Ik praat nooit meer tijdens de les. I'll never talk during class again. I'll never talk again during class. Se kunn em nich övertügen, na Huus to gahn. She couldn't convince him to go home. You could not move him to the home. Ich finde, dass ich eine ziemlich gute Schriftstellerin bin. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a pretty good writer. Ik was mijn sokken. I wash my socks. I was my socks. Du büst en beten lütter as Tom. You're a bit shorter than Tom. You're a little smaller than Tom. It is hjir noch krekt as eartiids. It's still just as before here. It is still the same thing as before. Hij heeft een beloning verdiend. He deserves a reward. He deserved a reward. Ik kom út Singapore. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. Sie ging allein ins Kino. She went to the movies by herself. She went to the cinema alone. Wat is di wichtig? What is important for you? What's important to you? Wat is dyn namme? What is your name? What is your name? "Ich habe sie vor fünf Tagen gesehen", sagte er. "I saw her five days ago," he said. "I saw them five days ago," he said. Das geht mir auf die Nerven. It really gets on my nerves. It's on my nerves. Tom hat mir den Unfallhergang geschildert. Tom told me how the accident happened. Tom told me about the accident. He tücht Peer un Rinner. He raises horses and cattle. It's discipline and cursor. U lijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You seem nervous. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't English. Tom is gain Englishman. Sê my asseblief wat jy dink. Please tell me what you think. Please tell me what you think. Haar techniek is uitstekend, maar ze moet met meer expressie spelen. Her technique is superb, but she needs to play with more expression. Her technique is excellent, but she has to play with more expression. Doe smooktest. You smoked. Do the smook test. Oorlog gaat ons allen aan. War concerns us all. War is on all of us. Du hättest nicht so früh kommen müssen. You didn't have to come so early. You shouldn't have come that early. Disse Appelsien smeckt lecker. This orange is delicious. This apple tastes delicious. Ik ben in Australië geboren. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Hoeveel geld willen jullie? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Wat zijn jullie saai. You guys are so boring. You guys are boring. Kies! Choose! Choose! Finland is een Noords land. Finland is a Nordic country. Finland is a Nordic country. Joe binnen n vraauw. You're a woman. Joe inside a questionable one. אָקלאַנד איז אַן עיר־מקלט. Oakland is a sanctuary city. okland is an area, and has been converted from the U.S. to the U. S.E.E.E.E.E. k Hol van die! I love you! k Get off that! Hai kin Hongoars en zie kin Duuts. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Haikin Hongoars and see kin Duuts. Ich habe zwei Autos. I own two cars. I have two cars. Ek het dit verwag. I expected this. I expected that. Wil je alsjeblieft niet roken in deze kamer? Would you mind not smoking in this room? Please don't you want to smoke in this room? Er wird mit uns zusammen arbeiten. He will work with us. He'll work with us. Hast du es eilig? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Du snackst. Ye speak. You're talking. Das Mädchen hatte Angst vor ihrem eigenen Schatten. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. Dit boek is zwaar. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. Wie binnen vaaileg. We're safe. - Who's in storage? Es spielte Musik. There was music. It played music. ס'איז אַ בלײַער. It's a pencil. It's a keeper. Ik frei mi dull, di to sehn. I am very glad to see you. I'm free to see you. Deze moskee heeft een nieuwe imam nodig. This mosque needs a new imam. This mosque needs a new imam. Tom wollte seiner Freundin etwas ganz Besonderes schenken. Tom wanted to give a very special present to his girlfriend. Tom wanted to give his girlfriend something very special. Ik kon geen Frans spreken. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Der zwitte vun Hanning iss Grundsau Daag. February second is Groundhog Day. I think that Hanning's actually a good idea. Büst du praat för dat Johr 2012? Are you ready for the year 2012? Are you ready for the year 2012? 't Is mien faveriete laid. It's my favorite song. It's my faverite lay. Wie se boeke is hierdie? Whose books are these? Whose books are these? Stokbrood is heerlijk. French bread is delicious. Stomach bread is delicious. t Frais, Selterfrais en Noordfrais binnen Fraise toalen. West Frisian, Saterland Frisian and North Frisian are Frisian languages. t Frais, Selterfrais and Nordfrais within Fraise toes. Mijn kinderen houden erg van het verhaal van Sneeuwwitje. My children love the story of Snow White. My kids love the story of Snow White. Ist dir eine Möglichkeit bekannt, Tom zu kontaktieren? Do you know how to contact Tom? Is there any way you can contact Tom? Ihr Lächeln drückte Freude aus. Her smile expressed joy. Her smile expressed joy. Hij zal niet langer dan vier dagen blijven. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. סאַמי האָט געהאַלטן זײַן װאָרט. Sami kept his word. So it's stored its yard. Ik wil een kop koffie. I would like a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Dingen zouden zo simpel mogelijk moeten zijn, maar niet simpeler dan dat. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler than that. Hy's nie altyd Sondae tuis nie. He's not always at home on Sundays. He's not always at home on Sundays. Leider kann ich heute Abend nicht an der Versammlung teilnehmen. I'm afraid I won't be able to take part in the meeting tonight. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the congregation tonight. Alle auf der Feier waren von ihrer Anmut bezaubert. Everybody at the party was charmed by her grace. All at the celebration were enchanted by their grace. Er spielt gut Golf. He is good at golf. He's playing good golf. Tom konnte nicht verstehen, warum Mary über ihn lachte. Tom couldn't understand why Mary laughed at him. Tom couldn't understand why Mary laughed at him. Du hast keine Chance. You don't have a chance. You don't have a chance. Ich kann Ihnen diesbezüglich nicht zustimmen. I cannot agree with you on this. I cannot agree with you on this. Nait vòllen. Do not fold. Get the fuck out of here. Tom sah sich im Umkleideraum um. Tom looked around the locker room. Tom looked around in the changing room. Die kos is reg. The food is ready. The food is right. Ga niet naar buiten, het regent. Don't go out, as it's raining. Don't go outside, it's raining. זי וועט זי דערהרגענען. She'll kill her. She will kill. Ich sollte wohl besser allein hineingehen. I think I should go in alone. I'd better go in alone. Ik bleef. I stayed. I stayed. Wilt u dat ik de ramen opendoe? Do you want me to open the windows? Do you want me to open the windows? Zijn jullie morgen vrij? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Dit is Edward. This is Edward. This is Edward. Ich weigere mich, die Frage zu beantworten. I refuse to answer the question. I refuse to answer the question. Er zijn zeldzame dieren in Australië. There are rare animals in Australia. There are rare animals in Australia. Hast du alles gekauft, was wir für unsere Feier benötigen? Did you buy everything we need for our party? Did you buy anything we need for our celebration? ער וועט אים דערהרגענען. He'll kill him. He will kill him. Laten we een watermeloen eten! Let's eat a watermelon! Let's eat a watermelon! Tom müsste jetzt müde sein. Tom must be tired now. Tom should be tired now. Waarom hadden ze ruzie? Why did they argue? Why did they fight? דאָס בוך איז אַ נײַער בוך. That book is a new book. This book is a new book. Ons sien uit na die vakansies. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to the holidays. Tom spricht doch Französisch, oder? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Neefkes leggen aaier. Flies lay eggs. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Ek het 'n droeë vel. I have dry skin. I have a sad skin. Ik weet zeker dat Tom het met me eens zal zijn. I'm sure Tom will agree with me. I'm sure Tom will agree. We leren Frans. We're learning French. We're learning French. De zomervakantie is voorbij. The summer vacation is over. Summer summer is over. Sie ist gut in dem, was sie tut. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. Ons almal gaan. We're all going. We're all going. Servië grenst aan Hongarije, Roemenië, Bulgarije, Kroatië, Macedonië, Bosnië en Montenegro. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Ben jij niet een van Toms vrienden? Aren't you one of Tom's friends? Aren't you one of Tom's friends? Ich kann es nicht ändern, dass ich mich in Dich verliebt habe. I cannot help falling in love with you. I can't change that I fell in love with you. Tom heeft de boodschap zeker begrepen. Tom certainly got the message. Tom must have understood the message. Waarom ga je niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Ik heb hem eergisteren ontmoet. I met him the day before yesterday. I met him yesterday. Hebben jullie problemen? Are you guys having problems? Do you have any problems? Maak iedereen gelukkig. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Buitenlanders intrigeren me. Foreign people intrigue me. Foreigners intrigue me. Vraag Tom om het uit te leggen. Ask Tom to explain it. Ask Tom to explain. Ik kom elke dag langs die kerk. I go by that church every day. I come by that church every day. Ich muss Tom nur ein paar Fragen stellen. I just need to ask Tom some questions. I just need to ask Tom a few questions. Ich habe heute Abend Zeit. I'm free tonight. I have time tonight. Het is mogelijk dat Tom liegt. It's possible that Tom is lying. It's possible Tom's lying. Wat ben je nu aan het doen? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? De Mann itt Brood. The man is eating bread. The man itt Bread. Ge doet mij pijn. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Ik heb dit nooit gewild. I never wanted this. I never wanted this. Herr Spencer arbeitet in einem Geschäft. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer works in a business. Ze speelt zowel piano als gitaar. She plays piano as well as the guitar. She plays both piano and guitar. Tom heeft zijn haar geverfd. Tom dyed his hair. Tom painted his hair. Kennst du seinen großen Bruder? Do you know his older brother? Do you know his big brother? Tom begann zu verstehen. Tom began to understand. Tom started to understand. Ze ving een glimp van hem op terwijl hij door de menigte liep. She glimpsed him running through the crowd. She caught a glimpse of him as he walked through the crowd. Tom is een geweldige man. Tom is a wonderful man. Tom's a great man. De Zitroon is suur. The lemon is sour. The lemon is sour. פּוטין איז אַ שמאָק! Putin is a dickhead! Putin is a mockery! Dat Leven is nich gerecht. Life isn't fair. Life is not fair. Wéi vill Leit liewen an denger Stad? How many people live in your city? How many people live in the other city? Wir sprechen alle Englisch. We all speak English. We all speak English. Wenn er das schafft, fresse ich einen Besen. If he can do that, I will eat my hat. If he does, I'll eat a broom. Ich weiß, wie viel sie dir bedeutet. I know how much she means to you. I know how much she means to you. We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We're influenced by our environment. We're influenced by our environment. Is dat en allgemeen Bruuk in dien Land? Is it a general custom in your country? Is it a general use in your country? Tom hörte einen Schuss. Tom heard a gunshot. Tom heard a shot. Tom het skoon van my vergeet. Tom forgot all about me. Tom forgot about me cleanly. איך בין אַן עספּעראַנטיסטקע. I'm an Esperantist. I am an emergency. Ich bin etwas eingerostet. I'm a bit rusty. I'm a little rusty. Vertaal deze zin in het Engels. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. Ik kiek geern Lesbenpornos. I like watching lesbian porn. I'm looking at Lesbenpornos. Ich sagte, ich würde darüber nachdenken. I said I'd think about it. I said I'd think about it. Jullie hebben hulp nodig. You need help. You need help. Ik ben bang voor tandartsen. I have a fear of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Tom hat mindestens drei Kinder. Tom has at least three children. Tom has at least three children. Sie trägt falsche Wimpern. She has fake eyelashes. She's wearing false eyelashes. Unser Onkel hat uns Kinokarten gekauft. Our uncle bought us movie tickets. Our uncle bought us movie cards. Ik had moeten weten dat er iets aan de hand was. I should have known something was up. I should have known there was something going on. Ik moest hem laten gaan. I had to let him go. I had to let him go. Het spijt me, ik begrijp het niet. Excuse me, I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Das ist ein ziemlich riskanter Beruf. That's quite a risky job. That's a pretty risky job. Das stärkt mein Selbstbewusstsein. It makes me feel more confident. That strengthens my self-confidence. Es könnte sich in der Tat um einen Fehler handeln. It may, indeed, be a mistake. In fact, it could be a mistake. Mein Haus liegt nördlich der Stadt. My house is north of the city. My house is north of the city. t Is sikkom mien joardag. It's my birthday soon. It is my birthday. ’keen glövt an Gott? Who believes in God? ‘ Do not believe in God? ’ Er ist lange nicht mit mir in Kontakt getreten unter dem Vorwand, beschäftigt zu sein. He has not gotten in touch with me for a long time under the pretence of being busy. He hasn't made contact with me for a long time under the pretext of being busy. Dat weer nich mien Schuld. It wasn't my fault. This was not my fault. Waar is de bakker? Where is there a bakery? Where's the baker? Ik ging door met lezen. I continued to read. I continued reading. Es ist acht Uhr abends. It's eight o'clock at night. It's eight o'clock in the evening. Ik huurde een paar ski's. I rented a pair of skis. I hired a few skis. Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. 'Nim þinne ancennedan sunu Isaac, þe þu lufast, and far to þam lande Visionis hraðe, and geoffra hine þær uppan anre dune.' 'Take your only begotten son Isaac, whom you love, quickly go to the land of vision, and sacrifice him there upon a mountain.' 'Take part in the day of Isaac, where there is a loop, and if there is a way from it, and there is a question of who uppan is.' Ich han versuecht z flüchte. I tried to escape. I'm trying to escape. Ik eet jüst. I'm eating now. I'm eating. Wie, du weißt nicht?! What do you mean you don't know?! How, you don't know?! Het is een goed idee. It's a great idea. It's a good idea. Tom speelt piano. Tom plays piano. Tom's playing piano. COVID-19 is de ziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door het coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the corona virus. Seid ihr gut auf die heutige Prüfung vorbereitet? Are you well prepared for today's exam? Are you well prepared for today's trial? Dieses Essen riecht verdorben. This food smells rotten. This food smells bad. Ik ben het met u eens. I agree with you. I agree with you. „Welchen Tag haben wir heute?“ – „Es ist Montag.“ "What day is today?" "It's Monday." “What day do we have today?” – “It’s Monday.” Ik heb jaren in Australië gewoond. I lived in Australia for years. I've lived in Australia for years. Ich war die ganze Nacht wach, um diesen Bericht zu schreiben. I was up all night writing this report. I was awake all night to write this report. Zij lijken gelukkig. They seem happy. They seem happy. Ech war nervös virum Examen. I was nervous before the exam. I was nervous virum exam. Hoe groot is jou hond? Myne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. How big is your dog? Herrlich! Wonderful! Delicious! „Warum habe ich nicht daran gedacht?“ – „Weil du ein Dummkopf bist!“ "Why didn't I think of that?" "Because you're an idiot." “Why didn’t I think about it?” – “Because you are a fool!” In Malta spreken ze Maltees. In Malta they speak Maltese. In Malta they speak Maltese. Tom broest. Tom drives fast. Tom's breast. Ich bin gesehen worden. I've been seen. I've been seen. Ik wil de rode ballon. I want the red balloon. I want the red balloon. Tom behandelde Maria als een prinses. Tom treated Mary like a princess. Tom treated Maria like a princess. Dizze bloume is sangen. This flower is purple. This blue has been sung. Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum; Si þin nama gehalgod to becume þin rice gewurþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele soþlice. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Couldn't find any hours in heofonum, in which a name was chosen to take part in the operation ðin willa on eorðan swa on heofonum. urn ehwamlican haf syle us to next and forga us hour gyltas swa we forgyfaū urum gyltendum and ne gelæd us on costung a us alys us of yfelle. Dat argert mi. That makes me angry. It's annoyed me. Dit is een ernstige zaak. This is a serious matter. This is a serious case. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Tom die Prüfung bestehen wird. I'm certain that Tom will pass the exam. I'm sure Tom will pass the test. Je höher er gesellschaftlich aufstieg, umso bescheidener wurde er. The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became. The higher he rose socially, the more modest he became. Ek het opgestaan toe dit nog donker was. I got up while it was still dark. I got up when it was still dark. Tom was enigszins verbaasd door Mary's gedrag. Tom was a little surprised by Mary's behavior. Tom was somewhat surprised by Mary's behavior. In was für einer schrecklichen Welt wir doch leben! What an awful world we live in! What a terrible world we live in! Je zult mijn schoonzoon zijn. You'll be my son-in-law. You'll be my son-in-law. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿאַר אונדז. You guys are stronger than we are. you are strong for us. Gefeliciteerd! Congratulations! Congratulations! Im Allgemeinen mögen Kinder Süßigkeiten. In general, children are fond of candy. In general, children like sweets. Het is niet verder dan twee mijl tot de stad. It is no more than two miles to the town. It's no further than two miles to the city. Wat wil je? What is it? What do you want? Sie trug einen schwarzen Hut. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Ik heff keen Familie. I do not have a family. I don't have a family. Es sieht leicht aus, wenn du es machst. It looks easy when you do it. It looks easy when you do it. Layla ist mit allen zurechtgekommen. Layla got along with everybody. Layla got along with everyone. Vertel me jouw verhaal. Ik ben een en al oor. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story. We eisen rechtvaardigheid. We demand justice. We demand justice. Mien Broder speelt Gitarr. My brother plays the guitar. My brother plays Guitarr. Woveel köst en Baguette? How much for a baguette? How much does it cost and baguette? Doe wat ge wilt. Do whatever you want. Do what you want. מיר האבן איר געזעהן אריינגיינדיק אינעם פארק. We saw her enter the park. We saw her coming into the storage on the deck. Du solltest dich anstrengen um bessere Resultate zu erlangen. You should exert yourself to get better results. You should work hard to achieve better results. Du schaust aber auch nicht schlecht aus! You don't look so bad yourself. You don't look bad either! Meine Mutter hat vergessen, zum Salat Salz hinzuzufügen. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Korrigeer die volgende sinne. Correct the following sentences. Correct the following sentences. Het ontbijt is om half tien. Breakfast is at half past nine. Breakfast's at 10:30. Es wird zwar etwas dauern, aber letzten Endes wird Tom schon über Maria hinwegkommen. It'll take Tom some time, but eventually he'll get over Mary. It will take a while, but in the end Tom will get over Mary. Amerikaners eet veel Fleesch. Americans eat a lot of meat. Americans eat a lot of Fleesch. Tom is agressief. Tom is aggressive. Tom's aggressive. Hoeveel musea hebben jullie bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Tom woon in Boston. Tom lives in Boston. Tom lives in Boston. Du brauchst nicht so hart zu arbeiten. You don't have to work so hard. You don't have to work so hard. Tennis speel is sy stokperdjie. Playing tennis is his hobby. Tennis play is his hobby. ער רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks German. Zult ge mij tonen wat ge gisteren gekocht hebt? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? In de volgende lente wil ik naar Hawaï. Next spring I want to go to Hawaii. The next spring, I'd like to go to Hawaii. Teihn Mielen is keen korten Weg. Ten miles is not a short distance. Ten miles is not a short way. He hett mi en korten Breev tostüürt. He sent me a brief letter. It has sent me a short message. Het uurwerk loopt achter. The watch is slow. The clock's running behind. Tom komt vandaag. Tom is coming today. Tom's coming today. Tom sagte, er glaube nicht, dass Maria das wirklich täte. Tom said he didn't believe Mary would really do that. Tom said he didn't think Mary really did. Ik wull jo helpen. I wanted to help you. I'd like to help you. Sy het selfmoord gepleeg. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Sie versuchte, ihre Ausgaben zu mindern. She tried to lessen her expenses. She tried to reduce her spending. Messing is een legering van koper en zink. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Tom unterrichtet in Boston Französisch. Tom teaches French in Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. ער איז געװען אַ דיכטער און אַ דיפּלאָמאַט. He was a poet and diplomat. He was a poet and a diaphragm. Het was zwaar, maar het was elke druppel zweet waard. It was tough, but worth every drop of sweat. It was heavy, but it was worth every drop of sweat. Betrek iedereen erbij. Get everybody involved. Get everyone involved. Was hat dich dazu gebracht, Tom das zu fragen? What made you ask Tom that? What led you to ask Tom that? Uitzonderingen bevestigen de regel. Exceptions prove the rule. Exceptions confirm the rule. Ich kann es Ihnen erklären, wenn Sie mich lassen. I can explain it to you if you let me. I can explain it to you if you let me. Wie is er gekomen? Who has come? Who came? Kan ek jou hand skud? Can I shake your hand? Can I shake your hand? Ze keek naar hem op. She looked up at him. She looked at him. De noodzaak van een theoretische en praktische voorbereiding ligt voor de hand. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. The need for a theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. Televisie kan een belangrijke cultuurbron zijn en haar schooluitzendingen staan in veel scholen hoog aangeschreven. Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools. Television can be an important source of culture and its school broadcasts are highly esteemed in many schools. Tom und Maria umarmten sich und gaben sich gegenseitig einen Kuss auf die Wange. Tom and Mary hugged each other and kissed each other's cheeks. Tom and Maria hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Tom heeft een glansrijke carrière als arts. Tom has a bright career as a medical doctor. Tom has a brilliant career as a doctor. Das kann ich Tom nicht antun. I can't do that to Tom. I can't do that to Tom. Dat was een leugen. That was a lie. That was a lie. Dat zegt me niets. It doesn't ring a bell. That doesn't tell me. Wir wollen das, nicht wahr? We do want that, don't we? We want this, don't we? Waar is mijn thee? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Ik harr geern en Bruus. I'd like a soda. I was harbing and Bruus. Meine Mutter starb, als ich ein Kind war. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. Tom vond wat Mary zei niet leuk. Tom didn't like what Mary said. Tom didn't like what Mary said. נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס! You're welcome! Now let's do it! In dieser Stadt ist nichts los. This town isn't lively. There's nothing going on in this town. k Bin veurege moand vervoaren. I moved last month. k I have a spherical moon attenuated. איך האָב‎ געהאַט‎ אַ קאַץ. I had a cat. I guessed a cat. Nu dat nix mehr to doon geev, hauen wi af. Since there was nothing left to do, we left. There is nothing more to be done. Bitte übermittle ihm meine besten Grüße. Please give him my best regards. Please send him my best regards. Wie kam Tom nur auf den Gedanken, Maria müsste das nicht? I wonder what made Tom think Mary didn't have to do that? How did Tom just come to think that Mary wouldn't have to? Er wartete, bis sie gekommen war. He waited until she came. He waited until she came. Op het bordje in het park stond geschreven "Niet op het gras lopen!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the sign in the park was written "Don't walk on the grass!" k Heb mien man verloaten. I've left my husband. I left my husband. אַלע װערטער װערן מיד, קײן מענטש קען עס ניט אַרױסרעדן; דאָס אױג קען זיך ניט אָנקוקן זאַט, און דאָס אױער קען זיך ניט אָנהערן פֿול. All things are full of weariness beyond uttering. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. All other open media, no man can control it; this operation cannot be stopped, and this already cannot be heard. Tom muss uns nicht danken. Tom doesn't have to thank us. Tom doesn't have to thank us. Ich lerne ein bisschen Englisch. I am learning a little English. I'm learning a little English. Ria sä, dat se bang vör Slangen wöör. Mary said she was afraid of snakes. Ria said they were afraid of snakes. Nich to löven! Incredible! Unloveable! Wir besprachen das Problem. We discussed the problem. We discussed the problem. Mein Onkel wohnt in New York. My uncle lives in New York. My uncle lives in New York. Damals war ich glücklich. I was happy then. I was happy back then. Tom heeft het echt vermoord. Tom really killed it. Tom really killed it. Tom is heel anders dan ik me voorgesteld had. Tom is very different from what I expected. Tom's very different than I had imagined. Ze gehoorzaamden hun ouders niet. They didn't obey their parents. They didn't obey their parents. Tom heeft het contract ondertekend zonder het te lezen. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Tom signed the contract without reading it. מיר לעבן נאך. We're still alive. We're living next. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich sofort heimgehen. If I were you, I'd go home right away. If I were you, I'd go home right now. Haar teen bloedt. Her toe bleeds. She's bleeding against her. Ich mag meinen blauen Stift echt gern. I really love my blue pen. I really like my blue pen. Die Suppe ist heiß. The soup is hot. The soup is hot. Ik heb al zijn romans gelezen. I have read all his novels. I've read all his novels. Dröff ik wat anneres vörslaan? May I make another suggestion? Do I suggest something else? Tom het die ligbulb ingeskroef Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom screwed in the light bull. Sami schoot de beer dood. Sami shot the bear dead. Sami shot the bear dead. Ist Deutschland in der Nähe von Italien? Is Germany near Italy? Is Germany near Italy? Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary loves romantic comedies. Ze hebben eten en water nodig. They need food and water. They need food and water. Je bent heel slim. You're very clever. You're very smart. Diese Straße führt zum Flughafen. This road leads to the airport. This road leads to the airport. Ek wil dit nie sien nie. I don't want to see that. I don't want to see it. Prate jo Italiaansk? Do you speak Italian? Are you Italian? U heeft twee bloemen. You have two flowers. You have two flowers. Das ist von Tom, oder? That's from Tom, isn't it? That's Tom's, isn't it? Spreekt u Portugees? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Frag mich bitte nicht erneut – ich werde es dir nicht sagen! Please don't ask again. I won't tell you. Please don't ask me again – I won't tell you! Jy ken nie my pa nie, doen jy? You don't know my dad, do you? You don't know my father, do you? טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער. Tom said he thought that he could pass the test. Thum said that he had thought he could read it again. Die tyd sal leer. Time will tell. Time will tell. Je kan me niets laten doen dat ik niet wil doen. You can't make me do anything I don't want to do. You can't let me do anything I don't want to do. Maria viel flauw. Mary fainted. Maria fainted. Ik bel je wanneer ik klaar ben. I'll call you when I'm ready. I'll call you when I'm done. Ek het twee koppies koffie gedrink. I drank two cups of coffee. I drank two cups of coffee. Ik ontmoette hem eergisteren. I met him the day before yesterday. I met him yesterday. Ik kom uit Tokio, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Super! Right on! Great! Harvstweder ännert sik faken. Autumn weather is changeable. Harvswetter changes often. Wir haben noch nicht alle Notwendigkeiten erledigt. We haven't yet done everything we need to do. We haven't done all the necessary things yet. Ik hou van die kleur. I like this color. I love that color. Dizze bloume is gruin. This flower is green. This blue is green. Heb je een vriendin? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend? Tom hat uns noch nicht mitgeteilt, was wir tun sollen. Tom hasn't yet told us what he wants us to do. Tom hasn't told us what to do yet. Waarom wil ze Algiers verlaten? Why does she want to leave Algiers? Why does she want to leave Algiers? װען משיח װעט קומען. When pigs fly. Whenever possible. Hij veinsde de twee vreemdelingen niet op te merken. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. He didn't find out about the two strangers. Die Polizei fand Toms Leiche auf dem Küchenboden. The police found Tom's body on the kitchen floor. The police found Tom's body on the kitchen floor. Gueten Oobe. Good evening. Goeten Oobe. Ich glaube, du bist nicht mein Typ. I think you're not my type. I don't think you're my guy. Wiens schoenen zijn dit? Whose shoes are these? Whose shoes are these? Bringe dich in einen Status, der dir erlaubt, nicht nur zu handeln, sondern auch zu denken. Put yourself into a status that allows you not only to act, but also to think. Get yourself into a status that allows you not only to act but also to think. Het is bewolkt. It's cloudy. It's cloudy. Oma hett Mehl op dat Rullholt streit, dat de Deeg dor nich anbacken blifft. Grandma sprinkled flour on the rolling pin so the dough wouldn't stick to it. Grandma fought for food on the platform that the days did not remain. Ich mache mir Sorgen um die Kinder. I worry about the kids. I'm worried about the kids. Dies ist ein sehr altes Spiel, dessen Graphik ganz schön in die Jahre gekommen ist. This is a very old game and its graphics have aged quite a bit. This is a very old game, whose graphics have come quite beautifully into the years. Hien huet eng Fro. He's got a question. He has a question. Sie haben so viel für mich getan! You've done so much for me. You've done so much for me! Hij is bang fouten te maken. He's afraid of making mistakes. He's afraid of making mistakes. Meenst du nich, dat de grote Deel Lüüd op 2chan Dummbüdels sünd? Don't you think that most people on 2chan are idiots? Don't you think most people on 2chan are stupid? Vertrau der Frau ein Geheimnis, aber schneid' ihr die Zunge ab. Trust a woman with your secret, but cut off her tongue! Trust the woman a secret, but cut her tongue off. Ik heb hem een paar boeken gegeven. I gave him a few books. I gave him some books. Vielleicht weiß sie die Antwort. Maybe she knows the answer. Maybe she knows the answer. Hätte ich mehr Geld, könnte ich in ein größeres Haus ziehen. If I had more money, I could move to a bigger house. If I had more money, I could move into a bigger house. Ik kann nich flegen. I can't fly. I can't fly. Bahrein werd een koninkrijk in 2002. Bahrain became a kingdom in 2002. Bahrain became a kingdom in 2002. Zoals gewoonlijk kwam hij als laatste aan in het theater. As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theater. As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theater. Ik sta voor u klaar. I'm at your service. I'm ready for you. De Blomen ruukt good. The flowers smell good. The Flowers rubble good. Ek wil nie laat wees nie. I don't want to be late. I don't want to be late. Tom is verlegen. Tom's shy. Tom's shy. Ich habe über dich nachgedacht. I thought about you. I've been thinking about you. Se is mit em na Boston gahn. She went with him to Boston. She went to Boston with him. Er legte mir die Hände auf die Schultern. He put his hands on my shoulders. He put his hands on my shoulders. Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven. I could not believe my own eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Ich sehen keinen Grund, ihr Angebot nicht anzunehmen. I see no reason why I shouldn't accept her offer. I see no reason not to accept your offer. Viele Menschen wandern ziellos durchs Leben. Many people drift through life without a purpose. Many people wander aimlessly through life. Tom beäugte den stiebenden Schnee in der Schneekugel. Tom looked at the snow falling inside the snow globe. Tom watched the stinging snow in the snowball. Schau dir dieses Bild gut an! Have a good look at this picture. Look at this picture! Moi. Hey. Moi. ער איז מזגם. He exaggerates. He was immeasurable. Der Reißverschluss von meiner Jacke hat sich verklemmt. The zipper on my jacket got stuck. The zipper from my jacket has tightened. Hƿæt dēst þū æfter ᵹēar? What are you going to do next year? The cell size of the cell has zero size Sami sal die reëls verduidelik. Sami will explain the rules. Sami will explain the rules. Tom was bijna vergeten zijn huiswerk te maken. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Ik ben blij dat jullie nog hier zijn. I'm glad you guys are still here. I'm glad you're still here. Gelukkige Moedersdag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Die perd is nie wit. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Die Kiefer ist ein harzreicher Baum. Pine is a resinous wood. The pine is a resinous tree. Se hett em to ehr Party inlaadt. She invited him to her party. You invited him to their party. Hij is er trots op dat zijn vader een groot wetenschapper was. He is proud that his father was a great scientist. He's proud that his father was a great scientist. Wat voor huis heb je? What sort of house do you have? What kind of house do you have? Ken ek hom? Do I know him? Do I know him? Mir ist nicht nach Feiern zumute. I don't feel like celebrating. I don't care about celebrations. Rond deze tijd is het verkeer ongelooflijk druk. At this hour, there is incredible traffic. Around this time traffic is incredibly busy. Meine Mutter spricht nicht sehr gut Englisch. My mother doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. Wenn die Zahl der Autos steigt, nimmt auch der Verkehr zu. If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic. When the number of cars increases, traffic also increases. Dit is my vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Findet ihr das gerecht? Do you think that's fair? Do you think that's just right? Ik bruuk mehr Tied. I need more time. I'll take more time. Lit my mei rêst! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Maria Sharapova is de op twee na beste meest succesvolle actieve tennisspeelster, op de gezusters Williams na. Maria Sharapova is the third most successful active women's tennis player, behind the Williams sisters. Maria Sharapova is the second most successful active tennis player, on the sisters Williams. Hij is onlangs teruggekomen uit Frankrijk. He has recently returned from France. He just came back from France. Tom werd kwaad. Tom got angry. Tom got angry. Wie hebben ries. We have rice. Who's got giants? Tom was 'n goeie vriend. Tom has been a good friend. Tom was a good friend. Die Suchmaschine "Yandex" unterstützt nun auch Tatarisch. “Yandex” search engine started supporting Tatar language too. The search engine "Yandex" now also supports Tatar. זי האט געווארט און געווארט, אבער ער איז קיין-מאל-נישט צוריקגעקומן. She waited and waited, but he never came back. She was waiting and waiting, but he was no longer-mal-needed to return. Tom zegt dat Mary honger heeft. Tom says Mary is hungry. Tom says Mary's hungry. Aus einem Hotelzimmer in Cannes wurden Juwelen im Wert von über einer Million Dollar entwendet. More than $1 million of jewels were stolen from a hotel room in Cannes. Jewels worth over a million dollars were taken from a hotel room in Cannes. Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Ze wassen hun handen met zeep. They wash their hands with soap. They wash their hands with soap. Wilt u een kamer met een bad of een douche? Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? Would you like a room with a bath or shower? Tom ist ein außerordentlich begabter Musiker. Tom is an enormously gifted musician. Tom is an extremely talented musician. k Kin nait zingen. I can't sing. I don't know how to sing. Waarom kunnen we onszelf niet kietelen? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Aktive Vulkane sind solche, bei denen Ausbrüche in jüngerer Zeit erfolgt sind oder in naher Zukunft erwartet werden. Active volcanoes are volcanoes that have had recent eruptions or are expected to have eruptions in the near future. Active volcanoes are those where eruptions have occurred recently or are expected in the near future. Dit is een portret van mijn overleden vader. This is a portrait of my late father. This is a portrait of my dead father. Kom naar mijn huis op het einde van de maand. Come to my house at the end of this month. Come to my house at the end of the month. De mensen in Taiwan werken hard. People in Taiwan work hard. The people in Taiwan are working hard. Hai lait zien potlood valen. He dropped his pencil. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Sie kann ihn nicht aufhalten. She cannot stop him. She can't stop him. Tom sagte, er wolle es nur tun, wenn Maria ihm dabei helfe. Tom says he won't do that unless Mary helps him. Tom said he'd only do it if Maria helped him. Wij zijn er klaar voor. We're prepared. We're ready. Je kan niet verwachten dat hij het verhaal kent, aangezien hij het nog niet gelezen heeft. You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it. You can't expect him to know the story, since he hasn't read it yet. Ich schätze Ihre Einsichten. I appreciate your insights. I appreciate your insights. Die Zwillinge lassen sich nicht auseinanderhalten. The twins are indistinguishable from each other. The twins can't be held apart. Ik dacht dat je een Canadees was. I thought you were a Canadian. I thought you were a Canadian. Is dat dien Fründ? Is that your boyfriend? Is that your friend? Allens flütt, nix steiht still. Everything flows, nothing stands still. Everything is smooth, nothing is still. Der Valentinstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Sonntag. This year, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday this year. Deze jongen is mijn zoon. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Die Sonne geht im Osten auf. The sun rises in the east. The sun rises in the east. Ich bin meiner Arbeit müde. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of work. Es war ein Fehler, seine Hilfe abzulehnen. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was a mistake to refuse his help. Dit was moeilik vir hom om sy trots, wat hy na sy sukses gevoel het, weg te steek . It was hard for him to hide the pride he felt after his success. It was difficult for him to hide his pride, which he felt after his success. We weten wat we willen. We know what we want. We know what we want. Tom hatte eine Hüftoperation. Tom had a hip replacement surgery. Tom had hip surgery. Ik neem aan dat je dat al hebt proefgelezen. I assume that you've proofread this already. I assume you already read that. Tom und ich saßen im Zug nebeneinander. Tom and I sat next to each other on the train. Tom and I were sitting next to each other on the train. Tom schläft samstags und sonntags gewöhnlich aus. Tom usually sleeps in on Saturdays and Sundays. Tom usually sleeps out on Saturdays and Sundays. Maak jullie keuze. Make your choice. Make your choice. Ihre Bemerkungen waren so unverschämt, dass sie einfach nicht veröffentlicht werden konnten. Her remarks were so rude they were frankly unprintable. Their comments were so insolent that they simply could not be published. Vergeet jullie paspoort niet. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Du hast den Bezug zur Realität verloren. You're out of touch with reality. You lost the connection to reality. Ozeane teilen die Welt nicht so sehr, wie sie sie vereinen. Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. Oceans don't share the world as much as they unite them. Ich bin kaputt. I am exhausted. I'm broken. Glücklicherweise hat er den Unfall überlebt. Fortunately he survived the accident. Fortunately, he survived the accident. Tom speelt met zijn zoon. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Doe wat hij je zegt. Do as he tells you. Do as he tells you. Obwohl Tom Maria anflehte, nicht zu gehen, nahm sie die Kinder und fuhr zu ihrer Mutter, um dort zu leben. Even though Tom begged Mary not to go, she left with the children and went to live with her mother. Although Tom asked Mary not to go, she took the children and drove to her mother to live there. Waar ging Tom naartoe? Where did Tom go? Where did Tom go? Ich glaube, Tom schläft noch. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. April bith the cruelest moneth. April is the cruelest month. April beth the Cruelst moneth. Tom zegt dat hij van plan is om in Australië te blijven. Tom says he plans on staying in Australia. Tom says he's planning on staying in Australia. Der Rock gefällt mir. I like that skirt. I like the skirt. De baai heeft meer jachten dan zeilboten. The bay has more yachts than sailboats. The bay has more yachts than sailing boats. De roze kussen is schoon. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Wie konnte das passieren? How could this have happened? How could this happen? ווער וועל זיין שומר אויף דיין שטוב, ווען דו ביסט אוועק? Who will take care of your house when you're away? Who will be with you when you remove? Tom spielt Xylophon. Tom plays the xylophone. Tom's playing Xylophon. Doe schriefst. You're writing. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Ik zal deze paraplu nemen. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Ihr seid sicher müde. I'm sure you're sleepy. I'm sure you're tired. Mijn broer spreekt helemaal geen Engels. My brother doesn't speak English at all. My brother doesn't speak English at all. Chönd Si langsamer redä? Can you speak more slowly? Chönd Si slows down? Ik studeerde hard om het examen te halen. I studied hard in order to pass the examination. I studied hard to get the exam. Tien dagen gingen voorbij. Ten days passed by. Ten days passed. Kleine Ursachen haben oft große Wirkungen. Little things often have big consequences. Small causes often have great effects. Ek het niks verstaan nie. I have not understood anything. I understood nothing. Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen. Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. Those who don't know foreign languages don't know anything about their own. Tom zei dat Mary ermee had ingestemd om dat te doen. Tom said that Mary agreed to do that. Tom said Mary had agreed to do that. Mir wurde die Tasche gestohlen. My bag was stolen. I got the bag stolen. טאָם רעדט ניט קײן בענגאַליש. Tom doesn't speak Bengali. Tom doesn't speak Bengali. Häng den Mantel an ’n Haken. Put the coat on the hanger. Hang the coat on a hook. Ik ben een vrouw. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Wie zijn die mensen? Who are these people? Who are these people? Deze broek is uit duurzame stof vervaardigd. These trousers are made of durable cloth. These pants are made of durable fabric. Ik vergat om mijn medicijnen in te nemen. I forgot to take my medicine. I forgot to take my medication. Ze stonden met stomheid geslagen. They were left speechless. They were beaten with stupidity. Keulen ligt aan de Rijn. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Cologne is on the Rhine. Drei Monate später heirateten sie. They got married three months later. Three months later, they married. Lächelt! Smile! Smile! Ik vertel je alleen wat ik hoorde. I'm only telling you what I heard. I'm just telling you what I heard. Die Kirche ist für die Hochzeit mit Blumen geschmückt. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. Disse Bloom is geel un de annern sünd blau. This flower is yellow and the others are blue. This flower is yellow and the others are blue. Tom führt ein ruhiges Leben. Tom leads a quiet life. Tom lives a quiet life. Se maakt geern Fotos. She likes taking pictures. It takes written photos. Letztes Jahr kehrte ich nach Hause zurück und war überrascht, dass sowohl das Dorf als auch die Leute sich völlig verändert hatten. Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed. Last year I returned home and was surprised that both the village and the people had changed completely. Ze is twee jaar ouder dan ik. She's two years older than me. She's two years older than I am. Hij zal over tien minuten terug zijn. He will be back in ten minutes. He'll be back in ten minutes. Zwitserland heeft betere appels nodig. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. Ich erkannte sie auf den ersten Blick. I recognized her at first sight. I recognized them at first sight. Versprechen Sie mir, dass Sie nicht gehen! Promise me you won't go. Promise me you won't go! Tom had waarschijnlijk gelijk. Tom was probably right. Tom was probably right. Tom sal my nie seer maak nie. Tom won't hurt me. Tom won't hurt me. Doe het licht aan. Ik zie niks. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. Put the light on, I don't see anything. Daar is eilande in die see. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Dresden war als das Florenz an der Elbe bekannt. Dresden was known as Florence on the Elbe. Dresden was known as Florence on the Elbe. Hest du de Nummer butenkopps lehrt? Have you learned the number by heart? Did you teach the number outheads? Je had het ons gewoon kunnen vertellen. You could have just told us. You could have just told us. Gōdne morgen, ǣg-hƿā. Good morning, everyone. Godne tomorrow, Varanasig-hāā. Er is te veel knoflook. There's too much garlic. There's too much garlic. IJsberen zijn wit omdat ze oude beren zijn. Polar bears are white because they're old bears. Ice bears are white because they are old bears. Bitte ruf mich morgen früh auf jeden Fall an. Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Please call me in the morning. Was ist schlimm daran, nackt im eigenen Haus herumzulaufen? What's wrong with running around your house naked? What's bad about walking around naked in your own house? Die Überschwemmung war die schlimmste Katastrophe, die sie je erlebt hatten. The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had. The flood was the worst disaster they had ever experienced. Heeft u nog vragen? Do you have any further questions? Do you have any further questions? Wie findest du deine Waschmaschine? How do you find your washing machine? How do you like your washing machine? Ic nelle to þære scole. I don't want to go to school. Ic nell to thatære scole. Houden jullie van dit land? Do you love this country? Do you love this country? Allens, wat du doon musst, is dissen roden Knoop drücken. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press this red button. װוּ זײַט איר? Where are you? Where side you? Scheikunde is een oude wetenschap. Chemistry is an old science. Chemistry is an old science. Vielleicht hat sie den Autoschlüssel im Zimmer liegen lassen. She may have left her car key in her room. Maybe she left the car keys in the room. Meine Sachen passen mir alle nicht mehr. None of my clothes fit anymore. I don't like my stuff anymore. Tom stootte tegen Mary aan en duwde haar bijna in het zwembad. Tom bumped into Mary and almost knocked her into the pool. Tom hit Mary and almost pushed her into the pool. מיר וועלן זען צוזאַמען, וואָס וועט פּאַסירן. We'll see what happens together. We will see together, what will happen. Ik werd gevraagd naar mijn persoonlijke mening over de kwestie. I was asked for my personal opinion about the matter. I was asked about my personal opinion on the matter. Als je opschiet kan je de trein nog halen. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. If you hurry up, you can get the train. איך מיין נישט. I didn't think so. I'm not mine. Ik heff en groten Pint! I've got a big dick! I've got a big pint! Ik heb veel van je geleerd. I've learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. Het lievelingseten van mijn zoon is wafels met esdoornsiroop. Elke ochtend zegt hij dat ik dat moet maken, maar soms moet ik wel nee zeggen. My son's favourite food is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I should cook them, but sometimes I must say no. My son's favorite meal is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I have to do that, but sometimes I have to say no. Riefe Sie dr Polizei! Call the police! Rive Dr. Police! Ze ontkende mijn moeder te zijn. She denied that she's my mother. She denied being my mother. Tom was volledig overrompeld. Tom was caught completely off guard. Tom was completely outraged. יעצט איז דער צייט צו אנפאנגן דער ארבעט פון בוינען א וועלט-שלום אן אַטאָמישע וואפן. Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons. The time has now come to introduce the work of the United States of America on the basis of a world-wide atmomic weapon. Ik bün Klock acht bi di tohuus. I will be at your house at eight. I am at home with eight o'clock. Ik heff jüst soveel to doon as Tom. I'm just as busy as Tom. I just got to do as much as Tom. Wie eten aaier. We eat eggs. Who eats tougher. Jij bent een hond. You're a dog. You're a dog. Sie hat ihren Pullover angezogen. She put her sweater on. She put on her sweater. Tom grillt vlees. Tom is grilling meat. Tom grills meat. Ik heb spataderen. I've got varicose veins. I've got sprat veins. Ich will nicht, dass Tom hiervon erfährt. I don't want Tom to know about this. I don't want Tom to know about this. Tom geht es gut. Tom is fine. Tom's fine. En Hund hett Tom angräpen. A dog attacked Tom. And a dog attacked Tom. Jullie zijn me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Hadden we maar een tuin! If only we had a garden! If only we had a garden! Sie fuhr mit dem Auto zur Schule. She went to school by car. She went to school by car. Je moet proberen beleefder te zijn. You should try to be more polite. You have to try to be more polite. Sie haben vergessen, Tom für das Geschenk zu danken. Stimmt's? You forgot to thank Tom for the present, didn't you? You forgot to thank Tom for the gift. Dit was makkelijker dan ik dacht. This was easier than I thought it would be. This was easier than I thought. Ik woon in New York. I live in New York. I live in New York. Esther is een Holocaust-overlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is a Holocaust tradition. Weshalb verkauft ihr es nicht einfach? Why don't you just sell it? Why don't you just sell it? Weten is Macht. Knowledge is power. Knowing is power. Wir müssen ihn finden. We must find him. We need to find him. Mir schwant nichts Gutes. I have a nasty feeling that something awful is going to happen. There's nothing good about me. Vandaag is het woensdag. Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Mein Haus wurde so designt, dass es einem Erdbeben standhält. My house is designed to withstand an earthquake. My house was designed to withstand an earthquake. Is er iemand in de kamer ernaast? Is there someone in the next room? Is there anyone in the room next door? Ich habe es gründlich satt. I'm fed up with it. I'm tired of it. Ek is verbaas daardie gebou staan nogsteeds. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I am surprised that building is still standing. Hien gesäit. Et ass Waasser. Hie laacht. Hien daucht. He sees. It's water. He laughs. He dives. Well, he looked. It's Washer. Er hat sich an die Arbeit gewöhnt. He got used to the work. He used to work. סאָלאָמאָן ווילט זײַן אַ שרײַבער. Solomon wants to be a writer. Solomon wants to be a writer. Ich habe es ein bisschen vereinfacht. I've simplified it a little bit. I made it a little easier. Tom is geadopteerd. Tom was adopted. Tom's adopted. Er chunnt us Gämf. He comes from Geneva. He's good at us. Ik wil u weer zien. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Wullt du en Sneed Pitaya? Would you like a slice of pitaya? Do you want a Snowed Pitaya? Haben Sie an diesem Wochenende Zeit? Are you free this weekend? Do you have time this weekend? Das ist unser Zug. That's our train. That's our move. Sagen Sie Tom, dass wir gehen! Tell Tom that we're leaving. Tell Tom we're going! In der Kathedrale befinden sich viele wertvolle Kunstwerke. The cathedral contains many valuable works of art. There are many valuable works of art in the cathedral. Ich mag zwar ohne Abschluss sein, aber ich bin kein Vollidiot. I may not have a degree, but I'm not entirely stupid. I may be out of college, but I'm not a complete idiot. Danke für den Tipp. Ich versuch's mal. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip, I'll try. Wie is de fotograaf? Who's the photographer? Who's the photographer? Je bent moe, nietwaar? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Wir mussten den ganzen Weg zum Bahnhof laufen. We had to walk all the way to the station. We had to walk all the way to the station. Ik werd aangevallen. I was attacked. I was attacked. Ich hoffe, Tom sagt ja. I hope Tom says yes. I hope Tom says yes. Moin, mien Naam is Ken Saitou. Hi, my name is Ken Saitou. Hello, my name is Ken Saitou. Ik heb één enkel boek gekocht, dat ik aan een student gegeven heb. I bought only one book which I gave to a student. I bought a single book that I gave to a student. School begint om 8:10. School begins at 8:10 a.m. School starts at 8:10. Sie hat ihm etwas zu essen gegeben. She gave him some food. She gave him something to eat. Dat is makkelijk voor jou om te zeggen. That's easy for you to say. That's easy for you to say. "Ek het nooit daaraan gedink nie", het die ou man gesê. "Wat sal ons maak?" "I have never thought about it", said the old man. "What should we do?" "I never thought of it," said the old man. "What shall we do?" Mijn vader is maar vijftien jaar. My father is only fifteen years old. My dad's only 15 years old. Se sünd op en eensame Insel utsett worrn. They were marooned on a desert isle. They have been suspended to a lonely island. Tom bat Maria, ihn später anzurufen. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Maria to call him later. Lasst uns essen gehen. Let's go to eat. Let's go eat. 1935 erhielt Einstein von den Vereinigten Staaten eine dauerhafte Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und 1940 die Staatsbürgerschaft. In 1935 Einstein was granted permanent residency in the United States and became a citizen in 1940. In 1935 Einstein was granted a permanent residence permit from the United States and in 1940 citizenship. אונדזער ממשלה פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't care about us. Our story book on us. Þū eart on Europan! You're in Europe! The Quick Brown Fox Jumps to Europeans. Loof heur nait, zie lugt aaltied. Don't believe her, she always lies. Praise is naughty, see aloof. Tom heeft Maria verkeerd ingeschat. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misestimated Maria. Ich bin früher mit ihm zur Schule gegangen. I used to go to school with him. I used to go to school with him. Er ist ein Spieler. He's a gambler. He's a player. Ein Haus ohne Frauen ist einsam. A house without women is lonely. A house without women is lonely. Ich weiss naett. I don't know. I know wet. Ich halte an meinem Vorhaben fest. I'm sticking with my plan. I stick to my plan. Ek gaan nie kan kom kuier vir 'n ruk nie. I won't be able to visit for a while. I'm not going to be able to visit for a while. Deine Idee klingt gut. Your idea sounds like a good one. Your idea sounds good. As jy vier van tien aftrek, het jy ses. If you take four from ten, you have six. If you subtract four out of ten, you have six. Welk geluid maakt een muis? What sound does a mouse make? What sound makes a mouse? Das Leben ist das, was man daraus macht. Life is what you make it. Life is what you make of it. Tom ist gespannt, ob irgendeines seiner Kinder daran denkt, dass heute Vatertag ist. Tom's wondering if any of his kids will remember that today is Father's Day. Tom is excited if any of his children think that this is Father's Day. Tell 5 un 3 tohoop un du hest 8. Add 5 to 3 and you have 8. Count 5 + 3 and you have 8. Sie mag keinen Fisch. She doesn't like fish. She doesn't like fish. Laat my weet as dit klaar is. Let me know when it's done. Let me know when it's done. Ik was vergeten dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. I forgot Tom used to live in Boston. "Ik heb haar vijf dagen geleden gezien," zei hij. "I saw her five days ago," he said. "I saw her five days ago," he said. Deze vulkaan is al honderden jaren inactief. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. Wo ist die Brücke? Where is the bridge? Where's the bridge? Ek het van hom gehoor. I heard about him. I heard about him. Er is niet veel te zeggen. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Mag ik dit aanraken? Can I touch it? Can I touch this? Ik heff in de vergangen dree Daag nix eten. I haven't eaten anything in the past three days. I didn't eat anything in the past three days. Versuch, großzügig zu sein, und vergib. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be generous, and forgive. Tom lief Maria nach. Tom chased after Mary. Tom was following Maria. Ich hätte gern ein Bier. I'd like a beer. I'd like a beer. Er ist alles andere als ein Gentleman. He is everything but a gentleman. He's anything but a gentleman. Seinem scharfen Blick entging kein einziger Fehler. His sharp eyes never missed a mistake. His sharp look did not escape any error. Wat wil je dat ik doe? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Dat heff ik vergeten. I forgot. I forgot. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in muziek. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in music. Ik heff in mien Leven noch nie en Witz vertellt. I've never told a joke in my life. I've never and never told jokes in my life. Tom und seine Freundin haben sich verlobt. Tom and his girlfriend got engaged. Tom and his girlfriend got engaged. Tom en Mary hebben veel gereisd. Tom and Mary have traveled a lot. Tom and Mary have traveled a lot. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom have breakfast? Tom is te jong om auto te rijden. Tom is too young to drive a car. Tom's too young to drive. Ik bün grötter as Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm bigger than Tom. Laten we onszelf nu niet in de maling nemen. Let's not kid ourselves. Let's not fool ourselves now. Deen Mann ass staark. The man is strong. That man is strong. Und Ine? What about you? And Ine? Dat is Chinees voor mij. It's Greek to me. That's Chinese for me. Benütze ein Wörterbuch, um die Bedeutungen der nachstehenden Sätze herauszufinden. Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the phrases below. Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following phrases. דער גן־עדן איז אַנדערע מענטשן. Paradise is other people. The upper hand is some people. Ik will in ’t Butenland studeren. I want to study abroad. I want to study in Butenland. Moet ik je helpen? Do you wish me to help? Do I have to help you? Sag ihm dass er warten soll. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Ich werde nie vergessen, wie ich dich zum ersten Mal gesehen habe. I'll always remember the first time I saw you. I'll never forget how I saw you for the first time. Blij u te zien. Happy to see you. I'm glad to see you. Bel de burgemeester. Call the mayor. Call the mayor. Dor stimmt wat nich. Something's not right. Something is wrong. Ihre Mama ist Algerierin. Their mom is Algerian. Her mom's Algerian. Ik heff Tom nix to seggen. I've got nothing to say to Tom. I didn't say anything to Tom. Ik ben jouw kamergenoot Paul. I'm your roommate Paul. I'm your roommate Paul. Ich dachte, wir hätten vereinbart, dass du mehr lernen würdest. I thought we had agreed that you would study harder. I thought we agreed you'd learn more. Ik ben trots op je. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. ער האט נישט גארנישט געזאגט, און דאס האט איר געמאכט צו זיין ברוגז. He said nothing, which made her angry. He had not said so, and this had you made to be broughs. Met wie ging Tom skiën? Who did Tom go skiing with? Who did Tom go skiing with? Dit kasteel is in 1610 gebouwd. This castle was built in 1610. This castle was built in 1610. Mien Kopp deit nich mehr weh. My headache has gone. My head is no longer hurting. Hy vooroordeel jazz He has a prejudice against jazz. His Prejudice Jazz Cannst þú Enȝlisc? Do you know English? Can you tell me what it is? Hat dir Tom schon gesagt, was gemacht werden muss? Has Tom already told you what needs to be done? Did Tom tell you what to do? Ulaanbaatar is de hoofdstad van Mongolië. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Maria ist eine erfolgreiche Schriftstellerin. Mary is an accomplished writer. Maria is a successful writer. Soll ich Ihnen eine Karte zeichnen? Shall I draw a map for you? Should I draw you a card? Waar is de Russische ambassade? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian Embassy? Layla besloot haar hijaab niet af te doen. Layla decided not to take her hijab off. Layla decided not to take off her hyaab. A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A song is a dialect with an airmy an float. Hij studeert geschiedenis aan de universiteit. He is studying history at the university. He studies history at the university. He hett veel Böker över Geschicht. He has a lot of books on history. It has many books about history. Het begon te gieten. It started to rain in torrents. It started pouring. Jullie waren sterk. You guys were tough. You were strong. Ich sehe fern. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Vertel me het verhaal. Tell me the story. Tell me the story. Ons ken mekaar nogal goed. We know each other pretty well. We know each other quite well. Tom heeft drie pond bananen gekocht. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Wie ben jij? Who are you? Who are you? Wie viel Menschå wissed, dass Siå läbad? How many people know that you're alive? How much manå knew that Siå was lambing? Könnt ihr das reparieren, oder sollte ich einen Klempner rufen? Can you fix this or should I call a plumber? Can you fix that, or should I call a plumber? Ich wünsche euch beiden ein Leben voller Glück. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I wish you both a life of happiness. Japanners zijn in het algemeen beleefd. Japanese people in general are polite. Japanese are generally polite. Et ass néng Auer. It's nine o'clock. It's lots of fun. ער נױטיקט זיך אין געלט. He needs money. He requires money. Die sproeier skiet 'n stroom water oor die gras. The sprinkler is shooting out a stream of water onto the grass. The sprinkler shoots a stream of water over the grass. Goeie môre. Good morning! Good morning. Über Musik zu sprechen ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. ער האָט אַ קאַץ. He has a cat. He has a cart. Ben ik knap? Am I pretty? Am I pretty? Voor de verovering door de Arabieren waren de meeste Perzen zoroastranen, maar er waren ook joden en christenen. Wie zou vandaag durven denken dat Iraniërs joodse of christelijke voorouders hebben? Before the conquest by the Arabians, the majority of the Persians were Zoroastrians, but there were also Jews and Christians. So, who could imagine today that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? For the conquest by the Arabs, most Persians were soroastranes, but there were also Jews and Christians. Who today would dare think that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? סטעלע איז אַן אונגאַרישע. Stella is a Hungarian Jew. Steel is an Hungarian. Tom hat das Haus verlassen. Tom left the house. Tom left the house. In dieser Kamera ist kein Film. There is no film in this camera. There's no film in this camera. Ik was daar op tijd, maar ik zag je niet! I was there on time, but I didn't see you! I was there in time, but I didn't see you! Ben je kwaad? Are you angry? Are you angry? Weißt du nicht, was du sagen sollst? Don't you know what to say? Don't you know what to say? Tom en ik hebben een huis in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. טאָם ווילט ווערן אַ רעפּער. Tom wants to become a rapper. Tom wants to be a reper. Hij is goed in wiskunde. He is good at mathematics. He's good at math. Dit is ek wat verantwoordelik is vir die ongeluk. I'm the one responsible for the accident. I am responsible for the accident. Zij zijn geen reuzen maar trollen. They are not giants but trolls. They're not giants, they're trolls. Tom vulde zijn tas met walnoten. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Ich werde einen Tag blaumachen. I'm going to take a day off. I'm gonna make a day blue. Wir haben nichts mit ihnen zu tun. We have nothing to do with them. We have nothing to do with them. Tom soek vir Mary. Tom is looking for Mary. Tom's looking for Mary. Zijn broer kijkt altijd tv. His brother is always watching television. His brother's always watching TV. Es war wirklich ganz reizend. It was really sweet. It was really pretty. Stel hem niet teleur. Don't disappoint him. Don't disappoint him. Ik ben streng. I'm strict. I'm strict. k Mag dit laid nait. I do not like this song. I don't like it. Wil je misschien gaan wandelen? Would you like to go for a walk? Do you want to go for a walk? De muziek is in balans met de structuur van de film. The music is in balance with the structure of the movie. The music is balanced with the structure of the film. Ik sta op het punt je iets belangrijks te vertellen. I'm about to tell you something important. I'm about to tell you something important. Katten köönt Water nich lieden. Cats hate water. Cats cannot care about water. Wo heet disse Vagel op Engelsch? What do you call this bird in English? What's the name of this bird in English? Es tut mir leid. Ich hätte dich eher zurückrufen sollen. I'm sorry. I should have called you back sooner. I'm sorry, I should have called you back. Zoek de nieuwe woorden op in uw woordenboek. Look up the new words in your dictionary. Look up the new words in your dictionary. Maria deed haar sokken uit. Mary removed her socks. Maria took off her socks. Tom sjongt. Tom sings. Tom sjongt. פּענס איז נאָר טראָמפּס לאַקיי. Pence is just Trump's lackey. Pens is just Tromps' Lackey. Heurst mie? Do you hear me? Do you hear me? מענאַד איז נאָך דאָ. Mennad is still here. Mengenad is still here. Ek wil jou nie sien nie. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Er war unhöflich, um nicht zu sagen, grob. He was impolite, not to say rude. He was rude not to say, gross. Sie verschwenden Wasser. You're wasting water. They're wasting water. Ik doe helemaal niets. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. Sami leerde het Arabisch om de Koran beter te begrijpen. Sami learned Arabic to understand the Quran better. Sami taught the Arabic to understand the Koran better. Die Polizei glaubte ihre Geschichte nicht. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe their story. Ik heff noch nich eten. I haven't eaten yet. I haven't eaten yet. Sie drehen mir das Wort im Munde herum. You're twisting my words. They're turning the word around in my mouth. Naoko ist nach Japan zurückgekehrt. Naoko came back to Japan. Naoko returned to Japan. Ich habe zwei Fragen an Sie. I have two questions for you. I have two questions to ask you. We willen de feiten kennen. We want to know the facts. We want to know the facts. Wiens idee was dit? Who had this idea? Whose idea was this? Niemand stelde vragen over mijn land. Nobody asked questions about my country. Nobody asked questions about my country. Ik had die stad nog nooit bezocht, slechter nog, ik kende zelfs geen woord van de taal die daar werd gesproken. I'd never been to that city before, and even worse, I couldn't speak a word of the language. I had never visited that city, worse still, I didn't even know a word of the language spoken there. Kannst du Gerste von Weizen unterscheiden? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט געהאַט אַ צוויי־שעהדיקן אױפֿטרעף מיטן „פּרינץ פֿון װאַלפֿישן‟. Donald Trump had a two-hour meeting with the Prince of Whales. Here Douged Trump had a two-sheep relationship with "principle of Yalpasian Church. Sie haben aufgegeben. You gave up. You gave up. Leutje. Small. I'm kidding. Ik ben een nieuwe studente. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Ek kan nie vlieg nie. I can't fly. I can't fly. Die Kinder werden so schnell erwachsen. Children grow up so quickly. The children will grow up so quickly. ס'איז יאַנס עפּל. It is John's apple. It's yans. Geen land kan tippen aan kwaliteitswijn uit Frankrijk. No country can match France's good quality wine. No country can tap quality wine from France. D'Schilddrüs ass eng endokrine Drüs. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. It is an endocrine gland. Ik moet morgen werken. I have to work tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow. Tom wordt rood. Tom is turning red. Tom's gonna be red. Ik heb niets gezegd dat zijn gevoelens zou kwetsen. I didn't say anything to hurt his feelings. I didn't say anything that would hurt his feelings. k Kin nait oamen. I can't breathe. K Kin nait oamen. Uw tijd is op. Your time is up. Your time is up. Wil je wijn? Do you want wine? You want wine? Ga recht tegenover elkaar staan. Stand face to face. Stand right opposite each other. Wenn du nicht verstehst, frage. If you don't understand, ask. If you don't understand, ask. Watter een is meer korrek? Which one is more correct? Which one is more correct? Wie konntest du nur? How could you? How could you? Es ist schwierig, aus diesem Irrgarten herauszukommen. This maze is very hard to get out of. It's hard to get out of this crazy garden. Wir alle sind Gefangene. We're all prisoners. We're all prisoners. Du hättest nicht so gemein zu Tom sein sollen. You shouldn't have been so mean to Tom. You shouldn't have been so mean to Tom. Bes do jeck? Are you mad? Bes do itck? Tom lächelte. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Sien leevste Baseball-Mannschop sünd de Giants, man he mag de Lions ook. His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he likes the Lions, too. See dearest baseball mannschop are the Giants, but he likes the Lions too. Tom sal vir drie dae bly. Tom will stay for three days. Tom will stay for three days. Hallo ouder! Hello parent! Hello, older! Ik wil in Australië wonen. I want to live in Australia. I want to live in Australia. Ik zou willen opnieuw jong zijn. I wish I were young again. I'd like to be young again. Was ist schlimmer: eine Person zu töten oder fünf Personen sterben zu lassen? Which is worse, killing one person or letting five people die? What's worse: killing a person or letting five people die? IJsland behoorde tot Denemarken. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Wéi ass deng Duechter? How is your daughter? How about you? Ik vertell em nich geern de Wohrheid. I don't like telling him the truth. I do not tell the truth. Man muss eine Lüge nur oft genug wiederholen, und es wird eine Wahrheit daraus. Tell a lie often enough and it will become the truth. You only have to repeat a lie often enough, and it will become a truth. Wir sind auf dem Heimweg. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Een von de Kuffers is ganz leddig. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the kuffers is completely empty. Ik controleerde het twee maal om zeker te zijn dat we geen enkele fout maakten. I checked twice to make certain we hadn't made any mistakes. I checked it twice to make sure we didn't make any mistakes. Das kann schon nächste Woche passieren. That may happen next week. This can happen next week. Er weiß nicht, wohin mit dem Geld. He doesn't know what to do with his money. He doesn't know where the money is. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט קלײנע הענט. Donald Trump has small hands. Here's the difference between her hands. John is een goede student. John is a good student. John's a good student. Wi kunnen nich rutkriegen, wat se wull. We couldn't make out what she wanted. We cannot figure out what they intend. Zijn jullie gelukkig? Are you guys happy? Are you happy? Laat het me per telefoon weten. Let me know by telephone. Let me know by phone. Hopelijk! Hopefully! I hope so! Gebruik jij Facebook? Do you use Facebook? You're using Facebook? Ons het wyn gedrink. We drank some wine. We drank wine. Hebrääsch is en swoore Spraak. Hebrew is a difficult language. Hebrew is a savory language. Kan ik jouw hamer lenen? Can I borrow your hammer? Can I borrow your hammer? Ich habe diesen Brief nicht geschrieben. I didn't write this letter. I didn't write this letter. Dat is miene Muuschi. That's my pussy. That's my mouse. Tom gaan nie vandag 'n toespraak voer nie. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not going to give a talk today. De officiële talen van de Verenigde Naties zijn het Arabisch, Chinees, Engels, Frans, Russisch en Spaans. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Er übersetzte einen japanischen Roman ins Französische. He translated a Japanese novel into French. He translated a Japanese novel into French. Ons het meer onderwyseresse soos jy nodig. We need more teachers like you. We need more teachers like you. Ik heb een hobby nodig. I need a hobby. I need a hobby. Sami droagt n tulbaand. Sami wears a turban. Sami is wearing n tulband. Hebt ge haar al horen zingen op een podium? Have you ever heard her sing on the stage? Have you heard her sing on stage? Ze heeft een heel goede stem. She has a very good voice. She has a very good voice. Man kann ihm nicht trauen. You should not trust him. You can't trust him. Mache es so, bitte. Please do it this way. Do it like that, please. t Is diezeg. It is foggy. That's what I'm saying. Kann en twee Johr olen Jung so hart lopen? Can a two-year-old boy run that fast? Can a two-year-old young boy walk so hard? Sie hat die Kunst, mit schwierigen Kunden umzugehen, perfektioniert. She has perfected the art of handling difficult customers. She has perfected the art of dealing with difficult customers. Wat ben je mooi vandaag! How beautiful you are today! What a beautiful day you are! Beeile dich und du wirst rechtzeitig da sein. Make haste, and you will be in time. Hurry up and you'll be there in time. Ich muss mir was zu essen holen. I have to get some food. I have to get some food. Ich kaufe auf dem Markt ein. I am doing shopping at the market. I'm shopping on the market. Tom kann noch nicht Fahrrad fahren. Tom can't ride a bicycle yet. Tom can't ride a bike yet. Tom fühlte sich besser. Tom felt better. Tom felt better. Ik heb de Franse versie van dit liedje gehoord. I've heard the French version of this song. I heard the French version of this song. Ze kookte de eieren. She boiled the eggs. She cooked the eggs. Normalerwies bruukt se en Nagelscheer. She usually uses nail scissors. Usually they use a nail shear. "Wo sind Ihre Bücher?" "Sie sind auf dem Schreibtisch." "Where are your books?" "They are on the desk." "Where are your books?" "You're on the desk." Rief dr Polizei! Call the police! Rief Dr. Police! Woarom kwamst doe nait? Why didn't you come? Why did you come to nait? Hēo hæfþ catt. Se catt is hƿīte. She has a cat. The cat is white. Hoo has no cat. It's cat is hVaranasiīte. Zijn naam is bekend bij iedereen. His name is known to all. His name is known to everyone. U ziet er ziek uit. You look sick. You look sick. Swevel warrt bruukt, üm Swevelsticken to maken. Sulfur is used to make matches. Using bridle-sticks. Tom kümmert sich um uns. Tom looks after us. Tom's taking care of us. Ik reisde door heel Nederland. I traveled all through the Netherlands. I traveled throughout the Netherlands. De ene is rood en de andere is wit. One is red and the other is white. One is red and the other is white. Dieses Buch steht weithin in Bibliotheken zur Verfügung. This book is widely available in libraries. This book is widely available in libraries. Waarom vraagt u dat? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Ich habe seit diesem Morgen leichtes Fieber. I've had a slight fever since this morning. I've had a mild fever since this morning. Wir können nicht voraussagen, wie Tom zumute sein wird. We can't predict how Tom is going to feel. We can't predict what Tom's gonna be like. Wat bedüüdt dat? What's the meaning of that? What does that mean? Ist es Geld, was du willst? Is it money you want? Is it money you want? Wenn du die Sonne am Himmel scheinen siehst, dann ist es Tag, und wenn nicht, dann ist es wohl Nacht. When you see the Sun shining in the sky, it is day, and when you don't it is night. If you see the sun shining in the sky, it's day, and if you don't, then it's night. Het eten van de hond is duur. The dog's food is expensive. The dog's food is expensive. Ek gaan nie Tom oor die brug kan dra nie. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I'm not going to be able to carry Tom over the bridge. Waren Sie je Zeuge bei einem Gerichtsverfahren? Have you ever been a witness in a court case? Have you ever been a witness to a trial? Ze hebben een goed curriculum bij die universiteit. They have a very good curriculum at that university. They have a good curriculum at that university. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Hunde gut schwimmen können. I didn't know that dogs swim well. I didn't know dogs could swim well. ס'איז גרינג. It's easy. It's too large. Ons het oral gekyk. We've looked everywhere. We looked everywhere. Om zich voor de politie te verstoppen, bracht Dima de nacht door in een vuilcontainer. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. To hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a garbage container. Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Heeft iemand anders een raadgeving? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have a counsel? Dit Book is nee. This book's new. This Book is no. Goed. Ek sal jou aanbod aanvaar. All right. I'll accept your offer. I'll accept your offer. Het zal ongetwijfeld gaan regenen. It'll rain for sure. No doubt it will rain. Tom macht keine Witze. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. Alle minsken wurde frij en gelyk yn weardigens en rjochten berne. Hja hawwe ferstân en gewisse meikrigen en hearre har foar inoar oer yn in geast fan bruorskip te hâlden en te dragen. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people are free and equal in terms of values and rights. He has understand and certain people and is told to hold and carry each other over in a region of brotherhood. Doe vloogst. You flew. Do the flying. Dit zijn niet uw stoelen. Those are not your chairs. These are not your chairs. כ'בין מסכּים. I agree. Ha'ben his creatures. Ich war nicht enttäuscht. I was not disappointed. I wasn't disappointed. Sami was een manager bij Walmart. Sami was a manager at Walmart. Sami was a manager at Walmart. Ik heb geen haast. I am not in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry. Hier is dat Book, na dat du söchst. Here is the book you are looking for. This is the book you are searching for. Du brauchst darüber nicht zu sprechen, wenn du nicht willst. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. איך בין אַ מענטש, און די גאַנצע מענטשהייט פֿאַררעכען איך ווי איין משפּחה. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. I am a man, and the whole person has said I like one family. Ik was erg verrast. I was quite surprised. I was very surprised. Der Anzug sitzt gut. The suit fits well. The suit is good. Seine Mutter ist gestorben, als er elf Jahre alt war. His mother died when he was eleven years old. His mother died when he was eleven years old. Er stinkt hier iets. Something stinks here. Something's stinking here. Seit vorigem Jahr habe ich nicht mehr in Sanda gewohnt. I have not lived in Sanda since last year. I haven't lived in Sanda since last year. Wir erwarten Besuch heute Abend. We're expecting company this evening. We're expecting a visit tonight. Hulle is vermoor. They were murdered. They were murdered. Ich schaute Tom in die Augen. I looked in Tom's eyes. I looked Tom in the eye. Dit maak nie regtig veel sin nie, doen dit? It doesn't really make much sense, does it? That doesn't make much sense, does it? Praten jullie tegen jullie hond? Do you talk to your dog? Do you talk to your dog? Tom is een notoire uitsteller. Tom is a notorious procrastinator. Tom's a notary procrastinator. Welche Farbe hat Toms Hund? What color is Tom's dog? What color does Tom's dog have? Dit uurwerk is elektrisch. This clock is electric. This timepiece is electric. Du zielst zu niedrig auf das Ziel. You're aiming too low to hit the target. You're too low on the target. Ich weiß nicht, was schlimmer ist: zerstückelt zu werden oder zu ersticken. I don't know what's worse: being dismembered or suffocated. I don't know what's worse: being broken or suffocated. Ze eet een peer. She's eating a pear. She eats a pear. Woans hest du dat daan? How did you do it? Where did you get it? Moord wordt met de dood gestraft. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punished with death. זי איז נישט משוגע געוואָרן. She hasn't gone mad. She had not gone away. Tom is bunzelachteg. Tom is nervous. Tom's Bunzelachteg. Mijn grootste verlangen was het ontmoeten van mijn biologische vader. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. Ze heeft niet lang meer te leven. She won't live much longer. She doesn't have long to live. Ihr müsst nicht sofort gehen. You don't need to go at once. You don't have to go right away. Help me even met de koffers. Give me a hand with the suitcases. Help me with the bags. Meneer Brown heeft vier kinderen. Mr. Brown has four children. Mr. Brown has four children. Meine Armbanduhr muss repariert werden. My watch needs to be repaired. My watch has to be repaired. Layla heur man is ien Egypte. Layla's husband is in Egypt. Layla's husband is one Egypt. Je hebt een e-mail gestuurd. You sent an email. You sent an e-mail. We zijn geneigd televisie te kijken ongeacht het programma dat bezig is. We are apt to watch television, irrespective of what program is on. We tend to watch television no matter what the programme is. זיי האָבן אַ משפּחה. They have a family. They have a family. 1994 waren Wasser und Reis in Japan knapp. In 1994, there was a shortage of water and rice in Japan. In 1994 water and rice were scarce in Japan. k Heb Maria verteld dat k gain tied heb veur n reloazie, omreden k mie op schoul mòt konsentreren,' zee Tom plichteg tegen zien voar. ''k Bin bliede dat te heuren, mien jong,'' antwoordde hai tevrieden en klopte zien zeun op scholder. ''Der is loater genog tied veur zukse dingen.'' "I told Mary that I do not have time for a relationship because I have to focus on school," Tom said dutifully to his father. "I'm glad to hear that, my boy," he replied contentedly, patting his son on the shoulder. "There is enough time for such things later." k told Mary that there was no time for reloaicing, because he didn't concentrate on school,' sea Tom was obliged to see for fear. ''I'm bludged that, my young,' replied hai teveled and beat to shudder. ''He's more loater enough time for sweet things.'' Ist Tony da? Is Tony there? Is Tony here? Hou je van je vrouw? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? In einem Fahrstuhl dürfen Sie nicht rauchen. You may not smoke in an elevator. You are not allowed to smoke in a lift. Der Film räumte beim Filmfestival in Cannes drei Preise ab. The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival. The film cleared three prizes at the Cannes Film Festival. Heb je al eens kalkoen gegeten? Have you ever eaten turkey? Have you ever eaten turkey? Ech wunnen bei mengem Elteren. I live with my parents. I won with my parents. Ich will heute einfach noch nicht sterben. It's just that I don't want to die today. I just don't want to die today. An die Arbeit! Die Sandsäcke füllen sich nicht von selbst! Get to work. These sandbags won't fill themselves. The sandbags don't fill themselves! In dieser Klasse sind vierzig Schüler. There are 40 pupils in this class. In this class are forty students. גוט שבת. Good Shabbos! Good Saturday. Wanneer ze in gevaar zijn, vluchten ze. When they are in danger, they run away. When they're in danger, they run. Het ontbijt is gereed. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast's ready. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Some religious people can be very judgemental. Some religious individuals can be very judgmental. Valt in de stal de verwarming uit, dan komt de melk in blokjes eruit. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. If the heat goes out in the stable, the milk comes out in blocks. Ich denke nicht. I don't think so. I don't think so. t Snijt. Snow is falling. Cut. Das passiert häufig. Mach dir nichts draus! That happens often, so don't worry about it. It happens a lot, don't worry about it! Maria is een elektricien, nietwaar? Mary is an electrician, isn't she? Maria's an electrician, isn't she? Het avondeten is bijna klaar. The dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Wat is passeert? What happened? What happened? Waarom wilt u ons de waarheid niet vertellen? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you tell us the truth? Ob Tom das wohl wirklich ernst meinte? I wonder if Tom really meant what he said. Do you think Tom really meant that? Duitsland heeft twee hoofdsteden. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Könnten Sie mir das noch einmal erklären? Could you explain it to me again? Could you explain that to me again? Veel Servische, Bosnische en Kroatische achternamen eindigen met "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian surnames end in "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian surnames end up with "ić". Ik word boos. I'm getting angry. I'm getting mad. He is riek, aver unfründlich. He is rich, but he is unkind. He's smelly, but unkind. Kannst du springschnurspringen? Can you jump rope? Can you jump? Ik ben gewoon om voor mezelf te koken. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm just cooking for myself. Ik ben gek op Sino-Tibetaanse talen. I adore Sino-Tibetan languages. I love Sino-Tibetan languages. Maria, komm mit mir zurück nach Paris! Mary, come back to Paris with me. Maria, come back to Paris with me! Maak u maar geen zorgen over mij. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. די פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן זײַנען קיין מאָל נישט געווען קיין דעמאָקראַטישע געזעלשאַפֿט. The United States has never been a democratic society. The U.S. states haven't been a Democratic Society book at any time. Voëls sing. Birds sing. Birds sing. Mäi Monni lieft zu New York. My uncle lives in New York. Mäi Monni ran to New York. Dit was net die begin. It was just the beginning. That was just the beginning. Ik verfde het hek groen. I painted the fence green. I painted the gate green. Tom is hier om ons te helpen. Tom is here to help us. Tom's here to help us. Schaut Tom mich an? Is Tom looking at me? Is Tom looking at me? Studierst du denn nicht Chemie? Aren't you a chemistry student? Aren't you studying chemistry? Es tut mir leid, dass ich Sie enttäuscht habe. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I disappointed you. Was du übermorgen kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. What you can get in the morning, don't move it to tomorrow. In die verlede was die seuns geleer om vir hulself te verdedig terwyl hulle nog baie jonk was. In the past, the boys were taught to fend for themselves while still very young. In the past, the boys had been taught to defend themselves while they were very young. Waar is die PowerPoint-aanbieding wat julle my belowe het? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Maria sah entsetzt aus. Mary looked appalled. Mary looked horrified. Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I'm not married to Tom anymore. Doe was koelkasten aan t verkopen. You were selling refrigerators. Do was sell refrigerators. Tom hat einen Dachschaden. Tom is a psycho. Tom has a roof damage. In Tokio heb ik haar vader voor het eerst ontmoet. It was in Tokyo that I first met her father. In Tokyo, I met her father for the first time. Sie ist Studentin. She's a student. She's a student. Het is gewoonlijk niet zo druk. It's not usually this busy. It's usually not that busy. Hij heeft altijd angst. He is always scared. He's always scared. Ik weet nich, worüm Tom un Ria hüüt nich hier sünd. I don't know why Tom and Mary aren't here today. I do not know why Tom and Ria are not here. Ich spreche jeden Tag Französisch. I speak French every day. I speak French every day. Se hett mi inladen. She invited me. She invited me in. k Hol van Tom. I love Tom. k Hol van Tom. Als Tom u dat zag doen, zou hij beginnen te wenen. If Tom saw you doing that, he'd cry. If Tom saw you do that, he'd start crying. Dat weer acht Meter lang. It was eight meters long. That's another eight meters long. Ihm fiel das Glas aus der Hand. The glass dropped from his hand. The glass fell out of his hand. Bellen jullie vanuit Australië? Are you calling from Australia? Are you calling from Australia? אַ פֿריילעכן חנוכּה. Happy Hanukkah. A few days ago. Ich konnte gestern Abend kein Taxi finden. I couldn't find a taxi last night. I couldn't find a taxi last night. Merci. Thank you! Thank you. Es ist schwierig, drei Sprachen zu sprechen. It's hard to speak three languages. It is difficult to speak three languages. Maria is mooi. Mary is beautiful. Maria's beautiful. Ik weet niet of het waar is. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. Von diesem Augenblick an führte Elsa das Leben eines ganz gewöhnlichen, glücklichen Kindes. From this moment Elsa's life was that of the ordinary happy child. From that moment on, Elsa led the life of an ordinary, happy child. Was hätten Sie an ihrer Stelle getan? What would you have done in her place? What would you have done in their place? Das da sind meine Katzen. Those are my cats. These are my cats. איך דארף אז דו וועסט פארשטיין וואס איז דער אמת וועגן וואס איז געשיין מיט טאם. I need you to understand what really happened to Tom. I need you to understand that what is true about what happened with Tom! Ich muss jetzt zu dieser Sitzung gehen. I need to get to this meeting now. I have to go to this meeting now. Ich kann diese Frage nicht beantworten. Ich weiß nichts über diese Dinge. I can't answer this question. I don't know anything about those issues. I can't answer that question, I don't know anything about these things. Er rahmte das Bild ein, das er auf der Straße gekauft hatte. He framed the picture he had bought on the street. He framed the picture he had bought on the street. Tom stellte Maria mehrere Fragen. Tom asked Mary several questions. Tom asked Maria several questions. Hoe hoor ik mezelf te kleden? How am I supposed to dress? How should I dress myself? Sie ist sehr neugierig. She's very curious. She's very curious. Ich gehe zur Arbeit. I am going to work. I'm going to work. Ich bin reich. I'm rich. I'm rich. In het begin schiep God de hemel en de aarde. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Sage mir bitte, wie man zu dir nach Hause kommt! Please tell me how to get to your house. Tell me how to get home! Hebben jullie hen gezien? Have you guys seen them? Have you seen them? Zij heeft weinig vrienden. She doesn't have many friends. She doesn't have many friends. Aus diesem Grund bin ich hierhergekommen. I came here for that reason. That's why I came here. Ich versuchte, ihn zu retten. I tried to save him. I tried to save him. Wij geeuwden. We yawned. We stooped. Es gibt natürlich einen Klassenkampf, doch es ist meine Klasse, die Klasse der Reichen, die ihn führt, und wir sind dabei, ihn zu gewinnen. There’s class warfare all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning. There's a class struggle, of course, but it's my class, the class of rich people who lead him, and we're in the process of winning him. Wir werden weitermachen. We'll continue. We're going to move on. Ein Student will euch sehen. There's a student who wants to see you guys. A student wants to see you. Ge spreekt. Thou speakest. You're talking. Weil es ihn gibt. Because it is there. Because there's him. He hett dat nich doon. He didn't do it. He did not do it. Hij is een Nederlander. He is a Dutchman. He's a Dutchman. De haven is ijsvrij. The port is free of ice. The port is ice-free. Kan ek jou 'n voorstel maak? Can I make you a proposal? Can I make you a suggestion? Fries is mijn moedertaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Fries is my mother tongue. Ria hett nich allens, wat se will. Mary doesn't have everything she wants. Ria doesn't have everything she wants. Ich gehe jeden zweiten Tag essen. I go to a restaurant every other day. I'm going to eat every other day. Esther woont met haar vrouwen in New York. Esther lives in New York with her wives. Esther lives with her wives in New York. Wie is sy vader? Who is his father? Who is his father? Elk lid van de club was aanwezig. Every member of the club was present. Every member of the club was present. Tom was wakker. Tom was awake. Tom was awake. Leest du noch wat anners as de Biebel? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything else than the Bible? Mayuko hett gode Ogen. Mayuko has sharp eyes. Mayuko has God's eyes. Tom is aan het zonnebaden bij het zwembad. Tom is sunbathing by the pool. Tom is sunbathing at the pool. Ich habe keinen Bock mehr. I can't be bothered anymore. I don't have a Bock anymore. Europa bevindt zich in een crisis. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Engeland is trots op zijn poëten. England is proud of her poets. England is proud of its poets. Het is vier uur rijden van New York naar Boston. It is a four-hour drive from New York to Boston. It's four hours' drive from New York to Boston. Uns hett de Film all gefullen. We all enjoyed the movie. We all felt the movie. Wenn Sie wollen, können Sie gehen. If you wish, you can go. If you want, you can go. Jim keek links en rechts voor hij de weg overstak. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. In der Kanne ist fast kein Kaffee mehr. There's almost no coffee left in the pot. There's almost no coffee in the can. Wo sind bitte die Toiletten? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Where are the toilets, please? Ich hatte vor, sie anzurufen, aber ich habe es vergessen. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I was going to call her, but I forgot. Af un to drööm ik von tohuus. I sometimes dream of home. I occasionally get home from home. Ferwas naett? Why not? What's the matter? Se slöög em in ’t Gesicht. She slapped him in the face. They swallow it in the face. Ze hebben Tom gedeporteerd. They deported Tom. They deported Tom. Tom is een veroordeeld misdadiger. Tom is a convicted felon. Tom's a convicted criminal. Ik hoop dat het helpt. I hope it helps. I hope it helps. Spoken kunnen mensen bezitten. Ghosts can possess people. Spokes can possess people. Si liesen en Buch. They're reading a book. They read and read a book. A wee drap ile and a wee bit breid. A litte drop of oil and a little bit of bread. A little drip ile and a little bit extra space. k Wait wat doe bedoulst. I know what you mean. I don't know what to do. Tom is op zijn hoede. Tom is wary. Tom's on his guard. Warum gefällt euch Boston? Why do you like Boston? Why do you like Boston? Mensen vertellen barmannen vaak hun hele levensverhaal. People often spill their guts to bartenders. People often tell bartenders their whole life story. Ich wohne hier nicht mehr. I don't live here anymore. I don't live here anymore. Ik heb een hekel aan koffie. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren. They said that they were colorblind. They said they were color-blind. Das wirft alle meine Pläne über den Haufen. This spoils all my plans. That throws all my plans over the pile. Elke fout maakt me sterker. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake makes me stronger. Ik kan de computer niet repareren. I cannot fix the computer. I can't fix the computer. Rinnsale von Regenwasser liefen vom Dach. Rivulets of rainwater ran down the roof. Rinsale of rainwater ran from the roof. Mijn oom bezoekt mij af en toe. My uncle comes to see me from time to time. My uncle visits me from time to time. As 'n sieke duisend papierkraanvoëls vou, sal haar wens waar word. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a sick man folds a thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. Ze hebben een verhuisfirma gevraagd om hun eigendommen naar hun nieuwe woning te verhuizen. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They asked a moving company to move their property to their new home. Ik heff en Leed för di schreven. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Tom beloofde te helpen. Tom promised to help. Tom promised to help. Zai runt. She runs. Zai running. Ich komme im Juli. I'm coming in July. I'll be here in July. Tom ziet er ziek uit. Tom looks sick. Tom looks sick. Jemand hat versucht, Tom umzubringen. Somebody tried to kill Tom. Someone tried to kill Tom. Weet Tom dat je komt? Does Tom know you're coming? Does Tom know you're coming? Heb je een brandverzekering? Do you have fire insurance? Do you have a fire insurance? Dit is het beste woordenboek dat we verkopen. This is the best dictionary we sell. This is the best dictionary we sell. Het huis was doodstil. The house was dead silent. The house was quiet. Ik heff vör söss Maand mit Smöken ophöört. I quit smoking six months ago. I left the game six months ago. Tom nahm nicht zu. Tom wasn't gaining weight. Tom didn't grow. Was denken Sie wirklich? What do you really think? What do you really think? Könntest du mir bitte sagen, warum? Could you please tell me why? Could you please tell me why? Kin k doar lopen? Can I walk there? Can I walk in or out of there? Tom sagte, er finde Maria hübsch. Tom said that he thought Mary was good-looking. Tom said he likes Maria. Wat een mooi uitzicht! What a beautiful sight! What a beautiful view! Tom vertraut seinen Fähigkeiten. Tom is confident of his ability. Tom trusts his skills. Bitte reiche mir den Zucker. Please pass me the sugar. Please give me the sugar. Loh mi in Ruh. Leave me alone! Loh me in Ruh. Ik wil een grote tube tandpasta. I want a large tube of toothpaste. I want a big tube toothpaste. Ich habe keine Idee, warum das so ist. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why. Tom is nog nooit in Engeland geweest. Tom has never been to England. Tom's never been to England. Maria legte ihre Kleider ab. Mary took off her clothes. Maria took off her clothes. Das ist, was sie sagte. That's what she said. That's what she said. De Born is dor achtern. The fountain is over there. The Born is back there. Dit is gain Hebreeuws. t Is Jiddisj. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. This is Gain Hebrew. Ich bereue es, Tom geküsst zu haben. I regret kissing Tom. I regret kissing Tom. Ik bün ut Ecuador. I am from Ecuador. I'm from Ecuador. Man ist nie zu alt zum Lernen. You will never be too old to learn. You're never too old to learn. Tom hat früher Gitarre gespielt. Tom used to play the guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Englischsprechen macht Spaß. Speaking in English is fun. English speaking is fun. Hij sliep een uur. He slept an hour. He slept an hour. Wat maakt Se? What are you doing? What's Se doing? Als ik groot ben, wil ik graag banketbakker worden. When I grow up I'd like to be a confectioner. When I grow up, I'd like to be a banquet baker. Jullie voorstel is een beetje extreem. Your proposal is a bit extreme. Your proposal is a bit extreme. Ze woont hiertegenover. She lives across the street. She lives against this. טאָם איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון וואַרטן. Tom was tired of waiting. Tom was already away from waiting. Je zal morgenochtend vroeg op moeten. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning. You'll have to get up early in the morning. We hebben het uitgevogeld. We figured it out. We got it out. Tom was de laatst aangekomene. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom huurde een auto bij de luchthaven en reed ermee naar het huis van Maria. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Mary's house. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Maria's house. Je kan dit maar beter weggooien. You should throw this away. You better throw this away. Het licht staat op groen. The traffic signal is green. The light's green. Die Römer sind berühmt für ihre Aquädukte. The Romans are famous for their aqueducts. The Romans are famous for their aqueducts. Angewidert schreckte ich zurück. I recoiled in disgust. In response, I scared back. Wie lange werdet ihr hierbleiben? How long will you stay here? How long will you stay here? Zijn ouders houden van me. His parents love me. His parents love me. Es ist ein Wunder, dass Tom noch am Leben ist. It's a miracle that Tom's still alive. It's a miracle that Tom's still alive. He seet blangen mi. He sat next to me. Hot sucks me. Danke dafür! Das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen! Thanks for this, I appreciate it very much. Thank you for that! I appreciate that very much! Ich komme schon noch dahinter, wie das geht. I'm going to figure out how to do that eventually. I'll figure out how to do it. די זאַך װאָס האָט מיך מערסטע אימפּאָנירט װעגן כינע, איז דאָס כינעזישע מאכל. The thing that left the biggest impression on me in China was the Chinese food. The thing that has most impressive conditions is this artificial time. Wir verschwenden hier Zeit. We're wasting time here. We're wasting time here. Moet ik met je meegaan? Should I go with you? Do you want me to go with you? Chönd Si mir hälfä? Can you help me? Chönd Si's half past me? Tom keek in koelkaast. Tom looked in the refrigerator. Tom looked in a fridge. Der Hund verfolgte den Fuchs. The dog ran after a fox. The dog was tracking the fox. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es hier zukünftig einen U-Bahnhof geben wird. I expect a subway station will be here in the future. I assume there will be an underground station here in the future. זיי זענען שטאַרקער ווי מיר. They're stronger than we are. They're tougher than me. Tom kan niet eens lezen. Tom can't even read. Tom can't even read. Die Luft besteht hauptsächlich aus Sauerstoff und Stickstoff. The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen. The air consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. Andersen hatte auch Angst vor Hunden. Andersen was afraid of dogs, too. Andersen was also afraid of dogs. Ik wilde gewoon niet gaan werken gisteren. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. Dat weer güstern koold. It was cold yesterday. That was cold yesterday. Tom wird es dir erklären. Tom will explain it to you. Tom will explain it to you. Ik kiek mi bloot üm. I'm just looking around. I'm just looking around. Ich bin es, der für den Unfall verantwortlich ist. It is I that am responsible for the accident. It's me who's responsible for the accident. Þú meaht léogan ǽg-hƿǽm elles, ac þú ne meaht léogan þé sylfum. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. The number of pages that will be printed. Der Februar hat nur 28 Tage. There are only 28 days in February. February has only 28 days. Der alte Mann wurde von allen wegen seiner Weisheit geachtet. The old man was respected by everyone for his wisdom. The old man was respected by all for his wisdom. Sie verkauft Muscheln. She sells sea shells. She's selling shells. Er hält immer seine Versprechen gegenüber seinen Freunden. He never fails to keep his word with his friends. He always keeps his promises to his friends. Maria droeg een oranje jurk. Mary wore an orange dress. Maria was wearing an orange dress. Ġēolmōnaþ is se lætemesta monaþ þæs ᵹēares. December is the last month of the year. ̈olmōna is not a local month. The index COUNT organization is also defined as the filename. Er is een goede kans op succes. There is a good chance of success. There's a good chance of success. Ich weiß, dass Sie Französisch nicht beherrschen. I know you can't speak French. I know you don't control French. Is Tom doodgegaan? Did Tom die? Did Tom die? Tom gibt immer Maria an allem die Schuld. Tom always says everything is Mary's fault. Tom always blames Mary on everything. Kan ik zingen? Can I sing? Can I sing? Kijk gewoon in de spiegel. Just look in the mirror. Just look in the mirror. Ze voelde zich nogal moe. She was feeling kind of tired. She felt quite tired. Groen staat je goed. Green suits you. Green is good for you. Ich bewundere ihren Einfallsreichtum. I admire their ingenuity. I admire her ingenuity. Ik moest agressief zijn. I had to be aggressive. I had to be aggressive. Dit maak nie saak waarvandaan kom hy nie. It doesn't matter where he comes from. No matter where he comes from. Schwirr ab! Get away! Swear off! Die lug is blou, die see is ook blou. Die lug en die see is blou. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. The sky is blue, the sea is blue, the sky and the sea are blue. Hoe is jouw Engels? How's your English? How's your English? Ihr müsst damit anfangen. You have to start doing that. You have to start with it. איר טאָרט נישט דאָ בלײַבן. You may not stay here. you may not be here. Ich dachte schon, du hättest es vergessen. I was starting to think you'd forgotten. I thought you forgot. Wi bruukt joon Geld nich. We don't need your money. We do not use your money. Ik ben hier omdat ik dat wil. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to. Dankäschöön! Thank you very much! Thank you! Hallo. Hello! Hello. Sami docht dat Layla moslim was. Sami thought Layla was Muslim. Sami said Layla was Muslim. Ze knuffelde haar teddybeer. She hugged her teddy bear. She hugged her teddy bear. Sami vond de halsketting. Sami found the necklace. Sami found the necklace. Was je gisteren thuis? Were you at home yesterday? Were you home yesterday? Waar wonen jullie? Where do you guys live? Where do you live? איך בין אַ ייִד אָבער נישט קיין רעליגיעזער. I'm a Jew, but not a religious one. I'm a pretty but not no religioner. Sie mag sie. She likes her. She likes her. De Baltesche Mier ass eng vun de populäersten nationalen Destinatiounen fir Däitschen. The Baltic Sea is one of the most popular national travel destinations for Germans. The Baltic Sea is one of the most popular national destinations for Germans. k Mag Fraans. I like French. I like French. Tom rettete sie aus dem Feuer. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Mijn vader heeft als hobby het kweken van rozen. My father's hobby is growing roses. My father, like a hobby, has the cultivation of roses. Paraplu's verkopen goed. Umbrellas sell well. Um, umbrellas sell well. Ech hunn Honger. I am hungry. I'm hungry. איך האָב ליב אײַער קאַץ. I love your cat. I love both cats. De zomertijd begint op drie april. Daylight Savings Time starts on April third. Summer time starts on 3 April. Ich möchte diese Jacke kaufen. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. Maria sagte, dass sie verärgert sei. Mary said that she was irritated. Maria said she was angry. Erst dann wurde es mir klar. Only then did I realize it. Only then did I get it. Tom en Mary zijn niet bang. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary aren't scared. Wenn er Zeit gehabt hätte, hätte er uns besucht. If he'd had time, he would have visited us. If he had time, he would have visited us. Im Herbst fallen die Blätter. The leaves fall in autumn. The leaves fall in autumn. Tom handelte alleine. Tom acted alone. Tom was acting alone. Tom sagte, er werde weiterhin fleißig arbeiten. Tom says he'll keep working hard. Tom said he'd keep working hard. Ich möchte dich über Tom fragen. I want to ask you about Tom. I'd like to ask you about Tom. Ich höre seinem Solovortrag zu. I am listening to his recital. I'm listening to his solo talk. Guder Mariye! Good morning! Guder Mariye! דו קענסט זינגען. You know how to sing. You can sing. Tom was er gisteren niet. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt? How large is the population of this city? How many inhabitants does this city have? Die Luft besteht zum größten Teil aus Stickstoff und Sauerstoff. The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen. The air consists for the most part of nitrogen and oxygen. דער טאָג איז קורץ און ס'איז דאָ אַ סך אַרבעט. The day is short and there is a lot of work. The day is short and it's here a secular work. Tokamen Week schall dat villicht Frost geven. We might have frost next week. The next week may cause frost. Hij kwam zelf. He came in person. He came himself. Ich werde es für dich holen, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. Wie geht es mit dir und Tom? How's it going with you and Tom? How are you and Tom? Overal was er rommel. Garbage was everywhere. There was shit all over the place. Zai liept. She cries. Zai's lips. Veertig dollar voor zeven dagen. 40 dollars for seven days. Forty dollars for seven days. Man kann sich erst sicher sein, eine Fremdsprache wirklich zu beherrschen, wenn man ein anständiges Gedicht darin verfassen kann. You know you've really mastered a foreign language when you can write a decent poem in it. You can be sure to really master a foreign language if you can write a decent poem in it. Tom hat es geschafft, selber das Feuer auszumachen. Tom managed to put out the fire by himself. Tom managed to turn the fire off himself. Dat is wat je nodig hebt. That's what you need. That's what you need. Tom hat gute Aussichten, die Stelle zu bekommen. Tom has a good chance of being hired for the job. Tom has good prospects to get the place. Hij geeft haar alles waar zij om vraagt. He gives her everything she asks for. He gives her everything she asks for. Je bent maar een jongen. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Wie denken jullie dat de gouden medaille zal winnen? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Who do you think the gold medal will win? Du darfst gerne nein sagen. Feel free to say no. You're welcome to say no. Seine Arbeit ist jetzt vollendet. His work is now complete. His work is now finished. k Hol van brummels. I love blackberries. I'm trying to get some brumples. S Huus isch root. The house is red. S Home root. Het begon allemaal op deze plaats. It all started in this place. It all started in this place. Het waterskilpaaie tande? Do turtles have teeth? Do water turtles have teeth? Wenn man den Wäscheschrank entrümpelt, wird man viele Dinge los, die man nicht braucht. If you declutter your linen closet, you get rid of lots of things that you don’t need. When you undress the wardrobe, you get rid of a lot of things you don't need. Ich schäme mich. I am ashamed. I'm ashamed. Ihr kooperiert. You're cooperating. You're cooperating. Das Mädchen, das am Klavier sitzt, ist meine Tochter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl sitting on the piano is my daughter. Habt ihr Tom gut gekannt? Did you know Tom well? Did you know Tom well? Tom scheint besorgt zu sein. Tom seems anxious. Tom seems to be worried. Tom ist nicht gestanden. Tom didn't stand. Tom hasn't confessed. Mag ik die appelsien opeten? Can I eat this orange? Can I eat that apple? Tom hat letztlich doch eine gute Arbeit gefunden. Tom ended up getting a good job. Tom finally found a good job. Meine Schwester fährt oft mit dem Bus von Nimwegen nach Kleve. My sister often takes the bus from Nijmegen to Kleve. My sister often takes the bus from Nimwegen to Kleve. Haaien staan bekend om hun bloeddorstig karakter. Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures. Sharks are known for their bloodthirsty character. זײַט אַזוי גוט פּאַטשן. Please clap. Side so good places. He is ut Georgien. He's from Georgia. It's from Georgia. Zij houdt van tuinieren. She loves gardening. She likes gardening. Ich fühle meine Zehen nicht. I can't feel my toes. I don't feel my toes. Wir sind auf dem falschen Weg. We're going the wrong way. We're on the wrong way. Se geev em Blaam för all ehr Probleems. She blamed him for all her problems. They have been blamed for all of their problems. Golf ist ein verdorbener Spaziergang. Golf is a ruined walk. Golf is a corrupt walk. Spring. Jump. Jump. Ich möchte nicht, dass du das tust. I don't want you to do that. I don't want you to do that. ''A'', ''B'' en ''C'' binnen drij letters. "A", "B" and "C" are three letters. ''A'', ''B'' and ''C'' in three letters. Sie fuhr mit dem Taxi ins Museum. She went to the museum by cab. She drove her taxi to the museum. Die Atmosphäre des Uranus besteht aus Wasserstoff, Helium und Methan. Uranus' atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. The atmosphere of Uranus consists of hydrogen, helium and methane. Er machte keine Fotos von dem Festival. He took no photos of the festival. He didn't take any pictures of the festival. Ich war eine Zeitlang bei Tom in Boston. I spent time with Tom in Boston. I spent some time with Tom in Boston. Wer ist älter, du oder Tom? Who's older, you or Tom? Who's older, you or Tom? Deze peren zijn geweldig. These pears are great. These pears are great. Tom schaut zu dir auf. Tom looks up to you. Tom looks up to you. Laat ek jou aan my ma voorstel. Let me introduce you to my mother. Let me introduce you to my mother. Ek sal dit terug bring. I'll bring it back. I'll bring it back. Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? Tom houdt van skiën. Tom loves to ski. Tom loves skiing. Ik zou het niet doen als ik jou was. If I were you, I would not do it. I wouldn't do it if I were you. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln? Can we change the subject, please? Can we change the subject, please? מיר האָבן געהאַט אַ קאַץ. We had a cat. we have got a cat. Er studierte noch fleißiger, da er von seinem Lehrer gelobt worden war. He studied the harder because he was praised by his teacher. He studied even more diligently because he had been praised by his teacher. Warum geht Tom? Why is Tom going? Why's Tom going? Lass uns die Abkürzung nehmen! Let's take the short cut. Let's take the abbreviation! Wat is het telefoonnummer van de Tokyo Dome? What's the number for the Tokyo Dome? What's the Tokyo Dome's phone number? Noch nich. Not yet. Not yet. צי ביסטו אַ טערקישע? Are you Turkish? Is there aological? Lehr! Study! Doctrine! Er ermutigte seinen Sohn, mehr zu lernen. He encouraged his son to study harder. He encouraged his son to learn more. Dröff ik dien Naam weten? May I have your name? Do I know your name? Tom badet mindestens dreimal in der Woche. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom bathes at least three times a week. Tom is een gepensioneerde tandarts. Tom is a retired dentist. Tom's a retired dentist. Tom heeft iets verkeerd gedaan. Tom has done something wrong. Tom did something wrong. „Andreas, wo ist die Karte? Hast du sie?“ – „Ich glaube, nicht.“ "Andrew, where's the map? Have you got it?" "I don't think so." “Andreas, where is the map? Do you have it?” – “I don’t think so.” Hij is een vreselijke coach. He's a terrible coach. He's a terrible coach. Dat Enn is nah. The end is nigh. The end is open. Ihr hättet Tom vielleicht die Wahrheit sagen sollen. Maybe you should've told Tom the truth. You should have told Tom the truth. In meinem Leben ist viel Mist passiert. A lot of shit has happened in my life. A lot of shit happened in my life. Tom en ik zijn al lang getrouwd. Tom and I've been married for a long time. Tom and I have been married a long time. Was war das für eine peinliche Situation! What an embarrassing situation that was! What a embarrassing situation that was! Enkele mensen gaan de zondagmorgen naar de kerk. Some people go to church on Sunday morning. Some people go to church on Sunday morning. Er waren veel boten op het meer. There were a lot of boats on the lake. There were a lot of boats on the lake. Ich han s Gschirr gmacht. I washed the dishes. I'm gschirr gschirr. Ek moet gaan. I must go. I have to go. Waar is Tom allergisch voor? What's Tom allergic to? What's Tom allergic to? Tom erkannte, dass er sich getäuscht hatte. Tom realized that he was wrong. Tom realized that he had been deceived. Tom hat Arbeit. Tom has a job. Tom's got work. Ons sal niemand van hulle vertel nie. We won't tell anyone about them. We won’t tell anyone about them. Zijn moeder stierf toen hij jong was, en zijn grootmoeder heeft hem opgevoed. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother brought him up. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother raised him. Tom heeft blond haar en groene ogen. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Tom has blonde hair and green eyes. Tom bröch Ria to’n Lachen. Tom made Mary laugh. Tom smiled at Ria. Mijn moeders zijn gezond. My mothers are healthy. My mothers are healthy. Hij kwam naar Tokyo met een grote droom. He came up to Tokyo with a big dream. He came to Tokyo with a big dream. Tom ist begeistert. Tom is ecstatic. Tom's excited. Wē ðæt trēow ne hrepodon, ðī lǣs ðe wē swelton. We should not touch that tree, for fear that it may kill us. W Republic of the Republic Of (i) The Whpodon, ðī līs a peloton. Mein Auto ist in Reparatur. My car is being repaired. My car's in repair. Was könnt ihr mir geben? What can you give me? What can you give me? Ich muss es nicht kochen. I don't have to cook it. I don't have to cook it. Tom is wies. Tom is wise. Tom's wees. Was wird das für Edinburgh bedeuten? What will this mean for Edinburgh? What will that mean for Edinburgh? Kijk me aan. Look at me. Look at me. Ich fühle mich etwas unsicher. I feel a little insecure. I feel a little insecure. Wat dust doe? What're you doing? So, what do you do? Deine Antwort ist bei Weitem nicht perfekt. Your answer is far from perfect. Your answer is not perfect for many people. Ik ga niet. I won't go. I'm not going. Tom heeft een heel moeizame relatie met zijn vader. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Tom has a very hard relationship with his father. We weten het niet. We don't know. We don't know. We hebben geen bewijs. We don't have any proof. We don't have any evidence. Laten we er één nemen. Let's get one. Let's take one. Ich habe es ein paarmal gemacht. I did it a few times. I did it a few times. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put on his socks. Tom's on his socks. Wir hatten viel zu feiern. We had a lot to celebrate. We had a lot to celebrate. Ik heff en Fru. I have a wife. I'm lifting and Frau. Tom bat Maria, ans Telefon zu gehen. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Maria to go to the phone. Auch das Menschengeschlecht wird eines Tages aussterben. Even the human race will die one day. One day, the human family will also die. Dat Leven is nich kunvex. Life is not convex. Life is not artificial. Die Männer da sprechen Französisch. Those men are speaking French. The men there speak French. Ze vroeg mij of ze kon telefoneren. She asked me if she could use the phone. She asked me if she could make a phone call. Das ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. It's a step in the right direction. This is a step in the right direction. זײַט אַזוי גוט, רעדט אַ ביסל פּאַמעלעכער. Please speak a bit more slowly. Side so good, red a little pummeler. Tom sagt, dass er bereit ist, so ziemlich alles für mich zu tun. Tom says he's willing to do just about anything for me. Tom says he's ready to do pretty much anything for me. Ze is haar paraplu vergeten. She forgot her umbrella. She forgot her umbrella. Ich bin froh, dass du das verstehst. I'm glad that you understand. I'm glad you understand. Tom is not English. Tom isn't English. Tom is not English. Du magst keine Schokolade, oder? You don't like chocolate, do you? You don't like chocolate, do you? Vroeger waren we dikke vrienden. We used to be close friends. We used to be big friends. Tom braucht das Geld. Tom needs the money. Tom needs the money. Hierdie plek is baie aangenaam. This place is very pleasant. This place is very pleasant. Jouw vrouw leert me Italiaans. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. Ich kann euch helfen, wenn ihr mich lasst. I can help you if you let me. I can help you if you let me. Tom und Maria hatten ein Zimmer mit zwei Betten gebucht; als sie aber im Hotel ankamen, war nur ein Bett vorhanden. Tom and Mary booked a room with two beds, but when they arrived at the hotel, there was only one bed. Tom and Maria had booked a room with two beds; but when they arrived at the hotel, there was only one bed available. Ich kann es einfach nicht. I just can't do it. I just can't. Maria meinte, ich sähe müde aus. Mary said she thought I looked like I was tired. Maria said I looked tired. Mien stevels waren bragelg. My boots were muddy. My stems were bragging. Tom trainde. Tom exercised. Tom trained. Mary noteerde het recept. Mary wrote down the recipe. Mary wrote down the recipe. Ren je iedere dag? Do you run every day? You run every day? Wist u niet dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Zij waren aan het daten. They were dating. They were dating. Mijn schoenen zijn bruin. My shoes are brown. My shoes are brown. Ze ging naar huis. She went home. She went home. Sie legt großen Wert darauf, vor dem Frühstück zu duschen. She makes a point of taking a shower before breakfast. She places great importance on showering before breakfast. Tom bekam einen Anruf vom Krankenhaus. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a call from the hospital. U het hierdie boek geskryf? You wrote this book? You wrote this book? Hoe oud ben je? How old are you? How old are you? Ek sou nie Tom blameer nie. I wouldn't blame Tom. I wouldn't blame Tom. Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. Wenn du von Jenny hörst, würdest du ihr sagen, dass ich sie gern sehen würde? If you hear from Jenny, could you tell her I would like to see her? If you heard from Jenny, would you tell her I'd like to see her? Ek is 'n brandweerman. I'm a firefighter. I'm a fireman. Worüm schall Ria dat doon, wenn se dat nich mutt? Why should Mary do that if she doesn't have to? Why should Ria do that if she does not want to? Zij houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Hat Tom schon einmal eine Kanadierin mit Namen Maria erwähnt? Did Tom ever mention a Canadian named Mary? Has Tom ever mentioned a Canadian named Maria? So etwas kann einmal passieren. This can happen once. Such a thing can happen once. Liebe tötet das Glück, Glück tötet die Liebe. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. וואָס זײַנען פֿייגל? What are birds? What are birds? Wie neemt nog tijd voor een lange brief aan een vriend? