Tom muss vorsichtiger sein. Tom has to be more careful. Tom needs to be more careful. Waarom logen jullie? Why did you lie? Why are you lying? Is hij dag en nacht open? Is it open round the clock? Is he open day and night? Dit is het beste seizoen om te wandelen. This is the best season for hiking. This is the best season to walk. Se catt is dēad. The tomcat's dead. They cat is dēad. Mien Telefoon weer kaputt. My phone was out of order. My phone was broken again. Der Patient liegt auf dem Totenbett. The patient lies on deathbed. The patient is on the bed. Ik heb mezelf aan wat gebroken glas gesneden. I cut myself on some broken glass. I cut myself to some broken glass. Hij vertrekt morgen naar Peru, nietwaar? He is leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? He's leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? Ik was verdrietig toen ik opstond. When I woke up, I was sad. I was sad when I got up. Tom war fast sofort tot. Tom died almost instantly. Tom was dead almost immediately. Worüm starvt wi? Why do we die? Why do we die? Blitsvinnig! Lightning-fast! Quickly! Das steht nicht zum Verkauf. It's not for sale. That's not for sale. Wanneer ik een order geef wil ik dat het wordt uitgevoerd! When I give an order I would like it to be executed! When I give an order I want it to be executed! Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, frag Tom! If you don't believe me, ask Tom. If you don't believe me, ask Tom! Wij wonen in Marokko. We live in Morocco. We live in Morocco. Hier? Here? Here? He is jümmer praat. He is always prepared. He is always ready. Een beer doodde Tom. A bear killed Tom. A bear killed Tom. Du solltest dich deiner Ignoranz schämen. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. Tom schien betrunken zu sein. Tom appeared intoxicated. Tom seemed drunk. Hätten Sie Insektenspray? Do you have any bug spray? Did you have insect spray? Aan wie hebt u het gegeven? To whom did you give it? Who did you give it to? Ik verwacht nix von di. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Und sie heirateten nicht und lebten glücklich bis an ihr Lebensende. And so they didn't marry and they lived happily until the end of their lives. And they did not marry and lived happily until the end of their lives. Dit is gênant. This is awkward. This is embarrassing. Das ist Toms Terminkalender. This is Tom's appointment book. This is Tom's appointment calendar. Ich bin an den Geruch gewöhnt. I'm used to the smell. I'm used to the smell. Herinner je je de dag nog dat we elkaar voor het eerst ontmoet hebben? Do you remember the day when we first met? Remember the day we first met? Missie volbracht. Mission accomplished. Mission accomplished. Du müsstest bitte ein paar Dinge für mich erledigen. I need you to do a couple of things for me. You'd have to do some things for me, please. Seh to! See you soon! Look at it! Rood past bij jou. Red suits you. Red fits you. Tom waste het bloed van zijn handen. Tom washed the blood off his hands. Tom washed the blood of his hands. We hebben geen bewijs. We have no proof. We have no evidence. Mary isst kein rotes Fleisch. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Habt ihr mit Tom gesprochen? Did you speak with Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Warum möchtest du Krankenschwester werden? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why would you want to be a nurse? Dit hang van die weer af. It depends on the weather. It depends on the weather. Jane war wie ein Mann angezogen. Jane was dressed as a man. Jane was dressed like a man. Ek werk by hierdie maatskappy. I work at this company. I work at this company. Je hoeft die vraag niet te beantwoorden. You don't need to answer that question. You don't have to answer that question. Er ist heute freundlich. He is being kind today. He's friendly today. Skryf met 'n pen, nie met 'n potlood nie. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Ek wil nie trou nie. I don't want to get married. I don't want to get married. Tom mag geern engelsche Litteretur lesen. Tom likes reading English literature. Tom likes to read English literature. Dit is Algeraai. This is Algeria. This is Algerian. Tom zal ons niet vertellen wat hij weet. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Er ist früh los, sonst hätte er den Zug nicht gekriegt. He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train. He's off early or he wouldn't have gotten the train. k Droag voak stevels. I often wear boots. k Droag Voak Stevels. Dieses Vier-Personen-Zelt eignet sich hervorragend für zwei. This four person tent is perfect for two. This four-person tent is excellent for two. Houveul köst kilo praai? How much is the kilo of leek? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Tom und ich müssen los. Tom and I have to leave. Tom and I have to go. Mijn oor bloedde vanochtend. My ear was bleeding this morning. My ear was bleeding this morning. Bitte unterstütze ihn etwas mehr! Please, lend him some more aid! Please support him a little more! Zai villen. They fell. Zai many. Wir sollten uns etwas schlafen legen. We should get some sleep. We should get some sleep. Het is duidelijk dat hij een grote fout heeft gemaakt. It is clear that he made a big mistake. Clearly, he made a big mistake. Tom hat gegessen. Tom was eating. Tom ate. Fabrieksafval vervuilt soms onze rivieren. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. Fabric waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. k Kin lezen. I can read. k Can read. זי איז געגאנגען שלאפן פרי. She went to bed early. She is going to sleep early. Iedereen heeft een hobby nodig. Everybody needs a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby. Ik heff allens Geld utgeven. I've spent all the money. I've spent everything on money. Tom heeft een hekel aan afwassen. Tom doesn't like washing dishes. Tom hates to wash off. Du seggst mi nie, dat du mi leef hest. You never tell me you love me. You never tell me you lived me. In dieser Klasse sind vierzig Schüler. There are 40 pupils in this class. In this class there are forty students. k Mag Fraans. I like French. k May Fraans. Ich gebe Tom nicht auf! I won't give up on Tom! I'm not giving up Tom! Tom war als Kind bis über beide Ohren in das Mädchen von nebenan verliebt. Tom had a massive crush on the girl next door when he was a kid. Tom was in love with the girl from next door as a child up to over both ears. Ich will eigentlich nicht aufhören. I don't really want to stop. Actually, I don't want to stop. Tom het iets in sy hand. Tom has something in his hand. Tom has something in his hand. We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We are influenced by our environment. We are influenced by our surroundings. Hot da da Tom amoi verzöht, wia 'r sein Haxn verlurn hot? Has Tom ever told you how he lost his leg? Hot there Tom amoi delays, wea 'r his haxn lost hot? Ik ben gek op hem! I'm crazy about him! I love him! Ik denk dat je heel wat vragen hebt. I guess you've got a lot of questions. I think you have a lot of questions. Er lebt von der Hand in den Mund und spart nie einen Cent. He lives hand to mouth and never saves a cent. He lives by the hand in his mouth and never saves a cent. Ik ga naar de sportschool. I'm going to the gym. I'm going to the gym. D'r Zoch kütt! Here comes the train! The zoch cools! Der Polizist verfolgte ihn. The policeman followed him. The policeman chased him. Wer ist Ihr Lieblingskomponist? Who's your favorite composer? Who is your favorite composer? Doe laigst. You are lying. Laugh. We namen een modderbad. We took a mud bath. We took a mud bath. ער איז מזגם. He exaggerates. He ishingm. Ik ben de weg kwijt. I'm lost. I lost my way. Ich glaube, du kannst uns helfen. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Kijk naar mijn vingers. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Um so ein teurer Wein zu sein, müsste er wirklich besser schmecken als dieser da. For being such an expensive wine, it really should taste better than this. In order to be such an expensive wine, he would really have to taste better than this one. Ien haarst valen bloadjen of. The leaves fall in autumn. One hairfall blasting or. Letzte Nacht gab es Frost. It frosted last night. Last night there was frost. Zij is een aansteller. She's a drama queen. She's a contractor. Het is bijna voorbij. It's almost over. It's almost over. Ek twyfel dat sy jou liefhet. I doubt that she loves you. I doubt she loves you. Amerika is en Inwannererland. America is a country of immigrants. America is an immigrant country. Folgen Sie der Straße drei Häuserblocks lang. Go down this street three blocks. Follow the road for three blocks of house. Dat is en neet Book. It's a new book. That's a new book. Was hast du? What's the matter with you? What have you got? He hett sien Ogenlicht bi en Unfall verloren. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost his eyelight in an accident. Het is niet ver van het hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Vergleicht den Stil dieser Briefe! Compare the style of those letters. Compare the style of these letters! Ich wollte Tom guten Tag sagen. I wanted to say hello to Tom. I wanted to say good-bye to Tom. De Sommer is vörbi. The summer is over. Summer is over. מײַן חבֿר איז אַ כינעזער. My boyfriend is Chinese. Mean character is a Chinese. Ik at appels. I ate apples. I ate apples. מיר האָבן געלאָזן אַפֿריקט אויף שטענדיק. We left Africa forever. We have dropped an error. We have left an error on always. Sie ist im Badezimmer. She is in the bathroom. She's in the bathroom. Archeologen vonden een ruïne van een oude stad met een oppervlakte van twaalf vierkante kilometer en groeven er een groot aantal voorwerpen op uit brons, jade en goud. Archaeologists discovered the ruins of an old city with a circumference of twelve square kilometers and a wide range of bronze, jade and gold objects. Archaeologists found a ruins of an ancient city with a surface area of 12 square kilometers and raised a large number of objects from bronze, jade, and gold. Sagen Sie Tom, dass wir gehen! Tell Tom that we're leaving. Tell Tom we're going! Hij walgde van het feit dat Silezië niet langer Pruisisch was. He deplored the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. He was disgusted by the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. Meinst du, Tom war derjenige, der das getan hat? Do you think that Tom was the one who did that? Do you think Tom was the one who did that? Diese Uhr ist teuer. This watch is expensive. This watch is expensive. De Küsel dreiht sik mit de Klock. The top is turning clockwise. The cube rotates with the clock. Ich habe sie gestern gesehen. I saw her yesterday. I saw her yesterday. Dat is nich wichtig. That's unimportant. This is not important. Weet je zeker dat je dit niet wilt doen? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Ik ga zelden naar de kerk. I go to church once in a blue moon. I'm rarely going to church. Joe binnen kollegoas. You are colleagues. Joe inside college. Neem autobus. Take the bus. Take a bus. Wir sind uns so ähnlich und gleichzeitig so verschieden. We are so similar and so different at the same time. We are so similar and at the same time so different. Ich bin nicht dein Vater. I'm not your dad. I'm not your father. Ich bin unverheiratet. I'm not married. I'm unmarried. Ik kies u. I choose you. I'll choose you. Hy is in Koreaan. He is a Korean. He is a Korean. Sie haben den Kampf verloren. They lost the battle. You lost the fight. We hadden een verhitte discussie. We had a heated discussion. We had a heated discussion. Tom is geestig. Tom is funny. Tom's spirited. Er ist ein japanischer Junge. He is a Japanese boy. He's a Japanese boy. An ’n 14. Februar fiert de Amerikaners Valentinsdag. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14th, the Americans celebrate Valentine's Day. Du kennst ehr? You know who she is? You know her? Es ist Ewigkeiten her, seit ich dich das letzte mal sah. It's been ages since I saw you last. It's been forever since I saw you the last time. Ich mag klassische Musik nicht. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. Grote delen van de oceaan zijn vervuild. Large areas of the ocean are polluted. Large parts of the ocean have been polluted. Ik heb er niets mee te maken. I have nothing to do with that. I have nothing to do with it. He wull de Pissmieren los warrn. He tried to get rid of the ants. He wanted to get rid of the piss ants. Wir mögen Schnee. We like snow. We like snow. Einhundert, zweihundert, dreihundert, vierhundert, fünfhundert, sechshundert, siebenhundert, achthundert, neunhundert, eintausend. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. A hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. Er rannte nach der Schule geradewegs nach Hause. He ran straight home after school. He ran home straight after school. Ze stopte met praten. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. De temperatuur is net boven het vriespunt. The temperature is just above freezing. The temperature is just above the freezing point. Meng Frëndin ass Belsch. My girlfriend is Belgian. My friend is Belgian. Ek kyk net. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Ek sal hier wees wanneer jy terugkom. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you come back. Ich wurde mit der Leitung dieses Projekts betraut. I've been put in charge of this project. I was entrusted with the management of this project. Der Februar hat nur 28 Tage. There are only 28 days in February. February has only 28 days. Vermisst ihr Boston? Do you miss Boston? Are you missing Boston? Haben Sie Fragen zur Speisekarte? Do you have any questions about the menu? Do you have any questions about the menu? Se bleev ehr Leven lang Single. She remained single all her life. She remained single for a long time. Ik zou graag iets willen drinken a.u.b. I'd really like to get something to drink. I'd like to have a drink, please. De acteurs verschenen in historische kostuums. The actors appeared in historical costumes. The actors appeared in historical costumes. Misschien was het niet zo evident. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. Maybe it wasn't that obvious. "Wat moet ik doen, dan?" "Ik weet het niet. Doe iets." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What should I do, then?" "I don't know. Do something." Sagen Sie mir, was Ihr Plan ist. Tell me your plan. Tell me what your plan is. Das Vergnügen ist ganz meinerseits. The pleasure's all mine. It's all my pleasure. Nu mot ik gaon. I have to go now. Now I'm gonna have to go. Ik ben vandaag vrij. I have the day off. I'm free today. Sally gaf hem een ​​kerstcadeau. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Yann at brood. Yann ate bread. Yann at bread. Du sagst zwar, du wollest richtig lernen, bemühst dich aber nicht bei deinen Hausaufgaben. Findest du das in Ordnung? You say that you want to study well, but don't actually work when it comes to doing the homework. Do you think that that's okay? You say you want to learn right, but don't try your homework. He snackt as en Engel. He speaks like an angel. He speaks like an angel. Der Reißverschluss von meiner Jacke hat sich verklemmt. The zipper on my jacket got stuck. The zipper from my jacket got stuck. Maria blafte. Mary barked. Maria blows. Houdt u van Italiaanse muziek? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? Meschain. Maybe. Meschain. Der Hund verfolgte den Fuchs. The dog ran after a fox. The dog chased the fox. Hast du das Buch schon gelesen? Have you read this book yet? Have you read the book? Ich gehe nach draußen. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Seine Neugier kannte keine Grenzen. His curiosity knew no bounds. His curiosity didn't know any limits. Ien taal is nea net genôch. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Mein Computer startet nicht mehr. My computer won't start up anymore. My computer doesn't start anymore. Die zwei Damen lächelten einander an. The two ladies smiled at each other. The two ladies smiled at each other. Danke schön. Thanks a lot! Thank you. Wanneer heeft u voor het laatst een ventilator gebruikt? When was the last time you used a fan? When did you last use a fan? Djoeba is de hoofdstad van Zuid-Soedan. Juba is the capital of South Sudan. Djuba is the capital of South Sudan. Ik woon in een groot huis. I live in a big house. I live in a big house. Is dien Moder tohuus? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? „Welchen Tag haben wir heute?“ – „Es ist Montag.“ "What day is today?" "It's Monday." "What day do we have today?" "It's Monday." Wie gaat het Tom vertellen? Who's going to tell Tom? Who's gonna tell Tom? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, Elke sei beschäftigt. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was busy. Tom and Mary told John that they did not believe that Elke was busy. Ich lüge auf dem Gras. I lie on the grass. I lie on the grass. Ik bün nu temlich mööd. I'm very tired now. I am now rather tired. De professor hield een college over het Midden-Oosten. The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East. The professor held a college on the Middle East. Mijn moedertaal is Japans. My mother tongue is Japanese. My native language is Japanese. Maria hat eine passiv-aggressive Persönlichkeitsstörung. Mary is passive-aggressive. Maria has a passive-aggressive personality disorder. Hai komt mit autobus. He comes by bus. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Er stroomt water door je aderen. You have water running through your veins. Water flows through your veins. Tom ächzte. Tom groaned. Tom Äckzte. Het jy brood? I gaan die duiwe voed. Do you have some bread? I'm going to feed the pigeons. Do you have bread? I will feed the doves. Ek en Sheila is ou vriende. Sheila and I are old friends. Sheila and I are old friends. Spreekt u Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Ihr wisst, wer ich bin. You know who I am. You know who I am. De Schachtel is leddig. The box is empty. The box is empty. Erzählen Sie uns was. Tell us something. Tell us what. Tijdens de oorlog doorstonden de mensen vele ontberingen. During the war, people went through many hardships. During the war, people endured many hardships. Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass Tom sich ändert. You can't really expect Tom to change. You can't expect Tom to change. ער איז נישט מײַן טאַטע. He's not my father. he is not meaning the. Er is geen zout meer. There is no salt left. There's no more salt. Kun jij omgaan met de manier waarop hij zich gedraagt? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you deal with the way he behaves? Ze hebben iets gevonden. They found something. They found something. Wenn du mich nur gefragt hättest, dann hätte ich es getan. If you'd just asked me, I would've done it. If you had just asked me, I would have done it. Das Wasser war kalt. The water was cold. The water was cold. Das Hochfeld war von Schnee bedeckt. The Champ du Feu was covered in snow. The high field was covered by snow. Tom un Ria segen sik in den Spegel, de an’e Wand hung. Tom and Mary saw themselves in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Tom and Ria bless themselves in the mirror hanging on their wall. Wie het dit gesê? Dis heeltemal verkeerd. Who said that? It's totally wrong! Who said that? Wiens pizza is dat? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is that? Das war alles, was er sich erhofft hatte. It was everything he hoped for. That was all he had hoped for. Tom was snel. Tom was quick. Tom was quick. Het is in Europa. It's in Europe. It's in Europe. Tom is trots op Mary. Tom is proud of Mary. Tom is proud of Mary. Heb jij in Duitsland in een Mercedes gereden? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Hat Tom schon einmal eine Kanadierin mit Namen Maria erwähnt? Did Tom ever mention a Canadian named Mary? Did Tom mention a Canadian named Maria once? Eine Brücke gewährt einen Zugang zur Insel. A bridge gives access to the island. A bridge provides access to the island. We zijn gewoon aan het brainstormen. We're just brainstorming. We're just brainstorming. Ich will einfach nur geliebt werden. I just want to be loved. I just want to be loved. Jeetje! Boy! Oh, my God! Se deed em glieks kennen. She recognized him immediately. She did know him the same way. Is dat een slechte zaak? Is that a bad thing? Is that a bad thing? De Burj Khalifa is no de heechste wolkekliuwer op de wrâld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is now the highest cloud in the world. Englisch wird auf der ganzen Welt gelernt. English is studied all over the world. English is being taught all over the world. Lekker weertje hè? Great weather, isn't it? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Nai. No. Nai. Der Gedanke zählt. It's the thought that counts. The mind counts. Lasst uns Highway 483 auf dieser Karte suchen. Let's find Highway 483 on this map. Let's look for Highway 483 on this map. „Möchtest du einen Drink?‟ - „Ich habe schon einen.‟ "Would you like a drink?" "I've already got one." “Do you want to have a drink? Sie hon sich abrasseerd. They hugged. She abrassed herself. Dat schall mehr as teihndusend Yen kösten. It will cost more than ten thousand yen. This should cost more than ten thousand yen. Ik beloof dat je blij zult zijn. I promise you'll be happy. I promise you'll be happy. Bitte stellt diese Stühle weg! Please put those chairs away. Please remove these chairs! Das ist ziemlich unerwartet. That is rather unexpected. That's pretty unexpected. Ich denke nicht, dass ich rechtzeitig dasein werde. I don't think I'll get there on time. I don't think I'll be that in time. Ik! Me! Me! Tom ist machtlos. Tom is powerless. Tom's powerless. U bent zwanger. You are pregnant. You're pregnant. k Heb Maria verteld dat k gain tied heb veur n reloazie, omreden k mie op schoul mòt konsentreren,' zee Tom plichteg tegen zien voar. ''k Bin bliede dat te heuren, mien jong,'' antwoordde hai tevrieden en klopte zien zeun op scholder. ''Der is loater genog tied veur zukse dingen.'' "I told Mary that I do not have time for a relationship because I have to focus on school," Tom said dutifully to his father. "I'm glad to hear that, my boy," he replied contentedly, patting his son on the shoulder. "There is enough time for such things later." k Heb Maria told me that k gain time has veur n reloazie, surrounded k mie at school mòt concentrate,' sea Tom was obliged to see against father. ''k Bin continued to hear that, my young,'' replied Hai tefrieden and knocked saw zeun on shoulder. ''There is loater genog teit veur zuxe things.'' Ich will nicht, dass ihr mich nackt seht. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Tom ist heute nicht er selbst. Tom isn't himself today. Tom isn't himself today. Mien Süster is dree Johr jünger as ik un mien Broder veer Johr jünger. My sister is three years younger than I and my brother is four years younger. My sister is three years younger than me and my brother is four years younger. Mijn broertje wou dat stripverhaal dat je onlangs aan mij hebt geleend lezen, dus ik zal het teruggeven nadat hij het uitgelezen heeft. My little brother wanted to read that comic you lent me the other day, so I'll be returning it after he's done. My brother wanted that comic story you just borrowed from me, so I'll give it back after he read it. Tom hat Arbeit. Tom has a job. Tom has work. היי, קעצל! Hey, kitty! Hey, wait! Wi hebbt Anfang 1994 anfungen Windows 3.1 to bruken. We started to use Windows 3.1 in the beginning of 1994. We started using Windows 3.1 in early 1994. Was willst du dagegen tun? What do you want to do about it? What do you want to do about it? Das ist eine Tasche, die sie selbst gemacht hat. This is a bag of her own making. That's a bag she made herself. Het jy van hulle gehoor? Have you heard about them? Have you heard of them? Toen ik vanochtend wakker werd, voelde ik me ziek. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. Jeder hasst mich. Everyone hates me. Everyone hates me. Ich bin auch ziemlich aufgeregt. I'm kind of excited, too. I'm also quite excited. Ik heb een hobby nodig. I need a hobby. I need a hobby. Als ik jouw stem voor maar 5 minuten hoor, ben ik daarna 23 uur en 55 minuten gelukkig. When I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, I am happy afterwards for 23 hours and 55 minutes. If I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, then I'll be happy for 23 hours and 55 minutes. פּוטין איז אַ שװאַנץ! Putin is a dickhead! Putin is a sentence! Tom wil piloot worden. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Wat ben je toch een zwijn. You're such a pig. You're a pig. Ik praat gjin Japansk. I can't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Tun Sie Tom bitte nichts! Please don't hurt Tom. Please don't do anything to Tom! Jullie zijn niet jong. You aren't young. You're not young. Ga je gang, ik luister. Go ahead. I'm listening. Go ahead, I'll listen. Ik hou van deze zin. I love this sentence. I love this sentence. Wat denk je? What do you think? What do you think? Er ist ungefähr so alt wie ihr. He's about the same age as you are. He's about as old as her. Tom ist im Herzen jung. Tom is young at heart. Tom is young in the heart. Er ist mein Freund. He is my friend. He's my friend. Wie hebben eten. We have food. Who's got food. Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen. I'm reading The New York Times. I'm reading the New York Times. Tom braucht sich um nichts Sorgen zu machen. Maria wird sich um alles kümmern. Tom doesn't need to worry about a thing. Mary will take care of everything. Tom doesn't need to worry about anything, Maria's gonna take care of everything. Da kommt jemand die Stiegen herauf. There's somebody coming up the stairs. Someone's coming up with the boots. Sprich langsam. Speak slowly. Speak slowly. Wir sind Seelenverwandte. We are soulmates. We're soul-related. Loss Tom waarte. Let Tom wait. Leave Tom guards. Der Prinz sagt, dass die Welt von der Schönheit gerettet werden wird! Und ich behaupte, dass er solche verspielten Gedanken hegt, weil er sich verliebt hat. The prince says that the world will be saved by beauty! And I maintain that the reason he has such playful ideas is that he is in love. The prince says that the world will be saved from beauty! And I claim that he has such playful thoughts because he has fallen in love. Ik weer dor faken. I was often there. I was there often. Ze willen het terug. They want it back. They want it back. Rome is die hoofstad van die wêreld. Rome is the capital of the world. Rome is the capital of the world. De Bodden is fuchtig. This soil is moist. The soil is moist. Die Jacksons gehen mit uns. The Jacksons are going with us. The Jacksons are going with us. Let op dat ge niet verkouden wordt. Be careful not to catch a cold. Make sure you don't get cold. Sie sollten lieber früh aufstehen. You'd better get up early. You'd better get up early. איך בין אזוי א קלאץ. I'm such a klutz. I am so a clat. Tom is geen slechte trainer. Tom isn't a bad coach. Tom's not a bad trainer. Warum bist du immer so verdammt stolz auf dich? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? Why are you always so damn proud of you? Ich gehe oft an den Strand. I often go to the beach. I often go to the beach. Hien schreift. He's writing. He writes. He is för mi en ganz Frömmen. He is a complete stranger to me. He is a whole stranger to me. Wi mööt nu wat doon. We have to act now. We need to do something now. Tom sagte, Marias Gemecker mache ihm nichts aus. Tom said that Mary's complaining didn't bother him. Tom said Maria's husband doesn't care about him. Tom was de laatst aangekomene. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom was the last one to arrive. k Hoat t Fraans. I hate French. k Hoat t Fraans. Tom kann solche Leute nicht ausstehen. Tom can't stand people like that. Tom can't stand such people. Sie ist jemand, dem man nicht querkommen sollte. She's not someone you want to get on the wrong side of. She's someone you shouldn't cross. Es ist brandneu. It's brand new. It's brand new. De laatste is de beste. The last one is the best. The last one is the best. Ik ben geen rijk man. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Habt ihr es dabei? Do you have it with you? Do you have it? Ik heb het zelf gezien. I myself saw it. I've seen it myself. Jullie kunnen volgens mij maar beter even rusten. I think you had better take a rest. I think you guys better rest. Mama was bezig met haar naaiwerk. Mom was busy with her sewing. Mom was doing her sewing. We hebben jullie hulp nodig. We need your help! We need your help. Je hebt er het raden naar wanneer ze zal komen. It's anybody's guess when she'll come. You're guessing when she'll come. Tot morgen in de bibliotheek. See you tomorrow at the library. Until tomorrow in the library. Bier besteht zu 90 % aus Wasser. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90% water. De koning regeerde veertig jaar over zijn volk. The king reigned over his people for forty years. The king ruled over his people for forty years. Ik bün Elektriker. I am an electrician. I'm an electrician. Der Verdächtige wurde zuletzt mit einer blauen Jeans und einem orangefarbenen Pullover bekleidet gesehen. The suspect was last seen wearing blue jeans and an orange sweatshirt. The suspect was last seen dressed with a blue jeans and an orange sweater. Wir sind gute Freunde, nichts weiter. We're good friends, nothing more. We're good friends, nothing more. Du maakst mi mall! You drive me nuts! You're making me mad! Ik dans geern. I love to dance. I dance. Ik heff Tom seggt, dat mi dat leed dee. It told Tom that I was sorry. I have said to Tom that I am sorry for it. Tom wollte Maria so vieles sagen. Tom had so many things he wanted to say to Mary. Tom wanted to tell Maria so much. Du kannst frei sagen, was du denkst. You are free to say what you think. You can say freely what you think. Ik leer Frans te spreken. I'm learning to speak French. I'm learning to speak French. Hai runde. He ran. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Tom bestuur soos 'n maniak. Tom drives like a maniac. Tom drives like a maniac. Þæt is þīn bōc. It's your book. The is þīn bōc. Dieses Gebäude ist riesig. This building is huge. This building is huge. Um elf passt es mir gut. Eleven o'clock is good for me. At eleven it fits me well. Tom redete nicht. Tom didn't talk. Tom didn't speak. Bei dem Autounfall auf der Kreuzung vor der Post kamen drei Menschen ums Leben. The crash at the intersection in front of the post office killed three people. Three people were killed in the car accident at the crossing in front of the post office. Der Jupiter ist der größte Planet unseres Sonnensystems. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Op elk Sied bi middelgrote Hitt för veer bet fiev Minuten anbraden. Sear on each side over medium heat for 4 - 5 minutes. Add on each side at medium heat for four to five minutes. Er hat nicht weniger als dreihundert Bücher. He has no less than three hundred books. He has no less than three hundred books. Ik bün bloot för teihn Minuten online wesen. I've only been online for ten minutes. I'm just going to be online for ten minutes. Tom hat zurückgeantwortet. Tom answered back. Tom replied back. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. Alle hübschen Mädchen sind eine Falle – eine hübsche Falle –, und die Männer erwarten das auch von ihnen. All pretty girls are a trap, a pretty trap, and men expect them to be. All pretty girls are a trap - a pretty trap - and men expect that from them too. Er mag Orangen. He likes oranges. He likes oranges. Mijn vader stierf toen ik zeven was. My father died when I was seven years old. My father died when I was seven. Dit is nie hoekom ek hier is nie. That is not why I am here. That's not why I'm here. Moi! Hi! Moi! Ik wil nog niet sterven. I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die yet. Doe zongst. You sang. Don't worry about it. Sie führt ihr Tagebuch auf Englisch. She keeps her diary in English. She leads her diary in English. Komm mit. Come along. Come with me. Ik maakte mijn huiswerk. I was doing my homework. I did my homework. Ik verfde het hek groen. I painted the fence green. I painted the gate green. Der Mann raubte alles Geld von Susan. The man robbed Susan of all her money. The man took all the money from Susan. Dies sind die Regeln. These are the rules. These are the rules. Nach den Hausaufgaben habe ich Baseball im Fernsehen gesehen. I watched baseball on TV after I finished my homework. After homework, I saw baseball on TV. Er geht mit meiner Schwester. He's dating my sister. He's going with my sister. Het huis is warm. The house is warm. The house is warm. Hij zal komen als ge hem roept. He will come if you call him. He'll come if you call him. Wie war euer Aufenthalt? How was your stay? How was your stay? De crimineel kwam het huis uit met zijn armen in de lucht. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal came out the house with his arms in the air. Ik werk weer. I'm working again. I'm working again. Ich könnte einen Rat gebrauchen. I could use some advice. I could use a advice. Mijn taal is Berber. My language is Berber. My language is Berber. Das Anwesen wurde dem ältesten Sohn zuerkannt. The estate was adjudged to the oldest son. The property was granted to the oldest son. Tom is zien kollegoas aan t helpen. Tom is helping his colleagues. Tom's seen collechoas helping. Womit soll ich anfangen? Which shall I begin with? What am I supposed to start with? Hij gaf mij een compliment. He paid me a compliment. He gave me a compliment. Voorzichtig! Kijk uit! Careful! Watch out! Watch out! Hij komt dikwijls te laat. He often comes late. He's often late. Maria is niet zo groot als hij. Mary is not as tall as he is. Maria is not as big as he is. Hoeveel keer per dag geeft u uw hond te eten? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day do you give your dog to eat? Bitte nicht stören! Please do not disturb! Please don't bother! Wie atten aaier. We ate eggs. Who's awesome. Hoeveel kleinkinderen heb je? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Ik denk dat het klopt. I think it's OK. I think it's right. Tom lief zurück in die Höhle. Tom ran back into the cave. Tom went back to the cave. Ek is seker ons sal iets vind om te doen. I'm sure we'll find something to do. I am sure we will find something to do. Ik eet graag watermeloen. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. Steve sah sehr glücklich aus. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very happy. Die kat hou daarvan om te slaap. The cat likes sleeping. The cat likes to sleep. Ich habe eine neue Diät begonnen. I've begun a new diet. I started a new diet. Bel uw broer. Call your brother. Call your brother. We hebben hem uit het land verbannen. We banished him from the country. We've put him out of the country. Wiä gaats dir? How are you? Who are you? Tom ist möglicherweise besser im Französischen, als du meinst. Tom might be better at French than you think he is. Tom might be better off in French than you mean. Tom schreef n bouk. Tom wrote a book. Tom wrote a buk. Te loat. Too late. Too loose. Ik vraag me af wat hem van gedachte heeft doen veranderen. I wonder what could have made him change his mind. I wonder what made him change his mind. Maria hob den Rock bis zur Hälfte des Oberschenkels an und tauchte die Zehen ins Wasser. Mary hiked her skirt up to mid-thigh and dipped her toes in the water. Maria lifted the skirt up to half the thigh and dived the toes into the water. „Das ist in Deutschland normal.“ – „Echt?“ "This is normal in Germany." "Really?" “This is normal in Germany.” “Eight?” Ik blaas mijn ballon op. I am inflating my balloon. I blew my balloon. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is proud of you. Tom is proud of you. Ich glaube nicht, dass er kommt. I don't think that he will come. I don't think he's coming. Tom starb einen schnellen Tod. Tom died a quick death. Tom died a quick death. Sami heeft water nodig. Sami needs water. Sami needs water. Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? Please give me a glass of water. Can I have a glass of water, please? Wat is dien leevst Woord? What's your favorite word? What Is Your Loved Word? Ik bin in seefûgel. I am a seagull. I am a seabird. Ich schulde meinen Erfolg eurer Unterstützung. I owe my success to your help. I owe my success to your support. Das Konzert war eine große Enttäuschung. The concert was a big disappointment. The concert was a great disappointment. Ich reise gern allein. I like to travel by myself. I like to travel alone. Het is al 7 uur. It's already 7 o'clock. It's been 7 o'clock. Ich glaube, Tom hat seine Kamera vergessen. I think Tom forgot his camera. I think Tom forgot his camera. Darf ich Sie etwas fragen? Do you mind if I ask you a question? May I ask you something? Tom hat viele gute Ideen. Tom has a lot of good ideas. Tom has many good ideas. Am 20. Oktober zog Tom in seine neue Wohnung. Tom moved into his new apartment on October 20th. On October 20, Tom moved into his new apartment. Tom weet waarom. Tom knows why. Tom knows why. די מחברטע האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון אירע אָנהענגערס מיט איר טראַנספֿאָביע. The author disappointed a lot of her fans with her transphobia. The I.P. has opposed a sentence of her beginnings with her transfuse. Tommy ist ein netter Mensch. Tommy is a nice man. Tommy is a nice person. מרים פֿאַרשטײט כינעזיש. Mary understands Chinese. Mary understands Chinese. Es gibt nur drei Mädchen in der Klasse. There are only three girls in the class. There are only three girls in the class. Ek sal dit terug gee. I'll give it back. I'll give it back. Het was in het jaar tweeduizend. It was in the year two thousand. It was two thousand in the year. The Jeues are irk. The Jews are tired. The Jeues are irk. Habt ihr das gewusst? Did you know this? Did you know that? Tom hat am 20. Oktober ein Vorstellungsgespräch. Tom has a job interview on October 20th. Tom has an interview on October 20. Dit is Edward. This is Edward. This is Edward. Is autobus stokkend? Is the bus broken? Is Car Bus Stucking? Wi wören vör nüms bang. We weren't afraid of anyone. We will never be afraid. In einem Wutanfall boxte ich auf die Wand und brach mir meinen Zeigefinger. In a fit of anger I punched the wall and broke my index finger. In a rage case, I boxed on the wall and broke my index finger. Tom hat echt große Füße. Tom's feet are really big. Tom has really big feet. Kein Mensch ist illegal. No one is illegal. No human being is illegal. Ik ben verslaafd. I'm addicted. I'm addicted. Dat hett Taro Akagawa schreven. That was written by Taro Akagawa. This was written by Taro Akagawa. Ich werde das überdenken. I'll think about it. I'll think about that. װיפֿל איז דער זײגער? ס'איז האַלב פֿיר. "What time is it now?" "It's 3:30." Number is the clock? It is partially started. Ik eet graag taart. I like eating cake. I like to eat cake. Ik heb gedroomd. I had a dream. I dreamed. Ich erfinde gerne Nützliches. I like to invent useful things. I like to invent useful ones. De Hitt vondaag is gresig. The heat is terrible today. The heat today is horrible. Dit is het eerste deel van een serie over de moderne filosofie. This is the first volume of a series on modern philosophy. This is the first part of a series on modern philosophy. Ist das Arabisch? - Nein, das ist Uighurisch, eine im Nordwesten Chinas gesprochene Sprache. Is this Arabic ? - No, this is Uighuric, a language spoken in North-West China. Is that Arabic? - No, that's Uighuric, a language spoken in northwest China. Das haben Sie mit Absicht gemacht. You did that on purpose. That's what you've done. Es regnete pausenlos. It rained nonstop. It rained pauselessly. Ik word stapelgek van Tom. Tom is driving me mad. I'm gonna get fucked up with Tom. Ich habe den ganzen Nachmittag verschlafen. I slept the whole afternoon away. I slept all afternoon. Der Meeresspiegel ist seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahre 1880 um 20 Zentimeter gestiegen. Man nimmt an, dass er bis zum Jahre 2100 um weitere 30 bis 120 Zentimeter steigen wird. Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 4 feet by 2100. The sea level has risen by 20 centimeters since the beginning of the records in 1880. It is assumed that by the year 2100 it will rise by another 30 to 120 centimeters. Toen ik haar in Boekarest had ontmoet, was Anca een student. When I had met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. When I met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. Ich bin heute Morgen früh aufgewacht. I woke up early this morning. I woke up this morning. Hie kacht elo. He's cooking now. He's cooking right now. Er kam gestern nicht zur Schule. He didn't come to school yesterday. He didn't come to school yesterday. Tom verließ das Büro, ohne auch nur auf Wiedersehen zu sagen. Tom left the office without even saying goodbye. Tom left the office without even saying goodbye. k Hol van schinken! I love bacon! K Hol van schinken! Tom verdween. Tom disappeared. Tom disappeared. Tom bezit een nepbedrijf op de Britse Maagdeneilanden. Tom owns a shell company in the British Virgin Islands. Tom owns a fake company in the British Virgin Islands. Ich werde den Tag nie vergessen, an dem ich in den Brunnen fiel. I'll never forget the day I fell into the well. I'll never forget the day I fell into the well. Uiteindelijk bereikte hij het hotel. He finally reached the hotel. He finally reached the hotel. Iohannes ġeaf Marian ǣnne æppel. John gave Mary an apple. Iohannes theeaf Marian thenne æppel. Goed, ik zal m’n best doen. Good, I will do my best. All right, I'll do my best. קענסט דו זינגען דעם ליד? Can you sing this song? Can you sing the song? Und wie das Glück so spielt, war die Vorsehung auf meiner Seite. As luck would have it, Providence was on my side. And as luck plays like this, the prospect was on my side. Wir sind heute zu Hause. We are at home today. We're home today. Bring mich bitte zum Flughafen. Please take me to the airport. Take me to the airport. Ik ben vier weken zwanger. I'm four weeks pregnant. I'm four weeks pregnant. Es geht ihm schon viel besser. He's feeling much better. It's gonna be much better for him. ס'איז נישטאָ קיין מלוכה וואָס האָט דאָס רעכט צו עקסיסטירן. No state has the right to exist. It's not any QUEEN that has the right to exist. Tom schloss die Küchentür. Tom shut the kitchen door. Tom closed the kitchen door. Ik hou niet van druiven. I don't like grapes. I don't like grapes. Kan dat ook anders geformuleerd worden? Can it be phrased in another way? Can that be formulated differently? Worüm hett mi keeneen seggt, wat ik doon schall? Why didn't anyone tell me what to do? Why did I not tell anyone what to do? Tom wird bis Mittag zu Hause sein. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home until noon. Wees bedankt för dien Hülp. Thank you for your cooperation. Be thankful for your help. Wat leest doe? What are you reading? What do you read? Do dat! Do it! Do it! Ik heb een ezel. I have a donkey. I have a donkey. Laten we deze problemen een voor een bekijken. Let's look at these problems one at a time. Let's look at these problems one by one. Es ist offensichtlich, dass du hier nicht allzu glücklich bist. What's obvious is that you're not very happy here. It's obvious you're not too happy here. Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen years old. Ik vind dat een heel irritant geluid. I think that's a very annoying sound. I think that's a very annoying sound. איך האָב מײַנע ספֿקות. I have my share of doubts. I have meant success. Mijn vader is maar vijftien jaar. My father is only fifteen years old. My dad's only 15 years old. Ben je daar geboren? Were you born there? Are you born there? Hai runt. He is running. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Waarom is die weg afgezet? Why is that road blocked? Why was that road turned off? Ein Pferd läuft schnell. A horse runs quickly. A horse runs fast. Ich schwitze. I'm sweating. I'm sweating. He is so groot as ik. He is as tall as I. He's as big as I am. He is gau. He's fast. He's fast. Er hat zwei Katzen. He keeps two cats. He has two cats. Er staat iemand bij de poort die erg op Tom lijkt. Someone who looks a lot like Tom is standing near the gate. There's someone at the gate who looks very like Tom. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Der Wert einer guten Erziehung lässt sich nicht in Geld bemessen. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. The value of a good education cannot be measured in money. Ik let op de kinderen terwijl jij naar de winkel gaat. I'll look after the children while you go shopping. I'll watch the kids while you go to the store. De winter is mijn lievelingsseizoen. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. Maria ist bisexuell. Mary is bisexual. Maria is bisexual. Erzähl ihm das nicht, oder er fängt an zu weinen. Don't tell him that, or he'll start crying. Don't tell him, or he'll start crying. Es liegt daran, dass du ein Mädchen bist. It's because you're a girl. It's because you're a girl. k Schilder poaskaaier. I'm painting Easter eggs. k Shielder Papascrayer. Je zou beter moeten weten nu je achttien bent. You should know better now you are eighteen. You should know better now that you're eighteen. Heb je dat gekocht? Did you buy that? Did you buy that? Aardappelen zijn zeer goedkoop. Potatoes are very cheap. Potatoes are very cheap. Dit is aspergesoep. This is asparagus soup. This is asparagus. Tom hat einen Mahagonischreibtisch. Tom has a mahogany desk. Tom has a mahogany writing table. Open alstublieft het raam. Please open the window. Please open the window. Het is echt geen goed idee. It's really not a good idea. It's really not a good idea. Tom weiß nicht, was er will. Tom doesn't know what he wants. Tom doesn't know what he wants. Wat is de Ünnerscheed twischen en Hund un en Wulf? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? What is the difference between a dog and a wolf? k Kom oet Afrin. I'm from Afrin. k Come and eat Afrin. Man empfängt den Mann nach dem Kleide und entlässt ihn nach dem Verstande. A good dress is a card of invitation, while a good mind is a letter of recommendation. One receives the man after the garment and dismisses him according to the mind. Du büst en beten besett. You are a bit fat. You are a bit busy. k Kom. I am coming. k Come on. Der Herbst ist da. Autumn is here. Autumn is here. Er war der Einzige, der das Feuer überlebte. He was the only person to survive the fire. He was the only one who survived the fire. Zai zwaitte. She sweated. Zai zwaitte. Tom führt ein Tagebuch auf Französisch. Tom keeps a diary in French. Tom leads a diary in French. Wie neem je mee naar het toneelstuk? Who are you bringing to the play? Who are you taking to the play? Het was een koude zomer dit jaar. It was cold in the summer of this year. It was a cold summer this year. De hoofdstad van Niue is Alofi. The capital of Niue is Alofi. The capital of Niue is Alofi. Tom gab Maria ein Weihnachtsgeschenk. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Tom gave Maria a Christmas present. Ik was zeer blij toen ik dat nieuws vernam. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was very happy when I heard that news. Wat wil je dat ik doe? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Tom hett toveel kört. Tom talked too much. Tom has too much short. Flikker. Faggot. Flicker. Ik moet je een domme vraag stellen. I need to ask you a silly question. I need to ask you a stupid question. De Schauspelerin sütt jünger ut as wat se is. The actress looks younger than she really is. The actor looks younger than what she is. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich ihr den Schlüssel gegeben habe. I remember giving her the key. I remember giving her the key. Welche Haltestelle ist das? What stop is this? Which stop is this? Dan is in dat kasteel geboren. Dan was born in that castle. Dan was born in that castle. Schlechten Fahrern sollte man den Führerschein entziehen. Bad drivers should have their licenses taken away from them. Bad drivers should be removed from the driver's license. „Wie kannst du es wagen, mich ans Ende dieses Satzes zu verbannen?“, fragte Tom. "How dare you exile me at the end of this sentence?" asked Tom. "How dare you bind me at the end of this sentence?" Tom asked. Help me met mijn huiswerk. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. ס'איז דרעק. It's a piece of shit. It's dry. Wilt u een kamer met een bad of een douche? Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? Er ist dickschädelig. He's pig-headed. He's thickly damaged. Sie trug langes Haar letztes Jahr. She had long hair last year. She wore long hair last year. Könnt ihr später noch mal kommen? Can you come back later? Can you come back later? די אָרעמענטשן האָבן זי ליב געהאַט. The poor people loved her. The companies have taken it for granted. Mag ik dit aanraken? Can I touch it? Can I touch this? Tom houdt van chocolade-ijs. Tom likes chocolate ice cream. Tom likes chocolate ice cream. Wir könnten erwischt werden. We could get caught. We could be caught. Er wird kommen, wenn du ihn anrufst. He'll come if you call him. He'll come when you call him. Zij heeft weinig vrienden. She doesn't have many friends. She has few friends. Maria und ihre Schwester haben eine ähnliche Frisur. Mary and her sister have a similar hairstyle. Maria and her sister have a similar hairstyle. Tom kon nie glo wat aan die gang is nie. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom could not believe what was going on. De hond die op het gras ligt is van mij. The dog lying on the grass is mine. The dog lying on the grass is mine. Wi kunnen nix sehn as Mist. We could see nothing but fog. We can't see anything like mist. Ik telefoneer je wanneer ik tijd heb. I'll call you when I have time. I'll call you when I have time. Ik bün keen Hex. I am not a witch. I am not a witch. Dat gifft negen Milljonen Fohrrääd in Peking. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million drivers in Beijing. Sammy zei dat hij me kon horen. Sami said he could hear me. Sammy said he could hear me. Kennst du den Grund, warum der Himmel blau aussieht? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Wir können Ihre Forderungen nicht erfüllen. We cannot meet your demands. We can't meet your demands. Tom en Mary is baie besig. Tom and Mary are very busy. Tom and Mary are very busy. Dies ist das Büro, in dem er arbeitet. This is the office in which he works. This is the office in which he works. ס'איז דאָ אַ מאַן אין טיר װאָס װילט רעדן מיט דיר. There's a man at the door who wants to speak with you. It's here a husband in door that wants to speak to you. Hij werkt acht uur per dag. He works eight hours every day. He works eight hours a day. Zou je graag veel geld willen hebben? Would you like to have lots of money? Would you like a lot of money? Ich wohne in Nordschweden. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Doe kòcht n pappegoai. You bought a parrot. Do a parrot. Een Jung is grötter as de annere. One boy is taller than the other. One boy is bigger than the other. Ich mag deinen Chef nicht. I don't like your boss. I don't like your boss. Wenn ich acht Stunden hätte, um einen Baum zu fällen, so verbrächte ich die ersten sechs Stunden damit, die Axt zu schärfen. If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first six hours sharpening the ax. If I had eight hours to fall a tree, I would spend the first six hours sharpening the axe. En Fisch kann swemmen. A fish can swim. A fish can swim. Nööm mi Ishmael. Call me Ishmael. Name me Ishmael. Waar woont gij eigenlijk? By the way, where do you live? Where do you live? Weet jy enige iets van hulle? Do you know anything about them? Do you know anything about them? Tom hat das Loch mit Zement gefüllt. Tom filled the hole with concrete. Tom filled the hole with cement. Hij benutte zijn positie om zijn vermogen op te bouwen. He exploited his position to build up his fortune. He used his position to build up his ability. Maria viel flauw. Mary fainted. Maria fainted. Tom zorgt voor de kinderen op maandagmiddag. Tom takes care of the kids on Monday afternoons. Tom's taking care of the kids on Monday afternoon. Ik doe het in de la. I put it in the drawer. I'll do it in the la. Der Händler häufte in der Nachkriegszeit einen enormen Reichtum an. The merchant accumulated tremendous fortune during the postwar era. In the post-war period, the merchant acquired an enormous wealth. Gain probleem. No problem. Get a problem. Du hast einen guten Plan. You have a good plan. You have a good plan. Der Gatte der Schwester meines Vaters ist mein Onkel. My father's sister's husband is my uncle. My father's sister's husband is my uncle. Ich habe den Film vor einer langen Zeit gesehen. I saw that movie a long time ago. I saw the movie a long time ago. Kannst du dich wirklich nicht an mich erinnern? Do you really not remember me? Can't you really remember me? Hast du dich je mitten in der Nacht geduscht? Have you ever taken a shower in the middle of the night? Have you ever been in the middle of the night? Ik wist dat je Boston leuk zou vinden. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Ik ben tegen ieder soort oorlog. I'm opposed to any type of war. I'm against any kind of war. Joe binnen aal te snel You are all too quick. Joe inside too fast Jullie zijn me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Ongelukkig sal Tom nie kan kom nie. I'm afraid Tom won't be able to come. Sadly, Tom will not be able to come. Berlyn is die hoofstad van Duitsland. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Das ist ein tropischer Sturm. Es wird bald vorbei sein. This is a tropical storm. It'll be over soon. It's a tropical storm, it'll be over soon. Die Kirche ist für die Hochzeit mit Blumen geschmückt. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding. Tom werkt alleen. Tom works alone. Tom works alone. Jouw vrouw leert me Italiaans. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. Ik ben van plan om met hem te lunchen. I'm scheduled to have lunch with him. I intend to have lunch with him. Englisch ist mein Lieblingsfach geworden. English has become my favorite subject. English has become my favorite subject. Wir haben mit lauter Stimme gesungen. We sang in loud voices. We sang with a loud voice. Er is vanavond een vuurwerkshow. Tonight there’s a fireworks show. There's a fireworks show tonight. Wat wil je? What is it? What do you want? Het heeft de hele dag gesneeuwd. It kept snowing all day. It snowed all day. Waarom ben je je handen aan het wassen? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Die zwölf Tiere des chinesischen Tierkreises kommen von elf Tierarten, die wir in der Natur vorfinden: der Ratte, dem Ochsen, dem Tiger, dem Hasen, der Schlange, dem Pferd, dem Widder, dem Affen, dem Hahn, dem Hund und dem Schwein sowie vom Drachen aus der Mythologie; sie werden als Kalender benutzt. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac come from eleven types of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, and the mythological dragon; they're used as a calendar. The twelve animals of the Chinese animal circle come from eleven species of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the cock, the dog and the pig, and the dragon from mythology; they are used as calendars. Ik denk niet dat er nog meer studenten willen komen. I don't think any more students want to come. I don't think any more students want to come. Ik kan je beschermen. I can protect you. I can protect you. Gelukkige verjaardag, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Je kunt me dit niet aandoen! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! איך בין גאר פארמישט. I am all mixed up. I am Lord mixed. Welke tand doet pijn? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? Sie sprechen mit dem Polizeibeamten. They are talking with the police officer. They're talking to the police officer. De Tom het gern Chäs. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes Chäs. Tom hatte ein Herz auf seinem Arm tätowiert. Tom had a heart tattooed on his arm. Tom had tattooed a heart on his arm. Verdedig de kerk. Defend the church. Defend the church. Schulen sind geschlossen. Schools are closed. Schools are closed. Welk merk en kleur heeft de auto van de directeur? What brand and what color is the director's car? What brand and color does the director's car have? Nun bin ich von meinem Vater unabhängig. I am now independent of my father. Now I'm independent from my father. Tom hett al wunnen. Tom has already won. Tom has already won. Er kann weder lesen noch schreiben. He can neither read nor write. He can't read or write. Astronomie hannelt von Steerns un Planeten. Astronomy deals with the stars and planets. Astronomy acts on stars and planets. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are you doing? How's it going? די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman reads. The question is read. Hij sliep een uur. He slept an hour. He slept for an hour. Würden Sie mir bitte eine Karte der Untergrundbahn geben? Could I have a subway map, please? Would you please give me a map of the underground track? Hiert Haus ass um Fouss vun engem Bierg. Her house is at the foot of a mountain. This house is at the foot of a mountain. Ik was vergeten dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. I forgot Tom used to live in Boston. Es regnet. It is raining. It's raining. Ik heff di en Breev tostüürt. I sent you a letter. I sent you a letter. Jij bent moe en ik ook. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired and I'm tired. Unsere Hennen haben gestern eine Menge Eier gelegt. Our hens laid a lot of eggs yesterday. Our hens laid a lot of eggs yesterday. Ik ben student. I'm a student. I'm a student. De Himalaya is hoger dan de Alpen. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. The Himalayas is higher than the Alps. Ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören. I can't quit now. I can't stop now. Ihr Kopf sprudelte über vor neuen Ideen. Your head was bursting with new ideas. Her head spilled over from new ideas. Ek het 'n kat en 'n hond. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Het klopt. It's correct. It's right. Ek sou nie verbaas wees as Tom vroeg verlaat het nie. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I would not be surprised if Tom had left early. Bleibt hier und helft mir! Stay here and help me. Stay here and help me! Se is man en Kind. She's only a child. She is a man and a child. Kanada ist ein großes Land. Canada is a large country. Canada is a big country. Zalig kerstfeest. Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas. Er hat den weiten Weg aus Chicago zurückgelegt. He came all the way from Chicago. He took the long way out of Chicago. Hai is mien noaber. He is my neighbour. Hai is my noaber. Das war unverzeihlich. That was unforgivable. That was unforgivable. Ons is baie dronk. We're quite drunk. We are very drunk. Es tut mir leid, ich habe keinen Bleistift zum Schreiben. I'm sorry I have no pencil to write with. I'm sorry, I don't have a pencil to write. Tom het terug binne gegaan. Tom went back inside. Tom went back inside. Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Layla survived the icy cold night. Das Einzige, was ich weiß, ist, dass ich nichts weiß. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. The only thing I know is that I don't know anything. Ich möchte nicht mit dir spielen. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to play with you. Hien kacht elo. He's cooking now. He's cooking now. Ich denke, dass Tom schrecklich ist. I think Tom is horrible. I think Tom's terrible. Ik bün 25 Johr oold. I'm 25 years old. I am 25 years old. Hadden ze het? Did they have it? Did they have it? Ik ben nu een bad aan het nemen. I am taking a bath now. I'm taking a bath now. En wiesen Mann kann Gold sogoor ut Eek winnen. A wise man can derive gold even from pus. A wise man can win gold sogoor out of oak. Ich hon de Muskitt kaputtgemach. I killed the mosquito. I hon de Muskitt broken. Kannst du Gerste von Weizen unterscheiden? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Ich musste nach Hause fahren. I needed to go home. I had to go home. Tom blieb in seinem Auto. Tom stayed in his car. Tom stayed in his car. Mein Name ist Mary und das ist Tom. My name is Mary and this is Tom. My name is Mary and that's Tom. Mijn vader belde net. My dad just called. My father just called. Mijn vader is arts. My father is a doctor. My dad's a doctor. Ik ben niet tevreden met wat je gedaan hebt. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not satisfied with what you did. Sei nett zu alten Leuten. Be kind to old people. Be nice to old people. Ek moet aan my kinders dink. I have to think of my children. I have to think of my children. Abraham þa aras on þære ilcan nihte, and ferde mid twam cnapum to þam fierlenan lande, and Isaac samod, on assum ridende. Abraham then arose in the same night, and went with two servants to the distant land, together with Isaac, riding on donkeys. Abraham þa aras on dazere ilcan nihte, and fart mid tweem cnapum to þam fierlenan land, and Isaac samod, on assum riding. Papa, ich mache keinen Spass! Ich bin schwanger. Papa, I'm not joking! I'm pregnant. Dad, I'm not making fun, I'm pregnant. Het water is aan het vloeien. The water is flowing. The water is flowing. Oma kickt geern Feernsehn. