Wir müssen in Erfahrung bringen, wann Tom hierzusein gedenkt. We need to find out when Tom plans to be here. We need to find out when Tom remembers this. Wir brauchen keine Freiwilligen mehr. We really don't need any more volunteers. We no longer need volunteers. I hope Tom is behaving himself. I hope that Tom is behaving himself. I hope tom is behaving himself. Het onderwerp is anders. The subject is different. The subject is different. Tom said that he hopes Mary won't let John drive. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't let John drive. Tom said that he hopes Mary won't let john drive. זי איז אַן אַשכּנזישע. She's an Ashkenazi Jew. She's an ashtray. Tom heeft de spin doodgemaakt. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Ich bin nicht, was ich tue, ich bin, was ich tun kann. I'm not what I do, I am what I can do. I am not what I do, I am what I can do. Tom said I looked impatient. Tom said that I looked impatient. - Tom said I looked impatient. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass ihr alle nur ein Haufen Duckmäuser seid, die zu allem ja und amen sagen. I get the feeling that you're all just a bunch of yes-men. I have the impression that you are all just a bunch of duck mice who say yes to everything and amen. Tom and Mary said they'd be doing that soon. Tom and Mary said that they'd be doing that soon. Tom and Mary said they'd be doing that soon. Wo gibt es einen guten Kurs für Guaraní? Where is there a good course for Guarani? Where is there a good course for Guaran<0xC3><0xAD>? I knew that Tom would help Mary do that. I knew Tom would help Mary do that. I knew that tom would help mary do that. Könnt ihr das reparieren? Do you know how to fix this? Can you fix this? Wat voor iemand is je zus? What kind of person is your sister? What kind of person is your sister? Het is belangrijk om dat klaar te hebben voor maandag. It's important to get that done before Monday. It's important to have that ready for Monday. Als die Polizei eintraf, hatten die Einbrecher das Haus bereits verlassen. By the time the police arrived, the robbers had already left the house. When the police arrived, the burglars had already left the house. Anwesend waren überwiegend Studenten. Those present were, for the most part, students. Most of the students were present. Ik kwam er te laat achter. I learned about it too late. I found out too late. De Hund sütt hungerig ut. The dog looks hungry. The dog looks hungry. Wie hieß er noch gleich? What's his face? What was his name? טאָם טוט עס נאָר פֿון יוצא וועגן. Tom's just going through the motions. He's just doing it out of curiosity. Passen Sie auf, dass Sie nicht stolpern! Watch out that you don't trip. Make sure you don't trip! I've been told you're looking for a sitter. I've been told that you're looking for a sitter. - I've been told you're looking for a sitter. מעג איך בארגן אירען מעסער? May I borrow your knife? Do you think I'll take your knife? Ik leev in Canton. I live in Canton. I live in Canton. Dit is 'n bietjie koel. It's a bit chilly. This is a little cold. Wenn du doch mal nach Boston kommst, ruf mich auf jeden Fall an! If you ever do come to Boston, definitely give me a call. If you ever come to Boston, call me anyway! Precies, dat is vereist. Exactly, that is required. Exactly, that's required. Nach einem schönen Schachspiel werde ich manchmal emotional. I get emotional sometimes after a nice game of chess. After a good game of chess, I sometimes get emotional. I thought it wouldn't rain today. I thought that it wouldn't rain today. - I thought it wouldn't rain today. Heeft het huis een tuin? Has the house got a garden? Does the house have a garden? איך קוק אױף דעם הױז I'm looking at the house. I'm looking at the house Telefoon! Telephone! Phone! Tom may be awake now. Tom might be awake now. - Tom may be awake now. Mijn huis is op het platteland. My home is in the country. My house is in the countryside. Waarom heb je me niet eerder teruggebeld? Why didn't you get back to me sooner? Why didn't you call me back earlier? I was kind of surprised when Tom said that he didn't know John. I was kind of surprised Tom said he didn't know John. I was kind of surprised when tom said that he didn't know john. Der Advent ist die Zeit vor Weihnachten, wo Christen ihr Herz auf Jesu Geburt vorbereiten sollten. Advent is the time before Christmas when Christians should prepare their hearts for Jesus' birth. Advent is the time before Christmas when Christians should prepare their hearts for the birth of Jesus. Da ist etwas dort unten. There's something down there. There's something down there. Diese Tuaregsandalen sind zu 100 % handgemacht. These Tuareg sandals are made by hand from start to finish. These Tuareg sandals are 100% handmade. Tom already knows that Mary is planning to stay in Australia for another three days. Tom already knows that Mary is planning on staying in Australia for another three days. Tom already knows that Mary is planning to stay in australia for another three days. Hoe zeg je ''Liefde'' in het Portugees? How do you say "Love" in Portuguese? How do you say "love" in Portuguese? I would've stopped doing that if you had asked me to. I would have stopped doing that if you had asked me to. I would have stopped doing that if you had asked me to. Ek wil vir jou iets wys in my kantoor. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Een jaar is lang. A year is a long time. A year is a long time. Ik weet zeker dat hij komt. He is sure to come. I'm sure he's coming. Wenn wir eine Lüge oft wiederholen, wird sie nicht wahr werden, aber immer mehr Menschen werden sie glauben. If we repeat a lie again and again, it will not become true, but more and more people will believe it. If we repeat a lie often, it will not come true, but more and more people will believe it. כ׳האָב ליב שוועמלעך. I like mushrooms. I love the sweets. Tom ist in diesem Hause nicht gerne gesehen. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom does not like to be seen in this house. Pass auf, dass du nicht stolperst! Mind you don't trip. Make sure you don't trip! Tom hat einen Sohn, der Architekt ist. Tom has a son who's an architect. He has a son who is an architect. I hope that Tom gets a second chance. I hope Tom gets a second chance. I hope that tom gets a second chance. Ich bin keine Kommunistin. Eigentlich – warte mal. Was ist ein Kommunist noch mal? – Ach, doch, das bin ich durch und durch. I'm not a communist. In fact... wait, what's a communist again? Oh. Yeah, that's totally me. I am not a communist. Actually – wait a minute. What is a communist again? – Oh, yes, I am. Mein Stolz hinderte mich, Geld von ihm zu leihen. My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. Monkeys are not as strong as bears. Monkeys aren't as strong as bears. - Monkeys are not as strong as bears. Du musst jetzt aber mal ruhig sein. You need to be quiet. You've got to be calm. Du bist geheißen worden zu gehen. Warum bist du nicht gegangen? You were told to go. Why didn't you? You've been told to go. Why didn't you go? Gib mir diese Tasche. Hand me that bag. Give me that bag. Tom geht gerne mit seinem Vater angeln. Tom enjoys going fishing with his father. Tom likes to go fishing with his father. I thought Tom was doing that. I thought that Tom was doing that. - I thought Tom was doing that. I wonder what Tom did with the money he found. I wonder what Tom did with the money that he found. I wonder what tom did with the money he found. Laat u me het alstublieft zo snel mogelijk weten als u een deel van de conferentiezaal zou willen opzetten om uw producten te tonen. Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to set up part of the conference room to show your products. Unter ebendiesen Umständen begann die Verfassungskrise. It was under these circumstances that the constitutional crisis began. Under these circumstances, the constitutional crisis began. Today is your birthday. Today's your birthday. - Today is your birthday. I wonder whether or not Tom likes doing that. I wonder whether or not Tom likes to do that. I wonder whether or not tom likes doing that. Ik wilde Tom nooit kwetsen. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never wanted to hurt Tom. Die Polizei sucht nach Zeugen des bewaffneten Raubüberfalls, der sich in der vergangenen Nacht um 11 Uhr auf einen Schnellimbiss ereignete. Police are seeking witnesses to the armed robbery of a fast food outlet at 11 o'clock last night. The police are looking for witnesses to the armed robbery, which occurred last night at 11 o'clock on a fast food. Ek kan sien dat jy vir hom om gegee het. I can tell you cared about him. I can see you gave it to him. Alle Leute waren von seiner Rede gerührt. All the people were moved by his speech. Everyone was touched by his speech. Vielleicht hilft Tom jemand. Maybe someone will help Tom. Maybe someone will help Tom. Nicht blinzeln! Don't blink. Don't blink! De stormwolken blokkeerden mijn blik op de volle maan. The storm clouds obscured my glimpse of the full moon. The storm clouds blocked my view of the full moon. Vroeg opstaan is goed voor de gezondheid. Early rising is good for the health. Getting up early is good for your health. Am nächsten Morgen wollte ich nach Boston. I'd planned to leave for Boston the next morning. The next morning I went to Boston. I told Tom that he needed to relax. I told Tom he needed to relax. I told tom that he needed to relax. I knew that Tom had never actually done that. I knew Tom had never actually done that. I knew that tom had never actually done that. Wann hast du das letzte Mal eine Spende entrichtet? When was the last time you gave charity? When was the last time you made a donation? Wir werden geboren, wir leben, und dann kommt das Ende. We are born, we live, and then comes the end. We are born, we live, and then comes the end. Kan je het naar New York versturen? Can you ship it to New York City? Can you send it to New York? Ik heb tot nu toe drie Europese landen bezocht. I have visited three European countries so far. I have visited three European countries so far. Bill wohnt in der Nähe des Meeres. Bill lives near the sea. Bill lives near the sea. Nächsten Montag schreiben wir eine Französischklassenarbeit. We have a French exam on Monday. Next Monday we will write a French class paper. Tom said Mary has died. Tom said that Mary has died. - Tom said Mary has died. Hoe weet je dat al? How did you already know that? How do you know? Er will umziehen. He wants to move. He wants to move. Ob Tom wohl Lust hätte, mit uns Poker zu spielen? I wonder if Tom would like to play poker with us. Would Tom like to play poker with us? Someone left a stroller in front of the store. Somebody left a stroller in front of the store. - Someone left a stroller in front of the store. Het was niet de mijne. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. Tom's father is not listed on his birth certificate. Tom's father isn't listed on his birth certificate. Tom's father's not listed on his birth certificate. Das autogroße Marsfahrzeug „Curiosity“ (Neugierde) landete im Jahre 2012. The car-sized Curiosity rover landed in 2012. The car-sized Mars vehicle “Curiosity” (Neugierde) landed in 2012. What are some foods commonly eaten in America? What are some foods commonly eaten in the United States? What are some foods commonly eaten in America ? Ich habe die Reste in den Kühlschrank gestellt. I put the leftovers in the fridge. I put the leftovers in the fridge. Du bist zu jung für diesen Film. You're too young to watch this movie. You're too young for this movie. Deshalb solltest du darauf achten, dass deine Batterien immer voll sind. That's why you should make sure that your batteries are always charged. Make sure your batteries are always full. Heb ik het mis? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Wir bevorzugen Pappbecher, weil sie leichter sind. We prefer paper cups because they are lighter. We prefer paper cups because they are lighter. Ik was mij. I wash myself. I was me. In den Bergen schneit es. It is snowing in the mountains. In the mountains it snows. Weet je hoe je een degen moet hanteren? Do you know how to wield an épée? Do you know how to handle a sword? Hai is mien noaber. He is my neighbour. Hai is my neighbor. Met mijn magie kan ik water in wijn omtoveren. My magic can turn water into wine. With my magic I can turn water into wine. Du hast aber einen starken Parfumgeruch an dir! Your perfume is really strong. But you have a strong perfume smell on you! Wir verbrachten die Nacht damit Filme zu schauen. We spent the night watching films. We spent the night watching movies. You can write a sentence in many ways and still give the same general message. You can write a sentence in lots of ways and still give the same general message. You can write a sentence in many ways... and still give the same general message. Schaken is een gevecht tussen twee legers: een in wit uniform en de ander in zwart uniform. Chess is a fight between two armies: one in white uniform and the other in black uniform. Chess is a battle between two armies: one in white uniform and the other in black uniform. Tom spreekt nauwelijks Frans. Tom can barely speak French. Tom hardly speaks French. Es ist nicht so gut, wie es aussieht. It is not as good as it looks. It's not as good as it looks. Ek is nie seker of ek dit wil sien nie. I'm not sure I want to see this. I'm not sure if I want to see it. Het is niet nodig om vandaag naar de dokter te gaan. Ik regel het liever zelf. There's no need to go to the doctor's today. I'd rather take care of it by myself. There's no need to go to the doctor today, I'd rather take care of it myself. Zou je geïnteresseerd zijn? Would you be interested? Would you be interested? I didn't think that we had enough food to feed everyone. I didn't think we had enough food to feed everyone. I didn't think we had enough food to feed everyone. Hij staat op goede voet met meneer Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. איך האָב ליב װיצן װעגן חיות. I love animal jokes. I love the idea of animals. Er hat einen Apfel. He has an apple. He has an apple. Vergelijk uw antwoord met dat van Tom. Compare your answer with Tom's. Compare your answer to Tom’s. Er ist einfach nur ein weiterer griesgrämiger Teenager. He's just another sullen teenager. He's just another gruesome teenager. Sie sah aus, als hätte sie einen Geist gesehen. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Er versuchte, auf dem Boden zu schlafen. He tried to sleep on the floor. He tried to sleep on the floor. Tom sal nie beswaar maak nie. Tom won't object. Tom won't complain. I expected Tom wouldn't do anything. I expected that Tom wouldn't do anything. I expected tom wouldn't do anything. I thought that you said Tom was a tailor. I thought that you said that Tom was a tailor. I thought that you said tom was a tailor. Soll ich auch ganz bestimmt nicht mitkommen? Are you sure that you don't want me to go with you? You don't want me to come with you? Der Tod ist das Ende des Lebens. Death is the end of life. Death is the end of life. Yanni aarzelde. Yanni hesitated. Yanni hesitated. I'm sure that other people have told you this, but you're really beautiful. I'm sure other people have told you this, but you're really beautiful. I'm sure that other people have told you this, But you're really beautiful. I don't think that story is true. I don't think that that story is true. - I don't think that story is true. Tom isn't the only one who's planning to stay with us tonight. Tom isn't the only one who's planning on staying with us tonight. Tom isn't the only one Who's planning to stay with us tonight. טאם איז געשטארבן געווארן ווען איך בין געווען דריי יאר אלט. Tom died when I was three. He died when I was three years old. Tom houdt van geurkaarsen. Tom likes scented candles. Tom loves scented candles. In der Bibel steht nicht, dass man Masken meiden, wohl aber, dass man seinen Nachbarn lieben soll. Avoiding masks is not in the Bible, but taking care of others is. The Bible does not say that one should avoid masks, but it does say that one should love one’s neighbor. In dem Zimmer stehen zwei Betten und ein Schrank, sonst nichts. There're two beds and a wardrobe in the room, nothing else. In the room are two beds and a closet, nothing else. Waarom kom je niet naar mij thuis in de nabije toekomst? Why don't you come to my house in the near future? Why don't you come to my house in the near future? דו ביסט אַ נוצלאָזער מאַן. You're a useless man. You are a useless man. Tom spricht genauso gut Englisch wie du. Tom speaks English as well as you. Tom speaks English just as well as you do. אַז איך האָב געזען זײַן בילד דערקען איך אים. Having seen him in the picture, I recognized him at once. When I saw his face, I saw him. Faggot! Bender! - Faggot! Na, wo geiht di dat? Hi, how are you? Well, where are you going? Alexander der Große ist in Babylon gestorben. Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Die Ärztin gab mir eine Spritze. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Hoe dikwijls gaan jullie uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often do you go out to dinner? Mancherorts liegt noch Schnee. Snow is still lying in places. In some places there is still snow. It's not wrong. It isn't wrong. It <0xCC><0x81>s not wrong. מ׳האָט אים באָגראָבן. They buried him. I've been bugging him. אסתּר האָט געוואָרן אַ קאַץ. Esther turned into a cat. Esther had become a cat. Tom wurde bezichtigt, seine Kolleginnen sexuell belästigt zu haben. Tom was accused of the sexual harassment of his female colleagues. Tom was accused of sexually harassing his colleagues. Hoe lang heeft je tong die kleur al? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue been that color? Is there a problem with her? Is there something amiss with her? - Is there a problem with her? Ich bin verheiratet und habe drei Kinder. I'm married and have three children. I am married and have three children. Ik haat dat! I hate that! I hate that! Haben Sie letzte Woche Ihre Freunde besucht? Did you see your friends last week? Did you visit your friends last week? Ich wähle die Alternative für Deutschland. I vote for the Alternative for Germany. I choose the alternative for Germany. Italiaans is een muzikale taal. Italian is a musical language. Italian is a musical language. דו קענסט באשלאסן, וואס אימער דו ווילסט. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose what you want. Studeert u Engels? Do you study English? Do you study English? Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain it. I can't explain. Das sieht nicht besonders lustig aus, was? It doesn't look very fun, does it? That doesn't look very funny, does it? Haben Sie einen Reiseführer für diese Stadt? Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town? Do you have a travel guide for this city? Waorüm givs du mi nich, wat ik häbben wil? Why don't you give me what I want to have? Why don't you give me what I want? ער זאָגט מסתּמא דעם אמת. He's probably telling the truth. He's probably telling the truth. Zum Glück hat Tom den Unfall überlebt. Fortunately, Tom survived the accident. Fortunately, Tom survived the accident. Tom said that Mary knew she might be allowed to do that this evening. Tom said that Mary knew that she might be allowed to do that this evening. Tom said that mary knew she might be allowed to do that this evening. Ze zeggen dat hij erg rijk was. It is said that he was very rich. They say he was very rich. Tom knows that he has to do something, but he's not sure what. Tom knows that he has to do something, but he isn't sure what. Tom knows that he has to do something. But he's not sure what. Ich habe die Herzdame. I have the queen of hearts. I've got the lady of the heart. Der Tod wird als schwarzgewandete Gestalt mit Sense dargestellt. Death is symbolized as a figure in a black robe who carries a scythe. Death is depicted as a black-faced figure with scythe. Dat is een zonnebloem. This is a sunflower. That's a sunflower. Wat för welk sünd de besten? Which are the best ones? Which ones are the best? Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Ich werde versuchen, eine andere Formulierung zu finden. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I have to think about it. I will try to find another formulation. Was wird wohl aus Tom? I wonder what'll become of Tom. What about Tom? Wir sind fertig miteinander! We’re through! We're done with each other! Hai kwam n poar dagen loater. He came a few days later. Hai came a poor day loater. מיר זענען אַלע מאַמעס. We're all mothers. We're all moms. Komt het ooit voor dat je wou dat je iets opnieuw 'voor het eerst' kon beleven? Do you ever wish you could experience something 'for the first time' again? Does it ever happen that you wish you could experience something "for the first time" again? D'Sonn bréngt et un d'Liicht. The truth will come to light. The sun brings it to light. Hun woonkamer was in vlammen opgegaan. Their living room was engulfed in flames. Their living room had gone up in flames. Ich glaube nicht, dass es ihm etwas ausmacht. I don't think he would mind. I don't think he cares. Ich lerne Spanisch, Englisch und Japanisch, und ich helfe auch gerne anderen, die diese Sprachen lernen. I'm learning Spanish, English and Japanese, and I love to help others learning them too. I am learning Spanish, English and Japanese, and I am happy to help others who are learning these languages. Das war gar keine so schlechte Idee. That wasn't such a bad idea. That wasn't such a bad idea. Tom told me that he thought Mary had been suspended. Tom told me he thought Mary had been suspended. Tom told me that he thought mary had been suspended. Diere kan nie onderskei tussen reg en verkeerd nie. Animals cannot distinguish right from wrong. Animals cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Bitte gestatten Sie mir, bei dieser Gelegenheit ein paar Worte zu sagen. Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion. Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion. We're hoping that nobody gets injured. We're hoping nobody gets injured. - We're hoping that nobody gets injured. Order a drink for me, too. Order me a drink,too. Order a drink for me too. Wanneer ben je van plan terug te komen? When are you planning to come back? When are you planning on coming back? Wir sorgen uns um Tom. We worry about Tom. We're worried about Tom. De vis was heerlijk. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. זי איז נישט קלוג. She's not smart. She ain't smart. Ich sah Tom vor weniger als einer Stunde. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. Es ist häufig. It is frequent. It's frequent. Tom said he wished he could play the banjo as well as Mary. Tom said that he wished he could play the banjo as well as Mary. Tom said he wished he could play the banjo, as well as Mary. Does Tom know you want to buy a new computer? Does Tom know that you want to buy a new computer? Does tom know you want to buy a new computer? Er bestritt einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf. He fought a successful election campaign. He fought a successful election campaign. There are many ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in lots of ways and still give the same general message. There are many ways to write a sentence... and still keep the general message intact. Lass Tom doch in Ruhe! Why won't you leave Tom alone? Leave Tom alone! I knew I could rely on you! I knew I could rely on you. I knew I could rely on you. Bleib da drinnen! Stay in there. Stay in there! Dit Jungen spölet me sin Baal. The child plays with its ball. This boy is spoiling me his Baal. Yanni keerde terug. Yanni returned. Yanni returned. Vele jaren geleden waren er leeuwen in Griekenland. Many years ago, there were lions in Greece. Many years ago there were lions in Greece. Hagedissen zijn nauwer verwant aan mensen dan aan salamanders. Lizards are more closely related to humans than to salamanders. Lizards are more closely related to humans than to salamanders. Sie wohnt gegenüber der Bibliothek. She lives across the street from the library. She lives across the street from the library. Tom told me he wasn't afraid. Tom told me that he was unafraid. - Tom told me he wasn't afraid. Tom sah einen mit Hut neben Maria stehen und fragte sich, wer das wohl sei. Tom saw a man wearing a hat standing next to Mary and wondered who he was. Tom saw a man with a hat standing next to Mary and wondered who it was. Was ist moderne Sklaverei? What is modern slavery? What is Modern Slavery? Heb je nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones? Tom has no hat on. Tom doesn't have a hat on. - Tom has no hat on. Sei ein braver Junge und warte hier! Be a good boy and wait here. Be a good boy and wait here! We waren zo bang. We were so afraid. We were so scared. Why didn't you tell me that Tom wouldn't do that? Why didn't you tell me Tom wouldn't do that? Why didn't you tell me Tom wouldn't do that? Tom says that he wants to drink with us. Tom says he wants to drink with us. Tom says he wants to drink with us. Die vrouw daar is mijn grootmoeder. That woman over there is my grandmother. That woman over there is my grandmother. En schööne Taag! Have a nice day. A beautiful tag! Warum habt ihr nicht gefrühstückt? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Tom said Mary's dog bit him. Tom said that Mary's dog bit him. Tom said mary's dog bit him. Iess méi Uebst, wann ech gelift. Eat more fruit, please. I'll eat more when I'm gone. The rain gauge is broken. The pluviometer is broken. - The rain gauge is broken. Tom is een van de beste skateboarders die ik ken. Tom is one of the best skateboarders I know. Tom is one of the best skateboarders I know. I know that Tom knows that you know how to do that. I know Tom knows you know how to do that. I know that tom knows that you know how to do that. Hij heeft opgehangen. He hung up. He hung up. Tom said it was urgent. Tom said that it was urgent. - Tom said it was urgent. Nu woon ik hier. Now I live here. Now I live here. Das ist nicht Toms Fahrrad. That's not Tom's bicycle. This isn't Tom's bike. Tom thought Mary's dress wasn't appropriate for the occasion. Tom thought that Mary's dress wasn't appropriate for the occasion. Tom thought mary's dress wasn't appropriate for the occasion. Wêr is it húske? Where's the restroom? Is it homemade? Meine Freundinnen Emilie, Isabel und ich waren auf der beschissensten Silvesterfeier überhaupt. Nicht einen ansehnlichen Typen gab es da – wir waren natürlich alle auf Aufriss aus. My friends Emily, Isabel and I went to the crappiest New Year's Eve party ever. There was not one decent bloke there – we were all on the pull, of course. My friends Emilie, Isabel and I were at the shittiest New Year’s Eve party ever. There wasn’t a handsome guy there – we were all looking forward to it, of course. Was hast du dort sonst noch getan? What else did you do there? What else did you do there? Hebben jullie hen gezien? Have you guys seen them? Have you seen them? Tom is nait zo old as k bin. Tom isn't as old as I am. Tom is as old as he is. How many kilos have you lost? How many kilograms have you lost? - How many kilos have you lost? Ich war müde. I was tired. I was tired. איך בין אַ בולגאַר. I'm Bulgarian. I am a Bulgarian. Wann haben Sie das letztemal einen Hörtest gemacht? When was your last hearing test? When was the last time you took a hearing test? עספּעראַנטאָ איז פּשוט. Esperanto is simple. Esperanto is good. Tom said that he thought that Mary was in danger. Tom said he thought that Mary was in danger. Tom said that he thought that mary was in danger. Ich habe den Zug nicht erwischt. I didn't catch the train. I didn't catch the train. Een paar vrienden van mij hebben me geld geleend en van het geld heb ik een huis voor mezelf gebouwd. Some friends of mine lent me money and I built myself a house. A few friends of mine have loaned me money and from the money I have built a house for myself. Tom heeft al duizenden zinnen aan Tatoeba in vele talen toegevoegd. Tom has already added thousands of sentences to Tatoeba in multiple languages. Tom has already added thousands of phrases to Tatoeba in many languages. Gehen wir nach der Feier zu mir? Are we going to my house after the party? Shall we go to my house after the party? They told everyone that they were thirsty. They told everybody they were thirsty. - They told everyone that they were thirsty. Die lug is blou, die see is ook blou. Die lug en die see is blou. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. Es ist die Liebe, die die Welt regiert. It is love that rules the world. It is love that rules the world. Mijn vader bespeelt vijf instrumenten. My father plays five instruments. My father plays five instruments. I am coughing up sputum. I'm coughing up sputum. I'm coughing up sputum. Meine Unterschrift wurde gefälscht. My signature was forged. My signature was forged. Ich bezweifle, dass sie kommt. I doubt she'll come. I doubt she'll come. Ich komme nicht mit dir. I'm not coming with you. I'm not coming with you. Ik heb frietjes gegeten. I ate french fries. I ate French fries. Für Autofahrer ist die Innenstadt ein Alptraum aus engen Einbahnstraßen. For motorists, the city centre is a nightmare of narrow one-way streets. For motorists, the city centre is a nightmare of narrow one-way streets. Haben Sie schon gefrühstückt? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you had breakfast yet? Tom ist Hundetrainer. Tom is a dog trainer. Tom is a dog trainer. Er sprühte einen Davidstern an die Tunnelwand. He spray-painted a Star of David onto the wall of the tunnel. He sprayed a Star of David on the wall of the tunnel. Tom hat ein Messer. Tom has a knife. Tom has a knife. Im Zimmer war es leise. Natürlich blieb es nicht so. The room was quiet. Of course, it didn't stay that way. In the room it was quiet. Of course it did not stay that way. Er erfreut sich der Gunst der Mädchen. He enjoys the girls' favour. He enjoys the favor of the girls. I will ask Tom for an explanation. I'll ask Tom for an explanation. I will ask tom for an explanation. Wird sind Drittklässler. We're third graders. Will be third-graders. Nu al?! Already?! Already?! Dieser Kartoffelsalat enthält Öl und Mayonnaise. This potato salad contains oil and mayonnaise. This potato salad contains oil and mayonnaise. De buitenaardse wezens zijn op het gazon geland. The aliens landed on the front lawn. The aliens have landed on the lawn. De Buur hett sien Trecker in ’e Schüün stahn. The farmer keeps his tractor in the barn. The neighbor had his tractor standing in a shed. Dat Huus is smuck. The house is pretty. The house is beautiful. Jetzt bist du dran, etwas zu sagen. Now it's your turn to say something. Now it's your turn to say something. Respektiere Menschen, die älter sind als du! Respect people who are older than you. Respect people who are older than you. Tom said that he thought Mary wasn't very busy. Tom said that he thought that Mary wasn't very busy. Tom said that he thought mary wasn't very busy. Tom heeft een mobieltje. Tom has a cellphone. Tom has a cell phone. Ich schlage vor, dass Sie mit dem Taxi dorthin fahren. I suggest that you go there by taxi. I suggest you take a taxi there. Ik voel me niet goed. I'm not feeling well. I'm not feeling well. Du verstehst nie irgendetwas. You never understand anything. You never understand anything. Seine Eltern hassen mich. His parents hate me. His parents hate me. I suspect Tom and Mary both have houses in Australia. I suspect that both Tom and Mary have houses in Australia. I suspect tom and mary both have houses in australia. Sie hat drei Töchter. She has three daughters. She has three daughters. Sie sind auch keine Heilige. You're no saint, either. They are not saints either. I've already met everybody. I've already met everyone. - I've already met everybody. Sie bewunderten vom Hügel aus den phantastischen Ausblick. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They admired the fantastic view from the hill. „Guten Morgen!“ sagte der Mann höflich. "Good morning," said the man politely. “Good morning!” said the man politely. Ik kiek geern Lesbenpornos. I like watching lesbian porn. I watch lesbian porn. Sie werden mir beide so sehr fehlen. I will miss them both so much. I will miss you both so much. Iemand voeden tijdens de heilige maand ramadan is zeer de moeite waard. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very worthwhile. Die öffentliche Meinung ist gegen den Kurs. Public opinion is opposed to the policy. Public opinion is against the course. k Bin nou n moeke. I'm a mom now. I'm a new mom. די אייביקע ליבע האַלט אָן בערך דרײַ חדשים. Eternal love lasts about three months. Love lasts for three months. Wir haben unseren Hund drinnen schlafen lassen. We let our dog sleep inside. We let our dog sleep inside. Tom kommt oft bei uns vorbei. Tom often drops in to see us. Tom often comes to visit us. Tom band seinen Hund an einen Baum. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Dies ist ein Beispiel für das moderne britische Leben. This is an instance of modern British life. This is an example of modern British life. Hier leeft een pinguïnkolonie. A penguin colony lives there. There's a penguin colony here. Tom hofft auf Anstellung. Tom is hoping that they'll hire him. Tom is looking for a job. I know you think I'm crazy. I know that you think I'm crazy. - I know you think I'm crazy. Was ist in der Kiste? What's in the box? What's in the box? Tom said he had no reason to stay. Tom said that he had no reason to stay. - Tom said he had no reason to stay. I wonder whether Tom is alone. I wonder whether or not Tom is alone. I wonder whether tom is alone. Die waren stockbetrunken. They were really drunk. They were drunk. Ik word grijs. I am going grey! I'm turning gray. U heeft het recht uw bestelling te herroepen. You have the right to cancel your order. You have the right to cancel your order. Hij is alweer zijn paraplu kwijt. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. „Hyberbel“ ist ein hochtrabender Ausdruck für „Übertreibung“. "Hyperbole" is a fancy way of saying "exaggeration." “Hyberbel” is a high-pitched expression for “exaggeration.” Tom hat schon viele Medaillen gewonnen. Tom has already won many medals. He has won many medals. Ik ben daar. I am there. I'm right there. איר טוישט זיך נישט ווי א גלח. You don't look like a priest. You don't feel like a saint. Wir wär’s, wenn wir’s auf später verschieben? How about a rain check? We would if we postponed it later? I am as happy as can be. I'm as happy as can be. - I am as happy as can be. Ich fürchte, Sie haben recht. I'm afraid you're right. I'm afraid you're right. Gib mir deine Autoschlüssel! Give me your car keys. Give me your car keys! De vierkantswortel van negen is drie. The square root of nine is three. The square root of nine is three. I didn't know that you needed to do that today. I didn't know you needed to do that today. - I didn't know that you needed to do that today. Sie war entspannt. She was relaxed. She was relaxed. סאַמי טראָגט זײַן פֿינגערל. Sami is wearing his ring. Sam is wearing his shirt. Sie fährt nie Auto. She never drives a car. She never drives a car. Ik doe m'n best. I am trying my best. I'll do my best. Sie arbeitet am selben Ort wie ihr Bruder. She works at the same place her brother does. She works in the same place as her brother. Ik maakte thee. I made tea. I made tea. Tom deed zijn schaatsen aan. Tom put on his ice skates. Tom put on his skates. Ich an deiner Stelle täte das nicht. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Sie hat angerufen. She phoned. She called. Inwiefern hilft mir das? How does this help me? How does that help me? Denk je dat het waar is dat draken vuur kunnen spuwen of is het maar een mythe? Do you think it's true that dragons can breathe fire or is it just a myth? Do you think it's true that dragons can spew fire or is it just a myth? Könntest du mir sagen, was ich als nächstes machen sollte? Could you tell me what I should do next? Could you tell me what I should do next? Bis auf Tom kannte ich niemanden dort. Except for Tom, I didn't know anyone there. Except for Tom, I didn’t know anyone there. Ik breng jullie naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Ich gehe hinter den Baum. I'm going behind the tree. I'll go behind the tree. Hij bleef in het hotel. He stayed at the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Ich hasse Schach. I hate chess. I hate chess. „Du bist in dieses Mädchen verliebt!“ – „Nein, das bin ich nicht!“ "You've got a crush on this girl." "No, I don't!" “You’re in love with this girl!” – “No, I’m not!” Ik weet niet hoe ik met Tom moet omgaan. I don't know how to deal with Tom. I don't know how to deal with Tom. Wie war der Film gestern? How was the movie yesterday? How was the movie yesterday? Die haben diese Teetasse von einer Japanreise mitgebracht. They brought this teapot from a trip they made to Japan. They brought this teacup from a trip to Japan. Ik begrijp niet waarom hij zo opeens wegging. I can't understand why he left so suddenly. I don't understand why he left so suddenly. Ich hasse Englisch. I hate English. I hate English. Welches Fach unterrichtet Fräulein Hansen? Which subject does Mrs Jackson teach? What subject does Miss Hansen teach? Es hat keinen Zweck, noch länger auf Tom zu warten. There's no use waiting for Tom any longer. There is no point in waiting any longer for Tom. Du solltest hinter seinem Rücken nicht über Jack reden. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. Ich will ein Buch schreiben. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Da war mal eine Schwulenkneipe. That place used to be a gay bar. There used to be a gay bar. Waar ga je heen? Where are you going to? - Where are you going? Er lebt gerne mit seiner Frau zusammen. He likes living with his wife. He likes to live with his wife. I'm a despicable human being. I am a despicable human being. - I'm a despicable human being. Tom lernt nebenan. Tom is studying in the next room. Tom is studying next door. Tom said Mary was likely to be last. Tom said that Mary was likely to be last. Tom said mary was likely to be last. Wi seht em elk Dag. We see him every day. We see him every day. Tom heeft nooit een potlood bij zich. Tom never has a pencil with him. Tom never brought a pencil with him. De bal vloog in het dak van het doel. The ball flew into the roof of the net. The ball flew into the roof of the goal. Both Tom and Mary have new bicycles. Tom and Mary both have new bicycles. Both tom and mary have new bicycles. Holen Sie es bitte in einer halben Stunde ab. Please come back in half an hour to get it. Please pick it up in half an hour. No one was killed or injured in the attack. Nobody was killed or injured in the attack. - No one was killed or injured in the attack. Tom wird selten böse. Tom rarely gets angry. Tom is rarely angry. Ik brük ek wit man klööret Popiir. I don't need white but coloured paper. I also bridge white but color popiir. Es gibt so viele Quasiduplikate, dass wir darüber gar nicht die Übersicht behalten können. There are too many near-duplicates for us to can keep track of. There are so many quasiduplicates that we cannot keep track of them. Ich habe den Brief fertig geschrieben. I've finished writing the letter. I finished writing the letter. It is too late for him. It's too late for him. - It is too late for him. Voelt u zich schuldig? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? So wie die Inschriften auf dem Rosetta-Stein auf die Aktivität eines alten Schreibers und ein Computerprogramm auf einen Programmierer hinweisen, habe ich argumentiert, dass der im DNA-Molekül entdeckte digitale Code auf die Aktivität eines planenden Geistes am Ursprung des Lebens hindeutet. Just as the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone point to the activity of an ancient scribe and a computer program points to a programmer, I have argued that the digital code discovered within the DNA molecule suggests the activity of a designing mind at the origin of life. Just as the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone point to the activity of an ancient scribe and a computer program to a programmer, I have argued that the digital code discovered in the DNA molecule points to the activity of a planning mind at the origin of life. Wer hätte den Wettbewerb gewinnen müssen? Ich finde, Tom, nicht Maria. Who should have won the contest? I think it should have been Tom, not Mary. Who should have won the competition? I think Tom, not Maria. Man sagt, die Erde dreht sich schneller. They say the Earth is spinning faster. It is said that the earth rotates faster. Wer war sonst noch an dem Raubüberfall beteiligt? Who else was involved in the robbery? Who else was involved in the Raubüberfall? Hast du es erst jetzt bemerkt? Have you only just noticed? Did you notice it only now? Ich bin keine Eheberaterin. I'm not a marriage counsellor. I'm not a marriage counselor. Habt ihr Verwandte im Ausland? Do you have relatives abroad? Do you have relatives abroad? Was kann ich hier machen? What can I do here? What can I do here? Demütige dich nicht! Don't humiliate yourself. Don't humiliate yourself! Het is een cadeau voor jou. It's a gift for you. It's a gift for you. Maak u niet ongerust. Don't worry. Don't worry. Tom gives his children an allowance. Tom gives his kids an allowance. - Tom gives his children an allowance. We kunnen altijd na het eten in je kamer praten. We can always talk in your room after dinner. We can always talk in your room after dinner. Büst du al maal in Paris wesen? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Ich kann die Schrift an der Wand lesen. I can read the writing on the wall. I can read the writing on the wall. Ze was aardig tegen iedereen. She was nice to everyone. She was nice to everyone. Ich kann mir vorstellen, wie ihr euch gefühlt habt. I can imagine how you felt. I can imagine how you felt. Es schneit schon seit drei Tagen. It's been snowing for three days. It's been snowing for three days. Sind Sie der Verfasser dieses Buches? Are you the author of this book? Are you the author of this book? Ich verlasse diese Gruppe. I'm leaving this group. I'm leaving this group. "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." "Everyone has flaws." "I don't." "Everybody has flaws. " "I don't. " The doors opened and everyone quickly left the room. The doors opened and everybody quickly left the room. The doors opened, and everyone quickly left the room. Den Flachrechner unter einem Arm, das Französischbuch unter dem anderen, eilte Tom zum Unterricht. Tom ran to class with his laptop under one arm and his French textbook in the other. Tom hurried to class with the flat calculator under one arm and the French book under the other. I hope that it is fine tomorrow. I hope it's fine tomorrow. - I hope that it is fine tomorrow. Oude mensen denken te veel aan het verleden. Old people think too much about the past. Old people think too much of the past. De Mantel hett keen Taschen. The coat doesn't have any pockets. The coat has no pockets. Een stervende oude man is als een brandende bibliotheek. A dying old man is like a burning library. A dying old man is like a burning library. Ich frage mich, was aus ihm geworden ist. I wonder what has become of him. I wonder what became of him. Maria ist eine tüchtige junge Frau. Mary is a hardworking young lady. Mary is a good young woman. Ik bit di Hün. I bite the dog. I'll bite you. Ich habe letzten Monat nicht alle meine Rechnungen bezahlen können. I wasn't able to pay all my bills last month. I couldn't pay all my bills last month. Er hat tadellose Manieren, was bedeutet, dass man nie sicher sein kann, was er eigentlich denkt! He has impeccable manners, which means you can never be sure what he actually thinks! He has impeccable manners, which means you can never be sure what he actually thinks! Tom said he was going to allow Mary to do that. Tom said he was going to let Mary do that. Tom said he was gonna allow Mary to do that. Gefällt es dir denn? Do you like it then? Do you like it? Das stärkt mein Selbstbewusstsein. It makes me feel more confident. This strengthens my self-confidence. Nicht den Tod fürchte ich, sondern das Sterben. It isn't death that I fear, but dying. I fear not death, but death. Tom lächelt immer. Tom always smiles. Tom always smiles. Beleidige Tom nicht. Don't insult Tom. Don't insult Tom. Dat maakt momenteel niet uit. That's not important right now. It doesn't matter at the moment. De sneeuw is verdwenen. The snow has disappeared. The snow is gone. Je bent voor mij bestemd. You were meant for me. You're meant for me. That is quite shocking. That's quite shocking. - That is quite shocking. Toms Voraussagen traten alle ein. Everything Tom predicted came true. Tom’s predictions all came true. Das kann Tom nicht gesagt haben. Tom can't have said so. Tom couldn't have said that. I don't think I'm going to do that. I don't think that I'm going to do that. I don't think I'm gonna do that. I wish that I were with Tom back in Australia. I wish I were with Tom back in Australia. I wish that I were with tom back in australia. I know that Tom doesn't know anyone who does that I know Tom doesn't know anyone who does that I know that Tom doesn't know anyone who does that. Ich habe dich gestern in der Disko vermisst. I missed you at the club last night. I missed you at the disco yesterday. Dreh dich um! Ich muss mich umziehen. Turn around, I need to change. Turn around, I've got to change. Die Nation war durch Parteikonflikte gespalten. The nation was riven by partisan conflict. The nation was divided by party conflicts. Wir schicken jemanden, der es in einer halben Stunde bei dir abholt. We'll send someone round to pick it up from you in half an hour. We'll send someone to pick it up from you in half an hour. Wie kommt's, dass du immer zu spät bist? Why is it that you're always late? How come you're always late? Félix spricht kein Französisch. Felix doesn't speak French. Félix does not speak French. Hast du schon in Erwägung gezogen, Tom zu bitten, dass er dir Geld leiht? Have you considered asking Tom to lend you some money? Have you ever considered asking Tom to lend you money? Its features are good, but the design is where it fails. Its features are good, but it falls apart because of the design. It's features are good, but the design is where it fails. Tom wil piloot worden. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Die Japaner haben braune Augen. The Japanese have brown eyes. The Japanese have brown eyes. I thought you read my resume. I thought that you read my resume. - I thought you read my résumé. Gudden Owend. Good evening. Good evening. He leevt ganz alleen in ’n Woold. He lives in the woods all by himself. He lives alone in the woods. Leider ist das alles, was übriggeblieben ist. Unfortunately, that's all that's left. Unfortunately, that's all that's left. Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right away. Bescheidenheit ist eine Tugend; in dieser maladen Welt aber gereicht sie einem zum Nachteil. Modesty is a virtue, but it's a disadvantage in this sick world. Modesty is a virtue, but in this world it is harmful. Alle haben das gleiche gegessen. Everyone was eating the same thing. They all ate the same thing. I know that Tom would like to know if you aren't planning to do that. I know Tom would like to know if you aren't planning to do that. I know that tom would like to know if you aren't planning to do that. Setzen wir uns hin und sehen wir uns einen Film an! Let's sit down and watch a film. Let’s sit down and watch a movie! Volgens mij herken ik deze plek. I think that I recognize this place. I think I recognize this place. Tom will be very disappointed if you don't eat the salad that he made. Tom will be very disappointed if you don't eat the salad he made. Tom will be very disappointed If you don't eat the salad that he made. Er hat niemanden. He doesn't have anybody. He has no one. Ich habe mir dein Worte durch den Kopf gehen lassen. I was thinking about what you said. I let your words go through my head. Met hoeveel kussens slaap je? How many pillows do you sleep with? How many pillows do you sleep with? Is hier een geest? Is there a ghost in here? Is there a ghost here? Mary ist Professorin. Mary is a professor. Mary is a professor. Al de taken zijn naar behoren vervuld. All the tasks have been fulfilled satisfactorily. All the tasks have been properly completed. I have seen that somewhere. I've seen that somewhere. - I have seen that somewhere. Er hat mir gegen den Kopf geschlagen. He hit me on the head. He hit me in the head. Der Bus sollte bald ankommen. The bus should arrive shortly. The bus should arrive soon. Mijn moeder is in de keuken. My mother is in the kitchen. My mom's in the kitchen. Was ist mit Tom? Sollten wir den nicht auch einladen? What about Tom? Shouldn't we invite him too? What about Tom, shouldn't we invite him? איך רעד נישט קײן בענגאַליש. I don't speak Bengali. I don't speak Bengali. Der Siedler wird nicht auf dich hören. Er hat sich hier bereits häuslich eingerichtet. The settler won't listen to you; he has already made this place his home. The settler won't listen to you, he's already settled in here. Die Texte liest sowieso niemand. No one reads those texts anyway. No one reads the texts anyway. In diesem Dorf wohnen nicht viele. Not many people live in this village. Not many people live in this village. Mein Großvater väterlicherseits wird morgen seinen achtundachtzigsten Geburtstag feiern. My grandfather on my father's side is celebrating his 88th birthday tomorrow. My paternal grandfather will be celebrating his eighty-eighth birthday tomorrow. מײַן מאַנשאַפֿט איז די בעסטע! My team is the best! My body is the best! Tom versteckte sich hinter dem Duschvorhang. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom will Übersetzer werden. Tom wants to be a translator. Tom wants to be a translator. Zu Beginn der Mozartwoche 2021 spielte der koreanische Pianist Cho Sŏngjin erstmals eine bisher ungehörte Komposition Mozarts. South Korean pianist Cho Seong-jin played one of Mozart's previously unheard compositions for the first time at the start of the 2021 Mozartwoche Festival. At the beginning of the Mozart Week 2021, the Korean pianist Cho S<0xC5><0x8F>ngjin played for the first time a hitherto unheard composition of Mozart. Tom hatte keine andere Wahl, als sich zu ergeben. Tom had no other choice but to surrender. Tom had no choice but to surrender. Sie ist jung und ledig. She's young and single. She is young and single. Kwamen je ouders vaak bij je op bezoek toen je in Duitsland was? Did your parents visit you many times when you were in Germany? Did your parents often visit you when you were in Germany? Blijkbaar mag Mary mij niet. Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Tom said that he thought that there was a good chance that Mary would want to do that. Tom said he thought that there was a good chance that Mary would want to do that. Tom said that he thought there was a good chance that Mary would want to do that. Tom weigerte sich, den Wagen zu verlassen. Tom refused to get out of the car. Tom refused to leave the car. De vlucht was overboekt. The flight was overbooked. The flight was overbooked. Bin ich hier der Kellner? What am I, a waiter? Am I the waiter here? Eben mit dir wollte ich reden. You're just the man I wanted to speak to. I just wanted to talk to you. Meine Mutter hat meinem kleinen Bruder einen gelben Regenschirm gekauft. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Habt ihr die Papageien gefüttert? Have you fed the parrots? Did you feed the parrots? Tom heeft eindelijk de sleutel gevonden die hij kwijt geraakt was. Tom has at last found the key he had lost. Tom finally found the key he had lost. Kunt u dat echt? Can you really? Can you really do that? Ik nehm allens trügg, wat ik seggt heff. I'll take back everything I said. I'll take anything I say hefty. I wonder whether Tom is pleased. I wonder whether or not Tom is pleased. I wonder whether tom is pleased. Maria is waarschijnlijk rijk. Marie is probably rich. Mary is rich. Er war verlegen, als ich darauf bestand, der er die Kritik zu seinem neuen Buch lese. He was embarrassed when I insisted that he read the criticism of his new book. He was embarrassed when I insisted that he read the criticism of his new book. Besorg mir die Zeitung. Get me the newspaper. Get me the paper. Ich frage mich, wann ein Höhlenmensch so etwas gesagt hat. I wonder when a caveman said something like this. I wonder when a caveman said something like that. Wacht op je beurt alsjeblieft. Wait for your turn, please. Wait for your turn, please. Tom would've done that if you'd asked him to. Tom would have done that if you'd asked him to. Tom would have done that if you'd asked him to. Ich habe diesen Film schon viele Male gesehen. I've already seen this movie many times. I have seen this movie many times. Welches ist deine Lieblingsfernsehserientitelmelodie? What's your favourite TV theme tune? What is your favorite TV show title melody? Ik mutt mien Geldbüdel in ’n Supermarkt verloren hebben. I must have lost my purse in the supermarket. I lost my wallet in a supermarket. Tom said that he thought that Mary was a good cook. Tom said that he thought Mary was a good cook. Tom said that he thought that mary was a good cook. In dieser Straße befinden sich zwei Kirchen. There are two churches on this street. There are two churches on this street. Ich muss diesen Motor auseinanderbauen. I have to disassemble this engine. I need to disassemble this engine. Ich wollte das Tor eben zuschließen, da wurde es von der anderen Seite wieder aufgestoßen. I was just closing the gate when it was pushed open again from the other side. I just wanted to close the gate, and it was opened again from the other side. דאָס איז נישט קיין אינטערעסאַנטער זאַץ. That's not an interesting sentence. That's not an interesting thing. Tom hat gute Aussichten, die Stelle zu bekommen. Tom has a good chance of being hired for the job. Tom has good prospects of getting the job. Europees Portugees is anders dan Braziliaans Portugees. European Portuguese is different from Brazilian Portuguese. European Portuguese is different from Brazilian Portuguese. Als Faustregel bei allen zur Zeit noch nicht vorhandenen Funktionen gilt, dass es entweder ein sehr weiter Weg bis zur Implementation ist oder überhaupt nie dazu kommt. Es gibt nur wenige Entwickler, zu beheben ist viel, und wie ratsam eine Maßnahme jeweils ist, da gehen die Meinungen immer auseinander, so dass viel hin- und herdiskutiert wird, oft aber nichts dabei herauskommt. The rule of thumb is that whatever functionality does not currently exist will either take a very long time to be implemented or never appear. The number of developers is small, the number of things that need to be fixed is huge, and the number of divergent opinions on the advisability of any particular measure is also large, meaning that discussion will take a long time and often not lead to a result. As a rule of thumb for all functions that do not currently exist, it is either a very long way to implementation or never comes at all. There are only a few developers, there is a lot to fix, and how advisable a measure is in each case, the opinions always diverge, so that much back and forth is discussed, but often nothing comes out of it. Kann ich meine Koffer hierlassen? Can I leave my suitcases here? Can I leave my suitcase here? Das Spanische steht dem Portugiesischen näher als dem Katalanischen. Spanish is closer to Portuguese than to Catalan. Spanish is closer to Portuguese than Catalan. Du büst en goden Kock. You are a good cook. You are a good cook. Ich habe dir den Satz zum Adoptieren freigegeben, Ayumi. I released the sentence so you could adopt it, Ayumi. I've released the phrase to you for adoption, Ayumi. Tom heeft Maria gedumpt. Tom dumped Mary. Tom dumped Mary. Wir werden unser Zimmer aufräumen, damit Mama zufrieden ist. We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied. We'll clean up our room so Mom's happy. Er zijn veel mensen die geloven dat God bestaat. There are many people who believe that God exists. There are many people who believe that God exists. לאָמיך עס מסביר זײַן מיט אַ משל. Let me explain by way of a parable. Let me explain it with an explanation. Voeg vlees toe. Add meat. Add the meat. Ich habe ganz vergessen, dass Tom Geburtstag hat. I forgot that it was Tom's birthday. I forgot it was Tom's birthday. Ich wollte Sie nur stolz machen. I just wanted to make you proud. I just wanted to make you proud. Ob du es glaubst oder nicht, Tom ist 70 Jahre alt. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Die Netznotizen meines Onkels über seine Reisen in Thailand erweckten mein Interesse an asiatischer Kultur. My uncle's blog posts about his travels in Thailand have piqued my interest in Asian culture. My uncle’s net notes about his travels in Thailand sparked my interest in Asian culture. t Kin vraizen en t kin deuen. It might freeze, it might thaw. t Can vraizen and t can deuen. Wer ist der Mann, der mit euch gesprochen hat? Who's the man who spoke to you? Who is the man who spoke to you? Tom steht um neun Uhr auf. Tom's getting up at nine o'clock. Tom got up at nine. Tom Jackson is more famous than his wife is. Tom Jackson is more famous than his wife. Tom jackson is more famous than his wife is. Tom het weg getrek. Tom moved away. Tom pulled away. איך גלייב, אַז עפּעס איז נישט אין אָרדענונג מיט מײַן מוח. I think something's wrong with my brain. I don't think there's anything wrong with my wife. We zijn in het tweeëntwintigste jaar van de eenentwintigste eeuw. We are in the twenty-second year of the twenty-first century. We are in the twenty-second year of the twenty-first century. Are you suggesting that I am lying? Are you suggesting that I'm lying? - Are you suggesting that I am lying? I've made some coffee for us. I've made us some coffee. - I've made some coffee for us. Die Hundehütte ist draußen. The dog's house is outside. The doghouse is outside. Was verursacht Allergien? What causes allergies? What causes allergies? Ik verkoop fruit. I sell fruit. I sell fruit. Er zijn zeldzame dieren in Australië. There are rare animals in Australia. There are rare animals in Australia. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We listen to music. Tom kon dood gegaan het. Tom might've died. He could have died. Ik ben getrouwd met Lori. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Ich tat nur meine Pflicht. I only did my duty. I was just doing my duty. Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. Boah, Sie müssen mal das Ding in die Reinigung bringen. Whoa, you have to take that thing to the dry cleaners. Boah, you need to get that thing to the cleaners. Waarom kocht ze dit? Why did she buy this? Why did she buy this? You know it's not like that. You know it isn't like that. - You know it's not like that. You're not suggesting Tom didn't do that, are you? You aren't suggesting Tom didn't do that, are you? You're not suggesting tom didn't do that, are you? Ich hätte meine Zeit nicht damit vergeuden sollen, das zu lesen. I shouldn't have wasted my time reading that. I shouldn’t have wasted my time reading this. Tom is ontsnapt naar Australië. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. Die Frage ist unbeantwortet geblieben. The question remained unanswered. The question has remained unanswered. k Kin zingen. I can sing. K Kin sing. Ik schreef hem voor iets totaal anders. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote him for something completely different. In einer Schlacht um Ko gibt es praktisch auf dem gesamten Spielfeld mehrere Züge strategischer Natur. In a battle of Ko, there are several moves of a strategic nature on practically the entire board. In a battle for Ko, there are several moves of a strategic nature practically on the entire playing field. Ech schwätze kee Lëtzebuergesch. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I'm not talking about an ad hominem. Tom said that he thought he'd be able to get that done by 2:30. Tom said that he thought that he'd be able to get that done by 2:30. Tom said he thought he'd be able to get that done by 2:30. I knew Tom was studying. I knew that Tom was studying. I knew tom was studying. Tom spielt Bratsche, Maria Cello. Tom plays the viola, and Mary plays the cello. Tom plays viola, Maria Cello. Zu der Feier kam nur Tom. Tom was the only one who came to the party. Only Tom came to the party. Das intellektuelle Eigentum gehört abgeschafft! Abolish intellectual property. Intellectual property should be abolished. Er schreibt ihr einen Brief. He's writing her a letter. He writes her a letter. Hij grijpt naar zijn geweer! He's reaching for his gun! He grabs his gun! Tom is nooit het probleem geweest. Tom has never been the problem. Tom was never the problem. Tom gehört ins Gefängnis. Tom belongs in jail. Tom is in prison. k Spreek gain Kataloans. I don't speak Catalan. Let's talk about Catalans. Auch Professoren können sich irren. Even professors can be wrong. Professors can be wrong, too. Ich habe denen nichts gesagt, nur, wie du heißt. I didn't tell them anything, just your name. I didn't tell them anything, just your name. Ik heb Boston bezocht. I visited Boston. I've been to Boston. Zamenhof schrieb einmal, man dürfe ihn zwar einen „Sohn Polens“ nennen, nicht aber einen „Polen“. Wenn man über seine Nationalität spreche, solle man stattdessen sagen, er bezeichne sich als „russländischen Hebräer“. Zamenhof once wrote that others can call him a "son of Poland", but not "Polish". Instead, when speaking about his nationality, they should say that he refers to himself as "Russian Hebrew". Zamenhof once wrote that although he may be called a “son of Poland”, he should not be called a “Poland”. When talking about his nationality, he should instead be called a “Russian Hebrew”. Tom war fast den ganzen Tag da. Tom was around most of the day. Tom was there most of the day. Dat is een van mijn favoriete films. It's one of my favourite films. That's one of my favorite movies. Zitten daar frietjes bij? Does that come with fries? Are there fries in there? Man muss immer das Richtige tun. You should always do what's right. You always have to do the right thing. Bist du schwul? Are you gay? Are you gay? I presume that Tom is still married to Mary. I presume Tom is still married to Mary. I presume that tom is still married to mary. Was habt ihr für sie gekauft? What've you bought for her? What did you buy for her? Hoi. Hello! Hey. Hey. Sie müssen in Shinjuku umsteigen. You need to change at Shinjuku. You have to transfer to Shinjuku. Tom heeft duizenden in het project gestopt. Tom has sunk thousands into the project. Tom has put thousands into the project. Was wird das für Edinburgh bedeuten? What will this mean for Edinburgh? What will this mean for Edinburgh? Sie sah sehr jung aus. She looked very young. She looked very young. Lassen Sie Tom bitte nicht allein! Please don't leave Tom alone. Please don't leave Tom alone! I'm a lot taller than Tom. I'm a lot taller than Tom is. I'm a lot taller than tom. העבערעיִש איז די אָריגינעלע ייִדישע שפּראַך. Hebrew is the original Jewish language. Hebrew is the original Jewish language. Wie kann man mit Tom am besten in Verbindung treten? What's the best way to contact Tom? What is the best way to get in touch with Tom? Maria fehlt das Lehrmaterial, das sie für einen guten Unterricht benötigt. Mary lacks the teaching materials she needs to give a decent class. Mary lacks the teaching material she needs for good teaching. Tom should've refused to leave early. Tom should have refused to leave early. Tom should have refused to leave early. De soldaten begonnen hun aanval. The soldiers started their attack. The soldiers began their attack. Bist du dir sicher, dass Tom und Maria noch verheiratet sind? Mir kam zu Ohren, die hätten sich scheiden lassen. Are you sure that Tom and Mary are still married? I heard that they got divorced. Are you sure that Tom and Maria are still married? I heard they were getting a divorce. Sie wusste, dass sie entlassen werden sollte. She knew she was going to be fired. She knew she was going to be fired. Tom hatte nichts zu lesen. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Wie heeft het uitgevonden? Who invented it? Who invented it? Ich bin gesehen worden. I've been seen. I've been seen. He deed en Bild von en Hund malen. He painted a picture of a dog. He did paint a picture of a dog. Tom told me that he thought Mary was mean. Tom told me he thought that Mary was mean. Tom told me that he thought mary was mean. Es gehört sich nicht, Leute zu schlagen. It's not nice to hit people. It is not necessary to beat people. Zwischen den Anschlußstellen 26 und 20 kommt es in südlicher Fahrrichtung zu langen Verzögerungen. There are long delays southbound between junction 26 and junction 20. Long delays occur between the connection points 26 and 20 in the southern direction of travel. Ik heb een Duitse auto. I own a German car. I have a German car. Ich war von der Antwort überrascht. I was taken aback at the answer. I was surprised by the answer. Ich bin froh, dass Sie da waren. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. I'm worried that Tom will get lost. I'm worried Tom will get lost. I'm worried that tom will get lost. Sein Fell ist so weich und fluffig. His fur is so soft and fluffy. His fur is so soft and fluffy. איר זענט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. You're the pros. I wonder whether Tom is studying French. I wonder if Tom is studying French. I wonder whether tom is studying french. Je bent terug! You're back! You're back! I know you won't be here tomorrow. I know that you won't be here tomorrow. - I know you won't be here tomorrow. Wi hebbt twee Billy-Regaals von Ikea. We've got two Billy shelves from IKEA. We have two Billy Regals from Ikea. They said that they were conservative. They said they were conservative. - They said that they were conservative. Bent u ooit behandeld voor chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever been treated for chlamydia? I don't think you'll have much fun doing that. I don't think that you'll have much fun doing that. - I don't think you'll have much fun doing that. Hij is allergisch voor katten. He's allergic to cats. He is allergic to cats. Ek leef my droom. I'm living my dream. I'm living my dream. Krijg je brandend maagzuur na het eten van bepaald voedsel? Do you get heartburn after eating certain foods? Do you get heartburn after eating certain foods? We zullen uw voorwaarden aanvaarden. We'll accept your conditions. We will accept your terms. Ze is haar paraplu vergeten. She forgot her umbrella. She forgot her umbrella. They said that they weren't retired. They said they weren't retired. - They said that they weren't retired. Beim Nachbarn ist das Gras immer grüner. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When it comes to neighbors, the grass is always greener. Gibt es bei den heutigen Prüfungsergebnissen regionale Unterschiede? Are there regional disparities in today's exam results? Are there regional differences in today’s exam results? Iedereen heeft een hobby nodig. Everybody needs a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby. How do we know you're not lying to us? How do we know that you're not lying to us? - How do we know you're not lying to us? Ein Hund ist treu. A dog is faithful. A dog is faithful. Peter trinkt abends gern ein Bier. Peter enjoys a beer in the evening. Peter likes to have a beer in the evening. Is dit als een geschenk bedoeld? Is this supposed to be a gift? Is this meant to be a gift? No one kissed Tom. Nobody kissed Tom. No one kissed tom. Der Verkehr staute sich mehrere Kilometer weit, da zwei Fahrspuren wegen Straßenarbeiten gesperrt waren. The traffic banked up for several kilometres because two lanes were closed for roadworks. Traffic jammed for several kilometres, as two lanes were closed due to road work. Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. Joe was mien faveriet. You were my favorite. Joe was my favorite. Which films have you seen? What films have you seen? - Which films have you seen? Ich arbeite sonntags nicht. I do not work on Sunday. I don't work on Sundays. Jetzt schaut Tom fern. Tom is watching TV now. Tom is watching TV. Gewoonlijk gaat ze om negen uur slapen. She usually goes to bed at nine. She usually goes to bed at nine o'clock. Integration bedeutet: Ich bin richtig. du bist richtig. wir sind richtig. alle sind richtig. Integration means: I am right. you are right. we are right, everybody is right. Integration means: I am right. You are right. We are right. Everyone is right. Wir sollten nicht vergessen, dass Tom kein Französisch versteht. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. We should not forget that Tom does not understand French. t Stremlicht wer gruin. The traffic light turned green. The light that glows. Hij vond haar lessen niet leuk. He didn't like her lessons. He didn't like her lessons. Stellen Sie sich an. Stand in the queue. Get in line. Er betrachtete die Leute, welche die Bilder betrachteten – statt der Bilder selbst. He looked at the people who looked at the pictures, instead of at the pictures themselves. He looked at the people who were looking at the pictures instead of the pictures themselves. Zamenhof war ein sehr weiser Mensch. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Zamenhof was a very wise man. „Das ist in Deutschland normal.“ – „Echt?“ "This is normal in Germany." "Really?" “This is normal in Germany.” – “Really?” Het spel werd wegens de regen uitgesteld. The game was postponed due to rain. The game was postponed due to rain. Tom heeft vaak kritiek op ons. Tom often criticises us. He often criticizes us. Meine Mission ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit. My mission is of critical importance. My mission is of the utmost importance. Was macht Tom morgen? What's Tom doing tomorrow? What will Tom do tomorrow? Hoe lang voel je je al verstopt? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been hiding? „Schau mal, was ich in deinem Kleiderschrank für einen schönen Kaschmirpulli gefunden habe. Warum trägst du den denn nie?“ – „Der hat unter einem Ärmel ein Loch.“ – „Der ist nur an der Naht ein bisschen aufgegangen. Willst du das nicht flicken?“ – „Ne, das macht zuviel Mühe. Den schmeiß’ ich einfach in die Tonne und kauf’ mir einen neuen.“ – „Du bist so verschwenderisch, Tom! Dann flicke ich ihn eben selbst und behalte ihn.“ "Look at this beautiful cashmere jumper I found in your wardrobe. Why don't you ever wear it?" "There's a hole in one of the armpits." "It's only a little split along the seam. Aren't you going to mend it?" "No, it's too much hassle. I'll chuck it in the bin and buy a new one." "You're so wasteful, Tom! I'll sew it up and keep it myself, then." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Look what I found in your wardrobe for a beautiful cashmere sweater. Why do you never wear it?“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>He has a hole under one sleeve.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>He just went up a bit at the seam. Don’t you want to fix that?” – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Well, that’s too much trouble. I’ll just throw him in the bin and buy him myself a new one.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>You’re so wasteful! Tom said Mary thought John might not be allowed to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary thought John might not be allowed to do that by himself. Tom said Mary thought john might not be allowed to do that by himself. What's the name of your pharmacy? What is the name of your pharmacy? - What's the name of your pharmacy? It's not deep enough. It isn't deep enough. - It's not deep enough. Lass mich nicht im Stich. Don't let me down. Don't let me down. I know Tom will come to Boston. I know that Tom will come to Boston. I know tom will come to boston. ''Ga jij naar Toms feestje?'' ''Ik weet het nog niet.'' "You going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." "Are you going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." Dan is interested in Inuit people. Dan is interested in Eskimos. Dan is interested in inuit people. Ze heeft te veel vrienden. She has too many friends. She has too many friends. Tom has been gone nearly three years. Tom has been gone for almost three years. Tom's been gone nearly three years. I didn't say I was going to Australia. I didn't say that I was going to Australia. I didn't say I was going to australia. Wir wurden in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt. We got involved in a traffic accident. We were involved in a traffic accident. Tom sagt, er macht so etwas nicht. Tom says he doesn't do that. Tom says he doesn't do that. Warum bist du mir schon seit einer Woche so gram? Why have you been so angry with me for the past week? Why have you been so grumpy to me for a week? De Markt maakt morgens Klock negen apen. The market opens at 9:00 a.m. The market opens at nine o'clock in the morning. Wat deist du Pa? What are you doing, Dad? What are you, Dad? Kan jy my indruk? Can you squeeze me in? Can you give me an impression? Die Geschichte erwies sich als Ente. That story turned out to be a hoax. The story turned out to be a duck. Zijt gij Tom niet? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? Die Fernbedienung funktioniert nicht. The TV remote isn't working. The remote control does not work. Eine Singularität ist eine thermodynamische Sackgasse und erklärt nicht den Ursprung des Universums. A singularity is a thermodynamic dead end and does not explain the origin of the universe. A singularity is a thermodynamic impasse and does not explain the origin of the universe. Ich bin genau so groß wie Tom. I'm exactly the same height as Tom. I'm the same size as Tom. We hebben je advies nodig. We do need your advice. We need your advice. Tom lachte, Maria nicht. Tom was laughing, but Mary wasn't. Tom laughed, Maria didn't. Tom dronk bier. Tom drank beer. Tom drank beer. Denk je dat het morgen mooi weer wordt? Do you think tomorrow will be a nice day? Do you think the weather will be nice tomorrow? Sätze bestehen aus Wörtern. Sentences are made up of words. Sentences are made up of words. Ist das wirklich ein Tom-Hansen-Zitat? Is this really a Tom Jackson quote? Is this really a Tom Hansen quote? Holt eure Bücher heraus und schlagt Seite 42 auf. Take out your books and open them at page 42. Get your books out and turn to page 42. I think that book isn't so interesting. I think that that book isn't so interesting. - I think that book isn't so interesting. Wann wollen Sie ihn mal auf Ihre Gehaltserhöhung ansprechen? When are you going to approach him about your pay rise? When do you want to talk to him about your salary increase? Lassen Sie Ihre Kinder nicht aus den Augen. Don't take your eyes off your children. Don’t let your children out of your sight. Maria is een wiskunde-nerd. Mary is a math nerd. Mary is a math nerd. I wonder whether we have to do that. I wonder if we have to do that. - I wonder whether we have to do that. טום ווייסט נישט וואו. Tom doesn't know where. Tom doesn't know where. Ik wähl di. I choose you. I choose you. Nogat. No. Nogat. Heb je onlangs overgegeven? Have you been vomiting recently? Have you recently vomited? Is mijn kleding al droog? Are my clothes already dry? Is my clothes already dry? Tom said that he thought Mary was always in her office on Mondays. Tom said that he thought that Mary was always in her office on Mondays. Tom said that he thought mary was always in her office on mondays. Hij doet niets anders dan strips lezen. He does nothing but read comics. He doesn't do anything but read comics. Ich bin nicht bang zu sagen, was ich denke. I'm not afraid to say what I think. I’m not afraid to say what I think. Macht es mehr Spaß, ein Kind oder ein Erwachsener zu sein? Is it more fun being a child or an adult? Is it more fun to be a child or an adult? Was geht dich das an? What does that have to do with you? What's that to you? Tom kann Vegetarier nicht ausstehen. Tom can't abide veggies. Tom can't stand vegetarians. Ek praat nie goed genoeg Frans nie! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough. Die Milch riecht ranzig. The milk smells bad. The milk smells rancid. Daar zijn moeders voor. That's what mothers are for. That's what mothers are for. Sie sind doch Polizistin, oder? You're a cop, aren't you? You're a cop, aren't you? Someone set Tom up. Somebody set Tom up. Someone set tom up. Ihr müsst die Sache zu Ende bringen. You've got to see this through. You have to finish this. Moi apmoal. Hi, everybody. Moi appoal. Letztes Jahr war ich Ersti. I was a fresher last year. Last year I was first. Dieses Schmuckstück wird sowohl von Frauen als auch von Männern getragen. This piece of jewelry is worn both by women and men. This piece of jewelry is worn by both women and men. Du un Brenda, ji sünd nich hungerig. You and Brenda are not hungry. You and Brenda, you're not hungry. Kyoto hat viele Universitäten. Kyoto has many universities. Kyoto has many universities. Hab den Mut, deine Ideen zu verteidigen! Have the courage to defend your ideas! Have the courage to defend your ideas! Tom said he thought he could do that if he had some help. Tom said that he thought he could do that if he had some help. Tom said he thought he could do that... if he had some help. Tom wird vermutlich seine Arbeit verlieren. Tom will likely lose his job. Tom is likely to lose his job. Sie könnten uns die Wahrheit sagen. They might tell us the truth. They could tell us the truth. Tom said that he knew that was what Mary wanted to do. Tom said he knew that was what Mary wanted to do. Tom said that he knew that was what mary wanted to do. Die Katze trinkt Milch. The cat drinks milk. The cat drinks milk. Hier ist das Leben teuer. Life is expensive here. Life is expensive here. Da war mal eine Kneipe. There used to be a bar there. There used to be a bar. Sy het my vertel hoe verkeerd dit was om te steel. She told me how it was wrong to steal. She told me how wrong it was to steal. Mi gefallt dit Hemd nich. Wies mi en anner. I don't like this shirt. Show me another. I don't like this shirt. Show me another one. You're really paying too much for that. You're seriously paying too much for that. - You're really paying too much for that. Die Riesen haben die Ausweicher vernichtend geschlagen. The Giants annihilated the Dodgers. The Giants defeated the Dodgers. Das scheint mir vollkommen logisch. It seems perfectly logical to me. That seems perfectly logical to me. Ich war es nicht, die gesungen hat. I wasn't the one singing. It wasn’t me who sang. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal Ihr Sehvermögen überprüfen lassen? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Er machte Licht, nahm sein Schwert und rannte zu den Jungen, aber als er dort ankam, sah er etwas Erstaunliches, denn Herkules zeigte lachend die toten Schlangen. He turned on the light and, taking his sword, ran to the boys, but when he got there he saw an amazing thing, for Hercules was laughing showing off the dead serpents. He made light, took his sword, and ran to the boys, but when he got there he saw something amazing, for Hercules was laughing at the dead serpents. Tom war der Siebte auf der Liste. Tom was seventh on the list. He was the seventh on the list. Tom, Maria en hun vrienden zaten rond de tafel. Tom, Mary and their friends sat around the table. Tom, Maria and their friends were sitting around the table. I don't think Tom knows how to dance. I don't think that Tom knows how to dance. I don't think tom knows how to dance. I know that Tom does that well. I know Tom does that well. I know that tom does that well. Jetzt weiß ich viel mehr als vorher. Now I know much more than before. Now I know a lot more than before. Een andere factor waar rekening mee moet worden gehouden is, dat de huidige situatie gunstig is voor ons. Another factor to be taken into consideration is that the present situation is favourable to us. Another factor to take into account is that the current situation is favourable to us. Was hast du in deinem Rucksack? What have you got in your backpack? What do you have in your backpack? Ich sollte es Tom nicht sagen. They told me not to tell Tom that. I shouldn't have told Tom. Bring mich bitte zum Flughafen. Please take me to the airport. Please take me to the airport. Hast du es eilig? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep zo goed dat hij de baan kreeg. The interview went off so well that he got the job. The interview went so well that he got the job. Was für Sachen trägst du nicht gerne? What kind of clothes do you dislike? What kind of things don't you like to wear? מיר געפֿעלן ביכער. I like books. We like the books. Ich muss jetzt rausgehen. I've got to go out now. I have to go out now. They told me that they were ready to do that. They told me they were ready to do that. They told me they were ready to do that. Wearing her platforms, Mary was a head taller than Tom. With her platforms on, Mary was a head taller than Tom. Wearing her platforms, Mary was a head taller than tom. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Tom im Garten ist. There's a possibility that Tom is in the backyard. There is a possibility that Tom is in the garden. Erger kan het niet worden. It cannot get any worse. It can't get any worse. I was not feeling very hungry. I wasn't feeling very hungry. - I was not feeling very hungry. Wir müssen etwas tun, damit das nicht wieder passiert. We have to do something to stop this from happening again. We need to do something to prevent this from happening again. Antimateer is temlich instabil. Antimatter is highly unstable. Antimatter is rather unstable. Er entging nur knapp dem Tode. He narrowly escaped being killed. He barely escaped death. Wi schöölt em dat Lesen un Schrieven lehren. We will teach him to read and write. We should teach him to read and write. Er dachte immer wieder an den Mann, den er im Fenster gesehen hatte. He kept thinking about the man he had seen in the window. He kept thinking about the man he had seen in the window. Tom said that he was going to buy a truck. Tom said he was going to buy a truck. Tom said that he was gonna buy a truck. Wanneer was dat? When was that? When was that? Hättest du etwas dagegen, wenn ich die Tür schlösse? Do you mind if I close the door? Would you mind if I locked the door? This isn't the way I thought this would happen. This isn't the way that I thought that this would happen. This isn't the way i thought this would happen. I knew that Tom didn't really want to do that by himself. I knew Tom didn't really want to do that by himself. I knew that tom didn't really want to do that by himself. Warum hast du nicht gefrühstückt? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Wir wurden rausgeschmissen. We got kicked out. We were kicked out. Das Lineal ist dreißig Zentimeter lang. The ruler is thirty centimetres long. The ruler is thirty centimeters long. Ich denke, du wirst zustimmen. I think you will approve. I think you'll agree. צי ביסטו אַ גולמאַט? Are you a robot? You're a goat? Ze draagt ​​rood. She's wearing red. She's wearing red. Statt Englisch lernte ich Französisch. I studied French instead of English. Instead of learning English, I learned French. Was hältst du von dieser Farbe? How's this color? What do you think of this color? Hoge koorts is een typisch symptoom van deze ziekte. High fever is a prominent symptom of this disease. High fever is a typical symptom of this disease. Disneyland is sloten. Disneyland is closed. Disneyland is closed. Die Länder der EG arbeiten an einem neuen Sicherheitsabkommen. The EC countries are working out a new security pact. The EC countries are working on a new security agreement. Wenn du willst, dass ich bleibe, dann bleibe ich. If you want me to stay, I will. If you want me to stay, I'll stay. Tom hat seine Pommes nicht gegessen. Tom didn't eat his fries. Tom didn't eat his fries. You will do no such thing. You'll do no such thing. - You will do no such thing. Bewegungen haben Ergebnisse. Movements have results. Movements have results. Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen? Have you forgotten your password? Forgot your password? Ich mag Pralinen, besonders solche mit Nüssen. I love chocolates, especially those with nuts. I like chocolates, especially those with nuts. Tom offered Mary his sandwich. Tom offered his sandwich to Mary. Tom offered mary his sandwich. Waarom ben je hier gekomen als je er niets over wil horen? Why did you come here if you didn't want to hear about it? Why did you come here if you don't want to hear about it? Tawny owls have a grey or brown plumage. Tawny owls have grey or brown feathers. Tawny owls have a grey or brown plumage. Einen solchen Fisch hatte ich noch nie gesehen. I'd never before seen this species of fish. I had never seen such a fish before. I want to know when Tom is planning to do that. I want to know when Tom is planning on doing that. I want to know when Tom is planning to do that. Tom didn't read everything as carefully as he should have. Tom didn't read everything as carefully as he should've. Tom didn <0xCC><0x81>t read everything as carefully as he should have. לערנט זיך אַ פֿרעמדע שפּראַך. Learn a foreign language. Learn a foreign language. Wir lieben unsere Mutter. We love our mom. We love our mother. War Tom nicht zu Hause? Wasn't Tom home? Wasn't Tom at home? Hy het 'n afgeleefde pak aangehad. He was wearing a threadbare suit. He was wearing a worn-out suit. Je bent altijd heel vriendelijk. You're always very kind. You're always very friendly. They told me that they'd be discreet. They told me they'd be discreet. They told me that they'd be discreet. Ziri is God niet dankbaar. Ziri doesn't thank God. Ziri is not grateful to God. Mit dir finge ich nie etwas an, selbst wenn du die letzte Frau auf der Welt wärest. I wouldn't go out with you even if you were the last woman on earth. I'll never do anything with you, even if you were the last woman in the world. „וואָס איז דאָס?״ ‏– „ס׳איז אַ מגן־דוד.״ "What's that?" "It's a Jewish star." “What is this?” – “It’s a prayer.” Tom might still be going to graduate school. Tom may still be going to graduate school. - Tom might still be going to graduate school. They promised that they wouldn't leave town. They promised they wouldn't leave town. - They promised that they wouldn't leave town. Wer hat auf wen geschossen? Who shot whom? Who shot who? Wie ben ik om hem te bekritiseren? Who am I to criticize him? Who am I to criticize him? Auf Gleis 4 fährt ein der 14.56-Uhr-Zug nach Liverpool Lime Street. The train arriving at platform 4 is the 14.56 service to Liverpool Lime Street. On track 4, a 14:56 train leaves for Liverpool Lime Street. Don't let Tom know you're afraid. Don't let Tom know that you're afraid. Don't let tom know you're afraid. Man kann Bücher in gute und schlechte einteilen. One can classify books into good ones and bad ones. You can divide books into good and bad. Tom said Mary was mistaken. Tom said that Mary was mistaken. Tom said mary was mistaken. Tom hielt den Wagen, den Maria fuhr, nicht für sicher. Tom thought the car Mary was driving wasn't safe. Tom didn't think the car Maria was driving was safe. Euch wird bestimmt etwas einfallen. I'm sure you'll figure out something. You will surely come up with something. Hebben ze enig bericht ontvangen van het aantal slachtoffers van de aardbeving? Have they received any reports of lives lost in the earthquake? Did they receive any information about the number of victims of the earthquake? Schiere dag, of nait? Beautiful day, isn't it? Have a good day, or a night? Wenn das Licht aus ist, sind alle Frauen gleich. With the light out, all women are equal. When the light is off, all women are equal. Barman, ik moet bijgevuld worden. Bartender, I need a refill. Barman, I need to be refilled. Ik ben het lawaai gewend. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Das ist euer Zug. This is your train. This is your train. Waar moeten we heen? Where do we need to go? Where are we going? Doe begreepst. You understood. Do understand. אַ גוטן ראַמאַדאַן. Happy Ramadan. Good-bye Ramadhan. Psychologische Erpressung stellt eine amoralische Art dar, andere dazu zu bringen, das zu tun, was man will. Emotional blackmail is an immoral way of getting people to do what you want them to. Psychological blackmail is an amoral way of getting others to do what they want. Du bist ekelerregend. You're disgusting. You're disgusting. Es kann mehrere Mißstände zur gleichen Zeit geben. More than one thing can be bad at the same time. There may be several abuses at the same time. Ich kann nicht erklären, warum mir manches gefällt. I can't explain why I like certain things. I can’t explain why I like some things. Tom and I were both impressed. Both Tom and I were impressed. - Tom and I were both impressed. Sami kon de koran in slechts een paar dagen lezen. Sami was able to read the Quran in just a few days. Sami was able to read the Quran in just a few days. Alle bladeren aan de boom werden geel. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. Tom und Maria schritten, die Angelruten geschultert, den Pfad entlang. Tom and Mary were walking down the path with fishing poles slung over their shoulders. Tom and Maria walked, the fishing rods shouldered, along the path. Wie viele Ecken hat ein Würfel? How many vertices does a cube have? How many corners does a cube have? דו האָסט געכאַפּט דעם גנבֿ. You caught the thief. You've caught the thief. Wär's das? Is that you? Is that it? Something's happened to him. Something has happened to him. - Something's happened to him. Tom told me that I'm slow. Tom told me I'm slow. - Tom told me that I'm slow. Meine Beine tun vom Sitzen auf der Tatami-Matte weh. My legs ache from sitting on tatami. My legs hurt from sitting on the tatami mat. Julia und Stefan haben sich letztes Jahr am Meer kennen- und liebengelernt. Julie and Steven met at the seaside last year and fell in love. Julia and Stefan met and fell in love at the seaside last year. Sie hatte allen Kontakt mit ihm abgebrochen. She had severed all ties with him. She had cut off all contact with him. Noard-Koreä en Súd-Koreä syn buorlannen. North Korea and South Korea are neighbors. North Korea and South Korea's neighbouring countries. Was täte ich ohne euch? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Gestern Mittag war es neblig. There was fog at noon yesterday. It was foggy yesterday at noon. Beantworte die folgenden Fragen auf Französisch! Answer the following questions in French. Answer the following questions in French! Hoe heeft hij een vrachtwagen omgekiept? How did he get a truck to flip over? How did he tip over a truck? „Wer war noch im Büro, als Sie gegangen sind?“ – „Niemand.“ "Who was still in the office when you left?" "No one." “Who was still in the office when you left?” – “Nobody.” Drehst du gerade durch? Are you freaking out? Are you freaking out? k Bin gain oele! I'm not an owl! I'm going to gain weight! Er stonden vanavond veel sterren aan de hemel. The stars were out in full force tonight. There were so many stars in the sky tonight. Was für Brot magst du? What kind of bread do you like? What kind of bread do you like? Ich wohne in diesem Steinhaus auf dem Berg. I live in that stone house on the mountain. I live in this stone house on the mountain. Disse See is de deepste See in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. Im Sommer verbrachte ich eine fantastische Woche in Griechenland. In summer I spent a fantastic week in Greece. In the summer I spent a fantastic week in Greece. In der Ferne war ein schwaches Licht zu sehen. A faint light could be seen in the distance. There was a faint light in the distance. Dit is koud. This is cold. This is cold. Welche Vor- und Nachteile hat es, jung zu sein? What are the pros and cons of being young? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being young? Ich glaube, dass Gott existiert. I believe that God exists. I believe that God exists. Dit is mien Schrievdisch. This is my desk. This is my writing desk. Weißt du, was ich an dir liebe? You know what I love about you? You know what I love about you? We zijn een erg arm land. We're a very poor country. We are a very poor country. ער איז אַ מאַטעמאַטיקער. He's a mathematician. He is a mathematician. Tot morgen. See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Ik kende die vrouw helemaal niet. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't know that woman at all. Ist er freundlich zu euch? Is he kind to you? Is he kind to you? Yu laik i sin daun. Please sit. You love sin so much that you hate it. I know that Tom is a selfish person. I know Tom is a selfish person. I know that tom is a selfish person. Hoeveel vrienden hebben jullie op Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? Du brauchst nicht extra aufzustehen. You don't need to stand up. You don’t have to get up extra. Ist es unmöglich oder nur schwierig? Is it impossible or just difficult? Is it impossible or just difficult? Isch's woar? Seriously? - Isch's woar? Es gab viele Porträts derselben Frau. There were many portraits of the same woman. There were many portraits of the same woman. Ik was op dat moment nog niet thuis. I hadn't returned home yet by that point. I wasn't home at the time. Ich füttere meine Katze morgens und abends. I feed my cat in the morning and in the evening. I feed my cat in the morning and evening. Katten köönt Stoffsugers nich af. Cats hate vacuum cleaners. Cats can't get rid of substance suckers. Ich hätte es nicht gemusst. Dass Tom das weiß, ist mir bekannt. I know that Tom knows I didn't have to do that. I wouldn't have liked it if Tom knew that. Elk land heeft een specifieke cultuur. Every country has a specific culture. Each country has a specific culture. I've already told Tom I need to do that. I've already told Tom that I need to do that. I've already told tom I need to do that. I assume there's somebody somewhere who likes Tom. I assume that there's somebody somewhere who likes Tom. I assume there's somebody somewhere who likes tom. Weet je hoeveel ze ervoor hebben betaald? Do you know how much they paid for those? Do you know how much they paid for it? Mein Französisch taugt nicht viel. My French is ropey. My French is not very good. Tom heeft dat niet gezegd. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't say that. Wir waren dort, ihr nicht. We were there. You weren't. We were there, you weren't. Im Alter von fünfundsechzig Jahren verstarb er plötzlich. He died suddenly at the age of 65. He died suddenly at the age of sixty-five. Das Flugzeug, in dem Tom saß, wurde vom Blitz getroffen. The plane that Tom was on was struck by lightning. The plane in which Tom was sitting was struck by lightning. Tom was bijna dertig jaar lang leraar. Tom was a teacher for nearly thirty years. He was a teacher for almost 30 years. Tom fing an zu essen. Tom began eating. Tom began to eat. דו ביסט נישט קיין גאָון. You're no genius. You're not a hero. Het zal ongetwijfeld gaan regenen. It'll rain for sure. It will undoubtedly rain. He drunk en Beer. He drank a beer. He drank a beer. Hé! wacht even! Hey! Wait! Hey, wait a minute! Die Enkelkinder besuchen ihre alten Großeltern. The grandchildren visit their elderly grandparents. The grandchildren visit their old grandparents. I just want you to consider the possibility that you are wrong. I just want you to consider the possibility that you're wrong. I just want you to consider the possibility that you're wrong. Spanje wordt ''España'' genoemd in het Spaans. Spain is called "España" in Spanish. Spain is called "Espa<0xC3><0xB1>a" in Spanish. איך פֿאָטאָגראַפֿיר די פֿרױ I'm photographing the woman. I'm photographing the woman. Ich sagte dir ja, dass das ein schlechter Einfall sei. I told you it was a bad idea. I told you it was a bad idea. Wir haben nichts als Nebel gesehen. We could see nothing but fog. We saw nothing but fog. Ik heff twee Büxen köfft. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two buckets. צי זענט איר אַ נאָרמאַלער מענטש? Are you a normal person? Are you a normal person? אירלאַנד און ענגלאַנד זײַנען צעשײדט דורך אַ ים. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. England and the United Kingdom are separated by a sea. Een schaakbord heeft vierenzestig velden. A chessboard has sixty-four squares. A chessboard has sixty-four squares. Dein Handy hat gepiept. Your mobile beeped. Your phone beeped. Bent u een man of een spin? Are you a man or a spider? Are you a man or a spider? Er stand auf und ging. He got up and went away. He got up and left. Ik kan jouw gedrag niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand your behaviour any more. I can't stand your behavior anymore. Das Konzert ist aus. The concert's over. The concert is over. Ik bün good in Mathe. I am good at math. I am good at math. „Sei in Zukunft vorsichtiger!“ – „Jawohl.“ – „Nun gut, du kannst gehen.“ "Be more careful in future." "Yes, sir." "All right, you can go." “Be more careful in the future!” – “Yes.” – “Well, you can go.” Maria vertraut dir. Mary trusts you. Mary trusts you. Tom hat 30 kg abgenommen. Tom lost 70 lbs. Tom lost 30 pounds. Tom ist für diese Arbeit nicht qualifiziert. Tom isn't qualified for this work. Tom is not qualified for this job. I'm sure Tom will go to Australia. I'm sure that Tom will go to Australia. I'm sure tom will go to australia. Wir machen uns Sorgen um dich, Tom. We worry about you, Tom. We're worried about you, Tom. Tom and Mary said they tried very hard to win. Tom and Mary said that they tried very hard to win. Tom and mary said they tried very hard to win. Wir sind eine unabhängige Nation. We are an independent nation. We are an independent nation. Ik ben geen dokter. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Mary said she planned on going Monday. Mary said she planned to get home on Monday. Mary said she planned on going monday. Die Berliner Mauer teilte Berlin in zwei Teile. The Berlin Wall split Berlin in two. The Berlin Wall divided Berlin into two parts. Blauwe katten bestaan niet. There are no blue cats. There are no blue cats. No one is out of the woods yet. Nobody is out of the woods yet. - No one is out of the woods yet. Das Problem besteht darin, dass Tom nicht neben Maria sitzen will. The problem is that Tom doesn't want to sit next to Mary. The problem is that Tom doesn’t want to sit next to Maria. Das passt nicht recht zu unseren Plänen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. This doesn't really fit in with our sustainable development plans. This is not in line with our plans for sustainable development. Parfüüms warrt faken ut ’n Sweet von verscheden Deerthekens maakt. Perfumes are often made from the sweat of various male animals. Perfumes are often made from sweat from various animal stores. Stimmt es, dass es auf Madagaskar und in Australien Pinguine gibt? Is it true that there are penguins in Madagascar and Australia? Is it true that there are penguins in Madagascar and Australia? Muss ich zur Arbeit eine Krawatte umbinden? Must I wear a tie at work? Do I have to tie a tie to work? Was hat er bei dir im Zimmer gemacht? What was he doing in your room? What did he do in your room? Ik ben verslaafd. I'm addicted. I'm addicted. For decades, UBI was dismissed as a fringe economic idea. For decades, Universal Basic Income was dismissed as a fringe economic idea. For decades, U.B.I. was dismissed as a fringe economic idea. Amerikanische Autos sind sehr groß. American cars are very big. American cars are very big. Wie schleudert Jupiter einen Donnerkeil? How does Iuppiter hurl a thunderbolt? How does Jupiter throw a thunderbolt? I think I should probably do that. I think that I should probably do that. - I think I should probably do that. Tom said he would give a book to Mary. Tom said he would give Mary a book. Tom said he'd give a book to Mary. Het enige geluid dat we konden horen was de wind buiten. The only sound we could hear was the wind outside. The only sound we could hear was the wind outside. Tom wusste, wo Maria wohnte. Tom knew where Mary lived. He knew where Mary lived. They'll be glad that they didn't do that. They'll be glad they didn't do that. They'II be glad that they didn't do that. די דערקלערונג איז נישט געווען שווער צו פֿאַרשטיין. The explanation wasn't difficult to understand. The statement wasn't difficult to understand. Sind Sie Jüdinnen? Are you Jewish? Are you Jewish? Moeder kocht twee flessen sinaasappelsap. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Der Borschtsch steht im Kühlschrank. The borscht is in the fridge. The borscht is in the fridge. Tom can't ever admit being wrong. Tom can't ever admit to being wrong. - Tom can't ever admit being wrong. Das Weibchen der Schwarzen Witwe ist viel größer als das Männchen. Female black widows are much bigger than males. The female of the Black Widow is much larger than the male. Dieser Schriftsteller war mehrere Jahre bei den Truppen im Feld. This writer spent several years in the field with the troops. This writer spent several years with the troops in the field. Er buk mir einen Kuchen. He made me a cake. He offered me a cake. The car that I have now is much better than the one I used to have. The car that I have now is much better than the one that I used to have. The car that I have now... is much better than the one I used to have. Zaten je oogleden aan elkaar geplakt toen je vanochtend wakker werd? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyelids glued together when you woke up this morning? Tom mag sowohl Fleisch als auch Fisch. Tom likes both meat and fish. Tom likes both meat and fish. מיר האבן אלע געוויינט אסאך. We all cried a lot. We all used a lot. Fischer Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischer Fritz. Fisherman Fritz fishes fresh fish, fresh fish fishes fisherman Fritz. Fischer Fritz fishes fresh fish, fresh fish fish fish Fischer Fritz. Die plaats heeft een mysterieuse sfeer. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. ער לערנט זיך רוסיש. He studies Russian. He's learning Russian. Hast du Zeit zum Frühstücken? Do you have time for breakfast? Do you have time for breakfast? Tom heeft het Eurovisie Songfestival gewonnen. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom has won the Eurovision Song Contest. Meine Schwester ist eine gute Klavierspielerin geworden. My sister has become a good pianist. My sister has become a good piano player. Hij was in gedachten verzonken. He was deep in thought. He was lost in thought. Ich muss mehr üben. I need to practise more. I need to practice more. Tomás is mien Broder. Tom is my brother. Tom<0xC3><0xA1>s is my brother. If you had followed my advice, you wouldn't be in such a fix now. If you'd followed my advice, you wouldn't be in such a fix now. If you had followed my advice, You wouldn't be in such a fix now. Tom told me that he thought Mary was lazy. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was lazy. Tom told me that he thought mary was lazy. ראָבערט איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע גבֿירים. Robert is old money. The money is from the rich old people. I wonder whether Tom knew Mary had to do that. I wonder if Tom knew Mary had to do that. I wonder whether tom knew mary had to do that. Bedankt voor het helpen. Thank you for the help. Thanks for helping me out. Was tätest du, wenn du einem Außerirdischen begegnetest? What would you do if you met an extraterrestrial? What would you do if you met an alien? Go to your room. Go to your room! - Go to your room. Das esse ich ganz bestimmt nicht. I'm definitely not going to eat that. I certainly don't eat that. Er wird morgen nicht spielen. He won't play tomorrow. He won't play tomorrow. Dit is een appel. This is an apple. This is an apple. Tom ist sehr beliebt, nehme ich an. Tom is very popular, I suppose. Tom is very popular, I guess. Tom verarbeitet vieles anders als wir. Tom processes things differently than we do. Tom does a lot of things differently than we do. I thought if I broke up with you, I'd never have to see you again. I thought that if I broke up with you, I'd never have to see you again. I thought if I broke up with you I'd never have to see you again. Wohin ich auch gehe, verlaufe ich mich. No matter where I go, I get lost. Wherever I go, I walk. Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis sie wiederkommt. It will not be long before she comes back. It won't be long before she comes back. Welche Sprache spricht man auf der Insel? What language is spoken on the island? What language is spoken on the island? Sobald Sie soweit sind, rufen Sie! As soon as you're ready, phone. As soon as you are ready, call! Hy is nie my neef nie. He's not my cousin. He's not my cousin. Es ist das Land, wo die Zitronen blühen. It is the country where lemons bloom. It is the land where the lemons bloom. Ich habe mehrere deiner Mitspieler befragt, und die finden alle, dass du der beste Spieler der Mannschaft bist. I've interviewed a number of your teammates, and they all think you're the best player on the team. I've interviewed several of your teammates, and they all think you're the best player on the team. Why didn't you try to call him? Why did you not try to call him? - Why didn't you try to call him? Man hört das auch viel in Australien, wenngleich es als Gossensprache gelten mag. You'll hear this a lot in Australia as well, though it may be treated as substandard. You can hear this a lot in Australia, although it may be considered a goose language. Heb je moeite met plassen? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have trouble urinating? You're a wet. You're a drip. - You're a wet. k Schilder poaskaaier. I'm painting Easter eggs. K Painter's point of view. Es ist schade, dass du wegmusst. It's a pity you have to leave. It's a shame you have to leave. I thought you said you wanted to do that today. I thought that you said you wanted to do that today. - I thought you said you wanted to do that today. Welches ist im Fernsehen deine Lieblingstitelmelodie? What's your favourite TV theme tune? What’s your favorite song on TV? Is het niet dat wat u zoekt? Isn't this what you're looking for? Isn't that what you're looking for? We maken allen fouten. All of us make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Ik ben blij dat je er niet was. I'm glad that you weren't there. I'm glad you weren't there. Do you think I would recognize Tom? Do you think I'd recognize Tom? Do you think I would recognize tom? De man en zijn vrouw hielpen elkaar. The man and his wife helped each other. The husband and his wife helped each other. Tom ist immer noch zu Hause. Tom is still at the house. Tom is still at home. I'm horrified. I am horrified. - I'm horrified. Yanni kan niet eten. Yanni can't eat. Yanni can't eat. Ich hörte Schritte auf dem Flur. I heard some footsteps in the hall. I heard footsteps in the hallway. Even though Tom is wealthy, he's not happy. Even though Tom is wealthy, he isn't happy. Even though tom is wealthy, he's not happy. Ihr ist beim Abwasch ein Nagel abgebrochen. She broke her nail while washing the dishes. She broke off a nail while washing the dishes. I know you don't want to do that, but you need to. I know that you don't want to do that, but you need to. I know you don't wanna do that, but you need to. Die rechtsgerichtete Presse ist kein Freund der BBC. The right-wing press is no friend of the BBC. The right-wing press is no friend of the BBC. Geef het maar op. Just give up already. Give it up. Het geluk staat de dapperen bij. Fortune favours the brave. Happiness is with the brave. Er zijn veel rivieren op dat eiland. There are many rivers on that island. There are many rivers on this island. Tony zei: "Ik hou ervan." Tony said, "I like it." Tony said, "I love it." Gekauft habe ich einen. I purchased one. I bought one. Tom heeft twee kleinkinderen. Tom has two grandchildren. Tom has two grandchildren. טאָם איז אַ װײַבערניק. Tom's a philanderer. Tom is a scoundrel. Wij zijn vijanden. We're enemies. We are enemies. Es fällt mir schwer, mich auf die Aufgabe zu konzentrieren. It's hard for me to concentrate on the task. I find it hard to focus on the task. Kommen Familie oder Freunde Sie abholen? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends pick you up? Zegt de wet daar iets over? Does the law say anything about this? Does the law say anything about that? Tom stole Mary's necklace. Tom has stolen Mary's necklace. Tom stole mary's necklace. Tom bekam drei Geburtstagsgeschenke. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Tom got three birthday presents. Tom ist ein Gestaltwandler. Tom is a shapeshifter. Tom is a shapeshifter. Hij zat hem te pesten. He was bullying him. He was teasing him. "Is it true?" "I think so!" "Is it true?" "I think so." Is it true? I think so! I think Tom is going to do that, too. I think that Tom is going to do that, too. I think Tom is going to do that too. Tom hoped he wouldn't be blamed for the problem. Tom hoped that he wouldn't be blamed for the problem. Tom hoped he wouldn <0xCC><0x81>t be blamed for the problem. Es ist schade, dass wir nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen. It's too bad we don't speak the same language. It is a pity that we do not speak the same language. Ein kleiner, schwarzer Hund überquert die Straße. A little black dog is crossing the road. A small black dog crosses the street. Ich habe versucht, Tom zu überreden mitzukommen. I tried to persuade Tom to go with us. I tried to convince Tom to come with me. An sich ist Müßiggang nicht Wurzel allen Übels, sondern ist, im Gegenteil, ein geradezu göttliches Leben, solange man sich nicht langweilt. In itself idleness is not the root of all evil. Quite the opposite, in fact, it’s a downright godly existence, as long as one isn’t bored. In itself, idleness is not the root of all evil, but is, on the contrary, an almost divine life as long as one is not bored. Tom told me he thought that Mary had to do that. Tom told me he thought Mary had to do that. Tom told me he thought that mary had to do that. Ik zal je het geld morgen teruggeven. I'll give you back the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money back tomorrow. Elefanten klettern nicht auf Bäume. Elephants don't climb trees. Elephants do not climb trees. Tom said he didn't have much time left. Tom said that he didn't have much time left. - Tom said he didn't have much time left. Ich kann verstehen, dass Tom die Beherrschung verloren hat. I don't blame Tom for losing his temper. I can understand that Tom has lost his temper. Warte einen Moment. Ich rufe mal Jimmy. Hang on a minute. I'll call Jimmy. Wait a minute, I'll call Jimmy. Tom en Maria hielden zich stil. Tom and Mary kept quiet. Tom and Mary remained silent. Wir haben dagesessen und uns über Gott und die Welt unterhalten. We sat talking about this and that. We sat down and talked about God and the world. Mein Geburtstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Sonntag. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. I think Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think that Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. Doe bist mien keunenk. You are my king. You are my cunt. Warte ein bisschen auf mich! Wait for me a bit! Wait a bit for me! Gehe ich recht in der Annahme, dass du das bereust? Am I correct in assuming you wish that you hadn't done that? Am I right in assuming that you regret it? Die Erfahrung ist die strengste Lehrmeisterin, bei der erst die Prüfung kommt und dann die Lektion. Experience is the hardest teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson afterwards. Experience is the strictest teacher, where first comes the exam and then the lesson. Beide sind gekommen. They've both come. They both came. Morgen vertrekken we naar Frankrijk. Tomorrow we're leaving for France. Tomorrow we leave for France. Beth Jensen erlitt mit nur acht Jahren einen Schlaganfall, und obzwar sie überlebte, war sie daraufhin fast vollständig gelähmt und konnte nicht sprechen. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke when she was just eight years old, and though she survived, she was almost completely paralyzed and unable to talk as a result. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke when she was only eight years old, and although she survived, she was almost completely paralyzed and could not speak. Tom didn't read the letter he received from Mary. Tom didn't read the letter that he received from Mary. Tom didn't read the letter he received from mary. Es ist Ärzten erstmals gelungen, in einer Fernoperation über den Atlantischen Ozean hinweg eine Gallenblase zu entfernen. For the first time, doctors have succeeded in removing a gall bladder by remote surgery that electronically spanned the Atlantic Ocean. For the first time, doctors have managed to remove a gallbladder in a remote operation across the Atlantic Ocean. Everyone died. Everybody died. - Everyone died. Gueten Abig. Good afternoon. Gooden Abig. I am able to provide food and clothes for my family. I'm able to provide food and clothes for my family. I'm able to provide food and clothes for my family. Tom said he didn't want to work late. Tom said that he didn't want to work late. Tom said he didn't wanna work late. Ebendeswegen steht dein Name nicht auf meiner Liste. That's why your name isn't on my list. That's why your name isn't on my list. Den Tom ass e Sophist. Tom's a sophist. Tom is a sophist. טאָם האָט געזאָגט, אַז ער האָט נישט מורא. Tom said he wasn't scared. He said he wasn't afraid. Maak dat je wegkomt! Get out of here! Get out of here! Man drohte ihr mit Entlassung. She was threatened with redundancy. She was threatened with dismissal. Niet doen, Sam! Sam, don't! Don't, Sam! Met wie heb je gesproken? Who did you talk with? Who did you talk to? I suspect Tom is planning to do that. I suspect that Tom is planning to do that. I suspect tom is planning to do that. Het is uiteraard niet de bedoeling dat je in je schoolboek schrijft. Of course, you are not supposed to write in your textbook. You are not supposed to write in your school book. k Eet. I am eating. k Eat. Tom ist ja nicht bescheuert. Tom's not daft, you know. Tom is not stupid. Ik ben niet tevreden met wat je gedaan hebt. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. Dat is mijn huisdier. That's my pet. That's my pet. Ich glaube, sie hat dich angesehen. I think she was looking at you. I think she was looking at you. Goedenacht, Tatoeba. Goodnight, Tatoeba. Good night, Tatoeba. Gooi al je kaarten weg. Discard your hand. Throw away all your cards. Gedaan. Done. Done! Done! I know that Tom didn't intentionally do that. I know Tom didn't intentionally do that. I know that tom didn't intentionally do that. Die Kommentarspalten sind ein Mikrokosmos der stattfindenden kulturellen Debatte. The comment section is a microcosm of the larger cultural debate taking place. The comment columns are a microcosm of the cultural debate taking place. Heurst mie? Do you hear me? Oh, my God. k Komm oet Grunnen. I'm from Groningen. K's coming up. Tom gelooft in Allah. Tom believes in Allah. Tom believes in God. We kunnen beter even wachten. We'd better wait. We'd better wait a minute. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den Verben „gucken“ und „sehen“? What's the difference between the verbs "to watch" and "to see"? What is the difference between “see” and “see”? Zie ik eruit alsof het me wat uitmaakt? Do I look like I care? Do I look like I care? Warum scheint es, als täten sich Europäer mit Sprachen leichter als Amerikaner? Why do Europeans seem to handle languages better than Americans? Why do Europeans seem to be more comfortable with languages than Americans? לאָמיך שטאַרבן! Let me die! I want to die! Welkom op de webstek van het Tatoeba-project. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the website of the Tatoeba project. I know that Tom will be quicker at doing that than Mary. I know Tom will be quicker at doing that than Mary. I know that tom will be quicker at doing that than mary. Tom is in Boston getrouwd. Tom got married in Boston. Tom got married in Boston. Dass er bei der Prüfung durchgefallen war, trieb ihn in die Verzweiflung. His failure in the examination drove him to despair. That he had failed the test drove him into despair. Bezwaar als ik me bij je voeg? Mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you? Während unseres Aufenthalts in Nizza will ich im Meer schwimmen gehen. During our stay in Nice, I plan to go swimming in the sea. During our stay in Nice I want to go swimming in the sea. Na, wenigstens hast du dich nicht verletzt. Well, at least you didn't injure yourself. Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself. Die besten Plätze waren alle schon besetzt. All the best seats had already been taken. The best seats were all taken. Der asiatische Teil Russlands ist größer als China. The Asian part of Russia is larger than China. The Asian part of Russia is larger than China. I'm glad I didn't buy one of those. I'm glad that I didn't buy one of those. - I'm glad I didn't buy one of those. Ik mag Mahjong. I like mahjong. I like Mahjong. Du büst miene Moder. You are my mother. You are my mother. Vossen eten kippen. Foxes eat chickens. Foxes eat chickens. I would've been unable to do that without your help. I would have been unable to do that without your help. I would have been unable to do that without your help. I think my neighbour may have died. I think my neighbor may have died. I think my neighbor may have died. Ich bin stolz auf dich. Ich freue mich auch für dich. I'm proud of you. I'm glad for you, too. I'm proud of you. I'm happy for you too. Tom said that he hopes you can take care of yourself. Tom said he hopes you can take care of yourself. Tom said he hopes you can take care of yourself. Tom ist etwa drei Jahre älter als Maria. Tom is about three years older than Mary. Tom is about three years older than Maria. Skateboarden is gevaarlijk. Skateboarding is dangerous. Skateboarding is dangerous. Es war für uns alle eine schlimme Zeit. It was a bad time for all of us. It was a bad time for all of us. Üblicherweise lädt auch das Weiße Haus Kinder ein, die dann vom Präsidenten und seiner Gattin Süßigkeiten bekommen, aber dieses Jahr findet das Ereignis nicht statt. Typically, the White House invites trick-or-treaters to receive candy and treats from the president and first lady. The event, however, will not take place this year. Usually, the White House also invites children who then get candy from the president and his wife, but this year the event does not take place. Ik beloof dat het niet lang gaat duren. I promise it won't take long. I promise it won't be long. I am a man who can't stand being alone. I'm a man who can't stand being alone. I'm a man who can't stand being alone. Je had moeten blijven waar je was. You should've stayed where you were. You should have stayed where you were. Sie müssen mir gegenüber nicht förmlich sein. You don't have to stand on ceremony with me. You don't have to be formal to me. Het citaat werd uit zijn verband gerukt. The quote was taken out of context. The quote was taken out of context. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זענט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you guys weren't here. I'm glad you weren't here. I think Tom's plan will work. I think that Tom's plan will work. I think tom's plan will work. Het hoost. It's pouring down. It's hoarse. Wackle einmal mit den Zehen. Wiggle your toes. Wake up with your toes. Ik kann dat nich sehn. I cannot see it. I can't see it. Sie hat vergessen, was sie sagen wollte. She's forgotten what she wanted to say. She forgot what she wanted to say. Hattest du schon deine Auffrischungsimpfung? Have you had your booster jab yet? Have you had your booster shot yet? Ich liebe dich nicht mehr. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. Wer darauf gekommen ist, muss ein Genie sein. Whoever came up with this idea must be a genius. Whoever came up with this must be a genius. Er schreibt ihr einen Brief. He's writing a letter to her. He writes her a letter. I realize that Tom could get injured if he tried to do that. I realize Tom could get injured if he tried to do that. I realize that tom could get injured if he tried to do that. Das taten ja viele Leute. A lot of people did do that. A lot of people did. Het ziet er heel moeilijk uit! It looks really hard! It looks very difficult! k At joen eerbaaien. I ate your strawberries. I'm going to honor him. Tom knows that he has to do what Mary tells him to do. Tom knows he has to do what Mary tells him to do. Tom knows that he has to do what mary tells him to do. I knew that Tom was a reasonable guy. I knew Tom was a reasonable guy. I knew that tom was a reasonable guy. Hoe ontleed je deze zin? How do you parse this sentence? How do you parse this sentence? Ik heb helemaal geen angst. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not scared at all. I've promised Tom that I'd go to Australia with him. I've promised Tom I'd go to Australia with him. I've promised tom that I'd go to australia with him. כ׳האָב ליב מײַן חבֿרטע. I love my girlfriend. I love my friend. Niet slecht. Not bad. It's not bad. Tom nimmt ebenfalls an der Sitzung teil. Tom will be present at the meeting as well. Tom also attended the meeting. Trinken Sie dieses Wasser nicht. Don't drink that water. Do not drink this water. Tom hat eine dunkle Vergangenheit. Tom has a dark past. Tom has a dark past. Das ist gerade die geringste meiner Sorgen. That's the least of my worries now. This is the least of my worries. ער גלייבט אין אייבערשטן. He believes in the Lord. He's in control. Ich glaube, ich kann dabei helfen. I believe I can help with that. I think I can help with that. Het is gewoon een lichte beroerte. It's nothing but a mild stroke. It's just a mild stroke. Ich will das mein Chef mir alles andere vom Hals hält. I want my boss to shield me from unnecessary stuff. I want my boss to keep everything else off my throat. Der Flughafen liegt im Norden der Stadt. The airport is in the north of the city. The airport is located in the north of the city. We are apt to make mistakes. We're apt to make mistakes. - We are apt to make mistakes. I think Tom might be older than me. I think that Tom might be older than me. I think tom might be older than me. Es ist entspannend, im Gras zu liegen und den Wolken dabei zuzusehen, wie sie vorüberziehen. It's relaxing to lie in the grass and watch the clouds float by. It is relaxing to lie in the grass and watch the clouds pass by. Sie marschierten auf die Stadt zu. They advanced on the town. They marched towards the city. In dem Anzug siehst du gut aus. You look good in that suit. You look good in that suit. Der Film war Spitze. That movie was really good. The film was top notch. Zijn grootvader liet hem dertig miljoen dollar na. His grandfather left him thirty million dollars. His grandfather left him thirty million dollars. He hett en groten Pesel. He has a huge cock. He has a great peel. Müssen wir Tom helfen? Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? De trein is hier net aangekomen. The train has just arrived here. The train just got here. Dat woord komt uit het Latijn. This word comes from Latin. That word comes from Latin. Sehrt Minschen sehrt Minschen. Hurt people hurt people. Very people are very people. I'm not sure I can win this. I'm not sure that I can win this. - I'm not sure I can win this. Tom is niet van gisteren. Tom wasn't born yesterday. Tom is not from yesterday. Er steht auf Mädchen mit Katzenohren. He is infatuated with girls who have cat ears. He likes girls with cat ears. That is so typical of you. That's so typical of you. - That is so typical of you. Ein guter Ort für Schnäppchen scheint das nicht zu sein. It doesn't look like a good place for bargains. That doesn't seem to be a good place for bargains. Wil je dat ik de politie bel? Do you want me to call the police? You want me to call the police? Die kanadische Frauenfußballmannschaft hat die Goldmedaille gewonnen. The Canadian women's soccer team won the gold medal. The Canadian women’s soccer team has won the gold medal. We gaan nu twee weken met elkaar. It's been two weeks since we started dating. We've been dating for two weeks now. Dit is de beste oplossing. This is the best solution. This is the best solution. Ik ben zelfs niet boos, eigenlijk ben ik onder de indruk. I'm not even angry, I'm kind of impressed actually. I'm not even mad, I'm actually impressed. You know you did the right thing. You know that you did the right thing. - You know you did the right thing. He can understand everything I'm saying. He can understand everything I am saying. - He can understand everything I'm saying. That's not the main reason Tom didn't want to do that. That's not the main reason that Tom didn't want to do that. That's not the main reason tom didn't want to do that. Viele Eltern starben. Many parents died. Many parents died. It would've been fun to do that. It would have been fun to do that. - It would've been fun to do that. I like foreign languages! I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Es hört doch sowieso keiner zu. No one's listening anyway. No one's listening anyway. Wo habe ich meinen Zauberstab hingelegt? Where did I put my magic wand? Where did I put my magic wand? Ich wusste nicht, dass Sie gekommen sind. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you were here. Ik stuur Tom elk jaar een kerstkaart. I send Tom a Christmas card every year. I send Tom a Christmas card every year. Hij is al een man. He's already a man. He's already a man. Bitte nehmen Sie sich ein Stück Kuchen! Please help yourself to a piece of cake. Please take a piece of cake! Er is geen binnenweg naar boven, alleen naar beneden. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There is no way up, only down. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. װען ביסטו געפֿאָרן קײן רױם? When did you go to Rome? Where did you go to get a raffle? Tom zerriss den Brief. Tom ripped up the letter. Tom broke the letter. Leef je uit. Go crazy. Live your life. I wonder whether this water is drinkable. I wonder whether or not this water is drinkable. I wonder whether this water is drinkable? Tom is van plan een pistool te kopen. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Er is voor jou geen reden om te blijven. There's no reason for you to stay. There's no reason for you to stay. Hallo! Ich habe einen Platten. Können Sie mir eine Luftpumpe leihen? Hey, my tire's flat. Do you have a pump I can borrow? Hello, I have a plate, can you lend me an air pump? Tom said he could swim at least as well as Mary. Tom said that he could swim at least as well as Mary. Tom said he could swim at least as well as mary. Tom and Mary both prefer watching comedies. Both Tom and Mary prefer watching comedies. Tom and mary both prefer watching comedies. Ech wëll net wëssen, wat wäert geschéien. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't want to know what will happen. Welche Schuhgröße habt ihr? What's your shoe size? What shoe size do you have? Tom said he thought he might be permitted to do that today. Tom said that he thought he might be permitted to do that today. - Tom said he thought he might be permitted to do that today. Tom ist der Einzige, der weiß, was vor sich geht. Tom is the only one who knows what's going on. Tom is the only one who knows what’s going on. Je ziet een boom. You see a tree. You see a tree. Mein Bruder hat mir das Schwimmen beigebracht. My brother taught me how to swim. My brother taught me how to swim. Haat je Tom? Do you hate Tom? You hate Tom? Do you think Tom would've done that? Do you think Tom would have done that? - Do you think Tom would've done that? They said that they felt uneasy. They said they felt uneasy. - They said that they felt uneasy. I am not sure why she asked me that. I'm not sure why she asked me that. I'm not sure why she asked me that. Ik denk dat ze allebei goed zijn. I think both are good. I think they're both good. Ich wusste nicht, dass du gekommen warst. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you'd come. You know that Tom isn't a barber, don't you? You know Tom isn't a barber, don't you? You know that tom isn't a barber, don't you? I didn't think you realized what you were doing. I didn't think that you realized what you were doing. - I didn't think you realized what you were doing. Mijn paard is zwart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Dat sütt veel leger ut, as dat is. It looks a lot worse than it is. It looks a lot lower than it is. Hätten Sie das geschafft? Would you have been able to do that? Would you have done that? Spiel, Satz und Sieg, Federer. Game, set, match, Federer. Game, set and win, Federer. Tom began to suspect something wasn't quite right. Tom began to suspect that something wasn't quite right. Tom began to suspect that something wasn't quite right. Si schreift. She's writing. She's writing. Tom said he'd be glad to do that for you. Tom said that he'd be glad to do that for you. - Tom said he'd be glad to do that for you. Weil schönes Wetter war, machten wir uns auf, den Fuji zu besteigen. It being fine, we started climbing Mt Fuji. Because the weather was nice, we set out to climb Mount Fuji. Sie ist reich, aber er ist arm. She is rich but he is poor. She's rich, but he's poor. Kann ich einchecken? Can I check in? Can I check in? Hoeveel geld heeft u tot nu toe verdiend? How much money have you earned so far? How much money have you made so far? Tom's car is parked out front. Tom's car's parked out front. Tom's car's parked out front. Kain war kein guter Bruder. Cain wasn't a good brother. Cain was not a good brother. Verjaardagen zijn belangrijk. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. שװימען איז גרינג. It is easy to swim. It's hard to swim. „Von wem sind diese Hosen?“ — „Sie sind von Ken.“ "Whose pants are these?" "They are Ken's." “Whose pants are these?” — “They’re from Ken.” Wie lange braucht man zu Fuß von hier bis zum Yuexiu-Park? How long does it take to walk from here to Yuexiu Park? How long does it take to walk from here to Yuexiu Park? Tom must've been lying. Tom must have been lying. Tom must have been lying. I think Tom is ready. I think that Tom is ready. I think tom is ready. Nicht die Kleidung ist wichtig, sondern der Mensch, der drin steckt. It's not the clothes that count, but who's inside them. It is not the clothes that are important, but the person who is in them. It was clear that Tom was going to do that. It was clear Tom was going to do that. It was clear that tom was going to do that. זי איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון וואַרטן. She was tired of waiting. She was tired of waiting. Scott was de eerste mens die de pool bereikte. Scott was the first man to reach the pole. Scott was the first man to reach the pole. רודי דזשוליִאַני, וואָס איז ניט קיין ייִד, זאָגט, אַז ער איז ייִדישער פֿונעם חורבן־לעבן־געבליבענעם דזשאָרזש סאָראָס, ווײַל סאָראָס „גייט ניט צו קירך.‟ Rudy Giuliani, who is not Jewish, claims he's more Jewish than Holocaust survivor George Soros because Soros "doesn't go to church." Rudy Juliani, who is not a Jew, says he is Jewish from the Holocaust survivor George Soros, because Soros "doesn't go to church." Gruppen mit sieben oder mehr Territoriumspunkten können beim Angriff normalerweise zwei Augen bilden, es sei denn, es liegen strukturelle Schwächen vor. Groups with seven or more points of territory can usually form two eyes when attacked unless there are structural weaknesses. Groups with seven or more territory points can usually form two eyes in the attack, unless there are structural weaknesses. Ich habe Lust, Neugriechisch zu lernen. I'm feeling the desire to learn Modern Greek. I want to learn modern Greek. Ist dir bewusst, dass du gerade, als du auf sein „Du lügst immer“ mit „Du hast recht!“ antwortetest, ein Paradoxon erzeugtest? You realize that when you replied "He’s right!" to his "You always lie," you’ve just created a paradox? Are you aware that just when you responded to his “You’re always lying” with “You’re right!”, you were creating a paradox? Ich hätte Lust, sie tausend Mal zu küssen. I feel like kissing her a thousand times. I'd like to kiss her a thousand times. Du musst dir etwas suchen, was dir Spaß macht. You have to find something you enjoy doing. You have to find something that you enjoy. Did you know Tom was going to win? Did you know that Tom was going to win? Did you know tom was going to win? Ich habe dieses Buch in der Universitätsbuchhandlung gekauft. I bought this book at the university bookstore. I bought this book at the university bookstore. Griekenland zit in de zomer vol met toeristen. Greece is full of tourists in the summer. Greece is full of tourists in the summer. Tom is een raketwetenschapper. Tom is a rocket scientist. Tom is a rocket scientist. Wer von Ihnen hätte gerne heiße Schokolade? Which one of you would like some hot chocolate? Which one of you would like hot chocolate? Se sint bange vüör em. They're afraid of him. She's afraid of me. Zitten er kabels los? Are there any loose cables? Are the cables loose? „Hast du es eilig?“ – „Eigentlich nicht.“ "Are you in a rush?" "Not really." “Are you in a hurry?” – “Actually not.” Het was toch best een mooi jaar. It was a pretty good year, nonetheless. It was quite a beautiful year. Das Schottlandspiel ging in den letzten fünf Minuten verloren. They lost the Scotland match in the last five minutes. The Scotland game was lost in the last five minutes. I know that Tom won't do that by himself. I know Tom won't do that by himself. I know that tom won't do that by himself. Mach mal den Papierkorb leer, der quillt schon über! Empty the waste-paper bin. It's overflowing. Empty the trash, it's already overflowing! Tom thinks he should help Mary. Tom thinks that he should help Mary. Tom thinks he should help mary. Der Regen prasselte hinab. The rain lashed down. The rain was pouring down. Wir konnten, weil sie von innen verschlossen war, die Tür nicht öffnen. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from the inside. Because it was locked from the inside, we could not open the door. Wir haben beide die Gicht. We both have gout. We both have the gout. De kamer was gedecoreerd met wandtapijten, geborduurde kussens en vergulde stoelen. The room was decorated with tapestries, embroidered cushions and gilded chairs. The room was decorated with tapestries, embroidered cushions and gilded chairs. Glaubst du an Wunder? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? k Kom oet Drìnthe. I'm from Drenthe. I'm with Drinthe. Es ist ganz und gar erschreckend, daran zu denken, zwanzig zu sein, Marilla. Das scheint so beängstigend alt und erwachsen. It's perfectly appalling to think of being twenty, Marilla. It sounds so fearfully old and grown up. It's quite frightening to think of being twenty, Marilla, that seems so frighteningly old and grown-up. Tom said Mary didn't look tired to him. Tom said that Mary didn't look tired to him. Tom said mary didn't look tired to him. Mijn nagel is gebroken. My nail has broken. My nail is broken. Er ist ein bisschen verrückt. He's a little crazy. He's a little crazy. Ein Pferd läuft schnell. A horse runs quickly. A horse runs fast. Er will mich eifersüchtig machen, aber er kann nicht. He wants to make me jealous, but he isn't able to. He wants to make me jealous, but he can't. Sami heeft nooit over de islam gesproken. Sami never spoke about Islam. Sami never talked about Islam. Tom was zenuwachtig. Tom was nervous. Tom was nervous. Dieses Buch hätte ich gern gelesen. I really liked reading this book. I would have liked to have read this book. Zo'n man kan men niet vertrouwen. One cannot trust such a man. Such a man cannot be trusted. Hai sloapt. He is asleep. Hai's slopping. Maria willigte widerstrebend ein, sich noch eins von Toms Freistilplapperliedern anzuhören. Mary reluctantly agreed to listen to another one of Tom's freestyle raps. Maria reluctantly agreed to listen to one more of Tom’s freestyle pop songs. Ebenso werden wir es angehen. That's exactly how we'll approach it. We will do the same. Heeft u moeite met ademhalen als u plat ligt? Do you have difficulty breathing when you lie down flat? Do you have difficulty breathing when lying flat? Sie wird oft mit ihrer Schwester verwechselt. She is often confused with her sister. She is often confused with her sister. Mein Traum ist es, nach Japan zu fahren. My dream is to go to Japan. My dream is to go to Japan. Gewoonlijk lees ik terwijl ik eet. I usually read while I eat. I usually read while I eat. Eine Gesellschaft ohne Religion ist wie ein Schiff ohne Kompass. A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Der Baum fiel mit einem Bums quer über den Weg. The tree fell across the path with a thud. The tree fell with a bum across the way. Auf der Reise zum Berg hatten wir einheimische Führer. We had native guides on our trip to the mountain. On the trip to the mountain we had local guides. Hij heeft gebrek aan ervaring. He is lacking in experience. He lacks experience. מערי האט פארמאכט די אויגן. Mary shut her eyes. Mary closed her eyes. זײ זענען פֿישערס. They're fishermen. They are FISHERS. Er war sichtlich nervös. He was visibly nervous. He was visibly nervous. Der Himmel verfinsterte sich, und bald darauf regnete es. The sky darkened, and soon after, it rained. The sky darkened, and soon it rained. Überraschung und Verwunderung sind der Anfang des Begreifens und Verstehens. Shock and wonder are the beginning of understanding. Surprise and wonder are the beginning of understanding and understanding. In der Tokyoer Innenstadt gibt es viel Grün. There's a lot of greenery in Tokyo Midtown! There is a lot of greenery in downtown Tokyo. Er ist unser Nachbar. He is our neighbour. He's our neighbor. Hij heeft mij bevrijd. He has freed me. He set me free. I should've brought more food. I should have brought more food. I should have brought more food. Tom wasn't the one who told me that Mary needed to do that. Tom wasn't the one who told me Mary needed to do that. Tom wasn't the one who told me that mary needed to do that. Everyone agrees it was the right decision. Everybody agrees that it was the right decision. - Everyone agrees it was the right decision. Die Felder brauchen Regen. The fields need rain. The fields need rain. They told me that they felt safe. They told me they felt safe. - They told me that they felt safe. Ben je in Boston opgegroeid? Did you grow up in Boston? You grew up in Boston? Ich reise gern allein. I like to travel by myself. I like to travel alone. I thought I heard a mouse in the kitchen. I thought that I heard a mouse in the kitchen. - I thought I heard a mouse in the kitchen. Alte Liebe rostet nie. Old love never loses its luster. Old love never rusts. Es war schön, dich hier zu treffen! It was nice meeting you here. It was nice to meet you here! Het land heeft de oorlog verklaard aan zijn buurland. The country declared war against its neighbor. The country has declared war on its neighbor. Ich wünschte, ich hätte auf deinen Rat gehört. I wish I had listened to your advice. I wish I had listened to your advice. איך װער פֿאַרדאגהט װאַרטנדיק אױף מײַן חבֿר צו לאַנג I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time. I've been waiting for my friend for a long time Ich will alle Hunde. I want all the dogs. I want all the dogs. Mr Baker is niet zozeer een leraar als wel een geleerde. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Mr. Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Tom said Mary has been trying to do that all day. Tom said that Mary has been trying to do that all day. Tom said Mary's been trying to do that all day. Wir müssen streng sein. We have to be strict. We have to be strict. It's time to reflect on your past. It is time to reflect on your past. - It's time to reflect on your past. Alles goed eindig goed. All's well that ends well. Everything ends well. Während des Berufsverkehrs ist man mit dem Fahrrad schneller als mit dem Auto. During rush hour, a bicycle is faster than a car. During professional traffic, you are faster by bike than by car. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact. There are plenty of ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still keep the general message intact. Heb je de hele cake opgegeten? Did you eat the entire cake? Did you eat the whole cake? Die Hälfte dieser Bücher gehört Tom. Half of these books are Tom's. Half of these books belong to Tom. Sein Herz schlug schneller bei der Nachricht. His heart beat fast at the news. His heart beat faster at the news. Ich fühle mich nicht verantwortlich. I don't feel responsible. I don't feel responsible. Versuch dir einen anderen Satz auszudenken! Try coming up with another sentence. Try to think of another sentence! Tom kauft eine Tageszeitung. Tom buys a daily paper. Tom bought a newspaper. He's already left. He had already gone. - He's already left. Die effektivste und mächtigste wissenschaftliche Theorie, die die Menschheit je hervorgebracht hat, ist ein Mysterium. The most effective and powerful scientific theory ever produced by mankind is a mystery. The most effective and powerful scientific theory that humanity has ever produced is a mystery. Mit Strom haben wir warmes Wasser. With electricity, we have hot water. With electricity we have warm water. Tom said that he thought Mary might be tempted to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary might be tempted to do that. Tom said that he thought mary might be tempted to do that. Hoelang ben je al bezig? How long have you been going at it? How long have you been at it? I knew Tom wouldn't do what we asked him to do. I knew that Tom wouldn't do what we asked him to do. I knew tom wouldn't do what we asked him to do. פּסקאָוו איז אין דרום־רוסלאַנד. Pskov is in southern Russia. Pskov is located in South Russia. I promise that I'll protect you. I promise I'll protect you. - I promise that I'll protect you. ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. It's not about how many books you've read, it's just about how many books you've read. Ik had geen idee waar ik heen moest gaan. I had no idea where to go. I had no idea where to go. Das Leben gehört den Lebenden an, und wer lebt, muss auf Wechsel gefasst sein. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change. I didn't know that Tom knew anybody who did that. I didn't know that Tom knew anyone who did that. I didn't know that tom knew anybody who did that. See, to beguile the old folks, how the young folks lay their heads together! See how, to deceive the old, the young agree! See, to beguile the old folks, how the young folks lay their heads together. Ich nehme an, dir ist nicht bewusst, dass Tom dich liebt. I assume you're not aware that Tom loves you. I assume you're not aware that Tom loves you. Tom told everyone that he was lonely. Tom told everyone he was lonely. - Tom told everyone that he was lonely. Tom said that he thought that wasn't going to happen. Tom said he thought that that wasn't going to happen. Tom said that he thought that wasn't gonna happen. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Schach. She's very interested in chess. She is very interested in chess. Laten we dat maar niet doen. Let's not do that. Let's not do that. Het is nu half twee. It's now half past one. It's now half past two. Tom vertrou hom. Tom trusts him. He trusts him. Fällt dir im Liegen das Atmen schwer? Do you have difficulty breathing when you lie down flat? Do you find it difficult to breathe when lying down? Ist das Toms Auto? Is that Tom's car? Is that Tom's car? איך בין אַ בולגאַרקע. I'm Bulgarian. I am a Bulgarian. Ebendarauf zählte er. That's what he was counting on. He counted on it. Anschnallen! Fasten your seatbelts! Buckle up! Du musst dien Schullen trüggbetahlen. You must repay your debts. You'll have to pay for your school fees. Tom says that he's prepared to die. Tom says he's prepared to die. Tom says he's prepared to die. Sie liest einen Roman. She's reading a novel. She is reading a novel. Kon hij zichzelf maar zien zoals iedereen hem ziet. I wish he could see himself the way everyone else sees him. If only he could see himself as everyone else sees him. Tom wird bis Mittag zu Hause sein. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home by noon. It was just a joke. It was just a joke! - It was just a joke. זײַן טײַסטער איז ליידיק. His wallet is empty. His father is uninjured. There are many ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in plenty of ways and still give the same general message. There are many ways to write a sentence... and still keep the general message intact. Houveul köst kilo praai? How much is the kilo of leek? How much does a kilo of prairie cost? Maria unterhielt sich gerne mit Tom auf Französisch. Er war der einzige, der so langsam und deutlich sprach, dass sie alles auf Anhieb verstand. Mary enjoyed talking to Tom in French. He was the only one who would speak slowly and clearly enough for her to understand everything at the first attempt. Maria liked to talk to Tom in French, he was the only one who spoke so slowly and clearly that she understood everything right away. Tom is Mary's father. Tom is Mary's dad. Tom is mary's father. I don't think Tom knows that I hate him. I don't think that Tom knows I hate him. I don't think tom knows that I hate him. Du solltest die Verkehrsregeln beachten. You should obey the traffic rules. You should follow the traffic rules. Ek wil nie daarnatoe gaan nie. I don't want to go there. I don't want to go there. There were a lot of things we wanted to do, but we didn't have enough time. There were a lot of things that we wanted to do, but we didn't have enough time. There were a lot of things we wanted to do, But we didn't have enough time. Tom and Mary told me that they're depressed. Tom and Mary told me they're depressed. Tom and mary told me that they're depressed. Ich fürchte, das Buch übersteigt sein Verständnis. I'm afraid the book is beyond the reach of his understanding. I’m afraid the book is beyond his comprehension. Yidir woont in Noorwegen. Yidir lives in Norway. Yidir lives in Norway. I thought doing that would be a waste of time. I thought that doing that would be a waste of time. - I thought doing that would be a waste of time. Waarom zijn ze boos? Why are they angry? Why are they angry? Hebt u een verandering opgemerkt in de grootte of kleur van de moedervlekken? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of moles? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of the moles? Wir lernen schon seit zwei Jahren Chinesisch. We've been studying Chinese for two years. We have been learning Chinese for two years. Ik zal zelf rijden. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. I regret that I wasn't as careful as I should've been. I regret that I wasn't as careful as I should have been. I regret that I wasn't as careful as I should have been. Sie ist gestern bei einem Marathon mitgelaufen. Heute hat sie Muskelkater. She ran a marathon yesterday. She is stiff today. She ran a marathon yesterday, and she's sore today. The train leaves at half past two. The train departs at half past two. The train leaves at half past 2:00. De hele Welt kickt to. The whole world is watching. The whole world is kicking to. I didn't know Tom would be here today. I didn't know that Tom would be here today. I didn't know tom would be here today. Die Soldaten schwammen über den Fluss. The soldiers swam across the river. The soldiers swam across the river. 3 vermenigvuldigd met 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. Op zondag was de winkel gesloten. The store was closed on Sundays. On Sunday the shop was closed. It seems that both Tom and Mary like classical music. It seems that Tom and Mary both like classical music. It seems that both tom and mary like classical music. Mijn schouder doet echter pijn. However, my shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts though. Ik begin kaal te worden. I'm starting to go bald. I'm starting to get bald. Diese Antwort gefällt mir. I like this answer. I like that answer. Im Vereinigten Königreich ist es, was die soziale Mobilität anbelangt, ein Riesenvorteil, in London aufzuwachsen. In the UK, growing up in London is a huge advantage to you in terms of social mobility. In the UK, growing up in London is a huge advantage in terms of social mobility. דער קאַבאַק האָט געהאַט דעם זיבעטן טעם. The squash was delicious. The bartender had the sweet tooth. Und was habt ihr geantwortet? And what was your answer? And what did you answer? Wo groot de Fleger is. How huge that airship is! How big the plane is. Tom sagt, dass er das macht. Tom says he's doing that. Tom says he does. Ich habe keinen Fernseher zu Hause. I don't have a television at home. I don't have a TV at home. Hast du ein Zimmer? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Eichhörnchen vergraben Nüsse. Squirrels bury nuts. Squirrels bury nuts. Ist Maria eine berühmte Schauspielerin? Is Mary a famous actress? Is Mary a famous actress? Ik tööv bet Klock veer. I'll wait till four o'clock. I wait until four o'clock. Mijn naam is Roemeens, de zijne is Amerikaans. My name is Romanian; his is American. My name is Romanian, his is American. Wij zijn neven. We're cousins. We're cousins. Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there's a will there's a way. Ek wil nie alleen bly nie. I don't want to live alone. I don't want to stay alone. Das kannte ich schon. I already knew this. I already knew that. Er zijn slechts twee soorten insecten die vleermuizen niet eten: vlinders en bidsprinkhanen. There are only two kinds of insects that bats don't eat: butterflies and praying mantises. There are only two species of insects that bats do not eat: butterflies and praying locusts. Das Ticket für die U-Bahn ist billig. The ticket for the subway is cheap. The metro ticket is cheap. Tom leest bijna nooit. Tom almost never reads. Tom almost never reads. Gab’s im Zeitschriftenladen eine Ausgabe des „Guardian“? Did the newsagent's have a copy of The Guardian? Was there an issue of “Guardian” in the magazine store? Hoelang duurt dat? How long does it take? How long is that gonna take? Er glaubt an Gott. He believes in God. He believes in God. Warum rennst du? Why are you running? Why are you running? Tom wurde bei der Jagd versehentlich von einem anderen Jäger erschossen. Another hunter accidentally killed Tom while he was out hunting. Tom was accidentally shot by another hunter while hunting. Man munkelt, Maria rauche heimlich. Rumors have gone around that Mary secretly smokes. One whispers, Maria smokes secretly. Alle waren verdattert. Everyone was flabbergasted. Everyone was distraught. Meine Katzen lieben mich. My cats love me. My cats love me. Ich werde mir den Wecker stellen, damit ich morgen nicht verschlafe. I'll set my alarm clock so I don't oversleep tomorrow. I'll set the alarm so I don't sleep tomorrow. Ihr habt Tom noch immer nicht gefunden, oder? You still haven't found Tom, have you? You still haven't found Tom, have you? Du irrst! Tom spielt nicht Saxophon, sondern Klarinette. You're mistaken. Tom plays the clarinet, not the saxophone. Tom doesn't play the saxophone, he plays the clarinet. Ich wurde plötzlich sehr müde. I suddenly became very sleepy. I suddenly got very tired. Ich habe es zuerst von Tom erfahren. I first heard about it from Tom. I heard it from Tom first. כ׳האָב מײַנס אָפּגעזאָגט. I've said my piece. I've said my own. Er machte sich an die Arbeit. He set about his work. He went to work. I'm surprised Tom wasn't here yesterday. I'm surprised that Tom wasn't here yesterday. I'm surprised tom wasn't here yesterday. Sie verkauft Muscheln. She sells sea shells. She sells mussels. Ik heb een foto van een luchthaven. I have a picture of an airport. I have a picture of an airport. Die Kinder zeichneten mit Kreide etwas auf den Bürgersteig. The children drew on the sidewalk with chalk. The children drew something with chalk on the sidewalk. We weten weinig over Tom. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Wir haben dort niemanden gesehen. We didn't see anybody there. We didn't see anyone there. Maria setzte ein fröhliches Lächeln auf. Mary put on a cheery smile. Mary put on a cheerful smile. Weißt du zufällig, wo Tom wohnt? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? Do you know where Tom lives? Im Russischen gibt es keine Artikel. There are no articles in Russian. There are no articles in Russian. The match ended in a goalless draw. The match ended goalless. - The match ended in a goalless draw. זי האט געשריגן פאר הילף, אבער קיינער איז נישט געקומען. She shouted for help, but no one came. She cried for help, but no one came. Ik heb er nooit van gehoord. I never heard of it. I've never heard of it. Da stimmt etwas nicht. Something's strange. Something's wrong. Tom speelt piano. Tom plays piano. Tom plays the piano. Die Kinderecke ist da drüben. The children's area is over there. The children's corner is over there. Mam, ik heb een papieren vliegtuigje gemaakt. Mom, I made a paper airplane. Mom, I made a paper airplane. Tom spricht perfekt Deutsch. Tom speaks perfect German. Tom speaks perfect German. Hest 5 cent? Do you have 5 cents? Is it 5 cents? Heb je dinsdag tijd? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? Ik will Swemmen lehren. I want to learn how to swim. I want to learn to swim. Hallo Tom. Hello, Tom. Hello, Tom. Ik ga zelden naar een restaurant. I go to a restaurant once in a blue moon. I rarely go to a restaurant. Jij hebt ze nodig. You need them. You need them. Tom hasn't been told that he isn't required to do that yet. Tom hasn't yet been told that he isn't required to do that. Tom hasn't been told he isn't required to do that yet. Ik hoop dat je van het concert geniet. I hope you enjoy the concert. I hope you enjoy the concert. Du musst deine Pflichten erfüllen. You have to fulfil his duties. You must fulfill your duties. Diese Schule hat was: da wimmelt’s von Mädchen. This school is cool; it's full of girls. This school has something: there’s a lot of girls. Die Zauberin verwandelte Tom zur Strafe für sein ungebührliches Verhalten in einen Bären. The sorceress turned Tom into a bear as punishment for his unseemly behavior. The sorceress turned Tom into a bear as punishment for his improper behavior. Wir sollten Tom verklagen. We should sue Tom. We should sue Tom. Ik voel me alsof ik dertig jaar oud ben. I feel like I'm thirty years old. I feel like I'm 30 years old. Diese Brücke ist anderthalbmal so lang wie jene. This bridge is one and half times as long as that. This bridge is one and a half times as long as that. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. Tom needs to be taken to hospital immediately. - Tom needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. De officiële taal in Grenada is Engels. The official language of Grenada is English. The official language of Grenada is English. Dat Kind is in ’t Huus lopen. The child ran into the house. The child is walking in the house. Der Ärmelkanal war rauh, als wir ihn überquerten. The English Channel was rough when we crossed. The English Channel was rough when we crossed it. Wieviel Geld gibst du ungefähr im Jahr für Klamotten aus? About how much money do you spend on clothes a year? How much money do you spend on clothes each year? Ich werde wie immer am selben Ort sein. I will be at the same place as always. As always, I will be in the same place. Ik kan hier niet werken. I can't work here. I can't work here. Darf ich noch nicht einmal Fragen stellen? Am I not even allowed to ask questions? May I not even ask questions? Ich habe einen Termin, zu dem ich nicht zu spät kommen will. I have an appointment I don't want to be late for. I have an appointment I don’t want to be late for. Herr Hansen war mein Lieblingslehrer. Mr. Jackson was my favorite teacher. Mr. Hansen was my favorite teacher. Ik had niet door wat een dorst ik had. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. I didn't realize what a thirst I was. רייכערט ווײַטער. Smoke more. continued to smoke. Das Buch „Englischunterricht im Ausland“ war für mich nicht von Nutzen. I didn't find the book "Teaching English in a foreign country" useful. The book “English lessons abroad” was of no use to me. Die Künstlerin malt ein Bild. The artist is painting a picture. The artist paints a picture. Könntest du ein bisschen auf mich warten? Could you wait for me a bit? Could you wait a bit for me? Warum glauben Sie, dass alle Amerikaner reich sind? Why do you think that all Americans are rich? Why do you think all Americans are rich? He needn't have brought the umbrella. He didn't need to bring an umbrella. - He needn't have brought the umbrella. Wir müssen über Tom alles mögliche in Erfahrung bringen. We need to know everything there is to know about Tom. We need to find out everything about Tom. Ek moet gaan. I must go. I've got to go. Het Nederlands heeft twee vloeiklanken. Dutch has two liquids. Dutch has two vowel sounds. Toms bitte ist unvernünftig. Tom's request is unreasonable. Tom's please is unreasonable. I know that Tom is alone in his room, reading a book. I know Tom is alone in his room, reading a book. I know that tom is alone in his room, reading a book. Tom hat mit einer Reihe herrlicher Paraden ein Glanzspiel hingelegt. Johannes, sein Gegenüber auf der gegnerischen Seite, erlebte hier hingegen nach einem Patzer in der zweiten Halbzeit, die seiner Mannschaft die dritte Niederlage in Folge einbrachte, einen Abend, den man am liebsten vergisst. Tom played a blinder, making a string of great saves. John, his counterpart in the opposing team, had a night to forget, conceding a howler in the second half that ultimately led to his team suffering their third defeat in a row. Tom has played a brilliant game with a number of magnificent parades, but Johannes, his opponent on the opposing side, experienced an evening that is best forgotten after a blight in the second half, which brought his team the third defeat in a row. Es war eine andere Zeit. It was a different time. It was a different time. Wo gefallt di dien ne’e Klass? How do you like your new class? Where do you like your new class? Ik ben klaar met mijn handen te wassen. I'm done washing my hands. I'm done washing my hands. Wat hebben jullie de hele tijd gedaan? What have you been doing all this time! What have you been doing all this time? Tom heeft een heel moeizame relatie met zijn vader. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Keine Sorge! Es war alles ein Traum. Don't worry, it was all a dream. Don't worry, it was all a dream. Wieviel hat das gekostet? What was the damage? How much did it cost? Een man met de naam Slim is bij dat ongeval gedood. A man named Slim was killed in that accident. A man named Slim was killed in that accident. I think Tom is fair. I think that Tom is fair. I think tom is fair. I'm sorry we dragged you into this. I'm sorry that we dragged you into this. - I'm sorry we dragged you into this. Ich habe die Uhr verloren. I lost the watch. I lost the watch. Waarom kijken we niet of Tom thuis is? Why don't we see if Tom is at home? Why don't we check to see if Tom's home? Ich wohne in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. Ek wil nie gebruik word nie. I don't want to be used. I don't want to be used. I thought that you said you wanted to go with us. I thought that you said that you wanted to go with us. - I thought that you said you wanted to go with us. Er kannte das Mädchen nicht. He didn't know the girl. He did not know the girl. Seit in den frühen 1980er Jahren ein Gegengift entwickelt wurde, sind keine Todesfälle mehr gemeldet worden. There have been no deaths reported since an antivenom was developed in the early 1980s. Since an antidote was developed in the early 1980s, no deaths have been reported. Zorg ervoor dat je je niet overwerkt. Make sure you don't overwork yourself. Make sure you don't overwork yourself. Steht ihr eurer Familie nahe? Are you close to your family? Are you close to your family? Gaat u naar een feest? Are you going to a party? Are you going to a party? Er zijn 187.888 meren in Finland. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. There are 187.888 lakes in Finland. Tom sagte mir, dass er das noch nicht getan habe. Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet. Tom told me that he hadn’t done that yet. Morgen haben Tom und Maria Hochzeitstag. Tomorrow's Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary. Tomorrow is Tom and Mary's wedding day. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ איז אַ שאַנדע. Donald Trump is an embarrassment. Donald Trump is a fraud. Sie saß auf einem Stuhl und sah fern. She was sitting in a chair, watching television. She sat on a chair and watched TV. Ek verwag nie van jou om dit te onthou nie. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember this. Es wird dir in Boston gefallen. You'll like Boston. You'll like it in Boston. I can't really be sure that Tom wasn't the one who stole the money. I can't really be sure Tom wasn't the one who stole the money. I can't really be sure that tom wasn't the one who stole the money. Sie sagte, dass er sehr hungrig sei. She said that he's very hungry. She said he was very hungry. Vielleicht können wir uns gegenseitig helfen. Maybe we can help each other out. Maybe we can help each other. Wir haben jetzt August. It's August. We have August now. Ze zijn na de film in slaap gevallen. They fell asleep after the movie. They fell asleep after the movie. Wenn du Stephano bist, sprich mit mir! If thou beest Stephano, speak to me. If you're Stephano, talk to me! Tom hat bereits begonnen. Tom has already begun. Tom has already started. דער אמת איז ביטער. The truth is bitter. The truth is bitter. Ich habe viele CDs. I've got a lot of CDs. I have a lot of CDs. יעצט איז דער צייט צו אנפאנגן דער ארבעט פון בוינען א וועלט-שלום אן אַטאָמישע וואפן. Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons. Now is the time to begin the work of building a world-wide peace with an atomic weapon. Di Knif skiart rocht gur. The knife cuts pretty well. Di Knif skiart smells gur. Mutter hat altmodische Vorstellungen. Mother has old-fashioned ideas. Mother has old-fashioned ideas. Du büst smuck. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Het geluid van de gitaar galmde door de straten. The sound of the guitar echoed through the streets. The sound of the guitar echoed through the streets. Ik heb twee aanmerkingen. I have two observations to make. I have two comments. Im Schach wird ein Bauer, der die letzte Reihe vor erreicht, zur Dame (Königin) befördert. Beim Damespiel wird ein Stein, der ein identisches Kunststück vollbringt, zur Dame (König) befördert. At chess, a pawn that reaches the last row ahead is promoted to a queen. At checkers, a checker that realizes an identical feat is promoted to a king. In chess, a pawn that reaches the last row in front is promoted to queen, while a stone that performs an identical feat is promoted to queen. Ze woont aan de overkant van de bibliotheek. She lives across the street from the library. She lives across the street from the library. De radio staat een beetje hard. The radio is a bit loud. The radio is a bit loud. Tom said he didn't want to see Mary anymore. Tom said that he didn't want to see Mary anymore. Tom said he didn't want to see Mary any more. Sie fühlt sich zu Schwarzen hingezogen. She's attracted to black guys. She is attracted to black people. Er zijn twee deuren die uit de kamer leiden: één naar links, de andere naar rechts. There are two doors leading from the room: one to the left, another to the right. There are two doors leading out of the room: one to the left, the other to the right. Er zijn nog drie koekjes over op het bord. There are three cookies left on the plate. There are three more cookies on the board. Soms is het beter om te zwijgen. Sometimes it's better to remain silent. Sometimes it is better to remain silent. Those projects did get off the ground, but they didn't produce any visible results. Although those projects did get off the ground, they didn't produce any tangible results. Those projects did get off the ground, But they didn't produce any visible results. קאַנאַדע איז נישט קיין גן־עדן. Canada's no paradise. Canada is not a paradise. Der Anwalt sagte, dass er im Namen von Herrn Smith sprechen würde. The lawyer said he would speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. The lawyer said he would speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. Vielleicht ist es eine verrückte Idee, dass es einen Gott oder Götter gibt, und dass es Aliens gibt. Ich nehme an, dass Gott nicht so ist, bzw. die Götter nicht so sind wie Menschen. Und hierarchisch unter ihm oder ihnen stehen die Aliens. Aliens haben einen unmittelbareren kontrollierenden Einfluss auf mich. Gott könnte alles sein oder alles und noch darüber hinaus, also Pantheismus bzw. Panentheismus. Gott könnte etwa so sein wie der Raum, das Licht oder der Wind, Aliens hingegen wie fühlende Wesen, mehr wie Menschen. Maybe, it's a crazy idea that there is God or are gods and there are aliens. I surmise that God is or the gods are not like persons. And hierarchically, there are aliens below. Aliens have a more immediate controlling influence over my life. God could be everything or everything and beyond it, respectively pantheism and panentheism. God could be more like space, light, or wind. Meanwhile, aliens could be sentient beings, more like people. Perhaps it is a crazy idea that there is a god or gods, and that there are aliens. I assume that God is not like that, or the gods are not like humans. And hierarchically below him or them are the aliens. Aliens have a more immediate controlling influence on me. God could be anything or everything and even beyond, so pantheism or panentheism. God could be more like the wind or space. Tom bot Maria nicht an, sie im Auto mitzunehmen. Tom didn't offer Mary a ride. Tom didn't offer Maria to take her in the car. Hoe is ze zo snel populair geworden? How did she get so popular so quickly? How did she become so popular so quickly? Ek gaan nie in dit geboelie word om dit te doen nie. I won't be bullied into doing that. I'm not going to be bullied into doing this. We zijn gewoon aan het brainstormen. We're just brainstorming. We're just brainstorming. Tom told me Mary wasn't afraid to do that. Tom told me that Mary wasn't afraid to do that. Tom told me mary wasn't afraid to do that. Ich brauche dir nicht zuzuhören. I don't have to listen to you. I don't need to listen to you. דארטען, וואו מיר לעבען, דארט איז אונזער לאנד. Our country is wherever we live. Where we live, is our home. Der dicke Brocken ist weg. The big boulder is gone. The big chunk is gone. „Ich arbeite von zu Hause aus“, sagte eine Freundin auf ihrer Facebook-Seite. “I’m working from home,” a friend said on her Facebook page. “I work from home,” a friend said on her Facebook page. Die Luft besteht zum größten Teil aus Stickstoff und Sauerstoff. The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen. The air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Brood wordt van meel gemaakt. Bread is made from flour. Bread is made from flour. Moenie gaan nie. Don't go. - Don't go. Manchmal lese ich nur die Überschriften. Sometimes I only read the headlines. Sometimes I just read the headlines. I'm not going to be able to do that by myself. I'm not going to be able to do that on my own. I'm not gonna be able to do that by myself. Het jy 'n vuurhoutjie? Do you have a match? Do you have a firearm? Die Straße fällt plötzlich ab. The road dips suddenly. The road suddenly falls. „Maria hat diese Gleichung sofort lösen können.“ – „Die ist ja auch Mathematikerin.“ "Mary was able to work out this equation immediately." "Well, she is a mathematician." “Mary was able to solve this equation immediately.” – “She is also a mathematician.” Kin k goan? Can I go? Can you go? Diesen Herbst ist es sehr windig. It's been very windy this autumn. It is very windy this autumn. Tom said Mary didn't get enough sleep. Tom said that Mary didn't get enough sleep. Tom said mary didn't get enough sleep. Tom left without saying anything to anyone. Tom left without saying anything to anybody. - Tom left without saying anything to anyone. Alt wird er nicht werden. He'll not live to make old bones. He won't get old. Tom could lend money to Mary. Tom could lend Mary money. Tom could lend money to mary. Je kunt niet gewoon tegen ons liegen. You can't just lie to us. You can't just lie to us. Ich hoffe, es funktioniert. I hope it works. I hope it works. Neugriechisch ist einfacher als Altgriechisch. Modern Greek is easier than Ancient Greek. Modern Greek is easier than Ancient Greek. k Wait da's riek bist. I know that you are rich. k Wait that's rich. Mir hunn e grousse Gaart. We have a big garden. We have a large garden. Mijn vader is een gepensioneerde officier. My dad is a retired officer. My father is a retired officer. שמאָק, וואס איז עס מיט דיר? What the fuck is it with you? "Mommy, what's the matter with you? Tom is dik. Tom's fat. Tom's fat. Tom erstellte ein Lesezeichen für seinen Lieblingsnetzauftritt. Tom bookmarked his favorite website. Tom created a bookmark for his favorite web appearance. Beide haben Mützen auf. They're both wearing hats. They both have hats. Kannst du mal aufhören zu meckern? Can you stop complaining? Can you stop complaining? Heb je duizeligheid? Do you have vertigo? Do you have dizziness? Das ist keine Blume, das ist ein Baum. That's not a flower, that's a tree. It's not a flower, it's a tree. Worüm dröögst du di de Hoor? Why are you drying your hair? Why do you wear the hearing? It's not evening yet. It isn't evening yet. - It's not evening yet. Ich ging in ein Café und traf ihn dort zufällig. I went into a tearoom, where I happened to see him. I went to a cafe and met him there by chance. De Grött von dat Universum is unvörstellbor. The size of the universe is unimaginable. The size of the universe is unimaginable. Was denkst du: ist das blau oder grün? What do you think? Is it blue or green? What do you think: is it blue or green? Frohe Oostern! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Je bent heel mooi. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. I don't think Tom has any friends here in Boston. I don't think that Tom has any friends here in Boston. I don't think tom has any friends here in boston. Het je het te koud? Is it too cold for you? Are you too cold? Er trat gegen den Ball. He kicked the ball. He kicked the ball. Where is Monaco? Where's Monaco? - Where is Monaco? Darf ich dir eine Geschichte erzählen? Can I tell you a story? Can I tell you a story? Tom said that Mary thought John might not want to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary thought that John might not want to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary thought john might not want to do that by himself. I didn't know you needed to do that. I didn't know that you needed to do that. - I didn't know you needed to do that. Ik heff sünnt. I have sinned. I have sinned. Sie wohnt mitten in der Walachei. She lives in the middle of nowhere. She lives in the middle of Wallachia. Das Mädchen, das am Klavier sitzt, ist meine Tochter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. Zij had geen schijn van kans. She didn't stand a chance. She didn't stand a chance. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were married. I thought that you knew Tom and Mary were married. I thought you knew tom and mary were married. Magnus Carlsen behielt seinen Titel des Schachweltmeisters. Mit vier Siegen und sieben Remis in elf Spielen bezwang er mit 7,5 x 3,5 den Herausforderer Ian Nepomniachtchi, der während des gesamten Wettbewerbs einige schwere Fehler machte. Magnus Carlsen retained his title of World Chess Champion. With four wins and seven draws in eleven games, he subdued by 7.5 x 3.5 the challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi, who throughout the competition made some serious mistakes. Magnus Carlsen retained his World Chess Champion title, defeating challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi with four wins and seven draws in eleven games, 7.5 x 3.5, which made some serious mistakes throughout the competition. I knew that Tom wouldn't mind if we did that. I knew Tom wouldn't mind if we did that. I knew that tom wouldn't mind if we did that. Er ist zur Arbeit gegangen, obwohl er erkältet war. Even though he had a cold, he went to work. He went to work even though he had a cold. Das verstehe ich nur zu gut. I understand all too well. I understand that too well. Drink de Medizin. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Ik heb de handschoenen gevonden die onder de stoel lagen. I found the gloves that were under the chair. I found the gloves that were under the chair. Ich gab Tom einen Gutenachtkuss. I kissed Tom goodnight. I gave Tom a good-night kiss. Wie is de kapitein van dit schip? Who's the captain of this ship? Who's the captain of this ship? Es geht mir gut. I feel well. I'm fine. I didn't have enough money to buy Tom a present. I didn't have enough money to buy a present for Tom. I didn't have enough money to buy tom a present. Marie en Tom vroegen zich af of het moord of zelfmoord was. Marie and Tom wondered if it had been a murder or a suicide. Marie and Tom wondered if it was murder or suicide. Tom plans to go, too. Tom plans on going, too. Tom plans to go too. Der geschickte Arzt konnte viele Krankheiten heilen. The clever doctor could cure many illnesses. The skilled doctor was able to cure many diseases. ער איז נישט מיין קוזין. He's not my cousin. He's not my cousin. I thought you came to see Tom. I thought that you came to see Tom. I thought you came to see tom. Mir ist jedes Buch recht, solange es interessant ist. Any book will do as long as it is amusing. I like every book as long as it’s interesting. Diese Handtasche ist sehr teuer. This handbag is very expensive. This handbag is very expensive. Es wird jetzt draußen dunkler. It's getting darker outside now. It's getting darker outside now. Er is behoefte aan duidelijke taal in juridische documenten. There's a need for plain language in legal documents. There is a need for clear language in legal documents. Ek sou nie so seker daarvan wees nie. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure of that. Meine Großeltern väterlicherseits sind Kanadier. My paternal grandparents are Canadians. My paternal grandparents are Canadians. Meschain. Maybe. -Meschain. Warum siehst du mich immer so an? Why do you keep looking at me like that? Why do you always look at me like that? Die Kinder sind von mir. The children are mine. The kids are mine. Hij draagt een rare hoed. He's wearing a strange hat. He's wearing a weird hat. Ik heb niet genoeg geld om de laatste smartphone te kopen. I don't have enough money to buy the latest smartphone. I don't have enough money to buy the latest smartphone. U moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You will need to clean the bathroom. Ik kann snacken. I'm able to speak. I can talk. Mädchen merken so etwas. Girls notice those types of things. Girls notice something like that. Op zeeniveau kookt water bij 100 graden Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level. At sea level, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. I think Tom lives in Australia. I think that Tom lives in Australia. I think tom lives in australia. Iedereen heeft een doel nodig. Everyone needs a goal. Everyone needs a purpose. Zelfs het lopen doet me pijn vanwege mijn dijspieren. It hurts to even walk with my thigh muscles aching. Even walking hurts me because of my thigh muscles. I think that you'd all agree Tom is one of our best singers. I think you'd all agree Tom is one of our best singers. I think that you'd all agree tom is one of our best singers. Een wiskundige waarheid is eenvoudig noch ingewikkeld, die is gewoon. A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated; it is. A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated, it is simple. Zij gingen naar de kerk. They went to church. They went to church. Is die prijs inclusief btw? Does that price include tax? Is this price inclusive of VAT? Hij is bang fouten te maken. He's afraid of making mistakes. He's afraid of making mistakes. Meine Schwester arbeitet als Englischlehrerin. My sister's work is teaching English. My sister works as an English teacher. We zijn omringd door zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. We are surrounded by zombies. Wir haben die Tiefe des Flusses gemessen. We measured the depth of the river. We measured the depth of the river. Verstehen alle Kanadier Französisch? Do all Canadians understand French? Do all Canadians understand French? Ik kan niet zien zonder mijn bril. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Ich möchte, dass du mir etwas versprichst. I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me something. Natuurkunde interesseert me voor geen meter. I'm not in the least interested in physics. I'm not interested in physics. I am driving a truck. I'm driving a truck. - I am driving a truck. Ich habe einen guten Arbeitsplatz. I have a good job. I have a good job. Karakorum is de vroegere hoofdstad van Mongolië. Karakorum is the early capital city of Mongolia. Karakorum is the former capital of Mongolia. Das ist nur ein Unsinnswort. Es bedeutet nichts. That's just a nonsense word. It doesn't mean anything. It's just a nonsense word, it means nothing. Ik las het op het internet, dus moet het waar zijn. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. Sie hat ein loses Mundwerk. She has a loose tongue. She has a loose mouth. Gebruikt u cocaïne of crack? Do you use cocaine or crack? Do you use cocaine or crack? Diese Rose ist für dich. This rose is for you. This rose is for you. I know why Tom should've done that. I know why Tom should have done that. I know why tom should've done that. „Ich dachte, du wärst Japanerin.“ – „Nein, ich bin Mexikanerin.“ "I thought you were Japanese." "No, I'm a Mexican." “I thought you were Japanese.” – “No, I’m Mexican.” Dit is geen spin, het is een monster! This is not a spider, it's a monster! This isn't a spider, it's a monster! Er zit bijna geen water in deze fles. There is almost no water in this bottle. There is almost no water in this bottle. You're going to pay for this. You're going to pay for this! You're gonna pay for this. Ich esse richtig gern Fleischbällchen mit Nudeln. I really like meatballs with pasta. I really like to eat meatballs with noodles. Wenn ich mich öfter mit einem Muttersprachler unterhielte, würde sich meine Fertigkeit im Englischen, denke ich, schnell verbessern. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. If I talked to a native speaker more often, I think my English skills would improve quickly. Hoe vaak heb je het geprobeerd? How often have you tried? How many times have you tried? טראָמפּ װילט קױפֿן גרינלאַנד. Trump wants to buy Greenland. Trump wants to go to England. Manche Kinder mögen kein Gemüse. Some children do not like vegetables. Some kids don’t like vegetables. De komkommer is bitter? Gooi het dan weg! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! Warum wollt ihr in Australien arbeiten? Why do you want to work in Australia? Why do you want to work in Australia? Die wichtigsten Gewerbe der Prinz-Eduard-Insel sind der Fremdenverkehr, der Kartoffelanbau und die Fischerei. Prince Edward Island's main industries are tourism, potato farming and fishing. The main industries of Prince Edward Island are tourism, potato growing and fishing. Latein ist überhaupt nicht leicht zu lernen. Latin is not at all easy to learn. Latin is not easy to learn. Wir klatschten in die Hände. We clapped our hands. We clapped our hands. טאָם איז געלינקט. Tom's left-handed. Tom is squirming. Dit is een gevaar voor de gezondheid. This is a health hazard. This is a health hazard. Ich habe Tom zu dir nach Hause geschickt, damit er deine Sachen holt. I sent Tom to your house to get your things. I sent Tom to your house to get your stuff. Warum haben Sie heute so gute Laune? Why are you in such a good mood today? Why are you in such a good mood today? Was habt ihr für sie gekauft? What have you bought for her? What did you buy for her? Du musst deinen Mantel mitnehmen, falls es kalt werden sollte. You must take your coat in case it should become cold. You have to take your coat with you in case it gets cold. Ich vermochte ihn nicht aufzuhalten. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I couldn't stop him. Das ist eine automatische Tür. This is an automatic door. This is an automatic door. Ze verachten hem. They despise him. They despise him. „Die Mensa war leer.“ – „Leer? Überhaupt keiner da?“ – „Keine Menschenseele.“ "The canteen was empty." "Empty? No one there at all?" "Not a soul." “The canteen was empty.” – “Empty? No one there at all?” – “No human soul.” Het eindpunt van deze reis is in Oostenrijk. The end point of this journey lies in Austria. The end of this journey is in Austria. Du willst dein Geld doch wohl nicht an diesem Spielautomaten verzocken, oder etwa doch? You're not going to waste your money on that fruit machine, are you? You don't want to gamble your money on this slot machine, do you? Sami leerde over islam. Sami was learning about Islam. Sami learned about Islam. Een man zei ooit tegen de Boeddha: "Ik wil gelukkig zijn!" Boeddha zei: "Verwijder eerst 'ik', dat is het ego, verwijder dan 'wil', dat is begeerte. Kijk, nu heb je alleen nog maar blijdschap!'' A man once said to the Buddha, "I want to be happy!" Buddha said, "First remove 'I', that's ego, then remove 'want', that's desire. See, now you are left with only happiness!" A man once said to the Buddha: "I want to be happy!" Buddha said: "Remove first 'I', that's the ego, then remove 'will', that's desire. Look, now you have only joy!" Het is bijna half drie. It's almost 2:30. It's almost half past three. Ratten vermenigvuldigen zich snel. Rats breed rapidly. Rats multiply rapidly. Ik had geen last van de overstroming. I was not affected by the flood. I did not suffer from the flood. Alle Kinder bekommen Geschenke. All the children will receive gifts. All children receive gifts. Maria spricht kein Deutsch. Maria does not speak German. Mary does not speak German. Tom kann sich ein Auto leisten. Tom can afford to buy a car. Tom can afford a car. I suspect Tom is at home, sleeping. I suspect that Tom is at home, sleeping. I suspect tom is at home, sleeping. Zij studeert wiskunde. She studies mathematics. She studies mathematics. Ich will kein Mitleid und noch viel weniger gute Ratschläge. I don't seek sympathy, much less advice. I don't want any pity, much less good advice. Eine Handvoll Bienen ist tausend Wespen wert. A handful of bees is worth a thousand wasps. A handful of bees is worth a thousand wasps. Tom told me that he enjoyed the drive. Tom told me he enjoyed the drive. - Tom told me that he enjoyed the drive. Sie haben schon geheiratet. They already got married. You've already married. Die Mädchen, mit denen du gesprochen hast, sind meine Schülerinnen. The girls you were talking to are my students. The girls you spoke to are my students. Komm doch heute mal vorbei! Why don't you come by my house today? Why don't you come by today? Waar werk je? Where do you work? Where do you work? Ich möchte lieber arm als reich sein. I'd rather be poor than rich. I would rather be poor than rich. Er traut dir nicht. He doesn't trust you. He doesn't trust you. Das Wasser war einen Meter tief. The water was three feet deep. The water was one meter deep. No one else has complained. Nobody else has complained. - No one else has complained. Ik wull, ik kunn helpen. I wish I could help. I wanted, I could help. Kent er iemand Japans? Does anyone know the Japanese language? Does anyone know Japanese? טאם האט געזאגט מערי׳ן אז ער גלויבט נישט אין אסטראלאגיע. Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology. He said he doesn't believe in science. I don't think Tom liked the concert. I don't think that Tom liked the concert. I don't think tom liked the concert. Die Rakete zog wie ein Komet über den Himmel. The missile streaked across the sky like a comet. The rocket flew like a comet over the sky. Erinnerst du dich an früher – wie schön es zu Hause war? Do you remember how nice it used to be at home? Do you remember before – how beautiful it was at home? De spion zocht naar zwakheden. The spy probed for weaknesses. The spy was looking for weaknesses. Die Polizei glaubt, dass Tom Marie vergiftet haben könnte. The police think that Tom might've poisoned Mary. Police believe Tom may have poisoned Marie. Auf dieser Zeitschrift ist ein Bild der Königin. This magazine has a picture of the queen. There is a picture of the queen in this magazine. Mir geht dieses Lied schon den ganzen Abend nicht aus dem Kopf. I haven't been able to get that song out of my head all evening. I can't get this song out of my head all night. Wir wollen ins Kino. Willst du mit? We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come? We want to go to the movies. Zai sloapen. They sleep. Zai sloopen. Die Katze sprang ihm auf die Schulter. The cat jumped onto his shoulder. The cat jumped on his shoulder. Tom hatte Maria sofort gern. Tom liked Mary immediately. Tom immediately liked Mary. Zai is ien Berlien. She is in Berlin. Zai is one Berlin. Man zeigt nicht mit dem nackten Finger auf angezogene Leute. It's rude to point your finger at people. You don't point the naked finger at dressed people. Gebruikt u methamfetamines? Do you use methamphetamines? Are you taking methamphetamines? Tom might be sleeping. Tom may be sleeping. - Tom might be sleeping. לעבן זאָל דער סאָוועטן־פֿאַרבאַנד! Hail the Soviet Union! Live the life of the city! Ik realiseer me dat deze zin erg Amerikaans is. I realize this sentence is very American. I realize this phrase is very American. Toms Lieblingslied ist „Durchgedreht“ von der Musikgruppe „Die Eichhörnchen“. Tom's favourite song is "Nuts" by the band The Squirrels. Tom’s favorite song is “Fucked Out” by the music group “The Squirrels”. I began studying French when I was thirteen years old. I began studying French when I was thirteen. I began studying French when I was 13 years old. No one asked you to come here. Nobody asked you to come here. - No one asked you to come here. Ik woon niet hier in Australië. I don't live here in Australia. I don't live here in Australia. Verdorie, waar heb ik godsnaam mijn sleutels neergelegd? Bollocks, where in God's name did I put my house keys? Damn, where the hell did I put my keys? Kein Wort von dem, was Tom sagte, war wahr. Not a word of what Tom said was true. Not a word of what Tom said was true. Wann hast du das letztemal Brot gebacken? When was the last time you baked bread? When was the last time you baked bread? Wil er iemand nog wat taart? Does anyone want some more pie? Anybody want some more cake? I don't think anyone does that. I don't think that anybody does that. - I don't think anyone does that. Tom said he'd do that as well. Tom said he'd do that, too. - Tom said he'd do that as well. Mach das Radio aus. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio. Mijn zus heeft twee keer per week pianoles. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister has piano lessons twice a week. So wichtig ist es nun auch wieder nicht. It's not that important. Again, it is not that important. Tom has written lots of books. Tom has written many books. - Tom has written lots of books. Wer glaubt, dass bewusste Intelligenz aus dem Urknall kommt, kann alles glauben. Anyone who believes that conscious intelligence comes from the Big Bang is capable of believing anything. Anyone who believes that conscious intelligence comes from the Big Bang can believe anything. We zijn allemaal blij. We are all happy. We're all happy. Kennt Tom euch? Does Tom know you? Do you know Tom? Was würde passieren, wenn ich das täte? What would happen if I did this? What would happen if I did? Ek sal nie stil wees nie. I won't be quiet. I won't be silent. It is rather warm today. It's rather warm today. - It is rather warm today. Sleep het bestand gewoon naar uw bureaublad. Just drag and drop the file on your desktop. Just drag the file to your desktop. Wann ist in der Schweiz Touristensaison? When is it tourist season in Switzerland? When is the tourist season in Switzerland? Die Ido-Konferenz 2022 findet in Dessau statt. The Ido conference 2022 is held in Dessau. The Ido Conference 2022 will take place in Dessau. Von Marseille nach Paris ist es weiter als von Marseille nach Lyon. It's further from Marseille to Paris than from Marseille to Lyon. From Marseille to Paris it is further than from Marseille to Lyon. Der Teig muss fünf bis zehn Stunden gehen. The dough needs to rise for five to ten hours. The dough has to go for five to ten hours. Ik heb postzegels uit vele landen. I have stamps from many countries. I have stamps from many countries. Alex is mien vrund. Alex is my friend. Alex is my friend. Tom wollte wach bleiben, bis sein Vater käme. Tom wanted to stay awake until his father got home. Tom wanted to stay awake until his father came. Tom said he did nothing illegal. Tom said he didn't do anything illegal. - Tom said he did nothing illegal. Ich kann mir nicht jedesmal nach dem Essen die Zähne putzen. I'm not always able to brush my teeth after eating. I can’t brush my teeth every time I eat. I don't think that I have everything that I need. I don't think that I have everything I need. - I don't think that I have everything that I need. Je klinkt nerveus. You sound nervous. You sound nervous. Het was heel leuk. It was very nice. It was very nice. Maar jy weet goed dat hierdie negatiewe gevolge sou hê. But you know well that this would have negative consequences. But you know well that these would have negative consequences. Mi name isch Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. I wonder if Tom is satisfied. I wonder whether Tom is satisfied. I wonder if tom is satisfied. טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער. Tom said he thought he could pass the test. He said he thought he could handle the situation. k Bin dien keunenk. I am your king. K is for you. Is dit de laatste keer dat ik je zal zien? Is this the last time I will see you? Is this the last time I'll see you? Tom is a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom's a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom's a good person with a lot of flaws. Ik kon niet bepalen of hij aan het winnen of aan het verliezen was. I couldn't tell whether or not he was winning or losing. I couldn't tell if he was winning or losing. אין דער ראָמאַנטיק באַהאַלט זיך אַ סך שלעכטס. There's a lot of evil hidden in romanticism. There's a lot of evil in the plot. That isn't something I know how to do. That's not something I know how to do. - That isn't something I know how to do. If I had known about it, I would have told you. If I had known it, I would have told you. If I had known about it, I would've told you. כ׳בין נישט קיין פֿייגעלע. I'm not queer. I'm not a coward. Sie spricht Französisch. She speaks French. She speaks French. Ik heff Tom mien Fohrrad verköfft. I sold my bike to Tom. I have sold Tom my vehicle. Warum scheint es Ihnen so? Why does it look like that to you? Why do you think so? Tom ist tot, aber das Leben geht weiter. Tom is dead, but life goes on. Tom is dead, but life goes on. Heb je de voorgeschreven behandeling voltooid? Did you complete the prescribed treatment? Have you completed the prescribed treatment? Tom wollte nichts essen, und Maria konnte ihn auch nicht dazu überreden. Tom didn't want to eat and Mary couldn't persuade him to. Tom didn’t want to eat, and Maria couldn’t persuade him to. No one doubts that you'll be able to pass the examination. Nobody doubts you'll be able to pass the examination. No one doubts that you'II be able to pass the examination. Schrijf alstublieft met een pen. Please write with a pen. Please write with a pen. Naar men zegt, zou zijn vader in het buitenland overleden zijn. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. His father is said to have died abroad. Du verlogener Hund! You lying bastard! You lying dog! Let's go to the park where it is not noisy. Let's go to the park where it isn't noisy. Let's go to the park, where it is not noisy. Er machte seinen Weg durch Schwierigkeiten hindurch. He made his way through difficulties. He made his way through difficulties. Ich hoffe, uns fällt noch ein besserer Plan ein. I hope that we can come up with a better plan. I hope we can come up with a better plan. Tom said Mary should've walked away. Tom said that Mary should've walked away. Tom said mary should've walked away. I didn't see anybody on my way home. I didn't see anyone on my way home. - I didn't see anybody on my way home. Tom willigte widerstrebend ein, es zu versuchen. Tom reluctantly agreed to try doing that. Tom reluctantly agreed to try. Sie brachte die Tischdecken in die Wäscherei. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. Kannst du mir meine Gitarre stimmen? Can you tune my guitar for me? Can you tune my guitar? Tom says that Mary lies a lot. Tom says Mary lies a lot. Tom says that mary lies a lot. Jo, dat is mien Huus. Yes, that's my house. Yes, that's my house. Heeft Tom zelfmoord gepleegd? Did Tom kill himself? Did Tom commit suicide? Er möchte mit uns ins Kino gehen. He would like to come with us to the movie. He wants to go to the cinema with us. We zijn hier allemaal gehandicapt. We're all disabled here. We're all handicapped here. Mit der Frau da war Tom mal verheiratet. That's the woman that Tom used to be married to. Tom was once married to that woman. I can't stand your whining anymore! I can't stand your whining anymore. I can't stand your whining any more! דער היסטאָרישער מאַטעריאַליזם איז אַ כּמו־⁠וויסנשאַפֿט. Historical materialism is a pseudoscience. The historical materialism is a hegemonic science. Wir fahren auf einen Stau zu. Nehmen wir einen anderen Weg! There's a traffic jam ahead. Let's take an alternate route. We're heading for a traffic jam. Let's take another route! Tom hil ook van mie. Tom loved me, too. I've got mine too. Mama is ouder dan papa. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's older than Dad. Maria hätte fast angefangen zu weinen. Mary almost began to cry. Mary almost started crying. Wie mag Tom das wohl so schnell gelungen sein? I wonder how Tom managed to get that done so quickly. How could Tom have done it so quickly? Trek een kaart aan het eind van jouw beurt. Draw a card at the end of your turn. Draw a card at the end of your turn. t Frais, Selterfrais en Noordfrais binnen Fraise toalen. West Frisian, Saterland Frisian and North Frisian are Frisian languages. t Frais, Selterfrais and Nordfrais within Fraise tolls. די הינטלעך האָבן געהאַווקעט. The dogs barked. The bastards have taken over. דו האָסט נישט קיין דרך־⁠ארץ פֿאַר זיך אַליין. You have no self-respect. You don't have to think for yourself alone. Hast du schon deine Coronaimpfung auffrischen lassen? Did you get your COVID booster? Have you already had your corona vaccination refreshed? Im Kopfrechnen sind viele Mathematiker schlecht. Many mathematicians are bad at mental arithmetic. Many mathematicians are bad at math. Auf einem Baum saß ein verängstigtes Kätzchen. A scared kitten was up a tree. There was a frightened kitten sitting on a tree. Stell dir vor, du wachst eines Morgens auf und erkennst deine Liebsten nicht mehr. Imagine waking up one morning and not recognising your own loved ones. Imagine you wake up one morning and don’t recognize your loved ones anymore. Dizze bloume is swart. This flower is black. This flower is black. Jij bent groter dan ik. You are taller than me. You're bigger than me. Gibt es irgendwelche Baken? Are there any landmarks? Are there any beacons? Vanavond gaan we naar de kerk. We'll go to church this evening. We're going to church tonight. Dat is to düür! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! I think that Tom used to be a member of our church. I think Tom used to be a member of our church. I think that tom used to be a member of our church. Ich kann das Problem nicht lösen. I can't work out the problem. I can't solve the problem. Statt Englisch lernte ich Französisch. I learned French instead of English. Instead of learning English, I learned French. Tom ist eigentlich nicht nur Millionär, sondern Milliardär. Actually, Tom is a billionaire, not a millionaire. Tom is not just a millionaire, he is a billionaire. whit did ye say ? What did you say? Whither did you say ? Ich bin gleich ins Bett gegangen. I went straight to bed. I went to bed right away. Uw haar is te lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. Dit is een tijdelijk aanbod enkel voor nieuwe klanten. This is a limited time offer to new customers only. This is a temporary offer only for new customers. Wir müssen umziehen. We've got to move house. We have to move. Die weißen Rosen sind sehr schön. The white roses are very beautiful. The white roses are very beautiful. Kan je goed raden? Are you good at guessing? Can you guess? Tom thought it was a dumb question. Tom thought that it was a dumb question. - Tom thought it was a dumb question. Hai komt mit bus. He comes by bus. Hai is coming by bus. Ne estu maldiligentaj! Don't be lazy! It's not malnourished! Die Lehrer reisen nach Deutschland. The teachers will travel to Germany. The teachers travel to Germany. Ich kann dir nichts versprechen, Tom. I can't promise you anything, Tom. I can't promise you anything, Tom. Wann öffnen die Banken? What time do the banks open? When will the banks open? נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס! You're welcome! Don't why! Manche Leute wollen andere nicht sich verbessern sehen. Some people don't want to see others improve. Some people don’t want to see others improve. Tom besucht seinen Großvater. Tom visits his grandfather. Tom visits his grandfather. Tom fährt nach Boston; Maria fliegt. Tom will be driving to Boston. Mary will be flying. Tom goes to Boston; Maria flies. Staat hier iets over in de wet? Is there anything in the law about this? Is there anything in the law about this? Je kan niet meer lezen? You can't read anymore? You can't read anymore? Ich fragte ihn, ob er sie kenne. I asked him if he knew her. I asked him if he knew her. Waarom vroeg ze deze vraag? Why did she ask this question? Why did she ask this question? Wir gehen jeden Sonntag in die Kirche. We go to church every Sunday. We go to church every Sunday. Ich glaube, Tom ist der Meinung, ich denke zu viel. I believe Tom has the opinion that I think too much. I think Tom thinks I think too much. Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, frag Tom! If you don't believe me, ask Tom. If you don't believe me, ask Tom! „Wie geht es dir?“ – „Es ging mir schon besser.“ "How are you?" "I've been better." “How are you?” – “I was feeling better.” Morgen fahre ich nach Shanghai. Tomorrow I'm going to Shanghai. Tomorrow I will go to Shanghai. כ׳האָב פֿײַנט מײַן מוח. I hate my brain. I hate my wife. Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. No one wanted to remember my country. Ich will Sie nicht entlassen, denn ich halte Sie für einen anständigen Menschen, aber wenn es sein muss, um die Firma zu retten, muss es sein. You seem like a good person, so I don't want to fire you, but if that's what it takes to save the company, then that's what I'll do. I don't want to fire you, because I think you're a decent person, but if it has to be to save the company, it has to be. Ik lees graag Amerikaanse romans. I like reading American novels. I like to read American novels. Tom knew it was his duty to take care of Mary. Tom knew that it was his duty to take care of Mary. Tom knew it was his duty to take care of mary. Sie hat rote Haare. She has red hair. She has red hair. Sprechen Sie montenegrinisch? Do you speak Montenegrin? Do you speak Montenegrin? Wi köönt em nicht helpen. We can't help him. We can't help him. Tom assumed everybody in the room knew that Mary couldn't understand French. Tom assumed that everyone in the room knew Mary couldn't understand French. Tom assumed everybody in the room knew that mary couldn't understand french. Zij hebben daar een kind. They have a child there. They have a child there. It isn't likely that Tom will ever admit that he's wrong. It isn't likely Tom will ever admit he's wrong. It isn't likely that tom will ever admit that he's wrong. Ik kenn dien Spraak. I know your language. I know your language. Daar heb ik niets over gezegd. I didn't say anything about that. I didn't say anything about that. Ich mag Tulpen und Katzen, aber Tulpen sind für Katzen giftig. Wie soll ich mich entscheiden? I like tulips and cats, but tulips are poisonous to cats. How should I choose? I like tulips and cats, but tulips are poisonous to cats. How should I decide? I'm convinced that Tom didn't do anything wrong. I'm convinced Tom did nothing wrong. I'm convinced that tom didn't do anything wrong. Ze groeven een kuil. They dug a hole. They dug a hole. Si ass Studentin. She's a student. she's a student. Go and see if Mr Wilson is at home. Go and see if Mr. Wilson is at home. Go and see if Mr. Wilson is at home. Entschuldigen Sie. Wo ist die Herrentoilette? Excuse me, where's the Gents? Excuse me, where's the men's room? Schokoladeneis esse ich am allerliebsten. Chocolate ice cream is my favourite. I eat chocolate ice cream the most. Ik heb een geweer. I have a gun. I've got a gun. Ze leek niet blij me te zien. She did not seem pleased to see me. She didn't seem happy to see me. Er weiß, wie man ein Schaf schlachtet. He knows how to slaughter a sheep. He knows how to kill a sheep. Tom had iets nodig. Tom needed something. Tom needed something. Bist du sicher, dass du nicht mit uns kommen willst? Are you sure you don't want to go with us? Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Als ich zu meinem Haus ging, traf ich sie. Going towards my house, I met her. When I went to my house, I met her. Demokratie is de leegste Form för en Regeren, maal afsehn von all de annern de betherto utprobeert worrn sünd. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Democracy is the worst form for a government, sometimes apart from all the others that have been tested hitherto. Ich habe nicht den Wunsch, dorthin zu gehen. I have no desire to go there. I have no desire to go there. I wonder whether I can do that again. I wonder whether or not I can do that again. - I wonder whether I can do that again. Boere skei goeie appels van slegtes. Farmers separate good apples from bad ones. Farmers separate good apples from bad ones. Die Regierung Biden gab am Dienstag bekannt, dass der geplante Bau der ersten großflächigen küstenvorgelagerten Windkraftanlage der Vereinigten Staaten genehmigt worden sei. The Biden administration announced on Tuesday the approval of a plan to build the first U.S. large-scale offshore wind project. The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it had approved the proposed construction of the first large-scale offshore wind turbine in the United States. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? Aren't you coming with me? Dit is mijn laatste aanbod. Graag of niet. This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. This is my last offer, whether you like it or not. Der König ist tot. Lang lebe der König! The king is dead. Long live the king! The king is dead. Long live the king! מיר האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. We chatted for a while. We talked for a while. Tom said he won't be allowed to do that anymore. Tom said that he won't be allowed to do that anymore. Tom said he won't be allowed to do that any more. I thought it was strange that Tom wasn't at Mary's party. I thought that it was strange that Tom wasn't at Mary's party. I thought it was strange that tom wasn't at mary's party. Goeiedag, meneer! Good day, Sir! Good day, sir! Mein Außenspiegel muss richtig eingestellt werden. My wing mirror needs to be adjusted. My exterior mirror needs to be adjusted correctly. Ich wollte, mein Französisch wäre so gut wie dein Englisch! I wish my French was as good as your English. I wish my French was as good as your English! Meine Großmutter ist letzte Woche krank geworden. My grandmother was taken ill last week. My grandmother got sick last week. Tom manipuliert dich. Tom is manipulating you. Tom is manipulating you. Nou, veel schaakplezier! Ik haal je over een uurtje weer op. Well, have fun playing chess! I'll pick you up in an hour. Well, good luck, I'll pick you up in an hour. You look like you're not having any fun. You look like you aren't having any fun. - You look like you're not having any fun. Ik bruuk mehr Tied. I need more time. I need more time. Toms Papagei spricht fließend Französisch. Tom's parrot fluently speaks French. Tom's parrot is fluent in French. Wie lange spielen Sie schon Pool? How long have you been playing pool? How long have you been playing pool? Beschermt Tom iemand? Is Tom protecting someone? Does Tom protect anyone? Ihr Höschen ist rosa. Her panties are pink. Her panties are pink. Das blaue Kleid gehört ihr. The blue dress is hers. The blue dress is hers. She's learning Hungarian. He's learning Hungarian. - She's learning Hungarian. Dieser Bleistift ist stumpf. Hast du einen Anspitzer? This pencil is blunt. Have you got a sharpener? This pencil is dull. Do you have a sharpener? Ich habe nicht genügend Geld, um mir etwas zu essen zu kaufen. I don’t have enough money to buy food. I don’t have enough money to buy me something to eat. Ich finde, der Richterspruch war ungerecht. I think the judge's decision was unfair. I think the verdict was unfair. „Bist du dir sicher, dass das stimmt?“ – „Ja, ich habe bei Youtube eine Dokumentation darüber gesehen.“ "Are you sure that's true?" "Yes! I saw a documentary about it on YouTube!" “Are you sure that’s true?” – “Yes, I’ve seen a documentary about it on YouTube.” Tom said Mary wasn't willing to do that again. Tom said that Mary wasn't willing to do that again. Tom said mary wasn't willing to do that again. So valuable were the books that they were handled with the greatest care. The books were so valuable that they were handled with the greatest care. So valuable were the books... that they were handled with the greatest care. Die Hoffnung ist, einen perfekten Plan auszutüfteln. The hope is to work out a perfect plan. The hope is to come up with a perfect plan. Ich bin praktisch bereits erwachsen. I'm practically already an adult. I’m practically already an adult. Kaum war Tom durch die Tür getreten, fing Maria an zu klagen. Tom had no sooner walked in the door than Mary started to complain. As soon as Tom had stepped through the door, Maria began to complain. Es schneit und es ist kalt. It's snowing and it's cold. It's snowing and it's cold. Tom said Mary knew he might not have to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew he might not have to do that by himself. Tom said mary knew he might not have to do that by himself. Wie schaltet man diesen Rechner an? How do you turn on this computer? How to turn on this computer? So werde ich mich immer an sie erinnern. That's how I'll always remember her. That's how I'll always remember her. It's not too late to call Tom now. It isn't too late to call Tom now. It's not too late to call tom now. Eine Sprache ist ein Dialekt mit einem ISO-639-3-Code. A language is a dialect with an ISO 639-3 code. A language is a dialect with an ISO 639-3 code. Tom heeft lang blond haar en blauwe ogen. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Es bestand nie wirkliche Gefahr. There never was any real danger. There was never any real danger. I wonder if Tom kissed Mary goodnight last night. I wonder whether Tom kissed Mary goodnight last night. I wonder if tom kissed mary goodnight last night. Ich habe dich nicht verraten, du Idiot! I didn't betray you, you idiot! I didn't betray you, you idiot! That isn't the only thing I want to do. That's not the only thing I want to do. - That isn't the only thing I want to do. Tom hat etwas Dummes gemacht. Tom did a foolish thing. Tom did something stupid. Ik wenje yn Grinslân. I live in Groningen. I live in Greenland. Tom heeft bewezen dat het werkt. Tom has proved that it works. Tom has proven that it works. Meine Familie wohnt hier schon seit 30 Jahren. My family has lived here for thirty years. My family has lived here for 30 years. Haat jij Tom? Do you hate Tom? Do you hate Tom? Die auto is van mijn buurman. That car belongs to my neighbor. That car belongs to my neighbor. כ׳בין אין אַ טאַקסי. I'm in a taxi. I'm in a cab. Tom and Mary are going to need at least $300 to buy what they need. Tom and Mary are going to need at least three hundred dollars to buy what they need. Tom and Mary are gonna need at least $300 to buy what they need. Maria hat ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl. Mary has low self-esteem. Mary has low self-esteem. Sie ist ganz schön hässlich. She's pretty ugly. She's pretty ugly. There's a café on the third floor. There's a cafe on the third floor. There's a café on the third floor. Hy het nie eens 'n haar gedraai met die nuus van sy vrou se dood nie. He did not even raise an eyebrow at the news of his wife's death. He didn't even turn a hair with the news of his wife's death. Ziris Tochter hatte ein entwaffnendes Lächeln. Ziri's daughter had a disarming smile. Ziris’ daughter had a disarming smile. Danke. Das bedeutet mir wirklich viel. Thanks. This really means a lot to me. Thank you, that really means a lot to me. Verliere nicht die Geduld! Don't lose your patience! Do not lose patience! Tom kann Auto fahren, Maria nicht. Tom knows how to drive, but Mary doesn't. Tom can drive, Maria can't. Ich weiß, dass du dich letztens mit Tom getroffen hast. I understand you met with Tom recently. I know you met Tom the other day. Begin maar opnieuw. Just start anew. You can start again. Ich habe überall nachgesehen. I looked everywhere. I've looked everywhere. It was clear that Tom was going to do that with Mary. It was clear Tom was going to do that with Mary. It was clear that tom was going to do that with mary. Ich denke, man sollte in einer Beziehung ehrlich sein. I think you should be honest in a relationship. I think you should be honest in a relationship. They claimed that they didn't cry. They claimed they didn't cry. - They claimed that they didn't cry. Gehen Sie nicht im Regen raus. Sie werden sich erkälten. Don't go out in the rain. You'll catch a cold. Don't go out in the rain, you'll catch a cold. Mary doesn't plan on doing that until I tell her to. Mary doesn't plan to do that until I tell her to. Mary doesn't plan on doing that until i tell her to. Wir müssen uns geirrt haben. We must've been wrong. We must have been wrong. Ich kam auf einen Gedanken. I hit on an idea. I came up with a thought. Du darfst nicht vergessen, dass er viel jünger ist als du. You must not forget that he is much younger than you. You must not forget that he is much younger than you. Sie ist immer guter Laune. She's always in a good mood. She's always in a good mood. Tom kann besser tanzen als Maria. Tom is a better dancer than Mary. Tom can dance better than Maria. Ich lerne Japanisch mit Material, das eigentlich dafür gedacht ist, dass Japaner damit Englisch lernen. I use English-learning resources, meant for Japanese people, to learn Japanese. I am learning Japanese with material that is actually meant for Japanese to learn English with. I already knew that Tom was planning on doing that. I already knew Tom was planning on doing that. I already knew that tom was planning on doing that. Tom plans to go soon. Tom plans on going soon. - Tom plans to go soon. Hoe voel jy oor hulle? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about them? Tom und Maria unterrichteten Johannes davon, dass sie großen Hunger hätten. Tom and Mary told John that they were very hungry. Tom and Mary told John that they were very hungry. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie im Bett bleiben. It's important that you stay in bed. It is important that you stay in bed. Tom said you wouldn't do that. Tom said that you wouldn't do that. - Tom said you wouldn't do that. Ik was erg trots. I was very proud. I was very proud. Het boek dat Tom in het Esperanto schreef is vertaald in vele talen over de hele wereld. The book Tom wrote in Esperanto has been translated into many languages around the world. The book Tom wrote in Esperanto has been translated into many languages around the world. Es ist kein Saft mehr da. There's no more juice. There's no juice left. Dat is glieks achter de Eck. It's just around the corner. It's the same behind the corner. Ich wollte dich nicht beleidigen. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to insult you. Tom kann den Heizkörper reparieren. Tom can fix the heater. Tom can fix the radiator. De schrijver van dit boek was vroeger mijn lerares Frans. The author of this book used to be my French teacher. The author of this book used to be my French teacher. k Mòt zinnen vertoalen. I must translate the sentences. k Must represent sentences. De bestuurder liet zijn auto op de stoep staan. The driver left his car on the sidewalk. The driver left his car on the sidewalk. Tom ärgerte Maria, indem er so tat, als wäre sie unsichtbar. Tom pranked Mary by making her believe she was invisible. Tom annoys Mary by pretending to be invisible. Ich bin bei Herrn Eliot als Mitarbeiterin beschäftigt. I work as Mr Eliot's assistant. I am employed by Mr. Eliot as an employee. Kaffee genießt für die meisten Griechen den Vorzug vor Tee. Coffee is preferable to tea to most Greeks. For most Greeks, coffee is preferable to tea. I don't think Tom will be tempted to do that. I don't think that Tom will be tempted to do that. I don't think tom will be tempted to do that. Ich weigere mich, daran teilzunehmen. I refuse to participate. I refuse to participate. Niemand bood zich aan. Nobody volunteered. No one offered themselves. Tom told me that he thought Mary could run faster than he could. Tom told me he thought Mary could run faster than he could. Tom told me that he thought mary could run faster than he could. I'm not sure if I will respond. I'm not sure if I'll respond. - I'm not sure if I will respond. Luke, ik bün dien Vadder! Luke, I am your father. Luke, I am your father! ער איז אַ מערדער. He is a killer. He's a killer. Ich möchte gerne wissen, wie lange das braucht. I wonder how long it's going to take. I would like to know how long it will take. I know that Tom knows he shouldn't be doing that here. I know Tom knows he shouldn't be doing that here. I know that tom knows he shouldn't be doing that here. Tom ist der dickste Mensch, den ich kenne. Tom is the fattest person I know. Tom is the fattest man I know. Halte dich an dein Versprechen. Abide by your promise. Keep your promise. I'm beginning to believe we'll never convince Tom that he's wrong. I'm beginning to believe we'll never convince Tom he's wrong. I'm beginning to believe we'll never convince tom that he's wrong. Die Soldaten waren schmutzig und stanken. The soldiers were filthy, and they stank. The soldiers were dirty and smelly. We moeten de bedrijfskosten terugdringen. Heb je nooit gehoord van eerst te kijken wat je binnenkrijgt, voordat je begint uit te geven? We have to cut business expenses here. Haven't you ever heard of looking at how much you're getting before you start spending? We need to reduce operating costs. Have you never heard of first looking at what you get in, before you start spending? My handwriting is better than Tom's. My handwriting's better than Tom's. My handwriting is better than tom's. Ich kann dich lehren, wie man betet. I can teach you how to pray. I can teach you how to pray. Tom spricht heute Abend mit dir. Tom will speak to you tonight. Tom's talking to you tonight. Je ogen zien er lekker uit. Your eyes look delicious. Your eyes look good. צי האָסטו אַ טאָפּלבעט? Do you have a double bed? Do you have a doll? Sami sal 'n nuwe musiekvideo op YouTube publiseer. Sami will be releasing a new music video on YouTube. Sami will publish a new music video on YouTube. Das passiert öfter, als du denkst. It happens more often than you would think. This happens more often than you think. Hoe lang zijn uw wangen al opgezwollen? How long have your cheeks been swollen? How long have your cheeks been swollen? Tom said he wasn't afraid of Mary. Tom said that he wasn't afraid of Mary. Tom said he wasn't afraid of mary. Welk nummer moet ik bellen in geval van nood? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in case of emergency? אוראַן איז נישט זייער שיין. Uranus isn't very pretty. Uranus is not very beautiful. Es ging mir schon besser, aber auch schon schlechter. I've been better and been worse. I felt better, but worse, too. Tom beschloss, barfuß zu gehen. Tom decided to go barefoot. Tom decided to go barefoot. Tegen wie had je het? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? What's in the box? What is in the box? - What's in the box? Bedoeïenen wonen in de woestijn. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Ik ben trollen op Tatoeba zat. I’m tired of trolls on Tatoeba. I'm tired of trolling on Tatoeba. Tom and Mary said they wouldn't wait. Tom and Mary said that they wouldn't wait. Tom and mary said they wouldn't wait. Tom hat früher Klavier gespielt. Tom used to play the piano. Tom used to play the piano. Tom werkt voor de Australische ambassade. Tom works for the Australian embassy. He works for the Australian Embassy. I knew we should've brought more food with us. I knew we should have brought more food with us. I knew we should have brought more food with us. Het sneeuwt hier nooit. It never snows here. It never snows here. Tom kann nicht gut schwimmen, Maria schon. Tom isn't a good swimmer, but Mary is. Tom can't swim well, Maria can. In der Garage ist Farbe. There's some paint in the garage. There is color in the garage. Maybe next time! Maybe next time. Maybe next time. I suspect Tom is waiting for us. I suspect that Tom is waiting for us. I suspect tom is waiting for us. גיט אונדז איין סעקונדע. Give us one second. Give us a second. Gisteravond hebben we een film over vogels gezien. We saw a movie about birds last night. Last night we saw a movie about birds. Als wir dort ankamen, war es bereits dunkel. By the time we had arrived, it was already dark. When we got there, it was already dark. All of our blood goes through our kidneys about sixty times a day. All our blood passes through our kidneys about sixty times a day. All of our blood goes through our kidneys about 60 times a day. Wo ist das nächste Museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where is the nearest museum? Du kennst die bestimmt. You probably know her. I'm sure you know them. Hoeveel nakomelingen van Julius Caesar denk je dat er nog in leven zijn? How many descendants of Julius Caesar do you think are still alive? How many descendants of Julius Caesar do you think are still alive? We told Tom that he wasn't welcome here. We told Tom he wasn't welcome here. We told tom that he wasn't welcome here. Du solltest Lehrer werden. You should be a teacher. You should become a teacher. Afgelopen week was het zo koud dat ik twee jassen moest dragen. It was so cold last week that I had to wear two coats. Last week it was so cold that I had to wear two coats. Spreken jullie Spaans? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Wir sind zu dem Schluß gekommen, dass er gefeuert werden sollte. We came to the conclusion that he should be fired. We have come to the conclusion that he should be fired. Moderne Sprachen ändern sich ständig. Modern languages change all the time. Modern languages are constantly changing. De reiziger bereikte uiteindelijk zijn bestemming. The traveler reached his destination at last. The traveler eventually reached his destination. Is het museum vandaag open? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Ist die Bezahlung gut? Is the pay good? Is the payment good? טאָם איז געוואָרן שטום. Tom has become mute. He became a slump. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't know I wasn't going to do that. I'm pretty sure that Tom didn't that I wasn't going to do that. I'm pretty sure tom didn't know I wasn't going to do that. Tom war so klein, dass er in einer Schublade schlafen konnte. Tom was so small he could sleep in a drawer. Tom was so small that he could sleep in a drawer. Ik moet een naald gebruiken om dit onder uw huid te spuiten. I have to use a needle to inject this under your skin. I need to use a needle to spray this under your skin. There's no way Tom would've done what you say he did. There's no way Tom would have done what you say he did. There's no way tom would've done what you say he did. Es wird nicht wieder passieren. Es war ein Missgeschick. It won't happen again. It was an accident. It's not gonna happen again, it was a mishap. Möchten Sie sich auf meinen Schoß setzen? Would you like to sit on my knee? Would you like to sit on my lap? It's not something that I think I can do. It isn't something I think I can do. - It's not something that I think I can do. ער איז נאָר אַ גאָרנישט. He's just a nobody. He's just nothing. Heeft u in het verleden ontwenningsverschijnselen ervaren? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke allein sei. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was alone. Tom and Mary told John that they did not believe that Elke was alone. Ich hätte dich warnen sollen, dass das passieren kann. I should've warned you that this might happen. I should have warned you that this could happen. Nach dem Donnerstag kommt der Freitag. After Thursday, it's Friday. After Thursday comes Friday. זיי זענען נישט געווען קראַנק. They were not ill. They weren't sick. Tom en Maria beweerden dat ze een ufo hadden gezien. Tom and Mary claimed to have seen a UFO. Tom and Mary claimed to have seen a UFO. Allerdeegs! Indeed! All doughs! Die Striche an der Wand hat unser Kind gemacht. Our child has made the lines on the wall. The lines on the wall made our child. I'd like a coffee with milk and sugar. I would like a coffee with milk and sugar. I'd Iike a coffee with milk and sugar. Hast du schon einmal einen Baum gefällt? Have you ever felled a tree? Have you ever liked a tree? Geh weg. Ich will dich nicht sehen. Go away. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Tom saw Mary talking to someone that he didn't know. Tom saw Mary talking to somebody that he didn't know. Tom saw mary talking to someone that he didn't know. Sie verschwenden Wasser. You're wasting water. You're wasting water. „Wer suchet, der findet“, sagte der Weise. Who seeks shall find the wise said. “Whoever seeks finds,” said the wise man. I cannot possibly help you. I can't possibly help you. - I cannot possibly help you. Ist dein Koffer schon gepackt? Is your suitcase already packed? Is your suitcase already packed? Denkst du eigentlich nie an deine Kinder? Do you really never think about your kids? Do you ever think about your children? I know that Tom doesn't know that I should do that. I know Tom doesn't know that I should do that. I know that tom doesn't know that I should do that. Er kann sich für ein paar Tage mein Moped ausleihen. He can borrow my moped for a few days. He can borrow my moped for a few days. Ik snack mit di. I talk to you. I'll talk to you. In deinem Alter solltest du etwas vernünftiger sein! You should be a little more sensible at your age! At your age, you should be a little more sensible. Tom said he didn't know where Mary went. Tom said that he didn't know where Mary went. Tom said he didn't know where mary went. Ik ken geen van beide. I know neither of them. I don't know any of them. This tree is more than a century old. This tree is more than a hundred years old. - This tree is more than a century old. I think both Tom and Mary have never done that. I think Tom and Mary have both never done that. I think both tom and mary have never done that. Tun wir so, als wäre die letzten drei Monate nichts gewesen! Let's pretend the last three months didn't happen. Let's pretend the last three months have been nothing! It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost twelve o'clock. It is almost 1 2 o'clock. Maakt u zich zorgen over andere grote problemen dan uw huidige situatie? Are you worried about any major problems other than your current situation? Are you concerned about other major problems than your current situation? Tom thought he'd forgotten to tell Mary what to do. Tom thought that he'd forgotten to tell Mary what to do. Tom thought he'd forgotten to tell mary what to do. De Berlijnse Muur splitste Berlijn in tweeën. The Berlin Wall split Berlin in two. The Berlin Wall split Berlin in two. Aren't both Tom and Mary from Australia? Aren't Tom and Mary both from Australia? Aren't both tom and mary from australia? Wenn’s dir keinen Spaß macht, lass es sein! If you don't like doing this, then don't do it. If you don’t have fun, let it be! Wir sind an die Kälte gewöhnt. We're used to the cold. We are used to the cold. „דו זאַגסט די וואַרהײַט.״ – „פֿאַרוואָס רעדסטו אַזוי, טאָם?״ "Thou speakest sooth." "Why are you talking like that, Tom?" “You’re the one who said, ‘Wow, that’s the way it is, Mom.’ In letzter Zeit gab es viele Flugzeugunfälle. There have been a lot of airplane accidents recently. There have been a lot of plane accidents lately. Hoe teleurstellend! How disappointing! How disappointing! Seitdem ward Tom nicht mehr gesehen. Nobody has seen Tom since then. Tom has not been seen since. Deine Geschichte hat keine Handlung. Your story has no plot. Your story has no action. Früher oder später wirst du mir alles sagen. Sooner or later, you'll tell me everything. Sooner or later you will tell me everything. I thought something was seriously wrong with Tom. I thought that something was seriously wrong with Tom. I thought something was seriously wrong with tom. Ik eet een peer. I'm eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Sie müssen einen Schein an der Mautstelle lösen. You need to get a ticket at the tollbooth. You have to solve a bill at the toll booth. Tom schien sehr beschäftigt gewesen zu sein. Tom seemed to have been very busy. Tom seemed very busy. Bis wann haben Sie heute geöffnet? When are you open until today? When did you open today? Tom brak vorig jaar zijn been en hinkt sindsdien. Tom broke his leg last year and has limped ever since. Tom broke his leg last year and has been limping ever since. Tom said Mary looked sleepy. Tom said that Mary looked sleepy. Tom said mary looked sleepy. I thought that you said we weren't going to do that anymore. I thought that you said that we weren't going to do that anymore. I thought that you said we weren't gonna do that anymore. Bliw dao bi denne. Don't touch that. Bliw dao by then. Er hat den Vorteil, zweisprachig zu sein. He has the advantage of being bilingual. He has the advantage of being bilingual. Woneem hest du de Schoh köfft? Where did you buy the shoes? Where did you buy the shoes? De prijs van brood is met tien yen gestegen. Bread has gone up ten yen in price. The price of bread has risen by ten yen. Dizze bloume is oraanje. This flower is orange. This flower is orange. Ich ha Hunger. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Ik had niet gedacht dat je zo vroeg zou komen. I didn't think you'd come so early. I didn't think you'd come this early. Komst doe? Are you coming? Do you come? Tom hasn't yet told us what he needs to do. Tom hasn't told us what he needs to do yet. - Tom hasn't yet told us what he needs to do. געטרויט נישט קיין ווײַבער־שׂונאים. Don't trust misogynists. Don't trust him with any of his responsibilities. Ze slist een beetje. She has a slight lisp. She's slitting a little. Tom and Mary wouldn't ask you to do that for them if they could find anyone else to do it for them. Tom and Mary wouldn't ask you to do that for them if they could find anybody else to do it for them. Tom and Mary wouldn't ask you to do that for them... if they could find anyone else to do it for them. Hoe heten de twaalf maanden van het jaar? What are the names of the twelve months of the year? What is the name of the twelve months of the year? Ik had m'n tijd moeten nemen. I should've taken my time. I should have taken my time. Mijn broer is verliefd op jou. My brother is in love with you. My brother is in love with you. Ich kotzte in den Schnee. I threw up in the snow. I puked in the snow. Se hett em an ’n 20. Oktober besöcht. She visited him on October 20th. She visited him on October 20. Die mannen zijn doorgewinterde soldaten. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Tom leest. Tom reads. Tom reads. Why don't you ever do what I tell you to do? Why don't you ever do what I tell you? - Why don't you ever do what I tell you to do? Dat Kleed is gröön. The dress is green. The dress is green. Ich glaube, dass man diesen Tintenfleck schon wieder herausbekommt. I think that it'll be possible to get this ink stain out. I think you can get that ink stain out again. De kat raakte de muis aan met zijn poot. The cat was touching the mouse with its paw. The cat touched the mouse with its paw. Tom reed met de auto. Tom drove the car. Tom was driving the car. טאָם ווילט ווערן אַ רעפּער. Tom wants to become a rapper. He wants to be a recluse. Warum ist Neptun blau? Why is Neptune drunk? Why is Neptune Blue? Versuch mal, dich in die Lage deiner Mutter zu versetzen. Try putting yourself in your mother's shoes. Try to put yourself in your mother's shoes. Wie hast du das getan? How did you make it? How did you do that? There are many ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in many ways and still keep the general message intact. There are many ways to write a sentence... and still keep the general message intact. Wir hatten noch nie so viel Schnee. We've never had so much snow. We’ve never had so much snow. In der Bettenstation gibt es anscheinend keine Heizung. There doesn't seem to be any heating on that ward. There seems to be no heating in the ward. Tom deed de bureaulamp aan en begon te werken. Tom switched on the desk lamp and started working. Tom turned on the desk lamp and started working. Ik heff dissen Breev op Franzöösch schreven. I wrote this letter in French. I wrote this letter in French. Je loog tegen me! You lied to me! You lied to me! Tom isst jetzt Kuchen. Tom is eating cake. Tom is eating cake. Hemeltjelief, dat wist ik niet! OMG! I didn't know that! Oh, my God, I didn't know that! Heute gehe ich nicht zur Kirche. Today I won't be going to church. I am not going to church today. Es ist mir egal, wieviel Geld das kostet. I don't care how much money it costs. I don’t care how much money it costs. Zai wait. She knows. Zai, wait. Es wird uns Schaden zufügen. It will do harm to us. It will do us harm. Houdt u van gummiberen? Do you like gummy bears? Do you like gummy bears? Wie wäre es mit einem Glas Milch? How about a glass of milk? How about a glass of milk? Zij had zware stemmingswisselingen. She had huge mood swings. She had a lot of mood swings. Is hierdie die rede hoekom jy nie wil saam kom nie? Is this the reason you didn't want to come with me? Is this the reason why you don't want to join us? Precies, dat is onmisbaar. Exactly, that is indispensable. Exactly, that's essential. De hond springt. The dog is jumping. The dog jumps. Sie müssen Schach spielen, wie Sie leben: mit Leidenschaft! You must play chess as you live: with passion! You have to play chess the way you live: with passion! Du liebtest sie. You loved her. You loved her. Ik ben dol op skiën. I'm fond of skiing. I love skiing. Ja, im Januar ist es warm. In Brasilien ist es Sommer. Yes, in January it is hot. It's summer in Brazil. Yes, it is warm in January. In Brazil it is summer. Tom's parents said that they wouldn't let him go to Australia alone. Tom's parents said they wouldn't let him go to Australia alone. Tom's parents said that they wouldn't let him go to australia alone. Das Älterwerden ist ein unumkehrbarer biologischer Prozess. Aging is an irreversible biological process. Aging is an irreversible biological process. Diana kam in 𝑖ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑚 zweitbesten Kleid vorbei und sah genauso aus, wie es sich ziemt, wenn man zum Tee geladen wird. Diana came over, dressed in HER second-best dress and looking exactly as it is proper to look when asked out to tea. Diana came by in her second best dress and looked exactly what it was like to be invited to tea. Lasst uns improvisieren. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Wir saßen gemütlich da. We were sitting comfortably. We sat comfortably there. Zum Glück gelang es Tom, das ertrinkende Kind zu retten. Fortunately, Tom was able to rescue the drowning child. Fortunately, Tom managed to save the drowning child. Gerechtigheid en vriendelijkheid zijn deugden. Justice and kindness are virtues. Justice and kindness are virtues. We zagen een licht in de verte. We saw a light in the distance. We saw a light in the distance. Hoe noem je dat in jouw moedertaal? What is it called in your native language? What do you call it in your mother tongue? Zwei Nächte lang habe ich nicht geschlafen. I haven't slept for two nights. I didn’t sleep for two nights. Ik ben een reus! I am a giant! I'm a giant! Tom hat etwas gesagt, aber ich konnte nicht hören, was. Tom said something, but I couldn't hear what he said. Tom said something, but I couldn't hear what. I should've done it already. I should have done it already. I should have done it already. Hy is in hear. He is a gentleman. He is listening. I think this is a serious matter. I think that this is a serious matter. - I think this is a serious matter. Bus is vol. The bus is full. Bus's full. Tom just turned the radio on. Tom just turned on the radio. - Tom just turned the radio on. Is it okay if I ask you a few medical questions? Is it OK if I ask you a few medical questions? Is it OK if I ask you a few medical questions? An mehreren Stellen während des Spiels habe ich mir überlegt: wie hätte AlphaZero das angegangen? At several points during the game, I was thinking: how would AlphaZero have approached this? At several points during the game, I thought: how would AlphaZero have tackled this? I know that Tom doesn't know why Mary should do that. I know Tom doesn't know why Mary should do that. I know that tom doesn't know why mary should do that. Tom probably doesn't yet know the rules. Tom probably doesn't know the rules yet. - Tom probably doesn't yet know the rules. All Lichten sünd utgahn. All the lights went out. All the lights went out. How anyone could vote for someone like that is beyond me. How anybody could vote for someone like that is beyond me. How anyone could vote for someone like that... is beyond me. Das wird uns nicht schwerfallen. Doing that won't be hard for us. It's not gonna be hard for us. I didn't know that Tom didn't need to do that by himself. I didn't know Tom didn't need to do that by himself. I didn't know that tom didn't need to do that by himself. Ik heb jouw mok laten vallen. I dropped your mug. I dropped your mug. I know Tom will love it. I know that Tom will love it. I know tom will love it. It isn't really that important. It's not really that important. - It isn't really that important. Tom steht in seiner Forschung kurz vor dem Durchbruch. Tom is on the verge of a breakthrough in his research. Tom is about to make a breakthrough in his research. Lass mich sprechen. Let me talk. Let me talk to you. Bin ich albern genug? Am I being silly enough? Am I silly enough? Hoe vaak koop jij een tandenborstel? How often do you buy a toothbrush? How often do you buy a toothbrush? We both know how to drive. Both of us know how to drive. - We both know how to drive. Tom wird nicht braun, sondern bekommt lediglich einen Sonnenbrand. Tom doesn't tan. He just burns. Tom doesn’t get brown, he just gets a sunburn. Ik heb slechts vijftig meter touw. I only have fifty meters of rope. I only have 50 meters of rope. I'm going to be thirty in October. I'm going to be thirty years old in October. I'm gonna be 30 in October. Tom spricht heute Abend mit Ihnen. Tom will speak to you tonight. Tom's talking to you tonight. Weißt du, Tom mag Autos. You know Tom likes cars. You know, Tom likes cars. Wir sammelten uns um unsere Lehrerin. We grouped ourselves round our teacher. We gathered around our teacher. Wenn man nicht machen kann, was man will, macht man, was man kann. When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. If you can’t do what you want, you do what you can. Sami heeft zijn sjahada afgenomen. Sami has taken his shahada. Sami has taken his shahada. Fahr nicht zu weit vor! Don't go too far ahead of me. Don't go too far! Mach deine Augen auf. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. De zomertijd begint op drie april. Daylight Savings Time starts on April third. Summer time begins on April 3. I should've quit while I was ahead. I should have quit while I was ahead. I should have quit while I was ahead. Het vergt moed om je hart te volgen. It takes courage to follow your heart. It takes courage to follow your heart. Ich bin in dem Moment, in dem ich mich hingesetzt habe, eingeschlafen. The moment I sat down, I fell asleep. I fell asleep the moment I sat down. Das Unternehmen hat wegen der Wirtschaftskrise Pleite gemacht. The company folded because of the economic crisis. The company went bankrupt because of the economic crisis. Waar ligt de taalgrens precies? Where exactly does the linguistic boundary lie? Where exactly is the language barrier? Er stellte eine Frage darüber. He asked a question about it. He asked a question about it. Vielleicht beobachtet uns jemand. Maybe someone's watching us. Maybe someone is watching us. Bis zum Meer sind es nur anderthalb Kilometer. It is no more than a mile to the sea. It is only a mile and a half to the sea. Ben je klaar om te vliegen? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? Wie viele Hunde habt ihr denn? How many dogs have you got, then? How many dogs do you have? Wir warten schon den ganzen Tag auf dich. We've been waiting for you the whole day. We've been waiting for you all day. See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity! Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity. Ich möchte meine Ideen besser auf Französisch ausdrücken können. I want to become better at expressing my ideas in French. I want to be able to express my ideas better in French. Die Zwillinge ähneln einander. The twins do resemble each other. The twins are similar to each other. Das ist der perfekte Augenblick für einen Kuss. It's the perfect moment for a kiss. This is the perfect moment for a kiss. Niemand bleef in mijn land. Nobody stayed in my country. No one stayed in my country. Inwiefern hat das Einfluss auf deine Sicht der Dinge? In what way does that influence your view of things? How does this affect your view of things? כ׳בין געווען אַ ציניקערין. I was a cynic. I was a nurse. Ich bin eine Ente. Ich spreche Englisch. I am a duck. I speak English. I'm a duck, I speak English. Wir könnten einige Tage verreisen. We could go travelling for a few days. We could travel a few days. I'm sorry I didn't notice that you needed help. I'm sorry that I didn't notice that you needed help. I'm sorry i didn't notice that you needed help. Tom pauzeerde met een ongemakkelijk gevoel. Tom paused uncomfortably. Tom paused with an uncomfortable feeling. כ׳גלייב נישט, אַז דאָס איז פֿראַנצייזיש. I don't think that that's French. I don't think it's French. Ik wil mijn huur opzeggen. I want to terminate my lease. I want to cancel my rent. Ein kleiner Funke entzündet oft eine große Flamme. A small spark often ignites a big flame. A small spark often ignites a large flame. That's not the only thing I want to do. That isn't the only thing that I want to do. - That's not the only thing I want to do. I thought that maybe Tom wouldn't want to do that. I thought maybe Tom wouldn't want to do that. I thought that maybe tom wouldn't want to do that. Sind das echt Kanadier? Are they really Canadians? Are they really Canadians? Das erste Wort eines Satzes muss mit einem Großbuchstaben beginnen. The first word in a sentence must begin with a capital letter. The first word of a sentence must begin with a capital letter. Tom is mien kollegoa. Tom is my colleague. Tom is my colleague. Jede Seite meines Buches enthält nur zehn Sätze, aber einige Sätze sind ziemlich lang. Each page of my book contains only ten sentences, but some sentences are quite long. Each page of my book contains only ten sentences, but some sentences are quite long. Ik heb een huis hier in de buurt. I have a house not too far from here. I have a house around here. Hij gaat mijn huis binnen. He enters my house. He's going into my house. Ich will nach Boston gehen. I want to go to Boston. I want to go to Boston. Wusstest du, dass Maria und Elke Toms Schwestern sind? Did you know Mary and Alice were Tom's sisters? Did you know that Maria and Elke are Tom's sisters? I didn't let Tom know that I was coming. I didn't let Tom know I was coming. I didn't let tom know that I was coming. Irgendwo muss man anfangen. You have to start somewhere. You have to start somewhere. Dit was routine. This was routine. It was routine. Ich finde, wir haben uns recht gut geschlagen. I think we did a pretty good job. I think we did pretty well. Soweit ich weiß, gibt es eine solche Funktion nicht. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Angri de ini a kondre. There is famine in the country. The people in the country must be hungry. Du solltest dich etwas ausruhen. You should rest a little. You should get some rest. Was für eine Art Person bist du? What kind of person are you? What kind of person are you? Tom said that he thought he knew the cause of the accident. Tom said that he thought that he knew the cause of the accident. Tom said he thought he knew the cause of the accident. Ik heb zo veel geleerd. I've learned so much. I've learned so much. אַ פֿאָרשער איז זעלטן אַ גבֿיר. A scholar is rarely a rich man. A man is a rich man. I know you recently retired. I know that you recently retired. - I know you recently retired. Ihre Bemerkungen waren so unverschämt, dass sie einfach nicht veröffentlicht werden konnten. Her remarks were so rude they were frankly unprintable. Their comments were so outrageous that they simply could not be published. Ik geef je één laatste kans. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you one last chance. Es gibt in jedem Lehrbuch eine Danksagung. There are acknowledgements in every textbook. There is gratitude in every textbook. Hat Tom einen Ausweichplan? Does Tom have a backup plan? Does Tom have an escape plan? Now's not the time to be showing off. Now isn't the time to be showing off. - Now's not the time to be showing off. Ik weet niet wat ik hem ga vertellen. I don't know what I'm going to tell him. I don't know what I'm gonna tell him. Tom glaubt, Marias Beweggründe zu kennen. Tom says that he knows why Mary did that. Tom believes he knows Maria’s motives. Ik wist dat Tom de doos niet kon open doen. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to get the box open. I knew Tom couldn't open the box. Es ist spät und die Nacht bricht an. It's late and night falls. It is late and the night is breaking. I think Tom might be able to do that. I think that Tom might be able to do that. I think tom might be able to do that. Können wir Amerika eine Absage erteilen? Can we say "No" to America? Can we reject America? Hij biechtte zijn misdaad onomwonden op. He confessed his crime frankly. He confessed his crime unequivocally. Tom tut nur so, als wäre er wütend. Tom is just pretending to be mad. Tom pretends to be angry. Ek wil niks hê om te drink nie. I don't want anything to drink. I don't want anything to drink. Viele Studenten sind damit nicht klargekommen und haben ihr Studium abgebrochen. Many of them could not cope with this and dropped out of their studies. Many students have not been able to cope with this and have dropped out of their studies. Welke jongen? Which boy? What boy? Waar komen we vandaan? Waar gaan we heen? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Where are we from, where are we going? Wies mi dien wohr Gesicht! Show me your true face. Show me your true face! Hest du en Föön mitnahmen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you take a foothold? Kin k blieven? Can I stay? Can K stay? Het is niet mijn schuld! It's not my fault. It's not my fault! That isn't soft. That's not soft. - That isn't soft. Se hett em mit en Kniev ümbröcht. She killed him with a knife. She wrapped him with a kneel. Tom is keen looi Kind. Tom isn't a lazy child. Tom is not a lazy child. Wir machen uns auf den Heimweg, sobald es zu regnen aufhört. We shall leave for home as soon as it stops raining. We'll make our way home as soon as it stops raining. Er is geen kans op succes voor luie mensen. There's no chance of success for lazy people. There is no chance of success for lazy people. Er ist eigensinnig. He's pig-headed. He's stubborn. Das kannst du dir sonstwo hinstecken. Stick it up your jumper. You can put it somewhere else. Heute schläft jemand auf dem Fußboden. Someone's going to be sleeping on the floor tonight. Someone is sleeping on the floor today. Ich fahre diesen Sommer nach Irland. I will go to Ireland this summer. I’m going to Ireland this summer. Sind Tom und Maria alle beide in Australien auf die Welt gekommen? Were both Tom and Mary born in Australia? Tom and Maria were both born in Australia. Tom hatte die Kühlschranktür offenstehen lassen; also schloss ich sie. Tom left the fridge door open, so I closed it. Tom had left the fridge door open, so I closed it. Dat is mien Puus. That's my pussy. That's my poop. Jy is die meisie van my drome. You're the girl of my dreams. You are the girl of my dreams. I think Tom is still depressed. I think that Tom is still depressed. I think tom is still depressed. De koning is op zijn sterkst in het eindspel, als er nog maar een paar stukken over zijn en hij mee kan helpen de tegenstander schaakmat te zetten of stukken te slaan. The king is strongest in the endgame, when there are only a few pieces left and it can help checkmate the opponent or win pieces. The king is at his strongest in the endgame, if there are only a few pieces left and he can help the opponent checkmate or hit pieces. De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. Tom, kan je Mary laten zien hoe de scanner werkt? Tom, can you show Mary how to use the scanner? Tom, can you show Mary how the scanner works? Die anderen hatten weniger Glück. The others weren't so lucky. The others were less fortunate. Nun gehe hin und amüsiere dich! Die Arbeit kann warten. Now, go and have a good time. The work can wait. Now go and have fun! The work can wait. Viele können nicht schwimmen. A lot of people don't know how to swim. Many cannot swim. I'm sure I can overcome any difficulty. I'm sure that I can overcome any difficulty. - I'm sure I can overcome any difficulty. Guten Abend und herzlich willkommen! Good evening and welcome! Good evening and welcome! Ich bin zu schlau, als dass ich so leicht zu fassen wäre. I'm too smart to be caught that easily. I'm too smart to be so easy to believe. Ich glaube nicht, dass du Tom irgendetwas erzählen musst. I don't think you need to tell Tom anything. I don't think you have to tell Tom anything. I've got to change the shock absorbers. I have to change the shock absorbers. I've gotta change the shock absorbers. S Büsi isch wiis. The cat is white. I mean, I'm white. Geöffnet. We're open! Opened. Tom überprüfte, ob Marias Name auf der Liste stand. Tom checked to see whether Mary's name was on the list. Tom checked to see if Maria's name was on the list. כ'האָב די בעסטע ווערטער. I have the best words. I've got the best words. Ik heb mijn been tijdens het skiën gebroken. I broke my leg while skiing. I broke my leg while skiing. Wanneer heb ik je ooit om hulp gevraagd? When have I asked you for help? When did I ever ask you for help? Warum bekommt ihr keinen? Why don't you get one? Why don't you get one? Vind je Boston leuk? Do you like Boston? Do you like Boston? Glücklicherweise hat er den Unfall überlebt. Fortunately he survived the accident. Fortunately, he survived the accident. Hij was doodop. He was dead on his feet. He was exhausted. דאָס האָט זיך געלייגט אויפֿן שׂכל? Did that make sense? That's what led to the attack? Dainj, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Dainj, Jim. Tom's not a bad guy. Tom isn't a bad guy. - Tom's not a bad guy. Ze keek naar hem op. She looked up at him. She looked up at him. I know you're happy about that. I know that you're happy about that. - I know you're happy about that. En tweien Spegel bringt Unglück. A broken mirror brings bad luck. A two mirror brings misfortune. It's a miracle Tom survived that accident. It's a miracle that Tom survived that accident. It's a miracle tom survived that accident. Das ist sehr lange her. That was a very long time ago. That was a long time ago. Tom said he can speak French, but he can't really speak it. Tom said that he can speak French, but he can't really speak it. Tom said he can speak french, but he can't really speak it. Studeerst doe? Are you studying? Do you study? Müssen wir immer Tom um Erlaubnis fragen? Do we always have to ask Tom for permission? Do we always have to ask Tom for permission? They said that they didn't feel hot. They said they didn't feel hot. - They said that they didn't feel hot. Schildkrotta hend koine Zee. Turtles don't have teeth. Tortoise and koine Sea. Dieses Geschäft öffnet um acht. This store opens at eight. This store opens at eight. It's not going to be easy to find someone to rent this house. It isn't going to be easy to find someone to rent this house. It's not gonna be easy to find someone to rent this house. Nerv nicht! Stop being annoying! Don't be nervous! Tom told me he thought that Mary was here. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was here. Tom told me he thought that mary was here. Het licht is aan. The light is on. The light's on. Früher wohnte es sich hier gut. This used to be a nice place to live. It used to be a good place to live. Tom said that he knew that was what Mary ought to do. Tom said that he knew that that was what Mary ought to do. Tom said that he knew that was what mary ought to do. Du höörst di an as Eco. You sound like Eco. You belong to like Eco. I don't think that anybody has tried that before. I don't think that anyone has tried that before. - I don't think that anybody has tried that before. I promise that I won't tell anyone that Tom is here. I promise that I won't tell anybody that Tom is here. I promise that I won't tell anyone that tom is here. Ik zou deze gelegenheid willen aangrijpen om je te bedanken. I would like to use this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Wat betekent deugd voor jou? What does virtue mean to you? What does virtue mean to you? Ik ben voorzichtig. I'm careful. I'm careful. Alles wat hij deed heeft hij voor ons gedaan. Everything he did, he did for us. Everything he did, he did for us. Lies bitte unsere „Regeln und Richtlinien“. Please read our Rules and Guidelines. Please read our “Rules and Guidelines”. Tom macht jeden Abend einen Dauerlauf. Tom jogs every evening. Tom does a run every night. Dieses Buch gehört ihr. This book is hers. This book belongs to her. Wenn man sich einem Kriecher zu sehr nähert, explodiert er. If you get too close to a creeper, it'll explode. If you get too close to a creeper, it explodes. Gott stehe uns allen bei! God help us all. God help us all! Ziri hat Kinder. Ziri has children. Ziri has children. Ze had een overdosis. She overdosed. She had an overdose. Sind Sie gegen sie? Are you against them? Are you against them? Aber er weiß es noch nicht. But he doesn't know it yet. But he doesn't know it yet. Einen schönen Maifeiertag! Happy May Day! Have a nice May holiday! "Ik ben je niet vergeten," zei hij, terwijl hij zijn hoofd schudde. "I didn't forget you," he said shaking his head. "I haven't forgotten you," he said, shaking his head. Dieses Buch ist nicht so interessant wie das. This book isn't as interesting as that book. This book is not as interesting as that. I think Tom did it. I think that Tom did it. - I think Tom did it. Deze jurk laat weinig aan de verbeelding over. This dress leaves little to the imagination. This dress leaves little to the imagination. Ik vraag me af of Tom me zal herkennen na al die jaren. I wonder if Tom will recognize me after all these years. I wonder if Tom will recognize me after all these years. De maan verscheen van achter de wolken. The moon came out from behind the clouds. The moon appeared from behind the clouds. Tom ging, ohne sie zu bemerken, an Maria vorbei. Tom walked by Mary without seeing her. Tom walked past Maria without noticing her. Wurde es von Ihnen geschrieben? Was it written by you? Was it written by you? Je hebt me gered. You saved me. You saved my life. Dafür werde ich hier nicht bezahlt. That isn't what I'm paid to do. I'm not getting paid for this. De regen hield de hele dag aan. It rained the whole day. The rain lasted all day. Tom told me that he'd already done that. Tom told me he'd already done that. Tom told me he'd already done that. איך גלייב, אַז טאָם מיינט, אַז איך טראַכט צו פֿיל. I think that Tom thinks I think too much. I think Tom thinks I'm going to get it. Deine Handtasche gefällt mir sehr. I love your purse. I really like your handbag. I wonder if Tom and Mary were able to do that. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were able to do that. I wonder if tom and mary were able to do that. k Bin nog gain grootmoe. I'm not a grandmother yet. I'm still gaining weight. Dit is prutswerk. This work is shoddy. It's dirty work. k Woon in Verainde Stoaten van Amerika. I live in the United States of America. K lives in the United States of America. Beide haben Mützen auf. They both are wearing hats. They both have hats. Tom is populair op Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Heute drehen wir ein Video über den Unfug, den Spaß und die Spiele, welche die Löwen hier so treiben. Today we're going to be making a video about the shenanigans, fun, and frolics that the lions get up to here. Today we’re shooting a video about the fun and games that the lions play here. Genau genommen besteht das Chinesische aus hunderten von Dialekten. Strictly speaking, Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects. In fact, Chinese is made up of hundreds of dialects. De politie denkt dat je medeplichtig bent. The police think you're an accessory. The police think you're an accomplice. Wees vervloekt! Curse you! Be cursed! Stiller! Quieter! - Stiller! Es ist eine komplizierte Sprache. It is a complicated language. It is a complicated language. Hij antwoordde ronduit. He gave a straight answer. He replied bluntly. In Toki Pona zeigt die grammatikalische Partikel "li" an, dass das nachfolgende Wort als Verb verwendet wird. In Toki Pona, the grammatical particle "li" indicates that whatever word comes after it is being used as a verb. In Toki Pona, the grammatical particle "li" indicates that the following word is used as a verb. Tom ging mit zufriedener Miene. Tom left, looking satisfied. Tom went with a happy face. Haben Sie einen Käufer? Do you have a buyer? Do you have a buyer? It's not safe to go out after dark by yourself. It isn't safe to go out after dark by yourself. - It's not safe to go out after dark by yourself. Beloof me dat je je best zal doen. Promise me that you'll do your best. Promise me you'll do your best. Es dauert eine Stunde mit dem Bus. It takes an hour by bus. It takes an hour by bus. Laat je oom erover nadenken. Let your uncle think about it. Let your uncle think about it. Ich schaue nur. I'm just looking around. I'm just looking. Je was je tanden aan het poetsen. You were brushing your teeth. You were brushing your teeth. Vrijheid voor Palestina! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Palestine! Het was ondoordacht van je de bus te missen. It was careless of you to miss the bus. It was thoughtless of you to miss the bus. „Willst du auch ein Bier?“ – „Gerne.“ "Would you like a pint as well?" "Would love one." “Do you want a beer?” – “Gerne.” Wat was Toms achternaam? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Deze beslissing had belangrijke gevolgen. This decision had important results. This decision had important consequences. Sy lees elke oggend die koerant. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the newspaper every day. Wat voor dingen denk je dat we moeten kopen? What kind of things do you think we need to buy? What kind of things do you think we should buy? דו ביסט דאָס ליכט פֿון מײַן לעבן. You're the light of my life. You are the light of my life. Ik mag Kaffe nich allto geern. I don't care much for coffee. I don't like coffee all the time. Hij houdt niet van dansen. He doesn't like dancing. He doesn't like to dance. I'm not certain I need to do that. I'm not certain that I need to do that. - I'm not certain I need to do that. Heb je je vriend in Canada opgebeld? Did you call your friend in Canada? Did you call your friend in Canada? Tom said this wasn't enough. Tom said that this wasn't enough. - Tom said this wasn't enough. I don't think it's important. I don't think that it's important. - I don't think it's important. k Kin kommen. I can come. K is coming. Hy het 'n paar dae later gekom. He came a few days later. He came a few days later. Dit is de koffie. This is the coffee. This is the coffee. Reisen macht großen Spaß. Taking trips is a lot of fun. Travelling is great fun. Der Mensch kann ohne Salz nicht leben. Man cannot live without salt. Man cannot live without salt. Tom Jackson is herverkozen. Tom Jackson got re-elected. Tom Jackson has been re-elected. Er hat durch Laufen 5 kg abgenommen. He's run off ten pounds. He lost 5 kg by walking. Tom besucht seine Schwester. Tom visits his sister. Tom visits his sister. Ich denke, du hast gute Aussichten auf eine Beförderung. I think you have a good chance of getting promoted. I think you have a good chance of getting a promotion. I have received no reply from you yet. I've received no reply from you yet. I've received no reply from you yet. Tom bat Maria, ihn später anzurufen. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Maria to call him later. Bring die Kanne ins Esszimmer. Take the jug to the dining room. Bring the pot to the dining room. Tom spielt gern Klavier. Tom enjoys playing the piano. Tom likes to play the piano. Ik zal je niet meer in de steek laten. I will not let you down again. I won't abandon you again. Wanneer was de laatste keer dat je een trui droeg? When was the last time you wore a sweater? When was the last time you wore a sweater? Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there in the stadium? Wir gehen auf den Turm. We go up the tower. We're going to the tower. Möchte jemand noch ein Stück Kuchen? Does anybody want another piece of cake? Anyone want another piece of cake? Je kunt Tom vergeten. Forget about Tom. You can forget about Tom. Tom verließ Boston mittags am 2. Juni und kehrte mittags am 4. September zurück. Wie viele Tage war er weg? Tom left Boston at noon on June second and he got back to Boston at noon on September fourth. How many days was Tom away from Boston? Tom left Boston at noon on June 2nd and returned at noon on September 4th. How many days was he away? Ich wohne in der Nähe eines Golfplatzes. I live close to a golf course. I live near a golf course. Hungry have mi! I am hungry! Hungry have me! Nur wenige Menschen verstehen den wahren Sinn des Lebens. Few people understand the real meaning of life. Few people understand the true meaning of life. Tom didn't know that you were the one who wanted to do that. Tom didn't know you were the one who wanted to do that. Tom didn't know you were the one who wanted to do that. Wir werden dieses Buch in der nächsten Stunde besprechen. We will discuss this book next lesson. We will discuss this book in the next hour. Hier kann das nicht passieren. It can't happen here. This can't happen here. Tom says that he saw a ghost. Tom says he saw a ghost. - Tom says that he saw a ghost. I told Tom you were busy. I told Tom that you were busy. I told tom you were busy. מיר האָבן אַ קיניגל. We have a bunny. We have a cat. I know that Tom isn't a morning person. I know Tom isn't a morning person. I know that tom isn't a morning person. איך בין געבוירן אין סקאָטלאַנד. I was born in Scotland. I was born in Scotland. Jü ploket hok Aapeler. She picks some apples. Jü plaket hok Aapeler. Halts Maul! Shut up already! Shut up! Shut up! Tom hat eine Ruhepause verdient. Tom deserves a rest. Tom deserves a rest. Hij ging met de lift naar zijn verdieping en liep naar zijn kamer. He rode the elevator to his floor and walked toward his room. He took the elevator to his floor and walked to his room. Ik ha gjin swurd. I don't have a sword. I have a sword. Ich könnte das Problem nicht lösen, selbst wenn ich es versuchte. I wouldn't be able to solve the problem, even if I tried. I couldn’t solve the problem even if I tried. Meinst du? Do you reckon? What do you think? Unser Foto hat seine Farbe verloren. Our photograph lost its color. Our photo has lost its color. Tom findet Mädchen widerwärtig. Tom thinks girls are gross. Tom finds girls disgusting. Seine Tochter ist kein Kind mehr. His daughter is not a child anymore. His daughter is no longer a child. Deze jurk staat haar echt goed. This dress looks really good on her. This dress looks really good on her. Manchmal zweifele ich an deiner Intelligenz. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Goedenacht, Tom. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. An der Wand hingen drei Bilder. There were three pictures on the wall. There were three pictures on the wall. Mien Hund is witt. My dog is white. My dog is white. D'kurdescht Alphabet besteet aus eenandrësseg Buschtawen: a, b, c, ç, d, e, ê, f, g, h, i, î, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, ş, t, u, û, v, w, x, y, z. The Kurdish alphabet consists of thirty-one letters: a, b, c, ç, d, e, ê, f, g, h, i, î, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, ş, t, u, û, v, w, x, y, z. The Kurdish alphabet consists of thirty-one letters: a, b, c, <0xC3><0xA7>, d, e, <0xC3><0xAA>, f, g, h, i, <0xC3><0xAE>, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, <0xC5><0x9F>, t, u, <0xC3><0xBB>, v, w, x, y, z. Tom saß allein in der Kantine. Tom was sitting alone in the canteen. Tom sat alone in the canteen. Ik hou niet van het verkeer. I don't like the traffic. I don't like the traffic. טאָם איז מײַן וויסקראָביק. Tom is my youngest. He's my whimsy. Don't forget to take your medicine. Don't forget to take your medication. - Don't forget to take your medicine. Kan je goed typen? Are you good at typing? Can you type well? Tom deed alsof hij het niet had gemerkt. Tom pretended he didn't notice. Tom pretended he hadn't noticed. Ich wohne hier nicht mehr. I don't live here anymore. I don't live here anymore. Het is warm vandaag, dus je kunt in zee zwemmen. It's warm today so you can swim in the sea. It is hot today, so you can swim in the sea. Ik kan mijn koffer niet vinden. Waar heb je hem gelaten? I cannot find my suitcase. Where did you put it? I can't find my suitcase. Er war sieben Jahre lang in Sibirien. He was in Siberia for seven years. He was in Siberia for seven years. There are a lot of ways to write a sentence and still give the general message. There are plenty of ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. There are a lot of ways to write a sentence... and still give the general message. I knew that Tom was finished doing that. I knew Tom was finished doing that. I knew that tom was finished doing that. Wi verwacht en gode Oost dit Johr. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect a good east this year. Tom will, während er mit dir spricht, nicht gesehen werden. Tom doesn't want to be seen talking to you. Tom doesn't want to be seen while he's talking to you. Ich habe darauf gewartet, dass du das sagst. I was waiting for you to say that. I've been waiting for you to say that. Mary told Tom what she was planning on doing. Mary told Tom what she was planning to do. Mary told tom what she was planning on doing. Fahrenheit war der deutsche Erfinder des Thermometers, dessen Namen gleichzeitig eine Temperaturskala trägt. Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature. Fahrenheit was the German inventor of the thermometer, whose name also bears a temperature scale. De kist is met een eenvoudig hangslot vergrendeld. The chest is locked with a simple padlock. The box is locked with a simple padlock. פֿאַדיל רעדט אַראַביש. Fadil speaks Arabic. He speaks Arabic. Das ist das Hausboot, auf dem wir früher gewohnt haben. That's the houseboat we used to live in. This is the houseboat we used to live on. Ik kan de computer niet repareren. I cannot fix the computer. I can't fix the computer. Hello again. Hello again! Hello, again. Ze is op zoek naar jou. She's looking for you. She's looking for you. You can write a sentence in many ways and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in many ways... and still keep the general message intact. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, dass Johannes ein gebrochenes Herz habe. Mary told Tom that she thought John was heartbroken. Mary told Tom that she believed John had a broken heart. Was ist im Falle eines Brandes zu tun? What should I do in case of fire? What to do in the event of a fire? Er führte den Mann durch die Straßen zum Bahnhof. He guided the man through the streets to the station. He led the man through the streets to the station. Maria putzte eilig ihr Zimmer. Mary cleaned her room in a hurry. Maria hurriedly cleaned her room. דו האָסט מיך געפֿרעגט. You asked me. You've asked me. Es gefiel mir, wie du das gemacht hattest. I liked how you did that. I liked how you did it. Tom said he was very happy. Tom said that he was very happy. - Tom said he was very happy. There is no doubt that I could not do it without your help. There is no doubt that I would not have been able to do this without your help. There's no doubt that I could not do it without your help. Die richtigen und genauen Spielweisen, um eine Gruppe zu sichern oder die gegnerische Gruppe zu töten, werden von allen starken Spielern gründlich studiert. The correct, accurate plays with which to make a group secure, or to kill the opponent's group, are studied deeply by all strong players. The correct and accurate ways of playing to secure a group or kill the opposing group are thoroughly studied by all strong players. Laat mij het woord voeren. Let me do the talking. Let me take the floor. Die Japaner essen dreimal am Tag. Japanese people eat three times a day. The Japanese eat three times a day. Ek sou nie te seker wees daaroor nie. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Je was op het verkeerde moment op die weg. You were on that road at the wrong time. You were on that road at the wrong time. I am learning Quechua. I'm learning Quechua. - I am learning Quechua. Deze roos is voor jou. This rose is for you. This rose is for you. Weil es ihn gibt. Because it is there. Because it exists. Bent u als kind ingeënt geweest? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Have you been vaccinated as a child? Was dächten die Leute wohl, wenn ich nicht auf Toms Hochzeit ginge? What would people think if I didn't attend Tom's wedding? What would people think if I didn't go to Tom's wedding? Es regnete pausenlos. It rained nonstop. It rained incessantly. Ich hätte dem nie zugestimmt. I would never have agreed to that. I would never have agreed to it. Das hat mir ganz schön die Augen geöffnet. It's been quite an eye-opener. That really opened my eyes. Wann kommt ihr zurück? When are you guys coming back? When are you coming back? Tom möchte, dass du es für ihn tust. Tom wants you to do it for him. Tom wants you to do it for him. That isn't my pen. That's not my pen. - That isn't my pen. Niemand is gestorven. Nobody died. No one died. Een dromedaris heeft één bult, maar een kameel heeft er twee. A dromedary has one hump, but a bactrian camel has two humps. A dromedary has one hump, but a camel has two. Meng Liblingsfaarf ass donkelblo. My favourite colour is dark blue. My body is dark-skinned. Tom hasn't told me where he's planning to stay in Boston. Tom hasn't told me where he's planning on staying in Boston. Tom hasn't told me where he's planning to stay in boston. Si sinn Dokteren. They're doctors. they're doctors. De vorige keer toen ik Tom gezien heb, had hij een uitslag op zijn gezicht. The last time I saw Tom, he had a rash on his face. The last time I saw Tom, he had a rash on his face. Mijn oom is mager, maar mijn tante is dik. My uncle is slim, but my aunt is fat. My uncle is skinny, but my aunt is fat. De jongen reed op zijn fiets. The boy rode his bike. The boy was riding his bike. Wenst u een spoedzending? Would you like expedited shipping? Do you want an urgent shipment? I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. I thought Tom was still living in Boston. I thought that tom was still living in boston. Ich sah Tom zum Fenster hochklettern. I saw Tom climbing up to the window. I saw Tom climbing up to the window. Tom said that there was no one in here. Tom said there was no one in here. Tom said there was no one in here. Ik ben een Nederlandse burger. I am a Dutch citizen. I am a Dutch citizen. Komm bloß nicht wieder! Don't come back again. Don't come back! In de loop van dat jaar bleven er reizigers toestromen. Travellers continued to trickle in over the course of that year. In the course of that year, travelers continued to flock. Doe leerdest. You learned. Learn to do. Luisterde iedereen? Was everyone listening? Did everyone listen? Hast du heute schon was vor? Do you have anything planned for today? Do you have any plans today? Dat ass ze schwéier fir mech. That's too difficult for me. That's hard for me. Mary knows that all she has to do is snap her fingers and Tom will come running. Mary knows all she has to do is snap her fingers and Tom will come running. Mary knows that all she has to do is snap her fingers, and Tom will come running. Vielleicht komme ich diesen Sommer nach Griechenland. Maybe I'll come to Greece this summer. Maybe I'll come to Greece this summer. Eines Tages möchte ich fließend Französisch können. I eventually want to become fluent in French. One day I want to be fluent in French. Eine Wissenschaftlerin gab bekannt, Fossilien, die sie in den nordwestkanadischen Bergen auf vorzeitlichem Meeresgrund gesammelt habe, seien möglicherweise die frühesten Anzeichen irdischer Fauna, die je entdeckt worden seien. A scientist says fossils she collected from an ancient seabed in the mountains of northwestern Canada may be the earliest evidence of animal life on Earth ever discovered. One scientist revealed that fossils she collected in the northwest Canadian mountains on prehistoric seabed may be the earliest signs of terrestrial fauna ever discovered. Sind alle Sprachen verwandt? Are all languages related? Are all languages related? Dit is en snaakschen Satz. This is a strange sentence. This is a funny sentence. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I will play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. Mary heeft het gevoel dat haar vriendje haar niet begrijpt. Mary feels that her boyfriend doesn't understand her. Mary feels that her boyfriend does not understand her. Let me know if you figure it out. Let me know if you work it out. - Let me know if you figure it out. ייִדיש איז אַ שוועסטערשפּראַך פֿון דײַטש. Yiddish is a sister language of German. Yiddish is a sister language of German. I never said I could understand French. I never said that I could understand French. I never said I could understand french. איך רעד נישט קיין עספּעראַנטאָ. I don't speak Esperanto. I'm not talking about Esperanto. Tom said that he wouldn't mind waiting. Tom said he wouldn't mind waiting. Tom said he wouldn't mind waiting. Tom starb am Montagmorgen. Tom died on Monday morning. Tom died on Monday morning. "Honderd jaar eenzaamheid", de roman van Gabriel García Márquez, werd vertaald in meer dan 35 talen. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", a novel by Gabriel García Marquez, has been translated into more than 35 languages. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", the novel by Gabriel Garc<0xC3><0xAD>a M<0xC3><0xA1>rquez, was translated into more than 35 languages. Er geht praktisch niemals ins Kino. He seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema. He almost never goes to the cinema. Ik kom út Singapore. I'm from Singapore. I'm going to Singapore. Die Anwesenheit von Läufer unterschiedlicher Farben begünstigt die Gleichheit in einer großen Anzahl von Endungen. The presence of bishops of opposite colors favors equality in a large number of endgames. The presence of runners of different colors favors equality in a large number of endings. Tom war bei der Berufsberatung. Tom spoke to a career advisor. Tom was in career counseling. Tom ist mit seinen Freunden wandern gegangen. Tom went hiking with his friends. Tom went hiking with his friends. Se is twee Johr jünger as he. She's two years younger than he. She is two years younger than him. Tom wird heulen. Tom'll cry. Tom will cry. Ihr hättet mir helfen können. You could've helped me. You could have helped me. Tom hört auf zu rauchen. Tom's quitting smoking. Tom quit smoking. Sami is een plattelandsjongen. Sami is a country boy. Sami is a country boy. Nicht du, sondern ich bin daran schuld. It is not you but I that am to blame. It's not you. It's my fault. Aren't you going to build skyscrapers in France? Are you not going to build skyscrapers in France? Aren't you gonna build skyscrapers in France? Je hebt niets gezien. You didn't see anything. You didn't see anything. Singt bitte ein Lied in eurer Sprache! Sing a song in your language, please! Please sing a song in your language. פארמאכט דיין בוך. Close your book. shut down your book. Gibt es einen Herrenfriseur im Hotel? Is there a barber shop in the hotel? Is there a hairdresser in the hotel? Hast auch du mich verlassen? Have you abandoned me, too? Did you leave me, too? Ek kan nie vlieg nie. I can't fly. But I can't fly. Gute Idee. Nice idea. That's a good idea. „Kannst du mir helfen?“ – „Nicht jetzt!“ "Can you help me?" "Not now." “Can you help me?” – “Not now!” Ik heff vör en halv Johr mit Smöken ophöört. I quit smoking half a year ago. I've been up for half a year with mosquitoes. Das ist nicht dein Schirm, sondern meiner. That's not your umbrella. It's mine. It's not your umbrella, it's mine. In einem Wutanfall boxte ich auf die Wand und brach mir meinen Zeigefinger. In a fit of anger I punched the wall and broke my index finger. In a fit of rage, I punched the wall and broke my index finger. I know that Tom is a good drummer. I know Tom is a good drummer. I know that tom is a good drummer. Der Meeresspiegel ist seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahre 1880 um 20 Zentimeter gestiegen. Man nimmt an, dass er bis zum Jahre 2100 um weitere 30 bis 120 Zentimeter steigen wird. Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 4 feet by 2100. Sea levels have risen by 20 centimetres since records began in 1880, and it is estimated that they will rise by another 30 to 120 centimetres by the year 2100. I'm surprised Tom didn't notice Mary leave. I'm surprised that Tom didn't notice Mary leave. I'm surprised tom didn't notice mary leave. Habt ihr es dabei? Do you have it with you? Did you bring it? Hai leest. He's reading. Hai reads. That isn't the answer I'd hoped for. That isn't the answer that I'd hoped for. - That isn't the answer I'd hoped for. Seit er zum Betriebsleiter befördert wurde, befindet sich Tom in einem Machtrausch. Tom has been on a power trip since he was promoted to manager. Since he was promoted to plant manager, Tom has been in a power frenzy. Wir schicken jemanden, der es in einer halben Stunde bei dir abholt. We're sending someone who'll pick it up from you in half an hour. We'll send someone to pick it up from you in half an hour. Wie zou je erin willen luizen? Who would want to set you up? Who would you frame? Tom kann seine Tat nicht verziehen werden. Tom can't be forgiven for what he's done. Tom cannot be forgiven for his actions. Tom told me that he thought he might be able to do that. Tom told me he thought that he might be able to do that. Tom told me he thought he might be able to do that. Tom wil zijn naam veranderen. Tom wants to change his name. Tom wants to change his name. „Das ist höchst interessant“, sagte Holmes. "This is most interesting," said Holmes. “This is very interesting,” said Holmes. Ich lerne Chinesisch. I'm learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. Tom wollte näher bei seiner Familie wohnen. Tom wanted to live closer to his family. Tom wanted to live closer to his family. Sag mir, wie spät es ist. Tell me what time it is. Tell me what time it is. Das rote Kleid stand ihr gut. The red dress looked good on her. The red dress looked good on her. Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow color? Es war bereits dunkel, als wir dort ankamen. It was already dark by the time we got there. It was already dark when we got there. Tom told everyone that he was prepared to do that. Tom told everybody he was prepared to do that. Tom told everyone he was prepared to do that. U bent water aan het verspillen. You're wasting water. You're wasting water. I want to go and change into that shirt I bought yesterday. I want to go and change into that shirt that I bought yesterday. I wanna go and change into that shirt I bought yesterday. De treinen rijden 's nachts minder vaak. The trains run less frequently at night. Trains run less often at night. Legen Sie ab und bleiben Sie ein bisschen. Take off your coat and stay a while. Put it down and stay a bit. Maria glaubte zu wissen, was zu tun sei. Mary said she thought she knew what had to be done. Mary knew what to do. Gelieve het document te ondertekenen alvorens het naar het bedrijf te sturen. Please don't forget to sign the document before sending it out to the company. Please sign the document before sending it to the company. They say that they never did that. They say they never did that. - They say that they never did that. Interessante Übung: Schwarz schlägt mit 43 Zügen alle 25 weißen Steine, die in 4 Gruppen (3+9+8+5) auf dem Brett angeordnet sind. Interesting exercise: with 43 moves, Black captures all of 25 white stones arranged in 4 groups (3+9+8+5) on the board. Interesting exercise: Black beats all 25 white stones with 43 moves, which are arranged in 4 groups (3+9+8+5) on the board. Kais. Choose. - Kais. Maria entwischte unbemerkt. Mary slipped away unnoticed. Mary escaped unnoticed. Glaubst du nicht an den Weihnachtsmann? Don't you believe in Father Christmas? Don't you believe in Santa Claus? Vergeet je bronnen niet aan te geven. Don't forget to cite your sources. Don't forget to mention your sources. Ich bin froh zu hören, dass wir nicht ernsthaft verletzt wurden. I am glad to hear that we were not seriously hurt. I'm glad to hear that we weren't seriously hurt. Tom said I should study harder. Tom said that I should study harder. - Tom said I should study harder. Omas Speisekammer ist bis zum Rand gefüllt. Nan's larder is fully stocked. Grandma's pantry is filled to the brim. Manche Wortzusammensetzungen sehen schwierig aus, sind aber in Wirklichkeit einfach. Some combinations of words look difficult but are actually quite simple. Some word compositions look difficult, but are actually simple. I think Tom and Mary both want to go to Boston. I think that Tom and Mary both want to go to Boston. I think Tom and Mary both wanna go to Boston. Die Verantwortung lastete schwer auf mir. The responsibility weighed heavily on me. The responsibility was heavy on me. Was ist dein Lieblingssalatdressing? What's your favorite kind of salad dressing? What is your favorite salad dressing? Tom war empört. Tom was outraged. Tom was outraged. Tom machte einen Einkaufsbummel. Tom went on a shopping spree. Tom went shopping. Tom said he'd be the next one to do that. Tom said that he'd be the next one to do that. - Tom said he'd be the next one to do that. Ich würde es, wenn ich könnte, wieder tun. If I could do that again, I would. I would, if I could, do it again. Dies ist ein Saiteninstrument. This is a string instrument. This is a stringed instrument. Tom says he can't prove that Mary did that. Tom says he can't prove Mary did that. Tom says he can't prove that mary did that. I thought that you said you worked with Tom. I thought that you said that you worked with Tom. I thought that you said you worked with tom. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen und keine Tabletten mehr im Haus. I have a headache, and there aren't any tablets left in the house. I have a headache and no more pills in the house. Alle halten Tom für ein Genie. Everybody thinks that Tom is a genius. Everyone thinks Tom is a genius. Sie verlängerte ihren Aufenthalt um 5 Tage. She extended her stay by five days. She extended her stay for 5 days. Doe het raam dicht. Shut the window. Close the window. Die Zauberin lebt auf einem Schloss jenseits des Meeres. The sorceress dwells in a castle across the sea. The sorceress lives in a castle beyond the sea. Die Kirche ist für die Hochzeit mit Blumen geschmückt. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. I'm sure you'll both do well. I'm sure that both of you will do well. - I'm sure you'll both do well. Tom fährt jeden Tag mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit. Tom rides his bicycle to work every day. Tom rides his bike to work every day. Ich kann Ihnen keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. דײַטשן זענען פּינקטלעך. Germans are punctual. The Germans are real. Wie moet hier de schuld krijgen? Who should be blamed here? Who's to blame here? Das ist einfach. This is simple. It's simple. Ik beloof dat ik van nu af aan aardig tegen je zal zijn. I promise I'll be nice to you from now on. I promise I'll be nice to you from now on. Ik heb het voor 600 euro verkocht. I sold it for 600 euros. I sold it for 600 euros. Kijk naar die ridder op het paard. Look at that knight on the horse. Look at that knight on the horse. Ik had moeten weten dat er iets aan de hand was. I should have known something was up. I should have known something was going on. Das Land war vom Krieg verheert. The country was torn by war. The country was devastated by the war. U heeft me goed advies gegeven. You've given me good advice. You gave me some good advice. Deze getallen komen niet met elkaar overeen. These numbers differ. These numbers do not match. Aladdin vond een wonderlamp. Aladdin found a magic lamp. Aladdin found a miracle lamp. אין דר′ערד אַרײַן מיטן נימוס! Fuck civility. In the middle of a threesome with the nerds! Leihst du mir mal deinen CD-Spieler für eine Stunde? Will you lend me your CD player for an hour? Can you lend me your CD player for an hour? Wenn wir hierbleiben, lassen wir das Leben. If we stay here, we'll likely get killed. If we stay here, we leave life. Meine Katze schaut gerne aus dem Fenster. My cat likes to look through the window. My cat likes to look out the window. Heb je een regelmatige stoelgang? Do you have regular bowel movements? Do you have regular bowel movements? Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Uf Widerluegä! Goodbye! U.S. against! Jullie hebben twee kinderen. You have two kids. You have two children. Het landschap in Rusland is bijzonder. The landscape in Russia is special. The landscape in Russia is special. Ze heeft een hartkwaal. She has a heart disease. She has a heart condition. ער האָט עס דערקלערט אין בערבעריש. He explained it in Berber. He explained it in German. Ich möchte etwas Koreanisches essen. I want to eat something Korean. I want to eat Korean food. Irgendwo hier habe ich meinen Schlüssel verloren. I lost my key around here. Somewhere around here, I lost my key. נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס. Don't mention it. Don't why. Im Vergleich zu ihrem Mann sieht sie sehr jung aus. She looks very young compared to her husband. Compared to her husband, she looks very young. Lachen je broers en zussen graag? Do your brothers and sisters like to laugh? Do your brothers and sisters like to laugh? Die Ministerin musste sich einer Flut von Pressefragen stellen. The minister had to face a barrage of questions from the press. The minister had to face a flood of press questions. Toch? Right? Is that so? הער זיך נישט צו צו זײַנע ליגנס! Don't listen to his lies! Don't hold on to your lies! I know you're having trouble in French class. I know that you're having trouble in French class. I know you're having trouble in french class. Hij is ook oud geworden. He's gotten old, too. He's grown old, too. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich ohne dich dazu in der Lage bin. I don't think I can do this without you. I don't think I can do it without you. טאָם איז אַ קליפּה. Tom is an evil spirit. Tom is a scoundrel. De kat had zich verstopt achter de koelkast. The cat had hidden behind the fridge. The cat was hiding behind the refrigerator. Tom said that he hopes that Mary tries to do that. Tom said he hopes that Mary tries to do that. Tom said that he hopes that mary tries to do that. Ik zou graag meer willen doen. I would love to do more. I'd like to do more. Tom hat gesagt, er sei um halb drei wieder hier. Tom said he'd be back by 2:30. Tom said he'd be back at half past three. די טראַוומעקרענק קען גנבֿענען אַ מענטשנס לעבן. PTSD can steal your life. The disease can rob a person's life. The accident threw traffic into great confusion. The accident caused traffic chaos. The accident... threw traffic into great confusion. Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Du hast es bestimmt schon vergessen. You've probably forgotten about it already. I'm sure you've forgotten. Ich bin gespannt, ob es dieses Jahr mehr schneien wird als letztes. I wonder whether it'll snow more this year than last. I wonder if it will snow more this year than last. Tom said he might walk to work tomorrow. Tom said that he might walk to work tomorrow. - Tom said he might walk to work tomorrow. De spin had het vlieg­je in­ge­spon­nen. The spider had spun its web around the fly. The spider had in<0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD><0xC2><0xAD> Tom let Mary know he needed to do that. Tom let Mary know that he needed to do that. Tom let mary know he needed to do that. k Vervoarde veurege moand. I moved last month. I'd love to see Moon. Leuke mening, maar een klein probleempje. Ze is fout. Nice opinion, just one small issue. It's wrong. It's a nice opinion, but it's a small problem. Bedek uw oog op deze manier, alstublieft. Cover your eye like this please. Cover your eye this way, please. Is het warm genoeg om te gaan zwemmen? Is it warm enough to go swimming? Is it warm enough to swim? Hemi wantem wan iPad mini. She wants an iPad mini. He asked for an iPad, and he thought about it. Ze droeg een mannenhemd dat haar niet paste. She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her. She was wearing a men's shirt that didn't fit her. Ich bin überrascht, dich hier in diesem Hotel zu sehen. I am surprised to see you here in this hotel. I'm surprised to see you here at this hotel. L. L. Zamenhof war ein jüdischer Augenarzt. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish eye doctor. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish ophthalmologist. Woans hest du dat daan? How did you do it? Where did you do that? Oscar was my ma se hond. Oscar was my mum's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. Er is geen haast. De deadline is over drie weken. There's no rush. The deadline is three weeks from today. There's no rush, the deadline is in three weeks. טאָמס טאַטע־מאַמע זײַנען רײַך. Tom's parents are rich. My mother's mother is rich. Tom trägt fast jeden Tag einen Anzug. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Taifune sind sehr gefährlich. Typhoons are very dangerous. Typhoons are very dangerous. Papa und Mama sind beide zu Hause. Mum and Dad are both at home. Mom and Dad are both at home. Muss ich auch die Vorwahl wählen? Do I have to dial the area code, too? Do I also have to choose the area code? Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein Zweig der Informatik, der sich mit der Mechanik des Denkens und des automatischen Lernens beschäftigt. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the mechanics of reasoning and automatic learning. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the mechanics of thinking and automatic learning. Wessen Wagen ist am ältesten? Whose car is the oldest? Whose car is the oldest? Het eten van de hond is duur. The dog's food is expensive. The dog’s food is expensive. Vor vierzehn Milliarden Jahren war das Universum ein komprimierter Feuerball. Fourteen billion years ago, the universe was a compressed ball of fire. Fourteen billion years ago, the universe was a compressed fireball. Didn't you know Tom was Mary's brother? Didn't you know that Tom was Mary's brother? Didn't you know tom was mary's brother? זי איז אַ נאַרקאָטיק־⁠הענדלערקע. She's a drug dealer. She is a non-smoker. Das stimmt. Zuerst müssen wir jedoch zum Supermarkt. That's true. First, however, we need to go to the supermarket. That's right, but first we have to go to the supermarket. Hoe is 't, makker? 'Sup, dude? How's it going, buddy? Am Montag regnete es den ganzen Tag. It was raining all day Monday. On Monday it rained all day. Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Jeder braucht ein Ziel. Everyone needs a goal. Everyone needs a goal. Tom told Mary he wouldn't ever do that again. Tom told Mary that he wouldn't ever do that again. Tom told mary he wouldn't ever do that again. זײַן טאַטע איז אַ פֿײַער־⁠לעשער. His father is a firefighter. His father is a scoundrel. Ga in de rij staan. Get in the queue. Stand in line. Tom spricht sehr laut. Tom talks very loud. Tom speaks very loudly. Frische Pilze sind so lecker. Fresh mushrooms are so tasty. Fresh mushrooms are so delicious. I think Tom won't be the last one to do that. I think that Tom won't be the last one to do that. I think tom won't be the last one to do that. דײַטשלאַנד איז אַ גרויס לאַנד. Germany is a big country. Germany is a great country. Tom said he's been waiting for over three hours. Tom said that he's been waiting for over three hours. - Tom said he's been waiting for over three hours. Kun je goed skiën? Can you ski well? Are you good at skiing? Maria hat mehr Kleidung als Tom. Mary has more clothes than Tom. Mary has more clothes than Tom. Schlagen Sie das Lehrbuch auf Seite 50 auf. Turn to page 50 of the textbook. Open the textbook on page 50. Wir sind nicht faul. We're not lazy. We're not lazy. Didn't you know that Tom wasn't planning on doing that? Didn't you know Tom wasn't planning on doing that? Didn't you know that tom wasn't planning on doing that? I think Tom would've helped us if he'd been there. I think that Tom would've helped us if he'd been there. I think tom would've helped us if he'd been there. Wie schreibt man einen guten Lebenslauf? How do you write a good CV? How to write a good CV? Dat Baby slöppt noch. The baby is still sleeping. The baby is still asleep. We moeten beter voorbereid zijn. We need to be better prepared. We need to be better prepared. Wenn du so veel ittst, warrst du noch krank. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. If you eat so much, you're still sick. Het vaagde gewoon weg. It just faded away. It just faded away. Dolfijnen zijn zoogdieren. Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are mammals. Tom und Mary sprechen dieselbe Sprache, denken aber unterschiedlich. Mary und María sprechen verschiedene Sprachen, denken aber ähnlich. Tom and Mary speak the same language, but think differently. Mary and María speak different languages, but think the same way. Tom and Mary speak the same language, but think differently. Mary and Mar<0xC3><0xAD>a speak different languages, but think similar. Urteile nicht, damit du nicht beurteilt wirst. Don't judge so that you will not be judged. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Das ist vergebliche Müh’. This is a fool's errand. This is futile effort.” Wenn du Journalist sein willst, musst du aufmerksam sein. If you want to be a newspaperman, you have to be observant. If you want to be a journalist, you have to pay attention. Tom was not very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. - Tom was not very energetic. Damals spielte ich gerne Dame. In those days, I liked to play draughts. At the time, I liked to play lady. Ich weiß, an wen ihr denkt. I know who you're thinking about. I know who you're thinking of. Ik ben zeker dat je gelijk hebt. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. Ihr müsst euch beeilen. You must hurry up. You've got to hurry. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sein unverschämtes und unverdientes Glück zur Neige geht. It's just a matter of time before his outrageous and undeserved good luck comes to an end. It is only a matter of time before his outrageous and undeserved happiness runs out. Dor weer anners nüms op de Straat. There was no one else on the road. There was nowhere else on the street. Sie sieht sehr gut aus. She looks very good. She looks very good. Tom wohnt auf seinem Landsitz. Tom lives on his country estate. Tom lives in his country house. „Wie schmeckt dir der Kuchen?“ – „Der ist ein bisschen dröge, aber sonst schmeckt er gut.“ "How's the cake?" "It is a bit dry, but apart from that, it tastes good." “How do you like the cake?” – “It’s a bit dry, but otherwise it tastes good.” Hier ben ik een vreemdeling. Here, I am a stranger. I'm a stranger here. Das ist jetzt alles anders als in meiner Jugend. All these things are different today than from how they were before, when I was younger. It’s different now than it was in my youth. Ich stehe auf der Seite der Demokratie. I am on the side of democracy. I am on the side of democracy. Ah'm awa doon the shop tae get ma messages. I'm going to the shop to get some groceries. Ah'm done the shop tae get ma messages. Ich bin nicht befugt, das zu beantworten. I'm not authorized to answer that. I'm not authorized to answer that. Ik woon in een heel klein appartement. I live in a very small apartment. I live in a very small apartment. Ik kom van Spanje. I come from Spain. I'm from Spain. Tom slaapt in zijn kamer. Tom is asleep in his room. Tom sleeps in his room. ס׳איז פֿאַראַן דאָרט אַ פֿויגל. There's a bird over there. There's a bird there. Diese Worte sind bloß diplomatische Nettigkeiten. Those words are mere diplomatic niceties. These words are just diplomatic niceties. Möge das Glück dir hold sein! May fortune smile on you. May good luck be with you! Tom said he found the noise irritating. Tom said that he found the noise irritating. - Tom said he found the noise irritating. Politiker interessiert nicht, was die Menschen wollen. Politicians don't care what people want. Politicians don’t care what people want. I stayed at home all day Monday. I stayed home all day Monday. I stayed at home all day monday. Wir möchten den Urlaub an einem ruhigen Ort verbringen. We want to spend the holidays in a quiet place. We would like to spend the holiday in a quiet place. Da's n schier pak. That's a beautiful suit. That's a neat suit. Tom hat mich von seiner Unschuld überzeugt. Tom convinced me of his innocence. Tom convinced me of his innocence. Ik ontbijt graag. I like eating breakfast. I like breakfast. Steve sah sehr zufrieden aus. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very pleased. Ich kann nicht mit Mädchen reden. I can't talk to girls. I can't talk to girls. Das ist die richtige Einstellung. That's the attitude. That's the right attitude. Ich glaube nicht, dass hier jemand Französisch kann. I don't think anyone here can speak French. I don't think anyone here can speak French. Was hat es gekostet? How much was it? What did it cost? Hebben joe n geroazie? Do you have a garage? Do Joe have a crush on you? Unsere Schule ist in die Sommerferien gegangen. Our school has broken up for the summer. Our school went on summer vacation. Tom probably thought I was going to Australia with him in October. Tom probably thought that I was going to Australia with him in October. Tom probably thought I was going to australia with him in october. Sammy zei dat hij me kon horen. Sami said he could hear me. Sammy said he could hear me. I knew Tom wasn't very artistic. I knew that Tom wasn't very artistic. I knew tom wasn't very artistic. Wir alle zeichnen, wenn wir Kinder sind, und dann hören einige auf zu zeichnen und andere nicht. We all draw when we are kids, and then some stop drawing and some don't. We all draw when we are children, and then some stop drawing and others don’t. Mehrere Firmen ringen um den Vertrag. Several companies are competing for the contract. Several companies are vying for the contract. Als allererstes müssen Sie sich mit Tom in Verbindung setzen. The first thing you have to do is contact Tom. The first thing you need to do is contact Tom. Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? What would you do in my place? What would you do in my place? Ze kookte de eieren. She boiled the eggs. She cooked the eggs. Tom knew that Mary would win. Tom knew Mary would win. Tom knew that mary would win. Ich schenkte mir ein Glas Whisky ein. I poured myself a glass of whisky. I poured myself a glass of whiskey. "Wie lange werden Sie bleiben?" – "Etwa zwei Wochen". "How long will you be staying?" "About a fortnight." "How long will you stay?" - "About two weeks." Meine liebe Mutter. My dear mother. My dear mother. Stell dich nicht dumm! Du weißt genau, wovon ich rede! Don't play dumb. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You know exactly what I'm talking about! Kom met ons mee. Join us. Come with us. Jullie hebben allemaal goed werk verricht. All of you did good work. You've all done a good job. Das Gegenteil einer Tatsache ist eine Lüge, aber das Gegenteil einer tiefen Wahrheit kann durchaus eine andere tiefe Wahrheit sein. The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth. The opposite of a fact is a lie, but the opposite of a deep truth may well be another deep truth. Dat was vlug denkwerk. That was some quick thinking. That was quick thinking. Dat moet je blijven doen. You have to keep doing that. You have to keep doing that. איך באַטראַכט נישט וויקיפּעדיע ווי קיין אסמכתא וועגן מחלוקתדיקע היסטאָרישע און פּאָליטישע טעמעס. I don't see Wikipedia as a reliable source on controversial historic and political issues. I don't think that there's anything wrong with political correctness or political correctness. Vriendschap vereist wederzijds vertrouwen. Friendship requires mutual trust. Friendship requires mutual trust. Das ist eine französische Spezialität. It's a French speciality. This is a French specialty. Tom gaat te voet naar school. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Wie viele Romane hast du letztes Jahr gelesen? How many novels did you read last year? How many novels did you read last year? Welche Biersorten haben Sie? What kinds of beer do you have? What kind of beer do you have? „Hast du deine Brille schon gefunden?“ – „Noch nicht.“ "Have you found your glasses yet?" "Not yet." “Have you found your glasses yet?” – “Not yet.” Ich hatte noch keine Corona-Auffrischungsimpfung. I haven't had a COVID booster jab. I haven't had a corona booster vaccine yet. Zijn dat uw kinderen? Are those your kids? Are those your kids? Maria schaffte es, ihre akademischen und sportlichen Interessen unter einen Hut zu bringen, was sie zu einer interessanten Mischung machte: einer burschikosen Streberin. Mary managed to juggle both her academic and athletic interests, making her an interesting mix: a nerdy tomboy. Maria managed to reconcile her academic and sporting interests, which made her an interesting mix: a burschikose geek. Ziri en Rima hebben alles uitgelegd. Ziri and Rima explained everything. Ziri and Rima have explained everything. Er lebt in Osaka. He lives in Osaka. He lives in Osaka. Das ist mein Tisch. This is my table. This is my table. Het zonnetje schijnt en de vogeltjes zingen. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Tom drove down the street that Mary lives on, hoping to see her. Tom drove down the street Mary lives on, hoping to see her. Tom drove down the street that Mary lives on hoping to see her. Ik houd me nooit aan zulke stomme regels. I never follow rules as stupid as those. I never follow such stupid rules. Ich riet Tom zu bleiben, wo er war. I advised Tom to stay where he was. I told Tom to stay where he was. Morag brocht fower freends hame fae scale. Morag brought four friends home from school. Morag brought four friends hame fae scale. Ist die Tötung eines Königs ein Verbrechen oder eine Strafe? Is killing a king a crime or a punishment? Is killing a king a crime or punishment? Ik lachte met zijn mop. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't look back. - Tom did not look back. Waar moet ik staan? Where should I stand? Where am I supposed to stand? Het is een geest, en ik ben de enige die met hem kan praten. It's a ghost, and only I can speak to him. It's a ghost, and I'm the only one who can talk to him. Jullie leken gelukkig. You seemed happy. You seemed happy. Sie ist mit ihrem Hund am Strand spazieren gegangen. She took her dog for a walk on the beach. She took her dog for a walk on the beach. Nodig hem uit. Invite him over. Invite him. Arbeite weiter! Continue working. Keep working! Sag mir, ob Tom zu Hause ist! Tell me if Tom is home. Tell me if Tom's home! Ik zou deze gelegenheid willen aangrijpen om je te bedanken. I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Tom schrieb Maria einen Liebesbrief, sandte diesen jedoch nie ab. Tom wrote Mary a love letter, but he didn't send it. Tom wrote a love letter to Mary, but never sent it off. Mary sagte ihm, dass er seine Zeit nicht verschwenden solle. Mary told him not to waste his time. Mary told him not to waste his time. Ik hou niet van huishoudelijk werk. I don't like domestic chores. I don't like housework. Warum sagtest du nichts? Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you say anything? Ich bewundere es, wie es dir immer gelingt, Streit aus dem Weg zu gehen. I admire the way you always seem to be able to avoid getting into fights. I admire how you always manage to avoid quarrels. Tom hat mich noch nicht dafür bezahlt. Tom hasn't yet paid me for doing that. Tom hasn't paid me for it yet. Ihr seid in einer Bücherei. You're in a library. You're in a library. Ich habe das Buch gekauft. I bought the book. I bought the book. Büst du för oder gegen dat Projekt? Are you for or against the project? Are you for or against the project? Tom said Mary probably won't do that. Tom said that Mary probably won't do that. Tom said mary probably won't do that. Sie hinterließ ihm eine dringende Nachricht. She left him an urgent message. She left him an urgent message. I haven't done that yet. I haven't yet done that. - I haven't done that yet. Tom hatte Mitleid mit Maria. Tom felt sympathy for Mary. He felt sorry for Mary. Doe voort aan je werk! Go ahead with your work. Keep up your work! Ek het vir haar om gegee. I cared about her. I gave it up for her. Die sind nicht wiederzuerkennen. They're unrecognisable. They're unrecognizable. We zijn klaar om te gaan. We're good to go. We're ready to go. He's running quite fast through the hallway. He's running quite fast through the corridor. - He's running quite fast through the hallway. Glenn hat zwei Freundinnen. Glenn has two girlfriends. Glenn has two girlfriends. I'm not sure I feel the same way. I'm not sure that I feel the same way. - I'm not sure I feel the same way. I think Tom was the one who wanted to do that. I think that Tom was the one who wanted to do that. I think tom was the one who wanted to do that. Wir gehen spazieren, es sei denn, es regnet. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We go for a walk unless it rains. Warum hat sie dich gefragt? Why did she ask you? Why did she ask you? Gott erschuf die Welt in sechs Tagen. God created the earth in six days. God created the world in six days. צי האָט דאָס זיך געלייגט אויפֿן שׂכל? Did that make sense? Did you get rid of the enemy? Ik voelde me een beetje stijf. I felt a little stiff. I felt a little stiff. Kan iemand ze voor je brengen als je ze nodig hebt? Can someone bring them for you if you need them? Can someone bring them to you if you need them? סאַמי איז אַ משונהדיקער. Sami's a weirdo. Sami is an expert. Heeft u een klantenkaart? Do you have a rewards card? Do you have a customer card? Deze student is Amerikaans. This student is American. This student is American. I don't think Tom knows how to play the cello. I don't think that Tom knows how to play the cello. I don't think tom knows how to play the cello. Glaubst du, dass diese Tür jemals geöffnet wurde? Do you think this door has ever been opened? Do you think that door was ever opened? Tom said that isn't the only reason why Mary wants to do that. Tom said that isn't the only reason Mary wants to do that. Tom said that isn't the only reason why mary wants to do that. We are going to go to the airport. We're going to go to the airport. We're going to go to the airport. Tom thought he might be coming down with a cold. Tom thought that he might be coming down with a cold. Tom thought he might be comin' down with a cold. War das zufällig oder absichtlich? Was it by accident or by design? Was it accidental or intentional? Are you exhausted? Are you tired out? - Are you exhausted? Ich will nicht mit dir laufen gehen. I don't want to go jogging with you. I don't want to walk with you. Es lässt sich nicht abstreiten. There's no denying it. It cannot be denied. אסתּר איז רחלס פֿרוי. Esther is Rachel's wife. Sarah is Rachel's wife. Er ist schlauer als ich. He is more clever than I am. He's smarter than me. Du brauchst nicht so zu tun, als sprächest du kein Französisch. There's no need to pretend you don't speak French. You don't have to pretend you don't speak French. Er waren meer dan drieduizend toeschouwers. There were over three thousand spectators. There were more than three thousand spectators. Iedereen kwam op mij af. Everyone approached me. Everyone was coming at me. Mijn anti-virus heeft een virus doorgelaten. My anti-virus let a virus through. My anti-virus has let a virus through. I would've been there by now if my car hadn't broken down. I would have been there by now if my car hadn't broken down. I would have been there by now if my car hadn't broken down. טאָם איז נישט קיין פֿראַנצויז. Tom isn't French. He's not a Frenchman. Tom told Mary he'd be doing that tomorrow. Tom told Mary that he'd be doing that tomorrow. Tom told mary he'd be doing that tomorrow. Als je doet wat je altijd deed, dan krijg je wat je altijd kreeg. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. If you do what you always did, you get what you always got. Hebben jullie een lift? Do you have an elevator? Do you have a lift? דו ווילסט נישט גיין אין טארמע, יא? You don't want to go to prison, do you? You don't want to go to Texas, do you? Die hond het oor die heining, in die tuin ingespring. The dog jumped over the fence into the garden. The dog jumped over the fence, into the garden. Didn't you know that Tom couldn't drive? Didn't you know Tom couldn't drive? Didn't you know that tom couldn't drive? I suggest that you try a different approach. I suggest you try a different approach. I suggest you try a different approach. Sie suchten Zuflucht unter einer Eiche. They took shelter under an oak tree. They sought refuge under an oak tree. Möchten Sie noch ein Stück Kuchen? Would you like another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? Zou je liever met de bus of met de trein reizen? Would you rather travel by bus or by train? Would you prefer to travel by bus or train? Is it true you'll be going to Boston? Is it true that you'll be going to Boston? is it true you'll be going to Boston? Wenen is de hoofdstad van Oostenrijk. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Tom hat einen Strafzettel bekommen, weil er auf einer gelben Doppellinie geparkt hatte. Tom got a ticket for parking on a double-yellow line. Tom got a ticket because he parked on a yellow double line. Hast du je einen Arbeiter entlassen? Have you ever fired a worker? Have you ever laid off a worker? Heute habe ich Freundschaft mit noch jemandem geschlossen, der Esperanto kann. Today, I made another friend who could speak Esperanto. Today I made friends with someone who knows Esperanto. די מלחמה אין תּימן דאַרף זיך ענדיקן. The war in Yemen has to end. The war in Iraq needs to end. Mary is Tom se vrou. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom's wife. Diese Bäume wollen wir alle fällen. We plan to cut down all of these trees. We all want to cut down these trees. Ik luister graag naar de regen. I like listening to the rain. I like to listen to the rain. Rauch kann auch ohne Feuer entstehen. Smoke can be produced without fire. Smoke can also occur without fire. I realize that that isn't very likely to happen. I realize that isn't very likely to happen. I realise that that isn't very likely to happen. Tom schob sich langsam vorwärts. Tom advanced slowly. Tom slowly moved forward. Ich habe von euch gehört. I've heard of you. I've heard of you. Kloagt Tom voak over rugpien? Does Tom complain about back pain often? Is Tom complaining about back pain? Ik heb iemand nodig die Engels kan. I need someone who knows English. I need someone who can speak English. Aren't Tom and Mary both Canadians? Aren't both Tom and Mary Canadians? Aren't tom and mary both canadians? In einem Turmendspiel hat jede Seite nur einen Turm, ein paar Bauern und den König. Dies ist die häufigste Art von Endspiel. In a rook endgame, each side has only a rook, a few pawns, and the king. This is the most common type of endgame. In a tower endgame, each side has only one tower, a few pawns and the king. This is the most common type of endgame. Er lebt über seine Verhältnisse. He lives above his means. He lives beyond his means. You know that that isn't possible. You know that that's not possible. - You know that that isn't possible. Haben Sie irgendwelche Veränderungen an Ihren Haaren oder an Ihren Nägeln festgestellt? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Haben sie eins, das billiger ist? Do they have one that's cheaper? Do you have one that is cheaper? Zeichnet alles, was ihr gesehen habt. Draw everything you saw. Draw everything you have seen. It's probably going to be hard for Tom to win. It's probably going to be difficult for Tom to win. It's probably gonna be hard for Tom to win. Mien kadde is swaart. My cat is black. My cadre is heavy. Hy het glad nie met my gepraat nie. He didn't speak to me at all. He wasn't happy talking to me. Ik ben mijn inspiratie kwijt. I lost my inspiration. I lost my inspiration. Is Tom hier? Is Tom here? Is Tom here? Het pakje is klaar voor verzending. The parcel is ready for dispatch. The package is ready for shipment. Halbe-halbe? Fifty-fifty? Half-half? Is jou ma tuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mother's house? Zij koken. They're cooking. They cook. Unter einem Feuerwerk am Himmel ward die olympische Flamme gelöscht. The Olympic flame was extinguished as fireworks shot up into the sky. Under a firework in the sky, the Olympic flame was extinguished. Mit achtzehn heiratete er. When he was 18, he married. He married at eighteen. Wat vind je van sex voor het huwelijk? How do you feel about sex before marriage? What do you think about sex before marriage? Auf meiner Liste stehen 30 Namen. My list has thirty names. There are 30 names on my list. Een, twee, dree, veer, fief, söss, söven, acht, negen, tein. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Waist doe dat ien mien toen praai, siepels, hoeslook en knoflook gruien? Do you know that in my garden grow leeks, onions, chives, and garlic? Waist does that one mine when prairie, seepels, cough and garlic are grunting? Heeft u het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? You haven't told him yet? Het was verrassend te zien hoe snel het kind groeide. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up. It was surprising to see how quickly the child grew. Finger weg von de Schokolaad! Hands off those chocolates! Stay away from chocolate! Warum will Tom dort wohnen? Why does Tom want to live there? Why does Tom want to live there? Vielleicht kommt Tom nicht. Perhaps Tom won't come. Maybe Tom won't come. Tom hett nich wüßt, wat he seggen schall. Tom didn't know what to say. Tom did not know what to say. Goddank dat het niet echt was. Thank God it wasn't real. Thank God it wasn't real. Ich bin mittendrin rausgegangen. Lass uns einen Tee trinken gehen! I walked out in the middle of it. Let's go and have a cuppa. I went out in the middle of it, let's have some tea. Ich bin auch nicht größer als er. I am not taller than he, either. I'm no bigger than him, either. Diesen Satz wird man löschen müssen. This sentence will have to be deleted. This sentence will have to be deleted. Ausgeschrieben als deutsches Wort, ist 925 814 703 692 ein Monstrum. Ich rate dir daher dringend, diese Zahl mit Ziffern zu schreiben. Written out as a German word, 925,814,703,692 is a monstrosity. Therefore, I strongly advise you to write out this number with digits. Written out as a German word, 925 814 703 692 is a monster. I therefore strongly advise you to write this number with digits. Tom wurde von einem Krokodil gefressen. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Tom said he doesn't plan to do that by himself. Tom said that he doesn't plan to do that by himself. - Tom said he doesn't plan to do that by himself. Worüm hett he sowat daan? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do something like that? Tom gab mir die Schuld daran. Tom blamed it on me. Tom blamed it on me. Breng mijn hoed. Bring my hat. Bring my hat. Es juckt mich am ganzen Körper. My whole body itches. It itches me all over my body. Tom saw Mary talking to somebody he didn't know. Tom saw Mary talking to someone that he didn't know. Tom saw mary talking to somebody he didn't know. Er zijn niet zo veel homo's hier. There aren't so many gays here. There aren't that many gays here. It is getting bigger. It's getting bigger. - It is getting bigger. Ich muss lachen, wenn ich darüber nachdenke. I can't help but laugh when I think about it. I laugh when I think about it. Können wir woanders darüber reden? Could we talk about this somewhere else? Can we talk about it somewhere else? Ik heb niet veel geld. I don't have much money. I don't have a lot of money. Mijn leraar geloofde niet dat ik de hele nacht had gestudeerd voor het examen. My teacher didn't believe I spent the entire night studying for the exam. My teacher didn't believe I'd been studying for the exam all night. Doe laigst. You are lying. Lay low. Die Quantentheorie lädt uns ein, die physikalische Welt als eine Menge von Beziehungen zu sehen, deren Knoten die Objekte sind. Quantum theory invites us to see the physical world as a set of relationships whose nodes are objects. Quantum theory invites us to see the physical world as a set of relationships whose nodes are the objects. Tom switched off the light and left the room. Tom switched the light off and left the room. - Tom switched off the light and left the room. He's back. He is back. He <0xCC><0x81>s back. Tom trägt dasselbe wie gestern. Tom is wearing what he wore yesterday. He wears the same thing as yesterday. Stay out of this. Stay out of this! - Stay out of this. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Die Polizisten verlangten höhere Löhne. The policemen demanded higher wages. Police demanded higher wages. Tom verdween. Tom disappeared. Tom is gone. Ein Patient von Dr. Hansen ist heute Morgen gestorben. One of Mr. Jackson's patients died this morning. A patient of Dr. Hansen died this morning. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Tom gelang die Flucht. Tom managed to escape. Tom managed to escape. Alle koekjes zijn stervormig. All of the cookies are in the shape of stars. All cookies are star-shaped. Ich erwiderte, dass ich keine Eltern mehr hätte. I replied that I didn't have parents any more. I replied that I had no more parents. He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I want the rest of the money you owe me. I want the rest of the money that you owe me. - I want the rest of the money you owe me. Ünner Europa sien Iesköst liggt villicht en Waterozeaan. Under Europa's icy crust might be water ocean. Below Europe's ice coast is perhaps a water ocean. Lass es liegen, wo immer du willst. Leave it wherever you want. Leave it wherever you want. Ik wil graag dat je een keer langskomt. I'd like you to come over sometime. I'd like you to stop by sometime. I know that Tom is sincere. I know Tom is sincere. I know that tom is sincere. Hang alstublieft uw kleren hier. Please hang your clothes over here. Please hang your clothes here. Tom löschte das Feuer. Tom extinguished the fire. Tom put out the fire. Vagels fleegt faken tohoop. Birds often fly together. Birds often fly together. Mir als Muttersprachler kommt dieser Satz unnatürlich vor. I'm a native speaker and this sentence strikes me as unnatural. As a native speaker, this sentence seems unnatural to me. Heute hat es den ganzen Tag geschneit. It snowed all day today. Today it has been snowing all day. Was ist das Unterbewusstsein? What is the subconscious? What is the subconscious mind? Tom weckte Maria um sechs Uhr dreißig, und sie war davon nicht begeistert. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 and she wasn't happy about that. Tom woke Mary at six thirty, and she was not excited about it. We zijn astrologen. We're astrologers. We are astrologers. Der rote Gürtel betont ihr schwarzes Kleid. The red belt sets off her black dress. The red belt accentuates her black dress. „Wie glücklich ich doch bin,“ – sagte sie. "How happy I am," she said. “How happy I am,” she said. Dieser Bus fährt in die Stadt. This bus goes to the city. This bus goes to the city. Er wird mit uns zusammen arbeiten. He will work with us. He will work with us. It is not easy to speak English. It's not easy to speak English. - It is not easy to speak English. Ich gab der Katze Milch. I gave the cat some milk. I gave the cat milk. Wir hatten keine Zeit zu verlieren. We didn't have any time to lose. We didn't have time to lose. Ich bin zwar keine Muttersprachlerin, aber selbst ich merke, dass Toms Französisch ziemlich schlecht ist. I'm not a native speaker, but even I can tell that Tom's French is pretty bad. I’m not a native speaker, but even I realize that Tom’s French is pretty bad. Sie haben eine Aufgabe zu erledigen. You have a task to complete. You have a job to do. We zullen je heel erg missen. We will miss you badly. We will miss you very much. Haar buurman zal voor de kinderen zorgen wanneer ze weg is. Her neighbor will care for the children while she is away. Her neighbor will take care of the children when she's gone. Er is geen plan B. There is no plan B. There is no plan B. Orcas sind keine Wale, sondern Delphine. Orcas aren't whales. They're dolphins. Orcas are not whales, they are dolphins. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata, he's my boss. I thought I'd be able to do that for Tom. I thought that I'd be able to do that for Tom. I thought I'd be able to do that for tom. Tom sieht wie ein Erwachsener aus. Tom looks like an adult. Tom looks like an adult. We houden van je, Tom. We love you, Tom. We love you, Tom. Dizze bloume is sangen. This flower is purple. This flower is sung. Ich hasse Tom, obwohl ich ihn nicht einmal kenne. I hate Tom, though I don't even know him. I hate Tom, even though I don't even know him. Het oude vrouwtje keek naar de gebroken vaas en zuchtte droevig. The old lady looked at the broken vase and sighed sadly. The old woman looked at the broken vase and sighed sadly. Tom wollte nicht zugeben, dass er einen Fehler gemacht hatte. Tom did not want to admit that he had made a mistake. Tom did not want to admit that he had made a mistake. Je vloog. You flew. You were flying. Tom sieht enttäuscht aus. Tom looks bummed. Tom looks disappointed. Meine Mutter spricht nicht sehr gut Englisch. My mother doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. Tom, hör auf, deinen Bruder zu ärgern! Oder gefiele es dir, wenn er das mit dir täte? Tom, stop teasing your brother! You wouldn't like it if he did that to you, would you? Tom, stop annoying your brother, or would you like him to do that to you? I know that it's highly unlikely anyone knows me. I know it's highly unlikely anyone knows me. I know it's highly unlikely anyone knows me. Men zegt dat golf erg populair is in Japan. They say that golf is very popular in Japan. It is said that golf is very popular in Japan. Bitte das nächste Dia. Next slide, please. Please the next slide. Gibt es Toki-Pona-Muttersprachler? Are there any native Toki Pona speakers? Are there any Toki-Pona native speakers? Wir alle sind Gefangene. We're all prisoners. We are all prisoners. That isn't the way I want to do that. That's not the way that I want to do that. - That isn't the way I want to do that. I know Tom was late. I know that Tom was late. I know tom was late. Sie konnte ihr Lachen nicht zurückhalten. She couldn't hold back her laughter. She could not hold back her laughter. Tom said he'll try to do that. Tom said that he'll try to do that. - Tom said he'll try to do that. Wahrscheinlich wird es heute regnen. The chances are that it will rain today. It will probably rain today. Das Zitat wurde aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. The quote was taken out of context. The quote was taken out of context. Tom thought he was all that and a bag of chips. Tom thought he was something else. Tom thought he was all that, and a bag of chips. Das ist ein kleiner Japaner. He is a Japanese boy. He's a little Japanese. Als Marias Bruder beim gemeinsamen Lernen von der Freundschaft zwischen Tom und Maria erfuhr, wollte er Tom erst verprügeln, überlegte sich dann aber, wie er seinen Nutzen daraus ziehen könne. Er beschloss, es ihm weiterhin zu ermöglichen, sich mit ihr zu treffen, vorausgesetzt, er erweise ihm „ab und zu“einen „kleinen Gefallen“, und wenn er sich je drücke oder petze, wolle er sich nachts zu ihm ins Zimmer stehlen und ihn höchstpersönlich ersticken. When Mary’s brother found out about the friendship between Tom and Mary during one of their study sessions, he was about to beat Tom up, until he figured out a way to profit from this. He decided to allow him to keep seeing her only if he did "favors" for him "every now and then". And if he ever weaseled out or snitched on them, he'd sneak into his room at night and personally suffocate him. When Mary’s brother learned of the friendship between Tom and Mary, he wanted to beat Tom up first, but then thought about how he could benefit from it. He decided to continue to allow him to meet with her, provided that he “does him a little favor” from time to time, and if he ever pushes or pee, he wants to poke himself in the room with him at night. איך וויל רעדן מיט איר וועגן מײַן עתיד. I want to talk with her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Es ist Zeit zu gehen. It's time to leave. It's time to go. Tom told everybody that he had done that. Tom told everyone that he had done that. Tom told everybody that he'd done that. Tom bekam nur noch einen Versuch. Tom only got one more try. Tom only had one more try. I know that Tom is a thug. I know Tom is a thug. I know that tom is a thug. Dieser Plan verdient es, ausprobiert zu werden. The plan is well worth trying. This plan deserves to be tried. Geen kwestie van! No way! No question about it! Zij liepen in de tuin om aan die bloeddorstige honden te ontsnappen. They ran into the garden to save themselves from those blood-thirsty hounds. They walked into the garden to escape those bloodthirsty dogs. Tom und ich werden heiraten. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. Lueg der die ah. Take a look at these. See also ah. Ein nächtlicher Besuch von Seite eines anziehenden oder schrecklichen Wesens, das den Schläfer zuerst durch leidenschaftliche Umarmungen erschöpft und ihm dann eine vitale Flüssigkeit entzieht, kann sich nur auf einen natürlichen und häufigen Vorgang beziehen, nämlich auf die nächtliche Pollution in Begleitung mehr oder minder erotischer Träume. A nightly visit from a beautiful or frightful being, who first exhausts the sleeper with passionate embraces and then withdraws from him a vital fluid: all this can point only to a natural and common process, namely to nocturnal emissions accompanied with dreams of a more or less erotic nature. A nocturnal visitation on the part of an attractive or terrible being, which first exhausts the sleeper by passionate embraces and then deprives him of a vital fluid, can only refer to a natural and frequent process, namely, the nocturnal pollution accompanied by more or less erotic dreams. I'm afraid I have bad news. I'm afraid that I have bad news. - I'm afraid I have bad news. They realize that they're being ignored. They realize they're being ignored. They realise that they're being ignored. Wusstet ihr nicht, dass Schildkröten Eier legen? Didn't you know turtles lay eggs? Did you not know that turtles lay eggs? Hij is een lopend woordenboek. He is called a walking dictionary. He's a running dictionary. Maria blafte. Mary barked. Maria barked. Het zal tijd kosten om eraan te wennen. Getting used to it will take time. It will take time to get used to it. We zijn er klaar mee! We're done! We're done! Frag sie. Ask them. Ask her. Se is riek, man he is arm. She is rich but he is poor. She's rich, but he's poor. Ich mag keinen grauen Himmel. I don't like gray skies. I don't like grey skies. Der Wecker lief, hatte aber nicht geklingelt. The clock was working, but the alarm hadn't gone off. The alarm clock was running, but had not sounded crazy. Leyla bezahlte fürs Taxi. Leyla payed for the cab. Leyla paid for the taxi. Wie weit ist es von Japan bis nach Algerien? How far is Algeria from Japan? How far is it from Japan to Algeria? Und dann fingen alle an zu singen. And then everyone started singing. And then everyone started singing. Ich kannte jeden dort. I knew everyone there. I knew everyone there. Skura hat sich einen neuen Hund gekauft. Skura bought a new dog. Skura bought a new dog. Im Allgemeinen mögen Kinder Süßigkeiten. In general, children are fond of candy. In general, children like sweets. Eifersucht ist für mich die unedelste menschliche Empfindung, die es gibt. Jealousy is, to me, the most ignoble human feeling there is. Jealousy is, to me, the most base human feeling there is. Er hat es gefunden. He found it. He found it. Hoe zeg je ''Ik hou van je'' in het Frans? How do you say "I love you" in French? How do you say "I love you" in French? De ambulance was snel ter plaatse. The ambulance arrived quickly. The ambulance was quickly on the scene. We hadden oesters eerder. We had oysters earlier. We had oysters before. Ben je al overtuigd? Are you convinced yet? Are you convinced yet? Ich will per Kreditkarte bezahlen. I want to pay by credit card. I want to pay by credit card. I don't think that Tom is a carpenter. I don't think Tom is a carpenter. I don't think that tom is a carpenter. Dann machen Sie es ordentlich sauber! Then clean it really well. Then make it neatly clean! Die Begründer der modernen Wissenschaft - Kopernikus, Galilei, Kepler, Newton, Boyle und viele andere - sahen eindeutige Beweise für die Gestaltung des Universums und wurden durch ihren Glauben an einen transzendenten Gesetzgeber dazu inspiriert, die Naturgesetze zu entdecken. The fathers of modern science – Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, and many others – saw clear evidence of design in the universe and, in fact, were inspired to discover the laws of nature by their faith in a transcendent lawgiver. The founders of modern science – Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle and many others – saw clear evidence of the design of the universe and were inspired by their belief in a transcendent lawgiver to discover the laws of nature. Twee keer in de week kwam de tuinman om het gras te maaien, daarom kon ik nooit in het lange gras liggen. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Twice a week the gardener came to mow the grass, so I could never lie in the long grass. Tom geriet in Stress. Tom became stressed. Tom was under stress. Die Synagoge ist dort. The synagogue is there. The synagogue is there. Wir müssen Tom helfen. We have to help Tom. We have to help Tom. Warum hat mir niemand davon erzählt? Why did no one tell me about it? Why didn't anyone tell me about it? Den meisten Leuten ist man egal. Most people don't care about you. Most people don't care. Es wäre gescheiter gewesen, du hättest diese Pastete nicht gegessen. You better not have eaten that pie! It would have been smarter if you hadn't eaten that pie. Ek wonder of jy my dalk sal kan help. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I'm wondering if you could help me. Tom und Maria neckten sich. Tom and Mary were engaged in friendly banter. Tom and Mary nodded. Zij zullen geen tijd verliezen. They won't waste time. They will not lose time. Du darfst nicht reinkommen. You may not come in. You can't come in. Ek was bekommerd oor hom. I've been concerned about him. I was worried about him. I am accustomed to working hard. I'm accustomed to working hard. - I am accustomed to working hard. Everyone here knows Tom. Everybody here knows Tom. Everyone here knows tom. Es ist nicht so leicht, dass man sie zu Hause erwischt. It's not easy to catch her at home. It’s not so easy to get caught at home. I think that you're going to enjoy yourselves tonight. I think you're going to enjoy yourselves tonight. I think that you're gonna enjoy yourselves tonight. I don't think Tom should've done that by himself. I don't think Tom should've done that alone. I don't think Tom should have done that by himself. Selbst mein Tutor konnte diese Gleichung nicht lösen. Even my tutor couldn't solve this equation. Even my tutor could not solve this equation. Essen Sie, wenn Sie Hunger haben! Eat - if you are hungry! Eat when you are hungry! I thought Tom would tell you how to do that. I thought that Tom would tell you how to do that. I thought tom would tell you how to do that. Eet alles. Eat everything. Eat everything. Tom ging lieber zehn Kilometer zu Fuß, als Geld für eine Busfahrkarte zu bezahlen. Tom preferred to walk ten kilometres than pay money for a bus ticket. Tom would rather walk ten kilometers than pay for a bus ticket. Tom took his clothes off and got into bed. Tom took off his clothes and got into bed. - Tom took his clothes off and got into bed. Heb je niets aardigs te zeggen? Don't you have anything nice to say? Don't you have anything nice to say? Erzählen Sie uns was. Tell us something. Tell us something. Je ziet er inderdaad moe uit. You do look tired. You look really tired. Ich gebe John den Apfel. I give John the apple. I'll give John the apple. טאָם טענהט אַז ער איז אַן עקסגעי. Tom claims to be an ex-gay. He claims he's an extrovert. Entschuldigen Sie, können Sie mir den Weg zum Hauptpostamt zeigen? Ist es noch weit bis zur Zamenhofstraße? Excuse me, can you show me the way to the main post office? Is Zamenhof Street still far away? Excuse me, can you show me the way to the main post office, is it still a long way to Zamenhofstra<0xC3><0x9F>e? Tom said he already did that. Tom said he did that already. - Tom said he already did that. Ik zal nooit meer pasta eten. I will never eat pasta again. I'll never eat pasta again. Er ist seit Sonntag krank. He has been ill since Sunday. He's been sick since Sunday. Er hat 5000 Euro im Lotto gewonnen. He won five thousand euros in the lottery. He won $5,000 in the lottery. מערי איז אַ פֿעמיניסטקע. Mary's a feminist. Mary is a feminist. Bei der Weltraumnadel von Seattle waren wir schon. I've already been to the Seattle Space Needle. We were already at the Seattle Space Needle. I hope I can spend more time doing that now that I'm retired. I hope that I can spend more time doing that now that I'm retired. I hope I can spend more time doing that, now that I'm retired. Auf der Blume sitzt ein Schmetterling. A butterfly has settled on the flower. There is a butterfly on the flower. Wanneer ik koekjes maak gebruik ik een koekjesschep om ervoor te zorgen dat ze allemaal even groot zijn. When I'm making cookies, I use a cookie scoop to ensure that they're all the same size. When I make cookies, I use a cookie cutter to make sure they are all the same size. Sie lässt sich leicht ablenken. She is easily distracted. She's easily distracted. Wenn es nichts zu sagen gibt, darf man ruhig schweigen. There's nothing wrong with staying silent when there's nothing to say. If there is nothing to say, keep quiet. Tom sometimes rings Mary five times a day. Tom sometimes phones Mary five times a day. Tom sometimes rings mary five times a day. I don't think we're going to need Tom's help. I don't think that we're going to need Tom's help. I don't think we're gonna need Tom's help. Frohen Freitag! Happy Friday! Happy Friday! סיאַטל איז אַן עיר־מקלט. Seattle is a sanctuary city. Sasquatch is an island. I won't tell anybody that you were here. I won't tell anybody you were here. - I won't tell anybody that you were here. We hebben een website. We have a website. We have a website. Meine Tochter macht mir so viel Freude. My daughter gives me so much joy. My daughter gives me so much joy. I thought you were Tom. I thought that you were Tom. I thought you were tom. Iesland hett veel Vulkaans. Iceland has many volcanoes. Iceland has a lot of volcanoes. Kaffee mache ich gewöhnlich mit einer französischen Preßstempelkanne. I usually use a French press to make coffee. I usually make coffee with a French press can. Ik heb mijn zaklamp laten vallen. I've dropped my torch. I dropped my flashlight. Kan je om negen uur komen? Can you come at nine? Can you come in at 9:00? Hoffentlich protestiert niemand. Hopefully, nobody protests. I hope no one protests. Wannehr hest du dien Auto köfft? When did you buy your car? When did you buy your car? Tom said that he knew that it was Mary who did that. Tom said he knew that it was Mary who did that. Tom said that he knew that it was mary who did that. Unser Land ist Algerien. Our country is Algeria. Our country is Algeria. Tom dronk wodka. Tom drank vodka. Tom drank vodka. Die Nachrichten überraschten ihn. He was surprised at the news. The news surprised him. Ik werd in de strijdkrachten ingelijfd. I was conscripted into the army. I was enlisted in the armed forces. איך נוץ עס. I'm using it. I'm using it. Mijn grootvader stierf toen ik jong was. My grandfather died when I was young. My grandfather died when I was young. Florence Foster Jenkins war eine der berühmtesten Sopranistinnen der Welt. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the most famous sopranos in the world. I hope that it isn't impossible. I hope it isn't impossible. - I hope that it isn't impossible. De zaken gaan beter. Business has improved. Things are getting better. Den Film habe ich schon eine ganze Weile nicht mehr gesehen. I haven't seen that movie in a while. I haven't seen the movie in a while. Ze deed haar haar en verliet het huis. She fixed her hair and left the house. She did her hair and left the house. I know that Tom knows he ought to do that. I know Tom knows that he ought to do that. I know that tom knows he ought to do that. Tom, ich möchte dich mit meiner Cousine Priscilla bekannt machen. Tom, I'd like to introduce you to my cousin, Priscilla. Tom, I'd like to introduce you to my cousin Priscilla. Da haben Sie Glück gehabt, dass Sie es gefunden haben. It was lucky for you that you found it. You were lucky to have found it. Wer von vielen gefürchtet wird, muss viele fürchten. He who is feared by many must fear many. Who is feared by many, must fear many. I'm sure Tom will like his new room. I'm sure that Tom will like his new room. I'm sure tom will like his new room. Du hast aber ein schönes Profilbild, Sami! Your profile picture is beautiful, Sami. You have a nice profile picture, Sami! Kim is veer Johr öller as ik. Kim is older than I am by four years. Kim is four years older than me. Das sieht sehr gefährlich aus. That looks really dangerous. This looks very dangerous. Ich reichte Tom eine Tasse Kaffee. I handed Tom a cup of coffee. I gave Tom a cup of coffee. Goed dat hij de hele waarheid sprak. Good thing he spoke the whole truth. I'm glad he told the whole truth. Was ist ein Kilometer, Mama? What's a kilometre, Mum? What's a mile, Mom? Hast du ein Lineal? Do you have a ruler? Do you have a ruler? I didn't think Tom would like that. I didn't think that Tom would like that. I didn't think tom would like that. It was unclear who carried out the attack. It wasn't clear who carried out the attack. It was unclear who carried out the attack. Tom müsste mittlerweile schlafen. Tom should be asleep by now. Tom would have to go to sleep. Kan ek 'n drukkie kry? Could I get a hug? Can I get a drink? Tom suchte ein Gummiband. Tom was looking for a rubber band. Tom was looking for a rubber band. Sie muss in ihrer Jugend eine Schönheit gewesen sein. She must have been a beauty when she was young. She must have been a beauty in her youth. I wonder whether Tom is upset. I wonder whether Tom is upset or not. I wonder whether tom is upset. Tom said that he thought Mary spoke French. Tom said that he thought that Mary spoke French. Tom said that he thought mary spoke french. Ik ben in verwachting. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Ich habe nur verschwommene Erinnerungen. The memories I have are just hazy. I only have vague memories. No tyari yu atibron kon dya. Don’t bring your anger here. Do not be angry with them. They said they were displeased. They said that they were displeased. - They said they were displeased. Was für Hüte gefallen dir? What sort of hats do you like? What kind of hats do you like? Het hangt ervan af hoeveel honger je hebt. It depends on how hungry you are. It depends on how hungry you are. Why do you think that Tom would do such a thing? Why do you think Tom would do such a thing? Why do you think that Tom would do such a thing? Werken jullie dan niet samen? So, don't you work together? Don't you work together? Machen Sie sich nicht lächerlich. Don't make a fool of yourself! Don't be ridiculous. „Sieht aus, als stünde uns ein ganz schönes Dreckwetter bevor.“ – „Das kannst du laut sagen, Bruder.“ "Looks as if we're in for some nasty weather." "You can say that again, bruv." “Looks like we’re about to have some really nice wet weather.” – “You can say that out loud, brother.” Ik ben ook een toerist. I'm a tourist, too. I am also a tourist. עס וועט בלויז נעמען א מינוטינקע. It'll just take a moment. It will only take a minute. Je bent geen slecht mens. You're not a bad person. You're not a bad person. Inzwischen gibt es überall Kameras. There are cameras everywhere now. There are cameras everywhere. Duizenden bouwprojecten liggen helemaal stil. Thousands of construction projects are at a complete standstill. Thousands of construction projects are at a standstill. Sally besuchte Mr. Taylor. Sally called on Mr Taylor. Sally went to see Mr. Taylor. Tom told me he didn't have as many friends as Mary did. Tom told me that he didn't have as many friends as Mary. Tom told me he didn't have as many friends as mary did. I am not a fan of libertarianism. I'm not a fan of libertarianism. I am not a fan of libertarianism. Natasha is en russ’schen Naam. Natasha is a Russian name. Natasha is a Russian name. Het spel begint morgenmiddag om twee uur. The game starts at two tomorrow afternoon. The game starts tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. München ist in Deutschland. Munich is in Germany. Ballymena is in Australia. Ik ga jullie allemaal missen. I'll miss all of you. I'm gonna miss you all. דו ביסט שטענדיג געווען דער גבור, ריכטיג, טאם? You were always the tough one, weren't you, Tom? You've always been the boss, haven't you, Tom? Nachts sank die Temperatur auf zehn Grad. At night, the temperature fell to ten degrees. At night, the temperature dropped to 10 degrees. Die Schachwelt ist faszinierend, mysteriös, lustig, tiefgründig. The world of chess is fascinating, mysterious, fun, deep. The chess world is fascinating, mysterious, funny, profound. Wat beviel jou het meest aan Australië? What did you like best about Australia? What do you like most about Australia? Tom thinks Mary won't be busy after 2:30 this afternoon. Tom thinks that Mary won't be busy after 2:30 this afternoon. Tom thinks mary won't be busy after 2:30 this afternoon. I thought it was an earthquake. I thought that it was an earthquake. - I thought it was an earthquake. Tom isn't an angel. Tom is not an angel. - Tom isn't an angel. Hoe groot is uw hond? De mijne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. How big is your dog? The mine is small. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom sings. Ik ga het leven uit hem knijpen. I'll choke the life out of him. I'm gonna squeeze life out of him. Zo hard regent het nu ook weer niet. It's not really raining that hard. It's not raining that hard now. Dit es en dailk Teekning. That is a beautiful drawing. This is a daily drawing. Ich muss die Methode lernen, wie man Brathähnchen mit besonders knuspriger Haut hinbekommt. I need to learn the trick of making roast chicken with extra crispy skin. I have to learn the method of how to get fried chicken with particularly crispy skin. Warum habt ihr nicht gefrühstückt? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Ich erhielt einen Brief von einem Freund. I got a letter from a friend. I received a letter from a friend. Ich will ein halbes Kilo frische Garnelen. I want a pound of fresh shrimps. I want half a kilo of fresh shrimp. Waarom komt de zon op in het oosten en gaat zij onder in het westen? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Het spijt me dat ik je lastig blijf vallen. I'm so sorry to keep bothering you. I'm sorry to keep bothering you. Das stimmt nicht. This is incorrect. That's not true. Wat heeft God voor ons in petto? What does God have in store for us? What does God have in store for us? Sie gebar Zwillinge. She gave birth to twins. She gave birth to twins. Laten we het proberen. Let's try! Let's try it. Tom said Mary was concerned. Tom said that Mary was concerned. Tom said mary was concerned. Du bist aggressiv. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Was mögen Sie lieber, Tee oder Kaffee? Which do you like better, tea or coffee? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? They aren't sure that they should do that. They aren't sure they should do that. They aren't sure that they should do that. Jongens, ik moet ervandoor. Guys, I gotta go. Guys, I gotta go. Ich könnte ihr nicht in die Augen sehen. I couldn't look her in the eye. I couldn't look her in the eye. אַ גוטע נאַכט! Good night! Have a good night! Er wird gleich ankommen. He'll be arriving shortly. He'll be here in a minute. Zijn jullie zussen? Are you sisters? Are you sisters? Ideen hat man immer, nur vielleicht keine guten. You always have ideas, just maybe not good ones. You always have ideas, but maybe not good ones. Tom habe ich mal für einen netten Kerl gehalten. I used to think Tom was a nice guy. I once thought Tom was a nice guy. Ich sprach so laut, dass mich alle hören konnten. I spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone. I spoke so loudly that everyone could hear me. Leg uns doch ein paar von diesen hübschen Würsten auf den Grill! Why don't you fry up some of those nice sausages for our barbecue? Why don't you put some of these pretty sausages on the grill? Ek wil dit nie eet nie. I don't want to eat this. I don't want to eat this. Warte nicht auf mich, wenn ich mich verspäte! Don't wait for me if I'm late. Don't wait for me when I'm late! Ich nicht, und du? I don't. Do you? I don't, and you? Hoe zou je leven veranderen als er geen internet was? How would your life change if there were no internet? How would your life change if there was no internet? Die Wirkung der Medizin nahm allmählich ab. The effects of the medicine were wearing off. The effect of the medicine gradually decreased. Is dit een vrij land? Is this a free country? Is this a free country? "How old are you?" "I'm thirty." "How old are you?" "I'm thirty years old." "How old are you?" "I'm thirty. " Möchten Sie chinesisches Essen? Do you want Chinese food? Do you want Chinese food? Dein Fahrrad ist besser als meins. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Ze hebben een vraag. They've got a question. They have a question. I wonder if Tom has another one. I wonder whether Tom has another one. I wonder if tom has another one. I assume you've proofread this already. I assume that you've proofread this already. I assume you've proofread this already? Je hebt gelijk. You're right. You're right. Ich kann mir nicht erlauben, einen Gebrauchtwagen zu kaufen. I cannot afford buying a used car. I can’t afford to buy a used car. ייִדיש איז נישט העברעאיש. Yiddish isn't Hebrew. The Greek isn't Greek. Sie wohnt da irgendwo in der Pläne. She lives in the middle of nowhere. She lives there somewhere in the plans. Tom hat 2013 Abitur gemacht. Tom did his school-leaving exams in 2013. Tom graduated in 2013. Tom said he knew that Mary couldn't do that. Tom said that he knew that Mary couldn't do that. Tom said he knew that mary couldn't do that. Du hältst es doch, nicht wahr? You're holding it, aren't you? You keep it, don't you? Sie haben mich nicht angerufen. You didn't call me. You didn't call me. Wir sind hier gerade erst hier angekommen. We've only just got here. We've just arrived here. Vroeger was ze een schoonheid. She was a beauty in her day. She used to be a beauty. Als je interesse hebt voor het zeewezen dan moet je die documentaire toch ooit wel hebben gezien? Surely you must have seen that documentary before if you have an interest in maritime affairs? If you are interested in the sea creature then you must have ever seen that documentary? Hij deed zijn bureaulamp uit. He turned off his desk lamp. He turned off his desk lamp. Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd. Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it. I'm in love with Mr. Wexd, and Mr. S'Vrschwend<0xC3><0xA5>d. Dieses Buch ist das ihre. This book is hers. This book is yours. Ich sage dir nicht alles. I don't tell you everything. I'm not telling you everything. Ik wil ook gaan naar Beijing I also want to go to Beijing. I also want to go to Beijing. Tom het heeldag gehuil. Tom cried all day. He was crying all day. Ich möchte wissen, wie er heißt. I'd like to know his name. I want to know his name. Ich werde einen neuen Teppich kaufen. I'm going to buy a new carpet. I'm going to buy a new carpet. Ich habe Toms Lied im Radio gehört. I heard Tom's song on the radio. I heard Tom's song on the radio. Die mexikanische Regierung kapitulierte. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government capitulated. Er ist nicht alt genug zum Wählen. He is not old enough to vote. He's not old enough to vote. We zijn maar eenmaal jong. You are only young once. We're only young once. It is five minutes to nine. It's five minutes to nine. It's five minutes to nine. Sie kann heute nicht mit dir ins Kino gehen. Sie muss lernen, Tom. Sie hat morgen eine Klassenarbeit in Mathematik, und die darf sie nicht vergeigen. She can't go to the cinema with you tonight. She's got to revise, Tom. She's got a maths test tomorrow, and she mustn't cock it up. She can't go to the movies with you today, she has to learn, Tom, she has a math class tomorrow, and she can't waste it. U hoeft niet te antwoorden. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Viele Gelehrte gelten als verschroben. Many scholars are seen as weirdos. Many scholars are considered to be insidious. Don't take off your gloves. Don't take your gloves off. - Don't take off your gloves. Koolstofdioxide wordt ook wel koolzuurgas genoemd. Carbon dioxide is also called carbonic gas. Carbon dioxide is also called carbon dioxide. Mein Paket ist früher als erwartet angekommen. My package arrived sooner than expected. My package arrived earlier than expected. Ik heb jaren in Australië gewoond. I lived in Australia for years. I lived in Australia for years. Ik wilde naar de supermarkt gaan maar ik had geen geld. I wanted to go to the convenience store, but I had no cash. I wanted to go to the supermarket but I had no money. Tom isn't going to be able to do that by himself. Tom isn't going to be able to do that alone. Tom isn't gonna be able to do that by himself. Ich will zur Eisbahn. I want to go to the ice rink. I want to go to the ice rink. Wurden Sie gegen Kinderkrankheiten geimpft? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Have you been vaccinated against childhood illnesses? Ik woon in dat stenen huis op de berg. I live in that stone house on the mountain. I live in that stone house on the mountain. Onze boot is aan het zinken. Our boat is sinking. Our boat is sinking. Kin k heur vertraauwen? Can I trust them? Can you trust K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K S Büsi isch bruun. The cat is brown. I mean, I'm brown. Kom ons wag tot hy kom. Let's wait till he comes. Let's wait for him to come. An der Tür war ein großes T für „Toilette“. There was a capital T for toilet on the door. At the door was a big T for “toilet”. Tom is opnieuw begonnen. Tom started over. Tom started again. Warum bist du immer so verdammt stolz auf dich? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? I would've shut my phone off. I would have shut my phone off. I would have shut my phone off. Mijn sweater is paars. My sweater is purple. My sweater is purple. Wir haben uns da untergestellt. We were using it as a shelter. We've come to terms with that. I handed Tom a cup of coffee. I handed a cup of coffee to Tom. I handed tom a cup of coffee. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are you doing? How's it going? Ik zou hier nooit willen wonen. I'd never want to live here. I would never want to live here. Wer sitzt denn da unter dem Baum? Who is that sitting under that tree? Who is sitting under the tree? Ich kann nur ein bisschen Ainu. I can only speak a little Ainu. I can only do a little Ainu. איר האָט פֿאַרלאָרן, גיב זיך אונטער! You have lost; give up! You've got it, get down! Der offizielle Start ist Montag. The official start is on Monday. The official start is Monday. I think Tom is scared. I think that Tom is scared. I think tom is scared. Ich schreibe grad. I'm writing. I'm just writing. I'd like a room with a view of the sea. I'd like a room with a sea view. I'd Iike a room with a view of the sea. Maria hat eine passiv-aggressive Persönlichkeitsstörung. Mary is passive-aggressive. Maria has a passive-aggressive personality disorder. Das ist ein Bild von mir; da war ich 13. This is a picture of me when I was thirteen. That's a picture of me; I was 13. Heur laifde is wederzieds. Their love is mutual. His life is reborn. Die Börse ist mir Wurst. I don't give a damn about the stock market! The stock market is my sausage. Tom may not have died in the accident. Tom might not have died in the accident. - Tom may not have died in the accident. Er geht oft ins Theater. He often goes to the theatre. He often goes to the theatre. Ich suche nach dem Buch. Wonach suchst du? Nach dem Buch! Ach, danach. I am looking for a book. What are you looking for? A book! Ah, that's what you're looking for. I'm looking for the book. What are you looking for? For the book! Oh, after that. Tom zag Maria weglopen. Tom saw Mary walk away. He saw Mary running away. Hij is trots op zijn zoon. He is proud of his son. He is proud of his son. I know that Tom knows he doesn't have to do that. I know Tom knows that he doesn't have to do that. I know that tom knows he doesn't have to do that. I also don't think Tom is going to do that. I also don't think that Tom is going to do that. I also don't think tom is going to do that. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿאַר אונדז. You guys are stronger than us. You're stronger than us. Lieben Sie schwarzen Humor? Do you enjoy black humour? Do you like black humor? Die Zellen sind kybernetische multimolekulare Städte, gefüllt mit Hightech-Maschinen, Kraftwerken und sogar Nanorobotern. The cells are cybernetic multimolecular cities, filled with hi-tech machines, power plants, and even nanorobots. The cells are cybernetic multimolecular cities, filled with high-tech machines, power plants and even nanorobots. Sie kennen mich. They know me. You know me. Ist das dein ganzes Kleingeld? Is that all your small change? Is that all your change? Ich schwitze. I'm sweating. I'm sweating. Am Ende lag sie an der Spitze. She came out on top. In the end, she was at the top. Kom rustig. Come calmly. Come on, calm down. Ich schrieb Toms Adresse in mein Notizbuch. I wrote Tom's address in my notebook. I wrote Tom's address in my notebook. Ich frage mich, ob das Liebe ist. I wonder if this is love. I wonder if it is love. Er zijn drie intelligente soorten op de planeet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. איך ווייס נישט ווי צו דיר דאנקען. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to thank you. What is Tom still waiting for? What's Tom still waiting for? What is tom still waiting for? I guess I spoke too soon. I guess that I spoke too soon. - I guess I spoke too soon. Ik hou van de bioscoop. I love cinema. I love the cinema. Vertrouw op mij. Trust me! Trust me. Tom war ohnmächtig, aber er atmete noch. Tom was unconscious, but still breathing. Tom fainted, but he was still breathing. Machst du Witze?! Dein Hund scheint gefährlich zu sein. You kidding?! Your dog seems dangerous. Are you kidding?! Your dog seems to be dangerous. Europees Portugees en Braziliaans Portugees zijn niet hetzelfde. European Portuguese is different from Brazilian Portuguese. European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese are not the same thing. There is blood in my faeces. There's blood in my faeces. There's blood in my faeces. I know Tom isn't happy there. I know that Tom isn't happy there. I know tom isn't happy there. Tom verreiste nicht gern, Maria schon. So kam es, dass er letztlich doch viel auf Reisen war. Tom didn't like to travel, but Mary did, so he ended up traveling a lot. Tom didn’t like to travel, Maria did, so he ended up traveling a lot. Während der Herrschaft des Augustus wurde Christus geboren; während der Herrschaft des Tiberius wurde er gekreuzigt. During the reign of Augustus, Christ was born; during the reign of Tiberius, he was crucified. During the reign of Augustus, Christ was born; during the reign of Tiberius, He was crucified. Tom must've been skeptical. Tom must have been skeptical. Tom must have been skeptical. Er erinnert sich nicht mehr an mich. He doesn't remember me anymore. He doesn't remember me anymore. Tom and Mary said they thought that I was dead. Tom and Mary said that they thought that I was dead. Tom and mary said they thought that I was dead. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די ספֿרדים. Esther's family are Sephardi Jews. Esther's family is from the Shards. Für ihn ist das ein Kinderspiel. It's a piece of cake to him. It's child's play for him. Tom wasn't the one who told me that Mary didn't want to do that. Tom wasn't the one who told me Mary didn't want to do that. Tom wasn't the one who told me that mary didn't want to do that. Er rannte los, als ihm klar wurde, dass er zu spät zur Schule kam. He ran, realizing that he was late for school. He ran off when he realized he was late for school. Lebewesen sind Roboter verschiedener Art, die von der Göttlichen Intelligenz (GI) erstellt wurden. Living beings are robots of different types created by Divine Intelligence (DI). Living beings are robots of various kinds created by the Divine Intelligence (GI). Maria ist eine sture Frau. Mary is an obstinate woman. Mary is a stubborn woman. Ich kann Französisch, Englisch und Deutsch. I know French, English, and German. I can speak French, English and German. De bevoorrechten hebben geregeld door hun hebzucht om hun eigen ondergang verzocht. The privileged have regularly invited their own destruction with their greed. The privileged have regularly sought their own destruction because of their greed. I remember Tom promising he'd be here. I remember Tom promising that he'd be here. I remember tom promising he'd be here. Die Tage werden mit jedem Jahrhundert um etwa 1,7 Millisekunden länger, weil der Mond die Rotation der Erde bremst. Days get longer by about 1.7 millisecond per century because the moon is slowing the Earth's rotation. The days get about 1.7 milliseconds longer with each century because the moon slows the Earth’s rotation. Sprechen wir doch gleich am Montag! Why don't we talk first thing Monday? Let’s talk on Monday! You should've refused to go to Boston. You should have refused to go to Boston. You should have refused to go to Boston. Dit uurwerk is elektrisch. This clock is electric. This clock is electric. I didn't know Tom was in Boston last year. I didn't know that Tom was in Boston last year. I didn't know tom was in boston last year. "What party is in power?" "One that pretends that its members share Christian values." "And with what party do you want to replace them?" "A coalition that pretends to be for gay rights." "Which party is in power?" "One that pretends that its members share Christian values." "And with which party do you want to replace them?" "A coalition that pretends to be for gay rights." "What party is in power?" "One that pretends that its members share Christian values." "And with what party do you want to replace them?" "A coalition that pretends to be for gay rights." Wir gehen um acht Uhr weg. We'll leave at eight o'clock. We're leaving at eight o'clock. Es hat keinen Sinn, es jetzt zu bereuen. It's no use regretting it now. It makes no sense to regret it now. Ik ben niet tevreden met wat ge gedaan hebt. I am not pleased with what you have done. I am not satisfied with what you have done. Hou kom k bie Kanadese ambassade? How do I get to the Canadian Embassy? Do you want to visit the Canadian Embassy? Het is onmogelijk om met je te praten. You are impossible to talk to. It's impossible to talk to you. Beneden was de straat leeg. The street below was empty. Downstairs the street was empty. Es hat nicht funktioniert. It didn't work. It didn't work. Dieses Fahrrad ist seit Beginn des Monats hier zurückgelassen worden. This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. This bike has been left here since the beginning of the month. Eind goed, al goed. All is well that ends well. All right, all right, all right. I think Tom should stay here with us. I think that Tom should stay here with us. I think tom should stay here with us. He seed nix. He didn't say anything. He didn't seed anything. Heb je moeilijk kunnen slapen? Have you had trouble sleeping? Did you have a hard time sleeping? Kin jo my helpe? Can you help me? Can you help me? Verbessere es. Improve it. Improve it. Ich habe ihr in der Tat eine Karte geschrieben. Actually, I wrote her a card. I actually wrote her a card. Se geev em en beten Eten. She gave him some food. She gave me a bit of food. Mein Lieblingsbild ist Der Kuss. My favorite painting is The Kiss. My favorite picture is The Kiss. Ich kann Tom nicht vom Flughafen abholen. I won't be able to pick Tom up at the airport. I can't pick Tom up from the airport. Mag ik je bloeddruk controleren? Can I check your blood pressure? Can I check your blood pressure? Tom's eating. Tom is eating. - Tom's eating. Na ja, das habe ich mir schon gedacht, aber plötzlich kamen mir Zweifel. Well, I did think that, but then I suddenly had doubts. Well, I thought so, but all of a sudden I had doubts. Ik weet dat je het niet kan weerstaan. I know you can't resist. I know you can't resist. Endlich gab er nach. At last he gave in. He finally gave in. Es hat diesen Monat noch nicht geregnet. It hasn't rained this month yet. It hasn’t rained yet this month. Mäin Auto ass an Däitschland registréiert. My car is registered in Germany. My car is registered in Germany. Ik was ziek. Ik bleef thuis al de hele dag. I was sick; I stayed at home all day long. I was sick, I stayed home all day. Does anyone here speak French fluently? Does anybody here speak French fluently? Does anyone here speak French fluently ? Tom riet mir, einen Anwalt einzuschalten. Tom advised me to hire a lawyer. Tom advised me to get a lawyer. Ik heb het nog niet eens uitgeprobeerd. I haven't even tried yet. I haven't even tried it yet. Je moet gaan. You must go. You've got to go. Habt ihr Tom das vorgeschlagen? Did you suggest that to Tom? Did you tell Tom that? De populaire zangeres pleegde zelfmoord. The popular singer committed suicide. The popular singer committed suicide. Herr Meier ist der Meinung, dass Neumanns im Urlaub sind. Mr. Meier believes that the Neumanns are on vacation. Mr. Meier is of the opinion that Neumanns are on holiday. Ich bin aus Mexiko-Stadt. I'm from Mexico City. I'm from Mexico City. Tom backt gerne Brot. Tom likes to bake bread. Tom likes to bake bread. We sold one of our cars to Tom. We sold Tom one of our cars. We sold one of our cars to tom. Es gibt eine Universität in Rom. There is a university in Rome. There is a university in Rome. Ik kom meestal rond zeven uur thuis. I usually get home around seven o'clock. I usually get home around seven. Wat is het opperwezen? What is the supreme being? What is the Supreme Being? Mehrere Leute kamen Tom zu Hilfe, als er von ein paar Straßenräubern angegriffen wurde. Several people came to Tom's aid when a couple of muggers attacked him. Several people came to Tom's aid when he was attacked by a few hijackers. I could not get out. I couldn't get out. - I could not get out. Ben je allergisch voor bepaalde voedingsmiddelen? Are you allergic to any foods? Are you allergic to certain foods? Niemand heeft mijn land vermeld. Nobody mentioned my country. No one mentioned my country. Tom reiste kreuz und quer durch Südostasien. Tom traveled around Southeast Asia. Tom traveled cross-country and across Southeast Asia. Mir ist nicht nach Feiern zumute. I don't feel like celebrating. I don't feel like celebrating. Ich höre gern Jazz. Was für Musik hörst du gern? I like jazz. What kind of music do you like? I like to listen to jazz. What kind of music do you like to listen to? Er stand um drei Uhr morgens auf, um bei Tatoeba Sätze hinzuzufügen. At three in the morning, he got out of bed to add sentences to Tatoeba. He got up at three in the morning to add sentences to Tatoeba. I have already finished the job. I've already finished the job. - I have already finished the job. k Hol van praai. I like leeks. K is a prairie. Ik heb geen mes nodig. I don't need a knife. I don't need a knife. I know that Tom is courageous. I know Tom is courageous. I know that tom is courageous. Unsere Knochen sind weiß. Our bones are white. Our bones are white. Bitte heißen Sie mit mir zusammen Herrn Dr. Schmidt in unserer Arbeitsgruppe herzlich willkommen! Please join me in welcoming Dr Smith to our team. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Schmidt to our working group! Perhaps the only one here who can do that is Tom. Maybe the only one here who can do that is Tom. Perhaps the only one here who can do that is tom. Ich bin in eine Pfütze getreten und habe mir die Socken nass gemacht. I stepped in a puddle and my socks got wet. I stepped into a puddle and got my socks wet. Welche Biersorten haben Sie? What kinds of beers do you have? What kind of beer do you have? Ich backe mit Tom gerade Schokoladenküchlein. I'm making brownies with Tom. I'm baking chocolate cookies with Tom right now. Tom said he's trying to hide Mary. Tom said that he's trying to hide Mary. Tom said he's trying to hide mary. Hör zu, du! Listen, you. Listen, you! Tom is one of the ugliest people that I know. Tom is one of the ugliest people I know. Tom is one of the ugliest people that i know. Tom tried to do that, but couldn't. Tom tried to do that, but he couldn't. Tom tried to do that but couldn't. Paul eet. Paul eats. Paul is eating. אסתּר איז אַ לערערקע פֿאַר לשון־קודש‎. Esther teaches Hebrew. Esther is a teacher of the Hebrew language. Everyone knew that Tom didn't like going to Boston. Everybody knew that Tom didn't like going to Boston. Everyone knew that tom didn't like going to boston. Tom looks older than he really is. Tom looks older than he actually is. - Tom looks older than he really is. Sie trinkt jeden Tag eine Flasche Wein. She drinks a bottle of wine every day. She drinks a bottle of wine every day. Tom said he didn't know any better. Tom said that he didn't know any better. - Tom said he didn't know any better. Tom interessiert sich nicht allzusehr für Musik. Tom isn't really interested in music. Tom doesn’t care too much about music. Tom said that he doesn't think you can win. Tom said that he doesn't think that you can win. Tom said he doesn't think you can win. Tom was done doing that before anybody got here. Tom was done doing that before anyone got here. - Tom was done doing that before anybody got here. We'll never know. We will never know. - We'll never know. I thought Tom would be here by now. I thought that Tom would be here by now. I thought tom would be here by now. Dit boek is een nieuw boek. That book is a new book. This book is a new book. Tom würde dich gerne treffen. Tom would like to see you. Tom would like to meet you. I'm afraid I'll be tied up all afternoon. I'm afraid that I'll be tied up all afternoon. I'm afraid I'II be tied up all afternoon. In den besten Hotels steht einem immer jemand voll und ganz zur Verfügung. At the best hotels, there is always someone at your beck and call. In the best hotels, there is always someone at your disposal. Tom wartet in Boston auf Maria. Tom is waiting for Mary in Boston. Tom is waiting for Maria in Boston. Tom könnte dafür entlassen werden. Tom could get sacked for this. Tom could be fired for that. I thought that you might want something cold to drink. I thought you might want something cold to drink. I thought you might want something cold to drink. Tom put his glass of wine down. Tom put down his glass of wine. - Tom put his glass of wine down. Ich spreche fließend Google-Übersetzerisch. I speak Google Translate fluently. I speak fluent Google translation. Maria ist meine ältere Schwester. Mary is my older sister. Mary is my older sister. Lügen ist was für Lügner. Lying is for liars. Lying is for liars. It is net allegearre goud wat der blinkt. All that glitters is not gold. It is not all gold that glitters. Toen ik jong was, konden we in de rivier zwemmen. When I was young, we could swim in the river. When I was young, we could swim in the river. טאָם איז אַ סאַטאַניסט. Tom's a Satanist. He is a satirist. Sein Haus ist in der Nähe von einem Fluss. His house is near a river. His house is near a river. Moet Tom thuisblijven vandaag? Does Tom have to stay home today? Should Tom stay home today? What is the distance between here and there? What's the distance between here and there? - What is the distance between here and there? Ik voel me niet schuldig. I do not feel guilty. I don't feel guilty. Ik kijk geen tv. I do not watch television. I'm not watching TV. Warum weigert sich die Türkei, den Völkermord an den Armeniern anzuerkennen? Why does Turkey refuse to recognise the Armenian genocide? Why does Turkey refuse to recognize the Armenian Genocide? Je bent een goede vent. You're a good guy. You're a good guy. Ech hu keen Dictionnaire. I don't have a dictionary. I don't have a dictionary. Ik heb hem net gelezen. I just read it. I just read it. Er hört nicht auf zu reden. He doesn't stop talking. He doesn't stop talking. Ich habe dreimal den Fuji bestiegen. I've climbed Mt. Fuji three times. I climbed Mount Fuji three times. Jeder Mensch ist fehlbar. Every human being is fallible. Everyone is fallible. Es ist ein scharfer Schmerz. It is a sharp pain. It's a sharp pain. Ze vielen. They fell. They fell. Ich huste schon den ganzen Tag. I've been coughing all day. I've been coughing all day. װען משיח װעט קומען! When pigs fly! The Messiah is coming! Ik ben negenentachtig jaar oud. I am eighty-nine years old. I'm eighty-nine years old. Wir essen jeden Tag Brot. We eat bread every day. We eat bread every day. Fahren wir nach Hause! Es wird schon dunkel. Let's go home. It's getting dark. Let's go home, it's getting dark. Die Bäckerei ist geöffnet. The baker's is open. The bakery is open. Vertel ons iets. Tell us something. Tell us something. Wo kann ich Brennholz kaufen? Where can I buy firewood? Where can I buy firewood? Toms Redlichkeit wurde vom Arbeitgeber in Frage gestellt. Tom's employer called his honesty into question. Tom’s honesty was questioned by the employer. Das Brot wurde schimmelig. The bread went mouldy. The bread became moldy. Wir haben den Museums- und Ausstellungskomplex besucht. We visited the museum and exhibition complex. We visited the museum and exhibition complex. Hij heeft veel geschiedenisboeken. He has many history books. He has a lot of history books. Tom said he didn't know anything about Mary. Tom said that he didn't know anything about Mary. Tom said he didn't know anything about mary. So würde ich das nie sagen. I'd never say it like that. I would never say that. Eine letzte Chance haben wir noch. We still have one last chance. We still have one last chance. I wish that Tom wouldn't be so noisy. I wish Tom wouldn't be so noisy. I wish that tom wouldn't be so noisy. העברעיִש איז געווען דאָס ערשטע ייִדישע לשון. Hebrew was the first Jewish language. Hebrew was the first Jewish language. Das war die Mutter aller Schlachten. That was the mother of all battles. She was the mother of all battles. Mijn grootmoeder is ziek. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother is sick. Die Jahrhundertflut diese Woche in Australien hatte auch eine unerwartete Folge, denn es wurden massenweise Spinnen, darunter auch eine der tödlichsten Arten der Welt, aus ihrem eigentlichen Lebensraum in die Häuser und Gärten getrieben. Record flooding in Australia this week has had an unexpected consequence, driving hordes of spiders—including one of the world’s deadliest species—out of their usual habitat and into homes and backyards. The flood of the century this week in Australia also had an unexpected consequence, as there were droves of spiders, including one of the deadliest species in the world, from their actual habitat into the houses and gardens. Ik laat de Böker hier. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. Ich hätte gerne etwas anderes zu lesen. I want something else to read. I would like to read something else. Tom said he thought Mary was difficult to get along with. Tom said that he thought Mary was difficult to get along with. Tom said he thought mary was difficult to get along with. Meid, wat heb je toch prachtig haar. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, you have beautiful hair. Tom thought Mary would be embarrassed. Tom thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom thought mary would be embarrassed. Ik ben gek op ijs met muntsmaak. I love ice cream with a taste of mint. I love mint-flavored ice cream. Seit er jeden Tag Fahrrad fährt, ist Tom viel dünner geworden. Since Tom has been cycling every day, he's become much thinner. Since riding a bicycle every day, Tom has become much thinner. Die Luft wird auf hohen Bergen dünner. The air is rarefied on high mountains. The air becomes thinner on high mountains. Tom ist in den falschen Zug eingestiegen. Tom took the wrong train. Tom got on the wrong train. Maria mochte mich nicht. Mary didn't like me. Mary did not like me. Tom ist jetzt in der gegnerischen Mannschaft. Tom is now on the opposing team. Tom is now on the opposing team. Diese Klimaanlage schluckt viel Strom. This air conditioner uses a lot of electricity. This air conditioner swallows a lot of electricity. I don't like this store. I do not like this store. - I don't like this store. Als je klikt, ga je eraan. If you snitch, you're dead. If you click, you're dead. Für Kritik ist er immer unempfänglich. He is always immune to criticism. He is always unresponsive to criticism. Hast du deine Taschenlampe? Do you have your flashlight? Do you have your flashlight? They told me that they needed money. They told me they needed money. - They told me that they needed money. Männer müssen auch wie Männer riechen. Men should smell like men. Men need to smell like men. Waarom zoek je naar een nieuwe baan? Why are you looking for a new job? Why are you looking for a new job? The cat is purring in my lap. The cat's purring in my lap. - The cat is purring in my lap. Tom maakt misbruik van je. Tom is taking advantage of you. Tom's taking advantage of you. Die Feier war schön, bis Tom kam. The party was fun until Tom arrived. The party was nice until Tom arrived. Ik weet niet waar je naartoe gaat. I don't know where you're going. I don't know where you're going. Nou, de spelregels zijn veranderd. Well, the rules of the game have changed. Well, the rules of the game have changed. Du bist die einzige, bei der ich mich nicht zu verstellen brauche. You're the only one I can be myself with. You're the only one I don't have to pretend to be. In geval van een medisch noodgeval, wilt u dat wij contact opnemen met iemand? In case of a medical emergency, would you like us to contact someone? In case of a medical emergency, do you want us to contact someone? Sie ist nicht wie ihr. She's not like you. She's not like her. Aan wie zullen we die opdracht geven? To whom shall we give that assignment? Who are we going to give that order to? Tom is also going to do that today. Tom will do that today, too. Tom is also gonna do that today. I thought that was what we were supposed to do. I thought that that was what we were supposed to do. - I thought that was what we were supposed to do. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann es passiert ist. I can't remember when it happened. I can't remember when it happened. Wenn ich jünger wäre, ginge ich mit meinen Kindern wandern. If I were younger, I'd go hiking with my children. When I was younger, I would go hiking with my kids. Ik heb een vakantie nodig. I need a holiday. I need a vacation. I know that Tom doesn't know why Mary didn't need to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why Mary didn't need to do that. I know that tom doesn't know why mary didn't need to do that. Es ist alles nicht so schlimm, wie Tom meint. Things aren't as bad as Tom thinks they are. It's not as bad as Tom thinks. I don't think anybody could've stopped Tom. I don't think that anyone could've stopped Tom. I don't think anybody could have stopped Tom. Früher habe ich als Übersetzerin gearbeitet. I previously worked as a translator. I used to work as a translator. Ich werde alles deiner Frau erzählen. I will tell it all to your wife. I'll tell your wife everything. Sie werden es nie schaffen. They'll never make it. You'll never make it. Überall werde ich wie eine Ausländerin behandelt. Wherever I go, I get treated like a foreigner. Everywhere I am treated like a foreigner. Ich habe unsere Verlobung gelöst. I have broken off our engagement. I've broken our engagement. Mein Tag war voller Überraschungen. My day was full of surprises. My day was full of surprises. I didn't know I'd be busy this morning. I didn't know that I'd be busy this morning. - I didn't know I'd be busy this morning. Wiä häschs? How are you? What's up, Hiccup? Wir sollten uns wohl von hinnen machen. Evidently, it's time for us to leave. We should probably get rid of them. Tom konnte nicht studieren. Tom couldn't go to university. Tom could not study. Ik ben hier de hele tijd. I'm here all the time. I'm here all the time. You're the same age as I am. You're the same age as me. - You're the same age as I am. Maria sandte Tom ein Selfie. Mary sent Tom a selfie. Mary sent Tom a selfie. Kannst du auch Bratsche spielen oder nur Geige? Can you play the viola, too, or do you just play the violin? Can you also play viola or just violin? Ich bin gespannt, ob es dieses Jahr mehr schneien wird als letztes. I wonder whether it'll snow more this year than last year. I wonder if it will snow more this year than last. Die arbeiten sehr langsam. They work very slowly. They work very slowly. Gibt es Himmel und Hölle wirklich? Do heaven and hell actually exist? Is there really heaven and hell? Es wird Zeit, dass du dich endgültig niederlässt. It's about time you settled down for good. It's time for you to settle down for good. Dat is gevaarlijk. That's dangerous. That's dangerous. Ist es echt so schwer, eure Handys auszumachen? Is it really so hard to switch off your mobiles? Is it really that hard to turn off your cell phones? I don't think everybody has given up. I don't think everyone has given up. - I don't think everybody has given up. Tom beter dit nie gedoen het nie. Tom had better not do that. It's better he didn't do that. Ieder van ons ging behalve hij. All of us went except for him. All of us went except him. They didn't think that they could do that. They didn't think they could do that. - They didn't think that they could do that. Ik heb vandaag nog geen voet buiten de deur gezet. I haven't set foot outside the house today. I haven't set foot out the door yet. Ik miss di de ganze Tied. I miss you constantly. I miss you all the time. Er was een doodse stilte. There was a dead silence. There was a dead silence. Tom war ein Schulfreund von mir. Wir waren beide in der Basketballmannschaft. Tom was one of my friends in high school. We were both on the basketball team. Tom was a school friend of mine, and we were both on the basketball team. Du kannst mi nich ophollen. You can't stop me. You can't stop me. I don't think Tom knows that Mary isn't happy. I don't think Tom knows that Mary is unhappy. I don't think tom knows that mary isn't happy. Nur zu sein ist gut genug. Just being is good enough. Just being is good enough. Ich hatte mehrere Gelegenheiten, Englisch zu sprechen. I have had several occasions for speaking English. I had several opportunities to speak English. Welches Fach unterrichtet Fräulein Hansen? What subject does Ms. Jackson teach? What subject does Miss Hansen teach? Is dat niet komisch? Isn't that funny? Isn't that funny? Ich glaube, mit meinem Gehirn stimmt irgendwas nicht. I think something's wrong with my brain. I think there's something wrong with my brain. If you don't go, I won't either. If you don't go, I won't go either. - If you don't go, I won't either. Tom and Mary are planning on going tomorrow, aren't they? Tom and Mary are planning to go tomorrow, aren't they? Tom and mary are planning on going tomorrow, aren't they? Tom and Mary said that they were really sure that they needed do that. Tom and Mary said they were really sure they needed do that. Tom and mary said that they were really sure that they needed do that. I heard you went to visit Tom yesterday. I heard that you went to visit Tom yesterday. I heard you went to visit tom yesterday. I woke up at seven o'clock. I woke up at seven. I woke up at 7:00. Ich wusste nicht, dass ihr gekommen wart. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you'd come. Sami woont in een islamitisch land. Sami lives in a Muslim country. Sami lives in an Islamic country. Neen. No. No, no, no. Wij zijn water aan het koken. We are boiling water. We are boiling water. Tom hat Nachtschicht. Tom works the night shift. Tom has a night shift. Hoe durf jy oor my man op so 'n walglike manier praat! How dare you speak about my husband in that disgusting way! How dare you talk about my husband in such a disgusting way! Jaarlung haa wü niin Poten me Bloomen üp Balkon. This year we have no pots with flowers on the balcony. Jaarlung haa wou niin Poten me Bloomen üp Balkon. Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that anymore. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that anymore. Tom said that he hoped that mary wouldn't do that anymore. Wo ist der nördliche Teil der Stadt? Where is the northern part of the city? Where is the northern part of the city? Von meinen Schülern täte keiner so etwas. None of my students would do such a thing. None of my students would do that. Tom said he wouldn't mind if Mary did that. Tom said that he wouldn't mind if Mary did that. Tom said he wouldn't mind if mary did that. Der Hai fraß den Kraken. The shark ate the octopus. The shark ate the octopus. Willkommen in Berlin! Guten Flug gehabt? Welcome to Berlin! Did you have a good flight? Welcome to Berlin! Had a good flight? That isn't how we do things here. That's not how we do things here. - That isn't how we do things here. Sami vastte de maand ramadan. Sami fasted the month of Ramadan. Sami fasted the month of Ramadan. Hol mein Gewehr. Get my rifle. Get my gun. I'm not sure I'm ready to do this. I'm not sure that I'm ready to do this. - I'm not sure I'm ready to do this. Wissen Sie, wie der Unfall passiert ist? Do you know how the accident happened? Do you know how the accident happened? Maria ist eine Künstlerin, deren Werke man auf der ganzen Welt kennt. Mary is an artist whose works are known the world over. Maria is an artist whose works are known all over the world. Tom hat endlich nachgegeben. Tom has finally given in. Tom finally gave in. אונזערע עלטערן וואוינען קעגן דעם גאס פון אונס. Our parents live right across the street from us. Our parents live against the road of ours. Das ist eine Diktatur. It's a dictatorship. This is a dictatorship. Is jy seker jy wil hê dat ek jou moet help met jou huiswerk? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? I cannot help laughing at him. I can't help laughing at him. - I cannot help laughing at him. Tom machte ein Omelette. Tom made an omelette. He made an omelet. Was will Tom von dir? What does Tom want you to do? What does Tom want from you? Tom knows there's only one course of action possible. Tom knows that there's only one course of action possible. - Tom knows there's only one course of action possible. Tom and Mary took their socks off. Tom and Mary took off their socks. Tom and mary took their socks off. Tom said Mary knew he might not want to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew he might not want to do that by himself. Tom said Mary knew he might not wanna do that by himself. Einst wirst du den Grund verstehen. You'll eventually understand the reason why. One day you will understand the reason. Was würdest du tun, wenn du einen Menschen von einem anderen Planeten sähest? What would you do if you saw a man from another planet? What would you do if you saw a man from another planet? Ich habe gehört, Tom habe ein Glasauge. I heard that Tom has a glass eye. I heard Tom has a glass eye. Tom didn't realize that he'd been tricked. Tom didn't realize he'd been tricked. Tom didn't realise that he'd been tricked. Tom said that he thought that Mary might need to do that. Tom said he thought that Mary might need to do that. Tom said that he thought that mary might need to do that. Ze wachten verderop. They're waiting up ahead. They're waiting further on. מײַן ייִדיש איז טאַקע נישט אַזוי גוט. My Yiddish really isn't that good. My Yiddish isn't that good. Würden Sie mal die Reifen nachsehen? Would you check the tyres? Would you look at the tires? Backen wir doch noch ein paar Kekse! Why don't we make some more cookies? Let's bake some more cookies! Leer. Learn. -Leer. Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass du rausfliegst? What's the likelihood of you getting the sack? How likely are you to fly out? Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is gray. This flower is gray. Beim Go-Spiel legen zwei Spieler abwechselnd weiße und schwarze Steine ​​auf ein zunächst leeres Brett, um den Besitz von Platz auf dem Spielfeld zu sichern. Der Gewinner ist der Spieler, der die größte territoriale Eroberung erreicht hat. In the game of Go, two players take turns placing white and black stones on an initially empty board to ensure ownership of spaces on the playing field. The winner is the player who has achieved the greatest territorial conquest. In the Go game, two players alternately place white and black stones on an initially empty board to secure possession of space on the playing field. The winner is the player who has achieved the greatest territorial conquest. They said that they wouldn't try to do that. They said they wouldn't try to do that. They said they wouldn't try to do that. Da Herr Jansen im Krankenhaus liegt, werde ich euch die nächsten drei Wochen unterrichten. Mr. Jackson is in the hospital, so I'll be your teacher for the next three weeks. Since Mr. Jansen is in the hospital, I will be teaching you for the next three weeks. Sollen wir ins Theater gehen? Shall we go to the theater? Should we go to the theater? Wie viele Leute siehst du? How many people do you see? How many people do you see? Tut es dir leid? Are you sorry? You're sorry? I just hope Tom makes it out alive. I just hope that Tom makes it out alive. I just hope tom makes it out alive. Tom thinks Mary would probably not do that. Tom thinks that Mary would probably not do that. Tom thinks mary would probably not do that. Wat was de naam van je eerste hond? What was your first dog's name? What was the name of your first dog? I thought that you said no one was going to be here. I thought that you said that no one was going to be here. I thought that you said no one was gonna be here. De Tom het gern Chäs. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Junge Erwachsene verkleiden sich vielleicht und gehen auf Halloween-Feiern, während ältere zu Hause bleiben und den von Haus zu Haus ziehenden Kindern Süßigkeiten schenken. Young adults might dress up and go to Halloween parties, while older adults stay home and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Young adults may dress up and go on Halloween celebrations, while older ones stay home and give candy to children moving from house to house. I never thought that we'd agree on anything. I never thought we'd agree on anything. - I never thought that we'd agree on anything. Wenn es das Wetter erlaubt, werden wir morgens abreisen. We shall leave in the morning, weather permitting. If the weather permits, we will leave in the morning. Ik heb Tom drie uur geleden gezien. I saw Tom three hours ago. I saw Tom three hours ago. Grulige Films warrt de Kinner woll bangmaken. Scary movies will frighten the children. Horror movies will scare the kids. Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done is done. What happened, happened. Diese Gabel ist aus reinem Silber. This fork is made of pure silver. This fork is made of pure silver. In plaats van naar de sportschool gaan, loop ik elke dag naar werk heen en terug. Instead of going to the gym, I walk to and from work every day. Instead of going to the gym, I walk to work and back every day. Ich habe keinen Zweifel an seiner Aufrichtigkeit. I do not doubt that he is sincere. I have no doubt about his sincerity. I assume you don't want to go. I assume that you don't want to go. - I assume you don't want to go. איך נעם נישט קיין שום אחריות. I don't take any responsibility at all. I don't have any responsibilities. Mama, ich habe einen Papierflieger gemacht. Mom, I made a paper airplane. Mom, I made a paper plane. Wie viele Masten hat dieses Schiff? How many masts does that ship have? How many masts does this ship have? Vliegtuige vlieg bo ons. Airplanes fly above us. Planes fly over us. Darf ich dich um einen Gefallen bitten? May I request a favour of you? Can I ask you a favor? Tom told me that I'm last. Tom told me I'm last. - Tom told me that I'm last. I'm against the death penalty. I am against the death penalty. - I'm against the death penalty. Wir haben sehr jung geheiratet. We got married very young. We got married very young. Die Fahrgäste blieben ruhig. The passengers remained calm. The passengers remained calm. Dat moet nog besloten worden. That is yet to be decided. That has yet to be decided. Deine Schwester ist meine Freundin. Your sister is my friend. Your sister is my friend. Ik kaam vondaag. I am coming today. I arrived today. Isländisch ist meine Lieblingssprache. Icelandic is my favourite language. Icelandic is my favorite language. Sie ist nicht mehr die heitere Frau von einst. She is not the cheerful woman she was before. She is no longer the happy woman of old. They told me that they needed space. They told me they needed space. - They told me that they needed space. Tom hat nicht auf Anweisung Marias, sondern aus eigenem Antrieb heraus gehandelt. Tom didn't do what he did because Mary told him to, but because he wanted to. Tom did not act on Maria’s instructions, but on his own initiative. I don't think I can go swimming today. I don't think that I can go swimming today. - I don't think I can go swimming today. Wollen wir auf ihn warten? Should we wait for him? Shall we wait for him? I am bleeding between my periods. I'm bleeding between my periods. I'm bleeding between my periods. Lass es bitte. Please stop it. Please don't. De wind waait uit het oosten. The wind is blowing from the east. The wind blows from the east. Waarom ging u toen naar de dokter? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Then why did you go to the doctor? Tom says you've never been arrested. Tom says that you've never been arrested. - Tom says you've never been arrested. Sie trug einen schwarzen Hut. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Normalerweise stellte er den Regenschirm in die Nähe der Tür. Usually he put the umbrella near the door. He usually placed the umbrella near the door. Wat ga je bestellen? What are you ordering? What are you gonna order? Ich bin Ihr König und Sie sind meine Königin. I'm your king and you're my queen. I am your king and you are my queen. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom Französisch sprechen kann. I had no idea that Tom knew how to speak French. I didn't know Tom could speak French. Misschien frist dit je geheugen wel op. Maybe this will refresh your memory. Maybe this will refresh your memory. Tom woont nu bij zijn oom. Tom is living with his uncle now. He now lives with his uncle. Er wordt vaak verwezen naar het werk van Feuerbach. The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to. It is often referred to the work of Feuerbach. I get emotional sometimes after a nice game of chess. Sometimes I cry after a great game of chess. I get emotional sometimes, after a nice game of chess. I think that that question isn't appropriate. I think that question isn't appropriate. - I think that that question isn't appropriate. Tom wordt kaal. Tom is going bald. Tom's getting bald. Das kann man besser formulieren. There's a better way to word this. It's easier to put that into words. I have been raped. I've been raped. - I have been raped. Wohin habt ihr die Flaschen gestellt? Where did you put the bottles? Where did you put the bottles? That's not a problem in the summer. That isn't a problem in the summer. - That's not a problem in the summer. Alle Kinder bekommen ein Geschenk. All the children will receive gifts. All children receive a gift. Tom is verrassend gevoelig voor de kou. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to cold. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to the cold. Tom kann keinen Knoblauch leiden; ergo muss er ein Vampir sein. Tom can't stand garlic, so he must be a vampire. Tom can't suffer from garlic; ergo he must be a vampire. It is not until you get sick that you realize the value of good health. It isn't until you get sick that you realize the value of good health. It is not until you get sick That you realize the value of good health. In diese Taschenlampe kommen zwei Batterien. This flashlight needs two batteries. There are two batteries in this flashlight. Alle waren verdattert. Everyone was gobsmacked. Everyone was distraught. I know you're richer than me. I know that you're richer than me. - I know you're richer than me. Ik praat constant met mezelf. I constantly talk to myself. I talk to myself all the time. Tom told me he thought Mary was glad that that was going to happen. Tom told me he thought Mary was glad that was going to happen. Tom told me he thought mary was glad that that was going to happen. Wir kehrten in einen Pub am Stadtrand ein. We stopped at a pub on the outskirts of town. We went to a pub on the outskirts of town. Tom sal vir drie dae bly. Tom will stay for three days. He'll be staying for three days. Marie ist Feministin. Mary is a feminist. Marie is a feminist. I know that Tom is a good actor. I know Tom is a good actor. I know that tom is a good actor. Wie hast du es geschafft, in drei Wochen 14 kg zuzunehmen? How did you gain thirty pounds in three weeks? How did you manage to gain 14 kg in three weeks? Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik hou meer van katten. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids love dogs, but I love cats more. Hy is in Koreaan. He is a Korean. He is in Korean. Tom ist Sicherheitsexperte. Tom is a security specialist. Tom is a security expert. Tom kam drei Stunden vor Marie nach Hause. Tom got home three hours earlier than Mary. Tom came home three hours before Marie. Draußen tobt ein fürchterlicher Sturm. A terrible storm is raging outside. There is a terrible storm outside. Ich hatte ja gehofft, du hülfest uns. I was kind of hoping you'd help us. I was hoping you'd help us. Damit das klar ist, ich werde meine Meinung nicht ändern! I'd like to make it clear that I will not change my mind. Just to be clear, I will not change my mind! Üp desjirem Eeker wukset Greentji. Vegetables are growing on this field. I'm going to go with Greentji. Um Schach nach den internationalen Regeln der FIDE wettbewerbsfähig zu spielen, muss der Spieler seine Züge notieren. To play chess competitively according to the international rules of FIDE, a player must write down his moves. In order to play chess competitively according to the international rules of FIDE, the player must note his moves. Es ist niemand hier. There's no one here. There's no one here. Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people (as well as other minority groups in China) are kins in one family. Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people (as well as other minority groups in China) are as dear to each other as members of one family. Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people (as well as other minority groups in China) are kins in one family. Ich suche meine Mutter. I'm looking for my mother. I'm looking for my mother. Hat der Zug Verspätung? Is the train late? Is the train late? Ik kijk bijna elke dag naar het nieuws. I watch the news almost every day. I watch the news almost every day. Ga recht tegenover elkaar staan. Stand face to face. Stand right against each other. Wanneer ben je vrij? When are you free? When will you be free? יענער מענטש איז בסדר? Is that person okay? That person's right? Tom war total blank. Tom was very broke. He was totally blank. Bill gaat om de dag vissen. Bill goes fishing every other day. Bill goes fishing every day. Een vriendin van me is net getrouwd. A friend of mine just got married. A friend of mine just got married. מײַנע עלטערן ווילן זיך באַגעגענען מיט דיר. My parents would like to meet you. My parents want to see you. Laten we Tom vragen. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. De Schoulmeeschter schafft ni sonndes. The headmaster never works on Sundays. The teacher doesn't take any naps. Die ein oder zwei Minuten, die Tom anstehen musste, kamen ihm wie eine Ewigkeit vor, und es kostete ihn unentwegte Mühe, nicht zu dem Auto hinüberzublicken, mit dem er gekommen war und aus dem die anderen Schüler, die Füße auf plattgetretenen Bierdosen und Pizzakartons, gebannt zu ihm hinsahen. „Warum mache ich das nur?“ fragte er sich. „Die Bullen werden mich schnappen, und dann kann ich MIT vergessen.“ The minute or two Tom spent waiting felt like an eternity as he kept trying not to glance over at the car that brought him there, the other high schoolers in it staring at him while resting their feet on crushed beer cans and pizza boxes. "Why am I doing this?" he asked himself. "The cops are gonna catch me, and when they do there's no way I'll ever get into MIT." The one or two minutes Tom had to wait seemed like an eternity, and it took him unremitting effort not to look over to the car he had come in and out of which the other students, their feet on flat-bottomed beer cans and pizza boxes, looked spellbound to him. “Why am I doing this?” he asked himself. Wir haben jetzt März. It's March. We are now in March. Omdat het niet je moedertaal is, stel ik voor dat je deze zin vrijgeeft, zodat een moedertaalspreker hem kan adopteren. Zo zijn we allen zeker dat we met een goede zin te doen hebben. Since this isn't your native language, I'd suggest unowning this sentence, leaving it free for a native speaker to adopt. This way we can all be confident that it's a good sentence. Since it is not your native language, I suggest that you release this phrase so that a native speaker can adopt it, so that we are all sure that we have a good sentence to do. Yanni wollte Skura einen Streich spielen. Yanni wanted to play a prank on Skura. Yanni wanted to play Skura a trick. Null, eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tom erreichte ein Alter von siebenundneunzig Jahren. Tom lived to be 97 years old. Tom reached the age of ninety-seven. Das wäre mir alles recht. Anything would be fine with me. I'd be all right with that. Mary says she doesn't plan on doing that this week. Mary says she doesn't plan to do that this week. - Mary says she doesn't plan on doing that this week. We hebben een half dozijn eieren. We have a half-dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Is ze al teruggekomen? Is she back yet? Has she come back yet? Was glaubst du, wie lange Tom warten wird? How long do you think Tom will wait? How long do you think Tom's gonna wait? There is not much I can do to help, I am afraid. There isn't much I can do to help, I'm afraid. There is not much I can do to help. I am afraid. Ein Atom ist kleiner als ein Molekül. An atom is smaller than a molecule. An atom is smaller than a molecule. Siehst du meinen Hund? Do you see my dog? Do you see my dog? I hope Tom and I aren't inconveniencing you. I hope that Tom and I aren't inconveniencing you. I hope tom and I aren't inconveniencing you. Tom and Mary say they aren't planning on doing that tomorrow. Tom and Mary say they're not planning on doing that tomorrow. Tom and mary say they aren't planning on doing that tomorrow. Wenn man fröhlich ist, können Bücher das Glück noch steigern; wenn man traurig ist, können Bücher die Trübsal lindern. When you are cheerful, books can increase your happiness; when you are sad, books can lessen your sorrow. When you are happy, books can increase your happiness; when you are sad, books can ease your distress. Ik hoff, Ria weet, dat se dat mutt. I hope Mary knows she has to do that. I hope Ria knows that she must. Sie veröffentlichte Videos, in denen sie zur Mithilfe aufrief, Zigarettenstummel und Plastikflaschen vom Strand zu beseitigen. She posted videos encouraging others to help rid the beach of cigarette butts and plastic bottles. She published videos in which she called for help to remove cigarette butts and plastic bottles from the beach. I'm an introvert. I am an introvert. - I'm an introvert. Zai lait heur potlood valen. She dropped her pencil. Zai lait heur pencil valen. Tom teilte sich eine Pizza mit Maria. Tom split a pizza with Mary. Tom shared a pizza with Maria. Darf ich mir deinen Bleistift leihen? Can I borrow your pencil? Can I borrow your pencil? Es ist schwer, einen Menschen objektiv zu beurteilen, der einem nahesteht. It's hard to judge objectively a person you're close to. It is difficult to objectively judge a person who is close to you. Tom's visiting his brother. Tom is visiting his brother. - Tom's visiting his brother. t Stremlicht wer rood. The traffic light changed to red. The light is red. Es ist ja genau wie erwartet gelaufen. It went exactly as expected. It went exactly as expected. Maria hatte etwas Wichtiges zu sagen, aber Tom unterbrach sie immer wieder. Mary had something important to say, but Tom kept interrupting her. Maria had something important to say, but Tom kept interrupting her. I'm surprised Tom didn't show. I'm surprised that Tom didn't show. I'm surprised tom didn't show. Wann fährt der erste Zug ab? What time does the first train leave? When does the first train leave? Das wäre schwierig. That would be difficult. That would be difficult. Die Dummen halten sich für klug, und die Klugen halten sich für dumm. Dumb people think they're smart, and smart people think they're dumb. The foolish think they are wise, and the wise think they are foolish. Sie sind in der Bibliothek. They are in the library. You're in the library. Der Satz ist so ungeschickt, dass man ihn schon falsch nennen muss. That sentence is awkward to the point of being wrong. The sentence is so clumsy that you have to call it wrong. Die Hansens gerieten mit Toms Verhaftung in Verruf. The Jackson family fell into disrepute after Tom's arrest. The Hansens fell into disrepute with Tom's arrest. I must stay in this room all night. I should stay in this room all night. - I must stay in this room all night. Nani Enterprises gibt es bereits seit über vierzig Jahren. Nani Enterprises has been around for over forty years. Nani Enterprises has been around for over forty years. Ik realizeerde me niet dat je allergisch was voor pinda's. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. Ich verstehe die Bedeutung dieses Wortes nicht. I don't understand the meaning of this word. I do not understand the meaning of this word. Tom übersetzte sieben Prozent seiner englischen Sätze ins Neugriechische. Tom has translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Tom translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Die Finanzbranche sitzt in Frankfurt. The financial sector sits in Frankfurt. The financial sector is based in Frankfurt. Wir haben diesen Sommer nicht viel Sonne. We haven't had much sun this summer. We don’t have much sun this summer. Es ist jemand in Ihrem Zimmer. There's someone in your room. There's someone in your room. Sie will Rechtsanwältin werden. She wants to be a solicitor. She wants to be a lawyer. Tom isn't an idiot. Tom is not an idiot. - Tom isn't an idiot. Was glaubst du, welche Farben dir stehen? What colours do you think look good on you? What color do you think you are? Uiteindelik het hy sy plan uitgevoer. Finally, he carried out his plan. In the end, he carried out his plan. Heeft iedereen een potlood? Does everybody have a pencil? Does everyone have a pencil? Tom fährt gewöhnlich mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule. Tom usually goes to school by bicycle. Tom usually goes to school by bicycle. Tom didn't want anybody to be sad. Tom didn't want anyone to be sad. - Tom didn't want anybody to be sad. זיי האָבן אַן אָראַנזשענע‎ קאַץ. They have an orange cat. They've got a cat. Die Tür ist schon aufgeschlossen. The door is already unlocked. The door is already open. Die guten Freunde haben zusammen Esperanto gelernt. The good friends learned Esperanto together. The good friends learned Esperanto together. Tom scheint nicht so tolerant wie Maria zu sein. Tom doesn't seem to be as tolerant as Mary seems to be. Tom doesn’t seem to be as tolerant as Maria. Zwingen Sie mich nicht, dorthin zu gehen! Don't make me go there. Don't make me go there! Ge doet mij pijn. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Waarom wil je Boston verlaten? Why do you want to leave Boston? Why do you want to leave Boston? We moeten de meeting annuleren. We need to cancel the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Die Soldaten sind erschöpft. The soldiers are exhausted. The soldiers are exhausted. Ich bin ziemlich froh. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. Dat sneet. It's snowing. It's snowing. Die jungen Zelter waren mit neuen wasserdichten Jacken ausgestattet. The young campers were kitted out with new waterproof jackets. The young tents were equipped with new waterproof jackets. Ich zeige ihr das Hemd. I show her the shirt. I'll show her the shirt. Hallo, ich bin Tom. Hello, I'm Tom. Hi, I'm Tom. Mary hat zu ihrem Geburtstag eine Menge Geschenke bekommen. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary got a lot of presents for her birthday. Klem steviger vast. Grip tighter. Clamp tighter. Ich bemühe mich, weniger fernzusehen. I'm trying to watch less television. I try to watch less TV. Wir haben Vollmond. Ich werde bestimmt nicht schlafen können. It's a full moon. I definitely won't be able to sleep. We have a full moon, I'm sure I won't be able to sleep. Ik ben God dankbaar dat Hij mij de kans heeft gegeven om Hem te kunnen dienen. I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to serve him. I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to serve Him. Ik wist niet dat u hooikoorts had. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Russland is de gröttste Staat op de Welt un de Vatikaan is de lüttste Staat op de Welt. Russia is the biggest state in the world, and The Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Russia is the largest state in the world and the Vatican is the smallest state in the world. The only thing we can do is wait and see what happens. The only thing that we can do is wait and see what happens. The only thing we can do... is wait and see what happens. Mijn oma heeft deze trui voor me gebreid. My grandmother knit me this sweater. My grandmother knitted this sweater for me. Tom said he's willing to do that for us. Tom said that he's willing to do that for us. - Tom said he's willing to do that for us. Offen gesagt ist mir schwer begreiflich, warum du da hin willst. To be honest, it's hard for me to understand why you want to go there. Frankly, it's hard for me to understand why you want to go there. Du büst uns nee Naver. You are our new neighbor. You are not our neighbor. Ik ben een Franse prins. I am a French prince. I'm a French prince. Ik weet niet meer wat ik heb gedaan. I don't remember what I have done. I don't remember what I did. Ich habe sie kennengelernt. I've got acquainted with them. I met her. Waar werd dit boek gepubliceerd? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Die Übersetzung des Titels ins Französische ist lächerlich. The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. The translation of the title into French is ridiculous. Startet die Motoren! Start the engines! Start the engines! Zeg het maar. Go ahead and tell me. You tell me. Tom wusste genau, dass in all den Sätzen das letzte Wort immer einer zustehen würde: Mary. Tom knew well that in all the sentences, the last word would always be for Mary. Tom knew that in all the sentences, the last word would always belong to one person: Mary. Rome is die hoofstad van die wêreld. Rome is the capital of the world. Rome is the capital of the world. טאָם גייט אַראָפּ פֿון זינען. Tom's going crazy. He's going down from sight. Aubergine, worrel, temoat. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Eggplant, scrambled eggs, temoat. Wir leben in einer Zeit, wo alles mit Gewalt geregelt wird. We live in an age where everything is settled through violence. We live in a time where everything is regulated by force. The present I got from Tom was the best. The gift I got from Tom was the best. The present I got from tom was the best. I don't think I've ever seen Tom doing that. I don't think that I've ever seen Tom doing that. I don't think I've ever seen tom doing that. Hij zou er in staat zijn om te slagen. He would be able to succeed. He would be able to succeed. Tom was kaal. Tom was bald. Tom was bald. I don't think I'll be able to do what I want to do. I don't think that I'll be able to do what I want to do. I don't think I'll be able to do what I wanna do. Ich esse keinen Lachs mehr. I don't eat salmon anymore. I don't eat salmon anymore. Ich will mir das Spiel nicht ansehen. I don't want to watch the game. I don't want to watch the game. גאָרנישט! No matter! Nothing at all! Waarom vertel je Tom niet gewoon dat je hem niet mag? Why don't you just tell Tom you don't like him? Why don't you just tell Tom you don't like him? Es ist alte Sitte, dass der galante Mann einer Dame die Tür aufhält. Traditionally, gentlemen hold doors open for ladies. It is an old custom for the gallant man of a lady to hold the door open. Tom and Mary put down their spoons. Tom and Mary put their spoons down. Tom and mary put down their spoons. Tom said he doesn't think it's necessary to do that. Tom said that he doesn't think it's necessary to do that. - Tom said he doesn't think it's necessary to do that. Ich war bei dir zu Hause. I was at your place. I was at your place. Fliegt hoch die Kuh und tief das Rind, dann ist das wohl ein Wirbelwind. Flies high the cow and low the cattle, a twister does the farmyard rattle. If the cow flies high and the cow deep, then it is probably a whirlwind. Sie müssen Mitglied sein. You have to be a member. You must be a member. Ik heb voor mijn collega een "word snel beter" kaart net gekocht. Ze zijn niet ziek. Ik denk maar dat ze beter kunnen doen. I just bought my co-worker a "get well soon" card. They're not sick. I just think they could do better. I just bought a "get better fast" card for my colleague. They're not sick. I just think they can do better. I knew that Tom didn't know anybody who did that. I knew Tom didn't know anybody who did that. I knew that tom didn't know anybody who did that. Sami verliet de moskee. Sami left the mosque. Sami left the mosque. Bist du sicher, dass du die richtige Nummer gewählt hast? Are you sure you dialed the right number? Are you sure you've dialed the right number? Tom woke the children up and told them to get ready for school. Tom woke up the children and told them to get ready for school. Tom woke the children up and told them to get ready for school Ik zal je missen wanneer je weg bent. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you when you're gone. Wat heeft Tom in zijn tas? What does Tom have in his bag? What does Tom have in his bag? Zij is niet gelukkig. She is not happy. She's not happy. Een 25-jarige millennial met een middelbare schooldiploma of minder verdient gemiddeld 29.000 dollar per jaar. Dat is ongeveer 2.600 dollar minder dan de vorige generatie, de Gen X'ers, die 38 tot 53 jaar oud zijn, en bijna 10.000 dollar minder dan wat de babyboomers, die 54 tot 72 jaar oud zijn, op dezelfde leeftijd verdienden. A 25-year-old millennial man with a high school degree or less makes an average of $29,000 per year. That's about $2,600 less than the generation before them, the Gen Xers, people aged 38 to 53, and almost $10,000 less than baby boomers, those aged 54 to 72, earned at the same age. A 25-year-old millennial with a high school diploma or less earns an average of $29,000 a year. That's about $2,600 less than the previous generation, the Gen X'ers, who are 38 to 53 years old, and nearly $10,000 less than what the baby boomers, who are 54 to 72 years old, earned at the same age. Hoe kunt u daar zo zeker van zijn? How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure? Tom het koffie gemaak. Tom made coffee. He made the coffee. Die Olympischen Spiele wurden letztes Jahr abgesagt. The Olympic Games were cancelled last year. The Olympics were cancelled last year. They say it's going to be another fine day today. They say it will be another fine day today. They say it's gonna be another fine day today. אונדזער שותּפֿישע שפּראַך איז פֿראַנצייזיש. Our common language is French. Our native language is French. Tom said Mary would probably know how to do that. Tom said that Mary would probably know how to do that. Tom said mary would probably know how to do that. I know that Tom knows that I hardly ever do that. I know Tom knows that I hardly ever do that. I know that tom knows that I hardly ever do that. Het telt. It matters. It counts. Eine verloren, zehn gewonnen. There are many fish in the sea. One lost, ten won. Tom could've been in Boston by now if he'd wanted to be. Tom could have been in Boston by now if he'd wanted to be. Tom could have been in Boston by now if he'd wanted to be. Warte hier. Ich bin gleich wieder da. Wait there. I'll be right back. Wait here, I'll be right back. Waarom slaapt u? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Entschuldigung, geht es Ihnen gut? Excuse me, are you well? Excuse me, are you all right? Ich heiße Ricardo und bin Brasilianer. My name's Ricardo and I'm Brazilian. My name is Ricardo and I am Brazilian. Eigenlijk zou ik Engels moeten leren, maar ik kijk liever een film. I was supposed to study English, but I prefer watching this movie. I’d love to learn English, but I’d rather watch a movie. I assume we're doing a pretty good job since no one has complained. I assume we're doing a pretty good job since nobody has complained. I assume we're doing a pretty good job, since no one has complained. Ik hou van Italiaans eten. I love Italian food. I love Italian food. Tom is the only one I know who has been to Australia. Tom is the only one that I know who has been to Australia. Tom is the only one I know who has been to australia. Hi jert ring, hi es binai doov. He hears badly, he is nearly deaf. Hi jert ring, hi es binai doov. I try to stay on softer ground when running. I try to stick to softer ground when I run. - I try to stay on softer ground when running. U heeft twee kinderen. You have two children. You have two children. Waar heb je behoefte aan? What do you have a need for? What do you need? Ik zeg tegen jou dat de kaart naar hier verwijst. I am telling you that the map points here. I'm telling you the map is pointing to here. Koalas are not bears. Koalas aren't bears. - Koalas are not bears. Tom could've taken the money. Tom could have taken the money. Tom could have taken the money. Er tauchte einfach aus dem Nichts auf. He just appeared from nowhere. He just showed up out of nowhere. Haal hulp. Bring help. Get some help. That's not what Tom is going to talk about. That isn't what Tom is going to talk about. That's not what tom is going to talk about. Tom bleef stilstaan. Tom remained still. Tom stood still. Das Fotoalbum wurde herumgegeben, bis es schließlich wieder bei Tom ankam. Allen gefielen die Bilder sehr. The photo album was passed round until it eventually came back to Tom. Everyone really liked the pictures. The photo album was given around until it finally arrived back at Tom. Everyone liked the pictures very much. It doesn't look as if Tom's here. It doesn't look as if Tom is here. It doesn't look as if tom's here. 'n Voël vlieg. A bird flies. A bird is flying. Nicht-Muttersprachler sind auch Sprecher. Non-native speakers are speakers, too. Non-native speakers are also speakers. Tom hatte eine Nachricht auf dem Anrufbeantworter. Tom had a message on his answering machine. Tom had a message on the answering machine. Gib mir auch was davon. Get me some, too. Give me some of that, too. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan niet tegen natuurlijke dwaasheid op. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness. Artificial intelligence cannot stand against natural stupidity. I'm less optimistic than you are. I'm less optimistic than you. - I'm less optimistic than you are. Tom singt sehr gerne. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Ella steuerte auf einem Kurs durch das Asteroidenfeld. Ella steered a course through the asteroid field. Ella was on a course through the asteroid field. We zijn naar het museum gegaan. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. Ik heb een kaartje nodig. I need a ticket. I need a ticket. Unterhalten wir uns beim Gehen! Let's talk as we walk. Let's talk while we go! Dir musst mir net hëllefen. You don't need to help me. You don't have to help me. Du hast das Licht brennen lassen. You left the light on. You let the light burn. I know that Tom isn't the one who's supposed to tell Mary that she doesn't need to do that. I know Tom isn't the one who's supposed to tell Mary she doesn't need to do that. I know that tom isn't the one who's supposed to tell mary that she doesn't need to do that. Alles staat op zijn kop. Everything is upside down. Everything is upside down. Ek het 'n sending vir jou. I have a mission for you. I have a mission for you. „Hurra! Hurra! Wir gehen in den Zoo!“ rief Tom und sprang vor Freude. "Yay, yay, we're going to the zoo!" Tom shouted as he jumped with joy. “Hurrah! hurrah! we’re going to the zoo!” shouted Tom, leaping for joy. I doubt very seriously that Tom will be irritated. I doubt very seriously Tom will be irritated. I doubt very seriously that tom will be irritated. Maria arbeitet in einem Reformhaus. Mary works at a health food store. Maria works in a health food store. Als wir dort ankamen, war es bereits dunkel. When we got there, it was already dark. When we got there, it was already dark. It's hard to do that, isn't it? It's difficult to do that, isn't it? - It's hard to do that, isn't it? Tom is een reactionair. Tom's a reactionary. Tom is a reactionary. צי דער עפּל איז רױט? Is the apple red? The apple is red. Hat Sie schon einmal jemand darauf hingewiesen, dass Sie beim Schlafen schnarchen? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Has anyone ever told you that you snore while you sleep? Tom haalde de kurk uit de fles. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Sie zieht sich die Uniform an. She puts on the uniform. She's wearing the uniform. Marie zeigt den Spiegel. Mary shows the mirror. Marie shows the mirror. What're you doing in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? Die Wolke bricht langsam auseinander. The cloud is beginning to break up. The cloud is slowly falling apart. Tom told me that he thought you could do that. Tom told me he thought that you could do that. - Tom told me that he thought you could do that. I don't think Tom really likes doing that very much. I don't think that Tom really likes doing that very much. I don't think tom really likes doing that very much. Als je wil, zal ik je leren om te schaken. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you want, I'll teach you how to play chess. Ga hoger! Level up! Go higher! Tom vergat de melk terug de koelkast in te zetten. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the refrigerator. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the fridge. Tom is waarschijnlijk ook dood. Tom is probably dead, too. Tom's probably dead, too. Woher kennt ihr meine Frau? How do you know my wife? How do you know my wife? Es gibt Besserwisser, die niemals begreifen, dass man recht haben und doch ein Idiot sein kann. There are know-it-alls who never understand that one can be right and still be an idiot. There are know-it-alls who never understand that you can be right and still be an idiot. Ich glaube nicht, dass Tom auftauchen wird. I don't think Tom will show up. I don't think Tom's going to show up. Tom sah sich im Umkleideraum um. Tom looked around the locker room. Tom looked around in the dressing room. Do you promise that you won't tell Tom that I gave you his phone number? Do you promise you won't tell Tom I gave you his phone number? Do you promise that you won't tell tom that I gave you his phone number? Mary's personage was een rondborstige Amazone. Mary's character was a busty amazon. Mary's character was a busty Amazon. Mijn vader stierf toen ik zeven was. My father died when I was seven years old. My father died when I was seven. Heute liegt die Temperatur bei 70 Grad Fahrenheit. The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Today the temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Tom and Mary say they're not concerned. Tom and Mary say they aren't concerned. Tom and mary say they're not concerned. Houdt u van Italiaanse muziek? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? I thought that Tom might be angry at you. I thought Tom might be angry at you. I thought that tom might be angry at you. Tom zou deze keer over moeten slaan. Tom should sit this one out. Tom should skip this time. Heute Abend gehen wir in die Oper. Tonight, we will go to the opera. We're going to the opera tonight. Dit is geen zilver. This isn't silver. This is not silver. Seine Entdeckung führte zu einer Revolution des Beförderungswesens. His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport. His discovery led to a revolution in transportation. Du hast eine Frage gestellt, aber jetzt beantwortest du sie selbst. You asked a question, but now you're answering it yourself. You asked a question, but now you answer it yourself. Er hat mich erpresst. He blackmailed me. He blackmailed me. Zur Zeit hat Russland einige Atomsprengköpfe mehr als die Vereinigten Staaten. Presently, Russia has a few more nuclear warheads than the United States. Currently, Russia has some nuclear warheads more than the United States. Haal uw schouders op. Shrug your shoulders. Pick up your shoulders. Versuch, großzügig zu sein, und vergib. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be generous and forgive. Maria sagte, dass sie kitzlig sei. Mary said that she was ticklish. Maria said she was ticklish. Sammy had spacecake. Sami had weed cookies. - Sammy had spacecake. Wir sind hier gerade erst hier angekommen. We've only just arrived. We've just arrived here. Ich bat ihn um Rat. I turned to him for advice. I asked him for advice. Diese Sprache wird für mich immer ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln bleiben. For me this language will forever be like a closed book. This language will always remain for me a book with seven seals. Tom told me he thought Mary was gullible. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was gullible. Tom told me he thought mary was gullible. Sie gingen bei Rot auf die andere Straßenseite. They crossed to the other side while the light was red. They went to the other side of the street in red. Tom told everyone that he was fine. Tom told everybody he was fine. - Tom told everyone that he was fine. „Warum hast du so weit weg geparkt?“ – „Einen näheren Parkplatz gab es nicht.“ "Why have you parked so far away?" "There wasn't anywhere closer to park." “Why did you park so far away?” – “There was no closer parking.” I'm surprised Tom didn't want to go with us. I'm surprised that Tom didn't want to go with us. I'm surprised tom didn't want to go with us. Ich bin gekommen, um euch ein Angebot zu machen. I came here to make you an offer. I've come to make you an offer. Tom didn't know that Mary wanted to do that with him. Tom didn't know Mary wanted to do that with him. Tom didn't know that mary wanted to do that with him. Wie könnte ich es ändern? How could I help it? How could I change it? Ich muss mein Fahrrad reparieren. I need to fix my bicycle. I have to fix my bike. „True Faith“ („Wahrer Glaube“) war die einzige Single, die für die Kompilation „Substance“ von New Order aufgenommen und von derselben veröffentlicht wurde; dies war eine Sammlung von ansonsten schon zuvor herausgebrachten A-Seiten und B-Seiten im 12-Zoll-Format, von denen einige neu eingespielt wurden. True Faith was the only single recorded for and released from New Order's Substance 1987 compilation album, a collection of otherwise previously released 12-inch A and B-sides, some of which were re-recorded for the album. True Faith was the only single recorded and released by New Order for the compilation Substance, a collection of previously released 12-inch A-sides and B-sides, some of which were re-recorded. Ik heb een vriend, wiens vader een beroemd pianist is. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Da ihre Unterhaltung auf Französisch war, konnte ich kein Wort verstehen. Since their conversation was in French, I couldn't understand a word. Since their conversation was in French, I couldn't understand a word. Hast du alles getan, worum ich dich bat? Did you do everything I asked you to? Did you do everything I asked you to do? Kennen joe dizze noaberschop. Do you know this neighbourhood? Know joe this noob. Tom says that he's sorry that he broke his promise. Tom says he's sorry that he broke his promise. Tom says he's sorry that he broke his promise. I don't think Tom knows what he wants. I don't think that Tom knows what he wants. I don't think tom knows what he wants. Es ist schlecht für dich. It's bad for you. It's bad for you. Die U-Bahnstation ist am Platz. The subway station is at the square. The metro station is at the place. Es ist kein Wasser mehr in der Flasche. There is no water left in the bottle. There is no more water in the bottle. Hat Tom außer dir noch andere lebende Verwandte? Besides you, does Tom have any living relatives? Does Tom have any other living relatives besides you? Er sprach mit einer, für Südländer charakteristischen, Sanftheit. He spoke with a softness characteristic of southerners. He spoke with a mildness characteristic of Southerners. Somebody will probably do that tomorrow. Someone will probably do that tomorrow. - Somebody will probably do that tomorrow. Mama, ich gehe zur Schule. Tschüss! Mum, I'm going to school. Bye! Mom, I'm going to school. Das können Sie doch unmöglich ernst meinen. You can't possibly be serious. You can't be serious about that. You're not very intimidating. You aren't very intimidating. - You're not very intimidating. Ich habe morgen zu tun. I will be busy tomorrow. I'm busy tomorrow. Ik ben gisteren begonnen met het schrijven van een nieuw boek. I started writing a new book yesterday. I started writing a new book yesterday. Tom's a polyglot. Tom is a polyglot. - Tom's a polyglot. Nobody here wants to hurt Tom. No one here wants to hurt Tom. Nobody here wants to hurt tom. Sehe ich wie dein Diener aus? Do I look like your servant? Do I look like your servant? Es sieht nach Regen aus. Du holst besser die Wäsche rein. It looks like rain. You'd better get the washing in. It looks like rain, you better get the laundry in. I know you and Tom skipped school yesterday. I know that you and Tom skipped school yesterday. I know you and tom skipped school yesterday. "Ein Stolpern bedeutet den Absturz, und ein Absturz bedeutet den Tod," hat Arnaud Vannay gesagt. "If you trip, you'll fall down. And if you fall down, that will be your downfall", said Arnaud Vannay. "A trip means a crash, and a crash means death," Arnaud Vannay said. Tom said he'd eaten. Tom said that he'd eaten. - Tom said he'd eaten. We work every day but Monday. We work every day except Monday. We work every day, but Monday. װאָס ער מאַכט, איז אומלעגאַל. What he is doing is illegal. What he's doing is illegal. They said that they were really curious. They said they were really curious. - They said that they were really curious. Can you take your stuff off the table? Can you take your things off the table? - Can you take your stuff off the table? Man kann nichts verkehrt machen, wenn man eine Sprache lernt. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. There is nothing wrong with learning a language. צי זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? You're a Turkish? I didn't know I was doing that the wrong way. I didn't know that I was doing that the wrong way. - I didn't know I was doing that the wrong way. Was trinkst du lieber? Apfelwein oder Champagner? Which do you like better, apple cider, or champagne? What would you rather have, cider or champagne? Glaubt ihr Tom noch? Do you still believe Tom? Do you still believe Tom? Ech ka Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I know Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I am fluent in English, German, and French. Ich kann mich kaum an meine Eltern erinnern. I hardly remember my parents. I can hardly remember my parents. Tom and Mary didn't know that they were supposed to be here yesterday. Tom and Mary didn't know they were supposed to be here yesterday. Tom and mary didn't know that they were supposed to be here yesterday. Het is te groot. It's too large. It's too big. Er is iets mis met de remmen. Something is wrong with the brakes. There's something wrong with the brakes. Warum kümmert euch das überhaupt? Why do you even care about this? Why do you even care? Eet my. Eat me! Eat me. Hoe lang heeft uw tong die kleur al? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue been that color? Tom had all sorts of problems. Tom had all kinds of problems. - Tom had all sorts of problems. Tom said he thought he didn't have to do that. Tom said that he thought he didn't have to do that. - Tom said he thought he didn't have to do that. Vergeht Se nich Ehr Geld! Don't forget your money. Don't waste your money! וואָס זענען פֿייגל? What are birds? What's the birds? Ze spoorde het kind aan voorzichtiger te zijn. She admonished the child to be more careful. She urged the child to be more careful. I hope I'll find a place! I hope that I'll find a place! I hope I'll find a place. Schottland und Nordirland wollen in der Europäischen Union bleiben. Scotland and Northern Ireland want to stay in the European Union. Scotland and Northern Ireland want to remain in the European Union. Elkenain is thoes opsloten ien zulfisoloatsie. Everyone is locked up at home in self-isolation. Elkenain is thoes locked up one zulfisoatsie. Wieviel Wasser hast du heute getrunken? How much water did you drink today? How much water did you drink today? Sei nicht so stur! Du weißt doch, dass du unrecht hast. Don't be stubborn. You know you're wrong. Don't be so stubborn, you know you're wrong. Die Soldaten überquerten schwimmend den Fluss. The soldiers crossed the river by swimming. The soldiers were swimming across the river. A squid has ten arms. A squid has ten legs. A squid has 10 arms. An der Wand hängt ein großer Spiegel. There is a large mirror hanging on the wall. There is a large mirror on the wall. טאָם איז אַ גנאָם. Tom is a gnome. Tom is a hero. Het begon te regenen. It has started to rain. It started to rain. Bobby Fischer ist der berühmteste Schachspieler in den Vereinigten Staaten. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Ik zou graag vloeiend Engels spreken. I would like to speak English fluently. I would like to speak fluent English. I will be in Boston until Monday afternoon. I'll be in Boston until Monday afternoon. I will be in Boston until monday afternoon. Er möchte Dänisch lernen. He wants to learn Danish. He wants to learn Danish. Gehen wir doch alle wieder an die Arbeit! Why don't we all get back to work? Let's all get back to work! Es wäre mir lieber, wenn du statt meiner dorthin gingest. I'd rather you go there instead of me. I'd rather you go there instead of me. Waar komt de uitdrukking "de bloemetjes en de bijtjes" vandaan? Where did the phrase "the birds and the bees" come from? Where does the expression "flowers and bees" come from? I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I'm not sure that I'm ready for that. - I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Als ich jedoch die Situation auf dem Bahnhof sah, begann ich diese Entscheidung zu bedauern. However, as soon as I saw the situation at the train station I began to regret this decision. However, when I saw the situation at the train station, I began to regret this decision. Unser Ball überflog den Zaun und landete in der Baustelle. Our ball went over the fence and landed on the building site. Our ball flew over the fence and landed in the construction site. Welche Farbe hat das Schwarze Meer? What is the color of the Black Sea? What color is the Black Sea? Hij verafschuwt spinnen. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. I am feeling pretty safe. I'm feeling pretty safe. I'm feeling pretty safe. It's not going to be as hard to do as you think it'll be. It isn't going to be as hard to do as you think it'll be. It's not gonna be as hard to do as you think it'll be. Tom has already decided that he's not going to stay here. Tom has already decided that he isn't going to stay here. Tom has already decided that he's not gonna stay here. Kann ich mit Judy reden? Can I speak with Judy? Can I talk to Judy? Ik ga terug. I'm going back. I'm going back. Tom hat eine Mitbewohnerin. Tom has a housemate. Tom has a roommate. Wie soll ich hereinkommen? How am I to get in? How am I supposed to come in? Tom fragtec Maria, ob sie ihm einen Zehner leihen würde. Tom asked Mary whether he could borrow a tenner. Tom asked Mary if she would lend him a ten. Jeder Arzt wird dir raten, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. Any doctor will tell you to quit smoking. Any doctor will advise you to quit smoking. Grieks is moeilijker dan Latijn Greek is more difficult than Latin. Greek is more difficult than Latin. Zij is acht. She's eight years old. She's eight. Sie waren nach Westen unterwegs. They headed westward. They were heading west. Ze heeft het weer over haar waanideeën. She's talking about her delusions again. She's talking about her delusions again. Die Jugend ist der Frühling des Lebens, aber es gibt auch verregnete Frühlinge. Youth is the springtime of life, but there are also springtimes that are rained out. Youth is the spring of life, but there are also rainy springs. Bei uns steht meine Mutter am allerfrühesten auf. My mother gets up earlier than anyone else in my family. With us, my mother gets up at the earliest. סטעלע איז אַן אונגאַרישע. Stella is a Hungarian Jewish woman. The city is a Hungarian. Ich finde, dass ich eine ziemlich gute Schriftstellerin bin. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I am a pretty good writer. Tom reichte Maria den Brief. Tom handed Mary the letter. He handed the letter to Mary. Toms Deutsch ist noch immer schwach. Tom's German is still weak. Tom's German is still weak. Hoffnung ist der erste Schritt zur Enttäuschung. Hope is the first step to disappointment. Hope is the first step to disappointment. Jullie verdienen de prijs. You deserve the prize. You deserve the prize. Ich bin es, der für den Unfall verantwortlich ist. It is I that am responsible for the accident. I'm the one responsible for the accident. Unsere Französischkenntnisse reichen nicht aus, um zu verstehen, was die sagen. I don't know enough French to make out what they're saying. Our knowledge of French is not enough to understand what they are saying. Time's up! Time! Time's up. Nicht an den Batterien nuckeln! Da ist Säure drin! Don't suck on the batteries; they have acid inside them. Don't suck on the batteries, there's acid in there! Nichts ist umsonst auf dieser Welt. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Nothing is in vain in this world. Was machst du mit Sachen, die du nicht mehr anziehst? What do you do with clothes that you don’t wear anymore? What do you do with things you don’t wear anymore? Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. Als Mark Twain „Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn“ schrieb, machte er bei „Jim“, den er ansonsten auf das freundlichste beschrieb, regelmäßig von dem N-Wort Gebrauch. Twain hatte gewiss Charakterschwächen, aber vieler derer war er sich persönlich bewusst, und er sollte wohl nicht als Rassist bezeichnet werden. Nach den Maßstäben seiner Zeit müsste er als erstaunlich aufgeschlossen und liberal gelten. Dennoch sähe jemand, der seinen Mitgeschöpfen ein durchschnittliches Achtungsgefühl entgegenbringt und weiß, welche Verwendung in einer vom systemischen Rassismus heimgesuchten Gesellschaft das N-Wort immer wieder gefunden hat, heutzutage doch davon ab, es zu benutzen. When Mark Twain wrote "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," he regularly used the n-word about "Jim," whom he otherwise described in the kindest terms. Twain certainly had character flaws, but he was personally aware of many of them, and I don't think he should be described as a racist; by the standards of his time, he would be seen as astonishingly broad-minded and liberal. Nevertheless, knowing how the n-word has been used within a society afflicted by systemic racism, a person with any ordinary feelings of respect for fellow-creatures would refrain from using it today. When Mark Twain wrote "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", he made regular use of the N-word in "Jim", which he otherwise described in the most friendly way. Twain certainly had weaknesses of character, but many of them he was personally aware of, and he should probably not be called a racist. By the standards of his time, he would have to use the system as surprisingly open-minded and liberal. You are watching TV all the time. You're watching TV all the time. You are watching tv all the time. Ik heb aan ieder kind drie snoepjes gegeven. I have given every child three candies. I gave each child three sweets. Ich bin Bulgarin. Und du? I'm a Bulgarian, and you? I'm Bulgarian, what about you? Zuerst war es mir peinlich. I felt embarrassed at first. At first I was embarrassed. I don’t think you can help me. I don’t think that you can help me. - I don't think you can help me. Tom hat abgewaschen. Tom did the washing-up. Tom washed up. Die Beweise überzeugten uns von seiner Unschuld. The evidence convinced us of his innocence. The evidence convinced us of his innocence. Zullen we een stemming houden? Shall we take a vote? Shall we have a vote? Liebst du schwarzen Humor? Do you enjoy black humour? Do you like black humor? Auf dem belebten Platz ist etwas Schreckliches passiert. Something horrible happened in the busy square. Something terrible has happened in the busy square. Hoe gaan ze hierop reageren? How will they react to this? How are they going to react to this? Tom wasn't surprised that Mary was asking him for a divorce. Tom wasn't surprised Mary was asking him for a divorce. Tom wasn't surprised that mary was asking him for a divorce. If my mother were still alive, she would have helped me. If my mother were still alive, she would've helped me. If my mother were still alive, she would've helped me. Wir müssen den Bus da nehmen. We need to take that bus. We have to take the bus there. Wir haben gerade Besuch. We're having some people round. We just got a visitor. פֿאַראַלגעמיינערונגען זענען אַלעמאָל נישט ריכטיק. Generalizations are always wrong. Generalizations are not always correct. I think that Tom will refuse to do that. I think Tom will refuse to do that. I think that tom will refuse to do that. Valt je iets op? Do you notice anything? Do you notice anything? Es ist wenig los. There is little going on. There's not much going on. Na ja, das habe ich mir schon gedacht, aber plötzlich kamen mir Zweifel. Well, that's what I thought, but then suddenly I had doubts. Well, I thought so, but all of a sudden I had doubts. Sami se ouers het Layla absoluut gehaat. Sami's parents absolutely hated Layla. Sami's parents absolutely hated Layla. Bescheiden ist nicht gleich zurückhaltend. Being modest is not the same as being reserved. Modesty is not immediately restrained. Er belügt mich. He's lying to me. He's lying to me. Ich konnte es mir nicht bis zum Ende antun. I couldn't sit through it. I couldn’t do it to the end. Es ist eine traurige Geschichte, von der ich wusste, dass du sie gerne hören würdest. It's a sad story that I knew you'd enjoy hearing. It's a sad story that I knew you'd like to hear. Ek het ook vir Tom gesoen. I also kissed Tom. I kissed Tom, too. Ich fühle mich gut dabei, etwas Gutes zu tun. I feel nice doing something good. I feel good about doing something good. Jü mut höör Kat sjuk. She needs to search for her cat. Jü mut heard Kat sjuk. Bitte probiere den Salat. Please try the salad. Please try the salad. Ich dusche gewöhnlich abends. I usually shower at night. I usually take a shower in the evening. Warum hasst du Japanisch? Why do you hate Japanese? Why do you hate Japanese? Ze ging op de rand van het bed zitten. She sat down on the side of the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed. Hij zit in financiële problemen. He is financially embarrassed. He's in financial trouble. Tom weiß nicht, was er will. Tom doesn't know what he wants. Tom doesn’t know what he wants. Er zit een gat in uw sok. There is a hole in your sock. There's a hole in your sock. וואָסער מין סם איז עס געווען? What kind of poison was it? What kind of body was it? Du musst dir eine Liste machen. You need to make a list. You have to make a list. Ik heb een nichtje. Ze gaat naar dezelfde school als Maria. I have a niece. She goes to the same school as Mary. I have a niece, she's going to the same school as Maria. Mijn kinderen houden erg van het verhaal van Sneeuwwitje. My children love the story of Snow White. My kids love the story of Snow White. Je bent geen monster. You're not a monster. You're not a monster. Wannehr hest du swemmen lehrt? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? De kinderen spelen met Lego-blokjes. The children are playing with legos. The children play with Lego blocks. Ich bringe mir selbst Japanisch bei. I'm self-studying Japanese. I teach myself Japanese. Was steht denn da für ein Mädchen vor der Tür? Who's the girl standing at the door? What's that girl at the door? Die Epikureer glauben, dass die Seele mit dem Körper vergeht. The Epicureans think that the soul perishes with the body. Epicureans believe that the soul passes away with the body. Tom houdt niet van de manier waarop Maria naar hem kijkt. Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him. Tom doesn’t like the way Mary looks at him. פֿאַרװאָס פֿאַרשטײסטו ניט עס? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand it? Tom said Mary gave him something. Tom said that Mary gave him something. Tom said mary gave him something. Da ist eine Schabe unter dem Bett. There's a cockroach under the bed. There's a cockroach under the bed. De patissier mat bloem en suiker af met een maatbeker. The pastry chef measured flour and sugar using a measuring cup. The patissier mat flour and sugar with a measuring cup. Kan jy vir my 'n kopie maak? Can you make me a copy? Can you make a copy for me? Dame wird auf dem gleichen Brett wie Schach gespielt. Draughts is played on the same board as chess. Lady is played on the same board as chess. I wonder whether Tom is interested. I wonder whether or not Tom is interested. I wonder whether tom is interested. טאָם איז אַ שׂונא־ישׂראל. Tom's an antisemite. He is a Satanist. Hoeveel zijden heeft een vierkant? How many sides does a square have? How many sides does a square have? Er ist für den Rest seines Lebens ruiniert. He will be ruined for life. He is ruined for the rest of his life. Als de mensen u haten, wees dan goed voor hen. Do good to those who hate you. If people hate you, be good to them. Ein Kritiker ist ein Huhn, das gackert, wenn ein anderes ein Ei legt. A critic is a hen who cackles when another lays an egg. A critic is a chicken that cackles when another lays an egg. Tom lyk altyd of hy dieselfde ding dra. Tom always seems to be wearing the same thing. He always looks like he's doing the same thing. I think Tom was in love with Mary. I think that Tom was in love with Mary. I think tom was in love with mary. Wie viele Schmalzkringel hat Tom gegessen? How many doughnuts did Tom eat? How many cloves did Tom eat? Ik heb drie jaar in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Das ist meine Meinung, und dazu stehe ich auch. That's my opinion, and I stand by it. That is my opinion, and I stand by it. Yanni betaalde. Yanni paid. Yanni paid. De politie heeft Toms auto doorzocht. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Wann kommt Mama nach Hause? When is Mom coming home? When is Mom coming home? Ich ließ ihn meine Armbanduhr reparieren. I had him repair my watch. I had him fix my watch. Hij is zo'n pedofiel! He is such a nonce! He's such a pedophile! Tom is the only man I'd ever consider marrying. Tom is the only man that I'd ever consider marrying. Tom's the only man I'd ever consider marrying. Het is voor ons niet nodig aan de vergadering deel te nemen. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. There is no need for us to participate in the meeting. Hett Tom Süstern? Does Tom have any sisters? Does Tom have sisters? Das Rad dreht sich. The wheel revolves. The wheel turns. Ich mag die Stadt im Winter nicht. I don't like it in the town in winter. I don’t like the city in the winter. Ich wollte mit Tom nach Boston. I wanted to go to Boston with Tom. I went to Boston with Tom. Dat köst twintig Euro. It costs twenty euros. It costs twenty euros. Du musst auf sie warten. You have to wait for her. You have to wait for her. Nein, wenn du jetzt nicht anfängst zu üben, dann ist es zu spät. No, if you do not start practising from now onwards, it would be too late. No, if you don't start practicing now, it's too late. Un wat krieg ik dor för? And what do I get? And what do I get for it? Ich konnte nicht einschlafen und so begann ich, ein Buch zu lesen. I couldn't fall asleep, so I started to read a book. I couldn’t sleep, so I started reading a book. Ich kann ihm alles sagen. I can tell him everything. I can tell him anything. De vernietiging van het milieu is groot. The destruction of the environment is big. The destruction of the environment is huge. Ich denke, Tom mag mich. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom likes me. Meine Großmutter hat weißes Haar. My grandmother's hair is white. My grandmother has white hair. Ich habe Tom erst vor kurzem gesehen. I've seen Tom fairly recently. I just saw Tom. I thought you said you wanted to be the one who did that for Tom. I thought that you said you wanted to be the one who did that for Tom. I thought you said you wanted to be the one who did that for tom. Wird die Sängerin daran denken, ihre Gitarre mitzubringen? Will the singer remember to bring her guitar? Will the singer remember to bring her guitar? Toms Name ließ sich leicht mit Katakana schreiben. Tom's name was easy to convert to katakana. Tom’s name could easily be written with Katakana. They say that they'll never do that again. They say they'll never do that again. They say they'll never do that again. Gehst du heute Abend mit mir ins Kino? Will you go to the movies with me tonight? Are you going to the movies with me tonight? Verheimlichst du mir etwas? Are you hiding something from me? Are you hiding something from me? Uns wurde das Portemonnaie gestohlen. We had our wallets stolen. The wallet was stolen from us. Sie war sehr krank, und ein Arzt wurde gerufen. She was very ill, and a doctor was sent for. She was very ill, and a doctor was called. Waarom praat je zo zachtjes? Why are you talking so quietly? Why are you talking so softly? Tom wollte Maria leiden sehen. Tom wanted to see Mary suffer. Tom wanted to see Mary suffer. Die Adresse, die sie geschrieben hatten, war falsch. The address they had written was wrong. The address you wrote was wrong. פֿאַרװאָס פֿאַרשטײט איר ניט עס? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand it? Ek het altyd gewonder wat daardie reuk was. I always wondered what that smell was. I've always wondered what that smell was. Der Wievielte ist heute? What's the date today? How much is today? Sie kann nicht so schnell laufen wie ihr Bruder. She can't run as fast as her brother can. She can't run as fast as her brother. Insecten zitten vol met eiwitten. Insects are full of proteins. Insects are full of protein. Viswanathan Anand, auch bekannt als Vishy Anand, wurde 1988, als er 18 Jahre alt war, der erste indische Großmeister. Er ist der stärkste nichtrussische Schachspieler seit Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grand Master in 1988, when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian grandmaster in 1988 when he was 18, and is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Da ist was Wahres dran. There's some truth in that. There's something real about it. Ich würde gerne Tom sehen. I'd like to see Tom. I would love to see Tom. Open uw boek op bladzijde negen. Open your book to page nine. Open your book on page nine. Ich fahre nur dann, wenn Tom nicht fährt. I'll only go if Tom doesn't go. I only drive when Tom is not driving. We zijn van plan om deze zomer in Europa te gaan toeren. We plan to hit the road and tour around Europe this summer. We are planning to tour Europe this summer. I have never been a smoker. I've never been a smoker. - I have never been a smoker. Wir warten schon den ganzen Tag auf dich. We've been waiting for you all day. We've been waiting for you all day. Kann ich für den Himmel eine Eintrittskarte kaufen? Ich glaube, ich bin nicht gut genug, um da umsonst reinzukommen. Can I buy a ticket to heaven? I don't think I'm good enough to get in there for free. I don't think I'm good enough to get in there for nothing. Hij predikt liefde voor alle wezens. He preaches love for all beings. He preaches love for all beings. Haben Sie eine Laktose-Intoleranz? Are you lactose intolerant? Do you have lactose intolerance? Dit is mijn auto. This is my car. This is my car. Tom wull wat schreven. Tom wanted to write something. Tom wanted to write something. The train's coming! The train's coming. - The train's coming! Godd hett ehr en smuck Gesicht un en söte Stimm geven. God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice. God gave her a beautiful face and a sweet voice. Güstern morgen heff ik en Waffel eten! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! Yesterday morning I have a waffle to eat! It'll be difficult to figure out what caused the problem. It'll be hard to figure out what caused the problem. It'II be difficult to figure out what caused the problem. Schecks sind aus Papier. Cheques are made from paper. Checks are made of paper. Wir hatten keine Ahnung, was Tom und Maria vorhatten. We had no idea what Tom and Mary were going to do. We had no idea what Tom and Mary were up to. One way is not better than the other. One way isn't better than the other. - One way is not better than the other. Dit blyk asof besigheid goed is. It looks like business is good. It's as if the job is good. Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in the class. Sie haben dieselbe Adresse, weil sie zusammen wohnen. They have the same address because they live together. They have the same address because they live together. Die Zeitungen widmeten der Angelegenheit viel Platz. The newspapers devoted a lot of space to the affair. The newspapers devoted a lot of space to the matter. Hij heeft veel vijanden in de politieke wereld. He has many enemies in the political world. He has many enemies in the political world. Pack dich! Beat it. Pack up! Man soll nicht die Lösungen abschreiben. One should not copy the solutions. Do not write off the solutions. Ich kann es wieder in die Schublade tun, wenn du willst. I can put it back in the drawer if you want. I can put it back in the drawer if you want. Ich stehe noch immer unter Schock. I'm still in shock. I'm still in shock. Es ist ein dumpfer Schmerz. It is a dull pain. It's a dull pain. Dat kan nog beter. It could be ever better. That's even better. Jeder Schüler muss jede Woche einen Aufsatz abgeben. Every pupil must hand in an essay each week. Each student must submit an essay each week. Een leeuw is een dier. A lion is an animal. A lion is an animal. Leave the dog outside! Leave the dog outside. Leave the dog outside. Tom blijkt veel van mij te weten. Tom seems to know a lot about me. Tom seems to know a lot about me. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די נעאָלאָגן. Esther's family is Neolog Jewish. Esther's family is from the Netherlands. Wir haben jetzt Mai. We're now in May. We have May now. Hast du Verwandte im Ausland? Do you have relatives abroad? Do you have relatives abroad? I thought Tom might stop by this afternoon. I thought that Tom might stop by this afternoon. I thought tom might stop by this afternoon. Het is onmogelijk deze woestijn over te steken. This desert is impossible to cross. It is impossible to cross this desert. Er schlief schnell ein. He fell asleep quickly. He fell asleep quickly. Tom sagt, er habe mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. צי איז זי אין אָרדענונג? Is she OK? She's all right? Ich habe immer versucht, streng mit ihnen zu sein und nicht zu lächeln. I always tried to be strict with them and not to smile. I have always tried to be strict with them and not smile. Tom hätte sich nicht umzubringen brauchen. Tom didn't have to kill himself. Tom didn't have to kill himself. Mir gaats guet, danke. I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine, thank you. If Tom does that, I will, too. If Tom does that, so will I. If Tom does that, I will too. Tom liebte seinen Vater sehr. Tom loved his father very much. Tom loved his father very much. Ich bin aus Paris. I'm from Paris. I'm from Paris. דאָס איז אַ קוישבאָל. That's a basketball. That's a basketball. U zult uw pakje in de post vinden. You will find your parcel in the mail. You will find your package in the mail. Ungarn ist schön. Hungary is beautiful. Hungary is beautiful. Beschwert euch bitte nicht! Please don't complain. Please don't complain! Es wird schwierig sein, diesen Fleck zu entfernen. It's going to be difficult to remove this stain. It will be difficult to remove this stain. Kan je het licht aandoen? Can you turn on the light? Can you turn on the light? Tom said he wished he hadn't told Mary he'd go to Australia with her. Tom said that he wished he hadn't told Mary he'd go to Australia with her. Tom said he wished he hadn't told mary he'd go to australia with her. Is er ooit een hartkwaal bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition? Und Ine? What about you? And Ine? Üüs Wininger sen ek techt, hat trekt langsen. Our windows are not tight. There is always a draft. <0xC3><0x9C>üss Wininger sen ich techt, hat trekt langen. Miene Grootmoder kann flegen. My grandmother can fly. My grandmother can fly. Tom and Mary have allowed their kids to do that many times. Tom and Mary have allowed their children to do that many times. Tom and mary have allowed their kids to do that many times. There's many a slip between cup and lip. There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip. - There's many a slip between cup and lip. Ihr könnt hier auf sie warten. You can wait for them here. You can wait for them here. Tom said that he was too sick to come to work. Tom said he was too sick to come to work. Tom said he was too sick to come to work. In letzter Zeit schlafe ich besser. I've been sleeping better recently. I've been sleeping better lately. Wir vergleichen Japan oft mit Großbritannien. We often compare Japan with Britain. We often compare Japan with Great Britain. Niemand wusste noch, wo Tom wohnte. No one remembered where Tom lived. No one knew where Tom lived. Maria war hingerissen, als sie zum ersten Mal ein Eichhörnchen gesehen hatte, und fertigte viele Eichhörnchenbilder an. After Mary saw a squirrel for the first time, she was very excited and drew many pictures of squirrels. Mary was enthralled when she first saw a squirrel, and made many squirrel pictures. Tom was in de ruimte geboren. Tom was born in outer space. Tom was born in space. Er unterrichtet uns in Geschichte. He teaches us history. He teaches us about history. "Wat eten we vanavond?" "Ik denk eraan om gegrilde zalm te maken." "What's for dinner tonight?" "I'm thinking of making grilled salmon." "What are we eating tonight?" "I'm thinking about making grilled salmon." Harvstweder ännert sik faken. Autumn weather is changeable. Autumn weather changes frequently. Unsere Liebe ist verboten. Our love is forbidden. Our love is forbidden. He wull in düsse Stadt blieven. He wanted to stay in this city. He wanted to stay in this city. I know that Tom would like to do that again. I know Tom would like to do that again. I know that tom would like to do that again. Tom besitzt magische Kräfte. Tom has magical powers. Tom has magical powers. Een dikke kat is traag. A fat cat is slow. A fat cat is slow. Kunt u mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? We will have a music contest soon. We'll have a music contest soon. We'll have a music contest soon. Tom said he hasn't yet done any of that. Tom said that he hasn't yet done any of that. Tom said he hasn't done any of that. Ze ging met de trein naar Shanghai. She went to Shanghai by train. She took the train to Shanghai. „Wie lange wirst du bleiben?“ – „Etwa zwei Wochen.“ "How long will you be staying?" "About a fortnight." “How long will you stay?” – “About two weeks.” Sag Bescheid, wenn etwas Schlimmes passiert. Let me know if anything bad happens. Let me know if something bad happens. Neem je badzout? Do you use bath salts? Do you take bath salts? Dieses Logo muss überarbeitet werden. This logo needs to be reworked. This logo needs to be reworked. Tom and Mary said that they were depressed. Tom and Mary said they were depressed. Tom and mary said that they were depressed. Sich zu verheiraten, ist eine ernsthafte Sache. Getting married is a serious matter. Getting married is a serious matter. Observeren! Observe. Observing! Die Fahrkarte ist bis zum 20. Oktober gültig. The ticket is valid until October twentieth. The ticket is valid until 20 October. Ge zoudt beter slapen. You should go to bed. You'd better sleep. Er kam trotz des schlechten Wetters. He came in spite of bad weather. He came despite the bad weather. Die Schwester meiner Frau lebt bei uns. My wife's sister lives with us. My wife's sister lives with us. De weg splitst zich hier in tweeën. The road divides here into two. The road splits in two here. Many people believe that's not going to happen. Many people believe that isn't going to happen. Many people believe that's not gonna happen. Wenn sich das Schachbrett in der richtigen Position befindet, ist das Feld h1 rechts von Weiß ein weißes Feld. Folglich ist das Feld a8 rechts von Schwarz auch ein weißes Feld. If the chessboard is in the right position, the square h1 to the right of White is a white square. Consequently, the square a8 to the right of Black is also a white square. If the chessboard is in the correct position, the field h1 to the right of White is a white field, so the field a8 to the right of Black is also a white field. Wi sünd bang. We're afraid. We're scared. איך ווייס נישט וואס צו טאן וועגן זיינען געשעפטיגען גניבה׳שען-שטיק. I don't know what to do about his shoplifting. I don't know what to do about the squeaky wheel. Nächste Woche wird eine Familie einziehen. Next week a family will move in. A family will move in next week. Ich möchte gerne mein Ungarisch verbessern. I'd like to improve my Hungarian. I would like to improve my Hungarian. Sie sollten es Tom sagen. You should tell Tom. You should tell Tom. Der Junge kitzelte das Mädchen. The boy tickled the girl. The boy tickled the girl. Ik hou van de zon. I like the sun. I love the sun. Tom would've done that for Mary if he'd had more time. Tom would have done that for Mary if he'd had more time. Tom would have done that for Mary if he'd had more time. Ich habe kein Gepäck. I don't have any luggage. I don't have any luggage. Mijn dag zat vol verrassingen. My day was full of surprises. My day was full of surprises. Ich werde leider nicht dasein. Unfortunately, I won't be there. Unfortunately, I will not be there. They said that they were busy. They said they were busy. - They said that they were busy. Die Schlange häutet sich mehrmals im Jahr. The snake sloughs its skin several times a year. The snake sheds its skin several times a year. Sie spielt Klavier ohne Noten. She plays piano by ear. She plays the piano without notes. Sie gingen an Bord eines Linienschiffes. They went on board a liner. They boarded a ship of the line. I didn't realize Tom didn't like Mary. I didn't realize that Tom didn't like Mary. I didn't realize tom didn't like mary. Het meisje is mooi. The girl is beautiful. The girl is beautiful. Meine Schwester hat beschlossen, Lehrerin zu werden. My sister decided to be a teacher. My sister decided to become a teacher. k Bin nait old. I am not old. I'm an old noodle. I am sorry to have taken up your valuable time. I'm sorry to have taken up your valuable time. I'm sorry to have taken up your valuable time. Mein Papa fährt kein Auto, weil er Angst hat, in einen Unfall zu geraten. My dad doesn't drive because he's afraid of getting in an accident. My dad doesn't drive a car because he's afraid of getting into an accident. Hier ist gar kein Platz zum Üben. Wenn ich doch bloß ein eigenes Zimmer hätte! There's no room to study here. If only I had a room of my own! There's no place to practice, if only I had my own room! Disneyland is gebouwd in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Heb je je zaklamp bij je? Do you have your flashlight? Do you have your flashlight with you? Das ist ein Sklavenlohn. These are slave wages. It's a slave's wage. Hout is massief. Wood is solid. The wood is massive. „Da kommt jemand!“ – „Tatsächlich. Wer mag das sein?“ "Someone's coming!" "Indeed. Who could that be?" “Here comes someone!” – “Actually. Who might that be?” Die Zahnfee hat mir für meinen Zahn zwei Taler dagelassen. Davon kaufe ich mir Süßigkeiten. The tooth fairy took my tooth and left me 2 dollars. I'm going to spend it all on candy. The tooth fairy left me two thalers for my tooth, from which I buy sweets. Ik heb andere dingen te doen dan gewoon hier te wachten totdat Tom komt. I have better things to do than sit here just waiting for Tom to get here. I have other things to do than just wait here for Tom to come. Maria bügelte ihre Hose. Mary ironed his pants. Mary tied her pants. Ik ga vanavond zalm bakken voor het avondeten. I'm going to broil some salmon for dinner tonight. I'm going to bake salmon for dinner tonight. De vergadering duurde iets langer dan een uur. The meeting lasted just over an hour. The meeting lasted a little over an hour. Tom told me he did that for us. Tom told me that he did that for us. - Tom told me he did that for us. Zweifelst du noch an dem, was ich gesagt habe? Are you still in doubt about what I have said? Do you still doubt what I said? Ze heeft ongelijk. She is in the wrong. She's wrong. What time should I sleep tonight? What time should we sleep tonight? - What time should I sleep tonight? Australien ist ein schönes Land. Australia is a beautiful country. Australia is a beautiful country. Sie hat viele Schwierigkeiten erlebt. She has gone through many difficulties. She's been through a lot of trouble. Messing is een legering van koper en zink. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Der Alkohol hat seine Leber kaputtgemacht. Alcohol destroyed his liver. The alcohol broke his liver. I know that Tom isn't a university student. I know Tom isn't a university student. I know that tom isn't a university student. Wie bezorgt de brief? Who delivers the letter? Who will deliver the letter? De natuurlijke logaritme van e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. Ze heeft een grote eetlust. She has a big appetite. She has a great appetite. Ich hatte große Angst. I was very scared. I was so scared. Wann warst du zum letzten Mal beim Zahnarzt? When was the last time you visited the dentist? When was the last time you went to the dentist? Bist du für oder gegen diese Politik? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you for or against this policy? Tom hat mir den Unfallhergang geschildert. Tom told me how the accident happened. Tom told me about the accident. Musiek is my lewe. Music is my life. Music is my life. De Europese Unie is een nieuw kalifaat? The European Union is a new caliphate? Is the European Union a new caliphate? Mi a 25. I'm 25 years old. Mi a 25. Waarom heeft hij zoveel vijanden? Why does he have so many enemies? Why does he have so many enemies? Hij is dertig jaar oud. He is thirty years old. He's 30 years old. Pass auf, dass du nicht über die Farbdose da stolperst! Be careful not to trip on that tin of paint. Make sure you don't trip over the paint can there! Ze zullen morgen de winnaar bekend maken. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. They will announce the winner tomorrow. Hoelang blijven jullie in de stad? How long will you stay in town? How long will you stay in the city? Tom rende. Tom ran. Tom ran. Hutt Dir en Nuesschnappech fir mech? Do you have a tissue for me? Do you have a thumbs up for me? Albert Einstein wurde in Deutschland geboren. Albert Einstein was born in Germany. Albert Einstein was born in Germany. Tom may be doing that now. Tom might be doing that now. - Tom may be doing that now. Was ist denn das da für ein Vogel auf dem Dach? What kind of bird is that on the roof? What kind of bird is that on the roof? Ze kondigden regen aan voor vandaag. They were forecasting rain for today. They announced rain for today. Wat is er voor nodig? What will it take? What does it take? Waar is mijn thee? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Das Barometer ist ein Instrument für die Messung des atmosphärischen Drucks, das vor allem in der Klimaforschung und zur Höhenmessung Verwendung findet. The barometer is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure, especially used to study climate and to determine altitudes. The barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, which is mainly used in climate research and altitude measurement. Er lockte sie mit besserem Lohn. He wooed them with promises of higher wages. He lured them with better pay. I would have said it some other way. I would've said it some other way. I would've said it some other way. Wist je dat mannen die regelmatig de pil slikken niet zwanger raken? Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Did you know that men who regularly take the pill do not get pregnant? Wir werden Tom nicht entlassen. We won't fire Tom. We're not gonna let Tom go. Tom hörte sich eine alte Schallplatte auf seinem Plattenspieler an. Tom listened to an old vinyl record on his turntable. Tom listened to an old record on his turntable. Er fährt mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule. He goes to school by bicycle. He goes to school by bike. Mein Wecker geht nicht mehr. My alarm clock doesn't work anymore. My alarm clock is not working anymore. Der Kopf ist mir schwer. My head feels heavy. My head is heavy. We are happy to see you. We're happy to see you. - We are happy to see you. Is dat een beer? Is that a bear? Is that a bear? טאָם איז נישט קיין קאָטער. Tom isn't a tom. He's not a cat. Es gibt viele Fische im Meer. There are many fish in the sea. There are many fish in the sea. „Chicken tikka masala“ ist inzwischen ein durch und durch britisches Nationalgericht, und das liegt nicht nur daran, dass es das beliebteste ist, sondern auch daran, dass es ein perfektes Beispiel dafür abgibt, wie man in Großbritannien Fremdes sich zu eigen zu machen und weiterzuentwickeln pflegt: „Chicken tikka“ ist nämlich ein indisches Gericht, und die Masala-Sauce wurde hinzugefügt, um dem Verlangen des britischen Volkes Genüge zu tun, Fleisch in Bratensaft serviert zu bekommen. Chicken tikka masala is now a true British national dish, not only because it is the most popular, but because it is a perfect illustration of the way Britain absorbs and adapts external influences. Chicken tikka is an Indian dish. The masala sauce was added to satisfy the desire of British people to have their meat served in gravy. “Chicken tikka masala” is now a thoroughly British national dish, and this is not only because it is the most popular, but also because it is a perfect example of how in Britain to adopt and develop the foreign: “Chicken tikka” is an Indian dish, and the masala sauce has been added to satisfy the desire of the British people to do well. Welche Berufe gefallen dir? Which professions do you like? What professions do you like? נאָר טאָם איז מסוגל דערצו. Only Tom is capable of that. It's just that Tom is aware of it. Geloof haar niet! Don't believe her! Don't believe her! Tom hett al wunnen. Tom has already won. Tom has already won. Tom machte sich zum Abendbrot eine Dose Ravioli warm. Tom heated up a can of ravioli for dinner. Tom warmed a can of ravioli for dinner. They said that they're irritated. They said they're irritated. - They said that they're irritated. Wir werden uns auf der Reise nicht entspannen, weil wir viel laufen werden. We won't relax on the trip because we'll walk a lot. We will not relax on the trip because we will run a lot. Mit einem Kleid sieht eine Frau weiblicher aus als mit einer Hose. A woman looks more feminine in a dress than in trousers. With a dress, a woman looks more feminine than with a pair of trousers. I knew that Tom was ready to do that. I knew Tom was ready to do that. I knew that tom was ready to do that. Wanneer is zij geboren? When was she born? When was she born? Ik drink vanavond niet. I'm not drinking tonight. I'm not drinking tonight. Doe bist n vraauw. You're a woman. You're a real bitch. Tom analysiert die Lage. Tom is analysing the situation. Tom is analyzing the situation. Bronnen melden dat een deel van het viaduct is ingestort. Sources report that part of the overpass has collapsed. Sources report that part of the viaduct has collapsed. Bezoek je ons binnenkort? Will you visit us soon? Will you visit us soon? Der Einfluss von Computern auf das Schach hat enorm zugenommen. The influence of computers on chess has increased enormously. The influence of computers on chess has increased enormously. I'd hoped Tom would find somebody else to help him. I'd hoped that Tom would find someone else to help him. I'd hoped tom would find somebody else to help him. ארבייט האט באשאפן מאן. Labor created man. Man was created by man. Wir leben in einer komplizierten Welt. We live in a complicated world. We live in a complicated world. Tom told me he's quit taking his medication. Tom told me that he's quit taking his medication. - Tom told me he's quit taking his medication. Tom hoffte, seine Beziehung zu Maria wieder ins Lot bringen zu können. Tom hoped to patch things up with Mary. Tom hoped to rekindle his relationship with Mary. Ob er gleich wohlhabend ist, ist er nicht glücklich. Even though he's wealthy, he isn't happy. Whether he is equally wealthy, he is not happy. I really hope that no one saw us doing that. I really hope that nobody saw us doing that. - I really hope that no one saw us doing that. Hai runde. He ran. Shark round. Haben Sie einen Lieblingssänger? Do you have a favorite singer? Do you have a favorite singer? Wat dochsto? What do you do? What Doctrine? De volgende ochtend was hij weg. The next morning, he was gone. The next morning he was gone. Ze is beroemd, zowel in Japan als in Amerika. She is well known both in Japan and in America. She is famous, both in Japan and in America. This method has its pluses and minuses. This method has its advantages and disadvantages. This method has its pluses and minuses Dein Zimmer ist ziemlich minimalistisch eingerichtet. Your room is quite minimalist. Your room is rather minimalistic. Hast du Wanderschuhe? Do you have walking shoes? Do you have hiking shoes? Ich habe seit sechs Tagen nichts gegessen. I didn't eat anything for six days. I haven't eaten in six days. Es war Tom, der auf diese Idee gekommen ist. It was Tom who came up with this idea. It was Tom who came up with this idea. Warum fragst du mich? Why are you asking me? Why are you asking me? k Hol van eerbaaien. I love strawberries. K is an honoree. Ik kom uit Frankrijk, en jij? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Ich habe die letzte Scheibe Brot gegessen. I ate the last slice of bread. I ate the last slice of bread. Dat was vernietigd. That was destroyed. That was destroyed. Alles klar. Danke! I see. Thanks. All right, thank you. Es könnte nicht besser sein. It couldn't be better. It couldn't be better. Ik zou je wel geld willen lenen. I would be willing to lend you money. I'd like to borrow you some money. Tom träumte, er befinde sich in den Tiefen einer unbekannten U-Bahn-Station. Tom dreamt he was deep in the depths of an unfamiliar tube station. Tom dreamed he was in the depths of an unknown subway station. Sie spielt gern Tennis. She enjoys playing tennis. She likes to play tennis. Tom ist ein schneller Läufer. Du wirst es schwer haben, mit ihm Schritt zu halten. Tom is a fast runner. You'll have a hard time keeping up with him. Tom's a fast runner, and you're gonna have a hard time keeping up with him. Dit is nie 'n grappie nie. This isn't a joke. This isn't a joke. Das ist Toms Tasse. This cup is Tom's. This is Tom's cup. Tom reichte Maria ein Buch. Tom handed Mary a book. He handed Mary a book. We zijn nu in februari. We're now in February. We are now in February. Tom told me he thought that Mary was high. Tom told me he thought Mary was high. Tom told me he thought that mary was high. „טאָר״ (Tor) איז נוציק. Tor is useful. “Tor <0xCC><0x81> (Tor) is useful. Ich werde mich bemühen, bis halb drei damit fertig zu werden. I'll try to get it done before 2:30. I'm going to make an effort to deal with it by half past three. Er ist ein Prominenter. He's a well-known person. He's a celebrity. Tom vulde zijn tas met walnoten. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. It isn't heavy. It's not heavy. - It isn't heavy. Kommt das in der Klassenarbeit vor? Will it be on the test? Does this happen in class work? Ik denk vaak aan geesten. I think about ghosts a lot. I often think of ghosts. Dieser Vogel ist sehr bunt. This bird is very colorful. This bird is very colorful. Mary has a swollen eye. Her eyelid was bitten by a mosquito while she slept. Mary's got a swollen eye: her eyelid was bitten by a mosquito while she slept. Mary has a swollen eye, her eyelid was bitten by a mosquito while she slept. Morgenochtend om negen uur heeft u een gastroscopie, eet of drink daarom alstublieft niets meer vanaf negen uur vanavond. You're having a gastroscopy at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so please don't have any solid food or liquids from nine o'clock tonight. Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock you will have a gastroscopy, so please do not eat or drink anything from nine o’clock tonight. That's very good. That's very good! Oh, that's very good. What's the big hurry? What's the big rush? - What's the big hurry? Tom hat ein paar Fehler gemacht, aber jeder verdient eine zweite Chance. Tom has made some mistakes, but everybody deserves a second chance. Tom made a few mistakes, but everyone deserves a second chance. Tell me three things that you can do well. Tell me three things you can do well. - Tell me three things that you can do well. Tom heeft te veel gedronken. Tom drank too much. Tom drank too much. Wer möchte hier leben? Who'd want to live here? Who wants to live here? Viele Dinge haben sich geändert, weißt du. Many things changed, you know. A lot of things have changed, you know. Zijn ziekte is het gevolg van slecht weer. His illness is caused by bad weather. His illness is the result of bad weather. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Er fährt über die Brücke. He drives over the bridge. He's crossing the bridge. Wenn ich reich wäre, würde ich dir helfen. If I were rich, I would help you. If I were rich, I would help you. Piraten drinken nooit water. Pirates never drink water. Pirates never drink water. Ich habe einen Plan B. I've got a plan B. I have a plan B. Tom said that Mary knew she might have to do that. Tom said that Mary knew that she might have to do that. Tom said that mary knew she might have to do that. I am engaged in a new business. I'm engaged in a new business. I'm engaged in a new business. Hier soll eine Küstenstraße gebaut werden. A coastal road is to be built here. A coastal road is to be built here. k Kin t mie nait heugen. I can't remember. k Kin t my night here. Familie wees is baie dieper as dit. Being a family is much deeper than this. Family is so much deeper than that. Dit is Edward. This is Edward. This is Edward. Se kennt veel Seggwöör. She knows many proverbs. She knows a lot of saying words. Honden haten katten. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Je zult niets eigenen, en je zult blij zijn. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Wissenschaftler behalten die Gegebenheiten in der Arktis genau im Auge. Scientists are keeping a close watch on conditions in the Arctic. Scientists keep a close eye on the conditions in the Arctic. Maciek is in December gestorven. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Es ist ein Bub. It's a boy. It's a boy. Was willst du noch? What more do you want? What else do you want? Wie lange lernt Tom schon Französisch? How long has Tom studied French? How long has Tom been learning French? Geef me een lift in uw auto. Give me a lift in your car. Give me a ride in your car. Ik ging buiten wandelen om wat frisse lucht in te ademen. I went out for a walk to get some fresh air. I went outside for a walk to breathe some fresh air. Er kann Portugiesisch. He can speak Portuguese. He can speak Portuguese. Ich versuche zu lernen, aber ich kann mich nicht konzentrieren. I'm trying to study, but I can't concentrate. I'm trying to learn, but I can't concentrate. Nehmen Sie diesen Zug und steigen Sie an der nächsten Station um. Take this train and change at the next station. Take this train and change at the next station. Tom hat nicht so viel Glück wie Maria. Tom isn't as lucky as Mary. Tom is not as lucky as Mary. Zijn ouders houden van me. His parents love me. His parents love me. Das ist typisch Tom. That is so Tom. That's typical Tom. Setzen wir uns doch in den Schatten! Why don't we go and sit in the shade? Let's sit in the shade! Das Bild hängt über dem Tisch. The picture hangs over the table. The picture hangs over the table. Ich erfuhr nebenbei, dass meine Namensvetterin am 19. Januar 1813 geboren wurde. I casually learned that my namesake was born on the nineteenth of January, 1813. I learned by the way that my namesake was born on January 19, 1813. Wat je zegt is waar. What you say is right. What you're saying is true. Spreek trager, alsjeblieft. Speak more slowly, please. Speak slower, please. Vielleicht war er da krank. He may have been ill then. Maybe he was sick there. Tom is echt smerig. Tom is really nasty. Tom's really nasty. Yanni bloosde. Yanni blushed. Yanni blushed. Bei diesem Wetter kann man nicht zum Spazierengehen rausgehen. You can't go walking in this weather. In this weather, you can't go out for a walk. Hast du in letzter Zeit mit ihr gesprochen? Have you talked to her recently? Have you been talking to her lately? The shirt that Tom gave me fit me perfectly. The shirt Tom gave me fit me perfectly. The shirt that tom gave me fit me perfectly. Ik weet niet wat ik nu moet doen. I don't know what to do from now on. I don't know what to do now. Tom und Maria schienen sich sehr zu freuen, einander wiederzusehen. Tom and Mary seemed to be very happy to see each other again. Tom and Mary seemed very happy to see each other again. Heutzutage benutzen nur noch wenige Menschen einen Abakus. Not many people use an abacus these days. Few people today use an abacus. Dit es en bikeent Leedji. That's a well-known song. This is a bikeent Leedji. Es schüttet gerade. It's raining really hard right now. It's pouring. Een sneeuwvlok landde op het puntje van Toms neus. A snowflake landed on the tip of Tom's nose. A snowflake landed on the tip of Tom's nose. Tom führte die Männergruppe in sein Büro. Tom led the group of men into his office. Tom led the group of men into his office. Tom could've used the help. Tom could have used the help. Tom could have used the help. Ich hätte gern ein Zimmer mit Meerblick. I'd like a room that looks out on the sea. I would like a room with sea view. Ampeln haben drei Farben: Rot, Gelb und Grün. Traffic lights have three colours: red, amber and green. Traffic lights have three colors: red, yellow and green. Hest du weten, dat de 6. Juli de Internatschonale Küss-Dag is? Did you know that July 6 is the International Kissing Day? Did you know that July 6 is International Kiss Day? Ich habe das fehlende Glied deiner Halskette gefunden. I found the missing piece of your necklace. I found the missing link in your necklace. Maria ist eine erfolgreiche Schriftstellerin. Mary is an accomplished writer. Mary is a successful writer. Gib es mir! Give me it! Give it to me! Geh zurück und schlafe! Go back and sleep! Go back and sleep! Tom zei dat Mary ermee had ingestemd om dat te doen. Tom said that Mary agreed to do that. Tom said Mary had agreed to do that. כ'בין מסכּים. I agree. - I agree. Jørgen und Mette haben ein großes Haus. Jørgen and Mette have a big house. J<0xC3><0xB8>rgen and Mette have a big house. Ze is druk bezig geweest met het voorbereiden op haar reis naar de VS. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the US. Wie können wir das beweisen? How can we prove that? How can we prove this? Tom said Mary was feeling tired. Tom said that Mary was feeling tired. Tom said mary was feeling tired. Der König lebt im Schloss. The king lives in the castle. The king lives in the castle. Ich ging hungrig schlafen. I went to sleep hungry. I went to sleep hungry. Mis je je kinderen? Do you miss your kids? Do you miss your kids? Tom said he hadn't seen anybody. Tom said that he hadn't seen anyone. - Tom said he hadn't seen anybody. Inwiefern hat das Einfluss auf deine Sicht der Dinge? To what extent does that influence your view of things? How does this affect your view of things? Es gab Schneeregen. A mixture of snow and rain was falling from the sky. There was sleet. I think my idea is better. I think that my idea is better. - I think my idea is better. Versuchen Sie es doch einmal in dem Laden gegenüber. Vielleicht hat man dort, was Sie suchen. Try the store across the street. They might have what you're looking for. Why don't you give it a try at the store across the street, maybe they'll find what you're looking for. We hebben een jacht, twee helikopters en een watervliegtuig. We have a yacht, two helicopters, and a seaplane. We have a yacht, two helicopters and a seaplane. Schreien Sie nicht so laut. Ich kann Sie ausgezeichnet hören. Don't shout like that. I can hear you perfectly. Don't scream so loud, I can hear you very well. Er ist zu Hause ein Löwe und außerhalb eine Maus. He is a lion at home and a mouse outside. He is a lion at home and a mouse outside. Hi es bal klaar. He is ready soon. Hi es ball ready. Warum versteckt er sich unter diesem Bett? Why is he hiding under this bed? Why is he hiding under that bed? Tom malt schon, solange er denken kann. Tom has been painting for as long as he can remember. Tom has been painting for as long as he can remember. Ich suche Tom eine Arbeit. I'm looking for a job for Tom. I'm looking for Tom a job. Von welchem Planeten kommen die Pilze? What planet do fungi come from? From which planet do the mushrooms come? Is het eten van meer dan acht sinaasappels per dag slecht voor je? Is eating more than eight oranges a day bad for you? Is eating more than eight oranges a day bad for you? It doesn't work. That doesn't work. - It doesn't work. Setz dich hin und sieh fern! Sit down and watch TV. Sit down and watch TV! Die Ärzte heilen viele Kranke. The doctors heal many sick people. Doctors heal a lot of sick people. Ik heb al lang geen asperges meer gegeten. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. Ihr Rock ist lila. Her skirt is purple. Her skirt is purple. Er ist nicht viel älter als ich. He isn't much older than me. He's not much older than me. Tom war ein Monster. Tom was a monster. Tom was a monster. Dieser Mann ist Pedro. This man is Pedro. This man is Pedro. Wanneer heeft iemand al die kerstverlichting in de stad opgehangen? When did someone put up all those Christmas lights around town? When did someone hang all that Christmas lights in the city? Du hast etwas auf deiner Lippe. You've got something on your lip. You have something on your lip. Vollkommen ist ein Tag, verlebt im Garten. A perfect day is one spent in the garden. Perfect is a day spent in the garden. Kann ich’s irgendwie wiedergutmachen? Is there anything that I can do to make it up to you? Can I make it up to you somehow? Hij heeft een boom omgehakt in de tuin. He felled a tree in his garden. He cut down a tree in the garden. Tom stopte om zijn schoenen aan te trekken. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Fa mi skin firi so anga-anga tide? Why do I feel so listless today? How do I feel about my skin today? Ik snack Sweedsch. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Geben Sie Ihrem Gegner keine offenen Linien oder Diagonalen, die zu Ihrem König führen. Do not give your opponent open files or diagonals that lead to your King. Do not give your opponent open lines or diagonals that lead to your king. Er hat alles vergessen, was ich ihm gesagt habe. He forgot everything I said to him. He forgot everything I told him. Wie könnt ihr so viel essen? How can you eat so much? How can you eat so much? Die Vögel singen draußen. The birds outside are singing. The birds sing outside. Ik ben een nieuwe student. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Tue es bitte für mich! Please do this for me. Please do it for me! Haben Sie sich kürzlich übergeben? Have you been vomiting recently? Have you recently surrendered? De rechter heeft besloten dat hij vluchtgevaarlijk was. The judge decided that he was a flight risk. The judge ruled that he was dangerous. Weinen sie, weil sie berührt oder traurig sind? Are they crying because they are touched or sad? Do they cry because they are touched or sad? Ich glaube, er hört uns nicht. I don't think he can hear us. I don't think he's hearing us. Auf wessen Seite stehst du? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Die alten Goten und Sachsen nannten dieses Fest das Julfest. The ancient Goths and Saxons called this festival Yule. The old Goths and Saxons called this festival the Julfest. De Hitt vondaag is gresig. The heat is terrible today. The heat today is grueling. Wat ben je van plan om na het concert te doen? What are you planning on doing after the concert? What do you plan to do after the concert? Man muss mutig sein, um Schauspieler zu sein. Es ist nicht leicht, auf der Bühne vor vielen Leuten aufzutreten. Dafür bin ich zu schüchtern. You have to be brave to be an actor. It's not easy to perform on stage in front of a lot of people. I am too shy for that. You have to be brave to be an actor. It’s not easy to perform on stage in front of a lot of people. I’m too shy for that. Hij is raar. He is odd. He's weird. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. In the morning I always drink a cup of coffee. I thought I'd give it another try. I thought that I'd give it another try. - I thought I'd give it another try. Als ik jou was zou ik uit de weg gaan. If I were you, I'd get out of the way. If I were you, I'd get out of my way. Letztes Jahr habe ich zweihundert Bücher gelesen. Last year I read two hundred books. Last year I read 200 books. Het sperma van de mannen ontstaat in de zaadbuisjes die zich in de teelballen bevinden. The sperm from male humans originates in the seminiferous tubules which are located in the testes. The sperm of the men is formed in the sperm tubes that are located in the testicles. Zu Hause ist es hundekalt. It's brass monkeys at home. At home it is dog-cold. Tom and Mary should both have stayed awake. Both Tom and Mary should've stayed awake. Tom and mary should both have stayed awake. Tom gab allen einen aus. Tom bought drinks for everybody. Tom gave them all one. Frag mich nicht, was das bedeutet! Don't ask me what that means. Don't ask me what that means! U moet de knoop strakker trekken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Emily schreef een brief. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. Tom fährt seinen Wagen. Tom is driving his car. Tom drives his car. Hij heeft een gulle lach. He has a hearty laugh. He has a generous smile. Ik heb scheve tanden. I have crooked teeth. I have crooked teeth. Das Telefon klingelte. Maria nahm ab. „Bäcker“, meldete sie sich. – „Hallo, Maria!“ – „Ach, Papa, du bist’s! Das ist aber eine Überraschung, dass du anrufst! Ist was passiert?“ – „Nein, es ist nichts passiert. Ich wollte nur mal hören, wie es dir geht.“ The telephone rang; Mary picked up the handset. "Baker," she answered. – "Hello, Mary!" – "Oh, papa, it's you! It's such a surprise that you're calling! Has something happened?" – "No, nothing has happened. I just wanted to hear how it's going for you." The phone rang. Maria picked up. “Baker,” she called out. – “Hello, Maria!” – “Oh, Dad, it’s you! But it’s a surprise you’re calling! Did something happen?” – “No, nothing happened. I just wanted to hear how you were doing.” Mijn studenten hebben vol ongeduld zitten wachten op de testresultaten. My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results. My students have been waiting impatiently for the test results. Schau dich um und sag, was du siehst! Look around yourself and say what you see. Look around and say what you see! Wanneer heb je voor het laatst overgegeven? When was the last time you vomited? When was the last time you threw up? Sy is nogal 'n handvol. She's quite a handful. She's quite a handful. I think Tom knows why. I think that Tom knows why. I think tom knows why. Seine Frau spricht nicht nur Englisch, sondern auch Spanisch. His wife speaks not only English, but also Spanish. His wife speaks not only English, but also Spanish. Mama, wo ist der Zucker? Mum, where's the sugar? Mom, where's the sugar? Wo lang deist du dat al? How long have you been doing this? How long have you been doing this? I don't think that Tom is a good lawyer. I don't think Tom is a good lawyer. I don't think that tom is a good lawyer. Brian ist ganz schmutzig. Er hat Fußball gespielt. Brian's all muddy. He's been playing football. Brian's all dirty, he played football. Zij wonen in Helsinki, Finland. They live in Helsinki, Finland. They live in Helsinki, Finland. I know Tom is a much better drummer than I am. I know Tom is a much better drummer than me. I know tom is a much better drummer than I am. En dunen Keerl slööp op de Bank. A drunken man was sleeping on the bench. A dun keer looped onto the bench. A wéi wär et da mat dënschdes, den 19. Oktober? And how about Tuesday, October 19th? What's up with that, October 19th? Hoe kan je dat nu weten? How is it that you know that? How do you know now? Tom and Mary said they wanted to try to do that. Tom and Mary said they wanted to try doing that. Tom and mary said they wanted to try to do that. Hij heeft haar een verlovingsring gekocht maar ze zijn nooit getrouwd. He bought her an engagement ring but they never married. He bought her an engagement ring, but they never married. Hierdie is een of ander teken. This is some kind of sign. This is some sort of sign. Guck mal! Take a look! Look at this! Mary told Tom that she wasn't planning on doing that. Mary told Tom that she wasn't planning to do that. Mary told tom that she wasn't planning on doing that. Nem bilong mi Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. And the name of the one who is called Hashimoto: That's not something I'd ever do. That isn't something that I'd ever do. - That's not something I'd ever do. Tom pulled out a book and started reading it. Tom pulled out a book and started to read it. Tom pulled out a book and started reading it Ik kan niet geloven wat ik gezien heb. I can't believe what I saw. I can't believe what I saw. Tom must have told them something. Tom must've told them something. Tom must've told them something. Das Schiff ging in Kōbe vor Anker. The ship cast anchor at Kobe. The ship anchored in Kobe. Is there any possibility Tom will do that? Is there any possibility that Tom will do that? is there any possibility Tom will do that? We gaan jullie niet ontslaan. We're not going to fire you. We're not gonna fire you. Was ist dein Lieblingskochbuch? What's your favorite cookbook? What is your favorite cookbook? Ik heb betere ideeën nodig. I need better ideas. I need better ideas. Sie ist langsam wie eine Schildkröte. She is as slow as a turtle. She's slow as a turtle. טאָם האָט מער האַרץ ווי מוח. Tom has more heart than brains. He's got more heart than Mary. Ich will vor allen anderen dort sein. I want to arrive before everyone else. I want to be there before everyone else. Tom hat versucht, das Tor selbst zu reparieren. Tom tried to fix the gate on his own. Tom tried to repair the gate himself. Was für Gemüse baust du an? What kind of vegetables do you grow? What kind of vegetables do you grow? ווער שפילט גאָלף? Who plays golf? Who's playing gold? Dieser Laden ist außerordentlich teuer. That store is exceptionally expensive. This store is extremely expensive. Kun je wat meer bewijs vinden? Can you find some more proof? Can you find some more evidence? Ihr könnt Tom nicht allein gehen lassen. You can't let Tom go alone. You can't let Tom go alone. Bel ons. Call us. Give us a call. k Wait wat joe bedoulen. I know what you mean. Let's wait for Joe. I know that Tom thinks Mary is a racist. I know Tom thinks Mary is a racist. I know that tom thinks mary is a racist. Tom sah eine alte Frau auf der Straße betteln. Tom saw an old woman begging in the street. Tom saw an old woman begging in the street. איך האָב דרך־⁠ארץ באַקומען פֿאַר טאָמען. I've started to respect Tom. I've been waiting for Tom. Habt ihr schon einmal Rhabarbermarmelade gemacht? Have you ever made rhubarb jam? Have you ever made rhubarb jam? Was hätten Sie an ihrer Stelle getan? What would you have done in her place? What would you have done in your place? Viele Finnen interessieren sich für Kultur. Many Finns are interested in culture. Many Finns are interested in culture. אפשר זי קענט ענטפערן די פראגע. She may be able to answer the question. Maybe she can answer the question. Zijn voeten sliepen. His feet were asleep. His feet were asleep. Waarom viel u haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Ik hoor door de muur wat zij spreken. I hear through the wall what they're saying. I hear through the wall what they are saying. Ik kan niet wachten om over je vakantie te horen. I can't wait to hear about your vacation. I can't wait to hear about your vacation. „Was für anständige Leute!“ dachte Pinocchio bei sich. Seinen Vater, den neuen Mantel, die Fibel und alle seine guten Vorsätze vergaß er und sagte zu dem Fuchs und zu der Katze: „Auf, auf! Ich komme mit!“ "What good people," thought Pinocchio to himself. And forgetting his father, the new coat, the A-B-C book, and all his good resolutions, he said to the Fox and to the Cat: "Let us go. I am with you." “What decent people!” thought Pinocchio to himself. He forgot his father, the new coat, the fibula, and all his good intentions, and said to the fox and the cat, “Come on, I’ll come with you!” k Eet visk. I eat fish. I'm eating fish. Sehe ich wie deine Dienerin aus? Do I look like your servant? Do I look like your servant? Es gibt bestimmt irgend jemanden, der dich liebt. I'm sure there's someone that loves you. There must be someone who loves you. Wie viele Schüsseln Haferbrei hat Tom gegessen? How many bowls of oatmeal did Tom eat? How many bowls of oatmeal did Tom eat? Tom said that he thought that you knew Mary. Tom said he thought that you knew Mary. Tom said that he thought that you knew mary. Ik zou graag met jou naar zee gaan. I'd like to go to the seaside with you. I'd love to go to sea with you. Du solltest diese zwei Zeilen weglassen. You should leave out these two lines. You should leave out those two lines. Hast du irgendeine Ahnung, wo Tom hingegangen ist? Do you have any idea where Tom went? Do you have any idea where Tom went? Verfolgt ihr die Weltmeisterschaft? Are you following the World Cup? Are you following the World Cup? Der Film hat mir so sehr gefallen, dass ich ihn mir gleich zweimal angesehen habe. I liked that film so much I watched it twice. I liked the movie so much that I watched it twice. Wanneer begin ik? When do I get started? When do I start? Tom zou trots zijn. Tom would be proud. Tom would be proud. Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What do these people do? צי איז ער נאָך קראַנק? Is he still sick? He's still sick? Ich habe mein Telefon schon wieder verloren. I've lost my phone again. I lost my phone again. Vater wird morgen zu Hause sein. Father will be at home tomorrow. Father will be home tomorrow. Ze heeft een tatoeage van een hagedis op haar dij. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. She has a lizard tattoo on her thigh. Er ist Ernährungsberater. He is a dietary adviser. He's a nutritionist. Ik geloof dat Tom onschuldig is. I believe Tom is innocent. I think Tom is innocent. I am not obsessed with money. I'm not obsessed with money. - I am not obsessed with money. Wat is het hoogste onderwijsniveau dat u hebt voltooid? What is the highest level of school you completed? What is the highest level of education you have completed? Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. די קאַבילען רעדן קאַביליש. The Kabyle speak Kabyle. The cats speak the language. Hangzhou ist eine schöne Stadt. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Er hob seine Hand. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Ich mag dich auch. I like you, too. I like you, too. Hij gaat altijd door voor een uitstekende geleerde. He always passes for a great scholar. He always goes on for an excellent scholar. Tom kann genauso schnell schwimmen wie du. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can swim just as fast as you can. Sie sind kein Morgenmensch, wie ich sehe. You're not a morning person, I understand. You're not a morning person, I see. Tom told everybody that he was bored. Tom told everyone he was bored. - Tom told everybody that he was bored. Lijk ik op jouw dienaar? Do I look like your servant? Do I look like your servant? Ik drink meestal drie kopjes koffie per dag. I usually drink about three cups of coffee a day. I usually drink three cups of coffee a day. We will need more time. We'll need more time. - We will need more time. Die Bibliothek hat Bücher. The library has books. The library has books. Es hat niemand Hunger. Nobody's hungry. No one's hungry. Wir schrien Tom an. We shouted at Tom. We yelled at Tom. Dieses Bild sticht durch seine sich beißenden Farben hervor. The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out. This image stands out for its biting colors. אלע דריי מענער האבן געשמייכלט. All three men smiled. All three of them were laughing. Ich bin nur froh dich zu sehen. I'm just happy to see you. I'm just glad to see you. Tom wollte Maria küssen, die aber ließ ihn nicht. Tom wanted to kiss Mary, but she wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to kiss Maria, but she wouldn’t let him. זײ האָבן קײן אינטערעס אין די פֿילאָזאָפֿישע פֿראַגעס. They don't have any interest in philosophical questions. They have a vested interest in the political system. Se kunn em nich in ’t Gesicht kieken. She couldn't look him in the face. She couldn't look him in the face. Herr Gärtner vom ABC-Konzern logiert vom 20. bis zum 27. Februar im Marriot und möchte Sie sehr gerne treffen. Mr Gardner of ABC Corporation is staying at the Marriott Hotel between 20-27 February, and would like very much to meet you. Mr. G<0xC3><0xA4>rtner from the ABC Group is staying at the Marriot from 20 to 27 February and would like to meet you very much. You will be allowed to go out soon. You'll be allowed to go out soon. - You will be allowed to go out soon. Is de pijn kloppend of constant? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is the pain constant or constant? You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what'll happen tomorrow. You never know what'll happen tomorrow. He hett sien Ogenlicht bi en Unfall verloren. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost his eyelight in an accident. Ze zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. I don't think we could do that. I don't think that we could do that. - I don't think we could do that. Ze hebben Tom uitgezet. They deported Tom. They turned Tom off. Geht es Tom besser? Is Tom any better? Is Tom feeling better? I know that Tom already knows why Mary didn't do that. I know Tom already knows why Mary didn't do that. I know that tom already knows why mary didn't do that. De enige vingerafdrukken die de politie op de deurknop vond waren die van Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only fingerprints the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. Wat ben je van plan in het buitenland te gaan studeren? What do you plan to study abroad? What do you plan to study abroad? Wo kann ich diese Kiste hinstellen? Where can I put this box? Where can I put this box? Dis my vriend. This is my friend. That's my friend. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be ready to do that. Tom said he thought that Mary would be ready to do that. Tom said that he thought that mary would be ready to do that. Het is bijna drie. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three. Je zou beter meteen naar de dokter gaan. It would be best if you went to the doctor right away. You'd better go to the doctor right away. Ons zoontje is een echte zenuwpees. Our little son is a right fidget. Our son's a real nerve-wracker. Why don't you just admit that you don't know what you're talking about? Why don't you just admit you don't know what you're talking about? Why don't you just admit you don't know what you're talking about? Ik drink zelden bier. I seldom drink beer. I rarely drink beer. Jemand ist an der Tür. Somebody's at the door. Someone's at the door. Wo könnte die Katze sein? Where could the cat be? Where could the cat be? Du spielst besser Schach als ich. You play chess better than me. You're a better chess player than me. Staat hier iets over in de wet? Does the law say anything about this? Is there anything in the law about this? Tom and Mary said they weren't Canadian. Tom and Mary said that they weren't Canadian. Tom and Mary said they weren't canadian. Stop mit smoken. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. En Tiiv heer mi min Task steelen. A thief has stolen my bag. And Tiiv lord mi min Task steal. Hoe kan ik de motor starten? How can I start the engine? How can I start the engine? Het regent. It is raining. It's raining. „Greift zu!“ sagte Tom und eröffnete damit das kalte Büffet. "Tuck in!" said Tom, opening the buffet. “Hold on!” said Tom, opening the cold buffet. Tom said he wished he hadn't given Mary any money. Tom said that he wished he hadn't given Mary any money. Tom said he wished he hadn't given mary any money. Du gehst bitte auch. Wir können nicht ohne dich gehen. You go too, please. We can't go without you. We can't go without you. Tom stellte Maria seine Familie vor. Tom introduced Mary to his family. Tom introduced Mary to his family. Jonas Salk entwickelte 1952 den Polioimpfstoff. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1952. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1952. Ik ben nog nooit in Hiroshima geweest. I have never been to Hiroshima. I have never been to Hiroshima. Das Buch ist in französischer Sprache geschrieben. The book is written in French. The book is written in French. Ik wil mijn tas. I want my bag. I want my bag. Ik heb isolatietape, ducttape en kleefpleister. Welke heb je liever? I've got electrical tape, duct tape, and adhesive tape. Which do you prefer? I have insulation tape, duct tape and adhesive plaster. Which one do you prefer? Mijn broer is naar tv aan het kijken. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. Du hättest das Rennen gewinnen können, wenn du nur ein kleines bisschen schneller gelaufen wärest. You could've won the race if you'd run just a little bit faster. You could have won the race if you had just run a little bit faster. Dit is het beste woordenboek dat we verkopen. This is the best dictionary we sell. This is the best dictionary we sell. Tom told me that he wouldn't be able to be at the meeting. Tom told me he wouldn't be able to be at the meeting. Tom told me he wouldn't be able to be at the meeting. Ich verstehe ohne Untertitel nichts. I won't understand anything without subtitles. I don't understand anything without subtitles. I used to think you were cool. I used to think that you were cool. - I used to think you were cool. Wie viele sind auf der Liste? How many are on the list? How many are on the list? Wie sollte man einen Nichtbinären anreden? How should we address a non-binary person? How to address a non-binary? I don't think I want to go there anymore. I don't think that I want to go there anymore. I don't think I wanna go there anymore. Wat wil je? What is it? - What do you want? Übersetze das! Translate this. Translate this! Vanaf de vroege jaren 2010 is er een aanzienlijke stijging in eenzaamheid en depressie bij adolescenten over de hele wereld. Starting in the early 2010s there has been a significant worldwide increase in loneliness and depression among adolescents. As of the early 2010s, there has been a significant increase in loneliness and depression among adolescents around the world. Ik wist niet eens dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. Veel ex-moslims vrezen voor hun leven. Many ex-muslims fear for their lives. Many ex-Muslims fear for their lives. Im Winter geht die Sonne früher unter. The sun sets earlier in the winter. In winter, the sun sets earlier. Maar dat heb je me nooit verteld! But you've never told me about this! But you never told me! Hij zou in de gevangenis gestopt moeten worden. He should be put in prison. He should be put in jail. Niemand würde sich so ausdrücken. No one would express themselves like that. No one would express themselves that way. De meeste gerenommeerde universiteiten van Japan bevinden zich in Tokio. Most of Japan's prestigious universities are located in Tokyo. Most of Japan’s renowned universities are located in Tokyo. Ich möchte dich lieber privat sprechen. I'd prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you in private. Tom ist voreingenommen. Tom is prejudiced. Tom is biased. Moenie die hond met 'n klip gooi nie. Don't throw a stone at the dog. Don't throw the dog with a stone. Ze is op haar zeventiende getrouwd. She got married at the age of 17. She was married at seventeen. Das ist sehr mutig von euch. That's very brave of you. That is very brave of you. In vielen Haushalten gibt es mehr als einen Rechner. Many households have more than one computer. In many households, there is more than one computer. Noch viel länger können wir hier nicht überleben, wenn keine Hilfe kommt. We won't be able to survive too much longer unless help arrives. We cannot survive much longer if there is no help. Geld kan nie geluk koop nie. Money can't buy happiness. Money can't buy happiness. Der Mann, den ich liebte, erwiderte meine Gefühle nicht. The man I loved didn't return my feelings. The man I loved did not return my feelings. I'll see if Tom is in his office. I'll see if Tom's in his office. I'll see if tom is in his office. Tom en Mary houden allebei van oude films. Tom and Mary both like old movies. Tom and Mary both love old movies. Dann bestrafte die Lehrerin ihn. Then the teacher punished him. Then the teacher punished him. Kom je mee op café? Are you coming to the pub with us? Are you coming to the cafe? Dat lijkt me een beetje overdreven. That seems excessive. I think that's a bit exaggerated. Ich habe meine Uhr verloren. Somit muss ich mir nun eine neue kaufen. I've lost my watch, so now I have to buy another one. I lost my watch, so I have to buy a new one. Hoe zeg je Limburgs in het Limburgs? How do you say Limburgish in Limburgish? How do you say Limburgish in Limburgish? Wees vervloekt! Be cursed! Be cursed! Tom houdt niet van slakken. Tom doesn't like snails. Tom doesn't like snails. Ich bin Tom. Und du? I'm Tom, and you? I'm Tom, what about you? Come on, get up! C'mon, get up! Come on, get up. John hat immer versucht sich ein Beispiel an Lincoln zu nehmen. John always tried to live up to the example of Lincoln. John has always tried to take Lincoln as an example. Ziri rekte het pizzadeeg uit. Ziri stretched the pizza dough. Ziri stretched out the pizza dough. Tom holte seine Pistole raus. Tom took out his gun. Tom pulled out his gun. Tom bought a new pickup. Tom bought a new pick-up. - Tom bought a new pickup. Toms und Marias Jüngste heißt Alice. Tom and Mary's youngest daughter is named Alice. Tom and Maria's youngest name is Alice. „Mir fällt das Wort dafür nicht ein.“ – „Wie würdest du es auf Französisch sagen?“ "I can't think of the word for it." "How would you say it in French?" “I can’t remember the word for it.” – “How would you say it in French?” Maria sagte, dass sie glücklich sei. Mary said that she was happy. Mary said she was happy. Where did you put the television guide? Where did you put the TV guide? - Where did you put the television guide? Auf Tom war immer Verlass. We could always count on Tom. Tom was always reliable. Sami ist groß. Sami is tall. Sami is big. I didn't think anyone did that. I didn't think that anyone did that. - I didn't think anyone did that. Wenn Tom mich wirklich mögen würde, hätte er das nicht getan. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have done that. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have. Wie nennt man einen Drachen, der keine Flügel hat? What do you call a dragon without wings? What do you call a dragon that has no wings? Tom and Mary said they don't like to do that. Tom and Mary said they don't like doing that. Tom and mary said they don't like to do that. Tom said that he didn't think Mary would want to do that. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary would want to do that. Tom said that he didn't think mary would want to do that. I knew Tom would go there. I knew that Tom would go there. I knew tom would go there. Das Ergebnis war sehr gut. The result was very good. The result was very good. Der Platz reicht für alle. There's enough space for everyone. Enough space for everyone. Sind Sie Tom Hansen? Are you Tom Jackson? Are you Tom Hansen? Waarom heeft u haar nodig? Why do you need her? Why do you need her? Ich hab’s leider nicht rechtzeitig geschafft. Unfortunately, I didn't make it in time. Unfortunately, I did not make it in time. Tom tat so, als wäre er der steinreiche Besitzer einer berühmten Hotelkette in Amerika, die nun auch nach Deutschland expandieren wolle; Maria kicherte hinter vorgehaltener Hand über seinen gespielten amerikanischen Akzent und wie alle auf ihn hereinfielen. Tom pretended to be the fabulously wealthy owner of a famous American hotel chain that now planned to also expand to Germany; with a hand held in front of her, Mary hid her giggling at his mock American accent and at how everyone had been taken in. Tom pretended to be the wealthy owner of a famous hotel chain in America, which now wants to expand to Germany; Maria giggled behind closed doors about his American accent and how everyone fell for him. Wer möchte diese Frage beantworten? Who wants to answer this question? Who wants to answer this question? Wie ist das Klima auf der Insel? What is the climate on the island like? What is the climate on the island? Tom wurde von einer Kobra gebissen. Tom was bitten by a cobra. Tom was bitten by a cobra. Legen Sie Ihren Daumen auf den Scanner. Put your thumb on the scanner. Place your thumb on the scanner. Würden Sie im Winter mit kaltem Wasser duschen? Would you shower with cold water in winter? Would you shower with cold water in the winter? Ik kom uit Griekenland. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Hij vertrouwt je. He trusts you. He trusts you. Ich möchte Sie morgen noch einmal untersuchen. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I'd like to examine you again tomorrow. Ik zal je nooit dwingen om met hem te trouwen. I will never force you to marry him. I will never force you to marry him. Ze is een paar keer naar Hawaï geweest. She has been to Hawaii several times. She's been to Hawaii a couple of times. Berechnen Sie den Flächeninhalt dieses Vielecks. Calculate the area of this polygon. Calculate the area of this polygon. My findings suggest that is not the case. My findings suggest that isn't the case. - My findings suggest that is not the case. Tom told me he thought that Mary was unbiased. Tom told me he thought Mary was unbiased. Tom told me he thought that mary was unbiased. It's not a cat. It's a dog. It isn't a cat. It's a dog. It's not a cat. lt's a dog. Was ich wissen will, sind die Fakten. What I want to know is the facts. What I want to know is the facts. Dat is iets waar we het allemaal over eens kunnen zijn. That's something we can all agree on. That's something we can all agree on. Wie rücksichtsvoll von dir! How considerate of you! How considerate of you! Ek dink ek mag dalk uit 'n werk wees. I think I might be out of a job. I think I might be out of a job. Het is typisch herfstweer. It's typical autumn weather. It is typical autumn weather. אַ גוטע נאַכט, טאַטאָעבאַ. Good night, Tatoeba. Have a good night, Tatoeba. Ich bin meinen Kindern dankbar. I am grateful to my children. I am grateful to my children. „Warum?“ fragte die Tochter, ein wenig verärgert. "Why?" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated. “Why?” the daughter asked, a little upset. Bist du sicher, dass sie das kann? Are you sure she can do this? Are you sure she can do that? Die Hälfte der Bücher hier sind Toms. Half of these books are Tom's. Half of the books here are Toms. I think Tom doesn't eat meat. I think that Tom doesn't eat meat. - I think Tom doesn't eat meat. Dann und wann schwebt ein einsames Blatt zu Boden. Now and then, a solitary leaf floats to the ground. Every now and then a lonely leaf floats to the ground. Niemand weet wat er van Tom geworden is. No one knows what's become of Tom. No one knows what happened to Tom. Ich wohne in Leeds. I live in Leeds. I live in Leeds. Mein Vater war mal Müller. My dad used to be a miller. My father was a miller. Warum haben Sie mich nicht gefragt? Why didn't you ask me? Why didn't you ask me? כ'האָב געפֿירט מײַן אײגענע פֿאָרשונג. I conducted my own research. I've done my own research. No matter what Tom says, I plan to do that. No matter what Tom says, I plan on doing that. No matter what tom says, I plan to do that. You have a sense of humour. I like that. You have a sense of humor. I like that. You have a sense of humor, I like that. Has anyone told Tom? Has anybody told Tom? Has anyone told tom? Kunt u mij vertellen hoe deze wasmachine gebruikt moet worden? Could you tell me how to use this washing machine? Can you tell me how to use this washing machine? Tom hat das erst mit 30 Jahren gelernt. Tom didn't learn how to do that until he was thirty. Tom didn’t learn that until he was 30. Tom fragte sich nach dem Grund. Tom wondered why. Tom wondered why. Tom sagt, dass er nichts bedauere. Tom says he doesn't have any regrets. Tom says he has no regrets. We moeten de regels volgen. We must observe the rules. We have to follow the rules. Hebben we genoeg melk? Do we have enough milk? Do we have enough milk? Tom said he thought I was creative. Tom said that he thought I was creative. - Tom said he thought I was creative. Nee, ik wit it net. No, I don't know. No, I just whiten it. Ist das Arabisch? - Nein, das ist Uighurisch, eine im Nordwesten Chinas gesprochene Sprache. Is this Arabic ? - No, this is Uighuric, a language spoken in North-West China. No, this is Uighur, a language spoken in northwestern China. Das Resultat ist das gleiche. You end up with the same result. The result is the same. Ich komme jeden vierten Juli hierher. I come here every Fourth of July. I come here every 4th of July. Joe Biden wurde der 46. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Joe Biden became the United States' 46th president. Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States. Krieg! Das ist eine viel zu ernste Sache, um ihn den Militärs anzuvertrauen. War is too serious a thing to entrust to the military. War! This is far too serious a matter to entrust to the military. Ich weiß, dass du Tom mögen wirst. I know you'll like Tom. I know you'll like Tom. Kennst du Herrn Gao? Do you know Mr Gao? Do you know Mr. Gao? Die Faulpelze haben hier keine große Zukunft. Lazy people here don't have much of a future. The lazy ones have no great future here. I wonder whether Tom wants to buy a car. I wonder if Tom wants to buy a car. I wonder whether tom wants to buy a car. It's really not that important. It isn't really that important. - It's really not that important. Das Gebäude hat hohe Decken und ist gut belüftet. The building is high-ceilinged and well ventilated. The building has high ceilings and is well ventilated. Wir fuhren zum Flughafen, um Tom abzuholen. We went to the airport to pick Tom up. We drove to the airport to pick up Tom. Sagte Tom, ich käme nicht? Did Tom say I wasn't coming? Did Tom say I wasn't coming? We can trust Tom not to tell anyone. We can trust Tom not to tell anybody. We can trust tom not to tell anyone. Du musst Schach spielen, wie du lebst: mit Leidenschaft! You must play chess as you live: with passion! You have to play chess the way you live: with passion! Die eineiigen Zwillinge starben 72jährig. The identical twin brothers died at the age of 72. The identical twins died at the age of 72. Tom hatte irgendwie recht. Tom was kind of right. Tom was right. Hij houdt niet van hardlopen. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like running. I've heard that you're reliable. I've heard you're reliable. - I've heard that you're reliable. It Siuwsk is in streektaal. Zeelandic is a regional language. The slang is a regional language. Warum haben Sie nicht auf den Arzt gehört? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Ich finde dich chic. I think you're stylish. I think you're chic. Wir werden den ganzen Tag hier sein. We'll be here all day. We'll be here all day. Dieser Satz ist sehr interessant. This sentence is very interesting. This sentence is very interesting. Welche Farbe hat Toms Pullover? What color is Tom's sweater? What color is Tom's sweater? Bei dem Namen bin ich mir nicht sicher. I'm not sure of the name. I'm not sure about that name. Die Sowjetunion startete Sputnik I im Jahre 1957. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957. Tom said he thought he'd be able to help us. Tom said that he thought he'd be able to help us. - Tom said he thought he'd be able to help us. Geschäft ist Geschäft! Business is business! Business is business! Tom hat einen Dachschaden. Tom is a psycho. Tom has a roof damage. Mensen zijn apen met kleren. Humans are apes with clothes. People are monkeys with clothes. In einem Streit ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Mann und einer Frau wie zwischen einem Gewehr und einem Maschinengewehr. When arguing, the difference between a man and a woman is like between a rifle and a machine gun. In an argument, the difference between a man and a woman is like a gun and a machine gun. Tom spart für ein neues Auto. Tom is saving money to buy a new car. Tom is saving for a new car. De Zoo hett twee Okapis. This zoo owns two okapis. The zoo has two okapis. He maakt geern Fotos. He likes taking pictures. He takes beautiful photos. I hope both of you get what you want. I hope that both of you get what you want. - I hope both of you get what you want. Droge maache futti! Drugs kill! Drugs are rampant! Entspann dich doch einfach und genieß die Zeit! Why don't you just relax and have fun? Just relax and enjoy the time! We know that's never going to happen. We know that that's never going to happen. We know that's never gonna happen. Hij is een zeer goede tennisser. He is a very good tennis player. He is a very good tennis player. Hebt gij enig idee wie hij is? Have you any idea who he is? Do you have any idea who he is? Ik reken op u. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. Hij kan hun vragen niet beantwoorden. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. Kijk naar mijn vingers. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Du bist unsere letzte Hoffnung. You're our last hope. You are our last hope. Ik kreeg een gsm van mijn ouders voor mijn verjaardag. My parents gave me a cell phone for my birthday. I got a phone call from my parents for my birthday. Wie 1872, so 2021: England und Schottland spielten ein torloses Unentschieden. As in 1872, so in 2021: England and Scotland played out a goalless draw. As in 1872, so in 2021: England and Scotland played a goalless draw. Tom didn't know that Mary couldn't understand French. Tom didn't know Mary couldn't understand French. Tom didn't know that mary couldn't understand french. Tom trank Kaffee, und Maria trank Tee. Tom drank coffee, and Mary drank tea. Tom drank coffee, and Maria drank tea. Tom was kind of surprised when Mary said she didn't know how to do that. Tom was kind of surprised when Mary said that she didn't know how to do that. Tom was kind of surprised when mary said she didn't know how to do that. Is hij al aangekomen? Has he arrived already? Has he arrived yet? דער קאָראָנאַווירוס איז אַ סכּנה. The coronavirus is dangerous. Coronavirus is a scam. I don't think Tom knows who Mary's father is. I don't think that Tom knows who Mary's father is. I don't think tom knows who mary's father is. Sind die Hühner platt wie Teller, war der Traktor wieder schneller. When the chickens are flat as pancakes, then again the tractor must have been faster than them. If the chickens are flat as plates, the tractor was faster again. De vrouw drinkt de thee met suiker of met honing. The woman drinks the tea with sugar or with honey. The woman drinks the tea with sugar or with honey. "Mag ik telefoneren?" "Ja, doe maar." "May I use the phone?" "Please feel free." "Can I make a phone call?" "Yes, go ahead." Tom hatte Angst, selbst denunziert zu werden, und verriet seinen besten Freund. Afraid of being denounced himself, Tom betrayed his best friend. Tom was afraid of being denounced himself, and betrayed his best friend. Ich glaube die Gerüchte nicht. Du? I don't believe the rumours. Do you? I don't believe the rumors. Tom ist gerade im Garten. Tom is in the garden at the moment. Tom is in the garden. אונדזער רעגירונג פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't give a damn about us. Our government is in charge of us. Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Worüm hett mi keeneen seggt, wat ik doon schall? Why didn't anyone tell me what to do? Why didn't anyone tell me what to do? Die dief het weggehardloop toe sy die polisieman gesien het. The thief ran away when she saw the policeman. The thief ran away when she saw the police officer. Die Türkei liegt östlich von Griechenland. Turkey is east of Greece. Turkey is located east of Greece. That's more like it! That's more like it. That's more like it. Ik kan er niet meer tegen! I can't stand it anymore. I can't take it anymore! Heb je in de afgelopen 24 uur een medicijn tegen erectiestoornissen ingenomen? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken any erectile dysfunction medication in the last 24 hours? We zullen nieuwe namen toevoegen aan onze lijst. We will add new names to our list. We will add new names to our list. I thought Tom and Mary were planning to stay for a month. I thought Tom and Mary were planning on staying for a month. I thought tom and mary were planning to stay for a month. Es kommt mir so vor, als wären wir uns schon einmal begegnet. I feel as if we have already met. I feel like we've met before. They thought that they were being cute. They thought they were being cute. - They thought that they were being cute. Het water is aan het vloeien. The water is flowing. The water is flowing. Tom stellte schockiert fest, dass bei Tatoeba Sätze über ihn, Maria, Johannes und Elke entstanden. Tom was shocked when he found out people were making sentences about him, Mary, John, and Alice on Tatoeba. Tom was shocked to find that Tatoeba produced sentences about him, Maria, Johannes and Elke. My findings suggest that isn't the case. My findings suggest that that isn't the case. - My findings suggest that isn't the case. Meine Erziehung machte mich zu dem, was ich bin. My education has made me what I am. My upbringing made me who I am. Tom weiß nicht, was er mit all seinem Geld anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know what to do with all his money. Tom doesn’t know what to do with all his money. Tom said he wanted to dye his hair black. Tom said that he wanted to dye his hair black. Tom said he wanted to dye his hair black Wanneer komt ze? When is she coming? When is she coming? Mary ging met een jongere man uit. Mary was dating a younger man. Mary went out with a younger man. Wo sollen wir uns niederlassen? Where shall we sit? Where should we settle? Wie wird Ihr Nachname geschrieben? How do you write your last name? How is your last name written? Tweelingen zijn klonen. Twins are clones. Twins are clones. „Bist du Russin?“ – „Ja.“ "Are you Russian?" "Yes." “Are you Russian?” – “Yes.” Tom's downstairs, right? Tom is downstairs, right? - Tom's downstairs, right? U bent vrij. You're free. You're free. I think Tom's temper impairs his judgment. I think that Tom's temper impairs his judgment. I think tom's temper impairs his judgment. Ich habe meinen Mann 1990 geheiratet. I married my husband in 1990. I married my husband in 1990. Hast du etwas dabei? Have you got anything with you? Do you have anything on you? Italo Calvino returned to Italy when he was still just a boy. Italo Calvino returned to Italy when he was still a child. Italo Calvino returned to Italy when he was still just a boy. Hij zei dat hij in orde was, maar dat was hij allesbehalve. He said he was fine, but he was anything but. He said he was fine, but he wasn't. Ik heb iets dat ik je moet vertellen. I have something that I need to tell you. I have something I need to tell you. Ich hatte noch keine Corona-Auffrischungsimpfung. I have not had a COVID booster shot. I haven't had a corona booster vaccine yet. In der Pfalz geht der Pfarrer mit der Pfeife in die Kirche. In the Palatinate the pastor goes to church with a pipe. In the Palatinate, the priest goes to the church with the pipe. Ik gah jümmer to Foot na School. I always go to school on foot. I always go to school on foot. Die Kombination ist die Poesie des Schachs. The combination is the poetry of chess. The combination is the poetry of chess. Ich weiß es wohl: ich beherrsche es nicht, kabylisch zu schreiben, aber ich zögere nie, mein Wissen zu teilen, sei es auch gering. I know that I do not master the writing of Kabyle, but I never hesitate to share my knowledge, even if it is a trifle. I know well: I do not know how to write in Kabylic, but I never hesitate to share my knowledge, even if it is little. זי איז נישט משוגע געוואָרן. She hasn't gone mad. She didn't go crazy. Tom and Mary told me they felt offended. Tom and Mary told me that they felt offended. Tom and mary told me they felt offended. Ich möchte dieses Jahr keine Geburtstagsfeier. I don't want to have a birthday party this year. I don't want a birthday party this year. Vielleicht habt ihr euch geirrt. You may have been wrong. Maybe you were wrong. I suspect that you have conspired against me. I suspect that you've conspired against me. - I suspect that you have conspired against me. Ich habe letzten Monat meine Adresse geändert. I changed my address last month. I changed my address last month. Den Haaptsëtz vun der Entreprise ass zu Moskau. The company's head office is in Moscow. The headquarters of the company is in Moscow. Het is een mobieltje. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Was hast du so gemacht? What have you been up to? What did you do? Tom didn't get the promotion that he was expecting to get. Tom didn't get the promotion he was expecting. Tom didn't get the promotion he was expecting to get. Sie öffnete eine Packung Kekse. She opened a packet of biscuits. She opened a box of cookies. Ich möchte nicht, dass du das tust. I don't want you to do that. I don't want you to do that. De uitleg was niet makkelijk te begrijpen. The explanation wasn't easy to understand. The explanation was not easy to understand. Zu Hause spricht meine Mutter normalerweise Tagalog, aber fern sieht sie in Englisch, und wenn sie lesen oder schreiben muss, bedient sie sich des Englischen. Sie ist typisch für ihre stark amerikanisierte Generation von Filipinos. Meine und die nachfolgenden Generationen sind nationalistischer und zunehmend weniger amerikanisiert. My mother usually speaks Tagalog at home, but she watches television in English, and when she has to read or write, she uses English. She is typical of her highly Americanized generation of Filipinos. My generation and thereafter are more nationalistic, becoming less Americanized. At home, my mother usually speaks Tagalog, but she watches TV in English, and when she has to read or write, she uses English. She is typical of her heavily Americanized generation of Filipinos. My and subsequent generations are more nationalist and increasingly less Americanized. Haar schoonheid was onbeschrijfelijk. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. Maria ist Engländerin. Mary is English. Mary is English. Die sind nicht zu erkennen. They aren't recognisable. They can't be seen. Ich kann nicht fassen, was ich doch für ein Dummkopf war! I can't believe what an idiot I've been. I can't believe what a fool I was! Ik heb geen auto. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Der Schachsport ist bemerkenswert gut organisiert. Tatsächlich verfügen nur sehr wenige Sportarten über ein so großes internationales Netzwerk von Spielern. The sport of chess is remarkably well organized; in fact, very few sports have such a large international network of players. The sport of chess is remarkably well organized, in fact very few sports have such a large international network of players. How do you know that Tom was the one who did this? How do you know Tom was the one who did this? How do you know that tom was the one who did this? De voetganger werd aangereden door een auto. The pedestrian was hit by a car. The pedestrian was hit by a car. Ich aß Käse-Tortillas zum Frühstück. I ate quesadillas for breakfast. I ate cheese tortillas for breakfast. Kennt Tom Sie? Does Tom know you? Does Tom know you? Tom told me he wasn't impressed. Tom told me that he wasn't impressed. - Tom told me he wasn't impressed. Ich hasse Alpträume. I hate nightmares. I hate nightmares. Er was niemand in de kamer. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Was war die Frage noch mal? What was the question again? What was the question again? דער קאָמוניזם איז ווען אַלע מוזן טראָגן אַ מאַסקע. Communism is when everyone has to wear a mask. It's when everyone has to wear a mask. Wie mòtten goan. We have to leave. Like must go. Ich bedaure, aber im Moment habe ich zu tun. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass euch eure Arbeit so viel Spaß macht. I'm glad to see you enjoy your work so much. I am glad to see that you enjoy your work so much. U hebt een regelmatige pols. You have a regular pulse. You have a regular pulse. Both Tom and Mary are conservative. Tom and Mary are both conservative. Both tom and mary are conservative. Hoe maak je dit? How do you make this? How do you do this? Tom ist es gewohnt, früh aufzustehen. Tom is used to getting up early. Tom is used to getting up early. Sommige mensen kunnen zich alles veroorloven terwijl anderen de eerste levensbehoeften ontberen. Some people can afford anything while others lack basic necessities. Some people can afford everything while others lack the necessities of life. Ze heeft evenveel boeken als haar vader. She has as many books as her father does. She has as many books as her father. I think Tom died on October twentieth. I think that Tom died on October twentieth. I think Tom died on October 20th. Wer hat schon wieder vergessen, die Klobrille hochzuklappen? Who forgot to lift the toilet seat again? Who forgot to turn up the toilet seat? Maria groeit tweetalig op: met Mama Akiko spreekt ze Japans, en met Papa Tom spreekt ze Duits. Mary's growing up bilingual: with Mum Akiko, she speaks Japanese, and with Dad Tom, she speaks German. Maria grows up bilingual: with Mama Akiko she speaks Japanese, and with Papa Tom she speaks German. I think Tom bought the house he was looking at last week. I think that Tom bought the house that he was looking at last week. I think tom bought the house he was looking at last week. Vermits je er moe uitziet, kan je beter wat rusten. Since you look tired, you had better take a rest. Since you look tired, you better get some rest. „Wie weit ist es bis zur Stadtmitte?“ – „Zu Fuß zehn Minuten.“ "How far is it to the town centre?" "It's a ten-minute walk." “How far is it to the city center?” – “Ten minutes on foot.” Vielleicht muss ich die Taktik ändern. I may have to change tack. Maybe I need to change the tactics. Es ist für die Jahreszeit ungewöhnlich kalt. The weather is unseasonably cold. It is unusually cold for the season. Ich frage mich, wo Tom Tennis spielt. I wonder where Tom plays tennis. I wonder where Tom plays tennis. Ze heeft het weer over haar waanbeelden. She's talking about her delusions again. She's talking about her delusions again. Mijn vader wilde altijd al soldaat worden. My father always wanted to be a soldier. My father always wanted to be a soldier. Deze webstek is waardeloos. This website is useless. This site is worthless. Ik zal je Duits leren. I'll teach you German. I'll teach you German. Ik leer. I'm learning. I'm learning. Es ist dumm von dir, das zu glauben. It's stupid of you to believe that. It's stupid of you to believe that. Alle seine späteren Gemälde galten als Meisterwerke. All his later paintings were considered masterpieces. All of his later paintings were considered masterpieces. Die Nacht ist meine liebste Tageszeit. Nighttime is my favorite time of the day. Night is my favorite time of day. „Wo ist dein Cousin?“ – „Der ist gerade gegangen.“ "Where's your cousin?" "He just left." “Where is your cousin?” – “He just left.” I am an artist. I'm an artist. - I am an artist. Is dat dien Fründ? Is that your boyfriend? Is that your friend? Es ist zehn vor zehn. It's ten to ten. It's ten to ten. Der Geburtstag meiner Mutter ist der 30. Januar. My mother's birthday is January 30th. My mother’s birthday is January 30th. Hebt u geen e-mailadres? You don't have an email address? Don't have an email address? I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. - I am painting the garage. I know that Tom hasn't yet asked Mary to do that. I know Tom hasn't yet asked Mary to do that. I know that tom hasn't yet asked mary to do that. Ik heff ehr en langen Breev schreven. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. De relatie van Ziri en Rima liep slecht af. Ziri and Rima's relationship went badly. Ziri and Rima's relationship ended badly. Wir wissen beide, dass Tom und Maria unschuldig sind. We both know Tom and Mary are innocent. We both know that Tom and Maria are innocent. It's not rocket science. It isn't rocket science. - It's not rocket science. Tom is to jung, üm Beer to drinken. Tom is too young to drink beer. Tom is too young to drink beer. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom did not wear socks. He didn't wear socks. So was würde Tom nie tun. Tom would never do anything like that. Tom would never do that. „Dürfen wir dir einige Fragen stellen?“ – „Schießt los!“ "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" "Ask away." “Can we ask you some questions?” – “Shoot!” Tom and Mary are planning on taking pictures tomorrow. Tom and Mary are planning to take pictures tomorrow. Tom and mary are planning on taking pictures tomorrow. Jij bent niet dom. You're not dumb. You're not stupid. Wenn die Symptome nicht weggehen, ziehen Sie einen Arzt zu Rate. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. If symptoms do not go away, consult a doctor. Mein Bruder hat sich einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft; der war also nicht allzu teuer. My brother bought a used car, so it was not very expensive. My brother bought a used car, so it wasn’t too expensive. Het zevende gebod is dat je niet zult stelen. The seventh commandment is that you shall not steal. The seventh commandment is not to steal. Ik heb een boog maar geen pijlen. I have a bow but no arrows. I have a bow but no arrows. Well I never! Well, I never did! Well, I never! Dit is een overval! Geef al het geld dat je hebt of je gaat eraan! This is a stick-up! Hand over all ya' got or you're fuckin' dead! This is a robbery! Give all the money you have or you're going to die! Ik stel voor een komma in te voegen. I'd suggest inserting a comma. I suggest adding a comma. Tom said he hadn't seen Mary for a long time. Tom said that he hadn't seen Mary for a long time. Tom said he hadn't seen mary for a long time. I know that Tom knows why Mary had to do that. I know Tom knows why Mary had to do that. I know that tom knows why mary had to do that. Tom knows he has a problem. Tom knows that he has a problem. - Tom knows he has a problem. Tom can do that, but Mary can't. Tom is able to do that, but Mary isn't. Tom can do that, but mary can't. Ich habe „Krieg und Frieden“ auch noch nicht gelesen. I haven't read "War and Peace" either. I haven’t read “War and Peace” yet. Kannst du mir helfen, es auf meinem Computer zu installieren? Can you help me install it on my computer? Can you help me install it on my computer? Karl Marx war kein Marxist. Karl Marx wasn't a Marxist. Karl Marx was not a Marxist. I thought the ending was perfect. I thought that the ending was perfect. - I thought the ending was perfect. Sie können mir nicht helfen. You can't help me. You can't help me. I hope someone will do that for us. I hope somebody will do that for us. - I hope someone will do that for us. Tom didn't want anyone to get mad. Tom didn't want anybody to get angry. - Tom didn't want anyone to get mad. Von ein paar Rechtschreibfehlern einmal abgesehen, ist es ein guter Aufsatz. Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it's a good essay. Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it is a good essay. Manchmal genügt ein einziges Wort. One word is sometimes enough. Sometimes a single word is enough. Hett di de Film gefallen? Did you like the movie? Did you like the movie? Die Tage kommen und gehen. The days come and go. The days come and go. Schreibe bitte mit einem Füller. Write with a pen, please. Please write with a pen. Bis wieviel Uhr haben Sie heute geöffnet? What time are you open till today? What time are you open today? Maria verliebte sich in einen gutaussehenden Italiener. Mary fell in love with a handsome Italian man. Maria fell in love with a handsome Italian. Jullie neuriën. You're humming. You're humming. Algerijnen zullen hun land verdedigen. Algerians will defend their country. Algerians will defend their country. Seit zwei Jahren ernähren sich die Müllers ausschließlich von Bioprodukten. For the last two years, the Millers have eaten nothing but organic products. For the past two years, the millers have been feeding exclusively on organic products. Englisch ist mein Lieblingsfach geworden. English has become my favorite subject. English has become my favorite subject. Ik beloof dat je blij zult zijn. I promise you'll be happy. I promise you'll be happy. Hast du in Erfahrung bringen können, warum Tom das machen musste? Did you find out why Tom had to do that? Did you find out why Tom had to do this? I know that Tom knows I want to do that. I know Tom knows that I want to do that. I know that tom knows I want to do that. I didn't know that Tom wouldn't help Mary do that. I didn't know Tom wouldn't help Mary do that. I didn't know that tom wouldn't help mary do that. Gold öffnet alle Türen. Gold opens every door. Gold opens all doors. Ik wist dat je Boston leuk zou vinden. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Das ist mein Neffe. This is my nephew. That's my nephew. Tom reichte Maria die Schere. Tom handed the pair of scissors to Mary. Tom handed Mary the scissors. Waaruit kan je dat afleiden? What leads you to that conclusion? From what can you deduce that? I don't think Tom knows where Mary studies French. I don't think that Tom knows where Mary studies French. I don't think tom knows where mary studies french. I am absent from school on occasion. I'm absent from school on occasion. I'm absent from school on occasion. Au! Mir ist ein Apfel auf die Birne gefallen. Ow! An apple fell on my head. Oh, I fell an apple on the pear. Es sind nicht viele zu der Vorlesung gekommen. Not many people came to the lecture. Not many came to the lecture. Tom legte Feuerholz nach. Tom added wood to the fire. Tom put up firewood. 't Kin mie niks verrekn. I could not care less. It's not going to hurt me. Maria bereitete den Geiseln Brote zu. Mary made sandwiches for the hostages. Mary prepared bread for the hostages. Das ist meine Stieftochter. This is my stepdaughter. This is my stepdaughter. Kommen Familie oder Freunde, um Sie abzuholen? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Bespreek dat maar met onze baas. Ik volg alleen bevelen op. Take it up with our boss. I'm only following orders. You can discuss that with our boss, I'm just following orders. I didn't know that you could do that that well. I didn't know you could do that that well. - I didn't know that you could do that that well. Nach einem 4 : 0-Sieg gegen Gastgeber Nordmazedonien hat sich Deutschland als erstes Land für die FIFA-Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar qualifiziert. Germany is the first country to qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup football tournament in Qatar after booking its place with a 4-0 win against host North Macedonia. After a 4-0 win over hosts North Macedonia, Germany became the first country to qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Het jy alles gelees? Did you read it all? Have you read it all? Tom wartet darauf, dass das jemand anderes für ihn tut. Tom is waiting for someone else to do it for him. Tom is waiting for someone else to do it for him. Nur du denkst so. You're the only one who thinks so. Only you think so. Aber er hatte Glück. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. Ein solches Leben weckt den Wunsch, zum Strick zu greifen. Such a life makes one want to hang oneself. Such a life arouses the desire to reach for the rope. Tom told me that he hoped Mary would be back soon. Tom told me that he hoped that Mary would be back soon. Tom told me that he hoped mary would be back soon. Du solltest dort nicht alleine hingehen. You shouldn't go there by yourself. You shouldn't go there alone. Zuviel essen ist ungesund. Eating too much isn't good for your health. Eating too much is unhealthy. Sie löschte das Video von ihrem Handy. She erased the video from her phone. She deleted the video from her phone. Waarom bleef u stil? Why did you remain silent? Why did you keep quiet? Ik heb een partner nodig. I need a partner. I need a partner. Steve sah sehr glücklich aus. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very happy. Was habe ich getan, dass ihr mich so behandelt? What did I do for you to treat me like this? What have I done to make you treat me like this? Du bass Dokter. You're a doctor. You're a doctor. Keine Nachrichten sind schlechte Nachrichten. No news is bad news. No news is bad news. Tom sagte, er glaube nicht, dass Maria das wirklich täte. Tom said he didn't believe Mary would really do that. Tom said he doesn't think Maria really did. Ik zal het u tonen. I'll show you. I'll show you. Tom thought Mary probably did that. Tom thought that Mary probably did that. Tom thought mary probably did that. Ich habe mir noch keine Meinung gebildet. I haven't formed an opinion yet. I haven't formed an opinion yet. Es war Mr. White, der Joe diese Fahrkarte gegeben hat. It was Mr White that gave Joe this ticket. It was Mr. White who gave Joe this ticket. Voel je je veilig thuis? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? He is en Dichter. He is a poet. He is a poet. Sind Sie schon einmal auf HIV getestet worden? Have you ever been tested for HIV? Have you ever been tested for HIV? Toms einziger Ausweichplan im Falle eines Scheiterns bestand darin, einen Herzinfarkt vorzutäuschen. Tom's only backup plan in case things went wrong was to fake a heart attack. Tom’s only evasion plan in the event of failure was to fake a heart attack. Ich bin gerade aus dem Vereinigten Königreich zurückgekommen. I've just returned from the UK. I have just returned from the UK. Tom ärgerte Maria allzugern. Tom loved to tease Mary. Tom was angry with Mary. I asked Tom to send us the book. I asked Tom to send the book to us. I asked tom to send us the book. Se bleven dor sitten. They remained sitting there. They remained sitting there. Seit wann interessiert dich, was uns geschieht? Since when do you care about what happens to us? Since when do you care what happens to us? Die Erde dreht sich wie ein Kreisel. The Earth spins like a great top. The earth rotates like a gyroscope. Vrouwen veranderen de wereld. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. Um Kritik zu vermeiden: Tu nichts, sag nichts, sei nichts. To avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. To avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Wo könnte ich mich verstecken? Where could I hide? Where could I hide? Dorup kann ick nich mit di tostimmen. I can't agree with you here. Don't worry, Ick can't agree with you. רעדסטו טאַגאַלאָג? Do you speak Tagalog? Do you speak the language? Welche Pläne hast du für morgen? What are you plans for tomorrow? What plans do you have for tomorrow? That is appropriate. That's appropriate. - That is appropriate. Das ist alles, was du jetzt machen musst. This is all you have to do now. That's all you have to do now. Zu Tieren ist Tom immer gut. Tom is always kind to animals. Tom is always good with animals. Ik had liever iets anders gedaan. I would've preferred doing something else. I'd rather have done something else. Gold rust nich. Gold doesn't rust. Gold does not rust. Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren. They said that they were colorblind. They said they were color blind. Es gibt eine Vielzahl an Geschäften in der Umgebung. There are a large number of shops and businesses in the surrounding area. There are a variety of shops in the area. Nach halbstündigem Bemühen gelang es uns, die Tür aufzubrechen. We succeeded in breaking the door open after trying for half an hour. After half an hour of effort, we managed to break open the door. Das Genom ist der vollständige Satz von Genen, der auf den Chromosomen jeder Zelle eines Lebewesens zu finden ist. The genome is the complete set of genes found in the chromosomes of every cell in a living being. The genome is the complete set of genes found on the chromosomes of each cell of a living being. Ich kenne jemanden, der einen Französischlehrer sucht. I know someone looking for a French teacher. I know someone who is looking for a French teacher. Een olijftak symboliseert vrede. An olive branch symbolizes peace. An olive branch symbolizes peace. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. - He likes playing football. Man sagt, es sei eine originalgetreue Übersetzung. That translation is said to be true to the original. It is said to be a faithful translation. Tom schlich sich von hinten an mich heran und schubste mich in das Schwimmbecken. Tom snuck up behind me and pushed me into the pool. Tom sneaked up behind me and pushed me into the swimming pool. Fadil bekeerde zich stiekem tot de islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. פֿאַרמאַך דײַן פּיסק, פֿאַשיסט. Shut up, fascist. Keep your head up, Fist. Du bist mit dem Abwaschen an der Reihe. It's your turn to do the washing-up. It's your turn to do the dishes. Geef me je geld, of anders sla ik je in elkaar. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money, or I'll beat you up. Larry Ewing is getrouwd. Larry Ewing is married. Larry Ewing is married. Ze hebben geen enkele invloed op het milieu. They have no impact on the environment. They have no impact on the environment. Maria is groter dan haar vriendinnetje. Maria is taller than her girlfriend. Maria is bigger than her girlfriend. Der Journalist interviewt den Politiker. The journalist interviews the politician. The journalist interviews the politician. Kann ich das ausleihen? Ich gebe es morgen zurück. Can I borrow that? I'll give it back tomorrow. Can I borrow it? I'll give it back tomorrow. Ich dachte, der wär’ schon lange tot. I thought he died long ago. I thought he was dead a long time ago. Laat hem vrij. Set him free. Release him. לעבן זאָל די רעוואָלוציע! Long live the Revolution! Let's live the revolution! Ich war es nicht, die gesungen hat. It wasn't me who was singing. It wasn’t me who sang. Het is een Cubaanse sigaar. It's a Cuban cigar. It's a Cuban cigar. Ja, ik spreek Spaans. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yes, I speak Spanish. Hoe hebben ze elkaar leren kennen? How did they get to know each other? How did they get to know each other? Tom said that he hoped that he could win the race. Tom said he hoped that he could win the race. Tom said that he hoped he could win the race. Wohin bist du schon gereist? Where have you traveled? Where have you been? Viele Insekten können fliegen. Many insects can fly. Many insects can fly. Ich habe mir heute freigenommen. I took a day off today. I took my leave today. I didn't know that Tom drank so much. I didn't know Tom drank so much. I didn't know that tom drank so much. Ik heff mit mien Familie snackt. I was talking to my family. I have spoken to my family. Diese Familie hat mich herzlich aufgenommen. This family gave me a warm welcome. This family welcomed me warmly. Wie lange bist du fort gewesen? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Er is iemand binnengekomen. Someone entered. Someone came in. Das scheint nicht genug zu sein. That doesn't seem to be enough. That doesn't seem to be enough. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie viele dort wären. I had no idea how many people would be there. I had no idea how many were there. Ich konnte das Problem leicht lösen. I was able to easily solve the problem. I was able to solve the problem easily. Die Fußgängerin wurde von einem Auto angefahren. The pedestrian was hit by a car. The pedestrian was hit by a car. Tom's thinking of moving to a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Tom is thinking of moving to a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Tom's thinking of moving to a cabin out in the middle ofnowhere. Andy kommt nie zu spät zu einem Date. Andy is never late for a date. Andy is never late for a date. Es ist nicht leicht, auf dieser Welt ein guter Mensch zu sein. Being a good person in this world isn't easy. It is not easy to be a good person in this world. The two cities are not far from each other. The two cities aren't far from each other. - The two cities are not far from each other. Wablieft? Excuse me? Wait, wait. Mark geiht op allens dal, wat sik röögt. Mark hits on everything that moves. Mark goes down on everything that rushes. Ze wijdde zich aan haar studie zodat ze niet zou falen. She threw herself into her studies so she wouldn't fail. She devoted herself to her studies so that she would not fail. Waarom kan je zaterdag niet komen? Why can't you come on Saturday? Why can't you come on Saturday? Wir sind uns so ähnlich und gleichzeitig so verschieden. We are so similar and so different at the same time. We are so similar and at the same time so different. Chocolade wordt gemaakt van cacaobonen. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Has anyone seen that movie? Has anybody seen that movie? - Has anyone seen that movie? Einige Schüler fehlten wegen einer Erkältungen. Some of the pupils were absent with colds. Some students were missing because of a cold. „Die Pandemie ist eine Gesundheitskrise, wie sie nur einmal in hundert Jahren vorkommt und deren Folgen noch in Jahrzehnten zu spüren sein werden“, sagte Tedros. “The pandemic is a once-in-a-century health crisis, the effects of which will be felt for decades to come,” Tedros said. “The pandemic is a health crisis that occurs only once in a hundred years and whose consequences will be felt for decades to come,” Tedros said. Tom kauft sich ein Elektroauto. Tom is buying himself an electric car. Tom bought an electric car. Ik bün nu temlich mööd. I'm very tired now. I'm pretty tired now. Sie ist das Jüngste meiner drei Kinder. She is the youngest of my three children. She is the youngest of my three children. Wat betekent UN? What does UN stand for? What does UN mean? Sucht acht Leute aus diesen Gruppen dort aus. Chose eight people from those groups. Pick eight people from these groups there. Pass op, wat du deist! Watch what you're doing! Watch what you're doing! Kan ik u komende maandag zien? Will I be able to see you next Monday? Can I see you next Monday? Mein Ehrenwort! My word of honour! My word of honor! Der Park war warm und still. It was warm and quiet in the park. The park was warm and quiet. Er gab Milch in seinen Tee und rührte um. He put milk into his tea and stirred it. He poured milk into his tea and stirred it. Het is niet mogelijk, nietwaar? It's not possible, is it? It's not possible, is it? Maria war sichtlich nervös. Mary was visibly nervous. Maria was visibly nervous. Mensen halen meer adem via hun neus dan via hun mond. People breathe more air through their nose than throught their mouth. People breathe more through their noses than through their mouths. Wie im Französischen ist auch im Jiddischen die doppelte Verneinung erforderlich. Yiddish, like French, requires double negatives. As in French, double negation is required in Yiddish. Gelieve een bericht in te spreken na de piep en ik zal zo snel mogelijk contact opnemen. Please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave a message after the beep and I will contact you as soon as possible. Hör auf, während der Fahrt zu lesen, sonst wird dir schwindelig! Stop reading while we're driving, or you'll get dizzy. Stop reading while you're driving, or you'll get dizzy! Haben Tom und Maria jemanden gefunden, der auf Johannes aufpassen kann? Did Tom and Mary find a sitter for John? Did Tom and Mary find someone to take care of John? Ik leer een oud Chinees spel. I'm learning an old Chinese game. I'm learning an old Chinese game. Maria zog sich etwas Bequemeres an. Mary changed into something more comfortable. Mary was wearing something more comfortable. I knew that Tom wouldn't be motivated to do that. I knew Tom wouldn't be motivated to do that. I knew that tom wouldn't be motivated to do that. Heute Abend dusche ich. I'm having a shower tonight. I'm taking a shower tonight. Die Wolken lösen sich im Laufe der Vormittages auf, und es wird verbreitet sonnig. Cloud will clear through the morning to leave widespread sunny spells. The clouds will disintegrate during the morning, and it will be widely sunny. Du weetst nich, wat dat heet, arm to wesen. You don't know what it is to be poor. You don't know what it means to be poor. Außer dir hat mich hier niemand lieb. Nobody loves me here other than you. Nobody loves me here but you. Iedereen, rustig aan. Everyone, relax. Everybody, take it easy. Alle Probleme des Lebens löst die Wissenschaft nicht. Science does not solve all of life's problems. Science does not solve all the problems of life. Kann ich mit euch reden? Can I talk to you? Can I talk to you guys? Ich bin am Dösen. I am dozing. I'm dozing. Ich brauche noch eine Dose Farbe. I need another tin of paint. I need another can of paint. Tom, könnte ich mal kurz mit dir sprechen? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, could I talk to you for a second? Ik weet niet hoe ik dit woord moet uitspreken. I don't know how I'm supposed to pronounce this word. I don't know how to pronounce this word. Habe ich Tom aufgeweckt? Did I wake Tom up? Did I wake up Tom? Ich bin mit dem Fahrrad hingefahren. I went there by bike. I went there by bike. Ich erinnere mich nicht an sie. I don't remember them. I don't remember her. Ich kann dir dabei nicht helfen. I can't help you with that. I can't help you with that. Kan ik alsjeblieft je mobiel lenen? Can I borrow your cellphone, please? Can I borrow your cell phone, please? Gisteren was heet, maar vandaag is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Ik kom út Noard-Koreä. I am from North Korea. I'm from North Korea. I thought that Tom was studying French. I thought Tom was studying French. I thought that tom was studying french. Etwas Seltsames ist passiert. A strange thing happened. Something strange has happened. Men moet voor zich zelf zorgen. One should take care of oneself. You have to take care of yourself. „Mami?“ – „Ja, bitte?“ – „Was ist ein Kilometer?“ – „Ein bisschen über eine halbe Meile. – Da, mach dich nützlich. Da hast du 50 Pfennig. Flitz rüber zum Laden und hol uns eine Packung Mehl!“ "Mam?" "What?" "What's a kilometre?" "Just over half a mile. Here, make yourself useful. Here's 50p. Pop over the shop and get us a bag of flour." “Mummy?” – “Yes, please?” – “What’s a kilometer?” – “A little over half a mile. – There, make yourself useful. There you have 50 pfennigs. Hurry over to the store and get us a packet of flour!” Es würde mich überraschen, wenn Tom und Maria heirateten. I'd be surprised if Tom and Mary got married. I would be surprised if Tom and Mary got married. כ׳בין נישט קיין לעגוואַן. I'm not an iguana. I'm not a layman. Did anyone other than Tom dance with Mary? Did anybody other than Tom dance with Mary? Did anyone other than tom dance with mary? My ma is mal. My mum is crazy. - My ma is mal. Sei nett zu seinen Eltern! Be nice to his parents. Be nice to his parents. Raak je snel buiten adem tijdens het lopen? Do you get short of breath easily when walking? Do you get out of breath quickly while walking? Für die heutige Klassenarbeit habe ich viel mehr als für die gestrige gelernt. I studied much harder for today's test than yesterday's test. For today’s class work I have learned much more than for yesterday’s. Het is hier warm, nietwaar? It's hot in here, isn't it? It's hot here, isn't it? Bleib nicht zu lange auf! Don't sit up late at night. Don't stay up too long! Tom told me that he and Mary spent their summer vacation at the beach. Tom told me he and Mary spent their summer vacation at the beach. Tom told me that he and mary spent their summer vacation at the beach. Ich glaube, Tom meint, dass ich das denke. I think Tom thinks that I think that. I think Tom thinks I do. Auf der Party hat ihn einer seiner politischen Gegner vor den Augen zahlreicher Gäste gedemütigt. At the party, one of his political opponents humiliated him in the presence of many guests. At the party, one of his political opponents humiliated him in front of numerous guests. Tom und Maria wollen nächstes Jahr kommen. Tom and Mary are planning to come next year. Tom and Mary are coming next year. Tom told me that he thought Mary had been impressed. Tom told me he thought Mary had been impressed. Tom told me that he thought mary had been impressed. Ferkeard. Wrong. Wrong. You can invite anyone you want to. You can invite anybody you want. - You can invite anyone you want to. Tom told me he thought Mary was skinny. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was skinny. Tom told me he thought mary was skinny. Er sagte, er sei noch nie in Europa gewesen. He said he had never been to Europe. He said he had never been to Europe. Ik vertrouw u. I trust you. I trust you. Lass mich bezahlen. Let me pick up the check. Let me pay. 2022 gibt es die BBC hundert Jahre. The BBC's centenary year is 2022. In 2022, the BBC will be 100 years old. Das ist eine Angewohnheit, deren ich mich nur allzugerne entschlüge. That's a habit that I wish I could break. It’s a habit that I’m just trying to get rid of. Do you think there's any chance you can do that? Do you think there's any chance that you can do that? - Do you think there's any chance you can do that? De Koude Oorlog begon na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. The Cold War began after World War Two. The Cold War began after the Second World War. Hast du eine Lieblingszahl? Have you got a favourite number? Do you have a favorite number? Both Tom and Mary lived in Australia when they were children. Tom and Mary both lived in Australia when they were children. Both tom and mary lived in australia when they were children. Tom hat mehrere Male versucht, Maria zurückzugewinnen. Tom tried to win Mary back several times. Tom has tried several times to win Mary back. Wir führen ein Gespräch. We have a conversation. We're having a conversation. Tom and Mary said that they were very sorry. Tom and Mary said they were very sorry. Tom and mary said that they were very sorry. Wohin habe ich meinen Schlüssel getan? Where have I put my key? Where did I put my key? Ge zijt te vriendelijk voor mij. You are much too kind to me. You're too kind to me. Edinburgh ist Partnerstadt von Kiew. Edinburgh is twinned with Kyiv. Edinburgh is a twinned city of Kiev. Tom houdt van countrymuziek. Tom loves country music. He loves country music. Du musst nicht alles wissen. You don't need to know everything. You don't have to know everything. Gibt es etwas Schlimmeres, als von seinen besten Freunden hintergangen zu werden? Is there anything worse than being betrayed by best friends? Is there anything worse than being betrayed by your best friends? Tom said that he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going with us. Tom said he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going with us. Tom said that he didn't believe that mary really planned on going with us. Leider sind viele gestorben. Sadly, many people died. Unfortunately, many have died. Du solltest es ihm nicht übel nehmen, dass er zu spät kommt. You shouldn't blame him for being late. You shouldn't blame him for being late. My name is unimportant. It is not important what my name is. - My name is unimportant. Tom says that he hasn't heard anything from Mary. Tom says he hasn't heard anything from Mary. Tom says he hasn't heard anything from Mary. Was hat dich angetrieben? What motivated you? What drove you? Ich bin 1,58 m groß. I am five feet, two inches tall. I am 1.58 m tall. Gisteren ben ik naar de film geweest. De film was interessant. Yesterday I went to the movies. The movie was interesting. Yesterday I went to the movie. The movie was interesting. מיר אויך. Me too. Me as well. In diesem Restaurant ist man nicht sehr freundlich. They're not very friendly at this restaurant. This restaurant is not very friendly. Sie will die Wahrheit wissen. She wants to know the truth. She wants to know the truth. Is dat dien Kamer? Is that your room? Is that your room? Ich erzähle allen von dir. I am telling everyone of you. I'll tell everyone about you. Tom and Mary have something they'd like to say to everyone. Tom and Mary have something they'd like to say to everybody. Tom and mary have something they'd like to say to everyone. Tom and Mary said they felt uncomfortable. Tom and Mary said that they felt uncomfortable. Tom and mary said they felt uncomfortable. Denkst du, das ist verrückt? Do you think this is crazy? You think this is crazy? Würklich? Du süst jünger ut. Really? You look younger. Really? You look younger. Dit is erg gênant. This is extremely awkward. This is very embarrassing. Wir erhielten viele Telefonanrufe vom Ausland. We received many telephone calls from abroad. We received a lot of phone calls from abroad. ’Keen singt dit Leed? Who sings that song? ‘No one sings this Song? „Was lernst du in der Schule?“ – „Italienisch.“ "What are you studying in school?" "Italian." “What do you learn in school?” – “Italian.” 1960 wurden die Kriegsschäden beseitigt, und das Schloss wurde zu einem Hotel umgebaut. In 1960, the collateral had been removed and the castle was refurbished into a hotel. In 1960, the war damage was removed and the castle was converted into a hotel. Wann rechnest du damit, dass Tom zurückkommt? When do you expect Tom to return? When do you expect Tom to come back? Erkenne sich selbst! Know thyself! Recognize yourself! Ik hou van Ierse muziek. I love Irish music. I love Irish music. Mein Vater heißt Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Es ist äußerst wichtig, dass du dich selbst im Büro vorstellst. It is essential that you present yourself at the office. It is extremely important that you introduce yourself in the office. Es ist wichtig, dass du im Bett bleibst. It's important that you stay in bed. It is important that you stay in bed. Tom knew it would be hard to do that. Tom knew it would be difficult to do that. Tom knew it wouId be hard to do that. Wenn man ganz arm ist, bekommt man finanzielle Unterstützung: Hartz IV oder Sozialhilfe. When someone is very poor they receive financial support, either Hartz IV or Social help. If you are very poor, you get financial support: Hartz IV or social assistance. Früher bin ich zu Fuß zur Arbeit gegangen. I used to walk to work. I used to walk to work. People will not stop dying from this. People won't stop dying from this. - People will not stop dying from this. Es wäre dumm abzulehnen. It would be stupid to say no. It would be foolish to refuse. Zai binnen staark. They are strong. Zai is strong. Meine Luftmatratze hat ein Leck. My air bed has a leak. My air mattress has a leak. Ich hätte mich beteiligen können, aber ich zog es vor, das nicht zu tun. I could've gotten involved, but I chose not to. I could have participated, but I preferred not to. Ebendeshalb haben wir eine Bewegung von Frauen und Männern ins Leben gerufen, um gegen sexuelle Übergriffe auf dem Campus vorzugehen: weil es an uns allen ist, dem ein Ende zu bereiten! It’s why we’ve launched a movement of women and men to fight campus sexual assault—because it’s on all of us to stop it. That is why we have created a movement of women and men to combat sexual assault on campus: because it is up to all of us to put an end to it! Keine Frau ist vollkommen. No woman is perfect. No woman is perfect. Mein Land hat wunderbare Strände. My country has wonderful beaches. My country has wonderful beaches. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is proud of you. Tom is proud of you. I knew that Tom wouldn't care if you did that by yourself. I knew Tom wouldn't care if you did that by yourself. I knew that tom wouldn't care if you did that by yourself. Dat is niet waarom Tom ontslag nam. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom resigned. Wann war Ihre letzte ärztliche Untersuchung? When was the last time you had a physical? When was your last medical examination? Sie ist alles andere als eine Sängerin. She is anything but a singer. She is anything but a singer. Tom drank more than I did. Tom drank more than me. - Tom drank more than I did. I think that Tom hurt his leg. I think Tom hurt his leg. I think that tom hurt his leg. Why don't we see if someone can help us? Why don't we see if somebody can help us? - Why don't we see if someone can help us? De Schoulmeeschter schafft ni sonndes. The teacher never works on Sundays. The teacher doesn't take any naps. Tom and Mary said they'd win and they did. Tom and Mary said that they'd win and they did. Tom and Mary said they'd win, and they did. Ich bin hier ganz in der Nähe aufgewachsen. I grew up not too far from here. I grew up near here. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit nog altyd gedoen het. They said they've always done that. They say they've always done it. Bier bevat hop. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Is Tom 'n goeie vent? Is Tom a good guy? He's a good guy? Du bist kein Morgenmensch, das ist mir schon klar. You're not a morning person, I understand. You're not a morning person, that's for sure. He is deeply attached to her. He's deeply attached to her. - He is deeply attached to her. Tom schloss die Haustür auf. Tom unlocked the front door. Tom opened the front door. Tom geht nicht. Tom won't leave. Tom is not going. Tom wurde eine Medaille verliehen. A medal was awarded to Tom. Tom was awarded a medal. Tom muss mehr üben. Tom needs to practise more. Tom needs to practice more. Is dat een man? Is that a man? Is that a man? Maria hett blaue Ogen. Maria has blue eyes. Mary has blue eyes. Es war ein ruhiger Nachmittag. It was a quiet afternoon. It was a quiet afternoon. The forkytail gied Jock a fleg - he wis feard o' beasties. The earwig gave Jock a scare - he was afraid of insects. The forkytail gave Jock a phleg - he was feared o' beasties. Vertel me wie we zijn. Tell me who we are. Tell me who we are. Als er intelligent leven buiten de aarde bestaat, dan speelt het ongetwijfeld go. If there is intelligent life outside the Earth, they certainly play Go. If intelligent life exists outside the earth, then it undoubtedly plays go. Tut mir leid, Jungs, aber ich habe schon was vor. Sorry guys, but I already have plans. I'm sorry, guys, but I've got a plan. Na, wenigstens hast du dich nicht verletzt. Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself. Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself. Es ist erstaunlich, dass man sich nur ein bisschen Mühe geben muss, um beträchtliche Fortschritte zu erzielen. It’s amazing how a little bit of effort can result in significant progress. It’s amazing that you only have to make a little effort to make significant progress. Die Tasse ist schwarz und weiß. The cup is black and white. The cup is black and white. Hij koopt sigaretten. He buys cigarettes. He buys cigarettes. Ze gooit. She throws. She's throwing. Tom will unlikely want to do that. Tom won't likely want to do that. - Tom will unlikely want to do that. Sie müssen zugeben, dass Sie keinen Moment für sich allein und isoliert von der Bewegung wahrnehmen. You must admit that you don't feel any time per se isolated from the movement. You must admit that you do not perceive a moment for yourself alone and isolated from the movement. Tom taikent goud. Tom draws well. He's got gold. Tom macht in seiner Wohnung sauber. Tom is cleaning his apartment. Tom cleans up in his apartment. Du kannst hier auf sie warten. You can wait for them here. You can wait for her here. Tom war von Hass zerfressen. Tom was consumed by hatred. Tom was full of hate. Ich bin kein Versuchskaninchen. I'm not a lab rat. I'm not a guinea pig. Tom had Maria moeten vertellen dat John zou komen. Tom was supposed to tell Mary that John was coming. Tom should have told Mary that John was coming. Wo werden Sie Ihren nächsten Urlaub verbringen? Where will you spend your next vacation? Where will you spend your next holiday? Wenn ik man jünger weer. If only I were younger. When I was younger. זי האָט אַ קאַץ. די קאַץ איז װײַס. She has a cat. The cat is white. She has a cat, the cat is white. Das ist mein Hund. That is my dog. That's my dog. Tom wand sich wie ein Wurm. Tom squirmed like a worm. Tom turned like a worm. Hat Tom sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung gesetzt? Did Tom contact you? Did Tom contact you? Tom and I are both students. Both Tom and I are students. - Tom and I are both students. Ik had een overdosis. I overdosed. I had an overdose. Er was geen reden voor jou me zo te behandelen. There was no reason for you to treat me that way. There was no reason for you to treat me like this. Felesiteerd! Congratulations! Felicitized! Es macht mir nichts aus, durch den Regen zu gehen. I don't mind walking in the rain. I don't mind going through the rain. In dieser Straße kann man seinen Wagen nicht parken. You can't park your car in this road. You can't park your car on this street. The eggs in the nest in our attic must have hatched. I've been hearing birds tweeting all day today. The eggs in the nest in our attic must've hatched. I've been hearing birds tweeting all day today. The eggs in the nest in our attic must have hatched, and I've been hearing birds tweeting all day today. Er sollte schon dort sein. He should be there by now. He should be there by now. Ich mag es nicht, in der Stadt zu leben. I don't like to live in the city. I don’t like living in the city. Ich kenne jemanden, der einen Französischlehrer sucht. I know somebody who's looking for a French teacher. I know someone who is looking for a French teacher. Sarajevo is de hoofdstad van Bosnië en Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Er hat sich noch nicht einmal umgedreht. He didn't so much as turn his head. He hasn't even turned around. I knew that Tom wasn't a very nice guy. I knew Tom wasn't a very nice guy. I knew that tom wasn't a very nice guy. Ik heb een fles whisky. I have a bottle of whiskey. I have a bottle of whiskey. Toms Kinder können nur Französisch. Tom's children can only speak French. Tom's children can only speak French. Tom heeft een koekoeksklok gekocht, maar zijn man kan het lawaai niet uitstaan. Tom bought a cuckoo clock, but his husband can't stand the noise. Tom bought a cuckoo clock, but his husband can't stand the noise. Tom said that he thought there was a good chance that Mary would want to do that. Tom said that he thought that there was a good chance that Mary would want to do that. Tom said that he thought there was a good chance that mary would want to do that. Ich glaube, ich habe meine Brieftasche verloren. I think I've lost my wallet. I think I lost my wallet. Kënns du mat? Are you coming along? Can you go with me? Tom besucht seine Mutter. Tom's visiting his mum. Tom visits his mother. Is Toms ziekte ernstig, dokter? Is Tom's illness serious, doctor? Is Tom's illness serious, Doctor? Der ältere Bruder meines Vaters ist Beamter. My father’s older brother is a civil servant. My father's older brother is a civil servant. Die Olympischen Spiele wurden in Griechenland geboren. The Olympic Games were born in Greece. The Olympic Games were born in Greece. Drink je elke dag alcohol? Do you drink alcohol every day? Do you drink alcohol every day? Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She's about the same age as I am. She's about the same age as me. Mary loopt een jaar achter op school. Mary is a year behind in school. Mary is a year behind school. Ik wil mijn imago veranderen. I want to change my image. I want to change my image. און איך האָב אָפּגעגעבן מײַן האַרץ צו זוכן און צו פֿאָרשן מיט חכמה װעגן אַלץ װאָס געשעט אונטער די הימלען. דאָס איז אַ שלעכטער ענין װאָס גאָט האָט געגעבן די מענטשנקינדער, זיך צו פֿאַרנעמען דערמיט. I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the children of mankind to be afflicted with. And I have given my heart to seek and to search out with wisdom concerning all that is done under the heavens; it is a wicked thing that God has given to the sons of men to understand. Hoeveel kost deze klok? How much is this clock? How much does this clock cost? Ek haat dit om jou te onderbreek, maar ek moet iets sê. I hate to interrupt you, but I need to say something. I hate to interrupt, but I have to say something. Wir streiken seit drei Wochen. We've been on strike for three weeks. We've been on strike for three weeks. I hope Tom isn't tired. I hope that Tom isn't tired. I hope tom isn't tired. Ierland ligt in West-Europa. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is located in Western Europe. Bestaat hij? Does he exist? Does he exist? Du hast zwei Kinder. You've got two kids. You have two children. Ich sehne mich nach meinem Zuhause. I long for home. I long for my home. Ich setze mir keine konkreten Ziele, weder im Schach noch im Leben. Denn wenn ich es täte und dieses Ziel erreicht hätte, welchen Anreiz könnte ich danach haben? I don't give myself any concrete objective, neither in chess nor in life. Because if I set myself towards it and I reached it, what kind of stimulus would I have then? I don’t set myself any concrete goals, neither in chess nor in life, because if I did and achieved that goal, what incentive could I have after that? Het was allemaal onze schuld. It was all our fault. It was all our fault. Wir sind zusammen gegangen. We left together. We went together. Gestern ging es mit mittelmäßig; heute geht es mir schon etwas besser. Yesterday I felt so-so – today I feel a bit better. Yesterday was mediocre; today I feel a little better. Ich ließ ihn den Boden fegen. I made him sweep the floor. I let him sweep the floor. Besuch mich bald wieder! Visit me again soon! Please visit me again soon! A true gentleman would not betray his friends. A true gentleman never betrays his friends. A true gentleman would not betray his friends Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I cannot express my feelings with words. Di Rümer sen olter liig. The rooms are too low. You're lying to your old man. Tom says he's feeling OK. Tom says that he's feeling OK. Tom says he's feeling okay. Het is geen goud. It isn't gold. It's not gold. Entschuldigung, warum sprechen Sie Griechisch und kein Englisch? Excuse me, why do you speak Greek and not English? Excuse me, why do you speak Greek and not English? טאָם איז געווען גערעכט דערמיט. Tom was right about this. He was right about it. Je leert veel van de opmerkingen in Tatoeba over fouten die in sommige zinnen zijn gemaakt. You learn a lot from the comments made in Tatoeba about mistakes made in some sentences. You will learn a lot from the comments in Tatoeba about mistakes made in some sentences. Tom sollte sich nicht über Marys Hinken lustig machen. Tom shouldn't make fun of Mary's limp. Tom shouldn't be making fun of Mary's limping. פונדעסטוועגן האָט איר ניט רעכט. You are wrong, however. However, you are not right. Er hat ein Haus am Meer. He has a house by the sea. He has a house by the sea. Ik heb een balpen, maar ik wil er nog één. I have a ball-point pen, but I want another. I have a ballpoint pen, but I want another one. Ihr fehlen die meisten Zähne. She's missing most of her teeth. You are missing most of your teeth. Heb jij niks aardigs te zeggen? Don't you have anything nice to say? Don't you have anything nice to say? Der Herbst ist da. Autumn is here. Autumn is here. Ik ga vaak naar het buitenland. I often go abroad. I often go abroad. In der Chemie wird die Eigenschaft von Enzymen (und Katalysatoren), an bestimmten chemischen Reaktionen teilzunehmen, als Spezifität bezeichnet. In Chemistry, the characteristic of enzymes (and catalysts) to participate in certain chemical reactions is called specificity. In chemistry, the property of enzymes (and catalysts) to participate in certain chemical reactions is called specificity. Tom knows he's really screwed up. Tom knows that he's really screwed up. - Tom knows he's really screwed up. Tom und Maria sind vermutlich gar nicht so alt, wie alle denken. Tom and Mary are probably not so old as everyone thinks. Tom and Mary are probably not as old as everyone thinks. Tom besitzt magische Kräfte. Tom's got magical powers. Tom has magical powers. Je bofte dat je de trein kon pakken. It was lucky that you caught the train. You were lucky to catch the train. Ek hou van koue pizza. I like cold pizza. I like the cold pizza. Bruuchsch en Ambulanz? Do you need an ambulance? An ambulance or an ambulance? Wenn du willst, kannst du warten. You can wait if you want. If you want, you can wait. Tom leidet an Wahnvorstellungen. Tom suffers from delusions. Tom suffers from delusions. Deze soorten paddenstoelen zijn giftig. These kinds of mushrooms are poisonous. These types of mushrooms are poisonous. Du warst zur falschen Zeit auf dieser Straße. You were on that road at the wrong time. You were on this street at the wrong time. Gisteren ben ik naar het strand geweest. Yesterday I went to the beach. Yesterday I went to the beach. Bescherm uw familie. Protect your family. Protect your family. Het is ons gelukt! We did it! We did it! The first time that I held my girlfriend's hand was on the school bus. The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was on the school bus. The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was on the school bus. He is our neighbour. He's our neighbor. He is our neighbor. Sie hätte nicht schweigen müssen. She needn't have kept silent. She shouldn't have been silent. Sie mag sie. She likes her. She likes her. Fan di Borig heer em en dailk Ütsicht. One has a nice view from the castle. Fan di Borig heer em en dailk <0xC3><0x9C>tzicht. ער האָט זיך געטשעפּעט צו אים. He was bullying him. He had turned to him. Sie rettete mein Leben. She saved my life. She saved my life. Wie viele Sandwiches hast du mitgebracht? How many sandwiches have you brought? How many sandwiches did you bring? Weil er krank ist, kann er nicht zu Besuch kommen. He can't come and visit because he's ill. Because he's sick, he can't come to visit. Tom stieg in den Zug ein. Tom got on the train. Tom got on the train. I am a woman. I'm a woman. - I am a woman. Der Plan ist ohne Sinn und Verstand. There's no rhyme or reason to that plan. The plan is without sense and reason. Gandhi is doodschaten worrn. Gandhi was shot dead. Gandhi was killed. I suspect Tom and Mary have lived in Boston. I suspect that Tom and Mary have lived in Boston. I suspect tom and mary have lived in boston. Rate, wie alt ich bin. Guess how old I am. Guess how old I am. Ich möchte die Vergangenheit gerne hinter uns lassen. I'd like to put the past behind us. I would like to leave the past behind. Het was hem verboden te spreken. He was forbidden to speak. He was forbidden to speak. Ich habe mein Portemonnaie zu Hause gelassen. I've left my wallet at home. I left my wallet at home. Das sind Erwachsene. They're adults. They're adults. Geen kwestie van! Out of the question! No question about it! Laten we het vandaag hierbij houden. Let's call it a day. Let's keep it here today. Tom hat ein eigenes Haus gebaut. Tom built his own house. Tom built his own house. Wie se boeke is hierdie? Whose books are these? Who's books are these? Sie helfen uns auch. You help us too. They help us too. Sie kennt uns gut. She knows us well. She knows us well. Welkom om Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Tom couldn't defend himself. Tom wasn't able to defend himself. - Tom couldn't defend himself. I know that you're afraid of Tom. I know you're afraid of Tom. I know that you're afraid of tom. Es würde mich überraschen, wenn es dazu käme. I'd be surprised if that happened. I'd be surprised if it came to that. Hat Tom schon bezahlt? Has Tom already paid? Has Tom paid yet? Tom said he was hoping we'd do that. Tom said that he was hoping we'd do that. - Tom said he was hoping we'd do that. Das Lesen dieses Buches war ein Vergnügen. The reading of these books was a pleasure. Reading this book was a pleasure. די גאַס איז פֿול געפּאַקט. The street's crowded. The street is crowded. Wat heb je in je hand? What are you holding in your hand? What do you have in your hand? Tunesië wordt ''Tunes'' genoemd in het Berber. Tunisia is called "Tunes" in Berber. Tunisia is called ''Tunes'' in Berber. Hai kin runnen. He can run. Hai can run. Ik kan dat niet uitsluiten. I can't exclude it. I can't rule that out. He hett minner Brood. He has less bread. He has less bread. Es tut weh, dich so zu sehen. It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you that way. Das ist ein hoffnungsloser Fall. It's a hopeless case. This is a hopeless case. Run. Run. Run! Run! Wir könnten zusammen gehen. We could go together. We could go together. Mein Hund bellt Fremde an. My dog barks at strangers. My dog barks at strangers. Tom hat zwei Brüder. Der eine lebt in Boston und der andere lebt in Chicago. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Tom has two brothers, one living in Boston and the other in Chicago. „Was hast du ihr gesagt?“ – „Die Wahrheit.“ "What did you tell her?" "The truth." “What did you tell her?” – “The truth.” Ech sinn Déierendokter a meng Fra ass Sekretärin. I'm a vet and my wife is a secretary. I'm a doctor and my wife is a secretary. Tom said that Mary knew that John might be allowed to do that. Tom said Mary knew that John might be allowed to do that. Tom said that Mary knew that john might be allowed to do that. Why don't we try doing this the way that Tom suggested? Why don't we try doing this the way Tom suggested? Why don't we try doing this the way that tom suggested? Tom wurde streng bestraft. Tom was harshly punished. Tom was severely punished. It seemed that there was no one in the village. It seemed that no one was in the village. It seemed there was no one in the village. Rufen Sie sie unbedingt vor vier Uhr an, da sie dann schon nicht mehr im Büro ist. Make sure you call her before four, as she’ll have left the office by then. Be sure to call her before four o'clock, as she will no longer be in the office. Die wollen immer im Mittelpunkt stehen. It always has to be about them. They always want to be the center of attention. Ich spreche nicht so gut Englisch, wie ich gerne möchte. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I do not speak English as well as I would like. Letzte Nacht war es so kalt, dass ich nicht schlafen konnte. It was so cold last night that I couldn't sleep. Last night it was so cold that I couldn’t sleep. They're hiding. They are hiding. - They're hiding. Het was niet bepaald goed. It wasn't very good. It wasn't exactly good. Wir haben uns beide die Beine gebrochen. We both broke our legs. We both broke our legs. Wenn du sein könntest, was du wolltest, was wäre das? If you could be anything, what would you be? If you could be what you wanted, what would it be? Der Gehörsinn eines Blinden ist oft sehr fein. A blind person's hearing is often very acute. The hearing of a blind person is often very fine. Wat is jouw lievelingsmerk? What's your favorite brand? What's your favorite brand? I never thought I'd go there. I never thought that I'd go there. - I never thought I'd go there. Wie bist du über den Fluss gekommen? How did you get across the river? How did you get across the river? מײַן וואַגינע איז שיין! My vagina is beautiful! My sister-in-law is beautiful! Wie het Piemonte geregeer? Who ruled Piedmont? Who ruled the Piedmont? Anna hat zu Hause immer noch ein altes, robustes Telefon mit Hörer, den sie, wenn sie wütend ist, auf die Gabel knallen kann. Anna still has a sturdy old telephone at home with a receiver that she can slam down when she's angry. Anna still has an old, sturdy phone with handset at home that she can pop on her fork when she’s angry. Ich bin Atheist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Die streunende Katze fraß Tom aus der Hand. The stray cat ate from Tom's hand. The stray cat ate Tom out of his hand. Dat moet ze weten. She should know that. She needs to know. This letter is not signed. This letter isn't signed. - This letter is not signed. די בני־ישראל זענען מיד. The Israelites are tired. The villagers are tired. Er will nicht so kahl werden wie sein Vater. He doesn't want to become bald like his father. He doesn't want to be as bald as his father. Wir haben vergessen, unser Haus abzuschließen. We forgot to lock our house. We forgot to lock our house. Kun jij deze wonde verzorgen? Can you dress this wound? Can you take care of this wound? Tom konnte Mary in ihrem Schlafzimmer singen hören. Tom could hear Mary singing in her bedroom. Tom could hear Mary singing in her bedroom. Die Familie stand für sie immer an erster Stelle. Her family always came first for her. The family has always been her first priority. Er ist wahrscheinlich in deinem Alter. He's probably your age. He's probably your age. Tom told me he found an interesting book about Australia at the local library. Tom told me that he found an interesting book about Australia at the local library. Tom told me he found an interesting book about australia at the local library. Toki Pona is geen taal om te spreken, maar alleen om te lezen en te schrijven. Toki Pona is not a language to be spoken, but only to be read and written. Toki Pona is not a language to speak, but only to read and write. Tom thinks that's a mistake. Tom thinks that that's a mistake. - Tom thinks that's a mistake. Ik heff mi överleggt, dat ik elk Dag twintig Sätz op Tatoeba schrieven will. I've decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I have been considering that I want to write twenty sentences on Tatoeba every day. Der Birnbaum im Garten trägt viele Früchte. The pear tree in the garden bears a lot of fruit. The pear tree in the garden bears a lot of fruit. Es hätte mir jemand sagen sollen, dass sie gegangen ist. Someone should've told me she'd gone. Someone should have told me she was gone. Ze kwam altijd te vroeg. She always showed up too soon. She always came too early. We enjoy going for walks in the countryside. We enjoy walking in the countryside. - We enjoy going for walks in the countryside. Bitte eine Fahrkarte nach Warschau. I'd like a ticket to Warsaw, please. Please get a ticket to Warsaw. Ik weet niet of het wel veilig is om onder deze omstandigheden te rijden. I'm not sure if it's safe to drive under these conditions. I don't know if it's safe to drive in these conditions. k Bin n wichtje. I'm a girl. I'm a wuss. Willkommen zur langen Nacht des Käses und des Weines. Welcome to the long night of cheese and wine. Welcome to the long night of cheese and wine. Es ist schon eine Weile her, dass ich dieses schöne Lied von Milton Nascimento gehört habe. It's been a while since I heard this beautiful song by Milton Nascimento. It's been a while since I heard this beautiful song by Milton Nascimento. Mien Blooddruck is 155 to 105. My blood pressure is 155 over 105. My blood pressure is 155 to 105. איך האב געמיינט, אז איר וואלט מיר געקענט העלפן. I thought you could help me. I thought you might be able to help us. Tom kennt mehrere Frauen, die Maria heißen. Tom knows several women named Mary. Tom knows several women named Maria. Auf der einen Seite haben wir zwar einen schweren Verlust erlitten, doch auf der anderen Seite hat uns diese Erfahrung auch vieles gelehrt. On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the one hand, we have suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand, this experience has taught us a lot. Oljas Tragrechner befindet sich noch in Reparatur. Olya's laptop is still under repair. Olja's load-bearing calculator is still under repair. Welche griechische Insel ist berühmt für ihre Schwämme? Which Greek island is famous for its sponges? Which Greek island is famous for its sponges? Ihr Lebenslauf strotzt vor Rechtschreibfehlern. Your CV is full of spelling mistakes. Your CV is full of spelling mistakes. Bist du ein religiöser Mensch? Are you a religious person? Are you a religious person? Sie sagten, sie würden uns helfen. They said they'll help us. They said they would help us. Kun je deze sterren in Australië zien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can you see these stars in Australia? Meine Telefonnummer lautet 789. My phone number is 789. My phone number is 789. I wish I had had the chance to learn French in high school. I wish that I had had the chance to learn French in high school. I wish I had had the chance to learn french in high school. There are many things you don't know. There are many things that you don't know. - There are many things you don't know. Mensen zoals hij horen hier niet thuis. People like him don't belong here. People like him don't belong here. Hij heeft graag de touwtjes in handen. He likes being in control. He likes to be in control. Treffen wir uns in der Vorstadt! Let's meet on the outskirts of town. Let's meet in the suburbs! Tom wasn't born blind. Tom was not born blind. - Tom wasn't born blind. Das ist, was sie sagte. That's what she said. That's what she said. Tom says he loves it in Australia. Tom says that he loves it in Australia. Tom says he loves it in australia. Spreek wat luider a.u.b. Could you speak a little louder please? Speak louder, please. I knew that Tom knew why Mary didn't want to do that. I knew Tom knew why Mary didn't want to do that. I knew that tom knew why mary didn't want to do that. Tom hat das Buch morgens mitgenommen und schon gelesen. Tom took the book in the morning and has already read it. Tom picked up the book in the morning and read it. Zurzeit ist kein Zimmer frei. No room is currently available. At the moment no room is free. You didn't see nothing. You didn't see anything. - You didn't see nothing. That isn't the response we expected. That's not the response we expected. - That isn't the response we expected. Es schneit auf den Straßen. It's snowing on the streets. It snows on the streets. Zou jij in de winter douchen met koud water? Would you shower with cold water in winter? Would you shower with cold water in the winter? Wer hat dieses Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt? Who started this rumor? Who put this rumor into the world? The box you're looking for is in the storeroom. The box that you're looking for is in the storeroom. - The box you're looking for is in the storeroom. „Warum hast du mehr Pfannkuchen als ich auf dem Teller?“ – „Na, weil meine Glückszahl die Sieben und deine die Eins ist; also bekomme ich sieben Pfannkuchen und du nur einen.“ – „Ha! Durch die Rechnung mache ich dir einen Strich!“ "Why have you got more pancakes on your plate than I have?" "Well, my lucky number is seven, and yours is one. So I get seven pancakes, and you get one." "Ha! Nice try." “Why do you have more pancakes than I have on the plate?” – “Well, because my lucky number is the seven and yours is the one; so I get seven pancakes and you get only one.” – “Ha! There is no way you're going out dressed like that. There's no way you're going out dressed like that. There's no way you're going out dressed like that. Steigen Sie am Bahnhof Yotsuya aus. You get off at Yotsuya Station. Get off at Yotsuya Station. Dieser Tee hat einen angenehmen Geschmack. This tea's got a nice taste. This tea has a pleasant taste. Die Kette, die du mir vor zehn Jahren geschenkt hast, liegt mir bis heute sehr am Herzen. I still cherish the necklace you gave me ten years ago. The necklace you gave me ten years ago is still very dear to me. Deze banaan is geel This banana is yellow. This banana is yellow Wi sünd na Russland gahn. We went to Russia. We went to Russia. Warum gehen wir nicht gleich? Why don't we go right away? Why don't we go right now? Ze is een heel braaf meisje. She is a very kind girl. She's a very good girl. It is a privilege to meet you. It's a privilege to meet you. - It is a privilege to meet you. We put on our socks. We put our socks on. - We put on our socks. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie das für mich machen würden. I would be very pleased if you did this for me. I'd be happy if you could do this for me. Nederland had de wereldbeker zo verdiend. Netherlands so deserved the World Cup. The Netherlands deserved the World Cup this way. Ich komme schon! Coming! I'll be right there! Es ist ganz richtig Menschen zu verabscheuen, die Übeltäter sind. It's quite right to abominate people who are evil-doers. It is right to detest people who are evildoers. Zij geven hun Hun hun hen. They're giving their Hun their hen. They give them theirs. Ein Sieg heute Abend ist wichtig, um den drohenden Abstieg abzuwenden. A win tonight is vital to stave off the threat of relegation. A win tonight is important to avert the impending descent. We weten niets over Istanboel. We don't know anything about Istanbul. We don't know anything about Istanbul. He hett em en Hund köfft. He bought him a dog. He bought me a dog. Da kommt jemand die Stiegen herauf. There's somebody coming up the stairs. Someone's coming up the stairs. If it hadn't been for the storm, I would've arrived sooner. If it hadn't been for the storm, I would have arrived sooner. If it hadn't been for the storm, I would have arrived sooner. Ga je tegen Tom zeggen dat hij weg moet gaan of moet ik dat doen? Are you going to tell Tom to leave, or should I? Are you going to tell Tom to leave, or should I? Er führte danach ein schweres Leben. He led a hard life after that. After that, he led a difficult life. ער איז איר טאַטע. He's her dad. He's her father. Hier draußen ist es eiskalt! It's freezing out here! It's freezing out here! Hij deed de deur open en stapte naar binnen. He opened the door and stepped inside. He opened the door and walked in. איך בין אַ לערער פֿון האָלענדיש. I'm a Dutch teacher. I'm a teacher of Dutch. Das muss ein Geburtstagskuchen sein! It must be a birthday cake! This must be a birthday cake! Hilf mir beim Aufräumen! Help me clean up. Help me clean up! De appelsap is erg lekker. The apple juice is very tasty. The apple juice is very tasty. Was war der erste Privatsender in der Türkei? What was the first private channel in Turkey? What was the first private broadcaster in Turkey? You are more than welcome to come over. You're more than welcome to come over. - You are more than welcome to come over. Ich bin bis nächsten Montag in Boston. I'm going to stay in Boston until next Monday. I'll be in Boston by next Monday. Die Regierung hat ein militärisches Vorgehen nicht ausgeschlossen. The government hasn't ruled out military action. The government has not ruled out military action. Alle von Ihnen vorgeschlagenen Übersetzungen sind gut. Ich habe die einfachste gewählt. All the translations you suggested are good. I chose the simplest one. All the translations you have suggested are good. I have chosen the simplest. Tom said that he'd give Mary a book. Tom said he'd give a book to Mary. Tom said that he'd give mary a book. Zai laigt. She lies. Zai laughs. De mist komt op. The fog rises. The fog is coming. Ik ben allergisch voor synthetische rubber. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. I am allergic to synthetic rubber. Je ziet er slanker uit. You look thinner. You look slimmer. Gossel! Dumbass! - Gossel! Dat is laat. It's late. It's late. Wir müssen unbedingt die Polizei rufen. We really need to call the police. We need to call the police. I pawned my guitar to pay the rent. I pawned my guitar in order to pay the rent. - I pawned my guitar to pay the rent. Ik ben mijn sleutel kwijtgeraakt. I lost my key. I lost my key. Ze zou genoegen moeten nemen met wat ze had. She would have to make do with what she had. She should settle for what she had. Komm vom Klo runter! Ich muss! Get out of the bathroom, I need to go. Come down from the toilet! Bis ich Mittelständler kennenlernte, wusste ich nicht, dass ich zur Arbeiterklasse gehörte. I didn't know I was working class until I met middle-class people. Until I met middle-class people, I didn’t know I belonged to the working class. Der Mediator forderte die undisziplinierten Zuhörer auf, den Redner nicht mehr zu belästigen. The mediator asked the unruly members of the audience to stop hectoring the speaker. The mediator urged the undisciplined audience to stop bothering the speaker. In Wittrussland gifft dat Anhängers von allerhand verscheden Religionen. Adherents of various religions live in Belarus. There are adherents of all kinds of different religions in Belarus. Tom hat sich entschlossen, morgen abzufahren. Tom has decided to leave tomorrow. Tom decided to leave tomorrow. Tom werd in 2013 vrijgelaten. Tom was released in 2013. Tom was released in 2013. It's not over till the fat lady sings. It isn't over till the fat lady sings. - It's not over till the fat lady sings. Tom sagte, er habe Marias Stimme gehört. Tom said he heard Mary's voice. He said he heard Mary’s voice. I've heard that the most beautiful women in the world live in Australia. I've heard the most beautiful women in the world live in Australia. I've heard that the most beautiful women in the world live in australia. Tom het my reeds gedank. Tom has already thanked me. He's already thanked me. Then they played "ring-a-ring-a-rosy" until they were tired and thirsty. Then they played "ring-a-ring-a-rosy" until they were worn out. Then they played ring-a-ring-a-rosy until they were tired and thirsty. Waarom zou ik jullie mijn geld geven? Why should I give you my money? Why should I give you my money? We zien elkaar om 12 uur. We are to meet at noon. We'll meet at noon. Zeg je nu dat ik Tom heb vermoord? Are you saying that I killed Tom? Are you saying I killed Tom? Tom sagte, er freue sich schon auf euren Besuch. Tom said that he was looking forward to your visit. Tom said he's looking forward to your visit. Ich wollte nicht laut werden. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't want to be loud. Ik heb grijs haar. I have gray hair. I have gray hair. We hebben hem laten huilen. We made him cry. We made him cry. Tom sagte, er wolle mit uns Poker spielen. Tom said he wanted to play poker with us. Tom said he wanted to play poker with us. Niemand weet waar het is. Nobody knows where it is. No one knows where it is. Wie binnen vaaileg. We're safe. Who's in charge. Ich höre dich auch nicht gut. I can't hear you very well either. I don't hear you well either. Du wirst lernen, diese Geräte zu benutzen. You'll learn to use these devices. You will learn to use these devices. Anna sieht aus wie meine Schwester. Anna looks like my sister. Anna looks like my sister. D'Vendeuren mussen haut net schaffen. The shop keepers don't need to work today. The fans don't have to be skinny. I think Tom is careless. I think that Tom is careless. I think tom is careless. Ben je ooit behandeld voor chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever been treated for chlamydia? We hebben extra tandenborstels. We have extra toothbrushes. We have extra toothbrushes. Taro is vör twee Johr doodbleven. Taro died two years ago. Taro died two years ago. Who is able to explain this to me? Who's able to explain this to me? - Who is able to explain this to me? Ich nehme an, dass ich nicht der einzige sein werde, der Hilfe brauchen wird. I think that I won't be the only one who'll need help. I guess I won't be the only one who'll need help. Wie gaat er als eerste weg? Who will be the first to go? Who will be the first to leave? Je moet je hier permanent vestigen voor je mag stemmen. You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote. You have to settle here permanently before you can vote. Donald begon naar de klas te lopen. Donald started walking to class. Donald started walking to class. Tom and Mary say they were busy. Tom and Mary say that they were busy. Tom and mary say they were busy. Ich habe elendiglich versagt. I failed miserably. I've failed miserably. Hebben Tom en Maria blauwe ogen? Do Tom and Mary have blue eyes? Do Tom and Mary have blue eyes? My ouer suster speel goed kitaar. My older sister plays the guitar well. My older sister plays a good guitar. Schön, dass Sie da sind! Ich hatte gehofft, dass Sie kommen würden. It's good that you're here. I hoped you would come. I'm glad you're here, I was hoping you'd come. Heeft iemand in je naaste familie diabetes? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Does anyone in your immediate family have diabetes? Tom wollte Maria so vieles sagen. Tom had so many things he wanted to say to Mary. Tom wanted to tell Mary so much. Er ist eine profetische Person. He is a prophetic figure. He is a prophetic person. Nutella ist in Japan nicht sehr verbreitet. In Amerika und Europa jedoch ist es ein bekannter Brotaufstrich und man kann Gläser in unterschiedlichen Größen in vielen Lebensmittelgeschäften und Supermärkten aufgereiht finden. Nutella is not very well known in Japan. However in the United States and Europe, it's a popular spread and various sized jars of Nutella may be seen lined up inside many grocery stores and supermarkets. Nutella is not very common in Japan, but in America and Europe it is a well-known spread and you can find jars of different sizes lined up in many grocery stores and supermarkets. Welche Konjugationen sind schwieriger: die spanischen oder die französischen? Which is harder, Spanish or French conjugations? Which conjugations are more difficult: the Spanish or the French? Dieses Wasser ist zum Trinken nicht geeignet. The water is not fit to drink. This water is not suitable for drinking. Der Kaffee ist bitter, weil ich keinen Zucker hinein getan habe. The coffee is bitter because I didn't put any sugar in it. The coffee is bitter because I didn’t put any sugar in it. Wij maken de beste gitaren in de wereld. We make the best guitars in the world. We make the best guitars in the world. Das ist das Netteste, was je jemand zu mir gesagt hat! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me! Hast du heute Spanisch gelesen? Did you read any Spanish today? Did you read Spanish today? Heb je over de nieuwe tankontwerpen van het leger gehoord? Did you hear about the new tank designs being developed by the army? Have you heard about the Army's new tank designs? Het is te koud om hier buiten te zitten. Laten we binnen eten. It's too cold for me to sit out here. Let's eat inside. It's too cold to sit out here. Benannt bin ich nach der Frau von Isaak und der Mutter von Jakob und Esau. My namesake was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. I am named after the wife of Isaac, and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Is dit dien wien? Is this your wine? Is this your whore? Heb je ervan gehoord? Did you hear of it? Did you hear about it? Hat Tom gestern Französisch gelernt? Did Tom study French yesterday? Did Tom learn French yesterday? Tom said he'd rather not go to Australia with us. Tom said that he'd rather not go to Australia with us. Tom said he'd rather not go to australia with us. Du solltest stolz auf das sein, was du erreicht hast. You should be proud of what you've accomplished. You should be proud of what you have achieved. Wi hebbt veel Alkohool drunken. We drank a lot of alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. Ihre Handschrift sieht aus wie die Ihres Vaters. Your handwriting looks like that of your father. Your handwriting looks like your father's. Koken is ook een kunst. Cooking is also an art. Cooking is also an art. Het jongetje begon te huilen omdat zijn moeder geen nieuwe fiets voor hem wilde kopen. The boy started crying because his mother wouldn't buy him a new bike. The boy began to cry because his mother did not want to buy him a new bike. Steine wurden entlang der Linien wie an einer Perlenkette verbunden. Stones were being connected along the lines like beads on a string. Stones were joined along the lines as if on a string of pearls. In der niederländischen Stadt Maastricht soll es 53 Kirchen geben; einige davon werden inzwischen als Läden, Cafés oder Museen genutzt. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there are said to be 53 churches; some of them are now used as shops, cafés or museums. There are 53 churches in the Dutch city of Maastricht, some of which are now used as shops, cafés or museums. Was wird passieren, wenn ich das tue? What will happen if I do this? What will happen if I do this? Just promise me that you won't do anything silly. Just promise me you won't do anything silly. Just promise me you won't do anything silly. t Binnen aaier. They're eggs. t Inside aerator. May I try on this jacket? May I try this jacket on? - May I try on this jacket? In der Nähe meines Hauses gibt es eine Apotheke. There is a pharmacy near my house. Near my house there is a pharmacy. Ich habe die Schachteln selbst gemacht. I made these boxes myself. I made the boxes myself. Wo sind die Krokodile? Where are the crocodiles? Where are the crocodiles? Tom verspilde geen seconde. Tom didn't waste a second. Tom didn't waste a second. „Dürfen wir Ihnen einige Fragen stellen?“ – „Schießen Sie los!“ "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" "Ask away." “Can we ask you some questions?” – “Shoot!” Ek sal jou laat terug gaan aan die werk. I'll let you get back to work. I'll let you get back to work. Waist doe nog? Do you remember? Waist still do? Tom hat graue Haare. Tom's hair is gray. Tom has gray hair. Vraag het opnieuw aan Tom! Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again. Das sind Nomaden. They're nomads. They are nomads. Darf ich bitte das Zimmer sehen? May I see the room, please? Can I see the room, please? Der Hund rennt aus dem Haus. The dog runs out of the house. The dog runs out of the house. Dit is de ergste storm in tien jaar. This is the worst storm in ten years. This is the worst storm in ten years. Meine Kinder lieben mich. My kids love me. My children love me. Laten we van onderwerp veranderen! Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject! Denk positief! Think positive! Think positive! Ich sitze gerade in einem sehr kleinen Stuhl. I'm sitting in a very small chair. I am sitting in a very small chair. Sie hat zwei ihrer Klassenkameradinnen eingeladen: Jana und Maria. She invited two of her classmates, Jane and Mary. She invited two of her classmates: Jana and Maria. Ik heb dezelfde mening over jou. I feel the same way about you. I have the same opinion about you. Wir achten unsere Lehrer. We respect our teachers. We respect our teachers. Mary noteerde het recept. Mary wrote down the recipe. Mary wrote down the recipe. Die Kantine war leer, als ich zum Mittagessen dort ankam. The canteen was empty when I arrived there for lunch. The canteen was empty when I arrived for lunch. Wenn Sie keine Leitern kennen, spielen Sie nicht Go. If you don't know ladders, don't play Go. If you don't know any ladders, don't play Go. Ich mag die Feste im Dorf. I like the feasts in the village. I like the party in the village. Would you like to see some pictures that I took in Boston? Would you like to see some pictures I took in Boston? Would you like to see some pictures that I took in boston? Als der Chef erfuhr, wie Tom mit Maria umgesprungen war, warf er ihn raus. When the boss found out how Tom had treated Mary, he fired him. When the boss found out how Tom had dealt with Maria, he threw him out. Mi dücht, se hett weent. I think she's been crying. I think she cried. Mein Vater ging geschäftlich nach Hongkong. My father went to Hong Kong on business. My father went to Hong Kong on business. Tom said everyone in his office speaks French. Tom said everybody in his office speaks French. Tom said everyone in his office speaks french. Wie schaffst du es, optimistisch zu bleiben? How do you manage to remain optimistic? How do you stay optimistic? Wat is een furry? What is a furry? What is a furry? Oordeel niet zodat er niet over je geoordeeld wordt. Don't judge so that you will not be judged. Do not judge so that you are not judged. Es tut mir leid, dass du warten musstest. I am sorry that you had to wait. I'm sorry you had to wait. Holst du die Wäsche aus dem Waschsalon? Will you pick up the laundry from the laundrette? Do you get the laundry from the laundromat? Tom hett Ria up’e Arbeit kennenlihrt. Tom met Mary at work. Tom met Ria at work. Ik meen dat ook so. I mean it. I think so, too. Ist Tom freundlich? Is Tom friendly? Is Tom friendly? Tom ist schon seit Jahren in dem Beruf. Tom has had that job for years. Tom has been in the business for years. Rafael Leitão weist darauf hin, dass die Einführung von Schach in brasilianischen Schulen eine positive Tatsache ist, aber er glaubt, dass wir immer noch weit von dem akzeptablen Mindestniveau entfernt sind, mit dem jemand als professioneller Schachspieler ein stabiles Einkommen erzielen kann. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leit<0xC3><0xA3>o points out that the introduction of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the acceptable minimum level at which someone as a professional chess player can make a stable income. That's not the only thing I want to do. That's not the only thing that I want to do. - That's not the only thing I want to do. Heute haben wir nicht viel weitergebracht, gell? We didn't get much done today, did we? We didn't make much progress today, did we? Kun je voor Tom instaan? Can you vouch for Tom? Can you vouch for Tom? Een jongen steekt de straat over. A boy is walking across the street. A boy crosses the street. Het Nederlands heeft één lateraal. Dutch has one lateral. The Dutch language has one lateral. The question is not so much what it is as how it looks. The question isn't so much what it is as how it looks. The question is not so much What it is as how it looks. איך רעד אַ ביסל רוסיש. I speak a little Russian. I speak a little bit of Russian. Ja sen lekelk bifriit. They are happily married. Yes, it's your little bifriit. They said that they were very sick. They said they were very sick. - They said that they were very sick. Dat nieuws is nieuw voor mij. This news is new to me. This news is new to me. Hast du dir den Ring selbst gekauft, oder hat ihn dir jemand geschenkt? Did you buy that ring yourself, or did someone give it to you? Did you buy the ring yourself, or did someone give it to you? Vertaal het. Translate it. Translate it. Both Tom and Mary are still studying French. Tom and Mary are both still studying French. Both tom and mary are still studying french. Tom thought that Mary was just pretending to be happy. Tom thought Mary was just pretending to be happy. Tom thought that mary was just pretending to be happy. Tom sprang in den Fluss und schwamm los. Tom leapt into the river and started to swim. Tom jumped into the river and swam off. Tom has a lot more books than you do. Tom has a lot more books than you. Tom has a Iot more books than you do. Die Fans hoffen alle, dass der Verein den Trainer wechselt. The fans all hope the club will change the manager. The fans all hope that the club will change the coach. Er hat nicht das Geld für ein neues Auto. He can't afford a new car. He doesn’t have the money for a new car. I thought you might know. I thought that you might know. - I thought you might know. Wichtig ist das Ergebnis. What's important is the result. The result is important. Ik heb je nooit gemist. I have never missed you. I never missed you. Hier sind ein Messer, eine Gabel und ein Teller. Here are a knife, a fork and a plate. Here's a knife, a fork, and a plate. Light blue is my favourite colour. Light blue is my favorite color. Light blue is my favorite color. Bist du schon zu einer Entscheidung gelangt? Have you made your decision yet? Have you made a decision yet? Kommen Sie doch mal wieder vorbei, wenn Sie Zeit haben! Ich freu’ mich drauf. Drop in again when you have time! I look forward to it. Come back if you have time! I’m looking forward to it. Hij rijdt in een roze Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. Der Tote war 18 Jahre alt. The deceased was eighteen years old. The dead man was 18 years old. Je weet nooit wanneer je vrouw weer thuiskomt. You never know when your wife will be coming back home. You never know when your wife will come home. Seitdem wir neue, ultraleichte Materialien einsetzen, wiegt unser Produkt nur noch halb so viel wie vorher! As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before! Since we started using new, ultra-lightweight materials, our product weighs only half as much as before! Du musst mehr lehren. You must study more. You need to teach more. Im Sommer wird es hier nur so von Touristen wimmeln. This place will be heaving with tourists in summer. In the summer, it will be so crowded with tourists. Tom war nur drei Jahre Französischlehrer. Tom was a French teacher for only three years. Tom was a French teacher for only three years. Wie viele Minuten dauert die Pause? How many minutes does breaktime last? How many minutes does the break last? Ich werde das vermissen. I'll miss that. I'm gonna miss that. I think that Tom doesn't love his wife anymore. I think Tom doesn't love his wife anymore. I think that tom doesn't love his wife anymore. Er ist Mitglied im Kirchenvorstand. He is a member of the parish committee. He is a member of the church board. Tom ist ein Komasäufer. Tom is a binge drinker. Tom is a comatose man. Wie viele Bücher ihr habt! What a lot of books you've got! How many books you have! Hij kon het moeilijk geloven. He was having trouble believing it. He couldn't believe it. Bitte den Chat nicht zuspammen! Please don't spam the chat. Please don't spam the chat! Sie geht mit mir. She is going with me. She's going with me. Is Tom normaal? Is Tom normal? Is Tom normal? Die Box ist total schmutzig. The box is all dirty. The box is totally dirty. Sami is niet thuisgekomen. Sami didn't come home. Sami didn't come home. Wie lange haben Sie geöffnet? How late do you stay open? How long have you been open? Het Engels is niet mijn moedertaal. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. Dafür wirst du bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You will pay for this! Man sieht die Belastbarkeit einer Person in einer Krisensituation. One sees the resilience of a person in a crisis situation. You can see the resilience of a person in a crisis situation. 'n By het by die venster uitgevlieg. A bee flew out of the window. One of them flew out the window. I thought you were a better chess player than this. I thought that you were a better chess player than this. - I thought you were a better chess player than this. Tom sprach sehr laut. Tom was talking very loudly. Tom spoke very loudly. Ik zoek een stopcontact. I'm looking for a socket. I'm looking for a power outlet. Hij is historicus. He's a historian. He's a historian. Sie wird sich schnell daran gewöhnen. She's going to get used to it quickly. She will get used to it quickly. Ich will mich klarer fassen. Let me try to make this clearer. I want to be clearer. "Hoe oud is jy?" "Ek is sestien." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Tom und sein Hund haben den ganzen Tag nach Überlebenden gesucht. Tom and his dog spent the day looking for survivors. Tom and his dog have been looking for survivors all day. Aangezien ik verkouden was, ging ik niet naar school. Since I had a cold, I didn't go to school. Since I had a cold, I didn't go to school. To tell the truth, I have lost your pen. To tell the truth, I've lost your pen. To tell the truth, i have lost your pen. Ich komme am 23. Mai an. I'll arrive on 23 May. I will arrive on May 23. Es ist immer gut, hoffnungsvoll zu sein. It's always good to have hope. It is always good to be hopeful. Ik voelde me daar niet op m'n gemak. I didn't feel comfortable there. I didn't feel comfortable there. Am 20. Oktober hat Tom Geburtstag. October twentieth is Tom's birthday. October 20th is Tom’s birthday. Ik kan het licht zien. I can see the light. I can see the light. Tom zaag bus. Tom saw the bus. Tom saw bus. Ich gebe den armen Kindern, was ich kann. I give whatever I can to the poor children. I give the poor children what I can. Oorlog gaat ons allen aan. War concerns us all. War is going on for all of us. Het Nieuwgrieks en Tsakonisch zijn Helleense talen. Modern Greek and Tsakonian are Hellenic languages. Modern Greek and Tsakonian are Hellenic languages. Dit is maklik om mens as uniek te beskou onder andere lewende organismes. It is easy to consider man unique among living organisms. It is easy to think of humans as unique among other living organisms. Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? If you have a question, please put up your hand. If you've got a question, please put your hand up. - If you have a question, please put up your hand. Das ist ein Buch, das mir mein Lehrer empfohlen hat. This is a book that my teacher recommended that I read. This is a book my teacher recommended to me. Benutze die Gabel. Use the fork. Use the fork. Er ist zu nichts zu gebrauchen. He is good for nothing. He's useless. Deutsch ist keine einfache Sprache. German is not an easy language. German is not an easy language. Komt hai? Is he coming? Is hai coming? Ich habe dieses Haus vor drei Monaten erstanden. I bought this house three months ago. I bought this house three months ago. Ich bin um fünf Uhr früh aufgestanden. I woke up at five o'clock in the morning. I got up at five in the morning. Wir haben 4 : 5 gewonnen. We beat them 5-4. We won 4:5. Wie viele Kanji kannst du so ungefähr? Approximately how many kanji do you know? How many kanji do you have? Ik heb je niet verraden, idioot! I didn't betray you, you idiot! I didn't betray you, you idiot! De broer schrijft. The brother is writing. The brother writes. Die Ferien neigen sich dem Ende zu. The holidays are coming to an end. The holidays are coming to an end. Ik heff nich vör, natt to warrn. I have no intention of getting wet. I don't pretend to get wet. Both Tom and Mary are very tired. Tom and Mary are both very tired. Both tom and mary are very tired. Tom Hansen wurde am 20. Oktober 2013 um 14.30 Uhr für tot erklärt. Tom Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:30 p.m. on October 20, 2013. Tom Hansen was pronounced dead at 2.30 p.m. on October 20, 2013. This is the book that I bought three days ago. This is the book I bought three days ago. This is the book I bought three days ago. Wenn ich Toki Pona studiere, erinnere ich mich, dass Tarzan sagte: "Ich Tarzan, du Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "I Tarzan, you Jane." We didn't know if Tom and Mary were busy or not. We didn't know whether Tom and Mary were busy or not. We didn't know if tom and mary were busy or not. Dieses Gesetz ist absurd. This law is absurd. This law is absurd. Ich weiß, was ihr gestern getan habt. I know what you did yesterday. I know what you did yesterday. In diesem Teich gibt es viele Fische. There are a lot of fish in this pond. There are many fish in this pond. Tom vertelde me zijn geheim. Tom told me his secret. Tom told me his secret. Sami verrichtte het middaggebed achter Fadil. Sami performed the afternoon prayer behind Fadil. Sami performed the afternoon prayer behind Fadil. Hien huet eng Fro. He has a question. He's got a request. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, müssen wir unsere Stärken ausspielen. To remain competitive, we've got to play to our strengths. In order to remain competitive, we need to play to our strengths. Mein Dreitagebart ist jetzt länger als meine Haare. My three-days’ beard is now longer than my hair. My three-day beard is now longer than my hair. Voor twee jaar ben ik gestopt met roken. I quit smoking two years ago. I quit smoking for two years. Tom and Mary said they're not planning to stay very long. Tom and Mary said they're not planning on staying very long. Tom and mary said they're not planning to stay very long. Wir machten uns auf auf die Suche nach unseresgleichen, doch alles, was wir fanden, war totes Gestein. We went out in search of others like us, but all we found were dead rocks. We went in search of our kind, but all we found was dead rock. Das ist eine uralte Sprache, die niemand lesen kann. It's an ancient language that no one can read. This is an ancient language that no one can read. Ich lebe in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. Auf diesen Tag habe ich gewartet. I've been waiting for this day. I've been waiting for that day. Deze trein stopt op alle stations. This train stops at every station. This train stops at all stations. Das sollte uns Sorgen machen. That's something we should worry about. That should worry us. Sie haben bereits begonnen. They have already begun. You have already begun. Tom has already pledged to do that. Tom has pledged to do that already. - Tom has already pledged to do that. Vielleicht hat Tom seinen Schirm in Marias Wagen liegenlassen. Tom might've left his umbrella in Mary's car. Maybe Tom left his umbrella in Maria's car. Der Winter kommt nach dem Herbst und vor dem Frühling. Winter occurs after autumn and before spring. Winter comes after autumn and before spring. I wonder whether Tom turned down that job. I wonder whether or not Tom turned down that job. I wonder whether tom turned down that job. Hoezo ben je zo moe vandaag? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Es ist wieder so wie immer: Anna kommt, und alles muss sich um sie drehen. Du wirst sehen, dass sie wieder im Mittelpunkt stehen wird. It's the same as always: Anna comes, and everything has to revolve around her. She'll be the centre of attention again; you'll see. It's the same as always: Anna comes, and everything has to revolve around her. You'll see that she will be the center of attention again. Wir sind die Gesellschaft. We are the society. We are the society. Ich habe gedacht, dass ich es nie beenden würde. I never thought I'd finish it. I thought I would never finish it. Tom is nu in afwachting van zijn proces. Tom is now awaiting trial. Tom is now awaiting trial. I don't think this is a problem. I don't think that this is a problem. - I don't think this is a problem. We hebben spaghetti in ons favoriete restaurant gegeten. We ate spaghetti at our favorite restaurant. We ate spaghetti in our favorite restaurant. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich dir helfen kann. I don't know if I'll be able to help you. I don't know if I can help you. Wees niet bang om fouten te maken als je Frans spreekt. Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak French. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak French. Tom und Maria wohnen in einem Haus am Fluss. Tom and Mary live in a house by the river. Tom and Maria live in a house by the river. Sie sahen ihn nicht. You didn't see him. They didn't see him. I doubt very seriously that Tom will be excited about that. I doubt very seriously Tom will be excited about that. I doubt very seriously that tom will be excited about that. De aarde is de derde planeet vanaf de zon. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Tom must've been hungry. Tom must have been hungry. Tom must have been hungry. Die Halbwertszeit von Actinium-255 ist ungefähr zehn Tage. The half life of actinium-225 is approximately 10 days. The half-life of Actinium-255 is approximately ten days. Deze vis ruikt slecht. This fish smells bad. This fish smells bad. Früher ist Tom jeden Sonntag in die Kirche gegangen, jetzt nicht mehr. Tom used to go to church every Sunday, but he doesn't anymore. Tom used to go to church every Sunday, but not now. Heb je ooit een hoofdletsel gehad? Have you ever had a head injury? Have you ever had a head injury? Nobody knows what's become of Tom. No one knows what's become of Tom. Nobody knows what's become of tom. Ich bin im Taxi. I'm in the taxi. I'm in a taxi. Mir hat diese Abwechslung heute gutgetan. I enjoyed doing this today for a change. This change has served me well today. Ich habe davon gehört, aber ich wusste nicht, ob’s stimmt. I heard that, but I didn't know it was true. I heard about it, but I didn’t know if it was true. De deur was gesloten, maar niet op slot. The door was shut, but it wasn't locked. The door was locked, but not locked. Egal ob schwarz, braun, gelb oder normal, alle Leute sollten die gleichen Rechte haben. No matter if black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. Whether black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. Door de regen kon ik het huis niet uit. The rain prevented me from leaving the house. Because of the rain, I couldn’t leave the house. Wir sind mindestens fünfhundert. There are at least five hundred of us. We're at least five hundred. Es ist zu schaffen, wenn du dich anstrengst. It's doable if you work hard. It can be done if you make an effort. Wo ist Ihr Geld? Where is your money? Where's your money? איך בין אַ ייִד אָבער נישט קיין רעליגיעזער. I'm a Jew, but not a religious one. I'm Jewish, but not religious. Braand! Fire! -Braand! They said that they need to get more sleep. They said they need to get more sleep. They said they need to get more sleep. She dreamed a happy dream last night. She dreamt a happy dream last night. - She dreamed a happy dream last night. Wij maken goedkoop speelgoed. We make inexpensive toys. We make cheap toys. Ik zou Tom nooit laten winnen. I'd never let Tom win. I would never let Tom win. Weißt du, wie Tom taub geworden ist? Do you know how Tom lost his hearing? Do you know how Tom got deaf? How long do you think Tom's been doing this? How long do you think Tom has been doing this? How long do you think tom's been doing this? Tom told me that he hoped Mary would be prudent. Tom told me that he hoped that Mary would be prudent. Tom told me that he hoped mary would be prudent. Tom says he wants to go to Australia with us. Tom says that he wants to go to Australia with us. Tom says he wants to go to australia with us. Ich habe alle Ihre Bücher gelesen. I've read all your books. I have read all your books. I just found out that Tom is sick. I just found out Tom is sick. I just found out that tom is sick. Heute ist die Hochzeit ihrer Schwester. Today is her sister's wedding day. Today is her sister's wedding. Morgen kaufe ich es dir. I'll buy it for you tomorrow. I'll buy it tomorrow. How did Tom know Mary would do that? How did Tom know that Mary would do that? How did tom know mary would do that? I don't think Tom plays the oboe as well as Mary. I don't think Tom plays the oboe as well as Mary does. I don't think tom plays the oboe as well as mary. I got lost in the forest. I lost my way in the woods. - I got lost in the forest. Das ist das allerletzte Mal, dass ich das versuche. This is the last time that I'll ever try doing this. This is the last time I try. Tom fällt die Rechtschreibung schwer. Tom struggles with spelling. Tom finds it difficult to spell. Ze kozen haar als burgemeesteres. They've elected her mayor. They chose her as mayor. Tom leunde naar voren. Tom leaned forward. Tom leaned forward. Onderzoekt u regelmatig uw borsten zelf? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly examine your breasts yourself? Wat is de kleur van Tom zijn haar? What color is Tom's hair? What is the color of Tom’s hair? מײַן ברודער איז אַ לערער פֿון העברעאיש. My brother teaches Hebrew. My brother is a teacher of Hebrew. Wo ist die Mutter dieser Kinder? Where is the mother of these children? Where is the mother of these children? Tom tat alles Erdenkliche, um die Flitterwochen unvergesslich zu machen. Tom went out of his way to make their honeymoon truly memorable. Tom did everything imaginable to make the honeymoon unforgettable. Tom was ons aan het aanstaren. Tom was staring at us. Tom was staring at us. De man had zijn vrouw al drie dagen niet gesproken. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. The man had not spoken to his wife for three days. Niemand slaapt vannacht. Nobody will sleep tonight. No one sleeps tonight. Wi hebbt hier al Stünnen töövt. We have been waiting here for hours. We've been waiting here for hours. Hij kookt nu. He's cooking now. He's cooking now. איך בין באַשעפֿטיקט ביז פֿיר אַ זײגער. I'm busy until four. I'm stuck with 4 of them. Untersteh dich, mein Tagebuch zu lesen! Don't you dare read my diary! Make sure you read my diary! Ik moet iets bekennen: ik heb gelogen over het feit dat ik niet genoeg geld had. I have a confession to make: I lied about not having enough money. I have to confess: I lied about not having enough money. Tom said he didn't want to wait any longer. Tom said that he didn't want to wait any longer. Tom said he didn't wanna wait any longer. Tom stellte den Herd aus. Tom turned off the stove. Tom turned off the stove. It's not like I don't want to do it. It isn't like I don't want to do it. - It's not like I don't want to do it. Ik dacht dat je een Canadees was. I thought you were a Canadian. I thought you were a Canadian. I had no idea that Tom would be able to do that. I had no idea Tom would be able to do that. I had no idea that tom would be able to do that. Sprachen verändern sich mit der Zeit. Languages change over time. Languages change over time. Ek ken al hulle name. I know all their names. I know all their names. Benutzen Sie Adverbien. Use adverbs. Use adverbs. Ik heb mijn vriendin ontmoet op een Esperantocongres. I met my girlfriend on an Esperanto congress. I met my girlfriend at an Esperanto convention. Die Soldaten marschierten und ihre Schwerter blitzten. The soldiers were marching with their swords shining. The soldiers marched and flashed their swords. Tom and Mary said that they'd make it on time. Tom and Mary said they'd make it on time. Tom and mary said that they'd make it on time. I think Tom is the only one who can do that. I think that Tom is the only one who can do that. I think tom is the only one who can do that. Diese Medizin hat keine Nebenwirkungen. This medicine has no side effects. This medicine has no side effects. We all know that Tom can't swim as well as Mary. We all know Tom can't swim as well as Mary can. We all know that tom can't swim as well as mary. Möchtest du gerne mit uns essen? Would you like to eat with us? Would you like to eat with us? Fuck you! Fuck you. Fuck you ! Wir dachten, ihr wüsstet es. We thought you knew. We thought you knew. Wurden Sie von einem herrenlosen Hund gebissen? Have you been bitten by a stray dog? Were you bitten by a masterless dog? Ik woon al vijf jaar in Canada. I've been living in Canada for five years. I have lived in Canada for five years. Das ist in jedem Dorf allgemein bekannt. That's common knowledge in every village. This is well known in every village. Tom said the Mary's accident wasn't his fault. Tom said that the Mary's accident wasn't his fault. Tom said the mary's accident wasn't his fault. Da die Äpfel heute im Sonderangebot waren, habe ich gleich einen ganzen Schwung gekauft. Apples were on sale today, so I bought a lot of them. Since the apples were on special offer today, I immediately bought a whole swing. I know that Tom knows that Mary will never be able to do that. I know Tom knows that Mary will never be able to do that. I know that tom knows that mary will never be able to do that. Tom said he didn't think that my plan would work. Tom said that he didn't think that my plan would work. Tom said he didn't think my plan would work. Ek hou van druiwe, maar kan nie te veel daarvan eet nie. I like grapes, but I can't eat too many of them. I love to cook, but I can't eat too much of it. Sie sind fast nie zu Hause. They're almost never home. You are almost never at home. Heb je koorts? Do you have a temperature? Do you have a fever? Jeder Roboter ist mit einer Sprecheinrichtung ausgestattet. Each robot is equipped with a talking machine. Each robot is equipped with a speech device. Zijn chef was behoorlijk onder de indruk. His boss was quite impressed. His boss was quite impressed. Ich stürzte mich in den Fluss. I dived into the river. I threw myself into the river. Ien taal is nea net genôch. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Tom verlor zwar, lieferte dem anderen aber ein scharfes Gefecht. Tom lost, but he gave the other guy hell. Tom lost, but gave the other a sharp fight. Ek wil nie lieg nie. I don't want to lie. I don't want to lie. איך האָב די מערסטע אידעעס און דו האָסט די בעסטע אידעעס. I have the most ideas, and you have the best ideas. I have the best ideas and you have the best ideas. My heart is filled with joy! My heart is filled with joy. My heart is filled with joy. Promise me you won't tell anybody Promise me that you won't tell anybody Promise me you won't tell anybody. Tot weerziens! See you soon! See you again! Wozu wollen Sie das wissen? What do you want to know that for? What do you want to know? Je spreekt niet vloeiend in een taal totdat je weet hoe je haar correct mispraat. You're not fluent in a language until you know how to speak it wrong correctly. You don’t speak fluently in a language until you know how to mispronounce it correctly. I know that Tom is a pretty good swimmer. I know Tom is a pretty good swimmer. I know that tom is a pretty good swimmer. Mi a 19. I'm 19. Mi a 19. Kann ich etwas Heißes zu trinken haben? Can I have something hot to drink? Can I have something hot to drink? I thought Tom looked happy. I thought that Tom looked happy. I thought tom looked happy. I thought that maybe Tom wouldn't need to do that. I thought maybe Tom wouldn't need to do that. I thought that maybe tom wouldn't need to do that. Heb je deze film al eens gezien? Have you ever seen this movie before? Have you seen this movie before? Papst Franziskus sprach von der Notwendigkeit, großzügig, voll Unterstützung und hilfsbereit zu sein, ganz besonders gegenüber den Gefährdeten, den Kranken, denen, die durch die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Pandemie arbeitslos sind und Not leiden, und Frauen, die in diesen Monaten des Sperrzustandes zu Hause Opfer von Gewalt werden. Pope Francis spoke of the need to be generous, supportive and helpful, especially towards those who are vulnerable, the sick, those unemployed or experiencing hardship due to the economic effects of the pandemic, and women who have suffered domestic violence during these months of lockdown. Pope Francis spoke of the need to be generous, full of support and helpful, especially to those at risk, to the sick, to those who are unemployed and suffering from the economic consequences of the pandemic, and to women who become victims of violence at home during these months of lockdown. Wat een indrukwekkende start! Quite an impressive start! What an impressive start! Allens, wat du doon musst, is dissen roden Knoop drücken. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press this red button. Er antwortet mit "Ja". He replies saying yes. He responds with "Yes." Er ist lange nicht mit mir in Kontakt getreten unter dem Vorwand, beschäftigt zu sein. He has not gotten in touch with me for a long time under the pretence of being busy. He has not come into contact with me for a long time under the pretext of being busy. Tom said I should speak French. Tom said that I should speak French. Tom said I should speak french. Wie viel Menschå wissed, dass Siå läbad? How many people know you're alive? How many mens<0xC3><0xA5> know that Si<0xC3><0xA5> l<0xC3><0xA4>bad? Tom war keine große Hilfe. Tom wasn't much help. Tom was not very helpful. Ihr Name war oft auf seinen Lippen. Her name was often on his lips. His name was often on his lips. Ik zou graag een afspraak maken om u vanmiddag te zien. I would like to make an appointment to see you this afternoon. I'd like to make an appointment to see you this afternoon. Tom must've hated leaving it behind. Tom must have hated leaving it behind. Tom must have hated leaving it behind. Ich habe einmal hier in der Nähe gewohnt. I used to live near here. I once lived near here. Wenn man sich frühzeitig die richtigen Methoden zurechtlegt, kann man auf lange Sicht viel Zeit sparen. Implementing a few best practices early on can save a lot of time in the long run. If you set up the right methods at an early stage, you can save a lot of time in the long run. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen Konzepten? What is the difference between these concepts? What is the difference between these concepts? Mehrere Mäuse fressen Käse. Several mice are eating cheese. Several mice eat cheese. Ich habe den Film vor einer langen Zeit gesehen. I saw that movie a long time ago. I saw the movie a long time ago. Jist rare. Just fine. It's rare. Het sloeg nergens op. It did not make any sense. It didn't make any sense. Ik was destijds drie maanden zwanger. I was three months pregnant at that time. I was three months pregnant at the time. Hest du de Nummer butenkopps lehrt? Have you learned the number by heart? Have you learned the number outside heads? Prate jo Folapúk? Do you speak Volapük? Do you talk Folap<0xC3><0xBA>k? Haar ogen vulden zich met tranen. His eyes filled with tears. Her eyes filled with tears. Tom and Mary told me they ate way too much. Tom and Mary told me that they ate way too much. Tom and mary told me they ate way too much. Tom ist zum Gewinnen zu blöd. Tom is too stupid to win. Tom is too stupid to win. Mein Vater hat mir einen neuen Füller geschenkt. My father gave me a new fountain pen. My father gave me a new pen. You will fall. You are going to fall. - You will fall. Ik wil jullie allebei op mijn kantoor zien. I want to see you both in my office. I want to see you both at my office. Je was gewoon bang. Dat is waarom je zo trilt. You were just scared. That's why you're trembling so much. You were just scared, that's why you're shaking. Tom rät davon ab. Tom thinks it's a bad idea. Tom shrugged it off. Tom hat etwas Merkwürdiges gesehen. Tom saw something odd. Tom saw something strange. Ich hoffe, dass ich eines Tages deine Muttersprache so gut spreche wie du die meine. I hope one day to speak your native language as well as you speak mine. I hope that one day I will speak your mother tongue as well as you do mine. Er hat nie gefragt, woher sie sei. He never asked where she was from. He never asked where she was from. Jij ging gisteren voetballen. You played football yesterday. You were playing football last night. Tom is looking for someone to teach French to his children. Tom is looking for somebody to teach French to his kids. Tom is looking for someone to teach french to his children. Hij zou beter moeten weten. He should know better. He should know better. Berlien ligt ien Duutsland. Berlin is in Germany. Berlien is located one Germany. De zeven dwergen waren goedhartig. The seven dwarfs were good-hearted. The seven dwarfs were kind-hearted. Die Gesundheitsbehörden warnen, dass Küssen – aufgrund des Speichelaustauschs – zur schnellen Verbreitung des Coronavirus führen kann. Health officials warn that kissing – which involves saliva – can quickly spread COVID-19. Health authorities warn that kissing – due to the saliva exchange – can lead to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. Das ist die teuerste Tasche, die ich je gekauft habe. This is the most expensive bag I have ever bought. This is the most expensive bag I've ever bought. Ik harr geern en Kaffe. I'd like to have a coffee. I'm going to have a coffee. Ik zal je helpen wanneer ik met mijn werk klaar ben. I will help you when I have finished my work. I'll help you when I'm done with my work. Je hebt altijd het recht om behandeling te weigeren, maar ik moet je de mogelijke gevolgen uitleggen als dat je keuze is. You always have the right to refuse treatment, however, I must explain the potential consequences if that will be your choice. You always have the right to refuse treatment, but I have to explain the possible consequences if that is your choice. Het is gloednieuw. It's brand new. It's brand new. Tom hat viel zu viel gegessen. Tom ate way too much. Tom ate too much. Alens ging onmis. It all went wrong. Alden went missing. Ich versuche Toki Pona zu lernen, aber ich sehe, dass es sehr schwierig ist, eine so vereinfachte Sprache zu beherrschen. I'm trying to learn Toki Pona, but I see that it is very difficult to master such a simplified language. I try to learn Toki Pona, but I see that it is very difficult to master such a simplified language. Fliegst du, oder fährst du mit dem Auto? Are you going by plane or by car? Are you flying, or are you driving the car? Mädchen merken so etwas. Girls notice things like that. Girls notice something like that. Ihr seid mit dem Abwaschen an der Reihe. It's your turn to wash up. It's your turn to do the dishes. Nehmen wir auf die Reise Lebensmittelvorräte mit! Let us take food supplies for the journey. Let’s take food supplies with us on the journey! Waar heeft zij Italiaans geleerd? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Ik ben verdwaald. Kunt u mij de weg wijzen naar het station? I'm lost. Could you direct me to the station? I'm lost, can you show me the way to the station? Loop sneller! Walk faster! Go faster! Sie dürfen sich hier nicht aufhalten. Dies ist Privatbesitz. You are not allowed here. This is private property. You can't stay here, this is private property. Ich hab nur eine Bedingung. Geh in die Schule oder such dir einen Job. I just have one condition. Go to school or get a job. I only have one condition: go to school or find a job. Tom hat zwei Enkelsöhne. Tom has two grandsons. Tom has two grandsons. Ek soek my broer. I'm looking for my brother. I'm looking for my brother. Die Rundung der Erde wurde erstmals 1931 fotografiert. The curvature of the Earth was first photographed in 1931. The rounding of the earth was first photographed in 1931. Zeig ihn an! Report him to the police! Show him! Was geschähe, wenn sich zwei Toms versehentlich anrempelten? What would happen if two Toms accidentally bumped into each other? What happens if two toms accidentally bump into each other? Mein Geldbeutel ist verschwunden. My wallet's gone. My wallet's gone. Tom isn't French. Tom's not French. - Tom isn't French. Vroeg of laat zal hij me alles vertellen. He will tell me everything sooner or later. Sooner or later he'll tell me everything. Gibt es in Ihrer Straße eine Schule? Is there a school on your street? Is there a school on your street? Je kon haar stem nauwelijks horen. You could hardly hear her voice. You could barely hear her voice. Zwei Nächte habe ich nicht geschlafen. I haven't slept for two nights. I didn't sleep for two nights. Hoe schrijf je jouw naam? How do you write your name? How do you write your name? Volgens alle bekende wetten van de luchtvaart is er geen manier waarmee een bij vliegen mag. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way for a bee to fly. Tom said he didn't believe Mary really did that. Tom said he didn't believe that Mary really did that. Tom said he didn't believe mary really did that. Tom verriet mir, er hätte auf der Realschule kein Französisch gehabt. Tom told me he didn't do French at secondary school. Tom told me he didn't have French in high school. Der Herbst liegt in der Luft. Autumn is in the air. Autumn is in the air. Die Läden sind kurz vor Weihnachten brechend voll. Stores are crowded just before Christmas. The shops are full just before Christmas break. Ik ga deze zomer naar het buitenland. I am going abroad this summer. I'm going abroad this summer. I thought Tom dumped Mary a month ago. I thought that Tom dumped Mary a month ago. I thought tom dumped mary a month ago. Der Feind nahm unser Schiff unter Torpedobeschuss. The enemy torpedoed our ship. The enemy took our ship under torpedo fire. Er zijn eilanden in de zee. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Opticiens verkopen brillen. Opticians sell eyeglasses. Opticians sell glasses. Keine Arbeit ist einfach. No work is simple. No work is easy. Willst du etwa die ganze Flasche alleine ausleeren? You're not going to drink the whole bottle yourself, are you? Do you want to empty the whole bottle on your own? I don't think Tom knows what Mary is making for dinner. I don't think that Tom knows what Mary is making for dinner. I don't think tom knows what mary is making for dinner. Déi Fra ass Léierin. This woman is a teacher. The woman is a teacher. Warum haben Sie nicht gefrühstückt? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Halte die Ohren steif! Stiff upper lip! Keep your ears stiff! Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I know that Tom knew that Mary knew how to do that. I know that Tom knew Mary knew how to do that. I know that tom knew that mary knew how to do that. Hangzhou is een prachtige stad. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Tom ist begeistert. Tom is ecstatic. Tom is thrilled. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das will. I'm not sure I want that. I'm not sure I want that. Huilen ze omdat ze ontroerd of verdrietig zijn? Are they crying because they are touched or sad? Do they cry because they are upset or sad? Ik heb veel te doen vandaag. I have a lot to do today. I've got a lot to do today. We must correct these problems. We have to correct these problems. - We must correct these problems. De mok brak in duizend stukjes. The mug shattered into a thousand pieces. The mug broke into a thousand pieces. Findet ihr das nicht etwas übereilt? Don't you think that's a little premature? Don't you think that's a little hasty? Maria hat Ihre Handtasche verloren. Mary lost her handbag. Maria lost her purse. Is there anything else you want to know? Is there anything else that you want to know? is there anything else you want to know? Everyone except Tom and Mary are planning to be there. Everyone but Tom and Mary are planning to be there. Everyone except Tom and Mary are planning to be there. Uns ging der Sprit aus. We ran out of gas. We ran out of fuel. I don't think that Tom has done that as many times as Mary has. I don't think Tom has done that as many times as Mary has. I don't think Tom has done that as many times as Mary has. Ohne dich ist es einsam auf der Welt. The world is lonesome without you. Without you, it is lonely in the world. Disse Jung is plietsch. That boy is smart. This boy is pliant. Die Ergebnisse sind noch ungewiss The result is still in doubt. The results are still uncertain Ich dachte nicht, dass du es schaffen würdest. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you'd make it. I thought that you said Tom was a mechanic. I thought that you said that Tom was a mechanic. I thought that you said Tom was a mechanic. זי האָט נישט קיין ראַק. She doesn't have cancer. She doesn't have a rock. Ik was er niet. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Zu Fuß sind es von hier zehn Minuten. It's a ten-minute walk from here. It is a ten minute walk from here. Ze lachten. They laughed. They laughed. Hebben jullie Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Weißt du, ob Tom Französisch spricht? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom speaks French? Zijn toestand had erger kunnen zijn. His condition could have been worse. His condition could have been worse. Du bist eine der wenigen, die wissen, wo Tom ist. You're one of the few people who know where Tom is. You're one of the few people who knows where Tom is. Ein großes Auto braucht viel Sprit. A big car needs a lot of fuel. A big car needs a lot of fuel. Tom hört auf niemanden anderer Meinung. Tom won't listen to anyone who disagrees with him. Tom doesn’t listen to anyone else’s opinion. In Madrid gab es einen großen Schneesturm. There was a big snowstorm in Madrid. There was a big snowstorm in Madrid. Meine Bemerkung löste einen Streit in der Gruppe aus. My comment sparked off an argument in the group. My comment triggered a dispute in the group. Er hat mehrere Verbrechen begangen. He has committed multiple crimes. He has committed several crimes. Als het goed weer is, ga ik. If the weather's good, I'll go. If the weather's good, I'll go. Ek sê nie vir jou dat ek alleen wil gaan nie. I'm not telling you to go alone. I'm not saying I want to go alone. Tom said Mary should have stayed in Boston longer. Tom said that Mary should've stayed in Boston longer. Tom said Mary should have stayed in Boston longer. Tom warf noch einmal einen Blick auf seine Uhr. Tom glanced at his watch again. Tom looked at his watch again. Tom meinte, ich müsse mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen. Tom told me I should spend more time with my family. Tom said I had to spend more time with my family. Se hett nüms to ’n Snacken. She has no one to speak to. She has no need to talk. Maria kauft eine neue Kaffeemaschine. Mary's buying a new percolator. Maria buys a new coffee machine. Ek hou daarvan om vleis te eet. I like to eat meat. I like to eat meat. Keiner von ihnen spricht Französisch. None of them speaks French. None of them speak French. Was gibt es, was du nicht gut kannst? What are some things that you aren't good at doing? What is there that you are not good at? Die Mädchen waren nicht schüchtern. The girls weren't timid. The girls were not shy. De toekomst van de man, is de vrouw. The future of man is woman. The future of man is woman. I don't think you want that. I don't think that you want that. - I don't think you want that. Sie ist auf der Flucht. She's on the run. She's on the run. Ich kann jetzt keine Einzelheiten nennen. I can't get into specifics at the moment. I can't give you any details now. Heeft u het land in de afgelopen 30 dagen verlaten? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you left the country in the last 30 days? Meine Familie hat drei Kinder. There are three children in my family. My family has three children. Ek gee om oor hom. I care about him. I care about him. Tom trug keinen Hut. Tom had no hat on. Tom was not wearing a hat. He deed mien nee Auto bewunnern. He admired my new car. He didn't care for my car. Warum fragst du nicht Tom? Why not ask Tom? Why don't you ask Tom? ס׳איז נישט פּסול צו זײַן געי. It's OK to be gay. It's not his job to be his hero. Das findet meine Zustimmung. This has my approval. That's what I agree with. Lag! Laugh! lag! Die gesamte Entwicklung der Erde und des Lebens auf der Erde ist so eng mit dem Mond verzahnt, dass wir ihm wirklich schon fast magische Kräfte zuordnen können. The entire development of the earth and life on earth are so closely interlinked with the moon that in truth we can assign almost magical powers to it. The entire evolution of Earth and life on Earth is so closely intertwined with the Moon that we can almost assign magical powers to it. Warum hast du heute so gute Laune? Why are you in such a good mood today? Why are you in such a good mood today? Het leven van Napoleon was een groot drama. Napoleon's life was a great drama. Napoleon's life was a great tragedy. Vergesst alles, was ich euch gesagt habe! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you. Tom sagte, er sei in Boston aufgewachsen. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Wie is de grappigste in jouw klas? Who's the funniest person in your class? Who is the funniest in your class? Just Fontaine en ik zijn in hetzelfde jaar geboren. Just Fontaine and I were born in the same year. Just Fontaine and I were born in the same year. Wir brauchen mehr Leute wie dich in unserem Team. We need more people like you in our team. We need more people like you on our team. Schlafen können Sie, wenn Sie tot sind. You can sleep when you're dead. You can sleep when you are dead. I don't eat as much as you. I don't eat as much as you do. - I don't eat as much as you. Het Nederlands is toch maar je taal! Dutch is your language anyway. Dutch is just your language! Der Blauwal, das größte Säugetier der Welt, ist durchschnittlich 30 Meter lang und kann bis zu 200 Tonnen wiegen. The blue whale, the largest mammal in existence, averages 30 meters in length and can weigh up to 200 tons. The blue whale, the largest mammal in the world, is an average of 30 meters long and can weigh up to 200 tons. Niemand hat mich es tun sehen. Nobody saw me do it. No one saw me do it. Ich bin euer Verbündeter, vertraut mir. I am your ally, trust me. I am your ally, trust me. Der Läufer schlug den Springer und setze den gegnerischen König in Schach. The bishop took the knight, putting the opponent's king in check. The runner beats the jumper and puts the opposing king in check. Du alleen kannst dat doon, aver du kannst dat nich alleen doon. You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone. You can do it alone, but you can't do it alone. Ist es Geld, was du willst? Is it money you want? Is it money you want? Was für ein Moment das ist, wo sie die Trophäe hochhält! What a moment this is as she lifts the trophy. What a moment that is when she holds up the trophy! Tom thought you could take care of yourself. Tom thought that you could take care of yourself. Tom thought you could take care ofyourself. A, ik snap het. Ah, I get it. A, I get it. Ich verstehe nicht, was dich umtreibt. I don't understand what's bothering you. I don't understand what's bothering you. Het meisje heeft een muis. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Maar wat voor problemen heb je? But what kind of problems do you have? But what kind of problems do you have? Ik vraag me af wat er met dat meisje is gebeurd. I wonder what happened to that girl. I wonder what happened to that girl. Was bedeutet Tugend für dich? What does virtue mean to you? What does virtue mean to you? Tom bemerkte, dass Maria keinen Ehering trug. Tom noticed that Mary wasn't wearing a wedding ring. Tom noticed that Mary was not wearing a wedding ring. Hoe voelde Tom zich? How did Tom feel? How did Tom feel? Sie verteilten Flugblätter an Passanten. They distributed pamphlets to passers-by. They distributed leaflets to passers-by. Tom told me that he was psyched. Tom told me he was psyched. - Tom told me that he was psyched. Sie macht mich glücklich. She makes me happy. She makes me happy. Nach dem Unterricht spiele ich Gitarre. I play the guitar after school. After class, I play guitar. Was dat geen gestolen voertuig? Was that not a stolen vehicle? Wasn't that a stolen vehicle? Das ist auf meinem Mist gewachsen. This was my idea. This has grown on my crap. Welke dag van de week is het vandaag? What is the day of the week today? What day of the week is it today? I know that Tom didn't know who was going to do that with him. I know Tom didn't know who was going to do that with him. I know that tom didn't know who was going to do that with him. De gelegenheid maakt de dief. Opportunity makes the thief. The opportunity makes the thief. Hai kin vlaigen. He can fly. Hai can flail. דו וועסט זיך עפּעס לערנען אין אַלבאַניע? Are you going to learn anything in Albania? Do you want to learn something in the classroom? Everyone listened politely. Everybody listened politely. - Everyone listened politely. Ik ben op zoek naar een zekere Annelies, weet u waar ze is? I am looking for a certain Annelies, do you know where she is? I'm looking for a certain Annelies, do you know where she is? Ik wist niet dat hij me leuk vond. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Ich bin müde vom Lesen. I'm tired from reading. I am tired of reading. It's about time you got here! It's about time you got here. It's about time you got here. Hij sloeg de deur toe. He slams the door shut. He knocked on the door. Sami heeft het kunnen verwerken. Sami was able to process it. Sami was able to handle it. Es fällt mir sehr schwer hinzunehmen, dass es überhaupt keine Hoffnung gibt. I find it very hard to accept that there is no hope at all. It is very difficult for me to accept that there is no hope at all. Jede Person zahlte tausend Dollar. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Meine Schwester ist fünf Jahre jünger als ich. My sister is five years younger than me. My sister is five years younger than me. Tom has just done what he should've done last week. Tom has just done what he should have done last week. Tom has just done what he should have done last week. Ik weet dat Tom er zal zijn. I know Tom will be there. I know Tom will be there. De bladeren van de berk zijn al vergeeld. The birch leaves have already turned yellow. The leaves of the birch are already yellowed. I don't think we can take care of ourselves. I don't think that we can take care of ourselves. - I don't think we can take care of ourselves. Zoiets is me nog nooit overkomen. I have never had anything like this happen to me. This has never happened to me before. Neem je digitalis? Do you take digitalis? Do you take digitalis? Die meisten Geschäfte haben um zehn Uhr geschlossen. The shops are for the most part closed at ten o'clock. Most shops are closed at 10 a.m. מענטשן זענען זיס. Humans are cute. The people are sweet. Wie möchten Sie Ihren Kaffee: schwarz oder mit Sahne? How would you like your coffee, black or with cream? How would you like your coffee: black or cream? Woneem is de Bank? Where's the bank? Where's the bank? Man richtet Zähne mit Spangen. Braces are used to straighten teeth. You straighten teeth with braces. Roken is in de lift niet toegestaan. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Smoking is not allowed in the elevator. Auf der letzten Seite schrieb Maria: „Das Raumschiff brennt.“ On the last page, Mary wrote: "The spaceship is on fire." On the last page, Mary wrote: “The spaceship is burning.” Goud. Good. Gold. Dat is allemaal onzin. That's a lot of nonsense. That's all nonsense. Tom hat schon wieder geschwänzt. Tom skived again. Tom's been sniffing again. Dieses Buch gehört mir, nicht Tom. This book is mine, not Tom's. This book is mine, not Tom. Fünf Minuten später kam sie aus der Küche. Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen. Five minutes later, she came out of the kitchen. Tom would've missed the train if he'd stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have missed the train if he'd stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have missed the train if he'd stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Ihr ergraut. You're going grey. You're graying. Nach wem soll ich eigentlich suchen? Who am I supposed to be looking for? Who am I supposed to be looking for? Tom said that he didn't think Mary was hungry. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary was hungry. Tom said he didn't think Mary was hungry. Overal zie je stof. You can see dust everywhere. You can see dust everywhere. Was ist die Antwort? What is the answer? What's the answer? Hast du dich schon einmal verirrt? Have you ever gotten lost? Have you ever been lost? Dizze bloume is rood. This flower is red. This flower is red. Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt. A danger foreseen is a danger avoided. Danger recognized, danger absolved. We hebben wat we nodig hebben. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. „Der Postbote war da. Ich habe meine GCSE-Ergebnisse bekommen!“ – „Na, dann mach sie mal auf! Was steht drin?“ – „Also gut! ‚Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass Josephine Bloggs in zehn Fächern die folgenden Leistungen erbracht hat: Mathematik: F ...‘“ – „O Gott!“ "The postie's been. I've got my GCSE results!" "Go on then, open it! What does it say?" "All right, all right. 'This is to certify that Josephine Bloggs achieved the following results in ten subjects: Mathematics: F—' Oh, god." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>The postman was there. I got my GCSE results!“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Well, then open them up! What is in it?“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>All right! <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>This certifies that Josephine Bloggs has done the following services in ten subjects: Mathematics: F ...““ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>O God!“ Ich komme schon klar. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Ech wunnen bei mengem Elteren. I live with my parents. I went to my parents. Ik overwoog het probleem zorgvuldig. I gave careful consideration to the problem. I carefully considered the problem. די דיסאינפֿאָרמאַציע איז אומעטום. Disinformation is everywhere. The disincentive is degraded. טעראָריסטן האָבן געקידנעפּט טאָם. Terrorists kidnapped Tom. The scoundrels have killed Tom. Tom begint me te irriteren. Tom is starting to annoy me. Tom started to irritate me. Ek is jou pa. I am your father. I'm your Dad. Ich würde das nicht tun, wenn ich du wäre. I wouldn't do it if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Jeuzelt Tom voak over rugpien? Does Tom complain about back pain often? Is Tom talking about spines? Ich freue mich, dass du die Stelle bekommen hast. I'm glad that you got the job. I'm glad you got the job. Tom kam kurz vor Morgengrauen nach Hause. Tom got home just before dawn. Tom came home just before dawn. Ik houd van rood vlees. I like red meat. I like red meat. Das Schloss steht genau in der Mitte der Stadt. The castle is slap bang in the centre of the city. The castle is located right in the middle of the city. Was ist bei Schnürsenkeln deine Lieblingsfarbe? What's your favourite colour shoelaces? What is your favorite color for laces? Tom werkt. Tom works. Tom is working. Was ist das für ein Mann, der sich da mit Tom unterhält? Who's the man who's talking with Tom? What kind of man is he talking to Tom? Tom ist ein fauler Hund. Tom is a lazy dog. Tom is a lazy dog. Se fröög em, woneem Jessie weer. She asked him where Jessie was. I'll see you again, Jessie. Ich denke, du hast unrecht. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Tom told me that he thought Mary would be desperate to do that. Tom told me he thought Mary would be desperate to do that. Tom told me that he thought mary would be desperate to do that. De Tom isch min ältere Brüder. Tom is my older brother. Tom is my older brother. Marie leidet an Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis. Mary has Hashimoto's. Marie suffers from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hernach begab sich Tom nach Australien. Tom then went to Australia. After that, Tom went to Australia. Nicht alles, was einem Feinde schadet, ist gut für einen selbst. What's bad for your enemy isn't always good for you. Not everything that harms an enemy is good for you. That's not the only thing Tom found. That's not the only thing that Tom found. That's not the only thing tom found. Tom kam fast bei dem Versuch ums Leben, Maria zu retten. Tom almost lost his life trying to save Mary. Tom almost died trying to save Mary. Er ist nicht mehr so fleißig wie einst. He is not so diligent as he used to be. He's not as hard-working as a man anymore. Ist es hier immer so heiß? Is it always this hot here? Is it always so hot here? How many kanji does the average college-educated Japanese know? How many Chinese characters does the average college-educated Japanese know? How many kanji does the average college-educated japanese know? Die Datei ist zu groß zum Herunterladen. The file is too big to download. The file is too large to download. Ik heb je verraden. I betrayed you. I betrayed you. Doe het harnas uit. Unequip the armor. Take off the harness. Tom steht sehr früh auf. Tom gets up very early. Tom gets up early. Es dauerte eine halbe Stunde. It took half an hour. It took half an hour. Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen verabschiedete die Waffenstillstandsresolution. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the cease-fire resolution. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the cease-fire resolution. Doe alstublieft al uw kleren uit, behalve uw ondergoed. Please remove all of your clothes, except your underwear. Please take off all your clothes except your underwear. Yanni sprong. Yanni jumped. Yanni jumped. Stehst du dort noch eine halbe Stunde herum oder kommst du helfen? Are you going to stand there for another half an hour, or are you going to help? Are you still standing there for half an hour or are you coming to help? Tom didn't know Mary was a Canadian. Tom didn't know that Mary was a Canadian. Tom didn't know mary was a canadian. Niemand klaagde daarover. No one complained about that. No one complained about that. Nach mehreren Wochen harten Verhandelns kamen sie zu einer beide Seiten zufriedenstellende Übereinkunft. After several weeks of hard bargaining, an agreement was reached which both sides found acceptable. After several weeks of hard negotiations, they came to a mutually satisfactory agreement. I thought you were happy. I thought that you were happy. - I thought you were happy. Es ist ein weiter Weg bis zum Dorf. It's a long way to the village. It is a long way to the village. איך האָב דרך־⁠ארץ באַקומען פֿאַר טאָמען. I started to respect Tom. I've been waiting for Tom. That isn't the main reason that Tom shouldn't have done that. That's not the main reason that Tom shouldn't have done that. That isn't the main reason that tom shouldn't have done that. Tom and Mary said they knew that how to win. Tom and Mary said that they knew that how to win. Tom and mary said they knew that how to win. Hast du den Herd gereinigt? Have you cleaned the stove? Did you clean the stove? Kannst du ihr Alter schätzen? Can you guess her age? Can you estimate their age? I don't think I'm the best person for the job. I don't think that I'm the best person for the job. - I don't think I'm the best person for the job. Op dit sneeuwlandschap ziet alles er anders uit. In this snowy landscape everything looks different. Everything looks different on this snowy landscape. Ich habe viel gesehen, als ich dort war. I saw a lot of things while I was there. I saw a lot when I was there. Tom schmeckte es. Tom liked the food. Tom tasted it. Das passt mir nicht, und ich weiß, dass es Ihnen auch nicht passt. I don't want that and I know you don't want that either. I don't like it, and I know you don't like it either. Tom said he was happy, but he wasn't. Tom said that he was happy, but he wasn't. Tom said he was happy but he wasn't. Ich hoffe, dass du bereit bist zu helfen. I hope you're willing to help. I hope you are ready to help. Die Realität ist anders als der Traum. Reality is different from the dream. The reality is different from the dream. Ik ben aan het testen of de taalherkenning weer werkt. I'm testing whether the language detection works again. I'm testing to see if the language recognition is working again. Was ist Sklaverei? What is slavery? What is slavery? Doe wat ze je zegt. Do what she tells you. Do what she tells you. Excuseer, mag ik het venster opendoen? Excuse me, may I open the window? Excuse me, can I open the window? Zu Fuß ist es eine Viertelstunde. It's a fifteen-minute walk. On foot it is a quarter of an hour. Sami belde zijn moeder. Sami called his mom. Sami called his mother. Tom said he knew Mary was having a good time in Boston. Tom said that he knew that Mary was having a good time in Boston. Tom said he knew Mary was having a good time in boston. Ich werde wohl gehen. I think I'll go. I guess I'll go. I hope that we don't have problems with Tom. I hope we don't have problems with Tom. I hope that we don't have problems with tom. Wir wollen morgen Mr. Smith besuchen. We'll visit Mr Smith tomorrow. We're going to see Mr. Smith tomorrow. Hast du die Papageien gefüttert? Have you fed the parrots? Did you feed the parrots? Je höher er gesellschaftlich aufstieg, umso bescheidener wurde er. The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became. The higher he rose socially, the more modest he became. Wir verschwenden hier Zeit. We're wasting time here. We're wasting time here. Eichhörnchen helfen, Bäume zu pflanzen. Squirrels help plant trees. Squirrels help to plant trees. Is anyone alive here? Is anybody alive here? - Is anyone alive here? Maria ist attraktiver als Elke. Mary is more attractive than Alice. Maria is more attractive than Elke. Gebruik je het? Will you use this? Are you using it? I told Tom I was from Australia. I told Tom that I was from Australia. I told tom I was from australia. I know that Tom is a clever kid. I know Tom is a clever kid. I know that tom is a clever kid. Je mag niet op de stoep parkeren. You can't park on the pavement. You can't park on the sidewalk. I will do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. - I will do it tomorrow. Warum sterben so viele Musiker jung? Why do so many musicians die young? Why do so many musicians die young? In welke richting is het station? Which direction is the station? In which direction is the station? Es hörte sich durch das offene Fenster so an, als schliche draußen jemand herum, aber es war nur der Wind, der in der Hecke raschelte. Through the open window it sounded as though someone were creeping about outside, but it was just the wind rustling the hedge. It sounded through the open window as if someone was sneaking around outside, but it was only the wind rustling in the hedge. Sie lebten im Schlaraffenland. They lived in the land of Cockaigne. They lived in the land of slums. Das ist nicht Neptun. That's not Neptune. This is not Neptune. Ze wisten het al. They already knew. They already knew. Ich will ein halbes Kilo frische Garnelen. I want half a kilo of fresh shrimps. I want half a kilo of fresh shrimp. Glück ist ein Trugbild. Happiness is a mirage. Happiness is an illusion. Dat Universum hett keen Enn. The universe is limitless. The universe has no end. Is Tom een zombie? Is Tom a zombie? Is Tom a zombie? Du bist bestimmt froh, in der Klassenarbeit so eine gute Note bekommen zu haben. You must be happy after getting such a good mark in the test. I'm sure you're glad you got such a good grade in class work. Tom betaalt. Tom'll pay. Tom's paying. Tom kann Mary seine wahren Gefühle nicht anvertrauen. Tom can't tell Mary his real feelings. Tom can't trust Mary with his true feelings. Das ist bei weitem besser. This is better by far. That's far better. Am Samstag wird es auf dieser Straße von Ladenbesuchern nur so wimmeln. This street will come alive with shoppers on Saturday. On Saturday, this street will be teeming with shop visitors. De advocaat zette zijn handtekening. The lawyer added his signature. The lawyer signed his signature. He wüss dat nich. He didn't know that. He didn't know that. Ik weet nich mihr, woneem ik mien Paß loten heff. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I don't know where I got my passport lots. עס איז יאַנס עפּל. It is John's apple. It's an Apple. I wonder whether Tom will be at Mary's party tonight. I wonder whether or not Tom will be at Mary's party tonight. I wonder whether Tom will be at mary's party tonight. Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du etwas änderst. Let me know if you make any changes. Let me know if you change anything. Valt in de stal de verwarming uit, dan komt de melk in blokjes eruit. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. If the heating fails in the barn, the milk comes out in cubes. Tom had no idea that Mary wasn't going to be there. Tom had no idea Mary wasn't going to be there. Tom had no idea that mary wasn't going to be there. Ich werde immer hoffen. I will always be hoping. I will always hope. Hebt u ooit geprobeerd uzelf iets aan te doen? Have you ever attempted to harm yourself? Have you ever tried to do something to yourself? Was bringt es, Zeitschriften zu lesen? What's the use of reading magazines? What does it mean to read magazines? Du bist ein musikalisches Genie. You are a musical genius. You are a musical genius. Er schoss sich ins Knie. He shot himself in the knee. He shot himself in the knee. Did anyone see Tom there? Did anybody see Tom there? - Did anyone see Tom there? Both Tom and Mary joined the army when they were eighteen. Tom and Mary both joined the army when they were eighteen. Both tom and mary joined the army when they were eighteen. Het sneeuwt in Parijs. It's snowing in Paris. It's snowing in Paris. Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. Your ad could be here. Here could be your advertisement. I promise I won't bite you. I promise that I won't bite you. - I promise I won't bite you. Tom hat mich entgegen seinem Versprechen nicht zum Mittagessen eingeladen. Tom didn't buy me lunch like he said he would. Tom did not invite me to lunch, contrary to his promise. Ich hasse dich immer noch. I still hate you. I still hate you. Sie verwandte ihre freie Zeit auf die Herstellung von Puppen. She would spend her spare time making dolls. She spent her free time making dolls. Als Windows XP rauskam, war ich drei. I was three years old when Windows XP was released. When Windows XP came out, I was three. Tom spendete das Preisgeld für wohltätige Zwecke. Tom donated the prize money to charity. Tomete donated the prize money for charitable purposes. I thought you were going to stay with Tom. I thought that you were going to stay with Tom. I thought you were gonna stay with Tom. Dit is niet veilig. This is not safe. This isn't safe. Zij gingen samen. They went together. They went together. Wie is die lange ridder? Who is that tall knight? Who's the Long Knight? Tom ist ein toller Junge. Tom's a great lad. Tom is a great boy. „Ich werde ihn heiraten.“ – „Nein, das wirst du nicht“, sagte ihr Vater. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not," said her father. “I’m going to marry him.” – “No, you won’t,” her father said. Ik hou van zo'n soort momenten. I love such moments. I love those kind of moments. Goeie môre. Good morning. Good morning. Mary heeft nog nooit een vriend gehad. Mary has never had a boyfriend. Mary's never had a boyfriend. Ihm gelang im letzten Moment die Flucht. He managed to escape at the last minute. He managed to escape at the last moment. Bitte auf Französisch! In French, please. Please in French! Danke gleichfalls! Du hast mir sehr geholfen! Thank you, too! You helped me a lot! Thank you, too! You have helped me a lot! Ondanks dat ze allergisch is, heb ik een ei aan het kind gegeven. Even though she's allergic, I gave an egg to the child. Although she is allergic, I gave the child an egg. Waar ben je al die tijd geweest? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Wir wollen das nicht zu ernst nehmen! Let's not take this too seriously. We do not want to take this too seriously! They said that they thought I was creative. They said they thought I was creative. - They said that they thought I was creative. Tut mir leid, ich tanze nicht. I'm sorry, I don't dance. I'm sorry, I'm not dancing. In Canada slapen we in bed, niet op de grond. In Canada we sleep in a bed, not on the floor. In Canada we sleep in bed, not on the ground. Help me met mijn huiswerk. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. Bäume sind Lebensräume von Tieren. Trees are habitats for animals. Trees are habitats of animals. Die boeken zijn nieuw. These books are new. Those books are new. I hope we can avoid making the same stupid mistakes we made last time. I hope that we can avoid making the same stupid mistakes we made last time. I hope we can avoid making the same stupid mistakes we made last time Hass ist kein Verbrechen, sondern eine Sünde. Hate is not a crime, but a sin. Hate is not a crime, it is a sin. Hij zei mij dat hij de volgende dag zou beginnen. He told me that he would start the next day. He told me he would start the next day. Der Zug fuhr mit Getöse durch den Tunnel. The train roared through the tunnel. The train ran through the tunnel with a roar. Das ist keine Tanne. That's not a fir tree. It's not a fir tree. Dürfen wir Ihren Wagen durchsuchen? Do you mind if we search your car? Can we search your car? Nein, überhaupt nicht. No, not at all. No, not at all. Willst du auf einem Einhorn zur Arbeit reiten? Ich schon. Do you want to ride a unicorn to work? Because I do. Do you want to ride a unicorn to work? I can't believe Tom did that. I can't believe that Tom did that. I can't believe tom did that. Spanien liegt westlich von Griechenland. Spain is located west of Greece. Spain is west of Greece. "Van wie is deze zonnebril?" "Hij is van Tom." "Whose sunglasses are these?" "They're Tom's." "Whose sunglasses are these?" "He's Tom's." Ich versuche, schnell zu essen. I try to eat fast. I try to eat fast. Hurry up, Tom. Faster, Tom. - Hurry up, Tom. Tom says that he doesn't want to drink anything. Tom says he doesn't want to drink anything. Tom says he doesn't want to drink anything. Dä Hund isch wiis. The dog is white. Your dog is wise. Sorry, ik spreek die taal niet. Sorry, I don't speak that language. Sorry, I don't speak that language. Die Idee, stolz darauf zu sein, Amerikaner zu sein, wurde von den Rechten vereinnahmt, so dass inzwischen selbst das Hissen einer amerikanischen Fahne Misstrauen erwecken kann. The concept of American pride has been hijacked by the right, so now just flying an American flag can provoke suspicion. The idea of being proud of being American has been taken over by the right, so that even the raising of an American flag can arouse distrust. Schach ist schwieriger zu erlernen als Dame, aber Dame ist tatsächlich viel schwieriger als Schach. Chess is more difficult to learn than draughts, but draughts is actually much harder than chess. Chess is harder to learn than queen, but queen is actually much more difficult than chess. Tom has a car, but he seldom uses it. Tom has a car, but he hardly ever uses it. Tom has a car but he rarely uses it. Wir befinden ihn für nicht schuldig. We find him not guilty. We find him not guilty. Dat Door warrt Klock acht dichtmaakt. The gate is closed at eight. The door will be closed at eight o'clock. Ik zweer bij God. I swear to God. I swear to God. Ik sta op een brug. I'm standing on a bridge. I'm standing on a bridge. Tom hat ungefähr vor einer Stunde zu Abend gegessen. Tom ate dinner about one hour ago. Tom had dinner about an hour ago. Tom ist der einzige hier, der stärker ist als ich. Tom is the only one here who's stronger than I am. Tom's the only one here stronger than me. We weten waarom. We know why. We know why. דער ערגסטער ווירוס איז קאַפּיטאַליזם. The worst virus is capitalism. The most common type is capitolism. Do you really believe that it's going to be easy to do that? Do you really believe it's going to be easy to do that? Do you really believe that it's gonna be easy to do that? Sie kennen Ihre Rechte. You know your rights. You know your rights. Die Mutter unseres Kollegen starb. Our colleague's mother has died. Our colleague’s mother died. Tom gleed van de ladder, maar Maria brak zijn val, en hij raakte niet gewond. Tom slipped off the ladder, but Mary broke his fall, and he didn't get hurt. Tom slipped off the ladder, but Maria broke his fall, and he was not injured. Wat is dat? What is that? What the hell is that? Tom fühlte sich besser. Tom felt better. Tom felt better. Het leven hier is veel makkelijker dan het vroeger was. Life here is much easier than it used to be. Life here is much easier than it used to be. Vielleicht haben Sie eine Lieblingsfigur, so, wie Gufeld seinen g7-Läufer in der königsindischen Verteidigung hatte. You might find you have a favorite piece, as Gufeld had his g7 bishop in the King's Indian Defence. Maybe you have a favorite character, just like Gufeld had his g7 runner in the Royal Indian Defense. It could have been worse. It could've been worse. - It could have been worse. Tom drehte sich auf seinem Hocker um. Tom spun around on his stool. Tom turned around on his stool. Ist es ein pochender oder gleichbleibender Schmerz? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is it a poaching or constant pain? Dat is dat Dümmste, wat ik mien Leevdag seggt heff. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've said my life day. Heutzutage ist es möglich, sich Fußballspiele im Netz anzusehen. Nowadays it's possible to watch soccer games online. Nowadays it is possible to watch football matches on the net. How much longer to you think I need to stay in Boston? How much longer to you think that I need to stay in Boston? How much longer do you think I need to stay in Boston? Wat doe jij om je verjaardag te vieren? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? Heur klaainkiend woont ien Nederlaand. Their grandchild lives in the Netherlands. He lives in a Dutch village. Tom is not my boyfriend. He's just a friend. Tom isn't my boyfriend. He's just a friend. Tom is not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. I thought you said someone asked you to do that. I thought that you said someone asked you to do that. - I thought you said someone asked you to do that. Tom got a drink for Mary. Tom got Mary a drink. Tom got a drink for mary. Jetzt bin ich am Wort! It's my turn to talk now! Now I am at the word! Mary helpt uns morgen. Mary is going to help us tomorrow. Mary will help us tomorrow. Tom went to a tattoo parlor, thinking he might want to get a tattoo. Tom went to a tattoo parlor, thinking that he might want to get a tattoo. Tom went to a tattoo parlor thinking he might want to get a tattoo. Onze hond heeft enorme verlatingsangst. Our dog has terrible separation anxiety. Our dog has a huge fear of abandonment. Het ecosysteem bestaat voornamelijk uit lage bomen en struiken die een mechanisme hebben om aan het strenge klimaat te weerstaan. The ecosystem consists primarily of low trees and bushes that are built to resist harsh climate conditions. The ecosystem consists mainly of low trees and shrubs that have a mechanism to withstand the harsh climate. Unser Umsatz ist in diesem Jahr um zwanzig Prozent gestiegen. Our sales increased by twenty percent this year. Our turnover has increased by 20 percent this year. Tom told me that he thought Mary was lost. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was lost. Tom told me that he thought mary was lost. Das Unternehmen erwiderte, dass die Vorstandsgehälter mit den branchenüblichen Standards im Einklang stünden. The company replied that the directors' compensation was consistent with industry standards. The company replied that its board salaries were in line with industry standards. Tom told me that he hoped Mary would be the first one to do that. Tom told me he hoped that Mary would be the first one to do that. Tom told me that he hoped mary would be the first one to do that. Tom straft mich schon wieder durch Nichtbeachtung. Tom is giving me the silent treatment again. Tom punishes me again for not paying attention. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still give the same general message. You can write a sentence in plenty of ways and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still give the same general message. Die Vögel flogen in den Süden. The birds flew to the south. The birds flew to the south. Mach dir nichts draus! Das passiert jedem. Don't worry, it happens to everyone. Don't worry about it, it happens to everyone. Tom told me he wasn't offended. Tom told me that he wasn't offended. Tom told me he wasn't open-minded. Mamma is besig om te werk. Mum is busy working. My mom is busy working. Tom is in man en ik bin in frou. Tom is a man, and I'm a woman. Tom is a man and I am a woman. Ze probeerde om aan hun verwachtingen te voldoen. She endeavored to live up to their expectations. She was trying to live up to their expectations. Es sieht so aus, als hätte Toms Hemd einen Knopf verloren. It looks as if Tom's shirt has lost a button. It looks like Tom's shirt lost a button. Ich habe keinen Empfang. I've got no signal. I don't have a reception. k Hoat t Fraans. I hate French. K is for Fans. Ondanks het feit dat hij een niet-roker is kreeg hij longkanker. Despite being a non-smoker, he still got lung cancer. Despite being a non-smoker, he developed lung cancer. Tom kümmert sich gerade darum. Tom is taking care of that right now. Tom is taking care of it. Does Tom think he'll stay in Australia long? Does Tom think that he'll stay in Australia long? Does Tom think he'll stay in Australia long? I don't think Tom will do that with you. I don't think that Tom will do that with you. I don't think Tom will do that with you. Ich habe meine Handschuhe verloren. I've lost my gloves. I lost my gloves. Tom told Mary and I that we should try to do that by ourselves. Tom told Mary and I we should try to do that by ourselves. Tom told Mary and I we should try to do that by ourselves. There is an urgent need for action. There's an urgent need for action. There's an urgent need for action. Verdirb mir jetzt nicht mein Vergnügen nach der ganzen Mühe, die ich mir gemacht habe! Don’t spoil it for me after all the trouble I went to. Don't ruin my pleasure after all the work I've done! Door je symptomen, moet je tijdelijk medisch geïsoleerd worden. Because of your symptoms, you must be temporarily medically isolated. Because of your symptoms, you need to be temporarily medically isolated. Sie ist zwölf. She's 12 years old. She's 12. Hie kacht elo. He's cooking now. He's cooking now. Tom mag Vögel. Tom likes birds. Tom likes birds. Ik heb een auto gekocht. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Ich hätte vor Tom essen sollen. I should've eaten before Tom. I should have eaten in front of Tom. Ihr braucht mehr Spielzeug. You need more toys. You need more toys. זײ לעבן אױף דער אַנדערער זײַט פֿונעם טײַך. They live on the other side of the river. They live on the other side of the world. I didn't know Tom lived in the dormitory. I didn't know Tom lived in the dorm. I didn't know tom lived in the dormitory. Sag mir, dass ich recht habe! Tell me that I'm right. Tell me I'm right! Ich verbringe meine Zeit damit, verschiedene Dinge zu tun. I spend my time doing various things. I spend my time doing different things. Mir wurde der Pass geklaut. They stole my passport. I was robbed of my passport. My periods finished, but I am bleeding again. My periods finished, but I'm bleeding again. My periods finished, but I'm bleeding again. Tom couldn't get off his socks. Tom couldn't get his socks off. - Tom couldn't get off his socks. Warten Sie hier auf mich! Ich komme gleich wieder. Wait for me here. I'll be right back. Wait here for me! I'll be right back. ס׳איז נישט קיין שפּיצל. It isn't a prank. It's not a scam. De maatschappij is het niet eens met deze wet. Society does not agree with this law. Society does not agree with this law. Het water is verfrissend. The water is refreshing. The water is refreshing. Vielleicht werde ich es nicht zurückschaffen. I might not make it back. Maybe I won't make it back. I don't think Tom knows what Mary wants him to say. I don't think that Tom knows what Mary wants him to say. I don't think tom knows what mary wants him to say. Das ist aber eine Überraschung – für niemanden! Well, that's a surprise... to no one. But this is a surprise – for no one! Bedankt! Thank you! Thank you! Spielst du kein Tennis? Don't you play tennis? Don't you play tennis? Wat als ik mijn tampon vergeet te verwijderen? What if I forget to remove my tampon? What if I forget to remove my tampon? Tom said that he didn't think that the smell bothered Mary. Tom said he didn't think that the smell bothered Mary. Tom said that he didn't think that the smell bothered mary. Das ist nicht Toms Hauptbeweggrund. That's not the main reason Tom wants to do that. That's not Tom's main motive. Hij vroeg me waarom ik lachte. He asked me why I was laughing. He asked me why I was laughing. Tom wird traurig sein, wenn Maria geht. Tom is going to be sad if Mary leaves. Tom will be sad when Maria leaves. Ze werkte hard. She worked hard. She worked hard. Tom has a lot of things he wants to do today. Tom has lots of things he wants to do today. Tom has a Iot of things he wants to do today. Vir 'n oomblik het ek vergeet wat haar naam was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. For a moment, I forgot her name. Sie hört nie auf mich. She never listens to me. She never listens to me. Machen Sie eine Faust. Make a fist. Make a fist. Tom apparently should've done that. Tom apparently should have done that. - Tom apparently should've done that. Beeilt euch, Mädchen! Hurry up, girls. Hurry up, girl! Der Wagen steht im Bereich E auf Stellplatz 97. Da gehen Sie zum Haupteingang hinaus, nach rechts und dann weiter bis ans Ende der Flughafenhalle. The car is parked in Zone E, space 97. That's out the main door, to the right and down at the end of the terminal building. The car is in area E on parking space 97. Then go out to the main entrance, to the right and then to the end of the airport hall. Ik heb een pen als cadeau voor je verjaardag gekocht. I got you a pen as a birthday present. I bought a pen as a gift for your birthday. Es gibt nichts mehr, worum wir uns Sorgen machen müssen. There's nothing left to worry about. There is nothing left to worry about. De lelies ruiken lekker. The lilies smell good. The lilies smell good. You aren't finished, are you? You're not finished, are you? - You aren't finished, are you? Wie zijn die mensen? Who are these people? Who are these people? Ich hoffe, du bist nächstes Mal vorsichtiger. I hope next time you'll be more careful. I hope you'll be more careful next time. Sie hat mich gestern besucht. She dropped in at my house yesterday. She came to see me yesterday. Wir wollen, dass unsere KInder glücklich sind. We want our kids to be happy. We want our children to be happy. Je was moe. You were tired. You were tired. Wie viele verschiedene Spielfiguren gibt es beim japanischen Schach? How many different pieces are there in Japanese chess? How many different characters are there in Japanese chess? Hy wurdt mei koarten heit. He'll become a father soon. He's going to be short-tempered. Do you think I'm weird? Do you think that I'm weird? - Do you think I'm weird? Zijn vader is gestorven. His father passed away. His father died. Als ik rijk was dan gaf ik je geld. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I was rich, I'd give you money. Er ist über beide Ohren in Mary verliebt. He's head over heels in love with Mary. He is in love with Mary through both ears. I wonder if there's a chance Tom will be here tomorrow. I wonder whether there's a chance Tom will be here tomorrow. I wonder if there's a chance tom will be here tomorrow. Ik will na de Stad gahn. I want to go to the city. I want to go to the city. Welches der Bücher, die ich dir geliehen habe, gefällt dir am besten? Which one of the books that I lent you did you like the best? Which of the books I borrowed from you do you like best? I don't think Tom would allow Mary to do that on her own. I don't think that Tom would allow Mary to do that on her own. I don't think tom would allow mary to do that on her own. Ich fühlte mich dabei wieder jung. Doing that made me feel young again. I felt young again. Ich kann das nicht mehr. I won't be able to do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. Hast du es ihr schon gesagt? Have you told her yet? Have you told her yet? Wanneer was jouw laatste elektrocardiogram? When was your last electrocardiogram? When was your last electrocardiogram? De richting van causaliteit moet nog vastgesteld worden. The direction of causality is yet to be determined. The direction of causality has yet to be determined. Ich war naiv und leicht zu beeindrucken. I was naive and impressionable. I was naive and easy to impress. Schip ahoi! Ship ahoy! Ship ahoi! The limo was too long to fit into one parking space, so it was parked diagonally across three parking spaces. The limousine was too long to fit into one parking space, so it was parked diagonally across three parking spaces. The limo was too long to fit into one parking space so it was parked diagonally across three parking spaces. Ich war 3 Tage lang dort. I was there for three days. I was there for 3 days. Ik heb vandaag een dozijn potloden gekocht. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pencils today. I don't think that I know the boy that's sitting over there. I don't think that I know the boy who's sitting over there. - I don't think that I know the boy that's sitting over there. Mein Vater muss die Arbeit machen. My father must do the work. My father has to do the work. Tom hat seine Klausur als einer der letzten abgegeben. Tom was one of the last ones to hand in his test. Tom was one of the last. Ich habe das Auto beschleunigt und dann ging das mit dem Überholen. I accelerated my car and then I overtook them. I speeded up the car and then it was overtaking. That isn't something that I'd joke about. That's not something that I'd joke about. - That isn't something that I'd joke about. Ik hööp, dat wi in Kuntakt blieven köönt. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. I hope we can stay in touch. Hast du die Teilnehmerliste? Have you got the list of those taking part? Do you have the list of participants? Ich bin endlich an meine Grenzen gekommen. I've finally reached my limit. I have finally reached my limits. Einige dieser Asteroiden könnten die Erde treffen. Some of these asteroids could hit Earth. Some of these asteroids could hit Earth. Wenn es nicht unbedingt notwendig ist, arbeite ich am Wochenende nicht. Unless I absolutely have to, I don't work on weekends. If it’s not necessary, I don’t work on the weekend. Sie hat letztes Jahr ihr Auto abgeschafft und es nie bereut. She got rid of her car last year, and has never looked back. She got rid of her car last year and never regretted it. Kinderen zouden geen wijn mogen drinken. Children should not drink wine. Children should not drink wine. Wie alt mögen seine Eltern wohl sein? I wonder how old his parents are. How old can his parents be? So ist es schon seit jeher. This is how it's always been. That's the way it's always been. Wirst du Französisch lernen? Are you going to study French? Are you going to learn French? Mach das Licht an. Turn the light on. Turn the lights on. It was a sensational victory, but in order to be crowned champions, the team still has to defeat some really tough opponents. This victory was sensational, but to be champion the team will still have to beat very difficult opponents. It was a sensational victory. But in order to be crowned champions, the team still has to defeat some really tough opponents. They put their books down. They put down their books. - They put their books down. Ik ben enkel op bezoek. I'm just visiting. I'm just visiting. Everybody says that Tom is a nice person. Everyone says that Tom is a nice person. Everybody says that tom is a nice person. When will it happen? When is it going to happen? - When will it happen? Woher hätte ich wissen sollen, dass Tom auf mich wartet? How was I supposed to know that Tom was waiting for me? How could I have known that Tom was waiting for me? Ich wünschte, es würden mehr Leute wie Tom bei uns arbeiten. I wish that we had more people like Tom working for us. I wish there were more people like Tom working with us. Ik zal ook gaan, tenzij het regent. Unless it rains, I will go, too. I'll go, too, unless it rains. Ik ben een beetje ziek. I'm a bit ill. I'm a little sick. It's difficult to love somebody when it's not clear whether or not the other person loves you the same way. It's difficult to love someone when it's not clear whether or not the other person loves you the same way. It's difficult to love somebody... when it's not clear whether or not the other person loves you the same way. Tom may be staying with his grandparents in Boston. Tom might be staying with his grandparents in Boston. Tom may be staying with his grandparents in boston. I thought you might like to know. I thought that you might like to know. - I thought you might like to know. Büst du do tofräden wäsen? Were you happy at that time? Are you going to bet on it? Ik vervolg. I sue. I'll continue. Warum vergeudest du meine Zeit? Why are you wasting my time? Why are you wasting my time? Moarns let, de hiele dei let. If you are late in the morning, you will be late the whole day. Morning late, all day late. Tom und ich teilen uns ein Zimmer. Tom and I share a room. Tom and I share a room. Gleich vor dem Fenster war eine Bushaltestelle. There was a bus stop just outside the window. There was a bus stop right outside the window. Hallo! Goedemorgen! Hello! Good morning! Hello, good morning! Ehr Vader is doodbleven. Her father died. Her father died. They said that they had alibis. They said they had alibis. - They said that they had alibis. Hij is helemaal voor jou. He's all yours. He's all yours. Ich bezweifle, dass Tom versteht, worüber wir sprechen. I doubt that Tom understands what we're talking about. I doubt Tom understands what we're talking about. Uw wens is voor mij een bevel. Your wish is my command. Your wish is an order to me. Tussen haakjes, hebt ge uw huiswerk gemaakt? By the way, have you done your homework? By the way, did you do your homework? I should've kept going. I should have kept going. I should have kept going. Hij speelde tennis. He played tennis. He played tennis. Tom said that he thought he forgot to lock the door. Tom said he thought that he forgot to lock the door. Tom said he thought he forgot to lock the door. Wirst du an der Zeremonie teilnehmen? Will you take part in the ceremony? Will you attend the ceremony? Tom ist sein Liebhaber. Tom is his lover. Tom is his lover. k Lagde. I laughed. k Lagde. Das Flugzeug flog über Athen. The airplane flew over Athens. The plane flew over Athens. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still give the same general message. There are plenty of ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still give the same general message. Ich helfe Ihnen, ein Hotelzimmer zu buchen. I'll help you to book a hotel room. I'll help you book a hotel room. Ein Lügner, der ändert sich nie, verbessert nur die Strategie. A liar never changes. They only improve their strategy. A liar who never changes only improves strategy. Ich denke, das ist Tom. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Tom bezahlt uns gut. Tom pays us well. Tom paid us well. Stop met spinnen. Stop spinning. Stop spinning. Tom said he was unable to win. Tom said that he was unable to win. - Tom said he was unable to win. I know that Tom is a messy person. I know Tom is a messy person. I know that tom is a messy person. Aufgrund der Inkompetenz von denen bin ich total gestresst. Because of their incompetence, I'm totally stressed out. Due to the incompetence of them, I am totally stressed. Das ist ein gefährliches Spiel. This is a dangerous game. This is a dangerous game. The troop horses came with the regularity of clockwork twice a day down to drink under her window, and, as the weather grew hotter, kicked up their heels and shook their heads furiously under the maddening sting of the dun-fly. The troop horses came with the regularity of clockwork twice a day down to drink under her window, and, as the weather grew hotter, kicked up their heels and shook their heads furiously under the maddening sting of the dunfly. The troop horses came with the regularity of clockwork twice a day down to drink under her window and, as the weather grew hotter, kicked up their heels and shook their heads furiously under the maddening sting of the dun-fly. Du hättest mich gestern Abend anrufen sollen. You should've called me last night. You should have called me last night. Als het leger in wit uniform de koning in zwart uniform gevangenneemt, wint dat leger het spel. If the army in white uniform imprisons the king in black uniform, that army wins the game. If the army in white uniform captures the king in black uniform, that army wins the game. Es ist zwar nicht perfekt, aber es ist das Beste. It may not be perfect, but it's the best. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best. Cambodja wordt ''Kampuchea'' genoemd in het Khmer. Cambodia is called "Kampuchea" in Khmer. Cambodia is called “Kampuchea” in Khmer. Poaskaaier schildern is lúk. Painting Easter eggs is fun. Poaskaai painter is l<0xC3><0xBA>k. Tom didn't know that you would be there. Tom didn't know you would be there. - Tom didn't know that you would be there. Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich dieses Land pflüge. This is the first time I've ever plowed this land. It's the first time I've plowed this land. Noch weiß Ming Xiao nicht, wo er nächstes Jahr hingehen wird. Ming Xiao doesn't know yet where he will go next year. Ming Xiao does not yet know where he will go next year. מערי איז אַ רײַכע מיידל. Mary is a rich girl. Mary is a very rich girl. Das Maß der Liebe ist maßlos zu lieben. The measure of love is to love without measure. The measure of love is to love beyond measure. Das ist sehr mutig von Ihnen. That is very brave of you. That's very brave of you. Se wull nich, dat he Poker speelt. She didn't want him to play poker. She didn't want him to play poker. Fast alles ist leichter begonnen als zu Ende geführt. Almost everything is easier to start than to finish. Almost everything is easier to start than it is to finish. Ich habe dir noch einiges mitzuteilen. I still have some things I need to tell you. I have a lot to tell you. Das Museum ist weit entfernt, man muss einen Bus nehmen. The museum is far away, it will be necessary to take a bus. The museum is far away, you have to take a bus. Der Junge sammelte eine Handvoll Erdnüsse und legte sie in eine kleine Schachtel. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy collected a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. Wir sind zur Hintertür hereingekommen, damit uns niemand sehe. We came in through the back door lest someone should see us. We came in the back door so no one would see us. Manchmal genügt ein Wort. A word is sometimes enough. Sometimes one word is enough. Ass de Motor futti? Is the engine broken? Is the engine broken? I should have thought of that earlier. I should've thought of that earlier. I should've thought of that earlier. Könnten Sie Ihre Frage konkretisieren? Could you put your question in concrete terms? Could you clarify your question? Het is moeilijk een geschikte vertaling te vinden. It's hard to find a suitable translation. It is difficult to find a suitable translation. Sie fragte ihn, wo er lebte. She asked him where he lived. She asked him where he lived. Eine neue Schule wird auf dem Gelände errichtet. A new school will be built on the site. A new school will be built on the site. Hij is gewoon een betweter. He's just a know-it-all. He's just a know-it-all. De appel valt niet ver van de boom. Like breeds like. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Es dauerte nicht lange, da hatten die Hunde das verwundete Reh aufgespürt. It didn't take the dogs much time to track down the wounded deer. It was not long before the dogs had found the wounded deer. Wir haben einen sehr guten Chef. We have a very good boss. We have a very good boss. „Danke, dass ihr mich duldet!“ – „Von Dulden kann nicht die Rede sein. Du bist für uns hier eine Bereicherung.“ "Thanks for tolerating me." "There's nothing to tolerate; we're better for having you here." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Thank you for tolerating me! – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>We cannot talk about tolerating you. You are an enrichment for us here.“ Sie macht sich keine Sorgen mehr. She's no longer worried. She's not worried anymore. Sie schien immer recht ernst; daher war es schön, sie mal lachen zu sehen. She always seemed rather serious, so it was nice to see her laugh for a change. She always seemed quite serious, so it was nice to see her laugh. Tom told me that he was very hungry when he got home. Tom told me he was very hungry when he got home. Tom told me he was very hungry when he got home. Nobody here believes Tom anymore. No one here believes Tom anymore. Nobody here believes tom anymore. Tom said he'd likely do that. Tom said that he'd likely do that. - Tom said he'd likely do that. Je bent lief. You are adorable. You're sweet. Worum geht es in dieser Fernsehsendung? What is this TV show about? What is this TV show about? Tom ist ein sehr stabiles Genie. Tom is a very stable genius. Tom is a very stable genius. Wir haben den ganzen Reis gegessen, aber die Bohnen gelassen. We ate all the rice but left the beans. We ate all the rice, but left the beans. Die Pizza hat Käse. The pizza has cheese. The pizza has cheese. Hoeveel stukken heeft Mozart geschreven? How many pieces did Mozart write? How many pieces did Mozart write? Manchmal bin ich traurig. I feel sad sometimes. Sometimes I feel sad. Musst du zur Arbeit einen Anzug tragen? Do you have to wear a suit to work? Do you have to wear a suit to work? Mobiltelefone gab es damals nicht, nur Telefonzellen. Back then there were no mobile phones, only telephone boxes. There were no cell phones at the time, only phone booths. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Tom im Garten ist. There is a possibility that Tom is in the garden. There is a possibility that Tom is in the garden. Laat me alsjeblieft weten wanneer je dit niet meer kunt horen. Please tell me when you can't hear this anymore. Please let me know when you can no longer hear this. Streng genommen sind Tomaten Obst. In the strict sense, tomatoes are a fruit. Strictly speaking, tomatoes are fruit. Es ist dumm von euch, ihm zu glauben. It's stupid of you to believe him. It's stupid of you to believe him. I will telephone you later on. I'll phone you later. I'll telephone you later on. Tom is aan het roken. Tom is smoking. Tom is smoking. Warum hast du nicht auf die Ärztin gehört? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Werfen Sie die Asche in Richtung eines Baches. Cast the ashes toward a flowing stream. Who put the ashes in the direction of a stream. Ich weiß nicht, was ich erwidern soll. I don't know what to answer. I don't know what to say. Sie sind nie zufrieden. You're never satisfied. You're never satisfied. Someone spiked my drink. Somebody spiked my drink. - Someone spiked my drink. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten nicht, Elke sei müde. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was tired. Tom and Mary told John that they did not believe Elke was tired. Wie heeft deze druiven gebracht? Who brought these grapes? Who brought these grapes? Ik ben met pensioen. I'm retired. I'm retired. Die Bauleute können Niedrigenergiehäuser nur dann bauen, wenn sie eine geeignete berufliche Bildung erhalten. Builders can build low-energy homes only when they have received the appropriate professional training. Builders can only build low-energy houses if they receive appropriate vocational training. Laat mij mijn advocaat opbellen. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Heb je het gevoel dat je toekomst hopeloos is? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Sommige werkwoorden hebben een vast voorzetsel. Some verbs have a fixed preposition. Some verbs have a fixed preposition. Der Baum hat einen Umfang von 4 Fuß. The tree is four feet around. The tree has a circumference of 4 feet. טאָם איז נאָך געווען בײַם לעבן. Tom was still alive. He was still alive. I know that you won't have time to do that until next Monday. I know you won't have time to do that until next Monday. I know that you won't have time to do that until next monday. Tom zal doodgaan. Tom's going to die. Tom will die. Ich denke, dass ich nichts Verkehrtes gemacht habe. I think that I didn't do anything wrong. I don't think I've done anything wrong. Each om each, tosk om tosk. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Each om each, tosk om tosk. I knew Tom wouldn't get caught. I knew that Tom wouldn't get caught. I knew tom wouldn't get caught. Die Gänse fliegen nach Süden. The geese are flying south. The geese fly south. Ik bruuk de Autoslötels. I need the car keys. I use the car keys. This is the best we've played all year. This is the best that we've played all year. This is the best we've played all year. Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, right? You love each other, don't you? Liebe tötet das Glück, Glück tötet die Liebe. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Das wird dir die Arbeit sehr erleichtern. This will make your job much easier. This will make your work much easier. Das ist köstlich! This is very tasty. This is delicious! Ich suche nach Kristallen; hast du welche gesehen? I'm looking for crystals; have you seen any? I'm looking for crystals; have you seen any? Sie zündete ein Streichholz an, um das Feuer zu entfachen. She lit a match to light the fire. She lit a match to light the fire. Ich lerne Kurdisch. I am learning kurdish. I am learning Kurdish. Ik duld geen knoeiers. I don't tolerate screw-ups. I don't tolerate tampering. Tom waste zijn handen voor het eten. Tom washed his hands before eating. Tom washed his hands before eating. We keken naar de hemel maar konden geen sterren zien. We looked at the sky, but couldn't see any stars. We looked at the sky but couldn’t see the stars. Ich habe früher einmal Russisch gesprochen. I used to speak Russian once. I once spoke Russian. I didn't know you were such a superstitious person. I didn't know that you were such a superstitious person. - I didn't know you were such a superstitious person. Tom said he didn't like the way Mary did that. Tom said that he didn't like the way Mary did that. Tom said he didn't like the way mary did that. Tom didn't know that I couldn't do that by myself. Tom didn't know I couldn't do that by myself. Tom didn't know that i couldn't do that by myself. I didn't think Tom would actually do that. I didn't think that Tom would actually do that. I didn't think tom would actually do that. Blijf opletten! Keep aware! Keep watch! Warum stehst du nicht auf und gehst ein Stück? Why don't you get up and walk a little? Why don't you get up and go for a walk? U ziet een boom. You see a tree. You will see a tree. Mein Handy ist auf den Boden gefallen. My cellphone fell on the floor. My phone fell to the floor. Kann ein zwei Jahre alter Junge so schnell rennen? Can a two-year-old boy run that fast? Can a two-year-old boy run so fast? Hätten Sie Lust auf eine Tasse Tee? Would you care for a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Gestern habe ich einen Brief an meinen Großvater geschrieben. Yesterday, I wrote a letter to my grandfather. Yesterday I wrote a letter to my grandfather. Wéini ass hie gestuerwen? When did he die? "When did he die? Mijn moeder maakt het ontbijt klaar. My mother is preparing breakfast. My mother prepares breakfast. Tom told me that he's sleepy. Tom told me he's sleepy. - Tom told me that he's sleepy. Ist Toms Meinung von Belang? Does Tom's opinion matter? Is Tom’s point of view important? Ich habe ihr mein ganzes Herz geschenkt. I gave her all my heart. I gave her my whole heart. Wenn man in diesem Land eine Tochter hat, hofft man, dass sie einen Ausländer kennenlernt und ins Ausland geht. If you have a daughter in this country, you hope she'll meet a foreigner and go abroad. If you have a daughter in this country, you hope that she will get to know a foreigner and go abroad. Ich brauche die Wahrheit. I need the truth. I need the truth. Hij mag veel te veel. They let him do way too much. He likes too much. Drugs zijn goed. Drugs are good. Drugs are good. Ek gaan nie uittree nie. I'm not backing out. I'm not going out. Hoera voor Italiaanse vrouwen! Hurray for Italian women! Hooray for Italian women! Tom konstruiert menschenähnliche Roboter. Tom constructs human-like robots. Tom constructs human-like robots. Zelfs hun jassen hebben dezelfde kleur. Even their jackets are the same color. Even their coats are the same color. Man kann sagen, dass alles Schach auf der Kombination basiert. It can be said that all chess is based on the combination. You can say that everything chess is based on the combination. Ech hunn Iech am Park gesinn. I saw you at the park. I saw you in the park. I think you will enjoy it there. I think you'll enjoy it there. - I think you will enjoy it there. Es gibt keine richtige oder falsche Perspektive, die das Bewusstsein einnehmen kann. Es scheint sie alle ausprobieren zu wollen. There isn't a right perspective or a wrong perspective for awareness to take. It seems to want to try them all. There is no right or wrong perspective that consciousness can take. It seems to want to try them all. Schraub’s auf! Unscrew it. Screw it up! טאָם איז געוואָרן אַן אייזל. Tom turned into a donkey. He became an ass. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Die Freuden sind von kurzer Dauer. The joys are short-lived. The joys are short-lived. Do you really think you should be taking advice from someone like Tom? Do you really think that you should be taking advice from someone like Tom? Do you really think you should be taking advice from someone like tom? Mijn hartslag is laag. My pulse is slow. My heart rate is low. Ik ben dit internetarchief aan het downloaden. I'm downloading this internet archive. I'm downloading this internet archive. Heb je moeite met traplopen? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Are you having trouble climbing stairs? Doe luusterdest. You listened. Listen to me. I wish I were in Australia right now. I wish that I were in Australia right now. I wish I were in australia right now. Nächste Woche ist Ausverkauf. We'll be holding a clearance sale next week. Next week is a sell-out. Tom deed mee met de race. Tom took part in the race. Tom took part in the race. Das ist mein Buch. It's my book. This is my book. Ihm wurde geheißen aufzustehen, und er leistete dem Folge. He was told to stand up, and he did so. He was told to stand up, and he followed suit. Erika saß mir am Tisch gegenüber. Erika sat opposite me at the table. Erika sat across from me at the table. Ik hoop dat de nevel spoedig zal opklaren. I hope the fog will go away soon. I hope that the nebula will clear up soon. Ik kan je niet zien zonder aan je moeder te denken. I can't see you without thinking of your mother. I can't see you without thinking about your mother. וואס פאר א חשיבות האט נאציאנאליזם? What importance did Nationalism have? What is the meaning of nationalism? Ich weiß, dass du mich ansiehst. I know you're looking at me. I know you're looking at me. Tom told me that he thought Mary was thirty. Tom told me he thought that Mary was thirty. Tom told me that he thought Mary was thirty. Könntest du herkommen und mir helfen? Can you come over here and help me? Could you come over here and help me? „Morgen soll es regnen.“ – „Na endlich! Der Garten wird sich freuen.“ "It's supposed to rain tomorrow." "About time! The garden will be pleased." “Tomorrow it will rain.” – “Well, at last! The garden will be happy.” Mijn broer heeft autisme. My brother has autism. My brother has autism. Komt alles goed met je? Are you going to be OK? Are you gonna be all right? Will Tom Arzt werden? Does Tom want to become a doctor? Will Tom become a doctor? Wir haben alle Hoffnung verloren, entschädigt zu werden. We've lost all hope of being compensated. We have lost all hope of being compensated. Wir haben sehr viel Platz. We've got lots of room. We have a lot of space. Hij had maar één doel in het leven: rijk worden. He had just one goal in life: to become rich. He had only one goal in life: to become rich. Ich verstehe deine Frage nicht. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Sie brachten ihn dazu, den Vertrag gegen seinen Willen zu unterschreiben. They made him sign the contract against his will. They forced him to sign the contract against his will. וואָס איז אַ ווערב? What is a verb? What's a work? Weißt du, was wir jetzt tun sollen? Do you know what we're supposed to be doing now? You know what we're supposed to do now? Tom sagte, er habe nicht vor, das zu tun. Tom said that he wasn't planning to do that. Tom said he had no intention of doing so. I thought Tom and Mary would have forgotten me by now. I thought that Tom and Mary would have forgotten me by now. I thought tom and mary would have forgotten me by now. Tom said that he thought Mary would be in Australia for three weeks. Tom said he thought Mary would be in Australia for three weeks. Tom said that he thought Mary would be in australia for three weeks. Die Tomatensuppe schmeckt gut. The tomato soup tastes good. The tomato soup tastes good. Ik heb ook een broer. I also have a brother. I have a brother, too. The Suez Canal links the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and Red seas. The Suez Canal links the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Dag iedereen. Hi everybody. Bye, everybody. מיר האָבן דאָ עטלעכע עקסצענטריקערס. We have some eccentrics here. We've got some extroverts here. Maria is nog altijd mijn vriendin. Mary is still my girlfriend. Mary is still my friend. Das ist nicht das einzige, was ich machen wollte. That's not the only thing that I wanted to do. That's not the only thing I wanted to do. Zelfs het geringste dingetje irriteerde hem. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the slightest thing irritated him. Der Zug ist soeben angekommen. The train has just arrived. The train has just arrived. Di Ee es helig. Marriage is holy. You're in good health. Hoe zit het met jou en haar? How are things between you and her? What about you and her? „Liebt er dich?“ – „Ich glaube schon.“ "Does he love you?" "I think so." “Does he love you?” – “I think so.” Das Klima hier ist im allgemeinen mild. The climate here is generally mild. The climate here is generally mild. Je kan niet veranderen wat al gebeurd is. You cannot change what has already happened. You can't change what's already happened. Tom and Mary said they'll probably win. Tom and Mary said that they'll probably win. Tom and mary said they'll probably win. Tom ist in Australien. Tom is in Australia. Tom is in Australia. You should have said so at that time. You should've said so at that time. You should've said so at that time. Ich verstehe nicht ganz, warum Sie einen französischen Satz auf Englisch kommentieren. I don't quite understand why you're commenting on a French sentence in English. I don't quite understand why you're commenting on a French sentence in English. De Naverschop is gentrifizeert worrn. Nu wimmelt dat von Lüüd, de sik as Hipsters geevt, un bi Starbucks fettarme Lattes snabbelt. De drammelt sik üm Kaffe un Ümsüs-Wlan as Immen üm en Honnigpott. The neighborhood has been gentrified. Now it's teeming with pretend hipsters slurping skinny lattes at Starbucks. They gather round coffee and free Wi-Fi like bees round a honeypot. The neighborhood has been gentrified. Now it's swarming with people who give themselves up as hipsters, and sniffing low-fat lattes at Starbucks. It's drumming around coffee and umpteen-wlan like somebody's around a honeypot. Tom wirkt nicht erfreut, euch zu sehen. Tom doesn't look happy to see you. Tom doesn't seem happy to see you. Ich habe ihr einen Brief geschickt. I sent her a letter. I sent her a letter. So einen heißen Sommer hatten wir 30 Jahre nicht. We haven't had such a hot summer for thirty years. We haven’t had such a hot summer in 30 years. Ik kan jullie niet helpen. I cannot help you. I can't help you. I'm glad that Tom wasn't injured in the accident. I'm glad Tom wasn't injured in the accident. I'm glad that tom wasn't injured in the accident. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. Playing baseball is fun. It's fun to play baseball. Ik kan geen gedachten lezen. I can't read minds. I can't read minds. Tom said he was going to ask Mary to do that. Tom said that he was going to ask Mary to do that. Tom said he was going to ask mary to do that. ''Hoe kun je zoiets zeggen?'' ''Het is een bot. Zijn uitspraken worden automatisch gegenereerd.'' "How could you say that?" "It's a bot. Its statements are auto-generated." ''How can you say something like that?'' ''It's a bot. Its statements are generated automatically.'' Das war ein guter Witz. Erzähl uns noch einen. That was a good joke. Tell us another one. That was a good joke, tell us another one. Ziga spricht Schlesisch. Ziga speaks Silesian. Ziga speaks Silesian. Ik heb met mijn baas geslapen. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Mijn moeder heeft nog nooit in haar leven ge-e-maild of ge-sms't. My mother has not emailed or SMSed anyone in her life yet. My mother has never e-mailed or texted in her life. Er weiß, was ich durchmache. He knows what I'm going through. He knows what I'm going through. If I were you, I'd quit. I'd quit if I were you. - If I were you, I'd quit. Tom kann noch nicht gut Flöte spielen. Tom still isn't good at playing the flute. Tom doesn't play the flute very well. אַ גוטע נאַכט. Good night. Have a good night. Politik ist Politik. Politics is politics. Politics is politics. Ik heb daar geen enkel probleem mee. I don't have any problem with that. I have no problem with that. Auf der amerikanischen Flagge gibt es für jeden Staat einen Stern. On the American flag, there's a star for every state. On the American flag, there is a star for each state. We zaten in het midden van de kamer. We sat in the center of the room. We were in the middle of the room. Das ist Toms Terminkalender. This is Tom's appointment book. That's Tom's schedule. Ooit dacht men dat de wereld plat was. People once held that the world was flat. It was once thought that the world was flat. Sie ist 81. She is eighty-one. She's 81. Ik weet dat Tom een ​​vriend van je is. I know Tom is a friend of yours. I know Tom's a friend of yours. We zullen binnenkort sneeuw krijgen. We will soon be having snow. We'll have snow soon. Sie stand da und suchte Kleingeld zusammen. She stood fumbling for change. She stood there looking for change. Ek kyk net. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Hoeveel kleinkinderen heb je? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandkids do you have? I know that Tom didn't know that Mary didn't need to do that. I know that Tom didn't know Mary didn't need to do that. I know that tom didn't know that mary didn't need to do that. Nobody asked for your help. No one asked for your help. - Nobody asked for your help. I doubt very seriously that Tom will think it's a good idea to do that. I doubt very seriously Tom will think it's a good idea to do that. I doubt very seriously that tom will think it's a good idea to do that. Why did you tell Tom I planned to wait until Monday to do that? Why did you tell Tom I planned on waiting until Monday to do that? Why did you tell tom I planned to wait until monday to do that? America's Civil War lasted four years. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. America's civil war lasted four years. I will stay home if it rains tomorrow. I'll stay at home if it rains tomorrow. I'll stay home if it rains tomorrow. Tell Tom he should visit Australia. Tell Tom that he should visit Australia. Tell tom he should visit australia. אָט פֿאַרוואָס טאָם איז אַװעקגעפֿאָרן. Here's the reason Tom left. That's why Tom's gone. Ich finde das nicht logisch. I find that illogical. I don't think that's logical. You should've eaten some cake. You should have eaten some cake. - You should've eaten some cake. Teken met een potlood. Draw with a pencil. Draw with a pencil. I noticed that you didn't do what you were supposed to do. I noticed you didn't do what you were supposed to do. I noticed you didn't do what you were supposed to do. Tom offered me a cigarette. Tom offered a cigarette to me. - Tom offered me a cigarette. Laat me alstublieft de wond zien. Please show me the wound. Please show me the wound. Waarom zijn mooie dingen zo fragiel? Why are pretty things so fragile? Why are beautiful things so fragile? Ich habe ihn mit dem Telefon am Ohr auf dem Bürgersteig vor seinem Haus auf- und abgehen sehen. I saw him pacing up and down the pavement outside his house with his phone pressed to his ear. I saw him with the phone on his ear on the sidewalk in front of his house going up and down. Hoe ver is Boston hiervandaan? How far is Boston from here? How far is Boston from here? Was Tom daar? Was Tom there? Tom was there. Hör auf, Leute in Eier zu verwandeln! Stop turning people into eggs. Stop turning people into eggs! Es liegt auf der Hand, dass ein direkter Konkurrenzkampf mit den Giganten kaum einen Sinn hat. Obviously, competing directly with the behemoths is not really feasible. It is obvious that a direct competition with the giants hardly makes sense. Sie befindet sich in der Ausbildung zur Kfz-Mechanikerin. She's training to become a car mechanic. She is in training as a car mechanic. Niemand lijkt aandacht te hebben besteed aan wat hij zei. Nobody seems to have paid attention to what he said. No one seems to have paid attention to what he said. Hast du schon mal ein Känguru gesehen? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Tom verträumt die Zeit. Tom dreams his days away. Tom is dreaming of time. Weet iemand hoe je dit teken uitspreekt? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how to pronounce this sign? Hoe gauw kunnen ze worden geleverd? How soon can they be delivered? How soon can they be delivered? My cellar is flooded. My basement is flooded. - My cellar is flooded. Die uigurische Sprache ist eng mit der usbekischen Sprache verwandt. The Uyghur language is closely related to the Uzbek language. The Uyghur language is closely related to the Uzbek language. De Welt bruukt Lüüd mit Talent. The world needs talented people. The world needs people with talent. Die Tomate ist eine amerikanische Pflanze. The tomato is an American plant. The tomato is an American plant. Is er ooit een epileptische stoornis bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder? Have you ever been diagnosed with an epileptic disorder? Kun jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride? Wat moet ek omtrent hom doen? What should I do about him? What should I do about him? Tom hasste es, in Boston zu leben. Tom hated living in Boston. He hated living in Boston. Es war ein sonderbarer Zufall, dass wir uns da erneut trafen. It was a strange chance that we met there again. It was a strange coincidence that we met again. Ik hoop dat je een spoedig herstel hebt. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Wir haben uns an den Lärm gewöhnt. We have got used to that noise. We got used to the noise. Spendiere mir eine Tasse Kaffee. Buy me a coffee. Give me a cup of coffee. Nothing is as important as peace. Nothing's as important as peace. - Nothing is as important as peace. Hij komt morgenavond terug. He's coming back tomorrow night. He'll be back tomorrow night. Deine Hündin scheint sich sehr für das Eichhörnchen zu interessieren, das da über den Rasen läuft. Ich hoffe, sie hat nicht vor, es anzugreifen! Your dog seems to be very involved in the progress of that squirrel across the lawn. I hope she's not planning to attack it. Your bitch seems very interested in the squirrel running across the lawn, I hope she doesn't plan to attack it! Tom said Mary was able to do that, too. Tom said that Mary was able to do that, too. Tom said Mary was able to do that too. Tom und Maria sind alle beide Piloten. Tom and Mary are both pilots. Tom and Mary are both pilots. דער אַנדערער בלײַער איז מײַן. That other pencil is mine. The other one is mine. Für Tom zählt nur die Masse, nicht die Qualität. As far as Tom is concerned, it's quantity, not quality, that counts. For Tom, only the mass matters, not the quality. Je zal sterven. You will die. You will die. Fünf zum Quadrat ergibt 25. Five squared is twenty-five. Five squared is 25. Wil je liever onderzocht worden door een vrouwelijke verpleegkundige? Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse? Would you rather be examined by a female nurse? "O jeetje..." zuchtte Al Sayib. "Nou, hoeveel heb je nodig? Er staat iets van 10 mille op mijn offshore rekening te staan." "Oh, boy..." Al-Sayib sighed. "Well, how much do you need? I've got about 10 grand just sitting in my offshore account." "Oh my gosh..." sighed Al Sayib. "Well, how much do you need? There's something of 10 grand in my offshore account." Ik heb je bericht pas gisteren gekregen. I just received your message yesterday. I just got your message yesterday. Tom has already decided that he isn't going to say yes. Tom has already decided he isn't going to say yes. Tom has already decided that he isn't gonna say yes. Tom ist nicht Marias Ehemann, sondern ihr Bruder. Tom isn't Mary's husband. He's her brother. Tom is not Mary’s husband, but her brother. Du bass keng Fra. You're not a woman. You're not a woman. Nijlpaarden houden van water. Hippopotamuses love water. Hippos love water. Er breitete die Arme aus, als wollte er die Welt umarmen. He held out his arms as though he wanted to embrace the world. He spread out his arms as if to embrace the world. Ich bin mit dem Fahrrad hingefahren. I biked there. I went there by bike. Die tatsächliche Anzahl liegt ungefähr beim Doppelten davon. The real number is close to double that. The actual number is about double that. Tom said Mary is probably still awake. Tom said that Mary is probably still awake. Tom said mary is probably still awake. Viel Geld gäbe ich dafür nicht aus. It's not something I'd pay a lot of money for. I wouldn’t spend a lot of money on it. I thought Tom was Canadian. I thought that Tom was Canadian. I thought tom was canadian. Si kachen. They're cooking. They cook. Ik heb echt een baan nodig. I really need a job. I really need a job. Jy is bang vir hom. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Morgen is mijn vrije dag. Tomorrow is my day off. Tomorrow is my day off. Es war unheimlich still im Wald. The woods were eerily silent. It was incredibly quiet in the woods. Ich habe Prüfung direkt nach den Sommerferien. I'll have exams right after the summer holidays. I have exams right after the summer holidays. Ich versuche, fit zu werden. I'm trying to get fit. I am trying to get fit. Houdt u van pindakaas? Do you like peanut butter? Do you like peanut butter? Maria ist ein glücklicher Mensch. Mary is a happy person. Mary is a happy person. Tom en Maria hebben gezegd dat ze geen vlees aten. Tom and Mary said they don't eat meat. Tom and Mary said they didn't eat meat. I will visit Tom some other time. I'll visit Tom some other time. I will visit tom some other time. Diese Frage lässt sich einfach beantworten. This question is easy to answer. This question can easily be answered. Tom said he's not sure Mary can do that. Tom said he isn't sure Mary can do that. Tom said he's not sure mary can do that. Die Arbeitsbedingungen waren nicht allzu gut. The working conditions weren't very good. The working conditions were not too good. Wir benutzen Teleskope, um weit entfernte Objekte zu sehen. We use telescopes to see far-away objects. We use telescopes to see distant objects. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you guys going? Where are you going? Tom heeft 100% gelijk. Tom is 100% correct. Tom is 100% right. Welk vaccin heb je gekregen? Which vaccine did you get? What vaccine did you get? Darf man innerhalb dieses Gebäudes Fotos machen? Is it all right to take pictures in this building? Is it allowed to take photos inside this building? In der Kathedrale befinden sich viele wertvolle Kunstwerke. The cathedral contains many valuable works of art. There are many valuable works of art in the cathedral. Wenn wir uns gegenseitig ansehen, wissen wir, was wir fühlen. When we look at each other we know how we feel. When we look at each other, we know how we feel. Het is eindelijk voorbij. It's finally over. It's finally over. Manches ergibt einfach keinen Sinn. Some things just don't make any sense. Some things just don't make sense. Gutbai. Goodbye! Gutbai. Wie hätten wir eine Wiederholung der Ereignisse verhindern können? What did we need to do to prevent this from happening again? How could we have prevented a repetition of events? Ich ha chalt. I'm cold. I have chalt. Tom said he isn't in any hurry to sell his house. Tom said that he isn't in any hurry to sell his house. - Tom said he isn't in any hurry to sell his house. Sie sprechen mit dem Polizeibeamten. They are talking with the police officer. You're talking to the police officer. So läuft das nicht. That isn't how it works. That's not how it works. Macht Britannien wieder groß! Make Britain great again! Make Britain great again! Heb je je telefoon in vliegtuigmodus gezet? Did you set your phone to airplane mode? Did you put your phone in airplane mode? „Mancunians“ kommen aus Manchester, „Glaswegians“ aus Glasgow und „Brummies“ aus Birmingham. Mancunians are from Manchester, Glaswegians from Glasgow, and Brummies from Birmingham. “Mancunians” are from Manchester, “Glaswegians” from Glasgow and “Brummies” from Birmingham. Ik had niet verwacht dat je hier zou zijn. I didn't expect you to be here. I didn't expect you to be here. I think Tom and Mary would have helped us if they had been there. I think that Tom and Mary would've helped us if they'd been there. I think tom and mary would have helped us if they had been there. Let's get out of here before anybody sees us. Let's get out of here before anyone sees us. Let's get outta here before anybody sees us. Tom was baie bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very frightened. Tom soek vir Mary. Tom is looking for Mary. I'm looking for Mary. Und wer bitte seid ihr, dass ihr Daniel sagt, was er zu tun hat? And who are you to tell Daniel what to do? And who are you to tell Daniel what to do? „Ist Tom dein kleiner Bruder?“ – „Nein, mein großer.“ "Is Tom your younger brother?" "No, he's my older brother." “Is Tom your little brother?” – “No, my big one.” Ik iit hol Plumen en jit lewer Plumkuk. I like to eat plums, and I like to eat plum pie even more. I eat hol Plumen and jit liver Plumkuk. Denk aan iets dat je gelukkig maakt. Think of something that makes you happy. Think of something that makes you happy. Das habe ich für ’nen Appel und ’n Ei bekommen. I got this for peanuts. I got it for an apple and an egg. Dat is nog erger. That's even worse. That's even worse. Ik snijde de holle, earms en fuotten derôf. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs. I cut the hollow, arms and feet off it. I always knew that Tom was destined for greatness. I always knew Tom was destined for greatness. I always knew that tom was destined for greatness. Kom je uit Spanje? Are you from Spain? Are you from Spain? Ek gaan nie uit hierdie sel kan kom nie. We won't be able to get out of this cell. I can't get out of this room. Tom and Mary say they don't study French. Tom and Mary say that they don't study French. Tom and Mary say they don't study french. Er nickt. He is nodding his head. He nods. Gäbe es keine Frauen, wäre alles Geld der Welt bedeutungslos. If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. If there were no women, all the money in the world would be meaningless. Die Katze ist unter dem Auto. The cat is under the car. The cat is under the car. Tom and Mary say they don't know any French. Tom and Mary say that they don't know any French. Tom and Mary say they don't know any french. Du bist heute aber gut gelaunt. Ist etwas Schönes passiert? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? But you're in a good mood today. Alle taken zijn naar behoren uitgevoerd. All the tasks have been duly fulfilled. All tasks are properly performed. Es liegt an dir, es zu tun. It's up to you to do it. It's up to you to do it. Könnt ihr mir erklären, warum ihr das getan habt? Can you explain to me why you did that? Can you explain to me why you did this? Mein Herz ist grün und gelb. My heart is green and yellow. My heart is green and yellow. I think that Tom will eventually give up and let someone else do it. I think Tom will eventually give up and let someone else do it. I think that tom will eventually give up and let someone else do it. Ich bin gekommen, um dir zu danken. I came to thank you. I came to thank you. Tom told me that he was not at all interested in going to the museum with us. Tom told me that he wasn't at all interested in going to the museum with us. Tom told me that he was not at all interested... in going to the museum with us. Tom said Mary should've gone home earlier. Tom said Mary should have gone home earlier. Tom said Mary should have gone home earlier. Sie sind hinter dir. They are behind you. They're behind you. Van watse sport hou jy die meeste van? Which sport do you like the most? Which sport do you like the most? Ben je momenteel tevreden met je leven? Are you happy with your life right now? Are you currently satisfied with your life? Dieses Problem bringt mich um den Schlaf. I've lost a lot of sleep thinking about this problem. This problem is killing me sleep. Hij is geen haar beter dan een baby. He is no better than a baby. He's no hair better than a baby. Ich brauche deine Hände und dein Gehirn. I need your hands and your brain. I need your hands and your brain. Öffne die Tür und lasse den Hund herein! Open the door and let the dog in. Open the door and let the dog in. Toms Lieblingsdinosaurier ist der Stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaur is the Stegosaurus. Offenbar ist sie eine Künstlerin. As far as one can tell, she is an artist. Apparently, she's an artist. Die Farbe wich aus Toms Gesicht. Tom's face went pale. The color faded from Tom’s face. I don't think I'll likely do that. I don't think that I'll likely do that. - I don't think I'll likely do that. Sie wurde Fünfte im Laufwettbewerb. She came fifth in the race. She finished fifth in the running competition. Meine älteste Katze ist 18 geworden. Our oldest cat turned 18. My oldest cat turned 18. Hört ji? Are you listening? You hear ji? Een slapend kind lijkt op een engel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. Ich habe einen kleinen Bruder und eine große Schwester. I have a little brother and a big sister. I have a little brother and a big sister. Wie, du weißt nicht?! What do you mean you don't know?! How, you don't know?! Keine Sorge. Tsunamis sind sehr selten. Don't worry. Tsunamis are very rare. Don't worry, tsunamis are very rare. It has become very warm. It's become very warm. - It has become very warm. Dein Wagen muss gewaschen werden. Your car needs to be washed. Your car needs to be washed. Weet jij wat er aan de hand is? Do you know what is going on? Do you know what's going on? That's the guitar I want to buy. That's the guitar that I want to buy. That's the guitar I wanna buy. Ich spreche über unser Haus. I'm talking about our house. I'm talking about our house. Was möchten Sie gerne, Kaffee oder Tee? Which would you like: coffee or tea? What would you like, coffee or tea? There isn't enough cake for everyone. There isn't enough cake for everybody. - There isn't enough cake for everyone. Ik bün güstern Klock teihn na Bedd gahn. I went to bed at ten yesterday. I went to bed yesterday at ten o'clock. Es ist genau das, was ich wollte. This is just what I wanted. It's exactly what I wanted. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody went to my country. No one went to my country. They told me that they'd be back. They told me they'd be back. - They told me that they'd be back. Ich bin transgeschlechtlich. I'm trans. I am transsexual. טאם איז נאקעט. Tom is naked. Tom's the man. Tom hatte keine Ahnung, was vor sich ging. Tom didn't have a clue what was going on. Tom had no idea what was going on. Mich haben Fremdsprachen immer interessiert. I've always been interested in foreign languages. I have always been interested in foreign languages. I didn't know you'd be jealous. I didn't know that you'd be jealous. - I didn't know you'd be jealous. I didn't know that Tom knew why I had to do that. I didn't know Tom knew why I had to do that. I didn't know that tom knew why I had to do that. Der Techniker meinte, dass sich eine Reparatur nicht lohne, und riet zur Neuanschaffung. The repairman said it's not worth repairing. He suggested we get a new one. The technician said that a repair was not worth it, and advised to buy a new one. Die erste Sitzung der Wirtschaftsverhandlungen findet morgen früh um zehn Uhr statt. The first session of the trade negotiations is at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. The first meeting of the economic negotiations will take place tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Wie weit kannst du den Ball da schießen? How far can you kick that ball? How far can you shoot the ball? De appel falt net fier fan de beam. Like breeds like. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Ich sehe zuviel fern. I watch too much TV. I watch too much TV. Mag es regnen oder schneien: ich geh’ hinaus ins Feld. Come rain or shine, I'll be out in the field. It rains or snows: I go out into the field. Ein Taifun hielt uns von unserem Ausflug nach Okinawa ab. A typhoon prevented us from going on our trip to Okinawa. A typhoon kept us from our trip to Okinawa. Tom will, dat ik em help. Tom wants me to help him. Tom wants me to help him. Loof hem. Praise him. Praise him. Moord wordt met de dood gestraft. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punishable by death. Na het koken van de pasta moet u deze laten uitlekken in een vergiet. After boiling the pasta, you should drain it in a colander. After cooking the pasta, you need to drain it in a colander. כ׳האָב ליב זײַן הויז. I like his house. I love his house. Bring Wein. Bring wine. Bring wine. Ek dink alles is reg. I think everything is ready. I think everything is all right. Ek wil nie hê jy moet dit doen nie. I don't want to do that. I don't want you to do this. Hij zag het ongeval onderweg naar school. He saw the accident on his way to school. He saw the accident on the way to school. Tom heeft Maria onder de tafel gedronken. Tom drank Mary under the table. Tom drank Maria under the table. Der Anblick erschreckte Tom Tom was frightened by the sight. The sight frightened Tom. Tom hat den gleichen Nachnamen wie ich. Tom has the same last name as me. Tom has the same last name as me. Wo sind die Autoschlüssel? Where are the car keys? Where are the car keys? Hier een ietwat gezochte Fibonaccireeks, lettergrepentellenderwijs. It's a kinda ridicule unnecessary fibonacci-syllabic-heap. Here is a slightly searched Fibonacci series, syllable counting. Das Krokodil bewegte sich nicht. The crocodile didn't move. The crocodile did not move. Machen Sie es gleich fertig! Get it ready at once. Get it done right away! Wohin ist sie gegangen? Where has she gone? Where did she go? Sie zieht die Stille vor. She prefers the quiet. She prefers silence. Er dachte wehmütig an die Grüne seiner Heimat zurück. He was nostalgic about the greenness of his homeland. He thought wistfully of the greens of his homeland back. Nach dem Unfall stellte selbst eine einzige Stufe eine körperliche Herausforderung für ihn dar. After the accident, he was physically challenged by even a single stair. After the accident, even a single stage posed a physical challenge for him. Wir können uns nicht darauf verlassen, dass Tom uns hilft. We can't depend on Tom to help. We can't rely on Tom to help us. Ek wil haar nooit weer sien nie. I never want to see her again. I never want to see her again. Tom was aan het juichen. Tom was cheering. Tom was cheering. De deur leidde naar een ondergrondse kelder. The door led towards an underground cellar. The door led to an underground basement. Tom told me that he grew up in Boston. Tom told me he grew up in Boston. Tom told me that he grew up in boston. Both Tom and Mary complained about John. Tom and Mary both complained about John. Both tom and mary complained about john. Tom ist nach Deutschland gezogen. Tom moved to Germany. Tom moved to Germany. Tom and Mary say they can't eat nuts. Tom and Mary say that they can't eat nuts. Tom and mary say they can't eat nuts. Is er iemand in de paskamer? Is there someone in the fitting room? Is there anyone in the fitting room? Tom said that he thought Mary was going to be able to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary was going to be able to do that. Tom said that he thought Mary was gonna be able to do that. Tom ziet er niet zo gezond uit. Tom doesn't look very healthy. Tom doesn't look so healthy. Der Fluss ist sehr seicht. The river is very shallow. The river is very shallow. Tom says that he never locks his doors. Tom says he never locks his doors. Tom says he never locks his doors. Tom's repulsive. Tom is repulsive. - Tom's repulsive. Kan iedereen me goed horen? Can everyone hear me okay? Can everyone hear me well? Hai kin nait zwemmen. He can't swim. Shark can swim at night. Er hat in seinem Leben noch nie ein Bett gesehen. He has never ever seen a bed in his life. He has never seen a bed in his life. Als Kind habe ich meiner Mutter immer den Rücken massiert; daher kann ich das ganz gut. I always gave my mom back massages as a kid, so I've gotten pretty good at them. As a child, I always massaged my mother’s back; so I can do it quite well. De kapitein schudde zijn hoofd. The captain shook his head. The captain shook his head. Veel Länner hebbt Probleems mit Armood. Many countries have problems with poverty. Many countries have problems with poverty. Moment, wat? Wait, what? Wait, what? Waar wonen jullie? Where do you guys live? Where do you live? Peter sieht, dass das Garagentor offen ist. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Eine Gruppe europäischer Astronomen hat ein 1000 Lichtjahre von der Erde entferntes Schwarzes Loch entdeckt – das unserem Sonnensystem nächste, das bisher gefunden wurde. A team of European astronomers has discovered a black hole 1,000 light years from Earth, the closest yet found to our solar system. A group of European astronomers has discovered a black hole 1,000 light-years from Earth – the closest to our solar system that has been found so far. Ja, man kann es tun, aber man sollte es nicht. Yes, it can be done, but it shouldn't be. Yes, you can do it, but you shouldn't. Ich erkundigte mich, ob das Flugzeit pünktlich ankomme. I inquired whether the plane would arrive on time. I asked if the flight was on time. I know that Tom is the only one who can't do that. I know Tom is the only one who can't do that. I know that tom is the only one who can't do that. Tom und Maria sehen beide nach oben. Tom and Mary both look up. Tom and Mary both look up. Ik kan nu niet stoppen. I can't stop now. I can't stop now. I should have told you everything earlier. I should've told you everything earlier. I should've told you everything earlier. ער איז נאָר אַ למך. He's just a ne'er-do-well. He's just a poet. Er kann es in der Welt zu nichts bringen. He can't get on in the world. He can do nothing in the world. טאָם איז געווען מײַן זון. Tom was my son. he was my son. Gramm und Kilogramm sind Masseneinheiten. The gram and the kilo are units of weight. Grams and kilograms are mass units. Zum Mittagessen gibt es oft Reis oder Nudeln. There's often rice or pasta for lunch. For lunch, there is often rice or pasta. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste der ehemaligen Administratoren. Below is a list of past administrators. Below is a list of former administrators. Tom said Mary was in the hospital. Tom said that Mary was in the hospital. Tom said mary was in the hospital. Het schoot me binnen dat u mijn broer was. I remembered that you were my brother. It occurred to me that you were my brother. Die haben ein kleines Haus. They've got a small house. They have a small house. גאָט איז גאָט און רעליגיע איז רעליגיע. God is God and religion is religion. God is a religion and religion is a religion. Ze is astronaut. She's an astronaut. She's an astronaut. Ik heb het in uw kamer gezet. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary could've done that. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary could have done that. Tom said that he didn't think that mary could've done that. Ik heb niet veel geld. I haven't got much money. I don't have a lot of money. Toms Hauptbeweggrund war ein anderer. That's not the main reason Tom wanted to do that. Tom’s main motive was another. Mijn fiets is gisteren hersteld. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. My bike was restored yesterday. We wisten niet wat te zeggen. We didn't know what to say. We didn't know what to say. Tom and Mary say they want to swim. Tom and Mary say that they want to swim. Tom and mary say they want to swim. We zagen gisteravond een film over vogels. We saw a movie about birds last night. We saw a movie about birds last night. Nicki, du magst doch gar keinen Fisch! Nicki, you don't even like fish! Nicki, you don't like fish! I don't think that Tom wants to go to Australia with me. I don't think Tom wants to go to Australia with me. I don't think Tom wants to go to Australia with me. Tom will wissen, warum. Tom wants to know why. Tom wants to know why. Ich habe das Flugzeug nur knapp verpasst. I missed the airplane by a minute. I just missed the plane. Entschuldige dich nicht für deine Neugier! Don't apologize for being curious. Don't apologize for your curiosity! Am besten gefällt mir an diesen Gruppen das fehlende Konkurrenzdenken: statt sich gegenseitig des eigenen Vorteils wegen umzuhauen, sind alle darauf bedacht, füreinander dazusein. The main thing that I like about these communities is the lack of competition. Instead of knocking each other down for their own personal gain, everyone is focused on being there for each other. The best thing I like about these groups is the lack of competitive thinking: instead of knocking each other down for their own advantage, everyone is anxious to be there for each other. Sami vond dat leuk. Sami liked that. Sami liked that. Leidest du unter Schlaflosigkeit? Do you suffer from a lack of sleep? Are you suffering from insomnia? Tom vergaß, Mary von der Party zu erzählen. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Slowenisch ist eine schöne Sprache. Slovenian is a beautiful language. Slovenian is a beautiful language. Warum darf man hier nicht angeln? Why can't you fish here? Why can't you fish here? Laat hem alleen. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary loves romantic comedies. Tom stellte sich allen vor. Tom introduced himself to everybody. Tom introduced himself to everyone. Ik ben al een tijdje wakker. I've been up for a while. I've been up for a while. Wat is het verschil tussen deze twee? What's the difference between these two? What is the difference between these two? Tom deed het verkeerd. Tom did it wrong. Tom did it wrong. Ik leer Nederlands. I'm learning Dutch. I am learning Dutch. Das ist ein Sammelsurium an Ideen. It's a ragbag of ideas. It's a hodgepodge of ideas. Ik sliep met een pistool onder mijn kussen. I slept with a pistol under my pillow. I slept with a gun under my pillow. Di Hingst galopiaret aur Ingi. The horse gallops over the meadow. Your hinge gallopiaret aur Ingi. Die städtischen Firmen wetteiferten um die besten jungen Mitarbeiter. City firms vied with each other to hire the brightest young staff. The urban companies competed for the best young employees. Tom het 'n storie daaroor geskryf. Tom wrote a story about that. He wrote a story about it. She's wearing a hat. She is wearing a hat. - She's wearing a hat. Wann hast du dieses Messer das letzte Mal geschärft? When did you last sharpen this knife? When was the last time you sharpened this knife? Der Junge hat seinen Schlappen verloren. The boy lost the slipper. The boy lost his slump. Ik zie u vanmiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. Binde die Schachtel mit Zierband zu. Do up the box with decorative tape. Tie the box with a ribbon. Kernwaffen sind eine Bedrohung für die Menschheit. Nuclear weapons are a threat to humanity. Nuclear weapons are a threat to humanity. Je bent waarschijnlijk allergisch voor pollen of stof. Probably you are allergic to pollen or dust. You are probably allergic to pollen or dust. Sie haben das Feuer ausgehen lassen. They let the fire go out. You let the fire go out. „Er ist reicher als mein Onkel.“ – „Aber dein Onkel ist doch gar nicht reich.“ "He's richer than my uncle." "But your uncle isn't rich at all." “He’s richer than my uncle.” – “But your uncle isn’t rich at all.” Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute, und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Tom and Mary said they didn't want this. Tom and Mary said that they didn't want this. Tom and mary said they didn't want this. Mein Freund ist klug, hübsch und auch freundlich. My boyfriend is smart, handsome, and friendly too. My boyfriend is smart, pretty and also friendly. Warum versteckt er sich unter diesem Bett? Why is he hiding under the bed? Why is he hiding under that bed? Je pakje wordt morgen verzonden. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Your package will be shipped tomorrow. Er ist zu jung für mich. He is too young for me. He's too young for me. Mein Psychiater ist Dr. Hansen. My psychiatrist is Dr Jackson. My psychiatrist is Dr. Hansen. Tom had geen idee waar ik het over had. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. ער איז געווען אַ שוואַכינקער. He was a puny man. He was a scoundrel. Das ist alles, was ich wissen muss. This is all I need to know. That's all I need to know. Die Mädchen lieben Tom. Girls love Tom. The girls love Tom. Nun, vielleicht nähme Tom davon Abstand, ich aber nicht. Well, maybe Tom wouldn't do it, but I would. Well, maybe Tom'll take a break from that, but I won't. Sollen wir nächsten Sonntag eine Grillparty feiern? How about holding a barbecue party next Sunday? Should we have a barbecue next Sunday? Hallo, alle miteinander! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Ich hörte, Sie suchen Arbeit. Wir hätten da etwas für Sie. I heard you're looking for a job. We have something for you. I heard you're looking for a job, and we've got something for you. Moi. See you. -Moi. I knew that Tom wasn't afraid of Mary's dog. I knew Tom wasn't afraid of Mary's dog. I knew that tom wasn't afraid of mary's dog. Überwachung ist Freiheit. Surveillance is liberty. Surveillance is freedom. De maan draait rond de aarde. The moon moves around the earth. The moon revolves around the earth. Het ziet er vreemd uit. It looks strange. It looks strange. Kom, Emilia! Je vader wacht op jou. Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Your father's waiting for you. Wovon bekommt man einen Tennisarm? What causes tennis elbow? What can you get a tennis arm from? Ek kies sy kant. I take sides with him. I'll choose his side. Bob füllte den Topf mit Wasser. Bob filled the pot with water. Bob filled the pot with water. Tom told me that he thought Mary was autistic. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was autistic. Tom told me that he thought mary was autistic. Ich lebe drei Türen weiter unten. I live three doors further down. I live three doors down. Zwitserland heet "Suisse" in het Frans. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Is hij dag en nacht open? Is it open round the clock? Is it open day and night? Fruit is heel gezond. Fruit is very healthy. Fruit is very healthy. Tom must've been tortured. Tom must have been tortured. Tom must have been tortured. Manche Kunden gehen weg, ohne auf den Kassenzettel zu warten. Some customers leave without waiting for their receipt. Some customers leave without waiting for the receipt. Wer die Natur zerstört, der liebt keine Kinder. Those who destroy nature do not love children. He who destroys nature does not love children. It is not raining. It's not raining. - It is not raining. Ik zag een menigte kinderen in de bioscoop. I saw a crowd of children at the cinema. I saw a crowd of kids at the movies. Ik parkeerde achter het gebouw. I parked behind the building. I parked behind the building. Tom said he thought he might be the only one who knew what Mary wanted to do. Tom said that he thought he might be the only one who knew what Mary wanted to do. Tom said he thought he might be the only one who knew what mary wanted to do. Wir sind noch immer der Hoffnung, dass sich Tom erholen wird. We are still hoping that Tom will get better. We are still hoping that Tom will recover. Ich habe eine ungefähre Ahnung, wo es ist. I have a rough idea where it is. I have a rough idea where it is. Lass uns doch irgendwann mal segeln gehen! Why don't we go sailing together sometime? Let's go sailing sometime! Er hält immer seine Versprechen gegenüber seinen Freunden. He never fails to keep his word with his friends. He always keeps his promises to his friends. Eisen ist das nützlichste Metall. Iron is the most useful metal. Iron is the most useful metal. Die haben nur gespielt. They were only playing. They just played. Hij is een goed geeïnformeerd persoon. He is a well informed person. He is a well-informed person. Sie hat einen Satinrock und eine Leinenbluse genäht. She made a satin skirt and a linen blouse. She has sewn a satin skirt and a linen blouse. יאַני האָט זיך אָפּגעוואַשן. Yanni washed up. Ian nodded to himself. Wir sollten uns etwas schlafen legen. We should get some sleep. We should get some sleep. Vind je het erg als ik hier rook? Would you mind if I smoke here? You mind if I smoke here? Ik hoop dat je naar mijn verjaardagsfeestje zal komen. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. Das wird uns nicht schwerfallen. Doing that won't be difficult for us. It's not gonna be hard for us. Se deed an nix Leegs denken. She thought no harm. She didn't think of anything wrong. Het zit standaard op elke computer. It's on every computer by default. It is standard on every computer. Ihr könnt nicht hinein. You can't go in. You can't go in. Ich habe Schüttelfrost. I've been shaking. I have chills. Brot und Butter sind mein übliches Frühstück. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Belgrado is de hoofdstad van Servië. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. „Warum hat sich Maria denn gerade bei mir entschuldigt?“ – „Die hat das ‚Englischsyndrom‘.“ – „Was ist denn das?“ – „Das ist, wenn man als Englischmuttersprachler erkennt, wie privilegiert man doch ist, weil man sich nicht damit abkämpfen muss, es zu lernen.“ – „Hat man denn da nicht auch seine eigenen Kämpfe auszutragen? Ich meine, ich könnte mir schon vorstellen, dass es einem da schwerer als anderen fällt, jemanden zu finden, der sich in einer anderen Sprache als Englisch mit einem unterhalten will.“ "Why did Mary apologize to me just now?" "She has English guilt." "What's that?" "Being a native English speaker, she's realizing how lucky and privileged she is to not have to struggle through learning it." "Don't they have their own struggles, too? I mean, I'd imagine it's harder for them to find someone who wants to speak a language other than English." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Why did Maria just apologize to me?“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>She has the <0xE2><0x80><0x9A>English syndrome‘.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>What is this?“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>That is, if you as a native English speaker realize how privileged you are, because you do not have to fight to learn it.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Did you not also have to carry out your own struggles with someone else?“ I mean, I could hardly imagine that it would be someone else than someone else. Hoe groot is het hier nou?! How big is this place?! How big is it here?! Je bent net zo aantrekkelijk als Maria. You're just as attractive as Mary. You're as attractive as Mary. Am 19. August 1960 trug das sowjetische Raumschiff Korabl-Sputnik 2 zwei Hunde mit Namen Belka (Eichhörnchen) und Strelka (Pfeil) ins Weltall und wieder sicher zurück zur Erde. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs—named Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow)—into space and returned them safely to Earth. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spaceship Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs named Belka (squirrel) and Strelka (arrow) into space and back safely to Earth. Da will ein Juan mit dir reden. Someone named Juan wants to talk with you. A Juan wants to talk to you. Mag ik je een kus geven? Can I kiss you? Can I give you a kiss? Iphikles, der Bruder des Herkules, stieß einen lauten Schrei aus; aber Herkules selbst, ein stämmiger Junge, fürchtete sich nicht im Geringsten. Iphicles, Hercules' brother, gave a loud cry; but Hercules himself, a stout boy, was not afraid at all. Iphicles, the brother of Hercules, uttered a loud cry; but Hercules himself, a stocky boy, was not in the least afraid. Wir haben beschlossen, es mal zu versuchen. We've decided to give it a try. We decided to give it a try. Niemand gehört jemandem. Nobody belongs to anybody. Nobody owns anybody. Ich hatte seit langem keinen Sex. I haven't had sex for a long time. I haven't had sex in a long time. De bomen waren erg schaars. The trees were very scarce. The trees were very scarce. Ist da drin alles in Ordnung? Is everything alright in there? Is everything all right in there? Tom wird vermissen das zu tun. Tom is going to miss doing this. Tom will miss doing that. Ich habe ein Twitterkonto. I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter account. Als Kinder hatten Tom und ich viel Spaß miteinander. Tom and I had a lot of fun together when we were kids. When I was a kid, Tom and I had a lot of fun together. De goeden sterven jong. The good die young. The good ones die young. The police suspect that Tom was murdered. The police suspect Tom was murdered. The police suspect that tom was murdered. Bitte schwätz langsamer. Speak more slowly, please! Please speak more slowly. Er hatte gestern nichts zu tun. He had nothing to do yesterday. He had nothing to do yesterday. If Tom hadn't done it, somebody else would've done it. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've. If tom hadn't done it, somebody else would've done it. Wann hat der ungewöhnliche Ausfluss begonnen? When did the unusual discharge begin? When did the unusual outflow begin? They say that they feel better now. They say they feel better now. - They say that they feel better now. Ik ben dom. I'm dumb. I'm stupid. Tom is kleurenblind, toch? Tom is colorblind, isn't he? Tom's color blind, right? Ihr müsst darüber nachdenken. You need to think about it. You have to think about it. Ik ga dit boek terug op de plank zetten. I'm going to put this book back on the shelf. I'm gonna put this book back on the shelf. Schafft das intellektuelle Eigentum ab! Abolish intellectual property. Get rid of intellectual property! Das war ein mittelmäßiger Film mit mittelmäßigen Schauspielern. That was a mediocre movie with mediocre actors. It was a mediocre movie with mediocre actors. Tom said that he thought that he might be the only one who wanted to do that. Tom said he thought that he might be the only one who wanted to do that. Tom said that he thought he might be the only one who wanted to do that. Do Tom and Mary both snore? Do both Tom and Mary snore? Do tom and mary both snore? Kin ik mei in kreditkaart betelje? Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay with a credit card? Ek het terug na my sitplek gegaan. I went back to my seat. I went back to my seat. Es war ein warmer, sonniger Tag. It was a warm sunny day. It was a warm, sunny day. Sie ist jung und begabt. She's young and talented. She is young and talented. Gisteren was u niet op school. You were absent from school yesterday. You weren't at school yesterday. Tom is vrij. Tom's free. Tom is free. We gebruiken het internet de hele tijd. We use the Internet all the time. We use the internet all the time. Wenn man zwei ungerade Zahlen addiert, kommt immer eine gerade Zahl dabei heraus. When you add two odd numbers together, you always get an even number. If you add two odd numbers, you always get an even number. Bananen zijn geel. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Ich habe mir ein Ruderboot ausgeborgt. I hired a rowing boat. I borrowed a rowboat. Daar is baie vure in die winter. There are a lot of fires in the winter. There are a lot of fires in the winter. Ich habe gerade darüber gesprochen, dass du deinen Ruhestand in Deutschland verbringen willst. I was just speaking about how you will retire to Germany. I was just talking about you wanting to spend your retirement in Germany. Entschuldige, aber mein Englischniveau ist noch zu niedrig, um Texte solcher Schwierigkeit zu verstehen. Sorry, but my level of English is still too low to comprehend texts of this difficulty. Sorry, but my English level is still too low to understand texts of such difficulty. אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She was undoubtedly a beautiful woman when she was young. She was a beautiful woman when she was young. That happens sometimes. That sometimes happens. - That happens sometimes. Is er nog een andere ingang? Is there another entrance? Is there another entrance? Ich werde wohl allzu bald nirgendwohin gehen. I guess I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I'm fairly certain that's what's going to happen. I'm fairly certain that that's what's going to happen. I'm fairly certain that's what's gonna happen. I suspect Tom is alone. I suspect that Tom is alone. I suspect tom is alone. I don't have anyone to help me. I don't have anybody to help me. - I don't have anyone to help me. The library is one of my favourite places. The library is one of my favorite places. The library is one of my favorite places. Zum Abendessen hätte ich Lust auf Indisch. I fancy something Indian for dinner. For dinner I would like Indian. Andere beschuldigen hilft auch nicht. Blaming others won't help. Blaming others doesn’t help either. Das ist ein beliebtes Lied, das auf einen hebräischen Text von Rabbi Nachman von Brazlaw zurückgeht. It's a popular song based off of something Rabbi Nachman of Breslov wrote in Hebrew. This is a popular song that goes back to a Hebrew text by Rabbi Nachman of Brazlaw. Zult ge mij tonen wat ge gisteren gekocht hebt? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Allerdings tut mir die Schulter weh. However, my shoulder hurts. But my shoulder hurts. Nach ihrem Streit stürmte Tom davon. After their argument, Tom stormed off. After the fight, Tom ran away. Hij wist te ontsnappen. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. De schuur is vol met hooi. The barn is full of hay. The barn is full of hay. Du musst mit dat Smöken ophören. You must quit smoking. You need to stop squeezing. זיי זענען נישט געווען קראַנק. They weren't ill. They weren't sick. Alle Zeitungen berichteten darüber. All the newspapers were reporting on it. All the newspapers reported on it. Der Mönch ist im Kloster. The monk is in the monastery. The monk is in the monastery. Tom ging in die Küche, um sich etwas zu essen zu holen. Tom went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Tom went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Vindt u het vervelend als de mensen in uw omgeving klagen over hun problemen? Do you get annoyed when the people close to you complain about their problems? Do you find it annoying when the people around you complain about their problems? Plietsie kwam. The police came. Plietsie came. Danke gleichfalls! Ihr habt mir sehr geholfen! Thank you, too! You helped me a lot! Thank you too! You have helped me a lot! That isn't the only thing I want to do. That's not the only thing that I want to do. - That isn't the only thing I want to do. Diese Frage ist schwierig zu beantworten. This is a complicated question to answer. This question is difficult to answer. Tom is jullie oom. Tom is your uncle. Tom's your uncle. You can write a sentence in many ways and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still give the same general message. You can write a sentence in many ways... and still keep the general message intact. Is het veilig om spek rauw te eten? Is it safe to eat bacon raw? Is it safe to eat bacon raw? That isn't the only thing I want to do. That isn't the only thing that I want to do. - That isn't the only thing I want to do. Die Verletzung bereitete dem Athleten große Schmerzen. The injury caused the athlete great pain. The injury caused great pain to the athlete. "Zal het regenen?" "Ik hoop van niet." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." Don't cut these trees down. Don't cut down these trees. - Don't cut these trees down. Kikkers eten vliegen. Frogs eat flies. Frogs eat flies. Nicht, dass ich nicht will, dass du, ohne mich nicht zu fragen, der Party nicht fernbleibst. I don't not want you to not not go to the party without not asking me. Not that I don't want you to stay away from the party without asking me. Er is een grote kans dat het opnieuw zal gebeuren. There is a strong chance it will happen once more. There is a good chance it will happen again. That's not the only thing Tom wanted. That's not the only thing that Tom wanted. That's not the only thing tom wanted. Draag je elke dag een ketting? Do you wear a necklace every day? Do you wear a necklace every day? מײַן שוועסטער ווילט מאַכן אַ פֿאָר־נסיעה דורך אייראָפּע. My sister wants to go on a road trip across Europe. My sister is planning to make a trip to Europe. Ik wil dat je in deze beker plast. I need you to urinate in this cup. I want you to pee in this cup. Wel komt? Who's coming? Well, come on? Tom hat 30 kg zugenommen. Tom has gained thirty kilograms. Tom has gained 30 kg. Heb je ooit iemand vermoord? Have you ever killed a man? Have you ever killed anyone? They are too close. They're too close. - They are too close. Tom told me that he thought Mary was nice. Tom told me he thought that Mary was nice. Tom told me that he thought mary was nice. Wat warrt dien Mann denken? What will your husband think? What will your husband think? Jana tat immer so, als wäre sie steinreich. Jane always made out that she was very rich. Jana always acted like she was rich. How come you didn't come to the party? Why didn't you come to the party? - How come you didn't come to the party? Ich werde mich um die Katze kümmern. I'll take care of the cat. I'll take care of the cat. Höre bitte nicht auf Tom! Please don't listen to Tom. Please don't listen to Tom. Wie wird man eine Fee? How does one become a fairy? How do you become a fairy? Ik woonde twee maanden in Vancouver. I lived in Vancouver for two months. I lived in Vancouver for two months. I know that Tom is a lot smarter than Mary. I know Tom is a lot smarter than Mary is. I know that tom is a lot smarter than mary. Are you sure Tom is in Australia now? Are you sure that Tom is in Australia now? - Are you sure Tom is in Australia now? איך דארף נישט קיינעם. I don't need anyone. I don't need no one. Tom ist größer als alle anderen Jungs in seiner Klasse. Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. Tom is bigger than all the other guys in his class. Die haben eine bessere Idee. They have a better idea. They have a better idea. Ik begrijp niet wat u bedoelt. I don't get what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. I hope that I haven't gotten you in any trouble. I hope I haven't gotten you in any trouble. I hope I haven't gotten you in any trouble. דער אוניווערס איז אַ מיסטעריע. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Es tut mir sehr leid, dass ich euch kein Geld leihen konnte. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to lend you any money. I'm so sorry I couldn't lend you money. Die Uhr ist in der Schweiz hergestellt. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Der alte Mann hatte einen langen, grauen Bart. The old man had a long gray beard. The old man had a long, gray beard. We put our sunglasses on. We put on our sunglasses. - We put our sunglasses on. Vanuit de beginpositie mogen pionnen twee velden vooruit. From the starting position, pawns may advance two spaces. From the starting position, pawns are allowed to advance two fields. Daarna was ik helemaal uitgeput. After that, I was totally exhausted. After that, I was completely exhausted. They say that they didn't need to do that. They say they didn't need to do that. They say they didn't need to do that. Ons was albei 'n bietjie dronk. We were both a bit drunk. We were both a little drunk. I thought I'd broken my leg, but an X-ray showed that I hadn't. I thought that I'd broken my leg, but an X-ray showed that I hadn't. I thought I'd broken my leg, but an x-ray showed that I hadn't. Es gibt eine Göttin. There is a goddess. There is a goddess. Se hett mit em weddt. She made a bet with him. She bet with him. Mien Nees blödd. My nose is bleeding. My nose is stupid. Ich halte es nicht mehr länger aus. I cannot bear it any longer. I can't take it any longer. Don't ever leave. Never leave. - Don't ever leave. Bring mich nicht durcheinander! Don't get me confused. Don't mess with me! Tom hackt Feuerholz. Tom is chopping firewood. Tom chops firewood. Wullt du gahn? Do you want to go? Would you like to go? Je mag de auto niet in deze straat parkeren. You must not park the car in this street. You can't park the car in this street. Wat doe je, papa? What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Daddy? Ik heb een vrachtwagen. I have a truck. I have a truck. Ze probeerde haar angst tevergeefs te verbergen. She tried in vain to conceal her fear. She tried to hide her fear in vain. Ik ga om acht uur naar school. I go to school at eight o'clock. I'm going to school at 8:00. Je moet hem niet uitlachen. You should not make fun of him. Don't make fun of him. Das Gehirn ist ein neuronales Netz, das sich bei jeder erlernten Aufgabe selbst aktualisiert. The brain is a neural network that updates itself with each learned task. The brain is a neural network that updates itself with every task learned. Don't tell Tom I was born in Boston. Don't tell Tom that I was born in Boston. Don't tell tom I was born in boston. Das Mädchen mit dem rosa Haarreif ist die Nichte meines Schwagers. The girl wearing the pink headband is my brother-in-law's niece. The girl with the pink headband is my brother-in-law's niece. Was ist das Ekelhafteste, was du je gegessen hast? What's the most disgusting food you have ever eaten? What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? Tom keucht. Tom is panting. Tom's gasping. Dat moet je nu niet doen. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do that right now. Der Doktor ist da drüben. The doctor is over there. The doctor's over there. ייִדיש איז נישט העברעיִש. Yiddish is not Hebrew. Yiddish is not Hebrew. Warum hat mir niemand davon erzählt? Why didn't anyone tell me about it? Why didn't anyone tell me about it? Mijn vrienden maken me zachtjes gek. My friends are slowly driving me insane. My friends are driving me crazy. Tom hörte, wie sich jemand im Zimmer nebenan bewegte. Tom heard someone moving in the room next door. Tom heard someone move in the room next door. Don't let Tom do that by himself. Don't let Tom do that alone. Don't let tom do that by himself. What is cooking in the kitchen? What's cooking in the kitchen? - What is cooking in the kitchen? Samstag ist ein guter Tag zum Schreiben. Saturday is a good day for writing. Saturday is a good day to write. I have a flat tyre. I've got a flat tyre. I have a flat tire. Tom told me that everything was ready. Tom told me everything was ready. Tom told me everything was ready. I doubt that Tom is even interested in trying to learn Russian. I doubt Tom is even interested in trying to learn Russian. I doubt that tom is even interested in trying to learn russian. Es schmerzt bei Berührung. It hurts when I touch it. It hurts when you touch it. Tom hat im Krankenhaus nicht viel Besuch bekommen. Tom didn't get many visitors while he was in the hospital. Tom didn't get much of a visit to the hospital. Im Herbst fallen die Blätter. The leaves fall in autumn. In autumn, the leaves fall. Es ist Grün. Gehen wir rüber! The light's green. Let's cross. It's green, let's go over. „Willst du nicht zur Schule, um die Ergebnisse deine Abschlussprüfung einzusehen? Alle anderen werden auch dort sein.“ – „Ebendeswegen gehe ich nicht. Ich warte, bis sie mit der Post kommen.“ "Aren't you going to school to see your GCSE results? Everyone else'll be there." "That's why I'm not going. I'll wait for them to come in the post." “Don’t you want to go to school to see the results of your final exam? Everyone else will be there too.” – “That’s why I’m not going. I’m waiting for them to come in the mail.” Tom kniete sich hin, um es sich genauer zu betrachten. Tom knelt down to take a closer look. Tom knelt down to take a closer look. Tom hat schon eine Arbeit gefunden. Tom has already found a job. Tom has found a job. Die rationale Parametrisierung eines Kreises ist der üblichen mit Sinus und Cosinus fast immer weit überlegen. The rational parametrisation of a circle is almost always far superior to the usual parametrisation in terms of cosine and sine. The rational parameterization of a circle is almost always far superior to the usual one with sine and cosine. Tom and Mary told me that they weren't feeling very good. Tom and Mary told me they weren't feeling very good. Tom and mary told me that they weren't feeling very good. I think we should tell Tom we won't do that anymore. I think that we should tell Tom that we won't do that anymore. I think we should tell tom we won't do that anymore. Tom said Mary thought that she might be allowed to do that today. Tom said that Mary thought that she might be allowed to do that today. Tom said mary thought that she might be allowed to do that today. Zijn dood is een groot verlies. His death is a great loss. His death is a great loss. Ze heeft een heel goede stem. She has a very good voice. She has a very good voice. Sie haben das Zimmer oben an einen Studenten vermietet. They let the upstairs room to a student. You rented the room upstairs to a student. Ech sinn zu Iechternach gebuer. I was born in Echternach. I'm born after. דער גן־עדן איז אַנדערע מענטשן. Paradise is other people. The world is different people. I don't think Tom and I'll see each other again. I don't think that Tom and I'll see each other again. I don't think Tom and I'II see each other again. Ziri hatte Eheprobleme. Ziri had marital problems. Ziri had marital problems. Hij werd een stemacteur. He became a voice actor. He became a voice actor. It would've been hard to do that. It would've been difficult to do that. - It would've been hard to do that. Das ist dein Tageshoroskop. That's your horoscope for today. This is your daily horoscope. I should've left early. I should have left early. I should have left early. Vor Beginn meines Studiums habe ich mir ein WG-Zimmer gesucht. Before I began my studies, I looked for a room in a shared flat. Before I started my studies, I was looking for a shared room. Nach dem Tode seiner Frau verfiel er in tiefe Trauer. After the death of his wife, he fell into a deep grief. After the death of his wife, he fell into deep grief. Lass uns spazieren gehen, nachdem es aufgehört hat zu regnen. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Let’s go for a walk after it stops raining. Why's she so thin? Why is she so thin? - Why's she so thin? Ich ging nach Amerika um zu studieren. I went to America to study. I went to America to study. Alle 300 Passagiere und die Besatzung haben den Flugzeugabsturz überlebt. All 300 passengers and the crew survived the crash. All 300 passengers and crew survived the plane crash. Sy het blonde haare. She has blonde hair. She has blonde hair. Sie züchten Rinder und Pferde. They rear cattle and horses. They breed cattle and horses. Am Wochenende werde ich nicht zu Hause sein. I won't be home this weekend. I will not be home this weekend. Sami sal die reëls verduidelik. Sami will explain the rules. Sami will explain the rules. Tom said that he thought that he might be the only one who knew what Mary wanted to do. Tom said he thought that he might be the only one who knew what Mary wanted to do. Tom said that he thought he might be the only one who knew what Mary wanted to do. Tom kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom said he wants to change that. Tom said that he wants to change that. - Tom said he wants to change that. Manchmal trockne ich meine Kräuter draußen, manchmal im warmen Ofen. Sometimes I dry my herbs outdoors. At other times I dry them in a warm oven. Sometimes I dry my herbs outside, sometimes in the warm oven. Ze droeg een bril vanwege haar astigmatisme. She wore glasses because she had astigmatism. She wore glasses because of her astigmatism. Ik weet dat ik het heb ingepakt. I know I packed it. I know I packed it. Je had geen cadeautje mee hoeven nemen. You didn't have to bring a gift. You didn't have to bring a present. Er isst außer Brot nichts. He eats nothing but bread. He eats nothing but bread. Tom ist so groß, dass er ganz oben ans Regal herankommt. Tom is tall enough to reach the top shelf. Tom is so tall that he gets to the top of the shelf. Waarom heb je zo'n haast? What's your rush? Why are you in such a hurry? Der Hund wartete vor der Tür darauf, hereingelassen zu werden. The dog was waiting at the door to be let in. The dog was waiting outside the door to be let in. Tom bought a refracting telescope. Tom bought a refractor telescope. - Tom bought a refracting telescope. Dieser Satz ist noch nicht übersetzt worden. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. This sentence has not yet been translated. I don't think Tom knows why Mary kept doing that even though he'd asked her not to. I don't think that Tom knows why Mary kept doing that even though he'd asked her not to. I don't think tom knows why mary kept doing that even though he'd asked her not to. Maria leerde. Mary learned. Mary is learning. Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas is right around the corner. Christmas's just around the corner. Di tau Bröđern sen rocht forskelig. The two brothers are pretty different. Di tau Brö<0xC4><0x91>ern sen rocht forskelig. I know that Tom is a few months older than Mary is. I know that Tom is a few months older than Mary. I know that tom is a few months older than mary is. Van het gebrul van de leeuwen in de dierentuin ging mijn hart sneller kloppen. The roar of the lions at the zoo made my heart race. The roar of the lions in the zoo made my heart beat faster. Nicht jetzt, ich koche. Not now, I am cooking. Not now, I'm cooking. Tom passt auf Kinder auf. Tom is a babysitter. Tom takes care of the kids. Er ist in einem schlechten Umfeld aufgewachsen. He grew up in a bad environment. He grew up in a bad environment. Politisches Bewusstsein zu entwickeln, braucht Zeit. Developing political awareness takes time. Developing political awareness takes time. Sind Sie für diese Saison Grippe geimpft? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Are you vaccinated for flu this season? Dass man seinen Arbeitsplatz gestrichen hatte, war für Tom ein unerwarteter Schock. For Tom, being made redundant was an unexpected shock. It was an unexpected shock to Tom that he had been fired from his job. Das ist schon einige Wochen her! This was a few weeks ago! That was a few weeks ago! Was betrübt dich? What's making you sad? What saddens you? Tom said he thought that it would be better if we didn't do that here. Tom said he thought it would be better if we didn't do that here. Tom said he thought that it wouId be better if we didn't do that here. So läuft das hier nicht. That isn't how things are done here. That's not how this works. Wat zijn de verwerkingskosten? How much is the handling charge? What are the processing costs? Er ist kein solcher Dummkopf, dass er das nicht wüsste. He is not such a fool that he doesn't know it. He's not such a fool that he wouldn't know that. Tom geriet in tiefe Verzweiflung. Tom fell into the depths of despair. Tom was in deep desperation. Ik arbeid bi de Baadschop. I work at the embassy. I work at the bath shop. Wie viele Gräber gibt es? How many graves are there? How many graves are there? Laten we er nog eentje nemen! Let’s have another! Let's have another one! Why don't you put on your jacket if you're cold? Why don't you put your jacket on if you're cold? - Why don't you put on your jacket if you're cold? Het is niet om aan te horen. It sounds terrible. It's not to be heard. Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Ik wol ien nije hûn. I want a new dog. I am not a dog. Bringen wir’s doch einfach zu Ende! Why don't we just get this over with? Let’s just finish it! Blijkbaar is Tom heel goed in skiën. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Der Arzt verabreicht eine Injektion. The doctor is giving an injection. The doctor gives an injection. We hebbt grade teemlich veel to doon. We're pretty busy right now. We've got quite a lot to do right now. Tom houdt van vissen. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom likes to fish. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact. There are lots of ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still keep the general message intact. 16 Jahre lang führt Merkel nun schon die größte Wirtschaftsmacht Europas und spielt nicht nur dort, sondern auch auf der Bühne der Welt eine wichtige Rolle. Merkel has led Europe’s biggest economy for the past 16 years and has played a major role in Europe and on the global stage. For 16 years now, Merkel has been leading Europe’s largest economic power and not only plays an important role there, but also on the world stage. Mijn excuses. Sorry... My apologies. Tom denied that he was the one who asked Mary to do that. Tom denied he was the one who asked Mary to do that. Tom denied that he was the one who asked mary to do that. Waar is de sleutel? Where's the key? Where's the key? Er hat alles vergessen, was ich ihm gesagt habe. He forgot everything I told him. He forgot everything I told him. Ich habe einen Anruf verpasst. I've got a missed call. I missed a call. I thought Tom knew what we needed to do. I thought that Tom knew what we needed to do. I thought tom knew what we needed to do. Wir lesen sehr gerne Bücher. We love reading books. We like to read books. I don't think Tom can hear very well. I don't think that Tom can hear very well. I don't think tom can hear very well. Ik zal Tom vertellen dat je klaar bent. I'll tell Tom you're ready. I'll tell Tom you're done. Die Flut lässt den Strandspaziergängern normalerweise nur einen schmalen Streifen Sand, auf welchem sie gehen können, ohne sich nasse Füße zu holen. The tide normally leaves the beach walkers only a narrow strip of sand they can walk on without getting their feet wet. The tide usually leaves the beach walkers only a narrow strip of sand on which they can walk without getting their feet wet. Tom kan het niet uitstaan onderbroken te worden. Tom can't stand being interrupted. Tom can't stand to be interrupted. Tom machte Seifenblasen. Tom blew soap bubbles. Tom made soap bubbles. Sie haben eine sehr seltsame Denkart. You have a very strange way of thinking. You have a very strange way of thinking. Gibt es schon jemanden, der Ihr Buch ins Französische übersetzt? Does your book have a French translator? Is there anyone who can translate your book into French? Hij houdt van honden. He loves dogs. He likes dogs. Benutzen Sie im Brandfall nicht den Aufzug. Verwenden Sie Wasser. In case of fire, don't use the elevator. Use water. Do not use the elevator in case of fire. Use water. Tom hatte nicht den Anstand zuzugeben, dass es seine Schuld gewesen war. Tom didn't have the decency to admit it was his fault. Tom didn't have the decency to admit it was his fault. Deze trein bestaat uit zeven rijtuigen. This train is made up of seven cars. This train consists of seven carriages. It's obvious Tom is waiting for somebody. It's obvious that Tom is waiting for somebody. It's obvious tom is waiting for somebody. Ich bin Bulgare. Und du? I'm Bulgarian, and you? I'm Bulgarian, what about you? I should've known Tom and Mary would be together. I should have known Tom and Mary would be together. I should have known Tom and Mary would be together. Wie viele Benutzer sind derzeit aktiv? How many users are active at the moment? How many users are currently active? Das mit deiner Schwester tut mir sehr leid. I am very sorry about your sister. I'm so sorry about your sister. De nacht is donker. The night is dark. The night is dark. Hij denkt dat ik met hem naar bed ben gegaan. Zo ver weg van de waarheid af is hij niet. He thinks that I slept with him. He's not that far off from the truth. He thinks I slept with him, but he's not that far from the truth. Koken is een kunst. Cooking is an art. Cooking is an art. Toms Witz war zum Totlachen. Tom's joke was hilarious. Tom’s joke was laughable. Tom scheint sehr starrsinnig zu sein. Tom seems very opinionated. Tom seems very obstinate. Wie viel Jungs sind in dieser Klasse? How many boys are there in this class? How many guys are in this class? Mut ik efen di Wining iipenmaaki? May I open the window for a moment? Do I have to go to the winery? So will ich das nicht machen. That isn't the way that I want to do that. I don't want to do that. Tom said Mary was likely to be out. Tom said that Mary was likely to be out. Tom said mary was likely to be out. I wrote a long letter to Tom. I wrote Tom a long letter. I wrote a Iong letter to Tom. Genau davor hatte Tom Angst. That's exactly what Tom was afraid of. This is what Tom was afraid of. צי רעדסטו אידאָ? Do you speak Ido? You're talking about Ida? De Perfesser lehrt Tschechsch. The professor teaches Czech. The professor teaches Czech. ''Tom? Wat zoek je hier?'' ''Dat kan ik ook aan jou vragen, Mary.'' "Tom? What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing, Mary." "Tom, what are you looking for here?" "I can ask you that, too, Mary." Wem gehören diese Schirme? Whose umbrellas are these? Who owns these umbrellas? Ik äät keen Fisch. I don't eat fish. I don't eat fish. I'm afraid we can't do anything. I'm afraid that we can't do anything. - I'm afraid we can't do anything. America is made up of 50 states. The United States is made up of 50 states. America is made up of 50 States. Ik wil niet gaan. I don't want to go. I don't wanna go. Gisteren zijn we gaan surfen. Yesterday we went surfing. Yesterday we went surfing. Ist es eine Waffe? Is it a weapon? Is it a weapon? I know I'm in trouble now. I know that I'm in trouble now. - I know I'm in trouble now. Sy het gekies om onder druk van haar ouers te swig. She had chosen to succumb to parental pressure. She chose to give in under pressure from her parents. Hij is onze leraar Engels. He's our English teacher. He's our English teacher. Er ist immer noch bei der Arbeit. He's still at work. He's still at work. Ich weiß nicht, ob wir denen trauen können. I don't know if we can trust them. I don't know if we can trust them. .איך האב נישט קיין אנונג ווו מיריאַם וואוינט I have no idea where Mary lives. I don't have a place where I live Dem Himmel sei Dank, dass du das nicht gemacht hast! Thank goodness you didn't do that. Thank God you didn’t do that! Gehen wir nach der Schule schwimmen! Let's go swimming after school. Let's go swimming after school! Moet dit een geschenk voorstellen? Is this supposed to be a gift? Is this supposed to be a gift? דו ביסט דאָס ליכט פֿון מײַן לעבן. You are the light of my life. You are the light of my life. Tom hat es alleine gemacht. Tom did it alone. Tom did it alone. Tom overleed vanmorgen. Tom passed away this morning. Tom died this morning. Tom ist größenwahnsinnig geworden. Tom has become a megalomaniac. Tom has become a megalomaniac. Tom is awfully sensitive. Tom's awfully sensitive. Tom's awfully sensitive. ער איז נישט קלוג. He's not smart. He's not smart. Soll ich Tom etwas ausrichten? Is there something you want me to tell Tom? Do you want me to tell Tom something? Tom said Mary hopes she wins. Tom said Mary hopes that she wins. - Tom said Mary hopes she wins. Jetzt hält uns keiner mehr auf. Nobody's going to stop us now. Nobody's stopping us now. מער פֿעלט מיר ניט. It's all I need. I don't like anything more. Lass uns Sex haben. Let's have sex. Let's have sex. I thought you'd be happy to see me. I thought that you'd be happy to see me. - I thought you'd be happy to see me. Die Technik durchdringt alle Aspekte der Gesellschaft. Technology pervades all aspects of society. Technology permeates all aspects of society. Mit richtigem Laserlicht können wir einzelne Atome mit bloßem Auge sehen, genauso wie wir Staubkörner in einem Sonnenstrahl sehen. With appropriate laser light, we can see individual atoms with the naked eye the way we see dust motes in a sunbeam. With proper laser light, we can see individual atoms with the naked eye, just as we see dust grains in a solar ray. Hij is daarvoor verantwoordelijk. He is responsible for it. He is responsible for this. Als wir aus Rom abreisen wollten, begann es zu regnen. When we were about to depart from Rome, it started to rain. When we left Rome, it started to rain. Tom hat viele Cousins und Cousinen. Tom has a lot of cousins. He has many cousins and cousins. Um Ko zurückzugewinnen, zwingt Schwarz Weiß nun, woanders auf dem Brett zu spielen, und wiederholt im nächsten Zug den vorherigen Angriff. Und der Kampf geht so weiter, in der sogenannten Schlacht von Ko. In order to recapture the Ko, Black now forces White to play elsewhere on the board and, on the next move, repeats the previous attack. And the fight goes on like this, in what is called the battle of Ko. In order to win Ko back, Black White now forces him to play elsewhere on the board, and repeats the previous attack the next turn, and the battle goes on like this, in the so-called Battle of Ko. Sag ihm, ich bin unterwegs. Tell him I'm on my way. Tell him I'm on my way. Das ist ein Extremfall. It's an extreme case. This is an extreme case. Vertaal deze zin in het Engels. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. Ihr tut mir sehr leid. I'm very sorry for you. I'm so sorry. Tom told me he came from a large family. Tom told me that he came from a large family. - Tom told me he came from a large family. I thought you knew both Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought that you knew both Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew both tom and mary were allergic to peanuts. They think that they're so clever. They think they're so clever. - They think that they're so clever. דוד המלך איז מײַן באַליבטער קוויר ייִדישער‎ דיכטער. King David is my favorite queer Jewish poet. David King is my favorite visiting Jewish poet. Tom said he could do it. Tom said that he could do it. - Tom said he could do it. Koffers openmaken, alstublieft. Please open your suitcase. Open suitcases, please. Bass du bestuet, gescheet oder celibataire? Are you married, divorced or single? Are you married, divorced or celibate? Das steht nicht zum Verkauf. It's not for sale. It's not for sale. Eén voor allen, allen voor één. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Gratulation unseren Gegnern! Wir wurden von der besseren Mennschaft geschlagen. Congratulations to our opponents. We were beaten by the better team. Congratulations to our opponents! We were beaten by the better team. Tom backt Kekse. Tom has been baking cookies. Tom bakes cookies. Seit Tom Rollschuh fährt, hat er 3 kg abgenommen. Since Tom has started rollerblading, he's lost three kilos. Since Tom roller skates, he has lost 3 kg. Sie war nicht willens, ihren Namen zu sagen. She was unwilling to tell her name. She wasn’t willing to say her name. Ek gaan terug na my kantoor. I'm going back to my office. I'm going back to my office. Het doel is altijd de maximale winst. The goal is always the maximum profit. The goal is always the maximum profit. I'm pretty sure we should've taken a right back there. I'm pretty sure that we should've taken a right back there. I'm pretty sure we should have taken a right back there. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still give the same general message. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still give the same general message. Ich fahre mit der U-Bahn zur Schule. I go to school by subway. I take the subway to school. Ich habe chronische Bronchitis. I have chronic bronchitis. I have chronic bronchitis. Hoeveel kussens gebruik je als je slaapt? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? How many pillows do you use when you sleep? Hij heeft moeite om namen te onthouden. He has trouble remembering names. He has trouble remembering names. k Bin n Stadjer. I'm a Groninger. I'm a city dweller. Wie schön sind die Täler im Frühling! How beautiful the valleys are in spring! How beautiful are the valleys in spring! Wir konnten nicht weit weg auf einem Feld Pferde sehen. We could see some horses in a field not far away. We could not see horses far away on a field. Voor de eerste keer in zijn leven las Yuka een Engels boek uit. For the first time in his life, Yuka finished reading an entire book in English. For the first time in his life, Yuka read an English book. I know Tom is about the same height as you are. I know Tom is about the same height as you. I know tom is about the same height as you are. Aus irgendeinem Grund spricht er nicht gerne darüber. For some reason, he doesn't like talking about it. For some reason, he doesn’t like to talk about it. Ich bin ihr nicht bis zum Ende gefolgt. I didn't follow her to the end. I didn't follow her to the end. Hier ben ik op mijn gemak. I'm comfortable right where I am now. Here I am at ease. Tom told me he was fine. Tom told me that he was fine. - Tom told me he was fine. Russisch liebe ich wirklich. I really love Russian. I really love Russian. I doubt that Tom will be able to seal the deal. I doubt Tom will be able to seal the deal. I doubt that tom will be able to seal the deal. Ich bin dein bester Freund. Mir kannst du alles sagen. I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything. Tom werd bewusteloos. Tom passed out. Tom was unconscious. Tom liep naar Maria toe en schudde haar hand. Tom walked up to Mary and shook her hand. Tom walked up to Mary and shook her hand. Wetenschop hett de Atoombumm bröcht. Science produced the atomic bomb. Science broke the atomic bomb. Ich höre jemanden rufen. I hear someone calling. I hear someone calling. Ik heff sien Naam vergeten. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. „Im Augenblick, als sich der Ball von meinem Fuße löste, wusste ich, dass es ein Tor würde“, sagte Tom. "I knew it was a goal the moment the ball left my foot," said Tom. “The moment the ball came off my foot, I knew it was going to be a goal,” Tom said. There's a stain on my T-shirt. I've got a stain on my T-shirt. There's a stain on my t-shirt. Tom said that he thought it would be a huge mistake to tell Mary what had happened. Tom said that he thought that it would be a huge mistake to tell Mary what had happened. Tom said that he thought it wouId be a huge mistake to tell Mary what had happened. Tom admitted that he was impressed. Tom admitted he was impressed. Tom admitted he was impressed. Tom heeft al een nieuwe vriendin. Tom has a new girlfriend already. Tom already has a new girlfriend. Ze hebben mij groot onrecht aangedaan. They did me a great wrong. They have done me great injustice. Het duurde even voor de goederen aankwamen. The goods took a while to arrive. It took a while for the goods to arrive. We ademden uit. We exhaled. We breathed out. Tom and Mary know they're partly to blame. Tom and Mary know that they're partly to blame. Tom and mary know they're partly to blame. Warum bist du nicht bei mir? Why aren't you with me? Why aren't you with me? די וועלט איז א טאל פון טרערן. This world is a valley of tears. The world is a place of tears. That's not the only thing Tom found. That isn't the only thing Tom found. That's not the only thing tom found. How did you know you didn't have to do that? How did you know that you didn't have to do that? - How did you know you didn't have to do that? Ze heeft wonderen verricht in het wetenschappelijke veld. She has done wonders in the scientific field. She has performed miracles in the scientific field. Was ist eine Pandemie? What's a pandemic? What is a Pandemic? Zo is het gewoon. That's just how it is. That's just the way it is. Di Tiitel fan dit Bok wiar: "Me Buat üp di wilj See". The title of the book was: "On the wild sea with a boat". Di Titel van dit Bok wiar: "Me Buat üp di wilj See". That's too good to be true. It is too good to be true. - That's too good to be true. Laat uns trügggahn. Let's turn back. Let's move on. Schreibe mit einem Füller, nicht mit einem Bleistift. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Write with a pen, not a pencil. Die beiden wichtigsten Wortarten sind Verben und Substantive. The two most essential parts of speech are verbs and nouns. The two most important verbs are verbs and nouns. Peking ännert sik so gau. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Beijing is changing so quickly. Ihr seid Idioten. You guys are idiots. You're idiots. Tom wäre sehr stolz auf dich gewesen! Tom would've been very proud of you. Tom would have been very proud of you! Das Essen war ausgezeichnet, aber sehr teuer. The meal was excellent but very expensive. The food was excellent but very expensive. Si chommät us Taipei. You come from Taipei. We're going to Taipei. נו, ווײַטער! Well, go on! All right, go on! Russisch ist keine einfache Sprache. Russian is not an easy language. Russian is not an easy language. Ze werden nerveus. They became nervous. They're getting nervous. Herr Hansen war ein toller Lehrer. Mr. Jackson was a great teacher. Mr. Hansen was a great teacher. He's piss drunk. He's sloshed. - He's piss drunk. Ich besitze diesen Mann. I own this man. I own this man. Zijn seksspeeltjes veilig? Are sex toys safe? Are sex toys safe? There is a certain amount of truth in what he's saying. There is a kernel of truth in what he's saying. There's a certain amount of truth in what he's saying. It's not good for anybody. It's not good for anyone. - It's not good for anybody. Ich schreibe nur zum Zeitvertreib. I write just to pass the time. I only write for the sake of time. Auge in Auge mit einem Dinosaurier zu sein war ein lustiges Erlebnis. Coming face to face with a dinosaur was a funny experience. Being eye to eye with a dinosaur was a fun experience. Volgens de krant was er gisteren een grote brand. According to the newspaper, there was a big fire last night. According to the newspaper, there was a big fire yesterday. Veel geluk. Good luck. Good luck. Good luck. We kunnen het virus niet in je bloed vinden. We can't find the virus in your blood. We can't find the virus in your blood. De zomerdagen kunnen heel, heel heet zijn. Summer days can be very, very hot. The summer days can be very, very hot. Tom told me he thought Mary was suicidal. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was suicidal. Tom told me he thought mary was suicidal. It would have been cheaper to buy a new one. It would've been cheaper to buy a new one. It would've been cheaper to buy a new one. Tom says he and Mary didn't stay in Australia very long. Tom says that he and Mary didn't stay in Australia very long. Tom says he and mary didn't stay in australia very long. Tom admits he left early. Tom admits that he left early. - Tom admits he left early. Ich bin in dich verliebt und will dich heiraten. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I am in love with you and I want to marry you. Sie versteht mich auch nicht. She doesn't understand me, either. She doesn't understand me either. Haben Sie oft Ohrenschmerzen? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you often have ear pain? Das mache ich nicht, nicht in einer Million Jahren. In einer Milliarde Jahre reden wir drüber. I won't do it. Not in a million years. In a billion years, we'll talk about it. I don't do that, not in a million years, we'll talk about it in a billion years. Mag ik een foto maken? May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? Je bent een grappig meisje. You're a funny girl. You're a funny girl. I should've let Tom talk to you first. I should have let Tom talk to you first. I should have let Tom talk to you first. Den Führerschein und die Fahrzeugpapiere bitte. Your driving licence and logbook, please. The driver's license and vehicle papers, please. U beslist. You decide. You decide. Ik wil met Martyna trouwen. I want to marry Martyna. I want to marry Martyna. Ich habe ein Ruderboot gemietet. I hired a rowing boat. I rented a rowboat. Waar moet ik naartoe? Where do I need to go? Where do you want me to go? Du und Tom seid füreinander geschaffen. You and Tom are made for each other. You and Tom are made for each other. What is the use of reading magazines? What's the use of reading magazines? - What is the use of reading magazines? Das Leben ist ein sich selbst reproduzierendes chemisches System, das sich als Folge seiner Interaktion mit der Umwelt entwickelt. Life is a self-replicating chemical system that evolves as a consequence of its interaction with the environment. Life is a self-reproducing chemical system that develops as a result of its interaction with the environment. Tom het oor musiek gepraat. Tom talked about music. He was talking about music. Ihr könnt hier auf sie warten. You can wait for her here. You can wait for them here. Rush Limbaugh war ein Monster. Rush Limbaugh was a monster. Rush Limbaugh was a monster. I know that Tom didn't know I knew how to do that. I know Tom didn't know I knew how to do that. I know that tom didn't know I knew how to do that. J. J. Thomson und sein Sohn George Thomson erhielten beide den Nobelpreis für Physik: Ersterer 1906 für den Nachweis, dass das Elektron ein Teilchen ist, und Letzterer 1937 für den Nachweis, dass das Elektron eine Welle ist. J. J. Thomson and his son George Thomson were both awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics: the former in 1906 for demonstrating that the electron is a particle, and the latter in 1937 for showing that the electron is a wave. J. J. Thomson and his son George Thomson both received the Nobel Prize in Physics: the first in 1906 for proving that the electron is a particle, and the latter in 1937 for proving that the electron is a wave. Ik weet dat je het echt hebt geprobeerd. I know you really tried. I know you really tried. Ze deed niet eens de moeite om te antwoorden. She didn't even bother responding. She didn’t even bother to answer. Hoeveel personages zijn er in je verhaal? How many characters are there in your story? How many characters are there in your story? Es ist nicht genügend Speicher vorhanden, um diese Software zu installieren. There is not enough memory to install this software. There is not enough memory to install this software. Beantwoord de vraag. Answer the question. Answer the question. Tom said he wasn't planning to go swimming tomorrow. Tom said that he wasn't planning to go swimming tomorrow. Tom said he wasn <0xCC><0x81>t planning to go swimming tomorrow. Weet je wie het reuzenrad heeft uitgevonden? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Worum es auch geht: Tom und seine Frau sind sich nie einig. No matter what they're talking about, Tom and his wife never agree. Whatever it is, Tom and his wife never agree. Was hast du getan, dass man dich der Schule verwiesen hat? What did you do to get expelled from school? What did you do when you were expelled from school? Ik houd meer van appels dan van sinaasappels. I like apples more than oranges. I like apples more than oranges. I know you probably want some help. I know that you probably want some help. - I know you probably want some help. Citroenen groeien aan citroenbomen en sinaasappels aan sinaasappelbomen. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. I could have saved Tom's life. I could've saved Tom's life. I could have saved tom's life. Ich lasse meine Kinder abends nicht fernsehen, wenn am nächsten Tag Schule ist. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids watch TV the next day when I go to school. Met een scherp mes en de juiste techniek weet ik snel en efficiënt groenten te snijden. I can chop vegetables quickly and efficiently with a sharp knife and proper technique. With a sharp knife and the right technique I know how to cut vegetables quickly and efficiently. Ik bün froh, dat Tom us helpen will. I'm glad Tom is going to help us. I'm glad Tom wants to help us. Kan je met stokjes eten? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Can you eat with chopsticks? Pandas are not as dangerous as lions. Pandas aren't as dangerous as lions Pandas are not as dangerous as lions! Je moet nou niet teergevoelig zijn. This is not the time to be squeamish. You don't have to be tar-sensitive. Ich habe es mir notiert. I wrote it down. I wrote it down. Das Glück, das du suchst, ist in einem anderen Keks. The fortune you seek is in another cookie. The happiness you're looking for is in another cookie. Warum ist die Straße da gesperrt? Why is that road blocked? Why is the road closed? Het hele gebied van de Nederlandse provincie Flevoland lag voor 1930 nog op de bodem van de zee. The entire area of the Dutch province of Flevoland used to lie on the bottom of the sea before 1930. The entire area of the Dutch province of Flevoland was still at the bottom of the sea before 1930. Drinken en roken zijn beide slecht voor je gezondheid. Both drinking and smoking are bad for your health. Drinking and smoking are both bad for your health. Ik ben dik. I'm fat. I'm fat. De zichtbare kleuren van de regenboog zijn rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw, indigo en violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Excuseer, spreek je Engels? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? Wie wordt er vervolgd? Who is being prosecuted? Who is being prosecuted? Wir haben noch drei Wochen, um damit fertig zu werden. We have three weeks left to do this. We have three more weeks to deal with it. Das Abendessen wird kalt. Supper's getting cold. Dinner's getting cold. Ihre Eltern waren Bauern. Her parents were farmers. Her parents were farmers. Sami's interview heeft een kwartier geduurd. Sami's interview lasted fifteen minutes. Sami's interview lasted 15 minutes. Sie kann Portugiesisch. She can speak Portuguese. She can speak Portuguese. Versetzen Sie sich in meine Lage. Put yourself in my position. Put yourself in my place. דאָס האָט פּאַסירט מיט אַ חבֿר מײַנער. That happened to a friend of mine. This is with a friend of mine. Das ist nicht das Schlimmste, was passiert ist. That isn't the worst thing that happened. That's not the worst thing that's happened. Ech hu keng Alternative. I had no alternative. I don't have any alternative. Zijn er hier nog steeds wolven? Are there still wolves around here? Are there still wolves here? I think Tom didn't do that, but I could be wrong. I think that Tom didn't do that, but I could be wrong. I think tom didn't do that, but I could be wrong. De melk was verdund met water. The milk was adulterated with water. The milk was diluted with water. I thought that you said that you weren't interested. I thought you said that you weren't interested. - I thought that you said that you weren't interested. Dit is mijn pop. This is my doll. This is my doll. Geiht dor ans noch een hen? Is anyone else going? Is there another one going on there? Wer ist der König? Who is the king? Who is the King? Sag mal, wie oft kommst du nach Rom? Tell me, how often do you come to Rome? How often do you come to Rome? Was habt ihr ihr gekauft? What've you bought for her? What did you buy? Frösche und Vögel fressen Insekten. Frogs and birds eat insects. Frogs and birds eat insects. De treinen reden niet wegens de sneeuw. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. The trains did not run because of the snow. Ze ademde uit. She exhaled. She was breathing out. Tom must've been the one who put the drugs in my bag. Tom must have been the one who put the drugs in my bag. Tom must have been the one who put the drugs in my bag. Kinner ünnerrichten geiht lichter as Grootwussene to ünnerrichten. Teaching children is easier than teaching adults. Teaching children is easier than teaching grown-ups. Vraag het aan hen. Ask them. Ask them. Ich war danach wochenlang krank. I was ill for weeks after. I was sick for weeks afterwards. Ich habe viele Freunde in Deutschland. I have a lot of friends in Germany. I have many friends in Germany. Tom is aan het skiën. Tom is skiing. Tom is skiing. Früher oder später werdet ihr mir alles sagen. Sooner or later, you'll tell me everything. Sooner or later you will tell me everything. Solch einen Film sähe ich mir nie an. There's no way I'd watch that kind of movie. I would never watch a movie like that. Alle drei hassten sich. All three hated one another. All three hated each other. Tom heeft heimwee. Tom is homesick. Tom is homesick. Hast du jemals in Griechenland gelebt? Did you ever live in Greece? Have you ever lived in Greece? Tom and Mary said that they agreed to do that. Tom and Mary said they agreed to do that. Tom and mary said that they agreed to do that. Ik woon in Boston. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. דאָס איז גילטיק. That's valid. That is valid. Smookst doe? Do you smoke? Smookst do? Nenne mir drei Sachen, die du gut kannst. Tell me three things that you can do well. Tell me three things you're good at. Bis zu ihrem Ruhestand war sie Krankenschwester in der Palliativmedizin. She was a palliative care nurse until her retirement. Until her retirement, she was a nurse in palliative care. Wie is dat? Who is that? Who's that? Sagen Sie Tom, dass wir gehen! Tell Tom that we're leaving. Tell Tom we're going! I wonder whether I really could do that. I wonder if I really could do that. - I wonder whether I really could do that. k Kin. I can. k Kin. זי איז געווען אַ מיידל, און ער איז געווען אַ ייִנגל. She was a girl, and he was a boy. She was a girl, and he was a boy. I wonder if Tom still remembers how to do that. I wonder whether Tom still remembers how to do that. I wonder if tom still remembers how to do that. Könnten Sie mir nicht einige Ratschläge geben? Couldn't you give me some advice? Could you give me some advice? „Nicht totmachen! Das ist ein Spinnenläufer. Der frisst Viecher.“ – „Aber der ist hier das schauderhafteste Viech im Haus.“ "Don't kill it! It's a house centipede. It eats bugs." "But it's the most horrible bug in the house..." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Don’t kill! This is a spider-runner. He eats animals.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>But this one is the scariest animal in the house.“ Jedes Mädchen träumt davon, ein eigenes Pferd zu besitzen. Every girl dreams of owning a pony. Every girl dreams of owning her own horse. Tom sagte, er sei sehr entmutigt. Tom said that he was very discouraged. Tom said he was very discouraged. Kan je me alsjeblieft vertellen wat er gebeurd is? Will you please tell me what happened? Can you please tell me what happened? I hope I'll survive this. I hope that I'll survive this. - I hope I'll survive this. Tom kann nicht gut mit anderen zusammenarbeiten. Tom isn't a team player. Tom can't work well with others. Man muss den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner ermitteln. You need to find the lowest common denominator. You have to find the lowest common denominator. Ik heff en Droom. I have a dream. I have a dream. Das Mädchen, das da neben Tom sitzt, ist seine Tochter. The girl sitting next to Tom is his daughter. The girl sitting next to Tom is his daughter. Ihr habt drei Kinder. You've got three children. You have three children. Bedankt, dat is alles. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's all. Mathematik zu lernen kann die Denkweise verändern. Studying mathematics can change your way of thinking. Learning mathematics can change your way of thinking. Ich hätte gerne Kakao. I'd like to have some hot chocolate. I would like cocoa. Das war schnell. That was quick. That was quick. We have missed our train. We've missed our train. - We have missed our train. I thought Tom would make snacks for us. I thought that Tom would make snacks for us. I thought tom would make snacks for us. Mary became pregnant at the age of 14. Mary got pregnant at age fourteen. Mary became pregnant at the age of 1 4. Ich habe gestern nichts zu Abend gegessen. I didn't eat dinner last night. I didn't have dinner last night. I don't like you. I don't like you! I don <0xCC><0x81>t like you. Tom ging allein hinein. Tom walked in by himself. Tom went in alone. Where did you get those shoes? Where'd you get those shoes? - Where did you get those shoes? We put on our coats. We put our coats on. - We put on our coats. Das Zelt brach nach der Hälfte des Auftritts der Band zusammen. The marquee collapsed halfway through the band's set. The tent collapsed after half of the band's performance. De dokter heeft me aangeraden meer water te drinken om uitdroging te voorkomen. The doctor advised me to drink more water to prevent dehydration. The doctor advised me to drink more water to prevent dehydration. Algerien hat den Ehrgeiz, ein Industriestaat zu werden. Algeria aspires to become a developed country. Algeria has the ambition to become an industrialised country. Washington sien Armee hett Trenton innahmen. Washington's army has captured Trenton. Washington's army captured Trenton. Jullie zijn studenten, toch? You're students, aren't you? You're students, right? We hebben John als aanvoerder gekozen. We chose John to be captain. We chose John as our captain. מערי לײַדט פֿון האַשימאָטאָ־⁠קרענק. Mary has Hashimoto's. Mary is a victim of Hashimo's disease. Ich bin nicht mehr sauer. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not mad anymore. Ich glaube, das lohnt nicht. I don't think it's worth doing that. I don't think it's worth it. Dromen komen uit. Dreams come true. Dreams come true. I thought Tom wasn't surprised. I thought that Tom wasn't surprised. - I thought Tom wasn't surprised. Mag ik deze vinger hebben? Can I have this finger? Can I have this finger? Dat is to düür. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Vond je mij te nieuwsgierig? Did you think I was being too nosy? Did you find me too curious? Vielen Dank für deine Spende! Thank you for your donation. Thank you for your donation! Wen hat Anna geheiratet? Who did Anna marry? Who was Anna married to? Ihr sprecht perfekt Italienisch. You speak a perfect Italian. You speak perfect Italian. Ik weet gewoonweg niet wat te zeggen... I simply don't know what to say... I just don't know what to say... Sie sagt, sie sei glücklich gewesen. She says she was happy. She says she was happy. Ich hätte das schneller als Tom gekonnt. I could've done it faster than Tom. I could have done it faster than Tom. Die Neuigkeit höre ich mit Bedauern. I'm sorry to hear the news. I hear the news with regret. Das ist ein postmoderner Staatsstreich. It's a postmodern coup. This is a postmodern coup d'état. Ihr scheint nicht gerade erfreut, uns zu sehen. You don't seem too happy to see us. You don't seem happy to see us. That has to be proven first. That has to be proved first. - That has to be proven first. Ten strijde! To battle! To battle! Das haben wir nicht da und kriegen wir auch nicht wieder rein. We haven't got that in stock, and we won't be getting it back in again. We don't have that and we can't get back in. Wenn du dien Teller in dree Minuten nich leddig hest, denn gifft dat för di nix natoeten. If you don't finish your plate in three minutes, you won't get dessert. If you don't empty your plate in three minutes, there is nothing left for you to do. Hilfst du mir, den Lkw auszuladen? Will you help me unload the truck? Can you help me unload the truck? Tom hat Maria etwas gegeben. Tom has given Mary something. He gave Mary something. Madrid ist eine sehr schöne Stadt. Madrid is a very beautiful city. Madrid is a very nice city. Ons sien uit na die vakansies. We are looking forward to the holidays. We're looking forward to the holidays. Helaas regent het vandaag. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Unfortunately it's raining today. Hij bezit veel dure schilderijen. He has quite a few valuable paintings. He owns a lot of expensive paintings. Tom denied that he had accepted the bribe. Tom denied he had accepted the bribe. Tom denied that he'd accepted the bribe. Je moet niet op de zaken vooruitlopen. Don't act prematurely. You don't have to get ahead of yourself. Did anyone other than Tom talk to Mary? Did anybody other than Tom talk to Mary? Did anyone other than tom talk to mary? Ik lust thee. I like tea. I like tea. Der Bauernhof grenzt an die Straße. The farm abuts on the road. The farm is adjacent to the road. I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. I thought that I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. - I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. Hij stond achter mij. He stood behind me. He was behind me. Maria ist Anfängerin, aber sie lernt schnell. Mary's a beginner, but she's a fast learner. Mary is a beginner, but she learns quickly. Wenn es Morgen ist in Kalifornien, ist es in Japan spät nachts. When it's morning in California, it's late at night in Japan. When it’s morning in California, it’s late at night in Japan. They think maybe Tom had a heart attack. They think that maybe Tom had a heart attack. They think maybe tom had a heart attack. Het was tachtig meter lang. It was eighty meters long. It was eighty meters long. Volksbewegungen drücken den Unmut der Bevölkerung aus. Popular movements express popular displeasure. Popular movements express the displeasure of the population. Lamberto is de naam van een grote hotelketen. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Schreiben Sie auf dieses Papier, welche Medikamente Sie benötigen. Write down the medications you need on this piece of paper. Write on this paper what medications you need. De staking duurde tweeënveertig dagen. The strike lasted forty-two days. The strike lasted forty-two days. Jij bent dom. You are dumb. You're stupid. עפּשטיין האָט זיך נישט געהרגעט. Epstein didn't kill himself. The man didn't kill himself. Everyone knows Tom speaks good Gaulish. Everyone knows that Tom speaks good Gaulish. Everyone knows tom speaks good gaulish. Die sind schon immer so gewesen. They've always been like that. They've always been like this. Woveel chineesche Frünn hest du? How many Chinese friends do you have? How many Chinese friends do you have? Europa kann auf Gas aus Russland nicht verzichten. Europe can't do without Russian gas. Europe cannot do without gas from Russia. Warum tun alle so, als wäre das so eine große Sache? Why is everyone acting like this is such a big deal? Why do we all act like this is such a big deal? Ich würde eher nicht dazu raten. In my opinion, that isn't a very good idea. I'd rather not guess. Das ist nicht das einzige, was Tom wollte. That isn't the only thing Tom wanted. That's not the only thing Tom wanted. Hij is een zieke, arme man. He is a sick, poor man. He's a sick, poor man. Aktiv sein hängt nicht immer vom Alter ab. Being active does not always depend on age. Being active does not always depend on age. Das Erlernen von Ido ist so leicht, dass Sie es fast sofort anwenden können. Learning Ido is so easy that you will be able to use it almost immediately. Learning Ido is so easy that you can apply it almost immediately. Als je een winkeldiefstal wilt uit te voeren, laat het ons dan weten. If you plan to shoplift, let us know. If you want to carry out a shoplifting, please let us know. Tom hat einen kleinen Bruder. Tom has a little brother. Tom has a little brother. Tom told everyone that he was depressed. Tom told everybody that he was depressed. - Tom told everyone that he was depressed. Woarom ik? Why me? Why me? Tom lud uns auf ein Kostümfest ein. Tom invited us to a costume party. Tom invited us to a costume party. Ich liebe diese Stadt, besonders im Frühling. I love this town, especially in the spring. I love this city, especially in the spring. Ik weet niet of hij een dokter is. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Ich sehe keinen großen Unterschied. I don't see a big difference. I don't see much difference. Im ganzen Haus gingen die Lichter aus. The lights went out all over the house. The lights went out all over the house. „Wieviel schulde ich dir?“ – „Nichts.“ "How much do I owe you?" "Nothing." “How much do I owe you?” – “Nothing.” Die möchten Fahrräder mieten. They would like to hire bicycles. They want to rent bicycles. Twijfel er nooit aan. Don't ever doubt it. Never doubt it. As die idiote sou kompeteer sou jy tweede kom, omdat jy te dof is om eerste te kom. If the idiots would compete, you would be second because you are too idiot to be the first. If the idiots were competing, you'd come second, because you're too dull to come first. Ich fehle zum ersten Mal. This is the first time I've ever been absent. I am missing the first time. Tom hopes that Mary won't be chosen to do that. Tom hopes Mary won't be chosen to do that. Tom hopes that mary won't be chosen to do that. Schrijf je opmerkingen op een vel papier. Write your remarks on a sheet of paper. Write your comments on a piece of paper. Mein Lieblingsobst sind Äpfel. My favourite fruit is the apple. My favorite fruit is apples. Die Kinder wurden plötzlich still. The kids suddenly became quiet. The children suddenly became silent. „Je mehr ich sie ansehe, desto hübscher kommt sie mir vor.“ – „Dann geh doch mal mit ihr aus!“ – „Aber das geht doch nicht!“ "The more I look at her, the prettier she looks." "Then why don't you ask her out on a date?" "No way!" “The more I look at her, the prettier she looks to me.” – “Then go out with her!” – “But that’s not possible!” כ׳האָב פֿײַנט טאָמען, כאָטש איך קען אים אַפֿילו נישט. I hate Tom, although I don't even know him. I hate him, but I don't even know him. Jullie vergelijken appels met peren. You are comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples to pears. Das Urteil soll am 20. Oktober verkündet werden. Sentencing has been set for October 20th. The verdict is expected to be announced on October 20. Ik moet ervandoor. I need to go now. I've got to get out of here. Er schlug einen Funken aus dem Feuerstein. He struck a spark from the flint. He struck a spark out of the flint. Tom said I should go to Boston with you. Tom said that I should go to Boston with you. Tom said I should go to boston with you. Was hat dich hierher verschlagen? What made you come here? What brought you here? מע קען נישט עסן שלום. You can't eat peace. They can't eat peace. Tom gooide een steen naar de boom. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone at the tree. Kijk me aan. Look at me. Look at me! Look at me! Ich habe den Satz der Einfachheit halber neu übersetzt. For the sake of simplicity, I've retranslated the sentence. I have re-translated the sentence for the sake of simplicity. It's not all that ridiculous. It isn't all that ridiculous. - It's not all that ridiculous. Ek het jou nodig om my met hierdie te help. I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me with this. Sie leugnete, dort gewesen zu sein. She denied having been there. She denied being there. Warum sind Sie damals zum Arzt gegangen? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why did you go to the doctor? De man keek naar de klok. The man looked at the clock. The man looked at the clock. Tom told me that Mary isn't his type. Tom told me Mary isn't his type. Tom told me that mary isn't his type. I didn't think Tom would be so angry. I didn't think Tom would be so mad. I didn't think tom would be so angry. Doe die sigaret uit. Put that cigarette out. Take out the cigarette. Welches dieser beiden Wunder ist beeindruckender: die atemberaubende Schönheit des offenen Schwanzes eines Pfaus oder die Fähigkeit des menschlichen Auges, ihn wahrzunehmen und zu interpretieren? Which of these two wonders is more impressive: the stunning beauty of a peacock's open tail, or the human eye capable of perceiving and interpreting it? Which of these two wonders is more impressive: the breathtaking beauty of a peacock’s open tail or the ability of the human eye to perceive and interpret it? Die Höhle ist einfach zu erreichen. The cave is easy to get to. The cave is easy to reach. Ich mag diesen Satz, aber leider darf ich ihn nicht übernehmen. I like that phrase, but unfortunately, I am not allowed to adopt it. I like this phrase, but unfortunately I can't take it. האָט איר אַ פֿרײַען צימער? Do you have a free room? "Do you have a free room? Hoe meer ik werk, hoe minder ik slaap. The more I work, the less I sleep. The more I work, the less I sleep. Durch diesen Job komme ich in der ganzen Welt herum. This job carries me all over the world. Because of this job, I can get around the world. Ich denke, die beiden passen zusammen. I think both match. I think the two fit together. Das erschütterte mich tief. It shook me deeply. It shook me deeply. You are so lucky to live here. You're so lucky to live here. You're so lucky to live here. Warten Sie bitte draußen! Wait outside, please. Wait outside, please! Die hat Nerven, sich allein mit ihm zu treffen! She must have some nerve to go and meet him by herself. She has the nerve to meet him alone. Ek het gedink iets was vreemd. I thought something was strange. I thought something was strange. Tom told me he thought that Mary was satisfied. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was satisfied. Tom told me he thought that mary was satisfied. Ik bün keen Schöler. I'm not a student. I am not a student. טאָמס טאַטע איז געווען אַ ייִד. Tom's father was a Jew. Tom's father was a Jew. Ich habe zwei Söhne, die im Abstand von zwei Jahren am selben Tag im Ferbuar geboren wurden. I have two sons born four years apart on the same day in February. I have two sons who were born two years apart on the same day in Ferbuar. Er kam gerade an. He just arrived. He just arrived. I suspect that Tom and Mary know something is going on. I suspect Tom and Mary know something is going on. I suspect that tom and mary know something is going on. Sein Oberlippenbart ist grauer als sein Kinnbart. His mustache is grayer than his beard. His upper lip beard is grayer than his chin beard. Wenn du einem Griechen die Hand schüttelst, zähle deine Finger. When you shake hands with a Greek, count your fingers. If you shake hands with a Greek, count your fingers. Acker nicht das ganze Studium alleine durch! Do not plow through the whole study alone! Don’t go through the entire study alone. Hij deed wat hem gevraagd werd. He did what he had been told. He did what he was asked to do. Onthou jy haar naam? Do you remember her name? Do you remember her name? We hebben geen papier. We don't have paper. We don't have any paper. Tom, it's not necessary to apologize. Tom, it isn't necessary to apologize. - Tom, it's not necessary to apologize. Kaum dass sie dorthin gegangen war, wurde sie krank. No sooner had she gone there than she was taken ill. As soon as she got there, she got sick. Der Rock gefällt mir. I like that skirt. I like the skirt. Ik heb hem vijftig euro gegeven. I gave him fifty euros. I gave him fifty euros. I don't think Tom wants to leave today. I don't think that Tom wants to leave today. I don't think tom wants to leave today. Weißt du, warum ich schmolle? Weil du nie hier bist! Do you know why I'm sulking? Because you're never here! You know why I'm sulking because you're never here? Dieser Teufelskreis muss gebrochen werden. This vicious circle must be broken. This vicious circle must be broken. Ich glaube, Tom schläft noch. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. Versuche nie, zu sterben. Never try to die. Never try to die. I know that Tom wouldn't ask Mary not to do that. I know Tom wouldn't ask Mary not to do that. I know that tom wouldn't ask mary not to do that. הייבט זיך אָן, הערן. Get started, gentlemen. Go ahead, listen to it. De terroristen zwoeren wraak op dat land. The terrorists swore vengeance on that country. The terrorists swore revenge on that country. Ich möchte wissen, warum Sie mich angelogen haben. I want to know why you lied to me. I want to know why you lied to me. Worüm warrt wi boren? Why are we born? Why are we born? Im Rosengarten der Universität ist es zur Blütezeit schön. The university's Rose Garden is a nice place during blooming season. In the rose garden of the university, it is beautiful at the time of flowering. Du ergraust. You're going grey. You're graying. Jij kijkt naar die boom. You look at that tree. You look at that tree. Si ass Studentin. She's a university student. she's a student. Ich habe alleine zwei Kinder großgezogen. I brought up two kids all on my own. I raised two children alone. Do you have vegetarian pilaf? Do you have vegetarian pulao? - Do you have vegetarian pilaf? טאָם טראָגט אַ היטל. Tom wears a cap. He's wearing a cap. I know that Tom isn't a very good guitar player. I know Tom isn't a very good guitar player. I know that tom isn't a very good guitar player. Ik heb nu veel te doen. I have many things to do now. I've got a lot to do now. Tom hat keine Angst vor dir. Tom isn't afraid of you. Tom is not afraid of you. De toeristen bezoeken het museum. The tourists visit the museum. Tourists visit the museum. Both Tom and Mary are good chess players. Tom and Mary are both good chess players. Both tom and mary are good chess players. De kat slaapt. The cat sleeps. The cat is sleeping. Die Kriminalitätsrate in Kanada sinkt. Canada's crime rate is decreasing. The crime rate in Canada is falling. Tom said he didn't believe that. Tom said that he didn't believe that. - Tom said he didn't believe that. Zit Tom in de problemen? Is Tom in trouble? Is Tom in trouble? Ganz gleich, was er auch sagen möge — verliere nicht die Fassung! Don't lose your temper whatever he may say. No matter what he says, don’t lose your composure! Spricht jemand von euch fließend Französisch? Are any of you fluent French speakers? Do any of you speak French fluently? Maak iedereen gelukkig. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Tom is gek geworden. Tom has lost his mind. Tom is crazy. I must have misunderstood. I must've misunderstood. - I must have misunderstood. Tom didn't call to let me know he'd be late. Tom didn't call to let me know that he'd be late. - Tom didn't call to let me know he'd be late. Er riecht die Suppe. He smells the soup. He smells the soup. Wer ist der Mann, der mit dir geredet hat? Who's the man who spoke to you? Who is the man who spoke to you? Uns hat man auch nichts gesagt. We weren't told either. We haven't been told anything. Tom wohnt weiter weg von der Schule als Maria, aber dichter dran als Johannes. Tom lives farther from school than Mary, but closer than John does. Tom lives farther away from school than Mary, but closer to her than John. Er behängte die Wand mit Postern. He plastered the wall with posters. He hung posters on the wall. Heb je gewicht verloren? Have you lost weight? Have you lost weight? Emilie singt gerne Lieder nach. Emily loves doing covers of songs. Emilie likes to sing songs. Gefällt Ihnen diese Handtasche? Do you like this purse? Do you like this handbag? Hol dem Hund mal was zu fressen. Go get the dog some food. Get the dog something to eat. I'd hoped Tom would find somebody else to help him. I'd hoped Tom would find someone else to help him. I'd hoped tom would find somebody else to help him. Het was niet mijn bedoeling hem te slaan. I didn't mean to hit him. I didn't mean to hit him. Die meisten meiner Freunde können schwimmen. Most of my friends know how to swim. Most of my friends can swim. Daarna was ik helemaal kapot. After that, I was totally exhausted. After that, I was completely destroyed. Wir müssen in Deckung gehen. We need to take cover. We have to take cover. Teihn Mielen is keen korten Weg. Ten miles is not a short distance. Ten miles is not a short way. I knew that Tom might want to learn how to do that. I knew Tom might want to learn how to do that. I knew that tom might want to learn how to do that. Ich habe Blut erbrochen. There is blood in my vomit. I vomited blood. Tom hat sich tadellos verhalten. Tom's behavior was impeccable. Tom behaved flawlessly. Dor kummt uns Lehrer. There comes our teacher. Here comes our teacher. Dat meisje dat een sjaal draagt, is maagd. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl who wears a scarf is a virgin. Tom wusste, dass es falsch war, was er getan hatte. Tom knew it was wrong to do what he did. Tom knew that what he had done was wrong. Ich bin hier, Tom. I'm here, Tom. I'm here, Tom. Hy het water nodig. He needs water. He needs the water. Maria bekniete ihren Vater, ihr ein neues Fahhrad zu kaufen. Mary begged her father to buy her a new bicycle. Mary begged her father to buy her a new bicycle. All the stores are already closed. All the stores are closed already. - All the stores are already closed. We eten om te overleven. We eat to survive. We eat to survive. Ik verwacht nix von di. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Die beiden stiegen aus dem Bus und gingen im heißen Sonnenschein zwei Kilometer zu Fuß. The two of them got off the bus and walked a mile in the hot sunshine. The two got off the bus and walked two kilometers in the hot sunshine. Den Stecker nur dann in eine Steckdose stecken, wenn kein Staub und keine Flusen daran sind. Check that there is no dust or lint on the power plug before inserting into an electrical outlet. Insert the plug into a socket only when there is no dust or fluff on it. Tom liest in seiner Freizeit oft Romane. Tom often spends his spare time reading novels. Tom often reads novels in his spare time. I don't think Tom will mind. I don't think that Tom will mind. I don't think tom will mind. Ich pflichte Tom in allem bei. I'm in complete agreement with everything Tom said. I agree with Tom on everything. De jongen bleef zijn vader maar vragen waarom hij moest studeren. The boy kept asking his father why he had to study. The boy continued to ask his father why he had to study. Heb je onlangs misselijkheid ervaren? Have you experienced nausea recently? Have you recently experienced nausea? Tom said that he needed something to eat. Tom said he needed something to eat. Tom said he needed something to eat. Die Fuchsfährte führt zu einem Bau. The fox trail leads to a burrow. The Fuchsf<0xC3><0xA4>hrte leads to a construction. ער איז נאָר אַ למך. He's just a good-for-nothing. He's just a poet. Warum schalten wir den Fernseher nicht aus? Why don't we turn the TV off? Why don't we turn off the TV? I think I'll stay home and watch TV this evening. I think that I'll stay home and watch TV this evening. I think I'll stay home and watch tv this evening. Tom said that he thought Mary was lying. Tom said that he thought that Mary was lying. Tom said that he thought mary was lying. Het was duidelijk dat ze daar niet wilden zijn. They clearly didn't want to be there. It was clear they didn't want to be there. Hij mag veel te veel. They give him way too much freedom to do whatever he wants. He likes too much. Gelukkige verjaardag, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Zwing mich nicht, dorthin zu gehen! Don't make me go there. Don't make me go there! Maria hat sich beim Öffnen einer Sardinendose sehr tief in die Handfläche geschnitten. Mary got a really deep cut in the palm of her hand when opening a can of sardines. Maria cut herself very deep into the palm of her hand when opening a sardine tin. Die Demonstration am Bahnhof hat die Reisenden beeinträchtigt. The demonstrators obstructed passengers at the station. The demonstration at the train station affected the passengers. Ga naar binnen. Go inside. Get in there. Tom is niet zo goed in wiskunde. Tom isn't so good at math. Tom's not very good at math. Was ist bei Schnürsenkeln deine Lieblingsfarbe? What your favorite color for shoelaces? What is your favorite color for laces? I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect that Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect tom has already left for australia. I hope I don't start crying. I hope that I don't start crying. - I hope I don't start crying. De treinen rijden 's nachts minder vaak. The trains run less often at night. Trains run less often at night. זײַ געזונט. Farewell. Be well. Je had bij ons kunnen komen logeren. You could have come stay with us. You could have stayed with us. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Arbeitsstelle. I'm looking for a job. I am looking for a job. Hast du deine Mutter schon mal im Bikini gesehen? Have you ever seen your mother in a bikini? Have you ever seen your mother in a bikini? I think Tom and Mary are Canadians. I think that Tom and Mary are Canadians. I think tom and mary are canadians. די גאַס איז פֿול געפּאַקט. The street is crowded. The street is crowded. Denk je dat daar iets in zit? Do you think there's anything in there? You think there's something in there? Schade! Du warst fast am Ziel! Too bad! You were almost there! You were almost on target! Diese Übersetzung ist korrekt. This translation is accurate. This translation is correct. Gelukkige verjaardag! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Het balkon is klein. The balcony is small. The balcony is small. I thought you were doing a great job. I thought that you were doing a great job. - I thought you were doing a great job. Benutzen Sie irgendein Verhütungsmittel? Do you use any method of birth control? Do you use any contraceptives? Rookt uw vader? Does your father smoke? Does your father smoke? Tom fand seine letzte Ruhestätte auf seinen Wunsch hin in der Ostsee: er wurde seebestattet. At his request, Tom found his final resting place in the Baltic Sea: he was buried at sea. Tom found his last resting place in the Baltic Sea at his request: he was buried at sea. Die Raupe verwandelte sich in einen wunderschönen Schmetterling. The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. I am bleeding from my anus. I'm bleeding from my anus. I'm bleeding from my anus. Sprecht Ungarisch! Speak Hungarian! Speak Hungarian! There is no way I'm going to let you do that. There's no way I'm going to let you do that. There is no way I'm gonna let you do that. Bent u gestoken door een bij? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been stung by a bee? Wir haben dank Ihnen gewonnen. We won, thanks to you. We won thanks to you. Deze vogel wordt een meeuw genoemd. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a gull. I can't contact my relatives. I'm not able to contact my relatives. - I can't contact my relatives. De oude man zag er wijs uit. The old man looked wise. The old man looked wise. S Huus vom John isch nid sehr gmüetlich. John's house is not very confortable. John Ich's house is very cozy. Jane war wie ein Mann angezogen. Jane was dressed as a man. Jane was dressed like a man. Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Would you like my e-mail address? Gib ihr diese Nachricht. Give her this message. Give her this message. Tom hat absichtlich ein falsches Gerücht in den Gesellschaftsklatsch der Stadt eingestreut, nur um zu sehen, wie schnell es sich verbreiten würde. Tom deliberately fed a false rumour to the town gossip, just to see how quickly it would spread. Tom deliberately spread a false rumor into the city’s social gossip, only to see how quickly it would spread. De helft van de appels is rot. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of the apples are rotten. Gehen wir ins Haus des Herrn und beten wir! Let's go to the house of the Lord and pray. Let us go into the house of the Lord and pray. Tom zal sterven. Tom'll die. Tom will die. Biden kündigte an, die Vereinigten Staaten würden sich dem Übereinkommen von Paris über den Klimawandel alsobald wieder anschließen. Biden says the U.S. will quickly rejoin the Paris climate change agreement. Biden said the United States would re-join the Paris Agreement on climate change. That's not something I'd joke about. That isn't something that I'd joke about. - That's not something I'd joke about. Layla heur man is ien Egypte. Layla's husband is in Egypt. Layla heur man is one Egypt. Sami googelde Layla's naam. Sami googled Layla's name. Sami Googled Layla's name. Tom hörte ein Geräusch. Tom heard a noise. Tom heard a noise. קעץ און הינט האָבן מורא פֿון טאָמען. Cats and dogs are afraid of Tom. Dogs and cats are afraid of humans. Tom öffnete die Tür nur einen Spaltbreit. Tom opened the door just a crack. Tom opened the door only a gap wide. Uw tijd is op. Your time is up. Your time's up. Er zijn veel sloppenwijken in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. Ik heff de ganze Nacht waakt. I sat up all night. I've been waking up all night. Ihr Hund sieht hungrig aus. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. Ich helfe dir, ein Hotel zu buchen. I'll help you book a hotel. I'll help you book a hotel. Sie ist von französischen Speisen fasziniert. She has a fascination with French food. She is fascinated by French food. Wat is er met Portugal? What's the deal with Portugal? What's up with Portugal? Denk dran, wo Hunde ihre Zunge überall hineinstecken. Think of where dogs put their tongues. Think about where dogs put their tongue in everywhere. Das Auto ist in einem guten Zustand. This car is in good condition. The car is in good condition. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can also let it run. Was hast du Tom zu Weihnachten geschenkt? What did you give Tom for Christmas? What did you give Tom for Christmas? They said that they were hurt. They said they were hurt. - They said that they were hurt. Tom hielt sich die Waffe an den Kopf und drückte ab. Tom put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger. Tom held the gun to his head and pressed it off. Lehr! Study! Teach! צי האָט איר אַ פּאָרפֿאָלקבעט? Do you have a double bed? Do you have a bookshelf? "Ben je vegetariër?" "Nee. Jij wel?" "Are you a vegetarian?" "No. Are you?" "Are you a vegetarian?" "No, you are?" Dieses Gefängnis ist kein Gefängnis, sondern ein KZ. This prison is not a prison but a concentration camp. This prison is not a prison, it is a concentration camp. Ze kon zijn onbeleefd gedrag niet uitstaan. She couldn't do with his rude behavior. She couldn't stand his rude behavior. Tot ziens, Ian. Goodbye, Ian. See you, Ian. Die Fischerboote haben den Hafen verlassen. The fishing boats have left harbour. The fishing boats have left the port. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich Tom bei unserer ersten Begegnung nicht mochte. I have to admit that when I first met Tom, I didn't like him. I have to admit that I didn't like Tom at our first meeting. I don't think Tom knows how Mary managed to do that. I don't think that Tom knows how Mary managed to do that. I don't think tom knows how mary managed to do that. Tom las – Maria nicht. Tom was reading, but Mary wasn't. Tom didn’t read Mary. I thought Tom was in prison. I thought that Tom was in prison. I thought tom was in prison. „Hallo! Ich bin Skuras Freund. Und du?“ – „Eine, die gleich in Ohnmacht fällt.“ "Hi, I'm Skura's boyfriend. And you are?" "I'm about to faint." <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Hello! I am Skura’s friend. And you?“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>One who immediately faints.“ Ik probeerde Tom te bellen. I tried calling Tom. I tried to call Tom. Tom en Maria kennen de waarheid. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom told me he'd be here. Tom told me that he'd be here. - Tom told me he'd be here. Du wohnst zu weit weg. You live too far away. You live too far away. I suspect Tom is still in love with his ex-wife. I suspect that Tom is still in love with his ex-wife. I suspect tom is still in love with his ex-wife. Tom told me he thought that Mary was frustrated. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was frustrated. Tom told me he thought that mary was frustrated. Diese Uhr geht nicht ganz richtig. That clock isn't quite right. This clock is not quite right. Dit altaar is gewijd aan Jupiter. This shrine is sacred to Jupiter. This altar is dedicated to Jupiter. Het was een drukte van je welste op straat toen de optocht voorbijkwam. There were lots of people on the street when the parade came by. It was a hustle and bustle of yours on the street when the procession passed by. I think Tom is trying to trick us. I think that Tom is trying to trick us. I think tom is trying to trick us. It's been decided. It has been decided. - It's been decided. Es ist Montag. It's Monday. It's Monday. They say that they don't need to do that. They say they don't need to do that. They say they don't need to do that. Ich kann meine Verwandten nicht erreichen. I can't get through to my relatives. I can't reach my relatives. Juan liest im Matthäusevangelium. Juan is reading the Gospel according to Matthew. Juan reads in the Gospel of Matthew. The men are wearing short sleeves. The men are wearing short sleeve shirts. - The men are wearing short sleeves. Was für ein schöner Abend! What a beautiful evening! What a beautiful evening! Mein Satz war falsch, aber der Lehrer hat ihn korrigiert. My sentence was wrong, but the teacher corrected it. My sentence was wrong, but the teacher corrected it. צי חלומען הינט? Do dogs dream? Do you have a dog? Inzucht erhöht das Risiko für viele genetisch bedingte Erkrankungen. Inbreeding increases the risk of many genetic diseases. Inbreeding increases the risk of many genetic diseases. Wie viele Löffel Zucker tust du normalerweise in deinen Tee? How many spoonfuls of sugar do you usually put in your tea? How many spoonfuls of sugar do you usually put in your tea? I think Tom has the hots for you. I think that Tom has the hots for you. I think tom has the hots for you. Welke taal spreek je thuis? Which language do you speak at home? What language do you speak at home? Hier kann man duschen. Here's where you can shower. Here you can take a shower. Ca. 2 km weiter nördlich ist eine Raststätte. There's a truck stop about three miles north of here. About 2 km further north is a rest stop. Tom and I didn't know that we were the ones who were supposed to do that. Tom and I didn't know we were the ones who were supposed to do that. Tom and I didn't know we were the ones who were supposed to do that. Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. Der Mensch war zum erstenmal 1969 auf dem Mond. Man first visited the moon in 1969. Humans first landed on the moon in 1969. Catherine Chabaud war die erste Frau, die allein auf einem Boot um die Welt reiste. Catherine Chabaud was the first woman to travel solo around the world by boat. Catherine Chabaud was the first woman to travel the world alone on a boat. I cannot recall when he moved to Boston. I can't recall when he moved to Boston. I cannot recall when he moved to boston. Ich habe in Deutschland keine Bären gesehen. I didn't see any bears in Germany. I didn’t see any bears in Germany. Tom thinks I'm an idiot. Tom thinks that I'm an idiot. - Tom thinks I'm an idiot. In meinem ganzen Leben habe ich noch nie so viel gelacht. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I've never laughed so much in my whole life. Sein Schlips passt gut zu seinem Anzug. His tie goes well with his suit. His tie fits well with his suit. Ich kann den Rosmarin nicht finden. I can't find the rosemary. I can't find the rosemary. Von Westen her zieht starker Regen auf. Heavy rain is sweeping in from the west. Heavy rain comes from the west. Jeder, den ich kenne, kann Französisch sprechen. Everyone that I know can speak French. Anyone I know can speak French. „Unsinn!“ lachte Anne fröhlich. „Das ist kein Opfer; denn nichts wäre schlimmer, als Green Gables aufzugeben – nichts könnte mir größeren Schmerz bereiten!“ "Nonsense!" Anne laughed merrily. "There is no sacrifice. Nothing could be worse than giving up Green Gables—nothing could hurt me more." “That’s no sacrifice, because nothing would be worse than giving up Green Gables—nothing could cause me greater pain!” Ich suche ein Geschenk für einen Freund. I'm looking for a present for a friend. I am looking for a gift for a friend. אַ פֿריילעכן געבוירן־⁠טאָג, קאַרל מאַרקס! Happy birthday, Karl Marx! Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Marks. L. L. Zamenhof war ein jüdischer Augenarzt. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish oculist. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish ophthalmologist. Wir wollen hier in Frieden leben. We want to live in peace here. We want to live here in peace. Sie wohnt in Madrid. She lives in Madrid. She lives in Madrid. Wir wollen international sein. We want to be international. We want to be international. Früher bin ich oft zelten gegangen. I used to go camping a lot. I used to go camping a lot. Hy is nie my neef nie. He isn't my cousin. He's not my cousin. Ich bin acht Jahre alt. I'm eight years old. I'm eight years old. Wenn du dir’s aussuchen könntest, wo auf der Welt wolltest du dann leben? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? If you could choose, where in the world would you live? Ik heb een beetje advies nodig. I need a little advice. I need some advice. Tatsache ist, dass ich heute nicht zur Schule gegangen bin. The fact is I didn't go to school today. The fact is that I didn’t go to school today. Daar twijfel ik aan. I somehow doubt that. I doubt that. Ich spreche kein Irisch. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Wat Tom gesê het is 'n leuen. What Tom said was a lie. What Tom said is a lie. Unsere Mannschaft hat mehrere gute Spieler verloren. Our team lost several good players. Our team has lost several good players. Tom told me he didn't need to use a wheelchair anymore. Tom told me that he didn't need to use a wheelchair anymore. Tom told me he didn't need to use a wheelchair any more. Er suchte nach einem Platz zum Schlafen. He looked for a place in which to sleep. He was looking for a place to sleep. Mijn zus liet me een nieuw horloge zien. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. “123456” is a frequently used password. Ich habe Ausfluss aus der Scheide. I have a discharge from my vagina. I have discharge from the vagina. Diese Vorgangsweise wird nicht empfohlen. Doing it that way is discouraged. This procedure is not recommended. The teachers' room and the gym are under renovation. The teachers' room and the gym are being renovated. The teachers room and the gym are under renovation. Letzte Nacht habe ich von Sex geträumt. Last night I dreamt of sex. Last night I dreamed of sex. Zij zou kunnen rijden. She could drive. She could drive. Ich denke an euch. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Ich glaube nicht, dass es in Europa wenige Katzen gibt. I don't think there are few cats in Europe. I don’t think there are a lot of cats in Europe. Essen Sie häufig und dabei kleine Portionen. Eat little and often. Eat often and in small portions. Wie erkennt man, ob die Asperl schon reif sind? How do you know that your medlar fruits are mature? How can you tell if the Asperl is already ripe? Tom claims he was born in 2013. Tom claims that he was born in 2013. Tom claims he was born in 2013. Sie nennt mich Kenji. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. Tulpen sind meine Lieblingsblumensorte. Tulips are my favourite kind of flower. Tulips are my favorite flower. Tom and Mary said they've been feeling tired. Tom and Mary said that they've been feeling tired. Tom and mary said they've been feeling tired. Der Brei ist zu süß. The porridge is too sweet. The porridge is too sweet. Waar gaat u uw stem uitbrengen? Where will you give your vote? Where are you going to cast your vote? Ich habe den Satz umformuliert. Er war nicht natürlich. I rephrased the sentence. It wasn't natural. I rephrased the sentence, it wasn't natural. Tom and Mary were both sick. Both Tom and Mary were sick. Tom and mary were both sick. Mijn zoon vroeg om meer kleurpotloden. My son asked for more crayons. My son asked for more colored pencils. Wohin geht Sophie? Where's Sophie off to? Where is Sophie going? Wie hebben allain thee. We only have tea. Who has allain tea? Het jy die boek wat ek nou die dag vir jou geleen het, klaar gelees? Have you finished reading the book I lent you the other day? Did you read the book I wrote for you that day? Hilfst du mir denn? Will you help me then? Will you help me? Vielleicht hätten wir das machen sollen, was Tom vorgeschlagen hat. Maybe we should've done what Tom suggested. Maybe we should have done what Tom suggested. Ik ben hier absoluut op tegen. I'm firmly opposed to this. I am absolutely against this. Worüm is se so still? Why is she so silent? Why is she so quiet? Schach ist ein Angriffs- und Verteidungsspiele, gleichsam eine Allegorie des Krieges. As an allegory of war, chess is a game of attack and defense. Chess is an attack and defense game, as it were an allegory of war. Du musst unbedingt mit dem Rauchen aufhören. It is necessary for you to stop smoking. You have to quit smoking. Ik heb de kaas opgegeten. I ate the cheese. I ate the cheese. Jij bent mijn muze. You are my muse. You're my muse. Tom goes to Boston every chance he gets. Tom goes to Boston every chance that he gets. Tom goes to boston every chance he gets. Von hier aus sind es 1½ km. It's a mile from here. From here it is 11<0xE2><0x81><0x84>2 km. Tom and Mary have both decided to resign. Both Tom and Mary have decided to resign. Tom and mary have both decided to resign. Bensiin skel weđer jüürer uur. Gasoline is supposed to get more expensive again. Bensiin skel we<0xC4><0x91>er yeurer uur. De apen vlooien elkaar. The monkeys are grooming each other. The monkeys are flying each other. Dat is mijn dochter. That's my daughter. That's my daughter. Ik weet niet honderd procent zeker of het wol is. I am not a hundred percent sure it is wool. I'm not 100% sure if it's wool. Je zou echt niet met vreemden op het internet moeten praten. You really shouldn't talk to strangers on the internet. You really shouldn't talk to strangers on the internet. Hij is goed in wiskunde. He is good at mathematics. He's good at math. I wonder whether Tom has a driver's license. I wonder whether Tom has a driver's license or not. I wonder whether tom has a driver's license. Holen Sie Tom doch bitte einen Stuhl, dass er sich setzen kann! Please get a chair for Tom to sit on. Why don't you get Tom a chair so he can sit down? Sie hat genug durchgemacht. She's been through enough. She's been through enough. Se keek em bi ’t Dansen to. She watched him dance. She looked at him as he danced. Wie heeft Tom gered? Who rescued Tom? Who saved Tom? Meine Leertaste funktioniert nicht richtig. My space bar doesn't work very well. My spacebar is not working properly. We houden niet van regen. We don't like the rain. We don't like rain. Vermeiden Sie es, nachts allein auf den Straßen zu sein. Avoid walking on the streets alone at night. Avoid being alone on the streets at night. Tom spricht ständig Französisch. Tom speaks French all the time. Tom speaks French all the time. It's not as crazy as it sounds. It isn't as crazy as it sounds. - It's not as crazy as it sounds. S Buech isch violett. The book is violet. My name is Violet. Tom scheint besorgt zu sein. Tom seems anxious. Tom is worried. Ich trinke viel Kaffee. I drink a lot of coffee. I drink a lot of coffee. Die Fischer hoffen auf reichen Fang. The fishermen are hoping for a big catch. The fishermen are hoping for a rich catch. Nach seinem Tode wurde er berühmt. After his death, he became famous. After his death he became famous. Waar is Tom allergisch voor? What's Tom allergic to? What is Tom allergic to? Mien man holdt nait van mie. My husband doesn't love me. My husband keeps night out of me. „Ich glaube, es wird gleich regnen.“ – „Ich auch.“ "I think it'll soon be raining." "So do I." “I think it’s going to rain soon.” – “Me too.” Am Ufer eines großen Sees steht ein schöner Tempel. On the shore of a large lake stands a beautiful temple. On the shore of a large lake is a beautiful temple. Tom said he didn't want to go to the dance with Mary. Tom said that he didn't want to go to the dance with Mary. Tom said he didn't wanna go to the dance with Mary. Do you think Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Do you think that Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Do you think tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Tom was about thirty years old when he moved to Boston. Tom was about thirty when he moved to Boston. Tom was about 30 years old when he moved to Boston. איך בין אַ מענטש, און די גאַנצע מענטשהייט פֿאַררעכען איך ווי איין משפּחה. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. I am a human being, and the whole of humanity I regard as one family. Nachdem ich eine Woche krankheitsbedingt ausgefallen bin, bemühe ich mich nun eifrig, alles aufzuholen. Since I was sick for a week, I'm working very hard to catch up. After a week of illness, I am now trying hard to catch up. Es gibt natürlich einen Klassenkampf, doch es ist meine Klasse, die Klasse der Reichen, die ihn führt, und wir sind dabei, ihn zu gewinnen. There’s class warfare all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning. There is, of course, a class struggle, but it is my class, the rich class that leads it, and we are in the process of winning it. Wat is mien Kamernummer? What is my room number? What is my Room Number? Entschuldige, dass ich so oft um Verzeihung bitte! Sorry I apologize so much. I apologize for asking for forgiveness so often. Zij gaf Tom een appel. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave him an apple. Sie liebten sie. You loved her. They loved her. Er ist kein Heiliger. He is no saint. He is not a saint. Ich glaube nicht, dass es Götter gibt. I don't think gods exist. I don't think there are gods. Wie haben sie sich kennengelernt? How did they get to know one another? How did they get to know each other? Wir können Ihre Forderungen nicht erfüllen. We cannot meet your demands. We cannot meet your demands. Fragt jemand anderen! Ask somebody else. Ask someone else! Maria sagte, sie wolle nicht fahren. Mary said that she didn't want to drive. Mary said she didn’t want to go. Ich finde, sie ist zu groß. I think that it's too big. I think it's too big. Dicke sind kuschelig. Fat people are cuddly. Thick are cuddly. Kannst du den Schmerz beschreiben? Can you describe the pain? Can you describe the pain? Die Bösen sind im Gefängnis. The bad people are in prison. The bad guys are in jail. די קאץ איז אויף דעם דאך. The cat is on the roof. The card is on the table. Ze naait met naald en draad. She sews with a needle and thread. She sews with needle and thread. Tom sagte, er habe Heißhunger auf Schokolade. Tom said he had a craving for chocolate. Tom said he's craving chocolate. מײַן עקיפּאַזש איז דער בעסטער! My crew is the best! My husband is the best! Ik ben teruggekomen omdat ik terug wilde komen. I came back because I wanted to come back. I came back because I wanted to come back. דו האָסט באַשטעלט די פּיצע? Did you order this pizza? Did you get the pizza? Er verlor die Fassung und begann, mit Sachen zu werfen. He lost his cool and started throwing things. He lost his composure and started throwing things. Er hat einen scharfen Verstand und eine schwarze Seele. He's sharp-minded and dark-hearted. He has a sharp mind and a black soul. Ich werde ihnen ein Geschenk geben. I'll get them a present. I'll give them a gift. Tom said his parents allow him to do what he wants to do. Tom said that his parents allow him to do what he wants to do. Tom said his parents allowed him to do what he wants to do. Ich habe eine Frage an euch. I have a question for you. I have a question for you. Laat je niet om de tuin leiden. Don't get fooled. Don't be fooled. דו זאָלסט זיי אַרײַנלאָזן. You should let them in. You should leave them out. Tom and Mary said they're glad to help. Tom and Mary said that they're glad to help. Tom and mary said they're glad to help. Die Bäume blühen bald. The trees are almost in bloom. The trees will soon bloom. Ik houd helemaal niet van schoonmaken. I really don't like cleaning up. I don’t like to clean at all. I know that Tom doesn't know that I've never done that. I know Tom doesn't know that I've never done that. I know that tom doesn't know that I've never done that. Mi no lobi te krosi e anga-anga ini a kamra. I don’t like it when clothes are hung up here and there in the room. I don't want anyone to give me clothes. I don't want anyone to see me. Ist es unmöglich, 150 Jahre alt zu werden? Is it impossible to live to be 150? Is it impossible to live to be 150 years old? Als er aus dem Zug stieg, begrüßte ihn sein Cousin. On getting off the train, he was met by his cousin. When he got off the train, his cousin greeted him. Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've already had a coffee. I've already had coffee. Tut mir leid, ich habe gerade Mittagsschlaf gemacht und nicht gehört, wie du geklingelt hast. Sorry, I was taking a nap and didn't hear you ring the doorbell. I'm sorry, I just got a nap and I didn't hear you ring the bell. Ich konnte den Gedanken daran nicht ertragen. I couldn't bear the thought of it. I could not bear the thought of it. Er freute sich darauf, sie wiederzusehen. He looked forward to seeing her again. He was looking forward to seeing her again. Müssen wir Toms Erlaubnis einholen? Do we need to get permission from Tom? Do we need to get Tom's permission? Tom weiß nicht viel über seine Nachbarn. Tom doesn't know much about his neighbours. He doesn’t know much about his neighbors. Ik ben mijn sleutel vergeten en heb mezelf buitengesloten. I forgot my key and locked myself out of the house. I forgot my key and locked myself out. Je zeurt te veel. You complain too much. You're whining too much. Tom said that he had eaten. Tom said that he'd eaten. - Tom said that he had eaten. Ze tennist graag. She enjoys playing tennis. She likes to play tennis. Mein Vater ist der, der Tee trinkt. My father is the one drinking tea. My father is the one who drinks tea. Was findet ihr an ihm so interessant? What do you find so interesting about him? What do you find so interesting about him? Haben Sie sich in Ihrem neuen Haus schon eingelebt? Have you got settled into your new house yet? Have you settled into your new home yet? Könntest du mich zum Kino bringen? Could you take me to the cinema? Could you take me to the movies? Ich arbeite nicht gern am Wochenende. Working on weekends is something that I don't like to do. I don't like working weekends. איר קען קומען ווענימער ס'איז גוט פאר אייך. You can come whenever it is convenient for you. You can come when it's good for me. Sie spricht Japanisch. She speaks Japanese. She speaks Japanese. Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich, aber ich will nicht. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. If I wanted to, I could, but I don't want to. Zijn uitspraken waren verkeerd opgevat. His statements were misconstrued. His statements were misunderstood. Wenn es um Kreativität geht, gibt es keine Sieger oder Verlierer. Das sagt man zumindest. When it comes to creativity, there are no winners or losers. At least, that's what they say. When it comes to creativity, there are no winners or losers. At least that’s what you say. Thomas ist Buchhalter, aber er hat noch viele andere Talente. Er singt sehr gut und denkt darüber nach, eine neue Karriere zu beginnen. Es ist toll. Thomas is an accountant, but he has many other talents. He sings very well, and he is thinking of starting a new career. It's awesome. Thomas is an accountant, but he has many other talents. He sings very well and thinks about starting a new career. It's great. Jullie moeten allemaal morgen hier aanwezig zijn. You all need to be here tomorrow. You all need to be here tomorrow. Es macht Spaß, mit Freunden wandern zu gehen. Going on hikes with friends is fun. It is fun to go hiking with friends. Dies ist Ihr legitimster Titel. This is your most legitimate title. This is your most legitimate title. Lasst nicht zu, dass Tom das isst. Don't let Tom eat this. Don't let Tom eat that. Een olifant heeft een lange neus. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Falls es eine bessere Lösung geben sollte, werde ich Sie umgehend informieren. If there's a better solution, then I'll notify you about it as soon as possible. If there is a better solution, I will inform you as soon as possible. The doctor is not available now. The doctor isn't available now. The Doctor is not available now. In seiner Freizeit liest Tom. Tom reads in his spare time. In his free time, Tom reads. De noodzaak van een theoretische en praktische voorbereiding ligt voor de hand. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. Sie legte es in die Schachtel. She put it in the box. She put it in the box. We moeten zo snel mogelijk met hem spreken. We need to speak with him as soon as possible. We need to talk to him as soon as possible. U zult hard moeten werken, als u wilt slagen voor het examen. You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam. You will have to work hard, if you want to pass the exam. I'm so tired. I'm so tired! - I'm so tired. Someone forced open the door. Someone forced the door open. - Someone forced open the door. Niemand bewoog. Nobody moved. No one moved. Mögen Sie meine Teller? Do you like my plates? Do you like my plates? Ik zie de maan en de zon. I see the moon and the sun. I see the moon and the sun. Schwätzt dir Lëtzebuergesch? Do you speak Luxembourgish? You're talking about snoring? Tom said that he thought that Mary might not be required to do that anymore. Tom said he thought that Mary might not be required to do that anymore. Tom said that he thought that mary might not be required to do that anymore. D'Vendeuren mussen haut net schaffen. The sales assistants don't have to work today. The fans don't have to be skinny. Ich bat Tom, mich am Bahnhof abzusetzen. I asked Tom to drop me off at the train station. I asked Tom to drop me off at the station. We've finished. We have finished. - We've finished. Tom's been out of it lately. Tom has been out lately. - Tom's been out of it lately. I think Tom is focused. I think that Tom is focused. I think tom is focused. Ihr solltet warten, bis es euch besser geht. You should wait until you feel better. You should wait until you feel better. I am determined to give up smoking. I'm determined to give up smoking. I'm determined to give up smoking. I don't think there's any harm in telling you now. I don't think that there's any harm in telling you now. - I don't think there's any harm in telling you now. Onverwachte resultaten werden aangekondigd. Unexpected results were announced. Unexpected results were announced. Tom macht das nur, wenn du’s ihm aufträgst. Tom won't do that unless you tell him to. Tom will only do that if you tell him to. I like getting free doughnuts. I like getting free donuts. - I like getting free doughnuts. Er wollte nur mit seiner Freundin zusammen sein. He wanted only to be with his girlfriend. He just wanted to be with his girlfriend. They said that they'd be willing help us. They said they'd be willing help us. They said they'd be willing to help us. די געזעלשאַפֿט דאַרף זיך בײַטן. Society needs to change. Society is in need of help. Als het niet om geld gaat, wat is dan het nut? If it isn't for money, then what's the point? If it's not about money, what's the point? Tom said it was an accident. Tom said that it was an accident. - Tom said it was an accident. What makes you think that Tom and Mary are planning on resigning? What makes you think that Tom and Mary are planning to resign? What makes you think that tom and mary are planning on resigning? Ik hou van koude pizza. I like cold pizza. I like cold pizza. Mit oder ohne Butter? With or without butter? With or without butter? פֿייגל זענען לעבעדיקע דינאָזאַווערס. Birds are living dinosaurs. Birds are living dinosaurs. „Weißt du, was dieses Wort bedeutet?“ – „Nein, aber ich werde es im Wörterbuch nachschlagen.“ "Do you know what this word means?" "No, but I'll look it up in the dictionary." “Do you know what that word means?” – “No, but I’ll look it up in the dictionary.” Selbst meine Tutorin konnte diese Gleichung nicht lösen. Even my tutor couldn't solve this equation. Even my tutor could not solve this equation. Tom gähnte im Unterricht und nickte ein. During the lesson, Tom yawned and nodded off. Tom yawned in class and nodded. He het 'n boek in sy hand gehad. He had a book in his hand. He had a book in his hand. Sleet was falling from the sky. A mixture of snow and rain was falling from the sky. sleet was falling from the sky. Du dröffst nich rechts föhren. You mustn't drive on the right. You are not allowed to drive right. Mit zerzaustem Haar und zerknitterter Kleidung hatte der zu spät gekommene Student eindeutig verschlafen. His hair disheveled and his clothes wrinkled, the late student had clearly overslept. With tousled hair and crumpled clothes, the late student had clearly fallen asleep. Der Supermarkt war heute geschlossen. The supermarket was closed today. The supermarket was closed today. Tom und Maria sind sich noch nie persönlich begegnet. Tom and Mary have never met in person. Tom and Mary have never met in person. Heute Nacht werde ich mit deinem Brief unter meinem Kopfkissen schlafen. I shall sleep with your letter under my pillow tonight. Tonight I will sleep with your letter under my pillow. Vielleicht schneit es. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it's snowing. Japanisch ist überhaupt nicht wie Chinesisch, obwohl beide Sprachen asiatisch sind. Japanese isn't like Chinese at all, even though both languages are Asian. Japanese is not at all like Chinese, although both languages are Asian. Trek twee kaarten. Draw two cards. Draw two cards. Vera wohnt in derselben Straße wie du. Vera lives on the same street as you. Vera lives on the same street as you. I wonder if Tom and Mary are skeptical. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are skeptical. I wonder if tom and mary are skeptical. I think their ideas are a lot of garbage. I think their ideas are a lot of nonsense. - I think their ideas are a lot of garbage. Eine Frage habe ich noch. I have one more question. I have one more question. Ze lijkt het niet erg te vinden als ik haar "tante" noem. She doesn't seem to mind when I call her "aunt". She doesn't seem to mind if I call her "aunt." Der Fluss mündet in einen See. The river discharges into a lake. The river flows into a lake. Tom wusste nicht einmal, wer Mary war. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. She didn’t even know who Mary was. Gebruik je heroïne of methadon? Do you use heroin or methadone? Do you use heroin or methadone? He deed mit toe Ogen Musik hören. He listened to the music with his eyes closed. He did listen to music with toe eyes. געטרוי נישט טאָמען. ער איז אַ פּאָליציאַנט. Don't trust Tom. He's a cop. Don't trust him, he's a police officer. Zeichnen wir einen Stein. Let's draw a stone. Let's draw a stone. Ich höre gerne dem Regen zu. I like listening to the rain. I like to listen to the rain. Het is een oud stereotiep. It's an old stereotype. It's an old stereotype. Tom said Australia is a nice place to visit. Tom said that Australia is a nice place to visit. Tom said australia is a nice place to visit. Wat vond je van de film? What did you think of the movie? What did you think of the movie? Ich möchte, dass du das weißt. I want you to know that. I want you to know that. Ze was erg blij dat te horen. She was very happy to hear that. She was very happy to hear that. In Japan gifft dat veel warme Borns. In Japan, there are many hot springs. There are many warm sources in Japan. Is dit weer één van je onbesuisde ideeën? Is this another one of your harebrained ideas? Is this another one of your silly ideas? Es war acht Meter lang. It was eight meters long. It was eight meters long. „Hör zu, es tut mir leid, aber ich habe den letzten Zug verpasst. Ich muss die Nacht über hierbleiben.“ – „Warum gehst du denn nicht zu Fuß?“ – „Zu Fuß?“ "Look, I'm sorry, but I've missed the last train. I'll have to stay here for the night." "Why don't you walk?" "Walk?!" “Listen, I’m sorry, but I missed the last train. I have to stay here for the night.” – “Why don’t you go on foot?” – “On foot?” What's going on here? What is going on here? What's goin' on here? Ich werde es Tom schon irgendwie beibringen. I'll figure out how to tell Tom. I'm going to teach Tom something. Ik sil foar alles betelje. I'll pay you for everything. I will pay for everything. Heb geen angst. Je gaat de woorden in het Portugees gewoon worden en vloeiend spreken. Don't be scared. You will get accustomed to words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Don't worry, you're going to get used to the words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Mein Haus ist vom Bahnhof aus leicht zu erreichen. My house is within easy reach of the station. My house is easily accessible from the train station. Tom schlug vor, noch etwas zu warten. Tom suggested we wait a little longer. Tom asked me to wait a little longer. I figured it had to be good. I figured that it had to be good. - I figured it had to be good. Man hätte eine Stecknadel fallen hören. You could've heard a pin drop. You would have heard a pin drop. טאָם איז אַ ריז. Tom is a giant. He's a giant. De weg is slecht onderhouden. The road is poorly maintained. The road is poorly maintained. The wine is in the market. I wine is in the marketplace. - The wine is in the market. Tom beachtete die Warnung nicht. Tom didn't heed the warning. Tom did not heed the warning. Het spijt me van gisteren. I apologize for yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. It's not easy to find work nowadays. It isn't easy to find work nowadays. - It's not easy to find work nowadays. יעקבֿ איז אַ וועלטלעכער ייִד. Yaakov is a secular Jew. Jacob is a secular Jew. טאָם לײַדט אויף נאַרקאָלעפּסיע. Tom has narcolepsy. He's on the verge of narcissism. Tom thought Mary was charming. Tom thought that Mary was charming. Tom thought mary was charming. Tom tut nur so, als wäre er glücklich und zufrieden. Tom is just pretending to be happy. Tom pretends to be happy and content. We kunnen geen melk drinken. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. Ich habe euren Verrat nicht vergessen. I have not forgotten your treachery. I haven't forgotten your betrayal. Wohnst du noch bei deiner Mutter? Are you still living with your mom? Do you still live with your mother? Het duurde lang tot ik in slaap viel. It took me a long time to fall asleep. It took me a long time to fall asleep. Bevor er zum Zahnarzt ging, hatte Tom einen Schnaps getrunken. Before he went to the dentist, Tom drank a glass of schnapps. Before he went to the dentist, Tom had drunk a liquor. Ohne Geld wird nichts erreicht. Without money, nothing is achieved. Without money, nothing is achieved. Als je nog één keer zo'n grote mond geeft, lees ik vanavond geen verhaaltje voor. If you're cheeky once more, I won't read you a story tonight. If you give me that big mouth one more time, I won't be reading a story tonight. Tom would've done that correctly the first time if you'd helped him. Tom would have done that correctly the first time if you'd helped him. Tom would have done that correctly the first time if you'd helped him. Contact me at the above address. Contact me at the address above. - Contact me at the above address. Die Lebenshaltungskosten steigen. Living costs are getting higher. The cost of living is rising. Heb jij niets leuks te zeggen? Don't you have anything nice to say? Don't you have anything nice to say? Hij heeft tweeduizend Engelse woorden uit het hoofd geleerd. He memorized two thousand English words. He memorized two thousand English words. Mi frös. I'm cold. Mi frös. Ich gehe besser zu Bett. I'd better go to bed. I'd better go to bed. Warum kämpfen sie nicht für ihre Rechte? Why don't they fight for their rights? Why don’t they fight for their rights? De kerstman is Chinees. Santa Claus is Chinese. Santa is Chinese. Heb je de staat verlaten in de afgelopen 14 dagen? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you left the state in the last 14 days? Tom heeft niet veel gedaan. Tom hasn't done much. Tom didn't do much. Hebt u iemand die u kunt bellen als u wilt praten? Do you have anyone who you can call if you need to talk? Do you have someone you can call if you want to talk? I would like to speak with your manager. I'd like to speak with your manager. - I would like to speak with your manager. Het metrostation bevindt zich op het plein. The subway station is at the square. The metro station is in the square. They said that they might not win. They said they might not win. - They said that they might not win. Omdat ze zich ziek voelde. Because she felt sick. Because she felt sick. Sie wird schon seit zehn Stunden operiert. She's been in surgery for ten hours. She's been in surgery for 10 hours. Maria wil mammoeten weer tot leven brengen. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Hebben ze een woordenboek? Do they have a dictionary? Do they have a dictionary? Es ist mir egal, ob sie in der Stadt oder auf dem Lande lebt. It doesn't matter to me whether she lives in the city or the countryside. I don't care if she lives in the city or the country. You are wearing your shirt inside out. You're wearing your shirt inside out. - You are wearing your shirt inside out. Fiona gid for a run tae the village an hid a cuppie and a piece on the muir. Fiona drove to the village and had a cup of tea and a sandwich on the village green. Fiona gave for a run to the village and hid a cuppie and a piece on the muir. טאָם זאָגט זיך אָפּ צו גיין צום דאָקטער. Tom refuses to go to the doctor. He tells her to go to the doctor. Ich bin aus Zeitmangel nicht bei dir vorbeigekommen. I didn't stop by your house because I didn't have time. I didn't come to see you due to a lack of time. Is de cursor op het scherm? Is the cursor on the screen? Is the cursor on the screen? Hij probeerde van alles om acteur te worden. He did everything he could think of to become an actor. He tried everything to become an actor. Ich habe jeweils 30 Taler dafür bezahlt. I paid thirty dollars each for these. I paid 30 thalers for each. Maybe Tom doesn't know Mary well enough to know that she won't do that. Maybe Tom doesn't know Mary well enough to know she won't do that. Maybe tom doesn't know mary well enough to know that she won't do that. t Is diezeg. It is foggy. T is the. Können Sie uns wichtige Informationen beschaffen? Can we get the important information? Can you provide us with important information? זײַ אַזוי גוט, גיב מיר אַן עפּל. Please give me an apple. Please, give me an apple. Ein Herr Jones kam vorbei, als du nicht zu Hause warst. A Mr Jones came while you were out. A Mr. Jones came by when you weren't home. Verliere nicht den Mut, Tom! Don't lose heart, Tom. Don't lose heart, Tom! Sperma ist es Wert, in Flaschen abgefüllt zu werden. Semen is worth bottling. Sperm is worth being bottled. Wo befindet sich der nächste U-Bahnhof? Where's the nearest tube station? Where is the nearest metro station? Geloof geen woord van wat Tom zegt. Don't believe a single word Tom says. Don't believe a word Tom says. Warum tut ihr das immer wieder? Why do you keep doing that? Why do you keep doing this? De nix waagt, winnt nix. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. You don't win, you don't win. Ich habe kein bisschen Erfahrung. I don't have any experience. I don't have any experience. Alle Studenten auf dieser Liste sind Kanadier. All the students on this list are Canadians. All students on this list are Canadians. Tom is neergestoken en stierf voor ze hem naar het ziekenhuis konden brengen. Tom was stabbed and died before they could get him to a hospital. Tom was stabbed and died before they could take him to the hospital. „Sprichst du Esperanto?“ – „Kaum, aber ich kann es ganz gut verstehen.“ "Do you speak Esperanto?" "I barely speak it, but I can understand it quite well." “Do you speak Esperanto?” – “Hardly, but I can understand it quite well.” I think you shouldn't have gone there by car. I think that you shouldn't have gone there by car. - I think you shouldn't have gone there by car. ר'איז גײ. He's gay. It's going to go. Ich hätte noch etwas bleiben können; weil ich aber allmählich müde wurde, beschloss ich zu gehen. I could have stayed a while longer, but I was getting tired, so I decided to leave. I could have stayed a little longer, but because I was getting tired, I decided to leave. Ze zijn prachtig. They're wonderful. They're beautiful. צי איז דאָס אַ פֿאַרלאָזלעכער מקור? Is that a trustworthy source? Is this a reliable source? טאָם איז דער ייִנגסטער פֿון די פֿיר. Tom is the youngest of the four. He is the youngest of the four. Marias Kleid zog alle Blicke auf sich. Mary's dress drew everyone's attention. Mary’s dress caught everyone’s eye. Gain probleem. No problem. Gain problem. Ik heb een nieuw paar handschoenen gekocht. I bought a new pair of gloves. I bought a new pair of gloves. Es regnet, und wir haben vergessen, die Fenster zu schließen. It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows. It was raining, and we forgot to close the windows. An wen hat Tom sein Land verkauft? Who did Tom sell his land to? To whom did Tom sell his land? Deze bloemen bloeiden 's nachts. These flowers bloomed overnight. These flowers bloomed at night. Was tätest du ohne mich? What would you do without me? What would you do without me? I thought Tom would like to do that. I thought Tom would like doing that. I thought tom would like to do that. Gott ist allwissend. God is omniscient. Allah is All-Knowing. Er vertut zuviel Zeit. Er sollte sich besser organisieren. He wastes too much time. He should organise himself better. He's wasting too much time. He should be better organized. Ihr Buch wurde rasch zu einem Verkaufsschlager. Her book quickly became a bestseller. Her book quickly became a bestseller. Ich bin Krebspatient. I'm a cancer patient. I am a cancer patient. Doe het op de manier zoals hij je vertelt. Do it the way he tells you to. Do it the way he tells you. Denken ist Hochleistungssport, was bedeutet, nur wer trainiert bleibt in Form. Thinking is a high performance sport, which means that only those who train stay in shape. Thinking is high-performance sport, which means only those who train stay in shape. Ich hoffe, ich habe dein Gehirn mit all diesen Gedanken nicht überstrapaziert. I hope I didn't rack your brain too hard with all these thoughts. I hope I didn't overuse your brain with all these thoughts. Ik ben een vrouw, ik heet Eva. I am a woman, my name is Eva. I am a woman, my name is Eva. From whence comest thou, and whither art thou bound? Where do you come from and where are you going? From whence comest thou, and whither artt thou bound? Sosehr du dich auch beklagst: es wird nichts ändern. No matter how much you complain, it's not going to change anything. As much as you complain, it won’t change anything. Nein, er trägt nicht Ihre Kleidung. No, he's not wearing your clothes. No, he's not wearing your clothes. Ik was een slachtoffer van de liefde. I was a victim of love. I was a victim of love. Auf dem Fußboden sind überall Nagetierköttel. The floor is covered in rodent droppings. There are rodent droppings everywhere on the floor. Wo befindet sich der Laden? Where is the store located? Where is the shop? Sie wurde zur Bürgermeisterin gewählt. They elected her mayor. She was elected mayor. Was hat Tom gesagt? What has Tom said? What did Tom say? Experts zeggen dat de koffieprijzen voornamelijk stijgen omdat mensen bereid zijn er meer voor te betalen. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more. Experts say that coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more for it. Tom befand sich auf dem Flughafen, als die Bombe hochging. Tom was at the airport when the bomb exploded. Tom was at the airport when the bomb went off. Voelt ge u beter vandaag? Do you feel any better today? Do you feel better today? Brauchst du Handschuhe? Do you need gloves? Do you need gloves? Ik heb zoveel werk dat ik nog een uur blijf. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work to do that I'm gonna stay an hour. Diebe plünderten das Museum. Thieves plundered the museum. Thieves looted the museum. Sie spürte ihre weibliche Unterlegenheit. She felt her female inferiority. She felt her feminine inferiority. Tom en Maria bezochten Scandinavië. Tom and Mary visited Scandinavia. Tom and Maria visited Scandinavia. Hat Tom gesagt, wo er letztes Wochenende gewesen ist? Has Tom said where he was last weekend? Did Tom say where he was last weekend? Wat zijn Toms sterke en zwakke punten? What are Tom's strengths and weaknesses? What are Tom’s strengths and weaknesses? Wenn ik en Vagel weer, denn kunn ik na di henflegen. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. Het leek persoonlijk. It seemed personal. It seemed personal. Wat zijn de oorzaken van het broeikaseffect? What are the causes of the greenhouse effect? What are the causes of the greenhouse effect? טאָם האָט געזונגען. Tom sang. Tom's been singing. Hilfst du mit, oder willst du einfach nur dasitzen und uns blöd von der Seite anmeckern? Are you going to help, or are you just going to sit there and carp from the sidelines? Do you want to help, or do you just want to sit down and make a fool of us? Sagen Sie mir bitte, was Sie brauchen. Please tell me what you need. Please tell me what you need. Da ist jemand auf der Straße. Halt den Wagen an! Someone's on the road. Stop the car! There's someone on the street, stop the car! Was braucht man zum Bau eines Netherportals? What do you need to build a nether portal? What do you need to build a Netherportal? Ihr hättet das eher sagen sollen. You should've said so earlier. You should have said that sooner. Maria houdt van paarden. Mary loves horses. Mary loves horses. Die Nacht war so schwarz, fast so schwarz wie ihr Herz. The night was so dark, almost as dark as her heart. The night was as black, almost as black as her heart. פֿאַרוואָס זענען מאַלפּעס אַזוי קאָמיש? Why are monkeys so funny? Why is it that they're so squishy? Ich will die loswerden. I want to get rid of them. I want to get rid of them. Die Altstadt blieb zum Glück von den Bomben der Alliierten verschont. Fortunately, the older part of the city was spared from the Allies' bombs. Fortunately, the old town was spared from Allied bombs. Was wäre wohl passiert, wenn Tom nicht dagewesen wäre? I wonder what would've happened if Tom hadn't been there. What would have happened if Tom hadn’t been there? Ich bin ziemlich schüchtern. I'm very reserved. I'm pretty shy. Ich bin nicht arrogant. Ich habe recht. I'm not arrogant. I'm right. I'm not arrogant, I'm right. Gebruikt u ketamine? Do you use ketamine? Do you use ketamine? We didn't sell Tom our car. We didn't sell our car to Tom. We didn't sell tom our car. Wann beginnt deine Geschäftsreise? When does your business trip begin? When does your business trip start? k Eet. I eat. k Eat. Is het warm genoeg om te zwemmen? Is it warm enough to go swimming? Is it warm enough to swim? Ich kenne alle eure Geheimnisse. I know all your secrets. I know all your secrets. Das ist kein Umhang, sondern ein Mantel. It's not a cape, it's a coat. It's not a cape, it's a coat. Du musst lernen, geduldiger zu sein. You need to learn to be more patient. You have to learn to be more patient. Trotz des heftigen Regens besuchte er seinen Freund im Krankenhaus. In spite of the heavy rain, he visited his friend in hospital. Despite the heavy rain, he visited his friend in the hospital. Wie besit hierdie lorrie? Who owns this lorry? Who's going to take care of Lori? Tom didn't tell anyone that they had to do that. Tom didn't tell anybody they had to do that. - Tom didn't tell anyone that they had to do that. If Tom doesn't help you, I will. If Tom doesn't help you, I'll help you. If tom doesn't help you, I will. Das Ergebnis wird ihn zufriedenstellen. The result will satisfy him. The result will satisfy him. All das wird sich bald ändern. All that is about to change. All this will soon change. Saturnus is de op een na grootste planeet in het zonnestelsel. Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Toms toespraak zat vol snerend sarcasme. Tom's speech was full of scathing sarcasm. Tom’s speech was full of sarcasm. Wees lief en zet de radio wat zachter. Be an angel and turn the radio down. Be kind and turn the radio down a bit. Der junge Musiker hat nie daran gedacht, ins Sinfonieorchester einzusteigen. The young musician has never considered joining the symphonic orchestra. The young musician never thought of joining the symphony orchestra. Ich bin einmal auf Hokkaidō gewesen. I have gone to Hokkaido one time. I once went to Hokkaido. I hope Tom can get that sorted out. I hope that Tom can get that sorted out. I hope tom can get that sorted out. Wo soll ich’s hintun? Where do you want it? Where should I put it? Tom zal overmorgen vertrekken. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Nachdem sie mich hatte Französisch lernen sehen, meinte meine Schwester, sie wolle es auch einmal versuchen. After my sister saw me learning French, she said she wanted to give it a go, too. After seeing me learn French, my sister said she wanted to try it. דער קויל האט געטראפן דעם פאליציאנט אין פוס. The bullet got the policeman in the leg. The attack was carried out by the police on foot. That isn't the only thing that Tom found. That's not the only thing that Tom found. That isn't the only thing that tom found. Wie lange sind Sie fort gewesen? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? There's no need for Tom to do that. There isn't any need for Tom to do that. There's no need for tom to do that. k Kin rieden. I can drive. k Kin laughs. Tom said that Mary knew that John might not be allowed to do that by himself. Tom said Mary knew that John might not be allowed to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew that john might not be allowed to do that by himself. Ich mag Tennis mehr als Fußball. I like tennis more than soccer. I like tennis more than football. Dusver hebben we nogal wat success. So far we have been quite successful. So far we've had quite a bit of success. Ik heb hier maar een paar vrienden. I only have a few friends here. I only have a few friends here. Es ist notwendig. It is necessary. It is necessary. Katzen sind von Natur aus neugierige Geschöpfe. Cats are curious creatures by nature. Cats are naturally curious creatures. Er war ganz allein in dem Haus. He was all alone in the house. He was all alone in the house. Ja, natürlich. Du hast recht. Yes, of course, you're right. Yeah, of course, you're right. Tom interessiert sich sehr dafür, Französisch zu lernen. Tom is very interested in learning French. Tom is very interested in learning French. Hou je een droomdagboek bij? Do you keep a dream journal? Do you keep a dream journal? Er stand da und sah mich an. He stood there looking at me. He stood there and looked at me. Du weißt, Tom mag Maria. You know Tom likes Mary. You know Tom likes Maria. Ek is in Tokio gebore en getoë. I was born and brought up in Tokyo. I was born and raised in Tokyo. Het was een valstrik. It was a set-up. It was a trap. ס'איז אַ בלײַער. It's a pencil. It's a blue. Ik duld geen knoeiers. I have no patience for amateurs. I don't tolerate tampering. De kat is de muis gevolgd. The cat followed the mouse. The cat followed the mouse. Als we hier blijven, zijn we misschien veilig. If we stay here, we might be safe. If we stay here, we might be safe. Tom said Mary is probably still scared. Tom said that Mary is probably still scared. Tom said mary is probably still scared. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. No one knows what'll happen tomorrow. - No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Wie sind wir hierhergekommen? How did we get here? How did we get here? Ich habe ein Haus gekauft. I bought a house. I bought a house. Ich werde schwerhörig. I'm beginning to lose my hearing. I'm getting hard of hearing. I don't think it'll get better. I don't think that it'll get better. - I don't think it'll get better. Weil er unaufmerksam war, konnte der Fahrer nicht rechtzeitig anhalten. Not being watchful, the driver failed to stop in time. Because he was inattentive, the driver could not stop in time. They said they were getting sleepy. They said that they were getting sleepy. - They said they were getting sleepy. Alles, was du brauchst, ist in diesem Karton. Everything you need is in this box. All you need is in this box. Twee ridders reden te paard de stad in. Two knights rode into town on their horses. Two knights rode on horseback into the city. Wenn er noch Junggeselle wäre, würde ich ihn heiraten. If he were a bachelor, I would marry him. If he was still a bachelor, I would marry him. Das Buch wurde von der Kritik schon verrissen, bevor es überhaupt erschienen war. The book was savaged by the critics before it was even published. The book was criticized before it even came out. I suspect you don't have to do that. I suspect that you don't have to do that. - I suspect you don't have to do that. Kennst du jemanden, der Gitarre spielt? Do you know anybody who plays the guitar? Do you know someone who plays guitar? Ein Fünftel meines Einkommens geht für die Steuer drauf. One-fifth of my wages goes to taxes. One-fifth of my income goes to taxes. Auf unsere Bitte hin hätte Tom davon Abstand genommen. Tom wouldn't have done that if we'd asked him not to. At our request, Tom would have refrained from doing so. איר זענט טויט בלאַס. You're as white as a ghost. You're dead white. Konsumieren Sie Heroin oder Methadon? Do you use heroin or methadone? Do you consume heroin or methadone? Ik kaam ut Singapur. I'm from Singapore. I came from Singapore. Das ist echt widerlich. That's absolutely disgusting. That's really disgusting. Algerije is een zeer belangrijk partnerland voor de Europese Unie. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Mein ganzes Leben bin ich missverstanden worden. I've been misunderstood all my life. All my life I have been misunderstood. Layla ist mit allen zurechtgekommen. Layla got along with everybody. Layla got along with everyone. „Hast du die Bücher gefunden?“ – „Ich weiß nicht, wo ich anfangen soll zu suchen. Die könnten überall sein.“ "Have you found those books?" "I don't know where to start looking. They could be anywhere." “Did you find the books?” – “I don’t know where to start looking. They could be anywhere.” Tom knows I borrowed the money from Mary. Tom knows that I borrowed the money from Mary. Tom knows I borrowed the money from mary. Hast du heute schon deinen Kaffee gehabt? Have you had your coffee today? Did you have your coffee today? Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du das selbst gemacht hast. I can't believe you did this by yourself. I can't believe you did this yourself. Hij stopte om te roken. He stopped for a smoke. He stopped smoking. Tom keem mit’n Bus na Huus. Tom came home by bus. Take a bus to the house. Linda stond op om te zingen. Linda stood up to sing. Linda stood up to sing. Ik ben hier om je te beschermen. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. ווילסטו נישט רעדן פאר טאם וועגן עס? Don't you want to talk to Tom about it? Don't you want to talk about it? I am frying fish. I'm frying fish. - I am frying fish. Wanneer vertrek je? When are you leaving? When are you going to leave? I've got to do something with these radishes. I have to do something with these radishes. I've gotta do something with these radishes. Tom war ein Chaot. Tom was a mess. Tom was a mess. אסתּר איז אַ לעבן־געבליבענע פֿונעם חורבן. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is a lifesaver of the Holocaust. Das Unternehmen stellt allerlei Musikinstrumente her. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company manufactures all kinds of musical instruments. Ik heff Tom nix to seggen. I've got nothing to say to Tom. I have nothing to say to Tom. Tom fuhr mit demselben Bus wie ich. Tom was on the same bus as me. Tom was on the same bus as me. Meine Sonnenbrille ist neuer als Ihre. My sunglasses are newer than yours. My sunglasses are newer than yours. Ik hoorde dat je nu een filmster bent. I heard that you're a movie star now. I heard you're a movie star now. In der Zwischenzeit hätte ich gern ein Eis. Meanwhile, I want ice cream. In the meantime, I'd like an ice cream. I thought maybe I'd better not go home right away. I thought that maybe I'd better not go home right away. - I thought maybe I'd better not go home right away. Ze gingen tegenover elkaar zitten. They sat across from each other. They sat across from each other. Der Sturm blies und heulte, als wenn er alte Lieder sänge. The storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. The storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. Wir sollten wohl den Täter ausfindig machen. Maybe we ought to find who did this. I think we should find the killer. Tom kann nicht krank sein. Tom can't be sick. Tom can't be sick. Tom besuchte Maria jeden Tag im Krankenhaus. Tom went to see Mary in hospital every day. Tom visited Maria in the hospital every day. Tik je naam in, alsjeblief. Please type your name. Type your name, please. De Katt is in ehr Korv. The cat is in its basket. The cat is in her basket. I thought you were supposed to doing that right now. I thought that you were supposed to doing that right now. - I thought you were supposed to do that right now. I thought maybe you'd have an idea. I thought that maybe you'd have an idea. - I thought maybe you'd have an idea. zoiets heb ik nog nooit meegemaakt. I have never experienced anything like it. I've never seen anything like this before. Wir waren zu langsam. We were too slow. We were too slow. Wat wilt u? What do you want? What do you want? Alles leek fout te gaan bij mij. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Ze droeg een wit kleed. She wore a white dress. She was wearing a white robe. Ek sal liewer nie daar alleen gaan nie. I would rather not go there alone. I'd rather not go there alone. Die Erkenntnis kam mir eines Nachts. The realization came to me one night. The knowledge came to me one night. Mijn nieuwe laarzen zijn van echt leer en hebben nogal hoge hakken. My new boots are made of real leather and have relatively high heels. My new boots are made of genuine leather and have rather high heels. Ich werde nicht ewig warten. I'm not waiting for ever. I won't wait forever. Tom hat einen Mitbewohner. Tom has a roommate. Tom has a roommate. Gisteren heb ik voetbal gespeeld. I played soccer yesterday. I played football yesterday. Ik bün torüchkamen, üm di to helpen. I came back to help you. I am coming back to help you. Sie haben das Licht brennen lassen. You left the light on. You let the light burn. Pas op dat je de eieren niet laat vallen. Be careful not to drop the eggs. Be careful not to drop the eggs. Durianfrüchte stinken, sollen aber sehr gesund sein. Durian stinks, but it's said to be very healthy. Durian fruits stink, but should be very healthy. Ik ben naar een concert geweest met Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. Ik ben van plan nooit meer te drinken. I plan to never drink again. I don't plan on ever drinking again. Das tut es. That does it. It does. Davon habe ich später erfahren. I found out about that later. I found out about that later. Er war schon fast tot, als er ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde. He was all but dead when taken to the hospital. He was almost dead when he was admitted to the hospital. Je schwieriger, desto besser. The harder, the better. The harder, the better. Tom ändert sich nie. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Wer möchte dort leben? Who'd want to live there? Who wants to live there? אָט פֿאַרוואָס טאָם איז אַװעקגעגאַנגען. Here's why Tom left. That's why Tom left. Tom hett keen Reekner. Tom doesn't have a computer. Tom doesn't have a computer. Fit time are we haein wir denner? What time are we having our lunch? Fit time are we haein wir denner? Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar. What is essential is invisible to the eye. The essentials are invisible to the eyes. k Kom oet Afrin. I'm from Afrin. I'm going to Afrin. Waarom heb je de moeite genomen? Why did you even bother? Why did you bother? Was bedeutet das, und in was für einer Situation würdest du das sagen? What does this mean and in what situation would you use it? What does that mean, and in what situation would you say that? Ik werk hier. I work here. I work here. Tom will try to help Mary do that. Tom is going to try to help Mary do that. Tom will try to help mary do that. Einen Schritt weiter und du bist tot! One more step and you're dead. One step further and you're dead! Wie heeft de Koran in het Hebreeuws vertaald? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? I know that Tom is about the same age as you. I know Tom is about the same age as you. I know that tom is about the same age as you. Das war meines Erachtens keine weise Entscheidung. I think this wasn't a wise decision. I do not think that was a wise decision. Ich war es leid, so behandelt zu werden. I was tired of being treated that way. I was tired of being treated that way. מיר זוכן אונדזער הונט. We're looking for our dog. We are looking for our dog. Meine beste Schülerin lebt in Kalifornien. My best student lives in California. My best student lives in California. Wir haben zum Spielen keine Zeit. We don't have time to play. We don't have time to play. I would've done that if I'd had the chance. I would have done that if I'd had the chance. I would have done that if I'd had the chance. Als sie im Ausland war, telefonierte sie häufig via Skype. When she was abroad, she often used Skype. When she was abroad, she often telephoned via Skype. Wenn man Salzsäure mit Natriumhydroxid mischt, bekommt man Wasser und Kochsalz. Ob man das wohl bedenkenlos trinken könnte? If you mix hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide, you get water and table salt. Could you drink that without a second thought? If you mix hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide, you get water and table salt. Es regnet nicht, es schneit. It doesn't rain, it snows. It's not raining, it's snowing. Is dit de man die u heeft gezien? Was this the man you saw? Is this the man you saw? Das ist zutiefst problematisch. It's deeply problematic. This is deeply problematic. Der französische Präsident geht nächsten Monat nach Japan. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The French president is going to Japan next month. I have serious doubts about their plans succeeding. I have serious doubts about their plan succeeding. - I have serious doubts about their plans succeeding. Er sagte, dass es regne und er zu Hause bleiben wolle. He said that it was raining, and that he would stay at home. He said it was raining and he wanted to stay home. Dieses Ventil muss ausgetauscht werden. This valve needs to be replaced. This valve must be replaced. Von dort ab steigt die Straße an. The road rises from there. From there the road rises. Zai bleef. She stayed. Zai stayed. Im Sommer laufen wir öfter als im Winter. In summer, we walk more often than in winter. In summer we run more often than in winter. Ich habe beschlossen, alle meine englischen Sätze freizugeben, diesen eingeschlossen. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. Tom said he didn't see anyone. Tom said that he didn't see anyone. - Tom said he didn't see anyone. Ich erkannte sie auf den ersten Blick. I recognized her at first sight. I recognized her at first sight. Tom must've been ill. Tom must have been ill. Tom must have been ill. Hashimoto, eine 56 Jahre alte Abgeordnete der japanischen Regierungspartei, hat als Schlittschuhläuferin und Radfahrerin an sieben olympischen Sommer- und Winterspielen teilgenommen. Hashimoto, a 56-year-old lawmaker in Japan’s ruling party, participated in seven Summer and Winter Olympics as a skater and a cyclist. Hashimoto, a 56-year-old member of the Japanese governing party, has competed as a skater and cyclist in seven Summer and Winter Olympics. Vor zwei Jahren konnte ich kein Wort Türkisch, aber jetzt kann ich sogar Bücher in dieser Sprache lesen. Two years ago I didn't know a word of Turkish, and now I can even read books in this language. Two years ago I couldn’t speak a word of Turkish, but now I can even read books in that language. Tom said he wasn't having fun. Tom said that he wasn't having fun. - Tom said he wasn't having fun. Wie viel Geld kostet ein solches Kellerfenster? How much money does a basement window like that cost? How much does such a basement window cost? Ich werde deine Freundlichkeit so lange ich lebe nicht vergessen. I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live. I will not forget your kindness as long as I live. Ik hou er niet van om voor mensen te spreken. I don't like to speak in front of people. I don't like to speak for people. Tom ist einzigartig. Tom is unique. Tom is unique. Ik wil mijn tijd hier niet verspillen. I don't want to waste my time here. I don't want to waste my time here. Is dat een bus of een auto? Is that a bus or a car? Is that a bus or a car? Ze zijn allemaal tegelijk begonnen te babbelen. They all began to chatter at once. They all started talking at the same time. Sie liebte ihren Vater sehr. She loved her dad very much. She loved her father very much. Ik hou van Californië. I love California. I love California. Spreken joe Jiddisj. Do you speak Yiddish? Speaking of Joe Yiddish. Leef je uit. Live your dream. Live your life. Tom is erg gezond. Tom is very healthy. Tom is very healthy. Ik ben mijn potlood kwijt. I have lost my pencil. I lost my pencil. Als allererstes müsst du dich mit Tom in Verbindung setzen. The first thing you have to do is contact Tom. The first thing you need to do is contact Tom. Tom knows we can't win. Tom knows that we can't win. - Tom knows we can't win. Tom said he's not being used. Tom said he isn't being used. - Tom said he's not being used. Heeft er iemand honger? Is anybody hungry? Is anyone hungry? „Infolge dieser Pandemie ist es in den meisten Ländern um so nötiger geworden, die psychologische Betreuung zu fördern“, hieß es in der Studie. „Der Belastung durch schwere depressive und Angststörungen gegenüber nichts zu tun kann nicht die Lösung sein“, sagten die Forscher. “This pandemic has created an increased urgency to strengthen mental health systems in most countries,” the survey said. “Taking no action to address the burden of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders should not be an option,” the researchers said. “As a result of this pandemic, it has become all the more necessary in most countries to promote psychological care,” the study said. De Esel deed den Hund pedden, de em beten harr. The donkey kicked the dog that had bitten it. The donkey did peddling the dog who was praying to him. I know Tom is almost as tall as I am. I know Tom is almost as tall as me. I know tom is almost as tall as I am. Geh bitte hin und schließ das Fenster. Go and close the window, please. Please go and close the window. Mijn moeder haat het schrijven van brieven. My mother hates writing letters. My mother hates writing letters. Der Arzt untersuchte das Baby. The doctor examined the baby. The doctor examined the baby. Maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag zijn de zeven dagen van de week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Bedenke, wie Tom zumute war, als du das tatest! Think about how Tom might have felt when you did that. Think about how Tom felt when you did that. Diese Arznei wird dir guttun. This medicine will do you good! This medicine will do you good. Ich habe im Laufe des Sommers viel Obst gegessen. I ate a lot of fruit over the summer. I ate a lot of fruit over the summer. Did you know Tom has served time in prison? Did you know that Tom has served time in prison? Did you know tom has served time in prison? Tom behauptete, Mary hätte auf ihn geschossen. Tom claimed that Mary shot him. Tom claimed Mary had shot him. In die verlede was die seuns geleer om vir hulself te verdedig terwyl hulle nog baie jonk was. In the past, the boys were taught to fend for themselves while still very young. In the past, the boys were taught to defend themselves while they were still very young. Wie lange noch zum Aufbruch? How long is it until departure? How long to leave? Tom spreekt drie buitenlandse talen. Tom can speak three foreign languages. He speaks three foreign languages. Tom nimmt ein Bad in der Badewanne. Tom is having a bath. Tom takes a bath in the bathtub. Wist je dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Did you know that Tom was a dentist? Did you know Tom was a dentist? Der Text muss ins Französische übersetzt werden. The text needs to be translated into French. The text must be translated into French. Het is erg warm in de keuken. It is very hot in the kitchen. It is very warm in the kitchen. Tom und Maria verkleideten sich als Eichhörnchen. Tom and Maria disguised themselves as squirrels. Tom and Mary dressed up as squirrels. I didn't know that Tom knew anybody who was able to do that. I didn't know Tom knew anyone who was able to do that. I didn't know that tom knew anybody who was able to do that. Die Nationalhymne Griechenlands ist die „Hymne an die Freiheit“. The National Anthem of Greece is the "Hymn to Liberty". The national anthem of Greece is the “anthem to freedom”. Sie presste die Lippen zusammen und gebot sich, nicht zu weinen. She pressed her lips together and willed herself not to cry. She pressed her lips together and vowed not to cry. Tom is jonger geworden. Tom has gotten younger. Tom is getting younger. Im Französischen gibt es dafür kein Wort. French doesn't have a word for that. There is no word for it in French. Let's go into town. Let's go in town. - Let's go into town. Ik kan het mes niet vinden. I can't find the knife. I can't find the knife. Du kannst so gut schreiben. Ich kann’s zum Verrecken nicht. You're so good at writing. I'm terrible. You write so well, I can't fucking do it. I've already promised Tom I'd help him. I've already promised Tom that I'd help him. I've already promised tom I'd help him. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She loves coffee. That's not all Tom wanted. That isn't all Tom wanted. - That's not all Tom wanted. Ik heff noch nie so en groten Waal sehn. I've never seen a whale that big. I have never seen such a large whale. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to realize that John wouldn't be coming back. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to realize John wouldn't be coming back. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary... to realize that John wouldn't be coming back. „Und was ist in dem Gebäude auf der anderen Seite des Hofes?“ — „Im Erdgeschoss sind Ställe und darüber Heuböden.“ "And what's in the building on the other side of the yard?" "There are stables on the ground floor and haylofts above them." “And what’s in the building on the other side of the yard?” — “On the ground floor are stables and above are haystacks.” Bier besteht zu 90 % aus Wasser. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer is 90% water. I guess we won't be seeing Tom anytime soon. I guess that we won't be seeing Tom anytime soon. I guess we won't be seeing tom anytime soon. Ich finde, Tom sah besser aus, ehe er seinen Bart abrasierte. I think Tom looked better before he shaved off his beard. I think Tom looked better before he shaved his beard. They only allow you to visit patients for 30 minutes per day. They only allow you to visit patients for thirty minutes a day. They only allow you to visit patients... for 30 minutes a day. Wir haben nur eine Art geboren zu werden, aber es gibt viele Arten zu sterben. We have only one way to be born, but there are many ways to die. We only have one way to be born, but there are many ways to die. Why do you think Tom likes baseball so much? Why do you think that Tom likes baseball so much? Why do you think tom likes baseball so much? Es ist Grün. Gehen wir rüber! It's green. Let's cross over. It's green, let's go over. Wir sind leider ausgebucht. Sorry, but we're booked up. Unfortunately we are fully booked. It's not just Tom's fault. It isn't just Tom's fault. It's not just tom's fault. In diesem Hause wohnt niemand mehr. No one lives in this house anymore. No one lives in this house anymore. Ich freue mich sehr, dich hier zu treffen. I was delighted to meet you here. I'm so happy to meet you here. Waarom huilen jullie? Why do you cry? Why are you crying? Die Handwerker mussten unverrichteter Dinge wieder abziehen, weil niemand die Tür öffnete. The tradesmen had to leave without having achieved anything because no one answered the door. The artisans had to pull things off because no one opened the door. Tom thought Mary might not be permitted to do that anymore. Tom thought that Mary might not be permitted to do that anymore. Tom thought mary might not be permitted to do that anymore. Is er ooit hoge bloeddruk bij je vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? I knew that Tom told Mary that he wasn't going to do that. I knew Tom told Mary that he wasn't going to do that. I knew that tom told mary that he wasn't going to do that. Die Auster macht die Perle, die Biene den Honig, der Mensch Probleme. The oyster creates pearls, the bee creates honey, and humans create problems. The oyster makes the pearl, the bee the honey, the man problems. Ik had het koud. I was cold. I was cold. Villmools Merci am Viraus! Thank you very much in advance! Thank you in advance! Ik hou van de Griekse keuken. I like Greek cuisine. I love the Greek cuisine. Wenn du ein wenig geduldiger gewesen wärst, hättest du es schaffen können. If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded. If you had been a little more patient, you could have made it. Wann ist die beste Zeit für die Asperlernte? When is the right time to harvest medlars? When is the best time to learn Asperger's? Zij moet dat weten. She's the one that has to know that. She needs to know that. I doubt that Tom will run for president. I doubt Tom will run for president. I doubt that tom will run for president. Kin k eten? Can I eat? Can you eat? Hai is nait old. He is not old. Hai is not old. „Jeder hat Fehler.“ – „Ich nicht.“ "Everyone has flaws." "I don't." “Everyone has mistakes.” – “I don’t.” We hebben geen kinderen. We don't have kids. We don't have children. Das ist meine Nichte. This is my niece. This is my niece. Ich weiß, du hast Angst vor Schlangen. I know you're afraid of snakes. I know you're afraid of snakes. Ik wil dat ge gitaar speelt voor mij. I want you to play the guitar for me. I want you to play guitar for me. Der Prinz sagt, dass die Welt von der Schönheit gerettet werden wird! Und ich behaupte, dass er solche verspielten Gedanken hegt, weil er sich verliebt hat. The prince says that the world will be saved by beauty! And I maintain that the reason he has such playful ideas is that he is in love. The prince says that the world will be saved by the beauty! And I assert that he harbors such playful thoughts because he has fallen in love. Hallo John! Hoe gaat het? Hello, John! How are you? Hello John, how are you? Du hättest das Bild sehen sollen. You should have seen the picture. You should have seen the picture. Schulsysteme müssen mit einer schwankenden Schülerzahl fertig werden. School systems have to cope with changing numbers of pupils. School systems have to cope with a fluctuating number of students. Tom besucht seine Schwester. Tom is visiting his sister. Tom visits his sister. I think that Tom is expecting somebody. I think Tom is expecting someone. I think that tom is expecting somebody. Iedereen wenst voor geluk Everybody wishes for happiness. Everyone wishes for happiness Tom het reeds geëet. Tom already ate. He's already eaten it. Es gab keinen Grund zur Sorge. There was no reason to be concerned. There was no need to worry. They said that they don't like to do that. They said that they don't like doing that. - They said that they don't like to do that. Könnt ihr das reparieren, oder sollte ich einen Klempner rufen? Can you fix this or should I call a plumber? Can you fix this, or should I call a plumber? Du hast eine Stelle übersehen. Geh noch mal mit dem Pinsel in die Ecke. You've missed a bit. Just daub your brush there in the corner. You missed a spot, go back to the corner with the brush. Wo lang hest du op ’n Bus töövt? How long have you been waiting for the bus? How long did you wait on the bus? Good job, guys! Good job, guys. - Good job, guys! Der Himmel verdunkelt sich. The sky's getting darker. The sky is darkening. Du musst was schreiben. You've got to write something. You have to write something. Maria war hysterisch. Mary was hysterical. Mary was hysterical. Zikaden sind 3 cm lange, geflügelte Insekten, die laut zirpen, wenn sie auf Partnersuche sind. Cicadas are 3-centimeter, winged insects that buzz loudly while seeking a mate. Cicadas are 3 cm long, winged insects that chirp loudly when they are looking for a partner. Ik was geen goede moeder. I was not a good mother. I wasn't a good mother. Welche Sprache spricht man in Ägypten? What language is spoken in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Die Kinder fahren Karussell. The children are riding the carousel. The children ride a carousel. Ich bin Japaner, aber ich lebe nicht in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Wat hest du för ’n Bloodgrupp? What's your blood group? What do you have for a blood group? Sorry, but I am unable to do so. Sorry, but I can't do so. - Sorry, but I am unable to do so. Französisch ist eine schwer zu erlernende Sprache. French is a hard language to learn. French is a difficult language to learn. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still give the same general message. There are plenty of ways to write a sentence and still give the general message. You can write a sentence in a Iot of ways and still give the same general message. There are a lot of ways to write a sentence and still keep the general message intact. You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact. There are a lot of ways to write a sentence... and still keep the general message intact. Unsere Hennen legen viele Eier. Our hens lay a lot of eggs. Our hens lay a lot of eggs. Vielleicht kannst du mir irgendwann mal zeigen, wie du das machst. Maybe you can show me at some point how you do it. Maybe someday you can show me how to do it. „Sie sind kein Kommunist, oder?“ – „Doch.“ "You're not a communist, are you?" "Yes." “You’re not a communist, are you?” Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika? What do they speak in America? What language is spoken in America? Wurden Sie schon einmal wegen einer Blasenentzündung behandelt? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Wat is jullie favoriete browser? Which is your favorite browser? What is your favorite browser? Ich habe vergessen, meine Brille mitzunehmen. I forgot to bring my glasses. I forgot to bring my glasses. Es gibt ein Gesetz, das verbietet, Abfall achtlos wegzuwerfen, aber dem wird selten Geltung verschafft. There is a law against dropping litter, but it's rarely enforced. There is a law that forbids carelessly throwing away waste, but it is rarely enforced. Ik wil nog niet sterven. I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die yet. Hat es deling mal winjig. It is very windy today. Does it divide times winjig. Wer steht denn da bei Tom? Who is the man standing next to Tom? Who is with Tom? Mach es nicht so. Don't do it like that. Don't do it like that. In september word ik zestien. I'll be sixteen in September. In September I will turn 16. Dieses blaue Ding ist nicht gelb. This blue thing isn't yellow. This blue thing is not yellow. Zwei Menschen kamen ums Leben. Two people lost their lives. Two people were killed. I know that Tom won't do that tomorrow. I know Tom won't do that tomorrow. I know that tom won't do that tomorrow. Er is veel water nodig. Much water is needed. A lot of water is needed. יאַני האָט אָפּגעוואַשן די כּלים. Yanni washed the dishes. Ian picked up the gun. Ich wünschte, du hättest Tom mit uns gehen lassen. I wish you had let Tom go with us. I wish you'd let Tom go with us. Ech sinn Dokter. I'm a doctor. - I'm a doctor. Ein Gutes hat es, Präsident zu sein: keiner kann einem vorschreiben, wann man sich zu setzen hat. There is one thing about being President—nobody can tell you when to sit down. There is a good thing about being president: no one can tell you when to sit down. Tom hett dat Licht nich utmookt. Tom didn't turn the light off. Tom didn't make out the light. „Wo denkst du an?“ – „Ik denk an di.“ "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you." “What are you thinking of?” – “I’m thinking of you.” Drei Jahre verbrachte Anna in Deutschland. Anna spent three years in Germany. Anna spent three years in Germany. Mein Dach ist undicht. My roof leaks. My roof is leaking. Wir haben neulich mit ihr darüber gesprochen. We spoke to her about it recently. We talked to her about it the other day. Tom said that he thought Mary might not be allowed to do that again. Tom said that he thought that Mary might not be allowed to do that again. Tom said that he thought mary might not be allowed to do that again. I don't think Tom is Mary's boyfriend. I don't think that Tom is Mary's boyfriend. I don't think tom is mary's boyfriend. Toms Blauäugigkeit scheint grenzenlos zu sein. Tom's naivety seems to be limitless. Tom's blue-eyedness seems boundless. Vandaag wil ik naar de bioscoop. I want to go to the movies today. Today I want to go to the cinema. Das Wasser stieg auf einen Pegelstand von zehn Metern. The water rose to a level of 10 meters. The water rose to a level of ten meters. Layla liet Salima zien hoe ze haar islamitische hoofddoek moest dragen. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Muslim headscarf. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Islamic headscarf. We zijn erg blij met ons nieuwe huis. We're very happy with our new house. We are very happy with our new home. Tom sagte, er habe zu tun. Tom said that he had things that he needed to do. Tom said he had work to do. Tom said he wasn't sure he could do it. Tom said that he wasn't sure he could do it. - Tom said he wasn't sure he could do it. Hebräisch ist meine Muttersprache. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my mother tongue. Wer redet mehr? Tom oder Maria? Who's more talkative, Tom or Mary? Who's talking more, Tom or Maria? I know I made a mistake, but you needn't to rub it in! I know I made a mistake, but you don't need to rub it in. I know I made a mistake, but you needn't to rub it in. Tom and I are both wrong. Both Tom and I are wrong. - Tom and I are both wrong. I don't think you've been listening to me. I don't think that you've been listening to me. - I don't think you've been listening to me. Hun doorlichtingsproces is zeer grondig. Their vetting process is very strict. Their screening process is very thorough. „צי איז אָט דער מאַן חתונה־געהאַט?‟ - „ניין, ער איז געגט.‟ "Is this man married?" "No, he's divorced." "Is he married?" - "No, he's married." Bin het in Singapoer gebly. Bin lived in Singapore. I stayed in Singapore. I would have done it at that time. I would've done it at that time. I would've done it at that time. I know that Tom is bossy. I know Tom is bossy. I know that tom is bossy. Tom had brood uit roggemeel gekocht, terwijl Maria hem had gevraagd Fries roggebrood te kopen. Tom bought rye bread, even though Mary had asked him to buy pumpernickel bread. Tom had bought bread from rye flour, while Maria had asked him to buy Frisian rye bread. I wasn't surprised that Tom didn't need to do the same thing I needed to do. I wasn't surprised Tom didn't need to do the same thing I needed to do. I wasn't surprised that tom didn't need to do the same thing I needed to do. Was geschieht nach dem Tod? What happens after death? What happens after death? Vo wo sind Si? Where are you from? Where are you? De menigte groeide snel. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew rapidly. Dor sünd twee Bööd op ’n See. There are two boats on the lake. There are two floors on the lake. Ich bin der Meinung, die Todesstrafe sollte abgeschafft werden. I think capital punishment should be abolished. I believe that the death penalty should be abolished. They say that they can't help. They say they can't help. - They say that they can't help. Wat een groot huis heb je! What a big house you have! What a great house you have! Tom said he heard noises in the kitchen. Tom said that he heard noises in the kitchen. - Tom said he heard noises in the kitchen. Mi no e go taigi a meisje dati. I’m not going to tell the girl that. I do not want to be like her, because I do not want anyone to say that I am telling you about me. Tom war in der Kirche. Tom was in church. Tom was in the church. Wie lange lebst du schon in Schweden? How long have you been living in Sweden? How long have you lived in Sweden? Tom isst heute bei Maria zu Abend. Tom will be eating at Mary's house tonight. Tom is having dinner with Maria today. Tom said he enjoyed doing that. Tom said that he enjoyed doing that. - Tom said he enjoyed doing that. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, Probleme zu schaffen. My job consists of creating problems. My job is to create problems. Naaien heb ik van mijn moeder geleerd. My mother was the one who taught me how to sew. I learned to sew from my mother. Sneeuw is wit. Snow is white. Snow is white. Mein Geld ist gekommen. My money came in. My money has come. Der Februar hat nur 28 Tage. There are only 28 days in February. February has only 28 days. Die meisten Reiter, denen es ernst ist, besitzen einen eigenen Sattel. Most serious riders own their own saddles. Most serious riders have their own saddle. Glaubst du, du findest einen Ersatz für Tom? Do you think that you can find anyone to replace Tom? Do you think you can find a replacement for Tom? Ik wil graag wat water. I would like some water. I'd like some water. Hij heeft hoofdpijn. He has a headache. He's got a headache. Ich bin noch nicht neunzig Jahre alt. I am not ninety years old yet. I am not yet ninety years old. Kannst du zu meinem Haus kommen? Can you come to my house? Can you come to my house? Ik kom uit Kabylië, Algerije. I'm from Kabylie, Algeria. I'm from Kabylia, Algeria. Gestern hast du mir etwas anderes erzählt. That isn't what you told me yesterday. Yesterday you told me something else. Das Tier verhungerte. The animal died from hunger. The animal starved. Novial ist eine schöne Sprache. Novial is a beautiful language. Novial is a beautiful language. Ich freue mich zu hören, dass es Tom besser geht. I'm glad to hear that Tom is doing better. I’m glad to hear that Tom is doing better. Meine Frau hat mein ganzes Geld ausgegeben. My wife spent all my money. My wife spent all my money. Ich finde es sehr süß. I think it's very cute. I think it's very sweet. Ik kan mijn familie niet bereiken. I can't contact my relatives. I can't reach my family. Tom said that he hoped he could figure out how to do that. Tom said that he hoped that he could figure out how to do that. Tom said he hoped he could figure out how to do that. Heute war mein letzter Schultag. Today was my last day of school. Today was my last day of school. He arbeidt temlich hart. He works very hard. He works rather hard. Wir sind mit unserem Aufenthalt in Paris sehr zufrieden. We are delighted with our stay in Paris. We are very happy with our stay in Paris. Texas grenzt an Mexiko. Texas borders on Mexico. Texas is bordered by Mexico. Das ist nicht seine Sache. That is no business of his. That's not his thing. Maar ik wil niet. But I don't want to. But I don't want to. How do you know that you're not mistaking me for somebody else? How do you know that you aren't mistaking me for somebody else? How do you know you're not mistaking me for somebody else? Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Wat is dien faveriete meziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite medicine? Versuche erst einmal, dich zu beruhigen! Try to calm down first. Try to calm down first! Tom heeft nog nooit een ufo gezien, en Maria ook niet. Tom has never seen a UFO, and Mary hasn't either. Tom has never seen a UFO, and neither has Maria. Is een longontsteking besmettelijk? Is pneumonia contagious? Is pneumonia contagious? יענער זאַץ איז גוט. That sentence is good. This thing is good. זיי האָבן גערעדט אַ לשון וואָס איך האָב נישט דערקענט. They were speaking a language that I didn't recognize. They spoke a language I didn't know. I suspect Tom and Mary have both already left Australia. I suspect that both Tom and Mary have already left Australia. I suspect tom and mary have both already left australia. Ik spreek heel goed Deens, Italiaans, Portugees. I speak Danish, Italian, Portuguese very well. I speak very good Danish, Italian, Portuguese. Sie tauschten während des Unterrichtes Zettel aus. They passed notes during class. They exchanged notes during class. Wat is dien leevst Gedicht? What's your favorite poem? What's your favorite poem? Harvard is een mythe. Harvard is a myth. Harvard is a myth. Gestern ist sie zu Hause geblieben, statt auszugehen. Yesterday she stayed at home instead of going out. She stayed home yesterday instead of going out. Vom Dach des Hauses hängen Eiszapfen herab. Icicles hang from the roof of the house. Icicles hang down from the roof of the house. Wie viele Nieser hintereinander hast du schon einmal geschafft? What are the most sneezes you've done in a row? How many sneezes have you done in a row? I should've done what Tom asked me to do. I should have done what Tom asked me to do. I should have done what Tom asked me to do. Ich habe meine Handschuhe im Taxi liegenlassen. I left my gloves in the taxi. I left my gloves in the taxi. Bei mir geht alles drunter und drüber. Was hieltest du davon, wenn wir wieder zu dir gingen und uns das Spiel dort ansähen? It's chaotic at my place. What would you say to going back to your place and watching the game there? What did you think of it when we went back to you and watched the game there? Wir sind keine Ausländer. We aren't foreigners. We are not foreigners. Toms Bruder Tim ist ein Zauberer, der Angst vor Kaninchen hat. Tom's brother Tim is an enchanter who's scared of rabbits. Tom's brother Tim is a wizard who is afraid of rabbits. Is dit puur goud? Is this pure gold? It's pure gold? Ik heb je nooit gezien. I never saw you. I've never seen you. Bent u van nature blond? Are you naturally blonde? Are you naturally blonde? Es wäre dir anzuraten zu gehen. It's advisable for you to go. It would be advisable for you to leave. Niemand weet hoe Tom eruit ziet. No one knows what Tom looks like. No one knows what Tom looks like. Ich bin anders, wenn ich ohne dich lebe. I'm different living without you. I'm different when I live without you. There is a lot of rubbish on the streets. There is a lot of garbage on the streets. There's a lot of rubbish on the streets. Du bist auch kein Heiliger. You're no saint, either. You're not a saint either. I think what Tom's doing is wrong. I think that what Tom's doing is wrong. I think what tom's doing is wrong. Welche anderen Sprachen sprichst du noch? What other languages do you speak? What other languages do you speak? Exgüüsi. Excuse me. Exgüüsi. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Tom konnte nicht an der Sitzung teilnehmen, weil er krank war. Tom couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. Tom could not attend the meeting because he was sick. Neem je kratom? Do you use kratom? Do you take kratom? I don't think anybody saw us. I don't think that anybody saw us. - I don't think anybody saw us. Es muss eine Möglichkeit geben, den Fluss zu überqueren. There must be a way to cross the river. There must be a way to cross the river. Ich war früher dort, um einen guten Platz zu bekommen. I was there early so that I might get a good seat. I used to be there to get a good place. Tom knew he could've done that better. Tom knew he could have done that better. Tom knew he could have done that better. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, fand ich die Musik, welche jene Kinder hörten, grauenvoll. Dieselben aber fanden sie schön. If I'm being honest with you, the music those kids were listening to seemed awful to me, but to them it was beautiful. If I'm honest, I found the music those children heard to be horrible, but they found the same beautiful. Se hett en Katt un twee Hunnen. She has a cat and two dogs. She has a cat and two dogs. Würden Sie das mit der Hand auf der Bibel schwören? Would you swear on that with your hand on the Bible? Would you swear by the hand on the Bible? Diesen Baum nicht fällen! Don't cut this tree down. Don't cut down this tree! Und was haben Sie geantwortet? And how did you answer? And what did you answer? I hope you know that the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I hope you know that the last thing that I want to do is hurt you. I hope you know that the last thing I wanna do is hurt you. Het aanbod loopt af aan het einde van de maand. The offer expires at the end of the month. The offer expires at the end of the month. Wü bliiv itüüs. We stay at home. Wü bliiv itüüs. You know I wouldn't do that. You know that I wouldn't do that. - You know I wouldn't do that. Ik heb u nodig. I need you. I need you. I need you. Sami had een voetbal. Sami had a soccer ball. Sami had a football. Tom will make sure that everything goes smoothly. Tom will make sure everything goes smoothly. Tom'll make sure that everything goes smoothly. Er konnte es nicht länger ertragen. He couldn't take it any longer. He could not bear it any longer. Hij had koppijn. He had a headache. He had a headache. Gud Mawnin. Good morning. Good Mawnin. Froog Ria, of se noog Geld hett, üm sik dat to köpen, wat se brukt. Ask Mary if she has enough money to buy what she needs. Ask Ria if she has enough money to buy herself what she uses. Wo hoog is disse Toorn? How high is that tower? How high is this tower? I know that Tom doesn't know that Mary shouldn't be doing that. I know that Tom doesn't know Mary shouldn't be doing that. I know that tom doesn't know that mary shouldn't be doing that. Tom nahm sich ein paar Kekse. Tom helped himself to some cookies. Tom took a few cookies. Zijn handen zijn vies. His hands are dirty. His hands are dirty. Dann warf sich das Monster mit einem letzten, schrecklichen Aufschrei vom Berg hinunter, um auf den Felsen unten zu Tode zu kommen. Then, with a final, terrible scream, the monster flung itself off the mountain to its death on the rocks below. Then the monster threw himself down from the mountain with a last, terrible cry to die on the rock below. Waarom heb je me niet eerder teruggebeld? Why didn't you call me back sooner? Why didn't you call me back earlier? „Was war Tom für ein Mensch?“ – „Ich will’s mal so sagen: einer, den hier keiner vermisst.“ "What kind of person was Tom?" "I'll put it this way: someone who no one here misses." “What kind of person was Tom?” – “I want to say this: one that no one here misses.” Tom hat dich nie sehr gerngehabt. Tom never did like you very much. Tom never liked you very much. Tom and Mary told me that they were frustrated. Tom and Mary told me they were frustrated. Tom and mary told me that they were frustrated. Das sage ich deiner Mutter, was du getan hast! I'm going to tell your mother what you did. I'll tell your mother what you did! Er will aufs Land zurückkehren. He wants to return to the countryside. He wants to return to the land. Dat zal niemand denken. No one is going to be thinking that. No one will think that. Misschien was het niet zo evident. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. די מיטלען, מיט וואָס מע גרייט די צוקונפֿט, ווערן איר ווינקלשטיין. The means used to prepare the future become its cornerstone. The people with whom you're going to meet are the ones you're going to be in charge of. Welcher Teil der Reise hat dir am besten gefallen? What was your favorite part of the trip? Which part of the trip did you like the most? We have not yet succeeded. We haven't yet succeeded. - We have not yet succeeded. איך האָב געמיינט, אַז דאָס וואָלט געדאַרפֿט זײַן אַן ארץ זבת חלב ודבש. I thought that this was supposed to be a land of milk and honey. I thought it would be a good idea to have a sizzling hot tub. I thought you were somebody else. I thought that you were somebody else. - I thought you were somebody else. Ik zal het heus niet doorvertellen. I promise that I won't tell anybody. I won't tell you. Warum sagst du ihr nicht die Wahrheit? Why don't you tell her the truth? Why don't you tell her the truth? Het moet een vergissing geweest zijn. It must have been some sort of mistake. It must have been a mistake. דו קענסט זינגען. You know how to sing. You can sing. Tom lugte hinter dem Eichenbaum hervor. Tom poked his head round the oak tree. Tom peeked out from behind the oak tree. Borg es Tom. Lend it to Tom. Borg it Tom. Ich habe schon Schlimmeres überlebt. I've survived worse than that. I've survived worse. Het regent dat het giet. It's raining hard. It rains that it pours. Woneem is de Ingang? Where's the entrance? Where's the entrance? Tom told everybody he had done that. Tom told everybody that he had done that. Tom told everybody he'd done that. Sie ließen uns keine Wahl. They left us with no choice. They left us no choice. We weren't aware we were being recorded. We were unaware that we were being recorded. - We weren't aware we were being recorded. I know Tom was a little embarrassed. I know that Tom was a little embarrassed. I know tom was a little embarrassed. Niet elke lamp is een toverlamp. Not every lamp is magic. Not every lamp is a magic lamp. Ich muss etwas Persönliches mit dir besprechen. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something personal with you. Let's hope Tom will be there. Let's hope that Tom will be there. Let's hope tom will be there. טאָם איז נישט קיין גנבֿ. Tom is not a thief. He's not a thief. Tom wilde Amerika bezoeken. Tom wanted to visit America. Tom wanted to visit America. Mein Hund hatte Angst vor deiner Katze. My dog got scared of your cat. My dog was afraid of your cat. Plaatjes zijn boeken voor analfabeten. Images are the books of the illiterate. Pictures are books for illiterate people. Tom and Mary say that everyone they know can swim. Tom and Mary say everybody they know can swim. Tom and mary say that everyone they know can swim. Warum hast du das Fenster aufgemacht? Es ist doch kalt. Why did you open the window? It's cold. Why did you open the window? Ich zeige Ihnen das Grundstück. I'll show you round the property. I'll show you the property. I'm surprised Tom accepted the offer. I'm surprised that Tom accepted the offer. I'm surprised tom accepted the offer. That's exactly the reaction that I was hoping for. That's exactly the reaction I was hoping for. - That's exactly the reaction that I was hoping for. Der Schnellzug ist eine Stunde schneller als der Personenzug. The express train is an hour faster than the local. The fast train is one hour faster than the passenger train. Tom hat eine Bohrmaschine, die er dir bestimmt leiht, wenn du ihn darum bittest. Tom has a drill. I'm sure he'd lend it to you if you asked. Tom has a drill that he'll probably lend you if you ask him to. Ik zie de roos. I see the rose. I see the rose. Both Tom and Mary turned and looked at John. Tom and Mary both turned and looked at John. Both tom and mary turned and looked at john. Die kos het nie so sleg geproe nie. The food didn't taste that bad. The food didn't taste so bad. Das Leben ist hier sehr teuer. Life here is very expensive. Life is very expensive here. Jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, dezember. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, june, juli, august, september, october, november, december. Ik heb nog steeds dingen die ik moet doen. I still have things I need to do. I still have things to do. Mag ik je temperatuur controleren? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Du warst im Koma. You were in a coma. You were in a coma. Tom thought I might be required to do that by myself. Tom thought that I might be required to do that by myself. Tom thought i might be required to do that by myself. Tom betrachtete den Baum. Tom looked at the tree. Tom looked at the tree. Ich habe deinen Schatten gesehen. I saw your shadow. I've seen your shadow. Tom thinks he loves Mary more than John loves Alice. Tom thinks that he loves Mary more than John loves Alice. Tom thinks he loves mary more than john loves alice. Hast du es gegoogelt? Did you google it? Did you google it? Wat voor soort voedsel eten jullie op kerstdag? What kind of food do you eat on Christmas Day? What kind of food do you eat on Christmas Day? Um wie viel Uhr öffnen die Banken? What time do the banks open? What time do banks open? Verstehen heißt vergeben. To understand is to forgive. To understand is to forgive. Everyone knows Tom is lying. Everybody knows Tom is lying. Everyone knows tom is lying. Dit is Tom, mien kollegoa. This is Tom, my colleague. This is Tom, my colleague. Ik ben Jorge. I am Jorge. I'm Jorge. Ich habe mich nicht schon auf den ersten Blick, sondern erst viel später in dich verliebt. I didn't fall in love with you the moment I saw you, but only much later. I didn't fall in love with you at first sight, but much later. Tom is in bed gestorven. Tom died in bed. Tom died in bed. Wir sind gerade erst gelandet. We've just landed. We just landed. Reich Tom das Mikro! Hand the mic to Tom. Rich Tom the Micro! Es regnete noch stärker. The rain fell even harder. It rained even harder. Um verärgerte Kunden kümmert sich in der Regel Tom. Tom is the one who usually deals with disgruntled customers. Annoyed customers are usually taken care of by Tom. Fürchten Sie sich nicht zu träumen! Don't be afraid to dream. Do not be afraid to dream! You should have been more prudent. You should've been more prudent. You should've been more prudent. Ik heb een sneeuwpop gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Strauße können nicht fliegen. Ostriches cannot fly. Ostriches cannot fly. Skryf met 'n pen, nie met 'n potlood nie. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Write with a pen, not a pencil. So wird es viel Geld kosten. Doing it that way will cost a lot of money. So it will cost a lot of money. The restoration of this historic building went on for five years. The restoration of this historic building took five years. The restoration of this historic building went on for 5 years. Woher wissen wir, dass sie diejenige ist, die sie zu sein behauptet? How do we know that she is who she says she is? How do we know she's the one she claims to be? Villicht segg ik Tom bäter nich, wat Ria doon hett. Maybe I shouldn't tell Tom what Mary did. Maybe I won't say Tom prays what Ria has done. Haben Sie Getränke ohne Alkohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Tom is eating the blackberries that he picked this afternoon. Tom is eating the blackberries he picked this afternoon. Tom's eating the blackberries that he picked this afternoon. Wat zou je doen als je, laten we zeggen, tienduizend dollar had? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if you had, let's say, ten thousand dollars? Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit unserem neuen Haus. We're very happy with our new house. We are very happy with our new house. Es ist ein dumpfer Schmerz. It's a dull pain. It's a dull pain. Tom ist ein Yogi. Tom is a yogi. Tom is a yogi. Tom thought Mary already had a driver's license. Tom thought that Mary already had a driver's license. Tom thought mary already had a driver's license. Het regende, maar niet genoeg om van een storm te kunnen spreken. It rained, but not enough to be called a storm. It was raining, but not enough to speak of a storm. Hoe vaak komt jouw zus op bezoek? How often does your sister visit you? How often does your sister visit? Mijn auto is gisteravond gestolen. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Tom was niet zo verrast als de anderen. Tom wasn't as surprised as everybody else. Tom was not as surprised as the others. Tom zog seine Jacke aus. Tom took off his jacket. Tom took off his jacket. Du hest dat överdreven. You've overdone it. You exaggerated it. Er gehört nicht hierher. He doesn't belong here. He doesn't belong here. She has changed. She's changed. - She has changed. Ich war noch nie in meinem Leben so glücklich. I've never been so happy in my life. I have never been so happy in my life. Mayuko kwam de kamer binnen. Mayuko entered the room. Mayuko entered the room. Die Königin ist dreimal geimpft. The Queen is triple vaccinated. The Queen has been vaccinated three times. I wasn't aware that somebody was watching me. I wasn't aware somebody was watching me. - I wasn't aware that somebody was watching me. Tom got there early to make sure that everything had been set up correctly. Tom got there early to make sure everything had been set up correctly. Tom got there early... to make sure that everything had been set up correctly. Hebt ge de laatste tijd nog iets over haar gehoord? Have you heard anything about her recently? Have you heard anything about her lately? Diese Erdnusstüte könnte Erdnüsse enthalten. This bag of peanuts may contain peanuts. This peanut bag could contain peanuts. Het Bob geliek? Is Bob right? Like Bob? I thought you wouldn't like sushi, but I liked it quite a lot. I thought that you wouldn't like sushi, but I liked it quite a lot. I thought you wouldn't like sushi but I liked it quite a lot. Het was donker en koud in de kamer. It was dark and cold in the room. It was dark and cold in the room. Ich muss euch um einen großen Gefallen bitten. I have a big favor to ask. I need to ask you a big favor. Alle warteten. Everybody waited. Everyone was waiting. Tom gave me the last piece of cake. Tom gave the last piece of cake to me. - Tom gave me the last piece of cake. Zijn moeder had gelijk. His mother was right. His mother was right. Ze heeft mij gisteren een bezoek gebracht. She paid me a visit yesterday. She paid me a visit yesterday. Ria kennt mi. Mary knows me. Ria knows me. Meine Aufmerksamkeitsspanne ist dank Tatoeba auf einen Satz beschränkt. Thanks to Tatoeba, my attention span is limited to one sentence. My attention span is limited to one sentence thanks to Tatoeba. Wat is er met het boek gebeurd dat ik hier gisteren heb neergelegd? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? Hat Tom Französisch oder Englisch gesprochen? Was Tom speaking French or English? Did Tom speak French or English? I knew Tom wouldn't hurt me. I knew that Tom wouldn't hurt me. I knew tom wouldn't hurt me. Wann habt ihr Zapfenstreich? What time's your curfew? When do you have a cone stroke? I thought I'd be finished doing that by 2:30. I thought that I'd be finished doing that by 2:30. - I thought I'd be finished doing that by 2:30. You aren't the only one here who can speak French, are you? You're not the only one here who can speak French, are you? You aren't the only one here who can speak french, are you? Es waren nicht weniger als tausend Leute dort. As many as a thousand people were there. There were no less than a thousand people there. Sie sind brillant. Ich schätze die gute Arbeit, die Sie leisten. You're brilliant. Thank you for the good work that you're doing. You're brilliant, I appreciate the good work you're doing. Ist ihre Schwester eine Kandidatin? Is her sister a candidate? Is your sister a candidate? Die Universitätsverwaltung senkte die Studiengebühren. The university administration lowered tuition. The university administration lowered the tuition fees. Het gaat mij slecht. I'm not well. I'm not feeling well. Brood en boter is mijn gewoon ontbijt. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my normal breakfast. Wat hest du güstern seggt? What did you say yesterday? What did you say yesterday? Ik mag het aan niemand vertellen. I'm not supposed to tell anyone. I can't tell anyone. Tom konnte sich nirgends verstecken. Tom had nowhere to hide. Tom couldn’t hide anywhere. Roep Yanni. Call Yanni. Call Yanni. Sie brachten mir einen Korb mit frischem Obst. They brought me a basket with fresh fruit. They brought me a basket of fresh fruit. Mein Vater hat mit dem Rauchen aufgehört. My father stopped smoking. My father quit smoking. Wir konnten den Schlüssel nirgends finden. We couldn't find the key anywhere. We couldn't find the key anywhere. Diese Tour beinhaltet jede der fünf Hauptinseln. This tour takes in each of the five main islands. This tour includes each of the five main islands. Du sprichst auch kein Tschechisch? Wie werden wir dann uns Bier bestellen? You don't speak Czech, either? Then how are we going to order beer? If you don't speak Czech, how are we going to order beer? Hij lijkt het land verlaten te hebben. He seems to have left the country. He seems to have left the country. I know that Tom did that once. I know Tom did that once. I know that tom did that once. Das Schiff fährt genau nach Norden. The ship is bearing due north. The ship is heading north. Tom said he knew that Mary was the one who did that. Tom said that he knew that Mary was the one who did that. Tom said he knew that mary was the one who did that. Ek het opgestaan toe dit nog donker was. I got up while it was still dark. I woke up when it was still dark. Da ich nichts von ihm gehört hatte, schrieb ich ihm erneut. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Since I had not heard from him, I wrote to him again. Kann ich Ihre Temperatur überprüfen? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Nachdem sie dieselbe mit den Krallen aufgerissen hatte, entfernte sich die Löwin von der Beute, um ihre Jungen fressen zu lassen. After tearing it open with her claws, the lioness moved away from the kill to let her cubs eat. After tearing it open with the claws, the lioness removed herself from the prey to let her young eat. Warum hat Tom letzten Monat nicht gearbeitet? Why didn't Tom work last month? Why didn't Tom work last month? De lucht is grijs. The sky is gray. The sky is gray. Tom ist zu Hause, weil er krank ist. Tom is at home because he is ill. Tom's at home because he's sick. Die twee dorpe is geskei deur 'n rivier. The two towns are separated by a river. The two villages are separated by a river. Warum haben Sie keine Gitarre gekauft? Why didn't you buy a guitar? Why didn't you buy a guitar? Tom sieht sich jeden Abend die Nachrichten an. Tom watches the news every evening. Tom watches the news every night. Ik heb al zijn romans gelezen. I have read all his novels. I've read all his novels. Wat is jullie kamernummer? What is your room number? What's your room number? Möchtest du deinen Tee jetzt haben oder später? Would you like your tea now or later? Do you want your tea now or later? Ich esse ein Sandwich. I eat a sandwich. I eat a sandwich. Heb je onlangs last gehad van onverklaarbare duizeligheid of lichthoofdigheid? Have you recently had any unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Have you recently suffered from unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Essen bitte selber mitbringen! Please bring your own food. Please bring your own food! Er arbeitet bei einer amerikanischen Firma. He works for an American company. He works for an American company. Het is fijn om door vrienden en familie omringd te zijn. It feels good to be surrounded by friends and family. It’s nice to be surrounded by friends and family. Ihr wart noch nie in Europa, oder? You guys have never been to Europe, have you? You’ve never been to Europe, have you? Wo ist der Strand? Where's the beach? Where is the beach? Waarom willen jullie Portugees leren? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? Hast du in Polen Verwandte oder Freunde? Do you have family or friends in Poland? Do you have relatives or friends in Poland? Vielleicht muss ich das nicht mehr. I might not have to do that any more. Maybe I don't have to anymore. She'll do that if nobody stops her. She'll do that if no one stops her. - She'll do that if nobody stops her. Wārmker es gur töögen min Wark. Warmth is good for my pain. W<0xC4><0x81>rmker es gur move my work. Ze kozen haar als burgemeesteres. They elected her mayor. They chose her as mayor. Der Fluss überflutete die ganze Gegend. The river inundated the whole region. The river flooded the whole area. ’Keen kummt mit mi? Who's going with me? ‘No one comes with me? Bedankt voor uw mooie prentbriefkaart. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for your lovely picture postcard. Ik had het te druk. I've been too busy. I was too busy. Er will ins Dorf zurückkehren. He wants to return to the countryside. He wants to return to the village. טאָם איז געוואָרן אַ רבֿ. Tom became a rabbi. He became a rabbi. Er sagte mir, er kenne euch. He told me he knew you. He told me he knew you. זי האָט זײער גוטע באַציונגען מיט אירע סטודענטן. She has a very good relationship with her students. She has a good relationship with her students. My son shall do the work. My son will do the work. - My son shall do the work. De tafel is rood. The table is red. The table is red. I wonder whether Tom is really finished. I wonder if Tom is really finished. I wonder whether tom is really finished. Warten Sie - ich übernehme das. Wait. I will pay for this. Wait - I'll take over. Wir suchen alle das Glück. We're all looking for happiness. We are all looking for happiness. Ich liebe Tagliatelle. I love tagliatelle. I love tagliatelle. Ich werde so tun, als hätte ich es nicht gesehen. I'll pretend I didn't see it. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see it. Is this the first time you've experienced this kind of pain? Is this the first time that you've experienced this kind of pain? is this the first time you've experienced this kind of pain? Voed die voël! Feed the bird! Feed the bird. Tom mochte seinen Wagen. Tom liked his car. Tom liked his car. Die sind gar nicht so übel. They're not such a bad lot. They're not so bad. Sami is veganist. Sami is vegan. Sami's a vegan. Tom said Mary wasn't scared. Tom said that Mary wasn't scared. Tom said mary wasn't scared. Was denkst du über Frauen? What do you think about women? What do you think about women? Der Cairn-Terrier ist ein recht kleiner Hund schottischen Ursprungs. The Cairn terrier is a relatively small dog, with Scottish origins. The Cairn Terrier is a small dog of Scottish origin. Französisch ist eine romanische Sprache, Englisch eine germanische. French is a Romance language and English is a Germanic language. French is a Romance language, English a Germanic. Kan je me naar huis voeren? Can you drive me home? Can you take me home? Sie träumt vor sich hin. She's daydreaming. She dreams in front of her. Sie heiratete im Alter von 25. She got married at the age of 25. She married at the age of 25. Das Huhn hat viele Eier gelegt. The chicken has laid a lot of eggs. The chicken has laid a lot of eggs. Ik zal je niet verlaten. I won't forsake you. I won't leave you. זי איז אַ זונה. She is a harlot. She's a snake. Welches der Bücher, die ich dir geliehen habe, gefiel dir am besten? Which of the books that I lent you did you like the best? Which of the books I borrowed from you did you like best? Das Internet verbindet Menschen aus der ganzen Welt. The internet connects people from all over the world. The Internet connects people from all over the world. U kan ontbijten tussen zeven en negen uur. You can have breakfast between 7 and 9. You can have breakfast between seven and nine o'clock. I think Tom is already dead. I think that Tom is already dead. I think tom is already dead. Ich treffe mich morgen mit ihm. I'll be seeing him tomorrow. I'll meet him tomorrow. Het regent niet. Het sneeuwt. It's not raining. It's snowing. It's not raining, it's snowing. Sie badeten im See. They bathed in the lake. They bathed in the lake. Ek sal vir jou 'n bier koop. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Dit Taak mut wü weđer hiil maaki. We need to repair this roof again. It's the kind of thing that's going to make you sweat. Hij is een stamgast in de barren en kroegen hier. He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here. He's a regular in the bars and pubs here. k Zaag autobus. I saw the bus. k Saw bus. De leraren gaven nergens om. Ze hadden geen belangstelling voor ons. Ze wouden ons gewoon uit de weg hebben. The teachers didn't care. They weren't interested in us. They just wanted us out of their hair. The teachers didn't care about anything, they didn't care about us, they just wanted to get us out of the way. Sind das Russen? Are they Russian? Are they Russians? Tom ist hier als einziger stärker als ich. Tom is the only one here who's stronger than me. Tom is the only one stronger than me. Nichts hasse ich so sehr wie Technik. There is nothing I hate more than technology. I don’t hate anything as much as technology. Dat regen fiev Daag an ’n Stück. It rained five successive days. It rained five days on a piece. Schokolade liebt Tom heiß und innig. Tom dearly and heartily loves chocolate. Chocolate loves Tom hot and tender. Tom hat drei adoptierte Kinder. Tom has three adopted children. Tom has three adopted children. Tom ist niemand, der sich rächen würde. Tom isn't the kind of person to take revenge. Tom is no one to take revenge on. Kaufen Sie oft Obst am Markt? Do you often buy fruit at the market? Do you often buy fruit on the market? Ik heff di söcht. I have been looking for you. I'm looking for you. Ik heb verschillende manieren te denken, dus soms weet ik niet wat ik moet denken. I have many ways of thinking, so sometimes I don't know what to think. I have different ways of thinking, so sometimes I don't know what to think. Tom told me he couldn't walk. Tom told me that he couldn't walk. - Tom told me he couldn't walk. Wie lange würden wir zu Fuß dahin brauchen? How long would it take us to walk there? How long would it take us to walk there? Om tien uur gaat de winkel open. The store opens at ten o'clock. The store opens at 10 a.m. Wir haben unsere Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht. We didn't do our homework. We did not do our homework. Ik fang an, mien Fründin to missen. I'm beginning to miss my girlfriend. I'm starting to miss my friend. Von Hoffnung allein kann man nicht leben. You can't live on hope alone. One cannot live by hope alone. You're a better chess player than me. You're a better chess player than I am. - You're a better chess player than me. Elk jaar komen miljoenen toeristen deze plek bezoeken. Every year, millions of tourists come to visit this place. Millions of tourists visit this place every year. I thought the concert went pretty well. I thought that the concert went pretty well. - I thought the concert went pretty well. Es besteht kaum Hoffnung. There's barely any hope. There is little hope. Ihr seid in einer Bibliothek. You're in a library. You're in a library. Ziri hörte. Ziri listened. Ziri heard. Gute Freunde sind nie verloren. Good friends are never lost. Good friends are never lost. I really hope that happens this time. I really hope that that happens this time. - I really hope that happens this time. Welk boek is van u? Which is your book? Which book is yours? Tom bringt Maria nicht nach Hause. Tom won't be taking Mary home. Tom doesn't bring Mary home. Tom knows we aren't supposed to do that. Tom knows that we aren't supposed to do that. - Tom knows we aren't supposed to do that. Sie hat kein Recht, das zu tun. She has no right to do this. She has no right to do that. Wir sind bei Tom vorbeigefahren, aber leider war er nicht zu Hause. We went to Tom's house, but unfortunately he wasn't home. We drove by Tom, but unfortunately he was not home. Tom said he didn't think he'd ever do that. Tom said that he didn't think he'd ever do that. - Tom said he didn't think he'd ever do that. You should've been a little more polite. You should have been a little more polite. You should have been a little more polite. Tom koestert een onwrikbaar vertrouwen in zijn kinderen. Tom has an unwavering confidence in his children. Tom has an unshakable faith in his children. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organization. Tom sah, wie sich Maria und Johannes unterhielten. Tom saw Mary and John talking. Tom saw Mary and John talking. Die Spinne hat die Fliege eingesponnen. The spider had spun its web around the fly. The spider has spun the fly. I don't think Tom would be late unless he had a very good reason. I don't think that Tom would be late unless he had a very good reason. I don't think tom would be late unless he had a very good reason. Sie bat ihn um Hilfe. She asked him for help. She asked him for help. „Es ist zu Fehlern gekommen. Es ist gut, das einzugestehen, damit es nicht noch einmal geschieht“, erklärte sie. “Mistakes were made, it’s good to acknowledge that, only so that it does not happen again,” she explained. “There have been mistakes. It’s good to admit that so that it doesn’t happen again,” she explained. Ben je al weg? You're leaving already? Have you left yet? Tom besucht seinen Bruder. Tom is visiting his brother. Tom visits his brother. Kleine Erdbeben ereignen sich in diesem Land jeden Tag. Small earthquakes happen every day in that country. Small earthquakes occur in this country every day. Tom het terug binne gegaan. Tom went back inside. Tom went back inside. Wir lieben unsere Mama. We love our mom. We love our mom. Dieses Papier sollte für Ihre Zwecke geeignet sein. This paper should be adequate for your purpose. This paper should be suitable for your purposes. Ich stimme Schorschs Analyse zu. I agree with Geordie's analysis. I agree with Schorsch's analysis. Du weerst güstern to laat. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. Wir sollten die Wanderung streichen. We should cancel the hike. We should cancel the hike. Tom told me he thought Mary was divorced. Tom told me he thought that Mary was divorced. Tom told me he thought mary was divorced. The police are going to catch you eventually. Sooner or later, the police are going to catch you. The police are gonna catch you eventually. כ'בין זייער קלוג. I am very smart. I'm very clever. Deze doos is niet zo groot als die. This box is not as big as that one. This box is not as big as this one. Heb je de zonsopkomst gezien? Did you see the sunrise? Have you seen the sunrise? Bedankt, maar toch liever niet. Thanks, but I'd rather not. Thanks, but I'd rather not. Maist dü hur di Sop smakt? Do you like how the soup tastes? Have you suffered so many things and experienced so much all for nothing (to no purpose) -- if it really is to no purpose and in vain? Tom was a little surprised when Mary said she didn't know how to do that. Tom was a little surprised when Mary said that she didn't know how to do that. Tom was surprised when Mary said she didn't know how to do that. Sie kam vorbei. She came over to my house. She came by. Tom thinks that Mary will leave. Tom thinks Mary will leave. Tom thinks that mary will leave. זײַט אַזוי גוט, טראָגט אַ מאַסקע. Please wear a mask. Be nice, wear a mask. Ich habe Thalassämie. I have thalassaemia. I have thalassemia. Diese Fabrik stellt Spielzeug her. That factory manufactures toys. This factory makes toys. Ik haat je nog steeds. I still hate you. I still hate you. Als die Sonne aufging, verschwanden die Sterne. As the sun rose, the stars faded away. When the sun rose, the stars disappeared. Wann hast du das letztemal einen Pullover getragen? When did you last wear a jumper? When was the last time you wore a sweater? We zijn geen kinderen, we zijn mannen. We are not children, we are men. We are not children, we are men. Tom ist sehr an dir interessiert. Tom is very interested in you. Tom is very interested in you. Ich kotzte in den Schnee. I was sick in the snow. I puked in the snow. Ik belde van tevoren. I called in advance. I called in advance. Das geschah gegen meinen Willen. This was done against my will. It happened against my will. Jim is geneigd om te ver te gaan. Jim tends to go too far. Jim has a tendency to go too far. Du musst das heute nicht tun. You don't have to do it today. You don't have to do this today. Tom is stoned. Tom's stoned. - Tom is stoned. Die Wände bestehen scheinbar aus massiven Steinquadern, sind aber in Wirklichkeit dünn wie Papier. The walls appear to be made of solid blocks of stone, but are in fact paper-thin. The walls are apparently made of solid stone cuboids, but in reality they are as thin as paper. Ich habe mir bei einem Verkehrsunfall das Bein gebrochen. I broke my leg in a traffic accident. I broke my leg in a traffic accident. Ik heb Tom niet verteld waarom. I did not tell Tom why. I didn't tell Tom why. We moeten antwoorden krijgen. We need to get answers. We need answers. Was willst du machen, solange du hier bist? What do you want to do while you're here? What are you going to do while you're here? Das Heer der Toten rückt näher. The army of the dead is approaching. The Lord of the Dead is approaching. Zij probeerde haar boosheid te verbergen. She tried to hide her anger. She tried to hide her anger. Hij komt laat thuis van zijn werk. He gets home late from work. He's coming home late from work. Ik eet graag taart. I like eating cake. I like to eat cake. If I knew the truth, I would tell you. If I knew the truth, I'd tell you. - If I knew the truth, I would tell you. You have really long hair. Your hair is really long. - You have really long hair. Lass uns doch nach Boston zurückfahren! Why don't we go back to Boston? Let's go back to Boston! Tom thinks Mary is awake. Tom thinks that Mary is awake. Tom thinks mary is awake. Bleiben Sie hier und helfen Sie mir! Stay here and help me. Stay here and help me! Ich bin keine Patriotin. I'm not a patriot. I'm not a patriot. Er zit een grond van waarheid in wat hij zegt. There is a certain amount of truth in what he's saying. There is a ground of truth in what he says. That isn't the main reason I want to do that. That's not the main reason I want to do that. That isn't the main reason I wanna do that. Tom en Maria hebben een gehandicapt kind geadopteerd. Tom and Mary adopted a handicapped child. Tom and Mary have adopted a disabled child. Een kleine sneeuwbal is in staat om een lawine starten. A small snowball is capable of starting an avalanche. A small snowball is able to start an avalanche. Tom thought Mary wasn't finished doing that yet. Tom thought that Mary wasn't finished doing that yet. Tom thought mary wasn't finished doing that yet. Wir können unser Gepäck in einem Schließfach lassen. We can leave our baggage in a locker. We can leave our luggage in a locker. Weisheit kommt mit dem Alter. Wisdom comes with age. Wisdom comes with age. Beim Schach ist es wichtig, das Erbe der großen Schachspieler zu kennen. In chess, it is essential to know the legacy of the great chess players. In chess, it is important to know the legacy of the great chess players. Doe was koelkasten aan t verkopen. You were selling refrigerators. Doe was refrigerators to t sell. Ik heff en groten Piedel! I've got a big dick! I have a big pimple! Ich müsste lügen, wenn ich nein sagen wollte. I'd be lying if I said no. I'd have to lie if I wanted to say no. Das Leben ist ein Kampf. Life is struggle. Life is a struggle. ווי לאנג ביסטו געווען דא? How long have you been in here? How long you've been here? We are at school together. We're at school together. - We are at school together. Juden sind eine Nation. Ihre Religion ist das Judentum. Jews are a nation. Their religion is Judaism. Jews are one nation. Their religion is Judaism. Hij is verward. He is confused. He's confused. Er nahm sich in Tōkyō einen Flieger, um nach Ōsaka zu kommen. He caught a plane in Tokyo to go to Osaka. He took a plane in T<0xC5><0x8D>ky<0xC5><0x8D> to get to Osaka. Tom ging zum Laden an der Ecke, um Milch zu kaufen. Tom went to the corner store to buy milk. Tom went to the corner store to buy milk. Ich habe es ein paarmal gemacht. I did it a few times. I've done it a couple of times. Weet je eigenlijk wel hoe je een wegenkaart leest? Geef dat aan mij. Do you even know how to read maps? Give that here. Do you even know how to read a road map? Ich habe viel über das nachgedacht, was du gesagt hast. I've been thinking a lot about what you said. I've been thinking a lot about what you said. Sie wurde dick. She became fat. She got fat. Ze proefden het brood. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. Tom stand unter der Dusche. Tom was in the shower. Tom was in the shower. Toms Mutter ist am Muttertag gestorben. Tom's mother died on Mother's Day. Tom's mother died on Mother's Day. Sie zeigte größere Gelassenheit als andere. She showed more composure than others. She showed greater composure than others. Es ist schade, dass du gehen musst. It's a pity you have to leave. It's a shame you have to go. Ik begrijp niet hoe ik dit probleem moet oplossen. I don't understand how to solve this problem. I don't understand how to solve this problem. Für dich bin ich nie zu beschäftigt. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Het is ongelofelijk. It's amazing. It's incredible. Tom said Mary hopes that John does that. Tom said that Mary hopes that John does that. Tom said Mary hopes that john does that. Bestudeer deze zinnen. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Tom said Mary was willing to do that for you. Tom said that Mary was willing to do that for you. Tom said mary was willing to do that for you. Wir sind bald damit fertig. We're pretty close to finishing this. We'll be done with it soon. Die schöne französische Sprache ist verloren. The beautiful French language is lost. The beautiful French language is lost. Hoe vaak drinkt u alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? Ich hätte das auch ohne eure Hilfe geschafft. I could've done this without your help. I would have done it without your help. Sy het haarself vermoor. She killed herself. She killed herself. Vertaal dit voor me alsjeblieft. Please translate this for me. Please translate this for me. I know that Tom is married. I know Tom is married. I know that tom is married. Sie wird früher oder später zurückkommen. She will come back sooner or later. She'll be back sooner or later. Sie lagen im Sterben. They were dying. They were dying. Everyone except Tom seemed to be having fun. Everybody except Tom seemed to be having fun. Everyone except tom seemed to be having fun. Tom ist gerade bei Maria im Zimmer. Tom is in Mary's room now. Tom's in the room with Maria. Doe fluusterdest. You whispered. Try to whisper. Tom sagte, er wolle es nur tun, wenn Maria ihm dabei helfe. Tom says he won't do that unless Mary helps him. Tom said he only wanted to do it if Maria helped him. Se deed in ’n Bus blangen em sitten. She sat next to him on the bus. She sat in a bus beside him. Is er ooit diabetes bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? לעגוואַנ⁠ען זענען רעפּטיליעס. Iguanas are reptiles. The lemurs are reprehensible. Sobald Sie soweit sind, rufen Sie! Give me a shout as soon as you're ready. As soon as you are ready, call! I wonder whether Tom wants to buy that for Mary. I wonder whether or not Tom wants to buy that for Mary. I wonder whether tom wants to buy that for mary. It's not likely that Tom will ever admit he's wrong. It isn't likely that Tom will ever admit he's wrong. It's not likely that tom will ever admit he's wrong. Selbst harmlos anmutende Diophantische Gleichungen mit recht kleinen Koeffizienten können skurril große kleinste Lösungen besitzen. Even harmless-looking Diophantine equations with rather small coefficients can have absurdly large smallest solutions. Even seemingly harmless Diophantine equations with quite small coefficients can have bizarrely large smallest solutions. I don't think Tom will give you the keys. I don't think that Tom will give you the keys. I don't think tom will give you the keys. טאָם און מערי האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. Tom and Mary chatted for a while. Mary and I talked for a while. An ihrer Stelle würde ich noch nicht aufgeben. If I were in her place, I wouldn't give up yet. In their place, I would not give up yet. I don't think I should've left early. I don't think I should have left early. I don't think I should have left early. Tom zei dat Maria niet Canadees was. Tom said that Mary wasn't Canadian. Tom said Maria wasn't Canadian. Kan je HIV krijgen van zoenen? Can you catch HIV from kissing? Can you get HIV from kissing? Mijn oma vindt naaien leuk. My grandmother likes to sew. My grandmother likes sewing. I'll let you know my decision after I have consulted my lawyer. I'll let you know my decision after I've consulted my lawyer. I'II let you know my decision after I have consulted my lawyer. Aangezien je geen kind meer bent zou je verantwoordelijk moeten zijn voor wat je doet. Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do. Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do. Iedereen heeft een vader en moeder. Everyone has a father and a mother. Everyone has a father and mother. Unser neuer Lehrer hat gerade erst sein Studium beendet. Our new teacher is fresh out of college. Our new teacher just finished his studies. Wat is beter as niks. Something is better than nothing. What's better than nothing. I don't think Tom knows who's going to help Mary do that. I don't think that Tom knows who's going to help Mary do that. I don't think Tom knows who's gonna help Mary do that. They didn't think that they would make it. They didn't think they would make it. - They didn't think that they would make it. Wer hat die heiße Schokolade bestellt? Who ordered hot chocolate? Who ordered the hot chocolate? Je kan niet verwachten dat hij het verhaal kent, aangezien hij het nog niet gelezen heeft. You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it. You can't expect him to know the story, since he hasn't read it yet. די פֿרוי קומט. The woman is coming. The woman is coming. Her bicycle is blue. Her bike is blue. - Her bicycle is blue. Vandaag is het koud. It's cold today. It's cold today. Mein Bruder hat bei einer großen Firma angefangen. My brother has started at a big company. My brother started at a big company. Viel Glück dabei, hier eine Telefonzelle zu finden! Good luck finding a phone box here. Good luck finding a phone here! k Kin nait zingen. I can't sing. K is singing. Das ist einer meiner Lieblingsfilme. It's one of my favorite films. This is one of my favorite movies. Vorbei ist der Frühling, der Sommer beginnt. Spring has passed and summer starts. Gone is the spring, summer begins. Ik heb er wel van gehoord. I did hear about it. I've heard of it. Er entdeckte einen neuen Stern. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Also, ich sehe fern, mache ein Nickerchen, oder gehe im Park nebenan spazieren. Well, I watch television, take a nap, or take a walk in the park nearby. So, I watch TV, take a nap, or go for a walk in the park next door. Tom was convinced that he should do that. Tom was convinced he should do that. - Tom was convinced that he should do that. Tom feuerte Mary, da sie oft zu spät zu Arbeit erschien. Tom fired Mary because she often showed up late for work. Tom fired Mary, as she often appeared too late to work. So ein Hundeleben will ich nicht mehr führen. I don't want to lead a dog's life anymore. I don’t want to live a dog life like that anymore. Ken je mijn broer Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Het is voor iemand als ik een heel eigenaardige gewaarwording om in een dagboek te schrijven. Niet alleen dat ik nog nooit geschreven heb, maar het komt me zo voor, dat later noch ik, noch iemand anders in de ontboezemingen van een dertienjarig schoolmeisje belang zal stellen. For someone like me, it is a very strange habit to write in a diary. Not only that I have never written before, but it strikes me that later neither I, nor anyone else, will care for the musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. It is a very peculiar feeling for someone like me to write in a diary. Not only that I have never written before, but it seems to me that later neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the outpourings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Jij bent chagrijnig. You are moody You're grumpy. Ik deed di geern küssen. I'd like to kiss you. I kissed you gladly. Dieser Film ist einer der lustigsten, die ich je gesehen habe, wenn nicht sogar der lustigste. This film is one of the funniest, if not the funniest, that I have ever seen. This movie is one of the funniest I’ve ever seen, if not the funniest. Ik getuigde. I testified. I testified. Glöövst du an Godd? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? The site's not working at all. The site isn't working at all. - The site's not working at all. Komm schon, wir kommen zu spät, wenn du dich nicht beeilst! Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry up. Come on, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry! Ich weiß nicht, was du meinst. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what you're talking about. Tom deed alsof hij het had begrepen, ook al was dat niet zo. Tom pretended he understood, even though he didn't. Tom pretended to understand, even if he didn’t. Weet hij ervan? Does he know? Does he know about it? Hör doch auf, ihn zwingen zu wollen, wenn Tom keine Lust hat. If Tom says he doesn't want to do that, then stop trying to force him to. Stop trying to force him if Tom doesn't want to. Vergiss nicht, das Feuer auszumachen, bevor du rausgehst. Don't forget to put out the fire before you go. Don't forget to put out the fire before you go out. Ich werde nicht entlassen, bevor ich geheilt bin. I won't be discharged until I'm cured. I will not be released until I am healed. I didn't recognize Tom because he had put on a lot of weight. I didn't recognize Tom because he'd put on a lot of weight I didn't recognize tom because he had put on a lot of weight. Wat je ook beslist, ik vind het prima. Whatever you decide is fine with me. Whatever you decide, I'm fine with it. Sie hat in der letzten Zeit große Fortschritte gemacht. She has made great progress recently. It has made great progress in recent times. Er gab seine Karriere auf, um Vollzeitschachspieler zu werden. He gave up his old career to become a full-time chess player. He gave up his career to become a full-time chess player. Morgen kaufen wir Puter und Kalb. Tomorrow we will buy turkey and veal. Tomorrow we buy turkey and veal. Dieses Satzes vorvorvorletztes Wort ist „vorvorvorletztes“. This sentence's preantepenultimate word is “preantepenultimate”. This phrase before penultimate is “before penultimate.” Sei bitte behutsam. Please be gentle. Please be careful. Jeder, der Tom kennt, achtet ihn. Everyone who knows Tom respects him. Everyone who knows Tom respects him. Schoul begunt op 8 april. School begins on April 8. The race starts on April 8th. Vermutlich ist Tom schon zu Hause. It's quite likely that Tom is already home. Tom is probably at home. If you hadn't turned down Tom when he came to you for help, none of this would have happened. If you hadn't turned down Tom when he came to you for help, none of this would've happened. If you hadn't turned down tom when he came to you for help, none of this would have happened. Sie werden lernen, diese Geräte zu verwenden. You'll learn to use these devices. You will learn how to use these devices. Ich werde an der Kreuzung eine Pappel pflanzen. I'll plant a poplar tree next to the crossroads. I'll plant a poplar at the intersection. Sie können bei dieser Prüfung ein Lexikon benutzen. You can use a dictionary for this exam. You can use a lexicon for this exam. איין טאָג האָב איך אים געטראָפֿן One day I met him. One day I saw him Ik eet tomaten. I'm eating tomatoes. I eat tomatoes. Du scheinst ja gut gelaunt zu sein. You look as though you're in a good mood. You seem to be in a good mood. Just between us, he doesn't think very deeply. Just between us, he's not a deep thinker. Just between us he doesn't think very deeply. Ich wollte, Tom hörte mit der Trällerei auf! I wish Tom would stop singing. I wanted Tom to stop the squealing! Ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören. I can't quit now. I can't stop now. Do most students at your school live in dorms? Do most students at your school live in dormitories? Do most students at your school Live in dorms? Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom Maria angelogen hat. I don't know why Tom lied to Mary. I don't know why Tom lied to Maria. דאָס איז אַ בער. This is a bear. That's a bear. Er lebt in Ägypten. He lives in Egypt. He lives in Egypt. Dinosaurier regierten die Erde. Dinosaurs ruled Earth. Dinosaurs ruled the earth. Did you know that Tom didn't start playing the guitar until he was thirty year old? Did you know Tom didn't start playing the guitar until he was thirty year old? Did you know that tom didn't start playing the guitar until he was thirty year old? Ich konnte nicht warten. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait. Ich weiß, wie glücklich du bist. I know how happy you are. I know how happy you are. Ze lijken op elkaar als twee druppels water. They look like two peas in a pod. They look like two drops of water. It isn't going to hurt. It's not going to hurt. It isn't gonna hurt. Tom doesn't have a car and neither does Mary. Tom doesn't have a car and Mary doesn't either. Tom doesn't have a car, and neither does Mary. Warum ist Tom nicht nach Australien zurückgekehrt? Why didn't Tom go back to Australia? Why didn't Tom return to Australia? I thought you knew Tom couldn't speak French. I thought that you knew Tom couldn't speak French. I thought you knew tom couldn't speak french. ס׳איז אַ סכּנותדיקע צײַט. It's a dangerous time. It's a momentous time. Do you really think Tom is amused by what's going on? Do you really think that Tom is amused by what's going on? Do you really think tom is amused by what's going on? It was clear that Tom was capable of doing that. It was clear Tom was capable of doing that. It was clear that tom was capable of doing that. Warte ab, und du wirst es sehen. Give it time and you'll see. Wait and you'll see. I'd like to visit Boston again. I want to visit Boston again. I'd Iike to visit Boston again. Tom half Maria, den Staub von den Möbeln zu wischen. Tom helped Mary dust the furniture. Tom helped Maria wipe the dust off the furniture. Hij ligt op de intensive care in het ziekenhuis. He is in intensive care in hospital. He's in intensive care at the hospital. De Bahama's werden onafhankelijk in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. "Heb je broers of zussen?" "Neen, ik ben enig kind." "Do you have any siblings?" "No, I'm an only child." "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" "No, I'm an only child." Bedankt om zo vroeg te komen! Thanks for coming early! Thank you for coming so early! Künstliche Intelligenz ist die Wissenschaft und Technik zur Entwicklung von Maschinen, die Funktionen ausführen können, die denen des Tierhirns entsprechen. Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of creating machines capable of performing functions identical to those performed by the brains of animals. Artificial intelligence is the science and technology for developing machines that can perform functions similar to those of the animal brain. Das macht keinen Spaß; das ist langweilig. This isn't fun. This is boring. It’s not fun; it’s boring. Sie verdienen es nicht, sich Europäer zu nennen! They don't deserve to call themselves Europeans! They don’t deserve to be called Europeans. Tom doesn't think that it will work. Tom doesn't think that it'll work. - Tom doesn't think that it will work. Kennen Sie jemanden, der Gitarre spielt? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know someone who plays guitar? Ik heb al een plan. I already have a plan. I already have a plan. Mary is a physics student. Mary is a student of physics. Mary's a physics student. Tom thinks that you want me to pay the bill. Tom thinks you want me to pay the bill. Tom thinks you want me to pay the bill. They told me that they'd help. They told me they'd help. - They told me that they'd help. I'm not fat. I'm not fat! - I'm not fat. I asked Tom if he knew anybody who taught French. I asked Tom if he knew anyone who taught French. I asked tom if he knew anybody who taught french. Tom und Maria glauben, dabei ohne deine Hilfe auszukommen. Tom and Mary say they believe they can do that without your help. Tom and Maria think they can get along without your help. I thought I could do that without any help. I thought that I could do that without any help. - I thought I could do that without any help. Haben Sie eine, die billiger ist? Have you got one that's cheaper? Do you have one that is cheaper? Tom kocht een cadeautje voor Mary. Tom bought Mary a gift. Tom bought Mary a present. We maken er maar het beste van. We'll just have to make the best of it. We only make the best of it. Ik ben Tom. I am Tom. My name is Tom. Sami baptized his children. Sami baptised his children. Sami baptized his children Tom said that he really did do that without anybody's help. Tom said that he really did do that without anyone's help. Tom said he really did do that without anybody's help. I wonder whether I should do that. I wonder whether I should do that or not. - I wonder whether I should do that. De bushalte is aan de overkant van de straat. The bus stop is across the street. The bus stop is across the street. Ich bin dünner geworden. I've become thinner. I've become thinner. Tom thinks Mary won't ever come back. Tom thinks that Mary won't ever come back. Tom thinks mary won't ever come back. Du warst eifersüchtig. You were jealous. You were jealous. De Palestijnen zijn op hun eigen land. Palestinians are on their own land. The Palestinians are on their own land. Let's make sure that doesn't happen. Let's make sure that that doesn't happen. - Let's make sure that doesn't happen. Tom told me I was pretty. Tom told me that I was pretty. - Tom told me I was pretty. Wees geen klein kind! Don't be a crybaby! Don't be a little child! I don't think I have enough money. I don't think that I have enough money. - I don't think I have enough money. Ihr solltet lieber nicht dorthin zurückkehren. You'd better not go back there. You better not go back there. Moet je vaak hoesten? Do you need to cough often? Do you have to cough often? Je spreekt vloeiend Japans. Waarom niet een vertaling voorstellen? You're fluent in Japanese. Why not suggest a translation? You speak fluent Japanese. Why not suggest a translation? Sami werd rood. Sami turned red. Sami turned red. Doorzettingsvermogen is, onder andere, noodzakelijk voor succes. Perseverance is, among other things, necessary for success. Perseverance is, among other things, necessary for success. Die muur is koud. That wall is cold. The wall is cold. I wonder whether Tom knew he needed to do that. I wonder whether Tom knew he needed to do that or not. I wonder whether tom knew he needed to do that. Ik ga dit bericht vanaf mijn computer versturen. I'm going to send this message from my computer. I am going to send this message from my computer. Ek drink water. I drink water. I'm drinking water. Se is in akteur. She is an actor. She is an actor. Ich bin viel älter als du. I'm much older than you are. I'm much older than you. Das Klopapier ist alle! There's no loo roll left! The toilet paper is all of them! טאָם האָט באַשלאָסן צו ווערן אַ וועגאַנער. Tom has decided to become a vegan. He decided to become a vegan. Ich versuche, das Ding zu reparieren, aber versprechen tu ich nichts. I will try to fix the thing but I don't promise to do so. I'm trying to fix this thing, but I'm not promising anything. Sei doch einfach ehrlich in der Frage, ob du Muttersprachler bist. Just be honest about whether or not you're a native speaker. Be honest about whether you are a native speaker. Tom said he didn't mean to hit me. Tom said that he didn't mean to hit me. - Tom said he didn't mean to hit me. I hope that I gave you enough money to buy everything you needed. I hope I gave you enough money to buy everything you needed. I hope I gave you enough money to buy everything you needed. Er hielt sich in seinen Bemerkungen zurück. He was guarded in his remarks. He held back in his remarks. Tom trinkt morgens lieber Tee als Kaffee. Tom prefers to drink tea rather than coffee in the morning. Tom prefers tea to coffee in the morning. Ik heb wekenlang aan die auto zitten werken. I've been working on that car for weeks. I've been working on that car for weeks. Tom gaat ons morgen niet helpen. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not gonna help us tomorrow. Misschien kan je me niet horen. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. Mexico-Stad is de hoofdstad van Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Der Fahrkartenautomat ist kaputt. The ticket machine is out of order. The ticket machine is broken. Tom het te veel geëet. Tom ate too much. He ate too much. I know that Tom knows that he didn't need to do that. I know that Tom knows he didn't need to do that. I know that tom knows that he didn't need to do that. Nach einem erbitterten Zweikampf am Rande des Strafraums kam es zu einem Handgemenge. A melee ensued after a crunching tackle on the edge of the penalty area. After a bitter duel on the edge of the penalty area, there was a handcuff. Ik ga bij mijn vriend. I am going to my friend's house. I'm going to my boyfriend's. Tom hat sich erhängt. Tom hanged himself. Tom hanged himself. So fühlt es sich also an, Heimweh zu haben. So this is what homesickness feels like. This is what it feels like to be homesick. Er spricht. He is speaking. He's talking. Kann ich die Tasche unter den Tisch stellen? Ja, stelle sie ruhig darunter. Can I place the bag under the table? Yes, you can place it there. Can I put the bag under the table? Yes, put it under the table. I wish you would've stayed home. I wish you would have stayed home. - I wish you would've stayed home. I would've given up. I would have given up. I would have given up. Wir versuchen, einen Käufer für unser Land zu finden. We've been trying to sell our land. We are trying to find a buyer for our country. Sie ziehen nächstes Jahr in die Staaten. They’re moving to the States next year. They're moving to the States next year. His dream has become a reality. His dream has come true. - His dream has become a reality. Tom hat ein Mobiltelefon. Tom has a mobile. Tom has a cell phone. Tom seemed surprised when Mary said she didn't know how to do that. Tom seemed surprised when Mary said that she didn't know how to do that. Tom seemed surprised when mary said she didn't know how to do that. Ab und zu allein zu sein ist auch nicht schlecht, dachte sie. Being alone now and then is no bad thing, she thought. Being alone from time to time is not bad, she thought. U hebt altijd het recht om behandeling te weigeren, maar ik moet u de mogelijke gevolgen uitleggen als dat uw keuze is. You always have the right to refuse treatment, however, I must explain the potential consequences if that will be your choice. You always have the right to refuse treatment, but I must explain the possible consequences if that is your choice. Füg mich, wenn du möchtest, bei Facebook hinzu. Ich heiße da Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me to Facebook if you want. My name is Ryck Vernaut. Tom and Mary said they didn't have insurance. Tom and Mary said that they didn't have insurance. Tom and mary said they didn't have insurance. אָט פֿאַרוואָס טאָם איז אַװעקגעפֿאָרן. This is why Tom left. That's why Tom's gone. Sei doch mal ruhig! Ich verstehe überhaupt nicht, was im Fernsehen gesagt wird. Be quiet, will you? I can't hear what they're saying on the telly. I don't understand what's being said on TV. Der August ist der achte Monat des Jahres. August is the eighth month of the year. August is the eighth month of the year. Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a type of mushroom. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. I suspected that Tom might not have enough money to buy everything he needed. I suspected Tom might not have enough money to buy everything that needed. I suspected that tom might not have enough money to buy everything he needed. מיר וועלן שטימען הײַנט. We're going to vote today. We're going to vote today. Seit wann duzt ihr beide euch? Since when are you two on a first name basis? How long have you two been showering? Sie hat vergessen, was sie schreiben wollte. She forgot what she wanted to write. She forgot what she wanted to write. Ik dacht dat ik een geest zag. I thought that I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. Unser Zug ist gewöhnlich randvoll. Our train is usually packed. Our train is usually full. Ik ben allergisch voor jullie hond. I'm allergic to your dog. I'm allergic to your dog. Das ist mit das Beste, was mir je passiert ist. That's one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom was not wearing socks. He didn't wear socks. איך שטיץ דאָס עובֿר זײַן אויפֿן דרוקרעכט. I support copyright infringement. I'm going to blame this guy for his ineptitude. Ich will heute nur fernsehen. The only thing I want to do today is watch TV. I just want to watch TV today. Ich habe vergessen, mich einzureiben, und Sonnenbrand bekommen. I forgot to put on sunscreen and got sunburned. I forgot to rub in and get sunburned. Tom wurde aufgrund seiner Testergebnisse der Englischgruppe der fortgeschrittenen Anfänger zugeordnet. Based on his test results, Tom was put in the intermediate English group. Tom was assigned to the English group of advanced beginners based on his test results. Laat u niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. Ich habe mit dem polnischen Botschafter gesprochen. I talked with the Polish ambassador. I spoke with the Polish ambassador. Laat uns op de Bank sitten gahn. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. I didn't realize both Tom and Mary should do that. I didn't realize that Tom and Mary both should do that. I didn't realize both tom and mary should do that. Sei vor ihm auf der Hut. Be on your guard against him. Be on guard from him. מענטשן ווילן שלום. People want peace. The people want peace. Wij hadden vier jaar geleden elkaar ontmoet. We had met four years ago. We met four years ago. Tom hat 30 kg zugenommen. Tom has gained thirty kilos. Tom has gained 30 kg. „Wie ist der Neue so?“ – „Tom? Ein bisschen hochnäsig.“ "What's the new bloke like?" "Tom? A bit la-di-da." “How’s the new guy?” – “Tom? A little wet.” Er ist ein Mann von Charakter. He is a man of character. He is a man of character. Tom war weder geneigt, über etwas Interessantes zu schreiben, noch war ihm auch nur die geringste Sprachgewandtheit zu eigen, aber viel zu schreiben, das gelang ihm, und das, so dachte er bei sich, müsse ja auch etwas wert sein. Tom wasn't inclined to write about any matter of interest, nor had he the least capacity for eloquence, but he was able to write a lot, and that, he reasoned to himself, must still count for something. Tom was neither inclined to write about anything interesting, nor was he possessed of even the slightest fluency in language, but he was able to write a lot, and that, he thought to himself, must be worth something. Du stehst jeden Morgen um 5 Uhr auf. You wake up at 5 o'clock every morning. You get up at 5 a.m. every morning. Tom en Maria zijn beste vrienden. Tom and Mary are BFFs. Tom and Mary are best friends. There's no chance Tom will help us. There's no chance that Tom will help us. There's no chance tom will help us. Ik was erg verrast. I was quite surprised. I was very surprised. Wolves are not as smart as foxes. Wolves aren't as smart as foxes. - Wolves are not as smart as foxes. Tom raucht Crack. Tom smokes crack. Tom smokes crack. Was wühlst du in meinen Sachen herum? Ich gehe doch auch nicht in dein Zimmer und lese dein Tagebuch! What are you rummaging through my stuff for? I don't go into your room and read your diary, do I! I'm not going to go into your room and read your diary! I know that Tom hardly ever does that anymore. I know Tom hardly ever does that anymore. I know that tom hardly ever does that anymore. Tom und Maria verstecken sich im Garten. Tom and Mary are hiding in the garden. Tom and Mary are hiding in the garden. Der Kapitalmarkt ist nicht mehr das, was er vor einigen Jahren war. The capital market is not what it was a few years ago. The capital market is no longer what it was a few years ago. Tom and I both enjoy playing volleyball. Both Tom and I enjoy playing volleyball. Tom and I both enjoy playing volleyball He kümmert sik nich üm sien Kinner. He does not take care of his children. He does not care about his children. Wer würde so etwas verbieten? Who would forbid such a thing? Who would forbid such a thing? Wir haben neulich mit ihm darüber gesprochen. We spoke to him about it recently. We talked to him about it the other day. Zeig, dass du kein Feigling bist! Prove you're not a chicken. Show that you are not a coward! Wir haben gar nicht gut gespielt. We didn't play well at all. We didn't play well. Sami is nu moslim. Sami is Muslim now. Sami is now Muslim. Vor 5000 Jahren grünte und blühte hier alles. Jetzt ist überall Wüste. 5,000 years ago, everything here was verdant and flourishing. Today, it is desert. 5000 years ago everything greened and flourished here. Now there is desert everywhere. Ich bin es leid, den ganzen Tag daheim zu sein. I'm tired of being at home all day. I’m tired of being home all day. Ik proef niets. I can't taste anything. I don't taste anything. Ich will die Tür nicht offenlassen. I don't want to leave the door open. I don't want to leave the door open. Alle levensvormen bestaan uit een of meer cellen. All living beings are made up of one or more cells. All life forms consist of one or more cells. Wat sinn déng Conclusiounen? What are your conclusions? What's the conclusions? Wiä alt bisch? How old are you? What's old? I'm afraid Tom might not do what he's supposed to do. I'm afraid that Tom might not do what he's supposed to do. I'm afraid tom might not do what he's supposed to do. I know Tom was amused by what was going on. I know that Tom was amused by what was going on. I know tom was amused by what was going on. Tom interessiert sich nur für Fußball. Tom is interested only in football. Tom is only interested in football. Ich bin mit Toms Schwester befreundet. Tom's sister and I are friends. I'm friends with Tom's sister. Es wird jede Menge Treibgut aus dem Wasser gefischt. Lots of flotsam is fished out of the water. A lot of flotsam is fished out of the water. Heb je een vriendin? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend? Ik heb twee uur in de sneeuw gewacht op de bus. I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours. I waited two hours in the snow for the bus. יענער בחור איז אָלרײַט? Is that guy OK? That guy's dead? There's no evidence that that ever happened. There's no evidence that ever happened. - There's no evidence that that ever happened. Er sagt, er kenne dich. He says that he knows you. He says he knows you. I think Tom has to be shown how to do that. I think that Tom has to be shown how to do that. I think tom has to be shown how to do that. Lass das deinen Bruder regeln. Let your brother handle this. Let your brother take care of it. I'm sorry I couldn't come to Tom's funeral. I'm sorry that I couldn't come to Tom's funeral. I'm sorry I couldn't come to tom's funeral. Ik heb je mok laten vallen. I dropped your mug. I dropped your mug. Ich würde gerne hören, was ihr dazu meinst. I'd like to hear what your opinion is. I'd like to hear what you guys think. Die Brigach und die Breg bringen die Donau zuweg. The Danube begins at the confluence of the Brigach and the Breg rivers. The Brigach and the Breg make their way to the Danube. I know that Tom is a better swimmer than I am. I know Tom is a better swimmer than I am. I know that tom is a better swimmer than I am. Ich hatte Angst, ich sähe sie nie wieder. I was afraid I'd never see her again. I was afraid I would never see her again. Ich habe deine Telefonnummer nicht. I haven't got your phone number. I don't have your phone number. Kom terug in het busje. Come back in the van. Get back in the van. You are always as busy as a bee. You're always as busy as a bee. You're always as busy as a bee. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't done it. Maybe it would've been better if I hadn't done it. Maybe it would've been better if I hadn't done it. Er zong een spotvogel in de andere kamer. A mockingbird sang in the other room. There was a mockingbird singing in the other room. China errichtet Inseln. China is building islands. China is building islands. Die Lehrerin setzte sich eine Blumenkrone, die ihr die Schüler gemacht hatten, auf. The teacher put on a crown of flowers made by her pupils. The teacher put on a flower crown that the students had made for her. Hebben jullie een potlood? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Hat der Zug Verspätung? Is the train delayed? Is the train late? That's not the only reason why Tom ought to have done that. That isn't the only reason why Tom ought to have done that. That's not the only reason why tom ought to have done that. Dass Leute versuchen, aus dieser Krise Kapital zu schlagen, ist klar. That people are trying to capitalise on this crisis is clear. It is clear that people are trying to capitalize on this crisis. Wer wird der nächste Papst? Who will be the next pope? Who will be the next Pope? Wie ist er Sänger geworden? How did he become a singer? How did he become a singer? Sind das alle Größen, die Sie haben? Are these all the sizes you have? Are these all the sizes you have? Tom told me that he needed space. Tom told me he needed space. - Tom told me that he needed space. They told me that they don't really care what happens. They told me they don't really care what happens. They told me they don't really care what happens. Kikkers zijn bang voor slangen. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Wat? What? You what? Onze buurman kwam net terug. Our neighbor has just come back. Our neighbor just came back. װי שפּעט איז דאָס? "What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty." What's the score on this? Tom war zu schüchtern, um es zuzugeben. Tom was too shy to admit it. Tom was too shy to admit it. Ich habe ihm ein Magazin abgekauft. I bought a magazine from him. I bought him a magazine. Einige Vögel können nicht fliegen. Certain birds don't fly. Some birds cannot fly. Niet iedereen is zo goed opgeleid als wij. Not everyone is as educated as we are. Not everyone is as educated as we are. Ik föhr morgen na Tōkyō. I am going to Tokyo tomorrow. I'll run to T<0xC5><0x8D>ky<0xC5><0x8D> tomorrow. Morgen 26.11.2021 wird Ian Nepomniachtchi in seinem ersten Spiel um die Schachweltmeisterschaft gegen Magnus Carlsen die weißen Figuren haben. Tomorrow (11.26.2021) Ian Nepomniachtchi will have the white pieces against Magnus Carlsen in their first game of the World Chess Championship match. Tomorrow 26.11.2021 Ian Nepomniachtchi will have the white figures in his first game of the World Chess Championship against Magnus Carlsen. Tom knew that he no longer needed that, so he threw it away. Tom knew he no longer needed that, so he threw it away. Tom knew that he no Ionger needed that, so he threw it away. Vergesst nicht, dass Tom Kanadier ist! Don't forget that Tom is a Canadian. Don't forget that Tom is Canadian! Tom said Mary isn't pessimistic. Tom said that Mary isn't pessimistic. Tom said mary isn't pessimistic. Ist Maria deine Schwester? Is Mary your sister? Is Mary your sister? Deze stropdas staat hem goed. This tie suits him well. This tie looks good on him. Wie kan het wat schelen? Who cares? Who cares? Neun von zehn Hunden empfehlen mich. 9 out of 10 dogs recommend me. Nine out of ten dogs recommend me. Ek sal my huiswerk doen. I will do my homework. I'll do my homework. Hoe kan ik uit de dagelijkse sleur ontsnappen? How can I escape the daily grind? How can I escape from the daily grind? Als je doet wat je deed, dan krijg je wat je kreeg. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. If you do what you did, you get what you got. Tom sang weiter, obwohl wir ihn gebeten hatten, damit aufzuhören. Tom kept singing, even though we asked him to stop. Tom continued to sing, even though we had asked him to stop. U bent een prins, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. Tom schreef Maria een brief. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Das Mädchen ging in den Wald, um Pilze zu sammeln. The girl went into the forest to look for mushrooms. The girl went into the forest to collect mushrooms. Ik heb hiv. I have HIV. I have HIV. Sien Engelsch is beter as mien. His English is better than mine. His English is better than mine. Wurde das vorher angekündigt? Was it announced beforehand? Was this announced before? Wir müssen ein Auto mieten. We need to rent a car. We have to rent a car. I didn't know you were going to be nervous. I didn't know that you were going to be nervous. I didn't know you were gonna be nervous. Ik bün nu an't Football-Spelen. Un du? Wat büst du an't Doon? I play football now. And you? What are you doing? I'm at the football game now. And you? What are you doing? אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She certainly was a beautiful woman when she was young. She was a beautiful woman when she was young. Welke methode gebruiken de wetenschappers? What method do the scientists use? What method do the scientists use? Wonen je ouders in Australië? Do your parents live in Australia? Do your parents live in Australia? Ich habe letztens einen Kuchen gebacken. Ich will mich zwar nicht selbst loben, aber der hat echt gut geschmeckt. I made some cake the other day, and not to toot my own horn, but it was pretty good. I baked a cake the other day. I don't want to praise myself, but it tasted really good. Atmen Sie bitte tief ein. Please take a deep breath. Please take a deep breath. Wenn du Tom heute siehst, sag ihm bitte, dass auch er zu meiner Feier eingeladen ist. If you see Tom today, please tell him that he's invited to my party, too. If you see Tom today, please tell him he's invited to my party too. Hie schwëmmt. He swims. He's swishing. Je bent lang, maar hij is nog langer. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but it's even longer. De man lag bewusteloos op de vloer. The man was lying unconscious on the floor. The man was unconscious on the floor. Wäre Ihnen 15 Uhr recht? Would three o'clock be OK? Would you be right at 3:00? Da ist er ja! There it is! There he is! Was hast du geträumt? What did you dream? What did you dream? Waar zijn de jongens? Where are the boys? Where are the boys? Meiner Meinung nach ist es eine persönliche stilistische Entscheidung, ob man Kommas vor oder nach dem "la" verwendet oder nicht. In my opinion, whether to use a comma before la, after la, or to not use a comma at all is a personal stylistic choice. In my opinion, it is a personal stylistic decision whether to use commas before or after the "la". Waarom zou u ons willen helpen? Why would you want to help us? Why would you want to help us? Reichen wir uns die Hände! Give me some skin! Let's get our hands on this! Ich habe mich entschlossen, Kanji zu lernen. I've decided to study kanji. I decided to learn kanji. Wir sind Italiener; wir benutzen immer unsere Hände. We are Italians; we always use our hands. We are Italians; we always use our hands. There are many ways to write a sentence and still give the general message. You can write a sentence in many ways and still give the same general message. There are many ways to write a sentence... and still give the general message. Leider leben sie alle beide nicht mehr. Unfortunately, neither of them are alive anymore. Unfortunately, both of them are no longer alive. We werden door zombies aangevallen. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. Ik heff en Leed för di schreven. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Eine Kombination ist eine geplante Reihe von Zügen, die dem Gegner bestimmte Reaktionen erzwingen und ihn in eine unerwünschte Position führen sollen. A combination is a planned series of moves that are intended to force certain responses from the opponent, and lead them into an undesirable position. A combination is a planned series of moves that are designed to force certain reactions on the opponent and lead him into an undesirable position. De straten zaten vast door het verkeer. The streets were choked with traffic. The streets were blocked by traffic. I've lost three kilos. I've lost three kilograms. - I've lost three kilos. Wie isch er? What is he like? How is he? Is there any possibility Tom will want to do that with us? Is there any possibility that Tom will want to do that with us? is there any possibility Tom will want to do that with us? Weet uw broer hoe hij auto moet rijden? Does your brother know how he should drive a car? Does your brother know how to drive? Nach einigen Dutzend unerwiderten Verliebtheiten war Herbs Herz unzerbrechlich geworden. After a few dozen unrequited infatuations, Herb's heart became unbreakable. After a few dozen unrequited infatuations, Herb’s heart had become unbreakable. I'm six foot three. I'm 6'3". - I'm six foot three. Ons land heeft een glorieuze geschiedenis. Our country has a glorious history. Our country has a glorious history. Ik ben hier alleen om te helpen. I'm just here to help. I'm just here to help. Es hätte an mir sein müssen. I should've been the one to do that. It should have been on me. Einhundert, zweihundert, dreihundert, vierhundert, fünfhundert, sechshundert, siebenhundert, achthundert, neunhundert, eintausend. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. Tom and Mary say that they're going to stop smoking. Tom and Mary say they're going to stop smoking. Tom and Mary say that they're gonna stop smoking. Das ist deine Sternstunde. This is your finest hour. This is your star hour. Das fing mächtig an zu regnen. It began to rain cats and dogs. It started to rain powerfully. Ich möchte nicht mein restliches Leben damit verbringen, es zu bereuen. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. Tom said he was going to allow us to do that. Tom said he was going to let us do that. Tom said he was gonna allow us to do that. אסתּרס משפּחה איז ספֿרדי. Esther's family are Sephardi Jews. Esther's family is very friendly. I must have forgotten it. I must've forgotten it. - I must have forgotten it. Diese Schuhe waren zwar teuer, aber sie halten schon lange und sind noch immer bequem. These shoes were expensive, but they've lasted a long time and are still very comfortable. These shoes were expensive, but they have been around for a long time and are still comfortable. Hier is autobus. Here's the bus. There's a bus here. Ich muss mir ein paar Tage frei nehmen. I'll need to take a few days off. I have to take a few days off. Der Springer bewegt sich nicht so. The knight does not move like that. The jumper doesn't move like that. Tom told Mary he was glad that she'd come to Australia. Tom told Mary that he was glad that she'd come to Australia. Tom told mary he was glad that she'd come to australia. Hij kan Engels en Frans spreken. He speaks English and French. He can speak English and French. Warum wartest du nicht, bis Tom hier ist? Why don't you wait until Tom gets here? Why don't you wait till Tom gets here? Tom und Maria schauten beschämt drein, als Johannes sie beim Küssen erwischte. Tom and Mary looked embarrassed when John caught them kissing. Tom and Mary looked embarrassed when John caught them kissing. Je doet hem te kort. You are selling him short. You're cutting him short. Ich wurde am 23. März 1969 in Barcelona geboren. I was born in Barcelona on March 23, 1969. I was born on March 23, 1969 in Barcelona. 't Is veujoar. It's spring. It's Veujoar. Mocht u vragen of opmerkingen hebben, stuur ons dan gerust een e-mail. Please send us an email if you have any questions or comments. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send us an e-mail. Wir müssen zum Krankenhaus. We need to get to hospital. We have to get to the hospital. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't English. He is an Englishman. Ben je ooit behandeld voor een blaasontsteking? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Tom und Maria schritten schweigend einher. Tom and Mary walked in silence. Tom and Mary walked silently. Was jy gister besig? Were you busy yesterday? "You were busy yesterday?" Ik had geen last van de overstroming. I wasn't affected by the flood. I did not suffer from the flood. You could've let me know you were going to be late. You could have let me know you were going to be late. You could have let me know you were going to be late. Hij was te moe om te studeren. He was too tired to study. He was too tired to study. Wir ziehen es vor, selbständig zu arbeiten. We prefer to work on our own. We prefer to work independently. Tom tränten die Augen beim Zwiebelschneiden. Tom's eyes watered as he chopped the onions. Tom watered his eyes while cutting onion. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is wrong. She's wrong. Se hett em ehr Öller verraden. She told him her age. She betrayed him her age. Moi hè! Good day! Hey, hey! Je bent te jong om alcohol te drinken. You're too young to have alcohol. You're too young to drink alcohol. Das ist nicht der Hauptgrund, warum Tom das lassen sollte. That's not the main reason that Tom shouldn't do that. This is not the main reason why Tom should let this happen. Tom says there weren't any teachers there. Tom says there were no teachers there. - Tom says there weren't any teachers there. Tom isn't scared of anyone. Tom isn't scared of anybody. - Tom isn't scared of anyone. Eine sehr berühmte Jüdin ist bei uns zu Gast. We have a very famous Jew as a guest. A very famous Jewish woman is our guest. I know that Tom has finished doing that already. I know Tom has finished doing that already. I know that tom has finished doing that already. Tom showed me his room. Tom showed his room to me. - Tom showed me his room. We gingen het meer rond. We went round the lake. We went around the lake. Heute ist es wärmer geworden. It's become warmer today. Today it has become warmer. Studente lees nie baie boeke nie as gevolg van TV en strokiesprente. Students don't read many books because of TV and comics. Students don't read a lot of books because of TV and comics. Er kwam een geur uit de keuken. There was a smell coming from the kitchen. There was a smell coming from the kitchen. I don't think Tom knows how to have a good time. I don't think that Tom knows how to have a good time. I don't think tom knows how to have a good time. JST staat voor Japan-standaardtijd. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. It's not fair. It isn't fair. - It's not fair. Ich will einen Schweif. I want a tail. I want a tail. Gut gemacht. Bravo! You did well. Good job. Well done, Bravo! Ich wusste nicht, was ich zuerst tun sollte. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. Damen und Herren. Wir werden bald in London landen. Heute sind es zwölf Grad. Haben Sie einen guten Tag. Ladies and gentlemen. We will soon land in London. Today it is twelve degrees. Have a good day. Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to land in London, 12 degrees today, and have a good day. Dat is een bloedsinaasappel. That's a blood orange. That's a blood orange. Das Zimmer war unbeleuchtet. The room was unlit. The room was unlit. Tom may be ticklish. Tom might be ticklish. - Tom may be ticklish. Meine Familie lebt in Rom. My family lives in Rome. My family lives in Rome. Ik kann di mitnehmen, wenn du wullt. I'll give you a lift if you like. I can take you with me if you want. Tom said he didn't do it. Tom said that he didn't do it. - Tom said he didn't do it. Er hält sich für den Mittelpunkt des Universums. He considers himself the center of the universe. He considers himself the center of the universe. Sie hat alles vollgekotzt. She was barfing all over the place. She fucked everything up. Menschen, die einen ähnlichen Charakter haben, empfinden Sympathie füreinander. People who have similar personalities feel sympathy for one another. People who have a similar character feel sympathy for each other. Je kijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You look nervous. I think Tom's record speaks for itself. I think that Tom's record speaks for itself. I think tom's record speaks for itself. Ik ben alle dagen vrij, behalve op maandag. I'm free every day but Monday. I'm off every day except Monday. Tom het 'n vriend wat in Boston bly. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. He has a friend who lives in Boston. Was machst du am liebsten in deiner Freizeit? What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? What do you prefer to do in your free time? „Sag mir bitte, gibt es noch blaue Katzen?” - „Es gibt keine blauen Katzen mehr. Es bleiben nur rote." "Tell me, please, are there any blue cats left?" "There are no blue cats left. There are only red ones left." "Tell me, are there still blue cats?" - "There are no more blue cats. There are only red ones." Tom fluistert iets tegen Mary. Tom is whispering something to Mary. Tom whispers something to Mary. Tom can swim a lot faster than Mary. Tom can swim a lot faster than Mary can. Tom can swim a Iot faster than Mary. Een glimlach is de mooiste ronding op het lichaam van een vrouw. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman’s body. Maria houdt erg veel van melk. Mary likes milk very much. Mary loves milk very much. Je kan hier niet zwemmen. You can't swim here. You can't swim here. U weet toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? O jee! Oh my! Oh, my God! Tom half wieder. Tom helped again. Tom helped again. Wat is de snelste weg naar de dierentuin? What's the fastest way to get to the zoo? What is the fastest way to the zoo? Hij was in de zevende hemel nadat hij eindelijk een nieuwe computer had. He was in seventh heaven after finally getting a new computer. He was in the seventh heaven after he finally had a new computer. No one here knows what Tom and Mary look like. Nobody here knows what Tom and Mary look like. No one here knows what tom and mary look like. Lesen Sie vom Anfang der Seite. Read from the beginning of the page. Read from the top of the page. Wenn Tom mich auf seine Feier eingeladen hätte, wäre ich hingegangen. If Tom had invited me to his party, I would've gone. If Tom had invited me to his party, I would have gone. I know that Tom knows that I know. I know that Tom knows I know. I know that tom knows that I know. Hast du dein Passwort vergessen? Have you forgotten your password? Have you forgotten your password? It's a bargain. It's a bargain! - It's a bargain. You're gross. You're gross! - You're gross. The puzzle was too hard for Tom. The puzzle was too difficult for Tom. The puzzle was too hard for tom. Tom said he's desperate. Tom said that he's desperate. - Tom said he's desperate. Die Post kommt am Vormittag. The mail arrives before noon. The mail arrives in the morning. Sie machte sich an einem Stück Papier zu schaffen. She fumbled with a piece of paper. She was working on a piece of paper. Ein wahrer Freund würde mich nie vergessen. A true friend would never forget me. A true friend will never forget me. „Was hast du mit den vier Joghurts gemacht?“ – „Einen habe ich gegessen und die restlichen drei in den Kühlschrank gestellt“. "What've you done with those four yoghurts?" "I've eaten one, and put the rest in the fridge." “What did you do with the four yogurts?” – “I ate one and put the remaining three in the fridge.” I think both Tom and Mary want something to eat. I think Tom and Mary both want something to eat. I think both tom and mary want something to eat. Ik zal jouw grootste nachtmerrie zijn. I'll be your worst nightmare. I'll be your worst nightmare. We will consider your suggestion. We will take your suggestion into consideration. - We will consider your suggestion. Ik ben Maria, Toms mam. I'm Mary, Tom's mom. I'm Maria, Tom's mom. Volg mij alstublieft. Please follow me. Follow me, please. Dis hoekom ek hier is. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. Tom liegt seit zwei Monaten im Koma. Tom has been in a coma for two months. Tom has been in a coma for two months. Horus ist ein Roboter. Horus is a robot. Horus is a robot. Ik wil het christendom bestuderen. I want to study Christianity. I want to study Christianity. Ze zijn uit Algerije vertrokken. They left Algeria. They left Algeria. Tom said he'd visit Boston. Tom said that he'd visit Boston. - Tom said he'd visit Boston. As a rule, we have much rain in June in Japan. Generally speaking, Japan gets a bunch of rain during the month of June. As a rule, we have much rain in June in japan. Wie ich zu meiner Schande gestehen muss, ich habe gelogen. As I must confess to my shame, I lied. As I must confess to my shame, I lied. I thought Tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. I thought that Tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. I thought tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. Wohin bist du gegangen? Where have you gone? Where did you go? Tom said he didn't need a lawyer. Tom said that he didn't need a lawyer. - Tom said he didn't need a lawyer. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie Ihr Personal hinsichtlich eines korrekten Verhaltens am Telefon schulen, da hierdurch der erste Eindruck von Ihrer Firma vermittelt wird. It's important to train your staff in correct telephone etiquette as they often create the first impression of your company. It is important that you train your staff to behave correctly on the phone, as this will give the first impression of your company. Wat is het vandaag heet, hè? It's hot today, isn't it? What's hot today, huh? De bij is een insect en eet honing. The bee is an insect and it eats honey. The bee is an insect and eats honey. Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen. I'm reading The New York Times. I'm reading the New York Times. Tom, zoiets zeg je niet. Tom, you do not say these things. Tom, you don't say that. Moeke is oller as pabbe. Mom is older than Dad. Moeke is older than Pabbe. Es war kaum jemand da. There were hardly any people there. There was hardly anyone there. Tom beantwortete die Fragen immer schnell. Tom always answered the questions quickly. Tom always answered the questions quickly. Ziri hat die Nacht nicht überlebt. Ziri didn't survive the night. Ziri didn't survive the night. Tom spielt mit seinem Jo-Jo. Tom is playing with his yo-yo. Tom plays with his yo-yo. Tom is gevaarlijk. Tom's dangerous. Tom is dangerous. Mach echli! Hurry up! Make Echli! Das lass ich mir nicht mehr bieten! I won't put up with this any longer. I won't let that happen to me anymore! Tom said he got really tired doing that. Tom said that he got really tired doing that. - Tom said he got really tired doing that. Het is hun laatste film. It's their last movie. It's their last movie. Die Strategie ist zwar ein wichtiger, aber nicht der einzige Aspekt des Spiels: Go soll zur Meditation anregen und grundsätzliche Einsichten über Naturgesetze vermitteln können, stelle Herausforderungen an den Geist und biete manchem Spieler auch einen Spiegel der eigenen Persönlichkeit. Hinzu kommt, dass eine von beiden Spielern gut geführte Partie als Kunstwerk empfunden werden kann. Strategy is an important, but not the only, aspect of the game of Go, which should encourage meditation and provide fundamental insights into the laws of nature, pose challenges to the mind, and reveal to players some aspects of their personality. Furthermore, a game well played by both parties can be considered a work of art. The strategy is an important, but not the only aspect of the game: Go should be able to stimulate meditation and provide basic insights about natural laws, pose challenges to the mind and offer some players a mirror of their own personality.In addition, a well-managed game by both players can be perceived as a work of art. In der Abenddämmerung kam ein Nachbar mit seinem Hund vorbei und winkte Tom durch das Fenster zu. At dusk, a neighbour walked by with his dog and waved at Tom through the window. At dusk, a neighbor came by with his dog and waved to Tom through the window. Das ist ein Wörterbuch Portugiesisch-Koreanisch. It's a Portuguese-Korean dictionary. This is a Portuguese-Korean dictionary. Ek is besig om te bespaar sodat ek Australië toe kan gaan. I'm saving up so that I can go to Australia. I'm saving money so I can go to Australia. Hast du den Herd gereinigt? Have you cleaned the cooker? Did you clean the stove? Sidd Dir d'Mary? Are you Mary? You're Mary? Waarom nemen we niet wat kleren mee voor het koude weer? Why don't we take some clothes for cold weather along with us? Why don't we take some clothes for the cold weather? Sucht Tom überhaupt aktiv Arbeit? Is Tom actively looking for a job? Is Tom actively looking for work? I hope that we can come up with a few good ideas. I hope we can come up with a few good ideas. I hope we can come up with a few good ideas. Gehst du da nie hin? Don't you ever go there? Don't you ever go there? Die ou man het op die grond geval. The old man fell down on the ground. The old man fell on the ground. Kaffee und Schokolade passen gut zusammen. Coffee and chocolate go together well. Coffee and chocolate go well together. דו ביסט מער נישט דאָרט. You're not there anymore. You're no longer there. I hope Tom isn't dead. I hope that Tom isn't dead. I hope tom isn't dead. Is er ooit hiv bij je vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Tom did not press the button. Tom didn't press the button. - Tom did not press the button. Het is duidelijk dat hij een grote fout heeft gemaakt. It is clear that he made a big mistake. Obviously, he made a big mistake. Ich hätte schwören können, dass sich etwas bewegt hat. I could have sworn something moved. I could have sworn something was moving. Tom war nicht derjenige, der Maria nach Hause gefahren hat. Tom wasn't the one who drove Mary home. Tom was not the one who drove Maria home. Vuyiswa hat drei Kinder geboren. Vuyiswa gave birth to three children. Vuyiswa gave birth to three children. Tom realized Mary had to do that. Tom realized that Mary had to do that. Tom realized mary had to do that. Wü koopi üüs Greentji bi di Buur. We buy our vegetables from the farmer. Wü koopi ü<0xC3><0x9F> Greentji near di Neighbour. Ik aanbid de godin Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. Dieser Satz ist nicht nach Toki Pona übersetzbar, denn ein Höhlenmensch hätte keine Ahnung, was er bedeutet. That phrase is absolutely untranslatable into Toki Pona. A caveman would have no idea what it means. This phrase is not translatable to Toki Pona, because a caveman would have no idea what it means. In Schwein ist viel Fett. Pork has a lot of fat. There is a lot of fat in pork. Ick häb en Dochter. I have a daughter. Ick h<0xC3><0xA4>b a daughter. Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he wasn't the one who broke the window. Ik begin te denken dat dit een slecht idee was. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. Tom war unangemessen gekleidet. What Tom was wearing wasn't appropriate. He was dressed inappropriately. Yay. Hurrah! - Yay. Weiß jemand, wie man bei Tatoeba Sätze hinzufügt? Does anyone know how to add sentences on Tatoeba? Does anyone know how to add sentences in Tatoeba? Ich darf mich nicht verspäten. I can't be late. I can't be late. Tom und Maria sind heute Morgen nicht zusammen zur Schule gegangen. Tom and Mary didn't go to school together this morning. Tom and Mary did not go to school together this morning. Wir wissen es zu schätzen, dass Sie kommen. We appreciate you coming. We appreciate you coming. Tom war dabei, als Maria die Handtasche gestohlen wurde. Tom was with Mary when her purse was stolen. Tom was there when Maria's purse was stolen. I don't think Tom will be back soon. I don't think that Tom will be back soon. I don't think tom will be back soon. Tom en Maria zeiden me dat ze niets verkeerd hebben gedaan. Tom and Mary told me that they did nothing wrong. Tom and Maria told me they didn't do anything wrong. That isn't my decision to make. That's not my decision to make. - That isn't my decision to make. Ist Ihre Frau immer noch in Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Vergeet niet je gordel om te doen. Don't forget to put on your seatbelts. Don't forget your seatbelt to do. Heb je in de afgelopen twee weken nauw contact gehad met iemand met griepachtige verschijnselen? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? Have you had close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms in the past two weeks? Tom sal my nie sien nie. Tom won't see me. Tom won't see me. Dit Skep liit ön Haawen. The ship lies in the harbour. This ship lays ön Haawen. There is no excuse for his delay. There's no excuse for his delay. There's no excuse for his delay. Er sprach Englisch, seine Frau aber nicht. He spoke English, but his wife didn't. He spoke English, but his wife did not. Das Gerücht erwies sich letzten Endes als falsch. The rumor ultimately turned out to be false. In the end, the rumor turned out to be wrong. Hier klopt iets niet. Something's wrong here. Something's not right here. Tom füllt Flüssigseife in den Seifenspender. Tom is filling the soap dispenser with liquid soap. Tom fills liquid soap into the soap dispenser. Zai is aacht joar old. She is eight. Zai is eight years old. Sami houdt van pindakaas. Sami likes peanut butter. Sami loves peanut butter. Jy ken nie my pa nie, doen jy? You don't know my dad, do you? You don't know my dad, do you? Toms Zimmer ist leer. Tom's room is empty. Tom's room is empty. Tom vergat de melk terug in de koelkast te zetten. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the refrigerator. Tom forgot to put the milk back in the fridge. Ich habe da so meine Zweifel, dass der Laden sich jemals rentieren wird. I doubt if this shop will ever pay its way. I have my doubts that the store will ever be profitable. I think Tom won't stop doing that anytime soon. I think that Tom won't stop doing that anytime soon. I think tom won't stop doing that anytime soon. Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer. Speak more slowly, please! Please speak more slowly. Was willst du überhaupt von mir? What do you want from me anyway? What do you even want from me? We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We're supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We're supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. Du siehst zuviel fern. You watch too much telly. You're watching too much TV. Tom has to be mistaken. Tom must be mistaken. - Tom has to be mistaken. Hai is doen. He is drunk. Hai is done. Morgen moet ik haar de waarheid vertellen. Tomorrow I must tell her the truth. Tomorrow I have to tell her the truth. Waarom vraagt u dat? Why do you ask? Why are you asking? I assumed you'd want me to pay. I assumed that you'd want me to pay. - I assumed you'd want me to pay. I don't think it's as important as Tom thinks it is. I don't think that it's as important as Tom thinks it is. I don't think it's as important as tom thinks it is. Wir haben ein nettes Gespräch geführt. We had a nice conversation. We had a nice conversation. Glaubt ihr das alles? Do you believe all that? Do you believe all this? Ik wist wel dat Tom dorst zou hebben. I knew Tom would be thirsty. I knew Tom would be thirsty. Ons het dit gekoop. We bought it. We bought this. Kommen Sie spätestens um 6 Uhr. Come at least at six. Come by 6 o'clock at the latest. Tell Tom I'm coming. Tell Tom that I'm coming. Tell tom I'm coming. זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? You're a Turkish? Tom wusste, dass Mary das wahrscheinlich nicht tun würde. Tom knew Mary wasn't likely to do that. Tom knew that Mary probably wouldn’t do that. Tom sah im Park keine Kinder. Tom didn't see any children in the park. Tom didn't see any children in the park. Ich werde nicht dabei sein können. I won't be able to make it. I won't be able to be there. De prinses had van de koning zes prachtige jurken gekregen. The princess had six beautiful dresses given to her by the king. The princess had received six beautiful dresses from the king. That's not the response I was expecting. That's not the response that I was expecting. - That's not the response I was expecting. Maria sagte, dass sie sich geirrt habe. Mary said that she was mistaken. Mary said she was wrong. The wine is in the market. The wine is on the market. - The wine is in the market. Hoeveel penne het jy? How many pens do you have? How many pennies do you have? Please write down what I am going to say. Please write down what I'm going to say. Please write down what I'm going to say. Hij heeft een pistool of zoiets. He's got a gun or something. He's got a gun or something. Ich han kei Durst. I'm not thirsty. I'm not thirsty. Ik heb twee kaartjes voor het concert. Wil je mee? I've got two tickets for the concert. Wanna come? I've got two tickets to the concert. I'm European. I am European. - I'm European. What will that change? What'll that change? - What will that change? Ich werde darauf warten, dass du ins Café kommst. I will be waiting for you at the cafe. I'll wait for you to come to the cafe. Das Kind muss sich an die Schule gewöhnen. The child must get used to school. The child needs to get used to school. Sie fuhr mit dem Zug nach Shanghai. She went to Shanghai by train. She took the train to Shanghai. Wir blieben zu Hause, weil es sehr kalt war. We stayed at home because it was very cold. We stayed at home because it was very cold. I thought that you said you'd ask Tom to do that. I thought that you said that you'd ask Tom to do that. I thought that you said you'd ask tom to do that. Ik was gelukkig met haar. I was happy with her. I was happy with her. Tom lernt gerne in der Bibliothek. Tom likes to study in the library. He likes to study in the library. Im Restaurant habe ich ein köstliches Mangodessert gegessen. At the restaurant, I had a delicious mango dessert. In the restaurant I ate a delicious mango dessert. Martha is 'n uitstekende pianis. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha is an excellent pianist. Gefällt Ihnen die Qualität? Did you like the quality? Do you like the quality? Hast du Maria und mich für ein Liebespaar gehalten? Did you think that Mary and I were a couple? Did you think Mary and I were lovers? Tom was drunk and said things he shouldn't have said. Tom was drunk and said things that he shouldn't have. Tom was drunk and he said things he shouldn't have said. Ich arbeite morgen den ganzen Tag. I'll be working all day tomorrow. I work all day tomorrow. Woar binnen eerbaaien? Where are the strawberries? Where in honor bays? מיר האָבן שׂכל. We're sensible people. We've got a fight. Tom said that he knew that you could do that. Tom said he knew that you could do that. Tom said that he knew you could do that. Ich habe noch keine griechischen Sätze mit Audio in Tatoeba gefunden. I have not yet found Greek sentences with audio in Tatoeba. I haven't found any Greek sentences with audio in Tatoeba yet. Herr Tom machte einen dummen Fehler und verlor seine Dame. Tom blundered his queen. Mr. Tom made a stupid mistake and lost his lady. Du kannst in diesem Laden stundenweise ein Fahrrad mieten. You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop. You can rent a bike by the hour in this shop. Dit is het eerste deel van een serie over de moderne filosofie. This is the first volume of a series on modern philosophy. This is the first in a series on modern philosophy. Wenn du den Preis senkst, kaufe ich es. If you reduce the price, I'll buy it. If you lower the price, I'll buy it. Tom said he hasn't yet decided what he'll do. Tom said he hasn't decided what he'll do yet. Tom said he hasn't yet decided what he'II do. Ich bin am Schreiben. I'm writing. I'm writing. Als Kind habe ich oft in dem Park gespielt. When I was a kid, I used to often play in that park. As a child, I often played in the park. Tom could've asked me first. Tom could have asked me first. Tom could have asked me first. Draußen war es bitterkalt. It was bitterly cold outside. It was bitter cold outside. Das Theater liegt am anderen Ufer des Flusses. The theater is on the other bank of the river. The theatre is located on the other side of the river. Tom bedachte sich eine Minute lang. Tom collected his thoughts for a minute. Tom thought for a minute. You're not going to give up, are you? You aren't going to give up, are you? You're not gonna give up, are you? Come what may, I am determined to accomplish it. Come what may, I'm determined to accomplish it. Come what may. I am determined to accomplish it. Ich seufzte enttäuscht. I let out a sigh of disappointment. I sighed disappointed. Kaam un help uns. Come and help us. Come and help us. Die stärkste Schachfigur wird Dame genannt, vielleicht weil sie uns an Penthesilea, Königin der Amazonen, erinnert, eine Kriegerin, deren Tapferkeit im Trojanischen Krieg verewigt wurde. The strongest piece in chess is called the Queen, maybe because it reminds us of Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, a female warrior whose bravery was immortalized in the Trojan War. The strongest chess figure is called Lady, perhaps because she reminds us of Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, a warrior whose bravery was immortalized in the Trojan War. I'm not sure that's possible. I'm not sure that that's possible. - I'm not sure that's possible. Tom sagte, er habe nicht gewusst, dass Maria Französisch spreche. Tom said that he didn't know that Mary could speak French. Tom said he didn't know Maria spoke French. Sie ist nicht fähig, einen Mann zu lieben. She is not capable of loving any man. She is not capable of loving a man. Ik ben hier niet meer. I am no longer here. I'm not here anymore. Is it true that you were there? Is it true you were there? is it true that you were there? Let us spend this night together. Let's spend this night together. - Let us spend this night together. Installeer Linux! Install Linux! I'm going to install Linux! Bitte entfernen Sie sich von der Tür. Please move away from the door. Please move away from the door. Wir alle mögen euch sehr. All of us like you very much. We all like you very much. Sie hob den Kopf. She lifted her head. She raised her head. Herausforderungen haben mir schon immer gefallen. I've always liked challenges. I have always liked challenges. Du hast zwei Kinder. You've got two children. You have two children. Er hält sich für einen Künstler. He fancies himself as an artist. He thinks he's an artist. My train is delayed. My train's been delayed. - My train is delayed. Layla is vermoord. Layla has been murdered. Layla was killed. Ich kann kein Englisch, geschweige denn Deutsch. I cannot speak English, much less German. I don’t speak English, let alone German. Man wird Sie zur Verantwortung ziehen. You'll be held accountable. You will be held accountable. Heb je het land in de afgelopen 30 dagen verlaten? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you left the country in the last 30 days? Tom muss sofort ins Krankenhaus! We need to get Tom to a hospital immediately. Tom has to go to the hospital. Weißt du, wem diese Krawatte gehören könnte? Do you know whose tie this might be? Do you know who this tie might belong to? Fräulein Schmidt wurde zur Vorsitzenden ernannt. They appointed Miss Smith chairperson. Miss Schmidt has been appointed chairman. Es gibt keine Sünde außer der Dummheit. There is no sin except stupidity. There is no sin except stupidity. It is marvelous. It's marvelous. It is marvellous. Wie will er sie nennen? What's he going to call it? What does he want to call her? Tom und ich sind Cousins zweiten Grades. Tom and I are second cousins. Tom and I are second cousins. Ik hou van liefdesverhalen. I like love stories. I love love love stories. k Kin nait proaten. I can't talk. K is for Naughty. Hebben jullie een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Dat Thermometer stünn bi 15 Graad. The thermometer stood at 15 degrees. The thermometer stands at 15 degrees. Sparta ist eine griechische Stadt. Sparta is a Greek city. Sparta is a Greek city. Tom was afraid he might get evicted. Tom was afraid that he might get evicted. Tom was afraid he might get evicted I think Tom is still undecided. I think that Tom is still undecided. I think tom is still undecided. Marie ist sehr groß. Marie is very tall. Marie is very big. Sami's gesprek verliep heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's conversation went very quickly. Du weißt doch, dass du mir alles sagen kannst. Don't you know you can tell me anything? You know you can tell me anything. Weil ich sehr müde war, ging ich früh zu Bett. I was really tired so I went to bed early. Because I was very tired, I went to bed early. Das DNA-Molekül ist sehr dünn und lang. Wenn wir es in einem Maßstab zeichnen wollten, in dem es so dick wie eine Nähfaden ist, wäre das Molekül etwa zweihundert Kilometer lang. The DNA molecule is very thin and long. If we wanted to draw it on a scale where it was as thick as a seam line, the molecule would be about two hundred kilometers long. The DNA molecule is very thin and long; if we wanted to draw it on a scale as thick as a sewing thread, the molecule would be about two hundred kilometers long. Tom kann solche Leute nicht ausstehen. Tom can't stand people like that. Tom can't stand such people. Wie lange haben Sie mit Tom gesprochen? How long did you talk to Tom? How long have you been talking to Tom? Ich darf mich nicht von der Polizei erwischen lassen. I can't let the police catch me. I can't be caught by the police. Brood en boter is mijn gewoon ontbijt. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my normal breakfast. I should've helped you do that. I should have helped you do that. I should have helped you do that. Wir kaufen und ihr bezahlt. We buy and you pay. We buy and you pay. Deze morgen was het bitter koud. This morning it was very cold. It was bitterly cold this morning. Sie machte im Zug einer alten Frau Platz. She made room for an old woman on the train. She sat on an old woman's train. Bent u niet blij? Aren't you pleased? Aren't you happy? Ich habe vor drei Tagen mit denen gesprochen. I spoke to them three days ago. I spoke to them three days ago. „Du bist toll gekleidet!“ – „Ich habe mich von dir inspirieren lassen.“ "I love your outfit!" "You inspired me." “You’re dressed well!” – “I’ve been inspired by you.” Alle unsere Bücher liegen auf dem Boden. All our books are on the floor. All our books are on the floor. I have been a teacher for 15 years. I've been a teacher for 15 years. I have been a teacher for 1 5 years. Wil je proeven? Do you want a taste? Do you want to taste? Diese Küche ist geeignet, den Geist von Paris zu beschwören. This cuisine is seasoned to evoke the esprit of Paris. This kitchen is suitable to conjure up the spirit of Paris. I didn't understand. I did not understand. - I didn't understand. Was glaubst du, in welchem Land es die schönsten Frauen gibt? What country do you think has the most beautiful women? Which country do you think has the most beautiful women? Tom and Mary said they wished they hadn't given their phone numbers to John. Tom and Mary said they wished they hadn't given John their phone numbers. Tom and Mary said they wished they hadn't given their phone numbers to john. De Comoren worden ''Komori'' genoemd in het Comorees. The Comoros is called "Komori" in Shikomoro. The Comoros are called "Komori" in Comoros. Ich reise gerne im Sommer. I like to travel in the summer. I like to travel in the summer. Als ich zu Hause ankam, bemerkte ich, dass ich meine Brieftasche verloren hatte. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. I'm not sure I want to do this. I'm not sure that I want to do this. - I'm not sure I want to do this. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist dunkelblau. My favourite colour is dark blue. My favorite color is dark blue. Hef je beide armen zo op. Raise both of your arms up like this. Lift both your arms like this. Er löcherte sie mit Fragen. He pestered her with questions. He punched them with questions. Tom is driving over to Mary's apartment to give something to her. Tom is driving over to Mary's apartment to give her something. Tom's driving over to Mary's apartment to give something to her. Wir hatten nichts gemein. We had nothing in common. We had nothing in common. I don't think Tom knows what time the meeting will start. I don't think that Tom knows what time the meeting will start. I don't think tom knows what time the meeting will start. We hebben de afwas gedaan. We did the dishes. We did the dishes. Der Bürgersteig hier ist viel schmaler als der gegenüber. This sidewalk is a lot narrower than the one across the road. The sidewalk here is much narrower than the one opposite. Auf dem Spielplatz sind viele Kinder. There are a lot of kids on the playground. There are many children on the playground. I haven't yet apologized. I haven't apologized yet. - I haven't yet apologized. Wie viele warten noch draußen? How many are still waiting outside? How many are still waiting outside? Tom thinks he's better than anyone else. Tom thinks he's better than anybody else. - Tom thinks he's better than anyone else. In Malta spreken ze Maltees. In Malta they speak Maltese. In Malta they speak Maltese. Tom warnte Maria vor Johannes. Tom warned Mary about John. Tom warned Mary about John. Niemandem sagen, dass ich ins Bett gemacht habe! Don't tell anyone that I wet the bed. Don’t tell anyone I went to bed! Mir brauchen en neien Auto. We need a new car. I need a new car. k Goa. I am going. Goa. Ich bin bereit mein Leben für die zu opfern! I'm ready to sacrifice my life for that! I am willing to sacrifice my life for them. Wat moeten we doen? What do we need to do? What are we gonna do? Multiplizieren Sie es mit einer zufälligen negativen Zahl. Multiply it by a random negative number. Multiply it by a random negative number. Tom says he's not planning on doing that. Tom says he isn't planning on doing that. - Tom says he's not planning on doing that. I wonder whether Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder whether tom is going to boston next week. Ich habe wieder mit dem Gitarrespielen angefangen. I've started playing guitar again. I started playing guitar again. מיר זענען בר־דעתן. We're sensible people. We're the bridesmaids. Der Käse ist nicht frisch. The cheese isn't fresh. The cheese is not fresh. Haastige spoed is zelden goed. Haste makes waste. Haste is rarely good. Die Hauptstadt liegt im Süden. The capital is in the south. The capital is in the south. Ich würde geliebt werden. I would be loved. I would be loved. I don't think that Tom is a slob. I don't think Tom is a slob. I don't think that tom is a slob. Ich konnte meine Befürchtungen mit jemand anderem teilen. I was able to share my fears with another person. I could share my fears with someone else. Dit maak nie saak waarvandaan kom hy nie. It doesn't matter from where he comes. It doesn't matter where he comes from. Ich weiß schon, dass du dich sehr anstrengst. I know you're trying very hard. I know you're putting a lot of effort into it. Ich zähle gerade, wie viele Leute hier sind. I'm counting how many people there are. I'm just counting how many people are here. Ich habe nichts als Brot und Butter gegessen. I ate nothing but bread and butter. I ate nothing but bread and butter. Sie haben herausragende Ergebnisse auf verschiedenen Gebieten erzielt. They've achieved outstanding results in a variety of fields. They have achieved outstanding results in various areas. I think that I'll be able to fix it myself. I think I'll be able to fix it myself. I think that I'II be able to fix it myself. Diese Tür kann nur von innen aufgeschlossen werden. The only way to unlock the door is to open it from the inside. This door can only be opened from the inside. Tom ist gewählter Präsident. Tom is elected President. Tom is an elected president. Als ik naar het strand ga vind ik het heerlijk om lekker te zonnen en een boek te lezen. Whenever I go to the beach, I love to lie in the sun and read a book. When I go to the beach I love to sunbathe and read a book. Grootmoeder liet ons oude foto's zien. Grandmother showed us old photographs. Grandma showed us old pictures. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tom is dead. The horse is dead. Vind je dit een mooie kleur? Do you like this color? Do you think this is a nice color? Doe je nog steeds mee? Are you still on board? Are you still in? Verroer geen vin! Don't move a muscle! Don't touch the wine! Seine Bemerkungen waren vorsichtig. He was guarded in his remarks. His remarks were cautious. Kijk naar de landkaart op pagina 25. Look at the map on page 25. Look at the map on page 25. Tom und Maria meinten, sie seien froh, das getan zu haben. Tom and Mary said they were glad that they did that. Tom and Mary said they were glad they did. Wie kann ich mein Englisch verbessern? How can I improve my English? How can I improve my English? Bitte keine Maschinenübersetzungen benutzen! Please don't use machine translation. Please do not use machine translations! Ik zei daar niets over. I didn't say anything about that. I didn't say anything about that. Tom hat niemanden hineingehen sehen. Tom didn't see anyone going inside. Tom didn’t see anyone coming in. Bring Teller aus der Küche mit! Bring some plates from the kitchen. Bring plates from the kitchen! Diese Freude kann ich ihm nicht versagen. I cannot deny him this pleasure. I cannot deny that joy. Hier is een foto van haar. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Das ist leider nicht das, was passiert ist. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Emilies Mutter ist zwecks eines Treffens mit den Lehrern zur Schule gefahren. Emily’s mother has gone to the school to meet her teachers. Emilie’s mother went to school for a meeting with the teachers. Weißt du, wie man es schreibt? Do you know how to write it? Do you know how to write it? Wenn du einen Prominenten sehen würdest, was würdest du ihn fragen? If you saw a celebrity, what would you ask them? If you saw a celebrity, what would you ask him? Er ist mindestens sechzig. He's at least sixty. He's at least sixty. Er hat die gleichen verschmitzten Augen wie sein Großvater. He has the same mischievous eyes like his grandfather had. He has the same twisted eyes as his grandfather. Sieh mal, was ich beim Aufräumen gefunden habe! Look what I found while cleaning. Look what I found while cleaning up! Seine Anweisungen waren nicht gut. His instructions were not good. His instructions were not good. Dieser Satz verstößt gegen die Regeln der Grammatik. This sentence is ungrammatical. This sentence violates the rules of grammar. Wer von euch war zuletzt am Kühlschrank? Which of you used the fridge last? Which one of you was last in the fridge? Deze koffiemachine is in Italië gemaakt. This coffee machine was made in Italy. This coffee machine is made in Italy. Der Kapitän ist noch nicht an Bord des Schiffes. The captain hasn't boarded the ship yet. The captain is not yet on board the ship. Die wahre Natur der Wirklichkeit übersteigt sowohl den Begriff der Existenz als auch den der Nichtexistenz. The true nature of reality transcends both the notion of existence and that of nonexistence. The true nature of reality transcends both the concept of existence and non-existence. Molly liest ein magisches Buch über Hypnose. Molly is reading a magic book about hypnosis. Molly is reading a magical book about hypnosis. Se deed trurig griemeln. She smiled sadly. She made sad screams. Tom wohnt weiter weg von der Schule als Maria, aber dichter dran als Johannes. Tom lives further away from school than Mary does, but closer than John. Tom lives farther away from school than Mary, but closer to her than John. Ich weiß nicht, was ich an ihrer Stelle täte. I don't know what I would do in her place. I don’t know what I would do in their place. Habt ihr dieses Buch? Have you got this book? Do you have this book? Ich brauche die Autoschlüssel. I need the car keys. I need the car keys. Fresst Scheiße - Millionen von Fliegen können nicht irren. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat shit – Millions of flies can’t be wrong. Er staat dat je een lange wachtrij moet verwachten, maar ze zouden open moeten zijn. It says to expect a long queue, but they should be open. It says you should expect a long queue, but they should be open. Warum scheint es euch so? Why does it look like that to you? Why do you think so? Danke, dass du das so schnell gemacht hast! Thanks for doing this so fast. Thank you for making this so fast! k Loop. I walk. k Loop. Ik bün en Masochist. I am a masochist. I am a masochist. Die wichtigste Schachpersönlichkeit in der spanischsprachigen Welt in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts war zweifellos Miguel Najdorf. The most important chess personality in the Spanish-speaking world, during the second half of the 20th century, has undoubtedly been Miguel Najdorf. The most important chess personality in the Spanish-speaking world in the second half of the 20th century was undoubtedly Miguel Najdorf. Ek gaan beide van julle skiet. I'll shoot both of you. I'm going to shoot both of you. Ik heb wat koffie nodig. I need some coffee. I need some coffee. Hierna kom ik aan de beurt. My turn comes next. After that, it's my turn. Aber er kann nicht tanzen. But he can’t dance. But he can't dance. Is dat een kat? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Dat is splinternee. It's brand new. It's splintered. Maria sagte, sie glaube, Tom sei enttäuscht. Mary told me that she thought Tom was disappointed. Mary said she thought Tom was disappointed. Es wird einige Stunden dauern, bis diese Farbe trocken ist. It'll take several hours for this paint to dry. It will take a few hours for this color to dry out. Wir waren gezwungen, Toms Angebot anzunehmen. We were forced to accept Tom's proposal. We were forced to accept Tom's offer. Jy is nie 'n hond nie. Is jy 'n kat? You are not a dog. Are you a cat? You're not a dog, are you a cat? Ich hoffe, wir haben Tom nicht zum letztenmal gesehen. I hope this isn't the last time we see Tom. I hope we didn't see Tom for the last time. Nachdem er drei alkoholische Getränke zu sich genommen hatte, wurde der Mann bewusstlos. After three drinks, the man passed out. After consuming three alcoholic beverages, the man became unconscious. I am proud of being a doctor. I'm proud of being a doctor. I'm proud of being a doctor. De Karkenklock löppt elk Week dree mehr Minuten vör. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The carousel clock runs three more minutes ahead each week. Ik hoop dat mijn mobiel snel gevonden wordt. I hope my cell phone is found soon. I hope my cell phone is found soon. Tom would've done that if he'd known he was supposed to. Tom would have done that if he'd known he was supposed to. Tom would have done that if he'd known he was supposed to. Laten we beginnen. Let's start. Let's get started. Die Polizei ließ Tom nicht mit Maria sprechen. The police didn't let Tom talk to Mary. The police did not let Tom talk to Mary. Disse Schoh is een Grött grötter. This shoe is a size bigger. This shoe is one size larger. k Komm oet Laiwoarden. I'm from Leeuwarden. Let's go to the Lavender. Habe ich richtig geantwortet? Did I answer correctly? Did I answer correctly? De les begint om acht uur dertig. The class begins at 8:30. The class starts at 8:30. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. - What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Hat dieser Film französische Untertitel? Does this movie have French subtitles? Does this film have French subtitles? De dokter bracht een intubatiebuis in de keel van de patiënt om te helpen met de ademhaling. The doctor inserted an intubation tube down the patient's throat to help with their breathing. The doctor put an intubation tube into the patient's throat to help with breathing. Wird Madonna je aufhören zu singen? Will Madonna ever stop singing? Will Madonna ever stop singing? Dat Äten warrt koolt. The food is getting cold. The food will be cold. Wie lange war Tom dort? How long was Tom there? How long has Tom been there? Viele sind im Urlaub. A lot of people are on holiday. Many are on vacation. Wie heeft al deze brieven geschreven? Who wrote all these letters? Who wrote all these letters? Wenn das Leben eine Freude ist, dann hat das Leben einen Sinn. When life is a joy, then life has meaning. If life is a joy, then life has meaning. The feeling is mutual. The feeling's mutual. - The feeling is mutual. Hoeveel langer zullen ze er over doen? How much longer will they take? How much longer will they take? Ziri mag Zigeunerinnen. Ziri likes Gypsy girls. Ziri likes gypsies. Es ist jemand in eurem Zimmer. There's someone in your room. There's someone in your room. Mien Puckel deit weh. My back hurts. My puck hurts. די טראַוומעקרענק איז אַ גנבֿטע. PTSD is a thief. Tragedy is a thief. Das ist ihre Vorgehensweise. It's the way she does things. That's their approach. He wull de Pissmieren los warrn. He tried to get rid of the ants. He wanted to get rid of the pissmeres. Alles, worum wir ihn baten, wird Tom schwerfallen. Everything that we asked Tom to do will be hard for him to do. Everything we asked him for will be hard for Tom. Tom lets Mary do what she wants to do. Tom allows Mary to do what she wants. Tom lets mary do what she wants to do. Toms Beerdigung findet dieses Wochenende statt. Tom's funeral is taking place this weekend. Tom's funeral will take place this weekend. ער שרײַבט אַראַביש. He writes Arabic. He writes in Arabic. k Denk dat k kin. I think I can. k Think that k kin. You'll never be alone again. You will never be alone again. You'II never be alone again. Ich bin froh, dass Tom mit dem Tabakkauen aufgehört hat. I'm glad Tom stopped dipping. I'm glad Tom stopped chewing tobacco. Thou shalt not pass. Thou shalt not pass! Thou shalt not pass Die Nachricht erhöhte seine Angst. The news added to his anxiety. The news increased his fear. Kokain ist eine Droge. Cocaine is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. Es ist schon wieder „fröhliche Stunde“. It's happy hour again. It’s “happy hour” again. Ich weiß nicht, ob Tom und Maria heute zu Hause sind. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are home today. I don't know if Tom and Mary are home today. Tom schwimmt im Geld. Tom has piles of money. He swims in the money. Is anybody ever going to read all this? Is anyone ever going to read all this? is anybody ever going to read all this? Tom poured Mary a drink. Tom poured a drink for Mary. Tom poured mary a drink. Warum haben Sie ihr meine Telefonnummer gegeben? Why did you give her my phone number? Why did you give her my phone number? Do you have children? Do you have kids? - Do you have children? De Hund weer von Kopp bet Foot mit Mudd vullkleit. The dog was covered in mud from head to foot. The dog was full of mud from head to foot. Wenn Mr. Jones alt wird, übergibt es sein Geschäft seinem Sohn. When Mr Jones gets old, he will hand over his business to his son. When Mr. Jones grows old, his business hands it over to his son. I like that there's no one else here. I like that there's nobody else here. - I like that there's no one else here. Tom wirft nie etwas weg. Tom never throws anything away. Tom never throws anything away. Wir waren überrascht, als wir ihn solch vernichtende Bemerkungen über seinen besten Freund machen hörten. We were surprised to hear him make such scathing remarks about his best friend. We were surprised to hear him make such scathing remarks about his best friend. Tom nahm an, Maria habe einen Fisch gefangen. Tom assumed Mary caught a fish. Tom assumed Mary had caught a fish. Tom and Mary both like old movies. Both Tom and Mary like old movies. Tom and mary both like old movies. Sie zeigte mir ein Bild von sich. She showed me her picture. She showed me a picture of herself. Hett Tom al en Inladen kregen? Has Tom received an invitation yet? Has Tom already received an invitation? They said they were afraid. They said that they were afraid. - They said they were afraid. Wenn Godd de Deerten nich to ’n Eten maakt hett, worüm hett he jem denn ut Fleesch maakt? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not make the animals eat, why did He make them of flesh? Werd nicht frech zu mir, sonst gibt's ein blaues Auge! Don't get smart with me, or you'll get a black eye! Don't be cheeky with me, or I'll have a black eye! Wenn Sie Englisch beherrschen, wird Latein ein Kinderspiel sein. If you handle English, Latin will be a piece of cake. If you are fluent in English, Latin will be a breeze. Na het snijden van de groenten is het belangrijk om ze af te spoelen onder koud water om al het vuil te verwijderen. After chopping the vegetables, it's important to rinse them under cold water to remove any dirt or debris. After cutting the vegetables, it is important to rinse them under cold water to remove all the dirt. Hoe vaak moet ik nog herhalen dat ze mijn vriendin niet is? How many times do I have to repeat that she isn't my friend? How many times do I have to repeat that she's not my girlfriend? Well I never! I never did! Well, I never! Het bedrijf produceert allerlei muziekinstrumenten. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company produces all kinds of musical instruments. I doubt that Tom would ever be allowed to do that. I doubt Tom would ever be allowed to do that. I doubt that tom would ever be allowed to do that. Du spinnst! You're mad! You're crazy! Unsere Mülltonne wurde gestohlen. Our wheelie bin was stolen. Our garbage can was stolen. Tom hat eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit. Tom has a split personality. Tom has a divided personality. Wo kann ich mein Telefon aufladen? Where can I charge my phone? Where can I charge my phone? Mien Broder speelt Gitarr. My brother plays the guitar. My brother plays guitar. I'm not surprised that Tom plans on doing that. I'm not surprised Tom plans on doing that. I'm not surprised that tom plans on doing that. Jegliches hat seine Zeit. There is a right time for everything. Everything has its time. Ich hätte dich nie getroffen, hätte ich mir mein Bein nicht gebrochen. I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg. I would never have met you if I hadn't broken my leg. "Skel ik di help?" "Naan, ik kum aliining törocht." "Should I help you?" "No, I can manage doing this alone." "Do I ask you for help?" "Naan, I'm kum aliining türcht." Sind in dem Boot Ruder? Are there any oars in that rowing boat? Are there rudders in the boat? Wieso willst du im Ausland studieren? Why do you want to study abroad? Why do you want to study abroad? Sie will Lehrerin werden. She wants to be a teacher. She wants to be a teacher. Es gibt hier Menschen, die deine Hilfe brauchen. There are people here who need your help. There are people here who need your help. Wir sind in Calgary! We're in Calgary! We are in Calgary! Was glaubst du, wer gewinnt? Who do you think's going to win? Who do you think wins? Tom hat Angst, vom Feind gefasst zu werden. Tom is afraid that the enemy will capture him. Tom is afraid of being caught by the enemy. Ich sage euch das als Ärztin. I'll tell you this as a doctor. I'm telling you this as a doctor. Ich sah mich um, sah aber niemanden. I looked around, but saw nobody. I looked around, but saw no one. Das ist die Straße, in der ich früher gewohnt habe. This is the street I used to live on. This is the street I used to live in. Er kwam een man met een geweer op zijn schouder uit de blokhut tevoorschijn. A man came out of the log cabin with the shotgun on his shoulder. A man with a gun on his shoulder emerged from the log cabin. Hardlopen is goed voor de gezondheid. Running is good for the health. Running is good for health. Tom said he'd be thrilled to do that. Tom said that he'd be thrilled to do that. - Tom said he'd be thrilled to do that. Wir haben eine neue Waschmaschine gekauft. We've bought a new washing machine. We bought a new washing machine. Ik spreek geen Fins. I don't speak Finnish. I don't speak Finnish. A wiss ye Happy Ne'er. I wish you a Happy New Year. A wise ye Happy Ne'er. Tom said Mary knew John might want to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew that John might want to do that by himself. Tom said Mary knew john might want to do that by himself. Koreaans leren is moeilijk. It's difficult to learn Korean. Learning Korean is difficult. Tom says he needs to find someone to do that for him. Tom says he needs to find somebody to do that for him. - Tom says he needs to find someone to do that for him. Worüm fritt mien Hund keen Hunnfoder? Why won't my dog eat dog food? Why doesn't my dog eat dog food? Smakt di di Sop? Do you like the taste of the soup? Do you like soup? Holen Sie es bitte in einer halben Stunde ab. Please come back in half an hour to pick it up. Please pick it up in half an hour. What have you bought him? What've you bought him? - What have you bought him? Eén van die kleine meisjes stopte en draaide zich om om naar mij te kijken. One of the little girls stopped and turned back to look at me. One of those little girls stopped and turned to look at me. Wat is iets dat je heel graag nog eens zou willen doen voor je dood gaat? What's something that you'd really like to do before you die? What is something you would like to do before you die? Hou jou vriend van tee? Does your friend like tea? Do you like tea? He hadde grieset haor. He had gray hair. He had gray hair. Een dialect is een specifieke vorm van een taal die in een bepaalde regio gesproken wordt. A dialect is a specific form of a language, spoken in a certain region. A dialect is a specific form of a language that is spoken in a particular region. Könnten Sie etwas genauer sein? Could you be a little more exact? Could you be a little more specific? Heute Nacht kommt es vielerorts zu Frost. There'll be a widespread frost tonight. There is frost in many places tonight. Ik moet me laten scheren. I need to get a shave. I need to get a shave. I doubt I can do that, but I'll try. I doubt that I can do that, but I'll try. - I doubt I can do that, but I'll try. Tom saw somebody coming. Tom saw someone coming. - Tom saw somebody coming. I think I know what Tom is doing here. I think I know what Tom's doing here. I think I know what tom is doing here. Your behavior is unacceptable. Your behaviour is unacceptable. - Your behavior is unacceptable. I know that Tom can't stop me from doing that. I know Tom can't stop me from doing that. I know that tom can't stop me from doing that. Ich geh mit der Sonne schlafen. I go to bed at sunset. I'm going to sleep with the sun. A T-shirt is not appropriate attire for a job interview. A T-shirt isn't appropriate attire for a job interview. A t-shirt is not appropriate attire for a job interview. Benner the eerie chaumer the pairtie gaed wi hopes ae gold an plaunder. Deeper into the eerie room the party went with hopes of gold and plunder. Benner the eerie chaumer the pairtie gaed we hopes ae gold an plaintiff. I left as soon as I was asked. I left as soon as I was asked to. - I left as soon as I was asked. Maria fügte Tatoeba fast zehntausend Sätze hinzu. Mary added almost 10,000 sentences to Tatoeba. Mary added almost ten thousand sentences to Tatoeba. Dieses Bild ist wirklich sehr schön. This painting is really very nice. This picture is really beautiful. Tom houdt niet van Irish Coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. I don't like Irish coffee. I think Tom would've been here today if he'd known Mary was going to be here. I think that Tom would've been here today if he'd known Mary was going to be here. I think Tom would've been here today if he'd known Mary was gonna be here. I'm not as stupid as Tom. I'm not as stupid as Tom is. I'm not as stupid as tom. Se wull, dat he ehr Vader helpen deed. She wanted him to help her father. She wanted him to help her father. I thought it was really nice of you to do that for Tom. I thought that it was really nice of you to do that for Tom. I thought it was really nice of you to do that for tom. Ihr Koch ist ein Ausländer, aber ich weiß nicht, wo er herkommt. Their cook is a foreigner but I do not know where he is from. Your cook is a foreigner, but I don't know where he comes from. Heeft u buikpijn? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have abdominal pain? Tom macht seine Hausaufgaben. Tom is doing his homework. Tom does his homework. Wachsen in diesem Wald Pilze? Do mushrooms grow in this forest? Growing mushrooms in this forest? Maria hat die Geschenke nicht angenommen. Mary didn't accept the gifts. Mary did not accept the gifts. Tom hält sich in der Regel an die Gebote seiner Eltern. Tom doesn't usually disobey his parents. Tom usually obeys his parents’ commands. 't Is nog gain veujoar. It's not spring yet. It's still gain veujoar. Ik nehm dat Book. I'm taking the book. I'll take the book. Hier hebben we heel lang voor gevochten. We have been fighting for this for a very long time. We've been fighting for this for a long time. Entschuldige, dass ich dich so lange habe warten lassen! I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long! Ihr Lächeln konnte die Enttäuschung über die geringe Teilnahme nicht verbergen. Their smiles couldn't hide their disappointment at the low turnout. Her smile could not hide the disappointment of the low participation. Hij spreekt Engels en Frans. He speaks English and French. He speaks English and French. Danke, dass du an meinen Geburtstag gedacht hast! Thank you for remembering my birthday. Thank you for thinking of my birthday! t Wordt winter. Winter is coming. It's going to be winter. Ik heb een ezel. I have a donkey. I have a donkey. I know Tom won't like the stew that Mary made. I know Tom won't like the stew Mary made. I know tom won't like the stew that mary made. Wir sind obdachlos. We're homeless. We're homeless. When was the last time you asked somebody for help? When was the last time that you asked someone for help? - When was the last time you asked somebody for help? Ik had mijn twijfels. I hesitated. I had my doubts. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Die Bushaltestelle befindet sich an der gleichen Stelle wie zuvor. The bus stop is at the same place as before. The bus stop is in the same place as before. We took a taxi so as not to be late. We took a taxi so that we wouldn't be late. We took a taxi, so as not to be late. Let's assume that it's true. Let's assume it's true. - Let's assume that it's true. This summer is really hot! This summer is really hot. This summer is really hot. Heb jij hem vermoord? Did you murder him? Did you kill him? Deze foto's zijn bewerkt. These photos have been shopped. These photos are edited. Tom legte das Kind ins Bettchen. Tom put the baby in its cot. Tom put the child to bed. Leidest du unter Schlaflosigkeit? Do you have insomnia? Are you suffering from insomnia? Wie lange will Tom in Boston bleiben? How long is Tom planning to stay in Boston? How long will Tom stay in Boston? Ria sä, dat se bang vör Slangen wöör. Mary said she was afraid of snakes. Ria says she became afraid of snakes. Du musst es gleich tun, ob es dir nun gefällt oder nicht. Like it or not, you have to do that right away. You have to do it right away, whether you like it or not. Merci vielmal. Thank you! Thank you very much. Der Fahrstuhl kommt herunter. The elevator is coming down. The elevator's coming down. ער איז געווען אַ ביאָלאָג אַן אַנאַרכיסט. He was a biologist and anarchist. He was an anarchist. Sie sollten sich etwas Ruhe gönnen. You should get some rest. You should give yourself some rest. Alles verandert. Everything's changing. Everything's changing. Tot ziens! See you soon! See you around! Er nahm die Zeitung in die Hand und überflog sie schnell. He picked up the newspaper and skimmed through it quickly. He took the paper in his hand and flew over it quickly. No one's seen them. No one has seen them. - No one's seen them. I promise that we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise that we'II be listening to everything you say. Sie ließ sich von der Erfahrung nicht entmutigen. She was undaunted by her experience. She was not discouraged by the experience. וואס איז דאס? What is that? What's this? Hien huet e Schnauz. He has a moustache. He's got a snitch. Mary says she's planning on going to Boston with Tom. Mary says she's planning to go to Boston with Tom. Mary says she's planning on going to boston with tom. Ich sehen keinen Grund, ihr Angebot nicht anzunehmen. I see no reason why I shouldn't accept her offer. I see no reason not to accept their offer. Tom is niet zo betrouwbaar, of wel? Tom isn't very trustworthy, is he? Tom's not that reliable, is he? Someone forced open the door. Somebody forced the door open. - Someone forced open the door. Ek is verbaas daardie gebou staan nogsteeds. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised the building is still there. Moi! Hi! - Moi! Je gaat morgen voetballen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Het project werd stopgezet. The project was discontinued. The project was stopped. Was für Schüler unterrichtest du? What kind of students do you teach? What kind of students do you teach? Einmal sagte Mahatma Gandhi zu mir: "Leben Sie, als müssten Sie morgen sterben. Lernen Sie, als würden sie ewig leben." Mahatma Gandhi once told me: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Once Mahatma Gandhi said to me, "Live as if you had to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." He hört geern Radio. He likes to listen to the radio. He listens to the radio. Tom could've been afraid. Tom could have been afraid. Tom could have been afraid. Ich habe gestern Abend darüber gesprochen. I was talking about it last night. I talked about it last night. Maak een vuist. Make a fist. Make a fist. Ich wartete eine Stunde auf meinen Freund. I waited an hour for my friend. I waited an hour for my friend. Tom told me he thought that Mary had been suspended. Tom told me that he thought that Mary had been suspended. Tom told me he thought that mary had been suspended. Alessias Hausaufgaben sind sehr schwierig. Alessia's homework is very difficult. Alessia’s homework is very difficult. Es ist schwer zu sagen, weil es weder Fisch noch Fleisch ist. It's hard to say because it's neither fish nor fowl. It’s hard to say because it’s neither fish nor meat. I guess that's not really important. I guess that that's not really important. - I guess that's not really important. Sie sind im Museum. They are at the museum. They're in the museum. אונדזער קאַץ האָט שטענדיק טענות. Our cat is always complaining. My cat is always on the go. Sie ertrank. She drowned. She drowned. Sag ihr, dass sie gleich kommen soll! Ask her to come straight away. Tell her to come right away! Hij stond achter de deur. He was standing behind the door. He was standing behind the door. Tom said that Mary thought he might want to do that this evening. Tom said that Mary thought that he might want to do that this evening. Tom said that Mary thought he might wanna do that this evening. צי האָסטו אַ פּאָרפֿאָלקבעט? Do you have a double bed? Do you have a bookshelf? De hoofdstad van Griekenland is Athene. The capital of Greece is Athens. The capital of Greece is Athens. Waar is de bakker? Where is there a bakery? Where's the baker? It seems there's nobody home. It seems there's no one home. Seems there's nobody home. „Wie ist Toms Französisch?“ – „Ganz gut.“ "How's Tom's French?" "Pretty good." “How is Tom’s French?” – “Very good.” Ich muss nicht länger mit Menschen Umgang pflegen, mit denen ich wenig bis gar nichts gemein habe. I no longer have to interact with people I have little to nothing in common with. I no longer have to deal with people with whom I have little or nothing in common. Passt auf Tom auf, während ich weg bin! Look after Tom while I'm gone. Watch out for Tom while I'm gone! Weshalb verkauft ihr es nicht einfach? Why don't you just sell it? Why don't you just sell it? Sie stimmt nie jemandem zu, noch nicht einmal sich selbst. She never agrees with anyone. Not even herself. She never agrees with anyone, not even herself. Ich bewundere es, wie du dich von so was überhaupt nicht aus der Ruhe bringen lässt. I admire the way you don't let things like this bother you. I admire how you don't let anything like that get you off your feet. Wann war dir deine Mutter das letztemal böse? When was the last time that your mother got mad at you? When was the last time your mother was angry with you? Die Situation ist schwierig. The situation is difficult. The situation is difficult. Trinkt der Welpe Wasser? Does the puppy drink water? Does the puppy drink water? Toms Hund rannte auf die Straße und wurde von einem Lkw erfasst. Tom's dog ran out into the road and was hit by a lorry. Tom’s dog ran into the street and was hit by a truck. I didn't know Tom could do that. I didn't know that Tom could do that. I didn't know tom could do that. Die Luft besteht hauptsächlich aus Sauerstoff und Stickstoff. The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen. The air is mainly composed of oxygen and nitrogen. Sie haben kein Talent. You're untalented. You have no talent. Tom said that Mary knew that John might be allowed to do that after his birthday. Tom said Mary knew that John might be allowed to do that after his birthday. Tom said that Mary knew that john might be allowed to do that after his birthday. Das ist ein alter Apparat. This is an old device. It's an old device. Tom said that he thought Mary might not want to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary might not want to do that. Tom said that he thought mary might not want to do that. Der Schnurrbart muss ab, Tom! That moustache has got to come off, Tom! The moustache has to go, Tom! De Sommer is vörbi. The summer is over. The summer is over. People think that Tom is really out-there. People think Tom is really out-there. People think that Tom is really out there. Your neighbor's rich. Your neighbor is rich. - Your neighbor's rich. Ich spiele Leier, Gitarre und Flöte. I play the lyre, the guitar, and the flute. I play lyre, guitar and flute. מײַן מאַמע האָט אַ נאָטבוק און אַ טעוועלע. My mother has a notebook and a tablet. My mom has a nose and a nose. I promise I won't do that. I promise that I won't do that. - I promise I won't do that. Das Mobiltelefon ist in der Tasche. The mobile is in the bag. The mobile phone is in your pocket. I don't think Tom ever does that. I don't think that Tom ever does that. I don't think tom ever does that. John is in de Verenigde Staten geboren. John was born in the United States. John was born in the United States. Ich traf sie in der Kirche. I met her at the church. I met her at church. I'm sure Tom will refuse to do that. I'm sure that Tom will refuse to do that. I'm sure tom will refuse to do that. Alle meine Sätze wurden von Muttersprachlern überprüft. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. All of my sentences were reviewed by native speakers. Ons het besluit om hulle nie te ontslaan. We've decided not to fire them. We decided not to fire them. This is the third time this week Tom has done that. This is the third time this week that Tom has done that. This is the third time this week tom has done that. Tom und Maria haben das früher oft zusammen gemacht. Tom and Mary used to often do that together. Tom and Mary used to do this together. Ich bekomme, was ich will. I get what I want. I get what I want. Disse Appels smeckt good. These apples taste good. These apples taste good. Kunt u ons een vork brengen? Could you bring us a fork? Can you bring us a fork? Het is nog altijd ramadan. It's still Ramadan. It's still Ramadan. Se sünd Singers. They are singers. They are singers. Mijn wens is om zangeres te worden. My wish is to become a singer. My wish is to become a singer. Wir können es nicht riskieren. We can't risk it. We can't risk it. Ik bün kaputt. I'm exhausted. I'm broken. כ׳וועל איר גערן אַרויסהעלפֿן. I'll be glad to help her. I'm going to help you out. Das Leben ist kurz, man muss es genießen! Life is short, you have to enjoy it! Life is short, you have to enjoy it. Maria hat langes, goldenes Haar. Mary has long golden hair. Mary has long, golden hair. Haben Sie die Zeit? Have you got the time? Do you have the time? Do you think we'll ever find our way back to the campsite? Do you think that we'll ever find our way back to the campsite? Do you think we'll ever find our way back to the campsite ? Holl den Sabbel! Shut up! Get the sabbatical! Jeder weiß, dass Tom nicht gut mit Menschen umgehen kann. Everyone knows Tom has poor people skills. Everyone knows that Tom is not good with people. De recente gebeurtenissen bij de Al-Aqsa Moskee hebben nauwelijks de krantenkoppen gehaald. The recent events at the Al-Aqsa Mosque barely made headlines. The recent events at the Al-Aqsa Mosque have barely made the headlines. Ik kon niet ophouden ernaar te staren. I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't stop staring at it. Nach hundert Jahren befand sich der Sohn des nun regierenden Königs, der stammte aus einer anderen Familie als die schlafende Prinzessin, in jenem Teile des Landes auf der Jagd und fragte, was das für Türme seien, die er inmitten eines großen, dichten Waldes sehe. After a hundred years the son of the King then reigning, who was of another family from that of the sleeping Princess, was a-hunting on that side of the country, and he asked what those towers were which he saw in the middle of a great thick wood. After a hundred years, the son of the now reigning king, who came from a different family than the sleeping princess, was hunting in that part of the country and asked what towers he saw in the midst of a large, dense forest. Was willst du damit implizieren? What do you mean to imply by that? What are you implying? Der schlimmste Fall ist vielleicht nicht der wahrscheinlichste, aber er kann immer eintreten. The worst-case scenario may not be the most likely, but it can always happen. The worst case may not be the most likely case, but it can always occur. Het Erechtheion is een tempel op de Akropolis van Athene. The Erechtheion is a temple located inside the Acropolis of Athens. The Erechtheion is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Mir ist mein Füller runtergefallen. I dropped my pen on the ground. I fell down my pen. Die Kinder sind heutzutage nicht mehr so stark wie wir einst. Kids these days aren't as strong as we were. Children are no longer as strong as we once were. Diese Frucht sieht wie eine Apfelsine aus, schmeckt aber wie eine Ananas. This fruit looks like an orange and tastes like a pineapple. This fruit looks like an orange, but tastes like a pineapple. Alles geschieht aus einem guten Grund. Everything happens for a good reason. Everything happens for a good reason. Wähle Farben, die gut zusammenpassen. Choose colours that go well together. Choose colors that go well together. Alles steht gegen uns. Everything is against us. Everything is against us. Hij was niet te redden. He couldn't be saved. He couldn't be saved. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. - He cannot answer their questions. Mi stap gut. I'm fine. Mi stap gut. This puzzle is hard. This puzzle is difficult. - This puzzle is hard. I had to give them the 411 on the situation. I had to explain the situation to them. I had to give them the 41 1 on the situation. Er ist der Neue bei Tatoeba. He’s the new kid on the block at Tatoeba. He's the new guy at Tatoeba. Der Hochzeitsempfang fand in einem Festzelt statt, das auf dem Gelände eines herrschaftlichen Anwesens errichtet worden war. The wedding reception was held in a marquee erected in the grounds of a stately home. The wedding reception took place in a marquee that had been erected on the grounds of a stately estate. Herr Doktor, kann das behandelt werden? Doctor, can this be treated? Doctor, can this be treated? Die Weihnachtsfeier fällt ins Wasser. The Christmas party has been canceled. The Christmas party falls into the water. Tom said that he thought he might be required to do that by himself. Tom said that he thought that he might be required to do that by himself. Tom said he thought he might be required to do that by himself. עופֿעלעך זענען זיס. Babies are cute. The animals are sweet. Hast du zu Hause Internet? Do you have internet at home? Do you have internet at home? Mochten deze mail en uw betaling elkaar gekruist hebben, dan verzoeken wij u deze herinnering als niet verzonden te beschouwen. Should you have settled the account since this mail was written, please ignore our reminder. If this e-mail and your payment have crossed, we ask you to consider this reminder as not sent. Tom sieht sich wegen all der Werbung nicht gerne Youtubevideos an. Tom doesn't like watching YouTube videos because of all the ads. Tom doesn’t like watching YouTube videos because of all the ads. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't happy. Tom said that he thought Mary wasn't happy. Tom said he thought mary wasn't happy. Ik zal niet drinken omdat ik aan het rijden ben. I will not drink because I'm driving. I won't drink because I'm driving. Ek het heeltemal van hom vergeet. I completely forgot about him. I completely forgot about him. Hou op om te skree! Stop yelling! Don't stop screaming! Tom said that Mary thought that John might want to do that this evening. Tom said Mary thought that John might want to do that this evening. Tom said that Mary thought that john might want to do that this evening. Ik denk, dat ze dit verhaal heeft verzonnen. I think she made up that story. I think she made up this story. Schriev dien Naam in Grootbookstaven. Write your name in capital letters. Write your name in capital letters. Die Aubergine war vorzüglich. The eggplant was excellent. The aubergine was excellent. Ich möchte, dass sie mit mir kommt. I'd like her to come with me. I want her to come with me. Tom lyk nuuskierig. Tom looks inquisitive. He seems inquisitive. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Tom. I will always have a soft corner in my heart for Tom. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for tom. Ich freue mich darauf, dass er kommt. I've been looking forward to him coming. I look forward to him coming. I see no reason that we need to wait until Tom gets here to start drinking. I see no reason we need to wait until Tom gets here to start drinking. I see no reason that we need to wait until tom gets here to start drinking. Wir sind gerade ein bisschen knapp bei Kasse. We're a bit short of money now. We're a little short on cash right now. Eerlijk gezegd interesseert het me niet. The truth is that I don't care. To be honest, I don't care. Sie ist mit ihrem Hund am Strand spazieren gegangen. She's taken her dog for a walk on the beach. She took her dog for a walk on the beach. Tom en ik hebben maandag tennis gespeeld. Tom and I played tennis on Monday. Tom and I played tennis on Monday. Tom and Mary said they'd be tempted to do that. Tom and Mary said that they'd be tempted to do that. Tom and mary said they'd be tempted to do that. Ik denk dat je heel wat vragen hebt. I guess you've got a lot of questions. I think you have a lot of questions. Was passiert morgen? What happens tomorrow? What happens tomorrow? Ich werde alles tun, was ich kann. I'll do everything that I can. I'll do everything I can. איר זענט שטאַרקער ווי מיר. You guys are stronger than we are. You're stronger than us. Gudde Moien. Good morning. Oh, good moi. איך קען עס נישט באַשרײַבן. I can't describe it. I can't write it. Sandy gings oot tae get his messages ilke efternin. Sandy goes out to get his shopping every afternoon. Sandy gings oot tae get his messages ilke afternin. Tom said Mary went to a divorce lawyer. Tom said that Mary went to a divorce lawyer. Tom said mary went to a divorce lawyer. Die Stichhaltigkeit dieses Arguments lässt einiges zu wünschen über. This argument is somewhat lacking in cogency. The validity of this argument leaves a lot to be desired. I hope that Tom doesn't think that we hate him. I hope Tom doesn't think that we hate him. I hope that tom doesn't think that we hate him. Waarom moeten we ons daarmee bemoeien? Why should we get involved? Why do we have to interfere? Dit is wat jij zou moeten doen. This is what you should be doing. This is what you should do. Ze ontkende mijn moeder te zijn. She denied that she's my mother. She denied being my mother. Tom en Mary zijn de enige overlevenden. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Het homohuwelijk is toegestaan ​​in minder dan 20% van de landen. Gay marriage is permitted in less than 20% of countries. Same-sex marriage is allowed in less than 20% of countries. Der Fußboden ist Lava! The floor is lava! The floor is lava. Ein Vogel flog hoch in der Luft. A bird was flying high up in the sky. A bird flew high in the air. Das ist alles, was wir noch zu essen haben. This is all we have left to eat. That's all we have left to eat. I don't think this is French. I don't think that this is French. - I don't think this is French. Ich habe viele Bilder auf meinem Computer. I have a lot of pictures on my computer. I have a lot of pictures on my computer. Ich langweile mich auf Feiern. Parties bore me. I'm bored at parties. Es gibt Menschen, die auf heißen Kohlen gehen können. There are people able to walk on hot coals. There are people who can walk on hot coals. Die Wahrheit kam schließlich bei seinem Prozess heraus. The truth finally came out at his trial. The truth finally came out at his trial. I know that Tom knows where you did that. I know Tom knows where you did that. I know that tom knows where you did that. Warum hast du mir das nicht gesagt? Why didn't you tell me that? Why didn't you tell me? I don't think that Tom made the right decision. I don't think Tom made the right decision. I don't think that tom made the right decision. Tom hat zum Frühstück Rührei gegessen. Tom ate scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tom ate scrambled eggs for breakfast. Vier ist in China und Japan eine Unglückszahl. Four is an unlucky number in China and in Japan. Four is an unlucky number in China and Japan. Hierdie plek is baie aangenaam. This place is very pleasant. This place is very pleasant. De bewijslast ligt bij u. The burden of proof is on you. The burden of proof is on you. Wat köst dat? How much is it? What does it cost? Was hältst du von meiner neuen Wohnung? What do you think of my new apartment? What do you think of my new apartment? Bij het verlaten van de kamer niet het licht laten branden. Don't leave the lights on when you leave the room. When leaving the room, do not let the light burn. Ich habe eine Menge Bilder auf meinem Computer. I have a lot of pictures on my computer. I have a lot of pictures on my computer. Tom said he's scared. Tom said that he's scared. - Tom said he's scared. Tom schoss ein Weltklassetor. Tom scored a worldie. Tom scored a world-class goal. I promise I won't tell anyone why we're here. I promise I won't tell anybody why we're here. - I promise I won't tell anyone why we're here. Maria hat drei Bücher geschrieben. Mary has written three books. Mary has written three books. Das übernehmen doch bestimmt die Ladenmitarbeiter für einen. I'm sure the shop staff will do that for you. The store employees will take care of that for one. Die Suchmaschinen fördern immer mehr automatisch übersetzten Müll aus irgendwelchen Netztagebüchern zutage. Search engines are plagued with an increasing amount of automatically translated blog spam. The search engines are uncovering more and more automatically translated garbage from any web diaries. Ich habe schon in einem Restaurant gearbeitet. I've already worked in a restaurant. I've already worked in a restaurant. Ich weiß, wie sie sind. I know what they're like. I know how they are. I thought Tom was with Mary. I thought that Tom was with Mary. I thought tom was with mary. Kan iemand de deur open maken? Can somebody open the door? Can someone open the door? Ich schlösse mich niemals einem Geheimbund an. I'd never join a secret society. I never join a secret society. כ'האָב ליב טערקיי. I love Turkey. I love the turkey. Der Everest befindet sich im Himalaya. Mount Everest is located in the Himalayas. Everest is in the Himalayas. Dood de draken. Kill the dragons. Kill the dragons. Die Menschen in jener alten Zeit hatten Überzeugungen, wir Neueren haben nur Meinungen, und es gehört etwas mehr als eine bloße Meinung dazu, um so einen gotischen Dom aufzurichten. People in those olden times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions, and it takes more than a mere opinion to erect a Gothic cathedral. The people of that old age had convictions, we newer ones have only opinions, and it takes something more than a mere opinion to erect such a Gothic cathedral. Ich wusste, dass du Tom darum bitten würdest. I knew you'd ask Tom to do that. I knew you'd ask Tom. Der Techniker kletterte auf den Telefonmast. The engineer climbed the telephone pole. The technician climbed onto the telephone mast. Ik heff Tom seggt, dat ik meud bün. I told Tom that I was tired. I've told Tom that I'm meud. It is Sunday. It's Sunday. - It is Sunday. Es fehlte Tom der Mut, mit Maria Schluss zu machen. Tom didn't have the courage to break up with Mary. Tom lacked the courage to break up with Mary. Ech si frou, dass dir hei sidd. I'm glad you guys are here. I'm glad you're here. Er lief zu schnell für mich, um mithalten zu können. He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. He ran too fast for me to keep up. Ik vrees dat je plan niet zal uitpakken. I'm afraid your plan won't work out. I'm afraid your plan won't work out. Diese Straße führt in die Stadt. This road goes to the city. This road leads to the city. Ik smeck na Solt. I taste of salt. I'm begging for salt. Tom spricht jeden Tag mit seiner Mutter. Tom speaks with his mother every day. Tom talks to his mother every day. Säi Concert war gäil. His concert was great. His concert was a go-getter. Iemand heeft Toms laptop gestolen. Somebody stole Tom's laptop. Someone stole Tom's laptop. Ich verstehe nicht, warum du das machen willst. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do this. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've done it. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've. If tom hadn't done it, someone else would've done it. Kann ich die Sonderausstellung mit diesem Ticket besuchen? Can I see the special exhibit with this ticket? Can I visit the special exhibition with this ticket? Die Geschichte ging für Tom nicht glücklich aus. The story didn't end happily for Tom. The story didn’t go well for Tom. Ik wil alleen weten waar Tom is. All I want to know is where Tom is. I just want to know where Tom is. Er möchte, dass du da bist, wenn er kommt. He'd like you to be there when he arrives. He wants you to be there when he comes. Alles, was Sadako jetzt noch tun konnte, bestand darin, Origami-Kraniche zu falten und auf ein Wunder zu hoffen. All Sadako could do now was to make paper cranes and hope for a miracle. All Sadako could do now was fold origami cranes and hope for a miracle. Wir wohnen gerne hier. We like living here. We like to live here. Dieser Tisch hat eine glatte Oberfläche. This table has a smooth surface. This table has a smooth surface. Das ist euer Zug. That's your train. This is your train. Wir müssen den Lkw ausladen. We need to unload the truck. We have to unload the truck. I don't think Tom has done that yet. I don't think that Tom has done that yet. I don't think tom has done that yet. Mag ik dit om uw arm doen? Can I put this on your arm? Can I do this for your arm? Meine Mutter war mir nicht weniger böse als mein Vater. My mother was no less angry with me than my father. My mother was no less angry with me than my father. De krekels tsjilpen. The grasshoppers are chirping. The crickets chirp. Wir haben letztlich keine Zusage erteilt, dass wir das tun würden. After all, we didn't say we'd do it. In the end, we did not promise that we would do that. Op de heuvel aan de overkant van de rivier staat er een tempel. On the hill across the river there is a temple. On the hill across the river there is a temple. „Ich habe gestern Abend auf dem Sportplatz von der Ecke aus mit dem linken Fuß kopfüber ein Tor geschossen.“ – „Na klar! Träum weiter!“ – „Echt!“ "I scored an overhead kick straight from a corner with my left foot on the rec last night." "Yeah, dream on!" "I did!" <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>I shot a goal from the corner with my left foot upside down on the sports field last night.“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Of course! Keep dreaming!“ – <0xE2><0x80><0x9E>Really!“ Ich denke darüber nach, eine neue Firma zu gründen. I've been thinking about starting a new business. I am thinking about starting a new company. k Kin nog aal vechten. I can still fight. K is still fighting. Kent u het volkslied van Griekenland? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Kapitalisme is armoede. Capitalism is poverty. Capitalism is poverty. Ik vind ze allebei goed. I think both are good. I like them both. Gibt es in der Bücherei dieses Buch? Has the library got that book? Is there a book in the library? Wir können Tom schlagen. We can beat Tom. We can beat Tom. Mir gehen Dinge durch den Kopf, die ich nicht aussprechen sollte. I'm thinking things I shouldn't say. Things go through my head that I shouldn’t say. Checkers are played in many different ways, despite their widespread use in all civilized countries. Checkers are well known in all civilized countries, but they are played in many different ways. Checkers are played in many different ways despite their widespread use in all civilized countries. k Bin veurege moand vervoaren. I moved last month. I'm getting rid of the moon. Dit is Toms mes. This is Tom's knife. This is Tom's knife. Tom passt nicht zu Maria. Tom is a bad match for Mary. Tom doesn't match Mary. Tom told me that he thinks he'll do that tomorrow. Tom told me that he thinks that he'll do that tomorrow. Tom told me that he thinks he'II do that tomorrow. I know you weren't the ones who did that. I know that you weren't the ones who did that. - I know you weren't the ones who did that. Vergessen Sie bitte, dass ich etwas gesagt habe! Please forget I said anything. Please forget that I said something! Wir versuchen, nicht daran zu denken. We're trying not to think about that. We try not to think about it. Boppe stienen fjouwer opmakke bêden, mar op trije waard noait sliept. Upstairs there were four made beds, but on three nobody ever slept. On top of stones four made up beds, but on three were never slept. We will have lunch together at twelve-thirty. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We will have lunch together at 12:30. Ze woont met hem samen. She lives with him. She lives with him. Pass auf, dass du nicht stolperst! Watch out that you don't trip. Make sure you don't trip! Go ist das älteste, einfachste und komplexeste Spiel der Welt. Go is the world's oldest, simplest, and most complex game. Go is the oldest, easiest and most complex game in the world. Können wir jetzt spielen und danach lernen? Can we play now and study afterward? Can we play now and learn from it? Wir ermitteln in der Mordsache „Tom“. We're investigating Tom's murder. We're investigating the "Tom" murder case. Später entschuldigte sich Tom. Tom later apologised. Tom later apologized. So was dauert oft. That kind of thing often takes time. That's what takes a lot of time. Diese Person existiert nicht. This person doesn't exist. This person does not exist. It's going to be difficult to do. It's going to be hard to do. It's gonna be difficult to do. Is de postbode al geweest? Has the letter carrier been by yet? Has the postman been there yet? Wir wollen kommenden Oktober heiraten. We plan to get married next October. We want to get married next October. Das ist nichts für dich. That's not for you. It's not for you. Sie haben drei Anrufe verpasst. You have three missed calls. You missed three calls. Die roten Äpfel hat er gegessen; die grünen hat er liegenlassen. He ate the red apples, leaving the green ones. He has eaten the red apples; he has left the green ones. This is really pathetic. This is truly pathetic. - This is really pathetic. Nein! Ich hasse Broccoli! No! I hate broccoli! No, I hate broccoli! Ik ken jouw vader zeer goed. I know your father very well. I know your father very well. Kann ich heute auf Sie zählen? Can I count on you today? Can I count on you today? Ek wil hê tom moet verlaat. I want Tom to go. I need to get rid of Tom. Du hast meine Tasse zerbrochen. You broke my cup. You broke my cup. Tom weet niet hoe hij met kinderen om moet gaan. Tom doesn't know how to handle children. Tom doesn't know how to deal with children. Du bist fünf Jahre alt. You're five years old. You're five years old. Wer kannte ihren Sohn? Who knew their son? Who knew her son? Tom lebt in der Vergangenheit. Tom lives in the past. Tom lives in the past. Ich will mein Griechisch verbessern. I want to improve my Greek. I want to improve my Greek. Das Büro wird jeden Tag gereinigt. The offices get cleaned every day. The office is cleaned every day. Tom war nicht derjenige, der Mary geholfen hat. Tom wasn't the one who helped Mary. Tom was not the one who helped Mary. So einen heißen Sommer hatten wir 30 Jahre nicht. This is the hottest summer we've had in thirty years. We haven’t had such a hot summer in 30 years. Tom is een oude man met een lange grijze baard. Tom is an old man with a long gray beard. Tom is an old man with a long gray beard. Du kennst das Kind dieser Frau. You know this woman's child. You know this woman's kid. Heeft u niet-alcoholische dranken? Do you have any soft drinks? Do you have non-alcoholic drinks? Zij zijn mijn favoriet. They're my favorite. They're my favorite. Alle hübschen Mädchen sind eine Falle – eine hübsche Falle –, und die Männer erwarten das auch von ihnen. All pretty girls are a trap, a pretty trap, and men expect them to be. All pretty girls are a trap—a pretty trap—and men expect that from them, too. We strijden tegen alle drugs. We fight against all drugs. We fight against all drugs. „Wer wird das wohl sein?“ – „Ich glaube, es ist Tom.“ "Who could that be?" "I think it's Tom." “Who would that be?” – “I think it’s Tom.” Deine Jeans sind noch nicht trocken. Your jeans aren't dry yet. Your jeans aren't dry yet. Jü skel langsen lachi. She constantly needs to laugh. Jü skel langen lachi. De meeste beren zijn omnivoren. Most bears are omnivores. Most bears are omnivores. Wi sünd de Besten. We are the best. We are the best. They said that they'll do that soon. They said they'll do that soon. - They said that they'll do that soon. Tom zou beter binnen een kijkje nemen. Tom should take a look inside. I think Tom should take a look inside. Kennen Sie jemanden, der keine Schokolade mag? Do you know anyone who doesn't like chocolate? Do you know someone who doesn’t like chocolate? Ajax wird Eredivisie-Meister. Ajax will be champions of the Eredivisie. Ajax becomes Eredivisie champion. Sie ließen ihn von morgens bis abends arbeiten. They made him work from morning till night. They let him work from morning to night. Ek het net gewonder of jy 'n plek om te bly nog kon vind. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I was just wondering if you could find a place to stay. Darüber sind wir uns einig. On this, we agree. We agree on that. Tom had no desire to return to Boston. Tom didn't have any desire to return to Boston. Tom had no desire to return to boston. Maria schreibt in SMS alles klein und setzt selten Punkt und Komma. Mary only uses lowercase letters when she texts, and she rarely uses punctuation. Maria writes everything small in SMS and rarely puts a dot and a comma. Ihre Mama backt keine Kuchen, die schmecken. Her mum doesn't make delicious cakes. Your mom doesn't bake cakes that taste good. Ik beloof dat ik hier morgen zal zijn. I promise that I'll be here tomorrow. I promise I'll be here tomorrow. De bange kat verstopt zich onder de auto. The scared cat is hiding under the car. The frightened cat hides under the car. Wir wandelten durch den Bambushain. We walked through the bamboo grove. We walked through the bamboo grove. Tom has already decided that he isn't going to buy one. Tom has already decided he isn't going to buy one. Tom has already decided that he isn't gonna buy one. Se hett mi leef, un ik heff se ok leef. She loves me and I love her too. She has me alive, and I have them alive too. Wir müssen Tom hier herausbringen. We need to get Tom out of here. We need to get Tom out of here. Er sollte schon dort sein. He should already be there. He should be there by now. Während der ganzen Lektion zählte er Fliegen. During the entire lesson, he counted flies. Throughout the lesson, he counted flies. Tatoeba ist eigentlich kein Wörterbuch. Tatoeba isn't really a dictionary. Tatoeba is not a dictionary. De berg bood een adembenemend uitzicht. The mountain offered a breathtaking view. The mountain offered a breathtaking view. Auch Fledermäuse haben Flügel. Bats also have wings. Bats also have wings. Hij houdt niet van zwemmen. He doesn't like to swim. He doesn't like swimming. I thought you knew what was going on. I thought that you knew what was going on. - I thought you knew what was going on. Solcherlei Dinge interessieren mich nicht mehr. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. I am no longer interested in such things. Where's Tom now? Where is Tom now? - Where's Tom now? Ich habe nicht genug Geld, um alles zu kaufen, was ich kaufen will. I don't have enough money to buy everything I want to buy. I don’t have enough money to buy everything I want. Du kannst ihn nicht mit Tom vergleichen. You cannot compare him to Tom. You can't compare him to Tom. Ich ertrage ihn nicht. I can't stand him. I can't stand him. Zwei Drittel derer, die 2015 nach Deutschland einwanderten, kamen aus Asien. Two thirds of the immigrants who came to Germany in 2015 came from Asia. Two-thirds of those who immigrated to Germany in 2015 came from Asia. Hast du schon den Müll nach draußen gebracht? Have you already taken the garbage out? Have you brought the trash out yet? Tom backt arme Ritter. Tom is making some french toast. Tom backs poor Knight. Ons het skoon van haar vergeet. We forgot all about her. We've forgotten about her snoring. We're not quite sure exactly where Tom lives. We aren't quite sure exactly where Tom lives. We're not quite sure exactly where tom lives. Unser Hamster wurde von unserer Katze gefressen. Our hamster was eaten by our cat. Our hamster was eaten by our cat. Herzlich willkommen und danke, dass ihr unsere Einladung angenommen habt! Welcome and thank you for accepting our invitation. Welcome and thank you for accepting our invitation! Laten we gaan. Let's go. Let's get out of here. Ik maakte mijn huiswerk. I was doing my homework. I did my homework. Wi bruukt dien Geld nich. We don't need your money. We don't need your money. Tom fühlte sich noch nicht dazu bereit. Tom didn't feel that he was ready to do that. Tom didn’t feel ready for it. Do you honestly think Tom has a chance to win? Do you honestly think that Tom has a chance to win? Do you honestly think tom has a chance to win? Tom setzte Maria in zehn Zügen schachmatt. Tom checkmated Mary on the tenth move. Tom put Maria in ten moves checkmate. Tom hat alles falsch gemacht. Tom did everything wrong. Tom did everything wrong. Kom je me vernederen? Have you come to humiliate me? Are you here to humiliate me? Wir haben nicht viel Zeit, die Frist läuft morgen ab. We don't have much time, the deadline expires tomorrow. We don't have much time, the deadline is tomorrow. Sehen wir doch einmal hinein! Why don't we peek inside? Let's take a look inside! Meine Tochter wurde in diesem Krankenhaus geboren. My daughter was born in this hospital. My daughter was born in this hospital. Hoe zeg je dat best in het Frans? What's the best way to say this in French? How do you say that in French? Ga Mary wakker maken. Go and wake Mary up. Go wake Mary. Es gibt keinen grundsätzlichen Grund, warum Maschinen eines Tages nicht mindestens so intelligent sein werden wie wir There is no fundamental reason why machines should not be one day at least as smart as we are. There is no fundamental reason why machines will one day not be at least as intelligent as we are. Diese Schuhe wurden in Frankreich entworfen. These shoes were designed in France. These shoes were designed in France. Zeig ihn ihr! Show it to her. Show him to her! „Wie sehr traust du Tom?“ – „Keinen Deut!“ "How far do you trust Tom?" "About as far as I can throw him." “How much do you trust Tom?” – “No deut!” Wat is het verschil tussen deze en die? What is the difference between this and that? What is the difference between this and that? Tom hat nie behauptet, perfekt zu sein. Tom never claimed to be perfect. Tom never claimed to be perfect. Mir steht viel Geld zur Verfügung. I have a lot of money at my disposal. I have a lot of money at my disposal. Als Kind hat Tom immer die Zigarettenstummel seines Vaters gesammelt, bis er genug Tabak hatte, um sich selbst eine Zigarette zu drehen. When Tom was a kid, he used to collect his father's cigarette butts until he had enough tobacco to roll a cigarette for himself. As a child, Tom always collected his father’s cigarette butts until he had enough tobacco to turn himself a cigarette. Hij heeft altijd angst. He is always scared. He's always scared. Tom haat je. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Tom is al jümmer anners as de anneren Kinner wäsen. Tom was always different from the other kids. Tom has always been different from the other children. Warum besuchen so viele Menschen Kyoto? Why do so many people visit Kyoto? Why are so many people visiting Kyoto? Dit is aspergesoep. This is asparagus soup. This is asparagus soup. מיר האבן עס א פאר מאל געטאן. We did it a few times. We've done it several times. Sie legte ihre Hand auf die seine. She put her hand on his. She put her hand on his. In unseren Zellen läuft ein wahrhaft synchronisiertes Ballett der Nanomolekulartechnik ab, das sich dem menschlichen Verständnis entzieht. A veritable synchronized ballet of nanomolecular engineering operates in our cells, challenging human understanding. In our cells, a truly synchronized ballet of nanomolecular technology runs, which eludes human understanding. Ek weet jy gaan nee sê. I know you're going to say no. I know you're going to say no. Diese Geschichte hat ein Freund von mir geschrieben. This story was written by a friend of mine. This story was written by a friend of mine. Sehen wir doch einmal nach, was draußen los ist! Let's go outside and see what's going on. Let's see what's going on outside! Heute sind wir zuhause. We are at home today. Today we are at home. Ich ziehe die Originalgeschichte vor. I prefer the original story. I prefer the original story. Ist heute Schule? Do we have school today? Is school today? Ik bün keen lütt Deern mehr. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm no longer a little girl. "Spreek je Macedonisch?" "Ja, maar het zit ver." "Do you speak Macedonian?" "Yes, but I'm rusty." "Do you speak Macedonian?" "Yes, but it's a long way." טאָם פֿאַרמאָגט אַ באַר. Tom owns a bar. He's got a bar. Könntest du Bescheid sagen, dass es noch ein paar Minuten dauert? Could you let them know it'll be a few more minutes? Could you tell me it's gonna take a few more minutes? Toms Französisch ist saumäßig. Tom's French is awful. Tom's French is sour. Het zal nooit aanslaan. It'll never catch on. It will never strike. Did you know Tom knew Mary? Did you know that Tom knew Mary? Did you know tom knew mary? Ek het 'n droeë vel. I have dry skin. I've got a bad one. Kinst wachtn? Do you have time? Kinst waiting? Tom heeft Mary een paraplu geleend. Tom lent Mary an umbrella. Tom loaned Mary an umbrella. Tom kon Mary's adres niet herinneren. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Waarom antwoorden jullie niet? Why aren't you answering? Why don't you answer? Ich konzentriere mich auf mein Deutsch! I'm focusing on my German! I focus on my German! Der Bahnverkehr wurde wegen auf die Gleise gestürzter Bäume eingestellt. Rail services have been suspended because of fallen trees on the line. The railway traffic was stopped because of fallen trees on the tracks. Tom told Mary he wouldn't do that again. Tom told Mary that he wouldn't do that again. Tom told mary he wouldn't do that again. U bent een vrouw. You are a woman. You're a woman. I know that Tom can probably do that sometime today. I know Tom can probably do that sometime today. I know that tom can probably do that sometime today. Hai begunde te zingen. He started singing. The shark began to sing. Vergiss nicht, zur vereinbarten Zeit zu kommen. Don't forget to come at the agreed upon time. Don’t forget to arrive at the agreed time. The host cut the turkey for the guests. The host carved the turkey for the guests. - The host cut the turkey for the guests. Hoeveel kilometer lopen atleten in een marathon? How many kilometers do athletes run in a marathon? How many miles do athletes run in a marathon? Er kommt spät von der Arbeit nach Hause. He gets home late from work. He comes home late from work. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Tom admitted he had killed Mary. Tom admitted that he had killed mary. Könntest du mir diese Fotos zeigen? Could you show me those photos? Could you show me these photos? Tom says that he hasn't had a drink in three years. Tom says he hasn't had a drink in three years. Tom says he hasn't had a drink in three years. In Toki Pona sind alle Wörter unveränderlich. In Toki Pona, all words are invariable. In Toki Pona, all words are immutable. She's got to be taken to hospital. She needs to be taken to hospital. She's gotta be taken to hospital. Is masturberen normaal? Is masturbation normal? Is masturbation normal? Schmeckt Ihnen Maisgrütze? Do you like grits? Do you like corn grits? Toms Lieblingsmusikgruppe sind die Rolling Stones; ich hingegen ziehe da die Kinks vor. Tom's favourite band is The Rolling Stones, but give me The Kinks any day. Tom’s favorite band is the Rolling Stones, but I prefer the Kinks. Zai verdwenen. They disappeared. Zai disappeared. Tom had gepland om opslag te vragen aan zijn baas, maar hij krabbelde terug. Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he chickened out. Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he scribbled back. I knew Tom would lie to us about that. I knew that Tom would lie to us about that. I knew tom would lie to us about that. Es klappt einfach nicht. Es tut mir leid! It just doesn't work. I'm sorry. It just doesn't work, I'm sorry! Jemand hat das Bürofenster offenstehen lassen. Someone left the office window open. Someone left the office window open. Trink etwas Tee. Drink some tea. Have some tea. Tom könnte tot sein. Tom could be dead. Tom could be dead. Du bist immer am Schlafen. You're always sleeping. You're always asleep. Halt das mal. Hold this. Hold that. Was sind deine Lieblingssportarten? What are your favorite sports? What are your favourite sports? I know Tom is grouchy. I know that Tom is grouchy. I know tom is grouchy. That isn't the main reason that Tom didn't want to do that. That's not the main reason that Tom didn't want to do that. That isn't the main reason that tom didn't want to do that. Es ist Zeit zu schlafen. It's time to go to sleep. It's time to go to sleep. Damaskus ist die Hauptstadt Syriens. Damascus is Syria's capital. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Seltsamerweise verschwand die Gestalt plötzlich aus dem Blickfeld. Strange to say, the figure went out of sight suddenly. Strangely enough, the figure suddenly disappeared from view. Mijn hartsvriendin vertrok naar Canada. My girlfriend has gone to Canada. My friend moved to Canada. The door to the hall stood wide open. The hall door stood wide open. The door to the hall was wide open. Tom is someone you can trust. Tom is somebody you can trust. Tom's someone you can trust. Tom said Mary would probably do that. Tom said that Mary would probably do that. Tom said mary would probably do that. What's the soup du jour? What's the soup of the day? What's the soup du jour ? Es hat ihm nicht geschmeckt. He didn't like the food. He didn't like it. Das trug zu seinem Unglücklichsein bei. That added to his unhappiness. This contributed to his unhappiness. Deutschland ist die größte und erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsmacht Europas. Germany is Europe's largest and most prosperous economy. Germany is the largest and most successful economic power in Europe. I know that Tom doesn't know why Mary couldn't do that. I know Tom doesn't know why Mary couldn't do that. I know that tom doesn't know why mary couldn't do that. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You guys are stronger than we are. You're stronger than us. Diese Bedingungen wurden nicht akzeptiert. These conditions were not accepted. These conditions have not been accepted. Niet vergeten dat ik veel meer geld heb dan jij. Don't forget that I have a lot more money than you do. Don't forget I have a lot more money than you do. Gooi een kaart weg. Discard a card. Throw away a card. Ich habe mich für einen Online-Sprachkurs angemeldet. I enrolled in a language class online. I signed up for an online language course. Man kann dieses Buch in ein paar Tagen lesen. It is possible for you to read this book in a few days. You can read this book in a few days. Je zou wat geld opzij moeten leggen voor jouw bruiloft. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. You should put some money aside for your wedding. This is not going to be easy. This isn't going to be easy. This is not gonna be easy. Dat is niet iets wat eender wie kan doen. That's not something anybody can just do. That's not something anyone can do. Does anybody have a kleenex? Does anyone have a tissue? Does anybody have a Kleenex? Der Apfel ist ja noch ganz grün. Lass den lieber noch etwas liegen, eh’ du ihn isst! That apple is still green. Best leave it a while before you eat it. The apple is still quite green. Leave it a little more, before you eat it! Sie werden nach dir suchen. They'll come looking for you. They'll be looking for you. Warum mögen Tom so viele? Why do so many people like Tom? Why do you like Tom so much? Er ist zu alt für mich. He's too old for me. He's too old for me. Het langste woord in de Franse taal is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". Ich bin verdammt stolz auf euch! I'm damn proud of you all! I'm damn proud of you! Hast du mehr als einen Badeanzug? Do you have more than one bathing suit? Do you have more than one swimsuit? Mein Mann ist in der Ukraine. My husband is in Ukraine. My husband is in Ukraine. En Elefant hett en lange Nees. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Deze nacht was het heel warm en vochtig; daarom heb ik niet al te goed geslapen. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. This night it was very hot and humid, so I didn’t sleep too well. Tom hat das von seiner Mutter geerbt. Tom inherited that from his mother. He inherited it from his mother. Er sieht blass aus. He looks pale. He looks pale. Tom ist diese Woche viel gelaufen. Tom has run a lot this week. Tom has done a lot this week. Tom said that he thought what Mary did was a mistake. Tom said he thought what Mary did was a mistake. Tom said that he thought what mary did was a mistake. Laat genezing van de zieke de opperste wet zijn! The patient's interests must always come first! Let healing of the sick be the supreme law! Ist das in Ordnung für Sie? Is this OK with you? Is that okay with you? Daar is 'n voël hier. There is a bird here. There's a bird here. Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a mobile? Do you have a cell phone? Je kunt water drinken, maar dat kun je ook laten. You can drink water, but you can also let it be. You can drink water, but you can also leave it at that. Ik denk dat het wel meevalt. I think it's not so bad. I think it's not too bad. Ich muss das Eis von der Windschutzscheibe kratzen. I've got to scrape the ice off the windscreen. I have to scrape the ice off the windshield. Tom said that he's been very happy here. Tom said he's been very happy here. - Tom said that he's been very happy here. Ich lege mich nur hin. I am only lying down. I'm just lying down. You're not really planning on taking pictures, are you? You aren't really planning on taking pictures, are you? - You're not really planning on taking pictures, are you? Danke für die Einladung, aber ich kann leider nicht. Thanks for the invitation, but I can't go. Thanks for the invitation, but I can't. Wir müssen unsere Worte in die Tat umsetzen. We must turn our words into action. We have to put our words into action. We zijn niet meer in de jaren negentig. We're not in the nineties anymore. We're not in the '90s anymore. Tom told me he didn't win. Tom told me that he didn't win. - Tom told me he didn't win. גדלנות, גרויסהאַלטערישקייט און עגאָטיזם זענען די מהותן פֿון פּאַטריאָטיזם. Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Patience, bigotry, and egotism are the hallmarks of patriotism. It's not a bad plan. It isn't a bad plan. - It's not a bad plan. Ziri gooide zich op het grond, maag eerst. Ziri threw himself on the ground, stomach first. Ziri threw himself on the ground, stomach first. Anarchie folgte der Diktatur. Anarchy followed the dictatorship. Anarchy followed the dictatorship. איר זײַט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. You're the spoilers. It's not likely to be as easy as you think it'll be. It isn't likely to be as easy as you think it'll be. It's not likely to be as easy as you think it'II be. Hij hield een rede. He delivered a speech. He gave a speech. Ruf mich an, wenn du dir’s anders überlegst! Call me if you change your mind. Call me if you think differently! טאָם איז נישט קיין קאָטער. Tom isn't a tomcat. He's not a cat. Tom heeft pannenkoeken voor jullie gemaakt. Tom made pancakes for you. Tom made you pancakes. Se hett en ganzen Barg Kledaasch. She has quite a lot of clothes. She has a whole bunch of clothes. Tom ist sich nicht sicher, was er tut. Tom isn't sure what he's doing. Tom is not sure what he is doing. Tom schien betrunken zu sein. Tom appeared intoxicated. Tom seemed to be drunk. Du bist eine gemeine Person. You are a mean person. You're a mean person. Kunt u langzamer spreken alstublieft? Speak more slowly, please! Could you speak more slowly, please? Ich kann nicht Wasser lassen. I can't urinate. I can't let go of water. De projectresultaten zijn niet positief. The project's results are not positive. The project results are not positive. Mein Urenkel isst keine Eier. My great-grandson doesn't eat eggs. My great-grandson doesn't eat eggs. Der Alte strich sich nachdenklich durch den Bart. The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully. The old man thoughtfully stroked his beard. Tom sloeg de piñata. Tom struck the pinata. Tom hit the pi<0xC3><0xB1>ata. Bombardierten Außerirdische Sodom und Gomorrha? Did aliens bomb Sodom and Gomorrah? Did Aliens Bomb Sodom and Gomorrah? Man sah schon, dass Tom nicht mit dem Herzen dabei war. You could tell Tom's heart wasn't in it. You could see that Tom wasn’t there with his heart. There is a full moon out tonight. There's a full moon out tonight. There's a full moon out tonight. Verklaar het volgende. Explain the following. Explain the following. Man hatte sich eigentlich auf ein blutiges Spektakel gefreut, aber die Löwen griffen Tom nicht an. Als sich ein Soldat näherte, fielen sie den jedoch sofort an und fraßen ihn. A bloody spectacle was expected, but the lions didn't attack Tom. However, when a soldier approached, they immediately fell upon him and devoured him. They had been looking forward to a bloody spectacle, but the lions did not attack Tom, but when a soldier approached, they attacked him immediately and ate him. So erreichst du nichts. That's not how you achieve anything. That way you won't get anywhere. Ik had me niet moeten haasten. I shouldn't have rushed. I shouldn't have rushed. Venetië, Italië is een van de wonderen van de wereld. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. That's not something that I'd joke about. That isn't something I'd joke about. - That's not something that I'd joke about. Tom hat den Brief, den er von Maria bekam, nicht gelesen. Tom didn't read the letter that he received from Mary. Tom did not read the letter he received from Mary. Daarover zou je gelijk kunnen hebben. You may be right about that. You could be right about that. Ich hoffe, diesmal klappt’s. I hope that this time it works. I hope it works this time. Sally gab mir eine gute Information. Sally gave me a good piece of information. Sally gave me good information. Erkennst du sie nicht wieder? Don't you recognize them? Don't you recognize her? Hij gleed uit over een bananenschil. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped over a banana peel. We're lucky that we were able to avoid doing that. We're lucky we were able to avoid doing that. We're lucky we were able to avoid doing that. Mijn tand doet pijn. My tooth hurts. My tooth hurts. Een geheim bewaren heb ik nooit gekund. I never could keep a secret. I have never been able to keep a secret. Wo ist meine Zeitmaschine? Where is my time machine? Where is my time machine? Das ist Ihre Sternstunde. This is your finest hour. This is your star hour. Het water van deze rivier is heel zuiver. The water in this river is very clean. The water of this river is very pure. We didn't have enough food for everyone. We didn't have enough food for everybody. - We didn't have enough food for everyone. Sie arbeitet als eine Bürodame. She works as an office lady. She works as an office lady. Alles kann gefährlich sein. Everything can be dangerous. Anything can be dangerous. Deze hoofdtelefonen zijn gebroken. These headphones are broken. These headphone jacks are broken. In de zomer bederven eieren snel. In summer, eggs soon go bad. In the summer, eggs spoil quickly. Ze waren niet tevreden met het resultaat. They weren't satisfied with the result. They were not satisfied with the result. מיר לעבן אין אַנדערע אוניווערסן. We live in different universes. We live in other places. Ik leef niet graag alleen. I don't like living alone. I don't like living alone. Ik gah to Foot. I will go on foot. I'm going to Foot. Tom hat meinen Cousin geküsst. Tom kissed my cousin. Tom kissed my cousin. Freitag der 13. gilt als Unglückstag. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. They said that they tries to be optimistic. They said they tries to be optimistic. - They said that they tries to be optimistic. Ik kom niet uit Afrika. I'm not from Africa. I'm not from Africa. Grammatik a Vokabulär fënnt een an dem Aarbechtsbuch. One can find grammar and vocabulary in the work book. Grammar and vocabulary are found in the workbook. Atmen Sie doch einmal tief durch. Why don't you take a deep breath? Why don't you take a deep breath? Hien ass hire Papp. He's her dad. He's their father. Er hat an meiner Art, die Dinge anzufassen, immer etwas auszusetzen. He always finds fault with the way I do things. He always has something to say about my way of touching things. Der berühmte Dirigent lebt in New York. The famous conductor lives in New York. The famous conductor lives in New York. What's the funniest thing you've ever done? What's the funniest thing that you've ever done? - What's the funniest thing you've ever done? Mit wie vielen Typen war Maria wohl schon zusammen? I wonder how many boyfriends Mary has had. How many people was Mary with? קאַטשקעלעך זענען געל. Ducklings are yellow. The kittens are yellow. גם־אתּם. Same to you. <0xE2><0x96><0xBA> by the way. Zij stonden ons niet toe de dienstlift te gebruiken. They did not allow us to use the service elevator. They did not allow us to use the service elevator. Er worden geen nieuwe huizen gebouwd. There are no new houses being built. No new houses are being built. Dank des Internets leben wir in einer Zeit des Aufschiebens. Thanks to the internet, we're living in the era of procrastination. Thanks to the Internet, we live in a time of procrastination. Why didn't you tell me that you knew how to do that? Why didn't you tell me you knew how to do that? Why didn't you tell me you knew how to do that? Ek waag jou om daai revier te brug. We dare you to cross that river. I dare you to cross the river. Warst du schon mal in Indien? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? Kunnen jullie een geheim bewaren? Can you guys keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Ik hou van Natasha. I love Natasha. I love Natasha. Das Auto ist elektrisch, macht also keinen Lärm und braucht kein Benzin. The car is electric, so it makes no noise and needs no gas. The car is electric, so it does not make any noise and does not need gasoline. Ik heb vandaag geen ontbijt gegeten. I didn't eat breakfast today. I didn't eat breakfast today. Es ist mir egal, ob ich gewinne. It makes no difference to me whether I win or not. I don't care if I win. I doubt that Tom is still single. I doubt Tom is still single. I doubt that tom is still single. Dieses Musikstück lässt sich schwer vom Blatt spielen. This music is very difficult to sight read. This piece of music is hard to play. Sami droug n tulbaand. Sami was wearing a turban. Sami wore a turban. We verkopen voornamelijk aan vrouwen. We sell mostly to women. We mainly sell to women. Tom war am Kotzen. Tom was being sick. Tom was on the hook. Er zijn geen stoelen in deze kamer. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Se versteiht em. She understands him. She understands me. Tom told me that Mary wasn't sick. Tom told me Mary wasn't sick. Tom told me that mary wasn't sick. Please leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave a message after the beep, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Er schreibt mit seiner Schwester ein Gedicht. He writes a poem with his sister. He writes a poem with his sister. It's marvellous. It's marvelous. It's marvelous. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr ein paar meiner Sätze, die noch gar nicht übersetzt wurden, übersetzten würdet. I'd be chuffed if you translated some of my sentences with no translation at all. I would be happy if you would translate some of my sentences that have not yet been translated. Tom gab sich alle Mühe, Maria zum Weggehen zu bewegen. Tom tried his best to persuade Mary to leave. Tom went to great lengths to get Mary to leave. Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom must be over 30 by now. כ׳וועל באַקומען פֿלוימענקאָטן דעם סוף־⁠וואָך. I'll be getting pluots this weekend. I'm going to finish the final round. Tom and Mary say they're not planning to do that. Tom and Mary say they aren't planning to do that. Tom and mary say they're not planning to do that. Zwei Menschen kamen in Rio beim Zusammensturz eines erhöhten Fahrradweges ums Leben. Two persons were killed when an elevated bike path collapsed in Rio. Two people were killed in the collapse of an elevated bicycle path in Rio. Is daar water? Is there water? Is there water? That would've been too much. That would have been too much. - That would've been too much. Die oude man kwam even gedag zeggen. That old man came by to say hello. The old man came by to say good-bye. Weet je wie de burgemeester van Boston is? Do you know who the mayor of Boston is? Do you know who the mayor of Boston is? Er verlässt den Posten und geht mit seinem Begleiter Niso zum König. Leaving the post, he and his companion Niso go to the king. He leaves the post and goes with his companion Niso to the king. Tom told Mary that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Tom told Mary he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Tom told mary that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Herr Müller ist der Klassenlehrer meines Sohnes. Mr Miller is my son's form teacher. Mr. Miller is my son's class teacher. Weer Tom dor? Was Tom there? Tom's back again? Ich bin sicher, dass er die Prüfung besteht. I am certain that he will pass the exam. I'm sure he'll pass the exam. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We were partying until the small hours. Deze man heeft zuurstof nodig. This guy needs oxygen. This man needs oxygen. Ik hou van ze allebei. I like each of them. I love them both. Niemand is volmaak nie. Nobody's perfect. No one is perfect. Tom und Maria scheinen sich guter Gesundheit zu erfreuen. Tom and Mary seem to be in good health. Tom and Mary seem to be in good health. Alles stopte. Everything stopped. Everything stopped. I think I have just about enough money to buy the computer that I want. I think I have almost enough money to buy the computer I want. I think I have enough money to buy the computer that I want. Er kommt aus Genua. He comes from Genoa. He's from Genoa. Tom told me he thought that Mary was interested in doing that. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was interested in doing that. Tom told me he thought that mary was interested in doing that. He is a doctor. He's a doctor. - He is a doctor. Das ist ein mehrstufiger Prozess. It is a multi-stage process. This is a multi-stage process. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie demotiviert seien. Tom and Mary told John that they were discouraged. Tom and Mary told John that they were demotivated. Markeer de belangrijke tekstgedeelten met een markeerstift. Mark the important parts of the text with a highlighter. Highlight the important parts of the text with a highlighter. „Was macht denn der Oliver eigentlich?“ – „Keine Ahnung. Von dem habe ich schon ewig nichts mehr gehört.“ "So, what's Oliver doing?" "No idea. I haven't heard from him for ages." “What is Oliver doing?” – “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from him in a long time.” "Maar drie miljoen is alles wat ik heb," zei Dima. "Niet meer en niet minder." "But three million is all I have," Dima said. "No more, no less." "But three million is all I have," said Dima. "No more and no less." U loog tegen me. You lied to me. You lied to me. Heb ik het gedaan? Did I do it? Did I do it? Was du übermorgen kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. What you can get the day after tomorrow, don't put it off until tomorrow. Hij ging de kamer op en neer. He walked up and down the room. He went up and down the room. Ich bin dagegen. I'm against it. I'm against it. I know that Tom is irritated. I know Tom is irritated. I know that tom is irritated. Du kannst dich auf sie verlassen. You can rely on her. You can rely on her. Het leven gaat niet altijd over rozen. Life isn't all roses and sunshine. Life is not always about roses. Goedenacht, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're trying to do. I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you're trying to do. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Ich besuche einen Deutschkurs. I take German classes. I am attending a German course. Ze lagen op het gazon. They lay on the lawn. They were on the lawn. Maria schaltete einen Detektiv ein. Mary hired a detective. Maria called a detective. Veel Servische, Bosnische en Kroatische achternamen eindigen met "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian surnames end in "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian surnames end with "i<0xC4><0x87>". Ich werde in zehn Minuten da sein. I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll be there in ten minutes. Die Gelegenheit, Leben zu retten, wird bald vertan sein. The window of opportunity to save lives is closing. The opportunity to save lives will soon be gone. Es gehört sich nicht, Leute zu schlagen. It isn't nice to hit people. It is not necessary to beat people. Ihr eigener König muss bewacht werden und Sie sollten nach Möglichkeiten suchen, den feindlichen König anzugreifen. Your own king must be guarded and you should look for chances to attack the enemy king. Your own king must be guarded and you should look for ways to attack the enemy king. Ze had geen interesse om met mij uit te gaan. She wasn't interested in going on a date with me. She wasn't interested in going out with me. Das Kind hat Durchfall. The baby has diarrhea. The child has diarrhea. Was ist denn eigentlich ein Verein? Nicht die Gebäude oder die Direktoren oder die Leute, die dafür bezahlt werden, ihn zu repräsentieren; nicht die Fernsehverträge, Ausstiegsklauseln, Vertriebsabteilungen oder Führungslogen; nein, es ist der Lärm, die Leidenschaft, das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl, der Stolz auf unsere Stadt; ein kleiner Junge, der zum allerersten Mal, sich an der Hand seines Vaters festhaltend, die Stufen des Stadions erklimmt und hinunterblickt auf den heiligen Rasen, der sich unter ihm erstreckt, und sich, ohne etwas dagegen tun zu können, verliebt. What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love. What is a club? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent him; not the television contracts, exit clauses, sales departments or management lodges; no, it is the noise, the passion, the sense of belonging, the pride of our city; a little boy who for the first time falls in love with him, holding on to the hand of his father, climbing down the steps and the stadium. Juan Carlos ist der Vater der amtierenden spanischen Königs. Juan Carlos is the father of the current king of Spain. Juan Carlos is the father of the reigning Spanish kings. Ich kann verstehen, warum Tom es vorzog, nicht zu gehen. I can understand why Tom chose not to go. I can understand why Tom chose not to go. Ik woonde in Mongolië. I was living in Mongolia. I lived in Mongolia. Zou je buiten willen wachten terwijl ik met hem praat? Would you mind waiting outside while I talk to him? Would you like to wait outside while I talk to him? Tom said that he thought that Mary wouldn't be doing that today. Tom said he thought that Mary wouldn't be doing that today. Tom said that he thought that mary wouldn't be doing that today. Ich denke, die beiden taugen. I think both match. I think the two are good. I haven't told anybody else yet. I haven't told anyone else yet. - I haven't told anybody else yet. Wenn man diesen Trank zu sich nimmt, kann man sich in jedes beliebige Tier verwandeln. Drink this potion, and you'll be able to turn into whatever animal you want. If you take this drink, you can turn into any animal. Welche Taste haben Sie gedrückt? Which button did you press? Which button did you press? Er hat sehr kurze Haare. He has very short hair. He has very short hair. Das muss geändert werden. This must be changed. That needs to be changed. Ich habe noch nicht geduscht. I haven't taken a shower yet. I haven't taken a shower yet. Ik geloof er niet in alles op te kroppen. I don't believe in keeping my feelings bottled up. I don't think I'm gonna go all out on this. U bent me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Nicht aufscheuchen! Do not flush. Don't be scared! Früher habe ich immer eine Uhr getragen, aber jetzt ist mir die Zeit sowas von egal. I used to always wear a watch, but now I could care less about the time. I used to wear a watch, but now I don’t care. Tom braucht dringend Hilfe. Tom needs urgent help. Tom is in urgent need of help. טאָם איז אַ מאַן, און איך בין אַ פֿרוי. Tom is a man, and I'm a woman. He's a man, and I'm a woman. Walk faster! Walk faster. - Walk faster! Tom ist so reich, dass er sich noch nicht einmal sicher ist, wie viele Häuser er besitzt. Tom is so rich that he isn't even sure how many houses he owns. Tom is so rich that he is not even sure how many houses he owns. Morgens sieht der Garten am schönsten aus. The garden looks best in the morning. In the morning, the garden looks best. Halte es einfach! Keep it simple. Just keep it! Die Medizin hatte eine wundervolle Wirkung auf ihn. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Medicine had a wonderful effect on him. De weg is lang. The road is long. The road is long. Bis Dienstag! See you on Tuesday. See you on Tuesday! Frans is moeilijk. French is difficult. French is difficult. Ik kan niet helemaal volgen. I don't quite follow you. I can't quite follow. I know that Tom didn't know that he shouldn't be doing that here. I know Tom didn't know that he shouldn't be doing that here. I know that tom didn't know that he shouldn't be doing that here. Het verhaal loopt goed af. The story ends well. The story ends well. Obwohl die Familie von Julius Caesar arm war, wurde er berühmt und reich. Although Julius Caesar's family was poor, he became famous and rich. Although Julius Caesar’s family was poor, he became famous and rich. נישט אַלץ וואָס איז שלעכט איז ממש דער חורבן. Not everything bad is literally the Holocaust. Not everything that is evil is evil. Om het even. Whatever. Anytime. Ek het gekom om met jou te praat. I've come to talk with you. I've come to talk to you. Hij werd heel gevaarlijk. He became very dangerous. He became very dangerous. Ik ben dol op deze stoel. I adore this chair. I love this chair. Zijn vriendin is Japans. His girlfriend is Japanese. His girlfriend is Japanese. Jü stön üp Taak. She stood on the roof. Jü stön üp Task. Sally gaf hem een ​​kerstcadeau. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. מיר האָבן געוווּסט, אַז טאָם זאָגט דעם אמת. We knew Tom was telling the truth. We knew he was telling the truth. Wanneer ga je terug naar Japan? When will you go back to Japan? When are you going back to Japan? Verbinden Sie mich bitte mit Fräulein Tanaka. Please put me through to Ms Tanaka. Please connect me to Miss Tanaka. ווער וועל זיין שומר אויף דיין שטוב, ווען דו ביסט אוועק? Who will take care of your house when you're away? Who's going to take care of your home when you're gone? Iedereen heeft het erover. Everyone's talking about it. Everybody's talking about it. Ek het dit voorheen vir jou gesê, het ek nie? I've told you that before, haven't I? I've told you this before, haven't I? Er ist genauso alt wie meine Schwester. He's the same age as my sister. He's the same age as my sister. Kann ich einen Platz in der ersten Reihe haben? Can I have a seat in the stalls? Can I have a seat in the front row? Haben Sie etwas dabei? Have you got anything with you? Do you have anything with you? Kann sie da Sonntagmorgen mal helfen? Can she give them a hand on Sunday morning? Can you help me on Sunday morning? This is something that I made for you. This is something I made for you. - This is something that I made for you. Ik heb geen zin tegen Tom te liegen. I have no need to lie to Tom. I don't want to lie to Tom. There is no reason to do such a thing. There's no reason to do something like that. There's no reason to do such a thing. Gefallen Ihnen meine Teller? Do you like my plates? Do you like my plates? Es ist jetzt an der Zeit anzufangen. Now's the time to begin. It's time to start now. Ken je haar vader? Do you know her father? Do you know her father? Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Dieses Buch wurde für Kinder geschrieben. This book was written for children. This book was written for children. Tom has no idea when Mary wants to do that. Tom doesn't have any idea when Mary wants to do that. Tom has no idea when mary wants to do that. Maria ist Physikstudentin. Mary is a physics student. Maria is a physics student. Tom didn't tell Mary he was unhappy. Tom didn't tell Mary he wasn't happy. Tom didn't tell mary he was unhappy. Hentö nü gair dit gur. Until now it's going well. You don't have to go to the gur. Dinosaurier beherrschten die Erde. Dinosaurs ruled Earth. Dinosaurs ruled the earth. Wir haben schöne Ferien verbracht. We had a lovely holiday. We have spent nice holidays. Gestern Nacht stahl man mir meine Uhr. My watch was stolen last night. They stole my watch last night. Es ist jetzt zu spät, um noch Änderungen vorzunehmen. It's now too late to make any changes. It is now too late to make any changes. He hett anbaden mittohelpen. He's offered to help. He offered to help. Warum hast du Tom nicht einfach bezahlt? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Tom and Mary told me that they thought I should lose some weight. Tom and Mary told me they thought I should lose some weight. Tom and mary told me that they thought I should lose some weight. I didn't know that Tom wouldn't be interested in doing that. I didn't know Tom wouldn't be interested in doing that. I didn't know that tom wouldn't be interested in doing that. Is dit vreemd? Is this strange? Is this strange? Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel. When the cat's away the mice will play. When the cat is away from home, the mice dance on the table. Something is still not right. Something's still not right. - Something is still not right. Tom kam bei einer Explosion ums Leben. An explosion killed Tom. Tom was killed in an explosion. Tom heeft de helm niet gepast. Tom didn't try the helmet on. Tom didn't fit the helmet. Wegen meiner zu kurzen Hose wurde ich nicht hereingelassen. They didn't let me in because my shorts were too short. Because of my shorts, I was not allowed in. Sie zeigten sich hinsichtlich der Aussichten des Unternehmens zuversichtlich. They were sanguine about the company's prospects. They were confident about the company’s prospects. Du kannst nicht so tun, als wäre es nicht geschehen. You can't pretend that it didn't happen. You can't pretend it didn't happen. Ich bat um ihr Einverständnis. I asked for their approval. I asked for her consent. Sami reist nooit zonder een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Quran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Quran. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father gives flowers water. Tom doesn't seem to be as glad that that's going to happen as Mary seems to be. Tom doesn't seem to be as glad that's going to happen as Mary seems to be. Tom doesn't seem to be as glad that that's gonna happen as Mary seems to be. ראָש לימבאָ איז נאָכאַלץ טויט. Rush Limbaugh is still dead. Roscoe is dead. Send reinforcements! Send reinforcements. Send reinforcements. Wanneer gaat Tom weg uit Boston? When will Tom leave Boston? When is Tom leaving Boston? We're not like Tom and Mary. We aren't like Tom and Mary. We're not like tom and mary. Ich bin Bulgarin. Und du? I'm Bulgarian, and you? I'm Bulgarian, what about you? Wenn du dich so aufführst, gehe ich. If you're going to be like this, I'll just leave. If you act like that, I'll go. Ze draagt een rare hoed. She has a strange hat on. She's wearing a weird hat. Tom merkte, dass Maria ihn eigentlich nicht sehr mochte. Tom realized that Mary didn't really like him very much. Tom realized that Maria didn’t really like him very much. En als hij nou gevaarlijk is? So what if he's dangerous? What if he's dangerous? I think something's wrong. I think something is wrong. - I think something's wrong. Tom sagte Maria, sie solle später wiederkommen. Tom told Mary to come back later. Tom told Maria to come back later. Wat vind je van je klasgenoten? How do you feel about your classmates? What do you think of your classmates? The housing market in the Netherlands is in bad shape. The housing market in the Netherlands is in a bad way. The housing market in the Netherlands is in bad shape Hoe hard ik ook mijn best deed, toch zakte ik voor het examen. No matter how hard I tried, I still failed the exam. No matter how hard I tried, I failed the exam. Hast du je eine Schusswaffe dazu verwendet, eine Fliege zu töten? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? I thought that maybe we could travel together. I thought maybe we could travel together. - I thought that maybe we could travel together. Ik hou van maffe mensen. I like silly people. I love crazy people. Een schot, and de puck zit in het doel. A shot, and the puck is in the goal. A shot, and the puck is in the goal. Sie warf ihm einen Blick zu. She cocked an eye at him. She gave him a look. Het is bijna te eenvoudig. This is almost too easy. It's almost too simple. Ich denke, dein Englisch ist viel besser geworden. I think your English has gotten a lot better. I think your English has gotten a lot better. Deze oude auto gaat constant kapot. This old car breaks down all the time. This old car is constantly breaking down. Hast du schon das Neueste gehört? Did you hear the latest? Have you heard the latest? Hij neemt vrijwel nooit een douche. He hardly ever takes a shower. He almost never takes a shower. Seit wann vermissen Sie Ihre Geldbörse? When did you miss your purse? Since when do you miss your wallet? Tom and Mary told me they'd win, but they didn't. Tom and Mary told me that they'd win, but they didn't. Tom and mary told me they'd win, but they didn't. Fries is mijn moedertaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Frisian is my mother tongue. I don't know if Tom will come tomorrow or not. I don't know whether Tom will come tomorrow or not. I don't know if tom will come tomorrow or not. Tom blieb drei Monate in Boston, bis er wieder versetzt wurde. Tom stayed in Boston for three months before he was transferred again. Tom stayed in Boston for three months until he was transferred again. Doe slaipst. You were sleeping. Go to sleep. Tom war überrascht, wie klein das Kind war. Tom was surprised by how small the baby was. Tom was surprised at how small the child was. Es ist jemand in deinem Zimmer. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Laat mij uw bloeddruk meten. Let me take your blood pressure. Let me measure your blood pressure. In Perth wurde der Sperrzustand ausgerufen, nachdem ein aus Übersee zurückgekehrter Urlauber aus einem Quarantänehotel entwichen war. Perth went into lockdown after a traveler who had returned from overseas escaped from a quarantine hotel. In Perth, the state of lockdown was declared after a holidaymaker who had returned from overseas escaped from a quarantine hotel. Ich möchte jetzt lieber nicht essen. I'd rather not eat right now. I'd rather not eat now. Mag ik de tafel klaarzetten? May I set the table? Can I set the table? Tom hat Blutgruppe A. Tom's blood type is A. Tom has blood type A. Er gab ihr eine Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung. He gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He gave her a mouth-to-mouth respiration. Gib das Buch bitte morgen zurück. Please return the book tomorrow. Please return the book tomorrow. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Thank you ever so much. Thank you very much! Sie sind durch ihre Prüfungen gefallen. They flunked their exams. They have fallen through their trials. I didn't think we could get home by 2:30. I didn't think that we could get home by 2:30. - I didn't think we could get home by 2:30. How about we bunk off school and go to the beach? How about we skive off school and go to the beach? How 'bout we bunk off school and go to the beach? My class was cancelled. My class was canceled. My class was cancelled. Das Kleid passte ihr perfekt. That dress fit her perfectly. The dress fit her perfectly. Ich sitze immer vorne. I always sit in the front. I'm always in front. Sex und Liebe sind zwei verschiedene Dinge. Sex and love are two different things. Sex and love are two different things. Vogels drinken water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Heeft iemand in je naaste omgeving ooit zelfmoord gepleegd? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Ich habe Sie gestern in der Disko vermisst. I missed you at the club last night. I missed you at the disco yesterday. Wanneer was je laatste gehoortest? When was your last hearing test? When was your last hearing test? Moet ik vragen? Should I ask? You want me to ask? How are you doing today? How're you doing today? - How are you doing today? Heb je knobbels in je borsten opgemerkt? Have you noticed any lumps in your breasts? Have you noticed lumps in your breasts? Tom und Maria gingen durch den Wald. Tom and Mary walked through the forest. Tom and Mary walked through the forest. Tom and Mary don't know when John is planning to do that. Tom and Mary don't know when John is planning on doing that. Tom and Mary don't know when john is planning to do that. Der Papst hat die Predigt in lateinischer Sprache gelesen The pope read the sermon in Latin. The Pope Reads the Sermon in Latin Manche Kommentare sind beängstigend. Some comments are scary. Some comments are scary. O ihr Kleingläubigen! Oh, ye of little faith! O ye of little faith! Doe alsjeblieft al je kleren uit vanaf je middel. Please take off all of your clothes from the waist down. Please take off all your clothes from your waist. Did you already forget all of that? Did you already forget all of it? - Did you already forget all of that? Warum hast du uns denn nicht gesagt, dass du gestern Geburtstag hattest? Why didn't you tell us that yesterday was your birthday? Why didn't you tell us you had a birthday yesterday? Hebt u het gevoel dat uw gedachten op hol slaan en dat u er niet vanaf komt? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you feel that your thoughts are going crazy and that you are not getting rid of them? Waar is het toilet? Naar links. "Where is the restroom?" "To the left." - Where's the toilet? Je moet echt altijd schreeuwen wanneer je boos bent, hè? You always have to shout when you're angry, don't you? You really always have to scream when you're angry, don't you? Wat ligt er onder je bed? What's that under your bed? What's under your bed? Früher war ich ständig in Antiquariaten unterwegs. I used to visit used bookstores all the time. In the past, I was constantly on the move in antiquarian shops. Das Hotel versorgte uns mit Sandwichs und Kaffee. The hotel provided us with sandwiches and coffee. The hotel provided us with sandwiches and coffee. Ich fühle, wie ich verblöde. I can feel myself getting dumber. I feel like I'm being stupid. Tom hat mich gebaut. Tom built me. Tom built me. Het meisje drinkt sinaasappelsap. The girl drinks orange juice. The girl drinks orange juice. Ik mag Kaffe lever as Tee. I prefer coffee to tea. I like Kaffe lever as Tee. It's not like you have anything else to do. It isn't like you have anything else to do. - It's not like you have anything else to do. Tom said he didn't see anybody. Tom said that he didn't see anyone. - Tom said he didn't see anybody.