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who else takes time for a long letter to a friend? Wi föhrt all geern Fohrrad. We all like cycling. We'll do everything you can. Ik ben geen leugenaar. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Das ist für Sie. This is for you. That's for you. Wo habe ich meine Lesebrille gelassen? Where did I put my reading glasses? Where did I leave my reading glasses? Ich möchte gerne sehen, was du da in der Hand hast. I'd like to see what you have in your hand. I'd like to see what you've got in your hand. Na de dood van de koning werd Elsa koningin. After the king's death Elsa became queen. After the death of the king, Elsa became queen. Früher habe ich das oft gemacht. I used to a lot. I used to do that a lot. Die Schüler konnten die Ferien kaum erwarten. The students were all looking forward to the summer vacation. The students could hardly expect the holidays. Hoeveel hou je van me? How much do you love me? How much do you love me? Er war außer sich. He was outraged. He was beside himself. „Glaubst du an Gott, mein Sohn?“ – „Ja, mein Vater.“ "My son, do you believe in God?" "Yes, my father." “Do you believe in God, my Son?” – “Yes, my Father.” Dä Hund isch schöön. The dog is beautiful. Shot the dog. Dan is in dat kasteel geboren. Dan was born in that castle. Then was born in that castle. In einem Wutanfall boxte ich auf die Wand und brach mir meinen Zeigefinger. In a fit of anger I punched the wall and broke my index finger. In a case of anger, I boxed on the wall and broke my index finger. Tom legte seinen Arm um die junge Frau. Tom put his arm around the young woman. Tom put his arm around the young woman. Hy wurket by in wittenskiplik ynstitút dêr't taalkundigen, letterkundigen, histoarisy, sosjologen, ekonomen en oare wittenskippers ûndersyk dogge nei alles wat mei kabouters te krijen hat. He works at a scientific institute where linguists, literature scholars, historians, sociologists, economists, and other scholars investigate everything that has to do with gnomes. He works for a scientific career where linguists, literary scholars, histories, sociologists, economists and other scientists study everything they have to do with kabouters. Ich habe meine Freunde eingeladen. I've invited my friends. I invited my friends. We hebben minstens acht uur slaap per dag nodig. We need at least eight hours of sleep each day. We need at least eight hours of sleep a day. Wat kan ik voor je doen? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Miene Froo hett versöcht, mi to övertügen, en neet Auto to köpen. My wife tried to persuade me into buying a new car. My mother tried to convince me to buy a new car. Niet alle dieren eten hooi. Not all animals eat hay. Not all animals eat hay. אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ. Work liberates. Work free reading. Komm mit. Come along. Come on. Lufast ðū mē? Dost thou love me? Lufast ðū mē? Gib mir deine Autoschlüssel! Give me your car keys. Give me yours! איך טראכט אנדערש פון דיר. I think different from you. I am thinking differently from you. Ein Auto spritzte uns im Vorbeifahren voll. A passing car splashed water on us. A car sprayed us full while passing. Het is niet duidelijk of ze zal instemmen. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It is not clear whether she will agree. Noersoeltan is de hoofdstad van Kazachstan. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. It is the capital of Kazakhstan. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat u voor ons hebt gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I'll never forget what you've done for us. Waar woont gij eigenlijk? By the way, where do you live? Where do you live? Gefällt Ihnen das Piano? Do you like the piano? Do you like the piano? Sami heeft die app gratis gedownload. Sami downloaded that app for free. Sami downloaded that app for free. Aber man kann nicht sagen, wo es herkommt oder wo es sich hinbewegt. But you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. But you can't say where it comes from or where it's going. Lincoln is in 1865 oorlede. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Mijn huis was aan het branden. My house was on fire. My house was burning. Hij is allergisch voor latex. He's allergic to latex. He's allergic to latex. Was motiviert dich zum Lernen einer Fremdsprache? What motivates you to learn foreign languages? What motivates you to learn a foreign language? De Born is dröögfullen. The well ran dry. The source is draining. Ik ga helemaal akkoord. I totally agree. I totally agree. Ik ben eraan gewend om een vrachtwagen te besturen. I'm used to driving a truck. I'm used to driving a truck. Tom ging naar buiten om te roken. Tom went outside to smoke. Tom went out to smoke. Das Motorrad kollidierte mit einem Auto. The motorcycle crashed into a car. The motorcycle collided with a car. Nur Tom sah das Gesicht des Mörders. Only Tom saw the killer's face. Only Tom saw the killer's face. Wir haben Tom gefunden. We found Tom. We found Tom. Suni speelt. Suni is playing. Suni's playing. Die Geschichte hielt sich und ging von Person zu Person. The story lived on, passed from person to person. The story remained and went from person to person. Tom ist voreingenommen. Tom is prejudiced. Tom's biased. Dat is onmogelijk! That can't be! That's impossible! Ich krieg den Deckel nicht ab. I cannot get the lid off. I can't get the lid off. Das hier ist sein Geburtshaus. This is the house in which he was born. This is his birthplace. Sami was geïnteresseerd in de islam. Sami was interested in Islam. Sami was interested in Islam. Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen. I'm reading The New York Times. I'm reading the New York Times. Is dat witt? Is it white? Is that white? Die Polizei überzeugte sie, nicht von der Brücke zu springen. The police persuaded her not to jump off the bridge. The police convinced her not to jump off the bridge. Tom hett mi vertellt, dat Hans em sien Broer wœr. Tom told me John was his brother. Tom told me that Hans saw Brother. װען ער איז געװען אַ קינד, האָט ער געװױנט אין אַ קלײנער דאָרף. When he was a child, he lived in a small town. When he was a child, he was required in a parishioner village. Schlagen Sie dieses Wort in Ihrem Wörterbuch nach. Look up the word in your dictionary. Look up this word in your dictionary. Bleib ruhig! Du störst uns nicht! Don't go away. You're not bothering us. Don't bother us! Du solltest die Verkehrsregeln beachten. You should obey the traffic rules. You should respect the traffic rules. Kan ik haar naar huis brengen? Can I take her home? Can I take her home? Ik spreek Frans. I speak French. I speak French. Wo haben Sie Ihre Brille abgesetzt? Where did you take your glasses off? Where did you take off your glasses? Eines Tages werde ich in dein Land kommen. I will come to your country some day. One day I'll come to your country. Entschuldige! Ich wollte dich nicht erschrecken. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Ich kann es wieder in die Schublade tun, wenn du willst. I can put it back in the drawer if you want. I can put it back in the drawer if you want. Wie schaffe ich es, rechtzeitig fertig zu werden? How can I manage to finish on time? How do I manage to get ready in time? Auf dem Schild im Park hieß es: "Grünflächen nicht betreten!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the sign in the park it was said, "Don't enter green spaces!" Ik häb en Book bi Amazon.com bestellt. I've ordered a book from Amazon.com. I ordered Book from Amazon.com. Der ganze Berg wechselt im Herbst die Farbe. The entire mountain changes color in autumn. The whole mountain changes color in autumn. Ich finde, du solltest uns verzeihen. I think you ought to forgive us. I think you should forgive us. Sie ist die Älteste der drei Schwestern. She is the oldest of the three sisters. She is the oldest of the three sisters. Tom ging naar de tandarts. Tom went to the dentist. Tom went to the dentist. Das Kino ist eine der drei universellen Sprachen. Die anderen beiden sind die Mathematik und die Musik. Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music. Cinema is one of the three universal languages. The other two are mathematics and music. Schoul begunt op vief april. School begins on April 5th. Agreed on April 5th. Ik heb bananen gekocht. I bought bananas. I bought bananas. k Bin 18 joar old. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Tom macht seine Hausaufgaben. Tom is doing his homework. Tom's doing his homework. Ik denk niet dat ik echt belangrijk ben voor u. I don't think I really matter to you. I don't think I'm really important to you. Afbeeldingen verstuurd op Snapchat worden na een paar seconden vernietigd. Pictures sent on snapchat are destroyed after a few seconds. Images sent on Snapchat are destroyed after a few seconds. Iemand duwde mij naar binnen. Someone pushed me inside. Someone pushed me in. Tom is een idioot. Tom is an idiot. Tom's an idiot. De Atlantische Oceaan is heel groot. The Atlantic Ocean is very big. The Atlantic Ocean is very large. Ken jy die seun wat huil? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know the boy who cries? Dit is mien Schrievdisch. This is my desk. This is my writing table. Ik was verdrietig toen ik opstond. When I woke up, I was sad. I was sad when I got up. We waren op huwelijksreis in Australië. We honeymooned in Australia. We were on a honeymoon in Australia. Die Deutschlehrerin sah wie eine Deutsche aus. The teacher of German looked like a German woman. The German teacher looked like a German. Ze heeft gisteren haar tante bezocht. She visited at her aunt's yesterday. She visited her aunt yesterday. Is nu jüst een Johr verleden, dat mien Fründ doodbleven is. Just one year has gone by since my friend died. It's just a year ago that my friend died. Hij is dertig jaar oud. He is thirty years old. He's 30 years old. Wie ist das möglich? How's that possible? How is that possible? Se hett vergeten, em to schrieven. She forgot to write him. You forgot to write it. Wokeen hett dat Universum schapen? Who created the universe? Who has that Universe sheep? Gold glänzt, aber es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. Gold glitters, but not all that glitters, is gold. Gold shines, but it's not all gold that shines. Ik duusch elk Avend. I have a shower every night. I shower every evening. Wenn du ein wenig geduldiger gewesen wärst, hättest du es schaffen können. If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded. If you'd been a little more patient, you could have done it. Ich glaube, Tom hat sich nicht genug angestrengt. I don't think Tom tried hard enough. I don't think Tom made enough effort. Heeft u een Esperanto woordenboek? Do you have any Esperanto dictionary? Do you have a Esperanto dictionary? Tom ist ausgegangen. Tom has gone out. Tom went out. Das ist es im Grunde, warum ich gekommen bin. That's basically why I came. That's basically why I came. Tom spielte den Hamlet. Tom played the part of Hamlet. Tom played the shallot. Je loog tegen me! You lied to me! You lied to me! Tom stopte om zijn schoenen aan te trekken. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Tom stopped wearing his shoes. Waar het jy dit geleer? Where did you learn this? Where did you learn it? Niks! Nothing! Nothing! Spiel mir Chopin. Play Chopin for me. Play me Chopin. De Wecker klingelt. The alarm clock is ringing. The alarm bell is ringing. Mien Auto is kaputt. My car is broken. My car's broken. Wer ist das Mädchen an der Tür? Who's the girl at the door? Who's the girl at the door? Ik wil dat ge gitaar speelt voor mij. I want you to play the guitar for me. I want you to play guitar for me. Doe slaipst. You were sleeping. Take a nap. Du bruukst nich bet to ’n Enn töven. You don't have to wait until the end. You do not have to wait until the end. Moroni is de hoofdstad van de Comoren. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Sie trug einen roten Schal um den Hals. She wore a red scarf around her neck. She was wearing a red scarf around her neck. He leevt ganz alleen in ’n Woold. He lives in the woods all by himself. He lives alone in a forest. Tom bemerkte, dass er sein Portemonnaie verloren hatte. Tom realized that he had lost his wallet. Tom noticed that he had lost his losses. Maria wünschte, sie hätte mehr Zeit. Mary wished she had more time. Maria wished she had more time. Im Allgemeinen sind Männer größer als Frauen. In general, men are taller than women. In general, men are larger than women. Wohin habt ihr die Flaschen gestellt? Where did you put the bottles? Where did you put the bottles? Yaakov voederde het schaap. Yaakov fed the sheep. Yaakov fed the sheep. Tom weiß nicht, wo er anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know where to begin. Tom doesn't know where to start. Juliana hett mi vertellt, dat du ut São Paulo büst. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me you were from São Paulo. Diese seltene Gehirnfresseramöbe dringt über die Nase ins Gehirn vor und beginnt, es zu fressen. This rare brain-eating amoeba travels up the nose to the brain and starts eating it. This rare brain - eating raspberry penetrates the nose into the brain and begins to eat it. ראָבערט איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע רײַכע. Robert is old money. Type is from the old city rich. Tom sagte, er hätte große Lust, seinen Job hinzuschmeißen und in Australien rumzutrampen. Tom said he had half a mind to throw in his job and hitchhike around Australia. Tom said he had a great desire to throw his job and trample around in Australia. Dor sünd twee Bööd op ’n See. There are two boats on the lake. There are two caves on a sea. Wat ben je van plan om te doen? What do you plan to do? What are you going to do? Ich wusste, Tom war nicht bereit aufzugeben. I knew Tom wasn't ready to quit. I knew Tom wasn't willing to give up. Ek sal terugkom na jou oor Tom. I'll get back to you about Tom. I'll come back to you about Tom. Washington sien Armee hett Trenton innahmen. Washington's army has captured Trenton. Washington's army took Trenton. De hond vong t vlaais. The dog caught the meat. The dog catches t vlades. אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ. Work makes free. Work free reading. Er entging nur knapp dem Tode. He narrowly escaped being killed. He just missed death. Tom hat mich vor etwa einer halben Stunde angerufen und gesagt, dass er unterwegs sei. Tom called me about thirty minutes ago and said he was on his way. Tom called me about half an hour ago and said he was on his way. Ik heb geen geld bij. I have no money with me. I don't have any money. Ik hou niet van oesters. I don't like oysters. I don't like oysters. Iedereen is gelukkig. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that's right. I think it's true. Ik wil hierover niet discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't want to discuss this. Zout is een onmisbaar ingrediënt om te koken. Salt is an indispensable ingredient for cooking. Salt is an essential ingredient to cook. Alle Probleme des Lebens löst die Wissenschaft nicht. Science does not solve all of life's problems. Science does not solve all the problems of life. מיר האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. We chatted for a while. we have bought a chunk of time. Dat zou ons wat geld moeten besparen. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Tom is bedroefd. Tom's sad. Tom is saddened. Sie sagt, dass sie glücklich ist. She says that she is happy. She says she's happy. Waarom vraag je het haar niet direct? Why don't you ask her directly? Why don't you ask her directly? Daar ben je! Ik heb overal naar je gezocht. There you are! I have been looking all over for you. There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. De Regen hett fiev Daag anhollen. The rain lasted five days. The lines held five days. Ik bün en Mann. I'm a man. I am and I am man. Ze houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Sei oder net sei, des iss die Fraag. To be or not to be, that is the question. Be or not, that's the question. Ich besuchte Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Zij houdt ook van chocolade. She loves chocolate, too. She also likes chocolate. Ik eet hier vaak. I often eat here. I eat here a lot. Ich dachte, die Frau, die ich gestern traf, sei Toms Mutter gewesen. I thought the woman I met yesterday was Tom's mother. I thought the woman I met yesterday was Tom's mother. Tom is keen looi Kind. Tom isn't a lazy child. Tom's not a tanner. Hij zei dat hij arm was. He said he was poor. He said he was poor. Gevuld met woede vermoordde Tom zijn eigen broer. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom was bitter. Ik heff sehn, woans he di ankeken hett. I saw the way he was looking at you. I've seen how he looked at you. Waarom viel je haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Twijfel eens niet zo aan mij. Stop doubting me. Don't doubt me. En Golfball hett Tom dropen. A golf ball hit Tom. And golf ball dropped Tom. Nein, Papa! No, Dad! No, Dad! איך בין גאר פארמישט. I am all mixed up. I'm a little confused. Hij werd verzorgd door een of andere jonge dokter. He was taken care of by a certain young doctor. He was taken care of by some young doctor. Ich will mehr Milch haben. I want more milk. I want more milk. Ik zal dat incident ophelderen. I will shed light on that incident. I'll clarify that incident. Ik ben het kwijtgeraakt. I've lost it. I lost it. Bloumen bluien. Flowers bloom. Blossoms. Wat een vreemd toeval! What a strange coincidence! What a strange coincidence! Ik zou graag iets willen drinken a.u.b. I'd really like to get something to drink. I'd like to have a drink please. Se sünd Singers. They are singers. They're Singers. Ik kan er niet meer tegen! I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore! Wann wird das Abendessen serviert? When's dinner served? When is dinner served? Tom spricht ausgezeichnet Französisch; mit seinem Englisch aber ist es nicht weit her. Tom speaks excellent French, but his English isn't very good. Tom speaks excellent French, but with his English it is not far away. Dröff ik fragen, wo oold du büst? May I ask how old you are? Do I wonder where you are? Ria hett langsam Japaansch snackt. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Ria slowly snacks Japanese. Ik versnelde. I accelerated. I accelerated. Ich wäre glücklicher gewesen, wenn ich eine Maske getragen hätte. I would have been happier wearing a mask. I would have been happier if I had worn a mask. Haben Sie eine Antwort von Tom erhalten? Did you get an answer from Tom? Did you get an answer from Tom? Ich möchte, dass du mir etwas versprichst. I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me something. Weet je wat het probleem heeft veroorzaakt? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? זײ לעבן אױף דער אַנדערער זײַט פֿונעם טײַך. They live on the other side of the river. They show life on the other side of the page. Sie haben ihren gebracht. They brought theirs. They brought her. Du sagtest doch, Tom hätte keinen Hunger. You said that Tom wasn't hungry. You said Tom wasn't hungry. Tom beschloss, barfuß zu gehen. Tom decided to go barefoot. Tom decided to go barefoot. Was je voeten. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Sie richten unmittelbar an den Präsidenten Fragen. They ask questions directly to the President. They shall address questions directly to the President. Er ist bis über beide Ohren in dieses Zigeunermädel verknallt. He's totally in love with that gypsy girl. He's fucked up on both ears in this gypsy girl. Warum denken Sie das? Why do you think that? Why do you think so? Tom ist gerne draußen. Tom enjoys being outdoors. Tom likes to be outside. Tom is een slappeling. Tom is a weakling. Tom's a slipper. Warum sind Tom und Maria in Boston? Why are Tom and Mary in Boston? Why are Tom and Maria in Boston? פארוואס קען איך נישט רעגיסטרירן פאר דעם קלאס? Why I can't register for that class? Why can't I register for the class? Ik denk dat je wel genoeg geoefend hebt. I think you've practiced enough. I think you've trained enough. We komen eenmaal per jaar bijeen. We get together once a year. We meet once a year. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mehr. I wish I had more. I wish I had more. Das war gar keine so schlechte Idee. That wasn't such a bad idea. That wasn't such a bad idea. Houd vol! Hang in there! Hang on! Dieser Badeanzug steht dir wirklich gut. That swimsuit looks really good on you. This bathing suit is really good for you. Hebt u een mobieltje? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Eine Fehlgeburt ist eine schmerzliche Erfahrung. Miscarriage is a heart-breaking experience. A miscarriage is a painful experience. Jeder kann Fehler machen. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes. Sie hat das Bild, das an der Wand hängt, gemalt. She painted the picture which is on the wall. She painted the picture hanging on the wall. Waarom hebben jullie geen vriendin? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you guys have a girlfriend? Tom lijkt precies op zijn vader. Tom looks just like his dad. Tom looks exactly like his father. Wie war das? Come again? How was that? Ze had hen nodig. She needed them. She needed them. איך בין אַ שטאַרקע פֿרוי. I'm a strong woman. I'm a strong free person. Sami dacht dat terrorisme een onderdeel was van de islam. Sami thought that terrorism was part of Islam. Sami thought terrorism was part of Islam. Plietsie kwam. The police came. Plietsie came. Hij trok wit weg toen hij het nieuws hoorde. His face turned pale to hear the news. He took off white when he heard the news. Kom hierheen, en snel een beetje! Get over here and be quick about it! Come here, and quickly! Doe slaipst. You were asleep. Take a nap. Welches Buch hätten Sie gerne? Which book would you like? What book would you like? Seine Eltern hassen mich. His parents hate me. His parents hate me. Was hast du in deinem Rucksack? What have you got in your backpack? What's in your backpack? Ik will dat Peerd nich. I don't want the horse. I don't want the peer. Omdat ze een vegetariër is, eet ze geen vlees. As a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Because she's a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Stoan aaiberts eerliek op ain poot? Do storks really stand on one leg? Do oeuvres pay tribute to an ain's leg? Frauen werden in vielen Liedern des Genres „Rap“ herabgewürdigt. Many rap songs are degrading to women. Women are devalued in many songs of the genre “Rap”. Als sie sich verirrt hatte, ärgerte sie sich, dass sie seinen Rat nicht befolgt hatte. When she got lost, she wished she had followed his advice. When she lost her mind, she was annoyed that she had not followed his advice. Morgen is mijn vrije dag. Tomorrow is my day off. Tomorrow's my day off. Ich glaube, die Menschen sind im Grunde gut. I believe men are basically good. I think people are basically good. Hebt ge een aansteker? Do you have a light? Do you have a lighter? Zijn er veel bomen in het park? Are there many trees in the park? Are there a lot of trees in the park? Ich gebe einfach mein Bestes. I'm just doing my best. I'm just doing my best. Hai smookt. He's smoking. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey וואָס מאַכט איר מיטן חזיר? What are you doing with the pig? What makes you your father? Tom is beroemd. Tom's famous. Tom's famous. Wil je dat zij dat weet? Do you want her to know about it? Do you want her to know? Hien huet e Schnauz. He's got a moustache. He's got a key. Tom is nog niet terug. Tom isn't back yet. Tom's not back yet. איך האָב די מערסטע אידעעס און דו האָסט די בעסטע אידעעס. I have the most ideas, and you have the best ideas. I have the most Idaes and you are the best Idaes. Ik kan deze herrie niet langer verdragen. I can't stand that noise any longer. I can't stand this noise any longer. Friþ-dōm ne is un-cēap. Freedom is not free. Free `dōm' is unknown. Ik heb een liedje voor je geschreven. I wrote a song for you. I wrote you a song. Wat is uw geprefereerde voornaamwoord? What is your preferred pronoun? What is your preferred pronoun? Es ist keine Wolke am Himmel. There's not a cloud in the sky. It's not a cloud in the sky. Ich weiß nicht, wie du das essen kannst. I don't know how you can eat that. I don't know how to eat it. Reisen macht großen Spaß. It's a lot of fun going on a trip. Travel is fun. Sie ist kein solches Mädchen, wie du glaubst. She's not the kind of girl you think she is. She's not a girl like you think. Ik heb mezelf aan wat gebroken glas gesneden. I cut myself on some broken glass. I cut myself to some broken glass. Sonst ist niemand im Zimmer. There's nobody else in the room. Otherwise, nobody's in the room. Ik heb diarree. I've got diarrhea. I have diarrhoea. Ik lees graag over wetenschap. I like to read about science. I like to read about science. Geloof me of niet, maar ik ben deze keer niet sarcastisch. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe me or not, but I'm not sarcastic this time. 's Zomers ga ik elke dag naar het zwembad. In the summer I go to the pool every day. In summer I go to the pool every day. Gaat u zitten. Please take a seat. Sit down. Als het alleen om het winnen ging, waren we nu depressief. If the only thing that mattered was winning, then we'd be depressed. If it was only about winning, we were depressed now. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich dir jemals wieder vertrauen kann. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. Da haben Sie unrecht. You're wrong about that. You're wrong. Tom mag es nicht, mit leerem Magen zu arbeiten. Tom doesn't like working on an empty stomach. Tom doesn't like working with an empty stomach. Männer sind wie Bären: je hässlicher, desto attraktiver. Men are like bears - the uglier they are, the more attractive they are. Men are like bears: the more ugly, the more attractive. Tom heeft een litteken op zijn wang. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Tom verbrand beide hout en kole in sy stoof. Tom burns both wood and coal in his stove. Tom burned both wood and coal in his stove. Die Wollhaarmammuts wandelten einst auf Erden. Woolly mammoths once roamed the Earth. The woolen mammoths once walked on earth. Tom hat sich die Weisheitszähne ziehen lassen. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. Tom had the teeth of wisdom pulled. Tom war froh, Maria allein vorzufinden. Tom was glad to find Mary alone. Tom was glad to find Mary alone. Tom spreekt nauwelijks Frans. Tom can barely speak French. Tom hardly speaks French. Ek wil jou graag sien, asseblief. I'd like to see you, please. I'd like to see you, please. Waarom gebruiken zij dit woordenboek? Why do they use this dictionary? Why do they use this dictionary? Ben ik zwanger? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Magdalena und Ania sind beide aus Polen. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Magdalena and Ania are both from Poland. Hij omhelsde haar. He took her in his arms. He hugged her. Wenn man einräumt, daß nichts gewiß ist, so muß man, denke ich, auch einräumen, daß manches weit näher daran ist, gewiß zu sein, als anderes. When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also admit that some things are much more nearly certain than others. If one acknowledges that nothing is certain, one must also admit, I think, that some are far closer to being sure than others. Om de cursor naar de volgende regel te laten gaan of om een opdracht of handeling uit te voeren, druk op de returntoets. To take the cursor to the next line or to execute a command or operation, press the return key. To let the cursor go to the next line or to perform a task or action, press the return key. Zai is sikkom zesteg. She is close to sixty. Zai has come up with six. Mein Französischlehrer ist kein Kanadier. My French teacher isn't a Canadian. My French teacher is not a Canadian. Als ik je een spekje kon sturen, Trang, zou ik het doen. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a bacon, Trang, I'd do it. Wi mööt dat Finster dichtmaken. We have to close the window. We need to close the window. Die Apotheke ist nicht weit vom Krankenhaus entfernt. The pharmacy isn't far from the hospital. The pharmacy is not far from the hospital. Die Regenzeit hat angefangen. The rainy season has set in. The rainy season has begun. Ist diese Kollegmappe Ihre? Is this your briefcase? Is this collegiate folder yours? Sowie Tom die Eingangstür hinter sich zugemacht hatte, fiel ihm ein, dass seine Hausschlüssel auf der Bank drinnen in der Wohnung lagen. As soon as Tom closed the front door behind him, he realised that his house keys were on the bench inside his apartment. Just as Tom had closed the entrance door behind him, he thought that his house keys were inside the apartment. Hest du al en Boort? Have you got a beard already? Have you and Bort? Welk theater is dat? Which theater is that? What theater is that? Der Richter hat dem Einspruch stattgegeben. The judge sustained the objection. The judge accepted the opposition. Er ist nicht mein Vater, sondern mein Onkel. He is not my father but my uncle. He's not my father, he's my uncle. Maria heeft hoop. Mary has hope. Maria has hope. Ik was zeer blij toen ik dat nieuws vernam. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was very happy to hear that news. Hebben jullie een potlood? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Gau sammel sik en Hümpel Lüüd üm ’t Füüwehrauto. A crowd soon gathered around the fire engine. Quickly collects people around the fighting car. Latain is nait muilek. Latin is not hard. Latin is nait mulek. Dat lijkt op thee. That looks like tea. That looks like tea. John is op t vlaigveld. John is at the airport. John's on the flagfield. Tom vertrou jou. Tom trusts you. Tom trusts you. Retten Sie sich selbst! Save yourself. Save yourself! Es hat nicht funktioniert. It didn't work. It didn't work. Het regent. It is raining. It's raining. Trautes Heim, Glück allein! No place like home. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Die Töchter erholten sich von dem Schock des Todes ihres Vaters. The daughters recuperated from the shock of the death of their father. The daughters recovered from the shock of her father's death. Uit hoeveel dagen bestaat een schrikkeljaar? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days does a leap year consist of? Tom, de pizza is er. Tom, the pizza's here. Tom, the pizza's here. Seit ich ihn kennengelernt habe, ist mein Leben nicht mehr das gleiche. My life hasn't been the same since I met him. Since I met him, my life is no longer the same. Bedankt voor de hulp. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the help. Lassen Sie mich das erledigen. Let me do it. Let me do this. Füg mehr Wasser hinzu! Add more water to it. Add more water! Ich nahm seinen Vorschlag dankend an. I gladly accepted his proposal. I accepted his proposal gratefully. Dat Kleed is ut Sied. The dress is of silk. The clothing is from silk. Paarden zijn nuttige dieren. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Was würdest du tun, wenn du einen Menschen von einem anderen Planeten sähest? What would you do if you saw a man from another planet? What would you do if you saw a person from another planet? Was macht deine ältere Schwester gerade? What's your older sister doing now? What's your older sister doing? Medelijden staat dicht bij liefde. Pity is akin to love. Compassion is close to love. Waar heb je mijn laptop neergezet? Where did you put my laptop? Where did you put my laptop? Je hebt gedronken. You have drunk. You've been drinking. Kommst du nicht? Aren't you coming? Aren't you coming? Ik wit it noch net. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Er findet dort einen Egmond und Oranien, die braven Krieger Kaiser Karls, so klug im Kabinett als fürchterlich im Felde. There will he find an Egmont and an Orange, the brave warriors of Emperor Charles, as wise in council as they are formidable in the field. He finds there a husband and orange, the brave warrior Emperor Karls, so clever in the cabinet as terrible in the field. טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער. Tom said he thought he could pass the test. Thum said that he had thought he could read it again. Hie brauch Waasser. He needs water. He needs washer. Er zijn veel grijstinten. There are many shades of gray. There's a lot of greys. Wer hat das Klemmbrett erfunden? Who invented the clipboard? Who invented the clipboard? Ech hunn d'App geläscht. I've deleted the app. I removed the app. Vertel het hem persoonlijk. Tell him in person. Tell him personally. Maria hat ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl. Mary has low self-esteem. Maria has a low sense of self-esteem. Kijk hier! Look here! Look here! U weet toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? Worüm is Tom nich kamen? Why didn't Tom come? Why didn't Tom come? Het is erg gevaarlijk. It's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Haben Sie diesen Fehler absichtlich gemacht? Did you make that mistake on purpose? Did you make this mistake deliberately? Dat gifft nix neet ünner de Sünn. There is no new thing under the sun. There is nothing to be done under the sun. Wi hebbt en witte Katt. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. Ons het heeltemal van haar vergeet. We forgot all about her. We completely forgot about her. De Deern köfft op ’n Markt Melk. The girl buys milk at the market. The Deern buys milk on a market. Wilkumm bei Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Wilkumm near Tatouba. Nächstes Mal wird es besser sein. It'll be better next time. Next time, it'll be better. שרײַבט אָן אַ באַריכט. Write a report. does not read a report. Tom heeft van 's ochtends vroeg tot 's avonds laat gewerkt. Tom worked from dawn to dusk. Tom worked early in the morning until late in the evening. Ech sinn e Pompjee. I'm a firefighter. I'm a pomp. Deine Idee ist nicht völlig verrückt. Your idea is not entirely crazy. Your idea is not completely crazy. Tom sagte, er sei sehr entmutigt. Tom said that he was very discouraged. Tom said he was very discouraged. Sie waren ganz hin und weg voneinander. They were all over each other. They were all back and forth from each other. די קאץ איז אויף דעם דאך. The cat is on the roof. The ends are on the bottom. Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a power outlet. I'm gonna look at this stuff now. Tom kann den Heizkörper reparieren. Tom can fix the heater. Tom can fix the heater. Hoe oud zijn jullie kinderen? How old are your children? How old are you kids? Doe wat je wil. Do what you wish. Do whatever you want. Ich mag es überhaupt nicht. I don't like it at all. I don't like it at all. Ik denk niet dat Maria blij zal zijn om met haar schoonmoeder te wonen. I don't think Mary will be happy living with her mother-in-law. I don't think Mary will be happy to live with her mother-in-law. Meteoroiden verbrennen gewöhnlich in der Atmosphäre und erreichen nie den Boden. Ein Meteorit ist ein Bruchstück von Material, welches den Boden doch erreicht. Usually, meteoroids burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is the chunk of material that does reach the ground. Meteoroids usually burn in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is a fraction of material that reaches the ground. Die Gewerkschaft war maßvoll in ihren Lohnforderungen. The union was modest in its wage demands. The union was moderate in its wage demands. Dor sünd veel Böker in mien Kamer. There are many books in my room. There are many books in my room. Ik bün good in Mathe. I am good at math. I'm good at math. Vul dit formulier in, alsjeblieft. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out this form. Ja, es ist auch dort. Yes, it's there too. Yeah, it's there, too. Wat moet ons omternt hulle doen? What should we do about them? What should we do about them? Het is zeven uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's seven o'clock. It snijt yn Ruslân. It snows in Russia. It cuts in Russia. Er ist der neue Praktikant. He's the new intern. He's the new intern. Ich habe Tom nur eine Nachricht hinterlassen. I only left Tom one message. I just left Tom a message. Zet je hoed af. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Se keek em bi ’t Swemmen to. She watched him swim. She watched it while it was swimming. Bananen zijn geel. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Ik harr geern, dat du dit Book leest. I want you to read this book. I heard you read this book. Seitdem wir neue, ultraleichte Materialien einsetzen, wiegt unser Produkt nur noch halb so viel wie vorher! As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before! Since we use new ultralight materials, our product weighs only half as much as before! Nogmaals bedankt. Thanks again. Thank you again. Waarom ben je zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Ik drink nienich Tee mit Zitroon. I never drink tea with lemon. I never drink tea with lemon. Mi gefallt dit Hemd nich. Wies mi en anner. I don't like this shirt. Show me another. I don't like this shirt. Show me another. Sein Vater wird nicht kommen: er ist sehr beschäftigt. His father will not come, he is very busy. His father will not come: he is very busy. Spreken jullie Russisch? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Ik heff keen Tohuus mehr. I no longer have a home. I don't have a home anymore. Ek twyfel dat sy jou liefhet. I doubt that she loves you. I doubt she loves you. Tom is to jung, üm Beer to drinken. Tom is too young to drink beer. Tom's too young to drink Bear. Vir 'n oomblik het ek vergeet wat haar naam was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. Ik zal je toestemming geven om te gaan. I'll permit you to go. I'll give you permission to go. Dit is je laatste waarschuwing. This is your final warning. This is your last warning. Ik weet dat Tom een ​​vriend van je is. I know Tom is a friend of yours. I know Tom's a friend of yours. Diese Suppe schmeckt gut. This soup tastes good. This soup tastes good. Se kunn nich löven, wat se sehn deed. She could not believe what she saw. You cannot solve what they saw. Zai villen. They fell. And many, many others. Tom is intelligent. Tom is intelligent. Tom's intelligent. Jouw broer heeft hulp nodig. Your brother needs help. Your brother needs help. Wat is dien leevst Wintersport? What's your favorite winter sport? What Is the Best Winter Sports? Ik kan hier niet werken. I can't work here. I can't work here. Goedenacht! Goodnight! Good night! Je gaat morgen voetballen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Du fügst kurze Beispielsätze hinzu. You add short examples. You add short examples. Dit is een grap. It's a joke. This is a joke. Doe laigst. You lie. Get the fuck out of here. Sie sind an Ihrem Ziel angelangt. You have reached your destination. You've reached your destination. Es gefällt Tom hier nicht. Tom doesn't like it here. Tom doesn't like it here. Er kann überhaupt nicht schwimmen, aber beim Skifahren ist er der Beste. He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best. He can't swim at all, but he's the best when skiing. Ech fuere mam Tram. I take the tram. I'm gonna play for you. Danach habe ich nichts mehr von ihr gehört. I never heard from her after that. After that, I didn't hear anything from her. Ik voelde me een beetje stijf. I felt a little stiff. I felt a little stiff. Tom sal nou trots op my wees. Tom will now be proud of me. Tom will be proud of me now. Ich habe dich kreischen gehört. I heard you scream. I heard you cry. Ons het daardie plan uitgevoer. We carried out that plan. We carried out that plan. Waarom is Tom vroeg? Why is Tom early? Why is Tom early? Ik mag je heel graag. I like you very much. I like you very much. Maak me niet boos. Don't make me angry. Don't make me angry. Tom setzte sich unter einen Baum. Tom sat down underneath a tree. Tom sat under a tree. Heeft Tom gisteren getennist? Did Tom play tennis yesterday? Did Tom tennis yesterday? פארוואס האסטו עס נישט גענוצט? Why didn't you use it? Why does it not use it? Hast du dich je mitten in der Nacht geduscht? Have you ever taken a shower in the middle of the night? Have you ever showered in the middle of the night? De mooiste meisjes komen uit Litouwen. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. The most beautiful girls come from Lithuania. Ich wollte zu Hause bleiben. I wanted to stay home. I wanted to stay home. Alle warteten. Everybody waited. Everyone was waiting. Wie viele Menschen befinden sich derzeit im Weltall? How many people are in space right now? How many people are currently in space? איך האָב פֿאַרבעטן מײַנע חבֿרים. I invited my friends. I'm gonna ask for my records. Europa is geen land. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Kiek dat Woord in ’t Wöörbook na. Look that word up in the dictionary. Check the word in the dictionary. Wat is dien leevst Gedicht? What's your favorite poem? What is this favorite poem? Hij ging weg zonder dag tegen me te zeggen. He went out without saying goodbye to me. He left without saying a day to me. Er ist älter als ihr Vater. He's older than her father. He's older than her father. Er kam gerade aus der Bibliothek zurück. He just came back from the library. He just came back from the library. In de zomer bederven eieren snel. In summer, eggs soon go bad. In the summer eggs decay quickly. Er ist im Begriff, Richtung Kanada aufzubrechen. He is on the point of leaving for Canada. He's about to leave for Canada. Hast du nicht gesagt, das Cello sei im Auto? I thought you said your cello was in the car. Didn't you say the cello was in the car? Iedereen vraagt me hoe het is om kleurenblind te zijn. Everyone asks me what it's like to be colour-blind. Everyone asks me what it's like to be color-blind. Was iss dei Naame? What is your name? What is your name? Tom hat mir nie gesagt, dass du so schön bist. Tom never told me that you were so beautiful. Tom never told me you were so beautiful. Kin k joen pèn broeken? Can I use your pen? Can I change your pants? Hij vroeg om een salarisverhoging. He asked for a pay raise. He asked for a pay increase. Ich bin am Verlieren. I'm losing. I'm losing. De narcis is de nationale bloem van Wales. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales. The narcis is the national flower of Wales. Ich höre nicht zu. I'm not listening. I'm not listening. Chönd Si das wiederholä? Can you repeat that? Chönd Si repeats that? Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. A "shiitake" is some kind of mushroom. De eigenaar van de boerderij heeft een grote boerderij. The farm owner has a large farm. The owner of the farm has a large farm. Ik wil Tom graag ontmoeten. I'd like to meet Tom. I'd like to meet Tom. Tom garnierte seine Suppe mit Sauerrahm. Tom garnished his soup with sour cream. Tom garnished his soup with sour ram. די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman is reading. The file already exists. Hast du zufälligerweise irgendwelche Fotos von Tom? Do you happen to have any photographs of Tom? Do you happen to have any photos of Tom? Ik voel me beter vandaag. I feel better today. I feel better today. Armin is een Iraanse burger. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Ich bin nicht dein Vater. I'm not your dad. I'm not your father. We namen een modderbad. We took a mud bath. We took a mud bath. Wo ist der Bus, der in die Stadt fährt? Where's the bus for the city? Where's the bus going to the city? Haal die doos weg! Take that box away! Get the box out of here! ’Keen hest du dat von lehrt? From whom did you learn that? ‘No, did you not learn that from? Waarom dromen we? Why do we dream? Why are we dreaming? די מחברטע האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון אירע אָנהענגערס מיט איר טראַנספֿאָביע. The author has let down a lot of her fans with her transphobia. The script has suggested a set of her beginnings with her translation. Tom ist der einzige Erwachsene im Zimmer. Tom is the only adult in the room. Tom is the only adult in the room. Jiddisj wor mit t Hebreeuwse alfabet schreven. Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. Jiddish was written with the Hebrew alphabet. ער איז נישט מיין קוזין. He's not my cousin. He is not my cousin. De boom is gestopt met groeien. The tree stopped growing. The tree stopped growing. Dat gifft negen Milljonen Fohrrääd in Peking. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million prefectures in Beijing. De Rekter deed elkeen von de Schoolafgängers de Hannen schüdden. The principal shook hands with each of the graduates. The Rekter shook the cocks each of the school leavers. Diese Puppe kostet nur sechzig Cent. This doll costs only sixty cents. This doll costs only sixty cents. Wir dachten, dass du schliefst. We thought you were sleeping. We thought you were asleep. Du musst die Hausaufgaben beenden. You need to finish your homework. You have to finish the homework. Sie hat mit dem Finger auf ihn gezeigt. She pointed her finger at him. She pointed her finger at him. Mijn oom is niet jong, maar hij is wel gezond. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. My uncle's not young, but he's healthy. Moenie gaan nie. Don't go. Don't go. ik heff miene Süster en ne’en Hoot köfft. I bought my sister a new hat. I raised my sister and ne’en Hoot. Bedankt, maat! Thanks, buddy! Thanks, buddy! Het gaat allemaal om geld. It's all about money. It's all about money. Welke dag zijn we vandaag? What day are we on? What day are we today? Ik denk dat het nog steeds een mysterie is waarom hij zijn vrouw heeft vermoord. I think the reason that he killed his wife is still a mystery. I think it's still a mystery why he killed his wife. Tom is waarschijnlijk ook dood. Tom is probably dead, too. Tom's probably dead, too. Mijn linkerhiel is ontstoken. My left heel is inflamed. My left hand is inflamed. k Leer. I'm learning. k Learn. Niemand will, dass du das machst. Nobody wants you to do this. No one wants you to do that. k Bin nou n moeke. I'm a mom now. I'm tired now. Ballet ist nicht nur für Mädchen, sondern auch für Jungen. Ballet isn't just for girls but for boys too. Ballet is not only for girls, but also for boys. Angenommen, du hättest eine Million Yen, was würdest du damit machen? Supposing you had one million yen, what would you do with it? Suppose you had a million yen, what would you do with it? Tom wohnte drei Wochen in diesem Hotel. Tom stayed at this hotel for three weeks. Tom lived in this hotel for three weeks. Kun je aan Tom vragen om Maria te bellen? Could you ask Tom to call Mary? Can you ask Tom to call Maria? Wat een prachtige morgen! What a beautiful morning! What a wonderful morning! Ze zat naast mij. She sat by my side. She was next to me. Wi seht em elk Dag. We see him every day. We see it every day. Ich glaube, Tom hat das absichtlich getan. I think Tom did that intentionally. I think Tom did this deliberately. Du hättest mir die Wahrheit sagen sollen. You should have told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Tom het vir my gesê dat ek met jou Frans moet praat. Tom told me to speak to you in French. Tom told me to talk to you French. Dor stimmt wat nich. There's something wrong. Something is wrong. Machst du Witze? Are you joking? Are you kidding? Poppeer warrt von Holt maakt. Paper is made from wood. Puppet is made by Holt. Wij wonen in Noorwegen. We live in Norway. We live in Norway. Kinderen houden van tv-kijken. Children like watching television. Children like TV watching. Gele koorts en pokken waren niet meer een bedreiging. Yellow fever and smallpox were no longer a threat. Yellow fever and smallpox were no longer a threat. Luistert gij eigenlijk wel naar mij? Are you listening to me at all? Are you actually listening to me? ''Ga jij naar Toms feestje?'' ''Ik weet het nog niet.'' "You going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." ""Are you going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." Ze is niet gesnapt. She didn't get caught. She didn't get it. Keiner hat uns geholfen. Nobody was helping us. No one helped us. Tom is niet onmisbaar. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom's not indispensable. Der Vertrag läuft in Kürze aus. The contract will expire soon. The contract is about to expire. Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Ik blijf sceptisch. I remain skeptical. I'm still skeptical. Ik zou een eeuwigheid bezig zijn om alles uit te leggen. It would take forever for me to explain everything. I'd spend an eternity explaining everything. דער קויל האט געטראפן דעם פאליציאנט אין פוס. The bullet got the policeman in the leg. The Queen established the police in Pus. [No further information is available.] Tom zat op de bank te roken. Tom sat on the bench smoking. Tom was smoking on the couch. Reuzenpanda's komen alleen in China voor. Giant pandas live only in China. Giant pandas are only found in China. Je kan je eigen conclusies trekken. You can draw your own conclusions. You can draw your own conclusions. Winter kommt. Winter is coming. Winter is coming. איך בין טויב. I am deaf. I'm busy. Ik kenn em nich. I don't know him. I don't know him. De hond ging op de postbode af. The dog went for the postman. The dog went down to the postman. Muzyk is gjin taal, mar sommige talen klinge as muzyk yn 'e earen. Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears. Music is not a language, but some languages play as music. Kunt u ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian, too? Taro spreekt beter Engels dan ik. Taro speaks English better than I. Taro speaks better English than I do. Bitte lass mich deine Schwester am Bahnhof abholen. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Nice to see you. Nice to meet you. Ons gaan 'n probleem hê, gaan ons nie? We'll have a problem, won't we? We're going to have a problem, aren't we? Er ist Ukrainer. He's Ukrainian. He's Ukrainian. Tom het viel kadden. Tom has many cats. Tom cast it down. Er und ich teilen uns ein Zimmer. He and I share a room. He and I share a room. Ihr gäbt mir besser etwas Geld. You better give me some money. You better give me some money. Waar gaat de os naartoe? Where is the ox going? Where's the ox going? Each om each, tosk om tosk. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Each one for one, toss for one. Ze hebben iets gevonden. They found something. They found something. k Verlait mien man. I left my husband. I'm leaving my husband. Moeke van ons kollegoa is oet tied kommen. Our colleague's mother has died. Muke of our colleagues is a good time to come. Tom hett geern hier arbeidt. Tom liked working here. Tom worked here. Ich hoffe, das Wetter hält noch einen Tag lang. I hope the weather will hold for another day. I hope the weather lasts for another day. Tom bat Mary, Zahnpasta und Toilettenpapier vom Supermarkt mitzubringen. Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. Tom asked Mary to bring toothpaste and toilet paper from the supermarket. De lucht zal blauw zijn. The sky will be blue. The sky will be blue. Sie stehen Finanzproblemen gegenüber. They are facing financial problems. They face financial problems. Niemand heeft mijn land vermeld. Nobody mentioned my country. No one mentioned my country. Kinder sind grausam. Kids are cruel. Children are cruel. Ik gah in ’n Park. I'm going to the park. I'm going to a park. Sie sollten sofort gehen. You should leave at once. You should go right away. Dieser Roman ist recht interessant. This novel is interesting enough. This novel is quite interesting. Ik liet mijn broer de kamer schoonmaken. I had my brother clean the room. I had my brother clean the room. Leef in het moment, leef in de eeuwigheid! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Live in the moment, live in eternity! די פּאַלעסטינערס פֿילן זיך גאָר אָנמעכטיק. Palestinians feel totally powerless. The Palatines seem to be very strict. Op dit sneeuwlandschap ziet alles er anders uit. In this snowy landscape everything looks different. On this snowscape, everything looks different. Ek het van hom vergeet. I forgot about him. I forgot about him. Het portret van mijn grootvader hangt aan de muur. My grandfather's picture is on the wall. My grandfather's portrait hangs on the wall. Man kann nichts verkehrt machen, wenn man eine Sprache lernt. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. There's nothing wrong with learning a language. Tom speelt meestal als een schurk. Dit is de eerste keer dat hij als een magiër speelt. Tom typically plays as a rogue. This is his first time playing as a wizard. Tom usually plays as a villain, this is the first time he plays as a magician. Heb je alles klaar voor morgen? Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow? You got everything ready for tomorrow? Ik check haar Facebookpagina voortdurend. I check her Facebook page constantly. I'm constantly checking her Facebook page. Gelukkig Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! All Kinner weren mit jemehr Eten tofreden. All the children are satisfied with her meals. All children were satisfied with more food. Tom wollte, dass du glaubst, er hätte die Stadt verlassen. Tom wanted you to think he'd left town. Tom wanted you to believe he left town. Waar zijn jullie? Where are you guys? Where are you? Kan iemand me helpen? Can anybody help me? Can anyone help me? Hör auf, sie zu ärgern! Stop teasing her. Stop annoying her! Tom hat sich einen Geigerzähler gekauft. Tom bought a Geiger counter. Tom bought a violin counter. Hij woont niet bij zijn ouders. He doesn't live with his parents. He doesn't live with his parents. De zaken gaan beter. Business has improved. Things are going better. Wen mögen Sie lieber, Akiko oder Sachiko? Who do you like better, Akiko or Sachiko? Who do you prefer, Akiko or Sachiko? Ein wichtiger Grundsatz des Internets ist die Netzneutralität. An important principle of the Internet is the network neutrality. An important principle of the Internet is network neutrality. Tom het 'n storie daaroor geskryf. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about it. Ik weet niet waar te beginnen. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Ik ben de beste. I'm the best. I'm the best. Er hielt eine Rede über die Alzheimersche Krankheit. He gave a speech about Alzheimer's disease. He spoke about Alzheimer's disease. Es ist kein Wunder, dass er dein Angebot abgelehnt hat. No wonder he refused your offer. It's no wonder he rejected your offer. Kannst du das für mich die Treppe hochtragen? Would you carry this upstairs for me? Can you carry this up the stairs for me? Heb je bier? Do you have beer? Do you have any beer? Tom is nait hier. Tom's not here. Tom's nay here. Se deed von morgens bet avends arbeiden. She worked from morning till night. She worked from morning to evening. Eet het op. Eat it. Eat it. Het meisje heeft een muis. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Man hǣt þā Burge Nīƿes Eoforƿīčes þone Grēatan Æppel. New York is called the Big Apple. Man is given byā Burge Nī Rogeres Eofor Rogerīčes negate Grēatan ēppel. Se weten, wat passert. They know what's going on. They know what's going on. Es ist Toms Gruppe. It's Tom's group. It's Tom's group. Mir gaats guet, danke. I'm fine, thanks. I'm going to go, thank you. Es war nur ein Kuss auf die Wange. It was only a kiss on the cheek. It was just a kiss on the cheek. Hij helpt ons. He helps us. He's helping us. De meeste gitaren hebben zes snaren. Most guitars have six strings. Most guitars have six strings. ווילסטו נישט רעדן פאר טאם וועגן עס? Don't you want to talk to Tom about it? Why not not talk before about it? Lass es bitte. Please stop it. Please leave it. Zonder u ben ik niets. I'm nothing without you. I'm nothing without you. אַן‎ אַנדער וועלט איז מעגלעך. Another world is possible. Another world is enableable. וועגן וועמענס הונט רעדט איר? Whose dog are you talking about? About whose dog are you talking? Sie sind nur ein Feigling. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. Mijn auto is gisteravond gestolen. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Sprich langsam. Speak slowly. Speak slowly. Ze is twee maanden oud. She is two months old. She's two months old. Glaubst du, das wird irgendetwas ändern? Do you think that will change anything? You think that's gonna change anything? Betrüge ihn nicht. Don't cheat him. Don't cheat on him. Men moet de huid niet verkopen voordat de beer geschoten is. Don't sell the bear's fur before hunting it. You don't have to sell the skin before the bear is shot. Mit Tom wäre es jetzt lustiger. If Tom were here, we'd be having more fun. With Tom, it would be fun. Mudder sütt jung ut för ehr Öller. Mother looks young for her age. Mud is young for his age. Ik zou willen dat ik zo kon zingen als jij. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing like you. Tom werd in 2013 vrijgelaten. Tom was released in 2013. Tom was released in 2013. Dieses Vier-Personen-Zelt eignet sich hervorragend für zwei. This four person tent is perfect for two. This four-person tent is excellent for two. Dit is mijn neef. This is my cousin. This is my cousin. En Kind, dat slöppt, is as en Engel. A sleeping child is like an angel. A child who sleeps is like an angel. Wir waren überrascht, als wir ihn solch vernichtende Bemerkungen über seinen besten Freund machen hörten. We were surprised to hear him make such scathing remarks about his best friend. We were surprised when we heard him make such destructive remarks about his best friend. Gehörte die Brille, die du gefunden hast, Tom? Did the glasses you found belong to Tom? Did you hear the glasses you found, Tom? Ik denk dat ik na Kerstmis weer op dieet moet. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I think I'll have to go back to diet after Christmas. De vogels vliegen hoog in de lucht. The birds are flying high in the sky. The birds fly high up in the air. Ich zähle gerade, wie viele Leute hier sind. I'm counting how many people there are. I'm counting how many people are here. Tom hört nicht auf Maria. Tom doesn't listen to Mary. Tom doesn't listen to Maria. כ'בין זייער קלוג. I am very smart. Hw'ben very clever. Tom speelde de hobo en Maria begeleidde hem op de piano. Tom played the oboe and Mary accompanied him on the piano. Tom played the obo and Maria accompanied him on the piano. Warst du schon einmal am Schwarzen Meer? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Wasser is leejve. Water is life. Water is leejve. Bedankt! Thanks. Thank you! Rokers vervuilen de lucht. Smokers foul up the air. Smokers are polluting the air. די תּלמידה לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The Talmud taught itself. Sütt ut, as wenn de Hund wat to freten hebben will. It looks like the dog wants something to eat. It looks like your dog is getting something to eat. Halte dich an dein Versprechen. Abide by your promise. Keep your promise. Hast du je eine Schusswaffe dazu verwendet, eine Fliege zu töten? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? Tom sollte einen besseren Lohn erhalten. Tom should be getting paid more. Tom should get a better pay. Wij aten de pizza. We ate the pizza. We ate the pizza. Russen weten alles van beren. Russians know everything about bears. Russians know everything about bears. Tom kuste me ineens. Tom suddenly kissed me. Tom kissed me all of a sudden. Hände weg! Hands off. Get your hands off me! Ich träumte, ich wäre von Außerirdischen entführt worden. I dreamed I had been abducted by aliens. I dreamt I'd been kidnapped by aliens. Tom zal niet kunnen doen wat we willen dat hij doet. Tom won't be able to do what we want him to do. Tom won't be able to do what we want him to do. Rasieren Sie sich jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Do you shave every morning? Waar heeft ze dat boek gekocht? Where did she buy that book? Where did she buy that book? Ich bin nicht gern allein zu Hause. I don't like being home alone. I don't like being alone at home. Worüm starvt wi? Why do we die? Why do we die? Ich bin spät dran, nicht wahr? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Een grote geleerde is niet per se een goede leraar. A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher. A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher. Hier klopt iets niet. Something stinks. Something's wrong here. Kannst du en beten langsamer snacken? Can you speak more slowly? Can you talk a little slower? Ik weet waarom ze haar werk opgezegd heeft. I know why she quit her job. I know why she quit her job. Papeete is de hoofdstad van Frans-Polynesië. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. Tom hat das Loch mit Zement gefüllt. Tom filled the hole with concrete. Tom filled the hole with cement. Dit is 'n plesier. It's a pleasure. It's a pleasure. Je houdt van appels. You like apples. You like apples. Tom wusste, wo Maria wohnte. Tom knew where Mary lived. Tom knew where Maria lived. Kan jy hierdie deur oopmaak? Can you open this door? Can you open this door? De Jungkeerl, den du sehn hest, is mien Broder. The young man that you saw is my brother. The youth you saw is my brother. Het water van deze rivier is heel zuiver. The water in this river is very clean. The water of this river is very pure. He is dat swarte Schaap in ’e Familie. He is the black sheep of the family. He is that black sheep in a family. Ich kenne noch nicht einmal eure Adresse. I don't even know your address. I don't even know your address yet. Sie sagt, dass sie Blumen mag. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Das gehört alles dazu. That includes everything. That's all that's part of it. איך עס אײַזקרעם. I'm eating ice cream. I'm making fun of it. Schall ik jo dat verkloren? Would you like me to explain it to you? Do you want me to tell you that? Ik bün praat to starven. I am ready to die. I'm just talking about dying. Wanneer het jy laas gelag? When was the last time you laughed? When did you last laugh? Nach dem Unfall stellte selbst eine einzige Stufe eine körperliche Herausforderung für ihn dar. After the accident, he was physically challenged by even a single stair. After the accident, even a single stage was a physical challenge for him. Deshalb mag Tom Maria nicht. That's why Tom doesn't like Mary. That's why Tom Maria doesn't like it. Jullie zijn Berber. You are Berber. You're Berber. He harr bi de Arbeid en Unfall. While working, he had an accident. He was in the work and accident. De appel falt net fier fan de beam. The apple does not fall far from the tree. The apple does not fold the tree. Ik was me er niet van bewust dat Tom dat nog niet had gedaan. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't yet done that. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't done that yet. Ich muss nicht hier sein. Ich bin hier, weil ich hier sein will. I don't have to be here. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to be here. Also, ich sehe fern, mache ein Nickerchen, oder gehe im Park nebenan spazieren. Well, I watch television, take a nap, or take a walk in the park nearby. So, I see TV, take a nap, or go for a walk in the park next door. Ēalā gif þū wǣre hund! If only you were a dog! edalā if you haven't seen it! Āgnung biþ nēr ðǣm, ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðǣm, ðe æftersprecþ. Possession is nearer to him who has than to him who claims. A problem does not appear to have this contents, in a torn-off environment. Jullie zijn koud. You are cold. You're cold. Ik woonde een paar jaar geleden in Boston, maar nu woon ik in Chicago. I lived in Boston a few years ago, but now I live in Chicago. I lived in Boston a few years ago, but now I live in Chicago. Haastige spoed is zelden goed. Haste makes waste. Fast speed is rarely good. Wullt du mit na mi kamen un Pannkoken eten? Wanna come over to my place for pancakes? Do you want to come to me and eat pancakes? Macht und Geld gehen Hand in Hand. Power and money are inseparable. Power and money go hand in hand. Einer der häufigsten Fehler beim Übersetzen besteht darin, zu wörtlich – Wort für Wort – zu übersetzen. One of the most widespread errors in translating is to translate too literally – word by word. One of the most common errors in translating is to translate literally – word for word. מיליאָנען מוסלמענער קענען נישט באַזוכן די הייליקע שטאָט ירושלים. Millions of Muslims can't visit the holy city of Jerusalem. Milistones can not be visited by the Home City Jerusalem. Een krokodil heeft zijn been afgebeten. A crocodile bit off his leg. A crocodile bited his leg. Ze zei dat hij er knap uitzag. She said that he was handsome. She said he looked pretty. Sie nahm unser Angebot trotzdem an. She accepted our offer notwithstanding. She still accepted our offer. Alles goed eindig goed. All's well that ends well. Everything's going to be fine. Maria vond een klavertjevier. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Maria found a four of clubs. Er hat mir gegen den Kopf geschlagen. He hit me on the head. He beat me to the head. Sy kan jou vraag beantwoord. She is able to answer your question. She can answer your question. Jij bent de slechtste student in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. טאם קיין מאל נישט וואשט זיין קאר. Tom never washes his car. Tom no longer wastes his car. Ich habe großartige Neuigkeiten für Sie. I've got great news for you. I have great news for you. איך פֿאַרטשײ גאָר נישט. I don't understand anything. I won't do this for you. Er war zu jener Zeit mein Gefährte, und meinen Gefährten beleidigt, ob nun zu Recht oder zu Unrecht, niemand, wenn ich zugegen bin! He was my companion for the time, and no man shall insult my companion, right or wrong, while he is in my company. He was my companion at that time, and insulted my companion, whether righteous or unjust, no one when I am present! Wiä gaats Ihnä? How are you? How's he going? Wacht nog een beetje. Wait a little longer. Wait a minute. Tom hat nichts mitgenommen. Tom didn't take anything. Tom didn't take anything. Tom fragte sich, warum viele in Amerika Baseball interessanter als Fußball finden. Tom wondered why many people in America think that baseball is more interesting to watch than soccer. Tom wondered why many in America find baseball more interesting than football. Woveel Tied is vergahn? How much time has passed? How much time has passed? Wir müssen Tom helfen. We have to help Tom. We need to help Tom. Brood wordt gemaakt van meel, water en gist. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Sie gab nur vor, zu schlafen. She was only pretending to be asleep. She just pretended to be asleep. Blijf positief. Stay positive. Stay positive. Australien ist ein schönes Land. Australia is a beautiful country. Australia is a beautiful country. Hoe bevalt deze stad u? How do you like this town? How do you like this city? Zij zijn mijn favoriet. They're my favorite. They're my favorite. Je bent hier niet eens een student. You're not even a student here. You're not even a student here. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tomcat's dead. The colour is dead. Die bakleiery het 'n week lank geduur. The fighting lasted one week. The fighting lasted for a week. Wo du lebst, gibt es viele Seen. There are many lakes in the area where you live. Where you live, there are many lakes. Ich kann mir kein neues Auto leisten, also werde ich mit diesem auskommen müssen. I can't afford a new car, so I'll have to make this one do. I can't afford a new car, so I'm gonna have to deal with it. Volgende zomer wil ik naar Hawaï. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Next summer, I'd like to go to Hawaii. Alles komt goed. Everything will be OK. Everything's gonna be okay. De koelkast is leeg. The fridge is empty. The fridge is empty. Tom war überrascht, als er hörte, dass Maria geheiratet hatte. Tom was surprised to hear Mary had gotten married. Tom was surprised when he heard that Mary had married. Ich stelle nicht oft Fragen. I don't often ask questions. I don't often ask questions. Ik heff morgen keen Tied. I have no time tomorrow. I don't have time tomorrow. Dat had ik kunnen zien aankomen. I should've seen that coming. I could have seen that coming. We moeten de regels volgen. We must observe the rules. We need to follow the rules. Tom sagt, dass er Krieg verabscheut. Tom says that he detests war. Tom says he hates war. Ongelukkig sal Tom nie kan kom nie. I'm afraid Tom won't be able to come. Sadly, Tom will not be able to come. Andy kommt nie zu spät zu einem Date. Andy is never late for a date. Andy never comes too late for a date. Ich habe so vieles, was ich euch anvertrauen möchte. I have so many things I want you to know. I have so much I want to entrust to you. Ik heb veel vrienden. I've got plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Geef de bloemen alsjeblieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Er ist davongekommen. He got away. He got away. Hij rookt niet. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Ze kookt voor hem. She is cooking for him. She's cooking for him. Wir spielten am Strand. We were playing on the beach. We played on the beach. Tom is verslaafd aan chocoladekoekjes. Tom is addicted to chocolate cookies. Tom's addicted to chocolate cakes. Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Zigaretten und Ihr Feuerzeug! Don't forget your cigarettes and lighter. Don't forget your cigarettes and lighters! Denkst du, das ist verrückt? Do you think this is crazy? You think that's crazy? Waar kan ik zitten? Where can I sit? Where can I sit? De mijnwerker vroeg de geest uit de lamp om een gelukkig leven. The miner asked the lamp spirit for a happy life. The miner asked the spirit out of the lamp for a happy life. Je zult het verschil zien. You'll see the difference. You'll see the difference. Mijn tas is heel zwaar. My bag is very heavy. My bag is very heavy. Er kam gestern nicht zur Schule. He didn't come to school yesterday. He didn't come to school yesterday. Honden haten katten. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Ich spiele gern Basketball. I like to play basketball. I like playing basketball. Danke für heute. Thank you for today. Thank you for today. k Hol van eerbaaien! I love strawberries! k Get of ravines! Ek het nooit gedink dit sal so maklik wees nie. I never thought it would be so easy. I never thought it would be so easy. Nederlaand is ien twaalf pervinzies verdaild. The Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces. Nederlaand is one twelve provinces dilapidated. Es ist viel besser, von Vögeln statt von einem Wecker geweckt zu werden. Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm. It is much better to be awakened by birds instead of an alarm clock. Normalerweise benutzt sie eine Nagelschere. She usually uses nail scissors. She usually uses a nail shear. Ik kwam je broer tegen op straat. I ran into your brother on the street. I met your brother on the street. Ik heb de kaas opgegeten. I ate the cheese. I ate the cheese. Ik heb zo'n honger! I'm so hungry! I'm so hungry! Tom hielt sich die Waffe an den Kopf und drückte ab. Tom put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger. Tom held the gun to his head and pushed it off. De regering is corrupt! The government is corrupt! The government is corrupt! Die Straße des Exzesses führt zum Palast der Weisheit. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. The street of the excess leads to the palace of wisdom. Ehr Droom is Paris to besöken. Her dream is to visit Paris. Your dream is Paris to visit. Het is geen klaslokaal. It's not a classroom. It's not a classroom. Ich denke, dass ich das tun werde. I think that I'll do that. I think I'll do that. Du bist während der Vorlesung laufend eingenickt, nicht wahr? You kept nodding off during that lecture, didn't you? You've been nodded all the time during the lecture, haven't you? Liebe ist nur ein kurzfristiger Taumel der Hormone. Love is simply a temporary hormonal imbalance. Love is just a short-term doom of hormones. Hij heeft een gouden medaille gewonnen. He won a gold medal. He won a gold medal. Picasso hat dieses Bild 1950 gemalt. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Mijn verklaring was niet voldoende. My explanation was not sufficient. My statement was not enough. Tom hat ungefähr vor einer Stunde zu Abend gegessen. Tom ate dinner about one hour ago. Tom ate about an hour ago. We hebben genoeg geld om deze cd te kopen. We have enough money to buy this CD. We have enough money to buy this CD. Het kind was verstijfd van angst. The child was paralyzed with fear. The child was stiffened with fear. Wat kan ik eten? What can I eat? What can I eat? Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom gerade wohnt. I don't know where Tom is staying. I don't know where Tom's staying right now. Darf ich zum Spielen zu Maria? May I play with Maria? May I play with Maria? Ik ben trots op mijn nederigheid. I pride myself on my humility. I'm proud of my humility. Ik ween nich. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. Null, eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, five, eight, ten. Muss Tom das auch tun? Does Tom have to do that, too? Does Tom have to do the same? Ik stuurde haar een e-mail. I sent her an email. I sent her an e-mail. Tom rijdt wel degelijk. Tom does drive. Tom's driving. Jy verloor. You lost. You lose. Ik wou dat hij hier was om ons te helpen. I wish that he was here to help us. I wish he was here to help us. Tom is aan het roken. Tom is smoking. Tom's smoking. Er is niet genoeg vraag naar dit product. There is not enough demand for this product. There is not enough demand for this product. Eigentum ist Diebstahl. Property is theft. Property is theft. Het vuur is uitgegaan. The fire has gone out. The fire has gone out. Heb je het hem verteld? Have you told him? Did you tell him? We zijn thuis. We are at home. We're home. Kannst du gut kochen? Are you a good cook? Can you cook well? Das ist genug für mich. This is enough for me. That's enough for me. Er trägt einen Hut. He's wearing a hat. He's wearing a hat. Ich mag es, Dinge pünktlich zu erledigen. I like to get things done on time. I like doing things on time. Der Asphalt war durch die Hitze aufgeweicht. The asphalt was softened by the heat. The asphalt was softened by the heat. Mayuko kwam de kamer binnen. Mayuko entered the room. Mayuko came into the room. Wä de Wohrheit nit verdrage kann, dat ess för mich ne ärme Mann. He who cannot bear the truth is a poor man to me. Although the truth may not be that I eat a poor man. Tom betrachtete das Bild. Tom looked at the picture. Tom looked at the picture. Hai is nog jong. He is still young. Hai's still young. Ik bün beter as he. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Sie erwies sich als eine große Musikerin. She proved to be a great musician. She proved to be a great musician. Wir müssen ermitteln, wer das Feuer gelegt hat, durch das Toms Haus niederbrannte. We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house. We need to find out who laid the fire, burned down the Tom's house. k Wil Tom terog. I want Tom back. I want Tom terog. Hat Tom euch die Geschichte abgenommen? Did Tom buy your story? Did Tom take the story from you? Tom hörte nicht, wie Maria ins Zimmer kam. Tom didn't hear Mary enter the room. Tom didn't hear Mary get into the room. Hij spreekt Engels met een Duits accent. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English with a German accent. Der Laden hat 2013 dichtgemacht. That store closed in 2013. The shop closed in 2013. Ich hoffe, mein Chef stimmt meinem Plan zu. I hope my boss agrees to my plan. I hope my boss agrees with my plan. He sitt mit överenannerleggt Been. He is sitting cross-legged. It's with interlaced legs. Is het moeilijk om Engels te spreken? Is it hard to speak English? Is it hard to speak English? Tom will weten, worüm ji dat doon hebbt. Tom would like to know why you did that. Tom wants to know why you do that. Der Lehrer hat uns dieses Wörterbuch empfohlen. The teacher recommended this dictionary to us. The teacher has recommended this dictionary to us. Ik kan de computer niet herstellen. I cannot fix the computer. I can't fix the computer. Ek wil nie teruggaan nie. I don't want to go back. I don't want to go back. Wie hebben aaier. We have eggs. Who's got tougher. Ook ik wil komen. I want to come, too. I want to come too. Der Doktor riet Herrn Smith, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. The doctor told Mr. Smith to give up smoking. The doctor advised Mr. Smith to stop smoking. Die rekening moet vandag betaal word. The bill must be paid today. The bill must be paid today. Wat zijn jullie aan het drinken? What are you drinking? What are you drinking? Wanneer tennist u? When do you play tennis? When are you tennis? Waar heeft zij Italiaans geleerd? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Ich habe Maria und Elke alle beide lieb. I love both Mary and Alice. I love Maria and Elke both. וואו איז דער באדצימער? Where is the bathroom? Where is this property? Wie hebben gain sukker. We have no sugar. Who's got gain? Ik heff en Dochter, de mit Tom to School geiht. I have a daughter that goes to school with Tom. I have a daughter who goes with Tom to School. Wir haben eine Entscheidung getroffen. We made a decision. We made a decision. אַ גוטער מוסלמענער שטרעבט צו זײַן גוט און רעכטפֿאַרטיק. A good Muslim strives to be good and righteous. A good Muslim strength to be good and right venturable. Mijn haar is nat. My hair's wet. My hair is wet. Hij raakte zijn weg kwijt in de sneeuw. He lost his way in the snow. He lost his way in the snow. Zijn dokter raadde hem aan te stoppen met roken. His doctor advised him to quit smoking. His doctor advised him to stop smoking. In mijn nieuwe huis is de woonkamer op de begane grond en de slaapkamer op de eerste verdieping. In my new house, the living room is on the ground floor and the bedroom is on the first floor. In my new house is the living room on the ground floor and the bedroom on the first floor. די קאַץ װאַרמט זיך אױף דער זון. The cat is basking in the sun. The sun is waiting on. Mijn oor bloedde vanochtend. My ear was bleeding this morning. My ear was bleeding this morning. Bulgarisch ist ähnlich wie Russisch. Bulgarian is like Russian. Bulgarian is similar to Russian. דער סטודענט לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The student learns. Du sagst zwar, du wollest richtig lernen, bemühst dich aber nicht bei deinen Hausaufgaben. Findest du das in Ordnung? You say that you want to study well, but don't actually work when it comes to doing the homework. Do you think that that's okay? You say you want to learn right, but don't try your homework. Het huis is wit. The house is white. The house is white. Ich denke, er kommt nach seinem Vater. I think he takes after his father. I think he's coming after his father. Ich dachte, Tom gefielen Rätsel. I thought Tom liked riddles. I thought Tom liked puzzles. k Kin n kikker en n porre nait oetnander holden. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. K Can hold a frog and a porre nait oetnander. Ik houd van Duitsland. I like Germany. I love Germany. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I will play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. Binde die Schachtel mit Zierband zu. Do up the box with decorative tape. Cover the box with ornamental tape. Werd doch mal erwachsen! Get a life! You're going to grow up. Er hat nicht Wort gehalten. He didn't keep his word. He didn't give a word. Ze is een knap meisje. She is a pretty girl to look at. She's a pretty girl. Hebben jullie Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Meine Bekanntschaft mit Esperanto ermöglichte es mir, einen tieferen Einblick in die Struktur und Funktion von Sprache zu gewinnen. My acquaintance with Esperanto enabled me to look deeper into the make-up and function of language. My acquaintance with Esperanto allowed me to gain a deeper insight into the structure and function of language. Spielen Sie morgen mit mir? Will you play with me tomorrow? Are you playing with me tomorrow? Schrijf jullie naam in hoofdletters. Write your name in capitals. Write your name in capital letters. Tom gaan nie volgende maand hier wees nie. Tom won't be here next month. Tom will not be here next month. Das ist das beste Lehrbuch. That's the best textbook. That's the best textbook. Tom vertelde me dat Maria in Boston was. Tom told me Mary was in Boston. Tom told me Maria was in Boston. Mijn vrouw is Italiaans. My wife is italian. My wife is Italian. Het bleef drie dagen regenen. It kept raining for three days. It kept raining for three days. טאם איז א בעסערער פירער פון מיר. Tom is a better driver than I am. Tom is a better leader of me. Tom lag bewusstlos auf dem Operationstisch. Tom was lying unconscious on the operating table. Tom was unconscious on the operating table. Kan je skaten? Can you skate? Can you skate? Ze werd verliefd op één van haar leerlingen. She fell in love with one of her students. She fell in love with one of her students. Mein Onkel ist schlank, aber meine Tante ist dick. My uncle is slim, but my aunt is fat. My uncle is slim, but my aunt is fat. Ich möchte gerne wissen, wie lange das braucht. I wonder how long it's going to take. I'd like to know how long that takes. Unter dem Bett ist eine Katze. There is a cat under the bed. Under the bed is a cat. Ich mache jeden Morgen eine Runde um den See. I do a lap around the lake every morning. I do a round around the lake every morning. Op een dag zullen ze je rijbewijs afnemen. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One day they'll take your license. Het kan me niet schelen of hij akkoord gaat of niet. I don't care whether he agrees or not. I don't care if he agrees or not. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody comes to my country. No one went to my country. Wist je niet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Didn't you know that Tom was a dentist? Didn't you know Tom was a dentist? Ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lachen. I could not stop laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. "Tom, setz dich." "Ok." "Sit down, Tom." "All right." "Tom, sit down." "Ok." Tom könnte tot sein. Tom could be dead. Tom could be dead. Weet jy enige iets van ons? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Daar is hy. There he is. There he is. Tom wurde von einem Krokodil gefressen. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Hij wordt zeker gestraft. He will certainly be punished. He's definitely being punished. Wat maak julle? What are you doing? What are you doing? Je was moe. You were tired. You were tired. Dat was vernietigd. That was destroyed. That was destroyed. Ich habe eine Aufgabe für dich. I have something for you to do. I have a job for you. Es ist 14 Uhr. It's 2:00 p.m. It's 2:00. Ek wens ek was ryk. I wish I were rich. I wish I had been rich. Dit appartement is binnen fietsafstand van de universiteit. This apartment is within biking distance of the university. This apartment is within cycling distance of the university. Ich bügele mein Kleid. I'm ironing my dress. I'm ironing my dress. De telefoon ging over terwijl ik onder de douche stond. The phone rang while I was taking a shower. The phone went over while I was under the shower. Tom war jung. Tom was young. Tom was young. Habt ihr früher geraucht? Did you use to smoke cigarettes? Did you smoke before? Wir mussten unsere Schulden abschreiben. We had to write off the debt. We had to write off our debts. Wenn ich nach China gehe, dann um so viel wie möglich Chinesisch zu sprechen. If I go to China, it'd be to speak Chinese as much as possible. If I go to China, then to speak as much as possible Chinese. Habt ihr mit Tom gesprochen? Did you speak with Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Voëls drink water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Ik heb grijs haar. I have gray hair. I've got gray hair. Ik leer graag oude talen. I like learning old languages. I like to learn old languages. Der König hat immer eine Krone auf. The king always wears a crown. The king always has a crown on him. Ihr müsst wach werden. You need to wake up. You need to wake up. Tom mediteert. Tom is meditating. Tom meditates. Zu jedem Warum gibt es ein Deswegen. Every "why" has its "because". For each Why is there a reason? Wat ’n mens saai, dat sal hy ook maai. As you sow, so shall you reap. Whatever a person sows, he will also reap. Dit is nou my huis. This is my home now. This is my house now. Vielleicht kann ich euch helfen. I might be able to help you. Maybe I can help you. Hoe lang heeft Tom met jullie gewerkt? How long has Tom worked with you? How long did Tom work with you guys? Toen Sami klaar was met het lezen van de Koran, huilde hij. When Sami finished reading the Quran, he cried. When Sami finished reading the Qur'an, he wept. Het is aan het regenen. It's raining. It's raining. Tom heeft mij verlaten. Tom left me. Tom left me. Laten we kaart spelen. Let's play cards. Let's play cards. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie durstig sind. Tom and Mary told John they were thirsty. Tom and Mary told John they were thirsty. Siehst du meinen Hund? Do you see my dog? See my dog? Plak deze sticker op uw koffer. Put this sticker on your suitcase. Stick this sticker on your suitcase. Ik ben nu een bad aan het nemen. I am taking a bath now. I'm taking a bath right now. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, Johannes sei beschäftigt. Mary told Tom that she thought John was busy. Maria told Tom she thought John was busy. Ik ben een student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Ik vind dit beschamend. I find this embarrassing. I find this embarrassing. Oh nee! Ik heff mien Portmanneet vergeten. Oh no! I forgot my wallet. Oh, no, I forgot my Portmannet. Tom hatte nichts zu lesen. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Am 1. Januar 2019 flog die Raumsonde „Neue Horizonte“ (engl. New Horizons) an dem urzeitlichen Kuipergürtelobjekt Arrokoth vorbei. The New Horizons spacecraft flew past the ancient Kuiper Belt object Arrokoth on Jan. 1, 2019. On January 1, 2019, the spacecraft “Neue Horizonte” (New Horizons) flew past the ancient female belt object Arrokoth. He deed nienich mit sien Spood dickdoon. He never boasted of his success. He never did. k Bin n Stadjer. I'm a Groninger. k bin n Stadjer. Nog aine! Another! Another one! Du schusst em ehrder wohrschaut hebben. You should have warned him sooner. You're the one who's been shooting at him before he's been warned. Ze dronk koffie. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. My vriend het vir my 'n brief geskryf om uit te vind hoe ek was. My friend sent me a letter to find out how I was. My friend wrote me a letter to find out how I was. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom sich so gut mit Zebras auskennt. I had no idea that Tom knew so much about zebras. I didn't know Tom was so well acquainted with zebras. Ik heb een kleine blog over de Nederlandse taal. I have a small blog about Dutch. I have a little blog about the Dutch language. Es ist nicht so ein großes Problem, wie du denkst. It's not as big a problem as you think. It's not as big a problem as you think. Wie viele Sterne gibt es in unserer Milchstraße? How many stars are there in our galaxy? How many stars are there in our Milky Way? Hij werd een burger van de Verenigde Staten. He became a citizen of the United States. He became a citizen of the United States. Ik weet niet meer wat ik moet doen. I don't know what to do any more. I don't know what to do anymore. Aine at mien poaskaai. Somebody ate my Easter egg. At my pass key. Einkommen aus dieser Quelle sind steuerfrei. The income from this source is tax-free. Income from this source is tax-free. Wat hest du Mike to ’n Geboortsdag schunken? What did you give Mike on his birthday? What did you give to Mike on a birthday day? He füng dat Rennen an. He began to run. He's starting the race. Maria sagte, sie würde sich verspäten. Mary said she was going to be late. Maria said she'd be late. Waarom ben je je handen aan het wassen? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Ein japanischer Geschäftsmann kaufte das Kunstwerk für 200 Millionen Yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. Ik verlaat Tatoeba. I'm leaving Tatoeba. I'm leaving Tatoba. Ik weet niet wat ik nu moet doen. I don't know what to do from now on. I don't know what to do now. Heb je haar ooit horen zingen op het podium? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Die Fische beißen heute nicht. The fish aren't biting today. The fish are not biting today. Is Tom hier? Is Tom here? Is Tom here? Denk je echt dat Tom gelukkig is? Do you really think Tom is happy? You really think Tom's happy? De rooster werd herzien. The timetable has been revised. The schedule was revised. Es war das erste Mal, dass ich entlang des Mogami-Flusses ging. It was the first time I'd walked along the Mogami River. It was the first time I walked along the Mogami River. De Katt jöög de Muus, man kunn ehr nich fangen. The cat chased the mouse, but couldn't catch it. The cat moves the mouse, but could not catch it. Tom was nait mien vrund drij joar leden. Tom wasn't my boyfriend three years ago. Tom was close to me. Trotz des heftigen Regens besuchte er seinen Freund im Krankenhaus. In spite of the heavy rain, he visited his friend in hospital. Despite the heavy rain, he visited his friend in the hospital. Tom hat mich beleidigt. Tom insulted me. Tom insulted me. Ech hunn en Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. If I have an apartment in the city, it is. כ'לערן זיך העברעאיש. I'm learning Hebrew. I know you'll read it in black and white. Eine Frage habe ich noch. I have one more question. I still have a question. Tom hat nie viel Geld gehabt. Tom has never had much money. Tom never had a lot of money. Ich bin nicht mehr ich selbst. Ich bin eine lächerliche Karikatur meines eigentlichen Selbsts geworden. I am not myself anymore. I've become a laughable caricature of my deepest self. I am no longer myself. I have become a ridiculous cartoon of my own self. Wir möchten Peter in naher Zukunft nach Japan einladen. We wish to invite Peter to Japan in the near future. We would like to invite Peter to Japan in the near future. Dat komt aardig in de richting. That's more like it. That's kind of going in the direction. Zij koken. They're cooking. They cook. Het is gevaarlijk. It's dangerous. It's dangerous. Ik overweeg volgend jaar in de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren. I'm considering studying in the United States next year. I was considering studying in the United States next year. Ik heff en neet Huus boot. I built a new house. I have and I have no Huus boat. Hest du mi güstern avend anropen? Did you call me up last night? Did you call me yesterday evening? Lag! Laugh! Laugh! Ich mag leichte Schuhe. I like light shoes. I like light shoes. קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. No one's interested. None is interested. Ich werde den Tag nie vergessen, an dem ich in den Brunnen fiel. I'll never forget the day I fell into the well. I'll never forget the day I fell into the well. Der Zeitungsartikel beschrieb den Angeklagten wie einen Schuldigen, obwohl er erwiesenermaßen unschuldig war. The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent. The newspaper article described the defendant as a culprit, although he was proven innocent. Tom wull Geld. Tom wanted money. Tom wanted money. Het wordt donker buiten. It is getting dark outside. It's getting dark outside. Waar is een vegetarisch restaurant? Where is a vegetarian restaurant? Where's a vegetarian restaurant? Ek sal alles betaal. I'll pay you for everything. I'll pay everything. It reint yn Nederlân. It rains in the Netherlands. It cleans up in Netherlands. Ek gee nie om oor hulle nie. I don't care about them. I don't care about them. Ik heb de muur geverfd. I painted the wall. I painted the wall. Ik bün Tourist. I am a tourist. I'm a tourist. Goed, en met u? Fine, thank you. And you? All right, and with you? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. Sami het begin om uit die treinstasie te stap. Sami started walking out of the train station. Sami began to leave the train station. Se versöcht so veel to sporen as man geiht. She is trying to save as much money as she can. She tries so much to trace as she goes. Eines ist gleich hinter dir! There's one right behind you! One thing is right behind you! Welcher Kontinent ist der bevölkerungsreichste? Which continent is the most populated one? Which continent is the most populous? Zijn dit jouw potloden? Are these pencils yours? Are these your pencils? Ria kennt mi. Mary knows me. Ria knows me. Swarte Pyt is rasisme. Zwarte Piet is racism. Black Pyt is racism. Heb je een vaste vriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a fixed friend? k Denk dat k kin. I think I can. I think I can. Sie verwechselten ihn mit seinem Bruder. They mistook him for his brother. They confused him with his brother. Is hierdie jou boek, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Wi hebbt Biller. We have pictures. We have pictures. Der Senat verfügte, dass ein neuer Konsul gewählt und das Land von den Feinden befreit wird. The Senate decreed that a new consul be chosen and the country be delivered from the enemies. The Senate had a new consul elected and the country was liberated from the enemies. Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. Er verliert ständig sein Handy. He's always losing his mobile. He's always losing his cell phone. Tom ist nicht streng genug wider seine Schüler. Tom isn't strict enough with his students. Tom is not strict enough against his students. Ich kann den Wind hören. I can hear the wind. I can hear the wind. Ik wou graag jullie postzegelverzameling zien. I'd like to have a look at your stamp collection. I wanted to see your stamp collection. He weet veel över Botterlickers. He knows a lot about butterflies. He knows a lot about Botterlickers. Ich bin die Pflegeperson dieses Kindes, und es ist mein Pflegling. I am the caretaker of this child, and they are my care-receiver. I'm the caregiver of this kid, and it's my ploy. Se mag keen Sushi. She does not like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. Wat wil je van me? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Dor segg ik nix to. No comment. I'm not saying anything. Wie viel Geld kostet ein solches Kellerfenster? How much money does a basement window like that cost? How much money does such a basement window cost? Doe die sigaret uit. Put that cigarette out. Take off that cigarette. Lees hierdie boek. Read this book. Read this book. Ich habe ihn von der Schule abgeholt. I picked him up from school. I picked him up from school. Jeder weiß, dass Tom nicht gut mit Menschen umgehen kann. Everyone knows Tom has poor people skills. Everyone knows that Tom can't deal well with people. Die Jungferninseln sind ein Archipel im Atlantik. The Virgin Islands are an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. The Virgin Islands are an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Seidenraupen weben Kokons. Silkworms spin cocoons. Silkworms weave cocoons. He hett vörig Johr Kyoto besöcht. He visited Kyoto last year. He visited Kyoto last year. Ze maakten spaghetti. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. Tom versuchte seine Spuren zu verwischen. Tom tried to cover his tracks. Tom tried to blur his tracks. Ich komme aus der Zukunft. I come from the future. I'm from the future. Ek weet hoe jy oor ons voel. I know how you feel about us. I know how you feel about us. De twee vijanden stonden oog in oog. The two enemies were face to face. The two enemies were eye-catching. Þæt is þīn bōc. That is your book. The number of pages in the document. Bitte deute meine seltsamen Träume. Please interpret my strange dreams. Please interpret my strange dreams. Ik ben een beetje dronken. I'm a bit drunk. I'm a little drunk. Wanneer kwam je uit Tokio terug? When did you come back from Tokyo? When did you come back from Tokyo? Ik telefoneer je wanneer ik tijd heb. I'll call you when I have time. I'll call you when I have time. Wir haben sie tanzen gesehen. We saw them dance. We've seen them dance. Wij daten. We're dating. We're dating. Das sieht nicht besonders lustig aus, was? It doesn't look very fun, does it? That doesn't look very funny, does it? Hai eet. He is eating. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey איך שטודיִר שפּאַניש. I study Spanish. I expect Spanish. Ze hebben tegen je gelogen. They lied to you. They lied to you. Ik will en Auto hebben, man ik heff keen Geld üm een to köpen. I want a car, but I have no money to buy one. I want and I have car, man, I don't have any money to buy. Weinig schatten zijn zoveel waard als een vriend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Hij is goed gebouwd. He's well built. He's well built. Zai is ons noaberske. She's our neighbour. Zai is our noabersque. Vandoag is t zeuvenentwinteg meert. Today's March 27th. Vandoag is more powerful. Tom un Ria beeden tosaam. Tom and Mary prayed together. Tom and Ria are together. Jim keem liesen in de Kamer, dat he dat Baby nich opwaken deed. Jim entered the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby. Jim saw in the room that he didn't wake up the baby. Heeft iemand je daar gezien? Did anyone see you there? Has anyone seen you there? Tom sagt, er habe eine Geheimwaffe. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Ik ga naar de controlekamer. I'm going to the control room. I'm going to the control room. Mis deze geweldige kans niet. Don't miss this amazing opportunity. Don't miss this great opportunity. Tom rannte um sein Leben. Tom ran for his life. Tom was running for his life. De kinderen hebben geen school vandaag. The children don't have school today. The kids don't have a school today. Kan ik met di kwatern? May I have a talk with you? Can I chat with you? Mijn vader wordt kaal. My father is going bald. My dad's gonna be bald. Der Raumanzug schützt den Astronauten vor den Gefahren im freien Raum. The spacesuit protects the astronaut from the dangers of being outside in space. The suit protects the astronaut from the dangers in open space. דו זאלסט האבן בטחון אין מיר. You ought to trust me. You may have discussed in me. Hij heeft een vingerhoed gekocht. He bought a thimble. He bought a finger hat. Nur für Erwachsene. Adults only. For adults only. Wir haben immer Hunger. We're always hungry. We're always hungry. Rasierst du dich jede halbe Stunde? Do you shave every thirty minutes? Do you shave every half hour? Kannst du dir vorstellen, wie blöd ich mir gerade vorkomme? Do you have any idea how stupid I feel right now? Can you imagine how stupid I am? Ihr müsst spätestens Sonntag zurück sein. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. Ze vergeeft me nooit. She will never forgive me. She never forgives me. Hij bleef in het hotel. He stayed at the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Zum Frühstück gab es Pfannkuchen mit Ahornsirup. We ate pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast. For breakfast there were pancakes with maple syrup. Ik doop met water. I baptize with water. I baptize with water. Tom kan mij beschermen. Tom can protect me. Tom can protect me. Es gibt ein Museum direkt nördlich des Zoos. There is a museum just north of the zoo. There is a museum right north of the zoo. Danke. Thanks! Thank you. Tom machte Seifenblasen. Tom blew soap bubbles. Tom made soap bubbles. Houveul krieg k? How much will I receive? Houveul war k? Je kunt het! You can do it. You can do it! Wanneer is hierdie kerk gebou? When was this church built? When was this church built? Mozart is vör 200 Johr doodbleven. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart died 200 years ago. Zij vertelde me dat ze hem niet leuk vond. She told me that she didn't like him. She told me she didn't like him. Hoe schrijf je ''Eyjafjallajökull''? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? Wo sprecht ihr Esperanto? Where do you speak Esperanto? Where do you say Esperanto? De Grote Depressie was een moeilijke economische tijd in de Verenigde Staten. Families en gemeenschappen leden eronder. Veel mensen zaten zonder werk. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities suffered. Many people were without work. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities under it. Many people were out of work. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes mache sich Sorgen. Mary told Tom that she thought John was worried. Maria told Tom that she believed that John was worried. Miskien moet jy eerder bestuur. Perhaps you'd better drive. Perhaps you should rather drive. Pak maar wat je wilt. Take what you want. Take whatever you want. To de Wikingers ehr Tied weer Gröönland noch wat gröner as nu. In Viking times Greenland was greener than today. At the time of the Vikings' time Greenland was even more green than present. Yn 'e keamer stie in piano, mar der wie nimmen dy't derop spile. In the room there was a piano, but there was nobody who played it. In'heamer played a piano, but there was the same thing as if playing on it. Mein Fahrrad wurde gestohlen. My bicycle was stolen. My bike was stolen. Mary's vrouw is dokter. Mary's wife is a doctor. Mary's wife is a doctor. Een man die verdacht deed, was kort voor de explosie gezien. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. A man who was suspected was seen shortly before the explosion. Du schußt man dien Vadder helpen. You should help your father. You're being shot to help this Vadder. Hebt u een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Gaan Tom sterf? Will Tom die? Is Tom going to die? Tom schickte mir einen fiesen Blick rüber. Tom gave me a dirty look. Tom sent me a dirty look over. Op school ontmoette Sami een moslimjongen. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. Ich habe bald etwas für Sie. I'll have something for you soon. I'll have something for you soon. Es ist nicht Tom. It isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Wi hebbt üm dat Füür danst. We danced about the fire. We danced around. Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? You like the yellow color? Tom will erst mit dem Essen fertig werden, ehe er mit jemandem spricht. Tom wants to finish eating before he talks to anyone. Tom wants to finish dinner before he talks to someone. Wie gebruikt Tatoeba? Who uses Tatoeba? Who's using Tatoba? Waarom viel u haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Airt for airt sake. Art for art's sake. Airt for airt business. Breng ook wat tijd door met je kinderen. Spend some time with your kids, too. You know, spend some time with your kids, too. Du solltest Schwimmunterricht nehmen. You should take swimming lessons. You should take swimming lessons. Ich möchte das in eine kleinere Größe umtauschen. I want to exchange this for a smaller size. I'd like to change this to a smaller size. Sie ist gut informiert, dann weiß sie vielleicht etwas. She's well-informed, so she might know something. She's well-informed, then maybe she knows something. Der Jäger zog dem Hirsch das Fell ab. The hunter was skinning the deer. The hunter pulled off the deer's skin. Wat is je grootste angst? What do you fear the most? What's your biggest fear? Damaskus is heufdstad van Syrie. Damascus is Syria's capital. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Zoek een lege fles en vul ze met water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Du hest di gau verhaalt. You recovered quickly. You told me quickly. Bel Tom onmiddellijk. Call Tom immediately. Call Tom immediately. Voor mij was het vanzelfsprekend dat zij zou komen. I took it for granted that she would come. It was obvious to me that she was coming. Snij alsjeblieft de wortels. Please cut the carrots. Please cut the roots. Ich verstehe nicht, warum du das machen willst. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do that. Tom het nader gekyk. Tom looked closer. Tom looked closer. Tom wusch seine Brillengläser mit warmem Seifenwasser und trocknete sie mit einem Tuch ab. Tom washed the lenses of his glasses with warm, soapy water and dried them on a cloth. Tom washed his glasses with warm soap water and dried them off with a cloth. Es gibt viele leichtgläubige Menschen. Es besteht also eine Chance, dass Tom gewählt werden wird. There are a lot of gullible people, so there is a chance that Tom will be elected. There are many gullible people, so there is a chance that Tom will be elected. Ik swemm elk Dag. I swim every day. I swim every day. Isst man in Australien viel Fleisch? Do people in Australia eat a lot of meat? Do you eat a lot of meat in Australia? Disse Mann hett en Peerd. This man has a horse. This man has a horse. Het zou je goed doen om hem te verlaten. You will do well to leave him. It would do you good to leave him. Waarom zou ik dat niet doen? Why shouldn't I do that? Why wouldn't I do that? Aine het mien poaskaai eten. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Ain't eating my poacher. מיר געפֿעלן ביכער. I like books. we filled in books. Am Montag, dem 15. April, um 2.20 Uhr sank die Titanic. The Titanic sank at 02:20 on Monday, April 15th. On Monday, April 15, at 2.20 p.m. the Titanic sank. Ik denk dat Tom in staat is het probleem op te lossen. I think that Tom will be able to solve the problem. I think Tom's capable of solving the problem. Vermisst ihr Boston? Do you miss Boston? Are you missing Boston? Ik vond per ongeluk de dildo's van mijn zus. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. Geef het aan wie je wilt. Give it to anyone you like. Give it to whoever you want. Jeder Roboter ist mit einer Sprecheinrichtung ausgestattet. Each robot is equipped with a talking machine. Each robot is equipped with a speech device. We hebben een zeer beperkte voorraad. We have a very limited stock. We have a very limited supply. איך האב ליב באנאנעס. I love bananas. I have Londons. Wêr komme jo wei? Where are you from? Where do you get away with this? Bist du für oder gegen meinen Plan? Are you for or against my plan? Are you for or against my plan? Machen Sie sich nicht lächerlich! Don't be ridiculous! Don't be ridiculous! Das Ziel dieses Spiels ist, alle Bomben auf dem Bildschirm explodieren zu lassen. The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen. The goal of this game is to have all bombs exploded on the screen. Ek het nooit enigiets soos dit gesien nie. I've never seen anything quite like this. I never saw anything like it. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tomcat is dead. The colour is dead. Het is ongelofelijk. It's amazing. It's incredible. Je moet gaan. You must go. You have to go. Tom heeft de hik. Tom has hiccups. Tom's got the hiccup. איך בין אין מיטן עפעס. קען איך דיר קלינגען צוריק? I'm in the middle of something. Can you call me back? I'm in the middle of space. Can I give you back? The catt bith deed. The cat's dead. The cat bit did. Ik woonde drie jaar geleden in Boston. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Ze naderden. They were approaching. They were approaching. We zullen het nooit weten. We will never know. We'll never know. Ik werd afgeleid en was de tijd vergeten. I got distracted and I lost track of time. I was distracted and forgotten about time. Bleiben Sie hier und helfen Sie mir! Stay here and help me. Stay here and help me! So pleite wie Tom bin ich nicht. I'm not as broke as Tom is. Like Tom, I'm not. Dem Jean-Luc säi Brudder huet fënnef Kanner. Jean-Luc's brother has five children. The Jean-Luc's brother has five children. Sēo catte is dēad. The cat's dead. Sēo cat is dēad. Vergeet je ticket niet. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Ich liib dich. I love you. I'm gonna lie to you. Mijn fiets is gisteren hersteld. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. My bike was restored yesterday. Die cd is van haar. This CD belongs to her. That CD's hers. In Rom gibt es viele Touristen. There are many tourists in Rome. There are many tourists in Rome. Wir werden jeden Planeten erkunden, der die Sonne umkreist. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We will explore every planet that orbits the sun. Wir bekommen ein Kind. We are going to have a baby. We'll have a child. Oh, mach dir deswegen keine Sorgen! Oh, don't worry about that. Oh, don't worry about that! Toch geloof ik je. Somehow I believe you. Still, I believe you. Ik zou willen dat mijn cijfers me meer konden schelen, maar het lijkt erop dat ik op een gegeven moment in mijn leven besloten heb dat die niet zo belangrijk meer zouden zijn. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I would like my figures to be more important, but it seems that at some point in my life I have decided that they would not be so important. Ze zijn met de auto naar Chicago gegaan. They went to Chicago by car. They went to Chicago by car. Voeg veel ijs toe. Add lots of ice. Add a lot of ice. Roemenië is een Balkanland. Zijn hoofdstad is Boekarest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country, its capital is Bucharest. Kreative Menschen haben eine lebhafte Phantasie. Creative people have vivid imaginations. Creative people have a vivid imagination. Tom deed mee met de race. Tom took part in the race. Tom joined the race. Können Sie das Geräusch nicht hören? Can't you hear the sound? Can't you hear the sound? Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud. Speech is silver, silence is golden. Speaking is silver, silence is gold. Tom hielt Mary zum Narren. Tom fooled Mary. Tom took Mary as a fool. Tom sloeg de piñata. Tom struck the pinata. Tom hit the piñata. Wat denken jullie van oorlog? What do you think of war? How about war? He is jümmer praat. He is always prepared. He's been talking to you. Hierna kom ik aan de beurt. My turn comes next. After that, I'll take my turn. Se versteiht di nu. She understands you now. She understands you now. Am 20. Oktober findet kein Unterricht statt. There'll be no classes on October 20th. No lessons will take place on 20 October. Tom dog dat dit onregverdig was. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom thought it was unfair. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די חסידים. Esther's family is Hassidic. As to his family, the Hasidic family belongs to the family. „Was tut Ihr denn da, gute Frau?“ fragte die Prinzessin. „Ich spinne, hübsches Kind“, erwiderte die alte Frau, welche die Prinzessin nicht erkannte. "What are you doing there, my good woman?" said the Princess. "I am spinning, my pretty child," said the old woman, who did not know who the Princess was. “What are you doing, good woman?” asked the princess. “I am spinning, pretty child,” replied the old woman, who did not recognize the princess. Ze houden niet van katten. They don't like cats. They don't like cats. Ik sla vör, dat ji jo mol mit Tom ünnerhoolt. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest you try to keep going with Tom. Dat Dack leekt. The roof leaks. That Dack seemed. Passen Sie auf, wo Sie hintreten! Be careful where you step. Watch where you're going! Noatuurlek! Of course! Natural leak! Wie viel Geld sind wir ihnen schuldig? How much money do we owe them? How much money do we owe them? Hoe zeker ben je dat hij een crimineel is? How certain are you that he's a criminal? How are you sure he's a criminal? Sie wuchs zu einer schönen jungen Dame heran. She has grown into a beautiful young lady. She grew up to be a beautiful young lady. Hou het geheim. Keep it a secret. Keep the secret. Vergitt nich, Melk to köpen! Don't forget to buy milk. Do not forget to buy milk! Geef je over of sterf! Surrender or die! Give yourself up or die! Wij hielpen haar. We helped her. We helped her. Seine Geschichte muss wahr sein. His story must be true. His story must be true. Drinken en roken zijn beide slecht voor je gezondheid. Both drinking and smoking are bad for your health. Drinking and smoking are both bad for your health. Dao künne ick kienen Tahn an setten. I could not bring myself to eat it. I can do that in my jaw. Ich bleibe, wenn du willst. I'll stay if you want. I'll stay if you want. Mijn vriend spreekt Nederlands van nature. My friend speaks Dutch natively. My friend speaks Dutch by nature. Dem dun die Koche nit mieh wieh. His bones won't hurt him anymore. I don't know what to do with the cooking. Hij is de vader van drie kinderen. He is the father of three children. He's the father of three children. Lesgeven aan jonge kinderen is niet makkelijk. To teach young children is not easy. Teaching young children is not easy. Er spricht nur ein bisschen Englisch. He can only speak a little English. He only speaks a little English. Tijdens de oorlog doorstonden de mensen vele ontberingen. During the war, people went through many hardships. During the war, people endured many hardships. Frettchen sind verspielt und neugierig. Ferrets are playful and curious. Ferrets are playful and curious. "Wat moet ik doen, dan?" "Ik weet het niet. Doe iets." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What should I do then?" "I don't know. Do something." Mary ist ein Proll. Mary is a chav. Mary's a booze. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. We have an interesting book in German. We have an interesting book in German. Ek werk in 'n hospitaal. I work in a hospital. I work in a hospital. Waarom logen jullie? Why did you lie? Why are you lying? Hoe bent u hier terechtgekomen? How did you happen to end up here? How did you get here? Nebenan probt ein Streichquartett. A string quartet is rehearsing in the next room. Next door tastes a string quartet. Magst du Volksmusik? Do you like folk music? Do you like folk music? Wablieft? Excuse me? Please? We hebben een geweldig restaurant gevonden. We found a great restaurant. We found a great restaurant. Du schreifs. You're writing. You write. De Wind seiht, schall Storm oosten. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. The wind is due to storm east. Tom hat nicht zurückgewinkt. Tom didn't wave back. Tom didn't wink back. Wir sahen Herrn Satō das Zimmer verlassen. We saw Mr. Sato leave the room. We saw Mr. Satō leaving the room. Seit wann duzt ihr beide euch? Since when are you two on a first name basis? Since when have you both been doing this? Se will dor nich över snacken. She doesn't want to talk about it. You do not want to talk about it. Se hett nüms to ’n Snacken. She has no one to speak to. She doesn't have to talk. Er geht selten, wenn überhaupt, zum Barbier. He seldom, if ever, goes to the barber's. He rarely, if at all, goes to the barber. Sie ist sehr schlau. She is very bright. She's very smart. Die Sitzung endete vor einer halben Stunde. The meeting finished thirty minutes ago. The meeting ended half an hour ago. Grieks is geen gemakkelijke taal. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Sind Tom und Maria alle beide in Australien auf die Welt gekommen? Were both Tom and Mary born in Australia? Did Tom and Maria both come to the world in Australia? Tom heeft heimwee. Tom is homesick. Tom has homesickness. Sie haben Tom damit zum Weinen gebracht. What they did made Tom cry. You made Tom cry. Ich sagte ihr, dass ich verheiratet war. I told her I was married. I told her I was married. Können wir einen Zahn zulegen? Can we hurry this up? Can we get a tooth? Tom und Maria haben heute Hochzeitstag. It's Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary today. Tom and Maria have wedding day today. Ze zei hem uit de buurt te blijven van slechte vrienden. She told him to keep away from bad friends. She told him to stay away from bad friends. Mag ik je om een gunst vragen? May I request a favour of you? Can I ask you a favor? Ik heb je verzocht om te luisteren. I have asked you to listen. I asked you to listen. Mien Blooddruck is 155 to 105. My blood pressure is 155 over 105. My blood pressure is 155 to 105. Tom singt gerne. Tom likes singing. Tom likes to sing. Ik kan dat nu doen. I can do that now. I can do that now. Nun lasst doch erstmal die Leute aus dem Bus! Let the kids off the bus first! Now let the people out of the bus! Goan joe mit traain? Will you go by train? Goon joe with wire? Worten, wohl gewählt, wohnt solch große Macht inne. Words, when well chosen, have such great force in them. Words, probably chosen, have such great power. Sprachkompetenz ist angeboren, nicht erworben. Linguistic competence is inborn, not acquired. Language competence is innate, not acquired. Het boek dat je me gaf is erg interessant. The book you gave me is very interesting. The book you gave me is very interesting. Weet iemand hier hoe dit moet? Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone here know how to do this? Wann kommt Tom? When is Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Komt hij? Is he coming? Is he coming? "Hƿǣr is his bōc?" "Hēo is on þǣm bēode." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." "HVaranasir is his bōc?" "Hēo is on your way. Dat is de zijne. That's his. That's his. Neem een ​​bus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Herr Schmidt lebt jetzt in Kyōto. Mr. Smith lives in Kyoto now. Mr. Schmidt now lives in Kyōto. Kijk naar de landkaart op pagina 25. Look at the map on page 25. Look at the map on page 25. Er nahm alles, was er gesagt hatte, zurück. He took back everything he said. He took back everything he said. Je zei dat al een uur geleden. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Mach dein Bett! Make your bed. Make your bed! Tom ist von seiner Australienreise zurück. Tom is back from his trip to Australia. Tom is back from his Australia trip. Ik neem aan dat je honger hebt. I suppose you're hungry. I assume you're hungry. Tom weet waarom. Tom knows why. Tom knows why. De geiser spuit om de twee uur heet water. The geyser goes off with hot water every two hours. The geyser syringe is hot every two hours. Sag’s mir! Tell me! Tell me! Hoeveel talen spreekt u? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Tom hat nicht den leisesten Schimmer, wie es ist, verliebt zu sein. Tom has no conception of what it's like to be in love. Tom doesn't have the slightest shimmer as it is to be in love. Ich kann die Zwillinge nicht voneinander unterscheiden. I can't tell one twin from the other. I can't distinguish twins from each other. We wassen met zeep. We wash with soap. We wash with soap. Wir bitten Tom um Erlaubnis. We'll ask Tom for permission. We'll ask Tom for permission. Dit is een ros. This is a horse. This is a rose. Ik wil niet gaan. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Genau genommen besteht das Chinesische aus hunderten von Dialekten. Strictly speaking, Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects. In fact, the Chinese is made up of hundreds of dialects. Komm morgen wieder! Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow! Dit nais is nij veur mie. This news is new to me. This nais is new vior mie. Lass uns spazieren gehen, nachdem es aufgehört hat zu regnen. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Ik snack Sweedsch. I speak Swedish. I was talking Swedish. Hest du Tom den Slötel gäven? Did you give Tom the key? Did you give Tom the key? Gib mir ein Exemplar dieses Buchs. Give me a copy of this book. Give me a copy of this book. Je moet geen mensen discrimineren op basis van hun gender. You should not discriminate against people based on their gender. You shouldn't discriminate against people on the basis of their gender. Wie zingt dit liedje? Who sings that song? Who's singing this song? Let op dat ge niet verkouden wordt. Be careful not to catch a cold. Notice that you're not being colded. Moest je van gedachte veranderen, laat het me weten. Should you change your mind, let me know. Had to change your mind, let me know. מסתמא טאם רעדט צו מערי׳ן יעצט וועגן דאס. Tom is probably talking to Mary right now about that. It's probably Tom speaking to me, but there's something wrong with that. Ik wil niet dat Tom dit ziet. I don't want Tom to see this. I don't want Tom to see this. Er mag Orangen. He likes oranges. He likes oranges. Keine Frau hat das je getan. No woman has ever done this before. No woman has ever done that. Hƿǣr ƿǣron ᵹē? Where were you? Is that what you're saying? De kat slaapt op de tafel. The cat is sleeping on the table. The cat's sleeping on the table. ’Keen leevt in dat Huus? Who lives in that house? 'None lives in that house? מיר זענען געגאַנגען. We walked. we were started. In welchem Monat sind Sie schwanger? How far along are you? What month are you pregnant in? Ge zijt op de verkeerde weg. You're going the wrong way. Be on the wrong way. Heeft Lucy al gebeld? Lucy called already? Has Lucy called yet? Lasst uns das doch morgen noch mal versuchen! Why don't we try doing this again tomorrow? Let's try this again tomorrow. Ruf mich, wenn du Hilfe brauchst! Call me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need help! Si ass Doktesch. She's a doctor. She's doctor. Wenn du vertrauenswürdig sein willst, sage den Menschen nur das, was sie glauben. If you want to be credible, tell people only what they believe. If you want to be trustworthy, tell people only what they believe. Dis wat jy kry! That is what you get! That's what you get! Sie haben zugenommen. You've put on weight. They've increased. Äxgüsi. Excuse me. Exgüsi. Ich habe dir befohlen rauszukommen. I ordered you to get out. I ordered you to come out. k Schilder poaskaaier. I'm painting Easter eggs. K signs cross keys. Tom sal sekerlik gaan. Tom ought to go. Tom will surely go. Houveul meren binnen ter ien Finlaand? How many lakes are there in Finland? Maybe we'll have to stay inside one end of it. Ich wohne in der Nähe des Spielzeugladens. I live next door to the toy shop. I live near the toy shop. Ich erfuhr davon erst gestern. Not until yesterday did I know about it. I only learned about it yesterday. Seine Asche ist hier begraben. His ashes are buried here. His ashes are buried here. Alice slaapt in mijn kamer. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice's sleeping in my room. Ga niet naar buiten, het regent hard. Don't go outside. It's raining hard. Don't go outside. It's raining. Hai kin vlaigen. He can fly. Shark can flaunt. זײַן האָר זײַנען גראָ. His hair is gray. He came to you. Wie bestelde deze pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Ich werde für immer aufhören mit Rauchen. I will quit smoking for good. I'll stop smoking forever. Tom sagte, er wolle nicht mit uns in den Park. Tom said he didn't want to go to the park with us. Tom said he didn't want to go to the park with us. Tom het zwit. Tom sweated. Tom was sweating. איך שרײַב דעם בחור I'm writing the fellow. I read this letter Für dich bin ich nie zu beschäftigt. