. Tom's an uninvited guest. Majuko saját maga tervezte a ruháit. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Majuko designed his own clothes. Vettél valamit? Did you buy anything? Did you get something? Kié ez a jegyzetfüzet? Whose notebook is that? Whose notebook is this? A gyerekek kínzására hozták létre a matematikát. Math was created to torture children. Mathematics was created to torture children. Tudsz erről valamit? Do you know anything about it? Do you know anything about that? János megijesztette Marit. John made Mary jump. John scared Mari. Semmit nem tudsz a fociról. You don't know anything about football. You don't know anything about football. Nem így kellene ezt csinálnunk. That isn't how we should do this. That's not how we're supposed to do this. Miért nem iszol valamit? Why don't you drink something? Why don't you have a drink? Transznemű vagyok. I'm trans. I'm transgender. Különösen ragaszkodott ehhez. He particularly insisted on this. He was particularly insistent on it. Nem tudta, mit kezdjen a problémával. She didn't know what to do with the problem. He didn't know what to do with the problem. A Facebook gyakran sértőnek találja a valóságot és törli a posztokat. Facebook often finds reality offensive and deletes posts. Facebook often finds reality offensive and deletes posts. Tamás az idősebb fiam. Tom is my older son. Thomas is my eldest son. Ez különleges. This is special. It's special. A macskám ért franciául, de úgy tesz, mint aki nem. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. My cat understands French, but he acts like he doesn't. Tomi egy fa mögé rejtőzött, de én így is láttam. Tom tried to hide behind the tree, but I could still see him. Tom was hiding behind a tree, but I saw it that way. Unalmasnak találom a regényét. I think his novel is boring. I find your novel boring. Nem értem, miért nem szabad azt megtennem. I don't see why I should not do that. I don't understand why I shouldn't do that. Természetesen. Naturally. Absolutely. Transznemű vagyok. I'm transgender. I'm transgender. Úgy tűnik, rendkívüli vendégünk lesz. It seems we have an extravagant guest. Looks like we're going to have an extraordinary guest. A sebesült üvöltött a fájdalomtól, miután az érzéstelenítő hatása elmúlt. The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. The wounded screamed with pain after the anaesthetic wore off. Valami nincs rendben. Something's not right. Something's wrong. Egy zöld szőnyeg nem megy a kék függönyhöz. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet doesn't go with a blue curtain. Tom élni fog. Tom'll live. Tom will live. Te japán vagy? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Van egy kis kerti tavunk. There is a small pond in our garden. We've got a little garden pond. Addig fogok lovagolni rajta, amíg ki nem szárad a magömléstől. I'm going to ride him until he dehydrates through ejaculating. I'm gonna ride it till it's dry from ejaculation. Te vagy a legfontosabb személy az életemben. You are the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Tomi egyiptomi. Tom is Egyptian. Tom is Egyptian. Tom köhögni kezdett. Tom started to cough. Tom started coughing. Tudok segíteni? Can I give you a hand? Can I help you? Nem túl gyakran fordul elő ilyen. This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. It doesn't happen very often. Ha nem csalok, nem nyerek. If I don't cheat, I won't win. If I don't cheat, I don't win. És nálad hogy állnak a dolgok? How about you? How are things with you? Tom bent van? Is Tom in? Is Tom in? Akkor még otthon voltam. I was still at home at that time. I was still at home. A megjósolt eső egyáltalán nem következett be. The forecast rain never eventuated. The predicted rain didn't happen at all. Elbújtunk a bokor mögött. We hid in the bushes. We hid behind the bush. Át kell szerkeszteni a cikket. This article needs to be edited. You need to edit the article. Sajnálom, de kiment a fejemből. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Én így tudom. That's my understanding. That's how I know. Hogy kell csinálni egy dobozt? How do you make a box? How to make a box? Vegyél szőlőt! Help yourself to some grapes. Buy some grapes. Többé már nem függött szüleitől. He was no longer dependent on his parents. He was no longer dependent on his parents. Elakadtam. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Tomi a legjobb sakkjátékos az osztályunkban. Tom is the best chess player in our class. Tom is the best chess player in our class. Téged akarlak, Tom. I want you, Tom. I want you, Tom. A politikusok bohócok. Politicians are clowns. Politicians are clowns. Ő úszik a folyóban. He swims in the river. He swims in the river. Inkább meghalnék, mint hogy megadjam magam. I'd rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than surrender. Semmi kedvem hozzá! I don't feel like it at all. I'm not in the mood. Félek Tomitól. I'm afraid of Tom. I'm scared of Tom. Csak nem akarom, hogy hallják, mit beszélünk. I just don't want them to hear what we're talking about. I just don't want them to hear what we're saying. Csak a pénzért csinálta Tomi? Did Tom just do it for the money? Did Tom do it for money? Mettől-meddig van nyitva az irodád? From what time to what time is your office open? How long is your office open? Panaszkodni fogok rád. I'll complain about you. I'll complain about you. Korán visszajöttem. I came back early. I'm back early. Nem tudok törökül. I can't speak Turkish. I don't speak Turkish. Nem rossz elgondolás. That's not a bad idea. Not a bad idea. Ez hosszú idő is lehet. It may be a long time. That could be a long time. Hívd fel Tomit és mondd meg neki, mi a teendő. Give Tom a call and tell him what to do. Call Tom and tell him what to do. Én többet nem segítek neki. I won't help him anymore. I'm not helping him anymore. Teszünk róla. We'll see to that. We'll make sure. Van szeretője? Do you have a lover? Do you have a lover? Ki? Who? Who? Van telefonom. I have a telephone. I have a phone. Tom cápatámadás következtében vesztette el a lábát. Tom lost his leg in a shark attack. Tom lost his leg as a result of a shark attack. Kevesebbet kaptam, mint múltkor. I got less than last time. I got less than last time. Ezt szeretném. I want this one. That's what I want. Nem fázol? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? A jegesmedvéket a kihalás fenyegeti. Polar bears are in danger of extinction. Polar bears are threatened with extinction. A nők is emberek. Women are people. Women are people too. Tartson nekünk bemutatót. Give us a demonstration. Give us a demonstration. Tudom, hogy Tomit miért ölték meg. I know why Tom was killed. I know why Tomi was killed. Tom gondoskodik róla. Tom is going to take care of it. Tom will take care of it. A fenyőmagot fenyőtobozból nyerik. Pine nuts come from pine cones. Pine nuts are obtained from pine cones. Ne félj! Don’t fear. Don't be afraid. Tomit láthatóan nagyon megviseli valami. Tom is obviously distressed over something. Tom seems to be having a hard time. Mary nagyon cuki. Mary is very cute. Mary's really cute. Egybe vagy elválasztva? Together or separately? Are you separated? A bizottságunk tíz tagból áll. Our committee consists of ten members. Our committee is made up of ten members. A lopott pénz sosem fog fialni. Stolen money never bears fruit. The stolen money will never pay off. Remélem, hogy hamarosan látlak. I hope to see you soon. I hope to see you soon. Valamikor a jövő héten találkozunk. I'll be seeing you sometime next week. I'll see you next week. Ők a mi jó barátaink. They're good friends of ours. They're our good friends. Ismét megcsókolta. She kissed him again. He kissed her again. Miből gondolod azt, hogy összeesküdött ellened az egész világ? What makes you think that everyone is conspiring against you? What makes you think the whole world is conspiring against you? Ne kérdezz olyan sokat! Don't ask me so many questions. Don't ask so many questions. Tomi a legjobb játékos a mi csapatunkban. Tom is one of the best players we have on the team. Tom is the best player on our team. Remélem, hamarosan megtaláljuk a megoldást. I hope we find a solution soon. I hope we find a solution soon. Tom hamarosan rájött, hogy Mary ellopta az összes pénzét. Tom soon realized that Mary had stolen all his money. Tom soon found out that Mary had stolen all his money. Látszik, hogy meg akarod venni azt a ruhát. You clearly are interested in buying that dress. I can tell you want to buy that dress. Megoldom egyedül. I can manage this. I'll handle it myself. Felhők veszik körbe a hegyet. That mountain is in the clouds. Clouds surround the mountain. Valamit keresett a sötétben. He was looking for something in the dark. He was looking for something in the dark. A jó oktatás pénzben nem mérhető. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. A good education cannot be measured by money. Nem számít hány katonájuk és mekkora tűzerejük van, lerohanjuk őket, ha megtámadják az országunkat. No matter how many troops they have or how much firepower they have, we'll crush them if they invade our country. No matter how many soldiers or how much firepower they have, we will invade them if they attack our country. A feleségem családja nagyon gazdag. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. A cikk az írója véleményét tükrözi. The article expresses the author's personal opinion. The article reflects the opinion of the author. Tamás hozzászokott a munkához. Tom got used to the work. Tom is used to the work. Magam sem tudom, mit akarok. I myself don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. Tominak borderline-os üldözési mániája van. Tom is borderline paranoid. Tom has a borderline obsession. Soha nem beszéltem Tomival franciául. I've never spoken with Tom in French. I never spoke to Tom in French. A nevetés ragadós. Laughter is infectious. Laughter is sticky. Tomi nem tudja helyén kezelni a kudarcokat. Tom couldn't cope with failure. Tom can't handle the failures. Ő az egyetlen, aki nem tudja, hogy kell ezt csinálni. She's the only one who doesn't know how to do that. He's the only one who doesn't know how to do this. Tamás a legjobb pilótánk. Tom is our best pilot. Tom is our best pilot. Milyen nagy tök! What a big pumpkin! What a big pumpkin! Ezek meg mit csinálnak ott? What are they doing in there? What are they doing there? Szólj rám holnap. Remind me tomorrow. Tell me tomorrow. Nem vagyok halott. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. Ez a kocsi úgy néz ki, mint az enyém. This car looks like mine. This car looks like mine. Hogy tetszett neked Boston? How did you like Boston? How did you like Boston? Apám várt minket a buszmegállónál. My father waited for us at the bus stop. My dad was waiting for us at the bus stop. A vizes élőhelyek alapvető funkciókat látnak el az ökoszisztémában, beleértve a vízszűrő funkciót, az elárasztásról való gondoskodást, az erózió szabályozását, az élelem ellátást, valamint otthont adnak a halaknak és a vadállatoknak. Wetland habitats serve essential functions in an ecosystem, including acting as water filters, providing flood and erosion control, and furnishing food and homes for fish and wildlife. Wetlands perform essential functions in the ecosystem, including water filtration, flooding care, control of erosion, food supply, and home to fish and wild animals. Adott egy puszit az arcára. She kissed him on the cheek. He kissed her on the cheek. Nézzük meg, hogy megy. Let's see how it goes. Let's see how it goes. Tom tudta. Tom knew it. Tom knew. A pénztáros lány minden nap mosolyog rám. The cashier girl smiles at me every day. The cashier girl smiles at me every day. Ez Tom döntése. It's Tom's decision. It's Tom's decision. Elhatároztam, hogy maradok. I decided I'd stay. I decided to stay. Nem kaptál szüleidtől ajándékot? Didn't you get any presents from your parents? Didn't your parents give you a present? Tom kissé meg van lepve. Tom is a little surprised. Tom's a little surprised. Egyáltalán nem bonyolult. It's not complicated at all. It's not complicated at all. Tom azt tette, amit Mary akart. Tom did what Mary wanted. Tom did what Mary wanted. - Egy italt? - Köszönöm, nem! "Do you want a drink?" "No, thanks." - Would you like a drink? Van egy megoldás. There is one solution. There's a solution. Vitáztatok? Did you quarrel? You argued? Mindenkinek joga van hozzá, hogy hülye legyen. Néhányan ezzel a jogukkal visszaélnek. Everyone has the right to be stupid. Some people just abuse that privilege. Everyone has the right to be stupid, some abuse that right. Ez jó lesz. That'll be good. That's good. El tudjuk kapni Tomot, ha megpróbáljuk. We can catch Tom if we try. We can catch Tom if we try. Nem tudom pontosan. I don't know exactly. I'm not sure. Evés közben könyvet olvasok. I read a book while eating. I read a book while I eat. Nem valószínű, hogy bármi komoly dolog fog történni. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. It is unlikely that anything serious will happen. Tom mindent átgondolt. Tom has thought of everything. Tom thought it all out. Nélkülem mész oda. You go there without me. You're going there without me. Tomi még mindig az anyuja mellett alszik. Tom still sleeps next to his mom. Tom's still sleeping next to his mom. Komolyan gondolod, hogy újra házasodsz a te korodban? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Do you really think you're gonna get married again at your age? Sok jó játékost veszítettünk el a múlt szezon végén. We lost a lot of good players at the end of last season. We lost a lot of good players at the end of last season. Tomot örökbe fogadták. Tom's adopted. Tom was adopted. Aki féreg módjára viselkedik, ne csodálkozzon, ha eltapossák. He who behaves like a worm can't complain of getting stepped on. If you're acting like a worm, don't be surprised if you're trampled. Szeretem a zöld teát. I like green tea. I like green tea. Az NDK-ban nőtt fel. She grew up in the GDR. He grew up in the GDR. Megmossam a salátát? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? Shall I wash the salad? Tudod, mit felejtettünk el? You know what we forgot? You know what we forgot? Szív ez a porszívó. This vacuum sucks. It's a heart vacuum. Leszokott a dohányzásról. He got out of the habit of smoking. He quit smoking. Tom nekem adta ezt a könyvet. Tom gave me this book. Tom gave me this book. Miért is tetted? Why exactly did you do that? Why did you do it? Az első konditermi edzésem után úgy fájt mindenem, hogy rokkantnak éreztem magam. After doing my first workout at the gym, my body ached so much that I felt like a paralytic. After my first workout at the gym, everything hurt so much that I felt disabled. Hideg van itthon. It's cold at home. It's cold in here. Az öreg pajta összeroskadt. The old barn collapsed. The old barn collapsed. Gyanítom, ez volt az egyetlen módja, hogy a feladat el legyen intézve. I assume that was the only way to get the job done in time. I suspect it was the only way to get the job done. Nem tudom, Tom mit csinál Ausztráliában. I don't know what Tom is doing in Australia. I don't know what Tom's doing in Australia. Tomi nem érezte a csoporthoz tartozónak magát. Tom didn't feel like he belonged to the group. Tom didn't feel like he belonged to the group. Ő csak egy férfi. He is only a man. He's just a man. Tom megsértődött azon, amit Mary mondott. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Lehet, hogy Tominak szüksége lesz rá. Tom might need it. Maybe Tom will need it. Beszélhetnénk erről valahol máshol? Can we talk about this somewhere else? Can we talk about this somewhere else? Még mindig mozog. It is still moving. It's still moving. Sokkal többe került, mint amire számítottam. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. It cost a lot more than I expected. Meg fogja őt ölni. She'll kill him. He's gonna kill her. Tapasztalatból mondom, hogy ez nem egy jó ötlet. My experience tells me that is not a good idea. From my experience, it's not a good idea. Ugyanaz az öreg probléma. It's the same old problem. Same old problem. Nem olvastam még el a könyvet. I'm still not finished reading the book. I haven't read the book yet. Olyan elfoglalt volt, hogy a fiát küldte el maga helyett. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy, he sent his son instead of you. A házassági évfordulónk ma van. Our wedding anniversary is today. It's our wedding anniversary. Teniszezem. I play tennis. I'm playing tennis. Tudtam, hogy Tom tud valamit. I knew Tom knew something. I knew Tom knew something. Itt egy kép az osztálytársaimról. Here it is, a photo of my classmates. Here's a picture of my classmates. Tom nem tűnt tengeribetegnek. Tom didn't seem to be seasick. Tom didn't look seasick. Van-e vajon könnyebb módja ennek? I wonder if there's an easier way to do this. Is there an easier way to do this? Nem volt fájdalom. There was no pain. There was no pain. Nem mindenki szerez felsőfokú képesítést. Not everybody graduates. Not everyone gets a higher education. Semmirevaló férj vagy! You're a useless husband. You're a worthless husband! Miért kellett Tomnak kalapács? Why did Tom need a hammer? Why did Tom need a hammer? Mindketten biztonságban voltunk. We were both safe. We were both safe. Ó, Istenem! Oh, my God! Oh, God! Tévedett mikor azt hitte, hogy miatta jött. He was wrong in thinking that she'd come to see him. He was wrong when he thought he was here for her. Egyesek nagy élvezetet és elégedettséget lelnek a maguk alkotta dolgokban. Ezért olyan népszerűek a "do it yourself", vagyis a "csináld magad" projektek. Some people get great joy and satisfaction from doing things by themselves. That is why DIY, or do-it-yourself, projects are so popular. Some people find great pleasure and satisfaction in the things they create themselves. That's why do it yourself projects are so popular. Mindenkinek maradnia kell. Everyone has to stay. Everyone has to stay. Ő brit és ő amerikai. She is British and he is American. He's British and he's American. Van tévéd? Do you have a TV? You got a TV? Legkevesebb ketten meghaltak. At least two people died. At least two people died. Csak valami mókásat szeretnék csinálni. I just want to do something fun. I just want to do something fun. Beoltott a nővér. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse inoculated me. Ő ügyvéd. He's a lawyer. He's a lawyer. Szabad vagyok, mint a madár az égen. I'm free as a bird in heaven's blue. I'm free as a bird in the sky. Alig voltak páran a gyűlésen. Only a few people attended the meeting. There were hardly any people at the meeting. Vigyázz, nehogy megcsússz! Be careful not to slip. Make sure you don't slip. Éppen időben! Just in time! Just in time! Tom ritkán nevetett Mary viccein. Tom seldom laughed at Mary's jokes. Tom rarely laughed at Mary's jokes. Estig várunk. We'll wait till the evening. We'll wait till tonight. Egy bizonyos öreg asszonyt keresek. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for an old woman. Próbálkozunk. We try. We're trying. Tomi nem igazán csapatjátékos. Tom isn't really a team player. Tom is not a team player. Tomit még nem győzték le. Tom is undefeated. Tom hasn't been defeated yet. Jó asszonynak tartom magam. I consider myself a good wife. I consider myself a good woman. Hány éves vagy? How old are you? How old are you? Megadott neki minden apró részletet. She gave him all the details. He gave her every little detail. Azt a benyomást kelti, hogy nem foglalkozik semmivel különösebben. She gives the impression of not caring much about anything. He gives the impression that he doesn't care about anything in particular. Arra tanítottak, hogy először üssek és csak aztán kérdezzek. I was taught to shoot first and ask questions later. They taught me to hit first and then ask questions. Nincs itt egyetlen fa. There isn't a single tree here. There's not a single tree here. Húzd meg a csavart! Tighten the screw. Pull the screw. Nem fog nekik sikerülni. They'll fail. They won't make it. A Tom és Mary a világ legunalmasabb regényeként ismert. "Tom and Mary" is known as the world's most boring novel. Tom and Mary is known as the world's most boring novel. A múlt hétvégén láttam egy nagyon jó filmet. I saw a very good movie last weekend. I saw a very good movie last weekend. Tom nem látta Maryt a szakításuk óta. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. Találnunk kell Tominak egy nőt. We must find Tom a girl. We need to find Tom a woman. Az ügyvéd elmagyarázta nekünk az új törvényt. The lawyer explained the new law to us. The lawyer explained the new law to us. Egy pók van a dobozban. There's a spider in the box. There's a spider in the box. Megvannak az okaik. They have their reasons. They have their reasons. Azért jöttem, hogy beszéljek Tomival. I came to talk with Tom. I'm here to talk to Tom. Ott voltam tavaly. I was there last year. I was there last year. Tökéletesen működik az iPhone-oddal. It works seamlessly with your iPhone. It works perfectly with your iPhone. Az ábécében a B az A után jön. In the alphabet, B comes after A. In the alphabet, B comes after A. Tom magamra emlékeztet. Tom reminds me of myself. Tom reminds me of myself. Nem fogsz meghalni. You won't die. You're not gonna die. Kivették a manduláit, mert túl gyakran gyulladtak be. He had his tonsils removed because they would get inflamed too often. They took her tonsils out because they were too often inflamed. A nővérem fél minden orvostól. My elder sister is afraid of all doctors. My sister is afraid of all doctors. Tom bármikor jöhet. Tom may come at any time. Tom can come any time. Örülök, hogy itt vagy, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. A legtöbben azt mondják, hogy a legjobb módja a nyelvtanulásnak az, ha olyantól tanulunk, akinek az az anyanyelve. Most people say that the best way to learn a foreign language is to learn from a native speaker. Most people say that the best way to learn a language is to learn from someone whose mother tongue is one. Van öngyújtója? Do you have a light? Do you have a lighter? Milyen baja van Tominak? What kind of problem does Tom have? What's wrong with Tom? Három hónapja vettem a házat. I bought this house three months ago. I bought the house three months ago. Én sem akarom ezt tenni. I don't want to do that either. I don't want to do this either. Vettem távcsövet, hogy a csillagokat bámuljam. I bought a telescope to gaze at the stars. I bought binoculars to stare at the stars. Ne hagyd őt úszni! Don't let him swim. Don't let him swim. Menj lassan az ajtóhoz. Slowly walk to the door. Go slowly to the door. Mire számíthatunk? What else should we expect? What can we expect? Szeretek aludni. I love to sleep. I like to sleep. Reggelente mindig két csésze kávét iszom. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. Kedves szavakkal és alázattal beszélt róla. He talked of her kindness and humility. He spoke of it with kind words and humility. Kussolj! Shut up! Shut up! Az az ing tetszik nekem. I like that shirt. I like that shirt. Tom nem házas. Tom is unmarried. Tom's not married. Elfelejtette a visszajárót. You have forgotten your change. You forgot your change. Improvizáltam. I improvised. I improvised. Megerősítésre volt szükségem. I needed affirmations. I needed confirmation. Láttad már Tomit, amikor őrjöng? Have you ever seen Tom when he's mad? Have you seen Tom when he's mad? A felvonó kábele elszakadt. The elevator cable snapped. The cable to the elevator is broken. Mivel esett az eső, otthon maradtam. Since it rained, I stayed home. Since it was raining, I stayed home. Legyél tökös és harcolj! Have courage and fight. Be brave and fight. Ez nem a te kalapod, igaz? This isn't your hat, is it? That's not your hat, is it? Tom testvére rendőr. Tom's brother is a policeman. Tom's brother's a cop. Szíveskedjenek távozni! Leave, please! Please leave. Lázas vagyok és fáj a fejem. Azt hiszem, beteg leszek. I have a fever and a headache. I think I'm getting ill. I have a fever and a headache. Együnk a szállodával szemközti utcában lévő étteremben. Let's eat at the restaurant across the street from the hotel. Let's eat in the restaurant across the street from the hotel. Bent vannak? Are they in? Are they in there? Késő már ezen aggódni. It's too late to worry about that now. It's too late to worry about that. Mondd, melyiket válasszam? Tell me which one to choose. Tell me, which one should I choose? Mutasd nekünk az utat! Show us the way. Show us the way. Színpadot állítottak fel a parkban. A temporary stage was set up in the park. They set up a stage in the park. Minden nap tanulod az angolt? Do you study English every day? Do you learn English every day? Meg kellene várnod a választ. You should've waited for a response. You should wait for an answer. Az állomás gyalog öt percre van innen. The station is five minutes' walk from here. The station is five minutes away on foot. Kérdezett Tom, hogy éhes vagyok-e. Tom asked me if I were hungry. Tom asked if I was hungry. Sokkal jobban úszol, mint ő. You swim much better than he does. You're a much better swimmer than he is. Mikor megütött, annyira fájt, hogy elájultam. When he bit me, it was so painful that I fainted. When he hit me, it hurt so much that I fainted. Ha meg akarnálak ölni, meg tudnálak. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I could. Mi lenne a világgal a nők nélkül? What would the world be without women? What would the world be without women? Ki mondta neked, hogy eljövök? Who told you I'd come? Who told you I was coming? Fiatalnak látszik. She looks young. You look young. Ebben az országban minden bolondból lehet kormányzó, képviselő vagy szenátor. In this country, any fool can be a governor, a representative or a senator. Every fool in this country can be a governor, a congressman, or a senator. A baleset dugót okozott. The accident caused a traffic jam. The accident caused a traffic jam. Itt az ideje, hogy menjünk. It's time for us to leave here. It's time to go. Elmulasztottad mondani nekem, hogy vegyek kenyeret. You neglected to tell me to buy bread. You failed to tell me to buy bread. Meglepett az, amit megtudtam. I was surprised by what I learned. I was surprised by what I found out. Még nem fordítottam le semmit. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. Tom egy vén szaros. Tom's an old fart. Tom's an old shit. Van egy Twitter-fiókom. I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter account. Tom túl öreg hozzám. Tom is too old for me. Tom's too old for me. Tom otthon van a szüleivel. Tom is at home with his parents. Tom's at home with his parents. Most add nekem a listát. Now give me the list. Now give me the list. Minden nap hívom. I call her every day. I call him every day. — Tomi elvesztette az eszét? — Volt neki valaha is? "Has Tom lost his mind?" "Has he ever had it?" Has Tom ever lost his mind? Tominak éles a látása. Tom has sharp eyes. Tom has sharp eyesight. Mindenki így hívja. Everybody calls him like this. That's what everyone calls it. Tom zöldre festette a falat. Tom painted the wall green. Tom painted the wall green. Iszonyat mocskos volt Sami. Sami was dirty as fuck. Sami was so dirty. Tamás egy tollat adott nekem. Tom gave me a pen. Thomas gave me a pen. Beszélnem kell veled. I need to talk to you. I need to talk to you. Mit szeretnél csinálni a jövőben? What would you like to do in the future? What would you like to do in the future? Találkozott egy farkassal. He came across a wolf. He met a wolf. Hívd a biztonsági szolgálatot! Call security! Call security. Nem volt időm. I didn't have the time. I didn't have time. Megbocsátanál nekünk csak egy másodpercre, kérlek? Would you excuse us for just a second, please? Would you excuse us for one second, please? A foglalkozása fogorvos. He is a dentist by profession. He's a dentist. Elképesztő a két személy közötti hasonlóság! The similarity between the two persons is astonishing. The similarities between the two people are amazing! Tom ijedős. Tom gets scared easily. Tom's scared. Biztos hallottam ezt a hangot már valahol. I surely heard that voice somewhere already. I'm sure I've heard that voice somewhere before. A hírek soha nem az igazságot beszélik, és az igazság soha nem válik hírré. The news never tells the truth and the truth never becomes news. The news never speaks the truth, and the truth never becomes the news. Nincs túl jó állapotban a könyv. The book's condition's not so good. The book is not in very good condition. Hogy halad a projekted? How's your project going? How's your project going? Ők még mindig a gyerekeim. They're still my children. They're still my children. Halász vagy. You're a fisher. You're a fisherman. Fáradt volt és ezért feküdt le hamar. He was tired and that's why he went to bed early. He was tired, and that's why he went to bed soon. Ne felejts el írni nekünk! Don't forget to write to us. Don't forget to write to us. Kérlek, ne menj el! Please don't go away. Please don't go. Most törjük a fejünket, mitévők legyünk. Now let's figure out what to do. Now we're thinking about what to do. Kérlek, ne használd újra ezt a rúzst! Please, don't wear this lipstick again. Please don't use that lipstick again. Itt lakik egy medve. Here lives one bear. There's a bear here. Viszontlátásra! Good-bye! Goodbye. Találtál valamit? Did you find something? Find anything? Tom megint elkésett, mint rendesen. Tom was late as usual. Tom's late again, as usual. A felelősségtudatom egy börtön. My sense of responsibility is a prison. My responsibility is a prison. Tom viccesebb, mint Mary. Tom is funnier than Mary. Tom's funnier than Mary. Haza vigyelek? Shall I drive you home? Take you home? Jössz még nekem valamivel. You still owe me one. You owe me something. Elolvasom a leírást, hogy beüzemeljem. I need to read the instructions to make it work. I'll read the description to get it started. Jó terv, papíron legalábbis. It's a good plan, at least on paper. Good plan, on paper at least. Ezért ne engem hibáztass. Don't blame me for this. Don't blame me for that. Itt van! Here she is! He's here! Majdnem mindent megértettem, amit franciául mondott. I managed to understand almost everything he said in French. I understood almost everything he said in French. - Mit fogunk mondani Tomnak? - Ne aggódj. Majd kitalálok valamit. "What will we tell Tom?" "Don't worry. I'll come up with something." Don't worry, I'll figure something out. Bahá'i hitű vagyok. I am a Bahá'í. I'm a Bahá'í. Sokat eszik ez az autó. This car consumes a lot of fuel. This car eats a lot. Húst soha nem eszem. I never eat meat. I never eat meat. A lugas rácsot lonc borította. The trellis was covered with honeysuckle. The lugas grid was covered in honeycombs. Nagyon forró a leves. The soup's very hot. The soup's really hot. Ablakot nyitottam. I have opened the window. I opened a window. A hajó nem eladó. The ship is unsellable. The ship is not for sale. Nem bánom, ha várni kell. I don't mind waiting. I don't mind waiting. Azt kellett volna mondanom, hogy nem érek rá. I should've said I was busy. I should have said I was busy. Tanulj olyan keményen, ahogy csak tudsz! Study as hard as you can. Study as hard as you can. Hazardíroztunk, de megérte. Our gamble paid off. We gambled, but it was worth it. Tudnál nekem segíteni taxit fogni? Can you help me get a taxi? Can you help me catch a cab? A nővérem vett nekem egy piros szalagot. My sister bought me a red ribbon. My sister bought me a red ribbon. Utálom a fanatikusokat. I hate fanatics. I hate fanatics. Nem áll szándékomban időzni. I'm not intending to stay long. I have no intention of lingering. Jobban érzi magát a lányod? Is your daughter feeling better? Does your daughter feel better? Szinte megőrült a fájdalomtól miután a gyermek meghalt. She went nearly mad with grief after the child died. She almost went mad with the pain after the child died. Tom ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy ő fizesse a vacsorát. Tom insisted on paying for dinner. Tom insisted on paying for dinner. Mostanában nem sokat csináltam. I haven't done that much lately. I haven't done much lately. Az utóbbi időben nagy nyomás alatt voltam. I've been under a lot of pressure lately. I've been under a lot of pressure lately. A gyümölcs a kosárban van. The fruit is in the basket. The fruit is in the basket. A szerencsétlen macskát elütötte egy teherautó. The poor cat was run over by a truck. The poor cat was hit by a truck. Most már teljesen más az életem. My life is different now. My life is completely different now. Tegnap lekéste a sapporói vonatot. Yesterday he missed the train to Sapporo. He missed the Sapporo train yesterday. Az én szempontomból nézve, a terve nagyon jónak tűnik. His plan seems very good from my point of view. From my point of view, your plan looks very good. Már nem egy kilencéves kiskirálylány. She is no longer a nine-year-old Cinderella. She's not a nine-year-old princess anymore. Bármire képes. He's capable of anything. He'll do anything. Nem vagyunk olyan szegények. We aren't that poor. We're not that poor. Nem számít, hogy mondod, nem fogok figyelni rád. No matter how you say it, I'm not going to listen to you. No matter what you say, I won't listen to you. Mari azt akarja, hogy úgy bánjanak vele, mint egy királykisasszonnyal. Mary wants to be treated like a princess. Mari wants to be treated like a princess. A jövő hónapban nyaralni megyek. I'll be taking a vacation next month. I'm going on vacation next month. Nélküled is meg tudjuk csinálni. We can manage without you. We can do this without you. Tervezem, hogy elmegyek oda. I plan on going there. I plan to go there. Azt gondolhatnánk, hogy van valami különbség. You could think that there is a difference. You might think there's a difference. Anyám biztosan nemet mond. My mother is certain to say no. I'm sure my mother will say no. Szerintem ne várakozz sokat. You shouldn't have to wait long. I don't think you should wait too long. Fogalmad sincs, mennyire igazad van. You've no idea how right you are. You have no idea how right you are. Mohamed Mekkában született. Muhammad was born in Mecca. Muhammad was born in Mecca. I.e. 776-ban, a görög főisten, Zeusz tiszteletére, az Olimposz-hegy lábánál megrendezték az első Olimpiai Játékokat. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. In 776 B.C., in honor of the Greek god Zeus, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus. - Kér még kávét? - Köszönöm, nem. Már ittam eleget. "Will you have some more coffee?" "No, thanks. I've had enough." Thank you, no, I've had enough. Tom mindenkinek elmondta, hogy álmos. Tom told everybody he was sleepy. Tom told everyone he was sleepy. Tom az egyik legjobb énekes, akit valaha is hallottam. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. Tom's one of the best singers I've ever heard. Meg akarok verekedni! I want to fight! I want to fight! Nem gondolkodtam. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking. A szüleim miatt vagyok ma az, aki. What I am today is due to my parents. My parents made me who I am today. Én vagyok családom utolsó tagja. I'm the last surviving member of my family. I am the last member of my family. Te nem vagy ilyenre felhatalmazva. You don't have the authority to do something like that. You're not authorized to do that. A halak tudnának beszélni, ha nem lenne tele vízzel a szájuk. Fish would talk if their mouths weren't full of water. Fish could talk if they didn't have water in their mouths. Manapság senki sem hisz a szellemekben. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. No one believes in ghosts these days. Mi ez az egész? What's this all about? What's all this? Számítanom kellett volna erre. I should've expected that to happen. I should have seen that coming. Kérlek, ne sírj. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Miért csináljátok ezt, ti hülyék!? Why do you do that, you idiots? Why are you doing this, you idiots? Ezt idd meg! Ettől talán jobban leszel. Drink this. It might make you feel better. Drink this, it might make you feel better. Hol a palacsintám? Where's my pancake? Where's my pancakes? A nedves ruha a bőrömhöz tapadt. The wet clothes stick to my skin. The wet dress was attached to my skin. Személyesen hívott meg. He personally invited me. He invited me personally. Tom, Marit kivéve, senkinek nem engedi meg, hogy vezesse az autóját. Tom won't let anyone except Mary drive his car. Tom, except for Mari, he won't let anyone drive his car. Nehéz meglopni egy tolvajt. It's hard to steal from a thief. It's hard to steal from a thief. Ezt még meg kell válaszolni. It still needs to be answered. That still has to be answered. Ne akard nekem bemesélni, hogy te nem szereted a csokit! Don't tell me you don't like chocolate. Don't tell me you don't like chocolate. Akik visszautasítják a kritikát, nem fejlődnek. Those who reject criticism will not develop. Those who reject criticism do not grow. Hadd gondolkodjak még egy kicsit ezen. Let me think about it a little longer. Let me think about it a little more. Be akarom csukni az ajtót. I want to close the door. I want to close the door. Édesanyám szereti a muzsikát. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. Anarchia követte a diktatúrát. Anarchy followed the dictatorship. Anarchy followed the dictatorship. A betegségek hány százaléka kapcsolódik a nem megfelelő táplálkozáshoz? What percentage of illnesses are associated with inadequate diets? What percentage of diseases are linked to poor nutrition? Büszke vagyok rá, hogy a barátaim közé sorolhatom őt. I'm proud to count her among my friends. I am proud to call him one of my friends. A tuaregek ismertek hagyományos ruházatukról. The Tuaregs are known for their traditional clothing. Tuaregs are known for their traditional clothing. Tom gyors volt, de Mary nem. Tom was fast, but Mary wasn't. Tom was fast, but Mary wasn't. Az autóm öregebb, mint én. My car is older than me. My car is older than me. Ne engedd a kormány mögé beülni! Don't let him drive! Don't let him get behind the wheel. Nem érdekes, milyen későn fekszel le, de kelj föl reggel hétkor. No matter how late you may stay up, get up by seven in the morning. It doesn't matter how late you go to bed, but get up at 7:00 a.m. Kelet-Timorban a filmipar prosperál, mint még soha ezelőtt. The cinema industry of Timor-Leste is thriving like never before. In East Timor, the film industry is thriving like never before. Ferde a kép. The picture's tilted. The picture's crooked. Mehetsz elsőnek. You can go first. You can go first. Nem Tom a nevem. My name isn't Tom. My name's not Tom. Mindenki más nevetett. Everyone else laughed. Everyone else laughed. Hol fekszik Kabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where's Kabilia? Szeretnék veled elmenni a parádéra, de anyagilag teljesen le vagyok égve. I'd love to go with you to the show, but I'm flat broke. I'd love to go to the parade with you, but I'm broke financially. Nincs annyi pénzem, hogy fizetni tudjak neked. I can't afford to pay you. I don't have enough money to pay you. Tom volt a gyújtogató. Tom was the one who set the fire. Tom was the arsonist. Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy tegnap este otthon volt. Tom told me he was home last night. Tom told me he was home last night. Miért nem ültök le? Why aren't you sitting down? Why don't you sit down? Kint hosszú sor áll, hogy bejussanak. Outside, there's a long line to get in. There's a long line out there to get in. A lakása csodálatosan néz ki! Your apartment looks wonderful! Your apartment looks wonderful! Nem csak a majmok, az ember is a főemlősök közé tartozik. The primates include not only the apes, but also man. Not only monkeys, man is one of the primates. A sziklás talapzat nélkül Manhattan felhőkarcolói instabilak lennének. Without bedrock, Manhattan's skyscrapers would be unstable. Without the rocky pedestal, Manhattan's skyscrapers would be unstable. Tom elmondta nekem, hogy tudja, hol él Mari. Tom told me he knew where Mary lived. Tom told me that he knows where Mari lives. Találkoztál már Istennel? Have you ever seen God? Have you met God? Ebben a kérdésben nem tudunk veled egyetérteni. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you on this. Amikor elfelejtettem az ígéretem, nagyon dühös lett. When I forgot my promise, he got really angry. When I forgot my promise, he got very angry. Nem ment el oda tegnap minden hallgató. Not every student went there yesterday. All the students didn't go there yesterday. Nélküled csináltam. I did it without you. I did it without you. Asszem, több idő kell nekem. I think I need some more time. I think I need more time. Tom nem az egyetlen. Tom isn't the only one. Tom's not the only one. Nem tudom elképzelni, hogyan élhetnék nélküle. I can't conceive of living without him. I can't imagine living without him. A visszahúzódó fiú eldünnyögte a nevét. The shy boy mumbled his name. The reclusive boy muttered his name. Be kellett avatkoznia a hadseregnek. The army had to get involved. He had to intervene in the army. Nem tudom megülni ezt a lovat. I can't ride this horse. I can't ride this horse. Követned kellett volna Tomi parancsait. You should've followed Tom's orders. You should have followed Tom's orders. Adj még egy kicsit! Give me just a little. Give me some more. Ki az ördög volt az? Who the devil was that? Who the hell was that? Újra meg újra telefonált nekem. He telephoned me again and again. He called me over and over again. Ez hamisítvány? Is this fake? Is that a forgery? Megnyitotta a csapot, és folyni kezdett a víz. He opened the tap and the water started to flow. He opened the tap, and the water started to flow. Mennad iszonyatosan sötét. Mennad is fucking stupid. You're going to be terribly dark. Kérem hívjon, ha legközelebb jön. Please call me when you come next. Please call me the next time you come. Ki ölte meg? Who killed her? Who killed him? Tom nem tudja megállítani. Tom can't stop it. Tom can't stop it. Nem tudom, hogy mikor fogok tudni visszatérni Bostonba. I don't know when I'll be able to get back to Boston. I don't know when I'll be able to get back to Boston. Mondtam neked, hogy ne menjél gyalog. I told you not to walk. I told you not to walk. Ha többen csináljuk, jobban fog menni. There's safety in numbers. If we do more, we'll do better. Tomnak nyernie kell. Tom should win. Tom has to win. Tom mindenkivel azt csinálja. Tom does that to everyone. That's what Tom does to everyone. A boszorkány egy mézeskalács házban lakott az erdő közepén. The witch lived in a gingerbread house in the middle of the forest. The witch lived in a gingerbread house in the middle of the woods. Bárcsak Tom hazamenne. I wish that Tom would go home. I wish Tom would go home. Semmi remény. There is no hope. No hope. Halálosan unom az ön panaszkodásait. I am sick to death of your complaints. I'm sick and tired of your complaints. A bátorság hősöket szül, és a bizalom barátságokat. Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship. Courage breeds heroes, and trust breeds friendships. Tom azt mondta, hogy ő nem látott semmit. Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he didn't see anything. Árultad el már barátodat? Have you ever betrayed a friend? Have you betrayed your friend? Nem akarom letenni. I don't want to put it down. I don't want to hang up. Tovább már nincs szükségem rá. I don't need him any longer. I don't need it anymore. Itt a beszállókártyája. Here is your boarding pass. Here's your boarding pass. Ebből azt a tanulságot vontuk le, hogy soha senkiben nem szabad megbízni. The lesson which we learned was never to trust anyone. We learned from this that no one should ever be trusted. Mondjad el nekik, hogy hol vagyok. Let them know where I am. Tell them where I am. Kérem, tudassa előre a programot. Please let me know the schedule beforehand. Please let the program know in advance. Nagyon mókás volt. This was a lot of fun. It was so much fun. Láttuk Tomit beszállni egy limuzinba két escort lánnyal. We saw Tom getting in a limo with two escort girls. We saw Tom get into a limo with two escort girls. Azt akarom, hogy Mary hagyja Tomit, hadd fejezze be! I want Mary to let Tom finish. I want Mary to let Tom finish. Halott? He's dead? Dead? Nem szeretnék most bealudni. I don't want to fall asleep now. I don't want to fall asleep right now. Majd elindulok, ha készen leszek. I'll go when I'm ready. I'll leave when I'm ready. Nincs tíznél több könyvem. I have no more than ten books. I don't have more than ten books. Ha keresnéd az én kis falumat a világtérképen, akkor nem találnád meg. If you would search for my small village on the world map, you would not find it. If you were looking for my little village on the world map, you wouldn't find it. Oda tudsz menni autóval? Can you get there by car? Can you drive there? Szereted a tavaszi tekercset? Do you like spring rolls? Do you like spring rolls? Tom túl sokat vár el. Tom is expecting too much. Tom expects too much. Bárki is legyen, semmi mást nem tehetünk, mint bízunk benne. Whoever he may be, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Whoever he is, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Csintalan gyerek. He is a naughty boy. Naughty kid. Bill és John szeret havonta egyszer összejönni egy beszélgetésre. Bill and John like to get together once a month to talk. Bill and John like to get together once a month for a conversation. Mit fogsz azokkal csinálni? What are you going to do with those? What are you gonna do with those? Hol a szerelem? Where's the love? Where's the love? Énekelték a gyerekek: Süss fel, nap, fényes nap, kertek alatt a ludaink megfagynak! The children chanted, "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." The children sang, "Shine up, sun, bright sun, under gardens our geese freeze!" Ki lőtte az első gólt? Who scored the first goal? Who scored the first goal? Busszal megyek iskolába. I go to school by bus. I'm taking the bus to school. Vér nem válik vízzé. A tiger never changes his stripes. Blood doesn't turn to water. Érthetetlen félelem lett úrrá rajtam. I was overcome by inexplicable fear. I was overcome by an incomprehensible fear. Azt se tudtam, hogy házas vagy. I didn't even know you were married. I didn't even know you were married. Pénzmosás folyt Algériában. They were laundering the dirty money in Algeria. There was money laundering in Algeria. Akarod tudni, hogy hogyan kell? Do you want to know how? You want to know how? Miért ölték meg Tomit? Why was Tom killed? Why was Tom killed? Parancsot kaptunk, hogy támadjunk. We've been ordered to attack. We have orders to attack. Egyáltalán nem beszél angolul. He doesn't know English at all. He doesn't speak English at all. Sokkot kaptak. They were shocked. They're in shock. Felsőfokú végzettségem van. I have a college education. I have a higher education. Kaphatok belőle? Can I have some? Can I have some? Az ember hasznosnak akarja érezni magát. Men want to feel needed. People want to feel useful. Nem kértek tőlem semmit. No one asked me for anything. They didn't ask me for anything. Ő nem tudja megállítani. She cannot stop it. He can't stop it. Ők művészek. They are artists. They're artists. Biztosan tudjuk, hogy ez Tom? Do we know for sure it's Tom? Are we sure this is Tom? Nevettem. I laughed. I laughed. Egy szép májusi napon jöttem a világra Mexikóban. I was born in Mexico on a beautiful day in May. I was born on a beautiful day in May in Mexico. Mindannyian megérdemlünk egy esélyt. We all deserve a chance. We all deserve a chance. Fogd meg, és tedd a tűzre! Get it, and put it on the fire. Take it and put it on the fire. Ne fordítsa le ezt a mondatot! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate that sentence. Szeretnek téged. They love you. They love you. El kell menned, mielőtt visszatér a férjem. You must leave before my husband comes back. You have to leave before my husband returns. Én voltam a legboldogabb ember a világon. I was the happiest man on earth. I was the happiest man in the world. Ezt akkor csináltuk ott. We did that at that time there. That's when we did it. Mary görög. Mary is Greek. Mary's Greek. Ne beszéljünk! Let's not talk. Let's not talk. Nem érzel valami szokatlant? Don't you smell something unusual? Do you feel anything unusual? Rosszul vagyok tőled. You make me feel sick. You make me sick. Mindannyiunknak vannak jogai és felelőssége is. We all have rights and responsibilities. We all have rights and responsibilities. Tomi és Mari a kontinens legkeresettebb bankrabló párosa. Tom and Mary are the most wanted pair of bank robbers in the continent. Tomi and Mari are the most sought-after bank robbers on the continent. Éppen ebédeltünk. We were having lunch. We were having lunch. Add azt a gyertyát! Give me that candle. Give me that candle. Ebbe a mondatba rímet raktam, mint teszem olyan gyakram. This sentence rhymes, I do this all the time. I put rhymes in that sentence, like I do so often. Tudja, hogyan fogja meg hallgatói figyelmét. He knows how to captivate his audience. He knows how to get his listener’s attention. — Anyu, azt mondja apu, hogy nem érzi az étel ízét! — Hát, lehet, hogy koronás. — Meg fogunk halni! — Ez a húsleves tényleg sótlan. "Mom, Dad said he couldn't taste the food." "Well, he may be infected with the coronavirus." "We'll die!" "This meat soup is really saltless." “Mom, Daddy says he can’t taste the food!” Well, it may be crowned. “We’re going to die!” This broth is really saltless. A hó egy éjszaka alatt belepte az egész várost. The snow covered the whole city overnight. The snow covered the whole city in one night. Tom nyugdíjba ment sok évvel ezelőtt. Tom retired many years ago. Tom retired many years ago. Tom és én tudjuk az igazságot. Tom and I know the truth. Tom and I know the truth. Dávid a buszmegállóban álldogállt a buszra várva, mely vasárnaponként nem jár. David was standing about at the bus stop waiting for the bus which didn't come on Sundays. David stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus, which does not go on Sundays. Kapcsold fel a villanyt! Nem látok semmit. Put the light on. I can't see a thing. Turn on the light, I can't see anything. A múlt évben sok hó esett nálunk. We had a lot of snow last year. Last year we had a lot of snow. Fejezd be, míg be tudod! Stop while you still can! Finish it while you can. Tom éppen a macskámmal játszik. Tom is playing with my cat. Tom's playing with my cat. — Hagyd Tomit is vezetni. — Az én kocsimban? Kizárt! "Let Tom drive too." "In my car? No way!" - Let Tom drive. - In my car? Jobbra számítottunk. We expected better. We expected better. Mennyi időbe telik odajutni? How long will it take to get there? How long does it take to get there? Nem engedhetem meg magamnak, hogy bárkinek is fizessek. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. Bementünk az erdőbe bogarakat keresni. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the woods looking for bugs. Mondtam már, hogy jól vagyok. I told you I'm fine. I told you, I'm fine. Bízom benne. I hope so. I trust him. Nem Tom játszik a zongorán. Tom isn't the one playing the piano. Tom's not playing the piano. Másnak tűnsz. You do seem different. You look different. Én megyek először. I'll go first. I'll go first. Értem, mire gondolsz. I see your point. I know what you mean. A jegyeket vitték, mint a cukrot. The tickets sold like hot cakes. They took the tickets like candy. Az út tele van kátyúkkal. The road is full of potholes. The road is full of potholes. Ötven kilósra hízott. Her weight increased to 50 kilograms. He's gained 50 kilos. Bringára fel! Get on your bike. Get on the bike! Csak álltam a kirakat előtt pénz nélkül. I just stood in front of the shop window without any money. I just stood in front of the window with no money. Letartóztatták őket. They've been arrested. They were arrested. Tom semmiképpen nem ostoba. Egyszerűen csak lusta. Tom is by no means unintelligent. He is just lazy. Tom's not stupid, he's just lazy. Hány? How much? How many? Szükségem van egy nagyobb székre. I need a bigger chair. I need a bigger chair. Ő költő. He is a poet. He's a poet. Felébredtem. I woke up. I'm awake. Tom Mary főnöke. Tom is Mary's boss. Tom Mary's boss. Magyarul beszélj! Speak Hungarian! Speak English. Mindig vigyázok rád. I'll always take care of you. I always take care of you. A szívemben esik az eső. It's raining in my heart. It's raining in my heart. Ha a helyedben lennék, megkérdezném tőle. I would ask him if I were you. If I were you, I'd ask him. Minden jog fenntartva. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Miért engem? Why me? Why me? Mindig ideges vagyok. I'm always nervous. I'm always nervous. Milyen színű a hajad? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? A környéken teljes volt a csend. In the surroundings reigned absolute silence. There was complete silence in the area. Fáj a karom. My arm hurts. My arm hurts. Egy nyelv alapos elsajátításához körülbelül 10 ezer óra tanulás szükséges. It takes approximately 10,000 hours of study to acquire a language thoroughly. It takes about 10,000 hours to master a language. Ilyen rossz a verseny? Is the competition that bad? Is the competition that bad? Játszani akarok. I want to play. I want to play. Meg kell keresni a legkisebb közös nevezőt. You need to find the lowest common denominator. Find the lowest common denominator. Pénzpocsékolás. It's a waste of money. Waste of money. Inni akarok egy kis teát vagy kávét. I want to drink some tea or coffee. I want some tea or coffee. Tud ön magyarul? Do you know Hungarian? Do you speak Hungarian? Egy fontos kérdés fölött, úgy hiszem, átsiklottunk. I believe we have overlooked an important issue. An important question, I believe, has been overlooked. A buszon voltam. I was on the bus. I was on the bus. Te írtad ezt a levelet? Are you the one who wrote this letter? Did you write this letter? A magyarázat meghaladta a felfogóképességemet. The explanation was beyond my understanding. The explanation was beyond my comprehension. Mindketten nagyon, nagyon szerencsések vagyunk. We're both very, very lucky. We're both very, very lucky. Itt nem kéne beszélnie. You should not talk here. You shouldn't be talking here. Ő az ideális jelölt. He is the ideal candidate. He is the ideal candidate. — Nem tudok enni. Nem jó a gyomrom — mondta Mari. — Hú, én sem tudok enni. Beburkoltam egy grillcsirkét — panaszkodott Tomi. "I can't eat. I have butterflies in my stomach", said Mary. "Ugh, I can't eat either. I have a grilled chicken in my stomach", complained Tom. “I can’t eat. I don’t have a good stomach,” Mari said. “Wow, I can’t eat either. I wrapped a grilled chicken,” Tomi complained. Ugye Tomi soha sem jön vissza? Tom is never going to come back here, is he? Tom is never coming back, is he? Szikora Bostonba költözött. Skura moved to Boston. Sikora moved to Boston. Mit csinálunk? What are we doing? What do we do? A szájunkkal eszünk. We eat with our mouths. We eat with our mouths. Milyen bosszantó! How annoying! How annoying! Hát ilyen nincs! That's impressive. There's no such thing. Anyu, melyik a jobb kezem? Mom, which is my right hand? Mom, which one's my right hand? Együtt fogjuk megcsinálni. We'll do this together. We'll do it together. Csak idő kérdése, hogy Tom újra bajba kerüljön. It's just a matter of time before Tom gets into trouble again. It's only a matter of time before Tom gets in trouble again. Egy hordóban bújt el. He hid in a barrel. He was hiding in a barrel. Vett egy újságot. He bought a newspaper. He bought a newspaper. Ez elképesztő! That's amazing! This is amazing! Fáradt vagyok és álmos. I'm tired and sleepy. I'm tired and sleepy. Rendszeresen úszom. I swim regularly. I swim regularly. A fiam többet keres nálam. My son earns more than me. My son makes more money than I do. A kristálytiszta víz nagyon kellemes hőmérsékletű volt. The crystal clear water had a very pleasant temperature. The crystal clear water had a very pleasant temperature. Gondoskodok róla, hogy Tom segítsen neked. I'll get Tom to help you. I'll make sure Tom helps you. Hogy gyilkolták meg Tomot? How was Tom killed? How was Tom murdered? Úgy tűnik, Tamás hazudik. Tom seems to be lying. Tom seems to be lying. Egyelőre ez az összes. That'll be all for now. That's all for now. Nem hiszem, hogy a dolgok megváltoznak. I don't think things will change. I don't think things are gonna change. Otthon vannak. They're at home. They're home. A hőség miatt nyitott ablaknál aludtam. Because of the heat, I slept with a window open. I slept with the window open because of the heat. El kell azon gondolkodnom, hogy ez csakugyan jó-e nekem. I must think over whether it is really good for me. I have to wonder if this is really good for me. Úgy eszik Tom, mint egy disznó. Tom eats like a pig. Tom eats like a pig. Nem beszélek olyan folyékonyan franciául, mint Tom. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom. Lopással vádolta őket. She accused him and her of theft. He accused them of stealing. Függetlenül attól, hogy te elhiszed-e vagy sem, én hiszek benne. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. Boldogtalan lennék, de nem ölném meg magam. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. Eltemették. They buried him. Buried. Egy oldal hiányzik. There's a page missing. One page is missing. A király az egész szigetet uralta. The king reigned over the island. The king ruled the whole island. Mikor kerültél haza? When did you get home? When did you get home? Valaki tévedésből elvitte a cipőmet. Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. Someone took my shoes by mistake. A naplómban mindig feljegyzem a jó tapasztalatokat. I always put down good experiences in my diary. In my diary, I always record good experiences. Nem beszélek olyan jól angolul, mint szeretném. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I don't speak as much English as I'd like. Tom vett Marynek egy ajándékot. Tom brought Mary a gift. Tom bought Mary a present. Először Tomot kellett volna megkérdeznem. I should have asked Tom first. I should have asked Tom first. Mi ennek a mondatnak a jelentése? What's the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this sentence? Mit gondolsz, ki nézett tévét ebben a szobában tegnap este? Who do you think was watching TV in this room last night? Who do you think was watching TV in this room last night? Mennyi ideig volt ott Tamás? How long was Tom there? How long was Tom there? Tom hétfőn elvesztette az állását. Tom lost his job on Monday. Tom lost his job on Monday. Ti miért vettétek meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Szándékozom használni. I intend to use it. I intend to use it. Segítségre van szükségünk idefent. We need help up here. We need help up here. Én nem mondanék ilyet. I wouldn't say it like that. I wouldn't say that. Tom otthon volt, amikor az megtörtént. Tom was at home when that happened. Tom was home when it happened. Minél kevesebbet tudsz, annál jobb. The less you know, the better. The less you know, the better. Anyám lassan beszél. My mother speaks slowly. My mother speaks slowly. Adjon egy kis időt, hogy rájöjjek, mi romlott el. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Mit olvasol most? What are you reading? What are you reading now? Kelj fel Tom! Wake up Tom. Wake up, Tom. Te voltál, nem? You did it, didn't you? It was you, wasn't it? Tomi még azt sem tudta, hogyan kell valamit megköszönni franciául. Tom didn't even know how to say "thank you" in French. Tom didn't even know how to thank me in French. Ez egy lehetőség. That's one possibility. It's an opportunity. Régen házas voltam. I used to be married. I used to be married. Azt hittem, hogy Tomi még mindig Bostonban lakik. I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. I thought Tom was still living in Boston. Mi a normális? What's normality? What's normal? Láttad az arcukat? Did you see their faces? Did you see their faces? Ott vannak. They're there. There they are. Szeles az idő? Is it windy? Is it windy? Szerintem kellemes illatod van. I think you smell nice. I think you smell nice. Már kezdem is. Here I go. Here we go. Együnk meg mindent. Let's eat everything. Let's eat everything. Mi a számod? What's your number? What's your number? Hol van a legközelebbi gyógyszertár? Where's the closest pharmacy? Where is the nearest pharmacy? Minden lehetségeset megcsináltunk. We've done everything there was to do. We've done everything possible. Magán kívül volt az örömtől. He was beside himself with joy. He was beside himself with joy. Még ha közelről is nézed, nem látsz semmit. Even if you look closely, you don't see anything. Even if you look closely, you can't see anything. Számít ez egyáltalán? Does this even make sense? Does it even matter? Nekem ő kell! He is the one I need. I want him! Te nem vagy a főnököm. You're not the boss of me. You're not my boss. Kiugrott az ablakon. She jumped out of the window. He jumped out the window. Legyél ott pontosan akkor! Be on time. Be there right then. Nem én voltam az, aki bevágta az ajtót. It wasn't me who slammed the door. I wasn't the one who slammed the door. Kövessük a többieket! Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. Nem tudunk két hetet várni. We can't wait two weeks. We can't wait two weeks. — Rólam beszél mindenki? — Nem, Tomi. Te nem vagy olyan fontos. "Is everyone talking about me?" "No, Tom. You're not that important." “Is everyone talking about me?” “No, Tom. You’re not that important. Meglepődtél, amikor megláttad ott Tomit? Were you surprised when you saw Tom there? Were you surprised to see Tom there? A nem anyanyelvi beszélők sokszorta jobb nyelvtanárok az anyanyelvi beszélőknél. Non-native speakers are often better language teachers than native speakers. Non-native speakers are often better language teachers than native speakers. Angliában azt mondják, hogy "olyan részeg, mint egy lord", Oroszországban viszont azt, hogy "olyan részeg, mint egy suszter". In England, they say "as drunk as a lord," in Russia by contrast, "as drunk as a shoemaker." In England it is said that he is "as drunk as a lord", but in Russia it is said that he is "as drunk as a cobbler". Tom elkezdett franciául tanulni. Tom has begun studying French. Tom started learning French. Nála sem vagyok magasabb. I'm not taller than him, either. I'm no taller than him. Nem tudom elképzelni. I cannot imagine it. I can't imagine. Remélem, sosem kell megtennem. I'm hoping I never have to do that. I hope I never have to do it. Olyan volt számomra, mint egy apa. He has been like a father to me. He was like a father to me. Nem történt semmi. Never mind. Nothing happened. Ő az egyetlen, aki túlélte. He's the only one who survived. He's the only one who survived. Ezt nem akarom megszokni. I don't want to get used to this. I don't want to get used to this. És mi a probléma? And what is the problem? So what's the problem? Mellé! You missed. Missed! - Siess, Tomi! - Jövök már! "Tom, hurry up." "I'm coming!" - I'm coming! Hasonlít a nagyapjára. He resembles his grandfather. He looks like his grandfather. Nem szeretek úszni. I don't like swimming. I don't like to swim. Nem akartam, hogy ilyen közel kerüljön hozzám. I didn't want her to get that close to me. I didn't want her to get this close to me. Tényleg nagyszerű volt. That was really great. It was really great. Nem loptam el. Csak kölcsönvettem. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I borrowed it. Most hallotok engem? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Az utolsó pillanatban jutott eszébe egy jó ötlet. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. He had a good idea at the last minute. A kezelőorvosa szakemberhez akarja küldeni őt. Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist. Your doctor wants to send him to a specialist. Ő egy igazi boszorkány! She is a true witch! She's a real witch! Neked és nekem ugyanaz a célunk. You and I have the same goal. You and I have the same goal. Olvasd fel a kiemelt sort! Read the highlighted line out loud. Read the highlighted line. Ez nem az enyém. This isn't mine. It's not mine. Remélem, igaz, amit mondsz. I hope that what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Mondd meg nekik, hogy csinálják most. Tell them to do it now. Tell them to do it now. Nektek nem különálló bankfiókjaitok vannak? Don't you two have separate bank accounts? Don't you have separate branches? Nem beszélt velem a partin. She didn't talk to me at the party. He didn't talk to me at the party. A színésznő dühösen széttépte a szerződését. The actress tore up her contract angrily. The actress angrily tore up her contract. Igazad van. Taxival megyek. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a cab. Tudod, ez vicces. It's funny, you know. You know, it's funny. Sokáig tartott? Did it last a long time? Took you long? Ádámkosztümben van. The man is naked. He's in an Adam's suit. Korán kell kelnem a héten. I must get up early this week. I have to get up early this week. Tud oroszul? Do you know Russian? Do you speak Russian? A Dodgers-t megszégyenítette a Giants. The Dodgers were annihilated by the Giants. The Dodgers were humiliated by the Giants. Beteg voltam. Egész nap otthon maradtam. I was sick; I stayed at home all day long. I was sick. I stayed home all day. Haragudni fognak rám. They'll get mad with me. They'll be mad at me. A húga egy jól ismert tv-sztár. His younger sister is a well-known TV star. His sister is a well-known TV star. Pillanatnyilag annyit tehetek, hogy várok. All I can do at the moment is wait. At the moment, all I can do is wait. Bocsánatot kérek a késésért. I apologize for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. Templomban fognak egybe kelni. They're going to get married at a church. They're getting married in a church. Furcsa kérdés. It's a weird question. Strange question. Még mindig nem emlékszem semmire. I still can't remember anything. I still don't remember anything. Maradjatok még ülve, kérlek. Please remain seated. Stay seated, please. Hol találkozhatunk? Where can we get together? Where can we meet? Ezért borulnak ki az emberek annyira. That's why people get so upset. That's why people freak out so much. Én is át akarom alakítattni az autóm gázossá. I want my car to run on gas too. I want to turn my car into gas, too. Oda kell mennünk? Do we have to go there? Do we have to go there? Teszek rá. I don't give a shit. I don't care. Mi van, még hogy te tapasztalt vagy? Na, ne mondd! Az alsógatyám is öregebb nálad. Huh, you've got the experience?! Don't get me started. I have underwear older than you. Don't tell me, my underwear is older than you. Meg ne próbálj még egyszer felkelteni! Don't you ever wake me up again. Don't try to wake me up again. Sürgős ügyben kell intézkednem. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I have an urgent matter to attend to. Tud magyarul? Do you know Hungarian? Do you speak Hungarian? Tom megfélemlítette Marit. Tom terrified Mary. Tom intimidated Mari. Tom integetett. Tom waved. Tom waved. Várjatok meg a kocsinál! Wait for me by the car! Wait for me at the car. Gondolom, pontosan ezt akarja Tom. I think this is exactly what Tom wants. I suppose that's exactly what Tom wants. Tom keményen dolgozik, hogy támogassa a családját. Tom is working hard to support his family. Tom works hard to support his family. Lopva lefotóztam. I secretly photographed her. I photographed it stolen. Még valamit? Anything else? Anything else? Nézd meg, hogy biztosan be van-e zárva az ajtó. Make sure the door is closed. Make sure the door's locked. Ezek voltak az utolsó szavai. Those were his last words. Those were his last words. Tom levágott pár ágat a fáról. Tom cut some branches off the tree. Tom cut some branches off the tree. Egyedül kellett megcsinálnom. I had to do that by myself. I had to do it alone. Pénz van az asztalon. There's money on the table. There's money on the table. Tom nem tudta, hogy Mary miről beszél. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tomin kívül nem ismerek itt mást. Tom is the only one I know here. I don't know anyone else here but Tomi. Na, még mindig tatoebázol!? So, are you still Tatoebaing? Are you still tatobabing? A Koránt olvasom. I'm reading the Quran. I'm reading the Koran. Kirsty elment a művészeti galériába, hogy megnézze a Matisse történeti kiállítást. Kirsty went to the art gallery to see the Matisse retrospective. Kirsty went to the art gallery to see the Matisse historical exhibition. Hogy van a húgod? How's your sister? How's your sister? Tom hiperventillál. Tom's hyperventilating. Tom's hyperventilating. Az istenek berágtak Tomra. The gods got angry with Tom. The gods are mad at Tom. Tomra megharagudtak az istenek. The gods got angry with Tom. Tom was angry with the gods. Mari haja nagyon fényes. Mary's hair is very shiny. Mari's hair is very shiny. Lehet enni? Can I eat? Can I eat? Talán nem nyerték meg a játékot. Maybe they hadn’t won the game. Maybe they didn't win the game. Egy kissé kínos. This is a little bit embarrassing. It's a little awkward. Bevetés alatt áll a hadsereg. The army is in charge now. The army is under attack. Remélem, idejövet senki sem látott téged. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. I hope no one saw you on the way here. Egy kis faluban született, Törökország déli részén. He was born in a small village in the south of Turkey. He was born in a small village in southern Turkey. Tényleg szomorú volt. It was really sad. It was really sad. Ne felejtsd el, hogy ember vagyok. Don't forget that I'm a person. Don't forget I'm human. Egy hajón születtem. I was born on a ship. I was born on a boat. Ebben a hosszú utcában lakunk. We live on this long street. We live on this long street. Mari kijavította. Mary corrected it. Mari corrected it. Reggel nyolckor kelt fel. He got up at eight in the morning. He woke up at 8:00 a.m. Mondd meg nekik, hogy kint várjanak! Tell them to wait outside. Tell them to wait outside. A kocsi csomagtartójában van a gitárom. I've got my guitar in the trunk of my car. My guitar's in the trunk of the car. Szeretem a karácsonyi fényeket. I love Christmas lights. I love the Christmas lights. Havazik. It is snowing. It's snowing. Két hét kellett, hogy megtaláljam. I needed two weeks to find him. It took me two weeks to find him. Számos folyón keltünk át utunkon. We crossed several rivers on the way. We crossed many rivers. Helyes a mondat. The sentence is OK. The sentence is correct. Az itteni emberek a tömegközlekedéstől függnek. People here depend on public transportation. The people here depend on public transport. Egyszerűen nem bírom ki, hogy ne gyújtsak rá. I just can't help smoking. I just can't stand not smoking. Persze, hogy igen! Of course! Of course I do. Te hatkor vagy hétkor jössz? Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at 6:00 or 7:00? Élvezem a társaságát. I enjoy his company. I enjoy your company. Úgy tűnik, megállíthatatlanok. They seem unstoppable. They seem unstoppable. Elfelejtetted a házassági évfordulónkat. You forgot our wedding anniversary. You forgot our anniversary. Ronda a kézírása. His handwriting is bad. Your handwriting is ugly. Hogy aludtál? How did you sleep? How'd you sleep? Tomnak annyi szolgája van, amennyire csak szüksége van. Tom has as many servants as he needs. Tom has as many servants as he needs. Mondtam, hogy ez így nem lesz jó! I said it wouldn't work. I told you this wouldn't work. Semmi sem könnyebb, mint beszélni. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. Egy órája várom már a buszt! I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. Piszkos a város. The city is dirty. The city is dirty. Egy kis időbe fog telni hozzászokni a szemüveg viseléséhez. It'll take a little time to get used to wearing glasses. It will take a while to get used to wearing glasses. Kérlek, javítsd azt ki! Please correct that. Please fix that. Túl sokat ettem tegnap. I ate too much yesterday. I ate too much yesterday. Csuklom. I have hiccups. I'm closing. Tomi focizik. Tom plays football. Tom's playing football. Torkig vagyok! I'm fed up! I'm sick of it! Ettél már rovarokat? Have you ever eaten insects? Have you ever eaten insects? Ha felvetted volna a telefont, meghívtalak volna Paulóékhoz. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. If you had answered the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's. Mehetek játszani a szobámba? Can I go play in my room? Can I go play in my room? Elfedte a tetoválásait. She covered her tattoos. He covered up his tattoos. A zenét is szeretem. I like music as well. I like music, too. Nem én nem vagyok házas. No, I am not married. No, I'm not married. Szereti a narancsot? Does she like oranges? Do you like oranges? Felnyergelt lovak vártak ránk az ivó előtt. Saddled horses waited for us in front of the tavern. There were saddled horses waiting for us in front of the drinker. Mindig van választás. There's always a choice. There's always a choice. Mekkora kamion! What a big truck! What a truck! Annyi éves vagyok én is. I am the same age. I'm so old, too. Ők nem ismernek bennünket. They don't know us. They don't know us. Félelnetes ellenfél volt. He was a formidable opponent. He was a formidable opponent. Lehet, hogy holnap meghalok. I may die tomorrow. I might die tomorrow. Még nem tudom pontosan. I don't know exactly yet. I'm not sure yet. Meg akarom csinálni, de nem tudom. I want to do it, but I can't. I want to do it, but I can't. Üljön vissza és hallgasson meg! Sit back down and listen to me. Sit down and listen to me. Van szabad hely? Is there a free spot? Is there room? Hogy tetszett az étterem, ahol tegnap este ettetek? How did you like the restaurant that you ate at last night? How did you like the restaurant you ate at last night? Anyám naponta ruhát mos. My mother does a laundry every day. My mother washes clothes every day. A kempingezésről beszéltünk. We talked about camping. We were talking about camping. Elnézést, megmondaná, mikor indul a vonat? Excuse me, could you please tell me when the train departs? Excuse me, can you tell me when the train leaves? Tom ezt megcsinálta, de azt nem. Tom did this, but he didn't do that. Tom did this, but he didn't. Húsz év után kirúgtak. I'm fired after twenty years. I was fired after 20 years. Túl részeg vagy ahhoz, hogy vezess. You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. Ez a kérdés könnyen megválaszolható. That question is easy to answer. This question is easy to answer. Nem akarok találgatni. I don't even want to hazard a guess. I don't want to guess. Emlékeztettem őt a kötelességére. I reminded him of his duties. I reminded him of his duty. A part enyhén lejtett. The bank there sloped gently. The beach is slightly down. Azt próbáld meg. Try that one. Try that. Ne feledd el feltakarítani a te részlegedet. Remember to clean up your workstation. Don't forget to clean up your department. Idióták, megérdemlitek a bukást! You idiots deserve to lose. Idiots, you deserve to fail! Tom jobban van. Tom is getting better. Tom's feeling better. Nincs olyan, amit ne lehetne pénzen megvenni. There's nothing that can't be bought with money. There's nothing you can't buy with money. Mikor jelenik meg az új folyóirat? When will the new magazine come out? When will the new magazine be published? A legtöbb fogkrém tartalmaz fluoridot. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Megvan a levél. The letter was finished. I got the letter. És maga meg ki lehet? And just who might you be? And who the hell are you? Nem olyan a kedvem. I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood. Meg tudnád adni nekem a címüket? Can you give me their address? Can you give me their address? Mindenki tétovázott. Everyone hesitated. Everyone hesitated. Úgy gondolom, nagyon jó a munkád. I think your work is very good. I think your work is very good. A régi barátai elfordultak tőle. His old friends turned their backs to him. His old friends turned away from him. Valaha képes voltam rá, de már nem. I used to be able to do that, but not anymore. I used to be able to, but I'm not anymore. Ez a csomagom. Here is my baggage. This is my package. Amszterdam Hollandia fővárosa. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Tom szereti a lovakat. Tom likes horses. Tom likes horses. A Szahara belsejét tuaregek "lakják". The central part of the Sahara Desert is populated by the Tuaregs. The interior of the Sahara is inhabited by Tuaregs. Hozzáment. She married him. She married him. Mi történt azután? What happened afterwards? What happened next? Ez tényleg szomorú. It really is sad. That's really sad. Tomi tudta mi Mari titka. Tom knew what Mary's secret was. Tom knew what Mari's secret was. Pontosan ezt akarják. It's exactly what they want. That's exactly what they want. Öregebb vagyok, mint voltam. Haj! I'm older than I used to be. Oh! I'm older than I used to be. Egy kérdést se tudtam megválaszolni a teszten. I wasn't able to answer even one question on this test. I couldn't answer a question on the test. Kivel beszél Tom? Who's Tom speaking to? Who's Tom talking to? Egy nagy házban él. She lives in a large house. He lives in a big house. Meg szeretném venni ezt a napszemüveget. I want to buy these sunglasses. I'd like to buy these sunglasses. Miért kék a Neptunusz? Why is Neptune blue? Why is Neptune blue? Ő nem ért titeket. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Ugyanazt az árut olcsóbban elő tudják állítani. They can produce the same goods cheaper. They can produce the same goods at a cheaper price. Nem gondoltam, hogy valaha meg fogom szokni a padlón alvást. I didn't think I'd ever get used to sleeping on the floor. I never thought I'd get used to sleeping on the floor. Úgy látszik, nem érzed magad valami jól itt. It looks like you're not having much fun here. You don't seem to be feeling very well here. Nem olvastam még el a könyvet. I'm still not finished reading this book. I haven't read the book yet. Daninak háromezer repült órája van. Dan had three thousand flying hours. Dani's got 3,000 flying hours. Azt mondtad, senkinek nem mondod el. You said you wouldn't tell anyone. You said you wouldn't tell anyone. Taro, kész a vacsora! Taro, dinner's ready! Taro, dinner's ready! Tom úgy néz ki, mint aki menten összeesik. Tom looks like he's going to pass out. Tom looks like he's about to collapse. Bármikor, bármit kérdezhetsz tőlem. Ask me anything anytime. You can always ask me anything. Kefével sikálta fel a konyha padlóját. She scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush. He scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush. A főnököm egy rabszolgahajcsár. My boss is a slave driver. My boss is a slave driver. Mata részeg. He is dead drunk. Mata's drunk. Neked volt macskád. You had a cat. You had a cat. Veszíthetünk. We might lose. We lose. Hirtelen elkezdett esni az eső. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it started to rain. Szeretem a sört és a bort. I like drinking beer and wine. I like beer and wine. Tom liftet működtet egy áruházban. Bob operates an elevator in the department store. Tom runs an elevator in a department store. Fogalmam sem volt, hogy mit írjak. I had no idea what I should write. I had no idea what to write. Ma este találkoztam Tomival. I met Tom tonight. I met Tom tonight. Nem tudom megnyitni a hivatkozást, amit küldtél nekem. I can't open the link you sent to me. I can't open the link you sent me. Nem állt el a havazás. It didn't stop snowing. It didn't stop snowing. A remény mindig él. There's always hope. Hope is always alive. Óvatosan! Itt nagyon csúszós. Careful! It's very slippery here. Careful, it's very slippery here. De a tiéd sem rossz. Yours is not bad, either. But yours isn't bad either. A szüleimnél voltam. I was at my parents'. I was at my parents'. Mari nem házasodott meg. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mari didn't get married. Két kutyája van. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Pánszexuális vagyok. I'm pan. I'm a pansexual. Tönkreteszik az emberek életét ők. They destroy people's lives. They're ruining people's lives. Az az álmom, hogy tanár legyek. My dream is to become a teacher. My dream is to be a teacher. Tom valószínűleg nem lesz itt holnap. Tom isn't likely to be here tomorrow. Tom's probably not gonna be here tomorrow. Tom még sosem volt piknikezni. Tom has never been on a picnic. Tom's never had a picnic before. Ugyanabba a templomba jártunk. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Ne keverd össze a búzát a rozzsal! Don't confuse wheat with rye. Don't confuse wheat with rye. A város lakossága tisztviselőnek választotta őt. He was elected an official by the inhabitants of this town. The people of the city chose him as an official. Meg fogsz fizetni ezért! You're going to pay for this! You're gonna pay for this! Tomnak szkeptikusnak kellett volna lennie. Tom should have been skeptical. Tom should have been skeptical. Betegség miatt hiányzik. She is absent because of sickness. I miss him because of illness. Attól féltem, hogy soha többé nem fogom őt viszontlátni. I was afraid I'd never see her again. I was afraid I'd never see him again. Elmegyek egyet sétálni, hogy kiszellőztessem a fejem. I'll just go for a walk to clear my head. I'm going for a walk to clear my head. Kicsit fáj a fejem. My head does hurt a little. I have a little headache. Túl korán szóltam. I spoke prematurely. I told you too early. Mind kiabálnak. They all yell. They're all yelling. Ne áltatsd magad. Don't flatter yourself. Don't kid yourself. Bár nem ilyen volnék! I wish I were different. I wish I wasn't like that. Milyen jóképű! How handsome! He's so handsome. Tom úgy döntött, hogy korán hazamegy. Tom decided to go home early. Tom decided to go home early. Tamás franciát tanít nekünk. Tom is teaching us French. Thomas teaches us French. Megyek majd, ha eláll az eső. I'll leave when the rain stops. I'll come when the rain stops. Tedd meg ma! Ne várj a holnapra! Do it today. Don't wait for tomorrow. Do it today, don't wait for tomorrow. Nem tudtam levenni a jegygyűrűt az ujjamról. I couldn't pull the wedding ring off of my finger. I couldn't get the wedding ring off my finger. Kérlek, hagyd abba! Please stop. Please stop. Ilyen vagyok én. I am as I am. That's who I am. Valami étel után nézek. I'm searching for food. I'm looking for something to eat. Milyen nagy? How big? How big? Az majd megállítja őket. That'll stop them. That'll stop them. Veszélyes munkát végzel? Is your job dangerous? Are you doing dangerous work? Szagold meg ezt a virágot. Smell this flower. Smell this flower. El szándékozik venni. He intended to marry her. He intends to marry me. Ne próbálj meg örökké élni. Nem fog sikerülni. Do not try to live forever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. Nincs sok időm. I don't have a lot of time. I don't have much time. Én vagyok az egyetlen, aki érti ennek a poénját? Am I the only one that sees the humor in this? Am I the only one who understands this joke? Gazdag voltam... aztán megházasodtam. I was a rich man... and I got married. I was rich... and then I got married. Ez hatással lesz rám? Will this affect me? Will that affect me? A hétfő jó lesz? Is Monday OK? Is Monday okay? Türelmes legyél velem. Have patience with me. Be patient with me. Tom felállt, de utána újra leült. Tom stood up, but then sat down again. Tom stood up, but then he sat down again. Az út több helyen is járhatatlan a földrengések miatt. Many parts of the road are unusable because of the earthquakes. The road is impassable in several places because of earthquakes. Nem vehetsz csak úgy egy mondatot és fordírhatod le egy másik nyelvre szószerint. A nyelvek nem így működnek. You cannot take a sentence in one language and translate it into another word for word. Languages don't work like that. You can't just take a sentence and translate it into another language. Nem ígérgetek. I make no promises. I'm not promising. Fordulj hátra, ha látni akarod őt. Turn back if you want to see her. Turn around if you want to see her. Megmondom neked, hogy mi a teendő. I'll tell you what to do. I'll tell you what to do. Tom Marit egyedül hagyta otthon. Tom left Mary home alone. Tom left Mari at home alone. Érdekel a véleményem? Are you interested in my opinion? Are you interested in my opinion? Abbahagyhatnánk az időpocsékolást. Why don't we stop wasting time? We could stop wasting time. Tomi megmutatta Marinak az utat. Tom showed Mary the way. Tom showed Mari the way. Kész vagyok segíteni neked bármikor. I'm always willing to help you. I'm ready to help you anytime. Maradj idebent, kérlek! Stay in here, please. Stay in here, please. A pisztráng édesvizi hal. Trout are freshwater fish. Trout is a freshwater fish. Rosszul érzem magam azért, amit mondtam. I feel bad about what I said. I feel bad for what I said. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy zárva az ajtó. Make sure the door is closed. Make sure the door's locked. Tom nagyon csalódott volt. Tom was very disappointed. Tom was very disappointed. Mit csinálsz te az autómban? What are you doing in my car? What are you doing in my car? Ne aggódj, meg tudom csinálni. Don't worry, I can do this. Don't worry, I can do this. Beborult az ég alja. The sky clouded over. The bottom of the sky has fallen. Ez hihetetlen. This is incredible. Unbelievable. Egymás mellett lakunk. We live next to each other. We live side by side. Ő egy kiváló agysebész. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. Nem hittek nekem. They didn't believe me. They didn't believe me. Csupán azt gondolom, hogy nem tudom megcsinálni. I just don't think I can. I just think I can't do it. Ne érd be kevesebbel. Don't settle for less. Don't settle for anything less. Jobban szeretem a kenyeret, mint a rizst. I like bread more than rice. I prefer bread to rice. Tamás jóval magasabb, mint az apja. Tom is a lot taller than his father. Thomas is much taller than his father. Nem akarom, hogy Tamás legyen a férjem. I don't want Tom to be my husband. I don't want Tom to be my husband. Amikor utasítást adok, indítsd el a gépet! When I give the word, start the machine. When I give the order, start the plane. Ezt jó tudni. That's good to know. That's good to know. Tom nem lesz soha a te férjed! Tom will never be your husband! Tom will never be your husband. A világ összes óceánjában élnek púpos bálnák. Nevüket a hátukon lévő jellegzetes púpról kapták. Humpback whales live in all the world’s oceans. They take their common name from a distinctive hump on the whale’s back. There are humpback whales in every ocean in the world, named after the characteristic hump on their backs. El van ragadtatva. He's tickled pink. He's delighted. A parancsnak engedelmeskednünk kell. We have to obey orders. We must obey orders. Hogy min gondolkoztam? What was I thinking about? What was I thinking? Tom azt mondja, szerinte lehetetlen. Tom says he thinks it's impossible. Tom says he thinks it's impossible. - Ki az a férfi? - Az Tom. "Who's that man?" "That's Tom." - Who's the man? Kell tudnod kottát olvasni, ha a kórus tagja akarsz lenni. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. You have to be able to read music if you want to be in the choir. Wolfgang németül folytatta. Wolfgang switched to German. Wolfgang continued in German. Manapság már e-maileket küldünk levél helyett? Have emails replaced letters in today's world? Are we sending e-mails now instead of letters? Jó napot kívánok! Good afternoon! Hello. Bélyeget kell vennem. I need to buy stamps. I have to buy a stamp. Hamis bankóval fizetett. He paid with fake banknotes. He paid with a fake bill. Néha előfordul. It happens sometimes. It happens sometimes. Senki sem fog engedelmeskedni neked. No one will obey you. No one will obey you. Tom tényleg jó ügyvéd. Tom is a really good lawyer. Tom's a really good lawyer. Mindig is kíváncsi gyerek volt. He's always been a curious child. He's always been a curious kid. Elfelejtettem bezárni az ajtót. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. Meg kell találnunk a módját, hogy megállítsuk Tomot. We have to find a way to stop Tom. We need to find a way to stop Tom. Mennyi a minimálbér Csehországban? What's the minimum salary in the Czech Republic? What is the minimum wage in the Czech Republic? Villanyszerelő vagyok, vagy nem? I am an electrician, ain't I? Am I an electrician or not? Az többé nem érdekel engem. That doesn't interest me anymore. I don't care about that anymore. Nem működik a falióra. The wall clock doesn't work. Wall clock's not working. Olyan, mint az én kézírásom, de ezt nem én írtam. That looks like my handwriting, but I didn't write that. It's like my handwriting, but I didn't write it. — Meg tudod varrni a pólóm, Mari? — Nem tudok varrni. "Can you sew my T-shirt, Mary?" "I can't sew." “Can you sew my shirt, Mari?” I can’t sew. Türelmesebbnek kell lenned. You need to be more patient. You have to be more patient. Majd kitalálok valamit. I'll make something up. I'll think of something. Nelson Mandela fogoly volt, elnök, Nobel békedíjas és terrorista. Nelson Mandela was a prisoner, a president, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a terrorist. Nelson Mandela was a prisoner, president, Nobel Peace Prize winner and terrorist. Mindenhol voltam. I've been all over the place. I was everywhere. Azt mondta a férjem, mindjárt visszajön. Ennek már két éve. My husband said he would come back soon. It's been two years. My husband said he'd be right back. Igen, megint az történt. Yes, that happened again. Yeah, that's what happened again. Lehet, hogy el fogok késni. It might be too late. Maybe I'll be late. Működni fog, ha felcserélem a polaritásokat. It'll work if I reverse the polarity. It'll work if I switch the polarities. Ezeket a részleteket nem fogják nyilvánosságra hozni. These details won't be published. These details will not be made public. Tom hozott nekünk egy darab vasat. Tom brought us a piece of iron. Tom brought us a piece of iron. Nem sok értelme van idegen nyelveket tanítani az óvodában. Teaching foreign languages at preschool level does not make much sense. There is little point in teaching foreign languages in kindergarten. Tizenhárom millió dollárom van. I have 13 million dollars. I have $13 million. Tamás a könyveit a fiókjába tette. Tom put his books in his locker. Thomas put his books in his drawer. Tomot kirúgták a munkából való folyamatos késés miatt. Tom was fired for constantly being late to work. Tom got fired for being late to work. A pókoknak nyolc lábuk van. Spiders have eight legs. Spiders have eight legs. Megkérdeztem, hol volt. I asked where he had been. I asked him where he was. Csak azt akartam, hogy tudd. I just wanted you to know. I just wanted you to know. Én vagyok a legboldogabb. I am the happiest. I'm the happiest. Miért foglalkozzunk azzal, hogy mi történik a halálunk után? Why should we care what happens after we are dead? Why should we care about what happens after we die? A repülő apám farmján landolt. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The plane landed on my father's farm. Egy pillanatnyi tétovázás egy pilótánál az életébe is kerülhet. A moment's hesitation may cost a pilot his life. A moment of hesitation with a pilot could cost you your life. Szállj ki az életemből! Gyűlöllek! Get out of my life. I detest you. Get out of my life! Egy nap majd rájövök, kik voltak a szüleim. One day, I'll find out who my parents were. One day I'll find out who my parents were. Ő féltékeny. She's jealous. He's jealous. Mi ez a sárga? What is this yellow thing? What's with the yellow? Ez a lovam. It's my horse. That's my horse. Meg kell fizetnünk az adót. We must pay taxes. We have to pay our taxes. Meg fogom menteni Tomit. I'll save Tom. I'm going to save Tom. Nem volt elég? Wasn't that enough? Not enough? Jézust keresztre feszítették. Jesus was crucified. Jesus was crucified. Sajnos hiába reménykedtem. Unfortunately, my hope was an illusion. Unfortunately, I had no hope. Tom eredetileg kamionsofőr. Tom is a former truck driver. Tom was originally a truck driver. Azt a témát hagyjuk későbbre. Let's leave that matter for later. Let's leave that topic for later. Hideg van. Miért nem kapsz magadra egy pulcsit? It's cold; why don't you put on a sweater? Why don't you put on a sweater? Tíz nyelven tud. She can speak ten languages. He speaks ten languages. Erre parancsoljanak, kérem! This way, gentlemen! Right this way, please. Ne legyél tiszteletlen! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be disrespectful. A csata rövid volt. The battle was short. The battle was short. Egy hosszú alvásra van szükségem. I need a long nap. I need a long sleep. A csűr mögé bújtam el. I've been hiding behind the barn. I hid behind the barn. A szüleim nem élnek már. My fathers are dead. My parents are dead. Tomi gyakran ír a haverjairól az ő blogjában. Tom often writes about his friends in his blog. Tom often writes about his friends on his blog. Segíts felállni, kérlek! Help me up, please. Help me get up, please. Irigylem Tomit. I envy Tom. I'm jealous of Tom. Tisztán emlékszem. Ez hét vagy nyolc éve volt. Pontosan hol? Te is ott voltál? I still clearly remember. It was seven or eight years ago. Where exactly? Were you also there? That was seven or eight years ago, exactly where were you? Ezt valahol máshol kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that someplace else. I should have done this somewhere else. Figyi! Look here! Look. Tom most harcol, igaz? Tom is fighting, isn't he? Tom's fighting now, right? Ez a fa túl fiatal ahhoz, hogy gyümölcsöt teremjen. This tree is too young to bear fruit. This tree is too young to bear fruit. Nem tudtam, hogy Mary Tom lánya. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Mi a címe a könyvnek? What is the title of the book? What's the title of the book? Jó neveltetésben részesült. He received a good education. He's been raised well. Tomi szobája üres. Tom's room is empty. Tom's room is empty. Ha nem csalok, nem is nyertem volna. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't had won. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't have won. Miért nem táncol? Why isn't she dancing? Why don't you dance? Tom dühösnek tűnt. Tom seemed mad. Tom seemed angry. Mindjárt itt a busz. The bus should arrive soon. The bus's almost here. Hol az esernyőm? Where's my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? A vonatok az erős esőzések miatt megálltak. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. The trains stopped because of the heavy rains. Tomnak azt hamarabb meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should have done that sooner. Tom should have done it sooner. A változás elkerülhetetlen. Change is inevitable. Change is inevitable. Azt kívánom, bárcsak ne néztél volna ki úgy, mint aki nagyon jól szórakozik. I wish you didn't look like you were having so much fun. I wish you hadn't looked like you were having a lot of fun. Meglepett, hogy nyiva találtam az ajtót. I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I was surprised to find the door open. Gyere holnap! Come tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez törött. I'm pretty sure it's broken. I'm sure it's broken. A sziget lagúnájában kell majd halászniuk. They'll have to fish in the island's lagoon. They'll have to fish in the lagoon of the island. Légy a vendégünk! Be our guest. Be our guest. Ez nem volt nehéz döntés. That wasn't a tough decision. It wasn't a hard decision. Az igaz barátság a gyémántnál is ritkább. True friendships are even rarer than diamonds. True friendship is rarer than diamonds. Föltett egy kalapot. He put on a hat. He put on a hat. Ez akkor történt, amikor ő kint volt. It happened that he was out. It happened while he was out. Hol tudok kártyával fizetni? Where do I swipe my card? Where can I pay by card? Tom nagyon mérges lesz. Tom is going to be so mad. Tom's gonna be so mad. Nyilvánvalóan a társai irigyelték a vagyonát. Obviously, his companions were jealous of his wealth. Apparently, his associates envied his fortune. Látok egy házat. I see a house. I see a house. Álmos vagyok! I'm sleepy! I'm sleepy! A robotok biztosan hozzátesznek a világhoz. The robots are sure to contribute to the world. Robots are definitely adding to the world. ÁFA nélkül értendő. The sales tax isn't included. It means no VAT. Ez kapucsengő. This is a doorbell. It's a doorbell. Éppen a szobámat takarítom. I'm cleaning my room. I'm cleaning my room. Bronzérmesek lettünk. We won the bronze medal. We've become bronzers. Figyelmesebbnek kell lenned. You need to be more careful. You need to be more careful. Tom a térdeivel kormányozta az autót. Tom steered the car with his knees. Tom steered the car with his knees. Anyagilag független vagyok a szüleimtől. I'm economically independent of my parents. I am financially independent of my parents. Nem tudtam megszerezni. I couldn't get it. I couldn't get it. Tom anyanyelvként beszéli a Toki Pona nyelvet. Tom is a native Toki Pona speaker. Tom speaks Toki Pona as a native language. A gyár kénytelen volt csökkenteni a termelését. The factory had to cut back its production. The factory was forced to reduce its production. Találkoznunk kell. We must meet. We need to meet. Valami furcsát láttak. They saw something odd. They saw something strange. Közeledünk a célunkhoz. We are nearing our goal. We're getting close to our goal. Beethoven a zongorához ment, leült és elkezdett játszani. Beethoven went over to the piano, sat down and began to play. Beethoven went to the piano, sat down and started playing. Nem hozzád szóltam. It's not you I'm speaking to. I wasn't talking to you. Minden nap vonattal megyek dolgozni. I take the train to work every day. I take the train to work every day. Nagy családja van. He's got a large family. He's got a big family. Mutasd meg nekünk az utat! Show us the way. Show us the way. A korábbi bérlők rendetlenségben hagyták el a helyet. The previous tenants left the place in a mess. The previous tenants left the place in a mess. Ő kész. She's ready. She's ready. Kicsit korán van az italozáshoz, nemde? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early for drinks, isn't it? A számítógépek nagyon hasznosak. Computers are of great use. Computers are very useful. Nagyon várjuk már a telet. We can hardly wait for the winter. We're really looking forward to winter. Nem követték a tanácsomat. My advice was not followed. They did not follow my advice. Ő a barátnőd? Is this your girlfriend? Is that your girlfriend? Mindegyik állítás hamis. Both claims are false. All claims are false. Nincs szükségem az engedélyedre, hogy ezt megtegyem. I don't need your permission to do this. I don't need your permission to do that. Nem tudok repülni. I can't fly. I can't fly. Városias jellege van a falunak. This village is like a city. The village has an urban character. Tom kiütötte az ellenfelét. Tom knocked his opponent out. Tom knocked out his opponent. A nevelés csodálatos dolog. De jó dolog időről időre arra is emlékezni, hogy nem minden tudnivaló tanítható. Education is an admirable thing. But it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Education is a wonderful thing. But it is also good to remember from time to time that not all knowledge can be taught. Tomnak azt soha nem kellett volna megtennie. Tom never should have done that. Tom should never have done that. Túl sokat csacsogsz. You chatter too much. You talk too much. Semmit nem kaptam. I got nothing. I got nothing. Az egy mélypont volt. A dolgok azóta javultak. That was a low point. Things have improved since then. It was a low point, things have improved since then. Miért vetted ezt a bicajt? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Láttam egy medvét teherautóval menni. I saw a bear driving a van. I saw a bear driving a truck. A levelek pirossá válnak két vagy három héten belül. The leaves will turn red in two or three weeks. The leaves turn red in two or three weeks. Megvédjük önt. We will protect you. We'll protect you. Rövid ideig tartózkodtak ott. He stayed there a little while. They stayed there for a short time. Egy lyuk van az ingeden. There's a hole in your shirt. There's a hole in your shirt. Kérlek, ne mondj neki semmit! Please don't tell him anything. Please don't say anything to him. Reméljük, hogy nem. Let's hope not. Let's hope not. Ki az a nő, aki ott áll? Who is the woman standing there? Who's the woman standing there? Hány órakor fogsz elmenni? At what time will you be leaving? What time are you leaving? Minden, csak nem becsületes. He is far from honest. Anything but honest. Remegett a borzalomtól ennél a szörnyű jelenetnél. He shuddered with horror at the grisly sight. He was shaking with horror at this terrible scene. Igencsak sürgős. It's quite urgent. It's very urgent. Honnan szerezted ezeket a ruhákat? Where did you get these clothes? Where did you get these clothes? Még nem fejeztük be az evést, de megyek mihelyst végeztünk. We haven't yet finished eating, but I'll come as soon as we have. We haven't finished eating yet, but I'll be there as soon as we're done. Soha nem felejtünk. We never forget. We'll never forget you. Tudod, hogy mikor érkeznek? Do you know when they will arrive? Do you know when they're coming? Elaludtam, így elkéstem az iskolából. I overslept so I was late to school. I fell asleep, so I was late for school. Van valami, amire jobban kíváncsi vagy? Is there something in particular that you want to know? Is there anything you're more curious about? A gát közelében lakom. I live near the dam. I live near the dam. A nap a hegyek mögött szállt alá. The sun descended behind the mountains. The sun came down behind the mountains. Ez a whisky fejbe vágja az embert. That whiskey is very strong. This whiskey hits you in the head. Már este tíz óra van. It's already ten o'clock at night. It's ten o'clock in the evening. Bárcsak most ne csinálnád azt. I wish you wouldn't do that now. I wish you wouldn't do that now. Probléma lehet. It could be a problem. Could be a problem. Kirúgták az újságírót, mert az igazságot írta meg. The journalist was fired because he wrote the truth. They fired the journalist because he wrote the truth. Imádom a napsütést. I adore the sunshine. I love the sun. Akkor nem voltam rá felkészülve. I wasn't prepared to do that at that time. I wasn't ready then. Nem tettem meg, amit meg kellett volna tennem. I didn't do what I should have done. I didn't do what I should have done. Tomot, Mary mogorva férjét, elrabolták és minden reggel megölelték a teletabik. Mary's sullen husband Tom was kidnapped and hugged every morning by Teletubbies. Tom, Mary's grumpy husband, was kidnapped and hugged every morning by the teletabis. Reméljük, hogy működik. We hope that it works. Let's hope it works. Úgy történnek a változtatások, ahogy mi megbeszéljük. The changes are being made as we speak. Changes are made as we speak. Fiúk vagyunk. We are boys. We're boys. Örülök, hogy valamiben egyetértünk. I'm glad we agree on something. I'm glad we agree on something. Másold át ezt az állományt! Copy this file. Copy this file. Védelmet akartak. They wanted protection. They wanted protection. Minden nap feljárok a faluból a városba a munkám vagy a barátnőm miatt. I commute from the village to the town every day because of my work or my girlfriend. I go from town to town every day because of my job or my girlfriend. Megadná a bankszámlája számát? May we know your bank account? Could you give me your bank account number? Hol a kártyalehúzó? Where do I swipe my card? Where's the card puller? Túl korán adtam fel. I gave up too soon. I gave up too early. José és Mari a tanári asztalon lambadáznak. José and Mary are dancing lambada on the teacher table. José and Mari are playing lambada on the teacher's table. Mit mondol? What is this that you're saying? What do you say? A második felesége japán. His second wife is Japanese. His second wife is Japanese. Beárullak. I'm going to turn you in. I'll tell you. Tom lefordította a francia levelet németre. Tom translated the letter from French into German. Tom translated the French letter into German. Mindig másokra támaszkodik. He always relies on other people. He always relies on others. Sovány vagyok. I'm thin. I'm skinny. Ne kínozd már! Stop tormenting her. Stop torturing him. A fény vonzza a bogarakat. Light attracts bugs. The light attracts the bugs. Senki nem lepődött meg. No one was surprised. No one was surprised. Megkérdezhetek egy dolgot? May I ask a question? Can I ask you one thing? Azt hiszem, Tom talán idősebb nálam. I think Tom might be older than me. I think Tom might be older than me. Van generátorod? Do you have a generator? You got a generator? Te nagyon ronda vagy. You're very ugly. You're very ugly. Tudjuk, hogy beteg vagy. We know you're sick. We know you're sick. Nem tudtad? Didn't you know? You didn't know? Ideje mennünk innen. It's time for us to leave here. Time to get out of here. Nem kockáztathatok. I can't take the chance. I can't risk it. Minden nap történnek közlekedési balesetek. Traffic accidents happen every day. Traffic accidents happen every day. Várnod kell egy kicsit. You have to wait a while. You're gonna have to wait. Segítettük egymást. We helped each other. We helped each other. Ne basztass már! Get off my back. Don't fuck with me. Senki nem tudja. Nobody knows it. No one knows. Ez egy történelmi színmű. It is an historical play. It's a historical play. Ha olyan nyelven beszélsz valakihez, amit megért, az a fejéhez jut el. Ha viszont az ő nyelvén beszélsz, az a szívéhez jut el. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. If you speak to a person in a language he understands, it goes to his head, but if you speak in his language, it goes to his heart. Tomi nagyon kedves hozzám, de Saminek sokkal több pénze van. Tom's very kind to me, but Sami has much more money. Tom is very nice to me, but Sami has a lot more money. Van szobája? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Az 58. úton mentem. I took Highway 58. I was on Route 58. Mind őrültek vagyunk. We're all crazy. We're all crazy. Mikor látunk hozzá az evéshez? When are we going to start eating? When do we start eating? Immunis vagyok. I'm immune. I'm immune. Tom régen kosárlabdázott. Tom used to play baseball. Tom used to play basketball. Magam sem tudom, miért. I don't know why either. I don't know why. Tom nem fogja megtenni. Tom won't do it. Tom won't do it. Télen síelek, nyáron úszom. I ski in the winter and I swim in the summer. I ski in winter, I swim in summer. Milyen idős a tatád? How old is your grandfather? How old is your dad? Elengednél most engem? Will you please let me go now? Will you let me go now? Bíznotok kell bennem! Nincs más választásotok. You have to trust me. You don't have any other choice. You have to trust me, you don't have a choice. Van Iránban urán? Is there uranium in Iran? Is there uranium in Iran? Örülök neked. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you. Annyira unom az egészet. I'm so sick of all this. I'm so tired of this. A hó eltűnt. The snow has disappeared. The snow is gone. A történet mulatságos volt. The story was amusing. The story was funny. Keresgéltem a kulcsot. I looked for the key. I was looking for the key. Mercédesz Seattal jár. Mercedes drives a Seat. Mercédes is dating Seat. Egyél, ne beszélj! Eat, don't speak. Eat, don't talk. — Tudsz egy kicsit várni? — Azt tudok. Azt még soha sem basztam el. "Can you wait a little bit?" "That is I can. I never fucked up that yet." - Can you wait? - I can. I've never fucked that up. Ismered ezt a dalt? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? Tomnak nincs gyakorlati tapasztalata. Tom has no practical experience. Tom has no practical experience. Tom azt mondta, hogy ostobának tart téged. Tom said he thinks that you're stupid. Tom said he thought you were stupid. Bementünk a barlangba. We went inside the cave. We went into the cave. Anyám szereti a focit. My mother loves football. My mom loves football. Úgy tűnik, világszerte néhány új bárból eltűnt valami, ami egykor létezésük központi eleme volt: az alkohol. Some new bars around the world seem to be missing something once central to their existence: alcohol. It seems that some of the new bars around the world have lost something that was once the center of their existence: alcohol. A színház kialakítása lehetővé tette a közönség számára, hogy közel kerülhessenek az előadókhoz és kapcsolatot létesíthessenek. The design of the theatre enabled the audience to get up close and personal with the performers. The design of the theatre allowed the audience to get close to the performers and establish contact. Éppen ettől félt Tomi. This is what Tom feared. That's what Tom was afraid of. Drogdíler. She's a drug dealer. Drug dealer. Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy az a helyzet. I'm not sure that that's the case. I'm not sure that's the case. Hova megy a következő vonat? Where's the next train going? Where's the next train going? Le van robbanva. He's in a bad state. It's broken. Mit csinál ez a gép? What does this machine do? What's this machine doing? Később küldök SMS-t. I'll text you later. I'll text you later. Odaadtam Tominak, amit akart. I gave Tom what he wanted. I gave Tom what he wanted. A halál két dolog egyike. Vagy megsemmisülés, és a halott semminek sincs tudatában; vagy pedig, ahogy nekünk mondják, egy igazi változás: a lélek vándorlása erről a helyről egy másikra. Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from this place to another. Death is one of two things, either annihilation, and the dead are unaware of anything; or, as we are told, a real change: the migration of the soul from this place to another. Egy farmon születtem. I was born on a farm. I was born on a farm. Mondd nyugodtan! Nagyapa olyan süket, mint az ágyú. Just say it. Grandpa is as deaf as a post. Grandpa's as deaf as a cannon. Mivel nem tudtam elaludni, hát felkeltem és elmentem sétálni. Since I couldn't fall asleep, I got up and went for a walk. Since I couldn't sleep, I got up and went for a walk. Van élet a halál előtt? Is there life before death? Is there life before death? Ez a számítógép nem került sokba. This computer didn't cost much. This computer didn't cost much. Megírt tíz könyvet, de egyiket sem jelentette meg. He's written ten books, but hasn't published any of them. He wrote ten books, but he didn't publish any of them. A középiskolában Jackson tanár úrnál tanultam franciát. Mr. Jackson was my French teacher when I was in high school. In high school, I studied French with Professor Jackson. Szeretném tudni, hogy a nők miért élnek tovább, mint a férfiak. I would like to know why women live longer than men. I want to know why women live longer than men. Szükségem van egy ollóra. I need a pair of scissors. I need a pair of scissors. Tom jött utoljára. Tom came last. Tom came last. Akadt valami probléma? Have there been problems? Is there a problem? — Nincs errefelé egy fa sem — morgolódott a kutya. "There's no tree here", growled the dog. “There’s not a tree around here,” the dog murmured. Tom zavartnak tűnt. Tom looked puzzled. Tom seemed confused. Mondd csak meg neki, hogy kerestem. Just tell them I called. Tell him I've been looking for him. Azt hiszem, kiesett néhány filmkocka. I think I blacked out. I think we've lost a few frames. Tom a legmagasabb férfi, akit ismerek. Tom is the tallest man I know. Tom's the tallest man I know. Sikeresnek tűnik Tom. Tom seemed successful. Tom seems to be successful. Miért vagy nyugtalan? Why are you concerned? Why are you so anxious? Kétezerhuszonegy a bivaly éve. 2021 is the Year of the Buffel. Two thousand twenty-one is the year of the buffalo. Ne gyere be! Don't come in. Don't come in. Amikor hegedül a Tomi, kedvem volna megölni őt. When Tom plays the violín, I feel like killing him. When Tom plays the violin, I want to kill him. Tom megbecsüli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. A fiatal, piros alsóneműt viselő nő párducbőrös karosszékében ülve, hangosan olvasott egy "A fekete hercegnő" című könyvet. Sitting in her panther hide chair, the young woman, clad in red lingerie, was reading aloud a book titled "The Black Princess". Sitting in the panther-skin armchair of a young woman wearing red underwear, she read aloud a book called "The Black Princess." Késel. You're late. You're late. Józsua langyos. Joshua is gay. Joshua is lukewarm. Soha nem kérdezett tőlem még ilyet. He has never asked me a question like this. He's never asked me that before. Az én saram. My mistake. It's my fault. Ez szándékos? Is that deliberate? Is that intentional? Még mindig szomjas vagyok. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. Nem tesz semmit! It doesn't matter! You're welcome. Ismerted őket? Did you know them? Did you know them? Mit csinálsz? What do you make? What you doing? Megálltam beszélgetni. I stopped to talk. I stopped to talk. Meddig élnek a gyíkemberek? How long do reptilians live? How long do lizards live? Nem marad velünk tovább Tomi. Tom isn't staying with us anymore. Tom is no longer with us. Tom veri a szolgáit. Tom beats his servants. Tom beats his servants. Kérdezhetek tőled? May I ask you a question? Can I ask you? Tomi boldog, hogy befejeződött. Tom is glad it's over. Tom is happy to be finished. Szent Teremtőm! Oh, my God! Holy Creator! Tom mindent abbahagyott. Tom just stopped everything. Tom stopped everything. Elmondta neked Tom, hogy miért nem jött el a buliba? Did Tom tell you why he didn't come to the party? Did Tom tell you why he didn't come to the party? Észrevettem, hogy új kalapot viselt. I noticed she was wearing a new hat. I noticed you were wearing a new hat. A koalák medvék? Are koalas bears? Koalas are bears? Most már gazdagok vagyunk. We're rich now. We're rich now. A hölgy meghívott, hogy vegyek részt az esküvőjén. She has invited me to attend her wedding. The lady invited me to attend her wedding. Imádom a pillangókat. I adore butterflies. I love butterflies. Úgy tűnik, nem változott semmi. It seems nothing has happened. Nothing seems to have changed. Miért nem szállt fel Tom a buszra? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? Férfiruhába öltözött. She was disguised in men's clothes. He's dressed as a man. Tamás csak palackos vizet iszik. Tom drinks only bottled water. Thomas only drinks bottled water. Megszúrta magát egy tűvel. He pricked himself with a pin. He stabbed himself with a needle. Mondj valamit, Tomi. Tom, say something. Say something, Tom. Csak enni akartam valamit. All I wanted was something to eat. I just wanted something to eat. Nem kértek tőlem semmit. Nobody asked me for anything. They didn't ask me for anything. Iszunk valamit? Shall we drink something? You want a drink? Hány órakor mész iskolába? What time do you go to school? What time are you going to school? Még mindig nem vagyok meggyőzve. I'm still not convinced. I'm still not convinced. Nagybundás macska. It's a big fluffy cat. Big fur cat. Szerencsére felvette Tom a maszkot, így eltakarta azt a rusnya képét. Thank God, Tom put on a mask hiding his freaky face. Fortunately, Tom put on the mask and covered his ugly face. Az ammóniamolekula négy atomból áll. Ammonia's molecule is composed of four atoms. The ammonia molecule consists of four atoms. Nem várhatunk tovább. We can't afford to wait any longer. We can't wait any longer. Ez a bökkenő. That's the catch. That's the problem. Van egy piros autóm. I have a red car. I have a red car. Tom bangladesi. Tom is Bangladeshi. Tom's from Bangladesh. Nem fogják megérteni. They won't understand. They won't understand. Én sem értelek titeket. I don't understand you either. I don't understand you either. Mindkettőnknek ez volt a legjobb megoldás. That was the best solution for us two. It was the best solution for both of us. Kék a szeme. She has blue eyes. He's got blue eyes. Adj egy darab papírt és tollat! Give me a piece of paper and a pen. Give me a piece of paper and a pen. Nekünk vette. He bought it for us. He bought it for us. Ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy ő adja oda nekem ezt az ajándékot. He insisted that he get me this present. He insisted on giving me this gift. Szégyen lenne látni mindazt a munkát kárba veszni. It'd be a shame to see all that work go to waste. It would be a shame to see all that work wasted. Eszközeinknek megvan a határa. Our means are limited. Our tools have their limits. Innék egy... I feel like a drink. I'd like a... Inkább otthon maradok és tévézek. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. A három nagy monoteista vallás a kereszténység, az iszlám és a judaizmus. The three big monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The three major monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Tomnak van esztétikai érzéke a modern festészet iránt. Tom has an aesthetic sense for modern painting. Tom has an aesthetic sense of modern painting. Karl Marx kommunista volt? Was Karl Marx a communist? Was Karl Marx a Communist? Néha hasznosabb csöndben maradni. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet. Sometimes it's better to be quiet. Többé nem félek tőled. I'm not scared of you anymore. I'm not afraid of you anymore. Győzelemhez segítettél. You helped me to win. You helped me win. Értékelem a barátságodat. I value our friendship. I appreciate your friendship. Miért kellett ellopni a mondataimat? Why are my sentences stolen? Why did you have to steal my sentences? Egyikünknek részt kell vennie a gyűlésen. Either you or I must attend the meeting. One of us has to attend the meeting. Amikor Mari elkezd duzzogni, elviselhetetlen. When Mary starts sulking, she's unbearable. When Mari starts sulking, it's unbearable. Finnyás vagy. You're finicky. You're squeamish. Úgy szeretett ő engem, mint senki azelőtt. She loved me like no one before. He loved me like no one before him. Képtelen vagyok elhinni, hogy ezt tette. I can't believe he did that. I can't believe he did that. Tomi megérintette a kezemet. Tom touched my hand. Tom touched my hand. Mary csinos lány. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary's a pretty girl. Mindent tud a főzésről. She knows everything about cooking. He knows everything about cooking. Fűszeresen szeretem, de nem túl fűszeresen. I like it spicy, but I don't like it too spicy. I like it spicy, but not too spicy. Ez etikus? Is this ethical? Is that ethical? Beszélgetni kezdtünk. We began to talk. We started talking. Az egy bűntett. That's a felony. That's a felony. Tudom, ki sérült meg. I know who got injured. I know who got hurt. Utáljuk Tomot a munkája miatt. We hate Tom because of his job. We hate Tom for his work. Mindent beleadtunk. We gave it our all. We gave it our best shot. Elraboltak. I was kidnapped. I've been kidnapped. Levettem a cipőmet. I took my shoes off. I took off my shoes. Gyere csak ide! Mutatni akarok neked valamit. Come here. I want to show you something. Come here, I want to show you something. Kell egy piros toll. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Örülök, hogy minden rendben ment. I'm glad everything went OK. I'm glad everything went well. Tomi meg tudna enni egy lovat. Tom could eat a horse. Tom could eat a horse. Tom nagyszájú, de beszari. Tom is a bigmouth, but a candyass. Tom's got a big mouth, but he's a pussy. Mit vegyünk a szülinapjára? What are we going to buy him for his birthday? What to buy for your birthday? Borítsd fel. Turn it over. Turn it over. Lesitteltek. They put me in jail. I've been arrested. Bebörtönöztek. They put me in jail. I'm incarcerated. Ugye egyetértesz Tommal? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? - Kaphatnék egy palack vizet? - Simát vagy szénsavasat kér? "Can I get a bottle of water?" "Still or sparkling?" - Can I get a bottle of water? Foglalás szükséges. Reservations are necessary. Reservation is required. Tudod jól, hogy nem volt még időm megcsinálni, amire kértél, akkor meg minek kérdezgeted állandóan, hogy kész-e? You do know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to. I don't know why you keep asking me all the time whether it's ready. You know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to do, so why do you keep asking me if I'm ready? A hallgatók rendszerint tisztelnek egy olyan tanárt, aki megérti problémáikat. Students generally like a teacher who understands their problems. Students usually respect a teacher who understands their problems. Talán nincs mit ennie. He may not have anyhing to eat. Maybe you don't have anything to eat. Jó a memóriád. Your memory is fine. You have a good memory. Hál' Istennek Tom felvett egy maszkot etakarva azt az ocsmány ábrázatát. Thank God, Tom put on a mask hiding his freaky face. Thank God Tom put on a mask to cover his ugly face. Ehhez tényleg semmi közöm. That really doesn't concern me. It's really none of my business. Tomi ezt megmondta nekem egyenesen. Tom said that to my face. Tom told me that directly. Ezt nem tudom neked garantálni. That's something that I can't guarantee. I can't guarantee that for you. Ő a barátom? Is he my friend? Is that my boyfriend? A kutya megugatja. The dog is barking at her. The dog barks at him. Te tetted? Was it you who did it? Did you do it? Hol voltatok mindannyian? Where were all of you? Where have you all been? Hányan haltak meg? How many people were killed? How many have died? Másfél órán át várakoztam. I have been waiting for an hour and a half. I waited an hour and a half. Remek volt az új rész. The new episode was great. The new part was great. Tominak nincs játszótársa. Tom has no one to play with. Tom doesn't have a playmate. Ez egy nagyon rossz ötlet. That's a very bad idea. That's a really bad idea. Nem vitt rá a lélek, hogy elmondjam neki. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I didn't have the guts to tell him. Tom csak unatkozott. Tom was just bored. Tom was just bored. Egy bűvészmutatványt fogok csinálni. I'm going to do a magic trick. I'm going to do a magic trick. Kevesebb mint három óránk van. We have less than three hours. We have less than three hours. Mexikóváros a legöregebb, folyamatosan lakott város az amerikai kontinensen. Mexico City is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Americas. Mexico City is the oldest continuously populated city in the Americas. Nagyon öreg volt. He was very old. He was very old. Mi a tallér? What is the thaler? What's the tally? Chrisnek nem volt autója. Chris didn't have a car. Chris didn't have a car. Tizenhárom éves voltam, amikor Tamás meghalt. Tom died when I was thirteen. I was 13 when Tom died. Nem Mennad dolga megváltoztatni Egyiptomot. It's not Mennad's job to change Egypt. It's not Mennad's job to change Egypt. Tom csal. Tom is cheating. Tom's cheating. Nem tehetem meg, hogy annyi pénzt kiadjak. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't afford to spend that much money. Véleményem szerint az eszperantó nagyon nehéz. In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. Soha nem kellett volna hallgatnom rád. I never should've listened to you. I should never have listened to you. Ez itt Yasuda úr. This is Mr Yasuda. This is Mr. Yasuda. Akarsz aludni? Do you want to sleep? You want to sleep? Belefáradtam már, hogy minden nap reggeltől estig dolgozom. I'm tired of working every day from morning till night. I'm tired of working every day from morning to night. Azt Tom hagyta itt. Tom left that. Tom left that. A propaganda a kommunikációnak az a válfaja, amellyel meg akarnak győzni. Propaganda is communication intended to persuade. Propaganda is the form of communication with which they want to convince you. Ez a játék fából készült. That toy is made of wood. This game is made of wood. Monica Sone egy japán-amerikai író volt. Monica Sone was a Japanese-American writer. Monica Sone was a Japanese-American writer. Egy üres telken parkolta le kocsiját. She parked her car in a vacant lot. He parked his car on an empty lot. Legyetek szívesek idejönni! Please come here. Please come here. Ma meglátogatom őket. I'm going to see them today. I'm going to see them today. Arra nézz! Look over there! Look over there. Ez egy nagyon régi könyv. It's a very old book. This is a very old book. Ez az én órám. This clock is mine. This is my watch. Nincs benned feszültség. You're relaxed. There's no tension in you. A bíró ez esetben nem járt el sportszerűen. The judge in the case was not fair. In this case, the judge did not act sportingly. A jelen oktatási rendszer nem okosítja, hanem butítja a tanulókat. The current education system makes students stupider rather than smarter. The current education system does not make students smart, but stupid. Alábecsültem Tomot. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. Szót kell fogadnom Tomnak. I must obey Tom. I have to obey Tom. Elfogyott a boruk. They have no more wine. They're out of wine. Az elég közel van. That's close enough. That's close enough. Gondoltam, hogy jön Tom. I thought Tom was coming. I thought Tom was coming. Kívánj, amit akarsz! Wish what you like. Whatever you want. Hogyan kezdődött az élet? How did life begin? How did life begin? Az apa nagyon fáradt. The father is very tired. The father is very tired. Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy vigye el Johnt a repülőtérre. Tom asked Mary to drive John to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take John to the airport. Nehéz leírni. It's hard to describe. Hard to describe. Attól tartok, megváltoztak a szabályok. I'm afraid the rules have changed. I'm afraid the rules have changed. Személyes tapasztalatból beszélsz? Are you speaking from personal experience? Are you speaking from personal experience? Ez a fajta dolog ritkán fordul elő. This type of thing seldom happens. This kind of thing rarely happens. Tom biztos volt benne, hogy mindenki látta Maryt. Tom was sure that everybody saw Mary. Tom was sure everyone saw Mary. Megorrolnak majd rám. They'll get mad with me. They'll be all over me. Én is csak egy apa vagyok. I'm no different from any other father. I'm just a father. A gyerekeknek már ágyban a helye. It's high time the children went to bed. Kids should be in bed. Tomi valószínűleg mindenét el fogja veszíteni. Tom is likely going to lose everything. Tom will probably lose everything. Szar! It's shit! Shit! Mindent megpróbáltam, hogy őt életben tartsam. I tried everything to keep him alive. I tried everything to keep him alive. Nincs félnivalóm. I've nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. Semmit nem hallok a zaj miatt. I can't hear anything because of the noise. I can't hear anything because of the noise. Követem anyám példáját. I follow my mom's example. I follow my mother’s example. Nem fogsz elhagyni, ugye? You won't leave me, will you? You're not gonna leave me, are you? Mögötted vagyok, de ne nézz hátra! I'm behind you but don't look back. I'm right behind you, but don't look back. Sajnálom, elfelejtettem megcsinálni a házi feladataimat. I'm sorry, I forgot to do my homework. Sorry, I forgot to do my homework. Eltévedtünk. We got lost. We're lost. Mari elővette a kötőtűit, és nekiállt kötni. Mary pulled out her knitting needles and started to knit. Mari pulled out her knitting needles and started knitting. A víz a térdemig ért. The water reached my knees. The water reached my knees. Úgy legyen! Let it be. So be it. Ki hagyta itt ezt a sok szart!? Who left all this junk here? Who left all this shit? Betegség miatt hiányzott az iskolából. He was absent from school because of illness. He was absent from school due to illness. Telefonált valaki? Has anyone called? Did anyone call? Sok szerencsét a versenyekhez. Best of luck in your tournament. Good luck with the races. - Valamit akarok mondani. - Fogd rövidre. "There is something I wanna say." "Make it quick." - There's something I want to tell you. Egy hordóban rejtőzött. He hid in a barrel. He was hiding in a barrel. Elégettük az összes régi könyvünket. We burned all our old books. We burned all our old books. Olcsóbb buszra szállni. It's cheaper to take the bus. It's cheaper to get on a bus. A vonat minden vasútállomáson és megállóhelyen megáll. The train stops at every station and stop. The train stops at all railway stations and stops. Puha kezei vannak. He has soft hands. He's got soft hands. Miért nem vagy otthon? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? Meglátogattam az apám sírját. I've visited my father's grave. I visited my father's grave. Ez elég lesz. This will do. That's enough. Nem hozzád beszéltem. It's not you I'm speaking to. I wasn't talking to you. Vöröshajú. She has red hair. Red hair. Egész héten itt leszünk. We'll be here all week. We'll be here all week. Nyitva kell tartania a szemét. You must keep your eyes open. You need to keep your eyes open. Azt reméltem, Tom haza fog menni. I was hoping Tom would go home. I was hoping Tom would go home. - Korod? - Tizenhat. "Your age?" "16." - Sixteen. A bocsánatkéréseddel megsértesz. I'm offended by your apology. You're insulting me by apologizing. A mondatok értelmi összefüggést adnak a szavaknak. A mondatoknak személyiségük van. Lehetnek viccesek, okosak, buták, éleslátóak, megindítóak, bántóak. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. Sentences have an intellectual connection to words. Sentences have a personality. They can be funny, smart, stupid, insightful, moving, hurtful. Tessék! Vidd magaddal! Jól jöhet még. Here, take this with you. It could come in useful. Here, take it with you, it could come in handy. Bátyónak csak két hobbija van: az autózás és a búvárkodás. My bro only has two hobbies: driving and diving. Brother has only two hobbies: driving and diving. Nem értettem. I didn't understand it. I didn't understand. Hét órakor kel fel. He gets up at 7. He wakes up at seven o'clock. A nap bármely pontjában lehet így köszönni. This greeting can be used at any time of day. You can say hello at any time of the day. Tom lőni fog. Tom will shoot. Tom's gonna shoot. Tomi él? Is Tom alive? Is Tom alive? Tom kedvenc sportja a baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. A DVD-gyűjteményem nagyon kicsi. My DVD collection is absolutely miniscule. My DVD collection is very small. Kinyittattam vele az ajtót. I made him open the door. I had him open the door. Tamás egyedül él egy nagy városban. Tom lives alone in a big city. Thomas lives alone in a big city. Ritkán látom. I see it rarely. I rarely see him. Elmondok neked mindent. I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you everything. Pihenned kell. You must rest. You need to rest. Betegsége miatt nem tudott eljönni. He could not come because of his illness. He couldn't come because of his illness. Elmagyaráznám neked, de az agyad felrobbanna. I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. Zongorázni tanul. She is learning the piano. He's learning to play piano. Három évvel ezelőtt ismertem meg. I got acquainted with him three years ago. I met him three years ago. Sok mindent akarok csinálni. I have a lot of things I want to do. I want to do a lot of things. Mindig többet kell fizetnünk. We always have to pay more. We always have to pay more. Semmit nem kellett volna mondanom. I should have not said anything. I shouldn't have said anything. Tomi mindenkinek boldog karácsonyt kívánt. Tom wished everybody a merry Christmas. Tom wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Mindkettőnknek ugyanaz a problémánk. We both have the same problem. We both have the same problem. Ki találta fel a szemüveget? Who invented glasses? Who invented glasses? Tom berontott a szobába. Tom burst into the room. Tom burst into the room. Nem tudom elképzelni a jövőmet nélküled. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. Majd később fizetek. I'll pay later. I'll pay you later. Hideg szél fúj. A cold wind blows. A cold wind blows. Tom kenyeret vett. Tom bought some bread. Tom bought bread. Most menjünk moziba? Shall we watch the movie now? Shall we go to the movies now? A rádió elromlott. The radio broke down. The radio's broken. A faluban nincs áramellátás. The village doesn't have electricity. There's no power in the village. — Vessék az oroszlánok elé! — mondta a hercegnő. "Throw him to the lions!" said the princess. “Throw him in front of the lions,” said the princess. Érezzük jól magunkat! Let's enjoy ourselves. Let's have a good time. Látnom kell nekem. I must see it. I need to see him. Tom nem fogja befogni a száját. Tom won't stop talking. Tom won't shut up. Tomi felállt és vett egy mély levegőt. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Be kellett vetni a hadsereget is. The army had to get involved. They also had to use the army. Istenem! Ez Tom! Oh My God! It's Tom! Oh, my God, it's Tom. A lökhajtásos repülőgép leszállt Tokióban. The jet landed at Tokyo. The jet landed in Tokyo. A szülei meghívtak vacsorára. His parents invited me to dinner. His parents invited me to dinner. Nem emlékszem a nevére. I don't remember his name. I don't remember his name. Fel kell hagynod a dohányzással. You must quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. Intelligens. He is intelligent. Smart. Tomnak ma van a születésnapja. It's Tom's birthday today! It's Tom's birthday. Kávét kínáltak a vendégeknek. They offered the guests some coffee. Coffee was offered to the guests. Többé ne javíts ki! Stop correcting me. Don't ever correct me again. Gyakorlatilag semmit nem tanultam abban az iskolában. I learned practically nothing at that school. I learned practically nothing at that school. Milyen elméletet állítottál te fel? What's your theory? What theory did you come up with? Kérem, bocsássa meg, hogy olyan régóta nem írtam. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Please forgive me if I haven't written in so long. Volt már itt a postás? Has the mailman already come? Has the mailman been here before? Az európaiak soha nem gyarmatosították Etiópiát, de nem a próbálkozás hiánya miatt. Europeans never colonized Ethiopia, but not for lack of trying. The Europeans never colonized Ethiopia, but not because of the lack of trying. Egyáltalán nem eszem disznóhúst. I don't eat pork at all. I don't eat pork at all. Soha nem tudtalak rászedni. I could never fool you. I could never fool you. Tomi későn jött, de sokáig maradt. Tom came late but stayed long. Tom came late, but he stayed late. Tom írt egy nagyon részletes jelentét. Tom wrote a very detailed report. Tom wrote a very detailed report. Mindenki fáradt. Everybody's tired. Everyone's tired. Tudom, hogy ő ellenség-e, vagy nem. I know whether or not he is an enemy. I know if he's the enemy or not. Felnyergeltem a lovakat, uram. I saddled the horses, sir. I saddled the horses, sir. Ez nem helyes. That's not fair. It's not right. Ez kecske. Ez ló. Ez boci. Ez malac. Ez kutya — mondta a három és fél éves kisfiam a könyv képeit nézve. "This is a goat. This is a horse. This is a cow. This is a pig. This is a dog", said my three and a half year old son watching the pictures of a book. It's a goat. It's a horse. It's a pig. It's a dog," said my three-and-a-half-year-old son, looking at the pictures of the book. Ez komoly is lehet. That might be serious. This could be serious. - Tomi átjön hozzánk ma délután? - Nem tudom. Felhívom és megkérdezem. "Is Tom coming over this afternoon?" "I don't know. I'll call him and ask." I don't know, I'll call him and ask him. Miért nem akarod látni Tompit? Why do you not want to see Tom? Why don't you want to see Tompi? Tom megivott néhány csésze kávét, hogy ébren tartsa magát. Tom drank a few cups of coffee to keep himself awake. Tom had a few cups of coffee to keep himself awake. Kifogyott a nyomtatóból a papír. The printer ran out of paper. The printer's out of paper. A rendőr gázálarcban van. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The cop's wearing a gas mask. - Mire gondolsz? - Kire. És amúgy rád. "What are you thinking about?" "Of whom. By the way, of you." - What do you mean? Ez nem egy jó ötlet. That's not a good idea. That's not a good idea. Tom talán itt lehetett tegnap, de én nem láttam. Tom might've been there yesterday, but I didn't see him. Tom may have been here yesterday, but I didn't see him. Az embereknek nem tetszik az, amit nem értenek. People don't like what they can't understand. People don't like what they don't understand. Megköszöntem. I said thanks. Thank you. Ha nem lesz itt tüstént, én elhúzok. If he doesn't get here soon, I'm leaving. If he's not here right now, I'm out of here. Nincs kedvem enni ma. I don't feel like eating today. I don't feel like eating today. Az almát megfelezte. She cut the apple in two. He cut the apple in half. — Miért akarsz meghalni? — Miért akarsz élni? "Why do you want to die?" "Why do you want to live?" Why do you want to die? – Why do you want to live? Egy tündér táncol a tó partján. A fairy is dancing on the lakeside. There's a fairy dancing by the lake. Sziasztok! Hi. Hey, guys. Akkor jöjjenek vissza, ha van házkutatási parancsuk. Come back when you have a warrant. Come back when you have a search warrant. Túl édes. Too sweet. It's too sweet. Figyelmeztetnünk kell Tomot. We need to warn Tom. We need to warn Tom. Ma este a szokásosnál melegebb van. It's hotter than usual tonight. It's hotter than usual tonight. A kocsinkból két perc után kifogyott a benzin. Our car ran out of gas after two minutes. Our car ran out of gas after two minutes. Mikor épült ez a templom? When was this church built? When was this church built? Tom nem tudja bekötni a cipőfűzőjét. Tom can't tie his shoelaces by himself. Tom can't tie his shoelaces. Mi a baja a kutyádnak? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? Miért nem jön vissza? Why doesn't he come back? Why isn't he coming back? Okkal születtünk erre a világra. We were born into this world for a reason. We were born into this world for a reason. Ma május ötödike van. Today is the fifth of March. Today is May 5th. Ennek a pillanatnak soha nem kellene véget érnie. This moment should never end. This moment should never end. Tom szokás szerint téved. Tom is wrong as usual. Tom's wrong as usual. Egyetért azzal? Do you agree with that? Do you agree? Ez tréfás. This is funny. That's funny. Akárhogy is, ki kell várnia a sorát... However, you have to queue... Either way, you'll have to wait your turn... Senki nem él a lakásban. Nobody's living in the flat. No one lives in the apartment. Le kellene mondanunk a kirándulást. We should cancel the hike. We should cancel our trip. Mindegy, hogy hová mész Hollandiában, mindenhol fogsz látni szélmalmokat. Regardless of where you go in Holland, you will see windmills. No matter where you go in Holland, you will see windmills everywhere. Mary nagyon vonzó. Mary is very attractive. Mary is very attractive. Aggódom a jövő miatt. I am full of anxiety about the future. I'm worried about the future. Nem tudom megbocsátani Tominak ezt a tettét. I can't forgive Tom for what he did. I can't forgive Tom for this. Nem fogom elfelejteni. I won't forget. I won't forget it. Tekerd le az ablakodat. Roll your window down. Roll down your window. Mit sugdolóznak a fák? What do the trees whisper? What are the trees whispering about? Az eset után a kapcsolatunk hirtelen változáson ment keresztül. After the incident, our relationship underwent a sudden change. After the incident, our relationship went through a sudden change. Lehet, hogy Tom soha nem fog elmenni. Tom may never leave. Maybe Tom will never leave. Ne hasonlítsd magadat másokhoz. Don't compare yourselves to others. Do not compare yourself to others. Miért vagy mérges Tamásra? Why are you mad at Tom? Why are you mad at Tom? Ezek azok a dolgok, melyek nekem tetszenek. These are the things that I like. These are the things I like. Barbárok vagyunk. We are barbarians. We're barbarians. Tom megkérdezte, hogy szeretnék-e egy csésze kávét. Tom asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee. Tom asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee. Néhány nap múlva az egész véget ér. It will all be over in a few days. In a few days, it'll all be over. Tomnak még mindig az anyja vásárolja a ruháit. Tom's mother still buys his clothes for him. Tom's mother still buys his clothes. Alig emlékszem valamire. I hardly remember anything. I barely remember anything. Húst és zöldségeket veszek. I'm buying meat and vegetables. I'm buying meat and vegetables. Kérdezz csak! Feel free to ask me questions. Ask me. Hány felülést csináljak egy nap? How many sit-ups should I do a day? How many sit-ups should I do a day? Nem akarom kihagyni a bulit. I don't want to miss the party. I don't want to miss the party. Nincs veszély. There's no danger. There's no danger. A csapatunk kész van. Our team is ready. Our team is ready. A mondat rendben van. The sentence is OK. The sentence is OK. Tom még mindig próbálja meggyőzni Maryt, hogy segítsen nekünk. Tom is still trying to convince Mary to help us. Tom's still trying to convince Mary to help us. Tom jó magaviseletű volt. Tom was well-behaved. Tom was well-behaved. Emlékeztess rá holnap. Remind me tomorrow. Remind me tomorrow. Meg kell jelenned az igazgatói irodában. You're wanted in the principal's office. You need to show up at the principal's office. Ne böfögj! Don't burp. Don't burp. El vagyok hízva. I'm fat. I'm getting fat. Direkt nem mondtam el nekik. I deliberately didn't tell them. I didn't tell them on purpose. Nem füstöl a kéménye. His chimney isn't smoking. His chimney doesn't smoke. Aki alszik, nem követ el bűnt. He who sleeps does not sin. He who sleeps does not sin. Elvakította a szerelem. He was blinded by love. Blinded by love. Tom gyakran kihagyja a reggelit. Tom often skips breakfast. Tom often skips breakfast. Az internet nem csatlakozik. The internet is not connecting. The internet is not connected. Ezek a narancsok megromlottak. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges have gone bad. Én most hazamegyek. I'm going home now. I'm going home now. Nem akarom, hogy tudja. I don't want her to know that. I don't want him to know. Volt kutyám. I used to have a dog. I had a dog. Szót kell fogadnunk. We must obey. We must obey. Nézzük, mi az eredmény. Let's see what the outcome is. Let's see what the result is. Csalódott voltam. I was disappointed. I was disappointed. Olyan sok mindent mondott el nekem önről. She has told me so much about you. He told me so much about you. Átírtam a mondatot. I changed the sentence. I changed the sentence. Sok barátom van, aki beszél eszperantóul. I have many Esperanto-speaking friends. I have many friends who speak Esperanto. Szeretem a hajad illatát. I like the way your hair smells. I like the smell of your hair. Tisztára mosd a fogaid! Brush your teeth clean. Brush your teeth clean. Tom kedves volt, de Mary nem. Tom was kind, but Mary wasn't. Tom was nice, but Mary wasn't. Nem szeretnék Tommal dolgozni. I wouldn't want to work with Tom. I don't want to work with Tom. Van itt valami érdekes. Here's something interesting. There's something interesting here. A verseny eldurvult. The competition has become fierce. The competition got ugly. Őszintén szólva, nem nagyon érdekel. Frankly speaking, I don't care for her very much. Honestly, I don't really care. Harminc perc múlva kész a vacsora. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. Mary könnyű vacsorát evett. Mary ate a light supper. Mary had a light dinner. Rádférne egy borotválkozás. It looks like you need a shave. You could use a shave. Szép a bőröd. You have nice skin. You have nice skin. Mikor térsz vissza? When will you return? When will you be back? Az élet néha olyan igazságtalan. Life is so unjust sometimes. Life is so unfair sometimes. Vedd el! Take it away. Take it. Az meglepetés. That's a surprise. That's a surprise. Keményebben kellett volna játszanunk. We should have played harder. We should have played harder. Megdolgozott ma Tomi az ételért. Tom is serving the food today. He worked hard for food today. Elhiszem a szavaidat. I believe your words. I believe your words. Tom elkerülte a katonai szolgálatot. Tom avoided military service. Tom avoided military service. Nem kellene kiöntened a gyereket a fürdővízzel. You shouldn't throw out the baby with the bath water. You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Tom és Mari is mindketten hallgattak. Both Tom and Mary didn't say a thing. Tom and Mari were both silent. Szándékosan megsértett. She hurt me on purpose. Deliberately insulted. Senki sem ült mellém. Nobody sat down next to me. No one sat next to me. A sajt tejből készül. Cheese is made from milk. Cheese is made from milk. Három hónappal ezelőtt összeházasodtak. They got married three months ago. They got married three months ago. Nem volt szép, de nagy kedves barna szemei voltak és édes mosolya. She wasn't beautiful, but she had big, kind brown eyes and a sweet smile. She wasn't pretty, but she had big lovely brown eyes and a sweet smile. Szar ez a porszívó. This vacuum sucks. This vacuum cleaner sucks. Három hete megmondtam. I told you that three weeks ago. I told you three weeks ago. Tom lélegzik. Tom is breathing. Tom's breathing. Tomra vártál, nem igaz? You waited for Tom, didn't you? You were waiting for Tom, weren't you? Még nem tartok ott, hogy föladjam. I'm not ready to give up yet. I'm not ready to give up yet. Gyorsan menj haza! Go home quickly. Go home quickly. Elfelejtetted beállítani az ébresztőt? Did you forget to set your alarm? Did you forget to set the alarm? Látta Tomi Máriát mosolyogni. Tom saw Mary smile. He saw Mary smiling. Maryt elrabolták a kalózok. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. Elnézést, de mi nem ezt rendeltük. Sorry, but this is not what we ordered. I'm sorry, but we didn't order this. Holtan szeretne téged látni. She wants to see you dead. He wants you dead. Ugyanazokat csinálják, mint amiket én is tettem gyerekként. They do the same things as I did when I was a child. They do the same things I did when I was a kid. Eldobhatóak. They're disposable. Disposable. Az apukám azt javasolta, hogy menjünk el moziba ma délután. My father suggested that we go to the movies this afternoon. My dad suggested we go to the movies this afternoon. Mindenkinek megvan a saját véleménye. Everybody has their own opinion. Everyone has their own opinion. Tomi szereti a bort. Tom likes wine. Tom likes wine. Ami az ellenségednek rossz, nem mindig jó neked. What's bad for your enemy isn't always good for you. What's bad for your enemy isn't always good for you. Tomi meghívta Marit egy pohár borra. Tom offered Mary a glass of wine. Tom invited Mari for a glass of wine. Dupla vagy semmi? Double or nothing? Double or nothing? Kezdj el élni! Get a life! Start living. Mary elájult. Mary fainted. Mary fainted. Torkig vagyok a gyerekeiddel! I'm fed up with your children. I'm sick of your kids! Megvolnánk! There we are! There you go. Honnan tudtad, hogy Tom Bostonba megy? How did you know Tom was going to Boston? How did you know Tom was going to Boston? Tom jó szakács? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? Nagyon szépen köszönök mindent! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything. Mit kellett enned? What did you have to eat? What did you have to eat? A tanárunk augusztusban fog hazatérni külföldről. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. A szeme se rebbent. She didn't bat an eyelid. He didn't blink. Nincs mit mondani. There's nothing to say. There's nothing to say. Ott voltunk. We were there. We were there. Tom vett egy bőrdzsekit. Tom bought a leather jacket. Tom bought a leather jacket. Tom folytatta a történetét. Tom continued his story. Tom continued his story. Ugyanolyan jogokkal rendelkezel, mint bárki más itt. You have the same rights as anyone else here. You have the same rights as everyone else here. Zűrzavarossá váltak a dolgok. Things got messy. Things got messy. Úgy érzem, jobban vagyok. I think I feel better. I feel better. Az anyanyelve francia. French is her mother tongue. His native language is French. Tom sápadt volt. Tom was livid. Tom was pale. Tamás nem szeret utazni. Tom doesn't like to travel. Tom doesn’t like to travel. A legolcsóbbat vettem. I bought the cheapest one. I bought the cheapest. Meg tudnád adni nekem a címüket? Can you tell me their titles? Can you give me their address? Fáradtnak tűnsz. You look tired. You look tired. Van magánál valami, amivel tudja azonosítani magát? Do you have any identification? Do you have anything to identify yourself with? Nem akarom többé hallgatni a siránkozásodat. I don't want to listen to your whining anymore. I don't want to hear you whine anymore. A szomszédos házban nem lakik senki sem. No one lives in the neighbouring house. No one lives in the house next door. Ki tette ezt? By whom was this done? Who did this? Halála után híres lett. After his death, he became famous. After his death, he became famous. Az oroszlánt gyakran használják a bátorság szimbólumaként. The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. Lions are often used as a symbol of courage. Most tanultam egy új szót. I just learned a new word. I just learned a new word. - Hallasz?! - Hallak. "Can you hear me?" "I can hear you." - Can you hear me? Jó okom van a késésre. I have a good reason for being late. I have good reason to be late. Sheilával régóta barátok vagyunk. Sheila and I are old friends. Sheila and I have been friends for a long time. Önkéntesekre van szükségem. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. Nehéz elhinni, hogy egész idáig tiszta és napos volt az idő. It's hard to believe it was so clear and sunny up to just now. It's hard to believe the weather's been clear and sunny all this time. Egy emberi koponyát tart az íróasztalán. She keeps a human skull on her desk. He's got a human skull on his desk. Árulnak hordozható személyi számítógépet ebben az üzletben? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Do you sell personal computers in this store? Kínos pillanat volt. That was an awkward moment. It was an awkward moment. Nem kell felhívnod. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Majdnem elütött egy autó. I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. A bibliát olvasod? Are you reading the Bible? You're reading the Bible? Még nem rendelte meg a vacsorát. She didn't order dinner yet. He hasn't ordered dinner yet. Mamámnak fenyőfából van a botja. My grandmother's cane is made of pinewood. My mom's got a stick made of pine wood. Egy vészjósló vihar jelent meg a radaron. A menacing thunderstorm has appeared on radar. There's an ominous storm on the radar. Itt a táskád! Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Ne legyél leereszkedő. Don't be condescending. Don't be condescending. Az eszperantó a legkönnyebben tanulható nyelv, de nem könnyű nyelv. Esperanto is the easiest language to learn, but it's not an easy language. Esperanto is the easiest language to learn, but it is not an easy language. Két oldala van. There are two sides to it. There's two sides. Arra van a hölgy, aki utánad érdeklődött. The lady asking for you is over there. That's the lady who asked about you. Sokat aludtak az éjjel? Did you sleep much last night? Did you sleep much last night? Ez a könyv kisebb. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. Dobják el a fegyvert! Drop your guns. Drop your weapons! Tom hol élt, mielőtt Ausztráliába költözött? Where did Tom live before moving to Australia? Where did Tom live before he moved to Australia? Öreg kutyának már nem tudsz új trükköket tanítani. You can't teach old dogs new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new tricks anymore. Még azt terveztem egykor, hogy orvos leszek. I had planned to become a doctor. I was planning on becoming a doctor at one time. Nagyon szórakoztató. It's very entertaining. It's very entertaining. Ha nem tetszene, nem csinálnám. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it. Ez a terv működhet. This plan might work. That plan could work. Most mennem kell, de még visszatérek. Now I have to go, but I will return. I have to go now, but I'll be back. Apám kerékpárral megy munkába. My father goes to work by bike. My dad rides his bike to work. Pont arrafelé tartok. I'm headed over there right now. I'm heading that way. Ez borzalmas. This is horrible. That's terrible. Tomi elvesztette azt az órát, melyet Mari ajándékozott neki. Tom lost the watch that Mary gave him. Tom lost the watch that Mari gave him. Nem ült mellettem senki. No one sat next to me. There was no one sitting next to me. Nagyon szeretem őt. I like him very much. I love him very much. Tom egy érző kaktusz. Tom is a sentient cactus. Tom's a sentient cactus. Várjunk itt, amíg mindenki más hazamegy. Let's wait here until everybody else goes home. Let's just wait here until everyone else goes home. Hát de felelőtlen! How irresponsible! How irresponsible! Láttam a nevedet a listán. I saw your name on the list. I saw your name on the list. Én vagyok a legboldogabb ember a világon. I am the happiest man in the world. I'm the happiest man in the world. Elmentünk Bostonba. We went to Boston. We went to Boston. Tom arra ösztönözte Maryt, hogy hagyja abba a dohányzást. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. Mondja ezt oroszul! Say it in Russian! Say that in Russian. Senki sem tud kétszáz éves koráig élni. No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live to be 200 years old. Érzed már a különbséget? Do you feel the difference now? Can you feel the difference? Csak keményebben kell dolgoznod. All you have to do is to work harder. You just have to work harder. Mikor találkozhatunk? When can we meet? When can we meet? Mari bármit összegyűjt, ami kapcsolódik a mókusokhoz. Mary collects anything that's connected with squirrels. Mari collects anything related to squirrels. Tom odakint maradt. Tom remained outside. Tom's out there. Tomra gondoltam. I thought about Tom. I meant Tom. Azt akarták, hogy gyónjak meg egy bűnt, amit el sem követtem. They want me to confess to a crime I didn't commit. They wanted me to confess a crime I didn't commit. Az ártatlanság szép dolog. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Innocence is beautiful. Elnézést a késés miatt! Elaludtam. Sorry I'm late. I overslept. Sorry I'm late. Bocsánatot kérjek Tomtól? Should I apologize to Tom? Should I apologize to Tom? Tom az összes süteményt megette. Tom ate all the cookies. Tom ate all the cakes. Amikor gyerekek voltunk, imádtuk meglátogatni a nagyit, mert mindig volt egy nagy doboz süteménye a konyhában. As kids we used to love visiting grandma because she always had a large tin of biscuits in her kitchen. When we were kids, we loved visiting Grandma because she always had a big box of cookies in the kitchen. Ha nincs elég pénzed, valamennyit tudok neked kölcsönadni. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I can lend you some. Tom sosem bukkant fel újra. Tom never showed up again. Tom never showed up again. Tom megnyomta a gombot és várt. Tom pushed the button and waited. Tom pressed the button and waited. Nem akarom, hogy hallják. I don't want them to hear it. I don't want them to hear it. Kicsit gyengélkedem. I felt a little weak. I'm a little indisposed. Lepd meg a feleségedet ajándékkal. Surprise your wife with a gift. Surprise your wife with a present. Tomi hívott, hogy elmondja, nem tudsz nála maradni jövő héten, amikor Bostonba mész. Tom called to say you can't stay with him next week when you visit Boston. Tom called to tell me you couldn't stay with him next week when you went to Boston. Tomi halt meg elsőként. Tom was the first to die. Tom was the first to die. A kontaktlencsémet keresem. I'm looking for my contact lens. I'm looking for my contact lenses. Ez veszélyes lenne. It would be dangerous to do that. That would be dangerous. Nem dolgoznod kellene most? Aren't you supposed to be at work right now? Shouldn't you be working now? Ez az ujjam volt. That was my finger. That was my finger. Mulatozás egész éjjel, torzsalkodás reggel. Feast all night and feud in the morning. Fun all night, deformity in the morning. Többé nem eszem lazacot. I don't eat salmon anymore. I don't eat salmon anymore. Semmi nem igazolja a létezésüket. Nothing justifies their existence. There is no justification for their existence. Légy boldog! Be happy! Be happy. Nem akarom, hogy megmondják nekem az emberek, mit csináljak. I don't want people telling me what to do. I don't want people telling me what to do. Milyen hely ez? What kind of place is this? What kind of place is this? Megbíznak egymásban. They trust each other. They trust each other. Ne jöjjön ide! Do not come here. Don't come here. Ti ezt a bicót miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Milyen ember Ön! What a man you are! What a man you are! Tanulásnak jó. It's good training. It's good for learning. Újra el fogunk oda menni. We'll go there again. We'll go there again. Én egy senki vagyok. I am a nobody. I'm nothing. Még nem vagyok otthon. I'm not home yet. I'm not home yet. A kérésemet elutasították. My request was refused. My request was denied. Ne aggódj! Hamarosan visszanyered a hangodat. Don't worry, you'll get your voice back soon. Don't worry, you'll get your voice back soon. Ez mind kell neked? Do you need all of this? You want all this? Az én engedélyemre lesz szükséged. You need my permission. You're gonna need my permission. Melyiket szeretnéd? Which would you like? Which would you like? Hatalmas szégyen. What a shame. It's a shame. Tom azt mondja, hogy ez hazugság. Tom says that's a lie. Tom says it's a lie. A könyveknek áldozza az idejét. He devoted himself to reading books. He's giving his time to books. Takarodj az ágyamból! Get out of my bed. Get out of my bed! Elég idős vagy már ahhoz, hogy tudd. You're old enough to know this. You're old enough to know. Köszönöm, hogy feltette ezt a kérdést! Thanks for asking that question. Thank you for asking this question. Az én lovam fehér. My horse is white. My horse is white. Tom, hol vagyunk? Tom, where are we? Tom, where are we? Nem drágák. They're not expensive. They're not expensive. Nincs, akihez szólhatnék. I had no one to talk with. There's no one to talk to. A lámpa kialudt, mi meg ott maradtunk a sötétben. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The light went out, and we stayed in the dark. Kié a Hold? Who does the moon belong to? Who owns the moon? Mióta bűncselekmény ez? Since when is that a crime? Since when is that a crime? Miért hagyjam ezt abba? Why should I stop doing this? Why should I stop doing that? Egyikük hazudik. One of them is lying. One of them's lying. Mit fogsz enni? What will you have to eat? What are you gonna eat? Remélem, jó. I hope it's good. I hope it's good. Nem kellett volna egyedül hagyjalak. I shouldn't have left you alone. I shouldn't have left you alone. A harag egy fajta energia. Anger is an energy. Anger is a form of energy. Kezd beborulni. It's getting cloudy. He's losing it. Most kezdődik a film. The film's starting. The movie's about to start. Nálad előbb odaértek. They arrived there before you. They got there before you did. Nézd meg magad! See for yourself. Look at you. Szóval megvan benned a bátorság? So have you got the guts? So you have the courage? Csodálatos! It is marvelous. Marvellous! Tomnak jobban kell vigyáznia magára. Tom will have to take better care of himself. Tom needs to take better care of himself. Kezdtek idegessé válni. They started to get nervous. They were getting nervous. A jegesmedvék jó úszók. Polar bears are good swimmers. Polar bears are good swimmers. Japán egy minden oldalról tengerrel körbevett szigetország. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea on all sides. Japan is an island surrounded by sea from all sides. Melyik a te söröd? Which beer is yours? Which one's your beer? Én vagyok az! It's me! It's me! Akarod tudni, miért tettem? Do you want to know why I did it? You want to know why I did it? Nem akar gyereket. He doesn't want kids. She doesn't want kids. Taxival ment a múzeumba. She went to the museum by taxi. He took a taxi to the museum. Hó nélkül nem tél a tél. A winter without snow isn't winter. Winter is not winter without snow. Bár az orvos mindent megtett, a beteg gyógyulása lassú volt. Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. Although the doctor did his best, the patient’s recovery was slow. Az az ember megkérdezte, ki vagyok, de nem véltem szükségesnek válaszolni neki. That man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer that question. The man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer him. Mi történik, miután meghaltunk? What happens after we die? What happens after we die? Nem értettem a vezetéknevedet. I didn't catch your last name. I didn't get your last name. A mamám velünk lakott együtt. My grandmother lived with us. My mom lived with us. Ma jobban vagyok már, mint tegnap. I feel better today than yesterday. I feel better today than I did yesterday. Tüzelj! Fire! Fire! Tom rossz hangulatban van. Tom is in a foul mood. Tom's in a bad mood. Voltál már Mexikóban? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Ráférne már a hajadra egy nyírás. Your hair wants cutting. You could use a haircut. Szörnyen furcsa volt. It was awfully strange. It was terribly strange. Megfenyegettem a szomszédot, hogy megölöm. I threatened my neighbour that I'd kill him. I threatened to kill the neighbor. Tom vagyok és függő. I'm Tom and I'm an addict. I'm Tom and I'm an addict. Az igazat mondod nekünk? Are you telling us the truth? Are you telling us the truth? Egy sikoltást hallottam. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. Nincs problémám az ivással. I don't have a drinking problem. I have no problem drinking. Mivel ingyen volt minden, Tomi annyit evett meg ivott, amennyit csak bírt. Since everything was free, Tom ate and drank so much he could. Since everything was free, Tomi ate as much as he could. Ez 10 forintba kerül. This costs 10 forints. This costs 10 forints. Nem nekünk kedvez a sors. Fate is not on our side. It's not for us. Ismerlek, mint a rossz pénzt. I can see right through you. I know you like bad money. Nekem beszélsz? Are you talking to me? You talking to me? Tudom, hogy ez fontos számodra. I know that this is important to you. I know this is important to you. Próbálom utolérni magam. I'm trying to get caught up now. I'm trying to catch up. Nincs senki más. There's nobody else. There's no one else. Úgy bánj a testeddel, hogy a lelked boldogan éljen benne. Treat your body so that your soul can live happily in it. Treat your body so that your soul can live happily in it. A fényképezés az érdeklődési területem. I am interested in taking pictures. Photography is my area of interest. Hadd próbáljam meg egyedül! Let me try doing it alone. Let me try it myself. Eltévedtem a hóban. I got lost in the snow. I got lost in the snow. Magyarázatai elkápráztattak. His explanations left me in a daze. His explanations dazzled me. Azt gondolom, hogy eljön. I think that she will come. I think he's coming. Ma otthon vagyunk. We're at home today. We're home today. Erős a jelleme. She has a strong character. He's got a strong character. A mókus úgy nézett ki, mintha mosolyogna. The squirrel looked as if it was smiling. The squirrel looked like he was smiling. Olvastad a mai újságot? Have you read today's paper? Did you read today's paper? Azonnal menni fog. He shall go at once. I'll be right there. Tom általában segít megcsinálni a házi feladatomat. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Ürítsd ki a zsebedet. Empty your pocket. Empty your pockets. Nem adjuk alább az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We do not lower our expectations. A lány elsöpört mellettem. The girl brushed past me. The girl swept me away. Anyu hol van? Where is mother? Where's Mom? Ne hagyj itt! Don't walk away from me. Don't leave me! Tom megválaszolja majd minden kérdésedet. Tom will answer all your questions. Tom will answer all your questions. Nem szeretem a piát. I don't like alcohol. I don't like booze. Tomi ki lenne akadva, ha ezt látná. Tom would freak if he saw this. Tom would be pissed if he saw this. Tomi egész héten ki sem ment Tom hasn't been outside all week. Tom hasn't been out all week. Én úgy szeretlek, amilyen vagy. I love you just the way you are. I love you just the way you are. Most rajtam a sor. It's my turn. Now it's my turn. Csak egy átlagos fickó vagyok, akinek nincs vesztenivalója. I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose. I'm just a regular guy with nothing to lose. Velünk vagy, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? Ez az én kutyám. This is my dog. That's my dog. Nem szeretek várni. I don't like waiting. I don't like to wait. Nem tudom, hogy számít-e ez. I don't know if this counts. I don't know if it matters. Te vagy az én hercegnőm. You're my princess. You're my princess. Szeretem a dinnyét. I like watermelon. I like melons. Tomnak már nincs mit vesztenie. Tom has nothing left to lose. Tom has nothing left to lose. Nem tudok evvel mit csinálni. I can't help it. I can't do anything about it. Furcsálom, hogy itt talállak. I find it strange that you're here. I'm surprised to find you here. Gyorsan hozzá fogsz szokni. You'll get used to it rapidly. You'll get used to it quickly. Tudom, hogy még mindig ott van. I know it's still there. I know he's still there. Köhögtek. They coughed. They coughed. A sofőr mellett ültem. I sat next to the driver. I was sitting next to the driver. Szerda délutánonként nincs óránk. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. Áthívtam vacsorázni. I invited him over to eat. I invited him over for dinner. "Mi történt?" "Lerobbant a kocsi." "What happened?" "The car broke down." "What happened?" "The car broke down." - Oda nézz, apu, egy cápa! - Az egy bálna, Tomi. "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." - Look at that, Daddy, it's a shark. Szólj, ha segítség kell. If you need help, say so. Let me know if you need any help. Hullámos barna haja és sötét szemei vannak. He has wavy brown hair and dark eyes. He's got wavy brown hair and dark eyes. Mi a családi állapotod? What is your marital status? What's your marital status? Eladta a lelkét az Ördögnek. He sold his soul to the Devil. He sold his soul to the Devil. Egy hajszál van a levesemben. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. A busz már elment addigra, mire a feleségem befejezte a készülődést. The bus had already left by the time my wife was finished dressing. The bus had already left by the time my wife finished preparing. Kérdezzük meg őket! Let's ask them. Let's ask them. Tom kétnyelvű. Tom is bilingual. Tom's bilingual. Mindenki azt mondja, hogy az étel ebben az étteremben nagyon jó. Everyone says that the food at this restaurant is very good. Everyone says that the food in this restaurant is very good. Arra kért, hogy lassabban beszéljek. He asked me to speak more slowly. He asked me to speak more slowly. Nagyon jó lenne egy kis kávé. Coffee would be nice. I could really use some coffee. A koncertterem első sorában ültek, és tisztán hallották a zenekart. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly. Felszálltam a repülőre. I got on the plane. I got on the plane. Fiatal voltam és ostoba. I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid. Legyél fél hétre itthon! Be home by half past six. Be home for six months. Bevásárlólistával szoktam vásárolni. I usually shop with a shopping list. I shop with a shopping list. Sétálni mentem. I went for a walk. I went for a walk. Nem maradhatok ebben a házban. I can't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house. Úgy tűnik, most Európa a Mennyország. Now, Europe seems to be the Paradise. Europe is now heaven. Mikor Los Angelesben volt, legalább hat különböző munkahelye volt. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When he was in L.A., he had at least six different jobs. Azt mondta nekem Tomi, hogy hallott valamit, de nem tudja egész biztosan, mit. Tom told me he heard something, but he wasn't sure what. Tom told me he heard something, but he didn't know for sure what. Ebben a boltban több édesség kapható, mint a másikban. There are more sweets in this shop than in that one. There's more candy in this store than there is in the other one. Okosabb vagy, mint gondolod. You're smarter than you think. You're smarter than you think. Süket csönd volt. There was total silence. It was deaf silence. New York-ban lakunk. We live in New York. We live in New York. Nagyjából mennyi pénzed van? About how much money do you have? How much money do you have? Tom éjfélkor feküdt le. Tom went to bed at midnight. Tom went to bed at midnight. Ne aggódj! Tudom, mit csinálok. Don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Tom elővette lőfegyverét a tokjából. Tom unholstered his gun. Tom pulled his gun out of his case. Vigyáz addig a kisöcsére, amíg el van az anyja. She took care of her little brother while her mother was gone. He'll take care of his little brother while his mother's gone. Hálás vagyok mindazért, amit tettetek. I'm grateful for everything you've done. I'm grateful for everything you've done. Te ölted meg Tomot? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Velem maradtak a szobában egész éjjel. They stayed in the room with me for the whole night. They stayed in the room with me all night. Kinek higgyünk? Who should we believe? Who should we believe? Rádión értesítettek minket, hogy megtámadták őket. They radioed us to say that they were under attack. We've been notified on the radio that they've been attacked. Másképp akarok kinézni. I want to look different. I want to look different. El fogunk pusztulni mi mind. We will all die. We're all going to die. Nem kellenek nekem férfiak. I don't need men. I don't need men. Elnyerte a szeretetét. He won her love. He has won his love. Nem tudom, hogy mivel nyissam ki. I don't know what to open it with. I don't know how to open it. Már egyedül is meg tudja csinálni. He'll be able to do that by himself now. He can do it on his own. Tommal szolgáltam a különleges erőknél. I served with Tom in the special forces. I served with Tom in the Special Forces. Imádom a természetet. I adore nature. I love nature. John szeret sakkozni. John likes chess. John likes to play chess. Koromsötét éjszaka volt. It was a pitch black night. It was a pitch-dark night. Ők nekem dolgoznak. They work for me. They work for me. Korán kelt, hogy lássa a napfelkeltét. She got up early so as to see the sunrise. He got up early to see the sunrise. Új gépkocsit vásárolt. He has bought a new car. He bought a new car. Nem akarsz aludni? Don't you want to sleep? Don't you want to sleep? Hogyhogy ilyen sok mindent tudsz rólam? Why do you know so much about me? How come you know so much about me? Van időnk. We've got time. We have time. Valószínűleg alszik. He's probably sleeping. He's probably asleep. Tom minden másnap bemegy a városba, hogy az egyik piacon eladja a saját termesztésű gyümölcseit és zöldségeit. Tom goes into town every other day to sell his home-grown fruit and vegetables on a market. Every other day, Tom goes into town to sell his own fruits and vegetables in one of the markets. Mi történt veled? What've you got? What happened to you? Miért nem próbálod meg újra az elejétől? Why don't you try it again from the beginning? Why don't you try it again from the beginning? Tiszta a tó vize. This lake's water is clean. The lake's clear. Nem tudtam enni. I couldn't eat anything. I couldn't eat. Az oktatóknak figyelembe kellene venniük a tanulók anyanyelvét. Educators should respect learners' mother tongue. Teachers should take into account the language of the students. Carrie 40 éves volt és egyedülálló, amikor úgy döntött, hogy örökbe fogad egy kisbabát. Carrie was 40 and single when she decided to adopt a baby. Carrie was 40 years old and single when she decided to adopt a baby. Tomnak se pénze, se munkája nem volt. Tom had no money and no job. Tom didn't have any money or work. Elköltöztünk Auszrráliába, a kenguruk hazájába. We moved to Australia, the home of kangaroos. We moved to Australia, the home of the kangaroos. Arra kért, hogy beszéljek lassabban. He asked me to speak more slowly. He asked me to speak more slowly. Vett egy bútort az áruházban. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. Ne kritizálj engem! Don't keep criticizing me! Don't criticize me. — Nem lehet egy szó mondat. — Tényleg? "A word can't be a sentence." "Really?" “It can’t be a word. ” Really? Cicamica vagyok. I'm a kitty cat. I'm a pussycat. Egy szavát sem hiheted el. You can not believe a word he says. You can't believe a word he says. Athénban, 1956-ban születtem. Born in Athens in 1956. I was born in Athens in 1956. Milyen messze van? How far is it? How far is it? Nincs okom rá nem hinni neki. I've no reason not to believe him. I have no reason not to believe him. Igazi kihívás volt. It was a real challenge. It was a real challenge. Menj dolgozni! Go to work. Go to work. Tom meg tudja érteni, hogy Mari miért érzi magát lehangoltnak. Tom can understand why Mary is feeling depressed. Tom can understand why Mari feels depressed. Tom kitakarította Mary autóját. Tom cleaned Mary's car. Tom cleaned Mary's car. Mekkora volt a közreműködésed? How big was your contribution? How much did you contribute? Te etted meg a szendvicsemet? Did you eat my sandwich? Did you eat my sandwich? Azt hiszem, kezdem elveszteni a fejem. I think I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my mind. Igaz, hogy Tom öngyilkosságot követett el? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Is it true Tom committed suicide? A szótár az egyetlen hely, ahol az eredmény megelőzi a munkát. The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. The dictionary is the only place where the result precedes the work. Mi nem vagyunk barátok. We're not friends. We're not friends. Vízszintes csíkok voltak. The stripes were horizontal. They were horizontal stripes. Sosem értettem meg Tomot. I've never understood Tom. I never understood Tom. Megbosszulom ezt a sértegetést, biztos lehetsz benne! I will get revenge for this insult, you can be sure of that! I'll avenge this insult, I'm sure of it. Döntést hoztam. I made a decision. I made a decision. Ezért mondtam, hogy ne foglalkozz vele. That's why I said forget it. That's why I told you not to worry about it. Egyikünknek meg kell tennie. One of us has to do it. One of us has to do it. A főnököm istennek képzeli magát. My boss thinks he's God. My boss thinks he's a god. Tom meg akarta tartani magának az ellopott pénzt. Tom intended to keep the stolen money for himself. Tom wanted to keep the stolen money for himself. A virág, amit tegnap a parkban láttam, egy raflézia volt. The flower I saw in the park yesterday was a rafflesia. The flower I saw in the park yesterday was a raflesia. Miért engedelmeskedjek neked? Why should I obey you? Why should I obey you? Mozogjunk egy kicsit, hogy legyen étvágyunk. Let's do some exercise to work up an appetite. Let's move a little bit to get an appetite. Nem tudok tadzsik homonimiákat. I don't know any Tajik homonym. I don't know Tajik homonyms. Ők mért vannak itt? Why are they here? Why are they here? Hogy kerültél oda? How did you get there? How did you get there? Tom miért nem akar Bostonba menni? Why doesn't Tom want to go to Boston? Why doesn't Tom want to go to Boston? Hol van az idősebb bátyád? Where's your older brother? Where's your older brother? Tomi vett valamit Marinak. Tom bought something for Mary. Tom bought something for Mari. Sok szülő hiszi, hogy túl sok az erőszak a tévében. Many parents believe that there is too much violence on TV. A lot of parents think there's too much violence on TV. Mit keres itt Tom? What is Tom doing here? What's Tom doing here? Tomi kiválasztotta a színeket. Tom chose the colors. Tom chose the colors. Ez egy rémhír. It's a rumor. It's a rumor. Ő egy okos fiú. He is an intelligent boy. He's a smart boy. Tíz percen keresztül jártatta a száját egyfolytában. He spoke non-stop for ten minutes. He kept his mouth shut for ten minutes. Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy Mari hívta! Please tell Tom Mary called. Please tell Tom that Mari called. Itt vannak? Are they here? Are they here? Meg fogjuk oldani. We'll manage. We'll figure it out. Kérd meg Tamást, hogy várjon egy kicsit. Ask Tom to stay a while. Ask Tom to wait a while. Tom ki fogja heverni. Tom will get over it. Tom's gonna get over it. És pontosan mit csináltál? And what exactly were you doing? And what exactly did you do? Ezt be kellene tiltani. That should be prohibited. This should be banned. Nagy nap ez a mai, fiam! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son. Ez ismétlés. This programme is a repeat. It's a repeat. Ez másmilyen. This is different. It's different. Nem könnyű itt élni. Living here isn't easy. It's not easy living here. Az anyósom egy öregek otthonában él. My mother-in-law lives in an old people's home. My mother-in-law lives in a nursing home. Ugye tényleg küldesz nekem egy japán babát? You are sending me a Japanese doll, right? You're really sending me a Japanese doll, aren't you? Kész a fürdővized! I have prepared your bath. Your bath water is ready! Tudod, hogy hol lakom. You know where I live. You know where I live. Szeretném holnap hat órára lefoglalni. I'd like to make a reservation for 6 o'clock tomorrow. I'd like to make a reservation tomorrow at 6:00. Szerezzünk be egy fenyőfát. Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's get a pine tree. Józsué meleg. Joshua is gay. Joshua's gay. Van egy kis cukrod? Do you have any sugar? Do you have any sugar? Maradj látókörön kívül. Stay out of sight. Stay out of sight. Senki sem látja a könnyeim. No one sees my tears. No one can see my tears. Hogyan reagált erre a hírre? What was his reaction to this news? How did you react to this news? Nem kért senki semmire. Nobody asked me for anything. No one asked me to do anything. Menjünk el karácsonyfáért! Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's go get a Christmas tree. Valaki közülünk beszélhetne Tommal. One of us should talk to Tom. One of us could talk to Tom. Ki alapította a Google Fordítót? Who is the founder of Google Translate? Who founded Google Translate? Ne dobja ki ezt a folyóiratot. Don't throw away this magazine. Do not throw away this magazine. Nem voltam még Arizonában, de nem is igazán tudom, hogy hol van. I've never been to Arizona. Actually, I don't know where it is at all. I've never been to Arizona, but I don't really know where it is. Fő a kávé. The coffee is brewing. Coffee's on. A tegnapi nap forró volt, de ma enyhébb. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Van még három napunk. We have three days left. We have three more days. Segítettem. I helped. I helped. Csak akkor tudtam meg az igazi szándékát, amikor találkoztam vele. It was only when I met him that I realized his true intention. I only found out about his true intentions when I met him. Hol laktál? Where did you live? Where did you live? Egy martinit kérek. I want a martini. I'll have a martini. Szétpukkadt a szappanbuborék. The soap bubble burst. The soap bubble burst. Először ide kellett volna jönnöm. I should have come here first. I should have come here first. Gyere ide hat órakor, de nem korábban. Come here at six, not before. Come here at six o'clock, but not earlier. Nő a lakosság száma. The population is growing. The population is increasing. Szomjazik a hírnévre. He is thirsty for fame. Thirsty for fame. Tamás egy tésztagyárban dolgozik. Tom works in a pasta factory. Thomas works in a pasta factory. Szeretek visszanézni a mondataimra lecsekkolni, melyek lettek lefordítva más nyelvekre. I quite like looking back at my sentences to check which ones were translated into other languages. I like to look back at my sentences, which have been translated into other languages. Valaki ezt meg tudja erősíteni? Can anyone confirm that? Can anyone confirm that? Adott egy könyvet neki. He gave her a book. He gave her a book. Kínaiul tanul. He's learning Chinese. He's learning Chinese. Siessetek, vagy elkésünk! Hurry up or we'll be late! Hurry up or we'll be late. Ez rémes. That's terrible. That's terrible. Szebb vagy, mint amilyennek tartod magad. You are more beautiful than you think. You're prettier than you think you are. Örményország hegyekkel tagolt ország. Armenia is a mountainous country. Armenia is a country divided by mountains. A közelgő választás kimenetelét a legeslegnehezebb lesz megjósolni. The outcome of the upcoming election will be the hardest ever to predict. The outcome of the upcoming election will be most difficult to predict. Tartok tőle, hogy Tomi nem tud válaszolni. I'm afraid Tom can't answer. I'm afraid Tom can't answer. A doktor megmondta neki, hogy tartózkodjon az ivástól. He was told to abstain from drinking by the doctor. The doctor told him to refrain from drinking. Nem tűnik boldognak Tomi, hogy lát minket. Tom doesn't look happy to see us. Tom is not happy to see us. Az én hobbim a rovargyűjtés. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is collecting insects. Ez segít? Does that help? Does that help? Az ablak nyitva van. The window is open. The window's open. Nem kapcsolnád le a lámpát? Won't you turn on the light? Can you turn off the light? Tom és Mari olyan kabátot viselnek, ami túl nagy nekik. Tom and Mary are wearing coats that are way too large for them. Tom and Mari are wearing coats that are too big for them. Reggel dolgozik. He works in the morning. He's working in the morning. De hiszen én ott lakom! That's where I live. But that's where I live. Tamás kölcsönadta nekünk az új autóját. Tom lent us his new car. Tom borrowed his new car. Tamás korán lefeküdt. Tom went to bed early. Tom went to bed early. Miért nem válaszolsz apádnak? Why don't you answer your dad? Why don't you answer your father? Utazni akarok. I want to travel. I want to travel. Egy szót sem hiszek el belőle. I don't believe one word of it. I don't believe a word of it. Mary megkérdezte Tomitól, hogy mi a véleménye. Mary asked for Tom's opinion. Mary asked Tom what he thought. Maradj nyugodt! Keep calm. Stay calm. Én mondtam. It was me who said it. I told you. Itt boldogok lehetünk. We could be happy here. We can be happy here. Kölcsönös bizalom volt közöttünk. We trusted each other. There was mutual trust between us. Ez a legjobb. This is the best. It's for the best. Van köztetek valami? Is there anything between you? Is there something going on between you two? Bocsásson meg, hogy félbeszakítom. Excuse me for interrupting you. I'm sorry to interrupt. Tom szemtelen. Tom is insolent. Tom's insolent. Várjatok meg, skacok! Wait for me, guys. Wait for me, guys. Azt mondta, nem tudja. He said that he doesn't know. He said he didn't know. Nem fogtam fel teljesen. I didn't realise. I didn't quite get it. Az idős ember a múlt héten halt meg. The old man died last week. The old man died last week. Nem olvastam még ki a könyvet. I'm still not finished reading the book. I haven't read the book yet. Tomi folytatta tovább a játékot. Tom continued playing. Tom continued to play. Mary úgy döntött, hogy több mentás cukorkát fog enni. Mary has decided to eat more mints. Mary decided to eat more mint candy. Nevetni sincs kedvem. I don't feel like laughing, either. I don't feel like laughing. Az időjárás-jelentés szerint a tájfun valószínűleg eléri a partokat. According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast. According to the weather report, the typhoon is likely to reach the shores. Annyira jól még nem ismerem Tomot. I don't know Tom that well yet. I don't know Tom that well. Kié ez az asztalon lévő könyv? Whose book is this on the table? Whose book is this on the table? Éjfél után felébredtünk. We woke up after midnight. We woke up after midnight. Melyik városka ez? Which town is this? What town is this? Méltányoljuk a tehetségét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your talent. Látnod kellett volna a tegnap esti filmet. You should've seen the movie last night. You should have seen the movie last night. Apám nem akarja megengedni nekem, hogy kutyát tartsak. My father won't allow me to keep a dog. My father doesn't want me to have a dog. Ő még mindig szeret engem, és azt hiszem, még én is szeretem őt. He still loves me, and I think I still love him. He still loves me, and I think even I love him. Tom egy szót sem fog elhinni abból, amit mondasz neki. Tom won't believe a word you tell him. Tom won't believe a word you say to him. Ön filozófus, nemde? You're a philosopher, aren't you? You're a philosopher, aren't you? Imádom a hintaszékem. I love my rocking chair. I love my rocking chair. Miért nem iszol? Why aren't you drinking? Why don't you drink? Eléggé sikeres vagyok. I'm pretty successful. I'm pretty successful. Tom megkérdezte Maryt, hol lakik John. Tom asked Mary where John lived. Tom asked Mary where John lived. Tomi volt az első, aki életét vesztette. Tom was the first to die. Tom was the first to lose his life. Tomi dührohamot kapott. Tom threw a tantrum. Tom had a fit. Betört egy ablak. A window was broken. A window broke. Mindenki kedveli Tomot. Everybody likes you. Everyone likes Tom. Azt hittem, egyértelmű, mit akarok. I thought it was obvious what I wanted. I thought it was clear what I wanted. Nincs bejárati ajtó. There's no front door. There's no front door. Őt tartom a legjobb barimnak. I look on her as my best friend. I think he's my best friend. Ne add fel! Don't give up! Don't give up. Japánból jöttem. I come from Japan. I'm from Japan. Ez a legnagyobb problémánk. This is our biggest problem. That's our biggest problem. Ez ronda, rikító sárga és semmivel sem harmonizál. De legalább nem gázolnak el a sötétben! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, it's bright yellow, and it doesn't harmonize with anything, but at least they don't run over me in the dark. Ez dinamit. This is dynamite. It's dynamite. És itt Radzsiv Tomon ül. And here, Rajiv is sitting on Tom. And this is Rajiv Tomon. Álmos vagyok. Megyek aludni. Jó éjszakát. I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Good night. I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep, good night. A vár védői íjakkal és nyilakkal voltak felfegyverezve. The castle's guards were armed with bows and arrows. The castle's defenders were armed with bows and arrows. Egy személy kivételével mindenki jelen volt. All but one were present. Everyone except one was present. Úgy érzem, megvédenek. I feel protected. I feel protected. Ott leszek ma este. I'm going to be there tonight. I'll be there tonight. Mari azt mondta, hogy ő sohasem látta, hogy Tomi azt tette. Mary said she's never seen Tom doing that. Mari said she never saw Tom do it. Végre lefeküdhetek. Finally I can go to bed. I can finally go to bed. Tudom, hogy Tamás hol lakott. I know where Tom lived. I know where Tom lived. A tudósok feltárták a kenyérbúza teljes genetikai állományát. Scientists have sequenced the genome of bread wheat. Scientists have discovered the entire genetic stock of bread wheat. Számomra Tom elég normálisnak látszik. Tom looks pretty normal to me. Tom seems pretty normal to me. Tom vett Marynek egy jó kis kamerát. Tom bought Mary a nice camera. Tom bought Mary a nice camera. Lehet, hogy ebben igazad van. You may be right about that. Maybe you're right about that. Úgy éreztem, teljesen össze vagyok zavarodva. I felt rather puzzled. I felt like I was completely confused. Tom szinte soha nem eszik uborkát. Tom hardly ever eats cucumbers. Tom almost never eats cucumbers. Haladtam valamennyit. I've made some progress. I've made some progress. Tom munkanélkülin van. Tom collects unemployment. Tom's unemployed. Ez bölcs választás. That's a wise choice. It's a wise choice. Nem vezethetek buszt. I can't drive a bus. I can't drive a bus. Ma egyáltalán nem leszek itthon. I won't be at home at all today. I won't be home at all today. Halálra ítélt. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Hozhatsz vizet a lónak, de nem itathatod meg. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can bring water to the horse, but you can't make him drink it. Őszintén szólva, nem akarok vele dolgozni. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. A Tamás Tomi mesélt egy hihetőnek tűnő történetet, melyben a falu felét Tominak hívták. Tom Thomas told me a believable story in which the half part of a village was called Tom. Thomas Tomi told a story that seemed believable, in which half the village was called Tomi. Nem szeretem, ha úgy bánnak velem, mint egy taknyossal. I don't like it when people treat me like a kid. I don't like being treated like a snot. Ettél már abban az étteremben, ahol Tom dolgozik? Have you ever eaten at the restaurant where Tom works. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant where Tom works? Azt hiszem, hülye vagyok? You think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? Most nem igazán akarok enni. I don't really want to eat right now. I don't really want to eat right now. Nem tudok róla semmit azon kívül, amit te mondtál nekem. I know nothing about him beyond what you told me. I don't know anything about him other than what you told me. Légy óvatos! Ez csapda lehet. Be careful. It might be a trap. Be careful, this could be a trap. Szeretnél velem teázni? Won't you have some tea with me? Would you like tea with me? A macska tejet iszik. The cat drinks milk. The cat drinks milk. Lehet, hogy megyek, de lehet, hogy nem. I might go, but then again, I might not. Maybe I'll go, maybe I won't. Segítenünk kell egymásnak. We must help each other. We have to help each other. Örültem az e-mailének. I was pleased to receive an email from him. I was happy with your e-mail. Bizonyos mértékig megértem a problémáidat. I have some appreciation of your problems. To some extent, I understand your problems. Bármikor rád nézek, az öcsém jut eszembe. Whenever I look at you, I am reminded of my younger brother. Every time I look at you, I think of my brother. Kell neki. She needs it. He needs it. Zoknit húzott. She put on socks. He was wearing socks. Csinálnál nekem ebből egy példányt? Can you make a copy for me? Can you make me a copy of this? Kedves ember. He's a nice person. He's nice. Mi más? What else? What else? Nagy a tét. There is a lot at stake. The stakes are high. Késsel, villával egyél! Eat with knife and fork. Eat with a knife and fork. Ez nem az enyém. This is not mine. It's not mine. Hideg van Németországban? Is it cold in Germany? Is it cold in Germany? Nem történnek minden nap ilyen dolgok. Things like that don't happen every day. These things don't happen every day. Szeret bogarászni a kertben. He loves gardening. He likes to bug in the garden. Van néhány táska a szobában. There are some bags in the room. There's some bags in the room. Miért olyan kegyetlenek ezek a lányok? Why are these girls so cruel? Why are these girls so cruel? Tom sétált. Tom walked. Tom was walking. Mi mind kedveltük Tomot. We all liked Tom. We all liked Tom. Apám apja a nagypapám. My father's father is my grandfather. My father's father is my grandfather. Tom mondta neked, hogy ne tedd? Was Tom the one who told you not to do that? Did Tom tell you not to? Rendetlen a szobád. Your room is a mess. Your room is messy. Esik a hőmérséklet. The temperature falls. Temperature's dropping. Meghívlak egy sörre. Let me buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Azt Tommal kellett volna megcsinálnod. You should have done that with Tom. You should have done that with Tom. Tom ma nem hagyhatja el a házat. Tom can't leave the house today. Tom can't leave the house today. Keményebben kellett volna gyakorolnod. You should have practiced harder. You should have practiced harder. Ki szereti Tomit? Who does Tom like? Who loves Tom? Nincs rá okom, hogy ne higyjek neki. I've no reason not to believe him. I have no reason not to believe him. Mikor mérted magad utoljára? When was the last time you weighed yourself? When was the last time you measured yourself? Úgy tűnik, itt nincs rám szükség. It looks like I'm not needed here. I don't seem to be needed here. A mondatnak két alanya van, ezek pedig: Tomi és Mari. The sentence has two subjects, i.e.: Tom and Mary. The sentence has two subjects, Tomi and Mari. Itt van még egy kevés tea. Here's some more tea. Here's some more tea. Aztán a medve odafutott a talicskához, ledobta medvebőrét és megérintette a varázspálcával, amit a boszorkány adott neki. Egy pillanat alatt a bőr csodaszép, holdfényből szőtt báliruhává változott, a talicska pedig hintóvá alakult át, amit két táncoló paripa húzott. Then the bear ran to her wheelbarrow, threw off her bear's skin, and touched it with the magic wand that the witch had given her. In a moment the skin was changed into an exquisite ball dress woven out of moon-beams, and the wheel-barrow was changed into a carriage drawn by two prancing steeds. Then the bear ran up to the wheelbarrow, threw off his bear skin and touched it with the magic wand that the witch gave him. In an instant, the skin turned into a beautiful ball dress woven from moonlight, and the wheelbarrow turned into a carriage drawn by two dancing steeds. Új csarnokot építenek az ipari parkban. A new hall is built in the industrial park. They're building a new hall in the industrial park. Tom botfülű. Tom is tone deaf. Tom's tone-deaf. Könyvelő vagyok. I'm an accountant. I'm an accountant. Fegyveresek. They're armed. They're armed. Több mint egy évig éltek Algériában. They lived in Algiers for more than a year. They lived in Algeria for over a year. Hallasz? Do you hear me? You hear me? Sajnálom, elfelejtettem. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Ez helyes? Is that correct? Is that right? Rettenetes ma a hőség. The heat is terrible today. The heat is terrible today. Nem szoktam hozzá az ilyen bánásmódhoz. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to that kind of treatment. Ismerjük őt évek óta. We have known her for years. We've known him for years. Nagyon kedves tőled. That's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. Jól vagyok, köszönöm. I am fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Ha körüljárod a házadat, milyen tájat és milyen épületeket láthatsz? When you walk around your house, what kind of scenery and buildings can you see? If you walk around your house, what landscape and what buildings can you see? Félek a baglyoktól. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of owls. Kint teljesen sötét van. It's all dark outside. It's completely dark outside. Nincs asszonyom, de bajom sincs. I have neither a wife nor problems. No ma'am, but I'm fine. Hívnod kellett volna a zsarukat. You should have called the cops. You should have called the cops. Egy barátom megkért, hogy küldjek neki egy képeslapot. A friend of mine asked me to send her a postcard. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. Azt mondták, nem tudom megcsinálni. Ezért csináltam meg. They told me I couldn't. That's why I did. They said I couldn't do it, that's why I did it. Vásárolni megyünk. We're going shopping. We're going shopping. Egy sört szeretnék. I'd like a beer. I'd like a beer. Megválaszoltam a kérdést. I answered the question. I answered the question. Van haladás. Progress is being made. There's progress. Senki sem tudhat mindent. Nobody can know everything. No one can know everything. Ez az utolsó. This is the last one we have. That's the last of it. Megnyerte magának a szerelmét. He won her love. He's won his love for you. Pablo és María itt volt. Pablo and María were here. Pablo and María were here. Nem bírom ki olyan sokáig távol a feleségemtől. I can't be away from my wife for that long. I can't stay away from my wife that long. Merésznek kell lenni a sikerhez. It takes courage to succeed. You have to be bold to succeed. Csak szebb lesz az idő előrehaladtával. She became more beautiful as she got older. It'll just be nicer as time progresses. Tulajdonképpen mi történt? What actually happened? What actually happened? Tom nem változott meg. Tom hasn't changed. Tom hasn't changed. Az akkumulátorok lemerültek. The batteries are dead. The batteries are dead. Van egy kis kerti tavunk. There's a small pond in our garden. We've got a little garden pond. Ha mogyoróval fizetsz, majmot kapsz. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys. If you pay with peanuts, you get a monkey. Japánban az új tanév áprilisban kezdődik. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Ön tüdőrákos. You have lung cancer. You have lung cancer. Ez megmentheti az életedet. It may save your life. This could save your life. Van itt egy felvonó? Is there an elevator? Is there an elevator? Miből van? What is it made of? What's it made of? A kutyám fehér. My dog is white. My dog is white. Szeretem a szörfözést. I like windsurfing. I like surfing. Tud eszperantóul? Do you know Esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Tom nagyszerűen érezte magát. Tom felt great. Tom had a great time. Nem volt senki a gyűlésen. There was no one in the meeting. There was no one at the meeting. Felhívhatlak néha? Can I give you a call some time? Can I call you sometime? Hogyan lehetne ezt elérni? How can this be accomplished? How can this be achieved? Bármit mond, ne veszítsd el a fejed. Don't lose your temper whatever he may say. Whatever he says, don't lose your head. Tomi sportos és jóképű is, de olyan kicsi a micsodája. Tom is handsome and athletic, but his stuff is so small. Tom's athletic and handsome, but he's got such a small thing. Tessék, a söröd. Here's your beer. Here's your beer. A képlettel semmi baj sincs. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. Lóra pattant, és hűséges vadászebe társaságában folytatta kalandozását a nagyvilágban. He mounted his horse, and with his faithful hound went on seeking further adventures through the world. He got on a horse and continued his adventure in the world with his loyal hunter. Szerszámokra van szükségem. I need tools. I need tools. Tom egy levélen aludt. Tom slept on a leaf. Tom was sleeping on a letter. Minden hajónak szüksége van egy kapitányra. Every ship needs a captain. Every ship needs a captain. Nem biztos, hogy tudom, hogy mit jelent. I'm not sure what it means. I'm not sure I know what it means. Min nevetsz? What are you laughing at? Why are you laughing? Holnap látogass meg bennünket! Visit us tomorrow. Visit us tomorrow! Ezek a képek rossz emlékeket idéznek fel. These pictures bring back bad memories. These pictures bring back bad memories. Nem érzem jól most magam. I don't feel good now. I'm not feeling well right now. Milyen rövid az élet! How short life is! How short life is! Pihenjünk itt. Let's rest here. Let's rest here. Van egy bátyám. I have an older brother. I have a brother. Úgy gondolom, ez az orvosság jót fog tenni neked. I think this medicine will do you good. I think this medicine will do you good. Tom megkérdezte tőlem, hogy tudnék-e neki kölcsönadni egy csokornyakkendőt. Tom asked me if I had a black tie he could borrow. Tom asked me if I could lend him a bow tie. Szégyellte, hogy gondot okozott önnek. He was ashamed of troubling you. He was ashamed of causing you trouble. A piros alma is lehet férges. You can't tell a book by its cover. Red apples can also be wormy. A jövedelme alapján a legmagasabb adósávba kerül. Her income puts her into the highest tax bracket. Based on your income, you'll be in the highest tax bracket. Itt, Bostonban ilyesmi soha nem történik. That never happens here in Boston. This never happens here in Boston. Veszélyes lesz. It'll be dangerous. It'll be dangerous. Miért akarsz ápoló lenni? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Semmit nem akarok tőled. I don't want anything from you. I don't want anything from you. Paul Tchana kameruni zenerajongó a nyolcvanas évek elején nyitott egy kis lemezboltot és több mint 5000 eredeti bakelitlemezből álló gyűjteményt hozott létre. Cameroonian music lover Paul Tchana opened a tiny record shop in the early 80s and built a collection of more than 5,000 original vinyl records. Music fan Paul Tchana opened a small record store in Cameroon in the early 1980s and created a collection of more than 5,000 original vinyl records. Tomi egy sztahanovista. Tom is a workaholic. Tom is a stahanovist. Tom elbújt a zöld autó mögé. Tom hid behind the green car. Tom hid behind the green car. Ezt oltsd le. Turn this off. Put that out. Kérlek, mondj valamit! Please say something. Please say something. Közel van nagyon Szicília Máltához? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Tudom, hogy szereted a kávét. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. Mennem kell. I've got to go. I gotta go. Havazott az előző nap. It had snowed the day before. It snowed the day before. Ő lett volna a harmadik utas. He would've been the third passenger. He was supposed to be the third passenger. Csomó időm van. I have plenty of time. I've got plenty of time. Ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy segítsen nekem. She insisted on helping me. He insisted on helping me. Csak hogy tudjad, ez nagyon rossz tréfa. Just so you know, this is a very bad joke. Just so you know, this is a really bad joke. Neked nem kell odamenni. You should not go there. You don't have to go there. Menjél csak, ne gondolkozz annyit rajta! Go without thinking twice! Go ahead, don't think about it so much. Tom sok nagyszerű dolgot tett. Tom did a lot of great things. Tom did a lot of great things. Ne is foglalkozz velük! Csak egy rakás hülye! Ignore them. They're just a bunch of idiots. Don't worry about it, it's just a bunch of idiots. Segítünk neki. We help him. We'll help him. Folyamatosan csalódnom kell benne. She disappoints me all the time. I'm constantly disappointed in him. Három éve történt. That happened three years ago. It was three years ago. Ezek lilák? Are they purple? Are they purple? Imádkozz érettünk. Pray for us. Pray for us. Tomi tudni fogja, mit kell tennünk. Tom will know what we need to do. Tom will know what to do. Amott van. It's right over here. He's over there. Ez valamiéle izléstelen tréfa akar lenni? Is this some kind of cruel joke? Is this supposed to be some kind of tasteless joke? Könyveket kellene venned. You want to buy books. You should buy books. Úgy tűnik. It seems so. Looks like it. Tom szórakoztatta a gyerekeket. Tom amused the children. Tom entertained the kids. Tom fehérre festette a falakat. Tom painted the walls white. Tom painted the walls white. Ők részegek. They're drunk. They're drunk. Azt mondta, hogy hisz a szellemekben. He said that he believed in ghosts. He said he believed in ghosts. Olyan fáradt volt, egyből elaludt. She was so tired that she fell asleep at once. He was so tired, he fell asleep. Nem nagyon kedvelem őt. Az igazat megvallva, gyűlölöm. I don't like him very much. To tell you the truth, I hate him. I don't like him very much, to tell you the truth, I hate him. Ez mind az én könyvem. All of these books are mine. This is all my book. Hagyd, hogy kimenjek! Let me go out. Let me out. Még ha nem is hiszed, akkor is igaz. You may not believe it, but it is nonetheless true. Even if you don't believe it, it's true. Nem csináltam még meg, amit meg akartam csinálni, mert utálom azt csinálni. I haven't done yet what I wanted to because I hate to do that. I haven't done what I wanted to do because I hate doing it. Ezt kell kitalálnunk. That's what we have to find out. That's what we have to figure out. Ez egy szörnyű terv. That's a horrible plan. It's a terrible plan. Odakint vannak. They're right outside. They're outside. Közpénzt sikkasztott. He embezzled public money. He embezzled public money. Szakítottam a barátnőmmel. I broke up with my girlfriend. I broke up with my girlfriend. Az hogy jó nem azt jelenti, hogy okos is. Because he is good, it does not follow that he is wise. Just because it's good doesn't mean it's smart. Tomi a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tom is our son. Nincs itt senki. There isn't anybody here. There's no one here. Mosolyognak. They're smiling. They're smiling. Tegnap este Tom nálunk aludt. Tom slept at our place last night. Tom slept over last night. Akarod, hogy megfésüljelek? Do you want me to comb your hair? You want me to comb your hair? A táska után nyúlt. He reached for the bag. He reached for the bag. Tudok franciául olvasni. I'm able to read French. I can read French. Azután senki nem látta őt. Nobody has seen him ever since. After that, no one saw him. Jövő hétfőn elhagyjuk Bostont. We're leaving Boston next Monday. We're leaving Boston next Monday. Tom meg akar tanulni szörfözni. Tom wants to learn how to windsurf. Tom wants to learn how to surf. Az ördögnek több mint tizenkét apostola van. The devil has more than twelve apostles. The devil has more than twelve apostles. Nem is volt olyan rossz. It wasn't really that bad. It wasn't so bad. Nem érsz rá most? Are you busy now? Can't you do it now? Mary Tom mostohanővére. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Mary Tom's stepsister. Csöndben csukd be az ajtót. Shut the door quietly. Shut the door quietly. Tesla élete tele van rejtélyekkel. Tesla's life is full of mystery. Tesla’s life is full of mysteries. Szokás szerint két kávét iszok meg az ebéd mellé. Usually I drink two cups of coffee with lunch. As usual, I'll have two coffees with lunch. Tizenhat kilométert gyalogoltunk azon a napon. We walked ten miles that day. We walked six miles that day. Mennyire rossz lehet ez? How bad can it be? How bad can it be? Japán az anyanyelvem. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japan is my native language. Egész nap egy japán mondatot próbáltam memorizálni. All day long I tried to memorize a Japanese sentence. I've been trying to memorize a Japanese sentence all day. Nincs jobb lehetőség. There's no better option. There is no better option. Asztalhoz ülünk. We sit down at the table. We're sitting at the table. Tetszett a műsor? Did you enjoy the show? Did you like the show? Ismerted őket személyesen? Did you know them personally? Did you know them personally? Nagyon különc vagy. You're very unusual. You're very eccentric. A régi könyv penészes volt. The old book was moldy. The old book was moldy. Elkelne a segítséged. I could use your help. I could use your help. Tom hallgatózik. Tom is eavesdropping. Tom's listening. Akkor vissza kellett mennünk. Then we should go back. Then we had to go back. Versenyképesek vagyunk. We're competitive. We're competitive. Még nem ettem. I haven't eaten. I haven't eaten yet. Van-e elég takarótok? Do you have enough blankets? Do you have enough blankets? Mary pénztárosként dolgozik. Mary works as a cashier. Mary works as a cashier. Mondd meg, hogy ez micsoda. Tell me what it is. Tell me what this is. Dühös vagy? Are you angry? Are you mad? Ma nincs kedvem franciát tanulni. I don't feel like studying French today. I don't want to learn French today. Frissíti magát a telóm. My phone's updating. My phone's updating itself. Vörös a haja. She has red hair. He's got red hair. Tom koldusszegény. Tom is dirt-poor. Tom's a beggar. Felhívott, hogy késni fog tíz-tizenöt percet. Ha called that he'd be late for 10 to 15 minutes. He called and said he'd be ten or fifteen minutes late. Mellette csak kezdő vagyok. Compared to him, I'm simply a beginner. Next to him, I'm just a beginner. Látni sem akarom őt! I don't even want to see her. I don't want to see him! A piros nem a te színed. Red isn't your color. Red is not your color. Tom még mindig követ minket. Tom is still following us. Tom's still following us. Otthon franciául beszéltek? Do you speak French at home? Do you speak French at home? Eddig semmit sem értett. Till now, she has understood nothing. He didn't understand anything so far. Remélem, hogy a közeljövőben elkezdem tanulni az ön szépséges nyelvét. I hope to begin learning your beautiful language in the near future. I hope to start learning your beautiful language in the near future. A tanító magasság szerint állította sorba a gyerekeket. The teacher lined the children up in order of height. The teacher lined up the children according to their height. Úgy gondolom, becsületes vagy. I believe you are honest. I think you're honest. Felfogom, amit mondasz, de nem hat meg. I understand what you're saying intellectually, but it doesn't resonate with me emotionally. I understand what you're saying, but I'm not impressed. Igen, késsel s villával evett. Yes, he ate with knife and fork. Yes, he ate with a knife and a fork. A panaszkodás nem vezet sehova. Complaining isn't going to change anything. Complaining is not going anywhere. Fél a kígyóktól. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. Szeretem a kutyákat. I like dogs. I like dogs. Tudtam, hogy vicceltél. I knew you were joking. I knew you were joking. Nyilvánvalóan izgatott volt. She was clearly upset. He was obviously excited. Minek van több értéke, az időnek vagy a pénznek? Which is more valuable, time or money? What has more value, time or money? Minden ember egyedi. Each human being is unique. Each person is unique. Köszönöm, hogy nem mondtad, hogy "én megmondtam". Thanks for not saying "I told you so." Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Szükséged volt rám. You needed me. You needed me. Tom olyan sármos, hogy még „amerikai” elnök is lehetne. Tom is so handsome he could be an american president. Tom is so charming, he could be an “American” president. Vajon mit akart a festő ezzel kifejezni? I wonder what the painter wanted to express with this. What did the painter mean by that? Meg tudod ezt magad csinálni? Can you do that by yourself? Can you do this yourself? Mondtam neked, hogy ne adj neki Coca Colát! Tomi hiperaktív. I asked you not to give him Coca Cola. Tom's hyperactive. I told you not to give him Coca-Cola. Tom nem mert a szirt szélére állni. Tom was afraid to stand on the edge of the cliff. Tom didn't dare stand on the edge of the cliff. Szerintem Tom volt már ott. I think Tom has been here. I think Tom's been there before. Gonosz vagy. You're wicked. You're mean. Mit akart? What did he want? What did he want? Nem kérdezte, hogy miért, csak csinálta. He didn't ask why, he just did it. He didn't ask why, he just did it. Semmit nem értettem abból, amit mondott. I didn't catch anything he said. I didn't understand anything you said. Tom egy jó tanuló. Tom is a good student. Tom's a good student. Vegyél fel kabátot, nehogy megfázz! Put on a jacket so you don't catch a cold. Put on a coat so you don't get cold. Kielégíthetetlenül kapzsi. Insatiably greedy. He's insatiably greedy. Most véglegesítettek. I just got tenure. I've just been finalized. Az az igazság, inkább lennék rossz. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong. The truth is, I'd rather be bad. Senki nem visz engem sehova. Nobody takes me anywhere. Nobody's taking me anywhere. Nagypapám vette ezt nekem. My grandfather bought it for me. My grandfather bought this for me. Tom eltűnt. Tom's missing. Tom's gone. Ezt hogyan kell használni? How do you use that? How to use this? Tartsunk egy kis szünetet! Let's take a short pause. Let's take a break. Mikor ketten csinálják ugyanazt, az már nem ugyanaz. When two are doing the same thing, it is not the same. When two people do the same thing, it's not the same thing. Neki semmi sem felel meg eléggé. Nothing's good enough for him. Nothing is good enough for him. Kattintottam egy képet. I snapped a picture. I clicked a picture. Egybe vagy külön-külön? Together or separately? Single or separate? Lássátok, hogy mulat a magyar! Look how the Magyars have fun! See how the Hungarian is having fun! Valaki betört a házamba a múlt hétvégén. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Nem maradnának egy teára? Won't you stay for tea? Can't you stay for tea? Mit csinálsz itt, te perverz állat!? What are you doing here, you pervert? What are you doing here, you pervert? Vigyorgott ránk, mint a tejbetök. He gave us a broad smile. He smiled at us like a cow. Nem tudott alkalmazkodni az új körülményekhez. He couldn't adapt to new circumstances. He couldn't adapt to the new circumstances. Tudni akarom, amit tudsz. I want to know what you know. I want to know what you know. Újra átgondoltam. I've reconsidered it. I've reconsidered. Kérlek, fesd az ajtót fehérre! Please paint the door white. Please paint the door white. Ennek két euró az ára. It costs two Euros. The price is two euros. Tízen vannak itt. There are ten people here. There's ten of them here. Szereti szétszedni az elektromos készülékeket. He likes to take electric devices apart. He likes to disassemble electrical appliances. Megkérdezett, jöhet-e. He asked me if he could come. He asked if he could come. Tomnak meg kellett védenie a hírnevét. Tom had to defend his reputation. Tom had to protect his reputation. Most már követheted a pápát twitteren. You can now follow the Pope on twitter. Now you can follow the Pope on Twitter. Az ajtóban várt engem. She waited for me in the doorway. He was waiting for me at the door. Senki sem volt ott. There was nobody. No one was there. Talán van egy másik út is. There may be another way. Maybe there's another way. Tomi akar venni néhány könyvet. Tom wants to buy some books. Tom wants to buy some books. Közeleg a karácsony. Christmas is approaching. Christmas is coming. Ma megérkezett az új bútor. The new furniture arrived today. The new furniture arrived today. Odavagyok a cukorkáért. I love candy. I love candy. Húsz gyermeke van. She has twenty children. He has 20 children. Ők velem vannak. They're with me. They're with me. Nem kellene Tominak ezt engedned! You shouldn't allow Tom to do that. You shouldn't let Tom do that. Együtt erősek vagyunk. We are strong together. Together we are strong. Mari folyton tanul. Mary studies all the time. Mari's always learning. Mikor vacsizol? What time will you have dinner? When's dinner? Ez nem elég. It's not enough. That's not enough. A győzelem lehetséges, mégis valószínűtlen. Victory is possible, though unlikely. Winning is possible, but unlikely. A dékán kezet rázott a végzős diákokkal. The dean shook hands with each of the graduating students. The dean shook hands with the senior students. Mit kell megtennem? What must I do? What do I have to do? Tom a párnája alá tette a fegyverét. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Minden író szenved az ihlethiánytól időről időre. Every author suffers from writer's block from time to time. Every writer suffers from lack of inspiration from time to time. Nagyon megörültek, amikor megérkeztünk. They were very happy when we arrived. They were very happy when we arrived. Tamás a repülőtérre ment. Tom went to the airport. Tom went to the airport. Kétségbe volt esve az egészségügyi problémái miatt. He was in despair over health problems. He was desperate because of his health problems. Isten megsegít minket. God help us. God will help us. Nem volt semmi. Nothing happened. It was nothing. A pandák imádják a bambuszt. Pandas love bamboo. Pandas love bamboo. Szeretnél még egy csésze kávét? Would you like another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? Segítségért kiáltott. She screamed for help. He cried for help. Tamás egy évvel később meghalt. Tom died a year later. Tom died a year later. Eltemették. They buried her. Buried. Túl sokat volt magában. He was very much on his own. You've had too much of it. A gyakorlatom ma ér véget. My internship ends today. My practice ends today. Senki sem bántott meg. Nobody hurt me. No one hurt me. Meg kell bocsátanod. You must forgive me. You have to forgive me. Kell egy tolmács. I need a translator. I need an interpreter. Már nem vagyok a régi. I'm no longer the one I used to be. I'm not the same anymore. Odaültem mellé. I sat by his side. I sat next to him. Nem érzek dühöt. I don't feel angry. I don't feel angry. A síelés a kedvenc sportom. Skiing is my favorite sport. Skiing is my favorite sport. Az asztalon van egy alma. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the table. Háromszor látogattam el Kiotóba. I have visited Kyoto three times. I visited Kyoto three times. Szeretek Tommal beszélgetni. I love talking to Tom. I like talking to Tom. A jelentés sietve lett előkészítve, és jónéhány helyesírási hiba volt benne. The report was prepared in haste and had several misspellings. The report was prepared in a hurry, and there were a number of spelling errors. Tom azzal próbálkozott, hogy csökkentse a költségeit. Tom has been trying to lower his expenses. Tom was trying to cut costs. Kérem, változtassa meg az interpunkciót. Please change the punctuation. Please change the interface. Hadd adjak néhány tanácsot. Let me give you some advice. Let me give you some advice. Ne zajongj, tanulok. Don't make any noise, I'm studying. Don't make any noise, I'm learning. Elég lapos volt a film. The movie was rather boring. The movie was pretty flat. Nem tudott nem sírni. She couldn't help but cry. He couldn't help crying. Golyófejem van. My head is round. I've got a bullet head. Nem követeltem soha semmit. I've never demanded anything. I never demanded anything. Ez nem kijelentő mondat! This is not a declarative sentence! That's not a catchphrase. A félelme teljesen alaptalan volt. Her fear proved completely wrong. His fear was completely unfounded. Rövid a haja. She has short hair. Short hair. Panaszt akarok benyújtani. I intend to file a formal complaint. I want to file a complaint. Ennek jó illata van. This smells good. That smells good. Ez a nyakkendő nem illik az öltönyömbhöz. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie doesn't match my suit. Ha adnak, vedd el, ha ütnek, szaladj el! If something is given to you then take it. If you are beaten, then run away. If they give, take it, if they hit, run away. Nem szeretnék ilyen lenni. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be like that. Tom Massachusetts államban, Bostonban született és nevelkedett fel. Tom was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Tom was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. A gyümölcslé megfizethetőbb, mint a kávé? Is juice more affordable than coffee? Is it more affordable than coffee? Ma papírokat bámultam egész nap, és most fáradt vagyok. I stared at papers all day today and now I'm tired. I've been staring at papers all day, and now I'm tired. Sörözzünk! Let's drink some beer. Let's drink. Hajlandó vagyok megkockáztatni. I'm willing to risk that. I'm willing to risk it. — Mindent tönkreteszel! — Nem is. "You're ruining everything!" "No I'm not." - You're ruining everything! - No. Isten segítsen minket! May God help us! God help us. A panaszkodástól még nem változik meg semmi. Complaining isn't going to change anything. Complaining doesn't change anything. Senki sem ismeri az igazságot. No one knows the fact. No one knows the truth. Amikor meghalt a felesége, több tucat részvétnyilvánító kártyát kapott. When his wife died, he received dozens of condolence cards. When his wife died, he received dozens of condolence cards. A tuaregek nagy becsben tartják a tevét. The Tuaregs have great respect for camels. The Tuaregs hold the camel in high esteem. Esni kezdett. The rain began to fall. It started to rain. A levágott almaszeletek megbarbulnak az oxidáció miatt. Cut apple slices turn brown due to oxidation. The cut-off apple slices are going crazy because of the oxidation. Nem volt semmi a hűtőben. There was nothing in the fridge. There was nothing in the fridge. Távozz! Leave! Leave! Lehet, hogy Tamás sokáig dolgozik. Tom may be working late. Tom may be working late. Ne nézz! Don't look. Don't look. Hol eszünk ma este? Where shall we eat tonight? Where are we eating tonight? Ki vár ránk? Who's waiting for us? Who's waiting for us? Teljesítened kell a kötelességedet. You must do your duty. You have to do your duty. Azt hiszem, haldoklom. I think I'm dying. I think I'm dying. Lopással vádolta őt és őt. She accused him and her of stealing. He accused her and him of stealing. Maradnom kell. I have to stay. I have to stay. Kilyukasztatta a fülét. She got her ears pierced. He pierced his ear. Bűnösnek találták. They found him guilty. He was found guilty. Kié ez a kézírás? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Nagy-Britannia iparosodása a tizennyolcadik század végén kezdődött. Britain began to industrialise in the late eighteenth century. The industrialization of Britain began at the end of the eighteenth century. Aránytalanul nagy a feje. His head is disproportionately big. His head is disproportionately large. Talált nekem egy szép nyakkendőt. She found a nice tie for me. He found me a nice tie. A szív feladata, hogy pumpálja a vért. The function of the heart is to pump blood. The heart's job is to pump blood. A kocsmába megyek. I'm going to the pub. I'm going to the pub. Miért vagytok olyan rondák? Why are you so ugly? Why are you so ugly? Próbáljuk megőrizni a nyugalmunkat. Let's try to stay calm. We're trying to stay calm. Tom udvariasan meghajolt. Tom bowed politely. Tom bowed politely. Tom komoly. Tom's serious. Tom's serious. Odaadnád nekem Tom címét? Would you give me Tom's address? Can you give me Tom's address? Nem kérek bocsánatot Tomitól. I am not going to apologise to Tom. I'm not apologizing to Tom. Nem szeretem a havat. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Mindent megtettünk, amit lehetett. We've done everything there was to do. We did everything we could. Tom zöldre festette az ajtót. Tom painted the door green. Tom painted the door green. Tom kinyitotta az ablakot, majd kisvártatva becsukta. Tom opened the window and closed it a bit later. Tom opened the window and closed it. Legfőbb ideje, hogy tegyünk valamit ezzel kapcsolatban. It's time we did something about that. It is high time we did something about it. Ne hibázzál! Don't make a mistake. Don't make mistakes. Tamás jó kapitány. Tom is a good captain. Tom is a good captain. Ez egy lányra emlékeztet, akik valaha ismertem. This reminds me of a girl I once knew. This reminds me of a girl I used to know. Azt gondolom, kész vagyok változtatni. I think I'm ready for a change. I think I'm ready to change. Kedvelem a szürrealizmust. I like surrealism. I like surrealism. Tudod, mi történik? Do you know what is going on? You know what's happening? Időt és fáradságot nem kímélve segítettél nekem, amiért én nagyon hálás vagyok. You've spared no time and effort in helping me, for which I am very grateful. You have spared me time and effort, for which I am very grateful. Rá fogunk jönni. We'll figure this out. We'll figure it out. Mindketten a kertben vannak. They both are in the garden. They're both in the garden. Mi a Skype felhasználóneved? What's your Skype username? What is your Skype username? Mind hiányozni fogtok. I will miss you all. I'll miss you all. Tom próbálja megjavítani. Tom is trying to fix that. Tom's trying to fix it. A hajad nagyszerűen néz ki. Your hair looks great. Your hair looks great. Féltem, soha többé nem látom. I was afraid I'd never see her again. I was afraid I'd never see him again. — Hol a sütim? — Bocsesz! Megettem. "Where's my cookie?" "Sorry. I ate it all." - Where's my cookie? - I'm sorry. Tomi és Mari mindig basztatják egymást. Tom and Mary are always teasing each other. Tom and Mari are always fucking each other. Nem szoktam hozzá az ilyenfajta munkához. I'm not used to this kind of work. I'm not used to that kind of work. Gondolom, most cslódottak vagytok mind. I think you are all disappointed now. I guess you're all screwed up now. Nem vagyunk házasok. We're not married. We're not married. Van feleségem és gyerekeim. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and kids. Egy ideje nem használjuk. We haven't used it in a while. We haven't used it in a while. Önző vagy. You're selfish. You're selfish. Ha csak egy kalapácsotok van, minden gond szegnek tűnik. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail. If you only have one hammer, everything looks like a nail. Rügyeznek a fák. The trees are in bud. The trees are budding. Megállt a lift két szint között. The elevator is stuck between floors. The elevator stopped between the two levels. Vasárnap van ma. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. Egyre többen igyekeznek kihasználni a médium interaktív természetét. More and more people are rushing to make use of the interactive nature of the medium. More and more people are taking advantage of the interactive nature of the medium. A világ csupa gond. The world is full of problems. The world is a mess. A saját szokásainak a rabja. He's a prisoner of his own habits. He's addicted to his own habits. Nem volt elég neked, hogy az életemet tönkretetted? Isn't it enough for you that you've ruined my life? Wasn't it enough for you to ruin my life? Tévéztünk. We watched TV. We watched TV. A macskáknak kilenc életük van. Cats have nine lives. Cats have nine lives. Kikapcsolták nála a vizet, mert nem fizette be a számlát. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. They turned off the water because he didn't pay the bill. Tom elfelejtette. Tom forgot. Tom forgot. Ez igazán szép. This is really nice! That's really nice. Tom elég ijesztő. Tom is pretty scary. Tom's pretty scary. Van benne disznóhús? Does this have pork in it? Is there pork in it? Tegyél félre pénzt a nehezebb időkre! Save money for a rainy day. Save money for the hard times. Oda tudnád adni nekem azt a csészét? Could you give me that cup? Can you give me that cup? Hadd aludjak még tíz percet! Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Nem akartam ezt elmondani neked. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you this. Nem volt víz a kútban. There was no water in the well. There was no water in the well. Ott nem parkolhatsz. You aren't allowed to park there. You can't park there. Autókat árul. He sells cars. He sells cars. Ezer a dolgom. I have a ton of stuff to do. A thousand things to do. Úgy érzem, hogy valami szörnyűség fog történni. I have a feeling that something dreadful is going to happen. I feel like something terrible is going to happen. Jaj, már menni akartam! Oh, I was just about to leave. Oh, I was gonna go. Falra akasztotta a kalendáriumot. She hung the calendar on the wall. He hung the calendar on the wall. Miatta lekéstem a buszomat. I missed my bus because of him. He made me miss my bus. Húst kérek. Meat, please. Meat, please. Van elég hely a házamban kettőtöknek is. There's enough place in my house for you two. There's plenty of room in my house for the two of you. Tamás, tudom, hogy elfoglalt vagy. I know that you're busy, Tom. Thomas, I know you're busy. Ne a pajtában tárold a kerékpárodat! Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. Don't keep your bike in the barn. Idehozzuk Tomit? Should we get Tom? Should we bring Tom here? Meleg a hóemberünk. Our snowman is gay. Our snowman is warm. Tom rövidnadrágot viselt. Tom was wearing shorts. Tom was wearing shorts. Mindenkinek elment az esze. Everyone went crazy. Everyone's out of their minds. Egy alkalommal Tom egy olcsó étteremben evett és ételmérgezést kapott, így most nagyon ügyel arra, hogy hol eszik. Tom once ate at an cheap restaurant and got food poisoning, so now he is very careful about where he eats. On one occasion, Tom ate at a cheap restaurant and got food poisoning, so now he's very careful where he eats. Soha ne nősülj meg! Never get married. Don't ever get married. Valódi, nem? It's real, isn't it? It's real, right? Nincs több időnk. We don't have more time. We don't have time. Holnap fognak tárgyalni. They will hold talks tomorrow. They're negotiating tomorrow. Elég ennivalónk volt. I've had plenty to eat. We had enough to eat. Mellé álltam. I stood next to him. I sided with him. Miért kérdezhette? I wonder why he asked. Why would he ask? Az ágyhoz bilincselte. She handcuffed him to the bed. He handcuffed her to the bed. Talán meggondolja magát. He might change his mind. Maybe he'll change his mind. Előrehajolt. He bent forward. He leaned forward. Próbáltunk figyelmeztetni. We tried to warn you. We tried to warn you. Rólad megfeledkeztek. You've been forgotten. They forgot about you. Itt vagyunk, ne! Here we come! We're here, no! A macska meggörbítette a hátát. The cat arched its back. The cat bent his back. Otthagytak engem Tomival egyedül. They left me there alone with Tom. They left me alone with Tom. Ez igazán remek! That's really great! That's really great. Ezt nem engedhetjük meg magunknak. We can't afford this. We can't afford that. Brazíliában akarok élni. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Elmúlt 30, de még mindig a szülein lóg. He's over 30 but still financially dependent on his parents. It's after 30, but he's still hanging on his parents. Nekem kell, hogy feliratozva legyen. I need subtitles. I need it to be labeled. Tom irreális. Tom is unreal. Tom's unreal. Ő tartja a szavát. He keeps his word. He keeps his word. Nem megyünk ki a partra. We're not going ashore. We're not going to the beach. Általában nem vásárolok az interneten. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I don’t usually shop on the internet. Melegen fogom tartani. I'll keep it warm. I'll keep him warm. Süllyedünk? Are we sinking? We're sinking? Találj magadnak valami elfoglaltságot. Find something to keep you busy. Find yourself something to do. Egészségesnek látszik. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. Gyakran ülök hátul. I often sit in the back. I often sit in the back. Nem telepítem ezeket újra. I'm not reinstalling them. I'm not installing these again. Kisikáltam a mosogatót. I scrubbed the sink. I scrubbed the sink. Minden folyamatosan változik. Everything's changing. Everything changes all the time. A hiúsága határtalan. His vanity knows no bounds. His vanity is limitless. Nincs gyerekem. I have no kids. I don't have kids. Nagy a világ. The world is big. It's a big world. Édesapád hányadik esztendejében jár? How old is your father? What year is your father in? A fegyver kiesett Tom kezéből. The gun fell out of Tom's hands. The gun fell out of Tom's hand. Tom soha nem mondta el ezt a hatóságoknak. Tom never reported that to the authorities. Tom never told the authorities. Még egy lehetőséget adtam Tominak. I gave Tom another chance. I gave Tom another chance. Véletlenül nincs itt. As it happens, she is absent. He's not here by chance. Bár ő a szomszédom, nem nagyon ismerem. Even though he is my neighbour, I did not know him well. Although he's my neighbor, I don't know him very well. Semmit nem akarunk tőled. We want nothing from you. We don't want anything from you. Nyilvánvalóan ez a legfontosabb pont. Clearly, this is the most important point. This is obviously the most important point. Csak útbaigazításra van szükségem. All I want is directions. I just need directions. Megőrültek. They've gone crazy. They're crazy. Nem hagyom, hogy Tom Bostonba menjen. I won't let Tom go to Boston. I'm not gonna let Tom go to Boston. Szép a folyó. The river is beautiful. It's a nice river. Semmit nem loptak el. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was stolen. Még egy kicsit? A little more? A little more? A tenger tele volt csónakokkal. The sea was full of boats. The sea was full of boats. Közel sem tökéletes. It's far from ideal. It's far from perfect. Tominak adtam a régi kabátomat. I gave my old coat to Tom. I gave Tom my old coat. Tudod, ki ő? You know who he is? Do you know who he is? A nagybátyám vette nekem ezt a könyvet. My uncle bought me this book. My uncle bought me this book. A digitális aláírás a pecsétgyűrű modern megfelelője. A digital signature file is the modern equivalent of the signet ring. The digital signature is the modern equivalent of the seal ring. Ne kapcsold le a motort! Don't turn the engine off. Don't turn off the engine. Az élet a kávé után kezdődik. Life begins after coffee. Life begins after coffee. Nem vett észre engem. He didn't notice me. He didn't see me. Vége az októbernek. October is over. October is over. Lehet, hogy hibát követek el. I might make a mistake. Maybe I'm making a mistake. Most akarom kifizetni. I want to pay for it now. I want to pay now. Egy gazdag, idős ember felesége lett. She married a rich old man. She's married to a rich old man. Nagyon kívántam őt. I've got the hots for him. I really wanted him. Nem kaphatunk többet. We can't have any more. We can't get any more. Valószínűleg elájultam. I must have blacked out. I probably fainted. Már senki nem állíthat meg. No one can stop me now. No one can stop me now. Érthetetlen, miért tette, hiszen van pénze. I don't understand why he did it since he has a lot of money. I don't understand why he did it, because he has money. - Hallod, folyton ezt mondogatod! - De ez így van! Jobban kellene figyelned. "Dude, you keep saying that over and over again." "But it's true! You should pay more attention." That's what you keep saying. Amikor meglátott Tomi, elsápadt. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. Tominak volt egy állása. Tom had a job. Tom had a job. Remélem, igaz, amit mondasz. I hope that what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Szerelmesek voltatok. You were in love. You were in love. Tom hasznavehetetlennek érezte magát. Tom felt useless. Tom felt useless. Következésképpen nagyobbnak látszik. It looks consequently bigger. Consequently, it looks bigger. Tomnak jogásznak kellett volna lennie. Tom should have been a lawyer. Tom was supposed to be a lawyer. Még ezek a szavak is eltűnnek egyszer. Even these words will someday disappear. Even those words will disappear one day. Jól vagyok. I'm doing fine. I'm okay. Fütyül a szél. The wind is whistling. The wind is whistling. Tom ismeri a családot. Tom knows the family. Tom knows the family. Tiltakoznunk kell ellene. We must protest against it. We have to protest. Milyen siketnek lenni? What's it like to be deaf? What's it like to be deaf? Tamás szereti a fagylaltot. Tom likes ice cream. Tom loves ice cream. Aron megölte Elizabethet. Aron killed Elizabeth. Aron killed Elizabeth. Meg kell tenned. You must do it. You have to. Nem akartam az egész életemet ott leélni. I didn't want to spend my whole life there. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life there. Valójában ártalmatlanok. They're really harmless. They're actually harmless. Okos fiú Tomi. Tom is a clever boy. Smart boy, Tom. Akart venni egy könyvet. He wanted to buy a book. He wanted to buy a book. De ez igaz? Is that true, though? But is it true? Bizonyára jól ki fog majd jönni a nagymamámmal. She'll certainly get along well with my grandmother. I'm sure you'll get along well with my grandmother. Neki akarom adni. I want to give it to her. I want to give it to him. Magányosnak érzem magam a férjem mellett. I feel alone beside my husband. I feel lonely with my husband. Miből gondolod, hogy nem bírlak? Why do you think that I dislike you? What makes you think I don't like you? Szeretne megszabadulni az adósságaitól. He wants to quit his debts. He wants to get rid of his debts. Honnan gondolod, hogy ez történt? Why do you think that this happened? What makes you think that's what happened? Por lepte a gépet. The machine was covered in dust. Dust covered the plane. Megkaptam az üzeneted. I received your message. I got your message. Későn szoktam kelni. I usually wake up late. I get up late. Maradok már. Now I'm staying. I'll stay. A hópelyhek ráhulltak hosszú, szőke hajára. The snowflakes fell on her long, fair hair. The snowflakes fell on his long, blonde hair. Meghűlt. He caught a cold. He's cold. Jelentenie kell valamit. It must mean something. It has to mean something. Annyira kíváncsi volt, hogy kinyitotta a dobozt. She was so curious that she opened the box. He was so curious that he opened the box. Tom legyeket fogott és kitépte a szárnyaikat. Tom caught flies and tore their wings off. Tom caught flies and ripped out their wings. Forró volt és nedves. It was hot and humid. It was hot and wet. Ha ez nem tetszik neked, elmehetsz. If you don't like it then you can leave. If you don't like it, you can go. Szeretem a romantikus regényeket. I love romance novels. I love romance novels. Hosszú az út. The way is long. It's a long drive. Mikor látjuk egymást? When will we see each other? When will we see each other? Az nem egy narancsfa. That isn't an orange tree. It's not an orange tree. Ha nem romlott el, ne javítsd meg. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Kapcsold be a légkondicionálót! Turn on the air conditioner. Turn on the air conditioner. Az új király öt éves korában foglalta el az uralkodói széket. The new king assumed the throne when he was only fifteen. The new king took the throne at the age of five. Úgy látszik, semmi sem nő meg ezen a talajon. Nothing seems to grow in this soil. Nothing seems to grow on this soil. Beletörődök a sorsomba. I'll accept my fate. I accept my fate. Már nem sűrűn csinálom. I don't do that very often anymore. I don't do it much anymore. Vörös riasztás! Red alert! Red alert! A szálloda teljesen megtelt. The hotel is completely full. The hotel is completely full. Nem érdekel, hogy hiszel-e nekem. I don't care if you believe me. I don't care if you believe me. Még egyszer. One more time. One more time. Eladó ez? Is this for sale? Is it for sale? Ő az, akiről mindig is álmodtam. She's the one I've ever dreamed of. She's the one I've always dreamed of. Látták őt átmenni az utcán. He was seen crossing the street. He was seen crossing the street. Minden ember egyenlőnek teremtetett. És megszületnek az emberek. All people are created equal. And hereafter people will be born. All men are created equal, and men are born. Be kellett vonni a hadsereget. The army had to intervene. The army had to be involved. Éppen egy könyvet olvas. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Hol vannak a legszebb mondatok? Where are the most beautiful sentences? Where are the most beautiful words? Ezt most kellene megcsinálni. This should be done right away. This should be done now. Az igazat megvallva nem vagyok meglepve. Tomi mindig így csinálja. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Tom always does it that way. To tell you the truth, I'm not surprised. Öreg vagyok már ahhoz, hogy újra kezdjem. I'm too old to start over. I'm too old to start over. Mit kérdezett ön? What have you asked? What did you ask? Sok hibája van, de én annál inkább szeretem őt. She has some faults, but I love her all the more because of them. He has many faults, but I love him all the more. Nem fúj a szél ma. There is no wind today. There's no wind today. A szemem könnyben úszik. My eyes are brimming with tears. My eyes are in tears. Nem sok van neki hátra. She's going to die. He doesn't have long. Felnőtt a lányom. My daughter is an adult. My daughter's grown up. Megkértem apámat, hogy segítsen neked. I asked my father to help you. I asked my father to help you. Csak egy testvérem van. I have only one sibling. I only have one brother. Tudjuk, kik az ellenségeink. We know who our enemies are. We know who our enemies are. Másik lánnyal láttam Tomit táncolni. I saw Tom dancing with another girl. I saw Tom dancing with another girl. Bostonba megyünk. We're going to Boston. We're going to Boston. Ma délután adtam el. I sold it this afternoon. I sold it this afternoon. Szereted az almát vagy a narancsot? Do you like apples or oranges? Do you like apples or oranges? Mary Tom édesanyja? Is Mary Tom's mother? Mary Tom's mother? A legjobb védekezés a támadás. Attack is the best form of defense. The best defense is an attack. Hol vagyok most? Where am I now? Where am I now? Azt választhat, amit akar. You may choose what you want. You can choose what you want. Fordítva akasztotta fel a képet. She hung the picture upside down. He hung up the picture the other way around. Olyan sok volt a halott, hogy a sírköves rákényszerült, hogy béreljen új munkást. So many people had died that the gravestone supplier was forced to hire a new carver. There were so many dead that the tombstone was forced to hire a new worker. Megesküdtél nekem. You swore to me. You swore to me. Mindenki rémült. Everyone is scared. Everyone's scared. Tom összegyűrte a zacskót és eldobta. Tom crumpled the bag and threw it away. Tom crumpled the bag and threw it away. Nem találom. I can't find it. I can't find him. Ő nem iszik kávét. She doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't drink coffee. Írjunk egy könyvet! Let's write a book. Let's write a book. Harald? Milyen szokatlan név! Harald? What an unusual name! What an unusual name. Most szomjas vagyok. Now I am thirsty. Now I'm thirsty. Olyan sokat tanultam Tomról. I've learned so much about Tom. I learned so much about Tom. Meg fogom lepni Tomit. I'll surprise Tom. I'm gonna surprise Tom. Ki javasolta Tomit ebbe a beosztásba? Who recommended Tom for the position? Who recommended Tom to this position? Ült édesapám, és olvasta az esti hírlapot. My father sat and read the evening paper. My father sat down and read the evening newspaper. Ez valóban Jankovics Tamás idézet? Is this really a quote by Tom Jackson? Is this really a quote from Thomas Jankovics? Ahhoz bátorság kellett. That took guts. It took courage. Nem bírtam ki. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't stand it. Tomnak szüksége van a segítségedre. Tom needs your help. Tom needs your help. Nem szükséges többé azt tenni. It won't be necessary to do that anymore. There's no need to do that anymore. Rákattintottam a hivatkozásra. I clicked on the link. I clicked on the link. Öreg vagyok, de fiatalnak érzem most magam. I'm old, but I feel young now. I'm old, but I feel young now. Charles Lindbergh 1927-ben, elsőként repülte át egyedül az Atlanti Óceánt. Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic in 1927. Sokat harcolunk. We fight a lot. We fight a lot. Hogy tetszett a mozi? How did you enjoy the movie? How did you like the movie? Ken naponta úszni jár. Ken goes swimming day after day. Ken goes swimming every day. Két lányom van. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Több helyre van szükségem. I need more space. I need more space. Tom kidolgozta a belét. Tom worked day and night. Tom worked his ass off. Yanni bemásolt néhány százezer mondatot. Yanni added some hundred thousand copy-paste sentences. Yanni copied a few hundred thousand sentences. Tom elsuttogta Mary nevét. Tom whispered Mary's name. Tom whispered Mary's name. Nem az első alkalom volt ez, hogy ezt csinálták. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It's not the first time they've done this. Ez nem titok. That's no secret. It's no secret. Nincs nálam pénz. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy jobban is meg tudtam volna csinálni, ha lett volna több időm. I'm sure I would've done better if I'd had more time. I'm sure I could have done better if I had more time. Ők gyerekek. They're kids. They're children. Én twitterezni szoktam. I use Twitter. I used to tweet. Mondd el nekünk, hogy ez micsoda. Tell us what that is. Tell us what this is. Megkarmolt a macskád. Your cat scratched me. Your cat scratched you. Ő volt az utolsó személy, akit vártam, hogy látom majd amerikai tartózkodásom során. He was the last person I had expected to see during my stay in America. He was the last person I expected to see during my stay in America. Mária tetőtől talpig szerlmes volt. Mary was head over heels in love. Mary was in love from head to toe. Még mindig csókolóznak. They're still kissing. They're still kissing. Ha nincs mit mondanod, ne mondj semmit. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. Hol vehetem át a poggyászomat? Where can I get my baggage? Where can I pick up my luggage? Biztos vagy benne, hogy az elég? Are you sure that's enough? Are you sure that's enough? Megyek. Punktum. I'm going and that's that. I'm coming. Papírra vetette a gondolatait. She put down her thoughts on paper. He put his thoughts on paper. Köszönöm az ajándékot. Thank you for the present. Thank you for the gift. Itt akarok maradni éppen csak az autóban. I just want to stay in the car. I just want to stay in the car. Kicsit sem állok rá. I don't feel like it at all. I can't stand it at all. A jegyet ne felejtse el! Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Ismersz egy jó fogorvost? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Hallgass figyelmesen! Listen closely. Listen carefully. Ez normális? Is it normal? Is that normal? Tetszett ez a könyv. I liked this book. I liked this book. Már nem férek bele a régi ruháimba. I can't fit into my old clothes anymore. I can't fit in my old clothes anymore. Városlakó vagyok. I'm a town dweller. I'm a city dweller. Tomnak van egy ikertestvére. Tom is a twin. Tom has a twin brother. Az a légy a képen van vagy rajta? Is that fly on the picture or in the picture? Is that fly in the picture or on it? Tudod, mitől mennék a falnak? You know what drives me crazy? You know what would make me go up against a wall? Tomi senkiben nem bízik meg. Tom trusted nobody. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Ellenségek voltunk. We were enemies. We were enemies. Tom és Mari most tavasszal házasodtak össze. Tom and Mary got married last spring. Tom and Mari just got married this spring. Ez szótár. This is a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Messze van az ideálistól. It's far from ideal. It is far from ideal. Elég bénán nézek ki az oszályképen. I look stupid in the classmate photo. I look kind of lame in the draughts. Eltépte a levelet. She tore up the letter. He tore the letter. Még mindig nem értek semmit. I still do not understand anything. I still don't understand anything. Távoztak. They've left. They're gone. Ez az én problémám. This is my problem. That's my problem. Dani beismerte Lindának, hogy egy ideje már viszonya van valakivel. Dan admitted to Linda that he had been having an affair. Dani admitted to Linda that she's been having an affair for a while. Nincs nevem. I have no name. No name. Bárcsak lenne nekem is! I wish I had one. I wish I had one. Betettem a hűtőszekrénybe az ételmaradékot. I put the leftovers in the refrigerator. I put the leftovers in the fridge. Idáig még nem volt problémánk. We haven't had any problems so far. We haven't had a problem yet. Picik a kezei. He has tiny hands. He's got tiny hands. Május ötödikén van a születésnapja. His birthday is May 5th. It's his birthday on May 5th. Állj egyenesen! Stand up straight. Stand up straight. El fogom magyarázni. I'll explain. I'll explain. Tom nyugtalannak tűnik. Tom seems anxious. Tom seems anxious. Tom szükségesnek akarta érezni magát. Tom wanted to feel needed. Tom wanted to feel necessary. A középiskola óta Tom sokat változott. Tom has changed a lot since high school. Since high school, Tom's changed a lot. Egy tortát sütött nekem. She baked me a cake. He made me a cake. — Hol a sütim? — Bocsi! Mind megettem. "Where's my cookie?" "Sorry. I ate it all." - I'm sorry, I ate them all. Antonio vagyok. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. A csatorna összeköti az Atlanti-óceánt a Csendes-óceánnal. The canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The canal connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Tűnj elfoglaltnak, mikor a főnök is itt van. You need to look busy when the boss is around. Look busy when the boss is here. Jobban szeretem a kávét. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. A delfinek rejtelmesek. Dolphins are weird. Dolphins are mysterious. Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt. I will do my best. I'll do my best. Valaki van az ajtónál. Someone's at the door. Someone's at the door. Melyik oltást kaptad meg? Which vaccine did you get? Which vaccine did you get? Mari elfogult veled szemben. Mary has a soft spot for you. Mari's biased against you. Viszlát a hétvégén! See you on the weekend. See you this weekend. Az ecet jó vízkőoldó és fertőtlenítő. Vinegar is a good descaler and germicide. Vinegar is a good descaling and disinfectant. Smith tanár úr tanít nekem angolt. Mr Smith teaches me English. Professor Smith is teaching me English. Tomi gyűjti a meteoritokat. Tom collects meteorites. Tom's collecting the meteorites. Gazdag vagyok. I'm rich. I'm rich. Így vagy úgy, de a kapitalizmusnak vége lesz. One way or another, capitalism will end. One way or another, capitalism will come to an end. Tele van legyekkel a háza. Her house is full of flies. He's got flies all over his house. Valójában működik. It really does work. It actually works. Csak rajtad múlik. It all depends solely on you. It's up to you. Iskola után baseballozik. He plays baseball after school. He plays baseball after school. Számomra augusztus az év legfontosabb hónapja. August is the most important month of the year for me. For me, August is the most important month of the year. Vitassuk meg! Let's discuss it. Let's discuss it. Nem akart megbántani. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt you. Itt parkolhatsz. You can park here. You can park here. Lószar. Bullshit. Bullshit. Meg szabad kérdeznem valamit? May I ask a question? May I ask you something? Hallottam, hogy Tomi és Mari októberben összeházasodnak. I heard that Tom and Mary will get married in October. I heard that Tom and Mari are getting married in October. Mennyi ideje dolgozik itt Tamás? How long has Tom been working here? How long has Tom been here? Hadd maradjak! Let me stay. Let me stay. Tom sérülései nem nagyon komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't very serious. Tom's injuries aren't very serious. Ugyanazt a dalt énekelte Tom egész délelőtt. Tom has been singing that same song all morning. That's the same song Tom's been singing all morning. Csináld gyors, mint az állat! Do it as quickly as possible. Do it fast as an animal. Le a korrupt politikusokkal! Down with corrupt politicians! Down with corrupt politicians! A hibákat én követtem el. The mistakes are mine. I made the mistakes. Irigylem az ő szerencséjét. I envy him his luck. I envy his luck. Elviszem a kocsit. I'll be taking the car. I'll take the car. Tom letette a könyvét. Tom put his book down. Tom put down his book. Háromszáz dollárt adott Tom. Tom gave me 300 dollars. He gave me $300, Tom. Tom úgy kezelte Maryt mint egy rabszolgát. Tom treated Mary like a slave. Tom treated Mary like a slave. Mindenki tévedett. Everyone was wrong. Everyone was wrong. A nagyapánk beteg. Our grandfather is ill. Our grandfather is sick. Sajnálom, hogy nagyon megsérültél. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sorry you got hurt so bad. Ez a mondat túl hosszú! This sentence is too long! That sentence is too long! Nem muszáj felhívnod. You don't need to call him. You don't have to call him. Van egy öreg autóm. I have an old car. I have an old car. Tamás miért van otthon? Why is Tom home? Why is Tom at home? Nagyszerű, hogy el tudott jönni! It's great that you were able to come. It's great you could make it. Rossz gombot nyomtam meg. I pushed the wrong button. I pressed the wrong button. Fejezd már be, hogy kijavítasz! Stop correcting me. Stop correcting me! A mogyorót az ősz derekán szüretelik. Hazelnuts are harvested in mid-autumn. Peanuts are harvested in the middle of autumn. Nem kell várnod Tomira. Nem fog jönni. You don't have to wait for Tom. He won't come. You don't have to wait for Tom. Na, ugye nem halsz meg? You're not gonna die, eh? You're not gonna die, are you? Anyu főzi a legjobb ételeket a világon. My mom cooks the best food in the world! Mom cooks the best food in the world. Kérlek, add ide a sétapálcámat! Please hand me my cane. Please, give me my cane. Szerintem ez nem lesz elég. I think this isn't going to be enough. I don't think that's enough. Már folyamatban van. It's already happening. It's already in progress. A falut hegyek veszik körül. The village is surrounded by mountains. The village is surrounded by mountains. Mikor mész el az üzleti utadra? When does your business trip begin? When are you going on your business trip? Gyermekként éltem ebben a házban. I lived in this house as a child. I lived in this house as a child. A kígyó sziszeg. The snake hisses. The snake's hissing. Rendkívül elfoglaltak vagyunk. We're extremely busy. We're extremely busy. Föl kell készülnöm. I've got to get ready. I need to be prepared. Találkozzunk a hallban! Meet me in the lobby. Meet me in the lobby. Kapcsold be. Turn it on. Turn it on. A farkasok normálisan nem támadják meg az embert. Wolves usually don't attack people. Wolves don't normally attack people. Muszáj németül tanulnom. I must learn German. I have to learn German. Szófogadó leszek. I will obey. I'll be obedient. — Hallod, szomszéd! Nem akarod lenyírni a füvet? — Á! Megmarad méhlegelőnek. "Hey, neighbor! Don't you want to mow the lawn?" "No way! I'm keeping it as a bee pasture." “ Do you want to mow the grass? ” Ah! It remains a bee grazer. Ki hívott téged? Who called you? Who called you? Ne utáld, amit nem értesz. Don't dislike what you don't understand. Don't hate what you don't understand. Az életfelfogásod más, mint az enyém. Your philosophy of life is different than mine. Your view of life is different from mine. Egész nap nála voltam. I spent all day at his house. I've been with him all day. Van banánunk. We have bananas. We have bananas. És azt honnan tudod? And how do you know that? And how do you know that? Tompika felélte a pénzt, amit a nagyapjától örökölt. Tom lives off the money that he inherited from his grandfather. Tompika lived up to the money he inherited from his grandfather. Kérdezte Tom, hogy miért voltam szomorú. Tom asked me why I was unhappy. Tom asked me why I was sad. Mari felvitte Tomit a táncparkettre. Mary led Tom onto the dance floor. Mari took Tomi to the dance floor. Mari szeretné, ha elvenném, de én nem akarom elvenni. Mary would like me to marry her, but I don't want to marry her. Mari wants me to marry her, but I don't want to marry her. Megbuktunk. We have failed. We failed. A táj lélegzetelállító. The scenery is breathtaking. The scenery is breathtaking. Tamás és Mária babája félig fekete. Tom's and Mary's baby is half black. Thomas and Mary's baby is half black. Össze fogok jönni veled. I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna hook up with you. A távolban észrevett egy evezős csónakot. She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance. In the distance, he noticed a rowing boat. Sosem találkoztam még olyan személlyel, akit rögtön rühelltem. I've never met a person that I've disliked immediately. I've never met anyone I hated before. Sziasztok! Hányan vagytok? Hello! How many of you are there? Hey, how many are you? Írd le, hogyan fejeződött be. Write down how it ended. Write down how it ended. Ez a tied, Tom! This is for you, Tom. That's for you, Tom. A mostani gyerekek már nem tudják megkülönböztetni a tyúkot a tehéntől. Children can no longer distinguish hens from cows. Kids today can't tell the difference between a hen and a cow. A repüléstől való félelme komoly akadályt jelent a karrierjében. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. Your fear of flying is a serious obstacle to your career. Ha látod Marit, add oda neki ezt a jegyzetet. When you see Mary give her this note. If you see Mari, give her this note. Ez a dal remekmű. This song is a classic. This song is a masterpiece. Tom épp most jött meg. Tom just arrived. Tom just got here. Ma este igen jól szórakoztam. I really enjoyed myself tonight. I had a lot of fun tonight. A zöld fény a "mehetsz" jele. The green light is the "go" signal. The green light is a sign of "go." Kis kávét? A bit of coffee? Some coffee? Azután rájöttem, hogy nem Charles volt a legfontosabb abban az időben. Afterwards I realised that Charles was not the most important at that time. Then I realized that Charles wasn't the most important thing at the time. Ők dühösek. They're angry. They're angry. Ti ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you guys buy this bike? Tomi levette a zoknit a lábáról. Tom removed his socks. Tom took the socks off his feet. Nem látszanak boldognak. They don't seem happy. They don't look happy. Add ide a jegyzettömböt! Give me the notebook. Give me the notepad. Mari felújított egy házat. Mary renovated a house. Mari renovated a house. Tom nem vásárol. Tom isn't buying. Tom's not buying. Gondoltam, ha elmennénk valahova enni, az felvidítana. I thought going out to eat together would cheer you up. I thought going out to eat would cheer you up. Lehet, hogy ez további magyarázatot igényel. Perhaps that requires further explanation. This may require further explanation. Ki tette fel a kérdést? Who asked that question? Who asked the question? Nem tudom, mi volt ez, de úgy hallatszott, mint egy lövés. I'm not sure what it was, but it sounded like a gunshot. I don't know what that was, but it sounded like a gunshot. Az a két gitár hasonlónak tűnik. Those two guitars look similar. Those two guitars look alike. Ez kinek a pohara? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is this? Miért vannak itt ezek az emberek? Why are these people here? Why are these people here? A baj csak az, hogy nem emlékszem, hol parkoltam le a kocsit. The problem is I don't remember where I parked my car. Problem is, I can't remember where I parked the car. Tegnap boldog voltam. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Szerintem remek munkát végeztek. I think they did a great job. I think they did a great job. Tudom, hogyan nyerjek. I know how to win. I know how to win. Mi ez a furcsa szag? What's that strange smell? What's that strange smell? Mindannyian egyetértettünk. We all agreed. We all agreed. Találnom kell egy részmunkaidős állást. I have to find a part-time job. I need to find a part-time job. Megfogadtam a tanácsát, drága kolléga. I have followed your advice, my dear colleague. I took your advice, dear colleague. Miért nem segítettél nekem? Why didn't you help me? Why didn't you help me? Miért kérded? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? Biztos vagy benne, hogy Tomi képes rá? Are you sure Tom can do that? Are you sure Tom can do this? Megnyertük a csatát. We won the battle. We won the battle. Hol vásárol könyveket? Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? Elnézést kérek, ha hibát követtem el. If I have made a mistake, excuse me. I apologize if I made a mistake. Kit fogsz meghívni? Who are you going to invite? Who are you going to invite? A fő vonzereje a jellemében rejlik, nem a könyveiben. His chief attraction lies in his character, not his books. His main attraction lies in his character, not in his books. Régebben a spanyol volt a Fülöp-szigetek hivatalos nyelve. Spanish used to be the Philippines' official language. In the past, Spanish was the official language of the Philippines. A kérdés az az, ki tette. The question is who did that. The question is who did it. Tom munkahelyet váltott. Tom changed jobs. Tom's changed jobs. Ez a veszély. That's the danger. That's the danger. Tudom, hogy olvas. I know that he reads. I know you're reading. Miért nem segítettél nekik? Why didn't you help them? Why didn't you help them? Mary keresett téged akkor. Mary was looking for you at that time. Mary was looking for you then. Meginterjúztattam őket. I interviewed them. I interviewed them. Előtt-utóbb meg fogod szokni a hőséget. You'll eventually get used to the heat. Sooner or later you will get used to the heat. Ugye, te olyan nagy és erős szeretnél majd lenni, mint Tomi? You want to grow up to be big and strong like Tom, don't you? You want to be big and strong, don’t you? Úgy találtam, hogy a volapük nagyon bonyolult, ellentétben az eszperantóval, ami nagyon egyszerű. I found Volapük to be very complicated, contrary to Esperanto, which is very simple. I found that their volaps were very complicated, unlike Esperanto, which is very simple. Lecsuktak. They put me in jail. I'm locked up. Felkapcsolnád a villanyt? Nagyon sötét van itt. Can you turn on the lights? It's really dark in here. Can you turn on the lights? Megette a torta három negyedét. He ate three-fourths of the cake. He ate three quarters of the cake. Apám Görögországba utazott. My father had gone to Greece. My father went to Greece. Eleget tudsz. You know enough. You know enough. Én vagyok a főnök, nem igaz? I'm the boss, aren't I? I'm the boss, aren't I? Ne igyál túl sokat lefekvés előtt. Don't drink too much before going to bed. Do not drink too much before going to bed. A dátumokat meg fogják hirdetni. Dates will be announced. Dates will be announced. Mikor van a napéjegyenlőség? When is the equinox? When is the equinox? Tisztelem Tomit. I respect Tom. I respect Tom. El tudod olvasni azt a kandzsi szöveget? Can you read this kanji? Can you read that Kanji line? Tom ezt csinálta, nem pedig azt. Tom did this but not that. That's what Tom did, not that. Tudja a nevem! He knows my name. You know my name! A társadalom megosztott. Society is divided. Society is divided. Kikeresett három szép almát. She picked out three beautiful apples. He looked up three beautiful apples. Mindannyiótoktól a legjobbat várom el. I expect you all to do your best. I expect the best from all of you. Kérlek, öntözd meg a virágokat! Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Milyen típusú filmeket szeretsz nézni? What's your favorite kind of movie to watch? What kind of movies do you like to watch? Tomnak be kellett volna zárnia az ajtót. Tom should have locked the door. Tom should have locked the door. Valami mást mutass nekem! Show me something else. Show me something else. Ha nem csaltam volna, akkor nem nyertem volna. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't had won. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't have won. Kérem, beszéljünk tovább angolul. Let's continue talking in English, please. Please continue to speak English. Hogy sikerült a teszted? How was your test? How'd your test go? Csak egy találgatás volt. That was only a guess. It was just a guess. Egyszerűen ne törődj vele. Just ignore him. Just ignore it. Tom megpuszilta a macskáját. Tom kissed his cat. Tom kissed his cat. Megnyertük a bajnokságot. We won the championship. We won the championship. Tegnap teniszezett. He played tennis yesterday. He played tennis yesterday. Más dolog megtanulni és megtanítani egy nyelvet. To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another. It's a different thing to learn and teach a language. Menj, mielőtt még meggondolom magam! Go, before I change my mind. Go before I change my mind. Remélem, megvár. I hope he waits for me. I hope he waits. Túl sok ételt rendeltünk. We ordered too much food. We ordered too much food. Most ehhez túl meleg van. It's too hot to do this now. It's too hot for that now. Hol van a telefonkönyv? Where is the telephone book? Where's the phone book? Visszateszem az útlevelemet a páncélszekrénybe. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport back in the safe. Tom már halott volt, amikor felakasztotta magát. Tom was already dead when he hanged himself. Tom was already dead when he hanged himself. Jégkorongozom. I play hockey. Ice hockey. — Az én apukám sokkal erősebb a tiédnél. — Nem is igaz. "My father is much stronger than yours." "That's not true at all." “My dad is so much stronger than your dad.” Úgy látszik, Brüsszel képtelen különbséget tenni menekültek és bevándorlók között. Brussels seems to be unable to differentiate between refugees and immigrants. It seems that Brussels is unable to distinguish between refugees and immigrants. Kié ez a táska? Whose is this bag? Whose bag is this? Ez nem nehéz. This isn't hard. It's not hard. Mit néztek? What are you watching? What are you watching? Kemény nap a mai. It's been a tough day. It's a tough day. Kíváncsi vagyok, Tom tud-e jönni vagy sem. I wonder whether Tom can come or not. I wonder if Tom can come or not. Még csak most kezdtük. We've only just begun. We're just getting started. Tom lenyűgöző. Tom is fascinating. Tom's amazing. Alámerült a béka. The frog went underwater. The frog's submerged. Milyen szövegszerkesztő programot használsz? What editing software do you use? What word processing program do you use? Miközben rendet csináltam, rábukkantam egy rólad készült fotóra. Szeretnéd megkapni? While I was having a tidy-up, I came across a photo of you. Would you like to have it? While I was tidying up, I came across a photo of you. Az én macskámat találtad meg. The cat which you found is mine. You found my cat. Tudom, hogy fáj a csípőm, amikor esik az eső. I know that my hip hurts when it rains. I know my hip hurts when it rains. Patakokban csordogált le az esővíz a tetőről. Rivulets of rainwater ran down the roof. There was rain coming down from the roof in hooves. Ő itt van hátul néhány barátjával. She's back there with some friends. He's back here with some friends. Keresek valakit. I'll find someone. I'm looking for someone. Szerintem valami nincs rendben. I think something is wrong. I think something's wrong. Elég furcsa volt. It was rather strange. It was kind of weird. Elégedettek vagyunk. We are content. We're satisfied. Nem fogok fölkelni. I'm not going to get up. I'm not gonna get up. Jobban is meg tudtam volna csinálni, ha több időm lett volna. I could have done better if I had had more time. I could have done better if I had more time. Azt a könyvet választhatod, amelyik tetszik. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose the book you like. Ott sétálhatunk. We can walk there. We can walk there. Tom jól tippelt. Tom guessed right. Tom guessed right. Ki készít reggelit neked? Who makes breakfast for you? Who's making you breakfast? Olyan okos vagy! You are so smart! You're so smart. Tom járt egyetemre? Did Tom go to college? Tom went to college? Nem tudok neked megbocsátani. I can't forgive you. I can't forgive you. Ha nagy pénzekről van szó, senkiben nem tanácsos megbízni. Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody. When it comes to big money, it is not advisable to trust anyone. Egy kis munka nem árt senkinek. A little work never hurt anyone. A little work won't hurt anyone. Kivel beszélsz? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Kétség nem fér hozzá. It admits of no doubt. There's no doubt about it. Miért kellene ezen meglepődni? Why should anyone be surprised? Why should you be surprised? Tom elfoglalt volt? Was Tom busy? Was Tom busy? Nálad előbb odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll be there before you. Szeretjük egymást, de már nem élünk nemi életet. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. We love each other, but we don't have sex anymore. Kijött a szobából. He came out of the room. He's out of the room. Vedd le a mocskos kezeidet Tomiról! Get your dirty hands off Tom. Get your filthy hands off Tom! Ki rakhatta ezt ide? I wonder who put this here. Who put this here? Megakadt a lift két szint közt. The elevator is stuck between floors. The elevator is stuck between two levels. Tom a felsővárosban él. Tom lives uptown. Tom lives uptown. Felvétel indul! Action! We're rolling! Mesélj mesét lefekvés előtt. Tell me a story before going to bed. Tell me a story before you go to bed. Üljünk asztalhoz. Let's sit at this table. Let's sit down. Úgy kezeltek, mint egy gyereket. I was treated like a child by them. They treated me like a child. Meg vagyok győződve róla, hogy ezt a teniszmérkőzést én nyerem. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win this tennis match. Azt mondta nekem, hogy hamarosan elindul. He told me that he would leave before long. He told me he was leaving soon. Ezt mennyi ideig mikrózzam? How long should I microwave this? How long should I microwave this for? Nincs elég pénzem utazni. I don't have enough money to travel. I don't have enough money to travel. Tom tanította nekem a legtöbbet abból, amit franciául tudok. Tom taught me most of the French I know. Tom taught me the most of what I know in French. Nagyon is jól tudom, mit csinálok. I know very well what I am doing. I know exactly what I'm doing. Karácsonykor Mary-t meglátogatja osztrák barátja. Mary's friend from Austria will visit her at Christmas time. At Christmas, Mary is visited by her Austrian friend. Hallok egy kutyát ugatni az erdőben. I hear a dog barking in the woods. I hear a dog barking in the woods. Szeretem a film ezen jelenetét; a vén szatyor mindjárt lelövi a főnököt. I like this scene of the movie; the old bag's going to shoot at the boss. I love this scene in the film; the old bag is about to shoot the boss. Az emberek többsége szereti a csirkehúst. Most people like chicken. Most people like chicken. Ha még mindig él, mára már nagyon öregnek kell lennie. If he's still alive, he'd be very old by now. If he's still alive, he must be very old by now. Állok. I'm standing. I'm standing. Jelöld ki a másolni kívánt mondatot. Highlight the sentence you want to copy. Select the sentence you want to copy. Nyissatok tüzet! Open fire! Open fire! Mennyi volt a vonatjegy? How much were the train tickets? How much was the train ticket? Bizonyára igazad van. You must be right. I'm sure you're right. Nem tudom, hogy pontosan hol születtem. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know exactly where I was born. Megmutatnád azt a festményt tegnapról? Can you show me your painting from yesterday? Can you show me that painting from yesterday? A kezei elkékültek, mert annyira hideg volt. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. Megelégeltem Tomot és Maryt. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. Láttad a fényképezőgépemet? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Személyes bosszú motiválja. He has an ax to grind. He's motivated by personal revenge. Értelmetlen lenne. It would be pointless. It's pointless. Mennyibe kerülnek a narancsok? What do the oranges cost? How much do oranges cost? A madarak éhesek voltak. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. Ez egy jó nap. This is a good day. It's a good day. Esküszöm, hogy kárpótollak ezért. I swear that I'll make it up to you. I swear I'll make it up to you. Fizetnék érte, hogy láthassam. I would pay to see that. I'd pay to see him. Ne tedd próbára a türelmem! Don't try my patience. Don't test my patience. Tom reménytelen. Tom is hopeless. Tom's hopeless. Ez probléma neked? Is that problematic for you? Is that a problem for you? Hagyd békén azt a szegény fiút! Leave the poor boy alone. Leave that poor boy alone. Nem aludtam. I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. Szeretnék táncolni. I'd like to dance. I want to dance. Van valakinek zsebkése? Does anyone have a pocketknife? Does anyone have a pocket knife? A nevem Ricardo, és a tiéd? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, and yours? Elnézést amiatt. Sorry about that. Sorry about that. Ő nem csak egy lány, hanem egy lány, akiről mindenki álmodik. She isn't just a girl but a girl whom everybody dreams about. She's not just a girl, she's a girl everyone dreams of. Nem tudom lefordítani ezt a könyvet. I cannot translate this book. I cannot translate this book. Ide figyelj! Look here! Listen to me. Volt, hogy szomszédok voltunk. We used to be neighbours. We used to be neighbors. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom meg lesz döbbenve. I'm sure Tom will be astonished. I'm sure Tom will be shocked. Ne tedd, ha nincs hozzá kedved. If you don't feel like doing it, don't do it. Don't do it if you don't feel like it. Korábban menjünk el. Let's leave early. Let's leave early. Ez nekem kínai. It's Chinese to me. It's Chinese to me. Ezt észben fogom tartani. I'll keep that in mind. I'll keep that in mind. Lassan menj! Walk slowly! Go slowly. Azt hallottam, bűnösnek találták Tomot. I heard they found Tom guilty. I heard they found Tom guilty. Tom se nem erősítette meg, se nem tagadta a pletykákat. Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Erre a területre nem szabad belépni. This area's off limits. You must not enter this area. Ki gondolja így? Who thinks so? Who thinks so? Elmondhatom, megtettük a szükséges előkészületeket. I can say we are prepared enough. I can tell you, we've made the necessary preparations. Készített nekem egy új öltönyt. He made me a new suit. He made me a new suit. Ha megteszed, életed végéig sajnálni fogod. If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Tom sietni fog. Tom will hurry. Tom's in a hurry. Valami itt nem stimmel. Something seems off. Something's not right here. Tudod, hogy hol lakik? Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? Tomi zsebre tette a kulcsait. Tom put his keys into his pocket. Tom had his keys in his pocket. Tom kint van. Tom is outside. Tom's outside. Ez csodálatos eredmény. This is an amazing result. That's a wonderful result. Tomnak tegnap meg kellett volna érkeznie. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Tom was supposed to arrive yesterday. Kiotó Japán előző fővárosa volt. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Tamás egy gulyás. Tom is a cowboy. Thomas is a goulash. Magam csináltam. I did this myself. I made it myself. Amit tenni fogok, az nem tartozik rád. What I'm going to do is none of your business. What I'm about to do is none of your business. Tom elveszett. Tom got lost. Tom's lost. Jó étvágyat a reggelihez! Enjoy your breakfast. Enjoy your breakfast. Ez a nyaklánc olyan szép, hogy szeretném megvenni a feleségemnek. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so beautiful, I'd like to buy it for my wife. Mikor leszünk ott? When do we arrive? When will we be there? Bostonba sem megyek. I won't go to Boston, either. I'm not going to Boston. Gyorsabban futok nálad. I run faster than you. I'm running faster than you. Tartsd melegen! Keep it warm. Keep him warm. Tom nem akarja. Tom doesn't want it. Tom doesn't want to. Csöngessük meg! Let's call him. Let's ring it. Miért parkoltál itt? Why did you park here? Why did you park here? Mennyi pénzt költöttetek a legutóbbi nyaralásotokon? How much money did you spend on your last holiday? How much money did you spend on your last vacation? Nem vagyok kíváncsi a gyenge kifogásaidra. I don't want to hear your feeble excuses. I don't want to hear your weak excuses. A macska imádnivaló. The cat is adorable. The cat is adorable. Nagyon szereti a csokit. She likes chocolate very much. He really likes chocolate. — Nos, jól érzed magad itt? — Ugyan sem! "So, are you enjoying it here?" "No way!" “Well, are you having a good time here?” Titokban tartotta, hogy vett egy biciklit a fiának. He kept it secret that he had bought a bicycle for his son. He kept it a secret that he bought a bicycle for his son. Leesett az üveg és összetört. The bottle fell and broke. The glass fell off and broke. Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy ez jó ötlet. I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Nem szeretem kölcsönadni a könyveimet bárkinek. I don't like to lend my books to anyone. I don’t like lending my books to anyone. Hogyan maradsz naprakész? How do you stay up to date? How do you stay up-to-date? Tudsz becsukott szemmel egy percig folyamatosan fél lábon állni? Can you keep standing on one of your legs with closed eyes for a minute? Can you keep your eyes closed and stand on one leg for a minute? Mostantól aztán csönd! For now, keep quiet. From now on, be quiet. Nem szeretem, még akkor sem, ha ő szeret engem. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't love him, even if he loves me. A fiú mindenkinek hencegett új kerékpárjával. The boy showed off his new bicycle to everyone. The boy bragged to everyone with his new bike. Ez a bank mindig a saját érdekeit tartja szem előtt. This bank always watches out for its own interests. This bank always has its own interests in mind. Mi az ördög? What the fuck? What the hell? Soha nem hallottam erről a nyelvről. I never heard of that language before. I've never heard of that language. Ez logikus lenne. That would be logical. That makes sense. Ezzel túllőttem a célon. I went over the top. I'm way out of line. Csak vicceltem. I was only joking. I'm kidding. Nem tudok vele betelni. I cannot get enough of it. I can't get enough of it. Tomnak kanyarója van. Tom has the measles. Tom's got measles. Ez marad így. That stays that way. That's how it stays. Senki sincs ott. Nobody's there. There's no one there. Az idő csak egyre rosszabb lett. The weather was getting worse and worse. The weather just got worse. Tom nem mozog. Tom isn't moving. Tom's not moving. Ez népszerű volt a kilencvenes években. This was popular in the nineties. It was popular in the nineties. Válni akarok. I want a divorce. I want a divorce. Tudna kérem, még egy kicsivel lassabban beszélni? Would you speak more slowly, please? Could you please speak a little slower? Van önnek horgászengedélye? Do you have a fishing license? Do you have a fishing license? Beleegyezett. She agreed. He agreed. Mi volt bent? What was inside? What was in there? Ezt még a gyerekek is tudják. Even children know that. Even the kids know that. Az anyanyelvem a legszebb ajándék, amit anyámtól kaptam. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. My mother tongue is the most beautiful gift my mother ever gave me. - Mit csinálsz ma este? - Nem igazán tudom. "What are you doing tonight?" "I'm not sure." - What are you doing tonight? Három hétig voltam kórházban. I was in the hospital for three weeks. I was in the hospital for three weeks. A pénz nem minden. Money is not everything. Money isn't everything. Vettem fél tucat tojást. I bought half a dozen eggs. I bought half a dozen eggs. Mi a neve azoknak a tablettáknak? What are those pills called? What's the name of those pills? Nem lesznek ettől elragadtatva. They won't be happy about that. They won't be thrilled. Nekünk ebből mi a hasznunk? What's in it for us? What's in it for us? Meg akarja látogatni a nagybátyját. He intends to visit his uncle. He wants to visit his uncle. Ez vagy az között válassz, kérlek. Please choose between this one and that one. Choose between this or that, please. Senki sem él ebben a házban. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. Kocsival mentem Bostonba. I went to Boston by car. I drove to Boston. Elfogadom a feltételeidet. I accept your terms. I accept your terms. Ideje pihenni. It's time to rest. Time to rest. Nem hazugság az. That's not a lie. It's not a lie. Tomi lapátra tette Marit. Tom fired Mary. Tom dumped Mari. A dínók réges-rég kihaltak. Dinosaurs died out a very long time ago. Dinosaurs have been extinct for a long time. Feleannyi könyve van, mint nekem. He has half as many books as I. He's got half as many books as I do. Úgy látszik, Tom nem siet. It seems that Tom is in no hurry. Looks like Tom's in no hurry. Azt hiszem, megveszem Tomnak. I think I'll buy that for Tom. I think I'll buy it for Tom. Ma este lesz három vendégünk. We'll have three guests tonight. We have three guests tonight. Én sem tudom, miért. I don't know why either. I don't know why either. Mari szereti a gyerekeket. Mary loves children. Mari loves kids. Gyertyákat gyújtottak a szobájukban. They lit candles in their room. They lit candles in their room. Tom maradni fog. Tom'll stay. Tom will stay. Most itt lakik. He lives here now. He lives here now. Tom azt csinált, amihez kedve volt. Tom did whatever he felt like doing. Tom did whatever he wanted. Van-e elég energiájuk? Do you have enough energy? Do you have enough energy? Nekik a jó barátaik ők. They are good friends of theirs. They are their good friends. Ha nem játszol, nem is nyerhetsz. You can't win if you don't play. If you don't play, you can't win. Gyönyörűen nézel ki. You look beautiful. You look beautiful. A beszélgetést titokban felvették, és bizonyítékként felhasználták. The conversation was secretly recorded and used as evidence. The conversation was secretly recorded and used as evidence. Ha kiolvastad a könyvet, kölcsön tudod nekem adni? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? If you've read the book, can you lend it to me? Apámnak vörös a szakálla. My father has a red beard. My father has a red beard. Tomi próbált belógni a nightclubba. Tom tried to sneak into the nightclub. Tom tried to sneak into the nightclub. Nem vagyok énekes. I'm not a singer. I'm not a singer. Ott van egy nő, aki beszélni akar önnel. There's a woman as wants to see you. There's a woman who wants to talk to you. Mit suttognak a fák? What do the trees whisper? What are the trees whispering? Nem tudok tovább várni. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Másodéves az egyetemen. She is in her second year at university. Sophomore year at the university. Meg fog halni. She's going to die. He's gonna die. Ez Tom volt, igaz? That was Tom, wasn't it? That was Tom, wasn't it? Melyik úton mentek? Which way did they go? Which way are you going? Megpróbálhatod, de soha nem fogsz megállítani. You can try but never stop me. You can try, but you'll never stop me. Ideje orvosolni a problémát. It's time to do something about this problem. It's time to fix the problem. Tominál vagyok. I'm at Tom's. I'm at Tom's. Mindenképpen saját magad csináld! Do it yourself by all means. Be sure to do it yourself. Itt a Tatoebán feljegyezzük Tom életét aprólékos részletességgel a bölcsőtől a sírig. Here at Tatoeba, we have documented Tom's life from cradle to grave in meticulous detail. Here in Tatoeba, we record Tom's life in meticulous detail from the cradle to the grave. Tegnap dobta őt. She gave him the elbow yesterday. He dumped her yesterday. Biztos, meg tudja csinálni. He'll succeed for sure. I'm sure you can do it. A vendég kicsoda? Who is the guest? Who's the guest? Még mindig alszol? Are you still sleeping? Are you still sleeping? Szereted ezt az országot? Do you like this country? Do you like this country? Van bizonyos valószínűsége annak, hogy az életembe fog kerülni a dolog. There's a possibility that I'll get killed. There is a certain probability that it will cost me my life. Ne csak könyveket olvass! Menj ki, és mozogjál egy kicsit. Don't just read books. Go outside once in a while and get some exercise. Don't just read books, go outside and get some exercise. Miért mondod, hogy ez egy ige? Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say it's a verb? Tomnak erős fájdalmai voltak. Tom was in severe pain. Tom was in a lot of pain. Értelmesek vagyunk. We're reasonable. We're smart. Tomból hiányzik a rugalmasság. Tom lacks flexibility. Tom lacks flexibility. Másik államban él. He lives in another state. He lives in another state. Nem aludtál jól múlt éjszaka, ugye? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? Lift nincs az épületben, fellépcsőzni meg alig tudok a fájós térdeim miatt. There's no elevator in the building and I can hardly walk up the stairs because of my aching knees. There's no elevator in the building, and I can barely get up because of my sore knees. Ő egy idegen. He is a stranger. He's an alien. Nézzük objektíven: ... Let's look at it objectively: ... Let's look at it objectively: ... Egy hónappal ezelőtt ment Londonba. He went to London a month ago. He left for London a month ago. Őt választottam feleségemnek. I've chosen her to be my wife. I chose her as my wife. Kérlek, lépj előre! Please step forward. Please step forward. Egyetek, ne beszéljetek! Eat, don't speak. Eat, don't talk. Rizst eszek. I eat rice. I'm eating rice. Hat osztva kettővel egyenlő három. Six divided by two equals three. Six divided by two is equal to three. Mit akarnak igazából? What do they really want? What do they really want? Már minden rendben. Vége van. It's all right now. It's all over. It's all right, it's over. Itt egy lista azokról az ételekről, amit ne egyen. Here's a list of foods to avoid eating. Here’s a list of foods you shouldn’t eat. Mit mondtam? What was I saying? What did I say? Tom azt mondta, utálsz táncolni. Tom told me you hate dancing. Tom said you hated dancing. Üdvözöltem Bettit, de ő rám sem figyelt. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hello to Betty, but she wouldn't listen. Végül megállt nekik valaki. They finally took a hike! Eventually someone stopped for them. Tamásnak egy furcsa álma volt múlt éjszaka. Tom had a strange dream last night. Thomas had a strange dream last night. Később megmagyarázom. I'll explain afterwards. I'll explain later. Sosem vesztünk. We never lose. We never lose. Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push the button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. Megkérdezhetem, hány éves? May I ask how old you are? May I ask how old he is? Szállj fel a buszra! Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Szuper volt az új rész. The new episode was great. The new part was great. Virágos a kert. Many flowers are blooming in the garden. The garden is flowery. Igazán sajnálom, hogy megbántottam önt. I'm truly sorry for having offended you. I'm really sorry I hurt you. Nem csináltunk semmit. We didn't do anything. We didn't do anything. Tom meg akarja próbálni. Tom wants to try it. Tom wants to try. Isten veled! Bye! Goodbye. Ez szörnyű. That's terrible. That's terrible. Egy hideg zuhany után leheveredtem a kanapéra. After a cold shower, I lay down on the sofa. After a cold shower, I lay down on the couch. Tom spicces. Tom's tipsy. Tom snitches. Egy cserép oregánó van a hálószobámban. I have a pot of oregano plant in my bedroom. There's a pot of oregano in my bedroom. Ez valóban érdekes volt. It was really interesting. That was really interesting. Az éjszakai égbolt gyönyörű és megindítóan fenséges. The night sky is beautiful and awe-inspiring. The night sky is beautiful and movingly majestic. Egy cipőboltot vezet. He runs a shoe shop. He runs a shoe store. Mit gondoltam én erről? What was I thinking? What did I think of that? Szerinted mit jelent ez a mondat? What do you think this sentence means? What do you think that phrase means? Így akarod ezt hagyni? Do you want to leave it like that? You want to leave it like this? Egyikőjüket ismerem. I know one of them. I know one of them. Lát ön embereket a parkban? Do you see people in the park? Do you see people in the park? Nem tett semmi rosszat Tomi. Tom hasn't done anything wrong. He didn't do anything wrong, Tom. Mi van a kutyával? What's wrong with the dog? What about the dog? Lekéstem a gépet. Elmehetek a következővel? I missed the plane. Could I take the next one? I missed my flight, can I take the next one? Sosem foglak szeretni. I'm never going to love you. I'll never love you. Tom kicsit beszél franciául. Tom can speak French a little. Tom speaks a little French. A repülő Hong Kong felé tart. The plane is flying towards Hong Kong. The plane's headed for Hong Kong. Nem ismersz, valamint én sem ismerlek téged. You don't know me and I don't know you, either. You don't know me, and I don't know you. Ne mondd meg, mit kell tennem! Don't tell me what I have to do. Don't tell me what to do. Végül felvették őket. They finally took a hike! Eventually they were hired. A szüleiddel élsz? Do you live with your parents? You live with your parents? Kutyát nem tartunk. We don't have a dog. We don't have dogs. Ő még nincs itt. She's not in yet. He's not here yet. Egy széken ültem Bernben a szabadalmi hivatalnál, amikor egy hirtelen ötletem támadt: ha egy ember szabadon esik, akkor nem érzi a saját súlyát. Ez felrázott engem. Elvezetett engem ez a gravitációs elmélethez. I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of sudden a thought occurred to me: If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight. I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. I was sitting in a chair at the patent office in Bern when I had a sudden idea: if a man falls free, he doesn't feel his own weight. It shook me up. It led me to this theory of gravity. Süteményt készített nekem. She baked me a cake. He made me a cake. Az a fajta kétszer annyiba kerül. That kind is twice as expensive. That kind costs twice as much. Keresztbe-kasul beutaztam az Egyesült Államokat. I traveled all through the United States. I've traveled all over the United States. Értékelem, amit Tom értem tett. I appreciate what Tom has done for me. I appreciate what Tom did for me. Legyen szíves megmondani, hogyan jutok Bostonba! Please tell me how to get to Boston. Please tell me how to get to Boston. Ez a nehéz rész. This is the hard part. That's the hard part. Egy dührom során öltem meg - nem előre megfontolt gyilkosság volt. I killed him in a fit of rage - it wasn't premeditated. I killed him in a fit of rage-- it wasn't premeditated murder. Édesanyád otthon van? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? A só, amit a levesbe tettél, fehér, nem rózsaszín. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. Csak aki itt lakik, az tudja, mi a hideg. Only one who lives here, knows the coldness. Only people who live here know what's cold. Ez csúnya. That's ugly. It's ugly. Ez egy nagy hiba. This is a big mistake. This is a big mistake. Nem tisztázta, hogy mikor történt. He did not clarify when it had happened. He didn't clarify when it happened. Nem mondtam soha, hogy jó zsidó vagyok. I never said I was a good Jew. I never said I was a good Jew. Szeretném tudni, Tom miért csinálta ezt. I want to know why Tom did this. I'd like to know why Tom did this. Csak figyelj és tanulj! Just watch and learn. Just watch and learn. Megkapod, amit kérsz. I'm giving you what you want. You'll get what you want. Senki sem szeret egy lógóst. Nobody likes a quitter. Nobody likes a slacker. Ő nem beszél angolul. She does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Képtelen lennék szerintem gyilkolni. I think I couldn't kill. I don't think I'd be able to kill. Rendszerint négyre megyek haza. I usually go home at four. I usually go home at 4:00. El a kezekkel a lányomtól! Keep your hands off my daughter! Get your hands off my daughter! Csináld meg ezt a munkát holnapig, ha lehet. Do this work by tomorrow if possible. Do this job by tomorrow, if you can. Ez szörnyű. It's awful. That's terrible. Szeretem a sárkánygyümölcsöt. I like dragon fruit. I like dragon fruit. Tomi adta nekem ezeket a régi pénzérméket. Tom gave me these old coins. Tom gave me these old coins. Ez nem titok. It isn't a secret. It's no secret. Nagyon vonzó. It's very attractive. She's very attractive. Javítsd a hibákat, ha találsz! Correct the mistakes if found. Fix the mistakes if you find them. Minden tőlünk telhetőt megteszünk. We're doing our best. We're doing everything we can. Soha nem fogom megcsináni a segítséged nélkül. I'll never make it without your help. I'll never do it without your help. Erősen fáj a fejem. I have a bad headache. I have a severe headache. A mesés műemlékeket meg kell őrizni. Beautiful monuments must be preserved. Fabulous monuments must be preserved. Nincs kedvem felkelni. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like getting up. Volt egy vitánk. We had an argument. We had an argument. Adminok, hol vagytok? Where are you, admins? Admins, where are you? Olajat keresünk. We're looking for oil. We're looking for oil. — Szeretnéd, ha megtenném azt? — Mit is? — De tudod! — Nem, nem tudom. — Azt. — Minden rendben van veled, Tomi? "Would you like me to do that?" "And what exactly?" "You do know." "No, I don't." "That." "Is everything okay with you, Tom?" “ Do you want me to do that?” “What?” “But you know!” “No, I don’t know.” “Is everything okay with you, Tom?” Utálom az év ezen időszakát. I hate this time of year. I hate this time of year. Az összes pénzét ruházatra pazarolja. She wastes all her money on clothing. You're wasting all your money on clothing. A fiam a szobámba jött. My son came to my room. My son came to my room. Külön-külön érkeztek. They arrived separately. They came separately. A neve Tom, és nem John. His name is Tom, not John. His name is Tom, not John. Alig tudott felállni. She could hardly stand up. He could barely stand up. Gitározom. I am playing guitar. I play guitar. A varázsa nem a fizikumában rejlik, hanem a karakterében. Her charm lies not in her physique but in her character. His magic is not in his physique, but in his character. Elment haza. She went home. He went home. Áldást kaptam. I've been blessed. I've been blessed. Kitárta a szárnyait. It spread its wings. He spread his wings. Ez nem víz ebben a palackban. What's in this glass isn't water. It's not water in this bottle. Csípi a szemem a szappan. The soap hurt my eyes. I like the soap in my eyes. Ön semmit nem építhet errefelé. You can't build anything in this area. You can't build anything around here. Azt tervezem, hogy kitakarítom a szobámat. I intend to clean my room. I'm planning on cleaning my room. Áll az alku? Deal? You got a deal? Bolond voltam, hogy megbíztam Tomiban. I was a fool to trust Tom. I was a fool to trust Tom. Mellékállásban jó sok pénzt kerestem. I made a lot of money on the side. I made a lot of money on the side. Jöjjön, beszéljünk a virágokról. Come on, let us talk about flowers. Come on, let's talk about flowers. Megszokod, Tom. Get used to it, Tom. You get used to it, Tom. Vendégeid vannak? Do you have guests? You have guests? Az ilyen hibák ritkák. These kinds of mistakes are uncommon. Mistakes like this are rare. Ezt én akartam. It was me who wanted that. That's what I wanted. Valójában semmit sem tud róla. The fact is that he knows nothing about it. In fact, you don't know anything about him. Változtak valamit azóta a dolgok? Have things changed since then? Have things changed since then? Tom kirohant, hogy lássa, mi történik. Tom ran outside to see what was happening. Tom ran out to see what was happening. Tom megszökött a börtönből. Tom escaped from prison. Tom escaped from prison. Most ne hívd Tomit. Don't call Tom now. Don't call Tom now. Ez édes. That's sweet. That's sweet. Tamás nem ment templomba. Tom didn't go to church. Thomas did not go to church. Miért lettél jogász? Why did you become a lawyer? Why did you become a lawyer? Ne próbálj utánozni. Don't try to imitate me. Don't try to imitate me. Először nehéz volt. It was hard at first. It was hard at first. Bostonban nevelkedtem. I was raised in Boston. I was raised in Boston. Tom volt, aki a tüzet okozta. Tom was the one who set the fire. It was Tom who started the fire. A kutya miatt vettünk nagy udvarral rendelkező házat. Because of the dog, we bought a house with a big yard. We bought a house with a large yard because of the dog. Nem válaszolt. She didn't answer. He didn't answer. Egy zöld banán nem eléggé érett ahhoz, hogy megegyék. A green banana isn't ripe enough to eat. A green banana is not mature enough to be eaten. Tulajdonképpen semmit nem tud erről. As a matter of fact, he knows nothing about it. Actually, you don't know anything about it. Tom nem fuldoklik. Tom isn't drowning. Tom's not drowning. Befutott az égő házba. He ran into the burning house. He ran into the burning house. Szakítotok Tommal? Are you breaking up with Tom? You're breaking up with Tom? Időre ott leszel? Can you get there in time? Will you be there on time? Jó melegnek lenni. It's good to be gay. It's nice to be gay. Megígérte nekem, hogy négyre eljön. He promised me that he would come at four. He promised me he'd be here at 4:00. Kíváncsi vagyok, Tom holnap itt lesz-e. I wonder if Tom will be here tomorrow. I wonder if Tom's gonna be here tomorrow. Mivel nem volt időnk kaját csinálni, tonhalkonzervet ettünk. Since we didn't have any time to prepare food, we ate a can of tuna. Since we didn't have time to make food, we ate canned tuna. Elfogyott a kávénk. We're out of coffee. We're out of coffee. Látnom kellett volna, hogy ez jön. I should have seen this coming. I should have seen this coming. Tom meghalt? Is Tom dead? Tom's dead? Tom amiatt nagyon ideges. Tom is very nervous about that. Tom's very nervous about that. Mostanában semmit nem vásároltam. I haven't bought anything recently. I haven't bought anything lately. Ti magyarok vagytok? Are you Hungarian? Are you Hungarians? Minden utast leszállíttattak a repülőgépről. All the passengers were evacuated from the plane. All passengers were removed from the plane. A város legmagasabb pontja 592 méter tszf. The city's highest point is 592 meters above sea level. The highest point in the city is 592 meters of tsf. Egy hős kell nekik. They need a hero. They need a hero. El kellene mennünk a buliba. We should go to the party. We should go to the party. Tom is horgászik. Tom is fishing, too. Tom's fishing, too. Ki engedte meg neked, hogy leüljél a számítógépemhez? Who let you sit to my computer? Who gave you permission to sit at my computer? Először azt hittem, hogy Tom csak viccel. At first, I thought Tom was joking. At first, I thought Tom was joking. Megpróbálom összeszedni a gondolataimat. I try to think. I'm trying to gather my thoughts. Ez elkerülhetetlen. It's inevitable. It's inevitable. A politikai retorika nem egyéb, mint megvezetés. Political rhetoric is nothing but misleading. Political rhetoric is nothing more than leadership. Ezt be kell fejeznem. I have to finish it. I have to finish this. A vacsora fenséges volt! Dinner was delicious. Dinner was delicious! Nagyon gagyi volt a film vége. The movie's ending was too banal. The end of the movie was really bad. Nekem más dolgok a fontosak, mint neked. I have different priorities than you do. I care about other things than you. Oltsd el a villanyt! Put out the light. Turn out the lights. Úgy tett, mintha nem hallaná a főnökét. He pretended not to hear his boss. He pretended he couldn't hear his boss. A nevét sem tudom. I don't even know his name. I don't even know his name. Összekaptatok? Did you quarrel? You fought? Egészséges ételeket esznek. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy food. A rossz idő visszatartotta őket a vitorlázástól. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Bad weather kept them from sailing. Ő szőke, kövér és negyven éves. She is fair, fat and forty. She's blonde, fat and 40 years old. Meg kell mosnom a fogam. I must clean my teeth. I need to brush my teeth. A ti iskolátokban tanítják a francia nyelvet? Is French taught at your school? Do they teach French in your school? Tom futott elöl, utána meg a bika. Tom ran ahead and a bull after him. Tom ran first, and then the bull. Ő beteg vagy doktor? Is he a doctor or a patient? Is he sick or a doctor? Ne izgulj! A dolgok megoldódnak. Take it easy. Things are looking up. Don't worry, things will work out. Megváltozott az életem. My life has changed. My life has changed. Ez engem nem zavart. That didn't bother me. That didn't bother me. Hogyan csökkenthetjük a költségeket? How can we reduce costs? How can we reduce costs? Nem én vagyok a főnök. I'm not the boss. I'm not in charge. Az évben ültette ezt a fát apám, amikor én megszülettem. My father planted this tree the year I was born. My father planted this tree the year I was born. Megpróbálkozhatnánk ezzel? Can we give this a try? Can we try this? Bankban tartja a pénzét. His money is in the bank. He keeps his money in the bank. Hamar felcseperedtek a gyerkőcök. Children grow up quickly. The kids grew up early. Elaludtam az órán. I fell asleep during the lesson. I fell asleep in class. Nem lévén híd, Danilo próbált egy sekélyebb átkelési helyet keresni a folyón. As there was no bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallow spot where he could ford the river. Not being a bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallower crossing place on the river. Tom elégedett a sikerével. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom is happy with his success. Él még ez a hal? Is this fish still alive? Is this fish still alive? Adj nekem egy párat! Give me a few. Give me a couple. Sokat beszél. She talks a lot. He talks a lot. Még mindig mozog. It's still moving. It's still moving. Melyik a legjobb módszer, hogy megtanuljunk egy idegen nyelvet? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Segítenem kellett volna Tomnak azt megcsinálni. I should have helped Tom do that. I should have helped Tom do that. Új kocsit vettél? You bought a new car? You bought a new car? Minden lehetséges. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. A teát vagy a kávét szereted? Do you like tea or coffee? Do you like tea or coffee? Nem pazarlom az időmet arra, hogy olyan csökönyös fanatikusokkal vitázzak, mint te. I don't waste my time arguing with pigheaded fanatics like you. I'm not wasting my time arguing with stubborn fanatics like you. Ön aláírta? Did you sign? You signed it? Mid van számomra? What do you have for me? What do you got for me? Tom már nem tud nekünk segíteni. Tom can't help us anymore. Tom can't help us anymore. Értem a problémádat. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Bekötötte a sérült ujjamat. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. He blindfolded my injured finger. Felírtam valahova. I wrote it down somewhere. I wrote it down. Arra számítanak, hogy győzni fognak. They expect to win. They expect to win. Idegesnek tűnsz. You look nervous. You seem nervous. Nem voltam rosszul. It didn't feel bad. I wasn't sick. Elfordította a csapot, és folyt a víz. He opened the tap and the water started to flow. He turned the faucet, and the water was running. Kennek több könyve van, mint neked. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you. A kollektív felelősség felelőtlenséget jelent. Collective responsibility means irresponsibility. Collective responsibility is irresponsible. Vegyél komolyan. Take me seriously. Take me seriously. Ez az én helyem vagy az öné? Is this my seat or yours? Is this my place or yours? Szívesen! Soha nem mondtam még ilyet. Not at all! I have never said such a thing. You're welcome, I've never said that before. Mondja ezt magyarul! Say it in Hungarian! Say that in Hungarian. Itt van egy példa. Here's an example. Here's an example. Baráti versengés volt. It was a friendly contest. It was a friendly competition. Túl sok a jóból, ez nagyszerű! Too much of a good thing is wonderful! Too much of a good thing, that's great! Hogyan, kérem? I'm sorry? Excuse me? Túlsúlyos voltam. I was overweight. I was overweight. Még egy kicsit. A little more. A little more. Amennyire tudom, ő sohasem csinált ilyen hibát. As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake. As far as I know, he's never made a mistake like that. Hálás vagyok. I'm grateful. Appreciate it. Elment enni. He went out to eat. He's gone to eat. Virágokat árusítanak ott. Flowers are sold there. They sell flowers there. Ő tudja, ki az apa. She knows who the father is. He knows who the father is. Sohasem mondtam ezt! I've never said that! I never said that! A Smithsonian a világ legnagyobb múzeumkomplexuma, amely 19 múzeumból, kilenc kutatóközpontból és a Nemzeti Állatkertből áll. The Smithsonian is the world’s largest museum complex, consisting of 19 museums, nine research centers, and the National Zoo. The Smithsonian is the largest museum complex in the world, consisting of 19 museums, nine research centers and the National Zoo. Későn feküdtem le az este. I went to bed late last night. I went to bed late last night. Tom az ászok ásza. Tom is the best. Tom's the ace. Igyunk még egy sört. Let's have another beer. Let's have another beer. Nem tudom biztosan, mi a baj. I'm not really sure what's wrong. I'm not sure what's wrong. Tom fehér inget viselt. Tom wore a white shirt. Tom was wearing a white shirt. Találkozhatunk. We can see each other. We'll meet. Kérlek, csinálj teát! Please make some tea. Please make tea. Nem olvastam még ki a könyvet. I'm still not finished reading this book. I haven't read the book yet. Az együttérzés a bénáknak való. Sympathy is for chumps. Compassion is for suckers. Bemegyek a városba. I'm going downtown. I'm going into town. Azt mondták, sürgős. They said that it was urgent. They said it was urgent. Egyszerűen figyelmen kívül hagyom. I'll just ignore that. I just ignore it. Menni akarunk, vagy maradni? Do we want to go or stay? Do we want to go or stay? Figyelned kellett volna Tomra. You should have listened to Tom. You should've looked out for Tom. Senki sem tud kétszáz évig élni. No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live to be 200 years old. A nagyapám jazz együttese rengeteg lemezt adott el. My grandfather's jazz band has sold a lot of records. My grandfather's jazz band sold a lot of records. Nem igazán tudok különbséget tenni Tomi és Mari között. I can't really distinguish between Tom and Mary. I can't really tell the difference between Tom and Mari. Betegek? Are they sick? Sick? Ő egy híres művész. He's a famous artist. He's a famous artist. Rendszerint hat óra tájt jövök haza. I usually get home by six o'clock. I usually come home around 6:00. Úgy gondoltam, hogy Tom bepánikolna. I figured Tom would panic. I thought Tom would panic. Rendeljünk egy pizzát! Let's order a pizza. Let's order a pizza. Ez a festmény állítólag Monet alkotása. This painting is attributed to Monet. This painting is supposed to be Monet's work. A te nyelved a francia? Is French your language? Is your language French? Nem csak a pénzhiány a bajunk. Our problem is more than just a lack of money. It's not just the lack of money that's our problem. Miért ordibálsz? Why are you shouting? Why are you yelling? Megnyiratkoztam. I had my hair cut. I shaved. A macska a kertben ül. The cat sits in the garden. The cat sits in the garden. Nem lesz legközelebb? Won't there be a next time? There won't be a next time? Vannak, akik nagy örömet és elégedettséget találnak abban, hogy maguk készítenek dolgokat. Ezért olyan népszerűek a "do it yourself", vagyis a "csináld magad" projektek. Some people get great joy and satisfaction from doing things by themselves. That is why DIY, or do-it-yourself, projects are so popular. Some people find great pleasure and satisfaction in making things themselves. That is why "do it yourself" projects are so popular. Robi nem bírja magát tűrtőztetni. Bob could not control his temper. Robi can't stand it. Talán élveznénk, ha kipróbálnánk. It might be fun to try. Maybe we'd enjoy trying it. Ez a név számomra semmit nem jelent. That name doesn't mean anything to me. That name means nothing to me. Itt történt. That happened here. It happened here. Ez a legjobb könyv, amit eddig olvastam. It's the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Tamás nagyon szegény. Tom is very poor. Tom is very poor. Nem ettem semmit reggel óta. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. I haven't eaten since this morning. Nem tudtam rajtuk segíteni. I couldn't help them. I couldn't help them. Menjünk sörözni. Let's go get a beer. Let's go get beer. Egyszer fenn, egyszer lenn. In life there are ups and downs. Once up, once down. Nem értem, mit akarsz ezzel mondani. I don't understand what you meant by that. I don't understand what you're trying to say. Használd a saját pénzed. Use your own money. Use your own money. Folytassuk a beszélgetést angolul, légy szíves. Let's continue talking in English, please. Let's continue the conversation in English, please. Száz barát között egy jó barát van. Good friends are one in a hundred. There's a good friend among a hundred friends. Japánban a munkanélküliek aránya 3,4% volt 2015. szeptemberében. The unemployment rate in Japan was 3.4 percent in September of 2015. The unemployment rate in Japan was 3.4% in September 2015. Nehezemre esne elmenni innen. It would be hard for me to leave here. I'm having a hard time getting out of here. A kisbabám elkezdett sírni, kérte a tejet. My baby began crying, asking for milk. My baby started crying and asked for milk. Nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül. Every rose has its thorn. There's no rose without thorns. Idő! It's time. Time! Látogatóink vannak. We have visitors. We have visitors. Belsőépítész vagy? Mert mikor megláttalak, az egész szoba gyönyörűvé vált. Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful. Because when I saw you, the whole room became beautiful. Menjünk fagyizni! Let's go out for ice cream. Let's go get ice cream. Nem ezt akartam neked mondani. That's not what I wanted to tell you. That's not what I wanted to tell you. Van Tomnak tetoválása? Does Tom have a tattoo? Does Tom have a tattoo? Koncentrálj! Focus. Focus. Ez pontos. That's accurate. That's accurate. Már nem képes felfogni semmit, mert ki van kapcsolva az agya. He can't understand anything because his brain is asleep. He can't understand anything anymore because his brain is off. Miért nem játszol a többiekkel? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? Az alagsorokat elöntötte a víz. The basements are flooded. The basements are flooded. Tom egy nagyon veszélyes ember. Tom is very a dangerous man. Tom is a very dangerous man. Azt mondják, ez a te javadat szolgálja, de nem. They say that it is for your good, but it isn't. They say it's for your own good, but it's not. Neked ne vegyek egyet? Don't you want me to buy you one? Don't you want me to buy you one? Tudom, hogyan kell csinálni. I know how to make it. I know how to do it. Halálos végű szívrohamot kaptam volna. I'd have had a heart attack and died. I would have had a fatal heart attack. Tom azt mondta, hogy fog nekem egy kevés pénzt kölcsönözni. Tom said he would lend me some money. Tom said he was gonna lend me some money. Minden út Rómába vezet. Many ways lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Jack elrejtette az eltört tányért, de a kishúga beárulta. Jack hid the dish he had broken, but his little sister told on him. Jack hid the broken plate, but his little sister betrayed him. Tom nagyon hasonlít rád. Tom is very similar to you. Tom looks a lot like you. Bámultál. Miért? You were staring at me. Why? You were staring. Rajtam kívül mindenki ellenezte a tervet. Everybody but me was against that plan. Everyone but me was against the plan. Szörnyen beszélsz hollandul. Your Dutch is terrible. You speak terrible Dutch. Egy mocsadék, nem más. He's just a scumbag. He's a scumbag, that's all. Ez a kézzel festett porcelán mókus figura családi ereklye. This hand painted porcelain squirrel figurine is a family heirloom. This hand-painted porcelain squirrel figure is a family heirloom. Tom legénybúcsújára kigyúrt férfi sztiptíztáncosok jöttek. Muscular male strippers came to Tom's bachelor party. For Tom's bachelor party, there were male strippers. Imádom a hintaszékeket. I love rocking chairs. I love rocking chairs. A kiwi csirkényi méretű, röpképtelen madár. The kiwi is a flightless bird of comparable size to the chicken. Kiwi is a chicken-sized, flightless bird. Ezt hogy csináljuk? How do we do that? How do we do that? Csakugyan igazad volt. Indeed, you were right. You were right. Tomi nem jött rá, hogy ezt kellene tennünk. Tom didn't realize we should do that. Tom didn't realize we had to do this. El kell mennünk. We must leave. We have to leave. Nem akarom, hogy a fiam olyan legyen, mint te. I don't want my son to be like you. I don't want my son to be like you. Tomnak sokáig tartott kiválasztani egy pár cipőt. It took Tom a long time to choose a pair of shoes. It took Tom a long time to pick out a pair of shoes. A víz meleg volt. The water was warm. The water was warm. Nélkülem te nem vagy senki. You're nothing without me. Without me, you're nothing. Csak annyira vagyok bűnös, mint bárki más. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I'm only as guilty as anyone else. Mi jár a fejedben? What is on your mind? What's on your mind? Az más lenne. It would be different. That would be different. Szkeptikusak voltunk. We were skeptical. We were skeptical. Kit hívsz meg? Who are you going to invite? Who are you inviting? A sütőt kétszáz fokon elő kell melegíteni. The oven must be pre-heated to 200 degrees. The oven should be preheated at 200 degrees. Bőven van mit enni. There's plenty of food. There's plenty to eat. Tom munkába menet újságot szokott venni. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys newspapers on his way to work. Ismer engem. She knows me. You know me. Amikor összeházasodtunk, a szüleim ezt a házat adták nekem. When we married my parents gave me this house. When we got married, my parents gave me this house. Tamás még mindig beteg? Is Tom still sick? Is Tom still sick? Átalakul az oktatási rendszer. The educational system is in transition. The education system is changing. Tűrje fel jobb oldalon az inge ujját! Roll up your right sleeve. Roll up your sleeve on the right. Tamás egész életében dolgozott. Tom worked all his life. Tom has worked all his life. Nem kellesz senkinek. No one needs you. Nobody wants you. Halkabban, legyen szíves! Less noise, please. Keep your voice down, please. Játssz! Play! Play! Miért késel mindig az iskolából? Why is it that you're always late for school? Why are you always late for school? Nézd azt a hegyet! Look at that mountain. Look at that mountain. Elnézést a késésért. Sorry I'm late. Sorry I'm late. Kedvem lenne hozzá, csak nincs időm. I'd feel like doing it but I don't have any time. I feel like it, I just don't have time. Tom azt mondta, nem fázott meg. Tom said he wasn't cold. Tom said he didn't have a cold. Köszönök mindent. Thanks for everything. Thank you for everything. Tejet iszom. I drink milk. I drink milk. Hányféle főnévragozás van a latinban? How many cases are there for nouns in Latin? How many noun conjugations are there in Latin? A házam közel van a parkhoz. My house is close to the park. My house is close to the park. Minden világos! Everything is clear. It's all clear! Lehet, hogy nem megy át a vizsgán. He might not pass the exam. He may not pass the exam. Pókerezni szokott velünk. He used to play poker with us. He plays poker with us. Ez kell nekem. I must have this. That's what I need. Kibővíthető a ruha. The dress can be let out. The dress can be expanded. Otthon hagytam a kártyámat. I left my card at home. I left my card at home. Meg kellett volna tagadnom, hogy azt csináljam. I should have refused to do that. I should have refused to do that. Tud messzire látni? Can you see far? Can you see far? Nyertem a lottón. I won the lottery. I won the lottery. Sértegette őt. She insulted him. He insulted her. Megkötöm a cipőmet. Várjál meg! I am tying my laces. Wait for me! I'll tie my shoes. Ugyanolyan idősek. They are the same age. They're the same age. Jobb lenne, ha most felöltöznél. You'd better get dressed now. You'd better get dressed. Beszédmódja idegesít engem. Her manner of speaking gets on my nerves. His manner of speaking annoys me. Mennyire vagy éhes? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Az apámnak sok dolga van. My dad is busy. My father has a lot to do. Az eredmény a fejetlenség lett. The result was chaos. The result was confusion. Tudom, hogy ezt meg tudod tenni. I know you can do this. I know you can do that. Neked ez a hazaszeretet? Is this what you call patriotism? Is this your patriotism? Emlékszel a nevére? Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? Régen egy étteremben dolgoztam. I used to work in a restaurant. I used to work at a restaurant. — Tegyél már valamit! — Például mit? "Do something!" "Like what?" - Do something! - Like what? Otthon csak egy van. There is no place like home. There's only one at home. Szerintem egyikőtök sem látja ennek a fontosságát. I don't think any of you realize the significance of this. I don't think any of you understand the importance of this. Imádom a napot. I adore the sun. I love the sun. Csináld, amit csak mond neked. Do whatever she tells you. Do whatever he tells you. Ez hibás. This is wrong. It's wrong. Mosom kezeimet. I wash my hands. I wash my hands. Felbüffentettem gyomorsavat, erre ébredtem. I choked on some stomach acid and woke up. I pumped up stomach acid, and I woke up. Tomi ettől Tomi. That’s just Tom being Tom. Tom is Tom. Tom a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tom's our son. Jelentkezett egy állásra. He applied for a job. He applied for a job. Nem tudom őt megszokni. I can't get used to him. I can't get used to him. Fontos, hogy segítsünk a bajba jutottaknak. It's important to help victims of fate. It is important to help those in trouble. Szerintem ez a fotel nem kényelmes. I don't think this armchair is comfortable. I don't think this chair is comfortable. Tom hol parkolta le a kamionját? Where did Tom park his truck? Where did Tom park his truck? Milyen fajta gyógyszer ez? What kind of medicine is it? What kind of medicine is this? Semmi nem a te hibád, igaz? Nothing is ever your fault, is it? It's not your fault, is it? Tudom, Tom mit mondana. I know what Tom would say. I know what Tom would say. Tom és Mari házasságot kötött három nappal ezelőtt. Tom and Mary got married three days ago. Tom and Mari got married three days ago. Van hozzá egy adalék: a kezelés nem működik mindig. There is one caveat: the treatment does not always work. There's an additive: the treatment doesn't always work. Gitáros akarok lenni. I want to be a guitarist. I want to be a guitarist. Tom mindent Marynek adott. Tom gave Mary everything. Tom gave everything to Mary. Csak egyetlen apró probléma volt. There was only one small problem. There was only one small problem. Két éjszakára maradok. I will be staying for two nights. I'm staying two nights. Végeznem kell ezzel. I have to finish it. I have to finish this. Tomnak szüksége van rám. Tom needs me. Tom needs me. Tom senkinek nem kell. Nobody wants Tom. No one wants Tom. Talán nem. Maybe not. Maybe not. Én is készen állok. I'm ready as well. I'm ready, too. Egyikőjüket sem ismerem. I don't know either of them. I don't know any of them. Nem akart foglalkozni azzal Tomi, ami történt. Tom didn't want to deal with what happened. He didn't want to worry about what happened. Vettem egy új töltőtollat. I bought a new fountain pen. I bought a new fountain pen. Tom átvert engem. Tom sold me down the river. Tom double-crossed me. Én vártam volna. I would've waited. I would have waited. Megyek, és elmondom mindenkinek. I'm going to go tell everybody. I'll go and tell everyone. Ez egy igazi kaptár. This is a real beehive. This is a real hive. Ez a politikai kérdés rengeteg parázs vitát szított. This political problem gave rise to hot discussions. This political issue has sparked a lot of heated debate. Ez a könyv tényleg régi. That book is really old. This book is really old. A gyerekek már elmentek az iskolába. The children have gone to school already. The kids have already gone to school. Hadd hozzak neked inni valamit! Let me get you something to drink. Let me get you a drink. Nagyra becsülöm az ön együttműködését. I really appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Felszedtél egy kis súlyt, ugye? You've put on a little weight, haven't you? You put on a little weight, didn't you? Tomi motyogott. Tom mumbled. Tom mumbled. Tomnak honvágya van. Tom's homesick. Tom's homesick. Tom sosem látogatott meg a börtönben. Tom never visited me in prison. Tom never visited me in prison. Az az álmom, hogy művész legyek. My dream is to become an artist. My dream is to be an artist. Nem tudtam, hogyan válaszoljak a kérdésére. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer your question. Mit akarsz mondani, cicamica? Nem értem. Én nem tudok macskául. What are you trying to say, kitty cat? I don't understand you. I don't speak Cat. I don't understand, I don't know cat. A fürdő készen van. The bath is ready. The bathroom is ready. Azon a napon az életem megváltozott. My life changed that day. That day, my life changed. Vasárnap kivételével minden nap dolgozom. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sunday. Ebben reménykedem én is. That's my hope as well. That's what I'm hoping for. Tomi megevett egy egész üveg savanyú uborkát. Tom ate a whole jar of pickles. Tom ate a whole bottle of pickles. Ne ülj le! Don't sit down! Don't sit down. Ne tegyél már fel hülye kérdéseket! Stop asking stupid questions! Don't ask stupid questions. Mikor jöttél rá? When did you figure it out? When did you find out? Milyen gyakran vásárolsz új ruhákat? How often do you buy new clothes? How often do you buy new clothes? Ez meg fogja változtatni az életedet. This will change your life. This will change your life. Amerika európai gyarmatosítása előtt az olaszok nem ettek soha paradicsomot, a magyarok meg paprikát. Before European colonization of the Americas, Italians had never eaten tomatoes and Hungarians had never eaten paprika. Before the colonization of America in Europe, the Italians never ate tomatoes and the Hungarians never ate peppers. Egyszerűen túl könnyű volt. It was just too easy. It was just too easy. Tudsz angolul? You know English? Do you speak English? Ne szakíts félbe! Don't interrupt me! Don't interrupt me. Ki nem állhatják Tomot. They cannot stand Tom. They can't stand Tom. Emlékszem arra a napra, amikor először találkoztunk. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. Sikerült elmenned az első vonattal? Did you catch the first train? Did you get on the first train? Tom ezt csinálta, és nem azt. Tom did this but not that. That's what Tom did, not that. Nem tudom, mi ez. I don't know what this is. I don't know what it is. Tomi és Mari mindketten jó tanárok. Tom and Mary are both good teachers. Tom and Mari are both good teachers. Kell engedély? Do I need permission? You need permission? Nincs félnivalóm. I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. A könyvem nincs itt. My book isn't here. My book isn't here. Tovább kell dolgoznunk. We must continue working. We have to keep working. Ó, Istenem, ez pokolian fáj! Oh my God! It hurts like hell! Oh, my God, that hurts like hell! Tampában szeretnék élni. I want to live in Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. Ne félj a váratlantól, de légy rá felkészülve. Do not fear the unexpected, but be prepared for it. Don’t be afraid of the unexpected, but be prepared. Tom sosem mondta el nekem, hogy el volt jegyezve. Tom never told me he was engaged. Tom never told me he was engaged. Tudnak már róla. They already know it. They know about it. Megemelték a lakbéremet. My rent has gone up. They raised my rent. Ott leszünk. We'll be there. We'll be there. Vasárnap zárva. It's closed on Sundays. Closed on Sunday. Hova megyünk utána? Where will we go afterwards? Where are we going after that? Gondolom, illene bemutatkoznom. I guess that I should introduce myself. I suppose I should introduce myself. Gyalog érkezett ide. He arrived here on foot. He came here on foot. Senki nem tudta, hogy ezt ki tette. No one knew who did it. No one knew who did this. Próbáld meg ezt elolvasni. Try reading this. Try to read this. Ilyennek akarok megmaradni mindig. I want to stay like this forever. That's how I want to stay. Tom sétált be. Tom walked in. Tom walked in. Tom lesöpörte a homokot a lábairól. Tom wiped the sand from his legs. Tom swept the sand off his feet. Kisegítettem Tomit. I've been helping Tom out. I helped Tom out. Biztosan rólunk beszélnek. They are surely talking about us. They must be talking about us. A rendőrség folytatta a vizsgálatot. The police continued their investigation. The police continued their investigation. Tom egy szállodát vezet. Tom manages a hotel. Tom runs a hotel. Nem tudhatja az igazságot. He can't know the truth. You can't know the truth. Viselkedjetek. Behave yourselves. Behave. Tom egy fa előtt áll és beszél hozzá. Tom's standing in front of a tree speaking to it. Tom's standing in front of a tree talking to him. Folyóba fult. She drowned in a river. He's in the river. Én vagyok te. I am you. I'm you. Készen vagyunk. We're ready. We're done. Mellétrafáltál. You missed. You missed. Ez kötelező? Is it mandatory? Is that mandatory? Nehéz átültetni a gyakorlatba, amiről szó volt. It is difficult to put what we said into practice. It's hard to put into practice what we've been talking about. Hat fő részére terítettem meg az asztalt. I set the table for six. I set the table for six people. Nem tudom, hol vagyok. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am. Tominak nem kell levágatnia a haját. Tom doesn't need a haircut. Tom doesn't have to cut his hair. Minden, ami történt közöttünk, hazugság volt? Was everything that happened between us a lie? Everything that happened between us was a lie? Az ejtőernyős az óceánba esett és megfulladt. The parachutist fell into the ocean and drowned. The paratrooper fell into the ocean and drowned. Éjszaka szeretem követni a hagyományt, hogy tegyek a tó mellett egy sétát. At nightfall I like following the tradition of taking a walk along the lakeside. At night, I like to follow the tradition of taking a walk by the lake. Tom nem dolgozik többé nekünk. Tom doesn't work for us anymore. Tom doesn't work for us anymore. Ilyen ember meg nem is kell nekünk. Anyway, we don't need a person like he. That's the kind of man we don't need. Milyen mély? How deep? How deep? Meg tudod különböztetni a farkasokat a kutyáktól? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you tell the difference between wolves and dogs? Lehetőleg nem akarom ma megint ugyanazt enni. I would rather not eat the same food again today. I don't want to eat the same thing again today. Menj vissza aludni! Go back to sleep. Go back to sleep. Még nem fordítottam semmit. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. Már tart a buli. The party has already started. The party's on. Mindkét megoldás vitatható. Both solutions are controversial. Both solutions are debatable. — Egy krokodil megette Tomot. — Egy emberevő krokodil!? — Nem hinném, hogy vegán lett volna. "A crocodile ate up Tom." "A cannibalistic crocodile?" "I don't think it would've been a vegan." “A crocodile ate Tom.” “A man-eating crocodile!” “I don’t think he was vegan. Már elkezdtek hullani az almák. The first apples have already started to fall. The apples are starting to fall. Megvan mindenük, amire szükségük van. They have everything they need. They have everything they need. Nyertem! I won! I win! Szeretnél velem vacsorázni? Would you like to have dinner with me? Want to have dinner with me? Tomi kapott egy másik kutyát. Tom got another dog. Tom got another dog. Jót szórakoztunk tegnap. It was fun yesterday. We had fun yesterday. Képmutatók vagytok. You're all hypocritical. You're hypocrites. Tomot érdekli. Tom cares. Tom's interested. Ez műszakilag lehetséges. It's technically possible. This is technically possible. Mit csináljunk mi addig? What shall we do till that time? What are we gonna do? Megpróbálok sokkal óvatosabb lenni mostantól. I'm going to try to be much more careful from now on. I'll try to be more careful from now on. Szeretnék folyékonyan beszélni angolul. I would like to speak English fluently. I want to speak fluent English. Újra tanulom a franciát. I'm relearning French. I'm learning French again. Ismered az utat? Do you know the way? You know the way? Megverem, ha idejön. I'll beat him, if he comes here. I'll beat him if he comes. Én nem az edző vagyok. I'm not the coach. I'm not the coach. Varázslatos jövő lehetősége bontakozott ki előtte. A brilliant future stretched out before him. There was a magical future ahead of him. Tamás nem ebédelt. Tom didn't have lunch. Tom did not eat lunch. Te még a szüleiddel élsz, nem? You still live with your parents, don't you? You still live with your parents, don't you? Kitaláltad, ki volt ez? Did you find out who that man was? Did you guess who that was? Tom nagy tiszteletben álló csillagász. Tom is a very well-respected astronomer. Tom is a highly respected astronomer. Tudod, mennyire szeretlek? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I love you? Ne keverd a búzát a rozzsal? Don't confuse wheat with rye. Don't mix wheat with rye? Egy gyönyörű hattyúpár úszott a tavon. A gorgeous couple of swans swam on the lake. There was a beautiful pair of swans swimming on the lake. Ezt meg kell tenned. You've got to do this. You have to do this. Vártuk a tél végét. We waited the end of winter. We waited for the end of winter. Szándékosan ejtette el zsebkendőjét, hogy felhívja az ő figyelmét. She dropped her handkerchief on purpose to draw his attention. He deliberately dropped his handkerchief to draw his attention. Igazán szeretem a nyarat! Tulajdonképpen ez én kedvenc hetem az évben. I really like summer. In fact, it's my favourite week of the year. Actually, it's my favorite week of the year. Helyre kell hoznom. I must fix it. I need to fix this. Beszéltél erről Tominak? Did you tell Tom about it? Did you tell Tom about this? Tom szülei csak a gyerekek kedvéért maradtak együtt. Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the children. Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the kids. A híd túloldalán van egy bolt, ahol esetleg megvan az, amit te keresel. There's a shop on the other side of the bridge that might have what you're looking for. There's a store across the bridge that might have what you're looking for. Ma péntek van. Today is Friday. It's Friday. Nem csináltam még meg, amit megcsinálhattam volna, mert nem volt kedvem hozzá. I haven't done yet what I could've done since I didn't feel like doing that. I haven't done what I could've done because I didn't feel like it. Azt mondják, szépek a cseh lányok. It's said Czech women are beautiful. They say Czech girls are beautiful. Mindig is találkozni akartam veled. I've always wanted to meet you. I've always wanted to meet you. Beteget jelentett. She called in sick. She called in sick. Nem szeret dolgozni. She doesn't like to work. He doesn't like to work. Ez szép zászló. It's a beautiful flag. That's a nice flag. A híd nagy pénzekbe került. The bridge cost a great deal of money. The bridge cost a lot of money. Hány eszkimó él Grönlandon? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? Meg akarom nyerni azt a játszmát. I want to win this game. I want to win that game. Tom ma délután elmegy Maryvel vitorlázni. Tom is going to go sailing with Mary this afternoon. Tom's going sailing with Mary this afternoon. De nekünk három macskánk van. But we have three cats. We have three cats. Néha megijesztesz. You frighten me sometimes. Sometimes you scare me. Bob az ügyön töprengett. Bob brooded on the matter. Bob was thinking about the case. Néztük a tankszállító vasúti szerelvényt, amint áthalad a hídon. We were watching a tank-transporting train crossing the bridge. We watched the tank train pass through the bridge. Rendben, emberek, akkor gyerünk! All right, people, let's go. All right, people, let's go. Hosszú a munkaidőm. I work long hours. I have long hours. Ez az ő karácsonyi ajándéka. This is a Christmas present from him. It's his Christmas present. Legyen szép napod. Have a nice day. Have a good day. Nem tudom letekerni a befőttesüveg tetejét. I can't get the lid off this jar. I can't unroll the top of the jar. Tamás látott egy kígyót. Tom saw a snake. Thomas saw a snake. Óvatosságra intett. He advised caution. He warned me to be careful. Tudtuk, hogy Tomi igazat mond. We knew Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Te nem tudod, mennyire szeretlek. You don't know how much I love you. You don't know how much I love you. Légy alapos! Be thorough. Be thorough. Elmentek Bostonba. They went to Boston. They went to Boston. Ma reggel sült krumplit ettem tejföllel. This morning I ate french fries with sour cream. I had fries with sour cream this morning. Pontosan, drágám. Exactly, my dear. That's right, honey. Mari úgy káromkodik, mint egy tengerész. Mary swears like a sailor. Mari swears like a sailor. Megvan a pápánk! We have a pope! We have our Pope! A paradicsom gyümölcs vagy zöldség? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Is tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? Tudom, milyen szegénynek lenni. I know what it's like to be poor. I know what it's like to be poor. Ki az elnök? Who is the president? Who's the president? Emlékeztesd őt, hogy korán jöjjön haza. Remind him to come home early. Remind him to come home early. Mary dala sláger lett. Mary's song became a hit. Mary's song has become a hit. Körül sétáltuk a tavat. We've walked all around the lake. We walked around the lake. Szeretném azt látni. I would like to see it. I'd like to see that. Hol volt a hiba? Where was the mistake? Where was the mistake? Vonakodott a pénzt elfogadni. She refused to accept the money. He was reluctant to take the money. Ezzel kapcsolatban tévedtem. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about that. Nem tudta leplezni Tomi a csalódottságát. Tom couldn't hide his disappointment. Tom couldn't hide his disappointment. Miért beszélsz te folyton vissza nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you keep talking back to me? A túró a kedvenc ételem. Cottage cheese is my favorite food. The cottage cheese is my favorite food. Kakaskodtak egymással. They confronted each other. They pooped on each other. — Apám nem iszik. — Az enyém sem. "My dad doesn't drink." "Mine doesn't either." “My father doesn’t drink.” Ez nem az, amit akartam. This isn't what I needed. It's not what I wanted. Ezeknek a fáknak szükségük van a védelmünkre. These trees need our protection. These trees need our protection. Ki lettünk zárva a szobánkból. We're locked out of our room. We were locked out of our room. Nem táplálok haragot veled szemben. I bear no grudge against you. I don't hold a grudge against you. Fagyott a talaj. The soil is frozen. The ground's frozen. Senki nem kiáltott. No one shouted. No one cried out. Elmondta Tom, hogy csinálta? Did Tom say how he did it? Did Tom tell you how he did it? Tom nem mondott igazat. Tom didn't tell the truth. Tom wasn't telling the truth. Tom hálószobája tisztább az enyémnél. Tom's bedroom is cleaner than mine. Tom's bedroom is cleaner than mine. Tom minden tőle telhetőt megtett. Tom did everything he could. Tom did the best he could. Csak álltam ott, mint egy rakás szerencsétlenség, és semmit sem tudtam mondani. I just stood there like an idiot and couldn't say anything. I just stood there like a pile of shit, and I couldn't tell you anything. Tom bocsánatot kért. Tom apologized. Tom apologized. Nem füstöl a kéménye. Talán nincs otthon vagy... His chimney isn't smoking. He may not be at home or... Maybe he's not home or... Mennyivel tartozol nekem? What do you owe me? How much do you owe me? Mi láttuk már ezt a filmet. We have already seen this film. We've seen this movie before. Tagadja, hogy ő tette volna. He denies that he did that. He denies that he did it. Ők Tamást keresik. They're looking for Tom. They're looking for Tom. Nagyon furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. Bárcsak itt lennél. I wish you could be here. I wish you were here. A Halley üstökös minden 76. évben feltűnik az égen. Halley's comet makes an appearance once every 76 years. Comet Halley appears in the sky every 76 years. Ahá, tehát erről van szó! Ah, so that's it! Ah, that's what it's about! Milyen szép napunk van! What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day. Tomi úgy tett, mintha semmit nem tudna erről. Tom pretended to know nothing about it. Tom acted like he didn't know anything about it. Szakértő kell nekünk. We need experts. We need an expert. Még mindig nővér vagy, nem? You're still a nurse, aren't you? You're still a nurse, aren't you? Tomi három meccs után otthagyta a csapatot. Tom left the team after three games. Tom left the team after three games. Melyik az olcsóbb? Which is cheaper? Which is cheaper? Tom sikeres akar lenni. Tom wants to be a success. Tom wants to be successful. Én sem. Nor am I. Me neither. Egyetlen felhő sem jár az égen. There isn't one single cloud in the sky. There is not a single cloud in the sky. Kiolvastad ezt a könyvet? Have you finished reading that book? Did you read this book? A Szuezi-csatorna összeköti a Vörös-tengert a Földközi-tengerrel. The Suez canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. Anyanyelvi beszélők belegondolás nélkül értik azt, amit idegennyelvűek csak kis erőfeszítéssel képesek megérteni. Native speakers typically unconsciously understand things about their own language that non-native speakers only understand using considerable effort. Native speakers understand without thinking what foreign speakers can only understand with a little effort. A két férfi egymást okolta a bűncselekményért. The two men blamed each other for the crime. The two men blamed each other for the crime. Nincs egyszerű megoldás. There is no simple solution. There is no simple solution. Tom nem néz ki túl boldognak, nem igaz? Tom doesn't look so happy, does he? Tom doesn't look too happy, does he? Igénytelen vagyok. I'm unambitious. I don't need it. Azt akarom, hogy holnap, ebben az időben minden legyen rendben. I want everything in order by this time tomorrow. I want tomorrow, at this time, to be all right. Csináljunk valami mókásat. Let's do something fun. Let's do something fun. Tudnál segíteni nekem elmosogatni a tányérokat? Could you help me wash the dishes? Can you help me wash the dishes? Én csak Tom figyelmét szeretném fölkelteni. I'm just trying to get Tom's attention. I just want to get Tom's attention. Hivatásos zenész vagy, nem igaz? You're a professional musician, aren't you? You're a professional musician, aren't you? Nudista vagy? Are you a nudist? Are you a nudist? A cikket francia nyelven fogalmazták meg. The article was written in French. The article was written in French. Telepítsünk betörésjelzőt! Let's install a burglar alarm. Let's install a burglar alarm. Tom nem olyan öreg, mint amennyinek látszik. Tom isn't as old as he seems. Tom's not as old as he looks. Elmélet és gyakorlat nem feltétlenül jár együtt. Theory and practice do not necessarily go together. Theory and practice do not necessarily go hand in hand. A nagyapám asztalos. My grandfather is a carpenter. My grandfather's a carpenter. Anyám mindig kiabál velem. My mother's always yelling at me. My mother always yells at me. Nem tudod a nevét? Don't you know his name? You don't know his name? Messze van az otthonom. My home is far away. My home is far away. Az élet a kávézás után kezdődik. Life begins after coffee. Life begins after coffee. Nekem volt igazam, Tomi pedig tévedett. I was right and Tom was wrong. I was right and Tom was wrong. Van szerelmesed? Do you have a lover? Do you have a lover? Ó, kérlek, ne mondd ezt! Oh, please don't say that. Oh, please don't say that. Nem vásároltam meg az autót. I didn't buy the car. I didn't buy the car. Mondtam neki, hogy jöjjön. I told him to come. I told him to come. Mehetsz most is akár. You may as well leave now. You can go now. Valamilyen önző indítékból cselekszik. She is acting from some selfish motive. He's acting for some selfish motive. Pénzvisszatérítést követelek. I demand a refund. I demand a refund. A székek, amiket a múlt hónapban vásároltak, hiányoznak. The chairs they bought last month are missing. The chairs you bought last month are missing. Ez a helyzet. This is the case. That's the thing. Mára beteget jelentett. She has reported sick today. She called in sick today. Sokkal termelékenyebb lennék, ha nem vesztegetném az időmet az interneten. I would be a lot more productive if I didn't waste time on the internet. I'd be more productive if I didn't waste my time on the Internet. Mit iszol még? What else do you drink? What else do you drink? Tom beszél egy keveset franciául. Tom knows some French. Tom speaks a little French. Szűkös a költségvetésem. My budget is tight. My budget is tight. Mondd meg Tomnak, hogy az állomásnál találkozzon velünk. Tell Tom to meet us at the station. Tell Tom to meet us at the station. Felejteni próbáltam. I tried to forget. I tried to forget. Tele van a palack. That bottle is full. The bottle is full. Sápadtnak látszol ma. You look pale today. You look pale today. Két párnával alszom. I sleep with two pillows. I sleep with two pillows. Egy ládát hozott, amiben nagyon értékes áruk voltak. He brought a chest, in which there were very valuable goods. He brought a box with very valuable goods in it. Nincs elég információnk. We don't have enough information. We don't have enough information. Mi van ebben a fiókban? What's in this drawer? What's in this drawer? El tudod nekem küldeni e-mailben a fájlt. Can you email the file to me? You can e-mail me the file. Az nem játék! That's not a toy. That's not a game. Eléggé nehéz. It's kind of hard. It's hard. Engem kellett volna először kérdezned. You could've asked me first. You should have asked me first. Csak te kellesz. I only need you. I just need you. Szerintem az én ötletem jobb. I think that my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Szerinted mit csinálok én itt? What do you think I'm doing here? What do you think I'm doing here? Miért kellene, hogy ez érdekeljen minket? Why should we care? Why should we care about that? Londoni tartózkodásom alatt találkoztam vele. During my stay in London, I met him. I met him during my stay in London. Tom szkeptikus volt. Tom was skeptical. Tom was skeptical. Míg egy nőnek kilenc hónap alatt lesz egy gyereke, addig kilenc nőnek egy hónap alatt egy gyereke se lesz. While it takes one woman nine months to make one baby, nine women can't make a baby in one month. While a woman will have one child in nine months, nine women will not have one child in one month. Valószínű, hogy mindannyiótokra ráférne egy kis alvás. You should probably all get some sleep. It's likely you all could use some sleep. Ezúttal nem fogom elrontani. I won't fail this time. I won't ruin it this time. Ez soha nem ér véget. This is never going to end. It never ends. Ne házasodj meg soha! Never get married. Don't ever get married. A férfi haldoklott. The man was dying. The man was dying. Úgy szeretett, mint még senki. She loved me like no one before. He loved me like no one else. Mivel a fürdővíz túl forró, még egy kis hideg vizet folyatok bele. As the bath is too hot, I will run some cold water into it. Since the bath water is too hot, I'll pour a little more cold water into it. Kár, hogy Tomi távozik. It's a pity that Tom is leaving. It's too bad Tom's leaving. Azt kívánom, hogy egy kivételével minden álmod teljesüljön, így mindig lesz valami, amire törekedhetsz. I hope all but one of your dreams come true, so you always have something to strive for. I wish that all but one of your dreams will be fulfilled, so there will always be something to strive for. Elveszett a bőröndöm. My suitcase got lost. I lost my suitcase. Néhány kérdést intéztem az orvoshoz. I asked the doctor some questions. I asked a few questions to the doctor. Mi hiányzik? What is missing? What's missing? Tom lepillantott a földre. Tom looked down at the ground. Tom looked down at the ground. Még munkát keresek. I'm still job hunting. I'm still looking for work. Elvesztette a hallását. She lost her hearing. He lost his hearing. Még nincs itthon. He's not home yet. She's not home yet. Meglátod, jobban leszel. You'll see that you'll get better! You'll feel better. Amire a szüleid nem tanítanak meg, majd az élet megtanít. What you don't learn from your mother, you will learn from the world. What your parents don't teach you, life will teach you. Láttam valamit. I saw something. I saw something. Két ágy van a szobában meg egy szekrény, semmi más. There're two beds and a wardrobe in the room, nothing else. There's two beds in the room and a closet, that's all. Nem tudom, hogy szeretem-e. I don't know whether I like it. I don't know if I love him. Tom csak bámult. Tom just stared. Tom was just staring at me. A fiú rosszul lett a szorongástól. The boy got sick from anxiety. The boy got sick of anxiety. Remélem, nem bánod, ha korán elmegyek. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. Egyszerűen nem működött. It just didn't work. It just didn't work. Tamás nem akart veszíteni. Tom didn't want to lose. Tom didn’t want to lose. Komolynak kell lennünk. We have to be serious. We have to be serious. Nem tudom, miért nem jutott ez eszembe korábban. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. Neked túl kicsi az a kerékpár. That bicycle is too small for you. That bike is too small for you. Nem hagyhatlak el. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. Tom megtalálta az alkoholt, amit eldugtam. Tom has found the alcohol that I hid. Tom found the alcohol I hid. Gyere velem ki. Come outside with me. Come out with me. Tom megesküdött. Tom swore. Tom swore. Annak ellenére, hogy Trang azt hajtogatta, hogy szereti őt, Spenser egyre csak attól félt, hogy a lány nem fog már vele törődni. Even though Trang continued to say that she loved him, Spenser couldn't do anything but fear that she would stop caring for him. Even though Trang kept saying he loved her, Spenser was afraid she wouldn't care anymore. Mellőzd azt! Ignore that. Ignore that. Semmit sem adtak a szüleid? Didn't your parents give you anything? Didn't your parents give you anything? A közlekedési balesetek száma évről évre növekszik. Traffic accidents are increasing year by year. The number of traffic accidents is increasing every year. Tom egymásra pakolta a dobozokat a fal mellett. Tom stacked the boxes up against the wall. Tom stacked the boxes next to the wall. Tomot elkapták, lopott autót vezetett. Tom was caught driving a stolen car. Tom got caught driving a stolen car. Hogy mondod ezt csehül? How do you say it in Czech? How do you say that in Czech? Tudomásom szerint, nem lusta. As far as I know, he isn't lazy. As far as I know, he's not lazy. Szeretném tudni, hogy Tomi miért nem jött el Mari bulijára. I wonder why Tom didn't come to Mary's party. I'd like to know why Tom didn't come to Mari's party. Ananászt akarok venni. I want to buy pineapples. I want to buy pineapple. Tomi mintegy harminc perce távozott. Tom left about thirty minutes ago. Tom left about 30 minutes ago. Helló Tamás! Jó reggelt! Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom, good morning. Egyre nagyobb a nyomás. Tensions are rising. The pressure's getting worse. Tomi eltette láb alól Marit. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mari. Az új állásával nagyobb felelősséget vállalt. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new job, he took on more responsibility. Képtelen volt kontrollálni a gyilkolás iránti vágyát. He could not control his compulsion to kill. He was unable to control his desire to kill. Az ajtóban várt rám. She waited for me in the doorway. He was waiting for me at the door. Mari akarja a házasságot, Tomi nem. Mary wants to get married, Tom doesn't. Mari wants to get married, Tom doesn't. Még nem tudom, hogy ott tudok-e lenni. I'm still not sure I can be there. I don't know if I can be there yet. Nincs kivel beszéljek. I had no one to talk with. I have no one to talk to. Itt van arról a lista, mit kell megvenned. Here is a list about what you need to buy. Here is a list of what you should buy. Meg sem próbáltam megállítani. I didn't try to stop her. I didn't even try to stop him. Nem bírom, ha kölyökként kezelnek. I don't like it when people treat me like a kid. I don't like being treated like a kid. Ilyen eddig még nem esett meg. This kind of thing has never happened before. This has never happened before. Egyet meg kell vennem. I must buy one. I have to buy one. Baszok rá! I don't give a fuck. Fuck it. Ő mindig az én oldalamon áll. He is always on my side. He's always on my side. Majd én kisegítelek. I'll help you out. I'll help you out. Én egyedülálló vagyok, de te nem. I'm single but you aren't. I'm single, but you're not. Szerinted mennyire van szüksége Tominak? How much do you think Tom needs? How much do you think Tom needs? Teljesen egyedül éreztem magam. I felt quite alone. I felt completely alone. A hosszú sétától elfáradtam. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of the long walk. Tomi semmit nem kapott csak úgy; neki mindenért meg kellett dolgoznia. Tom didn't get anything handed to him. He actually had to work for it. Tom didn't get anything just like that; he had to work for everything. Gazolnom kell a kertben. I have to weed the garden. I've got a yard to run. Ki kell mennem. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to go. Jó reggelt, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Morning, Mike. Nem tudom, mennyibe kerül ez a motorbicikli. I don't know how much this motorcycle is. I don't know how much this motorcycle costs. Tomnak fogalma sincs a valóságról. Tom has no concept of reality. Tom doesn't know the truth. Tom nem tudja. Tom doesn't know. Tom doesn't know. Monogám vagyok. I am monogamous. I'm a monogamist. Társtalan vagyok. I'm lonely. I'm disconnected. Untatott a véget nem érő fecsegése. I got bored with his long talk. I was bored with your endless chatter. Olvadnak a gleccserek. The glaciers are melting. The glaciers are melting. Ne zavard őket, és ők sem fognak téged zavarni. Don't bother them, and they won't bother you. Don't bother them, and they won't bother you. Mivel ez olyan fontos, majd én vigyázok rá. Since it's so important, I'll take care of it. Since it's so important, I'll take care of it. — Hé, Mari! Még a börtönben is jobb volt a koszt! — Akkor menj vissza és egyél ott! "Hey, Mary! Even in the prison, the chow was better!" "Then go back and eat there." “ Hey, Mari, even in prison, the food was better!” Then go back and eat there! Tom láthatóan ideges volt. Tom was visibly nervous. Tom was clearly nervous. Tom arra is kíváncsi. Tom is curious about that as well. Tom wants to know that, too. A hátrányunkat az előnyünkké változtathatjuk. We can change our disadvantage to our advantage. We can turn our disadvantage into our advantage. A pingpongot asztalitenisznek is nevezik. Ping-Pong is also called table tennis. Ping-pong is also called table tennis. Használhattok számológépet a dolgozatíráshoz. You'll be able to use a calculator for the test. You can use a calculator to write your test. A tűz kialudt. The fire has gone out. The fire's out. Tom Bostonban született. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Végig csendben volt. He was silent all the time. He's been quiet the whole time. Add át üdvözletem a feleségednek. Say hello to your wife for me. Give my regards to your wife. Tom nem volt mindig ilyen boldog. Tom wasn't always this happy. Tom wasn't always so happy. Megint tartjuk a menetrendet. We're back on schedule. We're back on schedule. Melyik vagy te a képen? Which one are you in the photo? Which one are you in the picture? Ez kitart pillanatnyilag. That's enough for the time being. It's holding for the moment. Szeretek egyedül utazni. I like to travel by myself. I like to travel alone. Csak gyere ide, kérlek! Please just get here. Just come here, please. Már otthon vagyunk. We are already at home. We're home now. Német helyett franciát tanultunk. We learned French instead of German. We studied French instead of German. Gyalog mentem. I was going on foot. I walked. A függönyök, amiket nagymamám adott nekem ajándékképpen, olyan szépek és színesek. The curtains my grandmother gave me as a present are so pretty and colorful. The curtains my grandmother gave me as a gift are so beautiful and colorful. Pont ezt mondta nekem Tom is. That's exactly what Tom told me. That's what Tom told me. Nem az én hibám. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Szeretnél linkcserét? Would you like to exchange links? Would you like a link? Itt fogunk enni. We will eat here. We'll eat here. Semmi sem történt köztünk. Nothing happened between us. Nothing happened between us. Mit is próbálsz most bizonyítani? What exactly are you trying to prove? What are you trying to prove? Kimerült vagy. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. Esetleg tévedtem. I might've been wrong. Maybe I was wrong. Rendben vagyok. I am okay. I'm fine. Hogy a csudába várhatnád el, hogy ezért én fizessek? How in the world do you expect me to pay this? How on earth can you expect me to pay for this? Hadd nézzem a nyelvét. Let me see your tongue. Let me see your tongue. Le kell újra festenünk a csűrt. We need to repaint the barn. We need to repaint the barn. Van orvos a fedélzeten? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? Ez rossz. This is bad. This is bad. Kijavítottam a fordítást. I corrected the translation. I corrected the translation. A neved a harmadik volt a listán. Your name was number three on the list. Your name was number three on the list. Vigyázzatok magatokra! Watch yourselves! Take care. Ez egy unalmas szó. It's a boring word. It's a boring word. Ez nekem kínai volt. That was all Chinese to me. That was Chinese to me. Már, vagy még nem? Already, or not yet? Already or not yet? Állandóan rád gondolok. I constantly think of you. I can't stop thinking about you. Tom a járdán sétált. Tom walked along the sidewalk. Tom was walking on the sidewalk. Várd meg itt, amíg visszajön. Wait here until he comes back. Wait here till he gets back. Tudom, hogy ez furcsa. I know this is strange. I know it's weird. Tavaly született. She was born last year. Born last year. Eléggé biztos vagyok abban, hogy Tom ezt nem fogja megenni. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat that. I'm pretty sure Tom's not gonna eat this. Két gyermekünk van. We have two kids. We have two children. Most már hallgass el! Stop talking. Now shut up! Franciát kell tanulnom. I must learn French. I have to study French. Valaki összetörte a poharat. The glass was broken by someone. Someone broke the glass. Erről is, meg arról is beszélnek. They are talking about this and that. They're talking about this and that. Te vagy életem nagy szerelme. You are the great love of my life. You're the love of my life. Tom állatidomár volt egy csúnya balesetig. Tom was an animal trainer until a horrible accident. Tom was an animal trainer until a nasty accident. Tom mindig mondja Marinak, hogy szereti őt. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mari that he loves her. Próbáljunk meg bejutni! Let's try and get in. Let's try to get in. Elmehetek fagyit venni? Can I go buy some ice cream? Can I go get ice cream? Tom nem tudta, hogy a vízmelegítője lyukas, amíg egy hatalmas vízszámlát nem kapott. Tom had no idea that his hot water heater was leaking until he got a very large excess water bill. Tom didn't know his water heater had a leak until he got a huge water bill. Mondtam neked, de te nem hallgattál rám. I told you, but you didn't listen. I told you, but you wouldn't listen. Biztos vagy benne, hogy ez az egyedüli megoldás? Are you sure that's the only solution? Are you sure this is the only way? Most nincs időm beszélgetni. I don't have time to talk now. I don't have time to talk right now. Tom hallotta Maryt Johnról beszélni. Tom heard Mary talking about John. Tom heard Mary talking about John. Tamás veseelégtelenség miatt halt meg. Tom died of kidney failure. Thomas died of kidney failure. Belőlünk tanulókból is lehet híres újságíró. We students can also become famous journalists! Students can also become famous journalists. Nincs jó válasz. There's no good answer. There's no right answer. Ezt a levelet a könyvek között találtam. I found this letter among those books. I found this letter in the books. Szereti a kalandokat. He likes adventure. He likes adventures. Tom a Park utcában dolgozik. Tom works on Park Street. Tom works on Park Street. Tomi, miért nem mész a szobádba? Why don't you go to your room, Tom? Tom, why don't you go to your room? Már nem vagyunk gyerekek. We aren't kids anymore. We're not kids anymore. Nem volt bátorságom elmondani neki. I had no courage to tell it to her. I didn't have the courage to tell him. Ezt a luxus terméket az alkalmazandó szabályozás alapján adóztatják. This luxury product is taxed according to the applicable regulation. This luxury product is taxed on the basis of the applicable regulations. Figyelmes vagy. You're considerate. You're being thoughtful. Kedves, hogy ezt mondod. It's kind of you to say so. That's nice of you to say. Tom beleegyezett, hogy Bostonba menjen. Tom agreed to go to Boston. Tom agreed to go to Boston. Sikerrel jártál? Were you successful? Any luck? Tomit senki sem kérdezte meg. Nobody asked Tom. No one asked Tom. Mindenkit megöltek. Everyone was killed. They killed everyone. Tom nem jelent meg. Tom didn't appear. Tom didn't show up. Jobb lett volna, ha nem tettük volna azt. It would've been better if we hadn't done that. It would have been better if we hadn't done that. Kontrollálnod kell magad. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. A ritka vadállatok behozatala ebbe az országba szigorúan tilos. The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The import of rare wild animals into this country is strictly prohibited. Egy élmény volt vele beszélni a partin. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. It was a pleasure talking to him at the party. Moziban voltam. I was at the cinema. I was at the movies. Ez egy túl könnyű feladat neki. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Mi a rossz hír? What is the bad news? What's the bad news? Legyen véleményed! Have an opinion. Have an opinion. Türelem! Patience! Be patient. Tom dacos volt. Tom was defiant. Tom was defiant. Megkérdeztem, de nem válaszolt. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked, but he didn't answer. Tomi addig még sosem látta Marit ilyen dühösnek. Tom had never seen Mary that angry. Tom had never seen Mari so angry before. Azt ne vedd meg. Don't buy that one. Don't buy that. Ez hihetetlen. That's incredible. Unbelievable. Számítanak az első benyomások. First impressions matter. First impressions count. Tom testileg-szellemileg nagyon friss még. Tom is physically and mentally still very active. Tom's still very fresh physically and mentally. Függő vagyok. I'm addicted. I'm an addict. Felébresztettél. You woke me. You woke me. Most lefekszünk. Now we go to sleep. We're going to bed. Bealudtam, el is késtem az iskolából. I slept in, so I was late to school. I fell asleep and was late for school. Hadd maradjak itt, kérem! Let me stay here please. Let me stay here, please. Meséld el nekem, mit mondott. Tell me what she said. Tell me what he said. Mit adhatok ma önnek? What can I get for you today? What can I get you today? Szarszagod van. You smell like shit. You smell like shit. Csukd be az ajtót, kérlek! Close the door, please! Close the door, please. Nincs jogod, hogy ezen emberek felett ítélkezzél. You have no right to pass judgement on these people. You have no right to judge these people. Nyaltuk-faltuk egymást az autóban. We smooched in the car. We ate each other in the car. Nem vagyok büszke a lányomra. I'm not proud of my daughter. I'm not proud of my daughter. Bagóztál már? Have you ever chewed tobacco? Have you smoked? Nézzen hátra! Look behind you. Look behind you. Jaj, ne! Már megint ő az. Oh no, it's her again. Oh, no, it's him again. Választasz vagy csináljam én? Are you going to choose, or should I? Do you want to choose or should I? Igaz, hogy Tom megölte magát? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true Tom killed himself? Hirtelen történt. It happened suddenly. It was sudden. Mária saját maga varrta az esküvői ruháját. Mary sewed her own wedding dress. Mary made her own wedding dress. Hát nem látod, hogy végre boldog vagyok? Can't you see I'm finally happy? Can't you see I'm finally happy? Mindenkit váratlanul ért. It took everyone by surprise. Everyone was surprised. Hideg van. Libabőrös vagyok. It's cold; I have goosebumps. It's cold, I have goosebumps. János és Péter elválaszthatatlan barátok. John and Peter are inseparable friends. John and Peter are inseparable friends. — Csinálj már valamit! — Mint például? "Do something!" "Like what?" - Do something! - Like what? Ha nem tettem volna meg, akkor megteszi más. If I hadn't had done it, someone else would've done that. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have. Ott ültünk. We sat there. We were sitting there. Tamás nem akart főnök lenni. Tom didn't want to be the boss. Tom didn’t want to be the boss. Tomi cserediák volt. Tom was an exchange student. Tom was an exchange student. Voltál már részeg? Have you ever been drunk? Have you ever been drunk? Az asztal alatt van. It's under the table. It's under the table. Hol fekszik Kabilia? Where is Kabylia? Where's Kabilia? Nekem sincs kedvem nevetni. I don't feel like laughing, either. I don't want to laugh either. Éppen befejeztem. I just finished. I was just finishing up. Ne aggódj! Don't worry. Don't worry. Az kezdetnek jó. That's a good start. It's a start. Akarod, hogy megtegyem azt, amit nem tettem meg? Do you want me to do that what I didn't do? Do you want me to do what I didn't do? Egy ír lány ír. An Irish girl is writing. An Irish girl writes. Bostonban éltem. I lived in Boston. I lived in Boston. Senki nem fog meghalni. No one is going to die. No one's gonna die. Hogy szeretnéd őket? How do you want them? How would you like them? Te mindig megkapod azt, amit akarsz? Do you always get what you want? Do you always get what you want? Ki kell mennem. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go. Ezt biztosan nem akarjuk. We sure don't want that. We certainly don't want that. Lövésem sem volt, hogy ilyen közel laksz hozzám. I had no idea you lived so close to me. I had no idea you lived so close to me. Rá már nincsen szükségem. I don't need him any longer. I don't need him anymore. Ne felejts el írni nekem! Don't forget to write to me. Don't forget to write to me. Hagyd abba a próbálkozást! Stop trying. Stop trying. Korán kezdtük a munkát. We started work early. We started work early. Hoppá! Az én hibám. Ez nem háromezer euró, hanem háromezer jen. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. That's not three thousand euros, that's three thousand yen. A bahái hit nagyon menő vallás. The Baha'i Faith is a very cool religion. The Bahai faith is a very cool religion. Imádom a napot! I adore the sunshine. I love the sun. Nem hiszem, hogy ez volt, amit Tom mondott. I don't think that was what Tom said. I don't think that's what Tom said. Gyere velem Bostonba! Come with me to Boston. Come with me to Boston. Ismerem a szabályokat. I know the rules. I know the rules. Megvan nekem a magam problémája. I have problems of my own. I have my own problems. Ez hülyén hangzik. That sounds sort of silly. That sounds stupid. Nem akarom, hogy idejöjjenek. I don't want them to come here. I don't want them to come here. Úgy bánnak velem, mint egy gyerekkel. They are treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Férfi vagyok. I am a man. I'm a man. Mary egy fekete ruhát viselt. Mary was wearing a black robe. Mary was wearing a black dress. Ez a könyv kicsi. This book is small. This book is small. Nem vagyok rendes srác. I'm not a nice guy. I'm not a nice guy. Van valakinek zseblámpája? Does anyone have a flashlight? Anybody got a flashlight? Ez az óra nem jár. This clock is out of order. This clock doesn't work. Mindent elégetett Tomi. Tom burned everything. Tom burned everything. Mintha nem akarnád, hogy ez összejöjjön nekem. It seems that you don't want me to succeed. Like you don't want this to work out for me. Vöröske. She has red hair. Red. Mindent megteszek értetek. I'll do everything for you. I'll do anything for you. Ki volt az a férfi, aki kint várakozott? Who was that man waiting outside? Who was the man who was waiting outside? Ez egy ezüst érme. This is a silver coin. It's a silver coin. Megtöltöttem a vödröt vízzel. I filled the bucket with water. I filled the bucket with water. Úgy tűnik néha, az emberek a saját ostobaságukat ünneplik. Sometimes it looks as if people were celebrating their own stupidity. Sometimes people seem to be celebrating their own stupidity. Melyikünk fiatalabb? Which one of us is younger? Which one's younger? Tom nagyon rémültnek nézett ki. Tom looked really terrified. Tom looked very frightened. Tom végigpásztázta a termet. Tom scanned the room. Tom searched the room. A jég elolvadt. The ice melted. The ice melted. Lemostad már a kocsit? Have you washed the car yet? Did you wash the car yet? A házasságuk nem lesz valami tartós. Their marriage won't last. Their marriage won't last very long. Mi margarint használunk vaj helyett. We substitute margarine for butter. We use margarine instead of butter. Honnan e magabiztosság? Where does this self-confidence come from? Where does that confidence come from? Tegnap lehetett utoljára regisztrálni. Yesterday was the last day you could register. It was the last time I registered. Megnézném Londont. I'd like to visit London. I'd like to see London. Ez egy probléma. This is a problem. It's a problem. A holttestek kupaca a híd alatt szörnyű látványt nyújtott. The pile of bodies under the bridge was such a macabre sight. The pile of bodies under the bridge was a terrible sight. Kérlek, azonosítsd magad! Please identify yourself. Please identify yourself. Jó érzéssel váltunk el. We parted on good terms. We parted with a good feeling. Ne ráncold már a homlokodat! Stop frowning. Stop wrinkling your forehead. Tom nem akart odamenni sötétedés után. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Bármikor meglátlak, nem tudok nem gondolni anyádra. Every time I see you, I can't help thinking about your mother. Whenever I see you, I can't stop thinking about your mother. A háború alatt gyakran le kellett mondanunk a cukor használatáról. During the war, we often had to make do without sugar. During the war, we often had to give up the use of sugar. Jó vagy a hazudozásban, ugye? You're good at lying, aren't you? You're good at lying, aren't you? Nem tehetsz úgy, mintha ez nem történt volna meg. You can't pretend that this didn't happen. You can't pretend this didn't happen. Bármit megteszek érte. I will do anything for him. I'll do anything for him. Van elég időd? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Nagy volt a ház. The house was big. It was a big house. Senki sem tudja, hogy néz ki egy ufó. No one really knows what a UFO looks like. No one knows what a UFO looks like. Túl messzire mentél. You went too far. You've gone too far. Abszolút elfelejtettem. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. Fölöttébb furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. Időnként mindenki hibázik. Everybody makes mistakes once in a while. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Először gondot okozott neki, hogy megszokja az új házát. At first he had trouble getting used to his new house. At first, he had trouble getting used to his new house. Tom azt akarta, hogy Mary szeresse őt. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Megvan a saját bajom. I have problems of my own. I've got my own problems. Felkeresek egy orvost. I'll find a doctor. I'm gonna go see a doctor. A csúfságnak van egy előnye a szépséggel szemben: nem múlandó. Ugliness has one advantage over beauty: it lasts. Uglyness has an advantage over beauty: it is not fleeting. Hozd magaddal a diákigazolványodat. Bring your student ID card. Bring your student ID. Szeretem Marit, de néha sok. I love Mary but sometimes I'm fed up with her. I love Mari, but sometimes it's too much. Tom diabéteszes. Tom has diabetes. Tom has diabetes. Harmincan voltak jelen a gyűlésen. There were thirty people present at the meeting. Thirty people were present at the meeting. Azt mondod, hogy Tom valamit rejteget előlünk? Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us? Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us? Ez a videofilm unalmas. This video is boring. This video is boring. Kopogj, mielőtt belépsz. Knock before entering. Knock before you enter. Változásra van szükségünk. We need a change. We need a change. Tom egyke. Tom is an only child. Tom's an only child. Tom kivételével senki senki sem távozott. Nobody but Tom left. No one left except Tom. Elnézést, nem értettem a neved. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Ha nem hiszel nekem, hinni fogsz majd a saját szemeidnek. If you don't believe me, you'll believe your own eyes. If you don't believe me, you'll believe your own eyes. Mária megoldotta a rejtélyt. Mary solved the mystery. Mary solved the mystery. Mindent tudni akar rólad. He wanted to know everything about you. He wants to know everything about you. Be voltunk zsúfolva egy kis szobába. We were crowded into the small room. We were crammed into a small room. Sok ember idiótának tartja őt. Many people call him an idiot. A lot of people think he's an idiot. Tom régebben rendes volt. Tom used to be neat. Tom used to be nice. Biztos vagy benne, hogy ez az egyedüli megoldás? Are you sure that that's the only solution? Are you sure this is the only way? Nincs senkim az életben. I don't have anyone in my life. I have no one in my life. Tom rendelt egy extra nagy pizzát. Tom ordered an extra large pizza. Tom ordered an extra large pizza. Nemtom. Dunno. I dunno. Tom sosem változik. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Tom azt ígérte, hogy hamarosan visszatér. Tom promised that he would be back soon. Tom promised he'd be back soon. Ne menj soha se férjhez! Never get married. Don't ever get married. Mitől mosolyodsz el? What makes you smile? Why are you smiling? Mondani és cselekedni nem ugyanaz. To say is one thing, and to do is another. Saying and acting is not the same thing. Nem kell ordítani. There's no need to yell. No need to scream. Meg kell követnem. I have to apologize. I have to follow him. Tamás az egyik osztálytársam. Tom is one of my classmates. Tom is one of my classmates. Hallottam egy farkast üvölteni. I heard a wolf howling. I heard a wolf scream. Ez az igazi ok. That's the true reason. That's the real reason. Tomi pontosan ugyanazt tette, mint én. Tom did exactly the same thing I did. Tom did exactly the same thing as me. Élt valamikor egy becsületes, ám szegény ember. Once upon a time, there was an honest but poor man. Once upon a time, there was an honest but poor man. Tisztában vagyok a nehézségekkel. I'm aware of the difficulties. I'm aware of the difficulties. Nem indul a motor. The engine won't start. The engine won't start. Az ön kérdésének semmi köze a tárgyalt témához. Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion. Your question has nothing to do with the subject under discussion. A leves legyen forró. Soup should be hot. Make the soup hot. A tudomány fontos az életünkben. Science is important for our lives. Science is important in our lives. Mindannyian éhesek voltak. They were all hungry. They were all hungry. Bármelyiket választhatod. You may choose any of them. You can choose any. Mi ez a tányéron? What's that on the plate? What's on the plate? Csak én gondolom azt, hogy Tom úgy néz ki néha, mint egy nő? Am I the only one who thinks Tom sometimes looks like a girl? Am I the only one who thinks Tom looks like a woman sometimes? A lány iskolába megy. The girl goes to school. She's going to school. Kevesen voltak ma itt. There were very few people here today. There were very few of them here today. Az asztalfiók nyitva van. The desk drawer is open. The desk drawer is open. Mari fekete szemű. Mary's eyes are black. Mari has black eyes. Ma sokkal jobban érzem magam. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. Osakában születtem 1977-ben. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. Beleült a fotelba. He sat down in the armchair. He sat in the chair. Teljesen kimerültek a tartalékok. The savings are completely exhausted. The reserves are exhausted. Hétvégén otthon volt. She was at home at the weekend. He was home this weekend. Adtál borravalót? Did you leave a tip? You tipped me? Nem válaszoltam a leveledre, mert túlságosan elfoglalt voltam. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. Nem vagy halott. You're not dead. You're not dead. Évtizedekkel ezelőtt találkoztam Tommal. I met Tom decades ago. I met Tom decades ago. Tom udvariatlan volt. Tom was rude. Tom was rude. Nem tudom, hogy Tomi miért ment a kórházba. I don't know why Tom went to the hospital. I don't know why Tom went to the hospital. Az angolt a legtöbb országban tanítják. English is taught in most countries. English is taught in most countries. Nincs joga ezt tenni Saminek. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. You have no right to do that to Sami. Ez nem a XIX. század. It isn't the 19th century. This is not the 19th century. A végrendeletében teljes vagyonát a nejére hagyta. He left all his property to his wife in his will. In his will, he left his entire fortune to his wife. Tom szándékai nem voltak tiszták. Tom's intentions were unclear. Tom's intentions weren't clear. Tom kedveli. Tom likes him. Tom likes him. Jobb vagy, mint én. You're better than me. You're better than me. Kérhetek egy szívességet? May I ask for a favor? Can I ask you a favor? Ne használj sok borsot. Go easy on the pepper. Don't use too much pepper. Különös teremtmények a békák. Frogs are freaks. Frogs are strange creatures. Tomnak egy gyermeke volt. Tom had one child. Tom had a child. Az anyukád itthon van? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? Messze vannak. They're far away. They're far away. Egész héten rosszul voltam. I've been feeling bad for a week. I've been sick all week. Nem féltékenyek. They're not jealous. They're not jealous. Nem jó a nyomtató. The printer isn't working. The printer's no good. Lerobbant az autó. The car broke down. The car broke down. Körülbelül olyan magas, mint te. She's about the same height as you. He's about your height. Nem lehet itt benn levegőt kapni. It's impossible to breathe in there. You can't breathe in here. Jómódú voltam... és megházasodtam. I was a rich man... and I got married. I was wealthy... and I got married. Tom el fog menni. Tom will go. Tom's gonna go. Ez nem egy valódi szó. That's not a real word. It's not a real word. Folyóhoz közel élünk. We live near a river. We live close to the river. Az alma után nyúlt. She reached for the apple. He reached for the apple. Miért ülsz le? Why are you sitting down? Why are you sitting down? Kevés pénzem van. I have little money. I don't have much money. Pánszexuális vagyok. I'm pansexual. I'm a pansexual. Nem tudom ezt a fájdalmat tovább elviselni. I can't stand this pain any more. I can't take this pain anymore. Az még mindig létezik? Does that still exist? Does that still exist? Az nem betegség. That's not an illness. It's not a disease. Odavagyok azért a csajért. I really like that girl. I love that girl. Nem értem, hogy ebben mi olyan mulatságos. I fail to see what's so amusing. I don't know what's so funny about that. Milyen íze van a fagylaltnak? What flavor is that ice cream? What does ice cream taste like? Több szót nem akarok erről hallani. I don't want to hear another word about this. I don't want to hear any more about this. Fáj az állkapcsom. My jaw hurts. My jaw hurts. A közeli étteremben dolgozik péncérnőként. She works as a waitress at a nearby restaurant. She works at the nearby restaurant as a minstrel. Nem érünk rá a siránkozásaidat hallgatni. We don't have time to listen to your whining. We don't have time to listen to your whining. Nem szeretem, hogy ilyen gyakran jön a házamba. I don't like that he comes to my house so often. I don't like him coming into my house so often. Előbb házasodjon meg, a szerelem majd jön magától. Marry first and love will follow. Get married first, love will come by itself. Amit mondtál, annak köze nincs az ügyhöz. What you said didn't have anything to do with the issue. What you said has nothing to do with the case. Nem eszem. I am not eating. I'm not eating. Tegnap éjszaka nagyon rosszat álmodtam. I had a very bad dream last night. I had a very bad dream last night. Nagyon erősnek érzem magam. I feel very strong. I feel very strong. Jobban szereted a kávét. You prefer coffee. You prefer coffee. Gyerekek ezrei tűntek el és soha nem kerültek elő. Thousands of children go missing and are never found. Thousands of children disappeared and were never found. A házunkat kirabolták, amíg nem voltunk otthon. Our house was robbed while we were away. Our house was robbed while we were away. Egy kismadár iszik a macskatálból. A little bird is drinking from the cat dish. There's a little bird drinking from the cat bowl. Tesióránk van. We have physical education. We have gym class. Addig is. See you. Until then. Ezt nem kellett volna. That wasn't necessary. You shouldn't have done that. Tom rossz században született. Tom was born in the wrong century. Tom was born in the wrong century. Layla kapott egy szöveges üzenetet Samitől. Layla got a text message from Sami. Layla got a text message from Sami. A közúti rendőrség szerint ön nagy sebességgel vezette motorját. According to the traffic police, you were driving your motorcycle too fast. According to the road police, you were driving your motorcycle at high speed. Tevék nélkül az élet a Szaharában gyakorlatilag lehetetlen volna. Without camels, life in the Sahara Desert would be practically impossible. Without camels, life in the Sahara would be virtually impossible. Tomi virágot hozott Marinak. Tom brought Mary some flowers. Tom brought Mari flowers. Nézz a szemembe, amikor hozzám beszélsz! Look me in the eye when you speak to me. Look me in the eye when you talk to me. Figyelnek. They're listening. They're watching. Később aláírom majd a szerződést. I'll sign the contract later. I'll sign the contract later. Diétázok. I'm going on a diet. I'm dieting. Tom legközelebb még jobb lesz. Tom will be even better next time. Tom will be even better next time. Szükségem van egy hosszabbítóra. I need an extension cord. I need an extension cord. Ha ez tényleg ennyire felnyomja benned a pumpát, talán ideje lenne kilépned. If it really winds you up this much, maybe it's about time you log off. If this is really pushing the pump up inside you, maybe it's time you quit. Mondd el nekem is, légyszi, légyszi! Please please tell it to me. Tell me, please, please. Kiszakadt a szúnyogháló. The mosquito net was torn. The mosquito net broke. Remélem, majd még jössz. I hope that you'll come again. I hope you'll come again. Tomi kitartó a kérdésével. Tom keeps asking me that same question. Tom is persevering with his question. Aláírom. I'll sign it. I'll sign. Apám azt akarja, hogy hozzámenjek Tomhoz. My father wants me to marry Tom. My dad wants me to marry Tom. Rögtönöztem. I improvised. I improvised. Kérsz egy banánt? Would you like a banana? You want a banana? Ez az a kurva nagy demokrácia! So much for fucking democracy! This is a great fucking democracy. Áttanulmányozta a "Háború és béke" eredeti szövegét. He studied the original text of War and Peace. He studied the original text of "War and Peace." Tom jelentkezett az állásra. Tom applied for a job. Tom applied for the job. Szólt a fiúknak, hogy sorakozzanak. He told the boys to line up. He told the boys to line up. Tom nem tudta, melyiket válassza. Tom didn't know which one to choose. Tom didn't know which one to choose. Nem aludtam. I wasn't sleeping. I didn't sleep. Az alagút falára fújt sprével Dávid-csillagot. He spray-painted a Star of David onto the wall of the tunnel. He blew David's star on the wall of the tunnel. Tomi nem értett egyet Marival. Tom disagreed with Mary. Tom disagreed with Mari. Gyakran vitatkozik a feleségével. He has frequent arguments with his wife. He often argues with his wife. Gyorsan cselekedenünk kell. We must act quickly. We need to act fast. A kismadár ült a fán és csiporgott, alatta meg várakozott a róka. The little bird sat on a tree branch and chirped. And thereunder the fox loitered. The little bird sat on the tree and paged, and the fox was waiting under it. Ma nem kell dolgoznod. You don't need to work today. You don't have to work today. Tamás orra vörös volt. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Japán és Nagy-Britannia szigetország. Japan and Britain are island countries. Japan and Great Britain are islands. Egész nap lószart sem csináltam. I didn't do shit all day. I haven't done shit all day. A megbocsátás köztük és Isten között történik, az én dolgom az, hogy megszervezzem a találkozót. Forgiveness is between them and God, it's my job to arrange the meeting. Forgiveness happens between them and God, my job is to arrange the meeting. Úgy néz ki, mint az anyja. She looks like her mother. She looks like her mother. Szerintem van még időm, hogy azt megcsináljam, mielőtt Tom ideér. I think I still have time to do that before Tom gets here. I think I have time to do that before Tom gets here. Megmagyaráznád, ezt miért mondtad? Will you explain me why you did it? Can you explain why you said that? Még reggeliznem kell. I still need to eat breakfast. I have to get some breakfast. Megtörténhet? Could it happen? Could it? Tom nagyon gyorsan vezet. Tom drives very fast. Tom's driving really fast. Elkanyarodott a folyó felé. He began to angle toward the river. He turned to the river. Megsütöttem a tésztát. I fried the dough. I baked the noodles. Odaadom ezt Tomnak. I'll give this to Tom. I'll give this to Tom. Hát te meg ki lehetsz? And who might you be? Who the hell are you? Tom zajt hallott. Tom heard a noise. Tom heard a noise. Tom egyszer sem lőtt. Tom never fired a shot. Tom never fired a shot. Mégis hogy gondoltad, hogy Tomi segíteni tud nekünk? How did you know Tom would be able to help us? How did you think Tom could help us? Senkinek se mondjuk el. We won't tell anyone. We won't tell anyone. A hatása alatt állok. It impressed me much. I'm under his influence. Éhes sem vagyok. I'm not hungry either. I'm not even hungry. — Tom, nem találom a porcelán vázát, ami még dédanyámé volt! — És azt gondolod, elloptam, összetörtem vagy megettem, mi?Javaslom, keresd a British múzeumban vagy a Vatikánban! "Tom, I don't find the porcelain vase that my great-grandmother owned." "And you think I stole, I broke or I ate it, don't you? I suggest you to search it in the British Museum or in Vatican." “Tom, I can’t find the porcelain vase that belonged to my great-grandmother!” And you think I stole it, broke it, or ate it, huh?I suggest you look at the British Museum or the Vatican! Mindenki ki van téve a kockázatnak. Everybody's at risk. Everyone is at risk. Nincs szándékomban, hogy önző legyek. I don't intend to be selfish. I have no intention of being selfish. Nem mehetek csak úgy el. I can't just leave. I can't just leave. Szeretnék neki segíteni, de nem tudom, hogyan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help him, but I don't know how. Tom túl hangosan nevetett. Tom laughed too loud. Tom laughed too loud. Hogy fogom felismerni? How will I recognize it? How will I recognize him? Miért van zárva ez a bolt? Why is the store closed? Why is this store closed? Soha nem láttalak még így viselkedni. I've never seen you act like this before. I've never seen you act like this before. Küldenél róla képet? Can you send me a picture about it? Can you send me a picture? Nem kért senki semmire. No one asked me for anything. No one asked me to do anything. Az út cikk-cakkban haladt fel a meredek lejtőn. The path zigzagged up the steep slope. The road went up the steep slope in zigzag. Kész van az autó. The car is ready. The car's ready. Öt meg kettő az hét. Five plus two equals seven. Five plus two is seven. Remélem, bevár. I hope he waits for me. I hope you'll wait. Ezt majd később megbeszéljük. We'll discuss that later. We'll talk about this later. Ön japán? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Nagyon köszönöm a gyors válaszod. Thanks for your quick answer. Thank you very much for your quick reply. A tragédia a nemesek szórakozása. Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles. Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles. Tom fáradtnak látszott. Tom looked tired. Tom looked tired. Próbálkoztak. They tried. They tried. Felhatalmazlak rá. I'll give you permission to do it. You're authorized. Hadd mondjam el! Let me tell it! Let me tell you. Bárcsak ne lenne igazad, de tudom, hogy igazad van. I wish you were wrong, but I know that you're right. I wish you weren't right, but I know you're right. Most minden simán megy. Now everything's going smoothly. Everything's going smoothly now. Tom látott valakit. Tom saw someone. Tom saw someone. Tomi csak színlel egy ideje. Tom has been pretending. Tom's been faking it for a while. Tom kiváló fejszámoló. Tom's very good at mental arithmetic. Tom's an excellent headcount. Ő kétszer annyit keres mint én. He earns twice as much as me. He makes twice as much as I do. Vegyük át pontról pontra. Let's go through it in detail. Let's take it point by point. Ezek a fiaiméi. These are my sons'. These are my boys'. Tudod a nevét? Do you know his name? Do you know his name? Tudja ténylegesen valaki, hogy mi történt? Does anyone know what really happened? Does anyone really know what happened? Ez a cheddar sajt walesi barnasörből, tormából és mustármagból készült. This cheddar cheese is made from Welsh brown ale, horseradish, and mustard seeds. This cheddar cheese is made from Welsh brown beer, horseradish and mustard seeds. Ki megy férjhez? Who's getting married? Who's getting married? Láttad a zöld ingemet? Have you seen my green shirt? Have you seen my green shirt? Itt havazik. It's snowing here. It's snowing here. Bulgáriában például, ha valaki rázza a fejét, az egyetértést jelent; ha bólogat, az pedig egyet nem értést. For example, in Bulgaria, shaking one's head indicates agreement; nodding one's head, disagreement. In Bulgaria, for example, if someone shakes his head, it means agreement; if he nods, it means disagreement. Tom súlyosan megsérült. Tom was seriously injured. Tom was badly hurt. Tom nagyon fog nekem hiányozni. I'm going to miss Tom so much. I will miss Tom very much. Mit akarsz vele csinálni? What do you want to do with it? What are you gonna do with him? Nincs kutyánk. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. A kérdés efféle megválaszolása újabb kérdéseket vet fel. Answering the question that way raises further issues. Answering this question raises new questions. Ezt használom. I use this. I'm using this. Hogyan tudom megállítani Tomot? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? — Ne vágjál ilyen hülye pofát, ha hozzád beszélek! Te kifigurázol engem. — Hülyének tűnhet, de nekem ilyen az arcom. Bocsesz! "Stop making this strange face when I talk to you. You're making fun of me." "It may be strange to you, but it's just my face, sorry." "Don't make such a stupid face when I'm talking to you. You're making fun of me. " It may seem stupid, but that's my face. Sorry. Indulj fogat mosni! Go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth. Ők szerelemből házasodtak, de nem boldogok már. They got married for love but they aren't happy now. They married for love, but they're not happy anymore. Valójában nem nektek gratuláltam. In fact you weren't the ones I congratulated. Actually, I wasn't congratulating you. Miért nem teszel vele egy próbát? Olyan finom! Why don't you try this? It's delicious, you know! Why don't you give it a try? Ismered az apját? Do you know his father? Do you know his father? Még mindig ott van mindenki. Everybody's still there. Everyone's still there. Uható az esővíz? Is rainwater drinkable? Is it raining? Meg fogod hívni Tomit a bulira? Are you going to invite Tom to the party? Are you going to invite Tomi to the party? Jelenleg segítenek nekem. I'm being helped. They're helping me right now. Ebédeltél? Have you had any lunch? You had lunch? Csinálok néhány képet a hídról. I am taking pictures of the bridge. I'll take some pictures of the bridge. A buddhizmus Indiából származik. Buddhism came from India. Buddhism originated in India. Dohányzik bármelyik japán nő, akit ismersz? Do any of the Japanese women you know smoke? Do any Japanese women you know smoke? Igaz, hogy szereted a sós kávét? Is it true you love salted coffee? Is it true you like salty coffee? A fiúk boldogok lesznek. The boys will be happy. The boys will be happy. Tom zöldséglevest evett ma reggel. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Nehéz napom volt. I had a hard day. I've had a hard day. Csak te kellesz nekem. I only need you. You're all I need. Találtam lakóhelyet. I found a place to live. I found a place to live. A mormon hittérítők párban dolgoznak. Mormon missionaries work in pairs. Mormon missionaries work in pairs. Kedd óta esik az eső. It has been raining since Tuesday. It's been raining since Tuesday. Őfelsége Poroszország királya és a Német birodalom császára. Your sovereign is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. His Majesty is King of Prussia and Emperor of the German Empire. Rokona vagyok. I'm related to her. I'm related. Mennyibe kerül a sör? How much does beer cost? How much for the beer? Mivel ez olyan fontos, majd én a gondjaimba veszem. Since it's so important, I'll take care of it. Since it's so important, I'll take care of it. Nem ijesztesz meg többet. You don't scare me anymore. You're not scaring me anymore. Nehezen hihető. I find it hard to believe. It's hard to believe. Nézd, mit tettél velem! Look at what you've done to me. Look what you've done to me. Tom ma elfelejtette elhozni az ebédjét. Tom forgot to bring his lunch today. Tom forgot to bring his lunch today. Először csalódott voltam. At first, I was disappointed. At first I was disappointed. Szeretnél velem moziba menni? Would you like to go to the movies with me? You want to go to the movies with me? Ez vicces lenne. That'd be fun. That would be funny. Idegen nyelvek tudása mindenki számára hasznos. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Hány órakor nyit a bolt? What time does the store open? What time does the store open? A oktatás tett azzá, ami vagyok. My education has made me what I am. Education has made me what I am. Aki pillangókat akar látni, annak el kell viselnie a hernyókat is. If you want to see butterflies, you have to accept caterpillars. Anyone who wants to see butterflies has to put up with caterpillars. A bolti eladó nem keres sokat. A salesperson doesn't earn much. The shopkeeper doesn't make much money. Találtál? Have you found any? You found it? Attól félek, dolgom van. I'm afraid I have work to do. I'm afraid I'm busy. Bőven van elég. There's plenty of food. There's plenty. Városom minden kertjében tilos a virágágyakra rátaposni. In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds. It's forbidden to trample on flower beds in every garden in my city. Mindenki tévedett. Everybody was wrong. Everyone was wrong. Megcsinálom. Ne mondhassa rám senki azt, hogy gyáva vagyok. I'll do it. No one can say I'm a coward. No one can say I'm a coward. Tom pont azt tervezi tenni. Tom is planning to do just that. That's exactly what Tom's planning to do. Látok egy oroszlánt. I see a lion. I see a lion. Emlékszem, Tom egy barna kalapot viselt. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. Van szabad ülőhely? Is there a vacant seat? Is there a seat available? Fel akarod húzni az agyamat? Are you trying to get me mad? Are you trying to piss me off? Mit gondolsz, mennyi embert hívjunk meg a bulira? How many people do you think we should invite to our party? How many people do you think we should invite to the party? Tom és John egypetéjű ikrek? Are Tom and John identical twins? Tom and John are identical twins? Nem hiszek a tündérmesékben. I don't believe in fairy tales. I don't believe in fairy tales. Az én országom az egész világ. My country is the whole world. My country is the whole world. Volna szíves válaszolni egy-két kérdésre? Would you be so kind as to answer a few questions? Can you answer one or two questions? Egyből őt hibáztatta. He was quick to blame him. She blamed him right away. Kétezerhuszonegy Tom éve. 2021 is the year of Tom. Two thousand twenty-one years of Tom. Látod ezt is? Can you see it too? Do you see this? Ahogy láthatod, az ellenkezőjét csinálom. As you can see, I am doing the opposite. As you can see, I'm doing the opposite. Ne támadj engem! Don't attack me. Don't attack me! Nekem ez nem fog működni. That won't work for me. It's not gonna work for me. Tom a búcsúztató partin mondott néhány ízléstelen viccet, amivel megsértette néhány kollégáját. Tom told a number of off-colour jokes at his farewell dinner, and some of his colleagues were offended. Tom said some tasteless jokes at the memorial party that hurt some of his colleagues. Vegyél közülük! Take one of these. Have some of them. Nem vagyok jó művész. I'm not a good artist. I'm not a good artist. Tom nyitott gondolkodású. Tom is open-minded. Tom's open-minded. Nem érek rá megcsinálni a mosást. I don't have time to do the laundry. I don't have time to do the laundry. Láttátok az öcsémet? Did you see my younger brother? Have you seen my brother? Tom és Mari egy puccos étterembe mentek megünnepelni a házassági évfordulójukat. Tom and Mary went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Tom and Mari went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Nem vagyok én sem magasabb nála. I am not taller than he, either. I'm not taller than him. Tom nem tudja kinek higgyen: Johnnak vagy Marynek. Tom doesn't know who to believe: John or Mary. Tom doesn't know who to believe, John or Mary. A forrásban lévő víz nem változtatja meg a kémiai összetételét. Boiling the water doesn't change its chemical composition. The boiling water does not change its chemical composition. Tom azt mondta, hogy legyünk türelmesek. Tom said we should be patient. Tom told us to be patient. Ma reggel egy pohár tejet ittam. I drank a glass of milk this morning. I had a glass of milk this morning. Beléptek az erdőbe. They entered the forest. They entered the forest. Nincs lázatok. You don't have a fever. You have no fever. Nagyon meglepődtem, hogy működött. I was really surprised that it worked. I was very surprised that it worked. Ne engedd ki a macskát. Don't let the cat out. Don't let the cat out. Tom 13 éves, de még mindig hisz a Mikulásban. Tom is 13, but he still believes in Santa. Tom is 13 years old, but he still believes in Santa Claus. Én is egyetértek Tomival. I agree with Tom, too. I agree with Tom too. Honnan tudjuk, hogy a fény gyorsabb, mint a hang? How do we know that light travels faster than sound? How do we know that light is faster than sound? Nem tudni, mit hoz a holnap. It's impossible to know what'll happen tomorrow. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Melyik kontinens a legnépesebb? Which continent is the most populated one? Which continent is the most populous? Tom csendben ült. Tom sat silently. Tom sat quietly. Korán kell indulnom. I must leave early. I have to leave early. A szerelem legyőzi a gyűlöletet. Love rules over hate. Love conquers hate. Van joghurt a hűtőben. There is yogurt in the fridge. There's yogurt in the fridge. A barátaimmal fogok tanulni. I'll be studying together with my friends. I'm going to study with my friends. Aludj valamennyit, ha tudsz. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Minden nap vonattal megyek dolgozni. I go to work every day by train. I take the train to work every day. El tudnád magyarázni egy kicsit egyszerűbben, hogy megértsem? Could you explain a bit easier for me to understand? Can you explain it a little more simply so I can understand? Ez nem a legjobb megoldás. It is not the best solution. It's not the best solution. Tom ugyanazt kérdezte Marytől, amit tőlem. Tom asked the same question to Mary that he asked me. Tom asked Mary the same question he asked me. Mennyire fáj? How much does it hurt? How much does it hurt? Mikor fizetnek nekem? When will they pay me? When do they pay me? Nagyon büszkék vagyunk rád! We're very proud of you! We're very proud of you. Tudom jól, mi áll szándékodban. I know exactly what your intentions are. I know what you mean. Körbeutaztam egész Oroszországot. I traveled all around Russia. I've traveled all over Russia. Ne mondd, hogy elfelejtetted! Don't tell me you forgot. Don't tell me you forgot. Szerintem nagyszerűen nézel ki. I think you look great. I think you look great. Nem értek semmit. I don't understand anything. I don't understand anything. Kik ezek a férfiak? Who are these men? Who are these men? Ideje elmondani a teljes igazságot. It's time to tell the whole truth. It's time to tell the whole truth. Ezt akartam. I wanted this. That's what I wanted. Éppen ezt készültem megtenni. I was going to do that. That's what I was about to do. Jobbat vártunk volna. We expected better. We would have expected better. Jó sok pénzt lenyúlt. She put away a good deal of money. He took a lot of money. Hogy fognál hozzá ennek a problémának a megoldásához? How would you go about solving this problem? How would you begin to solve this problem? Mikor fordult elő utoljára, hogy emlékeztetned kellett engem valami elvégzésére? