Misschien kan ik proberen. I guess I could try. Maybe I can try. Ich komme aus Singapur. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. איך האָב זיך געלערנט בערבעריש. I've learned Berber. How do you get an eye-opener in the middle of the night? Meine schlimmsten Befürchtungen haben sich bewahrheitet. My worst apprehensions have come true. My worst fears have been true. ס׳איז אַ לאַנד מיט אַ סך רעליגיעס. It's a country which has many faiths. I'm afraid I'm going to get angry. We hadden gedeeltelijk gelijk. We were partly right. We were partly right. זי איז נישט קלוג. She isn't smart. Iris is clumsy. Algerije is een zeer belangrijk partnerland voor de Europese Unie. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Sie übt jeden Tag am Klavier. She practices the piano every day. She exercises at the piano every day. Dat was niet zo aardig. That wasn't very nice. That wasn't so nice. Mijn vader heeft me geholpen mijn das te strikken. My dad helped me tie my tie. My dad has helped me strike my dude. Er is geen rook zonder vuur. No smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. Maria ist eine stille Frau. Mary is a quiet woman. Mary is a quiet woman. Ich kann es nicht beschreiben. I can't describe it. I can't describe it. טאָם לײַדט פֿון דער טראַוומעקרענק. Tom has PTSD. I'm going to give you a pedestal of a pedestal of a pedestal. Ich habe euch husten gehört. I heard you coughing. I heard you cough. Yanni wollte Skura einen Streich spielen. Yanni wanted to play a prank on Skura. Yanni wanted to play Skura a string. װאָס מיינסטו, קעצעלע? איך פֿאַרשטיי דיך נישט. איך רעד נישט קיין קעציש. What are you trying to say, kitty cat? I don't understand you. I don't speak Cat. How do you feel? How do you feel? How do you feel? How do you feel? In der Bibliothek war niemand. Nobody was in the library. There was no one in the library. Wie hat das Leben angefangen? How did life begin? How did life begin? און די ערד איז געװען װיסט און לײדיק, און פֿינצטערניש איז געװען אױפֿן געזיכט פֿון תּהום, און דער גײַסט פֿון גאָט האָט געשװעבט אױפֿן געזיכט פֿון די װאַסערן. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik woon momenteel in Boston. I currently live in Boston. I currently live in Boston. Dizze appel is zuit. This apple is sweet. This apple is sweet. Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now. I'm going to cook a chocolate cake for my wife. Is het veilig om rauw spek te eten? Is it safe to eat raw bacon? Is it safe to eat raw spec? Ich werre immer hier sin. I'll always be here. I'm always going to be here. Da das Hotel für die Nacht völlig ausgebucht war, mussten einige spät eintreffende Gäste abgewiesen werden. Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to turn away some late guests. Since the hotel was fully booked for the night, some late arrival guests had to be rejected. Sami verliet de moskee. Sami left the mosque. Sami left the mosque. Darüber wollte ich mit Ihnen sprechen. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I also wanted to talk to you. Mag ik even uitrusten? Can I rest a bit? Can I get some rest? De Goorner hett uns nich verlöövt, op dat Gras to lopen. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The go directory did not allow us to walk on the grass. Tom wollte es nicht. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want it. Sie ist Skifahren gegangen. She went skiing. She went skiing. He is ganz un gornich perfekt. He is far from perfect. He is completely and absolutely perfect. Se hett söven Söhns. She has seven sons. She has seven sons. „Maria ist nicht meine Tochter, sondern meine Frau.“ – „Tom, das ist skandalös! Die könnte doch deine Tochter sein!“ ”Mary isn't my daughter. She's my wife." "Tom, that's outrageous! She's young enough to be your daughter!" "Maria is not my daughter, but my wife." - "Tom, that's scandalous! Hebt u onlangs misselijkheid ervaren? Have you experienced nausea recently? Have you recently experienced nausea? Het Nieuwgrieks en Tsakonisch zijn Helleense talen. Modern Greek and Tsakonian are Hellenic languages. The New Greek and Tsakonic are Hellenic languages. Tom hatte einen trockenen Husten, eine Folge jahrelangen schweren Rauchens. Tom had a raspy cough, the result of years of heavy smoking. Tom had a dry cough, a result of years of heavy smoking. Hou nu meteen je bek. Shut up right now. Hold your mouth right now. Er ist ein sehr pfiffiger Junge. He's a very clever boy. He's a very nice boy. Tom isst ausschließlich Gemüse. Tom eats nothing but vegetables. Tom eats only vegetables. Das intellektuelle Eigentum gehört abgeschafft! Abolish intellectual property. The intellectual property belongs to dismantling! טאָם טוט עס נאָר פֿון יוצא וועגן. Tom is just going through the motions. I'm going to give you a smack out of your mouth and you're going to get a smolder. Ich werde es für dich holen, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. Ik heff de Goldmedalje wunnen. I won the gold medal. I have won the gold medal. Je mehr ich Esperanto lerne, desto mehr mag ich diese Sprache. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like this language. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like this language. Was glaubst du, in welchem Land es die schönsten Frauen gibt? What country do you think has the most beautiful women? What do you think in which country there are the most beautiful women? Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a power outlet. I'm not looking for a tight sticker. Bleiben Sie nicht zu lange in der Sonne. Don't stay in the sun too long. Don't stay in the sun too long. Singen wir doch zusammen etwas! Why don't we sing some songs together? Let's sing something together! Nijlpaarden zijn gevaarlijke dieren. Hippopotamuses are dangerous animals. Nile horses are dangerous animals. Belgien is nich so groot as Frankriek. Belgium is not as big as France. Belgium is not as big as France. Tom und Maria spielten Karten. Tom and Mary were playing cards. Tom and Maria played cards. Als der ungepflegte Kassierer träge zwischen dem falschen Ausweis und Toms Gesicht hin- und herblickte, hätte sich Tom am liebsten in die Hose gemacht, indes seine Nerven ihn an Ort und Stelle zu ersticken drohten. Er war jünger als die Oberprimaner, die ihn hierhergeschleppt hatten, und man konnte ihn leicht für einen erwachsenen Mann halten. Es war nicht seine Schuld, dass er so frühreif war! As the unkempt cashier lazily glanced back and forth between the fake ID and Tom’s face, Tom felt a sudden urge to pee as his nerves threatened to also stifle his breath right then and there. He was younger than the high school seniors that dragged him here, but he was easily mistaken for a grown man. It's not his fault that he was an early bloomer. When the unoccupied cashier stood between the false identification and Tom's face looking back and forth, Tom would have loved to get into the pants, while his nerves threatened him in place and place. He was younger than the top chiefs who had dragged him here, and you could easily think of him as an adult man. It was not his fault that he was so early mature! Mijn vaders zijn gezond. My fathers are healthy. My dads are healthy. Tom hett sik in’n Woold verlopen. Tom lost his way in the woods. Tom ran into a forest. Ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören. I can't quit now. I can't stop now. Tom fragte, ob er noch ein Glas Wein bekommen könne. Tom asked if he could have another glass of wine. Tom asked if he could get another glass of wine. Mennad wurket. Mennad works. Mennad works. Es wird schwierig sein, diesen Fleck zu entfernen. It's going to be difficult to remove this stain. It will be difficult to remove this spot. Mieghommels hollen van sukker. Ants like sugar. Mieghommels like sugar. Ich bringe mir selbst Japanisch bei. I'm teaching myself Japanese. I teach myself Japanese. Sei nett zu den anderen! Be kind to others. Be nice to others! Ik draag contactlenzen. I wear contact lenses. I wear contact lenses. Meneer, we moeten uw breuk stabiliseren voor we u op de brancard leggen. Sir, we need to stabilize your fracture before transferring you to the stretcher. Mr. President, we need to stabilize your breach before we put you on the brancard. De Knüppel is veel to groot. That club is way too big. The button is much too big. Tom war bereit, unserem Wunsche nachzukommen. Tom was willing to do what we wanted him to do. Tom was ready to meet our wishes. Koalas fressen Eukalyptusblätter. Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves. Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves. מע קען נישט עסן קיין תּפֿילות. You can't eat prayer. Let's take a cup of tea. Du zahst beim Oabeitn gaunz sche an. You work fast. You're doing very well at work. Das Einzige, was ich weiß, ist, dass ich nichts weiß. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. The only thing I know is that I don't know anything. Poolsche Nagels sünd dürer as chineesche. Polish nails are more expensive than the Chinese ones. Polish nails are more expensive than Chinese. ווער שפילט גאָלף? Who plays golf? The Warrior’s Hill? Sie fühlt sich zu Schwarzen hingezogen. She's attracted to black guys. She feels drawn to blacks. Ān þāra hunda is on līfe. One of the dogs is alive. Hunda is on līfe. Nichts zu danken! Don't mention it! Thank you nothing! Sie kommen beide aus Australien. They are both from Australia. They both come from Australia. Vele kleintjes maken een grote. Many a little makes a mickle. Many little ones make a big one. Misschien heeft hij de trein gemist. Perhaps he missed the train. Maybe he missed the train. Ik ben niet zeker of het een jongen of een meisje is. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. Interessiert es Tom überhaupt, was mit mir passiert? Does Tom even care about what happens to me? Does it matter to Tom what happens to me? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass Elke ihre beste Freundin sei. Tom and Mary told John that Alice was their best friend. Tom and Maria told John that everyone was their best friend. Tom ist letzte Nacht gestorben. Tom passed away last night. Tom died last night. Bitte unterstütze ihn etwas mehr! Please, lend him some more aid! Please support him a little more! Haast je langzaam. Make haste slowly. It slows you down. Tom war absolut von sich selbst überzeugt. Tom was absolutely sure of himself. Tom was absolutely convinced of himself. Tom verfolgte fleißig seine Ziele. Tom worked hard to achieve his goals. Tom was quick to pursue his goals. Tom hat 30 kg abgenommen. Tom lost 70 lbs. Tom has taken 30 kg. Tom ging einen Schritt nach links. Tom took a step to the left. Tom went to the left one step. Das Leben zu lieben heißt, gut zu leben. To love life means to live well. To love life means to live well. כ׳בין אַ פּאַרטאַטש. I'm a bungler. I'm a lantern. Tom is verlegen. Tom's shy. Tom is shy. Dein Verhalten ist unverzeihlich. Your behavior is inexcusable. Your behavior is unforgivable. Fraans is mien moudertoal. French is my native tongue. Frans is my mother-toal. Tom en Frank zijn goede vrienden. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Jetzt wissen wir, wo wir stehen. We now know where we stand. Now we know where we are. Ben ik gearresteerd? Am I under arrest? Am I arrested? Kannst du mir Salz und Pfeffer reichen? Can you pass me the salt and pepper? Can you give me salt and pepper? COVID-19 is de ziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door het coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. לאז עס אין מיין הענט. Leave the matter to me. In the middle of the night, there is no middle ground. k Heb gain sinten. I don't have money. k Heb profit sentences. Ik ben jouw kamergenoot Paul. I'm your roommate Paul. I'm your comrade Paul. Nicht alle meine Freunde schwimmen gern. Not all of my friends like swimming. Not all my friends like to swim. Ik gah slapen. I am going to sleep. I'm going to sleep. Heb je het al gehoord? Did you already hear about it? Did you hear it already? Ik heb je gegoogeld en kwam erachter dat je in de gevangenis hebt gezeten. I googled you and found out that you've spent time in prison. I got you and found out you were in prison. Mary war esou eng schéi Braut. Mary was such a lovely bride. Mary was a very nice wife. Mach das Licht aus, bitte. Please turn off the lights. Turn off the light, please. Waar heb je ze uitgetrokken? Where did you take them off? Where did you pull them out? Ek't nêrens om vanaand te slaap nie. I've nowhere to sleep tonight. I don’t have to sleep tonight. Sie übersetzte es Wort für Wort. She translated it word for word. She translated it word for word. Hij werd geschorst voor onzedelijk gedrag. He got expelled for lewd conduct. He was suspended for insanity. Du glaubst die Geschichte doch wohl nicht etwa? You don't actually believe that story? You don't believe the story, do you? Sie hat angerufen. She has rung. She called. Die ou man het op die grond geval. The old man fell down on the ground. The old man fell to the ground. Hongaarsk is myn memmetaal. Hungarian is my mother tongue. Hungarian is my membrane. Hij heeft geen fiets. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. בין איך נער׳יש? Am I being foolish? How is a child? Das Motorrad kollidierte mit einem Auto. The motorcycle crashed into a car. The motorcycle collided with a car. Er blies die Kerze aus. He blew out the candle. He turned out the candle. Du musst unbedingt mit dem Rauchen aufhören. It is necessary for you to stop smoking. You have to stop smoking. U bent een wiskundeleraar. You're a math teacher. You're a math teacher. Een gros is twaalf dozijn. A gross is a dozen dozens. A raise is twelve thousand. Ik heff dat Bild för 20.000 Yen verköfft. I sold the picture for 20,000 yen. I sold the image for 20,000 yen. Papa, Maria hat mich geschlagen! Dad, Maria hit me! Dad, Maria has hit me! Ik leer Nederlands. I'm learning Dutch. I'm learning Dutch. Heb je gewoonlijk thee voor het ontbijt? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Ze werden nerveus. They became nervous. They become nervous. דו ביסט אַ נוצלאָזער מאַן. You're a useless man. Mr. Bryce, I'm sorry to hear about this. Ich bin zwar ein Kaninchen, aber ich kann auf zwei Beinen gehen. I'm a rabbit, but I can walk on two legs. I am a rabbit, but I can go on two legs. So was dauert oft. That kind of thing often takes time. That's how often it takes. Ik kenn em nich. I don't know him. I don't know him. Tom kann Vegetarier nicht ausstehen. Tom can't abide veggies. Tom cannot stand vegetarians. Sidd dir midd? Are you guys tired? Are you in the middle of it? Gibt es etwas Besonderes, was Sie trinken wollen? Is there something in particular that you want to drink? Is there something special about what you want to drink? Wenn auch krank, so tat ich doch mein Bestes. Although I was sick, I did my best. If I'm sick, I'll do my best. Wem gehört dieses Kind? Whose child is this? Who is this child? דער טאַטע איז אַ שנײַדער. My father is a tailor. I swear to God that I have a Goddess. Ich würde gerne Tom sehen. I'd like to see Tom. I would like to see Tom. Früher waren die Einkaufswagen klein, damit sie voller aussehen; heute sind sie riesig, damit sie leerer aussehen. Shopping trolleys used to be small, making them appear more full; today they are massive, making them appear emptier. In the past, the shopping carts were small to make them look full; today they are huge to make them look emptyer. גם־אתּם. Same to you. in as well. Er woont bijna niemand op Antarctica. Almost nobody lives in Antarctica. There is almost no one living in Antarctica. Vermijd roken. Avoid smoking. Avoid smoking. Sami und Layla entschieden sich dafür, einen Partnerschaftsberater zu besuchen. Sami and Layla decided to see a couples counselor. Sami and Layla decided to visit a partnership consultant. Het ijs is dik genoeg om er op te stappen. The ice is thick enough to walk on. The ice is thick enough to get up. Sie küsste die Krähe und drückte sie in ihrer Freude fast zu Tode. She kissed the crow, and hugged him almost to death with joy. She kissed the weed and pushed it almost to death in her joy. Ich helfe ihm. I help him. I'm helping him. Es wird Ihnen in Boston gefallen. You'll like Boston. You'll be in Boston. Tom fragte Maria nach dem Geschehenen. Tom asked Mary questions about what had happened. Tom asked Mary about the event. ... Hé, hé jullie twee, gaan alle hekken los als je weet dat ik trakteer? ... Hey-hey you two, is it no holds barred as soon as you know it's my treat? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Ich bringe dir Hausa bei und du mir Koreanisch. I will teach you Hausa and you will teach me Korean. I'm bringing you Hausa and you're Korean. Dat water smaakt goed. That water tastes good. That water tastes good. Holt brennt. Wood burns. It's going to burn. Stop met klagen. Quit complaining. Stop complaining. Ich mag solche Dinge. I like to do things like that. I like such things. In dieser Straße kann man seinen Wagen nicht parken. You can't park your car in this road. In this street you can't park your car. Hiermee ben ik het met hen niet over eens. I can't agree with them on this matter. I don't agree with them. Heb je last van racende gedachten waar je maar niet vanaf komt? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you have racing thoughts that you don't get from? Dit is wat we zouden kunnen doen: This is what we could do: This is what we could do: Just als er den Polizisten sah, flüchtete er. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. Just when he saw the policeman, he fled. Volgens mij ben ik mijn sleutels kwijt. I think that I've lost my keys. I think I lost my keys. Wo sind die Parkuhren? Where are the meters? Where are the parking clocks? Tom wollte nicht, dass wir das erführen. Tom didn't want us to find out about this. Tom didn't want us to do that. Kurze Röcke sind längst nicht mehr in Mode. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are no longer in fashion. So wird es viel mehr Geld kosten. Doing it that way will cost a lot more money. This will cost a lot more money. Sēo catte is dēad. The cat's dead. Sēo catte is dēad. Tom, du musst morgen kommen. Tom, you need to come here tomorrow. Tom, you have to come tomorrow. k Spreek gain Kataloans. I don't speak Catalan. k Speak gain Catalans. Wenn das grönländische Eisschild vollständig schmölze, stiege der Meeresspiegel auf der Welt dadurch um fünf bis sieben Meter. If Greenland's ice sheet were to melt completely, sea level all over the world would rise by 5 to 7 meters. When the Greenland ice shield completely melts, sea level in the world rose by five to seven meters. Tom bereitete einen gesunden Salat zu. Tom made a healthy salad. Tom prepared a healthy salad. וווּ האָט איר זיך געלערנט רעדן שפּאַניש? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? So, how do you get out of a snag-snag-snag-snag-snag-snag-snag-snag-snag- Ic ne forstande. I don't understand. Ic ne forstande. Er sieht blass aus. He looks pale. He looks pale. Tom werd bewusteloos. Tom passed out. Tom became unconscious. Tom ist bei seinem Onkel und seiner Tante groß geworden. Tom was brought up by his aunt and uncle. Tom grew up with his uncle and aunt. Esperanto is een nuttige taal. Esperanto is a useful language. Esperanto is a useful language. De koeien zijn gras aan het eten. The cows are eating grass. The cows are eating grass. Ich habe nichts, was ich dir geben könnte. I don't have anything to give to you. I have nothing I could give you. Tom verachtet dich. Tom despises you. Tom despises you. Het paar besloot een wees te adopteren. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Ich habe mich an die Hitze gewöhnt. I've become accustomed to the heat. I used to get used to the heat. Hij wil met mijn dochter trouwen. He wants to marry my daughter. He wants to marry my daughter. Der Garten bot viele Versteckmöglichkeiten. There were many places to hide in the garden. The garden offered many hiding options. Gratis toegang. Free Admission. Free access. Ist diesem Tom Hansen überhaupt schon einmal jemand begegnet? Has anyone ever actually met this "Tom Jackson"? Has this Tom Hansen ever met someone? Tom war sich der Schwierigkeiten bewusst. Tom was aware of the difficulties. Tom was aware of the difficulties. קיין שום מענטש ארבעט אין מיין לאנד. Nobody works in my country. There is no such thing as an old-fashioned man who doesn’t have a left wing. Eure Frage lässt sich nur sehr schwer beantworten. Your question is very hard to answer. Your question can only be answered very hard. Ich fühle meine Zehen nicht. I can't feel my toes. I don't feel my toes. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Voelt u zich schuldig? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Hij komt uit een kleine stad. He's from a small town. He's coming from a small town. Esperanto is een internationale plantaal. Esperanto is an international planned language. Esperanto is an international plant. Zij was degene die het suggereerde. She was the one who suggested it. She was the one who suggested it. Heute Nacht werde ich mit deinem Brief unter meinem Kopfkissen schlafen. I shall sleep with your letter under my pillow tonight. This night I will sleep with your letter under my head pillow. Er hat an meiner Art, die Dinge anzufassen, immer etwas auszusetzen. He always finds fault with the way I do things. He always has something to do with my way of addressing things. Sami rookt ook wiet. Sami smokes weed, too. Sami also smokes weed. Ich weiß nicht, wie man das ausspricht. I don't know how to pronounce it. I don't know how to pronounce it. Maria ist Anfängerin, aber sie lernt schnell. Mary's a beginner, but she's a fast learner. Maria is a freelancer, but she learns quickly. Dit is en Bispeelsatz. This is an example sentence. This is an example set. Tom wurde hinter der Turnhalle beim Rauchen erwischt. Tom was caught smoking behind the gym. Tom was caught in the back of the gym while smoking. Das ist eine glücklich aussehende Familie. That's a happy-looking family. This is a happy looking family. Ich glaube nicht, dass er den Vorschlag annehmen wird. I don't think he'll accept the offer. I don't think he'll accept the proposal. טאָם איז נישט קיין קאַץ. Tom isn't a cat. In the meantime, Irrig has cast a gun at Kana Katt. Tom rang Maria zu Boden und fraß ihr, was vom Käse noch übrig war, aus den Händen. Tom wrestled Mary to the ground and ate the last of the cheese from her hands. Tom knelt Mary to the ground and asked her what was left of the cheese, out of her hands. Ik heff Eibhlín in ’e Bökeree sehn, nich Sorcha. I saw Eibhlín at the library, not Sorcha. I’ve seen Eibhlín in a bookstore, not Sorcha. Wer scherzt? Who's joking? Who is scary? Tom zieht das Hemd, das Maria ihm genäht hat, nie an. Tom never wears the shirt that Mary made for him. Tom never wears the shirt that Mary has given him. De dichtstbijzijnde stad is vrij ver weg. The nearest town is quite far away. The nearest city is pretty far away. Haben Sie an diesem Wochenende Zeit? Are you free this weekend? Do you have time this weekend? Das ist nicht genau das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. That's not exactly what I had in mind. That's not exactly what I imagined. Das ist ihr Buch. This is her book. That's her book. Warum hast du ihr meine Adresse gegeben? Why did you give her my address? Why did you give her my address? Wer ist dieser Herr? Who is that gentleman? Who is this Lord? Je ziet er boos uit. You look angry. You look angry. „אַלע האָבן פּגמים.״ – „איך נישט.” "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." “How’s that?” he asked. Autofahren habe ich von meinem älteren Bruder gelernt. My older brother was the one who taught me how to drive. I learned about my older brother by car. Es ist nett von dir mich mit einzuladen! How nice of you to invite me along! It's nice of you to invite me! Bleib heute bitte zu Hause! Please stay at home today. Please stay home today! Ik kijk op je neer. I look down on you! I'm looking at you. Der Lehrer bat mich, mein Referat vor der Klasse vorzulesen. The teacher asked me to read my paper in front of the class. The teacher asked me to read my referendum in front of the class. Ik kom niet uit Europa. I'm not from Europe. I'm not from Europe. Sie ist ein sehr bekannter Mensch. She's a very well-known person. She is a very well-known person. Das passt gut zu Ihrer Hose. It goes well with your trousers. This fits well with your pants. Tom ist ein warmherziger Mann. Tom is a warm-hearted man. Tom is a warm-hearted man. Tom hat mich reingelassen. Tom let me in. Tom has let me clean. Die Straße des Exzesses führt zum Palast der Weisheit. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. The street of excesses leads to the palace of wisdom. Wie is die vrouw? Who's that woman? Who is this woman? Bist du für oder gegen diese Politik? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you for or against this policy? מיר האָבן אַ צאַפּיקל. We have a billy goat. I'm sorry I'm in trouble. Bist du stolz auf deinen Vater? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Tom war ein Monster. Tom was a monster. Tom was a monster. k Bin nog gain opoe. I'm not a grandmother yet. K Am Still Gaining Open. גענוג מיט דיר און דיין נארישקייט. I've had it with you and your stupid ideas. It's an old-fashioned house with an old-fashioned house. אָוואַ, דאָס איז פּונקט ווי 1984. Wow, this is just like 1984. Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Der Zeitungsartikel beschrieb den Angeklagten wie einen Schuldigen, obwohl er erwiesenermaßen unschuldig war. The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent. The newspaper article described the defendant as a guilty, although he proved himself innocent. Ik ben de laatste die hem heeft gezien. I'm the last one who saw him. I'm the last one who saw him. Kannst du dich wirklich nicht an mich erinnern? Do you really not remember me? Can't you really remember me? De neus van Tom was rood. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Ik heff sien Naam vergeten. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. Hij wachtte zijn beurt af. He waited his turn. He waited for his turn. Twee gezinnen wonen in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Hai loopt. He walks. Hai is running. Ik dronk een biertje. I drank a beer. I drank a beer. Ich muss Ihnen einfach vertrauen. I simply need to trust you. I just have to trust you. Ihr wart unsere letzte Hoffnung. You were our last hope. You were our last hope. Ich finde, Tom sollte anfangen, sich mit jemand anderem als Maria herumzutreiben. I think Tom needs to start hanging out with someone other than Mary. I think Tom should start driving around with someone other than Mary. Ich muss etwas Persönliches mit dir besprechen. I have something personal to discuss with you. I have to discuss something personal with you. Ze bezit niet veel boeken. She doesn't own many books. She doesn't own a lot of books. We wassen met zeep. We wash with soap. We washed with soap. Hoffentlich protestiert niemand. Hopefully, nobody protests. Hopefully nobody is protesting. Ich bin bereit für ein Abenteuer. I'm ready for the adventure. I'm ready for an adventure. Der Satz weist einige schwere Fehler auf. The sentence contains some serious mistakes. The sentence has some serious errors. Ik heff en Poor Steveln köfft. I bought a pair of boots. I bought a Poor Steveln. Ik heb besloten hem te zeggen dat ik van haar hou. I decided to tell him that I love her. I decided to tell him I love her. Merri Crissmuss! Merry Christmas! Merri Crissmuss! Skura atmete aus. Skura exhaled. Scura breathes out. Eerst Frankriek, denn Irak. First France, then Iraq. First France, then Iraq. Ich bat ihn um Rat. I turned to him for advice. I asked him for advice. פֿאַרוואָס איז נעפּטון בלאָ? Why is Neptune blue? But did I wonder if Philip was wrong? Deshalb möchte ich die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Bericht des Ausschusses Unsichtbare Parlamentsabgeordente lenken. I would therefore like to draw attention to the Report of the Committee on Invisible Members of Parliament. That is why I would like to draw attention to the report of the Committee on Invisible Parliaments. Sogar meine Oma kann eine SMS senden. Even my grandma can send an SMS. Even my grandma can send an SMS. Heb je staar? Do you have cataracts? Do you have a star? Niemand kan alles hebben. No one can have it all. No one can have anything. Der Asphalt war durch die Hitze aufgeweicht. The asphalt was softened by the heat. Asphalt was warmed by the heat. Er hat uns nicht vergessen. He didn't forget us. He didn't forget us. De fangt an, de egen Lögen to glöven. They've started believing their own lies. They begin to believe their own lies. Tom braucht uns jetzt. Tom needs us now. Tom needs us now. Sie wird sich auf amerikanische Geschichte spezialisieren. She will specialize in American history. She will specialize in American history. דער עולם איז ניט קיין גולם. People aren't stupid. The world’s old-fashioned old-fashioned old-fashioned old-fashioned. Ik zal u het boek geven. I'm going to give you the book. I'll give you the book. Tom ist nicht reicher als ich. Tom isn't richer than me. Tom is not richer than me. Maria breide deze sjaal. Mary knit this scarf. Maria spread this scarf. Duitse mannen zijn seksistisch. German men are sexist. German men are sexist. Früher habe ich viel Cola getrunken; jetzt aber trinke ich nur Wasser. I used to drink a lot of cola, but now I only drink water. I used to drink a lot of cola; but now I drink only water. Gehen wir doch zusammen spazieren! Why don't we go for a walk together? Let's walk together! Tom is een jongen en Mary is een meisje. Tom is a boy, and Mary is a girl. Tom is a boy and Mary is a girl. Ik zag hem. I saw him. I saw him. Die klok lui. The bell is ringing. The clock is lukewarm. Tom sagte, er habe nicht vor, das zu tun. Tom said that he wasn't planning to do that. Tom said he didn't want to do that. Uns Vöröllern kemen vör 150 Johr in dit Land an. Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago. Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago. Tom weet niet hoe hij zijn eigen stropdas moet strikken. Tom can’t tie his own tie. Tom doesn't know how to strike his own stripes. Stiller! Quieter! Stiller! Manche deutsche Wörter sehen für mich noch nicht einmal so aus, als wären sie aussprechbar. For me, some German words don't even look like they can be pronounced. Some German words don’t even look as if they could be pronounced. דאָס הינטל וויל אַרויס. The dog wants out. Andy Willy will go. Horchen Sie auf Ihre Pulsfrequenz. Listen to your pulse rate. Listen to your pulse frequency. Waar moet ik zoeken? Where should I look? Where should I look for it? Ik eet graag erwten. I like to eat peas. I like to eat vegetables. Heeft iemand in je naaste familie diabetes? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Does anyone have diabetes in your nearest family? עמעצער איז אַרײַנגעקומען. Somebody came in. I'm sure I'm surprised. All Lichten sünd utgahn. All the lights went out. All lights have gone out. וואָס זענען פֿייגל? What are birds? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ik wil overnachten in het Hilton Hotel. I want to stay at the Hilton Hotel. I want to stay at the Hilton Hotel. Ik heb een beetje advies nodig. I need a little advice. I need some advice. Sie hatten letzte Nacht Sex. They made love last night. They had sex last night. Tom hat Maria auf einen Drink ausgeführt. Tom took Mary out for a drink. Tom performed Maria on a drink. Tom gab dem Bettler etwas zu essen. Tom gave the beggar some food. Tom gave the betler something to eat. Du musst was schreiben. You have to write something. You have to write something. סאַלאַס האָט אויסגעמוטשעט אויסגעזען. Salas looked exhausted. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Können Leute wirklich so doof sein, zu glauben, dass die gesamte Bevölkerung Georgiens, die eine kaukasische Sprache spricht, die keinen Laut oder Buchstaben mit Englisch gemein hat, plötzlich innerhalb von zwei Jahren fließend Englisch sprechen kann? Can people really be as silly as to believe that the whole population of Georgia, which speaks a Caucasian language with no common sound or common letter with English, can suddenly be fluent in English within two years? Can people really be so deaf to believe that the whole population of Georgia, speaking a caucasian language that has no English meaning, can suddenly speak fluent English within two years? Tom war sich der Tragweite der Situation bewusst. Tom was aware of the gravity of the situation. Tom was aware of the extent of the situation. Es gibt einen schmalen Grat zwischen hilfreichen und zerstörerischen Ängsten. Aber es gibt einen solchen Grat, und unsere Aufgabe ist es, ihn zu finden und auf ihm zu gehen. There exists a fine line between helpful and destructive fears. But there is a line. Our job is to find it and walk it. There is a narrow grass between helpful and destructive fears, but there is such a grass, and our task is to find it and go on it. He is nich wies, aver plietsch. He is not wise but clever. He is not wise, but pious. Hij is gestorven op de leeftijd van 70 jaar. He died at the age of 70. He died at the age of 70. Ich dachte, sie würden dich nicht mögen. I thought they wouldn't like you. I thought they wouldn't like you. Ons het baie vriende in Tokyo om by te kuier. We have many friends to visit in Tokyo. We have a lot of friends in Tokyo to visit. Tom wusste, dass Mary das wahrscheinlich nicht tun würde. Tom knew Mary wasn't likely to do that. Tom knew that Mary would probably not do that. Tom und Maria wurde klar, dass sie kaum genug Zeit hatten, das Nötigste zu erledigen. Tom and Mary realized they barely had enough time to do what needed to be done. Tom and Maria realized that they had little time to do the most necessary. Danke, mir gaats guet. Thanks, I'm fine. Thank you, I'm good. Ich esse überhaupt kein Schweinefleisch. I don't eat pork at all. I don't eat pork at all. Layla heur man is ien Egypte. Layla's husband is in Egypt. Layla heur man is one Egypt. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich ohne dich dazu in der Lage bin. I don't think I can do this without you. I don't think I'm able to do that without you. De deur sluit automatisch na het buitengaan. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door automatically closes after the exit. Ist das alles, was du sagen willst? Is that all you want to say? Is that all you want to say? Dieser Baum wurde von meinem Vater gepflanzt. This tree was planted by my father. This tree was planted by my father. Moarns let, de hiele dei let. If you are late in the morning, you will be late the whole day. Mornings late, all day late. Ik moet voor morgenmiddag om 2:30 uur in Boston zijn. I've got to be in Boston by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. I have to be in Boston at 2:30 in the morning. Tom heeft een tijger gedood. Tom killed a tiger. Tom killed a tiger. Mijn grootvader had een brailleboek over Esperanto en Ido. My grandfather had a braille book about Esperanto and Ido. My grandfather had a braille book about Falun and Ido. Tom lijkt gelukkig. Tom appears to be happy. Tom looks happy. Daar is waarskynlik 'n maklike oplossing vir dir probleem. There is probably an easy solution to the problem. There is an easy solution to your problem. Dieses Radio ist defekt. This radio is out of order. This radio is defective. Ik heb gekeken, maar niets gezien. I looked, but I didn't see anything. I looked, but I didn't see anything. Du schaust ständig fern. You're always watching TV. You're constantly looking far. Wir haben es damit nicht eilig. We aren't in any hurry to do that. We're not part of it. Te veel jonge meisjes hongeren zichzelf uit om er als de modellen in tijdschriften uit te zien. Too many young girls are starving themselves to look like the models they see in magazines. Too many young girls hunger for themselves to look like the models in magazines. Mary ist nicht zu Hause. Mary's not at home. Mary is not at home. Lasst uns essen gehen. Let's go to eat. Let's eat. דו ביסט אַן עטיאָפּיערין? Are you Ethiopian? Do you have a hairdresser eye? Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass Tom das getan hat. I never thought Tom did that. I never thought Tom had done that. איך האָב אים פֿאַרגעסן צו שרײַבן. I forgot to write him. How do you know if Peter was a writer? Ich kenne hier niemanden außer dir. I don't know anyone here besides you. I don't know anyone here except you. Het is tijd om te gaan voor ons. It's time for us to go. It's time to go for us. Eet Schiet — Milljonen Flegen köönt nich verkehrt liggen. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat shooting — Millions of flights cannot be wrong. Ik ben maar één werkdag weggeweest vanwege een verkoudheid en er liggen stapels papier op mijn bureau. I only missed one day of work because of a cold and my desk is piled high with papers. I just lost one working day because of a cold and there are piles of paper on my desk. Aubergine, worrel, temoat. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Aubergine, worrel, temoat. Wat wullt du geern eten? What would you like to eat? What are you going to eat? Mag ik misschien een kopje koffie? Would it be possible for me to get a cup of coffee? Can I have a cup of coffee? Ek skrik nie maklik nie. I don't scare easily. I'm not scared easily. Warum färben sich die Leute die Haare? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people dye their hair? Tom is not an Englishman. Tom isn't an Englishman. Tom is not an Englishman. Sie hat schlechte Laune. She is in a bad mood. She has a bad mood. Ek het van hulle vergeet. I forgot about them. I forgot about them. Du hörst dich wie mein Ex an. You sound like my ex. You hear like my ex. רעדסטו טאַגאַלאָג? Do you speak Tagalog? Angry Tedgary? Mein ganzer Tag war voller Überraschungen. My whole day was full of surprises. My day was full of surprises. Was betrübt dich? What is making you sad? What's wrong with you? Ik laat het praten aan jou over. I'm leaving the talking to you. I'll let you talk to me. Ich habe es heute eilig. I'm in a hurry today. I'm proud of it today. Es ist viel wärmer geworden. It has become much warmer. It has become much warmer. Waar wordt er Nederlands gesproken? Where do they speak Dutch? Where is the Dutch spoken? Nichts kann uns mehr stoppen. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing can stop us anymore. Ihr habt drei Kinder. You've got three kids. You have three children. Se catt is blæc. The cat is black. It cat is blæc. De Hitt vondaag is gresig. The heat is terrible today. The heat today is gruesome. Er tat, was ihm gesagt wurde. He did what he was told. He did what he was told. As binnen bist, komst der nait meer oet. Once you're in, you can't get out. If you're inside, you'll get more out of the night. Gehörte die Brille, die du gefunden hast, Tom? Did the glasses you found belong to Tom? Did you hear the glasses you found, Tom? Dat Baby hett en nüüdlich Gesicht. The baby has a cute face. The baby has a new face. Tom ist sehr wahrscheinlich spät dran. Tom is very likely to be late. Tom is probably late. Jist rare. Just fine. Just weird. Gibt es Platz für mein Gepäck? Is there any space for my luggage? Is there room for my luggage? Maakt u zich geen zorgen over mij. Don't you worry about me. Don't worry about me. Müssen wir Tom helfen? Do we have to help Tom? Should we help Tom? Tom spricht ebenso gut Englisch wie ihr. Tom speaks English just as well as you guys. Tom speaks English as well as her. מיין ברודער איז יעצט אין אסטראליע. My brother is now in Australia. Immigrants will not work on Astralyte. זײַן ענטפֿער איז געווען לאַקאָניש. His answer was laconic. I'm sure I'll be surprised if I'm in a bad mood. Ist der Laden geöffnet? Is the store open? Is the store open? Ze wassen hun handen met zeep. They wash their hands with soap. They wash their hands with soap. Sy het die ligte afgeskakel. She turned off the lights. She turned off the lights. Maria fehlt das Lehrmaterial, das sie für einen guten Unterricht benötigt. Mary lacks the teaching materials she needs to give a decent class. Maria lacks the teaching material she needs for a good lesson. Tom konnte damals kaum Französisch. Tom didn't speak much French back then. Tom could hardly be French at the time. Ze spraken een taal die ik niet kende. They were speaking a language that I didn't recognize. They spoke a language I didn't know. Tom behauptete, Mary hätte auf ihn geschossen. Tom claimed that Mary shot him. Tom claimed that Mary had shot him. טאָם האָט נישט געגעסן. Tom hasn't eaten. Twilights are pissed off. Ik will nix mehr von dien Gejabbel hören. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining. I don't want to hear any more of that shit. Zeit ist relativ: manchmal fliegt sie dahin wie ein Vogel; manchmal schleicht sie daher wie eine Schnecke. Time is relative; sometimes it flies like a bird, sometimes it drags like a slug. Time is relative: sometimes it flies to it like a bird; sometimes it wears like a snout. Ich habe Heißhunger auf Kekse. I really want some biscuits. I'm hungry for cookies. Is deze zitplaats vrij? Is this seat free? Is this seat free? Dat is geweldig! That's great! That's great! Ich höre dich sagen „Warum?“. Immer „Warum?“. Du siehst Dinge und du sagst „Warum?“. Aber ich träume Dinge, die niemals waren und ich sage „Warum nicht?“. I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" I hear you say “Why?”. Always “Why?”. You see things and you say “Why?”. But I dream things that were never and I say “Why not?” Maria hat ihren Regenschirm verloren. Marie has lost her umbrella. Maria lost her umbrella. Ik hoop dat de nevel spoedig zal opklaren. I hope the fog will go away soon. I hope the fog will clear up soon. An whaur's ma camera? And where's my camera? Where's my camera? Tom bood Maria een drankje aan. Tom offered a drink to Mary. Tom offered Maria a drink. פֿאַראַן דאָ אַ כּהן? Is anyone here a cohen? Do you think Philip is a fan of them? Diesmal seid ihr zu weit gegangen! This time, you've crossed the line! This time you went too far! S Mäitli isch schöön. The girl is beautiful. It is beautiful. Ich könnte ihr nicht in die Augen sehen. I couldn't look her in the eye. I couldn't see her in her eyes. Het wordt minder. It's abating. It's going to be less. Ik wil graag een afspraak met Dr. King maken. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. King. I would like to make an appointment with Dr. King. Na alle moeite die we ervoor gedaan hebben om dat project op poten te zetten, kostte het ze maar een seconde het onderuit te halen bij de bijeenkomst. After all the trouble we went to in coming up with that project, it only took them a second to shoot it down in the meeting. After all the effort we made to put that project to the fore, it took them only a second to get it down at the meeting. Der Zug fuhr mit Getöse durch den Tunnel. The train roared through the tunnel. The train passed through the tunnel with bags. De twee vijanden stonden oog in oog. The two enemies were face to face. The two enemies were in the eye. Sami schoot de beer dood. Sami shot the bear dead. Sami shot the bear dead. Oslo ist die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt Norwegens. Oslo is the most populous city in Norway. Oslo is the most populated city in Norway. Hilfe! Help! Help! Was hat er bei dir im Zimmer gemacht? What was he doing in your room? What did he do with you in the room? Während ich auf die Straßenbahn wartete, wurde ich Zeuge eines Verkehrsunfalls. While I was waiting for the streetcar, I witnessed a traffic accident. While I was waiting for the tram, I became a witness to a traffic case. Wi sünd na Russland gahn. We went to Russia. We went to Russia. Es begann zu schneien. It started to snow. It started snowing. Dit is nou my huis. This is my home now. This is my house. Was sind Si vo Prueff? What is your occupation? What are the reasons for the testimonial? Was werdet ihr bezüglich Tom unternehmen? What are you going to do about Tom? What will you do about Tom? טאָם טראָגט אַ היטל. Tom is wearing a cap. Terrorism is a goddamn thing. Diese Küche ist geeignet, den Geist von Paris zu beschwören. This cuisine is seasoned to evoke the esprit of Paris. This kitchen is suitable to swear the spirit of Paris. Schau mal! Der Zug ist da! Look! The train has arrived! Look! The train is here! Tom ging vor dem Frühstück spazieren. Tom went for a walk before breakfast. Tom walked before breakfast. Sie spielt Klavier ohne Noten. She plays piano by ear. She plays piano without notes. Das iPhone ist ein außergewöhnliches Handy. The iPhone is an extraordinary cell phone. The iPhone is an extraordinary mobile phone. Er übernachtet bei seinem Onkel. He's staying with his uncle. He stays with his uncle. Woher kennt ihr meine Frau? How do you know my wife? How do you know my wife? Tom is ongeduldig, niet? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Tom's impatient, isn't he? Seht her! Jetzt bin ich der Kapitän! Look at me. I am the captain now. Now I'm the captain! Hett Tom versproken, us to helpen? Has Tom promised to help us? Did Tom promise to help us? Je gok is bijna goed. Your guess is almost right. Your bet is almost fine. Drinkt dien Kinner Melk? Do your children drink milk? Does your child drink milk? Zou u geïnteresseerd zijn om gratis Narcan te krijgen bij uw ontslag? Would you be interested in receiving Narcan for free upon discharge? Would you be interested in getting free Narcan on your resignation? Tom wird jetzt vermutlich keinen Hunger haben. Tom is probably not hungry right now. Tom will probably not be hungry now. פֿאַראַלגעמיינערונגען זענען אַלעמאָל נישט ריכטיק. Generalizations are always wrong. I’m not sure I’m going to tell you, Peter, I’m going to give you a smoldering look. Ich gehe jeden zweiten Tag essen. I go to a restaurant every other day. I'm going to eat every second day. Sie erklärt die Dinge einfach und klar. She explains things simply and clearly. She explains things simply and clearly. Tom machte ein Omelette. Tom made an omelette. Tom made an omelette. Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom gerade wohnt. I don't know where Tom is staying. I don't know where Tom lives. Blief oamen. Keep breathing. Please stay oams. Er stahl das Geld. He stole the money. He stole the money. Teken twee kaarten. Draw two cards. Draw two cards. Tom wil het niet uitmaken met Mary. Tom doesn't want to break up with Mary. Tom doesn't want to make it with Mary. Geef me uw naam en telefoonnummer. Please tell me your name and telephone number. Give me your name and phone number. Tom hod has gemaald. Tom painted this. Tom Hod has been maimed. מיר האָבן געמאַכט קוסקוס און ס'איז מלא־טעם. We made couscous and it's delicious. Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan is full-fledged. Ik bün bloot för teihn Minuten online wesen. I've only been online for ten minutes. I'm just going to be online for ten minutes. איין בייגל, זײַט אַזוי גוט. One bagel, please. Mr. Bieber, you are a gourmet. Hier komt bus. Here comes the bus. This is where the bus comes in. Vind je dit meisje leuk? Do you like this girl? Do you like this girl? Der Apfel ist nicht grün. The apple is not green. The apple is not green. Hest witlook eten? Did you eat garlic? Has Whitelook eaten? Hij is de oudste. He is the eldest. He's the oldest. Das sind Bärenspuren. These are bear tracks. These are bear traces. Argentinië, Chili, Uruguay, Paraguay en Zuid-Brazilië maken deel uit van de Zuidkegel. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil are part of the Southern Cone. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and South Brazil are part of the South cone. Ze zal daar nooit over spreken. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about it. Het was een verschrikkelijke dag. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Wat is uw sterrenbeeld? What's your zodiac sign? What is your constellation? Du würdest Tom mögen. You'd like Tom. You would like Tom. Is dit warm daarso? Is it hot over there? Is it hot that way? Séamas Mhicí Sheáin is vergangen Johr doodbleven. Séamas Mhicí Sheáin died last year. Séamas Mhicí Sheáin died last year. Tom oefent drie uur per dag op de piano. Tom practices the piano three hours a day. Tom exercises three hours a day on the piano. Ich freue mich, dass du bleibst! I'm glad you're staying. I'm glad you stayed! Danke, dass du auf Tom aufpasst. Thanks for watching Tom. Thank you for watching Tom. Man sollte niemanden nach seinem Äußeren beurteilen. You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. No one should be judged after his release. Elisabeth war Tränengas ausgesetzt. Elizabeth got maced. Elizabeth was exposed to tear gas. Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain. I can't explain. Sy het my vertel hoe verkeerd dit was om te steel. She told me how it was wrong to steal. She told me how wrong it was to steal. Sami droug n tulbaand. Sami was wearing a turban. Sami wears a tortoise. Regent het in jouw stad? Is it raining in your city? Is it raining in your city? Stuur versterking. Send reinforcements! Send reinforcement. Warna, þā dura nū lūcaþ! Caution, the doors are now closing! Warna, hā dura nū lūcó! Ich brauche nur mehr Zeit mit Tom. I just need more time with Tom. I just need more time with Tom. Deze boeken zijn toegankelijk voor alle studenten. These books are accessible to all students. These books are accessible to all students. Was willst du dagegen tun? What do you want to do about it? What do you want to do about it? Mijn ogen zijn een oceaan waarin mijn dromen weerspiegelen. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams reflect. Tom heeft de geheugen van een goudvis. Tom has the memory of a gold fish. Tom has the memory of a goldfish. Die Krähe flog weg. The crow flew away. The crow flew away. Ik kan niet zien zonder mijn bril. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Is dit uw pet? Is this your cap? Is this your pet? Warum haben Sie nicht gefrühstückt? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Vertaal dit voor me alsjeblieft. Please translate this for me. Please translate this for me. Een tumor van de hypofyse kan hypopituïtarisme veroorzaken. A tumor of the pituitary gland can cause hypopituitarism. A tumor of the hypophysis can cause hypopituitarianism. Tom zegt dat hij nooit sushi heeft gegeten. Tom says he's never eaten sushi. Tom says he never ate sushi. De twee mannen hebben een persoonlijk gesprek gehouden. Two men met face to face. The two men had a personal conversation. Ich kann dir nicht helfen, weil ich zu sehr mit Nichtstun beschäftigt bin. I can't help you because I'm too busy doing nothing. I can't help you because I'm too busy with nonstun. Noch mehr Kaffe, bitte. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. Tatoeba ist eine Gemeinschaft. Tatoeba is a community. Tatoeba is a community. Sommige mensen zijn mooi. Some people are beautiful. Some people are beautiful. Bist-du graad uffgewach? Did you just wake up? Bet-du degree effgage? Een jongen is een mannelijk kind. A boy is a male child. A boy is a male child. Holzauge sei wachsam! Keep your eyes peeled! Wooden eyes are waxing! Kom jij van een planeet waar alleen vrouwen wonen? Are you from a planet on which only women live? Do you come from a planet where only women live? Bent u allergisch voor bepaalde voedingsmiddelen? Are you allergic to any foods? Are you allergic to certain foods? Ik heff keen Geld. I have no money. I don't have any money. Da sie nicht gewonnen hatte, fing Maria an zu schmollen. Since she didn't win, Mary started sulking. Because she didn't win, Maria began smoldering. Er waren veel islamitische kinderen op de school waar Sami naartoe ging. There were lots of Muslim kids at the school Sami attended. There were many Islamic children at the school where Sami went. Ze is beroemd, zowel in Japan als in Amerika. She is well known both in Japan and in America. She is famous, both in Japan and in America. Das ist kaputt. This is broken. That's broken. Es haben nicht viele die Vorlesung besucht. Not many people attended the lecture. Not many attended the lecture. Das Marathi-Alphabet besteht aus 11 Vokalen und 36 Konsonanten. The Marathi alphabet consists of 11 vowels and 36 consonants. The Marathi alphabet consists of 11 vowels and 36 consonants. Ek drink water. I drink water. I drink water. Hij is er trots op dat zijn vader een groot wetenschapper was. He is proud that his father was a great scientist. He is proud that his father was a great scientist. דו זאָלסט נישט נואפֿן. You shall not commit adultery. Mr. Gossip has given up on us. Sie ist bereit zu gehen. She's ready to go. She's ready to go. Als Tom u dat zag doen, zou hij beginnen te wenen. If Tom saw you doing that, he'd cry. If Tom saw you, he would start to win. Tom is vorig jaar overleden. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Tom kauft sich ein Elektroauto. Tom is buying himself an electric car. Tom buys an electric car. Die letzte Person, der ich meine Idee erzählt habe, dachte, ich wäre bekloppt. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person I told my idea thought I was clumsy. Een enkele straal zonlicht scheen door een spleet in het gesloten raam. A single ray of sunlight shone through a chink in the shuttered window. A single beam of sunlight appeared through a split in the closed window. Ik kleed me aan direct nadat ik heb ontbeten. I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I'm dressed up immediately after I've been out of bed. Is jy seker jy wil nie daai doen nie? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don’t want to do that? Die idee is omstreden. This idea is controversial. The idea is controversial. Ich habe das Auto beschleunigt und dann ging das mit dem Überholen. I accelerated my car and then I overtook them. I speeded up the car and then went over it. We horen met onze oren. We hear with our ears. We hear with our ears. We kozen een hotel dichtbij de musea. We chose a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel close to the museums. Dizze stevels binnen duur. These boots are expensive. These boots are inside expensive. Er is plaats voor iedereen. There's room for everybody. There's room for everyone. Mōnandæᵹ, Tīƿesdæᵹ, Ƿōdnesdæᵹ, Ðunresdæᵹ, Frīᵹedæᵹ, Sæternesdæᵹ, and Sunnandaᵹ sind seofan þāra daga ƿice. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Mōnandæ-, Tī satisfysdæ-, éjōdnesdæ-, éunresdæ-, Frī-edæ-, Stäternesdæ-, and éjedda- are seofan thāra daga éice. De Born is dröögfullen. The well ran dry. The source is worn-out. Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Talking is silver, silence is gold. Dit Auto is swart. This car is black. This car is black. Tom hat mich gebaut. Tom built me. Tom has built me. Wat is dien leevst Steernteken? What's your favorite constellation? What is your favorite star sign? זי האָט אַלץ איבערגעזעצט פֿאַר מיר. She translated everything for me. I'm sure I'll give you a look at Peter Mitch. Ik kom út Singapore. I'm from Singapore. I'm coming from Singapore. De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. מײַן קאַץ האַווקעט. My cat barks. From a cat's mouth. כ׳בין נישט קיין כּופֿר. I'm not an unbeliever. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. איר זענט אויסלענדער. You're foreigners. Irritated Irritated. דאָס איז אַ גרויסע פּראָבלעם. That's a serious problem. Das Eiss will be in trouble. Maria konnte ihr Versprechen nicht halten. Mary failed to keep her promise. Mary could not keep her promise. Ik breng u naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Unser Schuldirektor ist Kanadier. Our school principal is a Canadian. Our school director is Canadian. טאָם איז גראָד איצט אין גאָרטן. Tom is in the garden at the moment. Mr. Griffiths, you don’t have a problem. Solange ich lebe, erzähle niemandem davon! As long as I live, do not tell anyone about it! As long as I live, don't tell anyone about it! Houdt u van gummiberen? Do you like gummy bears? Do you like gumbees? Dein Teller ist noch nicht leer. There's still food on your plate. Your counter is not empty yet. Dat heeft ze me gisteren verteld. She told me yesterday. She told me yesterday. Mien Katt is güstern doodbleven. My cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Tom fand seine Brille nicht. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Tom didn't find his glasses. Wie viele Finger halte ich hoch? How many fingers am I holding up? How many fingers do I hold up? זי איז נישט משוגע געוואָרן. She hasn't gone mad. Iris is crazy. Gifft dat hier en Telefoon? Is there a telephone here? Is there a phone here? Amerikaners eet veel Fleesch. Americans eat a lot of meat. Americans eat a lot of meat. Waarom bespreken we dat niet met Tom? Why don't we discuss that with Tom? Why don't we discuss this with Tom? Ik kan tegen een rommelig huis, maar ik houd er niet van als het vies is. I can put up with a house being untidy, but I don't like it to be dirty. I can stand against a messy house, but I don't like it when it's dirty. Hai runt. He is running. Hai runs. Er war ein ganz Harter. He was a tough guy. He was a very hard man. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Tom darf das, Maria aber darf das nicht. Tom is permitted to do that, but Mary isn't. Tom is allowed to do this, but Maria is not allowed to do it. Tom hat dir geglaubt. Tom believed you. Tom believed you. „Ich habe Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber.“ – „Hast du jemanden geküsst?“ "I've got mono." "Did you kiss someone?" “I have Pheiffersche’s rabbit fever.” — “Did you kiss someone?” Ab der nächsten Woche habe ich Spätschicht. Starting next week, I'll be on the late shift. From the next week, I have a late layer. Ik hou van warme chocolademelk. I like hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate milk. Er hat nicht weniger als dreihundert Bücher. He has no less than three hundred books. He has no less than three hundred books. Tom gaat graag naar Italiaanse restaurants. Tom loves going to Italian restaurants. Tom likes to go to Italian restaurants. Er küsste mich, woraufhin ich ihm eine Ohrfeige gab. He kissed me and then I slapped him. He kissed me, to which I gave him an earfuck. Heeft er iemand een oplader voor een iPhone? Does anybody have an iPhone charger? Does anyone have a charger for an iPhone? Manchmal ist er ein Blödmann. He's an idiot sometimes. Sometimes he's a leadman. Ihr habt mich nicht verstanden. Ich meinte etwas anderes. You didn't understand me. I meant something else. You didn't understand me, I mean something else. Houd vol! Hang in there! Hold on! Das Schluss wurde ausgetauscht. The lock has been changed. The end was replaced. Wann findet die nächste Fußballweltmeisterschaft statt? When does the next World Cup take place? When will the next World Football Championship take place? Auch in armen Ländern lebt ein Teil der Bevölkerung verhältnismäßig gut. Even in poor countries, there live some people who live relatively well. Even in poor countries, some of the population lives relatively well. Duudlek. Obviously. Darklek. Zuik n lege flèze en vul t mit wotter. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Add an empty bottle and fill t with water. Wij zijn rokers. We're smokers. We're smokers. Sie sind auch eine schöne Blondine. You are also a beautiful blonde. They are also a beautiful Blonde. De zee was spiegelglad. The sea was glassy. The sea was mirrored. Ich war derjenige, der das Geschirr gespült hat. I was the one who washed the dishes. I was the one who washed the dishes. Ič ne cnēƿ, þe hē þǣr ƿæs. I didn't know that he was there. Ič ne cnē... [00:04:00] [00:00:00] [00:00:00:00] [00:00:00:00] [00:00:00] Ik will nich, dat Tom na Australien tücht. I don't want Tom to move to Australia. I don't want Tom to move to Australia. Wer bringt dir Deutsch bei? Who teaches you German? Who brings you German? Wie seid ihr an diese seltenen Bücher gekommen? How did you come by those rare books? How did you get to these rare books? Is dit uw eerste keer in de gevangenis? Is this your first time in jail? Is this your first time in prison? Kein Kind sollte zurückgelassen werden. No child should be left behind. No child should be left behind. Ons het baie hieroor gepraat. We've talked a lot about this. We talked a lot about it. De mensen vochten over de bevoorradingen. People fought over supplies. The people fought over the supplies. דאָס טעפּל איז שוואַרץ און ווײַס. The cup is black and white. Mr. Dale, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Sweeney. Bent u ooit behandeld voor een blaasontsteking? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever been treated for an inflammation? Du solltest meinen Rat annehmen. You should take my advice. You should accept my advice. Wiens schuld was dat? Whose fault was that? Whose fault was that? Ik leer. I'm learning. I'm learning. Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Hij spaart elke maand geld. He puts aside some money every month. He saves money every month. Maria woont in Helsinki. Maria lives in Helsinki. Maria lives in Helsinki. Ois ond drei send ôgrade Zåhlå. One and three are odd numbers. Below are three categories of ôgrade Zåhlå. Ich lese sehr gerne Bücher. I love reading books. I love reading books. Niet nodig dat je opstaat. You need not stand up. You don't need to get up. Vanmiddag ga ik met Naoko spelen. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. I'm going to play with Naoko this afternoon. Jullie waren echt goed. You guys were really good. You were really good. Die Steigerung der Verkäufe war der Schwerpunkt der Teambesprechung. The increase in sales was the focal point of the team meeting. The increase in sales was the focus of the team meeting. Ich ging in eine Falle. I walked into a trap. I went into a trap. So was machen wir nicht gern. That's not the sort of thing we like to do. So what we don't like to do. Tom ging mit Maria in eine Disko. Tom took Mary to a nightclub. Tom went to a disco with Maria. Hoe geleerd hij ook is, hij is niet te vertrouwen. Scholarly as he is, he can't be relied on. No matter how learned he is, he is not to be trusted. Weil er nicht schlafen konnte, stand Tom auf und ging in die Küche, um sich etwas zu essen zu holen. Tom couldn't get to sleep, so he got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Because he couldn't sleep, Tom got up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Tom waar kanonefoll. Tom was sloshed. Tom, where canonefoll. Warum schalten wir den Fernseher nicht aus? Why don't we turn the TV off? Why don't we turn off the TV? Ich mache zu viele Fehler. I am making too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Ich werde es nie jemandem erzählen. I will never tell it to anybody. I'll never tell anyone. Wir machten das Beste aus unserem kleinen Zimmer. We made the best of our small room. We made the best of our small room. Mook to! Ik heff nich den ganzen Dag Tiet. Make it quick, will you? I haven't got all day. Mook to! I don't have time all day. Willen jullie een glas sinaasappelsap? Do you want a glass of orange juice? Do you want a glass of orange juice? Tom würde das tun. Tom would do that. Tom would do that. Tom und Maria hielten an und nahmen einen Autostopper mit. Tom and Mary stopped and picked up a hitchhiker. Tom and Maria stopped and took a car stop. Ech iessen all Dag Uebst. I eat fruit every day. Every day, I have to work hard. טאָם איז אַן אַלטער מאַטראָס. Tom's an old sea dog. Immediately, I am sorry to hear that Irritus is in trouble. Niet springen! Don't jump! Don't jump! Sobald Sie soweit sind, rufen Sie! Phone as soon as you're ready. As soon as you can, call! Tom und Maria zogen sich ihre Fellwesenanzüge an und wurden zu Ryō und Rin, einem Hund und einer Füchsin. Tom and Mary put on their fursuits and turned into Ryō and Rin, a dog and a vixen. Tom and Maria wore their fur coats and became Ryō and Rin, a dog and a fox. Tom zei dat Mary ermee had ingestemd om dat te doen. Tom said that Mary agreed to do that. Tom said Mary agreed to do so. Ik kan je niet dwingen om te getuigen. I can't force you to testify. I can't force you to witness. Heb geen angst. Je gaat de woorden in het Portugees gewoon worden en vloeiend spreken. Don't be scared. You will get accustomed to words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Don't be afraid, you're going to just get the words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Tom klang beschäftigt. Tom sounded busy. Tom is busy. Tom probeerde het ijs te breken. Tom tried to break the ice. Tom tried to break the ice. Wat studeer je? What are you studying? What are you studying? Sie hat ihm nie zurückgeschrieben. She never wrote him back. She never wrote him back. Hier? Here? - Here? Toms Haus hat einen Rauchfang. Tom's house has a chimney. Tom's house has a smoker catch. Je bent niet dun. You are not thin. You're not thin. Wenn ich das Problem bemerkt hätte, dann hätte ich es euch gesagt. If I'd noticed the problem, I would've told you. If I had noticed the problem, I would have told you. Verkopen jullie deze lampen? Are you selling these lamps? Are you selling these lamps? Ben je daar vaak geweest? Were you there often? Have you been there a lot? Er wordt vaak verwezen naar het werk van Feuerbach. The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to. Often referred to as the work of Feuerbach. Ich werde das Mädchen einstellen, weil sie Französisch kann. I will employ the girl, because she can speak French. I'm going to set up the girl because she can be French. k Wil n moslim wezen. I want to be a Muslim. I want to be a Muslim. Ek het verkoue gekry. I caught a cold. I got cold. Jü heer fuul Gidüür. She has a lot of patience. Mr. Ful Gidür. „Dürfen wir Ihnen einige Fragen stellen?“ – „Schießen Sie los!“ "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" "Ask away." “Could we ask you some questions?” — “Depart!” Een voldane blik verscheen op zijn gezicht. A look of contentment appeared on his face. A full look appeared on his face. Ze hebben het hek groen geverfd. They painted the fence green. They painted the gate green. Ariel mag Milchreis. Ariel likes rice pudding. Ariel likes milk travel. Tom legte seinen Arm um die junge Frau. Tom put his arm around the young woman. Tom put his arm around the young woman. Kanntest du Tom? Did you know Tom? Can you test Tom? ווען איז מוטערטאָג? When's Mother's Day? Do you have an ice-collar? Tom konstruiert menschenähnliche Roboter. Tom designs human-like robots. Tom constructs human-like robots. Bist du letztes Wochenende angeln gewesen? Did you go fishing last weekend? Have you been an angel last weekend? Tom wurde sehr neugierig. Tom became very curious. Tom became very curious. Ich glaube, Tom starb am zwanzigsten Oktober. I think Tom died on October twentieth. I think Tom died on the twentieth of October. Zai wacht. She is waiting. Zai is waiting. Es regnet nicht, es schneit. It doesn't rain, it snows. It doesn't rain, it snows. Ich hoffe, es regnet kommenden Montag nicht. I hope it doesn't rain next Monday. I hope it won't rain Monday. Ek het vir haar 'n nuwe motor gekoop. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Ik kende jullie broer. I knew your brother. I knew your brother. Düt is keen Satz. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. Tom war als Kind schüchtern. Tom was timid when he was a child. Tom was shy as a child. Ich glaube, sie haben uns gesehen. I think they saw us. I think they saw us. Hē ƿæs gōd cyning. He was a good king. Hē . . . gōd cyching. Niemand weet wat er van Tom geworden is. No one knows what's become of Tom. No one knows what happened to Tom. Tom sah sehr müde aus, als ich ihn gestern sah. Tom looked very tired when I saw him yesterday. Tom looked very tired when I saw him yesterday. Sei freundlich zu den Leuten um dich herum! Be kind to those around you. Be kind to the people around you! Der Bus hält nahe an der Bibliothek. The bus stops near the library. The bus is close to the library. Der Bauernhof grenzt an die Straße. The farm abuts on the road. The farm is bordered by the road. Ik heb weinig verbeeldingskracht. I have a bad imagination. I have little imagination. De man droeg een tijgermasker. That man was wearing a tiger mask. The man wore a tiger mask. Ich lebe hier schon viele Jahre. I've been living here for many years. I have lived here for many years. Wi hebbt dat Speel wunnen. We won the match. We have won the game. Dat is hier noch krekt as ehrtieds. It's still just as before here. It's still right here as early as possible. Tom repariert gerade seinen Wagen. Tom is fixing his car. Tom just repairs his car. Wanneer is het voorbij? When does it finish? When's it over? Der Kapitän ist noch nicht an Bord des Schiffes. The captain has not yet boarded the ship. The captain is not yet on board the ship. Tom ist jetzt allein. Tom is now alone. Tom is now alone. De vis was heerlijk. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. Ich erfuhr davon erst gestern. Not until yesterday did I know about it. I only learned about it yesterday. Bleiben wir doch zu Hause und sehen fern! Why don't we stay home and watch TV? Let's stay home and see far away! Ich kann den Rosmarin nicht finden. I can't find the rosemary. I can't find the Rosmarin. Tik je naam in, alsjeblief. Please type your name. Enter your name, please. Der kleine Junge ging im Wald verloren. The little boy was lost in the forest. The little boy was lost in the forest. Ik vind treinen leuk. I like trains. I like trains. כ׳האָב ליב מײַן געליבטע. I love my partner. The heart of a man is overwhelmed. Ik hou niet van sinaasappelsap. I don't like orange juice. I don't like orange juice. Ich denke, Tom mag mich. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom likes me. Mijn moeder heeft een kerstcake voor me gemaakt. My mother made me a Christmas cake. My mother made a Christmas cake for me. Im Laufe eines Tages kann viel passieren. A lot can happen in a day. Over the course of a day, a lot can happen. Tom ging nach dem Abendessen spazieren. Tom went for a walk after dinner. Tom walked after dinner. Tom kritzelte auf einem Blatt Papier herum, während er mit Maria sprach. Tom doodled on a piece of paper as he talked to Mary. Tom criticized on a sheet of paper while talking to Maria. מיש זיך אַרויס! Butt out! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ek wonder wat het van Tom geword. I wonder what became of Tom. I wonder what happened to Tom. Televisie kan een belangrijke cultuurbron zijn en haar schooluitzendingen staan in veel scholen hoog aangeschreven. Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools. Television can be an important source of culture and its school broadcasts are highly acclaimed in many schools. Is er hier een busroute? Is there a bus route here? Is there a bus route here? Maria wurde gegen ihren Willen verheiratet. Maria got married unwillingly. Mary was married to her will. דו קענסט נישט אָפּלייקענען דעם אמת. You can't deny the truth. In the end, D.C.C. announced the truth of the truth. Tom was degene die mij het verhaal vertelde. Tom was the one who told me the story. Tom was the one who told me the story. Mien Telefoon weer kaputt. My phone was out of order. My phone was broken. Wanneer komt hij terug? When is he coming back? When does he come back? Wir stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand. We have our backs to the wall. We stand with the back to the wall. Ohne fremde Hilfe würde Tom das nicht schaffen. Tom wouldn't be able to do that without someone's help. Without help, Tom wouldn’t do that. Er zijn nog drie koekjes over op het bord. There are three cookies left on the plate. There are three more cookies left on the board. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich morgen Zeit habe. I don't know if I'll have time tomorrow. I don't know if I have time tomorrow. Ich möchte das nicht. I don't want it. I don't want that. ער איז נישט נאָר קלוג, נאָר אויך הדרת־⁠פּנימדיק. He's not only smart, but handsome as well. I swear to God that I am a goddamn god, my God, and my God, my God. Tom isst gerne Kartoffelbrei mit Bratensoße. Tom likes mashed potatoes with gravy. Tom likes to eat potato broad with bread sauce. Ze is opgegroeid in de Duitse Democratische Republiek. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. Vertaal dit. Translate this. Translate it. Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer. Speak more slowly, please! Please slow down. Wij wonen in Noorwegen. We live in Norway. We live in Norway. Mit wem reist Tom? Who's Tom traveling with? With whom does Tom travel? Dat is dat Dümmste, wat ik mien Leevdag seggt heff. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've said about my day of living. Leider würden viele Leute Dinge glauben, die man ihnen per E-Mail sagt, die sie persönlich erzählt nicht plausibel finden würden. Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face. Unfortunately, many people would believe things that you tell them by e-mail that they personally tell would not find plausible. Woran erkenne ich, ob Tom mich liebt? How can I know whether Tom loves me? How do I know if Tom loves me? Velen Dank! Many thanks. Thank you so much! We moeten iets doen, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. Haben Sie Schmerzen beim Husten? Does it hurt when you cough? Do you have any pain in coughing? Ik werd rood. I turned red. I got red. Laat het maar aan Tom over. Leave it to Tom. Just leave it to Tom. Tom ist dort mit Maria und Johannes. Tom is in there with Mary and John. Tom is there with Mary and John. Mary is een egyptologe. Mary is an Egyptologist. Mary is an Egyptologist. Vielleicht hättest du das Tom nicht sagen sollen. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Maybe you shouldn't have said that to Tom. Vertue deine Zeit nicht in einer Beziehung, die zum Scheitern verurteilt ist! Don't waste your time in a dead-end relationship. Don’t waste your time in a relationship that has been condemned to fail! Ein jeder lächelte. Everyone smiled. Everyone smiled. Ich arbeite morgen den ganzen Tag. I'll be working all day tomorrow. I'm working all day tomorrow. Gelukkige Moedersdag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Zai binnen staark. They are strong. Zai is in trouble. Er wird mein Stellvertreter sein, während ich weg bin. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my deputy while I'm gone. Warum gehen wir nicht? Why don't we go? Why don't we go? Ikarus wollte hoch emporfliegen und kam dabei der Sonne zu nah: die wächsernen Flügel schmolzen, und Ikarus fiel, seinem Tod entgegen, ins Meer. Icarus tried to fly too high and flew too near to the sun. The wings of wax melted and Icarus fell to his death in the ocean. Ikarus wanted to fly high and came close to the sun: the adult wings melt, and Ikarus fell, his death, into the sea. Man wirbt oft mit Prominenten für Produkte. Celebrities are often used to promote products. It is often used with celebrities for products. Hier zijn je vrienden. Here are your friends. Here are your friends. צי האָסטו אַ פֿערדל - למשל, מאָלערײַ? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Jullie zouden best voorzichtiger zijn. You guys should be more careful. You'd be better careful. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז דו לעבסט? How many people know you're alive? 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Jullie zijn niet op tijd. You're not on time. You're not in time. Der französische Präsident geht nächsten Monat nach Japan. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The French President is going to Japan next month. Tom begrüßte die Gäste. Tom was welcoming the guests. Tom welcomed the guests. Ich habe angefangen, Esperanto zu lernen. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I've started to learn Esperanto. Heb je nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones? Dat is niet veilig. That isn't safe. That's not safe. Ein Mann, den ich nicht kannte, ging vor meinem Hause auf und ab. A man I didn't know was walking back and forth in front of my house. A man I didn't know went up and down in front of my house. Laten we het hopen. Let's hope so. Let's hope. Lucy is een Amerikaan. Lucy is American. Lucy is an American. Laat het ons kort houden. Let's make it brief. Let's keep it short. Zijn schilderijen zijn net echt. His paintings are quite lifelike. His paintings are real. k Hol van Tom. I love Tom. K Hol from Tom. Hij heeft tweeduizend Engelse woorden uit het hoofd geleerd. He memorized two thousand English words. He has learned two thousand English words from the head. Ich habe gehört, Tom spreche Französisch. I heard Tom speaks French. I've heard Tom speak French. Ik heff mien Frünnen verloren. I've lost my friends. I lost my friends. Ich fehle ihm und er fehlte mir. He misses me and I have missed him. I miss him and he's missing me. Heb je de laatste tijd borstpijn gehad? Have you had chest pain recently? Have you had breast pain in recent times? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. In welchem Monat sind Sie schwanger? How far along are you? What month are you pregnant? Hast du einen Käufer? Do you have a buyer? Do you have a buyer? Heer jü min Breev fingen? Has she received my letter? Lord, my brother? Ich glaube, mir wurde mein Koffer gestohlen. I think my suitcase was stolen. I think my suitcase was stolen. Was muss Ihrer Meinung nach geändert werden? What do you think needs to be changed? What do you think needs to be changed? Dat sünd nich miene Slötels. These aren't my keys. These are not my keys. Geweldig! Awesome! Great! Lehne dich nicht an die Mauer an! Don't lean against the wall. Do not lean on the wall. Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He worked all day. Gebruik je marihuana? Do you use marijuana? Do you use marijuana? Ik heb dit nooit gewild. I never wanted this. I never wanted this. He deed, wat se em seggt hebbt. He did what they told him. He did what they said to him. Seid ihr stolz auf eure Herkunft? Are you proud of where you come from? Are you proud of your origin? Tom stellte Maria mehrere Fragen. Tom asked Mary several questions. Tom asked Maria several questions. Tom schaut zu dir auf. Tom looks up to you. Tom is looking at you. Tom gab seinem Hund einen Knochen. Tom gave his dog a bone. Tom gave his dog a bone. He hett söven Söhns. He has seven sons. He has seven sons. Toms fursona is een vos genaamd Neon. Tom's fursona is a fox named Neon. Toms fursona is a vos called Neil. „אַ גוטע נאַכט, טאָם.” ― „אַ גוט יאָר, מערי.” "Good night, Tom." "Good night, Mary." “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Zijn jullie gelukkig? Are you guys happy? Are you happy? Wir müssen vor denen dort sein. We must get there before them. We have to be in front of those there. Tom wollte mit mir sprechen. Tom wanted to talk with me. Tom wanted to talk to me. Niet alles is voor geld te koop. Not everything can be bought with money. Not everything is for money for sale. Ich will nicht, dass Tom hiervon erfährt. I don't want Tom to know about this. I don't want Tom to know about this. Tom hätte achthaben müssen, Maria nicht vor allen Leuten zu küssen. Tom should have been careful not to kiss Marie in front of everyone. Tom would have had to pay attention to not kissing Mary before all people. טאָם דזשעקסאָן איז נישט קיין בעל־מלאָכה. Tom Jackson is a hack. Tom ibn ibn al - ibn al - ibn al - ibn al - ibn al - ibn al - narrated. Ich esse eine Banane. I am eating a banana. I ate a banana. Die spanische Partie (1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5) ist vielleicht die berühmteste und sicherlich eine der am besten untersuchten Zugfolgen. The Ruy López opening, also known as the Spanish opening (1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5), is perhaps the most famous and certainly one of the most studied lines of the game of chess. The Spanish match (1.e4 e5 2.'f3 'c6 3.'b5) is perhaps the most famous and certainly one of the most well-examined draw sequences. A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect with an army and flow. Ik wil dit echt. I really want this. I really want this. Bu Xiangzhi ist einer der talentiertesten chinesischen Großmeister. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grand Masters. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese grandmasters. Spiel mir Chopin. Play Chopin for me. Play me Chopin. Neemt u spice of K2? Do you use spice or K2? Do you take Spice or K2? Hij is zijn potlood kwijt. He lost his pencil. He's lost his pencil. Zou ik eens kort met u onder vier ogen kunnen spreken? Can I talk to you in private for a minute? Would I be able to speak to you briefly under four eyes? Gefällt Ihnen diese Handtasche? Do you like this purse? Do you like this handbag? Er kommt jeden Moment. He will be here any moment. He's coming every moment. Er hat Manieren. He has manners. He has manners. Er schaute einen schwedischen Film. He watched the Swedish film. He was watching a Swedish film. Gerechtigheid en vriendelijkheid zijn deugden. Justice and kindness are virtues. Justice and kindness are virtues. Wat is er voor nodig? What will it take? What's needed? Tom spielt in einem der örtlichen Orchester Cello. Tom plays the cello with one of the local orchestras. Tom plays in one of the local orchestra cello. Ga toch iemand anders kussen! Go kiss someone else. Go and kiss someone else! Wer ist Peter? Who is Peter? Who is Peter? Mein Vater kocht oft. My father often cooks. My father often bought. Diese Schildkröte ist sehr alt. This turtle is really old. This turtle is very old. Ben je ooit behandeld voor chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever been treated for chlamydia? Ik kunn mien Ohren kuum glöven, as ik de Narichten höört heff. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news. I could believe my ears if I heard the news. Is dit echt wat zij wil? Is this really what she wants? Is this really what she wants? Tom und Maria gingen nach draußen. Tom and Mary went outside. Tom and Maria went out. Der Bauer arbeitet auf dem Feld. The farmer works on the field. The farmer works on the field. Merci gläichfalls! Thanks. You too! Thank you! De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organization. Tom speelt piano. Tom plays piano. Tom plays the piano. איך בין אַ ראָבאָט. I am a robot. How about ROBOT. Bus is vol. The bus is full. The bus is full. Bedenke, dass du, einmal gegangen, nie mehr zurückkommen kannst! Keep in mind that, when you leave, you'll never be able to come back. Remember, once you go, you can never come back again! Ik weet dat je bang was. I know you were afraid. I know you were scared. Man sieht die Belastbarkeit einer Person in einer Krisensituation. One sees the resilience of a person in a crisis situation. You can see the loadability of a person in a crisis situation. Der Pfeil traf das Ziel. The arrow hit the target. The arrow hit the target. We hebben gele appels. We have yellow apples. We have yellow apples. Ich male auch gerne. I like painting, too. I also like to paint. Praat jy Volapük? Do you speak Volapük? Do you speak Volapük? Mick vertrieb sich die Zeit mit einer Zeitschrift, während er auf seine Verabredung wartete. Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date. Mick spends time with a magazine while waiting for his appointment. Wusstest du, dass Tom und Johannes Brüder sind? Did you know that Tom and John were brothers? Did you know that Tom and John are brothers? Tom houdt van jou. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Hier werden Kindheitserinnerungen wach. This place brings back many memories of my childhood. This is where childhood memories will wake up. Meine Liebste arbeitet als Au-pair-Mädchen in Italien. My lover works as an au pair in Italy. My favorite works as an au-pair girl in Italy. Am Wochenende arbeite ich nur dann, wenn ich muss. I only work on weekends if I have to. On the weekend, I only work when I have to. Ek trek my sokkies aan in 'n japtrap. I put on my socks in a jiffy. I put my socks in a tap. Tom verriegelte alle Türen und Fenster. Tom locked all the doors and windows. Tom locked all the doors and windows. Je bent leerkracht. You're a teacher. You're a teacher. Ich weiss naett. I don't know. I don't know. טאָם איז טראַנסמאַסקולין. Tom is transmasculine. Tom is an ice-collar. פּוטין איז אַ שמאָק! Putin is a dickhead! It's a sarcasm! Ich bin nicht so gutmütig, wie die Leute meinen. I'm not as good-natured as people think I am. I'm not as generous as people think. Weiß jemand, wie man bei Tatoeba Sätze hinzufügt? Does anyone know how to add sentences on Tatoeba? Does anyone know how to add sentences to Tatouba? Verskoon my?! I beg your pardon?! Do you excuse me? Ich übersetze nur dann ins Französische, wenn ich zuversichtlich bin, dass es mir wohlgerät. I only translate to French when I'm confident that what I'm saying sounds good. I only translate into French if I am confident that it will make me well-off. We probeerden ze te waarschuwen. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Vertell keen Lögen. Don't tell lies. Don't tell a lie. Heeft u Tom vermoord? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Een beer verscheurde Tom. A bear mauled Tom. A bear torn Tom. מע קען נישט עסן קיין תּפֿילות. You can't eat prayers. Let's take a cup of tea. Je hebt het tenminste geprobeerd. At least you tried. You tried it at least. Ich kann nicht gut schwimmen. I am poor at swimming. I can't swim well. Ek moet aan my kinders dink. I have to think of my children. I have to think of my children. איך דאַרף אַ קאַץ. I need a cat. How do you get a cat? Darf ich vorangehen? May I go first? Can I go ahead? Iedereen streeft naar een beter leven. Everyone aspires to have a better life. Everyone strives for a better life. Tom verläuft sich jedes Mal, wenn er keine Karte dabei hat. Tom always gets lost if he doesn't carry a map. Tom runs every time he doesn’t have a card. Tom hat mich aus Boston angerufen. Tom called me from Boston. Tom called me from Boston. Ich kann kein Deutsch. I cannot speak German. I can't be German. Fallt in ’n Stall de Aven ut, kummt de Melk in Stücken rut. When the heater in the barn fails, you get milk-flavoured ice cubes. Falling into a stable, the milk comes out in pieces. Tom zat alleen aan de keukentafel. Tom sat alone at the kitchen table. Tom was just on the kitchen table. Elektronische Bauteile können unter Verwendung reinen Isopropylalkohols gereinigt werden. Electronic components can be cleaned by using pure isopropyl alcohol. Electronic components can be purified using pure isopropyl alcohols. Ek is seker ons sal iets vind om te doen. I'm sure we'll find something to do. I’m sure we’ll find something to do. Japanisch ist unsere Muttersprache. Japanese is our mother tongue. Japanese is our native language. Die Stadt mauserte sich zu einem Wirtschaftszentrum. The town developed into the center of the economy. The city turned into an economic center. Es ist fast unmöglich, sich als Mangakünstler seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Making a living as a manga artist is almost impossible. It is almost impossible to earn his livelihood as a manga artist. Wir sind uns so ähnlich und gleichzeitig so verschieden. We are so similar and so different at the same time. We are so similar and so different at the same time. Se hett em en Auto köfft. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. Ich habe heute einen Elch gesehen. I saw a moose today. I saw an Elk today. Jemand namens Müller will Sie sehen. A person named Miller wants to see you. Someone named Müller wants to see you. Hij houdt zoveel van u als ik. He loves you as much as I do. He loves you as much as I do. Eergisteren bracht hij een officieel bezoek aan de Franse president. He made an official visit to the French president the day before yesterday. He made an official visit to the French President. Se kunn em nich övertügen, na Huus to gahn. She couldn't convince him to go home. She couldn't convince him to go home. Jessica deed en Leed singen. Jessica was singing a song. Jessica did a song singing. Blijf vannacht bij ons. Stay with us tonight. Stay with us tonight. Diarfuar haa ik niin Forklaaring. I do not have an explanation for that. I don't have any explanation. Er rühmte sich seiner Pünktlichkeit. He prided himself on his punctuality. He was famous for his punctuality. Tom verschließt sich jeglicher Mitarbeit. Tom is being most uncooperative. Tom shuts down any involvement. Eine gesprungene Glocke hat einen bösen Laut. A cracked bell has a bad sound. A jumped bell has a bad sound. Maria heeft toegegeven dat ze een prostituee was. Marie admitted that she was a prostitute. Maria admitted that she was a prostitute. Er stand da und sah mich an. He stood there looking at me. He stood there and looked at me. Tom hörte sich eine alte Schallplatte auf seinem Plattenspieler an. Tom listened to an old vinyl record on his turntable. Tom heard an old sound record on his record player. Ek het gedog jy gee om vir hulle. I thought you cared about them. I want you to care for them. װעט טראָמפּ װערן אימפּיטשט? Will Trump be impeached? Do you think Trump is an impetuous pussy? Wir sitzen nie vorne. We never sit in the front. We never sit in front. Ik heb hier wat hulp nodig. I need some help over here. I need some help here. Jullie zijn mij een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You're giving me a kiss. Hij zei dat hij hier morgen terug zou komen. He said that he would come back here tomorrow. He said he'd come back tomorrow. Ich brauche eine Kiste Nägel. I need a box of nails. I need a box of nails. Dizze bloume is geel. This flower is yellow. This flower is yellow. Deze vogel wordt een meeuw genoemd. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a meow. Hun kinderen zijn vegetarisch. Their children are vegetarian. Their children are vegetarians. Dit is een foto van het gelukkige paar op hun trouwdag. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. He weer ganz alleen in ’t Huus. He was all alone in the house. He was alone in the house. Es schüttet gerade. It's raining really hard right now. It just shakes. Er antwortete zunächst nicht. He didn't answer at first. He didn't respond at first. Ech verdroe keng Mëllech. I can't stomach milk. I don't think I'm going to give a shit. Tom heeft zichzelf tot koning van Australië uitgeroepen. Tom declared himself King of Australia. Tom has declared himself king of Australia. Is er ooit hiv bij je vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Was habt ihr für ihn gekauft? What've you bought him? What did you buy for him? Aus irgendeinem Grunde bleiben uns die Kunden weg. For some reason, we seem to be losing customers. For some reason, customers stay away. Se hett em in ’n Zoo mitnahmen. She took him to the zoo. She took him to a zoo. Welke sport kijk je het liefst op tv? What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? Which sport do you like to watch TV? De Karkenklock löppt elk Week dree mehr Minuten vör. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The carpentry clock runs three more minutes each week. Vogels drinken water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Einen Schritt weiter und du bist tot! One more step and you're dead. One step further and you're dead! De lucht werd al maar donkerder. The sky became darker and darker. The air was getting darker. Der Käse musste weggeworfen werden. The cheese had to be thrown away. The cheese had to be thrown away. Tom verplaatste zich ongemakkelijk. Tom shifted uncomfortably. Tom moved in an uncomfortable way. Zijn handen zijn vies. His hands are dirty. His hands are dirty. Die gefällt mir nicht. Zeig mir eine andere. I don't like this. Show me another. I don't like it. Show me another one. Er is nog een ander alternatief. There's another option. There is another alternative. Kunt u de benodigde papieren inleveren? Please hand in the necessary papers. Can you deliver the necessary papers? Ich lerne gern Sprachen. I like studying languages. I like to learn languages. Zelfs kinderen kunnen dit boek lezen. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Hooi is voor paarden. Hay is for horses. Troy is for horses. Ik stond op het punt om over de muur te springen. I was about to jump over the wall. I was about to jump over the wall. ''A'', ''B'' en ''C'' binnen drij letters. "A", "B" and "C" are three letters. ''A', ''B'' and ''C'' within three letters. Tom is een hertenjager. Tom is a deer hunter. Tom is a deer hunter. Hail vrumd. Very strange. Hail vrumd. Ik heb een sneeuwman gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. De hond die op het gras ligt is van mij. The dog lying on the grass is mine. The dog on the grass is mine. Sind Sie für diese Saison Grippe geimpft? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Do you have flu for this season? Waarom gee jy vir hom om? Why do you care about him? Why do you care about him? Ich kann gut kochen. I'm good at cooking. I can cook well. Mijn wens is om zangeres te worden. My wish is to become a singer. My wish is to become a singer. Waar is die PowerPoint-aanbieding wat U my belowe het? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where is the PowerPoint offer you promised me? Se deed em övertügen, dat to doon, ofschoonst se wüss, dat dat keen gode Idee weer. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. She convinced him to do so, often knowing that it wasn't a good idea. Ik ben mijn pincode vergeten! I forgot my PIN number! I forgot my pincode! Ich spreche nicht gern über solche Dinge. I don't like talking about this kind of thing. I don't like to talk about such things. Bell vond de telefoon uit. Bell invented the telephone. Bell found out the phone. Ich habe Tom weinen sehen. I saw Tom cry. I saw Tom crying. Zijn er in de muur ramen? Are there any windows in the wall? Are there windows in the wall? איר האָט מיך געפֿרעגט. You asked me. Your soul is suffocated. Die kos het glad nie so sleg geproe nie. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food didn’t taste so bad at all. Gestern bin ich in die Oper gegangen. Yesterday I went to the opera. I went to the opera yesterday. Denk je dat het betrouwbaar is? Do you think it's trustworthy? Do you think it's reliable? Jullie neuriën. You're humming. You neuries. Kunnst du mi den Weg na ’n Haven wiesen? Could you show me the way to the port? Can you show me the way to a port? Bliib dehei, wenn chasch! Stay at home if you are able to! Blijb dehei if chasch! Eenhoornen bestaan niet. Unicorns don't exist. One-horns don't exist. Het Erechtheion is een tempel op de Akropolis van Athene. The Erechtheion is a temple located inside the Acropolis of Athens. The Erechtheion is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Waarom willen jullie een paard? Why do you want a horse? Why do you want a horse? Hij zegt dat hij gisteravond een ufo heeft gezien. He says he saw a UFO last night. He said he saw a ufo last night. Bent u een man of een spin? Are you a man or a spider? Are you a man or a spider? Bei Tatoeba gibt es einen ausgezeichneten Toki-Pona-Lehrer namens Tepan. At Tatoeba there is a great Toki Pona teacher named Tepan. At Tatouba there is an excellent Toki-Pona teacher called Tepan. Dit was sy besluit. It was his decision. This was her decision. Machen wir es anders! Let's do it in another way. Let's do it differently! "Waar is moeder?" "Moeder is heengegaan; ik geloof dat je haar spoedig zult weerzien." "Where's mother?" "Mother's gone; I guess you'll see her before long." "Where is Mother?" "Mother has gone; I believe you will see her soon." Wij hadden vier jaar geleden elkaar ontmoet. We had met four years ago. We met four years ago. Tom teilte seinen Schokoriegel mit Mary. Tom shared his bar of chocolate with Mary. Tom shared his chocolate with Mary. Ga je de held uithangen? Are you off to save the day? Are you gonna hang out the hero? Schafft das intellektuelle Eigentum ab! Abolish intellectual property. Get rid of intellectual property! Europees Portugees en Braziliaans Portugees zijn niet hetzelfde. European Portuguese is different from Brazilian Portuguese. European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese are not the same. Se deed blangen em kneen. She knelt beside him. She did so with her knees. Er versteht keinen Spaß. He can't take a joke. He doesn't understand any fun. Het debat werd gesloten. The debate was closed. The debate was closed. Ist euer Büro hier in der Nähe? Is your office near here? Is your office nearby? Warte kurz drei Minuten. Wait just 3 minutes. Just wait three minutes. אַ מאָל — ס'איז ווי אַ נס — וועט עס נעלם ווערן. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik heb je mok laten vallen. I dropped your mug. I dropped you. Jedereen will geern glöven, dat Drööm wohr warrn köönt. Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true. Everyone wants to believe in dreaming can be true. He weer en goden König. He was a good king. He was a good king. Er war zu verblüfft, um zu antworten. He was too flummoxed to reply. He was too surprised to answer. די פּאָליציי האָט אים געכאַפּט. The police caught him. It's pretty cool if you're running. De eenzichst noch frei Platz waar där nevich Tom. The only free seat left was the one next to Tom. The only place to be free is Tom. Maria Sharapova is de op twee na beste meest succesvolle actieve tennisspeelster, op de gezusters Williams na. Maria Sharapova is the third most successful active women's tennis player, behind the Williams sisters. Maria Sharapova is the second most successful active tennis player, after the sisters Williams. Jouw vrouw leert me Italiaans. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. איך װײס װוּ ער װױנט. אָבער דאָס איז אַ סוד. I know where he lives. But it is a secret. How do you know where to find a secret? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Er ist bis über beide Ohren in dieses Zigeunermädel verknallt. He's totally in love with that gypsy girl. He has been snuffed over both ears in this gypsy meddle. מענאַד איז נאָך דאָ. Mennad is still here. Goddess is a DUD. Er wollte mit uns kommen. He wanted to come with us. He wanted to come with us. Welk type sport vind je leuk? What kind of sport do you like? What type of sport do you like? Taro is gedurende drie dagen in Tokyo gebleven. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Die Liebe ist ein vorübergehender Wahnsinn, welcher heilbar ist durch die Ehe. Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage. Love is a temporary madness that can be healed through marriage. Ek wil hê jy moet weet dat ons kan ophou bekommerd wees. I want you to know we can stop worrying. I want you to know that we can stop worrying. Er kunnen andere alternatieven zijn waar we nog niet over hebben gedacht. There may be other alternatives that we haven't thought of yet. There may be other alternatives we haven't thought about yet. Das ist aber eine Überraschung – für niemanden! Well, that's a surprise... to no one. But that’s a surprise — for no one! Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is located in Europe. אסתּר איז אַ העברעיִש־לערערין. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. I wonder if I will hear the sound of the eye. Ik heb geldproblemen. I have money problems. I have money problems. He deed en Bild von en Hund malen. He painted a picture of a dog. He did a picture of a dog painting. Hast du daran gedacht, meinen Brief abzuschicken? Did you remember to send my letter? Did you think of sending my letter? יאַני איז אַ גאָון. Yanni is a genius. Gone is Gone. Jetzt bin ich auf alles eingestellt. Now I'm ready for anything. Now I'm set to everything. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata, he's my boss. Ik moet je testen op tuberculose. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. טאָם איז אַ בולגאַר. Tom's Bulgarian. Iris is a black beggar. Befrei dich von derartig naiven Ideen. Get rid of those kinds of naive ideas. Free yourself from such naive ideas. Ist die Polizei schon alarmiert worden? Have the police been notified? Has the police already been alarmed? Dort waren wenig Menschen. There were few people there. There were few people there. Tom un Ria sünd mit John befründt. Tom and Mary are friends with John. Tom and Ria are friends with John. Dit is nie 'n grappie nie. This isn't a joke. This is not a joke. Du host uns zum Noarn ghoidn. You fooled us. You will host us to the North Ghoidn. Waarom raakte hij betrokken? Why did he get involved? Why did he get involved? Ich muss mir ein neues Motorrad anschaffen. I need to get a new motorcycle. I have to buy a new motorcycle. Ik studeerde hard om het examen te halen. I studied hard in order to pass the examination. I studied hard to get the exam. Die Katzen sind von dieser letzten Wendung der Ereignisse fasziniert. The cats are fascinated by this latest turn of events. The cats are fascinated by this last turn of events. Zij sloeg een bladzij om van haar boek. She turned a page of her book. She killed a page of her book. Dizze bloume is sangen. This flower is purple. This flower is singing. Ik weet niet waar je het over hebt. I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're talking about. Ik heb mijn rechterbeen gebroken. I broke my right leg. I broke my right leg. Verdwien! Disappear! Get out of here! Dieses Jahr wird noch härter als das vorige. This year will be even tougher than last. This year will be even harder than the previous one. Die Affen lausen sich. The monkeys are grooming each other. The monkeys are lying. Sy't vandag sy middagete gebring. She brought his lunch today. She brought her lunch today. Damals war er noch stark und energisch. At that time he was strong and energetic. At the time, he was strong and energetic. Tom legte sich ins kühle Gras. Tom lay down in the cool grass. Tom put himself in the cool grass. זיי זענען שטאַרקער ווי מיר. They're stronger than us. I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Sherlock is in a bad mood. Welke van de twee is het duurst? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which of the two is the most expensive? Du sprichst so leise, dass ich kein Wort verstehe. You're speaking too quietly for me to hear what you're saying. You're so quiet that I don't understand a word. Alle meine Kinder wollen nach Australien. All of my children want to go to Australia. All my kids want to go to Australia. Ich kaufe gewöhnlich in diesem Supermarkt ein. I usually do my shopping at this supermarket. I usually buy in this supermarket. Soms gaat alles fout. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Sometimes everything's going wrong. Twitter is niet goed genoeg. Twitter is not good enough. Twitter is not good enough. In diesem Wald wachsen Eichen, Kiefern und Birken. Oaks, pines and birches grow in this forest. In this forest, oaks, pines, and birchs grow. Hol Tom doch bitte einen Stuhl, dass er sich setzen kann! Please get a chair for Tom to sit on. Please get Tom a chair that he can sit down! Tom starb 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Ze helpt ons. She helps us. She's helping us. Die Betrüger verlangten noch mehr Geld. The scammers demanded more money. The frauds demanded even more money. Maak me niet boos. Don't make me angry. Don't hurt me. Wir treffen uns draußen vor dem Eingang. We'll meet you out front. We meet outside before the entrance. Bitte zeig' mir, was ich als nächstes machen soll. Please show me what to do next. Please show me what I'm going to do next. Tom wollte Arzt werden . Tom intended to become a doctor. Tom wanted to be a doctor. We weten niet wat er morgen gaat gebeuren. We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Freiheit ist immer Freiheit der Andersdenkenden. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think otherwise. Kelantan is een von de Staten in West-Malaysia. Kelantan is one of the states in West Malaysia. Kelantan is one of the states of Western Malaysia. Es war Tom, der mir riet, einen Anwalt einzuschalten. Tom was the one who advised me to hire a lawyer. It was Tom who told me to turn on an attorney. Tom ist jetzt Kanadier. Tom is now a Canadian. Tom is now Canadian. Tom brak zijn beide benen. Tom broke both his legs. Tom broke both legs. Zou je hem kunnen contacteren? Could you get in touch with him? Could you contact him? Hij is een drama queen. He's a drama queen. He's a drama queen. Die Fastenzeit ist für Katholiken wichtig. Lent is an important time for Catholics. Fasting is important for Catholics. Ich weiß nicht, was ich als Nächstes machen sollte. I don't know what the next step should be. I don't know what to do next. Hulle is vermoor. They were murdered. They were murdered. Wijn is niets voor kinderen. Wine is not meant for children. Wine is nothing for children. Praat niet met een volle mond. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk with a full mouth. Dir schwammt. You are swimming. You're swimming. Du kannst über dieses Zimmer frei verfügen. You're free to use this room. You can have this room free of charge. Laten we terugkeren en nog wat bijnemen. Let's go back and get some more. Let's go back and take some more. Wi köönt de Achtersied von ’n Maand nich sehn. We can't see the other side of the moon. We can’t see the back of a month. Tegenwoordig leer ik Esperanto. I am currently learning Esperanto. Today, I’m learning Esperanto. Hast du das Buch schon gelesen? Have you read this book yet? Have you read the book? Wir haben an Tom geglaubt. We believed in Tom. We believed in Tom. Die Soldaten marschierten und ihre Schwerter blitzten. The soldiers were marching with their swords shining. The soldiers marched and their swords flashed. Die Fahrgäste blieben ruhig. The passengers remained calm. The passengers remained calm. Zijn mantel is versleten. His overcoat is worn out. His coat is gone. Tom ist nicht eingeladen worden. Tom wasn't invited. Tom has not been invited. Ik hou van mijn vrouw. I love my wife. I love my wife. Haben Sie eine Laktose-Intoleranz? Are you lactose intolerant? Do You Have Lactose Intolerance? Mir gefällt, was ihr geschrieben habt. I like what you've written. I like what you wrote. Haben Sie die verschriebene Behandlung zu Ende geführt? Did you complete the prescribed treatment? Did you end the prescribed treatment? Ik vervang de lamp. I'm replacing the lamp. I'll replace the lamp. Moak asjeblieft kovvie. Please make coffee. Please leave kovvie. Bei diesem Satz fehlt noch ein Punkt. This sentence needs a period. In this sentence, another point is missing. „Von wem sind diese Hosen?“ — „Sie sind von Ken.“ "Whose pants are these?" "They are Ken's." “From whom are these pants?” —“They are from Ken. Nancy schall woll nienich mit mi utgahn. Ik speel nich in ehr Liga. Nancy will never go on a date with me. She's out of my league. Nancy should never want to go out with me. I don't play in her league. k Speul. I am playing. k Speel. Tom hat eine Lernbehinderung. Tom has a learning disorder. Tom has a learning disability. Ich kehre nie zurück. I'll never come back. I never return. Ein Bus versperrte die Straße. There was a bus blocking the road. A bus stopped the road. Drei Stunden, nachdem die Eintrittskarten in den Verkauf gegangen waren, war das Konzert schon ausverkauft. The concert sold out three hours after tickets went on sale. Three hours after the tickets went into sale, the concert was already sold out. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Arbeit. We're proud of our work. We are proud of our work. Tom sagte, er wolle lieber allein dorthin fahren. Tom said he'd prefer to go there alone. Tom said he would rather go there alone. זיי זענען שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. They're stronger than us. I mean, I'm sorry to hear about Peter F.D.’s story. Bass du d'Mary? Are you Mary? Bass you d'Mary? Keiner von ihnen spricht Französisch. None of them speaks French. None of them speak French. איך זע דעם ווײַסן לייב. I see the white lion. How do you feel about Mr. Leicester? Damals war ich in Kanada. At that time, I was in Canada. At the time, I was in Canada. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿאַר אונדז. You're stronger than we are. It was Peter’s mother-in-law, Peter’s father. Ik heb een geweer. I have a gun. I have a gun. Wenn Tom Französisch spricht, merkt man schon, dass er aus Australien kommt. When Tom speaks French, you can tell he's from Australia. When Tom speaks French, he’s already noticed coming from Australia. De krant begon lezers te verliezen toen hij afstand deed van een van zijn meest populaire auteurs. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper began to lose readers when he distanced himself from one of his most popular authors. Schau dir dieses Bild gut an! Have a good look at this picture. Take a look at this picture! Ik heff vör söss Maand mit Smöken ophöört. I quit smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. De Katt hett de Muus freten. The cat ate the mouse. The cat enjoyed the mouse. Is de pijn kloppend of constant? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is the pain knocking or constant? Doet u regelmatig aan zelfborstonderzoek? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly engage in self-examination? Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass wir heute dieses Thema besprechen würden. I never imagined we'd be talking about this topic today. I never thought we would discuss this topic today. Es ist eine komplizierte Sprache. It is a complicated language. It is a complicated language. Heb je in de afgelopen twee weken nauw contact gehad met iemand met griepachtige verschijnselen? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? Have you had close contact with someone with flu-like phenomena in the past two weeks? Ik ben een banaan. I am a banana. I'm a banana. Sie hon sich abrasseerd. They hugged. She's surprised. Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen zu lachen, als ich ihn sah. I couldn't help laughing when I saw him. I couldn't laugh when I saw him. Ze is trots op haar zoon. She is proud of her son. She's proud of her son. Het tafellaken ligt in de kast. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. The table linen is in the closet. Meine Freundin hat letzten Monat geheiratet. My friend got married last month. My girlfriend married last month. Sie waren sehr verwirrt. They were very confused. They were very confused. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in muziek. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in music. Das ist auf meinem Mist gewachsen. This was my idea. That's grown up on my miss. Heeft u glaucoom? Do you have glaucoma? Do you have glaucoma? Mach echli! Hurry up! Make Ehli! Je bent lief. You are adorable. You love me. Tom reed bij Maria op de achterbank. Tom rode in the backseat with Mary. Tom drove at Maria on the back bench. Kan ik de tafel dekken? May I set the table? Can I cover the table? Ich will, dass du bei ihr bleibst. I want you to stay with her. I want you to stay with her. Je bent mijn dochter. You are my daughter. You're my daughter. Tom hat es weggeworfen. Tom threw it away. Tom threw it away. D'Vullen sinn rout. The birds are red. They are full of routes. Herhaal dezelfde fout niet opnieuw. Don't make the same mistake again. Don't repeat the same error again. ער איז קײן מאָל נישט געווען אַרבעטסלאָז. He's never been unemployed. I don’t think I’ve ever had a hard time getting a job. Maria sagte, jeder, den sie kenne, könne schwimmen. Mary said everybody she knows can swim. Maria said anyone she knew could swim. Mein ungarischer Freund sagte, Toki Pona sei seine Spinne, aber er erklärte nicht, was er damit meinte. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona is his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. My Hungarian friend said Toki Pona was his spider, but he didn't explain what he meant. Millich? Zucker? Milk? Sugar? Sweet? Sugar? Ik leerde hem drie jaar geleden kennen. I met him three years ago. I met him three years ago. Ik ga ervan uit dat je het al weet. I take it that you already know. I guess you already know. Ik werkelijkheid was de soep te zout. Actually, the soup was too salty. I really was the soup too salty. דער קאַבאַק האָט געהאַט דעם זיבעטן טעם. The squash was delicious. It’s a good idea to have a taste of sweet taste. My baas was tevrede met wat ek gedoen het. My boss was satisfied with what I did. My boss was satisfied with what I did. לערנט זיך אַ פֿרעמד לשון. Learn a foreign language. I swear to speak a language. Dat is mogelijk een nieuw record. That's likely a new record. That might be a new record. Ich liebe Igel. I love hedgehogs. I love Igel. Warum sind Männer so blöd? Why are men so dumb? Why are men so stupid? Ich brauche ein scharfes Messer. I need a sharp knife. I need a sharp knife. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. In ieder geval, ik moet dit werk morgen af hebben. At any rate, I must finish this work by tomorrow. In any case, I have to have this work off tomorrow. Zijn Kabylische vrouwen mooi? Are Kabyle women beautiful? Are Kabylian women beautiful? Ik kreeg kramp in mijn been tijdens het zwemmen. I got a cramp in my leg while swimming. I got crack in my leg while swimming. Ich fühle mich heute seltsam, und ich verstehe nicht, warum. I feel strange today and I don't understand why. I feel strange today, and I don't understand why. Tom heeft nooit een potlood bij zich. Tom never has a pencil with him. Tom never has a pencil. Dat maakt momenteel niet uit. That's not important right now. It doesn't matter right now. Layla kon geen kameel berijden. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Layla couldn't drive a camel. In Russland sprechen abergläubische Menschen nie das Wort чёрт („Teufel“) aus. Ich zähle dazu. Superstitious people in Russia never pronounce the word "чёрт". I'm one of them. In Russia, however, people of faith never express the word "Teufel"; I count it. Slaap sacht, Sean. Sleep tight, Sean. Sleep is sweet, Sean. Ik heb een sneeuwpop gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowpop. Waarom hebben jullie niet ontbeten? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't you stop? Wo sitzen Sie gerade? Where are you sitting now? Where are you sitting right now? Tom sal pret hê. Tom will have fun. Tom will have fun. Waar waren jullie gisteravond? Where were you guys last night? Where were you last night? די גאַס איז אָנגעפּאַקט. The street is crowded. It's quite a bit of an ice-collar. Ik ben degene die met de Poolse ambassadeur sprak. I'm the one who spoke with the Polish ambassador. I am the one who spoke to the Polish ambassador. Sie telefonierten miteinander. They spoke to each other on the phone. They phoned each other. נסים זענען געוויינטלעך. Miracles are ordinary. Congratulations are robbing you. Heb je het uiteindelijk gevonden? Did you end up finding it? Did you finally find it? Se wulf æt þone cyning The wolf ate the king. The wolf format Ich möchte wissen, warum Sie mich angelogen haben. I want to know why you lied to me. I want to know why you lied to me. Könntest du einen Augenblick auf mich warten? Could you wait a moment for me? Could you wait a moment for me? Ein Diplomat ist ein Mensch, der offen ausspricht, was er nicht denkt. A diplomat is a person who openly expresses what they don't think. A diplomat is a person who speaks out openly what he does not think. Wat een slechte film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Ik ben uitgeput. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This guy doesn't eat any candy. Lasst Tom bitte nicht allein! Please don't leave Tom alone. Please don't leave Tom alone! Haben Sie eine Antwort von Tom erhalten? Did you get an answer from Tom? Have you received an answer from Tom? דאָס איז מיִיִן ברודער. That's my brother. Iris is proud of her. Bill ähnelt seinem älteren Bruder überhaupt nicht. Bill is completely unlike his brother. Bill does not resemble his older brother at all. Ik dacht dat je hierin wel geïnteresseerd zou zijn. I thought you might be interested in this. I thought you would be interested in this. Wir wollen, dass unsere KInder glücklich sind. We want our kids to be happy. We want our children to be happy. Am nächsten Montag wird sie einen Monat lang im Krankenhaus gewesen sein. Next Monday, she'll have been in the hospital for a month. The next Monday she will have been in the hospital for a month. Bildung ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Education is the key to success. Education is the key to success. Hoi, myn namme is Ken Saitou. Hi, my name is Ken Saitou. My name is Ken Saitou. Haat jij Tom? Do you hate Tom? Do you hate Tom? Welk boek is van u? Which is your book? What book is yours? Du schreifs. You're writing. You write. We lunchen zo rond de middag. We have lunch about noon. We'll have lunch around the afternoon. Der Autor verrät uns die Absicht, die jeder der beiden Spieler bei jedem Zug hatte. The author reveals to us the purpose that each of the two players had when making each move. The author betrays us the intent that each of the two players had on each train. אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ. Work liberates. I swear to Peter. קיינער האָט נישט געזאָגט, אַז דאָס לעבן איז יושרדיק. Nobody said that life was fair. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Hoe gaat het met u? Hebt u een goede reis gehad? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you doing? Did you have a good trip? Ich hoffe sehr, Tom Hansen wird nicht gewählt. I really hope Tom Jackson doesn't get elected. I hope Tom Hansen will not be elected. Ich werde einmal im Monat bezahlt. I get paid once a month. I'll be paid once a month. אין דר′ערד אַרײַן מיטן נימוס! Fuck civility. There is no such thing as a naughty little kid! Gurken sind grün. Cucumbers are green. Gurks are green. Se röppt mi hen un wenn maal an. I get a call from her once in a while. They call me over and over again. Peggy is niet naar het toneelstuk geweest en ik ook niet. Peggy did not go to see the drama, and neither did I. Peggy hasn't been to the play, nor am I. Je deed het geweldig. You did great out there. You did it great. Ich glaube, dass er eines Tages reich sein wird. I believe he is going to be rich one day. I think he'll be rich one day. Mach dich nicht lustig über mich! Do not make fun of me. Don't make fun of me! Du könntest es im Laden gegenüber versuchen. Vielleicht hat man dort, wonach du suchst. You could try the store across the street. They may have what you're looking for. You could try it at the store, maybe you have what you're looking for. Geben Sie Tom nicht Ihre Nummer! Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number! Ich kann nicht hexen. I'm not a miracle worker. I can't hex. מילגרוימען זענען מאָדנע. Pomegranates are weird. Millegreed is insanity. Es kostet die Steuerzahler Unmengen an Geld. It's costing taxpayers tons of money. It costs taxpayers a lot of money. Es wäre gescheiter gewesen, du hättest diese Pastete nicht gegessen. You better not have eaten that pie! It would have failed if you hadn't eaten this paste. Ich bin im Zug eingeschlafen. I fell asleep on the train. I'm sleeping in the train. Bedankt, maat! Thanks, buddy! Thank you, mate! Das Volk bejubelte den Sieg. The people hailed the victory. The people cheered up the victory. Von Leidenschaft angestachelt. - Ein Supertag! Passion spurs you on. A day of the best! - It's a great day. וואָס איז די נאָרמאַלקייט? What's normality? Do you have an ice-collar? Seitdem ward Tom nicht mehr gesehen. Nobody has seen Tom since then. Since then, Tom has not been seen. Du bist ein toller Mensch! You are a great person. You're a great person! He is dor an togrunn gahn. It was his undoing. He went on touring there. מיר זוכן אונדזער הונט. We're looking for our dog. Hungry Hungry Hungry. De tumor groeit. The tumor is growing in size. The tumor is growing. Tom sah Marias Wagen in Johannes’ Auffahrt. Tom saw Mary's car in John's driveway. Tom saw Maria's car in Johannes's driveway. Ik heb jouw advies nodig. I need your advice. I need your advice. Het ontbijt is gereed. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Ech gi mam Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. I am in Ricardo. Dit eten is knapperig. This food is crunchy. This food is scarce. Wat voor huis heb je? What sort of house do you have? What kind of house do you have? Ich kenne Boston sehr gut. I know Boston very well. I know Boston very well. Ech sinn zu Iechternach gebuer. I was born in Echternach. It’s a good idea for me to do that. Was hast du je für uns getan? What have you ever done for us? What have you ever done for us? Mary ist nicht zu Hause. Mary is not at home. Mary is not at home. Ons is sy seuns. We are his sons. We are his sons. Sie legte es in die Schachtel. She put it in the box. She put it in the box. Ich habe verschlafen und den ersten Zug verpasst. I slept late and I missed the first train. I fell asleep and missed the first train. Wi bruukt dien Geld nich. We don't need your money. We don't need your money. Ich hatte vor, sie anzurufen, aber ich habe es vergessen. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I had to call them, but I forgot. Ech wunnen zu Lëtzebuerg. I live in Luxembourg. He won at Lützebuerg. Hoelang duurt het tot een vrachtwagen tot stilstand komt? How long does it take for a truck to come to a stop? How long does it take for a truck to stop? Ik heb hem heel lang geleden voor het laatst gezien. It's been a very long time since I saw him last. I've seen him for a long time for the last time. Diese Worte sind bloß diplomatische Nettigkeiten. Those words are mere diplomatic niceties. These words are only diplomatic virtues. Sie wartet auf deine Rückkehr. She’s waiting for you to return. You're waiting for your return. Het is mijn baan. It's my job. It's my job. U bent een prins, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. Was für Freiwilligenarbeit leistet Tom? What kind of volunteer work does Tom do? What kind of volunteer work does Tom do? Das kann ich so oft sehen, wie ich will: es bringt mich immer noch zum Lachen. No matter how many times I see it, it still makes me laugh. I can see that as often as I want: it still makes me laugh. Tom verwechselt immer Monaco und München. Tom doesn't know the difference between Monaco and Munich. Tom always confused Monaco and Munich. Sie legt großen Wert darauf, vor dem Frühstück zu duschen. She makes a point of taking a shower before breakfast. It places great importance on showering before breakfast. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. He seems honest. He seems to be honest. Tom teilte sein Brot mit Maria. Tom shared his sandwich with Mary. Tom shared his bread with Maria. Der Kapitän gibt den Befehl zum Entern. The skipper is giving the order to board the ship. The captain gives the command to enter. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never been sick in his life. My father has never been sick all his life. Tom spricht ausgezeichnet Französisch; mit seinem Englisch aber ist es nicht weit her. Tom speaks excellent French, but his English isn't very good. Tom speaks excellent French; but with his English it is not far away. Kun je het goed vinden met je nieuwe klasgenoten? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Can you find it right with your new classmates? Ich weiß, was dein erster Gedanke war. I know what your first thought was. I know what your first thought was. דו ביסט נישט קיין גאָון. You're no genius. B. B.B.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C Sie rief um Hilfe. She called for help. She called for help. Ich kam auf einen Gedanken. I hit on an idea. I came to a thought. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie er heißt. I'm not sure what his name is. I'm not sure what he's saying. Mijn hartslag is laag. My pulse is slow. My heart rate is low. Maria hat gegen ihren Willen geheiratet. Maria married against her will. Mary married against her will. לייזער זאַמענהאָף איז געווען אַ ייִדישער אויגן־⁠דאָקטער. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish oculist. I'm sorry to hear that I'm sorry, but I'm sorry I'm sorry. Ohne fremde Hilfe würde Tom das nicht schaffen. Tom wouldn't be able to do that without somebody's help. Without help, Tom wouldn’t do that. In der Bücherei war niemand. No one was in the library. There was no one in the library. Zijn dokter raadde hem aan te stoppen met roken. His doctor advised him to quit smoking. His doctor advised him to stop smoking. Ich hoffe, Tom wird wieder ganz gesund. I hope Tom makes a full recovery. I hope Tom will be healthy again. „Je-je-je-jetzt geh-geh-geht es nicht. Nein!“, stotterte er, und dann sagte er sofort ein bestimmtes Nein. "I-it d-d-d-doesn't w-w-work now. No!", he stuttered, and then immediately said a certain "No". “Je-je-je-je-je-je-get-get-go-go-go-go-go. No!” he stumbled, and then he immediately said a certain no. Tom musste mit dem Krankenwagen in die Notaufnahme. Tom had to go to the emergency room by ambulance. Tom had to go to the emergency car. Wanneer ben je voor het eerst naar Japan gekomen? When did you first come to Japan? When did you come to Japan for the first time? Es kommt mir so vor, als wären wir uns schon einmal begegnet. I feel as if we have already met. I think it's like we've met once. ס׳איז נישט דער 19טער יאָרהונדערט. It isn't the 19th century. Iris is a 19-year-old man. Tom ist hier. Tom is in. Tom is here. Tom isst ständig. Tom's eating all the time. Tom eats constantly. Tom wollte eingreifen, und Maria schlug ihm ins Gesicht. Tom tried to intervene and Mary punched him in the face. Tom wanted to intervene, and Maria hit him in the face. Du es uff de Disch. Put it on the table. You're the table. Hoeveel heroïne of methadon gebruik je gewoonlijk per dag? How much heroin or methadone do you usually use per day? How much heroin or methadone do you usually use per day? Kann ich das behalten? Can I keep this? Can I keep that? Mustafa Kemal Ataturk het die Turkse Republiek in 1922 verklaar. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declared the Turkish Republic in 1922. Tom haat je. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Möchtet ihr Links austauschen? Would you like to exchange links? Do you want to exchange links? Der Apfel hat sehr gut geschmeckt. That apple was really delicious. The apple tasted very good. ער איז נאָר אַ נעבעך. He's just a ne'er-do-well. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Sind Sie sexuell aktiv? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Eine der seltensten Befähigungen ist die Befähigung, Befähigung anzuerkennen. One of the rarest abilities is the ability to recognise talent. One of the rarest skills is the ability to recognize ability. Einen Plan B gibt es noch nicht. There is no plan B yet. There is no Plan B yet. Tom wollte nur lustig sein. Tom was just trying to be funny. Tom just wanted to be funny. Gestern hast du mir etwas anderes erzählt. That isn't what you told me yesterday. You told me something else yesterday. Die Fahrerei geht mir auf den Geist. The woman driving is scaring me. The driving goes to me on the mind. דער טאָג איז קורץ און ס'איז דאָ אַ סך אַרבעט. The day is short and there is a lot of work. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Hij heeft kort haar. He has short hair. He's got a short hair. Water is lewe. Water is life. Water is life. Jeder hat Dreck am Stecken. Everyone has skeletons in the closet. Everyone has draughts on the plug. k Hol van praai en worst. I like leeks and sausages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Das ist noch nicht alles. That isn't the last of it. That's not all. Hij zal niet langer dan vier dagen blijven. He will not stay for more than four days. He will not stay for more than four days. Ze kwam altijd te vroeg. She always showed up too soon. She always came too early. Je ziet er niet echt zo bezorgd uit. You don't look all that concerned. You don't really look so worried. Es muss eine Möglichkeit geben, den Fluss zu überqueren. There must be a way to cross the river. There must be a way to cross the river. Ich liebe düstere und geheimnisvolle Dinge. I love dark and mysterious things. I love dark and mysterious things. Durf je hem vragen te stellen over dat ongeval? Dare you ask him about the accident? Do you dare ask him about that accident? Vampieren leven eeuwig. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. Das ist sehr detailliert. That is very detailed. This is very detailed. Morgen moet ik naar de tandarts. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I need to go to the dentist tomorrow. Dit wordt geweldig. This is going to be spectacular. This is going to be great. Sprecht Ungarisch! Speak Hungarian! Speak Hungarian! דער שׂונא איז אונדז באַפֿאַלן. The enemy has attacked us. I'm sure I'll give you an ice cream in the middle of the night. Tom hat ein Antiquariat. Tom has a ton of books. Tom has an antiquariat. Drücken Sie meine Finger fest zusammen. Please squeeze my fingers. Press my fingers together. Ga nu. Move now. Now go. Das ist gutes Fleisch. This is good meat. That's good meat. Ik haa aural saacht, man ik kür et ek finj. I have searched everywhere, but I could not find it. I have aural say, but I'm short and I'm fine. Zo stom. So lame. That's stupid. Ich muss umgehend dorthin. I have to go there immediately. I have to go there immediately. Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis sie wiederkommt. It will not be long before she comes back. It won't take long for her to come back. Ik denk ook zo over jou. I feel the same way about you. I think so about you, too. Ich brauche Hilfe beim Übersetzen dieses Satzes. I need help translating this sentence. I need help translating this sentence. God bestaat, maar hij vergat het wachtwoord. God exists, but he forgot the password. God exists, but he forgets the password. Sie ist alles andere als eine Sängerin. She is anything but a singer. She's everything but a singer. Se deed mi op de Back küssen un seed mi gode Nacht. She kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. She kissed me on the back and seeds me good night. Tom vertelde me dat Maria in Boston was. Tom told me Mary was in Boston. Tom told me that Mary was in Boston. Ich hasse den Winter nicht. I don't hate winter. I don't hate winter. Startet die Motoren! Start the engines! Start the engines! Der Sturm hat viel zerstört. The storm has destroyed a lot. The storm has destroyed a lot. Der größte Teil der Programmierer hasst die Fehlerbeseitigung; es ist viel amüsanter Fehler zu machen, als sie zu beseitigen. Most programmers hate debugging; making errors is much more fun than debugging them. Most of the programmers hate the error resolution; it is much more enjoyable to make mistakes than to remove them. Hebt ge goed gegeten in het restaurant? Did you have a good meal at that restaurant? Have you eaten well in the restaurant? Laten we voortaan in de ochtend studeren. From now on, let's study in the morning. Let's study in the morning. Steen swemmt nich. Stones don't swim. Stone does not swim. Trautes Heim, Glück allein! No place like home. Welcome home, luck alone! Tom was reg van die begin af. Tom was right from the beginning. Tom was right from the beginning. Luister niet naar ons. Don't listen to us. Don't listen to us. Dat is laat. It's late. That's late. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז איר לעבט? How many people know you're alive? 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Se dreeg en snaakschen Hoot. She had a strange hat on. They wear a funny hat. Er erklärt unkompliziert und einfach. He gives plain, simple explanations. He explains simple and simple. Sie sieht noch genauso wie in der Schule aus. She looks exactly the same as she was at school. She still looks the same as in school. Ek wil nie weer daarvan hoor nie. I don't want to hear about it again. I don’t want to hear about it again. Sie wird bald niederkommen. She will give birth soon. She'll come down soon. Ich habe meine Kraft verloren. I've lost my strength. I lost my strength. Ich kann ein bisschen Ainu. I can speak Ainu a little. I can have a bit of ainu. Wir sind die Schüler dieser Schule. We are the students of this school. We are the students of this school. Tom is op ’t linke Ohr doov. Tom is deaf in the left ear. Tom is on the left ear. Je hebt ze nodig. You need them. You need them. Ik probeer mijn best. I am trying my best. I'm trying my best. Tom is dik. Tom is fat. Tom is thick. Hebt ge haar al horen zingen op een podium? Have you ever heard her sing on the stage? Did you hear her sing on a stage? איך האב ספקות געהאט. I had doubts. How did my father get upset? Wie viel kostet das teuerste Auto? How much is the most expensive car? How much does the most expensive car cost? Das wird ein Sonntagsspaziergang werden. This will be a walk in the park. This will be a Sunday break. Ich möchte einen Hut kaufen. I want to buy a hat. I want to buy a hat. Tom zal betalen. Tom'll pay. Tom will pay. Wohin habt ihr die Flaschen gestellt? Where did you put the bottles? Where did you put the bottles? Hoe gaat het met je gezin? How is the family doing? How's your family doing? Ich brauche etwas frische Luft. I need to get some air. I need some fresh air. Ich mische mich da nicht ein. I'm not getting involved in this. I don't miss it. Könntest du den Fernseher leiser drehen? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn the TV reader? Wir kaufen uns fast jedesmal, wenn wir bei IKEA sind, etwas Schwedisches zu essen. We buy Swedish food almost every time we go to IKEA. We buy almost every time we are at IKEA to eat something Swedish. Tom und Maria meinten, sie seien froh, das getan zu haben. Tom and Mary said they were glad that they did that. Tom and Maria thought they were happy to have done that. Ik wil Tom graag ontmoeten. I'd like to meet Tom. I'd like to meet Tom. Eine Tagesrückfahrkarte nach Brighton bitte. A day return to Brighton, please. A day-back ticket to Brighton please. Unsere Truppen besetzten die Stadt. Our forces occupied the city. Our troops occupied the city. Hij begon te lachen. He started laughing. He started laughing. Sami reed op een kameel. Sami rode a camel. Sami was riding on a camel. Tom gab das Hemd zurück, weil es zu klein war. Tom returned the shirt because it was too small. Tom returned the shirt because it was too small. Der Parkplatz vor der Bank war vollbesetzt. The parking lot in front of the bank was completely full. The parking space in front of the bank was complete. Im Herzen bin ich noch immer ein Cosplayer. I'm still a cosplayer at heart. I am still a cosplayer in the heart. דער שלום איז זייער וויכטיק. Peace is very important. The peace of Isma'il is very strong and strong. Esperanto is een internationale taal. Esperanto is an international language. Esperanto is an international language. Gib niemals auf! Never give up! Never give up! Tom hat die Nacht oft durchgemacht, und das hat seine Gesundheit in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Tom has pulled a lot of all-nighters, and it's taken a toll on his health. Tom has often spent the night, and this has drawn his health into compassion. Wann war Ihr letzter Asthmaanfall? When was your last asthma attack? When was your last asthma attack? Es hat Spaß gemacht, euch beim Tanzen zuzuschauen. I really liked watching you dance. It was fun to watch you dance. Es war noch Milch in der Katzenschale. There was still some milk in the cat's bowl. It was still milk in the cat shell. Wann warst du das letztemal beim Friseur? When was your last haircut? When was the last time you were with the hairdresser? Sie werden nach dir suchen. They'll come looking for you. They'll look for you. Wo waren deine Eltern? Where were your parents? Where were your parents? Was du tust, scheint weit gefährlicher als das, was ich tue. What you're doing seems way more dangerous than what I'm doing. What you do seems far more dangerous than what I do. Wat dink jy moet gedoen word daaroor? What do you think should be done about it? What do you think you need to do about it? Guten Morgen, mein Schatz! Good morning, my love. Good morning, my dear! Ik heb een voor- en nadelenlijst gemaakt. I made a pros and cons list. I made a pros and cons list. Ich bin in dich verliebt und will dich heiraten. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I'm in love with you and want to marry you. Ik heb scheve tanden. I have crooked teeth. I've got scary teeth. Maria zat alleen op de sofa. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Mary was on the sofa alone. He kann nu Auto föhren. He can drive a car now. He can now drive car. Wat deist du? Du kannst hier nich kamen! What are you doing here? You can't come in here! What are you doing? You can't come here! Tom trok zijn nieuwe schoenen aan. Tom put on his new shoes. Tom put on his new shoes. Hebräisch ist meine Muttersprache. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my native language. Er wurde bei dem Unfall verletzt. He was hurt in the accident. He was injured in the accident. Um wie viel Uhr frühstückst du normalerweise? What time do you usually have breakfast? How many hours of breakfast do you usually have? Doe zelst laanger leven as doe nait smookt. You will live longer if you don't smoke. Make the most of your life when you smoke at night. Is jouw moeder thuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mother at home? צי רעדט איר אינדאָנעזיש? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you know if the ship is unsuspecting? Luster goud. Listen up. Luster gold. Tom haat groene paprika's. Tom hates green peppers. Tom hates green peppers. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We celebrated until the small hours. Waarom zijn jullie zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Sie können uns nicht alle töten. You can't kill us all. You can't kill us all. Sie wurde schwanger. She became pregnant. She became pregnant. Ärzte empfehlen, drei Mahlzeiten am Tag zu sich zu nehmen. Doctors recommend eating three meals a day. Doctors recommend taking three meals a day. Da sei Gott vor. God forbid. God is there. Toms bedrijf doet het heel goed. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's business is doing very well. De Regen hett fiev Daag anhollen. The rain lasted five days. The rain stopped for five days. Ich habe keine Ahnung, warum Tom das getan hat. I have no idea why Tom did it. I don't know why Tom did that. Ik zal je toestemming geven om te gaan. I'll permit you to go. I'll give you permission to go. Je was jaloers. You were jealous. You were jealous. Wie war euer Aufenthalt? How was your stay? Who was your stay? Hij slaapt met een mes onder zijn kussen. He sleeps with a knife under his pillow. He sleeps with a knife under his pillow. De aarde is de derde planeet vanaf de zon. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Wir haben Tom einen unserer Wagen verkauft. We sold one of our cars to Tom. We sold Tom one of our cars. Wat ben je nu aan het doen? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? Er ist in guter Form. He is in good shape. He's in good shape. ער איז זייער טאַטע. He's their father. Iris is a goddamn girl. Open de fles. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Gott hod immer Recht. God is always right. God is always right. Schließlich gab er ihre Zukunftspläne preis. At last he unfolded his plans for their future. Finally, he gave her plans for the future. Hoera voor Italiaanse vrouwen! Hurray for Italian women! For Italian women! Wat een mooie dag! What a nice day it is! What a beautiful day! Ich muss umgehend dorthin. I must go there immediately. I have to go there immediately. Dit is een geschenk voor jou. This a gift for you. This is a gift for you. KI beherrscht die Welt bereits; wir sehen nur nichts davon. AI already rules the world. We just don't see it. AI already rules the world; we see nothing of it. Demütige dich nicht! Don't humiliate yourself. Don't be humbled! Wir haben noch nicht alle Notwendigkeiten erledigt. We haven't yet done everything we need to do. We haven't done all the needs yet. Maakt de pijn u 's nachts wakker? Does the pain wake you up at night? Does the pain wake you up at night? Ich will nicht darüber streiten. I don't want to argue about that. I don't want to argue about it. Er ist der leibhaftige Teufel. He is the devil incarnate. He's the body-like devil. Du hättest mich gestern Abend anrufen sollen. You should've called me last night. You should have called me last night. Ich habe das absolute Gehör. I have perfect pitch. I heard the absolute hearing. Ich habe die von Tom hochgeladene Datei heruntergeladen. I downloaded the file which Tom uploaded. I downloaded the file uploaded by Tom. Tom war ein Adlerpfadfinder. Tom was an Eagle Scout. Tom was an eagle founder. Machen Schlangen dir Angst? Do snakes scare you? Do snakes scare you? הער זיך נישט צו צו זײַנע ליגנס! Don't listen to his lies! I swear to God that you have a law of lying! Wir sind Katzenmamas. We're cat moms. We are cat mamas. Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Wir haben zwei Hunde, drei Katzen und einen Papagei. We've got two dogs, three cats and a parrot. We have two dogs, three cats and one parrot. Bekleide dich! Put some clothes on. Complaints to you! Sami en Layla was gisteraand op televisie. Sami and Layla were on TV last night. Sami and Layla were on television last night. Ik zou graag willen weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I'd like to know what happened to Tom. I would like to know what happened to Tom. Noch weiß Ming Xiao nicht, wo er nächstes Jahr hingehen wird. Ming Xiao doesn't know yet where he will go next year. Ming Xiao doesn't know where he'll go next year. Tom hat um zwei Uhr dreißig einen Zahnarzttermin. Tom has a dentist appointment at 2:30. Tom has a dental appointment at three o'clock. Ik ging ook. I also went. I went too. Kin er t doun? Can he do it? Can there be T Down? Waar zijn je broers? Where are your brothers? Where are your brothers? Ik drink Kaffe. I'm drinking coffee. I drink coffee. Ungarn un de Slowakei sünd Navers. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Hungary and Slovakia are naves. Die Freude war unbeschreiblich groß, als Tom aus der politischen Gefangenschaft entlassen wurde. The joy was indescribably great when Tom was released from political imprisonment. The joy was indescribably great when Tom was released from political captivity. Mijn vader is maar vijftien jaar. My father is only fifteen years old. My father is only fifteen years old. Haar puppy is schoon. Her puppy is clean. Her puppy is clean. Dunder boesterde. The thunder roared. Dunder Boesterde. Tom spürt, dass seine Mannschaft das Spiel gewinnen wird. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom feels his team will win the game. How yuh duh? How are you? How did you react? Laat ons nu weggaan vooraleer iemand van gedacht verandert. Let's leave now before anyone changes their mind. Let us go now before someone changes his mind. Holt eure Bücher heraus und schlagt Seite 42 auf. Take out your books and open them at page 42. Get your books out and save page 42. Ich habe die Dateien noch nicht heruntergeladen. I haven't downloaded the files yet. I haven't downloaded the files yet. Vergiss nicht, dass Tom Kanadier ist! Don't forget that Tom is a Canadian. Don't forget that Tom is Canadian! Indien is 1947 von Grootbritannien unafhängig worrn. India gained independence from Britain in 1947. India became independent from the United Kingdom in 1947. „Ich werde mein Bestes geben.“ – „Nun, ich hoffe nur, dass dein Bestes gut genug ist, Tom.“ "I'll do my best." "Well, I only hope your best is good enough, Tom." "I'll give my best." "Well, I just hope your best is good enough, Tom." Misschien zie ik je nooit meer terug. Perhaps I will never see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again. Jy is bang vir hom. You're afraid of him. You are afraid of him. Jij bent niet zo jong als Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Iedereen kwam op mij af. Everyone approached me. Everyone came down to me. Er bekannte seine Schuld. He confessed that he was guilty. He knew his fault. I hau's gwisst, dass i's schoff. I knew I could do it. I'm sure I'll get it off. Nehmen Sie Digitalis? Do you take digitalis? Do you take digitalis? צי זענען פֿאַראַן געבוירענע טאָקיפּאָנע־רעדנדיקע? Are there any native speakers of Toki Pona? Do you think you’re going to be able to find a boat that’s going to take you off-the-shelf? Haar buurman zal voor de kinderen zorgen wanneer ze weg is. Her neighbor will care for the children while she is away. Her neighbor will take care of the children when she's gone. Ik hoop wel dat je het begrijpt. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand. Tom denkt nicht, dass wir das tun werden. Tom doesn't think we'll do that. Tom doesn't think we'll do that. Wees alsjeblieft beleefd. Please be polite. Please be polite. Tom beauftragte mich, eine Geschichte für ihn zu schreiben. Tom commissioned me to write a story for him. Tom asks me to write a story for him. Du bist kein Morgenmensch, das ist mir schon klar. You're not a morning person, I understand. You're not a morning person, that's clear to me. De roze kussen is schoon. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Tom naaide de knoop weer vast. Tom sewed the button back on. Tom nailed the knot again. Maria Hansen ist eine berühmte Schauspielerin. Mary Jackson is a famous actress. Maria Hansen is a famous actress. Waar zijn de jongens? Where are the boys? Where are the boys? Tom las in der Bibliothek. Tom was reading in the library. Tom read in the library. Voor de verovering door de Arabieren waren de meeste Perzen zoroastranen, maar er waren ook joden en christenen. Wie zou vandaag durven denken dat Iraniërs joodse of christelijke voorouders hebben? Before the conquest by the Arabians, the majority of the Persians were Zoroastrians, but there were also Jews and Christians. So, who could imagine today that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? For the conquest by the Arabs, most of the Persians were Zoroastrans, but there were also Jews and Christians. Who today would dare think that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? Ek weet hoe jy oor hom voel. I know how you feel about him. I know how you feel about him. Ik ben de eerste musicus in mijn familie. I am the first musician in my family. I am the first musician in my family. Ik ben veel aangekomen. I gained a lot of weight. I've arrived a lot. Als der Mond zur Erde kam, erfuhr sie eine sehr starke Abbremsung. Diese Abbremsung hat letzten Endes dazu geführt, dass wir einen angenehmen Tag und angenehmes Wetter haben. When the moon approached the Earth, it experienced very strong deceleration. This slowdown ultimately led to our having a pleasant day and pleasant weather. When the moon came to earth, it experienced a very strong braking, which ultimately led to our having a pleasant day and pleasant weather. Wir wissen es nicht, Eure Exzellenz. Vermutlich sind sie ertrunken. We don't know, Your Excellency. They probably drowned. We don't know, your excellence. Probably they're drowned. Ich habe den ganzen Tag auf dich gewartet. I've been waiting for you all day. I waited all day for you. Man kann sich bei nichts auf dieser Welt sicher sein. You can't be sure of anything in this world. You can't be sure of anything in this world. Volgens mij herken ik deze plek. I think that I recognize this place. I think I recognize this place. Is melk gezond? Is milk healthy? Is milk healthy? Ik heb het vorige week gekocht. I bought it last week. I bought it last week. Tom fuhr zum Bahnhof, um Maria hinterherzuwinken. Tom went to the station to see Mary off. Tom went to the train station to take Maria back. Schachspielerinnen sind die idealen Frauen: Sie können Stunden in der Stille verbringen, die Manöver gut verfolgen und viele interessante Positionen lernen. Chess players are ideal women: they can spend hours in silence, follow the maneuvers well and get to know many interesting positions. Chess players are the ideal women: you can spend hours in silence that track maneuvers well and learn many interesting positions. Sami en Layla zijn beide moslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslims. Soll ich Ihnen eine Karte zeichnen? Shall I draw a map for you? Should I draw you a card? Tom behandelte mich wie eine Prinzessin. Tom treated me like a princess. Tom treated me like a princess. Dröff ik en Fraag stellen? Can I ask a question? Do I ask a question? Kunnen jullie een geheim bewaren? Can you guys keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Vielleicht treffen wir uns dort. Maybe we'll meet there. Maybe we'll meet there. Tom wordt kaal. Tom is going bald. Tom's going to be bald. Is jy 'n elektrisiën in 'n teater? Are you an electrician in a theater? Are you an electrician in a theatre? Welche Farbe hat Toms Pullover? What color is Tom's sweater? What color does Toms Pullover have? Ben je een acteur of een zanger? Are you an actor or a singer? Are you an actor or singer? Waar kan ik een tolk vinden? Where can I find an interpreter? Where can I find an interpreter? Ik dacht dat je om Tom gaf. I thought you cared about Tom. I thought you cared about Tom. Du kannst gerne jederzeit zu Besuch kommen. You're welcome to visit at any time. You can visit at any time. Ze hebben gestemd. They voted. They resented. Maria ist Ärztin. Mary is a doctor. Maria is a doctor. Wo kann ich mein Handy laden? Where can I charge my mobile? Where can I load my cell phone? Nee, dat is noog. Ik bün sadd. No, it is enough. I am full. No, that's enough. I'm sad. Ons het meer onderwyseresse soos u nodig. We need more teachers like you. We need more teachers like you. Haben Sie Ihre Eintrittskarte verloren? Have you lost your ticket? Have you lost your entry card? Tom albert gerne herum. Tom likes to fool around. Tom Albert likes to go around. Ze droeg een lange, brede jas. She wore a long, loose coat. She wore a long, wide jacket. Tom heeft een dik Schots accent. Tom has a thick Scottish accent. Tom has a thick Scottish accent. Weit von hier, jenseits des Meeres, liegt das sonnige Land Italien. Far away across the sea lies the sunny land of Italy. Far from here, beyond the sea, lies the sunny country of Italy. Wie viele Jahrzehnte wohnt ihr schon in diesem Haus? How many decades have you lived in this house? How many decades have you been living in this house? Sie sollten in Kontakt bleiben mit Herrn Smith. You should keep in touch with Mr Smith. You should stay in touch with Mr Smith. Weißt du, wofür „PDF“ steht? Do you know what PDF stands for? Do you know what "PDF" means? Ik heb een duidelijk bewijs. I have an evident proof. I have a clear proof. De aap danst voor geld. The monkey dances for money. The monkey dances for money. Neem me niet kwalijk, kunt u de sushi zonder wasabi maken? Excuse me, can you make the sushi without wasabi? Don't blame me, can you make the sushi without Wasabi? Ich bin Administrator. I'm an admin. I'm an administrator. k Bin dien keunenk. I am your king. k bin die kounenk. Dat is mijn huisdier. That's my pet. That's my pet. Ik zou deze gelegenheid willen aangrijpen om je te bedanken. I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Sprichst du aus persönlicher Erfahrung? Do you speak from personal experience? Do you speak from personal experience? Deze koffiemachine is in Italië gemaakt. This coffee machine was made in Italy. This coffee machine is made in Italy. Hast du ein Kind? Do you have a child? Do you have a child? קיינער ווייס נישט, אַז איך בין גיי. Nobody knows I'm gay. Wysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Moanden van t joar binnen: jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november en dezember. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Months of the year within: Janneworie, feberwoary, meert, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. די וועלט איז אַ משוגעים־הויז. The world is a madhouse. It’s crazy enough to go crazy. Es duet mr leid... Sorry... I'm sorry... Ich bin gekommen, um dir zu danken. I came to thank you. I came to thank you. Maria fand einen Job. Mary found a job. Maria found a job. Uit welk land kom je? What country are you from? What country are you coming from? Eine Erkältung ist nicht schön. It sucks having a cold. A cold is not beautiful. Die Medizin hatte eine wundervolle Wirkung auf ihn. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Ich habe meine E-Mail-Adresse vergessen. I've forgotten my email address. I forgot my email address. Waarom is die weg afgezet? Why is that road blocked? Why was the road turned off? Hij is golf aan het spelen. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Ich habe so vieles, was ich Ihnen anvertrauen möchte. I have so many things I want you to know. I have so much I want to trust you. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, sie seien hungrig. Tom and Mary told John they were hungry. Tom and Mary told John that they were hungry. Tom hat meinen Namen falsch ausgesprochen. Tom mispronounced my name. Tom has wrongly pronounced my name. Abakatt is en Frucht. Avocado is a fruit. Abakatt is a fruit. Ik zag een menigte kinderen in de bioscoop. I saw a crowd of children at the cinema. I saw a lot of kids in the cinema. Tom sagte mir, dass er nicht mit leeren Händen nach Hause kommen wollte. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to come home with empty hands. Maria, komm mit mir zurück nach Paris! Mary, come back to Paris with me. Maria, come back with me to Paris! Duitsers zijn zeer gewiekst. The Germans are very crafty. Germans are very mixed. Ik heb een gloednieuw paar sokken. I have a brand new pair of socks. I have a brand new pair of socks. Ich hoffe, ich habe dein Gehirn mit all diesen Gedanken nicht überstrapaziert. I hope I didn't rack your brain too hard with all these thoughts. I hope I haven't crossed your brain with all these thoughts. Das ist ein hervorragender Wein. That's an excellent wine. This is an excellent wine. Tom zal een goede leraar zijn. Tom will be a good teacher. Tom will be a good teacher. Mag ik eens rondkijken? Can I look around? Can I take a look around? Jedes Buch der Bibel ist in Kapitel eingeteilt und die Kapitel in Verse. Each book of the Bible is divided into chapters, and the chapters are divided into verses. Each book of the Bible is divided into chapters and the chapter in verses. Die meisten Amerikaner waren dafür. Most Americans were for it. Most Americans were for this. War das wirklich notwendig? Was it really necessary? Was that really necessary? Beproef je geluk! Try your luck! Try your luck! Anscheinend bin ich zu einem ungünstigen Zeitpunkt aufgetaucht. It looks like I came at a bad time. I seem to have appeared at an unfavourable time. Wel kloagt? Who's complaining? Don't you complain? Da sucht Sie jemand. There is someone looking for you. You're looking for someone. Du bist immer am Schlafen. You're always sleeping. You're always sleeping. Tom fragte Maria nach dem Verkehrsunfall, in den sie mit fünf Jahren geraten war. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident she was involved in when she was five years old. Tom asked Maria about the traffic accident in which she was five years old. Tom is op kerstavond geboren. Tom was born on Christmas Eve. Tom was born on Christmas Eve. Es wurden fünfzehn Personen bei dem Unfall verletzt. There were fifteen persons injured in the accident. There were fifteen people injured in the accident. Der Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Jahr 1939 machte es damals unmöglich, das Match zwischen Alexander Aljechin und Paul Keres um die Schachweltmeisterschaft durchzuführen. The outbreak of World War II, in 1939, made it impossible to carry out the match between Alexander Alekhine and Paul Keres for the World Chess Championship at that time. The outbreak of World War II in 1939 made it impossible at that time to run the match between Alexander Aljechin and Paul Keres for the Chess World Championship. Tom wird nicht gestehen. Tom won't confess. Tom won't stand. Ik ben daar geboren. I was born there. I was born there. Vlinders leven niet lang. Butterflies have short life spans. Flinders don't live long. Wo ist die Brücke? Where is the bridge? Where's the bridge? Tom betrat das verlassene Haus. Tom entered the abandoned house. Tom entered the abandoned house. Tom war überrascht, als er hörte, dass Maria geheiratet hatte. Tom was surprised to hear Mary had gotten married. Tom was surprised when he heard that Mary had married. Wat sou jy gedoen het as jy in my plek was? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you have done if you had been in my place? Ihr versteht aber auch gar nichts, oder? You don't understand anything, do you? You don't even understand, do you? Den Rat, einen Anwalt einzuschalten, erhielt ich von Tom. Tom was the one who advised me to hire a lawyer. The advice to turn on an attorney was given by Tom. Wir leiden an einer unheilbaren Krankheit namens Hoffnung. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. Dit is mijn pop. This is my doll. This is my pop. Sie hat auf ihn eingeredet, ein neues Haus zu kaufen. She talked him into buying a new house. She asked him to buy a new house. Die nuus het vinnig versprei. The news spread fast. The news spread quickly. Was t dien faveriet? Was it your favorite? What is your favorite? שלום־עליכם. Shalom aleichem. Good bye to you. Wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. Whoever sows wind will reap storms. Es wird euch in Boston gefallen. You'll like Boston. You'll be in Boston. Wie schnell kommt ein Ruderboot voran? What speed can a rowing boat make? How fast is a rower boat coming forward? Hier ben ik een vreemdeling. Here, I am a stranger. I'm a stranger here. Die Kabylen sind Berber. The Kabyles are Berbers. The Cabyles are Berbers. Een geheim bewaren heb ik nooit gekund. I never could keep a secret. I have never found a secret. „Was hast du getan?“ – „Gar nichts.“ "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything." “What did you do?” — “Nothing.” Het experiment moet beginnen. The experiment has to begin. The experiment must begin. Heeft u vaak oorpijn? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you often have earache? Op het Marktplein staan vier fonteinen met beelden van Neptunus, zijn vrouw Amphitrite, Diana en Adonis. There are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis in the Market Square. On the Market Square are four fountains of statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis. Gehen wir dort entlang! Let's go that way. Let's go there! Dit boek gaat de bovenste plank op. This book goes on the top shelf. This book is the top plank. Bruukst du veel Geld? Do you need much money? Do you use a lot of money? Können wir woanders darüber reden? Can we talk about it somewhere else? Can we talk about it elsewhere? Tom warnte Maria vor Johannes. Tom warned Mary about John. Tom warned Mary about John. Hier fühle ich mich zu Hause. This is where I feel at home. I feel at home here. Was kostet ein Kilo Ananas? How much does a kilogram of pineapples cost? What does a kilo of Ananias cost? Hij speelde vals tijdens het kaarten. He cheated at cards. He played false during the cards. Sonst ist niemand im Zimmer. There's nobody else in the room. Otherwise, nobody is in the room. Nogmaals bedankt. Thanks again. Thank you again. Sie ist Fußballspielerin. She's a footballer. She's a football player. Tom wollte nicht hereinkommen. Tom didn't want to come in. Tom didn't want to come in. Hij geeft handvaardigheidsles op school. He teaches arts and crafts in a school. He teaches craftsmanship at school. איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איסלאַמאָפֿאָביש? Is Donald Trump Islamophobic? Do you think Daniel Trump is insanity? Wenn wir etwas erreichen wollen, müssen wir Risiko auf uns nehmen. If we want to achieve something, we have to take risks. If we want to achieve something, we need to take risks on ourselves. Ga nu weg. Move now. Get out of here now. Wie lange ist das her, seit wir uns gesehen haben? How long has it been since we've seen each other? How long has it been since we saw it? Tom ist jetzt in der gegnerischen Mannschaft. Tom is now on the opposing team. Tom is now in the opposing team. Wat kocht ze in die winkel? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy in that store? Kies een letter. Pick a letter. Choose a letter. טאָם טענהט, אַז ער איז געווען שיכּור. Tom claims he was drunk. Awww, I'm drunk. Loop sneller! Walk faster! Walk faster! Ich möchte in Würde altern. I want to age gracefully. I want to age in dignity. Es regnet bald. Sieh dir mal die schwarzen Wolken an! It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. It's raining soon. Look at the black clouds! Du kannst das auch, wenn du es nur versuchst. You can do this, too, if you try. You can do this if you just try it. דאָס איז אַ בלײַער. That's a pencil. Dude, I think I'm sorry. Als der Chef erfuhr, wie Tom mit Maria umgesprungen war, warf er ihn raus. When the boss found out how Tom had treated Mary, he fired him. When the chief learned how Tom had moved around with Maria, he threw him out. Es wird mit jedem Tage heißer. Every day, it's getting hotter and hotter. It gets hotter with every day. Obwohl die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung fünfundfüngzig Meilen pro Stunde betrug, fuhr Tom viel schneller. Even though the speed limit was 55 miles per hour, Tom was driving much faster. Although the speed limit was five and a half miles per hour, Tom drove much faster. Tom ist heute etwas mürrisch. Tom is a little moody today. Tom is a bit murric today. Ik kan de computer niet herstellen. I cannot fix the computer. I can't recover the computer. Mein Geldbeutel ist verschwunden. My wallet's gone. My wallet has disappeared. Het was hem niet gegeven haar ooit nog te ontmoeten. He was destined never to meet her again. It wasn't given to him to ever meet her. ס׳איז נישט פּסול צו זײַן געי. It's OK to be gay. A.S.C. issued an e-mail. An Zwüfi am Tog, host mit di Gössn ka Plog. An onion a day keeps mosquitoes away. At the end of the day, the bus stops at the base of the log. מערי איז נישט קראַנק. Mary isn't sick. The ice-collar is an ice-collar. Ik kom uit Tokio, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Bis er sich an sie gewöhnt hatte, machte Tom auf seiner neuen Tastatur viele Tippfehler. Tom made a lot of typos on his new keyboard until he got used to it. Until he used to get used to her, Tom made a lot of tips on his new keyboard. Hallo Tom. Hello, Tom. Hello Tom. Tom bestellte sich einen Kaffee und Maria einen Kakao. Tom ordered coffee for himself and cocoa for Mary. Tom ordered a coffee and Maria a cocoa. Wir müssen nach Hause. We need to get home. We have to go home. Ek weet hoe jy oor ons voel. I know how you feel about us. I know how you feel about us. An ye, hou's aw wi ye? And you, how's everything with you? And you, how are you? Ze besteedt te veel aandacht aan onbelangrijke dingen. She pays too much attention to irrelevant things. She spends too much time on trivial things. Ik kan Chinees wel spreken, maar niet lezen. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read Chinese. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read. Kaum glaube ich, besser zu werden, kommt Kritik, und mein Selbstbewusstsein fällt wieder in sich zusammen. I feel like I'm improving, and then I get criticism and my self-confidence comes tumbling back down. I don’t think I’m going to get better, criticism comes, and my self-awareness falls back together. Tom mag die italienische Küche. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes the Italian cuisine. Ik swalkte doelleas yn it rûn. I was drifting about aimlessly. I’m going to run it out of purpose. Jy was nie so sleg nie. You weren't that bad. You were not so bad. Danke. Thanks! Thank you. Nicht so schnell! Not so fast! Not that fast! Ik ben niet je vijand. I'm not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. Mijn naam is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. Er wurde bei einem Autounfall verletzt. He was hurt in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Tom ist YouTuber. Tom is a YouTuber. Tom is YouTuber. Lass deine Waffen hier! Leave your weapons here. Let's have your weapons here! Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I'm not married to Tom anymore. Het lijkt buiten warm te zijn. It seems warm outside. It seems to be outside warm. Ich habe mir ein Sandwich gemacht. I made myself a sandwich. I made a sandwich. Tom und Maria passten abwechselnd auf Johannes auf. Tom and Mary took turns taking care of John. Tom and Maria were different from John. Tom hat keine Angst mehr. Tom isn't scared anymore. Tom is not afraid anymore. Wapen bringt keen Minschen üm. Minschen bringt Minschen üm. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Weapons don't kill people. People kill people. Doe bist old. You are old. It's old. Tom vermoedt niets. Tom suspects nothing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. Ik nehm dat Book. I'm taking the book. I take the book. Warte eine halbe Stunde! Wait thirty minutes. Wait half an hour! צי האַלט טאָם הינט פֿאַר קליגער ווי קעץ? Does Tom think that dogs are smarter than cats? Do you think you’re going to have to go to St. Peter’s forerunner? Is Tom 'n goeie vent? Is Tom a good guy? Is Tom a good guy? Lasst eure Waffen hier! Leave your weapons here. Leave your weapons here! Maria droeg een oranje jurk. Mary wore an orange dress. Maria wore an orange dress. Ik voer het woord. I will do the talking. I'm going to carry the word. k Proat Grunnegs. I speak Gronings. k Proat Grungegs. Vrouwen zijn er om bemind te worden, niet om begrepen te worden. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women are there to be loved, not to be understood. Du musst den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner finden. You need to find the lowest common denominator. You have to find the smallest common name. Tom ist nicht sehr weit gekommen. Tom didn't get very far. Tom didn't come very far. Vielleicht wird er ein guter Lehrer. Maybe he will be a good teacher. Maybe he will be a good teacher. Misschien was hij ziek. Maybe he was ill. Maybe he was sick. Hest du Poppeer? Do you have paper? Do you have popper? Tom scheint genervt zu sein. Tom seems annoyed. Tom seems nervous. Zéng, zwanzeg, drësseg, véierzeg, fofzef, siechzeg, siwwenzeg, achtzeg, nonzeg, honnert. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Two, three, three, three, four, seven, seven, seven, eight, none, one. Wat sinn déng Conclusiounen? What are your conclusions? What do you mean by this? Ons moet uitvind wat dit is. We need to find out what it is. We need to find out what this is. Ik heb het nog niet eens geprobeerd. I haven't even tried yet. I haven't even tried it yet. Prettig weekend! Have a nice weekend. Funny weekend! Wij scheren de schapen. We are shearing the sheep. We shave the sheep. Mien Katt warrt nich geern natt. My cat doesn't like to get wet. My cat is not going to get wet. Du hast keine Chance. You don't have a chance. You don't have a chance. Ik kan mij niet veroorloven een dure auto te kopen. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. Wenn die Armee in weißer Uniform den König in schwarzer Uniform einsperrt, gewinnt sie das Spiel. If the army in white uniform imprisons the king in black uniform, that army wins the game. When the army in white uniform locks the king in black uniform, she wins the game. Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like going to the cinema. I went to the cinema. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das richtig übersetzt habe. I’m not sure if I translated that right. I'm not sure if I've translated it correctly. 't Is nog gain lìnte. It's not spring yet. It's still gain lìnte. Auf dem Tisch befindet sich eine Blume. There is a flower on the table. There is a flower on the table. „Was für Landsleute sind deine Freunde?“ – „Norweger.“ "What nationality are your friends?" "Norwegian." “What kind of people are your friends?” — “Norwayer.” טאָם איז אַ קאָסמאָנויט. Tom is a cosmonaut. Tom is a cosmopolitan. Vieles wissen wir nicht. There's a lot we don't know. We don't know much. Datum, an dem diese Seite zuletzt aktualisiert wurde: 03.11.2010 Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03 Date on which this page was last updated: 03.10.2013 Ik heff to doon. I'm busy. I've got to do it. Tom rende. Tom ran. Tom rende. קיינער קען זי נישט זען. No one can see it. Sweater toe toe toe toe toe. De Markt maakt morgens Klock negen apen. The market opens at 9:00 a.m. The market will open in the morning at nine o'clock. Hätten Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich eine Pause machen würde? Would you mind if I took a break? Do you have anything against me if I take a break? Fidget spinners zijn populair bij leerlingen. Fidget spinners are popular with students. Fidget spinners are popular with students. We zullen je heel erg missen. We will miss you badly. We'll miss you very much. Wie spricht man das aus? How do you pronounce that? How are you talking about that? Die Kinder sangen: “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day”, das heißt auf deutsch: „Regen, Regen, fort mit dir! Andern Tags sei wieder hier.“ The children chanted, "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." The children sing: “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day”, which means “rain, rain, continue with you! Other day be here again.” Denken Sie darüber nach, was Sie wollen. Think about what you want. Think about what you want. Das ist eine interessante Sprache. That's an interesting language. This is an interesting language. טאָמס קאַץ איז קראַנק. Tom's cat is sick. Toys is an ice-collar. Wacht tot je terugkomt. Wait until you get back. Wait until you come back. Mir hu keng Kanner. We don't have children. I don't think I'm in trouble. Uit welk station vertrekt de trein? From which station does the train leave? Which station is the train leaving? Tom, bist du hier? Tom, are you here? Tom, are you here? Er hat seinen Entschluss nicht verändert. He hasn't changed his mind. He did not change his decision. De Lööw is de Köning von ’n Dschungel. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of a jungle. Tom het kom kuier. Tom came to visit. Tom came to visit. Hy het vir haar geskree om versigtig te wees. He shouted to her to be careful. He yelled at her to be careful. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit nog altyd gedoen het. They said that they've always done that. They said they have always done it. Liebst du mich? Liebst du mich wirklich? Do you love me? Do you really love me? Do you love me? Iedereen is gelukkig. Everyone is happy. Everyone is happy. מיר זענען אינטעליגענטע מענטשן. We're intelligent people. I'm afraid I'm not going to make an unsuspecting mistake. De rits zit vast. The zipper is stuck. The zip is stuck. Pasi üp, dat di Hün di ek bet. Watch out, that the dog doesn't bite you. At last, I was bedridden. Ik heb de hele dag op Tom gewacht. I waited for Tom all day long. I waited all day for Tom. Layla is n helleveeg. Layla is a bitch. Layla is a light animal. Ik sta op het punt je iets belangrijks te vertellen. I'm about to tell you something important. I'm about to tell you something important. Das ist ein großer Elefant. That's a big elephant. This is a big elephant. Sie zeigte ihm das Foto. She showed him the photo. She showed him the photo. So viel kann ich nicht bezahlen. I can't pay that much. So much I can't pay. Wil je erover praten of niet? Do you want to talk about it or not? Do you want to talk about it or not? Ze heeft een tatoeage van een hagedis op haar dij. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. She has a tattoo of a hagedis on her dike. Ich wollte Sie nur stolz machen. I just wanted to make you proud. I just wanted to make you proud. In welche Richtung waren sie unterwegs? Which direction were they heading in? In what direction were they on the way? Tom holt die Wäsche aus dem Wäschetrockner. Tom is taking the washing out of the tumble dryer. Tom takes the laundry out of the laundry dryer. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. Schreib ein neues Lied. Write a new song. Write a new song. Ich bin mit einer Rakete ins All geflogen. I went to space on a rocket. I've flown into all of them with a rocket. Ich spreche Kabylisch, Französisch, Englisch und Arabisch; somit bin ich vielsprachig. I speak Kabyle, French, English, and Arabic, so I am multilingual. I speak Cabylic, French, English and Arabic; I am therefore multilingual. Ik weet niet wat ik hem ga vertellen. I don't know what I'm going to tell him. I don't know what I'm going to tell him. Een jongen steekt de straat over. A boy is walking across the street. A boy is crossing the street. Vondaag is mien Geboortsdag. Today is my birthday. Today is my birthday. De koudegolf hield Europa in zijn greep. A cold spell gripped Europe. The cold wave kept Europe in its grip. Oost west, thuis best. There is no place like home. East West, home best. Kennst du das Passwort? Do you know the password? Do you know the password? Essen sie heute hier zu Abend? Are they eating here this evening? Do you eat here tonight? Hou je werkelijk van mij? Do you really love me? Do you really love me? Das ist mein Hund. That is my dog. That's my dog. Es gibt 1000 Filme, die man sehen muss, bevor man stirbt. There are 1000 movies that one must watch before dying. There are 1,000 movies that you need to see before you die. Amerika houdt van je. America loves you. America loves you. Mein Vater wird mir das Fell über die Ohren ziehen. My father is going to kill me. My father will pull the fur over my ears. Mijn lievelingskleur van lippenstift is roze. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. Komm mir hinterher. Follow behind me. Come after me. Dit es en dailk Teekning. That is a beautiful drawing. This is a dailk drawing. We overleven wel. We'll survive. We'll survive. Was ist mit ihm los? What is the matter with him? What's going on with him? Tom keek in koelkaast. Tom looked in the refrigerator. Tom looked at a cool cheese. Hoe teleurstellend! How disappointing! How disappointing! De appel is rood. The apple is red. The apple is red. Ik ben lang. I am tall. I'm long. Hoelang geleden is Tom vertrokken? How long ago did Tom leave? How long ago did Tom leave? פֿאַקטיש איז דאָס דער עולם־⁠הבא. Actually, this is the afterlife. I think it's a hell of a goddamn world--that's it. Tom snackt al wedder in’n Slaap. Tom is talking in his sleep again. Tom is talking about sleep. Tom empfindet genauso wie ich. Tom feels the same way as I do. Tom feels just like me. Tom bewirtet seine Gäste. Tom is serving his guests. Tom takes care of his guests. Doet het alleen pijn waar ik druk, of ook ergens anders? Does it only hurt where I am pressing, or somewhere else? Does it just hurt where I press, or somewhere else? Das ist eine ziemlich schwer zu beantwortende Frage. That's a pretty hard question to answer. This is a very difficult question to answer. כ'בין נישט קײן זונה. I'm not a whore. I’m going to give you a piece of teasing. Ik ööwi ark Dai trii Stünen. I practice three hours every day. I'm on the right side of the Dead Trii Hour. k Mag Fraans. I like French. k may be French. Haben Sie einen Tisch mit Blick auf den Ozean? Do you have a table with a view of the ocean? Do you have a table overlooking the ocean? Das war deine Entscheidung. That was your choice. That was your decision. Das Wasser war kalt. The water was cold. The water was cold. Het hoost. It's pouring down. The Hoost. Tom feuerte Mary, da sie oft zu spät zu Arbeit erschien. Tom fired Mary because she often showed up late for work. Tom fired Mary, as she often appeared too late to work. Ik kom uit Engeland. I'm from England. I'm from England. „Viele haben sich bei mir gemeldet, um mir mitzuteilen, dass sich ihre Einstellung zur Meeresverschmutzung seit der Teilnahme an dieser Herausforderung grundlegend geändert habe“, sagte sie. “Many people got in touch to tell me that their attitude to sea pollution has completely changed since taking part in this challenge,” she said. “Many have reported to me to tell me that their attitude toward marine pollution has changed fundamentally since participating in this challenge,” she said. Tom is een entertainer. Tom is an entertainer. Tom is an entertainer. Ik schreef haar elke dag een brief. I wrote her a letter every day. I wrote her a letter every day. In der Kontroverse stellten wir uns auf seine Seite. We sided with him in the controversy. In the controversy we put ourselves on his side. Was braucht man zum Bau eines Netherportals? What do you need to build a nether portal? What do you need to build a Nether Portal? Wie ben ik om hem te bekritiseren? Who am I to criticize him? Who am I to criticize him? Ich hätte das auch geschafft, wenn ich etwas mehr Zeit gehabt hätte. I could've done that, too, if I'd had a little more time. I would have done that if I had had a little more time. Antworte ehrlich! Answer honestly. Answer honestly! דו ביסט אַ גנבֿטע. You are a thief. B.B. is a thief. Das Universum besteht zum größten Teil aus dunkler Energie, aber wir wissen eigentlich gar nicht, was das ist. Dark energy makes up the majority of the cosmos, but we don’t actually know what it is. The universe consists mostly of dark energy, but we don’t actually know what that is. Ik bün ut Ecuador. I am from Ecuador. I'm out of Ecuador. Die Äpfel, die er mir schickte, waren köstlich. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Ik heb van 2008 tot 2011 in de VS gewoond. I lived in the US from 2008 till 2011. I lived in the U.S. from 2008 to 2011. Sie gab mir ein schönes Paar Schuhe. She gave me a nice pair of shoes. She gave me a nice pair of shoes. Die Beem sin gros. The trees are big. The tree is growing. Mijn oom stierf aan longkanker. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. Help mie. Help me. Help me. Wie konnte das passieren? How could this have happened? How could that happen? Ik heb ze gezegd dat ze me nog een ticket moeten opsturen. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Tom is in gevaar. Tom is in danger. Tom is in danger. Hutt dir mech net gesinn? Didn't you see me? Don't you hate me? Ich habe mit dem Rauchen aufgehört und fühle mich wie neugeboren. I gave up smoking and I feel like a new man. I stopped smoking and felt like a newborn. Es versteckt sich im Wandschrank. He's hiding in the closet. It is hidden in the wall cabinet. Ik heb er genoeg van met jou te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've got enough to talk to you! Vielleicht könnte ich jetzt doch etwas Hilfe vertragen. Maybe I could use some help after all. Maybe I could get some help now. Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Few people are afraid of death. Dein Fahrrad ist besser als meins. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? What're your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? Ik woon niet meer in Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Zai slaip. She slept. Zai fell asleep. Heb je de nieuwste versie? Do you have the latest version? Do you have the latest version? Er is tijd genoeg om dit huiswerk af te maken. There is enough time to finish this homework. There is enough time to finish this homework. Tom moet ervandoor. Tom needs to get going. Tom has to go through it. Tom kam erst um 2.30 Uhr zurück. Tom didn't return till 2:30. Tom returned at 2:30 p.m. Esther is een Holocaust-overlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Sami het dit verlede week reggemaak. Sami fixed that last week. Sami took care of this last week. Du bist ekelerregend. You're disgusting. You're ekelerreindeer. Unsere Besucher sitzen im Wohnzimmer. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Our visitors sit in the living room. Es gehört nicht dir. It's not yours. It doesn't belong to you. Ich sage dir nur, du sollst darüber nachdenken. I'm just telling you to think about it. I just tell you, you should think about it. Het is in Europa. It's in Europe. It's in Europe. Tom starb in der Explosion. Tom died in the blast. Tom died in the explosion. Er musste sich das Hotelzimmer mit einem Fremden teilen. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. לוסיע האָט געפּוסטעפּאַסעוועט. Lusia was twiddling her thumbs. I'm going to give you a run-up. Ich frage mich, wo Tom Tennis spielt. I wonder where Tom plays tennis. I wonder where Tom is playing tennis. Warum habe ich nicht so einen Freund? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have such a friend? Das ist nicht Toms Fahrrad. That's not Tom's bicycle. That's not Tom's bike. Ik heb vandaag nog geen voet buiten de deur gezet. I haven't set foot outside the house today. I haven't put a foot outside the door today. Lass mich dich noch einmal küssen! Let me kiss you again. Let me kiss you again! טאָם איז אַ ריטער. Tom's a knight. I'm sorry Tom is sorry. Nicht nur Tauben, sondern auch Touristen sind jeden Tag in Scharen auf dem Markusplatz zugegen. Pigeons as well as tourists flock to St Mark's Square every day. Not only pigeons, but also tourists are on the market every day. Meine Schwester arbeitet als Englischlehrerin. My sister's work is teaching English. My sister works as an English teacher. Es könnte sich in der Tat um einen Fehler handeln. It may, indeed, be a mistake. It could actually be a mistake. Tom spielte auf seinem neuen Waldhorn ein altes irisches Lied. Tom played an old Irish song on his new French horn. Tom played an old Irish song on his new Waldhorn. Tom weiß nicht, wo er anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know where to begin. Tom doesn't know where to start. Waarom gilt u? Why are you screaming?! Why do you apply? Is er iets dat uw pijn erger maakt? Is there anything that makes your pain feel worse? Is there something that makes your pain worse? Tom kam unter dem Auto hervor. Tom got out from under the car. Tom came out under the car. Der Atlantik trennt Amerika von Europa. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. The Atlantic separates America from Europe. Heb je ervan gehoord? Did you hear of it? Did you hear of it? Ge hebt uw man bedrogen. You deceived your husband. You lied to your husband. Gib Worte deinem Schmerz. Grimm, der nicht spricht, presst das beladene Herz, bis dass es bricht! Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart, and bids it break. Give words to your pain. Grimm, who does not speak, presses the loaded heart until it breaks! דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ פּאַטאָלאָגישער ליגנער. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Daniel Trump is a goddamn liar. Ich habe diesen Film schon viele Male gesehen. I've already seen this movie many times. I've seen this film many times. Hij kreeg van de leraar een gouden polshorloge. He was given a gold watch by the teacher. He got a gold wrist watch from the teacher. Ik heff den Satz verbetert. I've improved the sentence. I improved the sentence. Lees dit nog een keer, asseblief. Read it one more time, please. Read it again, please. Berühmtheiten gibt es überall. Celebrities are everywhere. There are celebrities everywhere. Wir müssen unbedingt die Polizei rufen. We really need to call the police. We must call the police. Ek het nog altyd harde werk met sukses in die lewe assosieer. I have always identified hard work with success in life. I have always worked hard with success in life. Mien Puckel deit jümmer noch weh. My back still hurts. My puckle still hurts. Tom mochte das. Tom liked this. Tom liked it. מיר האָבן זיך אַוועקגעצויגן קיין אַלזשיר. We moved to Algiers. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Hier hast du einen Taler. Here's a dollar. Here you have a valley. Tom weiß, wie man mit Stäbchen isst. Tom knows how to eat with chopsticks. Tom knows how to eat with rods. Dit is een appel. This is an apple. This is an apple. Je zin werd niet toegevoegd omdat hij al bestaat. Your sentence was not added because it already exists. Your sentence was not added because it already exists. Wir zogen die Stiefel aus. We took off our boots. We pulled out the boots. Ik ben erin geslaagd om me verstaanbaar te maken in het Engels. I managed to make myself understood in English. I managed to make myself understandable in English. Sy het opgestaan om die telefoon te antwoord. She stood up to answer the phone. She got up to answer the phone. Tom heeft het Eurovisie Songfestival gewonnen. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom has won the Eurovision Song Festival. Het jy enige Bitcoins? Do you have any Bitcoins? Do you have Bitcoins? Waar is de bakker? Where is there a bakery? Where's the baker? Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass die Stadt eine hohe Kriminalitätsrate hat. It is well known that the city has a high crime rate. It is generally known that the city has a high rate of crime. Kommt heute schönes Wetter? Will the weather be good today? Is the weather going to be nice today? Das ist nicht seine Sache. That is no business of his. That's not his thing. Diese Stadt liegt auf 1600 Metern Höhe. This city is 1,600 metres above sea level. This city is 1,600 meters in height. Tom besucht seine Großmutter. Tom visits his grandmother. Tom visits his grandmother. Er ist aus irgendeinem Grunde nicht gekommen. He didn't come for some reason. He has not come for any reason. Wie lange sind Sie fort gewesen? How long have you been away? How long have you been on? Ich esse nicht mehr so viel Fleisch wie früher. I don't eat as much meat as I used to. I no longer eat as much meat as before. Tom ist ein multidimensionales Wesen, dessen richtiger Name unaussprechbar ist. Tom is a multidimensional being whose real name is unpronouncable. Tom is a multidimensional being whose real name is unspeakable. דאָס קלויסטער איז זייער גרויס. This church is very big. Mr. Clyde, Mr. Griffin, I think it's a good idea to go to Griffin. Ich freue mich zu hören, dass es Tom besser geht. I'm glad to hear Tom is doing better. I'm glad to hear that Tom's going better. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie das für mich machen würden. I would be very pleased if you did this for me. I would be happy if you did that for me. Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She's done her homework. She made her homework. Warum hast du Tom nicht einfach bezahlt? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Why didn't you just pay Tom? Tom ist nicht mehr mein Freund. Tom isn't my friend anymore. Tom is no longer my friend. Tom will wissen, warum. Tom wants to know why. Tom wants to know why. Schwätzt Dir Lëtzebuergesch? Do you speak Luxembourgish? Are you wrong with Latzebuersch? Ze lijkt gelukkig. She seems happy. She looks happy. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that it's true. I think it's true. זײ לױפֿן. They are running. I'm not a fan. Das Ergebnis war vorhersehbar. That result was predictable. The result was predictable. Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich mich Ihnen anschließe? Do you mind if I join you? Does it matter to you when I join you? Weet je waar Tom zijn koffer heeft gelaten? Do you know where Tom put his suitcase? Do you know where Tom left his suitcase? Ich bin Privatlehrer für Fremdsprachen. I'm a private language teacher. I am a private teacher of foreign languages. Jeder Dummkopf, der mit einem „Fröhliche Weihnachten!“ auf den Lippen herumzieht, sollte mit seinem eigenen Pudding gekocht und mit einem Stechpalmenpflock durchs Herz begraben werden! Every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas,' on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. Every stupid head who moves around with a “frozen Christmas!” on the lips should be bought with his own pudding and buried with a stechpalmenpfpflock through the heart! Maria hat Beifall geklatscht. Mary applauded. Maria was agitated. Na de dood van de koning werd Elsa koningin. After the king's death Elsa became queen. After the king's death, Elsa became queen. Die Polizisten setzten gegen die protestierenden Schüler Tränengas ein. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. The police deployed tear gas against the protesting students. De Zitroon is suur. The lemon is sour. The lemon is acid. Het is twee mijl van hier naar het station. It's two miles from here to the station. It's two miles from here to the station. קעץ זענען יחידים. Cats are people. Caring for unique ones. Maria sagte, sie hätte gern noch eine Tasse Kaffee. Mary said she'd like to have another cup of coffee. Maria said she would like another cup of coffee. Kommen Sie bitte und setzen Sie sich auf diesen Tisch. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Please come and sit on this table. Er hat das Feuer ausgehen lassen. He let the fire go out. He let the fire go out. ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Tom wil volgend jaar een nieuwe auto kopen. Tom wants to buy a new car next year. Tom wants to buy a new car next year. Toms Voraussagen traten alle ein. Everything Tom predicted came true. Tom’s predictions were all coming in. Tom kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie. Tom couldn't answer all of the questions. Tom couldn’t answer all the questions. Tom tat so, als sähe er nicht, was passierte. Tom pretended that he didn't see what was happening. Tom did so as if he didn’t see what was happening. Bitte mischen Sie die Karten. Please shuffle the cards. Please mix the cards. Mannslüüd kören man nich oft vun ehr Problemen. Men rarely talk about their problems. Men do not often select from their problems. Ik heb een zeer mooie hond. I have a very beautiful dog. I have a very nice dog. Spreekt u Turks? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Appelsienen wasst in warme Länner. Oranges grow in warm countries. Apples are washed in warm countries. De verpleegster is in het wit gekleed. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse is dressed in white. Doe dronkst. You drank. Don't get drunk. Robert komt mij af en toe bezoeken. Robert occasionally visits me. Robert comes to visit me occasionally. Ich habe eine Milchallergie. I have an allergy to milk. I have a milk allergy. Ik zou graag in Europa willen wonen. I'd like to live in Europe. I would like to live in Europe. Ierland ligt in West-Europa. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is located in Western Europe. Wie heißt deine Tochter? What's your daughter's name? What is your daughter's name? Du sagst zwar, du wollest richtig lernen, bemühst dich aber nicht bei deinen Hausaufgaben. Findest du das in Ordnung? You say that you want to study well, but don't actually work when it comes to doing the homework. Do you think that that's okay? You say you want to learn right, but don't work on your homework. Ze weegt meer dan 80 kg. She weighs more than 80 kg. It weighs more than 80 kg. .איך האב נישט קיין אנונג ווו מיריאַם וואוינט I have no idea where Mary lives. God’s Word tells us how God created Adam and Eve to live forever on earth. Bist du mit Maria befreundet? Are you friends with Mary? Are you friends with Mary? Dat Auto is Brian sien. The car is Brian’s. The car is Brian's. Toms vriendin dreigde hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom ist bereits von der Polizei verhört worden. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom has already been interrogated by the police. Heeft Tom gisteren zijn moeder geholpen? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Wo waren Sie? Where've you been? Where were you? Disse Karkhoff hett sogoor sien egen Websteed un dor gifft dat en Rubrik „Nees“! Kannst du di wat Nees von ’n Karkhoff vörstellen?! This cemetery even has its own site, and there is a page “News” on it! Can you fancy news from the graveyard?! This Karkhoff has its own website and there is a menu “Nees”! Can you imagine something new from a Karkhoff?! ער וואוינט ערגעץ אין אַ העק. He lives out in the boondocks. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww איך האב מורא פון דעם וואס וועט פאסירן. I'm scared of what's going to happen. How does God’s Holy Spirit play a role in God’s purpose for mankind? Sie haben drei Kinder. You have three children. They have three children. D Frau isch jung. The woman is young. Young woman, young. Henry heeft niet meer dan zes dollar. Henry has no more than six dollars. Henry has no more than six dollars. Ik mag het aan niemand vertellen. I'm not supposed to tell anybody. I can't tell anybody. Mag ik u testen op COVID-19? Can I test you for COVID-19? Can I test you on COVID-19? Tom und Maria gingen nebeneinander her. Tom and Mary walked side by side. Tom and Maria went next to each other. Bitte gib mir einen Apfel. Please give me an apple. Please give me an apple. Vielleicht sollten wir das anders angehen. Maybe we should try doing this another way. Maybe we should apply this differently. Ich glaube nicht, dass es Tom war, der mir meinen Geldbeutel gestohlen hat. I don't think Tom was the one who stole my wallet. I don't think it was Tom who stole my wallet. Hij getuigde. He testified. He witnessed. Vergeet van hulle. Forget about them. Forget about them. Morgen sagst du’s mir, oder? You'll tell me tomorrow, won't you? You say it to me tomorrow, don't you? טאָם איז מײַן באַליבסטער מענטש. Tom is my favorite person. Iris, from one of the worst people in the world. Tom is nog niet terug. Tom isn't back yet. Tom's not back yet. Ken jy die seun wat huil? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know the boy crying? Benutzen Sie Badesalz? Do you use bath salts? Do you use bath salt? Vorig jaar was er veel sneeuw. It snowed a lot last year. Last year there was a lot of snow. Männer überschätzen mitunter ihre sexuellen Fähigkeiten. Men sometimes overestimate their sexual prowess. Men overestimate their sexual abilities. Tom und ich haben uns den ganzen Tag lang unterhalten. Tom and I spent the day talking to each other. Tom and I have been talking to each other all day. Tom applaudierte. Tom applauded. Tom applauded. Tom ist ein Transmann. Tom is a trans man. Tom is a transman. ווארף איר דער פילקע. Toss her the ball. Warrior Warrior's Pixersticket. Iedereen kwam op mij af. Everyone came to me. Everyone came down to me. Haben Sie Rauschgift im Fahrzeug? Do you have any drugs in the vehicle? Do you have noise poison in the vehicle? Is hier een geest? Is there a ghost in here? Is there a spirit here? Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. We're very happy with the results. We are very satisfied with the results. Wie heeft de piano uitgevonden? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Je hechtingen zullen na een paar dagen verwijderd moeten worden. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. Your mounts will have to be removed after a few days. iPhones hebben capacitieve aanraakschermen. iPhones have capacitive touchscreens. iPhones have capacitive touch screens. Kin k doar lopen? Can I walk there? Can you run through it? Das Englischwörterbuch von Collins hat „lockdown“ zum Wort des Jahres 2020 ernannt. The Collins English Dictionary has named “lockdown” its Word of the Year for 2020. The Collins English dictionary has named "lockdown" as the word of the year 2020. In fünf Minuten bin ich fertig. I'll be done in five minutes. I'm finished in five minutes. Ik ga alleen uit plichtsgevoel ten opzichte van mijn moeder, naar de kerk. I only go to church out of duty to my mother. I'm just going out of duty towards my mother, to the church. Goed, ik zal m’n best doen. Good, I will do my best. All right, I'll do my best. איך קען נישט עסן מער. I can't eat more. How to put a hole in a wall. כ'האָב געקויפֿט זײַן לעצטן ראָמאַן. I bought his last novel. I'm afraid I'm going to take a run at Ramaan. Wann hatten Sie Ihre letzte Tetanusauffrischung? When was your last tetanus booster? When did you have your last Tetanus update? Eines Tages werde ich in dein Land kommen. I will come to your country some day. One day I will come to your country. Niets aanraken zonder eerst toestemming te vragen. Don't touch anything without asking first. Do not touch anything without first asking for permission. איך בין דו. I am you. How about dude. Kerstmis wordt gevierd op 25 december. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Mein Onkel ist in Finnland gewesen. My uncle has been to Finland. My uncle has been in Finland. Tom dut dat elke dag nog aal. Tom still does that every day. Tom does that every day. Ek wil dit nie sien nie. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see it. „Ich liebe dich, Maria!“ – „Ich dich aber nicht.“ "I love you, Mary." "But I don't love you." “I love you, Mary!” — “I’m not you.” Es ist Herbst. It is autumn. It's autumn. Ik kon niet ophouden ernaar te staren. I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't stop staring at it. Het spreekt voor zich dat onze plannen afhangen van het weer. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. It speaks for itself that our plans depend on the weather. Bei Licht besehen ist auch ein Leithammel nur ein Schaf. Seen in broad daylight, the leader of the flock is nothing more than a sheep. In light, there is also only one sheep. Lies weiter! Continue reading. Continue reading! Wir können nur hier sitzen und abwarten. All we can do is sit here and wait. We can only sit here and wait. Ik hou van feesten! Love to party! I love parties! Ich habe ihn gestern getroffen. I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday. Danke, dass ihr das erwähnt habt! Thank you for mentioning this. Thank you for mentioning this! Houdt u van Italiaanse muziek? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? Er was een geschil over onze rekening. There was a dispute about our bill. There was a dispute over our account. De Füürwehrlüüd hebbt dat Füür utdaan. The fire fighters put out the fire. The firefighters fired the fire. Ik heb het boek net uitgelezen. I've just finished reading that book. I just read the book. Hoeveel is 300 euro in dollars? How much is 300 euros in dollars? How much is $300 in dollars? De appel viel. The apple fell! The apple is a lot. Wat is de relatie tussen politiek en oorlog? What is the relationship between politics and war? What is the relationship between politics and war? Waarom vraagt u dat? Why do you ask? Why are you asking that? Diene Lippen sünd as Rosen. Your lips are like roses. Your lips are like roses. אַלע טײַכן גײען צום ים, און דער ים װערט ניט פֿול; צו דעם אָרט װוּהין די טײַכן גײען, אַהין גײען זײ װידער. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wir müssen ihn finden. We must find him. We have to find him. Sie sollten warten, bis es Ihnen besser geht. You should wait until you feel better. You should wait until you get better. Das Kind hat Durchfall. The child has diarrhea. The child has a breakthrough. דאָס יז מײַן חבר טאָם. This is my friend, Tom. Dude, from a friend of Tiffany. Ik will Swemmen lehren. I want to learn how to swim. I want to teach swimming. Woveel Inwahners hett New York? What is the population of New York? How many residents does New York have? Ich weiß, was ihr gestern getan habt. I know what you did yesterday. I know what you did yesterday. Warum hast du nichts gemacht? Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you do anything? Zou je me kunnen helpen? Could you help? Could you help me? סאַמי האָט סוף־כּל־סוף תּופֿס געווען די אַהבֿה פֿונעם אייבערשטן. Sami finally understood the Lord's love. At the end of the day, God’s will is being done on earth as it is on earth as it is on earth as it is on earth. Maria hielp mij. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Isst du Fleisch, oder bist du Vegetarier? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you eating meat, or are you a vegetarian? Wat lezen joe? What are you reading? What's Joe reading? Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ mīnes līfes. That was the best day of my life. The format is probably the best of the years. Tragen Sie hier bitte Ihre Kontaktdaten ein. Please write down your contact information here. Please enter your contact details here. Dit is mijn teamgenoot, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. Das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop verfügt über zwei Solarmodule der Größe 2,3 m mal 11,9 m. Diese Module wandeln das Sonnenlicht direkt in Strom um. Hubble has two solar panels which are each 2.3 meters by 11.9 meters in size. These panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. The Hubble Space Telescope has two solar modules of the size 2.3 m times 11.9 m. These modules turn sunlight directly into electricity. Ek dink alles is reg. I think everything is ready. I think everything is right. Tom spürte die Gefahr. Tom sensed danger. Tom felt the danger. Im Weltraum gibt es keine Luft. There is no air in space. There is no air in space. Niue zählt gerade einmal 1400 Einwohner. The population of Niue is only about 1,400. Niue has a population of 1400. Ich suche einen französischsprechenden Arzt. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'm looking for a French-speaking doctor. אין שװײַץ קומט דער פֿרילינג אין מײַ. In Switzerland, spring comes in May. There is no such thing as an old-fashioned old-fashioned old-fashioned old-fashioned old-fashioned man. Hij zei mij dat hij de volgende dag zou beginnen. He told me that he would start the next day. He told me he would start the next day. Tom nimmt ein Bad in der Badewanne. Tom is having a bath. Tom takes a bath in the bath. Hoeveel mensen heb je uitgenodigd voor je feestje? How many people did you invite to your party? How many people have you invited for your party? Karima hat den Brief noch nicht gelesen. Karima hasn't read the letter yet. Karima has not read the letter yet. איך בין יעצט אן אלטער מאן. I'm an old man now. How do you think that will affect Ann’s mother-in-law? Ik heb onlangs niets gegeten. I haven't been eating. I haven't eaten anything recently. Die Burj Khalifa is tans die hoogste wolkekrabber in die wêreld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Ik heb te veel gedronken. Mijn gezicht is gezwollen. I drank too much. My face is swollen! I drank too much. Hast du Brot fürs Frühstück? Do you have bread for lunch? Do you have bread for breakfast? Dat zou mijn tweede keuze geweest zijn. That would've been my second choice. That would have been my second choice. Sie ließ mich eine halbe Stunde warten. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She let me wait half an hour. Ich durfte keine einzige Frage stellen. I wasn't allowed to ask even one question. I could not ask a single question. Tom scheint nicht er selbst zu sein. Tom doesn't seem like himself. Tom doesn’t seem to be himself. Die meisten machen das nicht so. That isn't the way most people do that. Most people don't. Er wollte seinen Vater nicht enttäuschen. He didn't want to disappoint his father. He didn't want to disappoint his father. Bráulio is dat Översetten von Sätz leed un is na Bedd gahn. Bráulio was tired of translating sentences and went to bed. Bráulio is suffering the translation of sentences and has gone to bed. k Woon ien de Stad. I live in Groningen. k Living in the City. Könnten Sie mir das Salz rüberreichen? Could you pass me the salt? Could you give me the salt? Wie lange schon hat Ihre Zunge diese Farbe? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue had this color? Der Mann entkam aus der Stadt. The man got away from the city. The man escaped from the city. Ek moet nou gaan. I must go now. I have to go now. Tom hat eine Sammlung seltener Münzen. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Sie hat Brot gebacken. She baked bread. She was baking bread. Wat doen ons omternt haar? What do we do about her? What do we do about her? Fabien, kom je zaterdagnamiddag met ons mee naar het zwembad? Fabian, are you going with us to the pool on Saturday afternoon? Fabien, do you come with us to the pool on Saturday afternoon? Eine der Funktionen des Genitivs auf Russisch ist die Bezeichnung des Besitzes. One of the functions of the genitive case in Russian is to denote possession. One of the functions of the genius in Russian is the designation of possession. Die rok staat je goed. That skirt looks good on you. That dress is good for you. Trek de vork uit het stopcontact. Take the fork out of the electric socket. Remove the fork from the stop contact. Manche finden es unnatürlich, es partout zu vermeiden, Hauptsätze einfach nur mit Kommas aneinanderzureihen. Some people see avoiding comma splices as unnatural. Some find it unnatural to avoid part-out, simply simply intertwining mainsets only with commas. Hy het my ma gevra. He asked my mom. He asked my mom. Wil je nog een kop koffie drinken? Will you drink another cup of coffee? Do you want to drink another cup of coffee? Braand! Fire! Braand! Ik laat me niet zomaar doen. I'm not gonna sit there and take it. I don't just let myself do it. Hij is naar Amerika gegaan om Engels te leren. He went to America to study English. He went to America to learn English. Könntest du mir diese Kiste tragen? Could you carry this box for me, please? Can you carry me this box? Du bist auch keine Heilige. You're no saint, either. You're not a saint, either. Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ on mīnum līfe. That was the best day of my life. The format is best on mīnum līfe. Augenblickchen! Hang on a sec. Just a minute! Mijnheer Hobson sloot de winkel en ging naar huis. Mr Hobson shut the shop and went home. Mr. Hobson closed the store and went home. Ik ga niet. I'm not going. I'm not going. Wer keine Entscheidung trifft, trifft die falsche Entscheidung. One who doesn't make a decision is making a wrong decision. Those who do not make a decision make the wrong decision. Dit kristal is blijkbaar erg duur. This crystal is very expensive, apparently. This crystal is apparently very expensive. Hört ji? Are you listening? Do you hear? Er heißt Tom, und er ist Marias Ehemann. His name is Tom and he's Mary's husband. He's called Tom, and he's Maria's husband. Aus an vergrodanen Omlett wird nu a guade Eierspeis. A failed omelet makes a pretty good scramble. For example, if an egg is fertilized, it is said to be an ovary ovary. Es ist viel passiert, während Sie weg waren. A lot has happened while you've been gone. It happened a lot while you were away. Als we onze kerstboom versieren, blijft klatergoud aan onze kleren hangen. When we decorate our Christmas tree, tinsel always gets stuck to our clothes. If we adorn our Christmas tree, clay gold will remain attached to our clothes. Ich arbeite tagsüber. I work during the day. I'm working day-to-day. Tom wurde zu drei Jahren im Bundesgefängnis verurteilt. Tom was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Tom was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Ik versta er niet veel van. I don't understand much about it. I don't understand much about it. In einigen Ländern Europas sind die Studierenden politisch bewusster eingestellt als in Großbritannien. Students in some European countries are more politically aware than those in the UK. In some countries of Europe, students are more politically conscious than in the UK. Ik will nich mit em speelen. I don't want to play with him. I don't want to play with him. Einmal träumte ich, ein Eichhörnchen zu sein, und wachte völlig verwirrt auf. One day, I dreamt I was a squirrel, and woke up totally confused. Once I dreamed of being a chicken, and woke up completely confused. Wie lange lebst du schon in Schweden? How long have you been living in Sweden? How long have you been living in Sweden? Heeft hij het? Does he have it? - He's got it? Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema. I went to the cinema. Dat Leven is nich kunvex. Life is not convex. Life is not convex. Sie haben sehr starke Gefühle und neigen zur Eifersucht. Their feelings are intense and they tend to be jealous. They have very strong feelings and tend to jealousy. Jemanden verschwinden zu lassen ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Forced disappearance is a crime against humanity. Letting someone go is a crime against humanity. Sie sollten einen Preisvergleich machen. You should shop around. You should make a price comparison. Ze heeft een tweeling gebaard. She gave birth to twins. She gave birth to twins. Tom huurde een auto bij de luchthaven en reed ermee naar het huis van Maria. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Mary's house. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove to the house of Maria. Das Geräusch ausströmenden Gases war zu hören. The hiss of rushing gas could be heard. The noise flowing gas was heard. יענץ בוך איז דאָרט. That book's over there. Let's take a look at the ice sheet. Hoeveel kost die broek? How much do these trousers cost? How much does the pants cost? Fährst du an diesem Wochenende irgendwohin? Are you going anywhere this weekend? Do you run somewhere this weekend? Klik hier als u zich wil abonneren op de nieuwsbrief. Click here if you wish to subscribe to the newsletter. Click here to subscribe to the newsletter. אַזוי גייט דאָס לעבן. Such is life. The Devil's soul is in danger. Ze hoeven het niet te weten. They don't need to know. They don't need to know. De Buur hett sien Trecker in ’e Schüün stahn. The farmer keeps his tractor in the barn. The neighbor had his tractor standing in a barn. Þancie! Thank you! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Meine Schuhe drückten, bis ich sie etwas eingelaufen hatte. My shoes were hurting me until I wore into them a bit. I pushed my shoes until I had something to do with them. We zijn aangekomen. We have arrived. We've arrived. Weet je wie dit schilderij heeft geschilderd? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who painted this painting? Archeologische vondsten worden bijna dagelijks in Peru gemaakt. Archaeological finds are being made in Peru on an almost daily basis. Archaeological finds were made almost daily in Peru. וואָס איז די אַלוועלט? What is the universe? Is Iris going to run? Ik voel me nu minder schuw. I feel less shy now. I feel less shy now. Mariana geiht nu mit Susana ehr Moder na Huus. Mariana is going home now with Susana's mother. Mariana is now going home with Susana's mother. Unternehmt nichts, um Tom davon abzuhalten! Don't do anything to prevent Tom from doing that. Don't take anything to keep Tom from it! Von de Stad heff ik noch nie wat höört. I've never heard of that city yet. I've never heard of the city yet. Es geht ihm schon viel besser. He's feeling much better. It's going to be much better for him. Es ist mehr Kunst als Wissenschaft. It's an art more than a science. It is more art than science. מײַן שוועסטער רייכערט. My sister is smoking. One of them agitated. Wat is de oorzaak van mijn aandoening? What's the cause of my condition? What is the cause of my condition? Niemand is volmaak nie. Nobody's perfect. No one is perfect. טאָמס קאַץ איז געשטרײַפֿט. Tom's cat is a tabby. Gossip is an ice-collar. Ik keek in de doos. I looked into the box. I looked in the box. Warum haben Sie ihm meine Adresse gegeben? Why did you give him my address? Why did you give him my address? Tom en ik woonden vroeger in Australië. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Ik heb geweigerd. I refused. I refused. Am Wochenende arbeite ich nur dann, wenn ich muss. I don't work on weekends unless I have to. On the weekend, I only work when I have to. Wie heeft je geleerd om te skaten? Who taught you how to skate? Who taught you to skate? Vertell mi, wat du wullt. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Tom folgte dem Bus mit dem Fahrrad. Tom followed the bus on his bicycle. Tom followed the bus by bike. Ik dacht dat jullie in Australië woonden. I thought you lived in Australia. I thought you were living in Australia. Ik kan het je onmogelijk uitleggen. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Ik vind het moeilijk om vroeg op te staan op een koude morgen. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. I find it hard to get up early on a cold morning. Tom hat Maria noch nie ungeschminkt gesehen. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Tom has never seen Mary unembarrassed. Ik moet naar bed. I have to go to bed. I have to go to bed. Sie brachte mir einen Brief, den ich übersetzen sollte. She brought me a letter to translate. She brought me a letter that I should translate. Hoe groot is uw hond? De mijne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. How big is your dog? mine is small. He weet nich veel över Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. Hest du mi güstern avend anropen? Did you call me up last night? Did you call me yesterday evening? Tom het uit getrek. Tom has moved out. Tom pulled it out. Das ist ein Problem. It's a problem. That's a problem. He hett en groten Pesel. He has a huge cock. He has a great pest. Tom hatte noch nie rohen Fisch gegessen. Tom had never eaten raw fish before. Tom had never eaten raw fish. Ons het heeltemal van haar vergeet. We forgot all about her. We completely forget about her. Häts da es Spitaal i de Nööchi? Is there a hospital nearby? Is there a hospital in the next? De gewapende kapers joegen de passagiers angst aan. The armed hijackers terrified the passengers. The armed captors put the passengers in fear. Ek het altyd gewonder wat daardie reuk was. I always wondered what that smell was. I always wondered what that smell was. Sie sollten dort nicht hingehen. You should not go there. You shouldn't go there. Waarom is het zo warm in dit gebouw? Why is it so hot in this building? Why is it so hot in this building? Sie nahm ein Sprudelbad. She took a bubble bath. She took a spruce bath. Wenn du dien Teller in dree Minuten nich leddig hest, denn gifft dat för di nix natoeten. If you don't finish your plate in three minutes, you won't get dessert. If you don't have your counter empty in three minutes, there's nothing going on for you. Hij overtrad de wet. He broke the law. He violated the law. Die Olympischen Spiele an einem Ort mit hoher Luftverschmutzung zu veranstalten, ist ein großes Risiko für die Athleten. Holding the Olympics where there's severe atmospheric pollution gives rise to a great risk for athletes. To organize the Olympic Games in a place with high air pollution is a great risk for athletes. Mit zwei Eiswürfeln wäre dieser Saft noch besser. This juice would be even better with two ice cubes. With two ice cubes, this juice would be even better. Du hörst dich wie meine Ex an. You sound like my ex. You listen like my ex. Maar hij had een job nodig. But he needed a job. But he needed a job. Du redest Quatsch. Ich will dir nicht einmal zuhören. You're talking nonsense. I don't even want to listen to you. I don't even want to listen to you. Jy het wyn. You have wine. You have wine. Er war nicht imstande mir zu helfen. He was unable to help me. He wasn't able to help me. Es ist wundervoll, einem Gelehrten zuzuhören. It's marvellous to listen to a learned person. It is wonderful to listen to a scholar. Ik ben dol op deze stoel. I adore this chair. I love this chair. Das ist sehr charakteristisch für ihn. That's very characteristic for him. This is very characteristic of him. Ik begin Frans te leren. I'm starting to learn French. I am starting to learn French. Hij liep naar huis. He walked home. He walked home. Peter wull Dokter warrn. Peter wanted to become a doctor. Peter wanted to become a doctor. Ik wil naar Australië reizen. I want to travel to Australia. I want to travel to Australia. Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln. Darkness favors secret dealings. In the dark is good munkling. Versuch’s doch mal! Why don't you give it a try? Try it! Tom ist nicht schüchtern. Tom isn't timid. Tom is not shy. Ik bün Ungaar. I am Hungarian. I'm a Hungarian. Sie haben den Kampf verloren. They lost the battle. They lost the fight. Er hät es Velo. He has a bicycle. He hates Velo. Spreekt u alstublieft langzamer! Speak more slowly, please! Please speak slowly! Mag ik je een indiscrete vraag stellen? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you an indiscreet question? Ich sehe nur aus wie Tom. Ich bin nicht Tom. I only look like Tom. I'm not Tom. I just look like Tom, I'm not Tom. Doe was mien faveriet. You were my favorite. Do my favorite. וווּ איז קאַביליע? Where is Kabylia? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mag ik nu gaan? Can I go now? Can I go now? Fast jeder, den ich kenne, spricht Französisch. Almost everyone I know can speak French. Almost everyone I know speaks French. Ik bruuk en neet Auto. I need a new car. I'm not using a car. Tom kam gerade erst nach Hause. Tom came home just now. Tom just came home. Heeft Lucy al gebeld? Lucy called already? Did Lucy call? Ich sitze immer vorne. I always sit in the front. I always sit in front. Tom wil bewonderd word. Tom wants to be admired. Tom wants to be admired. De citroen heeft een eigen smaak. The lemon has a flavor all of its own. The lemon has its own taste. Veel Lüüd op de Welt liedt Hunger. Many people in the world are hungry. Many people in the world suffer from hunger. Maria unterrichtet als Lehrerin für Kunsterziehung. Mary teaches art. Maria teaches as a teacher of art education. Schall ik jo dat verkloren? Would you like me to explain it to you? Should I explain that to you? Sie können mir nicht helfen. You can't help me. You can't help me. ’Keen bün ik? Wo kaam ik her? Gifft dat en Leven na ’n Dood? Wat is de Sinn von ’t Leven op Eern? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? 'No, I am not? Where did I come from? Is there a life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Meine Sekretärin versteht recht gut Französisch. My secretary understands French quite well. My secretary understands quite well French. Wat is hier leuk om te doen? What is fun to do around here? What's fun to do here? „Das macht dann 13 Dollar.“ Der Kassierer hatte auf den nächsten vollen Dollar aufgerundet – seltsam, aber wen kümmerte es? Da ihm bei allem anderen zu sehr der Arm gezittert hätte, knallte Tom einen zerknitterten Zwanzigdollarschein auf den Kassentisch und nahm sich sein Zeug. Das Wechselgeld ließ er liegen. „Beehren Sie uns bald wieder!“ vernahm man das Sprüchlein des Kassierers. „Den Teufel werde ich!“ grummelte Tom vor sich hin, während er eilenden Schrittes zu seinem Wagen ging. Er war froh, dass es vorbei war, und überlegte weiterhin, wie er sich aus dem Würgegriff des Johannes würde befreien können. "That'll be thirteen dollars." The cashier had rounded up to the nearest dollar. Odd, but who cared? It was all Tom could do to keep his arm from shaking as he slammed a crumpled $20 bill on the countertop and grabbed his stuff, not even bothering to pick up the change. "Come again," the cashier recited. "The hell I will," Tom grumbled under his breath as he speed-walked to his car, relieved that was over, still trying to figure out how to free himself from John’s grasp. “That makes $13.” The cashier had run up to the next full dollar - strange, but who took care of it? Since everyone else was too much of the arm, Tom knocked on the cash box and took his stuff. The change money left him. “Fear us again soon!” the cassier’s proverb was heard. “The devil will I!” shouted Tom in front of himself while he went to his car. He was happy that it was over, and continued to consider how he could get rid of John’s rage. Ik ben een beetje moe. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Harrison ist weiterhin derjenige Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten mit der kürzesten Amtszeit. Harrison remains the shortest-serving U.S. president in history. Harrison continues to be the president of the United States with the shortest term of office. Hij was gisteren niet op school. He was absent from school yesterday. He wasn't in school yesterday. Ich fand das richtig süß. I thought it was really cute. I found it very sweet. Ich war derjenige, der Kennedy getötet hat. It was me who killed Kennedy. I was the one who killed Kennedy. Wilcume be Tatoeba Welcome to Tatoeba! Wilcume ben Tatouba Doe bist nait old. You are not old. You're old at night. Du seggst mi nie, dat du mi leef hest. You never tell me that you love me. You never tell me that you loved me. Tom het aanhou probeer. Tom kept trying. Tom's still trying. Mijn huis was aan het branden. My house was on fire. My house was burning. Ik kan jouw gedrag niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand your behaviour any more. I can't stand your behavior anymore. Grootmoe kiekt geern kiekkaast. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandmoe looks like you're watching cheese. איך בין נישט ציסמיניק. I am not cisgender. How do you feel about twittering? Meer leve uff de Äerd. We live on Earth. More live uff the source code. Was braucht ihr? What is it you need? What do you need? Bis zu ihrem Ruhestand war sie Krankenschwester in der Palliativmedizin. She was a palliative care nurse until her retirement. Until her retirement she was a nurse in palliative medicine. Das ist keine Blume, das ist ein Baum. That's not a flower, that's a tree. It's not a flower, it's a tree. Ich werde versuchen, bis halb drei damit fertig zu werden. I'll try to get it done before 2:30. I will try to finish up to three. Wir haben Tom darum gebeten. We asked Tom to do that. We asked Tom for it. Ich sage Ihnen das als Arzt. I'll tell you this as a doctor. I'll tell you this as a doctor. Er zijn andere kanten. There are other aspects. There are other sides. Er ist im Stress. He's stressed. He's under stress. Der Bus hält nahe an der Bibliothek. The bus stops close to the library. The bus is close to the library. Es lässt sich nicht abstreiten. There's no denying it. It can't be denied. Der Laden wurde 2013 geschlossen. That store closed in 2013. The store was closed in 2013. Ich bin bereit, alles zu tun, um den Verlust auszugleichen. I am ready to do anything to make up for the loss. I'm ready to do everything to compensate for the loss. Wirf den Anker! Drop the anchor! Throw the anchor! Ich kann keinen Apfelsaft mehr sehen. I'm sick of drinking apple juice. I can't see any apple juice anymore. Houd je van aardbeienwijn? Do you like strawberry wine? Do you like strawberry wine? דער בילד איז נישט אין פאקוס. The image is out of focus. The child is a child who doesn’t have a pacus. Loof heur nait, zie lugt aaltied. Don't believe her, she always lies. Praise the night, see all-time. Se will em drücken. She wants to hug him. She wants to press him. Tom trägt im Haus nicht gerne eine Hose. Tom doesn't like wearing pants around the house. Tom doesn't like to wear a pants in the house. Das würde etwa drei Minuten dauern. That would take about three minutes. That would take about three minutes. Sy is my meisie. She is my girlfriend. She is my girl. זענט איר אַ טערקישע? Are you Turkish? Do you have a problem? Ich würde gerne ein paar Bücher über Lincoln lesen. I would like to read some books about Lincoln. I would like to read a few books about Lincoln. Von meinen japanischen Freunden lernt leider keiner Deutsch; eine Freundin lernt aber Russisch. Unfortunately, none of my Japanese friends are learning German, but one of them is learning Russian. Unfortunately, no one learns German from my Japanese friends; however, a friend learns Russian. Ich kettete mein Fahrrad an einen Baum. I chained my bike to a tree. I chained my bike to a tree. Ik dronk melk. I drank milk. I drank milk. Kommen in Ihrer engeren Familie Krebserkrankungen vor? Does anyone in your close family have cancer? Are there cancers in your closer family? Wie heißen deine Eltern? What are your parents' names? What's your parents' name? Tom kommt auch zu der Feier. Tom is coming to the party, too. Tom also comes to the celebration. Zijn we gewoon vrienden? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Morag brocht fower freends hame fae scale. Morag brought four friends home from school. Morag brought four friends home from scale. Tom liebte seinen Vater sehr. Tom loved his father very much. Tom loved his father very much. Ga je tegen Tom zeggen dat hij weg moet gaan of moet ik dat doen? Are you going to tell Tom to leave, or should I? You're gonna tell Tom to leave or should I do that? Wir sangen für sie. We sang for her. We sing for them. Sandy lookit the coo richt in the een. Sandy looked the cow right in the eyes. Sandy looked the coo straight in the one. Trink Tee! Drink tea. Drink tea! Er zerriss das Buch. He tore the book apart. He's breaking the book. Dat is noch hell buten. It is still light outside. It's still bright outside. Hat sie meinen Brief bekommen? Has she received my letter? Did she get my letter? Ik heb hier tien jaar gewerkt. I've worked here for ten years. I've been working here for ten years. Sie mag es, über sich zu sprechen. She likes to talk about herself. She likes to talk about herself. Das blaue Kleid steht dir wirklich gut. That blue dress suits you very well. The blue dress is really good for you. Still! Er kommt! Shh! He's coming! He's coming! Shivaji Maharaj war der Gründer des Reiches der Marathen. Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire. Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the empire of the Marathians. Er lud mich zur Feier ein. He invited me to the party. He invited me to celebrate. Warum fahren Sie nicht mit dem Taxi? Why don't you take a taxi? Why don't you drive the taxi? Tom spendete das Preisgeld für wohltätige Zwecke. Tom donated the prize money to charity. Tom donated the prize money for benevolent purposes. Tom hat mir den Unfallhergang geschildert. Tom told me how the accident happened. Tom told me about the accident. Weißt du zufällig, wo Tom wohnt? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? Do you want to know where Tom lives? De Jung is klook. That boy is smart. The boy is dressed. Tom trinkt Tee und Mary trinkt Kaffee. Tom drinks tea while Mary drinks coffee. Tom drinks tea and Mary drinks coffee. זי האָט מיר געזאָגט, אַז זי איז זייער אָרעם. She told me that she was very poor. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ich will das, was Tom hat. I want what Tom has. I want what Tom has. Zijn er berichten voor mij? Are there any messages for me? Are there messages for me? Wenn er Zeit gehabt hätte, hätte er uns besucht. If he'd had time, he would have visited us. If he had time, he would have visited us. Ech ka Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I know Luxembourgish, German, French and English. In other words, it’s a book, a book, a book, and a book. Ich hatte noch nie eine Giraffe gesehen. I'd never seen a giraffe before. I've never seen a giraffe. In Finnland wird viel Kaffee getrunken. A lot of coffee is drunk in Finland. In Finland, a lot of coffee is drunk. Warum gehen wir nicht davon aus, dass Tom recht hat? Why don't we assume Tom is right? Why don't we assume Tom is right? Sami heeft net wat domme dingen gedaan. Sami has just done some stupid shit. Sami did some stupid things. Maist dü hur di Sop smakt? Do you like how the soup tastes? Does the soup taste like that? Hock na! Take a seat. Look at it! Boston ist weit weg von hier. Boston is far from here. Boston is far from here. Die hond het oor die heining, in die tuin ingespring. The dog jumped over the fence into the garden. The dog jumped over the fence, into the garden. Vier gezinnen kwamen om in de brand. Four families were killed in the fire. Four families died in the fire. Ich möchte, dass du Tom mit nach Boston nimmst. I want you to take Tom to Boston with you. I want you to take Tom with me to Boston. Auf dem Fußboden liegt überall Sägemehl. The floor is covered in sawdust. On the floor there is sawmill everywhere. Yanni war einen Kopf größer als Skura. Yanni was a foot taller than Skura. Yanni was a head larger than Skura. Ik woon nu niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia now. I don't live in Australia now. We zagen een licht in de verte. We saw a light in the distance. We saw a light in the distance. Wenneer? When? When? Das gilt als Sünde. That's considered a sin. This is considered sin. De pizzabezorger is nog niet gekomen. The pizza delivery guy hasn't come by yet. The pizza supplier has not yet arrived. Het zal op de lange termijn helpen. It'll help in the long run. It will help in the long term. Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom at all gumbies. Wir haben nichts außer Äpfeln zu essen. We don't have anything to eat except apples. We have nothing to eat except apples. Di Kat set ön Guart. The cat sits in the garden. Kat set his guard. Hast du ein Zimmer? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Si ass meng Fra. She's my wife. It's a mix of hairs. Ik heb hetzelfde probleem als jij. I have the same trouble as you have. I have the same problem as you. Tokamen Week schall dat villicht Frost geven. We might have frost next week. There may be frost next week. Heb je druiven? Do you have any grapes? Do you have grapes? Helium ist ein Gas. Helium is a gas. Helium is a gas. U beslist. You decide. You decide. Der Soldat war jung. The soldier was young. The soldier was young. It Siuwsk is in streektaal. Zeelandic is a regional language. The Siwsk is a regional language. Tom moest niet lang wachten. Tom didn't have long to wait. Tom didn't have to wait long. Ich kann euch gar nicht genug danken. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Darf ich mir das ausleihen? Ich bringe es morgen wieder. Can I borrow this? I'll return it tomorrow. Can I borrow it? I'll bring it back tomorrow. Hun werk is het toevoegen van voorbeelden aan het woordenboek. Their job is to add examples to the dictionary. Their work is to add examples to the dictionary. Niemand hier weiß, wie ich heiß’. No one here knows my name. No one here knows how I’m hot.” Hättet ihr jemals gedacht, dass ihr Tom so etwas tun sehen würdet? Did you ever think you'd see Tom doing something like that? Did you ever think that you would see Tom do something like this? Ich glaube, es ist Zeit für mich, zur Schule aufzubrechen. I think it's time for me to leave for school. I think it's time for me to quit school. Es ist sehr nett von Ihnen, mir den Weg zu zeigen. It is very kind of you to show me the way. It is very nice of you to show me the way. Ich betrachte Tom als engen Freund. I think of Tom as a close friend. I think of Tom as a close friend. Ich weiß nicht, was du meinst. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what you mean. De krekels tsjilpen. The grasshoppers are chirping. The creeks wheel. Gisteren ben ik om 22 uur gaan slapen. I went to bed at 10 p.m. last night. I went to sleep at 22 o'clock yesterday. Heb jij een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Hoeveel kopjes koffie drinkt u gemiddeld per dag? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? How many cups of coffee do you drink on average per day? Tom het skoon van my vergeet. Tom forgot all about me. Tom has forgotten about me. Was machst du heute? What are you doing today? What are you doing today? Ich habe jeden Monat 10000 Yen bei der Bank eingezahlt. I put ten thousand yen into the bank every month. I have paid 10000 yen to the bank every month. אַזוי גייט דאָס לעבן. C'est la vie. The Devil's soul is in danger. Spreken jullie Chinees? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Atmen Sie bitte tief ein. Please take a deep breath. Please take a deep breath. Tom zegt dat hij van plan is om in Australië te blijven. Tom says he plans on staying in Australia. Tom says he plans to stay in Australia. דו וועסט שוין פֿאַרמאַכן דײַן פּיסק? Will you shut up already? Mr. President, did you stop by, Mr. President-in-Chance? Sluut dat Door dicht. Lock the gate. Close the door close. Toen Sami klaar was met het lezen van de Koran, huilde hij. When Sami finished reading the Quran, he cried. When Sami was ready to read the Qur'an, he cried. Ich komme künftig öfter zu Besuch. I'll visit more often from now on. I will come to visit more often in the future. ס׳איז נישט דער 19טער יאָרהונדערט. It's not the 19th century. Iris is a 19-year-old man. Ik zie Dana en Corina. I see Dana and Corina. I see Dana and Corina. Ich wusste nicht, was ich zuerst tun sollte. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. Kann ich heute auf euch zählen? Can I count on you today? Can I count on you today? Der Wettkampf endete im Unentschieden. The game resulted in a draw. The competition ended in undisputed. Herr Jackson ist Musiklehrer. Mr. Jackson is a music teacher. Mr. Jackson is a music teacher. Tom ist endlich gegangen. Tom has finally left. Tom has finally gone. Hai kin nait zwemmen. He can't swim. Hai can swim night. ער איז איר טאַטע. He's her dad. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a samurai. Jij bent mijn enige hoop. You are my only hope. You're my only hope. Deshalb bin ich nicht gekommen. That's not why I came. That's why I didn't come. Wi grillt jüst. We're having a barbie. We're just grilling. Die Jacksons gehen mit uns. The Jacksons are going with us. The Jacksons go with us. Tom ist über das Wochenende nach Boston gefahren. Tom went to Boston for the weekend. Tom has traveled to Boston over the weekend. Was möchten Sie von mir? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Ich neige zum Prokrastinieren, wenn ich vor dem Rechner sitze. Me being in front of my computer makes it very easy for me to procrastinate. I tend to procrastinate when I sit in front of the computer. Niemand mag vertrekken zonder toestemming. No one is to leave without permission. No one is allowed to leave without permission. Die Albaner sind fromme Muslime. Albanians are devout Muslims. The Albanians are devout Muslims. Ich habe dich kreischen gehört. I heard you scream. I heard you shrieking. Wij zijn astrologen. We're astrologers. We are astrologers. Ech schwätze kee Lëtzebuergesch. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I'm afraid I'll cry loudly. Hát biþ monegum egeslíc æled. The dreadful fire shall be hot to many. This is also called monegum egeslíc æled. Gibt es etwas, wodurch der Schmerz schlimmer wird? Is there anything that makes your pain feel worse? Is there anything that makes the pain worse? Ich weiß, was du gestern getan hast. I know what you did yesterday. I know what you did yesterday. Er redet immer mit solchen hochtrabenden Worten. He always talks in such high-sounding terms. He always talks with such high-sounding words. Mary isst kein rotes Fleisch. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Mary doesn't eat red meat. איך גלייב, אַז טאָם גלייבט, אַז איך מיינט דאָס. I think Tom thinks that I think that. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Mary en Maki zijn zussen. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mary and Maki are sisters. Was Tom vorausgesagt hatte, ist eingetreten. What Tom predicted would happen has happened. What Tom had predicted has occurred. Schlechte Menschen stimmen manchmal etwas Gutem aus dem falschen Grunde zu. Bad people sometimes agree with good things for the wrong reason. Bad people sometimes agree with something good for the wrong reason. פֿאַראַן אַ זאַך װאָס מע זאָגט דערױף: זע, דאָס איז אַ נײַס;איז עס שױן געװען אין אַלטע צײַטןװאָס זײַנען געװען פֿאַר אונדז. Is there a thing of which it may be said, "Behold, this is new?" It has been long ago, in the ages which were before us. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ich weiß wohl, dass Tom mich nicht mag, aber ich mache mir nichts daraus. I know that Tom dislikes me, but I don't care. I know Tom doesn't like me, but I don't do anything about it. Nicht jeder kann ein Dichter sein. Not everyone can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Er ermutigte seinen Sohn, mehr zu lernen. He encouraged his son to study harder. He encouraged his son to learn more. He wahnt in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. Als er mich sah, hob er seinen Hut und grüßte mich. He raised his hat when he saw me. When he saw me, he raised his hat and greeted me. Voeg me bij Facebook toe, als je wenst. Mijn naam daar is Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me to Facebook if you wish. My name here is Ryck Vernaut. t Is diezeg. It is foggy. I'm a thief. Tom verbirgt etwas. Tom is hiding something. Tom hides something. Daniel bedankte sich bei den Polizisten. Daniel thanked the policemen. Daniel thanked the police. Sie stehen Finanzproblemen gegenüber. They are facing financial problems. They face financial problems. Amsterdam is beroemd om zijn grachten. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Tom en Maria dronken vaak chocolademelk toen ze kinderen waren. Tom and Mary often drank chocolate milk when they were kids. Tom and Maria often drank chocolate milk when they were children. „Ich halte das für keine so gute Idee.“ – „Ach, Unsinn! Was kann schon schiefgehen?“ "I don't think that's a good idea." "Nonsense! What could possibly go wrong?" “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” — “Ah, nonsense! What can go wrong?” We zijn de nieuwe eigenaars. We're the new owners. We're the new owners. Drogen kosten Geld. Schräg sein kann man umsonst. Drugs cost money. Being weird is free. Drugs cost money. מערי טראַכט וועגן מיר. Mary thinks about me. Mountain Tragedy and Mt. Gossel! Dumbass! Gossel! Was habt ihr ihr gekauft? What've you bought for her? What did you buy? Ich habe gestern Tee getrunken. I drank tea yesterday. I drank tea yesterday. Tom hat Maria kein Geld gegeben. Tom didn't give Mary any money. Tom didn't give Maria any money. Ich möchte gerne sehen, was du da in der Hand hast. I'd like to see what you have in your hand. I want to see what you have in your hand. Wovor fürchten sich die Kinder? What are the children afraid of? What are the kids afraid of? Do derfst net bofln. You can't smoke here. I'm just a bowler. Ich könnte ein Tier nicht töten. I couldn't kill an animal. I couldn't kill an animal. Ich bin Bulgarin. I'm Bulgarian. I'm Bulgarian. Ek onthou hoe ek van haar gehoor het. I remember hearing about her. I remember how I heard from her. Ik ben ziek. I'm ill. I'm sick. Ich bilde mir ein, dieses Gefühl der Erleichterung zu kennen. I fancy I know this feeling of relief. I am trained to know this feeling of relief. Traust du es Tom nicht zu? Do you think Tom won't be able to do it? Don't you trust Tom? Tom lächelt immer. Tom always smiles. Tom always smiles. Ik snack mit di. I talk to you. I'm talking to you. Ze wil weten wie de bloemen stuurde. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. „Hallo! Ich bin Skuras Freund. Und du?“ – „Eine, die gleich in Ohnmacht fällt.“ "Hi, I'm Skura's boyfriend. And you are?" "I'm about to faint." "Hello! I'm Skura's friend. And you?" - "One who falls equal to power." Auf die Geschichte des toten Jungen geht der Film gar nicht ein. The film skips the whole story of the dead boy. The story of the dead boy is not about the film. Maria hat zwei Schwestern. Maria has two sisters. Maria has two sisters. Ik geloof niet dat dit waar is. I don't believe this is true. I don't think this is true. Er hod Brille aan. He wears glasses. - He's going to have glasses. Ze is uw dochter. She's your daughter. She's your daughter. Si wunnen an der Krim. They live in Crimea. They won at Crimea. Wie soeckt Peert of Wijf sonder gebreecken, die magh het werck wel laten steecken en bedencken dat hij bed en stal voor eeuwigh ledigh houden sal. He who seeks a flawless horse or flawless wife, may rest assured that even if his work he did forsake, nor bed nor stable would he ever fill. Who sucks Peert or Wives without braiding, who magh let the throw stick and meditate that he will keep bed and steal empty forever. Se hett em rümsnackt, na dat Kunzert to gahn. She talked him into going to the concert. She chatted him about going to the concert. Gebruik je het? Will you use this? You're using it? Se is bang vör Katten. She is afraid of cats. She is afraid of cats. Sami bestelde bloemen. Sami ordered flowers. Sami ordered flowers. Yenner, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Yuni, Yuli, Aaguscht, September, Oktower, November un Diesember sinn die zwelf Munet im Yaahr. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Yenner, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Yuni, Yuli, Aagusch, September, Oktower, November and Dismber are the twelve coins in Yaahr. Hij vroeg me waarom ik lachte. He asked me why I was laughing. He asked me why I laughed. Heb je regelmatig problemen met je sinussen? Do you regularly have sinus issues? Do you have frequent problems with your sinuses? Auch Japanischmuttersprachler tun sich bisweilen mit den Kanji schwer. Native Japanese speakers also sometimes have trouble with kanji. Japan’s mother-in-law, too, is sometimes difficult to deal with the Kanji. Viele Menschen brauchen Hilfe. Many people need help. Many people need help. We zullen je niet lastig vallen. We won't bother you. We won't bother you. Ich liebe Tom und hasse ihn zugleich. I hate and love Tom at the same time. I love Tom and hate him at the same time. Wie geht es der Familie? How's the family? How is the family? Heb je pijn als je dat doet? Do you feel pain when you do that? Are you hurt when you do that? Tom houdt van pizza en friet. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom likes pizza and frieze. De hitte Sünn hett de Eer utsoort. The hot sun baked the ground dry. The hot sun formed the Earth. Zwischen beiden Ländern gibt es viele kulturelle Gemeinsamkeiten. Culturally, there is much common ground between the two countries. There are many cultural commonities between the two countries. Jeder bekommt, was er braucht. Everybody will get what they need. Everyone gets what he needs. טום'ס בזיונות איז געווארען גרעסער און גרעסער. Tom's embarrassment grew. Tom's insanity is an insanity of an insanity. Hij googelde zichzelf. He googled himself. He gambled himself. Kan jij fonetische tekens lezen? Can you read phonetic signs? Can You Read Phonetic Signs? 2013 war Tom noch ein ganz kleines Kind. Tom was still a baby in 2013. In 2013, Tom was a very small child. Ist es leicht, Französisch sprechen zu lernen? Is it easy to learn to speak French? Is it easy to learn French? Ich denke, er kommt nach seinem Vater. I think he takes after his father. I think he's coming after his father. Mi old. I am old. I am old. Hast du schon einmal dein Auto gewaschen? Have you ever washed your car? Have you washed your car? Sie blutete profus. She was bleeding profusely. She was bleeding profus. Tom trägt den Mantel von jemand anderem. Tom is wearing someone else's coat. Tom wears someone else's coat. Ik hou van bloemen. I love flowers. I love flowers. פֿאַרוואָס איז פֿראַנצייזיש אַזוי שווער? Why is French so hard? Mr. Frenkel, is there any evidence to suggest that this is a serious issue? Sien lütte Süster is fickbor. His little sister is fuckable. His little sister is fictional. De straten staan vol vuilniszakken. The streets are filled with garbage bags. The streets are full of trash bags. Ich bin aus Mexiko-Stadt. I'm from Mexico City. I am from Mexico City. Je kan niet veranderen wat er gebeurd is. There's no changing what happened. You can't change what happened. אַ העלפֿאַנד עסט באַנאַנען. An elephant is eating bananas. I'm sorry to be in jail. Wenn Godd de Deerten nich to ’n Eten maakt hett, worüm hett he jem denn ut Fleesch maakt? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not make the animals a food, why did he make them out of flesh? Ik heff mien Slötel vergeten. I lost my key. I forgot my key. ’Keen hett em rinlaten? Who allowed him in? ‘No one left him? Sami ist ein Sonderling. Sami is a strange man. Sami is a specialist. Geef mie vief dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. Ich werde um 2:30 dort sein, okay? I'll be there at 2:30, OK? I'll be there at 2:30 a.m., okay? Für was denkst du, ist es? What do you think it's for? For what do you think, is it? Das ist einfach! That's a piece of pie. That's easy! Ik ga akkoord met het argument. I concede the argument. I agree with the argument. Wi mööt em helpen. We must help him. We need to help him. Das rote Fahrrad gehört Tom. The red bicycle is Tom's. The red bike belongs to Tom. Das ist so langweilig. This is so boring. That's so boring. Sie kam ins Zimmer. She came into the room. She came to the room. Weet jij wat dat betekent? Do you know what that means? Do you know what that means? Lächelt! Smile! Smile! Ik wilde dat niet. I didn't want that. I didn't want that. Lassen Sie sich ihre Haare schneiden! Get your hair cut! Let's cut her hair! Mijn moeders spreken geen Nederlands. My mothers don't speak Dutch. My mothers don't speak Dutch. Dat dücht mi so. I think so. That made me feel that way. Heeft u staar? Do you have cataracts? Do you have a star? Sind Sie schon einmal wegen einer Geschlechtskrankheit behandelt worden? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Have you been treated for sex disease? Wi kunnen nich rutkriegen, wat se wull. We couldn't make out what she wanted. We couldn't get out what they wanted. Gib nicht mein Geheimnis preis! Don't give away my secret. Don't give me my secret! En zo speelt elke burger een onmisbare rol. And so each citizen plays an indispensable role. And so every citizen plays an essential role. Vielen Dank für deine Spende! Thank you for your donation. Thank you very much for your donation! Ich bin an keiner deiner Theorien interessiert. I'm not interested in any of your theories. I'm not interested in any of your theories. De winkels zijn op zondag gesloten. The stores are closed on Sunday. The shops are closed on Sunday. Tom hat bei sich Kuscheltiere auf dem Bett. Tom has stuffed toys on his bed. Tom has gunpowder on his bed. Ich hasse Leute wie euch. I hate people like you. I hate people like you. Sorry voor het lawaai. I'm sorry about the noise. Sorry for the noise. Vroeg of laat zal hij me alles vertellen. He will tell me everything sooner or later. Early or late he will tell me everything. Niemand weiß, was aus Yamada geworden ist. Nobody knows what has become of Yamada. No one knows what became of Yamada. Ik heb u horen roepen. I heard you scream. I heard you calling. Ich besitze diesen Mann. I own this man. I own this man. Hast du in letzter Zeit mit ihr gesprochen? Have you talked to her recently? Have you talked to her lately? Di Nööt es hart. The nut is hard. The need is hard. Ich habe vergessen, was ich sagen wollte. Ich sag’s dir, sobald es mir wieder einfällt. I forgot what it was I wanted to say to you, so I'll tell you once I remember. I forgot what I wanted to say. Sami reciteerde de Koran. Sami was reciting the Quran. Sami recited the Qur'an. Das war eine Riesenzeitverschwendung. It was a huge waste of time. That was a huge waste of time. Ich schlief, während Tom und Maria damit beschäftigt waren. I was sleeping while Tom and Mary were doing that. I slept while Tom and Maria were busy. Tom ziet er ongemakkelijk uit. Everyone looks uncomfortable. Tom looks uncomfortable. Wat för en Klöör hett sien Pullover? What color is his sweater? What kind of color did his pullover have? Tom is erg gezond. Tom is very healthy. Tom is very healthy. Ik weet dat Tom niet kan wachten. I know Tom can't wait. I know Tom can't wait. Verstaht se, wat he vertellt? Does she understand what he's saying? Does she understand what he is telling you? Das passt mir gar nicht in den Kram. That's the last thing I want. That doesn't fit me into the collar. Tommy ist ein netter Mensch. Tommy is a nice man. Tommy is a nice person. פֿאַרוואָס בין איך שטענדיק הונגעריק? Why am I always hungry? Peter, how do you feel about the rest of the world? Wir stecken bis zum Hals in Schulden. We're up to our ears in debt. We're in debt up to the neck. Ich möchte nichts mehr essen. I don't want to eat any more. I don't want to eat any more. Ik wil dat je op me wacht totdat ik klaar ben met mijn werk om zeven uur. I want you to wait for me until I get through with work at 7. I want you to wait for me until I'm done with my work at seven o'clock. Ich habe kein Gepäck. I don't have any baggage. I don't have a luggage. Haben Sie genug Geld, um alles zu kaufen, was Sie brauchen? Do you have enough money to buy everything you need? Do you have enough money to buy everything you need? Waarom ben je er nog? Why are you still here? Why are you still there? Es fällt mir schwer, nicht alles persönlich zu nehmen. It's hard for me not to take things personally. It's hard not to take everything personally. Koolsoep en bietensoep zijn traditioneel voedsel in zowel Rusland als Oost-Europa. Cabbage soup and beet soup are traditional foods in both Russia and Eastern Europe. Cool soup and serving soup are traditional foods in both Russia and Eastern Europe. Warum haben schwarze Katzen gelbe Augen? Why do black cats have yellow eyes? Why do black cats have yellow eyes? Tom deed de bureaulamp aan en begon te werken. Tom switched on the desk lamp and started working. Tom turned on the desk lamp and began to work. Maria ist eine süße Maus. Mary is a little cutie. Mary is a sweet mouse. Hoffentlich können wir das noch einmal machen. I hope we can do that again. I hope we can do it again. Tom hat ein gutes Einkommen. Tom has a nice income. Tom has a good income. Woneem is de Bahnhoff? Where is the railway station? Where is the station? Dizze bloume is broen. This flower is brown. This flower is brown. יענער מענטש איז אין אָרדענונג? Is that person okay? Are you sure Idols don’t know? Dit boek kost 4 dollar This book costs 4 dollars. This book costs $4. Je hebt een mooie stem. You have a beautiful voice. You have a beautiful voice. Maria hat sich für die kommenden zwei Wochen ein Auto gemietet. Mary has hired herself a car for the next fortnight. Maria has rented a car for the next two weeks. Ik heb een betere woordenboek nodig. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Viele Leute auf der Welt beklagen, dass sie keine Zeit zum Lesen haben. Many people in the world complain that they don't have time to read. Many people in the world complain that they have no time to read. Wir sind über die Entscheidung der Kommission noch nicht informiert worden. We haven't yet been informed of the committee's decision. We have not yet been informed of the Commission's decision. Wie gut kennen Sie Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Maria arbeitet in einer Kunstgalerie. Mary works at an art gallery. Maria works in an art gallery. "Moment mal", sagte Dima, indem er sein Telefon herausholte. "Ich kenne jemand, der mir etwas Geld leihen könnte." "Hold on," Dima said, taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." "At the moment," said Dima by taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." דו האָסט מיך געפֿרעגט. You've asked me. Your head is swirling. Ein Delfinarium ist ein Aquarium für Delfine. A dolphinarium is an aquarium for dolphins. A dolphinium is an aquarium for dolphins. Ich war vor zehn Jahren in Fukuoka. I visited Fukuoka ten years ago. I was ten years ago in Fukuoka. Ich habe es mir notiert. I wrote it down. I've noted it. Ze willen die bedrijven ertoe aanzetten om meer verantwoordelijkheid te nemen. They want to encourage those companies to take more responsibility. They want to encourage these companies to take more responsibility. Teihn Mielen is keen korten Weg. Ten miles is not a short distance. Ten miles is not a short way. Ich bat um ihr Einverständnis. I asked for their approval. I asked for her consent. Ik begin kaal te worden. I'm starting to go bald. I'm starting to be bald. Wann kommst du morgen an? What time will you arrive tomorrow? When are you coming tomorrow? Maak dat Door dicht. Close the gate. Close the door. Welke film heb je gezien? What movie did you see? What movie have you seen? Gelukkig raakte geen van de passagiers gewond. Fortunately none of the passengers were injured. Fortunately, none of the passengers were injured. Tom ging Vögel beobachten. Tom went birdwatching. Tom went to watch birds. Het regent niet. Het sneeuwt. It doesn't rain, it snows. It doesn't rain, it snows. We denken dat het mogelijk is. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Antimateer is temlich instabil. Antimatter is highly unstable. Antimater is rather unstable. Ik had veel honger. I was very hungry. I was very hungry. Mach dich bereit! Prepare yourself. Get ready! Ben je vrij dit weekend? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Ge zult morgen moeten komen. You'll have to come tomorrow. You'll have to come tomorrow. Tom ging trotz des Regens angeln. Tom went fishing in spite of the rain. Tom went out despite the rain. Kennst du den Ünnerscheed twüschen Sülver un Tinn? Can you tell silver and tin apart? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Ek sou nie te seker wees daaroor nie. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Tom backt Brot. Tom is baking bread. Tom backs bread. Auf dem Dachboden ist es kalt. It's cold in the attic. It's cold on the roof floor. Vertel me jouw verhaal. Ik ben een en al oor. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm one and all ears. Ich werde dir die Stadt zeigen. I'll show you around the city. I'll show you the city. Jy is dom. You are stupid. You are stupid. Het spijt me. Ik had voorzichtiger moeten zijn. I'm sorry. I should have been more careful. I'm sorry, I should've been more careful. Hebt u al een COVID-19-vaccin gekregen? Have you already received a COVID-19 vaccine? Have you already received a COVID-19 vaccine? We drinken water. We drink water. We're drinking water. Er isst nichts außer Obst. He eats nothing other than fruit. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. Tom beschäftigte sich mit Videospielen, statt zu lernen. Tom played video games instead of studying. Tom engaged in video games instead of learning. Warum hältst du nicht die verfickte Klappe? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why don't you keep the fucked flap? Tom sah Maria mit jemandem sprechen, den er nicht kannte. Tom saw Mary talking to someone he didn't know. Tom saw Maria talking to someone he didn't know. Tom war unangemessen gekleidet. What Tom was wearing wasn't appropriate. Tom was inappropriately dressed. Ich glaube, Tom meint, dass ich das denke. I think that Tom thinks that I think that. I think Tom thinks I'm thinking of that. Ze zullen morgen de winnaar bekend maken. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. They will announce the winner tomorrow. Toms Benutzername ist „Tomtoeba13“. Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". Maria hat ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl. Mary has low self-esteem. Maria has a low self-esteem. Ich habe in einem kleinen Hotel in der Nähe des Sees gewohnt. I stayed at a small hotel near the lake. I lived in a small hotel near the lake. Gib mir ein Exemplar dieses Buchs. Give me a copy of this book. Give me a copy of this book. Ich erwarte nicht viel von Tom. I don't expect much from Tom. I don't expect much from Tom. "Wist je dat de dochter van de buurman al getrouwd is?" "Je zegt niet! Ze is pas achttien!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" Ek moet gaan. I have to go. I have to go. Der Zweite Weltkrieg begann 1939. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. World War II began in 1939. Das Schiff kam in Sicht. The ship came in sight. The ship came in sight. Mach es mir einfach nach. Just follow my lead. Just do it to me. Sie war eine große, schlanke Blondine. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a big, slim blonde. Waar zal Tom Kerstmis doorbrengen? Where will Tom spend Christmas? Where will Tom Christmas be spent? Ich habe mir ein Fußballspiel angeschaut. I was watching a soccer match. I watched a football game. Der Zombie-Weltuntergang ist nahe. The zombie apocalypse is nigh! The zombie world decline is near. Wæter biþ feorh. Water is life. The Watchtower at Feorh. Waarom wilde ze lerares worden? Why did she want to become a teacher? Why did she want to become a teacher? We zien elkaar morgen dan. We'll see each other tomorrow then. We'll see each other tomorrow. Wat is passeert? What happened? What happened? Mäi Schwoer ass Belsch. My brother-in-law is Belgian. I swear to Belshazzar. Wenn du vertrauenswürdig sein willst, sage den Menschen nur das, was sie glauben. If you want to be credible, tell people only what they believe. If you want to be trustworthy, tell people just what they believe. Halt! Stehenbleiben, oder ich schieße! Halt! Stay right where you are or I'll shoot! Hold on, or I'll shoot! Ik heb één vis gevangen. I caught a fish. I caught one fish. Jij kijkt naar die boom. You look at that tree. You're looking at that tree. Ik denk niet dat er nog meer studenten willen komen. I don't think any more students want to come. I don't think more students want to come. ער איז אַ מאַטעמאַטיקער. He's a mathematician. I'm sorry I'm sorry. Ik geef nooit op. I never give up. I never give up. Jy het nie 'n kêrel nodig nie. You don't need a boyfriend. You don’t need a guy. Wat määd dien Vadder? What does your father do? What could your father do? די לײַט זײַנען דאָ משונה. People here are weird. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get mad. Ich habe einen Apfel – einen einzigen! I have an apple. Just one. I have an apple - a single one! Honden begraven vaak botten. Dogs often bury bones. Dogs often bury bones. Waarom kocht ze dit? Why did she buy this? Why did she buy this? Ek is besig om te bespaar sodat ek Australië toe kan gaan. I'm saving up so that I can go to Australia. I’m trying to save myself so I can go to Australia. Der Schiedsrichter zeigte die rote Karte. The referee showed the red card. The judge showed the red card. Ich werde zwei Monate in Boston sein. I will be in Boston for two months. I'll be in Boston for two months. Volgend jaar gaat ze trouwen. She'll be getting married next year. Next year she gets married. Gehd Tom heit in die Schul? Is Tom going to school today? Did Tom go to school? Hoeveel moet ik ervoor betalen? How much do I have to pay for it? How much do I have to pay for it? אַז איך האָב געזען זײַן בילד דערקען איך אים. Having seen him in the picture, I recognized him at once. How can a child know how to be a child? Sie verlassen Australien doch nicht für immer, oder? You're not leaving Australia for good, are you? You don't leave Australia forever, do you? Das ist kein interessanter Satz. That's not an interesting sentence. This is not an interesting sentence. Tom backt gerne Brot. Tom likes to bake bread. Tom likes bread. Gedenk dat gij stof zijt. Remember that you are dust. Remember that you are dust. Bist du fertig mit dem Buch? Are you through with this book? Are you ready for the book? Ich bin bei einem Hörbuch eingeschlafen. I fell asleep while I was listening to an audiobook. I was sleeping in a book. Mijn neef heeft gebeld. My cousin has been calling. My cousin called. De ervaring was te intens voor mij. The experience was too intense for me. The experience was too intense for me. Hören Sie auf, sie so zu nennen! Stop calling her that! Stop calling them that way! Warum ist Tom nicht nach Australien zurückgekehrt? Why didn't Tom go back to Australia? Why didn’t Tom return to Australia? Wollen wir auf ihn warten? Should we wait for him? Do we want to wait for him? Sie gab ihm eine Massage. She gave him a massage. She gave him a massage. Ik geloof dat Elvis nog leeft. I believe Elvis is still alive. I believe Elvis is still alive. Ihr werdet reich belohnt werden. You will be rewarded handsomely. You will be richly rewarded. Dag iedereen. Hi everybody. All day. Aine het mien poaskaai eten. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Aine ate my pork. Vertraust du ihr noch? Do you still trust her? Do you trust her? Chönd Si das wiederholä? Can you repeat that? Did Chönd repeat this? Sy kyk na ons. She's looking at us. She looks at us. Wie zieht ein Springer? How does the knight move? How to pull a jumper? Tom verontschuldigde zich om naar de wc te gaan. Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tom apologized to go to the toilet. Russische Substantive können männlich, weiblich oder neutral sein. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Russian subtles can be male, female, or neutral. Er verstand nicht, was Differentialgleichungen sind. He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He didn’t understand what differential equations are. Washington sien Armee hett Trenton innahmen. Washington's army has captured Trenton. Washington's army captured Trenton. Die Pandemie hat bewiesen, dass eine Gesundheitskrise nicht nur eine Gesundheitskrise, sondern auch eine gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche, politische und humanitäre Krise ist. The pandemic has proven that a health crisis is not just a health crisis, it’s a social, economic, political and humanitarian crisis. The pandemic has proved that a health crisis is not only a health crisis but also a social, economic, political and humanitarian crisis. Wo ist die nächste U-Bahn-Station? Where's the nearest subway station? Where is the next subway station? Hoe kan ik haar van dat idee afbrengen? How could I dissuade her from that idea? How can I get her out of that idea? Tom wird alles abstreiten. Tom will deny everything. Tom will fight everything. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat ik die tenniswedstrijd win. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I am convinced that I will win this tennis match. Tom had de meest absurde ideeën. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Wat scheelt er met jullie? What's wrong with you, guys? What's wrong with you guys? In welchen Ländern warst du schon? Which countries have you gone to? In which countries were you already in? Tom was gehospitaliseer. Tom was hospitalized. Tom was hospitalized. Zai holt van wien. She likes wine. Zai gets from wine. Der Tee ist sehr bitter und schmeckt nicht gut. The tea is really bitter and doesn't taste good. The tea is very bitter and does not taste good. Ich kaufte mir einen gebrauchten LKW. I bought a used truck. I bought a used truck. Sie können Deutsch sprechen. They can speak German. You can speak German. Hutt dir en Hond oder eng Kaz? Do you have a dog or a cat? Do you have a dog or a cat? זי קען דיך שוין נישט צעקלאַפּן. She can't hurt you anymore. Let's take a cup of tea and put it in your cupboard. Dat is gestoord. That's nuts. This is saved. Isaac Newton wird oft als der Begründer der modernen Wissenschaft genannt, aber seine letzten Jahre waren gänzlich dem Studium der Alchimie gewidmet. Isaac Newton is often referred to as the founder of modern science, but his final years were solely devoted to the study of alchemy. Isaac Newton is often called the founder of modern science, but his last years have been entirely devoted to the study of alchemy. Lasst uns anfangen, wenn er nach Hause kommt. Let's start when he comes home. Let's start when he comes home. Wir haben genug Platz. We've enough place. We have enough space. Ik spreek heel goed Deens, Italiaans, Portugees. I speak Danish, Italian, Portuguese very well. I speak very well Danish, Italian, Portuguese. Ich war von Toms Rede sehr beeindruckt. I was very impressed by Tom's speech. I was very impressed by Tom's speech. Jy sal daarvoor betaal. You will pay for it. You will pay for it. Sami het orals gebloei. Sami was bleeding everywhere. Sami bloated everywhere. Tom will nicht zugeben, dass er ein Alkoholproblem hat. Tom doesn't want to admit that he has a drinking problem. Tom doesn’t want to admit that he has an alcohol problem. Wanneer ben je klaar om te vertrekken? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to leave? Komt jou dat bekend voor? Does this ring a bell? Is that what you know? Ik heb het gevoel dat jij een heel goede advocaat zult zijn. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I feel like you're going to be a very good lawyer. Tom fand jemandes Visitenkarte in seiner Tasche, doch er konnte sich nicht besinnen, wo er diese herhatte. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but couldn't remember where he got it. Tom found someone’s visit card in his pocket, but he couldn’t imagine where he had it. Hij kan niet tennissen. He can't play tennis. He can't tennis. Du hast auf dem Regal da zu viele Bücher stehen. You have too many books on that shelf. You have too many books on the shelf. Hast du den Computer ausgeschaltet? Have you switched the computer off? Did you turn off the computer? טאָם איז געווען אויסער זיך. Tom was beside himself. Iris is so sorry to have an eye out. De eigenaar van de boerderij heeft een grote boerderij. The farm owner has a large farm. The owner of the farm has a large farm. Sie müssen nicht, aber Sie sollten. You don't have to do that, but you should. You don't have to, but you should. Meine Mission ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit. My mission is of critical importance. My mission is of extreme importance. Je moeder is erg mooi! Your mother is very beautiful! Your mother is very beautiful! Danke. Thank you! Thank you. Die Toiletten sind links. The restrooms are on the left. The toilets are on the left. Ich muss diesen Motor auseinanderbauen. I have to disassemble this engine. I have to build up this engine. We spreken later verder. We'll talk afterwards. We'll talk about it later. Hij verliest steeds zijn paraplu. He is always losing his umbrella. He always loses his umbrella. Ik heb veel geleerd uit zijn boeken. I learned a lot from his books. I learned a lot from his books. Lucy ist eine amerikanische Studentin. Lucy is an American student. Lucy is an American student. Ik heb verscheidene zilveren munten. I have several silver coins. I have several silver coins. Es regnet und der Wind weht. It is raining and the wind is blowing. It rains and the wind blows. Ik weet niet meer wat ik moet doen. I don't know what to do any more. I don't know what to do anymore. Er sprühte einen Davidstern an die Tunnelwand. He spray-painted a Star of David onto the wall of the tunnel. He sprayed a Davidstar on the tunnel wall. Hij werd wegens moord opgehangen. He was hanged for murder. He was hanged for murder. Er hielt eine Rede über die Alzheimersche Krankheit. He gave a speech about Alzheimer's disease. He gave a speech about Alzheimer's disease. Danke euch beiden. Thank you both. Thank you both. Du brauchst nicht extra aufzustehen. You don't need to stand up. You don't need to stand up extra. Geschäft ist Geschäft! Business is business! Business is business! Es gab schon schlechtere Krieg-der-Sterne-Filme, die mehr Geld einspielten. There were worse Star Wars movies that made more money. There were even worse war-of-star films, which included more money. Das Dach müssen wir wieder reparieren. We need to repair this roof again. We need to repair the roof again. Seine Muttersprache ist Esperanto, und er schwimmt gern im Mittelmeer. Esperanto is his native language, and he likes swimming in the Mediterranean. His mother tongue is Falun, and he likes to swim in the Mediterranean. Es muss Morgen sein, denn die Vögel singen. It must be morning, for the birds are singing. It must be morning, because the birds are singing. Es war ein sonderbarer Zufall, dass wir uns da erneut trafen. It was a strange chance that we met there again. It was a strange coincidence that we met again. Tom ist in den falschen Zug eingestiegen. Tom took the wrong train. Tom got in the wrong train. Hij heeft een vingerhoed gekocht. He bought a thimble. He bought a finger hat. Sie werden mir alle so sehr fehlen. I'll miss you all so much. They will all be so missing. Bäume verlieren schnell ihre Blätter. Trees lose their leaves quickly. Trees quickly lose their leaves. דער עפּל איז גרין. The apple is green. The Iron Curtain. Lass Tom nicht in die Nähe meiner Kinder! Don't let Tom near my kids. Don't leave Tom near my kids! Hierdie man skreeu vir my! This man's shouting at me! This man was screaming for me! Hast du alles verstanden, was Tom gesagt hat? Did you understand everything that Tom said? Did you understand everything Tom said? Du bist eine der wenigen, die wissen, wo Tom ist. You're one of the few people who know where Tom is. You're one of the few who know where Tom is. We doen alles wat we kunnen om uw dochter te vinden. We're doing everything we can to find your daughter. We do everything we can to find your daughter. Sei immer du selbst. Always be yourself. Always be yourself. Wie zingt dit liedje? Who sings that song? Who sings this song? Haupt-, Eigenschafts-, Für- und Mittelwörter werden dekliniert; Zeitwörter hingegen werden konjugiert. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns and participles are said to be declined, while verbs are said to be conjugated. Main, property, fore and middle words are reduced; time words, on the other hand, are conjugated. Es sind nicht meine Bücher. They aren't my books. It's not my books. Jeder hat 'nen Po. Everyone has a bottom. Everyone has a Po. Hij haat verjaardagen. He hates birthdays. He hates birthdays. Maria en ik gaan trouwen. Mary and I are getting married. Maria and I are going to get married. Tom kennt Maria schon, seit sie Kinder waren. Tom has known Mary ever since they were children. Tom already knows Mary since she was a child. Nüt z'dangge. You're welcome. Don't worry. Wees geen klein kind! Don't be a crybaby! Don't be a child! Schrijf zijn adres op. Write down his address. Write down his address. Dit is afzetterij. This is a rip-off. This is decommissioning. Heel erg bedankt, dokter. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. Florence Foster Jenkins war eine der berühmtesten Sopranistinnen der Welt. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the most famous sopranos in the world. Die Blumen da sind sehr schön. Those flowers over there are very pretty. The flowers there are very nice. Wat is Tom toch een sloddervos. Tom is such a slob. What's Tom a sloddervos? Tom versteht sich mit seinen Schwestern nicht. Tom doesn't get along with his sisters. Tom doesn't understand his sisters. Tom geriet in tiefe Verzweiflung. Tom fell into the depths of despair. Tom was in deep despair. ער איז געוען אין האָקײַדאָ. He has been to Hokkaido. Immediately, I don’t know God. Tom nahm Maria nicht ernst. Tom didn't take Mary seriously. Tom didn't take Maria seriously. Goedemiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Tom is een loodgieter. Tom is a plumber. Tom is a plumber. Mein Vater ging geschäftlich nach Hongkong. My father went to Hong Kong on business. My father went business to Hong Kong. Das tut es. That does it. That's what it's all about. Ich kann trotz seiner vielen Fehler nicht umhin, ihn zu mögen. I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults. I can't get around to like him despite his many mistakes. Terwijl je neerligt? While lying down? While you're down? Ze spoorde het kind aan voorzichtiger te zijn. She admonished the child to be more careful. She encouraged the child to be more cautious. De leeuw wordt de koning der dieren genoemd. The lion is called the king of animals. The lion is called the king of the beasts. Tatoeba: Woneem nix en fosche Satz-Tohoopklamüser-Nacht rungeneert as en slecht sett Komma oder, noch slimmer, en spudderigen Tippfehler. Tatoeba: Where nothing ruins a passionate night of sentence-making like a poorly placed comma or, even worse, a careless typo. Tattoo: Where nothing runs a foss sentence summary night as a poorly set comma or, even smarter, a spooky tip error. Ich habe die Geduld mit ihm verloren. I lost patience with him. I lost patience with him. Ich ging auf dem See Schlittschuh laufen. I went skating on the lake. I was walking on the lake slide shoe. We're no awa tae bide awa. We're not away to stay away. We're not going to dwell on it. כ׳בין נישט קיין פֿייגעלע. I'm not queer. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Lass uns doch nach Boston zurückfahren! Why don't we go back to Boston? Let's go back to Boston! Dachten Sie wirklich, Tom hülfe Ihnen dabei? Did you really think that Tom would help you do that? Do you really think Tom is helping you? Woneem kann ik telefoneren? Where can one make a phone call? Where can I call? Ich habe das Buch gekauft. I bought the book. I bought the book. Ik heb een woordenboek. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. k Bin gain oele! I am not an owl! k Bin profit oil! Kann sein, dass du mir vor langer Zeit davon erzählt hast. You might have told me about it long ago. Maybe you told me about it a long time ago. Der Käse musste weggeworfen werden. The cheese had to be thrown out. The cheese had to be thrown away. אַמעריקע איז אַ נישט־⁠לעגיטימע מלוכה. America is an illegitimate state. I am a king, I am a king. Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is a lot shorter than Mary. Tom is much smaller than Ria. Hai kin t beter doun. He can do better. It's better to do it. Wir sind Schneiderinnen. We're tailors. We're tailors. Veel mensen in Afrika spreken Frans. Many people in Africa speak French. Many people in Africa speak French. Weer Tom dor? Was Tom there? Again, Tom is there? Ik lês in boek. I am reading a book. I read in a book. Toms Hund griff Mary an. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Das da ist auch nicht besser. That one is no better. That's not better either. Da Tom hot a schwoarze Kotz ghobt. Tom had a black cat. Tom was a sorcerer. Er versuchte, auf dem Boden zu schlafen. He tried to sleep on the floor. He tried to sleep on the ground. Mit Tom spreche ich nicht mehr. I'm not going to speak to Tom anymore. I don't speak to Tom anymore. Marie leidet an Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis. Mary has Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Marie suffers from Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis. Das geht auch, aber wie wäre es hiermit? That's fine, but what about this? That's okay, but how would it be? Ik heb een kat en een hond. De kat is zwart en de hond is wit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. די קלייט־גנבֿה איז אָלרײַט. Shoplifting is cool. It’s a little bit of a joker’s old-fashioned. Ek ken jou seun. I know your son. I know your son. Lieber würfe ich das Geld weg, als es ihm zu geben. I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. I love to throw the money away than to give it to him. Meine Kamera nehme ich überallhin mit. I take my camera wherever I go. I take my camera everywhere. Ze houdt heel erg van katten. She really likes cats a lot. She loves cats very much. Ich will mit dir den Rest meines Lebens verbringen. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Luna is een betrouwbaar persoon. Luna is a reliable person. Luna is a reliable person. Wie neuriet? Who's humming? How Neuriet? Diese Pfannkuchen schmecken gut. These pancakes taste good. These peanuts taste good. Honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet. Hunger is the best sauce. Hunger makes raw beans sweet. Nein, danke. Thanks, but no thanks. No, thank you. Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. Tom kreeg een telefoontje van het ziekenhuis. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a phone call from the hospital. Jane muss aufhören, ihrem Verlangen nach Schokolade nachzugeben. Jane must stop giving way to her desire for chocolate. Jane has to stop giving up her desire for chocolate. Wenn du so veel ittst, warrst du noch krank. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. בײַ נאַכט ווערט ער אַ מאַזאָכיסט. At night, he becomes a masochist. At the end of the day, he wakes up. Ek's seker ons sal iets vind om te doen. I'm sure we'll find something to do. I'm sure we'll find something to do. Si liesen en Buch. They're reading a book. It is a book. מײַן ברודער האָט איצט נישט קײן טועכץ. My brother has no occupation now. One of the best people I’ve ever heard of is an unscrupulous bully. Wat moet dit voorstellen? What on Earth is this? What should this suggest? Maak je zakken leeg. Empty your bags. Empty your bags. De generieke naam voor Prozac is fluoxetine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetin. Meine Mutter ist entsetzt, was ich für Musik höre, aber ich weiß nicht, wieso. Ich könnte mein ganzes Leben damit zubringen, meine Lieblingslieder zu hören. My mom is terrified at the music I listen to, and I don't know why, because I could spend my entire life listening to the songs I like most. My mother is shocked at what I hear for music, but I don't know why. Hallo. Hello! Hello. Ich habe einen guten Arbeitsplatz. I have a good job. I have a good job. Tom is populair op Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is wrong. She's wrong. Update jullie systeem. Update your system. Update your system. Als je die vaas laat vallen, zal ik het op je loon inhouden. If you drop that vase, I'll take it out of your wage. If you drop that vase, I'll keep it on your pay. Das werde ich nie vergessen. I'll never forget that. I'll never forget that. Lernst du jeden Tag? Do you study every day? Do you learn every day? Zitronen sind gelb. Lemons are yellow. The lemons are yellow. Maria zog sich etwas Bequemeres an. Mary changed into something more comfortable. Maria was looking for something comfortable. Wir werden sehen. We'll see. We'll see. Ich bin ihm gegenüber misstrauisch. I am suspicious of him. I'm suspicious of him. Het zal de wond verergeren. It will aggravate the wound. It will worsen the wound. Ich bin ein totes Kaninchen auf der Autobahn. I'm a dead rabbit on the freeway. I am a dead rabbit on the highway. Möge das Glück dir hold sein! May fortune smile on you. May luck hold you! Meine Mutter sagte, dass es ihr gutginge. My mother said that she was all right. My mother said it was her goodbye. טאָם איז גראָד איצט אין גאָרטן. Tom's in the garden right now. Mr. Griffiths, you don’t have a problem. Da ich dem Mädchen schon einmal begegnet war, erkannte ich sie sofort. Having met the girl before, I recognized her at once. Once I met the girl, I immediately recognized her. Mennad waarkt. Mennad works. Mennad guards. Als je wil, zal ik je leren om te schaken. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you want, I'll teach you to shake. Er schaute, als wäre nichts passiert. He looked as if nothing had happened. He looked like nothing would happen. Die Polizisten spielten auf der Polizeistation Schach. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. Police officers were playing chess at the police station. Tom weet niet wat er mis ging. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom doesn't know what was wrong. Wie viel Zeit sparen wir dadurch? How much time are we going to save? How much time do we save? Dat Kleed is gröön. The dress is green. The dress is green. Ich weiß nicht, ob George kommen wird oder nicht. I don't know if George is coming or not. I don't know if George will come or not. Er ist eigensinnig. He's pig-headed. He's insanity. Di Rümer sen olter liig. The rooms are too low. The room is an old lighthouse. Tom konnte die Schlüssel nicht finden. Tom couldn't find the keys. Tom couldn't find the keys. Hou ons ulstublieft op de hoogte. Please keep us updated. Please keep us informed. Wanneer heb je voor het laatst alcohol gedronken? When was the last time you drank alcohol? When did you last drink alcohol? k Eet. I eat. k Eat. Tom ward nie mehr lebend gesehen. Tom was never seen again alive. Tom was never seen alive. Tom ging nach links, Maria nach rechts. Tom went left, and Mary went right. Tom went to the left, Maria to the right. Dat kost teveel tijd. It takes too much time. That takes too much time. Ich habe eure Frage nicht beantwortet. I didn't answer your question. I didn't answer your question. איך גלייב אַז ס׳איז אין פֿאָיע. I think it's in the foyer. What’s wrong with Elliott is that he doesn’t know. Warum sind Kerle so blöd? Why are guys so stupid? Why are guys so stupid? Voelt u zich veilig thuis? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? ער עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. He doesn't eat meat. Cunningham played a role in Philly. Hij deed het en zelfs in haar aanwezigheid. He did it, and in her presence. He did it and even in her presence. Ein Wunder ist ein Ereignis, das von Leuten beschrieben wird, denen es erzählt wurde von Leuten, die es nicht gesehen haben. A miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by people who did not see it. A miracle is an event described by people who have been told about people who haven’t seen it. Das Ringsystem des Saturn misst im Durchmesser ca. 280 000 km, ist aber nur ca. 1 km dick. Saturn's ring system is about 175,000 miles (280,000 km) across, yet only about half a mile (1 km) thick. Saturn's ring system measures approximately 280 000 km in diameter, but is only about 1 km thick. Het meisje is lelijk. The girl is ugly. The girl's ugly. Ik praat gjin Japansk. I cannot speak Japanese. I speak Japanese. Wir waren sehr stolz auf unseren Sohn. We were very proud of our son. We were very proud of our son. Dieses Angebot gilt nur kurze Zeit. This is a limited-time offer. This offer only applies for a short time. Laat ons oefen. Let's practice. Let's practice. Ich habe das nicht bestellt. I didn't order this. I didn't order that. Verkäufer sind gewöhnlich Schnellsprecher. Salesmen are usually fast talkers. Sellers are usually quick speakers. Ich werde high. I'm getting high. I'm going to be high. He häw twe Döchter. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. Je höher er gesellschaftlich aufstieg, umso bescheidener wurde er. The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became. The higher he rose socially, the more modest he became. Gah weg. Go away. Get out of here. Dat is keen Hebrääsch, man Jiddisch. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. It is not Hebrew, but Yiddish. Heb je in de afgelopen zes maanden een groot verlies geleden? Within the last six months, have you experienced a significant loss? Have you had a great loss in the last six months? Tom is nu in Australië. Tom is now in Australia. Tom is now in Australia. Das Kind glaubt, die Erde sei eine Scheibe. The child believes that the earth is flat. The child believes that the earth is a disk. Het werkt hetzelfde in elk land. It works the same way in every country. It works the same in every country. Je gaat morgen voetballen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're going to play football tomorrow. Ich will mal mit ihr über meine Zukunft reden. I want to talk to her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Die Polizei hat Straßensperren eingerichtet. The police have set up roadblocks. Police have set up roadblocks. Hest du sehn, woans se di ankeken hett? Did you see the way she was looking at you? Did you see where she looked at you? Yanni herinnert het zich. Yanni remembers. Yanni remembers. Einfachheit ist Trumpf. Simplicity is the key. Simplicity is Trump. Ich habe das fehlende Glied deiner Halskette gefunden. I found the missing piece of your necklace. I found the missing member of your necklace. Ich habe Tom zum Geburtstag einen Fußball geschenkt. I got Tom a soccer ball for his birthday. I gave Tom a football for the birthday. Ab wann brauchst du es? When will you need it? When do you need it? Wir sind Schneider. We're tailors. We're Schneider. Zai gingen noar Nij-Zeelaand. They went to New Zealand. Zai went to New Zealand. Soweit ich weiß, gibt es eine solche Funktion nicht. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Wat een afschuwelijk weer! What awful weather! What a terrible weather! Hou old is joen koelkaast? How old is your refrigerator? How old is joint cooling cheese? Maria hat gegen ihren Willen geheiratet. Maria married unwillingly. Mary married against her will. Ich verberge nichts. I'm not hiding anything. I don't hide anything. Heeft u een hernia? Do you have a hernia? Do you have a hernia? Welke planeet staat het dichtst bij de zon? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is closest to the sun? Es geht mir gut. I feel fine. I'm fine. Dat restaurant is te duur. That restaurant's too expensive. The restaurant is too expensive. Tennisspielen macht Tom Freude. Tom enjoys playing tennis. Tennis games make Tom happy. Alle Polizisten waren mit Schutzschilden ausgestattet, um sich gegen die Randalierer zu verteidigen. All the police officers were equipped with shields to defend themselves against the rioters. All police officers were equipped with shields to defend themselves against the Randalians. Ich werde morgen 13. I'll be thirteen years old tomorrow. I'll be tomorrow 13. De Schachtel is leddig. The box is empty. The box is empty. Van wel binnen dij mözzels? Whose mussels are these? From inside you mözzels? Wirst du mir je verraten, was in jener Nacht vorgefallen ist? Aren't you ever going to tell me what happened that night? Will you ever tell me what happened that night? Könnt ihr das reparieren? Do you know how to fix this? Can you fix that? Ik ga te voet naar school. I walk to school. I'm going on foot to school. Tom wohnte während des Krieges in Lyon. Tom lived during the war in Lyon. Tom lived in Lyon during the war. Twee honde veg vir 'n been, en die derde hardloop daarmee weg. Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it. Two dogs fight for a leg, and the third runs away with it. Belgrado is de hoofdstad van Servië. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Sie haben Tom verhaftet. They arrested Tom. They arrested Tom. Woar is mien swieniegel? Where is my hedgehog? How is my swirl? Wat voor alcohol drinkt u meestal? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? Wat is mien Kamernummer? What is my room number? What is my room number? Heb je het overwogen? Have you considered it? Have you thought about it? Ik heb het gevecht gezien. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Ik heb een echt zware dag gehad. I've had a really tough day. I've had a really hard day. Sein Großvater väterlicherseits hat früher dort oben gewohnt. His dad's father used to live up there. His father-in-law had lived there earlier. Ich spreche Französisch, damit Tom mich nicht versteht. I'm talking in French so that Tom doesn't understand me. I speak French so Tom doesn't understand me. Tom sagt, dass er nichts bedauere. Tom says he doesn't have any regrets. Tom says he doesn't regret anything. Auf, auf! Packen wir mit an! Come on. Let's give them a hand. Let's get on! Madrid ist die Hauptstadt und die wichtigste Stadt Spaniens. Madrid is the capital of Spain and its most important city. Madrid is the capital and the most important city in Spain. Tom sal jou wen. Tom will beat you. Tom will win you. Die haben eine orangefarbene Katze. They have an orange cat. They have an orange-colored cat. Ist meine Erklärung zu kompliziert? Is my explanation too complicated? Is my explanation too complicated? Ich schmuse gern mit Katzen. I love cuddling with cats. I like to taste with cats. Sami houdt van countrymuziek. Sami loves country music. Sami likes country music. Wil je er echt mee stoppen? Do you really want to quit? Do you really want to stop it? Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everyone knows that Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom Maria likes it. Doe je uiterste best! Do the best you can! Do your best! Glaub mir, in deiner Brust sind deines Schicksals Sterne. Believe me, the stars of your destiny are in your bosom. Believe me, in your chest are your fate stars. Een oude vriend kwam bij mij thuis op bezoek. An old friend came to my house for a visit. An old friend came to visit me at home. Dankie vir vandag. Thank you for today. Thanks for today. Werd nicht frech zu mir, sonst gibt's ein blaues Auge! Don't get smart with me, or you'll get a black eye! Don't be afraid of me, otherwise there's a blue eye! Ik spreek tegenwoordig bijna geen Frans meer. I hardly ever speak French nowadays. I almost no longer speak French. Hier zit er altijd iemand te bedelen. There's always someone panhandling here. There's always someone here to pay. Di Haurem es olter wuk. The pillow is too soft. Haurem is an old-fashioned worker. Hoe ben je te weten gekomen dat ik hier ben? How did you know I was here? How did you find out that I'm here? Er ist ihr in Mathe überlegen. He is superior to her in math. He's superior to her in math. Haben Sie regelmäßigen Stuhlgang? Do you have regular bowel movements? Do you have regular chairing? Das ist die falsche Antwort. That's the wrong answer. That's the wrong answer. Einige Äpfel verfaulten schon auf dem Baum. Some of the apples turned rotten on the tree. Some apples are already decaying on the tree. Se keem dree Minuten, nadem ik ehr anropen harr. She came three minutes after I called. She came three minutes after I called her. Welkom, iedereen. Welcome, everybody. Welcome, everyone. De auto is oud, maar wel goed. The car is old, but it is good. The car is old, but it's good. Wie het hierdie lelike huis laat bou? Who had this ugly house built? Who built this ugly house? Wohin bist du gegangen? Where have you gone? Where did you go? In diesem Sommer ist es schrecklich heiß. It's awfully hot this summer. This summer it is very hot. De lerares wees met haar vinger naar mij en vroeg me om met haar mee te komen. The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to go with her. The teachers were with her finger to me and asked me to come with her. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming. Dat is makkelijk voor jou om te zeggen. That's easy for you to say. That's easy for you to say. Die Katze versucht, auf den Baum zu klettern. The cat is trying to climb the tree. The cat tries to climb on the tree. Rome is die hoofstad van die wêreld. Rome is the capital of the world. Rome is the capital of the world. Der Affe nahm sich mittels eines Stockes eine Banane. The monkey took a banana by means of the stick. The monkey took a banana by way of a stock. Wie kommst du darauf, dass es bei euch zu Hause spukt? What makes you think that your house is haunted? How do you make sure it's talking to you at home? So was hat zu mir noch keiner gesagt. No one has ever said such things to me. That's what no one has said to me. Bezoek je ons binnenkort? Will you visit us soon? Will you visit us soon? Tom is niet gestorven. Tom didn't die. Tom didn't die. Wi sünd morgens Klock veer opkamen. We got up at four in the morning. We came up in the morning at four o'clock. טאָם האַלט מערין פֿאַר נודנע. Tom thinks Mary is boring. St. Peter's mother-in-law, Peter, came to know. Monaco is de hoofdstad van Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Hoe was het? How was it? How was it? Niemand nimmt uns für voll. No one takes us seriously. No one takes us for granted. Tom fragt mich nie, wie es mir geht. Ich glaube, es interessiert ihn nicht. Tom never asks me how I'm feeling. I think he doesn't care. Tom never asks me how I'm doing, I don't think he's interested. Maria wäscht sich nur mit Quellwasser. Mary only washes in spring water. Maria only washes herself with spring water. Kartuffelchips sünd nich good för di. Potato chips are not good for you. Kartuffelchips are not good for you. Den Dësch ass gedeckt. The table is set. It's a bit of an ass. ער לערנט זיך דײַטש. He's learning German. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Ich bin deinetwegen gekommen. I came for you. I've come your way. Lente is in de lucht. Spring is in the air. Spring is in the air. Er schaute mich an und lächelte. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at me and smiled. Wann hast du angefangen, Englisch zu lernen? When did you begin to learn English? When did you start learning English? Ik heb er nooit van gehoord. I never heard of it. I've never heard of it. Alles verandert. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Tom het Mary vertel hoeveel hy van sy werk gehou het. Tom told Mary how much he liked his work. Tom told Mary how much he loved his job. אַראַביש איז אַ פֿײַנע שפּראַך. Arabic is a nice language. I would love to see you. Een von de Kuffers is ganz leddig. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the cups is completely empty. Was ändertet ihr, wenn ihr könntet? What would you change if you could? What do you change if you could? Het leek persoonlijk. It seemed personal. It seemed personal. Heeft iemand anders een raadgeving? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have advice? Laat uns op de Bank sitten gahn. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. Ze droeg een wit kleed. She wore a white dress. She wore a white dress. Die haben drei Kinder: zwei Jungen und ein Mädchen. They have three children: two boys and one girl. They have three children: two boys and one girl. Das, was vorbestimmt ist, wird immer seinen Weg finden. That which is predetermined will always find its way. That which is predetermined will always find its way. Tom hat graue Haare. Tom's hair is gray. Tom has grey hair. Sie wachte von allein auf. She woke up on her own. She woke up by herself. Der Laden verkauft allen möglichen Krimskrams. The shop sells all sorts of bric-à-brac. The store sells all possible crimskrams. כ'האָב געביטן אַ סך זאַכן. I've changed a lot of things. It's like you're a fool. Ich habe ihren Namen vollkommen vergessen. I've completely forgotten her name. I have completely forgotten her name. טאָם איז נאָך געווען בײַם לעבן. Tom was still alive. At the end of the day, Isma’il is in the middle of the night. כ׳בין נישט העטעראָסעקסועל. I'm not heterosexual. In other words, I want to make sure I have a self-examination. Hij hunkert altijd naar ruzie. He is always spoiling for a fight. He always hungers for strife. Dat vind ik leuk. I like that. I like that. Ich kann den Wind hören. I can hear the wind. I can hear the wind. Je zult snel gewend zijn aan het stadsleven. You will soon be used to living in a big city. You will soon be used to city life. Rusland wordt ''Rossiya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Russia is called "Rossiya" in Russian. Russia is called "Rossiya" in Russian. Spreekt u Portugees? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Dat is Tied uteneentogahn. It's time to separate. This is time apart. Ik ga een keer per week naar de bioscoop. I go to the cinema once a week. I go to the cinema once a week. Suni speelt. Suni is playing. Suni is playing. Hij heeft graag de touwtjes in handen. He likes pulling the strings. He likes to have the ropes in his hands. Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie genug Geld haben? Are you sure that you have enough money? Are you sure you have enough money? Millionen von Farmern mussten sich nach einer anderen Arbeit umsehen. Millions of farmers had to look for other work. Millions of farmers had to look after another job. Tom heer nü en Biirt. Tom now has a beard. Tom Mr. Nü en Biirt. Tom ist jemand ganz Besonderes. Tom is a really special person. Tom is someone very special. Er hat ein Waisenkind adoptiert. He received an orphan. He adopted an orphan child. Mir tut das linke Bein weh. My left leg hurts. The left leg hurts me. De enige keer dat printers niet werken, is wanneer je ze nodig hebt. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time that printers don’t work is when you need them. דאָס העלפֿן אנדערע איז קיינמאָל נישט קיין שאָד די צײַט. Helping others is never a waste of time. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Morgen moet ik haar de waarheid vertellen. Tomorrow I must tell her the truth. Tomorrow I have to tell her the truth. Ik moest er gisteren heen gaan. I had to go there yesterday. I had to go there yesterday. Ich habe Toms Adresse hier irgendwo. I have Tom's address here somewhere. I have Tom's address here somewhere. Wat ga je vandaag koken? What'll you cook today? What are you gonna cook today? Voelt u de drang om vaker te plassen? Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently? Do you feel the urge to complain more often? De wind ging liggen. The wind has dropped. The wind was falling. Tom arbeitet an seiner Rede. Tom is working on his speech. Tom is working on his speech. Ongeacht waar u naartoe gaat, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. No matter where you go, don't forget to write me. Dit is Tom, mien kollegoa. This is Tom, my colleague. This is Tom, my colleague. Woneem bün ik? Where am I? Where am I? Wir müssen Maut bezahlen, wenn wir auf dieser Straße fahren wollen. We must pay a toll to drive on this road. We have to pay toy if we want to drive on this road. Wir haben eine Falle gelegt, um einen Fuchs zu fangen. We set a trap to catch a fox. We put a trap to catch a fox. In dieser Straße kannst du deinen Wagen nicht parken. You can't park your car in this road. In this street you can't park your car. Dat sünd keen Wöör. These aren't words. These are not words. Ik vertrok. I left. I left. Ik mag Alice nich. I don't like Alice. I don't like Alice. Halten Sie diesen Platz für jemanden frei? Are you saving this seat for someone? Do you keep this place free for someone? Sein Fell ist so weich und fluffig. His fur is so soft and fluffy. Its fur is so soft and fluffy. זי איז אַ נאַרקאָטיק־⁠הענדלערקע. She's a drug dealer. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Dat Problem is, dat ik nich noog Geld heff. The problem is that I don't have enough money. The problem is that I don't have enough money. Morgen ben ik jarig. Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm a year old tomorrow. Wer hat ihr meine Adresse gegeben? Who gave her my address? Who gave you my address? Egal wie beschwerlich das Training auch war, sie weinte nie. No matter how hard the training was, she never cried. No matter how complaining the training was, she never wept. Kun je het me eventjes uitleggen? Can you explain it to me a bit? Can you explain it to me for a while? Þa Darius geseah þæt he overƿunnen beon ƿolde, þa ƿolde he hiene selfne on ðæm gefeohte forspillan. When Darius saw that he would be overcome, he wanted to commit suicide in that battle. The Darius saw it contain the words "olde" which he used to play on ðæm gefeohte. Maria kauft eine neue Kaffeemaschine. Mary's buying a new coffee machine. Maria buys a new coffee shop. Jy moet versigtig wees. You must be careful. You have to be careful. Ik spreek vloeiend Frans. I speak fluent French. I speak French fluently. Gebruik jij Facebook? Do you use Facebook? Do you use Facebook? Du bist das einzige, was ich brauche. You're the only thing I need. You're the only thing I need. We wonen in een mooie stad. We live in a beautiful city. We live in a beautiful city. Ik mutt mien Mobieltje opladen. I need to charge my mobile. I have to charge my cell phone. Das war nicht Toms einziger Beweggrund. That isn't the only reason why Tom wanted to do that. That wasn't Tom's only reason for moving. Goedenacht, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. Ik probeer minstens dertig minuten per dag te lopen. I try to walk at least thirty minutes a day. I try walking at least 30 minutes a day. Wo ist das Wartezimmer? Where's the waiting room? Where's the waiting room? Tom ist ein guter Sprecher. Tom is an excellent speaker. Tom is a good speaker. Wir können nicht mehr zurück. We cannot turn back. We can't go back. Tom sagte, wofern es nur erledigt werde, sei es ihm egal, von wem. Tom said that he didn't care who did it, as long as it got done. Tom said that if it is done only, it doesn't matter to him, by whom. Er ist Ukrainer. He's Ukrainian. He is Ukrainian. He tücht Peer un Rinner. He raises horses and cattle. He trains peers and runners. Tom wurde verletzt. Tom was hurt. Tom was injured. ’Keen leevt in dat Huus? Who lives in that house? “No one lives in the house?” Is ze al teruggekomen? Is she back yet? Did she come back? In der Schule habe ich viele Fächer. In school I have many subjects. In school I have a lot of subjects. Tom wurde von einem Motorradfahrer angefahren. Tom was hit by a motorcyclist. Tom was driven by a motorcycle driver. Broscht! Cheers! Brosch! Tom bat mich, ihn abzuholen. Tom asked me to pick him up. Tom asked me to pick him up. Tom ging, ohne sie zu bemerken, an Maria vorbei. Tom walked by Mary without seeing her. Tom, without notice, passed on to Mary. I woas net, wos zum Tuan is, und sunst woas a neamd. I don't know what to do and neither does anyone else. We're going to see what it's like to be a dog, and it's called a dog. Ik heb een aankondiging. I have an announcement. I have an announcement. Het kan gevaarlijk zijn. It might be dangerous. It can be dangerous. Wat voor infecties kan ik krijgen van orale seks? What infections can I catch through oral sex? What infections can I get from oral sex? Tom hat uns nicht gefunden. Tom didn't find us. Tom didn't find us. Fahren wir doch stattdessen nach Boston! Why don't we go to Boston instead? Let's go to Boston instead! Wir waren früher alle bei der Marine. We're all ex-marines. We were all at the Navy earlier. Nachts kann sie die Sterne sehen. At night, she can see the stars. At night she can see the stars. Ich kann Ihnen diesbezüglich nicht zustimmen. I cannot agree with you on this. I can't agree with you. Ben je ooit opgenomen geweest in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? Have you ever been admitted to a psychiatric hospital? k Komm oet Laiwoarden. I'm from Leeuwarden. k Kom out Laiwoarden. Das ist unmoralisch. That's immoral. That's immoral. Er chunnt us Gämf. He comes from Geneva. He kisses us. Tom gaan nie ons môre help nie. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom will not help us tomorrow. Tom spält ok goot Schach. Tom is also good at chess. Tom also plays good chess. Ik moest hem laten gaan. I had to let him go. I had to let him go. Kann ich meine Koffer hierlassen? Can I leave my suitcases here? Can I leave my suitcase here? Wat wil je drinken? What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? Mir hunn eng Fro. We have a question. I have a very strong question. Wir kamen dort vor der Mittagsstunde an. We arrived there before noon. We arrived there before lunch. 'Nu ic oncneow soðlice þæt þu swiðe ondrætst God, nu þu þinne ancennedan sunu ofslean woldest for him.' 'Now that I have realized that you truly fear God, now that you would slay your only begotten son for him.' 'Now ic oncneow soðlice contains déu swiäd underst God, now déu déinen ancendan sunu ofslean woldest for him.' Wie schwer wäre es, auf der Venus erdähnliche Verhältnisse zu schaffen? How hard would it be to terraform Venus? How hard would it be to create earth-like conditions on Venus? Unglücklicherweise glaube ich nicht an ihren Erfolg. Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed. Unfortunately, I don’t believe in their success. Ist dein Name nicht Tom? Is your name not Tom? Isn't your name Tom? Zijn seksspeeltjes veilig? Are sex toys safe? Are sex toys safe? We zijn naar het park gegaan. We went to the park. We went to the park. Der Ausgang ist an derselben Stelle wie der Eingang. The exit is in the same place as the entrance. The output is the same place as the input. De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located in the Pinostraat. Dan heiratet. Dan is getting married. Then we got married. טאָם פֿאַרמאָגט אַ באַר. Tom owns a bar. In the middle of the village of Aberdeen. Ben je bang om gewond te raken? Are you afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid to be injured? „Wo ist Tom?“ – „Da drüben ist er.“ "Where's Tom?" "He's over there." “Where is Tom?” — “There he is.” Het was allemaal onze schuld. It was all our fault. It was all our fault. Als ik eenmaal begin met schoonmaken, kan ik mezelf niet meer tegenhouden. Once I start cleaning, I can't stop myself. Once I start cleaning, I can't stop myself. Bist du schon einmal in jenem Restaurant gewesen? Have you ever been to that restaurant? Have you ever been to that restaurant? Es gefiel mir, wie du das gemacht hattest. I liked how you did that. I liked how you did it. Ich habe versucht, pünktlich zu sein. I tried not to be late. I tried to be pointless. Luisterde iedereen? Was everyone listening? Did everyone listen? Maria ist die schönste Frau auf der ganzen Welt. Mary is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Mary is the most beautiful woman in the world. מיר האַלטן פֿון טאָמען. We think highly of Tom. Satan the Devil is a devil. Ik wilde niemand beledigen. No offense was meant. I didn't want to offend anyone. Wir sollten aufs Ganze gehen. We should go whole hog. We should go all the way. קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. No one's interested. I’m not sure if I’m interested in Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo My sister is 'n goeie tikster. My sister is a good typist. My sister is a good tickster. Tom is een tieneridool. Tom is a teen idol. Tom is a teenage idol. מזל־טובֿ. Congratulations. Best of luck. De tv werkt niet. The television doesn't work. The TV doesn't work. דאָס איז אַ קוישבאָל. This is a basketball. Dude, I'm sorry to sit down. Tom rook rook. Tom smelled smoke. Tom smokes smoke. Insecten zitten vol met eiwitten. Insects are full of proteins. Insects are full of proteins. Se hett em en Naricht tostüürt. She sent him a message. She sent me a message. Ze heeft een dochter die pianiste is. She has a daughter who is a pianist. She has a daughter who is a pianist. Zu den Waffen! To arms! To the weapons! Tom scheint besorgt zu sein. Tom seems anxious. Tom seems to be worried. טאָם איז אַ נישט־⁠גוטער. Tom is a demon. I'm sorry Toys, but I'm sorry. Wir sind bei Tom geblieben. We stayed with Tom. We stayed with Tom. Se is mit de Eier utneiht. She ran away with the eggs. It is cut out with the eggs. Ik heff tolüüstert, aver ik heff nix höört. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. I have been toiling, but I haven't heard anything. Hij heeft de laatste tijd enkele heel goede resultaten bekomen. He's had some very good results lately. He has received some very good results in recent years. Ik heb voor Kerstmis een E-Book-Reader gekregen. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Egal ob du schnell oder langsam fährst, fahr vorsichtig. Whether you drive quickly or slowly, drive carefully. Whether you are driving fast or slow, be careful. Wir wandten schnell die Augen ab. We quickly averted our eyes. We quickly turned our eyes. Sind alle damit einverstanden? Does everyone agree with that? Do all agree? Julle moet bly. You must stay. You have to stay. Meine Lehrer sind sehr streng. My teachers are very strict. My teachers are very strict. Manny will ein Einhorn sein, damit ihn die Mädchen reiten. Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him. Manny wants to be a unicorn for him to ride the girls. Letzten Monat wurden drei neue Briefmarken herausgegeben. Three new stamps were issued last month. Last month, three new stamps were issued. Kunt u dichter bij me komen? Can you move closer to me? Can you get closer to me? Het is een sneeuwman. It's a snowman. It's a snowman. Mein Zug fuhr um sechs los und kam um zehn Uhr an. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train took off at six and arrived at ten o'clock. Wir hätten die Flugtickets gekauft, wenn der Preis etwas niedriger gewesen wäre. We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower. We would have bought the ticket if the price had been a little lower. De officiële talen van de Verenigde Naties zijn het Arabisch, Chinees, Engels, Frans, Russisch en Spaans. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Ek verwag nie van jou om dit te onthou nie. I don't expect you to remember. I don’t expect you to remember this. Et is ald widder esu wick. It's that time again already. It is old-fashioned asu wick. Wi föhrt all geern Fohrrad. We all like cycling. We lead all your bikes. Rust hier. Rest here. Rest here. Ze zat op de bank. She sat on the bench. She was on the bench. Mien Stad liggt an de See. My town is by the sea. My city is on the lake. Dit is niet veilig. This is not safe. This is not safe. Je ziet er bezorgd uit. You look worried. You look worried. Ik höll Ann för ehr Süster. I took Ann for her sister. I hold Ann for her sister. Jongens, ik moet ervandoor. Guys, I gotta go. Boys, I have to go through it. Tom en ik wonen nog steeds in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Es wird jetzt draußen dunkler. It's getting darker outside now. It's getting darker outside now. Kerstmis komt er snel aan. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is coming soon. Se kunn em nich in ’t Gesicht kieken. She couldn't look him in the face. He could not see him in his face. Sie lesen Bücher in der Bibliothek. They are reading books in the library. You can read books in the library. Se hett nüms to ’n Snacken. She has no one to speak to. They have no talk. זי ווילט איינער. She wants one. Oz, Willie, I'm sorry. Das ist nicht das einzige, was Tom wollte. That isn't the only thing that Tom wanted. That's not the only thing Tom wanted. Toki Pona ist ein Versuch, die erste in den Höhlen Afrikas gesprochene Sprache nachzubilden. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Toki Pona is an attempt to imitate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Tom sollte jetzt Französisch lernen. Tom should be studying French now. Tom should learn French now. Zij gaan altijd skiën in de winter. They always go skiing in the winter. They always go skiing in winter. Der Arzt verabreicht eine Injektion. The doctor is administering an injection. The doctor administers an injection. Ich konnte mich nicht bewegen. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. Wat maken jullie in deze fabriek? What do you make in this factory? What are you doing in this factory? Kamala Harris ist die erste Schwarze und die erste indischstämmige Amerikanerin im Amt des Vizepräsidenten. Kamala Harris is the first Black woman and first Indian American to be vice president. Kamala Harris is the first black and the first Indian-speaking American in the office of vice president. Ich kann die Augen nicht mehr offenhalten. I can't keep my eyes open. I can no longer keep my eyes open. Ich habe im Tatoeba-Blog einen Artikel über eine neue Version gefunden, die bald herauskommt. Hast du den gelesen? I've seen an article on the Tatoeba blog about a new version coming soon. Have you read it? I found in the Tatoeba blog an article about a new version coming out soon. Have you read this? יעדערער האָט דאָס רעכט אַראָפּצוגיין פֿון זינען. Everyone has the right to lose their mind. I’m sorry to hear of David’s murderous anger. Sie hätten es mir überlassen sollen. You should've left it to me. You should have left it to me. Ik zou deze gelegenheid willen aangrijpen om je te bedanken. I would like to use this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Ik houd van hem. I love him. I love him. Misschien had je gelijk. Maybe you were right. Maybe you were right. טאָם האָט שוין נישט געגעסן. Tom hasn't eaten. Awwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tom wusste nicht einmal, wer Mary war. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Di Töner kām lung eeđer di Lait. The thunder came long after the lightning. The toner kām hangs on the light. Machen Sie sich nicht lächerlich. Don't make a fool of yourself! Don't make yourself ridiculous. Tom wurde Tänzer. Tom became a dancer. Tom became a dancer. מערי האט פארמאכט די אויגן. Mary shut her eyes. The town of Farsa is quite adorable. Ich höre seinem Solovortrag zu. I am listening to his recital. I listen to his solo speech. Habt ihr schon einmal Rhabarbermarmelade gemacht? Have you ever made rhubarb jam? Have you ever made Rhabarbermarmelade? Wasser is leejve. Water is life. Water is leejve. Tom en ik binnen vrunden. Tom and I are friends. Tom and I are in love. Geben Sie Tom nichts zu trinken! Don't give Tom anything to drink. Give Tom nothing to drink! Es tut weh, euch so zu sehen. It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you like that. Deze roman verveelt me. This novel bores me. This novel bored me. Öffne die Tür! Es läutet! Open the door. They are ringing the bell. Open the door! Ech brauch Hëllef! I need help. I need to go! Jullie vergelijken appels met peren. You are comparing apples and oranges. You're comparing apples with pearls. Mama was bezig met haar naaiwerk. Mom was busy with her sewing. Mom was busy with her sewing. Ik ben niet op haar verzoek ingegaan. I did not accept her request. I didn't go to her request. Sie liebt Tee. She loves tea. She loves tea. We zijn aan het dansen. We're dancing. We're dancing. וועגן וועמענס הונט רעדט איר? Whose dog are you talking about? Are you looking for a red-roofed fire? De Europese Unie is een nieuw kalifaat? The European Union is a new caliphate? The European Union is a new caliphate? Ich verstehe nicht, warum er sie nicht einfach fragt, ob sie mit ihm ausgeht. I don't see why he doesn't just ask her out. I don't understand why he doesn't just ask her if she's going out with him. Tom war früher eingebildet. Tom used to be conceited. Tom was trained earlier. Tom will, dass ihn alle mögen. Tom wants everyone to like him. Tom wants everyone to like him. Ich bin müde. Liest du mir eine Geschichte vor? I'm sleepy. Can you read me a story? I'm tired. Tom is nog steeds aan het roken. Tom is still smoking. Tom is still smoking. Früher ist Tom jeden Sonntag in die Kirche gegangen, jetzt nicht mehr. Tom used to go to church every Sunday, but he doesn't anymore. In the past, Tom went to church every Sunday, no longer. Das sind Spione. They're spies. These are spies. Tom en Mary zijn de enige overlevenden. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. "Dima..." zei Al-Sayib, "dat is het belachelijkste wat ik ooit heb gehoord." "Dima..." Al-Sayib said. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." "Dima..." said Al-Sayib, "that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Tom und Maria gingen zusammen nach draußen, um die Tiere zu füttern. Tom and Mary went outside together to feed the animals. Tom and Maria went out together to feed the animals. Ik stuurde haar een e-mail. I sent her an email. I sent her an email. Het is de laatste kans. It's the last chance. It's the last chance. Ihr Höschen ist rosa. Her panties are pink. Your pants are pink. Sie verdient ihr Brot als Balletttänzerin. She earns her living as a ballet dancer. She deserves her bread as a ballet dancer. Tom ist machtlos. Tom is powerless. Tom is powerless. Sie sind in einer Bücherei. You are in a library. They are in a bookstore. טאָם האָט פֿײַנט באָסטאָן. Tom hates Boston. Tiffany is a boisterous boy. Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Zigaretten und Ihr Feuerzeug! Don't forget your cigarettes and lighter. Do not forget your cigarettes and your firearms! De eerste Utgaav is vör teihn Johr rutkamen. The first edition was published ten years ago. The first edition was released ten years ago. Tom lernt vermittelst des Internets Spanisch. Tom is using the Internet to learn Spanish. Tom learns Spanish from the internet. Diese Eier sind alle nicht frisch. All these eggs aren't fresh. These eggs are all not fresh. Mogadishu is de hoofdstad van Somalië. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Toms Miete beträgt dreihundert Dollar im Monat. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Ze bekeek een aantal jurken en koos de duurste. She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one. She looked at some dresses and chose the most expensive ones. איך װעל טרינקען אַ גלאָז קאַװע. I'd like to drink a glass of coffee. How do you know if I’m going to give you a cup of tea? Warten wir doch ab, was morgen passiert! Why don't we wait and see what happens tomorrow? Let's wait for what's going on tomorrow! Ik haa deling binai di Toch forpaset. I have nearly missed the train today. I have a division of binai di Yetforpaset. Seitdem Maria einmal gesehen hat, wie Thunfisch gefangen wird, isst sie keinen mehr. Mary no longer eats tuna now that she's seen how the fish are caught. Once Maria has seen how to catch each other, she doesn’t eat any more. De hond vong t vlaais. The dog caught the meat. The dog caught bats. Moenie haar nou bel nie. Don't phone her now. Don't call her now. Ik bruuk en beten Water. I need some water. I use and pray water. Ik ben opzoek naar het Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. Ich bin Atheist. I am an atheist. I am an atheist. Toms Blutdruck ist zu niedrig. Tom's blood pressure is too low. Tom's blood pressure is too low. Tom erzählt jedem, dass Mary die Sahne in seinem Kaffee ist. Tom tells everyone that Mary's the cream in his coffee. Tom tells everyone that Mary is the snout in his coffee. Ich finde, Tom und Maria haben recht. I think that Tom and Mary are right. I think Tom and Maria are right. Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Niemand van de leerkrachten heeft het vraagstuk kunnen oplossen. None of the teachers could solve the problem. None of the teachers have been able to solve the issue. Tom weet hoe je spaghetti moet koken. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Hēo hæfde ān swīþe ǣnliċ wīf. She had a very excellent wife. Hēo has ān swī dīd wīf. Komm bloß nicht wieder! Don't come back again. Just don't come back! Er geht oft ins Theater. He goes to the theatre often. He often goes to the theater. Hij zou een huis moeten kopen. He should buy a house. He should buy a house. Tom wäre verletzt, wenn du das sagen würdest. Tom would be hurt if you said that. Tom would be hurt if you said that. Ik heb iets dat ik je moet vertellen. I have something that I need to tell you. I have something to tell you. Ik ben allergisch voor stof. I'm allergic to dust. I'm allergic to dust. Als je met zo weinig kleren naar buiten gaat, vat je nog kou. If you go out so lightly dressed, you'll catch a cold. If you're going out with so little clothes, you're still cold. Ik huil zelden. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Uw moeder is gisteren overleden. Your mother died yesterday. Your mother died yesterday. Tennis speel is sy stokperdjie. Playing tennis is his hobby. Tennis is his favorite game. Sie trugen immer Waffen bei sich. They always bore arms with them. They always carried weapons with them. Ich muss Ihre Körpertemperatur überprüfen. I need to check your temperature. I have to check your body temperature. Daran bin nicht ich schuld. That's not my fault. That's not what I'm guilty of. Die waren zusammen Schlittschuh laufen. They went ice-skating together. They were running slide shoes together. Ik las dat de president van Brazilië een vrouw is. Ze heet Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the President of Brazil is a woman named Dilma. Wenn jeder Französisch spräche, gäbe es keinen praktischen Grund mehr, noch irgendeine andere Sprache zu lernen. If everyone spoke French, there would be no practical reason to learn any other language. When every French speak, there is no more practical reason to learn any other language. We hebben een half dozijn eieren. We have a half-dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Hij eet een tomaat. He's eating a tomato. He eats a tomato. Mien besten Fründ danst temlich good. My best friend dances really well. My best friend dances quite well. Tom gaan nie gelukkig wees om jou te sien nie. Tom won't be happy to see you. Tom is not going to be happy to see you. Wir mieteten einen Bus. We chartered a bus. We rented a bus. Ech sinn e Pompjee. I'm a firefighter. Awesome and Pompey. Das ist sehr lange her. That was a very long time ago. That's a very long time ago. Er bereitete sich auf das Schlimmste vor. He prepared for the worst. He was preparing for the worst. Mien kadde holt van genoat. My cat loves shrimp. My cadre is a pleasure. Ik versta deze opgave echt niet. I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand this task. Wenn ich in den unterschiedlichsten Sprachen der Welt, ja, sogar in der Sprache der Engel reden kann, aber ich habe keine Liebe, so bin ich nur wie ein dröhnender Gong oder ein lärmendes Becken. Wenn ich in Gottes Auftrag prophetisch reden kann, alle Geheimnisse Gottes weiß, seine Gedanken erkennen kann und einen Glauben habe, der Berge versetzt, aber ich habe keine Liebe, so bin ich nichts. Selbst wenn ich all meinen Besitz an die Armen verschenke und für meinen Glauben das Leben opfere, aber ich habe keine Liebe, dann nützt es mir gar nichts. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. If I can speak in the most different languages of the world, yes, even in the language of the angels, but I have no love, so I am only like a dreaming Gong or a raging basin. If I can speak prophetically in God’s command, all the secrets of God know his thoughts, can recognize his thoughts and have faith that the mountains move, but I have no love, so I am nothing. Even if I give all my possessions to the poor and sacrifice life for my faith, but I have no love, I do not use it at all. Die wollten sie umbringen. They were going to kill her. They wanted to kill them. Ich dachte, Tom gefielen Rätsel. I thought Tom liked riddles. I thought Tom felt puzzled. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I will play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. Wenn du meine Hilfe brauchst, so bin ich für dich da. If you need my help, I'm here for you. If you need my help, I'm there for you. Persies! Exactly! The Persians! Ich werde Sie nicht brauchen. I won't need you. I won't need you. Kan ek 'n koffie vir die pad kry? Can I get a coffee to go? Can I get a coffee for the road? Du hast schöne braune Augen. You have beautiful brown eyes. You have beautiful brown eyes. Tom opende n bier. Tom opened a beer. Tom opened a beer. Ich glaube, ich habe die Lösung aller unserer Probleme. I think I have the solution to all our problems. I think I have the solution to all our problems. Wir sprechen kein Japanisch. We can't speak Japanese. We don't speak Japanese. Dit is een gevaar voor de gezondheid. This is a health hazard. This is a danger to health. De raket ging omhoog. The rocket went up. The rocket went up. Ich komme schon noch dahinter, wie das geht. I'm going to figure out how to do that eventually. I'm still coming after that as it is. Ich kann es kaum glauben, dass ihr hier seid. I can hardly believe you're here. I can't believe you're here. k Kom oet Zuud-Hollaand. I'm from South Holland. k Kom oet Zuud-Hollaand. Sie kam nach Hause. She came home. She came home. Erzähl Tom, was du neulich nachts getan hast! Tell Tom about what you did the other night. Tell Tom what you've done at night! Ik had precies hetzelfde gevoel. I had the exact same feeling. I had exactly the same feeling. Die pakkie weeg meer as een pond. The parcel weighs more than one pound. The pack weighs more than one pound. Ideen hat man immer, nur vielleicht keine guten. You always have ideas, just maybe not good ones. Ideas always have, just maybe not good. Meine Mutter hat wegen ihrer Krankheit drei Tage nicht geschlafen. My mother hasn't slept in 3 days due to her illness. My mother didn't sleep for three days because of her illness. Ik bakte boterkoekjes. I baked butter cookies. I made butter cookies. Sei der Jäger oder die Beute, aber nicht der Hund, der den Jäger zur Beute bringt. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the hunter to the prey. Be the hunter or the prey, but not the dog that brings the hunter to prey. Wir müssen den ersten Schritt machen wollen. We have to be willing to take the first step. We have to take the first step. Moslims aanbidden God. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. Ich habe schon mit Tom gesprochen. I've already spoken to Tom. I've already talked to Tom. Zij hebben de potjes met water gevuld. They filled the jars with water. They filled the pots with water. Er stellt seinem Vater Fragen. He asks questions to his father. He asks his father questions. Tom drückte auf „schlummern“. Tom pressed snooze. Tom pushed for “slummers.” Tom hat eine Trophäe gewonnen. Tom won a trophy. Tom won a trophy. Manchmal kaufe ich Tiefkühlgemüse. Sometimes, I buy frozen vegetables. Sometimes I buy deep-cooled vegetables. U loog tegen me. You lied to me. You lied to me. Ich gebe Tom nicht auf! I won't give up on Tom! I don't give up Tom! Lasst uns diesen Satz auswendig lernen. Let's learn this sentence by heart. Let's learn this sentence out of the way. אויפֿריכטיק גערעדט וואָלט איך בעסער נישט געווען גערעכט. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Moenie jou geld mors deur dinge te koop wat jy nie nodig het nie. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don’t waste your money by buying things you don’t need. Het is tijd voor jou om naar bed te gaan. It's time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Tom probeerde de deur open te doen, maar zij was op slot. Tom tried to open the door, but it was locked. Tom tried to open the door, but she was locked. U heeft allicht dorst. You're probably thirsty. You're already thirsty. Tom deed alsof hij het had begrepen, ook al was dat niet zo. Tom pretended that he understood, even though he didn't. Tom did seem to have understood it, even if it wasn’t. k Hol van dij blaauwe kleur. I like that blue color. k Hol of the blue color. Er sagte, es tue ihm leid. He said he was sorry. He said he was sorry. זי קענט זיי. She knows them. J. K. Z. Hun verwondingen genezen niet snel. Their wounds are not healing quickly. Their injuries do not heal quickly. Wo schrifft man Ehr Achternaam? How do you spell your surname? Where do you write your last name? Es ist jemand in eurem Zimmer. There's somebody in your room. It's someone in your room. Het is warm vandaag, dus je kunt in zee zwemmen. It's warm today so you can swim in the sea. It's hot today, so you can swim in the sea. Ierland ligt in West-Europa. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is located in Western Europe. Wat maakt Se? What are you doing? What does she do? איר האָט געכאַפּט דעם גנבֿ. You have caught the thief. He was a thief to his thief. Gib ihnen 300 Dollar! Give them three hundred dollars. Give them $300! Wie heischt du? What is your name? What are you talking about? Blief thoes. Stay home. Stay thoes. Wir müssen schneller fahren. We need to go faster. We need to drive faster. Ich stehe gewöhnlich um 6.30 Uhr auf. I usually get up at 6:30. I usually get up at 6.30 p.m. Aarzel niet om raad te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Sind Sie schon einmal von einer Leiter gefallen? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Have you ever liked a leader? Lisas Geburtstag ist in zwei Monaten. Lisa's birthday is in two months. Lisa's birthday is in two months. „Öffne umgehend diese Tür!“ – „Verschwinde!“ "Open this door right now." "Go away!" “Open this door immediately!” — “Several!” Tom und Maria mieteten sich ein Haus am Meer. Tom and Mary rented a house by the sea. Tom and Maria rented a house by the sea. Meine Schwester fährt oft mit dem Bus von Nimwegen nach Kleve. My sister often takes the bus from Nijmegen to Kleve. My sister often rides by bus from Nimwegen to Kleve. So will ich das nicht machen. That isn't the way that I want to do that. I don't want to do that. Ich setzte mich wieder hin. I sat down again. I sat down again. Ik woon in Miami. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. Und sie heirateten nicht und lebten glücklich bis an ihr Lebensende. And so they didn't marry and they lived happily until the end of their lives. And they did not marry and lived happily until the end of their lives. Het is mooi weer buiten. It's beautiful out. It's nice weather outside. כ׳האָב געוואָלט זײַן זײַן פֿרוי. I wanted to be his wife. As if he were a foreigner. Hij heeft een vingerhoedskruid gekocht. He bought a foxglove. He bought a finger hat. k Mag dit laid nait. I do not like this song. K may be laid night. Tom sah, wie sich Maria und Johannes unterhielten. Tom saw Mary and John talking. Tom saw what Mary and John were talking about. Ek werk by 'n bank. I work in a bank. I work at a bank. Das ist ein alter Apparat. This is an old device. This is an old device. Wo ist ihr Hut? Where's her hat? Where's your hat? Kopen! Buy! Buy! Du musst mich zum Bahnhof fahren. I need you to drive me to the station. You have to drive me to the train station. 'n Voël vlieg. A bird flies. A bird flies. Mijn buren zijn erg luidruchtig. My neighbors are very loud. My neighbors are very loud. Ich spiele Fußball. I'm playing football. I play football. Pass bloß auf, dass du die Katze nicht aus dem Sack lässt. Just be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. Just make sure you don't leave the cat out of the bag. Wenn sie jetzt losginge, würde sie noch rechtzeitig kommen. If she'd set off now, she would make it on time. If she left now, she would still come in time. Ons het 'n pakket vir hulle. We have a package for them. We have a package for them. זי איז אַ נאַרקאָטיק־⁠הענדלערין. She's a drug dealer. I'm a sarcotic, I'm a sarcotic. Hast du es ihr schon gesagt? Have you told her yet? Did you tell her? k Lagde. I laughed. k Lagde. Wenn ich Toki Pona studiere, erinnere ich mich, dass Tarzan sagte: "Ich Tarzan, du Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane." When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "I Tarzan, you Jane." Ik ging met mijn broer naar de bioscoop. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the cinema with my brother. Marie ist gewachsen. Marie has grown. Marie has grown up. Es hat an nichts gefehlt. There was nothing missing. There's nothing wrong with it. Hij heeft me verraden! He sold me out! He betrayed me! Der Keks isst gerne Kekse. Cookie likes eating cookies. Keks likes to eat cheese. Een cadeau voor jou. A gift for you. A gift for you. Ik heff em över de Straat hulpen. I helped him cross the street. I helped him across the street. Ič ne undernime. I don't understand. Ič ne Undernime. Tom ist grantig. Tom is cantankerous. Tom is great. Durch tägliches Lernen stellte er sicher, dass er auf die Prüfung vorbereitet war. He made sure that he was ready for the exam by studying every day. Through daily learning, he made sure he was prepared for the exam. מוחות זענען מאָדנע. Brains are weird. The minds are groaning. Stop met me te bijten. Quit biting me. Stop biting me. Der Mond ist bereits aufgegangen. The moon is already out. The moon has already risen. Tom en ik gaan akkoord. Tom and I agree. Tom and I agree. ער גלייבט אין אייבערשטן. He believes in God. Glacier doesn’t have an eyebrow. Wie heeft dat betaald? Who paid for that? Who paid that? Wir haben Tom nicht gefunden. We didn't find Tom. We haven't found Tom. Er redet nicht mehr mit mir. He doesn't talk to me anymore. He's not talking to me anymore. Ist mein Satz korrekt? Is my sentence correct? Is my sentence correct? Se kann wieder swemmen as ik. She can swim further than I can. She can swim again like me. Is dit van jou? Is this yours? Is that yours? Dit maak nie regtig veel sin nie, doen dit? It doesn't really make much sense, does it? It doesn’t really make a lot of sense, does it? „Wo bist du?“ – „Ich bin hier.“ "Where are you?" "I’m here." "Where are you?" - "I'm here." Tom sitzt seit Stunden am Flussufer. Tom has been sitting on the riverbank for hours. Tom has been sitting on the riverfront for hours. Sobald sie mich sah, begann sie zu lachen. The moment she saw me, she began laughing. As soon as she saw me, she began to laugh. Das ist Perlen vor die Säue werfen. It is like casting pearls before swine. This is to throw pearls in front of the soup. Kikkers eten vliegen. Frogs eat flies. Kickers fly food. Hij is een astronomiekenner. He is an expert in astronomy. He's an astronomer. Ik kan je niet zeggen wanneer Tom hier zal aankomen. I can't tell you when Tom will get here. I can't tell you when Tom's coming here. Tom hat eine Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche. Tom suffers from dyslexia. Tom has a reading spelling weakness. Tom bemerkte, dass Maria Johannes ansah. Tom noticed that Mary was looking at John. Tom noticed that Mary saw John. Ich bin dreißig. I am thirty years old. I'm thirty. Het was jouw fout. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Epidemie und einer Pandemie? What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? What is the difference between epidemic and pandemic? Das war ein guter Witz. Erzähl uns noch einen. That was a good joke. Tell us another one. That was a good joke. Tell us one more. Wilst eten? Do you want to eat? Want to eat? Ik ben Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Ich denke, Sie sollten sich setzen. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. Tom reichte Maria den Brief. Tom handed Mary the letter. Tom gave Maria the letter. De borden staan in de kast. The plates are in the cupboard. The signs are in the closet. In dem Anzug siehst du gut aus. You look good in that suit. In the suit you look good. Was für schöne Augen du hast! What pretty eyes you have! What beautiful eyes you have! Oft waren meine Kameraden so versessen auf Geschichten, dass ich ihnen mitten in einer Geschichte einschlief, mitten im Satz, zwischen den Silben. Many's the time my mates were so yarn-hungry they had me falling asleep in the middle of a tale, halfway through a sentence, between syllables. Often my comrades were so proud of stories that I locked them in the middle of a story, in the middle of the sentence, between the syllables. Ich kann nicht mit Mädchen reden. I can't talk to girls. I can't talk to girls. Morgen bezoeken we je. We'll visit you tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll visit you. Frühstückt ihr gewöhnlich? Do you usually eat breakfast? Do you usually have breakfast? Ik kiek geern Lesbenpornos. I like watching lesbian porn. I'm looking at Lesbenpornos. Ek sal moet terugkom na jou. I'm going to have to get back to you. I will have to come back to you. Mach dir keine Sorgen, sei fröhlich! Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy! Haben Sie in den letzten 24 Stunden ein Medikament gegen Erektionsstörungen eingenommen? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken a drug for erection disorders in the last 24 hours? Wanneer was je laatste astma-aanval? When was your last asthma attack? When was your last asthma attack? Ik zou graag meer van je zien. I'd like to see more of you. I'd like to see more of you. וואָס איז דער קאָראָנאַווירוס? What's coronavirus? What's wrong with Avraham's Avraham's Avraham? Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that's right. I think it's true. Een van de vleugels van de adelaar was gebroken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. Bent u behandeld voor een infectie na uw operatie? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? Are you treated for infection after surgery? Yanni beantwortet jeden Kommentar. Yanni answers every comment. Yanni responds to every comment. Es gibt ein Problem, über das ich mit dir reden muss. There's a problem I have to talk to you about. There's a problem I have to talk to you about. Algebra is een tak van de wiskunde. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Wolfram is a branch of mathematics. Joe binnen n vraauw. You are a woman. You're in a prawn. זיי האבן זיך נישט געזען ביז נאך די גרושין. They haven't seen each other since the divorce. I mean, we’ve got a little bit of an old-fashioned dog in our mouth. Ich gehe gewöhnlich um fünf heim. I usually go home at five. I usually go around five homes. Lieg niet! Don't lie! Don't lie! Das Fahrzeug „Perseverence“ (Beharrlichkeit) der NASA ist erfolgreich auf dem Mars gelandet. NASA's Perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars. NASA’s “Perseverence” vehicle has successfully landed on Mars. Wie kalt ist es in Kanada? How cold is Canada? How cold is it in Canada? Sami docht dat Layla moslim was. Sami thought Layla was Muslim. Sami said that Layla was Muslim. Voetbal is de nationale sport van Nederland. Soccer is the national sport of the Netherlands. Football is the national sport of the Netherlands. Tom verleep sik in’n Woold. Tom lost his way in the woods. Tom lived in a forest. Es liegt daran, dass du ein Mädchen bist. It's because you're a girl. It's because you're a girl. Entschuldige! Ich wollte dich nicht verletzen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt you. Tom besucht seine Tante. Tom visits his aunt. Tom visits his aunt. Ik ben niet gewoon voor een publiek te spreken. I'm not accustomed to speaking in public. I'm not just talking to a public. Ich bin sicher, dass ich die richtige Nummer habe. I'm sure I have the right number. I'm sure I have the right number. „’s ist wahr, ’s ist wahr!“ rief Pinocchio unter Tränen. „Ich will’s nicht wieder tun!“ "It's true, it's true!" cried Pinocchio in tears. "I won't do it again." “It’s true, it’s true!” cried Pinocchio under tears. “I don’t want to do it again!” Daar hij moe was, zat hij in de sofa met gesloten ogen. Since he was tired, he was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed. As he was tired, he was in the sofa with closed eyes. Er kam gerade aus der Bibliothek zurück. He just came back from the library. He just came back from the library. Di Bleeren uur al güül. The leaves are turning yellow already. The blinding hour has already arrived. Hij slaagde erin om daar op tijd te zijn. He managed to get there in time. He managed to be there in time. Ist es so einfach, dich unsicher zu machen? Is it this easy to make you unsure? Is it so easy to make you insecure? Tom riet mir, einen Anwalt einzuschalten. Tom advised me to hire a lawyer. Tom told me to turn on an attorney. Niemand bood zich aan. Nobody volunteered. No one offered. Tom konnte sich an nichts erinnern. Tom couldn't remember anything. Tom couldn't remember anything. Tom introduceerde zichzelf. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Tom ist gerne im Regen. Tom likes being in the rain. Tom likes to be in the rain. Sie spielte die Heldin besser als ich. She played the heroine better than I. She played the heroin better than me. Sie hängen in allen Bereichen an ihren alten Sitten. They stick to old customs in everything. They hang in all areas on their old seats. „Kann ich bitte dein Wörterbuch benutzen?“ „Ja, klar: hier, bitte.“ "Can I use your dictionary?" "Yes, here you are." "Can I please use your dictionary?" "Yes, clearly: here, please." Er mag Routine und sorgt sich um Veränderungen. He likes routine and worries about changes. He likes routine and takes care of changes. Se geev em wat warm to drinken. She gave him something hot to drink. She gave him a little warm to drink. Ich glaube, sie hat Hunger. I think she's hungry. I think she's hungry. In dieser Straße kommt auf jeden Menschen eine Katze. On this street there is a cat for each person. In this street comes a cat for everyone. Ich beriet mich mit meiner Schwester über meine Hochzeit. I consulted with my sister about my marriage. I talk to my sister about my wedding. Geld beherrscht die Welt. Money rules the world. Money dominates the world. Goocheltrucs zijn slechts illusies. Magic tricks are merely illusions. Goocheltrucs are just illusions. Waarom reageerde je niet toen ik klopte? Why didn't you answer when I knocked? Why didn't you respond when I knocked? Schach ist schwer. Chess is difficult. Chess is hard. Der Junge änderte seine Meinung nicht. The boy didn't change his opinion. The boy did not change his opinion. Ich bin froh, dass ich nicht der einzige bin, der einen Anzug trägt. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's wearing a suit. I'm glad I'm not the only one wearing a suit. Tom houdt nog steeds van je. Tom never stopped loving you. Tom still loves you. Ich habe mich entschlossen, Tom zu heiraten. I've decided to marry Tom. I decided to marry Tom. Bedankt voor uw mooie prentbriefkaart. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for your beautiful card. Deze thee smaakt goed. This tea tastes good. This tea tastes good. Ik bün grötter. I am taller. I am bigger. Weet je hoe groot de bevolking van Boston is? Do you know what the population of Boston is? Do you know how big Boston's population is? Könnten Sie den Bildschirm etwas heller stellen? Could you make the screen a bit brighter? Could you set the screen a little brighter? Es gibt keinen roten Faden. There is no leitmotif. There is no red thread. Säi Concert war gäil. His concert was great. The concert was a success. ס׳איז נישט שלעכט צו זײַן געי. It's OK to be gay. A.J.C. issued an order. Die meisie in die blou jas is my dogter. The girl in the blue coat is my daughter. The girl in the blue jacket is my daughter. Tom weiß gewiss jede Menge über Australien. Tom certainly knows a lot about Australia. Tom knows a lot about Australia. Hij is zojuist overleden en hij maakte geen grap dat hij allergisch was voor tarwe. He just died, and he wasn't kidding that he was allergic to wheat. He had just died, and he did not joke that he was allergic to wheat. Tom Hansen wurde am 20. Oktober 2013 um 14.30 Uhr für tot erklärt. Tom Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:30 p.m. on October 20, 2013. Tom Hansen was declared dead on 20 October 2013 at 14:30 p.m. Is er ooit astma bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Ik ben met mijn kinderen aan het zingen. I'm singing with my children. I'm singing with my kids. Ik leer haar Nederlands. I'm teaching her Dutch. I'm learning her Dutch. אין דער ראָמאַנטיק באַהאַלט זיך אַ סך שלעכטס. There's a lot of evil hidden in romanticism. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to take a break. Ich bin transgeschlechtlich. I'm transgender. I'm transgender. Blijf kaarten trekken totdat jouw hand vol is. Draw until your hand is full. Keep drawing cards until your hand is full. Worüm hest du dat seggt? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Ist dieser Unfall wirklich letztes Jahr passiert? Did that accident really happen last year? Did this accident really happen last year? Tom lijkt helemaal op iemand die ik ken. Tom looks just like a guy I know. Tom looks like someone I know. Bedankt, dat was het. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that was it. Ik moet de huur betalen. I need to pay the rent. I have to pay the rent. Zijn er ooit maagzweren bij u geconstateerd? Have you ever been diagnosed with ulcers? Have you ever had stomach sores? אירע שוועסטער גייט נישט קיין אמעריקע. Her sister is not going to America. It’s hard to believe that Cunningham won the game. Ich sollte eigentlich ins Bett gehen. I really should be getting to bed. I should actually go to bed. Tom gibt nicht auf. Tom isn't giving up. Tom doesn't give up. מערי האָט געכליפּעט. Mary sobbed. The mountain is pulverized. Ik bün tohuus. I'm at home. I'm at home. כ'האָב ליב טערקיי. I love Turkey. I have a hairy haircut. טאָמס קאַץ איז געפּאַסיקט. Tom's cat is a tabby. Gossip is an ice-collar. Ik baad. I'm taking a bath. I'm a bather. Das Kleid passte ihr perfekt. That dress fit her perfectly. The dress was perfect for her. Waar is je broer? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Das gerade geborene Kalb hat Schwierigkeiten beim Aufstehen. The calf that has just been born has trouble getting up. The newly born calf has difficulty standing up. דו ביסט נישט קיין מאָנסטער. You aren't a monster. B.B.B. gave Cain a great deal of courage. Heb je een loopneus? Is your nose running? Do you have a running nose? Das Universum existiert schon ewig. The universe has always existed. The universe exists forever. Warum sind Sie plötzlich so neugierig? Why are you curious all of a sudden? Why are you so curious? Na mien Mann sien Dood bün ik rümlopen as so ’n Zombie. After my husband's death I walked around like a zombie. After my husband's death, I ran like a zombie. Sie hat sein Angebot abgelehnt. She refused his offer. She refused his offer. Tom zijn shirt is paars. Tom's shirt is purple. Tom's shirt is purple. Deutschland hat zwei Hauptstädte. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two main cities. Tom sah mir in die Augen, und ich erwiderte diesen Blick. Tom stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. Tom saw me in the eyes, and I answered that look. Tom ärgerte sich über irgendwas. Tom was upset about something. Tom was angry about something. Tom machte einen deprimierten Eindruck. Tom looked like he was depressed. Tom made a depressed impression. Viele kleine Bäche machen einen großen Fluss. Many small streams make a great river. Many small streams make a large river. Ich bin daran gewöhnt, die ganze Nacht zu arbeiten. I'm used to working all night. I am used to working all night. Danke, dass Sie das erwähnt haben! Thank you for mentioning this. Thank you for mentioning this! Italianen gebruiken alleen hun vork om spaghetti te eten. Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti. Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti. Frauen werden in vielen Liedern des Genres „Rap“ herabgewürdigt. Many rap songs are degrading to women. Women are respected in many songs of the “Rap” genre. Ik hou niet zo van kaas. I don't like cheese very much. I don't like cheese like that. Kyk wat ek gevind het. Look what I've found. Look what I found. Ze zijn veganisten. They're vegans. They're vegans. Layla was een aansteller. Layla was a drama queen. Layla was an employee. Wat is liefde? Eerlijk gezegd weet ik nog altijd niet wat dat is. What is love? To tell the truth, I still don't know what it is. Honestly, I still don't know what that is. Auf der amerikanischen Flagge gibt es für jeden Staat einen Stern. On the American flag, there's a star for every state. On the American flag there is a star for every state. Ik tööv op Godot. I'm waiting for Godot. I'm waiting for Godot. Ik heb vandaag geen ontbijt gegeten. I didn't eat breakfast today. I didn't eat breakfast today. Ben je allergisch voor bepaalde voedingsmiddelen? Are you allergic to any foods? Are you allergic to certain foods? Kamele haben drei Augenlider. Camels have three eyelids. Camel has three eyelids. Dit is nie reg nie. This isn't right. This is not right. Dieser Politiker hat jahrelang mit Drogen gehandelt. That politician has been trafficking in drugs for years. This politician has been dealing with drugs for many years. Da musste ich lachen. That made me laugh out loud. I had to laugh. Het is ons gelukt! We did it! We were successful! Der Sturm blies und heulte, als wenn er alte Lieder sänge. The storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. The storm blew and wept as if he were singing old songs. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is proud of you. Tom is proud of you. Eet Tom eieren? Does Tom eat eggs? Does Tom eat eggs? He hett em ümbröcht. He killed him. He hugged me. Du gesäis midd aus. You look tired. You're in the middle of the night. Ich reichte Tom eine Tasse Kaffee. I handed Tom a cup of coffee. I offered Tom a cup of coffee. De zon kwam te voorschijn en het ijs smolt. The sun came out and the ice melted. The sun appeared and the ice melts. Tom sagt, er hätte einen Geist um das verlassene Haus gehen sehen. Tom says that he saw a ghost walking around the abandoned house. Tom says he would have seen a ghost go around the abandoned house. טאָם איז מײַן וויסקראָביק. Tom is my youngest. Toys from a Wyscryscryscryscryscryscryscryscryscryscryscrysc Lass uns doch nächste Woche mal nach Boston fahren! Why don't we go to Boston next week? Let's go to Boston next week! Nem blong mi Jack. My name is Jack. My name was Jack. Je had de vergadering moeten bijwonen. You should have attended the meeting. You should have attended the meeting. Tom un Ria segen sik in den Spegel, de an’e Wand hung. Tom and Mary saw themselves in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Tom and Ria are blessed in the mirror that hangs on the wall. Hoe kunnen ze toch zo wreed zijn? How could they be so cruel? How can they be so cruel? מסתמא דו ווילסט נישט רעדן מיט מיר. You probably don't want to talk to me. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wanneer was uw laatste elektrocardiogram? When was your last electrocardiogram? When was your last electrocardiogram? Ik vind hem niet zo knap. I don't find him to be that handsome. I don't like him that much. Ik moest naar de afdeling spoedgevallen gaan. I had to go to the emergency room. I had to go to the emergency department. ייִדיש איז נישט העברעאיש. Yiddish is not Hebrew. Imam al-Qaeda is an admiring man. Tom ist es gewohnt, früh aufzustehen. Tom is used to getting up early. Tom is used to getting up early. Hast du denn nichts Nettes zu sagen? Don't you have anything nice to say? Don't you have anything to say? O ihr Kleingläubigen! Oh, ye of little faith! Oh, you little people. Laat me praten alsjeblieft. Let me speak, please. Please let me talk. Hast du den Computer ausgeschaltet? Did you switch the computer off? Did you turn off the computer? He is to mööd to ’n Wiedergahn. He is too tired to go any farther. He is too tired to go on. Wann beginnt deine Geschäftsreise? When does your business trip begin? When does your business trip begin? Der Löffel gehört mir. That spoon is mine. The spoon belongs to me. Heute war mein letzter Schultag. Today was my last day of school. Today was my last day of school. Dit restaurant is nooit gesloten. This restaurant never closes. This restaurant is never closed. Wi weren bi de Möhl, dicht bi ’t Hempfeld. We were at the mill, near the hemp field. We were at the mill, near the hempfield. Iedereen had medelijden met Tom. Everyone felt sorry for Tom. Everyone felt sorry for Tom. „Hallo! Ich bin Skuras Freund. Und du?“ – „Einer, der gleich in Ohnmacht fällt.“ "Hi, I'm Skura's boyfriend. And you are?" "I'm about to faint." "Hello! I'm Skura's friend. And you?" - "One who falls equal to power." Haben Sie oft Ohrenschmerzen? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you often have earaches? Hast du das je dem Lehrer gegenüber erwähnt? Have you ever mentioned this to the teacher? Have you ever mentioned this to the teacher? Woarom ik? Why me? I'm worried? Het water was niet warm. The water was not warm. The water was not warm. Ich hätte gerne ein Bier. I'd like a pint. I would like to have a beer. איר זאָלט זיי אַרײַנלאָזן. You should let them in. J. Z. Z.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I Tom ist diese Woche viel gelaufen. Tom has run a lot this week. Tom ran a lot this week. Tom hat Nachtschicht. Tom works the night shift. Tom has a night layer. מײַן ייִדיש איז טאַקע נישט אַזוי גוט. My Yiddish really isn't that good. One of them is a go-to-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go דאָס איז נישט קיין אַרבעט. דאָס איז הנאה. That isn't work. That's fun. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Dat Leven is hart. Life is hard. Life is hard. Klaar? Done? Ready? Wo ist mein Telefon? Where is my phone? Where's my phone? Fit time are we haein wir denner? What time are we having our lunch? Is it time we got it? Ek is verbaas daardie gebou staan nogsteeds. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I am surprised that building is still standing. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten nicht, Elke sei müde. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was tired. Tom and Mary told John that they didn’t believe everyone was tired. Laten we van onderwerp veranderen! Let's change the topic. Let’s change our subject! Warum hast du das gefragt? What made you ask that question? Why did you ask? Tom hat zwölf Brüder. Tom has twelve brothers. Tom has twelve brothers. Equatoriaal-Guinea wordt ''Guinea Ecuatorial'' genoemd in het Spaans. Equatorial Guinea is called "Guinea Ecuatorial" in Spanish. Equatorial Guinea is called "Guinea Ecuatorial" in Spanish. Das wird uns nicht schwerfallen. Doing that won't be hard for us. That's not going to be hard for us. Sami ist groß. Sami is tall. Sami is big. דאָס איז נישט קיין אינטערעסאַנטער זאַץ. That's not an interesting sentence. I mean, Mr. Davis, you know, I'm sorry you're worried about that. Der Höhlenmensch sprach Toki Pona. The cave-man spoke Toki Pona. The caveman spoke Toki Pona. Sie hat alles vollgekotzt. She was barfing all over the place. She cost everything. Kenn di sülvs. Know yourself. Know yourself. War Karl Marx ein Kommunist? Was Karl Marx a communist? Karl Marx was a Communist. Sie haben hier keinen Zutritt! You aren't allowed in here. You don't have access here! Se müss mehr as een Stünn töven. She was made to wait for over an hour. They had to wait more than an hour. Sommige mensen houden van sport, andere niet. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people love sports, others don't. Kan ons hierdie deur sluit? Can we lock this door? Can we close this door? כ׳בין מין־פֿליסיק. I'm genderfluid. I am a mini-slipper. „Spielst du Fußball?“ – „Nein, aber ich spiele Tennis.“ "Do you play football?" "No, but I play tennis." “Are you playing football?” “No, but I’m playing tennis.” Was passiert, wenn Sie eine allergische Reaktion haben? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? װוּ איז דער שופֿט? Where's the judge? Do you want an ice-collar? He will ehr küssen. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her. Bis zum nächsten Zug ist noch ein wenig Zeit. We have a little time before the next train. Until the next train is a little more time. Sie müssen dieses Dokument ins Russische übersetzen. I need you to translate this document into Russian. You must translate this document into Russian. Seid ihr euch sicher, dass Tom mir zugezwinkert hat? Are you sure Tom winked at me? Are you sure Tom has forced me? Hij was dronken en vergat de achterdeur te sluiten. He was too drunk to remember to shut the back door. He was drunk and forgot to close the back door. Tom heeft Maria misleid. Tom misled Mary. Tom lied to Mary. Nogat samting. You're welcome. Not at all. Hij kocht haar een hond. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Tom und Maria stießen an und tranken von dem Champagner. Tom and Mary clinked glasses and sipped the champagne. Tom and Maria shoot and drink from the champagne. He hört geern Radio. He likes to listen to the radio. He heard your radio. Du hast es bestimmt schon vergessen. You've probably forgotten about it already. You've probably forgotten. In der Bettenstation gibt es anscheinend keine Heizung. There doesn't seem to be any heating on that ward. There is apparently no heating in the bed station. Sie ist eine Fanatikerin. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Welk vaccin heb je gekregen? Which vaccine did you get? What vaccine did you get? We hadden een verhitte discussie. We had a heated discussion. We had a heated discussion. Es waren mindestens hundert Leute anwesend. At least 100 people attended. There were at least a hundred people present. Vertel niemand wat we aan het doen zijn. Don't tell anyone what we're doing. Don't tell anybody what we're doing. Hai kin goud lezen. He can read well. Hai can read gold. Wer hat nicht schon einmal von einem eigenen Koch geträumt? Who hasn't dreamt of having their own personal chef? Who has not dreamed of his own cooking? Tom dronk. Tom drank. Tom was drunk. Het heeft ons het hele weekend gekost de garage te verven. It took all weekend for us to paint the garage. It took us all weekend to paint the garage. Doe zonkst. You sank. Don't sink. Waren Ihre Augen heute Morgen verklebt, als Sie aufgewacht sind? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyes stuck this morning when you woke up? Die Nachricht ist von großer Bedeutung. The news is of great importance. The message is of great importance. Ist Freundschaft wichtiger als Liebe? Is friendship more important than love? Is friendship more important than love? Sami ist ein Sonderling. Sami is a strange person. Sami is a specialist. Gevuld met woede vermoordde Tom zijn eigen broer. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Leidest du unter Schlaflosigkeit? Do you suffer from a lack of sleep? Are you suffering from sleeplessness? די פֿש״אַ זענען געווען אַ טעות. America was a mistake. Fair enough to make a mistake. Zijn oom bezit niet minder dan tien huizen. His uncle owns no fewer than ten houses. His uncle owns no less than ten houses. Dit is een foto van het vliegveld. This is a picture of the airport. This is a photo of the airport. Wir müssen diesen Bericht neu schreiben. We need to do this report again. We need to re-write this report. Tom isst gerne Pizza Hawaii. Tom likes Hawaiian pizza. Tom likes to eat pizza Hawaii. Waarom zijn er sterren aan de hemel? Why are there stars in the sky? Why are there stars in heaven? Tom hat uns keinen Grund genannt. Tom didn't tell us why. Tom didn't call us a reason. ער האָט מיר געזאָגט, אַז ער איז זייער אָרעם. He told me that he was very poor. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wullt du gahn? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Terwijl je eet? While eating? While you're eating? Schiet! Shit! Shoot! Ik woon in New York. I live in New York. I live in New York. Waarom ga je niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Sy het aangehou werk. She went on working. She kept working. Ich habe zwar viel Zeit, aber ich habe nicht genug Geld. I have plenty of time, but not enough money. I have a lot of time, but I don't have enough money. Er waren nogal wat rotte appels in de mand. Quite a lot of rotten apples were in the basket. There were a lot of red apples in the basket. Gelukkig werd het weer beter. Luckily, the weather turned out fine. Fortunately, it got better again. Het was heel leuk. It was very nice. It was very nice. Tom bat Maria, ans Telefon zu gehen. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Maria to go on the phone. Tom hat bereits begonnen. Tom has already begun. Tom has already begun. Geiht dor ans noch een hen? Is anyone else going? Is there another one of them? Was ist schlimm daran, nackt im eigenen Haus herumzulaufen? What's wrong with running around your house naked? What's wrong with walking naked in your own house? Tom hat drei große Brüder. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three big brothers. Tom ist Schauspieler und Liederschreiber. Tom is an actor and a songwriter. Tom is an actor and a songwriter. Dizze bloume is paars. This flower is purple. This flower is purple. I see the white lioun. I see the white lion. I see the white light. Die Nacht ist meine liebste Tageszeit. Nighttime is my favorite time of the day. The night is my favorite day. Sag Tom, dass das nicht meine Schuld ist! Tell Tom that it isn't my fault. Tell Tom that this is not my fault! Tom is not an Englishman. Tom isn't English. Tom is not an Englishman. k Bin nog gain grootmoe. I'm not a grandmother yet. K is still winning grandma. Sie liebte das Reisen. She loved to travel. She loved traveling. Das Transportwesen in dieser Stadt ist recht gut. The transportation system in that city is quite good. The transport system in this city is quite good. Ich mag klassische Musik nicht. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. Bist du aus dem Iran? Are you from Iran? Are you from Iran? Tom is een skileraar. Tom is a ski instructor. Tom is a skier. Eine Frau, deren Ehemann gestorben ist, nennt man Witwe. A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow. A woman whose husband died is called widow. שמאָק, וואס איז עס מיט דיר? What the fuck is it with you? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Lernt! Study! Learn! Tom weet alles van hulle. Tom knows all about them. Tom knows everything about them. סערביע איז אַ לאַנד אויפֿן באַלקאַנישן האַלבאינדזל. Serbia is a country on the Balkan Peninsula. I’m not sure if I’m going to be a part-timer in a part-time job. Eens, zweu, drei, fier, finnef, sechs, sieve, acht, nein, zehn. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, fair, fine, six, seven, eight, no, ten. Mag dat wel? Can you do that? Can you do that? Mis Luftchüssiboot isch volle Aal. My hovercraft is full of eels. Mis Luftchüssiboot Isch full Aal. He hett sien Ogenlicht bi en Unfall verloren. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost his eyesight in an accident. Gandhi is doodschaten worrn. Gandhi was shot dead. Gandhi was killed. Tom sagte, er sei sehr entmutigt. Tom said that he was very discouraged. Tom said he was very discouraged. Der Test war zum Ankreuzen. The test was multiple choice. The test was for crossing. De wind waait uit het oosten. The wind is blowing from the east. The wind blows from the east. Hoe kunnen we het in de praktijk brengen? How can we put it into practice? How can we put it into practice? Tom unterschrieb den Scheck. Tom signed the check. Tom signed the check. Ich bin von ihrer Unschuld überzeugt. I am convinced of her innocence. I am convinced of her innocence. Niemand bleibt stehen, um ihm zuzuhören. No one stops to listen to him. No one is standing to listen to him. סטעלע איז אַן אונגאַרישע. Stella is a Hungarian Jewish woman. Irritated to Angry. Jeden beeindruckte diese Maschine. This machine impressed everyone. Everyone impressed this machine. Ik heb een vriend, wiens vader een beroemd pianist is. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Tom lässt das Frühstück oft aus. Tom often skips breakfast. Tom often leaves breakfast. Thai is en intressante Spraak. Thai is an interesting language. Thai is an interesting language. Hef uw beide armen zo op. Raise both of your arms up like this. So lift up your two arms. Wir haben noch knapp über eine Woche Zeit. We have just over a week left. We have just over a week of time. Der Laden hat 2013 dichtgemacht. That store closed in 2013. The store closed in 2013. Müssen Sie das tun? Do you have to do that? Do you have to do that? Deze foto's zijn bewerkt. These photos have been shopped. These photos have been edited. Wo ist der Park? Where's the park? Where is the park? Wie heißen eure Katzen? What are your cats' names? How do you call your cats? Die Vögel flogen in den Süden. The birds flew to the south. The birds flew south. Der Film war Spitze. That movie was really good. The film was top. Seien Sie damit zufrieden! Be content with that. Be satisfied with it! Ben je blij? Are you happy? Are you happy? Ich bin sicher, dass Tom es mir gesagt hätte, wenn er davon gewusst hätte. I'm sure Tom would've told me if he'd known about it. I'm sure Tom would have told me if he had known about it. Ik will in ’t Butenland studeren. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Hij hielp mij om mezelf te veranderen. He helped me change myself. He helped me change myself. Ik heb altijd geweten dat deze dag zou komen. I always knew this day would come. I always knew this day would come. Uitverkocht. Sold out. Sold out. Das Kind kam verfrüht zur Welt. The baby came early. The child came to the world early. Maria ist sogar noch schöner als Elke. Mary is even more beautiful than Alice. Mary is even more beautiful than everyone else. Unser neuer Lehrer hat gerade erst sein Studium beendet. Our new teacher is fresh out of college. Our new teacher has just finished his studies. Nüms glövt mi. No one believes me. Never believe me. Wir haben alle Hoffnung verloren, entschädigt zu werden. We've lost all hope of being compensated. We have lost all hope of being compensated. Warum bittest du nicht die Bibliothekarin um Hilfe? Why don't you ask the librarian for help? Why don't you ask the librarian for help? Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt. A danger foreseen is a danger avoided. Danger is detected, danger is banned. טאָם וווינט אָפּטאַון. Tom lives uptown. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Er gewöhnt sich allmählich an dieses Landleben. He is getting used to this rural life by degrees. He is gradually accustomed to this country life. Maria formte einen Schnee-Engel. Mary made an angel in the snow. Maria formed a snow angel. Hält der Bus auch in Stirling? Does the bus stop in Stirling? Is the bus also in Stirling? Ze had hem nodig. She needed him. She needed him. De manager onslaat nu bijna elke maand iemand en ik weet niet hoe we burgers nog sneller of beter kunnen omdraaien, of met meer teamgeest of wat hij dan ook wil. The manager dismisses someone almost once a month now, and I don't know how we can flip burgers any faster or better or with more team spirit or whatever it is that he wants. The manager now leaves a person almost every month and I don’t know how to convert citizens even faster or better, or with more team spirit or whatever he wants. Hebben jullie mijn vrienden gezien? Have you seen my friends? Did you see my friends? Wanneer heeft u voor het laatst een ventilator gebruikt? When was the last time you used a fan? When did you last use a fan? Maria sah Tom nach, als er lächelnd zur Schule ging. Mary saw Tom off as he went to school smiling. Maria looked at Tom when he went to school smiling. Ein sehr berühmter Jude ist bei uns zu Gast. We have a very famous Jew as a guest. A very famous Jew is a guest with us. Wie läuft’s mit deinem Freund? How are things going with your boyfriend? How does it work with your friend? „Wie ist Jess denn nach Manchester hochgefahren?“ – „Mit dem Zug.“ – „Ist sie dann über Birmingham gefahren?“ "How did Jess get up to Manchester?" "By train." "So she went through Birmingham, then?" “How did Jess get up to Manchester?” — “With the train.” — “Did she then drive over Birmingham?” Möchte Tom etwas? Does Tom want something? Tom wants something? Die Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel beträgt hier 2,5 m. Im Falle eines Tsunami nehmen Sie bitte rasch zu einem höhergelegenen Orte Zuflucht! This is about 8 feet above sea level. In case of a tsunami, please evacuate to higher ground immediately. The height above sea level here is 2.5 m. In the case of a tsunami, please quickly take refuge in a higher location! Als je doodgaat, word je dan een skelet of een engel? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? Tom hett dat Licht nich utmookt. Tom didn't turn the light off. Tom did not exhale the light. Manche machen glücklich, wenn sie kommen; andere aber, wenn sie gehen. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. Some make happy when they come; others when they go. Die Katze war unbeeindruckt. The cat was not impressed. The cat was unimpressed. Het is ongelofelijk. It's amazing. It's incredible. Ich habe nicht den Wunsch, dorthin zu gehen. I have no desire to go there. I don't want to go there. Diese Frucht sieht wie eine Apfelsine aus, schmeckt aber wie eine Ananas. This fruit looks like an orange and tastes like a pineapple. This fruit looks like an apple, but tastes like a banana. Ik ben blij dat je er niet was. I'm glad you weren't present. I'm glad you weren't there. Dat hier is Japan. This is Japan. That's Japan. Dit is erg gênant. This is extremely awkward. This is very embarrassing. Dass Leute versuchen, aus dieser Krise Kapital zu schlagen, ist klar. That people are trying to make capital out of this crisis is clear. That people are trying to beat capital out of this crisis is clear. Het is goedkoper deze per dozijn te bestellen. It's cheaper if you order these by the dozen. It is cheaper to order these per dozen. Einen schlafenden Hund soll man schlafen lassen. Let a sleeping dog lie. A sleeping dog should be allowed to sleep. Yn’e fierte hear ik it lûd fan sêft rûzjende weagen. In the distance I hear the sound of softly murmuring roads. And I have heard the sound of the seven-and-a-half-thousand-thousands. Maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag zijn de zeven dagen van de week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Er führte danach ein schweres Leben. He led a hard life after that. He then led a hard life. Wanneer merkte je voor het eerst dat je je haar verloor? When did you first notice that you were losing your hair? When did you first notice that you lost your hair? Wil je het echt afsluiten? Do you really want to shut it down? Do you really want to close it? Ich will keine voreiligen Schlüsse ziehen. I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I don't want to draw any premature conclusions. Het is niet gezond om zoveel water te drinken als jij doet. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. Das Tier verhungerte. The animal died from hunger. The animal starved. מײַן נאָמען איז אָמיד. My name is Omid. One of them is ever-present. Is dit jouw pet? Is this your cap? Is this your pet? Ze heeft een kip gekocht. She bought a chicken. She bought a chicken. Unterrichten Sie noch Geschichte? Do you still teach history? Do you still teach history? Hebben ze een woordenboek? Do they have a dictionary? Do they have a dictionary? Er is iemand binnengekomen. Someone entered. Someone came in. Heb je regelmatig neusbloedingen? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Do you regularly have nose bleeding? Die Psychoanalyse verhält sich zur Psychologie so wie die Alchimie zur Chemie. Psychoanalysis is to psychology as alchemy is to chemistry. Psychoanalysis relates to psychology as well as alchemy to chemistry. Bitte auf Französisch! In French, please. Please in French! Dat hebben we vorig jaar ook gedaan. We did the same thing last year. We did that last year, too. Er ist davongekommen. He got away. He came from it. Tom mag van geluk spreken dat hij nog kan lopen. Tom is lucky that he can still walk. Tom is lucky to be able to walk. Dröff ik wat anneres vörslaan? May I make another suggestion? Do I suggest something else? Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das geschafft habe. Die Hauptsache ist, dass ich’s überhaupt geschafft habe. I don't know how I managed to do that. The main thing is that I was able to do it at all. I don't know how I managed. The main thing is that I did it at all. Hij gelooft rijk te zijn. He believes that he is rich. He believes to be rich. Tom spricht mit seinen Großeltern Französisch. Tom speaks French to his grandparents. Tom speaks French with his grandparents. Tom deed mee met de race. Tom took part in the race. Tom joined the race. Niemand jagt euch davon. No one's chasing you away. No one is hunting for you. Het was een uitstekende start. It was an excellent start. It was an excellent start. Ik zal dat incident ophelderen. I will shed light on that incident. I'll clear that incident. כ׳האָב ליב אײַער עק. I like your tail. I have a hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy Es ist jetzt zu spät, um noch Änderungen vorzunehmen. It's now too late to make any changes. It is too late to make changes. Tom ging met pensioen. Tom retired. Tom retired. Ik weer dwungen an ’n Sünndag to arbeiden. I was forced to work on Sunday. I was forced to work on Sunday. Tom reed bij Maria achterin. Tom rode in the backseat with Mary. Tom was riding at Maria’s back. Toms broer Tim is een tovenaar die bang is voor konijnen. Tom's brother Tim is an enchanter who's scared of rabbits. Tom's brother Tim is a magician who is afraid of rabbits. טאָם זעט זײַן ברודער נישט אָפֿט. Tom doesn't see his brother often. In the end, I’m going to give you a smack of an eye-catcher. Tom und Maria wollen im Oktober heiraten. Tom and Mary are planning to get married in October. Tom and Maria want to marry in October. Hallo! Ich habe einen Platten. Können Sie mir eine Luftpumpe leihen? Hey, my tire's flat. Do you have a pump I can borrow? Hello, I have a plate. Can you borrow me an air pump? Was hast du dort sonst noch getan? What else did you do there? What else did you do there? Seine Firma ging Pleite und zu allem Übel hatte er einen Verkehrsunfall. His company went bankrupt, and to make matters worse, he met with a traffic accident. His company went square, and for all evil, he had a traffic accident. Dat is gevaarlijk. That's dangerous. That's dangerous. Tom wird es sich wieder anders überlegen. Tom will change his mind again. Tom will think differently. Seid ihr zusammen weggegangen? Did you leave together? Did you go away together? Sie fror beinahe zu Tode im Schnee. She almost froze to death in the snow. She almost died in the snow. קאַנאַדע איז נישט קיין גן־עדן. Canada's no paradise. Let’s take a look at E.C.C.C.C.C. and the C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.A. t Is hail kold. It's very cold. t is hail cold. Tom war beängstigend. Tom was scary. Tom was scared. Je moet niet overal aanmerkingen op maken. There's no need to comment on everything. You don't have to go anywhere. Hier ist das Buch, nach dem Sie suchen. Here is the book you are looking for. Here's the book you're looking for. Sie durchschwamm den breiten Fluss. She swam across the wide river. It swam through the broad river. Ik zou het niet doen als ik jou was. If I were you, I would not do it. I wouldn't do it if I were you. Diese Straße führt zum Flughafen. This road leads to the airport. This road leads to the airport. Wacht even, ik wil naar de wc. Hold on, I have to go to the bathroom. Wait a minute, I want to go to the toilet. Tom wird sich nie ändern. Tom will never change. Tom will never change. Benner the eerie chaumer the pairtie gaed wi hopes ae gold an plaunder. Deeper into the eerie room the party went with hopes of gold and plunder. Benner the former mayor the party went with hopes of a gold and lander. Ich habe es zuerst von Tom erfahren. I first heard about it from Tom. I first learned about Tom. Dit is mijn paraplu. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Tom versuchte, Maria dazu zu bringen, Johannes zu helfen. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Tom tried to get Maria to help John. Ik heff keen Sweerd. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. Ƿile ūser land nān-ƿiht būtan friþ. Our country wants nothing but peace. íile ūser land nān-yaht būtan friën. Ich habe keine Idee, warum das so ist. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why this is so. Ist es in Ordnung, das hier zu tun? Is it OK to do that here? Is it okay to do this here? Ik leer Frans te spreken. I'm learning to speak French. I'm learning to speak French. Laten we sushi eten. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Bedek uw oog op deze manier, alstublieft. Cover your eye like this please. Cover your eye in this way, please. Meine Eltern haben mich kaum je bestraft. My parents hardly ever punished me for anything. My parents hardly ever punished me. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht verheiratet seien. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary told John that they were not married. דו ביסט אַ לערערקע. You're a teacher. Mr. Bieber, I'm sorry to hear about it. Zet het uit, en doe het daarna weer aan. Turn it off, then turn it back on. Put it out, and then do it again. Onze trein kwam op tijd. Our train arrived on time. Our train came in time. Ich bin blau. I'm drunk. I'm blue. Hierop wil ik graag je aandacht vestigen. I would like to draw your attention to this. I would like to draw your attention to this. Waarom logen jullie? Why did you lie? Why are you logging? Ek beter terug kom by my lessenaar. I'd better get back to my desk. I better come back to my desk. Ons gaan nie alles kan opeet nie. We won't be able to eat all this. We can’t eat everything. Wêr wennet dyn pake? Where does your grandpa live? Do you have dyn packs? Tom und Maria fingen sofort an, sich zu küssen, als das Licht ausging. Tom and Mary started kissing each other as soon as the light was turned off. Tom and Maria immediately began kissing each other as the light went out. Er muss der Schulleiter sein. He must be the principal. He's got to be the school principal. Er zijn vandaag meer wolken dan gisteren. There are more clouds today than there were yesterday. There are more clouds today than yesterday. Uns wurde das Portemonnaie gestohlen. We had our wallets stolen. We were stolen from the Portuguese. Ich möchte nicht, dass Tom glaubt, er müsse mir helfen. I don't want Tom to think he has to help me. I don't want Tom to think he needs to help me. Sami ging naar Saoedi-Arabië om de heilige moslimbedevaart te volbrengen. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to accomplish the holy Muslim pilgrimage. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to fulfill the holy Muslim confession. Tom war vor uns da. Tom was there before we were. Tom was in front of us. Tom hatte einige Tricks auf Lager. Tom had some tricks up his sleeve. Tom had some tricks in the camp. Wil jij spaghetti of hamburgers als avondeten? Do you want spaghetti or hamburgers for dinner? Do you want to eat spaghetti or hamburgers like dinner? k Bin old. I'm old. k Ben old. Ik deed de deuren open. I opened the doors. I opened the doors. Gele koorts en pokken waren niet meer een bedreiging. Yellow fever and smallpox were no longer a threat. Yellow fever and poaching were no longer a threat. Se is bang vör Hunnen. She's scared of dogs. She is afraid of dogs. דער זאַץ איז גוט. This sentence is good. The Iron Curtain. Dit is mijn laatste aanbod. Graag of niet. This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. This is my last offer. Hai drònk n flèze wien. He drank a bottle of wine. Hail a bottle of wine. k Goa mit Ricardo. I'm going with Ricardo. k Goa with Ricardo. Meine Beine tun vom Sitzen auf der Tatami-Matte weh. My legs ache from sitting on tatami. My legs hurt from sitting on the tatami mat. Tunesië wordt ''Tunes'' genoemd in het Berber. Tunisia is called "Tunes" in Berber. Tunisia is called ‘Tunes’ in Berber. Streitest du dich oft mit Tom? Do you and Tom argue often? Do you often argue with Tom? Ich kann Tom nicht sehen. I can't see Tom. I can't see Tom. טאָם עסט צו גיך. Tom eats too quickly. Twilights are your order. Ich habe einen Stein gefunden, der die Form eines Herzens hat. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. I found a stone that has the form of a heart. Is dit een goed idee? Is this a good idea? Is this a good idea? Dieses Auto fährt mit Gas. This car runs on natural gas. This car rides with gas. Hoepel op! Get lost! Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Het was niet zo duur als ik had verwacht. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. זאָלסט ניט מזנה זײַן. You shall not commit adultery. Sussex is in charge. Tom ist ein Einserschüler. Tom is a straight-A student. Tom is a single student. Die Schachtel ist leer. Dort ist nichts drin. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. The box is empty, there's nothing in it. Tom hield zijn adem in. Tom held his breath. Tom kept his breath. Ik hou van friet met ketchup. I love french fries with ketchup. I love chatting with ketchup. Es ist sehr neu. It's very new. It's very new. Der Adler fliegt über uns hinweg, taucht ab und fängt mit seinen Krallen ein kleines Tier und kehrt dann in den Himmel zurück. From high above, the eagle dives toward its prey, captures it with its claws, and flies back into the sky. The eagle flies over us, dives down and catches a small animal with its claws and then returns to heaven. איך בין גאר פארמישט. I am all mixed up. How about Garrett Parker? Als ich ankam, war die Feier schon vorbei. By the time I arrived, the party was already over. When I arrived, the celebration was over. De kippen zitten in het kippenhok. The chickens are in the henhouse. The chickens are in the chicken cage. צי ביסטו אַ ראָבאָט? Are you a robot? Do you have a robot ship? Wat een prachtige stad! What a beautiful city! What a beautiful city! Er sprach mit einer, für Südländer charakteristischen, Sanftheit. He spoke with a softness characteristic of southerners. He spoke with one, characteristic, gentleness for South countries. Kann ich Ihre Temperatur überprüfen? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Uranus wordt door dichters beschouwd als de oudste der goden. Uranus is considered by poets to be the oldest of the gods. Uranium is considered by poets to be the oldest of the gods. Ich konnte den Flecken nicht wegschrubben. I couldn't scrub the stain out. I couldn't get rid of the spots. Ik begryp it net. I do not understand. I don't understand it. Leer. Learn. Learn. Ik heb onlangs niets gegeten. I have not been eating. I haven't eaten anything recently. וויפֿל מוסלמענער וואוינען אין עיר־הקודש ירושלים? How many Muslims live in the holy city of Jerusalem? Does the Holy Spirit not exist in Jerusalem? Sie kann gut mit Kindern umgehen. She's good at handling children. She can deal well with children. לויט קעץ זענען קעץ זייער חשובֿ. Cats are very important, according to cats. It’s a hard-to-understand sound that’s very important to you. דער עפּל איז פֿאַר דיר. This apple is for you. Ibid.'s old-fashioned apartment. איך האָב מײַנע ספֿקות. I have my share of doubts. How do I get rid of doubts? Hy het glad nie met my gepraat nie. He didn't speak to me at all. He didn’t speak to me at all. Wasser ist so kostbar wie die Luft. Water is as precious as air. Water is as precious as the air. Mijn broer zwemt niet. My brother doesn't swim. My brother doesn't swim. Tom macht das für Geld. Tom is doing that for the money. Tom makes it for money. Es wäre besser gewesen, wenn du ihn gefragt hättest, welchen Weg du nehmen sollst. It would have been better, if you had asked him which way to go. It would have been better if you had asked him what path you should take. Er war noch nie in Frankreich. He has never been to France. He had never been to France. Es macht mir nichts aus zu stehen. I don't mind standing. It doesn't matter to me. Dat hann isch nit jesinn. I didn't see that. I'm not mindful. Warum werden mir Handschellen angelegt? Why am I being handcuffed? Why are handcuffs made to me? די פֿרײַהייט איז אַלעמאָל די פֿרײַהייט פֿון די אַנדערש־⁠טראַכטערס. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Verstaat u Italiaans? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? Hattest du wirklich Sex? Did you really have sex? Did you really have sex? Ik dacht dat u zei dat Tom en Maria slagers waren. I thought you said Tom and Mary were butchers. I thought you said Tom and Maria were butchers. Het leger moet waakzaam en paraat blijven. The army should remain alert and vigilant. The army must remain alert and ready. Wir haben bis jetzt keinen Brief von ihm erhalten. We have not received a letter from him so far. We haven't received a letter from him until now. Da Tom is ned so ana. Tom isn't that kind of guy. Tom was born that way. Welke dag zijn we vandaag? What day are we on? What day are we today? Ik denk niet dat het lukraak is. I don't think it's random. I don't think it's random. Woar bist? Where are you? Where are you? Ik wie op syk nei eat wat der net wie. I was searching for something that didn't exist. I don’t eat anything like that. Ich bin intergeschlechtlich. I'm intersex. I'm intersexual. Am nächsten Tag wachte ich mit einem Kater auf. I woke up the next day with a hangover. The next day I woke up with a cat. Dieser Junge ist mein Bruder. This boy is my brother. This boy is my brother. Wo sind die Autoschlüssel? Where are the car keys? Where are the car keys? Ik bün sünndaags nich tohuus. I'm not home on Sundays. I'm not at home on Sundays. Ik zal op kerstdag aankomen. I'll arrive on Christmas Day. I'll arrive on Christmas Day. Ich habe gehört, dass sogar Taxifahrer oft die Orientierung verlieren in Tokio. I hear that even taxi drivers often get lost in Tokyo. I’ve heard that even taxi drivers often lose orientation in Tokyo. Tom sal nie bely nie. Tom won't confess. Tom will not confess. Tom sprang über die Hecke. Tom jumped over the hedge. Tom jumped over the fence. Niemand erinnert sich daran, wie das Ganze begonnen hat. Nobody remembers how it all began. No one remembers how the whole thing started. Es ist besser zu sterben, als ein solches Leben zu führen. It'd be better to die than live a life like that. It is better to die than to live such a life. Mijn familie is klein. My family is small. My family is small. Hij is mijn broer niet. He's not my brother. He's not my brother. Verlies ik mijn tijd? Am I wasting my time? Am I losing my time? Tom verließ das Büro, ohne auch nur auf Wiedersehen zu sagen. Tom left the office without even saying goodbye. Tom left the office without even saying again. Tom nahm seine Uhr nicht ab. Tom didn't take his watch off. Tom didn't take off his watch. De hond volgde zijn baas met kwispelende staart. The dog, wagging its tail, followed its master. The dog followed his boss with a quirking tail. Alle 300 Passagiere und die Besatzung haben das Zugunglück überlebt. All 300 passengers and the crew survived the crash. All 300 passengers and crew survived the train crash. Ich habe Tom heute etliche Nachrichten geschickt, aber er hat keine einzige davon beantwortet. I sent Tom a lot of messages today, but he hasn't replied to any of them. I sent Tom several messages today, but he did not answer any of them. Heb je ooit een bloedtransfusie gehad? Have you ever received a blood transfusion? Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Maria meinte, ich sähe müde aus. Mary said she thought I looked like I was tired. Maria said I'm tired. Eten! Food! Eat! כ׳האָב עפּעס געזאָגט. I said something. It's a bit of a snag. Ik kom uit Engeland. I am from England. I'm from England. Toen ik zag dat het regende, heb ik mijn paraplu gepakt. When I realized it was raining, I took my umbrella. When I saw it raining, I picked up my umbrella. Hebt u onlangs kortademigheid ervaren? Have you experienced shortness of breath recently? Have you recently experienced shortness of breath? Hij komt uit Georgië. He's from Georgia. He's from Georgia. Villicht segg ik Tom bäter nich, wat Ria doon hett. Maybe I shouldn't tell Tom what Mary did. Maybe I'll tell Tom better not to do what Ria did. Slaapwel iedereen! Good night, everybody! Goodbye to everyone! Ich erzählte ihm von unserer Schule. I told him about our school. I told him about our school. Tom is een kunstenaar. Tom is an artist. Tom is an artist. Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there in the stadium? Das ist leichter, als du vielleicht denkst. It's easier to do that than you might think. It's easier than you might think. Welk nummer moet ik bellen in geval van nood? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in case of emergency? Schalte bitte das Radio ein. Turn on the radio, please. Please turn on the radio. Tom und Maria verstecken sich im Keller. Tom and Mary are hiding in the basement. Tom and Maria are hiding in the basement. Das Hotel ist bestenfalls zweitklassig. It's at best a second-rate hotel. The hotel is best second-class. Ich habe meine Schlüssel im Wagen gelassen. I left my keys in the car! I left my keys in the car. Du büst en beten lütter as Tom. You're a bit shorter than Tom. You're a little smaller than Tom. Hebt u in de afgelopen twee weken nauw contact gehad met iemand met griepachtige verschijnselen? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? Have you had close contact with someone with flu-like phenomena in the past two weeks? Geef me nog een spijker. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Ich habe von Tom eine Weihnachtskarte bekommen. I got a Christmas card from Tom. I got a Christmas card from Tom. Das ist die Spezialität des Hauses. It's the house specialty. This is the speciality of the house. Man darf niemanden drangsalieren! Any kind of bullying is not okay. No one is allowed to push! Garfield, du faule Katze! Garfield, you lazy cat. Garfield, you lazy cat! Wat schall ik äten? What should I eat? What should I eat? Ich habe gerade darüber gesprochen, dass du deinen Ruhestand in Deutschland verbringen willst. I was just speaking about how you will retire to Germany. I have just said that you want to spend your retirement in Germany. Herr Schmidt lebt jetzt in Kyōto. Mr. Smith lives in Kyoto now. Mr. Schmidt now lives in Kyōto. Bring Teller aus der Küche mit! Bring some plates from the kitchen. Bring your plate out of the kitchen! Waarom wil hij zelfmoord plegen? Why does he want to commit suicide? Why does he want to commit suicide? Leuk je te ontmoeten. Nice to see you. Nice to meet you. Ich hon Biff gester gess. I ate steak yesterday. I hon Biff gess. Ich hatte große Angst. I was very scared. I was scared. Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel. It's permissible to doubt. It is allowed to doubt. „Und die Krähe?“ fragte Gerda. – „Ach, die Krähe, die ist tot“, antwortete sie. "And the crow?" asked Gerda. "Oh, the crow is dead," she replied. “And the weeping?” Gerda asked. “Ah, the weeping that is dead,” she replied. D'Schilddrüs ass eng endokrine Drüs. The thyroid is an endocrine gland. The skin of the brain is an endorphin. We hebben geen bewijs. We don't have any proof. We don't have any evidence. Ass dat ze schwéier fir dech? Is that too difficult for you? Do you think they’re going to make a fire? Barbecueën is hier niet toegestaan. Barbecuing isn't allowed here. Barbeques are not allowed here. אפשר זי קענט ענטפערן די פראגע. She may be able to answer the question. I can’t wait to see a bit of a squeaky squeaky. Heb je broers? Do you have any brothers? Do you have brothers? Wat u op dit moment aan het doen bent, is onbeleefd. What you're doing right now is impolite. What you are doing right now is rude. Als ik jou was, zou ik solliciteren naar de baan. If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for the job. Tom dronk drie flessen bier. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Hast du etwas gehört? Did you hear something? Did you hear anything? Hij kan Engels en Frans spreken. He speaks English and French. He can speak English and French. טאָם איז געווען אָדם נאַקעט. Tom was totally naked. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wir sind beeindruckt. We're impressed. We're impressed. Tom öffnete nervös die Tür. Tom nervously opened the door. Tom nervously opened the door. Zieh dir deine Schuhe an! Put your shoes on. Put on your shoes! Sie führt ihr Tagebuch auf Englisch. She keeps her diary in English. She leads her diary in English. Kommst du aus Australien? Are you from Australia? Are you coming from Australia? Ik ben er over tien minuten. I'll be there in ten minutes. I'm here in ten minutes. Der Gedanke zählt. It's the thought that counts. The idea counts. Tom heeft Maria achtergelaten. Tom ditched Mary. Tom left Maria. De Franse achternaam Malin werd tot Maling verengelst. The French surname Malin was anglicised to Maling. The French surname Malin was sealed into Maling. צו אַל די רוחות! מײַן פֿרײַנדינע איז שוין צוריק! װאָס זאָלן מיר מאַכן? Crap! My girlfriend is already back! What should we do?! O God, how long shall I cry for help? what shall I hear when I am angry with you? Letztes Jahr kehrte ich nach Hause zurück und war überrascht, dass sowohl das Dorf als auch die Leute sich völlig verändert hatten. Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed. Last year I returned home and was surprised that both the village and the people had changed completely. Tom is een ex-gedetineerde. Tom is an ex-con. Tom is an ex-detainer. Studierst du denn nicht Chemie? Aren't you a chemistry student? Don't you study chemistry? Tom heeft iets verkeerd gedaan. Tom has done something wrong. Tom did something wrong. Wie zou je erin willen luizen? Who would want to set you up? Who would you like to lie in there? Eigenlijk zou ik Engels moeten leren, maar ik kijk liever een film. I was supposed to study English, but I prefer watching this movie. Actually, I should learn English, but I would rather watch a movie. Ik had hulp nodig. I needed help. I needed help. Es is neechst Hallebnacht. It's almost midnight. It's next half-night. Zoals gewoonlijk was ze te laat. She came late as usual. As usual, she was too late. Ik heb drie jaar in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Je had niet met hem kunnen zijn. You couldn't have been with him. You couldn't have been with him. Ik zal je morgen bezoeken. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll visit you tomorrow. Tom nahm sich kein Blatt von den Mund. Tom was outspoken. Tom didn't take a leaf from his mouth. Se hett em al en lange Tied kennt. She has known him for a long time. She has known him for a long time. Ian Nepomniachtchi (2695), der 30-jährige russische Großmeister, hat gerade das Kandidatenturnier gewonnen und sich das Recht gesichert, dieses Jahr mit dem aktuellen Meister Magnus Carlsen um den Titel des Schachweltmeisters zu kämpfen. Ian Nepomniachtchi (2695), the 30-year-old Russian Grand Master, has just won the Candidate Tournament, securing the right to compete this year with current champion Magnus Carlsen for the title of World Chess Champion. Ian Nepomniachchi (2695), the 30-year-old Russian Grand Master, has just won the candidate tournament and secured the right to fight this year with current champion Magnus Carlsen for the title of the Chess World Champion. 