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Könntest du diesen Platz für mich freihalten? Can you save this seat for me? Could you keep this place for me? k Kwam mit bus. I came by bus. came with a bus. Tom war absolut von sich selbst überzeugt. Tom was absolutely sure of himself. Tom was absolutely convinced of himself. Se smüüster em an. She smiled at him. You love him. Tom und Maria haben wenig Geld; daher essen sie nur selten außer Hauses. Tom and Mary don't have much money so they seldom eat out. Tom and Maria have little money, so they rarely eat out of their homes. Ik mag helle Klören. I like light colors. I like bright colors. Gib mir auch was davon. Get me some, too. Give me some of it, too. Waarom ik altijd? Why always me? Why me always? Warum in aller Welt hast du ihm solch einen Namen gegeben? Why on earth did you give him such a name? Why all over the world did you give him such a name? Ik heet Jack. My name is Jack. My name's Jack. Israël heeft de Westelijke Jordaanoever nodig. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. Sind alle Sprachen verwandt? Are all languages related? Are all languages related? טאם איז געשטארבן געווארן ווען איך בין געווען דריי יאר אלט. Tom died when I was three. Tom was killed when I was three years old. Wolharige mammoeten wandelden ooit rond op aarde. Woolly mammoths once roamed the Earth. Wold mammoths once walked around the earth. Mami ist momentan nicht zu Hause. Mommy is not home at the moment. Mom's not home right now. Ze antwoordde dat ze de man nooit eerder gezien had. She replied that she had never seen the man before. She replied that she had never seen the man before. En Imm summt. A bee buzzes. An imm summaries. Sie wird bald niederkommen. She will give birth soon. She'll come down soon. Ich habe seit sechs Tagen nichts gegessen. I didn't eat anything for six days. I haven't eaten anything in six days. Der Sieg war nicht vollständig. It was not a complete victory. The victory was not complete. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז איר לעבט? How many people know you're alive? How many people do you know, that you're alive? De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. Ich bot ihm fünfzig Pence und er willigte ein. I offered him fifty pence and he accepted. I offered him fifty pence and he agreed. Er ging so weit, mich einen Lügner zu nennen. He went so far as to call me a liar. He went so far as to call me a liar. Ik haat je nog steeds. I still hate you. I still hate you. Se wull, dat he ehr Vader helpen deed. She wanted him to help her father. She would have him help her father. Ich möchte, dass Sie mir dabei helfen. I'd like you to help me do that. I want you to help me with that. Wusstest du, dass Tom darinnen ist? Did you know Tom was in there? Did you know Tom's in there? Doe joagdest. You hunted. Joagdest. Das hier ist der Mann, dessen Tochter du gestern getroffen hast. This is the man whose daughter you met yesterday. This is the man whose daughter you met yesterday. Je bent kletsnat. You're wet through. You're soaked. Dieser Berg ist das ganze Jahr über von Schnee bedeckt. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Jy is te laat. You are too late. You're too late. Meer dan de helft van de wereldbevolking leeft in steden. More than half the world’s population lives in cities. More than half the world's population lives in cities. Iedereen streeft naar een beter leven. Everyone aspires to have a better life. Everyone is striving for a better life. Passen Sie auf die Fußgänger auf! Watch out for the pedestrians. Watch out for the pedestrians! Bei niedrigem Luftdruck fällt es den Menschen schwerer, genug Sauerstoff einzuatmen. Lower air pressure makes it more difficult for humans to breathe and get enough oxygen. At low air pressure, it is harder for people to breathe enough oxygen. Sie heiratete im Alter von 25. She got married at the age of 25. She married at the age of 25. Ich lasse meine Kinder abends nicht fernsehen, wenn am nächsten Tag Schule ist. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I won't let my kids watch TV in the evening when the next day is school. די אָרעמע לײַטן האָבן זי ליב געהאַט. The poor people loved her. The poor language they have loved. Maria putzte eilig ihr Zimmer. Mary cleaned her room in a hurry. Maria was in a hurry to clean her room. Tom vroeg aan Maria om hem een kop koffie te brengen. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Maria to bring him a cup of coffee. Es gibt in der Nähe meines Hauses keine Geschäfte. There is not a store near my house. There's no business near my house. Ik zie vuurwerk. I see fireworks. I see fireworks. Ze zijn bang voor de dood. They are afraid of death. They're afraid of death. Das ist sehr einfach! That's very simple. It's very simple! Tom verbringt zu viel Zeit vor dem Fernseher. Tom spends too much time in front of the TV. Tom spends too much time in front of the TV. Ek het vir jou gewag om terug te kom. I was waiting for you to get back. I've been waiting for you to come back. Dat heeft er niets mee te maken. That has nothing to do with it. That has nothing to do with it. Tom is trots op Mary. Tom is proud of Mary. Tom's proud of Mary. Ich mag Sie sehr. I really like you. I like you very much. Ich bin sehr diskret. I'm very discrete. I'm very discreet. Dëst Land huet e strenge Klima. This country has a harsh climate. This country has a severe climate. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? Er geht in die Bücherei, um Bücher zu lesen. He goes to the library to read books. He goes to the library to read books. Spreken jullie Indonesisch? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Quintilius Varus, geef mijn legioenen terug! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Quintilius Varus, give back my legions! Es ist offensichtlich, dass du hier nicht allzu glücklich bist. What's obvious is that you're not very happy here. It's obvious you're not too happy here. Is dit puur goud? Is this pure gold? Is it pure gold? Sami ging naar Saoedi-Arabië om de heilige moslimbedevaart te volbrengen. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to accomplish the holy Muslim pilgrimage. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to complete the sacred Muslim pilgrimage. Ik kann keen Klingoonsch snacken. I don't speak any Klingon. I can't talk to Klingoonic. Die Italiener trinken oft Kaffee. The Italians often drink coffee. The Italians often drink coffee. Tom hoffte, seine Beziehung zu Maria wieder ins Lot bringen zu können. Tom hoped to patch things up with Mary. Tom hoped to re-establish his relationship with Mary. Tom scheint unbeholfen zu sein. Tom appears awkward. Tom seems to be inconvenient. An ihrer Stelle würde ich noch nicht aufgeben. If I were in her place, I wouldn't give up yet. In their place, I wouldn't give up yet. Der Polizeibeamte ist hier. The police officer is here. The police officer's here. Ich weiß, wie wichtig dir Tom ist. I know how much you care about Tom. I know how important Tom is to you. Ik denk dat je best gelijk zou kunnen hebben. You could be right, I suppose. I think you might be right. Tom sagte Mary, dass er die Arbeit ein paar Tage zuvor erledigt hatte. Tom told Mary that he had finished the work a few days ago. Tom told Mary he had done the job a few days earlier. De overvloed van amateurvertalingen van Japanse strips op het internet getuigt van hun populariteit buiten het land. The abundance of amateur translations of Japanese manga on the Internet is a testament to its popularity outside the country. The abundance of amateur versions of Japanese comics on the Internet testifies to their popularity outside the country. John rende naar het station om de laatste trein te halen. John ran to the station to catch the last train. John ran to the station to get the last train. Ich finde, du solltest etwas essen. I think you should eat something. I think you should eat something. Ik let op de kinderen terwijl jij naar de winkel gaat. I'll look after the children while you go shopping. I'm watching the kids while you're going to the store. Ich habe die Zimmernummer 5. My room number is 5. I got the room number 5. Al jouw katten zijn grijs. All of your cats are grey. All your cats are grey. Wo ist Ihr Geld? Where is your money? Where's your money? איך וועל זיי נישט זאגן טאמע דו וועסט נישט. I won't tell them if you won't. I won't bother them because you know what I'm trying to do. Ik heb een vriend nodig. I need a friend. I need a friend. Tom sal jou wen. Tom will beat you. Tom will win you. Mein Donnervogel sortiert Benachrichtigungsmails von Tatoeba in drei verschiedene Ordner, ohne dass ich ihn darum gebeten hätte. My Thunderbird sorts notification e-mails from Tatoeba into three different folders without my having asked it to do so. My thunderbird sort notification emails from Tatouba into three different folders without me asking him. "Nee," antwoordde Dima, "om me te helpen deze Armani te kopen. Ik ben smerig, weet je nog?" "No," Dima replied. "To help me buy this Armani. I'm dirty, remember?" "No," replied Dima, "to help me buy this Armani. I'm dirty, remember?" Wir lagen einander weinend in den Armen. We cried in each other's arms. We were crying in the arms. De deur sluit automatisch na het buitengaan. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door automatically closes after the outside. Tom zou Mary om advies moeten vragen. Tom should ask Mary for advice. Tom should ask Mary for advice. Zwischen uns ist alles vorbei. It's all over between us. Everything's over between us. Een glimlach is de mooiste ronding op het lichaam van een vrouw. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. A smile is the most beautiful round on a woman's body. Die hotel kyk uit op die meer. The hotel fronts the lake. The hotel overlooks the lake. Is Tom een ​​goede schoonzoon? Is Tom a good son-in-law? Is Tom a good son-in-law? Sie ist wirklich eine Schönheit. She's a real beauty. She's really a beauty. Ik hou van aardbeien. I like strawberries. I like strawberries. Het aantal muffins dat je krijgt, zal omgekeerd evenredig zijn aan het aantal keer dat je op IRC praat. The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. The number of muffins you get will be proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. Iedereen gaat dood. Everybody dies. Everyone dies. 'n By het by die venster uitgevlieg. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out of the window. Mit anderen Worten, du bist ein Depp. In other words, you're a fool. In other words, you're a fool. Wat zou er gebeuren als je morgen niet naar school zou gaan? What would happen if you didn't go to school tomorrow? What would happen if you didn't go to school tomorrow? Du wirst es versuchen, nicht wahr? You will try it, won't you? You're gonna try, aren't you? Tom is bang dat hij dom zal overkomen. Tom is afraid that he might look stupid. Tom's afraid he'll be stupid. Du magst nicht recht haben. You may not be right. You may not be right. איר זײַט אַן אַלקאָהאָליקער. You're an alcoholic. You're an apothecary. Maria weinte, bis ihr die Tränen ausgingen. Mary cried until she ran out of tears. Mary cried until her tears came out. Tom ist gerade angekommen. Tom has just arrived. Tom just arrived. Ik heet Robin. My name is Robin. My name is Robin. Wollt ihr noch eine davon? Do you want another one of these? Do you want another one? Rusland wordt ''Rossiya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Russia is called "Rossiya" in Russian. Russia is called ''Rossiya'' in Russian. Tom holt van eerbaaien. Tom likes strawberries. Tom's coming from ravines. De sinne skynt al ieuwen oer ûs lân. The sun has been shining over our country for ages. It already seems to be across the country. Tot ziens, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko! Kann deine Frau gut kochen? Is your wife good at cooking? Can your wife cook well? Du hest en seut Grintje. You have a cute smile. You have a sad grin. Ik heb persoonlijk nooit een ufo gezien. I myself have never seen a UFO. Personally, I've never seen a UFO. Du isst nichts. You are not eating anything. You don't eat anything. Dit is veruit de beste. This is by far the best. This is by far the best. Meid, wat heb je toch prachtig haar. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, you have beautiful hair. Ik kom uit Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië. I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. De zon komt op. The sun is rising. The sun's coming up. Ich hatte eine schöne Zeit. I had a wonderful time. I had a good time. Pflanzen gehen ohne Wasser ein. Plants die without water. Plants go in without water. Wat is liefde? Eerlijk gezegd weet ik nog altijd niet wat dat is. What is love? To tell the truth, I still don't know what it is. What is love? Honestly, I still don't know what that is. Op welk perron naar Boston? Which platform is the train for Boston? On which platform to Boston? Wat sinn déng Conclusiounen? What are your conclusions? What are their conclusions? Mijn huwelijk is over. My marriage is over. My marriage is over. Ik schreef hem dat hij onmiddellijk moest te komen. I wrote to him to come immediately. I told him to come right away. Ik eet tomaten. I'm eating tomatoes. I eat tomatoes. Ik laat de Böker hier. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. Hai kin goud lezen. He can read well. Shark can read gold. Tom ist Marys Freund. Tom is Mary's boyfriend. Tom's Mary's friend. Zai waarkt. She works. Zai's watching. Dieses Gebäude ist riesig. This building is huge. This building is huge. Spreken jullie Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? Are you talking to Klingon? Bis vorsichtig. Be careful. I'll see you later. 'n Voël vlieg. A bird flies. A bird's flying. Das ist kaputt. This is broken. That's broken. Er bereitete sich auf das Schlimmste vor. He prepared for the worst. He was preparing for the worst. Ik heb mijn been tijdens het skiën gebroken. I broke my leg while skiing. I broke my leg while skiing. Tom und Mary standen nahe beieinander. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Tom and Mary were close together. Mijn broer bespeelt de gitaar. My brother plays the guitar. My brother's playing the guitar. Se is von Natur ut neeschierig. She's inquisitive by nature. It's naturally nutty. Dem Himmel sei Dank, heute habe ich frei. Thank heavens, I'm free today. Thank heaven, today I'm free. De kippen zitten in het kippenhok. The chickens are in the henhouse. The chickens are in the chicken cage. Stop daar onmiddellijk mee! Stop it right now! Stop that right now! 'n Groen piesang is nie ryp genoeg om te eet nie. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. Tom is een ex-gedetineerde. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-prisoner. Het was in het jaar tweeduizend. It was in the year two thousand. It was two thousand in the year. Nich all Vagels boot Nesten. Not all birds build nests. Not all birds boot nests. Ze zal daar nooit over spreken. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about that. Ik kom út Gelderlân. I'm from Gelderland. I come from Gelderland. Ik heb het gevecht gezien. I saw the fight. I've seen the fight. Kannst du dat nochmaal seggen? Could you say that again? Can you say it again? Ze keek omhoog naar het plafond. She looked up at the ceiling. She looked up at the ceiling. Huiswerk maken is extreem saai. Doing homework is extremely boring. Making homework is extremely boring. טאם איז נאקעט. Tom is naked. Tom is naked. k Luuster. I'm listening. I'm listening. Dree Beer un en Tequila harr ik geern. Three beers and a tequila please. Three Bears and Tequila I've heard. Heb je ooit Hokkaido bezocht? Have you been to Hokkaido? Have you ever visited Hokkaido? Tom hat es sich anscheinend anders überlegt. Tom has apparently changed his mind. Tom seems to have changed his mind. Tom wünschte Maria eine gute Nacht und ging. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom wished Maria a good night and left. Ik will na Bedd gahn! I want to go to bed! I want to go to bed! Ich werde mich in diesem Kapitel mit dem Problem befassen. I'm going to deal with the problem in this chapter. I will deal with the problem in this chapter. Hebben schildpadden tanden? Do turtles have teeth? Do turtles have teeth? In diesem Fluss leben keine Fische mehr. There aren't any fish living in this river anymore. There are no more fish in this river. Nichts zu danken! Don't mention it! Nothing to thank! איך רעד נישט קײן בענגאַליש. I don't speak Bengali. I'm not talking bengal. Ich bin überrascht, dass Sie überhaupt gekommen sind. I'm surprised you came at all. I'm surprised you came. Wat is stolen? What was stolen? What Is Stolen? Er sagte den Termin ab, um an dem Treffen teilzunehmen. He canceled the appointment to attend the meeting. He cancelled the date to meet at the meeting. Ik vertrouw Tom nog altijd niet. I still don't trust Tom. I still don't trust Tom. Ich komme zurück. I'm coming back. I'll be back. Dis nie 'n grap nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. איך לערן זיך פּאָרטוגעזיש. I'm learning Portuguese. I'm teaching myself German. Ik heb geen tijd om me druk te maken over zulke kleinigheden. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about such small things. Tom en ik waren het eens. Tom and I agreed. Tom and I agreed. Je lijkt wel gek. You must be crazy. You seem crazy. Heb je helemaal geen vaardigheden? Don't you have any skills? You don't have any skills at all? Je moet het loslaten. You need to let go of it. You have to let it go. Ik moat dy ferlitte. I have to leave you. I need to leave that behind. Ik zal het u vertellen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Ich hoffe, Maria schreibt bald. I hope that Maria will write soon. I hope Maria writes soon. Hy is my buurman. He is my neighbour. He's my neighbor. Wi hebbt se teemlich goot kennt. We knew them very well. We knew them quite well. Tom spürt, dass seine Mannschaft das Spiel gewinnen wird. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom feels that his team will win the game. De stad is volledig verwoest. The city is completely devastated. The city is completely destroyed. Tom opende koelkaast. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the fridge. Miene Öllern sünd all beid dood. Both of my parents have passed away. My parents are both dead. Ken je mijn broer Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Hast du Tom dazu aufgefordert? Did you tell Tom to do that? Did you ask Tom to do this? Heeft u de verduistering van gisteren gezien? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Have you seen the eclipse of yesterday? Wie könnte Tom uns das antun? How could Tom do this to us? How could Tom do this to us? Maria und ihre Schwester haben eine ähnliche Frisur. Mary and her sister have a similar hairstyle. Maria and her sister have a similar hairstyle. איך האב עס געמאכט ענגער. I've made it worse. I made it closer. Ze liet hem toe alleen te gaan. She allowed him to go alone. She let him go alone. Die Unterweisungen meines Lehrers bringen die Sache immer auf den Punkt. My teacher's instructions are always to the point. My teacher's teachings always bring things to the fore. Ik kan mijn linkerschoen niet vinden. I can't find my left shoe. I can't find my left shoe. Was glaubt Tom, wer gewinnen wird? Who does Tom think is going to win? What does Tom think will win? Het oude kasteel staat op de heuvel. The old castle stands on the hill. The old castle is on the hillside. מערי טראַכט וועגן מיר. Mary thinks about me. Marry was thinking about me. Lass uns gehen! Let's go! Let's go! Wo ist der Strand? Where's the beach? Where's the beach? Abraham þa gecierde sona to his cnapum and ferdon him ham swa mid heofonlicre bletsunge. Abraham then immediately returned to his servants and so they went home with heavenly blessing. Abraham was quoted almost to his cnapum and ferdon his ham swa mid heofonlic lightning. Mien Stad liggt an de See. My town is by the sea. My city is at the lake. Einige der Schüler kamen zu spät zur Schule. Some of the students were late for school. Some of the students came to school too late. Ich war neulich so beschäftigt. I've been so busy recently. I was so busy the other day. Ich schulde meinen Erfolg eurer Unterstützung. I owe my success to your help. I owe my success to your support. Können wir Amerika eine Absage erteilen? Can we say "No" to America? Can we give America a rejection? Laat geen sigarettenas op het tapijt vallen. Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Don't drop a cigarette bag on the carpet. Wat? What? What? Sie rief um Hilfe. She called for help. She called for help. Ek gaan nie 'n party hieraan wees nie. I won't be a party to this. I'm not going to be a party to this. Taro is gedurende drie dagen in Tokyo gebleven. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Diese Uhr ist teuer. This watch is expensive. This watch is expensive. Duitse soldaten marcheerden door Frankrijk. German soldiers marched through France. German soldiers marched through France. Waarom huilen jullie? Why do you cry? Why are you crying? Tom gab nur drei Dollar für sein Mittagessen aus. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars for his lunch. Er verabschiedete sich nicht einmal. He didn't even say goodbye. He didn't even say goodbye. Tom sal nee sê. Tom will say no. Tom will say no. Freitag der 13. gilt als Unglückstag. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. Friday 13th is considered an unhappiness day. Carlos Slim ist der zweitreichste Mann der Welt. Carlos Slim is the world's second richest person. Carlos Slim is the second richest man in the world. Snackst du Chineesch? Do you speak Chinese? Are you talking Chinese? Sie het ihn ginget. She kicked him. She went to him. Is dat de sleutel die je zoekt? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Hij is gestorven aan kanker. He died of cancer. He died of cancer. Wir erhielten eine unmittelbare Antwort auf unseren Brief. We received an immediate answer to our letter. We received an immediate answer to our letter. Ein Junge bat Maria um einen Tanz. A boy asked Mary to dance. A boy asked Maria for a dance. Maria versprach Tom, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. Mary promised Tom that she'd quit smoking. Maria promised Tom to stop smoking. Jullie zijn mij een zoen verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. איך װײס װוּ ער װױנט. אָבער דאָס איז אַ סוד. I know where he lives. But it is a secret. I let you know where he is. But this is a secret. Ik kom uit Utrecht. I'm from Utrecht. I'm from Utrecht. Tom ist oben. Tom's upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Doe zongst. You sang. Do the singing. Sie sind bestimmt sehr beschäftigt. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. דאס איז דער הויכסטער בוים וואס איך האב א מאל געזען. This is the tallest tree I have ever seen. This is the tallest name that I have seen a few times. Germanie is a grete contre. Germany is a big country. Germanie is a grete contre. Tom hil ook van mie. Tom loved me, too. Tom's gonna help me too. Tom lijkt bijna op een meisje. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom ist ein Jediritter. Tom is a jedi. Tom's a Jediritter. Ik vind dat een heel irritant geluid. I think that's a very annoying sound. I think that's a very annoying sound. Maria gab ihrem Hund einen Knochen. Mary gave her dog a bone. Maria gave her dog a bone. De tafel is rood. The table is red. The table is red. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Ich habe nicht im entferntesten daran gedacht, dass sie im Krankenhaus läge. It never occurred to me that she was sick in the hospital. I didn't think she was lying in the hospital in the farthest distance. We hebben huiswerk. We have homework. We've got homework. Kinder spielen richtig gerne am Strand. Children really like playing on the beach. Children really like to play on the beach. Wæter biþ feorh. Water is life. The number of pages in the document. Blijf optimistisch. Stay positive. Stay optimistic. Wat studeerst du? What are you studying? What are you studying? Mannslüüd kören man nich oft vun ehr Problemen. Men rarely talk about their problems. People don't often choose to have problems with them. Zijn jullie blind? Are you blind? Are you blind? Je ziet er slanker uit. You look thinner. You look slimmer. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where is the closest metro stop? Where's the nearest metro station? Dankuwel voor uw e-mail. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your e-mail. ער איז זייער טאַטע. He's their father. He's very tattooed. Is dit jouw tas of de zijne? Is this bag yours or his? Is this your bag or his? Voed die voël! Feed the bird! Feed the bird! Hij eet. He is eating. He eats. Maria gab Tom einen Kuss auf die Wange. Mary kissed Tom's cheek. Maria gave Tom a kiss on the cheek. Hij is al een man. He's already a man. He's already a man. Wel is betunteld? Who is confused? Well is bewildered? Je bent niet voorbereid op wat je te wachten staat. You're not prepared for what awaits you. You're not prepared for what you're waiting for. Kan jy my brief lees en die foute korrigeer, as daar is. Would you read my letter and correct the mistakes, if any? Can you read my letter and correct the mistakes, if there is. Sami wist niet wat het betekende om een moslim te zijn. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. Gold is sworer as Iesen. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Entschuldigung. Excuse me. Sorry. Ik heb gisteren veel frietjes gegeten. I ate a lot of french fries yesterday. I ate a lot of fries yesterday. Diese Worte sind bloß diplomatische Nettigkeiten. Those words are mere diplomatic niceties. These words are merely diplomatic sweets. Tom is noch nich in Australien wäsen. Tom hasn't been to Australia yet. Tom has not yet been watered in Australia. Es ist nicht recht zu lügen. It's wrong to lie. It's not right to lie. Hou je van blauwe kaas? Do you like blue cheese? Do you like blue cheese? Wir waren eine große, glückliche Familie. We were one big happy family. We were a big, happy family. Was das angeht, kann ich Ihnen nicht zustimmen. I cannot agree with you as regards that. As far as this is concerned, I cannot agree with you. He drünk Beer. He drank beer. He's got a beer. Het zou me niet gelukt zijn zonder zijn hulp. I would have failed without his help. I wouldn't have succeeded without his help. Bei Tom fand ein wüstes Gelage statt. There was revelry at Tom's house. There was a desolate situation at Tom's house. Ik eet geen fruit. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. Der Diktator unterdrückte das Volk. The dictator oppressed the people. The dictator oppressed the people. Er wurde im Kampf verwundet. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded in the fight. Ik wil niet naar school. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Ich mache zu viele Fehler. I am making too many mistakes. I'm making too many mistakes. Am besten gehst du sofort nach Hause. You'd better go home at once. It's best to go home right now. Ich habe versucht, ihn aufzuhalten. I tried to stop him. I tried to stop him. Is dit warm daarso? Is it hot over there? Is it hot there? Ik bün nee hier. I'm new here. I'm not here. En schööne Taag! Have a nice day. A beautiful day! Hij zag het ongeval onderweg naar school. He saw the accident on his way to school. He saw the accident on his way to school. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We listen to music. Halten Sie diesen Platz für jemanden frei? Are you saving this seat for someone? Do you keep this place free for someone? Tom kann Vegetarier nicht ausstehen. Tom can't abide veggies. Tom can't stand vegetarians. Er was geen tegenbewijs. There was no counterevidence. There was no counter-debt. Was machsch brueflich? What's your occupation? What do you mean? Das ist Toms Terminkalender. This is Tom's appointment book. That's Tom's schedule. Romulus was de eerste Romeinse koning. Romulus was the first Roman king. Romulus was the first Roman king. Het lijkt erop dat er geen geld meer is. It seems like there's no money left. Looks like there's no money left. Graag morgen het huiswerk inleveren. Please turn in your homework by tomorrow. You're welcome to hand in the homework tomorrow. Ze is een brief aan het schrijven. She is writing a letter. She's writing a letter. Toms erste Frau kam aus Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Miene Süster is temlich plietsch. My sister is very intelligent. My sister is rather smart. Er ist mehr oder weniger betrunken. He is more or less drunk. He's more or less drunk. דאָלוי פּאָליציי! דאָלוי סאַמאָדערזשאַוויע! Down with the police! Down with autocracy! Dolok police! Onzes inziens zijn zonnepanelen een goede investering. Solar panels represent, in our view, a good investment. We believe solar panels are a good investment. Zij en haar vrienden zijn gek op muziek. She and her friends are mad about music. She and her friends love music. De Deern hett keen Moder. This girl has no mother. The animals don't have a moder. Tom muss reich sein. Tom must be rich. Tom must be rich. Tom het terug buitentoe gegaan. Tom went back outside. Tom went outside. Damals waren wir noch jung, voller Abenteuerlust und unser Tatendrang kannte keine Grenzen. At that time, we were still young, thirsting for adventure, and our desire for action knew no bounds. At that time we were young, full of adventure and our commitment knew no limits. Ik begryp it net. I do not understand. I just got it. כ'האָב ליב טערקיי. I love Turkey. Oh, yes, of course. Er wird nie zu Partys eingeladen. He never gets invited to parties. He'll never be invited to parties. Wie wäre es, wenn ich das tue? How about I do that? How about I do that? Georgië wordt ''Sakartvelo'' genoemd in het Georgisch. Georgia is called "Sakartvelo" in Georgian. Georgia is called ''Sakartvelo'' in Georgian. Sie waren unzufrieden. They were not pleased. They were dissatisfied. Þancie! Thank you! Hemancie! Tom had een ernstige allergische reactie. Tom had a severe allergic reaction. Tom had a serious allergic reaction. Dat is het juiste ding om te doen. This is the right thing to do. That's the right thing to do. De draak moet dood. The dragon must die. The dragon has to die. Ik stotter. I am stuttering. I'm stuttering. Wir sind sehr enttäuscht von dir. We're very disappointed in you. We're very disappointed with you. Seid ihr Ungarn? Are you Hungarian? Are you Hungary? Er waren veel mensen in het park. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Sie ist mit ihm in den Zoo gegangen. She went with him to the zoo. She went to the zoo with him. Ik heff jüst anfungen, Esperanto to lehren. I just started to learn Esperanto. I just started teaching Esperanto. Tom schilderde. Tom painted. Tom painted. Ik heb een dollar op straat gevonden. I found a dollar in the street. I found a dollar on the street. Nee, dat is noog. Ik bün sadd. No, it is enough. I am full. No, that's enough. Die Gegend ist nie besiedelt gewesen. The region has never been inhabited by people. The area has never been populated. Zulke oppervlakkige vrienden heb ik niet nodig. I don't need such superficial friends. I don't need such superficial friends. De draak kan niet worden gedood. The dragon cannot be killed. The dragon cannot be killed. Ich möchte ein Bild von diesem Hund. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of this dog. k Roek schink. I smell bacon. I don't know. Kann ich das behalten? Can I keep this? Can I keep that? Wat betekent het? What does it mean? What does it mean? Ik wil niet tv kijken. I don't want to watch TV. I don't want to watch TV. Persoonlijk deel ik zijn mening. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. Personally, I share his opinion. Entspann dich doch einfach und genieß die Zeit! Why don't you just relax and have fun? Just relax and enjoy the time! Rauchen ist in dem Restaurant nicht gestattet. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. Dood de draken. Kill the dragons. Kill the dragons. Er hat eine Entscheidung getroffen. He made up his mind. He made a decision. Sami las de Koran. Sami read the Quran. Sami was the Qur'an. Der binne gjin domme fragen. There are no stupid questions. There are no stupid questions. Als we de huur betalen aan de huiseigenares, zullen we geen geld meer hebben voor eten; we zitten tussen de duivel en de diepe blauwe zee. If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea. If we pay the rent to the homeowner, we will no longer have money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea. De kwaliteit van de rijst vermindert. The quality of rice is going down. The quality of the rice is reduced. Tom en ik woonden vroeger in Australië. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Am nächsten Morgen verließ Dima den Müllcontainer, musste aber feststellen, dass seine Kleidung jetzt nach Müll roch. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima left the trash container, but had to find that his clothes now smelled like garbage. Ik kom uit de toekomst. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Wir haben uns vor etwa zehn Jahren auf einem Plaudersofa im Internet kennengelernt. We met in a chat room, around ten years ago. About ten years ago, we met on a plaudersofa on the Internet. Ik deed de deuren open. I opened the doors. I opened the doors. Weinig mensen denken zo. Few people think so. Few people think so. Is het een koe? Is it a cow? Is it a cow? Tom zal zich afvragen waar we zijn. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom will wonder where we are. We horen met onze oren. We hear with our ears. We hear with our ears. Maria sagte, sie hätte gern noch eine Tasse Kaffee. Mary said she'd like to have another cup of coffee. Maria said she'd like another cup of coffee. Maria hat Ihre Handtasche verloren. Mary lost her handbag. Maria lost her handbag. Ze kunnen je niet zien. They can't see you. They can't see you. Manchmal machen wir Dinge nicht, die wir machen wollen, damit andere nicht wissen, dass wir sie machen wollen. Sometimes we don’t do things we want to do so that others won’t know we want to do them. Sometimes we don't do things we want to do so that others don't know we want to do them. Tom kann nicht gut mit anderen zusammenarbeiten. Tom isn't a team player. Tom can't work well with others. Ga alsjeblieft door. Please go on. Please continue. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich nach Boston gehen werde. I don't think I'll go to Boston. I don't think I'm going to Boston. Jullie huis is groot. Your house is big. Your house is big. Nancy schall woll nienich mit mi utgahn. Ik speel nich in ehr Liga. Nancy will never go on a date with me. She's out of my league. Nancy should never go out with me. I don't play in her League. De buitenlandse investeerders trokken hun geld uit de VS terug. Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. The foreign investors withdrew their money from the US. Het eerste ding dat hij kocht was een wekker. The first item he bought was an alarm clock. The first thing he bought was an alarm clock. We tennissen altijd op zaterdagochtend. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. Er zijn geruchten dat hij ontslag zal nemen. There are rumors that he will resign. There are rumors that he will resign. Toms Familie ist in Australien. Tom's family is in Australia. Tom's family is in Australia. Ik zal de vissen in leven houden. I will keep the fish alive. I'll keep the fish alive. Ik kan niks bedenken. I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything. Ech hunn e Boot. I've got a boat. I have a boat. Ich verstehe durchaus, worum es geht. I am not missing the point. I understand what it's all about. Ek het jou meisie ontmoet. I met your girlfriend. I met your girl. Tom ist der Ansicht, dass sich Maria bei Johannes für die Nichteinhaltung ihres Gesagten entschuldigen sollte. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John for not doing what she said she'd do. Tom believes that Mary should apologise to John for the non-compliance of her saying. Glücksspiel ist verboten. Gambling is illegal. Gambling is forbidden. Oeps, mijn fout. Het is 3000 yen, niet 3000 euro's. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. Oops, my fault, it's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. Er opferte sich selbst und verriet die Organisation. He sacrificed his life and betrayed the organization. He sacrificed himself and betrayed the organization. Maria glaubte zu wissen, was zu tun sei. Mary said she thought she knew what had to be done. Maria believed to know what to do. Ik ben gelukkig met mijn vriendin. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Hij werkte anderhalf jaar in Nederland. He worked for one and a half years in the Netherlands. He worked in the Netherlands for a year and a half. Dit is mien schoul. This is my school. This is my school. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? Don't you come with me? Ich habe immer so meine Zweifel, wenn jemand von sich behauptet, mehr als fünf Sprachen fließend zu beherrschen. I'm skeptical when I hear someone claim to speak more than five languages fluently. I always have my doubts when someone claims to be fluent in more than five languages. Et was an plästern. It rained heavily. It was a good time. Wenn Tom das tut, fresse ich einen Besen. If Tom does that, I'll eat my hat. If Tom does, I'll eat a broom. Vertell keen Lögen. Don't tell lies. Don't lie. k Kais joe. I choose you. k Kais Joe. Ge hebt uw man bedrogen. You deceived your husband. You cheated on your husband. Wag jy te lank? Have you been waiting too long? Are you waiting too long? Waar is jou bagasie? Where's your luggage? Where is your luggage? Ek werk by hierdie maatskappy. I work at this company. I work with this company. Die Farben der Flagge haben auch eine Bedeutung. The colors of the flag have meaning as well. The colors of the flag also have a meaning. Hoeveel bloemen koop je? How many flowers are you buying? How many flowers are you buying? Dor is een an de Döör. Gah man un kiek ’keen dat is. Someone is at the front door. Go and see who it is. There's one on the doorstep. Ich kann mir nicht erlauben, einen Gebrauchtwagen zu kaufen. I cannot afford buying a used car. I can't allow myself to buy a used car. Tom is niet zo betrouwbaar, of wel? Tom isn't very trustworthy, is he? Tom's not that reliable, is he? Ich wünschte, du hättest Tom mit uns gehen lassen. I wish you had let Tom go with us. I wish you had let Tom go with us. Tom is gek geworden. Tom has lost his mind. Tom's gone crazy. Er ist etwas älter als ich. He's a bit older than me. He's a little older than me. Jack vit altijd op anderen. Daarom mijdt iedereen hem. Jack always finds fault with others. That's why everybody avoids him. That's why everyone avoids him. In ’t Huus spöökt dat. The house is haunted. In a house, it spews. Iss keine Süßigkeiten zwischen den Mahlzeiten. Don't eat sweets between meal times. Don't eat sweets between meals. Ik bün von Saterdag af an hier wesen. I've been here since Saturday. I've been here since Saturday. Glaubt ihr im Ernst, das sei fair? Do you really think that's fair? Do you really think that's fair? Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich moe voelden. Tom and Mary said that they felt tired. Tom and Maria said they felt tired. Das kannte ich schon. I already knew this. I already knew that. Ik heb genoeg van lezen. I'm sick and tired of reading. I've had enough reading. Laat uns trügggahn. Let's turn back. Let's go. Geht es Tom besser? Is Tom any better? Is Tom doing better? Ek het gekom om met julle te praat. I've come to talk with you. I came to talk to you. Spreken joe Kataloans? Do you speak Catalan? Does Your Catalan Speak? Tom ziet er droevig uit. Tom sounds sad. Tom looks sad. Beim Ausbruch des Ontake kamen mindestens 31 Menschen ums Leben. At least 31 people were killed when Mt. Ontake erupted. At least 31 people died at the outbreak of the ontak. Hij overtrad de wet. He broke the law. He broke the law. Sloapt hai? Is he sleeping? Sloping shark? Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He's been working all day. איך האב באזוכט מער פון ניין לענדער שוין. I have visited more than nine countries so far. I have visited more of no countries already. Heeft u het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? Haven't you told him yet? "Heb je broers of zussen?" "Neen, ik ben enig kind." "Do you have any siblings?" "No, I'm an only child." "Do you have brothers or sisters?" "No, I'm only a child." Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. She had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. She was in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Der Kamo fließt durch Kyoto. The Kamo runs through Kyoto. The kamo flows through Kyoto. Sy kan nogal 'n handvol wees. She can be a bit of a handful. She could be quite a handful. Jane und ich spielen gut Klavier. Jane and I play the piano well. Jane and I are playing a good piano. Regeringsleden inspecteerden alle fabrieken. Government officials inspected all factories. Government members inspected all factories. Ek sal terugkom. I'll come back. I'll come back. Dies kann nicht brennen. This doesn't burn. This can't burn. Tom goss etwas Wein in ein Glas. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Myn namme is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Du bist sehr aufmerksam. You're very attentive. You're very attentive. Schaut er mich an? Is he looking at me? Is he looking at me? Ik kann mi keen Auto tügen. I can't afford a car. I can't take a car. Ik heb heel hard geleerd om het examen te kunnen halen. I studied really hard so as to pass the exam. I learned very hard to get the exam. De spijker scheurde zijn jas. The nail tore his jacket. The nail tore his coat. Warst du beim Haarschneider? Did you get a haircut? Were you with the hair cutter? Darf ich dir meinen Bruder Tom vorstellen? I'd like you to meet my brother, Tom. May I introduce my brother Tom? Du büst en goden Fründ. You're a good friend. You are a good friend. Hij heeft mijn moeder gevraagd. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Ik ga Duits leren. I'm going to learn German. I'm gonna learn German. Dat Gatt is groot noog. The hole is big enough. That Gatt is big enough. Ich habe jetzt eine andere Arbeit. I have another job now. I have a different job now. Grüß deine Schwester von mir. Say hello to your sister for me. Salute your sister from me. Dat is mien Fründ. This is my friend. That's my friend. Ich habe den Grund des Schwimmbeckens berührt. I touched the bottom of the pool. I touched the bottom of the pool. Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Would you like my email address? Weet je wanneer hij terugkomt? Do you know when he'll come back? Do you know when he'll be back? Hau ab, solange du noch kannst. Get out while you can. Get off as long as you can. Het is een gemakkelijke keuze. It's an easy choice. It's an easy choice. Ik sta gewoonlijk op om 6 uur. I usually get up at 6:00. I usually get up at 6:00. Hoeveel provincies heeft Canada? How many provinces does Canada have? How many provinces does Canada have? Reicht dir das nicht? Isn't that enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Dat zou vreselijk zijn geweest. That would have been awful. That would have been terrible. Wir haben viele wichtige Tatsachen übersehen. We've overlooked many important facts. We have overlooked many important facts. Tom kòcht ain lutje kopter. Tom bought a drone. Tom's got a lot of cops. Ze stalen mijn fles wijn! They stole my wine bottle! They stole my bottle of wine! Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the rubber bears. Ich winsch eich all en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I'm gonna walk back to Yaahr. Eine Kiste fehlt noch. One box is still missing. A box is still missing. Sie ist stolz auf ihren Sohn. She's proud of her son. She's proud of her son. Einen Mann ohne Schnurrbart zu küssen ist wie Eier ohne Salz zu essen. Kissing a man without a mustache is like eating eggs without salt. Kissing a man without a mustache is like eating eggs without salt. Sami was n aaldoagse moslim. Sami was an ordinary Muslim. Sami was an eel - dogged Muslim. Wunder sind alltäglich. Miracles are ordinary. Miracles are everyday. Man sæᵹeþ þe hē sƿīðe ƿelig ƿæs. It is said that he was very rich. But let's say I want to try this on a particular side index. Obwohl sie viele Schwächen hat, vertraue ich ihr. Although she has many weaknesses, I trust her. Although she has many weaknesses, I trust her. Ech hunn e puer Saachen, déi ech maachen mussen. I have a few things I have to do. I have a few things I need to do. Ik moet vandaag de lunch bereiden. I have to make lunch today. I have to prepare lunch today. Bedankt voor het helpen. Thank you for the help. Thanks for helping. Er ist alt genug, um in die Schule zu gehen. He's old enough to go to school. He's old enough to go to school. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die meisten Amerikaner heute das Gleiche wie jene ersten Amerikaner wollen: ein besseres Leben für sich und ihre Kinder, ein Minimum an Staatsgewalt. I'm convinced that today the majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. I am convinced that most Americans today want the same thing as the first Americans: a better life for themselves and their children, a minimum of state power. Mary hat bei all ihren Unternehmungen immer Erfolg gehabt. Mary has always been successful in everything she has done. Mary has always been successful in all her activities. Jij bent mijn enige hoop. You are my only hope. You're my only hope. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז דו לעבסט? How many people know that you're alive? How many people do you know that you're alive? Tom kon nooit de verschrikking van de oorlog vergeten. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horror of the war. Waar kan ik een kaart van Europa kopen? Where can I go to get a map of Europe? Where can I buy a map of Europe? Ich bin gekommen, um dir ein Angebot zu machen. I came here to make you an offer. I came to make you an offer. Zoals gewoonlijk was Mike op tijd. Hij is zeer stipt. As usual, Mike turned up on time. He's very punctual. As usual, Mike was on time. We zijn ook naar de tempel geweest. We also went to the temple. We went to the temple, too. Wat is jouw favoriete kleur? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Charon gilt als Trabant des (Zwerg-)Planeten Pluto. Dieweil sein Durchmesser jedoch mehr als halb so groß ist wie der des Pluto selbst, kann er in der Tat als gleichberechtigter Begleiter und Pluto zusammen mit Charon als Doppelplanet betrachtet werden. Charon is considered to be a satellite of the (dwarf) planet Pluto. However, because its diameter is more than half as large as that of Pluto itself, it can be considered an equal partner; and Pluto and Charon can be considered a double planet. Charon is considered a trabant of the (dwarf) planet Pluto. However, since its diameter is more than half as large as that of the Pluto itself, it can in fact be regarded as an equal companion and Pluto together with Charon as a double planet. Hie sindon mine broðor. They are my brothers. Hie areon mine broðor. Dat Kleed is gröön. The dress is green. The clothing is green. Sorry voor mijn slechte Esperanto. Pardon my poor Esperanto. Sorry for my bad bad bad. Tom is zwaarlijvig. Tom is obese. Tom's obese. Tom schreef Maria een brief. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Tom wrote a letter to Maria. Hier is bus. Here's the bus. Here's a bus. Wo ist die Bushaltestelle? Where's the bus stop? Where's the bus stop? Zai is ons noaberske. She is our neighbor. Zai is our noabersque. Das ist ein Extremfall. It's an extreme case. That's an extreme case. Tom wartete bang. Tom waited anxiously. Tom was waiting scared. Der Turm ist über einhundert Meter hoch. The height of the tower is above 100 meters. The tower is over a hundred meters high. Ons wil nie hê jy moet jouself seer maak nie. We don't want you to hurt yourself. We don’t want you to hurt yourself. Ich glaube, ich kann dabei helfen. I believe I can help with that. I think I can help. Ich hatte keine Wahl. I didn't have a choice. I had no choice. Alby kinders was gestraf. Both children were punished. Children were always punished. k Woon ien Stad. I live in Groningen. was living one city. Ik heb een tijdje gewacht. I waited a while. I waited a while. Warum machen sie sich keine Sorgen? Why aren't they worried? Why don't they worry? Wie is uw lievelingspianist? Who's your favorite pianist? Who's your favorite pianist? Ich bin gegen Grippe geimpft worden. I was vaccinated against the flu. I've been vaccinated against the flu. Zai runnen. They run. Zai running. Hoe spel je je achternaam? How do you spell your surname? How do you spell your last name? Er gewöhnte sich an die Arbeit im Büro. He became accustomed to working in the office. He used to work in the office. Ich halte Tom für normal. I think Tom is normal. I think Tom's normal. Tot dusver gaat alles goed. So far everything has been going well. So far, everything's going well. Si kacht. She's cooking. Si's chewing. Wo wied is dat na Brno? How far is it to Brno? Where's that to Brno? Ich denke nicht, dass nur ich das bemerkt habe. I don't think I'm the only one who noticed. I don't think I just noticed. Doe je uiterste best! Do the best you can! Do your utmost! Maria bloosde een beetje. Mary blushed a little. Maria blushed a little. Stop met me steeds te bekritiseren! Don't keep criticizing me! Stop criticizing me! Wanneer ben je klaar om te vertrekken? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to leave? Er ist gerade aus dem Ausland zurückgekommen. He just returned from abroad. He just returned from abroad. Vind je Moskou leuk? Do you like Moscow? Do you like Moscow? Wo schrifft man Ehr Achternaam? How do you spell your surname? Where do you write your last name? Wi sünd de Besten. We are the best. We are the best. Ik heb een koe. I have a cow. I have a cow. Dat is hier noch krekt as ehrtieds. It's still just as before here. That is exactly what happened before. Tom was gehospitaliseer. Tom was hospitalized. Tom was hospitalized. Wi kunnen nix sehn as Mist. We could see nothing but fog. We can't view anything as crap. דער טעאַטער איז געװען פֿול געפּאַקט. The theater was too crowded. The theater was packed. Þæt is þīn bōc. It's your book. The number of pages in the document. Wenn es an uns wäre zu entscheiden, würden wir nein sagen. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If it were up to us to decide, we would say no. Vergleicht den Stil dieser Briefe! Compare the style of those letters. Compare the style of these letters! Breng mijn hoed. Bring my hat. Bring my hat. Ze zijn beiden in de kamer. The two of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Ik kann snacken. I'm able to speak. I can talk. דער דיקטאַטאָר האָט אונטערדריקט דאָס פֿאָלק. The dictator oppressed the people. The D-Busian has submitted this error. Het huis staat in brand. The house is burning. The house is on fire. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. It's fun to play baseball. It's nice to play baseball. Dieses Mal ist es nicht anders. This time is no different. This time it's no different. Ik wil sneeuw. I want snow. I want snow. Ich kann jetzt nicht dahin zurückgehen. I can't go back there now. I can't go back there now. Ist es das, woran Sie denken? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you're thinking? Maria ist eine Frau. Mary is a woman. Maria is a woman. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זענט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you guys weren't here. I'm afraid you weren't here. Ik heff Tom seggt, dat mi dat leed dee. It told Tom that I was sorry. I'm saying to Tom that I suffered that. Ze is een tweeling. She is a twin. She's twins. Langweile ich dich? Am I annoying you? Am I boring you? Zai waarkte. She worked. Zai watched. Iemand voeden tijdens de heilige maand ramadan is zeer de moeite waard. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding someone during the holy month Ramadan is very worthwhile. Je hebt gelijk. You're right. You're right. Was ihm fehlt, ist Mut. What he lacks is courage. What he lacks is courage. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Bitte erinnere mich daran, das Referat einzureichen. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to submit the presentation. Ünner Europa sien Iesköst liggt villicht en Waterozeaan. Under Europa's icy crust might be water ocean. Under Europe’s icy cost may be a water ocean. Versuch mal, dich in die Lage deiner Mutter zu versetzen. Try putting yourself in your mother's shoes. Try to put yourself in your mother's position. Ik miss di de ganze Tied. I miss you constantly. I miss you all the time. Luke heeft kort haar. Luke has short hair. Luke has short hair. Wir wussten, der Hund würde hinter der Katze herrennen. We knew that the dog would chase the cat. We knew the dog was running after the cat. Ik wil dat je naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Kiek di de Katt op ’t Dack an. Look at that cat on the roof. Look at the cat on the roof. Alles is helder. Everything is clear. Everything's clear. צי דאַרפֿט איר עס? Do you need it? Are you sure you want it? Das ist völlig natürlich. That's perfectly natural. That's completely natural. Onze kinderen zijn nog steeds in Boston. Our kids are still in Boston. Our kids are still in Boston. Ik hou van friet. I love french fries. I love ice. Doe bist n vraauw. You're a woman. Do is a questionable one. Ik will nich, dat Tom na Australien tücht. I don't want Tom to move to Australia. I don't want Tom moving to Australia. Sie kleidete sich wie eine Schauspielerin. She dressed like an actress. She dressed like an actress. De rest is geschiedenis. The rest is history. The rest is history. Maria is kantklosser. Mary is a lacemaker. Maria's a lacer. ער קען אונדז נישט זען. He can't see us. He could not see us. Du und David solltet unbedingt das Stück lernen und nächstes Jahr bei der Talentshow aufführen. You and David should totally learn that piece and play it at the talent show next year. You and David should learn the piece and perform next year at the talent show. Er was een geschil over onze rekening. There was a dispute about our bill. There was a dispute about our account. Hoeveel appelbomen staan er in uw boomgaard? How many apple trees are there in your orchard? How many apple trees are there in your orchard? Hest du mi anropen? Did you phone me? Did you call me? Er gab zu, dass er gelogen hatte. He made an admission that he had lied. He admitted that he had lied. Ich bin sicher, Tom lässt uns nicht im Stich. I'm sure that Tom won't let us down. I'm sure Tom won't let us down. Dat kann nich wohr wesen. This can't be true. It cannot be true. Hai kin lopen. He can walk. Shark can walk. Bitte komm in drei Tagen. Please come in three days. Please come in three days. Wann kommst du morgen an? What time will you arrive tomorrow? When will you arrive tomorrow? Sami sal 'n nuwe musiekvideo op YouTube publiseer. Sami will be releasing a new music video on YouTube. Sami will publish a new music video on YouTube. 1989 weer en swoor Johr. 1989 was a difficult year. 1989 again and difficult year. Ik ging met mijn broer naar de bioscoop. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the movies with my brother. Ik kom heel goed overeen met mijn schoonmoeder. I'm getting along with my mother-in-law very well. I'm very close to my mother-in-law. Tom war sehr gut. Tom was very good. Tom was very good. Tom saß auf der Veranda und las die Zeitung. Tom sat on the porch reading the newspaper. Tom sat on the porch and read the paper. Tom en Maria hebben gezegd dat ze geen vlees aten. Tom and Mary said they don't eat meat. Tom and Maria said they didn't eat meat. Hast du das je dem Lehrer gegenüber erwähnt? Have you ever mentioned this to the teacher? Did you ever mention that to the teacher? De reiziger bereikte uiteindelijk zijn bestemming. The traveler reached his destination at last. The traveler finally reached his destination. Ek ken jou seun. I know your son. I know your son. Geloof mij. Ik word een nieuwe mens. Believe me. I'll be a new man. Believe me, I'm going to be a new person. Wiens auto is dat? Whose car is that? Whose car is that? Heb je koorts? Do you have a temperature? Do you have a fever? Es ist schlecht für dich. It's bad for you. It's bad for you. Am nächsten Morgen frühstückten wir zusammen. The next morning, we ate breakfast together. The next morning we had breakfast together. Tom weer bannig bang. Tom was very scared. Tom's scared again. "In" ist eine Präposition. "In" is a preposition. "In" is a preposition. Ek het 'n bietjie van 'n koors. I have a slight fever. I've got a little bit of a fever. Ich bin den ganzen Weg zur Haltestelle gerannt. I ran all the way to the station. I ran all the way to the stop. Hoe zeg je dat best in het Frans? What's the best way to say this in French? How do you say that in French? Ons het besluit om hulle nie te ontslaan. We've decided not to fire them. We decided not to fire them. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal etwas von Tom gehört? When did you last hear from Tom? When was the last time you heard something from Tom? Snags is alle katte grou. All cats are grey in the dark. At night all cats are gray. Warum hast du das gefragt? What made you ask that question? Why did you ask that? Wann würde es euch passen? When would it be convenient for you? When would it fit you? Ik ferstean gjin Dútsk. I don't understand German. I do not understand German. Hij wil graag wat Engelse liedjes leren. He wants to learn some English songs. He wants to learn some English songs. Heb je Russische kranten? Do you have Russian newspapers? Do you have Russian newspapers? Hoe heb je die blauwe plekken op je benen opgelopen? How did you get those bruises on your legs? How did you get those bruises on your legs? Sie ist eine aufgeweckte Schülerin. She's a bright student. She's an awakened student. Ik bakte boterkoekjes. I baked butter cookies. I baked buttercakes. In het algemeen houden jongeren niet van formaliteit. In general, young people dislike formality. In general, young people do not like formality. Gehen wir dort entlang! Let's go that way. Let's go along there! Dat is to düür. It's too expensive. It's too dark. Tom heeft Maria misleid. Tom misled Mary. Tom deceived Maria. Was jy gister besig? Were you busy yesterday? Were you busy yesterday? Ass dat ze schwéier fir dech? Is that too hard for you? Now, that's why you're here? Zai binnen nait old. They are not old. Zai inside nait old. Allem Anschein nach hat Tom Sinn für Humor. Tom certainly seems to have a sense of humor. Apparently, Tom has sense of humor. Sie trafen sich heimlich. They met in secret. They met secretly. Es fällt mir schwer. It's not easy for me. It's hard for me. Ik weet dat je dat zelf hebt gedaan. I know you did that by yourself. I know you did that yourself. Gandhi is doodschaten worrn. Gandhi was shot dead. Gandhi's gone to death. Wat is het verschil tussen deze twee? What's the difference between these two? What's the difference between these two? Jy is baie laat. You're very late. You are very late. Ich möchte, dass du das weißt. I want you to know that. I want you to know that. Ik was erg trots. I was very proud. I was very proud. Fang hier an. Start here. Start here. Bent u allergisch voor dit geneesmiddel? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Versuch’s doch mal! Give it a try. Why don't you try it? Er ist ein japanischer Junge. He is a Japanese boy. He's a Japanese boy. Tom hatte Mitleid mit Maria. Tom felt sympathy for Mary. Tom felt sorry for Maria. Door overzee te studeren kunnen studenten met andere gewoonten en zeden in contact komen. By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs. Studying overseas allows students to come into contact with other habits and morals. Wanneer begint de film? When does the movie start? When does the movie start? Ik hou van zo'n soort momenten. I love such moments. I love such moments. Tom wird jetzt vermutlich keinen Hunger haben. Tom is probably not hungry right now. Tom's probably not going to be hungry now. Wenn Godd de Deerten nich to ’n Eten maakt hett, worüm hett he jem denn ut Fleesch maakt? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not make the animals a food, why did he turn you out of Fleesch? Wann geht Ihr Flug? When is your flight? When's your flight going? Wie ihr bereits wisst. As you already know. As you already know. דער הונט װערט אַלט. The dog is getting old. The dog is old. k Run. I run. k Run. Ich kann es Ihnen noch nicht sagen. I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you yet. Tom hat sich schon entschieden, wohin er will. Tom has already decided where to go. Tom's already decided where he wants to go. Wann hat Herr Suzuki Japan verlassen? When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan? When did Mr. Suzuki leave Japan? Ich ha Hunger. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Tom war nicht sehr erbaut. Tom wasn't very pleased. Tom wasn't very built. Ik wähl di. I choose you. I choose you. Ik woon in Miami. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. Ik wil niet teruggaan. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Ich werde das Buch lesen. I'm going to read the book. I'll read the book. Sami wilde in een Islamitisch land wonen. Sami wanted to live in a Muslim country. Sami wanted to live in an Islamic country. Tom und Johannes sind die Söhne Marias. Tom and John are Mary's sons. Tom and John are the sons of Mary. Sollte dir etwas passieren, lass es uns zuerst wissen. Should anything happen to you, let us know at once. If something happens to you, let us know first. Korrigiert bitte diesen Satz. Please correct the sentence. Please correct this sentence. Wat hebben we vandaag? What do we have today? What do we have today? זײַט איר אין בערלין? Are you guys in Berlin? Page you in Berlin? Waren jullie zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Tom darf sich jegliche Farbe aussuchen, die ihm gefällt. Tom may choose whichever color he likes. Tom can choose any color he likes. Deze oude auto gaat constant kapot. This old car breaks down all the time. This old car is going to be broken all the time. Ga Tom halen. Go and fetch Tom. Go get Tom. Ich war schon immer eine Einzelgängerin. I was always a loner. I've always been an individual. Larry Ewing is getrouwd. Larry Ewing is married. Larry Ewing is married. Se mag korte Röck. She likes short skirts. She may short skirt. Foder den Vagel! Feed the bird! Fed the bird! Hij ging vissen in de rivier. He went fishing in the river. He went fishing in the river. Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What does this word mean? What does this word mean? Ik hou van de zon. I love the sun. I love the sun. Zai is aacht joar old. She is eight. And we're afraid in. We have 5 years. Er zahlt mit einer Kreditkarte. He pays with a credit card. He's paying with a credit card. אי״ה עס וועט זיין גענוג. Let's hope it's enough. I know it'll be enough. Wees gewoon gelukkig. Just be happy. Just be happy. Ich kam bei der Buchhandlung vorbei und kaufte ein interessantes Buch. I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. I came by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. Ich kann nicht ohne die Erlaubnis meiner Eltern heiraten. I can't get married without my parents' permission. I can't get married without my parents' permission. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father gives flowers water. k Kin kommen. I can come. Kin's coming. Trouw met me. Marry me. Marry me. Ich habe dir bereits mitgeteilt, was ich denke. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. Ik heb nog nooit sushi gehad. I've never had sushi. I've never had sushi before. Eerlijkheid loont niet. Honesty doesn't pay. Honesty doesn't pay. Sütt dat slimm ut? Does it look bad? Is it smart? Dein Puls ist normal. Your pulse is normal. Your pulse is normal. Du kannst jetzt reinkommen. You may come in now. You can come in now. Ons gaan nie hier wees na 2:30 nie. We won't be here after 2:30. We are not going to be here after 2:30. Das ist sicher alles ein Missverständnis. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. I'm sure that's all a misunderstanding. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. He seems honest. He seems to be honest. Alle wegen leiden naar Rome. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Gooi dit alsjeblieft weg. Please throw this away. Please throw this away. Tom was snel. Tom was quick. Tom was quick. Kleine Lichter blinkten in der Ferne. Little lights were blinking on and off in the distance. Small lights flashed in the distance. Männer neigen eher als Frauen zur Vermessenheit. Men tend to be more overconfident than women. Men tend to be presumptuous rather than women. k Zaag allain appel. I only saw the apple. k saw allain apple. Verbergt u iets voor ons? Is there something you're not telling us? Are you hiding something from us? Se is nich minner smuck as ehr Süster. She is no less beautiful than her sister. She is no less beautiful than her sister. Tom gab eine negative Antwort. Tom replied in the negative. Tom gave a negative answer. Sie hat ihn mitten in der Nacht weinen gehört. She heard him cry in the middle of the night. She heard him crying in the middle of the night. Damals gab es Hass zwischen uns. There was hatred between us then. At that time there was hatred between us. Iedereen weet dat Tom van Maria houdt. Everyone knows Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows that Tom loves Maria. Hast du Töchter? Do you have any daughters? Do you have daughters? Ich würde das nicht tun, wenn ich du wäre. I wouldn't do it if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Deze huismuis is grijs. This house mouse is grey. This house mouse is gray. Ich glaube wir gehen dann mal besser. I guess we'd better get going. I think we'd better go. Langsam verliert Tom den Mut. Tom is beginning to get discouraged. Slowly, Tom loses courage. Vraauwlu eerst. Ladies first. Frauwlu first. Ik hou van ijshockey. I like ice hockey. I like ice hockey. Tom moet heel moe zijn. Tom must be very tired. Tom must be very tired. Die Wände sind dünn, und die Betten quietschen. The walls are thin and the beds are quite squeaky. The walls are thin, and the beds squeak. Ik was in de bergen. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Draai je om. Turn around. Turn around. Schließlich fand ich heraus, was mit meinem Fernseher nicht stimmte. I finally found out what was wrong with my TV. Finally, I found out what was wrong with my TV. Ze hebben een vraag. They've got a question. They have a question. Hij verliest nooit de hoop. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. Ech wunnen an engem Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. I won an apartment in the city. Eine Mischung von sechzig Stunden Arbeit und vierzig Stunden Unterricht ist für jeden stressig. A combination of sixty hours of work and forty hours of class is stressful for anyone. A mix of sixty hours of work and forty hours of teaching is stressful for everyone. Das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop verfügt über zwei Solarmodule der Größe 2,3 m mal 11,9 m. Diese Module wandeln das Sonnenlicht direkt in Strom um. Hubble has two solar panels which are each 2.3 meters by 11.9 meters in size. These panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. The Hubble Space Telescope has two 2.3 m x 11.9 m solar modules. These modules convert the sunlight directly into electricity. Er scheint uns zu kennen. He seems to know us. He seems to know us. Tom sollte schon längst im Bette sein! It's well past Tom's bedtime. Tom should be in bed a long time ago! Hebben jullie al een appartement gevonden? Have you found a flat yet? Have you found an apartment yet? Was du Liebe nennst, ist nur Anziehung, nichts mehr. What you call love is nothing more than just attraction. What you call love is just attraction, nothing more. Tom tat sich Salat auf den Teller. Tom put some salad on his plate. Tom put salad on the plate. De goeden sterven jong. The good die young. The good die young. Ich glaube, du fehlst mir auch. I guess I miss you too. I think I miss you too. Er zijn veel sterren die groter zijn dan onze zon. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars larger than our sun. הער צו ישראל. גאט ער איז אונזער גאט. און גאט איז איין איינציגער גאט. Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Mr. to Israel. Lord he is ours. And God is one unique guest. Wir verstehen uns. We have an understanding. We understand. Griekenland was de wieg van de westerse beschaving. Greece was the cradle of western civilization. Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. Leg das Buch dorthin, wo du es gefunden hast. Put the book where you found it. Put the book where you found it. Nutella ist in Japan nicht sehr verbreitet. In Amerika und Europa jedoch ist es ein bekannter Brotaufstrich und man kann Gläser in unterschiedlichen Größen in vielen Lebensmittelgeschäften und Supermärkten aufgereiht finden. Nutella is not very well known in Japan. However in the United States and Europe, it's a popular spread and various sized jars of Nutella may be seen lined up inside many grocery stores and supermarkets. Nutella is not very common in Japan, but in America and Europe it is a well-known spread of bread and can be found in different sizes in many grocery stores and supermarkets. Je mag het boek geven aan wie het maar wil. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Wo ist Teheran? Where is Tehran? Where's Tehran? Laat uns tohoop utkniepen. Let's escape together. Let's get out of here together. Tot morgen. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Tom hat seit Jahren nicht Klavier gespielt. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom hasn't played piano in years. Wann haben Sie zuletzt ein Faxgerät benutzt? When was the last time you used a fax machine? When was the last time you used a fax machine? Tom gibt nicht auf. Tom isn't giving up. Tom won't give up. Segg dat op Engelsch. Say it in English. Say that in English. U bent een wiskundeleraar. You're a math teacher. You're a math teacher. Was machst du heute? What are you doing today? What are you doing today? Gelukkige verjaardag! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! Tranen löpen ehr Backen dal. Tears were rolling down her cheek. Tears ran their jaws down. Echte mannen drinken thee. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Mien Süster is dree Johr jünger as ik un mien Broder veer Johr jünger. My sister is three years younger than I and my brother is four years younger. My sister is three years younger than I am, and my brother is four years younger. Dat köst twee Euro. It costs 2 euros. It costs two euros. Je kan geen omelet maken zonder eieren te breken. You have to break an egg to make an omelet. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Ik wil kinderen, maar mijn man niet. I want kids, but my husband doesn't. I want kids, but I don't want my husband. Tom rende en rende, totdat hij uiteindelijk de telefooncel zag. Tom ran and ran, until at last he saw the telephone booth. Tom ran and ran until he finally saw the phone. Was hast du gelernt? What did you learn? What did you learn? Is dat een kat? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Es gab auf der Straße eine Umleitung. There was a detour on the road. There was a routing on the street. Warum hast du Tom nicht einfach bezahlt? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Ič ƿille frician. I want to dance. Ič Headersille frician. Ich werde diesen Schrank ausräumen, damit du ihn verwenden kannst. I'm going to empty this cabinet so that you can use it. I'm gonna clear this closet so you can use it. Wie hebben hom! We have him! Who's got him! Ik had geen idee waar ik heen moest gaan. I had no idea where to go. I had no idea where to go. זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Were you a tourist? Laat mij uw bloeddruk meten. Let me take your blood pressure. Let me measure your blood pressure. Deze potloden moeten geslepen worden. These pencils need sharpening. These pencils must be cut. Tom kann nicht Auto fahren. Tom can't drive a car. Tom can't drive. Dingen gebeuren nu eenmaal. Things happen. Things happen now. Ich erkundigte mich, ob das Flugzeit pünktlich ankomme. I inquired whether the plane would arrive on time. I asked if the flight time would arrive on time. Alex is mien vrund. Alex is my friend. Alex is my vrond. Jeder hasst mich. Everyone hates me. Everyone hates me. Het is ongelooflijk! It's incredible! It's incredible! Kaum hatte es aufgehört zu regnen, da erschien ein schöner Regenbogen. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. Hardly had it stopped raining, there appeared a beautiful rainbow. Ich frage mich, ob das Liebe ist. I wonder if this is love. I wonder if it's love. Geht ihr? You're going? Are you going? Ik eet tofu. I eat tofu. I eat tofu. Dat weer temlich koold güstern avend. It was very cold yesterday evening. That was pretty cold yesterday evening. Ik heb gedroomd. I had a dream. I dreamt. Woneem is mien Auto? Where is my car? Where's my car? Er schlief eine Stunde. He slept an hour. He was asleep for an hour. D'Vullen sinn rout. The birds are red. They're red. Zowel Tom als Maria schijnen niet in staat om dat te doen. Tom and Mary both seem unable to do that. Both Tom and Maria don't seem able to do that. Tom ist ein Yogi. Tom is a yogi. Tom's a yogi. Egels zijn alleseters. Hedgehogs are omnivorous. Eggs are alleaters. Moi! Hello! Moi! Einige Menschen schlafen nur sechs Stunden oder sogar noch weniger und es geht ihnen trotzdem gut dabei. Some people sleep for only six hours or even less and yet they nevertheless feel fine. Some people sleep only six hours or even less, and they are still doing well. Na mien Mann sien Dood bün ik rümlopen as so ’n Zombie. After my husband's death I walked around like a zombie. After seeing my husband dead, I am walking around as such a zombie. Ich hätte euch alles früher erzählen sollen. I should have told you everything earlier. I should have told you everything before. "O jeetje..." zuchtte Al Sayib. "Nou, hoeveel heb je nodig? Er staat iets van 10 mille op mijn offshore rekening te staan." "Oh, boy..." Al-Sayib sighed. "Well, how much do you need? I've got about 10 grand just sitting in my offshore account." "Oh, my dear..." sighed Al Sayib. "Well, how much do you need? There's something of 10 grand on my offshore account." Tom nahm seinen Ehering ab und warf ihn in den Teich. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Ich habe den ganzen Nachmittag verschlafen. I slept the whole afternoon away. I slept all afternoon. Ek het gevra waar sy gewoon het. I asked where she lived. I asked where she lived. Zij zijn verdwenen. They disappeared. They're gone. Leven pinguïns op de Noordpool? Do penguins live at the North Pole? Life penguins on the Arctic? Ik weet dat Tom niet in mij is geïnteresseerd. I know that Tom isn't interested in me. I know Tom's not interested in me. Tom en ik wonen nog steeds in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Jij zwom in de oceaan. You swam in the ocean. You swam in the ocean. Ich weiß, dass du dich letztens mit Tom getroffen hast. I understand you met with Tom recently. I know you last met Tom. k Hol van schinken! I love bacon! k Hol of dandelion! Trockener Sand nimmt Wasser auf. Dry sand absorbs water. Dry sand absorbs water. Ich habe ja nichts dagegen zu warten, aber nach zwei Stunden verspüre ich begreiflicherweise eine gewisse Ungeduld. I've got nothing against waiting, but after two hours I'm beginning to feel a bit impatient. I have nothing to do with it, but after two hours I understandably feel a certain impatience. Mijn vaders zijn gezond. My fathers are healthy. My dads are healthy. Ik maakte thee. I made tea. I made tea. Ik weet gewoonweg niet wat te zeggen... I simply don't know what to say... I just don't know what to say... Se keek em bi ’t Dansen to. She watched him dance. She watched him dancing. Si chunnt us Düütschland. She comes from Germany. You are also a member of the People's Republic of Germany. Hier een ietwat gezochte Fibonaccireeks, lettergrepentellenderwijs. It's a kinda ridicule unnecessary fibonacci-syllabic-heap. Here's a somewhat sought-after Fibonaccirex, syllable counting. De arts gebruikte een tongspatel om de keel van de patiënt te onderzoeken. The doctor used a tongue depressor to examine the patient's throat. The doctor used a tongue pattern to investigate the patient's throat. מיר האָבן אַ קיניגל. We have a bunny. we have a rabbit. Frag dich selbst, warum. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Ik zei dat we ze zouden vinden. I said we'd find them. I said we'd find them. Ik verstah di nich. I don't understand you. I do not understand you. Ma, ek is honger. Mom, I am hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. We hebben deze film niet gezien. We didn't see this movie. We haven't seen this movie. Tom kaute an seinem Bleistift. Tom chewed on his pencil. Tom chewed his pencil. Ik heb een plan bedacht, maar ik ga je hulp nodig hebben. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. Willst du das riskieren? Do you want to risk that? Do you want to risk that? Dieses Semester ließ ich zwei Studenten wegen Plagiats durchfallen. This semester I failed two students for plagiarism. This semester I dropped two students for plagiarism. Neulich kam ich auf dem Nachhauseweg von der Schule an einem Antiquariat vorbei und fand dort ein Buch, nach dem ich schon lange gesucht hatte. The other day I stopped at a secondhand bookstore on my way home from school and happened to find a book I had been looking for for a long time. Recently, I passed an antiquariat on my way home from school and found a book that I had been looking for a long time there. Hij is helemaal voor jou. He's all yours. He's all yours. לערנט זיך ייִדיש. Learn Yiddish. Learns Russian. Wat is Tom toch een sloddervos. Tom is such a slob. Tom's a slodder fox. Da ist jemand, der dich treffen möchte. There's somebody who wants to meet you. There's someone who wants to meet you. Tom hat aber wirklich ein Pech, oder? Tom is really unlucky, isn't he? But Tom really has a bad luck, doesn't he? Hier is autobus. Here's the bus. Here's a bus. Hoe werken computers? How do computers work? How do computers work? De volgende ochtend was hij weg. The next morning, he was gone. The next morning he was gone. Ich bin Japaner. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. Ik mag dan wel ongelukkig zijn, maar ik ben niet van plan mezelf te doden. Maybe I am unhappy, but I don't intend to kill myself. I may be unhappy, but I don't intend to kill myself. Lass Tom doch seinen Willen. Humor Tom. Why don't you leave Tom's will? Je probeerde het. You tried. You tried. Ik moet ervandoor. I need to go now. I gotta get out of here. Tom und Maria gingen nach draußen. Tom and Mary went outside. Tom and Maria went outside. Er spricht gut Japanisch, aber ich kann kein Deutsch sprechen. He speaks good Japanese, but I cannot speak German. He speaks Japanese well, but I can't speak German. Ien taal is noait net genôch. One language is never enough. One language is not enough. Ik heff in ’n Düüstern en Swevelsticken anstaken. I struck a match in the darkness. I inflamed in the dark and the brimstone sticks. ער שרײַבט אַ בריװ He is writing a letter. He writes a letter Im März ist das Erdreich noch zu kalt, um im Garten etwas anzupflanzen. In March, the ground is still too cold to plant anything in the garden. In March, the land is still too cold to grow in the garden. Hij is daarvoor verantwoordelijk. He is responsible for it. He's responsible. די מענטשהייט קען זיך בײַטן. Humanity can change. Human height can be set. De twee Bargen sünd lieker hoog. The two mountains are of equal height. The two summits are similar in height. Iedereen applaudisseerde. Everybody applauded. Everyone applauded. Tom is baie seer. Tom is very hurt. Tom is very hurt. k Wil aaier. I want eggs. I don't know. Tom zei dat Maria niet Canadees was. Tom said that Mary wasn't Canadian. Tom said Mary wasn't Canadian. ער האָט זיך אָפּגעלאָזט פֿון איסלאַם. He abandoned Islam. He resigned from the Israel. Magst du Musik? Do you like music? Do you like music? Ich setzte mich neben ihn. I sat by his side. I sat next to him. Tom is geen slechte trainer. Tom isn't a bad coach. Tom's not a bad trainer. Ich bezweifele, dass Tom je wieder nach Hause kommen wird. I doubt that Tom will ever come back home. I doubt Tom will ever come home. Oké, hoe kan ik u helpen? OK, how can I help you? Okay, how can I help you? Kamen ihre Kinder in Deutschland zur Welt? Were her children born in Germany? Did their children come to be born in Germany? א גוטער געדאנק איז צו מיר געקומען. A happy idea came upon me. A good mind has come to us. Myn hovercraft sit fol mei iel. My hovercraft is full of eels. My hive is full of iel. Toms Temperament ist mit ihm durchgegangen. Tom lost his temper. Tom's temper went through with him. Tom was georganiseerd. Tom was organized. Tom was organized. Tom räumte den ganzen Nachmittag über sein Zimmer auf. Tom spent all afternoon cleaning his room. Tom cleaned up his room all afternoon. Um abzunehmen, habe ich damit angefangen, das Mittagessen ausfallen zu lassen. I have started skipping lunch with a view to losing weight. To take off, I started to drop the lunch. Da stimmt etwas nicht. Something's strange. Something's wrong. גוט שבת. Shabbat Shalom. Good Saturday. Hij komt zeker niet. He's definitely not coming. He's definitely not coming. Das Risiko bin ich bereit einzugehen. I'm willing to take that risk. I'm willing to take the risk. Eure Antwort ist alles andere als perfekt. Your answer is anything but perfect. Your answer is anything but perfect. Tom is waarschijnlijk in Boston. Tom is probably in Boston. Tom's probably in Boston. Das Bild hängt über dem Tisch. The picture hangs over the table. The picture hangs above the table. Du versteihst Sweedsch. You can understand Swedish. You understand Swedish. Ik müss wählen twüschen A un B. I had to choose between A and B. I must choose between A and B. Een kleine sneeuwbal is in staat om een lawine starten. A small snowball is capable of starting an avalanche. A small snowball is able to start an avalanche. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Rìoghachd Aonaichte'' genoemd in het Schots-Gaelisch. The United Kingdom is called "Rìoghachd Aonaichte" in Scottish Gaelic. The United Kingdom is called ''Rìoghachd Aonaichte'' in Scottish-Gaelian. Bliw dao bi denne. Don't touch that. Blw dao at denne. Mein Großvater wurde im Zweiten Weltkrieg getötet. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather was killed in World War II. Mach's gut. Take care. Take care. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. We're very happy with the results. We are very pleased with the results. קיינער קען זי נישט זען. Nobody can see it. None of them can see. Sie bat mich zu kommen. She begged me to come. She asked me to come. Heb je Tom gezien? Have you seen Tom around? Have you seen Tom? Zalig kerstfeest. Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas. Hy het probeer ontsnap. He attempted to escape. He tried to escape. Je had het me de eerste keer kunnen zeggen. You could have told me the first time. You could've told me for the first time. Amsterdam is beroemd om zijn grachten. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Dat is temlich lachhaftig, dat in welk Länner en Minsch nich maal sien egen Warken gemeenfree maken dröff. It is rather ridiculous that, in some countries, a person cannot even release their own work into the public domain. It is rather ridiculous that in which countries human beings do not even make their own work common. Dit is een verhaal over sterren. This is a story about stars. This is a story about stars. Herinner je je de dag nog dat we elkaar voor het eerst ontmoet hebben? Do you remember the day when we first met? Remember the day we first met? Welchen Namen hat dieser Vogel? What is this bird called? What name does this bird have? Willen jullie een glas sinaasappelsap? Do you want a glass of orange juice? Would you like a glass of orange juice? Een dichter bekijkt de wereld zoals een man kijkt naar een vrouw. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. A poet looks at the world like a man looks at a woman. Je kan niet meer lezen? You can't read anymore? You can't read again? Tom war blind. Tom was blind. Tom was blind. De proefpersonen voor het experiment waren toevallig uitgekozen. The people for the experiment were chosen at random. The subjects for the experiment were chosen by chance. Dat meisje dat een sjaal draagt, is maagd. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl wearing a scarf is a virgin. Ich habe keine Autos gehört. I didn't hear any cars. I didn't hear any cars. Ik zou Tom nooit laten winnen. I'd never let Tom win. I would never let Tom win. Kunt u mij vertellen hoe deze wasmachine gebruikt moet worden? Could you tell me how to use this washing machine? Can you tell me how to use this washing machine? Tom ist nicht mehr im Gefängnis. Tom isn't in prison anymore. Tom's not in jail anymore. Plötzlich wandelte sich ihr Gesichtsausdruck. Her expression underwent a sudden change. Suddenly, her facial expression changed. טאָם איז אַ גאװהדיקער שמאָק. Tom is an arrogant prick. Tom is a former smock. He has always been appointed head of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff Tom het bleek gelyk. Tom looked pale. Tom looked pale. Tom kan geen Frans spreken. Tom can't speak French. Tom can't speak French. Er gab ihr eine Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung. He gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He gave her a mouth-to-mouth breathing. Sein neuer Film ist enttäuschend. His new movie is disappointing. His new film is disappointing. Versuchst du, mir Angst einzujagen? Are you trying to scare me? Are you trying to scare me? Zeehonden eten vis. Seals eat fish. Seals eat fish. Ze is een engel. She's an angel. She's an angel. Mien Rügg deit jümmer noch weh. My back still hurts. My head is still hurt. Tom lächelte auch. Tom also smiled. Tom smiled too. Ich habe Montag frei. I have Monday off. I'm free on Monday. דו ביסט גאַנץ קלוג. You're quite smart. You're quite wise. Niemand hat mich es tun sehen. Nobody saw me do it. No one saw me do it. Dat is een zonnebloem. This is a sunflower. That's a sunflower. Waar is Toms auto? Where is Tom's car? Where's Tom's car? Wi löpen in ’n Park. We ran in the park. We ran into a park. Ich werde dir helfen, so gut ich es vermag. I will do whatever I can to help you. I'll help you as much as I can. Madrid, de hoofdstad van Spanje, is een prachtige stad. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a marvelous city. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a beautiful city. Was dir fehlt, ist Ausdauer! What you lack is stamina. What you're missing is endurance! Mien Puckel deit jümmer noch weh. My back still hurts. My doll is still hurting. Sy het groot blou oë. She has large blue eyes. She has great blue eyes. זי האָט געהאַט אַן אויסגעצייכנטע ווײַב. She had an excellent wife. She married an excellent woman. Ich habe mich gefreut, ihn zu sehen. I was happy to see him. I was happy to see him. Het maakt me echt niet uit. I really don't care. I don't care. Het jy van hulle gehoor? Have you heard about them? Have you heard about them? פּוטין איז אַ שװאַנץ! Putin is a dickhead! Putin is a quality! Tom heeft de begrafenis van Mary bijgewoond. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Hiereban! Come here! Here you go! Ich frage mich, ob Tom weiß, warum Maria gestern nicht in der Schule war. I wonder whether Tom knows why Mary was absent from school yesterday. I wonder if Tom knows why Maria wasn't in school yesterday. Ze keken Tom allemaal aan. They all looked at Tom. They all looked at Tom. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Peter is lief vir Jane. Peter loves Jane. Peter loves Jane. Spinnen bouwen webben. Spiders spin webs. Spiders build weaves. Haben Sie kurz Zeit? Do you have a minute? Do you have a short time? Er will nicht, dass ihr es wisst. He doesn't want you to know. He doesn't want you to know. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never been sick in his life. My father's never been sick all his life. Tom sliep. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. Die Möbelpacker haben nichts kaputtgemacht. The movers didn't break anything. The furniture packers didn't break anything. Tom zal ons niet vertellen wat hij weet. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Manchmal muss man gar nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen, um sich zu verstehen. Sometimes you don't need to speak the same language in order to understand each other. Sometimes you don't have to speak the same language to understand yourself. Onze trein kwam op tijd. Our train arrived on time. Our train came in time. Ich hätte dich nie getroffen, hätte ich mir mein Bein nicht gebrochen. I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg. I never would have met you if I hadn't broken my leg. Een foto op het bureau van Tom trok mijn aandacht. A photo on Tom's desk caught my eye. A photo on Tom's desk caught my attention. Ik heff mi krank föhlt. I felt ill. I felt sick. Es ist unglaublich schön. It's unbelievably beautiful! It's incredibly beautiful. Sie verschwenden unser beider Zeit. You're wasting both of our time. They're wasting both of our time. Tom was zenuwachtig. Tom was nervous. Tom was nervous. Er redet immer mit solchen hochtrabenden Worten. He always talks in such high-sounding terms. He always speaks with such horrendous words. Zeg gewoon dat het je spijt. Just say you're sorry. Just say you're sorry. Ich mag diese Leute nicht. I don't like those people. I don't like these people. Yn’e fierte hear ik it lûd fan sêft rûzjende weagen. In the distance I hear the sound of softly murmuring roads. In time, I hear the sound of soft noise. Warum fragst du mich? Why are you asking me? Why are you asking me? Mary isst kein rotes Fleisch. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Abraham þa het Isaac beran þone wudu to þære stowe, and he self bær his sweord and fyr. Abraham then ordered Isaac to bring the wood to the place, and he himself brought his sword and fire. Abraham was at Isaac's side when he moved to the house, and he himself by his Swear and Byr. Es ist mehr Kunst als Wissenschaft. It's an art more than a science. It's more art than science. Wieso hast du die Bank rot gestrichen? Why did you paint the bank red? Why did you delete the bank red? Tom hat drei ältere Schwestern. Tom has three older sisters. Tom has three older sisters. Wat denkt je vrouw erover? How does your wife feel about it? What does your wife think about it? Het geluid heeft me wakker gemaakt. The sound woke me up. The sound woke me up. Heb je ooit met Tom gepraat? Have you ever spoken to Tom? Have you ever talked to Tom? Sie brachte Äpfel, Orangen und mehr dergleichen mit. She brought apples, oranges, and so on. She brought apples, oranges and more alike. Söökt de Froo! Look for the woman! Find the Foo! Ič mæᵹ hȳran þē, ac ič ne mæᵹ sēon þē. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Ič mæ Roger hVaranasiran, acc ič ne mæş sēon da stir. Ein Künstler muss ein Gespür für Farben haben. An artist must have an eye for colour. An artist must have a sense of colors. Ik kan niet zomaar hier blijven. I can't just stay here. I can't just stay here. Twitter is niet goed genoeg. Twitter is not good enough. Twitter's not good enough. Ich möchte nicht, dass Tom glaubt, er müsse mir helfen. I don't want Tom to think he has to help me. I don't want Tom to believe he has to help me. Wer’s gefunden hat, der darf’s behalten! Finders keepers! Whoever found it, let him keep it! Iemand is in mijn kamer geweest. Someone has been in my room. Someone's been in my room. Zai sloapen. They sleep. Sleeping. Er schwimmt. He swims. He's swimming. Die Geschichte war wahr. The story was true. The story was true. Ik hou er niet van om voor mensen te spreken. I don't like to speak in front of people. I don't like speaking for people. Mijn moedertaal is het Frans. My native language is French. My mother tongue is French. Tom vindt wiskunde leuk. Tom likes math. Tom likes math. Geef de hoop niet op. Don't lose hope. Don't give up hope. Franzöösch is ehr Moderspraak. French is her mother tongue. French is its modern language. Tom gelang die Flucht. Tom managed to escape. Tom managed to flee. Ik zal zelf rijden. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. Maria hat langes, goldenes Haar. Mary has long golden hair. Maria has long, golden hair. De gebouwen zijn klein vergeleken met de wolkenkrabbers in New York. The buildings are small in comparison with the skyscrapers in New York. The buildings are small compared to the skyscrapers in New York. Ik ben alle dagen vrij, behalve op maandag. I'm free every day but Monday. I'm free every day, except on Monday. Er sieht gesund aus. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. Ich hoffe, es funktioniert. I hope it works. I hope it works. Woar binnen d'olders? Where are the parents? Where in the parents? Dit is meer ellende dan ik kan verdragen. This misery is more than I can bear. This is more misery than I can bear. Ist das nicht gut? Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that good? Was zum Teufel versteht Tom davon? What the hell does Tom know about that? What the hell does Tom understand? Zei u ''dertig euro''? Did you say "thirty euros"? Did you say "thirty euros"? Jo. Yes. Jo. Du hest dree Tassen Kaffe drunken. You've drunk three cups of coffee. You drank three cups of coffee. Toen de grote aardbeving gebeurde, was ik pas tien jaar. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When the great earthquake happened, I was only ten years old. Jullie weten toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? Ik ben erg cool. I'm very cool. I'm very cool. Was für ein prächtiges Wetter. What marvelous weather. What a wonderful weather. Vraag maar aan Tom. Go ahead and ask Tom. Ask Tom. Dä Hund isch wiis. The dog is white. The dog is wise. Je moet je hier permanent vestigen voor je mag stemmen. You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote. You have to stay here permanently before you can vote. War das zufällig oder absichtlich? Was it by accident or by design? Was that random or intentional? Möchtest du einen Apfel? Do you want an apple? Do you want an apple? Aardbevingen en overstromingen zijn natuurrampen. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Schade, dass du nicht kommen kannst. It's a pity that you can't come. Too bad you can't come. Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg dauerte vier Jahre. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The American Civil War lasted four years. Ik dek de tafel wel. I'll set the table. I'll cover the table. In die Ecke damit! Put them in the corner. In the corner with it! k Kin springen. I can jump. Can jump. Tom ist wegen dringender Geschäfte nach Boston gefahren. Tom has gone to Boston on urgent business. Tom went to Boston for urgent business. Schließe die Türe. Close the gate. Close the door. Ich werde es nochmal versuchen, danke. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. De Tulpen blöht bald. Tulips will bloom soon. The tulips will blossom soon. Ik heff en Hund. I have a dog. I've got a dog and a dog. We overleven wel. We'll survive. We'll survive. Tom und ich müssen los. Tom and I have to leave. Tom and I have to go. Er ist mir den ganzen Morgen auf den Wecker gegangen. He drove me up the wall all morning. He went to the alarm clock all morning. Sie kauft Brot. She is buying bread. She buys bread. Meine Mutter sagte, dass es ihr gutginge. My mother said that she was all right. My mother said she was fine. Yoko danste met een onverwachtse sierlijkheid. Yoko danced with a grace that surprised us. Yoko danced with an unexpected grace. Er hat es größtenteils selbst verschuldet. It was to a great extent his own fault. He owes it to himself for the most part. Ik hou niet meer van je. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. Ich habe jetzt keine Lust fernzusehen. I don't feel like watching TV now. I don't want to watch TV right now. איך בין ניט קיין פּיראַט. I'm not a pirate. I am not a portrait. He is grötter as sien Broder. He is taller than his brother. He's bigger than his brother. מײַן טאָכטער איז בלויז פֿיר יאָר אַלט. My daughter is only four years old. My daughter is only live by age. Ihr hättet die Einladung ablehnen sollen. You should've declined the invitation. You should have refused the invitation. Ik vertaalde. I translated. I translated. Kan jy jou kar beweeg asseblief? Would you move your car, please? Can you move your car, please? Ælfrēd, cyning Englalandes, ƿæs grēat leornere and ēac grēat cyning. Alfred, King of England, was a great scholar as well as a great ruler. ēlfrēd, cyning Englalandes, Varanasiindex great lefonde and ēac grēat cyning. Goed, laten we beginnen met ons werk. Well, let's start our work. All right, let's start with our work. Du bist noch Student, nicht wahr? You're still a student, aren't you? You're still a student, aren't you? Een, twee, dree, veer, fief, söss, söven, acht, negen, tein. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, spring, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ich habe keine Anlagen auf der Bank. I have no funds in the bank. I don't have any investments on the bank. Uns Huus hett söven Kamern, de Stuuv mittellt. Our house has seven rooms including the dining room. Our house has seven chambers, the Stuuv middles. Tom führte den Plan aus. Tom carried out the plan. Tom was running the plan. Tom sagt, er macht so etwas nicht. Tom says he doesn't do that. Tom says he's not doing this. Er ist auf seine Frau sehr eifersüchtig. He's very jealous of his wife. He's very jealous of his wife. Ik huil zelden. I rarely cry. I don't ever cry. Spreek je Engels? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Bist du schon einmal von einem Skorpion gestochen worden? Have you ever been stung by a scorpion? Have you ever been stabbed by a scorpion? Dat is mijn probleem met Tom. That's my problem with Tom. That's my problem with Tom. Ich brauche nur mehr Zeit mit Tom. I just need more time with Tom. I just need more time with Tom. Tom ist durch das Herz geschossen worden. Tom was shot through the heart. Tom's been shot by the heart. Hij is nog steeds boos. He's still mad. He's still angry. Het is te lang. It's too long. It's too long. Er was niemand in de tuin. There was nobody in the garden. There was no one in the garden. Wie viel Zeit sparen wir dadurch? How much time are we going to save? How much time do we save? Junko is en smucke Deern. Junko is a beautiful girl. Junko is and beautiful Deern. Tom spielt ausgesprochen gern Gitarre. Tom really likes playing the guitar. Tom really likes to play guitar. Ek raai jy het dit nie vir jouself gekoop nie. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy it for yourself. Sami koos weg van islam. Sami chose the path of Islam. Sami chose away from Islam. Is Mary een echte blondine? Is Mary a real blonde? Is Mary a real blonde? Hutt Dir en Nuesschnappech fir mech? Do you have a tissue for me? Will you be cool for me? Ek sal hier wees wanneer jy terugkom. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you get back. Weißt du, wie viele Menschen auf der Welt jährlich verhungern? Do you know how many people in the world starve to death every year? Do you know how many people in the world starve each year? Ze hebben geen enkele invloed op het milieu. They have no impact on the environment. They have no impact on the environment. Ik ken Tom en Mary. I know both Tom and Mary. I know Tom and Mary. Gedaan. Done. Done. Tom is een typische Canadees. Tom is a typical Canadian. Tom is a typical Canadian. Het is ongebruikelijk om rocksterren met een stropdas te zien! It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie! It is unusual to see rock stars with a tie! Sie vermehren sich wie die Karnickel. They're multiplying like rabbits. They multiply like the carnations. Vrouwen veranderen de wereld. Women change the world. Women change the world. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world without war. Imagine a world without war. Blijf vannacht bij ons. Stay with us tonight. Stay with us tonight. Spaansch is licht. Spanish is easy. Spanish is light. Manchmal ist er ein Blödmann. He's an idiot sometimes. Sometimes he's a stupid man. Goa. Go. Goa. t Was een sladderge, graauwe zummerdag ien ind juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. t was a sledderge, gray summer day one in June. Bret Stephens bith a maddok. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Bret Stephens bit a maddoc. Hoe meer contact tussen de mensen, hoe meer misverstanden. The more contact there is between people, the more misunderstandings there will be. The more contact between people, the more misunderstandings. אַ קאַץ מיאַוקעט אויפֿן דאַך. A cat is meowing on the roof. A captivating speech up there. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We were partying in the little hours. Das geschah nicht, als ich Esperanto lernte. That didn't happen when I was learning Esperanto. That didn't happen when I learned Esperanto. Tom heeft foto's van de kinderen van Maria genomen. Tom took pictures of Mary's children. Tom took pictures of Mary's children. Tom sä, dat he lever in en Hotel bi’n Flaaghaven ünnerkamen will. Tom said he'd rather stay at a hotel near the airport. Tom said he wanted to stay in a hotel at a Flagport. Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be or not to be, that is the question. Sy, or Nödsy, the sich hie d Question. Tom legde de map op de tafel. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the folder on the table. Kureg! Funny! Kureg! Sie essen Äpfel. They're eating the apples. They eat apples. Ich hasse Schach. I hate chess. I hate chess. Tom was niet gewond geraakt bij het ongeluk. Tom wasn't hurt in the accident. Tom didn't get hurt in the accident. In de zomer zwem ik vaak in de zee. I often go swimming at the beach in the summer. In the summer I swim often in the sea. Wat een mooie dag! What a nice day it is! What a beautiful day! Warum sind die Leute so gemein zu mir? Why are people so mean to me? Why are people so mean to me? ער איז אַ מאַטעמאַטיקער. He's a mathematician. He was a matter of fact. We kunnen geen melk drinken. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. דאָס איז פֿלייש. This is meat. This is Frisian. Hast du schon einmal einen Fisch gefangen? Have you ever caught a fish? Have you ever caught a fish? Ze zat naast me. She sat next to me. She was next to me. Ich werde alles tun, worum Sie mich bitten. I'll do anything you ask me to do. I'll do everything you ask me to do. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom's singing. Tom is in de achtertuin aan het spelen. Tom is playing in the backyard. Tom's playing in the backyard. Ik heb tegen mijn vriendin gelogen over mijn leeftijd. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. Hätte ich mehr Geld gehabt, so hätte ich den Stift gekauft. If I'd had more money, I'd have bought that pen. If I had more money, I would have bought the pen. דאס וואס איך האב געטאן איז נישט געווען ריכטיג. What I did was wrong. This that I have done was not correct. Tom denkt dat zijn computer bezeten is door een boze geest. Tom thinks that his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Tom thinks his computer is possessed by an angry ghost. Bildung ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Education is the key to success. Education is the key to success. Maria entwischte unbemerkt. Mary slipped away unnoticed. Mary got caught unnoticed. k Woon nait ien Finlaand. I don't live in Finland. k won't live with one end of it. Ik heb mijn rechterbeen gebroken. I broke my right leg. I broke my right leg. Er was geen begroting beschikbaar. No cost estimate was available. There was no budget available. Mijn studenten hebben vol ongeduld zitten wachten op de testresultaten. My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results. My students have been waiting full of impatience for the test results. Met gebalde vuist kan je iemands hand niet schudden. You can't shake someone's hand with a clenched fist. You can't shake someone's hand with your fist. Du bist am größten. You are tallest. You're the biggest. Ek het jou gister gesien. I saw you yesterday. I saw you yesterday. Deidschland isch å grooß Land. Germany is a big country. Deidschland å big country. Es hat niemand nach deiner Meinung gefragt. No one asked your opinion. No one asked for your opinion. Is jy 'n meisie of 'n seun? Are you a girl or a boy? Are you a girl or a boy? Wat is je geboortedatum? What is your date of birth? What's your date of birth? De bevoorrechten hebben geregeld door hun hebzucht om hun eigen ondergang verzocht. The privileged have regularly invited their own destruction with their greed. The privileges have been regulated by their greed for their own destruction. Die Zeremonie war sehr beeindruckend. The ceremony was very impressive. The ceremony was very impressive. Etwas ist noch immer nicht in Ordnung. Something is still not right. Something's still not okay. Ik heff mien Slötel vergeten. I lost my key. I forgot my key. Ik heb niets te verliezen. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Japan bruukt veel Poppeer. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan needs a lot of poppy. Kam uw haar voordat ge buiten gaat. Comb your hair before you go out. Come on, your hair before you get out. Hest du Geld? Do you have money? Do you have money? Es ist schwierig, ein Gedicht in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen. It is difficult to translate a poem into another language. It is difficult to translate a poem into another language. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres. There's nothing worse than that. There's nothing worse. Er schaute mich an und lächelte. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at me and smiled. Dat helpt altijd. That always helps. That always helps. Kinder sollten ihren Eltern gehorchen. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Daar's altyd iets om te doen. There is always something to do. There's always something to do. Ich freue mich, dass du da warst. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Tom schildert! Tom paints! Tom paints! Is dat een nieuw badpak? Is that a new bathing suit? Is that a new bathing suit? Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there at the stadium? In Sovjetrussland kickt de Feernseher na de Tokiekers! In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience! In Soviet Russia the TV is kicking to the spectators! Dat hoeft helemaal niet. You don't have to do that at all. You don't have to. Unterschätze nicht die unglaubliche Kraft eines einfachen Lächelns und eines freundlichen Wortes. Don't underestimate the incredible power of a simple smile and a kind word. Do not underestimate the incredible power of a simple smile and a kind word. Veel succes op je examen! Good luck on your test. Good luck on your exam! Tom is niet zo goed in wiskunde. Tom isn't so good at math. Tom's not so good at math. D'r Zoch kütt! Here comes the train! She sent her away! Ich denke, sein Vorschlag ist der Erwägung wert. I think that his proposal deserves some thinking. I think his proposal is worth considering. Die Sonne ist ein Stern. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Mijn vader laat mij 's nachts niet alleen op stap gaan. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go on my own at night. Der Fremde hat keinen italienischen Namen. The foreigner does not have an Italian name. The stranger has no Italian name. Was hast du dort sonst noch getan? What else did you do there? What else did you do there? Gibt es etwas Besonderes, was du tun möchtest? Is there anything in particular you want to do? Is there something special you want to do? Könnt ihr mich auslassen? Can you skip me? Can you let me out? Wie is daardie vrou? Who's that woman? Who is that woman? Mijn broer zwemt niet. My brother doesn't swim. My brother's not swimming. איך קען א מענטש וואס קען אונז העלפן. I know somebody who can help us. I can help a person who is able to join us. Sie ist mittelgroß. She is of average height. It's medium-sized. Mijn favoriete kleur is oranje. My favorite color is orange. My favorite color is orange. Tom ist ein Rassist. Tom is a racist. Tom's a racist. Tom ist bereits von der Polizei verhört worden. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom's already been interrogated by the police. Ech schwätze léiwer Lëtzebuergesch wéi Däitsch oder Franséisch. I prefer speaking Luxembourgish to German or French. Maybe I'll just talk to you later on. Tom wusste nicht mehr, was er eigentlich sagen wollte. Tom couldn't remember what he had intended to say. Tom didn't remember what he actually wanted to say. Erhöhte Bordsteine an Bushaltestellen sollten obligatorisch sein. Raised kerbs at bus stops should be mandatory. Increased onboardstones at bus stops should be mandatory. We gaan ervandoor. We're going. Let's go. Jij hebt geen honger. You're not hungry. You're not hungry. Macht Ihnen das Angst? Does that frighten you? Does that scare you? Zwaartekracht is een natuurkracht, waardoor dingen elkaar aantrekken. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is a natural force, so things attract each other. Ich will nicht, dass sie stirbt. I don't want her to die. I don't want her to die. Wenn du mi bittst, denn biet ik trügg. If you bite me, I'll bite back. If you're biting me, I'll bet. Ik heb meer koffie nodig. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. Die Jungen lachten Tom aus. The boys laughed at Tom. The boys laughed at Tom. Wij vroegen hoe laat het was. We asked for the time. We asked what time it was. Waar zien we elkaar? Where will we meet? Where do we meet? Misschien had je gelijk. Maybe you were right. Maybe you were right. Ich hoffe, du wirst es mögen. I hope that you will like it. I hope you like it. Holzauge sei wachsam! Keep your eyes peeled! Wooden eye be on guard! Duitse mannen zijn seksistisch. German men are sexist. German men are sexist. De Amerikanen hadden niets te maken met de kwestie. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. Sammy zei dat hij me kon horen. Sami said he could hear me. Sammy said he could hear me. Du wirst den Zug erreichen, wenn du gleich losgehst. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. You'll get to the train when you get out. Tom heeft angst voor grote honden. Tom is afraid of big dogs. Tom's afraid of big dogs. Wat het Tom vir Mary gevra om te doen? What did Tom ask Mary to do? What did Tom ask Mary to do? Cyaan is een groenblauwe kleur. Cyan is a greenish blue color. Cyan is a green blue color. Ik heff em to mi inlaadt. I invited him over to my place. I invited him to me. „Es muss eine logische Erklärung dafür geben.“ – „Nicht alles lässt sich mit Logik erklären, mein lieber Tom.“ "There must be a logical explanation for it." "Not everything can be explained through logic, my dear Tom." “There has to be a logical explanation for this.” – “Not everything can be explained with logic, my dear Tom.” זענט איר אין בערלין? Are you guys in Berlin? Are you in Berlin? Tom lebt in einem kleinen Städtchen in den Bayerischen Alpen. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Hij woont in een heel prettige buurt. He lives in a very nice neighborhood. He lives in a very nice neighborhood. Tom is Maria iets meer dan een duizend dollars schuldig. Tom owes Mary slightly over a thousand dollars. Tom owes Maria a little over a thousand dollars. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Der Hypnotiseur machte Tom glauben, er sei ein Eichhörnchen. The hypnotist convinced Tom that he was a squirrel. The hypnotist made Tom believe he was a squirrel. Om jou de waarheid te vertellen, ik ben jouw pen verloren. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. Kau dien Eten good un denn sluck dat dal. Chew your food thoroughly, then swallow. Chew your food good and then swallow it. Ze leest graag. She likes to read. She likes to read. Tom reed met de auto. Tom drove the car. Tom was driving the car. כ'האָב געקויפֿט זײַן נײַסטן ראָמאַן. I've purchased his latest novel. Ha'dah bought his new frame. Mag ik een foto maken? May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? Ik heb het zelf gezien. I myself saw it. I saw it myself. Gott irrt nicht. God doesn't make mistakes. God is not wrong. De kamer was zo donker dat we helemaal niets konden zien. The room was so dark that we could see nothing at all. The room was so dark that we couldn't see anything at all. Wurden Sie von einem herrenlosen Hund gebissen? Have you been bitten by a stray dog? Have you been bitten by a manless dog? Hulle het na 'n huwelik van 7 jaar geskei. They broke up after 7 years of marriage. They divorced after a marriage of seven years. Worin liegt der Unterschied zwischen einem All-you-can-eat-Laden und einem gewöhnlichen Lebensmittelgeschäft in Deutschland? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat convenience store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? Tom wird sich freuen, Sie zu sehen. Tom is going to be pleased to see you. Tom will be happy to see you. Ek moet gaan. I have to go. I have to go. Brazilië was een Portugese kolonie. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Echt? You don't say. Really? Georgo heeft mij een verjaardagskaart gestuurd. George sent me a birthday card. Georgo sent me a birthday card. U kan helpen. You can help. You can help. Dat Feld weer mit Weed towussen. The field was rank with weeds. The field was bounded with strength. Köönt wi snacken? Can we talk? Can we talk? Schildpadden zijn reptielen. Turtles are reptiles. Turtles are reptiles. Ons moet uitvind wat dit is. We need to find out what it is. We need to find out what it is. We denken dat het mogelijk is. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Tom hat Rückenschmerzen. Tom has a backache. Tom has back pain. De zieke was een en al botten waarover huid gespannen was. The sick person was only skin and bones. The sick person was one and all bones over which skin was strained. Tom hat eine Menge Geld für diese Gitarre bezahlt. Tom paid a lot of money for that guitar. Tom paid a lot of money for this guitar. Tom würde dich gerne treffen. Tom would like to see you. Tom would like to meet you. זי האָט אַ קאַץ. She has a cat. She has a friend. Hij is jong en vrijgezel. He's young and single. He's young and single. Ik wist niet dat u hooikoorts had. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. There's no way I can understand his speech. I don't understand what he's saying. Was Tom vorausgesagt hatte, ist eingetreten. What Tom predicted would happen has happened. What Tom had predicted happened. Geh schon mal voraus, Tom! Ich hol dich schon ein. You go ahead, Tom. I'll catch up soon. Go ahead, Tom, I'll catch you up. Glo jy in UFO's? Do you believe in UFOs? Do you believe in UFO's? Sie antwortete nicht. She made no reply. She didn't answer. Je bent me een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Roop mi morgen fröh üm negen an! Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at nine! Das ist gutes Fleisch. This is good meat. That's good meat. Tom und Maria haben gerade erst letztes Jahr geheiratet. Tom and Mary just got married last year. Tom and Maria just got married last year. Tom ging an Bord des Flugzeugs. Tom went on board the plane. Tom boarded the plane. Hij heeft vijf fouten gevonden in evenzoveel regels. He found five mistakes in as many lines. He found five mistakes in the same number of rules. Ek alleen kon die vraag reg antwoord. Only I could answer the question correctly. I alone was able to answer the question correctly. Sie ist eine Fanatikerin. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Ich hab getan, was ich nicht lassen konnte. I have done what I could not leave. I did what I couldn't let. Kun jij omgaan met de manier waarop hij zich gedraagt? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you deal with the way he behaves? Wir verhafteten Tom. We arrested Tom. We arrested Tom. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie Elke herrisch fänden. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was bossy. Tom and Mary told John that they found Elke heretic. Gelukkig is ze niet gestorven. Luckily she did not die. Fortunately, she didn't die. Hij kookt nu. He's cooking now. He's cooking now. Dat is keen Hebrääsch, man Jiddisch. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. That's not Hebrew, man Jiddish. איך קויף נישט קיין ברויט. I don't buy bread. I'm not a bread. Wie viele Frauen arbeiten hier? How many women work here? How many women are working here? Je zei dat bijna al je vrienden Canadees zijn. You said almost all of your friends were Canadians. You said that almost all your friends are Canadian. Sei freundlich zu den Leuten um dich herum! Be kind to those around you. Be kind to the people around you! Hai kin nait zwemmen. He cannot swim. Shark can swim. Spreken jullie Latijn? Do you speak Latin? Are you speaking Latin? Over het algemeen weet men maar weinig over niet-lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen van de tweede orde. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations. As a general rule, there is little knowledge of nonlinear differential comparisons of the second order. Wat is in Paris Mood? What's in fashion in Paris? What's in Paris Mood? Vergiss vor allem nicht, mir zu schreiben! Above all, don't forget to write me. Don't forget to write to me! Se drinkt nich noog Tittmelk. She doesn't drink enough breast milk. It doesn't drink enough titty milk. Ik will nich, dat he mi findt. I don't want him to find me. I don't want him to find me. Wil je ernaar kijken? Do you want to look at it? Do you want to look at it? We vliegen maandag vanop Narita. We are leaving Narita next Monday. We're flying from Narita on Monday. Hätten Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich eine Pause machen würde? Would you mind if I took a break? Would you mind if I took a break? Het is hier warm, nietwaar? It's hot in here, isn't it? It's warm here, isn't it? Rufen Sie den Sicherheitsdienst! Call security! Call the security service! Ze probeerde om aan hun verwachtingen te voldoen. She endeavored to live up to their expectations. She tried to meet their expectations. Wat hest du Tom seggt? What did you tell Tom? What did you say to Tom? Ich habe mir einen Nagel abgebrochen. My nail has broken. I broke a nail. Je kunt vandaag vrij nemen. You can take today off. You can take off today. Goed, ik zal m’n best doen. Good, I will do my best. All right, I'll do my best. Grieks is moeilijker dan Latijn Greek is more difficult than Latin. Greek is harder than Latin Lasst uns unsere Gäste begrüßen. Let's welcome our guests. Let's welcome our guests. Wie viele enge Freunde hast du? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Ich gehe nicht in die Innenstadt. I don't go downtown. I'm not going to downtown. Tom hat mir ein paar französische Zeitschriften geschickt. Tom sent me some French magazines. Tom sent me some French magazines. Tom ist nicht dumm. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik hou meer van katten. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids love dogs, but I love cats more. Kent zij uw telefoonnummer? Does she know your phone number? Does she know your phone number? Tom machte einen deprimierten Eindruck. Tom looked like he was depressed. Tom made a depressed impression. Ik zie de roos. I see the rose. I see the rose. Du darfst erst gehen, wenn wir dir sagen, dass du gehen darfst. You can't leave until we say you can leave. You can't go until we tell you to go. Wir haben nie über Religion gesprochen. We never talked about religion. We never talked about religion. Ken je de hoofdstad van België? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Dat is Tied uteneentogahn. It's time to separate. It is time run out. Das Gerücht kann nicht wahr sein. The rumor cannot be true. The rumor can't be true. Wie oft hast du das schon gemacht? How many times have you done this? How many times have you done that? Ik heff versöcht, nich to wenen. I tried not to cry. I tried to not to cry. En Fisch kann swemmen. A fish can swim. A fish can swim. Es hat mir Freude gemacht, mit dir zu arbeiten. I've enjoyed working with you. It made me happy to work with you. Vind je dit een mooie kleur? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? In der griechischen Mythologie ist Zeus der Sohn des Chronos. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of Chronos. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of Chronos. Tom sagte, Marias Gemecker mache ihm nichts aus. Tom said that Mary's complaining didn't bother him. Tom said Maria's treat doesn't matter to him. Stiller! Quieter! Quiet! Das ist es, wo ich hingehe. That's where I'm going. That's where I'm going. Das sind mein Cousin und meine Cousine. They're my cousins. These are my cousin and my cousin. Es war ein heller, kalter Tag im April, und die Uhren schlugen gerade dreizehn. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. It was a bright, cold day in April, and the clocks just beat thirteen. Könnten Sie mir sagen, wie ich zum Bahnhof komme? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Meine Kreditkarte wurde vom Geldautomaten abgewiesen. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. Hou op om te skree! Stop yelling! Stop yelling! Mien Telefoon weer kaputt. My phone was out of order. My phone's broken again. Italjoans is nait stoer. Italian isn't difficult. Italian is bad. Frag den Polizisten nach dem Weg. Ask the policeman the way. Ask the cop for the way. Ich spreche ständig mit mir selbst. I talk to myself all the time. I keep talking to myself. Hij vertelde me dat hij naar Venetië zou gaan. He told me he would go to Venice. He told me he was going to Venice. Zij kunnen vissen. They can fish. They can fish. Maria hat drei Bücher geschrieben. Mary has written three books. Maria wrote three books. Tom hat Maria davor gewarnt. Tom warned Mary about that. Tom warned Maria about it. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één fiets. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one bicycle. Ik heb drie kinderen. I have three children. I have three children. Je at. You were eating. You ate. Nimm dir Zeit und nicht das Leben. Take your time. There's no rush. Take your time and not your life. Der Richter hat ihn zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Dit Book is eenfach noog, dat ook Kinner dat lesen köönt. This book is easy enough for children to read. This book is simply enough for children to read it. Ik mag Kaffe nich allto geern. I don't care much for coffee. I don't like a lot of coffee. Kan ek oorkom later? Can I come over later? Can I overcome later? Ze las het gedicht hardop voor. She read the poem out loud. She read the poem out loud. Hai liekt bliede. He seems happy. Shark leaves the same way. Gek zijn is gezond. Being crazy is healthy. Being crazy is healthy. Dat deed ze helemaal zelf. She did that all herself. That's what she did herself. Ek het oor hulle rond gevra. I asked around about them. I asked about them. We hebben nog voldoende tijd om het te bespreken. We still have enough time to discuss it. We still have enough time to discuss it. Du kannst mien Wöörbook bruken. You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. He sleeps like a bear in the winter. He sleeps like a bear in winter. Ik hou niet van grote steden. I dislike big cities. I don't like big cities. Dat mutt wuschen warrn. It needs washing. It must be exchanged. Ich nehme an, irgendwo gibt es jemanden, der Tom mag. I assume there's somebody somewhere who likes Tom. I suppose there's someone around who likes Tom. Eine Schönwetterperiode erlaubte es uns, die Ernte zu bergen. A spell of fine weather enabled us to get the harvest in safely. A beautiful weather period allowed us to store the harvest. Ek het geweet Tom sou dit nie ordentlik gedoen het nie. I knew Tom wouldn't do it properly. I knew Tom would not have done it decently. Dor is en Monster ünner mien Bedd. There's a monster under my bed. There is a monster under my bed. Welke heb je liever, vlees of vis? Which do you prefer, meat or fish? Which one do you prefer, meat or fish? Ons gaan bivouac naby die dam. We'll bivouac near the lake. We're going to bivouac near the pond. Warum hast du heute keine Zeit? Why are you busy today? Why don't you have time today? Perziken smaken zoet. Peaches taste sweet. Peaches taste sweet. Wij zijn met zijn drieën. There are three of us. We're three of us. Hai drònk n flèze wien. He drank a bottle of wine. Hai dònk n flèze was. War das deine Frage? Was that your question? Was that your question? Het is een te gemakkelijke opgave voor hem. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy a task for him. Koelkaast is open. The refrigerator is open. Fridge's open. Ich glaube, ich sollte besser gehen. I think I'd better go. I think I should go better. Caitríona is 1985 boren. Caitríona was born in 1985. Caitríona was drilled in 1985. Sie will mehr. She wants more. She wants more. Kinderen moeten hun ouders gehoorzamen. Children are to obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. Ik wil meer van dat. I want more of that. I want more of that. Ons gaan nie alles kan opeet nie. We won't be able to eat all this. We won’t be able to eat everything. De vlucht was overboekt. The flight was overbooked. The flight was overbooked. Tom wöör buten. Tom was outside. Tom was outside. We hebben behoefte aan properdere energiebronnen. We need cleaner sources of energy. We need more clean energy sources. Zai sprak. She spoke. Zai spoke. Laat me je vermaken. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. Laten we eens zien of het echt gebeurt. Let's see if it really does happen. Let's see if it really happens. Voetballen jullie? Do you guys play soccer? Football, you guys? Je had het kunnen doen. You could've done it. You could have done it. k Kin nait! I can't! Kini nait! Ik moet me verbergen. I must hide. I have to hide. Jy is die meisie van my drome. You're the girl of my dreams. You're the girl of my dreams. Tom kreeg een telefoontje van het ziekenhuis. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a call from the hospital. Ich muss mich um ein paar Sachen kümmern. I've got some things to take care of. I need to take care of a few things. Exgüüsi. Excuse me. Exgüsi. Hebben jullie mijn vrienden gezien? Have you seen my friends? Have you seen my friends? Ons stel daarin belang om die gebruike van verskillende streke te observeer. We're interested in observing the customs of different regions. We are interested in observing the customs of different regions. Ik denk niet dat het zal gaan regenen vanmiddag. I don't think it'll rain this afternoon. I don't think it'll rain this afternoon. Omdat ik niet ontbeten heb, heb ik nu heel erg honger. Since I didn't eat anything for breakfast, I'm very hungry now. Because I didn't have breakfast, I'm very hungry now. Ik höör wat. I can hear something. I hear something. Sêfter. Quieter! Softer. Ik bün Elektriker. I am an electrician. I'm an electrician. Roken jullie sigaren? Do you smoke cigars? You two smoke cigars? װוּ ביסטו? Where are you? Where would you like to go? Ik will hier nich eten. I don't want to eat here. I don't want to eat here. Sie übersetzte es Wort für Wort. She translated it word for word. She translated it word for word. Ik kann dissen Satz nich översetten. I'm unable to translate this sentence. I cannot translate this sentence Sami en Layla ontspanden zich. Sami and Layla were just chilling. Sami and Layla relaxed. Tō-dæᵹ is Sunnan-dæᵹ. It's Sunday today. Tō-dæ Roger is Sun-dæVaranasi. Was hy nog hier wanneer julle aangekom het? Was he still here when you arrived? Was he still here when you arrived? Waarom vroeg Tom niet om hulp? Why didn't Tom call for help? Why didn't Tom ask for help? Wir sind Seelenverwandte. We are soulmates. We're soul mates. Sinds wanneer is zij ziek? How long has she been sick? Since when is she sick? Het wordt minder. It's abating. It's getting less. Tom sagte, dass er Maria liebte. Tom said that he loved Mary. Tom said he loved Maria. Sie hat uns gestern gesehen. She saw us yesterday. She saw us yesterday. Hij eet een appel. He's eating an apple. He eats an apple. Toms hemd is gekreukeld. Tom's shirt is wrinkled. Tom's shirt is cracked. Doe bist mien faveriet. You're my favorite. Do is my faverite. Tom geht an jedem Sonntagmorgen zur Kirche. Tom goes to church every Sunday morning. Tom goes to church every Sunday morning. Hast du deswegen aufgehört? Is that why you stopped? That's why you stopped? Ze wonen op de Krim. They live in Crimea. They live in Crimea. Hij is gelukkig. He's happy. He's happy. Aptiet kummt mit dat Eten, de Döst geiht mit dat Drinken. Appetite comes with eating, the thirst goes away with drinking. Apocalypse comes with food. The next thing you do is drink. Du hast vermutlich nicht so viel Zeit wie ich. You probably don't have as much time as I do. You probably don't have as much time as I do. Dieser Film ist ein Kultklassiker. This film is a cult classic. This film is a cult classic. Sami vastte de maand ramadan. Sami fasted the month of Ramadan. Sami fasted the month ramadan. Neem n autobus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Kaam bald wedder. Come back soon. I'll be right back. Ik wull, ik kunn helpen. I wish I could help. I wish I could help. Es hat schon angefangen. It's started already. It's already started. Du hast Sinn für Humor. You have a sense of humor. You've got a sense of humor. דער תּלמיד הערט זיך צו. The student is listening. The Alexander listens to. Kin k zingen? Can I sing? Can I sing? איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איסלאַמאָפֿאָביש? Is Donald Trump Islamophobic? Is Donald Trump Islamic? Solcherlei Dinge interessieren mich nicht mehr. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. I don't care about things like that anymore. Tom weiß nicht, wo er anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know where to start. Tom doesn't know where to start. Se hett em mit ehr Fuusten angrepen. She attacked him with her fists. They attacked him with their feet. דאָס איז זייער גוט. This is very good. This is very good. Seid höflich, doch bestimmt. Be polite, but firm. Be polite, but be sure. Ich habe den Brief fertig geschrieben. I've finished writing the letter. I finished writing the letter. Tom lehnte die Einladung zu Marias Feier ab. Tom declined the invitation to Mary's party. Tom rejected the invitation to Mary's celebration. Vind je dat grappig? Do you think that's funny? You think that's funny? Wi sünd buten Gefohr. We are out of danger. We are outside of the danger. Du redest aber nicht viel. You don't speak a lot. You don't talk much. Er is iets veranderd. Something has changed. Something's changed. Tom ist der Größte. Tom is the greatest. Tom's the biggest. Welk boek is van u? Which is your book? Which book is yours? Er möchte mit uns ins Kino gehen. He would like to come with us to the movie. He wants to go to the movies with us. Se will mit em Golf spelen. She wants to play golf with him. She wants to play golf with him. Der Wettkampf endete im Unentschieden. The game resulted in a draw. The competition ended in a final decision. Fangen Sie Tom! Catch Tom. Catch Tom! Hij rijdt in een roze Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He drives in a pink Cadillac. Römische Statuen sind oft nackt. Roman statues are often naked. Roman statues are often naked. Ich rieche Blumen. I can smell flowers. I smell flowers. Tom kann kein Schweinefleisch essen. Tom can't eat pork. Tom can't eat pork. Is bus stokkend? Is the bus broken? Is bus stinging? Se hett em vergeven. She forgave him. She forgave him. De Verfall von ’n Schrien liggt to ’n Deel an ’n suren Regen. The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain. The decay of a cry lies in part in a acid rain. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. Blätter werden im Herbst braun. Leaves go brown in autumn. Leaves are browned in autumn. Du hättest niemals hierherkommen sollen. You should've never come here. You should never have come here. Ik kom uit Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. Mis de trein niet. Don't be late for the train. Don't miss the train. Bedankt voor je cadeau. Thanks for the gift. Thank you for your gift. Het vuur verwoestte drie huizen. The fire destroyed three houses. The fire destroyed three houses. Wat is Künst? What is art? What Is Artificial? k Hol van die. I love you. k Take it from this one. He harr sik överleggt, dat he dat Smöken opgeven wull. He decided to quit smoking. He thought he would give up the look. Am Strand wimmelte es von Touristen. The beach was packed with tourists. On the beach it was teeming with tourists. De regering van Mexico weigerde te onderhandelen. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. Hulle is saam weg. They left together. They left together. Tom saß in einem bequemen Lehnstuhl und las die Abendzeitung. Tom was sitting in a comfortable armchair, reading the evening newspaper. Tom sat in a comfortable chair and read the evening newspaper. Ich stehe noch immer unter Schock. I'm still in shock. I'm still in shock. Hij slaagde erin het probleem op te lossen. He succeeded in solving the problem. He managed to solve the problem. Mennad kan een vrachtwagen besturen. Mennad can drive a truck. Mennad can drive a truck. Kin k kommen? Can I come? Can I come? Hoe rustig! How peaceful! How quiet! Tom dacht dat ik mijn broer was. Tom thought I was my brother. Tom thought I was my brother. Ich habe ihn heruntergeladen. I downloaded it. I downloaded it. Gerade das habe ich gebraucht. I needed just that. That's exactly what I needed. Bel naar huis! Call home! Call home! Gaat u alstublieft zitten en wacht. Please take a seat and wait. Please sit down and wait. Ich weiß nicht, was du meinst. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Der Mond ist bereits aufgegangen. The moon is already out. The moon has already risen. Dank u wel, dokter. Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Doctor. Hoe is deze banaan? What is this banana like? What's this banana like? Tegen wie had je het? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? Das Baby plantschte in der Badewanne. The baby was splashing in the bathtub. The baby was planting in the bathtub. Tom weint. Tom is crying. Tom crying. Als wir anlegten, sahen wir unseren Freund auf dem Steg. When we landed, we saw our friend on the pier. When we laid down, we saw our friend on the alley. k Eet sukkeloa. I eat chocolate. k Eat baboa. Zing alsjeblieft. Please sing. Sing, please. Ech si frou, datt dir hei sidd. I'm glad you guys are here. I'm afraid you are here. Waarom kwam je uit de kamer? Why did you leave the room? Why did you come out of the room? Ria harr sik ünner’t Bett verkropen, man ehr Modder hett se funnen. Mary hid under her bed, but her mother found her. Ria was crawling under the bed, but her mud found her. Ich ließ ihn den Boden fegen. I made him sweep the floor. I had him sweep the ground. איך אַרבעט מיט דיר. I work with you. I work with you. Fröit mi. Pleased to meet you. Good morning. Was genau willst du machen? What exactly do you want to do? What exactly do you want to do? Je verwacht nu toch geen antwoord, toch? You don't expect an answer now, do you? You're not expecting an answer now, are you? Tom werd tot ridder geslagen. Tom was knighted. Tom was knighted. Ze is geen goede kokkin. She's not a good cook. She's not a good cook. Ich bin nicht mehr der, der ich mal war. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the one I used to be. Hoeveel letters is daar in die alfabet? How many letters are there in the alphabet? How many letters do the alphabet contain? Mijn vader stierf aan longkanker. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. Hij doet net of hij hier niet bekend is. He pretends that he's a stranger here. He's pretending he's not known here. Ich will ins Planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! Tom fragte Maria nach ihrer Arbeit in Boston. Tom asked Mary about her job in Boston. Tom asked Maria about her work in Boston. Goeie. Hello! Good. Glaubst du, dass es das ist, was ich möchte. Do you think that's what I want? You think it's what I want. Er schreibt oft seinen Eltern in Japan. He often writes to his parents in Japan. He often writes to his parents in Japan. Wie heeft Hamlet geschreven? Who wrote Hamlet? Who wrote Hamlet? Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! Now it's even more beautiful! Die Uhr ist in der Schweiz hergestellt. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Hij is gestorven op de leeftijd van 70 jaar. He died at the age of 70. He died at the age of 70. Ich spreche nicht gern über solche Dinge. I don't like talking about this kind of thing. I don't like to talk about such things. Ik heb veel dromen. I have a lot of dreams. I have a lot of dreams. Taschkent ist Usbekistans Hauptstadt. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Ik wil niet dat er iets met je gebeurt. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I don't want anything happening to you. Helsinki is heufstad van Finlaand. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finlaand. Sami houdt van countrymuziek. Sami loves country music. Sami loves country music. Trang is jüstso schöön as Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Trang is just as beautiful as Dorenda. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata. Ik lehr Basksch. I'm learning Basque. I'm teaching Basque. Ek het 'n kat en 'n hond. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Je moet zelf voor je hond zorgen. You must take care of your dog yourself. You have to take care of your dog yourself. Bagdad is de hoofdstad van Irak. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Hij zal het begrijpen. He'll understand. He'll understand. Was er auch tut, das tut er gut. Regardless what he does, he does it well. Whatever he does, he does well. Is autobus stokkend? Is the bus broken? Is bus stinging? De Chineesch Müür is över 8.800 Kilometer lang. The Great Wall of China is over 5,500 miles long. Chinese media is over 8,800 kilometers long. In’e Palz geiht de Paster mit de Piep in’e Kark. In the Palatinate the pastor goes to church with a pipe. In’e Palz the pasta goes with the beep in’e Kark. Bleiben Sie nicht zu lange in der Sonne. Don't stay in the sun too long. Don't stay in the sun too long. We maakten ons geen zorgen. We didn't worry. We didn't worry. Sie hat viele Schwierigkeiten erlebt. She has gone through many difficulties. She's had a lot of trouble. Jy het 'n groen boek. You have a green book. You have a green book. ער האט געקלעטערט צום שפיץ בארג. He climbed to the very top of the mountain. He worked at the Spits Hill. Die Stadt mauserte sich zu einem Wirtschaftszentrum. The town developed into the center of the economy. The city mussed into an economic center. Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, frag Tom! If you don't believe me, ask Tom. If you don't believe me, ask Tom! Ich werde es nie jemandem erzählen. I will never tell it to anybody. I'll never tell anyone. Sein Herz schlug schneller bei der Nachricht. His heart beat fast at the news. His heart beat faster with the message. Kondome bieten Schutz vor Geschlechtskrankheiten. Condoms offer protection against STDs. condoms provide protection against sexual diseases. Kom nooit meer aan dat flesje! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't ever come back to that bottle again! Sami dronk bier. Sami drank beer. Sami drank beer. Jij glimlacht niet dikwijls. You don't smile very often. You don't smile often. Tom heeft Maria onder de tafel gedronken. Tom drank Mary under the table. Tom drank Maria under the table. Ga weg. Ik heb het druk. Go away. I'm busy. I'm busy. Tom het sy foon in die kar gelos. Tom left his phone in his car. Tom left his phone in the car. Jy het 'n groot neus. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. Vertel niemand wat we aan het doen zijn. Don't tell anyone what we're doing. Don't tell anyone what we're doing. Poaskaaier schildern is lúk. Painting Easter eggs is fun. Paint the key to the door is lukewarm. Ik heff Tom mien Fohrrad verköfft. I sold my bike to Tom. I sold Tom my Fohrrad. Ik heb een echt zware dag gehad. I've had a really tough day. I've had a really hard day. Dit is de ergste storm in tien jaar. This is the worst storm in ten years. This is the worst storm in ten years. אַ מענטש קען נישט לעבן אָן לופֿט. Humans can't live without air. A person cannot live without a notebook. Haar moeder roept je. Her mother is calling you. Her mother's calling you. Hör nicht auf die! Don't listen to them. Don't listen to them! Kennst du den Grund, warum der Himmel blau aussieht? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Ich habe das Buch gekauft. I bought the book. I bought the book. Ik heff en Stieven kregen. I've got a boner. I got it and I got Stiven. Tom weet hoe je spaghetti moet koken. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Wie aufregend! How thrilling! How exciting! Warum muss ich das tun? Why do I have to do that? Why do I have to do that? Die Leute sagen, dass er der reichste Mann der Stadt ist. People say that he is the richest man in this town. People say he's the richest man in town. Das ist ungerecht. That is unfair. That's unfair. Kijk naar me! Watch me. Look at me! Wir brauchen eine Presse, die nicht durch Zensur seitens der Regierung behindert wird. We need a press unhampered by government censorship. We need a press that is not hindered by censorship by the government. Sy het opgestaan om die telefoon te antwoord. She stood up to answer the phone. She got up to answer the phone. מײַן גריכיש איז טאַקע נישט אַזוי גוט. My Greek really isn't that good. My Greek is not so good. Het is ijskoud. It is freezing cold. It's freezing. Twee honde veg vir 'n been, en die derde hardloop daarmee weg. Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it. Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third run away with it. Wovon träumen Eichhörnchen? What do squirrels dream about? What do squirrels dream of? Tom heeft Mary de foto getoond. Tom showed Mary the photo. Tom showed Mary the picture. De Eer is en Planeet. Earth is a planet. The Earth is and Planet. Ik heb een nichtje. Ze gaat naar dezelfde school als Maria. I have a niece. She goes to the same school as Mary. She's going to the same school as Maria. Mijn zus heeft twee keer per week pianoles. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister has piano lessons twice a week. Ich wollte sehen, was geschehen würde. I wanted to see what would happen. I wanted to see what would happen. Sy soek haar motorsleutels. She is looking for her car keys. She's looking for her car keys. Warum schaust du so verärgert drein? Why do you look so angry? Why do you look so angry? Tom was niet thuis voor middernacht. Tom didn't get home till midnight. Tom wasn't home for midnight. Het is woensdag. It is Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Ich darf mich nicht von der Polizei erwischen lassen. I can't let the police catch me. I can't get caught by the police. Goeiemorgen, zei Tom glimlachend. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. Good morning, said Tom smiling. Dein Buch steht auf dem Kopf. Your book is upside down. Your book's on the head. Der Polizist blies die Trillerpfeife und gab dem Auto ein Zeichen, anzuhalten. The policeman blew his whistle and gave a sign for the car to stop. The police blew the vibration pipe and gave the car a sign to stop. Kan ik daar lopen? Can I walk there? Can I walk there? Hier ist die Karte. Here is the map. Here's the map. k Kin mie nait heugen woar k auto loaten heb. I don't remember where I left the car. I don't know if he's got a car. Ich denke, Tom mag mich. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom likes me. Er is veel sneeuw gevallen. It snowed a lot. There's been a lot of snow falling. Peggy is niet naar het toneelstuk geweest en ik ook niet. Peggy did not go to see the drama, and neither did I. Peggy didn't go to the play, and neither did I. Ich bin 1,58 m groß. I am five feet, two inches tall. I'm five feet tall. Ze vertaalde zijn zin. She translated his sentence. She translated his sentence. Ik ben teleurgesteld. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. Waar ging Tom naartoe? Where'd Tom go? Where did Tom go? Skryf met 'n pen, nie met 'n potlood nie. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Write with a pen, not a pencil. Gebruikt u al Amikumu? Do you already use Amikumu? Are you already using Amikumu? Du schullst dat beter nich maken. You'd better not do it. You should not do this. Is dat niet genoeg? Is that not enough? Isn't that enough? Ek druk 100 bladsye. I'm printing 100 pages. I print 100 pages. Manny will ein Einhorn sein, damit ihn die Mädchen reiten. Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him. Manny wants to be a unicorn so the girls can ride him. Ik volleybal veel. I play a lot of volleyball. I'm a lot of volleyball. Maciek ist im Dezember gestorben. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Hai het n hond. He has a dog. Shark has a dog. Ek dog Tom was dalk jou kêrel. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought Tom might have been your boyfriend. Dat is mijn dochter. That's my daughter. That's my daughter. Komt jou dat bekend voor? Does this ring a bell? Does that seem familiar to you? Ich brauche etwas frische Luft. I need to get some air. I need some fresh air. Den wären wir los! Good riddance! Let's get rid of him! Er wurde enttäuscht. He was disappointed. He was disappointed. Haal je spullen. Get your things. Get your stuff. Ik kan je niet dwingen om te getuigen. I can't force you to testify. I can't force you to testify. Ik heff von di dröömt. I dreamed about you. I've been dreaming of you. Ik ben gestopt met koffie drinken. I stopped drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee. Tom verontschuldigde zich om naar de wc te gaan. Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tom apologized to go to the bathroom. Hai leest. He is reading. She's reading. Verga is en beröhmten Schriever. Verga is a famous writer. Past is a famous author. Ik ken mezelf erg goed. I know myself very well. I know myself very well. Ich täte dir das nicht an. I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't do that to you. Wer macht Witze? Who's joking? Who's kidding? Ze werd heel ziek. She became very ill. She got very sick. Mach echli! Hurry up! Take a break! Muss ich euch bezahlen? Do I have to pay you? Do I have to pay you? Jullie hebben een fout gemaakt. You've made a mistake. You made a mistake. Warum fahren Sie nicht mit dem Taxi? Why don't you take a taxi? Why don't you take the taxi? He weet nich, wat he doon schall. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. He does not know what to do. Watter hemp sal jy vandag skool toe dra? What shirt will you wear to school today? What shirt will you wear to school today? Es war ein Fehler, dir noch mal eine Chance zu geben. It was a mistake to get back together with you. It was a mistake to give you another chance. Tom ist nicht sehr glücklich, oder? Tom isn't very happy, is he? Tom's not very happy, is he? Laat me jullie temperatuur opnemen. Let me take your temperature. Let me record your temperature. Toon mij andere. Show me some others. Show me others. Hierdie drie ure van bestuur het my uitgeput. Kom ons stop by die eerste rusplek wat ons sien. These three hours of driving have worn me out. Let's stop at the first rest area we see. These three hours of driving exhausted me, so let's stop at the first resting place we see. Is t ien t Fins schreven? Is it written in Finnish? Is one Finnish written? Kann sein, dass du gebraucht wirst. You may be needed. Could be you're in need. Tom keek in den Nachthimmel. Tom looked at the night sky. Tom looked in the night sky. Geef de bloemen alstublieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Ik bün hier güstern ankamen. I arrived here yesterday. I've been here yesterday. Tom ist mysteriös. Tom is mysterious. Tom's mysterious. Ich bin Handelvertreter. I'm a salesman. I'm a trade agent. Ik wil naar Tokio gaan. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Prettige feestdagen! Happy holidays! Happy holidays! De Schölers estemeert jemehr Schoolmeester temlich. The students hold their teacher in high regard. The Schölers is more of a schoolmaster than ever. Ek kan Turks verstaan, maar ek kan nie dit praat nie. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. I can understand Turkish, but I can’t speak it. Ich stimme dem völlig zu. I fully agree with this. I fully agree. Spreekt u Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Hij studeerde in het buitenland. He studied abroad. He studied abroad. Ich komme ohne aus. I can do without it. I'll be out without it. Verwacht niet dat anderen voor jou denken. Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you. Nenn es, wie du willst. Call it anything you want. Call it what you want. Ich lebe hier schon viele Jahre. I've been living here for many years. I've been here for many years. Het was ondoordacht van je de bus te missen. It was careless of you to miss the bus. It was thoughtless to miss the bus. Twee keer in de week kwam de tuinman om het gras te maaien, daarom kon ik nooit in het lange gras liggen. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Twice a week the gardener came to reap the grass, so I could never lie in the long grass. Er hat tadellose Manieren, was bedeutet, dass man nie sicher sein kann, was er eigentlich denkt! He has impeccable manners, which means you can never be sure what he actually thinks! He has impeccable manners, which means you can never be sure what he actually thinks! Er wirkt wie ein seriöser Geschäftsmann, aber tatsächlich gehört er zur Mafia. He seems like a respectable businessman, but he's really part of the Mafia. He looks like a serious businessman, but actually he belongs to the mafia. Dinsdag was het immers koud. Tuesday was certainly cold. After all, Tuesday was cold. Het mes is bot. The knife is dull. The knife is bone. Erzählen Sie uns was. Tell us something. Tell us something. Waar heeft u de jongen gezien? Where did you see the boy? Where did you see the boy? Du musst sofort anfangen. It is necessary for you to start at once. You have to start right now. Sie kannten sich. They knew each other. They knew each other. Beleefdheid is een deugd. Kindness is a virtue. Kindness is a virtue. Niet betreden. Keep out. Don't step in. Ich weiß, an wen ihr denkt. I know who you're thinking about. I know who you're thinking about. Ik wilde Tom nooit kwetsen. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never wanted to hurt Tom. איך װער פֿאַרדאגהט װאַרטנדיק אױף מײַן חבֿר צו לאַנג I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time. I opened for now waiting on behalf of society too long Ze hebben het brood geproefd. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. Tom brauchte es nicht mehr. Tom didn't need it anymore. Tom didn't need it anymore. Ik see nix, un dat hett em argert. I said nothing, and that made him angry. I don't see anything and that hurts him. Bill werd gedood door die man. Bill was killed by that man. Bill was killed by that man. Ik kan het mes niet vinden. I can't find the knife. I can't find the knife. De zon is een ster. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Vlees, alstublieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. Jy is dom. You are stupid. You're stupid. De draak kan verslagen worden. The dragon can be defeated. The dragon can be defeated. Ruf mich an. Call me. Call me. Ik heb een laptop nodig. I need a laptop. I need a laptop. Nu mot ik gaon. I have to go now. Now I must go. Tom trägt eine Salbe auf seine Wunde auf. Tom is applying ointment to his wound. Tom wears an ointment on his wound. Ik heff twee Bröder un een Süster. I have two brothers and a sister. I have two brothers and a sister. Tom lait zien potlood valen. Tom dropped his pencil. Tom Lait see pencil fall. Was dat te veel? Was that too much? Was that too much? Afgelopen week heeft ze een schitterende dochter gekregen. She gave birth to a pretty baby girl last week. Last week she had a beautiful daughter. In meinem Dorf gibt es einen kleinen schmalen Steg über einen Bach. In my village, there is a small, narrow footbridge over a brook. In my village there is a small narrow alley across a stream. Ik wil niet zo lang wachten. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait long. Mijn vader is arts. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. Er woont bijna niemand op Antarctica. Almost nobody lives in Antarctica. Almost nobody lives in Antarctica. Ik kann dat nich sehn. I cannot see it. I cannot see it. Mir geht es gut. I'm alright. I'm fine. Bring Wein. Bring wine. Bring wine. Wat fir eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? What colour is your coat? What colour does your coat have? Wienen is heufdstad van Oostenriek. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Vienna is the capital of Austria. D Frau isch nöd jung. The woman is not young. D Women's needs young. איך קען נישט פארגעסן אירע אויגן. I can't forget her eyes. I can't forget her eyes. Jo, dat is mien Huus. Yes, that's my house. Jo, that's my house. Sie spricht Französisch. She speaks French. She speaks French. Ich ziehe Stiefel an. I put boots on. I'm wearing boots. Tom wacht me elke ochtend op bij de bushalte. Tom waits for me at the bus stop every morning. Tom waits me at the bus stop every morning. Tom hat um unsere Hilfe gebeten. Tom has requested our help. Tom asked for our help. Doe laigst. You're lying. Get the fuck out of here. Im Winter geht die Sonne früher unter. The sun sets earlier in the winter. In winter, the sun sets earlier. Tom hat seinen Pick-up gebraucht gekauft. Tom bought his truck used. Tom needed his pickup. Ich wurde am 23. März 1969 in Barcelona geboren. I was born in Barcelona on March 23, 1969. I was born on March 23, 1969 in Barcelona. Ich bin nur eine Mittzwanzigerin, die etwas sucht, was es gar nicht gibt. I'm just a twenty-something in search of something that doesn't exist. I'm just a mid-fifties woman looking for something that doesn't exist at all. Mien besten Fründ danst temlich good. My best friend dances really well. My best friend dances pretty good. Ze beloven ons gouden bergen, maar ik heb zo het vermoeden dat we op de vervulling van die beloften kunnen wachten tot sint-juttemis. They promise us the moon, but I suspect we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises till hell freezes over. They promise us golden mountains, but I have such a presumption that we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises until Saint-Juttemis. Mein Hobby ist Briefmarken sammeln. My hobby is collecting stamps. My hobby is collecting stamps. Was will Tom von dir? What does Tom want you to do? What does Tom want from you? Hemeltjelief, dat wist ik niet! OMG! I didn't know that! Oh, my God, I didn't know that! Tom het aanhou probeer. Tom kept trying. Tom kept trying. De weg is lang. The road is long. The road is long. Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a samurai. Wirf diese faulen Krummfrüchte weg! Throw away these rotten bananas. Throw those rotten crumbling fruits away! Du büst smuck. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Tom ist grantig. Tom is cantankerous. Tom's great. Iemand schreeuwde. Someone screamed. Someone was yelling. Sie hat einen kleinen Vorteil. She has a small advantage. She has a small advantage. Tom war Holzfäller. Tom was a lumberjack. Tom was a lumberblower. Bestoat hai? Does he exist? Heard of shark? Ziehen Sie sich an! Get your clothes on. Get dressed! Je ziet er jong uit. You look young. You look young. דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ פּאַטאָלאָגישער ליגנער. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Dod Trump is a Pathological liar. Mach das, was du musst. Just do what you've got to do. Do what you have to. Se hett em mit en Küssen stickt. She suffocated him with a pillow. She embroidered him with a kiss. Denn heff ik anfungen to verstahn. I then began to understand. Because I started to understand. Hy kan nie veel Engels praat nie. He can't speak much English. He cannot speak much English. Tom ist immer allen gegenüber freundlich. Tom is always nice to everyone. Tom's always kind to everyone. קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. Nobody's interested. None is interested. Griekelân is in âld lân. Greece is an old country. Greece is in old country. Ich öffne das Paket. I'm going to unwrap the package. I'll open the package. Tom heeft diabetes type 1. Tom has type 1 diabetes. Tom has diabetes type 1. Ech schwätze Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I speak Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I talk learning, German, French and English. Habt ihr eine Antwort von ihm bekommen? Did you get a reply from him? Did you get an answer from him? Wir müssen Maut bezahlen, wenn wir auf dieser Straße fahren wollen. We must pay a toll to drive on this road. We have to pay toll if we want to drive on this road. Ik realiseerde me niet dat je dat op je eentje zou doen. I didn't know that you were going to do that by yourselves. I didn't realize you'd do that on your own. Seien Sie sehr vorsichtig! Be very careful. Be very careful! Se kann wieder swemmen as ik. She can swim further than I can. She can swim again as I do. Heb je gewicht verloren? Have you lost weight? Did you lose weight? Heeft Tom een ziekteverzekering? Does Tom have health insurance? Does Tom have a health insurance? Wanneer zal dat ophouden? When will it end? When will that stop? Ðā ƿæs on þā tīd Æþelbeorth cyning hāten on Centrīce, and mihtig. At that time, Ethelbert ruled as king in Kent, and was powerful. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm afraid that's a good idea. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Wir sind in letzter Zeit viel zusammen. We've been spending a lot of time together. We've been together a lot lately. Tom siene Öllern wören nich to Huus. Tom's parents weren't home. Tom's parents were not meant to live. Landluft ist gesünder als Stadtluft. Country life is healthier than city life. Land air is healthier than city air. Ich kann mich nicht selber hören! I can't hear myself! I can't hear myself! Die etruskische Sprache und Kultur verschwanden während des ersten vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts schlagartig. Etruscan language and culture disappeared rapidly during the 1st century; B.C. The Etruscan language and culture disappeared suddenly during the first pre-Christian century. Zai zwom. She swam. I'm sorry, I'm afraid... we have to expect the worst. Onze echtgenoten zijn Canadezen. Our husbands are Canadians. Our wives are Canadians. Hij drinkt bier. He drinks beer. He's drinking beer. Tom blies in die glühende Asche, hoffend, das Feuer wieder zu entfachen. Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted. Tom blew into the glowing ashes, hoping to rekindle the fire. Open dien haart. Open your heart. Open your hair. די געזעלשאַפֿט קען זיך בײַטן. Society can change. The society book can be edited. En Waal is lieker veel en Fisch as en Peerd dat is. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. And Waal is more equal to Fish than and Peer is. Mayuko war allein im Zimmer. Mayuko was alone in the room. Mayuko was alone in the room. Tom zal het nooit weten. Tom will never know. Tom will never know. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie interessiert sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were interested. Tom and Maria told John they were interested. Wat meenst du dor mit? What do you mean by it? What do you mean? Maria versuchte sich zu sammeln. Mary tried to compose herself. Maria tried to gather. Er fiel in der Schlacht am Little Bighorn. He was killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He was killed in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Ich werde nicht vergessen. I won't forget. I won't forget. Dat is zo ongelooflijk. That's so incredible. That's so incredible. Bell erfand das Telefon. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. Ich hätte lieber Rotwein. I'd prefer red wine. I'd rather be red wine. Meine Mission ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit. My mission is of critical importance. My mission is of utmost importance. Ons nieuw hoofdkwartier is in Tokio. Our new head office is in Tokyo. Our new headquarters is in Tokyo. Waarom woonde je in Kyoto vorig jaar? Why did you live in Kyoto last year? Why did you live in Kyoto last year? Dat is een ongelofelijke afstand, nietwaar? That's an amazing distance, isn't it? That's an incredible distance, isn't it? Veel vissen zwemmen in de rivier. Many fish swim in the river. A lot of fish swim in the river. Ich kann nicht fassen, was ich doch für ein Dummkopf war! I can't believe what an idiot I've been. I can't believe what I was a fool! Zai speult aingoal dag pioano. She plays the piano every day. Zai speculates aingoal day pioano. Der Laden verkauft allen möglichen Krimskrams. The shop sells all sorts of bric-à-brac. The store sells all kinds of Crimean crams. Das ist eine gute Übung. It's good training. That's a good exercise. De volgende zondag gaan we onze tante bezoeken. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. The next Sunday, we'll visit our aunt. Poggen fräät Flegen. Frogs eat flies. Poggen frät Flegen. Sie hat alles vollgekotzt. She was barfing all over the place. She's full of shit. Treffen sich zwei Jäger: Beide tot. Two hunters meet: both are dead. Two hunters meet: Both dead. Dit is nie 'n grap nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Sami googelde Layla's naam. Sami googled Layla's name. Sami goggled Layla's name. Zijn ouders gaan elke zondag naar de kerk. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. Tom was baie bang gewees. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Se is mit em gahn. She went with him. You left with him. Man sagt, dass es krebserregend ist. It is said to be carcinogenic. It's said it's carcinogenic. Ich bin müde! I'm tired! I'm tired! Ben je al klaar met je huiswerk? Have you already finished your homework? Have you finished your homework yet? Wir können nicht mehr zurück. We cannot turn back. We can't go back. Weißt du, was wir jetzt tun sollen? Do you know what we're supposed to be doing now? You know what we should do now? Weer Tom dor? Was Tom there? Tom dor again? Doe haar de groeten als je haar ziet op het feest. Please say hello to her if you see her at the party. Say hello to her when you see her at the party. Ik wull lever dood wesen as di to freen! I'd rather die than marry you! I would love to be dead if you were to friends! Eerst moeten we al die zaden planten. First of all, we have to plant all these seeds. First we have to plant all those seeds. יענער מענטש איז אין אָרדענונג? Is that person okay? That man is in assembly? Tom koopt alleen scharreleieren. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom's just buying scrambled eggs. Wat is dien leevsten Footballvereen? What's your favorite soccer team? What's the favourite football club? Vergeet de Fohrkoort nich. Don't forget the ticket. Do not forget the hard drive card. Waar men niet over kan spreken, moet men over zwijgen. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. What we cannot talk about must be silent. Ich habe heute dreimal eine Küchenspüle voller Geschirr abgewaschen. I washed a sink full of dishes three times today. I washed a kitchen sink full of dishes three times today. De Knüppel is veel to groot. That club is way too big. The gag is too big. Tom komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Tom is originally from Australia. Tom's originally from Australia. Tom sterft. Tom is dying. Tom dies. Ich habe das fehlende Glied deiner Halskette gefunden. I found the missing piece of your necklace. I found the missing link in your necklace. Es gab keine Zeugen, die das Delikt beobachteten. There were no witnesses to the crime. There were no witnesses watching the crime. Ik heb erover lopen denken. I've been wondering about that. I've been thinking about it. Wi hebbt en halv Dutz Eier. We have a half-dozen eggs. We have half a dozen balls. Dat sünd Tom siene Slötels. These keys are Tom's. These are Tom's keys. Ik drink mijn koffie. I'm drinking my coffee. I'm drinking my coffee. Waarom is dat interessant? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? Ik bruuk en neet Auto. I need a new car. I'm using and wet car. Maria hatte etwas Wichtiges zu sagen, aber Tom unterbrach sie immer wieder. Mary had something important to say, but Tom kept interrupting her. Maria had something important to say, but Tom interrupted her time and again. Dat is swoor to verkloren. It's hard to explain. That's hard to tell. Du darfst nicht reinkommen. You may not come in. You can't come in. Das Kleid passte ihr perfekt. That dress fit her perfectly. The dress was perfect for her. Ons weet wat gaan gebeur. We know what's going to happen. We know what will happen. Rome is de hoofdstad van Italië. Rome is the capital of Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. Ik hou niet van sinaasappelsap. I don't like orange juice. I don't like orange juice. Wanneer heb je hem ontmoet? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien nicht verheiratet. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary told John they were not married. Is daar iemand? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Wenn du so veel ittst, warrst du noch krank. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. If you eat so much, you'll be sick. Seien Sie bitte behutsam. Please be gentle. Please be careful. Die Venus ist, von der Sonne aus gesehen, der zweite Planet. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The Venus, seen from the sun, is the second planet. Se hett ehren jüngern Broder bi de Huusopgaven hulpen. She helped her younger brother with his homework. She has the honor of helping younger brothers in their homes. Ik hou niet van druiven. I don't like grapes. I don't like grapes. Bent u verdwaald? Are you lost? Are you lost? Is jy seker jy wil hê dat ek jou moet help met jou huiswerk? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Du hast mir nicht gesagt, dass Tom Französisch spricht. You didn't tell me Tom speaks French. You didn't tell me Tom was speaking French. Universitätsabsolventen verdienen im Schnitt über fünfzig Prozent mehr als jene mit nur einem Oberschulabschluss. College graduates earn on average over fifty per cent more than those with only a high-school degree. On average, university graduates earn more than fifty percent more than those with only one high school degree. Du hättest die Rechnung nicht zahlen sollen. You shouldn't have paid the bill. You shouldn't have paid the bill. Russland is de gröttste Staat op de Welt un de Vatikaan is de lüttste Staat op de Welt. Russia is the biggest state in the world, and The Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Russia is the largest state in the world and the Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Ik kom uit Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. Wie is dat? Who is that? Who's that? Du hast sie gefunden. You've found them. You found her. Dafür brauchen wir drei, vielleicht vier Wochen, wenn’s hoch kommt. It'll take us three, maybe four weeks at the most. For this, we need three, maybe four weeks, when it comes up. Tom heeft nooit iemand nodig gehad. Tom has never needed anybody. Tom never needed anyone. Glaubt ihr Tom noch? Do you still believe Tom? Do you still believe Tom? He hett sien Ogenlicht bi en Unfall verloren. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost his eyesight in an accident. Das ist eine Neufassung eines klassischen Films. This is a remake of a classic movie. This is a recast of a classic film. Willst du ein Kunststück sehen? Do you want to see a trick? Do you want to see a piece of art? Könnt ihr später noch mal kommen? Can you come back later? Can you come back later? Ik ga iets te drinken halen. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm gonna get you something to drink. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wensdenken. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wishful thinking. The fact that Esperanto will become the European language tomorrow is wishful thinking. Hƿonne cymest þū hām? When are you coming home? Hāonne cymest daū hām? אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די רעפֿאָרמער. Esther's family is Reform Jewish. As %s's family is from the region. He wahnt in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He was in Kyoto. Ich kann nicht weiterkämpfen. I can't fight any longer. I can't keep fighting. Sami heeft racisme meegemaakt alleen maar door een moslim te zijn. Sami has gone through racism just for being Muslim. Sami has only experienced racism by being a Muslim. Tom is getrouwd met een tandarts. Tom is married to a dentist. Tom married a dentist. Zai zwaitte. She sweated. Zai was squatting. De appels van onze eigen boom smaken veel beter dan de bespoten appels uit de supermarkt. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples of our own tree taste much better than the ridiculed apples from the supermarket. Habt ihr beiden euch gut amüsiert, während ich fort war? Did you two have fun while I was gone? Did you both have a good time while I was gone? Wir machen nichts. We're doing nothing. We're not doing anything. Was ist Ihr Spitzname? What is your nickname? What's your nickname? Drinkst doe? Do you drink? Drinking? Mary's personage was een rondborstige Amazone. Mary's character was a busty amazon. Mary's character was a boisterous Amazonian. Warum haben Sie so viele Katzen? Why do you have so many cats? Why do you have so many cats? Jedem unterlaufen Fehler. Everybody makes mistakes. Every mistake goes wrong. Hij veranderde een paar woorden. He changed a few words. He changed a few words. Ik woon in Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. He hett sik as'n Fro antrocken. He dressed up as a woman. He dried himself up as a question. Tom woonde in Australië. Tom lived in Australia. Tom lived in Australia. Bent u bang voor mij? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Ik ha gjin swurd. I don't have a sword. I didn't swear. Ich wies Tom an, nicht die Tür zu öffnen. I told Tom not to open the door. I told Tom not to open the door. Zover ik weet heeft ze niets te maken met dat schandaal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. Den Téi ass ze kal. The tea's too cold. Please, that's too cold. Heute Nacht werde ich mit deinem Brief unter meinem Kopfkissen schlafen. I shall sleep with your letter under my pillow tonight. Tonight I'll sleep with your letter under my pillow. Dit is mogelijk geen echte diamant. This might not be a genuine diamond. This may not be a real diamond. Sien Engelsch is beter as mien. His English is better than mine. See English is better than mine. Er mag keinen Fisch. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Sami is veganist. Sami is vegan. Sami's a vegan. Tom hätte es ohne Maria nicht gekonnt. Tom couldn't have done it without Mary. Tom couldn't have done it without Maria. Monaco is de hoofdstad van Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Ik zag de maan boven het dak. I saw the moon above the roof. I saw the moon above the roof. Zai lagde. She laughed. Zai was lying. Klavierspielen ist ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung. Playing the piano is her favorite pastime. Piano plays is their favorite job. Ich habe daran gedacht. I thought of that. I've been thinking about it. Dies ist überraschend. This is surprising. This is surprising. Spreek je Duits? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Kartuffelchips sünd nich good för di. Potato chips are not good for you. Potato chips are not good for you. Ik zal blijven. I'll stay. I'll stay. Hoeveel keer per jaar gaat ge skiën? How often do you go skiing every year? How many times a year do you go skiing? Welk merk en kleur heeft de auto van de directeur? What brand and what color is the director's car? What brand and color does the director's car have? Musstest du lange warten? Did you have to wait long? Did you have to wait a long time? דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ ראַק אויף דער מענטשהייט. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Here Dad Trump is a rack on the human court. Wanneer ga je terug naar Japan? When will you go back to Japan? When are you going back to Japan? Heb jij al een ufo gezien? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you seen a UFO yet? Van watse land is jy? What country are you from? From what land are you? He deed snacken, as wenn he allens wüss. He speaks as though he knew everything. He did talk as if he knew everything. Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd. Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it. Dear s'Oinzige, was wexd, whose mr s'vrschwendåd. Komm und treffe alle! Come and meet everyone! Come and meet everyone! Ik steek de spoorweg iedere morgen over. I cross the railroad tracks every morning. I cross the railway every morning. Mien kadde is swaart. My cat is black. My cadde is heavy. Die rekening asseblief. The bill, please. Please check the account. Ek wil haar vriend wees. I want to be her friend. I want to be her friend. Mijn commentaar was sarcastisch. My comment was sarcastic. My comment was sarcastic. גיטל איז אַ לינקע. Gittel is a leftist. The key used to move north-west. Ich habe dich sehr lieb. I love you a lot. I love you very much. Mir ist Seife in die Augen geraten! I got soap in my eyes. I've got soap in my eyes! Woar bist? Where are you? Where are you? Dat is ming Fru. That's my wife. That's Ming Fru. Ik hör nie wat. I never hear anything. I don't hear anything. Wann wirst du mit Tom darüber sprechen? When are you going to talk to Tom about that? When are you gonna talk to Tom about it? אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די נעאָלאָגן. Esther's family is Neolog Jewish. The family of that family belongs to the people. Was backen Sie denn da? What're you baking? What are you bakeing? Tom ging naar Australië. Tom went to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Mag se Appelsienen? Does she like oranges? Power's Apples? Bel ons. Call us. Call us. Hij is nogal levendig. He's a bit energetic. He's pretty lively. Dat grijze gebouw? That gray building? That gray building? Das Konzert hat noch nicht angefangen. The concert hasn't started yet. The concert hasn't started yet. Engels is moeilijk hè? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? Macht die Flasche auf. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. ער שרײַבט אַראַביש. He writes Arabic. He writes Arabic. Tom heeft niet veel gedaan. Tom hasn't done much. Tom didn't do much. Hij speelde tennis. He played tennis. He played tennis. Hy het sy ouers gevind. He found his parents. He found his parents. Das Leben ist manchmal so ungerecht! Life is so unjust sometimes. Life is sometimes so unfair! Dat vind ik leuk. I like that. I like that. Het kasteel staat te koop. The castle is for sale The castle is for sale. עס איז א בלגן דא. It's a mess in here. It's a lightning here. Dit is van mij, en dit is van jou. This is mine, and this is yours. This is mine, and this is yours. Du höörst di an as Eco. You sound like Eco. You listen to me as an Eco. Ich bin am Dösen. I am dozing. I'm dozing. Mary hat ein paar Monate lang in einem Konvent gelebt. Mary lived in a convent for a few months. Mary lived in a convention for a few months. Weißt du, wie man das benutzt? Do you know how to use it? You know how to use this? Wi hebbt en Barg Tied verschenkt. We wasted a lot of time. We have spent a lot of time. Was ist das Ekelhafteste, was du je gegessen hast? What's the most disgusting food you have ever eaten? What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? זי איז די פֿאַרקערפּערונג פֿון דעם דרך־החיים. She is a living example of that philosophy. It is the suppression of this tree. Vergesst alles, was ich euch gesagt habe! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Ik woon nu niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia now. I don't live in Australia now. Dat fallt mi swoor, dat Woord uttospreken. It is difficult for me to pronounce the word. It is hard for me to pronounce the word. Ič eom þā-ᵹīet on līfe. I'm still alive. Ič eom ā-Varanasiīet on līfe. Vandoag is t vief meert. Today is March 5th. "Vandoug" is five moret. איך האָב געגעסן אַן עפּל. I ate an apple. I thought it was a little bit. Wi köönt em nicht helpen. We can't help him. We can't help him. Ik swalkte doelleas yn it rûn. I was drifting about aimlessly. I toggled targets in it around. All Minschen sünd vör dat Gesett egaal. All men are equal according to the law. All humans are equal before the law. Zai is nait old. She is not old. Zai's nait old. Ich habe ihn gewarnt, aber er hat diese Warnung ignoriert. I warned him, but he ignored the warning. I warned him, but he ignored this warning. Ich wünschte, die Dinge stünden anders. I wish things were different. I wish things were different. Hij denkt na over het probleem. He is thinking about the problem. He's thinking about the problem. De Burj Khalifa is no de heechste wolkekliuwer op de wrâld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is not the highest cloud in the world. Einfachheit ist Trumpf. Simplicity is the key. Simplicity is Trumpf. Er sagte, dass sich die Erde um die Sonne dreht. He said that the earth goes round the sun. He said the earth revolves around the sun. Sei zu jedem höflich! Be polite to everyone. Be polite to everyone! Laat me u een domme vraag stellen. Let me ask you a stupid question. Let me ask you a stupid question. Sami begon een sterke haat te krijgen voor moslims. Sami started getting a strong hatred for Muslims. Sami began to get a strong hatred for Muslims. Dröff ik dat Telefoon bruken? May I use the telephone? Am I using the phone? Dat zijn de duurste schoenen die ik ooit heb gezien. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Hoe laat ben je gisteren gaan slapen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? "Onze baas heeft aangedrongen op die prijs," legde de verkoopster uit. "Maar weet u, u hoeft me geen 0,99 in kopeken te betalen. U mag meer betalen als u wilt." "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." "Our boss insisted on that price," explained the saleswoman. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0,99 in kopecks. You can pay more if you want." Ich werde die Rechnung zahlen. I'll foot the bill. I'll pay the bill. Hij sprak Duits met me. He spoke German with me. He spoke to me in German. Mijn naam is Ivan. My name is Ivan. My name is Ivan. Wenn ich meine Prüfungen bestehe, werde ich lange Ferien machen. If I can get through with my exams, I'll take a long vacation. If I pass my exams, I'll take a long vacation. Es geht Tom heute schon etwas besser. Tom is feeling a little better today. Tom's a little better today. וועל איך אומזעעוודיק ווערן? Will I become invisible? Do you want to make me invisible? Versuchen Sie es so gut, wie es Ihnen möglich ist. Try as hard as you can. Try as well as you can. Tom en Maria hebben gisteren hun verloving aangekondigd. Tom and Mary announced their engagement yesterday. Tom and Maria announced their engagement yesterday. Ik snack mit di. I talk to you. I'll talk to you. Ik heb voor Kerstmis een E-Book-Reader gekregen. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an E-Book reader for Christmas. Moslims bidden altijd met het gezicht richting Mekka. Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca. Muslims always pray with the face towards Mecca. Er hält sein Wort. He keeps his word. He keeps his word. Dat is geen woordenboek. That's not a dictionary. That's not a dictionary. Ek neem aan dit gaan nie 'n probleem wees nie. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess it's not going to be a problem. Dat is nich wichtig. That's unimportant. This is not important. Ich hatte mich entschieden, das nicht mehr zu machen. I'd decided not to do that again. I had decided not to do that anymore. Eens, zwee, drei, vier, fimf, sechs, siwwe, acht, nein, zehe. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Once, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, no, see. Geld kan nie geluk koop nie. Money can't buy happiness. Money cannot buy happiness. Ich konnte nichts herausfinden. I couldn't find out anything. I couldn't find out. Begin. Start. Start. Der Kandidat strebt das Amt des Bürgermeisters an. The candidate is running for mayor. The candidate is seeking the office of mayor. Zij drinkt thee. She is drinking tea. She's drinking tea. Schlaf ist die beste Meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Wij waren samen. We were together. We were together. Dat sneet vondaag. It's snowing today. That's snowing today. Es ist gerade ein Jahr her, dass ich verheiratet bin. It is just a year since I got married. It's just a year since I married. Karakorum is de vroegere hoofdstad van Mongolië. Karakorum is the early capital city of Mongolia. Karakorum is the former capital of Mongolia. Ik ben een meeuw. I am a seagull. I'm a gull. Du solltest Tom kein Geld leihen. You shouldn't lend Tom any money. You shouldn't lend Tom any money. Wie viel Jungs sind in dieser Klasse? How many boys are there in this class? How many guys are in this class? Ek wil nie hê jy moet dit doen nie. I don't want to do that. I don't want you to do it. Warum hast du solch ein begrenztes Vorstellungsvermögen? Why do you have such a restricted imagination? Why do you have such a limited imagination? k Hol van aaier. I like eggs. k Hol van ruder. Ik wil graag leraar worden. I'd like to be a teacher. I'd like to be a teacher. Ik baad. I'm taking a bath. I'm bathing. Hij is mijn broer. He's my brother. He's my brother. Ich spüre nichts. I can't feel anything. I don't feel anything. k Kin aal heuren. I can hear everything. - Can't you hear him? Wir können die Vergangenheit nicht ändern. We can't change the past. We can't change the past. Der Wievielte ist heute? What's the date today? How much is today? Tom en ik hebben geknuffeld. Tom and I hugged. Tom and I messed up. Toro is niet altijd hier. Taro is not always here. Toro's not always here. Tom drinkt wijn. Tom drinks wine. Tom's drinking wine. Ich bin hier, um Tom zu suchen. I'm here looking for Tom. I'm here to look for Tom. Seien Sie mal nicht so gönnerhaft zu mir. Don't patronise me. Don't be so generous to me. Ik wou dat ik beter klarinet kon spelen. I wish that I could play the clarinet better. I wish I could play clarinet. Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom nach Boston gefahren ist. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. Ein vier Jahre alter amerikanischer Tourist war enttäuscht zu begreifen, dass die Provinz Szechuan nicht ganz aus scharf gewürztem Fleisch besteht, trotz seiner berühmten pikanten Küche. A four-year-old American tourist was disappointed to realize that, in fact, the Sichuan province is not entirely made of spicy beef, in spite of its famously piquant cuisine. A four-year-old American tourist was disappointed to understand that the province of Szechuan does not consist entirely of spicy meat, despite its famous spicy cuisine. He is för mi en ganz Frömmen. He is a complete stranger to me. He is a very young woman to me. Ik bün en Bangbüx. I'm a coward. I am and Bangbüx. Lach! Lol! Laugh! k Kom oet Verainde Stoaten van Amerika. I'm from the United States of America. K Come on, Edited Stoats of America. Er ist völlig durchgeknallt. He's completely crazy. He's totally fucked up. Ik moet ze vinden. I've got to find them. I have to find them. Tom oefent drie uur per dag op de piano. Tom practices the piano three hours a day. Tom practices three hours a day on the piano. Zou u even kunnen wachten? Could you wait a moment? Could you wait a minute? Het hoost. It is raining hard. The hustle and bustle. Alles verandert. Everything's changing. Everything's changing. Spreekst Nederlaands? Do you speak Dutch? Is Lowlands speaking? Ah, als je het kunt dubben, mag ik dan ook een kopie? Ah, if you can dub it, can I ask for a copy as well? Ah, if you can dub it, can I have a copy? Doen kippen een plasje? Do chickens pee? Do chickens have a place? Fernsehsendungen, die während der Hauptsendezeit ausgestrahlt werden, dürfen nichts enthalten, was für Kinder, die möglicherweise zuschauen, ungeeignet ist. Shows that are broadcast during prime time are not supposed to have content unsuitable for children who might be watching. Television broadcasts that are broadcast during the main broadcasting period shall not include anything that is inappropriate for children who may watch. Ze hoorde hem zingen. She heard him sing. She heard him singing. Het ziet ernaar uit dat ik het verknoeid heb. Looks like I messed up. Looks like I messed up. He is dat swarte Schaap in ’e Famielje. He's the black sheep of the family. He is that black sheep in ’e Family. Tom moet ervandoor. Tom needs to get going. Tom's gotta get out of here. Tom heeft de spin doodgemaakt. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. De bus is kapot! The bus is broken! The bus's broken! Wek me morgenochtend om zes uur alsjeblieft. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up tomorrow morning at 6:00 p.m. Kuala Lumpur is en Besöök weert. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is and Visit weathered. Ons condoom ging kapot. Our condom broke. Our condom was broken. Was möchtest du in Boston noch besuchen? Where else in Boston do you want to visit? What else would you like to visit in Boston? Ik schilde de wortels. I peeled the carrots. I paint the roots. Ein Universitätsbesuch ist kein Garant für einen guten Arbeitsplatz. Going to college doesn't guarantee you a good job. A university visit is not a guarantee of a good job. Misschien is het nooit gebeurd. Maybe it never happened. Maybe it never happened. Dit is een plek waar dieren worden begraven. This is a place where animals are buried. This is a place where animals are buried. Het enige dat telt is gelukkig zijn. All that matters is to be happy. The only thing that matters is being happy. Ich brauche es heute. I need it today. I need it today. Zij gingen samen. They went together. They went together. Wir möchten den Urlaub an einem ruhigen Ort verbringen. We want to spend the holidays in a quiet place. We want to spend the holiday in a quiet place. Jist rare. Just fine. Just weird. Amüsiert ihr euch gut? Are you guys having any fun? Are you having a good time? De jongen is aan het schrijven. The boy is writing. The boy's writing. Si schwëmmt. She's swimming. They're swimming. Maria is zeer onder de indruk. Mary is very impressed. Maria is very impressed. Du hest en Fehler maakt. You've made a mistake. You made a mistake. Ich brauche eine Tasche. Kannst du mir eine leihen? I need a bag. Will you lend me one? I need a bag. Ich kann nicht mit Mädchen reden. I can't talk to girls. I can't talk to girls. Das ist die richtige Einstellung. That's the attitude. That's the right attitude. Ik kijk bijna elke dag naar het nieuws. I watch the news almost every day. I watch the news almost every day. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Ríocht Aontaithe'' genoemd in het Iers. The United Kingdom is called "Ríocht Aontaithe" in Irish. The United Kingdom is called 'Ríocht Aontaithe' in Irish. Sammy heeft daar zes maanden gewerkt. Sami worked there for six months. Sammy worked there for six months. Deze morgen was er een aardbeving. There was an earthquake this morning. This morning there was an earthquake. Ik ken geen van beide. I know neither of them. I don't know either. Waar houdt u van? What do you like? What do you love? Hij was te moe om te studeren. He was too tired to study. He was too tired to study. Mary schonk haarzelf wat ontbijtgranen in. Mary poured herself some cereal. Mary gave herself some breakfast cereals. Sami het dit nie opgemerk nie. Sami hasn't noticed that. Sami did not notice that. Deze wijn is erg lekker. This wine is extremely delicious. This wine is very delicious. Tom ist nicht lebendig. Tom isn't alive. Tom's not alive. Warum stellst du dich immer auf ihre Seite? Why do you always take her side? Why do you always stand by her side? Jy moet altyd dink voordat jy praat. You should always think before you speak. You should always think before you speak. Tom tat es mit einem Lachen ab. Tom just laughed it off. Tom did it with a laugh. Waar zijn je kleren? Where are your clothes? Where are your clothes? כ'פֿײַף אויף יאָשקען. I don't give a fuck about Jesus. That's why I'm going to hit it. Dainj! Thanks! Dainj! Ten slotte heeft Jane het niet gekocht. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. Finally, Jane didn't buy it. Bent u een man of een spin? Are you a man or a spider? Are you a man or a spider? Wie eet graag bonen? Who likes beans? Who likes to eat beans? Tom scheint gelangweilt zu sein. Tom seems to be bored. Tom seems bored. Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami's not married to Layla. Er is iets mis met de motor. Something is wrong with the engine. There's something wrong with the engine. Kannst du disse Wöör utspreken? Can you pronounce these words? Can you speak these words? Er kann weder lesen noch schreiben. He can neither read nor write. He can neither read nor write. Hoe is het weer? How is the weather? How's the weather? Wat is jouw voorstel? What is your suggestion? What's your proposal? Wie hast du es geschafft, dich so schnell umzuziehen? How did you change your clothes so quickly? How did you manage to move so fast? "Moment mal", sagte Dima, indem er sein Telefon herausholte. "Ich kenne jemand, der mir etwas Geld leihen könnte." "Hold on," Dima said, taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." "At once," said Dima, taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." Nicht viele Jugendliche mögen Opern. Not many young people like opera. Not many young people like operas. Woveel Stünnen Slaap bruukst du? How many hours of sleep do you need? How many hours of sleep do you need? Wat is dien leevst Bedrievssysteem? What's your favorite operating system? What is the favorite Drifting System? Wer hat euch das gegeben? Who gave that to you? Who gave you that? Tom wird alles abstreiten. Tom will deny everything. Tom will deny everything. Ik heb vannacht geen oog dichtgedaan. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't close an eye last night. Tom starb in der Explosion. Tom died in the blast. Tom died in the explosion. Warum müssen Tom und Mary das machen? Why do Tom and Mary have to do that? Why do Tom and Mary have to do this? Swevel brennt mit en blaue Flamm. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. Swivel burns with a blue flame. Hoe kan ik de motor starten? How can I start the engine? How can I start the engine? Daardie boek behoort aan my. That book's mine. That book belongs to me. Ein Herr West hat während Ihrer Abwesenheit angerufen. A Mr West called in your absence. A Mr. West called during your absence. Dieses Buch hat viele schöne Bilder. This book has many beautiful pictures. This book has many beautiful pictures. Ik hijgde onmiddellijk. I immediately gasped. I spooked right away. Toms favoriete actrice is Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. װײַן איז געמאַכט פֿון װײַנטרױבן. Wine is made from grapes. Monitor Resolution Ek verstaan nou. Now I understand. I understand now. Ik hou van rode papegaaien. I love red parrots. I like red parrots. Laat me je voorstellen aan meneer Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr Brown. Ich habe gesehen, wie du Tom das Leben rettetest. I saw how you saved Tom's life. I saw you save Tom's life. Ihre Enttäuschung war für alle offensichtlich. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Their disappointment was obvious to everyone. De Koude Oorlog begon na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. The Cold War began after World War Two. The Cold War began after World War II. Ich wollte eine Entschuldigung. I wanted an apology. I wanted an excuse. Kannst du das Hühnchen tranchieren? Can you carve the chicken? Can you ranch the chicken? Schiet op. Hurry up. Hurry up. Dit is de fabriek waar Tom en Maria werken. This is the factory where Tom and Mary work. This is the factory where Tom and Maria work. Ze waren vreemd. They were strange. They were weird. Du büst de eenzige, de dat doon kann. You're the only one who can do this. You are the only person who can do this. Sami ging naar een moskee. Sami went to a mosque. Sami went to a mosque. Waarom heb je zo'n haast? What's your rush? Why are you in such a hurry? Bruukst du veel Geld? Do you need much money? Do you need a lot of money? Dat tütt. There's a draught in here. It's okay. Ik ben hier absoluut op tegen. I'm firmly opposed to this. I am absolutely against this. Tom is een man van vele talenten. Tom is a man of many talents. Tom is a man of many talents. Wie hältst du es aus? How are you holding up? What do you do? Tom sagt, dass er das macht. Tom says he's doing that. Tom says he does. אַלזשיריע שטייט נאָך בײַ פּאַלעסטינע. Algeria still supports Palestine. Algebraic is still there. Wir sind über die Entscheidung der Kommission noch nicht informiert worden. We haven't yet been informed of the committee's decision. We have not yet been informed of the Commission's decision. Het leven is niet altijd zo mooi, iedereen heeft wel eens tegenvallers. Life is no bed of roses. Life is not always so beautiful, everyone has adversaries. Het gevaar is minimaal. The danger is minimal. The danger is minimal. Setzt euch auf das Sofa und macht es euch bequem. Sit on the sofa and feel at ease. Sit on the sofa and make it comfortable. Klären wir dieses Problem! Let's clear up this problem. Let's clarify this problem! Op zijn gezicht zag ik een blije glimlach. I saw a joyful smile on his face. On his face I saw a happy smile. Tom rende. Tom ran. Tom ran. Accra is de hoofdstad van Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Ze riep hem aan de telefoon. She called him on the phone. She called him on the phone. De muren waren wit geschilderd. The walls were painted white. The walls were painted white. דאָס איז זייער גוט. That's very good. This is very good. Een, twee, drie, vier, vyf, ses, sewe, ag, nege, tien. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ik ben daar geboren. I was born there. I was born there. Layla sah näher hin. Layla looked closer. Layla looked closer. Bent u van plan deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Are you planning on taking part in the meeting? Ik heb iets dat van jou is. Waarom kom je niet hierheen om het terug te krijgen? I've got something of yours. Why don't you come here to get it back? Why don't you come here to get it back? We kunnen van alles wegrennen, behalve van ons geweten. We can run away from everything, except from our conscience. We can run away from anything except our conscience. Ich dachte, ich hörte einen Schrei. I thought I heard a scream. I thought I heard a cry. Ich wiederhole das nicht, hören Sie also gut zu. I won't repeat this, so listen carefully. I don't repeat this, so listen carefully. Eergisteren bracht hij een officieel bezoek aan de Franse president. He made an official visit to the French president the day before yesterday. He made an official visit to the French president yesterday. Is Herr Parker vondaag dor? Is Mr Parker in today? Is Mr Parker there today? Tom fragte Maria, ob er sich ihr Französischlehrbuch ausleihen dürfe. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her French textbook. Tom asked Maria if he could borrow her French textbook. Du bist das beste Eichhörnchen auf der ganzen Welt! You're the best squirrel in the whole world! You're the best squirrel in the world! Tom und Maria machen sich in der Küche etwas zu essen. Tom and Mary are in the kitchen making themselves something to eat. Tom and Maria have something to eat in the kitchen. Ik ben verlegen. I'm shy. I'm shy. Ik vind het moeilijk om vroeg op te staan op een koude morgen. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. I find it hard to get up early on a cold morning. Sie verletzte sich am Fuß, als sie vom Fahrrad fiel. She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle. She was hurt at the foot when she fell off the bike. Zij studeert wiskunde. She studies mathematics. She's a math student. Ihr verwirrt mich. You're confusing me. You're confusing me. We hebben gasten. We have guests. We have guests. Ich habe morgen viel Arbeit. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow. Er is iets gebeurd. Something has happened. Something happened. Tom kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom crawled out under the table. Wer könnte mir die Schuld geben? Who could blame me? Who could blame me? Maria weiß mehr darüber, als sie zugibt. Mary knows more than she's letting on. Maria knows more about it than she admits. De Flegerhaven is dicht. The airport is closed. The Flyerport is closed. Es ist nicht leicht, Zeit zum Schreiben eines Buches zu finden. Finding time to write a book is not easy. It is not easy to find time to write a book. Ek het niks nodig nie. I don't need anything. I don’t need anything. He is as Finanzminister insett worrn. He was appointed Minister of Finance. He was appointed Minister of Finance. קוק אויף דעם. Look at that. Look at the. Geef mie vief dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. He seed ehr, dat se recht harr. He told her that she was right. He said it was right. Bomen creëren zuurstof. Trees make oxygen. Trees create oxygen. Ich möchte dich um einen Gefallen bitten. I would like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you for a favor. Kan je mij een verblijfplaats in Londen aanbevelen? Can you recommend a place for me to stay in London? Can you recommend a place to stay in London? Ich trage kein Bargeld mehr mit mir herum. I don't carry cash anymore. I'm not carrying any more cash with me. Mehl, Salz, Backpulver und die zerdrückten Bananen zugeben und alles zu einem Teig verarbeiten. Add the flour, salt, baking powder and mashed bananas, and work into a dough. Add flour, salt, baking powder and crushed bananas and process everything into a dough. Tom zorgt voor de kinderen op maandagmiddag. Tom takes care of the kids on Monday afternoons. Tom's taking care of the kids on Monday afternoon. Wer hat dieses Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt? Who started this rumor? Who put this rumor in the world? Natalia is de lieveling van de leraar, maar dat zal ze nooit toegeven. Natalia is the teacher's favourite, but she will never admit that. Natalia is the teacher's favorite, but she will never admit that. Tom luistert graag naar klassieke muziek. Tom likes to listen to classical music. Tom likes to listen to classical music. Segg Papa, dat he kamen schall. Tell Dad to come. said to come back. Gisteren heb ik voetbal gespeeld. I played soccer yesterday. Yesterday I played football. Tom mag nie dood gaan nie. Tom might not die. Tom must not die. Du kannst genauso gut jetzt gleich anfangen. You may as well start at once. You can just as well start right now. Geht raus aus dem Klassenzimmer. Get out of the classroom. Get out of the classroom. Een vreemde sprak mij aan op de bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. De Präsident is ut de Höövdstad flücht. The president fled from the capital. The president fled from the city. Er versprach, um 6 Uhr hier zu sein. He arranged to be here at 6. He promised to be here at 6:00. Ik mag dien Naam nich. I don't like your name. I do not like your name. Dit was baie mooi. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful. Ik wed dat zij jonger is dan ik. I bet she is younger than me. I bet she's younger than me. Als de mensen u haten, wees dan goed voor hen. Do good to those who hate you. If people hate you, be good to them. Doe het op de manier zoals hij je vertelt. Do it the way he tells you to. Do it the way he tells you. Wieso ärgert er sich über so etwas? Why is he angry about something like that? Why is he annoyed about such a thing? Jeder macht, was er will. Everyone does what he wants. Everyone does what he wants. Haben Sie mein Buch angesprochen? Did you mention my book? Did you address my book? Dann warf sich das Monster mit einem letzten, schrecklichen Aufschrei vom Berg hinunter, um auf den Felsen unten zu Tode zu kommen. Then, with a final, terrible scream, the monster flung itself off the mountain to its death on the rocks below. Then the monster threw himself down from the mountain with a last, terrible call to die on the rock below. Tom hett mi vertellt, dat Hans em sien Broer wœr. Tom told me that John was his brother. Tom told me that Hans saw Brother. Zou je alsjeblieft wat harder kunnen praten? Could you please speak a little louder? Could you talk a little bit louder, please? Dit is te donker om duidelik te sien. It is too dark to see clearly. It is too dark to see clearly. Hij is een boer. He is a farmer. He's a farmer. Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. איך בין שפּאַניש. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Du konntest mit zwei Jahren bis zehn zählen. You knew how to count to ten when you were two years old. You could count from two years to ten. He lööp fiev Mielen. He ran five miles. He's running five miles. In meiner Wohnung herrscht Chaos. My apartment is a mess. There's chaos in my apartment. Ich bin keine Künstlerin. I'm not an artist. I'm not an artist. Wegwezen. Get lost. Get out of here. Tom is een kunstenaar. Tom is an artist. Tom's an artist. Er hat zugegeben, dass es stimmte. He acknowledged it to be true. He admitted that it was true. Tom spreekt drie buitenlandse talen. Tom can speak three foreign languages. Tom speaks three foreign languages. Kunnen jullie alsjeblief ophouden met bekvechten? Will you guys please stop fighting? Can you please stop fighting? Studente moet gebruik maak van die boeke in die biblioteek. Students should make use of the books in the library. Students should make use of the books in the library. Rosen müssen in jedem Frühling zurückgeschnitten werden. Prune roses every spring. Roses must be cut back every spring. Ich will, dass du bei ihr bleibst. I want you to stay with her. I want you to stay with her. Sie hat selbst gesagt, dass sie sich nie wieder in jemanden verlieben wird. She said herself that she won't fall in love with anyone anymore. She herself said she'll never fall in love with anyone again. Er kam gerade an. He just arrived. He just arrived. Es war sehr liebenswürdig von Ihnen, uns einzuladen. It was kind of you to invite us. It was very kind of you to invite us. Anscheinend bin ich zu einem ungünstigen Zeitpunkt aufgetaucht. It looks like I came at a bad time. Apparently I showed up at an unfavorable time. זי האט געשריגן פאר הילף, אבער קיינער איז נישט געקומען. She shouted for help, but no one came. She cried for help, but none was reached. Ik ben blij over je succes te horen. I am glad to hear of your success. I'm glad to hear your success. Ik heb het erg druk, reken dus niet op mij. I'm very busy so don't count on me. I'm very busy, so don't count on me. Tom hat Maria eine ganze Menge Liebesbriefe geschrieben. Tom has written quite a few love letters to Mary. Tom wrote a lot of love letters to Mary. Kun je vis bereiden? Do you know how to cook fish? Can you prepare fish? Hij las erg veel. He read a lot. He read a lot. Ik mutt dat dröömt hebben. I must have dreamt it. I must have had that dreaming. Tom konnte sich nicht entscheiden, wen er wählen sollte. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who to choose. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זײַט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you all weren't here. I'm afraid that your page wasn't here. Vertel me waarom ze huilt. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Das habe ich nicht geschrieben. I didn't write that. I didn't write that. Ze woont alleen. She lives alone. She lives alone. Ik ben zo terug. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. Het bedrijf is failliet gegaan. The company went bankrupt. The company went bankrupt. Misschien was hij ziek. Maybe he was ill. Maybe he was sick. Hat Tom euch das gesagt? Did Tom tell you that? Did Tom tell you that? Dit is een ei. This is an egg. This is an egg. Ik wil met hem spreken. I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea that Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Wie komme ich von hier zum Zoo? How can I get to the zoo from here? How do I get from here to the zoo? Niemand kent mijn land. Nobody knows my country. Nobody knows my country. He hett mi in’t Gesicht slaan. He hit me in the face. He hit me in the face. Nachdem sie die traurige Nachricht hörte, brach sie in Tränen aus. Hearing the sad news, she collapsed in tears. After hearing the sad news, she broke out in tears. Es bestand nie wirkliche Gefahr. There never was any real danger. There was never any real danger. Du un Brenda, ji sünd nich hungerig. You and Brenda are not hungry. You and Brenda, you are not focused. Edik het n fenge smoak. Vinegar has a sharp taste. Edik has a fenge. Freundschaften schließen scheint dir nicht schwer zu fallen. You seem to make friends easily. Make friendships doesn't seem hard for you to fall. Wil je nog wat thee? Would you like some more tea? You want some more tea? He is en Dichter. He is a poet. He's a poet. Die Vögel singen draußen. The birds outside are singing. The birds sing outside. Waarom huilden jullie? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? Ihr scheint nicht gerade erfreut, uns zu sehen. You don't seem too happy to see us. You don't seem exactly happy to see us. Deze roman is vertaald uit het Engels. This novel was translated from English. This novel was translated from English. De Karkenklock löppt elk Week dree mehr Minuten vör. The church clock gains three minutes a week. Check clock runs three more minutes each week. En waarom is dat? And why is that? And why is that? Waar is de president? Where's the president? Where's the president? Ik ben ingenieur. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. Jullie eten. You eat. You guys eat. Tom toog sik an. Tom put on some clothes. Tom's ready. Wat biet joe? What's biting you? What do you say? Woar proaten joe over? What are you talking about!? What's the matter with you? Ik bün al twee Stünnen hier. I've already been here two hours. I've been in here for two hours. Das stimmt nicht. This is incorrect. That's not true. Meine Schwester bringt mich noch um. My sister's going to kill me. My sister's gonna kill me. Tom geht gern ins Kino. Tom loves going to movies. Tom likes to go to the movies. De lucht is oranje. The sky is orange. The air is orange. Bussen in het land komen gewoonlijk niet op tijd. Buses in the country do not usually come on time. Buses in the country usually do not arrive in time. Ihr werdet stolz auf mich sein. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Diese Seite wurde absichtlich leer gelassen. This page was intentionally left blank. This page was deliberately left empty. Die kelner het ons glase tot die randjie gevul. The waiter filled our glasses to the brim. The waiter filled our glasses to the edge. Es gibt keinen roten Faden. There is no leitmotif. There is no red thread. Laat me alsjeblieft uitspreken. Hear me out, please. Please let me speak. Voor wie werk je? Who do you work for? Who are you working for? De nix waagt, winnt nix. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. The odds won't win anything. Ons gaan hierdie winter min sneeu hê. We will have little snow this winter. We will have little snow this winter. Du weetst dat beter as ik. You know it better than me. You know that better than I do. Tom ist Sicherheitsexperte. Tom is a security specialist. Tom's a security expert. Hij heeft longkanker. He has lung cancer. He's got lung cancer. Du schusst dor man beter nich hengahn. You'd better not go there. You better not go there. Ick häb en Dochter. I have a daughter. Ick hab and daughter. Sie holten uns später ein. They caught up with us later. They later picked us up. Hij lijkt gelukkig. He seems happy. He seems happy. Dat maakt mi neeschierig. This makes me curious. That makes me quick. Waarom waren jullie daar? Why were you there? Why were you there? פֿאַראַן אַ הוט אונטער דער בריק. There is a hat underneath the bridge. For a hat below the bridge. Tom vindt u leuk. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Wie denkt: "vandaag de dag spreekt iedereen Engels" of "de hele wereld spreekt Engels" zonder te vragen welk deel van de wereldbevolking Engels spreekt, en wat het niveau van hun taalkundige vaardigheid is, wilt de waarheid niet onder ogen zien. Whoever thinks: "These days, everyone speaks English" or "The entire world speaks English" without asking what portion of the global population it is that speaks English, and how well they can speak it, is someone who does not want to see the reality in front of their eyes. Who thinks: "Today everyone speaks English" or "the whole world speaks English" without asking which part of the world's population speaks English, and what is the level of their linguistic skill does not want to face the truth. Wir haben es eilig. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Er bereitete seine Rede sorgfältig vor. He prepared his speech very carefully. He carefully prepared his speech. Een van de appels viel op de grond. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell to the ground. Se hett em ehr Öller verraden. She told him her age. She betrayed his old man. Das Pantheon ist jetzt eine Kirche. The Pantheon is now a church. The Pantheon is now a church. De agent redde het kind van de verdrinkingsdood. The policeman saved the child from drowning. The agent saved the child from drowning. דאס איז נישט זעהר א גרויסע חידוש. That's not very original. This is not a great prophecy. Er heißt Tom, und er ist Marias Ehemann. His name is Tom and he's Mary's husband. His name is Tom, and he's Maria's husband. Wie heeft de piano uitgevonden? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Tom scheint sehr starrsinnig zu sein. Tom seems very opinionated. Tom seems to be very rigid. Soms moet je falen voordat je kunt slagen. Sometimes, you must fail before you succeed. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. Sie hat kurze Haare. She has short hair. She's got short hair. Mir wëllen komplett Sätz. We want complete sentences. We want to put it completely. Mamma is besig om te werk. Mum is busy working. Mama is working. Tom het my reeds gedank. Tom has already thanked me. Tom had already thanked me. Die mens is 'n produk van sy omstandighede. Man is a product of his circumstances. Man is a product of his circumstances. Ich habe meinen Lehrer letztens auf der Straße getroffen. I met my teacher on the street the other day. I met my teacher last night on the street. Tom vindt reggae leuk. Tom likes reggae. Tom likes reggae. k Kin n kikker en n porre nait oetnander holden. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. K Can hold a frog and a porre nait oetnander. Schil de appel. Peel the apple. Peel the apple. Tom hat eine Freifahrt nach Boston gewonnen. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Tom won a free ride to Boston. Tom opende een blik tonijn. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened a can of tuna. Tom schaute wütend. Tom looked angry. Tom looked angry. De inheemsen zagen toen voor de eerste keer een vliegtuig. The natives saw an airplane then for the first time. The natives saw a plane for the first time. Er is niemand thuis. There's no one home. No one's home. „Was ist so lustig?“ – „Gar nichts.“ "What's so funny?" "Nothing." “What’s so funny?” – “Nothing.” Moi. Bye. Moi. Bus is noar knoppen! The bus is broken! Bus is no buttons! Vond je mij te nieuwsgierig? Did you think I was being too nosy? Did you find me too curious? Tom ist machtlos. Tom is powerless. Tom's powerless. Ik ben nog nooit in een onderzeeër geweest. I've never been in a submarine. I've never been to a submarine before. Das ist schon einige Wochen her! This was a few weeks ago! It's been a few weeks! Taninna erblasst. Taninna is paling. Taninna blows. Du warst immer einer meiner besten Schüler. You always were one of my best students. You've always been one of my best students. Tom kam her, um Französisch zu lernen. Tom came here to learn French. Tom came here to learn French. Bill ähnelt seinem älteren Bruder überhaupt nicht. Bill is completely unlike his brother. Bill doesn't look like his older brother at all. Deshalb möchte ich die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Bericht des Ausschusses Unsichtbare Parlamentsabgeordente lenken. I would therefore like to draw attention to the Report of the Committee on Invisible Members of Parliament. I should therefore like to draw attention to the report of the Invisible Parliamentary Committee. Ich habe nicht die leiseste Ahnung, was Tom vorhat. I don't have the faintest idea what Tom is trying to do. I don't have the slightest idea what Tom's up to. So lasse ich nicht mit mir reden! I won't let you speak to me that way. Don't let me talk to you like that! Wat is jouw favoriete muziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Si liest. She's reading. She reads. Waar moeten we heen? Where do we need to go? Where are we going? Ik ben zo stom... Ik probeer je dingen uit te leggen die ik zelf niet begrijp. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things I don't understand myself. Ik werk weer. I'm working again. I'm working again. Bret Stephens biþ a maddok. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Breaks Stephens by Maddoc. Tom ist etwa drei Jahre älter als Maria. Tom is about three years older than Mary. Tom is about three years older than Maria. Waarom vroeg ze deze vraag? Why did she ask this question? Why did she ask this question? Schiet! Shit! Shoot! Ik word stapelgek van Tom. Tom is driving me mad. I'm going crazy with Tom. Ik heff twee Bröder un een Süster. I have two brothers and one sister. I have two brothers and a sister. Si hunn eng Fro. They have a question. They have a question. We denken dat hij eerlijk is. We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. Kim is so eng, wenn du en Stück Köhl in ehren Oors schuffst, denn hest du na twee Weken en Demant! Kim is so tight, if you stuck a lump of coal up her ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond! Kim is so close when you put a piece of coal in their ears, you have a dementant on two weeks! Laat niets anders ons afleiden. Don't let anything else distract us. Don't let anything else distract us. ס'איז אַ וויכטיקע פֿראַגע. It's an important question. It's an important question. Ik eet het klokhuis van de appelen niet op. I don't eat the core of an apple. I don't eat the apples' clockhouse. Ik moet terug naar Boston. I need to go back to Boston. I have to go back to Boston. Soek die kat. Find the cat. Find the cat. Tom hat manchmal einen Hut auf. Tom sometimes wears a hat. Tom's got a hat sometimes. Ik had het niet over Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. Elkeen verdeent en twete Changs. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone defends and second Changs. Es ist besser, nicht zu fragen. It's best not to ask. It's better not to ask. Wie het Piemonte geregeer? Who ruled Piedmont? Who Ruled Piedmonts? Ik slaap in ’t Stahn. I sleep standing up. I'm sleeping in Stahn. Unser Flug wurde storniert. Our flight was canceled. Our flight was cancelled. Wat vindt je van deze foto's? Ik heb ze vandaag laten ontwikkelen. How do you like these photos? I had them developed today. What do you think of these pictures? Zéng, zwanzeg, drësseg, véierzeg, fofzef, siechzeg, siwwenzeg, achtzeg, nonzeg, honnert. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, threeseg, fourzeg, fivezef, search, sevenzeg, eightzeg, nonzeg, honey. Wiä gaats dir? How are you? You okay? Zijn we gewoon vrienden? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Hartelijk bedankt voor het komen. Thanks so much for coming! Thank you for coming. Ich habe verschlafen und den ersten Zug verpasst. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept and missed the first train. Ich erkläre es später. I'll explain later. I'll explain later. Mr Baker is niet zozeer een leraar als wel een geleerde. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Mr. Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Mary ging met een jongere man uit. Mary was dating a younger man. Mary was dating a younger man. Tom drinkt Water. Tom is drinking some water. Tom's drinking water. Ich habe ein neues Auto gekauft. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. Welche Schuhgröße habt ihr? What's your shoe size? What is your shoe size? Die kos was lekker in Italië. The food was great in Italy. The food was delicious in Italy. Der Weg zwischen unseren Häusern ist lang. It's a long way between our houses. The way between our houses is long. Weet je dan niet wat er is gebeurd? Don't you know what's happened? Don't you know what happened? Mijn jongere zus is beroemd. My younger sister is famous. My younger sister is famous. Bitte erinnere mich daran, den Bericht morgen zu verschicken. Please remind me to mail the report tomorrow. Please remind me to send the report tomorrow. Ek wil nie hê jy moet verander nie. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Mein Französisch ist, glaube ich, grottenschlecht. I think my French is really bad. My French is, I think, cave bad. Es freut mich, dass ich dir letzte Woche helfen konnte. I'm glad I was able to help you last week. I'm glad I was able to help you last week. Tom had een traumatische ervaring. Tom had a traumatic experience. Tom had a traumatic experience. Woar woonst? Where do you live? Where do you live? Ik verveel me dood. I am bored to death. I'm bored. Setzen Sie sich aufs Sofa und machen Sie es sich bequem. Sit on the sofa and feel at ease. Sit on the sofa and make yourself comfortable. Hebben jullie hulp nodig? Do you need help? Do you need any help? Ein Delphin ist genauso wenig ein Fisch, wie ein Hund es ist. A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. Ik heff Eibhlín in ’e Bökeree sehn, nich Sorcha. I saw Eibhlín at the library, not Sorcha. I saw Eibhlín in a book, not Sorcha. Niets verraden! Don't spill the beans. Nothing to betray! Ik ben een Franse prins. I am a French prince. I'm a French prince. Dat kan niet waar zijn! It can't be! That can't be true! Tom weiß nicht, wo auf Mary zu warten ist. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Ech hunn dech am Park gesinn. I saw you at the park. I saw you in the park. Je bofte dat je de trein kon pakken. It was lucky that you caught the train. You were lucky you could catch the train. Verstehst du die Mission? Do you understand the mission? Do you understand the mission? Mit einem Roman, der zum Verkaufsschlager wurde, verdiente er ein Vermögen. He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel. With a novel that became a salesman, he earned a fortune. Aan wie heb je de bloemen gebracht? Who did you bring the flowers to? Who did you bring the flowers to? Jeder versucht sein Bestes. Everyone is trying his best. Everyone's trying his best. En schöönen Aabig. Have a nice evening. A beautiful abyss. Ik ben bekaf. I'm exhausted. I'm tired. Tom möchte Zeit mit Maria verbringen. Tom wants to spend time with Mary. Tom wants to spend time with Maria. Ich weiß, wie glücklich du bist. I know how happy you are. I know how happy you are. Wir sollten aufs Ganze gehen. We should go the whole hog. We should go all the way. Ein Taifun hielt uns von unserem Ausflug nach Okinawa ab. A typhoon prevented us from going on our trip to Okinawa. A typhoon took us off our trip to Okinawa. Vele kleintjes maken een grote. Many a little makes a mickle. Many little ones make a big one. Verget hom. Forget about him. Forget him. Heeft u ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Hij heeft de man van diefstal beschuldigd. He accused the man of stealing. He accused the man of stealing. Gaat ze volgend jaar naar de Verenigde Staten? Will she go to the United States next year? Is she going to the United States next year? Wat zijn jullie plannen voor het avondmaal? What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? What are your plans for dinner? Een kleine stad ligt tussen de grote steden. A small town lies between the big cities. A small town is located between the big cities. Wo ist Toms Mutter? Where's Tom's mother? Where's Tom's mother? Ik noem dit schip ''de Koningin Elizabeth''. I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. I call this ship "The Queen Elizabeth." Die Einrichtung in seinem Büro ist sehr modern. The furniture in his office is very modern. The facility in his office is very modern. k Heb n kadde. I have a cat. I've got a cade. Wat is dien Verscheel över mien Book? What's your take on my book? What is your difference about my book? Sie ritt auf einem Kamel. She rode a camel. She rode on a camel. Wijn is gebottelde poëzie. Wine is bottled poetry. Wine is bottled poetry. Kann ich mit Judy reden? Can I speak with Judy? Can I talk to Judy? Ik ünnerrichte engelsch. I teach English. I teach English. In het Portugees veranderen we eenvoudig „você” door „o senhor” of „a senhora” om een zin formeel te maken. In Portuguese, we just swap out "you" with "the gentleman" or "the lady" to make a formal sentence. In Portuguese we simply change ‘você’ by ‘o senhor’ or ‘a senhora’ to make a sentence formally. Ze lachten. They laughed. They laughed. Tom zei dat hij jou niet kende. Tom said that he didn't know you. Tom said he didn't know you. Aardich om my jo yn ’e kunde te kommen. Nice to meet you. It's nice to be able to teach me you. Ik zie de maan en de zon. I see the moon and the sun. I see the moon and the sun. Wann fährt der erste Zug ab? What time does the first train leave? When's the first train leaving? Wat gaan jullie ermee doen? What are you going to do with it? What are you gonna do with it? מען דארפט געבען וואסער צו די בוימן. We have to water the flowers. Here, you can build what you want to do with your builds. Es regnete noch stärker. The rain fell even harder. It rained even more. Hij was zo boos dat zijn aderen opvielen. He was so angry that his veins stood out. He was so angry that his veins noticed. Bedankt voor uw mooie prentbriefkaart. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for your beautiful picture postcard. De hond is van mij. The dog is mine. The dog is mine. De Schorsteen is ut Backsteen. The chimney is made of brick. The chimney is made of brick. Tom sagte nicht, wo oder wann man ihn treffen sollte. Tom didn't say where or when to meet him. Tom didn't say where or when to meet him. Tom sagt, er weiß es nicht. Tom says he doesn't know. Tom says he doesn't know. Kijk geen televisie. Don't watch TV. Don't watch television. Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Steht ihr eurer Familie nahe? Are you close to your family? Are you close to your family? Dat kan ik je niet vertellen. That I can't tell you. I can't tell you that. Hier ist Ihre Bestellung. Here's your order. Here's your order. Kan ik u helpen, heren? Can I help you gentlemen? Can I help you, gentlemen? Hai kwam n poar dagen loater. He came a few days later. Hai came a poar days looser. Laat mi starven. Let me die. Let me die. Heeft u tijd? Do you have some time? Do you have time? Tom hat sich über dich beschwert. Tom has been complaining about you. Tom complained about you. Die zwei Damen lächelten einander an. The two ladies smiled at each other. The two ladies smiled at each other. Es ist einer von denen. It's one of those. It's one of them. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie demotiviert seien. Tom and Mary told John that they were discouraged. Tom and Mary told John that they were discouraged. An jedem neuen Tag fühlst du dich gut. Every new day you feel good. Every new day you feel good. Hou volgende weeg zaterdagmiddag vrij, alsjeblieft. Please leave next Saturday afternoon free. Keep the next weight free Saturday afternoon, please. Ze klaagt over hoofdpijn, en vaak. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains about headaches, and often. Tom ist sauer auf Maria. Tom is annoyed with Maria. Tom's mad at Mary. Se stünn op. She stood up. They're up. Ich glaube, du kannst uns helfen. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Heeft u een chronometer? Do you have a stopwatch? Do you have a chronometer? Der Kunde hat immer recht, selbst wenn er im Unrecht ist. The customer's always right, even when they're not. The customer is always right, even if he is wrong. Gebruik je het? Will you use this? You using it? Die Geschichte hört sich vielleicht merkwürdig an, aber sie ist wahr. The story may sound strange, but it is true. History may sound strange, but it's true. Hij gleed uit over een bananenschil. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped over a banana peel. Hy het 'n paar dae later gekom. He came a few days later. He came a few days later. Lass mich bezahlen. Let me pick up the check. Let me pay. Mijn jongere zusje kan nu ook al boeken lezen. My little sister can read books well now. My younger sister can read books now. Wir dachten, ihr wüsstet es. We thought you knew. We thought you knew. Seid ihr sicher, dass wir uns nie zuvor getroffen haben? Are you sure we've never met before? Are you sure we've never met before? Sie dürfen sich hier nicht aufhalten. Dies ist Privatbesitz. You are not allowed here. This is private property. You can't stay here, this is private property. Sie gewannen den Japan Cup in drei aufeinander folgenden Jahren. They won the Japan Cup three years in succession. They won the Japan Cup in three consecutive years. Sie enthält viele Lehnworte aus anderen Sprachen. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. It contains many loan words from other languages. Tom sal nie huil nie. Tom wouldn't cry. Tom won't cry. Tom braucht ein Rezept. Tom needs a prescription. Tom needs a recipe. ווערט גרייט. Get ready. is ready. איך נעם נישט קיין שום אחריות. I don't take any responsibility at all. I don't have to write for you. Het is je favoriete liedje. It's your favorite song. It's your favorite song. Tom hat einige Freunde, die gut Französisch sprechen. Tom has a couple of friends who speak French well. Tom has some friends who speak well French. Dieser Fisch ist ungenießbar. This fish is not fit to eat. This fish is inedible. דאס איז א בילד פונעם ערשטן באן, וואס האט געגאנגען צווישן טאָקיאָ און יאָקאָהאַמאַ. This is a picture of the first train that ran between Tokyo and Yokohama. This is an image of the first railway, which has gone between Toko and Yokama. Tom führte ein einfaches Leben. Tom led a simple life. Tom lived a simple life. Diese Flüssigkeit hat einen eigenartigen Geschmack. This liquor has a taste all of its own. This liquid has a strange taste. Hoi. Hello! Hi. Tom bemerkte, dass Maria Johannes ansah. Tom noticed that Mary was looking at John. Tom noticed that Mary was looking at John. Die Taube und der Strauß sind beide Vögel; der eine kann fliegen, aber der andere nicht. The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot. The dove and ostrich are both birds; one can fly, but the other can't. Er arbeitet bei einer amerikanischen Firma. He works for an American company. He works at an American company. Wat is dien leevst Steernteken? What's your favorite constellation? What is your favorite asterisk? Gegen Dummheit gibt es keine Medizin. No medicine can cure folly. There's no medicine against stupidity. Tom deed auditie voor American Idol. Tom auditioned for American Idol. Tom did auditions for American Idol. Tom geeft het meeste van zijn geld aan eten uit. Tom spends most of his money on food. Tom spends most of his money on food. די לבנה האט נישט קיין אַטמאָספֿיר. The moon doesn't have an atmosphere. The course didn't have an atmosphere. Ist das nicht schön? Isn't that nice? Isn't that nice? Frag sie. Ask them. Ask her. Maria quälte sich aus dem Bett. Mary dragged herself out of bed. Maria was tormenting herself out of bed. Es ist äußerst wichtig, dass du dich selbst im Büro vorstellst. It is essential that you present yourself at the office. It's extremely important that you introduce yourself to the office. Ik ben in verwachting. I am pregnant. I'm in expectation. Tom hat gegessen. Tom was eating. Tom ate. Sy is nie hier nie. She's not here. She's not here. Kirgizië wordt ''Kirgiziya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Kyrgyzstan is called "Kirgiziya" in Russian. Kyrgyzstan is called ''Kirgiziya'' in Russian. איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I'm not feeling well. I'm not good at this. Du solltest diese zwei Zeilen weglassen. You should leave out these two lines. You should let go of these two lines. Wenn ik en Vagel weer, denn kunn ik na di henflegen. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. When I and Vagel return, I'll be able to lie down after you. Niemand gaan omgee nie. No one will care. No one will care. Tom hat um zwei Uhr dreißig einen Zahnarzttermin. Tom has a dentist appointment at 2:30. Tom has a dentist's appointment at two o'clock. װער װילט זיך לערנען יאַפּאַניש? Who wants to learn Japanese? Would you like to learn how to do this? Frau Young hätte nichts dagegen, wenn ich unerwartet bei ihr hereinschneite. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind if I cut into her unexpectedly. Ich glaube, wir wissen beide, warum ich hier bin. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Ist das Leben nicht hundertmal zu kurz für Langeweile? Isn't life one hundred times too short for boredom? Isn't life a hundred times too short for boredom? Se misst em. She misses him. She misses him. Mary en Maki zijn zussen. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mary and Maki are sisters. Sie hat ihn beleidigt. She insulted him. She insulted him. Ik spreek Spaans tegen mijn kat. I'm speaking Spanish to my cat. I speak Spanish to my cat. Tom reiste kreuz und quer durch Südostasien. Tom traveled around Southeast Asia. Tom traveled across South-East Asia. Ich spreche kein Irisch. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Meinen Sie, sie ginge mit mir aus? Do you think she'd go out with me? Do you think she's dating me? Was hast du geträumt? What did you dream? What have you dreamed? Mir steht viel Geld zur Verfügung. I have a lot of money at my disposal. There's a lot of money at my disposal. װאָס ער מאַכט, איז אומלעגאַל. What he is doing is illegal. What he makes is global. Mijn vader zal vlug weer gezond zijn. My father will get well soon. My father will be well soon. Ich kann gar nicht fassen, dass wir eingeladen sind! I can't believe we got invited. I can't believe we're invited! Das Mädchen ging in den Wald, um Pilze zu sammeln. The girl went into the forest to look for mushrooms. The girl went to the forest to collect mushrooms. Ik ben vrachtwagenchauffeur. I'm a lorry driver. I'm a truck driver. D'Leit sinn hautdesdaags esou vill kompetitiv. People are so competitive nowadays. People are so competitive today. Galileo ließ zwei Kugeln aus Eisen von der Spitze des Turms fallen. Galileo dropped two iron balls from the top of the tower. Galileo dropped two balls of iron from the top of the tower. Einer der Jungen, die umgekommen sind, hieß Tom. One of the boys who died was named Tom. One of the boys who died was Tom. Zai is aachte. She is eight. (Let me do it in this room.) A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A song is a dialect with an airmy an float. Sami gaan uit met 'n oulike 16-jarige meisie. Sami is dating a cute sixteen year old girl. Sami's dating a cute 16-year-old girl. Hij ging vorig jaar naar Amerika om zijn Engels bij te schaven. He went to America last year to brush up his English. He went to America last year to join his English. Whit's this ? What's this? What is this? Het homohuwelijk moet legaal zijn. Gay marriage should be legal. The gay marriage must be legal. Ich bin es müde, Spiele zu spielen. I'm tired of playing games. I'm tired of playing games. Tom fragte Maria, ob sie ihn gutaussehend finde. Tom asked Mary if she thought he was handsome. Tom asked Maria if she liked him. Mike speelt graag basketbal. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Dit is een goede kans. This is a good opportunity. This is a good chance. Übersetzer neigen oft dazu - ob bewusst oder nicht - einen Text zu "erklären", ihn logischer zu machen als das Original. Translators often tend, consciously or not, to "explain" a text by making it more logical than the original. Translators often tend to "explain" a text - whether conscious or not - to make it more logical than the original. Ze had een hamer nodig. She needed a hammer. She needed a hammer. Hoeveel hamburgers heb je gegeten? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many hamburgers did you eat? Wann hast du das letzte Mal eine Spende entrichtet? When was the last time you gave charity? When was the last time you made a donation? Ik kom uit Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm from Saitama. Es fällt mir schwer zu glauben, dass Tom das nicht getan hat. I'm having a hard time believing Tom didn't do that. It's hard for me to believe that Tom didn't. Sünd ji all Kanadiers? Are all of you Canadians? You like all Canadians? גוט שבת! Good Shabbos! Good Saturday! Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom niet meer in Boston woonde. I thought that you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. I thought you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. Jullie hebben dat prachtig gedaan. You guys did an awesome job! You've done that beautifully. Vrienden zijn heel belangrijk. Friends are very important. Friends are very important. Snack luder. Dien Opa höört nich mehr so good. Speak louder. Your grandfather's hearing isn't so good. Talk later. Your grandfather doesn't seem so good anymore. ווילסטו מאכן עס נאכאמאל? Do you want to do it again? Why do you want to make it larger? Ik zou graag een klacht indienen. I would lodge a complaint. I'd like to file a complaint. Tom fing an, Maria zu beschimpfen. Tom started calling Mary names. Tom started blaming Mary. Ich denke nicht, dass du verrückt bist. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. Op elk Sied bi middelgrote Hitt för veer bet fiev Minuten anbraden. Sear on each side over medium heat for 4 - 5 minutes. On each site, use medium heat for four to five minutes. וואָס איז די הויפּטשטאָט פֿון אונגאַרן? What's the capital of Hungary? What is the capital of Hungary? Weet jij of ze Engels kan spreken? Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if she can speak English? Dein Telegramm kam gerade als ich dich anrufen wollte. Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you. Your telegram just came when I wanted to call you. Je zou een goede diplomaat zijn. You would make a good diplomat. You'd be a good diplomat. We moeten Mars koloniseren. We must colonize Mars. We need to colonize Mars. Ik dacht dat Tom in Boston woonde. I thought that Tom was living in Boston. I thought Tom lived in Boston. Ik ben niet zeker of het een jongen of een meisje is. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure it's a boy or a girl. He is mien besten Fründ. He is my best friend. He's my best friend. Gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Easier said than done. Easier said than done. Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom seinen Koffer hingestellt hat. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. Das war ein schlechter Film. It was a bad movie. That was a bad movie. Dank u, meneer. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Peking ännert sik so gau. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Beijing changes so fast. Doe begreepst. You understood. Make sense. Jullie lijken haar niet leuk te vinden. You don't seem to like her. You don't seem to like her. Er stahl das Geld. He stole the money. He stole the money. Wonach sollte ich suchen? What should I look for? What should I look for? Das Hotel kann sogar 400 Gäste beherbergen. The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests. The hotel can even accommodate 400 guests. Het coronavirus kent geen grenzen. The coronavirus knows no borders. The corona virus has no limits. Ihr versteht aber auch gar nichts, oder? You don't understand anything, do you? You don't understand anything, do you? Tom gaat weg, of niet? Tom is going to leave, isn't he? Tom's leaving, isn't he? Er is geen reden tot bezorgdheid. There's no need to worry. There's no need to worry. ער רעדט רוסיש. He speaks Russian. He speaks Russian. זיי האָבן אַרעסטירט דעם שוואַרצעם און געלאָזן דעם ווײַסעם גיין. They arrested the black guy and let the white guy go. They have locked the sponge and left this water go. Tom will arbeiden. Tom wants to work. Tom wants to work. Korrigiert mich, wenn ich mich irre. Correct me if I am mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong. Tom wusste, dass Mary das wahrscheinlich nicht tun würde. Tom knew Mary wasn't likely to do that. Tom knew Mary probably wouldn't do that. Tom ist ein Einserschüler. Tom is a straight-A student. Tom's a school student. ענטפער מיר יעצט. Answer me right now. Answer me now. Du hast den Kuchen noch nicht gegessen. You have not eaten the cake yet. You haven't eaten the cake yet. Ik hou meer van jou dan van haar. I love you more than I love her. I love you more than I love her. Ik heff de ganze Nacht waakt. I sat up all night. I've been watching all night. Hij is altijd dronken! He is always drunk! He's always drunk! Deze banaan is geel This banana is yellow. This banana is yellow Kamele haben drei Augenlider. Camels have three eyelids. Camels have three eyelids. Er zog mich damit auf. He teased me about it. He pulled me up with it. Ik wilde dat niet. I didn't want that. I didn't want to. Es mangelt Tom an Durchhaltevermögen. Tom lacks persistence. Tom lacks endurance. Tom weckte Maria ihrem Wunsch gemäß um sechs Uhr dreißig. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 as she had asked him to do. Tom awakened Mary's wish at six o'clock thirty. סאַמי איז גוטהאַרציק. Sami has a good heart. Sami is kind. Ik warr faken mit mien Bröder vergleken. I'm often compared to my brothers. I struggled with my brother. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. Her illness kept her in the hospital for six weeks. She was in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. Bedankt, broeders. Thanks, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Wat doe jij om je verjaardag te vieren? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? What are you doing to celebrate your birthday? Ich hätte mich verletzen können. I could have been hurt. I could have hurt myself. Ein Apfel fiel vom Baum. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell from the tree. Mij kamer is vol gevaren. My room is teeming with danger. My room is full of dangers. Allens, wat in disse Geschicht beschreven warrt, is utdacht. All the events described in this story are imaginary. Everything described here is thoughtful. Ja, mach das! You do that! Yes, do it! U bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Repareer het horloge. Fix the clock. Repair the watch. Nait soezen, moar broezen. Act. Don't talk. Nait soezen, moor broezen. Es hat Spaß gemacht, euch beim Tanzen zuzuschauen. I really liked watching you dance. It's been fun watching you dance. ווען מערי איז אריינגעקומען אינעם צימער, דזשעק האט פלוצלינג אפגעשטעלט רעדן. When Mary entered the room, Jack suddenly stopped talking. When Marry got into the room, Jeek settled down. Tom is al jümmer anners as de anneren Kinner wäsen. Tom was always different from the other kids. Tom is already different from other children. Ik kom út Noard-Hollân. I'm from North Holland. I come from northern Holland. Ik haat werken. I hate working. I hate working. Junge Leute sollten Respekt vor Älteren haben. Young people should respect their elders. Young people should have respect for older people. Ich komme vielleicht nicht. I may not come. Maybe I'm not coming. Tom kennt sien Navers nich. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom does not know his neighbors. Hien ass hire Papp. He's her father. He's their father. Tom kann Französisch. Tom can speak French. Tom can be French. Sami's gesprek verliep heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's conversation was very quick. Ik kom út Limburch. I'm from Limburg. I'm from Limburch. Welche Größe trägst du? What size do you wear? What size do you wear? Tom het nie geweet wat om te sê nie. Tom didn't know what to say. Tom did not know what to say. Ich wünsch Dir e schöne Daag. Have a nice day. I wish you a nice day. Ik kom út Flevolân. I'm from Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. Ik bruuk Geld. I'm in need of money. I'm using money. Ji sünd Düütsche, nech? You're Germans, aren't you? You're German, aren't you? Ek moet nou gaan. I must go now. I have to go now. Ze houdt van klassieke componisten zoals Beethoven en Bach. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. She loves classical composers like Beethoven and Bach. Ich weiß nicht, wann das repariert wird, bin aber sicher, dass sich Tom oder Maria recht bald darum kümmern werden. I don't know when it'll be fixed, but I'm sure either Tom or Mary will fix it fairly soon. I don't know when this will be repaired, but I'm sure that Tom or Maria will take care of it pretty soon. Nein, will ich nicht. Ich möchte einen Raum für diese Nacht. No, I don't. I want a room for tonight. No, I don't want a room for this night. Ik begrijp jouw taal. I understand your language. I understand your language. Mars is ''de rode planeet''. Mars is "the Red Planet". Mars is "the red planet." Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom's singing. De rits zit vast. The zipper is stuck. The zipper's stuck. Ich werde geliebt werden. I will be loved. I'll be loved. Tom rang Maria zu Boden und fraß ihr, was vom Käse noch übrig war, aus den Händen. Tom wrestled Mary to the ground and ate the last of the cheese from her hands. Tom took Maria to the ground and ate out of her hands what was left of the cheese. Wie is er gebleven? Who stayed? Who's left? Kan ik op de sofa slapen? Can I sleep on the couch? Can I sleep on the sofa? Ich werde mir die Verantwortung aufbürden. I'll take the responsibility on my shoulders. I will bear the responsibility. Tom woont aan de andere kant van het eiland. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Ik zal je missen wanneer je weg bent. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you when you're gone. Het blijkt dat dit een zeer gunstige factor is voor ons project, dat juist als doel heeft in samenwerking een netwerk te scheppen van vertalingen in zoveel mogelijk talen. It has become evident that this is very favorable for our project, which aims precisely at creating jointly a network of translations in as many languages as possible. It turns out that this is a very beneficial factor for our project, which aims precisely to create a network of translations into as many languages as possible in cooperation. Mijn beige beha is nu bruin en mijn rode zwart. Zoveel heb ik ze ook gedragen. My beige bra is now brown and my red one black. That's just how much I've worn them. My beige bra is now brown and my red black. Uw haar is te lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Was meinen Sie dazu? What's your opinion on that? What do you mean? Tom dreumt. Tom's dreaming. Tom drums. Ze is alles behalve een zangeres. She is anything but a singer. She's all but a singer. Als we thuis ruzie hebben, kiest mijn man niet mijn kant maar altijd die van zijn moeder. When we have a family argument, my husband always sides with his mother instead of me. When we fight at home, my husband doesn't always take my side but always his mother's side. Tom ging vor gut über einer Stunde nach Hause. Tom left for home well over an hour ago. Tom went home over an hour ago. Doe het licht uit. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Tom gab die falsche Antwort. Tom answered incorrectly. Tom gave the wrong answer. De man had zijn vrouw al drie dagen niet gesproken. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. Ze is werkelijk een heks! She is a true witch! She's really a witch! Sie erkältet sich leicht. She easily catches cold. She's cold. Japaansch is mien Moderspraak. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japanese is my modern language. Meine Tochter hatte als Kind oft Asthmaanfälle. As a child, my daughter had frequent asthma attacks. My daughter often had asthma attacks as a child. Möchte Tom etwas? Does Tom want something? Does Tom want anything? Dir braucht Waasser. You need water. You need Wasser. He wull de Pissmieren los warrn. He tried to get rid of the ants. He tried to get rid of the pistols. Tot ziens! See you soon! Goodbye! Daaraan twijfel ik niet. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. Nem blong mi Jack. My name is Jack. Take blond me Jack. Tom heeft ook hier geholpen. Tom helped here as well. Tom helped here too. Dissen Sünndag is Moderdag in Spanien. This Sunday is Mother's Day in Spain. This Sunday is Modern Day in Spain. Ik wil in Helsinki wonen. I want to live in Helsinki. I want to live in Helsinki. Ei hebbt veel Tied verloren. We lost a lot of time. You have lost a lot of time. Ik denk dat je Tom moet opbellen. I think you need to call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Dat is een saai videospel. That's a boring video game. That's a boring video game. Wie is jouw favoriete leraar? Who's your favorite teacher? Who's your favorite teacher? Gestern bin ich in die Oper gegangen. Yesterday I went to the opera. Yesterday I went to the opera. Zai is nait laang. She is not tall. Zai is very long. Kersvader bly in die Noordpool. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus lives in the Arctic. Hier wirst du viel lernen. You'll learn a lot here. Here you'll learn a lot. Se hett em to ’n Fröhstück drapen. She met him for breakfast. She trotted him to a breakfast. Aan wie heb je de bloemen gebracht? To whom did you bring the flowers? Who did you bring the flowers to? In der Wikingerzeit war Grönland viel grüner als heute. In Viking times Greenland was greener than today. In Viking times Greenland was much greener than today. Telefoon! Telephone! Phone! De sneeuw is verdwenen. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. Ech hunn zwou Kazen. I have two cats. I have two cheeses. Tiene, elven, twaalfen, dattien, vattien, vieftien, zestien, zeuventien, aachttien, negentien, twinteg. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Tenth, eleventh, twelveth, tenth, fifteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, fifteenth, nineteenth, twentyth. Ik wit net wat it is. I don't know what that is. I just know what it is. Ik zal hem morgen bezoeken. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. Hebt u iets aan te geven? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have anything to say? Wat is ien geroazie? What's in the garage? What's one noise? Ich habe Sie beim Lernen beobachtet. I've been watching you study. I've been watching you learn. Ich würde sagen, es ist Zeit zu gehen. I guess it's time to leave. I'd say it's time to go. Wir feierten die ganze Nacht. We partied all night long. We celebrated all night. Laten we dat maar niet doen. Let's not do that. Let's not do that. Normalerweise geht er spazieren mit einem Buch in der Hand. He usually takes a walk, book in hand. Usually he walks with a book in his hand. Warum vergeudest du meine Zeit? Why are you wasting my time? Why are you wasting my time? Is Tom 'n goeie vent? Is Tom a good guy? Is Tom a good guy? Wie soeckt Peert of Wijf sonder gebreecken, die magh het werck wel laten steecken en bedencken dat hij bed en stal voor eeuwigh ledigh houden sal. He who seeks a flawless horse or flawless wife, may rest assured that even if his work he did forsake, nor bed nor stable would he ever fill. Whoever socks pears or bitches without breaking, may let the werck sting and think that he will keep bed and stable forever idle. Tom zat op de bank een sigaret te roken. Tom sat on a bench smoking a cigarette. Tom was on the couch smoking a cigarette. Wo hast du Blumen gekauft? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you buy flowers? Stremlichten werden apmoal rood. The traffic lights were all red. Stress lights became apmoal red. Zelfs het lopen doet me pijn vanwege mijn dijspieren. It hurts to even walk with my thigh muscles aching. Even walking hurts me because of my thigh muscles. Kou bölkte. The cow mooed. Cow bluffed. Woneem sünd de Schoh? Where are the shoes? Where are the shoes? Ik leer Soemerisch. I'm learning Sumerian. I'm learning Sumerian. Tom kan goed horen. Tom has good hearing. Tom can hear well. Jack deed ’n Stoff von sien Mantel afbössen. Jack brushed the dust off his coat. Jack baddened a fabric from his coat. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Uhu und einer Schleiereule? What's the difference between an eagle-owl and a barn owl? What is the difference between a uhu and a slug? Dit Kniev hett mi good deent. This knife has served me well. This knee has me good dinner. Ik bewaar oude boeken met zorg. I keep old books with care. I keep old books with care. Du bass Dokter. You're a doctor. You're a doctor. Erwarte nicht zu viel von ihm. Don't expect too much of him. Don't expect too much of him. Ek vertrou myself nie. I don't trust myself. I don't trust myself. Tom was nog niet klaar. Tom wasn't ready. Tom wasn't done yet. Ik heb u nooit gezien. I never saw you. I never saw you. De man werd gearresteerd als spion. The man was arrested as a spy. The man was arrested as a spy. Hij vertelde me dat zijn vader was overleden. He told me that his father had passed away. He told me his father had died. Ik praat Grinslânsk. I speak Gronings. I'm talking to Grinslänsk. Tom erkennt den Großen Wagen und den Orion. Tom can recognize the Big Dipper and Orion. Tom recognizes the Great Car and the Orion. Tom ist großartig. Tom is great. Tom's great. Warum studierst du nicht Französisch? Why don't you study French? Why don't you study French? Tom warf einen Blick auf die Uhr. Tom glanced at the clock. Tom took a look at the clock. En poor Maand later is Israel in Ägypten inmarscheert. A few months later, Israel invaded Egypt. A few months later, Israel invaded Egypt. Tom tat so, als wäre er schwerhörig. Tom pretended to be hard of hearing. Tom pretended to be unheard of. Sami kwam nooit terug naar die moskee. Sami never came back to that mosque. Sami never came back to that mosque. Wat is er gaande? What's up? What's going on? Ze is aantrekkelijk. She is attractive. She's attractive. Ik heb hier nooit om gevraagd. I never asked for it. I never asked for this. Bus kwam nooit. The bus never came. Bus never came. Tom brak vorig jaar zijn been en hinkt sindsdien. Tom broke his leg last year and has limped ever since. Tom broke his leg last year and has been limping since. Wi sünd Studenten. We're students. We are students. גוט שבת. Good Shabbos. Good Saturday. Ehr Hoor weer so lang, dat dat bet an ’e Eer recken deed. Her hair was long enough to reach the floor. Her Hear again so long that it did so to “earth. ” Heeft iemand hier een kurkentrekker? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone have a corkscrew here? Ze is gaan winkelen. She went shopping. She went shopping. Heißt das, ihr bleibt? Does that mean you'll stay? Does that mean you're staying? Wie viele Mützen besitzt du? How many caps do you own? How many hats do you have? Wenn du nicht ruhig bist, werde ich dich bitten zu gehen. If you're not quiet, I'm going to ask you to leave. If you're not calm, I'll ask you to go. Tom war wie immer in Schwarz gekleidet. Tom was dressed, as always, in black. Tom was always dressed in black. Er is iets aan de hand. Something's wrong. Something's going on. Mama is ouder dan papa. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's older than Daddy. Correct! Correct! Correct! Die Nachricht ist von großer Bedeutung. The news is of great importance. The message is of great importance. Hätte ich damals gewusst, was ich jetzt weiß, hätte ich gar nicht erst eingewilligt, dies zu tun. If I'd known as much about it then as I do now, I wouldn't have agreed to do it in the first place. If I had known what I now know, I would not have even agreed to do so. Hoe groot is jou huis? How big is your house? How big is your home? k Vuilde hail gelukkeg. I felt very happy. k Dirty hail lucky. Voor welk voedsel ben je allergisch? What foods are you allergic to? What food are you allergic to? Am meisten beschäftigt mich die Frage „Was ist Realität?“ My major preoccupation is the question, 'What is reality?' The question “What is reality? ” Wat voor soort hond is het? What kind of dog is it? What kind of dog is it? Vertel me wie we zijn. Tell me who we are. Tell me who we are. Tom hat auf dem Dachboden ein Grammophon gefunden. Tom found a gramophone in the attic. Tom found a phonograph on the attic. Je vraag is onlogisch. Your question is illogical. Your question is illogical. Maria lait heur potlood valen. Mary dropped her pencil. Maria lait has fallen pencil. Tom kauft fast nie Schokoladeriegel. Tom almost never buys chocolate bars. Tom hardly buys chocolate bars. Es gibt keine Hunde größer als diesen. There are no dogs bigger than this one. There are no dogs larger than this one. Dan is er niet in geslaagd al het biologische bewijs te verwijderen. Dan failed to remove all the biological evidence. Then it failed to remove all the biological evidence. Ria hett teemlich lange Hoor. Mary has very long hair. Ria has a rather long hearing. Tom hat Mary zufällig im Supermarkt getroffen. Tom happened to meet Mary at the supermarket. Tom happened to meet Mary at the supermarket. Se möök de Döör dicht. She locked the door. They're closing the door. איך האָב געמיינט, אַז דאָס וואָלט געדאַרפֿט זײַן אַן ארץ זבת חלב ודבש. I thought this was supposed to be a land of milk and honey. I dared think this would be an orbital subtle of Vudbush. Het is erg warm in de keuken. It is very hot in the kitchen. It's very warm in the kitchen. Men kan deze boeddhistische afbeelding niet helemaal juist dateren. This Buddhist image cannot be dated exactly. One cannot completely date this Buddhist image. Ik ben blij dat je hem leuk vindt. I'm glad you like him. I'm glad you like him. Sie macht Petersilientee. She's making parsley tea. She's making parsley tea. Ich dachte, Tom hätte einen Tag frei. I thought Tom had a day off. I thought Tom had a day off. Du bass keng Fra. You're not a woman. You are not a question. Maria fand einen Job. Mary found a job. Maria found a job. Das ist Perlen vor die Säue werfen. It is like casting pearls before swine. This is throwing pearls in front of the sows. Dalk moet ek nie so verdag wees nie. Maybe I shouldn't be so suspicious. Perhaps I should be less suspicious. De appel falt net fier fan de beam. Like breeds like. The apple does not fold the tree. Wie viele Finger halte ich hoch? How many fingers am I holding up? How many fingers do I hold high? Zij kreeg eeuwige roem door haar werk. She attained everlasting fame through her work. She received eternal fame from her work. We hebben het uitgevogeld. We've figured it out. We got it out. Mein Messer schneidet nicht mehr. My knife has lost its edge. My knife doesn't cut anymore. Bill was door een inbreker vermoord. Bill was killed by an intruder. Bill was murdered by a burglar. Ihr habt mich nicht verstanden. Ich meinte etwas anderes. You didn't understand me. I meant something else. You didn't understand me, I meant something else. Lag nait. Don't laugh. Laughs. Ik ben de beste. I am the best. I'm the best. All Övereenkumst mit echte Lüüd, levig oder dood, is reinen Tofall. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All matching with real people, living or dead, is pure chance. "Hoe laat is het nu?" "Drie uur twintig." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it now?" "Three o'clock twenty." Tom hätte Mary keinen Diamantring geben sollen. Tom shouldn't have given Mary a diamond ring. Tom shouldn't have given Mary a diamond ring. Ik heb geen idee hoe ze dat voor elkaar gekregen hebben. I don't know how they did it. I have no idea how they got that done. An ye, hou's aw wi ye? And you, how's everything with you? And how do you like this? Ik mag geern Appels. I like apples. I like apples. Sie heiratete einen Seemann. She married a sailor. She married a sailor. Hou kin k verlaizen? How can I lose? How can you lose your ass? Tom hett sik antogen. Tom put on some clothes. Tom was approached. Setz dich! Sit down! Sit down! Tom sagt, er habe mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. דאָס בוך איז געװען זײער אינטערעסאַנט. This book was very interesting. The book was interest in the scroll button. Ik snack Interlingua. I speak Interlingua. I was talking to Interlingua. Er is in mijn stad geen school om Esperanto te leren. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. There's no school in my city to learn Esperanto. Sami herkende Layla niet met de hijaab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hijab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hyaab. Hij heeft een jas nodig. He needs a jacket. He needs a coat. Ich muss morgen früh aufstehen. Tomorrow I must get up early. I have to get up in the morning. איך האָב‎ געגעסן אַ קאַץ. I have eaten a cat. I guessed a cat. U bent een prins, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. Er macht nichts, außer den ganzen Tag Bücher zu lesen. He does nothing but read books all day long. He doesn't do anything but read books all day. Ik kan niet ademen. I can't breathe! I can't breathe. Ik verstah nich, wat de Autor dor mit seggen will. I don't understand what the author is trying to say. I do not understand what the author wants to say Tom brach in Tränen aus. Tom burst into tears. Tom broke out in tears. Tom hat mir erzählt, dass er und Maria den Sommerurlaub am Strand verbracht haben. Tom told me that he and Mary spent their summer vacation at the beach. Tom told me that he and Maria spent the summer holiday on the beach. Wir sind hier, um uns zu amüsieren. We're here to have fun. We're here to have fun. Tom konnte die Schlüssel nicht finden. Tom couldn't find the keys. Tom couldn't find the keys. Du bist nur ein gewöhnlicher Sterblicher, der eines Tages sterben muss und hier nicht mehr verweilen kann. You are only a common mortal, who will have to die one day, and you cannot stay here any longer. You're just an ordinary mortal who has to die one day and can't stay here anymore. Du hättest mit leichteren Fragen anfangen sollen. You should've started with simpler questions. You should have started with easier questions. Er is gisternacht een brand uitgebroken. A fire broke out last night. A fire broke out last night. Viele Menschen auf den Fidschis haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser. Many people in Fiji don't have access to clean drinking water. Many people on Fiji do not have access to clean drinking water. Het regende hard. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining hard. Sporten is goed voor je lichamelijke conditie. Sport is good for your health. Sports is good for your physical condition. Ich verberge nichts. I'm not hiding anything. I'm not hiding anything. Kadde sloapt op toavel. The cat is sleeping on the table. Kadde slaps on toavel. Do et süms. Do it yourself. I think so. Dit lawaai is ondraaglijk. This noise is unbearable. This noise is unbearable. Kin k spreken? Can I speak? Can I speak? Tom war damals noch Junggeselle. Tom was still a bachelor at that time. Tom was a bachelor at the time. Es gibt keinen Grund, das zu tun. There's no reason to do that. There's no reason to do that. Dir schwammt. You are swimming. You swam. Dat weer so koold, dat ik nich slapen kunn. It was so cold that I couldn't sleep. It was so cool that I could not sleep. Tom wäre fast damit durchgekommen. Tom almost got away with it. Tom almost got through with it. Zai kwam! She came! Zai came! Hij leest veel. He reads a good deal. He reads a lot. Dit medicijn is zeer effectief. This medicine is very effective. This medicine is very effective. Tom is een entertainer. Tom is an entertainer. Tom's an entertainer. Polizisten dürfen im Dienst nicht trinken. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. Police are not allowed to drink in service. „Woneem wullt du giern arbeiden?“ – „In Australien.“ "Where would you like to work?" "In Australia." “Where do you want to work eagerly?” – “In Australia.” Tom was niet van plan dat ooit te doen. Tom had no intention of ever doing that. Tom never intended to do that. He deed en Poor Söcken utsöken, de to sien Antog passen deden. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. He did a pair of sockets that match his suit. Tom hat dich nie sehr gerngehabt. Tom never did like you very much. Tom never liked you very much. Hier wird kein Französisch gesprochen. They don't speak French here. No French is spoken here. Lass es aus. Leave it off. Leave it out. Mir hunn e grousse Gaart. We have a big garden. We have a larger garden. Se weet nich, wat se seggen schall. She doesn't know what to say. You do not know what to say. Gib niemals auf! Never give up! Never give up! Der Junge verbeugte sich vor mir. The boy bowed to me. The boy bowed down to me. Oh, dus jij denkt dat je stoer bent, hè? Oh, so you think you're a tough guy, huh? Oh, so you think you're tough, don't you? He keem Klock fiev trügg. He came back at 5 o'clock. He got five o'clock. Sitt dor en Katt op ’n Disch? Is there a cat on the table? Is there a cat sitting on a table? Wir müssen heute Abend die Kinder betreuen. We must look after her children this evening. We have to take care of the kids tonight. Se hett ehr Geheemnissen mit in ’t Graff nahmen. She took her secrets to the grave. She took her memories with her tomb. Ich mag dir so etwas gesagt haben, aber ich kann mich überhaupt nicht mehr daran erinnern. I may have told you such a thing, but I don't remember it at all. I may have told you something like that, but I can't remember it at all. Ons moet vinnig optree. We have to act quickly. We need to act quickly. Doe verkòcht koelkasten. You sold refrigerators. Get some fridges. Kan je er ook één voor mij kopen? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one, too? Bedankt, dat was het. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's it. Tom ziet er jong uit. Tom looks young. Tom looks young. Man sagt, du verstehest dich auf dein Handwerk. I hear that you're very good at what you do. They say you understand your craft. ווילסטו עפעס פון די זאכן? Do you want any of this stuff? Would a lot of these things? Ge ziet er heel bleek uit. You look very pale. You look very pale. Deze vogel kan niet vliegen. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Het spookt in dat huis. The house is haunted. It's spooking in that house. Wie viele arbeiten hier? How many people work here? How many are working here? Tom houdt van country. Tom likes country. Tom loves country. Er stroomt water door je aderen. You have water running through your veins. Water flows through your veins. Mir war zum Schreien zumute. I felt like screaming. I was crying. Der Meeresspiegel ist seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahre 1880 um 20 Zentimeter gestiegen. Man nimmt an, dass er bis zum Jahre 2100 um weitere 30 bis 120 Zentimeter steigen wird. Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 4 feet by 2100. The sea level has risen by 20 centimetres since the beginning of the records in 1880. It is assumed that it will rise by another 30 to 120 centimetres by the year 2100. Wij updaten de site. We're updating the site. We update the site. Ik wil Korea bezoeken. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. Dät Coronavirus äntstuude in China. The coronavirus emerged in China. That's Coronavirus service in China. Kijk eens hier in. Take a look in there. Look in here. Laat ons naar beneden gaan. Let's go down. Let's go down. Tom sagte, dass er so voll sei, dass er für Nachtisch keinen Platz mehr im Magen hätte. Tom said he was so full he had no room left for dessert. Tom said he was so full that he had no room in the stomach for dessert. Seit der Einführung von vollautomatischen Melksystemen ist das Leben einiger milchproduzierender Landwirte um vieles leichter geworden. The life of some dairy farmers has gotten a lot easier since the introduction of robots to milk the cows. Since the introduction of fully automatic milking systems, the life of some dairy farmers has become much easier. Tom heeft een espressomachine. Tom owns an espresso machine. Tom has an espresso machine. Dieses Zeug ist giftig. That stuff is poisonous. This stuff is toxic. Ik hou van die blauwe kleur. I like that blue color. I love that blue color. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Tom streek zijn kleren. Tom ironed his clothes. Tom's got his clothes. Tom nahm als Kind Klavierunterricht. Tom took piano lessons when he was a kid. Tom took piano lessons as a child. Tom sprüht seinen Garten. Tom is spraying his garden. Tom sprays his garden. Elke Ramadan bezoekt Yitzhak zijn vriend Sami in een dorpje in de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Every Ramadan, Yitzhak goes to visit his friend Sami in a small West Bank village. Each Ramadan visits Yitzhak his friend Sami in a village in the West Bank. Macht diese Übung als Wiederholung. Do this exercise as revision. Do this exercise as a repetition. "Maria, de koffie is te straf voor mij." - "Oh, het spijt me. Neem anders wat melk." "Mary, the coffee is too strong for me." "Oh, I am sorry. Perhaps add a little milk." "Maria, the coffee is too punishment for me." "Oh, I'm sorry. Das chan ned wahr sii. That can't be true. The chan ned true sii. Lokwinskje! Congratulations! Lokwinssje! Vroeg of laat zal hij me alles vertellen. He will tell me everything sooner or later. Sooner or later he'll tell me everything. Heute ist ein schöner Tag. It's a fine day today. Today is a beautiful day. Bist du mit Maria befreundet? Are you friends with Mary? Are you friends with Maria? Help ons. Help us. Help us. Zingt Tom? Does Tom sing? Is Tom singing? t Is ien keuken. It is in the kitchen. It's a kitchen. Chris du büst ganz un gor natt! Chris, you're completely wet! Chris you are completely wet! Ich denke an dich. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Tom lebt irgendwo in Australien. Tom lives somewhere in Australia. Tom lives somewhere in Australia. Hat dich das überrascht? Did that surprise you? Did that surprise you? Toms vriendin dreigde ermee hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Hij zwemt graag. He likes to swim. He likes to swim. Das waar gut gschriwwe. That was well writ. This is how it works. Wijze woorden! Wise words! Wise words! Der Tom iss weeg. Tom is gone. The Tom eats weight. Stop met bijten op je nagels. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your nails. Wi grillt jüst. We're having a barbie. We're dining right now. Ich will Schwimmen lernen. I want to learn how to swim. I want to learn how to swim. דער װינט גײט קײן דָרום, און פֿאַרדרײט זיך קײן צפֿון, רונד אַרום, רונד אַרום גײט ער, און צו זײַנע געדרײען קערט זיך אום דער װינט. The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north. It turns around continually as it goes, and the wind returns again to its courses. The condition provides no condemn, and requires no jump, round, round, round and round he, and to his mind turns around on the scene. Tom lernt gerne in der Bibliothek. Tom likes to study in the library. Tom likes to learn in the library. We wisten niet welke bus we moesten nemen. We didn't know which bus we should take. We didn't know which bus to take. Ich bin mit Ihnen weitgehend einer Meinung. I quite agree with you. I agree largely with you. Ik scheer het schaap. I am shearing the sheep. I shave the sheep. Seggwöör sünd vull Wiesheid. Proverbs are full of wisdom. term(s) are full of wisdom. Tom houdt erg van dieren. Tom really loves animals. Tom loves animals very much. Hoe ver is Boston hiervandaan? How far is Boston from here? How far is Boston from here? Sie fror beinahe zu Tode im Schnee. She almost froze to death in the snow. She's almost freezing to death in the snow. Nederlaand is n leutje laand. The Netherlands is a small country. Lowland is a lantern. Wie kam diese Entscheidung zustande? How was that decision made? How did this decision come about? t Wintert. Winter is coming. It's wintertime. Wie is jouw lievelingsschilder? Who's your favorite painter? Who's your favorite painter? Der Friseur schnitt die Haare des Gastes. The hairdresser cut the guest's hair. The hairdresser cut the guest's hair. Ich wurde von einem Moskito gestochen. I was bit by a mosquito. I was stabbed by a mosquito. Der Gehörsinn eines Blinden ist oft sehr fein. A blind person's hearing is often very acute. The sense of hearing of a blind person is often very fine. Ich traf sie. I met them. I met her. פֿאַראַן דאָ אַ כּהן? Is anyone here a cohen? Is this a intention right about here? Der Mann ließ sich mit seiner Frau ein. The man took up with his wife. The man joined his wife. Sie muss in ihrer Jugend eine Schönheit gewesen sein. She must have been a beauty when she was young. She must have been a beauty in her youth. Sie hatte ein rotes Kleid an. She wore a red dress. She was wearing a red dress. Engelsch warrt von veel Minschen bruukt. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. Der Räuber versuchte, ein Messer in den Jungen zu rammen. The robber tried to plunge the knife into the boy. The robber tried to ram a knife in the boy. De melk is in de koelkast. The milk is in the fridge. The milk's in the fridge. Tom is mien kollegoa en mien vrund. Tom is my colleague and my friend. Tom is my colleague and my friend. Ze vergeeft me nooit. She'll never forgive me. She never forgives me. Ik kan niet staan. I can't stand. I can't stand. Tom applaudierte. Tom applauded. Tom cheered. Ik denk dat Tom liegt. I think that Tom is lying. I think Tom's lying. Ik wil weten of jij weet wie hem vermoord heeft. I want to know if you know who killed him. I want to know if you know who killed him. Eine Repräsentantengruppe der Kartoffelbauern sagte, man erwarte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr Ernteeinbußen von 25 %. A group representing potato farmers said they're expecting harvests to be 25 percent smaller than last year. A representative group of potato growers said harvest losses of 25% were expected compared to the previous year. Hai is aaltied doen! He is always drunk! Hai's been doing some time! Ik bün na ’n Putzbüdel wesen. I have been to the barber's. I'm going to be like a Putzbüdel. Hört auf so zu tun, als ob ihr nicht verstehen würdet. Stop pretending to not understand. Stop pretending you wouldn't understand. Wilcume be Tatoeba Welcome to Tatoeba. Wilcume be Tatuba Maria und noch irgendeine Frau waren ein paar Stunden hier. Mary and some other women were here for a few hours. Maria and some woman were here for a few hours. Ich hasse ihn, aber ich weiß nicht, warum. I hate him, but I don't know why. I hate him, but I don't know why. Mijn huis is verzekerd. My house is covered by insurance. My house is insured. Se loopt ahn Schoh. They're running without shoes. She's walking without a shoe. Wenn Freiheit überhaupt etwas bedeutet, dann das Recht, anderen das sagen zu können, was sie nicht gerne hören wollen. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. If freedom means anything at all, then the right to tell others what they do not want to hear. Tom stemde. Tom voted. Tom voted. Jullie zijn jullie paraplu's vergeten. You forgot your umbrellas. You forgot your umbrellas. Wat denk je dat dit is? What do you figure this is? What do you think this is? Hernán Cortés vernietigde de Azteekse cultuur. Hernan Cortes destroyed aztec culture. Hernán Cortés destroyed Aztec culture. Tom bestelde een alcoholvrij drankje. Tom ordered a non-alcoholic drink. Tom ordered an alcohol-free drink. Essen Sie gerne Fisch? Do you like eating fish? Do you like to eat fish? Tom is gevaarlijk. Tom's dangerous. Tom's dangerous. Italianen gebruiken alleen hun vork om spaghetti te eten. Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti. Italians only use their forks to eat spaghetti. k Haar n dezain aaier neudeg. I needed a dozen eggs. k Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Se wulf æt þone cyning The wolf ate the king. The number of pages in the document. Diese Fernsehsendung ist nicht mehr so gut wie früher. This TV show is not as good as it used to be. This TV show isn't as good as it used to be. Du darfst das gern tun, wenn du möchtest. You may do that if you'd like to. You're welcome to do this if you like. Ich möchte mir Skistiefel kaufen. I want to buy some ski boots. I want to buy my ski boots. Sami heeft een keukenmes. Sami has a kitchen knife. Sami has a kitchen knife. Wat is jouw baan? What's your job? What's your job? Ik spreek liever Luxemburgs dan Duits of Frans. I prefer speaking Luxembourgish to German or French. I prefer to speak Luxembourg rather than German or French. Iedereen zag er gelukkig uit. Everyone looked happy. Everyone looked happy. Iedereen schreeuwde. Everyone screamed. Everyone screamed. Wilde je me over vrijheid vertellen? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Did you want to tell me about freedom? Tom, könnte ich mal kurz mit dir sprechen? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, could I talk to you for a minute? Tom versteckte sich hinter dem Duschvorhang. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom was hiding behind the shower curtain. Hierdie pad is baie lank. This road is very long. This road is very long. Waarom zegt men "Goedendag" wanneer de dag niet goed is? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why say "good day" when the day is not good? Bist du enttäuscht? Are you disappointed? Are you disappointed? Layla schloss die Tür ab. Layla locked the door. Layla closed the door. Tom behauptete, Mary hätte auf ihn geschossen. Tom claimed that Mary shot him. Tom claimed Mary shot him. Tom hat sich voriges Jahr das Leben genommen. Tom committed suicide last year. Tom took his life last year. Es fiel ihr schwer, sich zu konzentrieren. She found it hard to concentrate. It was hard for her to concentrate. Toms Frans verbetert zich. Tom's French is getting better. Toms Frans is improving. Wir stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand. We have our backs to the wall. We stand with our backs to the wall. Mach bitte das Licht aus. Please turn off the light. Turn off the light, please. Wil je nog een kop koffie drinken? Will you drink another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? Hat Tom sich letzte Woche frei genommen? Did Tom take last week off? Did Tom take off last week? Ik weet, dat du nee seggen warrst. I know you're going to say no. I know you're saying no. Können Kaninchen schwimmen? Are rabbits able to swim? Can rabbit swim? Bedeen di. Help yourself. You've got to deal with this. Ek dink hy sal nooit terugkom nie. I think he'll never return. I think he will never come back. Es macht mir nichts aus, durch den Regen zu gehen. I don't mind walking in the rain. I don't care about going through the rain. Stephen stierf. Stephen died. Stephen died. Hast du schon einmal dein Auto gewaschen? Have you ever washed your car? Have you ever washed your car? Man het geliek. The man is right. Man looked like it. Ik föhr mit dat Rad na School. I go to school by bicycle. I'll take that bike to school. Der Mann da ist übel beleumundet. That man has a bad reputation. The man here is slanderous. Er hatte auf dem Weg zur Schule einen Verkehrsunfall. He had a traffic accident on his way to school. He had a traffic accident on his way to school. Dat is al Klock teihn avends. It's already ten o'clock at night. It is already ten evenings. Ek het oor hom gedroom. I was dreaming about him. I dreamed about him. Maria is allergisch voor katten, toch? Mary is allergic to cats, isn't she? Maria's allergic to cats, right? רעדט איר ייִדיש? Do you speak Yiddish? Is that what you're talking about? Hast du schon einmal so etwas gesehen? Have you ever seen anything like this before? Have you ever seen anything like that? Schalte es ein. Turn it on. Turn it on. Is ontbyt ingesluit? Is breakfast included? Is breakfast included? Maria bereitete den Geiseln Brote zu. Mary made sandwiches for the hostages. Mary prepared bread for the hostages. Ich habe da so meine Zweifel, dass der Laden sich jemals rentieren wird. I doubt if this shop will ever pay its way. I have such a doubt that the store will ever return. Ik hou van haar en zij houdt van mij. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. Hai is twij moanden old. He is two months old. Hai's two months old. Ich ha chalt. I'm cold. I got it. Atlantische Ozeoan is hail groot. The Atlantic Ocean is very big. Atlantic oceans are large. Waarom ben je aan het huilen? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Es freut mich, zu sehen, dass es dir gut geht. I'm glad to see you're doing OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Hij is maar een man. He is only a man. He's just a man. Tom ist entschlossen. Tom is resolute. Tom's determined. Tom en Marie het eensamig gesing. Tom and Mary sang in unison. Tom and Marie sang lonelyly. Wat is dien leevste Websteed? What's your favorite website? What is your favorite Web site? We hadden een verhitte discussie. We had a heated discussion. We had a heated discussion. Ik heff Tom anropen. I called Tom. I called Tom. Meine Eltern wohnen in einem Landhaus. My parents live in a cottage. My parents live in a country house. Ik ben Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. „Öffne umgehend diese Tür!“ – „Verschwinde!“ "Open this door right now." "Go away!" “Open this door immediately!” – “Go away!” Wat leuk! How lovely! What fun! Godd hett ehr en smuck Gesicht un en söte Stimm geven. God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice. God gave him a beautiful face and a soft voice. Ik bün för di dor. I'm here for you. I am there for you. Ek is nie so slim soos jy nie. I'm not as smart as you. I'm not as smart as you are. Ik ga te voet naar school. I walk to school. I'm going to school on foot. Maria brauchte Geld. Mary needed money. Mary needed money. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are things? How's it going? Die Tür schließt automatisch. The door closes automatically. The door closes automatically. Ich habe überall nachgesehen. I looked everywhere. I've been looking everywhere. Je hebt je portemonnee laten vallen. You've dropped your wallet. You dropped your wallet. Ik vraag me af wat hij daarmee bedoelde. I wonder what he meant by that. I wonder what he meant by that. Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne. Kiev is Ukraine's capital city. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. In die landen is honger de regel. In these countries hunger is the rule. In those countries hunger is the rule. Hoe groot is je appartement? How big is your apartment? How big is your apartment? Tom arbeitet fast nie samstags. Tom almost never works on Saturday. Tom almost never works Saturdays. Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Slöppst du? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Ich kann Tom zu keiner Entscheidung bewegen. I can't get Tom to make up his mind. I can't get Tom to make a decision. טאָם האָט געהאַט אַ גוט האַרץ. Tom had a good heart. Tom had a good heart. Ik heb gehoord dat ze een beroemde actrice is. I hear she's a famous actress. I heard she's a famous actress. Ich habe schon in einem Restaurant gearbeitet. I've already worked in a restaurant. I've already worked in a restaurant. Ik ben blij dat je me uitgenodigd hebt. I'm glad you invited me. I'm glad you invited me. Ik ben een chauffeur. I'm a chauffeur. I'm a driver. We hebben daden nodig, geen woorden. We need actions, not words. We need actions, not words. Is dit joen wien? Is this your wine? Is this boy who? Die Zeitung hat seinen Artikel noch nicht veröffentlicht. The newspaper hasn't published his article yet. The newspaper has not yet published its article. Es wird oft darauf hingewiesen, dass Rauchen die Gesundheit gefährdet. It is often pointed out that smoking is a danger to health. It is often pointed out that smoking endangers health. Se snackt söven Spraken. She speaks seven languages. You speak seven languages. Ik ben enthousiast over mijn werk. I'm passionate about my job. I'm excited about my work. Tom hat es weggeworfen. Tom threw it away. Tom threw it away. k Kin nait oetleggen. I can't explain. Can not find a solution to this problem. Dis hoekom ek hier is. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. Reisen Sie per Schiff oder fliegen Sie? Do you travel by sea or by air? Are you traveling by ship or are you flying? Ich habe wieder mit dem Gitarrespielen angefangen. I've started playing guitar again. I started playing the guitar again. Kate heeft een verkoudheid. Kate has a cold. Kate has a cold. Tom hat das gerochen. Tom smelled it. Tom smelled it. Nach seinem Gesichtsausdruck zu schließen sagt er nicht die Wahrheit. Judging from his expression, he is not telling the truth. After closing his facial expression, he doesn't tell the truth. טאם האט עס מיר געגעבן בחינם. Tom gave it to me for nothing. Tom gave it to me. Könnten Sie mir das Salz rüberreichen? Could you pass me the salt? Could you pass me the salt? Ich liebe Hunde. I love dogs. I love dogs. Hoeveel kost die broek? How much do these trousers cost? How much does that pants cost? Dizze bloume is geel. This flower is yellow. This blue is yellow. Ich liebe Rockmusik. I love rock music. I love rock music. Kopenhoaven is heufdstad van Denmaark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Kopenhoaven is the capital of Denmark. Hai runt. He runs. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, אסתּר איז אַ העברעיִש־לערערין. Esther teaches Hebrew. As another user, I found out that he was a heterogeneous teacher. Flugscham hat ihn dazu bewogen, mit dem Zug zu fahren. Flight shame made him take the train. Flugscham has moved him to take the train. Schier! Pretty! Schier! Warum wurden Tom und Maria der Schule verwiesen? Why were Tom and Mary expelled from school? Why were Tom and Maria expelled from school? Ik dacht dat jullie zeiden dat Tom een ​​slager was. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. Hoe gaat het ermee? How's it going? How's it going? מיר וועלן שטימען הײַנט. We're going to vote today. We'll look at it. Tom hat keine Angst mehr. Tom isn't scared anymore. Tom's not afraid anymore. Dank u wel dat u mij wilde ontmoeten. Thanks for meeting me. Thank you for meeting me. Bist du für den Krieg oder dagegen? Are you for the war or against it? Are you for the war or against it? Mach dir keine Sorgen, sei fröhlich! Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy! Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I can't express my feelings with words. Bist du impulsiv? Are you impulsive? Are you impulsive? Wir wählten Herrn Jordan zum Vorsitzenden. We elected Ms. Jordan chairperson. We elected Mr. Jordan as chairman. We hadden de kat op een veganistisch dieet gezet. Ze werd klinisch depressief en stierf. We put the cat on a vegan diet. She became clinically depressed and died. We put the cat on a vegan diet, she became clinically depressed and died. Heeft Tom gisteren zijn moeder geholpen? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Word niet boos. Don't get angry. Don't get mad. Kom snel! Come quick! Come on! Ich bin Tom eigentlich egal. Tom doesn't really care about me. I don't care about Tom. Ik dacht dat hij onschuldig was. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Ik woon in Antalya. I live in Antalya. I live in Antalya. Hou de tassen in de gaten. Keep an eye on the bags. Watch the bags. We hebben geen bewijs. We have no proof. We don't have any evidence. Ek wou nie eintlik wen nie. I didn't really want to win. I didn’t really want to win. We hadden een beetje water. We had little water. We had a little water. Gebt Tom seine Schlüssel. Give Tom his keys. Give Tom his keys. Ons voedsel raakte op. We ran out of food. Our food ran out. Viele wurden Mormonen. Many people became Mormons. Many became Mormons. Dat hett för en Reeg Daag stedig sneet. It snowed for many days together. The snow has changed continuously for several days. Je bent verdikt. You've grown fat. You're thick. k Zaag bus. I saw the bus. k saw bus. De treinen reden niet wegens de sneeuw. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. The trains didn't reason for the snow. De zoon van een tante is een neef. The son of an aunt is a cousin. The son of an aunt is a cousin. Vinden jullie het erg als ik erbij kom zitten?' Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you?" Wir werden Toms Hilfe benötigen. We'll need Tom's help. We'll need Tom's help. Mijn beha is vies. My bra is dirty. My bra's dirty. Houd deze koffer in de gaten. Keep an eye on this suitcase. Keep an eye on this case. Wir kommen jeden Tag hierher. We come here every day. We come here every day. Alles bij elkaar genomen, is hij een goede leerkracht. All things considered, he is a good teacher. All in all, he's a good teacher. Hij is scherp. It's sharp. He's sharp. k Kin lopen. I can walk. I can walk. Worüm nich Esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Sprechen Marsianer Englisch? Do Martians speak English? Does Marsian speak English? En Spraak is en Dialekt mit en Armee un Marine. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect containing an army and a marine. Hast du ein Brecheisen in deinem Werkzeugkasten? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a breaker iron in your toolbox? Ich weiß nicht, ob George kommen wird oder nicht. I don't know if George is coming or not. I don't know if George will come or not. Tom hätte schon vor Stunden von der Schule zurück sein müssen. Tom should've been home from school hours ago. Tom should've been back from school hours ago. Bischt du seine Mudder? Are you his mother? Are you biting his mutter? Ein Wunder ist ein Ereignis, das von Leuten beschrieben wird, denen es erzählt wurde von Leuten, die es nicht gesehen haben. A miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by people who did not see it. A miracle is an event described by people who have been told about people who have not seen it. Eerlijk gezegd denk ik dat hij een goede baas is. Frankly speaking, I think he's a good boss. Honestly, I think he's a good boss. Der Gatte der Schwester meines Vaters ist mein Onkel. My father's sister's husband is my uncle. The wife of my father's sister is my uncle. Van welke zanger houdt u? Who is your favourite singer? Which singer do you like? Ze stonden recht tegenover elkaar. They stood face to face. They were right opposite each other. Geef mij dat maar. I'll take that. Give me that. Wat dink jy moet gedoen word daaroor? What do you think should be done about it? What do you think should be done about it? Ik kan het licht zien. I can see the light. I can see the light. Se hett em eerst nulest drapen. She met him only recently. She hit him first zeroest. Ik deed di geern küssen. I'd like to kiss you. I kissed you. Ich möchte nur wissen, auf was ich mich da einlasse. I just want to know what I'm getting into. I just want to know what I'm up to. Bist du sicher, dass das zu Toms Gunsten ist? Are you sure this is in Tom's best interest? Are you sure that's in Tom's favor? Lerne ein paar Sätze, die dir in bestimmten Situationen weiterhelfen, auswendig. Learn a few sentences, which help you in certain situations, by heart. Learn a few sentences that help you out in certain situations. Ich kenne Boston sehr gut. I know Boston very well. I know Boston very well. Hy was baie moeg. He was very tired. He was very tired. Je moet hem niet uitlachen. You should not make fun of him. Don't laugh at him. Tom hatte großen Anteil daran, die Wohnsituation hier zu verbessern. Tom certainly helped make this a better place to live. Tom had a large share in improving the living situation here. די אָרעמענטשן האָבן זי ליב געהאַט. The poor people loved her. The Americans they have loved. װוּ איז דער שופֿט? Where's the judge? Where the scroll book is? Oude mannen zijn vergeetachtig. Old men are apt to forget. Old men are forgetful. Hij erfde het kasteel. He inherited the castle. He inherited the castle. Vonden jullie deze video leuk? Did you like this video? Did you like this video? Ich bin zäher, als du denkst. I'm tougher than you think. I'm tougher than you think. Tom sollte sich nicht über Marys Hinken lustig machen. Tom shouldn't make fun of Mary's limp. Tom shouldn't make fun of Mary's limp. Hij spreekt Bengaals. He speaks Bengali. He's talking to Bengaals. "Aha!" zullen ze zeggen. 'Aha', they will say. "Aha!" they will say. Stel dat je een miljoen yen hebt, wat zou je daarmee gaan doen? If you had a million yen, what would you do with it? What if you had a million yen, what would you do with that? Maria heeft de kleren van haar vriendje in het vuur gegooid. Mary threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Maria threw her boyfriend's clothes into the fire. Bewege deinen Hintern! Move your ass! Move your ass! Wie wurde Tom ermordet? How was Tom killed? How was Tom murdered? Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. She cares for her sick mother. She's taking care of her sick mother. Das war ein sehr ungünstiger Zeitpunkt, um das Thema zur Sprache zu bringen. That was a very inconvenient time to bring up the subject. This was a very unfavourable time to raise the issue. Wir haben mit links gewonnen, weil die anderen Spieler schwach waren. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We won with the left because the other players were weak. Ich finde, Tom sollte anfangen, sich mit jemand anderem als Maria herumzutreiben. I think Tom needs to start hanging out with someone other than Mary. I think Tom should start drifting around with someone other than Mary. Waar is het strand? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? איך אומרים "איך וויס נישט" בעברית? - לא יודעת. לכל הרוחות, כל מי שאני שואלת לא יודע! What's the English for "Ich weiß nicht"? - I don't know. - What the hell, whoever I ask doesn't know! I'm wrong, "I didn't know" Brother? - Let Yugoslavia. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass sie Tom umbringen. We can't let them kill Tom. We can't let them kill Tom. Als ik alleen thuis ben, is het te stil in huis. When I'm home alone, the house is too quiet. If I'm home alone, it's too quiet in the house. Tom mag Maria nicht. Aber Maria macht es nicht besonders viel aus, ob er sie mag oder nicht. Tom doesn't like Mary. However, she doesn't particularly care whether he likes her or not. Tom doesn't like Maria, but Mary doesn't matter whether he likes her or not. Je hond is een dief. Your dog is a thief. Your dog is a thief. Haben Sie Getränke ohne Alkohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Zijn voeten sliepen. His feet were asleep. His feet were asleep. Er hat meinen Cousin geheiratet. He married my cousin. He married my cousin. Ohne ein Wörterbuch wäre es sehr schwer, Englisch zu lernen. Without a dictionary, it would be hard to study English. Without a dictionary it would be very difficult to learn English. Je hoeft niet bang te zijn voor magie. You don't have to fear magic. You don't have to be afraid of magic. k Kin nait kloagen. I can't complain. I'll knock it out. Wannehr hest du swemmen lehrt? When did you learn to swim? When did you teach swimming? Ken je dat jongetje dat aan het huilen is? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know that little boy crying? Zombies eten hersens. Zombies eat brains. Zombies eat brains. Sie telefonierten miteinander. They spoke to each other on the phone. They called each other. Iedereen is gelukkig. Everyone is happy. Everyone's happy. Wie geht es dir und der Familie? How are you and the family doing? How are you and the family? Tom moet voorzichtiger zijn. Tom needs to be more careful. Tom must be more careful. Wir wohnen in der Nähe der großen Bibliothek. We live near the large library. We live near the large library. Ik dacht dat u in Australië woonde. I thought that you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Maria ist die Liebe meines Lebens. Mary is the love of my life. Mary is the love of my life. Wir haben gelernt, dass Englisch eine internationale Sprache ist. We learned that English is an international language. We have learned that English is an international language. Sami heeft een prostituee vermoord. Sami murdered a prostitute. Sami killed a prostitute. Ik ben niet naïef. Ik ben alleen optimistisch. I'm not naive. I'm just optimistic. I'm not naive, I'm just optimistic. Ich war vor zehn Jahren in Fukuoka. I visited Fukuoka ten years ago. I was in Fukuoka ten years ago. Kan ik dit eten? May I eat this? Can I eat this? Hij lijkt het land verlaten te hebben. He seems to have left the country. He seems to have left the country. Das Problem ist nicht unsres. The problem isn't ours. The problem is not ours. Tom kommt oft zu spät zur Schule. Tom is often late for school. Tom often comes to school too late. קלאַסנקאַמף איז גוט, בפּועל. Class warfare is good, actually. Class is good, bully. Niemand van de leerkrachten heeft het vraagstuk kunnen oplossen. None of the teachers could solve the problem. None of the teachers have been able to solve the problem. Na gut, mach's wie du willst, aber beklage dich nicht bei mir, wenn's schiefgeht. All right, do it your own way, but don't blame me if you fail. All right, do it as you like, but don't complain to me when it goes wrong. Laten we sushi eten. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. We zijn hier om u te beschermen. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Willen jullie nog iets? Do any of you guys want anything else? Do you want anything else? Kadde sloapt op toavel. The cat sleeps on the table. Kadde slaps on toavel. Tom stellte den Wecker auf sechs Uhr morgens. Tom set the alarm clock to go off 6:00 a.m. Tom put the alarm clock on six in the morning. Zijn stem is iel, hoewel hijzelf dik is. His voice is thin even though he is fat. His voice is iel, although he himself is thick. אַ מענטש לעבט נישט אײביק, דאָס טיפּשות יאָ. A man does not live forever, but stupidity does. A person doesn't live on it, the type yes. Ich bin ein totes Kaninchen auf der Autobahn. I'm a dead rabbit on the freeway. I'm a dead rabbit on the highway. Ich beriet mich mit meiner Schwester über meine Hochzeit. I consulted with my sister about my marriage. I talked to my sister about my wedding. Misschien kan je helpen. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Ik denk dat Tom een student is. I think Tom is a student. I think Tom's a student. טאָם װעט שװימען. Tom will swim. Tom will name you. Ons sal jou roep wanneer jou tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We will call you when your table is ready. Hai is mien noaber. He is my neighbour. Hai's my noaber. Wer gibt die Feier? Who will host the party? Who gives the party? Er ist heute freundlich. He is being kind today. He's friendly today. Ik was mijn handen omdat ze vies zijn. I'm washing my hands because they're dirty. I washed my hands because they're dirty. Der Rechtsanwalt kleidete sich vor der Verteidigung seines Mandanten in dem Prozess in seinen Talar. The lawyer put his robe on before defending his client in the trial. The lawyer dressed in his Talar before defending his client in the trial. Hebt ge een gsm? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Ich hab jemanden getroffen. I came across one. I met someone. איך בין שוין אַ מבֿין. I'm already an expert. I'm already a guest. Das ist nur vorübergehend. It won't be for long. That's only temporary. Mijn naam is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She certainly was a beautiful woman when she was young. certainly she was a young man when she was young. Ek kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie. I couldn't answer all the questions. I couldn’t answer all the questions. Ich finde, dass Sie Tom gehorchen sollten. I think that you should do what Tom tells you to do. I think you should obey Tom. ס'איז דרעק. It's a piece of shit. It's dangerous. Ich werde ein Haus bauen, sobald ich es mir leisten kann. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. I'll build a house as soon as I can afford it. Niet blootstellen aan een temperatuur boven de vijftig graden Celsius. Do not expose to temperatures above fifty centigrade. Do not expose to a temperature above 50 degrees Celsius. Er ist dem Baseballklub beigetreten. He joined the baseball club. He joined the baseball club. Ik weet niet waar we zijn. I don't know where we are. I don't know where we are. Mag ik uw instapkaart zien? May I see your boarding pass, please? Can I see your boarding card? Tom spält ok goot Schach. Tom is also good at chess. Tom feels good chess. De lucht klaarde op. The sky has become clear. The air was getting ready. Nehmen Sie uns nächsten Sonntag zu einer Ausfahrt mit? Will you take us for a drive next Sunday? Will you take us to an exit next Sunday? We hebben voetbal gespeeld gisteren. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. Waarkt hai? Does he work? Does shark watch? Je moet in alle richtingen kijken als je een weg oversteekt, zelfs bij een zebrapad en groene stoplichten. You need to look in all directions before crossing the street, even at a crosswalk when the light is green. You have to look in all directions when you cross a road, even at a zebra pad and green stop lights. Ik ga vanmiddag Engels oefenen. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm gonna practice English this afternoon. ער איז נישט אזוי אן איבערטייטשער ווי א פאעט. He is not so much a translator as a poet. He is not so much a translator as a poet. Ich sollte eigentlich ins Bett gehen. I really should be getting to bed. I should go to bed. Tom is degene die me dit boek heeft gegeven. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Ich habe ihn schon einmal gesehen. I've seen him before. I've seen him before. Ik ben zes maanden geleden gestopt met roken. I quit smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. Dat zijn de mensen van wie ik de auto heb hersteld. Those are the people whose car I repaired. Those are the people I recovered the car from. De vissers stonden op voor zonsopgang. The fishermen got up before dawn. The fishermen stood up for sunrise. Een gitaar heeft gewoonlijk zes snaren terwijl een basgitaar gewoonlijk vier snaren heeft. A guitar normally has six strings, while a bass guitar normally has four strings. A guitar usually has six strings while a bass guitar usually has four strings. Een, drie en vyf is ongelyke getalle. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three, and five are uneven numbers. Dit is nie reg nie. This isn't right. That is not right. Zij woont in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. She lives in the United Kingdom. She lives in the United Kingdom. Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. Your ad could be here. Here's where your advertising could be. Ik bün en Künstler. I'm an artist. I'm an artist. Ek wil nie daarnatoe gaan nie. I don't want to go there. I don’t want to go there. Er achtet die Gefühle anderer nicht. He pays no attention to others' feelings. He doesn't respect the feelings of others. Hij gaf een bot aan de hond. He gave the dog a bone. He gave the dog a bone. Ik werk hier. I work here. I work here. Je zou je huur op voorhand moeten betalen. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Es isch fast Sechsi. It's almost six. It's almost six. Spielst du kein Tennis? Don't you play tennis? Don't you play tennis? Ik mag hem wel. I rather like him. I like him. Wel, hier is ons! Well, here we are! Well, here we are! Er hat mich gerade angeschrieben. Ich glaube, er ist schon wieder betrunken. He just texted me. I think he's drunk again. I think he's been drunk again. Ze heeft een verslaving. She's addicted. She's got an addiction. Als het morgen mooi weer is, gaan we picknicken. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic. If tomorrow's good weather, we'll have a picnic. Ek is bly dat ons dit agter ons gesit het. I'm glad we put all that behind us. I’m glad we put it behind us. דו האָסט באַשטעלט די פּיצע? Did you order this pizza? You don't know what you're sayin'? Tom ist sehr beliebt, nehme ich an. Tom is very popular, I suppose. Tom is very popular, I suppose. De bus keem twee Minuten to froh. The bus was two minutes early. The bus took two minutes to rejoice. Tom sieht gerne amerikanische Filme, Maria dagegen europäische. Tom likes American movies, but Mary likes European movies. Tom likes to watch American movies, but Maria, on the other hand, sees European films. Er war in dieser Schachtel hier. It was in this box. He was in this box here. Port Vila is de hoofdstad van Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Ons het net te veel voute gemaak. We just made too many mistakes. We made just too many folds. Wat betekent een naam? Dat wat wij een roos noemen zou met een andere naam net zo zoet geuren. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What does a name mean? That what we call a rose would smell just as sweetly with another name. Die Leute im Dorf erkrankten einer nach dem anderen. The people in the village fell ill one after another. People in the village fell ill one by one. Ich wünschte, ich hätte in meiner Jugend härter gelernt. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I had learned harder in my youth. Wann werden wir in Sapporo ankommen, wenn wir diesen Flug nehmen? What time shall we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane? When will we arrive in Sapporo when we take this flight? Büst du jümmer noch in Schottland? Are you still in Scotland? Are you still in Scotland? Er ist zu alt für mich. He's too old for me. He's too old for me. Tom manipuliert dich. Tom is manipulating you. Tom manipulates you. Lass mich sprechen. Let me talk. Let me talk. Wacht op mij. Wait for me! Wait for me. Ich verabscheue deine zynischen Bemerkungen. I resent your cynical remarks. I abhor your cynical remarks. Alles wat ons, ons kan indink is werklik, maar wat rerig werklik is, is die werklike vraag. Everything we can imagine is real, but what is really real is the real question. All we can imagine is real, but what really is real is the real question. Er nahm sie zu einer Spazierfahrt mit. He took her out for a drive. He took her for a walk. Hij heeft alles gezien. He saw everything. He's seen everything. Hast du heute Morgen deine Tabletten genommen? Did you take your pills this morning? Did you take your tablets this morning? De radio staat een beetje hard. The radio is a bit loud. The radio's a bit loud. Die Katze ist nicht tot. The cat is not dead. The cat's not dead. Wil je niet op mijn knie zitten? Won't you sit on my knee? Don't you want to sit on my knee? Ich kann unter Stress nicht schlafen. I can't sleep when I'm stressed out. I can't sleep under stress. Echt? Really? Really? Wir könnten Toms Hilfe gebrauchen. Könnten Sie ihn etwas bearbeiten? We could do with Tom's help. Could you work on him a bit? We could use Tom's help. Bist du sicher, dass du das tun willst? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do that? Warum gibst du es nicht Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Er ligt een lijk in de achterbak van de auto. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a body in the back of the car. Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What are these people doing? Wessen Auto ist das? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Das, was vorbestimmt ist, wird immer seinen Weg finden. That which is predetermined will always find its way. What is predestined will always find its way. Ich half ihm, über die Straße zu gehen. I helped him cross the street. I helped him cross the street. Es ist Zeit zu gehen. It's time to leave. It's time to go. Hij liep naar huis. He walked home. He walked home. Dieses Problem zu lösen ist schwierig. The problem is difficult to solve. Solving this problem is difficult. Se æftera Ġēola is se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares. January is the first month of the year. The contain Layerola is a forma mona of the index Headerslares. Ik leer Aramees. I'm learning Aramaic. I'm learning Aramaic. Warme melk voor het slapen gaan helpt echt om goed te slapen. Drinking warm milk before going to sleep helps you sleep well. Warm milk before going to sleep really helps to sleep well. Ich bat um ihr Einverständnis. I asked for their approval. I asked for her consent. Toen ik klein was, kwamen opa en oma nog om op te passen. 's Avonds op bed las oma me voor. Of opa vertelde een verhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was little, grandpa and grandma came to take care of me. U hield van chocolade. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Es war kein Unfall. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident. Yoda sien Grammatik lehrt du hest. Yoda's grammar learned you have. You have learned Yoda's grammar. Dein Kuchen ist köstlich. Your cake is very delicious. Your cake is delicious. Tom bleef buiten. Tom remained outside. Tom stayed outside. Je bent niet getrouwd, of wel? You're not married, are you? You're not married, are you? Ik kan niet hoesten. De baby slaapt. I cannot cough. The baby is sleeping. I can't cough. Ik ben daar trots op. I'm proud of that. I'm proud of that. Tom hat das Buch noch nicht übersetzt. Tom hasn't translated the book yet. Tom hasn't translated the book yet. Er betrat den Raum, nachdem Sie gegangen waren. He entered the room after you left. He entered the room after you left. Klaar? Done? Ready? Manchmal geht unser Feueralarm los, wenn meine Mutter etwas in der Küche kocht. Our fire alarm sometimes goes off when my mother is cooking something in the kitchen. Sometimes our fire alarm goes off when my mother cooks something in the kitchen. Mein Name ist Mary und das ist Tom. My name is Mary and this is Tom. My name is Mary and this is Tom. Dat smeckt good. This tastes good. That's good. Een student zegt dat de zuivering in China nog niet voorbij is en dat het schrikbewind overheerst. One student says the purge is still going on in China and terror is widespread. A student says that the cleansing in China is not over and that the terror regime prevails. Du musst dien Schullen trüggbetahlen. You must repay your debts. You've got to pay for those schools. Sie trug langes Haar letztes Jahr. She had long hair last year. She wore long hair last year. Et hät en lange Niërsen. She has a long nose. It's hät and long niersen. Hij geeft altijd geschenken aan zijn vrouw. He is always giving presents to his wife. He always gives gifts to his wife. Tom is een zeer vriendelijke en edelmoedige man. Tom is a very kind and generous man. Tom is a very kind and noble man. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. Sie wurde bei einem Autounfall verletzt. She was injured in a car accident. She was injured in a car accident. Wao is mien Bril? Where are my glasses? What's my glasses? I benn nebrå fremdå Frau uffgwachd. I woke up next to a strange woman. I amn nebrå vrienå Mrs. uffgwachd. Ik kann dat Licht sehn. I can see the light. I can see the light. Tom bemerkte, dass Maria keinen Ehering trug. Tom noticed that Mary wasn't wearing a wedding ring. Tom noticed that Maria was not wearing a wedding ring. Dat zullen jullie zelf moeten doen. You'll have to do that yourselves. You'll have to do that yourself. Tom is nog steeds aan het roken. Tom is still smoking. Tom's still smoking. Die Raupe verwandelte sich in einen wunderschönen Schmetterling. The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. Niemand lijkt aandacht te hebben besteed aan wat hij zei. Nobody seems to have paid attention to what he said. No one seems to have paid attention to what he said. Das ist ein mehrstufiger Prozess. It is a multi-stage process. This is a multi-stage process. Tom schaute sich im Wartezimmer um. Tom looked around the waiting room. Tom looked around in the waiting room. Waarom zou u ons willen helpen? Why would you want to help us? Why would you like to help us? נײן, די קאַץ איז ניט קלײן. No, the cat is not small. Now, the cities are not free. Tom verdient niet veel. Tom doesn't make much money. Tom doesn't deserve much. Sie können es immer noch machen, wenn Sie wollen. You may still do it if you want to. You can still do it if you want. Was möchten Sie von mir? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? He smöökt nich. He does not smoke. It does not want. Ik kan Tom vertrouwen. I can trust Tom. I can trust Tom. Ich sah sie dort. I saw her there. I saw her there. Ik weet dat Tom in Boston heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Boston. I know Tom lived in Boston. Kanada ist ein großes Land. Canada is a large country. Canada is a big country. Ik bruuk faken SSH üm von annerwegens op mien Reekner roptokamen. I often use SSH to access my computers remotely. I often use SSH to climb from my computer. Tom leest. Tom reads. Tom reads. Ich fürchte nichts. I fear nothing. I'm not afraid. Das Schiff kam in Sicht. The ship came in sight. The ship came in sight. Warum habe ich nicht so einen Freund? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have a friend like that? קענסט דו זינגען דעם ליד? Can you sing this song? Can you sing the song? Was hat sich da zugetragen? What happened there? What happened? Waar zijn jouw honden? Where are your dogs? Where are your dogs? Hij gaf zijn ouders antwoord. He answered his parents. He answered his parents. Ik leerde Frans voordat ik naar Europa ging. I learned French, before going to Europe. I learned French before I went to Europe. Tom geht gerne allein spazieren. Tom likes taking walks by himself. Tom likes to go for a walk alone. We maken allen fouten. All of us make mistakes. We're all making mistakes. Beholl dat Wesselgeld. Keep the change. Keep this change. Tom is n blikjewaarper. Tom is a vlogger. Tom's a can of water. Ich saß einmal am gleichen Tisch mit ihm bei einer Dinnerparty. I once sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. I once sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. Ich bin eine sehr schnelle Fahrerin. I'm a very fast driver. I'm a very fast driver. Kann sein, dass du mir vor langer Zeit davon erzählt hast. You might have told me about it long ago. Could be you told me about it a long time ago. Ich kann es mal versuchen. I can try it. I can try. Mein Bruder wird mich noch mal umbringen. My brother's going to kill me. My brother will kill me again. k Hol van slik. I like sweets. k Pick up silt. Die Qualität ihrer Produkte hat mit den Jahren abgenommen. The quality of their products has gone down over the years. The quality of their products has decreased over the years. Hai smookte. He smoked. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Voor zover ik weet, waren er geen problemen gedurende het eerste semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. Sein Sohn stürzte vom Felsenriff. His son fell over the cliff. His son fell off the rock reef. Jy sal nie dit kan doen sonder my nie. You won't be able to do that without me. You won't be able to do it without me. Tom zal nachtmerries krijgen. Tom will have nightmares. Tom will have nightmares. Wees niet bang. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Waist doe dat ien mien toen praai, siepels, hoeslook en knoflook gruien? Do you know that in my garden grow leeks, onions, chives, and garlic? Was that one of mys then braiding, siepels, coughing look and garlic gruien? Ich bin ziemlich schüchtern. I'm very reserved. I'm pretty shy. Sie sind ein guter Tennisspieler. You are a good tennis player. You're a good tennis player. Tom studiert Philosophie an der Uni. Tom studies philosophy at college. Tom studies philosophy at the university. Zij heeft een leuke persoonlijkheid. I like her personality. She has a nice personality. Geweldig! Fantastic! Great! Hij heeft twintig kinderen. He has twenty children. He has twenty children. Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries. Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian. Out of office, Brea, and Green Tsiis. If you don't know what that is, then no sincere Fries. Wer ist Ihr Lieblingskomponist? Who's your favorite composer? Who is your favorite composer? Das ist nichts für dich. That's not for you. That's not for you. Dir schreift. You're writing. You write. Ist dieser Unfall wirklich letztes Jahr passiert? Did that accident really happen last year? Did this accident really happen last year? Ik weet niet hoe ik het woord moet spellen. I don't know how to spell the word. I don't know how to spell the word. Gewalt wird nicht geduldet. Violence will not be tolerated. Violence is not tolerated. Er hat eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit. He has a split personality. He has a split personality. Tom möchte, dass du es für ihn tust. Tom wants you to do it for him. Tom wants you to do it for him. Hulp komt eraan. Help is coming. Help's coming. Tag, die Damen! Hello, ladies. Hello, ladies! Hier is de rekening. Here's the bill. Here's the bill. Die waren zusammen Schlittschuh laufen. They went ice-skating together. They were running skate together. Sie half dem alten Mann über die Straße. She helped the old man across the street. She helped the old man across the street. Bist du ein religiöser Mensch? Are you a religious person? Are you a religious person? Sami en Layla was nog altyd daar vir mekaar. Sami and Layla have always been there for each other. Sami and Layla have always been there for each other. Heb je ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Hij zal deze namiddag komen. He will come this afternoon. He'll be here this afternoon. Maria is blond. Mary is blonde. Maria's blonde. Ich habe meine Schlüssel im Wagen gelassen. I left my keys in the car! I left my keys in the car. Wij wonen in Belfast. We live in Belfast. We live in Belfast. Hoeveel woordenboeken heeft u? How many dictionaries do you have? How many dictionaries do you have? Tom und Maria wohnen in einem Baumhaus. Tom and Mary live in a treehouse. Tom and Maria live in a tree house. Dat is onze vader. That is our father. That's our father. Velen Dank! Many thanks. Thank you so much! Sie ist nicht zu Hause, sondern in der Schule. She is not home, but at school. She's not at home, she's at school. Tom öffnete nervös die Tür. Tom nervously opened the door. Tom nervously opened the door. Ik heb een hond en een kat. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. Meine Mutter will, dass ich in der Schweiz studiere. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. Hy het die trappe drie op 'n slag opgespring. He jumped up the steps three at a time. He jumped up the stairs three at once. Mein Vater heißt Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Zijn er bananen? Are there any bananas? Are there bananas? Mid þam þe he wolde þæt weorc beginnan, þa clipode Godes engel arodlice of heofonum, 'Abraham!' He andwyrde sona. Just when he was beginning the task, the angel of God called out from the heavens, 'Abraham!' He answered immediately. At the end of the day, the week began, due to God's angel arodlice or hayonum, 'Abraham!' He started then. Elk land heeft een specifieke cultuur. Every country has a specific culture. Each country has a specific culture. Zorg ervoor dat de deur gesloten is. Make sure the door is locked. Make sure the door is locked. Es macht mir nichts aus zu stehen. I don't mind standing. It doesn't matter to me. Is duizend yen genoeg? Is a thousand yen enough? Is a thousand yen enough? Ich habe meine Karte zu Hause vergessen. I left my card at home. I forgot my card at home. Ze was pas twintig jaar. She was only twenty years old. She was only twenty years old. שנעל! Hurry up! Schneel! Ik neem het wel aan. I'll take it. I'll take it. Gelooft Tom in mirakels? Does Tom believe in miracles? Does Tom believe in miracels? Maria werd verkozen tot koningin van het bal. Mary was elected queen of the prom. Mary was elected queen of the ball. Aaah!! Mien Reekner is in ’n Dutt! Aaah!! My computer is broken! Aaah!! My computer is in a dutt! Hij deed zijn sokken uit. He removed his socks. He took off his socks. Aber für Sie werde ich immer ohne Bedeutung bleiben. But for you I'll always be insignificant. But I will always be of no importance to you. Wannehr hest du dien Auto köfft? When did you buy your car? When did you buy your car? Wat er ook moge gebeuren, je moet niet vergeten te glimlachen. No matter what may happen, you mustn't forget your smile. Whatever happens, don't forget to smile. Tom begreift nicht, was du von ihm erwartest. Tom doesn't understand what you expect him to do. Tom doesn't understand what you expect from him. Dieser Satz ist noch nicht übersetzt worden. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. This sentence has not yet been translated. Willkamen bi Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoba. Je weet niet waarom Tom gister niet kwam, of wel? You don't know why Tom didn't come yesterday, do you? You don't know why Tom didn't come yesterday, do you? Dat ass ze schwéier fir mech. That's too difficult for me. This is too hard to me. אַ הונט איז געטרײַער װי אַ קאַץ. A dog is more loyal than a cat. A dog is considered a cat. Hij zou een huis moeten kopen. He should buy a house. He should buy a house. Hij boog zich over haar en zei, "Nee, ik lieg niet." He leaned over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." He bowed over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." "Nou," zei de verkoopster, en wenkte Dima haar te volgen naar de kassa, "dat is dan 3.000.000,99." "Well," said the shopkeeper, motioning for Dima to follow her to the cash register. "That'll be 3,000,000.99, then." "Well," said the saleswoman, and waving Dima to follow her to the checkout, "that's then 3,000,000,99." Tom heeft een handtas gekocht voor Maria's verjaardag. Tom bought Mary a purse for her birthday. Tom bought a purse for Maria's birthday. Zij zijn mijn leiders. They're my leaders. They're my leaders. Open de fles. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Was hält dich nachts vom Schlafen ab? What keeps you up at night? What keeps you from sleeping at night? Dizze stevels binnen mient. Those boots are mine. These stuffs are human. Ik ben mijn inspiratie kwijt. I lost my inspiration. I lost my inspiration. Warum ist das Meer salzig, die Flüsse, die hineinfließen, aber nicht? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salty, the rivers flowing in, but not? Goden Dag! Good day! God's day! Tom blieb konzentriert. Tom kept focused. Tom stayed focused. פֿאַדיל רעדט אַראַביש. Fadil speaks Arabic. @item: inlistbox Adjective set טאָם איז אַן „עקסעל‟־מומחה. Tom is an Excel maven. Tom is an "external Church". Das war alles, was er sich erhofft hatte. It was everything he hoped for. That was all he had hoped for. Is het daar veilig? Is it safe in there? Is it safe there? Dis die lewe. That's the way the cookie crumbles. It's life. De egel is een alleseter. The hedgehog is omnivore. The hedgehog is an all-eater. Mieghommels hollen van sukker. Ants like sugar. Miegummels like succulent. Nimm dieses Medikament, und du fühlst dich besser. Take this medicine, and you'll feel better. Take this medicine, and you feel better. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt. I am greatly impressed. I'm very impressed. Dor weren Schäpers, de op jemehr Hood oppassen deden. There were shepherds keeping watch over their flock. There were Schäpers who were on your guard Hood. Interesseren bloemen u? Are you interested in flowers? Are you interested in flowers? Pasta koken is makkelijk. Cooking pasta is easy. Pasta cooking is easy. Tom ist in Australien. Tom is in Australia. Tom's in Australia. Es schien der beste Weg nach vorne zu sein. It appeared best to remain in front. It seemed to be the best way forward. Tom ist unwillig zu gehen. Tom is reluctant to leave. Tom's unwilling to go. Heute haben wir nicht viel weitergebracht, gell? We didn't get much done today, did we? Today we haven't brought much forward, gell? Ik wol ien nije hûn. I want a new dog. I want one new dog. Es gibt einen schmalen Grat zwischen hilfreichen und zerstörerischen Ängsten. Aber es gibt einen solchen Grat, und unsere Aufgabe ist es, ihn zu finden und auf ihm zu gehen. There exists a fine line between helpful and destructive fears. But there is a line. Our job is to find it and walk it. There is a narrow ridge between helpful and destructive fears. But there is such a ridge, and our task is to find it and go on it. Er war ganz allein in dem Haus. He was all alone in the house. He was alone in the house. Du wirst rot wie ein Schulmädchen. You're blushing like a schoolgirl. You're gonna be red like a schoolgirl. צי קען מען געטרויען טראָמפּ? Can Trump be trusted? Are you sure you want to trust the stream? Dat Kind is in ’t Huus lopen. The child ran into the house. That kid's in the house. Tom braucht eine neue Brille. Tom needs a new pair of glasses. Tom needs a new pair of glasses. Alles verandert. Everything is changing. Everything's changing. Ek het jou nodig om my met hierdie te help. I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me with this. Er lief zu schnell für mich, um mithalten zu können. He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. He ran too fast for me to stand by. Quält es dich, das zu tun? Are you miserable doing that? Is it up to you to do that? Het leek persoonlijk. It seemed personal. It seemed personal. Niet alles kan worden verklaard. Not everything can be explained. Not everything can be explained. Das ist der Brief, der von Hongkong aus per Luftpost verschickt wurde. This is the letter sent from Hong Kong by air mail. This is the letter sent from Hong Kong by air mail. Mijn moeder zocht de geschiedenis van koffiekopjes op. My mother looked up the history of coffee cups. My mother looked up the history of coffee cups. Sie hätte sich nie träumen lassen, dass sie den ersten Preis gewänne. Little did she dream that she could win first prize. She would never have dreamed of winning the first prize. Sien Vadder wöör Timmermann. His father was a carpenter. See Vadder is Timmermann. Ze zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren. They said they weren't colorblind. They said they weren't color-blind. Heute wissen wir, dass George Orwell ein Optimist war. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Today we know George Orwell was an optimist. Jij bent. It's your turn. You are. Eine Sicherung ist durchgebrannt. A fuse has blown. A backup is burned. Hoe kan ik dit probleem oplossen? How can I solve this problem? How can I solve this problem? Tom is jouw broer. Tom is your brother. Tom's your brother. Sami gaf Layla gratis een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami gave Layla a copy of the Quran for free. Sami gave Layla a copy of the Koran for free. Hautpflege ist wichtig. It's important to take care of your skin. Skin care is important. Das wäre so, als sägte man den Ast ab, auf dem man sitzt. That would mean sawing off the branch you're sitting on. That's like sawing off the branch you're sitting on. Mach es gleich jetzt, bevor du es vergisst. Do it right now, before you forget. Do it right now before you forget. Tomás was naar muziek aan het luisteren. Tom was listening to music. Tomás was listening to music. Wohin ist sie gegangen? Where has she gone? Where did she go? Er stellte der Dame, die neben ihm stand, einige Fragen. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. Ik kom út Seelân. I'm from Zeeland. I come from Zealand. מענטשן זענען נאַריש. People are silly. People are foolish. In dissen Laden warrt keen Alkohol verköfft. Liquor is not sold at this store. This shop does not contain alcohol Ich möchte, dass du mir ein Messer holst. I want you to get me a knife. I want you to get me a knife. Er starb an einer Überdosis. He died of a drug overdose. He died of an overdose. Mit wem redest du? With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? Wären Sie bitte so freundlich, ein wenig langsamer zu sprechen? Could you be so kind as to speak more slowly, please? Would you be so kind to talk a little slower? Meine Frau hat gerade den Tisch abgeräumt. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just cleaned the table. Wenn Tom mich wirklich mögen würde, hätte er das nicht getan. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have done that. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have. Doe de deur toe, a.u.b. Shut the door, please. Close the door, please. Das könnte man über viele andere auch sagen. The same can be said of many other persons. That could be said about many others. Was hast du? What's the matter with you? What do you got? Mijn laptop draait Linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running Linux. Het zal de wond verergeren. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Ik zoek mijn sleutels. Heb jij ze gezien? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Hurom sen ali waaken? Why is everyone awake? Why watch his ali? Tom heeft een vraag. Tom has got a question. Tom has a question. Tom sagte Maria, sie solle sich nicht in seine privaten Angelegenheiten einmischen. Tom told Mary not to interfere in his personal affairs. Tom told Maria not to interfere in his private affairs. Ich bin von mir selbst überrascht. I'm surprised at myself. I'm surprised by myself. Tom stieg in seinen Wagen und fuhr weg. Tom got into his car and drove off. Tom got into his car and drove away. Ich bin auch verhaftet worden. I was arrested, too. I've been arrested, too. An ’n 14. Februar fiert de Amerikaners Valentinsdag. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, the Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day. Tom blutet. Tom is bleeding. Tom's bleeding. Ons stel voor alle kontak met die rebelle word afgesny. We recommend cutting off all further contact with the rebels. We suggest that all contact with the rebels be cut off. Ik hou van knoflook. I like garlic. I like garlic. דער ציל פֿון מאַמע איז געווען א דיפּלאָם אָבער דער ציל פֿון טאַטע איז געווען מאַמע. Mom’s goal was to graduate college but dad’s goal was mom. The purpose of the man was to deplor the target, but the goal of the tattoo was to be ma'am. Mario's Pub is waar het gebeurt. Mario's Pub is where the action is. Mario's Pub is where it happens. k Ree. I drove. k ready. Du siehst heute anders aus. You look different today. You look different today. Der Junge hat Angst vor der Dunkelheit. The boy is afraid of the dark. The boy is afraid of the darkness. Het spijt me maar ik ga te laat zijn. Ik zit vast in het verkeer. Sorry but I'm going to be late, I'm stuck in traffic! I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be late, I'm stuck in traffic. Als ik je paspoort vind, zal ik je roepen. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you. Hij zit aan tafel. He's sitting at the table. He's at the table. Dit is een auto en dat is een bus. This is a car and that is a bus. This is a car and that's a bus. Er lächelt mir freundlich zu. He smiles kindly at me. He smiles at me kindly. Wird es nicht langsam mal Zeit, dass ihr euren Streit beendet und das Vergangene vergangen sein lasst? Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? Will it not be time for you to end your dispute and let the past pass away? Warum fährt das Schiff nicht? Why isn't the ship moving? Why doesn't the ship drive? Hest du dien Huusopgaven al maakt? Have you done your homework yet? Have you done your homework yet? Warum sind Sie plötzlich so neugierig? Why are you curious all of a sudden? Why are you so curious all of a sudden? k Woon ien Grunnen. I live in Groningen. Cannot live one reason. Is er een toegang voor rolstoelen? Is there wheelchair access? Is there access for wheelchairs? Dat Schipp is nu in ’n Haven. The ship is now in the harbor. That Ship is now in a port. De prins wil een wit paard. The prince wants a white horse. The prince wants a white horse. Wit witon þe ᵹit lēoᵹaþ. We two know that you two lie. White white lyric. Ons is baie dronk. We're quite drunk. We are very drunk. Tom will nicht zugeben, dass er ein Alkoholproblem hat. Tom doesn't want to admit that he has a drinking problem. Tom doesn't want to admit he has an alcohol problem. Ik vertroo di. I trust you. I trusted di. Echti Männer trinked Tee. Real men drink tea. Real men drank tea. Wir müssen weit gehen. We have a long way to go. We have to go far. Het is de zijne. It's his. It's his. In welcher Stadt wohnst du? What city do you live in? Which city do you live in? Das betrifft dich. This concerns you. It's about you. Het was tachtig meter lang. It was eighty meters long. It was eighty yards long. Spaanstaligen kunnen gemakkelijk Italiaans leren. Spanish speakers can learn Italian easily. Spanish-speaking people can easily learn Italian. Gain probleem! No problem! Gain problem! Alice is mijn moeder. Alice is my mother. Alice is my mother. Ich freute mich sehr, ihn zurückgehen zu sehen. I was very glad to see him go back. I was very happy to see him go back. So etwas wie Glück gibt's nicht. There's no such thing as luck. There's no such thing as happiness. Wir wissen es zu schätzen, dass Sie kommen. We appreciate you coming. We appreciate you coming. Morgen ben ik jarig. Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be my birthday tomorrow. Ich frage mich, was passiert, wenn ich diesen Knopf drücke. I'm wondering what'll happen if I push this button. I wonder what happens when I press this button. Hutt dir mech net gesinn? Didn't you see me? Didn't you see me? Vielleicht schneit es. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it's snowing. Seid ruhig und hört mir zu. Be quiet and listen to me. Be quiet and listen to me. Spreekt u Tataars? Do you speak Tatar? Do you speak Tatar? Der Junge änderte seine Meinung nicht. The boy didn't change his opinion. The boy didn't change his mind. Maria bat Tom, ihr den Reißverschluss ihres Kleides zuzumachen. Mary asked Tom to zip up her dress. Maria asked Tom to close the zipper of her dress. „Seid ihr Vegetarier?“ - „Nein, du?“ "Are you a vegetarian?" - "No, are you?" “Are you vegetarians?” - “No, you?” Hij is golf aan het spelen. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Es ist ein Bub. It's a boy. It's a bub. Mein Onkel ist in Finnland gewesen. My uncle has been to Finland. My uncle has been to Finland. Waarom zou iemand Tom vermoorden? Why would someone kill Tom? Why would someone kill Tom? Ik ben gek op mijn werk. I love my work a lot. I love my work. Ik wist dat je Boston leuk zou vinden. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Soweit ich weiß, gibt es eine solche Funktion nicht. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Ik heb ze nooit zo gespannen gezien. I've never seen them so tense. I've never seen them like that. Gefällt euch eure neue Arbeit? Are you pleased with your new job? Do you like your new job? Staarf! Die! Starve! Ich bin nur zu froh, dir bei deiner Arbeit zu helfen. I am only too glad to help you with your work. I'm just too happy to help you with your work. k Droag voak stevels. I often wear boots. k Dry vowel stems. Zij scheert het schaap. She is shearing the sheep. She's shaving the sheep. Wenn sie jetzt losginge, würde sie noch rechtzeitig kommen. If she'd set off now, she would make it on time. If she left now, she'd be back in time. Ik dacht dat u zei dat Tom een ​​slager was. I thought you said that Tom was a butcher. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. איך האב נישט געזעהן טאם אין מער פון דריי מאָנאַט. I haven't seen Tom for over three months. I did not find Tom in more of three Months. Zai holt van wien. She likes wine. Zai's bringing from whom. Ihr sagtet doch, das sei nicht ansteckend. I thought you said it wasn't contagious. You said it wasn't contagious. Woher weißt du, wie er heißt? How do you know his name? How do you know his name? Ik zeg tegen jou dat de kaart naar hier verwijst. I am telling you that the map points here. I'm telling you, the map refers to this. Veel mensen zijn hypocriet. A lot of people are hypocritical. A lot of people are hypocrite. Tom ist sehr wahrscheinlich spät dran. Tom is very likely to be late. Tom's probably late. Die Weltwirtschaft ist jetzt in einer Rezession. The world economy is in recession now. The world economy is now in recession. Is het niet andersom? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't it the other way around? Rood en blauw - welke verkies jij? Red and blue - which one do you like? Red and blue - which one do you prefer? Kan jy so lank wag? Can you wait that long? Can you wait so long? Ze hielpen Tom door de problemen heen. They saw Tom through the trouble. They helped Tom through the troubles. Das ist gehupft wie gesprungen. It's six of one and a half dozen of another. It's hopped like jumped. Er geht praktisch niemals ins Kino. He seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema. He's practically never going to the cinema. Halt! Stop! Stop! Vraag het aan hen. Ask them. Ask them. Worüm hest du versöcht wegtolopen? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to run away? Waarom zing je? Why are you singing? Why are you singing? Wat is jullie lievelingswoord? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Ze gingen allebei weg. The two of them left. They both left. Een oude vijver. Een kikker springt erin. Het geluid van water. An old pond. A frog jumps in. The sound of water. An old pond, a frog jumps into it, the sound of water. Vanaf hoe laat kunnen we inchecken? What time do you start check-in? From what time can we check in? Toms huis heeft geen kelder. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Het is echt gebeurd. It really happened. It really happened. Smiet de Tiedschrift nich weg. Don't throw away this magazine. Do not remove the magazine. Dat is zijn stiefbroer. That's his stepbrother. That's his step brother. Niemand vertel my wat om the doen nie. No one tells me what to do. Nobody tells me what to do them. Ik zal mijn best doen je niet lastig te vallen bij het studeren. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to bother you studying. Ik schrijf een brief. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Guifft dat en anner Woord för Synonym? Is there another word for synonym? Is that another word for synonym? De premier is opgestapt. The Prime Minister has resigned. The Prime Minister has stepped up. Tom fing an, Hunger zu verspüren. Tom was beginning to feel hungry. Tom started to feel hungry. Tom heeft me aan Mary voorgesteld. Tom introduced me to Mary. Tom introduced me to Mary. Laten we deze problemen een voor een bekijken. Let's look at these problems one at a time. Let's look at these problems one by one. Hett he recht? Is he correct? He's right? Tom heeft een Pikachu-kussen. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Ik hoop dat er niets met haar is gebeurd. I hope nothing's happened to her. I hope nothing happened to her. Wenn du nicht aufhörst, sag ich’s meiner Mama! If you don't stop, I'll tell my Mom. If you don't stop, I'll tell my mom! Wat kin k zeggen? What can I say? What can I say? Unterstützen Sie Reparationen für Sklaverei? Do you support reparations for slavery? Do you support repairs for slavery? Ik heb in de brand mijn schoen verloren. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoe in the fire. Disse hier? Is this it? This one? Ik heb gisteren net zo'n pen gekocht als jij hebt. I bought a pen like yours yesterday. I bought a pen like you did yesterday. Ich wünsch Ihne e schöne Daag. Have a nice day. I wish him a nice day. Tom spricht mit seinen Großeltern Französisch. Tom speaks French to his grandparents. Tom speaks French with his grandparents. Das ist nicht so schwierig. This isn't so difficult. That's not so difficult. De kinderen pakten hun schaatsen en gingen richting de bevroren vijver. The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond. The children took their skates and went towards the frozen pond. איך רעד שפּאַניש. I speak Spanish. I red Spanish. Ich habe gerade aufgewaschen. I've just washed the dishes. I just washed up. Tom schien betrunken zu sein. Tom appeared intoxicated. Tom seemed drunk. Es versteckt sich im Wandschrank. He's hiding in the closet. It's hidden in the wall cabinet. He weer en goden König. He was a good king. He's again and God's King. Ze zijn creatief. They're creative. They're creative. ווי שיין זי איז! How beautiful she is! How beautiful she is! Tom scheint keinen Sinn für Humor zu haben. Tom seems to have no sense of humor. Tom doesn't seem to have any sense of humor. Tom hat absichtlich ein falsches Gerücht in den Gesellschaftsklatsch der Stadt eingestreut, nur um zu sehen, wie schnell es sich verbreiten würde. Tom deliberately fed a false rumour to the town gossip, just to see how quickly it would spread. Tom deliberately spread a false rumor into the city's social class just to see how fast it would spread. Ich möchte diese Frage lieber nicht beantworten. I'd rather not answer that question. I would rather not answer this question. שרײַב אָן אַ באַריכט. Write a report. Read without a review. Hij leest graag boeken. He likes to read books. He likes to read books. Sie sollten es zu Fuß innerhalb von 5 Minuten erreichen. You should get there in five minutes walking. You should reach it on foot within 5 minutes. Ik heb een oom die in Kyoto woont. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. Ihre Ehrlichkeit ist fragwürdig. Their honesty is dubious. Your honesty is questionable. Wat is dat dann? What is it then? What's that? Ich dachte, sie würden dich nicht mögen. I thought they wouldn't like you. I thought they wouldn't like you. Van wie heb je dit gekregen? Who did you get this from? Who gave you this? Ik glööv dat nich mehr. I don't believe it any longer. I no longer believe that. Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Regent het in jouw stad? Is it raining in your city? Is it raining in your city? De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located on the Pinostraat. Ich bin bedürftig. I'm needy. I'm in need. Disneyland is gebouwd in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Sind Sie schlechter Laune? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? Woarop wachten joe? What're you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Deze webstek is waardeloos. This website is useless. This website is worthless. Ik leer Hettitisch. I'm learning Hittite. I'm learning hettitic. Tom weet niet wat er mis ging. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom rannte den Hügel hinunter. Tom ran down the hill. Tom ran down the hill. Was hat dich hierher verschlagen? What made you come here? What happened to you here? Tom heeft de geheugen van een goudvis. Tom has the memory of a gold fish. Tom has the memory of a goldfish. Die Behandlung wurde durch einen wohlwollenden Spender ermöglicht. The treatment was made possible by a benevolent donor. Treatment was made possible by a benevolent donor. עס איז גוט פֿאַר אונדז צו עסן וועדזשטאַבאַלז יעדער טאָג. It's good for us to eat vegetables every day. It's good for us to eat vegetations every day. Het begon pijpestelen te regenen. It began to rain cats and dogs. It started to rain pipes. Waar is mijn appelsap? Where's my apple juice? Where's my apple juice? Oma kickt geern Feernsehn. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandma's kicking TV. Het Engels is niet mijn moedertaal. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. צו געזונט!‎‎ Bless you! Too good! Sie haben hier keinen Zutritt! You aren't allowed in here. You don't have access here! Waarom is ze gebleven? Why did she stay? Why did she stay? Ist deine Schule weit von zu Hause entfernt? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far from home? Hou is Azie? How is Asia? How's Asia? Ich habe angefangen, das Buch zu lesen. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. He hett en Överdosis Kokain nahmen. He OD'd on cocaine. He took an overdose of cocaine. Tom sal nie verander nie. Tom won't change. Tom will not change. Se is jung storven. She died young. She's young. Wêrom joust my net wat ik ha wol? Why don't you give me what I want to have? Why do you give me just what I have wool? Better in blyn hynder as in leech helter. Half a loaf is better than none. Better in remaining hender than in a blank heel. Waarom is de hemel blauw? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Wie oft habe ich das Ihnen schon gesagt? How many times have I told you? How many times have I told you? Dis die laaste strooi. That's the last straw! That's the last straw. Angela Merkel wurde in Ostdeutschland geboren. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט קלײנע הענטעלעך. Donald Trump has small hands. Here's where I left off. De roman kan je in vijf talen lezen. The novel can be read in five languages. The novel can be read in five languages. Das beweist meine Theorie. This proves my theory. That proves my theory. Tom brak zijn beide benen. Tom broke both his legs. Tom broke both his legs. He hett en witte Katt. He's got a white cat. He's got a white cat. Zijn jullie twee vrienden? Are you two friends? Are you two friends? Tom fährt gewöhnlich mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule. Tom usually goes to school by bicycle. Tom usually rides to school by bicycle. Appeldwatschen Kraam. Nonsense. Apple stuffy stuffy. Houdt u van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Bitte erzähle mir von deiner Reise. Please tell me about your trip. Please tell me about your trip. Maria houdt erg veel van melk. Mary likes milk very much. Maria loves milk very much. "Hoe oud is jy?" "Ek is sestien." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Tom hat nicht mal hallo gesagt. Tom didn't even say hi. Tom didn't even say hello. איר טוישט זיך נישט ווי א גלח. You don't look like a priest. You are not changing as an priest. Ik haat jaloerse vrouwen. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. Deutschland hat zwei Hauptstädte. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Ik heb mijn vriendin ontmoet op een Esperantocongres. I met my girlfriend on an Esperanto congress. I met my girlfriend at a Esperanto Congress. Tom weiß, wie man Witze erzählt. Tom knows how to tell jokes. Tom knows how to tell jokes. De keukendeur ging open. The kitchen door opened. The kitchen door opened. Zijn Kabylische vrouwen mooi? Are Kabyle women beautiful? Are Kabylic women beautiful? Twee gezinnen wonen in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Der Hund lief rückwärts. The dog walked backward. The dog ran backwards. Tom stottert. Tom is stuttering. Tom stutters. Ons almal lieg. We all lie. All of us lie. Ek het 'n afspraak gehad om 2:30, maar ek was vasgevang in die verkeer en kon nie daar kom in tyd nie. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I was caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. Die ou man het op die grond geval. The old man fell down on the ground. The old man fell to the ground. Weet jij wat dat betekent? Do you know what that means? Do you know what that means? Zijn dit jullie paarden? Are these your horses? Are these your horses? De zomerdagen kunnen heel, heel heet zijn. Summer days can be very, very hot. The summer days can be very, very hot. Laat me sterven. Let me die. Let me die. Kennst du meinen Bruder Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Sie wurde sehr stark kritisiert. She took a lot of flak. It has been highly criticized. Het is misleidend. It's misleading. It's misleading. Was gibt es bei euch heute zum Abendessen? What will you have for dinner tonight? What's going on with you today for dinner? Alles, was ich habe, ist ein Buch. All I have is one book. All I have is a book. Blötschkopp! You blockhead! Son of a bitch! Ik denk dat iedereen dat weet. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows that. De terroristen zwoeren wraak op dat land. The terrorists swore vengeance on that country. The terrorists swore revenge on that country. Ich glaube nicht, dass Tom weiß, wo das Postamt ist. I don't think Tom knows where the post office is. I don't think Tom knows where the post office is. Slijp je potlood. Sharpen your pencil. Sharpen your pencil. Alexander is niet jonger dan Vladimir. Alexander is not younger than Vladimir. Alexander is no younger than Vladimir. Wie lange, glaubst du, dauert es, nach Boston zu kommen? How long do you think it'll take to get to Boston? How long do you think it takes to come to Boston? Wie is je favoriete tv-ster? Who's your favorite TV star? Who's your favorite TV star? דאָס ברויט איז טײַער. The bread is expensive. This is ready. De bloempot is stuk. The flower pot is broken. The flowerpot's broken. Haijo holt van kadoaverstoaven. Haijo loves frikandels. Haijo's cave of cadavers. פֿאַראַן אַ זאַך װאָס מע זאָגט דערױף: זע, דאָס איז אַ נײַס;איז עס שױן געװען אין אַלטע צײַטןװאָס זײַנען געװען פֿאַר אונדז. Is there a thing of which it may be said, "Behold, this is new?" It has been long ago, in the ages which were before us. For a thing which is called the family: see, this is a news; it has already been in old times for us. Wo waren deine Eltern? Where were your parents? Where were your parents? Waarom zou ik boos op je zijn? Why would I be mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? Ze is op haar zeventiende getrouwd. She got married at the age of 17. She married on her seventeenth. Er hat eine Schachtel Pralinen gegessen. He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of chocolates. Ist das meines? Is this mine? Is that mine? Wat is der te rêden? What's the matter? What's the point? Zie je de beer? Do you see the bear? See the bear? Die Maschine generierte riesige Mengen an Elektrizität. The machine generated large amounts of electricity. The machine generated huge amounts of electricity. Tom had niet het lef om zelfmoord te plegen. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide. Tom didn't have the nerve to kill himself. Zo heb ik het niet gezegd. I didn't say it like that. That's not how I said it. Tom ist mit dem legendären Orientexpress von Paris nach Istanbul gefahren. Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Tom drove the legendary Orientexpress from Paris to Istanbul. De Tom het gern Chäs. Tom likes cheese. The Tom likes Chäs. Können wir uns das erlauben? Can we afford this? Can we let ourselves do that? Ich ging auf dem See Schlittschuh laufen. I went skating on the lake. I was walking on the lake sleigh. De hoofdstad van het Verenigd Koninkrijk is Londen. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. Woarom ik? Why me? Why am I? We hebben geen kinderen. We don't have kids. We don't have children. Tom is alleen geïnteresseerd in knappe meiden. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in pretty girls. Ech ka kee Lëtzebuergesch. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I can't do it. Komst doe? Are you coming? Come on? Es wurden fünfzehn Personen bei dem Unfall verletzt. There were fifteen persons injured in the accident. Fifteen people were injured in the accident. Ik ben net grootvader geworden. I've just become a grandfather. I just became a grandfather. Wil je eerst? Do you want to go first? You want to go first? Tom und Maria erörterten das Für und Wider einer Mindestlohnerhöhung. Tom and Mary were discussing the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. Tom and Maria discussed the pros and cons of a minimum wage increase. Jy is dronk! You are drunk! You're drunk! Wo goot hest du Tom kennt? How well did you know Tom? How well did you know Tom? It is net allegearre goud wat der blinkt. All that glitters is not gold. It's not alleged gold that blinks. Wir sollten nicht vergessen, dass Tom kein Französisch versteht. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. We should not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Iohannes ġeaf Marian þone æppel. John gave Mary the apple. Iohannes off Marian æppel. Miene Kinner sünd in ’e School. My children are at school. My children are in ’ school. Tom zal vannacht niet hier zijn. Tom won't be here tonight. Tom won't be here tonight. Kijk eens naar die koalabeer daar. Look at that koala over there. Look at that koala bear over there. Tom führte die Männergruppe in sein Büro. Tom led the group of men into his office. Tom took the men's group to his office. Tom hat mir Französisch beigebracht. Tom taught me French. Tom taught me French. Je kon geen ster aan de hemel zien. Not a star was to be seen in the sky. You couldn't see a star in heaven. Ze is verslaafd aan winkelen. She's addicted to shopping. She's addicted to shopping. Warum wollen Sie sich die Sache nicht gründlich überlegen? Why not turn the matter over in your mind? Why don't you think things over? Wir müssen dem Einhalt gebieten. We have to stop it. We have to stop it. Uw fiets is beter dan de mijne. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. מיר זענען געגאַנגען. We went on foot. we were started. Mien schink is kloar. My bacon is ready. My cup is clear. Das iPhone ist ein außergewöhnliches Handy. The iPhone is an extraordinary cell phone. The iPhone is an extraordinary mobile phone. Ich hätte gerne Kakao. I'd like to have some hot chocolate. I'd like cocoa. Ik voel me hier alsof ik jullie eigen kamer binnendrong. Here I feel like I have entered your own room. I feel like I was in your own room. Ek's honger. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Sie gehören mir nicht. They aren't mine. They don't belong to me. Een leeuw is een dier. A lion is an animal. A lion is an animal. Ich muss etwas Persönliches mit dir besprechen. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something personal with you. Help! Ek verdrink! Help! I'm drowning! I'm drowning! Studeerst doe? Are you studying? Stude first? Jo, Bob hett mi hulpen. Yes, Bob helped me. Jo, Bob's got me help. Ich könnte etwas Schlaf gebrauchen. I need to get some shut-eye. I could use some sleep. Maria braucht nicht zu singen, wenn sie nicht will. Mary doesn't have to sing if she doesn't want to. Mary doesn't need to sing if she doesn't want to. Ik was beschaamd om in oude kleren uit te gaan. I was ashamed to go out in old clothes. I was ashamed to go out in old clothes. Die Atomnummer für Wasserstoff ist 1. The atomic number for hydrogen is 1. The atomic number for hydrogen is 1. Sing uns noch en Leed! Sing us another song! Sing us another song! Buenos Aires is de hoofdstad van Argentinië. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Een zekere mijnheer Brown is vanmorgen gekomen. A Mr Brown came this morning. A certain Mr Brown came this morning. Heb je een pen? Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? De komkommer is bitter? Gooi het dan weg! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! The cucumber is bitter? Er warf einen Blick auf das Mädchen. He stole a glance at the girl. He took a look at the girl. Als ik je goed begrepen heb dan wil je het uitmaken met me! If I understood you right you want to break up with me! If I understand you well, you want to break up with me! Ich möchte Ingenieur werden. I want to become an engineer. I want to be an engineer. Laat mij mijn advocaat opbellen. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Ik dronk een biertje. I drank a beer. I drank a beer. Diese Arbeit wird gut bezahlt. This job pays very well. This work is well paid. I see the white lioun. I see the white lion. I saw the white ring. k Denk dat Tom geliek het. I think that Tom is right. k think Tom was equal. Avendeten is trech. Dinner's ready. Evening is a step. Zou je graag beroemd willen zijn? Would you like to be famous? Would you like to be famous? Er wird ihr ein guter Ehemann sein. He will make her a good husband. He'll be a good husband to her. Ik wil jullie allebei op mijn kantoor zien. I want to see you both in my office. I want to see you both in my office. Bitte stellt diese Stühle weg! Please put those chairs away. Please put those chairs away! Was ist mit Tom? Sollten wir den nicht auch einladen? What about Tom? Shouldn't we invite him too? What about Tom? Ik ben mijn sleutel kwijtgeraakt. I lost my key. I lost my key. Tom hat es möglich gemacht. Tom has made it happen. Tom made it possible. „Wen kümmert’s?“ – „Mich!“ "Who cares?" "I care." “Who cares?” – “Mich!” Worauf seid ihr stolz? What do you take pride in? What are you proud of? Ik heb u nodig. I need you. I need you. Beter as nix. Better than nothing. Better than nothing. Woneem is dien Kamer? Where is your room? Where's your room? Wir hatten Spaß am Einkauf. We had fun shopping. We had fun shopping. Jy is baie oulik. You're very cute. You're very cute. Tom stand mitten in der Nacht auf und verzehrte eine ganze Packung Kekse. Tom woke up in the middle of the night and ate an entire bag of cookies. Tom got up in the middle of the night and consumed a whole pack of cookies. Terwijl hij rust, luistert hij naar muziek. While resting, he listens to music. While resting, he listens to music. Tom versuchte, Maria dazu zu bringen, Johannes zu helfen. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Ich nahm mich der Katze an. I took care of her cat. I took the cat. Bist du heute in die Schule gegangen? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Tom is al de hele dag bij Mary. Tom has been with Mary all day. Tom's been with Mary all day. Mein Vater und ich gehen ab und zu fischen. My father and I go fishing once in a while. My father and I go fishing every now and then. מען זאלט אריינגיין אין שטוב. We should go inside the house. Accession is possible in the home. Ek het skoon van haar vergeet. I forgot all about her. I forgot about her cleanly. Toms ogen zijn groen. Tom's eyes are green. Tom's eyes are green. Er wohnt in New York. He lives in New York. He lives in New York. Vader stichtte zijn onderneming 40 jaar geleden. Father established his business 40 years ago. Father founded his business 40 years ago. Het water werd gezuiverd. The water has been cleaned. The water was purified. Hij vergeleek de kopie met het origineel. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy with the original. אסתּר לערנט העברעיִש. Esther teaches Hebrew. We've been learning letters. Ik ben jong. I am young. I'm young. Ria wahnt in Kairo. Mary lives in Cairo. Ria's in Cairo. Tom muss da nicht reingehen. Tom doesn't have to go in there. Tom doesn't have to go in there. Wir müssen Vertrauen in den Präsidenten haben. We must have faith in the president. We must have confidence in the President. Wo hast du deinen Sommerurlaub verbracht? Where did you spend your summer vacation? Where did you spend your summer vacation? Haar woede is volkomen terecht. Her outrage is completely justified. Her anger is perfectly justified. Heeft hij je de waarheid gezegd? Did he tell you the truth? Did he tell you the truth? Ich finde, du solltest Tom eine Chance geben. I think you should give Tom a chance. I think you should give Tom a chance. Sei bitte behutsam. Please be gentle. Please be careful. Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, was er tun solle. Tom said he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Tom said he didn't know what to do. Ik heff een grölen höört. I heard someone shouting. I have a gruesome hearer. Ich wartete drei Stunden auf Tom, aber er ließ sich nicht blicken. I waited for Tom for three hours, but he never showed up. I waited three hours for Tom, but he didn't let himself look. S Buech isch wiis. The book is white. S Beech swiss. Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain. I can't explain. Reicht dein Verstand, dies zu begreifen, und bist du kühn genug, danach zu handeln? Do you have the brains to realize it and the guts to act on it? Is your mind enough to understand this, and are you bold enough to act after it? Zai zwemt. She swims. Zai swims. Houden zij van sinaasappels? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? Is er brood? Is there any bread? Is there bread? Ik heff anfungen, Esperanto to lehren. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I started teaching Esperanto. Maria hielp mij. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Der Saturn hat viele Monde. Saturn has a lot of moons. Saturn has a lot of moons. Tom berührte meine Schulter. Tom touched my shoulder. Tom touched my shoulder. Ich hatte nicht erwartet dich hier zu finden. I didn't expect to find you here. I didn't expect to find you here. Ik kan het niet geloven! I can't believe it. I can't believe it! Tom hat mich von seiner Unschuld überzeugt. Tom convinced me of his innocence. Tom convinced me of his innocence. Wat kin k broeken? What can I use? What can kpants? Hai is aan t laigen. He's lying. Hai's lying. Bitte kommt her. Please come here. Please come here. Iedereen heeft hulp nodig. Everybody needs help. Everyone needs help. Dat engelsche Alphabet hett 26 Bookstaven. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Ein Herr Jones kam vorbei, als du nicht zu Hause warst. A Mr Jones came while you were out. A Mr. Jones came by when you weren't home. Tom hat mich auf den Mund geküsst. Tom kissed me on the lips. Tom kissed me on the mouth. Hij stond aan de deur. He was standing at the door. He was at the door. Tegucigalpa is de hoofdstad van Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Etwas Lustiges passiert in unserer Klasse immer. Something funny is always happening in our class. Something funny always happens in our class. Der Hausbesitzer ist ein netter Mensch. The owner of the house is a nice person. The homeowner is a nice person. Magst du das wirklich? Do you actually like this? Do you really like that? Sēo heorte ǣnlīċe can wel sēon. Þæt weorþlīċe is ēaġum unġesewen. One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. The westerly of the city. The westerly westerly westerly westerly of the city. Se hett en gesund Baby kregen. She gave birth to a healthy baby. She was having a healthy baby. Waar is de kalender? Where is the calendar? Where's the calendar? טראָמפּ װילט קױפֿן גרינלאַנד. Trump wants to buy Greenland. Trump wants to climb Greenland. Frysk is myn memmetaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Frisian is my memmetal. Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hom. Find out all you can about him. Find out everything you can about him. Ich helfe ihm. I help him. I'll help him. Hie comon þa to þære stowe þe him gesweotolode God, and he þær weofod arærde on þa ealdan wisan, and þone wudu gelogode swa swa he hit wolde habban to his suna bærnette siððan he ofslægen wurde. They came to the place that was revealed to him by God, and he there erected an altar in the ancient manner, and the wood was arranged just as he wanted to have it happen for his son's burning after he slayed him. He came to a death by God, and he knew that he would have liked to be converted to his suna bærnette siðan he was killed. Tom hat seine Aussage über mich zurückgenommen. Tom took back what he had said about me. Tom took back his statement about me. Wo waren Sie? Where've you been? Where have you been? Dat zegt me iets. That rings a bell. That's what I'm saying. Tom und Maria mieteten sich ein Haus am Meer. Tom and Mary rented a house by the sea. Tom and Maria rented a house by the sea. Hock na! Take a seat. Hock after! Het klopt aan de deur. It knocks on the door. It's on the door. Tom war neugierig. Tom was curious. Tom was curious. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. I don't mind Tom coming with his new girlfriend. Ik heff allens seggt. I've said everything. I said everything. Ik wil dat hij daar naartoe gaat. I want him to go there. I want him to go there. Zweifelst du noch an dem, was ich gesagt habe? Are you still in doubt about what I have said? Do you still have any doubts about what I said? Ich mische mich da nicht ein. I'm not getting involved in this. I'm not interfering. Mein Flug geht in weniger als einer Stunde. My flight leaves in less than an hour. My flight is going in less than an hour. Ich finde, es wäre hirnrissig, das zu tun. Doing that seems like a stupid idea to me. I think it would be risky to do that. Warum ist das wichtig? Why is that important? Why is that important? Rijken zijn niet altijd gelukkiger dan armen. The rich are not always happier than the poor. Riches are not always happier than poor. Du verlangst das Unmögliche von mir. You ask me to do the impossible. You're demanding the impossible of me. Ich habe ihn seither nicht gesehen. I have not seen him since. I haven't seen him since. Het duurt even om zich te ontspannen. It takes a while to relax. It takes a while to relax. Wat för welk sünd de besten? Which are the best ones? Which one are the best? Dieses Thema ist zu privat, um es mit einem flüchtigen Bekannten zu diskutieren. That topic is too intimate to share with casual acquaintances. This topic is too private to discuss it with a volatile acquaintance. Ik heff Tom seggt, dat ik meud bün. I told Tom that I was tired. I've got Tom saying I'm a meud. Ek wil 'n blou koek hê. I want a blue cake. I want a blue cake. Tom ist der dickste Mensch, den ich kenne. Tom is the fattest person I know. Tom is the fattest person I know. Je kunt water drinken, maar dat kun je ook laten. You can drink water, but you can also let it be. You can drink water, but you can leave it. Das ist ein alter Apparat. This is an old device. It's an old machine. Ik wil dat je beter werkt. I want you to work better. I want you to work better. Laten we het vandaag hierbij houden. Let's call it a day. Let's keep it today. Der alte Mann ist gebrechlich. The old man is frail. The old man is fragile. Hij lijkt op zijn moeder. He looks like his mother. He looks like his mother. Tom is vertaler. Tom is a translator. Tom is a translator. Ons sal hierdie verder bespreek. We will continue the discussion. We will discuss these further. Es ist mir nicht gestattet, Alkohol zu trinken. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. Tom nahm sich ein Taxi. Tom took a cab. Tom took a cab. Es war dunkel, und ich konnte nichts sehen. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. It was dark, and I couldn't see anything. Ek maak my huiswerk klaar. I'm finishing my homework. I finish my homework. Seine Füße waren eingeschlafen. His feet were asleep. His feet had fallen asleep. Hij geeft handvaardigheidsles op school. He teaches arts and crafts in a school. He teaches manual skills in school. De recente vooruitgang in de geneeskunde is opmerkelijk. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Hij loopt nooit te koop met zijn leren. He never makes a show of his learning. He never runs for sale with his learning. Ich sollte versuchen, Tom dazu zu bewegen. I should try to get Tom to do that. I should try to get Tom to do it. Keine Bewegung, oder ich schieße. Don't move, or I'll shoot you. Don't move, or I'll shoot. Dat wordt aan het eind enigszins uitgelegd. That is somewhat explained at the end. That is a bit explained at the end. Fadil bekeerde zich stiekem tot de islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Viel Glück! Good luck! Good luck! China is rijk aan natuurlijke grondstoffen. China is rich in natural resources. China is rich in natural raw materials. Woneem hebbt ji Düütsch lehrt? Where did you learn German? Where did you learn from? Hebben jullie een zaklantaarn nodig? Do you need a torch? Do you guys need a flashlight? Du musst ihm ein paar neue Sachen kaufen. You need to buy him some new clothes. You have to buy him some new stuff. Ek het dit nooit gesê nie. I never said that. I never said that. Kennst du die Antwort? Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? Er hat mich erpresst. He blackmailed me. He extorted me. Se mann is se cyning. That man is the king. Se mann's cyning. Ich bin in dich verliebt und will dich heiraten. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. Ik heb enkele boeken besteld uit Londen. I ordered some books from London. I ordered some books from London. Ik wie op syk nei eat wat der net wie. I was searching for something that didn't exist. I was looking for something that wasn't. Du solltest eigentlich wissen, dass man einen derart gefährlichen Ort besser nicht aufsucht. You ought to know better than to go to such a dangerous place. You should know that you better not visit such a dangerous place. Ik kan je helpen. I can help you. I can help you. Donder op. Get lost. Get the fuck out of here. Het paar besloot een wees te adopteren. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Maak de Döör dicht. Close the door. Close the door. De fangt an, de egen Lögen to glöven. They've started believing their own lies. It starts to believe your own lies. Woneem in de Törkie wahnst du? Where do you live in Turkey? Where in the Turkey do you expect? Het is vandaag niet zo heet als gisteren. It is not so hot today as yesterday. It's not as hot today as yesterday. Moi wichter. Hello, girls. Moi beggars. Vuile klootzak! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Wat dink jy van hierdie trui? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Es war sehr staubig im Haus. The house was very dusty. It was very dusty in the house. Mary heeft heel veel tassen. Mary has a lot of bags. Mary has a lot of bags. Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken over zoiets. You don't have to worry about something like that. You don't have to worry about anything like that. Tom isst viel ungesunde Schnellgerichte. Tom eats a lot of junk food. Tom eats a lot of unhealthy quick food. Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and beautiful dreams. Ein Knoten ist eine Seemeile pro Stunde. A knot is one nautical mile per hour. A knot is a nautical mile per hour. Nehmt ihr an dem Wettbewerb teil? Are you going to take part in the contest? Are you taking part in the competition? De Lüüd hebbt in Dörper wahnt. People used to live in villages. People were missing. Weet jy wat hy gesê het? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? Se kunn em nich övertügen, op en Peerd to rieden. She couldn't convince him to ride a horse. You could not transfer it to a peer. Se kann mi nich ophollen. She can't stop me. You cannot stop me. Drinkst du Wien? Do you drink wine? Do you drink Vienna? Poolsche Nagels sünd dürer as chineesche. Polish nails are more expensive than the Chinese ones. Polish nails are deeper than Chinese. Ich komme nicht sehr oft hierher. I don't come here very often. I don't come here very often. Wir haben nichts zu trinken. We have nothing to drink. We don't have anything to drink. Ek het verkoue gekry. I caught a cold. I had a cold. Tom ist schlecht gelaunt. Tom is bad-tempered. Tom's in a bad mood. D Rächnig, bitte. The check, please. D Vengeful, please. Ich denke, dein Englisch ist viel besser geworden. I think your English has gotten a lot better. I think your English has gotten much better. Er redet so, als würde er das Geheimnis kennen. He talks as if he knew the secret. He's talking like he knows the secret. Sami is een plattelandsjongen. Sami is a country boy. Sami's a rural boy. Ballen zijn rond. Balls are round. Balls are around. Tom schwimmt im Geld. Tom has piles of money. Tom's swimming in the money. Tom kan dalk dood gaan. Tom may die. Tom may die. Ik gah slapen. I am going to sleep. I'm going to sleep. Spricest þú on Russisce? Do you speak Russian? Is it right on Russisce? Du bist dran mit singen. It's your turn to sing. You're on it. Wie deed het? Who did it? Who did it? Wie is jouw lievelingsleraar? Who's your favorite teacher? Who's your favorite teacher? Toms Wohnung ist zwar klein, doch sehr gemütlich. Tom's apartment is small, but it's very cozy. Tom's apartment is small, but very cozy. Entschuldige das Durcheinander! Sorry about the mess. Excuse me! Ik heb hier een heleboel vrienden. I have a lot of friends here. I have a lot of friends here. Se hüng de Wäsch op de Lien. She hung the washing on the line. You are going to find the wax on the line. Er kann jedes Hindernis überwinden. He can overcome any obstacle. It can overcome any obstacle. Heb jij een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Ik denk, dus ik ben. I think, therefore I am. I think, so I'm. Nein, bin ich nicht; sondern du! No I'm not; you are! No, I'm not; you are! Nüms mag Krieg. No one likes war. Nothing likes war. Mijn broer gebruikt het. My brother uses it. My brother uses it. Ik drünk Melk. I drank milk. I'm drinking milk. Wilst doe meer schinken? Do you want some bacon? Would you like to pour more? Is jouw moeder thuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Zij is overleden. She passed away. She died. Man nennt es „kranken Humor“. It is called sick humor. It is called “sick humor. ” Hest du weten, dat Keerls, de jümmer de Antibaby-Pill nehmt, nich swanger warrt? Did you know that men who regularly take birth control pills don't get pregnant? Did you know that animals taking the antibaby pill any day do not get pregnant? Legen Sie ab und bleiben Sie ein bisschen. Take off your coat and stay a while. Put it down and stay a little bit. Ich bin alles andere als überzeugt. I'm not convinced at all. I'm anything but convinced. Hai is n mìnsk. He is human. Hai is nìnsk. Schauen Sie genauer hin. Look closer. Take a closer look. Ich lerne zu Hause Französisch. I study French at home. I'm learning French at home. Ich weiß nicht, ob Tom und Maria heute zu Hause sind. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are home today. I don't know if Tom and Maria are home today. Zijn auto was drie meter lang. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. Schlagen Sie Tom! Hit Tom. Hit Tom! Is mijn kleding al droog? Are my clothes already dry? Is my clothes dry yet? Was für Musik hörst du gern beim Fahren? What kind of music do you like to listen to when you're driving? What kind of music do you like to hear while driving? Ik meen wat ik zeg. I mean what I say. I mean what I'm saying. Er kam rechtzeitig an. He arrived in time. He arrived in time. Raus mit der Sprache! Tell the truth. Get out of the language! Hoe ziet uw planeet eruit? What does your planet look like? What does your planet look like? Er is tijd genoeg om dit huiswerk af te maken. There is enough time to finish this homework. There's enough time to finish this homework. Wir gehen nicht nach Boston. We're not going to Boston. We're not going to Boston. Zijn moeder stierf vier jaar later. His mother died four years later. His mother died four years later. Haben Sie schon gegessen? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten? Een cadeau voor jou. A gift for you. A gift for you. Is noch Melk dor? Is there any milk left? Is milk still there? Je bent net als je vader. You are just like your father. You're just like your father. Kan je dat ding eten? Is this thing edible? Can you eat that thing? We zullen nieuwe namen toevoegen aan onze lijst. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. Er heerst paniek op de Titanic. Panic rules on the Titanic. There's panic on the Titanic. Hij is gestopt om zijn schoenen aan te doen. He stopped to put on his shoes. He stopped wearing his shoes. Niet schieten. Hold fire. Don't shoot. Ich muss für die Prüfung lernen. I have to study for the exam. I have to learn for the exam. Zij is de minister-president van Finland. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. Hij verborg zich achter de deur. He hid behind the door. He's hiding behind the door. Sie schliefen. They slept. They were asleep. Ech ka Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I know Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I can read, German, French and English. Säin Haus ass kleng och ausserdeem al. His house is small and moreover it's old. His house is also small as well. Wie möchten Sie Ihren Kaffee: schwarz oder mit Sahne? How would you like your coffee, black or with cream? How would you like your coffee: black or cream? Ech ginn zu Fouss no Bilthoven. I walk to Bilthoven. So let me start with this problem. גוט שבת! Good Shabbos. Good Saturday! Ray war bereit, Garys Geschichte zu bestätigen, aber die Polizei war immer noch nicht überzeugt, dass einer von den beiden die Wahrheit erzählte. Ray was willing to corroborate Gary's story, but the police were still unconvinced that either of them were telling the truth. Ray was willing to confirm Gary's story, but the police were still not convinced that one of the two told the truth. Ik lees zijn boek. I read his book. I'm reading his book. He hett sik den Snappen in ’n Mau smeert. He wiped his nose on his sleeve. He smeared the snap in a mausoleum. דאַעש איז באַזיגט געוואָרן אין איראַק. Daesh has been defeated in Iraq. The river was visited in YOUAK. Jullie moeten zich verontschuldigen bij Tom. You must apologize to Tom. You have to apologize to Tom. פֿאַרוואָס טוען‎ מיר גאָרנישט? Why don't we do anything? For what do I do nothing? Ik wil niet dat je verandert. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Béon oþþe ne béon, þæt is þæt fræġn. To be or not to be, that is the question. The number of pages in the document. Tom fand die Musik zu laut, war aber zu müde, um aufzustehen und sie leiser zu stellen. Tom thought the music was too loud, but he was too tired to get up and turn the volume down. Tom found the music too loud, but was too tired to get up and put it down. Tom hat Maria zugezwinkert. Tom winked at Mary. Tom winked at Maria. Dit is communisme. This is communism. This is Communism. Welk land is dit? What country is this? What country is this? Behandele sie gut! Treat her well. Treat them well! Tom ist möglicherweise besser im Französischen, als du meinst. Tom might be better at French than you think he is. Tom may be better in French than you mean. Niemand bleibt stehen, um ihm zuzuhören. No one stops to listen to him. No one stops to listen to him. Je had gelijk. You were right. You were right. Ich habe „Krieg und Frieden“ auch noch nicht gelesen. I haven't read "War and Peace" either. I have not yet read “war and peace. ” זי ווילט איינער. She wants one. She wants one. Ik ben een druk iemand. I'm a busy person. I'm a busy guy. Ek gaan nie lank hier wees nie. I won't be here long. I'm not going to be here long. Zij is onze juf. She's our teacher. She's our lady. Sami doneerde zijn land aan de moskee. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. Sami donated his land to the mosque. Waar speelt gij tennis? Where do you play tennis? Where are you playing tennis? Ik weet zeker dat hij komt. He is sure to come. I'm sure he's coming. Waar zijn zij geboren? Where were they born? Where were they born? Melanie ist gerade beschäftigt. Melanie is busy right now. Melanie's just busy. Ik breng u naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Maria wäscht sich nur mit Quellwasser. Mary only washes in spring water. Maria only washes herself with spring water. Ist das Arabisch? - Nein, das ist Uighurisch, eine im Nordwesten Chinas gesprochene Sprache. Is this Arabic ? - No, this is Uighuric, a language spoken in North-West China. Is that Arabic? Ik ben in mijn kamer. I'm in my room. I'm in my room. Waarom help jy my nie om hengel wurms te vang nie? Why don't you help me find some fishing worms? Why don't you help me catch fish worms? Henry heeft niet meer dan zes dollar. Henry has no more than six dollars. Henry has no more than six dollars. Tom starb am Montagmorgen. Tom died on Monday morning. Tom died on Monday morning. Tun Sie Tom bitte nichts! Please don't hurt Tom. Don't do anything to Tom! Er is geen goud. There's no gold. There's no gold. Danke, Sherlock! Thanks, Sherlock. Thank you, Sherlock! Ich habe nur einen einzigen Bruder. I only have one brother. I only have one brother. n Koelkaast holdt vlaais vris. A refrigerator keeps meat fresh. n Fridge holds flakes free. Ich winsch dir en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you a Happy New Year. I'm gonna introduce you to Yaahr. Grulige Films warrt de Kinner woll bangmaken. Scary movies will frighten the children. Grate movies will scare the children. Der Fernseher funktioniert nicht. The television doesn't work. The TV doesn't work. Die Tür war nicht ganz geschlossen. The door wasn't completely closed. The door was not completely closed. Waar is het loket? Where's the ticket counter? Where's the loket? Er is een gele roos. There is a yellow rose. There's a yellow rose. Tom hat keine Chance. Tom doesn't stand a chance. Tom doesn't have a chance. Zij is twintig jaar oud. She is twenty years old. She's 20 years old. Ik hâld fan dy, sa asto bist. I love you just as you are. I like that, that's how asto is. De kat is yn it hûs. The cat is in the house. The cat is in the house. Hij was de enige die naar het feestje kwam. He was the only one who came to the party. He was the only one who came to the party. Wir haben Tom nicht gefunden. We didn't find Tom. We didn't find Tom. Tom kann solche Leute nicht ausstehen. Tom can't stand people like that. Tom can't stand people like that. Kënns du mat? Are you going to come along? Can you do that? Zai binnen goie lu. They're good people. Zai in goie lu. Wat is der mit dien aachtste aarm gebeurd? What happened to your eighth arm? What happened to this tallest arm? Hij sliep bijna. He was almost asleep. He almost slept. Der Junge von nebenan ist Kopf voran vom Baum gefallen. The boy next door fell head first from a tree. The boy from next door fell head forward from the tree. Jim läuft so schnell wie Ron. Jim runs as fast as Ron. Jim's running as fast as Ron. Mir kachen. We're cooking. Bake me. Harr Tom Fienden? Did Tom have any enemies? Harr Tom Finden? איך בין נישט מער קראנק. I'm not sick anymore. I'm no longer ill. Sie ist das Jüngste meiner drei Kinder. She is the youngest of my three children. She's the youngest of my three children. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mich weiter mit Französisch beschäftigt. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had continued to deal with French. איך אַרבעט מיט אײַך. I work with you. I work with a signal. Viele Zeitungsreporter waren bei dem Gerichtsverfahren anwesend. Many newspaper reporters attended the trial. Many newspaper reporters were present at the trial. Het jy hom gebel? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Ein Typ mit Namen Tom hat dich heute früh gesucht. A guy named Tom was looking for you this morning. A guy named Tom was looking for you this morning. Dies ist das Ergebnis ernsthafter und zielstrebiger Arbeit. This is the result of serious and determined work. This is the result of serious and determined work. Du bist dumm. You're stupid. You're stupid. Würdest du das wirklich für mich tun? Would you really do that for me? Would you really do that for me? Spreken jullie Chinees? Do you speak Chinese? Are you Chinese speaking? Du hast mir nicht alles gesagt. You didn't tell me everything. You didn't tell me everything. Ik verwacht nix von di. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Schiet op en stap in. Hurry up and get in. Hurry up and get in. Ich erfinde gerne Nützliches. I like to invent useful things. I like to invent useful things. Worüber lachst du? What makes you laugh like that? What are you laughing at? Herkules, ein Held der griechischen Antike, der wegen seiner übermenschlichen Kraft gefeiert wurde, wurde Zeit seines Lebens vom Hass Junos, der Göttin der Geburt, der Ehe und der Fürsorge, von den Römern als Königin der Götter verehrt, verfolgt. Hercules, an ancient Greek hero celebrated for his superhuman strength, was pursued throughout his life by the hatred of Juno, the goddess of birth, matrimony and care, worshipped as queen of gods by the romans. Hercules, a hero of Greek ancient times celebrated for his superhuman power, was persecuted during his life by the hatred of Junos, the goddess of birth, marriage and care, worshiped by the Romans as queen of gods. Du hättest Toms Gesichtsausdruck sehen sollen, als er es erfuhr! You should've seen the look on Tom's face when he found out. You should have seen Tom's facial expression when he found out! Ze lieten Tom in de steek. They left Tom behind. They abandoned Tom. Al mijn lessen zijn in het Frans. All of my classes are in French. All my lessons are in French. Het bloed was fel rood. The blood was bright red. The blood was bright red. Zeg me wat je zoekt en ik zal je helpen. Tell me what you are looking for and I will help you. Tell me what you're looking for and I'll help you. Boxen ist definiert worden als die Kunst zu treffen, ohne getroffen zu werden. Boxing has been defined as the art of hitting without being hit. Boxing has been defined as meeting the art without being hit. Du büst jümmer bloot an ’t Murren. You are always complaining. You're always exposed to murmuring. Luster goud. Listen up. Luster gold. Mijn vriend wil in Azerbeidzjan wonen. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. Es gibt hier Menschen, die deine Hilfe brauchen. There are people here who need your help. There are people here who need your help. Tom klopfte an die Tür, aber niemand reagierte darauf. Tom knocked on the door, but got no response. Tom knocked at the door, but no one responded. Kann ich bitte ein Glas Milch bekommen? Can I have a glass of milk, please? Can I have a glass of milk please? Es ist nicht gut, mit vollem Mund zu reden. It is not good to talk with your mouth full. It's not good to talk with your mouth. Was ist in den Kisten da? What's in those boxes? What's in the boxes? Tom macht jeden Morgen einen Dauerlauf. Tom goes jogging every morning. Tom makes a run every morning. Je hebt het juiste gedaan. You did the right thing. You did the right thing. Wann hast du dein Zimmer das letzte Mal aufgeräumt? When was the last time you tidied your room? When was the last time you cleaned up your room? Wo lang hest du op ’n Bus töövt? How long have you been waiting for the bus? How long did you wait on a bus? Hij is van mening veranderd als gevolg van de bruiloft. He changed his mind in consequence of the marriage. He changed his mind as a result of the wedding. Folgen Sie der Straße drei Häuserblocks lang. Go down this street three blocks. Follow the road for three blocks. Tom wird nicht überleben. Tom won't survive. Tom won't survive. Spreken ze Frans? Are they speaking French? Do they speak French? Es tut mir leid, ich habe keinen Bleistift zum Schreiben. I'm sorry I have no pencil to write with. I'm sorry, I don't have a pencil to write. Tom starb letztes Jahr. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Tom eet elke dag aardappelen. Tom eats potatoes every day. Tom eats potatoes every day. Das Jobangebot steht noch. The job offer still stands. The job offer is still available. Ik ben naar een concert geweest met Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. Maria sagte zu Tom: „Du hast einen Vogel!“ Mary said to Tom: "You're barmy!" Maria said to Tom: “You have a bird! ” Tom is een jonge student. Tom is a young student. Tom's a young student. Goa noar geroazie. Go to the garage. Goa noor geroazie. Kannst du sämtliche Dokumente zusammensuchen? Can you gather all of the papers together? Can you find all the documents together? צי זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Are you sure you want to find out what you are doing? Op dat moment bestond Google Translator nog niet. At that time, Google Translator didn't exist yet. At that time, Google Translator did not exist yet. Af un to is en Zigarr eenfach en Zigarr. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Occasionally a cigar is a simple cigar. Je zou Tom leuk vinden. You'd like Tom. You'd like Tom. Hmm, sukkeloademelk! Mmm, hot chocolate! Hmm, hardode milk! Hast du eine Schuluniform? Do you have a school uniform? Do you have a school uniform? Ich komme nach Hause. I'm coming home. I'm coming home. Laat je niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't let yourself be misled. Ganz gleich, was er auch sagen möge — verliere nicht die Fassung! Don't lose your temper whatever he may say. No matter what he may say, do not lose the version! Tom had rust nodig. Tom needed rest. Tom needed some rest. We gaan ons huis verkopen. We're going to sell our house. We're gonna sell our house. Maak die deur agter jou toe as jy die kamer verlaat. Close the door after you when you leave the room. Close the door behind you if you leave the room. Er bestaan veel onterechte vooroordelen tegen Esperanto. There is much undeserved prejudice against Esperanto. There are many unfair prejudices against Esperanto. Es geht mir gut. I am well. I'm fine. Ik dacht dat je om Tom gaf. I thought you cared about Tom. I thought you cared about Tom. Du musst stracks anfangen. You must start immediately. You've got to start tights. Er zit geen melk in het glas. There's no milk in the glass. There's no milk in the glass. Jullie hadden het geheim moeten houden. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it secret. Sie ist durch harte Arbeit und einen guten Sinn fürs Geschäftliche reich geworden. She became rich by virtue of hard work and good business sense. It has become rich through hard work and a good sense of business. Verlass unser Haus! Leave our house. Leave our house! k Eet. I'm eating. k Eat. Ik kan skiën. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Tom deutete auf die Überwachungskamera. Tom pointed at the security camera. Tom pointed to the surveillance camera. Van wie is deze camera? Whose camera is this? Who's this camera from? Hier leeft een pinguïnkolonie. A penguin colony lives there. Here lives a penguin colony. Ken je haar vader? Do you know her father? Do you know her father? Siehst du die Frauen da? Do you see those women? See the women there? אונדזערע פֿערד זענען מיד. Our horses are tired. Our fire is slow. Harr ik ehr Adress weten, harr ik ehr schreven. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. If I knew their address, I'd have written it. Wenn ich mit den Fingern schnipse, wachst du auf. When I snap my fingers, you'll wake up. When I snap my fingers, you wake up. Tom droomde. Tom dreamt. Tom dreamed. De Nederlânske flagge is read, wyt en blau. The Dutch flag is red, white and blue. The Dutch flag is red, white and blue. Er macht mich wahnsinnig. He drives me crazy. He's making me crazy. לאָמיר זיך עפּעס לערנען, למשל, אַ נײַע שפּראַך! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Hij toonde mij een foto van zijn eigen schilderij. He showed me a picture of his own painting. He showed me a picture of his own painting. Tom ist einer der wenigen, denen ich vertrauen kann. Tom is one of the few people I can trust. Tom's one of the few I can trust. De sünd in Gang Nummer twee. They're in aisle two. The number two is in gear. Hat es Ihnen Freude gemacht? Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy it? Als ik jouw stem voor maar 5 minuten hoor, ben ik daarna 23 uur en 55 minuten gelukkig. When I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, I am happy afterwards for 23 hours and 55 minutes. If I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, I'll be happy for 23 hours and 55 minutes. Tom starb 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Slaapwel iedereen! Good night, everybody! Good night, everybody! Die beiden Länder haben keine diplomatischen Beziehungen. The two countries do not have diplomatic relations. The two countries have no diplomatic relations. Tom deed zijn sokken uit. Tom took off his socks. Tom took off his socks. Hij moest stoppen met roken om zijn gezondheid te beschermen. He had to give up smoking to protect his health. He had to stop smoking to protect his health. Sie trägt einen Pulli aus Wolle. She wears a woolen sweater. She's wearing a woolen sweater. Wanneer zag je Tom voor het laatst? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Tatsächlicher Verlust der Freiheit bis zum Tod kann nur verhängt werden wegen eines heimtückischen Gewaltverbrechens. Actual life imprisonment can only be imposed because of a malicious violent crime. Indeed, the loss of freedom until death can only be imposed because of an insidious crime of violence. Wat is jo namme? What's your name? What is your name? Engels is heel moeilijk, nietwaar? English is pretty hard, isn't it? English is very difficult, isn't it? Ich werde dir geben, was du willst. I'll give you what you want. I'll give you what you want. t Is sikkom zummervekaanzie. It'll be summer vacation soon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Als we hier stoppen, moeten we helemaal opnieuw van nul beginnen! If we stop here, we'll be right back where we started! If we stop here, we have to start all over again from zero! Was für eine Art Musik wollt ihr Jungs spielen? What kind of music will you guys be playing? What kind of music do you guys want to play? Ik wil met Martyna trouwen. I want to marry Martyna. I want to marry Martyna. Tom war zu schüchtern, um es zuzugeben. Tom was too shy to admit it. Tom was too shy to admit it. De Temperatur fallt. The temperature falls. Temperature's falling. Het betekende veel voor me. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. Tom wachtte tot Mary wegging. Tom waited for Mary to leave. Tom waited until Mary left. Tom wurde berühmt. Tom became famous. Tom became famous. Geleufs doe ien de Poaskhoaze? Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? Courses do one of the Poaskhoaze? Tom wird schwächer. Tom is weakening. Tom's getting weaker. איסלאַם איז שיין. Islam is beautiful. Islam is pretty. The catt is deed. The cat's dead. The cat's done. Schau dir das an. Look at this. Look at this. Wer kontrolliert das Internet? Who controls the internet? Who controls the Internet? Er was een doodse stilte. There was a dead silence. There was a dead silence. Hij kan goed Frans praten. He can speak French well. He's good at speaking French. Tom was dronken. Tom was drunk. Tom was drunk. Sami's interview heeft een kwartier geduurd. Sami's interview lasted fifteen minutes. Sami's interview lasted 15 minutes. En Elefant het en langi Nase. An elephant has a long nose. And elephant and Langi Nose. Es läuft mit Sonnenenergie. It uses solar power. It runs with solar energy. Ik heb al lang geen asperges meer gegeten. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. Waar is de sleutel? Where's the key? Where's the key? Sie fiel herunter und brach sich das linke Bein. She fell down and broke her left leg. She fell down and broke her left leg. He deed, wat se em seggt hebbt. He did what they told him. He did what they said. Hij had bleke lippen. He had pale lips. He had pale lips. Tom gaan nie ons môre help nie. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom is not going to help us tomorrow. Tom hat eine Sammlung seltener Münzen. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Du musst einen Fehler gemacht haben. You must have made a mistake. You must have made a mistake. Ek kon nie aan die slaap raak nie. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn’t fall asleep. Ich fand das richtig süß. I thought it was really cute. I thought it was really sweet. Ech wunnen nach bei mengen Elteren. I still live at my parents'. I'm gonna end up with lots of parents. Ich habe sofort gespürt, dass irgendetwas nicht stimmte. I sensed immediately that something was wrong. I immediately felt that something was wrong. Volgende keer is het uw beurt. It's your turn next. Next time it's your turn. Gäbe es keine Frauen, wäre alles Geld der Welt bedeutungslos. If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. If there were no women, all the world's money would be meaningless. Ich habe eine Polin geheiratet. I am married to a Polish woman. I married a police officer. Doe zigst ter hail muide oet. You look very tired. Don't be too hard to eat. Was geht dich das an? What does that have to do with you? What's the matter with you? Mijn familie is erg trots op me. My family is very proud of me. My family is very proud of me. De Brägen is blaot en vigeliensche Maschien. The brain is just a complicated machine. The bridges are blatant and complex. Ek wil dit nie sien nie. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see it. Koelkaast is fies. The refrigerator is dirty. Fridge's dirty. Omdat ze zich ziek voelde. Because she felt sick. Because she felt sick. Blijkbaar niet. Evidently not. Apparently not. Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Australië. I'm originally from Australia. I'm originally from Australia. Hij werd aangevallen door een haai. He was attacked by a shark. He was attacked by a shark. Tom trug Maria den Koffer aufs Zimmer. Tom carried Mary's suitcase to her room. Tom was carrying Maria's suitcase in the room. De Lööw is de Köning von ’n Dschungel. The lion is the king of the jungle. The Lion is the king of a jungle. Der Mann bekam eine Gefängnisstrafe wegen Mordes. The man was imprisoned for murder. The man was given a prison sentence for murder. Dat moet je nu niet doen. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do that now. Ich esse gern Süßigkeiten. I like to eat sweets. I like to eat sweets. We zijn allebei uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Jy het dit al voorheen vir my gesê. You've told me that before. You've told me before. Haben Sie einen Aufzug? Do you have an elevator? Do you have an elevator? Sprichst du aus persönlicher Erfahrung? Do you speak from personal experience? Do you speak from personal experience? Ik heb mijn zus een pop gegeven. I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. Brazilië is een enorm land. Brazil is a huge country. Brazil is a huge country. Ich halte Sie für den für diesen Vorfall Verantwortlichen. I hold you responsible for this incident. I think you're the one responsible for this incident. Tom kon Mary's adres niet herinneren. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Wir haben ihn dazu gebracht zu gehen. We made him go. We got him to go. Tom hat das getan. Tom did it. Tom did that. Wi hebbt veel Alkohool drunken. We drank a lot of alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. De Hund weer von Kopp bet Foot mit Mudd vullkleit. The dog was covered in mud from head to foot. The dog was full-lined from head to toe with mudd. Ik smeck na Solt. I taste of salt. I'm texting after Solt. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can also let it walk. Das ist ausgeschlossen. That can't be. That's out of the question. Dieser Gedanke gefällt mir nicht. I don't like the idea much. I don't like that idea. Im Bett ist er ein ganz Wilder. He's wild in bed. He's a wild man in bed. Ga je vaak op je eentje wandelen? Do you often go for walks alone? Do you often go for a walk alone? Die Verletzung bereitete dem Athleten große Schmerzen. The injury caused the athlete great pain. The injury caused the athlete great pain. Es gibt Menschen, die mich nicht mögen. There are people who don't like me. There are people who don't like me. Deze druiven zijn heerlijk. These grapes are delicious. These grapes are delicious. Dat is beter, Plastik-Eetsticken to bruken un jem to waschen, as Wegsmiet-Eetstickens to bruken. It's better to use plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks. It is better to use plastic eating sticks to wash your body than to use discard eating sticks. Ich bin ein japanischer Student. I'm a Japanese student. I'm a Japanese student. Ik zal het even controleren. I'll check. I'll check it out. Het klimaat hier is zoals in Frankrijk. The climate here is like that of France. The climate here is like in France. Hett se en Hund? Nee. Does she have a dog? No. Het se and Hund? לאמיר זיין פריינט אויף אייביג. Let's always be friends. Lamir is a friend of the U.S.A. Wat ass déi richteg Äntwert? What's the correct answer? What is the correct answer? Wiskunde is een gemakkelijk onderwerp voor mij. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Math is an easy subject for me. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk het die Turkse Republiek in 1922 verklaar. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declared the Turkish Republic in 1922. Was du tust, scheint weit gefährlicher als das, was ich tue. What you're doing seems way more dangerous than what I'm doing. What you do seems far more dangerous than what I do. Willst du nicht auf die Party? Don't you want to go to the party? Don't you want to go to the party? Ik ben allergisch voor schaaldieren. I'm allergic to shellfish. I'm allergic to crustaceans. Ik ben het lawaai gewend. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Hoeveel tijd besteden jullie op Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? Schall ik di en Stohl halen? Shall I get you a chair? Do you want me to get you and Stahl? Ik haat wiskunde. I hate maths. I hate mathematics. Ich habe ihnen nichts gegeben. I didn't give anything to them. I didn't give them anything. Wegen des kalten Windes habe ich Kopfschmerz. I've got a headache from the cold. Because of the cold wind, I have headaches. So plietsch un sacht as he is, is disse Hund gode Sellschop för mi. Being very clever and gentle, this dog is a good companion to me. As intelligent and as effective as it is, this dog is a god-fucking cell cap for me. Dat is nogal onverwacht. That is rather unexpected. That's pretty unexpected. Gode Nacht alltohoop! Good night, everybody! God's night all together! Wladiwostok is en Stad in Russland. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is and City in Russia. Tom kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie. Tom couldn't answer all of the questions. Tom could not answer all the questions. Könnten Sie mir bitte einen Gefallen tun? Could you please do me a favor? Could you please do me a favor? Worüber streitet ihr beiden euch? What are you two fighting about? What are you two fighting about? k Lees. I'm reading. k Read. Als je iets nodig hebt, geef dan een gil. If you need anything, just give me a holler. If you need anything, give me a yell. Hij kwam een half uur later, zodat ze allemaal boos waren op hem. He arrived half an hour late, so everyone was angry with him. He came half an hour later, so they were all mad at him. Wie zwijgt, stemt toe. Silence gives consent. He who is silent consents. Ik heb Tom laten zien hoe hij dat moet doen. I showed Tom how he should do that. I showed Tom how to do that. Je was behulpzaam. You were helpful. You were helpful. Hier sind 10,00 $. Here's $10.00. Here's $10.00. Habt ihr es dabei? Do you have it with you? You got it? Ich dachte, das gäbe es nur in Büchern und Filmen. I thought it only happened in books and movies. I thought it would only be in books and movies. Vergiss nicht, das heute zu erledigen, bevor du nach Hause gehst. Don't forget to do that today before you go home. Don't forget to do this today before you go home. Welke heb je liever, thee of koffie? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee? Hoe was de film? How was the movie? How was the movie? Ik zou willen miljonair zijn. I'd like to be a millionaire. I'd like to be a millionaire. Was wirst du dieses Wochenende tun? What'll you do this weekend? What are you gonna do this weekend? Ič ne ƿiste, þe hē þǣr ƿæs. I didn't know that he was there. Ič n't mouse, that's from the mouse index. k Proat Grunnegs. I speak Gronings. k Proat Grunnechs. צי רעדט איר פּאָרטוגעזיש? Do you speak Portuguese? Is that what you're talking about? Du musst mir zuhören. You have to listen to me. You have to listen to me. צי ביסטו אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Is there a Turkish? Wir bitten im Voraus um Verzeihung. We apologise in advance. We ask for forgiveness in advance. Wisst ihr, dass Erdnüsse in Wirklichkeit keine Nüsse sind? Did you know that peanuts aren't really nuts? Do you know that peanuts are not really nuts? Rustig aan. Take it easy. Take it easy. Ze kan drie talen spreken. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. Te veel jonge meisjes hongeren zichzelf uit om er als de modellen in tijdschriften uit te zien. Too many young girls are starving themselves to look like the models they see in magazines. Too many young girls starve themselves to look like the models in magazines. Warum sind diese Mädchen so gemein? Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? Ze zijn nog steeds op zoek naar de misdadiger. They are still looking for the criminal. They're still looking for the criminal. Sie machte sich an einem Stück Papier zu schaffen. She fumbled with a piece of paper. She made herself a piece of paper. Hoe giet it? How are you? How are you? Tom zal niet slagen. Tom won't pass. Tom won't succeed. Ik luister naar het nieuwste liedje van Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. Ich an deiner Stelle spräche nicht einmal mit Tom. I wouldn't even talk to Tom if I were you. I don't even talk to Tom in your place. "Nee," herhaalde de Engelsman. "No," repeated the Englishman. "No," repeated the Englishman. Het is ook geen sinaasappel. That is not an orange, either. It's not an orange either. Wir müssen hierbleiben, bis Tom wiederkommt. We have to stay here until Tom gets back. We have to stay here until Tom comes back. Man könnte keine zwei verschiedeneren Menschen als Tom und Maria finden. You couldn't get two people more different than Tom and Mary. You could not find two different people than Tom and Mary. Hēo wæs mǣġþ, and hē wæs cnapa. She was a girl, and he was a boy. Hey! You don't know what you're doing, and he grow up cnapa. Sie leugnete, dort gewesen zu sein. She denied having been there. She denied to be there. Ik leef niet graag alleen. I don't like living alone. I don't like living alone. Wat för ’n Nettkieker bruukst du? What browser are you using? What browser do you need? Kioto is een voormalige hoofdstad van Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto is a former capital of Japan. Dieser Junge hat keine Angst gezeigt. That boy showed no fear. This boy didn't show any fear. Wullt du Tee oder Kaffe? Do you like tea or coffee? Do you want tea or coffee? Tom weiß nichts über Mary. Tom knows nothing about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. Je onderwees. You taught. You taught. Die Leute standen auf und begannen zu singen. The people stood up and began to sing. People got up and started singing. Gossel! Dumbass! Gossel! Hoscht du en Maschien? Do you have a car? Do you raise a machine? Die Tür ging langsam zu. The door closed slowly. The door slowly closed. Je gaat toch niet dood, hé? You're not gonna die, eh? You're not gonna die, are you? Wenen ligt in Oostenrijk. Vienna is in Austria. Vienna is located in Austria. Dit is en Bispeelsatz. This is an example sentence. This is an example set. Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This boy doesn't eat candy. Was Zeit iss es? What time is it? What time is it? Het ecosysteem bestaat voornamelijk uit lage bomen en struiken die een mechanisme hebben om aan het strenge klimaat te weerstaan. The ecosystem consists primarily of low trees and bushes that are built to resist harsh climate conditions. The ecosystem consists mainly of low trees and shrubs that have a mechanism to resist the harsh climate. Er stellte neue Arbeiter ein. He hired some new workers. He hired new workers. Sami heeft zijn sjahada afgenomen. Sami has taken his shahada. Sami took his shadah. Shakespeare is de auteur van Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Ze zette me bij mijn appartement af. She dropped me off at my apartment. She dropped me off at my apartment. We hebben de hele dag geskied. We skied all day. We've been done all day. Dit is een tijdelijk aanbod enkel voor nieuwe klanten. This is a limited time offer to new customers only. This is a temporary offer only for new customers. Ben je al weg? You're leaving already? Have you left yet? Tom schreef daarover in zijn dagboek. Tom wrote about that in his journal. Tom wrote about it in his diary. Ek is nie heeltemal seker nie. I'm not quite sure. I’m not quite sure. Ek praat nie goed genoeg Frans nie! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough! Am 27. Januar 1945 wurde Auschwitz von der Roten Armee befreit. On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. Auschwitz was liberated from the Red Army on 27 January 1945. Ik ben ziek. I'm ill. I'm sick. Gegeven dat het leven zo kort is, zou je je tijd niet moeten verspillen. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Given that life is so short, you shouldn't waste your time. Du wohnst zu weit weg. You live too far away. You live too far away. Es ist nur eine Kugel übrig. There's only one bullet left. There's only one bullet left. Ze staarden met zijn allen naar de bewegingen van de magiër. They all gazed at the magician's movements. They all stared at the Magi's movements. Im kommenden März werde ich siebzehn. I'll be seventeen next March. Next March I will be seventeen. Ik denk dat je Tom kent. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. איר זענט שטאַרקער ווי מיר. You're stronger than we are. you are strong like me. Wann gehen Sie los? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Tom ziet er verschrikkelijk uit. Tom looks terrible. Tom looks terrible. Das Zimmer hat zwei Fenster. The room has two windows. The room has two windows. Das ist sehr detailliert. That is very detailed. That's very detailed. Er zerriss das Buch. He tore the book apart. He tore the book. Der König nahm ab, nachdem er seinen Köchen aufgetragen hatte, seinen Mahlzeiten Goldstaub beizufügen. The king lost weight after asking his chefs to add gold dust to his meals. The king took off after he had ordered his cook to add gold dust to his meals. Tom is een prins. Tom is a prince. Tom's a prince. Lesen ist leichter als schreiben. Reading is easier than writing. Reading is easier than writing. Het sneeuwde in Jeruzalem. It snowed in Jerusalem. It was snowing in Jerusalem. Das ist sehr ungezogen von dir. That's very naughty of you. That's very unattractive of you. Amsterdam is heufdstad van Nederlaand. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Voetbal is de nationale sport van Nederland. Soccer is the national sport of the Netherlands. Football is the national sport of the Netherlands. Ik heet Tom. My name's Tom. My name is Tom. Tom bleef kalm. Tom remained calm. Tom remained calm. Ik wil niet dat je je zorgen maakt. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Sorry, hoe laat is het? Excuse me, what time is it? Sorry, what time is it? In fünf Minuten bin ich fertig. I'll be done in five minutes. I'll be done in five minutes. Er führte danach ein schweres Leben. He led a hard life after that. He lived a heavy life after that. Hij schrijft een brief. He's writing a letter. He's writing a letter. Waarom wil hij zelfmoord plegen? Why does he want to commit suicide? Why does he want to kill himself? Es ist Montag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Het kan, toch? It's possible, right? I can, can't I? Ich möchte, dass du gewinnst. I want you to win. I want you to win. Wel kloagt? Who's complaining? What's the fuck? Ich könnte ein Buch schreiben. I could write a book. I could write a book. Sag mir einfach die Wahrheit! Ich verspreche, dass ich nicht ausrasten werde. Just tell me the truth. I promise I won't get mad. Just tell me the truth, I promise I won't rest. Hij is niet gek. He is no fool. He's not crazy. Disneyland is gesloten. Disneyland is closed. Disneyland's closed. Ik gaf mijn zus een woordenboek. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. New York strotzt vor hoch aufragenden Gebäuden. New York bristles with towering buildings. New York is striking in front of high-rise buildings. Ich lerne gern Sprachen. I like studying languages. I like to learn languages. Het gaat nu goed met Tom. Tom is fine now. Tom's all right now. Het is absurd het studentenleven te verliezen aan nietsdoen. It is absurd to idle away the student life. It's absurd to lose student life to nothing. Verkies jy rooi of wit wyn? Do you prefer red or white wine? Do you choose red or white wine? Dis rêrig lekker! This is really nice! It's really nice! Sami vond dat leuk. Sami liked that. Sami liked that. Ich erinnere mich an das, was du letztens gesagt hast. I remember what you said the other day. I remember what you last said. Aua! Ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt! Ouch! I stuck my finger in the door! Aua, I put my finger in the door! Ik eet graag watermeloen. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. Ek het oorsee gegaan om 'n nuwe lewe te begin. I went abroad to start a new life. I went overseas to start a new life. Ik heb niets verstaan! I have not understood anything. I don't understand! איך בין אַן אינזשעניר. I am an engineer. I am an native. Sami houdt van sneeuw. Sami likes snow. Sami loves snow. Sorry voor het lawaai. I'm sorry about the noise. Sorry about the noise. Moenie met Tom praat nie. Don't talk to Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Als ik sterf, wil ik ergens sterven waar niemand me ooit zou vinden. If I die, I want to die where nobody ever finds me. If I die, I want to die somewhere no one would ever find me. Tom ist nicht tot. Tom isn't dead. Tom's not dead. Neem toukommende bus. Take the next bus. Take a liner bus. Das Hemd ist sehr schmutzig. Bevor du zur Schule gehst, muss es noch gewaschen werden. The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. Het is een zelfmoord. It's suicide. It's a suicide. Ze droeg een zwarte hoed. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Die ganze Nachbarschaft schloss sich zur Reinigung des Parks zusammen. All the neighbors united to clean up the park. The whole neighborhood joined forces to clean the park. Ek het heeltemal van hulle vergeet. I forgot all about them. I completely forgot about them. Ik heb twee vrienden die in Duitsland wonen. I have two friends who live in Germany. I have two friends who live in Germany. Ze slaapt met twee kussens. She sleeps with two pillows. She sleeps with two pillows. Meine Eltern haben mich kaum je bestraft. My parents hardly ever punished me for anything. My parents never ever punished me. Zij lachten over zijn fout. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed at his mistake. Tom sagt, er könne eine ganze Flasche Whiskey trinken, ohne dass er davon betrunken wird. Tom says that he can drink a whole bottle of whiskey without getting drunk. Tom says he can drink a whole bottle of whiskey without getting drunk. Ik hjit Jack. My name is Jack. I'm Jack. Storm in een glas water. Much ado about nothing. Storm in a glass of water. Vielleicht sollten wir Tom fragen. Maybe we ought to ask Tom. Maybe we should ask Tom. Wie heischt du? What is your name? What's your name? Kan je het licht aandoen? Can you turn on the light? Can you turn on the light? Die Schweiz verschärfte ihre Einwanderungspolitik. Switzerland hardened its immigration policy. Switzerland intensified its immigration policy. איך האָב ניט קיין זון. I have no son. I don't have a son. Ik lust thee. I like tea. I like tea. Hij is een auteur. He is an author. He's an author. Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema. Let me go to the cinema. Ich hätte nicht so reagieren dürfen. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I shouldn't have responded that way. Der Wert einer guten Erziehung lässt sich nicht in Geld bemessen. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. The value of a good education cannot be measured in money. Ze landden. They landed. They landed. Ik ben oud. I'm old. I'm old. Twa plus twa is fjouwer. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. מיר לערנען זיך אַראַביש. We are learning Arabic. We learn Arabic. Wie hebben heur! We have her! Who has heur! Ik kwam juist terug uit Groot-Brittannië. I have just returned from Britain. I just came back from Great Britain. Ik gah geern mit mien Frünnen na ’t Kino. I like to go to the movies with my friends. I'm going to the cinema with my friends. דו ביסט מיינע טאכטער. You are my daughter. You are my daughter. Spot niet met vreemdelingen. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't mock strangers. Ech fuere mam Tram. I'm taking the tram. I'm gonna play for you. Mi frös. I'm cold. Oh, my God. Hit is Jones appel. It's John's apple. Hit's Jones apple. Alle glücklichen Familien ähneln sich. Alle unglücklichen Familien sind auf ihre eigene Weise unglücklich. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. All happy families resemble each other. All unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. Kan jy my met hierdie help? Can you help me with this? Can you help me with this? Ik kom út Oerisel. I'm from Overijssel. I came from Urisel. Tom gebruikt Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Sy musiek is bekend. I am familiar with his music. His music is well - known. Was bringt Menschen dazu, das zu tun? What makes people do that? What makes people do that? The cat is grete. The cat is big. The cat's fine. Sie ist äußerst kompetent. She is extremely competent. She's extremely competent. Ons hoofkantoor is in Osaka. Our main office is in Osaka. Our headquarters is in Osaka. In diesem Dorf blieb nur eine Familie zurück. In that village only one family remains. In this village, only one family remained. Hij heeft niet eens afscheid van me genomen. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even say goodbye to me. Waar is het treinstation? Where is the railway station? Where's the train station? Dit is Toms mes. This is Tom's knife. This is Tom's knife. Ich habe dich sehr vermisst. I missed you very much. I missed you very much. Snidt d'eerdappels. Cut the potatoes. Cut the apples. ’Keen hett den Boom plant? Who planted the tree? ‘No planted the tree? Du kennst ehr? You know who she is? You know it? t Is n snijman. It's a snowman. It's n's a cutman. Ik heff dat nich vergeten. I have not forgotten. I didn't forget. Mien man holdt nait van mie. My husband doesn't love me. My husband holds a nait of corn. Ich glaube, Elvis lebt noch. I believe Elvis is still alive. I think Elvis is still alive. Ge zoudt beter slapen. You should go to bed. You'd better sleep. Ik weet, wo de Slötel is. I know where the key is. I know where the Key is. Sie spielen sehr gut Gitarre. They play the guitar very well. They play very good guitar. Benutzt sie alle. Use them all. Use them all. De vrouw spreekt Spaans. The woman speaks Spanish. The woman speaks Spanish. Wir können Ihnen helfen. We can help you. We can help you. Mijn fiets is rood. My bicycle is red. My bike is red. Als je een lening aangaat, lees dan zeker de kleine lettertjes. Read the fine print whenever you take out a loan. If you make a loan, you should definitely read the small letters. Het water was koud. The water was cold. The water was cold. ’Keen en Fründ finnt, finnt en Schatt. Who finds a friend, finds a treasure. ‘No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Die Uhr geht nach. The watch is slow. The clock's going after. Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. Iedereen heeft een hobby nodig. Everybody needs a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby. In keap is in keap. It is no use crying over spilt milk. There's a bee in a bee. Se höör mit Smöken op. She stopped smoking. They stopped looking. Dat is ons noaberske. That is our neighbour. That's our noabersque. Mijn anti-virus heeft een virus doorgelaten. My anti-virus let a virus through. My anti-virus has passed through a virus. Tom niest. Tom is sneezing. Tom sneezes. Sie quasselt immer noch. She is chattering yet. She's still messing. Bist du für oder gegen diese Politik? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you for or against this policy? Tot weerziens! See you soon! Goodbye! Toms Spind steht neben Marias. Tom's locker is next to Mary's. Toms Spind stands next to Marias. Dat is de mooiste bloem van de tuin. This is the most beautiful flower in the garden. That's the most beautiful flower in the garden. Ons het dit gekoop. We bought it. We bought it. Layla ging hinaus. Layla went outside. Layla went out. Er zijn miljoenen sterren in het universum. There are millions of stars in the universe. There are millions of stars in the universe. Sinds vanmorgen heb ik drie boeken gelezen. Since this morning I've read three books. I've been reading three books since this morning. Das Hausprojekt ist flach gefallen. The housing project has fallen flat. The house project fell flat. k Spreek gain Kataloans. I don't speak Catalan. k Speak Gain Catalan. Ik leer. I'm learning. I'm learning. Tom fand jemandes Visitenkarte in seiner Tasche, doch er konnte sich nicht besinnen, wo er diese herhatte. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but couldn't remember where he got it. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but he couldn't imagine where he had it. Kinst lopen? Can you walk? Can you walk? Ik heb niets gedaan om me voor te schamen. I've done nothing to be ashamed of. I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. Ik mis hem simpelweg. I just miss him. I just miss him. Ič ƿille sƿeord ᵹe-līč þissum! I want a sword like this! Ič Mouseille s Rogere-līč That's what I'm doing! Wenn ein Kind nicht zur Schule gehen will, so kann dies ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass es gehänselt wird. A child not wanting to go to school can be a sign that it's being bullied. If a child does not want to go to school, this may be an indication that it is being strangled. Ek weet hoe jy oor haar voel. How do you feel about her? I know how you feel about her. Wees van nou af meer versigtig. Be more careful from now on. From now on, be more cautious. Das würde etwa drei Minuten dauern. That would take about three minutes. That would take about three minutes. Wie bringt man Arbeit und Privatleben ins Gleichgewicht. How is it possible to reconcile work and private life? How to balance work and private life. Tom wünschte, er könnte so gut Französisch wie Maria. Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary. Tom wished he could be as French as Maria. Ich würde gerne Ihren Blutdruck messen. I'd like to check your blood pressure. I'd like to measure your blood pressure. Mein Bruder ist reich. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Tom und Maria sind beide schwarzhaarig. Tom and Mary both have black hair. Tom and Maria are both black-haired. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world with no war. Imagine a world without war. Jy kan die skemerkelkie versier met 'n kersie of pynappel. You can decorate the cocktail with a cherry or a pineapple. You can decorate the stain with a cherry or pineapple. Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich drei Tage Zeit zu nehmen und Toki Pona zu lernen. I can only advise everyone to take three days and learn Toki Pona. I can only recommend to anyone to take three days and learn Toki Pona. Tom war unordentlich. Tom was untidy. Tom was messy. Is dat mogelijk? Is that possible? Is that possible? Ich war neugierig auf das Ergebnis. I was curious as to the result. I was curious about the result. Waarom laat ge uw moto niet herstellen? Why don't you have your motorcycle fixed up? Why don't you have your moto restored? Sperma ist es Wert, in Flaschen abgefüllt zu werden. Semen is worth bottling. Sperm is value to be bottled. Zwischen moosbewachsenen Bäumen rauschte ein kleiner Waldbach dahin. A small forest brook flowed between the moss-covered trees. Between mossy trees there was a small forest stream. Jij bent Italiaans. You're Italian. You're Italian. Dat is jammer. That's too bad. That's too bad. Sami rookte wiet. Sami smoked weed. Sami smoked weed. Zijn aanvraag werd afgewezen. His application was rejected. His application was rejected. Zoek het op in je woordenboek. Look it up in your dictionary. Look it up in your dictionary. Hest du en Föön mitnahmen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a fan? Tom war letzte Woche in Boston, oder? Tom was in Boston last week, wasn't he? Tom was in Boston last week, right? Detroit is voor zijn auto-industrie beroemd. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its car industry. De jongen wast zich in de badkamer. The boy is washing in the bathroom. The boy washes herself in the bathroom. Diese Balken werden das Gewicht des Daches nicht tragen können. These beams will not carry the weight of the roof. These beams will not be able to carry the weight of the roof. Mien Dochter geiht to School. My daughter goes to school. My daughter is going to school. De allocatie van werkgeheugen gaat gebruikelijk gepaard met een systeemaanroep door of niet door een systeembibliotheek of een 'framework'. Allocation of RAM usually involves a system call trough or not trough a system library or framework. The allocation of work memory is usually accompanied by a system call or not by a system library or a 'framework'. Froog Ria, of se noog Geld hett, üm sik dat to köpen, wat se brukt. Ask Mary if she has enough money to buy what she needs. Froot Ria, or she has enough money to buy it, which she uses. איז דאס זיס? Is that sweet? Is this sweet? Heb je dat gekocht? Did you buy that? Did you buy that? Tom gaat graag naar Italiaanse restaurants. Tom loves going to Italian restaurants. Tom likes to go to Italian restaurants. Sie ist ganz schön hässlich. She's pretty ugly. She's very ugly. Ek sou nie daarop wed nie. I wouldn't bet on that. I wouldn’t bet on it. Japan is vol mooi stede. Kyoto en Nara, by voorbeeld. Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance. Japan is full of beautiful cities: Kyoto and Nara, for example. Du beschließt, noch eine Stunde zu bleiben. You decide to stay an extra hour. You decide to stay another hour. Du hast weise gewählt. You made a wise choice. You chose wise. Ze verkoopt groentes. She sells vegetables. She's selling vegetables. Moi hè. Good day. Moi, isn't it? De Jung hett sien Verscheel nich ännert. The boy didn't change his opinion. The young man did not change his diff. ראטעוועט! Help! -Ratevettet! -Ratevettet! Besorg mir die Zeitung. Get me the newspaper. Get me the paper. Tom legte Maria die Hand auf die Schulter. Tom put his hand on Mary's shoulder. Tom put Maria's hand on her shoulder. Guid tae see ye ! Good to see you! Guide to see you ! Jullie hebben gewonnen! You've won. You won! Du hättest den Kleiderstoff besser selber angesehen. You had better see the cloth with your own eyes. You'd better have looked at the clothes yourself. Mijn kamer is erg klein. My room is very small. My room is very small. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat hij onschuldig is. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm convinced he's innocent. Sie sagen doch meinen Eltern nichts, oder? You aren't going to tell my parents, are you? You're not telling my parents, are you? Gaan binne. Go inside. Come in. Magst du Frauen mit großen Brüsten oder kleinen Brüsten? Do you like women with large or small breasts? Do you like women with big breasts or little breasts? Wees vriendelijk. Be friendly. Be kind. Apeels sünd rood oder gröön. Apples are red or green. The apples are red or green. Het kost te veel. It is too expensive. It's too much. Ich denke, die gehören Tom. I think those are Tom's. I think they belong to Tom. Sicher mag ich Kartenspiele. Certainly, I like playing cards. I'm sure I like card games. Jullie kunnen tv kijken You can watch television. You can watch TV. „Hat er uns gesehen?“ – „Ich glaube nicht.“ "Did he see us?" "I don't think so." “Has he seen us?” – “I don’t think so.” Niemand gelooft dat. Nobody will believe that. No one believes that. Wat vroeg Tom? What did Tom ask? What did Tom ask? Heur laifde is wederzieds. Their love is mutual. Heur laifde is good-bye. Ich hoffe, dass Sie bald wiederkommen. I hope you'll come back soon. I hope you'll be back soon. Hij is zanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Der Soldat ist tot. The soldier is dead. The soldier's dead. De vlaggen van de wereld wapperen trots bij het hoofdkwartier van de Verenigde Naties. Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. The flags of the world are wrung proudly at the headquarters of the United Nations. Das ist mein japanischer Freund. This is my Japanese friend. That's my Japanese friend. Tom versteht sich mit seinen Schwestern nicht. Tom doesn't get along with his sisters. Tom doesn't understand with his sisters. Eines Tages bekannte Mark Twain überraschend: "Ich bin nicht so jung, wie ich es vor einigen Jahren war..." One day Mark Twain surprisingly confessed: "I am not as young as I was several years ago..." One day Mark Twain confessed surprisingly: "I'm not as young as I was a few years ago..." Wenn du dich dort drüben in die Ecke stellst, wird Tom deine Anwesenheit vermutlich nicht einmal bemerken. If you stand over in that corner, Tom won't likely even notice you're here. If you put yourself in the corner over there, Tom will probably not even notice your presence. Warte einen Moment. Ich rufe mal Jimmy. Hang on a minute. I'll call Jimmy. Wait a minute, I'll call Jimmy. Rasiert ihr euch jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Do you shave every morning? Ik ben blij dat ik je vandaag ontmoet heb. I'm glad I met you today. I'm glad I met you today. Tom begint kaal te worden. Tom is starting to go bald. Tom's starting to be bald. Es sind nicht meine Bücher. They aren't my books. They're not my books. Het is nieuw. It's new. It's new. Tom könnte es machen. Tom could do it. Tom could do it. Mijn man zegt dat hij haar nodig heeft. My husband says he needs her. My husband says he needs her. Ich hätte noch etwas bleiben können; weil ich aber allmählich müde wurde, beschloss ich zu gehen. I could have stayed a while longer, but I was getting tired, so I decided to leave. I could have stayed something else; but because I gradually got tired, I decided to go. Hast du Hillarys Rede gehört? Did you hear Hillary's speech? Did you hear Hillary's speech? Tom hat sich gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom was certainly not amused. Tom certainly didn't like it. He is de Gröttste in de Klass. He is the tallest person in the class. It is the largest in the class. Wie du weißt, habe ich meinen Arbeitsplatz verloren. Ich habe daher Schwierigkeiten, meine ganzen Rechnungen zu bezahlen. As you know, I've lost my job, so I'm having trouble paying all my bills. As you know, I lost my job, so I have difficulty paying all my bills. Ich habe gewusst, dass ihr Tom nicht vergessen würdet. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. Ich esse so nur, wenn ich niedergeschlagen bin. I only eat like this when I'm miserable. I only eat when I'm down. Ich freue mich für euch alle. I'm happy for all of you. I'm happy for all of you. S Huus isch schöön. The house is pretty. S Huus schönen. Men mag die twee totaal verschillende instanties niet met elkaar verwarren: de „Europese Raad” bestaat uit de staats- en regeringshoofden van de Europese Unie. In de „Raad van Europa” zetelen 47 staten, waaronder Rusland en de Kaukasische republieken. There should be no confusion between these two completely different institutions: the "European Council" comprises the heads of state and government of the European Union. In the "Council of Europe" there are 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics. These two bodies must not be confused: the ‘European Council’ consists of the Heads of State or Government of the European Union; in the ‘Council of Europe’ there are 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics. Wer ist der Junge, der Peter Pan spielt? Who is the boy acting the part of Peter Pan? Who's the boy playing Peter Pan? Tom mag grelle Lichter nicht. Tom doesn't like bright lights. Tom doesn't like glaring lights. Tom gaat met een Chinese uitwisselingsstudent. Tom is dating a Chinese exchange student. Tom's going with a Chinese exchange student. Müssen wir Tom helfen? Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? Sami gaat van het eten houden. Sami is going to love the food. Sami's gonna love the food. Es war nicht so, dass er irgendein Gefühl, das dem der Liebe verwandt gewesen wäre, für sie empfand. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for her. It was not like he felt any feeling related to love for them. Gestern war Sonntag. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday. Maria ähnelt ihrer Mutter sehr. Mary is very much like her mother. Maria is very similar to her mother. Hast du gesehen, was Tom mir geschenkt hat? Did you see what Tom gave me? Did you see what Tom gave me? Wie komt er met mij mee? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me? Samantha is aangekomen. Samantha has arrived. Samantha has arrived. Ich glaube, ich kenne das Mädchen dort. I think I know that girl over there. I think I know the girl there. Er hat nächste Woche eine Prüfung. He has a test next week. He's got an exam next week. Tom heeft 100% gelijk. Tom is 100% correct. Tom's 100% right. Opticiens verkopen brillen. Opticians sell eyeglasses. Optics sell glasses. Natuurlijk mag dat. Of course you can. Of course you can. Quintilius Varus, geev mi mien Legionen trügg! Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions! Quintilius Varus, gave me my legions! Je mehr Kommentare zu einem Satz geschrieben werden, desto höher wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines – möglicherweise abgewandelten – Shakespeare-Zitats. The more the comments written on a sentence, the higher the probability of a - possibly modified - quote from Shakespeare. The more comments on a sentence are written, the higher the probability of a – possibly transformed – Shakespeare quote. Tom drinkt zelden koffie. Tom seldom drinks coffee. Tom rarely drinks coffee. Ik wist dat Tom laat zou zijn. I knew Tom would be late. I knew Tom would be late. Deze dienst is tijdelijk buiten gebruik. This service is temporarily out of order. This service is temporarily out of service. Ich bin dir fünf Dollar schuldig. I owe you five dollars. I owe you five bucks. Hij is een meegaand mens. He is an agreeable person. He's a accompanying human. Isch dees so pressant? Is it that urgent? Is it so pressing? Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Such thing can't be true. That can't be true! Maria ist Ärztin. Mary is a doctor. Maria's a doctor. Niemand klopt aan mijn deur. Nobody knocks on my door. No one's knocking on my door. Lueg der die ah. Take a look at these. Loose the ah. k Kom oet Afrin. I'm from Afrin. K Come on, Afrin. Ech verdroe keng Mëllech. I can't stomach milk. I don't accept any suggestions. Ik ben geschokt. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Was für schöne Augen du hast! What pretty eyes you have! What a beautiful eye you have! Ik heb hier jaren gewoond. I've lived here for years. I've lived here for years. Tom ist jetzt im Hotel. Tom is at the hotel now. Tom's at the hotel now. Werkt u 's maandags? Do you work on Mondays? Do you work Mondays? Aber er weiß es noch nicht. But he doesn't know it yet. But he doesn't know yet. Ik zit vast in de file. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. I'm stuck in the file. He hett mi üm Middernacht anropen. He rang me up at midnight. He called me at midnight. Ik ben zwaar verkouden. I'm suffering from a bad cold. I'm very cold. Tom wünschte, er hätte etwas zu tun. Tom wished he had something to do. Tom wished he had something to do. Kunt u mij zeggen wat dit woord betekent? Can you tell me what this word means? Can you tell me what this word means? Dä Hund isch schwarz. The dog is black. The dog is black. We zijn veertig kilometer van de hoofdstad verwijderd. We are forty kilometers away from the capital city. We're 40 kilometers from the capital. Tom hat in Android-tillefoan. Tom has an Android phone. Tom's in Android phone. Tom machte Kaffee. Tom made some coffee. Tom made coffee. Als sie im Ausland war, telefonierte sie häufig via Skype. When she was abroad, she often used Skype. When she was abroad, she often phoned via Skype. איך רעד בענגאַליש. I speak Bangla. I spoke Bengali. Wat is de giftigste slang in de wereld? Which is the most venomous snake in the world? What is the most poisonous snake in the world? Are ye i Berlyn? Are you all in Berlin? Are you i Berlin? Ik meende het niet. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Könnten Sie mir ein Taxi bestellen? Can you call me a taxi? Could you order me a taxi? Für was für einen Riesenschwachkopf hältst du mich? Just how big an idiot do you think I am? What kind of giant weakhead do you think I am? Dat is niet waarom Tom ontslag nam. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom resigned. Viel Glück. Good luck. Good luck. Muiriel is nu 20 jaar oud. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now 20 years old. Kin k zain? Can I see? Can k zain? Zij zaten naast elkaar. They sat side by side. They were sitting side by side. Trek de vork uit het stopcontact. Take the fork out of the electric socket. Pull the fork out of the socket. Ech besichen meng Groussmamm am Spidol. I'm visiting my grandmother in hospital. I'm gonna try it in a little bit. Tom hat mehr getan als jeder andere. Tom has done more than anyone else. Tom did more than anyone else. Ich ertrage die Kälte nicht. I can't stand the cold. I can't bear the cold. Ich habe einen Stiefbruder. I have a stepbrother. I've got a step brother. Zij is mijn vrouw. She's my wife. She's my wife. Ich sah meinen Hund an. I looked at my dog. I looked at my dog. Je moet hier blijven totdat we terugkomen. You are to stay here until we come back. You have to stay here until we get back. Is dit jullie paraplu? Is this your umbrella? Is this your umbrella? Tom setzte sich neben sie und fing an, ihr den Rücken zu scheuern. Tom sat next to her and began to rub her back. Tom sat next to her and began to shy her back. Nee. Ik moet helaas weer vroeg terug. No. I'm sorry, I've got to go back early. I'm sorry to have to get back early. Ik doodde de mug. I killed the mosquito. I killed the mosquito. Onze leraar Engels is altijd op tijd. Our English teacher is always on time. Our English teacher is always in time. Er hatte Schwierigkeiten, zum Hotel zu finden. He had trouble finding his way to the hotel. He had trouble finding the hotel. Wir werden dich beobachten. We'll be watching you. We'll watch you. Hij is ook oud geworden. He's gotten old, too. He's grown old too. Tom was toe hier. Tom was here then. Tom was here then. אווו איז דיין ברודער? Where is your brother? Aw is your brother? דער מחבר האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון זײַנע אָנהענגערס מיט זײַן טראַנספֿאָביע. The author has let down a lot of his fans with his transphobia. The author has occurred a number of his beginers with his translation. Ik kom uit Engeland. I come from England. I'm from England. Deze man heeft zuurstof nodig. This guy needs oxygen. This man needs oxygen. Es steht nicht in meiner Macht, euch das zu erlauben. I don't have the authority to give you permission. It's not in my power to allow you to do this. Was hast du mit Tom gemacht? What did you do with Tom? What did you do to Tom? Tom zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. Tom looked tired, but happy. Tom looked tired but happy. Mayuko eet brood voor het ontbijt. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Tom bereitete einen gesunden Salat zu. Tom made a healthy salad. Tom prepared a healthy salad. Hai wachtte. He waited. Hey was waiting. Tom ging in die Küche, um sich eine Tasse Kaffee zu holen. Tom went into the kitchen to grab himself a cup of coffee. Tom went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. בײַ נאַכט ווערט ער אַ מאַזאָכיסט. At night, he becomes a masochist. At word he becomes a guest. איך לערן כינעזיש. I teach Chinese. I'm learning chickens. Ich habe Tom gestern angerufen. I called Tom yesterday. I called Tom yesterday. Sie durfte in die Disko, aber nur unter der Bedingung, um zehn Uhr zurück zu sein. She was allowed to go to the disco on condition that she was back by ten. She was allowed to go to the disco, but only on condition to be back at ten o'clock. Selli sinn meene Schuhe. Those are my shoes. Selli's mean shoes. Ik wil Estland bezoeken. I want to visit Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. Ek sal gou terugbel. I'll call back soon. I'll call back soon. Sobald sie mich sah, begann sie zu lachen. The moment she saw me, she began laughing. As soon as she saw me, she started laughing. He hett dat mit alle Macht oplücht. He lifted it up with all his might. He ran out of it with all his power. Ich will einfach nur geliebt werden. I just want to be loved. I just want to be loved. Ik weiger te antwoorden. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Guder Owed! Good evening! Gudder Owed! Erzähl Tom, was du neulich nachts getan hast! Tell Tom about what you did the other night. Tell Tom what you did last night! Du hast sechs ungelesene Nachrichten. You have six unread messages. You have six unread messages. Tom is wakker, maar Maria niet. Tom is awake, but Mary isn't. Tom's awake, but Mary's not. Ich muss meine Aufgaben in kleine Schritte unterteilen. I must break my tasks into small steps. I have to divide my tasks into small steps. Wie zijt gij? Who are you? Who are you? Er hat seine Erbschaft sinnlos mit Schnaps und leichten Mädchen durchgebracht. He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women. He spent his inheritance in vain with schnapps and light girls. Wir sind in unserer Familie zu fünft. There are five people in our family. We're five in our family. Du siehst nicht krank aus. You don't look sick. You don't look sick. Nehmt die Straße links. Take the road on the left. Take the road to the left. Het u 'n oomblik? Have you got a moment? Do you have a moment? Du weetst nich, wat dat heet, arm to wesen. You don't know what it is to be poor. You do not know what it means to be poor. Ben je thuis? Are you home? Are you home? Sie werden die Neuigkeiten gehört haben. You will have heard the news. You'll have heard the news. Ik moet alleen met hem praten. I need to speak to him alone. I just need to talk to him. Ich bin hier drüben. I'm over here. I'm over here. Kunt u me deze foto's laten zien, alstublieft? Please, show me these photos. Can you show me these pictures, please? Tom is warm. Tom is warm. Tom's hot. Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines. Here's looking at you, kid. Look in my eyes, little one. Hier komt bus. Here comes the bus. Here comes bus. Wi hebbt de Tied mit Koortenspelen doodslahn. We killed time by playing cards. We finished the time with cards. Ze is boos op me. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. Nächste Woche habe ich Spätschicht. Next week I'll have the late shift. I'll have a late shift next week. ער איז אויף גרויסע צרות, צי ניין? He's in big trouble, isn't he? He's on big side of it, isn't he? Ik denk dat het te koud is om te zwemmen. I think it's too cold to swim. I think it's too cold to swim. Se hett em en Auto köfft. She bought him a car. She's got him and she's got a car. Schneeschippen ist harte Arbeit. Shoveling snow is hard work. Snowshipping is hard work. Ik ben getrouwd met Lori. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Er fiel einer tödlichen Krankheit zum Opfer. He fell a victim to a deadly disease. He fell victim to a deadly disease. Rettungstrupps aus aller Welt sind zum Flug nach Japan gerüstet. International rescue teams are at the ready to fly to Japan. Rescue troops from all over the world are ready to fly to Japan. Tom kam auf einem Schiff zur Welt. Tom was born on a ship. Tom was born on a ship. Ik ben vies. I'm dirty. I'm dirty. Ik zal haar antwoord nooit vergeten. I will never forget her answer. I'll never forget her answer. Jener Tag war ein wichtiger Meilenstein in unserem Projekt. That day was an important milestone in our project. That day was an important milestone in our project. Tom sagte, ihr könntet vielleicht helfen. Tom said you might be able to help. Tom said you could help. Hoe oud zie ik eruit? How old do I look? How old do I look? Ik kan het niet zo mooi uitdrukken. I cannot put it so eloquently into words. I can't express it so beautifully. Nancy speelt keen Tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Je moet vertrekken. You must go. You have to leave. Land der Freiheit, Land der Zukunft, ich begrüße dich! Land of liberty, land of the future, I salute you! Land of Freedom, Land of the Future, I greet you! Er zit een kruimel in zijn baard. There is a crumb in his beard. There's a crumb in his beard. De enige keer dat printers niet werken, is wanneer je ze nodig hebt. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time printers don't work is when you need them. Er wurde überfahren, und war auf der Stelle tot. He was run over and killed on the spot. He got over, and he was dead on the spot. Het boeddhisme kwam uit India. Buddhism came out of India. Buddhism came from India. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I have no clue. I don't have a clue. Mein linker Fuß ist eingeschlafen. My left foot is asleep. My left foot fell asleep. Hoelang heb je deze tandenborstel gebruikt? How long have you been using this toothbrush? How long have you been using this toothbrush? Du büst keen Kind mehr. You are not a child anymore. You are no longer a child. Wat als ik nee zeg? What if I refuse? What if I say no? Ich habe viele Freunde in Deutschland. I have a lot of friends in Germany. I have a lot of friends in Germany. Sagt alle „Hallo, Maria!“! Everyone say: "Hi Mary!". Say all “Hello, Mary!” Wat is jouw nationaliteit? What's your nationality? What's your nationality? Tom steckte ein paar Blumen in die Vase. Tom put some flowers in the vase. Tom put a few flowers in the vase. Tom und Maria sagten, sie hätten den Film schon dreimal gesehen. Tom and Mary told me that they've seen that movie three times. Tom and Maria said they'd seen the film three times. Ich rufe dich zurück. I'll call you back. I'll call you back. Mijn man is een leraar. My husband is a teacher. My husband is a teacher. Ek dink nie enigiemend het agtergekom wat jy gedoen het nie. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone found out what you did. Zijn jullie nerveus? Are you nervous? Are you nervous? Tom ist nicht so dumm, wie er aussieht. Tom isn't as stupid as he looks. Tom's not as stupid as he looks. Warum färben sich die Leute die Haare? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people dye their hair? Waarom ben je gekomen? Why did you come? Why did you come? Nuver. Wonderful. Nuver. De herstelling van mijn fiets kostte mij duizend yen. It cost me a thousand yen to get my bicycle fixed. The restoration of my bike cost me a thousand yen. Misschien was Tom erbij betrokken. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. Succes met je examen! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with your exam! Es tut mir leid, euch so spät in der Nacht anzurufen, aber ich brauchte wirklich jemanden zum Reden. I'm sorry to call you this late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to call you so late at night, but I really needed someone to talk. Ich wohne hier. I live here. I live here. Hast du daran gedacht, den Herd auszuschalten? Did you remember to turn the cooker off? Did you think about turning the stove off? Wir brauchen nur Wasser. All we need is water. We just need water. Tom erlangte wieder das Bewusstsein. Tom regained consciousness. Tom regained consciousness. Wat deist du? Du kannst hier nich kamen! What are you doing here? You can't come in here! What are you doing? You cannot come here! Du denkst, dass ich lüge, nicht wahr? You think I'm lying, don't you? You think I'm lying, don't you? Wir diskutierten stundenlang, was wir schreiben sollten. We disputed for hours about what to write. We discussed for hours what we should write. Je kunt dit bedrijf niet verlaten. You can't quit this company. You can't leave this company. די מחברטע האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון אירע אָנהענגערס מיט איר טראַנספֿאָביע. The author disappointed a lot of her fans with her transphobia. The script has suggested a set of her beginnings with her translation. Sei vor ihm auf der Hut. Be on your guard against him. Be on his guard. Ich brauche eine Kiste Nägel. I need a box of nails. I need a box of nails. Manche Kinder mögen kein Gemüse. Some children do not like vegetables. Some kids don't like vegetables. איך רעד ניט קײן בענגאַליש. I don't speak Bangla. I shouldn't be a begian. Goeiedag. Good day. Good day. Bukarest ist die Hauptstadt von Rumänien. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Eine gesprungene Glocke hat einen bösen Laut. A cracked bell has a bad sound. A leaping bell has a bad sound. Ich glaube, er interessiert sich für mich. I think he's interested in me. I think he's interested in me. Ich bin heilfroh, dass Tom nicht zu Schaden gekommen ist. I'm just glad Tom wasn't hurt. I'm very happy Tom didn't get hurt. Tom en Maria kennen de waarheid. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Maria know the truth. Heeft hij u aangeraakt? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? Die Kinder spielen im Sand. The children are playing in the sand. The kids play in the sand. Is het waar dat mannen een vettere huid hebben dan vrouwen? Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? Is it true that men have a fatter skin than women? Es gehört oft mehr Mut dazu, seine Meinung zu ändern, als ihr treu zu bleiben. It often takes more courage to change one's opinion than to stay true to it. It often has more courage to change his mind than to remain faithful to her. Dit is sy foto. It is his photo. This is his picture. Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. װעט טראָמפּ װערן אימפּיטשט? Will Trump be impeached? When Trump is introduced? Mach dich bereit! Prepare yourself. Get ready! Linux Deepin is een andere fantastische Linuxdistributie. Linux Deepin is another wonderful Linux distribution. Linux Deepin is another fantastic Linux distribution. Ich kann mich nicht von ihnen fangen lassen. I can't let them catch me. I can't let them catch me. Wer hat die Hauptrolle? Who has the main role? Who has the lead role? Mein Zimmer ist dreimal so groß wie deins. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times as big as yours. Wel wil ter sukkeloademelk? Who wants hot chocolate? Well, would you like to have some tender milk? Op zondag is het museum niet open. On Sundays, the museum is not open. On Sunday, the museum is not open. De lütte Steern dor is de hellst. That small star is the brightest. The smallest star is the brightest. Sy't vandag sy middagete gebring. She brought his lunch today. She brought his lunch today. We moeten ze boycotten. We have to boycott them. We have to boycott them. k Zing. I'm singing. - Sing. Ik heb veel dingen te doen. I have many things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Hoeveel zussen hebt gij? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? De wasmachine is kapot. The washing machine has broken down. The washing machine's broken. Ich rechne damit, bis morgen für diese Arbeit bezahlt zu werden. I expect to be paid for this work by tomorrow. I expect to be paid until tomorrow for this work. Kais. Choose. Kais. מען דארפט נישט מער קיין וואלענטירס, אבער מען קען יא נוצן מער געלד. We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use some more money. You cannot wait any more, but you probably don't have space to use more money. Tom nahm ein Bonbon aus der Tüte. Tom took a piece of candy from the bag. Tom took a candy from the bag. De zoon van mijn zus is onze neef. My sister's son is our nephew. My sister's son is our cousin. Ze werkt over de grens. She works across the border. She's working across the border. Es tut mir leid, aber Sie irren sich! Excuse me, but you're mistaken. I'm sorry, but you're wrong! Hoe wilt ge uw koffie? How would you like your coffee? How do you want your coffee? De Elefant is grau. The elephant is grey. The elephant is grey. Ik zag een slang. I saw a snake. I saw a snake. Er was een verschil van één minuut tussen hen. There was a minute difference between them. There was a difference of one minute between them. Pardon?! Excuse me?! Excuse me? Is jy 'n elektrisiën in 'n teater? Are you an electrician in a theater? Are you an electrician in a theater? Tom maakt me altijd aan het lachen. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Ik ben geen lesbienne. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Moenie die geleentheid mis nie. Don't miss the opportunity. Do not miss the occasion. Tom lait zien mes valen. Tom dropped his knife. Tom Lait sees knife falling. Ik wil je vertellen wat er gebeurd is. I want to tell you what happened. I want to tell you what happened. Maria giechelde en bloosde. Mary giggled and blushed. Mary giggled and blushed. Ik heb vandaag vier lessen. I have four lessons today. I have four lessons today. Tom möchte Sie kennenlernen. Tom wants to get to know you. Tom wants to meet you. Ik heff in mien Goorn en Peerschboom plant. I planted a peach tree in my garden. I plant in my Goorn and Peerschbaum. Niemand konnte je das Rätsel lösen. No one was ever able to solve the riddle. No one could ever solve the mystery. Beide kinderen werden gestraft. Both children were punished. Both children were punished. Ek sal dit terug maak vir aandete. I'll make it back in time for supper. I'll make it back for dinner. De vorige maand is ze met Tom gehuwd. She married Tom last month. Last month, she married Tom. Layla was een aansteller. Layla was a drama queen. Layla was a contractor. Zijt ge bezet morgennamiddag? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you occupied tomorrow afternoon? Ik eet kaas. I eat cheese. I eat cheese. Ek wil nie alleen bly nie. I don't want to live alone. I don’t want to stay alone. Tom hatte Schwierigkeiten, seinen Koffer zu öffnen. Tom had trouble getting his suitcase opened. Tom had trouble opening his suitcase. Düsse Mann is duune. This man is drunk. This man is due. Ik onderwijs. I teach. I'm teaching. Ik heb uw vriend ontmoet. I met your friend. I met your friend. Wat hebben joe kòcht? What did you buy? What have you got? Tom stellt bei sich zu Hause seinen eigenen Wein her. Tom makes his own wine at home. Tom makes his own wine at home. Stirb nicht, Tom. Tom, don't die. Don't die, Tom. Enttäuschen Sie mich jetzt nicht! Don't disappoint me now. Don't disappoint me now! Er löcherte sie mit Fragen. He pestered her with questions. He holed them with questions. ס'איז דאָ אַ מאַן אין טיר װאָס װילט רעדן מיט דיר. There's a man at the door who wants to speak with you. It's here a man in which to speak to you. Tom ist hier. Tom is in. Tom's here. Wêr is it húske? Where is the bathroom? Where is the home place? Bel uw broer. Call your brother. Call your brother. Australië is een geweldig land. Australia is an amazing country. Australia is a great country. Loop niet in de klas a.u.b. Please don't run in the classroom. Do not walk in class please. Noem jij dat een kus? Do you call that a kiss? You call that a kiss? De zee was erg glad. The sea was very smooth. The sea was very smooth. Sie arbeitet als Heilmasseuse. She works as a massage therapist. She works as a healing masseuse. Toen ik bij het station was aangekomen, stapte ik uit de bus. As I reached the station, I got off the bus. When I arrived at the station, I got off the bus. Sinaasappelsap of champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Orange juice or champagne? „Ich liebe dich auch“, antwortete die Fee, „und wenn du bei mir bleiben möchtest, dann darfst du mein kleines Brüderchen sein, und ich werde sein dein liebes kleines Schwesterchen.“ "I love you, too," answered the Fairy, "and if you wish to stay with me, you may be my little brother and I'll be your good little sister." “I love you too,” the fairy replied, “and if you want to stay with me, then you may be my little brother, and I will be your little sister.” Die Verenigde State sal eendag vir die eerste keer 'n vrou as president verkies, en daar sal blydskap wees oor die lang verwagte geleentheid. The US will one day elect its first woman president, and there will be rejoicing in the long overdue occasion. The United States will one day for the first time choose a woman as president, and there will be joy over the long anticipated occasion. Die winkel maak om elf uur toe. The store closes at eleven. The store closes at 11 a.m. Wer hat euch gesagt, dass ich ohne Bezahlung arbeiten würde? Who told you that I would work without pay? Who told you that I would work without payment? Hierdie is dom. This is stupid. This is stupid. Tom werkt niet zo hard als voorheen. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Hier? Here? Here? Tom hängte seine Jacke an einen Haken. Tom hung his jacket on a hook. Tom hung his jacket on a hook. איך האָב געגעסן‎ דעם עפּל. I ate the apple. I haven't seen. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom did not wear socks. Tom did not wear socks. Haar auto is twee jaar oud. Her car is two years old. Her car is two years old. Was ist die Preisvorstellung? What's the asking price? What's the price show? Wie haben Sie entschieden? What's your decision? How did you decide? מיר האָבן אַ שנאָבל־חיה. We have a platypus. We have a betrothal. Ich weiß, dass du Tom mögen wirst. I know you'll like Tom. I know you're gonna like Tom. Wenn du eine Nachricht hinterlässt, melde ich mich telefonisch. Leave a message and I'll call you. If you leave a message, I'll call you by phone. Ich wohne in Luxemburg-Stadt. I live in Luxembourg City. I live in Luxembourg City. En Boor geiht bi en Doden nich bi. A bear will not touch a dead body. A drill does not belong to a death. Worüm hest du mi nich glöövt? Why didn't you believe me? Why did you not believe me? Dit is net nie die moeite werd nie. It's just not worth it. It is just not worth the effort. Je had moeten blijven waar je was. You should've stayed where you were. You should have stayed where you were. מײַן נאָמען איז דילשאַד. My name is Dilshad. This name is divisive. Ik kan niet zonder toestemming van mijn ouders trouwen. I can't get married without my parents' permission. I can't marry without permission from my parents. Der Wunsch ihres Vaters, dass sie sich von Tom fernhalten solle, und die damit verbundene Drohung, sie im Falle der Missachtung dieses Wunsches zu enterben, ließen Maria unbeeindruckt. Jetzt traf sie sich erst recht, sooft es ging, mit Tom. Her father's wish that she should stay away from Tom, and the threat of disinheriting her in the event of the disregard of this desire, left Maria unimpressed. Now she on purpose met with Tom, as often as she could. Her father's wish for her to stay away from Tom, and the threat of her death in the event of her disregard for this wish, left Mary unimpressed. Now she met right now, as often as she could, with Tom. Sie hat den Nass-T-Shirt-Wettbewerb gewonnen. She won the wet t-shirt contest. She won the wet-t-shirt contest. Hast du meinen Füller gesehen? Have you seen my pen? Have you seen my filler? Maria is een goudzoeker. Mary is a gold digger. Maria's a gold seeker. Je hoeft echt niet te schreeuwen. Yelling is completely unnecessary. You really don't have to scream. Tom bringt viel Zeit damit zu, nach seinen Autoschlüsseln, seinem Mobiltelefon oder seiner Brille zu suchen. Tom spends a lot of time looking for his car keys, mobile phone or glasses. Tom spends a lot of time looking for his car keys, his mobile phone or his glasses. Versteihst du, wat he seggt? Do you understand what he's saying? Do you understand what he says? Tom is een van de meest gerespecteerde mannen in onze stad. Tom is one of the most respected men in our town. Tom is one of the most respected men in our city. De soldaten begonnen hun aanval. The soldiers started their attack. The soldiers started their attack. Er weiß, wie man angelt. He knows how to fish with a fishing rod. He knows how to hook. Waarom wilde ze met me praten? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Einen Kuss auf die Lippen gibt, wer richtig antwortet. Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer. Give a kiss on the lips who answers correctly. "Wu wuhnscht du?" "Ich wuhn in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "How do you wish?" "I wish in Tokyo." Ze draagt een groen gewaad. She is wearing a green robe. She's wearing a green robe. Wie schreibt man einen guten Lebenslauf? How do you write a good CV? How to write a good CV? Ik voel me net een klein kind. I feel like a little kid. I feel like a little kid. Ich möchte gerne wissen, warum du niemals geheiratet hast. I wonder why you never got married. I'd like to know why you never married. Tom verspilde geen seconde. Tom didn't waste a second. Tom wasn't wasting a second. מײַן טאַטע שפּאַצירט אין גאָרטן. Dad is taking a walk in the park. Sorry, there is no room for this file in a garden. Ik heb helemaal geen angst. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not afraid at all. Maak dit 'n bietjie groter. Make it a little larger. Make it a little bigger. Ik moet erheen. I need to go there. I have to go. Ik heff mit mien Familie snackt. I was talking to my family. I had a snack with my family. Ze hebben de regels veranderd. They've changed the rules. They changed the rules. Ja! Yes! Yes! Haben Sie Bilder Ihrer Kinder bei sich? Do you have pictures of your kids with you? Do you have pictures of your children? טאָם איז אַ שׂונא־ישׂראל. Tom's an antisemite. Tom is a shchana-ish child. Mona hat noch Fieber und sollte zu Hause bleiben. Mona is still running a temperature and should stay at home. Mona still has fever and should stay home. Se kunn em nich in ’t Gesicht kieken. She couldn't look him in the face. They couldn't look him in the face. Mir gefällt deine neue Haarfarbe. I like your new hair color. I like your new hair color. Tom sagte, dass es wahr sein könnte. Tom said that it might be true. Tom said it could be true. Ich erführe gerne den Grund für Ihre Verspätung. I'd like to know why you were late. I'd like to hear the reason for your delay. Ich vertraue deinem Rat. I trust your advice. I trust your advice. Palestina wordt in het Arabisch "Filastin" genoemd. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Tom trad af. Tom resigned. Tom left. Bruukst du Slötels? Do you need keys? Do you need keys? Hij was heel oud. He was very old. He was very old. Ich konnte nicht warten. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait. De Storm hett en Boom ümsmeten. The storm blew down a tree. The Storm overthrew and Tree. Is dat te koop? Is that for sale? Is that for sale? Der Arzt kämpft gegen die Krankheit. The doctor is fighting against the disease. The doctor is fighting the disease. Ich sagte schon, dass ich die Antwort nicht weiß. I've already said I don't know the answer. I said I don't know the answer. Ik ben aan het praten. I'm talking. I'm talking. Ik had mijn twijfels. I hesitated. I had my doubts. Tom het Mary aan John herinner. Tom reminded Mary of John. Tom reminded Mary of John. Se wull dat verstahn. She wanted to understand. You might understand. Alles staat op zijn kop. Everything is upside down. Everything's on his head. Wi verköfft allens. We sell everything. We're selling everything. Het was een vochtige, grauwe zomerdag eind juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, grey summer day at the end of June. Sie hat in der letzten Zeit große Fortschritte gemacht. She has made great progress recently. It has made great progress in recent times. Zijn leven is in gevaar. His life is in danger. His life is in danger. Het was afgelopen week. It was last week. It was last week. Tom fährt in letzter Zeit mit dem Bus zur Arbeit. Tom has been riding the bus to work. Tom's been working on the bus lately. Geef me je geld, of anders sla ik je in elkaar. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money, or I'll beat you up. Tom und Maria gingen zusammen nach draußen, um die Tiere zu füttern. Tom and Mary went outside together to feed the animals. Tom and Maria went out together to feed the animals. Dit is de jongen die me geholpen heeft. This is the boy that helped me. This is the boy who helped me. De telefoons doen het niet. The phones aren't working. The phones don't do it. Nee, dankie. Ek is versadig. No more, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you. We capituleerden. We surrendered. We're capitulating. Sehnt die Grundsau ihre Shadde? Will the groundhog see his shadow? Does the Grundsau see her shadow? Verjaardagen zijn belangrijk. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. Sei mal einen Augenblick still. Be quiet for a moment. Hold still for a second. Schildkrotta hend koine Zee. Turtles don't have teeth. Tortoise hend koine Zee. Was möchten Sie gerne, Kaffee oder Tee? Which would you like: coffee or tea? What do you want, coffee or tea? Lass den Scheiß! Cut the crap! Get the fuck out of here! Woher wusstet ihr das? How did you people know? How did you know that? Bekijk eens deze foto's! Look at these photos. Look at these pictures! Hou je snavel! Shut your beak! Keep your beak! Wo blifft denn dor de Logik? Where is the logic in that? Where's the logic? Der Sturm blies und heulte, als wenn er alte Lieder sänge. The storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. The storm blew and cried as if singing old songs. Das rote Kleid stand ihr gut. The red dress looked good on her. The red dress was good for her. Ze ruimde de tafel af. She removed the dishes from the table. She cleaned the table. Wie durft? Who dares? How dare you? Wiä häissisch zum Vornamä? What is your first name? Do you know what's wrong with the forename? Je mag hier niet roken. You're not allowed to smoke here. You can't smoke here. Goud is kostbaarder dan zilver. Gold is more precious than silver. Gold is more precious than silver. Ich wollte Sie nur stolz machen. I just wanted to make you proud. I just wanted to make you proud. Es war einmal ein großer König, der lebte in Griechenland. Once upon a time, there lived a great king in Greece. It was once a great king who lived in Greece. Hast du mit Tom schon einmal Französisch gesprochen? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Have you ever spoken French to Tom? Tom moedigde Maria aan. Tom cheered Mary on. Tom encouraged Mary. Dit is nie hoekom ek hier is nie. That is not why I am here. That's not why I'm here. Worüm hett he sowat daan? Why did he do such a thing? Why does he have something to do with it? Hij verzorgt het vermaken van de buitenlandse gasten. He is in charge of entertaining the foreign guests. He takes care of the entertainment of the foreign guests. Gib einem Menschen eine Maske, und er wird dir die Wahrheit sagen. Give a man a mask and he'll tell the truth. Give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth. Wat sou jy gedoen het as jy in my plek was? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you have done if you were in my place? Je hebt goed geraden. You guessed right. You've done a good job. Het smelten van de poolkappen kan bijdragen aan het stijgen van het zeeniveau. Melting polar icecaps could also contribute to an increase in sea levels. The melting of the polar caps can contribute to the rise of sea level. Ek sal nie jou kan help nie. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Een boete van een miljoen yen? Dat is voor mij peanuts! A one million yen fine? That's nothing to me. A fine of a million yen? That's for me peanuts! Het is een te mooie kans om ze voorbij te laten gaan. It is too good of an opportunity to miss. It's too good a chance to let them pass. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said that you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Deze machine is geproduceerd in Frankrijk. This machine was manufactured in France. This machine was produced in France. Tom sagte Maria, er habe Elke geküsst. Tom told Mary that he'd kissed Alice. Tom told Maria he kissed Elke. Teak is een tropisch donker hout dat gebruikt wordt om meubelen te maken. Teak is a tropical dark wood used for making furniture. Teak is a tropical dark wood used to make furniture. Dit heeft niets met mij te maken. This has nothing to do with me. This has nothing to do with me. Jack verzamelt postzegels. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. Ik mag Sachiko mehr as Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I like Sachiko more than Akiko. Wiä häissät Si? What is your name? Know heissät Si? טאם האט געקוקט אויף מערי. Tom looked at Mary. Tom looked on mary. Mary saß auf dem Sybian. Mary sat on the Sybian. Mary was sitting on the sybian. Tom hat mehr Geheimnisse, als ich dachte. Tom has more secrets than I thought. Tom has more secrets than I thought. Er sagte, wenn er viel Geld hätte, würde er das Wörterbuch kaufen. He said that if he had much money, he would buy the dictionary. He said if he had a lot of money, he'd buy the dictionary. Tom ist ein berufserfahrener Polizist. Tom is a veteran cop. Tom is a professional police officer. Mein Werkzeugkasten enthält nur eine Zange, einen Hammer und einen Schraubenzieher. My toolbox contains only pliers, a hammer, and a screwdriver. My toolbox contains only one tong, a hammer and a screwdriver. Tom het geliek. Tom is right. Tom looked like it. Een hett en Fähler mookt. Somebody's made a mistake. One hot and Fähler moans. Miene Ünnerbüx is natt. My underpants are wet. My subbux is wet. Er musste sich das Hotelzimmer mit einem Fremden teilen. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. Hören Sie etwas? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? מרים איז שפּאַניש. Maria is Spanish. Mary Sea is Spanish. Hoe werken de hersenen? How does the brain work? How does the brain work? Sie haben Tom verhaftet. They arrested Tom. You arrested Tom. Du bist so ein Feigling! You're such a coward. You're such a coward! Ech liese guer net gär. I don't like reading at all. I wouldn't want to do this for you either. Er kam zum Frühstück runter. He came down to breakfast. He came down for breakfast. Was u zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Tom liebt Mathe. Tom loves maths. Tom loves math. Tom hat sonderbare Vorstellungen. Tom has strange ideas. Tom has strange ideas. Was man bewältigen kann, das weiß man erst, wenn man es wagt. You never know what you can accomplish until you try. You don't know what you can handle until you dare. In Australien gibt es viele chinesische Restaurants. There are many Chinese restaurants in Australia. There are many Chinese restaurants in Australia. Ist das für mich? Is that for me? Is that for me? Du hest dat allens alleen boot? You built that all by yourself? You have all of that on your own? Ich dachte, du könntest uns vielleicht helfen. I thought you could help us. I thought you might help us. Ich habe die Geduld mit ihm verloren. I lost patience with him. I lost patience with him. Tom hob einen Stein auf und warf ihn. Tom picked up a rock and threw it. Tom lifted up a stone and threw it. Saturnus is de op een na grootste planeet in het zonnestelsel. Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. ער וואוינט ערגעץ אין אַ העק. He lives out in the boondocks. He lives somewhere in a heck. De epicykel maakte het de Grieken mogelijk de beweging van de planeten uit te leggen. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the planetary movements. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the movement of the planets. Mein Vater reist manchmal ins Ausland. My father sometimes goes abroad. My father sometimes travels abroad. Es ist ziemlich kalt. It's rather cold. It's pretty cold. Glaub mir, in deiner Brust sind deines Schicksals Sterne. Believe me, the stars of your destiny are in your bosom. Believe me, in your chest are your fate's stars. Installiere Linux! Install Linux! Install Linux! Uns Vöröllern kemen vör 150 Johr in dit Land an. Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago. We've got 150 years ago in this country. Laat Tom vrij. Set Tom free. Release Tom. וואס פאר א חשיבות האט נאציאנאליזם? What importance did Nationalism have? Which accounts have Nationalism? Er hatte eine Maske an. He was wearing a mask. He had a mask on. Hoe kan ik helpen? How can I help? How can I help? Zij verbrandt snel. Her skin burns easily. She burns fast. De Tom isch scho da, aber d Mary isch noned aacho. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't gotten here yet. The Tom shod there, but d Mary sich noned aacho. Ik ben Turk. I'm Turkish. I'm Turk. Ich addressierte den Umschlag, der die Einladung enthielt. I addressed the envelope containing the invitation. I addressed the envelope containing the invitation. Sagen Sie mir Bescheid, wenn Sie sonst noch etwas brauchen! Tell me if you need anything else. Tell me if you need anything else! Eet snij. Eat snow. Eat cut. Tom spricht gerade. Tom is speaking. Tom's talking. Sind wir alle so weit? Are we all ready? Are we all ready? Es ist schwierig, gut Französisch zu sprechen. It's hard to speak French well. It is difficult to speak well French. Spreek je Litouws? Do you speak Lithuanian? Do you speak Lithuanian? Dree hoog dree maakt sövenuntwintig. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. Three high three makes twenty-seven. Die Rache des Himmels ist langsam, aber sicher. Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. The revenge of heaven is slow, but sure. Ich glaube, du fehlst Tom. I think Tom misses you. I think you're missing Tom. Dit is swoor as Blee. This is as heavy as lead. It's hard as Blee. Prate jo Ingelsk? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Seh to! See you soon! Look! Ze was nog steeds maagd. She was still a virgin. She was still a virgin. Dat hann isch nit jesinn. I didn't see that. That doesn't make sense. Het is bijna donker. It's almost dark. It's almost dark. Het huwelijk is een loterij. Marriage is a lottery. Marriage is a lottery. זי האָט אים רעקאָמאָנדירט צו קומען האַלב דרײַ. She advised him to come by 2:30. She recommended him to join half read. צי האָט טאָם דאָס פּרובירט? Has Tom tried that? Are you sure you want to try this on? Tom droomt ervan een krijgsheer te zijn. Tom dreams of being a warlord. Tom dreams of being a warrior. Ich bin fast 180 Zentimeter groß. I am almost 180 centimeters tall. I'm almost six inches tall. De baby begon te huilen. The baby started to cry. The baby started to cry. Ik kon niet ophouden ernaar te staren. I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't stop staring at it. Er ist der letzte Mensch, mit dem ich Skifahren gehen wollte. He is the last person I would want to go skiing with. He's the last person I wanted to go skiing with. Goedemorgen dames. Good morning, ladies. Good morning, ladies. דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ לײַדט איוף דעמענציע. Donald Trump suffers from dementia. This is the subject of the Tramp until it is released. טאם איז געקומען צו מיין קאבינעט אינדערפרי. Tom came to my office this morning. Tom came to my cabinet. Wéini ass hie gestuerwen? When did he die? How many o'clock did he do you think? Se hett mi opmaal en Kuss geven. She gave me a kiss suddenly. She beat me up and kissed me. Tom houdt een dagboek bij. Tom keeps a diary. Tom's keeping a diary. Mit denen verbringst du mehr Zeit als mit mir. You spend more time with them than me. You spend more time with them than with me. Ga slapen, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Ik hou niet van schelpdieren. I don't like shellfish. I don't like shellfish. Er ist ein sehr netter Student. He is a very nice student. He's a very nice student. Kovvie is kloar. Coffee is ready. Kovvie's clear. מײַן שאַנכײַנעזיש איז נישט זייער גוט בכּלל. My Shanghainese isn't very good at all. My Account Management isn't very good at this. Hy het 'n afgeleefde pak aangehad. He was wearing a threadbare suit. He was wearing a worn - out suit. Zai holt van Tom. She loves Tom. Zai's hole from Tom. Nach einigen Dutzend unerwiderten Verliebtheiten war Herbs Herz unzerbrechlich geworden. After a few dozen unrequited infatuations, Herb's heart became unbreakable. After a dozen unresponsive infatuations, Herb’s heart became unbreakable. Wat is dyn namme? What's your name? What is your name? Tom kam unter dem Auto hervor. Tom got out from under the car. Tom came out under the car. Tom ist nur ein Klugscheißer. Tom is just a know-it-all. Tom's just a smart man. Het is niet ver van het hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. Es geht das Gerücht um, dass sich die Schauspielerin scheiden lassen wird. The rumor is going around that the actress is going to get a divorce. The rumor is that the actress will be divorced. Weißt du nicht, wer ich bin? Do you not know who I am? Don't you know who I am? Ik moet aan mijn kinderen denken. I have to think of my children. I have to think of my children. Ik heb je gegoogeld en kwam erachter dat je in de gevangenis hebt gezeten. I googled you and found out that you've spent time in prison. I guilded you and found out you were in prison. Waarom leer ik IJslands? Why am I learning Icelandic? Why do I teach Icelandic? Ze hebben Tom uitgezet. They deported Tom. They turned Tom off. De dodentol bedraagt bijna vijf honderd. The death toll is nearly 500. The death toll is almost five hundred. Das Ringsystem des Saturn misst im Durchmesser ca. 280 000 km, ist aber nur ca. 1 km dick. Saturn's ring system is about 175,000 miles (280,000 km) across, yet only about half a mile (1 km) thick. The ring system of Saturn measures approx. 280 000 km in diameter, but is only about 1 km thick. Die schnellsten Meteoroiden bewegen sich mit etwa 42 Kilometern pro Sekunde. The fastest meteoroids move at about 42 kilometers per second. The fastest meteoroids move at about 42 kilometers per second. Dainj, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Dainj, Jim. Er besuchte sie nie. He never visited her. He never visited her. Mainstekaans nait. Probably not. Mainstekaan nait. So heiße ich nicht. That's not my name. That's not my name. דאָס איז מיִיִן ברודער. That is my brother. This is faster brother. Ich will mein Spanisch verbessern. I'd like to improve my Spanish. I want to improve my Spanish. Tom mied Orte, an denen geraucht wurde. Tom avoided places where people smoked. Tom took places to smoke. Ik heb een paar telefoontjes gepleegd. I made some calls. I made a few calls. Ik zal nooit meer pasta eten. I will never eat pasta again. I'll never eat pasta again. As jy regtig sou wou weet moet jy net vra. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. If you really wanted to know, just ask. Ik draag mijn badpak onder mijn kleren. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clothes. I'm wearing my bathing suit under my clothes. Tom hat einen Mahagonischreibtisch. Tom has a mahogany desk. Tom has a mahogany writing table. Ik eet vlees. I eat meat. I eat meat. Ich habe erbrochen. I threw up. I vomited. Dir kacht. You're cooking. You're chewing. Ich hatte kaum meine Mahlzeit beendet, als mein Freund mich anrief und mich einlud, zum Abendessen auszugehen. I had hardly finished my meal when my friend phoned me and invited me out for dinner. I hardly finished my meal when my friend called me and invited me to dinner. Hoe âld bisto? How old are you? How old bisto? Mary sagt, ihr Vater arbeite für die Stadtverwaltung. Mary said that her father worked for the city administration. Mary says her father works for the city administration. Ich weiß nicht, wo sich Tom und Maria kennengelernt haben. I don't know where Tom and Mary met. I don't know where Tom and Maria met. Er waren veel mensen die kwamen vragen naar de bekende actrice. There were a lot of people who came to ask after the famous actress. There were a lot of people coming to ask about the famous actress. Slichtpuut! Idiot! Slightly! Sami groeide op in een kleine moslimgemeenschap in Oost-Europa. Sami grew up in a small Muslim community in Eastern Europe. Sami grew up in a small Muslim community in Eastern Europe. Heel weinig mensen weten wat hun bloedgroep is. Very few people know what their blood group is. Very few people know what their blood type is. Vom Flughafen aus fuhren wir mit dem schnellsten Zug der Welt ins Stadtzentrum. We took the fastest train in the world from the airport to the city center. From the airport we drove the fastest train in the world to the city center. Willen jullie wijn? Do you want wine? Do you want wine? Findest du ihn gutaussehend? Do you think he's handsome? Do you like him? Der größte Teil der Programmierer hasst die Fehlerbeseitigung; es ist viel amüsanter Fehler zu machen, als sie zu beseitigen. Most programmers hate debugging; making errors is much more fun than debugging them. Most of the programmers hate the troubleshooting; it is much amusing to make mistakes than to eliminate them. Tom kam erst um 2.30 Uhr zurück. Tom didn't return till 2:30. Tom didn't come back until 2.30. Wissel. Alternate. Switch. Als ik alles opnieuw moest beginnen, zou ik niets veranderen. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing. If I had to start everything over again, I wouldn't change anything. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston heeft gewoond. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Ze is veel afgevallen sinds ze een dieet volgt. She's lost a lot of weight since she went on a diet. She's lost a lot since she's been on a diet. Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. War es wirklich bloß ein Missverständnis? Was it really just a misunderstanding? Was it really just a misunderstanding? Tom giechelde. Tom giggled. Tom giggled. Archeologische vondsten worden bijna dagelijks in Peru gemaakt. Archaeological finds are being made in Peru on an almost daily basis. Archaeological findings are made almost daily in Peru. Gees du mat? Are you coming along? So what do you do? Het jy 'n selfoon? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a cell phone? Ich hätte es nicht gemusst. Dass Tom das weiß, ist mir bekannt. I know that Tom knows I didn't have to do that. I didn't have to. Ek verwag nie van jou om dit te onthou nie. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember that. Ech iessen ze vill Fleesch. I eat too much meat. I'm gonna have to eat you a lot of Fleesch. Tom probeerde de deur open te doen, maar zij was op slot. Tom tried to open the door, but it was locked. Tom tried to open the door, but she was locked. Er is niemand gekomen. No one came. No one came. דער עפּל איז געל. The apple is yellow. The game is yellow. לאז מיר מסביר זיין. Allow me to explain. Let me be musber. De kerk bevindt zich aan de andere kant van de straat. The church is on the other side of the street. The church is located on the other side of the street. Möchtest du mit uns spielen? Would you like to play with us? You want to play with us? נײן, די קאַץ איז ניט קלײן. No, the cat isn't small. Now, the cities are not free. Niemand will, dass ihr das tut. Nobody wants you to do that. No one wants you to do that. Een wolk is gecondenseerde waterdamp. A cloud is condensed steam. A cloud is condensed water vapor. whit did ye say ? What did you say? What do you say? Moi! Hi! Moi! Ich spreche gerade. I'm talking. I'm talking. Das isch hässlich. This is ugly. It's ugly. Ich wollte schon immer die Türkei besuchen. I've always wanted to visit Turkey. I've always wanted to visit Turkey. Welche Sprache spricht man in Ägypten? What language is spoken in Egypt? What language do you speak in Egypt? Dit kind loste het gecompliceerde mathematische probleem eenvoudig op. This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily. This child simply solves the complicated mathematical problem. Er wurde gezwungen, Überstunden zu machen. He was forced to work overtime. He was forced to do overtime. Flikker. Faggot. Flicker. דער מאן האט פארקויפט זיינער נשמה צום שטן. The man sold his soul to the devil. The man occupied his soul to the ground. Wannehr hest du ehr dat eerste Maal drapen? When was it that you first met her? When did you hit the first time? Ik eet peren. I eat pears. I eat pears. Hij is dronken. He is drunk. He's drunk. Ik heb haar laat in de avond ontmoet. I met her late in the evening. I met her late in the evening. Es gehört nicht dir. It's not yours. It's not yours. Maak dat Licht ut. Ik kann nich slapen. Switch off the light. I can't get to sleep. Disable the light. I cannot sleep. Hij is hier gekomen om mij te helpen. He came here to help me. He came here to help me. Wo gehst du zur Schule? Where do you go to school? Where are you going to school? Ek is lief vir my ma. I love my mum. I love my mother. Er ligt één appel op de tafel. There is one apple on the desk. There's one apple on the table. Dit is het einde. It's the end. This is the end. Ihr fehlen drei Zähne. She has three teeth out. You're missing three teeth. Wir sind uns so ähnlich und gleichzeitig so verschieden. We are so similar and so different at the same time. We are so similar and so different at the same time. Ze zien er vandaag gelukkig uit. They look happy today. They look happy today. Wenn du dazu nicht imstande bist, dann suche ich mir jemand anderen. If you can't do it, I'll find someone who can. If you're not able to do that, I'm looking for someone else. Sta op. Get up. Get up. Omdat hij me uitnodigde. Because he invited me. Because he invited me. Die Polizei nahm von Tom Fingerabdrücke. Tom was fingerprinted by the police. The police took fingerprints from Tom. Tom wäre fast erwischt worden. Tom almost got caught. Tom almost got caught. Wat hest du dien Fründ köfft? What did you buy your boyfriend? What did you buy your friend? זײ זענען פֿישערס. They're fishermen. They are fishers. Rufe den Sicherheitsdienst! Call security! Call the security service! Ik hoop dat je een spoedig herstel hebt. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you have a quick recovery. Het is spotgoedkoop. It's dirt cheap. It's a mockery. Mit dir zu arbeiten war ein Vergnügen. It was a pleasure working with you. Working with you was a pleasure. Bent u Chinees, mijnheer? Are you Chinese, sir? Are you Chinese, sir? די קאַבילען רעדן קאַביליש. The Kabyle speak Kabyle. The hotels speak Cab door. Taiken n leutje cirkel. Draw a small circle. Taiken n leutje cirkel. De grootte maakt uit. Size does matter. The size doesn't matter. Tom teilte sein Brot mit Maria. Tom shared his sandwich with Mary. Tom shared his bread with Mary. Ik kan dit lawaai niet meer verdragen. I can't bear the noise any longer. I can't stand this noise anymore. Tom wurde von einem LKW überfahren. Tom was run down by a truck. Tom was hit by a truck. Tweelingen zijn klonen. Twins are clones. Twins are clones. Mir brauchen en neien Auto. We need a new car. We need a new car. Tom ist nach Deutschland gezogen. Tom moved to Germany. Tom moved to Germany. Dies ist eine Million Yen wert. This is worth one million yen. This is worth a million yen. Das ist ein günstiger Laden. That's a cheap store. It's a cheap store. Bis zum nächsten Mal. Until next time. See you next time. Sie kann nicht krank sein. She can't be ill. She can't be sick. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten nicht, Elke habe recht. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was right. Tom and Mary said John that they did not believe that Elke was right. Er heerst een redelijk optimisme dat de economie zal verbeteren. There is considerable optimism that the economy will improve. There is a reasonable optimism that will improve the economy. Tom is een aardappelboer. Tom is a potato farmer. Tom's a potato farmer. Alle haben Tom gesucht. Everybody was looking for Tom. Everyone was looking for Tom. Was ist das Schlimmste, das passieren könnte? What's the worst thing that could happen? What's the worst thing that could happen? Villicht schull ik Düütsch lehren. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I should teach German. Sie brauchte 10,5 Liter Salpetersäure für das Experiment. She needed 10.5 liters of nitric acid for the experiment. She needed 10.5 liters of nitric acid for the experiment. Onderschat mijn kracht niet. Don't underestimate my power. Don't underestimate my power. Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer. Speak more slowly, please. Please talk slower. Niets zal hem tegenhouden. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du das selbst gemacht hast. I can't believe you did this by yourself. I can't believe you did that yourself. Du hest veel verpasst. You missed a lot. You have missed a lot. Ech wunnen zu Lëtzebuerg. I live in Luxembourg. I won the avocados. Sami is aan het vasten. Sami is fasting. Sami's fasting. Ik heb geen hulp nodig. I don't need help. I don't need any help. Gaat u ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you going to introduce us? Du weißt genau, dass es nicht wichtig ist. You know it doesn't matter. You know it's not important. Er ist magersüchtig. He's anorexic. He's skinny. Muziek is universeel. Music is universal. Music is universal. We schatten de schade op duizend dollar. We estimate the damages to be one thousand dollars. We estimate the damage to a thousand dollars. Tom miste zijn vrienden. Tom missed his friends. Tom missed his friends. Tom legte sich ins kühle Gras. Tom lay down in the cool grass. Tom lay down in the cool grass. Wer, denkst du, kennt sich mit dieser Angelegenheit aus? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who, do you think, knows this matter? Tom weigerde erover te praten. Tom refused to talk about it. Tom refused to talk about it. Tom versteckte sich im Schuppen. Tom hid in the shed. Tom was hiding in the shed. U moet twee- à driemaal daags een tablet innemen met een glas water. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You must take a tablet with a glass of water two to three times a day. Ze heeft in het buitenland gereisd. She has traveled in foreign countries. She traveled abroad. Dat is een fout. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Tom ärgerte sich über sich selbst ob seiner Verspätung. Tom was angry with himself for being late. Tom was annoyed by himself for his delay. Ik kann nix sehn! I can't see! I can't see anything! Tom wird vermissen das zu tun. Tom is going to miss doing this. Tom's gonna miss doing this. Ik bün heel stolt up use Schöler. I'm very proud of our students. I'm very clotting up using students. Eisen ist das nützlichste Metall. Iron is the most useful metal. Iron is the most useful metal. Waist wel k bin? Do you know who I am? Or am I? Ik word 's ochtends om half zes wakker. I wake up at half past five in the morning. I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. Wir haben drei Kriege durchgemacht. We've been through three wars. We've been through three wars. זי רעדט רוסיש. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Ik hou van wiskunde. I like maths. I like mathematics. Tom was mien faveriet. Tom was my favorite. Tom was my faverite. Tom ist Schauspieler und Liederschreiber. Tom is an actor and a songwriter. Tom is an actor and songwriter. Laat het ons kort houden. Let's make it brief. Let's keep it short. Die Tage werden mit jedem Jahrhundert um etwa 1,7 Millisekunden länger, weil der Mond die Rotation der Erde bremst. Days get longer by about 1.7 millisecond per century because the moon is slowing the Earth's rotation. The days are about 1.7 milliseconds longer each century, because the moon inhibits the rotation of the earth. Ek waag jou om daai revier te brug. We dare you to cross that river. I dare you to bridge that area. Du kannst nicht mehr zurücknehmen, was du einmal gesagt hast. You cannot take back what you have said. You can't take back what you once said. Tom was bijna dertig jaar lang leraar. Tom was a teacher for nearly thirty years. Tom was a teacher for almost 30 years. Ech sichen eng Steckdous. I'm looking for a socket. Look, I'm gonna look at this stuff. De Präis ass niddereg, awer d'Qualitéit ass net ganz gutt. It's cheap, but the quality isn't that good. Price is low, but the quality is not quite good. k Kin daanzen. I can dance. Can dance. Ik reken op uw hulp. I am counting on your help. I'm counting on your help. Dieses Buch ist das ihre. This book is hers. This book is hers. Een man is niet oud zolang hij kan werken. A man is not old as long as he can work. A man is not old as long as he can work. Waarom heeft jouw essay zoveel grammaticale fouten? Why does your essay have so many grammatical mistakes? Why does your essay have so many grammatical errors? Mike töövt ünnen. Mike is waiting downstairs. Mike is waiting. Segg Ria, dat ik ehr leef heff! Tell Mary I love her. Segg Ria, that I live my life! Sie führt ihr Tagebuch auf Englisch. She keeps her diary in English. She leads her diary in English. Der Hund folgt mir überall hin. The dog follows me wherever I go. The dog follows me everywhere. Zijn belangrijkste levensdoel was rijk worden. His main object in life was to become rich. His main purpose in life was to become rich. Der Junge fing einen großen Fisch. The boy caught a large fish. The boy caught a big fish. Ech kann et net stoppen. I can't stop it. I cannot stop it. Ik kann den Ketscher nich finnen. I can't find the hand net. I cannot find the heretic. Het is moeilijk voor buitenlanders om Japans te leren. It's hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. It's hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. Jedes Mädchen träumt davon, ein eigenes Pferd zu besitzen. Every girl dreams of owning a pony. Each girl dreams of owning her own horse. Sami ging Layla haar kantoor binnen. Sami went into Layla's office. Sami entered Layla's office. Deze muur is groen geverfd. This wall is painted green. This wall is painted green. ער איז נישט קיין צדיק אין פּעלץ. He's not a hypocrite. He's not any shame in felt. Ik ben hier om je te beschermen. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. In de straat waren de meeste winkels gesloten. The shops in the street were for the most part closed. In the street most shops were closed. Ech schwätze Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I know Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I talk learning, German, French and English. Weet je het zeker? Are you sure? Are you sure? Tom war bei der Berufsberatung. Tom spoke to a career advisor. Tom was a professional consultant. Het wordt al laat. It's already getting late. It's getting late. Es ist gefährlich, auf Eisenbahnschienen zu laufen. It's dangerous to walk on railway lines. It's dangerous to run on railway tracks. Deze thee smaakt goed. This tea tastes good. This tea tastes good. Ik was er niet. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Sie dürfen Ihre Probleme nicht ungelöst lassen. You mustn't leave your problems unsolved. You must not leave your problems unsolved. Ik denk dat Tom een student is. I think that Tom is a student. I think Tom's a student. Zij was op de plaats delict. She was at the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Wir haben den ganzen Tag am Strand verbracht. We spent the entire day on the beach. We spent the whole day on the beach. Ich benütze einen neuen Rechner. I'm using a new computer. I'm using a new computer. Ich werde zwei Monate in Boston sein. I will be in Boston for two months. I'll be in Boston for two months. Tom het skoon van hulle vergeet. Tom forgot all about them. Tom forgot about them cleanly. ווארף איר דער פילקע. Toss her the ball. Wait the ball. Er ist fort von zuhause. He is away from home. He's gone from home. Die Äpfel, die er mir schickte, waren köstlich. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Is dat een bus of een auto? Is that a bus or a car? Is that a bus or a car? Het spel begint morgenmiddag om twee uur. The game starts at two tomorrow afternoon. The game starts tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. Vo wo bisch? Where are you from? Where the hell is he? Je wordt dunner van dat dieet, maar word je ook gezonder? That diet makes you thinner, but does it also make you healthier? You're getting thinner off that diet, but are you getting healthier? Toms Miete beträgt dreihundert Dollar im Monat. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Håsch du ihm glaubd? Did you believe him? Do you believe him? Tom, Maria en hun vrienden zaten rond de tafel. Tom, Mary and their friends sat around the table. Tom, Maria and their friends were sitting around the table. Der Krieg wurde endlich zu einem Ende gebracht. The war was finally brought to a close. The war was finally brought to an end. Þǣr is æppel on þǣm bēode. There is an apple on the table. The Grosser is æppel on the top side. Dieses Gebäude hat ein grünes Dach. This building has a green roof. This building has a green roof. Als ze uw adres kende, zou ze u schrijven. If she knew your address, she would write to you. If she knew your address, she'd write to you. Deze foto herinnert me aan toen ik een student was. This picture reminds me of when I was a student. This picture reminds me when I was a student. Het oude paar gaf hun zoon op als vermist. The old couple gave up their son for lost. The old couple gave up their son as missing. Er sollte sich seiner Ignoranz schämen. He ought to be ashamed of his ignorance. He should be ashamed of his ignorance. Si brauch Waasser. She needs water. She needs waxer. Tom lachte. Tom laughed. Tom laughed. Kennt em een? Does anybody know him? Does he know one? Koeien eten gras. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. Ik wull würklich geern weten, worüm as he sowat daan hett. I would really like to know why he did such a thing. I'd really like to know why when he's done something. Waar is je auto? Where's your car? Where's your car? Heb je een andere oplossing? Do you have another solution? Do you have a different solution? Ich habe noch nie eins gesehen. I've never seen one before. I've never seen one. De professor die het woord nam, is van de Universiteit Boekarest. The professor that took the floor is from the University of Bucharest. The professor who took the floor is from the University of Bucharest. Er starb, ohne ein Testament gemacht zu haben. He died without having made a will. He died without having made a will. Niemand will, dass du das tust. Nobody wants you to do that. No one wants you to do that. De Putzbüdel hett sien Hoor sneden. The barber cut his hair. The Putzbüdel cut his horn. Ik ben mijn regenscherm verloren. I have lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. Disse Roos is moi. This rose is beautiful. This rosy is nice. Dizze bloume is swaart. This flower is black. This blue is heavy. Das war die allgemeine Meinung. It was the general opinion. That was general opinion. Ik hööp, dat wi in Kuntakt blieven köönt. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. I hope we can stay in Kuntakt. Sami und Layla hatten einen Geschäftstermin. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Sami and Layla had a business appointment. Ze is een paar keer naar Hawaï geweest. She has been to Hawaii several times. She went to Hawaii a few times. Ik bün tohuus. I'm at home. I'm home. Ek is al gewoond daaraan teen nou. I'm used to it by now. I've been used to it by now. Ich muss seinen Brief beantworten. I have to answer his letter. I have to answer his letter. Houden jullie van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Würklich? Du süst jünger ut. Really? You look younger. Worse? You're younger. k Vuilde mie zo isoleerd. I felt so isolated. k Dirty corn so isolated. Blief oamen. Keep breathing. Please, oams. Helaas regent het vandaag. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Unfortunately, it rains today. De Vagels weren hungerig. The birds were hungry. The birds have turned their backs. Mary loopt een jaar achter op school. Mary is a year behind in school. Mary's been in high school for a year. Je kan niet dansen, of wel? You can't dance, can you? You can't dance, can you? Hoe oud is jouw oom? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Ek het dit terug gesit waar dit behoort. I put it back where it belonged. I put it back where it belongs. Wie is uw lievelingsacteur? Who is your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Kinder lernen das Lesen durch die Nähe zu Büchern. Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. Children learn to read through proximity to books. Ihr habt eure Regenschirme verloren. You've lost your umbrellas. You lost your umbrellas. מער פֿעלט מיר ניט. That's all I need. That's all we got. Kinner bruukt Leevd. Children need loving. Kid's using Love. Ik weet nix. I know nothing. I don't know anything. Ich habe einen Termin, zu dem ich nicht zu spät kommen will. I have an appointment I don't want to be late for. I have an appointment I don't want to make too late. Im Gegensatz zu ihr bist du fleißig. Unlike her, you are diligent. Unlike her, you're diligent. Wann kommt Mama nach Hause? When is Mom coming home? When is Mama coming home? Het duurde lang tot ik in slaap viel. It took me a long time to fall asleep. It took me a long time to fall asleep. Se wull nich, dat he doodblifft. She didn't want him to die. You probably do not want to keep it dead. Wie is jouw favoriete countryartiest. Who's your favorite country artist? Who's your favorite country artist? Was hat dich angetrieben? What motivated you? What driven you? Ik spreek vloeiend Engels. I speak English fluently. I speak fluent English. Noch weiß Ming Xiao nicht, wo er nächstes Jahr hingehen wird. Ming Xiao doesn't know yet where he will go next year. Still Ming Xiao doesn't know where he'll go next year. Wëllkomm op der Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. דאַריִאָ איז אַ קאָמוניסט. Dario is a communist. Required is a conjugater. Tom beschäftigt sich nur mit Essen. All Tom does is eat. Tom's just dealing with food. Ik heb mijn ziel verkocht, maar ik gebruikte hem toch niet. I sold my soul, but I wasn't using it anyways. I sold my soul, but I didn't use it anyway. Können Sie mir bitte noch etwas Wein einschenken? Can you please pour me some more wine? Can you give me some more wine, please? Sollen wir ihr ein paar Bücher schicken? Shall I send a few books for her? Shall we send her some books? Tom arbeitet an der Wiederflachmachung seines Bauches. Tom is working on flattening his stomach. Tom's working on reclamating his stomach. Hy is trots op sy seun. He is proud of his son. He is proud of his son. Unterbrich nicht. Don't interrupt. Don't interrupt. טאָם איז אַן אַנטי־פֿאַשיסט. Tom is an anti-fascist. Tom is an anti-scapt. Ik heb een paar duiten op zak deze maand. I have a little money this month. I've got a few clues on bag this month. Vervelen jullie je? Are you bored? Are you bored? Ze kweekt veel soorten bloemen. She grows many kinds of flowers. She cultivates many kinds of flowers. Es gibt nur drei Mädchen in der Klasse. There are only three girls in the class. There are only three girls in class. Strikt verboden. Strictly forbidden. Strictly forbidden. Ik begrijp kunst niet. I don't understand art. I don't understand art. Wer ist dein Chinesischlehrer? Who is your Chinese teacher? Who's your Chinese teacher? Ik ben altijd nog alleen. I am still alone. I'm still alone. Houdt u van lasagne? Do you like lasagna? Do you like lasagne? Sami wilde moslim worden. Sami wanted to become Muslim. Sami wanted to be Muslim. Anders als mein Bruder kann ich nicht schwimmen. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. Unlike my brother, I can't swim. Tom wollte mit Mary lernen. Tom wanted to study with Mary. Tom wanted to learn with Mary. Es wird sich kaum jemand finden, der ihn kritisiert. Few, if any, will criticize him. There will hardly be anyone who criticizes him. Eten! Food! Eat! De Lüüd bi SETI söökt na intelligent Leven in ’t Universum vonwegen dat se dat hier op de Eer nich funnen hebbt! The people at SETI are looking for intelligent life in the universe because they haven't found it here on Earth! The people at SETI are looking for intelligent lives in the universe because they didn't find it here on earth! Wat is die duurder een van die twee? Which is the more expensive of the two? What is the more expensive one of the two? מער פֿעלט מיר נישט. It's all I need. That's all I got. Ik heb nog steeds dingen die ik moet doen. I still have things I need to do. I still have things to do. Waar het julle so geleer dans? Where did you learn to dance like that? Where did you learn to dance like that? Ik speel piano. I play the piano. I'm playing piano. Ich wähle dich. I choose you. I'll choose you. Wie binnen noaber. We're neighbors. Like noaber. Tom fuhr Maria zum Krankenhaus. Tom drove Mary to the hospital. Tom drove Maria to the hospital. ’Keen hest du dat Book geven? To whom did you give the book? 'No, you didn't give the book? Bitt dien Hund? Does your dog bite? Is that a dog? Tom wist niet eens wie Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader een beroemd acteur is. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. Die Jugend ist der Frühling des Lebens, aber es gibt auch verregnete Frühlinge. Youth is the springtime of life, but there are also springtimes that are rained out. Youth is the spring of life, but there are also rainy springtimes. Tom begann vor Schmerz zu stöhnen. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom started moaning for pain. Wenn Water freert, warrt dat Ies. When water freezes it becomes ice. If water is freezing it will become ice. Trotz ihrer Beleibtheit war sie hübsch. In spite of being fat, she was pretty. Despite her obeisance, she was pretty. Du bist im falschen Zug. You are on the wrong train. You're on the wrong move. טומע מארגן עס וועט רייגנען, אז עס וועט דאן זיין א וואך וואס עס האט גערייגענט. It will have been raining a whole week if it is rainy tomorrow. Tomorrow it will organized, that it will be a watch that has occurred. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass dir dieser Film gefallen hat. I can't believe that you enjoyed that movie. I can't believe you liked this movie. Tom liebt das. Tom loves this. Tom loves that. Ik leev in Canton. I live in Canton. I live in Canton. Sie mag Baseball nicht besonders. She doesn't like baseball very much. She doesn't like baseball very much. Tom het iets in sy hand. Tom has something in his hand. Tom has something in his hand. Sag Tom, dass wir auf ihn warten! Tell Tom we're waiting for him. Tell Tom we're waiting for him! Praat jy Volapük? Do you speak Volapük? Are you talking Volapük? Niemand bleef in mijn land. Nobody stayed in my country. Nobody stayed in my country. Es ist schwer, heutzutage gute Hilfe zu bekommen. It's hard to find good help these days. It's hard to get good help these days. Tom pakte een biertje uit de koelkast en gaf het aan Mary. Tom took a beer out of the fridge and handed it to Mary. Tom took a beer from the fridge and gave it to Mary. Die Brigach und die Breg bringen die Donau zuweg. The Danube begins at the confluence of the Brigach and the Breg rivers. The Brigach and the Breg take the Danube away. Ich habe heute erfahren, dass Luka mich nicht mag. Weißt du, warum? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me. Do you know why? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me. Luister alstublieft. Please listen. Please listen. Er verdiente seinen Lebensunterhalt als Sänger. He earned his living as a singer. He earned his living as a singer. Warum habt ihr Deutsch gelernt? Why did you learn German? Why did you learn German? Atooms sünd överall in. Atoms are in everything. Atomics are everywhere. Ze staat naast het gele huis. She's standing next to the yellow house. She's standing next to the yellow house. Tom genehmigte sich schnell einen Bissen. Tom ate a quick bite. Tom quickly approved a bite. Sie öffnete schnell den Brief. She opened the letter quickly. She quickly opened the letter. Tom is mien faveriet. Tom is my favorite. Tom's my faverite. Soll es heute Nacht schneien? Should it snow tonight? Should it snow tonight? Shit! Fuck! Shit! Ik tööv op Godot. I'm waiting for Godot. I'm waiting for Godot. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ פֿײַפֿט אױפֿן ייִדישן פֿאָלק. Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people. This music book was visual folk. In my land werk niemand nie. Nobody works in my country. In my country, no one works. Tom schoss mit einer Armbrust auf Mary. Tom shot at Mary with a crossbow. Tom shot Mary with an armbrush. Sy hardloop. She runs. She runs. Er rühmte sich seiner Pünktlichkeit. He prided himself on his punctuality. He boasted of his punctuality. Tom wurde reingelegt. Tom was framed. Tom was put in. Het ligt onder de stoel. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Tom schien sich für nichts anderes zu interessieren. Tom didn't seem interested in anything else. Tom seemed to be interested in nothing else. Maria zat alleen op de sofa. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Maria was alone on the sofa. Tom is een voormalige paracommando. Tom is a former paratrooper. Tom's a former paracommando. Beth Jensen erlitt mit nur acht Jahren einen Schlaganfall, und obzwar sie überlebte, war sie daraufhin fast vollständig gelähmt und konnte nicht sprechen. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke when she was just eight years old, and though she survived, she was almost completely paralyzed and unable to talk as a result. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke at only eight years of age, and although she survived, she was almost completely paralyzed and could not speak. Se helpt em. She is helping him. She's helping him. Tom hat viele gute Ideen. Tom has a lot of good ideas. Tom has many good ideas. Tom sien Vader is Schandarm. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is an outrage. Tom ist nun in der fünften Klasse. Tom is now in the fifth year. Tom's in fifth grade now. Alsjeblieft, luister naar mij! Please, listen to me! Please, listen to me! Wi mööt rutfinnen, of Tom Franzöösch snacken kann. We need to find out if Tom can speak French. We have to find out if Tom can talk in French. Nimm deinen Hut ab! Remove your hat. Take your hat off! Ich denke, das ist Tom. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Ik hou ook van skiën. I like skiing, too. I like skiing, too. Hoezo ben je zo moe vandaag? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Onverwachte resultaten werden aangekondigd. Unexpected results were announced. Unexpected results were announced. דאָס איז אַ פּען. That's a pen. It's a pen. Du weißt es besser als jeder andere. You know it better than anyone else. You know better than anyone else. Könntet ihr bitte aufpassen? Can you pay attention, please? Can you take care, please? Ich sprach so laut, dass mich alle hören konnten. I spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone. I spoke so loud that everyone could hear me. Ek is nou-nou terug met verversings. I'll be right back with refreshments. I'm back now with refreshments. Anscheinend mögen Sie Obst. You seem to like fruit. Apparently you like fruit. Kom binnen. Come in! Come in. Tom toste het muntstuk en zei: „Kop of munt?” Tom flipped the coin and said, "Heads or Tails?" Tom tossed the coin and said, “Cop or coin?” Vraag Tom hoe je dat moet doen. Ask Tom how to do that. Ask Tom how to do that. De Bodden is fuchtig. This soil is moist. The bottom is moist. Ich würde es kaufen, wenn ich nicht pleite wäre. I'd buy it if I weren't broke. I'd buy it if I didn't argue. Tom is een kinderarts. Tom is a pediatrician. Tom's a pediatrician. He is keen Dokter. He is not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Zéng, eelef, zwielef, dräizéng, véierzéng, fofzéng, siechzéng, siwwenzéng, uechtzéng, nonzéng, zwanzeg. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Seven, twelve, three, three, four, five, seven, seven, eight, no, twenty. Tom scheint genervt zu sein. Tom seems annoyed. Tom seems to be upset. Isch's woar? Seriously? Ish's what? Tom gaat te voet naar school. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom's going to school on foot. Verander nu niet van thema. Don't change the subject. Don't change theme now. Tom beschloss, Lehrer zu werden. Tom made up his mind to be a teacher. Tom decided to become a teacher. Das Konzert war eine große Enttäuschung. The concert was a big disappointment. The concert was a great disappointment. Die Tür will nicht aufgehen. This door will not open. The door doesn't want to go up. Gehen wir ins Kino! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to the movies! Willst du ihm sagen, du liebst ihn? Do you want to tell him you love him? You want to tell him you love him? Ik ben van plan om met hem te lunchen. I'm scheduled to have lunch with him. I'm planning on having lunch with him. Dat gaat jou totaal niets aan. This does not concern you at all. That's none of your business. Hoi, myn namme is Ken Saitou. Hi, my name is Ken Saitou. Hi, my name is Ken Saitou. Tom en Maria dronken vaak chocolademelk toen ze kinderen waren. Tom and Mary often drank chocolate milk when they were kids. Tom and Maria often drank chocolate milk when they were children. Tom hat braune Augen. Tom has brown eyes. Tom's got brown eyes. Warum hilft mir niemand? Why doesn't anybody help me? Why doesn't anyone help me? Mijn kamer is drie keer zo groot als de uwe. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times as big as yours. Zet u. Sit down. Put it down. Sie kam ins Zimmer. She came into the room. She came to the room. Zeig es Tom! Show it to Tom. Show it tom! Tom wurde verletzt. Tom was hurt. Tom was hurt. Fahren Sie je mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit? Do you ever ride your bicycle to work? Do you ever ride your bike to work? Seine Schüchternheit machte seine Reden zur Quälerei für ihn. His shyness made public speaking a torment to him. His shyness made his speech a torture for him. Maak je geen zorgen. Don't worry about it. Don't worry. Du solltest stolz auf das sein, was du erreicht hast. You should be proud of what you've accomplished. You should be proud of what you've achieved. Laten we hopen dat Tom niet dood is. Let's hope Tom isn't dead. Let's hope Tom's not dead. Die baba het vir my geglimlag. The baby smiled at me. The baby smiled at me. Ik heff jüst soveel to doon as Tom. I'm as busy as Tom is. I just got to do as much as Tom. Drehst du gerade durch? Are you freaking out? Are you just going through? Wohnst du noch bei deiner Mutter? Are you still living with your mom? Are you still living with your mother? Tom ist ein schlechter Fahrer; er hält sich aber für einen guten. Tom is a bad driver, but he thinks that he's a good driver. Tom's a bad driver, but he thinks he's a good driver. Ze droeg een mannenhemd dat haar niet paste. She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her. She was wearing a men's shirt that didn't fit her. ר'איז גײ. He's gay. We're fine. Ich werde schauen, dass so etwas nicht wieder vorkommt. I will see that such a thing does not come to pass again. I'll see that something like that doesn't happen again. Das ist einfach! That's a piece of pie. It's easy! Achte mal darauf, wie der Spieler seine Ellbogen einsetzt. Notice how the player uses his elbows. Watch the player use his elbows. Was hast du geträumt, als ich dich geweckt habe? What were you dreaming about when I woke you? What did you dream when I woke you? Tom konnte seine Brille nicht finden. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Dien antwoord is goud. Your answer is right. Your answer is gold. Mennad waarkt. Mennad works. Mennad is watching. Tom is transgender. Tom is transgender. Tom's more transgender. Nimm etwas Geld mit, nur für den Fall, dass du es brauchst! Take some money just in case you need it. Take some money, just in case you need it! Gemäß dem Bayerischen Reinheitsgebot dürfen zum Bierbrauen nur Gerste, Hopfen und Hefe verwendet werden. According to the Bavarian Purity Law, only barley, hops, water and yeast may be used to brew beer. According to the Bavarian Purity Command, only barley, hops and yeast may be used for brewing beer. Esperanto is een internationale taal. Esperanto is an international language. Esperanto is an international language. Ik ben uitgeput. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. He besitt veel düre Schilleraatsen. He has quite a few valuable paintings. He owns a lot of thin schilleratsen. Wie heißt du? What are you called? What's your name? Ik ben al weer op zoek naar mijn bril. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm looking for my glasses again. Ik schreef een brief aan Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. Tom hett mien Wekenenn rugeneert. Tom ruined my weekend. Tom's backing my weeks. Was die Welt verändert, ist Kommunikation, nicht Information. What changes the world is communication, not information. What changes the world is communication, not information. Hoe voel jy nou oor haar? How do you feel about her now? How do you feel about her now? Das wird ihr eine Lehre sein. This will teach her a lesson. That'll be a lesson for her. Rache isch siaß. Revenge is sweet. Revenge. Sie liest einen Roman. She's reading a novel. She reads a novel. t Is sikkom veurbie. It's almost over. It is possible that veurbie will occur. De beer at een appel. The bear ate an apple. The bear ate an apple. Hien huet mech net gesinn. He didn't see me. He didn't see me. Ik ook. Me too. Me too. Ich möchte gerne wissen, was ich falsch gemacht habe. I'd like to know what I did wrong. I'd like to know what I did wrong. Tom het 'n uitstekende geheue. Tom has a very good memory. Tom has an excellent memory. Du hast so weiche Haut! Your skin is so soft. You've got so soft skin! Toms Schluchzen war noch im Nebenzimmer zu hören. Tom's sobs could be heard from the next room. Tom's slut was still in the side room. Ik heff allens Geld utgeven. I've spent all the money. I've spent all my money. Minsk ist die Hauptstadt von Weißrussland. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Ik hoop wel dat je het begrijpt. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand. Tom, bitte lass mich in Ruhe! Tom, please leave me alone. Tom, please leave me alone! Wat deist du Pa? What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Dad? Ek wil haar nooit weer sien nie. I never want to see her again. I never want to see her again. Er ist ein Exorzist. He's an exorcist. He's an exorcist. Ik heb je mijn antwoord al gegeven. I've already given you my answer. I already gave you my answer. Ik heff dat Auto köfft. I bought the car. I'm gonna have to buy that car. Waar zijn de aardbeien? Where are the strawberries? Where are the strawberries? Wir sollten so schnell wie möglich von hier verschwinden. We should get away from here as quickly as we can. We should get out of here as soon as possible. מײַן ברודער האָט איצט נישט קײן טועכץ. My brother has no occupation now. My brother has no changes now. Wat is dien faveriete slik? What's your favorite candy? What Is Its Faverites Swallow? He mag ehr Hoor, ehr Smüüstern, ehr Ogen? Wow, he is verdammt good bi ’t Lögen vertellen! He loves her hair, her smile, her eyes? Wow, he is fucking good at telling lies! He likes their hearing, their smearings, their eyes? Wow, he's fucking good at lying! Wir haben die Tiefe des Flusses gemessen. We measured the depth of the river. We measured the depth of the river. Es war einmal eine Katze, deren Name war Tango. Once upon a time, there was a cat whose name was Tango. It was once a cat whose name was Tango. „Und die Krähe?“ fragte Gerda. – „Ach, die Krähe, die ist tot“, antwortete sie. "And the crow?" asked Gerda. "Oh, the crow is dead," she replied. “And the crow?” asked Gerda. “Ah, the crow is dead,” she replied. Du redest im Schlaf. You talk in your sleep. You're talking in sleep. Ich habe angeboten, ihr bei den Hausaufgaben zu helfen. I offered to help her with her homework. I offered to help her with the homework. Het is eindelijk voorbij. It's finally over. It's finally over. Wollen wir auf ihn warten? Should we wait for him? Do we want to wait for him? Tom löschte das Feuer. Tom extinguished the fire. Tom wiped out the fire. Þe cat is grete. The cat is big. The cat's grete. Tom hatte einen Moscow Mule. Tom had a Moscow Mule. Tom had a Moscow Mule. Ik wist niet dat Tom vandaag hier zou zijn. I didn't know Tom would be here today. I didn't know Tom would be here today. Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning on taking all her savings from the bank. דו ביסט שטאַרקער פֿאַר אונדז. You're stronger than us. You strong for us. Ons spreek wat ons weet en ons getuig van wat ons gesien het, en julle neem ons getuienis nie aan nie. We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. We speak what we know, and testify of what we have seen, and you don't accept our testimony. Kunt ge mij het recept voor uw salade geven? Will you give me the recipe for your salad? Can you give me the recipe for your salad? Spreek niet tegen de bestuurder terwijl hij aan het rijden is. Don't speak to the driver while he is driving. Don't talk to the driver while he's driving. Waarom zou ik Frans leren? Why should I learn French? Why should I learn French? De Jung snackt as en grootwussen Minsch. That boy talks as if he were a grown up. The boy snacks ashes and great wishes of human beings. Die Region brüstet sich mit den schönsten Frauen des Landes. The region boasts the most beautiful women in the country. The region nests with the most beautiful women in the country. Ik wil updates. I want updates. I want updates. Ostern ist ein wichtiges christliches Fest zum Gedenken an die Auferstehung von Jesus Christus. Easter is an important Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is an important Christian feast to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ist das echtes Gold? Is this real gold? Is that real gold? Hoe gaat het vandaag met je? How are you today? How are you today? Kein Berg in Japan ist höher als der Fuji. No mountain in Japan is higher than Mt. Fuji. No mountain in Japan is higher than Fuji. In deinem Alter solltest du etwas vernünftiger sein! You should be a little more sensible at your age! At your age, you should be a little more reasonable! Kunt u mijn Engelse zinnen verbeteren? Can you correct my English sentences? Can you improve my English phrases? Tom gibt sich gerne geheimnisvoll. Tom likes to be mysterious. Tom likes to be mysterious. Hai runt. He's running. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Bist du stolz auf deinen Vater? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Ich glaube, meine Eltern verheimlichen mir etwas. I think my parents are hiding something from me. I think my parents are hiding something from me. Könntest du herkommen und mir helfen? Can you come over here and help me? Could you come here and help me? Tom is een nieuweling. Tom is a beginner. Tom's a newbie. Tom is mien noaber. Tom is my neighbour. Tom is my noaber. Tom ist der Einzige, der weiß, was vor sich geht. Tom is the only one who knows what's going on. Tom's the only one who knows what's going on. זײ האָבן גערעדט פֿראַנצײזיש. They spoke French. They have speech French. Es hat mich überhaupt nicht überrascht, dass Tom sich keinen Anwalt leisten konnte. It didn't surprise me at all that Tom couldn't afford a lawyer. It didn't surprise me at all that Tom couldn't afford a lawyer. De hond die het kind had gebeten werd kort nadien gevangen. The dog that bit the child was caught soon after. The dog that bit the child was caught shortly afterward. טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער. Tom said that he thought that he could pass the test. Thum said that he had thought he could read it again. Ik bün Ungaar. I'm Hungarian. I'm Hungarian. Het spel werd spannend. The game became exciting. The game became exciting. Se fröög em, woneem Jessie weer. She asked him where Jessie was. You tell him where Jessie was. Ek moet seker terug ingaan. I'd better get back inside. I'm sure I'll have to go back in. Tom bewarf Marie mit einem Ei. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom threw Marie with an egg. Er rief ihn an. He called him. He called him. Maria heeft een dochter gebaard. Mary gave birth to a daughter. Maria gave birth to a daughter. Ik kocht ijskoud water. I bought ice-cold water. I bought ice-cold water. Wir sind die Schüler dieser Schule. We are the students of this school. We are the students of this school. Tom und Maria wollen nächstes Jahr kommen. Tom and Mary are planning to come next year. Tom and Maria want to come next year. Tom riet mir davon ab. Tom discouraged me from doing that. Tom told me not to. Tom ist ziemlich wählerisch. Tom is quite picky. Tom's pretty picky. Ich bin sofort bei dir. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be right with you. Niet kijken! Don't look! Don't look! Hij deed zijn bureaulamp uit. He turned off his desk lamp. He turned off his desk lamp. Zuerst kamen die Kelten im Jahre 600 v. Chr. First came the Celts in 600 B.C. At first, the Celts came in 600 B.C. Dit is in happe. This is a horse. It's in trouble. Tom is slim genoeg om uit de problemen te blijven. Tom has sense enough to stay out of trouble. Tom's smart enough to stay out of trouble. Ik wil ook gaan naar Beijing I also want to go to Beijing. I want to go to Beijing too. Maria is niet zo groot als hij. Mary is not as tall as he is. Maria's not as big as he is. In ein paar Tagen ist schon Halloween. Halloween is just a few days away. In a few days, Halloween is already here. Er sterven elke dag veel goede mensen. Many good people die every day. A lot of good people die every day. Ich habe noch viel zu tun. I've still got a lot of work to do. I still have a lot to do. Ich dachte, du würdest deinen neuen Anzug anziehen. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought you were gonna wear your new suit. Mijn dokter heeft me aangeraden om de inname van dit geneesmiddel te staken. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine. My doctor advised me to stop taking this medicine. Ich erinnere mich an eine Zeit, da wir miteinander über alles reden konnten. I remember a time when we could tell each other anything. I remember a time when we could talk about everything. Dit huis is gebouwd in 1870. This house was built in 1870. This house was built in 1870. Ik kom niet uit Afrika. I'm not from Africa. I'm not from Africa. Der kleine Junge ging im Wald verloren. The little boy was lost in the forest. The little boy was lost in the forest. Ik was bezig. I was busy. I was busy. Hallo, ich bin Tom. Hello, I'm Tom. Hello, I'm Tom. Hij is een van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaten. He is one of the American presidential candidates. He's one of the U.S. presidential candidates. Sie lebten im Schlaraffenland. They lived in the land of Cockaigne. They lived in the Schlaraffenland. Der Feind nahm unser Schiff unter Torpedobeschuss. The enemy torpedoed our ship. The enemy took our ship under torpedo. Niemand is volmaak nie. Nobody's perfect. No one is perfect. Tom het nie die kans gehad wat jy en ek gehad het nie. Tom wasn't given the chance that you and I were. Tom didn’t have the chance you and I had. Ich bin Purist. I'm a purist. I'm Purist. Toms Sandburg wurde von dem Sturm zerstört. Tom's sandcastle was destroyed by the storm. Toms Sandburg was destroyed by the storm. Ze is al tien jaar zijn vrouw. She has been married to him for a decade now. She's been his wife for ten years. Ik heb twee oudere zussen. I have two older sisters. I have two older sisters. Dit is ondraaglijk. This is intolerable. This is intolerable. Woneem hest du de Schoh köfft? Where did you buy the shoes? Where did you buy the shoe? Tom heeft spaghetti voor het avondeten gemaakt. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom trat uns bei. Tom joined us. Tom joined us. Sami bestelde vier pizza's. Sami ordered four pizzas. Sami ordered four pizzas. Hest du twee Reekners? Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? Das ist sein Geschäft. That's his business. That's his business. Ik glööv, ik heff mi mien Been braken. I think I broke my leg. I think I broke my leg. Hast du Budweiser Lightt? Do you have Bud Light? Do you have Budweiser Lightt? Tokyo is grötter as Yokohama. Tokyo is larger than Yokohama. Tokyo is greater than Yokohama. Sie sind nie zufrieden. You're never satisfied. You're never satisfied. Ich bin kein Krimineller. I'm not a criminal. I'm not a criminal. Ich bin älter, als Sie denken. I'm older than you think. I'm older than you think. Sie sagte das. She said this. She said that. Er ist nicht alt genug zum Wählen. He is not old enough to vote. He's not old enough to choose. Kunt ge het voorwerp beschrijven? Can you describe the object? Can you describe the object? De bandrecorder is een handig hulpmiddel in het onderwijs. The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. The tape recorder is a useful tool in education. De Mehrtall von ‚person‘ is ‚people‘ un nich ‚persons‘. The plural form of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The multiple of 'person' is 'people' and not 'persons'. Tom is een gepubliceerde schrijver. Tom is a published writer. Tom is a published writer. Tom het selfmoord gepleeg deur van 'n brug af te spring. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Se hett em drückt. She hugged him. She pressed it. Hoe oud ben je? What's your age? How old are you? Het is moeilijk een geschikte vertaling te vinden. It's hard to find a suitable translation. It is difficult to find a suitable translation. Die Polizisten setzten gegen die protestierenden Schüler Tränengas ein. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. Hier habe ich viele Fische gefangen. Das ist ein hervorragender Angelplatz. I've caught a lot of fish here. It's a great fishing spot. Here I caught a lot of fish, which is an excellent fishing spot. Ik dacht niet dat je ging komen. I didn't think you'd come. I didn't think you were coming. Wat hest du vergangen Nacht maakt? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Habt ihr die vom Feld? You got those from a field? Did you get them off the field? He hett mi sien neet Auto wiest. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. עס איז א מאל געווען דא א גרינער פעלד; יעצט עס איז דא א סופערמארקעט. There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket. It was a green field, though it is located here. Tom erzählte Maria, dass Johannes sie nicht leiden möge. Tom told Mary that John didn't like her. Tom told Mary that John should not suffer them. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom was not wearing socks. Tom did not wear socks. Deze morgen was het bitter koud. This morning it was very cold. This morning it was bitterly cold. Se is bang vör Hunnen. She's scared of dogs. She's afraid of hundreds. Ich entschuldigte mich nicht. I didn't apologize. I didn't apologize. Warum macht Tom das nicht? Why isn't Tom doing this? Why doesn't Tom do that? Dit is een gele roos. This is a yellow rose. This is a yellow rose. Tom war der einzige Betrunkene auf der Feier. Tom was the only one drunk at the party. Tom was the only drunk at the party. Tom het gesê dat hy nie Mary gesoen het nie. Tom said he didn't kiss Mary. Tom said that he had not kissed Mary. Hoe gaat het met u? Hebt u een goede reis gehad? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you? Have you had a good trip? Ich hoffe, dass wir dich bald hier sehen. I hope we'll be seeing you around here soon. I hope we'll see you here soon. Dein Freund ist nebenan. Your friend's in the other room. Your friend's next door. Hoeveel kleinkinderen hebben jullie? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Meine Familie hat drei Kinder. There are three children in my family. My family has three children. Ik ben blij dat alles voorbij is. I'm glad it's all over. I'm glad everything's over. Installeer Linux! Install Linux! Install Linux! Volgens mij is Japan een zeer veilig land. I think that Japan is a very safe country. I think Japan is a very safe country. Er riecht die Suppe. He smells the soup. He smells the soup. Ich weiß nicht, wer das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt hat. I don't know who started that rumor. I don't know who put the rumor in the world. Wat is dien leevst Leed von ZZ Top? What's your favorite ZZ Top song? What is your favorite song from ZZ Top? Wie schpot iss es? What time is it? How stupid is it? Wir haben mit lauter Stimme gesungen. We sang in loud voices. We sang with a loud voice. Körperlich fehlt dir nichts. There's nothing physically wrong with you. You don't miss anything physically. Die Flüchtlinge kämpften gegen den Hunger. The refugees struggled against hunger. The refugees fought against hunger. Maria heeft mij geholpen. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Tom moest niet lang wachten. Tom didn't have long to wait. Tom didn't have to wait long. De politie heeft Toms auto doorzocht. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Sie setzte sich ans Klavier und begann zu spielen. She took her seat at the piano and began to play. She sat down on the piano and started playing. Ich will, dass er gewinnt. I want him to win. I want him to win. Maria spart Geld für eine Japanreise. Mary is saving money to go to Japan. Maria saves money for a trip to Japan. Gooi. Throw. Roll. We verontschuldigen ons. We apologize. We apologize. Tom zette ons noamen op lieste. Tom put our names on the list. Tom picked us up. Australien ist das größte Land der Welt, das nicht an andere Länder grenzt. Australia is the largest country in the world without borders with any other country. Australia is the largest country in the world that is not bordering on other countries. Tom heeft een minderwaardigheidscomplex. Tom has an inferiority complex. Tom has an inferiority complex. Begrijpt u? Do you understand? Do you understand? Ik had nooit gedacht dat het zo gemakkelijk zou zijn. I never thought it would be so easy. I never thought it would be so easy. Zet alsjeblieft wat kaarsen op de verjaardagstaart. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Mit ’keen snackt du? Who do you talk to? You don't talk to anyone? We moeten een uniform dragen op school. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We need to wear a uniform at school. Onthoud het. Memorize it. Remember it. Ek praat geen Japannees nie. I don't speak Japanese. I don’t speak Japanese. Het is beter. It's better. It's better. Tom weet alles van ons. Tom knows all about us. Tom knows everything about us. Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the test? Did he pass the exam? Das hängt nicht von mir ab. It's not up to me. It doesn't depend on me. Niue zählt gerade einmal 1400 Einwohner. The population of Niue is only about 1,400. Niue has a population of 1,400. Hij heeft zijn leven gewaagd om haar te redden. He risked his life to save her. He risked his life to save her. Ik mag lever Selter. I prefer mineral water. I like liver Selter. We weten wat je gedaan hebt. We know what you did. We know what you did. Sami werd rood. Sami turned red. Sami turned red. Ich war derjenige, der Kennedy getötet hat. It was me who killed Kennedy. I was the one who killed Kennedy. Ruf mich an, wenn etwas passiert. Call me if something happens. Call me when something happens. Voel je je ziek? Do you feel sick? Are you feeling sick? Ik zal geen steen op de andere laten tot ik gevonden heb wie dat gedaan heeft. I'll leave no stone unturned to find out who did this. I won't leave a stone on the other until I find who did. Het schoot me binnen dat u mijn broer was. I remembered that you were my brother. It shot me inside that you were my brother. Es hat mir fast Angst gemacht, dich einen ganzen Tag nicht online zu sehen. It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day. It almost scared me not to see you online all day. Segg mi nich, wat ik doon schall. Do not tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do. דײַטשלאַנד איז אַ גרויס לאַנד. Germany is a big country. Germany is a large country. Sami is wiet aan het roken. Sami is smoking weed. Sami's smoking weed. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Ihnen das Buch sehr nützlich sein wird. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I'm sure the book will be very useful to you. ''Hou old bist?'' ''k Bin 16 joar old.'' "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." ''You're old?'' ''I'm 16 juar old.'' Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Die Prinzessin wartet. The princess is waiting. The princess is waiting. Hoekom het jy by die weermag aangesluit? Why did you join the Army? Why did you join the army? Ihr Plan scheint besser als meiner zu sein. Her plan seems to be better than mine. Your plan seems better than mine. Wanneer vertrek je? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Een boek lezen is interessant. Reading a book is interesting. Reading a book is interesting. Texas grenzt an Mexiko. Texas borders on Mexico. Texas borders Mexico. Ali is mijn broer. Ali is my brother. Ali's my brother. Tom lijkt een vriendelijke persoon te zijn. Tom appears to be a friendly person. Tom seems to be a friendly person. Tom ist nervös. Tom is skittish. Tom's nervous. Elefante läbed in Asie und Afrika. Elephants live in Asia and Africa. Elephante labed in Asie and Africa. Ik was mijn haar niet 's morgens. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I wasn't my hair in the morning. k Bin klouk. I'm smart. I'm knocking. Ich habe derzeit kein Interesse an einem Freund. I'm not interested in having a boyfriend at this point. I'm not interested in a friend right now. Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde kunstgalerij? Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the nearest art gallery? Tom kam zu spät zur Arbeit. Tom was late for work. Tom came to work too late. Früher oder später musste das passieren. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Sooner or later this had to happen. Het leven is niet eerlijk. Life's not fair. Life is not fair. Is de Butenminister al ankamen? Has the Foreign Secretary arrived yet? Has the Foreign Minister already arrived? k Bin nou n moeke. I'm a mother now. I'm tired now. Tom raucht nicht, nicht wahr? Tom doesn't smoke, does he? Tom doesn't smoke, does he? Dat Huus is afbrennt. The house has burnt down. The house is burned down. Wer ist er und wie heißt er? Who is he and what's his name? Who is he and what is his name? Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, don't you? You love each other, don't you? Dieser Augenblick wird in die Geschichte eingehen. This moment will be recorded in history. This moment will go into history. Ik weet niet hoe ik met Tom moet omgaan. I don't know how to deal with Tom. I don't know how to deal with Tom. Wat maakst du? What are you doing? What are you doing? Tom sucht seine Schuhe. Tom is looking for his shoes. Tom's looking for his shoes. Tom is seker Marie se kêrel. Tom must be Mary's boyfriend. Tom must be Marie’s boyfriend. Ik heb ook een vraag. I, too, have a question. I have a question, too. U bent een vrouw. You are a woman. You're a woman. Sie könnten uns die Wahrheit sagen. They might tell us the truth. You could tell us the truth. Jabbel nich. Don't complain. No Jabbel. Het is nu te laat om nog uit te gaan. It is too late to go out now. It's too late now to go out. Nach Mitteilung der Polizei sprach der Motorraddieb mit starkem Akzent. Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent. Following the police's announcement, the motorcycle thief spoke with a strong accent. Dit was een duidelijke tegenstrijdigheid. This was a clear contradiction. This was a clear contradiction. Freit mi, di kennentolehren. Ik bün en Miegremenfreter. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. It's me and Miegremenfreter. Goed dat hij de hele waarheid sprak. Good thing he spoke the whole truth. Good thing he spoke the whole truth. Woar proats over? What are you talking about!? What do you want? Ik heb slecht nieuws voor je. I have bad news for you. I have bad news for you. Ich habe ein Buch aus London bestellt. I ordered a book from London. I ordered a book from London. Ich mag es, Leute glücklich zu machen. I like to make people happy. I like to make people happy. Du hast noch nichts gesehen. You haven't seen anything yet. You haven't seen anything yet. Ich habe sie gestern gesehen. I saw her yesterday. I saw her yesterday. Ich möchte das versuchen. I want to try this. I'd like to try. Lees je veel boeken? Do you read lots of books? Do you read a lot of books? Ich bin dieser Tage sehr beschäftigt. I'm very busy these days. I'm very busy these days. Fünf Jahre sind nun vergangen, seit sie nach Japan kamen. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Dat is en smuck oold Dörp. It's a quaint old village. It's a pretty old village. Tom hatte einen trockenen Husten, eine Folge jahrelangen schweren Rauchens. Tom had a raspy cough, the result of years of heavy smoking. Tom had a dry cough, a consequence of years of heavy smoking. De zaken escaleerden snel. Things escalated quickly. Things were escalating fast. Mijn kat houdt van garnalen. My cat loves shrimp. My cat likes shrimps. Holl den Sabbel! Shut up! Hold the sabbel! Ich bin gleich ins Bett gegangen. I went straight to bed. I went to bed in a minute. Goeie môre. Good morning. Good morning. Alle unsere modernen Gesundheitsprobleme haben ihren Ursprung in der Erfindung der Landwirtschaft. All our modern health problems come from the invention of agriculture. All our modern health problems originate in the invention of agriculture. Ek eet rys. I eat rice. I eat rice. Jij kijkt naar die boom. You look at that tree. You're looking at that tree. "Stil!", fluisterde hij. "Be quiet," he whispered. "Stil!" he whispered. Onze hoogste prioriteit is om het geschil voor eens en voor altijd te beslechten. Our top priority is to settle the dispute once and for all. Our highest priority is to resolve the dispute once and for all. Wag, moenie skiet nie! Wait, don't shoot! Wait, don't shoot! Wolven eten geen sla. Wolves don't eat salad. Wolves don't eat a lettuce. He seet op ’t Bedd. He sat on the bed. Hot on the bed. Deze bloemen bloeien vroeger dan andere. These flowers bloom earlier than others do. These flowers flourish earlier than others. Erwarte nicht zu viel von mir. Don't expect too much of me. Don't expect too much of me. Tom ist einer der Brüder von Maria. Tom is one of Mary's brothers. Tom is one of Mary's brothers. Ich kann dich nicht bezahlen. Bist du noch immer bereit zu helfen? I can't pay you. Are you still willing to help? I can't pay you. Zai verdwenen. They disappeared. Zai disappeared. Tom is e Blödschkopp. Tom is a moron. Tom's a fool. Er hat eine gute Aussprache. He has a good accent. He has a good debate. Tom muss sich operieren lassen. Tom has to have surgery. Tom has to be operated on. Ik heff Jane de Hand geven. I shook hands with Jane. I gave Jane the hand. Ik stelde voor de vergadering te beëindigen. I suggested that we end the meeting. I proposed the end of the sitting. Een dief heeft ingebroken en is aan de haal gegaan met al mijn juwelen. A thief broke in and made off with all my jewelry. A thief broke in and got caught up with all my jewelry. Doe bist n vraauw. You are a woman. Do is a questionable one. Het jy besluit om Japan toe te gaan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Did You Choose to Go to Japan? Mir gaats guet, dankächöön. I am fine, thank you. I'm going to go, thank you. Ich werde dich holen, Tom. I'm going to get you, Tom. I'll get you, Tom. Gib mir den Stift. Pass me the pen. Give me the pen. Tom hob die Münze auf und betrachtete sie genauer. Tom picked the coin up and examined it more closely. Tom lifted the coin and looked at it more closely. Ze kondigden regen aan voor vandaag. They were forecasting rain for today. They announced rain for today. All Sucker is sööt. All sugar is sweet. All sugar is sweet. Zonder jou ben ik niets. I'm nothing without you. I'm nothing without you. De Achterbank von ’t Auto hett Platz för dree Lüüd. The back seat of the car will hold three passengers. The back seat of the car has space for three people. Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht mehr Hilfe leisten kann. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sorry I can't help anymore. Dor is en Bookladen glieks üm ’t Eck. There is a bookstore just 'round the corner. There is a bookstore about ’t Eck. Ich bekomme, was ich will. I get what I want. I get what I want. Ze heeft geen fiets. She has no bicycle. She doesn't have a bike. Ze zullen morgen de winnaar bekend maken. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. Tom gaan nie gelukkig wees om jou te sien nie. Tom won't be happy to see you. Tom will not be happy to see you. Ek haat die voorskrifte. I hate the rules. I hate the regulations. Wij gaven onze paard water. We watered our horse. We gave our horse water. De winkels zijn op zondag gesloten. The stores are closed on Sunday. The shops are closed on Sundays. Sao Paulo ist der reichste Staat in Südamerika. São Paulo is the richest state in South America. Sao Paulo is the richest state in South America. Heb je wat karnemelk? Do you have some buttermilk? Do you have some carnage milk? Ze veranderen dikwijls hun wachtwoorden. They often change their passwords. They often change their passwords. Un wat krieg ik dor för? And what do I get? And what do I get for it? Ik ben Tom aan het troosten. I'm consoling Tom. I'm consoling Tom. Die Leistung der Schüler an deutschen Schulen wird auf einer Skala von 1 bis 6 bewertet. The performance of the learners in German schools is graded according to a scale 1 to 6. Students' performance in German schools is assessed on a scale from 1 to 6. Ich habe letzte Nacht kaum geschlafen. I hardly slept last night. I barely slept last night. Kikkers eten vliegen. Frogs eat flies. Fly frogs. Teken met een potlood. Draw with a pencil. Sign with a pencil. Ihr Vater war Architekt und ein begeisterter Leser. Her father was an architect and an avid reader. Her father was an architect and an enthusiastic reader. Niemand kent zoveel verhalen als de god van de slaap. Nobody knows as many stories as the god of sleep. No one knows as many stories as the god of sleep. Sie waren sehr verwirrt. They were very confused. They were very confused. טאם ווילט נישט גיין צו שולע. Tom doesn't want to go to school. Tom won't go to school. Fast alle Türen waren geschlossen. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Sikkom. Almost. Sikkom. Das Vieh ist mit Brandzeichen gekennzeichnet. The cattle are marked with brands. The livestock is marked with a brand name. Dankie! Cheers! Thank you! De rekening alstublieft. Check, please. The bill, please. Lesen schult den Verstand. Reading improves the mind. Reading trains the mind. We moeten vlug zijn. We've got to hurry. We have to be quick. Wē cunnon þone bæcere. We know the baker. We have cunnon bæcere. Du musst di nich schamen. You have no need to be ashamed. You do not have to be ashamed. Nur zu sein ist gut genug. Just being is good enough. Just being good enough. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די תּימנער. Esther's family are Yemenite Jews. The family that belongs to the people. Tom hofft, dass er nicht von der Schule fliegt. Tom hopes he doesn't flunk out of school. Tom hopes he won't fly away from school. Tom muss vorsichtiger sein. Tom has to be more careful. Tom must be more careful. Als sie mich verließ, sagte sie, dass sie mich niemals vergessen würde. As she was leaving me, she said that she would never forget me. When she left me, she said she would never forget me. Kin k? Can I? Can I? Guder daag, wie bischt? Good day, how are you? Good day, how bit? Sie wussten nicht einmal, wohin sie gehen sollten. They didn't even know where to go. They didn't even know where to go. Het eerste reuzenrad ter wereld werd gebouwd in Chicago. Het is genoemd naar zijn bouwer George Washington Gale Ferris jr. The world's first Ferris wheel was built in Chicago. It was named after its contructor, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. The first giant wheel in the world was built in Chicago. It was named after its builder George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Worüm is Malteesch nich in ’e List mit Spraken mit in? Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese? Why is Maltese not in a list of languages with? Ik heb gisteren veel patat gegeten. I ate a lot of french fries yesterday. I ate a lot of sweets yesterday. Ein leichter Regen setzte ein. It started to rain a little. A light rain set in. Dat is swoor, dat Smöken optogeven. It is difficult to give up smoking. It's hard to give up on smug. Kenst doe dizze noaberschop. Do you know this neighbourhood? I know what you're doing. Mi gefallt Frömdspraken! I like foreign languages! I don't care! Seine Lähmung schreitet fort, und bald wird er nicht mehr aufstehen können. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he will not be able to get up. Welk nummer moet ik bellen in geval van nood? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in case of emergency? Er ist im Ausland. He is abroad. He's abroad. Tom hat das erst mit 30 Jahren gelernt. Tom didn't learn how to do that until he was thirty. Tom didn't learn that until he was 30 years old. אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ. Work shall set you free. Work free reading. Maak iedereen blij. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. הייבט זיך אָן, הערן. Get started, gentlemen. I didn't know you're home. Deze beslissing had belangrijke gevolgen. This decision had important results. This decision had important consequences. Ich habe heute etwas gelernt, aber ich weiß nicht mehr, was. I learned something today, but I don't remember what it was. I learned something today, but I don't know what. Könntest du bitte das Licht anmachen? Could you turn on the light, please? Could you please turn on the light? Du liebst dieses Auto, oder? You love this car, don't you? You love this car, don't you? Es wird dir bald besser gehen. You'll get well soon. You'll be better soon. Füür! Fire! Für! Hij vertrekt morgen naar Peru, nietwaar? He is leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? He's leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? Hij ontwierp de auto. He designed the car. He designed the car. Ze houdt van de jongen alsof het haar eigen kind was. She loves the boy as if he were her own child. She loves the boy like it was her own child. Ik heb een betere woordenboek nodig. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Ich laufe nicht gern. I don't like running. I don't like walking. Der Stieglitz ist ein sehr interessanter Vogel. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. The Stieglitz is a very interesting bird. Mir entschëllegen eis fir d'Verspéidung. We apologize for the delay. We look at what we say before it is required. Er ist uns im Englischen voraus. He is ahead of us in English. He's ahead of us in English. Stell mir keine blöden Fragen! Don't ask me stupid questions. Don't ask me stupid questions! Waar is de ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Moenie jou geld mors deur dinge te koop wat jy nie nodig het nie. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don’t waste your money buying things you don’t need. Kiek di de Froo an! Take a look at that woman! Look at the Foo! דער עולם איז נישט קיין גולם. People aren't stupid. The owl is not a rubber. k Gaf Tom n smok. I gave Tom a kiss. k Gave Tom n smok. Er was niemand thuis. No one was at home. No one was home. Hij vergiste zich en dronk vergif. He made a mistake and drank poison. He was mistaken and drunk poison. Ik probeerde in het Chinees te praten en mijnheer Wang probeerde in het Frans te praten. I tried to speak Chinese and Mr. Wang tried to speak French. I tried to speak in Chinese and Mr. Wang tried to speak in French. Das haben Sie mit Absicht gemacht. You did that on purpose. That's what you did with intent. Ich bin ziemlich froh. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. Joe motten liedzoam wezen. You have to be patient. Joe must have been a song-bomb. Goedenacht. Goodnight! Good night. Wie konnte ich nur so töricht sein! How could I have been so stupid? How could I be so foolish! In der nächsten Stunde schreiben wir einen Deutschtest. Next period I take an exam in German. In the next hour we write a German test. Hy lees elke oggend die koerant. He reads the newspaper every morning. He reads the newspaper every morning. Maria blafte. Mary barked. Maria barked. Ik ben een loodgieter. I'm a plumber. I'm a plumber. Nein, ich bin niemals dort gewesen. No, I've never been there. No, I've never been there. Tom gelooft Maria. Tom believes Mary. Tom believes Maria. Tom fuhr um Mitternacht ab. Tom left at midnight. Tom left at midnight. Ich bin von Deutschland nach Italien gefahren. I drove from Germany to Italy. I drove from Germany to Italy. Sein Haus ist in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Haltestelle. His house is near the subway station. His house is close to the subway stop. Sie hat ein loses Mundwerk. She has a loose tongue. She's got a loose mouthpiece. Mijn zusje is te jong om naar school te gaan. My sister is too young to go to school. My sister's too young to go to school. Tom is nog steeds boos op ons. Tom is still angry with us. Tom's still mad at us. Tom kan bijna zo goed Frans spreken als Mary. Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can. Tom can speak French almost as much as Mary. Ze hielp een oude man oversteken. She helped an old man cross the road. She helped cross an old man. Mijn oor brandt. My ear is burning. My ear burns. Es gibt keinen Gott, es sei denn, du erfindest ihn. There is no God, unless you invent Him. There is no God unless you invent him. Er ist ein sehr pfiffiger Junge. He's a very clever boy. He's a very smart boy. Ik heb nieuwe zinnen toegevoegd. I added new sentences. I've added new sentences. Wir waren ganz Ohr. We were all ears. We were all ears. מעריס עלטערן זענען רײַך. Mary's parents are rich. Most of the parents are rich. Sie bekam das Ticket umsonst. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket for free. Dir schwammt. You're swimming. You swam. Tom weiß, dass du nicht sehr gut Französisch sprichst. Tom knows you can't speak French very well. Tom knows you don't speak French very well. Der Angriff wurde von John Brown geführt. The attackers were led by John Brown. The attack was led by John Brown. Hij zit op de middelbare school. He goes to junior high. He's in high school. Tom sagte, er schösse nicht auf einen Unbewaffneten. Tom said he wouldn't shoot an unarmed man. Tom said he didn't shoot an unarmed man. De zeelui zagen land. The sailors saw land. The seamen saw land. Engels praten is niet eenvoudig, maar interessant. Speaking English isn't easy, but interesting. Speaking English is not easy, but interesting. Ich danke euch von ganzem Herzen. I thank you with all my heart. I thank you with all my heart. Kan je om negen uur komen? Can you come at nine? Can you come at 9:00? Ich bin mir da ziemlich sicher. I'm quite sure of that. I'm pretty sure. Ik heb slechts vijftig meter touw. I only have fifty meters of rope. I only have 50 meters of rope. Se hett söven Söhns. She has seven sons. She has seven sons. Ze respecteren hem. They respect him. They respect him. Ich gab dem Jungen ein Buch. I gave the boy a book. I gave the boy a book. Zweden is een Noords land. Sweden is a Nordic country. Sweden is a Nordic country. Zijn wij bang voor de dood? Are we afraid of death? Are we afraid of death? Er hat alles verloren, was er besaß. He lost everything he owned. He lost everything he had. Ik ben onder de boom. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Tom is in gevaar. Tom is in danger. Tom's in danger. Dat lijkt me moeilijk te geloven. I find this hard to believe. That seems hard to believe. Papa, dröff ik rutgahn un spelen? Daddy, may I go out and play? Daddy, can I go out and play? Als ich auf dem Lande lebte, konnte ich des Nachts Millionen von Sternen sehen, doch ich hatte niemanden, mit dem ich ihre Pracht teilen konnte. When I lived in the countryside, I could see millions of stars at night but I had no one with whom to share their splendor. When I lived in the country, I could see millions of stars at night, but I had no one to share their beauty with. די בני־ישראל זענען מיד. The Israelites are tired. The window-israel were immediately lost. Mijn oom stierf aan longkanker. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. De klok is kapot. The clock is broken. The clock's broken. Tom und Maria fühlen sich hier nicht wohl. Tom and Mary aren't happy here. Tom and Maria don't feel well here. Bell woonde vroeger in Londen, of niet? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Drinken oder nich drinken - dat is de Fraag. To drink or not to drink - that is the question. Drinking or not - that is the question. Merci vielmal. Thank you! Thank you so much. Ik heb betaald. I paid. I paid. Ik kom uit Kabylië, Algerije. I'm from Kabylie, Algeria. I'm from Kabylia, Algeria. Sie sagten, sie würden uns helfen. They said they'll help us. They said they'd help us. Veel mensen zouden het met u eens zijn. Many people would agree with you. A lot of people would agree with you. Kin k eten? Can I eat? Can I eat? Hij heeft veel vijanden in de politieke wereld. He has many enemies in the political world. He has many enemies in the political world. Wir klatschten in die Hände. We clapped our hands. We clapped our hands. Kannst du das Zeug hier mitnehmen? Can you take this stuff with you? Can you take this stuff here? Gespendetes Blut auf verschiedene Krankheiten zu untersuchen ist kostspielig, doch auch notwendig, um zu gewährleisten, dass die Versorgung mit Blut so sicher als möglich sei. The screening of donated blood for the presence of various illnesses is expensive, but is also necessary to keep the blood supply as safe as possible. Studying donated blood on various diseases is costly, but also necessary to ensure that the supply of blood is as safe as possible. Het water hier is levensgevaarlijk. The water is extremely dangerous around here. The water here is life-threatening. Sie sah aus, als hätte sie einen Geist gesehen. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. She looked like she saw a ghost. Smöökst du? Do you smoke? Are you mocking? Für was denkst du, ist es? What do you think it's for? What do you think it is? Ik ben zeker dat je gelijk hebt. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. Het kan me niets schelen. I could not care less. I don't care. Jullie hadden het ons gewoon kunnen vertellen. You could have just told us. You could have just told us. Glauben Sie, sie sind uns hierher gefolgt? Do you think they followed us here? Do you think they followed us here? Geef me nog een spijker. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Als sie die Neuigkeit hörte, wurde sie blass. When she heard the news, she turned pale. When she heard the news, she became pale. Indien nodig heb ik geen bezwaar tegen het betalen van een bepaald bedrag. If necessary, I have no objection to paying a special fee. If necessary, I have no objection to paying a certain amount. De Welt bruukt Lüüd mit Talent. The world needs talented people. The world uses talented people. Ik ben kapot en moe I'm broke and tired. I'm broken and tired Um wie viel Uhr frühstückst du normalerweise? What time do you usually have breakfast? How much breakfast do you normally have? Seine Lehrer soll man achten. One's teachers should be treated with respect. You should pay attention to his teachers. Mijn voorouders hoopten politiek asiel te vinden. My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste. Discretion is the better part of valor. Caution is the mother of the porcelain box. Hai sloapt. He's asleep. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Ik knikte om aan te geven dat ik ermee instemde. I nodded to show that I agreed. I nodded to say I agreed. He is stärker as du. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Kate muss krank sein, da sie bleich aussieht. Kate must be sick, for she looks pale. Kate must be sick because she looks pale. Sagen Sie dieses Wort nie wieder! Don't say that word ever again. Don't say that word again! Ich gehe oft ins Kino. I often go to the movies. I go to the movies a lot. האָט ער שױן געגעסן? Did he eat already? Has he already been? Mijn nagel is gebroken. My nail has broken. My nail is broken. Das ist eine Grauzone. It's a legal grey area. It's a grey zone. Das ist eine sehr komplexe Angelegenheit. This is a very complex issue. This is a very complex matter. Ich habe viele schlechte Angewohnheiten. I have a lot of bad habits. I have a lot of bad habits. JST staat voor Japan-standaardtijd. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST stands for Japan standard time. Sami wis n klain bietje over dat. Sami knew a little bit about that. Sami knew a little bit about that. Wir gehen jetzt. We'll be leaving now. Let's go now. Holl dien Schnüss! Hold your tongue! Hold that mustache! Der Mann raubte alles Geld von Susan. The man robbed Susan of all her money. The man took all the money from Susan. Jullie waren aan het bidden. You were praying. You were praying. In het kort: dat is uw schuld. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, that's your fault. Sie hat sein Angebot abgelehnt. She refused his offer. She rejected his offer. Veel landen kampen met vergelijkbare problemen. Many countries are experiencing similar problems. Many countries face similar problems. Laten we beginnen. Let's start. Let's start. Blumen sind gelb. Flowers are yellow. Flowers are yellow. Was dachtest du denn, dass ich täte? What did you think I would do? What did you think I was doing? Hast du schon mal ein Känguru gesehen? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Vonavend will ik na en Kunzert gahn. Tonight I plan to go to a concert. I'd like to go after and see Kunzert. Ik heb mijn leven aan hem te danken. I owe him my life. I owe him my life. Je hebt geen verhoging. You don't have a temperature. You don't have an increase. Het meisje is lelijk. The girl is ugly. The girl's ugly. Ich muss Tom nach Hause bringen. I have to get Tom home. I have to take Tom home. Wir sollten die Wanderung streichen. We should cancel the hike. We should delete the hike. Zijn alle cafés gesloten? Are all the bars shut? Are all the cafes closed? Du solltest es einen von uns tun lassen. You should have one of us do it. You should let one of us do it. Tom kann dich auch nicht besonders gut leiden. Tom doesn't like you very much either. Tom can't suffer you very well either. Hulle steek iets vir my weg. They're hiding something from me. They hide something from me. Mein Bruder ist böse. My brother is evil. My brother is angry. Ich komme schon klar. I can manage. I'll be all right. Ich gehe oft an den Strand. I often go to the beach. I often go to the beach. Hai begunde te zingen. He started singing. Hai benevolent to sing. Mijn moeder maakt het ontbijt klaar. My mother is preparing breakfast. My mother's preparing breakfast. Heeft u geholpen? Did you help? Did you help? Hé! wacht even! Hey! Wait! Wait a minute! Ich habe einen guten Arbeitsplatz. I have a good job. I have a good job. Warum hast du sie geküsst? Why did you kiss her? Why did you kiss her? Tom is zeer bevooroordeeld. Tom is very biased. Tom's very prejudiced. De kerkklokken luiden. The church bells are ringing. The church bells are ringing. Hē ƿæs æt þǣm geate dēaðes. He was at the gate of death. The socket index used to determine the value of the adjustment. Er weiß, wie man ein Schaf schlachtet. He knows how to slaughter a sheep. He knows how to slaughter a sheep. Ich werde dir nicht helfen. I won't assist you. I'm not gonna help you. Wi stöört em. We are disturbing him. We end up. Ik was er toen niet klaar voor. I wasn't prepared for it at that time. I wasn't ready then. Ze reisde over heel de wereld. She traveled all over the world. She traveled all over the world. Mannen zijn varkens. Men are pigs. Men are pigs. Die stad slaap. The city sleeps. The city sleeps. Ich bin gerade zur Post gegangen. I have just been to the post office. I just went to the post office. Ik sta meestal om acht uur op. I usually get up at 8. I usually get up at eight o'clock. Verbrechen macht sich auf die Dauer nicht bezahlt. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime doesn't pay for it in the long run. Einhundert, zweihundert, dreihundert, vierhundert, fünfhundert, sechshundert, siebenhundert, achthundert, neunhundert, eintausend. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. Ik hou niet zo van kaas. I don't like cheese very much. I don't like cheese like that. De lucht is vochtig. The air is damp. The air is moist. Fallt in ’n Stall de Aven ut, kummt de Melk in Stücken rut. When the heater in the barn fails, you get milk-flavoured ice cubes. If the avenue falls out in a stable, the milk comes out in pieces. Es gibt in dieser Stadt eine Reihe von Kinos. There are a number of movie theaters in this city. There are a number of cinemas in this city. Ich weiß, warum Tom hier ist. I know why Tom is here. I know why Tom's here. Mīn ƿīf is Polisc. My wife is Polish. Mīn Varanasiīf is Polisc. Ihr Kopf sprudelte über vor neuen Ideen. Your head was bursting with new ideas. Her head sprung up in front of new ideas. Waar zijn uw ogen? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke das gerade tue. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was doing that. Tom and Mary told John that they did not believe that Elke was doing this. Ich habe pro Tag 500 Dollar ausgegeben. I have spent 500 dollars per day. I spent $500 a day. Hij zei mij dat hij de volgende dag zou beginnen. He told me that he would start the next day. He told me he'd start the next day. Es wird nicht weh tun. Versprochen! It won't hurt, I promise. It won't hurt. Wenn ich Ihre Telefonnummer gewusst hätte, hätte ich Sie angerufen. If I'd known your telephone number, I would've called you. If I knew your phone number, I'd have called you. Ze is veertig jaar oud. She is forty years old. She's forty years old. Wir brauchen Taten, keine Worte. We need action, not words. We need action, no words. New York is een enorme stad. New York is a huge city. New York is a huge city. Sie verlassen Australien doch nicht für immer, oder? You're not leaving Australia for good, are you? You're not leaving Australia forever, are you? Ik zit krap bij kas. I'm broke. I'm tight at the closet. Mag ik u een vraag stellen? May I ask you something? May I ask you a question? Ze neuriede een liedje. She hummed a song. She reveled a song. Woar binnen eerbaaien? Where are the strawberries? What do you mean, "in the bays of honor"? Ich kann euch gar nicht genug danken. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Kijk goed. Ik zal je laten zien hoe je dit doet. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. I'll show you how to do this. We weten weinig over Tom. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Vroeger heeft de monteur veel meer genomen. Previously the mechanic took a lot more. The mechanic used to take a lot more. Ik werkelijkheid was de soep te zout. Actually, the soup was too salty. I realized the soup was too salty. Dit was sy besluit. It was his decision. That was his decision. Allemans vriend is niemands vriend. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Everyone's friend is no one's friend. Hai sprak. He was speaking. Hai spoke. Heeft Tom blauwe ogen? Does Tom have blue eyes? Does Tom have blue eyes? פּאַסקודניאַק. Jerk. P.O.D. טאמער איר קען נישט גיין צו אן ענגליש-רעדענדיגער מדינה שטודירן, מסתמא איר קען געפינען עמעצער וואס רעדט ענגליש אלס מאמא-לשון וואס וואוינט נונט, וואס קען הילפן אייך לערנען ענגליש. If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English. Tom you cannot go to an English-speaking country, perhaps you can find someone who is speaking English-Mama-Lyon who lives there, who can help you learn English. Ich fahre nicht gerne mit der U-Bahn. I don't like riding the subway. I don't like to drive the subway. Se dreeg en snaakschen Hoot. She had a strange hat on. They're wearing a funny hot. Ik was alleen maar met haar aan het praten. I was just talking with her. I was just talking to her. Sie vergab ihm seine Untreue nie und erinnerte ihn bei jeder Gelegenheit daran. She never forgave him the infidelity and held it over him every chance that she got. She never forgave him his unfaithfulness and reminded him on every occasion. Ik bruuk en beten Water. I need some water. I'm using and biting water. Niemand bestudeert mijn land. Nobody studies my country. Nobody's studying my country. Wenn zwei die gleiche Meinung haben, ist deren eine überflüssig. If two people have the same opinion, one of them is redundant. If two have the same opinion, theirs is superfluous. אַרי איז אָנמיניק. Ari is agender. there was an error. Het is een Cubaanse sigaar. It's a Cuban cigar. It's a Cuban cigar. Mir war nicht so recht nach Kaffeetrinken zumute. I didn't really feel like drinking coffee. I didn't think it was right for me to drink coffee. Wollt ihr noch einen von denen? Do you want another one of these? Do you want another one of them? Ek hou van jou. I love you. I love you. Hai is ien diep valen. He fell into the ditch. Shark's one deep trap. Tom en Mary zongen niet. Tom and Mary weren't singing. Tom and Mary didn't sing. Tom houdt van eekhoorns. Tom likes squirrels. Tom loves squirrels. De uilen jagen 's nachts. Owls hunt at night. The owls hunt at night. Ik heff den Geboortsdag vun mien Fro vergeten. I forgot my wife's birthday. I forgot my question's birthday. Nun bin ich von meinem Vater unabhängig. I am now independent of my father. Now I'm independent of my father. Ich hätte gerne gewusst, ob Tom denn singen wollte? I wondered whether or not Tom wanted to sing. I would have liked to know if Tom wanted to sing? Jüst dat heff ik bruukt. I needed just that. Only I used it. De wedstrijd is afgeblazen vanwege de hevige regenval. The match has been canceled due to heavy rain. The game was blown off because of the heavy rainfall. k Bin old. I'm old. I'm old. Hoe laat vertrekt de trein? When does the train depart? What time does the train leave? Das ist, was ich tun muss. This is what I have to do. That's what I have to do. Karima hat den Brief noch nicht gelesen. Karima hasn't read the letter yet. Karima hasn't read the letter yet. Dat sünd keen Wöör. These aren't words. There are no words. Als twee mensen altijd dezelfde mening hebben, is een van hen overbodig. If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. If two people always have the same opinion, one of them is superfluous. Hij beschuldigde me. He put the blame upon me. He accused me. Waar kan ek 'n vuvuzela kry? Where can I get a vuvuzela? Where can I get a vuvuzela? Laat je haar knippen. Get a haircut. Let your hair cut. Ceres vereint in sich ein Drittel der Masse, welche sich im Asteroidengürtel findet. Ceres contains one-third of the mass found in the asteroid belt. "Ceres unites in itself a third of the mass, which is found in the asteroid belt. Kin k t aanrouken? Can I touch it? Can I take it? Ich habe den Text verändert und erweitert. I've changed and expanded the text. I have changed and expanded the text. Mijn tante woont in New York. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. עס איז אלע געווען א גרויסער ליגן. It was all a big lie. It was all a big lie. Es ist unmöglich, ohne Wasser zu leben. It is impossible to live without water. It's impossible to live without water. As binnen bist, komst der nait meer oet. Once you're in, you can't get out. As are inside, come the nait more oet. Kann er wirklich nicht lesen und schreiben? You mean he can't read or write? Can't he really read and write? Legen Sie die Waffe nieder! Put your gun down. Put the gun down! Ik ga deze zomer naar het buitenland. I am going abroad this summer. I'm going abroad this summer. Ech sinn Dokter. I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. Glaubst du, ich weiß nicht, worüber du und Tom gesprochen habt? Do you think I don't know what you and Tom were talking about? Do you think I don't know what you and Tom were talking about? Tom bat Maria um Hilfe. Tom asked Mary for help. Tom asked Maria for help. Ek weet dat Tom en Mary meer as vriende was. I know Tom and Mary were more than just friends. I know that Tom and Mary were more than friends. Ich fahre dieses Jahr nicht nach Boston. I'm not going to Boston this year. I'm not going to Boston this year. Zij kocht een nieuwe tandenborstel voor zichzelf. She bought herself a new toothbrush. She bought herself a new toothbrush. Se catt is dēad. The cat is dead. It's cat dēad. Tom hett Ria versproken, dat he ehr jümmer tru sien wull. Tom promised Mary that he'd always be faithful to her. Tom promised Ria that he'd really like her. Kunt u dat bewijzen? Can you prove it? Can you prove that? מײַן שװעסטער איז געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ. My sister was a beautiful woman. Sign file was a public check. In diesem Teil der Stadt gibt es viele Fabriken. There are many factories in this part of the city. In this part of the city there are many factories. Er zitterte vor Kälte. He was shivering from the cold. There was a tremor in the cold. Tom sal nie omgee nie. Tom wouldn't care. Tom will not care. אסתּר איז רחלס פֿרוי. Esther is Rachel's wife. She is currently free of charge. Wanneer is het voorbij? When does it finish? When is it over? Wij hebben niet gebeld. We haven't called. We didn't call. Wat is je kamernummer? What's your room number? What's your room number? Ik ben nu piano aan het spelen. I am playing the piano now. I'm playing piano now. Tom ist es gewohnt, kalten Reis zu essen. Tom is accustomed to eating cold rice. Tom is used to eating cold rice. Heeft Tom zelfmoord gepleegd? Did Tom kill himself? Did Tom commit suicide? Wie lange bist du fort gewesen? How long have you been away? How long have you been away? Ich weiß nicht, was das ist. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Der Hund rennt aus dem Haus. The dog runs out of the house. The dog runs out of the house. Ik heb er genoeg van. I've had enough. I've got enough of it. Ik ga me daar niet in mengen. I'm not getting involved. I'm not going to mix in there. לילע איז אַן איבערזעצערין. Layla is a translator. Liale is a translator. Dit restaurant is nooit gesloten. This restaurant never closes. This restaurant is never closed. Ist Tom interessiert? Is Tom interested? Is Tom interested? Ge kunt niet voor iedereen goed doen. Don't try to be all things to all men. You can't do good for everyone. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט דיר. His older sister can't talk to you today. His older sister cannot speak to you yet. Kan ik gaan, wat u betreft? Do you mind if I leave? Can I go, as far as you are concerned? Ik heff nix to seggen. I have nothing to say. I didn't say anything. Tom heeft drie auto's in zijn garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Tom's got three cars in his garage. Ich freue mich sehr für dich. I am very happy for you! I'm very happy for you. Tom mag die italienische Küche. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes Italian cuisine. Ze is in Zwitserland geboren. She was born in Switzerland. She was born in Switzerland. Ik speel. I am playing. I'm playing. Hör auf, dich mit Verlierern abzugeben! Stop hanging out with losers. Stop giving yourself up with losers! Sie setzte mich bei meiner Wohnung ab. She dropped me off at my apartment. She dropped me off at my apartment. As ek jy was, het ek onmidellik begin. Were I you, I would start at once. If I were you, I would start immediately. Is er een jeugdherberg hier in de omgeving? Is there a youth hostel near here? Is there a youth hostel here in the area? Tom und Maria sind in derselben Mannschaft. Tom and Mary are on the same team. Tom and Maria are on the same team. Mennad wurket. Mennad works. Mennad works. Het leven begon in water. Life began in water. Life began in water. Tom sieht schläfrig aus. Tom looks sleepy. Tom looks drowsy. Nai, dainj. No, thanks. Nai, dainj. Tom wusste nichts über Maria. Tom didn't know anything about Mary. Tom didn't know anything about Maria. Unglücklicherweise glaube ich nicht an ihren Erfolg. Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed. Unfortunately, I do not believe in her success. k Bin old. I am old. I'm old. Canada is geen paradijs. Canada is not a paradise. Canada is not a paradise. Men moet voor zich zelf zorgen. One should take care of oneself. You have to take care of yourself. Op het Marktplein staan vier fonteinen met beelden van Neptunus, zijn vrouw Amphitrite, Diana en Adonis. There are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis in the Market Square. In Marktplein there are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis. Skateboard niet hier. Don't skateboard here. Skateboard not here. Meine Mutter hat wegen ihrer Krankheit drei Tage nicht geschlafen. My mother hasn't slept in 3 days due to her illness. My mother didn't sleep for three days because of her illness. Ik kom uit Frankrijk, en jij? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Tut mir leid. Ich wollte dir keine Angst machen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Hij schrijft mij eenmaal per week. He writes to me once a week. He writes me once a week. Het huwelijk is een soort inbreuk op de rechten van de mens. Marriage is a type of human rights violation. Marriage is a kind of violation of human rights. Wir waren so glücklich, wie wir es nie für möglich gehalten hätten. We were happier than we had ever believed possible. We were as happy as we would never have thought possible. De Weg is lang. The way is long. The way is long. Morgen fraag ik em. Tomorrow, I will ask him. I'll ask him tomorrow. Die meisten Ausländer werden den Gebrauch der deutschen Modalpartikeln nie völlig beherrschen. Most foreigners will never fully master the use of German modal particles. Most foreigners will never completely control the use of German modal particles. Ik wil dat spelletje niet meer spelen. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to play that game anymore. Ik zal een ambulance bellen. I'll call for an ambulance. I'll call an ambulance. Tom, und nur Tom, kennt die Wahrheit. Tom and only Tom knows the whole truth. Tom, and only Tom, knows the truth. Wir haben eine Falle gelegt, um einen Fuchs zu fangen. We set a trap to catch a fox. We set up a trap to catch a fox. צי רעדט ער פּאָרטוגעזיש? Does he speak Portuguese? Is he speaking German? Ich habe beschlossen, Tom mitzuteilen, dass ich Maria liebe. I've decided to tell Tom that I love Mary. I decided to tell Tom I love Maria. Sei nett zu den anderen! Be kind to others. Be nice to the others! Laten we verder gaan. Let's move on. Let's move on. Toms verwachtingen waren te hoog. Tom's expectations were too high. Tom's expectations were too high. Wilkomme. Welcome. Welcome. Erinnerst du dich noch an Herrn Saitō? Do you remember Mr Saito? Remember Mr. Saitō? Ik ken mijn buren niet. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Mag ik u nog een stukje gebak aanbieden? Can I offer you another piece of cake? Can I offer you another piece of pastry? Würdet ihr mir etwas Platz machen? Would you make room for me? Would you mind making room for me? Wij zullen koken. We'll cook. We'll cook. Ich werde mit den Malerarbeiten bis Sonnenuntergang fortfahren. I shall keep on painting until the sun sets. I'll continue painting until sunset. יעדער איז מסכּים. Everyone agrees. Every is human. Ich setzte mich wieder hin. I sat down again. I sat down again. Heb je nog graag wat sinaasappelsap? Would you like some more orange juice? Do you like some orange juice? Wie viele Geschwister hast du? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings do you have? Mijn broer lijkt zich te vermaken aan de universiteit. My brother seems to enjoy himself at college. My brother seems to be having fun at the university. Alles hat seine Zeit. Everything has got its time. Everything has its time. Zo heeft hij de machine uitgevonden. That's how he invented the machine. That's how he invented the machine. Hast du keine Klimaanlage? Don't you have an air conditioner? Don't you have air conditioning? Danke, dass du das so schnell gemacht hast! Thanks for doing this so fast. Thank you for doing this so fast! Tom en Maria gingen skiën in de Alpen. Tom and Mary went skiing in the Alps. Tom and Maria went skiing in the Alps. Tom braut Bier. Tom brews beer. Tom brews beer. Ist Liebe wichtiger als Freundschaft? Is love more important than friendship? Is love more important than friendship? Denk je dat Tom ons echt zal helpen? Do you think Tom will actually help us? You think Tom's gonna really help us? Hier bin ich geboren und aufgewachsen. This is where I was born and raised. Here I was born and raised. Tom spielt gern Klavier. Tom enjoys playing the piano. Tom likes to play piano. Jim kommt heute nicht. Jim will not come today. Jim's not coming today. Hang aan vir 'n oomblik. Hang on a moment. Hang on for a moment. Tom un Ria säen, se wullen dat sülvst moken. Tom and Mary said they wanted to do that by themselves. Tom and Ria said they thought they liked that self. אונזערע עלטערן וואוינען קעגן דעם גאס פון אונס. Our parents live right across the street from us. On the other hand, parents of the United States come across the street ofun. Bitte schwätz langsamer. Speak more slowly, please. Please wait while the game is moving. Es ist schwer, Wahrheit und Lüge zu unterscheiden. It is hard to distinguish truth from a lie. It is difficult to distinguish truth and falsehood. Ik heb drie katten. I have three cats. I have three cats. Laten we dat waarmaken. Let's make that happen. Let's do that. Manche Leute glauben an ein ewiges Leben nach dem Tod. Some people believe in eternal life after death. Some people believe in eternal life after death. Waar zijn we? Where are we? Where are we? Er ist kein Heiliger. He is no saint. He's not a saint. Ich ha Durscht. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Ik weiger zuivel te eten. I refuse to eat dairy. I refuse to eat milk. איך וועל לערנען דייטש. I'll learn German. I'll learn German. Ek het vergeet om die seël aan die brief te plak voordat ek dit gestuur het. I forgot to stick the stamp to the letter before sending it off. I forgot to attach the seal to the letter before sending it. Ich möchte nicht mehr in Boston wohnen. I no longer want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston anymore. Ik denk dat Tom kaal is. I think that Tom is bald. I think Tom's bald. Ich frage mich wie Tom entkommen konnte. I wonder how Tom got away. I wonder how Tom got away. Ik woon nu in Australië. I now live in Australia. I live in Australia now. Die Zunge ist die Hebamme allen Unheils. The tongue is the midwife of all disasters. The tongue is the midwives of all evil. Mit meinem Auto ist irgendetwas. There's something the matter with my car. My car's something. Tom gebruikt altijd een condoom. Tom always uses a condom. Tom always uses a condom. Tom skryf selde aan sy ouers. Tom seldom writes to his parents. Tom rarely writes to his parents. Ik ben je speeltje niet. I'm not your plaything. I'm not your toy. Mien Süster is verheiraadt. My sister is married. My Süster is married. Vroeg opstaan is goed voor de gezondheid. Early rising is good for the health. Early rise is good for health. איך האב געגעסן עפלן. I ate apples. I have written plans. Dit Gebüüd is ook en Bank. This building also is a bank. This building is also a bank. Koop of vrek! Buy or die! Buy or exasperate! Du schusst man den Bus mit de Nummer 5 nehmen. You should take the number 5 bus. You're gonna take the bus with the number 5. Mein Name ist nicht Tom. My name is not Tom. My name is not Tom. Een van mijn dromen is ooit het noorderlicht te zien krijgen. One of my dreams is to one day see the aurora borealis. One of my dreams is ever to see the Northern Light. Tom is weg, maar Maria is hier. Tom is out, but Mary is here. Tom's gone, but Maria's here. Ze huilde de hele nacht. She cried all night. She cried all night. De hersenen gebruiken 25% van de lichaamsenergie. Brains consume 25% of the body's energy. The brain uses 25% of the body's energy. Er zijn zaken die je beter niet weet. There are things you better don't know. There are things you don't know better. Wie is uw favoriete countrymuzikant. Who's your favorite country musician? Who's your favorite country musician? Jou naam staan eerste op die lys. Your name stands first in the list. Your name is first on the list. k Kin nait. I can't. Kini nait. וויפֿל מוסלמענער וואוינען אין עיר־הקודש ירושלים? How many Muslims live in the holy city of Jerusalem? How many Muslim lives in Jerusalem? Noord is de richting die tegenovergesteld is aan zuid. North is the opposite direction from south. North is the direction opposite south. Bist bliede? Are you happy? Are you pale? Hij biechtte zijn misdaad onomwonden op. He confessed his crime frankly. He confessed his crime outright. Verklaar het volgende. Explain the following. Explain the following. Ik heff di söcht. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Jy was voorheen reg gewees. You were right before. You had been right before. Daar is heelwat teorieë oor die oorsprong van die lewe. There are many theories about the origin of life. There are many theories about the origin of life. Ik ben niet bekend met dit onderwerp. I'm not familiar with this topic. I'm not familiar with this subject. Tom und Maria sind nicht mehr zusammen. Tom and Mary aren't together anymore. Tom and Maria are no longer together. Hat euch der Film gefallen? Did you enjoy the movie? Did you like the movie? Laten we onze overwinning vieren. Let's celebrate our victory! Let's celebrate our victory. Das waar gut gschriwwe. That was well written. This is how it works. Können Sie bitte dieses Päckchen zur Post bringen? Can you please take this package to the post office? Can you please get this package to the post office? Ech brauch Hëllef! I need help! I need help! Ze was blind, doof, en stom. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. She was blind, deaf, and stupid. Laat uns op de Bank sitten gahn. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the couch. Bill weer in sien Slaapkamer. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill back in the bedroom. Dat Verköpen von Zigaretten schull verbaden wesen. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. Ik heff en Auto utlehnt. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed a car. Tom viel op zijn hoofd. Tom fell on his head. Tom fell on his head. Ich trank aus der Flasche, und ehe ich mich’s versah, verwandelte ich mich in ein Kaninchen. I drank from the bottle and before I noticed, I turned into a rabbit. I drank out of the bottle, and before I knew it, I turned into a rabbit. Ze is een verraadster. She's a traitor. She's a traitor. Ich bin nicht geduldig. I have no patience. I'm not patient. Ik hou van ketchup. I like ketchup. I love ketchup. Er hat zwei Katzen. He keeps two cats. He's got two cats. Een voetbalteam bestaat uit elf spelers. A soccer team consists of eleven players. A football team consists of eleven players. Was alsjeblieft je handen voor het eten. Please wash your hands before you eat. Please wash your hands for dinner. Es isch OK. It's OK. It's okay. Het ijs is dik genoeg om er op te stappen. The ice is thick enough to walk on. The ice is thick enough to get up there. Wu wuhnscht du? Where do you live? Who do you wish? Ze werkten samen om de brand te blussen. They worked together to extinguish the fire. They worked together to extinguish the fire. t Regent ien Nederlaand. It rains in the Netherlands. It's one lowland. Tom hat keine Angst, die Wahrheit zu sagen. Tom is not afraid to tell the truth. Tom's not afraid to tell the truth. Als ik Esperanto gebruik met hem, voel ik dat we beiden op hetzelfde peil staan, tenminste als we dat zien uit het oogpunt van taal. Using Esperanto with him, I feel that we are both at the same level, at least from a lingual point of view. If I use Esperanto with him, I feel that we are both at the same level, at least if we see that from the point of view of language. Ons wil dit terug hê. We want it back. We want it back. Wo ist das nächste Museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the next museum? Vielleicht werde ich es nicht zurückschaffen. I might not make it back. Maybe I won't get it back. Se hett mi angluupt. She gave me the fish eye. She angluupt me. Hij gaat altijd door voor een uitstekende geleerde. He always passes for a great scholar. He always goes on for an excellent scholar. Ons gaan nie dit doen nie. We won't be doing that. We are not going to do that. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten nicht, Elke sei müde. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was tired. Tom and Mary said John that they did not believe that Elke was tired. Het is twee uur in de namiddag. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wo der Fehler ist. I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm not sure where the mistake is. Laurie ist eine sehr fleißige Schülerin. Laurie is a very hardworking student. Laurie is a very diligent student. Wi hebbt keen Tee. We don't have tea. We have no tea. Das ist ziemlich schwierig zu erklären. It's kind of hard to explain. That's pretty difficult to explain. Ze zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. Mijn zuster is drie jaar oud. My sister is three years old. My sister is three years old. Jy het altyd 'n keuse. You always have a choice. You always have a choice. Een 25-jarige millennial met een middelbare schooldiploma of minder verdient gemiddeld 29.000 dollar per jaar. Dat is ongeveer 2.600 dollar minder dan de vorige generatie, de Gen X'ers, die 38 tot 53 jaar oud zijn, en bijna 10.000 dollar minder dan wat de babyboomers, die 54 tot 72 jaar oud zijn, op dezelfde leeftijd verdienden. A 25-year-old millennial man with a high school degree or less makes an average of $29,000 per year. That's about $2,600 less than the generation before them, the Gen Xers, people aged 38 to 53, and almost $10,000 less than baby boomers, those aged 54 to 72, earned at the same age. A 25-year-old millennial with a high school degree or less earns an average of $29,000 a year. That's about $2,600 less than the previous generation, the Gen X'ers, who are 38 to 53 years old, and almost $10,000 less than the baby boomers, who are 54 to 72 years old, earned at the same age. U at. You were eating. You ate. Hoe vaak ga je naar de tandarts? How often do you go to the dentist? How many times do you go to the dentist? Leef! Live! Live! Dieses Puzzle hat fünfhundert Teile. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle has five hundred pieces. We keken allemaal door het raam. We all looked out the window. We all looked through the window. Ich werde Ihren Koffer in Ihr Zimmer tragen. I'll take your suitcase to your room. I'll carry your suitcase in your room. Ze huilde tot ze geen tranen meer had. She cried until she ran out of tears. She cried until she had no more tears. Se hett ehren Vader en Pullover knütt. She knitted her father a sweater. She was the father-in-law of the sweater. Miene Hand is in warm Water. My hand is in warm water. My hand is in warm water. Lasst uns den Weihnachtsbaum hier aufstellen. Let's put up the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. אַ גלאָז קאַֹװע האָט גרינגער געמאַכט מײַן קאָפּװײטיק. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. A Christian cascade has more widespread power than ever before. Spreken jullie Iers? Do you speak Irish? Do you speak Irish? Sie nahm ein Sprudelbad. She took a bubble bath. She took a spa. איך האב געמיינט, אז איר וואלט מיר געקענט העלפן. I thought you could help me. I thought you could help me. Om negen uur was het spel afgelopen. The game ended at nine o'clock. At 9:00, the game was over. Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom alleine ist. I wonder why Tom is alone. I'd like to know why Tom is alone. We nodigen je uit. We're inviting you. We'll invite you. Tom ließ es auf sein Glück ankommen. Tom was pushing his luck. Tom made it come to his luck. Do dat! Do it! Do that! Weet Tom van Mary? Does Tom know about Mary? Does Tom know about Mary? Tom bat Mary, zu Hause zu bleiben, bis die Babysitterin eintreffen würde. Tom asked Mary to stay at home until the babysitter got there. Tom asked Mary to stay home until the babysitter arrived. Lindbergh was de eerste mens die de Atlantische Oceaan overvloog. Lindbergh was the first man to fly across the Atlantic. Lindbergh was the first man to fly the Atlantic Ocean. Wir dachten, dass wir ihn nicht würden aufhalten können. We thought that we wouldn't be able to stop him. We thought we couldn't stop him. Dies ist eine für die Zukunft unseres Landes wesentliche Entscheidung. This is a vital decision for the future of our country. This is an important decision for the future of our country. Doe schreefst. You wrote. Do the writing. Sie hat ihn am 20. Oktober besucht. She visited him on October 20th. She visited him on October 20th. ראָבערט איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע גבֿירים. Robert is old money. Type is from the old city dimensions. Ån spräke as uler nooch. One language is never enough. Ån speak as older yet. Tom wurde Tänzer. Tom became a dancer. Tom became a dancer. Hij heeft een fabriek voor elektrische apparatuur. He has an electrical equipment factory. He has a factory for electrical equipment. Ik beloof dat ik niet naar iemand anders zal kijken. I promise I won't look at anybody else. I promise I won't look at anyone else. Die Fahrgäste blieben ruhig. The passengers remained calm. Passengers stayed calm. זײַ געזונט! Farewell! Your health! Je weet dat ik haar niet kan uitstaan. You know I can't stand her. You know I can't stand her. Kann ik mien Dokter spreken? Can I talk to my doctor? Can I talk to my doctor? Seitdem sind Tom und Maria zusammen. Tom and Mary have been together ever since. Since then, Tom and Maria have been together. We zijn nog niet klaar. We aren't ready yet. We're not done yet. Diese Brücke ist aus Stein. This bridge is built of stone. This bridge is made of stone. De imam gaf Sami gratis een exemplaar van de Koran. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Quran for free. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Koran free of charge. François, ist das deins? François, is this yours? François, is that yours? Hij verdient de kost met het geven van Engelse les. He earns his living by teaching English. He deserves the money to teach English. Tom schreef iets op de achterkant van de brief. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Er waren meerdere redenen. There were several reasons. There were several reasons. Ist das dein ganzes Kleingeld? Is that all your small change? Is that your whole change? Waren Tom und Maria zusammen? Were Tom and Mary together? Were Tom and Maria together? Portugal heeft het persoonlijk bezit van drugs gedecriminaliseerd. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Wenigstens ist die Arbeit getan. At least the work is done. At least the work is done. Endlich wurde uns die Wahrheit offenbart. At last, the truth was revealed to us. Finally, the truth was revealed to us. Tom war ein bisschen enttäuscht. Tom was a little disappointed. Tom was a little disappointed. Wie wil eerste wees? Who wants to go first? Who Wants to Be First? Wi bruukt Ehr Geld nich. We don't need your money. We do not use their money. Se æppel ne is ᵹit rīpe. The apple is not yet ripe. Se æppel ne is Varanasiit rīpe. Hij kocht brood. He bought bread. He bought bread. Alice glimlachte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Layla had een vriend. Layla had a boyfriend. Layla had a friend. Hij haat zijn buurman. He hates his neighbour. He hates his neighbor. Het water is aan het vloeien. The water is flowing. The water is flowing. Waar is mijn moeder? Where's my mother? Where's my mother? Ich muss meinen Koffer auspacken. I have to unpack my suitcase. I have to unpack my suitcase. Sie ist jung und tatkräftig. She's young and energetic. She's young and active. Dat zou iets zijn wat ik zou moeten programmeren. It would be something I'd have to program. That would be something I should program. Wat bedoel je precies? What exactly do you mean? What exactly do you mean? Ich bin eine Christin. I am a Christian woman. I'm a Christian. Es ist neun Uhr. It's nine o'clock. It's nine o'clock. Hir Mamm ass Algeerierin. Their mom is Algerian. Mr. Mamm is an Algeria. Wies mi noch en annere Kamera. Show me another camera. Show me another camera. Ich bin Atheist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Hoe voel jy oor hulle? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about them? We zullen er later over praten. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Viele Menschen prangerten Präsident Wilson an. Many people denounced President Wilson. Many people denounced President Wilson. Heiliger Strohsack! Holy smokes. Holy shit! Ik heb snel geluncht. I ate a quick lunch. I had a quick lunch. Laten we gaan. Let's go. Let's go. Söök een ut. Choose one. Select one. Sie war noch nie auf Besichtigungsreise in New York gewesen. She had never seen New York before. She had never visited New York before. Ek gaan volgende Sondag trou. I'm getting married next Sunday. I will get married next Sunday. Da haben Sie Glück gehabt, dass Sie es gefunden haben. It was lucky for you that you found it. You were lucky you found it. Ich frage mich, ob Tom Heimweh hat. I wonder whether Tom is homesick. I wonder if Tom's hurt. Ich bin es nicht gewohnt, Reden in der Öffentlichkeit zu halten. I'm not used to making speeches in public. I'm not used to making public speeches. Tom reichte Maria ein Buch. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom gave Maria a book. Het is apenvlees. It's monkey meat. It's monkey meat. Mary is bang voor spinnen. Mary is afraid of spiders. Mary's afraid of spiders. Je was in gevaar. You were in danger. You were in danger. Er betrog seinen Freund. He deceived his friend. He cheated on his friend. Ich weiß nicht, warum meine Freundin will, dass wir warten. I don't know why my friend wants us to wait. I don't know why my girlfriend wants us to wait. Mir hunn en Hond an eng Kaz. We have a dog and a cat. We have a dog in one caz. Dafür wirst du bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You'll pay for that! Blötschkopp! Idiot! Son of a bitch! Als ich aufwachte, lagen zehn Zentimeter Schnee. When I woke up, there were four inches of snow on the ground. When I woke up, ten centimetres of snow lay. איך בין דיין פאטער'ס נשמה, פארשעמט פאר א צייט צו גייען ביי נאכט, און ביי טאג צו זיין געלייגט אין פויער - ביז מיינע זינדן, וואס איך האב געטאהן אין מיין לעבן, זענען אוועקפארברענט און נסלח געווארען. I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away. I'm your father's soul, scheduled for a time to go on night, and at day to be joined in door-- till my sin, which I have lived in my life, are removed and killed. Die Frage ist, wer entscheidet, was getan werden muss. The question is who decides what needs to be done. The question is who decides what to do. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט אײַך. His older sister can't talk to you today. His older sister cannot easily speak with a display. Liefde maakt blind. Love is blind. Love blinds. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. פֿאַרוואָס האָט ער דאָס געשריבן? Why did he write that? What did he write this for? Ik heb mijn horloge verloren. I have lost my watch. I lost my watch. דאָס הױז איז שײן The house is pretty. This is already a remote file Kan je onze software updaten? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? דאָס איז מיִיִן ברודער. That's my brother. This is faster brother. De kinderen zaten in de modder te spelen. The children were playing in the dirt. The kids were in the mud playing. Ik kunn mien Ohren kuum glöven, as ik de Narichten höört heff. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news. I could believe my ears when I heard the articles. Verskoon my?! I beg your pardon?! Excuse me?! t Is mien bus. It's my bus. It's my bus. Ik verloor mijn evenwicht. I was losing balance. I lost my balance. Hƿæt dōþ ᵹit? What are you two doing? The Sun raster is the number of the files shown in the document. Maria mag am liebsten Futanari-Pornos. Mary likes futa porn the best. Mary likes Futanari pornos. Ik wahn in’e Neeg vun’n Diek. I live near the levee. I guess I'm close to a Diek. Es gibt nichts Schöneres als ein heißes Bad. There's nothing like a good hot bath. There's nothing more beautiful than a hot bath. Kan ik een hapje? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Er ist Euer Augapfel gewesen bisher, nun aber: ärgert dich dein Auge, sagt die Schrift, so reiß es aus. Es ist besser, einäugig gen Himmel als mit zwei Augen in die Hölle. He has till now been the apple of your eye; but if thine eye offend you, says Scripture, pluck it out. It is better to enter heaven with one eye than hell with two! He has been your eyeball so far, but now, "If your eye is angry with you," says the Scripture, "it is better to tear out. It is better to be one-eyed to heaven than to hell with two eyes." Wat för en Soort Vagel is dit? What kind of bird is this? What kind of birds is this? Wat leer je op school? What do you learn at school? What are you learning at school? Tom sit by venster besig om 'n boek te lees. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom is sitting at window reading a book. Wie kann man die Gefahren des Internets meiden? How can you avoid the dangers of the Internet? How to avoid the dangers of the Internet? Wo sind die Parkuhren? Where are the meters? Where are the parking watches? Algerije is een zeer belangrijk partnerland voor de Europese Unie. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Veel landen hebben wetten die het roken verbieden. Many countries have laws prohibiting smoking. Many countries have laws prohibiting smoking. Waarom hebben jullie een hamer nodig? Why do you need a hammer? Why do you need a hammer? Er tat, was ihm gesagt wurde. He did what he was told. He did what he was told. Florence Foster Jenkins war eine der berühmtesten Sopranistinnen der Welt. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the most famous sopranos in the world. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thanks for coming. Sein Gedächtnisverlust ist mehr ein psychisches als ein physisches Problem. His memory loss is more a psychological than a physical trouble. His memory loss is more of a psychological problem than a physical one. Wat wil je eten? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? In vielen Sprachen kommen englische Wörter vor. Many languages use English words. English words are found in many languages. Er ist deinetwegen errötet. You made him blush. He's rotted because of you. Du musst unbedingt mitkommen! You do have to come along! You have to come with me! Vuurwerk is legaal. Fireworks are legal. Fireworks are legal. Dit bericht maakte Al-Sayib zo woedend, dat hij nogmaals Fanta morste. This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta. This report made Al-Sayib so angry that he again wasted Fanta. Scheikunde is een geweldige wetenschap. Chemistry is a marvelous science. Chemistry is a great science. Tom fing an, etwas zu sagen, aber überlegte es sich anders. Tom started to say something, but changed his mind. Tom started to say something, but he thought differently. איך האב געעפענט די קעסטל, אבער עס איז געווען ליידיק. I opened the box, but I found it empty. I did tell the box, but it was incredible. Wil je nog een beetje appelsap? Would you like some more apple juice? Would you like a little apple juice? ’keen hett se funnen? Who found her? No one found it? Hij is groot en slank. He's tall and slim. It's big and slim. Die Briten erkletterten den Hügel. The British climbed the hill. The British climbed the hill. Melk komt van koeien. Milk comes from cows. Milk comes from cows. Tom und Maria hielten an und nahmen einen Autostopper mit. Tom and Mary stopped and picked up a hitchhiker. Tom and Maria stopped and took a car stopper. Ik heff keen Radio höört. I wasn't listening to the radio. I don't have a radio. Se deed em en Pullover knütten. She knit him a sweater. She kissed him and pullover. Tom is een geboren leider. Tom is a natural leader. Tom's a born leader. Ik eet vis. I eat fish. I'm eating fish. De vogels vliegen. The birds fly. The birds are flying. He is nich wies, aver plietsch. He is not wise but clever. He didn't know, but he was smart. Haben Sie schon gefrühstückt? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you had breakfast yet? Wat hett Tom gägen mi? What's Tom got against me? What's Tom going on with me? Ich liebe den Klang von Kindergelächter. I love the sound of children laughing. I love the sound of children's laughter. Niet alle moslims zijn Arabieren. Not all Muslims are Arabs. Not all Muslims are Arabs. Wat doen ons omternt hulle? What do we do about them? What do we bewilder them? Nederland wordt "Nederland" genoemd in het Nederlands. The Netherlands is called "Nederland" in Dutch. The Netherlands is called "Dutch" in Dutch. Ich mag ihn nicht, aber ich mag sie. I don't like him, but I like her. I don't like him, but I like her. He is Amerika gahn üm amerikaansche Literatur to studeren. He went to America to study American literature. He went to study American literature. Ist es in Ordnung, das hier zu tun? Is it OK to do that here? Is it okay to do this? Sie heiratet im kommenden Herbst. She is getting married this fall. She's getting married next fall. Wie belt er? Who's calling? Who's calling? Ik word niet wakker zelfs al gaat het alarm af. I won't wake up even if the alarm rings. I don't wake up even if the alarm goes off. Ze heeft altijd wel wat op hem aan te merken. She always picks fault with him. She's always got something to notice on him. Als Maria aufwachte, stand auf ihrem Nachttisch ein Geschenk mit einer schönen Schleife. „Das kann nur von Tom sein!“ dachte sie, aber es war nicht von Tom! When Maria woke up, a gift with a beautiful bow stood on her bedside table. "It can only be from Tom," she thought, but it was not from Tom! When Mary woke up, a gift with a beautiful loop stood on her bedside table. “That can only be from Tom!” she thought, but it was not from Tom! Ik fang an, mien Fründin to missen. I'm beginning to miss my girlfriend. I'm starting to miss my girlfriend. Kann ik mit Kreditkoort betahlen? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay with credit card? Bist muide? Are you tired? Is muide? Tom ist dabei, einen neuen Plan auszuarbeiten. Tom is working on a new plan. Tom is in the process of developing a new plan. Ik ben een slot zonder een sleutel. I'm a lock without a key. I'm a lock without a key. Hai het mainstekaans wonnen. He probably won. Hai won the Mainstekaan. Ich schätze, es ist Zeit für uns, zu gehen. I reckon it's time for us to leave. I guess it's time for us to go. Japanisch ist unsere Muttersprache. Japanese is our mother tongue. Japanese is our native language. Diese Küche ist geeignet, den Geist von Paris zu beschwören. This cuisine is seasoned to evoke the esprit of Paris. This kitchen is suitable to conjure the spirit of Paris. Tom is al jümmer anners as de anneren Kinner wäsen. Tom was always different from other children. Tom is already different from other children. Das ist ein gut geschriebenes Buch. This is a well-written book. That's a well-written book. D'Burj Khalifa ass derzeit den héchste Wollkekrazer vun der Welt. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the highest cloud in the world. Tom hatte einige Tricks auf Lager. Tom had some tricks up his sleeve. Tom had some tricks in stock. Tom und Maria unterrichteten Johannes davon, dass sie großen Hunger hätten. Tom and Mary told John that they were very hungry. Tom and Mary taught John that they were very hungry. Se hett dröög Hoor. She has dry hair. You heard that. Tom denkt dat hij de wereld kan redden. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom thinks he can save the world. Ik wil niet scheiden. I don't want to get divorced. I don't want to divorce. Eine Frau, deren Ehemann gestorben ist, nennt man Witwe. A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow. A woman whose husband died is called widow. Mir jucken die Augen. My eyes feel itchy. I'm itching my eyes. Wat sünd dat för welk? Who are they? What kind of one? Wannehr is de Hochtied? When's the wedding? When is high time? Er is niets om spijt van te hebben. There is nothing to regret about. There's nothing to regret. Hij gaf me het geld terug. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money back. Unser Flugzeug hob exakt um 18 Uhr ab. Our plane took off exactly at 6 p.m. Our plane took off exactly at 6:00 p.m. Tom kann nicht krank sein. Tom can't be sick. Tom can't be sick. Ich zahle voraus. I prepay. I'll pay in advance. Tom hat Blut gespendet. Tom donated blood. Tom donated blood. Wie is uw leraar? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Ich glaube Naomi nicht. Ich glaube, sie lügt. I don't believe Naomi. I think she's lying. I don't believe Naomi, I think she's lying. Tom ist ein grundehrlicher Mensch. Tom is a good man through and through. Tom is a fundamental human being. Wie sehen die aus? What do they look like? What do they look like? We raakten op weg daar naartoe door onze benzine heen. We ran out of gas on our way there. We got on our way there through our gas. Tom heeft bijna niets in zijn portemonnee. Tom has next to nothing in his wallet. Tom has almost nothing in his wallet. Hallo! Wie geht es dir? Hello! How are you? How are you? Denkt dor an, dat wi de Folgen von joon Hanneln arvt. Remember that we will inherit the results of your decisions. Remember, we inherit the consequences of joon trades. Tom ist vermutlich hungrig. Tom is probably hungry. Tom's probably hungry. We vierden zijn verjaardag. We celebrated his birthday. We celebrated his birthday. Überall in der Stadt sprach man davon. The word was all over the city. It was spoken of everywhere in the city. Tom fluisterde Maria iets in d'r oor en ze glimlachte. Tom whispered something into Mary's ear and she smiled. Tom whispered something in her ear and she smiled. Hoe werkt deze camera? How does this camera work? How does this camera work? Du musst mich nicht anrufen. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. Sie sprachen über Liebe. They talked about love. They talked about love. Tom kan helpen. Tom can help. Tom can help. Der Grund für seine Verspätung bestand darin, dass er den Bus verpasst hatte. The reason for him being late was that he had missed the bus. The reason for his delay was that he had missed the bus. Die Touristen fuhren an blühenden Obstbäumen vorbei. The tourists drove past blooming fruit trees. The tourists passed by flowering fruit trees. Das Schöne ist immer sonderbar. The beautiful is always strange. The beauty is always strange. Sie hätten nicht so früh herzukommen brauchen. You need not have come here so early. You didn't have to come here so early. פארוואס קוקט ער אויף מיר? Why is he looking at me? Why does he look at me? Se hett em hulpen, sien Slips to binnen. She helped him tie his tie. She's got him help. See Slips inside. Doe mij een plezier en zwijg. Do me a favour and shut up. Do me a favor and keep quiet. Bescherm me! Protect me! Protect me! Moenie beweeg nie. Don't move. Do not move. Die Tür wird offen sein. The door will be open. The door will be open. Hij duwde me aan de kant. He pushed me aside. He pushed me aside. Ich fürchte, Sie haben recht. I'm afraid you're right. I'm afraid you're right. Sy lees elke oggend die koerant. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the newspaper every morning. Wir haben eine ganze Menge Gemeinsamkeiten. We really have a lot in common. We have a lot of common ground. We moeten bij het vliegveld zijn. We need to get to the airport. We have to be at the airport. Ek het net gewonder of jy 'n plek om te bly nog kon vind. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I was just wondering if you could find a place to stay. Ze is trots op haar zoon. She is proud of her son. She's proud of her son. De zon aan de horizon is prachtig. The sun on the horizon is wonderful. The sun on the horizon is beautiful. Mag Toshio Sachiko? Does Toshio like Sachiko? Can Toshio Sachiko? Jakhalzen worden ongeveer een tiental keer genoemd in de Bijbel. Jackals are mentioned about a dozen times in the Bible. Jackals are mentioned in the Bible about ten times. Ik wil niet naar de tandarts gaan. I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't want to go to the dentist. Der größte Teil der Programmierer hasst die Fehlerbeseitigung; es ist viel amüsanter Fehler zu machen, als sie zu beseitigen. Most programmers hate debugging; causing errors is much more fun than debugging them. Most of the programmers hate the troubleshooting; it is much amusing to make mistakes than to eliminate them. Stimmt es, was über Tom gesagt wird? Is it true what they're saying about Tom? Is it true what's said about Tom? n Tafel het vare pooten. A table has four legs. n Table the ferry legs. Hier zijn je vrienden. Here are your friends. Here are your friends. דו מעגסט האָבן אַ ביסל סאַלאַמי. You can have some salami. You may have a bit of a Salami. Grootmoe kiekt geern kiekkaast. Grandma likes watching TV. Grossmoe's looking hot. Buitenlanders maken me nieuwsgierig. Foreign people intrigue me. Foreigners make me curious. Ich bin unverheiratet. I'm not married. I'm unmarried. Genau das Gegenteil ist wahr: Es gibt nichts nach dem Tod, aber eine Ewigkeit auf der Erde. It's exactly the opposite which is true: there is nothing after death, except eternity on earth. The very opposite is true: There is nothing after death, but an eternity on earth. Mien Lehrersch hett en temlich sachte Stimm. My teacher has a very soft voice. My teacher has a fair voice. Tom was heel nerveus. Tom was very nervous. Tom was very nervous. Als der König ihr die Flügel streichelte, verwandelte sie sich in eine wunderschöne Frau, und er erkannte in ihr seine liebe Gemahlin. As the king stroked her wings she was changed into a beautiful woman, and he recognised his dear wife. When the king stroked her wings, she turned into a beautiful woman, and he recognized in her his dear wife. Der Garten ist vor dem Haus. The garden is in front of the house. The garden is in front of the house. Jij bent de vrouw van mijn dromen. You are the woman of my dreams. You're the wife of my dreams. Tom wurde sehr wohlhabend. Tom became very wealthy. Tom became very wealthy. Tom is een vun Ria ehr besten Frünn. Tom is one of Mary's best friends. Tom is one of Ria's best friends. Elkeen kann dat doon. Anybody can do that. Everyone can do this. Ich bezahlte fünf Dollar extra. I paid five dollars in addition. I paid five extra dollars. Demokrat sein heißt, keine Angst haben. To be a democrat means to have no fear. To be democratic means not to be afraid. Wil je een schone vork? Do you want a clean fork? You want a clean fork? Men zegt dat hij kan spreken zonder notities te gebruiken. He is said to be able to speak without using notes. They say he can speak without using notes. Is dat gezond? Is that healthy? Is that healthy? Berlyn is die hoofstad van Duitsland. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Sie dachte, dass es sich bei dieser Geschichte um einen Scherz handele. She regarded the story as a joke. She thought this story was a joke. Die Menge brach in laute Jubelrufe aus. The crowds broke into loud cheers. The crowd broke out in loud cheers. Je kijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You look nervous. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit nog altyd gedoen het. They said that they've always done that. They said that they had always done so. Auf der Party hat ihn einer seiner politischen Gegner vor den Augen zahlreicher Gäste gedemütigt. At the party, one of his political opponents humiliated him in the presence of many guests. At the party, one of his political opponents humiliated him in the eyes of many guests. Hij handelde voor zijn eigen belang. He acted in his own interest. He acted for his own interests. We hopen dat je van de voorstelling zult genieten. We hope you will enjoy the show. We hope you enjoy the performance. Sie ist fünf Jahre jünger als er. She's five years younger than he is. She's five years younger than he is. Het was niet de mijne. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. Tom ist größer als sein Vater. Tom is taller than his father. Tom's bigger than his father. Ich möchte nicht, dass alle denken, ich sei ein Dummkopf. I don't want everyone to think I'm stupid. I don't want everyone to think I'm a fool. Zijn oom bezit niet minder dan tien huizen. His uncle owns no fewer than ten houses. His uncle owns no less than ten houses. Es gibt eines, was ich Ihnen sagen muss. There's one thing I must tell you. There's one thing I need to tell you. Zij scheren het schaap. They are shearing the sheep. They shave the sheep. Thomas kan beter zwemmen dan Maria. Tom can swim better than Mary can. Thomas can swim better than Maria. Mary het besluit om hom te vergiftig. Mary has decided to poison him. Mary decided to poison him. Laat Tom niet alleen. Don't leave Tom alone. Don't leave Tom alone. Ich ziehe Äpfeln Apfelsinen vor. I prefer oranges to apples. I prefer apples. Tom sä, Ria harr toveel to doon, üm us to helpen. Tom said Mary was too busy to help us. Tomsä, Ria had too much to do to help us. Hij drinkt veel te veel bier. He drinks far too much beer. He's drinking too much beer. Ik nehm allens trügg, wat ik seggt heff. I'll take back everything I said. I'll take all sorts of tricks, what I say. Der Schnellzug ist eine Stunde schneller als der Personenzug. The express train is an hour faster than the local. The train is one hour faster than the passenger train. Zai het grote stevels. She has big boots. Sai the big stems. Ik ging buiten wandelen om wat frisse lucht in te ademen. I went out for a walk to get some fresh air. I went for a walk outside to breathe some fresh air. Ik kunn dat nich tügen, mi en Fohrrad to köpen. I could not afford to buy a bicycle. I couldn't do it for buying a bike. Ðū līhst. You lie. Áū līhst. Er zerbrach das Fenster absichtlich. He broke the window on purpose. He deliberately broke the window. Si kacht. She's cooking. Si's chewing. Bruuchsch en Ambulanz? Do you need an ambulance? Bruuchsch and Ambulance? Die schöne französische Sprache ist verloren. The beautiful French language is lost. The beautiful French language is lost. פאַרלאָז זיך נישט אויפן וואָרט פֿון ווײַבער־שׂונאים. Don't trust misogynists. Don't lose away from meteorologicals. My vrou is 'n vegetariër. My wife is a vegetarian. My wife is a vegetarian. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass das Parlament aufgelöst wird. It's likely the Diet will be dissolved. Parliament is likely to be dissolved. Er erwarb eine Fahrkarte nach Paris. He booked a ticket for Paris. He bought a ticket to Paris. Nimm den Apfel und halbiere ihn. Take the apple and divide it into halves. Take the apple and halve it. Wann kommt ihr nach Boston? When are you coming to Boston? When are you coming to Boston? Hij deed zich voor als een stomme man. He pretended to be a stupid man. He was acting like a stupid man. Ich hasse Milchprodukte wirklich. I really hate dairy products. I really hate dairy products. Ihr Kissen war tränenfeucht. Her pillow was wet with tears. Her pillows were wet. Holden joe van eerbaaien? Do you like strawberries? Are you holding homage coves? Hulle sal jou nie meer steur nie. They won't bother you anymore. They will no longer disturb you. Gehören alle diese Bücher Ihnen? Are all these books yours? Are all these books yours? Wenn du einem Griechen die Hand schüttelst, zähle deine Finger. When you shake hands with a Greek, count your fingers. If you shake your hand to a Greek, count your fingers. Jij bent niet zo jong als Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Die voreingestellte Farbe des Arbeitsplatzhintergrundes ist blau. The default color of the desktop's background is blue. The default colour of the workplace is blue. Sy het met hom getrou. She married him. She married him. Ons weet dit gaan nie werk nie. We know it's not going to work. We know it won't work. De vlek op de labjas is te wijten aan zilvernitraat. The stain on the lab coat is due to silver nitrate. The stain on the lab coat is due to silver nitrate. Wann geht der Zug? When does the train depart? When's the train going? De vier jaargetijden zijn lente, zomer, herst en winter. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The four times of the year are spring, summer, heart and winter. Toms vriendin dreigde hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Heb je Tom gedood? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ich weiß nicht, was ich denken soll. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to think. Ich schäme mich nicht für das, was ich getan habe. I'm not ashamed of what I did. I'm not ashamed of what I did. Hast du etwas gesagt? Did you say something? Did you say anything? Geh bitte nicht so schnell! Don't walk so fast. Please don't go so fast! Ik höll Ann för ehr Süster. I took Ann for her sister. I think Ann is helping her sister. Wir alle waren mit dem System nicht zufrieden. All of us were not satisfied with the system. We were all not satisfied with the system. Öffne die Tür! Es läutet! Open the door. They are ringing the bell. Open the door! Maria heeft lang blond haar. Mary has long blonde hair. Maria has long blonde hair. Moslims aanbidden God. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. Het gebouw werd tot puin herleid. The building was reduced to rubble. The building was led to rubble. Un nüms hett di hulpen? And no one helped you? And nothing has helped you? Er hat nicht weniger als dreihundert Bücher. He has no less than three hundred books. He has no less than three hundred books. Versprich nichts, was du nicht halten kannst! Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't promise anything you can't keep! Toen hij jong was voetbalde hij soms. When he was young, he sometimes played soccer. When he was young, he played football sometimes. Wist je dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Did you know that Tom was a dentist? Did you know Tom was a dentist? Als kind ging ik dikwijls vissen met mijn vader. As a child I often went fishing with my father. As a child, I often went fishing with my father. Jedereen will geern glöven, dat Drööm wohr warrn köönt. Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true. Everyone wants to believe that lines can be true. Der Zombie-Weltuntergang ist nahe. The zombie apocalypse is nigh! The zombie world demise is near. Das Gespräch wandte sich anderen Themen zu. The conversation moved on to other topics. The conversation turned to other topics. Sie können mir nicht helfen. You can't help me. You can't help me. ווי מאַכן די בענק געלט? How do banks make money? How do the banks make money? Er gab Milch in seinen Tee und rührte um. He put milk into his tea and stirred it. He put milk in his tea and touched it. Dit is mijn teamgenoot, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. He hett twee Katten kregen, een is witt, een is swart. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He got two cats, one is white, one is black. De Vörhang hett Füür fungen. The curtain caught on fire. The curtain caught its head. Ben je kwaad? Are you mad? Are you angry? Disse Jung is plietsch. That boy is smart. This young man is smart. Sie sollten Ihre Miete im Voraus zahlen. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Einige der Bücher, die er hat, sind englische Romane. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of the books he has are English novels. Se eet veel Ries. They eat a lot of rice. She eats a lot of Ries. Ān þāra hunda is on līfe. One of the dogs is alive. Varanasiāra honda is on līfe. Ist das meins? Is that mine? Is that mine? Ihre Bemerkung ging mir auf die Nerven. Her remark got on my nerves. Your remark got on my nerves. Hoekom doen beren winterslaap? Why do bears hibernate? Why do bears sleep in winter? Eén voor allen, allen voor één. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Ihr hättet nicht so früh kommen sollen. You shouldn't have come so soon. You shouldn't have come this early. Ik heb maagpijn. I have a stomachache. I have stomach pain. Wat jy ook al doen, moenie die nuwe foon laat val nie. Whatever you do, don't drop your new phone. Whatever you do, do not drop the new phone. Ek is bly dat dit jou gelukkig maak. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad it makes you happy. Bist du sicher, dass sie das kann? Are you sure she can do this? Are you sure she can? De school begint op tien april. School begins on April the tenth. The school starts on April 10th. Kan jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Zij doucht. She showers. She's diving. Wat is jouw lievelingsmerk? What's your favorite brand? What's your favorite brand? Warum habt ihr nicht einfach das getan, was ihr angekündigt hattet? Why didn't you just do what you said you'd do? Why didn't you just do what you announced? We waren lang op hem aan het wachten. We were waiting for him for a long time. We've been waiting for him for a long time. Singt bitte ein Lied in eurer Sprache! Sing a song in your language, please! Sing a song in your language, please! Maria hatte leuchtende Augen. Mary's eyes sparkled. Mary had bright eyes. Kleine meisjes zingen vrolijk. Little girls sing merrily. Little girls sing cheerfully. Sie wussten nicht einmal, was sie tun sollten. They didn't even know what to do. They didn't even know what to do. Zij verkoopt fruit. She sells fruits. She's selling fruit. Ich habe kein bisschen Erfahrung. I don't have any experience. I don't have a little experience. We hebben wat we nodig hebben. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Tom un Ria wören in’n Goorn. Tom and Mary were in the garden. Tom and Ria grew up in a garden. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Hoeveel kinderen heb je? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? Tom albert gerne herum. Tom likes to fool around. Tom likes to be around. Benehm di as en jungen Mann. Behave yourself like a young man. Behave yourself as an ass and young man. Der Lärm störte meinen Schlaf. The noise disturbed my sleep. The noise disturbed my sleep. U beslist. You decide. You decide. Teder legde hij zijn hand op haar schouder. He put his hand gently on her shoulder. Teder put his hand on her shoulder. Waar ben jij mee bezig? What are you doing right now? What are you doing? Er verglich die Imitation mit dem Original. He compared the imitation with the original. He compared the imitation with the original. Zuerst verbraucht man seine Gesundheit, um zu Geld zu kommen; dann sein Geld, um die Gesundheit zurückzuholen. First you squander your health to acquire money; then your money to get your health back. First, you use your health to come to money, then your money to get the health back. Du musst deinen Mantel mitnehmen, falls es kalt werden sollte. You must take your coat in case it should become cold. You have to take your coat if it gets cold. Goud is zwaarder dan zilver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Ich esse eine Banane. I am eating a banana. I'm eating a banana. Ik heb een duidelijk bewijs. I have an evident proof. I have a clear proof. Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is grey. This blue is grey. Wat roken we? What do we smoke? What do we smoke? Sami was erg genderfluïde, maar niet gay. Sami was very gender-fluid but not gay. Sami was very gender fluid, but not gay. Ik ben Antonio. I'm Antonio. I'm Antonio. Geef me de sleutel. Give me the key. Give me the key. Tom macht das schon seit dreieinhalb Jahren. Tom has been doing that for three and a half years. Tom's been doing this for three and a half years. Vergiss nicht, den Sicherheitsgurt anzulegen. Don't forget to fasten your safety belts. Don't forget to wear the safety belt. Wir haben zwei Fernsehgeräte. We have two television sets. We have two television sets. Oorlogen starten niet zoals de winter start, maar het zijn de mensen die een oorlog starten. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don't start like winter starts, but they're the people who start a war. Du hast vergessen, Tom für das Geschenk zu danken. Stimmt's? You forgot to thank Tom for the present, didn't you? You forgot to thank Tom for the gift. כ׳בין אַ פֿישער. I'm a fisher. Lets you find a fisher. Het was het mooiste gezicht dat hij in zijn leven gezien had. It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life. It was the most beautiful sight he had seen in his life. Sie ist zu jung, um zur Schule zu gehen. She is too young to go to school. She's too young to go to school. Er besuchte im Jahre 1499 die Küste Südamerikas. He visited the coast of South America in 1499. He visited the coast of South America in 1499. Wie kann ich dir sonst noch helfen? How else can I help you? How else can I help you? Kochen Sie gern? Do you like cooking? Do you like to cook? Ich war sehr müde; deswegen schlief ich sofort ein. I was very tired, so I fell asleep right away. I was very tired, so I fell asleep right away. Voor mij is dat een beetje bizar. It's a bit strange as far as I'm concerned. For me, that's a bit bizarre. Dae ye want Catalonie tae acome an independent state in the form o a republic? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? What if you wanted a Catalonia to enter an independent state in the form of a republic? Ich will, dass du wartest. I want you to wait. I want you to wait. Hij heeft opgehangen. He hung up. He hung up. Ik heb net een slang aangeraakt. I just touched a snake. I just touched a snake. De Europese Unie heeft 23 officiële talen die in theorie gelijke rechten hebben, maar in de praktijk slechts 3 werktalen: Engels, Frans en Duits. The European Union has 23 official languages, theoretically with the same rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. The European Union has 23 official languages which, in theory, have equal rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. Hoi, kom binnen. Hi, come on in. Hi, come in. Das ist Toms Stimme. It's Tom's voice. That's Tom's voice. רודי דזשוליִאַני, וואָס איז ניט קיין ייִד, זאָגט, אַז ער איז ייִדישער פֿונעם חורבן־לעבן־געבליבענעם דזשאָרזש סאָראָס, ווײַל סאָראָס „גייט ניט צו קירך.‟ Rudy Giuliani, who is not Jewish, claims he's more Jewish than Holocaust survivor George Soros because Soros "doesn't go to church." Rody Juliani, which is not a pretty one, however, that he is part of the Holocaust living relationship with the George Soros, which is why Soros "does not go to church.[3] Das ist eine prekäre Situation. It's a delicate situation. This is a precarious situation. Dankie vir vandag. Thank you for today. Thank you for today. Tom gehört ins Gefängnis. Tom belongs in jail. Tom's in jail. Hilfst du mir denn? Will you help me then? Will you help me? Tom hat ein gutes Einkommen. Tom has a nice income. Tom's got a good income. Tom sah die Akte durch. Tom looked through the file. Tom looked through the file. Hij verafschuwt spinnen. He hates spiders. He's loathing spiders. Es wird mit jedem Tage heißer. Every day, it's getting hotter and hotter. It gets hotter every day. Wies mi de Popp, de du güstern köfft hest. Show me the doll that you bought yesterday. Show me the doll you bought yesterday. Hoe geleerd hij ook is, hij is niet te vertrouwen. Scholarly as he is, he can't be relied on. No matter how learned he is, he can't be trusted. Ich mag deinen Chef nicht. I don't like your boss. I don't like your boss. Het is geen schande om te zeggen dat je het niet weet. There is no shame in saying 'I don't know'. It's no shame to say you don't know. Er hob seine Hand. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Sammy had spacecake. Sami had weed cookies. Sammy had spacecake. Dat hett veel sneet. It snowed a lot. That's a lot of snow. k Kom oet Winschoot. I'm from Winschoten. - Come on, Winschoot. Mir geht es einigermaßen gut. I'm doing OK. I'm fine. Kanst du morgen een Stünn fröher as ans in ’t Büro kamen? Is it possible for you to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? Can you get an hour earlier tomorrow as ans in the office? He wüss dat nich. He didn't know that. He didn't know. Dieser Schriftsteller war mehrere Jahre bei den Truppen im Feld. This writer spent several years in the field with the troops. This writer was with the troops in the field for several years. Ik weet niet zeker wat ze gaat doen. I don't know for certain what she is going to do. I'm not sure what she's gonna do. Tom warf ein Kissen nach Maria, und das Kissen traf sie mitten im Gesicht. Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face. Tom threw a pillow at Mary, and the pillow hit her in the middle of her face. Ich erlebte einen rundherum wunderschönen Abend. Allerdings war es nicht dieser. I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. I experienced a beautiful evening all around. However, it was not this one. Ik ben gisteren naar Boston teruggekeerd. I got back to Boston yesterday. I returned to Boston yesterday. Mijn vriendin houdt er ook van om te drinken. My girlfriend also loves to drink. My girlfriend also loves to drink. Warum hast du das nicht eher erwähnt? Why didn't you mention this before? Why didn't you mention that before? Koelkaastdeur is open. The refrigerator door is open. Fridge door is open. De Küsel dreiht sik mit de Klock. The top is turning clockwise. Whirl rotates in clock. Dien Vader is temlich groot. Your father is pretty tall. Your Father is quite great. Ihre Uhr ist qualitativ hochwertiger als meine. Your watch is superior in quality to mine. Your watch is higher quality than mine. Ech trauen keng Politiker. I don't trust politicians. I do not trust any politicians. Maria vertraut dir. Mary trusts you. Maria trusts you. Toms Humor gefällt mir nicht. I don't appreciate Tom's humor. I don't like Tom's humor. Wenn ich kann, komme ich morgen wieder. I'll come back tomorrow if I can. If I can, I'll be back tomorrow. Niemand gibt dir die Schuld. No one's blaming you. No one blames you. Een ziekte dwarsboomde zijn reisplannen. Illness frustrated his plans for the trip. A disease inhibited his travel plans. Mag ik de tafel klaarzetten? May I set the table? Can I get the table ready? Ze is een gold digger. She's a gold digger. She's a gold poet. Sie brachte mir einen Brief, den ich übersetzen sollte. She brought me a letter to translate. She brought me a letter to translate. Hij was bang uitgelachen te worden. He was afraid of being laughed at. He was afraid of being laughed. Darf ich dich mal unter vier Augen sprechen? Can I have a word with you in private? May I speak to you in private? קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. No one is interested. None is interested. Tennis is mijn favoriete sport. I like tennis the best of all sports. Tennis is my favorite sport. Du musst darüber hinwegkommen. You need to get over it. You have to get over it. Da ich dem Mädchen schon einmal begegnet war, erkannte ich sie sofort. Having met the girl before, I recognized her at once. Since I had met the girl before, I immediately recognized her. Jij ontsnapte. You escaped. You escaped. Die kat hou daarvan om te slaap. The cat likes sleeping. The cat likes to sleep. Ik denk niet dat arm zijn iets is om je voor te schamen. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. I don't think being poor is something to be ashamed of. Ik ga overmorgen naar Boston. I'm going to Boston the day after tomorrow. I'll go to Boston the day after tomorrow. Tom scheint entschlossen. Tom seems determined. Tom seems determined. Het was niet mijn bedoeling hem te slaan. I didn't mean to hit him. It wasn't my intention to beat him. Ik was op school. I was at school. I was in school. Blijf luisteren. Keep listening. Keep listening. Ik ben niet erg goed in wiskunde. I'm not very good at math. I'm not very good at math. צי האָסטו אַ פֿערדל - למשל, מאָלערײַ? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? Is he a fan--eg, painting? Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be, or not to be, that is the question. Sy, or Nödsy, the sich hie d Question. Deze sinaasappelen zijn bedorven. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are ruined. Dat verhoogt de onkosten. This adds to the expense. That increases costs. Ich wohne im Erdgeschoss. I live on the ground floor. I live on the ground floor. Tom und ich suchen nach Maria. Tom and I are looking for Mary. Tom and I are looking for Maria. דו קענסט באשלאסן, וואס אימער דו ווילסט. You may choose whichever you want. You can decide what America you want. Was ist mit ihm los? What is the matter with him? What's wrong with him? Dat gifft veel Steerns, de grötter as uns Sünn sünd. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars that are greater than our Sun. Tom is nait zo old as k bin. Tom isn't as old as I am. Tom's nait as old as k bin. Hē dranc bēor. He drank beer. Hē dranc bēor. Tom pflanzte ein paar Karotten. Tom planted some carrots. Tom planted some carrots. Der Laden an der Ecke verkauft Obst zu sehr guten Preisen. The shop on the corner sells fruit at a very good price. The store at the corner sells fruit at very good prices. Das ist nicht für mich. This isn't for me. That's not for me. Wir konnten, weil sie von innen verschlossen war, die Tür nicht öffnen. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from the inside. We could not open the door because it was locked from the inside. Ich hätte gern etwas Leichtes. I'd like something light. I'd like something light. Dat Baby hett en nüüdlich Gesicht. The baby has a cute face. The baby has a good face. Sy kry goeie punte in Engels. She gets good marks in English. She gets good grades in English. Dat is buiten mijn studiegebied. It is outside my area of study. That's outside my field of study. Tom hät es Velo. Tom has a bicycle. Tom's got it, Velo. Ons het op en af met die hysbak gery. We went up and down by elevator. We drove up and down the elevator. Mir mussen erausfannen, wou se ass. We have to find out where she is. And we need to know where it is. Sy was bly met haar nuwe rok. She was pleased with her new dress. She was happy with her new dress. Tom is stoned. Tom's stoned. Tom's stoned. Streng dich an, wie du willst, aber du kannst niemandem einen Glauben aufzwingen, geschweige denn dir selbst. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Tighten yourself up as you please, but you can force no one to believe, let alone yourself. Tom hat uns alles gegeben, was er hatte. Tom gave us everything he had. Tom gave us everything he had. Ich bin deinetwegen gekommen. I came for you. I came because of you. Het is wreder de dood te vrezen, dan te sterven. It is more cruel to fear death than to die. It's more cruel to fear death than to die. Maria hält sich nicht für sonderlich gut im Französischen. Mary says she doesn't think she's very good at French. Maria doesn't think she's very good in French. Zalig zijn de armen van geest. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are the poor of spirit. Er ging ein großes Risiko ein. He took a big risk. He took a big risk. Natuurkunde interesseert me voor geen meter. I'm not in the least interested in physics. I don't care about physics. Kannst du Tom sehen? Can you see Tom? Can you see Tom? Tom schaltete das Licht aus, um Strom zu sparen. Tom switched off the light to save electricity. Tom turned the light off to save power. Se geev em wat warm to drinken. She gave him something hot to drink. You could drink him a little warm. Wenn es donnert, geh ins Haus! When thunder roars, go indoors! If it thunders, go to the house! Ich habe heute mit ihnen zu Mittag gegessen. I had lunch with them today. I ate lunch with them today. Alice slaapt in haar kamer. Alice sleeps in her room. Alice's sleeping in her room. Versuch’s doch mal! Why don't you give it a try? Why don't you try it? Ich möchte ein Buch in Schwedisch. I want a book in Swedish. I want a book in Swedish. Tom is echt een smeerlap. Tom is such a slob. Tom's really a son of a bitch. Plots kwamen zij uit het niets te voorschijn. They suddenly appeared from nowhere. Suddenly they came out of nowhere. Einige Lieder stammen aus Schottland. Some songs come from Scotland. Some of the songs come from Scotland. Ich war von Toms Rede sehr beeindruckt. I was very impressed by Tom's speech. I was very impressed with Tom's speech. Hij gelooft rijk te zijn. He believes that he is rich. He believes he's rich. Wi mööt nu slapen gahn. We have to go to sleep now. We need to go to sleep now. טאם האט געזאגט מערי׳ן אז ער גלויבט נישט אין אסטראלאגיע. Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology. Tom said Mari's that he did not believe in Earth. Zelfs als het hard regent, ga ik. I'll go even if it rains heavily. Even if it rains hard, I'm going. Ich denke hin und wieder daran. I think about that from time to time. I think about it from time to time. We hebben te veel lessen. We have too many classes. We have too many lessons. Tom is klouk. Tom's smart. Tom's fucked up. Reagier nicht darauf. Don't respond. Don't react. Soðlice on Ledenspræce synd þreo and twentig stafa: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Now, in Latin there are twenty-three letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Soðlice on Memberspræce synd Ãreo and twenty staff: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Ich habe jetzt keine Zeit dafür. I've got no time for that now. I don't have time for it now. Er hat alle meine Sachen mitgenommen. He took all my things with him. He took all my stuff. Tom is niet van gisteren. Tom wasn't born yesterday. Tom wasn't yesterday. Ik heb er genoeg van met u te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've had enough to talk to you! Het is een beetje koud. It is a little cold. It's a little cold. Nehmen Sie diese Medizin und Sie werden sich viel besser fühlen! Take this medicine, and you'll feel a lot better. Take this medicine and you will feel much better! Schwätzt dir Lëtzebuergesch? Do you speak Luxembourgish? You don't think so? He kann swemmen. He can swim. He can swim. Ik heb u horen roepen. I heard you scream. I heard you yelling. Hest du wüßt, dat Tom dree Kinner hett? Did you know that Tom has three children? Did you know Tom has three children? Hij googelde zichzelf. He googled himself. He was golfing himself. Sie sollten in Kontakt bleiben mit Herrn Smith. You should keep in touch with Mr Smith. You should stay in touch with Mr Smith. Fahre geradeaus und biege dann nach rechts ab. Go straight, then turn right. Go straight ahead and turn right. Tom komt later terug. Tom will come back later. Tom's coming back later. Dit is my broer. This is my brother. This is my brother. Kent u me? Do you know me? Do you know me? Maria huilde op de terugweg naar huis. Mary cried on the way back home. Maria cried on the way home. Wer sagt das? Who says that? Who says that? Do, wat du wullt. Do whatever you want. Do what you want. Wir versuchen uns an unsere Versprechen zu halten. We try to keep our promises. We try to keep our promises. Kunt u mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? I moet beter terug kom by die werk. I'd better get back to work. I should better come back to work. Ria sä, dat ik dat villicht doon mutt. Mary said that I might have to do that. Ria said I might have to. Die fabriek produseer speelgoed. This factory produces toys. The factory produces toys. Hai broest. He drives fast. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hij gaf me een potlood. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Zo joods ben ik ook weer niet. I'm not that Jewish. I'm not Jewish either. Das Leben in Boston gefiel Tom. Tom liked living in Boston. Life in Boston liked Tom. Jede wett öppis. Everyone wants something. Everyone bets. We zijn aangekomen. We have arrived. We've arrived. Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag medium gebakken. I like my steak medium. I like to have my steak baked medium. Einfach sind die Freuden des gemeinen Volks. Little thing please little minds. The joys of the common people are simple. Het nationale Brukenthal-museum is het eerste museum dat officieel in Roemenië werd geopend. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. The National Brukenthal Museum is the first museum officially opened in Romania. Laat genezing van de zieke de opperste wet zijn! The patient's interests must always come first! Let the healing of the sick be the supreme law! Entschuldigen Sie mich für einen Augenblick. Excuse me for just one second. Excuse me for a moment. He weet allens. He knows everything. He knows everything. ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. It's like no such thing as many o'clock went free, only to which Paper Hoe was released. Das ist meine Theorie. That's my theory. That's my theory. Ge spreekt. You speak. You're talking. Zai wonen ien Helsinki, Finlaand. They live in Helsinki, Finland. Zai live in one Helsinki, Finlaand. Het is 7 uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's 7:00. Hij huilde. He cried. He cried. Sami ist groß. Sami is tall. Sami's big. Toms Mutter ist cool. Tom's mom is cool. Tom's mom's cool. Hest du sehn, woans se di ankeken hett? Did you see the way she was looking at you? Did you see when they looked at you? Ek wil nie huis toe gaan nie. I don't want to go home. I don’t want to go home. Ič hæbbe catt and hund. Se catt is blæc and se hund is hƿīte. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. Ič hæbbe cat and dog. Se cat is blæc and se dog is hīīte. De hond blaft. The dog is barking. The dog's barking. De meeste beren zijn omnivoren. Most bears are omnivores. Most bears are clumsy. Tom ist nicht so viel jünger als Maria. Tom isn't that much younger than Mary. Tom's not much younger than Maria. Sami moet gewag het. Sami should have waited. Sami must have waited. Hebben ze een woordenboek? Do they have a dictionary? Do they have a dictionary? Darüber sind wir uns einig. On this, we agree. We agree on that. De zichtbare kleuren van de regenboog zijn rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw, indigo en violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Ongeveer 97 procent van het water op aarde bevindt zich in de oceaan. About 97 percent of Earth's water is in the ocean. About 97 percent of the water on earth is in the ocean. Ze rende naar hem toe. She ran up to him. She ran to him. De Mai is mien leevsten Maand. I like May the best of all the months. May is my favourite month. Tom hat wahnsinnig viel Arbeit vor sich. Tom's got a tremendous amount of work to do. Tom has a lot of work to do. פארוואס האסטו עס נישט בלויז געזאגט צו טאם׳ן? Why didn't you just say that to Tom? Why did it not only say to Thum? Tom neemt niet zo veel mee als hij op reis gaat. Tom doesn't carry much with him when he travels. Tom doesn't take as much as he travels. Ich habe nie schwimmen gelernt. I never learned to swim. I never learned to swim. Säin Geld ass an d'Bank. His money is in the bank. His money is also the bank. Wat för ’n Dokter behannelt di? Which doctor is attending you? What kind of doctor does you treat? Du hast dich den ganzen Tag kaum bewegt. You've barely moved all day. You barely moved all day. Tom wechselte zu einer Firma, die ihm ein höheres Gehalt anbot. Tom moved to a company that offered him a higher salary. Tom moved to a company that offered him a higher salary. De ouders verwachtten te veel van hun zoon. The parents expected too much of their son. The parents expected too much of their son. Findet ihr es nicht merkwürdig, dass Tom nicht da ist? Don't you think it's strange that Tom isn't here? Don't you think it's odd that Tom's not here? Ik woonde drie jaar geleden in Japan. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. Warum möchtest du Krankenschwester werden? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Dank je voor het diner, het is zo lekker! Thank you for the dinner, it's so delicious. Thank you for dinner, it's so good! Woar is mien boksem? Where are my pants? How's my boxing? Tom ging, ohne sich zu verabschieden, zur Tür hinaus. Tom walked out the door without saying goodbye. Tom went out to the door without saying goodbye. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan niet tegen natuurlijke dwaasheid op. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness. Artificial intelligence cannot resist natural foolishness. Maria bijt op haar nagels. Mary bites her nails. Maria bites her nails. So kommt man gut ins Gespräch. It's a good conversation starter. That's how you get into a good conversation. I ha Di gärn. I love you. I would so much like to have it. Das ist ein Fernseher. It's a TV. That's a TV. Er hat den weiten Weg aus Chicago zurückgelegt. He came all the way from Chicago. He's gone a long way from Chicago. Je moet naar huis gaan. You've got to go home. You have to go home. Ik kan niet stoppen. I can't stop. I can't stop. מײַנע עלטערן ווילן זיך באַגעגענען מיט דיר. My parents would like to meet you. My parents want to join you. Tom heeft daar nooit iets over gezegd. Tom has never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about that. Man hätte eine Stecknadel fallen hören. You could've heard a pin drop. You'd have heard a pin drop. Die Netznotizen meines Onkels über seine Reisen in Thailand erweckten mein Interesse an asiatischer Kultur. My uncle's blog posts about his travels in Thailand have piqued my interest in Asian culture. The net notes of my uncle about his travels in Thailand aroused my interest in Asian culture. We leven in een heteronormatieve samenleving. We live in a heteronormative society. We live in a heteronormative society. Ik tööv bet Klock veer. I'll wait until four o'clock. I will wait until four o'clock. Frohen 4. Juli! Happy 4th of July! Happy July 4th! Ich kann ihr keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame her. I can't blame her. Wij hebben honger. We are hungry. We're hungry. Tom heeft dat niet gezegd. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't say that. „Weißt du, wo diese Kamera hergestellt wurde?“ – „Ich glaube, in China, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher.“ "Do you know where this camera was made?" "I think it was made in China, but I'm not sure." “Do you know where this camera was made?” – “I believe in China, but I’m not sure.” דער ערגסטער ווירוס איז קאַפּיטאַליזם. The worst virus is capitalism. The worst worm is epititism. Wi weet, dat Tom dat nich doon hett. We know Tom didn't do it. We know Tom did not do it. Van wel binnen dij mözzels? Whose mussels are these? From inside your mözzles? Wir können unser Gepäck in einem Schließfach lassen. We can leave our baggage in a locker. We can leave our luggage in a locker. Hebben jullie nagedacht over jullie tandenborstel? Did you think about your toothbrush? Did you guys think about your toothbrush? Auge in Auge mit einem Dinosaurier zu sein war ein lustiges Erlebnis. Coming face to face with a dinosaur was a funny experience. Being eye in eye with a dinosaur was a funny experience. Geh schnell nach Hause. Go home quickly. Go home quickly. Ik zou graag willen weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I'd like to know what happened to Tom. I'd like to know what happened to Tom. Ich hoffe, es macht Ihnen nichts aus zu laufen. I hope you don't mind walking. I hope you don't mind. Dunder boesterde. The thunder roared. Dunder boestered. Kann ich irgendetwas tun? Can I do anything? Can I do anything? Ik bün gegen den Krieg. I'm against the war. I'm against the war. Ich bin es gewohnt, für mich selbst zu kochen. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm used to cooking for myself. Ik denk dat Tom in Australië woont. I think Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Die klok lui. The bell is ringing. That bell is ringing. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't an Englishman. Tom is gain Englishman. Bitte sprich Englisch. Please speak English. Please speak English. Tom hat angefangen zu singen. Tom started singing. Tom started singing. Je hoort nu te oefenen. You're supposed to be practicing. You're supposed to practice now. Hebben Tom en Maria blauwe ogen? Do Tom and Mary have blue eyes? Do Tom and Maria have blue eyes? Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've had coffee already. I've been drinking coffee. Heeft u afgelopen winter geskied? Did you ski last winter? Did you happen last winter? Ich werde nicht vergessen, was ihr getan habt. I won't forget what you did. I won't forget what you did. Ich will da nicht hin. I don't want to go there. I don't want to go there. Hest du nich twee Computers? Don't you have two computers? Don't you have two computers? Woveel Tassen Tee drinkt ji an’n Dag? How many cups of tea do you drink a day? How many cups of tea do you drink on a day? Hij gaat mijn huis binnen. He enters my house. He's entering my house. Tom sieht aus, als würde er gleich losweinen. Tom looks like he's about to cry. Tom looks like he's crying right away. Tom hat eine Schauspielerin geheiratet. Tom married an actress. Tom married an actress. Ekskuus tog, Jorge! Ek het jou nie gesien nie! I'm sorry, Jorge! I didn't see you! Excuse me, Jorge! He arbeidt in ’e Bank. He works at a bank. He works in a bank. Nai. No. Nai. Ich versprech's. I promise. I promise. Worüm lehrst du Franzöösch? Why are you studying French? Why do you teach French? Ik heb geen hond. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. Wüllt wi Swiezerdüütsch mitenanner snacken? Shall we speak Swiss German together? Do we want to talk to one another? Dan pas besefte ik wat hij had willen zeggen. Only then did I realize what he meant. Only then did I realize what he wanted to say. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren op. Please say the alphabet in reverse. Please tell the alphabet backwards. Es ist viel wärmer geworden. It has become much warmer. It's gotten much warmer. Heb je er ooit over gedacht verpleegkundige te worden? Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse? Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse? Ik huil de laatste tijd veel. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. Maria hoestte. Mary coughed. Maria coughed. Das Konzert ist aus. The concert's over. The concert's over. Hy sal my immer nie weer glo nie. He will never believe me again. He will never believe me again. Tom zegt dat hij allergisch is voor school. Tom says that he's allergic to school. Tom says he's allergic to school. Tom het 'n vriend wat in Boston bly. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She's done her homework. She made her homework. צו געזונט.‎‎ Bless you. Too good. Ik hou van zuurkool. I like sauerkraut. I love turmeric. Kann ich mich zu Ihnen setzen? Can I sit with you? Can I sit with you? Auf wen können Tom und ich bauen, wenn raue Zeiten kommen? Who are Tom and I going to lean on when the times get rough? Who can Tom and I build on when rough times come? De leider van de separatisten is een leugenaar. The leader of the separatists is a liar. The leader of the separatists is a liar. Een geheim bewaren heb ik nooit gekund. I never could keep a secret. I've never been able to keep a secret. Ik ga niet. I'm not going. I'm not going. איר זײַט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. You're welcome. Het is dezelfde wijn. It's the same wine. It's the same wine. Duitsers zijn zeer gewiekst. The Germans are very crafty. Germans are very wistful. Het sneeuwt hier nooit. It never snows here. It never snows here. Die oog is die siel se spieël. The eye is the mirror of the soul. The eye is the soul’s mirror. Tom draagt een nieuwe jas. Tom's wearing a new coat. Tom's wearing a new coat. Bi ’t Skiföhren heff ik mi mien Been braken. I broke my leg while skiing. When skiing, I broke my leg. Doe most goan. You have to go. Do the most goan. Ik kan niet geloven dat ik daaraan zelfs niet gedacht heb. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. I can't believe I didn't even think about it. Condooms bieden bescherming tegen seksueel overdraagbare ziekten. Condoms offer protection against STDs. Condoms provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Sie wohnen in einem kleinen Haus. They live in a small house. You live in a small house. Als ik een koptelefoon gebruik, hoor ik niks. When I'm using headphones I can't hear anything. If I use a headphone, I don't hear anything. Ik werd uitgelachen vandaag op school. I got laughed at at school today. I was laughed at school today. Doe leerdest. You learned. Learn to do it. Ek sal moet terugkom na jou. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to come back to you. De forensisch onderzoeker vond kruitsporen op de hand van het slachtoffer. The forensic technician found gunshot residue on the victim's hand. Forensic investigator found creep marks on the victim's hand. Entschuldige! Hast du Tom gesehen? Excuse me, have you seen Tom? Sorry, did you see Tom? Wetenschappers hebben water op Mars gevonden. Scientists have found water on Mars. Scientists found water on Mars. Hoekom sal ek lieg? Why would I lie? Why would I lie? Is je school ver weg van je huis? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far from your home? Luisterde er iemand? Was anyone listening? Did anyone listen? Tom werd ongeduldig. Tom got impatient. Tom became impatient. Ich möchte gern allein sein, wenn du nichts dagegen hast. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. Ik hou van liefdesverhalen. I like love stories. I love love love stories. Wir hatten in diesem Jahr eine Rekordernte. We had a bumper crop this year. We had a record harvest this year. Ik heff jo nich höört. I didn't hear you. I did not hear you. Se hett em op de Steern küsst. She kissed him on the forehead. They kissed it on the star. Deine Eltern sind gekommen, um dich abzuholen. Your parents are here to pick you up. Your parents have come to pick you up. Zonder lucht en water zou niets kunnen leven. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, nothing could live. Wees niet onbezonnen. Don't do anything rash. Don't be thoughtless. Houdt u van gummiberen? Do you like gummy bears? Do you like rubber bears? He harr sien Söcken verkehrt rüm an. He had his socks on inside out. He had his socks wrong around. Ech héieren Musek. I'm listening to music. I think you might want to think. Mir ist langweilig. Lass uns irgendwas machen! I'm bored. Let's do something. I'm bored, let's do something! Tom beachtete meine Warnung. Tom was mindful of my warning. Tom heeded my warning. Tom werd heel boos. Tom got very upset. Tom got very angry. Ik zal u het boek geven. I'm going to give you the book. I'll give you the book. Wenn ich damit fertig bin, was ich gerade tue, dann komme ich. When I am finished with what I am doing, I will come. When I'm done with what I'm doing, I'm coming. Zien ogen binnen blaauw. His eyes are blue. See eyes in the blaze. Waar heeft ze mijn sleutels gevonden? Where did she find my keys? Where did she find my keys? Willen joe goan? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Ich hatte mehrere Gelegenheiten, Englisch zu sprechen. I have had several occasions for speaking English. I had several opportunities to speak English. Se kunn em nich övertügen, ehr en neet Auto to köpen. She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car. You could not transport it before buying a new car. Ich will niemanden verletzen. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone. Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a socket. I'm gonna look at this stuff now. k Hoat Facebook. I hate Facebook. k Hoat Facebook. Tom dreumt. Tom is dreaming. Tom drums. Hoe durf jy oor my man op so 'n walglike manier praat! How dare you speak about my husband in that disgusting way! How dare you talk about my husband in such a disgusting way! De baby kruipt. The baby is crawling. Baby's crawling. Zai schraait. She cries. Zai kicks. Hij is trots op zijn zoon. He is proud of his son. He's proud of his son. Er liebt es, über Politik zu sprechen. He loves talking about politics. He loves to talk about politics. Zijn geintjes liggen op het randje van de hoon. His jokes border on the insulting. His jokes are on the edge of the rooster. Tom hett se noch mal en Söten geven. Tom kissed her again. Tom gave them a drink again. Kom met me dansen! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! Hij stond achter mij. He stood behind me. He was behind me. Selbst nach seinem Tod hasste sie ihn noch. She still hated him, even after he died. Even after his death, she still hated him. Die televisie kos meer as die sonbrille. The television costs more than the sunglasses. Television costs more than the sunglasses. װאָס איז געװען דאָס װעט זײַן, און װאָס איז געשען דאָס װעט געשען, און ניטאָ קײן נײַס אונטער דער זון. That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. What was this when it happened, and what was happening, and no news under the sun. Bolzano is de hoofdstad van Zuid-Tirol, in Italië. Bolzano is the capital of South Tyrol, in Italy. Bolzano is the capital of South Tyrol, in Italy. Ek het gedog jy gee om vir hulle. I thought you cared about them. I thought you cared about them. Ik wist dat hij op Mary wachtte. I knew he was waiting for Mary. I knew he was waiting for Mary. He schall bannig riek sien. They say he's very rich. He should see very rich. Hoi zäme! Hello everyone! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey שלום! Hello. Hello! Tom wollte nicht hinschauen, aber er konnte sich nicht abhalten. Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't help himself. Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't stop. Obwohl Tom meist nur Schnellgerichte zu sich nimmt, wird er kaum krank, und sein Körpermasseindex liegt im normalen Bereich. Even though Tom eats mostly junk food, he rarely gets sick and his BMI is in the normal range. Although Tom usually takes only quick dishes, he hardly gets sick, and his body mass index is in the normal range. Hoe heeft zij dat gedaan? How did she do this? How did she do that? Tom versuchte, Maria einzuschüchtern. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Tom en sy oom het in stilte saam geloop. Tom and his uncle walked together in silence. Tom and his uncle walked in silence. Das ist die Spezialität des Hauses. It's the house specialty. That's the speciality of the house. Ech hunn Iech am Park gesinn. I saw you at the park. I would have seen it in the park. Mien Hund is witt. My dog is white. My dog is white. Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like going to the cinema. Let me go to the cinema. Ich werde den nicht unterschreiben. I won't sign this. I won't sign it. Tegen het einde van de dag waren we uiteraard helemaal kapot. Needless to say, we were very tired by the end of the day. By the end of the day, of course, we were completely broken. Wat eet de pelikaan? What do pelicans eat? What does the pelican eat? Badajoz is in stêd yn Spanje. Badajoz is a city in Spain. Badajoz is a city in Spain. Wir wissen nicht, ob Tom kommen kann oder nicht. We don't know whether Tom can come or not. We don't know if Tom can come or not. Wéi kënne mir de Konflikt entschäerfen? How can we de-escalate the conflict? How can I resolve the conflict? Er bestritt einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf. He fought a successful election campaign. He fought a successful election campaign. Ek wil nie hier wees nie. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here. Ich bin gekommen, um dir zu danken. I came to thank you. I came to thank you. Tom war empört. Tom was outraged. Tom was outraged. Tom konnte sich an nichts erinnern. Tom couldn't remember anything. Tom couldn't remember anything. Letzte Nacht gab es Frost. It frosted last night. There was frost last night. Ik will nich arbeiden. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. Vondaag is mien Geboortsdag. Today is my birthday. Today is my birthday. Tom hat mich verraten. Tom has betrayed me. Tom betrayed me. Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is off his rocker! That guy's crazy! Wer behauptet, jetzt glücklicher als ich zu sein, der lügt. Whoever claims to be happier than I am now lies. Who claims to be happier now than I am lying. Je moet met iemand praten. You need to talk to somebody. You need to talk to someone. Tom ist nicht einfältig. Tom isn't naive. Tom's not simple. Tom hat etwas an sich, das ich nicht mag. There's something about Tom that I don't like. Tom has something on her own that I don't like. Mein BH ist schmutzig. My bra is dirty. My bra is dirty. Es ist kochend heiß hier drinnen. It's boiling in here. It's hot in here. Hƿæt sæᵹde hē? What did he say? H.E.S.E.S. Wie kann man mit Tom am besten in Verbindung treten? What's the best way to contact Tom? How can you get in touch with Tom best? Lernen wir Englisch! Let's study English. Learn English! Wenn ihr reden wollt, so lasst uns reden! If you want to talk, let's talk. If you want to talk, let's talk! Danach beginnt die Innentemperatur rasch anzusteigen. After that, internal temperature begins to climb rapidly. After that, the internal temperature begins to rise rapidly. Du snackst. You speak. You're talking. Woont u in de woestijn? Do you live in the desert? Do you live in the desert? Wat gebeurt er? What is happening? What's going on? Je bent lief. You're adorable. You're sweet. Ik snack keen Spaansch. I don't speak Spanish. I didn't talk Spanish. Woar binnen ollu? Where are the parents? What's in ollu? Argleton ist eine Stadt in West Lancashire, England, die nur auf Google maps existiert. Argleton is a town in West Lancashire, England which exists only on Google maps. Argleton is a city in West Yorkshire, England that exists only on Google maps. Können Leute wirklich so doof sein, zu glauben, dass die gesamte Bevölkerung Georgiens, die eine kaukasische Sprache spricht, die keinen Laut oder Buchstaben mit Englisch gemein hat, plötzlich innerhalb von zwei Jahren fließend Englisch sprechen kann? Can people really be as silly as to believe that the whole population of Georgia, which speaks a Caucasian language with no common sound or common letter with English, can suddenly be fluent in English within two years? Can people really be so deaf to believe that the entire population of Georgia, speaking a Caucasian language that has no sound or letters in common with English, can suddenly speak fluent English within two years? Je Engels klinkt niet lelijk. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Ik lachte met zijn mop. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his mop. Woneem arbeidst du? Where do you work? Where do you work? Ik will nich mit em speelen. I don't want to play with him. I don't want to play with him. Der faule Mann vernachlässigt oft seine Pflichten. The lazy man frequently neglects his duties. The lazy man often neglects his duties. Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden. Tom and Mary said they liked pizza. Tom and Maria said they loved pizza. Chocolade wordt gemaakt van cacaobonen. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Er is geen zout meer. There is no salt left. There's no salt left. Ik bün so hungerig, dat ik en Koh eten kunn. I am so hungry that I could eat a cow. I'm so focused that Koh and I can eat. Kun jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Ik kan het restaurant niet vinden. I can't find the restaurant. I can't find the restaurant. Tom ist in einem multilingualen Umfeld groß geworden. Tom grew up in a multilingual environment. Tom grew up in a multilingual environment. Ich liebe dich nicht mehr. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. Goden Morgen, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. ער רעדט ווי אַ חכם. He speaks wisely. He speaks as a guest. Hij is tennisspeler. He is a tennis player. He's a tennis player. דאָס איז אַ גרויסע פּראָבלעם. That's a serious problem. This is a great problem. Hoekom moet ek oor hulle omgee? Why should I care about them? Why Do I Have to Care About Them? Ik ben student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Dem Drang war schwer zu widerstehen, Tom den Kragen umzudrehen. It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck. It was hard to resist the urge to reverse Tom's collar. Ik beloof het. I promise. I promise. Ik dacht dat je in Boston woonde. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Du süst mööd ut. Du schusst di en beten utrohn. You look tired. You should rest a little. You must kill yourself. You will be killed a little. Tom war damals noch ein kleiner Junge. Tom was just a little boy at that time. Tom was a little boy back then. Wieso willst du im Ausland studieren? Why do you want to study abroad? Why do you want to study abroad? Sei lieb zu deiner Mama! Be nice to your mom. Love your mom! Eines Tages werden Sie die Wahrheit kennen. You will know the truth some day. One day you will know the truth. Der Traum wurde Wirklichkeit. The dream has come true. The dream became reality. Se speelt Gitarr. She plays the guitar. She's playing guitar. Wat is twee maal twee? What is two times two? What's two times two? Ich will nicht darüber streiten. I don't want to argue about that. I don't want to argue about it. Jetzt wäre die Zeit günstig. Now would be a good time. Now the time would be favorable. Hij eet niets anders dan fruit. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Wat hij zegt heeft niets met dit probleem te maken. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. איך האָב זיך פֿאַרקילט‎. I have caught a cold. I think I'll feel bad. Hoeveel verdient hij per maand? How much money does he make a month? How much does he earn a month? Tom is nu in afwachting van zijn proces. Tom is now awaiting trial. Tom is now awaiting his trial. Der Schwerpunkt sollte tiefer liegen, um eine größere Stabilität zu erreichen. The centre of gravity should be lower to obtain greater stability. The focus should be deeper to achieve greater stability. Dat is to good üm wohr to wesen. This is too good to be true. It's too good to be true. Vul de emmer met water. Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water. Ik zoek een stopcontact. I'm looking for a socket. I'm looking for a socket. Hast du das Buch schon gelesen? Have you read this book yet? Have you read the book yet? Er muss dies nicht tun. He does not have to do this. He doesn't have to do this. Mijn grootmoeder is ziek. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother's sick. Taiken mie n schoape. Draw me a sheep. Taiken mie a schoope. איך האָב צװײ ביכער. I've got two books. I'm gonna have two boys. Het leven van een bankier is zwaar. A banker's life is hard. The life of a banker is heavy. Er ist an ihrer Seite. He is at her side. He's with her. Hij vroeg om veel geld. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. Je had de vergadering moeten bijwonen. You should have attended the meeting. You should have attended the meeting. Hij is een drama queen. He's a drama queen. He's a drama queen. סטודענטן דאַרפֿן נוצן די ביכער אין דער ביבליאָטעק. Students should make use of the books in the library. Students need to use the books in the library. ברעט סטיווענס איז אַ וואַנץ. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Brett Stivens is a windfall. Stimmt es, dass du heute eine Pizza gebacken hast? Is it true that you baked a pizza today? Is it true that you baked a pizza today? Hoe gaat het met jullie? How are you guys doing? How are you guys doing? Ich habe laut gerülpst. I burped loudly. I rolled out loud. Wie lange wird es dauern, bis der Fehler bemerkt wird? How long will it take for the mistake to be noticed? How long will it take for the error to be noticed? Sogar Kinder können dieses Buch lesen. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Tom maakte spaghetti voor het avondeten. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Wêrom? Why? Why? Ik heb twee uur in de sneeuw gewacht op de bus. I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours. I waited two hours in the snow on the bus. Tom stahl das Geld. Tom stole the money. Tom stole the money. Het langste woord in de Franse taal is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". Hy het uiteindelik geld gemaak. He finally made money. Eventually, he made money. Es war einfach für uns, Jane zu finden. It was easy for us to find Jane. It was easy for us to find Jane. Wer im Sommer singt, arbeitet im Winter. Who sings in the summer, works in the winter. Those who sing in summer work in winter. Sien jüngsten Söhn is fiev Johr oold. His youngest son is five years old. See youngest Son is five years old. Die Wissenschaftler sammelten Daten. The scientists gathered data. The scientists collected data. We zullen voor hen werken. We'll work for them. We'll work for them. Bischt du froh? Are you happy? Are you biting happy? De dief was aan handen en voeten gebonden. The thief was bound hand and foot. The thief was tied to hands and feet. Oft on sotigum bylige searoƿa licgað. In a dirty bag treasure often lies. Often on sotigum admirable searo Rogera licgað. Ich möchte von Ihnen baldmöglichst eine Antwort. I want an answer from you as soon as possible. I would like an answer from you as soon as possible. Ich sagte Tom, dass ich nicht gewinnen würde. I told Tom that I wouldn't win. I told Tom I wouldn't win. Sie warf ein Kissen nach ihm. She threw a pillow at him. She threw a pillow at him. Die Titanic het gesink op haar eerste vaart. Sy was 'n groot skip. The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage. She was a large ship. The Titanic sank at her first voyage. Ich habe es mir notiert. I wrote it down. I made a note of it. Het is bijna half drie. It's almost 2:30. It's almost half three. Wat is het doel van je reis? What's the purpose of your trip? What's the purpose of your trip? Ik wacht op je excuses. I'm waiting for you to apologize. I'm waiting for your apologies. Ik houd van rood vlees. I like red meat. I like red meat. Ek wonder of jy my dalk sal kan help. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you might be able to help me. טאָם איז אַ מענטש. Tom is a good person. Tom is a human being. Ik kaam vondaag nich. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Singapore wordt ''Singapura'' genoemd in het Maleis. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malay. Singapore is called 'Singapura' in Malaysia. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes sei gesund. Mary told Tom that she thought John was healthy. Maria told Tom that she believed that John was healthy. Dat is inclusief alles. That includes everything. That's including everything. Weet iemand wanneer Tom komt? Does anyone know when Tom is coming? Does anyone know when Tom's coming? Het is een mobieltje. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. ער איז קליין. He is small. He's little. k Bin dien keunenk. I am your king. I'm fine. Ik bün nich paranoid, de sünd worraftig achter mi her! I'm not paranoid, they really follow me! I am not paranoid, they are corrupted after me! Tu so, als ob du etwas weißt. Pretend you know something. Act like you know something. Ik zoek boeken over de Romeinse geschiedenis. I'm looking for books on Roman history. I'm looking for books on Roman history. Hey Ihr, lasst uns reden. Guys, we need to talk. Hey, you guys, let's talk. Wanneer deed ik dat? When did I do that? When did I do that? Sie ist krank. She is sick. She's sick. Levensverwachting, seksuele discriminatie en sociaal systeem zijn de belangrijkste criteria waarmee de vertegenwoordigers hebben rekening gehouden bij het opstellen van het klassement. Life expectancy, gender discrimination and the social system are the main criteria the representatives have taken into account in drawing up the rankings. Life expectancy, sexual discrimination and social system are the main criteria that representatives have taken into account when drawing up the classification. Tom was degene die mij het verhaal vertelde. Tom was the one who told me the story. Tom was the one who told me the story. Wir schaffen es. We can do that. We'll make it. „Hest du mien Mobieltje sehn?“ „Dat liggt op ’n Disch.“ "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." “Have you seen my cell phone?” “That’s on a table.” Tom verriet mir, warum er nicht gehen wollte. Tom told me why he didn't want to go. Tom told me why he didn't want to go. Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir viele verschiedene Strategien versucht. Over the years we have tried many different strategies. Over the years, we have tried many different strategies. Frankenstein is een kunstwerk. Frankenstein is a work of art. Frankenstein is a work of art. Ik! Me! Me! He keem dör ’t Finster rin. He entered through the window. He walked through the window. Het verkeerslicht sprong op groen. The traffic light turned green. The traffic light jumped on green. Tom singt sehr gerne. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Water alsjeblieft. Water, please. Water please. De klok op het raadhuis van Lviv is voor het eerst aangebracht in 1404. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in 1404. Alles hat seinen Grund. Everything happens for a reason. Everything has its reason. Ech wëll net wëssen, wat wäert geschéien. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't want to think about it later on. k Goa mit Ricardo. I'm going with Ricardo. k Goa with Ricardo. Hij komt dikwijls te laat. He often comes late. He's often late. Ze is jong, misschien te jong. She's young, maybe too young. She's young, maybe too young. Hij hing een afbeelding aan de muur. He hung a picture on the wall. He hung an image on the wall. Marie het n dezain aaier neudeg. Mary needs a dozen eggs. Marie got n dezain badger nedeg. Ik bruuk en gode Sünnbrill. I need a good pair of sunglasses. I'm using a god-fucking sunglass. Woont Tom nog steeds in Boston? Does Tom still live in Boston? Is Tom still living in Boston? Dat kan niet waar zijn. That can't be true. That can't be true. Der Bildhauer schnitzte aus Holz ein Bildnis des Buddha. The sculptor carved wood into an image of Buddha. The sculptor carved wood with a picture of the Buddha. Die anderen hatten weniger Glück. The others weren't so lucky. The others were less lucky. Daar was 'n kat op die tafel. A cat was on the table. There was a cat on the table. Dreck! Rubbish! Son of a bitch! Tom trägt dasselbe wie gestern. Tom is wearing what he wore yesterday. Tom wears the same as yesterday. Ek gaan nie my keuse verander nie maak nie saak wat jy sê nie. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. I'm not going to change my choice no matter what you say. Het gaat goed met Tom. Tom's well. Tom's fine. Tom wusste nicht, was ich zu tun versuchte. Tom didn't know what I was trying to do. Tom didn't know what I was trying to do. Je liegt. You're lying. You're lying. Mag Tom Tomaten? Does Tom like tomatoes? May Tom tomatoes? Vondaag is Maandag. It is Monday today. Today is Monday. Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. His behaviour was bad. He's behaved badly. Dieses Gebiet leidet unter Wassermangel. This area suffers from a shortage of water. This area suffers from a lack of water. Du bist ersetzbar. You're replaceable. You can be replaced. Meine rechte Hand ist taub. My right hand is numb. My right hand is deaf. Het spijt me zeer dat ik zo laat ben! Many apologies for being so late! I'm so sorry I'm so late! Hast du einen Bruder? Do you have a brother? Do you have a brother? Je bent heel mooi. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Ich wusste nicht, dass Sie so gut kochen können. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you could cook so well. Keine Sorge. Tsunamis sind sehr selten. Don't worry. Tsunamis are very rare. Don't worry, tsunamis are very rare. Si schreift. She's writing. She's writing. Wie hebben eten. We have food. Who's got food? De Morales sünd in de Stuuv. The Morales are in the living room. Morales are in the Stuv. Möchtest du nicht erfahren, worum es sich hier alles handelt? Don't you want to know what this is all about? Don't you want to know what this is all about? Tom nahm Maria nicht ernst. Tom didn't take Mary seriously. Tom didn't take Maria seriously. Warum glaubst du, dass ich an dich denke? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Layla was bang voor kamelen. Layla was afraid of camels. Layla was afraid of camels. Bis auf den Schreck ist ihr nichts passiert. Aside from fright, she was not injured. Nothing happened to her except the horror. Möge das Glück dir hold sein! May fortune smile on you. May happiness hold you! Sami zijn vriendin is schattig. Sami's girlfriend is cute. Sami's girlfriend is cute. טאָם האָט געזונגען. Tom sang. Tom sang. Iedereen kan spelen. Everyone can play. Anyone can play. Mijn broer is rijk. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Wie wäre es mit morgen Nacht? How about tomorrow night? How about tomorrow night? פֿרוכפּערט אײַך און מערט אײַך. Be fruitful and multiply. Requests a power and spawns a signal. Mike und Tom sind in derselben Klasse. Mike and Tom are in the same class. Mike and Tom are in the same class. טום ווייסט נישט וואו. Tom doesn't know where. Tree doesn't know where. Wat moeten we doen? What do we need to do? What do we do? An sich ist Müßiggang nicht Wurzel allen Übels, sondern ist, im Gegenteil, ein geradezu göttliches Leben, solange man sich nicht langweilt. In itself idleness is not the root of all evil. Quite the opposite, in fact, it’s a downright godly existence, as long as one isn’t bored. In itself, idleness is not the root of all evil, but, on the contrary, is a more or less divine life, as long as one is not bored. Ich war zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort. I was in the right place at the right time. I was in the right place at the right time. Hest doe bier? Do you have beer? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hij spreekt 10 talen. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. Buiten is een bewaker. A guard is outside. Outside is a guard. Er sagte mir, er kenne euch. He told me he knew you. He told me he knew you. ס'איז צײַט אַרױסצוגײן. It's time to leave. It's time to move away. Het werd groen. The traffic light turned green. It became green. Die woestijn doorkruisen is gevaarlijk. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Crossing the desert is dangerous. Kin er Fraans spreken? Can he speak French? Can he speak French? Welk weren Buurn, welk weren Jägers. Some were farmers, some were hunters. Which were neighbors, which were hunters. Hou hem in de gaten. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Tom was geboelie toe hy 'n kind was. Tom was bullied when he was a kid. Tom was bullied when he was a child. בײַ קעץ זײַנען קעץ זייער חשובֿ. Cats are very important, according to cats. At kets, kets are theirs. Tom hat ihn gefunden. Tom found it. Tom found him. Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen years old. Einmal ist immer das erste Mal. There's always a first time for everything. Once it's always the first time. Langweile ich euch? Am I annoying you? Am I bored of you? Is dat sukkeloa? Is that chocolate? Is that crazyoa? Vorbei ist der Frühling, der Sommer beginnt. Spring has passed and summer starts. Over is the spring that starts summer. Wenn du das machst, schmeiße ich dich raus. You do that and I'll fire you. If you do, I'll throw you out. Worüm dröögst du di de Hoor? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you hearing? Ik ben niet tevreden met wat ge gedaan hebt. I am not pleased with what you have done. I'm not satisfied with what you did. Die Polizei fasste den Dieb. The police caught the thief. The police captured the thief. Disse Appels smeckt good. These apples taste good. These apples are good. Na 125 Johren Entwicklung is kloar: Esperanto is mehr as blos ene Sprook. After 125 years of development it's clear: Esperanto is more than just a language. After 125 years of development, Esperanto is clear: Esperanto is more than just one fairy tale. Tom sang Maria in den Schlaf. Tom sang Mary to sleep. Tom sang Maria to sleep. De jonge streake it famke om it kin en tute har op 'e wangen. The boy stroked the girl on the chin and kissed her on the cheeks. The young stripe it famge around it and put her on the cheeks. ווילסטו א ביסל צייט צו טראכטן וועגן עס? Do you want some time to think about it? Why not take a little time to think about it? Twa kear yn 'e wike kaam de túnman om it gers te meanen, dêrom koe ik nea yn it lange gers lizze. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Twice a week comes to mean fun, so I could never get into the long garden. Ich tue nicht das Gute, das ich will, sondern das Böse, das ich nicht will. The good I would, I do not: the evil I would not, that I do. I'm not doing the good I want, but the evil I don't want. Mary heeft een telegram ontvangen van Tom. Mary received a telegraph from Tom. Mary received a telegram from Tom. Der Krieg ist der Vater aller Dinge. War is the father of all. The war is the father of all things. Tom schloss die Tür hinter sich. Tom shut the door behind him. Tom locked the door behind him. Tom weigerte sich, mir die Hand zu geben. Tom refused to shake my hand. Tom refused to give me his hand. Die Rate der Waffenbesitzer in den U.S.A. ist die höchste der Welt. The U.S. gun ownership rate is the highest in the world. The rate of weapons owners in the U.S.A. is the highest in the world. Anyi und Asun sind Brüder. Anyi and Asun are two brothers. Anyi and Asun are brothers. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom Französisch sprechen kann. I had no idea that Tom knew how to speak French. I didn't know Tom could speak French. Sie hielt mich für meine Schwester. She mistook me for my sister. She thought I was my sister. Dafid is æt hāme. David is at home. Dafa is the hāme. Beeilt euch, Mädchen! Hurry up, girls. Hurry up, girls! Ik ben bang dat hij in gesprek is. I'm afraid the line is busy. I'm afraid he's in conversation. Wärest du so freundlich, mir dein Buch zu leihen? Would you be so kind as to lend me your book? Would you be so kind to lend me your book? Was ist passiert? What happened? What happened? דער תּנך איז די ייִדישע „ביבל‟. The Tanach is the Jewish Bible. The area is the visual "bible". D’Wend hend Ohra. The walls have ears. D’Wend hend Ohra. Ik drink alleen water. I only drink water. I'm just drinking water. Waar zijn de jongens? Where are the boys? Where are the boys? Ik kan tegen een rommelig huis, maar ik houd er niet van als het vies is. I can put up with a house being untidy, but I don't like it to be dirty. I can beat a messy house, but I don't like it when it's dirty. Het hoost. It's pouring down. The hustle and bustle. Het is heet vandaag. It's warm today. It's hot today. Der Tee ist sehr bitter und schmeckt nicht gut. The tea is really bitter and doesn't taste good. The tea is very bitter and tastes not good. De aarde is een kleine maar prachtige planeet. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Weet een, wo Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? You know where Tom is? Hole tief Luft und dreh nicht durch! Take a deep breath and don't freak out. Get deep air and don't twist through! רוף דעם דאָקטער. Call the doctor! Moves the doctor. Peter sieht, dass das Garagentor offen ist. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Peter sees that the garage gate is open. Hardlopen is goed voor de gezondheid. Running is good for the health. Running is good for health. Ich dachte, ich würde die Antworten nicht wissen. I thought I wouldn't know the answers. I thought I wouldn't know the answers. אלצדינג איז נאכאמאל שטילערהייט. All is quiet again. Altsding is a basic silencer. Mary had Tom om hulp kunnen vragen maar ze deed het niet. Mary could have asked Tom for help, but she didn't. Mary could have asked Tom for help, but she didn't. Dieses Buch gehört ihr. This book is hers. This book belongs to her. ער רעדט בענגאַליש. He speaks Bengali. He speaks Bengali. איך האב אוועקגעווישט דעם שמוץ פון מיינע הויזן. I wiped the dirt off my pants. I have removed the advice of my houses. Na alle moeite die we ervoor gedaan hebben om dat project op poten te zetten, kostte het ze maar een seconde het onderuit te halen bij de bijeenkomst. After all the trouble we went to in coming up with that project, it only took them a second to shoot it down in the meeting. After all the effort we have made to put that project on foot, it only took them a second to get it down at the meeting. Het ijs is te dun om op te schaatsen. The ice is too thin to skate on. The ice is too thin to skate. Sie können das schneller als Tom. You do that faster than Tom. You can do this faster than Tom. Jullie zijn monsters. You're monsters. You're monsters. Ik heb een kamer nodig. I need a room. I need a room. Die Straßenkriminalität nimmt zu. Crime in the streets is increasing. Road crime is on the rise. Die klip voel nat. The rock feels wet. The stone feels wet. Paul eet. Paul eats. Paul eats. Maria was getraumatiseerd. Mary was traumatized. Maria was traumatized. Tom will en Breef schrieven. Tom is going to write a letter. Tom wants to write a letter. Endelk! Finally! Endelk! Mary heeft moeite met het terugbetalen van haar studielening. Mary is struggling to pay back her student loans. Mary's having trouble paying back her student loan. Kommt dir mat? Are you going to come along? Come with you? Heff ik nich recht? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Waar eet Tom ontbyt? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Tom denkt nicht, dass wir das tun werden. Tom doesn't think we'll do that. Tom doesn't think we'll do that. Ek soek alles wat jy sopas gesê het in die kontrak. I want everything you just said written into the contract. I'm looking for everything you just said in the contract. Jullie verdienen de prijs. You deserve the prize. You deserve the price. Was stimmt hier nicht? What's wrong with this? What's wrong here? Nehmen Sie die Orangen aus dem Kühlschrank. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Remove the oranges from the fridge. Niemand steunde mijn land. Nobody supported my country. No one supported my country. Tom sung dat Leed, wo ik em üm bäden harr. Tom sang the song I requested. Tom sang that song I had to bathe him. Er was een groot publiek in het theater. There was a large audience in the theater. There was a large audience in the theater. De winter is mijn lievelingsseizoen. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to water the plants. Ik ben Ricardo. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. צו אַל די רוחות! מײַן פֿרײַנדינע איז שוין צוריק! װאָס זאָלן מיר מאַכן? Crap! My girlfriend is already back! What should we do?! To all the rooms! Your Majesty is already back! What should I do? Je lijkt niet zenuwachtig te zijn. You don't seem to be nervous. You don't seem nervous. Ze hebben gestemd. They voted. They voted. Hett Tom al en Inladen kregen? Has Tom received an invitation yet? Did Tom get an invitation yet? Die Wahrheit kam schließlich bei seinem Prozess heraus. The truth finally came out at his trial. The truth finally came out of his process. דער קליינער מעשה איז צו פשוט צו מסביר זיין אלצדינג. This little story is too simple to explain everything. The small Moshe is too simply to Mesber's altsding. Hoe sluw je ook bent, je kan nooit jezelf verrassen. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. No matter how sly you are, you can never surprise yourself. Goeiedag, meneer! Good day, Sir! Hello, sir! Ik zal het u tonen. I'll show you. I'll show you. Wat denkt u van oorlog? What do you think of war? How about war? דוד איז אהיים. David is at home. Dud is home. Tom sieht müde aus. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Ik heb het per post verzonden. I sent it by post. I sent it by mail. Tom wollte eingreifen, und Maria schlug ihm ins Gesicht. Tom tried to intervene and Mary punched him in the face. Tom wanted to intervene, and Maria hit him in the face. Ik weet hoe ik Tom blij moet maken. I know how to make Tom happy. I know how to make Tom happy. Tom machte einen Einkaufsbummel. Tom went on a shopping spree. Tom made a shopping trip. Heeft u de deur open gelaten? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? Mem wie bang dat ik smoarch wurde soe. Mother was afraid I would get dirty. Mm-hmm, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Was ich denke, tut nichts zur Sache. What I think doesn't matter. What I think does nothing about it. Mijn moeder was zo moe, dat ze vroeg naar bed is gegaan. My mum was so tired that she went to bed early. My mother was so tired that she went to bed early. Laten we het proberen. Let's try! Let's try. Dat regen fiev Daag an ’n Stück. It rained five successive days. That rains five days in a piece. Man sollte nie bei der Sicherheit sparen. You should never cut corners on safety. You should never save on safety. Moenie laat wees vir die trein nie. Don't be late for the train. Don't be late for the train. Ich kann dir dabei nicht helfen. I can't help you with that. I can't help you with that. Wenn ich dir mein Haus zeigen würde, mein Viertel von damals, würdest du verstehen, woher ich komme? If I showed you my house, my neighborhood back then, would you understand where I am from? If I showed you my house, my quarter back then, would you understand where I came from? Dit woord staat niet in het woordenboek. This word is not in the dictionary. This word was not found in the dictionary. De toekomst is dichterbij dan je denkt. The future is closer than you think. The future is closer than you think. Ik kan me niet al hun namen herinneren. I can't recall all their names. I can't remember all their names. Alles fließt. Everything flows. Everything's flowing. Meinen Eltern missfällt meine Art, mich zu kleiden. My parents don’t like the way I dress. My parents miss my way to dress. Wij wonen in de Verenigde Staten. We live in the United States. We live in the United States. Goud doan! Well done! Gold doan! Bitte lass mich deine Tasche tragen. Please allow me to carry your bag. Please, let me carry your bag. Die bloemen zijn mooi. Those flowers are beautiful. Those flowers are beautiful. Watter huis is nuut? Which house is new? What Home Is New? Spreek je Roemeens? Do you speak Romanian? Do you speak Romanian? Sprach Marika Schwedisch? Did Marika speak Swedish? Did Marika speak Swedish? Sie fürchten die Götter. They are afraid of the gods. They fear the gods. We hebben het overwogen. We considered it. We've been considering it. Ich frage mich, wer sie ist. I wonder who she is. I wonder who she is. Dieser Hügel überblickt die Stadt. This hill overlooks the city. This hill overlooks the city. איך וועל פּרוּוון עפּעס נײַס. I am going to try something new. I will try something new. Ich sagte, hier ist niemand. I said there's no one here. I said there's no one here. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht verheiratet seien. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary told John that they were not married. Ich möchte euch um einen Gefallen bitten. I want to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. De secretaris bleek een spion te zijn. The secretary proved to be a spy. The secretary turned out to be a spy. Vater wurde plötzlich krank und wir schickten nach einem Arzt. Father suddenly got sick and we sent for a doctor. Father suddenly got sick and we sent to a doctor. Ik kan u niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't fire you. Tom sagte, er würde es ansehen. Tom said that he'd look at it. Tom said he'd watch it. Dat is Apenfleesch. It's monkey meat. That's Public Flesh. Hij wil het niet met haar uitmaken. He doesn't want to break up with her. He doesn't want to break up with her. Ik kann di nich mehr vertellen. Ik heff al toveel seggt. I can tell you nothing more. I've already said too much. I can't tell you anymore. I said too much. Waarom dan? Why so? Then why? טום'ס בזיונות איז געווארען גרעסער און גרעסער. Tom's embarrassment grew. tum's credentials were increased and larger. A gied him twa pund. I gave him two pounds. A gave him two pounds. Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar voorbijgegaan. Three years have passed since then. Three years have passed since then. Voor mij is er niets zo hartverwarmend als een oud echtpaar dat hand in hand over straat loopt. Nothing seems so tender to me as an old couple walking down the street holding hands. For me, there is nothing as heartwarming as an old couple who walk hand in hand across the street. Niet waar! No way! No, I don't! Maria sagte, sie wolle nicht fahren. Mary said that she didn't want to drive. Maria said she didn't want to drive. Seiner Meinung nach ist der Plan weit weg vom Ideal. In his opinion, the plan is far from perfect. In his opinion, the plan is far from ideal. האָט איר זיך אַ מאָל אַרומגעקוקט און באַמערקט די מענטשן וואָס דרייען זיך אַרום אײַך? Have you ever looked around and taken note of the people who were in your life? Did you once look around and notice the people who are turning around a signal? Hartelijk dank. Many thanks. Thank you very much. עס איז גאר א גרויסער שפאס. It's all a big joke. It's a very large ship. דער מלמד האט עס שווער געפונען, ווי צו מוסר זיין זיין מיינונג צו די סטודענטן. The teacher found it difficult to get his meaning across to the students. The Queen had it hard found, as to have his mind to the students. k Was nait bunzelachteg. I wasn't nervous. k was nait bunzelachteg. Hij sproeit de tuin eenmaal per week. He waters the garden once a week. He sprays the garden once a week. Ze ging met de taxi naar het ziekenhuis. She took a taxi to the hospital. She went to the hospital by taxi. Kin ‘t ús wat skele? Do we care? Can we have some peels? אסאך איז געשען. A lot has happened. operation has been completed. Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Miezeg! Sad! Miezeg! וואָס איז דער קאָראָנאַווירוס? What's coronavirus? What is the Coronovy? Datum, an dem diese Seite zuletzt aktualisiert wurde: 03.11.2010 Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03 Date this page was last updated: 03.11.2010 Aal loopt. Everything flows. Aal's running. k Woon ien Stad. I live in Groningen city. was living one city. Ons het baie vriende in Tokyo om by te kuier. We have many friends to visit in Tokyo. We have many friends in Tokyo to visit. Ek sou nie so seker wees as ek jy was nie. I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Stimmt diese Antwort? Is that answer right? Is that the answer? Das ist unsere Schule. That is our school. This is our school. Zij kopen brood. They buy bread. They buy bread. Woneem sünd de Appels? Where are the apples? Where are the apples? Bin ich bereit? Am I ready? Am I ready? Maria schien nicht zu wissen, was sie tat. Mary didn't seem to know what she was doing. Mary didn't seem to know what she was doing. Tom kann mich nicht dazu bringen, es zu tun. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't make me do it. Heb je huiswerk? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Dat is miene Süster. This is my sister. That's my sister. Hett Tom versproken, us to helpen? Has Tom promised to help us? Did Tom promise to help you? Dit is nie 'n grappie nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Goeie moarn! Good morning! Good morning! Tom hilft mir gewöhnlich bei den Hausaufgaben. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Tom usually helps me with the homework. Tom zou beter binnen een kijkje nemen. Tom should take a look inside. Tom would better take a look inside. Ist wirklich alles in Ordnung? Are you sure everything's OK? Is everything really all right? Das lass ich mir nicht mehr bieten! I won't put up with this any longer. I won't let you do that anymore! Ria sä, dat ik dat villicht doon mutt. Mary said she thought I might have to do that. Ria said I might have to. Die Frau hat fünf Kinder. The woman has five children. The woman has five children. Aarzel niet om raad te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Hast du eine Lieblingsfarbe? Falls ja, welche ist es? Do you have a favorite color? If so, what is it? Do you have a favorite color? If so, which one is it? Chunnsch us Beijing? Do you come from Beijing? Chunn us Beijing? Hij haastte zich om de bus te halen. He hurried in order to get the bus. He rushed to get the bus. Ik ben lang. I am tall. I'm long. Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel. It's okay to doubt. It's permissible to doubt. Ik geloof niet dat dit waar is. I don't believe this is true. I don't think this is true. Ik zou graag drie nachten willen blijven. I’d like to stay for three nights. I'd like to stay three nights. Wat eten we vanavond? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we eating tonight? Der Name von Toms Ehefrau ist Mary und der Name seines Sohnes ist Horace. The name of Tom's wife is Mary and his son's is Horace. The name of Tom's wife is Mary and his son's name is Horace. Tom lässt sich nicht gern wie ein Kind behandeln. Tom doesn't like being treated like a child. Tom doesn't like to be treated like a child. Der Plan wurde unter dem Druck der öffentlichen Meinung aufgegeben. The plan was given up under the pressure of public opinion. The plan was abandoned under the pressure of public opinion. Ik kan dit niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand this anymore. I can't stand this anymore. Dat is mien Möös. That's my pussy. It's my moustache. Die Gelegenheit, Leben zu retten, wird bald vertan sein. The window of opportunity to save lives is closing. The opportunity to save lives will soon be blamed. So kamen Scott und seine Männer am Südpol an. This is how Scott and his men arrived at the South Pole. So Scott and his men arrived south. Wat deedst du an mien Steed? If you were in my place, what would you do? What were you doing in my place? Het vlees is gaar. The meat is cooked. The meat is cooked. Sie waren nicht dort. They weren't there. They weren't there. Die Hälfte der Studenten fehlt. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students are missing. Ich komme aus Singapur. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. Voelt ge u beter vandaag? Do you feel any better today? Do you feel better today? Moment mal! Wait a sec. Wait a minute! Tom raakt nooit in de problemen. Tom never gets in trouble. Tom never gets in trouble. Tom kan veel beter schaken dan ik. Tom is a much better chess player than me. Tom can chess much better than I can. Hij houdt van honden. He loves dogs. He loves dogs. Bij binnenkomst horen we onze schoenen uit te doen. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. When we get in, we're supposed to take off our shoes. Wo Leben ist, da ist Hoffnung. Where there is life, there is hope. Where there is life, there is hope. Tom sagte, dass er gerne Französisch spreche. Tom says he enjoys speaking French. Tom said he likes to speak French. Wir hörten das Echo unserer Stimmen von der anderen Seite des Tales. We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley. We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley. Dat ziet er helemaal niet goed uit. It doesn't look good at all. That doesn't look good at all. Mien vraauw is Italjoans. My wife is Italian. My question is italian. Tom sagte Maria, sie solle später wiederkommen. Tom told Mary to come back later. Tom told Maria to come back later. Ik wist het. I knew it. I knew it. צי מעג איך זיצן הינטער דיר? May I sit behind you? Do you want to lie down in your seat? Ik heb het werk afgemaakt. I finished the work. I finished the job. Die Jacksons gehen mit uns. The Jacksons are going with us. The Jacksons are going with us. Es scheint, dass ich meine Schlüssel verloren habe. It seems that I have lost my keys. It seems I lost my keys. Ich komme nicht öfter – nicht, weil ich nicht interessiert wäre, sondern weil ich die Zeit nicht erübrigen kann. I don't attend more often, not because I'm not interested, but because I can't find the time. I don't come more often – not because I wouldn't be interested, but because I can't spare time. Een fotograaf nam een foto van mijn huis, A photographer took a photograph of my house. A photographer took a picture of my house, Wi bruukt dien Geld nich. We don't need your money. We do not use your money. Ik beloof dat ik hier morgen zal zijn. I promise that I'll be here tomorrow. I promise I'll be here tomorrow. Hoe bedoel je? What do you mean? What do you mean? Tom is een onbeleefd persoon. Tom is a rude person. Tom's an rude person. Ik zal je niet meer weerzien. I'm not going to see you again. I won't see you again. Endlich verstehe ich, was Maria mir sagen wollte. I finally understand what Mary was trying to tell me. Finally, I understand what Maria wanted to tell me. Ik vind Esperanto leuk. I like Esperanto. I like Esperanto. De krant publiceerde een biografie over haar nieuwe redacteur. The paper published a profile of its new editor. The paper published a biography about her new editor. Ik wil Tom niet wakker maken. I don't want to wake Tom up. I don't want to wake Tom up. In Schwein ist viel Fett. Pork has a lot of fat. There's a lot of fat in pig. Idioot! You idiot! Idiot! איר זענט אַ גרויסע משפּחה. You guys are a big family. you are a large family. Zaden van een granaatappel zijn relatief groot. Pomegranate seeds are relatively big. Seeds of a pomegranate are relatively large. Het is buiten pikzwart. It's totally dark outside. It's out of pitch black. Tom lyk altyd of hy dieselfde ding dra. Tom always seems to be wearing the same thing. Tom always seems to wear the same thing. Ich fürchte, dass wird nicht möglich sein. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that won't be possible. Hoe oud is deze plek? How old is this place? How old is this place? Die meiden zijn aangekomen. Those girls arrived. Those girls have arrived. Een slapend kind lijkt op een engel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. איך האָב ליב צו רעדן עספּעראַנטאָ. I love to speak Esperanto. I love to speak Esperanto. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Du muss mir net hëllefen. You don't need to help me. You don't have to give me. Ich habe eine Frage an euch. I have a question for you. I have a question for you. Sami bly by 'n vriend. Sami is staying with a friend. Sami stays with a friend. Kin k liepen? Can I cry? Can I quit? Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is gray. This blue is grey. Ič hæbbe catt and hund. Se catt is blæc and se hund is hƿīte. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. Ič hæbbe cat and dog. Se cat is blæc and se dog is hīīte. Tom hett noch mehr Fragen. Tom has more questions. Tom has more questions. Wat is de relatie tussen politiek en oorlog? What is the relationship between politics and war? What is the relationship between politics and war? Bitte haltet mich auf dem Laufenden. Please keep me updated. Please keep me up to date. Se will mit em utgahn. She wants to go out with him. They want to go out with him. Ich habe eine Milchallergie. I have an allergy to milk. I have a milk allergy. Nu lees ik, lees jij en leest hij; wij lezen allen. Now I'm reading, you're reading and he's reading; we're all reading. Now I read, you read and he read; we all read. Nach hundert Jahren befand sich der Sohn des nun regierenden Königs, der stammte aus einer anderen Familie als die schlafende Prinzessin, in jenem Teile des Landes auf der Jagd und fragte, was das für Türme seien, die er inmitten eines großen, dichten Waldes sehe. After a hundred years the son of the King then reigning, who was of another family from that of the sleeping Princess, was a-hunting on that side of the country, and he asked what those towers were which he saw in the middle of a great thick wood. After a hundred years the son of the now reigning king, who came from a family other than the sleeping princess, was hunting in those parts of the country and asked what these are towers he sees in the midst of a large, dense forest. Tom wist toen nog niet dat een bommoeder een bewust ongehuwde moeder is. Tom didn't know at the time that a Choice Mom was a Single Mothers by Choice. Tom still didn't know a bomb mother was a conscious unwed mother. Ich weiß, dass es unmöglich ist. I know it's impossible. I know it's impossible. Ze houdt heel erg van katten. She really likes cats a lot. She really likes cats. Kunt ge met de trein naar kantoor gaan? Can you go to the office by train? Can you take the train to the office? Schneit d'Gromperen. Cut the potatoes. Snow the growl. 't Is weer haafst. It's autumn again. It's hustle and bustle again. Guus Hiddink is Nederlaands. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hidedink is Dutch. Almal het die reg om te lewe. Everyone has a right to live. Everyone has the right to live. Diese Gitarre gehörte ursprünglich Tom. This guitar originally belonged to Tom. This guitar originally belonged to Tom. Mir fehlt dafür die Geduld. I don't have the patience for this. I lack patience for that. Ik wist niet waar Tom me heen aan het brengen was. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. Het is een keukenmes. It's a kitchen knife. It's a kitchen knife. Dat is to hitt. It is too hot. That's too hot. Komt u van een andere planeet? Do you come from another planet? Are you from another planet? Dat Speel weer traag un langwielig. The game was slow, and it was also boring. The game was slow and long-lasting. k Holp Tom en Maria mit heur auto's wassen. I helped Tom and Mary wash their cars. K Holp Tom en Maria with his car wash. Obwohl er zeitig von zu Hause wegging, kam Tom zu spät zur Arbeit. Even though Tom left home early today, he was late for work. Although he left home early, Tom came to work too late. Sowohl Tom als auch Maria arbeiten als Modelle. Both Tom and Mary work as models. Both Tom and Maria work as models. As jy nie daarvan hou nie kan jy opgee. If you don't like it then you can quit. If you don’t like it, you can give up. Tom begrijpt het. Tom understands. Tom understands. Ik mag Eier nich geern. I dislike eggs. I can't get eggs. Sie ist super geworden. It turned out great. She's gotten great. Ik ben geen leerlinge. I'm not a pupil. I'm not students. איך בין אַ קריסט, אָבער איך עס נישט קיין חזיר־פֿלײַש. I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I'm not averse to it. Ik ga naar de sportschool. I'm going to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Wees jezelf. Be yourself. Be yourself. Elkeen in ’t Dörp kennt em. He is known to everyone in the village. Everyone in the village knows him. Ik mag Eier nich geern. I don't care for eggs. I can't get eggs. Er rief: „Das ist gut!“ He cried, "That's good!" He cried out, “That’s good! ” Danke. Das bedeutet mir wirklich viel. Thanks. This really means a lot to me. Thank you, that really means a lot to me. Ik was te laat op de vergadering met als gevolg dat ik het belangrijkste deel gemist heb. I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part. I was late at the meeting, so I missed the most important part. Neem toukommende autobus. Take the next bus. Take a vagrant bus. Gehst du mit? Are you coming along? Are you coming? Wie haren schinken en aaier. We had bacon and eggs. Whoever pours her and makes her sick. Tom wohnt jetzt bei seinem Vater. Tom now lives with his dad. Tom now lives with his father. Er trat dem Verein letztes Jahr bei. He joined the club last year. He joined the club last year. Du hast einen guten Plan. You have a good plan. You have a good plan. Tom maakt geregeld fouten. Tom frequently makes mistakes. Tom makes mistakes regularly. Ik draag contactlenzen. I wear contact lenses. I'm wearing contact lenses. Tom stieß sich den Kopf. Tom banged his head. Tom hit his head. Fast 50 Millionen Menschen auf der Welt sind von Alzheimer betroffen. Alzheimer's disease affects nearly 50 million people around the world. Almost 50 million people in the world are affected by Alzheimer's. Du musst dich schon mehr anstrengen. You need to do better than that. You've got to make more effort. Tom lächelte mir in Erwiderung zu. Tom answered me with a smile. Tom smiled at me in response. ער איז געוען אין האָקײַדאָ. He has been to Hokkaido. He was opened in Hocúdo. Es konnte kein Zweifel daran bestehen, zu wem der Mann gehörte. There could be no doubt as to who the man was. There could be no doubt about who the man belonged to. Die Lohnkürzungen kamen bei der Belegschaft nicht gut an. The pay cuts didn't go down well with the company staff. The wage cuts were not well received by the workforce. Lehnst du mi dien Fohrrad för en Stünn? Will you lend me your bicycle for an hour? Do you refuse me your cycle for an hour? Tom hett al Middag eten. Tom has already eaten lunch. Tom's had dinner already in the afternoon. Hij is bang voor honden. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Ich habe Ihr Schweigen als Zustimmung gewertet. I interpreted your silence as consent. I have considered your silence to be your consent. Ik heff vergeten, wat ik seggen wull. I forgot what I was about to say. I forgot what I wanted to say. Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a power point. I'm gonna look at this stuff now. Spreekst doe Galizjoans? Do you speak Galician? Is it Galizian? Wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. Whoever sows the wind will reap the storm. Tom ist ein Rüpel. Tom is rude. Tom's a hustle and bustle. Laat u me het alstublieft zo snel mogelijk weten als u een deel van de conferentiezaal zou willen opzetten om uw producten te tonen. Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to set up a part of the conference room to show your products. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass wir heute dieses Thema besprechen würden. I never imagined we'd be talking about this topic today. I never thought we'd discuss this issue today. Ik ben het daarmee eens. I feel the same. I agree. Ich bin von ihrer Unschuld überzeugt. I am convinced of her innocence. I'm convinced of her innocence. Ik woon nog niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia yet. I'm not living in Australia yet. Ik heb ook in Hamburg gewoond. I also lived in Hamburg. I lived in Hamburg, too. Als ik het wist, zou ik het u zeggen. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew, I'd tell you. Ik weet dat Tom zich niet voor mij interesseert. I know Tom is not interested in me. I know Tom's not interested in me. Tom hat sich erhängt. Tom hanged himself. Tom hanged himself. Ik weet niet waarom ze dit doen. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. Ek wil niks lees nie. I don't want to read anything. I don’t want to read anything. Tom un Ria slaapt baven. Tom and Mary are upstairs sleeping. Tom and Ria sleep above. Guder Daag! Good day! Ladies and gentlemen! Ich habe versucht, pünktlich zu sein. I tried not to be late. I tried to be on time. Es könnte nicht besser sein. It could not be better. It couldn't be better. Tom sagte mir, dass er nicht mit leeren Händen nach Hause kommen wollte. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Er zijn drie intelligente soorten op de planeet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. Sami hatte eine Katze. Sami had a cat. Sami had a cat. Woneem sünd wi? Where are we? Where are we? Ich habe gestern Abend darüber gesprochen. I was talking about it last night. I talked about it last night. Sie will nicht mehr zur Schule gehen. She doesn't want to go to school anymore. She doesn't want to go to school anymore. Zwing mich nicht, das zu tun! Don't make me do that. Don't make me do that! Ik hou van bloemen. I love flowers. I like flowers. Hij rilt door de kou. He’s shivering because of the cold. He's shaking through the cold. Ik had het te druk. I've been too busy. I was too busy. Vraag Tom me te bellen. Ask Tom to call me. Ask Tom to call me. Ich möchte mein Geld. I want my money. I want my money. Vind je iemand leuk? Do you fancy anyone? Do you like someone? בלייב זיצנדיג! Remain seated! Blissful satendom! Herr Doktor, es juckt mich im Schritt. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Doctor, it's itching me in the step. Tom möchte, dass wir ihm folgen. Tom wants us to follow him. Tom wants us to follow him. Het is slechts een modegril. It's just a fad. It's just a fashion grill. Ist die Polizei schon alarmiert worden? Have the police been notified? Has the police been alerted yet? Hy is nie my neef nie. He's not my cousin. He is not my cousin. Die Einfachheit im Aufbau zieht die Anwender an. Simplicity in design attracts users. The simplicity in construction attracts the users. Tom heeft het huis een korte tijd nadat Maria vertrok verlaten. Tom left the house shortly after Mary left. Tom left the house a short time after Maria left. Ik heb hem het resultaat laten weten. I informed him of the result. I let him know the result. Ich habe diesen Wagen nicht gekauft. I didn't buy that car. I didn't buy this car. Alle meine Kinder wollen nach Australien. All of my children want to go to Australia. All my kids want to go to Australia. He hett em en Hund köfft. He bought him a dog. He's got him and he's got a dog. Tom wusste, dass von Maria keine Hilfe zu erwarten war. Tom knew he couldn't turn to Mary for help. Tom knew that Mary didn't have any help to expect. „Sei nur ein artiges Mädchen“, sagte da ihre Patentante, „und ich will dafür sorgen, dass du hingehen kannst.“ Dann brachte sie sie auf ihr Kämmerlein und sagte: „Lauf in den Garten und hole mir einen Kürbis!“ "Well," said her godmother, "be but a good girl, and I will see that you go." Then she took her into her chamber, and said to her, "Run into the garden, and bring me a pumpkin." “Be just a kind girl,” said her patent student, “and I want to make sure you can go.” Then she brought her to her gutter and said, “Go to the garden and get me a pumpkin!” Sie spricht Englisch, als wäre es ihre Muttersprache. She speaks English as if she were a native speaker. She speaks English as if it were her mother tongue. Ben je bang om gewond te raken? Are you afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid to get hurt? Klop de eieren. Beat the eggs. Knock the eggs. Dit vlaais is tuut. This meat is chicken. It's good to see you. Tom hatte nie Zweifel. Tom never had doubts. Tom never had any doubts. Heb je vrienden in je klas? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have any friends in your class? מיר וועלן נישט אַנטוישט ווערן. We're not going to be disappointed. We won't be criminalized. Ze heeft een slank figuur. She has a slender figure. She has a slim figure. In de bibliotheek zijn veel gekken. There's a lot of crazies in the library. There's a lot of crazy people in the library. Ik will Tom beseuken. I want to visit Tom. I want to smell Tom. Vertel me hoe je je voelt. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how you feel. Ich werde nie ein alter Mann sein. Alt sein heißt für mich immer fünfzehn Jahre älter sein, als ich bin. I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. I'll never be an old man. Being old means being fifteen years older to me than I am. Wat för en Formaat schall ik bruken? What format should I use? What format should I use? Tom het dit nie gedoen nie. Tom didn't do it. Tom did not. Marie ist gewachsen. Marie has grown. Marie's grown. Kan jy reg hier wag? Can you wait right here? Can you wait right here? We kunnen niet meer ventilatoren krijgen. We can’t get more ventilators. We can't get fans anymore. Sie riskierte einen Unfall. She ran the risk of having an accident. She risked an accident. Tom verabschiedet sich von Maria. Tom is saying goodbye to Mary. Tom said goodbye to Maria. Hij kwam twee dagen later weer terug. He came back two days later. He came back two days later. Is deze auto van jou? Is this your car? Is this your car? Es kostet die Steuerzahler Unmengen an Geld. It's costing taxpayers tons of money. It costs taxpayers a lot of money. Ich kann mit meiner Zeit Besseres anfangen, als hier zu sitzen und mir dein Gemecker anzuhören. I've got better things to do with my time than to sit here and listen to you complain. I can start with my time better than sitting here and listening to your treat. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tom is dead. The colour is dead. Geet Dir mat? Are you coming along? Are you sure you want to try? Ik heb een sneeuwman gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Ik zie geen enkele uitweg! I don't see a single way out! I can't see any way out! Durch den Kurs über die Parkstraße haben wir viel Zeit gespart. We saved a lot of time by going down Park Street. Through the course over the park road we have saved a lot of time. Ze geloofden dat de wereld plat was. They believed that the earth was flat. They believed the world was flat. Tom isst jetzt Kuchen. Tom is eating cake. Tom eats cake now. Enkel mensen van een aanzienlijke verwaandheid schrijven boeken. Only men of considerable vanity write books. Only people of considerable arrogance write books. Ich möchte lieber arm als reich sein. I'd rather be poor than rich. I'd rather be poor than rich. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du kämest. I'd be very glad if you came. I'd be glad if you came. Darf ich vorangehen? May I go first? May I go ahead? Ich denke, Sie sollten sich setzen. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. Vergeet van hulle. Forget about them. Forget about them. Ik hou van je! I love you! I love you! Ich helfe Ihnen dabei. I'm going to help you do that. I'll help you. Ich bin der gleichen Meinung. I have the same opinion. I'm in the same position. Hoeveel penne het jy? How many pens do you have? How many pens do you have? Der Himalaya ist höher als die Alpen. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. Ik ben niet helemaal zeker. I'm not really sure. I'm not quite sure. Kun je ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian, too? Ik ontmoette hem op weg naar huis. I met him on my way home. I met him on his way home. Alle im Park schauten zum Heißluftballon hinauf. Everybody in the park looked up at the hot air balloon. Everyone in the park looked up to the hot air balloon. Is er een lift in dit gebouw? Does this building have an elevator? Is there an elevator in this building? Joe hielen van sukkeloa. You loved chocolate. Joe heels of viperoa. De burgemeester knipte het lint doormidden met een enorme schaar. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The mayor cut through the ribbon with a huge scissors. Ik kann di nich noog danken. I can't thank you enough. I cannot thank you enough. Ich glaube, das, was du suchst, befindet sich hinten im Schrank. I think what you're looking for is in the back of the closet. I think what you're looking for is in the back of the closet. Aine, twije, drije, vare, vieve, zezze, zeuven, aachte, negen, tiene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Aine, two, three, fern, five, six, seven, five, nine, ten. Tegen wie denk je dat je het hebt? Who do you think you're talking to here? Who do you think you're talking to? Op de vierde verdieping is er geen warm water, maar op de begane grond wel. There's no hot water on the fifth floor, but there is on the ground floor. On the fourth floor there is no hot water, but on the ground floor there is. Ze werd gediskwalificeerd van de race wegens twee valse starts. She was disqualified from the race for two false starts. She was disqualified from the race for two false launches. Ik bün keen Student. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Ich überlege, eine Auszeit von einem Jahr zu nehmen, um mich zu entwickeln und mein Selbstbewusstsein zu steigern. I'm considering taking a gap year to develop myself and increase my self-confidence. I'm thinking about taking a one-year break to develop myself and increase my self-confidence. Waarom moeten we ons daarmee bemoeien? Why should we get involved? Why should we interfere? Niets hiervan is goed. None of this is good. None of this is good. Ich habe wenig Geld bei mir. I have little money with me. I don't have much money with me. Hier kan je roken. You can smoke here. Here's where you can smoke. Die Deutschen zeigen ein enormes Engagement für die Europäische Union und deren Institutionen. Germans show an enormous commitment to the European Union and its institutions. The Germans show an enormous commitment to the European Union and its institutions. Kennen Sie zufällig Professor López? Do you know Professor López, by any chance? Do you happen to know Professor López? Ze is zich niet bewust van haar schoonheid. She's unaware of her beauty. She's not aware of her beauty. Tom sagte, er habe nicht gewusst, dass Maria Französisch spreche. Tom said that he didn't know that Mary could speak French. Tom said he didn't know Maria was speaking French. Ek het vir hom om gegee. I cared about him. I cared about him. Tom draagt nieuwe schoenen. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Tom hett al wunnen. Tom has already won. Tom already won. Was hofftet ihr zu erreichen? What were you hoping to accomplish? What were you hoping to achieve? Dat Schipp is dörtig Meter lang. The length of this ship is 30 meters. The ship is thirty meters long. Tom gebruikt twee computers tegelijkertijd. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Tom vroeg waarom. Tom asked why. Tom asked why. De trein is hier net aangekomen. The train has just arrived here. The train just arrived here. Ik denk dat verjaardagen belangrijk zijn. I think birthdays are important. I think birthdays are important. Tom stand unter der Dusche. Tom was in the shower. Tom was under the shower. Mijn vaders spreken geen Nederlands. My fathers don't speak Dutch. My fathers don't speak Dutch. De Mann hett dat Brood eten. The man ate the bread. The man's eating bread. Das Foto-Shooting machte Spaß. The photo shoot was fun. The photo shooting was fun. Tom woont in een klein dorpje. Tom lives in a small village. Tom lives in a small village. Kennst du ein paar gute Filme, die man sich mal ansehen könnte? Do you know one or two good movies we could watch? Do you know some good movies you could watch? Se hett em narrt. She fooled him. She made a fool. Tom macht mich immer ärgerlich. Tom always makes me angry. Tom's always making me angry. and swā forþ et cetera and swā theme Er zweifelte nicht daran, dass Ben in irgendeiner Beziehung zu dem Verbrechen stand. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He did not doubt that Ben was in any relationship with the crime. Ik dacht dat u zei dat Tom en Maria slagers waren. I thought you said Tom and Mary were butchers. I thought you said Tom and Maria were butchers. In Boston war es kalt. It was cold in Boston. It was cold in Boston. Ik hou meer van je dan van wie ook. I love you more than I love any other person. I love you more than anyone. Dit is een boek over Engeland. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. Wanneer keer je terug? When will you return? When are you going to return? Ze heeft veel grijze haren. She has a lot of gray hair. She's got a lot of gray hair. Se hett em schreen höört. She heard him scream. They heard him screaming. Hierdie potlood is wit. This pencil is white. This pencil is white. Wêr is it húske? Where's the restroom? Where is the home place? Tom heeft geen broers. Tom has no brothers. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Ik ging naar de biblotheek om een boek te lezen. I went to the library to read a book. I went to the library to read a book. Woher wussten Sie, dass ich Kanadier bin? How did you know I was Canadian? How did you know I was Canadian? Maria hett blaue Ogen. Maria has blue eyes. Maria's got blue eyes. Was u uitgenodigd? Were you invited? Were you invited? Ich kümmere mich um Tom. I'm looking after Tom. I'll take care of Tom. Wij gebruiken woorden om te communiceren. We use words to communicate. We use words to communicate. Ek wens ek was meer spontaan. I wish I could be more spontaneous. I wish I were more spontaneous. Er zijn redelijk veel mensen die dat nog altijd geloven. Quite a number of people still believe it. There are quite a lot of people who still believe that. Ab der nächsten Woche habe ich Spätschicht. Starting next week, I'll be on the late shift. The next week, I'll have a late shift. Jeuzelt Tom voak over rugpien? Does Tom complain about back pain often? Is Tom singing about backpien? Du sagtest, du hättest wichtige Neuigkeiten. You said you had important news. You said you had important news. Zijn ziekte is het gevolg van slecht weer. His illness is caused by bad weather. His illness is due to bad weather. Ik was het niet, commissaris! It wasn't me, commissioner! It wasn't me, Commissioner! Ich hoffe, ich habe Sie nicht geweckt. I hope I haven't woken you up. I hope I didn't wake you up. Ich bin dir nicht böse. I'm not angry with you. I'm not mad at you. איך וויל זיך לערנען העברעיִש. I want to learn Hebrew. I would like to learn heb life. Zij is pianiste, en haar zuster is zangeres. She is a pianist and her sister is a singer. She's a pianist, and her sister is a singer. Niemand praat met me. Nobody speaks to me. No one's talking to me. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde museum? Where's the nearest museum at? Where's the nearest museum? Se deed em övertügen, dat to doon. She persuaded him to do it. You told him to do this. Wie neuriet? Who's humming? How neuritous? Ich möchte dich lieber privat sprechen. I'd prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you privately. Tom is groter dan zijn moeder. Tom is taller than his mother. Tom's bigger than his mother. Ich habe auf den falschen Knopf gedrückt. I pushed the wrong button. I pressed the wrong button. Nicht du, sondern ich bin daran schuld. It is not you but I that am to blame. Not you, but I'm to blame. Het is niet duidelijk waar en wanneer ze werd geboren. It is not clear when and where she was born. It is not clear where and when she was born. Japans snoep heeft minder calorieën dan westers snoep. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese candy has fewer calories than western candy. Tom was volkomen zat. Tom was totally wasted. Tom was completely tired. De Atoomtall von Iesen is 26. The atomic number for iron is 26. The atomic count of Iesen is 26. Wisten jullie niet dat ik vroeger in Australië woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Ik zie het verband niet. I don't see the connection. I don't see the connection. Naar men zegt, zou zijn vader in het buitenland overleden zijn. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. It is said that his father would have died abroad. De koeien zijn gras aan het eten. The cows are eating grass. The cows are eating grass. Chan ich Ihnä hälfä? Can I help you? Do I embarrass him? Mien poei holt van genoat. My cat loves shrimp. My powder hole of pleasure. Emily schreef een brief. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. שלום־עליכם! Hello! Hello, World! Se geev em en Stück Poppeer. She gave him a piece of paper. You had this song, Popper. Tom was bang dat hij Mary gekwetst had. Tom was afraid he had hurt Mary's feelings. Tom was afraid he hurt Mary. Holt eure Bücher heraus und schlagt Seite 42 auf. Take out your books and open them at page 42. Get your books out and open page 42. Ich habe meine Geldbörse verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Verlorene Zeit kommt nicht zurück. Lost time is never found again. Lost time won't come back. Du bist mit deinem Scherz zu weit gegangen. You went too far in your joke. You've gone too far with your joke. Ek wil niks hê om te drink nie. I don't want anything to drink. I don't want anything to drink. Dit :-) is n gevuilsploatje. This :-) is an emoticon. This :-) is a mess. Dor is en Appel op ’n Disch. There is an apple on the desk. Dor is and Apple is on a Table. Niemand hält dich auf. No one's stopping you. No one's stopping you. Tragen Sie sich ins Gästebuch ein! Sign the guest book. Sign up for the guestbook! Twijfel er nooit aan. Don't ever doubt it. Never doubt it. Dat weer temlich koold. It was very cold. That's pretty cool. Tom zag de video. Tom saw the video. Tom saw the video. Ich habe gesehen, wie ihr euch angeschaut habt. I saw the way you were looking at each other. I've seen you look at each other. Alexander Graham Bell hett dat Telefoon utklamüsert. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell switched the phone out. Dat Problem is, dat ik nich noog Geld heff. The problem is that I don't have enough money. The problem is, I'm not raising enough money. אַנאַ פֿראַנק איז נישט געווען קיין בירגערין. Anne Frank wasn't a citizen. AFRONK wasn't a burger. Dor weer nüms. There was nobody. There was no such thing as that. Is hij een leerkracht? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Er kam trotz des schlechten Wetters. He came in spite of bad weather. He came in spite of the bad weather. Waar zijn uw spullen? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? We zijn aangekomen. We've arrived. We've arrived. Tom ist es gewohnt, früh aufzustehen. Tom is used to getting up early. Tom's used to getting up early. Je zou wat geld opzij moeten leggen voor jouw bruiloft. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. You should put some money aside for your wedding. Vergelijk nooit je vrouw met een andere vrouw. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Villicht weet se de Antwoord. Maybe she knows the answer. They might know the answer. דער עפּל איז געל. That apple is yellow. The game is yellow. Blötschkopp! Fool! Son of a bitch! Tom sagte, er wolle mir Französisch beibringen. Tom said that he wanted to teach me French. Tom said he wanted to teach me French. Am nächsten Montag wird sie einen Monat lang im Krankenhaus gewesen sein. Next Monday, she'll have been in the hospital for a month. Next Monday she will have been in the hospital for a month. Kunt u dat herhalen, alstublieft? Could you please repeat that? Can you repeat that, please? Zu diesem Zeitpunkt schien es mir eine gute Idee zu sein. It seemed like a good idea at the time. At that point, it seemed to me to be a good idea. Woveel chineesche Frünn hest du? How many Chinese friends do you have? How many Chinese friends do you have? Du kannst mi nich ophollen. You can't stop me. You cannot stop me. Er beschwerte sich beim Koch. He complained to the chef. He complains to the cook. Amerika ist ein Einwandererland. America is a country of immigrants. America is an immigrant country. Deze hond bijt. This dog bites. This dog bites. Brood wordt van meel gemaakt. Bread is made from flour. Bread is made of flour. Hien kacht. He's cooking. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Hai vloog. He flew. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Sy stilte het my verbaas. His silence surprised me. His silence surprised me. Tom spielt in einem der örtlichen Orchester Cello. Tom plays the cello with one of the local orchestras. Tom plays in one of the local orchestra Cello. Maria zegt dat ze je kent. Mary says she knows you. Maria says she knows you. Sami downloadt graag films. Sami likes to download movies. Sami likes to download movies. Tom un Ria seukt ehr Söhn. Tom and Mary are looking for their son. Tom and Ria sighed his son. Ist das für mich? Is this for me? Is that for me? Slaapwel. Droom zoet. Good night. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Dream sweet. Der Wind weht immer noch heftig. The wind still blows strongly. The wind is still blowing violently. Das war eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. It was an unforgettable experience. That was an unforgettable experience. Sie werden uns nichts antun. They won't hurt us. They won't hurt us. פֿאַרװאָס װאָרטשעט מײַן הונט? Why is my dog growling? For what purpose is your dog? Tom houdt van countrymuziek. Tom loves country music. Tom loves country music. Ik kan niet koken. I don't know how to cook. I can't cook. Darf ich dich um einen Gefallen bitten? May I ask you a favor? May I ask you for a favor? Ich war mit meinem Latein am Ende. I was at my wit's end. I ended up with my Latin. Ik ga akkoord met het argument. I concede the argument. I agree with the argument. De plotselinge toename van auto's zorgt elke dag voor een groot aantal verkeersongelukken. The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day. The sudden increase in cars causes a large number of traffic accidents every day. Nonsens! Nonsense! Nonsenses! Ik vervolg. I sue. I'm persecuting. Ik zweer bij God. I swear to God. I swear to God. Ik ben Toms ex-vrouw. I'm Tom's ex-wife. I'm Tom's ex-wife. Du musst mit dat Smöken ophören. You must quit smoking. You must stop looking. „Hast du dein Zimmer aufgeräumt?“ – „Das mache ich später.“ "Did you clean your room?" "I'll do it later." “Did you clean up your room?” – “I’ll do that later.” Ik heb mijn portefeuille verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Uw wens is voor mij een bevel. Your wish is my command. Your wish is an order for me. Tom hatte Unrecht. Tom was incorrect. Tom was wrong. Waar wil je dit verkopen? Where do you want to sell this? Where do you want to sell this? Es sieht so aus, als ob meine Methoden mehr auf dem Stand der Dinge sind. It seems that my methods are more up to date. It looks like my methods are more up to date. Bedankt, nu verstah ik. Thanks, I understand now. Thanks, now I understand. Gestern lief ich Yamada über den Weg, den ich seit Jahren nicht gesehen hatte. Yesterday I ran into Yamada, whom I hadn't seen in years. Yesterday I ran Yamada over the road that I had not seen in years. Die Schweine sind nicht im Stall. The pigs aren't in the pen. The pigs are not in the stable. איך בין יעצט אן אלטער מאן. I'm an old man now. I'm an old man. Kunnen we Mars koloniseren? Can we colonize Mars? Can we colonize Mars? Tom hat mich aus Boston angerufen. Tom called me from Boston. Tom called me from Boston. Mijn vader gaat een wandeling maken in het park. My father is going for a walk in the park. My dad's going for a walk in the park. Wir müssen das jetzt tun. We must do this right now. We have to do this now. Der große Vorteil meiner Tätigkeit als beratender Detektiv ist der, dass ich mir meine Klienten selbst aussuchen kann. The benefit of being a consulting detective is that I can pick and choose my clients. The great advantage of my work as an advisory detective is that I can choose my clients myself. Er ist ein Mann von Charakter. He is a man of character. He's a man of character. Je bent nooit te oud om te leren. It's never too late to learn. You're never too old to learn. Er war sehr überrascht. He was very surprised. He was very surprised. Wat magst du lever, Wittwien oder Roodwien? Which do you like better, white wine or red wine? What do you like liver, white wine or red wine? Ich war erschüttert. I was shaken. I was shocked. Ich denke mal, dass Tom letztlich schon dahinterkommen wird, dass Maria ihn eigentlich gar nicht mag. I imagine that Tom will eventually figure out that Mary doesn't really like him. I think Tom's gonna end up feeling that Maria doesn't really like him. Kann ich mit diesem Handy Musik hören? Can I listen to music on this phone? Can I hear music with this mobile phone? Hier is mien Telefoonnummer. Here's my telephone number. Here's my phone number. Sie verstehen mich doch, oder? You do understand me, don't you? You understand me, don't you? Tom ass duerch Dehydratioun gestuerwen. Tom died of dehydration. Tom was killed by dehydration. Tom ist auf der Flucht. Tom is on the run. Tom's on the run. Es geht mir gut, danke. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. דו גײסט. You're walking. You're going. Hebbt se seggt, wat passert is? Did they say what happened? Hebt's saying, what's passing? Ik woonde in Mongolië. I was living in Mongolia. I lived in Mongolia. Ich wollte nicht über Tom sprechen. I didn't want to talk about Tom. I didn't want to talk about Tom. Joe binnen aal te snel You are all too quick. Joe's inside too fast דו האָסט אונדז נעכטן געזען. You saw us yesterday. You don't see us just now. Denken Sie darüber nach, was Sie wollen. Think about what you want. Think about what you want. Wo oold is he? How old is he? Where's old, huh? Tom hat alles gepackt und ist abmarschbereit. Tom is all packed and ready to go. Tom packed everything and is ready to move. In diesem Fall liegen Sie falsch. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you are wrong. Es fällt ein Blatt. A leaf is falling. There's a leaf falling. In ’n Köhlschapp is Melk. There's milk in the fridge. In a köhlschapp is Melk. Tom spielt dreimal in der Woche Tennis. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Die alten Goten und Sachsen nannten dieses Fest das Julfest. The ancient Goths and Saxons called this festival Yule. The old Goths and Saxony called this festival the Julfest. Ich kann dir nicht sagen, wo Tom wohnt. I can't tell you where Tom lives. I can't tell you where Tom lives. Ik kaam wedder. I'll come back. I'll be back. Zij zijn geen vijanden, maar vrienden. They are not enemies, but friends. They're not enemies, they're friends. Der Autor hat das Buch seiner Schwester gewidmet. The author dedicated the book to his sister. The author dedicated the book to his sister. Ik ben in de lobby. I'm in the lobby. I'm in the lobby. Niks. Nothing. Nothing. Tom sä Ria, dat he ehr helpen wull, aver hett dat denn doch sien loten. Tom told Mary that he'd help her, but he didn't. Tom said Ria wanted to help him, but he did. Der Verkehr staute sich mehrere Kilometer weit, da zwei Fahrspuren wegen Straßenarbeiten gesperrt waren. The traffic banked up for several kilometres because two lanes were closed for roadworks. The traffic was several kilometres away, since two lanes were blocked because of road work. Hij die alleen voor zichzelf leeft, is dood voor anderen. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. He who lives for himself alone is dead to others. Ik kan jouw gedrag niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand your behaviour any more. I can't stand your behavior anymore. Tom geriet in große Verwirrung. Tom became very confused. Tom got in a lot of confusion. Op mij hoef je niet te rekenen. You needn't count on me. You don't have to count on me. Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom pleite ist. I wonder why Tom is broke. I'd like to know why Tom's pleading. Wenn du doch mal nach Boston kommst, ruf mich auf jeden Fall an! If you ever do come to Boston, definitely give me a call. If you ever come to Boston, call me anyway!