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? Szervusz, öreg barátom! Hello, old friend! Hello, old friend. Nem bírtam leállni. I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't stop. Robi nem bír magával. Bob could not control his temper. Robi can't handle you. Elfelejtettem megöntözni a virágokat. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to water the flowers. A nagyszerű embereknek van egy jelentős hátrányuk - nem tudják, hogy kell veszíteni. Brilliant people have one major drawback - they don't know how to lose. Great people have a significant disadvantage – they don’t know how to lose. A nagypapám jazz zenekara eladott egy csomó lemezt. My grandfather's jazz band has sold a lot of records. My grandfather's jazz band sold a lot of records. Nehéz a francia kiejtés? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is it difficult to pronounce French? Meg kell operálni Tomit. Tom needs surgery. We need to operate on Tom. Ne harcolj! Don't fight. Don't fight. Ezt megteheted helyetted. I could do that for you. You can do that for yourself. Tom azt mondta nekik, hogy ne tegyék ezt. Tom told them not to do that. Tom told them not to do that. Nagyon meglepődtem, mikor megtörtént. I was really surprised when that happened. I was very surprised when it happened. Úgy tűnik, mindenre gondoltál. It looks like you thought of everything. You seem to have thought of everything. Meglehetősen egyszerű. It's pretty simple. It's pretty simple. Törökország regionális nagyhatalom. Turkey is a regional great power. Turkey is a regional power. Álltunk a hídon, és bámultuk a folyót. We were standing on the bridge and watching the river. We stood on the bridge and stared at the river. Minden vasárnap megyek templomba. I go to church every Sunday. I go to church every Sunday. Tom gyalog fog menni. Tom will walk. Tom will walk. Tomnak nagyon jó kapcsolatai voltak. Tom was too well connected. Tom had very good connections. Az ház ott az ő háza. That house belongs to him. The house there is his house. Tomnak volt belőle. Tom had some. Tom had some. Semmit sem ettem. I didn't eat anything. I didn't eat anything. Én tejszínhabot teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I'll put whipped cream in my coffee. Soha nem találkoztam volna veled. I would have never met you. I never would have met you. Tehetek néhány javaslatot? Can I make a couple of suggestions? Can I make some suggestions? Tartson balra. Keep to the left. Keep to the left. Tom, aki magát nőnek tartja, megismerte Mariát, aki magát férfinek tartja, és beleszeretett. Tom, who identifies as a woman, has met Mary, who identifies as a man, and has fallen in love. Tom, who thinks you're a woman, met Maria, who thinks you're a man, and fell in love with her. Nem vagyok beteg. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. A szép idők elmúltak. The good times are over. The good times are over. Meglásd, jobban leszel. You'll see that you'll get better! You'll get better. Tom választ akar. Tom needs answers. Tom wants an answer. Azonnal oda kell mennem? Must I go there at once? Do I have to go there right away? A falut végeláthatatlan sok föld fogja körül. The village is surrounded by endless fields. The village is surrounded by an endless amount of land. Ha sikerrel jár, az amerikaiak elvesztik a hitelességüket. If he succeeds, Americans will lose credibility. If he succeeds, the Americans will lose their credibility. Jeruzsálem az iszlám harmadik szent városa Mekka és Medina után. Jerusalem is the third holy city in Islam, following Mecca and Medina Jerusalem is the third holy city of Islam after Mecca and Medina. A kapu nyitva volt. The gate was open. The gate was open. Az ott ülő nő a jelenlegi felesége. The woman sitting over there is his present wife. The woman sitting there is his current wife. Figyúzz ide! Look here! Look at me. Nincs szükségem sok pénzre. I don't need a lot of money. I don't need much money. Mit fogsz kezdeni a kincs rád eső részével? What are you going to do with your share of the treasure? What are you going to do with your share of the treasure? Ő túl idős önhöz. He is too old for you. He's too old for you. Hallottam egy pisztolylövést. I heard a pistol shot. I heard a gunshot. A térdem vérzik. My knee is bleeding. My knee's bleeding. Hiányoztam, vagy nem? You missed me, didn't you? Did you miss me or not? Tom fuldoklik. Tom is drowning! Tom's choking. Benyelt a YouTube és nem csináltam meg semmit. I was in a YouTube spiral and didn't get any work done. I got sucked into YouTube and didn't do anything. Nyilvánvalóan az egy hülye ötlet volt. That was obviously a stupid idea. Obviously, that was a stupid idea. Felénk jön Tomi. Tom is walking towards us. It's coming towards us, Tom. Messze vagy az igazsagtól. You're far from the truth. You're a long way from justice. Betegek? Are they not feeling well? Sick? Bányászként dolgoztam két évig. I was a miner for two years. I worked as a miner for two years. Anyámtól tudod elkérni a receptet. You should ask my mom for the recipe. You can get the recipe from my mother. Nem ő az egyetlen, aki így gondolkodik. He is not the only one who thinks this way. He's not the only one who thinks that way. Az ő szavai pontosan azok voltak. Those were her exact words. His words were exactly that. A lelked a pokolra van kárhoztatva. Your soul has been condemned to hell. Your soul is doomed to hell. - Unom már a tévét. Csináljunk valami mást! - Mint például? "I'm tired of watching TV. Let's do something else." "Like what?" I'm tired of watching TV, let's do something else. Végrehajtották az itéletet. The verdict was executed. They executed the sentence. Direkt csináltad, ugye? You did it on purpose, didn't you? You did it on purpose, didn't you? Ugye tudod? You know, don't you? You know that, right? Még egy bűnözőnek is joga van a szabadsághoz. Even a criminal has the right to liberty. Even a criminal has a right to freedom. Az értekezletet tegnap tartották meg. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting was held yesterday. Mit csinálnál szívesen? What do you feel like doing? What would you like to do? Tom sok időt tölt el Bostonban. Tom spends a lot of time in Boston. Tom spends a lot of time in Boston. Kell valamit csinálnom? Is there anything I have to do? Do I have to do something? Magamra emlékeztetsz. You remind me of myself. You remind me of myself. Tomi senkit sem engedne be a szobájába. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his room. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his room. Engedd el a madarat! Let the bird go. Let the bird go. Tetszik, ahogy mosolyogsz. I like the way you smile. I like the way you smile. Lány létére bátor. She is brave for a girl. She's brave for a girl. A mérsékelt testmozgás serkenti a vérkeringést. Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood. Moderate exercise stimulates blood circulation. Nem volt rám többé szükség. I was no longer needed. I was no longer needed. Lenne szíves válaszolni néhány kérdésre? Would you be so kind as to answer a few questions? Would you mind answering a few questions? Azt gondoltátok, hogy gyáva kukac. You all thought he was a coward. You thought he was a coward. Ezt tavaly vettem. I bought that last year. I bought this last year. Nincs más út a bejutásra. There's no other way in. There's no other way in. Tom és Mary ugyanazt rendelték. Tom and Mary ordered the same thing. Tom and Mary ordered the same thing. Tom látta ezt. Tom saw that. Tom saw this. Mennem kellett. I had to go. I had to go. Szereti magát. She loves you. He loves you. Elmehetek a WC-re? May I go to the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? Múlt éjjel esett. It was raining last night. It rained last night. Vissza akarom kapni a biciklimet. I want my bicycle back. I want my bike back. Írtam egy levelet. I was writing a letter. I wrote a letter. Tomi, te eszetlen! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you fool! A hallgatóság a lába előtt hevert. He had the audience at his feet. The audience was at his feet. Hogyan ejted ki a nevedet? How do you pronounce your name? How do you pronounce your name? Nem szeretem a pontatlan embereket. I don't like people who aren't punctual. I don't like inaccurate people. Ez az egyetlen lehetőséged. It's your only shot. It's your only option. Megcsókolt, majd elment. She kissed me and left. He kissed me and left. Tamás beteg volt? Was Tom sick? Was Tom sick? Tom messzire el fog menni. Tom will go far. Tom will go far. Egy fiú megkaparintotta a pénztárcámat, amikor elszáguldott mellettem a kerékpárján. A boy snatched my purse as he rode by on his bicycle. A boy grabbed my wallet when he ran past me on his bike. Betéve ismeri ezt a várost. He knows this town inside out. He knows this town inside out. Algériának hatalmas költségvetési hiánya van. Algeria has a huge budget gap. Algeria has a huge budget deficit. Úgy gondolom, nincs semmi értelme, hogy megpróbáljuk őt meggyőzni. I think there's no point in trying to convince him. I don't think there's any point in trying to convince him. A gyerekemet minden érdekli. My child is interesting in everything. My child is interested in everything. Nem biztos, hogy jól értem, amire gondolsz. I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not sure I understand what you're thinking. Mit csinál? What is he doing? What are you doing? Egy stresszes munkanap után rossz hangulatban tért haza. After a stressful day at work, he went home in a bad mood. After a stressful day at work, he came home in a bad mood. Ez feltételezés, nem tény. That's a supposition, not a fact. That's an assumption, not a fact. Tom és Mária ikrek. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Mary are twins. Az Egyesült Államok régóta mint "olvasztótégely" ismert, mivel lakóinak többsége emigránsok leszármazottja. The United States has long been known as a "melting pot" because most of its people are descended from immigrants. The United States has long been known as a "melting pot" because most of its inhabitants are descendants of emigrants. Múlt éjszaka mentek el. They left last night. They left last night. Tom nem ért egyet Maryvel. Tom disagrees with Mary. Tom disagrees with Mary. Összetörte a kocsiját, mert a féket valaki megbabrálta. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He broke his car because someone tampered with the brakes. Köszönöm a válaszát. Thanks for your reply. Thank you for your reply. Tom állandóan eszik. Tom's eating all the time. Tom eats all the time. Óva intelek tőle ismételten! I warned you against him. I'm warning you again. Miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Halló! Hogy vagy? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Nincs jogod megítélni engem! You have no right to judge me! You have no right to judge me! Az a férfi egy katona. That man is a soldier. That man is a soldier. Furcsának találom a gondolkodásmódodat. Your way of thinking is strange to me. I find your thinking strange. Nézd meg, hogy lezártad-e rendesen az üveget. Make sure you closed the bottle right. See if you've sealed the bottle properly. Nehezebb a francia az angolnál? Is French harder than English? Is French harder than English? A segítség már úton van. Help is already on the way. Help is on the way. Miért nem vette le Tom a dzsekijét? Why didn't Tom take off his jacket? Why didn't Tom take off his jacket? Ma még nem láttam őt. Today, I haven't seen her yet. I haven't seen him today. Ha megfogadtad volna a tanácsom, most nem ülnél a slamasztikában. If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't be in such trouble. If you'd taken my advice, you wouldn't be in this mess. Őszintén szólva nem akarok vele dolgozni. To be honest, I do not want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. Fáradsz? Are you getting tired? Tired? Az nem játék! That isn't a toy. That's not a game. Ez nem először történik velem. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. A currypor többféle fűszerből áll. Curry powder is composed of several spices. Curry powder consists of several spices. Megragadtam Tomit a könyökénél. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. Írj tovább! Keep writing. Keep writing. Kilátásba helyeztem a szomszédnak egy verést. I promised the neighbour I'd beat him. I put a hit in the neighborhood. Hiányoltunk. We missed you. Missed you. Az sem igaz. That isn't true either. That's not true either. Légy óvatos, ha a tengerben úszol! Be careful swimming in the sea. Be careful when swimming in the sea. Tom siket. Tom's deaf. Tom's deaf. Feltételezzük, hogy igaz. Let's assume that it's true. Let's assume it's true. Szándékosan nem mondtam el nekik. I deliberately didn't tell them. I didn't tell them on purpose. Tedd a legfelső polcra. Ott nem érik el a gyerekek. Put it on the top shelf. The children can't reach it there. Put it on the top shelf, the kids can't reach it. Csak aludni akartam. All I wanted to do was get some sleep. I just wanted to sleep. Jövőre külföldre utazik majd. He will travel abroad next year. He will travel abroad next year. Köszönöm a részvételt! Thank you so much for attending! Thank you for your participation. Ültem és bámultam. I sat and stared at it. I sat and stared. Ki fogom dobni a régi kabátom. I'll discard my old jacket. I'm gonna throw out my old coat. Hatalmas napelemparkot létesítettek a falu határában. A large solar park was built in close neighbourhood to the village. A huge solar park was set up on the border of the village. Tizennyolc éves korában jött Tokióba. She came to Tokyo when she was eighteen years old. He came to Tokyo when he was 18. Erre próbálok rájönni. That's what I'm trying to find out. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Miért nem iszol egyet? Why don't you drink something? Why don't you have a drink? Le nem tudja venni a szemét Tomi a telefonjáról. Tom can't take his eyes off his phone. He can't take his eyes off Tom's phone. Balesetet látott az iskolába menvén. He saw an accident on the way to school. He saw an accident on his way to school. Ha idenézel, meglátod. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you'll see. Tom lövést hallott. Tom heard a shot. Tom heard a gunshot. Nem tudom, boldog-e vagy sem. I don't know whether he's happy or not. I don't know if she's happy or not. Meg kell elégednünk. We must be satisfied. We have to be content. Akármikor hintázni szeretnék, mindig rajta ülsz. Whenever I try to get on the swing, you're always on it. Whenever I want to swing, you always sit on it. Nem volt miből kifizetnünk a számláinkat múlt hónapban. We didn't have enough to pay all our bills last month. We didn't have any money to pay our bills last month. Kérdezd meg te tőle! Te jobban beszélsz olaszul. You should ask him. Your Italian is better. Ask him yourself, you speak better Italian. Egy hajó hirtelen előbukkant a ködből. A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist. A ship suddenly came out of the fog. Egy perc vesztegetnivaló időnk sincs. We can't waste even a minute. We don't have a minute to waste. Egy órával később a láza még magasabb volt. An hour later, his fever got worse. An hour later, his fever was even higher. Tom úgy érezte, időpocsékolás lenne lefordítani a levelet Marinak. Tom felt that it would be a waste of time to translate the letter for Mary. Tom felt it would be a waste of time to translate the letter to Mari. Nem akarom, hogy tudja. I don't want her to know. I don't want him to know. Nem tűrjük majd el a türelmetlenséget. Intolerance will not be tolerated. We will not tolerate impatience. Ez a legkevesebb, amit megtehetek. It's the least I can do. It's the least I can do. Ne menj egyetemre csak azért, mert ezt várják tőled! Don't go to university just because it's what you're supposed to do. Don’t go to college just because you’re expected to. Ezt a sitten tanultam. I learned this in jail. I learned that in prison. A rendőrség keresi a rablót. The police are looking for the robber. The police are looking for the robber. Tom levágott egy szelet húst, és a tányérjára tette. Tom cut off a piece of meat and put it on his plate. Tom cut a piece of meat and put it on his plate. Azon gondolkozom, hogyan tudnám még jobban csinálni. I wonder how I could do it even better. I'm thinking about how I can do it better. Tudja valaki, hogy ki ez a nő? Does anybody know who this woman is? Does anyone know who this woman is? Tom apja könyvelő volt. Tom's father was an accountant. Tom's father was an accountant. Tíz havi távollét után tért haza. After an absence of ten months, he returned home. He returned home after ten months of absence. Láttuk, ahogy a gyerek felszáll a buszra. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the kid get on the bus. Egy órán keresztül bolyongtam, amíg aztán rájöttem, merre kell menni. I spent an hour wandering before I realised which way I needed to go. I wandered for an hour until I figured out which way to go. Később elmagyarázom neked. I'll explain it to you later. I'll explain it to you later. Egyesek a vörös bort szeretik, mások a fehéret. Some like red wine, others like white wine. Some people like red wine, others like white wine. Készíteni fogok neked egy szendvicset, ha akarod. I'll make a sandwich for you if you want one. I'll make you a sandwich if you want. Egy időre Franciaországban maradt, aztán meg Olaszországba ment. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. Tominak a legkisebb elképzelése sem volt arról, hogy mi történik. Tom had absolutely no idea what was going on. Tom had no idea what was going on. Ezt közokiratba foglalták? Is that notarized? Is that a public document? Fárasztó ez a nap. It's been a tiring day. It's a tiring day. Ha tetszett a videó, lájkold, és iratkozz fel. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to like and subscribe. If you liked the video, please like it and sign up. Már nem szűzlány. She's not a virgin. She's not a virgin anymore. Adj nekem egy esélyt! Give me a chance. Give me a chance. Tamás jó a sakkban is. Tom is good at chess, too. Thomas is good at chess, too. A fagyid el fog olvadni, ha nem eszed gyorsan. Your ice cream will melt if you don't eat it quickly. Your ice cream will melt if you don't eat it fast. Ez szó szerint megváltoztatja az életedet mindörökre. This can literally change your life forever. It will literally change your life forever. Vettem egy távcsövet, hogy az eget kémleljem. I bought a telescope to gaze at the stars. I bought a telescope to spy on the sky. Erőltesd meg magad! Make an effort. Make an effort. Vigyázz magadra! Take care of yourself. Take care. Szeretnék vásárolni néhány új bútort. I want to buy some new furniture. I'd like to buy some new furniture. Egy almát ettem. I ate an apple. I ate an apple. Otthon maradt. He stayed at home. He stayed home. Megyek kezet mosni. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'm gonna go wash my hands. Tom jó munkás volt. Tom was a good worker. Tom was a good worker. Kezdetben nem hittem neked. At first, I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you at first. Ő a helyi bajnok. She's the regional champion. He's the local champion. Belefulladt egy folyóba. She drowned in a river. He drowned in a river. Két lánya van. He has two daughters. He's got two daughters. Tomi és Mária hoztak tömjént és mirhát. Tom and Mary brought frankincense and myrrh. Tom and Mary brought frankincense and myrrh. Lapozzon a harmincadik oldalra, és olvassa a harmadik paragrafust! Turn to page 30, and read the third paragraph. Turn to page 30 and read the third paragraph. Tomi az egyetlen személy, aki el tudja végezni ezt a munkát. Tom is the only person who can do this work. Tom is the only person who can do this job. A teljes nevem ifjabb Ricardo Vernaut. My full name is Ricardo Vernaut, Junior. My full name is Ricardo Vernaut Jr. Tom rosszkedvű. Tom is in a foul mood. Tom's in a bad mood. Tom már mondta. Tom already said that. Tom already told me. Nem volt nála több mint száz yen. He had no more than one hundred yen with him. He didn't have more than a hundred yen. Tom haszontalannak érezte magát. Tom felt useless. Tom felt useless. Életem hátralevő részében Bostonban akarok élni. I'd like to live in Boston for the rest of my life. I want to live in Boston for the rest of my life. Még mindig nem mondhatom el neked, hogy miért. I still can't tell you why. I still can't tell you why. Mért kéne, hogy minket ez érdekeljen? Why should we care? Why should we care? Leültem gondolkodni. I sat down to think. I sat down to think. Tudniuk kell. They must know it. They need to know. Nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen közel kerülök a szomszédhoz; de csak így tudtam elverni. I didn't think that I'd get so close to my neighbor; but it was the only way I could clobber him. I didn't think I'd get this close to the neighbor; but it was the only way I could beat him up. A kutyák ugatnak. Dogs bark. Dogs bark. A szavai ésszerűnek tűnnek. His words sound reasonable. His words seem reasonable. Értjük a célzást. We can take a hint. We get the hint. Apám várt minket a buszmegállónál. Dad waited for us at the bus stop. My dad was waiting for us at the bus stop. Bolhás a kutyád? Does your dog have fleas? Does your dog have fleas? Túl fiatal vagy, hogy cigarettát vásárolj. You're too young to buy cigarettes. You're too young to buy cigarettes. Későn érek vissza. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. Mária sosem házasodott meg. Talán nem kellett senkinek. Mary never married. Maybe no one needed her. Mary never got married, maybe no one wanted her. Lopez bement a konyhába egy doboz tejért. Lopez went into the kitchen for a carton of milk. Lopez went into the kitchen to get a box of milk. Nem értem az ő gondolkodásmódjukat. I don't understand their way of thinking. I don't understand their way of thinking. Biztos fáradtak lehetnek. They must have been tired. They must be tired. A szüleim most mindketten otthon vannak. Both my parents are at home now. My parents are both at home now. Az építész az öregek igényéhez alakította a házat. The architect adapted the house to the needs of old people. The architect adapted the house to the needs of the elderly. Csaj kell neked. You need to get a girlfriend. You need a girl. A halálbüntetés eltörléséért lobbizott. He lobbied for the abolition of the death penalty. He was lobbying for the abolition of the death penalty. Mindenki visszaült a helyére. Everyone sat back down. Everyone's back in their seats. Egy igazi szépség. She's a beauty. She's a beauty. Tom családfáját egészen az őstulokig vissza lehet vezetni. Tom's family tree can be traced back to aurochs. Tom's family tree can be traced back to the ancients. A második fia megnősült és lehiggadt. His second son married and settled down. His second son got married and calmed down. Rendőrnek lenni nem túl szórakoztató. Being a policeman isn't any fun. Being a cop isn't much fun. Tanuljátok meg a leckét kívülről! Learn this lesson by heart. Learn your lesson from the outside. Nem mondhatsz semmi mást. You can't say anything else. You can't say anything else. Tejet iszunk. We're drinking milk. We're drinking milk. Örökre elhagyta a szülőfaluját. He left his native village, never to return. He left his hometown forever. Baseballt játszanak iskola után. They are going to play baseball after school. They play baseball after school. Tomot megcsípte egy banánpók. Tom is bitten by a banana spider. Tom got stung by a banana spider. — Miért nem csinálod meg? — Miért nem csinálod meg te? "Why don't you do it?" "Why don't you do it instead?" Why don’t you do it? – Why don’t you do it? Ez mindenki számára ugyanaz. It's the same for everyone. It's the same for everyone. Sebesen szárnyalnak a fecskék. Swallows fly swiftly. The swallows are flying fast. Szeretek az óceánban úszni. I love swimming in the ocean. I love swimming in the ocean. Lehetetlen eleget tenni az ön feltételeinek. It's impossible to fulfill your conditions. It is impossible to fulfill your conditions. Ki tanított meg téged vitorlázni? Who taught you how to sail? Who taught you how to sail? Szeretem a céget. I like the company. I like the company. Szeretem a kutyám. I love my dog. I love my dog. Nem gyakoriak az efféle hibák. These kinds of mistakes are uncommon. These kinds of mistakes are not common. Megtömte magát. She ate her fill. He's stuffed himself. Figyelsz? Are you listening? You listening? A polgármesteri hivatal megtelt emberekkel. The town hall was full of people. The mayor's office is full of people. Tomnak fájt a torka. Tom had a sore throat. Tom had a sore throat. Te tudod, hogy ki vagyok én. You know who I am. You know who I am. Forrónak találta a vizet. He found the water boiling. He found the water hot. Udvariatlan voltál. You were rude. You were rude. Nem tudom garantálni, hogy holnap itt lesz. I can't ensure that she will be here tomorrow. I can't guarantee he'll be here tomorrow. Milyen öreg ez a híd? How old is this bridge? How old is this bridge? Az ágyban aludt. He was in bed asleep. He slept in bed. Ő imádja a bátyját. She adores her older brother. He loves his brother. Büdös. He smells bad. It stinks. Nem akarom beleütni az orrom a dolgodba. I don't want to stick my nose in your business. I don't want to get in your business. Úgy teszek, mintha nem hallottam volna. I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I'll pretend I didn't hear you. Udvariatlan dolog megkérdezni valakitől, mennyit keres. It's rude to ask someone how much they earn. It's rude to ask someone how much they're making. Van bárányborda? Do you have any lamb ribs? Do you have lamb chops? Kezdek beállni. I'm getting high. I'm getting high. Szerintem most éppen otthon van. I think that he is at home at the moment. I think he's at home right now. Szétköltöztünk. We moved away from each other. We split up. Ugyanannyi könyve van, mint nekem. She has as many books as I. He has as many books as I do. Tom, nyitva a slicced! Tom, your fly's open. Tom, your fly's open. Nem vagyok buzi, csak azt mondtam, tetszik nekem Tomi. I'm not gay, I just said I liked Tom. I'm not gay, I'm just saying I like Tom. Hó nélkül a tél nem tél. A winter without snow isn't winter. Without snow, winter is not winter. Ez jó búvóhely. This is a good hiding place. It's a good hiding place. Akár magad is mehetsz. You may as well go yourself. You can go yourself. A mi hajónk győzött két hosszal. Our boat won by two lengths. Our ship won by two lengths. Ebbe soha nem fogok belemenni. I'll never agree to that. I'm never gonna get into that. Utálom a tömeget. I hate crowds. I hate crowds. Hűvös őszünk lett. Cool fall is here. It's been a cold autumn. Néhányan már ismertek. Some of you already know me. Some of you already know me. A szomszéd tyúkjai jobbfélék, mint az enyéim. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. The neighbor's hens are better than mine. Tudni akarom, hogy ki jön velünk. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. A rendőrség beüldözte egy nem üzemelő gyárba Dan-t. The police pursued Dan into a decommissioned factory. The police chased Dan into a factory that didn't work. Valaki megitta a sörömet. Someone has drunk my beer. Someone drank my beer. Elmentem Kanadába. I went to Canada. I went to Canada. Jó reggelt, álomszuszék! Good morning, you sleepyhead. Good morning, sleepyhead. Várjál még néhány napot. Wait a few more days. Wait a few more days. Először nem kedveltem őt At first, I didn't like him. I didn't like him at first. Már aludnod kellene. You're supposed to be asleep. You should be asleep by now. Tudom, hogy tudsz segíteni nekünk. I know you can help us. I know you can help us. Mi az ára ennek a sapkának? What is the price of this cap? What is the price of this hat? Apám orvos. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. Nagyon udvarias voltam. I was very polite. I was very polite. Ez nem lesz elég. Doing that won't be enough. That's not gonna be enough. Nem vagyok katona. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a soldier. Nem amiatt vagyok itt. I'm not here because of that. That's not why I'm here. Kérdeztem őt, de nem adott választ. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked him, but he didn't answer. Te, én és ő ott, József, mi alkotunk egy csapatot. You, me and that guy, Joseph, we're a team. You, me and him there, Joseph, we make a team. Ő egy DJ. He's a DJ. He's a DJ. Koncentrálnunk kell. We must focus. We need to focus. Négy égtáj van: észak, del, kelet és nyugat. There are four cardinal points: north, south, east and west. There are four directions: north, del, east and west. Nagyon csinosak voltak. They were very pretty. They were very pretty. Bocsánatot kérek a tegnap történtek miatt. I apologize for yesterday. I apologize for what happened yesterday. Nem volt egyszerű megtalálni a házad. I had some difficulty finding your house. Finding your house wasn't easy. Összeszedettebbnek kellett volna lennem. I should have been more organized. I should have been more focused. A mi kultúránkban egy férfinek egyszerre csak egy felelség engedélyezett. In our culture, a man is allowed to be married to only one wife at a time. In our culture, a man is only allowed one responsibility at a time. Sajnálom, hogy megzavartalak. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to interrupt. Tom látott egy hím mókust. Tom saw a male squirrel. Tom saw a male squirrel. Tom nem állatidomár. Tom isn't an animal trainer. Tom's not an animal trainer. Tolakodó voltál. You were pushy. You were intrusive. Enni? Ez az egyik legjobb hely a városban. This is one of the best places to eat in town. This is one of the best places in town. Sokakat ismerek, akik így beszélnek. I know lots of people who talk like that. I know a lot of people who talk like that. Ez csak egy kiruccanás volt. It was just a fling. It was just a trip. Én vasárnap nem megyek iskolába. I don't go to school on Sunday. I'm not going to school on Sunday. Meg vagyok róla győződve, hogy semmi rosszat nem tettem. I'm absolutely sure that I did nothing wrong. I'm convinced I didn't do anything wrong. Meg tudsz bocsátani? Can you excuse me? Can you forgive me? Mikor méredzkedtél utoljára? When was the last time you weighed yourself? When was the last time you weighed? Az ügyvéd kitartott védence ártatlansága mellett. The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence. The lawyer insisted on his client's innocence. Vasárnaponként is dolgoznod kell? Do you have to work on Sundays? Do you have to work on Sundays? Voltál már Isztambulban? Have you ever been in Istanbul? Have you ever been to Istanbul? A város gyönyörű. The city is beautiful. The city is beautiful. Nagyon rossz napom volt. I had a very bad day. I had a really bad day. Átszakadt a gát, es víz árasztotta el a völgyet. The dam burst and water flooded the valley. The dam broke, and water flooded the valley. Eljött érte az anyja. Her mother came to pick her up. His mother came to pick him up. Tom apósa vagyok. I'm Tom's father-in-law. I'm Tom's father-in-law. A te kezedben vagyok. I'm in your hands. I'm in your hands. Azt miért csinálja Tom? Why is Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing that? Tom hemofíliás. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's hemophiliac. Nehéz nem erre a következtetésre jutni. It's hard not to come to this conclusion. It's hard not to reach that conclusion. Biztonságban szeretném tudni magam. I want to be safe. I want to be safe. Ne mondd már, hogy én vagyok a legnagyobb seggfej! Don't say I'm a sucker. Don't tell me I'm the biggest asshole. Ez a rendelkezés jövőre lép érvénybe. This regulation will take effect next year. This provision will come into force next year. Kemény vagy, de igazságos. You're tough but fair. You're tough, but fair. Tomiról beszéltünk. We talked about Tom. We talked about Tom. Épp gyúrni próbálok. Akarsz segíteni? I'm trying to work out here. Do you want to spot me? I'm trying to work out. Aggodalomra semmi ok. You don't need to worry. Nothing to worry about. Tom zavarban van. Tom is frustrated. Tom's embarrassed. Nem tudtam rögzíteni. I couldn't fix it. I couldn't record it. Hol élsz Törökországban? Where do you live in Turkey? Where do you live in Turkey? A doktor kórházba menést javasolt neki. The doctor advised her to enter the hospital. The doctor suggested going to the hospital. A pirosat részesítem előnyben. I prefer red. I prefer red. A történelmet a győztesek írják. History is written by the winners. History is written by the victors. Tom hazudott a tanúk padján. Tom lied on the witness stand. Tom lied on the stand. Godwin törvényéből megtudhatjuk, hogy bármely tetszőleges tárgyról folytatott parttalan vita egyre inkább egymás lenácizásába torkoll. Godwin's law teaches us that any infinite discussion about an arbitrary subject converges to a Nazi comparison. Godwin's law tells us that any endless debate on any subject will increasingly result in each other's lenazination. Apai nagymamám betöltötte a századik életévét. My grandmother on my father's side has turned one hundred. My grandmother was 100 years old. Miért mindig én? Why always me? Why is it always me? Valamikor valóra válik az álmom. Some day my dream will come true. Someday my dream will come true. Egy autóbalesetben sérült meg. She was injured in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Szagold meg! Ez szerinted jó még? Does this smell OK to you? Smell it, do you think it's still good? Tamás matematikus. Tom is a mathematician. Thomas is a mathematician. Ugyanazt mondogatta. She kept saying the same things. He said the same thing. Ez mellettem Zsuzsa a fotón. Milyen fiatal volt még! This is Sue next to me in the picture. How young she was! This is the picture of Zsuzsa next to me. How young she was! Tom és Mary ugyanabban a bandában vannak. Tom and Mary are in the same gang. Tom and Mary are in the same band. Ha sokat eszel, kövér leszel. If you eat a lot, you will get fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Tom gyorsan beszél. Tom speaks fast. Tom's talking fast. Vegyél! Buy! Have some. Tomnak addiktív személyisége van. Tom has an addictive personality. Tom has an addictive personality. Tegnap esett. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Tom vállat vont. Tom shrugged. Tom shrugged. Tom összehajtotta a zsebkendőjét. Tom folded his handkerchief. Tom folded his handkerchief. Ebben az országban nincsenek homoszexuálisok. There are no homosexuals in this country. There are no homosexuals in this country. Ennek a fele sem tréfa! This is not a game! That's not half a joke. Tomi szívesen vásárolgat a Kauflandban. Tom likes shopping in Kaufland. Tom likes to shop at Kaufland. Ez személyes. It's personal. It's personal. Úgy beszélek eszperantóul, mintha az anyanyelvem lenne. I can speak Esperanto as if it were my mother tongue. I speak Esperanto as if it were my native language. Megengedtem a nővéremnek, hogy használja az új számítógépemet. I allowed my sister to use my new computer. I let my sister use my new computer. Majdnem elcsapott a kamion. The truck almost hit me. I almost got hit by a truck. Mari nem is tudja, mennyire szerencsés. Mary doesn't know how lucky she is. Mari doesn't know how lucky she is. Minden tőle telhetőt megtesz, hogy időben itt legyen. She will do her best to be here on time. He's doing everything he can to make sure he's here on time. Felébresztett a zaj. The sound woke me up. I was awakened by the noise. Nem várhat a műtét. The operation cannot wait. The surgery can't wait. Én is ugyanígy csinálom. That's the same way I do it. I do the same thing. Miért nem jössz át vacsorára? Why don't you come over for dinner? Why don't you come over for dinner? Tom hülyére vett engem. Tom fooled me. Tom fooled me. Ez a mondat hét szóból áll. This here sentence consists of seven words. This sentence is made up of seven words. Ehhez a recepthez csak egy hagymára van szükségem. I only need one onion for this recipe. All I need for this recipe is an onion. Ez egy hasznos információ. It is useful information. This is useful information. Tomi idegesnek tűnik. Tom seems nervous. Tom is nervous. Melyik a kedvenc filmzenéd? What's your favorite movie soundtrack? What's your favorite soundtrack? Tudja, hogyan csavarja a szavakat. He knows how to play with words. He knows how to twist words. Tegyünk próbát! Let's do an experiment! Let's give it a try. Feljelentettek minket csendháborításért. We were cited for breach of peace. We've been charged with a disturbance. Órák óta ezzel foglalatoskodnak. They've been at it for hours. They've been doing this for hours. Ez nem bonyolult. This isn't complicated. It's not complicated. Melyik városban van? In which city is she? What city is he in? Tom felkiáltott. Tom shouted. Tom cried out. Semmit nem tudunk bizonyítani. We can't prove anything. We can't prove anything. Bocs, hogy félbevágtam. Sorry. I interrupted you. I'm sorry I cut you in half. Tomi megevett minden csipszet és sütit. Tom ate all the chips and cookies. Tom ate all the chips and cookies. Hol találtad ezt, Tomi? Tom, where did you find this? Where did you find this, Tom? Tudom, hogy ki tette. I know who did it. I know who did it. Kösz, Mari, hogy soha nem hagytál veszni. Thanks for never giving up on me, Mary. Thanks, Mari, for never letting me go. Szegény vagy. You're poor. You're poor. Micsoda álmodozó vagy te! What a dreamer you are. What a dreamer you are! Talán nem halt volna meg Tom, ha be lett volna kötve. Tom probably wouldn't have died if he'd been wearing his seatbelt. Maybe Tom wouldn't have died if he'd been strapped in. Tom letartóztatása ugyanúgy meglepett engem, mint téged. I was as surprised by Tom's arrest as you were. Tom's arrest surprised me as much as it surprised you. A várandósság utolsó hónapjában vagyunk. We are in the last month of pregnancy. We are in the last month of pregnancy. Mi nem tartozunk ide. We don't belong here. We don't belong here. Magatartása a legfőbb gondom. His behavior is my primary concern. Your behavior is my main concern. Higgy magadban! Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Elmegyünk? Are we leaving? We're leaving? Már 7 óra van. It's already 7:00. It's already 7:00. Miért mászol fel arra a fára? Why are you climbing this tree? Why are you climbing that tree? Tomi ujjai olyanok, mint egy nőé. Tom's fingers are like a woman's. Tom's fingers are like a woman's. Kérlek, ne szólj közbe, hadd mondjam végig a történetet! Please don't interrupt me, let me say it all. Please don't interrupt, let me finish the story. Nagyon, nagyon messze. Far, far away. Very, very far. Kérlek, tűnj el innen! Please get out of here. Please get out of here. Ott fogunk találkozni, ahol akarod. We'll meet wherever you want. We'll meet wherever you want. Már nem az vagyok, mint egykor. I'm no longer the one I used to be. I'm not like I used to be. Félsz tőle. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Nincs kedvem filmet nézni. I don't feel like watching a movie. I don't feel like watching a movie. Milyen hosszú ez a folyó? How long is this river? How long is this river? Tom pilóta akar lenni. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Nem elfogadhatóak nekünk ezek a feltételek. Those terms are not acceptable for us. These conditions are not acceptable to us. Várjon egy percet! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. A Neptunusz mitől kék? Why is Neptune blue? Why is Neptune blue? Tompika most bajszos. Tom now has a mustache. Tompika's got a mustache. Ez a hölgy nagyon jól néz ki. That lady is very good looking. This lady looks really good. — Na, tetszik neked itt? — Semmiképp! "So, are you enjoying it here?" "No way!" - Do you like it here? - No. Hámozd meg a banánokat és nyomd szét őket egy villával. Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork. Peel the bananas and crush them with a fork. A fia egy zseni. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Nem hiszek Istenben. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Elsöpörte a port. She brushed away the dust. He swept away the dust. Az idősödés nem azt jelenti, hogy többé nem szabad használnod a fantáziádat. Getting older doesn't mean you should no longer use your imagination. Ageing doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use your imagination anymore. Próbáltuk figyelmeztetni őket. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Ez a ceruza nem szürke. This pencil isn't gray. This pencil is not gray. Sosincs késő ahhoz, hogy az legyél, ami lehettél volna. It's never too late to be what you might have been. It's never too late to be what you could have been. Ez tragikus baleset volt. It was a tragic accident. It was a tragic accident. — Miért csináltad? — Kedvem szottyant hozzá. "Why did you do that?" "Because I felt like it." “Why did you do it?” I felt like it. Vágja fel csíkokra a húst. Cut the meat into strips. Cut the meat into strips. Ez szomorúvá tesz engem. It makes me feel sad. It makes me sad. Látod te is? Can you see it too? Do you see that? Mindig rád kell várni. You're the one who must always be waited for. Always have to wait for you. Ismered a számát? Do you know his number? Do you know his number? Tetszik ez a nyakkendő? Do you like this tie? Do you like this tie? Beadta nekem a vakcinát a nővér. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse gave me the vaccine. Mindannyian itt vagyunk, őt kivéve. We're all here except for him. We're all here, except for him. Megcsinálnám, ha több idő állna rendelkezésemre. I would do it if I had more time on my hands. I'd do it if I had more time. Csak egy álom volt. That was just a dream. It was just a dream. Át kell adnom önnek egy üzenetet. I have a message to deliver to you. I need to give you a message. Hülye lennék nemet mondani neki. I would be a fool not to tell him yes. I'd be stupid to say no to him. Hol a bátyád? Where's your older brother? Where's your brother? Ön tud magyarul? Do you know Hungarian? Do you speak Hungarian? Ez nagyszerű volt. It was superb. That was great. Nem számíthatsz a segítségére. You can't count on his help. You can't count on his help. Mari egy az egyben a willendorfi vénusz. Mary looks exactly like the Venus of Willendorf. Mari is the Venus of Willendorf. Ha kimegy a szobából, ne felejtse el lekapcsolni a villanyt. Be sure to turn out the light when you go out of the room. When you leave the room, don’t forget to turn off the lights. Tom iszákos. Tom is a drinker. Tom's a drunk. És ki a menyasszony? And who is the bride? And who's the bride? Szuper volt az új epizód. The new episode was great. The new episode was great. Tomnak vannak nyulai. Tom has rabbits. Tom's got rabbits. Nem szavazhatsz, hacsak nem vagy tizennyolc vagy idősebb. You can't vote unless you're 18 or over. You can't vote unless you're 18 or older. Oda nem kell vízum, ahová megyek. I don't need a visa where I'm going. I don't need a visa where I'm going. Tegnap kórházba ment. She went to the hospital yesterday. He went to the hospital yesterday. Két szép fia van. He has two beautiful boys. He has two beautiful sons. Kérd meg már te rá! Ti jóban vagytok. You should ask him to do it. You're on good terms with him. Why don't you ask him? Soha nem hallottam őt hazudni. I never heard him lie. I never heard him lie. Még soha nem koncerteztünk Bostonban. We've never given a concert in Boston. We've never been to a concert in Boston. Remélem, a főnököm egyet fog érteni a tervemmel. I hope my boss agrees to my plan. I hope my boss agrees with my plan. Bárkit alkalmazni fogok, akit ő ajánl. I'll hire whoever he recommends. I'll hire anyone he recommends. Senki nem ismeri a hazámat. Nobody knows my country. No one knows my country. Nagyon jól beszélt. He spoke very well. You spoke very well. Miből gondolod, hogy összeesküdött mindenki ellened? What makes you think that everyone is conspiring against you? What makes you think everyone's conspiring against you? Hol szerezted a karcolást az arcodon? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Where did you get the scratch on your face? Mondd meg neki, hogy szereted, mielőtt túl késő lesz! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Tell her you love her before it's too late. Tudod, hogy honnan fakad a probléma. You know where the problem lies. You know where the problem comes from. Nem akartál esetleg megmutatni valamit nekem? Weren't you going to show me something? Did you want to show me something? Viselkedj a korodnak megfelelően! Act your age. Behave according to your age. Mit olvas Tom? What's Tom reading? What are you reading, Tom? Két kutyám volt. I had two dogs. I had two dogs. Tomi kérója legalább kétszerese az enyémnek. Tom's house is at least twice as big as mine. Tom's place is at least double mine. Alszom. I am sleeping. I'm sleeping. Tud a feleséged franciául beszélni? Can your wife speak French? Can your wife speak French? Legyél szíves, határozott választ adj! Please give me a definite answer. Please give me a definite answer. Sokkal jobban van, mint tegnap. She's much better today than yesterday. She's much better than yesterday. Ki fognak rám akadni. They'll get mad with me. They're gonna freak out on me. Dolgozzatok. Work. Work. Az ember bízva bízik, míg él. Man hopes as long as he lives. Man trusts as long as he lives. Keress ki nekem egy jó könyvet a könyvtárból. Find me a good book from the library. Find me a good book from the library. Nem kedveli a sárgarépát, ezért nem ette meg. He does not like carrots, so he did not eat it. He doesn't like carrots, so he didn't eat them. Tartozom neked egy ebéddel. I owe you a lunch. I owe you lunch. Kíváncsiak vagyunk. We're intrigued. We're curious. Megkérdezhetem a neved? Might I ask your name? May I ask your name? Kezdjük azzal hogy nagyon drága. To start with, it's too expensive. Let's start by saying it's very expensive. Nagyon jól tudták, mi fog jönni. They knew very well what would come. They knew very well what was coming. Jani Ritával szerelmeskedik. Yanni is having sex with Rima. She's making love to Jani Rita. Tegnap elvittem a macskámat az állatkórházba. I took my cat to the veterinary hospital yesterday. I took my cat to the animal hospital yesterday. Sok fiú fut a parkban. A lot of boys are running in the park. Lots of boys running in the park. Milliárdjaim vannak dollárban. I have billions of dollars. I have billions in dollars. Ne kapcsold le a motort! Don't turn off the engine. Don't turn off the engine. Szeretnék fogat mosni. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Tom megakadályozta, hogy azt csináljam, amit akartam. Tom stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Tom stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Nekem van mindenből egy kicsi. I have a bit of everything. I have a little of everything. Bezártad az összes ajtót? Did you lock all the doors? Did you lock all the doors? Engedd Tomot vezetni. Let Tom drive. Let Tom drive. Tüsszentettem. I sneezed. I sneezed. Valami nincs rendben. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Majdnem megöltem Tomot. I almost killed Tom. I almost killed Tom. Épp zsálya teát iszom. I'm drinking sage tea. I'm drinking sage tea. Pirítóst szoktam reggelizni narancslekvárral és teával. I eat toast and marmalade with tea for breakfast. I usually have toast for breakfast with orange jam and tea. Menj, de rám ne számíts! Go without me! Go, but don't count on me. Valaki vár rád az irodádban. Someone's waiting in your office. There's someone waiting for you in your office. Tom fiának a neve John. Tom's son's name is John. Tom's son's name is John. Ez a kék izé nem sárga. This blue thing isn't yellow. This blue thing is not yellow. Ez fontos győzelem. This is an important victory. This is an important victory. Kérlek, tegyél meg mindent, amit szükségesnek gondolsz. Please do whatever you think is necessary. Please do whatever you think is necessary. A Youtube meghekkelése bűncselekmény? Is hacking youtube a crime? Is hacking YouTube a crime? Tom adott nekem valamit. Tom gave me something. Tom gave me something. Ezen a héten korán kell kelnem. I must get up early this week. I have to get up early this week. Legyél itthon hat előtt! Come home before six. Be home before 6:00. Mindkét változat helyes. Both versions are correct. Both versions are correct. Sokan fognak meghalni. Many will die. Many will die. Nem tehetsz róla, hogy mi vagy. You can't help being what you are. You can't help what you are. Kérhetek egy szívességet? May I ask for a favour? Can I ask you a favor? Bármikor, ha a családom illetve a munkám között kell döntenem, a családom élvez elsőbbséget. Whenever there is a conflict between my work and my family, my family always takes precedence. Whenever I have to choose between my family and my job, my family takes precedence. Chopint játszom. I play Chopin. I'm playing Chopin. Kit szoktak szégyenpadba ültetni? Who usually sits in the dunce's seat? Who do they put on a bench? Vezess biztonságosan! Drive safely. Drive safely. Jól tud fejest ugrani. He is good at diving. He's a good diver. Káin nem volt jó testvér. Cain wasn't a good sibling. Cain was not a good brother. Tavaly az import felülmúlta az exportot. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports surpassed exports. Nem szeretem az ilyen meglepetéseket. I don't like surprises like this. I don't like surprises like that. Mindent megcsináltunk, amit kellett. We've done everything there was to do. We did everything we had to do. Vagy fokhagymával vagy keserű narancslekvárral eszem a piritósomat. I eat my toast either with garlic or with bitter marmalade. Either I eat my toast with garlic or bitter orange jam. Tamás tegnap jött vissza. Tom got back yesterday. Tom came back yesterday. Gyakran esik ezeken a napokon. These days, it rains frequently. It often rains on these days. A bőrömet viszem vásárra. I'm risking my neck. I'm putting my skin on the line. Beadok önnek egy helyi érzéstelenítőt. I'll give you a local anesthetic. I'll give you a local anesthetic. Tudod, mi őrjít meg? You know what drives me crazy? You know what drives me crazy? Hogyan törlöm a mondatot? How do I delete a sentence? How do I delete the sentence? Teljesen hibbant vagy. You're completely nuts. You're crazy. Mondd el Tominak, hogy Mari mit csinált. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mari did. Tudom, hogy Tom türelmes. I know Tom is patient. I know Tom's patient. Fogj velem kezet! Shake my hand. Shake my hand. Mindig önmagadat add! Always be yourself! Always be yourself. Bizonyára gazdag, ha három autót tart. She must be rich to have three cars. You must be rich if you keep three cars. Nem tudok televízió nélkül élni. I can't live without TV. I can't live without television. Jelöld meg a szavakat, amiket nem értesz. Mark the words that you cannot understand. Mark the words you don't understand. Nem tudom, hogyan mondjam el nekik a dolgot. I don't know how to tell them. I don't know how to tell them. Szabadságon vagy itt? Are you here on holiday? Are you on vacation here? Nem itt születtem, de itt nőttem fel. I wasn't born here, but I grew up here. I wasn't born here, but I grew up here. Én a helyedben kétszer is meggondolnám, hogy ezt az utat válasszam-e! If I were you, I'd think twice before going on that route. If I were you, I'd think twice about choosing this path. Válogatósak vagyunk. We're picky eaters. We're picky. Mindenekelőtt, ne felejts el írni nekem. Above all, don't forget to write me. First of all, don't forget to write to me. Sötét, mint az éjszaka. He's as dumb as a rock. It's dark as night. Tom lement a hegyről. Tom went down the hill. Tom went down the mountain. Be kellett volna mutatkoznotok. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourselves. Ha csak egyet választhatnál, melyik lenne az? If you could only choose one of them, which one would it be? If you could only choose one, which one would it be? Tamás teaszünetet tart. Tom took a tea break. Thomas is taking a tea break. Csak banánt ettem. All I ate was bananas. I only ate bananas. Nem szólt egy szót sem. He didn't say a word. He didn't say a word. Mi mást tehetnék? What else should I do? What else can I do? Azt hiszem, hogy a szomszédom meghalhatott. I think my neighbor may have died. I think my neighbor may have died. Ha szeretnél innen élve kijutni, hallgass rám! If you want to get out of here alive, listen to me. If you want to get out of here alive, listen to me. Nem volt látható veszély. There was no visible danger. There was no visible danger. Lakatot teszek a számra, hogy semmit ki ne fecsegjek. I gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip. I'll put a lock on my mouth so I don't talk anything. Helyesled azt, amit csinál? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you approve of what he does? A béka a víz alá merült. The frog went underwater. The frog went underwater. A szögeket fokokban és percekben adják meg. Angles are expressed in degrees and minutes. The angles are given in degrees and minutes. Semmit sem mondott. He said nothing. He didn't say anything. Maryn egy jó nagy kalap volt. Mary wore a large hat. Maryn was a big hat. Rossz napom van. I'm having a bad day. I'm having a bad day. Közel lakunk a folyóhoz. We live near the river. We live close to the river. Nagyi sütije ehetetlen. Granny's cookies are inedible. Grandma's cake is inedible. Mindenki boldog lesz. Everyone will be happy. Everyone will be happy. Tom soha nem fogja megtudni, mi történt. Tom will never know what happened. Tom will never know what happened. Ürítsd ki a szemetest. Empty the litter box. Empty the trash can. A Föld nem egy tökéletes gömb. The Earth is not a perfect sphere. The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Az új film főszereplője egy gyermek angyal. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The main character in the new film is a child angel. Tedd őket az asztalra. Put them on the table. Put them on the table. Kérem, válaszoljon. Please reply. Please respond. Menni akarsz? You want to go? You want to go? Hol van most? Where is he now? Where is he? Tartsd meg őket! Keep them. Keep them. Itt az e-mail címem. Here's my email address. Here's my e-mail address. Szabadidőmben verset írok. I write poetry in my free time. I write poetry in my spare time. Bocsika, de az én angol tudásom még nem elég jó, hogy megértsek ilyen összetett szövegeket. Sorry, but my level of English is still too low to comprehend texts of this difficulty. I'm sorry, but my English is not good enough to understand such complex texts. Egy kicsit beszélek. I can speak a little. I'm talking a little. Isten! Micsoda szakállad van! Szörnyen nézel ki! El fogod ijeszteni a gyerekeket. God! What a beard you have! You look terrible! You're going to scare away the children. God, you have a beard, you look terrible, you're gonna scare the kids. Tomi nem érezte úgy, hogy a csapathoz tartozna. Tom didn't feel like he belonged to the group. Tom didn't feel like he was part of the team. Tom nem rád várt, hanem rám. Tom wasn't waiting for you. He was waiting for me. Tom wasn't waiting for you. He was waiting for me. Két éve vásároltam a házamat. I bought my house two years ago. I bought my house two years ago. Ez a virág kék. This flower is blue. This flower is blue. Van testvéred? Do you have any siblings? You have a brother? Fontos dolgokat fedeztem fel az életemben. I discovered important things in my life. I discovered important things in my life. A macskák nem csúcsragadozók. Cats are not apex predators. Cats aren't peak predators. Ne nézz, anyu! Don't look, mum. Don't look, Mom. Tom nem fél a haláltól. Tom doesn't fear death. Tom's not afraid to die. Te jószívű vagy. You're compassionate. You have a good heart. Tom nem eszik annyit, mint Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tomit elbocsátották. Tom got fired. Tom was fired. Nem lehetnek együtt. They can't be together. They can't be together. A csapatokat megsemmisítették. The troops were annihilated. The troops have been destroyed. Elnézést, beszél magyarul? Excuse me, do you speak Hungarian? Excuse me, do you speak Hungarian? Aszexuális vagyok. I'm ace. I'm asexual. Ismerted Tomot? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Tom lemondta a szállodarendelését. Tom canceled his hotel reservation. Tom canceled his hotel order. Lelőtték az utcán Tomot a templom előtt. Tom was shot down in the street in front of the church. They shot Tom in the street outside the church. Iskolában van. She's at school. She's at school.