't Kin mie niks verrekn. I could not care less. It doesn't matter to me. Ich könnte Sie dafür entlassen. I could fire you for that. I could let you go for it. Ik hou niet van schelpdieren. I don't like shellfish. I don't like shell animals. Sie reiste um die ganze Welt. She traveled all over the world. She traveled around the world. Versuche erst einmal, dich zu beruhigen! Try to calm down first. First try to calm you down! Tom ist sonntags fast immer zu Hause. Tom is almost always at home on Sundays. Tom is almost always at home on Sundays. Ik ga bij mijn vriend. I am going to my friend's house. I'm going with my friend. Manche Wagen haben Solarkollektoren auf dem Dach. Some cars have solar panels on the roof. Some cars have solar collectors on the roof. Het ecosysteem bestaat voornamelijk uit lage bomen en struiken die een mechanisme hebben om aan het strenge klimaat te weerstaan. The ecosystem consists primarily of low trees and bushes that are built to resist harsh climate conditions. The ecosystem consists mainly of low trees and shrubs that have a mechanism to resist the harsh climate. Ek het 'n sending vir jou. I have a mission for you. I have a mission for you. Manchmal fällt es mir schwer, Französisch zu sprechen. I struggle to speak French sometimes. Sometimes it’s hard for me to speak French. Luister! Doe niet zo brutaal! Listen up! Don't be so insolent! Listen! Don't be so brutal! Dit zou rampzalig kunnen zijn. This could be disastrous. This could be disastrous. Die Mathetutoren sind von 14 bis 17 Uhr hier. Math tutors will be here from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The mathematicians are here from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m. Ik heb er geen hekel aan. I don't dislike it. I don't hate it. Alle vogels hebben veren. All birds have feathers. All birds have feathers. Mehr als alles in der Welt liebe ich das Malen. I love painting more than anything in the world. I love painting more than anything in the world. Dat is en Popp, de se sülvs maakt hett. This is a doll which she made herself. It's a popp she's done herself. Alle kinderen zijn tevreden met hun maaltijden. All the children are satisfied with her meals. All children are satisfied with their meals. Ek was net beskaaf. I was just being polite. I was just civilized. Viele können nicht schwimmen. A lot of people don't know how to swim. Many cannot swim. Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to give the planks of water. Tom is in ymperialist. Tom is an imperialist. Tom is an imperialist. Deutschland ist die größte und erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsmacht Europas. Germany is Europe's largest and most prosperous economy. Germany is the largest and most successful economic power in Europe. Lebe schnell, sterbe jung und hinterlasse eine hübsche Leiche. Live fast, die young, and leave a lovely corpse. Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful body. Wenn ik man jünger weer. If only I were younger. If I were younger. Warte mal kurz! Wait a sec. Wait a minute! k Kin n kikker en n porre nait oetnander holden. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. k Kin n Kikker and n porre night kept out of it. „Werft ihn den Löwen zum Fraß vor!“ sagte die Prinzessin. "Throw him to the lions!" said the princess. “Praise him before the lion!” the princess said. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די ספֿרדים. Esther's family are Sephardi Jews. Iris's family is a little bit of scavenger. Wij getuigden. We testified. We witnessed. Unsere Mannschaft hat mehrere gute Spieler verloren. Our team lost several good players. Our team has lost several good players. Wenn ich die Antwort wüsste, hätte ich dich nicht gefragt. If I knew the answer, I wouldn't have asked you. If I knew the answer, I wouldn't have asked you. Tom und seine Frau kommen aus Australien. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom and his wife come from Australia. Die Polizei nahm von Tom Fingerabdrücke. Tom was fingerprinted by the police. The police took from Tom Fingerprints. Speel mi en beten Chopin. Play me some Chopin. Play me a bit of Chopin. Ich frage mich, ob Tom weiß, warum Maria gestern nicht in der Schule war. I wonder whether Tom knows why Mary was absent from school yesterday. I wonder if Tom knows why Maria wasn't in school yesterday. Zai binnen verdwenen. They disappeared. Zai's gone inside. Warum tanzt sie nicht? Why isn't she dancing? Why doesn't she dance? "Was für ein Buch liest du gerade?" "Einen Roman." "What sort of book are you reading?" "A novel." "What kind of book do you just read?" "A novel." Hat er das Geld vergessen? Did he forget the money? Did he forget the money? De soep is te zout. The soup is too salty. The soup is too salty. We kunnen geen verandering in ons programma aanbrengen. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our program. Ek sal my huiswerk doen. I will do my homework. I will do my homework. Sie konnte ihr Lachen nicht zurückhalten. She couldn't hold back her laughter. She couldn't hold her laughter back. איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I'm not feeling well. How Do You Make Goats Goats? Was hast du verloren? What did you lose? What did you lose? Mijn nagel is gebroken. My nail has broken. My nail is broken. Können Elefanten fliegen? Can elephants fly? Can elephants fly? Sein rechter Fuß schlief ein. His right foot fell asleep. His right foot fell asleep. Leg das Buch dorthin, wo du es gefunden hast. Put the book where you found it. Put the book where you found it. Eet alles. Eat everything. Eat everything. Gebruik je methamfetamines? Do you use methamphetamines? Do you use methaffetamines? Mijn hand is te vol! My hand is too full! My hand is too full! Hij drinkt veel te veel bier. He drinks far too much beer. He drinks a lot of beer. Laten we even binnenspringen bij hem thuis. Let's drop by his house. Let's jump in with him at home. Ria sä, dat se untofreden is. Mary said that she was discontented. Ria says she is unhappy. Een persoon kan een ander persoon nooit helemaal begrijpen. A person cannot understand another person completely. One person can never fully understand another person. Steh auf, wenn du aufgerufen wirst! Stand up when your name is called. Stand up when you're called! פּענס איז נאָר טראָמפּס לאַקיי. Pence is just Trump's lackey. Irrigated by Trumps Labyrinth. Ge spreekt. You speak. You're talking. "Nou," zei de verkoopster, en wenkte Dima haar te volgen naar de kassa, "dat is dan 3.000.000,99." "Well," said the shopkeeper, motioning for Dima to follow her to the cash register. "That'll be 3,000,000.99, then." "Now," said the salesman, and awakened Dima to follow her to the cash box, "that's 3,000,000.99." Wie viele verschiedene Spielfiguren gibt es beim japanischen Schach? How many different pieces are there in Japanese chess? How many different game characters are there in Japanese chess? Kom ons wag tot hy kom. Let's wait till he comes. Let's wait until he comes. Het kost te veel. It is too expensive. It costs too much. Ik ben trollen op Tatoeba zat. I’m tired of trolls on Tatoeba. I have trolls on Tatouba. זײַ געזונט! Farewell! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Das is en franzeesisches Buch. It's a French book. This is a French book. Ich finde, dass Tom nicht in der Lage ist, das zu tun. I don't think Tom is capable of doing that. I think Tom is not able to do that. We hadden oesters eerder. We had oysters earlier. We had oesters before. Herr Hansen war mein Lieblingslehrer. Mr. Jackson was my favorite teacher. Mr. Hansen was my favorite teacher. k Hol van die! I love you! K Get out of it! Ik moet een naald gebruiken om dit onder je huid te spuiten. I have to use a needle to inject this under your skin. I have to use a needle to spray this under your skin. Ik kan die naam niet uitspreken. I can't pronounce that name. I can't pronounce that name. באָגס באָני איז מין־פֿליסיק. Bugs Bunny is genderfluid. B.B.B.A.S.A. is a minor. Kinne jo stadicher prate asjebleaft? Speak more slowly, please! Can you talk more slowly than you do? Warum haben Kaninchen lange Löffel? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long spoons? דאָס בוך איז אינעם רשות־הרבים. This book is in the public domain. Dodgers are not allowed to do so. Sind Sie französischer Muttersprachler? Are you a native French speaker? Are you a French native speaker? Tom sitzt den ganzen Tag vor dem Fernseher. Tom sits in front of the TV all day. Tom sits all day in front of the TV. Er ist hier, um uns auszuspionieren. He's here to spy on us. He's here to spy out. Ich werde nie ein alter Mann sein. Alt sein heißt für mich immer fünfzehn Jahre älter sein, als ich bin. I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. I'm never going to be an old man. Eerst moeten we al die zaden planten. First of all, we have to plant all these seeds. First, we need to plant all those seeds. Das war ein mittelmäßiger Film mit mittelmäßigen Schauspielern. That was a mediocre movie with mediocre actors. This was a mediocre movie with mediocre actors. Wir sprechen fast alle Französisch. Almost all of us can speak French. We speak almost all French. Wir mögen Schnee. We like snow. We like snow. Wer von euch ist Toms Vater? Which one of you is Tom's father? Who of you is Tom's father? Der Kapitän des Schiffes entschied sich den Kurs zu ändern. The captain of the ship decided to change course. The captain of the ship decided to change the course. Hij is mijn broer. He's my brother. He's my brother. Ik weet. I know. I know. Weck die Kinner. Wake the kids. Wake the kids. Es ist ganz richtig Menschen zu verabscheuen, die Übeltäter sind. It's quite right to abominate people who are evil-doers. It is very proper to condemn people who are wrongdoers. Dass Leute versuchen, aus dieser Krise Kapital zu schlagen, ist klar. It is clear that people are trying to profit from this crisis. That people are trying to beat capital out of this crisis is clear. Zijn jullie broers? Are you brothers? Are you your brothers? Ik ging naar de biblotheek om een boek te lezen. I went to the library to read a book. I went to the library to read a book. Wie oft hast du das schon gemacht? How many times have you done this? How many times have you done that? Das ist deine Chance, Tom. Ergreife sie! That's your chance, Tom. Take it! That's your chance, Tom. Ik heb een jonge vrouw. I have a young wife. I have a young woman. Tom sagt, Maria habe unrecht. Tom says Mary is wrong. Tom says Maria is wrong. Ich glaube, dass man kann. I believe that it can be done. I think you can. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea that Mary was in Boston. Lincoln Park is en Naverschop in ’ Noorden von Chicago. Lincoln Park is a neighborhood on the North Side of Chicago. Lincoln Park is a neighborhood in 'North of Chicago. Hadden we maar een tuin! If only we had a garden! We just had a garden! Hast du völlig den Verstand verloren? Are you completely mad? Have you completely lost your mind? Wij waren getuigen van het ongeluk. We were witnesses of the accident. We were witnesses to the accident. Ik heff en Fru. I have a wife. I have a wife. Ich bin nicht, was ich tue, ich bin, was ich tun kann. I'm not what I do, I am what I can do. I'm not what I do, I'm what I can do. Hast du Mary je einen Brief geschrieben? Have you ever written a letter to Mary? Did you ever write a letter to Mary? Jeder hat seine Fehler. Nobody's perfect. Everyone has their mistakes. Er gewöhnte sich an die Arbeit im Büro. He became accustomed to working in the office. He was used to working in the office. Tom überquerte den Atlantischen Ozean. Tom crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Tom crossed the Atlantic Ocean. די אייביקע ליבע האַלט אָן בערך דרײַ חדשים. Eternal love lasts about three months. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a little bit of a new spin. Het had een vlot verloop. It went off smoothly. It had a smooth run. Je bent fotogeniek. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Wie viele Sterne gibt es in unserer Milchstraße? How many stars are there in our galaxy? How many stars are there in our Milky Way? Du musst diese Arbeit vor der Frist fertigstellen. You must get the job done before the deadline. You have to complete this work before the deadline. Bis zum Meer sind es nur 1½ km. It is no more than a mile to the sea. To the sea it is only 11⁄2 km. Elefante läbed in Asie und Afrika. Elephants live in Asia and Africa. Elephants live in Asia and Africa. Der Prinz wartet. The prince is waiting. The Prince is waiting. Tom hat Maria zugezwinkert. Tom winked at Mary. Tom has drowned Mary. Sami deed de ghoesl. Sami performed ghusl. Sami de Ghoesl. Er lauschte der Musik mit geschlossenen Augen. He listened to the music with his eyes closed. He laughed at the music with closed eyes. און איך האָב אָפּגעגעבן מײַן האַרץ צו זוכן און צו פֿאָרשן מיט חכמה װעגן אַלץ װאָס געשעט אונטער די הימלען. דאָס איז אַ שלעכטער ענין װאָס גאָט האָט געגעבן די מענטשנקינדער, זיך צו פֿאַרנעמען דערמיט. I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the children of mankind to be afflicted with. For I say unto thee, Thou shalt not suffer thineself to die: but thou shalt be sorrowful unto thyself, but shalt be sorrowful unto thy face. Passen meine Übersetzungen alle beide? Do both of my translations match? Do my translations fit both? Fast 50 Millionen Menschen auf der Welt sind von Alzheimer betroffen. Alzheimer's disease affects nearly 50 million people around the world. Almost 50 million people in the world are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Ik fraag mi, woveel Peer in ’n Börgerkrieg doodbleven sünd. I wonder how many horses died during the Civil War. I wonder how many peers died in a civil war. Wusstet ihr nicht, dass Schildkröten Eier legen? Didn't you know turtles lay eggs? Did you not know that turtles lay eggs? Tom is niet bang voor spinnen. Tom isn't afraid of spiders. Tom is not afraid of spiders. Wird man, wenn man stirbt, ein Skelett oder ein Engel? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? Will you, if you die, be a skeleton or an angel? Diese Tür kann nur von innen aufgeschlossen werden. The only way to unlock the door is to open it from the inside. This door can only be unlocked from the inside. מיר האָבן פֿײַנט געהאַט טאָמען. We hated Tom. Mr. Griffiths, I'm sorry to hear of this. Frisk Swaampen sen sa smaakelk. Fresh mushrooms are so tasty. Fresh Swaampen sen so tasteful. Als ich vorhin nachsah, schlief Tom. The last time I checked, Tom was asleep. When I looked at it before, Tom slept. Ek het met jou dokter gepraat. Hy het vir my gesê dat jy ten minste 'n week in die bed moet bly. I talked to your doctor. He told me that you needed to stay in bed for at least a week. I talked to your doctor. He told me that you should stay in bed for at least a week. Zwei kleine Kaninchen, ein weißes Kaninchen und ein schwarzes Kaninchen, lebten in einem großen Wald. Two small rabbits, a white rabbit and a black rabbit, lived in a large forest. Two small rabbits, a white rabbit and a black rabbit, lived in a large forest. Eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, the other, and one, the other. Weder er noch seine Frau waren da. Neither he nor his wife was there. Neither he nor his wife were there. Ik heff jüst soveel to doon as Tom. I'm just as busy as Tom. I just had to do as much as Tom did. Tom mag Vögel. Tom likes birds. Tom likes birds. Ik ben van niets bang. I'm not frightened of anything. I'm not afraid of anything. Bist-du Advogaat? Are you a lawyer? Bist-du Advogat? Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe! Thank you so much for your help. Thank you for your help! איך רעד ליטוויש. I speak Lithuanian. How do you feel about Lithuania? Ich will heute nur fernsehen. The only thing I want to do today is watch TV. I just want to watch television today. Tom gaat te voet naar school. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom goes on foot to school. Ik zou graag met u iets bespreken. I want to talk to you about something. I would like to discuss something with you. Mehrere Leute kamen Tom zu Hilfe, als er von ein paar Straßenräubern angegriffen wurde. Several people came to Tom's aid when a couple of muggers attacked him. Several people came to help Tom when he was attacked by a few street robbers. Heb je de deur op slot gedaan? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? Kymrisch is n schiere toal. Welsh is a beautiful language. Cymric is a sheer part. Sy het wyn. She has wine. She has wine. Du büst smuck. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Menschen, die einen ähnlichen Charakter haben, empfinden Sympathie füreinander. People who have similar personalities feel sympathy for one another. People who have a similar character feel sympathy for each other. Gezondheid! Bless you. Health! Es ist verwerflich, jemandes Gutgläubigkeit auszunutzen. It's reprehensible to exploit a person's gullibility. It is reprehensible to exploit someone’s good faith. Uf Widerluege. Goodbye! Uf Reederluege. Natuurkunde interesseert me voor geen meter. I'm not in the least interested in physics. Nature is not interested in a meter. Ich bin froh, dass Sie da waren. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Ek het dit verwag. I expected this. I expected it. Waarom spreek je in het Frans? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak in French? Helfen wir einander! Let's help each other! Let's help each other! Dieses Wörterbuch, dessen dritter Band fehlt, hat mich hundert Dollar gekostet. This dictionary, of which the third volume is missing, cost me a hundred dollars. This dictionary, whose third volume is missing, cost me a hundred dollars. Mijn leven is leeg zonder hem. My life is hollow without him. My life is empty without him. Tom kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom crawled out under the table. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everybody knows Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom Maria likes it. Wenn ich spreche, habt ihr still zu sein und zuzuhören! When I speak, you be quiet and listen! When I speak, you have to be quiet and listen! Tom kennt den Keerl, wo Ria mit kamen is. Tom knows the man Mary came with. Tom knows where Ria came from. We hebben het uitgevogeld. We've figured it out. We picked it up. Tom kaufte direkt bei einem der Fischer mehrere Fische. Tom bought several fish directly from one of the fishermen. Tom bought several fish directly from one of the fishermen. Thou art a knave. You're a boy. Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil. Gib mir auch was davon. Get me some, too. Give me something about it too. Kiek! Look! Look! Is daar iemand? Is somebody there? Is there someone there? Legen die das Paket einfach auf der Veranda ab. Just leave the package on the porch. Just place the package on the veranda. Neben dem Ofen ist es warm. Next to the oven it is warm. In addition to the oven, it is warm. Wir haben versucht, ihn zu überzeugen. We tried to persuade him. We tried to convince him. Tom kann nicht nur Französisch, sondern auch Deutsch, denn er ist Elsässer. Tom speaks not only French, but also German, because he is Alsatian. Tom can not only French, but also German, because he is Elsässer. Ich bin verdammt stolz auf euch! I'm damn proud of y'all! I'm so proud of you! Wijn is gebottelde poëzie. Wine is bottled poetry. Wine is bottled poetry. Layla was bang voor kamelen. Layla was afraid of camels. Layla was afraid of camels. Tom verbrachte die Nacht im Gefängnis. Tom spent the night in jail. Tom spent the night in prison. װען ער איז געװען אַ קינד, האָט ער געװױנט אין אַ קלײנער דאָרף. When he was a child, he lived in a small town. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wenn Tom das tut, fresse ich einen Besen. If Tom does that, I'll eat my hat. If Tom does, I'll eat a bee. Het regent dat het giet. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining that it's going to go. Wir wussten, der Hund würde hinter der Katze herrennen. We knew that the dog would chase the cat. We knew the dog would run behind the cat. Ich liebe das Kribbeln, das ich spüre, wenn ich jemandem helfe. I love the fuzzy feeling I get when I help someone. I love the cripple I feel when I help someone. En schöönen Aabig. Have a nice evening. A beautiful aabig. Sehen wir doch mal nach, was da drin ist! Why don't we see what's in there? Let's look at what's in there! Hebt ge een aansteker? Do you have a light? Do you have a lighthouse? Maria is n websteezemelmoarze. Mary is an influencer. Maria is a website mercenary. Tom kann das auch nicht. Tom can't do it either. Tom can't do that either. Sami was erg genderfluïde, maar niet gay. Sami was very gender-fluid but not gay. Sami was very gender-fluid, but not gay. Welcher Teil der Reise hat dir am besten gefallen? What was your favorite part of the trip? Which part of the trip did you like best? Finger weg von de Schokolaad! Hands off those chocolates! Finger away from the chocolate! Jy het 'n groot neus. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. Ech si frou, dass dir hei sidd. I'm glad you guys are here. I'm glad you're here. Tom wist toen nog niet dat een bommoeder een bewust ongehuwde moeder is. Tom didn't know at the time that a Choice Mom was a Single Mothers by Choice. At that time, Tom didn't know that a bomber was a deliberately unmarried mother. Bent u ooit behandeld voor drugs- of alcoholmisbruik? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? Auf der einen Seite haben wir zwar einen schweren Verlust erlitten, doch auf der anderen Seite hat uns diese Erfahrung auch vieles gelehrt. On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the one hand, we have suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand, we have also learned this experience a lot. Spreekt u Quechua? Do you speak Quechua? Do you speak Quechua? ראָש לימבאָ איז געווען אַ פּאַסקודנער מענטש. Rush Limbaugh was a monster. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Willst du aus der Disko geworfen werden? Are you trying to get yourself thrown out of the club? Do you want to be thrown out of disco? Ik wil niet dat Tom ziek wordt. I don't want Tom to get sick. I don't want Tom to get sick. כ׳בין אַ לייביכע. I'm a lioness. I think I know. Wat is jou gunsteling ontspanningsaktiwiteit? What's your favorite leisure activity? What is your favorite recreation activity? Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag rood. I like my steak rare. I like to have my bite red. Wir wohnen in der Nähe der großen Bibliothek. We live near the large library. We live near the big library. Warst du schon mal in Indien? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? Ze maakt zich zorgen om uw veiligheid. She's worrying for your safety. She's worried about your safety. Die meiden zijn aangekomen. Those girls arrived. Those girls arrived. Hie sindon mine broðor. They are my brothers. Here are mine broðor. Deze bomen zijn door hen geplant. These trees were planted by them. These trees were planted by them. Wir haben ihn dazu gebracht zu gehen. We made him go. We brought him to go. Ich wollte sie beeindrucken. I wanted to impress them. I wanted to impress her. זיי האבן געקריגט צווישן זיך. They quarreled among themselves. The stone was suffocated by an eyebrow. Mag Toshio Sachiko? Does Toshio like Sachiko? Can Toshio Sachiko? Ben je al bij andere dokters geweest voor dit probleem? Have you seen any other doctors for this issue? Have you been to other doctors for this problem? Solcherlei Dinge interessieren mich nicht mehr. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. Such things don't interest me anymore. Laat me alstublieft de wond zien. Please show me the wound. Please show me the wound. Ferwas naett? Why not? Was it wet? Er brachte das Paket zur Post. He took the package to the post office. He brought the package to the post. Ich habe ihn letztes Jahr auf einer Party kennengelernt. I met him last year at a party. I met him last year at a party. Wat gaat de tijd snel. Time goes very swiftly. What time is fast. Wéi ass deng Duechter? How is your daughter? Do you have a Dentist? Lass uns zusammen essen gehen. Let's go to eat together. Let's eat together. Ze heeft vrijwel de hele film verklapt. She pretty much spoiled the whole movie. She's almost finished the whole movie. Du kennst Dich wirklich aus, Tom. You really know your stuff, Tom. You really know you, Tom. k Kin nait. I can not. "Kin's night. Wir haben unsere Arbeit gemacht. We did our work. We did our work. Laat het licht aan. Leave the lights on. Let the light go on. Hē dranc bēor. He drank a beer. Hē dranc bēor. Ich arbeite eigentlich gar nicht hier. I don't actually work here. I really don't work here. Tranen löpen över mien Backen. Tears ran down my cheeks. Trans run over my backs. Heeft iemand in je naaste omgeving ooit zelfmoord gepleegd? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Has anyone ever committed suicide in your nearest neighborhood? Tom verhält sich merkwürdig. Tom is acting strange. Tom is strange. Tom spricht immer mit robotischer Präzision. Tom always speaks with robotic precision. Tom always talks with robotic precision. Tom het iets in sy hand. Tom has something in his hand. Tom has something in his hand. Ich bin nie mit ihr gegangen. I've never dated her! I never went with her. Das is en guder Aanfang. This is a good start. Das is a good start. Tom ist nicht hier, um dir, sondern um mir zu helfen. Tom isn't here to help you. He's here to help me. Tom is not here to help you, but to help me. Er hat große Angst vor sehr hohen Orten. He is very scared of very high places. He has great fear of very high places. Ze werkten samen om de brand te blussen. They worked together to extinguish the fire. They worked together to blow the fire. Hij grijpt naar zijn geweer! He's going for his rifle! He's grasping his gun! Man nennt es „kranken Humor“. It is called sick humor. It's called "sick humor." Weet Tom hoe om te dans? Does Tom know how to dance? Does Tom know how to dance? Sie legte ihre Hand auf die seine. She put her hand on his. She put her hand on his. כ׳האָב פֿײַנט מײַן מוח. I hate my brain. As a fan of a mind. Wir müssen Tom davon überzeugen, die Wahrheit zu sagen. We need to convince Tom to tell the truth. We must convince Tom to tell the truth. 1998 überstiegen Japans Exporte die Importe um 77,8 Milliarden Dollar. Japan's exports exceeded imports by $77.8 billion in 1998. In 1998, Japan's exports exceeded $77.8 billion. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די רעפֿאָרמער ייִדן. Esther's family is Reform Jewish. Iris’s family is very proud of him. Vor dem Haus steht ein Baum. In front of the house is a tree. There is a tree in front of the house. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father gives flowers water. Wie sagt man XXX auf Niederländisch? How do you say XXX in Dutch? How to say XXX in Dutch? Tom gaat met een Chinese uitwisselingsstudent. Tom is dating a Chinese exchange student. Tom goes with a Chinese exchange student. Es ging ihm nicht gut. He was not feeling well. It wasn't good for him. IJsberen leven in het noordpoolgebied. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Icebergs live in the North Pole area. Tom schaute finster drein. Tom had a scowl on his face. Tom looked at the window. J. F. Kennedy is op ’n Karkhoff Arlington begraven. J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery. J. F. Kennedy was buried in the city of Arlington. k Roek schink. I smell bacon. k Smoke shink. Ich weiß, dass Sie Französisch nicht beherrschen. I know you can't speak French. I know you don't rule French. Hoge koorts is een typisch symptoom van deze ziekte. High fever is a prominent symptom of this disease. High fever is a typical symptom of this disease. Neefkes ien Minnesota binnen groot as aaiberts. Mosquitoes in Minnesota are as big as storks. Nefkes one Minnesota within large as aiberts. Dachten Sie wirklich, Tom hülfe Ihnen dabei? Did you really think Tom would help you do that? Do you really think Tom is helping you? Ist sie Russin? Is she Russian? Is she Russian? Tom wird heute nicht mit uns zu Mittag essen. Tom won't have lunch with us today. Tom will not eat with us today. Ich habe mir dein Worte durch den Kopf gehen lassen. I was thinking about what you said. I've let your words go through my head. Freitag der 13. gilt als Unglückstag. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. Friday of the 13th is considered an accident day. Afgaand op wat je zegt, moet hij een goede schrijver zijn. Judging from what you say, he must be a great writer. Depending on what you say, he needs to be a good writer. Ik will dat Peerd nich. I don't want the horse. I don't want the horse. We zongen met luide stem. We sang in loud voices. We sang loud voice. Wat zijn jullie plannen voor het avondmaal? What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? What are your plans for the evening meal? Bedankt, broeders. Thanks, brothers. Thank you, brothers. An Fleisch esse ich nur Huhn. The only meat I eat is chicken. I eat meat only chicken. מיר זענען מענטשן. We're humans. Immigrants are embarrassed. Tom hätte mit dir mitkommen sollen. Tom should've come with you. Tom should have come with you. Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich, aber ich will nicht. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. If I wanted, I could, but I don't want to. Leven pinguïns op de Noordpool? Do penguins live at the North Pole? Living Penguins in the North Pole? De Appeln dor sünd fuul. Those apples are rotten. The apples there are foul. Du bist nicht in Gefahr. You're in no danger. You're not in danger. Au! Mir ist ein Apfel auf die Birne gefallen. Ow! An apple fell on my bonce. Au! I've fallen an apple on the pear. An dieser Maschine muss irgendwas kaputt sein. Something on that machine must be broken. Something has to be broken up on this machine. Du solltest eigentlich Tom helfen. You were supposed to be helping Tom, you know. You should actually help Tom. Sie versuchte, ihre Ausgaben zu mindern. She tried to lessen her expenses. She tried to reduce her expenses. Ohne dich schaffe ich es nicht. I can't do it without you. I can't do it without you. Ich bin überrascht, dass du und Tom euch nicht mögt. I'm surprised you and Tom don't like each other. I'm surprised that you and Tom can't help you. Wat is jouw favoriete muziek? What's your favorite music? What is your favorite music? Hij schreeuwde: "Help!" He cried: "Help!" He cried out, “Help!” Ik heb een hotdog gegeten als lunch. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I ate a hot dog like lunch. Unser Onkel hat uns Kinokarten gekauft. Our uncle bought us movie tickets. Our uncle bought us cinema cards. Tom erstarrte. Tom froze. Tom starred. Willkommen in China! Welcome to China! Welcome to China! Das ist ein Missverständnis. This is a misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding. Ich habe Tom zu dir nach Hause geschickt, damit er deine Sachen holt. I sent Tom to your house to get your things. I sent Tom home to you to get your stuff. Wat is jullie lievelingswoord? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Jeder hat das Recht, hin und wieder launisch zu sein. Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while. Everyone has the right to be running back and forth. טאָם וווינט אין אַן אַנדער מדינה. Tom lives in another country. Twilight is not a country. Herr Jansen ist unser Mathelehrer. Mr. Jackson is our math teacher. Mr. Jansen is our math teacher. Tom het Mary aan John herinner. Tom reminded Mary of John. Tom reminded Mary of John. Ik kon geen Frans spreken. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. דער גנבֿ האָט זיך מודה געווען אין זײַן שולד. The thief admitted his guilt. A thief does not have a child. Ik ga nog liever dood. I would rather die. I'd rather die. Hien huet eng Fro. He's got a question. I have a big question. Treffen wir uns hier doch wieder um halb drei! Why don't we meet back here at 2:30? Let's meet here again at half three! We kunnen van alles wegrennen, behalve van ons geweten. We can run away from everything, except from our conscience. We can run away from everything except our conscience. Kann Tom bei euch bleiben, während er sich von seiner Verletzung erholt? Can Tom stay with you while he recovers from his injury? Can Tom stay with you while he recovers from his injury? Aine van zien kollegoas fluusterde. One of his colleagues whispered. Aine of his colleague whispered. Ik heet Robin. My name is Robin. I'm called Robin. Die Hälfte der Studenten fehlt. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students are missing. Ik zal het u tonen. I'll show you. I'll show you. Das ist das Letzte, was geschehen soll. That's the last thing we want to happen. This is the last thing to happen. Warte. Ich zahle das. Wait. I will pay for this. Wait, I'll pay for that. Ihr seid in einer Bücherei. You are in a library. You are in a bookstore. Du kannst gerne bleiben. If you want to stay, you may. You can stay. Sie hat das Problem endlich gelöst. At last, she solved the problem. She finally solved the problem. Ich bitte lieber um Verzeihung als um Erlaubnis. I prefer to apologise than ask for permission. I ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Do, wat du wullt. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Hij houdt van vissen. He loves to fish. He likes fish. Kan jy jou kar beweeg asseblief? Would you move your car, please? Can you move your car please? Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be, or not to be, that is the question. She, or Nödsy, that I heard the question. Sie verlängerte ihren Aufenthalt um 5 Tage. She extended her stay by five days. She extended her stay for 5 days. War Tom da? Was Tom there? Was Tom there? Ik volleybal veel. I play a lot of volleyball. I got a lot of volleyball. Tom geriet in große Verwirrung. Tom became very confused. Tom was in great confusion. Het is een oud stereotiep. It's an old stereotype. It's an old stereotype. Als het COVID-19-vaccin beschikbaar was, zou u het dan willen krijgen? If the COVID-19 vaccine was available, would you like to receive it? If the COVID-19 vaccine were available, would you like to get it? Viele werden sterben. Many will die. Many will die. Yidir en Tiziri wonen in Noorwegen. Yidir and Tiziri live in Norway. Yidir and Tiziri live in Norway. Ich bin in Tōkyō Reiseführerin. I'm a tour guide in Tokyo. I'm in Tōkyō travel guide. Ich glaube, wir wissen beide, warum ich hier bin. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I am here. Ich weiß, wie ich Ihnen helfen kann. I know how to help you. I know how I can help you. Heeft ze verloren? Did she lose? Did she lose? Das Konzert war eine große Enttäuschung. The concert was a big disappointment. The concert was a great disappointment. Sami moet die badkamer gebruik. Sami needs to use the bathroom. Sami needs to use the bathroom. Wir haben keinen Trockner. We don't have a tumble dryer. We don't have a dryer. Niemand heeft mij ooit zoiets geleerd. No one ever taught me something like that. No one ever taught me such a thing. Ik kan geen tequila drinken. I can't drink tequila. I can't drink tequila. Mein Englisch ist schrecklich. My English is terrible. My English is terrible. Yu laik i sin daun. Please sit. You want to be humble. Toms Spind steht neben Marias. Tom's locker is next to Mary's. Toms Spind is next to Marias. Is er ooit hiv bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Er sagt vermutlich die Wahrheit. He's probably telling the truth. He's probably telling the truth. Ech hunn d'App geläscht. I've deleted the app. I would like to use the app. Larry Ewing is getrouwd. Larry Ewing is married. Larry Ewing is married. Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the meters? Where are the parking meters? Tom lief Maria nach. Tom chased after Mary. Tom left Mary. Het was niet makkelijk Toms huis te vinden. It wasn't easy finding Tom's house. It wasn't easy to find Tom's house. Ihr plötzlicher Sinneswandel hat mich völlig überrascht. I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind. Your sudden change of sense has completely surprised me. Zou dat wel mogen? Would that be allowed? Would you like that? Tom warf sich das Geschirrtuch über die Schulter. Tom slung the towel over his shoulder. Tom threw the towel over the shoulder. Ich hoffe, dass ich dich nicht störe. I hope I'm not interrupting you. I hope I don't bother you. Ich bin gerade zur Post gegangen. I have just been to the post office. I just went to the post. Verkeerd. Wrong. It's wrong. Warum tun alle so, als wäre das so eine große Sache? Why is everyone acting like this is such a big deal? Why does everyone do that as if it were such a big thing? Plietsie! Police! Please! A wiss ye Happy Ne'er. I wish you a Happy New Year. I know you're Happy Ne'er. Ich kann niemanden dazu bewegen, mir etwas zu sagen. I can't get anybody to tell me anything. I can't move anyone to tell me anything. Wissen Sie, was Sie getan haben? Do you know what you've done? Do you know what you did? Hutt Dir mech net gesinn? Didn't you see me? Don't you hate your mother's house? Das war eine Riesendummheit. That was a really stupid thing to do. That was a huge stupidity. Das ist ein unerhebliches Detail. That's a minor detail. This is an inexhaustible detail. Sie wohnen in einem kleinen Haus. They live in a small house. They live in a small house. Ze was zwanger van Tom. She got pregnant with Tom. She was pregnant by Tom. Klabaster un Gizmo sünd Katten. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Kennt Tom euch? Does Tom know you? Do you know Tom? Habt ihr früher geraucht? Did you use to smoke cigarettes? Did you smoke earlier? Het was verrassend te zien hoe snel het kind groeide. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up. It was surprising to see how quickly the child grew. Gib mir diese Tasche. Hand me that bag. Give me this bag. Sie ist äußerst kompetent. She is extremely competent. She is extremely competent. In der griechischen Mythologie ist Zeus der Sohn des Chronos. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of Chronos. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of the Chronos. אין אָנהײב האָט גאָט באַשאַפֿן דעם הימל און די ערד. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. There is no doubt that God’s holy spirit is so powerful in the face of Satan’s horde of evil. Ek sal dit sommer vir die pret doen. I'll do it just for the fun of it. I’ll do this summer for the fun. Obwohl sie jeden Nachmittag übte, wurde ihr Tennis überhaupt nicht besser. Although she practised every afternoon, her tennis didn't improve at all. Although she practiced every afternoon, her tennis was no better at all. Er ist zum Christentum übergetreten. He converted to Christianity. He has been converted to Christianity. Alleen de sterken overleven het. Only the strong survive. Only the strong survive it. Hoe bent u hier terechtgekomen? How did you happen to end up here? How did you get here? Für was für einen Riesenschwachkopf hältst du mich? Just how big an idiot do you think I am? What kind of huge weak head do you think of me? Ik bruuk en Spegel, üm mi to kämmen. I need a mirror to comb my hair. I use a mirror to comb me. Danke, dass du an meinen Geburtstag gedacht hast! Thank you for remembering my birthday. Thank you for thinking about my birthday! Dort waren wenig Menschen. There weren't many people there. There were few people there. Wo sprecht ihr Esperanto? Where do you speak Esperanto? Where did you talk to her? Ich hatte keine Wahl. I didn't have a choice. I had no choice. Diebe plünderten das Museum. Thieves plundered the museum. Thiefs plundered the museum. Weißt du, wo ich bin? Do you know where I am? Do you know where I am? Guet Nacht. Good night! Good night. D'Burj Khalifa ass momentan den héchste Wollkekrazer vun der Welt. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the world’s largest cloud cracker. Dat wist ik toen niet. I didn't know that at the time. I didn't know then. Op het bordje in het park stond geschreven "Niet op het gras lopen!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the board in the park was written "Don't walk on the grass!" Tom war im Klassenzimmer, als ich ging. Tom was in the classroom when I left. Tom was in the classroom when I went. Vielleicht wollte Tom dir nur helfen. Maybe Tom was just trying to help you. Maybe Tom just wanted to help you. Blij u te zien. Happy to see you. Let's see you. Ik heff mi in ’n Finger sneden. I've cut my finger. I cut myself in a finger. Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. Je mehr ich Esperanto lerne, desto mehr mag ich diese Sprache. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like that language. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like this language. He is dit Johr dree Zentimeter wussen. He has grown three centimeters this year. He knew three centimeters this year. Ondanks dat ze allergisch is, heb ik een ei aan het kind gegeven. Even though she's allergic, I gave an egg to the child. Despite being allergic, I gave an egg to the child. Wie viele chinesische Schriftzeichen gibt es? How many Chinese characters are there? How many Chinese characters are there? Sie lehnte es ab, sich zu äußern. She declined to comment. She refused to express herself. Es gibt ein Museum direkt nördlich des Zoos. There is a museum just north of the zoo. There is a museum right north of the zoo. U heeft gewonnen! You won! You won! Muttersprachler zu sein bedeutet noch lange nicht, seine Sprache auch zu beherrschen. To be a native speaker by no means means to have a good command of one's native language. Being a native speaker does not mean to speak his language for a long time. Daar is altyd iets om te doen. There is always something to do. There is always something to do. Aangesien jy 'n seer keel en koors het moet jy eerder in die bed bly. Since you have a sore throat and a fever, you should probably stay in bed. Since you have a sore throat and fever, you should rather stay in bed. Tom stopfte einen Lappen ins Loch. Tom stuffed a rag in the hole. Tom stopped a lap into the hole. Moi. Hi. Very good. Sowie Tom die Eingangstür hinter sich zugemacht hatte, fiel ihm ein, dass seine Hausschlüssel auf der Bank drinnen in der Wohnung lagen. As soon as Tom closed the front door behind him, he realised that his house keys were on the bench inside his apartment. As Tom had closed the entrance door behind him, he found his house key on the bank inside the apartment. Das Auto ist in einem guten Zustand. This car is in good condition. The car is in good condition. Wir gewinnen als Mannschaft, und wir verlieren als Mannschaft. We win as a team, and we lose as a team. We win as a team, and we lose as a team. ער איז נישט קלוג. He's not smart. Irritated the claw. Meteoroiden verbrennen gewöhnlich in der Atmosphäre und erreichen nie den Boden. Ein Meteorit ist ein Bruchstück von Material, welches den Boden doch erreicht. Usually, meteoroids burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is the chunk of material that does reach the ground. Meteoroids usually burn in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is a fraction of material that reaches the ground. Wat heb je gedaan? What have you done? What did you do? Die Gefühle überwältigten Tom. Tom was overwhelmed by emotion. The emotions overwhelmed Tom. Wie hat Tom dich denn dazu gebracht, ihm beim Aufräumen der Garage zu helfen? How did Tom get you to help him clean the garage? How did Tom help you clean the garage? Ze zijn nog steeds op zoek naar de misdadiger. They are still looking for the criminal. They're still looking for the criminals. שלמה ווילט זײַן אַ שרײַבער. Solomon wants to be a writer. Well, Willie, I'm sorry. Ist Tom insgeheim ein Roboter? Is Tom secretly a robot? Is Tom secretly a robot? Ne canst þu huntian butan mid nettum? Do you not know how to hunt with anything but nets? Can you find Huntian butan in the middle of the netum? Der binnen 187.888 meren ien Finlaand. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. Within 187,888 there is one finlaand. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We listen to music. Niemand wird ihm glauben. No one will believe him. No one will believe him. Mien Naam is Maria Sara. My name is Maria Sara. My name is Maria Sara. Ich gehe oft ins Kino. I often go to the movies. I often go to cinema. Tom bemerkte noch nicht einmal, dass wir da waren. Tom didn't even notice we were there. Tom didn't even notice that we were there. Wat moet ek omtrent haar doen? What should I do about her? What should I do about her? De vergadering is geëindigd. The meeting ended. The meeting ended. Als Gott sah, dass der Weg zu lang, der Hügel zu steil, das Atmen zu schwer wurde, legte er seinen Arm um dich und sprach: "Komm heim." When God saw that the way was too long, the hill too steep, the breathing too heavy, he put his arm around you and said: "Come home." When God saw that the way too long, the hill too steep, the breath became too heavy, he put his arm around you and said, "Come home." Kauf zwei Flaschen Öl, wenn du zum Supermarkt fährst. Buy two bottles of oil when you go to the supermarket. Buy two bottles of oil when you drive to the supermarket. Ek gaan voort om die los tand met my tong te wikkel. I keep wiggling the loose tooth with my tongue. I continue to wrap the loose tooth with my tongue. Weet je hoe je een degen moet hanteren? Do you know how to wield an épée? Do you know how to handle a blanket? Hebt u het gevoel dat uw toekomst hopeloos is? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Do you feel that your future is hopeless? Tom ist wegen dringender Geschäfte nach Boston gefahren. Tom has gone to Boston on urgent business. Tom went to Boston because of urgent business. Hallo allemaal! Hello everyone! Hello all! Geez we twa pehs, ain plen bridie an an ingin ain an aw. Please may I have two pies, a plain bridie and a onion on as well. Geez we two pehs, a lot of bridy and enter an also. Ik zou graag drie nachten willen blijven. I’d like to stay for three nights. I would like to stay three nights. Hoe oud ben je? How old are you? How old are you? Ik wil dat ge gitaar speelt voor mij. I want you to play the guitar for me. I want you to play guitar for me. Ik weet gewoon niet wat te doen. I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. צי זײַט איר אַ נודיסט? Are you a nudist? Are you a narcissist? Ich war zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort. I was in the right place at the right time. I was in the right place at the right time. Bent u als kind ingeënt geweest? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Have you been incarcerated as a child? Laten we verdergaan waar we gisteren waren gebleven. Let's continue where we left off yesterday. Let's continue where we stayed yesterday. Je zult mijn schoonzoon zijn. You'll be my son-in-law. You'll be my son-in-law. Er zitterte vor Kälte. He was shivering from the cold. He was sitting in front of the cold. Tom sal laat wees. Tom will be late. Tom will be late. Tom heeft grijs haar. Tom has gray hair. Tom has gray hair. Er geht selten, wenn überhaupt, zum Barbier. He seldom, if ever, goes to the barber's. He rarely goes to the barber, if at all. Schau dich um und sag, was du siehst! Look around yourself and say what you see. Look around and say what you see! Das war gar keine so schlechte Idee. That wasn't such a bad idea. That wasn't a bad idea at all. Mir ist nicht nach Feiern zumute. I don't feel like celebrating. I don't like it after celebrations. Konzentration ist eine Frage des Respekts. Concentration is a matter of respect. Concentration is a question of respect. Wat för en Soort Vagel is dit? What kind of bird is this? What kind of bird is this? Wie hast du es geschafft, dich so schnell umzuziehen? How did you change your clothes so quickly? How did you manage to move around so quickly? Hoe diep is het Biwameer? How deep is Lake Biwa? How deep is Biwameer? De buitenlandse investeerders trokken hun geld uit de VS terug. Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. The foreign investors withdrew their money from the US. Ik wasch mi. I wash myself. I washed me. He is as en Pogg in en Pütt. He is like a frog in a well. He is like a pogg in a puddle. Sie hat sich ein Kleid gekauft. She bought herself a dress. She bought a dress. Nicht eintreten! Don't enter. Don't enter! Tom verließ seine Familie. Tom has left his family. Tom left his family. "Waar ga je naartoe?" "Ik ga je broer ophalen." "Where are you going?" I'm going to pick up your brother." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to pick up your brother." Das ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. It's a crime against humanity. This is a crime against humanity. Mijn keel doet nog steeds pijn. I still have a sore throat. My throat still hurts. We hebben gasten. We have guests. We have guests. Er stroomt water door je aderen. You have water running through your veins. Water flows through your veins. Der Schwerpunkt sollte tiefer liegen, um eine größere Stabilität zu erreichen. The centre of gravity should be lower to obtain greater stability. The focus should be deeper to achieve greater stability. ער שטודיִערט כינעזיש. He studies Chinese. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww טאָם הערט אויף צו רייכערן. Tom is quitting smoking. Tiffany made an order. Haal dat van je hoofd af. Take that off your head. Get that off your head. Ich will deine Sprache nicht sprechen. I don't want to speak your language. I don't want to speak your language. איר האָט נישט פֿאַרלוירן דעם וועג. You're not lost. I'm sorry Philipson is out of the way. Jetzt geht der Spaß los. Now the fun begins. Now the fun goes away. Er waar een Dichder un een Diplomat. He was a poet and diplomat. There is a dichter and a diplomat. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody comes to my country. No one went to my country. Water is swaarder as olie. Water is heavier than oil. Water is heavier than oil. דאס וואס איך האב געטאן איז נישט געווען ריכטיג. What I did was wrong. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. איר קען קומען ווענימער ס'איז גוט פאר אייך. You can come whenever it is convenient for you. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Dat geev keen Blomen un keen Bööm an de Straten von sien Stad. There were neither flowers nor trees in the streets of his city. There were no flowers and no trees on the streets of his city. Ik heff nix in mien Tasch. I do not have anything in my bag. I have nothing in my bag. Tom is van plan een pistool te kopen. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Tom is planning to buy a gun. Mijn grootmoeder heeft deze trui voor me gebreid. My grandmother knit me this sweater. My grandmother raised this shirt for me. Ich hasse dich so sehr. I hate you so much. I hate you so much. Wenn die Leute aufhören, einem Komplimente zu machen, wie gut man doch Französisch spreche, kann man sicher sein, dass es wirklich gut ist. You know that your French is good when people stop complimenting you on how good your French is. When people stop making compliments on how good you speak French, you can be sure it is really good. Deze tas is van mij. This bag is mine. This bag is mine. Ik heb hier nog nooit gegeten. I've never eaten here before. I've never eaten here before. Hy is nie my neef nie. He's not my cousin. He is not my cousin. Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She's about the same age as I am. She's about as old as I am. Ich sah sie dort. I saw her there. I saw her there. Es ist Ewigkeiten her, seit ich dich das letzte mal sah. It's been ages since I saw you last. It's always been here since I saw you last time. Whit's this ? What's this? What is this? Jullie beslissen. You decide. You decide. Tom hat sich den Zeh gestoßen, als er in der Nacht aufstand, um sich zur Toilette zu begeben. Tom stubbed his toe when he got up in the night to go to the toilet. Tom hit the toe when he got up at night to go to the toilet. סאַמי האָט סוף־⁠כּל־⁠סוף פֿאַרשטייט די אַהבֿה פֿונעם אייבערשטן. Sami finally understood the Lord's love. At the end of the day, the Lord’s Prayer is very much the same as the Lord’s Prayer. Ik bruuk Geld. I'm in need of money. I'm using money. Is er bij u een hartruis gediagnosticeerd? Have you been diagnosed with a heart murmur? Have you been diagnosed with a heart attack? Diese Bowlingkugel ist mir zu schwer. This bowling ball is too heavy for me. This bowling ball is too heavy for me. Wir zogen die Socken aus. We took off our socks. We pulled out the socks. Wanneer moet ik er zijn? When should I be there? When should I be there? Tom und Maria schwimmen gerne zusammen. Tom and Mary enjoy swimming together. Tom and Maria love to swim together. U heeft nooit om hulp gevraagd. You never asked for help. You never asked for help. Tom ist oben. Tom's upstairs. Tom's up. טאָם האָט נישט קיין טעלעוויזאָר. Tom doesn't have a television. Cunningham is a fan of Cunningham. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Dit Deel wiar lüng en skor. The valley was long and steep. This part was lurking a scorching. Unter uns ist ein Verräter. There's a traitor among us. Among us is a traitor. Ik hou van komkommers. I like cucumbers. I love comedians. Niemand heeft internet in mijn land. Nobody has Internet in my country. No one has internet in my country. Niemand heeft me ooit zoiets geleerd. No one ever taught me something like that. No one ever taught me such a thing. Tom hät es Velo. Tom has a bicycle. Tom hates Velo. וווּ איז ביירוט? Where's Beirut? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waarmee kan ik u op dit moment helpen? What can I do to help you right now? What can I help you right now? Ik ben hier om hem te redden. I'm here to rescue him. I'm here to save him. Dat besef ik wel. I do realize that. I realize that. So was würde Tom nie tun. Tom would never do anything like that. So what would Tom never do? Is er iets dat ik kan doen? Is there anything I can do? Is there something I can do? Ich würde auch gerne kommen, aber ich bin total abgebrannt, also kann ich es nicht. I'd like to come too, but I'm skint, so I can't. I would also like to come, but I'm totally burned, so I can't. Wir hatten nichts gemein. We had nothing in common. We didn't mean anything. Hoeveel kost het om een brief naar Australië te sturen? How much does it cost to send a postcard to Australia? How much does it cost to send a letter to Australia? Dor sünd mehr as 50.000 Böker in disse Bökeree. There are more than 50,000 books in this library. There are more than 50,000 books in this library. Ik lees graag over wetenschap. I like to read about science. I like to read about science. Ik bel je zodra ik vrij ben. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Yanni stimmte zu. Yanni agreed. Yanni agreed. Meine Mutter starb, als ich ein Kind war. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. Ihm war die Bitterkeit des Kaffees zuwider. He couldn't stand the bitterness of the coffee. He was opposed to the bitterness of the coffee. Waarom geloof je me niet? Why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe me? Auch eine Computer-Rechtschreibprüfung könnte die meisten Tippfehler beseitigen. A computer spell checker could also eliminate most typing mistakes. A computer spelling check could also remove most tip errors. Ik had niet beseft hoe belangrijk dit voor je is. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. טומע מארגן עס וועט רייגנען, אז עס וועט דאן זיין א וואך וואס עס האט גערייגענט. It will have been raining a whole week if it is rainy tomorrow. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Rotwein bitte. Red wine, please. Red wine please. Die stad kan je ten westen van Londen vinden. The city is found west of London. You can find that city west of London. טאָם איז נישט קיין גנבֿ. Tom is not a thief. Iris has been a thief to Cain. Ich habe nur noch weniger als eine Stunde, bis ich Tom meine Entscheidung mitteilen muss. I have less than an hour left until I have to tell Tom my decision. I only have less than an hour until I have to tell Tom my decision. Ich habe jeweils 30 Taler dafür bezahlt. I paid thirty dollars each for these. I each paid 30 Talers for it. ער איז מזגם. He's exaggerating. Iris is gone. Vraauwlu eerst. Ladies first. Vraauwlu first. מײַן ברודער טאָם איז אַ ספּילשליווער מאַן. My brother Tom is an irascible man. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. One crow does not look at the other. Was für Schüler unterrichtest du? What kind of students do you teach? What do you teach for students? De vandalen hebben al de ramen ingeslagen en al de vuilnisbakken omgekieperd. The vandals smashed all the windows and knocked all the trash cans over. The Vandals have broken down all the windows and turned all the trash bins. Tom stierf aan een hersenbloeding. Tom died from a brain hemorrhage. Tom died of brain bleeding. De hel, dat zijn de anderen. Hell is other people. Hell, those are the others. He is op de Schell von en Banaan utglippt. He slipped on a banana peel. He is slipped out on the shell of a banana. Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um dir zu danken. I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Wir haben keine Ahnung, wo er ist. We have no idea about his whereabouts. We have no idea where he is. Wir brauchen keine Freiwilligen mehr. We really don't need any more volunteers. We don't need volunteers anymore. Es wurden alle bis auf einen gerettet. All but one of the people were rescued. All of them were saved up to one. Hannen hoog! Hands up! Hands high! Amerika ist ein Einwandererland. America is a country of immigrants. America is an immigrant country. Dat schall morgen en Dree-Mielen-Rennen geven. There's going to be a three-mile race tomorrow. There should be a three-mile race tomorrow. Ik heb mijn belastingen betaald. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. Meine Freundin wohnt an der schweizerisch-deutschen Grenze. My friend lives near the border of Switzerland and Germany. My girlfriend lives on the Swiss-German border. „Wo ist Tom?“ – „Er hat es nicht geschafft.“ "Where's Tom?" "He didn't make it." “Where is Tom?” — “He didn’t succeed.” Isst du lieber mexikanisch oder chinesisch? Which do you like better, Mexican food or Chinese food? Do you prefer to be Mexican or Chinese? Das war das erste Mal, dass ich ein Flugzeug bestieg. That was the first time I got on a plane. This was the first time I had boarded an airplane. Maria is niet jaloers. Mary is not envious. Mary is not jealous. Ich musste zu Fuß dahin, weil mein Auto stehengeblieben war. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car was standing. De Fohrer hett von 1995 bet 1999 för Ferrari föhrt. The pilot raced for Ferrari from 1995 to 1999. The driver led for Ferrari from 1995 to 1999. Alles fließt. Everything flows. It's all flowing. Er hielt sein Versprechen. He kept his promise. He kept his promise. Tom soek vir Mary. Tom is looking for Mary. Tom is looking for Mary. Ik heff Tom nix to seggen. I don't have anything to say to Tom. I have nothing to say to Tom. Sami sal die reëls verduidelik. Sami will explain the rules. Sami will explain the rules. Mir ist bewusst, welche Mühe ihr in dieses Projekt investiert habt, und ich weiß das wirklich zu schätzen. I realize the effort you have put into this project and I really appreciate it. I am aware of what effort you have invested in this project, and I really appreciate it. Felesiteerd! Congratulations! Congratulations! Hai leest. He's reading. Hai read. Er ist noch nicht an das Leben in der Stadt gewöhnt. He is still not accustomed to city life. He's not used to living in the city yet. Ik ben Turk. I'm Turkish. I'm Turk. Ek weet hoe jy oor hom gevoel het. I know how you felt about him. I know how you feel about him. Mary is bang voor spinnen. Mary is afraid of spiders. Mary is afraid of spiders. Hebt ge hem onlangs nog ontmoet? Did you meet him recently? Have you met him recently? Ik hou ervan als je dat doet. I love it when you do that. I love it when you do. Um elf passt es mir gut. Eleven o'clock is good for me. I'm good at eleven. U moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. On angynne gesceop God heofenan and eorðan. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. On angynne sceoped God heofenan and eorðan. Ist dieses Auto eures? Is this your car? Is this your car? Ist das Getränk mit Alkohol? Does that drink have alcohol? Is the drink with alcohol? Ich lege mich nur hin. I'm only lying down. I'm just laying down. Mit denen verbringst du mehr Zeit als mit mir. You spend more time with them than me. You spend more time with them than with me. Ik ben van plan daar een week te blijven. I plan to stay there one week. I'm planning to stay there for a week. Ik maak me zorgen over mijn gewicht. I'm worried about my weight. I'm worried about my weight. Sie müssen die Tontaube treffen. You need to hit the clay pigeon. You have to meet the tone. Ek gaan volgende Sondag trou. I'm getting married next Sunday. I'm going to get married next Sunday. Dis baie belangrik dat ek met Tom praat. It's very important that I talk to Tom. It’s very important that I talk to Tom. Tom ist inzwischen bestimmt zu Hause angekommen. Tom has probably arrived home by now. Tom has now arrived home. Tom probierte die Kartoffeln. Tom tasted the potatoes. Tom tried the potatoes. Ik heb een cactus gekocht. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Sie saßen am Feuer und unterhielten sich. They sat talking in front of the fire. They sat on the fire and enjoyed themselves. Wilt ge dat ik u help? Do you wish me to help? Do you want me to help you? Du bist sehr faul. You're very lazy. You're very lazy. Der Speck riecht gut. The bacon smells good. The speck smells good. אויסטראַליע איז נישט רעאַל. Australia isn't real. U.S. Air Forces are in a bad mood. Spreid uw vingers. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. Die Frage ist, was das bedeutet. The question is what does it mean. The question is what that means. Dat is mien Fründ. This is my friend. That's my friend. Ik denk dat dat dringend is. I think that that's urgent. I think that's urgent. Ich sage euch das als Arzt. I'll tell you this as a doctor. I'll tell you this as a doctor. Tom spricht doch Französisch, oder? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Tom speaks French, right? טאָמס משפּחה איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע רײַכע. Tom's family is old money. I think I’m a pretty good-for-nothing fan. Bist bliede? Are you happy? Is it blind? Ik zeg tegen jou dat de kaart naar hier verwijst. I am telling you that the map points here. I'm telling you that the card refers to here. Tom zei dat hij niets te maken had met wat er gebeurd was. Tom said he'd had nothing to do with what had happened. Tom said he had nothing to do with what had happened. Di Hingst galopiaret aur Ingi. The horse gallops over the meadow. The Hingst Galopiaret aur Ingi. לאָמיר רעדן ייִדיש! Let's speak Yiddish! God benevolently! Hest du weten, dat de 6. Juli de Internatschonale Küss-Dag is? Did you know that July 6 is the International Kissing Day? Did you know that July 6 is the International Coast Day? Oké, opa. OK, gramps. All right, Grandpa. Woarom? Why? Worrom? De les begint om acht uur dertig. The class begins at 8:30. The class starts at eight o’clock. Hij spreekt Bengaals. He speaks Bengali. He's speaking to Bengalis. Der Virus fängt an zu mutieren. The virus is starting to mutate. The virus begins to mutate. Tom vroeg Mary om hem ervoor te laten zorgen. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to take care of him. Ik belde hem. I phoned him. I called him. Tom spricht genauso gut Englisch wie du. Tom speaks English as well as you. Tom speaks English as well as you do. Mein Traumhaus hat zwei Schlafzimmer. My dream house has two bedrooms. My dream house has two bedrooms. Tom woont in een sloppenwijk. Tom lives in a slum. Tom lives in a sloping district. יעקבֿ איז אַ וועלטלעכער ייִד. Yaakov is a secular Jew. I’m sorry I missed you. Tom bezit een nepbedrijf op de Britse Maagdeneilanden. Tom owns a shell company in the British Virgin Islands. Tom owns a fake company on the British Virgin Islands. Als sie sich verirrt hatte, ärgerte sie sich, dass sie seinen Rat nicht befolgt hatte. When she got lost, she wished she had followed his advice. When she was wrong, she was angry that she had not followed his advice. Wat is je grootste angst? What do you fear the most? What's your biggest fear? Waar moet ik inchecken voor Tokio? Where should I check in for Tokyo? Where to check in for Tokyo? Das wird, denke ich, irgendwann geschehen. I think that'll happen someday. That's going to happen, I think, at some point. Hy weet hoe om in Japannees te sing. He knows how to sing in Japanese. He knows how to sing in Japanese. Wir haben hier sehr strenge Regeln. We have very strict rules here. We have very strict rules here. Er ist uns im Englischen voraus. He is ahead of us in English. He is ahead of us in English. Anderen helpen is nooit tijdverlies. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never time loss. Das ist nicht das einzige, was Tom gefunden hat. That isn't the only thing Tom found. That's not the only thing Tom found. U mag gaan. You can go. You can go. Kun je dichter bij me komen? Can you move closer to me? Can you get closer to me? Ich möchte euch um einen Gefallen bitten. I want to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you for a favor. Niets nieuws onder de zon. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing news under the sun. Wat för en Nettkieker bruukst du? Which browser are you using? What kind of browser do you need? Ik ben verbaasd over jouw stoutmoedigheid. I'm amazed at your audacity. I'm surprised at your courage. Is dit weer één van je onbesuisde ideeën? Is this another one of your harebrained ideas? Is this one of your unsuspecting ideas again? Ik kies u. I choose you. I'll choose you. Gott ist der Weltmeister im Versteckspiel. God is the world champion of hide-and-seek. God is the world champion in secret. Bleib ruhig, wenn du willst! Stay if you want. Stay calm if you want! Wo sind Toms Schlüssel? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? Sie ist mit ihrem Hund am Strand spazieren gegangen. She's taken her dog for a walk on the beach. She walked with her dog on the beach. Hast du die Fernbedienung gesehen? Have you seen the remote? Did you see the remote control? Dat is Middagtied. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Karl Marx! Happy birthday, Karl Marx! All good for the birthday, Karl Marx! Sie können es immer noch machen, wenn Sie wollen. You may still do it if you want to. You can still do it if you want. Tom wohnt eine Etage unter mir. Tom lives one floor below me. Tom lives a floor among me. Ik her hol en Kreem fuar di Hunen. I would like to have a cream for the hands. I took his Kreem for the Hunen. Tom gaan nie volgende maand hier wees nie. Tom won't be here next month. Tom will not be here next month. Ik denk dat wij goede vrienden zouden kunnen zijn. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. Het licht staat op groen. The traffic signal is green. The light is on green. Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Wir können es leider nicht ändern. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do to change it. We can't change it. Leg het schriftelijk vast. Put that in writing. Put it in writing. Tom wird nicht überleben. Tom won't survive. Tom will not survive. Ik ben op zoek naar Andy. Weet jij waar hij is? I'm looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? I'm looking for Andy. Toms Deutsch ist noch immer schwach. Tom's German is still weak. Tom's English is still weak. Twee gezinnen leven in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Yanni aarzelde. Yanni hesitated. Yanni hesitated. Tom hat es alleine gemacht. Tom did it alone. Tom did it alone. Verwacht niet dat anderen voor jou denken. Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you. Is het goed als ik u een paar vragen stel over uw medische geschiedenis? Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Is it good if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Wie schafft es Tom nur, so viel zu laufen? Dem müssen doch die Knie weh tun. I wonder how Tom's legs can handle all that running. His knees must be killing him. How does Tom manage to run so much? Ik kan skiën. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Hij benutte zijn positie om zijn vermogen op te bouwen. He exploited his position to build up his fortune. He took advantage of his position to build up his ability. Sei damit zufrieden! Be content with that. Be satisfied with it! Entschuldige! Ich wollte dich nicht erschrecken. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't want to scare you. Wie übersetzt man „Pfirsichbäumchen“ ins Berberische? How do you translate "Pfirsichbaeumchen" into Berber? How to translate "Pearsichbäumchen" into Berberian? Tom ist jetzt Großvater. Tom is a grandfather now. Tom is now a grandfather. Ik ben mijn inspiratie kwijt. I lost my inspiration. I lost my inspiration. Goedenacht. Goodnight! Good night. Tom verdween. Tom disappeared. Tom disappeared. Hör nicht auf die! Don't listen to them. Don't listen to them! Mien man was n leroar. My husband was a teacher. My husband was a teacher. t Kin vraizen en t kin deuen. It might freeze, it might thaw. T K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Zai leven ien aarmoude. They live in poverty. Zai lives in his old age. Tom hat Französisch nicht in der Schule, sondern von seinen Eltern gelernt. Tom didn't learn French in school. He learned it from his parents. Tom taught French, not in school, but from his parents. Töleest haa wü di fünen! Finally we have found you! Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” Jim houdt van de dokter. Jim likes the doctor. Jim loves the doctor. Tom ist der Größte. Tom is the greatest. Tom is the source. and swā forþ et cetera and swā Tom is klouk. Tom is smart. Tom is crazy. Misschien is het te laat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe it's too late. Verkoopt u mineraalwater? Do you sell mineral water? Do you sell mineral water? די סטודענטקע לערנט זיך. The student is learning. Enough of the student’s earrings. Tom ist Hundetrainer. Tom is a dog trainer. Tom is a dog coach. Viele können nicht schwimmen. Many people don't know how to swim. Many cannot swim. Dat is Apenfleesch. It's monkey meat. This is open meat. Deze laarzen zijn moeilijk om in te lopen. These boots are hard to walk in. These boots are hard to walk in. Ik meen wat ik zeg. I mean what I say. I mean what I say. Toms Sohn macht Grimassen. Tom's son is pulling faces. Tom's son makes grimassen. Tom kennt wahrscheinlich die Wahrheit. Tom probably knows the truth. Tom probably knows the truth. Iohannes ġeaf Marian þone æppel. John gave Mary the apple. Iohannes Marianåone æppel. Dieses Virus ist weltweit ein Problem. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a problem worldwide. Ik wil Estland bezoeken. I want to visit Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. Wieso hängen die Leute Sportschuhe auf Stromleitungen? Why do people hang sneakers from power lines? Why do people hang sports shoes on power lines? Du solltest dich mit ihnen freuen. You should be happy for them. You should be happy with them. De Maa, wo du gester im Büro gseh hesch, chunnt vo Belgie. The man you saw in my office yesterday is from Belgium. The next time you see him in the office, you go to Belgium. Se is bloot en Kind. She is just a child. She's just a child. Hi sair noch di Waarhair. He's probably telling the truth. He is even more concerned about the weather. Het meisje is mooi. The girl is beautiful. The girl is beautiful. Seine Augen strahlten vor Freude. His eyes were shining with joy. His eyes beamed with joy. Er schrieb ihnen. He wrote to them. He wrote them. Ze ving een glimp van hem op terwijl hij door de menigte liep. She glimpsed him running through the crowd. She caught a smile from him while he was walking through the crowd. In de zomer zwem ik vaak in de zee. I often go swimming at the beach in the summer. In the summer, I often swim in the sea. כ׳בין אַ פּראָסטיטוטקע. I'm a prostitute. In other words, I am a patriotist. דער תּשמיש־המיטה איז נישט קיין טראָפֿעע. Sex is not a trophy. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Loop naar de hel! Up yours! Walk to Hell! Ik wil niet dat je je zorgen maakt. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Doe joagdest. You hunted. Do joggedest. Tom sagte, dass er so voll sei, dass er für Nachtisch keinen Platz mehr im Magen hätte. Tom said he was so full he had no room left for dessert. Tom said he was so full that he had no place in the stomach for nightly. Wat is ien geroazie? What's in the garage? What's one rose? Jedem Jeck jefällt sing Mötz. Every maniac likes his hat. Each Jeck likes to sing Mötz. Natuurlijk, ik maak maar een grapje. Of course, I'm joking. Of course, I'm just making a joke. Tom hat es zu einem guten Preis verkauft. Tom sold it for a good price. Tom sold it at a good price. Dit is het begin van een nieuw tijdperk. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Tom ist als einziger nicht gegangen. Tom was the only one who didn't go. Tom has not gone as the only one. Glück kommt von den kleinen Dingen: einer kleinen Jacht, einem kleinen Haus, einem kleinen Vermögen ... Happiness lies in the little things: a small yacht, a small mansion, a small fortune... Happiness comes from the little things: a small yacht, a small house, a small fortune... Wilt u wat meer thee? Nee, bedankt. Would you like some more tea? No thanks. Do you want more tea? Er kann werfen, laufen, abfangen, treten: Tom kann alles. He can throw, he can run, he can block, he can kick; Tom can do it all. He can throw, run, catch, step down: Tom can do everything. Warum ist Neptun blau? Why is Neptune blue? Why is Neptune blue? Worauf bist du stolz? What do you take pride in? What are you proud of? Es is ball Hallebnacht. It's almost midnight. It's ball half-night. Adem diep in door uw mond. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Deeply breathe through your mouth. Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary loves romantic comedy. Ik ben niet jouw vriend. I'm not your boyfriend. I'm not your friend. Ech sinn net méi fläisseg wéi hien ass. I am no more diligent than he is. I'm not sure if I'm going to get my ass. Ich habe Tom danach nicht wiedergesehen. I didn't see Tom again after that. I didn't see Tom again after that. Ik lehr Tschechsch. I learn Czech. I'm teaching Czech. Ich habe keinen Bock mehr. I can't be bothered anymore. I don't have a bock anymore. Dat is een prima eenheid. That's a great outfit. That's a great unit. Hien kacht. He's cooking. It's a cackle. Wir mögen die gleichen Dinge. We like the same things. We like the same things. Jy sou nie my glo nie. You wouldn't believe me. You wouldn’t believe me. Das kannst du laut sagen. You can say that again. You can say that loudly. Um Hallebnacht is jedeenn ringang. At midnight everybody entered. Around Hallebnacht is everyone ringing. Doe stinkst. You stink. Do Stink. Diene Moder mutt smuck wesen hebben, as se jung weer. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Ik eet graag watermeloen. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. מײַן קאַביליע רופֿט מיך. My Kabylia calls me. There's a rooster on your back. Is het museum vandaag open? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Kun je voortzetten? Can you continue? Can you continue? Der Tom wuhnt auf die anneri Seit vun es Daal. Tom lives on the other side of the valley. Tom lives on the other side of the valley. Wist je niet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Didn't you know that Tom was a dentist? Did you not know that Tom was a dentist? Mein Freund hat mich belogen. My boyfriend lied to me. My friend lied to me. Moenie dit sê nie. Don't say that. Don't say that. Maria hat ein kostenloses Auto gewonnen. Mary won a free car. Maria has won a free car. Wir müssen das alle morgen noch mal machen. All of us need to do this again tomorrow. We have to do it all tomorrow. Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. He behaved badly. He behaved badly. Genau um 4.09 Uhr haben heute die Vögel angefangen zu singen. The birds started singing today at exactly 4:09. At just 4.09 p.m., the birds began singing today. Sally is twee Johr öller as Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Ich möchte, dass Sie die Magazine, Broschüren und dergleichen beiseite legen. I want you to put the magazines, pamphlets and whatnot aside. I want you to put aside the magazines, brochures and the like. Waarom is ze gebleven? Why did she stay? Why did she stay? Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Se swemmt in Geld. She's rolling in money. They swim in money. Aaah!! Mien Reekner is in ’n Dutt! Aaah!! My computer is broken! Aaah!! My computer is in a dutt! Schoul begunt op 8 april. School begins on April 8. It will be approved on 8 April. Bist du sicher, dass sie das kann? Are you sure she can do this? Are you sure she can? איך טראכט אנדערש פון דיר. I think different from you. How did Ted find the apartment? Tom liebt Mathe. Tom loves maths. Tom loves Math. Die Zahnfee hat mir für meinen Zahn zwei Taler dagelassen. Davon kaufe ich mir Süßigkeiten. The tooth fairy took my tooth and left me 2 dollars. I'm going to spend it all on candy. The toothfee left me for my tooth two Talers, from which I buy sweets. צי איז אָדם הראשון באַשאַפֿן געוואָרן אומצוויייִק? Was Adam created nonbinary? 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Ich muss auf diesen Brief antworten. I have to reply to this letter. I have to answer this letter. Hy het gesterf gedurende sy terugkeer na Engeland. He died as he was returning to England. He died on his return to England. Niemand weet hoe Tom eruit ziet. No one knows what Tom looks like. No one knows what Tom looks like. Wir müssen Vertrauen in den Präsidenten haben. We must have faith in the president. We must have confidence in the President. Ken the new peh plice doon toon? Do you know about the new pie shop in town? Do you know the new pic please show? Kann ik wat Geld von di lehnen? Can I borrow some money from you? Can I borrow some money from you? איסלאַם איז שיין. Islam is beautiful. Islâm is an ice-collar. Schlagt in eurem Buch bitte die Seite 42 auf! Please turn your textbooks to page 42. In your book, please save the page 42! Het water was blauw. The water was blue. The water was blue. Wie is jouw partner? Who's your partner? Who is your partner? Ik was het niet, commissaris! It wasn't me, commissioner! I wasn't, Commissioner! Alles, was Tom vorhergesagt hatte, trat ein. Everything that Tom predicted happened. Everything Tom had predicted came in. Hast du Maria und mich für ein Liebespaar gehalten? Did you think that Mary and I were a couple? Did you consider Mary and me to be a loving couple? Der Arzt verabreicht eine Injektion. The doctor is administering a jab. The doctor administers an injection. Es gibt hier Menschen, die deine Hilfe brauchen. There are people here who need your help. There are people here who need your help. Ein Armer ist reich an Kindern. Children are a poor man's riches. A poor man is rich in children. Ze hoorde hem zingen. She heard him sing. She heard him sing. Er konvertierte zum Christentum. He converted to Christianity. He converted to Christianity. Zai verkòcht n koelkaast. She sold a refrigerator. Zai sells cold cheese. Voel je de drang om vaker te plassen? Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently? Do you feel the urge to complain more often? Laat mij het uitzoeken. Let me look into it. Let me find out. Ik ben gewend aan lage temperaturen. I am accustomed to low temperatures. I'm used to low temperatures. Tom kocht een VR-set. Tom bought a VR set. Tom bought a VR set. Je bent maar een jongen. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Es sieht albern aus. It looks ridiculous. It looks like albers. Tom vertrou haar. Tom trusts her. Tom trusts her. Deze tafel is wit. This table is white. This table is white. Das Hemd ist sehr schmutzig. Bevor du zur Schule gehst, muss es noch gewaschen werden. The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. Was ist eine Ionenbindung? What is an ionic bond? What is an ion bond? Neem een ​​bus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Ich hätte das auch ohne Ihre Hilfe geschafft. I could've done this without your help. I would have done that without your help. Die Rochade mag ich nicht. I don't like castling. I don't like the rochade. Das Buch war schwer zu lesen. That book was hard to read. The book was hard to read. Dieses Problem bringt mich um den Schlaf. I've lost a lot of sleep thinking about this problem. This problem takes me to sleep. In Russland gibt es viele wichtige und berühmte Schachspieler. In Russia there are many important and famous chess players. There are many important and famous chess players in Russia. Ik heb haar mijn kamer getoond. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. ער רעדט בענגאַליש. He speaks Bengali. Wake up in the middle of the night. Verbrauchen Sie bitte nicht mehr Wasser als nötig! Please don't use more water than you need. Please do not use more water than you need! Seid Maria und du Geschwister? Are you and Maria siblings? Are you Maria and your siblings? Dänemark hat ein Gefängnis. Denmark has a prison. Denmark has a prison. Ons het oral gekyk. We've looked everywhere. We looked everywhere. Ich erinnere mich nicht an sie. I don't remember them. I don't remember her. Ich werde nach Hause gehen. I'm going to go home. I'll go home. Tom schmeckte sein Brot nicht. Tom didn't like his sandwich. Tom didn't taste his bread. Heeft u erover nagedacht? Have you given it some thought? Did you think about it? Tom verstopte zich onder de tafel. Tom hid under the table. Tom hid himself under the table. Tom hat früher Gitarre gespielt. Tom used to play the guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Ich dachte immer, Wien sei die Hauptstadt Australiens. I always thought Vienna was the capital of Australia. I always thought that Vienna was the capital of Australia. Fragt Tom mal, ob er Französisch kann! Ask Tom if he can understand French. Ask Tom if he can be French. Baie dankie! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Das ist der Brief, der von Hongkong aus per Luftpost verschickt wurde. This is the letter sent from Hong Kong by air mail. This is the letter sent from Hong Kong by air mail. Mir schwant nichts Gutes. I have a nasty feeling that something awful is going to happen. I don't know anything good. Kijk goed. Ik zal je laten zien hoe je dit doet. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. I'll show you how you're doing this. Tom wusste nicht, was er als Nächstes tun sollte. Tom didn't know what to do next. Tom didn’t know what to do next. Hij leerde Berber op Skype. He learned Berber on Skype. He taught Berber on Skype. Um so ein teurer Wein zu sein, müsste er wirklich besser schmecken als dieser da. For being such an expensive wine, it really should taste better than this. To be such an expensive wine, he really had to taste better than that. De vier jaargetijden zijn lente, zomer, herst en winter. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The four years are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Beide Mittel sind gefährlich. Both of the means are dangerous. Both means are dangerous. Tom heeft nog nooit een ufo gezien, en hetzelfde geldt voor Maria. Tom has never seen a UFO, and Mary hasn't either. Tom has never seen a ufo, and the same applies to Maria. Laut ihr wird er nicht kommen. According to her, he won't come. According to her, he won't come. Warum möchtest du Krankenschwester werden? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become a nurse? דו האָסט אונדז נעכטן געזען. You saw us yesterday. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wat voor een oppervlakkig antwoord! What a superficial answer! What a superficial answer! Geet Dir mat? Are you going to come along? Do you eat? Tom stopfte das Geld in seine Tasche. Tom stuffed the money into his pocket. Tom stopped the money in his pocket. Die Fuchsfährte führt zu einem Bau. The fox trail leads to a burrow. The fuchsföhrte leads to a construction. Mijn jongste broer is groter dan ik. My youngest brother is taller than me. My youngest brother is bigger than me. קעצלעך זענען זיס. Kittens are cute. Sweater to Sweater. Mein Mann ist mit einer Jüngeren durchgebrannt. My husband ran off with someone younger. My husband was burned with a disciple. Hij grijpt naar zijn pistool! He's reaching for his gun! He's getting to his gun! Ich will, dass er gewinnt. I want him to win. I want him to win. Bent u onlangs van zeep of wasmiddel veranderd? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed soap or laundry? Ben je vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Es war dunkel, und ich konnte nichts sehen. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. It was dark, and I couldn't see anything. Ik bleef. I stayed. I stayed. Joe binnen old. You are old. Joe in old. „Liebt er dich?“ – „Ich glaube schon.“ "Does he love you?" "I think so." “Does he love you?” — “I already believe.” Bitte nimm dir doch ein Stück Pizza! Please help yourself to a slice of pizza. Please take a piece of pizza! Ik denk dat Tom kaal is. I think that Tom is bald. I think Tom is bald. Alles verandert. Everything is changing. Everything changes. Bist du für den Krieg oder dagegen? Are you for the war or against it? Are you for the war or against it? ברוך־השם אַז ראָש לימבאָ איז סוף־⁠כּל־⁠סוף געשטאָרבן! Thank God Rush Limbaugh is finally dead. Thank you so much for the end-of-the-end-of-the-end! Tom arbeitet fast nie samstags. Tom almost never works on Saturday. Tom almost never works Saturdays. Ich bin dagegen. I'm against it. I'm against it. Wat is dien leevst Woord? What's your favorite word? What is your favorite word? Ich muss umgehend dorthin. I must go there straight away. I have to go there immediately. Ze hebben me verteld om hier niet te komen. I was told not to come here. They told me not to come here. Wees voor half zeven thuis. Be home by half past six. Be half seven at home. Kennst du seinen großen Bruder? Do you know his older brother? Do you know his big brother? Tom manipuliert dich. Tom is manipulating you. Tom manipulates you. Tom hat Maria dabei gesehen, wie sie es versuchte. Tom saw Mary trying to do that. Tom saw Maria trying to do it. Ik had dat boek moeten lezen. I should have read that book. I should have read that book. Tom hat sein eigenes Zimmer. Tom has his own room. Tom has his own room. Tom wurde stark abgelenkt. Tom got very distracted. Tom was strongly distracted. Wer hat letzten Endes die Rechnung bezahlt? Who ended up paying the bill? Who paid the bill in the end? Tom sal nie beswaar maak nie. Tom won't object. Tom won’t object. Darüber haben wir nicht gesprochen. That isn't what we were talking about. We didn't talk about it. Tom sollte einen Entschuldigungsbrief schicken. Tom should send a letter of apology. Tom should send an apology letter. Nederlaand wordt ''Nederlân'' nuimt ien t Frais. The Netherlands is called "Nederlân" in Frisian. The Netherlands is called 'the Netherlands'. Stellen wir Tom doch vor die Wahl! Why don't we give Tom a choice? Let’s imagine Tom before the election! Wir sollten mit dem Zug fahren. We should go by train. We should go by train. Mijn kamer is drie keer zo groot als de uwe. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times as big as yours. Hij woont bij zijn ouders. He lives with his parents. He lives with his parents. Ihr werds es söba mochen miassn, göts? You're going to have to do it yourself, aren't you? You mean to hurt, don't you? Tom was wakker. Tom was awake. Tom was awake. מיר וועלן דינגען אַ מאַשין. We'll rent a car. Mr. Merry is a member of the House of Representatives. Er ist früh los, sonst hätte er den Zug nicht gekriegt. He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train. He's out early, or he won't get the train. Tom spreekt net zo goed Engels als u. Tom speaks English as well as you. Tom speaks as well as you do English. Tom hod bis Hallebnacht geschaffd. Tom worked until midnight. Tom stayed until midnight. Het smelten van de poolkappen kan bijdragen aan het stijgen van het zeeniveau. Melting polar icecaps could also contribute to an increase in sea levels. The melting of the pool caps can contribute to the rise of the sea level. Ben ik erin geslaagd? Did I do it? Did I succeed? Hoeveel kleuren zie je in de regenboog? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? Het vaagde gewoon weg. It just faded away. The coward just went away. Es ist jemand in Ihrem Zimmer. There's somebody in your room. It's someone in your room. Es ist nicht leicht, das ärmste Mitglied einer Gruppe zu sein. It's not easy being the poorest member in a group. It is not easy to be the poorest member of a group. ער איז נאָר אַ לא־יוצלח. He's just a ne'er-do-well. I'm not sure I'll succeed. Ek het geweet Tom sou dit nie ordentlik gedoen het nie. I knew Tom wouldn't do it properly. I knew Tom wouldn’t have done it properly. Wir haben jeden Tag zusammen gespielt, als wir Kinder waren. We played together every day when we were kids. We played together every day when we were children. Wat eten we vanavond? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we eating tonight? Wanneer het jy laas gestem? When was the last time you voted? When did you vote last? Se kunn em nich övertügen, ehr en neet Auto to köpen. She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car. She couldn't convince me to buy her a new car. Hoe lang was je al ziek voor je naar de dokter ging? How long had you been sick before you saw the doctor? How long have you been sick before going to the doctor? Laat mij mijn advocaat opbellen. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Ik laat deze radio morgen herstellen. I'll have this radio fixed tomorrow. I'll let this radio recover tomorrow. Sie hat gelbe Haare. She has yellow hair. She has yellow hair. שלום־עליכם! Hello! Cheers to you! Do et süms. Do it yourself. Do et sums. Die Kinder rannten zum Spielplatz. The kids ran toward the playground. The children ran to the playground. Hast du etwas für ihn besorgt? Did you get him something? Did you care about him? Open de deur. Open the door! Open the door. De geur zweefde door de lucht. The smell wafted through the air. The smell swung through the air. Ik hou erg van koffie. I like coffee very much. I love coffee. Tom sah Maria in die Höhle gehen. Tom saw Mary going into the cave. Tom saw Mary go to the cave. Ik schilde de wortels. I peeled the carrots. I shielded the roots. Was muss deiner Meinung nach geändert werden? What do you think needs to be changed? What do you think needs to be changed? Hör auf, dich mit Verlierern abzugeben! Stop hanging out with losers. Stop giving up with losers! Laten we een bandje oprichten. Let's start a band. Let's set up a band. Die Mädchen lachten Tom aus. The girls laughed at Tom. The girls laugh at Tom. Sag ihm dass er warten soll. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Ich zeigte Tom mein Meisterwerk. I showed my masterpiece to Tom. I showed Tom my masterpiece. Geloof me of niet, maar ik ben deze keer niet sarcastisch. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe me or not, but I'm not sarcastic this time. Het spel begint morgenmiddag om twee uur. The game starts at two tomorrow afternoon. The game starts in the morning at two o'clock. Ich hätte schwören können, dass sich etwas bewegt hat. I could have sworn something moved. I could have sworn that something had moved. Die Schüler haben Zugriff auf diese Computer. Students have access to these computers. Students have access to these computers. Tom zwitte. Tom sweated. Tom Zweite. Dat was een snelle reactie. That was some quick thinking. That was a quick reaction. Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd. Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it. Love is what makes us happy, and that is what makes us happy. Italieener iessen Nuddelen. Italians eat noodles. Italians are nodded. Ik hou van Italiaans eten. I love Italian food. I love Italian food. Der Wettermann sagt für heute Abend Schnee voraus. The weatherman predicts snow for tonight. The weatherman predicts snow for this evening. De ene is rood en de andere is wit. One is red and the other is white. One is red and the other is white. Ik heff sehn, woans he di ankeken hett. I saw the way he was looking at you. I saw where he looked at you. Ich will einen Stuhl. I want a chair. I want a chair. פֿאַרוואָס זענען מאַלפּעס אַזוי קאָמיש? Why are monkeys so funny? Did Peter say that he was in a bad mood? Tom hett Ria versproken, dat he ehr jümmer tru sien wull. Tom promised Mary that he'd always be faithful to her. Tom promised Ria that he would always want her to be true to her. Gaat het goed met je hond? Is your dog all right? Are you okay with your dog? Veel vrouwen zijn bang voor spinnen. Many women are afraid of spiders. Many women are afraid of spiders. Tom hört nur drei Musikgruppen. Tom listens only to three bands. Tom only listens to three music groups. Kannst du das Hühnchen tranchieren? Can you carve the chicken? Can you drink the chicken? Es ergibt alles Sinn. It all makes sense. It makes sense. Die beiden Brüder sind gestorben. Both the brothers are dead. The two brothers died. Je hoeft je sokken niet uit te trekken. You don't have to take off your socks. You don't have to pull your socks out. שלום פֿאַנגט זיך אָן אין דער היים. Peace starts at home. Good-bye, I don’t think I’m going to give a damn. Welk antwoord heb jij bij vraag 3? What answer did you come up with for question three? What answer do you have at Question 3? Laut Rafael Leitão ist es für einen professionellen Schachspieler sehr schwierig, in Brasilien eine Patenschaft zu bekommen, da Schach in unserem Land nicht beliebt ist. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get a patent in Brazil as chess is not popular in our country. Dat gifft noog Ruum för Verbetern. There is more than enough room for improvement. There is enough room for improvement. Du schusst di wat schamen! Shame on you! What a shame! Beholl dat Wesselgeld. Keep the change. Keep the exchange money. Deutsch lernen ist wichtig. Learning German is important. Learning German is important. Laat je oom erover nadenken. Let your uncle think about it. Let your uncle think about it. Tom leunde naar voren. Tom leaned forward. Tom leaned forward. Je maakt van een mug een olifant. You make a mountain out of a molehill. You're making a mug an elephant. Wie wird man eine schlechte Angewohnheit los? What are some good ways to break a bad habit? How do you get rid of a bad habit? Ihre Mitschüler schätzen sie nicht. Her classmates do not appreciate her. Your employees don't appreciate them. Na een korte pauze begon hij opnieuw te werken. He continued his work after a short break. After a short break, he began to work again. Wie kent je het best? Who knows you the best? Who do you know best? Selli sinn meene Schuhe. Those are my shoes. Self-sacrificing shoes. Kijk eens naar de bovenkant van mijn bril, alsjeblieft. Please look at the top of my glasses. Look at the top of my glasses, please. Het lievelingseten van mijn zoon is wafels met esdoornsiroop. Elke ochtend zegt hij dat ik dat moet maken, maar soms moet ik wel nee zeggen. My son's favourite food is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I should cook them, but sometimes I must say no. My son's favorite meal is waffles with esdoorn syrup, and every morning he says I have to do it, but sometimes I have to say no. Nichs is noh Hallebnacht basseerd. Nothing happened after midnight. Nichs is now Hallebnacht based. Du schusst man den Bus mit de Nummer 5 nehmen. You should take the number 5 bus. You're going to take the bus by number 5. Tom hat dich nie sehr gerngehabt. Tom never did like you very much. Tom has never loved you. Tom hat mich auf den Mund geküsst. Tom kissed me on the lips. Tom kissed me on my mouth. Herr Yoshida ist zu streng zu seinen Kindern. Mr Yoshida is too severe with his children. Mr Yoshida is too strict with his children. Di Buur aarbert üp Eeker. The farmer works on the field. Neighbor Aarbert joins Eeker. Haben Sie weit weg geparkt? Have you parked far away? Have you parked far away? Bei diesem Verb muss ein Akkusativobjekt stehen. This verb requires a direct object. In this verb, an battery object must be located. Mijn moeder kijkt niet graag tv. My mother does not like watching the television. My mother doesn't like watching TV. Ples bilong yu we? Where are you from? Where do you live? Woar proaten joe over? What are you talking about!? Would you procrastinate? Er schlug das Wort im Wörterbuch nach. He looked up the word in the dictionary. He followed the word in the dictionary. Die Tochter brach in Tränen aus. The daughter burst into tears. The daughter broke out in tears. מיין ציגער איז אויסגעגאנגען. קענסטו מיר ברענגן א ליכט? My cigar went out. Will you give me a light? I'm afraid I'm going to go. Can I get a light? Ich saß einmal am gleichen Tisch mit ihm bei einer Dinnerparty. I once sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. I sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everybody knows that Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom Maria likes it. Ič eom þā-ᵹīet on līfe. I'm still alive. Ič eom déā---īet on līfe. Bis morgen muss ich hiermit fertig werden. I have to finish doing this by tomorrow. I'll have to finish this by tomorrow. Ik vraag me af of dat waar is. I wonder if that's true. I wonder if that's true. Sagt mir, wann es sich ereignet hat! Tell me when it came about. Tell me when it happened! Lass es dir von jemandem vorlesen. Get someone to read it to you. Let's talk about someone. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Der Diktator unterdrückte das Volk. The dictator oppressed the people. The dictator oppressed the people. Es ist zu früh, um Klavier zu spielen. It's too early to play the piano. It's too early to play piano. Ik begin het te snappen. I'm starting to get it. I'm starting to understand it. Niets zal hem tegenhouden. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Wullt du, dat ik di help? Would you like me to help you? Do you want me to help you? We leren niet voor het leven, maar voor school. Not for life, but for school do we learn. We don't learn for life, but for school. Mijn vader gaf me een kleine lening van drie miljoen dollar. My father gave me a small loan of three million dollars. My father gave me a small loan of three million dollars. Er rief ihn an. He called him. He called him. Tom hat viel zu viel gegessen. Tom ate way too much. Tom ate a lot too much. הער אויף צו זײַן אַזוי זיס! Stop being so cute! I swear to God that he is a goddamn creature! Zij vulden hun tas met walnoten. They filled their bags with walnuts. They filled their bag with handkerchiefs. Ik ben niet kieskeurig. I'm not picky. I'm not electoral. Kommen Sie schnell! Come quickly! Come quickly! Mooi gedaan! Well done! Beautifully done! Ich sage dir das als Arzt. I'll tell you this as a doctor. I'll tell you this as a doctor. De treinen rijden 's nachts minder vaak. The trains run less frequently at night. The trains drive less often at night. Geef me vijf dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. Loop niet in de klas a.u.b. Please don't run in the classroom. Do not run in class a.b. Ze heeft het weer over haar waanbeelden. She's talking about her delusions again. She's talking about her images again. Waar is de president? Where's the president? Where's the president? Hij weet wat hij doet. He knows what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. Möchtest du ein eigenes Restaurant eröffnen? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? Do you want to open your own restaurant? Konnte das wirklich so schnell passieren? Could that really happen so quickly? Could that really happen so quickly? Woneem in de Törkie wahnst du? Where do you live in Turkey? Where in Turkey are you? Ich war mir nicht sicher, was ich tun sollte. I was not sure what to do. I was not sure what I should do. Rief dr Polizei! Call the police! Rief Dr. Police! Etwas Lustiges passiert in unserer Klasse immer. Something funny is always happening in our class. Something fun always happens in our class. Männer gibt’s wie Sand am Meer. There are as many men as there are stars. Men are like sand in the sea. Ik ben een loodgieter. I'm a plumber. I'm a plumber. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. We have an interesting book in German. We have an interesting book in German. Ek het nooit enigiets soos dit gesien nie. I've never seen anything quite like this. I never saw anything like this. Er ging zur Kunsthochschule, um Malerei und Bildhauerei zu studieren. He went to art school to study painting and sculpture. He went to the arts college to study painting and sculpture. Es missfällt Tom sehr, wie kurz seine Pausen sind. Tom hates how short his breaks are. It misses Tom very much how short his breaks are. Je hoeft echt niet te schreeuwen. Yelling is completely unnecessary. You really don't have to scream. Sie will mehr. She wants more. She wants more. Hebt u het gevoel dat u koorts hebt? Do you feel like you have a fever? Do you feel like you have fever? Laat je niet bij de neus nemen. Don't get tricked. Don't let me take you to the nose. Tom hat ungefähr vor einer Stunde zu Abend gegessen. Tom ate dinner about one hour ago. Tom ate in the evening about an hour ago. מיר האבן באשלאסן צו בלייבן. We decided to stay. The stone in Blonde's order. Er chunnt us Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. He is able to hangzhou. Zij is twintig jaar oud. She is twenty years old. She's twenty years old. Ik kom uit Engeland. I come from England. I'm from England. Ich bin gerade beschäftigt. Kann es etwas warten? I'm busy right now. Can it wait for a bit? I'm just busy. Can there be something waiting? Ich konnte es nicht ertragen, dass mein Haus zerstört wurde. I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't bear to the point that my house was destroyed. Tom beanstandete es, dass er wie ein Kind behandelt wurde. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Tom accused him of being treated like a child. Tom hat genau das getan, was wir ihm angeschafft haben. Tom did exactly what we told him to do. Tom did exactly what we wanted him to do. אונדזער רעגירונג פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't give a damn about us. I'm sorry to hear that Peter F.D. has an eye out for us. Ich schaffe das nicht allein. I can't do this alone. I don't create it alone. Mi no inap painim rot bilong mi. I'm lost. I could not find my way. איך בין נישט פארשעמט, און דו זאלסט נישט זיין אזוי אויכעט. I'm not ashamed and neither should you be. How the hell do you think you're going to get a fucked-up shit out of here? Maria schaute in den Spiegel, während sie sich das Haar bürstete. Mary looked into the mirror while she was brushing her hair. Maria looked into the mirror while brushing her hair. Worüm büst du hier herkamen? Why did you come here? Why did you come here? Tom und Mary standen nahe beieinander. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Tom and Mary were close together. Diese Arbeit ist zu stressig. Ich will das nicht mehr tun. This job is too stressful. I don't want to do it anymore. This work is too stressful. I don't want to do that anymore. Maak dat Licht ut. Ik kann nich slapen. Switch off the light. I can't get to sleep. Turn off the light. I can't sleep. Ik wou graag jullie postzegelverzameling zien. I'd like to have a look at your stamp collection. I would like to see your stamp collection. Ze verkoopt groentes. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Tom schlief fast sofort ein. Tom fell asleep almost instantly. Tom slept almost immediately. Goeie. Hello! Good. Doe je nog steeds mee? Are you still on board? Are you still with me? Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! It's even more beautiful now! Spreekst doe Jiddisj? Do you speak Yiddish? Do you speak Yiddish? Maria ist eine Transfrau. Mary is transfeminine. Mary is a transwoman. Hƿonne cymest þū hām? When are you coming home? Do you have a cymest wóū hām? Tom wollte Maria nicht unterbrechen. Tom didn't want to interrupt Mary. Tom didn't want to interrupt Mary. Haar auto is twee jaar oud. Her car is two years old. Her car is two years old. Waarom doet ze dat Yider voortdurend aan? Why does she always do this to Yidir? Why does she do that to Yider constantly? Junge müssen Älteren Achtung entgegenbringen. Young people have to respect older people. Young people need to pay attention to older ones. Bent u verdwaald? Are you lost? Are you lost? Sie sind in der Bibliothek. You're in the library. They are in the library. Die Mündung dieses Flusses liegt etwa 5 Kilometer in nördlicher Richtung. The mouth of the river is about five kilometres to the north. The mouth of this river is about 5 kilometers in the north direction. Hij kon haar de waarheid niet vertellen. He couldn't tell her the truth. He couldn't tell her the truth. Tom und Mary? Kenne ich nicht. Tom and Mary? No idea who they are. Tom and Mary? Ich bin zu Hause. I'm at home. I'm at home. Ik verlies ze niet. I don't lose them. I don't lose them. Tom sagte mir, dass er das noch nicht getan habe. Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet. Tom told me he hadn't done that yet. Dor sünd veel Böker in mien Kamer. There are many books in my room. There are many books in my room. Atlas wird oft die Erde auf den Schultern tragend dargestellt. Atlas is often depicted carrying the Earth on his shoulders. Atlas is often depicted wearing the earth on the shoulders. Als ich heute Morgen aufwachte, fühlte ich mich krank. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. Ich gehe oft an den Strand. I often go to the beach. I often go to the beach. Het ziet er heel moeilijk uit! It looks really hard! It looks very difficult! In der Innenstadt gibt es einen sehr alten Turm. There's an ancient tower in the town center. In the downtown there is a very old tower. Ah gaed but he hoos an seen a Tam wi his wee doug Fido. I went out of the house and saw Tom with his little dog Fido. I went home and saw a Tam with his little dog Fido. Haben Sie einen Käufer? Do you have a buyer? Do you have a buyer? Ich muss Ihren Blutdruck überprüfen. I need to check you blood pressure. I have to check your blood pressure. De kanker is zich beginnen te verspreiden naar andere organen. The cancer has begun to spread to other organs. The cancer is beginning to spread to other organs. Wer fun eich dud's eerst fersughe? Which of you will try it first? Who did you first suspect? Dat hynder kin prate. That horse can talk. That can talk. Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich drei Tage Zeit zu nehmen und Toki Pona zu lernen. I can only advise everyone to take three days and learn Toki Pona. I can only recommend taking three days and learning Toki Pona. Es gibt Menschen, die mich nicht mögen. There are people who don't like me. There are people who don't like me. Die Gemeinschaft besteht aus Individuen. The community is made up of individuals. The Community is made up of individuals. Je bent laat. You're late. You're late. Römische Statuen sind oft nackt. Roman statues are often naked. Roman statues are often naked. Ik heb niets te verliezen. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Ich kam recht spät nach Hause. I got home fairly late. I came home late. Dieses Papier sollte für Ihre Zwecke geeignet sein. This paper should be adequate for your purpose. This paper should be suitable for your purposes. Er is geen roos zonder doornen. There is no rose without thorns. There is no rose without door. Tom wartete zu Hause auf Maria. Tom was waiting at home for Mary. Tom was waiting at home for Maria. Sag den Kindern, dass sie nicht in die Küche kommen sollen! Tell the children to stay out of the kitchen. Tell the kids not to come to the kitchen! Xiaoming hielt die Schelte seiner Mutter nicht länger aus und fing an zu heulen. Xiaoming could not handle his mother's scolding anymore, bursting into tears. Xiaoming no longer stopped his mother's shell and started to cry. Wo kennst du mien Naam von? How do you know my name? How do you know my name? Heb je Tom gedood? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ze is als de dood voor ziekenhuizen. She is terrified of hospitals. She's like the death for hospitals. Das Gesetz lässt sich auf diesen Fall nicht anwenden. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law cannot be applied in this case. Militaire discipline is letterlijk rigide. Military discipline is literally rigid. Military discipline is literally rigid. Wenn es da eine Möglichkeit gibt, finden wir sie. If there's a way to do that, we'll figure it out. If there is a possibility, we will find them. Ich höre nicht zu. I'm not listening. I don't listen. Wann habt ihr gemerkt, dass ich fehle? When did you notice that I was missing? When did you notice that I'm missing? Lauter. Louder. Lauter. Ich verstand. I understand. I understand. Hast du daran gedacht, den Herd auszuschalten? Did you remember to turn the cooker off? Did you think of turning off the herd? Ben je zelfs niet nieuwsgierig? Aren't you even a little curious? Aren't you even curious? Die rekening asseblief. The bill, please. The account please. Ich kann die Tür nicht öffnen. Hast du den Schlüssel? I can't open the door. Do you have the key? I can't open the door. Warum besuchen so viele Menschen Kyoto? Why do so many people visit Kyoto? Why do so many people visit Kyoto? Ihr Vater war Architekt und ein begeisterter Leser. Her father was an architect and an avid reader. Her father was an architect and an enthusiastic reader. Er war unhöflich, um nicht zu sagen, grob. He was impolite, not to say rude. He was rude to say no, gross. Hoeveel kleinkinderen hebben jullie? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Geh und warte draußen! Go wait outside. Go and wait outside! Wir müssen ein Auto mieten. We need to rent a car. We have to hire a car. Ihr hättet zustimmen sollen. You should've said yes. You should have agreed. An jedem neuen Tag fühlst du dich gut. Every new day you feel good. Every new day you feel good. Hij komt zeker niet. He's definitely not coming. He's definitely not coming. Hunde können im Dunkeln sehen. Dogs can see in the dark. Dogs can see in the dark. Um abzunehmen, habe ich damit angefangen, das Mittagessen ausfallen zu lassen. I have started skipping lunch with a view to losing weight. In order to take off, I started to let go of lunch. Tom hat die Gerüchte weder bejaht noch verneint. Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Tom has neither ignored nor ignored the rumors. Schaut er mich an? Is he looking at me? Does he look at me? Wo deep is dat? How deep is it? Where is that deep? Hoe wist Tom dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? How did Tom know I used to live in Boston? How did Tom know I used to live in Boston? Ich ließ ihn den Boden fegen. I made him sweep the floor. I let him face the ground. Tweede slag! Strike two! Second Battle! Schil de appel. Peel the apple. Shit the apple. Vergleicht den Stil dieser Briefe! Compare the style of those letters. Compare the style of these letters! Als Kind hat Tom immer die Zigarettenstummel seines Vaters gesammelt, bis er genug Tabak hatte, um sich selbst eine Zigarette zu drehen. When Tom was a kid, he used to collect his father's cigarette butts until he had enough tobacco to roll a cigarette for himself. As a child, Tom has always collected his father’s cigarettes until he has enough tobacco to turn a cigarette on himself. Nu al?! Already?! Now? Hett ik dat ehr wüßt, hett ik dor wat doon kunnt. Had I known earlier, I could have done something about it. If I knew her, I could do something there. What is liberte? What is liberty? What is liberte? Hebben jullie hier familieleden? Do you have relatives here? Do you have relatives here? זי איז עלטער ווי יוטוב. It's older than YouTube. I'm sorry wow, I'm sorry wow. Hoeveel calorieën zitten er in 100 gram boter? How many calories are in 100 grams of butter? How many calories are there in 100 grams of butter? Der neue Jet umrundet die Erde in vierundzwanzig Stunden. The new jet circles the globe in twenty-four hours. The new jet surrounds the earth in twenty-four hours. Die Feier war schön, bis Tom kam. The party was fun until Tom arrived. The celebration was beautiful until Tom came. Jy is verkeerd. Ek is nie pessimisties nie, maar skepties. You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but sceptical. You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but skeptical. Meine Familie hat drei Kinder. There are three children in my family. My family has three children. In welk seizoen zitten we? What season are we in? What season are we in? Wie bestreitet er seinen Lebensunterhalt? How does he gain his living? How does he object to his livelihood? Ik noem dit schip ''de Koningin Elizabeth''. I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. I call this ship 'the Queen Elizabeth'. Bagdad is de hoofdstad van Irak. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. איר זײַט אַן אַלקאָהאָליקער. You're an alcoholic. I'm sorry I'm sorry to hear you. Tom is mijn denkbeeldige vriend. Tom is my imaginary friend. Tom is my imaginary friend. Könnte das wirklich so schnell passieren? Could that really happen so quickly? Could that really happen so quickly? Im März ist das Erdreich noch zu kalt, um im Garten etwas anzupflanzen. In March, the ground is still too cold to plant anything in the garden. In March, the earth is still too cold to plant anything in the garden. Maar dat heb je me nooit verteld! But you've never told me about this! But you never told me that! Hierdie is een of ander teken. This is some kind of sign. This is one sign or another. Ich habe noch nie Golf gespielt, aber ich werde es versuchen. I've never played golf, but I will try. I've never played golf yet, but I'm going to try it. Het jy 'n selfoon? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a cell phone? Haben Sie diesen Fehler absichtlich gemacht? Did you make that mistake on purpose? Have you made this mistake deliberately? Was ist Marias Lieblingsserie? What's Mary's favourite series? What is Maria's favorite series? Wat flauw. So lame. It's a bad thing. Was habt ihr ihr gekauft? What've you bought her? What did you buy? Das war nicht lustig. This was not funny. It wasn't fun. Niemand erinnert sich, wann es angefangen hat. No one remembers when it started. No one remembers when it started. Ich muss meine Tabletten nehmen. It's time to take my pills. I have to take my tablets. k Zing. I am singing. K Zing. Tom hett seggt, dat he mi Franzöösch bibringen wull. Tom said that he wanted to teach me French. Tom said he wanted to teach me French. Vandaag worden we tien. Today, we turn ten years old. Today we're going to be ten. Tom bestiehlt uns. Tom has been stealing things from us. Tom's got us. Ich versuchte, es ihr auszureden. I tried to talk her out of it. I tried to explain it to her. Wanneer heb je voor het laatst overgegeven? When was the last time you vomited? When did you last surrender? Het schoot me binnen dat u mijn broer was. I remembered that you were my brother. It shot me inside that you were my brother. Ich werde aus ihr nicht schlau. I can't get my head around her. I'm not going to be smart from her. Ich möchte, dass du mir ein Messer holst. I want you to get me a knife. I want you to get me a knife. Ihr braucht mehr Spielzeug. You need more toys. You need more toys. Tom is alleenstaand. Tom is single. Tom is alone. Het jy vanaand televisie gekyk? Did you watch TV tonight? Have you watched TV tonight? Ben je ooit geïntubeerd geweest vanwege een astma-aanval? Have you ever been intubated because of an asthma attack? Have you ever been intubated because of an asthma attack? Es ist noch Futter im Hundenapf. There's still some food in the dog's dish. It's still feeding in the dog's pot. Tom weckte Maria um sechs Uhr dreißig, und sie war davon nicht begeistert. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 and she wasn't happy about that. Tom awakened Mary at six a.m., and she was not excited about it. Geet dir mat? Are you coming along? Do you eat? U heeft mooie lippen. You have beautiful lips. You have beautiful lips. Die Tür schließt automatisch. The door closes automatically. The door automatically closes. Tom kon de deur niet openen. Tom couldn't open the door. Tom couldn't open the door. Se wull, dat he ehr Vader helpen deed. She wanted him to help her father. She wanted him to help her father. Die Rache des Himmels ist langsam, aber sicher. Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. The vengeance of heaven is slow, but sure. Tom gebruikt Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Eben weil ich sie liebte, wollte ich sie heiraten. It was because I loved her that I wanted to marry her. Even because I loved her, I wanted to marry her. Habt ihr es dabei? Do you have it with you? Do you have it? Tom hatte die Kühlschranktür offenstehen lassen; also schloss ich sie. Tom left the fridge door open, so I shut it. Tom had left the refrigerator door open; so I closed it. Ich wartete auf sie. I waited for them I was waiting for her. Waar kan ik de volledige lijst zien? Where can I see the full list? Where can I see the full list? Je probeerde kalm te blijven. You tried to stay calm. You tried to stay calm. Kan iemand me helpen? Can anybody help me? Can anyone help me? Diese Straße wird dich zum Flughafen führen. This road will lead you to the airport. This road will take you to the airport. Ich kann Französisch zwar nicht schreiben, aber lesen kann ich’s schon. I can't write French, but I can read it. I can't write French, but I can already read it. Ist das eine Neufassung? Is this a cover? Is this a re-examination? Veel van mijn vrienden spreken Frans. Many of my friends can speak French. Many of my friends speak French. Tom deed zijn sokken uit. Tom took off his socks. Tom did his socks. Tom war bestimmt nur müde. Tom was probably just tired. Tom was certainly just tired. Tom hat es geschafft, selber das Feuer auszumachen. Tom managed to put out the fire by himself. Tom managed to make the fire himself. Wie war es heute in der Schule? How was school today? How was it in school today? Vuyiswa hat drei Kinder geboren. Vuyiswa gave birth to three children. Vuyiswa gave birth to three children. Tom heeft een mooie jas gekocht voor Maria. Tom bought a nice coat for Mary. Tom bought a nice jacket for Maria. De spijker scheurde zijn jas. The nail tore his jacket. The nail teared his jacket. Es war ein strahlender Tag und es gab keine Wolken am Himmel. The day was bright, nor were there clouds above. It was a bright day and there were no clouds in the sky. Hi wel en Keting koopi. He wants to buy a chain. Hi and Keting Koopi. Es ist besser, sich von einem Niemand helfen zu lassen, als dass einem von niemandem geholfen werde. Having a nobody help you is better than having nobody help you. It is better to let yourself be helped by no one than that one of no one will be helped by anyone. Blijf nog even aan de lijn alstublieft. Please hold the line a moment. Please stay on the line for a while. Ich habe niemanden, mit dem ich mein Französisch üben kann. I don't have anyone to practice my French with. I don't have anyone with whom I can practice my French. In diesem Sommer ist es schrecklich heiß. It's terribly hot this summer. This summer it is very hot. Diese Fabrik stellt Spielzeug her. That factory manufactures toys. This factory produces toys. Ik schreef hem voor iets totaal anders. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote him for something completely different. Der Bär fing einen Lachs im Fluss und fraß ihn. The bear caught a salmon in the river and ate it. The bear found a laugh in the river and asked him. Ze is werkelijk een heks! She is a true witch! She's really a witch! Wêr is it treinstasjon? Where is the railroad station? Where is the train station? Tom heeft Maria een mooie jas gekocht. Tom bought Mary a nice coat. Tom bought Maria a nice jacket. Er zijn zeldzame dieren in Australië. There are rare animals in Australia. There are rare animals in Australia. Baie dankie! Jy het sopas my lewe verwoes! Thanks a lot, you just ruined my life! Thank you so much! You just destroyed my life! Dainj, bruiers. Thanks, brothers. Dainj, brides. Hast du in Erfahrung bringen können, warum Tom das machen muss? Did you find out why Tom needs to do that? Did you know why Tom had to do that? Kun je in deze taal lezen? Are you able to read in this language? Can you read in this language? Tom wohnt seit drei Monaten in einem Zelt. Tom has been living in a tent for the past three months. Tom has lived in a tent for three months. De Mann hett dat Brood eten. The man ate the bread. The man ate the bread. Ik zal jullie helpen. I'll help you. I'll help you. Thomas houdt van schrijven. Tom loves to write. Thomas likes to write. Greenpeace führt einen mühseligen Kampf, um die Umwelt zu retten. Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment. Greenpeace leads a hard fight to save the environment. De kathedraal domineert nog steeds het stadsbeeld. The cathedral still dominates the cityscape. The cathedral still dominates the city scene. Ich werde mich in diesem Kapitel mit dem Problem befassen. I'm going to deal with the problem in this chapter. I will deal with the problem in this chapter. Die Fans hoffen alle, dass der Verein den Trainer wechselt. The fans all hope the club changes the manager. The fans all hope that the club will change the coach. Die Wahrheit wird letztlich ans Licht kommen. The truth will eventually be known. The truth will eventually come to light. איך בין אינגאַנצן נישט מסכּים. I completely disagree. How did Angry agree? Ich möchte dir nicht den Eindruck vermitteln, wir stießen dich weg. I don't want you to think we're pushing you away. I don't want to give you the impression, we'll shoot you away. Was bringt Wissen, wenn Sie es nicht mit anderen teilen können? What's the point of knowledge if you can't share it with others? What brings knowledge if you can’t share it with others? Al het ijs smolt in slechts één dag. All the ice melted in just a single day. All the ice melts in just one day. Ik denk dat dat een beetje raar klinkt. I guess it sounds a bit silly. I think that sounds a little strange. Was hast du mit Tom gemacht? What did you do with Tom? What did you do with Tom? Mijn jongere zusje kan nu ook al boeken lezen. My little sister can read books well now. My younger sister can now read books. He hett ehr towunken. He waved at her. He grew up with her. Die twee dorpe is geskei deur 'n rivier. The two towns are separated by a river. The two towns were separated by a river. Mijn broer heeft een grote vis gevangen. My brother caught a big fish. My brother caught a big fish. Tom wull nich togäven, dat he en Fähler mookt harr. Tom didn't want to admit that he had made a mistake. Tom didn't want to admit that he had mocked a failure. Niet waar! No way! Not true! זי איז אַ רײַכע. She's a rich woman. Iris is adamant. Das lass ich mir nicht mehr bieten! I won't put up with this any longer. I don't let that happen to me anymore! Ik heb me altijd aan mijn beloften gehouden. I have always kept my promises. I have always kept my promises. Se stünn op. She stood up. They stand up. Du siehst enttäuschst aus. You seem disappointed. You look disappointed. צי האָסטו אים געגלײבט? Did you believe him? Do you have a crew boarding ship? ער איז שפּאַניש. He is Spanish. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Da muss es doch einen Weg geben. There has to be a way. There has to be a way. Er spricht nicht nur Englisch, sondern auch Deutsch. He can speak not only English but also German. He speaks not only English, but also German. Setzen Sie sich aufs Sofa und machen Sie es sich bequem. Sit on the sofa and feel at ease. Set yourself on the sofa and make it comfortable. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich dir helfen kann. I have no idea how to help you. I don't know how to help you. Het is de zijne. It's his. It's his. די באָבעס זענען געווען מלא־טעם. The beans were delicious. There is a lot of anger in a full-fledged way. Tom hett nich noog Geld, üm sik en Huus to köpen. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a house. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a house. Ich will ein Koala werden. I want to become a koala. I want to be a koala. Wie schreibt man einen guten Lebenslauf? How do you write a good CV? How to write a good resume? Waist dat ien mien toen praai, siepels, hoeslook en knoflook gruien? Do you know that in my garden grow leeks, onions, chives, and garlic? Was that one mine then spraying, sieples, coughing, and garlic greying? Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? Het is heel slecht. It's very bad. It's very bad. Ich warte am Bahnhof auf meine Freunde. I'm waiting for my friends at the station. I'm waiting for my friends at the station. Mein Buch hat Ihnen nicht gefallen. You did not like my book. My book didn't like you. Dat mag toch niet? That's not allowed, right? You can't do that, can't you? Di tau Bröđern sen rocht forskelig. The two brothers are pretty different. Our brothers are very much agitated. Das betrifft dich. This concerns you. That's what matters to you. Wat mij betreft, ik heb op het moment niets te zeggen. As for me, I have nothing to say at present. As for me, I have nothing to say at the moment. Er wird nie zu Partys eingeladen. He never gets invited to parties. He will never be invited to parties. Spellingwedstrijden zijn onnozel. Spelling bees are stupid. Spelling games are unnostalgic. De vorige maand is ze met Tom gehuwd. She married Tom last month. Last month she married Tom. Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. Du süst good ut. You look good. You're good. Tom fing an zu essen. Tom began eating. Tom started eating. Ich bin etwas eingerostet. I'm a bit rusty. I'm a little bit rusty. Ik had die stad nog nooit bezocht, slechter nog, ik kende zelfs geen woord van de taal die daar werd gesproken. I'd never been to that city before, and even worse, I couldn't speak a word of the language. I had never visited that city, worse yet, I didn’t even know the word of the language that was spoken there. Tom broest. Tom drives fast. Tom broest. Ich winsch eich all en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I win all a glitch no Yahr. Des mocht di narrisch, gö? That's driving you crazy, isn't it? They liked it, didn't they? Ich bin schwer beeindruckt. I'm very impressed. I'm deeply impressed. He köfft Kledaasch. He buys clothes. He buys clothing. Wir wollen hier wohnen. We want to live here. We want to live here. Vertel haar waarom. Tell her why. Tell her why. Tom heeft Maria verslagen. Tom beat Mary. Tom has defeated Maria. Jemand ist an der Tür. Somebody's at the door. Someone is at the door. Hi swoom töbeek tö Kant. He swum back to the shore. Hi swom tobeek to edge. Snackst du Araabsch? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? Waarom heb je gelogen? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Heb je dit jaar je griepprik gekregen? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Did you get your flu prick this year? כ'האָב געפֿירט מײַן אײגענע פֿאָרשונג. I conducted my own research. I'm afraid I'm going to get caught by a French man. דו זאלסט האבן בטחון אין מיר. You ought to trust me. The stone is sure there is no wall. Waar is het toilet? Where is the washroom? Where's the toilet? Ik ben de weekendverpleegkundige. I am the weekend nurse. I'm the weekend nurse. Ich werde Tag und Nacht arbeiten und mich nicht beklagen. I will work day and night and I will not complain. I will work day and night and not complain. Das Hemd ganz bis an den Hals zuknöpfen! Button up your shirt all the way to your neck. Cut the shirt all the way to the neck! De bank bevindt zich naast het postkantoor. The bank is next to the post office. The bank is next to the post office. Maria is aangekomen. Mary has arrived. Mary has arrived. Wir sollten wohl den Täter ausfindig machen. Maybe we ought to find who did this. We should be able to find out the perpetrator. דער ערגסטער ווירוס איז קאַפּיטאַליזם. The worst virus is capitalism. This is a wreath of wreaks havoc. Wat hebben joe moakt? What did you make? What have you made? Du weißt eine Menge über mich, ich dagegen weiß gar nichts über dich. You know a great deal about me, but I don't know anything about you. You know a lot about me, I don't know anything about you at all. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie ihn für einen recht guten Tänzer hielten. Tom and Mary told John that they thought he was a pretty good dancer. Tom and Maria told John that they thought he was a pretty good dancer. Dor weer nüms. There was nobody. There was nowhere. Joe zain der hail muide oet. You look very tired. Joe Zain der Hail muide out. Kan het nog goedkoper? Can it get even cheaper? Can it be cheaper? Ik stotter. I am stuttering. I'm suffocating. Beppe kiekt geern kiekkaast. Grandma likes watching TV. Beep looks like you're watching cheese. Als ik het wist, zou ik het u zeggen. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew it, I'd tell you. Ik müss driest lehren, dat ik mit de annern Schölers mithollen kunn. I had to study hard to keep up with the other students. I had to learn three times that I could be with the other students. Ons sal nie kan ontsnap nie. We won't be able to escape. We will not be able to escape. Haben Sie kurz Zeit? Do you have a minute? Do you have a short time? Es tut mir leid, aber Sie irren sich! Excuse me, but you're mistaken. I'm sorry, but you're wrong! Augenblick - da ist einer an der Tür. Just a moment - there's someone at the door. Moment - there's one at the door. ס'איז אַ וויכטיקע פֿראַגע. It's an important question. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Wat dink jy van hierdie trui? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this jersey? Ik wou dat hij hier was om ons te helpen. I wish that he was here to help us. I wanted him to be here to help us. Mi gefallt Frömdspraken! I like foreign languages! I speak foreign languages! Eine Katastrophe wurde abgewendet. A catastrophe has been averted. A disaster was turned aside. Tom und Maria führen eine Fernbeziehung: er wohnt in Hannover, sie in Berlin, und am Wochenende treffen sie sich. Tom and Mary are in a long-distance relationship. He lives in Hannover while she lives in Berlin; they meet on weekends. Tom and Maria make a long-distance relationship: he lives in Hanover, she lives in Berlin, and on weekends they meet. Er war ganz allein in dem Haus. He was all alone in the house. He was alone in the house. Auf einigen Seiten des Buches sind Druckfehler. There are misprints on some of the book's pages. On some sides of the book there are printing errors. Ich bin als Übersetzerin hier. I'm here as a translator. I'm here as a translator. Ich glaube, Tom meint, dass ich das denke. I think Tom thinks I think that. I think Tom thinks I'm thinking of that. Zai kwam! She came! Zai came! Das Spazierengehen macht eigentlich mehr Spass. Going for a walk is more fun. Walking is actually more fun. Tom hat einen Abschluss in Psychologie gemacht. Tom majored in psychology. Tom has made a degree in psychology. „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. “123456” is a commonly used password. k Vuilde hail bliede. I felt very happy. k Vuilde hail bliede. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es hier zukünftig einen U-Bahnhof geben wird. I expect a subway station will be here in the future. I hope there will be a subway station here in the future. Heb je ooit naalden gedeeld toen je intraveneuze drugs gebruikte? Have you ever shared needles when you used IV drugs? Have you ever shared needles when using intravenous drugs? Mein Vater wird immer nervös. My father always gets nervous. My father is always nervous. Ich möchte Ihnen helfen. I would like to help you. I want to help you. Sie werden ihn fragen müssen. You'll have to ask him. You'll have to ask him. Tom ist Kommunist. Tom's a communist. Tom is a Communist. Aufgrund des Mangels an staatlicher Unterstützung für den Sport, sagt Rafael Leitão, hat der professionelle Schachspieler in Brasilien überhaupt keine finanzielle Stabilität. Wenn Sie Schach ernst nehmen möchten, müssen Sie die ganze Zeit nach Europa und in die USA reisen, um an den großen Turnieren teilzunehmen. Due to the lack of government support for sport, says Rafael Leitão, the professional chess player in Brazil has no financial stability at all. So, if you want to take chess seriously, you need to travel all the time to Europe and the United States to play in the big tournaments. Due to the lack of state support for the sport, says Rafael Leitão, the professional chess player in Brazil has no financial stability at all. If you want to take chess seriously, you have to travel all the time to Europe and the United States to participate in the major tournaments. ער איז אַ מענטש. He's a good person. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Veel Amerikanen geloven dat Barack Obama een moslim is. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Ich bin sicher, Tom lässt uns nicht im Stich. I'm sure that Tom won't let us down. I'm sure Tom won't let us down. Da er sehr hungrig war, haute Tom so richtig rein. Tom was very hungry, so he ate a lot. Since he was very hungry, Tom looked so clean. איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I don't feel well. How Do You Make Goats Goats? Das ist nichts als eine Lüge! That is just a lie. That's nothing but a lie! Voeg jy nie suiker by nie? Don't you add some sugar? Don’t you add sugar? De Schandarm nehm ’n Jung dat Mest af. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The scary boy took the lead. De Himalaya is hoger dan de Alpen. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. Hi set üp Boom. He is sitting on the tree. Hi set up tree. Laten we beginnen. Let's start. Let's start. Erdogan is de president van Turkije. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. Di Jak es mi tö wir. The jacket is too wide. Jack is our brother-in-law. Sie sind unsere letzte Hoffnung. You're our last hope. They are our last hope. Hij vroeg mijn moeder. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Ich kann es mal versuchen. I can try it. I can try it. De Baum isch umgheit. The tree fell down. The tree is surrounded. Der graue Pulli gefällt mir mehr als der violette. The gray sweater I like more than the purple. The grey pulli likes me more than the violet. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. Her illness kept her in the hospital for six weeks. She was in hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. Was zum Teufel versteht Tom davon? What the hell does Tom know about that? What the hell does Tom understand about that? Woneem is dien Kamer? Where is your room? Where is your room? איך עס אסאך פלייש. I eat a lot of meat. How did I get a runaway? Hest du den Hund fuddert? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed the dog? Tom will sich einfach nur mit dir anfreunden. Tom just wants to be friends with you. Tom just wants to be with you. De kat is yn it hûs. The cat is in the house. The cat is in the house. Je bent niet op tijd. You're not on time. You're not in time. Ik was zeer blij toen ik dat nieuws vernam. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was very happy when I heard that news. Larim mi. Leave me alone. Let me go. Geloof mij. Ik word een nieuwe mens. Believe me. I'll be a new man. Believe me, I'm a new person. Tom was niet van plan dat ooit te doen. Tom had no intention of ever doing that. Tom was not planning to do that ever. Ich empfehle dir, mit dem Bus zu fahren. I recommend you go by bus. I recommend you to take the bus. כ׳בין נישט קיין קאָנסערוואַטיווע. I'm not a conservative. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. De treinen reden niet wegens de sneeuw. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. The trains did not reason because of the snow. Ieder van ons ging behalve hij. All of us went except for him. Each of us went except him. געטרוי נישט טאָמען. ער איז אַ פּאָליציאַנט. Don't trust Tom. He's a cop. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik müss wählen twüschen A un B. I had to choose between A and B. I had to choose between A and B. וואָס איך הער! Holy smoke! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie Elke herrisch fänden. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was bossy. Tom and Mary told John that they found each ruler. De Bank hett em 500 Dollar lehnt. The bank lent him 500 dollars. The bank lent him $500. װער רעדט פֿראַנצײזיש? Who speaks French? 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Ich sah meinen Großvater letzte Woche. I saw grandfather last week. I saw my grandfather last week. Ik verkoop fruit. I sell fruit. I sell fruit. Es war ein trockenes Jahr, und viele Tiere verhungerten. It was a dry year, and many animals starved. It was a dry year, and many animals starved. Der Mönch ist im Kloster. The monk is in the monastery. The monk is in the monastery. Zeg t. Say it. Say t. Die meisten ihrer Freunde sind Jungen. Most of her friends are boys. Most of her friends are boys. k Bin veurege moand vervoaren. I moved last month. k bin range mund vervoaren. Wann wirst du heiraten? When are you going to get married? When will you marry? Du bruukst nich bet to ’n Enn töven. You don't have to wait until the end. You don’t need to wait until the end. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mich weiter mit Französisch beschäftigt. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had continued to work with French. k Woon in Verainde Stoaten van Amerika. I live in the United States of America. k Living in Verainde Staats of America. Ich muss umgehend dorthin. I have to go there straight away. I have to go there immediately. Wie viele Hunde gibt es in deiner Wohngegend? How many dogs are there in your neighborhood? How many dogs are there in your residential area? Hoekom sal ek lieg? Why would I lie? Why would I lie? Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Ich werde mich hinlegen. I have a headache. I'm going to lie down. I have headaches. I'll lay down. Ik bin sa ling as dyn. I'm as tall as you. I'm as old as dyn. We waren lang op hem aan het wachten. We were waiting for him for a long time. We were waiting for him for a long time. Ihr Arm ist gebrochen. Her arm is broken. Your arm is broken. Melanie ësst gär Pizza. Melanie likes eating pizza. Melanie has a pizza. Der Pullover hat lange Ärmel. That jumper has long arms. The pullover has long sleeves. Dat doe je maar beter niet. You'd best not do that. You better not do that. Untersuchen Sie selbst regelmäßig Ihre Brüste? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly check your breasts? כ׳ווייס אַז דו קענסט אים נישט זען. I know you can't see him. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hij is verre van perfect. He is far from perfect. He's far from perfect. Wie lang ist dieser Fluss? How long is this river? How long is this river? New Delhi is de hoofdstad van India. New Delhi is the capital of India. New Delhi is the capital of India. Die Polizei fasste den Dieb. The police caught the thief. Police arrested the thief. „Möchtest du einen Drink?‟ - „Ich habe schon einen.‟ "Would you like a drink?" "I've already got one." “Do you want a drink?” - “I already have one.” Er stellte der Dame, die neben ihm stand, einige Fragen. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. He asked the lady who stood next to him some questions. Was ich denke, tut nichts zur Sache. What I think doesn't matter. What I think doesn't matter. Het gebeurt wel. It does happen. It's going to happen. Is dat niet komisch? Isn't that funny? Isn't that comic? Bitte, helfen Sie ihr! Please, help her! Please, help her! Sami hat den Hund nicht gesehen. Sami didn't see the dog. Sami didn't see the dog. Und was wollen Sie im Gegenzug von mir haben? And what do you want from me in return? And what do you want in return from me? Doe verkòcht koelkasten. You sold refrigerators. Do sell refrigerators. טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער. Tom said he thought he could pass the test. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. t Is moar n dreum. It's only a dream. t is more than a dream. Australien ist das größte Land der Welt, das nicht an andere Länder grenzt. Australia is the largest country in the world without borders with any other country. Australia is the largest country in the world that is not bordered by other countries. Die Mutterkatze zog aus, Vögel zu jagen. The mother cat went out hunting birds. The mother cat pulled out to hunt birds. טאָם איז געוואָרן מיד. Tom grew tired. Angry iron immediately. Das Lied geht Tom schon seit drei Tagen nicht aus dem Kopf. That song has been stuck in Tom's head for three days. The song has not gone out of the head for three days. Bedankt voor de hulp. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the help. Ich hoffe, die Polizei schnappt den Typen, der auf mich eingestochen hat. I hope the police catch the guy who stabbed me. I hope the police snap the guy who put in on me. Dat zou iets zijn wat ik zou moeten programmeren. It would be something I'd have to program. That would be something I should programming. Ich habe eine ungefähre Ahnung, wo es ist. I have a rough idea where it is. I have an approximate idea where it is. Tom fährt in letzter Zeit mit dem Bus zur Arbeit. Tom has been riding the bus to work. Tom recently traveled by bus to work. Das ist grün. It's green. That's green. Ze heeft altijd wel wat op hem aan te merken. She always picks fault with him. She always has something to notice on him. Wir sind keine Ausländerinnen. We aren't foreigners. We are not foreigners. Noch nich. Not yet. Not yet. Ik mutt nu weg. I have to go now. I have to leave now. Waar zijn jullie? Where are you guys? Where are you guys? Kan ik dit eten? May I eat this? Can I eat this? Wenn du mi bittst, denn biet ik trügg. If you bite me, I'll bite back. If you're interested in me, then I'm going to bid back. Es ist schwer zu sagen, weil es weder Fisch noch Fleisch ist. It's hard to say because it's neither fish nor fowl. It’s hard to say because it’s neither fish nor meat. Jy mag nou maar gaan meneer. You can go now, sir. You can go, sir. Uns Tuun is ut Iesen. Our fence is made of iron. Our tuun is made of iron. Tom lief entgegengesetzt die Rolltreppe hoch. Tom ran up the down escalator. Tom ran against the rolling stairs high. Ich ging davon aus, dass sich Maria bei Tom entschuldigen würde, aber das geschah nicht. I thought Mary would apologize to Tom, but she didn't. I thought Maria would apologize to Tom, but that didn't happen. Warum hast du so weit weg geparkt? Why have you parked so far away? Why did you park so far? Dieser Beitrag muss mal wieder nach oben geholt werden! This post is worth a bump! This post needs to be brought up again! Studente lees nie baie boeke nie as gevolg van TV en strokiesprente. Students don't read many books because of TV and comics. Students don’t read many books because of TV and comics. Tom kan niet tennissen. Tom can't play tennis. Tom can't tennis. Je kan niet dansen, of wel? You can't dance, can you? You can't dance, can you? „Wo ist denn der Schraubenschlüssel, den du gestern benutzt hast?“ – „Vorhin war er noch hier. Hast du Maria mal gefragt? Vielleicht hat die ihn.“ "Where's that spanner you were using yesterday?" "It was here earlier. Have you asked Mary? Maybe she's got it." "Where, then, is the screw key you used yesterday?" - "Before he was here. Have you ever asked Mary? Maybe he has it." טאָם האָט ליב צו רעדן וועגן שפּראַכן. Tom loves talking about languages. I swear to God that your heart is broken and your heart is broken. Tom sagte mir, dass er das morgen machen wird. Tom told me that he would do it tomorrow. Tom told me he'll do it tomorrow. k Loop. I walk. k Loop. Auf unsere Bitte hin hätte Tom davon Abstand genommen. Tom wouldn't have done that if we'd asked him not to. To our request, Tom would have gone away. Niemandem sagen, dass ich ins Bett gemacht habe! Don't tell anyone that I wet the bed. No one says I've made it to bed! Tom gelang die Flucht. Tom managed to escape. Tom managed to escape. Tom denkt dat Mary misschien een eetstoornis heeft. Tom thinks Mary may have an eating disorder. Tom thinks Mary might have a eating disorder. Het is weer aan het regenen. It's raining again. It's raining again. Teheran is heufdstad van Iran Tehran is the capital of Iran. Tehran is the capital of Iran Yanni gab Skura frische Feigen. Yanni gave Skura some fresh figs. Yanni gave Skura fresh figs. Het is aan het sneeuwen. It's snowing. It's snowing. Du weetst dat beter as ik. You know it better than me. You know that better than me. Plietsie kwam. The police came. No, no, no, no, no. Lass Tom los! Let go of Tom. Let Tom go! Das Gesetz sagt, dass alle Menschen gleichberechtigt sind. All men are equal according to the law. The law says all people are equal. כ׳האָב פֿײַנט טאָמען, כאָטש איך קען אים אַפֿילו נישט. I hate Tom, although I don't even know him. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik moet me verbergen. I must hide. I have to hide. Tom is nu mijn vriendje. Tom is my boyfriend now. Tom is now my friend. Wij zijn Nederlands. We are Dutch. We are Dutch. Ich muss hier sein. I have to be here. I have to be here. Ik wil jouw vriendin niet zijn. I don't want to be your girlfriend. I don't want to be your girlfriend. Sie hat angerufen. She's phoned. She called. Mary heeft moeite met het terugbetalen van haar studielening. Mary is struggling to pay back her student loans. Mary has trouble reimbursing her study loan. In Italien gibt es in jedem Dorf einmal im Jahr ein Fest. In Italy, each village holds a festival once a year. In Italy there is a feast in every village once a year. Ič mæᵹ hȳran þē, ac ič ne mæᵹ sēon þē. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Ič mæ- héranæē, ac ič ne mæ- sēonēē. Er macht sich nichts aus Geld. He doesn't care about money. He doesn't make any money. Se hett em küsst. She kissed him. She kissed me. Zij is niet gelukkig. She is not happy. She's not happy. Wir erwarten dieses Jahr eine gute Ernte. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect a good harvest this year. Weet iemand wanneer Tom komt? Does anyone know when Tom is coming? Does anyone know when Tom comes? Frag dich selbst, warum. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Hij drinkt bier. He drinks beer. He's drinking beer. Je moet niet overal aanmerkingen op maken. You don't need to comment on everything. You don't have to go anywhere. Inwiefern hilft mir das? How does this help me? To what extent does this help me? Waar is jouw paard? Where's your horse? Where's your horse? Mien Dochter geiht to School. My daughter goes to school. My daughter goes to school. רעדסטו ייִדיש? Do you speak Yiddish? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mīn brōþor leofaþ on Tokyo. My brother lives in Tokyo. Mīn brōþor leaf pepper on Tokyo. שלמה ווילט זײַן אַ שרײַבער. Shlomo wants to be a writer. Well, Willie, I'm sorry. Ich habe Ihr Schweigen als Zustimmung gewertet. I interpreted your silence as consent. I appreciated your silence as an approval. Tom besucht seine Mutter. Tom is visiting his mother. Tom visits his mother. טאם האט געפלעגט מיר זאגן אז איך רעד צו פיל. Tom used to tell me that I talked too much. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wenn ik en Vagel weer, denn kunn ik na di henflegen. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I was a bird, I could fly to you. Die voëls het gesing. The birds sang. The birds sang. Sami blies de ballon op. Sami blew up the balloon. Sami blew up the balloon. Heb je onlangs buikpijn gehad? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Have you had stomach pain recently? Wartet nicht auf mich, wenn ich mich verspäte! Don't wait for me if I'm late. Don't wait for me when I'm late! Tom haat het om zichzelf steeds te moeten herhalen. Tom hates having to repeat himself all the time. Tom hates to repeat himself all the time. Er wurde im Kampf verwundet. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded in battle. Hurhen föör des Waien? Where do these ways lead to? Who's driving the whore? Tom is groter dan zijn moeder. Tom is taller than his mother. Tom is bigger than his mother. Sie hat einen Doppelnamen. She has a double-barrelled name. She has a double name. Er waren veel boten op het meer. There were a lot of boats on the lake. There were a lot of boats on the lake. Ik bün mit en sehr Strott opwaakt. I woke up with a sore throat. I wake up with a very straw. Dat zou een geweldig cadeautje zijn. That would make a great gift. That would be a great gift. Wel? Who? - Do you? Ich lasse meine Kinder abends nicht fernsehen, wenn am nächsten Tag Schule ist. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids watch in the evening when the next day's school. Tom en Maria hebben een gehandicapt kind geadopteerd. Tom and Mary adopted a handicapped child. Tom and Maria have adopted a disabled child. Ich bin den ganzen Weg zur Haltestelle gerannt. I ran all the way to the station. I've run all the way to the stop. Dit sünd Jungs un dat sünd Deerns. These are boys and those are girls. These are boys and these are girls. Een eend kwaakt. A duck quacks. A duck wags. Tom kann besser tippen als Maria. Tom types better than Mary. Tom can tip better than Maria. Ze bakte een cake voor mij. She baked me a cake. She made a cake for me. Er verlor die Fassung und begann, mit Sachen zu werfen. He lost his cool and started throwing things. He lost the version and started throwing things. We zullen uw voorwaarden aanvaarden. We'll accept your conditions. We will accept your terms and conditions. Waar heb je Hongaars geleerd? Where have you learnt Hungarian? Where did you learn Hungarians? Zijn dat uw kinderen? Are those your kids? Are these your kids? Ek het 'n ou kar. I have an old car. I have an old car. Ich habe Chewbacca noch nie Englisch sprechen hören, aber in jener weit, weit entfernten Galaxie versteht seltsamerweise jeder die Laute und das Kauderwelsch jedes anderen, so dass es eigentlich egal ist, welche Sprache man spricht. I've never yet heard Chewbacca speak English, but, oddly enough, everyone in the galaxy far, far away understands everyone else's accent and gobbledygook, so it doesn't really matter what language you speak. I've never heard Chewbacca speak English yet, but in that far, far away galaxy, strangely everyone understands the sound and the caudrewelsch of everyone else, so it really doesn't matter which language you speak. Tom moes gaan. Tom had to go. Tom had to go. Was ich am Winter hasse, ist die Kälte. What I hate about winter is the cold. What I hate in winter is the cold. Gelukkig Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Ich hoffe, diesmal klappt’s. I hope this time it works. I hope this time it works. Wir haben aus gutem Grund so gehandelt. We had a good reason for doing that. We did so for good reason. Voed die voël! Feed the bird! Feed the bird! Es fällt mir schwer, etwas zu machen, wobei mir die Motivation fehlt. It's hard for me to do things I'm not motivated to do. It's hard for me to do something, where I lack motivation. Kun je me op de hoogte houden? Can you keep me up to date? Can you keep me up-to-date? Dieser Metzger hat das beste Fleisch. This butcher has the best meat. This metzger has the best meat. Als der Chef erfuhr, wie Tom Maria behandelt hatte, entließ er ihn. When the boss found out how Tom had treated Mary, he fired him. When the chief learned how Tom had treated Maria, he fired him. Ik heb een muis van Microsoft gekocht. I bought a Microsoft mouse. I bought a mouse from Microsoft. Tom sagte, er wäre gerne ein Fisch. Tom said that he wished he were a fish. Tom said he would like a fish. Wie zou er het meest van profiteren? Who stands to benefit most? Who would benefit the most? Ik ben mijn zakdoeken aan het strijken. I‘m ironing my handkerchiefs. I'm ironing my bags. Wanneer was die laaste keer dat jy met Mary gepraat het? When was the last time you talked to Mary? When was the last time you spoke to Mary? Ik leer graag oude talen. I like learning old languages. I like to learn old languages. Sein Sohn stürzte vom Felsenriff. His son fell over the cliff. His son crashed from the rock reef. Zij en haar vrienden zijn gek op muziek. She and her friends are mad about music. She and her friends love music. Vertel me een verhaaltje voor het slapengaan. Tell me a story before going to bed. Tell me a story for going to sleep. Tom war mit der Bezahlung, die er erhielt, nicht zufrieden. Tom wasn't satisfied with the pay he was getting. Tom was not satisfied with the payment he received. Tom schläft ein, sobald er ins Bett geht. Tom falls asleep as soon as he gets into bed. Tom sleeps as soon as he goes to bed. Tom hat einen Bruder. Tom has one brother. Tom has a brother. Laten we eens zien of het echt gebeurt. Let's see if it really does happen. Let's see if it really happens. De jurk die Maria gister aan had was rood. The dress Mary was wearing yesterday was red. The dress that Mary had on last night was red. Ech drénke léiwer Spruddel wéi platt Waasser. I prefer drinking sparkling water to still water. Drunk a lot of sprinkling like flat teasing. Ik heb gedroomd. I had a dream. I dreamed. Jy gaan nie die enigste een daar wees nie. You won't be the only one there. You won’t be the only one there. Ik wil bruine schoenen, geen zwarte. I want brown shoes, not black ones. I want brown shoes, not black. Myn bêste freon is in Rus. My best friend is a Russian. My best friend is in Rus. Jeder macht mal einen Fehler. Deswegen werden Bleistifte mit Radiergummis versehen. Everybody makes mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils. Each one makes a mistake, so pencils are provided with Radiergummis. Hat Tom euch das gesagt? Did Tom tell you that? Did Tom tell you that? Nein, mein Name ist nicht Tom. No, my name isn't Tom. No, my name is not Tom. Tom kam bald zurück. Tom came back soon. Tom came back soon. Voelt u zich duizelig? Do you feel light-headed? Do you feel dizzy? Tomaten sind rot. Tomatoes are red. Tomatoes are red. Raad eens wie er achter je staat. Guess who's behind you. Let me tell you who's behind you. Host-du schun dëssidierd, was se dun? Have you decided what to do yet? Host-du shun unsidized, what is it thin? Ich habe mich entschlossen, Kanji zu lernen. I've decided to study kanji. I decided to learn Kanji. Tom hat das Buch noch nicht übersetzt. Tom hasn't translated the book yet. Tom has not yet translated the book. Ze droeg een dikke mantel tegen de kou. She was wearing a thick coat against the chill. She wore a thick coat against the cold. Ik ga ervan uit dat je het al weet. I assume you already know. I guess you already know. Euer Hund sieht hungrig aus. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. Möchten Sie sich lieber von einem Pfleger untersuchen lassen? Would you prefer to be examined by a male nurse? Would you like to be examined by a caregiver? De protesteerders werden beschuldigd van aanzetting tot geweld. The protesters were accused of incitement of violence. The protesters were accused of instigating violence. Ist das wirklich alkoholfreies Bier? Is this really a non-alcoholic beer? Is it really alcohol-free beer? Slöppst du? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Du bist ohne Zweifel der Mannschaftsbeste. Without a doubt, you're the best player on the team. You are without doubt the team best. Tom presteert goed onder heel moeilijke omstandigheden. Tom is doing a good job under very difficult circumstances. Tom performs well under very difficult circumstances. Hij is een meegaand mens. He is an agreeable person. He's a human being. Sy het selfmoord gepleeg. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. איך קען אַ סך מענטשן וואָס רעדן אַזוי. I know lots of people who talk like that. How do you feel when you have a hairdresser in your head? Heb je mijn pluim gezien? Have you seen my feather? Did you see my plum? Tom wird schwächer. Tom is weakening. Tom is getting weaker. Ik hou van zo'n soort momenten. I love such moments. I love such moments. Hai kin runnen. He can run. Hai can run. Als de kat fan hûs is, stekt de mûs de steert omheech. When the cat is away, the mice will play. If the cat is from home, the mouse climbs the star up. Is dat sukkeloa? Is that chocolate? Is that suckeloa? Die Garde stirbt, aber sie ergibt sich nicht. The Guard dies, but it does not surrender! The guard dies, but it does not result. Wil je wijn? Do you want wine? Do you want wine? דער עפּל איז געל. The apple is yellow. The Iron Curtain has been dropped. Tom harr Ria de Wohrheit seggen schullt. Tom should have told Mary the truth. Tom would like to tell Ria the truth. Voor de eerste keer in mijn leven heb ik Rome bezocht. I visited Rome for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I visited Rome. Wanneer is hij teruggekomen? When did he get back? When did he come back? Wo finde ich ein Kino hier in der Nähe? Where can I find a cinema near here? Where can I find a cinema nearby? Een vreemde sprak mij aan op de bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. Ich habe letzte Nacht kaum geschlafen. I hardly slept last night. I barely slept last night. Laat je niet voor de gek houden. Don't get fooled. Don't let yourself be mad. Sie scheint mich nicht zu mögen. She doesn't seem to like me. She doesn't seem to like me. Zij heeft wonderen verricht in het wetenschappelijke veld. She has done wonders in the scientific field. She has performed miracles in the scientific field. Versuchen wir’s doch mal! Why don't we go for it? Let's try it! Tom behandelde Maria als een prinses. Tom treated Mary like a princess. Tom treated Maria as a princess. Er flüsterte mir die Antwort ins Ohr. He whispered the answer in my ear. He whispered the answer to my ear. Das chan ned wahr sii. That can't be true. Let's see if it's true. Maria und Elke taten so, als wären sie Schwestern. Mary and Alice pretended they were sisters. Maria and Elke did as if they were sisters. Namibia ist ein afrikanischer Staat. Namibia is an African state. Namibia is an African state. Is dat een vleermuis? Is that a bat? Is that a bat? טאָם איז טויט, אַיאָ? Tom's dead, isn't he? Iris, you know, are you? U bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Meine Katze schaut gerne aus dem Fenster. My cat likes to look through the window. My cat likes to look out of the window. Wir hatten keine Ahnung, was Tom und Maria vorhatten. We had no idea what Tom and Mary were going to do. We had no idea what Tom and Maria had. Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow color? Tom heeft daar nooit iets over gezegd. Tom has never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about it. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Schach. She's very interested in chess. She is very interested in chess. טאָם האָט געהאַלטן זײַן װאָרט. Tom kept his word. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Mijn vader heeft als hobby het kweken van rozen. My father's hobby is growing roses. My father, like a hobby, is growing roses. Se hett em nie besöcht. She has never visited him. She never visited him. Dor wahnt Tom un Ria. That's where Tom and Mary live. It's where Tom and Ria live. Tom wil tyd met my spandeer. Tom wants to spend time with me. Tom wants to spend time with me. Ze ademde uit. She exhaled. She breathed out. Ich finde, es ist beides in Ordnung. I think either one is fine. I think it's both okay. Hast du bereits zu Abend gegessen? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you eaten in the evening? Ich bin gerade zu beschäftigt damit, mir „Die Eiskönigin – völlig unverfroren“ anzusehen. Kann es bis nachher warten? I'm too busy watching Frozen right now. Can it wait until later? I am just too busy to look at “The Ice Queen” completely unfrozen. Can it wait till then? Bent u ooit behandeld voor chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever been treated for chlamydia? Ich lese gern die Nachrichten. I like to read the news. I like to read the news. Kannst du ihr Alter schätzen? Can you guess her age? Can you appreciate her age? Ik heb echt een hekel aan kinderen. I really don't like children. I really hate children. Yanni rustte uit. Yanni rested. Yanni rested. Wie viele Tassen Kaffee am Tag trinken Sie durchschnittlich? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? How many cups of coffee per day do you drink on average? Hoe snel ze loopt! How fast she is running! How fast she runs! Tom hat gesagt, er würde uns morgen helfen. Tom said that he'd help us tomorrow. Tom said he would help us tomorrow. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één motor. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one engine. Ze hadden haar nodig. They needed her. They needed her. De hond die het kind had gebeten werd kort nadien gevangen. The dog that bit the child was caught soon after. The dog that had bitten the child was caught shortly after. Pinksteren is een christelijke feestdag. Pentecost is a Christian holiday. Pentecost is a Christian holiday. Ik gah jümmer to Foot na School. I always go to school on foot. I always go to school. Wir haben damit viel Geld verdient. We made a lot of money doing that. We made a lot of money. Der Fluss fließt ins Meer. The river flows down to the sea. The river flows into the sea. Ik heb het net gelezen. I just read it. I just read it. Maak iedereen blij. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Tom is een goede timmerman. Tom's a good carpenter. Tom is a good carpenter. Tom is agressief. Tom is aggressive. Tom is aggressive. Wenn ich nach China gehe, dann um so viel wie möglich Chinesisch zu sprechen. If I go to China, it'd be to speak Chinese as much as possible. If I go to China, then speak as much Chinese as possible. Zai kwam. She came. Zai came. Ik moest wachten totdat hij wakker werd. I had to wait for him to wake up. I had to wait until he woke up. Zai loog. She lied. Zai lied. Het water is verfrissend. The water is refreshing. The water is refreshing. Het is een goed idee. It's a great idea. It's a good idea. Ja, mach das! You do that! Yes, do it! Dieses Buch handelt von Tatsachen. This book deals with facts. This book is about facts. Was ist dein Lieblingssalatdressing? What's your favorite kind of salad dressing? What is your favorite salatdressing? Het is al 7 uur. It's already 7 o'clock. It's been 7 hours. Sie brauchen sich nicht sofort zu entscheiden. You don't have to decide right now. You don't have to decide immediately. Du bist Professor, oder? You're a professor, aren't you? You're a professor, aren't you? Ik woon met mijn familie in Boston. I live in Boston with my family. I live with my family in Boston. Ich habe ein Dutzend Eier gekauft. I bought a dozen eggs. I bought a dozen eggs. Darum geht es überhaupt nicht. That isn't the point at all. That's not what it's all about. Du hast mir nicht alles gesagt. You didn't tell me everything. You didn't tell me everything. Snap je wat ik bedoel? Do you understand what I am saying? Do you understand what I mean? Tom kauft eine Tageszeitung. Tom buys a daily paper. Tom buys a newspaper. Tom kann dich auch nicht besonders gut leiden. Tom doesn't like you very much either. Tom can't hurt you very well either. Tom ist bei einer Magnetschule eingeschrieben. Tom is enrolled in a magnet school. Tom is enrolled at a magnetic school. ער האט מיר געזאגט דער זעלבער. He told me the same thing. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Laten we oefenen. Let's practice. Let's practice. Nicht, dass ich nicht will, dass du, ohne mich nicht zu fragen, der Party nicht fernbleibst. I don't not want you to not not go to the party without not asking me. Not that I don't want you to stay away without asking me. Wie wird es gemacht? How is it made? How is it done? Hai sprak. He was speaking. Hai spoke. Stimmt es, dass du heute eine Pizza gebacken hast? Is it true that you baked a pizza today? Is it true that you have baked a pizza today? Der Tote war 18 Jahre alt. The deceased was eighteen years old. The death was 18 years old. Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning to get all her savings from the bank. De geiser spuit om de twee uur heet water. The geyser goes off with hot water every two hours. The geiser sprays around two hours hot water. Ik ben dik. I'm fat. I'm thick. מײַן עקיפּאַזש איז דער בעסטער! My crew is the best! One of them is an old-fashioned man! Niemand geeft er om. No one cares about that. No one cares. Hij doet niets anders dan strips lezen. He does nothing but read comics. He's doing nothing but reading stripes. Dat Universum hett keen Enn. The universe is limitless. The universe has no end. Tom fing an, etwas zu sagen, aber überlegte es sich anders. Tom started to say something, but changed his mind. Tom started saying something, but thought differently. Ich kann mir kein neues Auto leisten, also werde ich mit diesem auskommen müssen. I can't afford a new car, so I'll have to make this one do. I can't afford a new car, so I'll have to come out with it. Ich han kei Durst. I'm not thirsty. I'm not thirsty. We hebben genoeg geld om deze cd te kopen. We have enough money to buy this CD. We have enough money to buy this CD. Die Spieler müssen der Reihe nach würfeln. The players need to take turns throwing a die. The players have to throw the line after. איך בין פֿול מיט אייפֿאָריע. I am euphoric. How do you feel about Daniel Mitch? Hij gaf me het geld terug. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money back. Wêrom joust my net wat ik ha wol? Why don't you give me what I want to have? Do you just want what I have? Er wurde zum Bürgermeister gewählt. He was elected mayor. He was elected mayor. Ich hoffe, dass das, was ich jetzt sage, niemanden beleidigt. I hope what I'm about to say doesn't offend anyone. I hope that what I say now doesn't offend anyone. Tom ist ein sehr rücksichtsvoller Mensch. Tom is a very thoughtful person. Tom is a very considerate person. Tom is ontsnapt naar Australië. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom has fled to Australia. Ich bin im achten Stockwerk. I'm on the eighth floor. I am on the eighth floor. In diesem Dorf wohnen nicht viele. Not many people live in this village. There are not many in this village. Bedeen di. Help yourself. Remember that. Dat gaat mijn verstand te boven. That's too much for my little brain. That's what my mind is all about. ער איז געווען אַ ביאָלאָג אַן אַנאַרכיסט. He was a biologist and anarchist. I'm sure I'll be surprised if I'm in a bad mood. Het Hongaars, Fins en Ests zijn Oeraalse talen. Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian are Uralic languages. The Hungarians, Finnish and Estonians are Ural languages. Diese Methode wird nicht empfohlen. This practice is not recommended. This method is not recommended. Water verandert in stoom. Water changes into steam. Water turns into steam. Herr White ist nach Kanada gegangen. Mr. White has gone to Canada. Mr White has gone to Canada. Tom ist vor drei Jahren nach Boston gezogen. Tom moved to Boston three years ago. Tom moved to Boston three years ago. ער איז נאָר אַ גאָרנישט. He's just a nobody. I'm looking forward to Iron Man. Wir haben niemanden, der uns hilft. We have no one to help us. We have no one to help us. Als we hier blijven, zijn we misschien veilig. If we stay here, we might be safe. If we stay here, we may be safe. Kann ich dieses Ticket stornieren? Can I cancel this ticket? Can I cancel this ticket? דער קאָמוניזם איז ווען אַלע מוזן טראָגן אַ מאַסקע. Communism is when everybody has to wear a mask. In this case, it is important to keep in mind that there is a mask in which a mask can be used. Ich will nicht über ihn sprechen. I don't want to talk about him. I don't want to talk about him. Eines Tages bekannte Mark Twain überraschend: "Ich bin nicht so jung, wie ich es vor einigen Jahren war..." One day Mark Twain surprisingly confessed: "I am not as young as I was several years ago..." One day Mark Twain surprised, "I'm not as young as I was a few years ago..." Die boeken zijn nieuw. These books are new. Those books are new. Maria bat Tom, ihr den Reißverschluss ihres Kleides zuzumachen. Mary asked Tom to zip up her dress. Maria asked Tom to join her in her dress. Tom ist im Französischen bei weitem besser als Maria. Tom is so much better than Mary at speaking French. Tom is far better in French than Maria. Ich gehe nach draußen. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Der Kapitän ist noch nicht an Bord des Schiffes. The captain hasn't boarded the ship yet. The captain is not yet on board the ship. Foahr o mit dem gaunzn Zeigs. Take all this stuff away. "Faillow of the Goats". Tom ist von der Zahl Drei besessen. Tom is obsessed with the number three. Tom is possessed by the number three. We waren erg trots op onze zoon. We were very proud of our son. We were very proud of our son. Wat roken we? What do we smoke? What are we smoking? Zij zijn buren. They are neighbours. They are neighbors. We hebben extra tandenborstels. We have extra toothbrushes. We have extra toothbrushes. Der Arzt untersuchte das Baby. The doctor examined the baby. The doctor examined the baby. דער טאַטע איז געווען אַ וועטעראַן פֿון דער קאָרעיִשער מלחמה. The father was a Korean War veteran. God’s Word tells us that God will bring about a war that will bring an end to Satan’s warfare. Du hast wohl einen anstrengenden Tag hinter dir. It looks like you had a tough day. You have a tough day behind you. Wir arbeiten für die Ewigkeit, nicht für den Augenblick. We work for eternity, not for the moment. We work for eternity, not for the moment. Der Kapitän ist noch nicht an Bord des Schiffes. The captain is not yet aboard the ship. The captain is not yet on board the ship. ווי אַזוי וועט איר הײַנט אַהיימפֿאָרן? How will you go home today? Are you sure you want to go to an old-fashioned city? Hij eet. He is eating. He's eating. Es regnet wieder! It's raining again! It rains again! Man kann Bücher in gute und schlechte einteilen. One can classify books into good ones and bad ones. You can divide books into good and bad. Güstern morgen heff ik en Waffel eten! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! Yesterday morning I ate a gun! Dat is te djoer! It's too expensive. That's too expensive! Wir müssen uns überlegen, wie wir alle diese Rechnungen bezahlen. We need to figure out a way to pay all these bills. We have to consider how we pay all these bills. Wêr is dyn skoalle? Where is your school? Where is your school? Darüber haben wir nie gesprochen. That's not something that we've ever talked about. We never talked about it. Er is te veel knoflook. There's too much garlic. There's too much garlic. We hebben alles weggedaan. We got rid of everything. We've done everything away. Tom leek boos. Tom looked cross. Tom seemed angry. Die Mutter meines Vaters ist meine Großmutter väterlicherseits. My father's mother is my paternal grandmother. The mother of my father is my grandmother's stepmother. Je kürzer ein Benutzername ist, desto leichter kann man ihn sich merken. The shorter your username is, the easier it is for others to remember it. The shorter a username is, the easier it can be noticed. Stimmt es, was über Tom gesagt wird? Is it true what they're saying about Tom? Is it true what is said about Tom? Ich hoffe sehr, dass uns niemand dabei gesehen hat. I really hope nobody saw us doing that. I hope no one has seen us. Waar is mijn mantel? Where's my coat? Where's my coat? Kin k spreken? Can I speak? Can K speak? Se hett em mit ehr Fuusten angrepen. She attacked him with her fists. She attacked him with her feet. Haben Sie keinen Stift? Don't you have a pen? Don't you have a pen? Ons gaan 'n probleem hê, gaan ons nie? We'll have a problem, won't we? We're going to have a problem, aren't we? Habt ihr die Fernbedienung gesehen? Have you seen the remote? Did you see the remote control? זי איז נישט געווען גרייט פאר עס. She wasn't ready for it. I'm sure I'll give you a grunt-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g- Obwohl es gut ist, wenn man gut Englisch sprechen kann. However, it is good if one can speak English well. Although it is good if you can speak good English. Ik bün noch jümmer Single. I'm still single. I'm still single. Ich kann es dir jetzt nicht geben. I can't give it to you now. I can't give it to you now. Lag! Laugh! Laugh! Gebruik je regelmatig mobiliteitshulpmiddelen? Do you regularly use any assistive devices for walking? Do you regularly use mobility tools? Sie kaufte sich ein Kleid. She bought herself a dress. She bought a dress. Nehm de Appelsienen ut ’n Köhlschapp. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the apples out of a cold. איך קען נישט פארגעסן אירע אויגן. I can't forget her eyes. How do you get a cup of coffee to go with a fisherman? Hij heeft de batterijen er verkeerd ingestoken. He put the batteries the wrong way in. He got the batteries wrong. Wir beschlossen, drinnen zu bleiben, denn es regnete. We decided to stay inside since it was raining. We decided to stay inside because it rained. Ik wou dat ik dat boek had gelezen. I wish I'd read that book. I wanted me to read that book. Berichten Sie mir alles, was Tom Ihnen mitteilte. Tell me everything Tom said to you. Tell me everything Tom told you. Wat voor voorbehoedsmiddel gebruikt u? What type of birth control do you use? What kind of safeguard do you use? Ek sal vir jou 'n bier koop. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Het is een mummie! It's a mummy! It's a mummy! Vielleicht hast du dich geirrt. You may have been wrong. Maybe you've been wrong. Dit is 'n mooi huis. It's a pretty house. This is a nice house. Welche neuen Französischvokabeln hast du in letzter Zeit gelernt? What new French words have you learned recently? What new French vocabularies have you learned in recent years? Het is goed je te zien. It's good seeing you. It's good to see you. Heeft ze het pakje gehaald? Did she get the package? Did she get the pack? Ich habe unsere Verlobung gelöst. I have broken off our engagement. I have resolved our amendments. Wokeen hett dat Universum schapen? Who created the universe? Who created the universe? Waarschijnlijk weet hij dat ik hem leuk vind. He probably knows I like him. He probably knows I like him. Deshalb bin ich zu dir gekommen. That's why I came to you. That's why I've come to you. Ik wist dat Tom de doos niet kon open doen. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to get the box open. I knew Tom couldn't open the box. Veel mensen zijn hypocriet. A lot of people are hypocritical. Many people are hypocrites. Spreize einmal die Finger. Spread your fingers. Once spread your fingers. Moeke is aan t waark. Mommy's working. Moss is on the alert. Ze is dol op tennissen. She is fond of playing tennis. She loves tennis. Der Krieg ist der Vater aller Dinge. War is the father of all. The war is the father of all things. Ich wünsche euch beiden ein Leben voller Glück. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I wish you both a life full of happiness. Zij zijn mijn favoriet. They're my favorite. They are my favorite. Ik ben groter dan jij. I'm taller than you. I'm bigger than you. Laten we Tom applaus geven. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Let's give Tom applause. Ich lüge auf dem Gras. I lie on the grass. I'm lying on the grass. Der Raumanzug schützt den Astronauten vor den Gefahren im freien Raum. The spacesuit protects the astronaut from the dangers of being outside in space. The space suit protects the astronaut from the dangers in free space. Könntest du mir vielleicht eine Karte aufzeichnen? Maybe you could draw me a map? Could you record me a card? Tom hat gute Aussichten, die Stelle zu bekommen. Tom has a good chance of being hired for the job. Tom has good prospects to get the place. Das tut mir sehr leid. I feel very sorry about that. I'm very sorry. Ze gaf een boom water. She watered a tree. She gave me a tree of water. Meneer Brown heeft vier kinderen. Mr. Brown has four children. Mr Brown has four children. Se will em küssen. She wants to kiss him. She wants to kiss him. Wer hat euch gesagt, dass ich ohne Bezahlung arbeiten würde? Who told you that I would work without pay? Who told you that I would work without payment? Tom schloss die Küchentür. Tom shut the kitchen door. Tom closed the kitchen door. De bossen branden gemakkelijk. Woods burn easily. The forests burn easily. So sollst du das nicht machen. That isn't how we want you to do that. That's what you should not do. Ich arbeite nicht gern am Wochenende. Working on weekends is something that I don't like to do. I don't like working on the weekend. Veel Amerikanen gaven Spanje de schuld. Many Americans blamed Spain. Many Americans blamed Spain. Zu welchem Club gehörst du? Which club do you belong to? Which club do you belong to? Wees voorzichtig. Het is glad. Be careful. It's slippery. Be careful. It's nice. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She loves coffee. Ich telefoniere mit ihr. I talk to her on the phone. I'll call her. Bent u gestoken door een bij? Were you stung by a bee? Are you stoked by a bee? Gehst du morgen zur Schule? Are you going to school tomorrow? Are you going to school tomorrow? Alice glimlachte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Ik heb Tom ook nog nooit ontmoet. I've never met Tom, either. I've never met Tom, either. Waarmee hebt ge het geopend? What did you open it with? What did you open it up with? Anna stellte sich mit dem Gesicht zur Wand und fing an zu zählen: „Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn. Ich komme!“ Dann machte sie sich auf die Suche nach ihren Freunden, die sich inzwischen versteckt hatten. Anna turned her face to the wall and began to count: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come!" Then she started searching for her friends, who had hidden themselves in the meantime. Anna turned to the wall with her face and began to count: “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ik heb een nieuwe vriendin. I have a new girlfriend. I have a new girlfriend. Ik ben mijn sleutel kwijtgeraakt. I lost my key. I lost my key. Ik heb niets met die zaak te maken. I have nothing to do with this matter. I don't have anything to do with that matter. Kunt ge met de trein naar kantoor gaan? Can you go to the office by train? Can you go by train to office? Tom is die laaste. Tom is last. Tom is the last. In Sibirien kam es zu verheerenden Waldbränden. Devastating forest fires broke out in Siberia. There were devastating wildfires in Siberia. טאָם איז אַזוי באָמבאַסטיש. Tom is so bombastic. Iris is in a state of shock. Hou jou vriendin van tee? Does your friend like tea? Does your friend like tea? De baby kruipt. The baby is crawling. The baby crawls. Hoe kan ik in de hemel komen? How can I get to heaven? How can I get to heaven? Singen wir doch ein paar alte Lieder! Why don't we sing some old songs? Let's sing some old songs! Chasch mir hälfä? Can you help me? Can you help me? Zou je de twee hoofdpersonages graag samen willen zien? Would you ship the two main characters? Would you like to see the two main characters together? Meine Schwester hat Angst vor kleinen Mäusen und Spinnen. My sister has a fear of little mice and spiders. My sister is afraid of small mice and spiders. Sind das Kanadier? Are they Canadian? Are they Canadians? Statt Englisch lernte ich Französisch. I learned French instead of English. Instead of English, I learned French. Ze stonden recht tegenover elkaar. They stood face to face. They were right in front of each other. Is dit jouw tas of de zijne? Is this bag yours or his? Is this your bag or his? Bitte erinnere mich daran, das Referat einzureichen. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to submit the reference. Nai, pabbe. No, daddy. No, pabbe. Toms Restaurant ist immer voll. Tom's restaurant is full all the time. Tom's restaurant is always full. Sie hat gespült. She flushed the loo. She has washed. Ik bün nee hier. I'm new here. I'm not here. אפֿשר ביסטו די פּראָבלעם, טאָם! Maybe you're the problem, Tom! It’s a bit of a mess, Tom! Wat vroeg hij je? What did he ask you? What did he ask you? Woar? Where? Why? Ich kann nicht schlafen, weil es draußen zu hell ist. I can't sleep because it's too bright outside. I can't sleep because it's too bright outside. Tom is smui as n oape. Tom is as agile as a monkey. Tom is smooth like an oape. Wat köst dat? How much is it? What does that cost? Ze staarden met zijn allen naar de bewegingen van de magiër. They all gazed at the magician's movements. They are all staring at the movements of the magician. Woărum fiăxtn da Tommi si so? Why is Tom so scared? Is this how Tommi feels? Ick bün all dor. I'm already there. I'm all there. עטלעכע טראַדיציעס זענען נאַריש. Some traditions are stupid. I'm sorry to have a narcissism. Ich erinnere mich an das, was du letztens gesagt hast. I remember what you said the other day. I remember what you said last time. Ich bin nicht so weit links wie du. I'm not as far to the left as you are. I'm not as far left as you are. Het is een computer. It's a computer. It's a computer. Du bist während der Vorlesung laufend eingenickt, nicht wahr? You kept nodding off during that lecture, didn't you? You're constantly engrossed during the lecture, aren't you? We capituleerden. We surrendered. We capitulated. Hände weg! Hands off. Hands away! De regering van Mexico weigerde te onderhandelen. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. Rafael Leitão weist darauf hin, dass die Einführung von Schach in brasilianischen Schulen eine positive Tatsache ist, aber er glaubt, dass wir immer noch weit von dem akzeptablen Mindestniveau entfernt sind, mit dem jemand als professioneller Schachspieler ein stabiles Einkommen erzielen kann. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leitão points out that the introduction of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the acceptable minimum level with which someone as a professional chess player can achieve a stable income. Wij wonen in de Verenigde Staten. We live in the United States. We live in the United States. Tom droomde. Tom dreamt. Tom dreamed. Hij wil gewoon aandacht. He just wants attention. He just wants attention. Die glauben mir nicht! They don't believe me! They don't believe me! Tom will erfolgreich sein. Tom wants to be successful. Tom wants to be successful. Den Flachrechner unter einem Arm, das Französischbuch unter dem anderen, eilte Tom zum Unterricht. Tom ran to class with his laptop under one arm and his French textbook in the other. The flat rabbit under one arm, the French book under the other, rushed Tom to teach. Wir haben den ganzen Tag die Schlüssel gesucht, die Tom verloren hatte. We spent all day looking for the keys that Tom had lost. We spent the whole day searching for the key that Tom had lost. Dit Leecht bruan di hiili Nacht. The candle burned the whole night. This light browns the hiili night. Es wird zwar etwas dauern, aber letzten Endes wird Tom schon über Maria hinwegkommen. It'll take Tom some time, but eventually he'll get over Mary. It's going to take a while, but at the end of the day, Tom's going to get over Maria. Speelst du mit mien Fööt rüm? Are you playing with my feet? Do you play with my feet? Sy stilte het my verbaas. His silence surprised me. His silence surprised me. Zai lazen. They read. Zai read. Es kam zum Kampf. A fight ensued. It came to fight. Se deed ehr Shirt plätten. She ironed her shirt. She did plate her shirt. Ken je mijn broer Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? פארוואס האט דיין ברודער מיר פיינט? Why does your brother hate me? Aren't you proud to be a fan of Mt. Pon? Kiek di de Froo an! Take a look at that woman! Look at the question! Ik ben altijd klaar om te sterven. I'm always ready for death. I'm always ready to die. Het sneeuwt hier nooit. It never snows here. It never snows here. Brasilien hätte ein zweisprachiges Land werden können. Amtssprachen wären dann Portugiesisch und Tupi gewesen. Brazil could've been a bilingual country; its official languages would've been Portuguese and Tupi. Brazil could have become a bilingual country. Official languages would have been Portuguese and Tupi. Es ist noch immer ein Rätsel, warum sie sich das Leben nahm. It is still a mystery why she killed herself. It is still a mystery why she took her life. Thou askedest me. You asked me. Just keep asking me. Ich habe vor drei Tagen dieses Buch gekauft. I bought this book three days ago. I bought this book three days ago. k Kin nait! I can't! No, no, no, no, no, no. Er hat eingesehen, dass er sich geirrt hat. He saw that he was wrong. He saw that he was wrong. Ik heb het werk afgemaakt. I finished the work. I finished the job. Ich weiß nicht, warum meine Freundin will, dass wir warten. I don't know why my friend wants us to wait. I don't know why my girlfriend wants us to wait. Je hebt een zonnige toekomst in het verschiet. You have a bright future. You have a sunny future in the shooting. Tom gehört ins Gefängnis. Tom belongs in jail. Tom is in prison. k Kin nait zain. I can't see. "Kin night zain. Zai is aacht joar old. She is eight. Zai is very old. Ze houdt van klassieke componisten zoals Beethoven en Bach. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. She loves classical composers like Beethoven and Bach. Dit is een boom. This is a tree. This is a tree. Wie is de baas? Who is in control? Who's the boss? Zamenhof schrieb einmal, man dürfe ihn zwar einen „Sohn Polens“ nennen, nicht aber einen „Polen“. Wenn man über seine Nationalität spreche, solle man stattdessen sagen, er bezeichne sich als „russländischen Hebräer“. Zamenhof once wrote that others can call him a "son of Poland", but not "Polish". Instead, when speaking about his nationality, they should say that he refers to himself as "Russian Hebrew". Zamenhof once wrote that although he might be called a “Son of Poland”, he was not a “Polish”; when one speaks of his nationality, one would rather say that he is referred to as “Russian Hebrews.” Das sind nur zehn Minuten zu Fuß. This is just a ten minute walk. These are only ten minutes on foot. Er is een bom in het vliegtuig! There is a bomb in the plane! There's a bomb in the plane! Dafür brauche ich den ganzen Tag. It'll take me all day to do that. I need it all day. Ik weet hoe je een wonde dicht moet naaien. I know how to stitch a wound. I know how to close a wound. Computer haben vor vielen Jahren gelernt, Schach zu spielen, aber sie hatten nicht immer die Kraft, die sie heute haben. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn't always have the strength they have today. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn’t always have the strength they have today. Wo ist das nächste Museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where is the next museum? Sonnenlicht fiel durch die Fensterscheiben auf den Fußboden. Sunlight came through the windows and lit up the floor. Sunlight fell through the window windows on the floor. Sprachen sind nicht seine Stärke. Languages aren't his forte. Languages are not its strength. Nichts macht Mühe, was man bereitwillig tut. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. Nothing makes you willing to do what you are willing to do. Ik ga me daar niet in mengen. I'm not getting involved. I'm not going to join in. Dat rode Huus is nee. The red house is new. The red house is no. Er wurde von allen geliebt. He was loved by everybody. He was loved by everyone. Was kost en Kilo Annas? How much is the kilo of pineapple? What is the cost of Kilo Annas? Mayuko kwam de kamer binnen. Mayuko entered the room. Mayuko came in. Wenn Sie wollen, können Sie gehen. If you wish, you can go. If you want, you can go. Wo denkst du an, wenn du dit Bild ankickst? What do you imagine when you see that picture? What do you think of when you look at this picture? Wel is dien faveriet? Who's your favorite? Well, is your favorite? Vo wo bisch? Where are you from? Where is it? Ich bin gleich ins Bett gegangen. I went straight to bed. I went to bed right away. Tom ist nicht der Sohn meiner Schwester, sondern meiner. Tom isn't my sister's son. He's my son. Tom is not my sister's son, but mine. Denk je echt dat Tom gelukkig is? Do you really think Tom is happy? Do you really think Tom is happy? Papa hieß mich schweigen. Dad told me to shut up. Dad called me silent. Mien Vader is vör fiev Johr doodbleven. My father died five years ago. My father died five years ago. Frag mich im Oktober noch mal. Ask me again in October. Ask me again in October. Selbst Tom machte sich anheischig zu helfen. Even Tom offered to help. Even Tom was eager to help. Tom is niet heel jong. Tom isn't very young. Tom is not very young. Ich glaube, dass man diesen Tintenfleck schon wieder herausbekommt. I think that it'll be possible to get this ink stain out. I think you're getting out of this ink spot. Wurden Sie schon einmal wegen einer Blasenentzündung behandelt? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you been treated for a blaze of inflammation? Blijf maar van hem weg. Just stay away from him. Stay away from him. Du wirst mir auch fehlen. I'll miss you too. You'll miss me too. We hebben hem op heterdaad betrapt. We caught him red-handed. We've caught him on iterating. De bloem is mooi. The flower is beautiful. The flower is beautiful. Tom is mien kollegoa en mien vrund. Tom is my colleague and my friend. Tom is my colleague and my girlfriend. Wohin mag Tom wohl gegangen sein? I wonder where Tom could have gone. Where might Tom have gone? Ierlaand ligt in West-Europa. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is located in Western Europe. Ik eet vis. I eat fish. I eat fish. Wie hätten wir eine Wiederholung der Ereignisse verhindern können? What did we need to do to prevent this from happening again? How could we have avoided repeating the events? Is er bij je emfyseem vastgesteld? Have you been diagnosed with emphysema? Have you found your emphysema? Bitteschöön. You're welcome. Please. בנימין נתניהו איז אַ שאַנדע פֿאַר די גויים. Benjamin Netanyahu is a shande. I don’t know how Peter feels about things. Welke slang heeft de langste giftanden? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest poison teeth? Zu welchem Zeitpunkt wird die Auferstehung sein? When will the resurrection be? At what time will the resurrection be? סאַמי האָט גערעדט אַראַביש. Sami spoke Arabic. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dat lijkt op thee. That looks like tea. It's like tea. Tom leidet am Zeitzonenunterschied. Tom is suffering from jet lag. Tom suffers from the time zone difference. Wer ist dein Englischlehrer? Who is your English teacher? Who is your English teacher? Das Krokodil bewegte sich nicht. The crocodile didn't move. The crocodile didn't move. Ich öffnete die Dose, aber sie war leer. I opened the can, but it was empty. I opened the box, but she was empty. Niemand hat Tom zu der Feier eingeladen. Nobody invited Tom to the party. No one invited Tom to the party. Mama, beeil dich! Alle warten schon. Mom, hurry up! Everyone's waiting. Mum, hurry up! Ich muss umgehend dorthin. I've got to go there immediately. I have to go there immediately. Dit Buat wiar gurt. The boat was big. This boat was worn. Doe schreefst. You wrote. Do write. Tom opende de fles wijn. Tom opened the bottle of wine. Tom opened the bottle of wine. Ik was dicht bij de rivier, toen ik de weg kwijt raakte. It was near the river that I lost my way. I was close to the river when I lost my way. Sie ist reich, aber er ist arm. She is rich but he is poor. She's rich, but he's poor. We zullen ons voorbereiden op een boycot tegen West-Samoa. We will prepare for a boycott against Western Samoa. We will prepare for a boycott against West Samoa. Ich will es mit einem Gleichnis erklären. I'll explain by way of a parable. I want to explain it with an equation. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die meisten Amerikaner heute das Gleiche wie jene ersten Amerikaner wollen: ein besseres Leben für sich und ihre Kinder, ein Minimum an Staatsgewalt. I'm convinced that today the majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. I am convinced that most Americans today want the same as those first Americans: a better life for themselves and their children, a minimum of state violence. צי איז קאַרל מאַרקס געווען אַ קאָמוניסט? Was Karl Marx a communist? Do you have a crewman’s crew on board? Dan deed niet eens de afwas. Dan didn't even do the dishes. Then I didn't even do the washing. ער איז מתכוון געווען אויף דעם פראבלעם. He focused his attention on that problem. Immediately, Immediately, Immediately, Immediately, Immediately, Immediately. Du musst dir etwas suchen, was dir Spaß macht. You have to find something you enjoy doing. You have to look for something that makes you fun. Sie fangen mich nie! You'll never catch me! They never catch me! Ben je in de afgelopen 14 dagen in nauw contact geweest met iemand die positief getest is op COVID-19? Within the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Have you been in close contact with someone who has been tested positive on COVID-19 in the last 14 days? Mein Bruder hat mir das Schwimmen beigebracht. My brother taught me how to swim. My brother taught me to swim. Tom lief auf dem zugefrorenen Teich Schlittschuh. Tom skated on the frozen pond. Tom ran on the frozen pond slide shoe. Ich werde dich nächsten Sonntag besuchen. I will come to see you next Sunday. I'll visit you next Sunday. Wir müssen unser Haus verkaufen. We have to sell our house. We have to sell our house. Worüm deist du dat? What are you doing that for? Why are you doing it? He hett mi sien neet Auto wiest. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. נישטאָ קיין גאָט אַחוץ גאָט. There is no god but God. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Können Sie Ihre Bauchschmerzen beschreiben? Can you describe your stomach pain? Can you describe your stomach pain? Tom zegt dat hij niet degene was die het raam brak. Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he wasn't the one who broke the window. Wir kämpfen gegen einen Feind, den wir nicht kennen. We are fighting an enemy we don't know. We are fighting an enemy we don't know. Ik ben geen vogel, en geen net verstrikt me; ik ben een vrij mens met een onafhankelijke wil. I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. I'm not a bird, and I'm not just caught; I'm a free man with an independent will. Hij was gemarteld en vermoord. He was tortured and murdered. He was tortured and killed. Wir waren zu der Zeit zufällig in London. We happened to be in London at that time. At the time, we were by chance in London. Hij is volledig afhankelijk van zijn ouders. He is totally dependent on his parents. He is completely dependent on his parents. k Kin nog aal vechten. I can still fight. K can still fight. Het is een weerspiegeling van onze samenleving. It's a reflection of our society. It is a reflection of our society. Wir greifen bei Sonnenaufgang an. We'll attack at sunrise. We are going to attack Northern Ireland. Rome is de hoofdstad van Italië. Rome is the capital of Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. Tom hat sein Versprechen endlich eingelöst. Tom has finally done what he said he'd do. Tom finally gave up his promise. Ik wit net wat it is. I don't know what it is. I just know what it is. Das Hausprojekt ist flach gefallen. The housing project has fallen flat. The house project fell flat. Ich glaube, Tom sucht uns. I think Tom is looking for us. I think Tom is looking for us. Julle is tussen vriende. You guys are among friends. You are between friends. Es hat ihm nicht geschmeckt. He didn't like the food. He didn't taste it. Is hierdie jou bier? Is this your beer? Is this your beer? Da ihm sein Büro nicht gefiel, bat Tom seinen Chef, ihn ein anderes beziehen zu lassen. Tom didn't like his office, so he asked his boss to let him use another office. Because he didn't like his office, Tom asked his boss to let him touch another. Nau yet, Burj Khalifa em longpela haus go antap long skai, long graun. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Even now, Burj Khalifa is a tall house in the sky, on earth. טאָם האָט געשפּיגן. Tom spat. Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tagged as Tom schrieb einen Brief an den Weihnachtsmann. Tom wrote a letter to Santa. Tom wrote a letter to the Santa Claus. Ich habe jetzt keine Zeit dafür. I've got no time for that now. I don't have time for it now. Hört auf, dumme Fragen zu stellen! Stop asking stupid questions. Stop asking stupid questions! Tom hat in Android-tillefoan. Tom has an Android phone. Tom has an Android phone. Dit lawaai is ondraaglijk. This noise is unbearable. This noise is unbearable. איך שטודיִר שפּאַניש. I study Spanish. How do you think Nathanael? Ik praat gjin Japansk. I can't speak Japanese. I speak Japanese. Ich will dich nicht mit meiner Erkältung anstecken. I don't want to give you my cold. I don't want to touch you with my cold. Het lijkt erop dat je hond dorst heeft. It looks like your dog is thirsty. It looks like your dog's thirsty. איר זענט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. Irritated and scrambled. Ich schwitze. I'm sweating. I'm sweating. Ik blijf bij je tot zondagochtend. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. Houd hem stil. Keep him quiet. Keep it quiet. Sie waren nicht dort. They weren't there. They weren't there. Nüms mag Krieg. No one likes war. Nums likes war. Heb je het gevoel dat je koorts hebt? Do you feel like you have a fever? Do you feel like you have fever? Tom leidet an einer Geisteskrankheit, die sein Urteilsvermögen beeinträchtigt. Tom is suffering from a mental disorder that impairs his judgment. Tom suffers from a mental illness that affects his judgment. Sie sind auch kein Heiliger. You're no saint, either. They are also not saints. Sie haben drei Kinder. You've got three children. They have three children. Wie binnen ien Finlaand. We are in Finland. Like within one finland. Ik denk dat iedereen dat weet. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows that. Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep zo goed dat hij de baan kreeg. The interview went off so well that he got the job. The application conversation went so well that he got the job. כ'בין אַ קאַץ. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Ik moet ze vinden. I've got to find them. I have to find them. Dat paard is wit. That horse is white. The horse is white. Die einfachen Lösungen sind immer die schönsten. The simplest solutions are always the best. The simple solutions are always the most beautiful. Ja! Ik maak haar dood! Je zal zien, ik maak haar dood! Yes! I will kill her! You'll see, I will kill her! I'm killing her, you'll see, I'm killing her! Das ist nicht das Schlimmste, was passiert ist. That isn't the worst thing that happened. This is not the worst thing that has happened. Die Mutter unseres Kollegen starb. Our colleague's mother has died. The mother of our colleague died. Ich glaube, Tom hat seine Kamera vergessen. I think Tom forgot his camera. I think Tom has forgotten his camera. Hij probeerde niet haar tegen te houden. He didn't try to stop her. He didn't try to stop her. Man empfängt den Mann nach dem Kleide und entlässt ihn nach dem Verstande. A good dress is a card of invitation, while a good mind is a letter of recommendation. One receives the man after the garment and leaves him after the mind. אַלע האַלטן טאָמען פֿאַר אַ גאָון. Everyone thinks that Tom is a genius. The devil sent Peter to Goon. Ich habe kein Kopfweh mehr. My headache has gone. I don't have headaches anymore. Ik zit vol! I'm stuffed! I'm full! Tom und Maria haben heute Hochzeitstag. It's Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary today. Tom and Maria have their wedding day today. Die Informationen in diesem Leitfaden sollen helfen, eine legale Arbeit unter fairen Bedingungen zu finden und nicht in ausbeuterische Situationen zu geraten. The information contained in this guide is meant to help people find work under fair conditions and avoid exploitation. The information in this guide should help find a legal work under fair conditions and not get into exploitative situations. Tom heeft een aanhoudende hoest. Tom has a persistent cough. Tom has a persistent cough. Ik was bezig. I was busy. I was busy. Persoonlijk deel ik zijn mening. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. Personally, I share my opinion. Tom mist nooit Taco-dinsdagen. Tom never misses Taco Tuesdays. Tom never misses Taco Tuesdays. Lesen ist leichter als schreiben. Reading is easier than writing. Reading is easier than writing. Laten we kaart spelen. Let's play cards. Let's play card. Kannst du uns etwas zum Frühstück machen? Can you make us some breakfast? Can you make us breakfast? Ben je ooit in het ziekenhuis opgenomen geweest voor bronchitis of longontsteking? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Scheinbar komplizierte Probleme besitzen oft eine einfache Lösung. There's often a simple solution to what seems like a complicated problem. Apparently complicated problems often have a simple solution. Ich muss nicht hier sein. Ich bin hier, weil ich hier sein will. I don't have to be here. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to be here. Probeer een beetje Engels te leren. Try to learn a little English. Try to learn a little English. Das Pferd, auf das Tom gesetzt hatte, kam als letztes ans Ziel. The horse that Tom bet on came in last. The horse that Tom had set up came to the finish. Dat is zijn stiefbroer. That's his stepbrother. That's his stepbrother. Ich hörte ein Krachen vom Himmel und hatte Angst. Gibt es da oben einen sehr mächtigen Mann? I heard a crash from the sky and I was afraid. Is there a very powerful man up there? I heard a crack from the sky and was afraid. טאָם איז אַ שד. Tom is a demon. Iris is a two-year-old. k Wil snij. I want snow. K want to cut. Dreum k? Am I dreaming? Dreum k? Hij houdt van reizen. Ik houd er ook van. He likes to travel. I do, too. He likes to travel, I love it too. Hij houdt niet van rennen. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like running. Ihr wisst, wer ich bin. You know who I am. You know who I am. Das Schluss wurde ausgetauscht. The lock was changed. The end was replaced. Waar is die ander meisies? Where are the other girls? Where are the other girls? Ik ben bekaf. I'm exhausted. I'm beckoned. Ich habe gerade deine Mutter getroffen. I just met your mother. I just met your mother. איך האב נישט געזעהן טאם אין מער פון דריי מאָנאַט. I haven't seen Tom for over three months. God’s wrath is that there is no such thing as God’s power over Satan’s world. "Ja, dat ben ik," zei Al-Sayib. "Maar er is er minstens één van ons in elk land. En we houden allemaal van Fanta en van noobs op hun plaats zetten." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like to put Fanta and of noobs in their place." Dreemen Hënn? Do dogs dream? Threesomes here? Die Kinder fahren Karussell. The children are riding the carousel. The kids drive Karussell. De Kinner hebbt in ’n Dreck speelt. The children were playing in the dirt. The children played in the trash. טאָם לײַדט פֿון אויסוועפּונג. Tom is in withdrawal. I'm sorry to hear about Daniel Osborne. Ik heb het raam geopend. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Tom sah in das Zimmer. Tom looked into the room. Tom looked into the room. Tom ist gerade aus dem Gefängnis gekommen, und er will nicht wieder dort landen. Tom just got out of prison and he doesn't want to go back. Tom has just been released from prison, and he doesn't want to land there again. Wi verwacht en gode Oost dit Johr. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect a good east this year. Ien haarst valen bloadjen of. The leaves fall in autumn. One hairfalls blasting or. Spot niet met vreemdelingen. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't make fun of strangers. Sie ist genau wie wir. She's just like us. She's just like us. Warum habt ihr Deutsch gelernt? Why did you learn German? Why did you learn German? Und wie das Glück so spielt, war die Vorsehung auf meiner Seite. As luck would have it, Providence was on my side. And how luck plays this way was the precaution on my side. Lana Turner war eine wunderschöne Blondine. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Een olifant heeft een lange neus. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Höre bitte auf zu pfeifen! Please stop whistling. Please stop pifing! Du wirst es versuchen, nicht wahr? You will try it, won't you? You're gonna try it, aren't you? Wat doen hy hier? What's he doing there? What does he do here? Sie hat selbst gesagt, dass sie sich nie wieder in jemanden verlieben wird. She said herself that she won't fall in love with anyone anymore. She said she would never fall in love with anyone again. Deine kleine Schwester blickt zu dir auf, Tom. Your little sister looks up to you, Tom. Your little sister is looking at you, Tom. דער מעסער איז נישט שארף. The knife isn't sharp. The ice-collar has made a lot of noise. Hatten Sie irgendwann Brustschmerzen? Have you ever experienced chest pain? Have you ever had chest pain? Ich bin reich. I'm rich. I'm rich. Sie dürfen schwimmen. You may swim. You can swim. Woarschienlek. Probably. Probably. Glaubst du, man wird uns retten? Do you think we're going to be rescued? Do you believe we'll be saved? Dag iedereen. Hello everyone. All day. Ich erkannte Tom, er mich aber nicht. I recognized Tom, but he didn't recognize me. I recognized Tom, but he didn't. זײַט איר אין בערלין? Are you in Berlin? Doesn't have a barn? Wenn du um halb drei nicht da bist, fahren wir ohne dich. If you're not there by 2:30, we'll leave without you. If you're not there for half three, we'll drive without you. Waar is het loket? Where's the ticket counter? Where's the locket? Vielleicht ist es so das Beste. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's the best. Ik drink zelden bier. I seldom drink beer. I rarely drink beer. Ik ben nog niet klaar met mijn huiswerk. I have not finished my homework yet. I'm not ready for my homework yet. Tom moedigde me aan om Frans te leren. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Onderzoekt u regelmatig uw borsten zelf? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly examine your breasts yourself? Ich habe dich in einen Fisch verwandelt. I turned you into a fish. I turned you into a fish. Tom mag keine leicht reizbaren Menschen. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. Tom doesn’t like any easily irritable people. Drink thee. Drink tea Drink tea. Es gibt viele Rätsel auf der Welt, und wie es dir gelungen ist, eine rumzukriegen, gehört ganz klar dazu. There are many mysteries in this world, and how you ended up getting a date is definitely one of them. There are many puzzles in the world, and how you have managed to get a rump is very clear. k Kin zwemmen. I can swim. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K אלצדינג איז נאכאמאל שטילערהייט. All is quiet again. I'm looking forward to an ice-collar shootout. Nachdem sie die traurige Nachricht hörte, brach sie in Tränen aus. Hearing the sad news, she collapsed in tears. After hearing the sad news, she broke into tears. Tom hat wieder geheiratet. Tom has remarried. Tom remarried. Hebben jullie dan helemaal geen contact met elkaar? Don't you guys communicate at all? Do you have no contact with each other at all? Ik höör wat. I can hear something. I hear something. Ich möchte, dass sie mit mir kommt. I'd like her to come with me. I want her to come with me. Er is aarich sexy. He's very sexy. There's a lot of sexy. Winkels zijn druk bezet net voor Kerstmis. Stores are crowded just before Christmas. Shops are busy just before Christmas. Ik hoorde een raar sissend geluid. I heard a strange hissing noise. I heard a strange sippling sound. Wie binnen noaber. We're neighbors. Like in noaber. Op een dag zullen ze je rijbewijs afnemen. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One day, they'll take your driver's license off. We gingen naar een Italiaanse pizzeria. We went to an Italian pizzeria. We went to an Italian pizzeria. Is dat Latien? Is this Latin? Is it Latin? Ik hou van ze allebei. I like each of them. I love them both. Ik krijg de deur niet open. I can't get the door to open. I don't get the door open. Tom heeft al een nieuwe vriendin. Tom has a new girlfriend already. Tom already has a new girlfriend. Ich verstehe nicht, was dich umtreibt. I don't understand what's bothering you. I don't understand what's going on around you. סאַמי טרינקט. Sami drinks. I'm a tributary. Baie verjaarsdagkaartjies sal binnekort arriveer. A lot of birthday cards will arrive soon. Many birthday tickets will arrive soon. Ik bel je morgen. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. He hett twee Katten kregen, een is witt, een is swart. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He got two cats, one is white, one is black. Tom mochte es auch. Tom liked it, too. Tom liked it too. Ik kan niets zien. I can't see! I can't see anything. Ek sal jou laat terug gaan aan die werk. I'll let you get back to work. I'll let you go back to work. Ik was gewoon moe. I was just tired. I was just tired. Ben je ooit gewond geweest door een kogel? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever been injured by a bullet? Ich möchte, dass du Erkundigungen über Tom einziehst. I want you to find out about Tom. I want you to draw up reports about Tom. Hij vergeleek de kopie met het origineel. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy to the original. Tom war zu schüchtern, um es zuzugeben. Tom was too shy to admit it. Tom was too shy to admit. Je kunt betalen onder rembours, via overschrijving of per postwissel. You can pay cash on delivery, by bank transfer or by postal order. You can pay under brake farmers, via transfer or by post exchange. Dafür könnten wir ins Gefängnis kommen. We could go to prison for doing this. We could go to prison for that. Tom erwartet nichts mehr vom Leben. Tom doesn't expect anything from life anymore. Tom doesn’t expect anything more from life. Darf ich dich mal unter vier Augen sprechen? Can I have a word with you in private? Can I talk to you under four eyes? Der Junge fand mitten auf der Straße eine Schachtel voller Geld. The boy found a box full of money in the middle of the street. The boy found a box full of money in the middle of the street. Tom ist schwer zu überbieten. Tom is a hard act to follow. Tom is hard to overcome. Ek sou nie daarop wed nie. I wouldn't bet on that. I wouldn’t be bet on it. Seid ihr jetzt beschäftigt, Tom? Are you all busy now, Tom? Are you busy now, Tom? Hij is bang voor honden. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Waarom ben je zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Is it Grinslânsk in taal of in dialekt? Is Gronings a language or a dialect? Is it Greenlandic in a language or a dialect? Di Wask es jit ek drüch. The laundry isn't dry yet I don’t care about the water. We vliegen maandag vanop Narita. We are leaving Narita next Monday. We fly Monday from Narita. Die Menge brach in laute Jubelrufe aus. The crowds broke into loud cheers. The crowd broke out in loud cheers. Man hat es bestätigt. It has been confirmed. It has been confirmed. Ze zijn bang voor de dood. They are afraid of death. They're afraid of death. Bret Stephens is a maddok. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Bret Stephens is a maddok. Tom mag sowohl Fleisch als auch Fisch. Tom likes both meat and fish. Tom likes both meat and fish. Ik wil graag leraar worden. I'd like to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. He is gau. He's fast. He's fast. Mijn broer heeft autisme. My brother has autism. My brother has autism. Bist du schwul? Are you gay? Are you gay? Bitte gib mir einen Aschenbecher. Please give me an ashtray. Please give me an ash cup. Sie sind nie zufrieden. You're never satisfied. You're never satisfied. Moenie die hond met 'n klip gooi nie. Don't throw a stone at the dog. Do not throw the dog with a stone. Ehr Droom is Paris to besöken. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. So was machst du besser nicht noch mal! You'd better not do anything like that again. That's what you don't do again! We kunnen beter even wachten. We'd better wait. We can wait a little longer. Es spielt keine Rolle, wer angefangen hat. It doesn't matter who started. It doesn’t matter who started. Ich bin neugierig, ob es in unserer Stadt schneien wird diesen Winter. I wonder if it will snow in our town this winter. I am curious if it will snow in our city this winter. Tom war Holzfäller. Tom was a lumberjack. Tom was a wood-faller. Honden kunnen in het donker zien. Dogs can see in the dark. Dogs can see in the dark. Tom ist nervös. Tom is skittish. Tom is nervous. Toms Fahrrad ist nicht neu, Marias schon. Tom's bicycle isn't new, but Mary's is. Tom's bike isn't new, Maria's already. Kin k schraaien? Can I cry? Can you scream? Tom siene Öllern wören nich to Huus. Tom's parents weren't home. Tom's parents won't be at home. Wat jy ook al doen, moenie die nuwe foon laat val nie. Whatever you do, don't drop your new phone. Whatever you do, don’t let the new phone fall. Hij heeft de man van diefstal beschuldigd. He accused the man of stealing. He accused the man of theft. Tom het vir my gesê dat ek met jou Frans moet praat. Tom told me to speak to you in French. Tom told me that I should speak French to you. Jullie huis staat te koop. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Schulen sind geschlossen. Schools are closed. Schools are closed. Diese Gitarre gehörte ursprünglich Tom. This guitar originally belonged to Tom. This guitar was originally owned by Tom. Die Kirche ist für die Hochzeit mit Blumen geschmückt. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. Kan ek 'n drukkie kry? Could I get a hug? Can I get a press? Herfst is mijn favoriete seizoen. Autumn is my favourite season. Autumn is my favorite season. Sie sind sich noch nie zuvor begegnet. They have never met before. They have never met before. Se hett dröög Hoor. She has dry hair. She has worn ears. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das richtig übersetzt habe. I'm not sure if I translated this right. I'm not sure if I've translated it correctly. מײַן מאַמע האָט אַ נאָטבוק און אַ טעוועלע. My mother has a notebook and a tablet. There is no doubt that God’s will is going to be done. Glaubst du, es bereitet Schwierigkeiten, das Buch in einer Woche durchzulesen? Do you think it is difficult to finish reading this book in a week? Do you think it's going to be hard to read the book in a week? Das ist meins, oder? This is mine, isn't it? That's mine, isn't it? Sie hat rote Haare. She has red hair. She has red hair. Das ist eine interessante Behauptung. That is an interesting claim. This is an interesting assertion. Tom weiß, dass du nicht sehr gut Französisch sprichst. Tom knows you can't speak French very well. Tom knows you don't speak French very well. Sie ist durch harte Arbeit und einen guten Sinn fürs Geschäftliche reich geworden. She became rich by virtue of hard work and good business sense. She has become rich through hard work and a good sense of business. Tom vluchtte. Tom fled. Tom fled. Je kunt vandaag vrij nemen. You can take today off. You can take free today. Kuala Lumpur is en Besöök weert. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is a visit. Ein Kritiker ist ein Huhn, das gackert, wenn ein anderes ein Ei legt. A critic is a hen who cackles when another lays an egg. A critic is a chicken that cracks when another lays an egg. Präsident Obama wurde auf Hawaii geboren. President Obama was born in Hawaii. President Obama was born in Hawaii. Kun jij omgaan met de manier waarop hij zich gedraagt? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you deal with the way he behaves? Tom werd tot ridder geslagen. Tom was knighted. Tom was beaten as a knight. Morgen heb ik les om negen uur 's ochtends. Tomorrow I have class at nine o'clock in the morning. Tomorrow I'll be teaching at nine in the morning. De volgende zondag gaan we onze tante bezoeken. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. The next Sunday we will visit our aunt. Tom war nicht sehr erbaut. Tom wasn't very pleased. Tom was not very built. Du hast mir die Haut gerettet. You saved my hide. You saved my skin. Ik ontmoet Mihaela elke morgen in de metro. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I meet Mihaela every morning in the metro. Wir müssen den Tatsachen ins Auge blicken. We have to face the facts. We have to look at the facts. Wir wurden rausgeschmissen. We were kicked out. We were thrown out. Du versteihst Sweedsch. You can understand Swedish. You understand Swedish. Wie viel ist ein durchschnittliches Haus in deiner Gegend wert? What is the value of an average home in your area? How much is an average house worth in your area? Tom liep voor Maria. Tom was walking in front of Mary. Tom ran for Maria. Vlees, alsjeblieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. Wie schnell der Hund rennt! How fast that dog runs! How fast the dog runs! Noord is de richting die tegenovergesteld is aan zuid. North is the opposite direction from south. North is the direction that is opposite to south. Ja, du darfst das Geschirr abwaschen. Nimm reichlich heißes Wasser, und achte darauf, dass du es gut abtrocknest! Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. Yes, you can wash off the oven. Take plenty of hot water, and make sure you dry it well! Moet nie aan die lekkergoed raak nie. Don't touch the candy. Don’t touch the sweets. Ek dink nie jou plan sal werk nie. I don't think your plan will work. I don’t think your plan will work. Tom kon dood gegaan het. Tom might've died. Tom could have died. Waarom hebben vogels vleugels? Why do birds have wings? Why do birds have wings? Der tapfere Ritter rettete die holde Prinzessin vor dem bösen Drachen. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight rescued the holding princess from the evil dragon. Dat was een paar jaar geleden. That was a few years ago. That was a few years ago. Waarom ging je toen naar de dokter? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why then did you go to the doctor? Tom brachte Maria das Lippenlesen bei. Tom taught Mary how to read lips. Tom contributed to Mary's reading of the lips. Man muss mindestens eine Stunde warten, um eine Eintrittskarte zu bekommen. You'll have to wait no less than an hour to get a ticket. You have to wait at least an hour to get an entry card. Wir haben den ganzen Tag am Strand verbracht. We spent the entire day on the beach. We spent the whole day at the beach. מאַריכואַנע איז איצט לעגאַל אין שטאַט ניו־⁠יאָרק. Cannabis is now legal in New York State. I don't know if it's going to be new, but I don't think it's going to be new. Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? A glass of water, please. Can I please drink a glass of water? Se hett mi leef, un ik heff se ok leef. She loves me and I love her too. She loved me, and I also loved her. Weet je waar Tom luncht? Do you know where Tom eats lunch? Do you know where Tom lunches? יענץ פֿערד איז מסוגל צו רעדן. That horse can talk. Mr. Griffiths, I agree with a statement. Ik heb hem net uit. I just read it. I just got him out. Hier wird man abergläubisch, ohne es zu wollen. Here you will become superstitious whether you want to or not. Here, however, you will become believers without wanting it. Die Ent hod Abakaschi gess. The duck ate pineapple. The Battle of Abbaschi. Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass der gute Läufer das Duell mit dem schlechten Läufer gewonnen hat. Needless to say, the good bishop won the duel with the bad bishop. It is unnecessary to mention that the good runner has won the duel with the bad runner. Ik heb veel vrienden. I've got plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Tom se hande was koud. Tom's hands were cold. Tom’s hands were cold. Ist Griechisch schwer zu lernen? Is it hard to learn Greek? Is Greek hard to learn? ער איז אונדזער שכן. He's our neighbor. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Maar ik wil niet. But I don't want to. But I don't want to. Ik weet dat je van Boston zal genieten. I know you'll enjoy Boston. I know you'll enjoy Boston. Zeg me wat je zoekt en ik zal je helpen. Tell me what you are looking for and I will help you. Tell me what you're looking for and I'll help you. Hast du es eilig? Are you in a hurry? Are you holy? In Wisconsin schmilzt Butter gewöhnlich nicht bei Zimmertemperatur. Butter usually does not melt at room temperature in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, butter usually does not melt at room temperature. Er is een spin op de muur. There's a spider on the wall. There's a spin on the wall. Das kann unmöglich hinhauen. It can't possibly work. That can be impossible. Sie stand auf dem Dach. She stood on the roof. She was standing on the roof. Tom fing an, Maria zu beschimpfen. Tom started calling Mary names. Tom began to insult Mary. Duitsland heeft twee hoofdsteden. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Zij waren aan het daten. They were dating. They were dating. Help me met mijn huiswerk. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. Er hat morgen Deutsch. He has German tomorrow. He's got German tomorrow. I schote. I pooped. I shot. Is dyn mem thús? Is your mum at home? Is your mother at home? Zij lust graag salade. She likes salads. She likes salad. Wie möchten Sie Ihren Kaffee: schwarz oder mit Sahne? How would you like your coffee, black or with cream? How do you want your coffee: black or white? Ech héieren Musek, an dir? I'm listening to music, and you? I'm sorry to hear about you, are you? Is daar water? Is there water? Is there water? Se kann sowat nich seggt hebben. She can't have said such a thing. She may not have said anything. Wat bent u aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you reading? Ze is veertig jaar oud. She is forty years old. She's forty years old. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? Don't you come with me? Tom ging durch die Küche. Tom walked through the kitchen. Tom went through the kitchen. He hett markt, dat ik dor bün. He noticed my presence. I've marketed that I'm fine there. Zikaden sind 3 cm lange, geflügelte Insekten, die laut zirpen, wenn sie auf Partnersuche sind. Cicadas are 3-centimeter, winged insects that buzz loudly while seeking a mate. Zicads are 3 cm-long, winged insects that starve loudly when they are looking for a partner. Ich verstand nicht, was er sagte. I didn't catch what he said. I didn't understand what he was saying. Ik harr en lang Gespreek mit ehr. I had a long talk with her. I had a long conversation with her. דריווש איז אַ סאָציאַליסט. Darius is a socialist. Irrigation of Irrigation. Das tue ich normalerweise nicht. I don't usually do that. I don't usually do that. Diamanten waren erst in den 1930ern die besten Freunde einer Braut. Diamonds did not become a bride’s best friend until the 1930s. Diamonds were only the best friends of a bride in the 1930s. Ich will nicht ins Wasser. I don't want to get into the water. I don't want to go into the water. Frau Allan sagt, dass ich eine schöne Stimme habe und dass ich unbedingt im Chor der Sonntagsschule singen muss. Mrs. Allan says I have a good voice and she says I must sing in the Sunday-school choir. Ms. Allan says that I have a beautiful voice and that I have to sing in the choir of Sunday school. Pak maar wat je wilt. Take what you want. Just take what you want. Warum hast du nicht auf den Arzt gehört? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Why didn't you listen to the doctor? Mensen in de steden zijn aangetrokken tot het plattelandsleven. People in towns are attracted by life in the country. People in the cities are attracted to rural life. Eines Tages werden Sie die Wahrheit kennen. You will know the truth some day. One day you will know the truth. Mir hat das Reisen mit dir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. I enjoyed traveling with you. I had a lot of fun traveling with you. Was kostete das deinen Worten nach? How much did you say this cost? What did that cost your word? Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom was not wearing socks. Tom didn’t wear socks. Sind die Hühner platt wie Teller, war der Traktor wieder schneller. When the chickens are flat as pancakes, then again the tractor must have been faster than them. If the chicken was flat like counter, the tractor was faster again. Wie lange wollen wir ihn reden lassen, bevor er sich völlig zum Narren macht? How long should we let him talk before he makes a complete fool of himself? How long do we want to let him talk before he makes himself a fool? Ik kan het restaurant niet vinden. I can't find the restaurant. I can't find the restaurant. Ich möchte, dass du das weißt. I want you to know that. I want you to know. Wanneer is Moederdag? When's Mother's Day? When is Mother's Day? Keines dieser Eier ist frisch. None of these eggs are fresh. None of these eggs are fresh. Vielleicht werde ich es nicht zurückschaffen. I might not make it back. Maybe I won't restore it. Im Unterschied zu ihrer Mutter interessierte sich das Mädchen nicht für Krimis. Unlike her mother, the girl did not care for murder mysteries. Unlike her mother, the girl was not interested in crime. Ich trank aus der Flasche, und ehe ich mich’s versah, verwandelte ich mich in ein Kaninchen. I drank from the bottle and before I noticed, I turned into a rabbit. I drank from the bottle, and before I saw it, I turned myself into a rabbit. Tom kook nooit. Tom never cooks. Tom never cooks. Russische roulette spelen is niet echt een goed idee. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Russian roulette play is not really a good idea. Reisen Sie per Schiff oder fliegen Sie? Do you travel by sea or by air? Do you travel by ship or fly? Vergeht Se nich Ehr Geld! Don't forget your money. Don't miss your money! Hoe lang is het van hier naar jouw huis? How long does it take from here to your house? How long is it from here to your home? Je hebt gedronken. You have drunk. You drank. דאָס בוך איז אינעם רשות־הרבים. That book is in the public domain. Dodgers are not allowed to do so. Ik weet alles van haar. I know everything about her. I know everything about her. Mijn ouders zijn 100% Algerijns. My parents are 100% Algerian. My parents are 100% Algerian. Ik ben Spaans. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Wanneer moet je weg? When do you have to go? When should you get away? Ich bin aus Paris. I'm from Paris. I'm from Paris. Freundschaften schließen scheint dir nicht schwer zu fallen. You seem to make friends easily. Friendships don’t seem hard to fall. De stad was verlaten door z'n inwoners. The town was deserted by its inhabitants. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants. Haar ogen vulden zich met tranen. His eyes filled with tears. Her eyes filled with tears. Du musst einen Fehler gemacht haben. You must have made a mistake. You must have made a mistake. Er tanzt mit seiner Freundin. He's dancing with his girlfriend. He dances with his girlfriend. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. It doesn't bother me that Tom comes with his new girlfriend. Ich werde mich bemühen, bis halb drei damit fertig zu werden. I'll try to get it done before 2:30. I'm going to try to finish up to half three. Nicht reden! Don't talk! Don't talk! Het ontbijt is om half tien. Breakfast is at half past nine. Breakfast is at half ten. Tom dog dat dit onregverdig was. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom said it was unfair. De meeste grote Japanse firma's hangen af van de export. The majority of large Japanese companies depend on exports. Most Japanese companies depend on exports. Ik heff mi föhlt, as wenn söven Sünnen in mi opgahn sünd. I felt like seven suns have risen inside of me. I felt like when seven suns went up in me. Hij staat erop nog een spel te spelen. He insists on playing another game. He's still playing another game. Wat een vreemd toeval! What a strange coincidence! What a strange coincidence! Die Gegend ist nie besiedelt gewesen. The region has never been inhabited by people. The area has never been inhabited. Wir haben unseren Hund gestern Nacht drinnen schlafen lassen. We let our dog sleep inside last night. We let our dog sleep inside last night. Hebben jullie haar vandaag gezien? Have you seen her today? Did you see her today? Jedenfalls können Sie ganz beruhigt sein. In any case, you don't need to worry. At any rate, you can be quite calm. He is lütter as ik. He's shorter than I am. He's smaller than me. As jy iets vind waarmee jy goed is en wat jy geniet, dit is 'n wonderlike ding. When you find something that you are good at and that you enjoy, it's a great thing. If you find something you’re good at and what you enjoy, it’s a wonderful thing. Was is do die Abscheilichkeet? What is this abomination? What is the disparity? Ich au. Nice to meet you too. I au. ער האט נישט גארנישט געזאגט, און דאס האט איר געמאכט צו זיין ברוגז. He said nothing, which made her angry. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Mary ist ein Proll. Mary is a chav. Mary is a proll. מסתמא איך האב פארגעסן מיינע שליסלעך. It is possible that I forgot my keys. It’s just like God’s love for you. Berlin ist die Hauptstadt Deutschlands. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital city of Germany. דזארדז וועל אוודאי קומען. George will come for sure. Darren, I'm sure you'll be surprised. Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden. Still waters run deep. Still waters have deep ground. Ich weiß, ihr habt es gut gemeint. I know you meant well. I know you meant it well. Jij bent een hond. You're a dog. You're a dog. Ik was in de bergen. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. דאָס בוך איז געװען זײער אינטערעסאַנט. This book was very interesting. I'm sorry that I'm in a bad mood. „Haben Sie Kinder?“ – „Ja, ich habe einen Sohn.“ "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." “Do you have children?” “Yes, I have a son.” Maak dat man glieks, dat du dat nich vergittst. Do it now, so you don't forget it. Make it the same way that you don't forget it. Ist die Tür geschlossen? Is the door closed? Is the door closed? Wie is sy vader? Who is his father? Who is his father? Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is a lot shorter than Mary is. Tom is much smaller than Ria. Jullie zijn jullie paraplu's vergeten. You forgot your umbrellas. You've forgotten your umbrellas. Hoe voeg ik nieuwe zinnen toe? How do I add new sentences? How do I add new sentences? העלדן טוען דאָס נישט. Heroes don't do that. Dude said that dude was squeezing. Körperlich fehlt dir nichts. There's nothing physically wrong with you. Physically, nothing is missing. In den besten Hotels steht einem immer jemand voll und ganz zur Verfügung. At the best hotels, there is always someone at your beck and call. In the best hotels there is always someone fully available. Dat Äten warrt koolt. The food is getting cold. The meal will be cold. Auf der Autobahn A 2 kommen fast täglich Menschen ums Leben. Almost every day people loose their life on highway A2. On Highway A 2 people die almost daily. Moet ik met je meegaan? Should I go with you? Should I go with you? Dit is een boek over Engeland. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. En Elefant hett en lange Nees. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Maak een vuist. Make a fist. Make a fist. Er is geen goud. There's no gold. There's no gold. Mi a 18. I am 18 years old. I am 18. Nog één uur en de kalkoen is klaar. One more hour and the turkey will be ready. One more hour and the turkey is ready. Die Landschaften sind einfach fantastisch . The landscapes are simply fantastic. The landscapes are just fantastic. Zij scheert het schaap. She is shearing the sheep. She's tearing the sheep. Ich glaube, du fehlst mir auch. I guess I miss you too. I think you're going to miss me too. Ik ben allergisch voor synthetische rubber. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. I am allergic to synthetic rubber. Schlechte Angewohnheiten wird man nur schwer los. Bad habits are hard to break. Bad habits are just going to get rid of. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat jullie voor ons hebben gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I'll never forget what you've done for us. Bei solchem Wetter gehe ich nicht nach draußen, wenn ich es nicht muss. I won't go outside in this kind of weather unless I have to. In the case of such weather, I don't go outside if I don't have to. Is er ooit hepatitis bij u gediagnosticeerd? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Wie hoch ist die Auflage dieser Zeitschrift? What is the circulation of this magazine? How high is the edition of this magazine? Het zal niet werken. It won't work. It won't work. די פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן זענען געווען אַ טעות. The U.S. was a mistake. That’s enough for Satan to make a mistake. Wir hatten in diesem Jahr eine Rekordernte. We had a bumper crop this year. We had a record harvest this year. Hien ass hire Papp. He's her dad. I'm sorry, Dad's dad. Nix is as dat lett. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is as if it seems. So viele Socken und kein einziges passendes Paar? All these socks, and not a single match? So many socks and not a single suitable pair? Ik stuur Tom elk jaar een kerstkaart. I send Tom a Christmas card every year. I'll send Tom a Christmas card every year. Je bent voor mij bestemd. You were meant for me. You're meant for me. Ik zou me graag bij jullie groep aansluiten. I'd like to join your group. I would like to join your group. Gott hod dich krieerd. God created you. God has created you. Damals war ich glücklich. I was happy then. At the time, I was happy. Der Junge hat kein Fahrrad. The boy doesn't have a bike. The boy has no bicycle. Waarom schrijf je met een potlood? Why are you writing with a pencil? Why do you write with a pencil? Ze hebben spaghetti gemaakt. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. Dit heeft niets met mij te maken. This has nothing to do with me. This has nothing to do with me. Ein Mathematiker würde so etwas nicht sagen. A mathematician wouldn't say such a thing. A mathematician would not say such a thing. Ik dacht dat Tom hier vandaag niet zou zijn. I thought Tom wasn't going to be here today. I thought Tom wouldn't be here today. Woneem sünd mien Zigaretten? Where are my cigarettes? Where are my cigarettes? Da Tom jetzt weiß, wer ich bin, kann ich hier nicht bleiben. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Ik vraag me af waarom ik me zo eenzaam voel wanneer het koud wordt. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. איך וויל ווערן אַ פּאָליטיקערין. I want to be a politician. How will I give you an eye-opener? Ze is niet kunnen ontsnappen. She couldn't have gotten out. She's not able to escape. Ze stond opzij. She was standing off to the side. She stood aside. Ich rede mit Tom nicht oft. I don't talk to Tom very often. I don't talk to Tom often. Ze zat naast me. She sat next to me. She was sitting next to me. In der Bibliothek war niemand. There was no one in the library. There was no one in the library. Toms verjaardag was gisteren. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Kom onmiddellijk hier! Come here immediately! Come here right now! Nimm dieses Medikament, und du fühlst dich besser. Take this medicine, and you'll feel better. Take this medicine, and you feel better. Tom kan nog niet autorijden. Tom isn't able to drive yet. Tom can't drive yet. Es wird nicht wieder passieren. Es war ein Missgeschick. It won't happen again. It was an accident. It's not going to happen again. Joe binnen n vraauw. You're a woman. You're in a prawn. Er is geen zout meer. There is no salt left. There's no more salt. Waar heb je die sleutel gevonden? Where was it that you found this key? Where did you find that key? Ich habe vorgeschlagen, er solle sofort da hingehen. I suggested that he go there at once. I've suggested he'll go there right away. Ich habe den Brief fertig geschrieben. I've finished writing the letter. I've finished writing the letter. Ik wil dat u tegen mijn hand duwt zo hard als u kunt. I want you to push against my hand as hard as you can. I want you to push my hand as hard as you can. Ik kom uit Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. Mary's personage was een rondborstige Amazone. Mary's character was a busty amazon. Mary's character was a circular Amazone. Hit is Jones appel. It's John's apple. It's Jones apple. Gees du mat? Are you coming along? Do you eat? Ik heb hem net gelezen. I just read it. I just read him. Nederlaand is ien twaalf pervinzies verdaild. The Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces. Nederlaand is a twelve-pervinzie-dealed. Hij grijpt naar zijn geweer! He's reaching for his rifle! He's grasping his gun! Tranen liepen over mijn wangen. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Trans walked over my cheeks. Tom speelt met zijn zoon. Tom is playing with his son. Tom plays with his son. Der Satz ist so kurz, dass er für mich kaum einen Sinn hat. The sentence is so short that it hardly has any meaning to me. The sentence is so short that it has little meaning for me. Ich habe ein Elektrofahrrad gekauft. I bought an e-bike. I bought an electric bike. For hwi ne fixast þu on sæ? Why don't you fish on the sea? For do you have a fixate on sæ? Derzeit verfügen Schachspieler über fortschrittliche Computerprogramme wie Alpha Zero, Deep Mind und Stockfish, um jede Position in einem Schachspiel zu analysieren. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs, such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind, and Stockfish, to analyze any position in a chess game. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind and Stockfish to analyze every position in a chess game. Stop met zeuren en vertrek. Stop moaning and get going. Stop sailing and leave. Tom aß nicht nur seinen eigenen Nachtisch, sondern auch Marias. Tom not only ate his dessert, he also ate Mary's dessert. Tom ate not only his own nocturnal table, but also Marias. Sie sahen alle glücklich aus. They all looked happy. They all looked happy. Worrel of benoan? Carrot or banana? Wound or bean? Die meisten dieser Bücher habe ich schon gelesen. I've read most of these books already. I have read most of these books. Wat hebt u zitten koken? What've you been cooking? What are you cooking? Godd hett ehr en smuck Gesicht un en söte Stimm geven. God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice. God gave her a beautiful face and a sweet voice. Ich weiß, dass Geld nicht alles ist. I know that money isn't everything. I know that money isn't everything. Er wohnt in einem gewaltigen Haus. He lives in a huge house. He lives in a huge house. Tom waste zijn handen voor het eten. Tom washed his hands before eating. Tom washed his hands for food. Ik ben achttien jaar oud. I am eighteen years old. I'm 18 years old. In Australien gibt es viele chinesische Restaurants. There are many Chinese restaurants in Australia. There are many Chinese restaurants in Australia. Tom heeft blond haar en groene ogen. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Warum tut ihr das immer wieder? Why do you keep doing that? Why do you do this again and again? Wir müssen das selbst ergründen. We need to figure this out on our own. We have to establish it ourselves. Tom konnte nicht verstehen, warum Mary über ihn lachte. Tom couldn't understand why Mary laughed at him. Tom couldn't understand why Mary laughed at him. Wir haben uns die ganze Nacht unterhalten. We talked the whole night. We had fun all night. דו האָסט נישט פֿאַרלוירן דעם וועג. You're not lost. Mr. Flynn's brother-in-law, Philipson, has been convicted of a murderous crime. Sie werden den Zug verpassen. They'll miss the train. You will miss the train. Ich bin froh zu hören, dass wir nicht ernsthaft verletzt wurden. I am glad to hear that we were not seriously hurt. I am glad to hear that we were not seriously hurt. Ik ben er al veel langer. I've been around a lot longer. I've been there for a long time. Tom repariert den Zaun im Garten. Tom is repairing the fence in the garden. Tom repairs the fence in the garden. Unser Land ist Algerien. Our country is Algeria. Our country is Algeria. Erstmals seit langem begab sich Tom nach draußen. Tom went outside for the first time in a long time. For the first time in a long time, Tom went outside. Ze heeft in het buitenland gereisd. She has traveled in foreign countries. She traveled abroad. Mag ik uw bloeddruk controleren? Can I check your blood pressure? Can I check your blood pressure? Tom heeft een slaaptekort. Tom is sleep deprived. Tom has a sleep shortage. Es hat gestern nicht nur heftig gestürmt, sondern auch stark geregnet. Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily. Not only did it storm violently yesterday, but it also rained heavily. Das steht nicht auf der Liste. That isn't on the list. That's not on the list. Wollen wir alle zusammen etwas zu Mittag essen? Do you guys want to eat lunch together? Do we all want to eat something together for lunch? Wie bist du zu diesem Schluss gelangt? How did you arrive at this conclusion? How did you get to that conclusion? Tom spricht jeden Tag mit seiner Mutter. Tom speaks with his mother every day. Tom talks to his mother every day. In der Hütte wimmelt es von Eidechsen und Insekten. That hut is crawling with lizards and insects. In the cottage it fluctuates from eidexes and insects. Es gibt eine Million Leute, mit denen ich lieber ausginge als mit dir. There are a million people I'd rather go out with than you. There are a million people with whom I prefer to go out with you. Es gibt zu viele Quasiduplikate: das können wir gar nicht überschauen. There are too many near-duplicates for us to can keep track of. There are too many quasiduplicates: we can’t look at that at all. Ich wurde am 13. Februar 1987 geboren. I was born on February 13, 1987. I was born on 13 February 1987. Adizion un Subtrakzion sin matematische Funkzione. Addition and subtraction are functions of mathematics. Adition and Subtraction are mathematical functions. Ich hätte lieber Rotwein. I'd prefer red wine. I'd rather have red wine. Ik geef je één laatste kans. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you one last chance. Dienstags arbeite ich als Koch. I work as a cook on Tuesdays. I work as a cook on Tuesday. Ein Feigling stirbt tausend Tode, ein Held nur einen. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but one. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one. Ik vind hem leuk. I like him. I like him. Was willst du sagen, Miezekatze? Ich verstehe dich nicht. Ich kann kein Kätzisch. What are you trying to say, pussy cat? I don't understand you. I don't speak Cat. What do you want to say, Miezekatze? I don't understand you. Wisst ihr, was ihr Name bedeutet? Do you know what her name means? Do you know what your name means? Die Möbelpacker haben nichts kaputtgemacht. The movers didn't break anything. The furniture packers did not break anything. Wo kann ich die Karten abholen? Where can I pick up the cards? Where can I pick up the cards? Ik heff em mit en annere Fru sehn. I saw him with another woman. I saw him with another woman. Fahrenheit war der deutsche Erfinder des Thermometers, dessen Namen gleichzeitig eine Temperaturskala trägt. Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature. Fahrenheit was the German inventor of the thermometer, whose name carries a temperature scale at the same time. Het was heet. En het was ook heel klam. It was hot, and in addition, it was humid. It was hot, and it was also very clumsy. Europa kann auf Gas aus Russland nicht verzichten. Europe can't do without Russian gas. Europe cannot rely on gas from Russia. Wir gehen spazieren, wenn es nicht regnet. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We're going to walk if it doesn't rain. Lass Tom doch seinen Willen. Humor Tom. Let Tom have his will. Habe ich lange geschlafen? Was I asleep for long? Did I sleep for a long time? Tom ist nicht lebendig. Tom isn't alive. Tom is not alive. לערן זיך אַ פֿרעמד לשון. Learn a foreign language. Learn to speak the language. Koelkaast is dicht. The refrigerator is closed. Coolast is closed. Es ist ein Wunder, dass Tom den Unfall überlebt hat. It's a miracle that Tom survived the accident. It is a miracle that Tom survived the accident. Wi hebbt noch veel Tied. We still have a lot of time. We still have a lot of time. ייִדיש איז נישט העברעאיש. Yiddish isn't Hebrew. Imam al-Qaeda is an admiring man. Mi gaan! Good-bye! I'm going! De trein is hier net aangekomen. The train has just arrived here. The train just arrived here. Frans is moeilijk. French is difficult. French is difficult. Tom ist größenwahnsinnig geworden. Tom has become a megalomaniac. Tom has become an insanity. Je zeurt te veel. You complain too much. You're saying too much. Mir ist danach, heute etwas anderes zu tun. I feel like doing something different today. After that, I'm going to do something else today. Een man is niet oud zolang hij kan werken. A man is not old as long as he can work. A man is not old as long as he can work. He deed snacken, as wenn he allens wüss. He speaks as though he knew everything. He did speak as if he knew everything. Wer hat das Fenster hergerichtet? Who fixed the window? Who set up the window? Allens, wat in disse Geschicht beschreven warrt, is utdacht. All the events described in this story are imaginary. Everything described in this story is designed. Parken verboten. No parking. Parks are banned. Tom bestellte alles auf der Speisekarte. Tom ordered everything on the menu. Tom ordered everything on the menu. ער וועט זי דערהרגענען. He'll kill her. Awwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ich kam genau 13 Monate nach meiner Großmutter Tod auf die Welt. I was born exactly 13 months after my grandmother passed away. I came to the world just 13 months after my grandmother's death. Ich finde, du solltest Tom danach fragen. Der kann besser Französisch als ich. I think you should ask Tom that. He's better at French than I am. I think you should ask Tom about it, he can be better French than me. Kijk me aan. Look at me. Look at me. Er ist magersüchtig. He's anorexic. He's addicted. Als kleines Mädchen habe ich fast nie Obst gegessen. When I was a girl, I almost never ate fruits. As a little girl, I almost never ate fruit. Damit schmeckt alles besser. It makes everything taste better. That's why everything tastes better. Se hett em üm en beten Geld beden. She asked him for some money. She asked him for a little money. Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom was bitter. Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. En Tiiv heer mi min Task steelen. A thief has stolen my bag. A Tiiv lord steals my task. Wie weit müssen wir noch gehen, bis wir uns eingestehen, dass wir uns verirrt haben? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? How far do we still have to go until we stand up for being lost? Sind Sie schlechter Laune? Are you in a bad mood? Are you a bad laurel? Goud doan! Well done! Gold dolls! Ich habe noch viel zu tun. I've still got a lot of work to do. I still have a lot to do. Er gab seine Karriere auf, um Vollzeitschachspieler zu werden. He gave up his old career to become a full-time chess player. He gave up his career to become a full-time chess player. דאָס איז אַ רויִק אָרט. This is a peaceful place. Iris is a rooster. Ƿilcume on þā Engliscan Ƿikipǣdie. Welcome to the English Wikipedia. This is why I am a engliscan ngliscan nglikipipi. Du warst immer gut darin, neue Lieder zu lernen. You always were good at learning new songs. You were always good at learning new songs. Tom bemerkte den Ehering an Marias Finger. Tom noticed the wedding ring on Mary's finger. Tom noticed the marriage ring on Maria's finger. Tom ist ausgegangen. Tom has gone out. Tom went out. Ich habe ihm das Schwimmen beigebracht. I taught him how to swim. I taught him swimming. Dafür brauchen wir drei, vielleicht vier Wochen, wenn’s hoch kommt. It'll take us three, maybe four weeks at the most. We need three, maybe four weeks when it comes up. Hij boog naar mij terwijl hij voorbij kwam. He bowed to me as he passed by. He bowed to me while he was over. Tom wollte Rechtsanwalt werden. Tom wanted to become a lawyer. Tom wanted to become a lawyer. Es ist der Endkampf zwischen Gut und Böse. It's the final showdown between good and evil. It is the final battle between good and evil. Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag medium gebakken. I like my steak medium. I'd like to have my bite cooked medium. Von jedem Meisterwerk gibt es eine billige Kopie. Every masterpiece has its cheap copy. There is a cheap copy of each masterpiece. Das ist das schickste Restaurant in der Stadt. This is the fanciest restaurant in town. This is the most beautiful restaurant in the city. Wanneer is de volgende bus naar Park Street? When is the next bus to Park Street? When is the next bus to Park Street? Ik hou van ketchup. I like ketchup. I love ketchup. Französisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache. French isn't my first language. French is not my native language. Ist nicht der körperliche Schmerz, der jedes Übermaß begleitet, ein Fingerzeig des göttlichen Willens? And is not the bodily pain which follows every excess a manifest declaration of the divine will? Is not the physical pain accompanied by any excess, a manifestation of the divine will? Ich habe auch nichts verstanden. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand anything, either. מרים פֿאַרשטײט כינעזיש. Mary understands Chinese. Mr. Sweater, I'm sorry. Es würde mich überraschen, wenn es dazu käme. I'd be surprised if that happened. It would surprise me if it came. Dat moest ík zeggen! That's MY line! I had to say that! Tom schreef Maria een brief. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Tom wrote a letter to Maria. Hien schreift. He's writing. I'm sorry to hear about it. Tom kann Mary seine wahren Gefühle nicht anvertrauen. Tom can't tell Mary his real feelings. Tom cannot trust Mary’s true feelings. Manchmal ist es schwierig, taktvoll und ehrlich zugleich zu sein. Sometimes it's hard to be tactful and honest at the same time. Sometimes it is difficult to be tactful and honest at the same time. Der Hausbesitzer ist ein netter Mensch. The owner of the house is a nice person. The owner of the house is a nice person. Ze was te moe. She was too tired. She was too tired. We gingen naar het park. We went to the park. We went to the park. Si sinn Dokteren. They're doctors. They are doctors. Ich bin früher mit ihm zur Schule gegangen. I used to go to school with him. I used to go to school with him. Schwein ist gewöhnlich billiger als Rind. Pork is usually cheaper than beef. Pig is usually cheaper than beef. Kann ich mit euch reden? Can I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Tom is Muslim. Tom is a Muslim. Tom is Muslim. Waarom heeft ze zo'n een hekel aan honden? Why does she hate dogs so much? Why does she hate dogs so much? Dat zou fijn zijn. That would be nice. That would be fine. Hier ben ik op mijn gemak. I'm comfortable right where I am now. Here I am at my comfort. Diese Pfannkuchen sind köstlich. These pancakes are delicious. These pizzas are delicious. Waar kan ek 'n vuvuzela kry? Where can I get a vuvuzela? Where can I get a vuvuzela? Diese Suppe schmeckt nach Knoblauch. This soup tastes of garlic. This soup tastes like garlic. Werk langzaam. Work slowly. Work slowly. Ich erledige das. I'll deal with this. I'll do that. Jij bent een gemeen persoon. You are a mean person. You're a common person. Hij is in de war. He is confused. He's in trouble. Tom ist mit dem legendären Orientexpress von Paris nach Istanbul gefahren. Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Tom has traveled from Paris to Istanbul with the legendary Orient Express. Waarom heb je niet ontbeten? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn't you quit? Ich glaube, dass ich eine Erkältung habe. I think that I have a cold. I think I have a cold. Het is van ons. It's ours. It's ours. De trein stopte niet bij mijn station. The train didn't stop at my station. The train didn't stop at my station. Tom trägt fast jeden Tag einen Anzug. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Wir können Tom nicht belügen. We can't lie to Tom. We can't lie to Tom. Simmer verlore? Are we lost? Losing Summer? Ich liebe Weihnachten. I love Christmas. I love Christmas. Du kennst ehr? Do you know her? You know her? Sinds die tijd is er enige tijd verstreken. Some time has passed since then. Since then, some time has passed. Ik eet niet. I am not eating. I don't eat. Wie viele Katzen habt ihr denn? How many cats have you got, then? How many cats do you have? Das ist ein gut geschriebenes Buch. This is a well-written book. This is a well-written book. Die samenvatting is misleidend, er werd van alles weggelaten. That summary is misleading, a bunch of stuff was left out. That summary is misleading, everything has been omitted. Wir haben nicht viel Geld. We don't have much money. We don't have a lot of money. Yanni ging in sein Schlafzimmer. Yanni went into his bedroom. Yanni went to his bedroom. Auch das Menschengeschlecht wird eines Tages aussterben. Even the human race will die one day. The human race is also going to die one day. Ik hou van aardbeien. I like strawberries. I love strawberry. ער האט צו פיל גאוה פון זיין אויסזען. He has too much pride in his appearance. That's why I'm going to give an elephant shit. טאָם איז נישט קיין מענטש, נאָר אַן אידעע. Tom isn't a person, but rather an idea. I think I’m going to give you a little bit of insight, but I don’t know. Tom hilft mir nicht bei der Hausarbeit. Tom doesn't help me with the housework. Tom doesn't help me with housework. He deed mit toe Ogen Musik hören. He listened to the music with his eyes closed. He did listen to music with his eyes. Tom ne biþ Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. קיינער ווייס נישט, אַז איך בין געי. Nobody knows I'm gay. Whey, how do you feel, how do you feel about that? Tom sah einen mit Hut neben Maria stehen und fragte sich, wer das wohl sei. Tom saw a man wearing a hat standing next to Mary and wondered who he was. Tom saw a hat standing next to Mary and wondered who it was. Je doet hem te kort. You are selling him short. You're doing him too short. Sie hat einen kleinen Vorteil. She has a small advantage. It has a small advantage. Schneide die Zwiebel in kleine Stücke und brate das Fleisch. Cut the onion into small pieces and fry the meat. Cut the onion into small pieces and cook the meat. Gestern lief ich Yamada über den Weg, den ich seit Jahren nicht gesehen hatte. Yesterday I ran into Yamada, whom I hadn't seen in years. Yesterday I ran to Yamada on the road I had not seen for years. Tom wird dich nie wieder sehen. Tom will never see you again. Tom will never see you again. Kairo is heufdstad van Egypte. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Hij vertoonde geen schuldgevoelens voor zijn misdaad. He exhibited no remorse for his crime. He showed no guilt for his crime. Als sie im Ausland war, telefonierte sie häufig via Skype. When she was abroad, she often used Skype. When she was abroad, she often phoned through Skype. Tom spielte Bridge. Tom was playing bridge. Tom played Bridge. Tom und Maria tranken beide schlückchenweise ihren Tee. Tom and Mary both sipped their tea. Tom and Maria both drank their tea. Disse hier? Is this it? These here? Oh hemel, het regent, en ik heb de was al buiten gehangen om te drogen; wat moet ik doen? Oh dear, it's raining, and I've already hung the laundry out to dry; what shall I do? Oh heaven, it rains, and I have hung the wash out to dry; what shall I do? Hoe zeg je Limburgs in het Limburgs? How do you say Limburgish in Limburgish? How do you say Limburgs in Limburgs? Ich habe ihm alles Geld gegeben, das ich hatte. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all the money I had. Ek sal so gou as moontlik terugkom na jou. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I will come back to you as soon as possible. Tom ist ein Rüpel. Tom is rude. Tom is a ruse. Ich muss Japanisch lernen. I have to learn Japanese. I have to learn Japanese. Er viel een koude regen in de stad. A cold rain fell over the city. There was a cold rain in the city. Wer im Sommer singt, arbeitet im Winter. Who sings in the summer, works in the winter. Anyone who sings in the summer works in the winter. Bitte komm in drei Tagen. Please come in three days. Please come in three days. Tom vertelde me dat hij een paar dingen moest regelen. Tom told me he had a few things to take care of. Tom told me he had to arrange a few things. Die Europäische Union hat ein vorläufiges Abkommen verkündet, dem zufolge der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen bis zum Jahre 2030 um 55 % vermindert werden soll. The European Union announced a provisional agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. The European Union has announced a provisional agreement to reduce 55% by 2030 due to the emissions of greenhouse gases. Ik heb een lekkende kraan. I've got a tap that leaks. I have a leaking crane. Wir befinden uns im Krieg mit Australien. We're at war with Australia. We are at war with Australia. Toms koffers waren veel zwaarder dan de mijne. Tom's suitcases were much heavier than mine. Tom's suitcases were much heavier than mine. דער קויל האט געטראפן דעם פאליציאנט אין פוס. The bullet got the policeman in the leg. The Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan is not a pussy. Ik heb een vriend die in Kioto woont. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kioto. Wer sagt das? Who says that? Who says that? Dat had ik helemaal vergeten. I had completely forgotten. I had completely forgotten that. Worüm nich Esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Why not1-3? Misschien heb ik je hulp nodig. I might need your help. Maybe I need your help. Er staan zoveel sterren aan de hemel, ik kan ze niet allemaal tellen. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. There are so many stars in heaven, I can't count them all. Draagt u contactlenzen? Do you wear contacts? Are you wearing contact lenses? Ich weiß nicht mehr, wo lang. I can't remember which way it is. I don't know how long. t Is ien geroazie. It's in the garage. It's a gerozie. Ich habe ja nichts dagegen zu warten, aber nach zwei Stunden verspüre ich begreiflicherweise eine gewisse Ungeduld. I've got nothing against waiting, but after two hours I'm beginning to feel a bit impatient. I have nothing to wait for, but after two hours I sense a certain impatience. Hou old is dien koelkaast? How old is your refrigerator? How old is your cold cheese? Mach es gleich fertig! Get it ready at once. Do it right now! Ich hoffe, wir haben Tom nicht zum letztenmal gesehen. I hope this isn't the last time we see Tom. I hope we haven't seen Tom for the last time. Se hund is on þǣm stōle. The dog is on the chair. The dog is on the verge of stōle. „Hest du Ria al mal sünner ehr Handtasch sehn?“ – „Ria? Ne, noch nie.“ "Have you ever seen Mary without her handbag?" "Mary? No, never." “Have you ever seen Ria without her handbag?” — “Ria? Daar's altyd iets om te doen. There is always something to do. There is always something to do. Perverseling! You pervert! Perverseling! Ihr seid in der Bibliothek. You are in the library. You are in the library. Gewohnheit wird oft zur zweiten Natur. Habit often becomes second nature. Habits often become second nature. Heb je koorts? Do you have a temperature? Do you have fever? Was würde passieren, wenn wir das tun würden? What would happen if we did that? What would happen if we did? Ich habe mich nie als gute Jüdin bezeichnet. I never said I was a good Jew. I never referred to myself as a good Jew. We denken dat hij eerlijk is. We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. Kijk geen televisie. Don't watch TV. Don't watch television. Ik heb uw vriend ontmoet. I met your friend. I met your friend. k Eet sukkeloa. I eat chocolate. k Eat sugar. Doe je raam omlaag. Roll your window down. Put your window down. Blätter werden im Herbst braun. Leaves go brown in autumn. Leaves are brown in autumn. Se wüllt mi ümbringen. They're going to kill me. They want to kill me. Dat is een fout. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. Ik hoop dat mijn wagen niet in panne valt en dat ik je op tijd bereik. I hope my car doesn't break down and I get to you on time. I hope that my car won't fall into panne and that I'll reach you on time. Es ist offensichtlich, dass du hier nicht allzu glücklich bist. What's obvious is that you're not very happy here. It is obvious that you are not too happy here. Armin is een Iraanse burger. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Waarom moet zij naar Algiers? Why does she have to go to Algiers? Why should she go to Algiers? Engelsch is en Spraak. English is a language. English is a language. De zomerdagen kunnen heel, heel heet zijn. Summer days can be very, very hot. Summer days can be very, very hot. Zij zijn verdwenen. They disappeared. They have disappeared. Wer aus Spanien zurückkommt, muss 14 Tage Selbstquarantäne üben. People returning from Spain are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Those returning from Spain have to practice self-qualification for 14 days. Dies ist eine sehr große Stadt. This is a very large city. This is a very big city. Betty broest. Betty drives fast. Betty brews. Er konnte wegen seiner Krankheit nicht kommen. He could not come because of his illness. He could not come because of his illness. Es ist auf natürliche Weise dazu gekommen. It happened naturally. It came naturally. Ich habe viel gelernt. I've learned a lot. I learned a lot. Ruf mich an, wenn etwas passiert. Call me if something happens. Call me when something happens. Ich habe heute andere Pläne. Today, I have other plans. I have other plans today. Du snackst, as wenn du de Baas weerst. You talk as if you were the boss. You talk as if you were the boss. איך קען פֿראַנצײזיש. I know French. How to make a cup of coffee? Es gelang ihm nicht, Arbeit zu finden. He had no luck in finding work. He couldn't find work. Ik weet dat je een leerkracht bent. I know that you're a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Kies! Choose! Choose! Heelwat huise is weggespoel met die vloed. A lot of houses were washed away by the flood. Many houses have been washed away with the flood. Je hebt me gered. You saved me. You saved me. Ein einziges Wort genügt manchmal. One word is sometimes enough. A single word is sometimes enough. Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the exam? Did he succeed for the exam? Ich habe einen französischen Nachbarn. I have a French neighbor. I have a French neighbor. "Was?", fragte Pharamp. "Nichts", log Sysko, "wir haben gerade über die Auswirkungen des Konfuzianismus auf den modernen Chinesischen Sozialismus gesprochen.". "What?" Pharamp asked. "Nothing," Sysko lied, "we were talking about the effect of Confucianism on modern Chinese socialism." "What?" asked Pharamp. "Nothing", log Sysko, "we've just talked about the effects of Confucianism on modern Chinese socialism." Ek neem 'n boek. I'm taking a book. I take a book. Je kan niet veranderen wat al gebeurd is. You can't change what's already happened. You can't change what's already happened. Ich dachte, ich hätte Sie angewiesen, sich selber darum zu kümmern. I thought I told you to handle this yourself. I thought I had told you to take care of yourself. Ik heb een cabrio. I have a convertible car. I have a Cabrio. Der nächste Zug ist weniger voll als dieser hier. The next train will be less crowded than this one. The next train is less full than this one here. Ech hunn en Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. I have an apartment in the city. Ich nehme einen Kaffee und ein Hörnchen. I'll have a coffee and a croissant. I take a coffee and a chicken. Nu kan ik voor mijzelf zorgen. I can look after myself now. Now I can take care of myself. Charon gilt als Trabant des (Zwerg-)Planeten Pluto. Dieweil sein Durchmesser jedoch mehr als halb so groß ist wie der des Pluto selbst, kann er in der Tat als gleichberechtigter Begleiter und Pluto zusammen mit Charon als Doppelplanet betrachtet werden. Charon is considered to be a satellite of the (dwarf) planet Pluto. However, because its diameter is more than half as large as that of Pluto itself, it can be considered an equal partner; and Pluto and Charon can be considered a double planet. Charon is considered to be the trabant of the planet Pluto, but because its diameter is more than half as large as that of Pluto itself, it can in fact be regarded as an equal companion and Pluto, along with Charon, as a double planet. Wij hebben niet gebeld. We haven't called. We didn't call. Ich bin dir fünf Dollar schuldig. I owe you five dollars. I owe you five dollars. Ihr geht es langsam besser. She is getting well by degrees. You're slowly getting better. Windräder vor der Küste sind viel effizienter, weil die Windgeschwindigkeiten in der Regel höher und beständiger denn an Land sind und selbst eine kleine Zunahme zu einem großen Gewinn bei der Energieerzeugung führt. Offshore units are more efficient because wind speeds tend to be faster and steadier than on land, and even small increases in speed yield large increases in energy production. Windwheels off the coast are much more efficient because wind speeds are usually higher and more stable than land and even a small increase leads to a great gain in energy production. Hij houdt niet van zwemmen. He doesn't like swimming. He doesn't like swimming. Tom hat sich gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom was certainly not amused. Tom certainly didn't enjoy it. Hör auf, sie zu ärgern! Stop teasing her. Stop angering them! Dis nie 'n grap nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Worüm hest du mi nich glöövt? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Wie alt wart ihr, als der Krieg ausbrach? How old were you when the war broke out? How old were you when the war broke out? Dat Schipp is dörtig Meter lang. The length of this ship is 30 meters. The ship is thirty feet long. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich Tom da sehen würde. I never thought I'd see Tom there. I never thought I would see Tom there. Maria werd verkozen tot koningin van het bal. Mary was elected queen of the prom. Mary was elected queen of the ball. Er zijn veel rivieren op dat eiland. There are many rivers on that island. There are many rivers on that island. Wil iemand mijn huiswerk maken voor mij? Does somebody want do my homework for me? Would anyone want to do my homework for me? Diese Stifte haben die gleiche Farbe. These pencils are the same color. These pens have the same color. U hield van chocolade. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Ze is aan het touwtje springen. She is skipping rope. She's jumping on the rope. פֿאַרשטייט זיך, אַז אַ מענטש וואָס שטיצט ממש אונטער כאַמאַס איז נישט נאָר אַן אַנטיציוניסט, נאָר אויך אַן אַנטיסעמיט. It should go without saying that if you literally support Hamas, you are not just an anti-Zionist but an antisemite. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ein anonymer Wohltäter hat einem Tierheim mehrere hunderttausend Dollar vermacht. An anonymous benefactor bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter. An anonymous benefactor has earned a pet home several hundred thousand dollars. Wat hest du vergangen Nacht maakt? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Ze spelen vals. They cheat. They're playing false. Beim Tanz bekam ich viele Komplimente für mein Kleid. At the dance, everyone complimented me on how I was dressed. At the dance, I received many compliments for my dress. Tom opferte sich, um seine Familie zu retten. Tom sacrificed himself to save his family. Tom sacrificed himself to save his family. Ist das Deutsch? Is that German? Is it German? Sie hat uns vergessen. She forgot us. She forgot us. Tom stieg in sein Auto und fuhr schnell davon. Tom got into his car and quickly drove off. Tom got in his car and quickly got out of it. Iss häufig und jeweils kleine Portionen. Eat little and often. Eat often and each small servings. Ich hatte um 2.30 Uhr einen Termin, aber ich habe es nicht rechtzeitig geschafft, weil ich in einen Stau geraten bin. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had an appointment at 2.30 a.m. but I didn't do it in time because I was in a barn. Tom un Ria säen, se wullen dat sülvst moken. Tom and Mary said they wanted to do that by themselves. Tom and Ria said they wanted to make it themselves. Was einem Feinde schadet, muss einem selbst nicht unbedingt guttun. Just because something is bad for your enemy doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for you. What harms an enemy does not necessarily have to be done to himself. Maria lebt weit weg von mir, aber ich denke oft an sie. Mary lives far from me, but I often think about her. Maria lives far away from me, but I often think of her. Was habt ihr ihm gekauft? What have you bought him? What did you buy him? Ne cƿeð nan mann "ic eom geerod" ac on ðam ðriddan hade ys gecƿeden: aratur terra "þæt land ys geerod"; bibo "ic drince", bibitur uinum "þæt ƿin ys gedruncen"; manduco "ic ete", manducatur panis "se hlaf is geeten"; laboro "ic sƿince", laboratur uestis "þæt hrægl is besƿuncen", et cetera. No one says "I am plowed", but in the third person it is "the land is plowed"; bibo "I drink", bibitur uinum "the wine is drunk"; manduco "I eat", manducatur panis "the bread is eaten"; laboro "I work", laboratur uestis "the clothing is worn out", et cetera. Ne c attitudeeð nan mann "ic eom geerod" ac on ðam ðriddan hade ys geckeden: aratur terra "þformat land ys geerrod"; bibo "ic drince", bibitur uinum " involves ys druncen"; manduco "ic eat", manducatur panis "se hlaf is drince"; laboro "ic séince", laboratur uestis "ám hrægl is besen", et cetera. Üm un bi twee Weken. Approximately two weeks. About two weeks. Wie wäre es mit morgen Nacht? How about tomorrow night? What about tomorrow night? Ja! Yes! Yes! Könnt ihr mir diesen Tausend-Yen-Schein wechseln? Can you break this thousand-yen bill? Can you change this thousands-yen-schein? Arbeite fleißig und hoffe auf das Beste. Work hard and hope for the best. Work diligently and hope for the best. Guder daag, wie bischt? Good day, how are you? Good days, how big? Ik mag geern Appels. I like apples. I like your apples. Die sekretaresse het gevra dat ek moet aanhou totdat mnr. Williams beskikbaar was om my oproep te neem. The secretary asked that I hold the line until Mr Williams was free to take my call. The secretary asked me to continue until Mr. Williams was available to take my call. Maria beweerde dat ze een ufo zag. Mary claimed she saw a UFO. Maria claimed she saw a UFO. Je moet hier blijven totdat we terugkomen. You are to stay here until we come back. You have to stay here until we get back. Wanneer ben je vrij? When are you free? When are you free? Tom sah wirklich schlimm aus. Tom really looked terrible. Tom looked really bad. Kiek di de Katt op ’t Dack an. Look at that cat on the roof. Look at the cat on the roof. Stop daar onmiddellijk mee! Stop it right now! Stop it immediately! Helden tun das nicht. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don't. Worin liegt der Unterschied zwischen einem All-you-can-eat-Laden und einem gewöhnlichen Lebensmittelgeschäft in Deutschland? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat convenience store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat store and an ordinary food store in Germany? Veel landen hebben wetten die het roken verbieden. Many countries have laws prohibiting smoking. Many countries have laws that prohibit smoking. Dat kan toch niet? That isn't possible, is it? Can't do that? Du hast das Licht brennen lassen. You left the light on. You've let the light burn. Tom hat gewisse Züge eines Trolls. Tom's a bit of a troll. Tom has some trains of a troll. Haal die doos weg! Take that box away! Remove the box! Die Fahrstuhltür öffnete sich, und wir stiegen aus. The elevator doors opened, and we got off. The chair door opened, and we got out. Hij woont in de buurt van de school. He lives in the neighborhood of the school. He lives near the school. Is er iets dat uw pijn verlicht? Is there anything that makes your pain better? Is there something that relieves your pain? Hij bleef in het hotel. He stayed at the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Ich finde deine Reaktion total verständlich. I find your reaction to be totally understandable. I find your reaction completely understandable. Tom zerriss den Brief. Tom ripped up the letter. Tom breaks the letter. Es ist kein Wasser mehr in der Flasche. There is no water left in the bottle. It is no longer water in the bottle. Hoeveel musea hebben jullie bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Es ist für alle genug Platz. There's enough space for everyone. It's enough space for everyone. Je kon geen ster aan de hemel zien. Not a star was to be seen in the sky. You couldn't see a star in heaven. Er war der Einzige, der zur Feier kam. He was the only one who came to the party. He was the only one who came to celebrate. Vergeet je ticket niet. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. k Goa. I go. k Goa. Morgen ist ein anderer Tag. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is another day. Ek kan Turks verstaan, maar ek kan nie dit praat nie. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. I can understand Turkish, but I can’t talk about it. Du hättest deinen Mann nie verlassen sollen. You never should've left your husband. You should never have left your husband. כ׳האָב אים זייער ליב. I love him a lot. It's like a bad heart. Ich wurde von einem Moskito gestochen. I was bit by a mosquito. I was shot by a Mosquito. Ich bekomme leicht trockene Haut. My skin gets dry easily. I easily get dry skin. Maria, was hast du denn heute bloß? Mary, what's wrong with you today? Maria, what do you have today? Mien man is ook n leroar. My husband is a teacher, too. My husband is also a teacher. Ihr müsst nicht sofort gehen. You don't need to go at once. You don't have to go right away. Ik vond de wiskundeleraar leuk. I liked the math teacher. I liked the math teacher. Ich wüsste nicht, was ich von euch wollen sollte. I can't think of anything I'd want from you. I don't know what I want from you. Dit vormt het minst ontwikkelde deel van de menselijke natuur. This comprises the least complicated part of human nature. This is the least developed part of human nature. Bitte werfen Sie das weg! Please throw this away. Please throw it away! Ik moet u vragen om in deze beker te plassen. I need you to urinate in this cup. I have to ask you to put in this cup. D Blueme isch schöön. The flower is beautiful. The blues are beautiful. Ik wil graag weten wat je aan het doen bent. I'd like to know what you're doing. I'd like to know what you're doing. Waar is mijn doos bonbons? Where's my box of chocolates? Where's my box bonbons? Was fressen Pelikane? What do pelicans eat? What is Pelicane? Wir gehen nirgends mehr hin. We don't go anywhere anymore. We're going nowhere else. De meeste studenten lezen de syllabus niet erg nauwkeurig. Most students don't read the syllabus very carefully. Most students don’t read the cyclone very accurately. Ik moet bellen. I have to make a call. I have to call. Tom ontmoette een Australische tijdens een bezoek aan Boston. Tom met a woman from Australia when he was visiting Boston. Tom met an Australian during a visit to Boston. Roop mi morgen fröh üm negen an! Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me early tomorrow by nine! Sie konnten den Kasten nicht aufbrechen, weil er zu verrostet war. They were unable to prise open the box because it was too rusty. They couldn't break the box because it was too rusty. Nadat hij ditmaal twintig seconden lang naar een Arabisch liedje had geluisterd - want als hij tien seconden lang had geluisterd, zou dit een dubbele zin zijn - hoorde Dima eindelijk een bekende stem zeggen: "As-salamoe aleikoem!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arabic song this time for twenty seconds - because if he had listened for ten seconds, this would be a double sentence - Dima finally heard a well-known voice saying, "As-salamoe aleikoem!" Ich fand immer, dass Boston das gewisse Etwas hat. I've always thought Boston had a certain je ne sais quoi. I always found that Boston has something. Ik wist niet eens dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. In my land werk niemand nie. Nobody works in my country. No one in my country works. Tom hat früher Klavier gespielt. Tom used to play the piano. Tom used to play piano. Slaapwel. Droom zoet. Good night. Sweet dreams. Sleeping, dreaming sweet. Gold is sworer as Iesen. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Mit 9 Jahren habe ich Maschinenschreiben gelernt. I learned to type at the age of nine. At the age of 9, I learned to write machines. Er hod se abrasseerd. He hugged her. He was abrassed. Het is ongelooflijk! It's incredible! It's incredible! Kennen Sie zufällig Professor López? Do you know Professor López, by any chance? Do you accidentally know Professor López? Ich habe meinen Lehrer letztens auf der Straße getroffen. I met my teacher on the street the other day. I met my teacher last on the street. Tom is niet zo dapper als hij eruit ziet. Tom isn't as brave as he looks. Tom is not as brave as he looks. Jullie zijn verbazingwekkend. You people are amazing. You're amazing. För mi is dat keen Probleem. For me, this is not a problem. It's not a problem for me. Bohr nicht in deiner Nase. Don't pick your nose. Don't drill in your nose. Tom genehmigte sich schnell einen Bissen. Tom ate a quick bite. Tom quickly approved of a bite. Ik hou van liefdesverhalen. I like love stories. I love love love stories. Sie ist aus Madrid zurückgekehrt. She's back from Madrid. She returned from Madrid. Hij is onlangs teruggekomen uit Frankrijk. He has recently returned from France. He recently returned from France. Waarom is het op slot? Why is it locked? Why is it locked? Tom hat Eishockey gespielt. Tom played ice hockey. Tom played ice hockey. Ich komme nicht mit dir. I'm not coming with you. I'm not coming with you. Hij gaf zijn ouders antwoord. He answered his parents. He gave his parents an answer. Tom lernt in der Universitätsbibliothek. Tom is studying in the college library. Tom learns at the University Library. Þú meaht léogan ǽg-hƿǽm elles, ac þú ne meaht léogan þé sylfum. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. Theú measures léongan stem-hím elles, acú ne meaht léogan dé sylfum. Ich glaube, sie ist hungrig. I think she's hungry. I think she's hungry. מיר זענען גיי. We're gay. Gossip is gawking. Versuchen wir doch einmal, vernünftig mit denen zu reden! Why don't we try to reason with them? Let’s try to talk to them in a reasonable way. Ich will nicht mit dir laufen gehen. I don't want to go jogging with you. I don't want to walk with you. Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is grey. This flower is gray. Tom het vroeg op gestaan. Tom got up early. Tom stood up early. Ik heb een ijszak. I have an ice bag. I've got a ice bag. Wat is de Ünnerscheed twischen en Hund un en Wulf? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? What is the difference between a dog and a wolf? Hē ƿæs æt þǣm geate dēaðes. He was at the gate of death. It contains the names of most people on the home page. צי וועט טאָם שטודירן פֿראַנצייזיש מיט אונדז? Will Tom study French with us? Do you think you’re going to have to kill a Frenchman with a gun? Wir haben nicht mehr viel Zeit. We don't have a lot of time left. We don't have much time anymore. Hij heeft zichzelf gegoogeld. He googled himself. He cast himself. Tom besuchte eine Schule zum Erlernen des Klavierstimmens. Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos. Tom attended a school for learning the piano voice. Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor haar. Find out all you can about her. Find out from everything you can about her. Seoul is heufdstad van Zuudkorea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Di Wask es jit ek drüch. The laundry is not dry yet. I don’t care about the water. Wir haben hier einige Exzentriker. We have some eccentrics here. We have some eccentrics here. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You guys are stronger than we are. I am so sorry to hear about Peter’s death. זײַן ברודער איז געוואָרן אַן אימאַם. His brother became an imam. I am glad to hear that I am a man. Ich möchte einmal Pilot werden. I would like to be a pilot in the future. I want to be a pilot. Doe het rustig! Take it easy! Take it easy! Du büst de eenzige, de dat doon kann. You're the only one who can do this. You are the only one who can do this. Is noch Melk dor? Is there any milk left? Is milk there? Wir sprechen alle Englisch. We all speak English. We speak all English. Tom verdient an uns. Tom is making money off us. Tom deserves to us. Ich werde es Ihnen sagen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. So läuft das nicht. That isn't how it works. That's not how it works. רודי דזשוליִאַני, וואָס איז ניט קיין ייִד, זאָגט, אַז ער איז ייִדישער פֿונעם חורבן־לעבן־געבליבענעם דזשאָרזש סאָראָס, ווײַל סאָראָס „גייט ניט צו קירך.‟ Rudy Giuliani, who is not Jewish, claims he's more Jewish than Holocaust survivor George Soros because Soros "doesn't go to church." Rudy Juliahani, who is not a Jew, says that he is Jewish from the Jorch Soros, who is not a Jew to the church.' Ich glaube, Tom hat sich nicht genug angestrengt. I don't think Tom tried hard enough. I think Tom didn't struggle enough. Skura heeft een overdosis gehad. Skura overdosed. Scura had an overdose. Ich habe Tom letzte Woche jeden Tag angerufen. I called Tom every day last week. I called Tom every day last week. Ek het oor hulle rond gevra. I asked around about them. I asked about them around. Wir waren uns einig, dass es keine andere Alternative gab. We agreed that there was no other alternative. We agreed that there was no other alternative. Wat een leven. What a life! What a life. Als ze uw adres kende, zou ze u schrijven. If she knew your address, she would write to you. If she knew your address, she would write you. Sie ist eher eine Dilettantin als ein engagierter Profi. She's more a dilettante than a committed professional. She is more a dilettant than a dedicated professional. מ'איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון װאַרטן. We were tired of waiting. Immediately Immediately a fan of John Yarden. Het was een normale ochtend. It was a morning like any other. It was a normal morning. Ik heb Tom een brief gestuurd. I sent a letter to Tom. I sent Tom a letter. Ik kom uit Afrin. I am from Afrin. I'm coming from Afrin. Ik moet de aandacht vestigen op de volgende punten. I must draw attention to the following points. I must pay attention to the following points. Tom ruhte sich im Schatten eines Baumes aus. Tom rested in the shade of a tree. Tom rested in the shadow of a tree. Mensch, was für ein schnelles Pferd! Wow, what a fast horse! Man, what a fast horse! Ihr müsst euch beeilen. You must hurry up. You have to hurry. Hij zwemt graag. He likes to swim. He likes to swim. Ich habe da so meine Zweifel, dass der Laden sich jemals rentieren wird. I doubt if this shop will ever pay its way. I have such doubts that the store will ever rent. Als de vertaling klopt, dan ben ik Pippi Langkous! If the translation is correct, then I am Pippi Longstocking! If the translation is correct, I'm Pippi Langkous! Die Pizza war teuer. The pizza was expensive. The pizza was expensive. Er verriet Sie. He betrayed you. He betrayed you. Neen. No. Of course not! Er verabschiedete sich nicht einmal. He didn't even say goodbye. He didn't even agree. De winkel gaat open om tien uur. The store opens at ten o'clock. The store will open at ten o'clock. Die Straßenkriminalität nimmt zu. Crime in the streets is increasing. Street crime is increasing. Ich kann Sie hier nicht zurücklassen. I can't leave you here. I can't leave you here. Wir vermissen Tom sehr. We sure miss Tom. We miss Tom very much. Sami ging om met blanke boerenkinkels. Sami hung out with white rednecks. Sami was dealing with white farmer's kennels. Ich bin aus Moskau. I'm from Moscow. I'm from Moscow. Ons sal nooit vergeet wat ons gesien het nie. We'll never forget what we saw. We will never forget what we saw. Bist du ein guter Tänzer? Are you a good dancer? Are you a good dancer? Tom geht gewöhnlich sehr schnellen Schritts. Tom usually walks at a very fast pace. Tom usually goes very fast steps. Alles stopte. Everything stopped. Everything stopped. Wat is er mis met je hond? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? Möchtet ihr hier bei uns bleiben? Would you like to stay here with us? Do you want to stay with us? Tom isch an ons vorbeigsaut. Tom ran past us. Tom is passing by. Sie hat angerufen. She phoned. She called. „Tom, hat Maria keinen Freund?“ – „Nein. Warum?“ – „Ich glaube, ich bin in sie verliebt.“ "Tom, doesn't Mary have a boyfriend?" "No, why?" "I think I'm in love with her." "Tom, doesn't Mary have a friend?" - "No. Why?" - "I think I'm in love with her." Tom bemerkte nicht, dass Maria gar nicht im Zimmer war. Tom didn't notice that Mary wasn't in the room. Tom didn't realize that Mary wasn't in the room at all. Vinden jullie het erg als ik erbij kom zitten?' Would you mind if I join you? Do you like it when I'm with you?" Waarom ben je aan het huilen? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Tom geht großzügig mit seinem Geld um. Tom is generous with his money. Tom’s big deal with his money. Wat fir eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? What color is your coat? What is the shape of the coat? Tom liebt uns. Tom loves us. Tom loves us. Mien Süster is faken an grinen. My sister often cries. My sister is often on greens. Poppeer warrt von Holt maakt. Paper is made from wood. Poppies are made by wood. Sie sparte Geld für einen verregneten Tag. She saved money for a rainy day. She saved money for a rainy day. Dat Heken von ’n Pageluun hett bunte Steertfeddern. The male peacock has colorful tail feathers. The coat of a pageluun has colorful star feathers. De Bahama's werden onafhankelijk in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. Mijn vader vertrok naar China. My father took off for China. My father left for China. Ik wil u spreken zodra u aangekleed bent. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you as soon as you're dressed. איך בין אזוי א קלאץ. I'm such a klutz. How about a class. Hé, jij kunt tikken zonder te kijken naar het toetsenbord. Cool zeg! Oh? You can type without looking at the keyboard. That's cool! Hey, you can tick without looking at the keyboard. Cool say! Dat is en neet Book. It's a new book. This is a new book. Der erste Präsident von Amerika, George Washington, hielt die kürzeste Amtseinführungsrede. America’s first president, George Washington, gave the shortest inaugural address. The first president of the United States, George Washington, gave the shortest opening speech. He weet veel över Botterlickers. He knows a lot about butterflies. He knows a lot about butterlickers. We moeten op de ingeslagen weg verdergaan. We should continue in this direction. We've got to go on the beaten way. Dem Himmel sei Dank, dass du das nicht gemacht hast! Thank goodness you didn't do that. Thank you for not doing that! Wanneer ben je getrouwd? When did you get married? When are you married? Hat Tom einen gültigen Führerschein? Does Tom have a valid driving licence? Does Tom have a valid driver’s license? Roekst doe wat? Do you smell something? Roeks do what? Wi hopet, dat de Hallebotts ümmer we’er tau üsch komet. We hope that storks will come to us again and again. We hope that the Hallebotts will come back to us. Du hest ölven Buddel Beer hatt! You’ve had eleven bottles of beer! You've had eleven boyfriends of beer! Tom hett sik antogen. Tom put on some clothes. Tom has antagonized. Die Suppe ist heiß. The soup is hot. The soup is hot. Hoeveel kamers zijn er in je huis? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? Hoe lang heeft uw tong die kleur al? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue had that color? אַרי איז אָנמיניק. Ari is agender. Iris is an annoyance. Ik groeide op in de bossen. I grew up in the woods. I grew up in the woods. De directeur van het bedrijf, aan wie ik u deze vrijdag heb voorgesteld, wil u weer spreken. The president of the company, to whom I introduced you last Friday, wants to see you again. The director of the company, to whom I proposed to you this Friday, wants to speak to you again. Meine Geschäftsadress ist 465 Fifth Avenue. My business address is 465 Fifth Avenue. My business address is 465 Fifth Avenue. Wil je in Mumbai wonen? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Gisteren was u niet op school. You were absent from school yesterday. You weren't at school yesterday. Niemand heeft gebeld. Nobody called. No one called. Tom hod geblud. Tom was bleeding. "Tom Hod glut". Oas, zwoa, drei, fiare, fimfe, sechse, sieme, åchte, neine, zene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. "Sixty-six", "six", "six", "six", "six", "six", "six", "six", "six". איר טאָרט נישט דאָ בלײַבן. You may not stay here. I'm sure I'll give you a look at this guy in a little bit. Die frühere japanische Athletin Hashimoto Seiko ist die neue Chefin des Organisierungskommitees der Olympischen Spiele 2020 in Tōkyō. Former Japanese athlete Seiko Hashimoto has become the new president of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics organizing committee. Former Japanese athlete Hashimoto Seiko is the new head of the organizing committee of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tōkyō. Bier besteht zu 90 % aus Wasser. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer is 90% water. Ik zou willen dat ik zo kon zingen als jij. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing like you. Je hoeft je niet te verontschuldigen. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Wij nemen kredietkaarten aan. We accept credit cards. We accept credit cards. De ramadan is voorbij. Ramadan finished. Ramadan is over. Tom verreist am Freitag. Tom is leaving on a trip on Friday. Tom leaves on Friday. Tom stopte met roken. Tom has quit smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Om het even. Whatever. For a moment. Het meer is compleet bevroren. The lake is completely frozen over. The lake is completely frozen. Het meisje drinkt sinaasappelsap. The girl drinks orange juice. The girl drinks orange juice. Ich würde gerne Ihren Blutdruck messen. I'd like to check your blood pressure. I would like to measure your blood pressure. Waar het julle so geleer dans? Where did you learn to dance like that? Where did you learn to dance like that? האָט ער שױן געגעסן? Did he already eat? Did you wake up two times? Ich habe viele Freunde, mit denen ich reden kann. I have many friends I can talk to. I have a lot of friends I can talk to. Ich wurde am 23. März 1969 in Barcelona geboren. I was born in Barcelona on March 23, 1969. I was born on 23 March 1969 in Barcelona. Jy is baie laat. You're very late. You are very late. Zijn ouders gaan elke zondag naar de kerk. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. Eine Kiste fehlt noch. One box is still missing. A box is missing. „ביסטו אין אָרדענונג?״ – „ניין.״ "Are you okay?" "No." “Doesn’t she know anything?” De Ammel weer vull mit Water. The bucket was full of water. The ammel was full of water. Helfen Sie mir, das zu zerlegen. Help me take this apart. Help me to tear it apart. Mir gaats guet, danke. I'm fine, thanks. I'm good, thank you. „Das ist in Deutschland normal.“ – „Echt?“ "This is normal in Germany." "Really?" “That’s normal in Germany.” — “Please?” Tom ist jetzt im Hotel. Tom is at the hotel now. Tom is now in the hotel. Tom besucht seine Großeltern. Tom's visiting his grandparents. Tom visits his grandparents. De Flegerhaven is dicht. The airport is closed. The airport is closed. Mir als Muttersprachler kommt dieser Satz unnatürlich vor. I'm a native speaker and this sentence strikes me as unnatural. As a native speaker, this sentence is unnatural. Dieses Buch gehört ihr. This book is hers. This book belongs to you. Tom schläft samstags und sonntags gewöhnlich aus. Tom usually sleeps in on Saturdays and Sundays. Tom sleeps on Saturdays and usually gets out on Sundays. Ich wusste nicht, dass das wichtig ist. I didn't know that was important. I didn't know it was important. Man sollte nie über Nacht geschminkt bleiben. You should never leave your makeup on overnight. You should never stay dirty overnight. Daar is hij, de held van de dag. There he is, the man of the hour. There he is, the hero of the day. Ich heiratete Tom nicht, weil ich ihn geliebt hätte, sondern weil er reich war. I didn't marry Tom because I loved him. I married him because he was rich. I married Tom not because I loved him, but because he was rich. איך גלייב, אַז טאָם מיינט, אַז איך טראַכט צו פֿיל. I think that Tom thinks that I think too much. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Tom will weten, worüm du dat doon hest. Tom would like to know why you did that. Tom wants to know why you did that. Ik heb hem vijftig euro gegeven. I gave him fifty euros. I gave him fifty euros. Dat was Chinees voor mij. That was double-dutch to me. That was Chinese for me. Du schallst mi nich helpen! Ik will dat alleen doon. Don't help me. I want to do this by myself. You shouldn't help me! I want to do it alone. Hoe is 't, makker? 'Sup, dude? What's it? What's it? Der Film war ziemlich langweilig. The movie was rather boring. The film was pretty boring. Da ist er ja! There it is! There he is! Das ist ein Fernseher. It's a TV. That's a TV. Ich habe heute erfahren, dass Luka mich nicht mag. Weißt du, warum? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me. Do you know why? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me, you know, why? איך פֿאַרשטיי נישט די קוואַנטן־⁠מעכאַניק. I don't understand quantum mechanics. How did Peter’s story come to a head? "Waar ga je heen?" "Ik ga jouw broer ophalen." "Where are you going?" I'm going to pick up your brother." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to pick up your brother." Ik zal het heus niet doorvertellen. I promise that I won't tell anybody. I'm not going to explain it to you. Si schreiwen. They're writing. It's going to work. Sie reiste für ihr Leben gern. She loved to travel. She loved to travel for her life. Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Ich werde versuchen, eine andere Formulierung zu finden. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I have to think about it. I'll try to find another formulation. Sie haben den Dieb gefasst. You've caught the thief. They took the thief. Sport interessiert mich überhaupt nicht. I couldn't care less about sports. Sport doesn't interest me at all. Tom erkannte, dass er sich getäuscht hatte. Tom realized that he was wrong. Tom realized he was wrong. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom quit? Mit Tom kann man gut reden. Tom is easy to talk to. You can talk to Tom well. Maria spricht drei Sprachen. Mary can speak three languages. Maria speaks three languages. Stop mit smoken. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Welkom in Verainde Stoaten van Amerika. Welcome to the United States of America. Welcome to the United States of America. Wir füttern unseren Hund zweimal am Tag. We feed our dog twice a day. We feed our dog twice a day. Ik hou van Ierse muziek. I love Irish music. I love Irish music. Joe binnen mien faveriet. You're my favorite. Joe within my favorite. Erdoğan ist der Präsident der Türkei. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. Erdoğan is the President of Turkey. Ik zal het u vertellen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Do you want my email address? Geleufs doe ien de Poaskhoaze? Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? Do you like the Posshos? Im Herbst legen einige Tiere einen Futtervorrat für den Winter an. In autumn some animals store food for the winter. In autumn, some animals set up a food supply for winter. Door uw symptomen, moet u tijdelijk medisch geïsoleerd worden. Because of your symptoms, you must be temporarily medically isolated. Due to your symptoms, you need to be temporarily isolated medically. Mein Werkzeug bewahre ich in der Garage auf. I keep my tools in the garage. I keep my tool in the garage. Zijn voeten sliepen. His feet were asleep. His feet are sleeping. Tom is noch jümmer buten. Tom is still outside. Tom is still outside. Die Terroristen schworen dem Land Rache. The terrorists swore vengeance on that country. The terrorists swear to the country revenge. Voelt u zich nerveus op kantoor vandaag? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous about office today? Het is aan jou om te besluiten wat te doen. It's up to you to decide what to do. It is up to you to decide what to do. Warum wartest du nicht, bis Tom hier ist? Why don't you wait until Tom gets here? Why don't you wait until Tom's here? Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe! Thank you so much for your help. Thank you for your help! Tom versteckte sich in der Scheune. Tom hid in the barn. Tom was hiding in the barn. Tom will abnehmen. Tom says that he wants to lose weight. Tom wants to take off. Hoeveel koolzuurhoudende dranken drink je gemiddeld per dag? On average, how many carbonated beverages do you drink daily? How many carbohydrates do you drink on average per day? Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie müde sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were tired. Tom and Maria have told John that they are tired. Se kriggt ehr Kind in ’n Juli. She will give birth in July. She gave birth to her child in July. Wie ich zu meiner Schande gestehen muss, ich habe gelogen. As I must confess to my shame, I lied. As I have to face my shame, I have lied. Heb je onlangs hartkloppingen gehad of voelde het alsof je hart tekeer ging? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently had heartbeats or felt it as if your heart had turned back? Was habt ihr ihr gekauft? What have you bought her? What did you buy? Terwijl u zit? While sitting? While you're sitting? Die gesamte Entwicklung der Erde und des Lebens auf der Erde ist so eng mit dem Mond verzahnt, dass wir ihm wirklich schon fast magische Kräfte zuordnen können. The entire development of the earth and life on earth are so closely interlinked with the moon that in truth we can assign almost magical powers to it. The entire development of the earth and life on earth is so closely intertwined with the moon that we can truly assign almost magical powers to it. Mir wurde die Leitung dieses Projektes übertragen. I've been put in charge of this project. The management of this project was transferred to me. De schrödingervergelijking beschrijft de tijdsevolutie van de kwantummechanica. Schrodinger's equation describes the time evolution of quantum mechanics. The scrupulous comparison describes the time revolution of quantum mechanics. 't Is weer haafst. It's autumn again. It's been haphazard. Je probeerde het. You tried. You tried. איך בין פֿון אַפֿרין. I am from Afrin. That's how Peter is. Du hättest mir die Wahrheit sagen sollen. You should have told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Mis de trein niet. Don't be late for the train. Don't miss the train. Das Wetter ist gut, das Meer wird immer wärmer. The weather is good, and the sea is becoming warmer. The weather is good, the sea is getting warmer. Die vraag is, waar koop 'n mens die boek. The question is where to buy the book. The question is, where do you buy this book? Dat schall mehr as teihndusend Yen kösten. It will cost more than ten thousand yen. It is expected to cost more than ten thousand yen. Je zal morgenochtend vroeg op moeten. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning. Ga door met je verhaal. Continue your story. Go on with your story. Du hast dir viel Zeit beim Mittagessen gelassen. You've taken a long time eating lunch. You left a lot of time at lunch. Wir sind auf unsere Kinder sehr stolz. We're very proud of our kids. We are very proud of our children. Zijn broer kijkt altijd tv. His brother is always watching television. His brother is always watching TV. Ich glaube, dass er morgen kommt. I believe he is coming tomorrow. I think he's coming tomorrow. Weil ich sehr müde war, ging ich früh zu Bett. I was really tired so I went to bed early. Because I was very tired, I went to bed early. Tegucigalpa is de hoofdstad van Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Kunt u dit zien? Can you see this? Can you see this? Tom sjongt. Tom sings. Tom sings. Hast du schon einmal so etwas gesehen? Have you ever seen anything like this before? Have you ever seen anything like this? Houden zij van sinaasappels? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? Ich mag Pralinen, besonders solche mit Nüssen. I love chocolates, especially those with nuts. I like Pralines, especially those with nuts. Dröff ik en Vörslag maken? May I make a suggestion? Do I have to make a proposal? אָבֿות־אַבֿותינו האָבן עס געשריבן. Our ancestors wrote it. I know he's a madman. Sally gaf hem een ​​kerstcadeau. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas gift. Möchtest du tatsächlich warten, bis sich Tom blicken lässt? Do you really want to wait till Tom shows up? Do you really want to wait until Tom can see you? Denk je dat het betrouwbaar is? Do you think it's reliable? Do you think it's reliable? Japanisch ist schwer, oder? Japanese is hard, isn't it? Japanese is hard, right? Mars! March away! Mars! Tom verachtet Sie. Tom despises you. Tom despises you. איך דארף אז דו וועסט פארשטיין וואס איז דער אמת וועגן וואס איז געשיין מיט טאם. I need you to understand what really happened to Tom. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass ich falsch liege. I really hope that I'm wrong. I really hope I lie wrong. Hier is een foto van haar. Here's a photo of her. Here's a photo of her. Ich werde in den Park gehen. I'll go to the park. I'll go to the park. Jener haarige Außerirdische spricht kein Englisch, sondern versteht es nur. That hairy space alien doesn't speak English; he just understands it. That hairy alien speaks no English, but only understands it. Vandaag is het woensdag. Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Jullie zijn gestopt. You stopped. You're stopped. Hest du nich twee Computers? Don't you have two computers? Don't you have two computers? Es spielt keine Rolle, wer damit angefangen hat oder was der Anlass war. It doesn't matter who started it or why it started. It doesn’t matter who started with it or what was the cause. Aktualisierungen nehme ich am Wochenende vor. I will make updates on the weekends. I will make updates on the weekend. In einem großen Kessel kochte Suppe. Soup was boiling in a large cauldron. In a large boiler, cooked soup. Ik wuifde terug naar hem. I waved him back. I moved back to him. Ken sprüng över de Müür. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken boasts about the mührer. Haben Sie einen Leistenbruch? Do you have a hernia? Do you have a performance break? Normalerweise geht er spazieren mit einem Buch in der Hand. He usually takes a walk, book in hand. He usually walks with a book in his hand. Je weet dat ik haar niet kan uitstaan. You know I can't stand her. You know I can't stand her. Ich hab getan, was ich nicht lassen konnte. I have done what I could not leave. I did what I couldn't leave. Ik heb een foto van haar gemaakt. I took a picture of her. I took a photo of her. We studeerden twee jaar lang Chinees. We studied Chinese for 2 years. We studied Chinese for two years. Ich bin hier nur zu Besuch. I'm just here to visit. I'm just visiting here. Heeft u een aansteker? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighthouse? Tom trägt dasselbe wie gestern. Tom is wearing what he wore yesterday. Tom wears the same as yesterday. Sieben Polizisten kamen ums Leben. Seven policemen were killed. Seven police officers were killed. Wo befindet sich der nächste U-Bahnhof? Where's the nearest tube station? Where is the next subway station? Mijn oom gaf hem een geschenk. My uncle gave him a gift. My uncle gave him a gift. Toen ik thuiskwam, merkte ik dat ik mijn portemonnee verloren had. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I came home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. Is er ooit diabetes bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Has diabetes ever been diagnosed with you? Tom heeft vrienden nodig. Tom needs friends. Tom needs friends. Is dit de man die je hebt gezien? Was this the man you saw? Is this the man you've seen? Sie wussten nicht einmal, wohin sie gehen sollten. They didn't even know where to go. They didn't even know where to go. Vergeef je mij? Do you forgive me? Do you forgive me? Mike het twee meisies. Mike has two girlfriends. Mike has two girls. Gö, du host des nu net tau, wos'd tuan soin hättatst. You haven't yet done what you were supposed to do, have you? Go, you're the host of the present, you're the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the other. Durch diesen Job komme ich in der ganzen Welt herum. This job carries me all over the world. Through this job I get around the world. Dä Hund isch schöön. The dog is beautiful. The dog is beautiful. Nicht nur Tom war müde, sondern auch Maria. Tom wasn't the only one who was sleepy. Mary was sleepy, too. Not only was Tom tired, but Mary too. Jetzt bin ich extra hierhergekommen, und der Laden hat geschlossen. I came here especially, and the shop's shut. Now I've come out extra here, and the store has closed. God zegene Palestina. God bless Palestine. God bless Palestine. ער איז נאָך קראַנק? Is he still sick? Are you looking for an ice-collar? Kolumbus entdeckte Amerika im Jahr 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. וווּ האָט איר זיך געלערנט לאַטײַן? Where did you learn Latin? So, how do you get your hair out of her? Tom draagt nieuwe schoenen. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom is wearing new shoes. Hentö nü gair dit gur. Until now it's going well. Here's to go gur. Tom riss das Pflaster ab. Tom ripped off the band-aid. Tom runs off the patch. Pass auf Tom auf, während ich weg bin! Look after Tom while I'm gone. Watch out for Tom while I'm away! זײ זענען רוסיש. They are Russian. He sneered at Russo. Tom en Mary verheffen nooit hun stem. Tom and Mary never raise their voices. Tom and Mary never raised their voices. Das Messer ist stumpf. The knife is dull. The knife is stupid. Weil es ihn gibt. Because it is there. Because there's him. Ich habe Tom nur eine Nachricht hinterlassen. I only left Tom one message. I just left Tom a message. Het is gewoonweg tijdsverspilling. That is a pure waste of time. It's just time wasting. Nimm etwas Geld mit, nur für den Fall, dass du es brauchst! Take some money just in case you need it. Take some money with you, only in case you need it! Tom hat Maria davor gewarnt. Tom warned Mary about that. Tom warned Maria about this. Kijk gewoon in de spiegel. Just look in the mirror. Just look in the mirror. Fa waka? How's your walk? The result? Een krokodil heeft zijn been afgebeten. A crocodile bit off his leg. A crocodile has prayed off his leg. Spricest þú on Ænȝlisce? Do you speak English? Spicestthúú on Æn.lisce? Een man die verdacht deed, was kort voor de explosie gezien. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. A man who was suspected was seen shortly before the explosion. Sie gab nur vor, zu schlafen. She was only pretending to be asleep. She just pretended to sleep. Herr Doktor, es juckt mich im Schritt. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Mr. Doctor, it's a step in the right direction. De zon aan de horizon is prachtig. The sun on the horizon is wonderful. The sun on the horizon is beautiful. Mi fallt sien Naam jüst nich in. I can't think of his name just now. I just don't fall in his name. Hij is een auteur. He is an author. He's an author. Zijn er gezondheidsrisico's bij anale seks? Does anal sex have any health risks? Are there health risks in anal sex? Dit Book is nee. This book's new. This book is no. Mike, wie geht es dir? Mike, how's it going? Mike, how are you? Nai. No. Not at all. Freud was een originele denker. Freud was an original thinker. Freud was an original thinker. Etymologisch bedeutet Schachmatt "der König ist tot". Der König ist jedoch schon lange nicht mehr im Schachspiel "gestorben". Tatsächlich ist der König die einzige Figur, die nicht einmal gefangen genommen werden kann, obwohl Schachmatt das Spiel beendet und streng genommen als "Tod" für den König angesehen werden kann. Etymologically, checkmate means "the king is dead". However, the king has not "died" in the game of chess for a long time. In fact, the king is the only piece that cannot even be captured, although checkmate finishes the game and, strictly speaking, can be considered as a "death" for the king. Etymologically, Schachmatt means "the king is dead". However, the king has long not been "dead" in the chess game. In fact, the king is the only figure that cannot even be taken prisoner, although Schachmatt can end the game and be strictly taken as "dead" for the king. Wil je het echt afsluiten? Do you really want to quit? Do you really want to close it? Bent u allergisch voor dit geneesmiddel? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Ik heb het een beetje verleerd. I'm a little out of practice. I lost it a little. Deren Bemühungen verbesserten die Situation in einigem Maße. Their efforts made the situation better to a certain degree. Their efforts have improved the situation to some extent. ווי אַזוי וועט איר הײַנט אַהיימגיין? How will you go home today? Do you think you’re going to get an eye-opener? Zai is aan t taiken. She is drawing. Zai is on t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t Haben Sie schon einmal verloren? Have you ever lost? Have you ever lost? Tom schläft. Soll ich ihn wecken? Tom is asleep. Should I wake him up? Tom's asleep, should I wake him up? Es betrübt mich, das zu hören. I am sad to hear it. It bothers me to hear that. Dit is aspergesoep. This is asparagus soup. This is asparagus soup. Tom hat den ganzen Tag gezeichnet. Tom spent the day drawing. Tom has been drawing all day. Tom arbeitet als Kellner, sucht aber nach einer besseren Arbeitsstelle. Tom is working as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job. Tom works as a waiter, but looks for a better job. Ik kann nich flegen. I can't fly. I can't fly. Thou hast asked me. You've asked me. Thou hast asked me. Hy is my buurman. He's my neighbour. He is my neighbor. Ich habe die Reste in den Kühlschrank gestellt. I put the leftovers in the refrigerator. I put the rest in the refrigerator. Nein, überhaupt nicht. No, not at all. No, not at all. Kannst du mir den Weg erklären? Can you explain the way to me? Can you explain the way to me? Heeft iemand anders je gezien? Did anyone else see you? Did someone else see you? ווילסטו נישט רעדן פאר טאם וועגן עס? Don't you want to talk to Tom about it? Do you want to give Willy a piece of wood and a cup of tea? "En, vind je het leuk hier?" "Nee, helemaal niet." "So, are you enjoying it here?" "No way!" "And, do you like it here?" "No, not at all." Ich fürchte, das ist nicht möglich. I'm afraid that's impossible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Jij bent chagrijnig. You are cranky. You're chagriny. Der Bürgersteig hier ist viel schmaler als der gegenüber. This sidewalk is a lot narrower than the one across the road. The rise of citizens here is much shorter than the one in front of them. Hoe lang na een zwangerschap wordt ik weer ongesteld? When will my periods start again after pregnancy? How long after a pregnancy do I get upset again? Ich dachte mir, du würdest so etwas tragen. I thought you'd wear something like that. I thought you'd wear something like that. Könntest du mir helfen, Bruder? Could you help me, brother? Can you help me, brother? Ich hasse es zu tanzen. I hate dancing. I hate to dance. Du höörst di an as Eco. You sound like Eco. You belong to yourself as an Eco. Tom het slegs drie dollar vir sy middagete uitgegee. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars on his lunch. Kiek gain kiekkaast. Don't watch television. Take a look at it. Tom weet niet hoe hij zijn eigen stropdas moet strikken. Tom doesn't know how to tie his own tie. Tom doesn't know how to strike his own stripes. t Is sikkom mien joardag. It's my birthday soon. T is sick my birthday. Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, frag Tom! If you don't believe me, ask Tom. If you don't believe me, ask Tom! Ich bin dieses Jahr schon mehrere Male hiergewesen. I have been here several times this year. I have been here several times this year. Bist-du en Gott? Are you a god? Are you a God? Das meinte ich ja mehr oder weniger. Well, that's kind of my point. I mean more or less. Wanneer heb je voor het laatst benzodiazepinen genomen die niet aan je voorgeschreven waren? When was the last time you used benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? When did you last take benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? Wéini ass si gestuerwen? When did she die? Do you have an ass? טאָם איז אַ מענטש. Tom is a good person. Iris is a goddamn man. Man sagt, du verstehest dich auf dein Handwerk. I hear that you're very good at what you do. It's said you understand your craft. Dat Enn is nah. The end is nigh. The end is near. Ik heff en Katt un en Hund. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. כ׳בין שטאַרק ווי שמשון הגיבור. I'm as strong as an ox. In the same language as the English language. Zeehonden eten vis. Seals eat fish. Sea dogs eat fish. Tom was kaal. Tom was bald. Tom was bald. Die film is geweldig. That movie is ace. The film is great. Een waterval van zweet stroomde naar beneden over mijn gezicht. A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. A waterfall of resistance flowed down my face. Ek sal alles betaal. I'll pay you for everything. I'll pay everything. Werkt u daar ook? Do you work there, too? Are you working there too? Warum hilft mir niemand? Why won't anybody help me? Why don't anyone help me? Tom erkannte bald, dass er betrogen worden war. Tom soon realized he'd been tricked. Tom soon realized that he had been deceived. Draußen war es bitterkalt. It was bitterly cold outside. Outside it was bitter. Das Leben ist das, was man daraus macht. Life is what you make it. Life is what you make of it. Es ist schön, so viele gut unterhaltene Leute zu sehen. It's great to see so many people enjoying themselves. It's nice to see so many well-kept people. Ik heff allens Geld utgeven. I've spent all the money. I spent all of my money. Maria deed haar sokken uit. Mary removed her socks. Maria took off her socks. Dit gebeurt te vaak. This happens too often. This happens too often. Hebben jullie erover nagedacht? Have you given it some thought? Did you think about it? Ik zie je morgen in de bibliotheek. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you in the library tomorrow. Wir müssen umziehen. We've got to move house. We have to move. Is er iets wat we voor u kunnen doen? Is there something that we could do for you? Is there anything we can do for you? דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט געהאַט אַ צוויי־שעהדיקן אױפֿטרעף מיטן „פּרינץ פֿון װאַלפֿישן‟. Donald Trump had a two-hour meeting with the Prince of Whales. Donald Trump has had a two-hour drive-up small beginnings of the Yalfish. k Woon ien de Stad. I live in Groningen city. k Living in the City. Tom hat aber wirklich ein Pech, oder? Tom is really unlucky, isn't he? But Tom really has a pech, right? In welk jaar bent u geboren? What year were you born? In what year were you born? Heb je alles voor morgen voorbereid? Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow? Have you prepared everything for tomorrow? Loop! Run! Walk! Die Kritikerin verriss das Buch. The critic wrote a searing review of the book. The critics lose the book. Wenn du heute Nachmittag in die Bibliothek gehst, würdest du dann bitte zwei Bücher von mir zurückgeben? If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there? If you went to the library this afternoon, would you give me two books? Toms Art zu reden nervt mich. The way Tom speaks gets on my nerves. Tom's kind of talking makes me nervous. Das wäre nie passiert, wenn ihr gleich auf mich gehört hättet. This would never have happened if you had listened to me in the first place. That would never have happened if you had listened to me the same way. Ik kann di nich noog danken. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Yanni saß neben mir. Yanni sat next to me. Yanni sat next to me. Man sollte nie bei der Sicherheit sparen. You should never cut corners on safety. You should never save from safety. Ik weet dat. I know that. I know. Oljas Tragrechner befindet sich noch in Reparatur. Olya's laptop is still under repair. Olja's carrying furniture is still in repair. k Kin nait proaten. I can't talk. K Kin night prosthetics. Ich denke darüber nach, eine neue Firma zu gründen. I have been thinking about starting a new business. I think about establishing a new company. Würdest du das für mich halten? Will you hold this for me? Would you keep that for me? Tom hat seinen Wagen noch nicht verkauft. Tom hasn't sold his car yet. Tom hasn't sold his car yet. Tom geht zu Fuß. Tom will walk. Tom is walking. Er ließ das Rindfleisch auf der Küchenarbeitsfläche stehen, dass es auftaue. He left the beef out on the counter to thaw. He left the beef on the kitchen work surface that it appeared. Ich werde euch ein Frühstück bereiten. I'll make you breakfast. I'll make you a breakfast. Vielleicht hat Tom seinen Schirm in Marias Wagen liegenlassen. Tom might've left his umbrella in Mary's car. Perhaps Tom left his screen in Maria's car. Op die muur was daar 'n bus skedule. There was a bus schedule on the wall. There was a bus schedule on the wall. Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. Was hat dich angetrieben? What motivated you? What has driven you? Gude. Hello! - Good-bye. Was Tom daar? Was Tom there? Was Tom there? Het was niet mijn bedoeling hem te slaan. I didn't mean to hit him. It wasn't my intention to beat him. Die Kinder haben sich auf dem Campingplatz verlaufen. The children got lost at the campground. The children were on the campsite. Het meer is berucht wegens de vervuiling. The lake is notorious for its contamination. The lake is notorious for pollution. איך בין נישט קיין אַטענער און אויך נישט קיין גריך, נאָר אַ וועלטבירגער. I am not an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Da Tom die Kühlschranktür hatte offenstehen lassen, schloss ich sie. Tom left the fridge door open, so I shut it. Since Tom had left the refrigerator door open, I closed it. So etwas kann einmal passieren. This can happen once. Something like this can happen once. Weh yuh did deh? Where were you? What was your reaction? Hij kon het probleem gemakkelijk oplossen. It was easy for him to solve the problem. He could easily solve the problem. Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom so lange braucht. I don't know what's taking Tom so long. I don't know why Tom needs so long. Ik doop met water. I baptize with water. I'm baptized with water. Ik was ooit net als Tom. I was once like Tom. I was like Tom. Sie dürfen unten gerne kommentieren. Feel free to leave comments below. You may like to comment below. Je blijkt vrolijk genoeg te zijn. You seem to be happy enough. You seem to be happy enough. Tom hat das nicht allein getan. Tom didn't do it alone. Tom didn't do that alone. Ich brauche bessere Ideen. I need better ideas. I need better ideas. Sie brauchte 10,5 Liter Salpetersäure für das Experiment. She needed 10.5 liters of nitric acid for the experiment. It needed 10.5 liters of saltpeteric acid for the experiment. Wij maken de beste gitaren in de wereld. We make the best guitars in the world. We make the best guitars in the world. Essen Sie gerne Fisch? Do you like eating fish? Would you like to eat fish? Meine Frau leidet an einer Lungenentzündung. My wife is suffering from pneumonia. My wife is suffering from pneumonia. Tom holt deine Sachen. Tom is getting your things. Tom gets your stuff. Tom trainde. Tom exercised. Tom trained. Ze komen niet vandaag. They are not coming today. They're not coming today. Je kunt Tom vergeten. Forget about Tom. You can forget Tom. Wat is jouw favoriete kleur? What's your favorite color? What is your favorite color? Ze heeft ongelijk. She is in the wrong. She's wrong. Nichts von dem, worum wir ihn baten, wird Tom schwerfallen. Nothing we asked Tom to do will be hard for him to do. Nothing we ask of him will be hard for Tom. Der Mount Everest ist der größte Berg der Welt. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the whole world. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the world. Deze regel geldt niet voor de eerstejaars. This rule doesn't apply to first-year students. This rule does not apply to the first year. Wie viele enge Freunde hast du? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Er möchte an dem Wettbewerb teilnehmen. He wants to participate in the contest. He wants to participate in the competition. Ich wünschte, Tom hörte endlich auf zu heulen! I wish that Tom would stop crying. I wish Tom had finally stopped hating me! Ik heb geen idee wat je probeert te zeggen. I have no idea what you are trying to say. I don't know what you're trying to say. Houdt u van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Welches Land möchten Sie am liebsten besuchen? What country do you most want to visit? Which country would you like to visit most? Ich kenne hier niemanden außer Ihnen. I don't know anyone here besides you. I don't know anyone here except you. Ik wil bovenal gezond zijn. Above all, I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy at all times. Amüsiert ihr euch gut? Are you guys having any fun? Are you enjoying yourself well? Hij heeft alles gezien. He saw everything. He's seen everything. Wenn er das schafft, fresse ich einen Besen. If he can do that, I will eat my hat. When he does, I eat a bee. Die zehn weltweit wärmsten verzeichneten Jahre gab es alle nach 1998. Globally, the 10 warmest years on record all occurred since 1998. The 10 warmest years of the year were all after 1998. Ik heb vertrouwen in hem. I trust him. I have confidence in him. Je bent zeer hulpvaardig. You're very helpful. You're very helpful. Wenn du es mir nicht sagst, bringe ich dich um! If you don't tell me, I'll kill you. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you! Ik speel viool. I play the violin. I'm playing violin. קלאַסנקאַמף איז גוט, בפּועל. Class conflict is good, actually. Chelsea is a gourmet, in a way. צי רעדט ער פּאָרטוגעזיש? Does he speak Portuguese? Did the Navy wake up? Bist du neidisch? Are you envious? Are you hungry? Banken openen om negen uur. Banks open at nine o'clock. Banks open at nine o'clock. Ik ben ook een toerist. I'm a tourist, too. I'm also a tourist. Het is gewoon een lichte beroerte. It's just a mild stroke. It's just a slight stroke. Lass es! Du wirst es bereuen! Don't do this. You'll regret it. Let it go! You'll regret it! Sobald er davon hörte, eilte er zu der Stelle. As soon as he heard of it, he hastened to the spot. As soon as he heard of it, he rushed to the place. Tom was toe hier. Tom was here then. Tom was here. Die Lebensqualität in München ist sehr hoch. The quality of life in Munich is very high. The quality of life in Munich is very high. Maak u geen zorgen om zoiets. Don't worry about such a thing. Don't worry about anything like that. Ik ga naar de controlekamer. I'm going to the control room. I'm going to the control room. Tom komt later terug. Tom will come back later. Tom comes back later. Tom will weten, worüm ji dat doon hebbt. Tom would like to know why you did that. Tom wants to know why you did it. De lüttste Kontinent is Australien. The smallest continent is Australia. The smallest continent is Australia. Sein Hund macht bisweilen einen klügeren Eindruck als Tom selbst. Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than he is. His dog sometimes makes a smarter impression than Tom himself. D'Schilddrüs ass eng endokrine Drüs. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. The skin of the brain is an endorphin. Es hat Spaß gemacht. It's been fun. It was fun. מײַנע עלטערן ווילן זיך באַגעגענען מיט דיר. My parents would like to meet you. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. De Katt is bruun. That cat is brown. The cat is brown. Tom lacht überhaupt nicht. Tom doesn't laugh at all. Tom doesn't laugh at all. Sie ehrten ihn als ihren führenden Staatsmann. They honored him as their leading statesman. They honored him as their leader. Allerbest! Great! Best of all! Ich brauche en Advogaat. I need a lawyer. I need an Advogat. Ich übersetze gerne stundenlang Sätze bei Tatoeba. I like to spend hours translating sentences on Tatoeba. I like to translate sentences at Tatoeba for hours. איך בין נאָך אַן אָנהייבער. I'm still a beginner. How am I going to be in the middle of the night? Hat außer Tom noch jemand Maria gesehen? Did anybody other than Tom see Mary? Did anyone see Mary except Tom? ס׳איז אַן איינזײַטיקער קאָנפֿליקט. It's a lopsided conflict. I'm sure I'm going to give you a go-to. Je moet zelf voor je hond zorgen. You must take care of your dog yourself. You have to take care of your dog yourself. Hē is ġeong. He is young. Hē is -eong. Ich weiß nicht mehr, wann ich Tom zum ersten Mal gesehen habe. I can't remember when I first met Tom. I don't know when I saw Tom for the first time. "Onze baas heeft aangedrongen op die prijs," legde de verkoopster uit. "Maar weet u, u hoeft me geen 0,99 in kopeken te betalen. U mag meer betalen als u wilt." "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." "Our boss has urged at that price," the salesman explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me a 0.99 in bills. You can pay more if you want." Was mögen Sie lieber, Tee oder Kaffee? Which do you like better, tea or coffee? What do you like, tea or coffee? D Frau isch nöd jung. The woman is not young. Woman is young. Yanni beantwortet jede Frage. Yanni answers every question. Yanni answered every question. Ik ging de stad in om een goed restaurant te zoeken. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went into the city to look for a good restaurant. In der Garage ist Farbe. There's some paint in the garage. In the garage is color. Veel vluchten werden geannuleerd als gevolg van de tyfoon. Many flights were canceled, owing to the typhoon. Many flights were cancelled as a result of the typhoon. Ich würde auch gerne kommen, aber ich habe kein Geld, deshalb kann ich es nicht. I'd like to come too, but I'm skint, so I can't. I would also like to come, but I don't have any money, so I can't. Schach ist ein guter Begleiter fürs Leben. Chess is a good companion for life. Chess is a good companion for life. Hoe laat ben je gisteren gaan slapen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? Ich bin sofort bei dir. I'll be with you in a second. I'm with you right away. Wer kann besser Englisch sprechen, Yoko oder Yumi? Who can speak English better, Yoko or Yumi? Who can speak English better, Yoko or Yum? Sy weet nie eers dat ek bestaan nie. She doesn't even know that I exist. She doesn’t even know that I do exist. Stalin war ein schlechter Mensch. Stalin was a bad person. Stalin was a bad man. Vrouwen veranderen de wereld. Women change the world. Women change the world. Heeft u als kind inentingen gehad? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Did you have vaccinations as a child? Er sitzt nicht an der Tastatur. He's AFK. He's not on the keyboard. Tut es euch leid? Are you guys sorry? Are you sorry? Goedenavond! Good evening! Good night! Deze bloem is geel. This flower is yellow. This flower is yellow. Im Wohnzimmer war eine riesige Spinne. There was a huge spider in the living room. In the living room was a huge spider. Jullie zijn niet uitgenodigd. You guys aren't invited. You're not invited. Der Springer bewegt sich nicht so. The knight does not move like that. The jumper doesn’t move that way. זיי זענען אומצוויייִק. They're nonbinary. Zoe is in a moody mood. Sie kannten sich. They knew each other. They knew each other. איך בין אַ פּאַלעסטינער. I'm Palestinian. How do you feel about me? He is dat swarte Schaap in ’e Famielje. He's the black sheep of the family. He is a black sheep in the family. Maak iets op. Make something up. Make something up. Haben die dich rausgeschmissen? Did they kick you out? Did they throw you out? Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland weergekeerd? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come back from Germany? איך בין נישט קיין נביא. I am not a prophet. How did Cain come to be? Wohin ich auch gehe, verlaufe ich mich. No matter where I go, I get lost. Wherever I go, I go. Hoe laat kwam je in Straatsburg aan? At what time did you arrive in Strasbourg? What time did you arrive in Strasbourg? Wat voor dingen denk je dat we moeten kopen? What kind of things do you think we need to buy? What kind of things do you think we have to buy? Der Junge hat kein Fahrrad. The boy doesn't have a bicycle. The boy has no bicycle. Sie bat mich zu kommen. She begged me to come. She asked me to come. Volgens mij is het antwoord vrij duidelijk. I think the answer is pretty clear. I think the answer is quite clear. Habt ihr die Bücher zurückgegeben? Did you return the books? Have you returned the books? Wie is uw lievelingspianist? Who's your favorite pianist? Who is your favorite pianist? Ik heff mi ’n ganzen Dag in’n Woold versteken. I hid in the woods all day. I found myself hiding in a forest all day long. Bleib ruhig! Du störst uns nicht! Don't go away. You're not bothering us. You don't bother us! Ik vergat om mijn medicijnen in te nemen. I forgot to take my medicine. I forgot to take my medications. Hier stand einmal ein Baum. There used to be a tree here. Here was a tree. Ik ben erg dankbaar voor al uw hulp. I'm really grateful for all your help. I am very grateful for all your help. As ik de Döör apen maken deed, deed se naakd utrekelt op ’t Sofa liggen. When I opened the door, I found her naked, stretched on the sofa. When I opened the door, she grabbed naked and lay on the sofa. Dat is zo ongelooflijk. That's so incredible. That's so incredible. Tom kommt nicht aus dem Süden, sondern aus dem Norden. Tom isn't from the South. He's from the North. Tom is not from the south, but from the north. Vul dit formulier in, alsjeblieft. Fill out this form, please. Fill in this form, please. Lasst Eure Waffen hier! Leave your weapons here. Leave your weapons here! Die Feier ging nicht lange. The party didn't last very long. The celebration didn't go long. Ik kan hier niet werken. I can't work here. I can't work here. Mary is neurotisch. Mary is neurotic. Mary is neurotic. Ik wull, ik weer jung. I wish I were young. I wanted to, I was young again. Ich wollte nicht laut werden. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't want to be loud. Was je toen op school? Were you at school at that time? Were you in school then? Daar zit iets vast. There's something stuck. There's something in there. Ich habe daran gedacht. I thought of that. I thought about it. Ik weet van waar hij is. I know where he comes from. I know where he is. Tom was versteur deur die rigting van sy gedagtes. Tom was disturbed at the direction of his thoughts. Tom was disturbed by the direction of his mind. Excuseer, spreek je Engels? Pardon me, do you speak English? Apologize, do you speak English? Sie hat angerufen. She called. She called. Gaat u ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Are you not going to introduce us? De lucht is vochtig. The air is damp. The air is humid. Ik weiger te antwoorden. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Ek dog jy sou hierin belangstel. I thought you might be interested in this. I think you would be interested in this. Thailand heeft twee volksliederen. Thailand has two national anthems. Thailand has two national leaders. Diese Zahnbürste ist zu weich. This toothbrush is too soft. This toothbrush is too soft. Hy het rassediskriminasie as 'n ewil veroordeel. He condemned racial discrimination as evil. He condemned racial discrimination as illiteracy. Ich wünschte, ich könnte so gut Französisch wie du Englisch! I wish that my French was as good as your English. I wish I could be as French as you are English! Nu kan iedereen het zien. Now everyone can see it. Now everyone can see it. Ze doet de deur dicht. She closes the door. She shuts the door. Ich habe kein bisschen Erfahrung. I don't have any experience. I don't have a bit of experience. Neem je badzout? Do you use bath salts? Do you take bath salt? Dir kacht. You're cooking. You're chatting. Bis schpööter! See you later! Bye-bye! Waar zijn we? Where are we? Where are we? 'Ac þe wæs min ege mare þonne his lif, ic þe nu bletsie and þinne ofspring gemanigfealde swa swa steorran on heofonum and swa swa sandceosol on sæ.' But that your fear of me was greater than his life, now I bless you and your offspring, just so that they multiply like the stars in the heavens and just as grains of sand on the sea. 'Ac really wæs my ege mare déonne his life, icósie nu bletsie and déinne vanspring menigfealde swa swa stéorran on heofonum and swa swa sandceosol on sæ.' Kan je goed typen? Are you good at typing? Can you type well? Tom tövt buten op Ria. Tom is outside waiting for Mary. Tom acts outside on Ria. Is dat dien Book? Is that your book? Is this your book? Heb je duizeligheid? Do you have vertigo? Do you have dizzy? Tom ist eigentlich nicht nur Millionär, sondern Milliardär. Actually, Tom is a billionaire, not a millionaire. Tom is not just a millionaire, but a billionaire. Het pad van de deugd is erg smal, en de weg van de ondeugd breed en ruim. The path of virtue is very narrow and the path of vice is very wide and spacious. The path of virtue is very narrow, and the way of the weak wide and spacious. Ich habe gerade einen Fuchs über die Straße laufen sehen. I just saw a fox run across the road. I just saw a fox running across the street. Warum hast du nicht gefrühstückt? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Heeft Tom blauwe ogen? Does Tom have blue eyes? Does Tom have blue eyes? Auf Zypern spricht man Griechisch, Türkisch und Englisch. In Cyprus, they speak Greek, Turkish and English. In Cyprus it is spoken Greek, Turkish and English. Hou jou vriend van tee? Does your friend like tea? Does your friend like tea? Es gelang Tom, den Ball einhändig zu fangen. Tom was able to catch the ball with one hand. Tom managed to catch the ball one at a time. Loh mi in Ruh. Leave me alone! Loh was in Ruh. Ich liebe Arabisch. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Ich muss noch Besorgungen machen. I still have to run errands. I still have to make concerns. Antwoord eerlijk. Answer honestly. Answer honestly. Du beschuldigst mich zu Unrecht. You are falsely accusing me. You accuse me of injustice. Heb je dat gekocht? Did you buy that? Did you buy that? Tom sagte, er komme aus Australien. Tom said he was from Australia. Tom said he came from Australia. Zijn moeder is nogal onaangenaam. His mom is quite disagreeable. His mother is pretty unpleasant. Hest n geroazie? Do you have a garage? Hasn't a gerozie? Je had moeten blijven waar je was. You should've stayed where you were. You should have stayed where you were. Breng mijn hoed. Bring my hat. Bring my hat. Het bijhouden van een dagboek geeft ons ook de kans om op ons dagelijks leven te reflecteren. Keeping a diary also gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life. Keeping a diary also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our daily lives. Ek het jou meisie ontmoet. I met your girlfriend. I met your girl. Hier is dat Book, na dat du söchst. Here is the book you are looking for. Here's the book you're looking for. Ich hoffe, du hast nicht vor, das zu der Feier anzuziehen. I hope you're not planning on wearing that to the party. I hope you don't want to attract that to the celebration. Drink jy koffie of tee? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Do you drink coffee or tea? Ich bin heute Morgen früh aufgewacht. I woke up early this morning. I woke up early this morning. Aadler un Dauve sin aarich scheene Diere. Eagles and doves are very beautiful animals. Aadler and Dauve are pretty beautiful animals. Deze vogel dreigt nu uit te sterven. That bird is now in danger of dying out. This bird is now threatening to die out. Er schreibt mit seiner Schwester ein Gedicht. He's writing a poem with his sister. He wrote a poem with his sister. Ein Mädchen ist gestern im Teich ertrunken. A girl drowned in the pond yesterday. A girl was drowned in the pond yesterday. Tom houdt van countrymuziek. Tom loves country music. Tom likes country music. Ist das Rotwein? Is this red wine? Is the red wine? Du hast so weiche Haut! Your skin is so soft. You have so soft skin! Iedereen doet dit. Everybody does this. Everyone's doing this. Mid þam þe he wolde þæt weorc beginnan, þa clipode Godes engel arodlice of heofonum, 'Abraham!' He andwyrde sona. Just when he was beginning the task, the angel of God called out from the heavens, 'Abraham!' He answered immediately. Mid­Wanzam Auerhe Wolde contains Weorc beginningnan, Éa clipode Godes angel arodlice of heophonum, 'Abraham!' He andwyrded sona. Ich habe dreimal den Fuji bestiegen. I've climbed Mt. Fuji three times. I went to Fuji three times. Is Tom hier? Is Tom here? Is Tom here? Tom ist ein Kurzweil liebender Abenteurer. Tom is a fun-loving adventurer. Tom is a short-lived adventurer. Heb je Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Darüber haben wir nie gesprochen. That isn't something that we've ever talked about. We never talked about it. Ik wil weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I want to know what's happened to Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. De volgende! Next person! The next one! Tom will en Breef schrieven. Tom is going to write a letter. Tom wants to write a letter. Ich traf sie in der Kirche. I met her at the church. I met them in the church. Joe kòchten n pappegoai. You bought a parrot. You're fighting for papacy. Gemeinsam ist uns allen unsere Liebe zum Fußball. What we all have in common is that we love soccer. Together, we are all our love for football. Zai verdwenen. They disappeared. Zai disappeared. Sami bestelde vier pizza's. Sami ordered four pizzas. Sami ordered four pizzas. Was geht? What's shaking? What's going on? Ze heeft een overdosis gehad. She overdosed. She had an overdose. Ich sehne mich nach meinem Volk. I long for my people. I'm looking forward to my people. Ze kan drie talen spreken. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. Ich muss Deutsch lernen. I must learn German. I have to learn German. Sie ist selbständig. She's self-employed. She's self-reliant. Die Zeit vergeht wie im Fluge, wenn man Spaß hat. Time passes quickly when you're enjoying yourself. Time goes by as in flight when you have fun. Ben je tien jaar? Are you ten? Are you ten years old? סיאַטל איז אַן עיר־מקלט. Seattle is a sanctuary city. Sharjah is a millet. Wo heet disse Vagel op Engelsch? What do you call this bird in English? Where is this bird called in English? Versuchst du, mir Angst einzujagen? Are you trying to scare me? Are you trying to scare me? Tom droeg geen sokken. Tom wasn't wearing socks. Tom didn’t wear socks. Wie können Delphine Sardinen fressen, wenn sie nicht einmal die Dose aufbekommen? How do dolphins eat sardines if they can't even open the can? How can Delphine eat sardines if they don’t even get the dose? Der Junge saß auf einem Stuhl. The boy sat on a chair. The boy was sitting on a chair. In het noorden grenst Thailand aan Myanmar en Laos. Thailand is bordered to the north by Myanmar and Laos. In the north, Thailand borders Myanmar and Laos. Sie setzte sich ans Klavier und begann zu spielen. She took her seat at the piano and began to play. She joined the piano and started playing. Er vertrieb die Eindringlinge. He drove off the intruders. He expelled the intruders. Das waar gut gschriwwe. That was well written. That's a good thing. Doe het gewoon weg. Just get rid of it. Just get it out of here. Zijn moeder stierf toen hij jong was, en zijn grootmoeder heeft hem opgevoed. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother brought him up. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother raised him. Der Mann, der da stand, das war nicht Tom. The man standing there wasn't Tom. The man who stood there was not Tom. Vielleicht bin ich besser als Sie. Maybe I'm better than you. Maybe I'm better than you. Op een schaal van 0 tot 10, waarbij 10 het ergst is, kan je je pijn inschatten? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you rate your pain? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you estimate your pain? Je kunt niet redeneren met een fundemantalist, of het nu een christen of een atheïst is. You can't reason with a fundamentalist, regardless of whether they're a Christian or an atheist. You can't reason with a fundmantalist, whether it's a Christian or an atheist. De laatste is de beste. The last one is the best. The last is the best. Du bist aggressiv. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Deze banaan is geel This banana is yellow. This banana is yellow Lasst uns improvisieren. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Heb je last van hoofdpijn? Have you been having a headache? Do you have headaches? Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass das Parlament aufgelöst wird. It's likely the Diet will be dissolved. It is likely that Parliament will be dissolved. Die Behandlung wurde durch einen wohlwollenden Spender ermöglicht. The treatment was made possible by a benevolent donor. The treatment was made possible by a well-deserved donor. קין איז נישט געווען קיין גוט מיטקינד. Cain wasn't a good sibling. It was Kenny’s son-in-law-in-law-in-law, Cain’s mother-in-law. S tuet mir läid. I am sorry. She's lying to me. Ik vertroo di. I trust you. I trust you. Waar anders? Where else? Where else? מיר האָבן אַ סטעגאָזאַווער. We have a stegosaurus. I'm sorry I'm sorry. דער אמת איז ביטער. The truth is bitter. The truth is, I am sure. Ich komme auf jeden Fall morgen früh. I'll come without fail tomorrow morning. I'm definitely coming early tomorrow. Weet je waar ik het restaurant kan vinden? Do you know where I can find the restaurant? Do you know where I can find the restaurant? Es ist keine Wolke am Himmel. There's not a cloud in the sky. It's not a cloud in the sky. Die Regierung sollte gezielte Maßnahmen zum Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit ergreifen. The government should take targeted measures to eliminate unemployment. The government should take targeted measures to reduce unemployment. מיר האַלטן פֿון טאָמען. We admire Tom. Satan the Devil is a devil. Zijn jullie zussen? Are you sisters? Are you your sisters? Gaat u alstublieft zitten en wacht. Please take a seat and wait. Please sit down and wait. Das hier ist der Mann, dessen Tochter du gestern getroffen hast. This is the man whose daughter you met yesterday. This is the man you met yesterday. Sie verschwenden unser beider Zeit. You're wasting both of our time. They are wasting our time. Ik ben altijd nog alleen. I am still alone. I'm still alone. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Ek kan sien dat jy vir hom om gegee het. I can tell you cared about him. I can see that you cared for him. Het ijs smelt. The ice cream is melting. The ice melts. Heb je erover nagedacht? Have you given it some thought? Did you think about it? Er breitete die Arme aus, als wollte er die Welt umarmen. He held out his arms, as though wanting to embrace the world. He spread the arms as he wanted to embrace the world. En Spraak is en Dialekt mit en Armee un Marine. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. Vindt u het erg als ik erbij kom zitten? Would you mind if I join you? Do you like it when I'm with you? Du machst 300 Rumpfbeugen am Tag? Das ist doch unmöglich! You do three hundred sit-ups a day? That's impossible! You make 300 hulls a day? That's impossible! Tom besucht seine Mutter. Tom is visiting his mum. Tom visits his mother. We've hin oor muckle wark tae dae theday. We've had too much work to do today. We have a lot of work to do today. Waar eet Tom ontbyt? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where does Tom eat breakfast? פּסקאָוו איז אין דרום־רוסלאַנד. Pskov is in southern Russia. It is not south-south-southland. Das Problem wird nicht aufkommen. You won't have that problem. The problem will not arise. Waar is dat van? Where is that from? What's that about? Dor segg ik nix to. No comment. I don't say anything. Wie is de kapitein van dit schip? Who's the captain of this ship? Who is the captain of this ship? Tom fluistert iets tegen Mary. Tom is whispering something to Mary. Tom whispers something against Mary. Hilft Ihnen das irgendwie? Does that help you at all? Does this help you? Ik heb echt jouw hulp nodig. I really need your help. I really need your help. Mi nuh hab it. I don't have it. I have it. Ich sagte, ich würde darüber nachdenken. I said I'd think about it. I said I would think about it. Wir alle mögen Sie sehr. All of us like you very much. We all like you very much. Ik bün keen Schöler. I'm not a student. I am not a student. Moeder kocht twee flessen sinaasappelsap. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Wir sahen Tom in der Menge. We spotted Tom in the crowd. We saw Tom in the crowd. We plannen een trip naar New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We are planning a trip to New York. Is dat de echte reden? Is that the real reason? Is that the real reason? ער איז געווען אָדם נאַקעט. He was stark naked. I wonder if my dad is a naughty man. Würdest du dich als gesprächig bezeichnen? Would you say you're talkative? Would you describe yourself as conversational? Guder Owed! Good evening! Good-bye Owed! Er schaffd bis Hallebnacht. He works until midnight. He lived until Hallebnacht. Der Springer ist die einzige Figur, die über andere hinwegziehen kann. The knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. The jumper is the only figure that can move over others. Tom is nooit aangekomen. Tom never arrived. Tom never arrived. איך בין אין מיטן עפעס. קען איך דיר קלינגען צוריק? I'm in the middle of something. Can you call me back? How is it that there’s no such thing as a small barn? Hij viel in slaap achter het stuur en had een ongeval. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. Ik moet aan mijn kinderen denken. I have to think of my children. I have to think of my children. Mama is aan het werk. Mummy's working. Mom's working. Manches ergibt einfach keinen Sinn. Some things just don't make any sense. Some simply don't make sense. He drünk Beer. He drank beer. He drank beer. Tom überprüfte, ob Marias Name auf der Liste stand. Tom checked to see whether Mary's name was on the list. Tom checked if Maria's name was on the list. Er heerst paniek op de Titanic. Panic rules on the Titanic. There is panic in the Titanic. Ik leer Aramees. I'm learning Aramaic. I'm learning Aramaic. Du hast Glück gehabt, dass du dir nur den Arm gebrochen hast. You were lucky that you only broke an arm. You were lucky that you broke your arm. I benn nebrå fremdå Frau uffgwachd. I woke up next to a strange woman. She gave birth to a widow. איך בין געבוירן אין סקאָטלאַנד. I was born in Scotland. As for Scotland, there is no Scotland. Tom ist nicht alt genug, um alleine hinzugehen. Tom isn't old enough to go there by himself. Tom is not old enough to go alone. Tom ist toll. Tom's great. Tom is great. Möglicherweise weiß sie nicht, dass wir hier sind. She might not know that we are here. Maybe she doesn't know we're here. דו האָסט שיינע ברוינע אויגן. You have beautiful brown eyes. Mr. President, I am going to take a break. טאָם איז גראָד איצט אין גאָרטן. Tom is in the garden right now. Mr. Griffiths, you don’t have a problem. Wir saßen neben Tom. We sat next to Tom. We sat next to Tom. Das Unterrichten ist klasse. The lesson is classy. Teaching is class. Ich finde, dass ich eine ziemlich gute Schriftstellerin bin. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a pretty good writer. Diese Entscheidung liegt nicht bei dir. That isn't for you to decide. This decision is not with you. Raak je vaak duizelig als je snel uit bed opstaat? Do you often become dizzy if you get up from bed quickly? Do you often get dizzy when you get out of bed quickly? Er macht nichts, außer den ganzen Tag Bücher zu lesen. He does nothing but read books all day long. He does nothing except to read books all day. Laat je niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. דארטען, וואו מיר לעבען, דארט איז אונזער לאנד. Our country is wherever we live. Darth Vaughan, Darth Island. Heute ist ein schöner Tag. Today is a beautiful day. Today is a beautiful day. Hier komt hij. Here he comes. He's coming here. Dafür brauche ich den ganzen Tag. It'll take me all day to finish this. I need it all day. Je zou moeten beginnen. You should get started. You should start. Flikker. Faggot. Flicker. Sie müssen mir die Wahrheit sagen. You need to tell me the truth. You have to tell me the truth. Ga verder. Go on. Go on. Kinder lernen das Lesen durch die Nähe zu Büchern. Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. Children learn to read through the proximity to books. Er ging so weit, mich einen Lügner zu nennen. He went so far as to call me a liar. He went so far as to call me a liar. Toms Sandburg wurde von dem Sturm zerstört. Tom's sandcastle was destroyed by the storm. Toms Sandburg was destroyed by the storm. Was ist im Falle eines Brandes zu tun? What should we do in the event of a fire? What to do in case of a fire? Ich sehe das äußerst ungern. I hate to see people doing that. I see it very ungrateful. Ich weiß, dass ich muss; ich habe nur keine Lust. I know that I have to do this. I just don't want to. I know I have to; I just don't like it. Das Meer kann von hier aus gehört werden. The sea can be heard from here. The sea can be heard from here. דו ביסט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You're stronger than us. Mr. Bean's son-in-law-in-law-in-law-in-law-in-law-in-law. Abraham þa gecierde sona to his cnapum and ferdon him ham swa mid heofonlicre bletsunge. Abraham then immediately returned to his servants and so they went home with heavenly blessing. Abraham stemmed sona to his cnapum and worshipped him swa with heophonlicre blasung. וואָס איז די הײַנטיקע זופּ? What's the soup of the day? Is icy enough to get you out of bed? Wilt u dat ik de ramen opendoe? Do you want me to open the windows? Do you want me to open the windows? Wie kann man als Mexikaner ein russisches Visum beantragen? How can you apply for a Russian visa if you're Mexican? How can you apply for a Russian visa as a Mexican? מיר קענען זינגען. We can sing. Mum is an Englishman. Zijn jullie nu bezig, Tom? Are you all busy now, Tom? Are you busy now, Tom? Ich möchte Isländisch schreiben üben. I want to practice writing in Icelandic. I want to practice writing in Icelandic. Twee keer in de week kwam de tuinman om het gras te maaien, daarom kon ik nooit in het lange gras liggen. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Twice a week the gardener came to mow the grass, so I could never lie in the long grass. מײַן שוועסטער ווילט מאַכן אַ פֿאָר־נסיעה דורך אייראָפּע. My sister wants to go on a road trip across Europe. One of the best people I’ve ever seen, I’m going to give you a free trip. Tom verließ Boston mittags am 2. Juni und kehrte mittags am 4. September zurück. Wie viele Tage war er weg? Tom left Boston at noon on June second and he got back to Boston at noon on September fourth. How many days was Tom away from Boston? Tom left Boston at noon on 2 June and returned at noon on 4 September. How many days was he gone? Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum; Si þin nama gehalgod to becume þin rice gewurþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele soþlice. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Fæder hours would be honored on heofonum; such as nama gehalgod to becume déin rice was ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. urne géndhwamlikan hlaf sile us to address and forgive us hours gyltas swa we forgyfað urum gylendum and ne gelædshou us on costnge ac alys us or efele soemlice. Yidir woont in Noorwegen. Yidir lives in Norway. Yidir lives in Norway. He is mien Naver. He is my neighbour. He is my nave. "Waar heb je mijn boek gelaten?" "Het ligt op het bijzettafeltje." "Where did you put my book?" "It's on the end table." "Where did you leave my book?" "It's on the side table." Tom scheint gelangweilt zu sein. Tom seems to be bored. Tom seems to be bored. Ik kan mijn linkerschoen niet vinden. I can't find my left shoe. I can't find my left shoe. Ich weiß, dass Marko krank gewesen ist. I know that Marco has been sick. I know Marko was sick. Gott sei Dank hast du das nicht gemacht! Thank goodness you didn't do that. Thank God you didn't do that! Ich kann unter Stress nicht schlafen. I can't sleep when I'm stressed out. I can't sleep under stress. Vermeiden Sie es, nachts allein auf den Straßen zu sein. Avoid walking on the streets alone at night. Avoid being alone on the streets at night. עס איז אַ ליד. It's a poem. Ice is near by. Ze wonen elke les bij. They attend every class. They attend every lesson. Jy is nie 'n hond nie. Is jy 'n kat? You are not a dog. Are you a cat? You're not a dog. Are you a cat? Zij houdt ook van chocolade. She loves chocolate, too. She also likes chocolate. Het is een pop. It's a doll. It's a pop. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט דיר. His older sister can't talk to you today. I can't believe I'm going to have to have a cup of tea on the ground floor. Ik werd door een oude vriend uitgenodigd. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. Ich weiß, dass es nicht das ist, was du wolltest. I know this isn't what you wanted. I know it's not what you want. Zalig kerstfeest. Happy Christmas! Christmas party. Er redet viel über seinen Vater. He talks a lot about his father. He's talking a lot about his father. Ek moet gaan. I must go. I have to go. Tom ist vor zehn Minuten angekommen, aber ich habe ihn noch nicht gesehen. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't yet seen him. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't seen him yet. Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht mehr Hilfe leisten kann. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sorry I can't help anymore. Weet je eigenlijk wel hoe je een wegenkaart leest? Geef dat aan mij. Do you even know how to read a map? Give that here. You really know how to read a road map? Give it to me. Ich kenne noch nicht einmal eure Adresse. I don't even know your address. I don't even know your address. Toms freche Antwort bewog Maria, ihm eine Ohrfeige zu geben. Tom's rude reply provoked Mary to slap his face. Tom’s bold response moved Maria to give him an earfuck. Je hoeft geen lunch mee te nemen. You don't need to carry lunch with you. You don't have to take lunch with you. Zoiets was ooit onvoorstelbaar. Such a thing used to be unthinkable. Such a thing was ever unimaginable. Tom antwortete, er wisse es nicht. Tom's answer was that he didn't know. Tom replied he didn't know. Ik heff en Dochter, de mit Tom to School geiht. I have a daughter that goes to school with Tom. I have a daughter who goes to school with Tom. De Katt is in ehr Korv. The cat is in its basket. The cat is in her basket. Darf ich eine Dose öffnen? May I open a can? Can I open a box? Mir sollen ganz virsiichteg virgoen. We should proceed with great caution. I'm sure I'll be working on it very soon. Er verliert ständig sein Handy. He's always losing his mobile. He's always losing his cell phone. Es ist schwierig, gut Französisch zu sprechen. It's hard to speak French well. It is difficult to speak French well. Ivo zag de druif. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw the grape. Der Hund hat den Fisch ganz, samt Gräten und Schwanz, gefressen. The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all. The dog has eaten the fish whole, including grasses and tails. Meine Mutter hat meinem kleinen Bruder einen gelben Regenschirm gekauft. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Doe de deur open. Get the door. Open the door. Ek gaan nie my keuse verander nie maak nie saak wat jy sê nie. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. I’m not going to change my choice, no matter what you say. Als der Kuchen so weit war, dass er gebacken werden konnte, legten sie ihn auf das Feuer und bedeckten ihn mit heißer Asche, bis er durchgegart war. When the cake was ready for baking they put it on the fire, and covered it with hot ashes, till it was cooked through. When the cake was so far that it could be baked, they put it on the fire and covered it with hot ash until it went through. Tom schenkte Maria Blumen. Tom gave flowers to Mary. Tom gave Maria flowers. איך דארף נישט קיינעם. I don't need anyone. How did D.D. Knife come to mind? Brood wordt gemaakt van meel, water en gist. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Se hebbt Godd dankt. They thanked God. They thanked God. Werk je met Tom? Do you work with Tom? Are you working with Tom? Als ik jou was, zou ik Tom helpen. If I were you, I'd help Tom. If I were you, I'd help Tom. Hoe oud ben je? What's your age? How old are you? Ich kann es gar nicht leiden zu verlieren. I really don't like to lose. I can't even lose it. Woneem sünd wi? Where are we? Where are we? Nu heb ik er nog drie. Now I have three left. Now I have three more. Warum Tom getötet wurde, ist immer noch ein Rätsel. Why Tom was killed is still a mystery. Why Tom was killed is still a mystery. Ek wil jou nie sien nie. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Es braucht lange, bis man eine Fremdsprache fließend kann. Becoming fluent in a foreign language takes a lot of time. It takes a long time for a foreign language to flow. How yuh duh? How are you doing? How did you react? Hef je beide armen zo op. Raise both of your arms up like this. So lift up both arms. Bitte adoptiert mich nicht! Ich wohne gerne in diesem Waisenhaus. Please don't adopt me. I like living in this orphanage. Please don't accept me! I like to live in this orphanage. Om tien uur gaat de winkel open. The store opens at ten o'clock. At ten o'clock, the store will open. Ehr Hoor hüng in adrette Krüllen dal. Her hair hung in neat coils. Her ear hangs in adrette crags valley. We zijn allebei uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Habt ihr mit Tom gesprochen? Did you speak with Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Zai waarkte. She worked. Zai wakes up. Tom werd erg jong kaal. Tom became bald very young. Tom became very young. די ייִדן זענען מיד. The Jews are tired. And enough of them immediately. Österreich ist einer der größten Stromproduzenten Europas. Austria is one of the largest producers of electricity in Europe. Austria is one of the largest electricity producers in Europe. Gott hod se krieerd. God created her. God is created. Die Aufgabe ist einfach. The task is simple. The task is simple. Gehst du oder bleibst du? Are you going or are you staying? Are you going or are you staying? Ik had er gister bij moeten zijn. I should've been there yesterday. I should have been there yesterday. Waarom zou ik boos op je zijn? Why would I be mad at you? Why would I be angry with you? Ik moet naar Boston. I need to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. De koningin stond naast de koning. The queen stood beside the king. The queen stood next to the king. Ich huste seit heute Morgen. I've been coughing since this morning. I've been coughing since today's morning. Tom drehte sich um, denn er wollte sehen, wer den Stein nach ihm geworfen hatte. Tom looked around to see who had thrown the rock at him. Tom turned around because he wanted to see who threw the stone after him. Omdat ze een vegetariër is, eet ze geen vlees. As a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Because she's a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Ik heb een vriend die in Boston woont. I have a friend living in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Waarover hebben jullie het? What are you guys taking about? What are you guys talking about? Das Ergebnis wird ihn zufriedenstellen. The result will satisfy him. The result will satisfy him. Weet iemand hier hoe dit moet? Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone know how this should be? Ich habe dich immer für einen starken Menschen gehalten. I always thought you to be a strong person. I have always thought of you as a strong person. טאָם איז אַ װײַבערניק. Tom is a wolf. Irrigated by Irwin. Kyoto wird jedes Jahr von vielen Menschen besichtigt. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. Waar is die skool? Where is the school? Where is the school? Ik wil je morgen weer onderzoeken. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I want to examine you tomorrow. Fæder ūre þū þe eart on heofonum; sī þīn nama ġehālgod, tōbecume þīn rīċe, ġewurþe ðīn willa, on eorðan swā swā on heofonum. Ūrne ġedæġhwāmlīcan hlāf syle ūs tō dæġ, and forgyf ūs ūre gyltas, swā swā wē forgyfað ūrum gyltendum, and ne ġelǣd þū ūs on costnunge, ac ālȳs ūs of yfele. Sōþlīċe. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our offenses, as we forgive our offenders, and lead us not to temptation, but free us from evil. Truly. Fæder ūreסūé honors on heofonum; sīדīn nama ūehālgod, tōbecume thīn rī attitude, íewurjú ðīn willa, on beforeðan swā swā on heofonum. írne édæhwāmlīcan hlāf syle ūs tō dæ pursue, and forgive ūs ūre gyltas, swā swā swā wē forgyfað ūrum gylendum, and ne íel spiritual ūdū ūs on costninge, ac ālūs ūs ūs of féle. Sōeslī. Diese Puppe kostet nur sechzig Cent. This doll costs only sixty cents. This doll costs only sixty cents. Heb je open wonden op je lichaam? Do you have any open sores on your body? Do you have open wounds on your body? Maria pflegt keinen Lippenstift zu tragen. Mary doesn't use lipstick. Maria does not wear a lipstick. ווילסטו א ביסל צייט צו טראכטן וועגן עס? Do you want some time to think about it? Will I ask you if you’re going to have a sniper with a sniper? Tom war total blank. Tom was very broke. Tom was totally blank. Israel sien Existenzrecht schull nüms anlangen. Israel's right to exist should not be up for discussion. Israel's right of existence should never be reached. Das steht nicht zum Verkauf. It's not for sale. This is not for sale. Donkere materie kan niet rechtstreeks gezien worden. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Tom fuhr um Mitternacht ab. Tom left at midnight. Tom left at midnight. Tom schien nicht erfreut. Tom didn't look happy. Tom didn't seem happy. Yanni betaalde. Yanni paid. Yanni paid. Ich benötige eine neues Auto. I need a new car. I need a new car. Er machte mich wütend. He made me angry. He made me angry. Tom aß nicht nur seinen eigenen Nachtisch, sondern auch Marias. Tom not only ate his dessert, he ate Mary's dessert as well. Tom ate not only his own nocturnal table, but also Marias. Ihr Traumtyp scheint so jemand wie der Ansager Azumi Shin’ichirō zu sein. Her ideal type seems to be someone like the announcer Shinichiro Azumi. Her dream type seems to be such a person as the claimant Azumi Shin’ichirō. Ihr seid in einer Bücherei. You're in a library. You are in a bookstore. Astronomie is een dure hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Gaat u naar een feest? Are you going to a party? Are you going to a party? Mit hanebüchenen Aussagen hetzt man das Bauernvolk leicht auf. It's easy to stir up the peasants with outrageous statements. With hand-buffing statements, the peasants are easily suffocated. Da er falsch adressiert war, kam der Brief nie bei ihm an. Having been wrongly addressed, the letter never reached him. Since he was wrongly addressed, the letter never came to him. מעקאַ איז די רעליגיעזע הויפּטשטאָט פֿונעם איסלאַם. Mecca is the religious capital of Islam. I think it’s a good idea to go to the island of Isma’il. De Welt is vull von Klookschieters. The world is full of smartasses. The world is full of knock shooters. Sikkom drije. Almost three. Sikkom is driving. Hast du Geschwister? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have a brother? Fan sein heißt hinter seiner Mannschaft stehen, ob sie gewinnt, verliert oder unentschieden spielt. Being a fan means supporting your team – win, lose, or draw. His fan is behind his team, whether he wins, loses, or plays irresistibly. Ech sinn Hollänner. I'm Dutch. The Dutch people. Þæt ċild is Ēadweardes sunu. That child is Edward's son. The format of the Sun is the opposite of the Sun. Sag mir, was du darüber weißt! Tell me what you know about this. Tell me what you know about it! Ma shin are clarted wi muck. My shoes are covered with dirt. However, shing is clear with muck. Es gibt im Internet wenige Seiten auf Tatarisch. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few pages on the Internet in Tatar. Tom ging, ohne sich zu verabschieden, zur Tür hinaus. Tom walked out the door without saying goodbye. Tom went out without saying goodbye to the door. Kun je die kant opdraaien? Can you turn that way? Can you turn that side? Maria hält sich nicht für sonderlich gut im Französischen. Mary says she doesn't think she's very good at French. Maria does not consider herself particularly good in French. Se hett mit em weddt. She made a bet with him. She married him. Hy het gruwelike tafel maniere. He has atrocious table manners. He has a horrible table of ways. Ken ik dit Jil bihual? Can I keep the money? Do I know this Jil bihual? Ich habe Maria mit Elke verwechselt. I mistook Mary for Alice. I've confused Maria with everyone. Dat deed ze helemaal zelf. She did that all herself. She did that herself. Sami gaat van het eten houden. Sami is going to love the food. Sami is going to love the food. Allerdeegs! Indeed! Bye-bye! Darf ich mir das ausleihen? Can I borrow this? Can I borrow this? Hett Tom Süstern? Does Tom have any sisters? Is Tom Sistern? Ich war müde. I was tired. I was tired. Zij is thee aan het drinken. She is drinking tea. She's drinking tea. Er riecht die Suppe. He smells the soup. He smells the soup. Ich bin heute zu Hause geblieben. I stayed at home today. I stayed home today. Bitte lasst mich eure Schwester am Bahnhof abholen. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Meine Mama hatte mich immer lieb. My mom always loved me. My mother always loved me. Tom heeft de hele dag tv zitten kijken. Tom has been watching TV all day. Tom has been watching TV all day. Sluit de deur alsjeblieft. Please close the door. Please close the door. וואָס מאַכט איר מיטן חזיר? What are you doing with the pig? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dat is en Boot. That is a boat. This is a boat. Wenn etwas ein Android ist, ist es auch ein Roboter. If something's an android, it's also a robot. If something is an Android, it’s also a robot. כ׳האָב ליב שטעכלערס. I love hedgehogs. The heart is full of pain. איך האָב פֿאַרבעטן מײַנע חבֿרים. I invited my friends. How does a fan get out of his barn? Ich bin schon von besseren Leuten schlimmer beschimpft worden. I've been called worse things by better people. I've already been harassed by better people. Ich habe meinen Mann im Jahre 1990 geheiratet. I married my husband in 1990. I married my husband in 1990. אַ גוטע נאַכט, טאַטאָעבאַ. Good night, Tatoeba. Let's take a look, Tatta. Tom had brood uit roggemeel gekocht, terwijl Maria hem had gevraagd pompernikkel te kopen. Tom bought rye bread, even though Mary had asked him to buy pumpernickel bread. Tom had bought bread from rogue flour, while Maria had asked him to buy pumpernickel. Ich habe kein Bedürfnis, Tom wiederzusehen. I have no wish to see Tom again. I don't need to see Tom again. k Heb gain geld. I don't have money. I've got some money. Ich bin älter, als Sie denken. I'm older than you think. I'm older than you think. Alle minsken wurde frij en gelyk yn weardigens en rjochten berne. Hja hawwe ferstân en gewisse meikrigen en hearre har foar inoar oer yn in geast fan bruorskip te hâlden en te dragen. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They have distanced and certain coveted and belong to each other to keep and carry in a spirit of brotherhood. Ich werde für immer aufhören mit Rauchen. I will quit smoking for good. I'll stop smoking forever. Elkeen kann dat doon. Anybody can do that. Anyone can do this. Je hebt graag olifanten. You like elephants. You like elephants. Ich komme vielleicht morgen. I might come tomorrow. I might come tomorrow. Kenia befindet sich im Belagerungszustand durch Schwärme heranwachsender Wüstenheuschrecken, welche die Ernte und das Weideland der Bauern zu verheeren drohen. Kenya is under siege by swarms of maturing desert locusts that threaten to ruin farmers’ crops and pastures. Kenya is in a state of siege by swarming desert locusts, which threaten to ruin the crops and pastures of the farmers. Was essen Sie gerne? What do you like to eat? What do you like to eat? Moet ik mee? Do I have to come with? Should I come? Beeile dich oder du verpasst den Bus! Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Go ahead or you'll miss the bus! Ik heff de Reken betahlt. I paid the bill. I paid the bills. Stimmt es, dass ihr autodidaktisch Deutsch gelernt habt? Is it true you learned German by yourself? Is it true that you have learned autodoctic German? Ich trage gewöhnlich ein weißes Hemd. I usually wear a white shirt. I usually wear a white shirt. Demokratie is de leegste Form för en Regeren, maal afsehn von all de annern de betherto utprobeert worrn sünd. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Democracy is the most wrong form for a government, sometimes apart from all the others the betherto have been tested. Tom holte seine Pistole raus. Tom took out his gun. Tom took his gun out. Ist das Toms Auto? Is that Tom's car? Is this Tom's car? He hadde grieset haor. He had gray hair. He had a gregarious ear. Die meisten Unfälle ereignen sich in der Nähe des eigenen Zuhauses. Most accidents happen near home. Most accidents occur near your own home. Es wäre schade, wenn wir das nicht dürften. It would be a pity if we weren't allowed to do that. It would be harmful if we didn't think so. Treffen wir uns am Sonntag! Let's meet on Sunday. Let's meet on Sunday! Ik heb twee kinderen, een jongen en een meisje. I have two children. One is a boy and the other is a girl. I have two children, a boy and a girl. Er is iemand vertrokken. Someone left. Someone left. Seine Neugier kannte keine Grenzen. His curiosity knew no bounds. His curiosity knew no bounds. מיר זענען וועטערינאַרן. We're veterinarians. I'm sorry to hear that I'm a mercenary. Ich bin es, der für den Unfall verantwortlich ist. It is I that am responsible for the accident. I am the one responsible for the accident. Ik ben enthousiast over mijn werk. I'm passionate about my job. I'm excited about my work. Ik verstah dit Gedicht nich. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. Ik ben geen lesbienne. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Wie wil jou een loer draaien? Who would want to frame you? Who wants to turn you a lad? Einige Menschen schlafen nur sechs Stunden oder sogar noch weniger und es geht ihnen trotzdem gut dabei. Some people sleep for only six hours or even less and yet they nevertheless feel fine. Some people only sleep for six hours or even less, and they still do well. Maak het je gemakkelijk! Make yourself cozy! Make it easy! Ich glaube, du bist nicht mein Typ. I think you're not my type. I think you're not my guy. Hast du schon einmal einen Fisch gefangen? Have you ever caught a fish? Have you ever caught a fish? I ha Di gärn. I love you. I've got them. We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We are influenced by our environment. We are influenced by our environment. Tom kennt sien Navers nich. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Er verlor den Vogel aus den Augen. He lost sight of the bird. He lost sight of the bird. Sie hat den Nass-T-Shirt-Wettbewerb gewonnen. She won the wet t-shirt contest. She won the Nass T-Shirt competition. Ek sou nie so seker wees as ek jy was nie. I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. I wouldn’t be as sure as I was. Ich hätte dich warnen sollen, dass das passieren kann. I should've warned you that this might happen. I should have warned you that this could happen. Wanneer vertrek je? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Erg bedankt voor al wat ge gedaan hebt. Thank you very much for all you have done. Thank you very much for all that you have done. Hoe ga je reageren? How will you respond? How are you going to respond? De Roemenen uit Transsylvanië spreken heel langzaam. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Sein neuer Besitzer führte ihn auf eine hohe Klippe, die das Meer überragte, hing ihm einen Stein um den Hals, band ihm ein Seil an einen seiner Hinterläufe und gab ihm einen Stoß, dass er ins Wasser geschleudert wurde. His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water. His new owner led him to a high cliff that surpassed the sea, hung him a stone around his neck, bound him a rope to one of his backs, and gave him a shock that he was dragged into the water. Tom hätte es ohne Maria nicht gekonnt. Tom couldn't have done it without Mary. Tom didn't know it without Mary. Seitdem habe ich Tom nicht gesehen. I haven't seen Tom since. I haven't seen Tom ever since. Deze fout zou je leven kunnen kosten. This error could cost you your life. This mistake could cost your life. Eine Repräsentantengruppe der Kartoffelbauern sagte, man erwarte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr Ernteeinbußen von 25 %. A group representing potato farmers said they're expecting harvests to be 25 percent smaller than last year. A representative group of potato farmers said they expect harvests of 25% compared to the previous year. Ich bin nicht gern allein am Strand. I don't like being alone on the beach. I don't like to be alone on the beach. Tom erntete schiefe Blicke, aber das kümmerte ihn nicht. Some people gave Tom some odd looks, but he didn't care. Tom picked up bad looks, but that didn't take care of him. Sie ist nicht mehr Teil deines Lebens. She's not in your life anymore. It is no longer part of your life. Hoe voel jy oor hulle? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about them? Waarom bleef je stil? Why did you remain silent? Why did you stay silent? Sie haben vollkommen recht. You're perfectly right. You're perfectly right. Spreek je Roemeens? Do you speak Romanian? Do you speak Romanian? דאָס בוך קאָסט פֿיר דאָלאַר. The book costs four dollars. Mr. Cosby's book is by Mr. Dale. פֿאַרוואָס האָסטו פֿײַנט יאַפּאַניש? Why do you hate Japanese? What about Peter? - Peter? - I mean, you know, you know, you know, you're not here, are you? k Eet. I am eating. k Eat. Tom lǣreþ ūs þā Frenciscan sprǣc. Tom is teaching us French. Tom lóreþ ūs dóā frenciscan sprèc. Dien Huus is groot. Your house is big. Your house is big. Tom wollte mit Mary lernen. Tom wanted to study with Mary. Tom wanted to learn with Mary. Es ist interessanter, allein als in einer Gruppe zu reisen. It's more interesting to travel alone than in a group. It’s more interesting to travel alone than in a group. Je moet deze vragen beantwoorden. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Ich bin beim Radiohören eingeschlafen. While listening to the radio, I fell asleep. I fell asleep at the radio hearing. Is het niet andersom? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't it the other way around? Möchtest du das so zurücklassen? Do you want to leave it like that? Would you like to leave it that way? Ik geloof in jullie. I believe in you. I believe in you. Heeft u reeds ontbeten? Have you already had breakfast? Have you already been praying? Was zum Teufel habe ich mir nur dabei gedacht! What the hell was I thinking? What I just thought about the devil! De Brügg is binnen twee Johr boot worrn. The bridge was built within two years. The bridge was built within two years. Von wem hast du Skifahren gelernt? Who taught you how to ski? From whom did you learn to ski? Die Studie zeigte klar, dass Rauchen unsere Gesundheit ruiniert. The study made it clear that smoking ruins our health. The study clearly showed that smoking ruined our health. Sie haben schon geheiratet. They already got married. You've already married. Wannehr geiht Sita na Eluru? When will Sita go to Eluru? When does Sita go to Eluru? Tom hat mehr getan als jeder andere. Tom has done more than anyone else. Tom has done more than anyone else. k Wil n houd. I want a hat. K Want to hold. Voor wie is deze doos? Who's this box for? For whom is this box? Es hat sich wie folgt ereignet. It happened as follows. It has happened as follows. Ihr solltet warten, bis es euch besser geht. You should wait until you feel better. You should wait until you get better. Ik liet mijn broer de kamer schoonmaken. I had my brother clean the room. I let my brother clean the room. Ich muss nicht länger mit Menschen Umgang pflegen, mit denen ich wenig bis gar nichts gemein habe. I no longer have to interact with people that I have little to nothing in common with. I no longer have to deal with people with whom I have little to nothing at all. Was möchten Sie gerne, Kaffee oder Tee? Which would you like: coffee or tea? What do you like, coffee or tea? Uw wens is voor mij een bevel. Your wish is my command. Your desire is an order for me. Auf dem Weg hierher habe ich etwas sehr Absonderliches gesehen. I saw something very unusual on my way here. On the way here, I have seen something very unique. Warum können Tiere nicht reden? Why can't animals talk? Why can't animals talk? „Du bist in dieses Mädchen verliebt!“ – „Nein, das bin ich nicht!“ "You've got a crush on this girl." "No, I don't!" "You're in love with this girl!" "No, that's not me!" Kennt Tom Sie? Does Tom know you? Do you know Tom? Ik was er toen niet klaar voor. I wasn't prepared for it at that time. I wasn't ready for it then. Vielleicht haben Sie sich geirrt. You may have been wrong. Maybe you've been wrong. Er wird gleich ankommen. He will arrive shortly. He'll be coming soon. Het ijs is te dun om op te schaatsen. The ice is too thin to skate on. The ice is too thin to skate. Ga niet te ver. Don't go overboard. Don't go too far. Bis jetzt konnte ich die ersten drei Kapitel abschließen. I've managed to finish the first three chapters so far. So far, I have been able to complete the first three chapters. מײַן פֿעטער האָט מיר געגעבן אַ בוך נעכטן, אָט איז דאָס. My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik voel me zo licht als een veertje. I feel light as a feather. I feel as light as a fair. In meinem Dorf gibt es einen kleinen schmalen Steg über einen Bach. In my village, there is a small, narrow footbridge over a brook. In my village there is a small narrow bar above a Bach. Die Höhle ist einfach zu erreichen. The cave is easy to get to. The cave is easy to reach. Das Mädchen hatte ein Teleskop in der Hand. The girl had a telescope in her hand. The girl had a telescope in her hand. De oudste republiek in Europa heet San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is named San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is called San Marino. Let alstublieft op mijn bagage. Please look after my luggage. Please look at my luggage. k Zonk. I sank. k Zonk. Rate mal, wen ich letzte Woche gesehen habe. Guess who I saw last week. Let's take a look at who I saw last week. Ik heb me bedacht. I changed my mind. I was thinking about it. Erziehung ist nicht das Anfüllen eines Eimers, sondern das Entfachen eines Feuers. Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the igniting of a fire. Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the embodiment of a fire. Damaskus ist die Hauptstadt Syriens. Damascus is Syria's capital. Damascus is the capital city of Syria. Tom starb mit 70 Jahren. Tom passed away at the age of seventy. Tom died at the age of 70. k Kin nait zingen. I can't sing. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Hoe moet ik beginnen? How do I get started? How should I start? Voor mij is er niets zo hartverwarmend als een oud echtpaar dat hand in hand over straat loopt. Nothing seems so tender to me as an old couple walking down the street holding hands. For me, there is nothing as heart-heating as an old couple walking hand in hand over the street. Tom ging im Schlafanzug und in Schlappen über den Hof zur Scheune. Tom walked across the farmyard to the barn in his pyjamas and slippers. Tom went to sleep and swam over the courtyard to the barn. Tom deed alsof hij het niet merkte. Tom pretended he didn't notice. Tom pretended he didn't notice it. De weg splitst zich hier in tweeën. The road divides here into two. The road split in two. Niks zeggen! Don't say anything! Don't say anything! Das ist ein tropischer Sturm. Es wird bald vorbei sein. This is a tropical storm. It'll be over soon. It's a tropical storm, it'll be over soon. Ik heb geen zin om uit eten te gaan vanavond. I don't feel like eating out this evening. I don't have a sense of going out of food tonight. Tom hing sehr an den Golfschlägern, die ihm sein Vater gegeben hatte. Tom was very attached to the golf clubs that his father had given him. Tom was very attached to the golfers who had given him his father. Tom glaubt deinen Lügen nicht und ich auch nicht. Tom doesn't believe your lies and neither do I. Tom doesn’t believe your lie and I don’t. Tom hofft, dass Mary John hilft. Tom is hoping Mary can help John. Tom hopes Mary will help John. Hij lijkt gelukkig. He seems happy. He looks happy. Tom wünschte Maria eine gute Nacht und ging. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom wished Mary a good night and went. Die Gründerväter haben eine große Leistung vollbracht; das heißt aber nicht, dass alles, was sie sagten oder taten, auch richtig war. The Founding Fathers accomplished a remarkable feat, but that doesn't mean that everything they said or did is right. The founder fathers performed a great deal; but that does not mean that everything they said or did was right. Ik heb nog drie van deze over. I have three of these left. I've got three more of these left. Si schreift. She's writing. It's going to work. Ich bin natürlich besorgt. Of course, I'm concerned. I'm concerned, of course. Wiä gaats dir? How are you? Who's going to you? Tom machte sich ans Mittagessen. Tom began to eat lunch. Tom went to lunch. Doe schriefst. You're writing. Don't write. Die siek persoon het die beste moontlike sorg gehad. The sick person had the best of care. The sick person had the best possible care. זי איז אַן אַשכּנזערין. She's an Ashkenazi Jew. I'm sorry I have an eye. Ik ben gisteren begonnen met het schrijven van een nieuw boek. I started writing a new book yesterday. I started writing a new book yesterday. „Es können nur wenige Japaner gut Englisch.“ – „Und es können noch viel weniger Englischsprachler ansatzweise Japanisch.“ "Few Japanese can use English well." "And even fewer English speakers can use Japanese at all." "There can only a few Japanese good English." - "And there can be a lot less English speakers on the way to Japanese." Meine älteste Katze ist 18 geworden. Our oldest cat turned 18. My oldest cat has become 18. וויי איז מיר! Woe is me! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa In diesem Hause wohnt niemand mehr. No one lives in this house anymore. No one lives in this house anymore. Tom en k binnen al datteg joar traauwd. Tom and I've been married for 30 years. Tom and K in the middle of the night. ullie hebben elkaar nodig. You guys need each other. Ellie needs each other. Das ist nicht die Lösung. That isn't the solution. This is not the solution. Mit dir zu arbeiten war ein Vergnügen. It was a pleasure working with you. Working with you was a pleasure. Du benimmst dich wie ein Kind. You're acting like a child. You take yourself like a child. Dies ist eine Zeit im Jahr, wenn Menschen mit Familie und Freunden zusammenkommen, um Passah zu begehen und Ostern zu feiern. This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter. This is a time in the year when people with family and friends come together to do Passover and celebrate Easter. Jonas Salk entwickelte 1952 den Polioimpfstoff. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1952. Jonas Salk developed the poly vaccine in 1952. Hai liekt gelukkeg. He seems happy. Hai resembles luck. Sie war nicht willens, ihren Namen zu sagen. She was unwilling to tell her name. She didn't want to say her name. Tom wurde aufgrund seiner Testergebnisse der Englischgruppe der fortgeschrittenen Anfänger zugeordnet. Based on his test results, Tom was put in the intermediate English group. Tom was assigned to the advanced beginners because of his test results. De val ging niet af. The trap failed to trigger. The fall didn't go away. Maria ist nicht sehr freundlich. Mary isn't very friendly. Maria is not very friendly. Bent u ooit behandeld voor syfilis? Have you ever received treatment for syphilis? Have you ever been treated for syphilis? Von rohem Huhn kann man eine Lebensmittelvergiftung bekommen. Eating raw chicken can give you food poisoning. From rough chicken you can get a food poisoning. Ich mag diese Kaffeemischung. I like this blend of coffee. I like this coffee mix. Du büst en Dokter. You are a doctor. You are a doctor. Een oude vijver. Een kikker springt erin. Het geluid van water. An old pond. A frog jumps in. The sound of water. An old pond, a chicken jumps into it, the sound of water. Dieselben Leute, welche Einwanderer fälschlich der Seuchenausbreitung bezichtigen, pochen auf ihr unabänderliches Recht, diese selbst zu betreiben. The same people who falsely accuse immigrants of spreading disease are arguing for their own inalienable right to spread disease. The same people who falsely accuse immigrants of the spread of disease are poking at their invariable right to commit these themselves. איך האב באזוכט מער פון ניין לענדער שוין. I have visited more than nine countries so far. How does the Father in the Garden of Eden feel about the Son of God? צי האָט דאָס זיך געלייגט אויפֿן שׂכל? Did that make sense? Do you have a crew of sea horses all the time? Ich bringe euch alle um! I'll kill all of you. I'll kill you all! Ich hoffe, das Wetter hält noch einen Tag lang. I hope the weather will hold for another day. I hope the weather lasts for another day. Mi no gat pukpuk. I don't have a crocodile I don’t have a crocodile. Hest du wüßt, dat Tom dree Kinner hett? Did you know that Tom has three children? Did you know Tom had three children? Warum haben Sie uns nicht früher davon erzählt? Wir wären in der Lage gewesen, etwas dagegen zu tun. Why didn't you tell us about this earlier? We'd have been able to do something about it. Why didn't you tell us about it earlier? We would have been able to do something against it. Wat is dyn namme? What is your name? What is your name? Spreek je geen Engels? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Daar geeft niemand om. No one cares about that. No one cares about it. זיי האָבן גערעדט אַ לשון וואָס איך האָב נישט דערקענט. They were speaking a language that I didn't recognize. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Tom kocht van Maria een camera. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom bought a camera from Maria. Miene Kinner sünd in ’e School. My children are at school. My kids are in school. Dit maak nie saak waarvandaan kom hy nie. It doesn't matter from where he comes. It doesn’t matter where he comes from. Mike und Tom sind in derselben Klasse. Mike and Tom are in the same class. Mike and Tom are in the same class. Wir sollten uns wohl von hinnen machen. Evidently, it's time for us to leave. I think we should make a difference. Begrijpt iedereen het? Does everybody understand? Does everyone understand it? Het begon te regenen. It was starting to rain. It began to rain. Wir sind stinkreich. We are filthy rich. We're mindful. Tom liegt völlig daneben. Tom is sadly mistaken. Tom is completely on the side. Di Haas et di Kual. The rabbit eats the cabbage. The Court and the Council. Ik leer Iers langzaam. I'm learning Irish slowly. I'm learning Irish slowly. Ik duld geen knoeiers. I don't tolerate screw-ups. I don't tolerate knoeers. Se versteiht em. She understands him. She understands him. Is er iets gebeurd? Did something happen? Did something happen? Wir beginnen ein neues Leben. We're starting a new life. We start a new life. t Is sikkom veurbie. It's almost over. T is sekom forbie. So einen Hund will ich. I want a dog like that one. I want a dog like that. Tom was mijn eerste kamergenoot. Tom was my first roommate. Tom was my first comrade. Wil je ernaar kijken? Do you want to look at it? Do you want to look at it? Als ik jou was, zou ik zoiets niet doen. Were I you, I would not do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Dät Coronavirus is nu ne Pandemie. The coronavirus is now a pandemic. Dät Coronavirus is now a new pandemic. Eerlijkheid loont niet. Honesty doesn't pay. Honesty doesn't pay. Die Tür geht nach innen auf. The door opens inward. The door goes up inside. Warten wir bis morgen früh! Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Let's wait until tomorrow. קעץ זענען בעלי־⁠טבֿע. Cats are creatures of habit. Inspiration of my husband-in-law. Ich kann nicht fassen, was ich doch für ein Dummkopf war! I can't believe what an idiot I've been. I can't figure out what I was for a stupid head! Ich habe noch niemanden vor dir kennengelernt, der einmal in Boston gelebt hat. You're the first person I've met who used to live in Boston. I haven't met anyone before you who once lived in Boston. Im Schlamm zu spielen gefällt uns! We like playing in mud. We like to play in the mud! Ich verspreche, dass ich Ihnen helfen werde. I promise you I'll help you. I promise to help you. Wir haben heute sechs Stunden. We have six classes today. We have six hours today. Ich versuchte, ihn zu retten. I tried to save him. I tried to save him. De Aadler is geland. The Eagle has landed. The eagle landed. Der Name des Mannes war Francisco Pizzaro. The man's name was Francisco Pizzaro. The name of the man was Francisco Pizzaro. k Heb nije stevels neudeg. I need new boots. I don’t have any boots. Das ist Toms Stimme. It's Tom's voice. That's Tom's voice. Ek sou mal wees om so iets te verwag. I'd be crazy to expect such a thing. I would be happy to expect something like that. Er übt sich schon lange im Klavierspielen. He's been learning to play the piano for a long time. He has been playing piano for a long time. Wir sollten nicht vergessen, dass Tom kein Französisch versteht. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. We should not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Er wohnt in New York. He lives in New York. He lives in New York. Ik vertrek morgen naar Canada. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. Hebt u pijn als u dat doet? Do you feel pain when you do that? Are you hurt when you do that? Ik ben een student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Tom geht gern ins Kino. Tom loves going to movies. Tom likes to go to the cinema. Tom schöpft sein Trinkwasser aus einem Brunnen auf seinem Grundstück. Tom gets his drinking water from a well on his property. Tom created his drinking water from a well on his property. Sie heiratete einen Seemann. She married a sailor. She married a sailor. Wie gebruikt Tatoeba? Who uses Tatoeba? Who uses Tatouba? Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten: entweder sind wir allein im Universum, oder wir sind es nicht. Beide sind gleichermaßen beängstigend. Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. There are two possibilities: either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally frightening. Ist das alles, was du mir zu sagen hast? Is that all you have to say to me? Is that all you have to tell me? Tom ist ein Eulerich. Tom is an owl. Tom is a eucalyptus. Ik ben het kwijtgeraakt. I've lost it. I lost it. Gibt es in der Bibliothek dieses Buch? Has the library got this book? Is there in the library of this book? Wir wollten Tom warnen. We wanted to warn Tom. We wanted to warn Tom. Tom hat das erst mit 30 Jahren gelernt. Tom didn't learn how to do that until he was thirty. Tom learned this at the age of 30. Alexander der Große ist in Babylon gestorben. Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Ik zag de hond van mijn buurman in de tuin lopen. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my garden. I saw the dog of my neighbor walking in the garden. Ich werd’s im Hinterkopf behalten. I made a mental note of it. I will keep it in the back of my head. Drinkt hij koffie? Is he drinking coffee? Does he drink coffee? Wi sünd buten Gefohr. We are out of danger. We are outside danger. Meine Freundin ist eine Chinesin. My girlfriend is Chinese. My girlfriend is a Chinese woman. Weißt du nicht, wer ich bin? Do you not know who I am? Don't you know who I am? טאָם איז אַ וואָלף. Tom is a wolf. Iris is a waltz. Ik kan je dit boek aanbevelen. I can recommend this book to you. I can recommend this book to you. אַמעריקע איז נישט די איינציקע אימפּעריאַליסטישע מאַכט. America isn't the only imperialist power. I’m pretty sure I’m going to give you a pretty good idea of what I’m going to do. Hai is nait old. He is not old. Hai is old at night. Tom vroeg Mary om het hem voor te lezen. Tom asked Mary to read it for him. Tom asked Mary to read it for him. Ich bereue, dass ich nicht den Rat meines Arztes befolgt habe. I regret not having taken my doctor's advice. I'm sorry I didn't follow my doctor's advice. Kann er wirklich nicht lesen und schreiben? You mean he can't read or write? Can he really not read and write? Er ist nicht weniger gewandt als sein Bruder. He is no less smart than his brother. He is no less inclined than his brother. Gelieve op tijd te komen. Please show up on time. Please come in time. Hat sie dir irgendwelche Fragen gestellt? Did she ask you any questions? Did she ask you any questions? Ik bün keen Hex. I am not a witch. I'm not a witch. Het spijt me echt. I really am sorry. I'm really sorry. Doe het boek toe. Close the book. Do the book. Maria analysierte die Ergebnisse. Mary analyzed the results. Maria analyzed the results. Ik wil hierover niet discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't want to discuss this. Evelina Sašenko hat beim Eurovisionswettbewerb 2011 Litauen vertreten. Evelina Sašenko represented Lithuania in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. Evelina Sašenko has represented Lithuania at the Eurovision Competition 2011. Bist du seine Mutter? Are you his mother? Are you his mother? Deze student is Amerikaans. This student is American. This student is American. Lass uns doch irgendwann mal segeln gehen! Why don't we go sailing together sometime? Let's go sailing at some point! Bist muide? Are you tired? Are you tired? Wie heeft tijd? Who has time? Who has time? Wat gebeurt er als u een allergische reactie hebt? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? What happens if you have an allergic reaction? Sagen Sie mir Bescheid, wenn Sie sonst noch etwas brauchen! Tell me if you need anything else. Tell me if you need anything else! Teak is een tropisch donker hout dat gebruikt wordt om meubelen te maken. Teak is a tropical dark wood used for making furniture. Teak is a tropical dark wood used to make furniture. Niet schieten voor ik het zeg. Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot before I say it. Glaubst du, dass es eine Hölle gibt? Do you think there's a hell? Do you believe there is a hell? Er unterrichtet uns in Geschichte. He teaches us history. He teaches us in history. Geef me dat boek terug! Give me that book back! Give me that book back! טאָם איז דער שטערן פֿון טאַטאָעבע. Tom is the star of Tatoeba. I think it's an old-fashioned hater of the French. Tom bat Maria, Johannes aufzuwecken. Tom asked Mary to wake John up. Tom begs Maria to awaken John. Wir machen uns Sorgen um dich, Tom. We're worried about you, Tom. We're worried about you, Tom. הייבט זיך אָן, דזשענטלמענער. Get started, gentlemen. Holy shit, I'm sorry. Ich weiß nicht, ob Tom und Maria heute zu Hause sind. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are home today. I don't know if Tom and Maria are at home today. De regen bleef de ganse nacht door aanhouden. The rain lasted the whole night. The rain continued all night. He drunk en Beer. He drank a beer. He drank a beer. Hier is mien Telefoonnummer. Here's my telephone number. Here's my phone number. Ze kwamen in New Delhi aan op 9 juli. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9. Tom siene ierste Fru keem ut Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Smartphones zouden tien jaar geleden net sciencefiction zijn. Smartphones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. Smartphones would be just science fiction ten years ago. Wissenschaftler behalten die Gegebenheiten in der Arktis genau im Auge. Scientists are keeping a close watch on conditions in the Arctic. Scientists keep an eye on the conditions in the Arctic. Maria kuste de kikker. Mary kissed the frog. Maria kisses the chicken. Hoe schrijf je ''Eyjafjallajökull''? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How do you write 'Eyjafjallajökull'? טאָם פֿאָלגט נאָר באַפֿעלן. Tom is just following orders. Tiffany was a commandeer. Tom hat mit dem Trinken aufgehört. Tom has stopped drinking. Tom stopped drinking. Er hörte auf zu arbeiten, um studieren zu können. He stopped working so he could study. He stopped working to study. Es waren zweihundert Leute in dem Raum. There were two hundred people in the room. There were two hundred people in the room. Tom sieht schläfrig aus. Tom looks sleepy. Tom looks asleep. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom did not wear socks. Tom didn’t wear socks. Moi wichter. Hello, girls. It's more important. Du wirst mich gar nicht bemerken. You won't even know I'm there. You won't notice me. Ich sage euch das als Ärztin. I'll tell you this as a doctor. I'm telling you this as a doctor. Si kachen elo. They're cooking now. It's a cake. Doe wat je wil. Do what you wish. Do whatever you want. אַ מענטש קען נישט לעבן אָן לופֿט. Humans can't live without air. God’s wrath comes upon the poor and the wicked. Bill is twee jaar ouer as ek. Bill is two years older than I. Bill is two years older than me. Tom ist nicht lustig, Maria aber schon. Tom isn't funny, but Mary is. Tom is not funny, but Maria is already. Ich hoffe, es geht ihm bald besser. I do hope that he will get well soon. I hope he'll get better soon. Er ist Euer Augapfel gewesen bisher, nun aber: ärgert dich dein Auge, sagt die Schrift, so reiß es aus. Es ist besser, einäugig gen Himmel als mit zwei Augen in die Hölle. He has till now been the apple of your eye; but if thine eye offend you, says Scripture, pluck it out. It is better to enter heaven with one eye than hell with two! He has been your eyepiece so far, but now: anger your eye, say the scripture, tear it out. It is better, single-eyed to heaven than with two eyes to hell. Wanneer komen ze? When are they coming? When do they come? מיר גלייבן אין בודיזם. We believe in Buddhism. Elliott has no buddies. Thet thu nowet ne stele. You shall not steal. That thu nowet ne stele. Ik kann keen Alkohool drinken. I can't drink alcohol. I can't drink alcohol. Ik denk dat je het verkeerde nummer hebt. I think you have the wrong number. I think you have the wrong number. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das glauben kann. I'm not sure I can believe that. I'm not sure if I can believe it. Du wirst den Zug erreichen, wenn du gleich losgehst. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. You will reach the train when you get out. In seiner Freizeit liest Tom. Tom reads in his spare time. In his spare time, Tom read. Worüm wullt du dat weten? Why do you want to know that? Why do you want to know this? Ik bün güstern Klock teihn na Bedd gahn. I went to bed at ten yesterday. I went to bed yesterday at ten o'clock. Ich wollte, mein Französisch wäre so gut wie dein Englisch! I wish that my French was as good as your English. I wanted my French to be as good as your English! Se füll de Ledder dal. She fell down the ladder. They fill the ladder down. Das ist eine prekäre Situation. It's a delicate situation. This is a precise situation. Doe je hoed af. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Ik weet niet juist waar ik geboren ben. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know exactly where I was born. Tom is in de achtertuin aan het spelen. Tom is playing in the backyard. Tom is playing in the backyard. טאָם איז אַ קאָבאָלד. Tom is a goblin. Iris is a cow. Die Erklärung war nicht schwer zu verstehen. The explanation wasn't difficult to understand. The explanation was not hard to understand. Leg het spel kaarten op de eiken tafel. Place the deck of cards on the oaken table. Put the game cards on the oak table. Ek sou nie verbaas wees as Tom vroeg verlaat het nie. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom left early. Gute Nacht, Tatoeba. Goodnight, Tatoeba. Good night, Tatouba. Du bist alt genug, um für dich selbst zu sorgen. You are old enough to take care of yourself. You're old enough to take care of yourself. Ich hörte, du habest Tom gestern besucht. I heard that you paid Tom a visit yesterday. I heard you visited Tom yesterday. Er hat Kyōto vielleicht schon verlassen. Perhaps he has already left Kyoto. He may have left Kyōto. Wie viele Jahre willst du diesen Wagen noch fahren? How many more years will you drive this car? How many years do you want to drive this car? In de volgende lente wil ik naar Hawaï. Next spring I want to go to Hawaii. In the next spring, I want to go to Hawaii. טאָם איז דער ייִנגסטער פֿון די פֿיר. Tom is the youngest of the four. I think I’ll give you a little bit of fancier. Wie hat das Leben begonnen? How did life begin? How did life begin? Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom is not English. Tom is an Englishman. Jong taikent. The boy draws. Young taikent. Ech hunn näischt gär. I don't like anything. I'm afraid I'm going to die. Weißt du, Tom mag Autos. You know Tom likes cars. You know, Tom likes cars. „Ich erfülle dir drei Wünsche“, sagte der Flaschengeist. "I'll grant you three wishes," said the genie. “I will meet you three wishes,” said the bottle spirit. Ik froog mi, wann dit huus es buet wodden. I wonder when this building was constructed. I asked myself when this house was going to burn. Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Australië zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like to live in Australia. I don't think I would like to live in Australia. Kannst du rüberkommen? Can you come over here? Can you get over it? Ik weet niet wat erger is. I don't know what is worse. I don't know what's worse. Tom weet niet wanneer Marie zal komen. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come. Tom doesn't know when Marie will come. Es tut mir leid, euch so spät in der Nacht anzurufen, aber ich brauchte wirklich jemanden zum Reden. I'm sorry to call you this late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to call you so late in the night, but I really needed someone to talk. Die Baseball-Saison hat angefangen. The baseball season has opened. The baseball season started. Durch die Gespräche mit Tom habe ich viel gelernt. I learned a lot by talking to Tom. I learned a lot from the conversations with Tom. Ich brauche eine Tasche. Kannst du mir eine leihen? I need a bag. Will you lend me one? I need a bag, can you borrow me? Tom ademde uit. Tom exhaled. Tom breathed out. Tom hat das für Maria, nicht für mich, getan. Tom did that for Mary, not for me. Tom did this for Mary, not for me. Wie alt bist du? What age are you? How old are you? Ik heb de muur geverfd. I painted the wall. I painted the wall. Sie stieß einen Schreckensschrei aus. She uttered a scream of terror. She threw a scream of horror. 'Fæder min, ic ascie hwær seo offrung sie; her is wudu and fyr.' My father, I ask where the offering is; here is the wood and fire. 'Fæder min, ic ascie hwær seo offrung she; her is wudu and fyr.' Ik hijgde onmiddellijk. I immediately gasped. I picked it up right away. In diesem Fall liegen Sie falsch. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you are wrong. Ik weet dat ik ongelijk heb. I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Ik woon in Moskou. I live in Moscow. I live in Moscow. Ik ben bezig. I'm busy. I'm busy. Al het begin is moeilijk. All beginnings are difficult. All the beginnings are difficult. Tom heeft 100% gelijk. Tom is 100% correct. Tom is 100% right. Ek weet min van die onlangse situasie. I know little of the recent situation. I know little about the recent situation. Wat ben je godsnaam aan het doen? What on earth do you think you're doing? What's your name doing? Je zou beter moeten weten nu je achttien bent. You should know better now you are eighteen. You should know better now that you're 18 years old. Tom trug Maria den Koffer aufs Zimmer. Tom carried Mary's suitcase to her room. Tom carried the suitcase to the room. Du musst ihm ein paar neue Sachen kaufen. You need to buy him some new clothes. You have to buy him some new things. Es war eine andere Zeit. It was a different time. It was a different time. איך האב א ווייב און קינדער. I have a wife and kids. How is your father's father's son? Auf dem Berggipfel liegt Schnee. There's snow on top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain is snow. Hang aan vir 'n oomblik. Hang on a moment. Hang on for a moment. Ich lerne Chinesisch. I'm learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. Zai is ien Berlien. She is in Berlin. Zai is one Berliner. In diesem Wald wachsen Eichen, Kiefern und Birken. Oaks, pines and birches grow in this wood. In this forest, oaks, pines, and birchs grow. הער צו ישראל. גאט ער איז אונזער גאט. און גאט איז איין איינציגער גאט. Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Mr. To Israel. Goth he is a man's god. And Gath is one real god. Wat is belangrijk? What is important? What's important? Das Leben geht weiter. Such dir jemanden, der dich glücklich macht. You should move on with your life. Find someone who'll make you happy. Look for someone who makes you happy. Hij zal deze namiddag komen. He will come this afternoon. He'll come this afternoon. In dieser Stadt ist nichts los. This town isn't lively. There's nothing going on in this city. Ik heff en Stieven kregen. I've got a boner. I've got and got Stives. Tom schoss mit einer Armbrust auf Mary. Tom shot at Mary with a crossbow. Tom shot at Mary with an armbrush. Dis logies. That's logical. This is logic. Der Hund rennt aus dem Haus. The dog runs out of the house. The dog runs out of the house. Hij zal een goede echtgenoot zijn. He'll become a good husband. He'll be a good husband. Waar zijn jouw spullen? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Hij is van zijn vader afhankelijk. He is dependent on his father. He depends on his father. וווּ איז אַלזשיריע? Where is Algeria? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hij is maar een amateur. He is just an amateur. He's just an amateur. Hoe vertaal je deze zin in het Engels? How do you translate this sentence in English? How do you translate this phrase into English? Wenn der Zuhörer den Sprecher nicht versteht und der Sprecher nicht weiß, wovon er redet – das ist Philosophie. When the listener doesn't understand the speaker and the speaker doesn't know what they're talking about: that's philosophy. If the listener does not understand the speaker and the speaker does not know what he is talking about, that is philosophy. Ihr könnt ihm keinen Vorwurf machen. You can't blame him. You can't charge him. Tom traute Maria überhaupt nicht. Tom didn't trust Mary one bit. Tom didn't trust Mary at all. Spreekt u Litouws? Do you speak Lithuanian? Are you speaking Lithuanian? Ich habe eine neue Diät begonnen. I've begun a new diet. I started a new diet. Er ist ein begeisterter Theaterliebhaber. He is an enthusiastic theatregoer. He is an enthusiastic theatre lover. Ik kan niet helpen, want ik ben bezig. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help because I'm busy. Kann sein, dass du gebraucht wirst. You may be needed. Can you be used? Woneem is dien School? Where's your school? Where is your school? Ic þancie þé! Thank you! Icúancie déjé! Der Gürtel ist braun. The belt is brown. The belt is brown. Ik kann op dien Fraag nich antern. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer that question. Tom kan niet eens lezen. Tom can't even read. Tom can't even read. Ich habe schon seit Juli nichts mehr von Tom gehört. I haven't heard from Tom since July. I haven't heard anything from Tom since July. Þu eart min freond. You're my friend. That's my friend. Das Leben wäre schöner, wenn es nicht so kompliziert wäre. Life would be nicer if it wasn't so complicated. Life would be more beautiful if it wasn’t so complicated. De appel falt net fier fan de beam. Like breeds like. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Ik heb me verslapen. I overslept. I fell asleep. Du weißt doch, dass ich dir nie weh täte. You know I would never hurt you. You know I'm never hurting you. Wie praatte er? Who talked? Who was talking? Was habt ihr ihm gekauft? What've you bought him? What did you buy him? Ich weiß nicht, ob ich das tun kann oder nicht. I don't know if I can do that or not. I don't know if I can do that or not. Ich bin genau so groß wie Tom. I'm exactly the same height as Tom. I'm just as big as Tom. Ab nächster Woche benutzen wir ein neues Lehrbuch. Beginning next week, we'll be using a new textbook. From next week we use a new textbook. Maria sagte, dass sie sich geirrt habe. Mary said that she was mistaken. Maria said she was wrong. Tom sagte, er wolle es nur tun, wenn Maria ihm dabei helfe. Tom says he won't do that unless Mary helps him. Tom said he just wanted to do it when Maria helped him. De Palestijnen zijn op hun eigen land. Palestinians are on their own land. The Palestinians are on their own land. Die Liebe ist vorbei, wenn man vergessen hat, wie es ist, zu vermissen. Love is over when one has forgotten what it is to miss. Love is over when you forget what it is like to miss. Ik leer twee vreemde talen. I'm learning two foreign languages. I'm learning two foreign languages. Ria sä, dat se bang vör Slangen wöör. Mary said she was afraid of snakes. Ria said she was afraid of snakes. Welches Land möchtet ihr am liebsten besuchen? What country do you most want to visit? Which country would you like to visit most? Ich lese gern Bücher, die mich dazu anregen, mehr aus mir zu machen. I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are. I like to read books that encourage me to make more of myself. Kan je Turkmeens spreken? Can you speak Turkmen? Can you speak Turkmen? Hebben joe n geroazie? Do you have a garage? Do you have a rose? Der Kapitän ließ die Segel setzen. The captain made sail. The captain let the sail set. א-וווּ האסט-דו איר געטרעפן? Where did you meet her? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ek het net gewonder of jy 'n plek om te bly nog kon vind. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I just wondered if you could find a place to stay. Ik ben de nachtdienstverpleegkundige. I am the night shift nurse. I'm the night service nurse. Uns Galaxie warrt Melkstraat nöömt. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called Milky Way. Ik moet terug naar Boston. I need to go back to Boston. I have to go back to Boston. He klamüser en ne’e Idee ut. He thought up a new idea. He has a new idea. Lach met hen. Laugh with them. Laugh with them. Tom liebt das. Tom loves this. Tom loves it. We wachtten. We waited. We were waiting. Ich mache mir große Sorgen um Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm worried a lot about Tom. Waren Sie wegen dieses Problems auch bei anderen Ärzten? Have you seen any other doctors for this issue? Were you also with other doctors because of this problem? Was ist Tom passiert? What happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Wat ze bedoelt, is in een zekere zin redelijk. What she means is reasonable in a certain sense. What she means is reasonable in a certain sense. Zullen ze dat ons laten doen? Will they let us do that? Will they let us do that? Du solldst aach gehn. You should go, too. You'll get here. Ich bezahlte fünf Dollar extra. I paid five dollars in addition. I paid five dollars extra. Es ist jetzt zu spät, um sich darüber Sorgen zu machen. It's too late to worry about that now. It's too late to worry about it. Dat is jümmer goot, de Wohrheit to kennen. It is always good to know the truth. It is always good to know the truth. Sie verkauft Gemüse. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Gebruikt u regelmatig mobiliteitshulpmiddelen? Do you regularly use any assistive devices for walking? Do you regularly use mobility tools? Haben Sie ein Zimmer? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Ich sehe mir gerne bei Youtube Videos in Esperanto an. I like to watch videos in Esperanto on YouTube. I like to watch YouTube videos in Esperanto. Ich erinnere mich an den Vorfall so deutlich, als wenn er erst gestern geschehen wäre. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. Ze woont hiertegenover. She lives across the street. She lives on this. Pardon?! Excuse me?! I'm sorry? Ik heb ook in Hamburg gewoond. I also lived in Hamburg. I also lived in Hamburg. Sie haben Maria nicht geglaubt. They didn't believe Mary. You didn't believe Mary. Wilt u nog een beetje thee? Would you like some more tea? Do you want a little more tea? Tom fuhr mit dem Lesen fort. Tom resumed reading. Tom continued reading. Ja, mijn naam is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Ich mag es überhaupt nicht. I don't like it at all. I don't like it at all. Ek het terug na my sitplek gegaan. I went back to my seat. I went back to my seat. Afrika is en Weltdeel, Gröönland nich. Africa is a continent; Greenland is not. Africa is a part of the world, Greenland is not. Haar schedel is gedeeltelijk ingeslagen. Her skull is partially caved in. Her skull was partially broken. Das Objekt flog nach Süden weg und gab dabei Lichtblitze ab. The object flew away to the south, giving out flashes of light. The object flew south and gave off flashes of light. Ich aß Käse-Tortillas zum Frühstück. I ate quesadillas for breakfast. I ate cheese-tortillas for breakfast. Wanneer was de laatste keer dat u een medisch onderzoek had? When was the last time you had a physical? When was the last time you had a medical examination? העבערעיִש איז די אָריגינעלע ייִדישע שפּראַך. Hebrew is the original Jewish language. I'm sure I've got a bit of an idea of what you're going to do. Supernovae vom Typ Ia sind viel seltener. In der Milchstraße kommt es ca. einmal alle 500 Jahre zu einer. Type Ia supernovae are much rarer, happening roughly once every 500 years in the Milky Way. Supernovae of type Ia are much rarer. In the Milky Way it comes to one every 500 years. Haben Sie zu Hause vor jemandem Angst? Is someone making you feel afraid when you are at home? Are you afraid of someone at home? Ich habe dir befohlen rauszukommen. I ordered you to get out. I ordered you to get out. Sie verletzte sich am Fuß, als sie vom Fahrrad fiel. She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle. She was injured at the foot when she fell off the bike. Als die Polizei anrückte, sah ich aus dem Fenster und hörte, wie man den Kindern Ruhestörung vorwarf. Die Nachbarn seien verärgert. When the officers arrived, I looked out the window and heard them tell the kids that they were disturbing the peace in the neighborhood and that the neighbors were upset. When the police rang, I looked out of the window and heard how to face the children's restlessness, and the neighbors were upset. Es gibt nur einen Jungen in der Klasse. There is only one boy in the class. There is only one boy in class. Sy is nie hier nie. She's not here. She's not here. Luister eens. Listen here. Listen to me. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du kämest. I'd be very glad if you came. I would be happy if you came. Tom wartet in Boston auf Maria. Tom is waiting for Mary in Boston. Tom is waiting in Boston for Maria. Ze zijn allebei erg intelligent. They are both very intelligent. They are both very intelligent. Dat is niet het enige dat te klein is. That's not the only thing that's too small. That's not the only thing that's too small. Ich beeile mech. I'll hurry. I'm hurrying meh. Doe slaipst. You were asleep. Go to sleep. Gehen wir doch morgen mal in den Zirkus! Why don't we go to the circus tomorrow? Let's go into the circles tomorrow! Was willst du, dass geschehe? What do you want to happen? What do you want that to happen? Niemand stelde vragen over mijn land. Nobody asked questions about my country. No one asked questions about my country. Niet lang daarna kwamen we elkaar weer toevallig tegen. It was not long before we met again by chance. Not long after that, we came back to each other by chance. Warst du schon einmal am Schwarzen Meer? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Se keek em bi ’t Swemmen to. She watched him swim. She looked at him at the swimming pool. We liegen allemaal. We all lie. We're all lying. Drink kovvie. Drink coffee. Drink kovvie. גיב מיר דאָס! Give me that! Mum, dude! k Kom oet Drìnthe. I'm from Drenthe. k Kom from Drìnthe. I schote. I shat. I shot. Wat ass Fräiheet? What is liberty? What is Assumption? Du siehst heute anders aus. You look different today. You look different today. We leven in een heteronormatieve samenleving. We live in a heteronormative society. We live in a heteronormative society. Vrienden zijn heel belangrijk. Friends are very important. Friends are very important. Drei mal drei gibt neun. Three times three is nine. Three times three gives nine. Die Mädchen, mit denen du gesprochen hast, waren früher mal Schülerinnen von mir. The girls you were talking to used to be my students. The girls you talked to used to be students of me. Ich habe gerade erfahren, dass du verhaftet werden sollst. I just found out that you're going to be arrested. I just learned that you should be arrested. Volltanken, bitte. Fill it up, please. Full tank, please. Wanneer ben je in München? When are you in Munich? When are you in Munich? Ik heff kene Lust, dissen Satz to översetten. I don't feel like translating this sentence. I have no desire to translate this sentence. Tom weet dat hij ongelijk heeft. Tom knows that he's wrong. Tom knows he's wrong. Word je als je doodgaat een skelet of een engel? When you die, do you become a skeleton or an angel? Do you become a skeleton or an angel when you die? די הסברה איז נישט געווען שווער צו פֿאַרשטיין. The explanation wasn't difficult to understand. I would like to point out that this is a very serious statement by Mr. Philipson. Welke staat heb je bezocht en hoe lang ben je gebleven? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? Which state have you visited and how long have you stayed? Nach Mitteilung der Polizei sprach der Motorraddieb mit starkem Akzent. Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent. According to the police, the motorcycle thief spoke with a strong accent. k Bin baange veur oelen. I'm afraid of owls. K Bin pange for oils. Es kommt mir so vor, als wäre die Musik, die mir gefällt, die allerbeste, während alles andere geschmacklos oder schlicht und ergreifend schlecht ist. I feel like the music I like is the best, and everything else is tasteless or just bad. It appears to me as if the music that I like is the very best, while everything else is tasteless or simple and taking bad. Ich weiß, dass Sie es waren. I know it was you. I know you were. Dit reën. It's raining. This rain. Tom hat dieses, aber nicht jenes getan. Tom did this but not that. Tom did this, but not that. Was würdest du tun, wenn du einen Menschen von einem anderen Planeten sähest? What would you do if you saw a man from another planet? What would you do if you saw a person from another planet? מיר זענען מענטשן. We're people. Immigrants are embarrassed. Hij stond achter de deur. He was standing behind the door. He was standing behind the door. Ek bly in Noorweë nou. I live in Norway now. I am now living in Norway. My pa se naam is Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Blijf weg! Stay away! Get out of here! Haben deine Eltern eine Filmkamera? Did your parents have a camcorder? Do your parents have a movie camera? Ik bün en Mann. I'm a man. I am a man. Seine Mutter ist gestorben, als er elf Jahre alt war. His mother died when he was eleven years old. His mother died when he was 11 years old. Noch sieben Tage, dann sehe ich meine Süße wieder! Just seven more days — then I'll see my sweetie again. Seven days, then I see my sweet again! Dat hebben wij allemaal al gezien. We've all seen that before. We've all seen that. Gau sammel sik en Hümpel Lüüd üm ’t Füüwehrauto. A crowd soon gathered around the fire engine. Quickly, a home crowd gathers people around the fire car. Die Fäden werden Ihnen in einigen Tagen gezogen. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. The threads will be drawn to you in a few days. En Boord maakt noch keen Philosoof. A beard doesn't make a philosopher. A board does not yet make a philosopher. Tom houdt van country. Tom likes country. Tom likes country. Tom is nu dertien jaar oud. Tom is now thirteen years old. Tom is now thirteen years old. Haben Sie einen Hausarzt oder eine Hausärztin? Do you have a primary care doctor? Do you have a doctor or a doctor? Ik hoorde Tom in de keuken. I heard Tom in the kitchen. I heard Tom in the kitchen. Waarom viel u haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? פֿאַראַן ערד־⁠ציטערנישן אויף מאַרס? Are there earthquakes on Mars? I wonder if Philip is a Martyr? Tom hat im Armdrücken gegen Maria verloren. Tom lost to Mary at arm-wrestling. Tom has lost in the arms press against Mary. Hy praat nie net Frans nie, hy praat ook Spaans. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. Not only does he speak French, but he also speaks Spanish. Was hast du zu verlieren? What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? Tom führt ein Leben, als wäre er Millionär. Tom lives as if he were a millionaire. Tom lives a life as if he were a millionaire. Dat huis staat te koop. The house is on sale. That house is for sale. Wanneer heb je voor het laatst een volledige maaltijd gehad? Ontbijt, lunchtijd of avondeten? When did you last have a full meal? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? When did you last have a full meal? Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Hai kin kommen. He can come. Hai can come. Der arme Mann hat keine Verwandten. The poor man has no relatives. The poor man has no relatives. Ben je echt geïnteresseerd in mijn eerlijke mening? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? אוראַן איז נישט זייער שיין. Uranus isn't very pretty. Eric E. E. is in a bad mood. Men kan altijd wel tijd vinden. One can always find time. You can always find time. Hoe voelde Tom zich? How did Tom feel? How did Tom feel? Hij was in gedachten verzonken. He was deep in thought. He had been sunk in mind. De Europese Unie heeft 23 officiële talen die in theorie gelijke rechten hebben, maar in de praktijk slechts 3 werktalen: Engels, Frans en Duits. The European Union has 23 official languages, theoretically with the same rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. The European Union has 23 official languages that have equal rights in theory, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. Es wird gleich einstürzen. It's going to collapse. It will collapse at the same time. Waarom bent u boos? Why are you afraid? Why are you angry? Zijn vriendin is Japans. His girlfriend is Japanese. His girlfriend is Japanese. Wir wollen viel lernen. We want to learn a lot of things. We want to learn a lot. Sie fürchten die Götter. They are afraid of the gods. They fear the gods. Das ist eure Sternstunde. This is your finest hour. That's your star hour. Tom hett noch mehr Fragen. Tom has more questions. Tom has even more questions. די מחברטע האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון אירע אָנהענגערס מיט איר טראַנספֿאָביע. The author disappointed a lot of her fans with her transphobia. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Sie haben vergessen, Tom für das Geschenk zu danken. Stimmt's? You forgot to thank Tom for the present, didn't you? You forgot to thank Tom for the gift. Hulle het na 'n huwelik van 7 jaar geskei. They broke up after 7 years of marriage. They divorced after a 7-year marriage. Wilt u iets drinken? Would you like to drink anything? Do you want something to drink? Tom zeigt keine Anzeichen von Hirnaktivität. Tom is showing no signs of brain activity. Tom shows no signs of brain activity. Ich wollte Tom nicht so fest schlagen. I didn't mean to hit Tom so hard. I didn't want to hit Tom so fast. Tom wöör buten. Tom was outside. Tom was outside. Tom staat niet altijd vroeg op. Tom doesn't always get up early. Tom doesn't always get up early. Wir haben kein Transportmittel. We have no means of transportation. We don't have a means of transport. Tom hat braune Augen; seine Eltern aber haben beide grüne. Tom has brown eyes, but both his parents have green eyes. Tom has brown eyes; his parents have both greens. Tom hat der Polizei schon mitgeteilt, was gestohlen wurde. Tom has already told the police what was stolen. Tom has already told the police what was stolen. Danke für die wertvollen Anregungen! Thanks for the valuable input. Thank you for the valuable suggestions! Het spijt me, ik begrijp het niet. Excuse me, I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Tom is nooit het probleem geweest. Tom has never been the problem. Tom has never been the problem. Dat kan je mij niet verwijten. You can't blame this on us. You can't blame me. Käse lockt oft eine Maus in die Falle. Cheese often lures a mouse into a trap. Coffee often attracts a mouse into the trap. Maria viel flauw. Mary fainted. Maria's in a bad mood. Tom wechselte zu einer Firma, die ihm ein höheres Gehalt anbot. Tom moved to a company that offered him a higher salary. Tom moved to a company that offered him a higher salary. Alexander Graham Bell hett dat Telefoon utklamüsert. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell declared the phone. Tom is niet onmisbaar. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom is not indispensable. Was die Welt verändert, ist Kommunikation, nicht Information. What changes the world is communication, not information. What changes the world is communication, not information. Wie schaffen die es, so billig Häuser zu bauen? How do they build houses so cheaply? How do they manage to build so cheap homes? Joanna waste de aardappelen. Joanna washed the potatoes. Joanna washed the potatoes. Ich habe lange auf euch gewartet. I waited for you a long time. I waited a long time for you. De kat slaapt. The cat sleeps. The cat sleeps. Hij heeft een boerderij. He has a farm. He has a farm. Tom ändert sich nie. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Wir haben Pfannkuchen zum Frühstück gemacht. We made pancakes for breakfast. We made peanuts for breakfast. אונז זעמיר שטאַרקער. We're stronger. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Glaubst du, ich weiß nicht, warum du dich hast scheiden lassen? Do you think I don't know why you divorced? Do you believe I don't know why you divorced? Ich will eigentlich nicht aufhören. I don't really want to stop. I don't really want to stop. Es könnten Diebe, Fälscher, Perverse oder Mörder in den sozialen Netzwerken sein. Zu deiner Sicherheit solltest du ihnen nicht glauben. There may be thieves, fakers, perverts or killers in social networks. For your security, you shouldn't believe them. There could be thieves, liars, perverses or murderers in the social networks. Alle meine Verwandten sind größer als ich. All of my relatives are taller than me. All my relatives are bigger than me. Wer hat dich angestellt? Who hired you? Who hired you? "Om een goede advocaat in de arm te nemen?" vroeg Al-Sayib. "To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked. "To take a good lawyer into the arm?" asked Al-Sayib. Zai lait heur potlood valen. She dropped her pencil. Zai light her pencil valen. Wann habt ihr Tom kennengelernt? When was it that you first met Tom? When did you meet Tom? Jij was mijn verlosser in tijden van nood. You were my savior in times of need. You were my savior in times of need. Deze vulkaan is al honderden jaren inactief. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. Miskien moet jy eerder bestuur. Perhaps you'd better drive. You may need to manage sooner. Tom begint me te irriteren. Tom is starting to annoy me. Tom's starting to irritate me. Es wird dir bald besser gehen. You'll get well soon. You'll be better soon. Ik heb geen idee wat je probeert te zeggen. I have no idea what you're saying. I don't know what you're trying to say. Dit Iiten staant al üp Staal. The food is already on the table. They are already standing in steel. Die Vögel sind die natürlichen Feinde der Insekten. Birds are natural enemies of insects. The birds are the natural enemies of the insects. Wo ist der Bahnhof? Where is the railway station? Where's the train station? Tom is een Kreeft. Tom is a Cancer. Tom is a creature. Wel komt? Who's coming? Well, come on? Ria sä, dat ik dat villicht doon mutt. Mary said that I might have to do that. Ria said I might have to do it. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't that obvious? Is it not self-evident? Du warst eifersüchtig. You were jealous. You were jealous. Tom bat Mary, Zahnpasta und Toilettenpapier vom Supermarkt mitzubringen. Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. Tom asks Mary to bring toothpaste and toilet paper from the supermarket. He kennt den Börgermeester. He is acquainted with the mayor. He knows the mayor. Tom warf ein Kissen nach Maria, und das Kissen traf sie mitten im Gesicht. Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face. Tom threw a pillow at Mary, and the pillow hit her in the middle of the face. Wann werden wir in Sapporo ankommen, wenn wir diesen Flug nehmen? What time shall we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane? When will we arrive in Sapporo when we take this flight? Ich kann singen und tanzen. I can sing and dance. I can sing and dance. Tom zei dat Mary hem heeft geslagen. Tom said Mary hit him. Tom said Mary hit him. Ich dachte nicht, dass du es schaffen würdest. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you would make it. Ik heb niet genoeg geld om de laatste smartphone te kopen. I don't have enough money to buy the latest smartphone. I don't have enough money to buy the last smartphone. Ich dachte, du könntest uns vielleicht helfen. I thought you could help us. I thought you might help us. Wil je niet op mijn knie zitten? Won't you sit on my knee? You don't want to sit on my knee? Die großbusige Blondine da ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh. That big busted blonde is as dumb as a rock. The big-busy Blonde there is stupid like bean straw. Ich verletzte meinen Daumen bei einem Handstandüberschlag. I hurt my thumb doing a handspring. I injured my thumb at a hand over. Sie beobachtet gerne Vögel. She likes birdwatching. She likes to watch birds. Wat magst du lever, Tee oder Kaffe? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? What do you like to have, tea or coffee? איך בין אַ שטאַרקע פֿרוי. I'm a strong woman. How do you feel about Peter? Je telefoon rinkelde verschillende keren terwijl je onder de douche stond. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. Your phone rang several times while you were under the shower. Waar moet ik staan? Where do you want me to stand? Where should I stand? Je moet niet meer geld uitgeven dan je verdient. You shouldn't spend more money than you earn. You don't have to spend more money than you earn. De Rekter deed elkeen von de Schoolafgängers de Hannen schüdden. The principal shook hands with each of the graduates. The principal did each of the school graduates shake their hands. Du bist ein Schüler. You're a student. You're a student. Ik hou van die kleur. I like this color. I love that color. Muss ich auch die Vorwahl wählen? Do I have to dial the area code, too? Do I have to choose the pre-election? Waarom slaap je? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Du siehst nicht krank aus. You don't look sick. You don't look sick. Ich weiß, wie wichtig dir Tom ist. I know how much you care about Tom. I know how important Tom is to you. Tom kauft fast nie Schokoladeriegel. Tom almost never buys chocolate bars. Tom almost never buys chocolate bars. Ich habe vergessen, Socken anzuziehen. I forgot to wear my socks. I forgot to wear socks. Ich habe das Mädchen letztens im Park getroffen, und ich habe sie wiedergesehen. I met the girl in the park the other day, and I saw her again. I met the girl last in the park, and I looked at her again. Wanneer ga je dit doen? When will you do this? When are you going to do this? Blitsvinnig! Lightning-fast! Quickly! Cricket ist ein Spiel, das Geschick erfordert. Cricket is a game that takes skill. Cricket is a game that requires skill. Tom muss reich sein. Tom must be rich. Tom has to be rich. Ik heb erover nagedacht. I have considered it. I thought about it. Ik kan niet koken. I don't know how to cook. I can't cook. Sie sind ein Gefangener. You're a prisoner. They're a prisoner. Zowel Tom als Maria schijnen niet in staat om dat te doen. Tom and Mary both seem unable to do that. Both Tom and Maria seem unable to do so. Dou koelkaast dicht. Close the refrigerator. Dou cool cheese closed. Ich habe einige Fragen an euch. I've got a few questions for you. I have some questions for you. Ben jij goed in tennis? Are you good at playing tennis? Are you good at tennis? Ik gah to Foot. I will go on foot. I'm going to foot. Mijn horloge loopt iedere dag twee minuten achter. My watch loses two minutes a day. My watch runs two minutes every day. Tom scheint große Angst zu haben. Tom seems to be really scared. Tom seems to have great fear. Hij is de jongere broer van Taro. He's Taro's younger brother. He is the younger brother of Taro. Wir haben alle Zeit der Welt. We have all the time in the world. We have all the time in the world. So oane wia de hau i eh scho. I've got one like that already. Yes, he did. Dat is to hitt. It is too hot. It's too hot. He hett sik as'n Fro antrocken. He dressed up as a woman. He attracted himself as the woman. Es gelang Tom, sich zu retten. Tom managed to save himself. Tom managed to save himself. Sie presste das Kind an ihre Brust. She pressed the child to her breast. She pushed the child to her chest. Ik ben Nederlands aan het leren. I'm learning Dutch. I am learning Dutch. Maria is zeer onder de indruk. Mary is very impressed. Maria is very impressed. Die müssen sehr arm sein. They must be very poor. They have to be very poor. Du musst was schreiben. You've got to write something. You have to write something. Setzt euch auf das Sofa und macht es euch bequem. Sit on the sofa and feel at ease. Put yourself on the sofa and make it comfortable for you. Goed gedaan! Well done! Well done! Hebt u onlangs hartkloppingen gehad of voelde het alsof uw hart tekeer ging? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently had heartbeats or felt it as if your heart had turned back? Es kamen einige Männer und fällten den Baum. Some men came and cut down the tree. There were some men and fell the tree. Mogen we dat van hen wel doen? Will they let us do that? Can we do that of them? Als Stotterer weiß ich zwar, was ich sagen will, allein es gelingt mir nicht, es richtig hervorzubringen. With my stutter, I know what I want to say, but I just can't get it out right. As a stutterer, I know what I want to say, but it is not possible for me to produce it properly. Aladdin vond een wonderlamp. Aladdin found a magic lamp. Aladdin found a miracle lamp. Hij kraakte de walnoot met zijn tanden. He cracked the walnut with his teeth. He scratched the walkey with his teeth. Hij omhelsde haar. He took her in his arms. He hugged her. Ich hasse Advogaate. I hate lawyers. I hate the lawyer. Ze leert me Nederlands. She's teaching me Dutch. She teaches me Dutch. Möchtest du, dass ich fahre? Do you want me to drive? Do you want me to drive? Wah yuh name? What's your name? What is your name? Hau rein! Give me five! It's raining! Tom führte ein einfaches Leben. Tom led a simple life. Tom led a simple life. Tom trinkt Tee, aber Mary trinkt Kaffee. Tom drinks tea, but Mary drinks coffee. Tom drinks tea, but Mary drinks coffee. Ich kann es Ihnen noch nicht sagen. I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you yet. Rauchen ist im Restaurant nicht gestattet. No smoking in the restaurant. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. De lelies ruiken lekker. The lilies smell good. The lilies smell good. Wieso halten mich die Leute für einen schlechten Menschen? Ich habe nie jemanden umgebracht! Why do people think I'm a bad person? I've never killed anyone. Why do people consider me a bad person? I never killed anyone! Haar vrienden wachtten op haar bij de poort. Her friends waited for her by the gate. Her friends were waiting for her at the gate. Du hast drei Kinder. You have three kids. You have three children. Wat is der te rêden? What's the matter? What's to talk about? Erger kan het niet worden. It cannot get any worse. It can't get worse. Tom hatte bereits einige neue Freundschaften geschlossen. Tom had already made some new friends. Tom had already made some new friendships. Tom seeg dörch dat lütte Fenster in’e Döör. Tom looked through the small window in the door. Tom goes through the small window in the door. Is dat allens? Is this everything? Is it all? Das ist nicht die Antwort, die ich erwartet habe. That isn't the response I was expecting. This is not the answer I expected. Niamh nervt es, wenn man ihren Namen falsch schreibt. Niamh gets annoyed when people misspell her name. Niamh is nervous when you miswrite her name. Tom hett mi ansehn. Tom looked at me. Tom looked at me. Tom is erg beleefd. Tom is very polite. Tom is very polite. Mein Praktikum endet heute. My internship ends today. My internship ends today. Sei Jäger oder Beute, aber nicht der Hund, der dem Jäger die Beute bringt. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the prey to the hunter. Be hunters or prey, but not the dog that brings prey to the hunter. Ek het 'n droeë vel. I have dry skin. I have a dry skin. Dröff ik dat Telefoon bruken? May I use the telephone? Do I need to use the phone? אסתּרס משפּחה איז ספֿרדי. Esther's family are Sephardi Jews. Iris's family is Scott. Ze hebben een overdosis gehad. They overdosed. They had an overdose. Das Telefon klingelt. The telephone is ringing. The phone is ringing. Spreek wat luider a.u.b. Could you speak a little louder please? Speak a little louder a.u.b. Weet je zeker dat je zo'n ding niet in Boston kunt kopen? Are you sure you can't buy one of those in Boston? Are you sure you can't buy such a thing in Boston? Zijn dit jullie paarden? Are these your horses? Are these your horses? Die Zeit wird zeigen, ob Tom recht hatte. Only time will tell if Tom was right. Time will show whether Tom was right. Hij draagt een pyjama. He is wearing pyjamas. He's wearing a pyjama. Ik probeer elke dag minstens een uur te trainen. I try to exercise at least an hour every day. I try to train at least one hour every day. Ook op Mars zijn er katten. There are cats on Mars, too. There are also cats on Mars. Wie heeft het gebouwd? Who built it? Who built it? Ik heff keen Geld. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Wie denken jullie dat de gouden medaille zal winnen? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Ich wähle dich. I choose you. I'll choose you. Ik kan niet leven zonder mayonaise. I cannot live without mayonnaise. I can't live without mayonaise. Wir leben in einer Zeit, wo alles mit Gewalt geregelt wird. We live in an age where everything is settled through violence. We live in a time when everything is regulated by violence. John gibt türkischen Schülern englischsprachigen Chemieunterricht – mit gelegentlichen Erklärungen in Türkisch, wenn diese nötig sind. John teaches chemistry in English to Turkish students with occasional explanations in Turkish when necessary. John gives Turkish students English-language chemistry lessons - with occasional explanations in Turkish when needed. Het is een woord waarvoor ik graag een vervanging zou vinden. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It is a word for which I would like to find a replacement. Tom sucht eine größere Wohnung. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Wir riefen unseren Anwalt an. We called our lawyer. We called our lawyer. Zijn stem is iel, hoewel hijzelf dik is. His voice is thin even though he is fat. His voice is strong, even though he himself is thick. Miskien fûn hy it wol in goed idee. Maybe he liked the idea. Maybe he found it in a good idea. Ze werken de hele dag. They work all day. They work all day. פֿרוכפּערט אײַך און מערט אײַך. Be fruitful and multiply. I am sorry to hear that you are a man of your own mind. Misschien was hij ziek. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he was sick. Je zei dat al een uur geleden. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Tom schrifft mi noch von Tied to Tied. Tom still writes to me from time to time. Tom still writes me from time to time. Eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern war mit ihm an Bord. A party of scientists were on board with them. A group of scientists were on board with him. Tom haat uien. Tom hates onions. Tom hates onions. Sami is aan het vasten. Sami is fasting. Sami is fasting. Haben Sie schon einmal Rhabarbermarmelade gemacht? Have you ever made rhubarb jam? Have you ever made Rhabarbermarmelade? Hai leerde. He learned. Hai learned. Men kan taal en cultuur niet van elkaar scheiden. You can't separate language from culture. One cannot separate language and culture from one another. Ik schreef een brief aan Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. Dat heff ik vergeten. I forgot. I forgot that. ער איז נאָר אַ למך. He's just a good-for-nothing. Iris is yours. Skura reed achteruit. Skura reversed. Scura was back. Wir bestreichen unser Brot mit Butter. We are applying butter on our bread. We cover our bread with butter. Sie sind in der Bücherei. You are in the library. They are in the library. Ze simuleert. She's faking. It simulates. Tom ist ein Schneebrettfahrer ersten Ranges. Tom is a first-class snowboarder. Tom is a first-range snowboarder. Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in the class. Hij wou zijn fotocollectie laten digitaliseren. He wanted to digitize his photo collection. He wanted to digitize his photo collection. Hij is niet onze vijand. He isn't our enemy. He's not our enemy. Niks! Nothing! Nothing! Hoe lang duurt het voordat symptomen van een SOA verschijnen? How soon do STI symptoms appear? How long does it take for symptoms of an SOA to appear? Findet ihr das nicht etwas übereilt? Don't you think that's a little premature? Don't you find anything over here? Du hast Glück, dass ich deinen Vater kenne. You're lucky I know your father. You're lucky I know your father. U weet dat ik getrouwd ben. You know I'm married. You know I'm married. Whit did A tell ye? What did I tell you? What did A tell you? De Jungs sünd na Noorden gahn. The boys have gone north. The boys went north. Das wird ein Kinderspiel, bis Dienstag hiermit fertig zu werden. Finishing the job by Tuesday will be a piece of cake. This will be a children’s game until Tuesday. Der Hut ist nicht billig. The hat is not cheap. The hat is not cheap. Zit daar. Sit right there. Sit there. Dit sal ons geheim wees. It'll be our secret. This will be our secret. Ik begin pas. I'm just beginning. I'm just starting. k Lees. I'm reading. K Read. We hebben spaghetti gemaakt. We made spaghetti. We made spaghetti. Ich will nicht, dass Sie mich für verrückt halten. I don't want you to think I'm crazy. I don't want you to think you're crazy. Aber ich fehle nie bei der Arbeit. But I never miss work. But I never miss work. צו געזונט!‎‎ Bless you! Order of Confession! Das ist nicht das einzige, was Tom gefunden hat. That isn't the only thing that Tom found. That's not the only thing Tom found. Tom küsst seine Gattin. Tom is kissing his wife. Tom kisses his girlfriend. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Uhu und einer Schleiereule? What's the difference between an eagle-owl and a barn owl? What is the difference between a Uhu and a mug? Bist du sicher, dass das zu Toms Gunsten ist? Are you sure this is in Tom's best interest? Are you sure that's in Tom's favor? Tom weet niet hoe hij zijn eigen stropdas moet knopen. Tom can’t tie his own tie. Tom doesn't know how to knock his own stripes. Dieser Satz wird gelöscht werden müssen. This sentence will have to be deleted. This sentence will have to be deleted. Leider habe ich den ganzen Spaß verpasst. Unfortunately, I missed all the fun. I'm sorry I missed all the fun. Tom behauptete, Beweise zu haben. Tom said he had proof. Tom claimed to have evidence. Meine Liebe, wenn das Essen bis sieben Uhr nicht fertig ist, werde ich in die Gaststätte gehen. My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant. My love, if the food is not finished until 7:00, I will go to the restaurant. De lente komt eraan. It will be spring soon. Spring is coming. Zij zijn thee aan het maken. They are making tea. They are making tea. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put his socks on. Tom wears his socks. מ׳האָט זי באָגראָבן. They buried her. Yep, Bahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Die Tür war nicht ganz geschlossen. The door wasn't completely closed. The door was not completely closed. Ik breng jullie naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Singapore wordt ''Singapura'' genoemd in het Maleis. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malay. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malaysia. Spreek je Litouws? Do you speak Lithuanian? Are you speaking Lithuanian? טאָם איז אַן אַנטי־פֿאַשיסט. Tom is an anti-fascist. Toys is an anti-masculinity. Ik fertelde har datst do in aardich famke bist. I told her that you're a nice girl. I told her that you are a pretty girl. Hij is niet beschikbaar. He's not available. He's not available. Ich habe zwei Autos. I own two cars. I have two cars. Das ist nicht die Antwort, mit der ich gerechnet habe. That's not the response that I was expecting. This is not the answer I expected. Tun Sie einfach, was Sie wollen! Just do what you want to do. Just do what you want! Ik wil dat u naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Ich wollte mich nicht über dich lustig machen. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I didn't want to make fun of you. Je werkt niet zo veel als ik. You don't work as much as I do. You don't work as much as I do. Maria ist von ihrer Krankheit genesen. Mary recovered from her illness. Mary is cured of her illness. Beabsichtigst du, deinen Sommerurlaub mit Tom zu verbringen? Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom? Do you intend to spend your summer holiday with Tom? Het gaat allemaal om geld. It's all about money. It's all about money. Grote delen van de oceaan zijn vervuild. Large areas of the ocean are polluted. Large parts of the ocean are polluted. Ek gaan niks koop nie. I'm not buying anything. I'm not going to buy anything. We moeten intensiever en effectiever werken. We need to work more intensively and effectively. We need to work more intensively and more effectively. Tom is heel erg allergisch voor gras. Tom is severely allergic to grass. Tom is very allergic to grass. Hest du mi leef? Do you love me? Do you want me to live? Ik hou niet van alcohol. I don't like alcohol. I don't like alcohol. Das ist nicht wahr, oder? That's not true, is it? That's not true, isn't it? Hij is alweer zijn paraplu kwijt. He lost his umbrella again. He's lost his umbrella again. Macht es mehr Spaß, ein Kind oder ein Erwachsener zu sein? Is it more fun being a child or an adult? Does it make it more fun to be a child or an adult? ער רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש. He speaks Portuguese. Wake up to my father’s side. Sei bitte behutsam. Please be gentle. Please be careful. Heeft Tom geholpen? Did Tom help? Did Tom help? Ich war mit meinem Latein am Ende. I was at my wit's end. I was in the end with my Latin. Ik wull, ik kunn helpen. I wish I could help. I wanted to, I could help. Of ðǣra trēowa wæstme ðe synd on Paradīsum wē etað We do eat fruit from the trees in paradise. Whether ð evenra trēowa may be synd on Paradīsum wē etað Wie ist er Sänger geworden? How did he become a singer? How did he become a singer? Hij kon moeilijk slapen. He had trouble sleeping. He could sleep hard. Yanni probeerde. Yanni tried. Yanni tried. Ich empfehle Ihnen, mit dem Zug zu fahren. I recommend you to go by train. I recommend you to ride by train. Dieses Problem ist wirklich kompliziert. This problem is very complicated. This problem is really complicated. Woneem is mien Auto? Where is my car? Where is my car? Wer ist der Besitzer des Cafés? Who's the owner of the cafe? Who is the owner of the café? Wat is stolen? What was stolen? What is steal? He deed kort antern. He answered in brief. He briefly responded. Sie sind in einer Bücherei. You're in a library. They are in a bookstore. Waar is het museum? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Se smöökt nich. She does not smoke. They don't taste. Dizze bloume is swaart. This flower is black. This flower is heavy. Yanni werkt. Yanni works. Yanni works. „Versprochen?“ – „Ja, versprochen!“ "Promise?" "Yes, I promise." “Do you promise?” “Yes, promise?” Drome kom altyd andersom uit. Dreams always come out differently. Dreams always come out differently. Sein Traum ist es, in den Vereinigten Staaten Chemie zu studieren. His dream is to study chemistry in the US. His dream is to study chemistry in the United States. Was verkauft sie? What is she selling? What is she selling? „וואָס איז דאָס?״ ‏– „ס׳איז אַ מגן־דוד.״ "What's that?" "That's a Jewish star." 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Het hotel staat op een berg. The hotel stands on a hill. The hotel is on a mountain. Russland is de gröttste Staat op de Welt un de Vatikaan is de lüttste Staat op de Welt. Russia is the biggest state in the world, and The Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Russia is the largest state in the world and the Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes sei mit Elke verlobt. Mary told Tom that she thought John was engaged to Alice. Maria told Tom that she believed John was engaged to everyone. Jouw computer is volledig onbeschermd. Your computer is completely unprotected. Your computer is completely unprotected. Oscar Wilde hat einmal gesagt: „Verschiebe nicht auf morgen, was am Tag danach du kannst besorgen.“ Oscar Wilde once said, "Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." Oscar Wilde once said, “Don’t move on to tomorrow, what you can worry about the day after.” 'M Thomas sei Radl ham's gfladert. Tom's bicycle has been stolen. 'M Thomas says Radl he's fluttered. Das ist das Werkzeug, das du für den Auftrag brauchst. These are the tools you need to do the job. This is the tool you need for the job. Alles hat seinen Grund. Everything happens for a reason. Everything has its own reason. Ich will wissen, wie sie heißt. I wanna know her name. I want to know what she's saying. Das ist Toms Tasse. This cup is Tom's. That's Tom's cup. Raakt u snel buiten adem tijdens het lopen? Do you get short of breath easily when walking? Are you fast breathing outside while walking? Effertente zenuwcellen strekken zich uit vanuit de hersenen om in te werken op hun doelorganen. Efferent neurons travel away from the brain to effect their target organs. Effertent nerve cells extend from the brain to work on their target organs. Niet betreden. Keep out. Don't enter. Mike mag Katzen. Mike likes cats. Mike likes cats. Ist das Toms Sohn? Is this Tom's son? Is that Tom's son? Wollt ihr noch einen von denen? Do you want another one of these? Do you want one of those? Dieser Zug fährt nach Tōkyō. This train is going to Tokyo. This train travels to Tōkyō. Mir gefällt die Sprache, die ich lerne, sehr. I really like the language I'm learning. I like the language I’m learning very much. Ich habe seit sechs Tagen nichts gegessen. I didn't eat anything for six days. I haven't eaten anything for six days. Wat hest du för Plään för vonavend? What are your plans for tonight? What do you have for plans for tonight? „Jeder hat Fehler.“ – „Ich nicht.“ "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." “Everybody has a mistake.” — “I don’t.” Tom lädt sich oft Filme herunter. Tom frequently downloads movies. Tom often invites movies. In veel oude films is de heldin altijd degene die doodgaat. In many old movies the heroine is always the one to die. In many old films, the heroine is always the one who dies. In Europa fängt die Schule im September an. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe, school begins in September. Wissel van plaats met me. Switch places with me. Switch from place to place with me. Die Jungen lachten Tom aus. The boys laughed at Tom. The boys laughed at Tom. Dat was op de eerste mei. It happened on the 1st of May. That was on the first May. Ist die Farbe weiß oder grau? Is the color white or grey? Is the color white or grey? Ik ben Toms kamergenoot. I'm Tom's roommate. I'm Tom's comrade. Hij was te kwaad om te kunnen spreken. He was too angry to speak. He was too angry to speak. Ihr sagtet doch, das sei nicht ansteckend. I thought you said it wasn't contagious. You said it wasn't infectious. Dat was vlug denkwerk. That was some quick thinking. That was quick thinking. Ich bin eine Christin. I am a Christian woman. I am a Christian. Seit vorigem Jahr habe ich nicht mehr in Sanda gewohnt. I have not lived in Sanda since last year. I haven't lived in Sanda since last year. Die Flut lässt den Strandspaziergängern normalerweise nur einen schmalen Streifen Sand, auf welchem sie gehen können, ohne sich nasse Füße zu holen. The tide normally leaves the beach walkers only a narrow strip of sand they can walk on without getting their feet wet. The flood usually leaves the beach passersby only a narrow strip of sand on which they can go without getting wet feet. Tom bat Maria, nach Hause zurückzukommen. Tom asked Mary to come back home. Tom asked Maria to return home. Ich schickte Tom eine Nachricht. I sent a message to Tom. I sent Tom a message. Ich habe mir bei einem Verkehrsunfall das Bein gebrochen. I broke my leg in a traffic accident. I broke the leg in a traffic accident. Kies een letter van het alfabet. Pick a letter of the alphabet. Choose a letter from the alphabet. Tag, die Damen! Hello, ladies. Day, the ladies! Mir war nicht so recht nach Kaffeetrinken zumute. I didn't really feel like drinking coffee. I wasn't so right after coffee drinking. Haben Sie Tom heute gesehen? Did you see Tom today? Did you see Tom today? En Mann mit een Klock weet jümmer, wat de Tied is. En Mann mit twee Klocken is nie nich wiss. A man with a watch knows what time it is, a man with two watches is never sure. A man with a single clock always knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never sure. Mien noaber was nait ien hoes dou de kadde kwam. My neighbor wasn't at home when the cat came. My noaber was one of the hats that came in at night. Man kann das Fleisch auftauen, indem man es über Nacht in den Kühlschrank legt. The meat can be thawed by leaving it in the fridge overnight. You can pick up the meat by putting it into the refrigerator overnight. Tom opende koelkaast. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the refrigerator. Verlass unser Haus! Leave our house. Leave our house! Wir sind beide aus Boston. We're both from Boston. We are both from Boston. Wanneer ben je gisteravond naar bed gegaan? When did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? Du wirst es früher oder später verstehen. You'll understand sooner or later. You will understand it sooner or later. Miaren ken ik ek. Wü se üüs aurmiaren. I don't have time tomorrow. See you the day after tomorrow. I know Miaren. Wü üs aurmiaren. „Wenn man fällt, dann stürzt man; wenn man aber stürzt, dann landet man im Grab!“ hat Arnaud Vannay gesagt. "If you trip, you'll fall down. And if you fall down, that will be your downfall", said Arnaud Vannay. “If one falls, one falls; but if one falls, one lands in the grave!” Arnaud Vannay said. Wij deden onze schoenen uit. We took our shoes off. We took off our shoes. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, haben Tom und Maria im Oktober 2003 geheiratet. If I remember correctly, Tom and Mary got married in October of 2003. When I remember correctly, Tom and Maria married in October 2003. Hast du alles gekauft, was wir für unsere Feier benötigen? Did you buy everything we need for our party? Did you buy everything we need for our celebration? Tom hat es tatsächlich geschafft, über den Fluss zu schwimmen. Tom was actually able to swim across the river. Tom actually managed to swim across the river. We maakten ons geen zorgen. We didn't worry. We didn't worry. Hoe is het weer in New York? How's the weather in New York? What is the weather like in New York? Sie sah, dass sie ganz allein auf der Welt war. She saw that she was all alone in the world. She saw that she was all alone in the world. Du hast den Motor absaufen lassen. You've flooded the engine. You let the engine go. Tom hält mich für eine Verräterin. Tom considers me a traitor. Tom thinks I'm a traitor. Heiligt het doel de middelen? Does the end justify the means? Does the purpose heal the resources? Hat Mike aufgehört zu trinken? Is Mike off the bottle? Did Mike stop drinking? He is oold noog to föhren. He is old enough to drive. He is old enough to lead. Snags is alle katte grou. All cats are grey in the dark. At night, all cats are big. Frankrijk is een West-Europees land. France is a Western European country. France is a Western European country. Er nadert een auto. There's a car approaching. There's a car approaching. Tom is een jonge student. Tom is a young student. Tom is a young student. Zij las de brief, en zo kwam ze te weten dat hij dood was. She read the letter, and so she came to learn that he was dead. She read the letter, and so she came to know that he was dead. Mein Papa fährt kein Auto, weil er Angst hat, in einen Unfall zu geraten. My dad doesn't drive because he's afraid of getting in an accident. My dad doesn't drive a car because he's afraid to get into an accident. Dit is een auto en dat is een bus. This is a car and that is a bus. This is a car and that's a bus. Ze lijken op elkaar als twee druppels water. They look like two peas in a pod. They look like two drops of water. Das sind Kinderlieder. These are nursery rhymes. These are children's songs. Eet my. Eat me! Eat me. Wanneer heb je de tijd gehad om dat te doen? When did you have time to do that? When did you have time to do that? Door overzee te studeren kunnen studenten met andere gewoonten en zeden in contact komen. By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs. By studying overseas, students can get in touch with other habits and morals. Hou je van aardbeienwijn? Do you like strawberry wine? Do you like strawberry wine? Toen ik haar in Boekarest had ontmoet, was Anca een student. When I had met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. When I met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. Hij haastte zich om de bus te halen. He hurried in order to get the bus. He rushed to get the bus. Zum Frühstück gab es Pfannkuchen mit Ahornsirup. We ate pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast. The breakfast was served with acorn syrup. Seid ihr schon einmal von einer Leiter gefallen? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Have you ever been hit by a leader? Tom und Maria stritten sich, wer von beiden die besseren Streiche spiele. Tom and Mary are arguing about who is the best prankster of the two. Tom and Maria fight who play the better of both. Hai bleef allain. He stayed alone. Hai remained all alone. Ich werde dich holen, Tom. I'm going to get you, Tom. I'll get you, Tom. Wat zijn jullie aan het drinken? What are you drinking? What are you drinking? Dat gifft op dien Fraag keen Antwoord. There is no answer to your question. There is no answer to your question. Erzählen Sie uns was. Tell us something. Tell us what. Wir versuchten, uns zu entspannen. We tried to relax. We tried to relax. Ich muss mir was zu essen holen. I have to get some food. I have to get something to eat. Moder fröög uns, worüm wi dat daan harrn. Mother asked us why we had done that. Mother asked us why we would do that. דער לעצטער טייל איז זעלבסטפֿאַרשטענדלעך. That last part goes without saying. I’m afraid I’m going to give you a ride away from you. Ze had een overdosis. She overdosed. She had an overdose. Ich suche Tom. Haben Sie den gesehen? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen that? Seid ihr beide der gleichen Meinung? Do both of you have the same opinion? Are you both of the same opinion? Wi bruukt Ehr Geld nich. We don't need your money. We don't need your money. Tom sah auf seine Uhr und bemerkte, dass ihm nur noch fünf Minuten bis zum Mittagessen blieben. Tom looked at his watch and saw that he only had five minutes left until lunchtime. Tom looked at his watch and noticed that he stayed only five minutes until lunch. Das ist sicher alles ein Missverständnis. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. That is certainly a misunderstanding. טאָם איז אָנגעשטרענגט און קריגעריש. Tom is prickly and pugnacious. Angry Mr. Tossa was in a commotion. Mevrouw Jones doceert informatica. Mrs. Jones teaches computer science. Mrs. Jones is teaching computer science. Was hältst Du davon, wenn wir den Unterricht schwänzen und an den Strand gehen? How about we bunk off school and go to the beach? What do you think of when we slip the lesson and go to the beach? Weshalb verkauft ihr es nicht einfach? Why don't you just sell it? Why don't you just sell it? O Gott! Der macht mich wahnsinnig! Oh God! He's driving me crazy! Oh God! He makes me mad! Ich höre gern Jazz. Was für Musik hörst du gern? I like jazz. What kind of music do you like? I like to hear jazz. What kind of music do you like to hear? Die Leit hon dich gern. People like you. The man loves you. Spreekt u Faeröers? Do you speak Faroese? Are You Speaking Faeroers? Wat is jullie lievelingsvak? What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite box? Tom stieg aus dem Wagen und ging so unauffällig wie möglich ins Tankstellengebäude. Obwohl er es schon einige Male gemacht hatte, konnte er sich eines Anfluges von schlechtem Gewissen ob der Tat dennoch nicht erwehren. Er versuchte, dieses Gefühl irgendwie loszuwerden, als er sich einige eisgekühlte Sechserpacks und eine Tüte Brezeln nahm und sich in die Warteschlange stellte. Tom got out of the car and went into the gas station as inconspicuously as possible. Even though he had done this several times before, he still couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt at what he was doing. He tried to brush that feeling aside as he grabbed a couple of ice cold six-packs and a bag of pretzels and waited in line. Tom got out of the car and went into the gas station building as unobtrusive as possible. Although he had done it several times, he was able to face a charge of bad conscience as to whether the fact was still unresponsive. He tried to get rid of this feeling somehow when he took some ice-cooled six-packs and a bag of Brezels and put himself into the wait snake. Mein Bruder hat sich einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft; der war also nicht allzu teuer. My brother bought a used car, so it was not very expensive. My brother bought a used car, so it wasn’t too expensive. Taiken n leutje cirkel. Draw a small circle. Taiken n leutje circle. Sie nenne do där Planet "Äerd". They call this planet 'Earth'. It's called the planet "Statistics". De schrijftafel zit onder het stof. The desk is covered with dust. The writing table is under the fabric. Het is apenvlees. It's monkey meat. It's open meat. Hoeveel stukken heeft Mozart geschreven? How many pieces did Mozart write? How many pieces did Mozart write? Het zand was warm. The sand was warm. The sand was warm. ער האט א קאַמעראָ. He has a camera. Wake up, Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ik heb diezelfde fout ook gemaakt. I've made that same mistake myself. I made the same mistake, too. Hij schreeuwt veel. He screams a lot. He screams a lot. Er is geen zout meer. There's no more salt. There's no more salt. Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel. It's okay to doubt. It is allowed to doubt. Wie heißt Toms Lehrer? What's Tom's teacher's name? What is Tom's teacher? Erzählt uns ein paar Witze! Tell us some jokes. Tell us a few jokes! Er fing an zu stottern, als das Mädchen das Esszimmer betrat. He started to stutter as the girl was entering the dining room. He started to stumble when the girl entered the hospital. Was hast du nächstes Wochenende vor? What do you have planned for next weekend? What do you have next weekend? Ik kende die vrouw helemaal niet. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't know that woman at all. Draai je om. Turn around. Turn around. Sie ist nicht genauso alt wie Mary. She's not the same age as Mary. She's not as old as Mary. איך האב ליב דעם פרילינג. I love spring. God’s Holy Spirit is like that of God’s Holy Spirit. Wer hat die Hauptrolle? Who has the main role? Who has the lead role? Tom houdt niet van witte wijn. Tom doesn't like white wine. Tom doesn't like white wine. ער איז געווען שיכּור ווי לוט. He was drunk as a skunk. I mean, it's a Drunk Drunk. Hy lees elke oggend die koerant. He reads the newspaper every morning. He read the paper every morning. Ik was blij om mensen te zien die plezier maakten en van elkaar hielden. I was happy to see people having fun and loving one another. I was happy to see people who made fun and loved each other. Ich möchte wie Picasso sein. I want to be like Picasso. I want to be like Picasso. Ik weet, wo de Slötel is. I know where the key is. I know where the key is. Sehen wir doch mal, ob wir irgendwie helfen können! Why don't we see what we can do to help? Let's see if we can help someday! Es tut weh, Sie so zu sehen. It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you like that. Ik kann di mitnehmen, wenn du wullt. I'll give you a lift if you like. I can take you if you want. לאָמיך עס מסביר זײַן מיט אַ משל. Let me explain by way of a parable. You have to explain a piece of meat. Ze vond een zakdoek. She found a handkerchief. She found a bagcloth. Galileo ließ zwei Kugeln aus Eisen von der Spitze des Turms fallen. Galileo dropped two iron balls from the top of the tower. Galileo dropped two balls of iron from the top of the tower. Er muss dies nicht tun. He does not have to do this. He doesn't have to do that. Das ist ein ziemlich riskanter Beruf. That's quite a risky job. This is a pretty risky profession. Waar zaten jullie? Where were you guys? Where were you guys sitting? Maria ist eine Youtuberin. Mary is a YouTuber. Maria is a YouTuber. Wer kontrolliert das Internet? Who controls the internet? Who controls the Internet? Toms koffer was niet zo zwaar als de mijne. Tom's suitcase wasn't as heavy as mine. Tom's suitcase wasn't as heavy as mine. Die Frage ist, wer entscheidet, was getan werden muss. The question is who decides what needs to be done. The question is who decides what to do. Hallich Neiyaahr! Happy New Year! Hallich Neiyaahr! Tom bezeichnet sich selbst als Heiden. Tom self-identifies as a heathen. Tom calls himself pagans. Alle Blüten sind von den Kirschbäumen gefallen. All of the blossoms have fallen from the cherry trees. All the flowers have fallen from the church trees. Da Tom spüt gaunz sche guat Schach. Tom is quite good at chess. Tom is playing chess all the time. Verander niet van onderwerp. Don't switch the subject. Don't change subject matter. לענאַרד נימוי איז געווען אַ געבוירענער ייִדיש־רעדער. Leonard Nimoy was a native Yiddish speaker. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Seid ihr Ungarn? Are you Hungarian? Are you Hungary? Tom besucht seine Tante. Tom is visiting his aunt. Tom visits his aunt. Tom war letzte Woche jeden Tag in der Bibliothek. Tom went to the library every day last week. Tom was in the library every day last week. Es läuft mit Sonnenenergie. It uses solar power. It runs with solar energy. Toms uitleg was niet zo makkelijk te begrijpen. Tom's explanation wasn't very easy to understand. Tom’s explanation was not so easy to understand. Er war erst 49 Jahre alt. He was only forty-nine years old. He was only 49 years old. Bitte jemand anderen! Ask someone else. Please someone else! Es war ein Fehler, seine Hilfe abzulehnen. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was a mistake to reject his help. Oan de ein fan it paad stie in brievebus. Op in dei lei der in spannende brief yn en dy wie foar my. At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me. At the end of the path was a letter. One day there was an exciting letter in it and it was for me. Ben je bewusteloos geraakt? Did you lose consciousness? Have you become unconscious? Das ist ein Hase. That is a hare. That's a hate. Ik weet dat Tom in Boston heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Boston. I know Tom lived in Boston. Niemand bewoog. Nobody moved. No one moved. Met wie ging Tom skiën? Who did Tom go skiing with? With whom did Tom skie? Tom ist gerade angekommen. Tom has just arrived. Tom has just arrived. Ich habe nicht im entferntesten daran gedacht, dass sie im Krankenhaus läge. It never occurred to me that she was sick in the hospital. I didn't even think she was lying in the hospital. Tom hat braune Augen. Tom has brown eyes. Tom has brown eyes. Lincoln is in 1865 oorlede. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Angewidert schreckte ich zurück. I recoiled in disgust. In response, I was scared back. Wil je dat ik je help? Do you want me to help you? Do you want me to help you? Du hast Tom noch immer nicht gefunden, oder? You still haven't found Tom, have you? You haven't found Tom yet, haven't you? Hier können wir nicht reden. We can't talk here. We can't talk here. Tom is een reactionair. Tom is a reactionary. Tom is a reactionary. Waarom moet ik dit doen? Why do I have to do this? Why should I do this? Kennt em een? Does anybody know him? Does he know one? Tom hat alle Vorsicht in den Wind geschossen und eine Fallschirmsprungstunde gebucht. Tom threw caution to the wind and booked a skydiving lesson. Tom shot all caution in the wind and booked a parachute hour. Sie brauchen nicht zu schreien. Ich kann Sie hören. You don't have to shout. I can hear you. You don't need to scream, I can hear you. Duutsland dailt n gruppe mit Nederlaand. Germany shares a border with the Netherlands. New Zealand adds a group with the Netherlands. Hij woont alleen in zijn flat. He lives alone in his flat. He lives alone in his flat. Wenn du Journalist sein willst, musst du aufmerksam sein. If you want to be a newspaperman, you have to be observant. If you want to be a journalist, you need to be attentive. Hij is raar. He is strange. He's weird. Die Besucher der Galerie verursachten viel Lärm. The spectators in the gallery were making a lot of noise. The visitors to the gallery caused a lot of noise. Spreekt u Romani? Do you speak Romani? Do you speak Romani? Kraanwater is gevaarlijk. Tap water is dangerous. Crane water is dangerous. Oslo ist die größte Stadt Norwegens und hat eine Einwohnerzahl von 629 313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway and has a population of 629 313. Vo wo chunnsch? Where do you come from? In what ways? I see a whit lioun. I see a white lion. I see a white lantern. Ze heeft niet lang meer te leven. She won't live much longer. She doesn't have to live long. מיר וועלן זיך עפּעס לערנען אין אַלבאַניע? Are we going to learn anything in Albania? Do you think I’m going to tell you that I don’t know if I’m going to talk? Tom hieß seine Söhne sich setzen. Tom told his sons to sit down. Tom was named after his sons. Bus was vol. The bus was full. The bus was full. Se hett vergeten, em to schrieven. She forgot to write him. She forgot to write it. Maria hat applaudiert. Mary applauded. Maria has said good-bye. Zijt gij Tom niet? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? Ze zette me bij mijn appartement af. She dropped me off at my apartment. She put me down at my apartment. Tom und Maria hatten ein Zimmer mit zwei Betten gebucht; als sie aber im Hotel ankamen, war nur ein Bett vorhanden. Tom and Mary booked a room with two beds, but when they arrived at the hotel, there was only one bed. Tom and Maria had booked a room with two beds; but when they arrived at the hotel, there was only one bed. Je kunt maar beter goed luisteren. You'd better listen closely. You better listen. Ich hatte geplant, ihn anzurufen, änderte aber meine Meinung und tat es nicht. I was planning to call him, but changed my mind and didn't. I had planned to call him, but I changed my mind and didn't. Tom un ich sin Freinde. Tom and I are friends. Tom and I are free. Ik moet de koeien gaan melken. I need to go milk the cows. I have to milk the cows. Je onderwees. You taught. You're teaching. Lasst uns zusammen nach Boston fliegen! Let's go to Boston together. Let's fly to Boston together! Tom ist nicht gierig. Tom isn't greedy. Tom is not greedy. Ek gaan nie uittree nie. I'm not backing out. I'm not going to leave. Ik heb vele jaren in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for many years. I have lived in Boston for many years. De jaren 1950 worden overheerst door een koude oorlog tussen Oost en West. The 1950s are characterized through a cold war between east and west. The 1950s were marked by a cold war between the East and the West. Stem alstublieft. Please vote. Please vote. Warum lächelst du? Why are you smiling? Why are you smiling? Tom het heeltemal van hulle vergeet. Tom forgot all about them. Tom completely forgot about them. Ik bün good in Mathe. I am good at math. I'm good at math. Mir mussen erausfannen, wou et ass. We have to find out where it is. I need to get to see if I want to go. Ich bin stolz darauf, Arzt zu sein. I am proud of being a doctor. I am proud to be a doctor. In Japan ist es viel kühler als in Algerien. Japan is much cooler than Algeria. In Japan, it is much cooler than in Algeria. Mit diesem Geld könnten wir mehrere Häuser bauen. We could build several houses with this money. With this money we could build several houses. Hoeveel geeft hij uit per maand? How much does he spend per month? How much does he spend per month? „Die Herausforderung bestand darin, zwischen dem 28. Mai und 8. Juli 502 000 Einzelstücke aufzusammeln. Wir sind in der Tat über dieses Ziel hinausgeschossen und haben 749 207 Stücke gesammeln“, sagte sie. “The challenge was to pick up 502,000 objects between 28 May and 8 June. In fact we went over that target and have 794,207 pieces,” she said. “The challenge was to collect 502,000 individual pieces between 28 May and 8 July. We were actually shot beyond this goal and collected 749 207 pieces,” she said. זי וועט זי דערהרגענען. She'll kill her. Tagged as sneeze as sneeze. De gevangene heeft een gat onder de gevangenismuur door gegraven. The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall. The prisoner has dug a hole under the prison wall. Ik heb met mijn ouders gesproken. I spoke to my parents. I talked to my parents. Es täte uns gut, wenn es regnete. It would be good for us if it rained. It will do us good if it rains. Waarom is Tom vroeg? Why is Tom early? Why is Tom early? Wer will seine Kinder an so einem Ort aufziehen? Who wants to bring their kids up in a place like this? Who wants to raise his children in such a place? Ik ben geen dokter. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Ik had er geen zin in. I didn't feel like it. I had no sense of it. Tom un Ria wören in’n Goorn. Tom and Mary were in the garden. Tom and Ria were in a gourmet. Ich möchte etwa 15 Kilo abnehmen. I'd like to lose thirty pounds. I want to reduce about 15 kilos. Er erwarb die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. He acquired American citizenship. He acquired American citizenship. Hij heeft haar niet gezien. He didn't see her. He didn't see her. Is er ooit bij je een leerstoornis vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Have you ever had a learning disorder? Sie denkt an eine Reise. She's thinking about going on a trip. She thinks of a trip. Ich lerne Slowenisch. I am learning Slovenian. I'm learning Slovenian. De Bodden is fuchtig. This soil is moist. The soil is moist. Een ijspegel is een pilaar van ijs. An icicle is a pillar of ice. An ice level is a pillar of ice. האָסט אין זינען צו בלײַבן אַ סך צײַט? Are you planning to stay for a long time? Doesn’t he have a right to be in charge of his son-in-law? Het lijkt erop dat er geen geld meer is. It seems like there's no money left. It seems that there is no more money. Du musst mich nicht anrufen. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. Tom öffnete die Käfige. Tom opened the cages. Tom opened the cage. Ist Ihre Frau auch Kanadierin? Is your wife a Canadian, too? Is your wife also Canadian? Hij denkt na over het probleem. He is thinking about the problem. He's thinking about the problem. Morgen wird es regnen. Tomorrow it will rain. It's going to rain tomorrow. Ich bin überhaupt nicht wie du. I'm not at all like you. I'm not like you at all. Is dat en Stroom? Is this a river? Is it a river? Du bist auch kein Heiliger. You're no saint, either. You are also not a saint. Fressen Elefanten Fleisch? Do elephants eat meat? Do elephants eat meat? Wat ’n mens saai, dat sal hy ook maai. As you sow, so shall you reap. What one sows, that one will also reap. Was ist die Preisvorstellung? What's the asking price? What is the price picture? Ich habe zehnmal so viele Bücher wie du. I have ten times as many books as you have. I have ten times as many books as you. Ik wiar gauer. I was faster. I was faster. Kan je de software updaten? Can you update the software? Can you update the software? Houden jullie van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Tom is een kinderarts. Tom is a pediatrician. Tom is a pediatrician. Boxen ist definiert worden als die Kunst zu treffen, ohne getroffen zu werden. Boxing has been defined as the art of hitting without being hit. Boxing has been defined as the art to meet without being hit. Ze hebben gegeten. They ate. They ate. Das ist ein großer Hund. It's a big dog. That's a big dog. Lasst das Licht an! Leave the light on. Let the light go! Die Sonne scheint sehr hell. The sun is shining very brightly. The sun seems very bright. דאָס איז אַ באַסקעטבאָל. That is a basketball. Das Eisen is in charge. Ik ben enkel op bezoek. I'm just here to visit. I'm just visiting. Sie lagen im Sterben. They were dying. They were dying. Beide Brüder leben noch. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers are still alive. Ich weiß nicht, wann ich wiederkomme. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know when I'll come back. Sie müssen morgen nicht kommen. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Sie macht meinen Tag so viel heller. She makes my day so much brighter. She makes my day so brighter. Wir sehen uns in Japan! I'll see you in Japan. We see ourselves in Japan! Julia wel tö Ameerika flö. Julia wants to fly to America. Julia has fled to Ameerika. Tom und Maria bauen draußen einen Schneemann. Tom and Mary are outside making a snowman. Tom and Maria are building a snowman outside. Ei hebbt veel Tied verloren. We lost a lot of time. Ei lost a lot of time. Ich wollte mich nur unterhalten. I was just making conversation. I just wanted to talk. Moarns wurd ik altyd om sân oere hinne wekker. In the morning I always wake up around seven o'clock. I always wake up in the middle of the night. Wi harrn tohuus blieven schullt. We should've stayed at home. We should stay at home. Tom heeft drie auto's in zijn garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Heb je er ooit over gedacht verpleegkundige te worden? Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse? Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse? Vielleicht sollten wir Tom fragen. Maybe we ought to ask Tom. Maybe we should ask Tom. Goed. Ek sal jou aanbod aanvaar. All right. I'll accept your offer. Good. I will accept your offer. Naaien heb ik van mijn moeder geleerd. My mother was the one who taught me how to sew. I learned a lot from my mother. Toki Pona ist eine minimalistisch angelegte Plansprache aus nur 123 Wörtern. Toki Pona is a minimalist constructed language consisting only of 123 words. Toki Pona is a minimalistic plan language of only 123 words. Das war unverzeihlich. That was unforgivable. That was unforgivable. Begrijpen jullie me? Do you guys understand me? Do you understand me? Etwas ist noch immer nicht in Ordnung. Something is still not right. Something is still not okay. Ik bün grötter as Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm bigger than Tom. Iedereen houdt van zijn land. Everybody loves his country. Everyone loves his country. Tom überprüfte, ob Marias Name auf der Liste stand. Tom checked to see if Mary's name was on the list. Tom checked if Maria's name was on the list. Ik kom uit Hongarije. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Tom is een gepensioneerde tandarts. Tom is a retired dentist. Tom is a retired dentist. Hoelang zal je moeten wachten? How long will you have to wait? How long will you have to wait? Wanneer ze in gevaar zijn, vluchten ze. When they are in danger, they run away. When they are in danger, they flee. Der Mann entschuldigte sich nicht einmal dafür, dass er mir auf den Fuß getreten war. The man did not so much as apologize for stepping on my foot. The man didn't even apologize for getting on my feet. Tom is nog steeds boos op ons. Tom is still angry with us. Tom is still angry with us. Gott ist die Ursache aller Dinge. God is the cause of all things. God is the cause of all things. Hien huet eng Fro. He has a question. I have a big question. Se höör mit Smöken op. She stopped smoking. It ceases to smell. Frankriek is en Republiek. France is a republic. France is a republic. Het huis waar we vroeger in woonden werd afgebroken. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in was demolished. Ich sitze schon im Bus. I'm already on the bus. I'm already on the bus. Ich lerne autodidaktisch Japanisch. I'm self-studying Japanese. I'm learning self-doactic Japanese. Ich wuchs auf dem Lande auf. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Wir sind sehr enttäuscht von dir. We're very disappointed in you. We are very disappointed with you. Wat is jouw lievelingsmuziek? What's your favorite music? What is your favorite music? Ik lees zijn boek. I read his book. I read his book. Ik heff eten. I ate. I eat food. Je bent niet getrouwd, of wel? You're not married, are you? You're not married, are you? Het begon pijpestelen te regenen. It began to rain cats and dogs. It started raining pipes. Er kam rechtzeitig an. He arrived in time. He arrived in time. Een jaar is lang. A year is a long time. One year is long. Tom hat sehr wenig gegessen. Tom ate very little. Tom ate very little. Ich frage am Ende der Stunde den Lehrer. I'll ask the teacher about it after class. I ask the teacher at the end of the hour. Komkommers, spinazie, broccoli en uien worden beschouwd als zetmeelarme groente. Cucumbers, spinach, broccoli and onions are considered non-starchy vegetables. Complaints, spider, broccoli and onions are considered to be low-fat vegetables. Die Geräusche gehen mir auf die Nerven. The noises are getting on my nerves. The sounds go to my nerves. Ich weiß, dass du Tom mögen wirst. I know you'll like Tom. I know you'll like Tom. Worüm dröögst du di de Hoor? Why are you drying your hair? Why do you wear the ear? Heb je een droge mond? Do you have a dry mouth? Do you have a dry mouth? Ik kom mee. I will come along. I'm coming. Ich bin hier wahrscheinlich nicht der einzige, der das nicht kann. I'm probably not the only one here who can't do that. I'm probably not the only one who can't. De toestand van Tom wordt gecompliceerder. Tom's situation is getting more complicated. Tom's condition is complicated. Wann ist die nächste Sitzung? Hoffentlich nicht am Montag. When's the next meeting? I hope it's not on Monday. When is the next meeting? Hopefully not on Monday. Erinnerst du dich an das? Do you remember this? Do you remember that? Das geht. That is all right. That's all right. Ik was erg verrast. I was quite surprised. I was very surprised. Tom is heel anders dan ik me voorgesteld had. Tom is very different from what I expected. Tom is very different than I imagined. Tom en Maria bezochten Scandinavië. Tom and Mary visited Scandinavia. Tom and Maria visited Scandinavia. Ze helpen niet. They don't help. They don't help. Neem je opiaten zoals morfine, Percocet, Vicodin en OxyContin die je niet voorgeschreven zijn? Do you use opiates like morphine, Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin, that are not prescribed to you? Do you take opiates such as morphine, Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin that you are not prescribed? We weten dat je vegetariër bent. We know you're a vegetarian. We know you're a vegetarian. Tom und Maria sehen beide nach oben. Tom and Mary both look up. Tom and Maria both look up. He harr bi de Arbeid en Unfall. While working, he had an accident. He had an accident at work. Zum Glück wurde Tom nicht ernsthaft verletzt. Fortunately, Tom did not get seriously hurt. Fortunately, Tom was not seriously injured. Den Numm vun der Kaz ass Tom. The cat's name is Tom. The name of the Kaz is Tom. Es tut nicht not, Tom als den Täter zu nennen. There's no need to mention that Tom was the one who did this. It does not matter to call Tom as the perpetrator. קינדער און נאַראָנים זאָגן דעם אמת. Children and fools tell the truth. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. די קאַץ איז גרויס. The cat is big. It's a bit of grassy grass. Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren. They said that they were colorblind. They said they were color blind. Ik wil u morgen weer onderzoeken. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I'd like to examine you again tomorrow. Mein Vater hat mit dem Rauchen aufgehört. My father stopped smoking. My father stopped smoking. Ek het ook vir Tom gesoen. I also kissed Tom. I also kissed Tom. כ'בין ניט קײן אינדער. I'm not Indian. I'm not an unsuspecting man. Jy het altyd 'n keuse. You always have a choice. You always have a choice. Vergiss nicht, das heute zu erledigen, bevor du nach Hause gehst. Don't forget to do that today before you go home. Don't forget to do that today before you go home. k Kin nait zwemmen. I can't swim. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Tom hat nicht so viel Glück wie Maria. Tom isn't as lucky as Mary is. Tom is not as lucky as Mary. Wie oft trinken Sie Alkohol? How often do you drink alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? Ich habe keine ältere Schwester. I don't have an older sister. I don't have an older sister. Ik kom út Oerisel. I'm from Overijssel. I'm coming out of Oasis. Unser neuer Laden macht in ein paar Wochen auf. Our new store will open in a few weeks. Our new store opens in a few weeks. Dit woord staat niet in het woordenboek. This word is not in the dictionary. This word is not in the dictionary. Was würdest du ändern, wenn du könntest? What would you change if you could? What would you change if you could? Mien Unkel is doof. My uncle is deaf. My uncle is deaf. דאָס איז אַ קוישבאָל. That is a basketball. Dude, I'm sorry to sit down. Ich hoffe, dass dir dieser Satz Freude bereiten wird. I hope that you will enjoy this sentence. I hope that this sentence will make you happy. Min Seen es mal kliin. Hi et tö litjet. My son is too thin. He eats too little. Oh, my goodness. Hi and marry litjet. Wir bezahlen pünktlich unsere Rechnungen. We pay our bills on time. We pay our bills on time. Mag ik uw woordenboek gebruiken? May I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Ze verachten hem. They despise him. They despise him. Hören Sie etwas? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Layla sah näher hin. Layla looked closer. Layla looked closer. Ik eet een appel. I'm eating an apple. I eat an apple. „Wo ist denn Agnieszka?“ – „Die ist doch schon längst wieder in Polen. Die war nur eine Woche hier.“ – „Ach, wie schade! Ich hoffe, sie kommt bald mal wieder.“ "Where's Agnieszka?" "She went back to Poland ages ago. She was only here for a week." "Pity! I hope she comes back again soon." "Where's Agnieszka?" - "It's been back in Poland for a long time. It's only a week here." - "Ah, how bad! I hope she'll come back soon." Wer hat die Klimaanlage ausgeschaltet? Who turned the air conditioner off? Who turned off the air conditioning? Sie leidet unter chronischem Stress. She suffers from chronic stress. She suffers from chronic stress. Affen sind nahe Verwandte des Menschen. Monkeys are closely related to humans. monkeys are close relatives of man. Wir wollen es zurückhaben. We want it back. We want to have it back. Im kommenden März werde ich siebzehn. I'll be seventeen next March. In the coming March I will be seventeen. Waarom kwam u naar Maleisië? Why did you come to Malaysia? Why did you come to Malaysia? Hör jetzt einfach zu! Now just listen. Just listen now! Hast du dir das alles nur ausgedacht? Did you make all this up? Did you just think of it? Wij zijn ook uitgenodigd. We're invited too. We are also invited. En Watermoküül besteiht ut een Suurstoff- un twee Waterstoff-Atooms. A molecule of water is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. A water mussel consists of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. Gott schließt nie eine Tür, ohne eine andere zu öffnen. God never closes a door without opening another. God never shuts a door without opening another. Kun je ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian as well? Ich bleibe, wenn du willst. I'll stay if you want. I'll stay if you want. En Guete! Have a nice meal! And goodbye! Hoeveel personages zijn er in je verhaal? How many characters are there in your story? How many characters are there in your story? Das Schiff ist ein Dreimaster. That sailing ship is a three-master. The ship is a three-master. Tom starb in Marias Armen. Tom died in Mary's arms. Tom died in Maria's arms. Zeg alsjeblieft. Say please. Please tell me. Er hat eine Schachtel Pralinen gegessen. He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of pralines. Ze leven in voortdurende angst. They live in constant fear. They live in constant fear. Ich liebe Baskisch. I love Basque. I love Basque. Sie wollen heiraten. They want to get married. You want to marry. Die Kinder machten Skulpturen aus Draht. The children made sculptures out of wire. The children made sculptures of wire. Gutpela long bungim yu. Nice to meet you. Why not meet you? טאָם וווינט אין אַ פֿאַרשמוציקטער דירה אין באָסטאָן. Tom lives in a dingy Boston apartment. At the end of the day, I don’t know if there’s a house that doesn’t have a bosom. כ׳בין אַ ציניקערין. I'm a cynic. I am a signer. Verga is en beröhmten Schriever. Verga is a famous writer. Verga is a famous writer. מיין שטוב איז בלויז א פינף מינוט שפאצירגאנג פון דער סטאנציע. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station. My good is just a five-minute drive from the station. Auf einem Baum saß ein verängstigtes Kätzchen. A scared kitten was up a tree. On a tree there was a scary cat. Watter taal is die moeilikste ter wêreld? Which is the most difficult language in the world? Which language is the most difficult in the world? Ihr solltet eure Augen untersuchen lassen. You should get your eyes examined. You should have your eyes examined. Ich bin hundemüde. I am as tired as a dog. I'm a dog tired. „Tom würde nie lügen.“ – „Wenn du wüsstest, mein Lieber, wenn du wüsstest.“ "Tom would never lie." "If you knew, my dear, if you knew." "Tom would never lie." - "If you knew, my dear one, if you knew." Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming. Carmen hat schon krabbeln gelernt. Carmen has already learned to crawl. Carmen has already learned scratches. Dat is niet uw mes. That's not your knife. That's not your knife. Sie warfen eine Atombombe auf Hiroshima ab. They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. They dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. Die Geschäfte öffnen um neun. The stores open at nine. The business opens at nine. k Luusterde. I listened. K Luisterde. Wir werden das tun. We'll do that. We'll do that. In einem jetzt gelöschten Kommentar hat Tom mir mit der Interpretation recht gegeben. In a comment that has now been deleted, Tom said that my interpretation was right. In a now deleted comment, Tom gave me right with the interpretation. Treffen wir uns in der Vorstadt! Let's meet on the outskirts of town. Let's meet in the suburbs! Ich will nicht, dass sie stirbt. I don't want her to die. I don't want her to die. Alles, was Sadako jetzt noch tun konnte, bestand darin, Origami-Kraniche zu falten und auf ein Wunder zu hoffen. All Sadako could do now was to make paper cranes and hope for a miracle. All that Sadako could do now was drop Origami crows and hope for a miracle. Tom löste den Feueralarm aus. Tom pulled the fire alarm. Tom released the fire alarm. Nehmen Sie Nitroglycerin? Do you take nitroglycerin? Do you take Nitroglycerin? Sie soll eine gute Ärztin sein. They say she's a good doctor. She's supposed to be a good doctor. Kennst du „Heidi“? Do you know about "Heidi, Girl of the Alps"? Do you know “Heidi”? כ׳בין אַ זונה. I'm a prostitute. It is like an ossuary. Sami wilde bekennen. Sami wanted to confess. Sami wanted to confess. Iohannes ġeaf Marian ǣnne æppel. John gave Mary an apple. Iohannes Marian ænne æppel. Tom heeft een hekel aan afwassen. Tom doesn't like washing dishes. Tom has a hatred of washing. Waarom zijn ze boos? Why are they angry? Why are they angry? Toe, teken eens 'n schaap voor me. Draw me a sheep... Come on, sign a sheep for me. Dat is te klein om op je hoofd te passen. That's too small to fit on your head. That's too small to fit on your head. איך לײַד פֿונעם פּחד. I have anxiety. How did Peter feel when he was scared? Obwohl ich besser Französisch kann, will ich gerne Englisch sprechen. Even though I'm better at French, I really want to speak in English. Although I can speak French better, I like to speak English. Was hast du so gemacht? What have you been up to? What did you do? „Mir fällt das Wort dafür nicht ein.“ – „Wie würdest du es auf Französisch sagen?“ "I can't think of the word for it." "How would you say it in French?" “I don’t like the word for it.” — “How would you say it in French?” Tom hat Maria im Krankenhaus besucht. Tom went to visit Mary in the hospital. Tom has visited Maria in the hospital. Ik kom er niet van af. I'm not getting off it. I'm not coming out of it. Der Dämonenfürst verlor endlich das Bewusstsein und krachte zu Boden. The demon lord finally lost consciousness and fell to the floor with a thud. The demon prince finally lost consciousness and power to the ground. Wie hast du das geschafft? How did you achieve that? How did you do that? Heb je ooit iemand vermoord? Have you ever killed a man? Have you ever killed someone? Tom hätte sich verletzen können. Tom could've gotten injured. Tom could have hurt. Der Laden war fast leer. The store was almost empty. The store was almost empty. Klasse eindig vandag. Classes end today. Class ends today. Ich werde dafür Sorge tragen, dass Tom das heute tut. I'll see to it that Tom does that today. I'll make sure Tom does that today. De egel is een alleseter. The hedgehog is omnivore. The eagle is an all-eater. Zoals gewoonlijk was Mike op tijd. Hij is zeer stipt. As usual, Mike turned up on time. He's very punctual. As usual, Mike was on time. Kunt u dat herhalen, alstublieft? Could you please repeat that? Can you repeat that, please? Trotz des heftigen Regens besuchte er seinen Freund im Krankenhaus. In spite of the heavy rain, he visited his friend in hospital. Despite the heavy rain, he visited his friend at the hospital. Den Tom ass e Sophist. Tom is a sophist. Tom and Sophist. Ich wiederhole das nicht, hören Sie also gut zu. I won't repeat this, so listen carefully. I don't repeat it, so listen to it well. צי האָסטו הנאה געהאַט די פּיצע? Did you enjoy the pizza? Does the Navy have enough fun? Der Mensch kann ohne Wasser nicht leben. Men can't live without water. Man cannot live without water. Deze missie is topgeheim en uiterst gevaarlijk. This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous. This mission is very secret and extremely dangerous. Das ist eine Frage, die uns nicht sehr oft gestellt wird. That's a question we don't get very often. This is a question that is not asked very often. Sorry, ik weet het niet. I'm sorry, I don't know. Sorry, I don't know. Seid ihr euch auch sicher, dass das hier eine Abkürzung ist? Are you sure this is a shortcut? Are you sure that's an abbreviation here? Hij is altijd dronken! He is always drunk! He's always drunk! Waar is de sleutel? Where's the key? Where's the key? Tom ziet er niet zo gezond uit. Tom doesn't look very healthy. Tom doesn't look so healthy. Wackeln Sie einmal mit den Zehen. Wiggle your toes. Wake up with the toes. De trein zal voor 12 uur aankomen op het station. The train will arrive at the station before noon. The train will arrive at the station for 12 hours. Tom moes gaan. Tom needed to go. Tom had to go. Wir alle mögen dich sehr. All of us like you very much. We all like you very much. Tom is bang dat hij dom zal overkomen. Tom is afraid that he might look stupid. Tom is afraid he'll get stupid. Die Sonne geht jeden Tag auf. The sun rises every day. The sun goes up every day. Tom is een nieuweling. Tom is a beginner. Tom is a newcomer. Wèl kin toukomst lezen? Who can read the future? Can you read the future? Können Sie Ihre Antwort erklären? Can you explain your answer? Can you explain your answer? Tom hofft, dass Maria nicht wiederkommt. Tom hopes Mary doesn't come back. Tom hopes Maria won't come back. מיר האָבן זיך געפֿילט איזאָלירט. We felt isolated. Irrigated Isolated Isolated. Heb je Russische kranten? Do you have Russian newspapers? Do you have Russian newspapers? Seine Hütte ist am Strand. His cottage is on the coast. His cottage is on the beach. Wir alle mögen dich sehr. We all like you a lot. We all like you very much. He sat bestriën üöwer de Niendüör. He sat astride over the main door. He suffocates over the nineties. In den Chroniken ist über die Flut von 1342 zu lesen, dass im Mainzer Dom einem Mann das Wasser bis zur Brust gestanden habe und dass man in Köln mit Booten über die Stadtmauern habe fahren können. The chronicles of the flood of 1342 say that the water in the Mainz Cathedral came up to a man's chest, while in Cologne, one could ride in a boat over the city walls. In the chronicles it can be read about the flood of 1342 that in the Mainzer Dom a man stood the water to the chest and that in Cologne one can ride by boat over the city walls. Maria folgt mir. Mary is following me. Mary is following me. Ik leer veel. I'm learning a lot. I'm learning a lot. Misschien slaag je. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you can succeed. Könnte jemand den Hund nach draußen lassen? Could someone let the dog out? Could anyone let the dog out? Kann ich irgendetwas tun? Can I do anything? Can I do anything? Das passt gut zu deiner Hose. It goes well with your trousers. This fits well with your pants. Goed, laten we beginnen met ons werk. Well, let's start our work. Okay, let's start with our work. Ik ben een reus! I am a giant! I'm a giant! דער סטודענט הערט זיך צו. The student is listening. The student’s order is under order. Tom verschüttete beinahe seinen Kaffee. Tom almost spilled his coffee. Tom nearly spilled his coffee. Ik mag je heel graag. I like you very much. I like you very much. Het meisje dat met Tom spreekt, is Mary. The girl talking with Tom is Mary. The girl who speaks to Tom is Mary. In Japan begint het nieuwe schooljaar in april. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Wanneer begin ik? When do I get started? When do I start? יעקבֿ איז אומצוויייִק. Jacob is nonbinary. I'm going to be jealous. Sie kann es. She can do it. She can do it. Lig is die stimulus wat veroorsaak dat blomme oopgaan. Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open. Light is the stimulus that causes flowers to open. סאַמי איז געװען גוטהאַרציק. Sami had a good heart. Zach is a gourd-hull-hull-hull-hull-hull-hull-hull-hull-hu Tom wurde von einem LKW überfahren. Tom was run down by a truck. Tom was driven by a truck. Toen ik jong was, wilde ik geen broek dragen. When I was young I wouldn't wear pants. When I was young, I didn't want to wear pants. Tom wurde Zeuge des Mords. Tom witnessed the murder. Tom became a witness to the murder. Du snackst. You speak. You're talking. So is Tom ningang. So Tom went in. So is Tom ningang. Ich habe alleine zwei Kinder großgezogen. I brought up two kids all on my own. I have raised two children alone. Der Apfel ist gelb. That apple is yellow. The apple is yellow. Ik ben een Franse prins. I am a French prince. I'm a French prince. Er ist nicht nur klug, sondern sieht auch gut aus. He's not only smart, but handsome as well. He's not only smart, but also looks good. Kijk naar me! Watch me. Look at me! Ich war erschüttert. I was shaken. I was shocked. Bedankt! Cheers! Thank you! Du hättest im Unterricht besser aufpassen sollen. You should have paid more attention in class. You should have been more careful in teaching. Wullt du en Sneed Pitaya? Would you like a slice of pitaya? Do you want a cut Petera? Welche anderen Sprachen sprichst du noch? What other languages do you speak? What other languages do you speak? Es ist schön, dass du den Preis gewonnen hast. It's great that you won the prize. It's nice that you won the prize. Zufriedenheit ist Gold. Satisfaction is worth its weight in gold. Satisfaction is gold. Wat moet je nog meer kopen? What else do you need to buy? What more do you need to buy? איך האָב פֿײַנט און האָב ליב. פֿאַרוואָס וואָלט איך דאָס געמאַכט, פֿרעגסטו אפֿשר? איך ווייס נישט, אָבער שפּירט אַז ס'פּאַסירט און איך ווער געפּײַניקט. I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured. I have peace and have love. For therefore would I make this power, perhaps? I knew not, but wrote that it is'pased and I was meant to do so. Is do etwas in de Schachtel? Is there anything in the box? Is there something in the box? Waarom heeft hij zoveel vijanden? Why does he have so many enemies? Why does he have so many enemies? Du hast mir nie vertraut. You never trusted me. You never trusted me. Snackst du Bulgorsch? Do you speak Bulgarian? Do you speak Bulgarian? Allens flütt, nix steiht still. Everything flows, nothing stands still. All flow, nothing stands still. Tom fragte Maria, ob sie ihn gutaussehend finde. Tom asked Mary if she thought he was handsome. Tom asked Maria if she was looking for him. Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Hij die alleen voor zichzelf leeft, is dood voor anderen. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. He who lives only for himself is dead for others. Ons het besluit om hulle nie te ontslaan. We've decided not to fire them. We decided not to dismiss them. Dat hebben we vorig jaar ook al gedaan. We did the same thing last year. We did that last year. Das erstemal habe ich diesen Film vor Jahren in einem Autokino gesehen. The first time I saw this movie was years ago at a drive-in movie theater. For the first time, I saw this film in an autokino years ago. Je bent me een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You're giving me a kiss. Bill hat nicht weniger als sechs Dollar. Bill has not less than six dollars. Bill has no less than $6. Hij is daarvoor verantwoordelijk. He is responsible for it. He's responsible for it. Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Laten we hier wachten totdat hij terugkomt. Let's wait here till he comes back. Let's wait here until he comes back. Der Alkohol hat seine Leber kaputtgemacht. Alcohol destroyed his liver. Alcohol has broken its liver. Laat me alstublieft het litteken zien. Please show me the scar. Please show me the sign. Dit is communisme. This is communism. This is communism. Mary hat ein paar Monate lang in einem Konvent gelebt. Mary lived in a convent for a few months. Mary lived in a convent for a few months. Hangzhou ist eine schöne Stadt. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Tom hat mehr Geheimnisse, als ich dachte. Tom has more secrets than I thought. Tom has more secrets than I thought. Sie trägt einen Pulli aus Wolle. She wears a woolen sweater. She wears a pull from wool. Kinner bruukt Leevd. Children need loving. Children need live. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke allein sei. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was alone. Tom and Mary told John that they did not believe that everyone was alone. Ik wil dit woordenboek. I want this dictionary. I want this dictionary. Skura kaufte eine Waffe. Skura purchased a weapon. Scura bought a gun. Jij bent de vrouw van mijn dromen. You are the woman of my dreams. You're the wife of my dreams. מזל־⁠טובֿ! Mazal tov! Best of luck! De bushalte is aan de overkant van de straat. The bus stop is across the street. The bus stop is on the other side of the street. מערי האָט אַ שיין פּנים. Mary has a beautiful face. The mountain is a mountain of water. Ik bün froh, dat Tom us helpen will. I'm glad Tom is going to help us. I'm glad Tom wants to help us. Et ass véier Auer. It's four o'clock. An ass is a source of energy. Heb je moeite met traplopen? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Are you struggling with stairs? Er ist mir den ganzen Morgen auf den Wecker gegangen. He drove me up the wall all morning. He's gone to the alarm all morning. Die Kinder fahren Karussell. The children are riding the merry-go-round. The kids drive Karussell. Sie hat kurze Haare. She has short hair. She has short hair. Sie brachten ihn dazu, den Vertrag gegen seinen Willen zu unterschreiben. They made him sign the contract against his will. They made him sign the contract against his will. Ich hon finnef Abakatte gess. I ate five avocados. I'm fine with Abakette. Hungry have mi! I am hungry! Hungry has me! Ich habe ein paar Freunde in Amerika. I have a few friends in the United States. I have a few friends in America. Oude mannen zijn vergeetachtig. Old men are apt to forget. Old men are forgetful. Het is bedtijd. It's time for bed. It's bedtime. Sie haben das Licht brennen lassen. You left the light on. They have let the light burn. Beide Antworten sind korrekt. Both answers are correct. Both answers are correct. Sie ritt auf einem Kamel. She rode a camel. She rides on a camel. Doe luusterdest. You listened. Listen to the loudest. Ich weiß nicht, wo ihr arbeitet. I don't know where you work. I don't know where you're working. Man wird dich zur Verantwortung ziehen. You'll be held accountable. You will be held accountable. Ihr habt eure Regenschirme verloren. You've lost your umbrellas. You have lost your umbrellas. Tom, hör auf, deinen Bruder zu ärgern! Oder gefiele es dir, wenn er das mit dir täte? Tom, stop teasing your brother! You wouldn't like it if he did that to you, would you? Tom, stop angering your brother! Or do you feel like he's doing this to you? Das ist ein bekanntes Lied. That's a well-known song. This is a well-known song. Ik kan het niet langer volhouden. I can't bear it any longer. I can't keep it any longer. Hai lait zien potlood valen. He dropped his pencil. Hai light see pencil fall. Ben je ooit behandeld voor tuberculose? Have you ever been treated for tuberculosis? Have you ever been treated for tuberculosis? Laten we een pizza bestellen. Let's order a pizza. Let's order a pizza. Seine gesamte Familie war bei ihm, als er starb. All his family was around him when he died. His whole family was with him when he died. Das ist eine Grauzone. It's a legal grey area. This is a grey zone. Der Ruhm Ciceronis begann zu wachsen. Cicero's glory began to grow. The fame of Ciceronis began to grow. Mag ik je om een gunst vragen? May I request a favour of you? Can I ask you for a favor? Ik heb net een slang aangeraakt. I just touched a snake. I just touched a snake. He hett mi en korten Breev tostüürt. He sent me a brief letter. He sent me a short letter. Tom ist mein Phantasiefreund. Tom is my imaginary friend. Tom is my imagination friend. Ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lachen. I could not stop laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. ס׳איז גאָר אָסור. It's absolutely haram. Sean Garry is not allowed. Het is bewolkt. It's cloudy. It's clouded. Er studierte noch fleißiger, da er von seinem Lehrer gelobt worden war. He studied the harder because he was praised by his teacher. He studied more diligently as he was praised by his teacher. Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. No one wanted to remember my country. Er hat oft gesündigt, aber dennoch werde ich ihm vergeben. He has sinned a lot, and yet I shall forgive him. He has often sinned, but yet I will forgive him. Hē hæfþ grēne ēagan. He has green eyes. Hē has green ēagan. Gott liebd Sami. God loves Sami. God loves Sami. Se hett ehr Geheemnissen mit in ’t Graff nahmen. She took her secrets to the grave. She took her secrets with her in the grave. Hoe voel jy oor hom? How do you feel about him? How do you feel about him? Ik heb Tom zijn huiswerk ge-e-maild. I emailed Tom his homework. I emailed Tom his homework. Da es regnete, beschlossen wir, drinnen zu verweilen. Since it was raining, we decided to stay inside. Because it rained, we decided to stay inside. Tom denkt dat Maria naar Australië is gegaan. Tom thinks that Mary went to Australia. Tom thinks Maria has gone to Australia. Begin. Start. Start. Ich dachte nicht, dass du noch kommen würdest. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you'd come. Sami belde zijn moeder. Sami called his mom. Sami called his mother. Tom sollte sein Zimmer aufräumen. I wanted Tom to clean his bedroom. Tom should clean up his room. Ich hätte ein Kondom benutzen sollen. I should have used a condom. I should have used a condom. Weck en. Wake him up. Wake up. Ich bin hinter dem Baum. I'm behind the tree. I'm behind the tree. זי רעדט שפּאַניש. She speaks Spanish. Tagged as snagsnagsnagsnagsnagsnagsnagsnag En Boor geiht bi en Doden nich bi. A bear will not touch a dead body. A drill does not join in a death. נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס. Don't mention it. Take care of Philip. Di Locht es bitain. The sky is cloudy. The hole is still alive. Jy het reeds vergeet. You've already forgotten. You have already forgotten. Ria hett teemlich lange Hoor. Mary has very long hair. Ria has quite a long hearing. Hij heeft mijn voorruit ingegooid. He broke my windscreen. He threw my windscreen. Ik heb al een plan. I already have a plan. I already have a plan. Maria brauchte Geld. Mary needed money. Mary needed money. Darf ich dir einen Rat geben? Geh ihr nach! Can I give you a piece of advice? Go after her. Can I give you a advice? עטלעכע טראַדיציעס זענען נאַריש. Some traditions are dumb. I'm sorry to have a narcissism. De berg is tweeduizend meter boven het zeeniveau. The mountain is 2000 meters above sea level. The mountain is two thousand meters above sea level. Het vlees is rauw. The meat is raw. The flesh is raw. Hy kon nie kom nie, omdat hy siek was. He couldn't come because he was sick. He couldn’t come because he was sick. Ik wilde je niet van streek maken. I don't want to upset you. I didn't want to make you a region. Ik weet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was. I know Tom used to be a dentist. I know Tom was a dentist. Wenn man nichts zu sagen hat, darf man ruhig schweigen. There's nothing wrong with staying silent when you don't have anything to say. If you have nothing to say, you can calm down. זיי זענען נישט מײַן משפּחה. They're not my family. Zoe is hurt by a family member. Se hett nie mit em danst. She has never danced with him. She never danced with him. Tom zog einen fremden Mantel an. Tom put on somebody else's coat. Tom wore a foreign coat. Er rennt. He is running. He's running. Hij doet net of hij hier niet bekend is. He pretends that he's a stranger here. He's doing the same thing if he's not known here. Se hett mi angluupt. She gave me the fish eye. She engrossed me. Dit is geen zilver. This isn't silver. This is not silver. Es ist nicht ohne Risiko, in diesem See zu baden. It is not without risk to swim in this lake. It is not at risk to bathe in this lake. Friedrich der Große hat die Kartoffel in Preußen eingeführt. Frederick the Great introduced the potato to Prussia. Friedrich the Great introduced the potato into Prussia. Er ist ein begeisterter Theaterliebhaber. He is a passionate theatregoer. He is an enthusiastic theatre lover. Tom reparierte den tropfenden Wasserhahn. Tom fixed the dripping tap. Tom repaired the trooping water shark. Da liegt eine Socke auf dem Fußboden. There's a sock on the floor. There's a socket on the floor. Sally gab mir eine gute Information. Sally gave me a good piece of information. Sally gave me good information. Tom hat vom Programmieren keine Ahnung. Tom doesn't know the first thing about programming. Tom has no idea of programming. אלכּסנדר מוקדון איז געשטאָרבן אין בבֿל. Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Immediately, Immediately, I don’t know. Das Mädchen sagte, von so einer Person habe sie noch nie gehört. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. The girl said she had never heard of such a person. Dann bestrafte die Lehrerin ihn. Then the teacher punished him. Then the teacher punished him. Die Leiter wird an die Wand gestellt. The ladder is stood against the wall. The conductor is placed on the wall. As de Lööw de Köning von de Deerten is, so is de Aadler de Köning von de Vagels. As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds. As the lion is the king of the animals, so is the eagle the king of the birds. Maria leerde. Mary learned. Maria learned. k Kin nait oetleggen. I can't explain. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K כ׳בין פֿעט און קוויר. I'm fat and queer. As well as a barber. Deze machine is geproduceerd in Frankrijk. This machine was manufactured in France. This machine was produced in France. Ich frage mich, ob ich noch rennen kann, wenn ich verletzt bin. I wonder if I can still run when I am hurt. I wonder if I can still run if I'm injured. Kom nooit meer aan dat flesje! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Never come to that bottle again! Ich glaube Naomi nicht. Ich glaube, sie lügt. I don't believe Naomi. I think she's lying. I don't think Naomi, I think she's lying. Ihr miassts ihr höfn, und zwoa gschwind! You must help her, and soon! You mingled with it, and it swung away with it. We werden niet toegelaten tot het gebouw. We weren't allowed into the building. We were not allowed to the building. Wortel of banaan? Carrot or banana? Roots or bananas? Im Allgemeinen sind Männer größer als Frauen. In general, men are taller than women. In general, men are larger than women. Wie viele Jahren waren Tom und Maria in Boston? How many years were Tom and Mary in Boston? How many years were Tom and Maria in Boston? Zijn dit jouw potloden? Are these pencils yours? Are these your pencils? Säure greift Metall an. Acid attacks metal. Acid attacks metal. Ik heb niets verstaan! I have not understood anything. I didn't understand anything! Wo hat man dir das beigebracht? Where did they teach you that? Where have you been taught this? Tom war hartnäckig. Tom was obstinate. Tom was heartbroken. Kom je morgen bij mij thuis? Will you come to my place tomorrow? You come home to me tomorrow? Die Tasse war leer. The cup was empty. The cup was leather. Ich wollte schon immer einmal eine Tasche dieser Marke kaufen. I have always wanted to buy this brand of bag. I always wanted to buy a bag of this brand. Es war einmal ein großer König, der lebte in Griechenland. Once upon a time, there lived a great king in Greece. It was once a great king who lived in Greece. Zij woont in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. She lives in the United Kingdom. She lives in the UK. He hett minner Brood. He has less bread. He has less bread. Ich bin Purist. I'm a purist. I'm Purist. Vielen der besorgniserregendsten Varianten sind dieselben Mutationen zu eigen. Many of the most concerning variants share the same mutations. Many of the most stressful variants are the same mutations. Warum hat mich keiner lieb? Why does nobody love me? Why don't anyone love me? Halte mir diesen Hund fern! Don't let that dog come near me! Keep this dog away from me! Tom liep naar Maria toe en schudde haar hand. Tom walked up to Mary and shook her hand. Tom walked to Mary and shook her hand. דאָס פֿלעשל איז נישט פֿול. The bottle isn't full. Sean Eisl wanted to get out of bed. Nehmt die Straße links. Take the road on the left. Take the road to the left. Der Platz reicht für alle. There's enough room for everyone. The place is enough for everyone. Maria sagte, sie sei pleite. Mary said that she was broke. Maria said she was pleading. דער װינט גײט קײן דָרום, און פֿאַרדרײט זיך קײן צפֿון, רונד אַרום, רונד אַרום גײט ער, און צו זײַנע געדרײען קערט זיך אום דער װינט. The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north. It turns around continually as it goes, and the wind returns again to its courses. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Sandy learnt the bairns tae spik English. Sandy taught the children to speak English. Sandy taught the children to speak English. Das is Tom sein Auto, gäll? That's Tom's car, isn't it? That's Tom's car, Gäll? דאָס איז געווען אַ ליד. That was a song. Iris is on the right side. זאך איך ווארטן? Should I wait? How are you, Warren? איך בין נישט טויט. I am not dead. How to get in between an eyebrow. Hij is agressief. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Die Zukunft der Menschheit liegt in deinen Händen. The future of mankind rests in your hands. The future of mankind lies in your hands. Je bent geen monster. You aren't a monster. You're not a monster. Ek wil nie hê jy moet dit doen nie. I don't want to do that. I don’t want you to do that. Ben ik erin geslaagd? Did I succeed? Did I succeed? Wussten Sie, dass Tom mit drei Jahren entführt wurde? Did you know that Tom was kidnapped when he was three? Did you know that Tom was abducted at the age of three? Er hat sich nicht die geringste Mühe gegeben. He didn't even try. He has not given himself the least effort. Wir müssen das reparieren. We need to repair that. We need to repair that. Sie sagte zwar, sie wolle nicht Mutter werden; ich aber will das schon: ich will viele Kinder haben. She said she doesn't want to be a mother, but I do; I want a lot of children. She said she doesn't want to be a mother, but I want that: I want a lot of children. Ik heb Tom drie jaar geleden voor het eerst ontmoet. I first met Tom three years ago. I met Tom three years ago for the first time. Hebt u onlangs onverklaarbare pijn of stijfheid in uw nek gevoeld? Have you recently felt any unexplained pain or stiffness in your neck? Have you recently felt inexplicable pain or rigidity in your neck? Dalende rentevoeten hebben de automarkt gestimuleerd. Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market. Low interest rates have stimulated the car market. פאַרלאָז זיך נישט אויפן וואָרט פֿון ווײַבער־שׂונאים. Don't trust misogynists. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Ik kom van Spanje. I come from Spain. I'm from Spain. Vielleicht weiß sie die Antwort. Maybe she knows the answer. Maybe she knows the answer. Sie ging mir echt auf die Nerven. She really got on my nerves. She really went to my nerves. Wann sind Sie mit ihrer Arbeit fertig? When will you finish your work? When are you done with your work? Na regen komt zonneschijn. After rain comes fair weather. After rain, the sun shines. Ich habe einen Apfelbaum in meinen Garten gepflanzt. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. Ich werde das vermissen. I'll miss that. I'll miss that. ער וועט אים דערהרגענען. He'll kill him. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Heb je prostaatproblemen gehad? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Did you have prostate problems? Tom hätte Mary keinen Diamantring geben sollen. Tom shouldn't have given Mary a diamond ring. Tom wouldn't have given Mary a diamond ring. Was versteht man in Algerien unter Korruption? What is understood as corruption in Algeria? What do you understand about corruption in Algeria? Ons sal jou roep wanneer jou tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We will call you when your table is ready. Tom hackt oft auf Maria herum. Tom often picks on Mary. Tom often hooks Mary around. Hoeveel hebt ge nodig? How many do you need? How much do you need? Tom hat Hockey gespielt. Tom played hockey. Tom has played hockey. Tom werd heel boos. Tom got very upset. Tom became very angry. Wat deist du opleevst in dien fre’e Tied? What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? What are you doing in your early days? Wat leuk! How lovely! What fun! Als je dat doet, zul je er de rest van je leven spijt van hebben. If you do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. If you do, you will regret the rest of your life. Sie sind in der Bücherei. You're in the library. They are in the library. Wil iemand me even helpen? Can someone help me? Do you want someone to help me? Speel niet met de bal in deze kamer. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play with the ball in this room. Hij had een paar potloden moeten kopen. He should have bought some pencils. He should have bought a few pencils. Bist du sicher, dass der Mann Arzt ist? Are you sure that man is a doctor? Are you sure the man is a doctor? Ik moet uw borst scheren voor het electrocardiogram. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. Tom ist reicher als jeder andere in der Stadt. Tom is richer than anybody else in town. Tom is richer than anyone else in the city. Hij was voorbestemd voor grootsheid. He was destined for greatness. He was predestined for greatness. Heb je ooit Hokkaido bezocht? Have you been to Hokkaido? Have you ever visited Hokkaido? Seine Freundin mit einem anderen Mann zu sehen war Folter für ihn. It was torture for him to see his girlfriend with another man. Seeing his friend with another man was torture for him. Ik vertaalde. I translated. I translated. Ik ben gezakt voor het examen. I failed the exam. I'm finished for the exam. Heeft u last van hoofdpijn? Have you been having a headache? Do you have headaches? Es gab dieses Jahr eine Menge Regen. There's been a lot of rain this year. There was a lot of rain this year. Hast du dich je mitten in der Nacht geduscht? Have you ever taken a shower in the middle of the night? Have you ever been in the middle of the night? Ik verwijt u dat niet. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Unternehmen Sie nichts, um Tom davon abzuhalten! Don't do anything to prevent Tom from doing that. Don't do anything to keep Tom from it! Ik zou deze gelegenheid willen aangrijpen om je te bedanken. I'd like to use this opportunity to thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Cambodja wordt ''Kampuchea'' genoemd in het Khmer. Cambodia is called "Kampuchea" in Khmer. Cambodia is called "Kampuchea" in the Khmer. Gib es mir nicht. Don't give me that. I'm not. Sie ist ein Geizkragen. She is a miser. She's a gecko. Ich vermisse Tom, und ich glaube, er vermisst mich auch. I miss Tom, and I think he misses me, too. I miss Tom, and I think he misses me too. Wenn man in diesem Land eine Tochter hat, hofft man, dass sie einen Ausländer kennenlernt und ins Ausland geht. If you have a daughter in this country, you hope she'll meet a foreigner and go abroad. If you have a daughter in this country, you hope to get to know a foreigner and go abroad. Tom war nicht derjenige, der Maria nach Hause gefahren hat. Tom wasn't the one who drove Mary home. Tom was not the one who drove Mary home. Ein Junge bat Maria um einen Tanz. A boy asked Mary to dance. A boy asked Maria for a dance. כ׳בין אַ וואָלף. I'm a wolf. as well as whaling. Ze kwam als laatste. She came last. She came last. In 30 Tagen kann viel passieren. A lot can happen in thirty days. A lot can happen in 30 days. Leer Italiaans. Learn Italian. Learn Italian. Schach ist ein Lehr- und Lerninstrument, das älter ist als Tafeln, gedruckte Bücher, Kompass und Fernrohr. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument that is older than tables, printed books, compass and remote pipe. Zijn jullie in het bezit van een theorie? Do you have a theory? Are you in possession of a theory? Wir sehen mit unseren Augen. We see with our eyes. We see with our eyes. Sy het pragtig gelyk. She looked ravishing. She looked beautiful. Ik veranderde. I changed. I changed. Ze zijn er al. They're already here. They're already there. Was Tom gehospitaliseer? Was Tom hospitalized? Was Tom hospitalized? Dieses Ventil muss ausgetauscht werden. This valve needs to be replaced. This valve must be replaced. Herr Smith schull man de Wohrheid seggt hebben. Mr. Smith should have told the truth. Mr Smith should have said the truth. De man van mijn zus is mijn zwager. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. Sie sah aus, als hätte sie einen Geist gesehen. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. She looked like she had seen a spirit. Tom sieht aus, als würde er gleich losweinen. Tom looks like he's about to cry. Tom looks like he's just crying out. Ich werde schauen, dass so etwas nicht wieder vorkommt. I will see that such a thing does not come to pass again. I'll see that such a thing doesn't happen again. Ik ben geen leerlinge. I'm not a pupil. I'm not a student. Wir versuchten beide einen Kopfstand. We both tried standing on our heads. We both tried a headstand. De oorlog begon drie jaar later. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Tom ließ Maria ein Geschenk da. Tom left a gift for Mary. Tom left Mary with a gift. Vergeet het kaartje niet. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the card. צי איז עס מײַנס אָדער דײַנס? Is it mine or yours? Do you think the Navy is going to kill Daniel? Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Tom legde de map op de tafel. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the folder on the table. Toms Lieblingsdinosaurier ist der Stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaurs is Stegosaurus. Is dat een draak? Is that a dragon? Is that a dragon? Ich träumte, ich wäre von Außerirdischen entführt worden. I dreamed I had been abducted by aliens. I dreamed I would have been kidnapped by aliens. Es wurden 15 Tonnen Öl ins Meer gespült. Fifteen tons of oil were spilled into the sea. 15 tons of oil was washed into the sea. Heb je last van keelpijn? Do you have a sore throat? Are you suffering from throat pain? He hett de gröttsten Ogenbraan, de ik je sehn heff. He's got the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. He has the largest eyebrow I have ever seen. Er hob einen Stein auf. He picked up a stone. He raised a stone. Ben je de wedstrijd aan het kijken? Are you watching the game? Are you watching the game? Deze jurk laat weinig aan de verbeelding over. This dress leaves little to the imagination. This dress leaves little to the imagination. k Verlait mien man. I left my husband. k Leave my husband. Waarom heb je zo'n haast? What's your rush? Why do you have such a hurry? Op mij hoef je niet te rekenen. You needn't count on me. You don't have to count on me. Ich sitze bei Konzerten nicht gerne neben Tom. I don't like sitting next to Tom at concerts. I don't like to sit at concerts next to Tom. Sami heeft een keukenmes. Sami has a kitchen knife. Sami has a kitchen knife. Tom setzte sich unter einen Baum. Tom sat down underneath a tree. Tom sat under a tree. Kate kan jaloers worden. Kate may become jealous. Kate can become jealous. Vor dem Einkaufen schreibe ich mir immer auf eine Liste, was ich brauche. I always list what I need before I go shopping. Before shopping, I always write on a list of what I need. Mach das Radio aus. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio. Tom sagte, er würde sich gern mit dir anfreunden. Tom said he wants to be your friend. Tom said he would like to be with you. Mach deine Augen auf. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Mien Naam is Jisung. My name is Jisung. My name is Jisung. Hy reik uit na a Engelse-Japanese woordeboek op die lessenaar. He reached for an English-Japanese dictionary on the desk. He extends to an English-Japanese dictionary on the desk. Wir blieben im Wagen. We stayed in our car. We stayed in the car. Kiek oet! Look out! Look out! Ihr Vater liebt Sie sehr. Your father loves you so much. Your father loves you very much. Hest du weten, dat Keerls, de jümmer de Antibaby-Pill nehmt, nich swanger warrt? Did you know that men who regularly take birth control pills don't get pregnant? Did you know that Keerls, who always take the anti-baby pill, won't get pregnant? Ik wilde niet in Boston wonen. I didn't want to live in Boston. I didn't want to live in Boston. Ik heb helemaal geen honger. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. פֿאַרוואָס קומסטו? Why are you coming? Peter is just like that? Wir haben mit links gewonnen, weil die anderen Spieler schwach waren. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We won with the left because the other players were weak. סטעלע איז אַן אונגאַרישע ייִדישע פֿרוי. Stella is a Hungarian Jew. I'm afraid I'll tell you, Mr. Francis. Wie kann man mit Tom am besten in Verbindung treten? What's the best way to contact Tom? How can you best get in touch with Tom? Dit is en Peerd. This is a horse. This is a horse. Aan wie hebt u het gegeven? To whom did you give it? To whom did you give it? Unsere rechte Flanke wird angegriffen. Our right flank is under attack. Our right flank is attacked. Toms Familie hatte nicht viel Geld. Tom's family didn't have much money. Tom's family didn't have a lot of money. Hebt u moeite met traplopen? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Do you have trouble walking? Er hat gesagt, er würde lieber nach Hause gehen. He said he would rather go home. He said he would rather go home. Warum wollt ihr in Australien arbeiten? Why do you want to work in Australia? Why do you want to work in Australia? Ik ga niet. I won't go. I'm not going. Ich denke, meine Idee ist besser. I think my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Wat is een pandemie? What is a pandemic? What is a pandemic? Ihr irrt euch. You are wrong. You're wrong. Der Mut ist wie ein Regenschirm: Wenn man ihn am dringensten braucht, fehlt er einem. Courage is like an umbrella: When you need it most you don't have it. The courage is like a umbrella: if you need it most, you lack one. למך איינער! You good-for-nothing! It's because of you! Du hest dat Book al leest? You've already read the book? Have you already read the book? Heb je haar ooit horen zingen op het podium? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Tom sal nee sê. Tom will say no. Tom would say no. Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is gray. This flower is gray. טאָם איז זייער מענטשלעך. Tom is really kind. Iris is a fool to you. Komaan! Je moet op z'n minst de nacht doorbrengen. We hebben je al zo lang niet meer gezien. Oh, come on! You gotta at least spend the night. We haven't seen you for so long. Come on! You have to spend at least the night, and we haven't seen you for so long. Het onweer blijft maar aanhouden. The thunderstorm shows no signs of stopping. I don't think it's going to go on again. Tom schickte Maria nach Boston. Tom sent Mary to Boston. Tom sent Maria to Boston. Wat is jouw baan? What's your job? What's your job? Ein Lastwagen hat im Vorbeifahren eine Verkehrsampel umgerissen. As it passed a truck tore down the traffic light. In the past, a truck had destroyed a traffic temple. Hoeveel mensen heb je uitgenodigd op je bruiloft? How many people did you invite to your wedding? How many people have you invited to your wedding? Ik ben gek op ijs met muntsmaak. I love ice cream with a taste of mint. I love ice cream. Versteht ihr mich? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Hien liest. He's reading. Please read. Lasst uns das doch morgen noch mal versuchen! Why don't we try doing this again tomorrow? Let's try this again tomorrow! Ist dein Mikro stummgeschaltet? Is your mic muted? Is your micro mute? Die zwei Damen lächelten einander an. The two ladies smiled at each other. The two ladies smiled at each other. Folgen Sie dem roten Wagen da! Follow that red car. Follow the red car! טאָם איז אַ װײַבערניק. Tom's a philanderer. Irrigated by Irwin. Ich habe die Vordertür abgeschlossen. I locked the front door. I completed the front door. Der Weg zwischen unseren Häusern ist lang. It's a long way between our houses. The road between our homes is long. Sag Bescheid, wenn du drauf gekommen bist! Let me know if you figure it out. Tell me when you got up! איך בין אַ קאַץ. I am a cat. How about a cat. Sie ist ihre Freundin. She is her friend. She's her girlfriend. Jezus liep op water. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on water. דאָס דרוקרעכט איז גניבֿה. Copyright is theft. Dude is a thief. Heeft iemand in uw naaste familie kanker? Does anyone in your close family have cancer? Does anyone have cancer in your nearest family? Tom ist es gewohnt, kalten Reis zu essen. Tom is accustomed to eating cold rice. Tom is used to eating cold rice. Ich habe euren Verrat nicht vergessen. I have not forgotten your treachery. I haven't forgotten your betrayal. Ek sal graag hierdie pakkie na Kanada toe wil pos. I'd like to mail this package to Canada. I would like to post this package to Canada. Mit einem Roman, der zum Verkaufsschlager wurde, verdiente er ein Vermögen. He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel. With a novel that became a salesman, he earned a fortune. Hoor ik te stoppen? Am I supposed to stop? Do I hear stop? Vandaag vieren mijn vrouw en ik ons twintigste huwelijksjubileum. Today my wife and I are celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary. Today my wife and I celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Woneem is Joe hengahn? Where did Joe go? Where did Joe go? Tom sagte, er sei in Boston aufgewachsen. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Tom said he was raised in Boston. Tom war schon tot, als er sich erhängte. Tom was already dead when he hanged himself. Tom was dead when he hanged. Bring ehr weg. Get her out of here. Bring her away. Lass Tom nicht weg, ehe ich da bin! Don't let Tom leave before I get there. Don't let Tom go before I'm there! Die Nachbarn sollen nichts davon wissen. I don't want the neighbours to know about it. Neighbors should know nothing about it. Ik wist dat je Australië leuk zou vinden. I knew that you'd like Australia. I knew you would like Australia. Hoeveel zijden heeft een vierkant? How many sides does a square have? How many sides have a square? Ik kan u niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't get you fired. Ik heb de handschoenen gevonden die onder de stoel lagen. I found the gloves that were under the chair. I found the gloves that were under the chair. Zijn beslissing redde zijn leven. His decision saved his life. His decision saved his life. Italiaans is een muzikale taal. Italian is a musical language. Italian is a musical language. Wi grillt jüst. We're having a barbecue. We're just grilling. Wie war dein Aufenthalt? How was your stay? Who was your stay? Hoe zou u aardappelen willen? How would you like potatoes? How would you like potatoes? Maria hat zwei schöne rote Wangen. Mary has two beautiful red cheeks. Maria has two beautiful red cheeks. Sie brauchen diese Frage nicht zu beantworten. You don't need to answer that question. You do not need to answer this question. Geef mij dat maar. I'll take that. Give me that. Bevor ich hätte Widerrede leisten können, war ich bereits in Handschellen und auf dem Weg ins Gefängnis. Before I could protest, I was handcuffed and was on my way to prison. Before I could have resisted, I was already in handcuffs and on the way to prison. ס'איז דרעק. It's a piece of shit. Iris was crying. Ik ben ingenieur. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. Ik krieg kuum en Snööv. I rarely catch a cold. I'm going to get a sneeze. Wat heb je gedaan? What did you do? What did you do? Tom wird bis Mittag zu Hause sein. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home until noon. Tom viel in slaap in het park. Tom fell asleep in the park. Tom fell asleep in the park. Das Geschäft schließt um elf Uhr. The store closes at eleven. The business closes at 11 o'clock. Kan ik u met iets helpen? Can I help you with something? Can I help you with something? Tom hat in seinem Garten eine Katze gesehen. Tom saw a cat in his garden. Tom has seen a cat in his garden. Je hebt een grappige lach. You have a funny laugh. You have a funny laugh. Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute, und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Our daily bread gives us today, and forgive us our debts, as well as our debtors. Layla houdt van Disneyprinsessen. Layla loves Disney princesses. Layla loves Disney Princesses. Langsam wird Tom besser. Tom is getting better. Tom is getting better. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich sofort heimgehen. If I were you, I'd go home right away. If I were you, I would go home immediately. Tom besucht seinen Großvater. Tom is visiting his grandfather. Tom visits his grandfather. Gewoonlijk gaat ze om negen uur slapen. She usually goes to bed at nine. She usually goes to sleep at nine o'clock. Ich glaube, es ist Zeit, dass wir gehen. I think it's time for us to leave. I think it's time we go. Tom ist auch in diesem Bus. Tom is on this bus, too. Tom is also on this bus. Wag 'n oomblik. Wait a moment. Wait a moment. Ek is lief vir my ma. I love my mum. I love my mom. Du steckst bis über beide Ohren drin! You're in over your head. You're stuck over both ears! Ich möchte deiner Gruppe beitreten. I want to join your group. I want to join your group. דו מעגסט האָבן אַ ביסל סאַלאַמי. You can have some salami. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Tom geht nicht. Tom won't leave. Tom's not going. זיי האָבן אַ ברוינע קאַץ. They have a brown cat. Sean is in a barn. Ich werde deine Freundlichkeit so lange ich lebe nicht vergessen. I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live. I will not forget your kindness as long as I live. Entweder hat er sich bemüht ein russischer Agent zu werden oder er war tatsächlich ein russischer Agent. He was either aspiring to become a Russian agent or was in fact a Russian agent. Either he tried to become a Russian agent or he was actually a Russian agent. Er warf einen Stein in den Teich. He threw a rock into the pond. He threw a stone into the pond. Ich stehe gerade auf dem Flughafen. Right now I'm at the airport. I'm at the airport right now. Ik heb het deze week erg druk gehad. I was very busy this week. I was very busy this week. Maria heeft de kleren van haar vriendje in het vuur gegooid. Mary threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Mary threw the clothes of her boyfriend into the fire. Hi heer di Nöös fuarüt. He is ahead. Lord, I'm sorry. We hebben hem laten huilen. We made him cry. We let him cry. Dat is allemaal onzin. That's a lot of nonsense. That's all nonsense. Kom naar voren. Come forward. Come forward. Se is mit em gahn. She went with him. She's gone with me. Er liebt es, über Politik zu sprechen. He loves talking about politics. He loves to talk about politics. Im Jahr 2020 rissen Demonstranten die Statue von Edward Colston nieder und stießen sie in den Hafen von Bristol. In 2020, protesters tore down the statue of Edward Colston and pushed it into Bristol Harbour. In 2020, protesters pulled down Edward Colston's statue and stormed them into the port of Bristol. Wist u niet dat ik vroeger in Australië woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Did you not know that I used to live in Australia? Ik eet vlees. I eat meat. I eat meat. Jullie moeten allemaal morgen hier aanwezig zijn. You all need to be here tomorrow. You all have to be here tomorrow. Tom schien ziemlich unorganisiert zu sein. Tom seemed quite disorganized. Tom seemed to be quite unorganized. Ik bel je op wanneer ik bij het station aankom. I'll call you when I get to the station. I'll call you when I get to the station. Zij gingen samen. They went together. They went together. Ich habe sie gefragt, aber sie hat nicht geantwortet. I asked her but she didn't respond. I asked her, but she didn't answer. טאָם איז אַ פּאַגאַנער. Tom's a pagan. I'm sorry Tom is sorry. Heute wissen wir, dass George Orwell ein Optimist war. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Dit is Toms flat. This is Tom's flat. This is Toms flat. דו ווילסט נישט גיין אין טארמע, יא? You don't want to go to prison, do you? Don’t you have a guy who doesn’t have a dog, right? Kun je deze sterren in Australië zien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can you see these stars in Australia? Es gibt keine Daseinsberechtigung. There is no right to exist. There is no right to exist. דאָס איז אַ קוישבאָל. That's a basketball. Dude, I'm sorry to sit down. Hatten Sie je eine Netzhautablösung? Have you ever had a detached retina? Did you ever have a network skin removal? Ik heb het woord een aantal keer voor haar herhaald. I repeated the word several times for her. I repeated the word several times for her. Leben heißt ein Kämpfer sein. To live is to be a soldier. Life means being a fighter. Leider habe ich schon etwas anderes vor. I'm sorry, but I already have other plans. I'm sorry I've got something else. Een gitaar heeft gewoonlijk zes snaren terwijl een basgitaar gewoonlijk vier snaren heeft. A guitar normally has six strings, while a bass guitar normally has four strings. A guitar usually has six strings while a bass guitar usually has four strings. Ik mutt en Fehler maakt hebben. I must have made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Er ist dem Baseballklub beigetreten. He joined the baseball club. He joined the baseball club. Tom beschloss, sich anstelle eines neuen Wagens einen Gebrauchtwagen zuzulegen. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Tom decided to put on a used car instead of a new car. Das ist jetzt alles anders als in meiner Jugend. All these things are different today than from how they were before, when I was younger. It's all different now than it was in my youth. Het coronavirus kent geen grenzen. The coronavirus knows no borders. The coronavirus has no limits. Maria trägt keinen Schmuck. Mary doesn't wear jewelry. Maria doesn't wear jewelry. Dieses Fahrrad war sehr teuer. This bicycle was very expensive. This bike was very expensive. De twee broers waren partners. The two brothers were partners. The two brothers were partners. Fußgänger dürfen an den Feiertagen nicht durch die Innenstadt gehen. Pedestrians may not walk through the city center during the holidays. pedestrians are not allowed to go through the city centre during the holidays. Mi gefallt de Klöör Geel. I like the colour yellow. The color is yellow. Wo sind die Krokodile? Where are the crocodiles? Where are the crocodiles? Hebt u last van seizoensgebonden allergieën? Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you have seasonal allergies? Eichhörnchen fressen gerne Nüsse. Squirrels like to eat nuts. Eggs like to eat nuts. Was ist denn das für ein Mädchen, das da neben Tom sitzt? Who's the girl sitting next to Tom? What is that for a girl sitting next to Tom? Ze staat naast het gele huis. She's standing next to the yellow house. She's next to the yellow house. De grootte maakt uit. Size does matter. The size is great. Schau dir die Frau an! Take a look at that woman! Look at the woman! Versuch dir einen Satz mit fünfzehn Silben auszudenken. Try to come up with a sentence that has fifteen syllables. Try to imagine a set with fifteen syllables. Vergessen Sie bitte, dass ich etwas gesagt habe! Please forget I said anything. Please forget that I said something! Schiet op, dan zal je op tijd zijn. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Come on, you'll be in time. Ik ben oud. I'm old. I'm old. Fisch und Fleisch sind beide nahrhaft, aber Letzteres ist teurer als Ersteres. Fish and meat are both nourishing, but the latter is more expensive than the former. Fish and meat are both nourishing, but the latter is more expensive than the first. Die Kerze brannte die ganze Nacht. The candle burned the whole night. The candle burned all night. Ich heiße Luis. My name is Luis. I'm called Luis. Tom volgt een veganistische dieet. Tom follows a vegan diet. Tom follows a vegan diet. Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be or not to be, that is the question. She, or Nödsy, that I heard the question. Tom brach in Tränen aus. Tom burst into tears. Tom broke into tears. Ik heb ook een vraag. I, too, have a question. I also have a question. Ich muss seinen Brief beantworten. I have to answer his letter. I have to answer his letter. Das mache ich nicht, nicht in einer Million Jahren. In einer Milliarde Jahre reden wir drüber. I won't do it. Not in a million years. In a billion years, we'll talk about it. I'm not doing that, not in a million years, but in a billion years we're talking about it. איך גלייב, אַז טאָם מיינט, אַז איך טראַכט צו פֿיל. I believe Tom has the opinion that I think too much. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Kommt er mit dem Zug oder mit dem Bus? Is he coming by train or by bus? Does he come by train or by bus? Sami von islam n grofdoadeg geleuf. Sami found Islam an amazing religion. Its members are members of the great-grandfather Sami of Islam. Tom daagde Maria uit. Tom challenged Mary. Tom challenged Mary. Hou hem in het oog. Keep an eye on him. Keep him in the eye. „Was haben Sie mit den Fröschen vor?“ fragte einer der Jungen. "What are you going to be using the frogs for, mister?" asked one of the boys. “What do you have with the frogs?” asked one of the boys. Tom wollte nicht hinschauen, aber er konnte sich nicht abhalten. Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't help himself. Tom didn't want to watch, but he couldn't stop. He hett anbaden mittohelpen. He's offered to help. He offered to help. Das ist einzig und allein deine Entscheidung. It's entirely your decision. This is your only and only decision. Tom ist ein sehr bekannter Mensch. Tom is a very well-known person. Tom is a very well-known person. Backen wir doch einen Geburtstagskuchen! Why don't we bake a birthday cake? Let's take a birthday cake! Ik maak en beten Kaffe. I will make some coffee. I make and pray coffee. Ik hou er niet van over bepaalde dingen te praten. I don't like to talk about certain things. I don't like talking about certain things. Waarom niet beide? Why not both? Why not both? Diese Tuaregsandalen sind zu 100 % handgemacht. These Tuareg sandals are made by hand from start to finish. These tuareg sandals are 100% handmade. Was ist das Schwierigste beim Französischlernen? What's the most difficult thing about learning French? What is the most difficult thing in French learning? ס'איז נישטאָ קיין מלוכה וואָס האָט דאָס רעכט צו עקסיסטירן. No state has the right to exist. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wi seht em elk Dag. We see him every day. We see him every day. Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. I'd like a glass of wine. I would like to have a glass of wine. Dit is je laatste waarschuwing. This is your final warning. This is your last warning. Vir 'n oomblik het ek vergeet wat haar naam was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. Studeert u Engels? Do you study English? Are you studying English? Sie ist mit ihrem Hund am Strand spazieren gegangen. She took her dog for a walk on the beach. She walked with her dog on the beach. Ik wil niet tv kijken. I don't want to watch TV. I don't want to watch TV. מיר וועלן שטימען הײַנט. We're going to vote today. I'm afraid I'm going to have to go to bed at the end of the night. Als ik jou was zou ik opzij gaan. If I were you, I'd get out of the way. If I were you, I'd go away. Tom saß in einem bequemen Lehnstuhl und las die Abendzeitung. Tom was sitting in a comfortable armchair, reading the evening newspaper. Tom sat in a comfortable chair and read the evening newspaper. Stop met spinnen. Stop spinning. Stop the spiders. Du hest dat ook nich wüsst. You didn't know that either. You didn't know either. Da können wir uns bei Tom bedanken. We can thank Tom for that. We can thank Tom for that. Hij is een zeer goede tennisser. He is a very good tennis player. He's a very good tennis player. Wärest du imstande gewesen, das zu tun? Would you have been able to do that? Would you have been able to do that? Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom has to be over 30. Du solltest dir einen Tag freinehmen. You should take a day off. You should be free for a day. Ek weet dat Tom en Mary meer as vriende was. I know Tom and Mary were more than just friends. I know that Tom and Mary were more than friends. De dief zette het op een lopen wanneer de politieagent hem zag. The thief took flight when the policeman saw him. The thief put it on a walk when the police officer saw him. Je had het kunnen doen. You could've done it. You could have done it. Ich habe zwar ein Auto, aber ich benutze es kaum. I have a car, but I hardly ever use it. I have a car, but I hardly use it. Tom haat huiswerk. Tom hates homework. Tom hates homework. Ein Auto hielt am Haupteingang. A car stopped outside the main entrance. A car was at the main entrance. Tom ging naar buiten om te roken. Tom went outside to smoke. Tom went out to smoke. Ich werde eines bekommen. I'll get one. I'll get one. Je ziet er nog steeds boos uit. You still look angry. You still look angry. Du brickst di den Hals! You’ll break your neck! You break your neck! Der Film war zum Schießen. That movie was really funny. The film was shooting. Je kunt dit bedrijf niet verlaten. You can't quit this company. You can't leave this company. איך בין אַ לערערקע פֿון האָלענדיש. I'm a Dutch teacher. How do I get to meet Daniel? Je moet hem niet uitlachen. You should not make fun of him. You don't have to laugh at him. Meine Erziehung machte mich zu dem, was ich bin. My education has made me what I am. My education made me what I am. זיי זענען פֿוילע מענטשן. They're lazy people. Sean is insanity-stricken. Ich glaube, meine Eltern verheimlichen mir etwas. I think my parents are hiding something from me. I think my parents hide something from me. Sinaasappelsap, alsjeblieft. Orange juice, please. Sinai apple juice, please. Es ist ein Wunder, dass unser Haus den Orkan heil überstanden hat. It's a miracle that our house survived the hurricane. It is a miracle that our house has survived the hurricane healing. Ich plane diese Reise schon seit drei Monaten. I've been planning this trip for three months. I've been planning this trip for three months. Kunt u op de weegschaal gaan staan, alstublieft? Can you stand on the scale, please? Can you stand on the scale, please? Kaum hatte es aufgehört zu regnen, da erschien ein schöner Regenbogen. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. It had almost stopped raining, there appeared a beautiful rainbow. Joe hielen van sukkeloa. You loved chocolate. I'm sorry about Suckeloa. Er ist kein Feminist. He's not a feminist. He's not a feminist. Ich habe gesehen, wie ihr euch angeschaut habt. I saw the way you were looking at each other. I saw how you looked. Ik zat naast hem. I sat next to him. I sat next to him. Er ist mittelgroß, weiß, hat braune Haare und braune Augen. He is average height, is white, has brown hair and brown eyes. He is medium-sized, white, has brown hair and brown eyes. De stad is volledig verwoest. The city is completely devastated. The city is completely destroyed. Zij stonden ons niet toe de dienstlift te gebruiken. They did not allow us to use the service elevator. They did not allow us to use the service lift. טאָם איז אַ מאַלפּע. Tom is a monkey. Iris is an idiot. Bent u ooit gediagnosticeerd met schildklierproblemen? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid problems? Daar staat een prachtige kerk op de heuvel. There stands a beautiful church on the hill. There is a beautiful church on the hill. Ich wünschte, du würdest Tom nicht immer anschreien. I wish you didn't always yell at Tom. I wish you wouldn't always call Tom. Diesen Baum nicht fällen! Don't cut down this tree. Don't fall this tree! Tom behauptet, noch nie gelogen zu haben. Tom claims that he's never told a lie. Tom claims to have never lied. Tom hat noch nie ein Schaf geschoren. Tom has never sheared a sheep. Tom has never shed a sheep. Welke maand is het? What is the current month? What month is it? Tegen de middag zouden ze moeten aankomen. They ought to be here by noon. By the afternoon they would have to arrive. Ik ben je oudere zus. I'm your older sister. I'm your older sister. Drück dich genauer aus! Be more specific. Press you out more closely! Wär Schmeddrling sähå will, muaß Rauba akzepdierå. If you want to see butterflies, you have to accept caterpillars. Schmeddrling wants to kill Rafael, but he does not want to be killed. Ek hou van preie. I like leeks. I love Prey. Tom het 'n vriend wat in Boston bly. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Es war kalt, als ich heute Morgen das Haus verließ. It was cold this morning when I left the house. It was cold when I left the house this morning. Ik heb betere ideeën nodig. I need better ideas. I need better ideas. Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Tom mir zugezwinkert hat? Are you sure Tom winked at me? Are you sure Tom has forced me? Et ass néng Auer. It's nine o'clock. An ass is a source of energy. Mannen huilen ook. Men cry too. Men are crying too. Niet alle mannen zijn wijs. Not all men are wise. Not all men are wise. איך װער פֿאַרדאגהט װאַרטנדיק אױף מײַן חבֿר צו לאַנג I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time. How do you know if you’re going to be able to take care of an old-fashioned old-fashioned old man? טאָם איז געווען מוטער נאַקעט. Tom was in his birthday suit. Toys is an old-fashioned man. Tom hilft mir beim Melken der Kühe. Tom helps me milk the cows. Tom helps me milk the cows. Zij gaat. She goes. She's going. Wanneer heeft u voor het laatst benzodiazepinen genomen die niet aan u voorgeschreven waren? When was the last time you used benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? When did you last take benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? Ech hunn dech am Park gesinn. I saw you at the park. I want to go to the park. Þū eart on Europan! You're in Europe! We are honored in Europe! Willst du bestimmt nicht auf Tom warten? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Hat sie Ihnen irgendwelche Fragen gestellt? Did she ask you any questions? Did she ask you any questions? De bal is rond, en het spel duurt negentig minuten. The ball is round, and the game lasts ninety minutes. The ball is round, and the game takes ninety minutes. Tom houdt niet van wijn. Tom doesn't like wine. Tom doesn't like wine. Dafür werdet ihr bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You will pay for that! Weet je waarom ik hier gekomen ben? Do you know the reason I came here? You know why I came here? Wie egozentrisch muss man sein, um so etwas zu tun? How self-centric do you have to be to do something like that? How egocentric must you be in order to do something like this? Januarie is die eerste maand op die kalender. January is the first month of the calendar. January is the first month on the calendar. Sie mag Tiere. She likes animals. She likes animals. Wann wird das Abendessen serviert? When's dinner served? When is dinner served? Bin het in Singapoer gebly. Bin lived in Singapore. I stayed in Singapore. Bitte nicht den Schlusspunkt vergessen! Don't forget the full stop, please. Please don't forget the final point! Die Kleidung ist längst nicht so wichtig wie der Mensch, der sie trägt. Clothes don't matter nearly as much as the person wearing them. The clothing is not as important as the person who wears it. Hai is aan t laigen. He's lying. Hai is empty. k Kin nait sloapen. I can't sleep. k Can sleep night. Wir haben alle beide einen Führerschein. We both have driver's licenses. We both have a driver's license. Het zou je goed doen om hem te verlaten. You will do well to leave him. You'd do well to leave him. Ich muss für die Prüfung lernen. I have to study for the exam. I have to learn for the exam. Dieser Satz verstößt gegen die Regeln der Grammatik. This sentence is ungrammatical. This sentence violates the rules of grammar. Ik ben overgeleverd aan jouw genade. I am at your mercy. I have been delivered to your mercy. Daar krijg je spijt van. You'll regret that. You're sorry about that. Zijn woorden verbaasden mij. His words surprised me. His words surprised me. Schreibe bitte mit einem Füller. Write with a pen, please. Please write with a filler. Der Polizist verlangte ihre Namen und Adressen. The policeman demanded their names and addresses. The police officer requested their names and addresses. Se bleev ehr Leven lang Single. She remained single all her life. She remained single for her life. דאָס איז אַ מאַראַנץ. This is an orange. Sean Eisner is an expert. די באָלשעוויקן האָבן געאַסרט סינדיקאַטן און שטרײַקן. The Bolsheviks outlawed unions and strikes. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Bleib hier, bis ich dir sage, dass du gehen kannst! Stay here until I tell you that it's OK to to leave. Stay here until I tell you that you can go! Hoe heet die dame waarvan men de naam niet mag zeggen? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What is the name of the lady whose name is not to be used? איך האָב געגעסן אַן עפּל. I ate an apple. How do you feel about a goddamn man? Ik denk er wel over na. I'll give it some consideration. I think about it. We kunnen niet alles hebben. We can't have everything. We can't have everything. Keih geevt uns gode Melk. Cows provide us with good milk. Keih gives us good milk. Het vervaagde enkel. It just faded away. The dirty one. Das war schnell. That was quick. It was fast. Na, it wisna you A wis talkin tae. No, it wasn't you I was talking to. Well, it wasn't you I was talking to. Sie könnte Französin sein. She may be French. She could be French. Es sieht so aus, als ob meine Methoden mehr auf dem Stand der Dinge sind. It seems that my methods are more up to date. It looks as if my methods are more on the level of things. Was muss eurer Meinung nach geändert werden? What do you think needs to be changed? What do you think needs to be changed? שלאָפֿן קען מען ווען מ׳איז טויט. You can sleep when you're dead. Let’s take a look at the ice-collar ice-collar. Een goede leraar moet geduldig zijn met zijn leerlingen. A good teacher must be patient with his students. A good teacher must be patient with his students. Es tut mir leid. Ich hätte dich eher zurückrufen sollen. I'm sorry. I should have called you back sooner. I'm sorry, I should have called you back. Tom hat sich letzte Nacht umgebracht. Tom killed himself last night. Tom died last night. As 'n sieke duisend papierkraanvoëls vou, sal haar wens waar word. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a sickly thousand paper cranes fold, her wish will become true. Slimme jongen! Smart kid! Smart boy! Uw hond is hier. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Ek het jou gister gesien. I saw you yesterday. I saw you yesterday. Het kan zijn dat Tom niet weet waar Mary is. It could be the case that Tom doesn't know where Mary is. It may be that Tom doesn't know where Mary is. Ich glaube, der Tom, der war ganz froh, dass man ihn das nicht hat machen lassen wollen. I think Tom was glad that he wasn't allowed to do that. I think the Tom, who was very happy that you didn't want to let him do that. Hij was zich niet bewust van het gevaar. He was not aware of the danger. He was not aware of the danger. „Bist du Russin?“ – „Ja.“ "Are you Russian?" "Yes." “Are you Russian?” — “Yes.” Vielleicht bin ich etwas zu weit gegangen. Maybe I went a little too far. Maybe I went a little too far. Ich habe es dir bereits gesagt. I've already told you that. I've already told you. As jy opstaan sal hy besig wees om te studeer. He will be studying when you get up. If you stand up, he will be studying. k Kin n kikker nait van n porre onderschaaiden. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Japaners sünd Asiaten. Japanese are Asians. Japanese are Asians. Gebt mir all dein Geld! Give me all your money! Give me all your money! De man en zijn vrouw hielpen elkaar. The man and his wife helped each other. The man and his wife helped each other. Het klopt. It's correct. It's right. Let erop dat je het glaasje niet omstoot. Try not to knock over the drink. Make sure you don't overturn the glazing. Tom aß eine Banane. Tom ate a banana. Tom ate a banana. Da ist kein Preisschild dran. This doesn't seem to have a price tag on it. There's no sign of price in there. װען זײַט איר געבאָרן געװאָרן? When were you born? Do you think you're going to go to Aberdeen? I schau ma gern Goifspün au. I love watching golf. I don't like to see any goofy. Früher haben die Priester die Messe auf Latein gehalten. Before, the priests used to say mass in Latin. The priests used to hold the fair in Latin. Einhundert, zweihundert, dreihundert, vierhundert, fünfhundert, sechshundert, siebenhundert, achthundert, neunhundert, eintausend. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. Swemmen is hier verbaden. Swimming is prohibited here. Swimming is banned here. Sie können bei dieser Prüfung ein Lexikon benutzen. You can use a dictionary for this exam. You can use a Lexikon during this exam. Tom hat für seine Eintrittskarte mehr bezahlt als ich für meine. Tom paid more for his ticket than I paid for mine. Tom paid more for his entry card than I did for me. קיינער קען נישט לויפֿן אַזוי גיך ווי טאָם. No one can run as fast as Tom. Let’s take a cup of tea with you, Olivia. Heeft hij u aangeraakt? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? Gaat deze bus naar het museum? Does this bus go to the museum? Is this bus going to the museum? Maria hatte leuchtende Augen. Mary's eyes sparkled. Mary had shining eyes. Es ist Zeit zu gehen. It's time to leave. It's time to go. Tom sprach in lautem Flüsterton. Tom spoke in a loud whisper. Tom spoke in a loud whisper. Hoe spel je je achternaam? How do you spell your surname? How do you play your last name? Kent u me? Do you know me? Do you know me? Warum kann ich mich des Morgens nicht an meine Träume erinnern? Why can't I remember my dreams in the morning? Why can't I remember my dreams that morning? Heb je enig idee waar Tom zich zou kunnen verschuilen? Do you have any idea where Tom might be hiding? Do you have any idea where Tom could hide? Dit boek is oud. This book is old. This book is old. Gestern Nacht ist in unseren Laden eingebrochen worden. Our store was broken into last night. Yesterday night has been broken into our store. Tom bewarf Marie mit einem Ei. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom fights Marie with an egg. Dëst Päerd ass wäiss. This horse is white. I'm not sure if I'm going to be an expert. Ich wartete am Teich auf Tom. I waited for Tom near the pond. I was waiting for Tom at the pond. Hou ermee op. Cut it out. Stop it. Das Schiff ist ein Dreimaster. That sailing ship has three masts. The ship is a three-master. Ik was vergeten dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. Het ziet ernaar uit dat het straks gaat opklaren. It looks like it's going to clear up soon. It looks like it's going to clear up soon. Sie sprechen kein Koreanisch. They can't speak Korean. They don't speak Korean. Tom sagte, er wolle nicht hereinkommen. Tom said he didn't want to come in. Tom said he didn't want to come in. Misschien regent het vannacht. It may rain tonight. Maybe it's raining tonight. דאַעש איז באַזיגט געוואָרן אין איראַק. Daesh has been defeated in Iraq. Irritated in the middle of the night, I don’t have a sarcasm. Kan je skaten? Can you skate? Can you skate? Vandaag wil ik naar de bioscoop. I want to go to the movies today. Today I want to go to the cinema. Wanneer ik contactlenzen draag, voelen mijn ogen droog aan en worden ze rood. When I use contacts, my eyes feel dry and become red. When I wear contact lenses, my eyes feel dry and they become red. Wir sollten uns etwas schlafen legen. We should get some sleep. We should sleep a little. Ich will Sie nicht entlassen, denn ich halte Sie für einen anständigen Menschen, aber wenn es sein muss, um die Firma zu retten, muss es sein. You seem like a good person, so I don't want to fire you, but if that's what it takes to save the company, then that's what I'll do. I don't want to let you go because I think you're a decent person, but if it needs to be to save the company, it must be. Tom is een notoire uitsteller. Tom is a notorious procrastinator. Tom is a notory performer. Kun je je even omdraaien? Could you turn around? Can you turn around for a moment? Ik spreek niet goed Mandarijns. I cannot speak Mandarin well. I don't speak Mandarin well. Dor sünd twee Bööd op ’n See. There are two boats on the lake. There are two boats on the lake. Wasch dir den Hals! Wash your neck. Wash your neck! Ich kann es gar nicht haben zu verlieren. I really don't like to lose. I can't even have to lose it. Dit product is gemaakt in Italië. This product is made in Italy. This product is made in Italy. Dit Tērp es gurt en green. The village is big and green. This Tērp es gurt en green. Ali is mijn broer. Ali is my brother. Ali is my brother. Ein Haus ohne Frauen ist einsam. A house without women is lonely. A house without women is lonely. Ik bün bang vör wille Deerten. I'm scared of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild animals. An deiner Stelle würde ich mich zuallererst einmal bei Tom bedanken. If I were you, the first thing I would say to Tom is thank you. At first, I would like to thank Tom. Tom litt. Tom was suffering. Tom litt. Het was een val. It was a set-up. It was a fall. Tom stopte om zijn schoenen aan te trekken. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Tom stopped wearing his shoes. Waarom wil je verpleegster worden? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Meines Vaters Haupt ist grau geworden. My father's head has turned gray. My father's head has grown grey. Haben die Tabletten gewirkt? Did the pills work? Did the tablets work? Wer glaubt, gegen Gedankenkontrolle gefeit zu sein, macht sich gerade dadurch anfällig. Thinking you're not susceptible to mind control actually makes you susceptible to mind control. Anyone who believes to be against control of thought makes himself vulnerable to it. Wat hij wilde doen was duidelijk. It was clear what he meant to do. What he wanted to do was clear. Om negen uur was het spel afgelopen. The game ended at nine o'clock. At nine, the game was over. Tom findet, dass Mary total arrogant ist. Tom thinks Mary is really stuck up. Tom finds that Mary is totally arrogant. Was deze brief geschreven door Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Tom drückte sich die Nase am Fenster platt. Tom pressed his nose against the window. Tom pushed the nose on the window. Bitte den Oberkörper frei machen. Please take off all of your clothes from the waist up. Please free the upper body. Vondaag bün ik froh opstahn. Today I got up early. Today I am happy to stand up. Ich habe den Motor laufen lassen. I left the engine running. I've let the engine run. Er hält immer seine Versprechen gegenüber seinen Freunden. He never fails to keep his word with his friends. He always keeps his promises to his friends. k Kin rieden. I can drive. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Tom en Mary probeerden het. Tom and Mary gave it a try. Tom and Mary tried it. Ich bin ziemlich schüchtern. I'm very reserved. I'm pretty shy. Haar sweater is paars. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Nijmegen ligt dicht bij de Duitse grens. Nijmegen is close to the German border. Nijmegen is close to the German border. „Ich lerne Japanisch.“ – „Echt? Na Donnerwetter!“ "I'm studying Japanese." "Really? Cool!" “I’m learning Japanese.” — “Please? Ich habe keinen Hunger, aber ich will immer was essen. I'm not hungry, but I always want to eat something. I have no hunger, but I always want to eat something. Husat i save long tok Inglis? Is there someone here who speaks English? Who speak English? Hat Ihnen einmal jemand gesagt, dass Sie beim Schlafen Atemaussetzer haben? Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing when you are asleep? Have you ever heard someone say that you have breathers while sleeping? Er hat eine Entscheidung getroffen. He made up his mind. He made a decision. Tom hatte Mitleid mit Maria. Tom felt sympathy for Mary. Tom had compassion for Maria. Ik begrijp het niet. I can't understand. I don't understand. Mary saß auf dem Sybian. Mary sat on the Sybian. Mary sat on the sybian. Du bist so ein Mamasöhnchen! You're such a mama's boy. You're such a mom's son! Wenn du nicht ruhig bist, werde ich dich bitten zu gehen. If you're not quiet, I'm going to ask you to leave. If you're not quiet, I'll ask you to go. Denken Sie nicht darüber nach! Tun Sie es! Don't think about it. Do it. Don't think about it! Do it! Ik kan dit niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand this anymore. I can't stand this anymore. Wat söchst du? What're you looking for? What are you looking for? Was de film interessant? Was the movie interesting? Was the film interesting? Sie haben so ein schönes Lächeln! You have such a nice smile. You have such a beautiful smile! Das Geld wird zu gleichen Teilen aufgeteilt. The money will be divided equally. The money is divided into the same parts. U lijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You seem nervous. Wir sind praktisch eine Familie. We're practically family. We are virtually a family. Danke schön. Thanks a lot! Thank you very much. Haben Sie regelmäßig Nasenbluten? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Do you have nose blood regularly? Ich bin sicher, dass er die Prüfung besteht. I am certain that he will pass the exam. I'm sure he's the test. Ek wil nie teruggaan nie. I don't want to go back. I don't want to go back. Wat zijn Toms sterke en zwakke punten? What are Tom's strengths and weaknesses? What are Tom's strong and weak points? Was für ein schöner Tag! What a pleasant day! What a beautiful day! Ik ben blij dat ik uw werk niet heb. I'm glad I don't have your job. I'm glad I don't have your job. Tom sagte nicht, wo oder wann man ihn treffen sollte. Tom didn't say where or when to meet him. Tom didn’t say where or when to meet him. Ich habe mein Bettzeug gewaschen und es draußen aufgehängt. Es wird einige Stunden dauern, bis es trocken ist. I washed my blankets and hung them up outside. It'll take a few hours for them to dry. I washed my bed linen and hung it out, and it's going to take a few hours until it's dry. Ich weiß nicht, wer mir helfen könnte. I don't know who could help me. I don't know who could help me. Bedankt voor uw e-mail! Thanks for your email! Thank you for your email! In welk land kreeg je als kind je inentingen? In what country did you receive your immunizations as a child? In which country did you get your vaccinations as a child? Sprachkompetenz ist angeboren, nicht erworben. Linguistic competence is inborn, not acquired. Language competence is born, not acquired. Een geactualiseerde versie van de encyclopedie zal de volgende maand verschijnen. An up-to-date edition of the encyclopedia will come out next month. An updated version of the encyclopedia will appear next month. Früher oder später werden wir sterben. We'll die sooner or later. Before or later we will die. Ich hon se schun mol gesihn. I've seen her before. I am very proud of him. Ich war in jener Nacht allein zu Hause. I was alone at home that night. I was at home that night alone. Is joen pa n dokter? Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? Hues du mech net gesinn? Did you not see me? Doesn't Hues you meh family? Dao künne ick kienen Tahn an setten. I could not bring myself to eat it. At that point, I could not put on a tantrum. Eigentum ist Diebstahl. Property is theft. Property is theft. Tom, und nur Tom, kennt die Wahrheit. Tom and only Tom knows the whole truth. Tom, and only Tom, knows the truth. Ik heff twee Stünnen sungen. I sang for two hours. I sang for two hours. Je hechtingen zullen na een paar dagen worden verwijderd. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. Your mounts will be removed after a few days. Je moet niet op de zaken vooruitlopen. You shouldn't act prematurely. You don't have to go ahead on the business. Het was het mooiste gezicht dat hij in zijn leven gezien had. It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life. It was the most beautiful sight he had seen in his life. Dieser Berg ist das ganze Jahr über von Schnee bedeckt. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. This mountain is covered by snow all year round. Ich verstehe durchaus, worum es geht. I am not missing the point. I understand exactly what it is like. Ondanks het feit dat hij een niet-roker is kreeg hij longkanker. He got lung cancer despite the fact that he is a non-smoker. Despite being a non-smoker, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Ich chumm us Boston. I come from Boston. I'm going to call us Boston. Heeft Tom een sleutel van Mary's woning? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have a key to Mary's home? Vind je dat je vaak van stemming verandert over korte perioden? Do you find that your mood changes frequently in short periods of time? Do you think you often change your voice over short periods of time? De zoon van mijn zus is onze neef. My sister's son is our nephew. My sister's son is our cousin. In den Tiefen des kollektiven Unbewussten der Menschheit muss die Denkweise der Troglodyten gefunden werden. Toki Pona ist ein nützliches Werkzeug, um diese Denkweise an die Oberfläche unseres Bewusstseins zu bringen. In the depths of humanity's collective unconscious, the troglodytes' way of thinking must be found. Toki Pona is a useful tool to bring this to the surface of our consciousness. In the depths of mankind’s collective unconsciousness, the thinking of the troglodytes must be found. Toki Pona is a useful tool to bring this way of thinking to the surface of our consciousness. Tom sagt, er spreche drei Sprachen fließend. Tom says he's fluent in three languages. Tom says he speaks three languages fluently. Diese Jacke hat Knöpfe. This jacket's got buttons. This jacket has buttons. Speelst du geern Volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you play volleyball? De herenhemden bevinden zich op de tweede verdieping. Men's shirts are on the second floor. The men's shirts are on the second floor. טאָם גייט אַראָפּ פֿון זינען. Tom's losing his mind. The Lord’s Prayer is by God’s grace. Tom war kürzlich auf dem Dachboden. Tom was in the attic just a while ago. Tom was recently on the floor. Gestern habe ich mit einem neuen Buch angefangen. Yesterday I started a new book. I started a new book yesterday. He is keen Dokter. He is not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Das Kino ist eine der drei universellen Sprachen. Die anderen beiden sind die Mathematik und die Musik. Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music. The cinema is one of three universal languages, the other two being mathematics and music. Nicht! Das ist ja widerlich. Don't do that! That's gross. I don't think that's the case. Ik ben ook leraar. I am a teacher, too. I'm also a teacher. Hit bith Jones appel. It's John's apple. Hit bith Jones apple. Het Nederlandse woord "gabber" komt uit het Hebreeuws via het Jiddisch. The Dutch word "gabber" comes from Hebrew via Yiddish. The Dutch word "gabber" comes from Hebrew via Yiddish. Sammy heeft daar zes maanden gewerkt. Sami worked there for six months. Sammy worked there for six months. Sie begrüßte mich freudestrahlend. She greeted me with a big smile. She warmly welcomed me. Tom will uns helfen. Tom wants to help us. Tom wants to help us. Ich han s Gschirr gmacht. I washed the dishes. I'm going to make a joke. Es ist Montag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Het jy die boek wat ek nou die dag vir jou geleen het, klaar gelees? Have you finished reading the book I lent you the other day? Have you read the book I’ve borrowed for you this day? Zijn dood is een groot verlies. His death is a great loss. His death is a great loss. Vertel me waarom ze huilt. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Wat een bizar verhaal! What a bizarre tale! What a bizarre story! Ontbijt u gewoonlijk? Do you usually eat breakfast? Do you usually have breakfast? Spreek geen kwaad van anderen achter hun rug om. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Do not speak evil of others behind their backs. Ich bekomme diese Dose, da ich keinen Öffner habe, nicht auf. I don't have a can opener, so I can't get this can open. I don't get this box because I don't have any openers. Der alte Mann ist gebrechlich. The old man is frail. The old man is fragile. Bloume is rood. The flower is red. Flower is red. k Kom oet Zeeilaand. I'm from Zeeland. k Come out of Zeeilaand. Si kachen. They're cooking. It cooks. Ik kaam vondaag nich. I am not coming today. I don't come today. In dit Huus bün ik boren. This is the house where I was born. I was born in this house. Kun je op de weegschaal gaan staan, alsjeblieft? Can you stand on the scale, please? Can you stand on the scale, please? Tom hört nicht auf zu reden. Tom won't stop talking. Tom doesn't stop talking. Waarom gebruiken zij dit woordenboek? Why do they use this dictionary? Why do they use this dictionary? Ben je als kind ingeënt geweest? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Have you been incarcerated as a child? „Einer neuen Studie zufolge gibt es tatsächlich bisexuelle Menschen.“ – „Und Wasser ist tatsächlich nass.“ "A new study shows that bisexual people really do exist." "And water really is wet." According to a new study, there are actually bisexual people.” — “And water is actually wet.” Se deed in ’n Bus blangen em sitten. She sat next to him on the bus. He was sitting on a bus with him. דאָס הױז איז שײן The house is pretty. Iris II 's Die Bauarbeiten beginnen, sobald das Wetter dies erlaubt. Building work will start as soon as the weather allows. Construction works begin as soon as the weather permits. Du solltest die Verkehrsregeln beachten. You should obey the traffic rules. You should take into account traffic rules. Ich kann Taninna nicht an den Haaren ziehen. Sie ist viel größer als ich. I cannot pull Taninna's hair. She's much taller than me. I can't pull Taninna on her hair, she's much bigger than I am. Komt u van een andere planeet? Do you come from another planet? Do you come from another planet? Mijn linkerhiel is ontstoken. My left heel is inflamed. My left hand was inundated. Tom musste sich vor dem Konzert vor lauter Nervosität übergeben. Tom threw up before the concert because he was so nervous. Tom had to surrender before the concert before loud nervousness. Je was mijn vriend. You were my friend. You were my friend. Wird die Ware verschifft oder per Luftfracht transportiert? Are the goods transported by ship or air? Will the goods be shipped or transported by air cargo? Se hüng de Wäsch op de Lien. She hung the washing on the line. They hung the laundry on the line. Deze bronnen zijn slecht. These sources are poor. These sources are bad. Maria wil mammoeten weer tot leven brengen. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Maria wants to bring mammoths back to life. Dat wordt aan het eind enigszins uitgelegd. That is somewhat explained at the end. This is explained in a little bit at the end. Bobby Fischer ist der berühmteste Schachspieler in den Vereinigten Staaten. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Het weer verslechterde. The weather got worse. The weather worsened. Hier werden nur Damenschuhe verkauft. Only girls' shoes are sold here. Only women's shoes are sold here. Ek hou ook nie daarvan nie. I don't like it, either. I don’t like it either. Wat is jouw favoriete tv-serie? What's your favorite TV series? What is your favorite TV series? Die Ent fressd Abakaschi. The duck eats pineapple. The Enemy Freshens Abakashi. Hai sloapt. He's asleep. Hai sleeps. Na 125 Johren Entwicklung is kloar: Esperanto is mehr as blos ene Sprook. After 125 years of development it's clear: Esperanto is more than just a language. After 125 years of development, it is clear: Esperanto is more than just a spoken language. Genog! Enough! Enough! Lieg niet. Zeg de waarheid. Don't lie. Tell the truth. Don't lie, tell the truth. Biiring wiar mi min Fuarslach iinforstönen. Both agreed to my suggestion. I was forced to work as a boxer. װאָס ער מאַכט, איז אומלעגאַל. What he is doing is illegal. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Waarom zijn jullie getrouwd? Why are you married? Why are you married? Ik huil veel. I cry a lot. I'm crying a lot. Maakt iemand je bang als je thuis bent? Is someone making you feel afraid when you are at home? Does anyone scare you when you're at home? Caitríona is 1985 boren. Caitríona was born in 1985. Caitríona was born in 1985. Setz dich und ruh dich kurz aus. Sit down and rest for a while. Put yourself out and rest briefly. Tom tat alles Erdenkliche, um die Flitterwochen unvergesslich zu machen. Tom went out of his way to make their honeymoon truly memorable. Tom did everything imaginable to make the flitter weeks unforgettable. De deur van het kantoor is geel. The door of the office is yellow. The door of the office is yellow. Wat ons weet oor gesondheid het ons deur die studie van siektes geleer. What we know of health we have learned from the study of disease. What we know about health has taught us through the study of diseases. Schneiden Sie es vorn nicht zu kurz. Don't cut it too short in the front. Do not cut it in front too short. Hai runde. He ran. Hail round. Der Polizist verfolgte ihn. The policeman followed him. The policeman was persecuting him. Teken met een potlood. Draw with a pencil. Sign with a pencil. Mijn tante woont in New York. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York City. Tom wurde zwar verletzt, aber nicht allzu schwer. Tom was injured, but not too badly. Tom was hurt, but not too hard. Ich habe des Vitamins C wegen eine frische Zitrone gegessen. I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C. I ate vitamin C because of a fresh lemon. Viele wurden Mormonen. Many people became Mormons. Many became Mormons. Sie haben alles verkompliziert. You complicated things. You've complicated everything. נידער מיט אַמעריקע! Down with America! I swear to God that I am going to die! We waren ongeduldig. We were impatient. We were impatient. Das Pferd war so dünn, dass ich an den Seiten die Knochen spüren konnte. The horse was so thin, I could feel its bones through its flanks. The horse was so thin that I could feel the bones on the sides. Wie weet waar Tom gebore is? Who knows where Tom was born? Who knows where Tom was born? Tom had met ons moeten komen. Tom was supposed to come with us. Tom should have come with us. Maria ist Tierärztin. Mary is a veterinarian. Maria is an animal doctor. Ein Egoist ist ein Mensch mit wenig Geschmack, der sich mehr für sich selbst als für mich interessiert. An egotist is a person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. An egoist is a person with little taste who is more interested in himself than in me. פֿאַרפּעסטיקונג איז אַ װאַקסנדיק‎ער פּראָבלעם. Pollution is a growing problem. Imam Kashif al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al-Ghita al- Jullie zijn mooi. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Der Tag kam und verging. Down it came and away went the day. The day came and disappeared. Hij is altijd ontevreden. He's always dissatisfied. He's always unhappy. In der heutigen Welt müssen wir all unsere Kinder mit einer Ausbildung versehen, die sie befähigt, ein erfolgreiches Leben zu führen, völlig ungeachtet ihres Aussehens, oder des Einkommens ihrer Eltern, oder ihrer Postleitzahl. In today's world, we have to equip all our kids with an education that prepares them for success, regardless of what they look like, or how much their parents make, or the zip code that they live in. In today’s world, we have to provide all our children with training that enables them to live a successful life, totally regardless of their appearance, or their parents’ income, or their postal code. Heb je vrienden in je klas? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have friends in your class? Ik houd niet van huishoudelijk werk. I don't like domestic chores. I don't like household work. Kan ik jouw schaar lenen? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scarf? Volstrekt onmogelijk. Absolutely impossible. Completely impossible. Dit is mijn neef. This is my cousin. This is my cousin. Wem der große Wurf gelungen, eines Freundes Freund zu sein; wer ein holdes Weib errungen, mische seinen Jubel ein! Whoever has succeeded in the great attempt to be a friend's friend; whoever has won a lovely woman, add in his jubilation! Who the big throw managed to be a friend's friend; who a holding woman achieves, mix his cheer! Ik mutt dat dröömt hebben. I must have dreamt it. I must have dreamed of it. Du schienst gelangweilt. You seemed bored. You seem bored. Unternimm nichts, um Tom davon abzuhalten! Don't do anything to prevent Tom from doing that. Don't do anything to keep Tom from it! ''Ben je Nederlands?'' ''Ja dat ben ik.'' "Are you Dutch?" "Yes, I am." "Are you Dutch?" "Yes, that's me." Bist du wirklich krank? Are you really sick? Are you really sick? Tom ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Berliner Vereins der Bienenzüchter. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is Deputy Chairman of the Berlin Association of Bienenzüger. דאָס בוך קאָסט פֿיר דאָלאַר. This book costs four dollars. Mr. Cosby's book is by Mr. Dale. Ik heb deze week al geslapen. I've already slept this week. I've been sleeping this week. Ich werde alles tun, worum Sie mich bitten. I'll do anything you ask me to do. I'll do everything you ask me for. Verget hom. Forget about him. Forget him. Se æftera Ġēola is se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares. January is the first month of the year. It hastera brother-in-law. It is its forma money daughter daughter-in-law daughter-in-law. Du solltest nicht allzu nahe an Toms Wagen parken. You might not want to park too close to Tom's car. You shouldn't park too close to Tom's car. Die Gesundheitsbehörden warnen, dass Küssen – aufgrund des Speichelaustauschs – zur schnellen Verbreitung des Coronavirus führen kann. Health officials warn that kissing – which involves saliva – can quickly spread COVID-19. The health authorities warn that kisses, due to speech exchange, can lead to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. U at. You were eating. U at. Heeft u ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Haben wir eine Karte? Do we have a map? Do we have a map? Niet kijken! Don't look! Don't look! Wat denkst du von em? What do you think of him? What do you think of him? Wegwezen. Get lost. Get out of here. Ich helfe Ihnen dabei. I'm going to help you do that. I'll help you with that. In de Nederlandse stad Maastricht zouden er 53 kerken moeten zijn; enkelen daarvan worden inmiddels als winkel, café of museum gebruikt. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there must be 53 churches; at times, some of them are used as stores, bars or museums. In the Dutch city of Maastricht, there should be 53 churches; some of them are now used as a store, café or museum. Sami wis n klain bietje over dat. Sami knew a little bit about that. Sami was a little clumsy about that. Ik wil niet dat je hem wakker maakt. I don't want you to wake him up. I don't want you to wake him up. Woneem büst du güstern henwesen? Where did you go yesterday? Where are you going yesterday? Sie sind in der Bibliothek. They are in the library. They are in the library. Liefde is zoals mazelen, we moeten er allemaal door. Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it. Love is like measles, we all have to go through it. Badajoz is in stêd yn Spanje. Badajoz is a city in Spain. Badajoz is a town in Spain. Die Dachziegel sind rot. The roof tiles are red. The roof seals are red. Ein Gros sind 144 Einheiten. A gross is a dozen, dozens. There are 144 units. Sie ist nicht meine Freundin. She's not my friend. She's not my girlfriend. ער האט זיך נישט געפילט גוט. He was not feeling well. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Ich gehe nicht allzu oft essen. Eating out is something that I don't do very often. I don't eat too often. Tom hat einen Dachschaden. Tom is a psycho. Tom has a roof damage. Vertel me het verhaal. Tell me the story. Tell me the story. Ich habe die Zimmernummer 5. My room number is 5. I have room number 5. Misschien zou ze er echt niet zijn? Maybe she really won't be there? Maybe she wouldn't really be there? Mary ist nicht zu Hause. Mary's not in. Mary is not at home. Die Taschentücher liegen in der Schublade. The handkerchiefs are in the drawer. The bag cloths are in the drawer. Mijn zoon vroeg om meer kleurpotloden. My son asked for more crayons. My son asked for more color pencils. Hast du ihren Brief bekommen? Did you get her letter? Did you get her letter? Layla het geen ondervinding met manne gehad nie. Layla didn't have any experience with men. Layla had no experience with men. Es ist für die Jahreszeit ungewöhnlich kalt. It's unseasonably cold. It is unusually cold for the season. Ir chommät us Schweden. You come from Sweden. Ir chommät us Sweden. Wi hebbt keen Tee. We don't have tea. We don't have tea. Sollte dir etwas passieren, lass es uns zuerst wissen. Should anything happen to you, let us know at once. Should something happen to you, let us know first. Er is iets veranderd. Something has changed. Something has changed. Die Blätter werden schon gelb. The leaves are turning yellow already. The leaves are already yellow. Kom hierheen, en snel een beetje! Get over here and be quick about it! Come here, and get a little quick! Die Nachricht erhöhte seine Angst. The news added to his anxiety. The message increased his fear. Met welke bus gaat Tom naar zijn werk? Which bus does Tom take to work? With what bus does Tom go to work? Wir fahren nach Deutschland. We're going to Germany. We're going to Germany. Siehst du jeden Tag die Nachrichten? Do you watch the news every day? Do you see the news every day? Die Verletzung bereitete dem Athleten große Schmerzen. The injury caused the athlete great pain. The injury caused the athlete great pain. Mijn hartsvriendin vertrok naar Canada. My girlfriend has gone to Canada. My friend of heart left for Canada. Tom bringt mich immer mit lustigen Aussprüchen zum Lachen. Tom always says funny things to make me laugh. Tom always brings me fun sayings to laugh. Es dauert noch einmal zwanzig Minuten, bis Tom nach Hause kommt. Tom won't be home for another 20 minutes. It takes another twenty minutes for Tom to come home. Geht und wartet draußen! Go wait outside. Go and wait outside! Kabylisch ist meine Muttersprache. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Kabylish is my mother tongue. Tom war ein Chaot. Tom was a mess. Tom was a chaot. Wir brauchen eine Säge. We need a saw. We need a saw. Eine Frau, die einen König heiratet, wird eine Königin, aber ein Mann, der eine Königin heiratet, wird kein König. A woman who marries a king becomes a queen, but a man who marries a queen does not become a king. A woman who marries a king becomes a queen, but a man who marries a queen does not become a king. Tom hat weniger Kleidung als Maria. Tom has less clothes than Mary. Tom has less clothes than Mary. Sami verliet het gesprek glimlachend. Sami left the interview smiling. Sami left the conversation smiling. We waren zo opgewonden dat we niet stil konden zitten. We were so excited that we couldn't sit still. We were so excited that we couldn't sit still. Mein Vater kam heute wegen eines Verkehrsstaus zu spät zur Arbeit. My dad arrived late at work this morning because of a traffic jam. My father came to work late today because of a traffic stop. Was ist mit ihm los? What's the matter with him? What's going on with him? Zai is twij moanden old. She is two months old. Zai is two months old. Das ist ein großartiger Whiskey von vor dem Krieg. This is a wonderful pre-war whiskey. This is a great whisky from before the war. Die Tiere sind gut versorgt. The animals are well cared for. The animals are well supplied. Tom flehte mich an, es zu tun. Tom begged me to do it. Tom begged me to do it. Die Kinder sind müde. The kids are sleepy. The kids are tired. Seine ganze Familie ging in die Vereinigten Staaten, er aber blieb in Brasilien. All his family went to the United States, but he stayed in Brazil. His whole family went to the United States, but he stayed in Brazil. Wi hebbt dat Shampoo opbruukt. We used up the shampoo. We used the shampoo. Interesseer je je voor bloemen? Are you interested in flowers? Are you interested in flowers? שיך זענען טײַער. Shoes are expensive. You are in a bad mood. Ons team heeft alle wedstrijden verloren. Our team lost all its games. Our team has lost all matches. Leidet jemand in Ihrer engeren Familie an Zuckerkrankheit? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Does anyone in your family suffer from diabetes? Die liedjie is maklik om te leer. This song is easy to learn. The song is easy to learn. Tom scheint sich nicht entscheiden zu können. Tom doesn't seem to be able to make up his mind. Tom doesn’t seem to be able to decide. We kwamen elkaar tegen aan de luchthaven. We ran into each other at the airport. We met at the airport. Ech hunn zwou Kazen. I have two cats. I've got a lot of cash. Ik schrijf een brief. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Tom hat das Haus verlassen. Tom left the house. Tom left the house. My pen is nuut. My pen is new. My pen is new. Ik heb mijn eigen baan. I have my own job. I have my own job. Er sagte: „Gott stehe uns bei!“ He said: "May God help us". He said, “God is with us.” De koningin woont in Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. Ik eet tofu. I eat tofu. I eat tofu. Das ist kein Wein. Es ist nur Traubensaft. That's not wine. It's only grape juice. That's not wine, it's just grape juice. Tom antwortete Maria nicht. Tom didn't answer Mary. Tom didn't answer Mary. Je kan niet veranderen wat al gebeurd is. You cannot change what has already happened. You can't change what's already happened. Wenn es donnert, geh ins Haus! When thunder roars, go indoors! When it thunders, go home! Op de brug zit een mug met haar muil wijd open; zeven ezels, achttien kwezels zijn er in gekropen. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. On the bridge is a mug with its mouth wide open; seven donkeys, eighteen quarries have been placed in it. מיינע עלטערן האבן מיר געלערנט אז מ׳דארף געבן כבוד צו עלטערע מענטשן. My parents told me we should respect the elderly. Let the light shine before the Lord, and let the light shine before the Lord, that the light may shine before the Lord, and the light may shine before the Lord, and the light may shine before the Son of man. Das ist mein Buch. It's my book. That's my book. Tom verband Marias Schnittwunde. Tom put a bandage on Mary's cut. Tom related to Maria's cut wound. Ik bün keen lütt Deern mehr. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm no longer a little girl. Zwing mich nicht, das zu tun! Don't make me do that. Don't force me to do that! Stimmt es, dass Tom dir einen Antrag gemacht hat? Is it true Tom proposed to you? Is it true that Tom made an application for you? Nehmen Sie Präparate, die Wirkstoffe von Fingerhut enthalten? Do you take digitalis? Do you take preparations that contain active ingredients of finger hat? Wir sind Seelenverwandte. We are soulmates. We are soul-related. Tom konnte keinen Beweis zur Untermauerung seiner Aussage erbringen. Tom couldn't produce any evidence to back his statement up. Tom could not provide any evidence to substantiate his statement. Shakespeare is de auteur van Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Vandaag wordt ze tien. Today she turns ten years old. Today she's ten. Ist das in Ordnung für Sie? Is this OK with you? Is that okay for you? Jeffrey wird von seinen Freunden Jeff genannt. Jeffrey is called Jeff by his friends. Jeffrey is named by his friends Jeff. Wann geht der Zug? When does the train depart? When is the train going? Dort hat Tom gewohnt. Tom lived there. Tom lived there. Es ist das Böse in Reinform. It's pure evil. It is evil in pure form. Es sieht leicht aus, wenn du es machst. It looks easy when you do it. It looks easy when you do it. Er ist unser Nachbar. He's our neighbor. He's our neighbor. Ik ben een computerspel aan het spelen. I am playing a computer game. I'm playing a computer game. Moanden van t joar binnen: jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, dezember. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Months of the year within: Janneworie, feberwoary, meert, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Tom sitzt wieder hinter Gittern. Tom is back behind bars. Tom sits behind walls again. Tom ist froh, nicht in deiner Haut zu stecken. Tom is glad he isn't in your shoes. Tom is happy not to be stuck in your skin. Hij was zo boos dat zijn aderen opvielen. He was so angry that his veins stood out. He was so angry that his veins fell. Ich sehe ohne meine Brille nichts. I can't see without my glasses. I see nothing without my glasses. Je hebt er het raden naar wanneer ze zal komen. It's anybody's guess when she'll come. You're guessing when she'll come. Ik loop lever as mit ’n Bus to föhren. I'd rather walk than take a bus. I’m going to take a bus. Meenst du nich, dat de grote Deel Lüüd op 2chan Dummbüdels sünd? Don't you think that most people on 2chan are idiots? Don't you think the big part people are on 2chan dummbüdels? Wie groß ist dieser Bildschirm? How big is this screen? How big is this screen? Dat zou je aan jouw vriend moeten vragen. You should ask your friend that. You should ask your friend. Een persoon die lacht, is gelukkig. A person who laughs is happy. One person who laughs is happy. Ich empfinde keine persönliche Abneigung gegen das System. I have no personal hostility to the system. I do not feel personal aversion to the system. War es Tom, der Ihnen sagte, ich käme? Was it Tom that told you I'd come? Was it Tom who told you I was coming? Et iwwerrascht mech. It surprises me. It surprises me. Tom drinkt zelden koffie. Tom seldom drinks coffee. Tom rarely drinks coffee. Je moet ze niet aanmoedigen. You don't have to encourage them. You don't have to encourage them. Da säße ich ganz schön in der Klemme. That would leave me in a fix. That's where I sat very well in the glue. Hien huet e Schnauz. He has a mustache. Sneez and sneez. Stoort dat u? Does that trouble you? Does that save you? Je kunt zelfs president zijn. You can even be a president! You can even be president. Ek's moeg; ek dink ek gaan bed toe. I'm tired; I think I'm going to go to bed. I’m tired; I think I’m going to bed. Bums de Döör nich. Don't slam the door. Don't miss the door. Waar is jou bagasie? Where's your luggage? Where is your luggage? Meine Sonnenbrille ist neuer als Ihre. My sunglasses are newer than yours. My sunglasses are newer than yours. Hij kwam veilig aan. He arrived safely. He arrived safely. Tom versuchte, mir an allem die Schuld zu geben. Tom tried to blame me for everything. Tom tried to blame me for everything. Ihr habt mir versprochen, auf Tom aufzupassen! You promised me you'd look after Tom. You promised to take care of Tom! Ich möchte das in eine kleinere Größe umtauschen. I want to exchange this for a smaller size. I want to change this to a smaller size. Kinst doe mie leren gappen? Can you teach me how to steal? Can you teach me a lot? Obwohl wir verlobt waren, wollte sie sich nicht von mir küssen lassen. Even though we were engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. Although we were engaged, she didn't want to kiss me. Wat betekent UN? What does UN stand for? What does the UN mean? Ich gab dir mein Herz, damit du es liebst, nicht damit du es benutzt! I gave you my heart for you to love it, not use it! I gave you my heart to love it, not to use it! Es wird bald aufhören, zu regnen. It will stop raining soon. It will soon stop raining. Die Sonne wurde von dichten Wolken bedeckt. The sun was hidden by thick clouds. The sun was covered by dense clouds. Die Zunge ist die Hebamme allen Unheils. The tongue is the midwife of all disasters. The tongue is the levers of all evil. Wie spreken. We speak. How to talk. Tom arbeitet in einer Fleischfabrik. Tom works at a meat packing plant. Tom works in a meat factory. Het schip voer door het Suezkanaal. The ship went through the Suez Canal. The ship feeds through the Suez Canal. Wenn ich das Problem bemerkt hätte, dann hätte ich es Ihnen gesagt. If I'd noticed the problem, I would've told you. If I had noticed the problem, I would have told you. Biden diente den V. St. 36 Jahre als Senator und acht als Vizepräsident. Biden served for 36 years as a U.S. senator and eight as vice president. Biden served the V. St. 36 years as Senator and eight as Vice President. Het is niet gratis. It isn't free. It's not free. Tom befand sich auf dem Flughafen, als die Bombe hochging. Tom was at the airport when the bomb exploded. Tom was at the airport when the bomb went up. Is er ooit een hartkwaal bij je vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition? Have you ever had a heart disease? Zeig mir, was du hast. Show me what you have. Show me what you have. Tom drückte auf „schlummern“. Tom pressed the snooze button. Tom pushed for “slummers.” Tom is transgender. Tom is transgender. Tom is transgender. Hör doch auf, ihn zwingen zu wollen, wenn Tom keine Lust hat. If Tom says he doesn't want to do that, then stop trying to force him to. Stop trying to force him if Tom doesn't like it. Sy musiek is bekend. I am familiar with his music. His music is known. Dankie en totsiens! Thank you and goodbye! Thank you and bye! Yanni überprüfte noch einmal den Motor. Yanni checked the engine again. Yanni checked the engine again. Tom ließ vor Überraschung das Messer fallen. Tom dropped the knife in surprise. Tom made the knife fall before surprise. טאָם לײַדט אויף נאַרקאָלעפּסיע. Tom has narcolepsy. Tom is a narcissist. k Rook schink. I smelled bacon. k Smoke shink. Dit alles is vast maar een misverstand. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. All of this is a misunderstanding. Ze hebben geen enkele invloed op het milieu. They have no impact on the environment. They have no influence on the environment. Sie gebar Zwillinge. She gave birth to twins. She's born twins. Tom heeft een 3D-printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Ik ben niet erg goed in wiskunde. I'm not very good at math. I'm not very good at math. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital in which I was born. Ich vermisse meine Freunde in Australien. I miss my friends in Australia. I miss my friends in Australia. Den Letzten beißen die Hunde. The devil takes the hindmost. The latter bites the dogs. Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Tom is nog nooit in Engeland geweest. Tom has never been to England. Tom has never been to England. Ich gurgele dreimal am Tag. I gargle three times a day. I go to bed three times a day. Is Tom aan het kijken? Is Tom looking? Is Tom watching? טאָם פֿאַרמאָגט אַ שענק. Tom owns a bar. I'm going to give you a cup of tea. Heeft zij een hond? Nee. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Ik ga jouw werk niet voortzetten. I'm not going to continue your work. I'm not going to continue your work. Dir liest. You're reading. You read. Tsunamis sind aarich selde. Tsunamis are very rare. Tsunamis are rare. Is er iets wat we kunnen doen? Is there something we can do? Is there anything we can do? Het probleem is opgelost. The problem is solved. The problem has been solved. Sie brachte die Tischdecken in die Wäscherei. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. She brought the table covers to the laundry. We zijn niet in de jungle. We're not in the jungle. We're not in the jungle. Irgendetwas riecht hier schlecht. Something smells bad. Something smells bad here. k Run. I run. k Run. D Blueme isch gäl. The flower is yellow. The blues are yellow. Ik ben streng. I'm strict. I'm strict. Roger Federer spielt Tennis, ohne je die Konzentration zu verlieren. Roger Federer plays tennis without ever losing his concentration. Roger Federer plays tennis without ever losing focus. Wanneer komt zijn nieuwe roman uit? When will his new novel come out? When does his new novel come out? Jij bent mijn prinses. You're my princess. You're my princess. Alle Probleme des Lebens löst die Wissenschaft nicht. Science does not solve all of life's problems. All the problems of life do not solve science. Dir sidd Dokteren. You're doctors. You're doctors. Sie weint. She is crying. She's crying. Waarom zijn jullie ongelukkig? Why are you unhappy? Why are you unhappy? Mein Bruder wird mich noch mal umbringen. My brother's going to kill me. My brother will kill me again. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob sonst noch Passagiere auf der Fähre waren. It is not known whether there were any other passengers on the ferry. It is not known whether or not passengers were on the ferry. Ik ben blij dat je me uitgenodigd hebt. I'm glad you invited me. I'm glad you invited me. Daar is 'n voël hier. There is a bird here. There is a bird here. Ich erinnere mich an eine Zeit, da wir miteinander über alles reden konnten. I remember a time when we could tell each other anything. I remember a time when we were able to talk about everything. Es gab auf der Straße eine Umleitung. There was a detour on the road. There was a redirect on the road. Tom en Maria zullen zichzelf pijn doen als ze niet wat voorzichtiger zijn. Tom and Mary are going to hurt themselves if they're not a little more careful. Tom and Maria will hurt themselves if they are not more careful. In diesem Wald wachsen Eichen, Kiefern und Birken. Oak, pine and birch trees grow in these woods. In this forest, oaks, pines, and birchs grow. איך בין צופרידן אז דו ביסט נישט געווען דא. I'm glad you weren't here. How do you do it, dude Bean? Loaten wie aal noar Luna park goan. Let's all go to Luna Park. Loats as far as Luna park go. Sy is trots om nog nooit laat vir skool te gewees het nie. She is proud of never having been late for school. She is proud to never be late for school. Tom gelobte, eines Tages Rache zu nehmen. Tom vowed to someday take revenge. Tom vowed to take revenge one day. De regering zou hen voedsel geven voor de winter. The government would give them food for the winter. The government would give them food for winter. Heb je moeilijk kunnen slapen? Have you had trouble sleeping? Have you been able to sleep hard? Papeete is de hoofdstad van Frans-Polynesië. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. We hebben een overdosis gehad. We overdosed. We had an overdose. Dieser Roman ist recht interessant. This novel is interesting enough. This novel is quite interesting. Ik frei mi dull, di to sehn. I am very glad to see you. I'm happy to see you. Ik mag Mahjong. I like mahjong. I like Mahjong. Gisteren heeft Tom tv gekeken. Tom watched television yesterday. Last night, Tom watched TV. Was ist das Universum? What is the universe? What is the universe? Manchmal fällt es mir schwer, Französisch zu sprechen. I sometimes struggle to speak French. Sometimes it’s hard for me to speak French. Hier komt nooit een eind aan. This is never going to end. It's never coming to an end. Du hast einen Kaffeefleck auf der Krawatte. There's a coffee stain on your tie. You have a coffee spot on the tie. Wij spreken Nederduits. Jij ook? We speak Low German. Do you? We speak Dutch, you too? Sorry. Ik kan niet betalen. Sorry. I can't pay. I can't pay. Het was donker en koud in de kamer. It was dark and cold in the room. It was dark and cold in the room. Zai wonen ien Helsinki, Finlaand. They live in Helsinki, Finland. Zai lives in Helsinki, Finland. Er dachte, du würdest das nicht tun. He thought you wouldn't do it. He thought you wouldn't. Ich bin ein Mann. I'm a man. I'm a man. Misschien heb ik het op tafel laten liggen. Maybe I left it on the table. Maybe I left it on the table. Ek is lief vir jou seun. I love your son. I love your son. Heb je wat karnemelk? Do you have some buttermilk? Do you have some carne milk? Tom wohnt in der Nähe der Bibliothek. Tom lives near the library. Tom lives near the library. Run. Run. Run. מיר זענען נישט פֿרײַ. We aren't free. I'm afraid I'm going to give Peter a look at him. Was Zeit iss es? What time is it? What time is it? Conchita fühlte sich schuldig, weil sie Toms und Marias Beziehung zunichte gemacht hatte. Conchita felt guilty for ruining Tom and Mary's relationship. Conchita felt guilty because she had destroyed Toms and Maria's relationship. Dieses Wort ist doppeldeutig. This word has a double meaning. This word is doubly meaningful. Ik denk niet dat Maria blij zal zijn om met haar schoonmoeder te wonen. I don't think Mary will be happy living with her mother-in-law. I don't think Mary will be happy to live with her mother-in-law. Neem autobus. Take the bus. Take a car. Tom hat Maria eine ganze Menge Liebesbriefe geschrieben. Tom has written quite a few love letters to Mary. Tom wrote a lot of love letters to Maria. Du hast noch nichts gesehen. You haven't seen anything yet. You haven't seen anything yet. Sie könnten uns die Wahrheit sagen. They might tell us the truth. They could tell us the truth. נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס! You're welcome! Go to Philippe! Wir haben eine ganze Menge Gemeinsamkeiten. We really have a lot in common. We have a lot of commons. Ich bin noch Anfängerin im Esperanto. I'm still a beginner at Esperanto. I'm still a freelancer. Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What are those people doing? מיר האָבן נאָך ניט יאָ געזאָגט. We haven't said yes yet. Imam al-Qaeda would love to see you. Hij ging met de auto naar Boston. He went to Boston by car. He went to Boston by car. Alles leek fout te gaan bij mij. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Ze zochten allemaal naar het vermiste kind. They all searched for the lost child. They were all looking for the missing child. איך האָב פֿײַנט און איך האָב ליב דעם אינטערנעט. I hate and I love the Internet. How does the Holy Spirit help you to understand how God’s holy spirit works in your life? Zwei Tagesrückfahrkarten nach Norwich, bitte. Two day returns to Norwich, please. Two day back tickets to Norwich, please. Ik wil updates. I want updates. I want updates. Wat wil je? What is it? What do you want? Dit is die gebou waar my pa werk. That's the building where Dad works. This is the building where my dad works. Is er ooit een epileptische stoornis bij u vastgesteld? Have you ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder? Have you ever had an epileptic disorder? Was sollte sie eurer Meinung nach tun? What do you think she should do? What should you do in your opinion? Hij bracht me naar het vliegveld Narita. He gave me a ride to the Narita airport. He took me to Narita airport. Het was verschrikkelijk weer. It was dreadful weather. It was terrible again. Tom, könnte ich mal kurz mit dir sprechen? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, could I talk to you in a short time? Veel vissen stierven. Many fish died. A lot of fish died. Er sprang aus dem Fenster. He jumped out of the window. He jumped out of the window. Ich kann nur ein bisschen Ainu. I can speak only a little Ainu. I can only have a bit of ainu. Zai wait. She knows. Zai white. Ries wasst in warme Länner. Rice grows in warm countries. Rise was washed in warm countries. Ek dog jy sou nuuskierig wees. I thought you might be curious. I think you would be curious. Rind ist gewöhnlich teurer als Schwein. Beef is usually more expensive than pork. The beef is usually more expensive than the pig. Sollen wir zusammen gehen? Shall we go together? Should we go together? Is dat niet van hen? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? Mijn nieuwe laarzen zijn van echt leer en hebben nogal hoge hakken. My new boots are made of real leather and have relatively high heels. My new boots are really leather and have very high heels. Tom ist der einzige, dem ich traue. Tom is the only one I trust. Tom is the only one I trust. קאַטשקעלעך זענען געל. Ducklings are yellow. Congratulation of a gunpowder. Das wird kompliziert. This is going to be complicated. That's going to be complicated. Tom war früher einmal ein berühmter Sänger. Tom used to be a famous singer. Tom was once a famous singer. טאם קיין מאל נישט וואשט זיין קאר. Tom never washes his car. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Am besten gehst du sofort nach Hause. You'd better go home at once. It's best to go home right away. Tom erhielt die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Tom gained American citizenship. Tom received the U.S. citizenship. De hond wil vlees. The dog wants meat. The dog wants meat. Ek gee nie om oor haar nie. I don't care about her. I don’t care about her. Ik heb gehoord dat jullie heel erg getalenteerd zijn. I hear that you're very talented. I've heard you're very talented. Seine Lähmung schreitet fort, und bald wird er nicht mehr aufstehen können. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralyzing continues, and soon he will no longer be able to stand up. Im Namen meiner Familie danke ich euch! On behalf of my family, thank you. On behalf of my family, I thank you! Tom trinkt morgens eine Tasse Tee oder Kaffee. In the morning, Tom drinks a cup of tea or coffee. Tom drinks a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Taiken mie n schoape. Draw me a sheep. I wear a pair of shoes. Ik wacht op je excuses. I'm waiting for you to apologize. I'm waiting for your excuses. Hij nam de taxi om er op tijd te komen. He took a taxi to get there in time. He took the taxi to get there in time. Het is woensdag. It is Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Tom deed alsof hij het niet zag. Tom pretended that he didn't see it. Tom seemed like he didn't see it. Et hät en lange Niërsen. She has a long nose. Hate and long niches. Onze boot is aan het zinken. Our boat is sinking. Our boat is sinking. Tom muss auf uns hören. Tom has to listen to us. Tom has to listen to us. Ich war einmal tatoebasüchtig, und das hätte fast mein Leben zerstört. I was once addicted to Tatoeba, and it almost ruined my life. I was once tattooed, and that would have almost destroyed my life. קיין הינט טאָרן נישט אַרײַנקומען. No dogs allowed. Cain’s mother-in-law has been agitated. De Sommer is vörbi. The summer is over. Summer is over. Tom hat früher Pfeife geraucht. Tom used to smoke a pipe. Tom used to smoke Pfeife. Hier ist deine Bestellung. Here's your order. Here's your order. Haben Sie kürzlich die Marke Ihrer Seife oder Ihres Wäschewaschmittels gewechselt? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed the brand of your soap or washing laundry? Wir müssen zusehen, dass wir das niemals mehr tun. We have to make sure that we never do this again. We need to see that we never do that again. Ich wollte eine Entschuldigung. I wanted an apology. I wanted an apology. Ihr habt alles verkompliziert. You complicated things. You've complicated everything. Ich habe die Gäste begrüßt. I have greeted the guests. I welcomed the guests. Früher war hier eine Schule. There used to be a school here. In the past, there was a school here. כ׳האָב ליב מײַן חבֿרטע. I love my girlfriend. The heart of a good-for-nothing. אַנטיציוניזם איז נישט אַנטיסעמיטיזם. Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. Antagonisms are antagonisms. Wie komt er met mij mee? Who's coming with me? Who comes with me? Kommt ihr aus Spanien? Are you from Spain? Are you coming from Spain? Ich höre mich wie ein verendender Esel an, wenn ich Französisch spreche. I sound like a dying donkey when I speak French. I hear myself like a sending donkey when I speak French. Hij schiet. He shoots. He's shooting. מײַנע טאַטעס וואוינען אין אויסטראַליע. My fathers live in Australia. In Australia, there is no U.S. territory. Daar neemt de menigte geen genoegen mee. That won't placate the mob. This does not make the crowd happy. Ze droeg een zwarte hoed. She was wearing a black hat. She wore a black hat. Ich habe gerade gefrühstückt. I've just eaten breakfast. I just had breakfast. Er kann jedes Hindernis überwinden. He can overcome any obstacle. He can overcome any obstacle. מאך מיר נישט זאגן עס. Don't make me say it. My mother-in-law grabbed Zaragoza’s teeth. Sie ist die Verkörperung dieser Lebensart. She is the embodiment of this way of life. It is the embodiment of this kind of life. Ik word 's ochtends om half zes wakker. I wake up at half past five in the morning. I wake up at six o'clock in the morning. Du hast drei Kinder. You have three children. You have three children. Tom gaan nie so maklik oorreed word nie. Tom won't be that easy to convince. Tom is not going to be so easily persuaded. Der Mensch weiß vielleicht mehr als die Maschine, aber sie lernt schneller und vergisst nie, was sie gelernt hat. Man may know more than the machine, but it learns faster and never forgets what it has learned. Man may know more than the machine, but she learns faster and never forgets what she has learned. Tom gaf Mary de aktetas. Tom handed Mary the briefcase. Tom gave Mary the act bag. Sophia Loren ehr echten Naam is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Bij binnenkomst horen we onze schoenen uit te doen. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. Upon entering, we are told to turn off our shoes. Schlafen könnt ihr, wenn ihr tot seid. You can sleep when you're dead. You can sleep when you are dead. Ich suche meinen Schlüssel. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Drei Jungen kletterten affengleich auf die Bäume. Three boys climbed the trees like a bunch of monkeys. Three boys fell on the trees at the same time. Es fällt einem Sohn immer schwer, den elterlichen Erwartungen gerecht zu werden. It's always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents. It is always difficult for a son to meet the parental expectations. Tom hat mir das Leben gerettet. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Zamenhof war ein sehr weiser Mensch. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Zamenhof was a very wise person. De verdediging is klaar, Edelachtbare. The defense rests, Your Honor. The defense is ready, honorable. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never gotten sick in his life. My father has never been sick all his life. Hij was niet aanwezig op de bijeenkomst. He was absent from the meeting. He was not present at the meeting. Er lebt von der Hand in den Mund und spart nie einen Cent. He lives hand to mouth and never saves a cent. He lives from the hand in his mouth and never saves a cent. Heb jij niets aardigs te zeggen? Don't you have anything nice to say? Don't you have anything nice to say? קיינער קען זי נישט זען. Nobody can see her. Sweater toe toe toe toe toe. Ich bin Toms Opa. I am Tom's grandfather. I'm Toms Grandpa. Misschien frist dit je geheugen wel op. Maybe this will refresh your memory. Maybe this will shorten your memory. Ich bin alles andere als überzeugt. I'm not convinced at all. I'm all but convinced. Tom arbeitet schnell. Tom works fast. Tom works fast. דאָס איז אַ לעסטערונג! This is blasphemy! Dude, I'm sorry to hear about that! Nach den Hausaufgaben habe ich Baseball im Fernsehen gesehen. I watched baseball on TV after I finished my homework. After the homework I saw baseball on television. פֿאַרוואָס זענען פֿאַראַן ווירוסן? Why do viruses exist? Peter is in charge of Philip W. W. W.? איך וועל אים רופן יעצט. I'm going to call him right now. How and how will a tree be cast? Ik ben het ermee eens. I agree. I agree. Tom könnte das haben, was du braucht. Tom might have what you need. Tom could have what you need. Ik ben haar achternaam vergeten. I have forgotten her last name. I forgot her last name. Heeft er iemand een vraag? Does anybody have a question? Does anyone have a question? פֿון וואַנען שטאַמען זשערבילן? Where do gerbils come from? Do you think Daniel is going to give up on an old-fashioned man? Dat is hitt vondaag. It's warm today. It's hot today. Null, eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. zero, one, two, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, two, one, one, one, one, one, and one, and one, one, one, and one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, and one, one, one, and one, one, one, and one, one, one, one, and one, one, one, and one, one, one, and one, one, one, and one, one, and one, one, and one, Mijn paard is zwart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Sie senkte ihre Ansprüche. She lowered her standards. She reduced her claims. Sy is in 'n slegte bui. She is in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. Seit Tom Rollschuh fährt, hat er 3 kg abgenommen. Since Tom has started rollerblading, he's lost three kilos. Since moving on to Tom Rollshoe, he has taken down 3 kg. Ik leet de Katt in miene Kamer. I let the cat into my room. I left the cat in my room. Zai bleef. She stayed. Zai remained. Auf geht's. Tamma, wos ma tuan miassn. Let's go do what we have to do. I don't know if it's going to be too late, but it's gonna be too late. Er breitete die Arme aus, als wollte er die Welt umarmen. He held out his arms as though he wanted to embrace the world. He spread the arms as he wanted to embrace the world. Ich war an der Reihe zu spielen, und mein König wurde nicht angegriffen, das heißt, er stand nicht im Schach. Aber keine meiner Figuren konnte einen gültigen Zug machen. Es hatte sich ein Patt eingestellt. Die Partie endete remis. It was my turn to play and my king wasn't being attacked, that is, wasn't put in check. But, none of my pieces could make any valid move. Thus, what is called "drowned king" or "draw by drowning" was characterized. The match was a draw. I was on the line to play, and my king was not attacked, that is, he wasn't in the chess, but none of my characters could make a valid train. He kummt mit Herrn Brown good torecht. He gets on well with Mr. Brown. He comes well with Mr Brown. Tom hörte sich traurige Musik an. Tom listened to sad music. Tom listened to sad music. Hebben we genoeg melk? Do we have enough milk? Do we have enough milk? Hatten Sie kürzlich Unterleibschmerzen? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Have you recently had lower pain? Dart die Kerz is net weis. That candle isn't white. Dart the Kerz is wise. צי ביסטו הונגעריק, ברוגז, עלנט אָדער מיד? Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? Do you have a black-collar, black-collar, white-collar, white-collar, black-collar, white-collar, white-collar, white-collar, white-collar, white-collar, white-collar, white-collar Tom war nicht derjenige, der Mary half. Tom wasn't the one who helped Mary. Tom was not the one who helped Mary. Der Boden ist sehr glatt. The floor is very slippery. The ground is very smooth. „Wo ist denn Tom?“ – „Der räumt sein Zimmer auf.“ "Where's Tom?" "Cleaning his room." "Where's Tom?" - "He's leaving his room." Toms Temperament ist mit ihm durchgegangen. Tom lost his temper. Tom's temperament went through with him. Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. Constant dripping wears away a stone. Steter drops hold the stone. Tom hat mir nichts zu essen übriggelassen. Tom didn't leave anything for me to eat. Tom didn't let me eat. Kom ons vergeet van hulle. Let's forget about them. Let’s forget about them. Bis auf Tom kannte ich niemanden dort. Except for Tom, I didn't know anyone there. Until Tom, I didn't know anyone there. Worüm höörst du nich op mi? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? An sich ist Müßiggang nicht Wurzel allen Übels, sondern ist, im Gegenteil, ein geradezu göttliches Leben, solange man sich nicht langweilt. In itself idleness is not the root of all evil. Quite the opposite, in fact, it’s a downright godly existence, as long as one isn’t bored. In itself, tiredness is not the root of all evils, but is, on the contrary, a just divine life, as long as one does not become bored. Tom hat mich Maria nicht helfen lassen. Tom didn't let me help Mary. Tom didn't let me help Maria. Wenn du um halb drei nicht da bist, gehen wir ohne dich. If you're not there by 2:30, we'll leave without you. If you don't have half three, we'll go without you. Sie wohnt bei ihm. She lives with him. She lives with him. Ik leev in ’e Stad. I live in the city. I live in the city. Er zijn geen stoelen in deze kamer. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Der Druck des Wassers wird bei zunehmender Meerestiefe immer größer: 10 Meter bedeuten einen Zuwachs um 1 bar. The deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you. For every 33 feet (10 meters) you go down, the pressure increases by 14.5 psi. The pressure of the water is increasing at increasing sea depth: 10 meters means an increase by 1 bar. Tom en Marie het eensamig gesing. Tom and Mary sang in unison. Tom and Marie sing together. טאָם איז אַן אַלטער מאַטראָס. Tom is an old sea dog. Immediately, I am sorry to hear that Irritus is in trouble. De hond ving het vlees. The dog caught the meat. The dog's fingering the flesh. Tom sal nou trots op my wees. Tom will now be proud of me. Tom will be proud of me. Es sind Kekse im Ofen. There are cookies in the oven. These are cookies in the oven. Het leven is een circus. Life is a circus. Life is a Circus. Tom trank einen Schluck Tee, um sich zu beruhigen. Tom took a sip of tea, trying to calm down. Tom drinks a sip of tea to calm down. Houveul krieg k? How much will I receive? Houveul Wark? Soweit ich weiß, existiert kein solches Wort. As far as I know, there is no such word. As far as I know, there is no such word. Ein Hund ist treu. A dog is faithful. A dog is faithful. Het probleem met eieren is dat ze makkelijk breken. The problem with eggs is that they break easily. The problem with eggs is that they break easily. Bist du zehn Jahre alt? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Hoeveel dagen kost het meestal om daar te komen? How many days does it usually take to get there? How many days does it usually take to get there? Ik heb een huis hier in de buurt. I have a house not too far from here. I've got a house here nearby. Ich habe jetzt keine Lust fernzusehen. I don't feel like watching TV now. I don't want to watch TV now. Sein Name liegt mir auf der Zunge. His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name is on my tongue. Tom heeft een deksel op de pan gelegd. Tom has put a cover on the pot. Tom put a lid on the pan. Ik weet dat u vorige zomer in Boston was. I know you were in Boston last summer. I know you were in Boston last summer. Der Sturm hat großen Schaden verursacht. The storm caused a lot of damage. The storm caused great damage. Ik hoor zelden van hem. I seldom hear from him. I rarely hear from him. Vielleicht schneit es. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it's snowing. Nimm dir, was du brauchst, und verschwinde! Grab what you need and get out of here. Take what you need, and disappear! Tom weigerte sich, mir die Hand zu geben. Tom refused to shake my hand. Tom refused to give me his hand. S Buech isch root. The book is red. It's red. „Jeder hat Fehler.“ – „Ich nicht.“ "Everyone has flaws." "I don't." “Everybody has a mistake.” — “I don’t.” Er wordt aangenomen dat walvissen hun eigen taal hebben. It is believed that whales have their own language. It is believed that whales have their own language. Da Tom hot an Spitz ghobt. Tom was tipsy. Tom was hot at the top. Wat ass déi richteg Äntwert? What's the correct answer? What does it mean to be unscrupulous? Am Ende des Satzes bitte einen Punkt setzen. Please add a period at the end of the sentence. At the end of the sentence, please set a point. I dinnae ken. I donʼt know. I want to know. Sie haben Tom damit glücklich gemacht. What you did made Tom happy. You made Tom happy. Siesch du, dass*r gligglich isch? Can you see that he's happy? Do you think that *r seems to be correct? Sie wuchs zu einer schönen jungen Dame heran. She has grown into a beautiful young lady. She grew up to be a beautiful young lady. Mag ik dit om uw vinger doen? Can I put this on your finger? Can I do this for your finger? אַ גלאָז קאַֹװע האָט גרינגער געמאַכט מײַן קאָפּװײטיק. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Dieses Geld soll dir nur helfen, über die Runden zu kommen. This money is just to help you get by. This money should only help you get over the rounds. Tom besuchte Maria jeden Tag im Krankenhaus. Tom went to see Mary in hospital every day. Tom visited Maria every day at the hospital. Toms erste Frau kam aus Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Das ist in Ordnung. This is fine. That's okay. Das Kaninchen fragte wimmernd: „Willst du mich fressen?“, worauf der Fuchs erwiderte: „Warum sollte ich? Ich bin doch Vegetarier.“ The bunny asked with a whimper, "Are you going to eat me?" To which the fox replied, "Why would I? I'm a vegetarian." The rabbit asked, “Will you eat me?” on which the fox replied, “Why should I? I am a vegetarian.” Es geht nicht immer so, wie wir wollen. We don't always get our way. It's not always the way we want it to be. איך לערן כינעזיש. I teach Chinese. How the sound works. Sie ist kein solches Mädchen, wie du glaubst. She's not the kind of girl you think she is. She's not such a girl as you believe. Tom wird nicht braun, sondern bekommt lediglich einen Sonnenbrand. Tom doesn't tan. He just burns. Tom doesn't get brown, but only gets a sunburn. Hou je van ananasdrankjes? Do you like pineapple drinks? Do you like ananas drinks? כ׳בין טראַנסמיניק. I'm transgender. As well as Mickey. Tom erzählte Maria, dass Johannes sie nicht leiden möge. Tom told Mary that John didn't like her. Tom told Mary that John couldn't hurt her. De schaakstukken zijn: pion, paard, loper, toren, koningin en koning. The chess pieces are pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king. The chess pieces are: pawn, horse, rabbit, tower, queen and king. Spreekst doe Galizjoans? Do you speak Galician? Do you speak Galizjoans? Hij heeft hoofdpijn. He has a headache. He has headaches. Ich wusste schon von vornherein, was Tom sagen würde. I knew in advance what Tom was going to say. I knew from the beginning what Tom would say. Kann deine Frau gut kochen? Is your wife good at cooking? Can your wife cook well? Sami kon met het verlies van zijn vrouw en kinderen leven. Sami was OK with losing his wife and children. Sami was able to live with the loss of his wife and children. Indien nodig heb ik geen bezwaar tegen het betalen van een bepaald bedrag. If necessary, I have no objection to paying a special fee. If necessary, I do not object to the payment of a certain amount. Ich kann kein Englisch, geschweige denn Deutsch. I cannot speak English, much less German. I can't speak English, but I can't speak English. Es ist noch hell draußen. It is still light outside. It's still bright outside. וואָס איז די הויפּטשטאָט פֿון כינע? What's the capital of China? 'Hied; s as z; th as in Ihis. Doe most goan. You have to go. You must go. Maakt di dat wat, wenn du nochmaal teihn Minuten töven musst? Would you mind waiting another ten minutes? Do you do something if you have to wait ten minutes again? Heb je het land in de afgelopen 30 dagen verlaten? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you left the country in the last 30 days? Ist das ein Kuli oder ein Bleistift? Is this a pen or a pencil? Is this a culi or a pencil? John hat immer versucht sich ein Beispiel an Lincoln zu nehmen. John always tried to live up to the example of Lincoln. John has always tried to take an example of Lincoln. Een andere taal leren kost veel tijd. To learn a foreign language requires a lot of time. Learning another language takes a lot of time. איך וויל זיך לערנען אױסטראַלישע דײַטש. I want to learn Australian German. How will I be able to tell you about God’s wrath? Wir haben Tom nicht geholfen. We didn't help Tom. We didn't help Tom. Nog één fles wijn, alstublieft. Another bottle of wine, please. One more bottle of wine, please. Egels zijn alleseters. Hedgehogs are omnivorous. Eggs are all-eaters. Welk land heb je bezocht en hoe lang ben je gebleven? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? Which country did you visit, and how long did you stay? Was glaubst du, was Tom meinte? What do you think Tom meant? What do you think Tom meant? יעקבֿ איז אומצוויייִק. Yankev is nonbinary. I'm going to be jealous. Ik hou er niet van om voor mensen te spreken. I don't like to speak in front of people. I don't like talking to people. Ich schäme mich dessen, was gestern passiert ist. I am ashamed about what happened yesterday. I am ashamed of what happened yesterday. Tom sprach sehr laut. Tom was talking very loudly. Tom spoke loudly. Het jy van hulle gehoor? Have you heard about them? Did you hear from them? Ik zal het heus niet doorvertellen. I promise I won't tell anybody. I'm not going to explain it to you. Kijk eens hier. Take a look here. Look here. Hat sie euch irgendwelche Fragen gestellt? Did she ask you any questions? Did she ask you any questions? Ehr ole Katt leevt noch jümmer. Her old cat is still alive. Her old cat still lives. Sie antwortete nicht. She made no reply. She didn't answer. All Weeg föhrt na Room. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to room. Lohnt es sich, seine Gesundheit und sein Glück Ruhm und Erfolg zu opfern? Is it worth it to sacrifice health and happiness for fame and success? Does it pay to sacrifice his health and happiness fame and success? Kan jy my indruk? Can you squeeze me in? Can you impress me? Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Schlaf ist die beste Meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Ich glaube, da folgt uns jemand. I think there's somebody following us. I think there's someone following us. Ēalā gif þū wǣre hund! If only you were a dog! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ik heb al lang geen asperges meer gegeten. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. I haven't eaten asparagus for a long time. אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She certainly was a beautiful woman when she was young. I'm sure I'm going to have to wait a minute and see if I'm going to be able to get back to where I'm going. Hƿæt sæᵹde hē? What did he say? Is it the hē? Tom lief zum See hinab. Tom ran down to the lake. Tom ran down to the lake. דער אמת װעט תּמיד געווינען. The truth will always win. The truth of truth is immediately lost. Hou daarmee op! Cut that out! Stop it! Ik geloof in de onsterfelijkheid van de ziel. I believe in the immortality of the soul. I believe in the immortality of the soul. Er ist an ihrer Seite. He is at her side. He's on her side. Tom will, während er mit dir spricht, nicht gesehen werden. Tom doesn't want to be seen talking to you. Tom doesn't want to be seen while he's talking to you. Ich denke an dich. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking of you. איך בין אַ מענטש, און די גאַנצע מענטשהייט פֿאַררעכען איך ווי איין משפּחה. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. To which Gulzar sa’ab replied: Ab mujhe maloom ho gaya ki mera size kya hai. Wir werden unseren Entschluss morgen bekanntgeben. We'll announce our decision tomorrow. We will announce our decision tomorrow. Ik heff em to mi inlaadt. I invited him over to my place. I invited him to me. Doe bist nait meer mien vrund. You're not my friend anymore. Don't worry more about me at night. Heb je ooit geprobeerd een andere taal te leren? Have you ever tried to learn another language? Have you ever tried to learn another language? Ik hou van wiskunde. I like maths. I love mathematics. Versuchen Sie erst einmal, sich zu beruhigen! Try to calm down first. First try to calm yourself! Port Vila is de hoofdstad van Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. As God nie bestaan het nie, sou ons hom moes bedink het. If God did not exist, we'd have to invent him. If God did not exist, we should have thought of him. Je moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You have to clean the bathroom. Sie hat ein loses Mundwerk. She has a loose tongue. She has a loose mouthpiece. הערט אויף צו אָננעמען דעם צד פֿונעם קעגנער. Stop playing devil's advocate. There is an order to the right of the child to the right of the child. Wann geht Ihr Flug? When is your flight? When is your flight going? Seine Theorie basiert auf vielen Fakten. His theory is based on many facts. His theory is based on many facts. Tom belde Maria's moeder en vroeg haar of Maria ergens allergisch voor is. Tom called Mary's mother and asked her if Mary was allergic to anything. Tom called Maria's mother and asked her if Maria was allergic to anything. Ek haat om te wag. I hate waiting. I hate to wait. Sie hat aus mir einen Star gemacht. She made me a star. She made me a star. Man hat mir eine neue Jacke gegeben. I was given a new jacket. You gave me a new jacket. Was willst du wissen? What is it that you want to know? What do you want to know? צי האָט איר אַ פּאָרפֿאָלקבעט? Do you have a double bed? Do you have a crew board? איך וויל רעדן מיט איר וועגן מײַן עתיד. I want to talk with her about my future. What will you do in the future? Sie sind Ärzte. They are doctors. They're doctors. De president zijn toespraak werd onderbroken door de optocht van clowns op eenwielers. The president's speech was interrupted by the parade of clowns riding unicycles. The president's speech was interrupted by the procession of clowns on one-wheelers. Algerien war ein Land, das für die Träume von Millionen stand. Algeria was a country that represented the dreams of millions of people. Algeria was a country that stood for the dreams of millions. Maak de Döör tau! Close the door! Make the door tau! Ech si frou, datt dir hei sidd. I'm glad you guys are here. Oh my God, that's what you're doing. Dit kristal is blijkbaar heel duur. This crystal is very expensive, apparently. This crystal is apparently very expensive. Tom schien aufrichtig besorgt zu sein. Tom sounded genuinely concerned. Tom seemed to be genuinely concerned. Felesiteerd! Congrats! Congratulations! Ik kom út Grinslân. I'm from Groningen. I'm coming out of Greenland. Wü haa tau Bosker ön Guart. We have two bushes in the garden. It is also called Guart. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world without war. Imagine a world without war. In de zomerperiode logeer ik bij mijn tante. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. In the summer, I log in to my aunt. Unser Jachtklub hat zehn Mitglieder. Our yacht club has ten members. Our hunting club has ten members. In India zijn koeien heilige dieren. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, cows are sacred animals. Um verärgerte Kunden kümmert sich in der Regel Tom. Tom is the one who usually deals with disgruntled customers. For angry customers, Tom is usually concerned. Sie machen nur ihre Arbeit. They're just doing their job. They're just doing their job. Mary Hansen war eine australische Musikerin und ein Mitglied der Gruppe Stereolab. Mary Hansen was an Australian musician and a member of the group Stereolab. Mary Hansen was an Australian musician and a member of the stereolab group. Woneem is dien Broder? Where is your brother? Where is your brother? Ik kom uit Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm coming from Saitama. Maria legte ihre Kleider ab. Mary took off her clothes. Maria put off her clothes. Lass es bitte. Please stop it. Please let me. Die rekenaar is in die biblioteek. The computer is in the library. The computer is in the library. Ik had het niet over Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. Tom hob die Socke auf. Tom picked up the sock. Tom lifted the socks. Worüm? Why? Why? אַ גוטע נאַכט. Good night. I'll give you a puddle. Aal loopt. Everything flows. Aal is running. Tom sagte mir, sein Vater sei Doktor. Tom told me his father was a doctor. Tom told me that his father was a doctor. Tom hat mir Französisch beigebracht. Tom taught me French. Tom taught me French. Hast du vergessen, Tom alles Gute zum Geburtstag zu wünschen? Did you forget to wish Tom a happy birthday? Did you forget to wish Tom everything well for the birthday? Tom wurde dabei gesehen, wie er in der fraglichen Nacht Marias Haus verließ. Tom was seen leaving Mary's house that night. Tom was seen leaving Maria's house at night. Tom kann kein Schweinefleisch essen. Tom can't eat pork. Tom can't eat pork. Was magst du am Winter nicht? What don't you like about winter? What don't you like in winter? Wanneer bent u voor het laatst bij de tandarts geweest? When was the last time you visited the dentist? When have you been to the dentist for the last time? Ich denke, dass ich nichts Verkehrtes gemacht habe. I think that I didn't do anything wrong. I don't think I did anything wrong. Hoeveel zou ik ervoor moeten betalen? How much would I have to pay for it? How much should I pay for it? צי קענסטו מיך צובינדן? Can you tie me up? Do you have a crew boarding board? Se eet veel Ries. They eat a lot of rice. They eat a lot of rice. Ons het dit gekoop. We bought it. We bought it. Wir blieben zu Hause. We stayed in our houses. We stayed home. Is Mary een echte blondine? Is Mary a real blonde? Is Mary a real blonde? Tom eilte zum Unterricht. Unter dem einen Arm hatte er seinen Flachrechner, unter dem anderen sein Französischbuch. Tom ran to class with his laptop under one arm and his French textbook in the other. Tom ran to teach, and under one arm he had his flat desk, among the other his French book. Hai is n Saks. He's a Saxon. Hai is a Saxon. Das hoffen wir zu ändern. We're hoping to change that. We hope to change that. Mein Bruder ist letztes Jahr an Krebs gestorben. My brother died of cancer last year. My brother died last year of cancer. אַ מכשף האָט עס געטאָן. A wizard did it. I'm going to give you a goofy hairstyle. Wat ben je mooi vandaag! How beautiful you are today! What are you beautiful today! Was änderten Sie, wenn Sie könnten? What would you change if you could? What did you change if you could? Deze stropdassen zijn niet van mij. These ties aren't mine. These stripes aren't mine. Ik kom út Drinte. I'm from Drenthe. I'm coming out of Drone. Sla linksaf. Turn left! Go to the left. Ma, ik heb honger. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Doe't ik lyts wie, kamen pake en beppe noch om op te passen. Jûns op bêd lies beppe my foar. Of pake fertelde in ferhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was small, I came packs and beeps still to look up. You on bed read beeps before me. Or father told a story. Tom deit an meist allens, wat he itt, Solt. Tom puts salt on just about everything he eats. Tom usually does everything he eats, salt. Is dor noch Solt? Is there salt left? Is there salt? כ׳בין נישט קיין קענגורו. I'm not a kangaroo. In the end, Cain was a king. Ich habe einmal hier in der Nähe gewohnt. I used to live near here. I once lived near here. Ich will Sie nicht mit meiner Erkältung anstecken. I don't want to give you my cold. I don't want to touch you with my cold. ראָש לימבאָ איז נאָכאַלץ טויט. Rush Limbaugh is still dead. Most of the time, Immaculate is in a bad mood. Ich sagte dir ja, dass das ein schlechter Einfall sei. I told you it was a bad idea. I told you that this was a bad incident. Di Kat fangt en Müs. The cat is catching a mouse. Di Kat begins a must. Warum will Tom dort wohnen? Why does Tom want to live there? Why does Tom want to live there? Een voetbalteam bestaat uit elf spelers. A soccer team consists of eleven players. A football team consists of 11 players. Ik ben in mijn kamer. I'm in my room. I'm in my room. Was fer Zeit hawwe mer? What time is it? What kind of time do you have more? We verkopen voornamelijk aan vrouwen. We sell mostly to women. We sell mainly to women. Wir säen. We're planting seeds. We saw. Tom war damals noch ein kleiner Junge. Tom was just a little boy at that time. Tom was a little boy at the time. Ik vind hem niet zo knap. I don't think he's all that handsome. I don't like him that much. God zegene Amerika. God bless America. God bless America. Froulju en bern earst! Women and children first! Women and children first! דער לעצטער טייל איז זעלבסטפֿאַרשטענדלעך. The last part is self-evident. I’m afraid I’m going to give you a ride away from you. Maria stieg aus dem Schwimmbecken und trocknete sich mit einem Tuch ab. Mary got out of the swimming pool and dried herself with a towel. Maria got out of the swimming pool and dried off with a cloth. Wir sind zu dem Schluß gekommen, dass er gefeuert werden sollte. We came to the conclusion that he should be fired. We have come to the conclusion that he should be fired. Gott ist allwissend. God is omniscient. God is all-knowing. Wie het hierdie lyke geroep tot dans? Who called these dead to dance? Who called this body to dance? Dat sülve kannst von all Minschen seggen. The same is true of all human beings. The same can be said of all people. Haben Sie Probleme beim Wasserlassen? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have problems watering? Es gibt Fragen, auf die niemand eine Antwort weiß. There are questions to which no one knows an answer. There are questions to which no one knows an answer. Misschien zijn ze blij. Maybe they're happy. Maybe they're happy. Tom steht um neun Uhr auf. Tom gets up at nine o'clock. Tom stands up at nine o'clock. De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek wordt ''République Centrafricaine'' genoemd in het Frans. The Central African Republic is called "République Centrafricaine" in French. The Central African Republic is called "République Centratricaine" in French. Es fiel Tom schwer zu schildern, was geschehen war. Tom had trouble explaining what happened. It was hard for Tom to tell you what had happened. Wil je proeven? Do you want to have a taste? Do you want to try? Volgt u mij maar, als het u belieft. Come with me, please. Follow me if you believe. We kunnen je daar niet heen sturen. We can't send you out there. We can't send you there. Nem bilong mi Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. Vrijheid voor Palestina! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Palestine! De bus keem twee Minuten to froh. The bus was two minutes early. The bus came to be two minutes too happy. Ich hoffe, dass wir Sie nicht als Kunden verlieren. I hope we don't lose you as a customer. I hope we don’t lose you as a customer. מיר זענען שוין מיד געווען פֿון װאַרטן. We were tired of waiting. Mr. Griffin was immediately abducted by Michael Yarden. Watter huis is nuut? Which house is new? Which house is new? Tom hat nicht so viel Glück wie Maria. Tom isn't as lucky as Mary. Tom is not as lucky as Mary. Je moet geen stilstaand water drinken. You shouldn't drink stagnant water. You shouldn't drink stopless water. Du hast einen Platten. You have a flat tire. You have a record. Tom wurde bei einem verbotenen Wendemanöver erwischt. Tom was caught making a U-turn when he shouldn't have. Tom was caught in a banned turnmanover. Schlaf jetzt. Sleep now. Sleep now. Vind je iemand leuk? Do you fancy anyone? Do you like someone? Die Flasche ist aus Glas. The bottle is made of glass. The bottle is made of glass. Wat is er met al de pindakaas gebeurd? What happened to all the peanut butter? What happened to all the peanuts? Tom wird sich freuen, Sie zu sehen. Tom is going to be pleased to see you. Tom will be happy to see you. Ich habe meine Karte zu Hause vergessen. I left my card at home. I forgot my card at home. Het is onmogelijk te winnen zonder dat een ander verliest. It is impossible to win without another one losing. It is impossible to win without losing another. Mien peerd vil ien revier en n krokodil beet mien bain deròf. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. My horse vil one river and a crocodile beet my bain deròf. „Hast du es eilig?“ – „Eigentlich nicht.“ "Are you in a rush?" "Not really." “Do you have it?” — “Really not.” Du riechst nach Rauch. You smell like smoke. You smell smoke. Ga slapen, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Ich weiß nicht, was Tom dir erzählt hat; es stimmte aber möglicherweise nicht. I don't know what Tom told you, but it might not be true. I don't know what Tom told you; but maybe it wasn't. whit did ye say ? What'd you say? What did you say? Ik heb een tijd in Frankrijk gewoond. I lived in France for some time. I've lived in France for a while. Woveel köst en Baguette? How much for a baguette? How much does Baguette cost? Hutt Dir mech net gesinn? Did you not see me? Don't you hate your mother's house? Drinken oder nich drinken - dat is de Fraag. To drink or not to drink - that is the question. Drink or don't drink - that's the question. Hat Tom sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung gesetzt? Did Tom contact you? Did Tom contact you? Hol mir auch welche. Get me some, too. Get me any. Wenn jemand fragen sollte, was die Pointe der Geschichte ist, ich weiß es wirklich nicht. If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know. If someone should ask what the point of history is, I really don’t know. Ze wachten verderop. They're waiting up ahead. They're waiting. Het leven van een bankier is zwaar. A banker's life is hard. The life of a banker is hard. Sie ist vollkommen unfähig. She's completely incompetent. She is completely incompetent. Zelfs als het hard regent, ga ik. I'll go even if it rains heavily. Even if it rains hard, I'll go. We hebben deze film niet gezien. We didn't see this movie. We haven't seen this film. Halt durch, Tom! Jetzt dauert es nicht mehr lange. Hang on, Tom, it won't be long now. Keep going, Tom! Now it won't take long. Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste. Discretion is the better part of valor. The mother of the Porcelainists is careful. Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the parking metres? Where are the parking meters? Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, don't you? You love each other, don't you? Heute Abend kommen drei Freunde von mir an. Three friends of mine will arrive tonight. This evening, three of my friends come to me. טאָם איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון וואַרטן. Tom was tired of waiting. Immediately, Immediately, Immediately speaking, Immediately speaking, Immediately, Immediately, Immediate Wer hat die Klimaanlage ausgeschaltet? Who turned off the air conditioner? Who turned off the air conditioning? We hebben echt honger. We really are hungry. We're really hungry. Sami trouwde met een moslimmeisje. Sami married a Muslim girl. Sami married a Muslim girl. Ich gehe hinter den Baum. I'm going behind the tree. I'm going behind the tree. Tom heeft een Pikachu-kussen. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Frans is haar moedertaal. French is her first language. French is her mother tongue. Zult ge mij tonen wat ge gisteren gekocht hebt? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, Tom sagen gehört zu haben, dass er nicht bereit sei, das zu tun. I'm fairly certain I heard Tom say he wasn't ready to do that. I'm pretty sure to have heard Tom say he's not ready to do that. Zai sprak. She spoke. Zai spoke. Ik heb vandaag geprobeerd om niet te huilen. I tried not to cry today. I tried not to cry today. Ik ben van plan nooit meer te drinken. I plan to never drink again. I'm never going to drink again. Ich hätte gern eine 80-Yen-Briefmarke. Please give me one 80-yen stamp. I would like to have an 80-Yen stamp. Ik heb een overdosis gehad. I overdosed. I've had an overdose. Ek dink ek mag dalk uit 'n werk wees. I think I might be out of a job. I think I might be out of work. Tom hett al Middag eten. Tom has already eaten lunch. Tom has already eaten Wednesday. Hij is nogal levendig. He's a bit energetic. He's pretty lively. Hol mein Gewehr. Get my rifle. Get my gun. Tom ist einer der besten Produzenten, die ich kenne. Tom is one of the best producers I know. Tom is one of the best producers I know. Ich habe es überhaupt nicht eilig. I'm not in any hurry. I don't care about it at all. Geef je je kind borstvoeding? Are you breastfeeding your child? Are you giving your child breast-feeding? Je vergelijkt appels met peren! You're comparing apples and oranges! You compare apples to pears! Neefkes leggen aaier. Flies lay eggs. Nefkes lay aloft. Miene Hand is in warm Water. My hand is in warm water. My hand is a warm water. Deine Aussprache ist großartig. Your pronunciation is superb! Your debate is great. Wie kommt es denn, dass Tom so deprimiert aussieht? I wonder why Tom looks so depressed. How does Tom look so depressed? Tom rannte um sein Leben. Tom ran for his life. Tom ran for his life. Dat had ik niet kunnen doen. I wouldn't have been able to do that. I couldn't have done that. Tom wusch sich die Ohren. Tom washed his ears. Tom was washing his ears. De Franse achternaam Malin werd tot Maling verengelst. The French surname Malin was anglicized to Maling. The French surname Malin was sealed into Maling.