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandma kicks yellow television. Ek het 'n droeë vel. I have dry skin. I have a sad skin. U het hierdie boek geskryf? You wrote this book? You wrote this book? Tom versucht, niemandem im Weg zu stehen. Tom is trying not to get in anybody's way. Tom's trying to get nobody in the way. Tom scheint unbeholfen zu sein. Tom appears awkward. Tom seems unhelpful. Er zijn veel sterren die groter zijn dan onze zon. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Ich habe mit dem Rauchen aufgehört. I quit smoking. I stopped smoking. Het is twee uur in de namiddag. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Doe was koelkasten aan t verkopen. You were selling refrigerators. Make refrigerators to sell. Tom hilft mir gewöhnlich bei den Hausaufgaben. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Tom usually helps me with homework. Das ist alles deine Schuld. All of this is because of you. That's all your fault. Vlinders leven niet lang. Butterflies have short life spans. Butterflies don't live long. Die Flüchtlinge kämpften gegen den Hunger. The refugees struggled against hunger. The refugees fought against hunger. Ich bin hierhergekommen, um Tom zu finden. I came here looking for Tom. I came here to find Tom. Hier is mien Telefoonnummer. Here's my telephone number. Here's my phone number. Tom sagte Mary, dass er die Arbeit ein paar Tage zuvor erledigt hatte. Tom told Mary that he had finished the work a few days ago. Tom told Mary that he had done the work a few days earlier. We redden het nooit op tijd. We're never going to make it on time. We're never gonna save it in time. Er betrog seinen Freund. He deceived his friend. He cheated on his friend. Ik ben een nieuwe studente. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Können Sie uns etwas über die natürlichen Gegebenheiten dieses Gebiets sagen? Can you tell us about some of the natural features of that area? Can you tell us something about the natural circumstances of this area? "We geven geen kortingen," zei de vrouw streng, "ongeacht hoe klein. En wilt u nu alstublieft het pak uittrekken als u het zich niet kunt veroorloven?" "We don't give discounts," the woman said sternly. "Regardless how small. Now, please take off the suit if you can't afford it." "We don't give any discounts," said the woman, "no matter how small. And if you can't afford it, would you please take off the suit?" U zult hard moeten werken, als u wilt slagen voor het examen. You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam. You will have to work hard, if you want to succeed for the exam. Praat för ’n November? Ready for November? Talk for November? Ich liebe dich, und ich will nicht, dass dir irgendetwas passiert. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Bist du fertig mit dem Buch? Are you through with this book? Are you finished with the book? Du hast dich den ganzen Tag kaum bewegt. You've barely moved all day. You barely moved all day. Wanneer zal je terugkomen naar school? When will you come back to school? When will you come back to school? Dat Äten warrt koolt. The food is getting cold. The ant will be cold. Tom braucht eine neue Brille. Tom needs a new pair of glasses. Tom needs a new glasses. Magst du Frauen mit großen Brüsten oder kleinen Brüsten? Do you like women with large or small breasts? Do you like women with big breasts or small breasts? Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, uw dienaar t’aller stond, de tirannie verdrijven die mij mijn hart doorwondt. That I may stay a pious servant of Thine for aye and drive the plagues that try us and tyranny away. That I may remain pious, your servant stood still, driving away the tyranny that hurts my heart. Kijk eens hier in. Take a look in there. Look at this. Je moet je schulden aflossen. You must pay off your debts. You have to pay off your debts. Sie sagten, sie würden uns helfen. They said they'll help us. They said they'd help us. Der Laden ist geschlossen. The store's closed. The store is closed. Ek wil nie gebruik word nie. I don't want to be used. I don't want to be used. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat u voor ons hebt gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I'll never forget what you did for us. We zullen nieuwe namen toevoegen aan onze lijst. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. Tom wird ungeschoren davonkommen. Tom will get off scot free. Tom will get away unscathed. Das ist ein günstiger Laden. That's a cheap store. That's a cheap store. Mayuko dook ien t kolle wotter. Mayuko dived into the cold water. Mayuko shower one t college waiter. Die aktuelle Situation des Landes ist nicht gut. The current situation of the country isn't good. The current situation of the country is not good. Wie geht es dir und der Familie? How are you and the family doing? How are you and the family? In welcher Stadt wohnst du? What city do you live in? Which city are you living in? Ge doet mij pijn. You're hurting me. Ge hurts me. Tom tat nichts anderes, außer den ganzen Tag lang fernzusehen. Tom did nothing but watch TV all day. Tom didn't do anything else except watch away all day long. Dit eten is knapperig. This food is crunchy. This food is delicious. Wat mij betreft, ik heb op het moment niets te zeggen. As for me, I have nothing to say at present. As far as I am concerned, I have nothing to say right now. איך קען נישט עסן מער. I cannot eat any more. I could not eat more. Slecht weer is geen hinderpaal. Bad weather is no obstacle. Bad weather isn't an obstacle. Sie wissen nicht, dass ich Japaner bin. They don't know that I'm Japanese. You don't know I'm Japanese. Möchte Tom etwas? Does Tom want something? Does Tom want something? Er kam nackt aus der Dusche. He came out of the shower naked. He came naked out of the shower. Als je die vaas laat vallen, zal ik het op je loon inhouden. If you drop that vase, I'll take it out of your wage. If you drop that vase, I'll keep it on your paycheck. Mijn familie is erg trots op me. My family is very proud of me. My family is very proud of me. Moi apmoal. Hi, everybody. Moi apmoal. אונדזערע פֿערד זענען מיד. Our horses are tired. Our enemies are midwives. De Ünnereerdschen sünd gode Smeedlüüd. The dwarves are great smiths. The underwear are good smooth people. Sie können mein Auto benutzen. You may use my car. You can use my car. Ze weten hoe een atoombom gemaakt wordt. They know how to make an atomic bomb. They know how an atomic bomb is made. Zij is twintig jaar oud. She is twenty years old. She's 20 years old. Ich gebe es auf. I'm giving up on it. I'll give it up. Bret Stephens biþ a maddok. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Bret Stephens atþ a maddok. Maria langweilte sich zu Tode. Mary was really bored. Mary was bored with death. איך עס אסאך פלייש. I eat a lot of meat. I it's sort of liquid. Mainstekaans. Probably. Main English. Ik kan me de melodie van dat lied niet herinneren. I can't remember the tune of that song. I can't remember the melody of that song. Japan hat weniger Einwohner als Amerika. The population of Japan is less than America. Japan has fewer inhabitants than America. Ich kann die in dieser Diskussion vertane Zeit nur bedauern. I cannot but regret the time wasted in this discussion. I can only regret the time spent in this debate. Du bist nicht glücklich, oder? You're not happy, are you? You're not happy, aren't you? Die besten Kuchen, die ich jemals gegessen habe, sind die, welche meine Mutter gebacken hat. The best cakes that I have ever eaten are those that my mother baked. The best cakes I've ever eaten are those that my mother baked. We capituleerden. We surrendered. We capitalized. De schrijftafel zit onder het stof. The desk is covered with dust. The writing table is under the fabric. Jij bent een hond. You're a dog. You're a dog. Tom scheint verärgert zu sein. Tom seems angry. Tom seems angry. Gott hod dich krieerd. God created you. God hat you cry. Tom heeft een heleboel religieuze boeken, maar hij heeft ze nog nooit gelezen. Tom has a lot of religious books, but he has never read them. Tom has a lot of religious books, but he's never read them before. Luisterde iedereen? Was everyone listening? Listening to everyone? Manchmal kaufe ich Tiefkühlgemüse. Sometimes, I buy frozen vegetables. Sometimes I buy frozen vegetables. Hebben jullie een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? מיר קענען זינגען. We can sing. We can sing. Wenn du dazu nicht imstande bist, dann suche ich mir jemand anderen. If you can't do it, I'll find someone who can. If you're not able to do that, then I'm looking for someone else. Het is oké. It's OK. It's okay. Tom klang beschäftigt. Tom sounded busy. Tom sounded busy. Sami reed op een kameel. Sami rode a camel. Sami drove on a camel. Ich frage mich, ob Tom weiß, warum Maria gestern nicht in der Schule war. I wonder whether Tom knows why Mary was absent from school yesterday. I wonder if Tom knows why Maria wasn't in school yesterday. וואו איז דער באדצימער? Where is the bathroom? Where is the serviceman? Hij stierf gisteravond. He died last night. He died last night. Sie versuchte, ihren Vater zu überreden. She attempted to persuade her father. She tried to persuade her father. Linda stond op om te zingen. Linda stood up to sing. Linda stood up to sing. k Hol van praai en worst. I like leeks and sausages. k Hol van praai und wurst. Se hett em vergeven. She has forgiven him. She forgiven him. Ik ben morgen niet vrij. I will not be free tomorrow. I'm not free tomorrow. Ich betrachte das nicht als ein Kernproblem. I don't see this as a core issue. I don't think this is a core problem. So kann ich nicht mehr leben. I can't live this way anymore. That's how I can't live. Se hebbt en Graffsteen över dat Graff opstellt, de över den Haven kickt. They set up a tombstone over the grave overlooking the harbor. They created a tombstone over the graph that kicks over the harbor. S Buech isch root. The book is red. S Buch isch root. Hou je van verrassingen? Do you like surprises? Do you like surprises? Weet je wat het probleem heeft veroorzaakt? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? טאמער איר קען נישט גיין צו אן ענגליש-רעדענדיגער מדינה שטודירן, מסתמא איר קען געפינען עמעצער וואס רעדט ענגליש אלס מאמא-לשון וואס וואוינט נונט, וואס קען הילפן אייך לערנען ענגליש. If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English. Well, perhaps you couldn't go to an English-editor's office; at least you could find out who spoke English-born language that lived well, which could help you learn English. De plank vroor aan de grond vast. The plank froze to the ground. The plank frozen to the ground. Ek weet hoe jy oor my gevoel het. I know how you felt about me. I know how you felt about me. Wat is dien leevst Gedicht? What's your favorite poem? What is your favorite poem? Ze staat naast het gele huis. She's standing next to the yellow house. She's next to the yellow house. איך שרײַב דעם בחור I'm writing the fellow. I am God's Word. Was stimmt hier nicht? What's wrong with this? What's wrong here? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Is dat dien Fründ? Is that your boyfriend? Is that your friend? Ik zou graag in Boston willen wonen. I'd like to live in Boston. I'd like to live in Boston. Niemand is volmaak nie. Nobody's perfect. No one is perfect. Tom söcht na Arbeid. Tom's looking for work. Tom is looking for work. Ich habe nicht genügend Geld, um mir etwas zu essen zu kaufen. I don’t have enough money to buy food. I don't have enough money to buy me something to eat. Sprachen sind nicht seine Stärke. Languages aren't his forte. Languages are not its strength. Bin ich dick? Am I fat? Am I fat? Ich stehe gerade auf dem Flughafen. Right now I'm at the airport. I'm at the airport right now. Snackst du Chineesch? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Ben jij goed in tennis? Are you good at playing tennis? Are you good at tennis? Ik probeer dat probleem op te lossen. I'm trying to work out this problem. I'm trying to solve that problem. Hir Mamm ass Algeerierin. Their mom is Algerian. Her mother is an Algerian. Der Senat verfügte, dass ein neuer Konsul gewählt und das Land von den Feinden befreit wird. The Senate decreed that a new consul be chosen and the country be delivered from the enemies. The Senate had chosen a new consul and the country was set free from the enemies. Ich kann kein Englisch – und Spanisch schon überhaupt nicht. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English and Spanish at all. ברוך־הבא צו גענעם! Welcome to Hell! Brachua to get there! Tom trägt nur Markenkleidung. Tom only wears brand-name clothes. Tom only wears brand clothing. Wi hebbt dat noch wedder versöcht, aver kunnen dat nich doon. We tried it again, but couldn't do it. We've tried it again, but we can't do it. Ich kümmere mich um Tom. I'm looking after Tom. I'll take care of Tom. Sie hätten Toms Gesichtsausdruck sehen sollen, als ich das sagte. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when I said this. You should have seen Tom's facial expression when I said that. Chan ich Ihnä hälfä? Can I help you? Can I help him? Ik wil Estland bezoeken. I want to visit Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. De apen vlooien elkaar. The monkeys are grooming each other. The monkeys are floundering each other. Tom snoof. Tom sniffed. Tom snoof. Ech wëssen net, ween meng Mamm ass. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mom is. Er is geen zout meer. There's no more salt. There's no more salt. Bitte kommt her. Please come here. Please come here. Ich habe vor niemandem Angst. I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm not afraid of anyone. Hy was baie moeg. He was very tired. He was very tired. Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is a lot shorter than Mary is. Tom is much smaller than Ria. איך רעד נישט קײן בענגאַליש. I don't speak Bengali. I would not be a Bengali. Hij deed zijn bureaulamp uit. He turned off his desk lamp. He took off his desk lamp. איר זײַט אַ גרויסע משפּחה. You guys are a big family. you page a large family. Schottisches Kochrezept für Tomatensuppe: Heißes Wasser in eine rote Tasse gießen. Scottish recipe for tomato soup: Pour hot water into a red cup. Scottish cooking recipe for tomato soup: pour hot water into a red cup. Als ik jou was, zou ik een arts bellen. If I were you I would call the doctor. If I were you, I'd call a doctor. Ik vertroo di. I trust you. I trust di. Jullie kopen. You're buying. Buy you. Korrigiert mich, wenn ich mich irre. Correct me if I am mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong. Es ist äußerst wichtig, dass du dich selbst im Büro vorstellst. It is essential that you present yourself at the office. It's very important that you imagine yourself in the office. Tom fuhr mit dem Lesen fort. Tom resumed reading. Tom continued reading. Tom stieg in sein Auto und fuhr schnell davon. Tom got into his car and quickly drove off. Tom got into his car and drove away quickly. Hy het nie eens 'n haar gedraai met die nuus van sy vrou se dood nie. He did not even raise an eyebrow at the news of his wife's death. He didn't even turn a hair with the news of his wife's death. Es war sehr staubig im Haus. The house was very dusty. It was very dusty in the house. Dankie en totsiens! Thank you and goodbye! Thank you and good-bye! Er gab mehrere Beispiele, wie wir die Dinge ändern könnten. He gave several examples of how we could change things. He gave several examples of how we could change things. Hij werd aangevallen door een haai. He was attacked by a shark. He was attacked by a shark. Lit my gean! Let me go! Let me go! Tom is waarschijnlijk in Boston. Tom is probably in Boston. Tom's probably in Boston. De fles bevatte wijn. The bottle contained wine. The bottle contained wine. Dafür wirst du bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You'll pay for that! Drome kom altyd andersom uit. Dreams always come out differently. Dreams always turn out the other way around. Dat verhoogt de onkosten. This adds to the expense. This increases the expense. Ich habe einen Stiefbruder. I have a stepbrother. I have a stepbrother. כ'בין נישט קיין קאָטער. I'm not a tomcat. Don't be no coach. Tom weet, wat passert is. Tom knows what happened. Tom knows what's pasted. Mi luv yuh! I love you! I luv yuh! He hett mi in’t Gesicht slaan. He hit me in the face. He hit me in the face. Das Rathaus ist im Stadtzentrum. The city hall is in the center of the city. The town hall is in the city center. Wie zijn die mensen? Who are these people? Who are those people? Sie werden die Neuigkeiten gehört haben. You will have heard the news. You'll have heard the news. Ðū līhst. You lie. þū līhst. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom have breakfast? Ihr solltet euch bei Tom für euer Zuspätkommen entschuldigen. You should apologize to Tom for being late. You should apologize to Tom for your consent. Die gewig neem af. The weight is decreasing. Weight decreases. Tom heeft veel geld opzij gezet. Tom put aside a lot of money. Tom put aside a lot of money. Tom sah auf seine Uhr und bemerkte, dass ihm nur noch fünf Minuten bis zum Mittagessen blieben. Tom looked at his watch and saw that he only had five minutes left until lunchtime. Tom looked up at his watch and noticed that he only stayed for five minutes until lunch. Jemehr Huus is wied af von ’n Bahnhoff. Their house is far from the station. Their house is far from a station. ווער וועל זיין שומר אויף דיין שטוב, ווען דו ביסט אוועק? Who will take care of your house when you're away? Who will be sounder on your staff, when you will wake up? Het interesseert me niet. I don't care. I don't care. Ik woon hier sinds 1990. I have lived here since 1990. I've lived here since 1990. De Sünn is groot. The sun is big. The sun is big. Das ist nur vorübergehend. It won't be for long. That's just temporary. Zou je alsjeblieft wat harder kunnen praten? Could you please speak a little louder? Would you please be able to talk a little harder? Wenn ich heute sterbe, werde ich dich jede Minute deines Lebens heimsuchen. If I die today, I'll haunt you every minute of your life. If I die today, I'll find you every minute of your life. Verbrechen macht sich auf die Dauer nicht bezahlt. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime does not pay in the long run. Kadde sloapt op toavel. The cat sleeps on the table. Kadde sleeps on toavel. Ich hatte geplant, ihn anzurufen, änderte aber meine Meinung und tat es nicht. I was planning to call him, but changed my mind and didn't. I had planned to call him, but I changed my mind and didn't. Tom kennt den Keerl, wo Ria mit kamen is. Tom knows the man Mary came with. Tom knows the guy where Ria came from. Tom antwortete zuerst nicht. Tom didn't answer at first. Tom didn't answer first. Zie bewaarken Wikipedie. They edit Wikipedia. See Keep Wikipedie. Ich konnte gut schwimmen, als ich jung war. I could swim well when I was a boy. I could swim well when I was young. Tom hat mir gestern über dreißig Nachrichten geschrieben. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom wrote me about thirty messages last night. Woarheer? From where? Why? Ik denk dat iedereen dat weet. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows that. לאָמיר זיך לערנען אונגאַריש. Let's learn Hungarian. Lomir learns Hungarian. Tom kann noch nicht Fahrrad fahren. Tom can't ride a bicycle yet. Tom can't ride a bike yet. Wir müssen dem Einhalt gebieten. We have to stop it. We have to stop. Er hatte auf dem Weg zur Schule einen Verkehrsunfall. He had a traffic accident on his way to school. He had a traffic accident on his way to school. Ik ben in mijn kamer. I'm in my room. I'm in my room. Wat is er mis met u? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Die Regierung sollte mehr Geld in Landwirtschaft investieren. The government should invest more money in agriculture. The government should invest more money in agriculture. טאם מיינט, אז מאַרי זאל נישט היטן סודות פון אים. Tom thinks Mary shouldn't keep secrets from him. Tom thought, that Mary might not watch solitudes of him. Weisst du, wann sie zurück sein wollen? Do you know when they will be back? Do you know when they want to be back? Wie auch immer, das ist jedoch nur etwas für hübsche Männer. However that's only for handsome men. Anyway, that's just something for pretty men. Dit boek is oud. This book is old. This book is old. Ik zie de maan en de zon. I see the moon and the sun. I see the moon and the sun. Een jongen is een mannelijk kind. A boy is a male child. A boy is a male child. Het ongeluk ontnam hem alle hoop op succes. The accident destroyed all his hopes for success. The accident deprived him of all hope of success. Ik heff allens seggt. I've said everything. I have said everything. Wat is het vandaag heet, hè? It's hot today, isn't it? What's it called today, huh? De Bank hett em 500 Dollar lehnt. The bank lent him 500 dollars. The bank loaned him $500. Vroeger was ze een schoonheid. She was a beauty in her day. She used to be a beauty. Bitte diesen Hinweis nicht beachten. Please don't follow this advice. Please do not take note of this note. Tom mag Maria nicht. Aber Maria macht es nicht besonders viel aus, ob er sie mag oder nicht. Tom doesn't like Mary. However, she doesn't particularly care whether he likes her or not. Tom doesn't like Mary, but Mary doesn't care very much about whether she likes it or not. Wat ontbreekt er? What is missing? What's missing? Ria wahnt in Kairo. Mary lives in Cairo. Ria lives in Cairo. Gold is sworer as Iesen. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Kan ik jouw schaar lenen? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Jy moes Kioto besoek het. You should have visited Kyoto. You should have visited Kyoto. Maria, Schluss jetzt! Das reicht! Mary, stop it. That's enough. Maria, finish it now! Wannehr hest du dien Auto köfft? When did you buy your car? When did you buy your car? Tom kan niet helpen. Tom can't help. Tom can't help. Ik ben zo gelukkig! How happy I am! I'm so happy! Nicht die stärkste Spezies überlebt, nicht die intelligenteste, sondern diejenige, die am besten auf Veränderungen reagiert. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Not the strongest species survives, not the most intelligent, but those who respond best to change. Wijn is gebottelde poëzie. Wine is bottled poetry. Wine is bottled poetry. Tom ist ein Einserschüler. Tom is a straight-A student. Tom is a single student. Du kannst mi nich ophollen. You can't stop me. You can't stop me. Mayuko eet brood voor het ontbijt. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Ek het gedog jy gee om vir hulle. I thought you cared about them. I thought you cared about them. Betrek iedereen erbij. Get everybody involved. Get everyone involved. Het officiële begin is op zaterdag. The official start is on Saturday. The official start is on Saturday. Se hett em op de Steern küsst. She kissed him on the forehead. She kissed him on the star. Dis die lewe. That's the way the cookie crumbles. It's life. Ich mag Rotwein viel lieber als Weißwein. I like red wine much more than white wine. I like red wine much better than white wine. Jullie hebben dat prachtig gedaan. You guys did an awesome job! You've done that wonderfully. Ze zijn prachtig. They're wonderful. They're beautiful. Ek het vir jou gewag om terug te kom. I was waiting for you to get back. I waited for you to come back. Tracy is haar bril kwijt. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost her glasses. Kureg! Funny! Curious! All Sucker is sööt. All sugar is sweet. All sugar is sweet. Ich tünche nicht eure Wände. I don't know your limits. I don't touch your walls. An die Arbeit! Die Sandsäcke füllen sich nicht von selbst! Get to work. These sandbags won't fill themselves. The sand bags don't fill themselves! Im Hafen liegen viele Yachten. Many yachts are in the harbor. There are many yachts in the harbor. Was ist eine Ionenbindung? What is an ionic bond? What is an ion bonding? Die Kalmarer Union, bestehend aus Schweden, Dänemark und Norwegen, brach 1523 auseinander. The Kalmar Union, comprising Sweden, Denmark and Norway, broke apart in 1523. The Kalmar Union, consisting of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, broke apart in 1523. Tom schaute wütend. Tom looked angry. Tom looked angry. Haastige spoed is zelden goed. Haste makes waste. Fast speed is rarely good. Regeringsleden inspecteerden alle fabrieken. Government officials inspected all factories. Government members inspected all factories. Ich ha es Velo. I have a bicycle. I got it Velo. Ich beeile mech. I'll hurry. I'm hurrying. Dat Kind is mien Süster. That child is my sister. The child is my sister. Wat is een jungle? What's a jungle? What is a jungle? Tom fand jemandes Visitenkarte in seiner Tasche, doch er konnte sich nicht besinnen, wo er diese herhatte. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but couldn't remember where he got it. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but he couldn't imagine where he had it. Zijn jullie nerveus? Are you nervous? Are you nervous? Het vlees was te lang gebraden. The meat was overfried. The meat had been fried for too long. Ik zie de roos. I see the rose. I see the rose. Het is 7 uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's 7:00. Können wir Amerika eine Absage erteilen? Can we say "No" to America? Can we give America a discount? Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom hier ist. I don't know why Tom is here. I don't know why Tom's here. Nehmen Sie Ihren Mantel! Take your coat. Take your coat! Zai leest. She reads. Zai reads. די בני־ישראל זענען מיד. The Israelites are tired. The BNijsrael are now the middle of the BNijsrael. Tom ist nicht hier. Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan niet tegen natuurlijke dwaasheid op. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness. Artificial intelligence cannot resist natural folly. Welk Lüüd möögt Kaffe un anner Lüüd möögt lever Tee. Some people like coffee and others prefer tea. Which people may have coffee and other people may have liver tea? Ich habe sofort gespürt, dass irgendetwas nicht stimmte. I sensed immediately that something was wrong. I immediately felt that something was wrong. Ich überredete ihn, die Idee aufzugeben. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I persuaded him to give up the idea. Ik ben gewoon niet geschikt voor dit werk. I'm just not cut out for this kind of work. I'm just not suitable for this work. Ik zal nooit meer pasta eten. I will never eat pasta again. I'll never eat pasta again. Tiene, twinteg, datteg, vatteg, viefteg, zesteg, zeuventeg, tachteg, negenteg, honderd. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Tene, twenty, dateg, vatteg, vifteg, zesteg, zeuventeg, tachteg, neuteg, hundred. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Hoe oud is hij? How old is he? How old is he? Vrijheid voor Palestina! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Palestine! Tom het Mary vertel hoeveel hy van sy werk gehou het. Tom told Mary how much he liked his work. Tom told Mary how much he liked his job. Ich komme mit dir mit, wenn ich mein Mittagessen aufgegessen habe. I will go with you after I have eaten my lunch. I'll come with you when I eat lunch. Wir müssen ihn nach seinem Verlust trösten. We've got to comfort him after his loss. We need to comfort him after his loss. Hest du em leef? Do you love him? Did you live him? Tom ist ihr Bruder. Tom is her brother. Tom is her brother. k Kin nait zwemmen. I can't swim. k Can swim at night. Die siek persoon het die beste moontlike sorg gehad. The sick person had the best of care. The sick person had the best possible care. k Zag heur. I saw them. k zag heur. Sami leerde over islam. Sami was learning about Islam. Sami learned about Islam. Ik spreek Spaans tegen mijn kat. I'm speaking Spanish to my cat. I speak Spanish to my cat. Thai is en intressante Spraak. Thai is an interesting language. Thai is an interesting language. Halte dich von meiner Tochter fern! Stay away from my daughter! Get away from my daughter! Was die sop smaaklik? Was the soup tasty? Was the soup tasty? Der Neuling brachte neuen Schwung ins Team. The rookie breathed new life into the team. The newcomer brought new swing to the team. Schwimmen macht Spaß. Swimming is fun. Swimming is fun. Ze hebben grotere en betere schepen gebouwd. They built bigger and better ships. They've built bigger and better ships. Ist das für mich? Is that for me? Is that for me? Dat is Apenfleesch. It's monkey meat. This is open meat. Mijn familie is klein. My family is small. My family is small. Mi luv yuh! I love you. I luv yuh! De rekening, alstublieft. The check, please. The account, please. Ich mag ihn nicht, aber ich mag sie. I don't like him, but I like her. I don't like him, but I like her. Tom beendete die Beziehung. Tom ended the relationship. Tom ended the relationship. Maria träumte, dass sie beim Wettbewerb gewonnen habe. Mary dreamed that she had won the contest. Maria dreamed she won the competition. Dat is geen woordenboek. That's not a dictionary. That's not a dictionary. Dat hett güstern dull regent. It rained heavily yesterday. It rained yesterday. Hij heeft geen geld. He doesn't have any money. He doesn't have any money. Jana fragte Maria, ob sie bei ihr übernachten wolle. Jane asked Mary whether she'd like to stay at her place for the night. Jana asked Maria if she wanted to stay with her. Zij is drie keer naar Frankrijk gegaan. She has been to France three times. She went to France three times. Ich suche meinen Schlüssel. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Ik zal haar antwoord nooit vergeten. I will never forget her answer. I'll never forget her answer. De Tom wett sis Geld hüt. Tom wants his money today. Tom bets her money. Tom laat Mary toe om te praat. Tom let Mary talk. Tom allows Mary to speak. Ik ben Frans aan het studeren. I'm studying French. I'm studying French. Vonden jullie deze video leuk? Did you like this video? Did you guys like this video? אַ מענטש לעבט נישט אײביק, דאָס טיפּשות יאָ. A man does not live forever, but stupidity does. a person doesn't live necessarily, this types yes. Hoeveel kost het lidmaatschap? How much does the membership cost? How much does membership cost? Diese Trauben sehen süß aus, sind in Wirklichkeit aber sauer. Those grapes look sweet, but in fact they're sour. These grapes look sweet, but they are really sour. Tom ging an Bord des Flugzeugs. Tom went on board the plane. Tom went aboard the plane. Tom is mien faveriet. Tom is my favorite. Tom is my favorite. אַלע װערטער װערן מיד, קײן מענטש קען עס ניט אַרױסרעדן; דאָס אױג קען זיך ניט אָנקוקן זאַט, און דאָס אױער קען זיך ניט אָנהערן פֿול. All things are full of weariness beyond uttering. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. All words are immediately, a man can't kill it; the ag can't look at the sat, and the au can't get up here. Ich wusste nicht, dass Sie so gut kochen können. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you could cook so well. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass sie Tom umbringen. We can't let them kill Tom. We must not allow them to kill Tom. Wacht even! Hang on a while! Wait a minute! Ek weet dat Tom en Mary meer as vriende was. I know Tom and Mary were more than just friends. I know that Tom and Mary were more than friends. Er waren veel mensen in het park. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Ik heb geen zwaard. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. Dat Ies is düchtig dick. The ice is very thick. The ice is highly thick. Dit kasteel is in 1610 gebouwd. This castle was built in 1610. This castle was built in 1610. Ik kan haar en haar zus niet uit elkaar houden. I can't tell her apart from her sister. I can't keep her and her sister apart. Einige Lieder stammen aus Schottland. Some songs come from Scotland. Some songs come from Scotland. Wenn ich in den unterschiedlichsten Sprachen der Welt, ja, sogar in der Sprache der Engel reden kann, aber ich habe keine Liebe, so bin ich nur wie ein dröhnender Gong oder ein lärmendes Becken. Wenn ich in Gottes Auftrag prophetisch reden kann, alle Geheimnisse Gottes weiß, seine Gedanken erkennen kann und einen Glauben habe, der Berge versetzt, aber ich habe keine Liebe, so bin ich nichts. Selbst wenn ich all meinen Besitz an die Armen verschenke und für meinen Glauben das Leben opfere, aber ich habe keine Liebe, dann nützt es mir gar nichts. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. If I can speak in the various languages of the world, yes, even in the language of the angels, but I have no love, I am just like a drowsy gong or a noisy basin. If I can speak prophetically in God's command, know all the secrets of God, can recognize his thoughts and have a faith that moves mountains, but I have no love, I am nothing. Even if I give all my possessions to the poor and sacrifice life for my faith, but I have no love, then I don't benefit at all. Ich erhielt einen Brief von einem Freund. I got a letter from a friend. I received a letter from a friend. Er trat dem Verein letztes Jahr bei. He joined the club last year. He joined the club last year. Moet nie aan die lekkergoed raak nie. Don't touch the candy. Don’t touch the candy. Sukkeloa smoakt zuit. Chocolate tastes sweet. Sukkeloa tastes sweet. Wie viele Mützen besitzt du? How many caps do you own? How many hats do you have? En schöönen Aabig. Have a nice evening. A beautiful ababy. Kuala Lumpur is en Besöök weert. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is a visit weather. Du büst dat föffte Rad an ’n Wagen. You are the fifth wheel on the wagon. You are the fifth wheel on a car. Ik werd wakker van de koffiegeur. The smell of coffee woke me up. I woke up from the coffee smell. Wat ze zei, klinkt raar. That, what she said, sounds strange. What she said sounds weird. Soms is het beter om te zwijgen. Sometimes it's better to remain silent. Sometimes it's better to keep silent. Dor segg ik nix to. No comment. I don't say anything to it. "Zal het regenen?" "Ik hoop van niet." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Shall it rain?" "I hope not." De Vereenigten Staten hebbt föfftig Bundsstaten. There are fifty states in the United States. The United States has fifty states. Die dief het weggehardloop toe sy die polisieman gesien het. The thief ran away when she saw the policeman. The thief ran away when she saw the policeman. Hoeveel woordenboeken heeft u? How many dictionaries do you have? How many dictionaries do you have? Wij vroegen hoe laat het was. We asked for the time. We asked how late it was. Ich suche einen französischsprechenden Arzt. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'm looking for a French-speaking doctor. Passt es jetzt nicht? Is this not a good time? Doesn't it fit now? Dieses Buch hat viele schöne Bilder. This book has many beautiful pictures. This book has many beautiful pictures. Tom wollte Rechtsanwalt werden. Tom wanted to become a lawyer. Tom wanted to be a lawyer. Ze heeft een mysterieuze kant. She has a mysterious side. She's got a mysterious side. Het is ongebruikelijk om rocksterren met een stropdas te zien! It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie! It is unusual to see rock stars with a stropdas! Tegen wie denk je dat je het hebt? Who do you think you're talking to here? Who do you think you're talking to? k Haar n dezain aaier neudeg. I needed a dozen eggs. k hair n dezain auer nutdeg. Bohr nicht in deiner Nase. Don't pick your nose. Don't drill in your nose. Ich habe mich daran gewöhnt, früh schlafen zu gehen. I'm used to going to bed early. I used to go to bed early. Ich hatte nicht erwartet dich hier zu finden. I didn't expect to find you here. I didn't expect to find you here. Er hat nicht sie verführt, sondern sie ihn. He didn't seduce her. She seduced him. He didn't seduce her, but she seduced him. Beeile dich und du wirst rechtzeitig da sein. Make haste, and you will be in time. Hurry up and you'll be there in time. Eine Sache wollte ich dir schon seit Langem sagen: Deine zynischen Witze sind unerträglich. I've wanted to tell you this for a long time: Your cynical jokes are unbearable. One thing I've wanted to tell you for a long time: Your cynical jokes are unbearable. S Huus isch root. The house is red. S House is red. Nachts kann sie die Sterne sehen. At night, she can see the stars. She can see the stars at night. Gefällt Ihnen diese Handtasche? Do you like this purse? Do you like this handbag? Sie half dem alten Mann über die Straße. She helped the old man across the street. She helped the old man across the street. Verkopen jullie deze lampen? Are you selling these lamps? Are you selling these lamps? Sie haben Angst vor Tom. They're afraid of Tom. You're afraid of Tom. Si kachen. They're cooking. They're cooking. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Rìoghachd Aonaichte'' genoemd in het Schots-Gaelisch. The United Kingdom is called "Rìoghachd Aonaichte" in Scottish Gaelic. The United Kingdom is called ''Rìogachd Aonacht''' in Scottish Gaelic. Leg het schriftelijk vast. Put that in writing. Set it in writing. Dieser Junge hat keine Angst gezeigt. That boy showed no fear. This boy didn't show any fear. Wir müssen weit gehen. We have a long way to go. We have to go far. Zou u even kunnen wachten? Could you wait a moment? Could you wait a second? Sperma ist es Wert, in Flaschen abgefüllt zu werden. Semen is worth bottling. Sperma is worth filling in bottles. En Golfball hett Tom dropen. A golf ball hit Tom. A golf ball has Tom dropped. Tom wurde zu lebenslanger Haft ohne vorzeitige Entlassung verurteilt. Tom was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Tom was sentenced to life imprisonment without premature dismissal. Waarom heeft ze een mes in haar hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Ek wil julle nie sien nie. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Tom sagte, er habe nicht vor, das zu tun. Tom said that he wasn't planning to do that. Tom said he didn't intend to do that. Dieses Ei riecht schlecht. This egg smells bad. This egg smells bad. Was deze brief geschreven door Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Moet ik hier mijn schoenen uitdoen? Do I have to take off my shoes here? Should I get my shoes out of here? Veel van mijn vrienden spreken Frans. Many of my friends can speak French. Many of my friends speak French. Ik woon nog niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia yet. I don't live in Australia yet. Misschien slaag je. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll succeed. Hier? Here? Here? Waarom wil hij zelfmoord plegen? Why does he want to commit suicide? Why does he want to commit suicide? Eet Schiet — Milljonen Flegen köönt nich verkehrt liggen. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat Shoot — Millions of flies cannot lie wrong. De prijs is laag, maar de kwaliteit is niet heel goed. The price is low, but the quality isn't very good. The price is low, but the quality is not very good. Komm her. Get over here. Come here. Es gibt eines, was ich Ihnen sagen muss. There's one thing I must tell you. There's one thing I need to tell you. Tom muss sich operieren lassen. Tom has to have surgery. Tom has to operate. איך האב געהאט א גוטע צייט נעכטן. I had a good time yesterday. I have had a good time maintenance. Tom sagt, er weiß es nicht. Tom says he doesn't know. Tom says he doesn't know. t Wordt winter. Winter is coming. t becomes winter. Ihr müsst spätestens Sonntag zurück sein. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You must be back at least Sunday. Hij komt naar mijn land. He's coming to my country. He's coming to my country. Es ist nicht nötig ein Taxi zu rufen. There's no need to hail a taxi. It is not necessary to call a taxi. Lufast ðū mē? Dost thou love me? Lufast ðū mē? Mami ist momentan nicht zu Hause. Mommy is not home at the moment. Mami's not at home right now. Toms vriendin dreigde ermee hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom wusste genau, dass in all den Sätzen das letzte Wort immer einer zustehen würde: Mary. Tom knew well that in all the sentences, the last word would always be for Mary. Tom knew exactly that in all the sentences the last word would always state one: Mary. Er ist nicht mein Vater, sondern mein Onkel. He is not my father but my uncle. He's not my father, but my uncle. Ich habe eine gute Nachricht. I have good news. I have a good message. Ich brauche deine Hilfe mehr und mehr. I need your help more and more. I need your help more and more. Zijn alle cafés gesloten? Are all the bars shut? Are all cafés closed? Ik bün hier güstern ankamen. I arrived here yesterday. I arrived here yesterday. Sie sagten, Sie hätten wichtige Neuigkeiten. You said you had important news. You said you had important news. Tom hat sein Kind bei sich. Tom has his kid with him. Tom has his child with him. Tom verabschiedet sich von Maria. Tom is saying goodbye to Mary. Tom approves of Maria. Zu Halloween passierte ein schädelförmiger Asteroid die Erde. A skull shaped asteroid flew by the Earth on Halloween. To Halloween, a skull-shaped asteroid passed the Earth. Das da sind meine Katzen. Those are my cats. These are my cats. Ob Tom wohl Lust hätte, mit uns Poker zu spielen? I wonder if Tom would like to play poker with us. Whether Tom would have liked to play poker with us? Sprich nicht allzu laut — du weckst sie sonst auf! Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up. Don't talk too loudly — you wake them up otherwise! Das Brett ist etwa zwei Meter lang. The board is about two meters long. The board is about two meters long. Noersoeltan is de hoofdstad van Kazachstan. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Norsoultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Gudde Mëtteg. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Dit is mijn paraplu. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Tom hat keine Angst vor dir. Tom isn't afraid of you. Tom's not afraid of you. Warum sollte es mich kümmern, was die Gesellschaft denkt? Why should I care what society thinks? Why should I care what society thinks? Sophia Loren ehr echten Naam is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Ekskuus. Ek het nie gedink hierdie is jou sitplek nie. I beg your pardon. I didn't think this was your seat. I didn't think this was your seat. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will wait for you. Tom's gonna wait for you. איז דאס זיס? Is that sweet? Is that sweet? Ze heeft groene ogen en blond haar. She has green eyes and blonde hair. She has green eyes and blonde hair. Tom en Maria zijn volleybal aan het spelen. Tom and Mary are playing volleyball. Tom and Maria are playing volleyball. Ich hatte um 2.30 Uhr einen Termin, aber ich habe es nicht rechtzeitig geschafft, weil ich in einen Stau geraten bin. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had an appointment at 2.30 o'clock, but I didn't make it in time because I got into a mess. Tom heeft bewezen dat het werkt. Tom has proved that it works. Tom has proven it works. Ich habe mit dem polnischen Botschafter gesprochen. I talked with the Polish ambassador. I spoke to the Polish ambassador. Tom is vergeten zijn belastingaangifte te doen. Tom forgot to file his taxes. Tom forgot to make his tax return. ער האט זיך נישט געפילט גוט. He was not feeling well. He didn't feel good. Sami probeerde zelfmoord te plegen. Sami attempted suicide. Sami tried to kill herself. 100 jaar wordt een eeuw genoemd. A hundred years is called a century. 100 years is called a century. Ich wusste, Tom war nicht bereit aufzugeben. I knew Tom wasn't ready to quit. I knew Tom wasn't ready to give up. De uilen jagen 's nachts. Owls hunt at night. The owls hunt at night. Er lieh mir dreißig Pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He lied to me thirty pesos. Sie nahm ein Sprudelbad. She took a bubble bath. She took a sprinkler bath. Ik denk niet dat ik met Tom zou kunnen wonen. I don't think I could live with Tom. I don't think I could live with Tom. Herr Suzuki ist ein guter Wissenschaftler. Mr Suzuki is a great scientist. Mr Suzuki is a good scientist. Hij deed al wat hij kon in het belang van zijn kinderen. He did everything he could do for the sake of his children. He did all he could in the interests of his children. Ich komme schon klar. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Woonst hier? Do you live here? Do you live here? Ich glaube, er will, dass du ihn bemerkst. I think he wants you to notice him. I think he wants you to notice him. Ech kann et net stoppen. I can't stop it. I can't stop it. Wir bekommen ein Kind. We are going to have a baby. We're getting a kid. Du lies. You're reading. You read. Ik heff morgen keen Tied. I have no time tomorrow. I have no time tomorrow. Tom heeft drie katten. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Da Thomas hot ma ois gem, wos i hom woit. Tom gave me everything I wanted. Since Thomas hot ma ois gem, wos i him wait. Hoe laat vertrekt de trein? When does the train depart? What time does the train leave? U heeft gewonnen! You won! You won! Tom bröch Ria to’n Lachen. Tom made Mary laugh. Tom breaks ria to laugh. De Kinner hebbt op ’t Ies slinnert. The children were sliding on the ice. The children slinged on ’t ice. ביטע בלויז זאג מיר וואס עס איז וואס דו ווילסט טאן. Please just tell me what it is you want to do. Please only tell me who it is that you want done. As jy vier van tien aftrek, het jy ses. If you take four from ten, you have six. If you subtract four out of ten, you have six. We moeten op Tom wachten. We have to wait for Tom. We have to wait for Tom. Hätten Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich eine Pause machen würde? Would you mind if I took a break? Would you mind if I took a break? Het was tachtig meter lang. It was eighty meters long. It was 80 meters long. Hij strikte zijn veters. He tied his shoelaces. He's strict his fetters. Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What does this word mean? What does that word mean? Ich dachte, du magst sie. I thought you liked her. I thought you loved her. Gifft dat hier ümto en Avtheek? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there an avtheek here? Ik heff dat nich vergeten. I haven't forgotten. I didn't forget it. Leg das Buch dorthin, wo du es gefunden hast. Put the book where you found it. Put the book where you found it. Sie gehören mir nicht. They aren't mine. You don't belong to me. Tom wurde neugierig. Tom became curious. Tom became curious. Elkeen deed sien Idee tostimmen. Everybody agreed with his idea. Each of them agreed to his idea. Ik hööp, dat wi in Kuntakt blieven köönt. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. I hope we can stay in touch. Hebrääsch is en swoore Spraak. Hebrew is a difficult language. Hebrew is a difficult language. Waar wil je dit verkopen? Where do you want to sell this? Where do you want to sell this? Es is en Abakaschi. It's a pineapple. It's an Abakashi. Tom holt van eerbaaien. Tom likes strawberries. Tom's getting an earbag. Je bent lief. You are adorable. You're sweet. Hai is ien Berlien. He is in Berlin. Hai is one Berliner. Hij rijdt in een roze Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He's driving in a pink Cadillac. Ek bly nou in Noorweë. I live in Norway now. I'm staying in Norway now. De nacht is donker. The night is dark. The night is dark. Ihr geht es langsam besser. She is getting well by degrees. She's getting better. Ich werde nicht vergessen. I won't forget. I'm not gonna forget. Maak asseblief die venster toe. Please close the window. Please close the window. Ik heff dat Snuuvdook plätt. I ironed the handkerchief. I thought Snuuvdook was plotting. Ik wil hem koste wat kost zien. I want to see him at all costs. I want to see him pay a little. Gudde Moien. Good morning. Godde Moien. k Kin nait kloagen. I can't complain. k Can clog night. Tom wurde Tänzer. Tom became a dancer. Tom became a dancer. Waarom hebben jullie gehuild? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? An jedem neuen Tag fühlst du dich gut. Every new day you feel good. Every new day you feel good. Er redet immer mit solchen hochtrabenden Worten. He always talks in such high-sounding terms. He always speaks with such high-traffic words. Dat ziet er helemaal niet goed uit. It doesn't look good at all. That doesn't look good at all. Laten we eens zien of het echt gebeurt. Let's see if it really does happen. Let's see if it really happens. Deze peren zijn geweldig. These pears are great. These pears are great. Die Pänz schreie noh der Mamm. The kids are calling for their mother. The pans scream now the mother. Se hett en Poor Stevel köfft. She bought a couple of boots. She bought a pair of Stevel. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Voelt ge u beter vandaag? Do you feel any better today? Do you feel better today? Dem Himmel sei Dank, heute habe ich frei. Thank heavens, I'm free today. Thanks to Heaven, I'm free today. Zijn concert was zeer goed. His concert was very good. His concert was very good. k Kin nait bewegen. I can't move. k Can move night. Maski long planti toktok! Enough of all this talking! Do not say so much! Citroenen groeien aan citroenbomen en sinaasappels aan sinaasappelbomen. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Citrons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. De Comoren worden ''Komori'' genoemd in het Comorees. The Comoros is called "Komori" in Shikomoro. The Comoros are called 'Comori' in Comoros. Leben heißt ein Kämpfer sein. To live is to be a soldier. Life means being a fighter. דאַעש איז באַזיגט געוואָרן אין איראַק. Daesh has been defeated in Iraq. Daush was besieged in Maryk. Die meisten Jungs mögen Baseball. Most boys like baseball. Most boys like baseball. Wir aßen zu Mittag. We had lunch. We ate lunch. Tom stand auf und verließ das Zimmer. Tom got up and left the room. Tom got up and left the room. Wo sind die Parkuhren? Where are the meters? Where are the park watches? Wêrom? Why? Why? De menigte groeide snel. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew fast. Welche Sprache spricht man in Ägypten? What language is spoken in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Ich möchte, dass du gewinnst. I want you to win. I want you to win. Wiskunde is mijn lievelingsvak. Math is my favorite subject. Mathematics is my favorite. Tom zegt dat ze meer tijd nodig hebben. Tom says they need more time. Tom says they need more time. Tom wird morgen wahrscheinlich nicht hier sein. Tom probably won't be here tomorrow. Tom probably won't be here tomorrow. Het schip voer door het Suezkanaal. The ship went through the Suez Canal. The ship goes through the Suez Canal. Versteihst du, wat he seggt? Do you understand what he's saying? Do you understand what he says? Het verkeerslicht sprong op groen. The traffic light turned green. The traffic light jumped on green. Het vliegtuig vertrok op tijd. The airplane took off on time. The plane left in time. Ze hadden het naar hun zin op het feest. They enjoyed themselves at the party. They had it in their mind at the party. Hij geeft haar alles waar zij om vraagt. He gives her everything she asks for. He gives her everything she asks for. Jullie zijn Berber. You are Berber. You're Berber. Es ist gefährlich, auf Eisenbahnschienen zu laufen. It's dangerous to walk on railway lines. It is dangerous to run on rail rails. Ik ben streng. I'm strict. I'm strict. I see the white lioun. I see the white lion. I see the white lion. Wir sind jetzt befreundet. We are friends now. We're friends now. Italianen drinken altijd wijn. The Italians always drink wine. Italians always drink wine. Ich bekomme, was ich will. I get what I want. I get what I want. Houdt hij van sinaasappels? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Mijn vader stierf aan longkanker. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. Ik wil dit echt. I really want this. I really want this. Wir können unser Gepäck in einem Schließfach lassen. We can leave our baggage in a locker. We can leave our luggage in a locker. In Europa fängt die Schule im September an. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe, school starts in September. Met Tom valt er niet te discussiëren. There's no arguing with Tom. Tom can't discuss it. דער עפּל איז געל. The apple is yellow. The apple is yellow. Het is niet gratis. It isn't free. It's not free. Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? I mechat neta a wengal a Ruah. I'd just like some peace and quiet. I meat neta a wengal a Ruah. Ik zou willen miljonair zijn. I'd like to be a millionaire. I'd like to be a millionaire. Se möök em riek. She made him rich. She mutches him rich. Hij is onlangs teruggekomen uit Frankrijk. He has recently returned from France. He just came back from France. Andy kommt nie zu spät zu einem Date. Andy is never late for a date. Andy never comes too late for a date. ראָבערט איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע רײַכע. Robert is old money. Ray is of the outer space natural. Hy het gruwelike tafel maniere. He has atrocious table manners. He has horrific manners. זײ לױפֿן. They are running. Be mindful. Freit mi, di kennentolehren. Ik bün en Miegremenfreter. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Free me to meet you. I am a miegremenfreter. We moeten ons aan de wet houden. We must abide by the law. We have to stick to the law. Meine Schwester heiratet Anfang nächsten Jahres. My sister will get married early next year. My sister's getting married at the beginning of next year. De roze kussen is schoon. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Al wat jy moet doen is om jou naam en adres hier te skryf. All you have to do is to write your name and address here. All you need to do is write your name and address here. ארבייט האט באשאפן מאן. Labor created man. Arabite constructed Maan. Ze hebben de regels veranderd. They've changed the rules. They've changed the rules. Ik will Swemmen lehren. I want to learn how to swim. I want to learn swimming. Ik hou ook van appels. I too like apples. I like apples, too. Er hatte eine Maske an. He was wearing a mask. He had a mask on. Waar is de schaar? Where are the scissors? Where's the scissors? Als Gott sah, dass der Weg zu lang, der Hügel zu steil, das Atmen zu schwer wurde, legte er seinen Arm um dich und sprach: "Komm heim." When God saw that the way was too long, the hill too steep, the breathing too heavy, he put his arm around you and said: "Come home." When God saw that the way too long, the hill too steep, the breathing became too heavy, he put his arm around you and said, "Come home." Laurie ist eine sehr fleißige Schülerin. Laurie is a very hardworking student. Laurie is a very diligent student. Ik geloof dat aliens bestaan. I believe aliens exist. I believe that aliens exist. Wie funktionieren Suchmaschinen? How do search engines work? How do search engines work? Ich bin ziemlich froh. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. Maria versuchte sich zu sammeln. Mary tried to compose herself. Maria tried to collect herself. לײַלאַ איז געװען אַ זונה. Layla was a whore. Reading was a sin. Ich habe Tom gestern angerufen. I called Tom yesterday. I called Tom yesterday. Du kannst darauf vertrauen. You can bank on that. You can trust it. Er stand auf und ging. He got up and went away. He got up and went. Ik weet het niet zeker. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure. Welke slang heeft de langste giftanden? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest poison teeth? Tom ontmoette een Australische tijdens een bezoek aan Boston. Tom met a woman from Australia when he was visiting Boston. Tom met an Australian during a visit to Boston. Brood wordt gemaakt van meel, water en gist. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Se will em küssen. She wants to kiss him. She wants to kiss him. Drink kovvie. Drink coffee. Drink kovvie. Het is een te mooie kans om ze voorbij te laten gaan. It is too good of an opportunity to miss. It's a too good chance to let them pass. Tom wohnt in demselben Stadtteil wie Maria. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary. Tom lives in the same district as Maria. Ik kenn en Keerl, de Smith heet. I know a guy named Smith. I know and Keerl, the name of Smith. Tomás was naar muziek aan het luisteren. Tom was listening to music. Tomás was listening to music. We keken allemaal door het raam. We all looked out the window. We all looked through the window. Ik heff sünnt. I have sinned. I have sunk. Jy het altyd 'n keuse. You always have a choice. You always have a choice. De koningin stond naast de koning. The queen stood beside the king. The queen stood next to the king. In keap is in keap. It is no use crying over spilt milk. A purchase is a purchase. Tom en ik hebben een huis in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. Is het daar veilig? Is it safe in there? Is it safe there? Er zit een spin in de doos. There's a spider in the box. There's a spider in the box. Ik wull, ik weer jung. I wish I were young. I wanted to, I was young. Als het morgen mooi weer is, gaan we picknicken. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic. If it's nice again tomorrow, we'll go picnic. Je maakt het al te gortig. That is going too far. You're making it too silly. Ek het verkoue gekry. I caught a cold. I got cold. Tom wusste, wo Maria wohnte. Tom knew where Mary lived. Tom knew where Maria lived. Heb jij nog niks gedaan? Haven't you done anything yet? You haven't done anything yet? Deze tas is van mij. This bag is mine. This bag is mine. U bent een wiskundeleraar. You're a math teacher. You're a math teacher. Hou ons op de hoogte. Keep us updated. Keep us informed. Ik heff dacht, du wöörst to Huus un lihrst. I thought you'd be home studying. I thought you were home and loved. Klären wir dieses Problem! Let's clear up this problem. Let's clear this problem! Wat is der te rêden? What's the matter? What's to talk about? Ich will niemanden verletzen. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone. Du kennst Dich wirklich aus, Tom. You really know your stuff, Tom. You really know you, Tom. Koffers openmaken, alstublieft. Please open your suitcase. Open up suitcases, please. Ġēolmōnaþ is se lætemesta monaþ þæs ᵹēares. December is the last month of the year. ƿēolmōnaþ is se lætemesta monaþ þes ƿēares. Houveul krieg k? How much will I receive? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, So oan wia den hob i scho. I've got one like that already. So to wia den hob i scho. Hij laat geen onderbrekingen toe. He doesn't allow interruptions. He won't allow any interruptions. Ist dieser Satz wahr, grenzt Deutschland an China. If this sentence is true, then Germany borders China. If this sentence is true, Germany borders China. Ich hätte mir das nicht herunterladen sollen. I shouldn't have downloaded that. I shouldn't have downloaded this. Tom manipuliert dich. Tom is manipulating you. Tom manipulates you. Er ist magersüchtig. He's anorexic. He's skinny. Tom hat das Haus verlassen. Tom left the house. Tom left the house. Stell das Buch ins oberste Regalfach! Put the book on the top shelf. Put the book in the top shelf! Ik ben van Shikoku. I am from Shikoku. I'm from Shikoku. Nul, aine, twije, drije, vare, vieve, zezze, zeuven, aachte, negen, tiene. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, ain't, two, three, vare, vie, zezze, zeuven, eight, nine, ten. זיי זענען שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. They're stronger than us. They are strengthening from us. Es dauerte eine halbe Stunde. It took half an hour. It took half an hour. Wag 'n oomblik. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Is dat dien Book? Is that your book? Is that your book? Vrouwen zijn er om bemind te worden, niet om begrepen te worden. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women are there to be loved, not to be understood. Op tafel was een blauw schrift. There was a blue notebook on the table. On the table was a blue letter. Tom heeft drie jaar Frans gestudeerd. Tom studied French for three years. Tom studied French for three years. Ik ben Turk. I'm Turkish. I'm Turk. Magst du das wirklich? Do you actually like this? Do you really like that? Hij was een luiaard, die enkel leefde om te eten, te drinken, en kaart te spelen. He was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards. He was a lazy man who lived only to eat, drink, and play card. Toe, teken eens 'n schaap voor me. Draw me a sheep... Come on, sign a sheep for me. Se mag keen Football. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn't like football. Verkeerd. Wrong. Wrong. Tom schmeckte sein Brot nicht. Tom didn't like his sandwich. Tom didn't taste his bread. Tom ist immer allen gegenüber freundlich. Tom is always nice to everyone. Tom is always kind to everyone. טאַטע איז אַ מענטש. Father is a good person. The is a man. Dit is 50 kilometers tot by Parys. It is 50 kilometers to Paris. It is 50 miles [50 km] to Paris. Ik bün en goden Lehrer. I'm a good teacher. I am a good teacher. Kopen! Buy! Buy! Binnen joe vernuimd? Are you famous? Within joe renewed? Mir hunn eng Fro. We have a question. We have a question. Ich kaufte mir einen gebrauchten LKW. I bought a used truck. I bought a used truck. Ik kom uit Frankrijk, en jij? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Ik heff em en langen Breef schreven. I wrote a long letter to him. I wrote him a long letter. Hij en zijn zus aten roomijs, terwijl de radio aanstond. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was on. He and his sister ate ice cream while the radio was on. Ich war der einzige Mann dort. I was the only man there. I was the only man there. Wi sünd na Russland gahn. We went to Russia. We went to Russia. Algerije werd een onafhankelijk land in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. Ik heff en Poor Schoh köfft. I bought a pair of shoes. I bought a pair of shoes. איך בין ניט קײן פֿאָגל, און קײן נעץ האָט ניט מיך אַרײַנגעקאַפּט; איך בין אַ פֿרײַער מענטש מיט אַן אומאָפּהענגיקן רצון. I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. I'm not a fish, and no nets have I found; I'm a nice man with an unassuming count. Du alleen kannst dat doon, aver du kannst dat nich alleen doon. You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone. You alone can do this, but you can't do it alone. Toen ik hem zag, zat hij in de bibliotheek. He was sitting in the library when I saw him. When I saw him, he was in the library. Heb je de aankondiging gelezen? Have you read the notice? Have you read the announcement? Doe bist n vraauw. You are a woman. Don't worry. Poolsche Nagels sünd dürer as chineesche. Polish nails are more expensive than the Chinese ones. Polish nails are more expensive than Chinese ones. Bring Wein. Bring wine. Bring wine. Wer wird der nächste Papst? Who will be the next pope? Who will be the next Pope? Tom versteckte sich im Schuppen. Tom hid in the shed. Tom was hiding in the shed. Diesen Satz bitte löschen! Please delete this sentence. Please delete this sentence! Ik wilde je niet van streek maken. I don't want to upset you. I didn't mean to upset you. Tom ist schon lange krank. Tom has been sick for a long time. Tom's been sick for a long time. Versuche vor allem nett zu den alten Menschen zu sein. Above all, try to be kind to the old. Try to be especially nice to the old people. Wie heeft jou geholpen? Who helped you? Who helped you? Tom komt vandaag. Tom is coming today. Tom's coming today. Zij is Brits. She's British. She's British. Niet alles is voor geld te koop. Not everything can be bought with money. Not everything's for money to buy. װי טײער איז דאס? How much is this? How is it? Een dief heeft ingebroken en is aan de haal gegaan met al mijn juwelen. A thief broke in and made off with all my jewelry. A thief broke in and got caught up with all my jewels. מיר האבן אזוי שטארק געוואונען, ווייל די אנדערע שפילערס זענען געווען שוואך. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We lived so hard that the other students were weak. Ek onthou hoe ek van haar gehoor het. I remember hearing about her. I remember hearing about her. He is keen Döösbaddel. He's not an idiot. He is not a daisy bathel. Chunnsch us Beijing? Do you come from Beijing? Chunnsch us Beijing? Tom koopt alleen scharreleieren. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys scarves. Om dit gerecht te maken heeft ze al haar talenten gebruikt. She used all her skills making this dish. To make this dish, she used all her talents. Tom had een hamer nodig. Tom needed a hammer. Tom needed a hammer. Haben Sie das Buch durch? Are you through with the book? Do you have the book through? D Frau isch schöön. The woman is beautiful. D Woman is beautiful. Doe schriefst. You are writing. Write. Mach das Licht aus, bitte. Please turn off the lights. Turn off the light, please. Ik verlaat Tatoeba. I'm leaving Tatoeba. I'm leaving Tatouba. Tom is geen lui kind. Tom is not a lazy child. Tom's not a lazy kid. Dit is 'n plesier. It's a pleasure. It's a pleasure. Sie kleidete sich wie eine Schauspielerin. She dressed like an actress. She dressed like an actress. Vielleicht ist er tot. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. Schaai oet! Stop! Shaw oat! Ek het heeltemal van hom vergeet. I completely forgot about him. I completely forgot about him. Dit is mijn kamer. This is my room. This is my room. He hett noog Geld. He has enough money. He has enough money. Ik föhr mit dat Rad na School. I go to school by bicycle. I'm driving the bike to school. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie demotiviert seien. Tom and Mary told John that they were discouraged. Tom and Maria told John that they were demotivated. Es gelang ihm nicht, Arbeit zu finden. He had no luck in finding work. He couldn't find work. Jullie laten me niet m'n gang gaan! You never let me do what I want! You don't let me go! שלום פֿאַנגט זיך אָן אין דער היים. Peace begins at home. Hello, we start in the home. Einer der Jungen rannte plötzlich weg. One of the boys suddenly ran away. One of the boys ran away suddenly. Ik geef je één laatste kans. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you one last chance. Ze maakte hem rijk. She made him rich. She made him rich. Du gesäis midd aus. You look tired. You're all right. Lever laat as nie! Better late than never. Leave Liver Than Not! Ik kan me de eerste keer nog herinneren. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Tom is schattig. Tom is cute. Tom's cute. We zijn omringd door zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. We've been surrounded by zombies. Quintilius Varus, geev mi mien Legionen trügg! Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions! Quintilius Varus, gave me my legions back! Maria stieg aus dem Schwimmbecken und trocknete sich mit einem Tuch ab. Mary got out of the swimming pool and dried herself with a towel. Maria stepped out of the swimming pool and dried herself with a cloth. Er sprach mit einer, für Südländer charakteristischen, Sanftheit. He spoke with a softness characteristic of southerners. He spoke to a gentleness characteristic of Southern countries. Ze heeft een hartkwaal. She has a heart disease. She has a heart disease. Er ist nicht viel älter als ich. He isn't much older than me. He's not much older than I am. Niemand wist dat. No one knew that. No one knew. Wenn Freiheit überhaupt etwas bedeutet, dann das Recht, anderen das sagen zu können, was sie nicht gerne hören wollen. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. If freedom means anything at all, then the right to tell others what they do not want to hear. Das Gesetz sagt, dass alle Menschen gleichberechtigt sind. All men are equal according to the law. The law says that all people are equal. Mary gestand, dass sie gut situierte Männer bevorzugt. Mary confessed that she prefers well-endowed men. Mary said she preferred well-situated men. Laten we sushi eten. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Ich bin Tom eigentlich egal. Tom doesn't really care about me. I don't care about Tom. Ben je ooit naar de opera geweest? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? Hierdie meisie kom van Japan. This girl comes from Japan. This girl comes from Japan. Maria gab Tom einen Kuss auf die Wange. Mary kissed Tom's cheek. Maria gave Tom a kiss on his cheek. Dit is een foto van het gelukkige paar op hun trouwdag. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. Hoeveel mensen zag je in het park? How many people did you see in the park? How many people did you see in the park? Laten we van onderwerp veranderen! Let's change the topic. Let's change our subject! Aine van dizze twij antwoorden is goud. One of these two answers is right. Aine of these two answers is gold. זיי זענען שוין מיד פֿון וואַרטן. They're tired of waiting. They are already the middle of the waiting. Tom ist Winzer. Tom is a vintner. Tom is Winzer. Ik dek de tafel wel. I'll set the table. I'll cover the table. Hij vertrouwt je. He trusts you. He trusts you. Sagt ihm bitte nichts! Please don't tell him. Please don't tell him! Ich wollte zu Hause bleiben. I wanted to stay home. I wanted to stay at home. Tom und Maria kennen sich nicht. Tom and Mary don't know each other. Tom and Maria don't know each other. De hoofdstad van Algerije is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. Tom wöör to stolt, üm sik helpen to loten. Tom was too proud to accept any help. Tom was too proud to help himself fate. Tom wird dich nie wieder sehen. Tom will never see you again. Tom will never see you again. Nach dem Krieg heiratete sie einen Angehörigen der US-amerikanischen Streitkräfte. She married an American GI after the war. After the war, she married a member of the U.S. armed forces. In een schip zitten is in de gevangenis zitten, met de kans op verdrinken. Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. Sitting in a ship is in prison, with the chance of drowning. איך בין גיי. I am gay. I'm going. Ich habe Pizza mitgebracht. I brought some pizza. I brought pizza. Er is niet genoeg licht in deze kamer om te kunnen naaien. There's not enough light in this room for sewing. There's not enough light in this room to be able to sew. Sie sind auf der falschen Straße. You're on the wrong road. You're on the wrong road. Hou de deur open. Keep the door open. Keep the door open. Ye stinken. Y'all stink. You're stinking. Ga toch iemand anders kussen! Go kiss someone else. Why don't you kiss someone else? Esst euer Gemüse! Eat your vegetables. Eat your vegetables! Hiereban. Come here. Hereban. Ze vergeeft me nooit. She will never forgive me. She never forgives me. Ich liebe düstere und geheimnisvolle Dinge. I love dark and mysterious things. I love dark and mysterious things. Sien lütte Süster is fickbor. His little sister is fuckable. His little sister is fuckable. Ik wull, ik weer güstern avend in ’t Theater gahn. I wish I had gone to the theater last night. I wanted to go to the theater yesterday evening. Dank je voor het diner, het is zo lekker! Thank you for the dinner, it's so delicious. Thank you for the dinner, it's so nice! Ik heff in mien Goorn en Peerschboom plant. I planted a peach tree in my garden. I planted a pear tree in my gourn. Tom ist viel kleiner als Maria. Tom is much shorter than Mary is. Tom is much smaller than Mary. Is voor morgen alles voorbereid? Is everything arranged for tomorrow? Is everything prepared for tomorrow? Tom was mijn eerste kamergenoot. Tom was my first roommate. Tom was my first roommate. „H“ warrt op Franzöösch nich utspraken. "H" is not pronounced in French. "H" is not pronounced in French. k Neem Tom nait terog. I won't take Tom back. k Take Tom night terog. איך בין אַ קריסטין, אָבער איך עס נישט קיין חזיר־פֿלײַש. I am Christian but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I it's not a Person. Vergiss nicht, mir zu schreiben! Don't forget to write me. Don't forget to write to me! Sorry, hoe laat is het? Excuse me, what time is it? Sorry, what time is it? De kinderen vonden de film niet leuk. The children didn't like the movie. The kids didn't like the movie. Als sie gerade beim Mahle waren, dabei jedoch begieriger, sich zu küssen, als zu speisen, erspähten sie ein Fischerboot, das an der Küste entlangfuhr. Whilst they were at their meal, more intent on kissing than on eating, they descried a fishing boat proceeding along the coast. When they were just at the meal, but were more anxious to kiss than to eat, they saw a fishing boat sailing along the coast. He drunk en Beer. He drank a beer. He drank and bear. Nijlpaarden zijn gevaarlijke dieren. Hippopotamuses are dangerous animals. Nil horses are dangerous animals. Wat er gebeurt, is heel verontrustend. What's happening is very disturbing. What's happening is very disturbing. דו ביסט אַ גנבֿטע. You are a thief. You are a gnbæte. Ik wil niet meer terug. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Ik reken op uw hulp. I am counting on your help. I'm counting on your help. Deze fout zou je leven kunnen kosten. This error could cost you your life. This mistake could cost your life. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Ihr fehlen drei Zähne. She has three teeth out. You're missing three teeth. Bedankt! Thank you! Thank you! Wat moet ons omternt hulle doen? What should we do about them? What Should We Do About Them? Ik wil jouw taal niet spreken. I don't want to speak your language. I don't want to speak your language. Wanneer het jy laas gelag? When was the last time you laughed? When was the last time you laughed? Je bent een slimme jongen. You're a smart boy. You're a smart boy. Tom stellte mir seine Mitbewohnerin vor. Tom introduced me to his roommate. Tom introduced me to his roommate. De Katt hett de Muus freten. The cat ate the mouse. The cat enjoyed the mouse. קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. Nobody's interested. Kidneys are not interested. Ich bin nicht mehr sauer. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not mad anymore. Tom heeft diabetes type 1. Tom has type 1 diabetes. Tom has type 1 diabetes. Es war dumm von dir, dass du das Angebot abgelehnt hast. It was stupid of you to have turned down the offer. It was stupid of you that you rejected the offer. Villicht föhrt Tom ierst tokamen Freuhjohr na Boston. Tom may not go to Boston until next spring. Perhaps Tom will lead the first future Freuh year to Boston. Je moet je handen wassen. You need to wash your hands. You need to wash your hands. Hij is niet Amerikaans maar Engels. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American but English. Es ist so typisch für ihn, im letzten Moment auszusteigen. It's so typical of him to bail out at the last minute. It's so typical of him to get out at the last moment. Ze kunnen je niet zien. They can't see you. They can't see you. Wo blifft denn dor de Logik? Where is the logic in that? So where does the logic remain there? Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Morgen zal ik druiven oogsten. Tomorrow I will harvest grapes. I'll harvest grapes tomorrow. Hy is nie my neef nie. He isn't my cousin. He's not my cousin. k Heb n Aai. I have an egg. k Heb n Aai. Sidd dir midd? Are you guys tired? Are you in the middle? All Anfang is swoor. All beginnings are difficult. All beginnings are difficult. Ich habe meine Aufgabe gerade eben erledigt. I have just finished my work. I just did my job. Hier stinkt irgendetwas. Something stinks here. Something smells like this. Wat vond je niet leuk aan haar? What didn't you like about her? What didn't you like about her? Wie viele Tassen Kaffee trinkt ihr am Tag? How many cups of coffee do you drink every day? How many cups of coffee do you drink in the day? Wi köönt de Achtersied von ’n Maand nich sehn. We can't see the other side of the moon. We cannot see the backside of a month. Was möchten Sie trinken? What would you like to drink? What would you like to drink? Tom verstaat Frans. Tom understands French. Tom understands French. Mars is ''de rode planeet''. Mars is "the Red Planet". Mars is ''the red planet'''. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie ihn für einen recht guten Tänzer hielten. Tom and Mary told John that they thought he was a pretty good dancer. Tom and Mary told John that they thought he was a pretty good dancer. John is een goede student. John is a good student. John is a good student. Tom hat sich entschlossen, morgen abzufahren. Tom has decided to leave tomorrow. Tom decided to go off tomorrow. Tom hat nicht zurückgewinkt. Tom didn't wave back. Tom didn't return. Tom erhielt die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Tom gained American citizenship. Tom received American citizenship. Ze is het meisje van mijn dromen. She is my dream girl. She's the girl of my dreams. Haben Sie das Thermostat instand gesetzt? Have you fixed the thermostat? Did you repair the thermostat? Hast du über unser Angebot nachgedacht? Did you think about our offer? Have you thought about our offer? Er muss eine große Familie unterhalten. He has a large family to provide for. He has to entertain a large family. Tokamen Week schall dat villicht Frost geven. We might have frost next week. Next week maybe there should be frost. De imam gaf Sami gratis een kopie van de Koran. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Quran for free. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Qur'an for free. Am besten gehst du sofort nach Hause. You'd better go home at once. It's best to go home immediately. Welche Farbe hat Toms Hund? What color is Tom's dog? What color does Tom's dog have? Tom hat eine Sammlung seltener Münzen. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Tom has a collection of rare coins. Der Zugang zur Bergspitze ist schwierig. Access to the mountaintop is difficult. Access to the top of the mountain is difficult. האט איר א הונט? ניין. Does she have a dog? No. Did you have a dog? No. צי איז דאָס אַ סטעגאָזאַווער? Is that a stegosaurus? Is this a stagger? Dit is alles joune. It's all yours. It's all yours. Niemand kent mijn land. Nobody knows my country. Nobody knows my country. Ik weet niet of het waar is. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. Greenpeace führt einen mühseligen Kampf, um die Umwelt zu retten. Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment. Greenpeace leads a hard fight to save the environment. Vinden jullie het erg als ik erbij kom zitten?' Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I come to see you?" Schrief dit aan. Write this down. Write this down. Ich verschtaa nöd. I don't understand. I don't need to. Si schwammen. They're swimming. They swim. Der Eigentümer dieses Hauses ist Herr Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr Yamada. Sami is aan het vasten. Sami is fasting. Sami's fasting. Hör auf zu meckern und fang an zu arbeiten! Stop complaining and start working. Stop mesmerizing and start working! Ze hielden een protestmars voor de vrijheid. They held a protest march for freedom. They held a protest march for freedom. Tom fährt ein Elektroauto. Tom drives an electric car. Tom's driving an electric car. Ich weiß, dass die meisten hier das nicht gerne tun. I know most people here don't like doing that. I know that most people here don't like to do that. Daai is redelik normaal. That's pretty normal. This is quite normal. Melanie ësst gär Pizza. Melanie likes eating pizza. Melanie likes to eat pizza. In diesem Fluss leben keine Fische mehr. There aren't any fish living in this river anymore. There are no more fish in this river. Wannehr bruukst du dat? When do you need it by? When do you need it? Ech hunn iech am Park gesinn. I saw you at the park. I saw you in the park. Die etruskische Sprache und Kultur verschwanden während des ersten vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts schlagartig. Etruscan language and culture disappeared rapidly during the 1st century; B.C. The Etruscan language and culture disappeared during the first pre-Christian century. Waar is Tom allergisch voor? What's Tom allergic to? What is Tom allergic to? Tom heeft nog geen openbare foto's gedeeld. Tom hasn't shared any public photos yet. Tom hasn't shared any public photos yet. Tom hat drei Hunde. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Mayuko hett gode Ogen. Mayuko has sharp eyes. Mayuko has good eyes. Wat is dien leevst Bedrievssysteem? What's your favorite operating system? What is your favorite operating system? Hoe zeg je dit woord? How do you say this word? How do you say this word? k Kin kommen. I can come. k Kin coming. k Hol van praai. I like leeks. k Hol van praai. „Da fehlt ein Apostroph. Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen ‚it’s‘ und ‚its‘.“ – „Das weiß ich ja. Das war nur ein Tippfehler.“ There's an apostrophe missing. "It's" and "its" are different. -- I know. It was a typing error. “There is no apostrophe. There is a difference between “it’s” and “its”. “I know that. That was just a typhoon.” De Schauspeler hett en grote Jacht. The actor has a large yacht. The actor has a large yacht. Dat is mijn probleem met Tom. That's my problem with Tom. That's my problem with Tom. Kunt u mijn Engelse zinnen verbeteren? Can you correct my English sentences? Can you improve my English sentences? Freundschaft ist Magie. Friendship is magic. Friendship is magic. Sy kan nogal 'n handvol wees. She can be a bit of a handful. She can be quite a handful. Het wordt minder. It's abating. It's getting less. כ'האָב געקויפֿט זײַן נײַסטן ראָמאַן. I've purchased his latest novel. Alto the future as a new frame. Ek kon nie aan die slaap raak nie. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn’t fall asleep. Ik wil niet scheiden. I don't want to get divorced. I don't want to divorce. Alby kinders was gestraf. Both children were punished. Alby children were punished. Welke datum is het vandaag? What date is today? What date is it today? Sie verwechselten ihn mit seinem Bruder. They mistook him for his brother. They confused him with his brother. Tom sagte Maria, er habe Elke geküsst. Tom told Mary that he'd kissed Alice. Tom told Maria he kissed Elke. Den wären wir los! Good riddance! That's what we're going to do! Tom kijkt televisie. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching television. Mit 9 Jahren habe ich Maschinenschreiben gelernt. I learned to type at the age of nine. At the age of 9, I learned machine writing. Sami en Layla zijn beide moslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslims. Ich bin ganz Ohr. I'm all ears. I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, Tom weiß, glaube ich, wer mir mein Portemonnaie entwendet hat. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. Tom knows, I think I've lost my wallet. Tom kommt oft zu spät zur Schule. Tom is often late for school. Tom often comes to school too late. Vergelijk nooit je vrouw met een andere vrouw. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Ich hon se schun mol gesihn. I've seen her before. I don't know. Wir haben nicht viel Geld. We don't have much money. We don't have much money. Eergisteren bracht hij een officieel bezoek aan de Franse president. He made an official visit to the French president the day before yesterday. Yesterday he made an official visit to the French president. Se hett jüstso veel Böker as ik. She has as many books as I. It has just as many books as I do. Het meisje drinkt sinaasappelsap. The girl drinks orange juice. The girl drinks orange juice. Word niet boos. Don't get angry. Don't get angry. Gesetten sünd as Spinnweven, de lütte Flegen infangt, man Wöpschen un Peerhöörnken dörbreken lett. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. Laws are like spiders that capture small flies, but allow wolves and peacocks to break through. אַ קוואַדראַט האָט פֿיר זײַטן. A square has four sides. A square has leading pages. Januar, Februar, Merz, April, Maai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktover, November un Dezember sin die zwellef Monate im Joher. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. January, February, Merz, April, Maai, June, July, August, September, Octover, November and December are the twelve months in the year. S Buech isch wiis. The book is white. S Buech is wise. Was hätten Sie an ihrer Stelle getan? What would you have done in her place? What would you have done in their place? Ik moet mezelf kalmeren. I need to take it easy. I need to calm myself down. We zijn de nieuwe eigenaars. We're the new owners. We're the new owners. Tom beachtete meine Warnung. Tom was mindful of my warning. Tom took note of my warning. איך האב נישט געזעהן טאם אין מער פון דריי מאָנאַט. I haven't seen Tom for over three months. I have not sat tam in more of three months. De zomer was voorbij voordat ik het besefte. The summer had gone before I knew. Summer was over before I realized it. Tom schwamm in dem Teich hinter seinem Haus. Tom swam in the pond behind his house. Tom swims in the pond behind his house. Gelooft Tom in mirakels? Does Tom believe in miracles? Does Tom believe in miracles? Wir werden zu Fuß gehen. We'll walk. We're going to walk. Das ist, was sie sagte. That's what she said. That's what she said. Loaten wie aal noar Luna park goan. Let's all go to Luna Park. Lots like aal nor Luna park go. Tom werd ongeduldig. Tom got impatient. Tom became impatient. Villicht schullen wi Tom üm Raat fragen. Maybe we ought to ask Tom for advice. Maybe we should ask Tom for advice. Heb je alles voor morgen voorbereid? Did you get everything ready for tomorrow? Did you prepare everything for tomorrow? Ze kan niet in dit hotel zijn, aangezien ze is teruggekeerd naar Canada. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be at this hotel, since she's returned to Canada. Alleen dat? Just that? Just that? Das waar gut gschriwwe. That was well written. That's good writing. Tom schläft samstags und sonntags gewöhnlich aus. Tom usually sleeps in on Saturdays and Sundays. Tom usually sleeps on Saturdays and Sundays. Mijn oom gaf hem een geschenk. My uncle gave him a gift. My uncle gave him a gift. Du hast ihr Herz gewonnen. You've won her heart. You won her heart. Ek het dit verwag. I was expecting this. I expected it. רוף דעם דאָקטער. Call the doctor! Cancel the doctor. We vergeten nooit. We never forget. We never forget. Hij heeft gebrek aan ervaring. He is lacking in experience. He has a lack of experience. Sie verzehrte sich vor Ehrgeiz. She was consumed with ambition. She was devoured by ambition. Tom hatte Angst davor, wieder verletzt zu werden. Tom was afraid of being hurt again. Tom was afraid of being injured again. Er is gisternacht een brand uitgebroken. A fire broke out last night. A fire broke out last night. Ben je niet bang om dood te gaan? Aren't you afraid to die? Aren't you afraid to die? Ik begin pas. I'm just beginning. I'm just starting. Lass nicht Tom das machen. Don't make Tom do that. Don't let Tom do that. Tom kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom crawled out under the table. Sie befahl ihm, keine Befehle zu geben. She ordered him not to give orders. She ordered him not to give orders. Oan de ein fan it paad stie in brievebus. Op in dei lei der in spannende brief yn en dy wie foar my. At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me. At the end of the path was a letter bus. One day there was an exciting letter in it and it was for me. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organization. Knuddele sie einmal ganz fest von mir! Give her a tight hug for me. Knock her right away from me! Bel me morgen. Call me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. Versuchst du, mir Angst einzujagen? Are you trying to scare me? Are you trying to scare me? De eigenaar van de boerderij heeft een grote boerderij. The farm owner has a large farm. The owner of the farm has a large farm. Ich versuchte, das Richtige zu tun. I was trying to do the right thing. I tried to do the right thing. Ik heb diarree. I've got diarrhea. I've got diarrhea. Maria bat mich, sie nach Boston zu begleiten. Mary asked me to go to Boston with her. Maria asked me to accompany her to Boston. Je zult me nooit levend in handen krijgen. You'll never take me alive! You'll never get me alive. Ons is nog nie baie honger nie. We aren't very hungry yet. We are not very hungry yet. Praat niet met een volle mond. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk with a full mouth. Jy is dom. You are stupid. You're stupid. Ich erinnere mich an den Tag, an dem der Unfall geschah. I remember the day when the accident happened. I remember the day the accident happened. Tom ist vorsichtig. Tom is prudent. Tom is careful. k Hol van dij blaauwe kleur. I like that blue color. k Hol van dije leafy color. Ze kon zijn onbeleefd gedrag niet accepteren. She couldn't do with his rude behavior. She couldn't accept his rude behavior. Mi dücht, se hett weent. I think she's been crying. I thought she was crying. Het leven is niet altijd zo mooi, iedereen heeft wel eens tegenvallers. Life is no bed of roses. Life isn't always so beautiful, everyone has a chance. וויפֿל מוסלמענער וואוינען אין עיר־הקודש ירושלים? How many Muslims live in the holy city of Jerusalem? How many muslims do you find in Eir-Hkud Jerusalem? Se hund is on þǣm hūse. The dog is in the house. Its honey is onȝm hūse. Hy's nie altyd Sondae tuis nie. He's not always at home on Sundays. He's not always at home on Sundays. Ek gaan nie in dit geboelie word om dit te doen nie. I won't be bullied into doing that. I will not be emboldened to do so. Nehmen Sie ihre Brille ab. Take off your glasses. Take off her glasses. Warum trägt Ihr Hund keinen Maulkorb? Why doesn't your dog wear a muzzle? Why doesn't your dog wear a mole? Tom, ich will mit dir reden. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Ik praat constant met mezelf. I constantly talk to myself. I'm talking to myself all the time. Ich sagte Tom, dass ich nicht gewinnen würde. I told Tom that I wouldn't win. I told Tom I wouldn't win. Wi hebbt se teemlich goot kennt. We knew them very well. We've known them pretty well. Tom sagte, er schösse nicht auf einen Unbewaffneten. Tom said he wouldn't shoot an unarmed man. Tom said he didn't shoot an unarmed man. Pferde scheuen leicht. Horses are easily spooked. Horses shake easily. Geef de bloemen alstublieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Gehen wir an die Arbeit. Let's go at our work. Let's go to work. Waar denk je dat Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? Alle kinderen zijn tevreden met hun maaltijden. All the children are satisfied with her meals. All children are satisfied with their meals. Gueten Oobe. Good evening. Goodeen Oobe. Laat u niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't let yourself be deceived. Ik kon geen Frans spreken. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Duutsland dailt n gruppe mit Nederlaand. Germany shares a border with the Netherlands. Duutsland diet n group mit Nederlaand. Ik dacht dat je in Australië woonde. I thought that you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Groen staat je erg goed. Green suits you very well. Green is very good for you. Wissen Sie, was Sie getan haben? Do you know what you've done? Do you know what you did? Ich kann das nicht tun. I can't do this. I can't do that. Sein Name liegt mir auf der Zunge. His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name is on my tongue. Dat weer Éamonn, de dat daan hett. The one who did it was Éamonn. It was Éamon who did. Ich verachte Tom. I despise Tom. I despise Tom. Mein Bruder ist reich. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Maria ist Anfängerin, aber sie lernt schnell. Mary's a beginner, but she's a fast learner. Maria is a beginner, but she learns quickly. Het is echt gebeurd. It really happened. It really happened. Dat regen fiev Daag an ’n Stück. It rained five successive days. It rains on a piece for five days. Viele Menschen auf den Fidschis haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser. Many people in Fiji don't have access to clean drinking water. Many people on Fiji have no access to clean drinking water. Bist du wirklich krank? Are you really sick? Are you really sick? Het pad van de deugd is erg smal, en de weg van de ondeugd breed en ruim. The path of virtue is very narrow and the path of vice is very wide and spacious. The path of virtue is very narrow, and the path of evil is broad and spacious. Tom erstarrte. Tom froze. Tom died. Wat wullt du geern eten? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Ze zat op de bank. She sat on the bench. She was on the couch. Ik kann dissen Satz nich översetten. I'm not able to translate this sentence. I cannot translate this sentence. Erinnerst du dich noch an Herrn Saitō? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Remember Mr. Saitō? Ik wull lever doodblieven as dat to doon. I prefer to die than to do that. I wanted to stay alive dead as to do so. Iedereen vraagt me hoe het is om kleurenblind te zijn. Everyone asks me what it's like to be colour-blind. Everyone asks me what it is like to be color-blind. Ich wünschte, ich hätte in meiner Jugend härter gelernt. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I had learned harder in my youth. Het is oké voor mannen om te huilen. It's OK for men to cry. It's okay for men to cry. Ihr liebt einander, nicht wahr? You both love each other, don't you? You love each other, don't you? Weinig studenten kunnen Latijn lezen. Few students can read Latin. Few students can read Latin. Tom is wies. Tom is wise. Tom is wise. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. אַ פֿריילעכן חנוכּה. Happy Hanukkah. A complete sin. Tom kletterte schnell auf den Baum. Tom quickly climbed up the tree. Tom quickly climbed the tree. Waar ga je heen op vakantie? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? Was zum Teufel habe ich mir nur dabei gedacht! What the hell was I thinking? What the hell I was thinking about! Wie oft hast du das schon gemacht? How many times have you done this? How many times have you done that? Ich bin nicht gern allein zu Hause. I don't like being home alone. I don't like being alone at home. Ik mag Eier nich geern. I dislike eggs. I don't like eggs. Ik hoopje ek op sinneskynwaar yn it wykein. I also hope for sunny weather at the weekend. I also hope for sunshine in the weekend. Ze is trots op haar zoon. She is proud of her son. She's proud of her son. Ik zie u vanmiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. Aardige jongens eindigen als laatste. Nice guys finish last. Earthly boys end up as the last. אַרי איז אָנמיניק. Ari is agender. ary is nonsense. Du wirst den Zug erreichen, wenn du gleich losgehst. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. You'll reach the train as soon as you get off. De schuur is vol met hooi. The barn is full of hay. The barn is full of hay. Se sünd op en eensame Insel utsett worrn. They were marooned on a desert isle. They are exposed to a lonely island. Ek sal gou terugbel. I'll call back soon. I'll call back soon. Dit is geen appel. Het is een peer. This isn't an apple. It's a pear. This isn't an apple. Wanneer ben je gisteravond naar bed gegaan? When did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? Ik heb al lang geleden de interesse voor geld verloren. I lost interest in money a long time ago. I've lost interest in money a long time ago. De aap danst voor geld. The monkey dances for money. The monkey dances for money. צי האָסטו אים געגלײבט? Did you believe him? Do you greet him? Ivo zag de druif. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw the grape. Zai is aan t taiken. She is drawing. Zai's on t targets. Mehrsprachige sind viel attraktiver. Polyglots are much sexier. Multilingual language is much more attractive. Präsident Obama wurde auf Hawaii geboren. President Obama was born in Hawaii. President Obama was born in Hawaii. Hij handelde voor zijn eigen belang. He acted in his own interest. He acted for his own sake. Tom had niet het lef om zelfmoord te plegen. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide. Tom didn't have the nerve to commit suicide. k Luusterde. I listened. k Listening. "Hoe gaat het?" "Goed, dank je." "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." "How are you?" "Good, thank you." Sie muss nachmittags zum Einkaufen gehen. She has to go shopping in the afternoon. She has to go shopping in the afternoon. Das ist es, was ich dich frage. That's what I'm asking you. That's what I'm asking you. Behalte beide Hände am Lenkrad. Keep both hands on the steering wheel. Keep both hands on the steering wheel. Eine Sicherung ist durchgebrannt. A fuse has blown. A safe has burned through. Am nächsten Morgen frühstückten wir zusammen. The next morning, we ate breakfast together. The next morning, we had breakfast together. Achten Sie mal darauf, wie der Spieler seine Ellbogen einsetzt! Notice how the player uses his elbows. Take care of how the player uses his elbow! Ich erledige das. I'll deal with this. I'll do that. Sie werden ihn fragen müssen. You'll have to ask him. You'll have to ask him. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Veel landen kampen met vergelijkbare problemen. Many countries are experiencing similar problems. Many countries face similar problems. Hai begunde te zingen. He started singing. Hai favored to sing. Er ging zur Kunsthochschule, um Malerei und Bildhauerei zu studieren. He went to art school to study painting and sculpture. He went to the Academy of Art to study painting and sculpture. Was für ein schöner Tag! What a pleasant day! What a beautiful day! Im Kühlschrank ist Milch. There is milk in the refrigerator. In the fridge is milk. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tom is dead. The coaster is dead. Nu dat nix mehr to doon geev, hauen wi af. Since there was nothing left to do, we left. Now that there's nothing left to do, we hook down. Tom hat die Gerüchte weder bejaht noch verneint. Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Tom didn't resent the rumors. Es gibt nur einen klitzekleinen Unterschied. There is only one tiny difference. There's only a slight difference. איך וויל בעסער פֿאָרן מיטן וועלאָ איידער גיין. I prefer biking to walking. I want better ask with willo before going. Het sneeuwt vandaag. It's snowing today. It's snowing today. דאס איז דער דארף, אוואו דער פאעט איז געבוירן געווארען. This is the village where the poet was born. This is the village where the Father was born. Ik ben erg cool. I'm very cool. I'm very cool. Gö, du host des nu net tau, wos'd tuan soin hättatst. You haven't yet done what you were supposed to do, have you? Gö, you host des nu net tau, wos'd tuan soin hatatst. Ek hou van jou. I love you. I love you. Je zult vanaf nu harder moeten studeren. You'll have to study harder from now on. You'll have to study harder from now on. Kleine Lichter blinkten in der Ferne. Little lights were blinking on and off in the distance. Small lights flashed in the distance. Hij heeft een gouden medaille gewonnen. He won a gold medal. He won a gold medal. Tom hett di nich so leef as ik. Tom doesn't love you as much as I love you. Tom didn't live you as I did. טאָם רעדט פֿראַנצײזיש. Tom speaks French. Tom Redt French. Die drei Schwestern sehen einander sehr ähnlich. The three sisters look very much alike. The three sisters look very similar to each other. Se weet nich, wat se seggen schall. She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know what to say. Je hoeft je sokken niet uit te trekken. You don't have to take off your socks. You don't have to pull your socks out. Ik heff twee Bröder un een Süster. I have two brothers and one sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Weet iemand waar Tom woont? Does anyone here know where Tom lives? Does anyone know where Tom lives? Woar is mien boksem? Where are my pants? Why is my boxem? Lucht is lichter dan water. Air is lighter than water. Air is lighter than water. Der Zug kam pünktlich an. The train came on time. The train arrived on time. Tom saß in einem bequemen Lehnstuhl und las die Abendzeitung. Tom was sitting in a comfortable armchair, reading the evening newspaper. Tom sat in a comfortable chair and read the evening newspaper. Ze omhelsden hem. They hugged him. They hugged him. Isch's woar? Really? Is it true? Ik heb drie katten. I have three cats. I have three cats. Sy was bly met haar nuwe rok. She was pleased with her new dress. She was happy with her new dress. Ik ga helemaal akkoord. I totally agree. I'm gonna agree. Er ist ein Spieler. He's a gambler. He's a player. איר זײַט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. your page vertloes. Ik wens dat hij in ons team was. I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team. Wolkenkratzer sind schöne Bauwerke. Skyscrapers are beautiful structures. Cloud craters are beautiful buildings. "Zwijg," fluisterde hij. "Shut up," he whispered. "Silence," he whispered. Ik ben verbaasd over jouw stoutmoedigheid. I'm amazed at your audacity. I'm surprised at your boldness. Ik word boos. I'm getting angry. I'm getting angry. Warum hast du mir das nicht gesagt? Why didn't you tell me that? Why didn't you tell me that? Ik heb Tom ook nog nooit ontmoet. I've never met Tom, either. I've never met Tom before. Er baute Kartoffeln in seinem Garten an. He grew potatoes in his garden. He built potatoes in his garden. Ik bruuk Frünnen. I need friends. I need friends. Tom deed zijn sokken uit. Tom took off his socks. Tom took off his socks. Ihr irrt euch. You are wrong. You're wrong. Hock na! Sit down. Hock after! Tom und Mary standen nahe beieinander. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Tom and Mary stood close together. Ik voel de pijn nauwelijks meer. I barely feel the pain anymore. I hardly feel the pain anymore. Dit was een duidelijke tegenstrijdigheid. This was a clear contradiction. This was a clear contradiction. Moi. Hey. Moi. Hoe bedoel je? What do you mean? What do you mean? Se hett em to ’n Fröhstück drapen. She met him for breakfast. She killed him for breakfast. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres. There's nothing worse than that. There's nothing worse. Ik heb persoonlijk nooit een ufo gezien. I myself have never seen a UFO. Personally, I've never seen a ufo. Wir müssen das jetzt tun. We must do this right now. We have to do this now. Het is allemaal jouw schuld. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Er sagte ihnen, dass sie auf der Nordseite des Flusses bleiben sollten. He told them to stay on the north side of the river. He told them to stay on the north side of the river. Is dit puur goud? Is this pure gold? Is it pure gold? Viele wurden Mormonen. Many people became Mormons. Many have been Mormons. Tom und Maria haben sich bereit erklärt, das für uns zu tun. Tom and Mary say they're willing to do that for us. Tom and Maria have agreed to do so for us. Es war einmal eine Katze, deren Name war Tango. Once upon a time, there was a cat whose name was Tango. It was once a cat whose name was Tango. Jij moet de knoop strakker maken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital in which I was born. Wie übersetzt man „Pfirsichbäumchen“ ins Berberische? How do you translate "Pfirsichbaeumchen" into Berber? How to translate “Pfirsichbäumchen” into Berberisch? Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami's not married to Layla. Ik eet vis. I eat fish. I eat fish. Hy is my broer. He is my brother. He's my brother. Mir ist langweilig. Lass uns irgendwas machen! I'm bored. Let's do something. I'm bored, let's do something! Die Fahrgäste blieben ruhig. The passengers remained calm. The passengers stayed calm. Er kunnen andere alternatieven zijn waar we nog niet over hebben gedacht. There may be other alternatives that we haven't thought of yet. There may be other alternatives that we haven't thought about yet. Diesmal sind Sie zu weit gegangen! This time, you've crossed the line! This time you have gone too far! Ich rasiere mir den Bart ab. I am shaving off my beard. I shave off the beard. Waarom was ik hier niet van op de hoogte? Why was I not aware of this? Why didn't I know about this? המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שערי אבלי ציון וירושלים. Please accept my sincerest condolences. Mizrachi Inhosam B.C.E. Rauchen ist in dem Restaurant nicht gestattet. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. Wi sünd dat Volk. We are the people. We are the people. Wenn du Erfolg haben willst, musst du härter arbeiten. If you are to succeed, you must work harder. If you want to succeed, you have to work harder. Schiet op, dan zal je op tijd zijn. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, you'll be in time. Die sekretaresse het gevra dat ek moet aanhou totdat mnr. Williams beskikbaar was om my oproep te neem. The secretary asked that I hold the line until Mr Williams was free to take my call. The secretary asked me to continue until Mr. Williams was available to take my call. Ik zal je niet verlaten. I won't forsake you. I won't leave you. Tom ging raus. Tom walked out. Tom went out. Tom heeft een deksel op de pan gelegd. Tom has put a cover on the pot. Tom put a lid on the pan. Ik zou graag Picasso zijn. I would like to be Picasso. I'd love to be Picasso. Waarom moeten we ons daarmee bemoeien? Why should we get involved? Why should we get involved? Ek wil nie hê jy moet gaan nie. I don't want you to go. I don't want you to go. Ik ben slechts boodschapper. I'm just a messenger. I'm just a messenger. Wir sind beide aus Boston. We're both from Boston. We're both from Boston. די פּאָליציי האָט אים געכאַפּט. The police caught him. The police stopped it. Maak den Mund op un de Ogen dicht. Open your mouth and close your eyes. Open your mouth and close your eyes. Jeder weiß, dass Tom nicht gut mit Menschen umgehen kann. Everyone knows Tom has poor people skills. Everyone knows Tom can't deal well with people. Mijn puppy is gestorven, en ik ben vreselijk onthutst. My puppy died, and I'm terribly upset. My puppy died, and I'm a terrible man. Schall ik di en Stohl halen? Shall I get you a chair? Should I get you a chair? Du bist echt ein kleiner Schlingel! You're a right little rascal! You're a little sling! Tom lässt sich nicht gern wie ein Kind behandeln. Tom doesn't like being treated like a child. Tom doesn't like to be treated like a child. Mijn naam is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. Er zeigte ihr den Weg. He showed her the way. He showed her the way. Is dat jouw man? Is that your husband? Is that your husband? We zijn maar eenmaal jong. You are only young once. We're just young. Ik kann nix sehn! I can't see! I can't see anything! צי רעדט ער פּאָרטוגעזיש? Does he speak Portuguese? Does he speak Portuguese? Der Mann stand auf. The man stood up. The man stood up. Drinkt ji jümmer veel Beer? Do you usually drink a lot of beer? Are you always drinking a lot of beer? Tom un Ria seukt ehr Söhn. Tom and Mary are looking for their son. Tom and Ria seek their son. Willst du damit sagen, Tom kommt gar nicht aus Boston? Are you saying Tom isn't from Boston? Is that what you want to say, Tom doesn't come from Boston? Tom zal nachtmerries krijgen. Tom will have nightmares. Tom's gonna have nightmares. Wat ass déi richteg Äntwert? What's the correct answer? What is the correct answer? Hij vergeet nooit om elke week naar zijn moeder te schrijven. He never forgets to write to his mother every week. He never forgets to write to his mother every week. באַפֿרײַט מזרח־טורקעסטאַן! Free East Turkestan! Prefere_nces east-door Details! Mi is jüst wat infullen. I just remembered something. I'm just filling in a little bit. א מענטש ווילט מיר שיקן א ידיעה. Somebody wants to send a message. A man would send me a song. Das ist ein hervorragender Wein. That's an excellent wine. This is an excellent wine. קען איך רעדן מיט טאם׳ן אליין? Can I talk to Tom alone? Could I speak to Tom's uncle? Jou naam staan eerste op die lys. Your name stands first in the list. Your name is listed first. Guter Meister, was muss ich tun, dass ich das ewige Leben ererbe? Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Tom het kom kuier. Tom came to visit. Tom came to visit. Sy gaan 'n bietjie koffie maak. She's going to make some coffee. She's going to make some coffee. Alle bladeren aan de boom zijn geel geworden. All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow. All leaves on the tree have become yellow. Jij bent het. You are the one. It's you. Vögel sind die natürlichen Feinde der Insekten. Birds are natural enemies of insects. Birds are the natural enemies of insects. Hou? How? - Keep it? Rijken zijn niet altijd gelukkiger dan armen. The rich are not always happier than the poor. Riches are not always happier than poor. Voor de eerste keer in mijn leven heb ik Rome bezocht. I visited Rome for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I visited Rome. Tom gab eine negative Antwort. Tom replied in the negative. Tom gave a negative answer. Het is nooit in me opgekomen dat iemand zoiets zou verzinnen. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It's never happened to me that anyone would find something like that. לאָמיר זיך עפּעס לערנען, למשל, אַ נײַע שפּראַך! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Let's learn something, e.g., a new language! Er is niets veranderd. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed. Schau dir das mal an. Take a look at this. Look at that. Mi frös. I'm freezing. I'm frozen. In mijn nieuwe huis is de woonkamer op de begane grond en de slaapkamer op de eerste verdieping. In my new house, the living room is on the ground floor and the bedroom is on the first floor. In my new house is the living room on the ground floor and the bedroom on the first floor. Zéng, eelef, zwielef, dräizéng, véierzéng, fofzéng, siechzéng, siwwenzéng, uechtzéng, nonzéng, zwanzeg. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, seventeen, seventeen, seventeen, ten, ten, nineteen, nineteen, twenty. Tom und sein Bruder sehen sich ziemlich ähnlich. Tom and his brother look quite similar. Tom and his brother look pretty similar. Dit lyk nie so sleg nie. It doesn't look so bad. It doesn't seem that bad. Ik heb mijn been tijdens het skiën gebroken. I broke my leg while skiing. I broke my leg while skiing. Niemand redet. No one is talking. No one's talking. Ič ne undernime. I don't understand. Ič ne undernime. Maria heeft de kleren van haar vriendje in het vuur gegooid. Mary threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Maria put her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Dat is niet het enige dat te klein is. That's not the only thing that's too small. That's not the only thing that's too small. Hij was zojuist gearriveerd. He had just arrived. He had just arrived. Het is buiten zo warm dat je een ei kunt bakken. It's so hot outside, you could fry an egg. It's so hot outside that you can bake an egg. k Kón mien ogen nait loven. I couldn't believe my eyes. k Kón my eyes praise night. Viel Glück! Good luck! Good luck! Wollen Sie dieses Risiko eingehen? Do you want to take that risk? Do you want to take this risk? Jij bent mooi. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Sie saßen am Feuer und unterhielten sich. They sat talking in front of the fire. They sat in the fire and kept themselves. Die Kriminalitätsrate in Kanada sinkt. Canada's crime rate is decreasing. The crime rate in Canada decreases. Schrijf op wat ik zeg, alsjeblieft. Please write down what I say. Write down what I say, please. Maria erlitt eine Panikattacke. Mary had a panic attack. Maria suffered a panic attack. Hij wist te ontsnappen. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. Ik kan de pijn niet meer uitstaan. I cannot bear the pain any more. I can't stand the pain anymore. Er zeigt in allem, was er auf sich nimmt, immer große Entschlossenheit. He always shows great determination in everything he undertakes. He always shows great determination in everything he takes on himself. k Wait wat doe bedoulst. I know what you mean. k Wait what does bedulst. Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? A glass of water, please. Can I have a glass of water, please? Sie müssen morgen nicht kommen. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Ik snack en beten Schottsch-Gäälsch. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I speak a bit of Scottish Gaelic. Dor is en groot Lock in ’e Wand. There's a huge hole in the wall. There is a big lock in the wall. Tom will, dass du dich mit ihm bei Maria triffst. Tom wants you to meet him at Mary's. Tom wants you to meet him with Maria. Ham wordt gemaakt van het achterbeen van een varken. Ham comes from the hind leg of a pig. Ham is made from the hind leg of a pig. Maria houdt van sneeuw. Mary likes snow. Maria likes snow. Dat had ik kunnen zien aankomen. I should've seen that coming. I could've seen that coming. Ein Junge bat Maria um einen Tanz. A boy asked Mary to dance. A boy asked Mary for a dance. Ik ben hier om hem te redden. I'm here to rescue him. I'm here to save him. Se ende is nēah. The end is nigh. Its end is nēah. Ik heb nooit in Australië gewoond. I've never lived in Australia. I never lived in Australia. Tom reichte Maria den Brief. Tom handed Mary the letter. Tom handed Maria the letter. Hij speelt beter piano dan ik. He's better at the piano than I am. He plays piano better than I do. De details van deze overeenkomst zijn gespecificeerd in het contract. The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract. The details of this agreement are specified in the contract. Vertel me wie we zijn. Tell me who we are. Tell me who we are. Tom sah mir in die Augen, und ich erwiderte diesen Blick. Tom stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. Tom saw me in the eyes, and I answered this sight. Wie is jouw lievelingsleraar? Who's your favorite teacher? Who's your favorite teacher? Muggen zijn insecten. Mosquitoes are insects. Mugs are insects. Ein anonymer Wohltäter hat einem Tierheim mehrere hunderttausend Dollar vermacht. An anonymous benefactor bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter. An anonymous benefactor has earned a pet home several hundred thousand dollars. Tom zette ons noamen op lieste. Tom put our names on the list. Tom put our names on reading. Ik heff mien Portmaneet verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my Portmaneet. Warum hast du mir denn nie gesagt, wie du in Bezug auf Maria empfindest? Why didn't you ever tell me how you felt about Mary? Why did you never tell me how you feel about Mary? Es ist eine fesselnde Geschichte. It's a riveting story. It's a fascinating story. Nicht für den Krieg habe ich einen Sohn geboren. I did not give birth to a son for the war. I didn't give birth to a son for the war. Ich kann das absolut nicht leiden! I hate that so much. I absolutely can't suffer! Kommen Sie schnell! Come quickly! Come quickly! Ik heb Tom zijn huiswerk ge-e-maild. I emailed Tom his homework. I emailed Tom his homework. Wir hatten nichts gemein. We had nothing in common. We didn't have anything in common. Wies mi dien wohr Gesicht! Show me your true face. Show me your real face! Ik haat die kleur. I hate that color. I hate that color. Tom spricht jeden Tag mit seiner Mutter. Tom speaks with his mother every day. Tom talks to his mother every day. Ich weiß, wie viel sie dir bedeutet. I know how much she means to you. I know how much she means to you. Ik heff den Satz verbetert. I've improved the sentence. I have improved the sentence. Wor maakst du dat för? What are you doing that for? What are you doing for? Drinkt dien Kinner Melk? Do your children drink milk? Does your child drink milk? Kann ich ein bisschen davon essen? May I eat a little of it? Can I eat a little of it? Holt brennt. Wood burns. Holt burns. Hy is no beskikber. He is available now. It is now available. Dit is een plek waar dieren worden begraven. This is a place where animals are buried. This is a place where animals are buried. Einer der Jungen, die umgekommen sind, hieß Tom. One of the boys who died was named Tom. One of the boys who died was named Tom. Tom ist Hundetrainer. Tom is a dog trainer. Tom is a dog trainer. Er wurde zum Bürgermeister gewählt. He was elected mayor. He was elected mayor. Das Verfallsdatum dieser Milch ist abgelaufen. This milk's expiration date has come and gone! The expiry date of this milk has expired. Zai eet. She is eating. Zai eat. He weet allens. He knows everything. He knows everything. Wi verwacht en gode Oost dit Johr. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect a good east this year. Ich habe zwei Tüten Popcorn gekauft. I bought two bags of popcorn. I bought two bags of popcorn. Ich lerne mehrere Sprachen. I'm studying several languages. I learn several languages. Zijn naam is bekend bij iedereen. His name is known to all. His name is known to everyone. Se æftera Ġēola, Solmōnaþ, Hrēðmōnaþ, Ēastermōnaþ, Þrimilcemōnaþ, Sēarmōnaþ, Mǣdmōnaþ, Ƿēodmōnaþ, Hærfestmōnaþ, Ƿinterfylleþ, Blōtmōnaþ, and Ġēolamōnaþ sind tƿelf þāra mōnaþa þæs ᵹēares. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Se sættera ƿēola, Solmōnaþ, Hrēðmōnaþ, ƿastermōnaþ, Tērimilcemōnaþ, Sēarmōnaþ, Mēdmōnaþ, ƿēodmōnaþ, Hærfestmōnaþ, ƿinterphylleþ, Blōtmōnaþ, and ƿēolamōnaþ are tƿelfƿāra mōnaþes. Ik heb een kleine blog over de Nederlandse taal. I have a small blog about Dutch. I have a small blog about the Dutch language. Tom warnte Maria vor Johannes. Tom warned Mary about John. Tom warned Mary of John. Tom stak de straat over. Tom crossed the road. Tom crossed the street. Es wird oft darauf hingewiesen, dass Rauchen die Gesundheit gefährdet. It is often pointed out that smoking is a danger to health. It is often pointed out that smoking endangers health. „Ich werde ihn heiraten.“ – „Nein, das wirst du nicht“, sagte ihr Vater. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not," said her father. “I’m going to marry him.” “No, you won’t,” said her father. Da Thomas is hoaglig. Tom is finicky. As Thomas is hoarse. Dat kan niet waar zijn! It can't be! That can't be true! Het is typisch herfstweer. It's typical autumn weather. It's typical autumn weather. Je kan hier niet zwemmen. You can't swim here. You can't swim here. Ihr habt mir nie vertraut. You never trusted me. You never trusted me. Ich habe meine E-Mail-Adresse vergessen. I've forgotten my email address. I forgot my email address. Wat is uw geprefereerde voornaamwoord? What is your preferred pronoun? What is your preferred pronoun? Studeerst doe? Are you studying? Do you study first? Glenn hat zwei Freundinnen. Glenn has two girlfriends. Glenn has two girlfriends. k Bin gain oele! I'm not an owl! k Bin Gain Oils! Chocolade wordt gemaakt van cacaobonen. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Het is apenvlees. It's monkey meat. It's monkey meat. Het Tsjechisch koor van scheikundigen echoot chaotisch. The Czech choir of chemists echoes chaotically. The Czech choir of chemists echoe chaotic. Een ziekte dwarsboomde zijn reisplannen. Illness frustrated his plans for the trip. A disease interfered with travel plans. Daar is vyftig lede in hierdie klub. There are fifty members in this club. There are fifty members in this club. Het leven van Napoleon was een groot drama. Napoleon's life was a great drama. Napoleon's life was a big drama. Sami heeft veel kamelen. Sami has many camels. Sami has a lot of camels. Das kann unmöglich hinhauen. It can't possibly work. That's impossible to hide. Ik ben dankbaar dat er vakanties zijn. I'm thankful for vacations. I'm grateful that there are vacations. Wir könnten Toms Hilfe gebrauchen. Könnten Sie ihn etwas bearbeiten? We could do with Tom's help. Could you work on him a bit? We could use Tom's help. Vaarwel. Farewell! Yes, of course. Noord is de richting die tegenovergesteld is aan zuid. North is the opposite direction from south. North is the direction opposite to south. Wiskunde is een gemakkelijk onderwerp voor mij. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Es gibt keine Hunde größer als diesen. There are no dogs bigger than this one. There are no dogs bigger than this one. Einer der häufigsten Fehler beim Übersetzen besteht darin, zu wörtlich – Wort für Wort – zu übersetzen. One of the most widespread errors in translating is to translate too literally – word by word. One of the most common mistakes in translating is to translate literally, word for word. Het kost te veel. It is too expensive. It takes too much. Hai eet. He is eating. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Nein, bin ich nicht; sondern du! No I'm not; you are! No, I'm not; but you! Warte mal kurz! Wait a sec. Wait a minute! Tom war hartnäckig. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. Ek haat wasbere. I hate raccoons. I hate raccoons. Was hält dich nachts vom Schlafen ab? What keeps you up at night? What keeps you from sleeping at night? Ich glaube, wir wissen beide, warum ich hier bin. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Ich bin in dich verliebt und will dich heiraten. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. Ken ek hom? Do I know him? Do I know him? So ans wia des hob i eh scho. I've got one like that already. So ans wia des hob i eh already. Tom drinkt Water. Tom is drinking some water. Tom drinks water. Langweile ich euch? Am I annoying you? I'm bored with you? En wiesen Mann kann Gold sogoor ut Mateer winnen. A wise man can derive gold even from pus. A wise man can win gold sogoor from mater. Der Grund seines Todes bleibt noch ein Rätsel. The cause of his death still remains a mystery. The reason for his death remains a mystery. Engelsch is en Spraak. English is a language. English is a language. Ik ben niet jaloers. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. k Denk dat k kin. I think I can. k Think that k can. Ze kondigden regen aan voor vandaag. They were forecasting rain for today. They announced rain for today. Vergelijk de kopie met het origineel. Compare the copy with the original. Compare the copy with the original. De tweie Popp höört mi to. The broken doll is mine. The two doll belongs to me. Ich will noch einmal jung sein. I want to be young again. I want to be young again. Wie hältst du es aus? How are you holding up? How do you keep it? Ons het meer onderwyseresse soos jy nodig. We need more teachers like you. We need more teachers than you do. Du weißt es besser als jeder andere. You know it better than anyone else. You know better than anyone else. De manager onslaat nu bijna elke maand iemand en ik weet niet hoe we burgers nog sneller of beter kunnen omdraaien, of met meer teamgeest of wat hij dan ook wil. The manager dismisses someone almost once a month now, and I don't know how we can flip burgers any faster or better or with more team spirit or whatever it is that he wants. The manager now leaves someone for us almost every month and I don't know how to turn citizens even faster or better, or with more team spirit or whatever he wants. He maakt geern Fotos. He likes taking pictures. He's taking nice photos. De bijeenkomst is bijna voorbij. The meeting is almost over. The meeting's almost over. איך האב מורא פון דעם וואס וועט פאסירן. I'm scared of what's going to happen. I have fear of this that will take place. Er zijn 187.888 meren in Finland. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. Wat inspireert je meest? What inspires you most? What inspires you most? Hij heeft veel vijanden in de politieke wereld. He has many enemies in the political world. He has many enemies in the political world. Ga alsjeblieft door. Please go on. Please keep going. Waarom zijn ze boos? Why are they angry? Why are they angry? Tom tut nichts, ohne vorher Maria zu fragen, ob sie einverstanden ist. Tom doesn't do anything without first asking Mary if it's OK. Tom doesn't do anything without asking Mary beforehand if she agrees. דער הונט איז אַ געטרײַע חיה. The dog is a faithful animal. The Lord is a "haughtiness" of life. The Lord is a "haughtiness" of life. Toms huis is vlak bij de zee. Tom's house is by the sea. Tom's house is right by the sea. Ek is lief vir jou seun. I love your son. I love your son. Zij houdt van tuinieren. She loves gardening. She likes gardening. Hun auto nam deel aan een van de zwaarste races ter wereld. Their car entered one of the toughest races in the world. Their car took part in one of the toughest races in the world. Ik leer Akkadisch. I'm learning Akkadian. I'm learning Akkadian. Ga nu weg. Move now. Get out of here now. Hommels zijn groter dan bijen. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Hommels are bigger than bees. Hij is de oudste. He is the eldest. He's the oldest. Slaap je? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Was willst du machen, solange du hier bist? What do you want to do while you're here? What do you want to do as long as you're here? Was wirst du dieses Wochenende tun? What'll you do this weekend? What are you gonna do this weekend? Ich bin schwer beeindruckt. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Iedereen in mijn gezin staat vroeg op. Everyone in my family gets up early. Everyone in my family gets up early. Tom sah sich im Umkleideraum um. Tom looked around the locker room. Tom looked around in the dressing room. Ik gah in ’n Park. I'm going to the park. I'm going to a park. ''Kan ik jouw sokken lenen?'' ''Nee.'' "Can I borrow your socks?" "No." "Can I borrow your socks?" "No." Niets nieuws onder de zon. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Ek het dit voorheen vir jou gesê, het ek nie? I've told you that before, haven't I? I told you before, didn't I? Mocht iemand tijdens mijn afwezigheid komen, zeg hem dan dat ik snel weer terug zal zijn. Should anyone call on me in my absence, tell him that I will be back soon. If someone comes during my absence, tell him I'll be back soon. ’keen hett se funnen? Who found her? ‘ Didn't she find? Glaubt ihr Tom noch? Do you still believe Tom? Do you still believe Tom? Bist du seine Mutter? Are you his mother? Are you his mother? Had je man veel vijanden? Did your husband have many enemies? Your husband had a lot of enemies? Eet sneeuw. Eat snow. Eat snow. Weißt du, Tom mag Boston. You know Tom likes Boston. You know, Tom likes Boston. Tom kan niet eens lezen. Tom can't even read. Tom can't even read. Ik heb rugpijn. I have a backache. I have back pain. Ik zal hier een paar dagen blijven. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Je liegt. You're lying. You're lying. Zij was degene die het suggereerde. She was the one who suggested it. She was the one who suggested it. וואָס איז די הויפּטשטאָט פֿון כינע? What's the capital of China? What is the main city of Bine? Weet jy wat hy gesê het? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? Zij deden hun sokken uit. They pulled off their socks. They made their socks out. He wahnt in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. De broer schrijft. The brother is writing. The brother writes. Hēo hæfde ān swīþe ǣnliċ wīf. She had a very excellent wife. Hēo hæde ān swīþ þiȝ wīf. Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Is noch Melk dor? Is there any milk left? Is still milk there? Heb je al besloten waarover je je scriptie gaat schrijven? Have you already decided on your thesis topic? Have you decided what you're going to write your script about? Ik heb een jonge vrouw. I have a young wife. I have a young woman. Das Ergebnis war vorhersehbar. That result was predictable. The result was predictable. Spreken jullie Indonesisch? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Ich finde, sie ist zu groß. I think that it's too big. I think she's too big. Beachtet mich gar nicht! Don't mind me. Don't pay attention to me! Die mannen zijn doorgewinterde soldaten. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Those men are translucent soldiers. איר טוישט זיך נישט ווי א גלח. You don't look like a priest. you don't waste yourself as a priest. Tom het 'n uitstekende geheue. Tom has a very good memory. Tom has an excellent memory. Tom hält das für eine alberne Idee. Tom thinks it's a ridiculous idea. Tom thinks that's a silly idea. Tom beäugte den stiebenden Schnee in der Schneekugel. Tom looked at the snow falling inside the snow globe. Tom besieged the dying snow in the snowball. Toms Miete beträgt dreihundert Dollar im Monat. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Tom's rent is three hundred dollars a month. Dissen Sünndag is Moderdag in Spanien. This Sunday is Mother's Day in Spain. This Sunday is Mother's Day in Spain. Hoe is Tom zijn man? What's Tom's husband like? How is Tom's husband? Deze bloem ruikt lekker. This flower smells nice. This flower smells good. זײ לױפֿן. They run. Be mindful. טאָם איז אַ מענטש. Tom is a good person. Tom is a man. Betty broest. Betty drives fast. Betty breasts. Mijn moeder haat het schrijven van brieven. My mother hates writing letters. My mother hates writing letters. Leider! Unfortunately! I'm sorry. Tom het gesê dat hy nie Mary gesoen het nie. Tom said he didn't kiss Mary. Tom said that he did not kiss Mary. מ'איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון װאַרטן. We were tired of waiting. Immediately have been from the wait. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming. Ik studear yn Nymwegen. I study in Nijmegen. I am studying in Nymwegen. Deze missie is topgeheim en uiterst gevaarlijk. This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous. This mission is top secret and extremely dangerous. S Mäitli isch schöön. The girl is beautiful. S meitli is beautiful. De Rekter deed elkeen von de Schoolafgängers de Hannen schüdden. The principal shook hands with each of the graduates. The principal would shake each of the school graduates' hands. Ich habe einen Apfelbaum in meinen Garten gepflanzt. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. Ik wil een computer. I want a computer. I want a computer. Het dak lekt op drie verschillende plekken. The roof leaks in 3 different places. The roof leaks in three different places. Wie triffst du deine Entscheidungen? How do you make decisions? How do you make your decisions? איך בין אַ שטאַרקע פֿרוי. I'm a strong woman. I am a strong joy. Gaan Tom sterf? Will Tom die? Tom's going to die? Tom ist einer meiner engsten Freunde. Tom is one of my close friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Welk type sport vind je leuk? What kind of sport do you like? What type of sport do you like? Wi hebbt dat Shampoo opbruukt. We used up the shampoo. We have used the shampoo. Gär geschitt! With pleasure! You're happening! Ik kan geen aardbeien eten. I can't eat strawberries. I can't eat strawberries. Ich kann den Wind hören. I can hear the wind. I can hear the wind. k Kin nait. I can't. k Kin night. De kat eet. The cat eats. The cat eats. Honden begraven vaak botten. Dogs often bury bones. Dogs often bury bones. Bitteschöön. You're welcome. Please. Ik ben zes maanden geleden gestopt met roken. I quit smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. Ik heb hetzelfde probleem als jij. I have the same trouble as you have. I have the same problem as you. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Ihnen das Buch sehr nützlich sein wird. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I'm sure the book will be very useful to you. Ich kann keinen Kaffee ohne Zucker trinken. I cannot drink coffee without sugar. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Haben Sie genug Geld, um alles zu kaufen, was Sie brauchen? Do you have enough money to buy everything you need? Do you have enough money to buy everything you need? Wir wählten Herrn Jordan zum Vorsitzenden. We elected Ms. Jordan chairperson. We elected Mr Jordan as chairman. איך האָב נישט געהאָלפֿן. I didn't help. I have not paid. Steve sah sehr zufrieden aus. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very happy. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom sings. He snackt Engelsch beter as ik. He speaks English better than me. He speaks English better than I do. Tom wusste nicht einmal, wer Mary war. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Waarom leren jullie Spaans? Why do you learn Spanish? Why do you learn Spanish? Mit wem redest du? With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? Bent u van nature blond? Are you naturally blonde? Are you naturally blond? Het is een moeilijke vraag. It's a difficult question. It's a difficult question. Als Maria aufwachte, stand auf ihrem Nachttisch ein Geschenk mit einer schönen Schleife. „Das kann nur von Tom sein!“ dachte sie, aber es war nicht von Tom! When Maria woke up, a gift with a beautiful bow stood on her bedside table. "It can only be from Tom," she thought, but it was not from Tom! When Mary woke up, a gift with a beautiful veil stood on her bedside table. “That can only be from Tom!” she thought, but it wasn’t from Tom! Waarom is ze gebleven? Why did she stay? Why did she stay? Tom löste den Feueralarm aus. Tom pulled the fire alarm. Tom triggered the fire alarm. Tom macht einen guten Job. Tom is doing a fine job. Tom's doing a good job. Manche machen glücklich, wenn sie kommen; andere aber, wenn sie gehen. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. Some make happy when they come; others, however, when they go. Iedereen is gelukkig. Everyone is happy. Everyone's happy. Ieder van ons ging behalve hij. All of us went except for him. Every one of us went except him. Tom möchte, dass du es für ihn tust. Tom wants you to do it for him. Tom wants you to do it for him. De syntaxis van Python scripts is erg eenvoudig. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. Vielleicht mag Tom dich leiden. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom likes you. Persoonlijke computers zijn heel nuttig. Personal computers are very useful. Personal computers are very useful. Tom harrte erwartungsvoll aus. Tom waited expectantly. Tom had an expectation of it. Dor is en Appel op ’n Disch. There is an apple on the desk. There is an appeal on a table. Weil es ihn gibt. Because it is there. Because there's him. Reicht dein Verstand, dies zu begreifen, und bist du kühn genug, danach zu handeln? Do you have the brains to realize it and the guts to act on it? Is your mind able to understand this, and are you capable of acting accordingly? עס איז א מאל געווען דא א גרינער פעלד; יעצט עס איז דא א סופערמארקעט. There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket. There was a time here a green field; when it was here a supermarcet. Ich hoffe, das Wetter hält noch einen Tag lang. I hope the weather will hold for another day. I hope the weather will last another day. Tom kiekt kiekkaast. Tom is watching television. Tom looks at the lookout. Allem Anschein nach war ich der Hauptgegenstand der Unterhaltung. From all evidence, I was the main topic of conversation. Apparently, I was the main object of the conversation. Ðū līhst. You are lying. þū līhst. Du hest dat allens alleen boot? You built that all by yourself? Did you boot it all alone? Es war unmöglich, es zu verbergen. There was no way to hide it. It was impossible to hide it. Vlees, alstublieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. מיר וועלן זען צוזאַמען, וואָס וועט פּאַסירן. We'll see what happens together. We want to see together, what will happen. U houdt van pindakaas, nietwaar? You like peanut butter, don't you? You like peanut butter, don't you? We kunnen beter even wachten. We'd better wait. We better wait a minute. מיר האָבן נאָך ניט יאָ געזאָגט. We haven't said yes yet. We have not yet said yes. Ze zat naast me. She sat by my side. She was next door to me. Vertel me iets over Tom. Tell me something about Tom. Tell me something about Tom. Hij is aan het eten. He is eating. He's eating. Hoekom hiberneer mense nie? Why don't people hibernate? Why not hibernate people? Ich spreche kein Irisch. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Very few people have no fear of death. Wir müssen diesen Bericht neu schreiben. We need to do this report again. We need to rewrite this report. Wir werden euch irgendwann einmal besuchen. We will visit you sometime. We'll visit you someday. Ek is in Tokio gebore en getoë. I was born and brought up in Tokyo. I was born and educated in Tokyo. Ik zal je morgen bezoeken. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Het leven begon in water. Life began in water. Life started in water. Hij kraakte de walnoot met zijn tanden. He cracked the walnut with his teeth. He scratched the walnut with his teeth. Ons sal jou roep wanneer jou tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We'll call you when your table is ready. Wir begeben uns 60 Jahre in die Vergangenheit. We go back 60 years. We've been in the past for 60 years. Ich glaube, Tom hat sich nicht genug angestrengt. I don't think Tom tried hard enough. I don't think Tom has struggled enough. Der Mensch ist das einzige Tier, das lachen kann. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Er hat seinen Entschluss nicht verändert. He hasn't changed his mind. He didn't change his decision. Kent er iemand Japans? Does anyone know the Japanese language? Does anyone know Japanese? Ik heb Tom aangeraden dat niet te doen. I advised Tom not to do that. I advised Tom not to. יאַני האָט נאָר אויסגעפֿירט באַפֿעלן. Yanni was just following orders. Japan has only run commands. Ik hou van wiskunde. I like maths. I love math. Tom wollte Marias Bitte nicht nachkommen. Tom wouldn't do what Mary asked him to do. Tom didn't want to follow Maria's request. Bedankt! Thanks. Thank you! Hij boog naar mij terwijl hij voorbij kwam. He bowed to me as he passed by. He bowed to me as he passed. Meer sin forgester in Boston aankomm. We arrived in Boston the day before yesterday. More sense forgester arrived in Boston. Wat is dien leevste Tall? What's your favorite number? What is your favorite number? Er ist lange nicht mit mir in Kontakt getreten unter dem Vorwand, beschäftigt zu sein. He has not gotten in touch with me for a long time under the pretence of being busy. He has not been in contact with me for a long time under the pretext of being busy. „Hast du dein Zimmer aufgeräumt?“ – „Das mache ich später.“ "Did you clean your room?" "I'll do it later." “Did you clean up your room?” “I’ll do that later.” Tom schien sich für nichts anderes zu interessieren. Tom didn't seem interested in anything else. Tom seemed to be interested in nothing else. Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Do you want my email address? Sie ist wirklich eine Schönheit. She's a real beauty. She's a real beauty. Tom vertrou haar. Tom trusts her. Tom trusts her. Hier zijn we dan. Here we are. Here we are. Hebt gij uw huiswerk al af? Have you finished your homework already? Have you already done your homework? Tom brach in Tränen aus. Tom burst into tears. Tom broke out in tears. Ik kan het licht zien. I can see the light. I can see the light. Ze liet hem toe alleen te gaan. She allowed him to go alone. She allowed him to go alone. Es war nicht sehr kalt, aber es war immer nass. It was not very cold, but it was always wet. It wasn't very cold, but it was always wet. De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located on Pinostraat. Warum hast du sie geküsst? Why did you kiss her? Why did you kiss her? Angola erlangte die Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 1975. Angola became independent in 1975. Angola gained independence in 1975. Tom ändert sich nie. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Ik söök na dien Süster. Woneem is de? I'm looking for your sister. Where is she? I'm looking for your sister. Where are you? Ik gebruik een elektrische tandenborstel. I use an electric toothbrush. I'm using an electric toothbrush. Es gibt Russen, die glauben, dass Russland von der übrigen Welt nicht ernst genommen wird. There are Russians who believe Russia is not taken seriously by the rest of the world. There are Russians who believe that Russia is not taken seriously by the rest of the world. Ik ben niet gewoon voor een publiek te spreken. I'm not accustomed to speaking in public. I'm not just talking to a public. Wat? What? What? Du kannst nich wiedergahn. You cannot go any farther. You can't go on. Tom lief zum See hinab. Tom ran down to the lake. Tom went down to the lake. Sami houdt van countrymuziek. Sami loves country music. Sami likes country music. Hanengevechten zijn in veel landen illegaal. Cockfighting is illegal in many countries. Hanen fights are illegal in many countries. Sie kann gut mit Kindern umgehen. She's good at handling children. She can deal well with children. Waar is die ander meisies? Where are the other girls? Where are the other girls? Sie schreibt mir jede Woche. She writes me every week. She writes to me every week. Ich muss Tom nur ein paar Fragen stellen. I just need to ask Tom some questions. I just have to ask Tom a few questions. Dat moet gewassen worden. It needs washing. It needs to be washed. Hij wil dokter worden. He wishes to become a doctor. He wants to be a doctor. Tom hat früher Gitarre gespielt. Tom used to play the guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Ich kann es nicht ändern, dass ich mich in Dich verliebt habe. I cannot help falling in love with you. I can't change that I fell in love with you. Sie hielt mich für meine Schwester. She mistook me for my sister. She thought I was my sister. Hy het uiteindelik geld gemaak. He finally made money. Eventually, he made money. Je bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Layla had een vriend. Layla had a boyfriend. Layla had a friend. Er steckt voller Potential. He is full of potential. He's full of potential. Verrekte dief. Damn thief. Fucking thief. Ich bin Purist. I'm a purist. I'm a purist. Tom is not an Englishman. Tom is not English. Tom is not an Englishman. Je kan geen bloeddonor zijn. You cannot be a blood donor. You can't be a blood donor. Es gibt viele Sterne, die größer als unsere Sonne sind. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars that are bigger than our sun. Tom badet mindestens dreimal in der Woche. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom bathes at least three times a week. Ik ga vaak naar de bioscoop. I often go to the cinema. I'm going to the cinema a lot. k Kom oet Noord-Hollaand. I'm from North Holland. k Come and eat North Holland. Es wurde ein neuer Papst gewählt. A new pope has been elected. A new Pope was elected. Hallo allerseits! Ich bin Tom. Hello, everyone, I'm Tom. Hello, everyone, I'm Tom. Das Auto verunglückte, weil der Fahrer unvorsichtig war. The car crashed because the driver was careless. The car failed because the driver was careless. Ik lehr Basksch. I'm learning Basque. I teach Basque. Brot und Butter sind mein übliches Frühstück. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Halt das mal. Hold this. Hold this. Das ist sehr ungezogen von dir. That's very naughty of you. It's very unattractive of you. Ich konnte nicht warten. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait. Maria entwischte unbemerkt. Mary slipped away unnoticed. Maria escaped unnoticed. De jongen wast zich in de badkamer. The boy is washing in the bathroom. The boy was washing himself in the bathroom. Ik lachte met zijn mop. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his mop. Ik ben lang. I am tall. I'm long. Mīn ƿīf is Polisc. My wife is Polish. Mīn ƿīf is Polish. Sie sagen doch meinen Eltern nichts, oder? You aren't going to tell my parents, are you? You don't say anything to my parents, do you? Ik moet een sms schrijven. I have to write an SMS. I need to write a text. Hierdie plek is baie aangenaam. This place is very pleasant. This place is very pleasant. „Öffne umgehend diese Tür!“ – „Verschwinde!“ "Open this door right now." "Go away!" “Open this door right away!” “Sworn!” Wir gehen nicht aus. We're not going out. We're not going out. Er gab zu, dass er gelogen hatte. He made an admission that he had lied. He admitted that he had lied. Disse Hall hett Platz för 2.000 Lüüd. This hall holds 2,000 people. This hall has room for 2,000 people. Ik wil het niet. I don't want it. I don't want it. Säin Geld ass an d'Bank. His money is in the bank. His money is in the bank. Als Kind bin ich öfter im Meer schwimmen gegangen. When I was a child, I often went swimming in the sea. As a child, I went swimming more often in the sea. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich nach Boston gehen werde. I don't think I'll go to Boston. I don't think I'm going to Boston. Wisst ihr, was ihr Name bedeutet? Do you know what her name means? Do you know what their name means? Hij is zijn haar aan het borstelen. He is brushing his hair. He's brushing his hair. Tom sieht aus wie sein Bruder. Tom looks like his brother. Tom looks like his brother. Tom hat das Buch noch nicht übersetzt. Tom hasn't translated the book yet. Tom hasn't translated the book yet. Tom is not English. Tom isn't English. Tom is not English. Hai kin goud zwemmen. He can swim well. Hai can swim gold. Wie zal het van Cynthia overnemen wanneer zij met pensioen gaat? Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires? Who will take over from Cynthia when she retires? Diese Sendung läuft jede zweite Woche. That program is broadcast every other week. This broadcast runs every second week. Hoe laat ben je gisteren gaan slapen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? Dat is wat je nodig hebt. That's what you need. That's what you need. Ech gi mam Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. I'll give you Ricardo. Hƿǣr ƿǣron ᵹē? Where were you? Mr. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woveel Stünnen hebbt Se düsse Week arbeidt? How many hours did you work this week? How many hours did they work this week? Wie lange musst du in Boston bleiben? How long do you need to stay in Boston? How long do you have to stay in Boston? Ich wollte Tom nicht so fest schlagen. I didn't mean to hit Tom so hard. I didn't want to hit Tom like that. Ek sal dit nie weer doen nie. I will not do it again. I won't do it again. Tom lehnte am Tresen. Tom leaned on the counter. Tom refused to trust me. Vergiss nicht die Türe zu schließen, bevor du zu Bett gehst. Be sure to lock the door before you go to bed. Don't forget to close the door before you go to bed. Doe wat ze je zegt. Do what she tells you. Do what she tells you. Je Engels klinkt niet lelijk. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Du bist eine gemeine Person. You are a mean person. You're a mean person. Ik heb ze gezegd dat ze me nog een ticket moeten opsturen. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Wat Tom zei was waar. What Tom said was true. What Tom said was true. Tom sal nie beswaar maak nie. Tom won't object. Tom will not object. Niemand bood zich aan. Nobody volunteered. No one offered himself. Ich lerne zu Hause Französisch. I study French at home. I'm learning French at home. Kan ik wat boter hebben? Can I have some butter? Can I have some butter? Bitte bedienen Sie sich selbst beim Kuchen. Please help yourself to the cake. Please use yourself when cooking. Glaubst du, das wird irgendetwas ändern? Do you think that will change anything? You think that's gonna change anything? Warum nehmen wir uns nicht ein Taxi? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we take a taxi? Mijn auto is gisteravond gestolen. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Wir haben gerade ein gutes Team. We have a good team right now. We just got a good team. Der Hund rennt aus dem Haus. The dog runs out of the house. The dog runs out of the house. Wie hebben kiekplaotjes. We have pictures. How do you have sightings? Dat is to good üm wohr to wesen. This is too good to be true. It is too good to be true. Dizze bloume is broen. This flower is brown. This flower is brown. Er stinkt hier iets. Something stinks here. There's something stinking here. Wees vriendelijk. Be friendly. Be friendly. זי איז נישט משוגע געוואָרן. She hasn't gone mad. she is not present. Hier werden nur Damenschuhe verkauft. Only girls' shoes are sold here. Only women's shoes are sold here. Ik heff en anner Verscheel as du. My idea is different from yours. I have a different difference than you. Ich bin dieser Tage sehr beschäftigt. I'm very busy these days. I'm very busy these days. Welk land is dit? What country is this? What country is it? Tom sal jou wen. Tom will beat you. Tom will win you. Er verglich die Imitation mit dem Original. He compared the imitation with the original. He compared the imitation with the original. Tom hat mir ein paar französische Zeitschriften geschickt. Tom sent me some French magazines. Tom sent me some French magazines. Segg mi nich, wat ik doon schall. Do not tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do. Hy het 'n paar dae later gekom. He came a few days later. He came a few days later. Es ist auf der linken Seite der Straße. It is on the left side of the street. It's on the left side of the street. Ik heb je verraden. I betrayed you. I betrayed you. Tom is nog een kind. Tom is still a child. Tom's another kid. Ich denke nicht, dass du verrückt bist. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. Se is ut Somalia. She's from Somalia. It is from Somalia. שטילקייט איז נישט אַלע מאָל‎ גוט. Silence isn't always good. Silence is not always good. Muss Tom das auch tun? Does Tom have to do that, too? Does Tom have to do that? We zullen het nooit weten. We will never know. We'll never know. Dit nais is nij veur mie. This news is new to me. This nose is new fire mie. Doei opa! See you, grandpa! Toe grandpa! Es ist gerade ein Jahr her, dass ich verheiratet bin. It is just a year since I got married. It's just a year ago that I'm married. Kommt ihr vorbei und besucht mich? Will you come and see me? Are you coming by and visiting me? Vraag het aan hen. Ask them. Ask them. Beschermt Tom iemand? Is Tom protecting someone? Does Tom protect anyone? Der Anwalt sagte, dass er im Namen von Herrn Smith sprechen würde. The lawyer said he would speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. The lawyer said he would speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. Ik heb juist gegeten. I have just finished eating. I just ate. Is Finlaand gevoarelk? Is Finland dangerous? Is Finlaand mad? Waarom help jy my nie om hengel wurms te vang nie? Why don't you help me find some fishing worms? Why don't you help me catch heel worms? Mij kamer is vol gevaren. My room is teeming with danger. My room is full of dangers. Hij was zich niet bewust van het gevaar. He was not aware of the danger. He wasn't aware of the danger. Tom ist gerne draußen. Tom enjoys being outdoors. Tom likes to be outside. Help mie. Help me. Help me. Ihr ähnelt euch sehr. You look very much like each other. You're very similar. Wie bleef er? Who stayed? How'd he stay? Ik zal je het geld morgen teruggeven. I'll give you back the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. Stelle keine zu hohen Erwartungen! Don't set your expectations too high. Don't put too high expectations! Het was niet bepaald goed. It wasn't very good. It wasn't exactly good. Das sind Spione. They're spies. These are spies. Ich bin schon spät dran. I am already late. I'm late. Ik ben voorzichtig. I'm careful. I'm careful. Donkere materie kan niet rechtstreeks gezien worden. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Gah nich över de Straat! Don't cross the street! Don't go over the street! Mag ik jouw potlood gebruiken? Can I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? He tücht Peer un Rinner. He raises horses and cattle. He trains peers and runners. Ich verstehe nicht, was dich umtreibt. I don't understand what's bothering you. I don't understand what's driving you. Drinken of niet drinken - dat is de vraag. To drink or not to drink - that is the question. Drink or don't drink - that's the question. Hoe dikwijls gaan jullie uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often are you going to eat? Ik kijk elke avond ''The Walking Dead'' Every evening, I watch the "Walking Dead". I look at "The Walking Dead" every night. Als ik rijk was dan gaf ik je geld. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I was rich, I'd give you your money. Dat is moeilijk te zeggen. It's hard to tell. That's hard to say. Ik werd gevraagd naar mijn persoonlijke mening over de kwestie. I was asked for my personal opinion about the matter. I was asked for my personal opinion on the matter. Ik heff dat Bild för 20.000 Yen verköfft. I sold the picture for 20,000 yen. I sold the picture for 20,000 yen. Tom deed auditie voor American Idol. Tom auditioned for American Idol. Tom did audition for American Idol. Die nächste Haltestelle ist Aquincum. The next stop is Aquincum. The next stop is Aquinas. April ist der vierte Monat im Jahr. April is the fourth month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. Ik dacht dat je een grapje maakte. I thought you were kidding. I thought you were kidding. Ich habe pro Tag 500 Dollar ausgegeben. I have spent 500 dollars per day. I spent $500 a day. Geh weg. Ich will dich nicht sehen. Go away. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Ik heb mijn buik vol van dat natte weer. I am fed up with this wet weather. I've got my belly full of that wet weather. Dat mutt wuschen warrn. It needs washing. It needs to be washed. Wienen is heufdstad van Oostenriek. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Tom stellte den Wecker auf sechs Uhr morgens. Tom set the alarm clock to go off 6:00 a.m. Tom put the alarm clock at six in the morning. Tom ist deprimiert. Tom is depressed. Tom's depressed. Die mens is 'n produk van sy omstandighede. Man is a product of his circumstances. Man is a product of his circumstances. Was willst du noch? What more do you want? What else do you want? Is Jim noch nich kamen? Hasn't Jim arrived yet? Hasn't Jim come yet? Tom kam erst um 2.30 Uhr zurück. Tom didn't return till 2:30. Tom only came back at 2.30 p.m. Tom is nog steeds boos op ons. Tom is still angry with us. Tom is still angry with us. Op het Marktplein staan vier fonteinen met beelden van Neptunus, zijn vrouw Amphitrite, Diana en Adonis. There are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis in the Market Square. On the market square are four fountains with images of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis. כ'האָב געפֿירט מײַן אײגענע פֿאָרשונג. I conducted my own research. On top of that, it means your default warning. Hy is regtig dof vir swaarkry. He is really dull to hardship. He is really deaf for suffering. Als je een baan vindt die je echt leuk vindt, hoef je nooit meer te werken. If you find a job you really love, you'll never work again. If you find a job that you really like, you never have to work again. Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What are those people doing? Laten we er één nemen. Let's get one. Let's take one. Worüm schall Ria dat doon, wenn se dat nich mutt? Why should Mary do that if she doesn't have to? Why should Ria do this if she doesn't have to? Da Tom is gar net angfressn. Tom isn't at all upset. As Tom is not even anxious. Tom gewinnt. Tom is winning. Tom wins. Ich habe Montag frei. I have Monday off. I'm off Monday. Laat het licht aan. Leave the lights on. Let the light on. Das sin meine Schuh. Those are my shoes. That's my shoe. Dat is twee Maand her, dat he na Frankriek gahn is. Two months have passed since he left for France. It is two months ago that he went to France. Tom brengt veel tijd door met het spelen van American football. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Tom spends a lot of time playing American football. Kostenlos erhältlich. Feel free to take this. Available for free. Bin ich bereit? Am I ready? Am I ready? Je hebt het juiste gedaan. You did the right thing. You did the right thing. Ik beloof dat ik niet naar iemand anders zal kijken. I promise I won't look at anybody else. I promise I won't look at anyone else. Hoeveel hamburgers heb je gegeten? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many hamburgers did you eat? Heeft u een theorie? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? Tom stottert. Tom is stuttering. Tom stutters. Jy sal nie ons kan help nie. You won't be able to help us. You won't be able to help us. Hebben jullie geen dorst? Aren't you thirsty? You guys don't have a thirst? Tom hat sonderbare Vorstellungen. Tom has strange ideas. Tom has extraordinary ideas. Maak die deur agter jou toe as jy die kamer verlaat. Close the door after you when you leave the room. Close the door behind you if you leave the room. Is dat dien Kamer? Is that your room? Is that your room? k Wil aaier. I want eggs. k Will aider. Er stand da und sah mich an. He stood there looking at me. He stood there and looked at me. Tom ging naar buiten om te roken. Tom went outside to smoke. Tom went outside to smoke. Ik bin sa ling as dyn. I'm as tall as you. I am as lenient as yours. Ik bakte boterkoekjes. I baked butter cookies. I baked buttercakes. Holl den Sabbel! Shut up! Hold the Sabbel! Er fiel in der Schlacht am Little Bighorn. He was killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He fell in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Ze is jonger dan zijn dochter. She's younger than his daughter. She's younger than his daughter. Is dat zijn paraplu? Is that his umbrella? Is that his umbrella? Bill is twee jaar ouer as ek. Bill is two years older than I. Bill is two years older than I am. Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a type of mushroom. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushrooms. De appel falt net fier fan de beam. Like breeds like. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Haben Sie schon gegessen? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten? Voeg veel ijs toe. Add lots of ice. Add a lot of ice. Das Leben wird nicht besser. Life doesn't get any better. Life won't get any better. Ik ben alle dagen vrij, behalve op maandag. I'm free every day but Monday. I'm free every day except on Monday. Deze bloem is geel. This flower is yellow. This flower is yellow. Je zou het misschien moeten vragen. Maybe you should ask. You might have to ask. Dizze appel is zuit. This apple is sweet. This apple is sweet. Ik harr geern en Kaffe. I'd like to have a coffee. I would like a coffee. Tom sagte, er sei in Boston aufgewachsen. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Het Picardisch is een langue d'oïl. Picard is an oïl language. The Picardian is a long d'oïl. Er sterven elke dag veel goede mensen. Many good people die every day. A lot of good people die every day. Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep zo goed dat hij de baan kreeg. The interview went off so well that he got the job. The interview went so well that he got the job. Ik kan nu niet stoppen. I can't stop now. I can't stop now. Veel vissen stierven. Many fish died. Many fish died. Tom werkt niet zo hard als voorheen. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Ik ben uitgeput. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. Ik kan mijn linkerschoen niet vinden. I can't find my left shoe. I can't find my left shoe. Tom wil zijn schulden afbetalen. Tom wants to pay off his debts. Tom wants to pay off his debts. De Laag is so al leeg noog. The situation is bad enough as it is. The layer is already empty enough. איך װײס װוּ ער װױנט. אָבער דאָס איז אַ סוד. I know where he lives. But it is a secret. I don't know where he is. But this is a secret. Zai runnen. They run. Zai run. Se is minner plietsch as du. She is less intelligent than you. She is less pliable than you. Angewidert schreckte ich zurück. I recoiled in disgust. Resented, I was scared back. Ich zackre die Äerd. I till the earth. I'm making the earth. Ik kan skiën. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Tom und Maria haben das früher oft zusammen gemacht. Tom and Mary used to often do that together. Tom and Maria used to do this together. Ihre Enttäuschung war für alle offensichtlich. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Her disappointment was obvious to everyone. Ich arbeite noch daran. I'm still working on that. I'm still working on it. Toasters toast keen Toast, Minschen doot dat. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. Toasters do not toast, people do. Ek sou nie so seker wees as ek jy was nie. I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Ik heb het vorige week gekocht. I bought it last week. I bought it last week. Ik heb vandaag geen ontbijt gegeten. I didn't eat breakfast today. I didn't eat breakfast today. Ek word nie genoeg betaal nie. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not paying enough. Der Techniker kletterte auf den Telefonmast. The engineer climbed the telephone pole. The technician climbed on the phone mast. Hij boog zich over haar en zei, "Nee, ik lieg niet." He leaned over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." He bowed over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." Sie ist viel größer als ich. She's way taller than me. She's much bigger than me. Ik mag lever Selter. I prefer mineral water. I like liver Selter. Je mag niet met haar praten. You're not allowed to talk to her. You can't talk to her. Hai kin nait zwemmen. He cannot swim. Hai can swim at night. Tom wurde ohnmächtig. Tom fainted. Tom became powerless. Welkom om Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatouba. Moenie die geleentheid mis nie. Don't miss the opportunity. Do not miss the occasion. Ik glööv dat nich mehr. I don't believe it any longer. I don't believe it anymore. Wat voor een oppervlakkig antwoord! What a superficial answer! What a superficial answer! Ik wil pizza eten. I want to eat pizza. I want to eat pizza. Het meisje dat met Tom spreekt, is Mary. The girl talking with Tom is Mary. The girl who talks to Tom is Mary. Wir verstehen uns. We have an understanding. We understand. Ik heb een fles whisky. I have a bottle of whiskey. I have a bottle of whiskey. Heb jij al een ufo gezien? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you seen a ufo yet? Die Antwort auf diese Frage ist falsch. The answer to this question is wrong. The answer to this question is wrong. Komt u van een andere planeet? Do you come from another planet? Do you come from another planet? Waar is mijn thee? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Tom en ik woonden vroeger in Australië. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Der große Vorteil meiner Tätigkeit als beratender Detektiv ist der, dass ich mir meine Klienten selbst aussuchen kann. The benefit of being a consulting detective is that I can pick and choose my clients. The great advantage of my activity as an advisory detective is that I can choose my clients myself. Verstehst du sie? Do you understand her? Do you understand her? Ik heb een vriend wiens vader een beroemd acteur is. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. Ik denk erover om volgend jaar in de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren. I'm considering studying in the United States next year. I'm thinking about studying in the United States next year. Ek het gehoop ons kan vriende word. I had hoped we might become friends. I hoped we could become friends. Laten we Tom vragen. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. Bleib hier! Stay here! Stay here! Ek wil nie van hom hoor nie. I don't want to hear about him. I don't want to hear about him. Ich habe gerade einen Kunden. I'm with a client. I just got a customer. Gott hod en krieerd. God created him. God hat and cry. Tom arbeitet fast nie samstags. Tom almost never works on Saturday. Tom almost never works Saturdays. Weißt du, wofür PKO steht? Do you know what PKO stands for? You know what PKO stands for? Ich bin sehr kälteempfindlich. Kann ich noch eine Decke haben? I'm very sensitive to cold. May I have another blanket? I'm very cold, can I have another blanket? נײן, די קאַץ איז ניט קלײן. No, the cat is not small. No, the cats are empty. Wo waren Sie? Where've you been? Where were you? Ich heiße James. My name is James. My name is James. Tom sieht gerne amerikanische Filme, Maria dagegen europäische. Tom likes American movies, but Mary likes European movies. Tom likes to watch American films, Maria against European ones. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זײַט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you all weren't here. I'm wondering that your page wasn't here. Ek gaan my tande borsel. I'm going to brush my teeth. I'm gonna brush my teeth. Es ist interessant, Freundschaften mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern zu schließen. Making friends with people from other countries is interesting. It is interesting to make friends with people from other countries. Sie brachte mir einen Brief, den ich übersetzen sollte. She brought me a letter to translate. She brought me a letter to translate. Das hier ist der Schlüssel, welcher die Türe öffnete. This is the key that opened that door. This is the key that opened the door. Ik wist niet dat je zou komen. I had no idea that you were coming. I didn't know you'd come. Hij is een meester in het krijgen van zijn zin. He is a master at getting his own way. He's a master in getting his way. De zee was erg glad. The sea was very smooth. The sea was very smooth. Er ligt een lijk in de achterbak van de auto. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a corpse in the back of the car. Oas, zwoa, drei, fiare, fimfe, sechse, sieme, åchte, neine, zene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Oas, zwoa, three, fiare, fimfe, sixe, sieme, åchte, nee, zene. Hoe is het weer in New York? How's the weather in New York? How's the weather in New York? Siehst du jeden Tag die Nachrichten? Do you watch the news every day? Do you see the news every day? Er hat sich nicht die geringste Mühe gegeben. He didn't even try. He has not given himself the slightest trouble. Sie haben eine Aufgabe zu erledigen. You have a task to complete. You have a task to do. Ich dachte, ich hätte Sie angewiesen, sich selber darum zu kümmern. I thought I told you to handle this yourself. I thought I had instructed you to take care of it myself. Ik ging ook. I also went. I went, too. Hoe ontleed je deze zin? How do you parse this sentence? How do you analyze this sentence? Mir geht es gut. I'm alright. I'm fine. Ik ben het daarmee eens. I feel the same. I agree. Wir bestreichen unser Brot mit Butter. We are applying butter on our bread. We spread our bread with butter. Vor langer Zeit war hier eine Brücke. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. Die mexikanische Regierung kapitulierte. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government surrendered. Eén taal is niet genoeg. One language is not enough. One language is not enough. Tom lyk nuuskierig. Tom looks inquisitive. Tom seems curious. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Misschien zijn ze blij. Maybe they're happy. Maybe they're happy. Ik heb 's middags een slaatje gegeten. I ate a salad for lunch. I ate a snack in the afternoon. London ist eine der größten Städte auf der Welt. London is one of the largest cities in the world. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Is er een bank niet ver van hier? Is there a bank near here? Isn't there a bank far from here? Wirst du mir je verraten, was in jener Nacht vorgefallen ist? Aren't you ever going to tell me what happened that night? Will you ever tell me what happened that night? Sie hat mit dem Finger auf ihn gezeigt. She pointed her finger at him. She showed him with her finger. Das ist eine Kreuzung, an der alle Fahrzeuge anhalten müssen. This is a four-way stop. This is a crossroads where all vehicles have to stop. Tom kam auf einem Schiff zur Welt. Tom was born on a ship. Tom came to the world on a ship. ער ווילט אַ רויטע מאַשין. He wants a red car. He wanted a rough car. Tom sagt, dass er bereit ist, so ziemlich alles für mich zu tun. Tom says he's willing to do just about anything for me. Tom says he's ready to do so much for me. Sie ist gut informiert, dann weiß sie vielleicht etwas. She's well-informed, so she might know something. She's well informed, maybe she knows something. Niks zeggen! Don't say anything! Don't say anything! Doe wat hij je zegt. Do as he tells you. Do what he tells you. Niemand haat mijn land. Nobody hates my country. No one hates my country. We horen met onze oren. We hear with our ears. We hear with our ears. Wäre dir eine Tasse Kaffee gefällig? How about a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee? Für dich bin ich nie zu beschäftigt. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Ik kon het nergens vinden. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't find anything. Het sneeuwde in Jeruzalem. It snowed in Jerusalem. It snowed in Jerusalem. Tom war wirklich schockiert. Tom was really shocked. Tom was really shocked. Tom isst gerne rohe Möhren. Tom likes eating raw carrots. Tom likes to eat raw mice. Normalerweise geht er spazieren mit einem Buch in der Hand. He usually takes a walk, book in hand. Usually he walks with a book in his hand. Onzes inziens zijn zonnepanelen een goede investering. Solar panels represent, in our view, a good investment. We think solar panels are a good investment. Ich war im Kino. I was at a movie theater. I was in the cinema. Moi wichter. Hello, girls. I'm more important. Niemand werkte in mijn land. Nobody worked in my country. No one worked in my country. Wir werden es uns ansehen. We'll take a look. We'll look at it. Waarom is Tom vroeg? Why is Tom early? Why is Tom early? Hij is zo sterk als een paard. He's as strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. Ek het nog altyd harde werk met sukses in die lewe assosieer. I have always identified hard work with success in life. I have always associated hard work with success in life. Het oude kasteel staat op de heuvel. The old castle stands on the hill. The old castle is on the hill. Wat biet joe? What's biting you? What does joe offer? Das Gemälde kostet mindestens 1.000 Dollar. The painting will cost at least 1,000 dollars. The painting costs at least $1,000. Iemand duwde mij naar binnen. Someone pushed me inside. Someone pushed me in. Ik ging naar Ecuador toen ik acht jaar oud was. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Ich fand das richtig süß. I thought it was really cute. I found that really sweet. Hij heeft een vingerhoedskruid gekocht. He bought a foxglove. He bought a finger hat. De mensen vochten over de bevoorradingen. People fought over supplies. People were fighting over supplies. So is Tom ringang. So Tom went in. So Tom is ringing. De band is lek. The tire leaks air. The band is leaky. Welli Sprooch schwetzt dihr am Heemet? What language do you speak at home? Welli language swirls dihr am Heemet? Das Leben gehört den Lebenden an, und wer lebt, muss auf Wechsel gefasst sein. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change. Life belongs to the living, and those who live must be changed. Voor zover ik weet, waren er geen problemen gedurende het eerste semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. Tom zegt dat hij nooit sushi heeft gegeten. Tom says he's never eaten sushi. Tom says he never ate sushi. Verkoopt u mineraalwater? Do you sell mineral water? Are you selling mineral water? Hoe heet die vogel? What is this bird called? What's that bird's name? Diejenigen, die Angst haben, Fehler zu machen, haben weniger Lernfähigkeit. Those who are afraid of making mistakes have less ability to learn. Those who are afraid of making mistakes have less learning ability. Moord wordt met de dood gestraft. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punished with death. Ik denk niet dat ik echt belangrijk ben voor u. I don't think I really matter to you. I don't think I'm really important to you. Warum ist das wichtig? Why is that important? Why is this important? Du bist alt genug, um für dich selbst zu sorgen. You are old enough to take care of yourself. You're old enough to take care of yourself. Er redet nicht mehr mit mir. He doesn't talk to me anymore. He's not talking to me anymore. Sprichst du aus persönlicher Erfahrung? Do you speak from personal experience? Do you speak from personal experience? ער האט צו פיל גאוה פון זיין אויסזען. He has too much pride in his appearance. He had too much goua of his appearance. Habt ihr euch schon daran gewöhnt, im Studentenwohnheim zu wohnen? Have you gotten used to living in the dorm? Did you guys get used to living in the student home? Diese Arbeit wird gut bezahlt. This job pays very well. This work is well paid. Ek het van hulle vergeet. I forgot about them. I forgot about them. Ich helfe Ihnen dabei. I'm going to help you do that. I'll help you with that. Ich kann verstehen, warum du Tom nicht magst. I can see why you don't like Tom. I can understand why you don't like Tom. Ik was in de bergen. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Dit gesprek wordt opgenomen. This conversation is being recorded. This conversation will be recorded. Er war schlimm verletzt. He was badly wounded. He was badly injured. Studeert u Engels? Do you study English? Are you studying English? Mike töövt ünnen. Mike is waiting downstairs. Mike is waiting below. Hij staat erop nog een spel te spelen. He insists on playing another game. He insists on playing another game. Das Kleid passte ihr perfekt. That dress fit her perfectly. The dress was perfect for her. Ale vertoalers binnen verroaders. All translators are traitors. Old interpreters within traitors. "Dankie." "Jy is welkom." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Hij is een meegaand mens. He is an agreeable person. He's a fellow human being. Es hat Spaß gemacht, euch beim Tanzen zuzuschauen. I really liked watching you dance. It was fun watching you dance. Sue hett en dicken Achtersteven, aver dat maakt ehr nix. Sue has a big bottom, but she doesn't care. Sue has a thick tail, but it does nothing to her. Nüt z'dangge. You're welcome. Don't dangge. בין איך נער׳יש? Am I being foolish? Am I nr'ish? Zai liept. She cries. Zai liept. Ich dachte, ich werde verrückt. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was going crazy. Bliib dehei, wenn chasch! Stay at home if you are able to! Bliib dehei, if chasch! Vergeet van hom. Forget about him. Forget about him. Je mag zeggen wat je wil. You're free to say what you want. You can say what you want. Die Äpfel, die er mir schickte, waren köstlich. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Ek is 'n vriend van Robert. I am a friend of Robert's. I'm a friend of Robert's. Ich habe eine bessere Idee. I have a better idea. I have a better idea. Ich suche meinen Bruder. I am looking for my brother. I'm looking for my brother. Meiner ist schwarz. Mine is black. Meiner is black. He häw twe Döchter. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. Hien ass hire Papp. He's her father. He is their father. Iedereen applaudisseerde. Everybody applauded. Everyone applauded. Schauen Sie genauer hin. Look closer. Take a closer look. Dat meisje dat een sjaal draagt, is maagd. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl wearing a scarf is a virgin. Tom houdt nog steeds van je. Tom never stopped loving you. Tom still loves you. Diese Antwort gefällt mir. I like this answer. I like this answer. We plannen een trip naar New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We're planning a trip to New York. Wie viele Slipeinlagen brauchen Sie am Tag? How many sanitary towels do you need every day? How many slip inserts do you need in the day? איך בין אַן אינזשעניר. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. De bushalte is aan de overkant van de straat. The bus stop is across the street. The bus stop is across the street. Oniewey, a'm jist here for the nicht. Anyway, I'm just here for the night. Onievey, a'm jist here for the net. מער פֿעלט מיר נישט. It's all I need. More than that, I don't feel like it. Hai kin runnen. He can run. Hai can run. Hebben ze een woordenboek? Do they have a dictionary? Do they have a dictionary? איך האָב ליב רײַז. I love rice. I have loved rich. Was trinken Sie? What are you going to drink? What are you drinking? Ich will heit net esse. I don't want to eat today. I don't want to eat. Waar zijn we? Where are we? Where are we? Wiä häissisch? What is your name? Wiä héissisch? Maria salzte das Fleisch. Maria salted the meat. Maria salted the meat. טאָם שרײַבט נישט. Tom doesn't write. Tom doesn't. Kan ik u helpen, mevrouw? May I help you ma'am? Can I help you, ma'am? Bin het in Singapoer gebly. Bin lived in Singapore. Bin stayed in Singapore. Tom war letzte Woche in Boston, oder? Tom was in Boston last week, wasn't he? Tom was in Boston last week, wasn't he? Ze zat naast mij. She sat by my side. She was next to me. Wees niet bang om een fout te maken. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Grüezi mitenand! Hello everyone! Grüezi withenand! Tom soek 'n maklike manier om gewig te verloor. Tom is looking for an easy way to lose weight. Tom is looking for an easy way to lose weight. Ich glaube, ich weiß, was schiefgelaufen ist. I think I understand what went wrong. I think I know what went wrong. Afgaand op wat je zegt, moet hij een goede schrijver zijn. Judging from what you say, he must be a great writer. Depending on what you say, he must be a good writer. עס איז דא פינעף מענטשן אין מיינער משפחה. There are 5 people in my family. There is a perfect man in my father's house. Sami rookte wiet. Sami smoked weed. Sami smoked weed. עס איז נישט דאָרטן. It's not there. It's not obvious. Du bist nur ein gewöhnlicher Sterblicher, der eines Tages sterben muss und hier nicht mehr verweilen kann. You are only a common mortal, who will have to die one day, and you cannot stay here any longer. You're just an ordinary mortal who has to die one day and can't stay here anymore. De zoon van mijn gebuur heeft vandaag op school mijn dochter uitgelachen. My neighbor's son made fun of my daughter today at school. My neighbor's son laughed at my daughter at school today. Hoelang geleden is Tom vertrokken? How long ago did Tom leave? How long ago did Tom leave? Ietsje verderop is een parkeerplaats. There's a parking space a little further ahead. A little further on is a parking lot. Wir müssen hierbleiben, bis Tom wiederkommt. We have to stay here until Tom gets back. We have to stay here until Tom gets back. My pa se naam is Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Ich wasche meine Hände in Unschuld. I'm washing my hands of the guilt. I wash my hands in innocence. Tom gab nur drei Dollar für sein Mittagessen aus. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars for lunch. Adizion un Subtrakzion sin matematische Funkzione. Addition and subtraction are functions of mathematics. Adicion and subtraction are mathematic funkzione. Dat engelsche Alphabet hett 26 Bookstaven. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Tom en Mary zijn niet bang. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary are not afraid. Tom ist sehr schwer zu verstehen. It's very difficult to understand Tom. Tom is very hard to understand. Ich habe vorgestern deine Schwester besucht. I saw your sister the day before yesterday. I visited your sister last night. Bestaat zij? Does she exist? Is she? Sie ist immer hartherzig. She is always cold-hearted. She's always hardhearted. Sie werre das Gescherr net spiele. They won't do the dishes. You won't play the ghost. "Bedankt dat ik op je Xbox mag spelen." "Geen probleem kerel, leef je uit." "Thanks a lot for letting me play with your Xbox." "No problem dude, knock yourself out." "Thanks for allowing me to play on your Xbox." "No problem guy, you live out." Das war eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. It was an unforgettable experience. That was an unforgettable experience. U lijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You seem nervous. די אַלוועלט איז אַ מיסטעריע. This Universe is a mystery. The allele is a mystery. Wir müssen ihn finden. We must find him. We need to find him. Ik gebruik Twitter. I am using Twitter. I'm using Twitter. Mis Luftchüssiboot isch volle Aal. My hovercraft is full of eels. Miss Aftchüssiboot ish full Aal. He is nich wies, aver plietsch. He is not wise but clever. He is not wise, but pliable. Woneem is mien Auto? Where is my car? Where is my car? Woans hest du dat daan? How did you do it? Where did you do it? Rasieren Sie sich jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Do you breed every morning? Moslims aanbidden God. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. Sie sieht sehr gut aus. She looks very good. She looks very good. Jy help my altyd om wurms te vind, doen jy nie? You always help me find worms, don't you? You always help me find worms, don't you? Ek het 'n sending vir jou. I have a mission for you. I have a mission for you. 1998 überstiegen Japans Exporte die Importe um 77,8 Milliarden Dollar. Japan's exports exceeded imports by $77.8 billion in 1998. In 1998, Japan's exports exceeded imports by $77.8 billion. Tom ist der einzige Mensch, in den ich je richtig verliebt war. Tom is the only person I've ever really been in love with. Tom is the only person I've ever been in love with. De baby viel in slaap. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby fell asleep. Auch das Menschengeschlecht wird eines Tages aussterben. Even the human race will die one day. The human race is also going to die one day. Bist muide? Are you tired? Are you tired? Zij verbrandt snel. Her skin burns easily. She's burning fast. Tom hat einen Abschluss in Psychologie gemacht. Tom majored in psychology. Tom graduated from psychology. Wij wonen in de Verenigde Staten. We live in the United States. We live in the United States. Ich genieße es schon, ihn zu sehen. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I already enjoy seeing him. זי איז די פֿאַרקערפּערונג פֿון דעם דרך־החיים. She is the embodiment of that way of life. It is the swallowing of the trough. Insecten zitten vol met eiwitten. Insects are full of proteins. Insects are full of proteins. Ik kaam vondaag nich. I am not coming today. I didn't come today. Deze muur is groen geverfd. This wall is painted green. This wall is painted green. צי רעדט איר אינדאָנעזיש? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you speak indonesian? Dainj. Thanks. Dainj. Ich habe des Vitamins C wegen eine frische Zitrone gegessen. I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C. I ate vitamin C for a fresh lemon. Art thou i Berlyn? Are you in Berlin? Art thou is Berlin? Ik snack keen Spaansch. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. Die Straßenkriminalität nimmt zu. Crime in the streets is increasing. Road crime is increasing. k Goa. I'm going. k Goa. Wenn du vertrauenswürdig sein willst, sage den Menschen nur das, was sie glauben. If you want to be credible, tell people only what they believe. If you want to be trustworthy, just tell people what they believe. Er bestritt einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf. He fought a successful election campaign. He fought a successful election campaign. Nadat Tom vier keer een verkeerde pincode had ingegeven, slikte de geldautomaat zijn kaart in. After Tom had entered four wrong PIN numbers, the ATM swallowed his card. After Tom had entered a wrong pin code four times, the ATM took his card. Tom is gevaarlijk. Tom's dangerous. Tom's dangerous. Ik wist het. I knew it. I knew. Een fotograaf nam een foto van mijn huis, A photographer took a photograph of my house. A photographer took a picture of my house, Es is en Eich. It's an oak tree. It is an oak. Ich werde es ihm morgen geben. I will give it to him tomorrow. I'll give it to him tomorrow. Aus einem Hotelzimmer in Cannes wurden Juwelen im Wert von über einer Million Dollar entwendet. More than $1 million of jewels were stolen from a hotel room in Cannes. In a hotel room in Cannes, jewels worth over a million dollars were used. Tom blieb konzentriert. Tom kept focused. Tom remained focused. k Bin dien keunenk. I am your king. k Bin die könenk. Aber er hatte Glück. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. Du kannst nicht mehr zurücknehmen, was du einmal gesagt hast. You cannot take back what you have said. You can't take back what you said once. We zijn hier om jullie te beschermen. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Se deed trurig griemeln. She smiled sadly. They did tantrums. Ich dachte, du würdest deinen neuen Anzug anziehen. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought you'd put on your new suit. Afbeeldingen verstuurd op Snapchat worden na een paar seconden vernietigd. Pictures sent on snapchat are destroyed after a few seconds. Images sent on Snapchat are destroyed after a few seconds. Die Luft in diesem Zimmer ist verbraucht. The air in this room is foul. The air in this room is consumed. Kopenhoaven is heufdstad van Denmaark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Kopenhoaven is the capital of Denmark. Hutt dir mech net gesinn? Did you not see me? Haven't you seen me? Tom geeft het meeste van zijn geld aan eten uit. Tom spends most of his money on food. Tom spends most of his money on food. Ich finde, Tom sah besser aus, ehe er seinen Bart abrasierte. I think Tom looked better before he shaved off his beard. I think Tom looked better before he abrasted his beard. Ich wäre hocherfreut, wenn das wieder passieren würde. I'd be delighted if that happened again. I would be delighted if this happened again. Du bist heute aber gut gelaunt. Ist etwas Schönes passiert? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? You're good today, though, something nice happened? Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I can't express my feelings in words. Ik hou van die kleur. I like this color. I love that color. Tom und Maria sehen beide nach oben. Tom and Mary both look up. Tom and Maria both look up. Tom ist ein Jediritter. Tom is a jedi. Tom's a Jediritter. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um mich. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Ik ging de stad in om een goed restaurant te zoeken. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went into town looking for a good restaurant. Eine Mischung von sechzig Stunden Arbeit und vierzig Stunden Unterricht ist für jeden stressig. A combination of sixty hours of work and forty hours of class is stressful for anyone. A mix of sixty hours of work and forty hours of teaching is stressful for everyone. Zijn belangrijkste levensdoel was rijk worden. His main object in life was to become rich. His main purpose in life was to become rich. Sie stehen Finanzproblemen gegenüber. They are facing financial problems. They face financial problems. Ik verstah di nich. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. Hij heeft veel geschiedenisboeken. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Sami moet 'n bietjie wag. Sami should wait a little bit. Sami has to wait a little. Zij is eerder een kennis dan een vriendin. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's an acquaintance rather than a friend. Ik ha gjin swurd. I don't have a sword. I have no word. Veel Länner hebbt Probleems mit Armood. Many countries have problems with poverty. Many countries have problems with poverty. Dit is het beste woordenboek dat we verkopen. This is the best dictionary we sell. This is the best dictionary we sell. Tom war damals noch ein kleiner Junge. Tom was just a little boy at that time. Tom was a little boy back then. Er schoss sich ins Knie. He shot himself in the knee. He shot himself into his knees. Ik heb gehoord dat ze een beroemde actrice is. I hear she's a famous actress. I heard she's a famous actress. Woont u in de woestijn? Do you live in the desert? Do you live in the desert? Tom schlief. Tom slept. Tom slept. In den meisten Steuerparadiesen gibt es strikte Regeln zur Geheimhaltung. Most tax havens have strict secrecy laws. In most tax havens, there are strict rules for confidentiality. Ik studeerde hard om het examen te halen. I studied hard in order to pass the examination. I studied hard to get the exam. Wat vind je van de onafhankelijkheid van Catalonië? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What do you think of Catalonia's independence? Alle koekjes zijn stervormig. All of the cookies are in the shape of stars. All cookies are star-shaped. Ik neem het wel aan. I'll take it. I'll take it. Sie lebt jwd. She lives a long way away. She lives jwd. Ich bin überrascht, dass Sie überhaupt gekommen sind. I'm surprised you came at all. I'm surprised you came at all. Hij zal het begrijpen. He'll understand. He'll understand. Diese durchsichtige Flüssigkeit enthält eine Art Gift. This transparent liquid contains a kind of poison. This transparent liquid contains some kind of poison. Wirf den Ball bitte zu mir! Please throw me the ball. Throw the ball to me, please! Du hest dat överdreven. You've overdone it. You have overpowered it. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די רעפֿאָרמער ייִדן. Esther's family is Reform Jewish. Osír's family is from the "Refoorger Yiddn". The family is from the "Refoorger Yiddn" family. The family is from the "Refoorger Yiddn" family, which is from the "Refoorger Yiddn" family. Ek wil nie alleen bly nie. I don't want to live alone. I don't want to stay alone. Ik vertrouw Tom nog altijd niet. I still don't trust Tom. I still don't trust Tom. Ik ben er trots op deel uit te maken van dit project. I am proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Jeffrey wird von seinen Freunden Jeff genannt. Jeffrey is called Jeff by his friends. Jeffrey is called by his friends Jeff. Ze is een goede studente. She is a good student. She's a good student. Vom Flughafen aus fuhren wir mit dem schnellsten Zug der Welt ins Stadtzentrum. We took the fastest train in the world from the airport to the city center. From the airport we drove to the city centre with the fastest train in the world. Liebst du Hermeline genauso wie ich? Do you love stoats as much as I love them? Do you like Hermeline as much as I do? Er schlug ihr ins Gesicht. He punched her in the face. He hit her face. Ihr scheint nicht gerade erfreut, uns zu sehen. You don't seem too happy to see us. You don't seem just happy to see us. Kin k eten? May I eat? Can k eat? Er was eens ... Once upon a time... There was once... Aine het mien poaskaai eten. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Aine ate my pussy. My suster is mooi. My sister is pretty. My sister is beautiful. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten nicht, Elke habe recht. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was right. Tom and Mary said to John that they didn't believe that everyone was right. Moroni is de hoofdstad van de Comoren. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Beth hat eine ausgeprägte Angewohnheit, Leute beim Sprechen zu unterbrechen. Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking. Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people when speaking. Brood en boter is mijn gewoon ontbijt. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my just breakfast. Se slöög em in ’t Gesicht. She slapped him in the face. She slaps him in the face. Elke Ramadan bezoekt Yitzhak zijn vriend Sami in een dorpje in de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Every Ramadan, Yitzhak goes to visit his friend Sami in a small West Bank village. Each Ramadan visits his friend Sami in a small village in the West Bank. Laten we gaan. Let's go. Let's go. Er is een bom in het vliegtuig! There is a bomb in the plane! There's a bomb on the plane! Tom sal nie huil nie. Tom wouldn't cry. Tom won't cry. Die Tage werden mit jedem Jahrhundert um etwa 1,7 Millisekunden länger, weil der Mond die Rotation der Erde bremst. Days get longer by about 1.7 millisecond per century because the moon is slowing the Earth's rotation. The days will take about 1.7 milliseconds with each century, as the moon slows the rotation of the Earth. Komm ins Zimmer. Come into the room. Come to the room. Hij leest veel. He reads a good deal. He's reading a lot. Wir haben diesen Stuhl umsonst bekommen, weil die Dame nebenan ihn nicht mehr wollte. We got this chair for nothing because the lady next door didn't want it anymore. We got this chair for nothing, because the lady next door didn't want it anymore. We zijn op weg naar huis. We're on the way home. We're on our way home. Wir wollen es zurückhaben. We want it back. We want to get it back. Tom kam uns vor drei Tagen besuchen. Tom came to visit us three days ago. Tom came to visit us three days ago. Tom ist größer als alle anderen Jungs in seiner Klasse. Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. Tom is bigger than any other boys in his class. Heißt das, ihr bleibt? Does that mean you'll stay? Does that mean you're staying? Ik kom heel goed overeen met mijn schoonmoeder. I'm getting along with my mother-in-law very well. I agree very well with my mother-in-law. Ist er freundlich zu euch? Is he kind to you? Is he kind to you? Iedereen heeft een favoriet. Everyone has a favorite. Everyone has a favorite. Doe was mien faveriet. You were my favorite. Do my favorite. Snackst du Araabsch? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? Als ich seine Mutter gestern traf, sagte diese, er wäre vor einer Woche aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden. When I saw his mother yesterday, she said he had left the hospital a week before. When I met his mother yesterday, she said he had been released from the hospital a week ago. Hij is een goede kerel. He's a good bloke. He's a good guy. Wat is di wichtig? What is important for you? What is important to you? Das war die allgemeine Meinung. It was the general opinion. That was the general opinion. Es ist an der Zeit, dass wir uns Gedanken darüber machen, wie wir die Situation verbessern können. It's time for us to start thinking about how we can improve the situation. It is time for us to think about how we can improve the situation. Es wird nicht wieder passieren. Es war ein Missgeschick. It won't happen again. It was an accident. It won't happen again. Er ist nicht vollkommen. He's not perfect. He's not perfect. Er sagte, es tue ihm leid. He said he was sorry. He said he was sorry. Ek sal nie die deur sluit nie. I'm not going to lock the door. I won't lock the door. Gott ëxistierd. God exists. God oxystard. It Frysk, Sealterfrysk en Noardfrysk binne Fryske talen. West Frisian, Saterland Frisian and North Frisian are Frisian languages. The French, Sealter French, and Northern French are French languages. Se stünn op. She stood up. They stand up. Hier is de rekening. Here is the bill. Here's the account. Mir geht es einigermaßen gut. I'm doing OK. I'm pretty good at it. Ik heb me altijd aan mijn beloften gehouden. I have always kept my promises. I always kept my promises. Bruinkool is een fossiele brandstof. Lignite is a fossil fuel. Brown coal is a fossil fuel. Sie können mir nicht helfen. You can't help me. You can't help me. Het jy hom gebel? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Wie heeft het brood opgegeten? Who ate the bread? Who ate the bread? Se wull nich, dat he Poker speelt. She didn't want him to play poker. She doesn't want him playing poker. Ich habe ihn von der Schule abgeholt. I picked him up from school. I picked him up from school. Hett ik dat ehr wüßt, hett ik dor wat doon kunnt. Had I known earlier, I could have done something about it. Had I known it to her, I could have done something about it. Tom schilderde. Tom painted. Tom painted. k Ree. I drove. k Ree. He kennt den Börgermeester. He is acquainted with the mayor. He knows the mayor. Je hebt geen bewijs. You have no proof. You have no evidence. Wir machten das Beste aus unserem kleinen Zimmer. We made the best of our small room. We made the best out of our little room. Die Lebenshaltungskosten steigen. Living costs are getting higher. The cost of living is rising. Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom niet meer in Boston woonde. I thought that you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. I thought you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. Das war schnell. That was quick. That was fast. Peak oil, een gebeurtenis gebaseerd op Hubbert's theorie, is het tijdstip waarop de maximale snelheid van aardolie-extractie wordt bereikt, waarna de snelheid van de productie naar verwachting geleidelijk zal dalen. Peak oil, an event based on Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline. Peak oil, an event based on Hubbert's theory, is the time when the maximum rate of oil extraction is reached, after which the speed of production is expected to gradually decrease. Een student zegt dat de zuivering in China nog niet voorbij is en dat het schrikbewind overheerst. One student says the purge is still going on in China and terror is widespread. A student says that the purification in China is not over and that the fear of rule is over. וואו האָסטו זיך געלערנט רעדן שפּאַניש? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Where does God teach himself speak spaary? Kannst du den Ünnerscheed twüschen en Aant un en Goos kennen? Can you tell a duck from a goose? Can you know the difference between an ant and a goose? Houdt u zich daarbuiten! You keep out of this. Keep out of there! Mijn kamer is drie keer zo groot als de uwe. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times the size of yours. Kin k joen pèn broeken? Can I use your pen? Can k yoen pén pants? Hij werkt bij een bank. He works at a bank. He's working at a bank. Dit is nie 'n grappie nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Yu stap gut? How are you? Are you safe? Ich glaube, dass man kann. I believe that it can be done. I think you can. Ze was blind, doof, en stom. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. She was blind, deaf, and stupid. Er hat Hunger und er hat Durst. He's hungry and thirsty. He's hungry and he's thirsty. Het meervoud van cactus is cactussen. The plural of cactus is cacti. The plural of cactus is cactus. Ik mutt mien Mobieltje opladen. I need to charge my mobile. I need to upload my cell phone. Wo sind die Autoschlüssel? Where are the car keys? Where are the car keys? k Woon ien Grunnen. I live in Groningen. k Woon een Grünn. Die Prinzessin wartet. The princess is waiting. The princess is waiting. Wohin habt ihr die Flaschen gestellt? Where did you put the bottles? Where did you put the bottles? Diese Häuser sind schön. These houses are beautiful. These houses are beautiful. Wat biet die? What's biting you? What's this? Vergeet jullie paspoort niet. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Hij koopt kleding. He buys clothes. He buys clothes. Buitenlanders maken me nieuwsgierig. Foreign people intrigue me. Foreigners make me curious. Ik word snel hysterisch. I get hysterical easily. I get hysterical quickly. Jullie lijken haar niet leuk te vinden. You don't seem to like her. You don't seem to like her. Ek wil dit nie sien nie. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see it. Tony was gelukkig. Tony was happy. Tony was happy. Hij denkt na over het probleem. He is thinking about the problem. He's thinking about the problem. In sommige landen is abortus illegaal. In some countries, abortion is legal. In some countries abortion is illegal. Waarom gee jy vir hom om? Why do you care about him? Why do you care about him? Ik wil u weer zien. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Überraschung und Verwunderung sind der Anfang des Begreifens und Verstehens. Shock and wonder are the beginning of understanding. Surprise and wonder are the beginning of understanding and understanding. Komst doe? Are you coming? Come on? Da Tom spüt gaunz sche guat Schach. Tom is quite good at chess. As Tom spits gaunz sche guat Schach. Wat is die ware rede waarom jy dit nie wil doen nie? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What is the real reason why you do not want to do so? Ek moet seker terug ingaan. I'd better get back inside. I'm sure I'll have to go back in. Ik heff mi jüst duuscht. I was just taking a shower. I've just been showering on me. Ik hoff, Ria weet, dat se dat mutt. I hope Mary knows she has to do that. I hope Ria knows she needs to. Tom rende en rende, totdat hij uiteindelijk de telefooncel zag. Tom ran and ran, until at last he saw the telephone booth. Tom ran and ran until he finally saw the phone call. Sie wollen heiraten. They want to get married. You want to get married. Tom dacht dat ik mijn broer was. Tom thought I was my brother. Tom thought I was my brother. Wegen des kalten Windes habe ich Kopfschmerz. I've got a headache from the cold. Because of the cold wind, I have headaches. Twee gezinnen wonen in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Wi hebbt noch veel Tied. We still have a lot of time. We still have a lot of time. Tom goss etwas Wein in ein Glas. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom pours some wine into a glass. Ik kann dissen Satz nich översetten. I'm unable to translate this sentence. I cannot translate this sentence. Tot wie behoren die pennen? Whose pens are these? Who are these pens? Het is ons gelukt! We did it! We did it! Dieses Lied ist in G-Dur. This song's in the key of G. This song is in G-dur. Er verlor das Gleichgewicht und fiel hin. He lost his balance and fell down. He lost balance and fell. Hij zal Berberse les geven. He is going to teach Berber. He'll teach Berberse. He hett ehr towunken. He waved at her. He took her. Kann ich mit Judy reden? Can I speak with Judy? Can I talk to Judy? ״ווי שפייט איז עס יעצט?״ ״עס איז צען א זייגער.״ "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." 'How much writing is it accomplished?' It is TEN a CURRENT.' Tom und ich teilen uns ein Zimmer. Tom and I share a room. Tom and I share a room. Ik ben de eerste musicus in mijn familie. I am the first musician in my family. I'm the first musician in my family. Tom stellte Maria mehrere Fragen. Tom asked Mary several questions. Tom asked Maria several questions. Het eerste reuzenrad ter wereld werd gebouwd in Chicago. Het is genoemd naar zijn bouwer George Washington Gale Ferris jr. The world's first Ferris wheel was built in Chicago. It was named after its contructor, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. The first giant wheel in the world was built in Chicago. It is named after its builder George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Ik versteek mi nich. I'm not hiding. I don't hide. Dank u wel, dokter. Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Doctor. Dit Book is in veer Delen ünnerdeelt. This book is divided into four parts. This book is divided into four parts. Ik haat jaloerse vrouwen. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. גאָט איז גאָט און רעליגיע איז רעליגיע. God is God and religion is religion. God is God and religion is religion. Waar is de president? Where's the president? Where's the president? Ik zoek boeken over de Romeinse geschiedenis. I'm looking for books on Roman history. I'm looking for books about Roman history. Werden Sie nie eifersüchtig? Don't you ever get jealous? Will you never become jealous? Tom keek. Tom looked. Tom watched. Disse See is de deepste See in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. מײַנע עלטערן ווילן זיך באַגעגענען מיט דיר. My parents would like to meet you. Mean old when dealing with thee. Hij heeft moeite om namen te onthouden. He has trouble remembering names. He's having trouble remembering names. Guus Hiddink is Nederlaands. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Ich habe den ganzen Tag mit meinen Kindern gespielt. I spent the whole day playing with my kids. I played with my children all day. זי האָט געהאַט אַן אויסגעצייכנטע ווײַב. She had an excellent wife. She married an excellent woman. Je had gelijk. You were right. You were right. De eerste vrouw, die Esperanto als moedertaal sprak, werd in 1904 geboren; vandaag zijn er meerdere duizenden Esperanto-moedertaalsprekers. The first native speaker of Esperanto was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. The first woman to speak Esperanto as a native language was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. Zijn stem is iel, hoewel hijzelf dik is. His voice is thin even though he is fat. His voice is evil, though he is fat. Bedankt, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Thank you, Jim. Wie viele enge Freunde hast du? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Tom und Maria wollen es versuchen. Tom and Mary are going to give it a try. Tom and Maria want to try. Das ist nichts als eine Lüge! That is just a lie. That's nothing but a lie! Ihr armen mutterlosen Kinder! Wie ich euch bedauere! Und doch kann ich nichts tun, um euch zu helfen. You poor motherless children! How I pity you; and yet I can do nothing to help you! You poor motherless children, as I regret you, yet I can't do anything to help you. Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the meters? Where are the parking meters? De Hüüs sünd groot. Those houses are big. The houses are large. Ich han kei Durst. I'm not thirsty. I don't have a thirst. Maria döst auf dem Sofa. Mary is napping on the sofa. Mary is on the sofa. Sommige boeken van hem zijn Engelse novels. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of his books are English novels. Tom is een zwakkeling. Tom is a wimp. Tom's a weakling. Ik kan het niet geloven dat Tom die dungeon in zijn eentje heeft gedaan. I can't believe Tom solo'ed that dungeon. I can't believe Tom did that dungeon in his own. Du hast keine Chance. You don't have a chance. You have no chance. Mijn paard is zwart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Nee, je kent geen Java. Je kent JavaSCRIPT. No, you don't know Java. You know JavaSCRIPT. No, you don't know Java, you know JavaSCRIPT. Tegenwoordig leer ik Esperanto. I am currently learning Esperanto. Today I'm learning Esperanto. Vieles wissen wir nicht. There's a lot we don't know. We don't know much. Es duet mr leid... Sorry... I'm sorry. Mijn grootmoeder is ziek. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother's sick. Hij is bijna altijd thuis. He is almost always at home. He's almost always home. Hoe gaat het met u? Hebt u een goede reis gehad? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you doing? Goeiedag, meneer! Good day, Sir! Good day, sir! Zai het grote stevels. She has big boots. Zai the big boots. Ik hjit Jack. My name is Jack. I'm Jack. Denkst du, das ist verrückt? Do you think this is crazy? You think that's crazy? Sogoor mien Oma kann SMS schrieven. Even my grandma can send an SMS. Sogoor my grandma can write SMS. Ik heff in de vergangen dree Daag nix eten. I haven't eaten anything in the past three days. I haven't eaten anything in the past three days. Sie hat in der letzten Zeit große Fortschritte gemacht. She has made great progress recently. It has made great progress in recent times. k Kin n kikker en n porre nait oetnander holden. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. k Can keep n chicken and n porre night oetnander. Wat maakt ji? What are you doing? What makes ji? Toms moeder gaf hem een knuffel. Tom's mother hugged him. Tom's mother gave him a hug. Jim is geneigd om te ver te gaan. Jim tends to go too far. Jim tends to go too far. Sami wist het. Sami knew. Sami knew. Es gibt in dieser Straße einige alte Häuser. There are some old houses on this street. There are some old houses in this street. Ga je ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you gonna introduce us? Ze ging ergens anders winkelen. She went shopping elsewhere. She went shopping somewhere else. Es geht das Gerücht um, dass sich die Schauspielerin scheiden lassen wird. The rumor is going around that the actress is going to get a divorce. The rumor is that the actress will get divorced. Wo ist es passiert? Where did it happen? Where did it happen? Er übernachtet bei seinem Onkel. He's staying with his uncle. He's staying with his uncle. Du hättest gestern kommen sollen! You should have come yesterday. You should have come yesterday! Wie e-mailen jullie? Who are you emailing? Who are you e-mailing? Ien haarst valen bloadjen of. Leaves fall in the autumn. One hairfall blasting or. Tom hat sich die Weisheitszähne ziehen lassen. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. Tom's got his teeth of wisdom drawn. Mary ist Professorin. Mary is a professor. Mary is a professor. Ik heff anfungen, Esperanto to lehren. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I have started learning Esperanto. Heb je tijd gehad om het op te schrijven? Did you have time to write it down? Did you have time to write it down? Tom bleef stilstaan. Tom remained still. Tom stood still. Ech wunnen zu Lëtzebuerg. I live in Luxembourg. I won to Luxembourg. דאס איז נישט זייר נאנט. That's not very close. This is not our name. Het ontbijt is om half tien. Breakfast is at half past nine. Breakfast is half past ten. Tom het vandoag drije koelkasten verkòcht. Tom sold three refrigerators today. Tom spent the day drinking refrigerators. Ik kon des te meer van mijn vrije dag genieten door met jou samen te zijn. I enjoyed the holiday all the better for being with you. I could enjoy my free day all the more by being with you. Ik see nix, un dat hett em argert. I said nothing, and that made him angry. I saw nothing, and it angry me. Wat doet je tante? What does your aunt do? What's your aunt doing? De software vertraagt sneller dan de hardware aan snelheid wint. Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster. The software slows down faster than the hardware wins speed. Mit ’keen hest du snackt? Who did you speak with? Did you talk to someone? Ik had het niet over Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. Er ist fort von zuhause. He is away from home. He's gone from home. Het is een poging waard. It's worth a try. It's worth an attempt. דוד איז אהיים. David is at home. Dud is Aham. Hier kan je roken. You can smoke here. You can smoke here. Tom stak de stekker van de radio in en zette hem aan. Tom plugged in the radio and turned it on. Tom hit the radio plug and turned him on. Ich hoffe, es funktioniert. I hope it works. I hope it works. Tom moet blut zijn. Tom must be broke. Tom must be bleeding. Äxgüsi. Excuse me. Exgüsi. Om het even. Whatever. For a minute. Es wurde eine große Menge Geld in die neue Brücke gesteckt. A large amount of money was spent on the new bridge. A large amount of money was put into the new bridge. Die Erdoberfläche ist zu siebzig Prozent von Wasser bedeckt. The surface of the earth is 70% water. The earth's surface is covered to seventy percent of water. Tom ist unsportlich. Tom is bad at sports. Tom's unsportsy. Eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Düt is keen Satz. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. Bier bevat hop. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das gemacht habe. I don't know how I did it. I don't know how I did that. Bitte sprich Englisch. Please speak English. Please speak English. Er provoziert weiterhin absichtlich eine Konfrontation. He deliberately kept on provoking a confrontation. He continues to provoke a confrontation deliberately. דער עפּל איז גרין. The apple is green. The apple is green. Die Zukunft der Menschheit liegt in deinen Händen. The future of mankind rests in your hands. The future of mankind is in your hands. Ik weet niet of hij het weet. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. Anfänglich mochte sie kein Pferdefleisch. She didn't like horsemeat, initially. At first she didn't like horse meat. Ik wahn in’e Neeg vun’n Diek. I live near the levee. I wish I were near a thief. Seht ihr nicht den Zusammenhang? Don't you see the connection? Don't you see the connection? Tom heeft een kort lontje. Tom has a short fuse. Tom has a short wage. Eine Frau, deren Ehemann gestorben ist, nennt man Witwe. A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow. A woman whose husband died is called a widow. Mein Mann ist mit einer Jüngeren durchgebrannt. My husband ran off with someone younger. My husband burned through with a disciple. Der Tom iss weeg. Tom is gone. Tom's weight. זײַ געזונט! Farewell! Clear up! Gibt es irgendwelche Baken? Are there any landmarks? Is there any baking? Glaubt ihr im Ernst, das sei fair? Do you really think that's fair? You seriously think that's fair? גיי און זוך טאם. Go and look for Tom. Go and look for tam. Dieser Stuhl ist sehr bequem. This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. Kin k eten? Can I eat? Can k eat? Israel sien Existenzrecht schull nüms anlangen. Israel's right to exist should not be up for discussion. Israel's right to exist should never be reached. Heute sind wir zuhause. We are at home today. Today we are at home. Ek sal jou sê wanneer ek terug is. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I'm back. Dor steiht en Auto vör de Kark. There is a car in front of the church. There is a car in front of the car. Tom ging vor gut über einer Stunde nach Hause. Tom left for home well over an hour ago. Tom went home well over an hour ago. Warum sind diese Mädchen so gemein? Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? Na de storm was de oceaan kalm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Als ich jedoch die Situation auf dem Bahnhof sah, begann ich diese Entscheidung zu bedauern. However, as soon as I saw the situation at the train station I began to regret this decision. However, when I saw the situation at the station, I began to regret this decision. Waar is jouw paard? Where's your horse? Where's your horse? Sal jy my met hierdie help? Will you help me with this? Will you help me with this? ברעט סטיווענס איז אַ וואַנץ. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Brett Stivéns is a winter. Die Preise fossiler Brennstoffe gingen durch die Decke. Fossil fuel prices shot through the roof. The prices of fossil fuels went through the ceiling. טאָם איז אַן איבערזעצער. Tom is a translator. Tom is a translator. Ich höre ihm gern zu. I like listening to him. I like to listen to him. Ech sinn zu Iechternach gebuer. I was born in Echternach. I am near the end of my life. Ik beloof het. I promise. I promise. Sy opinie tel nie. His opinion doesn't count. His opinion does not count. ’Keen hett mehr Fans, Celine Dion oder Mariah Carey? Who has more fans, Celine Dion or Mariah Carey? ‘No one has more fans, Celine Dion, or Mariah Carey? Voed die voël! Feed the bird! Feed the Bird! סאַמי איז גוטהאַרציק. Sami has a good heart. I'm sorry. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ich kann Toms Logik nicht folgen. I can't follow Tom's logic. I can't follow Tom's logic. Er lehnte einen Kommentar ab. He declined to comment. He rejected a comment. Zelfs het geringste dingetje irriteerde hem. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the slightest thing irritated him. De politieagenten hadden een pauze. The constables were on a break. The police officers had a break. Wer hat die Hauptrolle? Who has the main role? Who's got the lead role? Ihr könnt ihm keinen Vorwurf machen. You can't blame him. You can't blame him. Wie is jouw lievelingsschilder? Who's your favorite painter? Who's your favorite painter? Damals gab es Hass zwischen uns. There was hatred between us then. At that time, there was hatred between us. Vergiss es. Never mind. Forget it. Sie hat letzte Woche ein hübsches kleines Mädchen bekommen. She gave birth to a pretty baby girl last week. She got a pretty little girl last week. Hett he recht? Is he correct? Is he right? Het licht is groen. The light is green. The light is green. Wir müssen Maut bezahlen, wenn wir auf dieser Straße fahren wollen. We must pay a toll to drive on this road. We have to pay toll if we want to drive on this road. Welk geluid maken vleermuizen? What sound do bats make? What sound do bats make? Hast du Bauchschmerzen? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have abdominal pain? Se maakt ehr Moder blied. She makes her mother happy. She makes her mother suffer. Deze trein stopt op alle stations. This train stops at every station. This train stops at all stations. Het is mogelijk. It is possible. It's possible. Es ist in Ordnung. It's OK. It's okay. Bist du schon einmal von einem Freund betrogen worden? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Niamey is de hoofdstad van Niger. Niamey is the capital of Niger. Niamey is the capital of Niger. זיי האָבן אַ משפּחה. They have a family. They have a family. Ek hou daarvan om vleis te eet. I like to eat meat. I like eating meat. Er wird sehr bald eine Antwort schreiben. He will write an answer very soon. He will write an answer very soon. Ich will sie alle. I want them all. I want them all. Ze bekeek een aantal jurken en koos de duurste. She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one. She looked at a number of dresses and chose the most expensive. Op daardie stadium was ek oorsee. I was overseas at the time. At the time, I was overseas. Ich muss noch Besorgungen machen. I still have to run errands. I still have to take care of it. Der Wettermann sagt für heute Abend Schnee voraus. The weatherman predicts snow for tonight. The weatherman predicts snow for tonight. צי האָט דו און טאָם הנאה געהאַט די פּיצע? Did you and Tom enjoy the pizza? Do you and Tom Xneah hate the pice? Sami doneerde zijn land aan de moskee. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. Sami donated his land to the mosque. Tag für Tag saß der Hund vor dem Bahnhof und wartete auf sein Herrchen. Day after day, the dog sat waiting for his master in front of the station. Day after day the dog sat in front of the train station waiting for his lord. Du hättest niemals hierherkommen sollen. You should've never come here. You should never have come here. Guder Mariye! Good morning! Mr. Mariye! Ik heff en Ramm in ’t Been. I have leg cramps. I have a frame in my leg. Ihnen läuft die Zeit davon. You're running short of time. You're running out of time. Hallo! Goedemorgen! Hello! Good morning! Good morning! Wir nahmen uns ein Taxi, um uns nicht zu verspäten. We took a taxi so as not to be late. We took a taxi to avoid delaying ourselves. Wij zijn het volk. We are the people. We are the people. Ne estu maldiligentaj! Don't be lazy! Ne estu maldiligentaj! Nee, het zijn de tomaten. No, it's the tomatoes. No, it's the tomatoes. Ik heff blot mit ehr schunkelt. I was only dancing with her. I have just shuddered with her. As ik de earmen wat te iten jou, neame se my in hillige. As ik se freegje wêrom't de earmen neat te iten hawwe, neame se my in kommunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I eat the poor something to you, they call me a saint. When I ask them why the poor have nothing to eat, they call me a communist. Ik wil dat je naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Ein Mann kann mit jeder Frau glücklich werden, solange er sie nicht liebt. A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her. A man can be happy with every woman as long as he doesn't love her. Vergleichen Sie den Schreibstil dieser drei Briefe. Compare the style of those three letters. Compare the writing style of these three letters. Ik kan het niet langer volhouden. I can't bear it any longer. I can't keep it any longer. Wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. He who sows wind will reap storm. Das war nicht lustig. This was not funny. That wasn't funny. Du siehst heute anders aus. You look different today. You look different today. Heute wissen wir, dass George Orwell ein Optimist war. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Rufe den Sicherheitsdienst! Call security! Call the security department! Jetzt wäre die Zeit günstig. Now would be a good time. Now the time would be cheap. Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've had coffee already. I've already been drinking coffee. Tom hield zijn adem in. Tom held his breath. Tom kept his breath. Es ist acht Uhr abends. It's eight o'clock at night. It's eight o'clock in the evening. Er ist ein bisschen bleich. He's a little pale. He's a little pale. Bevor er zum Zahnarzt ging, hatte Tom einen Schnaps getrunken. Before he went to the dentist, Tom drank a glass of schnapps. Before he went to the dentist, Tom had drunk a snap. Niue zählt gerade einmal 1400 Einwohner. The population of Niue is only about 1,400. Niue has a population of 1400. Maria ist eine Frau. Mary is a woman. Maria is a woman. Mijn oma vindt naaien leuk. My grandmother likes to sew. My grandmother likes sewing. Tom heeft een Pikachu-kussen. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Je bent twee keer zo sterk als ik. You are twice as strong as I. You're twice as strong as I am. k Bin nou n moeke. I'm a mother now. k I'm now tired. Wij hebben een antwoord nodig. We need an answer. We need an answer. Wo ist der Park? Where's the park? Where's the park? Ik heb hier jaren gewoond. I've lived here for years. I lived here for years. Een van mijn dromen is ooit het noorderlicht te zien krijgen. One of my dreams is to one day see the aurora borealis. One of my dreams is ever seeing the northern light. Zeg mij wat ik moet doen. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. דאָס איז ווי בערני קען נאָך געווינען. Here's how Bernie can still win. This is how Berny could still win. Mi a 24. I am 24 years old. I am 24. De lente komt eraan. It will be spring soon. Spring's coming. Wat is de precieze betekenis van "precise"? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? Sie waren ganz hin und weg voneinander. They were all over each other. They were all out of each other. Maria weinte, als sie die Geschichte hörte. Mary cried when she heard the story. Maria cried when she heard the story. Tom sah auf seine Uhr. Tom looked at his watch. Tom looked at his watch. Ich empfinde nichts für dich. I don't have any feelings for you. I don't feel anything for you. דאָס איז זייער גוט. That's very good. This is very good. Gib deiner Mutter keine Widerworte. Don't answer your mother back. Don't give your mother any contradictions. Fünf Jahre sind nun vergangen, seit sie nach Japan kamen. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Five years have now passed since they came to Japan. זי איז געווארן אן אור-אור-באבע בלויז טעג פארן ווערן ניין-און-ניינציג יאר אלט. She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine. She became an Ur-Our-Babbe only days old when no-and-nine years old. Alif is de eerste letter van het Arabisch alfabet. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Sneeuw bedekte de bus. Snow covered the bus. Snow covered the bus. Mijn tandvlees bloedt wanneer ik ook mijn tanden flos. My gums bleed whenever I floss my teeth. My gum bleeds whenever I flush my teeth. Tom beanstandete es, dass er wie ein Kind behandelt wurde. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Tom was upset that he was treated like a child. Hij werd erg dronken. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. Hij is helemaal voor jou. He's all yours. He's all for you. זי קענט זיי. She knows them. She knows them. Ik gah slapen. I am going to sleep. I'm going to sleep. Ich chan guet schwimme. I can swim well. I'm gonna go swimming. Ich glaube, mir wurde mein Koffer gestohlen. I think my suitcase was stolen. I think my suitcase was stolen. Jetzt hör auf zu weinen. Now stop crying. Now stop crying. Sag ihr, sie soll ihren sofortigen Rücktritt einreichen. Tell her she should present her immediate resignation. Tell her to submit her immediate resignation. Zijn we gewoon vrienden? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Wetenschappers hebben water op Mars gevonden. Scientists have found water on Mars. Scientists have found water on Mars. Waarom ben je aan het huilen? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Freitag ist Müllabholtag in England. Friday is bin day in England. Friday's garbage collection in England. „Dies?“ – „Nein, das!“ "This one?" "No, that one!" "This?" "No, that!" Heb je er ooit over gedacht verpleegkundige te worden? Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse? Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse? זיינע פריערערע פאעזיע שעפט אסאך פון זיינע איבערלעבונג און אנדענקן פון די קינדער-יארן. His early poetry draws heavily on his experience and memories of childhood. Its former father, Father of the Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's Association. He wüss dat nich. He didn't know that. He didn't know it. Am meisten beschäftigt mich die Frage „Was ist Realität?“ My major preoccupation is the question, 'What is reality?' Most of all, the question “What is reality? ” איך ווייס נישט בכלל. I have no clue. I know not perfectly. Mein Zimmer ist dreimal so groß wie deins. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times the size of yours. Yn’e fierte hear ik it lûd fan sêft rûzjende weagen. In the distance I hear the sound of softly murmuring roads. In'e I hear the sound of seven noise waves. Er heißt Tom, und er ist Marias Ehemann. His name is Tom and he's Mary's husband. He's Tom, and he's Maria's husband. איך האָב געגעסן אַן עפּל. I ate an apple. I have forgotten an apple. Tom verläuft sich jedes Mal, wenn er keine Karte dabei hat. Tom always gets lost if he doesn't carry a map. Tom runs away every time he doesn't have a card. Tom wollte meine Erlaubnis. Tom wanted my permission. Tom wanted my permission. Ik denk dat wij goede vrienden zouden kunnen zijn. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. Darf ich meinen Sitz nach hinten verstellen? May I put my seat back? Can I adjust my seat to the back? De man droeg een tijgermasker. That man was wearing a tiger mask. The man wore a tiger mask. Doe bist schier. I like you. Don't worry about it. Sagen Sie mir Bescheid, wenn Sie sonst noch etwas brauchen! Tell me if you need anything else. Tell me if you need anything else! Een piano is duur. A piano is expensive. A piano is expensive. די ייִדן זענען מיד. The Jews are tired. The Jews were medium. Ich nehme an, irgendwo gibt es jemanden, der Tom mag. I assume there's somebody somewhere who likes Tom. I suppose there's someone here who likes Tom. Sie ist etwa genauso groß wie du. She's about the same height as you. She's about the same size as you. Wij zijn hier lang genoeg geweest. We've been here long enough. We've been here long enough. Mi name isch Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Tom hielp zichzelf. Tom helped himself. Tom helped himself. War das zufällig oder absichtlich? Was it by accident or by design? Was that random or intentional? Tom is gek. Tom's crazy. Tom's crazy. Is Duitsland zo mooi als Nederland? Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands? Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands? Maria hält sich nicht für sonderlich gut im Französischen. Mary says she doesn't think she's very good at French. Maria doesn't think she's particularly good in French. Ik heb uw vriend ontmoet. I met your friend. I met your friend. Denke daran, dass heute das Morgen ist, über das du dich gestern sorgtest. Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Remember that this morning is what you worried about yesterday. Wat er ook gebeurt, ik zal er niemand iets over vertellen. Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody about it. Whatever happens, I won't tell anyone about it. Het weer was prachtig. The weather was gorgeous. The weather was beautiful. Ich erzählte ihm von unserer Schule. I told him about our school. I told him about our school. Bist du schon einmal von einem Skorpion gestochen worden? Have you ever been stung by a scorpion? Have you ever been bitten by a scorpion? Ich denke, es wäre besser, wenn ich alleine gehe. I think it would be better if I went alone. I think it would be better if I went alone. נישטאָ פֿאַרװאָס! You're welcome! Not forhos! Het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat werkt aan de herinrichting van de straten en voetpaden om ze voetgangersvriendelijker te maken. The Department of Public Works is redoing the design of the streets and sidewalks in order to make them more pedestrian-friendly. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water State is working to rebuild the streets and footpaths to make them pedestrian-friendly. Ich glaube, Tom schläft noch. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still sleeping. Ich würze meine Spaghettisauce gerne mit Basilikum. I like to add basil to season my spaghetti sauce. I like to taste my spaghetti sauce with basil. Wel is betunteld? Who is confused? Well, what's bewildering? ווילסטו א ביסל צייט צו טראכטן וועגן עס? Do you want some time to think about it? Would you like a little time to think about it? Laten we een bus pakken. Let's take a bus. Let's get a bus. Hierna kom ik aan de beurt. My turn comes next. After that, I'll take the turn. De jeugd van ons land interesseert zich niet voor politiek. The youth of our land are not interested in politics. The youth of our country is not interested in politics. Ik wil sneeuw. I want snow. I want snow. Zai holt van Tom. She loves Tom. Zai gets from Tom. Wokeen hett dat Universum schapen? Who created the universe? Who created the universe? Ič mæᵹ hȳran þē, ac ič ne mæᵹ sēon þē. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Ič mæ - hƿranƿē, ac ič ne mæ - sēonƿē. Kaam bald wedder. Come back soon. Cam again soon. Hij was kwaad omdat ik hem niet wou helpen. He was angry because I wouldn't give him any help. He was angry because I didn't want to help him. Kim is so eng, wenn du en Stück Köhl in ehren Oors schuffst, denn hest du na twee Weken en Demant! Kim is so tight, if you stuck a lump of coal up her ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond! Kim is so tight when you move a piece of coal into their oars, then you have a demon after two weeks! Ik ben een yoghurt voor kinderen aan het eten. I'm eating a yogurt for children. I'm a yogurt for kids eating. De heldin van dat verhaal is een klein meisje. The heroine of this story is a little girl. The hero of that story is a little girl. Deze moskee heeft een nieuwe imam nodig. This mosque needs a new imam. This mosque needs a new imam. Duitsland heeft twee hoofdsteden. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Das gehört mir. That belongs to me. That's mine. Whit did A tell ye? What did I tell you? What does A tell you? Sy het groot blou oë. She has large blue eyes. She has big blue eyes. Jy is nie sleg met dit nie. You're not bad at this. You're not bad with that. Als kind ging ik dikwijls vissen met mijn vader. As a child I often went fishing with my father. As a child, I often went fishing with my father. Ik zoek een geschenk voor mijn moeder. I am looking for a present for my mother. I'm looking for a gift for my mother. Weet jij of ze Engels kan spreken? Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if she can speak English? Ik heb het deze week erg druk gehad. I was very busy this week. I've been very busy this week. Peter sieht, dass das Garagentor offen ist. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Ik drink jümmer Melk to mien Fröhstück. I always drink milk with my breakfast. I always drink milk to my breakfast. "Aha!" zullen ze zeggen. 'Aha', they will say. "Aha!" they will say. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז דו לעבסט? How many people know you're alive? How many people do you know, that you live? Ik heff frisch Brood köfft. I bought fresh bread. I bought fresh bread. Ik kom út Noard-Brabân. I'm from North Brabant. I came from North Brabân. Wat is jo namme? What's your name? What is your name? זי האט מיר געגעבן אירען טעלעפאן-נאמער. She gave me her phone number. She gave me her phone number. Ik ben heel de zomervakantie van huis weg geweest. I was away from home all through the summer vacation. I've been away from home all summer vacations. Ēalā gif þū wǣre hund! If only you were a dog! þalā gifƿū wȝre hund! Das Leben liegt noch vor dir. Life lies in front of you. Life is still ahead of you. Zij en haar vrienden zijn gek op muziek. She and her friends are mad about music. She and her friends love music. Ich esse eine Banane. I am eating a banana. I eat a banana. Tom kijkt te veel televisie. Tom watches too much TV. Tom's watching too much television. Ich machte eine Faust. I made a fist. I made a fist. Er erklärte ihr seine Liebe. He told her that he loved her. He told her his love. Swevel brennt mit en blaue Flamm. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. Sweat burns with a blue flame. Met mij gaat het goed en met jou? I'm fine, and you? It's okay with me and you? In Mathematik war er allen anderen weit überlegen. In mathematics he was head and shoulders above all the others. In mathematics, he was far superior to everyone else. Ik heff Bus 61 nahmen. I took the 61 bus. I took Bus 61. Ich bin älter, als Sie denken. I'm older than you think. I'm older than you think. Mijn zus kreeg meer cadeautjes bij Kerst dan ik. My sister got more Christmas presents than me. My sister received more presents at Christmas than I did. Woarom ik? Why me? Am I going to war? k Kom oet Verainde Stoaten van Amerika. I'm from the United States of America. k Come oat Verainde Stoaten van U.S.A. Ich bin sicher, Tom lässt uns nicht im Stich. I'm sure that Tom won't let us down. I'm sure Tom won't let us down. Dit is veruit de beste. This is by far the best. This is far the best. Maria spielt noch immer mit Puppen. Mary still plays with dolls. Maria still plays with dolls. Tom wird Mary den Laufpass geben. Tom is going to dump Mary. Tom's gonna give Mary the walk. Ich habe da so meine Zweifel, dass der Laden sich jemals rentieren wird. I doubt if this shop will ever pay its way. I have so much doubt that the store will ever pay off. Es regnet, und wir haben vergessen, die Fenster zu schließen. It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows. It rains, and we forgot to close the windows. De Welt is vull von Klookschieters. The world is full of smartasses. The world is full of clog shooters. Ik heb een afschuwelijke fout begaan. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a terrible mistake. In India zijn koeien heilige dieren. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, cows are sacred animals. Ik ben zo terug met jullie drankjes. I'll be right back with your drinks. I'll be right back with your drinks. Ek skrik nie maklik nie. I don't scare easily. I am not afraid easily. Du solltest wohl Tom besser sagen, wohin er die Werkzeuge legen soll. You should probably tell Tom where to put the tools. You should probably better tell Tom where to put the tools. It is hjir noch krekt as eartiids. It's still just as before here. It's still right here as time goes on. Es gibt niemanden, der sich keinen Frieden wünscht. There is no one who doesn't desire peace. There is no one who wants peace. Hy werk hard om in te haal met die res van dir groep. He is working hard to catch up with the others. He works hard to catch up with the rest of your group. Ik ben zeer dankbaar voor jouw hulp. I am very grateful for your help. I am very grateful for your help. Er sieht gesund aus. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. Ich dachte, das wäre deine Aufgabe. I thought that was your job. I thought that'd be your job. Mäi Schwoer ass Belsch. My brother-in-law is Belgian. My brother-in-law is Belgium. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass dir dieser Film gefallen hat. I can't believe that you enjoyed that movie. I can't believe you liked this movie. De toekomst is dichterbij dan je denkt. The future is closer than you think. The future is closer than you think. Wij zullen koken. We'll cook. We'll cook. Ek wil nie hê jy moet dit doen nie. I don't want to do that. I don't want you to do that. Layla het geen ondervinding met manne gehad nie. Layla didn't have any experience with men. Layla had no experience with men. Wann sind Sie mit ihrer Arbeit fertig? When will you finish your work? When are you done with her work? Ist das meins? Is that mine? Is that mine? Sag ihm dass er warten soll. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Du büst en Dokter. You are a doctor. You are a doctor. Mien Auto is kaputt. My car is broken. My car is broken. Ik spreek Hongaars. I speak Hungarian. I'm speaking Hungarian. Mit achtzehn heiratete er. When he was 18, he married. He married eighteen. Ich habe heute dreimal eine Küchenspüle voller Geschirr abgewaschen. I washed a sink full of dishes three times today. I washed a kitchen sink full of dishes three times today. Pass op, wat du deist! Watch what you're doing! Watch out for what you're doing! Bist du sicher, dass du nicht mit uns kommen willst? Are you sure you don't want to go with us? Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Er is niemand zoals jij. There's nobody like you. There's no one like you. Ien taal is noait net genôch. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Het was heel raar. It was very weird. It was weird. Heb je een Engels-Vietnamees woordenboek. Have you got an English-Vietnamese dictionary? You have an English-Vietnamese dictionary. Ik wacht op uw beslissing. I await your decision. I'm waiting for your decision. Wat is de naam van haar leraar? What's her professor's name? What's the name of her teacher? Dëse Saz huet en Tippfeeler. This sentence has a typo. This sentence has a typing error. Tom opende een blik tonijn. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened a look of tuna. Ik hoop van niet. I hope not. I hope not. Hwæt biþ word? What is a word? _Bitþ becomes? We hebben een geweldig restaurant gevonden. We found a great restaurant. We found a great restaurant. Wann geht der Zug? When does the train depart? When's the train going? Tom komt uit Australië. Tom comes from Australia. Tom's from Australia. Ik kan je niet zeggen wanneer Tom hier zal aankomen. I can't tell you when Tom will get here. I can't tell you when Tom's coming here. Weet je hoe ik daar kan komen? Do you know how I can get there? You know how I can get there? Hy is my buurman. He is my neighbour. He's my neighbor. Weten jullie waar Tom op ons wacht? Do you know where Tom is waiting for us? Do you know what Tom's waiting for us? װען זײַט איר געבאָרן געװאָרן? When were you born? When side you turn fear? We weten dat je vegetariër bent. We know you're a vegetarian. We know you're a vegetarian. Daar staat een prachtige kerk op de heuvel. There stands a beautiful church on the hill. There's a beautiful church on the hill. Ze riep hem aan de telefoon. She called him on the phone. She called him on the phone. Tom meinte, dass er sich nicht denken könne, dass Maria das wirklich wolle. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary really wants to do that. Tom said he couldn't think that Mary really wanted to. Früher dachte man, dass die Welt flach sei. In the past it was thought the world was flat. It used to be thought that the world was flat. Wir wissen es zu schätzen, dass Sie kommen. We appreciate you coming. We appreciate your coming. Dispela em wanpela imegensi. It's an emergency. That was an imgensy. Tom en ik binnen vrunden. Tom and I are friends. Tom and I frunk inside. Hy sal my nooit weer glo nie. He will never believe me again. He will never believe me again. Ir chommät us Taipei. You come from Taipei. Ir chummet us Taipei. Die Ausbildung bei denen ist kein Spiel. Training with them is not a game. The training in which they are trained is not a game. De Romeinse Republiek werd gesticht in 509 voor Christus. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. Ech hunn e puer Saachen, déi ech maachen mussen. I have a few things I have to do. I have a few things I have to do. De leerlingen zitten in een kring. The students are sitting in a circle. The students are in a circle. Du solldst aach gehn. You should go, too. You should go. Het werkt hetzelfde in elk land. It works the same way in every country. It works the same way in every country. Kinner bruukt Leevd. Children need loving. Children need levd. Se hett in’e School Latien lehrt. She learned Latin in school. She taught Latin in her school. Ze heeft geen woord tegen me gezegd. Not a word did she say to me. She didn't say a word to me. Ich finde, dass Tom nicht in der Lage ist, das zu tun. I don't think Tom is capable of doing that. I don't think Tom is able to do that. Tom stand auf, woraufhin auch alle anderen aufstanden. Tom stood up and then everybody else stood up as well. Tom stood up, and all the others rose up. Versuche nie, zu sterben. Never try to die. Never try to die. Sally is twee Johr öller as Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Dat warrt sik nie ännern. That'll never change. It will never change. Hoeveel kost dit horloge? How much does this watch cost? How much does this watch cost? Je zei dat bijna al je vrienden Canadees zijn. You said almost all of your friends were Canadians. You said almost all your friends are Canadians. Wie ben jij? Who are you? Who are you? k Kom oet Engelaand. I come from England. k Come and eat Engeland. איך ווייס נישט טאמער ער וועט קומען אדער נישט. I don't know whether he'll come or not. I know not least he will come or not. Tom rang Maria zu Boden und fraß ihr, was vom Käse noch übrig war, aus den Händen. Tom wrestled Mary to the ground and ate the last of the cheese from her hands. Tom rang Mary to the ground and asked her what was left of the cheese, out of her hands. We zijn realistisch. We're realistic. We're realistic. Wer hat das Klemmbrett erfunden? Who invented the clipboard? Who invented the clipboard? Kijk naar het grote gebouw daar. Look at the large building over there. Look at the big building there. Ek weet hoe jy oor hom voel. I know how you feel about him. I know how you feel about him. Bitte erinnere mich daran, den Bericht morgen zu verschicken. Please remind me to mail the report tomorrow. Please remind me to send the report tomorrow. Ich fürchte, das ist nicht möglich. I'm afraid that's impossible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Geen enkele student in onze klas is intelligenter dan Kate. No student in our class is smarter than Kate. No student in our class is more intelligent than Kate. Fahre nicht über diese Brücke! Don't cross this bridge. Don't drive over this bridge! Du hörst dich genauso an wie er. You sound just like him. You're just as close to him as he is. Hoe voel jy oor hulle? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about them? Gö, da Thomas is oiwei stier. Tom is always broke, isn't he? Gö, da Thomas is oiwei die. Ehr Hoor weer so lang, dat dat bet an ’e Eer recken deed. Her hair was long enough to reach the floor. Her hearing was so long that it reached to the earth. Onmeugelk. Impossible. I can't believe it. Willen jullie wijn? Do you want wine? Do you want wine? Sommige mensen zijn allergisch voor tarwe. Some people are allergic to wheat. Some people are allergic to wheat. Yuh nyam too much. You eat too much. yuh nyam too much. Het Zuid-Gelders is een dialect van het Nederlands dat in de Duitse deelstaat Noordrijn-Westfalen gesproken wordt. South Guelderish is a dialect of Dutch spoken in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The South Gelder is a dialect of Dutch spoken in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Hij is het huis uit. He is away from home. He's out of the house. Zij hebben Tom geholpen. They helped Tom. They helped Tom. Mainstekaans nait. Probably not. Mainsteman's night. Tom sä, dat he lever in en Hotel bi’n Flaaghaven ünnerkamen will. Tom said he'd rather stay at a hotel near the airport. Tom says he wants to come down to a hotel at the airport. Ich kenne alle eure Geheimnisse. I know all your secrets. I know all your secrets. Ist Freundschaft wichtiger als Liebe? Is friendship more important than love? Is friendship more important than love? Voor mij is er niets zo hartverwarmend als een oud echtpaar dat hand in hand over straat loopt. Nothing seems so tender to me as an old couple walking down the street holding hands. For me, there is nothing as heart-warming as an old couple walking hand in hand over the street. Ja! Yes! Yes! Als jullie niet bezig zijn, kunnen jullie me dan helpen? If you're not busy, could you please help me? If you're not busy, can you help me? Ik heb met mijn baas geslapen. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Dit Book is nee. This book's new. This book is no. Ik ben een slot zonder een sleutel. I'm a lock without a key. I'm a lock without a key. Ek gaan op die volgende bus wees. I'm going to be on the next bus. I'm going to be on the next bus. Mochten deze mail en uw betaling elkaar gekruist hebben, dan verzoeken wij u deze herinnering als niet verzonden te beschouwen. Should you have settled the account since this mail was written, please ignore our reminder. If this email and your payment have crossed each other, we ask you to consider this reminder as not sent. Ich träumte, ich wäre von Außerirdischen entführt worden. I dreamed I had been abducted by aliens. I dreamed I would have been kidnapped by aliens. Mir war zum Schreien zumute. I felt like screaming. I was so tired of screaming. Oh God! Hoe komt dit hier terecht? Ik ben niet goed met computers! Oh God! How did this get here? I'm not good with computers! Oh, God, how does this end up here? I'm not good with computers! Ze woont hiertegenover. She lives across the street. She lives against this. Die stad kan je ten westen van Londen vinden. The city is found west of London. You can find that city to the west of London. Tom braucht Sie im Besprechungszimmer. Tom needs you in the briefing room. Tom needs you in the meeting room. Alle meine Kinder kamen in Boston zur Welt. All of my children were born in Boston. All my children came to the world in Boston. Sami houdt van sneeuw. Sami likes snow. Sami likes snow. Tom neigt dazu, sich leicht aufzuregen. Tom has a tendency to get a little worked up. Tom tends to get upset easily. Dat versta ik niet. I don't understand it. I don't understand. Ich habe dir befohlen rauszukommen. I ordered you to get out. I ordered you to get out. Düsse Mann is duune. This man is drunk. This man is dune. Ik mag Eier nich geern. I don't care for eggs. I don't like eggs. Wie neuriet? Who's humming? How new? Danke für die Eintrittskarten! Thank you for the tickets. Thank you for the tickets! Doe't ik lyts wie, kamen pake en beppe noch om op te passen. Jûns op bêd lies beppe my foar. Of pake fertelde in ferhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was small, pack and beep still came to be careful. Boys on bed read beeped me. Or package told a story. Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He worked all day. Als ik een koptelefoon gebruik, hoor ik niks. When I'm using headphones I can't hear anything. If I use a headphone, I don't hear anything. Hast du Zahnseide? Do you have some dental floss? Do you have tooth silk? Ik ben hier absoluut op tegen. I'm firmly opposed to this. I'm absolutely against this. Ich schwimme ein Mal pro Woche. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. איך קען א מענטש וואס קען אונז העלפן. I know somebody who can help us. I could a person who could help you. Ik wil niet dat je verandert. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Wat wil je voor het ontbijt? What do you want for breakfast? What do you want for breakfast? Ich möchte mit Tom gehen. I want to go with Tom. I want to go with Tom. Ek neem 'n boek. I'm taking a book. I'll take a book. We hebben je advies nodig. We do need your advice. We need your advice. Tom und Maria spielten Dame. Tom and Mary played checkers. Tom and Maria played lady. Schoul begunt ien april. School begins in April. School favors one April. Ich hab jemanden getroffen. I came across one. I met someone. Heb je een potlood? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Ek het altyd gewonder wat daardie reuk was. I always wondered what that smell was. I always wondered what that smell was. Tunesië wordt ''Tunes'' genoemd in het Berber. Tunisia is called "Tunes" in Berber. Tunisia is called 'Tunes' in Berber. Bass du d'Mary? Are you Mary? Do you like Mary? זי רעדט שפּאַניש. She speaks Spanish. She speaks spade. Goud is kostbaarder dan zilver. Gold is more precious than silver. Gold is more precious than silver. Ich habe dir bereits mitgeteilt, was ich denke. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. Wanneer eet Tom ontbyt? When does Tom eat breakfast? When does Tom eat breakfast? Ich bin zu Hause. I'm at home. I'm home. Die is nie 'n sin nie. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Tom stellte seinen Wagen auf dem freien Parkplatz an Marias Haus ab. Tom parked his car in the vacant lot next to Mary's house. Tom put off his car in the free parking lot at Maria's house. Tom wull keen Freuhstück. Tom didn't want any breakfast. Tom doesn't want a breakfast piece. Bliuw thús. Stay home. Stay home. k Bin n vraauw. I am a woman. k Bin n vrauw. Tom maakte spaghetti voor het avondeten. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Zij is zeer mooi. She is very beautiful. She's very beautiful. Vrolijk kerstfeest en een gelukkig nieuw jaar! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Das ist unangemessen. This is inappropriate. That's inappropriate. Bob füllte den Topf mit Wasser. Bob filled the pot with water. Bob filled the pot with water. Je zou in de hangmat kunnen slapen. You could sleep in the hammock. You could sleep in the hammock. Dafid is æt hāme. David is at home. Dafid is tee hāme. Was denken Sie wirklich? What do you really think? What do you really think? Ich bin deinetwegen gekommen. I came for you. I've come for you. Ich bin gleich ins Bett gegangen. I went straight to bed. I just went to bed. Retten Sie sich selbst! Save yourself. Save yourself! פֿאַרװאָס װאָרטשעט מײַן הונט? Why is my dog growling? Foruschat means inner dog? Gott erschuf die Welt in sechs Tagen. God created the earth in six days. God created the world in six days. Doe alles wat nodig is. Do whatever it takes. Do everything you need. De Tulpen blöht bald. Tulips will bloom soon. The tulips will bloom soon. Ik ken hem. I know him. I know him. Ek sal vir jou 'n bier koop. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Ich kann die Zwillinge nicht voneinander unterscheiden. I can't tell one twin from the other. I can't distinguish the twins from each other. Ik denk an mien Kinner. I am thinking about my children. I think of my children. Dir kacht. You're cooking. You're boiling. He kummt in en poor Daag na Huus. He will come home in a few days. He comes home in a few days. Tom hat vor drei Jahren seine Ehefrau verloren. Tom lost his wife three years ago. Tom lost his wife three years ago. Ich möchte zu Hause bleiben und ein Buch lesen. I want to stay home and read a book. I want to stay at home and read a book. Tom hat seinen Pick-up gebraucht gekauft. Tom bought his truck used. Tom used to buy his pick-up. Ja, ik spreek Spaans. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yes, I speak Spanish. De tijd ging erg langzaam voorbij deze week. Time passed very slowly this week. Time went very slowly over this week. Es dauert noch einmal zwanzig Minuten, bis Tom nach Hause kommt. Tom won't be home for another 20 minutes. It takes another twenty minutes for Tom to come home. Wat is de hoofdstad van New Hampshire? What is the capital of New Hampshire ? What is the capital of New Hampshire? Ik heb dit voor jou gedaan. I did this for you. I did this for you. De leeuw wordt de koning der dieren genoemd. The lion is called the king of animals. The lion is called the king of the animals. Tom ermahnte Maria, sich mehr Mühe zu geben. Tom told Mary that she should work harder. Tom urged Mary to give more effort. Lisa hat mir erzählt, dass sie fermentierte Sojabohnen gegessen hat. Lisa told me that she has eaten natto. Lisa told me she ate fermented soybeans. Der Polizeibeamte ist hier. The police officer is here. The police officer is here. Er brachte das Paket zur Post. He took the package to the post office. He brought the parcel to the post office. Ich bin daran gewöhnt, die ganze Nacht zu arbeiten. I'm used to working all night. I'm used to working all night. Ze kookt voor hem. She is cooking for him. She's cooking for him. Er ist ein sehr pfiffiger Junge. He's a very clever boy. He's a very fucking boy. Möchtest du einen Apfel? Do you want an apple? Do you want an apple? Da's n schier pak. That's a beautiful suit. There's a sheer suit. Moment mal! Wait a sec. Wait a minute! Elke fout maakt me sterker. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake makes me stronger. Es wird Zeit, dass du dich endgültig niederlässt. It's about time you settled down for good. It's time you finally let yourself down. Mary is Tom se vrou. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom’s wife. In gewissem Sinne ist Paris der Mittelpunkt der Welt. Paris is the center of the world, in a way. In a sense, Paris is the center of the world. Wie schreibt man einen guten Lebenslauf? How do you write a good CV? How do you write a good CV? Lauter. Louder. Lauter. Bitte ein Komma nach diesem Wort einfügen! Please add a comma after this word. Please insert a comma after this word! Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain. I can't explain. De prijs is al jaren niet veranderd. The price has not changed in years. The price has not changed for years. Tom gniffelde. Tom chuckled. Tom fucked up. צי עס איז בלױ? Is it blue? Whether it is blue? Wer auf dem Pfad der Weisheit wandeln will, darf keine Angst vor dem Misserfolg haben, denn wenn er auch noch so weit vorankommt, bleibt sein Ziel doch in unerreichbarer Ferne. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Those who want to walk on the path of wisdom must have no fear of failure, for even if he continues to progress so far, his goal remains unattainable. Ik heb haar mijn kamer getoond. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. Het gaat mij slecht. I'm not well. It's bad for me. Ik wenje yn Grins. I live in Groningen. I live in Borders. Man het geliek. The man is right. Man looked. Gaat het goed met je hond? Is your dog all right? Are you okay with your dog? De Bahama's werden onafhankelijk in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. Tom trok zijn nieuwe schoenen aan. Tom put on his new shoes. Tom put on his new shoes. װער װילט זיך לערנען יאַפּאַניש? Who wants to learn Japanese? Are you sure you want to learn Japanese? Ich habe gerade aufgewaschen. I've just washed the dishes. I just washed up. Wat fir eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? What color is your coat? What color does your coat have? Nicht kratzen! Don't scratch yourself! Don't scratch! Maria sah entsetzt aus. Mary looked appalled. Maria looked aghast. Hierdie is die woordebook wat ek elke dag gebruik. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Je gaat toch niet dood, hé? You're not gonna die, eh? You're not going to die, are you? Ich möchte mich bei euch allen für mein Zuspätkommen entschuldigen. I am sorry to all of you for being late. I want to apologize to all of you for my consent. דער אמת איז ביטער. The truth is bitter. The real one is bitter. Als we hier stoppen, moeten we helemaal opnieuw van nul beginnen! If we stop here, we'll be right back where we started! If we stop here, we have to start all over again of zero! Een, twee, dree, veer, fief, söss, söven, acht, negen, tein. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Sie sind wirklich begabt. They're really gifted. You're really gifted. Dat is Chinees voor mij. It's Greek to me. That's Chinese for me. Wanneer zal dat ophouden? When will it end? When will that stop? Sie ist in meinem Alter. She's my age. She's my age. דריווש איז אַ סאָציאַליסט. Darius is a socialist. Drewish is a socialist. Niemand wil dit doen nie, maar een van ons moet. Nobody wants to do it, but one of us has to. No one wants to do that, but one of us has to. Ich habe schon in einem Restaurant gearbeitet. I've already worked in a restaurant. I've already worked in a restaurant. Water is swaarder as olie. Water is heavier than oil. Water is heavier than oil. Wat för en Nettkieker bruukst du? Which browser are you using? What kind of browser do you need? Berlien ligt ien Duutsland. Berlin is in Germany. Berlin is one Duitsland. He hett mi üm Middernacht anropen. He rang me up at midnight. He called me at midnight. De roman kan je in vijf talen lezen. The novel can be read in five languages. The novel can be read in five languages. Neulich kam ich auf dem Nachhauseweg von der Schule an einem Antiquariat vorbei und fand dort ein Buch, nach dem ich schon lange gesucht hatte. The other day I stopped at a secondhand bookstore on my way home from school and happened to find a book I had been looking for for a long time. Recently I came by an antiquariat on the way home from school and found a book I had been looking for for for a long time. Ze heeft vertrouwen in Tom. She has confidence in Tom. She has confidence in Tom. Ich bin hier drüben. I'm over here. I'm over here. Men moet de huid niet verkopen voordat de beer geschoten is. Don't sell the bear's fur before hunting it. You don't have to sell the skin before the bear is shot. Tom gaf Maria Johns nummer. Tom gave Mary John's number. Tom gave Maria John's number. Ken jy die seun wat huil? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know the son who is crying? Ben je vrijgezel? Are you single? Are you single? Es wird gleich einstürzen. It's going to collapse. It's gonna crash. Ich bin zu müde zum Fahren. I'm too tired to drive. I'm too tired to drive. Die Tür war nicht ganz geschlossen. The door wasn't completely closed. The door wasn't completely closed. Ik heb een lekkende kraan. I've got a tap that leaks. I have a leaking crane. Es is ball Hallebnacht. It's almost midnight. It's ball Hallebnacht. Das ist gehupft wie gesprungen. It's six of one and a half dozen of another. It's hipped like jumps. In letzter Zeit gibt es kaum interessante Serien, habe ich das Gefühl. I have the feeling that there have been hardly any interesting series lately. Recently there are hardly any interesting series, I have the feeling. אַראַביש איז אַ פֿײַנע שפּראַך. Arabic is a nice language. Arabic is a foreign language. Tom zag een slang. Tom saw a snake. Tom saw a snake. Es wird allmählich Zeit für ihn, dorthin zu gelangen. It's about time for him to get here. It will gradually be time for him to get there. Teder legde hij zijn hand op haar schouder. He put his hand gently on her shoulder. He put his hand on her shoulder. Ik zag de maan boven het dak. I saw the moon above the roof. I saw the moon above the roof. Juliana hett mi vertellt, dat du ut São Paulo büst. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me that you are from São Paulo. Tom weet alles van ons. Tom knows all about us. Tom knows everything about us. Mien Puckel deit jümmer noch weh. My back still hurts. My puckle still hurts. Wat warrt dien Mann denken? What will your husband think? What will your husband think? Ze klaagt over hoofdpijn, en vaak. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains about headaches, and often. Weet jij misschien hoe ze heet? Do you know, by chance, her name? Do you know what she's called? Jeminee! Holy cow! Jeminee! Wie lange, glaubst du, dauert es, nach Boston zu kommen? How long do you think it'll take to get to Boston? How long do you think it takes to get to Boston? Jetzt muss ich gehen, sie rufen gerade meinen Flug auf. Now I have to leave, they're calling for my flight. Now I have to go, they're just calling my flight. Mein Zug fuhr um sechs los und kam um zehn Uhr an. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train started at six o'clock and arrived at ten o'clock. Wanneer het jy laas gestem? When was the last time you voted? When did you last vote? Tom kann genauso schnell schwimmen wie du. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can swim as fast as you do. Der Zug hat dreißig Minuten Verspätung. The train is thirty minutes late. The train has thirty minutes of delay. Laten we beginnen. Let's begin. Let's get started. Wat is dien leevste Soort Fisch? What's your favorite kind of fish? What is your favorite type of fish? Is dat een draak? Is that a dragon? Is that a dragon? Ik heb Sachiko liever dan Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I'd rather have Sachiko than Akiko. Zijn vrouw zit voortdurend aan zijn kop te zeuren. His wife nags him constantly. His wife is constantly staring at his head. Ze komt uit Frankrijk. She is from France. She's from France. Soll ich das jetzt ausfüllen? Should I fill it in now? Do you want me to fill this out now? Tom beschloss, Lehrer zu werden. Tom made up his mind to be a teacher. Tom decided to become a teacher. Was will Tom von dir? What does Tom want you to do? What does Tom want from you? Tom had niks om te lezen. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Ek sal nie stil wees nie. I won't be quiet. I won't be quiet. Dat is swoor to verkloren. It's hard to explain. It's hard to explain. Zij heeft geen vijanden. She has no enemies. She has no enemies. Daar zijn moeders voor. That's what mothers are for. That's what mothers are for. Was sollte sie eurer Meinung nach tun? What do you think she should do? What should she do in your opinion? Ech sinn relativ beschäftegt elo. I'm kind of busy right now. I'm relatively busy right now. Ons gaan nie alles kan opeet nie. We won't be able to eat all this. We are not going to eat everything. Ik bün keen lütt Deern mehr. I'm not a little girl anymore. I am no longer a little animal. Susan Greene... ben je een Nederlandse vrouw? Susan Greene... are you a Dutch woman? Susan Greene... are you a Dutch woman? Möchtest du, dass ich sie als Geschenk verpacke? Do you want me to wrap it up as a gift? Do you want me to pack them as a gift? Jullie zouden best voorzichtiger zijn. You guys should be more careful. You'd better be more cautious. Bitte mischen Sie die Karten. Please shuffle the cards. Please mix the cards. Wenn man den Wäscheschrank entrümpelt, wird man viele Dinge los, die man nicht braucht. If you declutter your linen closet, you get rid of lots of things that you don’t need. If you unwrap the wardrobe, you'll get rid of many things you don't need. Liep nait! Don't cry. Sleep night! Ek probeer net beleefd wees. I'm just being polite. I just try to be polite. Ek is bly dat ons dit agter ons gesit het. I'm glad we put all that behind us. I’m glad we put it behind us. Versuch’s doch mal! Why don't you give it a try? Try it! Ik ben oud. I'm old. I'm old. Wie viel kostet das? How much does it cost? How much does that cost? מיין ציגער איז אויסגעגאנגען. קענסטו מיר ברענגן א ליכט? My cigar went out. Will you give me a light? My dagger was issued. Could you bring me a light? We hebben voetbal gespeeld gisteren. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. Wir können die Vergangenheit nicht ändern. We can't change the past. We can't change the past. Der Raumanzug schützt den Astronauten vor den Gefahren im freien Raum. The spacesuit protects the astronaut from the dangers of being outside in space. The space suit protects the astronauts from the dangers in the free space. Hoe was uw reis? How was your trip? How was your trip? De draak kan verslagen worden. The dragon can be defeated. The dragon can be defeated. Gisternacht heb ik honden horen huilen. Last night, I heard dogs howling. Last night I heard dogs crying. Bloadjen valen saars òf. Leaves fall in the autumn. Blowing folds seeds either. Het is ongelofelijk. It's unbelievable. It's incredible. Tom war jung. Tom was young. Tom was young. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke das gerade tue. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was doing that. Tom and Mary said to John that they didn't believe that Elke is doing that right now. Tom is een gepubliceerde schrijver. Tom is a published writer. Tom is a published writer. Soll es heute Nacht schneien? Should it snow tonight? Should it snow tonight? Sie haben kein Talent. You're untalented. You don't have a talent. Waarmee hebt ge het geopend? What did you open it with? What did you open it with? Hē hæfde ān swīþe ǣnliċ wīf. He had a very beautiful wife. Hē hēde ān swīþ þiȝ wīf. Deze chocolade is heerlijk. This chocolate is delicious. This chocolate is delicious. Ich möchte keine Würste zum Mittag essen, weil ich Fleisch mit Kartoffeln bevorzuge. I don't want to eat sausage for lunch, because I prefer meat with potatoes. I don't want to eat a sausage for lunch because I prefer meat with potatoes. דו ווילסט נישט גיין אין טארמע, יא? You don't want to go to prison, do you? You don't want to go to Tarma, do you? Schalte es ein. Turn it on. Turn it on. Zij zijn dokters. They are doctors. They're doctors. Het is slechts een modegril. It's just a fad. It's just a fashion grill. Tom betrachtete das Bild. Tom looked at the picture. Tom looked at the picture. Nach England ist er Anfang August abgereist. He left for England at the beginning of August. He left for England at the beginning of August. Snack luder. Dien Opa höört nich mehr so good. Speak louder. Your grandfather's hearing isn't so good. Speak louder. Your grandpa no longer belongs as well. Das Yin ist weiblich, und das Yang ist männlich. The yin is feminine and the yang is masculine. Yin's female, and Yang's male. Können Sie sich mit Tom in Verbindung setzen? Can you contact Tom? Can you get in touch with Tom? Ein Lastwagen hat im Vorbeifahren eine Verkehrsampel umgerissen. As it passed a truck tore down the traffic light. A truck has crossed a traffic jam in advance. Wij leren Engels op school. We learn English at school. We're teaching English at school. Hƿǣr ƿǣron ᵹē? Where have you been? Mr. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wohnten Sie hier? Did they live here? Did you live here? Hoe gaat het ermee? How's it going? How's it going? Ich winsch eich all en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I win you all a shiny new Yaahr. Ik heb de Franse versie van dit liedje gehoord. I've heard the French version of this song. I heard the French version of this song. He jabbelt jümmer, dat he slecht behannelt warrt. He is always complaining of ill treatment. He always jabbles that he is being treated badly. Woar binnen ollu? Where are the parents? Why inside ollu? Brazilië was een Portugese kolonie. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Waun i des wissat! If only I knew! Waun i des wissensat! Jedem unterlaufen Fehler. Everybody makes mistakes. Any underlying error. Sami wilde in een Islamitisch land wonen. Sami wanted to live in a Muslim country. Sami wanted to live in an Islamic country. Wi föhrt all geern Fohrrad. We all like cycling. We will drive all your driving wheels. Pa het die boek vir my gekoop. Father bought me the book. Dad bought me the book. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. Was sind ihre Schlussfolgerungen? What are your conclusions? What are their conclusions? In diesem Teil der Stadt gibt es viele Fabriken. There are many factories in this part of the city. There are many factories in this part of town. Stephen stierf. Stephen died. Stephen died. Es war schwarz. It was black. It was black. Ik hou ook van jou. I love you, too. I love you, too. Dizze bloume is gruin. This flower is green. This flower is coarse. Zou jij Tom een verhaaltje voor het slapengaan willen voorlezen? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you like to read Tom a story before going to bed? Wat een vreemd toeval! What a strange coincidence! What a strange coincidence! דאָס איז אַ מאַראַנץ. This is an orange. This is a market. Ik maak en beten Kaffe. I will make some coffee. I'll make and pray coffee. Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She has done her homework. She did her homework. Ich lief die Straße vom einen Ende bis zum anderen entlang. I walked the length of the street. I walked along the road from one end to the other. Ich hätte gerne zwei Eintrittskarten. I'd like two tickets, please. I'd like two tickets. Wir haben keine Ahnung, wo er ist. We have no idea about his whereabouts. We have no idea where he is. Tom moes gaan. Tom had to go. Tom had to go. Ich bin nur eine Mittzwanzigerin, die etwas sucht, was es gar nicht gibt. I'm just a twenty-something in search of something that doesn't exist. I'm just a midwive who's looking for something that doesn't exist at all. Ze huilde tot ze geen tranen meer had. She cried until she ran out of tears. She cried until she had no more tears. Es wird bald aufhören, zu regnen. It will stop raining soon. It will soon stop raining. We kennen haar niet. We don't know her. We don't know her. So jemand wird gewisslich scheitern. That kind of person will definitely fail. Surely such a person will fail. Drehst du gerade durch? Are you freaking out? Are you running right now? Hai leest. He's reading. Hail read. Ik heb ze nooit zo gespannen gezien. I've never seen them so tense. I've never seen them so tense. Der Boden war mit Schnee bedeckt. The ground was covered in snow. The ground was covered with snow. Je hebt geen verhoging. You don't have a temperature. You don't have a raise. Hij is maar een man. He is only a man. He's just a man. Ich sah ihm in die Augen. I looked into his eyes. I saw him in the eyes. Ik hou echt van mijn werk. I really love my work. I really love my job. Van wel binnen dij mözzels? Whose mussels are these? From inside your mözzels? Helen Keller weer doov un blind. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. Liefde kun je niet verspillen. Love is never wasted. You can't waste love. Es ist nett von dir mich mit einzuladen! How nice of you to invite me along! It's nice of you to invite me with you! Ich will nicht, dass du mit Tom ausgehst. I don't want you going out with Tom. I don't want you to date Tom. Het lijkt erop dat er geen geld meer is. It seems like there's no money left. Looks like there's no more money. Je bent niet getrouwd, of wel? You're not married, are you? You're not married, are you? Tom draagt een dikke bril. Tom is wearing thick glasses. Tom's wearing a thick glasses. Er löcherte sie mit Fragen. He pestered her with questions. He lied to her with questions. Tom keek se en poor Ogenblicken an. Tom stared at her for several moments. Tom looked at them a few eyes sightings. דאָס איז זייער גוט. This is very good. This is very good. Ich habe ihn mit dir Händchen halten sehen. I saw him hold your hand. I've seen him hold hands with you. Stel dat je een miljoen yen hebt, wat zou je daarmee gaan doen? If you had a million yen, what would you do with it? Suppose you got a million yen, what would you do with that? Zijt ge bezet morgennamiddag? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Is occupied tomorrow afternoon? Je slaat de spijker op z'n kop. You're exactly right. You hit the nail on his head. Hat dich das überrascht? Did that surprise you? Did that surprise you? Herkent iemand dit? Does anybody recognize this? Does anyone recognize this? Dit hotel heeft gratis wifi. This hotel has free Wi-Fi. This hotel has free Wi-Fi. Wat is in Paris Mood? What's in fashion in Paris? What is a Paris Mood? Ich glaube, sie haben uns gesehen. I think they saw us. I think they saw us. Ze is een paar keer naar Hawaï geweest. She has been to Hawaii several times. She's been to Hawaii a few times. Zoudt ge ooit naakt zwemmen? Would you ever go skinny dipping? Would you ever swim naked? Nichts zu danken! Don't mention it! Thank you! Er ist älter als ihr Vater. He's older than her father. He's older than her father. Ik weet niet waar hij woont. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. Sie wohnt im Haus, in dem ihre Großeltern lebten. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. Dat tütt. There's a draught in here. That does. Wenn du heute Nachmittag in die Bibliothek gehst, würdest du dann bitte zwei Bücher von mir zurückgeben? If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there? If you went to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books from me? Denk positief! Think positive! Think positively! Hij is ook oud geworden. He's gotten old, too. He's also grown old. Een hett en Fähler mookt. Somebody's made a mistake. Someone moaned a fan. Hierdie man skreeu vir my! This man's shouting at me! This man screams at me! Je bent hier niet eens een student. You're not even a student here. You're not even a student here. Ich mag es, Dinge pünktlich zu erledigen. I like to get things done on time. I like to do things on time. Niet schieten voor ik het zeg. Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot before I say it. Ze voelde zich nogal moe. She was feeling kind of tired. She felt rather tired. Ek kan sien dat jy vir hom om gegee het. I can tell you cared about him. I can see you cared about him. זאג נישט קיין ״אבער״ צו מיין עצה. Don't say 'but' to my suggestion. Say no 'but' to my relief. Egal, welches Musikinstrument du lernen willst, das Wichtigste ist, von Anfang an keine Fehler zu machen, denn Fehler prägen sich immer besser ein als alles, was du richtig gemacht hast. No matter which musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is not to make any mistakes from the beginning on, because mistakes are always imprinted on your mind more easily than everything you do right. No matter what musical instrument you want to learn, the most important thing is to make no mistakes from the start, because mistakes are always better than anything you did right. k Kin goan. I can go. k Kin go. Ze hebben Toms lichaam opgegraven en gaven hem een waardige begrafenis. They dug up Tom's body and gave him a proper burial. They dug up Tom's body and gave him a worthy funeral. Tom hat Mary zufällig im Supermarkt getroffen. Tom happened to meet Mary at the supermarket. Tom accidentally hit Mary in the supermarket. מיר וועלן זיי איבערלעבן. We will outlive them. We brought them back to life. Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld. He was sentenced to death. He was sentenced to death. Tom gaat met een Chinese uitwisselingsstudent. Tom is dating a Chinese exchange student. Tom's going with a Chinese exchange student. Das können wir nicht zulassen. We can't allow that. We can't let that happen. Se kunn em nich övertügen, op en Peerd to rieden. She couldn't convince him to ride a horse. She could not convince him to prepare for a horse. Du hältst es doch, nicht wahr? You're holding it, aren't you? You keep it, don't you? k Kin daanzen. I can dance. k kin dancing. Ek haat dit om te bestuur. I hate driving. I hate driving. Hai kin t beter doun. He can do better. Hai can t better don. Ich habe gehört, dass ihr nach Australien zieht. I hear you're moving to Australia. I heard you're moving to Australia. איך בין אַן עספּעראַנטיסט. I'm an Esperantist. I am an esperantist. De Mexicaanse regering gaf zich over. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government surrendered. Hoe vaak koop jij een tandenborstel? How often do you buy a toothbrush? How many times do you buy a toothbrush? Ich kümmere mich um die Pferde. I'll take care of the horses. I'll take care of the horses. Es regnete noch stärker. The rain fell even harder. It rained even stronger. Er kommt aus Frankreich. He is French. He's from France. Mijn mama werkt in een fabriek. My mom works in a factory. My mom works in a factory. Pusi i stap long rum kuk. The cat is in the kitchen. The cat is in the kitchen. Ich wohne in Luxemburg-Stadt. I live in Luxembourg City. I live in Luxembourg City. Ze zal zeker slagen. She'll succeed for sure. I'm sure she'll succeed. En hell rode Goddskoh is op mien Fingerdopp lannt. A bright red ladybug landed on my fingertip. A bright red goddskoh is landed on my fingerdopp. Daarover zou je gelijk kunnen hebben. You may be right about that. You could be right about that. Ich habe es satt, darauf zu warten, dass etwas passiert. I'm tired of waiting for things to happen. I'm tired of waiting for something to happen. Tom hat mich reingelassen. Tom let me in. Tom let me in. De bus kwam tien minuten te laat. The bus arrived ten minutes behind time. The bus was ten minutes late. ער האקט אראפ ביימער אויף א בארג. He is cutting down trees on a mountain. He hacked aboard a mountain on a mountain. Op wat för ’n Stohl hest du dat Book packt? Which chair did you put the book on? On what chair did you pack the book? Ik moet morgen werken. I have to work tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow. Du musst mit dat Smöken ophören. You must quit smoking. You have to stop smiling. Smookst doe? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? Tom schaltete das Licht aus, um Strom zu sparen. Tom switched off the light to save electricity. Tom turned off the light to save electricity. Tom draagt altijd een reddingsvest. Tom always wears a life vest. Tom always wears a life jacket. Tom war vorsichtig. Tom was careful. Tom was careful. Wir hatten Spaß am Einkauf. We had fun shopping. We had fun shopping. אַ גלאָז קאַֹװע האָט גרינגער געמאַכט מײַן קאָפּװײטיק. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. A glass of matter has been added to the top of the screen. Ik heff dat Bild funnen, dat Tom söcht hett. I found the picture Tom was looking for. I found the picture Tom was looking for. Halte mir diesen Hund fern! Don't let that dog come near me! Keep this dog away from me! Het hoost. It's pouring down. It's hot. Sie verdienen es nicht, sich Europäer zu nennen! They don't deserve to call themselves Europeans! They do not deserve to call themselves Europeans! Zai runt. She runs. Zai runs. Du denkst, dat Feernsehn slecht för Kinner is? You think that TV is bad for kids? Do you think television is bad for kids? Ik moet me verbergen. I must hide. I have to hide. Die Wissenschaftler sammelten Daten. The scientists gathered data. The scientists collected data. Wenn sie jetzt losginge, würde sie noch rechtzeitig kommen. If she'd set off now, she would make it on time. If she left now, she'd come in time. Ik wil updates. I want updates. I want updates. Ze leek niet blij me te zien. She did not seem pleased to see me. She didn't seem happy to see me. Hij is een auteur. He is an author. He's an author. Es ist schwer, heutzutage gute Hilfe zu bekommen. It's hard to find good help these days. It's hard to get good help today. Dit is in happe. This is a horse. This is a joke. Tom rijdt wel degelijk. Tom does drive. Tom's driving. Ist noch Salz übrig? Is there salt left? Is there any salt left? Ik ga deze zomer naar het buitenland. I am going abroad this summer. I'm going abroad this summer. Ik ben elektricien. I am an electrician. I'm an electrician. Wir hatten viel zu feiern. We had a lot to celebrate. We had a lot to celebrate. Sie hon nommol ferloer. They lost again. Sie hon nommol verloer. Sami belt de politie. Sami is calling the cops. Sami's calling the police. Sieht das nicht spaßig aus? Doesn't that look fun? Doesn't that look fun? Hij is niet gek. He is no fool. He's not crazy. Zwijgen is goud. Silence is golden. Sweeping is gold. Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag rood. I like my steak rare. I like my steak red. Probeer me niet te foppen. Don't try to trick me! Don't try to fuck me. Ek blameer jou nie. I'm not blaming you. I don't blame you. Bitte erinnere mich daran, das Referat einzureichen. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to submit the report. He hett de gröttsten Ogenbraan, de ik je sehn heff. He's got the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. He has the largest eyebrow I've ever seen. Er wird nie zu Partys eingeladen. He never gets invited to parties. He's never invited to parties. אירע שוועסטער גייט נישט קיין אמעריקע. Her sister is not going to America. her sister doesn't go any America. Tom stoort het niet Maria af en toe te helpen. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom doesn't bother Maria from time to time to help. Zo slecht was je nu ook niet. You weren't that bad. You weren't so bad now. Ik hou van liefdesverhalen. I like love stories. I like love stories. Essen Sie, wenn Sie Hunger haben! Eat - if you are hungry! You eat when you're hungry! U kunt dit woordenboek gebruiken. You can use this dictionary. You can use this dictionary. Zai loog. She lied. Zai lied. Adamstown is de hoofdstad van de Pitcairneilanden. Adamstown is the capital of the Pitcairn Islands. Adamstown is the capital of Pitcairnei. Er ist Experte für Computer. He is a computer expert. He's a computer expert. Er schreibt oft seinen Eltern in Japan. He often writes to his parents in Japan. He often writes to his parents in Japan. Ik ga met Tom en Mary. I'll go with Tom and Mary. I'm going with Tom and Mary. Was gibt es bei euch heute zum Abendessen? What will you have for dinner tonight? What's up with you today for dinner? Der Lehrer stimmte unserem Plan zu. The teacher assented to our plan. The teacher agreed to our plan. Hij werkt de gehele nacht en slaapt de gehele dag. He works all night and he sleeps all day. He works all night and sleeps all day. Ich erinnere mich an eine Zeit, da wir miteinander über alles reden konnten. I remember a time when we could tell each other anything. I remember a time when we could talk about everything. Das ist mehr, als ich allein bewältigen kann. That's more than I can handle alone. That's more than I can handle alone. Tom is in Boston getrouwd. Tom got married in Boston. Tom is married in Boston. Se hett nie mit em danst. She has never danced with him. She never danced with him. איך ווייס נישט וואס צו טאן וועגן זיינען געשעפטיגען גניבה׳שען-שטיק. I don't know what to do about his shoplifting. I don't know who to do about his business non-game. Es ist eine totale Katastrophe. It's a complete disaster! It's a total disaster. Wenn ich damit fertig bin, was ich gerade tue, dann komme ich. When I am finished with what I am doing, I will come. When I'm done with what I'm doing right now, I'm coming. Tom was gevangenis geneem. Tom was captured. Tom was imprisoned. De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. Jim kommt heute nicht. Jim will not come today. Jim isn't coming today. Tom sal nou trots op my wees. Tom will now be proud of me. Tom will now be proud of me. Deze bloem is grijs. This flower is gray. This flower is grey. Worüm wullt du dat weten? Why do you want to know that? Why do you want to know? U bent werkelijk egoïstisch. You're really selfish. You are really selfish. Es schneit gerade. It's snowing now. It's snowing right now. Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Ich werde versuchen, eine andere Formulierung zu finden. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I have to think about it, I'll try to find another formulation. Hij kocht haar een hond. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Dies ist eine Million Yen wert. This is worth one million yen. This is worth a million yen. Wann hast du das letzte Mal mit Tom geredet? When was the last time you spoke with Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Ben je vergeetachtig? Are you forgetful? Are you forgetful? Tom besuchte eine Schule zum Erlernen des Klavierstimmens. Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos. Tom attended a school to learn the piano voice. Alles, was ich habe, ist ein Buch. All I have is one book. All I have is a book. "Mag ik telefoneren?" "Ja, doe maar." "May I use the phone?" "Please feel free." "May I call?" "Yes, do it." Hoe oud is deze plek? How old is this place? How old is this place? Hij wou zijn fotocollectie laten digitaliseren. He wanted to digitize his photo collection. He wanted his photo collection to be digitized. Ze heeft een tweeling gebaard. She gave birth to twins. She gave birth to twins. Kyoto hat viele Universitäten. Kyoto has many universities. Kyoto has many universities. Miene Hand is in warm Water. My hand is in warm water. My hand is in warm water. De natuurlijke logaritme van e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. Hast du irgendeine Erklärung? Do you have any explanation? Do you have any explanation? Belgien is nich so groot as Frankriek. Belgium is not as big as France. Belgium is not as big as France. Ihr seid klüger als Tom. You're smarter than Tom. You're smarter than Tom. Ben je kwaad? Are you angry? Are you angry? Ich habe eine Frage an euch. I have a question for you. I have a question about you. Ich han versuecht z flüchte. I tried to escape. I han tried to escape. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Ríocht Aontaithe'' genoemd in het Iers. The United Kingdom is called "Ríocht Aontaithe" in Irish. The United Kingdom is called 'Ríocht Aontaithe' in Irish. Du wirst mir auch fehlen. I'll miss you too. You're gonna miss me too. Wo oold weerst du, as du dien eerste Fründin harrst? How old were you when you had your first girlfriend? Where old were you when you had your first friend? Ist Tom im Baseball zu gebrauchen? Is Tom any good at baseball? Is Tom in baseball to use? Das ist ebendas, was er wollte. That's exactly what he wanted. That's exactly what he wanted. Tom is niet te vertrouwen. Tom isn't to be trusted. Tom's not to trust. He het 'n boek in sy hand gehad. He had a book in his hand. He had a book in his hand. Picasso is een beroemd kunstenaar. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Herinner je! Remember! Remember! Nu is se an ’e Reeg. Now it's her turn. Now it is on its line. Als wir anlegten, sahen wir unseren Freund auf dem Steg. When we landed, we saw our friend on the pier. When we put in, we saw our friend on the stairway. U moet twee- à driemaal daags een tablet innemen met een glas water. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You should take a tablet with a glass of water two to three times a day. Bitte ruf ihn an. Please call him. Please call him. Ik bruuk mehr Tied. I need more time. I need more time. Tom und Mary verstehen beide gar kein Französisch. Tom and Mary both don't understand French at all. Tom and Mary both don't understand French at all. Mannslüüd kören man nich oft vun ehr Problemen. Men rarely talk about their problems. Men do not often choose from their problems. Wir verhafteten Tom. We arrested Tom. We arrested Tom. Kiek oet! Look out! Look at it! Wi sünd morgens Klock veer opkamen. We got up at four in the morning. We arrived at four in the morning. Een jongen steekt de straat over. A boy is walking across the street. A boy's crossing the street. My vader is besig. My father is busy. My father is busy. Ich möchte gerne wissen, warum du niemals geheiratet hast. I wonder why you never got married. I'd like to know why you never married. Es war kein Unfall. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident. Zij zijn gelukkig. They're happy. They're happy. Alles ging fout. It all went wrong. Everything went wrong. Ik heb een goed Mexicaans restaurant gevonden. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. Toukommend! Next! Future! Waar zijn de aardbeien? Where are the strawberries? Where are the strawberries? Es ist kein Wasser mehr in der Flasche. There is no water left in the bottle. It's not water in the bottle anymore. Doe het raam open, alstublieft. Open the window, please. Open the window, please. Hij is goed gebouwd. He's well built. He's well built. Bedankt, broeders. Thanks, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Dat schall opminnst fiev Dollar kösten. It'll cost at least five dollars. It should cost at least five dollars. Er hat seine Erbschaft sinnlos mit Schnaps und leichten Mädchen durchgebracht. He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women. He spent his inheritance senselessly with schnapps and light girls. Ek sou nie jou blameer nie. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Schnüffel-Software kann nicht zwischen Drohbriefen und Liebesbriefen unterscheiden. Spyware can't distinguish between threatening letters and love letters. Schnüffel software cannot distinguish between threatening letters and love letters. Dat is dat Enn von de Welt as wi ehr kennt. This is the end of the world as we know it. This is the end of the world as we know it. Hij geeft altijd geschenken aan zijn vrouw. He is always giving presents to his wife. He always gives gifts to his wife. Tom bracht het weekend bij ons door. Tom spent the weekend at our place. Tom spent the weekend with us. Wat geiht di dat an? What does it concern you? What are you doing? Het was heel leuk. It was very nice. It was very nice. Ik ken geen van deze vijf dames. I don't know any of the five ladies. I don't know any of these five ladies. Man geht davon aus, dass der Barringer-Krater in der Nähe von Winslow, Arizona vor 49 000 Jahren durch den Einschlag eines 300 000 Tonnen schweren Meteoriten entstanden ist. The Barringer Meteorite Crater near Winslow, Arizona is believed to have been formed about 49,000 years ago by the impact of a 300,000 ton meteorite. It is believed that the Barringer crater near Winslow, Arizona was created 49 000 years ago by the impact of a 300 000 tonnes of heavy meteorite. Ik betahl dat. I'll pay for it. I'll pay for that. Wie heeft dat betaald? Who paid for that? Who paid that? Ich lerne ein bisschen Englisch. I am learning a little English. I'm learning a little English. De nix waagt, winnt nix. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. It doesn't matter, it won't win. Hallo John! Hoe gaat het? Hello, John! How are you? Hello John, how are you? Ik meen dat ook so. I mean it. I think so too. Tom verbrand beide hout en kole in sy stoof. Tom burns both wood and coal in his stove. Tom burns both wood and coal in his stove. Ne canst þu huntian butan mid nettum? Do you not know how to hunt with anything but nets? Ne canst þu honeytian butan mid nettum? Das ist Toms Stimme. It's Tom's voice. That's Tom's voice. Tom und Maria sind noch nicht lange verheiratet. Tom and Mary haven't been married long. Tom and Maria are not married for a long time. Zeit ist nicht Geld - Zeit ist Leben. Time is not money. - Time is life. Time is not money - Time is life. Zij is onze docent. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Ik zie ze vanavond. I'm seeing her this evening. I'll see them tonight. Er zijn ook leveranciers die Linux ondersteunen. There are also vendors who support Linux. There are also suppliers who support Linux. Het was een prachtige zomer, en de lucht was altijd blauw. It was a beautiful summer, and the sky was always blue. It was a beautiful summer, and the sky was always blue. זי וועט זי דערהרגענען. She'll kill her. She will turn her back. Eines Tages bekannte Mark Twain überraschend: "Ich bin nicht so jung, wie ich es vor einigen Jahren war..." One day Mark Twain surprisingly confessed: "I am not as young as I was several years ago..." One day Mark Twain was surprised: "I'm not as young as I was a few years ago..." Schildkreta hent koi Zee. Turtles don't have teeth. Thyrkreta hent koi Zee. מיר זענען שוין מיד געווען פֿון װאַרטן. We were tired of waiting. We had been medium of wait. Die Gemeinschaft besteht aus Individuen. The community is made up of individuals. The Community is made up of individuals. Die guten alten Tage sind vergangen und kehren nie zurück. The good old days have gone, never to return. The good old days have passed and never return. Dit vliegtuig is van hem. This plane is his. This plane belongs to him. Sein Haus ist in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Haltestelle. His house is near the subway station. His house is close to the subway station. Sie lässt sich leicht ablenken. She is easily distracted. It can be easily distracted. Tom is alleen geïnteresseerd in knappe meiden. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in a handsome girl. Er nahm alles, was er gesagt hatte, zurück. He took back everything he said. He took back everything he had said. Ik sta meestal om acht uur op. I usually get up at 8. I usually get up at eight o'clock. זײַט איר אין בערלין? Are you guys in Berlin? page you in Berlin? Der Fluss fließt ins Meer. The river flows down to the sea. The river flows into the sea. דאָס הױז איז שײן The house is pretty. The count is already in progress Heeft u het haar nog niet verteld? Haven't you told her yet? Haven't you told her yet? Seid ihr beide der gleichen Meinung? Do both of you have the same opinion? Are you both the same opinion? Is die prijs inclusief btw? Does that price include tax? Is that price including VAT? Zien ogen binnen blaauw. His eyes are blue. See eyes inside leaf. דו ביסט גאַנץ קלוג. You're quite smart. You're quite clever. Ich finde, du solltest etwas essen. I think you should eat something. I think you should eat something. De tijden veranderen en wij veranderen met hen. Times are changing, and we are changing with them. The times change and we change with them. Zij liepen in de tuin om aan die bloeddorstige honden te ontsnappen. They ran into the garden to save themselves from those blood-thirsty hounds. They walked into the garden to escape those bloodthirsty dogs. Ich möchte mein Geld. I want my money. I want my money. Moet ik je helpen? Do you wish me to help? Should I help you? Aarzel niet om raad te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Is dit zijn paraplu? Is this his umbrella? Is this his umbrella? Grijp hem! Grab him! Grab him! Ik heb veel potloden. I have a lot of pencils. I've got a lot of pencils. Ze neuriede een liedje. She hummed a song. She reminisced a song. Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning on getting all her savings from the bank. Da Thomas is oiwei nega, gö? Tom is always broke, isn't he? Da Thomas is oiwei nega, gö? We hebben wat eten nodig. We are in need of some food. We need some food. He hett veel Böker över Geschicht. He has a lot of books on history. He has a lot of books on history. He seed nix. He didn't say anything. He saw nothing. Ich habe meinen religiösen Glauben verloren. I've lost my religious faith. I lost my religious faith. Excuseer, mag ik het venster opendoen? Excuse me, may I open the window? Excuse me, can I open the window? Ich kenne Tom ziemlich gut. I know Tom pretty well. I know Tom pretty well. Tom hat Maria noch nie ungeschminkt gesehen. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Tom has never seen Mary tasteless. Das wird ihr eine Lehre sein. This will teach her a lesson. This will be her teaching. k Komm oet Grunnen. I'm from Groningen. k Come oet ground. Ihre Augen waren voller Traurigkeit. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were full of sadness. Ich putze mir grundsätzlich vor dem Zubettgehen die Zähne. I make it a rule to brush my teeth before I go to bed. I put my teeth in front of the bed. Danke, dass ihr das erwähnt habt! Thank you for mentioning this. Thank you for saying that! Einkommen aus dieser Quelle sind steuerfrei. The income from this source is tax-free. Income from this source is tax-free. Je onderschat hem. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Fred vertellt jümmer Lögen. Fred is always telling lies. Fred always tells lies. Tom wird vermutlich überführt und hingerichtet werden. Tom will probably be convicted and executed. Tom will probably be transferred and executed. Was ist die Preisvorstellung? What's the asking price? What is the price presentation? Gusseisen ist eine Legierung von Eisen und Karbon. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. Dit is swoor as Blee. This is as heavy as lead. This is hard like lead. סטודענטן דאַרפֿן נוצן די ביכער אין דער ביבליאָטעק. Students should make use of the books in the library. Stored needs use the books in the library. Du büst en goden Fründ. You're a good friend. You are a good friend. Meer leve uff de Äerd. We live on Earth. More live uff the earth. Se deed mi op de Back küssen un seed mi gode Nacht. She kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. She would kiss me on the back and seed me good night. Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Kurze Röcke sind längst nicht mehr in Mode. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are no longer fashionable. Ik will nich, dat Tom na Australien tücht. I don't want Tom to move to Australia. I don't want Tom to move to Australia. Ik kon niet in slaap komen. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. Sein Geheimnis war ein beschämendes. His secret was a shameful one. His secret was a disgraceful one. Zwaartekracht is een natuurkracht, waardoor dingen elkaar aantrekken. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is a force of nature that attracts things. Mäin Auto ass an Däitschland registréiert. My car is registered in Germany. My car is registered in Germany. Eet langzaam. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. Bring die Kanne ins Esszimmer. Take the jug to the dining room. Bring the can into the dining room. Ich wusste, dass Tom aus Boston war. I knew that Tom was from Boston. I knew Tom was out of Boston. Ik heb er niets aan. It's of no use to me. I don't have anything to do with it. Kënns du mat? Are you coming along? Do you know what you're doing? Ich bin nie mit ihr gegangen. I've never dated her! I never went with her. שלום פֿאַנגט זיך אָן אין דער היים. Peace starts at home. Hello, we start in the home. t Wintert. Winter is coming. t Wintert. Er kwam nooit iemand op mijn verjaardag. Nobody would visit me on my birthday. No one ever came on my birthday. Ze knuffelde haar teddybeer. She hugged her teddy bear. She hugged her teddy bear. Regent het in jouw stad? Is it raining in your city? Does it rain in your city? Das Schiff kam in Sicht. The ship came in sight. The ship came into sight. Ich habe viele Freunde, mit denen ich reden kann. I have many friends I can talk to. I have many friends I can talk to. Ik heb nog nooit sushi gehad. I've never had sushi. I've never had sushi before. Wilde je me over vrijheid vertellen? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Did you want to tell me about freedom? Dit is de lelijkste baby die ik ooit gezien heb. That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. This is the worst baby I've ever seen. Deze hoeden zijn van jou. These hats are yours. These hats are yours. Tom is een aardappelboer. Tom is a potato farmer. Tom's a potato farmer. מענאַד איז נאָך דאָ. Mennad is still here. menad is still here. Tom teilte sein Brot mit Maria. Tom shared his sandwich with Mary. Tom shared his bread with Maria. Jullie hebben een fout gemaakt. You've made a mistake. You've made a mistake. Ze is een knap meisje. She is a pretty girl to look at. She's a pretty girl. Tom zat op de bank een sigaret te roken. Tom sat on a bench smoking a cigarette. Tom was on the couch smoking a cigarette. Die Jungferninseln sind ein Archipel im Atlantik. The Virgin Islands are an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. The Virgin Islands are an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Ich bin zäher, als du denkst. I'm tougher than you think. I'm tougher than you think. „Wen kümmert’s?“ – „Mich!“ "Who cares?" "I care." “Who cares?” - “Mich!” Kom met me dansen! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! Wat gaat het kosten? How much will it cost? What's the cost? Maria ist immer noch mit Tom verlobt, nicht wahr? Mary is still engaged to Tom, isn't she? Maria is still engaged to Tom, isn't she? Voor de verovering door de Arabieren waren de meeste Perzen zoroastranen, maar er waren ook joden en christenen. Wie zou vandaag durven denken dat Iraniërs joodse of christelijke voorouders hebben? Before the conquest by the Arabians, the majority of the Persians were Zoroastrians, but there were also Jews and Christians. So, who could imagine today that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? For the conquest of the Arabs, most Persians were Zoroastrans, but there were also Jews and Christians. Who today would dare think that Iranians had Jewish or Christian ancestors? Luke, ik bün dien Vadder! Luke, I am your father. Luke, I am your father! Is er een lift in dit gebouw? Does this building have an elevator? Is there a lift in this building? Up Tom sien Schrievdisch sünd en poor Beuker. There are some books on Tom's desk. Upon Tom's writing desk, there are some beakers. Ich fürchte mich vor großen, schwarzen, haarigen Taranteln. I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas! I'm afraid of big, black, hairy tarantels. Hmm, sukkeloademelk! Mmm, hot chocolate! Hmm, sugar-laden milk! Viele Menschen wandern ziellos durchs Leben. Many people drift through life without a purpose. Many people wander aimlessly through life. Mijn haar is zo vuil! My hair is so dirty! My hair's so dirty! Ik heb mijn woordenboek niet bij de hand. I haven't my dictionary at hand. I don't have my dictionary at hand. Ik wist niet waar Tom me heen aan het brengen was. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. Heeft u tijd? Do you have some time? Do you have time? We blaften. We barked. We're blasting. Er wurde im Kampf verwundet. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded in battle. Laten we onze overwinning vieren. Let's celebrate our victory! Let's celebrate our victory. t Is moar n dreum. It's just a dream. t Is mor n dream. Maria wollte Tom nicht wissen lassen, dass sie ihr ganzes Geld verloren hatte. Mary didn't want to tell Tom that she'd lost all her money. Maria didn't want to let Tom know she had lost all her money. Tom kook nooit. Tom never cooks. Tom never cooks. Ik ben eraan gewend. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. Tom spreekt nauwelijks Frans. Tom can barely speak French. Tom hardly speaks French. Joa, toch? Yes, so? Joa, right? k Bin old. I am old. k Bin old. Ik will na de Stad gahn. I want to go to the city. I want to go to town. Ik zal deze paraplu nemen. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Endlich wurde uns die Wahrheit offenbart. At last, the truth was revealed to us. Finally, the truth was revealed to us. Moenie beweeg nie. Don't move. Do not move. Een zekere mijnheer Brown is vanmorgen gekomen. A Mr Brown came this morning. A certain Mr Brown came this morning. Sie war sehr unhöflich zu ihm. She was very rude to him. She was very rude to him. Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. Ik heet Ricardo, en u? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, and you? Ich gebe dir, was du willst. I'll give you anything you want. I'll give you what you want. Het jy 'n selfoon? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a cell phone? Ek wil nie vandag werk nie. I don't want to work today. I don't want to work today. We zijn allebei uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Woar is mien boksem? Where are my trousers? Why is my boxem? Du musst mich nicht anrufen. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. Die erfolgreiche Tournee begründete ihren Ruhm als Sängerin. The successful concert tour established her reputation as a singer. The successful tour founded her fame as a singer. Die Amischen sprechen zu Hause Pennsylvaniadeutsch, auf der Arbeit Englisch und in der Kirche Hochdeutsch. The Amish people use Pennsylvania German at home, English for business, and High German in church. The Amish speak at home PennsylvaniaGerman, at work English and in the Church of Hochdeutsch. Deutschland hat zwei Hauptstädte. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Ria is starven, eh dat Tom boren was. Mary died before Tom was born. Ria died, and Tom was born. Englisch ist eine Schwestersprache des Deutschen. English is a sister language of German. English is a German sister language. Tom sprak als een orakel. Tom spoke in riddles. Tom spoke like an oracle. איך בין נישט ציסמיניק. I am not cisgender. I'm not a chime. Wo ist sie jetzt? Where is she now? Where is she now? t Is ien geroazie. It's in the garage. t Is one geroazie. Ek sal terugkom na jou oor Tom. I'll get back to you about Tom. I'll come back to you about Tom. Tom wird alles abstreiten. Tom will deny everything. Tom will deny everything. Sie ist bereit zu gehen. She's ready to go. She's ready to go. Je moet beginnen met boeken die je makkelijk kan begrijpen. You should begin with books you can easily understand. You have to start with books that you can easily understand. Dor kummt uns Lehrer. There comes our teacher. This is where our teacher comes from. Hoeveel bloemen koop je? How many flowers are you buying? How many flowers do you buy? Das ist ein Scherz. That's a joke. That's a joke. Ik denk dat je best gelijk zou kunnen hebben. You could be right, I suppose. I think you could be right. Veel succes op je examen! Good luck on your test. Good luck on your exam! Toms Hund griff Mary an. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Ich han ned gwüsst, dass de Tom het welle, dass ich bliibe. I didn't know that Tom wanted me to stay. I han ned believed that Tom wanted me to stay. Schiet op en stap in. Hurry up and get in. Take a step in. Er waren nogal wat rotte appels in de mand. Quite a lot of rotten apples were in the basket. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich moe voelden. Tom and Mary said that they felt tired. Tom and Maria said they felt tired. Wie se seun is Tom? Whose son is Tom? Whose son is Tom? Tom begint kaal te worden. Tom is starting to go bald. Tom's starting to get bald. Wirst du an der Zeremonie teilnehmen? Will you take part in the ceremony? Will you attend the ceremony? Warum sehen uns alle an? Why is everyone looking at us? Why are we all looking at? Oes, zwoe, droe, vier, fümf, sechs, siibe, acht, noen, zaen. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Oes, zweie, drear, four, füff, six, siibe, eight, noen, saen. Ik heb een halfzuster. I have a half-sister. I have a half sister. Ze volgt de nieuwste rage. She follows the latest craze. She's following the latest rage. Hier ist das Buch, nach dem Sie suchen. Here is the book you are looking for. Here's the book you're looking for. We verhuurden de flat. We rented the apartment. We rented the flat. Iederen weet dat zij alles gedaan heeft wat ze kon voor haar kinderen. Everyone knows that she has done everything she could for her children. Everyone knows she's done everything she could for her children. Wanneer het jy laas gebid? When was the last time you prayed? When did you last pray? Vielleicht sollte ich Tom einen Brief schreiben. Maybe I should write a letter to Tom. Maybe I should write Tom a letter. Maria hat den schwarzen Gürtel im T’aekwŏndo. Mary is a black belt in taekwondo. Maria has the black belt in the T’aekwǐndo. Hij weet niet veel over Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. אסתּר האָט געוואוינט אין אַ שטעטל. Esther lived in a small town. Osír lived in a town. Ich werde mich auf meine Arbeit konzentrieren. I'm going to focus on my job. I'll focus on my work. Vuile klootzak! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Heb je een brandverzekering? Do you have fire insurance? Do you have a fire insurance? Ze is geen goede kokkin. She's not a good cook. She's not a good cook. Finland is een Noords land. Finland is a Nordic country. Finland is a Northern country. Sitt dor en Katt op ’n Disch? Is there a cat on the table? Is there a cat sitting on a table? Findest du mich attraktiv? Do you think I'm attractive? Do you find me attractive? Ben je er zeker van? Are you sure about that? Are you sure? Georgië wordt ''Sakartvelo'' genoemd in het Georgisch. Georgia is called "Sakartvelo" in Georgian. Georgia is called 'Sakartvelo' in Georgian. Ek kan nie glo jy het dit aan my gedoen nie. I can't believe you did this to me. I can't believe you did this to me. Ich habe viele schlechte Angewohnheiten. I have a lot of bad habits. I have many bad habits. Maria konnte ihr Versprechen nicht halten. Mary failed to keep her promise. Maria could not keep her promise. אַ גוטן ראַמאַדאַן. Happy Ramadan. A good frame. Der Richter hat dem Einspruch stattgegeben. The judge sustained the objection. The judge accepted the objection. De kinderen hebben een reusachtige sneeuwman gemaakt. The children made a giant snowman. The children made a huge snowman. מיר האָבן געהאַט אַ קאַץ. We had a cat. We have married a cat. Ich wurde am 23. März 1969 in Barcelona geboren. I was born in Barcelona on March 23, 1969. I was born on March 23, 1969 in Barcelona. Wo sitzen Sie gerade? Where are you sitting now? Where are you sitting right now? Sie machen nur ihre Arbeit. They're just doing their job. They're just doing their job. Herr Smith schull man de Wohrheid seggt hebben. Mr. Smith should have told the truth. Mr. Smith should have said the truth. Ich habe es nicht alleine gemacht. I didn't do it alone. I didn't do it alone. Wenn du dir etwas nicht leisten kannst, verzichte drauf. What you cannot afford to buy, do without. If you can't afford something, give it up. Tom zal zich afvragen waar we zijn. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom spielt dreimal in der Woche Tennis. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Se mööt dor dat dubbelte von eten. They need to eat double that amount. You need to eat the double of it. Ze zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren. They said they weren't colorblind. They said they weren't color-blind. Sie könnte Französin sein. She may be French. She could be French. Warum denken Sie das? Why do you think that? Why do you think that? Kijk in de spiegel. Look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Wenn du je jemanden zum Reden brauchst, stehe ich dir zur Verfügung. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. If you ever need someone to talk, I'll be available to you. Mijn hond is snel. My dog is fast. My dog's fast. Dat was een fluitje van een cent. It was child's play. That was a penny of a penny. Hai runt. He's running. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Tom kwam uit het niets. Tom came out of nowhere. Tom came out of nowhere. Wir sind zu dem Schluß gekommen, dass er gefeuert werden sollte. We came to the conclusion that he should be fired. We have come to the conclusion that he should be fired. Toms favoriete eten is pasta. Tom's favorite food is pasta. Tom's favorite food is pasta. Warum haben Sie mir nicht geglaubt? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? De ramen zijn open. The windows are open. The windows are open. Sami is in 'n heeltemal ander land. Sami is in an entirely different country. Sami is in a completely different country. Ik heb te veel dingen aan mijn hoofd op het moment. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have too many things on my head right now. Holden joe van eerbaaien? Do you like strawberries? Did you get joe from erebaais? De fangt an, de egen Lögen to glöven. They've started believing their own lies. They begin to believe their own lies. Uit welk land kom je? What country are you from? What country are you from? Zai waarkt. She works. Zai's watching. Sie übersetzte es Wort für Wort. She translated it word for word. She translated it word for word. Ungarn un de Slowakei sünd Navers. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. k Loof die. I believe you. k Praise them. We zongen met luide stem. We sang in loud voices. We're singing with a loud voice. Mijn voeten doen pijn. My feet hurt. My feet hurt. Ze belde hem terug om iets terug te geven dat hij achtergelaten had. She called him back to give him something he had left behind. She called him back to return something he had left behind. Die neue Maschine brachte viel Geld ein. The new machine brought in a lot of money. The new machine brought a lot of money. Hoe teleurstellend! How disappointing! How disappointing! Er brak een revolutie uit in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. Es wird noch etwas dauern, bis er es versteht. It will take some time before he understands it. It'll take a while for him to understand. Würdest du das wirklich für mich tun? Would you really do that for me? Would you really do that for me? Der Polizist blies die Trillerpfeife und gab dem Auto ein Zeichen, anzuhalten. The policeman blew his whistle and gave a sign for the car to stop. The policeman blew the triller pipe and gave the car a sign to stop. Die Jungs wollen nur Spaß haben. The boys just want to have fun. The guys just want to have fun. Tom het heeldag gehuil. Tom cried all day. Tom cried all day. Thomas kan beter zwemmen dan Maria. Tom can swim better than Mary can. Thomas can swim better than Maria. Tom gewann eine Trophäe. Tom won a trophy. Tom won a trophy. De bomen waren erg schaars. The trees were very scarce. The trees were very scarce. Het kan gevaarlijk zijn. It might be dangerous. It could be dangerous. Is dat en Bus oder en Auto? Is that a bus or a car? Is it a bus or a car? Wir arbeiten für die Ewigkeit, nicht für den Augenblick. We work for eternity, not for the moment. We work for eternity, not for the moment. Weil ich sehr müde war, ging ich früh zu Bett. I was really tired so I went to bed early. Because I was very tired, I went to bed early. Hemi wantem wan iPad mini. She wants an iPad mini. Hemi wanted one iPad mini. Setz dich! Sit down! Sit down! Tom en Frank zijn goede vrienden. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Maciek ist im Dezember gestorben. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Ik bün gegen den Krieg. I'm against the war. I am against the war. Löhn Si mi in Ruh. Leave me alone! Löhn Si mi in Ruh. De bibliotheek is naar rechts. The library is to the right. The library is on the right. Het schoot me binnen dat u mijn broer was. I remembered that you were my brother. It shot me inside that you were my brother. Tom spreekt een beetje Frans. Tom can speak a little French. Tom speaks a little French. In ’n Winter warrt dat fröh düüster. The night falls fast in winter. In winter it will be dark early. Was ist dein Lieblingskochbuch? What's your favorite cookbook? What is your favorite cookbook? Ik zou willen dat mijn cijfers me meer konden schelen, maar het lijkt erop dat ik op een gegeven moment in mijn leven besloten heb dat die niet zo belangrijk meer zouden zijn. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I would like my figures to matter more, but it seems that I decided at some point in my life that they would not be so important. Ik geloof je. I believe you. I believe you. Het gevaar is minimaal. The danger is minimal. The danger is minimal. Das dient meiner Praxis. This is for my practice. It's my practice. Die woestijn doorkruisen is gevaarlijk. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Crossing the desert is dangerous. Tom verband Marias Schnittwunde. Tom put a bandage on Mary's cut. Tom linked Maria's cut wound. Se hett em in ’n Zoo mitnahmen. She took him to the zoo. She took him to a zoo. Wi sünd ook na ’n Tempel wesen. We also went to the temple. We have also been to a temple. A wee drap ile and a wee bit breid. A litte drop of oil and a little bit of bread. A wee drap ile and a wee bit broad. De acteur van de reeks „Tom en Maria” spreekt de waarheid. The actor of the series "Tom and Mary" speaks the truth. The actor of the series ‘Tom and Maria’ speaks the truth. Es macht mir nichts aus, durch den Regen zu gehen. I don't mind walking in the rain. I don't mind going through the rain. Hai is n mìnsk. He is human. Hai is n mìnsk. Hij heeft niet eens afscheid van me genomen. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even say goodbye to me. אסתּר איז אַ לערערקע פֿאַר לשון־קודש‎. Esther teaches Hebrew. Osƿer is a leech for lichen cudsch . We kwamen elkaar tegen aan de luchthaven. We ran into each other at the airport. We met at the airport. De aarde is een van de planeten. The earth is one of the planets. Earth is one of the planets. Bist du sicher, dass der Mann Arzt ist? Are you sure that man is a doctor? Are you sure the man is a doctor? Ich bin Japaner, aber ich lebe nicht in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Deshalb möchte ich die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Bericht des Ausschusses Unsichtbare Parlamentsabgeordente lenken. I would therefore like to draw attention to the Report of the Committee on Invisible Members of Parliament. That is why I would like to draw attention to the report of the Invisible Parliamentary Committee. Mien Naam is Jisung. My name is Jisung. My name is Jisung. Tom kümmert sich um uns. Tom looks after us. Tom cares for us. Als twee mensen altijd dezelfde mening hebben, is een van hen overbodig. If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. If two people always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. Wi hebbt grade teemlich wat üm’e Hand. We're pretty busy right now. We have quite a bit around our hand. Een foto op het bureau van Tom trok mijn aandacht. A photo on Tom's desk caught my eye. A picture on Tom's desk caught my attention. Die Töchter erholten sich von dem Schock des Todes ihres Vaters. The daughters recuperated from the shock of the death of their father. The daughters recovered from the shock of their father's death. My sister is 'n goeie tikster. My sister is a good typist. My sister is a good titster. Weil ich nicht mit dem Bus gefahren bin, bin ich noch nicht zu Hause. Because I didn't take the bus, I'm still not home. Because I didn't drive the bus, I'm not at home yet. Kümmert es dich, was andere über dich denken? Do you care what other people think about you? Does it bother you what others think about you? Him andwyrde se fæder, 'God foresceawað, mine sunu, him self þa offrunge.' His father answered, 'God will provide, my son, the offering for himself.' Him andwyrde se fæder, 'God foresceawað, mine sunu, he self þa offrunge.' Ich sehe nur aus wie Tom. Ich bin nicht Tom. I only look like Tom. I'm not Tom. I just look like Tom, I'm not Tom. Ich arbeite sonntags nicht. I do not work on Sunday. I don't work Sundays. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that it's true. I think it's true. Veertig dollar voor zeven dagen. 40 dollars for seven days. Forty dollars for seven days. Der größte Teil der Programmierer hasst die Fehlerbeseitigung; es ist viel amüsanter Fehler zu machen, als sie zu beseitigen. Most programmers hate debugging; making errors is much more fun than debugging them. Most of the programmers hate troubleshooting; it is a lot of fun to make mistakes than to eliminate them. Enttäuschen Sie mich jetzt nicht! Don't disappoint me now. Don't disappoint me now! Hij had een paar potloden moeten kopen. He should have bought some pencils. He should've bought some pencils. Tom wollte berühmt werden. Tom wanted to be famous. Tom wanted to be famous. Er is niemand thuis. There's no one home. There's no one at home. Ik wil niet gaan. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Warum bist du nicht bei mir? Why aren't you with me? Why aren't you with me? Ik woon nu niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia now. I don't live in Australia right now. En dunen Keerl slööp op de Bank. A drunken man was sleeping on the bench. A thin kerl runs on the bank. Ich wünschte, Tom wäre jetzt hier. I wish Tom were here now. I wish Tom would be here now. Ons moet dit begin doen. We've got to start doing that. We must begin to do so. Niemand konnte je das Rätsel lösen. No one was ever able to solve the riddle. No one could ever solve the mystery. Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom suffered bitterly. Ich glaube, da folgt uns jemand. I think there's somebody following us. I think someone's following us. Ich rufe euch später zurück. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back later. Tom houdt van wortels. Tom likes carrots. Tom likes carrots. Ik had meer moeten studeren. I should've studied more. I should've studied more. Sie ging allein ins Kino. She went to the movies by herself. She went to the cinema alone. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Tom und Maria mehr als nur Freunde sind. It's obvious that Tom and Mary are more than just friends. It is obvious that Tom and Maria are more than just friends. Die Terroristen schworen dem Land Rache. The terrorists swore vengeance on that country. Terrorists swear revenge to the country. Laat my weet as dit klaar is. Let me know when it's done. Let me know when it's done. Ich werde hingehen und es ihr sagen. I'll go and tell her. I'll go and tell her. Hallo! Wie geht es dir? Hello! How are you? How are you? Ich hon de Muskitt kaputtgeschlaa. I killed the mosquito. I hon de Muskitt broken. Jy is te laat. You are too late. You're too late. Ik neem aan dat je nog steeds in Australië woont. I assume you still live in Australia. I assume you're still living in Australia. Das können wir nicht versprechen. We can't promise that. We can't promise that. איך עס אײַזקרעם. I'm eating ice cream. I it's premature. De Katt jöög de Muus, man kunn ehr nich fangen. The cat chased the mouse, but couldn't catch it. The cat jots the mouse, but could not catch it. Die 1960er waren Jahre des Protests und der Reform. The 1960s were years of protest and reform. The 1960s were years of protest and reform. Ge zoudt beter slapen. You should go to bed. You'd better sleep. יעצט איז דער צייט צו אנפאנגן דער ארבעט פון בוינען א וועלט-שלום אן אַטאָמישע וואפן. Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons. It is the time to start working on a world-wide atomic weapon. It is the time to start working on a world-wide scale. Elektronische Bauteile können unter Verwendung reinen Isopropylalkohols gereinigt werden. Electronic components can be cleaned by using pure isopropyl alcohol. Electronic components can be cleaned using pure isopropyl alcohols. Weet je wie het reuzenrad heeft uitgevonden? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Do you know who invented the giant wheel? איך דאַרף לעבן מײַן יוגנט. I have to live my youth. I love life mean youth. Ik kocht een fototoestel voor dertig dollar. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought a camera for thirty dollars. Ik ben vergeten een hoofdkussen te kopen. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy a pillow. Ik denk dat hij een eerlijk iemand is. I think he's an honest man. I think he's an honest person. Is dat een kat? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Tom hat sich ein größeres Auto gekauft. Tom bought a larger car. Tom bought himself a bigger car. Warum ist das Meer salzig, die Flüsse, die hineinfließen, aber nicht? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salty, the rivers that flow in, but not? Ich war müde. I was tired. I was tired. Er unterrichtet Arabisch. He is teaching Arabic. He teaches Arabic. Mijn moeders zijn gezond. My mothers are healthy. My mothers are healthy. Deine Freunde werden dich vermissen. You'll be missed by your friends. Your friends will miss you. Indem die Sonne aufgeht, verschwindet allmählich der Morgennebel. As the sun rises, the morning mist gradually fades away. As the sun rises, the morning fog gradually disappears. Tom kwam mit autobus. Tom came by bus. Tom came with a bus. Klasse eindig vandag. Classes end today. Classes end today. The catt is deed. The cat's dead. The cat is done. Zwitserland heet "Suisse" in het Frans. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Tom sah in das Zimmer. Tom looked into the room. Tom looked into the room. Ik ben niet erg goed in wiskunde. I'm not very good at math. I'm not very good at math. Der nächste Zug ist weniger voll als dieser hier. The next train will be less crowded than this one. The next train is less full than this one here. Du musst wissen: Er ist ein gesprächiger Typ. You should know: Tom's a talkative fella. You need to know he's a talkative guy. Tom hat die Geduld verloren. Tom lost patience. Tom has lost patience. Ga Mary wakker maken. Go and wake Mary up. Wake up Mary. Doar goat ons bus. There goes our bus. Just go our bus. Tom goss kochendes Wasser in die Teekanne. Tom poured boiling water into the teapot. Tom pours boiling water into the teacan. Wat er ook moge gebeuren, je moet niet vergeten te glimlachen. No matter what may happen, you mustn't forget your smile. Whatever happens, don't forget to smile. Sie brauchen ein Auto. They need a car. You need a car. Beeilt euch, Mädchen! Hurry up, girls. Hurry up, girls! Was tun Sie, wenn Sie keine Zeit zum Mittagessen haben? What do you do when you don't have time to eat lunch? What do you do if you don't have time for lunch? Ik woon momenteel in Boston. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston right now. מעריס עלטערן זענען רײַך. Mary's parents are rich. More ages are rich. n Hond het vare poten. A dog has four legs. A dog has vare legs. Veel Lüüd op de Welt liedt Hunger. Many people in the world are hungry. Many people in the world suffer from hunger. Mijn nek doet pijn. The back of my neck hurts. My neck hurts. Ik heb een vriend die in Boston woont. I have a friend living in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Der Valentinstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Sonntag. This year, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. Valentine's day falls on a Sunday this year. Zeg me wat je zoekt en ik zal je helpen. Tell me what you are looking for and I will help you. Tell me what you're looking for, and I'll help you. Gedaan. Done. Done. Es bestand nie wirkliche Gefahr. There never was any real danger. There was never real danger. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du kämest. I'd be very glad if you came. I'd be happy if you came. Wat du seggt hest is tohoop Tüdelkraam. What you said is complete nonsense. What you have said is total towel collar. Im März ist das Erdreich noch zu kalt, um im Garten etwas anzupflanzen. In March, the ground is still too cold to plant anything in the garden. In March, the soil is still too cold to plant in the garden. Ek is 'n brandweerman. I'm a firefighter. I'm a fireman. Verkopen ze schriften in die winkel? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Do they sell writings in that store? Dames en heren, gelieve het volk mede te delen dat ze moeten stoppen bij te dragen aan het broeikaseffect, en natuurvriendelijke apparatuur moeten gebruiken. Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment. Ladies and gentlemen, please inform the people that they must stop contributing to the greenhouse effect, and use nature-friendly equipment. Die oog is die siel se spieël. The eye is the mirror of the soul. The eye is the soul’s mirror. Sami gaf Layla gratis een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami gave Layla a copy of the Quran for free. Sami gave Layla a free copy of the Qur'an. Hij bouwt de hele dag luchtkastelen. He built castles in the air all day. He's building air castles all day. Kan ik jullie tenminste knuffelen? Can I at least hug you? Can I hug you at least? Warum glaubst du, dass ich an dich denke? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Gott is unser Stäärek. God is our strength. God is our strength. Ech hunn e Boot. I've got a boat. I have a boat. Spaansch is ehr Moderspraak. Spanish is her native language. Spanish is her native language. Wat roar! How weird! What a mess! t Koronavirus ontston ien Sina. The coronavirus emerged in China. t Koronavirus created one China. Wos zohlatst ma denn? How much would you pay me? Was zohalatst ma then? Kommt er mit dem Zug oder mit dem Bus? Is he coming by train or by bus? Is he coming by train or by bus? Je bent slimmer dan je eruitziet. You're smarter than you look. You're smarter than you look. De meesten van ons houden van ons land. Most of us love our country. Most of us love our country. Sami schoot de beer dood. Sami shot the bear dead. Sami shot the bear dead. Der Maler ging nach Paris mit dem Ziel, Malerei zu studieren. The painter went to Paris with the object of studying painting. The painter went to Paris with the goal of studying painting. Wij geeuwden. We yawned. We yawned. Ik heb tegen mijn vriendin gelogen over mijn leeftijd. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. Waarom ben je godverdomme altijd zo trots op jezelf? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? Why are you always so proud of yourself? Dit is een probleem voor ouderen. This is a problem for elderly people. This is a problem for the elderly. De hel, dat zijn de anderen. Hell is other people. Hell, those are the others. John zal een goede echtgenoot en vader zijn. John will make a good husband and father. John will be a good husband and father. Tom ist kein Lügner. Tom isn't a liar. Tom's not a liar. Hier ist deine Bestellung. Here's your order. Here's your order. In einigen Ländern Europas sind die Studierenden politisch bewusster eingestellt als in Großbritannien. Students in some European countries are more politically aware than those in the UK. In some countries of Europe, students are more politically conscious than in the UK. Taiken mie n schoape. Draw me a sheep. Taken mie n schoape. Zoek een lege fles en vul ze met water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Nee, dankie. Ek is versadig. No more, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you, I'm satisfied. April bith the cruelest moneth. April is the cruelest month. April bith the crowest moneth. Ek sal terug na jou toe moet kom. I'll have to get back to you. I'll have to come back to you. Heeft u niet-alcoholische dranken? Do you have any soft drinks? Do you have non-alcoholic drinks? Ik leer graag oude talen. I like learning old languages. I like to learn old languages. How yuh duh? How are you doing? How yuh duh? דער קאָראָנאַווירוס איז אַ סכּנה. The coronavirus is dangerous. The coronary runoff was started. Do där Biff is zu zeh. This steak is too tough. There's that biff to zeh. Es könnten Diebe, Fälscher, Perverse oder Mörder in den sozialen Netzwerken sein. Zu deiner Sicherheit solltest du ihnen nicht glauben. There may be thieves, fakers, perverts or killers in social networks. For your security, you shouldn't believe them. It could be thieves, fakes, perverses or murderers in social networks, and you shouldn't believe them for your safety. We zijn niet verplicht aan de vergadering deel te nemen. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. We are not obliged to participate in the meeting. Melk? Sukker? Milk? Sugar? Milk? We vragen ons af waarom. We wonder why. We're wondering why. Ich frage mich wie Tom entkommen konnte. I wonder how Tom got away. I wonder how Tom could escape. In den Tropen gibt es nur zwei Jahreszeiten. There are only two seasons in the tropics. There are only two seasons in the tropics. Hast du einen Bruder? Do you have a brother? Do you have a brother? Tom beloofde te helpen. Tom promised to help. Tom promised to help. Okay, los geht's. Okay, let's go. Okay, let's go. Tom bleef maar praten en liet Mary er geen woord tussen krijgen. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word in edgewise. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word between them. Bob arbeitete samstags als Verkäufer im Lebensmittelgeschäft. Bob worked as a clerk in the grocery store on Saturday. Bob worked as a salesman in the grocery store on Saturdays. Heb je Tom gezien? Have you seen Tom around? Have you seen Tom? Wie speelt er gitaar? Who is playing the guitar? How does he play guitar? k Ook. Me too. I'm sorry, too. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said that you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Ich hätte mich beteiligen können, aber ich zog es vor, das nicht zu tun. I could've gotten involved, but I chose not to. I could have been involved, but I preferred not to. Tom raakt nooit in de problemen. Tom never gets in trouble. Tom never gets into trouble. Erzähl Tom, was du neulich nachts getan hast! Tell Tom about what you did the other night. Tell Tom what you did last night! Es ist alles in Ordnung. Everything is fine. It's all right. סטעלע איז אַן אונגאַרישע. Stella is a Hungarian Jew. Steel is an Hungarian. Ik heb de video. I have the video. I got the video. Ich bin es müde, Spiele zu spielen. I'm tired of playing games. I'm tired of playing games. Wiffel kost en Kilo Abakaschi? How much is the kilo of pineapple? Wiffel costs a kilo of Abakashi? Dor weer nüms. There was nobody. There was nothing. Dieser Roman ist recht interessant. This novel is interesting enough. This novel is very interesting. Wêr wennet dyn pake? Where does your grandpa live? Where does your package live? De raket ging omhoog. The rocket went up. The rocket went up. Mir ist kalt. Mach mal bitte die Heizung an. I'm cold. Would you mind turning the heating on? I'm cold. Ze heeft een verslaving. She's addicted. She's got an addiction. Disse CD höört mien Söhn to. This CD is my son's. This CD belongs to my son. De weet all, dat ik Muslim bin. They all know I'm a Muslim. They all know I'm Muslim. Wullt du Kaffe oder Tee? Would you like coffee or tea? Do you want coffee or tea? Tom ist bei einer Magnetschule eingeschrieben. Tom is enrolled in a magnet school. Tom is enrolled in a magnet school. Es ergibt alles Sinn. It all makes sense. It makes all sense. Du brauchst nicht extra aufzustehen. You don't need to stand up. You don't need to get up. Wohnst du noch bei deiner Mutter? Are you still living with your mom? Are you still living with your mother? Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag medium gebakken. I like my steak medium. I like to bake my steak. Der graue Pulli gefällt mir mehr als der violette. The gray sweater I like more than the purple. I like the grey sweater more than the violet. Weet Tom dat je komt? Does Tom know you're coming? Does Tom know you're coming? Gibt es in diesem Stadtviertel Gasanschluss? Is gas available in this neighborhood? Is there a gas connection in this district? Isch dees so pressant? Is it that urgent? I'm so busy? Sami und Layla hatten einen Geschäftstermin. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Sami and Layla had a business term. Laten we voortaan in de ochtend studeren. From now on, let's study in the morning. Let's study in the morning. Hij is zijn potlood kwijt. He lost his pencil. He lost his pencil. Für was bin ich hier? What am I here for? What am I here for? Soms is hij van school afwezig. He is sometimes absent from school. Sometimes he's absent from school. טאם ווילט נישט גיין צו שולע. Tom doesn't want to go to school. Tam would not go to school. Ik wist dat Tom Maria niet zou helpen. I knew that Tom wouldn't help Mary. I knew Tom would not help Maria. Weck se. Wake her up. Wake them up. Hoe oud zie ik eruit? How old do I look? How old do I look? Ik wilde een biertje. I wanted a beer. I wanted a beer. Ich kann es Ihnen erklären, wenn Sie mich lassen. I can explain it to you if you let me. I can explain it to you if you let me. Je hebt bijna gelijk. You're almost right. You're almost right. Voeg meer water toe. Add more water. Add more water. Tom ist nicht reicher als ich. Tom isn't richer than me. Tom isn't richer than me. Findest du ihn gutaussehend? Do you think he's handsome? You think he's looking good? Tom was er gisteren niet. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Mien Mudder backt elk Morgen Brood. My mother bakes bread every morning. My mother bakes bread every morning. Iedereen heeft het recht te zeggen wat hij denkt. Everyone has a right to say what he thinks. Everyone has the right to say what he thinks. Komm schon, wir kommen zu spät, wenn du dich nicht beeilst! Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry up. Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry! Mir hunn eng Fro. We've got a question. We have a question. Dat is de zijne. That's his. That's his. Tom is noch jümmer buten. Tom is still outside. Tom is still outside. Beholl dat Wesselgeld. Keep the change. Keep the change money. Woneem is de Toilett? Where's the restroom? Where is the Toilet? Waarom zijn mooie dingen zo fragiel? Why are pretty things so fragile? Why are beautiful things so fragile? Ich möchte nicht, dass alle denken, ich sei ein Dummkopf. I don't want everyone to think I'm stupid. I don't want everybody to think I'm a dumbhead. Ek sien niks. I can't see anything. I don't see anything. Almal het die reg om te lewe. Everyone has a right to live. Everyone has the right to live. Hij was boos dat ik hem had beledigd. He was angry that I had insulted him. He was angry that I had insulted him. Sami is niet thuisgekomen. Sami didn't come home. Sami didn't come home. Dit is je laatste waarschuwing. This is your final warning. This is your last warning. Ik was erg trots. I was very proud. I was very proud. Je probeerde het. You tried. You tried. Deze koffie is niet warm genoeg. This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee isn't warm enough. Englischsprechen macht Spaß. Speaking in English is fun. English speaking is fun. Liefde maakt blind. Love is blind. Love blinds. Mensen hebben de neiging om emotioneel op gebeurtenissen te reageren. People tend to react emotionally to events. People tend to react emotionally to events. Iedereen in de kamer huilde. Everyone in the room was crying. Everyone in the room cried. Ik kan niet leven zonder mayonaise. I cannot live without mayonnaise. I can't live without mayonnaise. Ich habe nicht vor, ihn zu bitten. I have no intention of asking him. I don't intend to ask him. Je was behulpzaam. You were helpful. You were helpful. Burj Khalifa is nou hoogste wolkenkrabber ien wereld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is now the tallest skyscraper in the world. Das Risiko bin ich bereit einzugehen. I'm willing to take that risk. I'm ready to take the risk. Der Mann ließ sich mit seiner Frau ein. The man took up with his wife. The man joined his wife. פֿאַרװאָס? Why? For God's sake? Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. Your ad could be here. Here's where your advertising could stand. Ich sin um Hallebnacht fortgang. I left at midnight. I'm going on for half a night. Tom hörte sich traurige Musik an. Tom listened to sad music. Tom listened to sad music. Ze vertaalde zijn zin. She translated his sentence. She translated his sentence. Ich stimme euch allen völlig zu. I fully agree with all of you. I fully agree with all of you. Kun je deze sterren in Australië zien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can you see these stars in Australia? Ich habe es dir bereits gesagt. I've already told you that. I already told you. Ze heeft haar geheimen mee in het graf genomen. She took her secrets to the grave. She took her secrets to the grave. Mijn zuster is drie jaar oud. My sister is three years old. My sister is three years old. Tom war mit der Bezahlung, die er erhielt, nicht zufrieden. Tom wasn't satisfied with the pay he was getting. Tom was not satisfied with the payment he received. Hij heeft de prinses gered. He saved the princess. He saved the princess. מיר זענען די איינציגערס וואס גלויבן אז זי איז א שיינע פרוי. We are alone in believing that she is a beautiful woman. We are the only ones who believe that she is a beautiful woman. Ich muss mich bei Tom entschuldigen. I owe Tom an apology. I have to apologize to Tom. Wir haben eine Katze und einen Hund. We have a cat and a dog. We have a cat and a dog. פֿרוכפּערט אײַך און מערט אײַך. Be fruitful and multiply. Fractional antecedent and metered indicator. Du wohnst zu weit weg. You live too far away. You live too far away. Het hoost. It is raining hard. It's hot. Wat se annern vörswinnelt, fangt se sülvst to glöven an. They've started believing their own lies. What she advances to others starts to believe in herself. Hij zei dat hij zijn portemonnee thuis had laten liggen. He said that he had left his wallet at home. He said he left his wallet at home. Gut, ich glaube, wir können anfangen. OK, I think we can begin. Well, I think we can start. Lassen Sie mich das erledigen. Let me do it. Let me do that. Hock na! Take a seat. Hock after! Zai gingen noar Nij-Zeelaand. They went to New Zealand. Zai went to New Zealand. Ria sä, dat ik dat villicht doon mutt. Mary said she thought I might have to do that. Ria says I may have to do this. Ich muss es nicht kochen. I don't have to cook it. I don't have to cook it. Aber er weiß es noch nicht. But he doesn't know it yet. But he doesn't know yet. Hoe vind je zijn nieuwe roman? How do you find his new novel? How do you like his new novel? Ik hoop wel dat je het begrijpt. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand. Eigentum ist Diebstahl. Property is theft. Property is theft. Vergeet jouw geld niet. Don't forget your money. Don't forget your money. Hierdie is die volgende! This is the next one! This is the next! De naam van Darwin staat in verband met "De oorsprong der soorten". We associate the name of Darwin with The Origin of Species. Darwin's name is related to "The Origin of Species". Wie verstehst du dich mit deinen Eltern? How do you get along with your parents? How do you understand with your parents? Was hat Tom gesagt? What has Tom said? What did Tom say? Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen Japan zu verlassen. I have made up my mind to leave Japan. I decided to leave Japan. Ich mag Baseball. I like baseball. I like baseball. Ich will einen Stuhl. I want a chair. I want a chair. Dizze bloume is swaart. This flower is black. This flower is heavy. Ich rieche Blumen. I can smell flowers. I smell flowers. Mien Puckel deit weh. My back hurts. My puckle hurts. Ich wünschte, ich wüsste die Antwort auf diese Frage. I wish I knew the answer to this question. I wish I knew the answer to this question. Du bist ekelerregend. You're disgusting. You're exasperating. Ik heb frietjes gegeten. I ate french fries. I ate fries. Tom heeft een 3D-printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Ich habe auch nichts verstanden. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand either. Sie sind am Ziele angelangt. You have reached your destination. They have reached the goal. Er hat es gefunden. He found it. He found it. Nichs is noh Hallebnacht basseerd. Nothing happened after midnight. Nothing is now Hallebnacht based. Wat moet ek omtrent haar doen? What should I do about her? What should I do about her? Tom schoss mit einer Armbrust auf Mary. Tom shot at Mary with a crossbow. Tom shot Mary with an armbrush. Villicht segg ik Tom bäter nich, wat Ria doon hett. Maybe I shouldn't tell Tom what Mary did. Maybe I don't say Tom biter what Ria did. Der Film räumte beim Filmfestival in Cannes drei Preise ab. The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival. The film featured three awards at the film festival in Cannes. Du büst mien Vader. You are my father. You are my Father. Wij hadden het altijd moeilijk. We always had to struggle. We always had trouble. k Mag dit laid nait. I do not like this song. k May it lay down at night. Se deed em en Postkoort tostüren. She sent him a postcard. She sent him a postcard. Hast du schon zu Abend gegessen? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you eaten in the evening? Dieser Satz existiert noch nicht auf This sentence doesn't exist yet on This sentence does not yet exist on Se möök em Spinaat eten. She forced him to eat spinach. You may want to eat spinach. Ik spreek Frans. I speak French. I speak French. Daardie boek behoort aan my. That book's mine. That book belongs to me. Ich hasse Muskitte. I hate mosquitoes. I hate musket. Hij spreekt Esperanto met een licht Frans accent. He speaks Esperanto with a slight French accent. He speaks Esperanto with a light French accent. Tom is niet onmisbaar. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom is not indispensable. "Met Dima!" riep Dima uit. "Werkt je nummerherkenning niet of zo?" "It's Dima!" Dima exclaimed. "Is your caller ID not working or something?" "With Dima!" said Dima. "Isn't your number recognition working or something?" He, Jungs, hört auf, euch zu raufen. Los, auseinander! Hey boys, stop fighting. Come on, break it up! Hey, guys, stop rushing. Mein Vater sagt nichts. My father's saying nothing. My father doesn't say anything. Ek is net 'n onskuldige omstander. I'm just an innocent bystander. I'm just an innocent bystander. He steiht vör de Döör. He's standing outside the door. He is in front of the door. Tom is jong. Tom is young. Tom's young. Hmm. Ik heb het gevoel dat ik ga verdwalen, welke weg ik ook neem. Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take. Hmm. I feel like I'm going to get lost, whatever way I'm going. Welke vakken heb je op school? What subjects are you taking at school? What subjects do you have at school? Nicht reden! Don't talk! Don't talk! Ik heb al zijn romans gelezen. I have read all his novels. I've read all his novels. Sami ging naar een moskee. Sami went to a mosque. Sami went to a mosque. Ich saß einmal am gleichen Tisch mit ihm bei einer Dinnerparty. I once sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. I was sitting at the same table with him at a dinner party. Es war einmal ein großer König, der lebte in Griechenland. Once upon a time, there lived a great king in Greece. It was once a great king who lived in Greece. Is dyn mem thús? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Niet alles kan worden verklaard. Not everything can be explained. Not everything can be explained. Tom und Maria wurde klar, dass sie kaum genug Zeit hatten, das Nötigste zu erledigen. Tom and Mary realized they barely had enough time to do what needed to be done. Tom and Maria became aware that they had little time to do the most necessary. Ich lese keine Bücher. I do not read books. I don't read any books. Zai binnen goie lu. They're good people. Zai inside goie lu. Drinken en roken zijn beide slecht voor je gezondheid. Both drinking and smoking are bad for your health. Drinking and smoking are both bad for your health. Paul war nicht mit Mary zusammen, als ihre Geldbörse gestohlen wurde. Paul wasn't with Mary when her purse was stolen. Paul wasn't with Mary when her wallet was stolen. Welkom in Australië. Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia. Mijn kat ziet er een beetje uit als een koekje. My cat kind of looks like a biscuit. My cat looks a little like a cookie. Niemand klopt aan mijn deur. Nobody knocks on my door. Nobody's knocking on my door. We maakten ons geen zorgen. We didn't worry. We didn't worry. Worüm kummt he nich trügg? Why doesn't he come back? Why doesn't he come back? ראטעוועט! Help! Route! Sie haben schöne blaue Augen. You have beautiful blue eyes. You have beautiful blue eyes. Een wolk is gecondenseerde waterdamp. A cloud is condensed steam. A cloud is condensed water vapor. Bent u bang voor mij? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? ער רעדט רוסיש. He speaks Russian. He speaks Russian. צי האָט ער שױן געגעסן? Did he already eat? Did he forget? Die Flut lässt den Strandspaziergängern normalerweise nur einen schmalen Streifen Sand, auf welchem sie gehen können, ohne sich nasse Füße zu holen. The tide normally leaves the beach walkers only a narrow strip of sand they can walk on without getting their feet wet. The flood usually leaves the beach walkers only a narrow strip of sand on which they can go without getting wet feet. Dit appartement is binnen fietsafstand van de universiteit. This apartment is within biking distance of the university. This apartment is within bicycle distance of the university. Waar is het toilet? Where is the washroom? Where's the toilet? Mijn shirt is niet bruin. My shirt isn't brown. My shirt's not brown. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everybody knows that Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom Maria likes it. k Woon ien Sjili. I live in Chile. k Woon one shili. Het sneeuwt hier. It's snowing here. It's snowing here. Open dien haart. Open your heart. Open your hair. Welchen Namen hat dieser Vogel? What is this bird called? What name does this bird have? Ik werk alle dagen van negen tot vijf. I work from nine to five every day. I work every day from nine to five. Mien Süster is verheiraadt. My sister is married. My sister is married. Vraauwlu eerst. Ladies first. Questionlu first. Waar heeft zij Italiaans geleerd? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Tom dronk bier. Tom drank beer. Tom drunk beer. Das ist schon einige Wochen her! This was a few weeks ago! That's been a few weeks! Tom weet niet hoe hij met kinderen om moet gaan. Tom doesn't know how to handle children. Tom doesn't know how to deal with kids. Zijn er bananen? Are there any bananas? Are there bananas? Der Nachrichtenbeitrag verbreitete sich landesweit. The news report spread all over the country. The news post spread nationwide. Ik kom van Spanje. I come from Spain. I'm from Spain. Misschien kan je me niet horen. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. Hoi. Hello! Hi. Layla kann es machen. Layla can do it. Layla can do it. Ik ben bang voor tandartsen. I have a fear of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Tom starb 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Falls etwas schiefgeht, bitte kümmere dich um meine Kinder. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. If something goes wrong, please take care of my children. Vraag het opnieuw aan Tom! Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again! Ich habe den ganzen Tag damit verbracht, mit meinen Kindern zu spielen. I spent the whole day playing with my kids. I spent all day playing with my children. Het is jouw boek. It's your book. It's your book. Maak dat Finster nich apen! Don’t open the window! Do not open the window! Ich werde dir die Stadt zeigen. I'll show you around the city. I'll show you the city. In Italië is daar baie huise met groot tuine. In Italy, there are many houses with large gardens. In Italy there are many homes with large gardens. Wir alle sind Gefangene. We're all prisoners. We're all prisoners. Wat betekent UN? What does UN stand for? What does UN mean? Sie hat ihre Augen geschlossen. She has her eyes closed. She closed her eyes. Ek het 'n ou kar. I have an old car. I've got an old car. Es ist nicht so schlimm, wie es aussieht. It's not as bad as it looks. It's not as bad as it looks. Wie du weißt, habe ich meinen Arbeitsplatz verloren. Ich habe daher Schwierigkeiten, meine ganzen Rechnungen zu bezahlen. As you know, I've lost my job, so I'm having trouble paying all my bills. As you know, I lost my job, so I have trouble paying my entire bills. Tom is nait hier. Tom's not here. Tom's here night. Se hett en ganzen Barg Kledaasch. She has quite a lot of clothes. It has a whole bunch of skins. De wet is op deze zaak niet van toepassing. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law does not apply to this case. Ehrlichkeit zahlt sich aus. Honesty pays. Honesty pays off. Je hoeft niet meer dan 400 woorden te schrijven. You don't need to write more than 400 words. You don't have to write more than 400 words. Hebben jullie haar vandaag gezien? Have you seen her today? Have you seen her today? Wæter biþ feorh. Water is life. Wer biþ feorh. De meeste grote Japanse firma's hangen af van de export. The majority of large Japanese companies depend on exports. Most large Japanese firms depend on exports. Sie rannten nicht. They didn't run. They didn't run. Die Polizei glaubte ihre Geschichte nicht. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe their story. Tom sagt, er habe eine Geheimwaffe. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Ik heff jüst soveel to doon as Tom. I'm as busy as Tom is. I have just as much to do as Tom does. Ik heb echt jouw hulp nodig. I really need your help. I really need your help. Ze zijn bang voor de dood. They are afraid of death. They're afraid of death. Tom reiste kreuz und quer durch Südostasien. Tom traveled around Southeast Asia. Tom traveled across Southeast Asia. Sie brauchen sich nicht sofort zu entscheiden. You don't have to decide right now. You don't have to decide immediately. Ik wil dat je met me meegaat. I want you to come with me. I want you to come with me. פארמאכט דיין בוך. Close your book. Make sure your book is closed. Tom zwitte. Tom sweated. Tom switte. איך בין מיד! I am tired! I'm a girl! Tom is een entertainer. Tom is an entertainer. Tom's an entertainer. Du solltest Schwimmunterricht nehmen. You should take swimming lessons. You should take swimming lessons. Wo du lebst, gibt es viele Seen. There are many lakes in the area where you live. Where you live, there are many lakes. Zai verkòcht n koelkaast. She sold a refrigerator. Zai sells n cold cheese. Gisteren was u niet op school. You were absent from school yesterday. You weren't at school yesterday. Ik ruik koffie. I smell coffee. I smell coffee. Het ongeval is het gevolg van een simpele vergissing. The accident arose from a simple mistake. The accident is the result of a simple mistake. Tom denkt dat zijn computer bezeten is door een boze geest. Tom thinks that his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Tom thinks his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Ik heb maagpijn. I have a stomachache. I have stomach pain. בײַ קעץ זײַנען קעץ זייער חשובֿ. Cats are very important, according to cats. At tails are blows of their head. Soek die kat. Find the cat. Find the cat. Je ziet er bezorgd uit. You look worried. You look worried. Mijn tante woont in New York. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Russen weten alles van beren. Russians know everything about bears. Russians know everything about bears. Het weer in Florida is over het algemeen gematigd. The weather in Florida is generally moderate. The weather in Florida is generally moderate. ווען מיר רעדן וועגן מלחמה, רעדן מיר טאַקע וועגן שלום. When we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. When we talk about war, we really talk about happiness. מסתמא איר זענט צו יונג צו פארשטיין וואס איז מעגלעך צו פאסירן נעקסט. You're probably too young to understand what is likely to happen next. I'm sure you're too young to understand what's going on here. Wag jy te lank? Have you been waiting too long? Are you waiting too long? „Kann ich bitte dein Wörterbuch benutzen?“ „Ja, klar: hier, bitte.“ "Can I use your dictionary?" "Yes, here you are." “Can I please use your dictionary?” “Yes, clearly: here, please.” Von diesem Augenblick an führte Elsa das Leben eines ganz gewöhnlichen, glücklichen Kindes. From this moment Elsa's life was that of the ordinary happy child. From that moment on Elsa led the life of a very ordinary, happy child. Man kann von hier aus das Meer hören. We can hear the ocean from here. You can hear from here the sea. Zonder lucht en water zou niets kunnen leven. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, nothing could live. „Was hast du ihr gesagt?“ – „Die Wahrheit.“ "What did you tell her?" "The truth." "What did you tell her?" "The Truth." Ons het 'n groot tuin. We have a big yard. We have a big garden. Ik praat gjin Japansk. I cannot speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Ik ben onder de boom. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Tom und Maria wohnen in einem Haus am Fluss. Tom and Mary live in a house by the river. Tom and Maria live in a house on the river. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du das selbst gemacht hast. I can't believe you did this by yourself. I can't believe you did that yourself. Dit is een overval! Geef al het geld dat je hebt of je gaat eraan! This is a stick-up! Hand over all ya' got or you're fuckin' dead! This is a robbery! Give all the money you have or you're going to die! De Markt maakt morgens Klock negen apen. The market opens at 9:00 a.m. The market opens at nine in the morning. Er widmet sich der Forschung. He dedicates himself to research. He's dedicated to research. Tom zielt auf einen Vogel. Tom is aiming at a bird. Tom targets a bird. Sami's interview ging heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sam's interview went very fast. Ik weet nich mihr, woneem ik mien Paß loten heff. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I don't know where I got my passport lots. Wir waren überrascht, als wir ihn solch vernichtende Bemerkungen über seinen besten Freund machen hörten. We were surprised to hear him make such scathing remarks about his best friend. We were surprised when we heard him make such destructive remarks about his best friend. Tom rühmte sich dessen. Tom bragged about it. Tom was famous for it. k Vuilde mie zo isoleerd. I felt so isolated. I'm so isolated from you. Gibt es sonst noch Fragen? Are there any other questions? Are there any other questions? Martha is 'n uitstekende pianis. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha's an excellent pianist. Tom zog seine Jacke aus. Tom took off his jacket. Tom pulled out his jacket. We gaan veel lol trappen, ik weet weet het zeker. We're going to have a lot of fun. I'm sure of it. We're going down a lot of fun, I'm sure. Jetzt schaut Tom fern. Tom is watching TV now. Now Tom looks away. איך האָב פֿאַרבעטן מײַנע חבֿרים. I invited my friends. I have colour; i have colour; i have colour; Kan ik gaan, wat u betreft? Do you mind if I leave? Can I go as far as you are concerned? Ik zie ze vanavond. I'm seeing them tonight. I'll see them tonight. Tom hörte einen Schuss. Tom heard a gunshot. Tom heard a shot. Ik ontmoette hem juist toen hij uit school kwam. I met him just as he was coming out of school. I met him right when he got out of school. Ik vind Esperanto leuk. I like Esperanto. I like Esperanto. Dat kan niet! No way! I can't! Egal ob schwarz, braun, gelb oder normal, alle Leute sollten die gleichen Rechte haben. No matter if black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. Whether black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. Is jouw hond gemeen? Is your dog mean? Is your dog mean? Es war schön, dich hier zu treffen! It was nice meeting you here. It was good to meet you here! Ik ben geen lesbienne. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Tom ist in den falschen Zug eingestiegen. Tom took the wrong train. Tom entered the wrong train. Ze probeerde om aan hun verwachtingen te voldoen. She endeavored to live up to their expectations. She tried to meet their expectations. Ze rookte een sigaar. She smoked a cigar. She was smoking a cigar. Er ist über beide Ohren in Mary verliebt. He's head over heels in love with Mary. He's in love with both ears in Mary. ''A'', ''B'' en ''C'' binnen drij letters. "A", "B" and "C" are three letters. ''A'', ''B'' and ''C'' within three letters. Ik heb biologie altijd gehaat. I've always hated biology. I've always hated biology. Ik heb helemaal geen honger. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Mijn ouders zijn 100% Algerijns. My parents are 100% Algerian. My parents are 100% Algerian. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren op. Please say the alphabet in reverse. Please tell me the alphabet behind you. Ik wilde een bus huren. I wanted to rent a bus. I wanted to rent a bus. Waar is de sleutel? Where's the key? Where's the key? Dëst Päerd ass wäiss. This horse is white. This horse is white. t Stremlicht wer rood. The traffic light changed to red. t Stramlight red again. Ze woont met hem samen. She lives with him. She lives with him. Hoe spel je je achternaam? How do you spell your surname? How'd you play your last name? Hij zal deze namiddag komen. He will come this afternoon. He'll come this afternoon. k Speul. I am playing. k Speul. Tom gaf mie n pobbe. Tom gave me a doll. Tom gave me a pob. Se smüüster em an. She smiled at him. She smiles at him. Aalscholvers zijn watervogels. Cormorants are waterbirds. Avalanches are water birds. Tom ließ seine Diener im Dunkeln essen. Tom made his servants eat in the dark. Tom had his servants eat in the dark. Ik will vondaag nich na School gahn. I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to go to school today. Kijk, een tomaat die opgroeide met het luisteren naar Mozart! Look, a tomato which grew up listening to Mozart! Look, a tomato that grew up listening to Mozart! Du solltest nicht in einem so schummrigen Zimmer Bücher lesen. Do not read books in such a dim room. You shouldn't read books in such a shy room. Bruuchsch en Ambulanz? Do you need an ambulance? Bruuchish and ambulance? Niet schieten. Hold fire. Don't shoot. Was Tom gehospitaliseer? Was Tom hospitalized? Was Tom hospitalized? Mörn is t vief april. Tomorrow is April 5th. Morn is t five April. Die stad slaap. The city sleeps. The city sleeps. Ik heb je avondeten voor je in de oven laten staan. I have left you your dinner in the oven. I left your dinner in the oven for you. Ik heb broers. I have brothers. I have brothers. Ze is gestopt met roken. She quit smoking. She stopped smoking. Tumora bai mi askim em. I will ask him tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll ask her. Warum wurden Tom und Maria der Schule verwiesen? Why were Tom and Mary expelled from school? Why were Tom and Maria referred to school? Ik heff de Deern en Pullover köfft. I bought the girl a sweater. I bought the deer and sweater. Bedankt dat je teruggekomen bent. Thanks for coming back. Thanks for coming back. Ehr Hoor hüng in adrette Krüllen dal. Her hair hung in neat coils. Her horn hung in adrette curls dal. Mijn nagel is gebroken. My nail has broken. My nail's broken. Friedrich der Große hat die Kartoffel in Preußen eingeführt. Frederick the Great introduced the potato to Prussia. Friedrich the Great introduced the potato into Prussia. Luxemburg wordt "Lëtzebuerg" in het Luxemburgs genoemd. Luxembourg is called "Lëtzebuerg" in Luxembourgish. Luxembourg is called 'Lëtzebuerg' in Luxembourg. Blumen sind immer gut. Flowers are always a good idea. Flowers are always good. Er zerriss das Buch. He tore the book apart. He's breaking the book. Hē dranc bēor. He drank beer. Hē dranc bēor. Dat hett veel sneet. It snowed a lot. It snowed a lot. Warum vergeudest du meine Zeit? Why are you wasting my time? Why are you wasting my time? Tom kann sich nicht genau erinnern, wo er sein Auo geparkt hat. Tom can't remember exactly where he parked his car. Tom can't remember exactly where he parked his auo. Ik heb een vriend die in Kioto woont. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. Ik hou niet meer van je. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. ווי לערנט אַ וויקלקינד צו גיין? How does an infant learn to walk? How does a weekend learn to go? Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom nach Boston gefahren ist. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. ווער שפילט גאָלף? Who plays golf? Who plays golf? Sami is een plattelandsjongen. Sami is a country boy. Sami is a rural boy. Vondaag bün ik mit dat Auto na Arbeid kamen. Today I came to work by car. Today I came to work by car. Mach dir nichts draus! Das passiert jedem. Don't worry, it happens to everyone. That's what happens to everyone. Dass ich dich an einem Ort wie diesem treffen würde, habe ich nicht erwartet. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this. We zijn geneigd televisie te kijken ongeacht het programma dat bezig is. We are apt to watch television, irrespective of what program is on. We tend to watch television regardless of the programme that is in progress. Tom führte den Plan aus. Tom carried out the plan. Tom carried out the plan. Mien Tog is Klock söven losföhrt un Klock teihn in New York ankamen. My train started at seven, arrived in New York at 10. My move was released at seven o'clock and ten arrived in New York. Nait soezen, moar broezen. Act. Don't talk. Nait sweeten, moor broiler. Frysk is myn memmetaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Fresh is my membrane. Ich erkannte sie auf den ersten Blick. I recognized her at first sight. I recognized her at first glance. Ich halte Tom für einen Lügner. I think Tom is a liar. I think Tom is a liar. Ik snack Fransch un Engelsch. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. Jullie waren echt goed. You guys were really good. You were really good. Tom saß auf der Veranda und las die Zeitung. Tom sat on the porch reading the newspaper. Tom sat on the veranda and read the paper. Das ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. It's a crime against humanity. This is a crime against humanity. Tom hod das Himd aangebassd. Tom tried on the shirt. Tom hod das Himd based. Ich bin früher mit ihm zur Schule gegangen. I used to go to school with him. I used to go to school with him. Lieber würfe ich das Geld weg, als es ihm zu geben. I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. I'd rather throw away the money than give it to him. Wi grillt jüst. We're having a barbie. We're just grilling. Ich wünschte, du hättest Tom mit uns gehen lassen. I wish you had let Tom go with us. I wish you'd let Tom go with us. Mi a 24. I'm 24 years old. I am 24. Tom is in gevaar. Tom is in danger. Tom's in danger. Was wollte Tom? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Zij gaf Tom een appel. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom an apple. Die Clubmitglieder versammelten sich im Konferenzraum. The club members assembled in the meeting room. The club members gathered in the conference room. Joune is daar anderkant. Yours is there on the other side. Yours is on the other side. Sie verabschiedete sich. She said goodbye. She agreed. Mag ik binnenkomen? Am I allowed to enter? May I come in? Minsk ist die Hauptstadt von Weißrussland. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Wie hebben vievenvattig. We have forty-five. Who's got a lot of fat. Op hem kan je rekenen. You can rely on him. You can count on him. Iedereen gaat dood. Everybody dies. Everyone's going to die. Jouw computer is volledig onbeschermd. Your computer is completely unprotected. Your computer is completely unprotected. In den Chroniken ist über die Flut von 1342 zu lesen, dass im Mainzer Dom einem Mann das Wasser bis zur Brust gestanden habe und dass man in Köln mit Booten über die Stadtmauern habe fahren können. The chronicles of the flood of 1342 say that the water in the Mainz Cathedral came up to a man's chest, while in Cologne, one could ride in a boat over the city walls. In the chronicles you can read about the flood of 1342 that in the Mainzer Cathedral a man stood the water to the chest and that in Cologne you could drive boats over the city walls. Sein Sohn stürzte vom Felsenriff. His son fell over the cliff. His son fell from the rock reef. Je kunt niet gewoon tegen ons liegen. You can't just lie to us. You can't just lie to us. Hij verdient de kost met het geven van Engelse les. He earns his living by teaching English. He deserves the cost of teaching English. Tom weer bannig bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Ihre Ehrlichkeit ist fragwürdig. Their honesty is dubious. Your honesty is questionable. איך האָב ליב צו רעדן עספּעראַנטאָ. I love to speak Esperanto. I have loved to speak Esperanto. We gaan in de Alpen skiën. We are going skiing in the Alps. We're skiing in the Alps. Ik dacht dat u in Australië woonde. I thought that you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Sie interessierte sich leidenschaftlich für Musik. She had a passionate interest in music. She was passionate about music. We kennt mehr as 100 Milljarden Galaxien. We know of more than 100 billion galaxies. We know more than 100 million galaxies. Jede wett öppis. Everyone wants something. Everyone's gonna be fine. Het is een zelfmoord. It's suicide. It's a suicide. Toms Firma importiert Kaffee aus Brasilien. Tom's company imports coffee from Brazil. Tom's company imports coffee from Brazil. Können Sie mir sagen, wie ich zur amerikanischen Botschaft komme? Can you tell me how you get to the American Embassy? Can you tell me how I get to the American Embassy? Weißt du, wie beschäftigt ich gewesen bin? Do you know how busy I've been? You know how busy I was? Dieser Patient kann jeden Moment sterben. That patient may die at any time. This patient can die at any moment. זי עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. She doesn't eat meat. She does not stick to any frivolousness. Gueti Besserig. Get well soon! Gueti Besserig. Kom ons vergeet van haar. Let's forget about her. Let's forget about her. Wie schpot iss es? What time is it? How schpot eats it? Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie müde sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were tired. Tom and Mary have told John that they are tired. Tom opende koelkaast. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened refrigerator. Bemoei je met je eigen zaken. Mind your own business. Take care of your own business. Schneiden Sie das Fleisch mit einem Messer! Cut the meat with a knife. Cut the meat with a knife! Blijf hier en blijf kalm. Stay here and stay quiet. Stay here and stay calm. Tom skryf selde aan sy ouers. Tom seldom writes to his parents. Tom rarely writes to his parents. Er hält sein Wort. He keeps his word. He's holding his word. Tom is um Hallebnacht aankomm. Tom arrived at midnight. Tom arrived at Hallebnight. Laten we hier wachten totdat hij terugkomt. Let's wait here till he comes back. Let's wait here until he comes back. Wat ben je mooi vandaag! How beautiful you are today! How beautiful you are today! Dat is vreemd. That's odd. That's weird. Tom ist auf der Flucht. Tom is on the run. Tom's on the run. Formidabel, niet? Great, isn't it? Formidable, isn't it? Uw haar is te lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Meine Schwester bringt mich noch um. My sister's going to kill me. My sister's still killing me. Meer hon Tom adoteerd. We adopted Tom. More hon Tom adoted. Haildaal nait! Not at all! Hail night! Sprak zij geen Nederlands? Didn't she speak Dutch? She didn't speak Dutch? Sy het selfmoord gepleeg. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Tom en ik wonen nog steeds in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Wir müssen ermitteln, wer das Feuer gelegt hat, durch das Toms Haus niederbrannte. We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house. We have to find out who set the fire by burning Tom's house. Tom ist nicht einfältig. Tom isn't naive. Tom's not unique. Hij vertelde mij een heel ongeloofwaardig verhaal. He told me a completely unbelievable story. He told me a very incredible story. k Kom oet Afrin. I am from Afrin. k Come and eat Afrin. Heb je huiswerk? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Ich ließ ihn meine Armbanduhr reparieren. I had him repair my watch. I let him fix my bracelet watch. איך בין ניט קיין פּיראַט. I'm not a pirate. I'm not any pirat. Hou hem in de gaten. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Tom begon zich moe te voelen. Tom was beginning to feel tired. Tom began to feel tired. Ich war die ganze Nacht wach, um diesen Bericht zu schreiben. I was up all night writing this report. I was awake all night to write this report. Se deed von morgens bet avends arbeiden. She worked from morning till night. They did work from morning to evening. Ehr Fründ hett an de Poort op ehr töövt. Her friend waited for her by the gate. Her friend waited at the gate for her. He keem Klock fiev trügg. He came back at 5 o'clock. I'm not going to move five. Ons het beide dieselfde probleem. We both have the same problem. We both have the same problem. Ich setzte mich wieder hin. I sat down again. I sat down again. Wie zijt gij? Who are you? Who are you? S Buech isch orange. The book is orange. S Buech ice orange. Niemand praat met me. Nobody speaks to me. No one's talking to me. Fadil hield van skiën. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved skiing. Er ist bei seinen Schülern sehr beliebt. He is well liked by his students. He is very popular with his students. Je houdt van appels. You like apples. You like apples. Ich habe elendiglich versagt. I failed miserably. I'm sorry. I've failed. Doe het licht uit. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Ich fühle meine Zehen nicht. I can't feel my toes. I don't feel my toes. Hest du weten, dat de 6. Juli de Internatschonale Küss-Dag is? Did you know that July 6 is the International Kissing Day? Did you know that July 6 is the International Coastal Day? Wat is Ken aan het doen? What's Ken doing? What is Ken doing? Volksgeneeskunde maakt vaak gebruik van kruiden. Traditional medicine often utilizes herbs. People's medicine often uses herbs. Mein Brief sollte ihn allmählich erreicht haben. My letter should have reached him about this time. My letter should have reached him gradually. Zu welchem Zeitpunkt wird die Auferstehung sein? When will the resurrection be? At what time will the resurrection be? ברוך דיין אמת אז דיין פאטער איז נפטר געווארען. I'm sorry to hear that your father has passed away. Brochure your true that your father was immediately angered. De Welt bruukt Lüüd mit Talent. The world needs talented people. The world uses people with talent. Tom dronk. Tom drank. Tom drunk. Ich sin en Fraa. I am a woman. I'm a fraa. Das Geschäft war gestern Abend zufällig übervoll. The store happened to be crowded last night. The business was randomly overcrowded last night. Dat is jümmer goot, de Wohrheit to kennen. It is always good to know the truth. It is always good to know the truth. Ik heb u horen roepen. I heard you scream. I heard you calling. Lees hierdie boek. Read this book. Read this book. Tom is not an Englishman. Tom isn't an Englishman. Tom is not an Englishman. Gestern habe ich ein Video übersetzt und Untertitel auf Esperanto und Spanisch kreiert. Yesterday I translated a video and composed subtitles in Esperanto and Spanish. Yesterday I translated a video and created subtitles in Esperanto and Spanish. Dit is een ros. This is a horse. This is a rose. Werk je met Tom? Do you work with Tom? Are you working with Tom? Tom is in de achtertuin aan het spelen. Tom is playing in the backyard. Tom is playing in the backyard. Woarom lagst? Why are you laughing? Warrom lags? Is do etwas in de Schachtel? Is there anything in the box? Is there anything in the box? We hebben een website. We have a website. We have a website. איך האָב געגעסן‎ דעם עפּל. I've eaten the apple. I have forgotten this apple. Maria was getraumatiseerd. Mary was traumatized. Mary was traumatized. Tom sieht gern fern. Tom likes watching TV. Tom likes to see far. Wenn du einem Griechen die Hand schüttelst, zähle deine Finger. When you shake hands with a Greek, count your fingers. If you shake your hand to a Greek, count your fingers. Warten Sie, bis ich mit dem Essen fertig bin. Wait till I finish eating. Wait for me to finish the meal. Mache, was du willst. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Ek sou nie so seker daarvan wees nie. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Bass du zéng Joer al? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Meine Sachen passen mir alle nicht mehr. None of my clothes fit anymore. My stuff doesn't fit me anymore. Tom versucht, das Sorgerecht für die Kinder seiner Schwester zu erlangen. Tom is trying to get custody of his sister's children. Tom tries to get the custody of his sister's children. Wir haben versucht, ihn zu überzeugen. We tried to persuade him. We tried to convince him. Kunnen jullie mij beschermen? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag. To be, or not to be, that is the question. She, or Nödsy, that is he d question. Sie fuhr mit dem Auto zur Schule. She went to school by car. She drove the car to school. Hij ziet er gezond uit. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. S Buech isch gäl. The book is yellow. S Buech isch gale. קענסטו שווימען ווי שנעל ווי ער? Can you swim as fast as he? Are you going to swim as fast as he is? Fijne vakantie. Happy holidays. Good vacation. Auf dem Berggipfel liegt Schnee. There's snow on top of the mountain. There is snow on the mountain summit. Die große Wäld stôhd bletzlich still, weil å kloiner Virus dees so will. Suddenly the great world stands still because a little virus wants it so. The big wild stôhd pales silently because å cloiner virus wants to do so. Ek kan nie vlieg nie. I can't fly. I can't fly. Kunt u dat bewijzen? Can you prove it? Can you prove that? Laat geen sigarettenas op het tapijt vallen. Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Don't drop a cigarette tank on the carpet. Dat besef ik wel. I do realize that. I realize that. Sie hat kein Recht, das zu tun. She has no right to do this. She has no right to do that. Weißt du zufällig, wo Tom wohnt? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? זארג זיך נישט וועגן גייבן א גאנצע דרשה ביי דער חתונה, דו קענסט עס סתם זאגן ווען דו קומסט אן דארטן. Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there. Don't worry about giving up a whole dry at the wedding, You can do it on Saturday when you just sit down. Ze zeggen dat hij erg rijk was. It is said that he was very rich. They say he was very rich. Warum wollen Sie sich die Sache nicht gründlich überlegen? Why not turn the matter over in your mind? Why don't you want to think about the matter thoroughly? Nee, ik wit it net. No, I don't know. No, I don't know. Unterrichten Sie noch Geschichte? Do you still teach history? Do you still teach history? Mannen huilen ook. Men cry too. Men also cry. Der Frühling ist da. Spring arrived. Spring is here. Was willst du, dass geschehe? What do you want to happen? What do you want that to happen? Et hät en lange Niërsen. She has a long nose. It heats a long kidney. Ze hield van poëzie en muziek. She was fond of poetry and music. She loved poetry and music. Hast du daran gedacht, den Herd auszuschalten? Did you remember to turn the cooker off? Did you think of turning off the herd? Falls ich euren Pass finde, rufe ich an. If I find your passport, I'll call you. If I find your passport, I'll call you. Ich sah einen Jungen über die Straße gehen. I saw a boy crossing the street. I saw a boy walking across the street. Wie hebben aaier. We have eggs. Who's got ain't got ain't got it. Ich fehle zum ersten Mal. This is the first time I've ever been absent. I miss for the first time. Uitzonderingen bevestigen de regel. Exceptions prove the rule. Exceptions confirm the rule. Dit is een boek over Engeland. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. Wilst doe goan? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Sie gehen zum Schloss Himeji. They go to Himeji castle. You go to Himeji Castle. Alice slaapt in mijn kamer. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice sleeps in my room. We wasten onze handen. We washed our hands. We washed our hands. Sie versteht mich auch nicht. She doesn't understand me, either. She doesn't understand me either. Er tat, als ob er mich nicht kannte. He acted like he didn't know me. He did as if he didn't know me. Af un to is en Zigarr eenfach en Zigarr. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Occasionally, a cigar is simply a cigar. Kate heeft een verkoudheid. Kate has a cold. Kate has a cold. Hier ist Ihre Bestellung. Here's your order. Here's your order. S Buech isch schwarz. The book is black. S Buech is black. Hē hæfþ grēne ēagan. He has green eyes. Hē hastþ grēne ēagan. Averil bith the cruelest moneth. April is the cruelest month. Averil bith the cruelest moneth. MI6 is een Britse inlichtingsdienst. MI6 is a British secret service. MI6 is a British intelligence service. Waar zijn uw ogen? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? En zo speelt elke burger een onmisbare rol. And so each citizen plays an indispensable role. And so every citizen plays an indispensable role. Ik heb mijn rechterbeen gebroken. I broke my right leg. I broke my right leg. Hoe doe ik deze uit? How do I turn this off? How am I doing this? Het gaat prima. I feel very good. I'm fine. Was sind Si vo Prueff? What is your occupation? What are Si v Prueff? Algebra is een tak van de wiskunde. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Die bloemen zijn mooi. Those flowers are beautiful. Those flowers are beautiful. Koelkaast is dicht. The refrigerator is closed. Bullet's closed. Uw wens is voor mij een bevel. Your wish is my command. Your wish is an order for me. k Wil nait eten vandoag. I don't want to eat today. k Want to eat dinner tonight. Men moet voor zich zelf zorgen. One should take care of oneself. You have to take care of yourself. De door mensen veroorzaakte klimaatverandering zorgt ervoor dat landijs smelt en dat zeewater uitzet. Human-caused climate change has caused land ice to melt and ocean water to expand. Climate change caused by man causes land ice to melt and sea water to evaporate. Durf je hem vragen te stellen over dat ongeval? Dare you ask him about the accident? Do you dare ask him about that accident? Zai proatte. She talked. Zai promte. Tom sung dat Leed, wo ik em üm bäden harr. Tom sang the song I requested. Tom sings the song where I met him. n Koelkaast holdt vlaais vris. A refrigerator keeps meat fresh. A boil holds liquids fresh. Ich gehe erst, wenn du mir sagst, was du weißt. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I want to know. I'm not going until you tell me what you know. Ich kaufe gewöhnlich in diesem Supermarkt ein. I usually do my shopping at this supermarket. I usually buy in this supermarket. Het meisje heeft een muis. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Ich an deiner Stelle täte das nicht. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't do that at your place. Die film is vervelend. This movie is boring. The film is boring. He hett markt, dat ik dor bün. He noticed my presence. He marketed that I was there. Spielen Sie morgen mit mir? Will you play with me tomorrow? Do you play with me tomorrow? Sie hatten nicht mehr das Bedürfnis zu protestieren. They no longer felt a need to protest. They no longer had the need to protest. Alice is mijn moeder. Alice is my mother. Alice is my mother. Tom hielt den Wagen, den Maria fuhr, nicht für sicher. Tom thought the car Mary was driving wasn't safe. Tom didn't think the car Mary was safe. Tom steht nicht im Telefonbuch. Tom isn't listed in the phone book. Tom's not in the phone book. We kunnen je daar niet heen sturen. We can't send you out there. We can't send you there. Ich lerne Chinesisch. I'm learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. Dat is nogal onverwacht. That is rather unexpected. That's pretty unexpected. Ich habe schon mit Tom gesprochen. I've already spoken to Tom. I already talked to Tom. Kathmandu is de hoofdstad van Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Er ist besser als ich. He's better than I. He's better than me. Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. Sie hätten in Boston bleiben sollen. You should've stayed in Boston. You should've stayed in Boston. Geht 'm Tom da Reiß? Is Tom afraid? Is Tom there Reiß? Mir mussen erausfannen, wou hien ass. We have to find out where he is. We need to find out where he is. Deze wijn is erg lekker. This wine is extremely delicious. This wine is very delicious. Niemand is gestorven. Nobody died. No one died. Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hom. Find out all you can about him. Find out all you can about him. Ich rufe dich zurück. I'll call you back. I'll call you back. Söök een ut. Choose one. Choose one. Laat mij het uitzoeken. Let me look into it. Let me figure it out. Er is iets mis met de motor. Something is wrong with the engine. There's something wrong with the engine. Hij wil naar Amerika gaan. He wants to go to America. He wants to go to America. Was du sagtest, verärgerte alle. What you said made everybody angry. What you said made everyone angry. Die bome is groen. The trees are green. The trees are green. Wir haben zwei Fernsehgeräte. We have two television sets. We have two televisions. k Loop. I walk. k Loop. Hƿær is þin broðor? Where is your brother? Hƿær isȝin broðor? U hebt een regelmatige pols. You have a regular pulse. You have a regular pulse. Ik wenje yn Grinslân. I live in Groningen. I live in Greenland. Du wirst dich verlaufen. You'll get lost. You're gonna run away. De Golden Gate Bridge is van ijzer. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. Du schusst di den Verdrag dörkieken, ehrdat du em ünnerschriffst. You should look over the contract before you sign it. You scan the contract before signing it. Sie müssen mir die Wahrheit sagen. You need to tell me the truth. You have to tell me the truth. Tom spricht perfekt Deutsch. Tom speaks perfect German. Tom speaks perfect German. Plots kwamen zij uit het niets te voorschijn. They suddenly appeared from nowhere. Suddenly they came out of nowhere. Tom ist in diesem Hause nicht gerne gesehen. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom doesn't like to be seen in this house. Wir treffen uns draußen vor dem Eingang. We'll meet you out front. We'll meet outside in front of the entrance. Hai komt mit bus. He comes by bus. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Waarom kwam je uit de kamer? Why did you leave the room? Why did you get out of the room? Tom hofft, dass er nicht von der Schule fliegt. Tom hopes he doesn't flunk out of school. Tom hopes he won't fly from school. Misschien heb ik het op tafel laten liggen. Maybe I left it on the table. Maybe I left it on the table. Vertaal deze zin in het Engels. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. Hij houdt van honden. He loves dogs. He loves dogs. Ze naait met naald en draad. She sews with a needle and thread. She's sewing with needle and wire. Tom kann sich nicht erinnern, das Licht ausgeschaltet zu haben. Tom doesn't remember turning off the light. Tom can't remember having the light turned off. Wacht eefkes. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Mäi Meedchen huet muer Rendez-vous beim Zänndokter. My daughter has a dental appointment tomorrow. My girlfriend has muer rendezvous during dentistry. Marie ist gewachsen. Marie has grown. Marie grew up. Der Mont Blanc ist der höchste Berg der Alpen. The Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. Vielleicht schneit es. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it's snowing. Der ganze Berg wechselt im Herbst die Farbe. The entire mountain changes color in autumn. The whole mountain changes color in autumn. Ik will hier nich eten. I don't want to eat here. I don't want to eat here. An ye, hou's aw wi ye? And you, how's everything with you? And you, how much do we have? Der Kaffee schmeckt heute komisch. The coffee tastes funny today. The coffee tastes funny today. Gott, heer mich! God, listen to me! God, Lord me! Manchmal machen wir Dinge nicht, die wir machen wollen, damit andere nicht wissen, dass wir sie machen wollen. Sometimes we don’t do things we want to do so that others won’t know we want to do them. Sometimes we don't do things we want to do, so others don't know we want to do them. Brazilië is een enorm land. Brazil is a huge country. Brazil is a huge country. Ich weiß nicht, was Tom sagen wird. I don't know what Tom will say. I don't know what Tom's gonna say. t Is aan t snijen. Snow is falling. It's cutting. India is een ontwikkelingsland. India is a developing country. India is a developing country. Ik vind treinen leuk. I like trains. I like trains. Er schaffd bis Hallebnacht. He works until midnight. He's working till half-life. Weet je hoe groot de bevolking van Boston is? Do you know what the population of Boston is? Do you know how big the population of Boston is? Hij heeft hoofdpijn. He has a headache. He has headaches. Koelkaast is fies. The refrigerator is dirty. Cool sauce is fine. Laat uns wat versöken! Let's try something. Let's try something! Dat weer pickdüüster. It was pitch-black. It was pick-dish. Het is een schaduw. It's a shadow. It's a shadow. Ich komme ohne aus. I can do without it. I don't get out. Houveul lu? How many people? Houveul lu? Ik weet dat je dat zelf hebt gedaan. I know you did that by yourself. I know you did that yourself. Houdt u van pindakaas? Do you like peanut butter? Do you like peanut butter? Tom erinnert sich noch an euch. Tom still remembers you. Tom remembers you. Vor dem Haus steht ein Baum. In front of the house is a tree. There's a tree in front of the house. Disse Kamer kriggt nich veel Sünn af. This room doesn't get much sun. This room doesn't get much sun off. Ich hoffe, es macht Ihnen nichts aus zu laufen. I hope you don't mind walking. I hope it doesn't matter to you to run. Tom oefent drie uur per dag op de piano. Tom practices the piano three hours a day. Tom exercises on the piano for three hours a day. Tom wird jetzt vermutlich keinen Hunger haben. Tom is probably not hungry right now. Tom probably won't be hungry now. Sie spielt Klavier ohne Noten. She plays piano by ear. She plays piano without notes. Se hett nüms to ’n Snacken. She has no one to speak to. It has nothing to do with talking. די מלוכה באַדריקט זײַן מיעוטים. The state oppresses its minorities. The count represents millions. Kam uw haar voordat ge buiten gaat. Comb your hair before you go out. Come on, get your hair before you go outside. Mīn sweord biþ mīn līf. My sword is my life. Mīn sweard byþ mīn līf. די מלחמה אין תּימן דאַרף זיך ענדיקן. The war in Yemen has to end. The end of the war was lost. Ik leer Hettitisch. I'm learning Hittite. I'm learning Hittite. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. Playing baseball is fun. It's nice to play baseball. Shakespeare war Marlowes Zeitgenosse. Shakespeare was a contemporary of Marlowe. Shakespeare was Marlowe's contemporary. Dat is gestoord. That's nuts. That's crazy. Ich habe gestern nichts zu Abend gegessen. I didn't eat dinner last night. I didn't eat anything to evening yesterday. Ik wenje yn Grins. I live in Groningen city. I live in Borders. Säi Concert war gäil. His concert was great. His concert was fine. Wat jammer! What a pity! How sad! Tom hat das bestimmt nicht mit Absicht getan. It's not likely Tom did that on purpose. Tom certainly didn't do that with intent. Het kind van een kind is een kleinkind. The child of a child is a grandchild. The child of a child is a grandchild. Ich möchte ein Bild von diesem Hund. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of this dog. Meenst du nich, dat de grote Deel Lüüd op 2chan Dummbüdels sünd? Don't you think that most people on 2chan are idiots? Don't you think the big part are people on 2chan dummy bundles? Hƿȳ bohtest þū hit? Why did you buy it? H - bohtest þū hit? Sie haben vollkommen recht. You're perfectly right. You're perfectly right. Bly in jou kamer totdat jou pa terug kom! Stay in your room until your father gets back! Stay in your room until your father comes back! Das Foto-Shooting machte Spaß. The photo shoot was fun. The photo shooting was fun. Het is erg warm in de keuken. It is very hot in the kitchen. It's very hot in the kitchen. Wat is de kleur van Tom zijn haar? What color is Tom's hair? What's the color of Tom's hair? Tom hat eine Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche. Tom suffers from dyslexia. Tom has a reading spelling weakness. Het is gewoonlijk niet zo druk. It's not usually this busy. It's usually not that busy. Ik zal een taxi nemen. I'm going to take a cab. I'll take a cab. Tom sitzt seit Stunden am Flussufer. Tom has been sitting on the riverbank for hours. Tom has been sitting at the riverside for hours. Bitte finde eine Lösung für das Problem. Please find a solution to the problem. Please find a solution to the problem. Wer fun eich dud's eerst fersughe? Which of you will try it first? Who found yourself suing dud's first? Das war eine Riesendummheit. That was a really stupid thing to do. That was a huge stupidity. Wil je alsjeblieft niet roken in deze kamer? Would you mind not smoking in this room? Please don't you want to smoke in this room? Ich bin auch verhaftet worden. I was arrested, too. I've also been arrested. Wann hat Herr Suzuki Japan verlassen? When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan? When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan? Was machät Si brueflich? What's your occupation? What's she doing rudely? Hoe was het? How was it? How was it? Ich bin hier schon drei Tage lang gewesen. I've been here for three days. I've been here for three days. Du hest en seut Grintje. You have a cute smile. You have a seut grintje. Zijn voeten sliepen. His feet were asleep. His feet are asleep. Ek weet nie of dit waar is nie. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. Er wurde verrückt, als er die Geschichte hörte. He went mad when he heard the story. He got crazy when he heard the story. איך בין אַ פּאַלעסטינערין. I'm Palestinian. I am a Palestinian. Hest du kort Tied? Do you have a minute? Do you have a short time? Heb je haar ooit horen zingen op het podium? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Did you ever hear her sing at the stage? Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Australië zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like living in Australia. I don't think I would like to live in Australia. Ich mochte sie. I liked her. I liked her. Tom hat drei große Brüder. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three big brothers. Dit is en Peerd. This is a horse. This is a horse. Ik wil hem telefoneren, hebt ge zijn nummer? I want to contact him. Do you know his phone number? I want to call him, you got his number? Es ist besser, nicht zu fragen. It's best not to ask. It's better not to ask. Zij maakte hem uit voor leugenaar. She called him a liar. She made him a liar. Tom und Maria fingen sofort an, sich zu küssen, als das Licht ausging. Tom and Mary started kissing each other as soon as the light was turned off. Tom and Maria immediately started kissing each other when the light went out. Diese Suppe schmeckt gut. This soup tastes good. This soup tastes good. Das wäre so, als sägte man den Ast ab, auf dem man sitzt. That would mean sawing off the branch you're sitting on. That would be like sawing off the ass on which you're sitting. Könnten Sie mir das noch einmal erklären? Could you explain it to me again? Could you explain this to me again? װען ער איז געװען אַ קינד, האָט ער געװױנט אין אַ קלײנער דאָרף. When he was a child, he lived in a small town. When he was a child, he appeared in a clear village. Tom vertrou hom. Tom trusts him. Tom trusts him. Sie hat kurze Haare. She has short hair. She has short hair. Wollen wir alle zusammen etwas zu Mittag essen? Do you guys want to eat lunch together? Do we all want to eat something at noon together? Dit is erg gênant. This is extremely awkward. This is very embarrassing. Veel kinderen horen het verschil niet zo goed. A lot of children don't hear the difference very well. Many children don't hear the difference so well. איך האָב זיך אױסגעלערנט בערבעריש. I've learned Berber. I have learnedradish. De vorige maand is ze met Tom gehuwd. She married Tom last month. Last month, she married Tom. ''Hou old bist?'' ''k Bin 16 joar old.'' "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." ''How old are you?'' ''k Bin 16 year old.''' Het is niet mogelijk, nietwaar? It's not possible, is it? It's not possible, is it? Een week heeft zeven dagen: maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hij had drie zoons. He had three sons. He had three sons. Ongeveer 97 procent van het water op aarde bevindt zich in de oceaan. About 97 percent of Earth's water is in the ocean. About 97 percent of the water on Earth is in the ocean. Ik ben je speeltje niet. I'm not your plaything. I'm not your play. Ik denk dat het te koud is om te zwemmen. I think it's too cold to swim. I think it's too cold to swim. Jullie hebben ons geholpen. You helped us. You helped us. Ich hätte vorher etwas sagen sollen, aber ich befürchtete, du würdest dich ärgern. I should've said something before, but I was afraid you'd get angry. I should have said something before, but I was afraid you'd be angry. Dem Drang war schwer zu widerstehen, Tom den Kragen umzudrehen. It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck. The urge was hard to resist turning Tom around the collar. Du hättest nicht mit dem Taxi zu fahren brauchen. You would not have needed to take a taxi. You didn't need to ride the taxi. Ben je vóór of tegen het voorstel? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you in front of or against the proposal? Ich hoffe, dass dir dieser Satz Freude bereiten wird. I hope that you will enjoy this sentence. I hope this sentence will make you happy. Sein Haus ist am Fluss. His house is by the river. His house is on the river. Macedonië wordt ''Makedonija'' genoemd in het Macedonisch. Macedonia is called "Makedonija" in Macedonian. Macedonia is called 'Makedonija' in Macedonian. Jullie hadden het geheim moeten houden. You should have kept it secret. You should've kept the secret. Dat is mien Book. This is my book. This is my book. Hoe lank duur 'n basketbal spel? How long does a basketball game last? How long does a basketball game last? Ich suche Postkarten. Wo sind die, bitte? I'm looking for postcards. Where are they, please? Where are these, please? Ik was mijn handen omdat ze vies zijn. I'm washing my hands because they're dirty. I was my hands because they're dirty. Wie sehen die aus? What do they look like? What do they look like? Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. De leeuw is de koning van de dieren. The lion is king of beasts. The lion is the king of the animals. Ik heb geen zin tegen iemand te praten. I don't feel like talking to anybody. I don't want to talk to anyone. Iemand schreeuwde. Someone screamed. Someone yelled. De Appel is noch nich riep. The apple is not yet ripe. The apple is not ripe yet. Jack verzamelt postzegels. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects postage stamps. Fadil werd smoorverliefd op een moslimvrouw uit Egypte. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadil fell in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Wie hast du geantwortet? How did you reply? How did you answer? Kloagt Tom voak over rugpien? Does Tom complain about back pain often? Is Tom talking about back pain? Sami moet die badkamer gebruik. Sami needs to use the bathroom. Sami needs to use the bathroom. Wij waren getuigen van het ongeluk. We were witnesses of the accident. We were witnesses of the accident. Weet u dat zeker? Are you positive? Are you sure? Er macht Physik. He is doing physics. He's doing physics. Het is nog altijd ramadan. It's still Ramadan. It's still Ramadan. Hast du Töchter? Do you have any daughters? Do you have daughters? Ik ben een vrouw. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Wo ist Ihr Geld? Where is your money? Where's your money? Ik ben van plan nooit meer te drinken. I plan to never drink again. I'm never going to drink again. Meine Mutter hat wegen ihrer Krankheit drei Tage nicht geschlafen. My mother hasn't slept in 3 days due to her illness. My mother didn't sleep three days because of her illness. Maria ist Yogalehrerin. Mary is a yoga teacher. Maria is a yoga teacher. Ek moet nou gaan. I must go now. I have to go now. D Sunne isch am uufgah. The sun is rising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wie het die telefoon uitgevind? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Worüm fraagst du nich dien Fründ? Why don't you ask your boyfriend? Why don't you ask your friend? Op school ontmoette Sami een moslimjongen. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. At school Sami met a Muslim boy. Bill weer in sien Slaapkamer. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill was back in his bedroom. Ik fraag mi, woveel Peer in ’n Börgerkrieg doodbleven sünd. I wonder how many horses died during the Civil War. I asked myself how many peers died in a civil war. Könnten Sie das bitte buchstabieren? Could you spell it, please? Could you write this? Hij gaf me het geld terug. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money back. Ik zal je alles geven behalve dit. I'll give you anything but this. I'll give you everything except this. Tom un Ria wören in’n Goorn. Tom and Mary were in the garden. Tom and Ria awoke in a gorn. Ik ben getrouwd met Lori. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Ik heb maar twee kinderen. I only have two children. I only have two children. Sie mietete eine Vier-Raum-Wohnung. She rented a four-room flat. She rented a four-room apartment. Hoe gaat het met jullie? How are you guys doing? How are you guys? Tom bringt viel Zeit damit zu, nach seinen Autoschlüsseln, seinem Mobiltelefon oder seiner Brille zu suchen. Tom spends a lot of time looking for his car keys, mobile phone or glasses. Tom spends a lot of time searching for his car keys, his cell phone, or his glasses. Der Schwerpunkt sollte tiefer liegen, um eine größere Stabilität zu erreichen. The centre of gravity should be lower to obtain greater stability. The focus should be deeper in order to achieve greater stability. As binnen bist, komst der nait meer oet. Once you're in, you can't get out. As you get inside, the night comes more oat. Het ziet er goed uit. Things are looking good. It looks good. Ik mag den Smack von Tomaten nich. I don't like the flavour of tomatoes. I don't like the flavor of tomatoes. Hij is niet langer hier. He is no longer here. He's not here anymore. Mijn land ligt in Noord-Afrika, ten zuiden van de Middellandse Zee. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is located in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. Kunnen sinaasappelbomen in de tropen groeien? Can orange trees grow in the tropics? Can orange trees grow in the tropics? Tom is ongeduldig, niet? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Tom's impatient, isn't he? Sie kann nicht krank sein. She can't be ill. She can't be sick. Sie war noch nie auf Besichtigungsreise in New York gewesen. She had never seen New York before. She had never been on a tour trip to New York. Waarom huil je? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? In Rom gibt es viele Touristen. There are many tourists in Rome. There are many tourists in Rome. Woarom hest praai ien soep doan? Doe waist dat k doar nait van hol. Why did you put leek in the soup? You know I don't like it. Warrior hat praai one soup doe? Do you know that kiln duar night van hol. זי האט געווארט און געווארט, אבער ער איז קיין-מאל-נישט צוריקגעקומן. She waited and waited, but he never came back. She threatened and threatened, but he returned no-mal-hot. Ek weet alles van haar. I know all about her. I know everything about her. Dit is een grap. It's a joke. This is a joke. De bloempot is stuk. The flower pot is broken. The flowerpot's broken. Ik mag je vriendin niet. I don't like your girlfriend. I don't like your girlfriend. דער עולם איז ניט קיין גולם. People aren't stupid. The owl is not a body. Sami heeft nooit over de islam gesproken. Sami never spoke about Islam. Sami never talked about Islam. Maria beweerde dat ze een ufo zag. Mary claimed she saw a UFO. Maria claimed she saw a ufo. Zijn jullie bang voor mij? Are you scared of me? Are you scared of me? Geef me een precies antwoord. Give me a precise answer. Give me an exact answer. Felesiteerd! Congratulations! Felesited! Jullie moeten zich verontschuldigen bij Tom. You must apologize to Tom. You have to apologize to Tom. Letzten Monat wurden drei neue Briefmarken herausgegeben. Three new stamps were issued last month. Three new stamps were issued last month. Ik ga om acht uur naar school. I go to school at eight o'clock. I'm going to school at 8:00. Stephen King is een van mijn lievelingsschrijvers. Stephen King is one of my favourite writers. Stephen King is one of my favorite writers. Wir sind nicht verliebt, nur gute Freunde. We're not in love. We're just good friends. We're not in love, just good friends. Tom füttert immer noch die Tauben. Tom is still feeding the pigeons. Tom is still feeding the pigeons. Sie hatte Angst davor, sich zu erkälten. She was afraid to catch a cold. She was afraid of colding herself. Die Flüchtlinge sind knapp dem Tode entronnen. The refugees barely escaped death. The refugees have barely escaped death. Ek gee slegs vir haar om. I only care about her. I care only for her. Ech hu kee Krokodil. I don't have a crocodile. I have no crocodile. Mien peerd vil ien revier en n krokodil beet mien bain deròf. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. My horse vil one revier en n crocodile beet mine bain deròf. Ek werk by 'n bank. I work in a bank. I work at a bank. Hett se en Hund? Nee. Does she have a dog? No. Do they have a dog? In’e Palz geiht de Paster mit de Piep in’e Kark. In the Palatinate the pastor goes to church with a pipe. In 'e Palz, the paster goes with the pipe into'e Kark. Het scheelde niet veel of ik was timmerman geworden. I almost became a carpenter. It didn't matter much if I had become a carpenter. Hij deed zich voor als een stomme man. He pretended to be a stupid man. He pretended to be a stupid man. Du solltest Lehrer werden. You should be a teacher. You should be a teacher. Warum steht Tom noch immer draußen im Regen? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Natuurlijk herinner ik me het nieuws best goed. Of course I remember the news quite well. Of course I remember the news pretty well. Madrid, de hoofdstad van Spanje, is een prachtige stad. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a marvelous city. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a beautiful city. Het is dezelfde wijn. It's the same wine. It's the same wine. Kyoto wird jedes Jahr von vielen Leuten besucht. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. Kyoto is visited every year by many people. Er is niets dat je voor hem kan doen. There is nothing you can do for him. There's nothing you can do for him. קײנמאָל. Never. No, I don't. Weinig mensen denken zo. Few people think so. Few people think so. Hij kan niet erg snel rennen. He can't run very fast. He can't run very fast. Das kannst du laut sagen. You can say that again. You can say that loudly. Ik heb acht broers. I have eight brothers. I have eight brothers. Se engel him cwæð þa to: 'Ne acwele þu þæt cild, ne þine hand ne astrece ofer his sweoran!' The angel then said to him: 'Do not kill your child, nor should your hand stretch out over his neck!' They angel him cwæð þa to: 'Ne akwele þu That child, ne þine hand ne astrece ofer his sweoran!' Ik heb even een moment nodig. I'm going to need a minute. I need a moment. Drink jy koffie of tee? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Do you drink coffee or tea? Als Tom u dat zag doen, zou hij beginnen te wenen. If Tom saw you doing that, he'd cry. If Tom saw you do that, he'd start winning. All Minschen sünd vör dat Gesett egaal. All men are equal according to the law. All people are equal before the law. Nimm dir Zeit und nicht das Leben. Take your time. There's no rush. Take your time and not your life. „Ich liebe dich auch“, antwortete die Fee, „und wenn du bei mir bleiben möchtest, dann darfst du mein kleines Brüderchen sein, und ich werde sein dein liebes kleines Schwesterchen.“ "I love you, too," answered the Fairy, "and if you wish to stay with me, you may be my little brother and I'll be your good little sister." “I love you too,” replied the fairy, “and if you want to stay with me, you may be my little brother, and I will be your little sister.” Mi gefallt dit Hemd nich. Wies mi en anner. I don't like this shirt. Show me another. I don't like this shirt. Show me another one. Nenn es, wie du willst. Call it anything you want. Name it as you want. I dinnae ken. I donʼt know. I don’t know. Een man die verdacht deed, was kort voor de explosie gezien. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. A man who was suspicious was seen shortly before the explosion. Ik kijk geen tv. I do not watch television. I don't watch a TV. Macht es mehr Spaß, ein Kind oder ein Erwachsener zu sein? Is it more fun being a child or an adult? Is it more fun to be a child or an adult? Ich konnte gestern Abend kein Taxi finden. I couldn't find a taxi last night. I couldn't find a taxi last night. Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. Ik wull, ik kunn helpen. I wish I could help. I wanted to, I could help. Madrid ist die Hauptstadt und die wichtigste Stadt Spaniens. Madrid is the capital of Spain and its most important city. Madrid is the capital and most important city of Spain. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das glauben kann. I'm not sure I can believe that. I'm not sure I can believe that. Die kos is reg. The food is ready. The food is right. Het is geen bloed. Het is biet. It's not blood. It's beet. It's not blood. Ik hou van koken. I love cooking. I like cooking. Ik zal hem er morgen over vragen. I will ask him about it tomorrow. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Haben Sie schon gefrühstückt? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you been having breakfast? Vekaanzie is sikkom om. The vacation is close to an end. Vekanzie is dying. Hier klopt iets niet. Something's wrong here. Something's not right here. Ga nu. Move now. Go now. Tom is een Kreeft. Tom is a Cancer. Tom's a crab. Ik heb bananen gekocht. I bought bananas. I bought bananas. Tom dronk drie flessen bier. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Hod jimand Gott gesihn? Has anybody seen God? Hod anyone see God? Daardie boek is myne. That book's mine. That book is mine. Im Herbst legen einige Tiere einen Futtervorrat für den Winter an. In autumn some animals store food for the winter. In autumn, some animals lay a food supply for the winter. Wie ben ik om hem te bekritiseren? Who am I to criticize him? Who am I to criticize him? Ik ben bang dat hij in gesprek is. I'm afraid the line is busy. I'm afraid he's in conversation. De regering van Mexico weigerde te onderhandelen. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. The Government of Mexico refused to negotiate. We moeten de meeting annuleren. We need to cancel the meeting. We need to cancel the meeting. Zit Tom in de problemen? Is Tom in trouble? Is Tom in trouble? Das sind nur zehn Minuten zu Fuß. This is just a ten minute walk. That's just ten minutes on foot. Man braucht einen Innensechskantschlüssel, um das zu öffnen. You'll need an Allen key to open it. You need an inner hexagon key to open it. De Lamp deed utgahn un allens weer düüster. The lamp went out, and all was black. The lamp was going out and everything was dark. Ich mag Reggae. I like reggae. I like Reggae. Spaansch is licht. Spanish is easy. Spanish is light. Seien Sie mal nicht so gönnerhaft zu mir. Don't patronise me. Don't be so generous to me. Hij begroette me met een glimlach. He greeted me with a smile. He greeted me with a smile. Haben Sie einen Tisch mit Blick auf den Ozean? Do you have a table with a view of the ocean? Do you have a table overlooking the ocean? Leg dat boek boven op de andere. Put this book on top of the others. Put that book on top of the other one. Ik hou van de bioscoop. I love cinema. I love the cinema. Waarom moet ik dit doen? Why do I have to do this? Why should I do this? Ze houdt van klassieke componisten zoals Beethoven en Bach. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. She loves classic composers like Beethoven and Bach. Layla is vermoord. Layla has been murdered. Layla was killed. Hast du Budweiser Lightt? Do you have Bud Light? Do you have Budweiser Lightt? Laat me alsjeblieft je foto zien. Please show me your picture. Please show me your picture. Het land heeft de oorlog verklaard aan zijn buurland. The country declared war against its neighbor. The country declared war on its neighbor. Der Laden verkauft allen möglichen Krimskrams. The shop sells all sorts of bric-à-brac. The store sells all possible crime scrambles. Du hest veel verpasst. You missed a lot. You missed a lot. Je had Toms gezicht moeten zien toen hij erachter kwam. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when he found out. You should have seen Tom's face when he found out. Ek wonder wat het van Tom geword. I wonder what became of Tom. I wonder what became of Tom. Ik heb veel te doen vandaag. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. Darf ich eine Dose öffnen? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Werk niet te hard! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! Jy mag nou maar gaan meneer. You can go now, sir. You can go now, sir. Ik heff nich wüßt, dat Tom so oolt is. I didn't know that Tom was that old. I have not known that Tom is so old. Ik mutt na de Bank gahn. I have to go to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Morgen is mijn vrije dag. Tomorrow is my day off. Tomorrow's my day off. Ich bin nur ein Urlaubsreisender. I'm just a tourist. I'm just a holiday traveler. Hij eet een appel. He's eating an apple. He eats an apple. Ich habe meinen Lehrer letztens auf der Straße getroffen. I met my teacher on the street the other day. I met my teacher last night on the street. Alle Wege führen nach Rom. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Tom beschloss, seiner Webseite ein neues Aussehen zu verpassen. Tom decided to redesign his website. Tom decided to miss a new look on his website. Het meisje is mooi. The girl is beautiful. The girl's beautiful. Mijn vader vertrok naar China. My father took off for China. My father left for China. Doe zonkst. You sank. Don't worry about it. Maria zegt dat ze allergisch is voor jongens. Mary says that she's allergic to boys. Maria says she's allergic to boys. We zijn alleen. We're alone. We're alone. Das können Sie doch unmöglich ernst meinen. You can't possibly be serious. You can't be serious about that. Se deed em för sien Hülp danken. She thanked him for his help. She thanked him for his help. Er achtet die Gefühle anderer nicht. He pays no attention to others' feelings. He doesn't respect the feelings of others. Deze potloden moeten geslepen worden. These pencils need sharpening. These pencils must be dragged. Du warst im Koma. You were in a coma. You were in a coma. Hij was te kwaad om te kunnen spreken. He was too angry to speak. He was too angry to speak. Könntest du mir bitte sagen, warum? Could you please tell me why? Could you please tell me why? Hang aan vir 'n oomblik. Hang on a moment. Hang on for a moment. Es ist ein weiter Weg bis zur Stadt. It is long way to the town. It's a further way to the city. Zai wait. She knows. Zai wait. Wat ontbreekt er? What's missing? What's missing? Snijd de taart in punten. Cut the pie into slices. Cut the cake into points. Japaners sünd Asiaten. Japanese are Asians. Japanese are Asians. Tom versteht sich mit seinen Schwestern nicht. Tom doesn't get along with his sisters. Tom doesn't understand himself with his sisters. Die Reise nach China war anstrengend, deshalb bin ich ziemlich müde. The journey to China was strenuous, so I'm rather tired. The trip to China was strenuous, so I'm pretty tired. Braucht ihr eine Mitfahrgelegenheit? Do you need a lift? Do you need a ride? Das Wasser stieg auf einen Pegelstand von zehn Metern. The water rose to a level of 10 meters. The water rose to a level of 10 meters. Noem jij dat een kus? Do you call that a kiss? You call that a kiss? Toen hij thuis kwam, ging hij onmiddellijk van de honger naar de koelkast. When he returned home, he went ravenously straight to the fridge. When he came home, he immediately went from hunger to the fridge. Tom sagt, er hätte einen Geist um das verlassene Haus gehen sehen. Tom says that he saw a ghost walking around the abandoned house. Tom says he saw a ghost walking around the abandoned house. Das ist ein Problem, das du selbst lösen musst. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. This is a problem you have to solve yourself. Ich habe dich erwartet. I have been expecting you. I was expecting you. Ich bin neugierig, ob es in unserer Stadt schneien wird diesen Winter. I wonder if it will snow in our town this winter. I'm curious if it'll snow in our city this winter. Ech hunn en Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. I have an apartment in town. We raakten op weg daar naartoe door onze benzine heen. We ran out of gas on our way there. We got through our gasoline on our way there. Vindt u het erg als ik erbij kom zitten? Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I come to see you? דאָס פֿלעשל איז נישט פֿול. The bottle isn't full. The flag is not empty. Tom ist immer noch bei der Arbeit. Tom is still on the job. Tom's still at work. k Eet. I'm eating. k Eat. Ist das nicht gut? Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that good? Hy het sy ouers gevind. He found his parents. He found his parents. Laat mi starven. Let me die. Let me die. Misschien heb ik je hulp nodig. I might need your help. Maybe I need your help. Misschien zie ik je nooit meer terug. Perhaps I will never see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again. Swarte Pyt is rasisme. Zwarte Piet is racism. Black Pyt is racism. Hij begon te lachen. He started laughing. He started laughing. Dit was sy besluit. It was his decision. That was his decision. Ich bezahlte fünf Dollar extra. I paid five dollars in addition. I paid five extra dollars. Tom zwang sich zu einem Lächeln. Tom forced a smile. Tom forced himself to smile. Ich liebe den Klang von Kindergelächter. I love the sound of children laughing. I love the sound of children's laughter. Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Such thing can't be true. That can't be true! En guetä mitenand! Enjoy your meal! A goutä mitenand! Fisch leevt in de See. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the sea. Wie könnt ihr so viel essen? How can you eat so much? How can you eat so much? Mien Naam is Maria Sara. My name is Maria Sara. My name is Maria Sara. Tom konnt knapps franséisch schwätzen. Tom could barely speak French. Tom could hardly speak French. איך האָב איר פֿאַרגעסן צו שרײַבן. I forgot to write her. I have you forget to write. Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland teruggekomen? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come back from Germany? Hai dook. He dove. Hey, look at that. Dieser Plan sollte durchgeführt werden. The plan should be carried through. This plan should be implemented. Kann ich mir eine Zigarette schnorren? Can I bum a smoke? Can I snorkel a cigarette? Ik wist dat hij op Mary wachtte. I knew he was waiting for Mary. I knew he was waiting for Mary. Sie äußerten ihre Bedenken. They stated their objections. They expressed their concerns. Ik leef niet graag alleen. I don't like living alone. I don't like living alone. Ik mis Italië. I miss Italy. I miss Italy. Ich lasse meine Kinder abends nicht fernsehen, wenn am nächsten Tag Schule ist. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids look away in the evening when the next day's school. Tom wollte nichts mit mir zu tun haben. Tom wouldn't have anything to do with me. Tom didn't want anything to do with me. Dieses Problem zu lösen ist schwierig. The problem is difficult to solve. It is difficult to solve this problem. Hai loopt. He walks. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Se maakt geern Fotos. She likes taking pictures. They take nice photos. Das Glück lieget nicht in den Dingen. Es liegt in den Seelen der Menschen, die sie betrachten oder damit umgehen. Happiness does not lie in things. It lies in the souls of people who reflect upon or contemplate them. Happiness does not lie in the things. It lies in the souls of the people who consider them or deal with them. Peking ännert sik so gau. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Beijing changes so fast. Tom ist wirklich ein guter Arbeiter. Tom is a really good worker. Tom is really a good worker. Augenblick - da ist einer an der Tür. Just a moment - there's someone at the door. Wait, there's one at the door. Tom wird eure Hilfe benötigen. Tom is going to need your help. Tom will need your help. D'Sami huet probéiert säin Auto ze verkafen. Sami tried to sell his car. Sami tried to sell his car. Es wird schwierig sein, diesen Fleck zu entfernen. It's going to be difficult to remove this stain. It will be difficult to remove this spot. Nach seinem erfolgreichen Flug ins All wurde Juri Gagarin mit einer sechsstündigen Parade auf dem Roten Platz und einer darauffolgenden Zeremonie am Leninmausoleum, bei welcher er von Generalsekretär Nikita Chruschtschow begrüßt wurde, offiziell von der Sowjetunion gedankt. After his successful space flight, the Soviet Union paid its official thanks to Yuri Gagarin. There was a six-hour parade through Red Square, followed by a ceremony at the Lenin Mausoleum where Gagarin was greeted by General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. After his successful flight to All, Juri Gagarin was officially thanked by the Soviet Union with a six-hour parade on Red Square and a subsequent ceremony at Leninmausoleum, in which he was welcomed by General General Nikita Khushschov. Dit boek zal ons zeer van pas komen. This book will be of great use to us. This book will be very helpful to us. Tom geht regelmäßig zur Kirche. Tom attends church regularly. Tom goes to church regularly. Het was jouw fout. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Hai smookte. He smoked. Sharking. Hast du die Durchsage gehört? Did you hear the announcement? Did you hear the throughput? Wie durft? Who dares? How dare? Wat zól k eten? What should I eat? What would you eat? Met haar klein inkomen kan ze de eindjes nauwelijks aan elkaar knopen. With her small income she is having trouble making ends meet. With her little income, she can hardly tie the ends together. Madonna kan zingen. Madonna is able to sing. Madonna can sing. אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די ספֿרדים. Esther's family are Sephardi Jews. Osír's family is from the Spordmen. Tom hat eine gute Arbeit für mich gefunden. Tom found me a good job. Tom found a good job for me. Die Äerd is zu kleen. The Earth is too small. The earth is too clayy. Jij ging gisteren voetballen. You played football yesterday. You went football yesterday. Tom heeft Mary de foto getoond. Tom showed Mary the photo. Tom showed Mary the picture. Wi bruukt dien Geld nich. We don't need your money. We don't need your money. Es ist skurril. It's bizarre. It's scurvy. Ze las het gedicht hardop voor. She read the poem out loud. She read the poem aloud. Ze is zwanger. She's up the duff. She's pregnant. Kamer te huur. Room for rent. Room for rent. Die Leit hon dich gern. People like you. The people love you. Is het geen prachtige dag voor een picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Isn't it a wonderful day for a picnic? Whit a bonnie day tae be oot an aboot. What a beautiful day to be out and about. What a bonnie day to be out of and about. וויפֿל מוסלמענער וואוינען אין דער הייליקער שטאָט ירושלים? How many Muslims live in the holy city of Jerusalem? How many muslims do you find in the local city of Jerusalem? Mir tut der Arm weh. My arm hurts. I'm hurting the arm. Gott hod se krieerd. God created her. God hod she crys. Wij leren Spaans. We are learning Spanish. We learn Spanish. Ich treffe ihn jedes Mal, wenn er nach Madrid kommt. I always see him when he comes to Madrid. I'll meet him every time he comes to Madrid. Ik moet naar Boston. I need to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. Het is makkelijker veel uit te geven dan een beetje te sparen. It's easier to spend a lot than to save a little. It's easier to spend a lot than saving a little. ער איז נישט קיין צדיק אין פּעלץ. He isn't a hypocrite. He is not a miserable one. Dit is een auto en dat is een bus. This is a car and that is a bus. This is a car and that's a bus. Keiner hat uns geholfen. Nobody was helping us. No one helped us. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie das für mich machen würden. I would be very pleased if you did this for me. I'd be happy if you'd do this for me. Ik wil spreken met M. Sato alstublieft. I want to speak to Mr Sato please. I'd like to talk to M. Sato, please. Uiteindelijk bereikten we de top van de berg. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. Finally we reached the top of the mountain. Das Wort verwundet leichter als es heilt. Words wound more easily than they heal. The word hurts more easily than it heals. Tom schaltete den Ventilator ein. Tom turned on the fan. Tom turned on the fan. Ich kann keinen Rechner benutzen. Es ist kein Strom da. I cannot use a computer. There is no power. I can't use a computer. Doe bewoogst. You moved. Move it. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich dir jemals wieder vertrauen kann. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich noch lebe. I'm grateful to be alive. I'm grateful that I'm still alive. Stoan aaiberts eerliek op ain poot? Do storks really stand on one leg? Stain aisles honorably on ain'ts leg? Mijn oom stierf aan longkanker. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. Waar speelt gij tennis? Where do you play tennis? Where are you playing tennis? Oma hett Mehl op dat Rullholt streit, dat de Deeg dor nich anbacken blifft. Grandma sprinkled flour on the rolling pin so the dough wouldn't stick to it. Grandma fought flour on the roller hole, leaving the dough unbaked there. Er ist ein Exorzist. He's an exorcist. He's an exorcist. Hoe voel jy nou oor haar? How do you feel about her now? How do you feel about her now? Ich plane diese Reise schon seit drei Monaten. I've been planning this trip for three months. I've been planning this trip for three months. Als ik sterf, wil ik ergens sterven waar niemand me ooit zou vinden. If I die, I want to die where nobody ever finds me. If I die, I want to die somewhere no one would ever find me. Wat zijn jullie aan het koken? What are you cooking? What are you guys cooking? Ze gaf een boom water. She watered a tree. She gave a tree of water. Wir haben keinen Trockner. We don't have a tumble dryer. We don't have a dryer. וועגן וועמענס הונט רעדסטו? Whose dog are you talking about? About whose dog is this? Et iwwerrascht mech. It surprises me. It surprises me. He mutt ut ’n Süden wesen. He must be from the South. He must be from the south. Deze druiven zijn heerlijk. These grapes are delicious. These grapes are delicious. We tennissen altijd op zaterdagochtend. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We're always on Saturday mornings. Tom heeft een heel belangrijke baan. Tom has a very important job. Tom has a very important job. Het was afgelopen week. It was last week. It was last week. Ich bin froh, dass du das verstehst. I'm glad that you understand. I'm glad you understand. Oh hemel, het regent, en ik heb de was al buiten gehangen om te drogen; wat moet ik doen? Oh dear, it's raining, and I've already hung the laundry out to dry; what shall I do? Oh heaven, it rains, and I've already hung the wax outside to dry; what shall I do? Tom sliep. Tom was sleeping. Tom sleeps. Spreek je Roemeens? Do you speak Romanian? Do you speak Romanian? Dat Eenhoorn is en Fabelwesen. The unicorn is a fabulous monster. That unicorn is a fairy tale. Tom draagt ​​nooit roze. Tom never wears pink. Tom never wears pink. Tom waste zijn handen voor het eten. Tom washed his hands before eating. Tom washed his hands for dinner. Hij is nogal levendig. He's a bit energetic. He's pretty lively. Het kostte de duikers ongeveer acht uur om in de grot binnen te geraken, de jongens te bereiken en ze eruit te krijgen. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys, and bring them back out. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys, and get them out. Je gok is bijna goed. Your guess is almost right. Your gambling is almost good. Zai is twij moanden old. She is two months old. Zai is two months old. Wo ist dein anderer Bruder? Where's your other brother? Where's your other brother? Man hǣt þā Burge Nīƿes Eoforƿīčes þone Grēatan Æppel. New York is called the Big Apple. Man hƿtƿā Burge Nīȝes Eoforƿīčesȝone Grēatan Æppel. Plant bomen! Plant trees! Plant trees! Se dreeg en snaakschen Hoot. She had a strange hat on. They wore a strange hoot. Gott sei Dank is nimmand gestorreb. Thank God nobody died. Thank God has died taking. Ich verstehe nicht, warum du das machen willst. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do that. Tom is keen looi Kind. Tom isn't a lazy child. Tom is not a lazy child. Er was een verschil van één minuut tussen hen. There was a minute difference between them. There was a difference of one minute between them. Ich mache jeden Morgen eine Runde um den See. I do a lap around the lake every morning. I'll make a round around the lake every morning. Mijn vriendin houdt er ook van om te drinken. My girlfriend also loves to drink. My girlfriend likes to drink too. Tom deit an meist allens, wat he itt, Solt. Tom puts salt on just about everything he eats. Tom does almost anything he eats, salt. Jij bent de reden dat ik ben gekomen. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. Die Halbwertszeit von Actinium-255 ist ungefähr zehn Tage. The half life of actinium-225 is approximately 10 days. The half-life of Actinium-255 is about ten days. Tom was Mary's eerste liefde. Tom was Mary's first love. Tom was Mary's first love. Er mag Chemie. He likes chemistry. He likes chemistry. Niets zal hem tegenhouden. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Sami is mijn gymleraar. Sami is my gym teacher. Sami's my gym teacher. Doe verkòcht koelkasten. You sold refrigerators. Do cool refrigerators. Sinds vanmorgen heb ik drie boeken gelezen. Since this morning I've read three books. Since this morning I've read three books. We repareren allerlei soorten klokken hier. We fix all kinds of clocks here. We're fixing all kinds of clocks here. Niemand woont in dit huis. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. Du hättest Toms Gesichtsausdruck sehen sollen, als er es erfuhr! You should've seen the look on Tom's face when he found out. You should've seen Tom's facial expression when he found out! Na ’n Storm weer de See wedder rohig. After the storm, the sea was quiet again. After a storm, the sea was raging again. Deze stropdassen zijn niet van mij. These ties aren't mine. These shitbags aren't mine. Veel geluk. Good luck. Good luck. Ek leef my droom. I'm living my dream. I live my dream. Sie sind ein Gefangener. You're a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Deze mannen zijn het harde werken gewend. These men are used to hard work. These men are used to hard work. Hett di de Film gefallen? Did you enjoy the movie? Did you like the movie? De zus van George smeerde enkele boterhammen voor me. George's sister buttered a few sandwiches for me. George's sister threw some butter hams in front of me. Wir haben mit links gewonnen, weil die anderen Spieler schwach waren. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We won with left because the other players were weak. Die Geräusche gehen mir auf die Nerven. The noises are getting on my nerves. The noises go on my nerves. Tom zit vast in het verleden. Tom is stuck in the past. Tom's stuck in the past. We hebben geen kinderen. We don't have kids. We don't have children. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel. When the cat's away the mice will play. If the cat's home, the mice dance on the table. Tom lyk altyd of hy dieselfde ding dra. Tom always seems to be wearing the same thing. Tom always seems to wear the same thing. We zullen eerst de oorzaak van de ramp vaststellen. We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster. We will first determine the cause of the disaster. Auf wessen Seite stehst du? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Kannst du disse Wöör utspreken? Can you pronounce these words? Can you pronounce these words? Ån spräke as uler nooch. One language is never enough. Ån spoke as uler nook. Der Soldat ist tot. The soldier is dead. The soldier is dead. Mary draagt een watermeloen. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary's wearing a watermelon. Hij is een soort geleerde. He is something of a scholar. He's a kind of scholar. Tom werd heel boos. Tom got very upset. Tom got very angry. Das tut mir sehr leid. I feel very sorry about that. I'm very sorry. Sie rief um Hilfe. She called for help. She called for help. Ek het 'n probleem met my motor. I have a problem with my car. I have a problem with my car. Wat hij zei, stond veraf van de waarheid. What he said was far from true. What he said was far from the truth. Ons moet vinnig optree. We have to act quickly. We need to act quickly. Wilt u trouwen? Do you want to get married? Do you want to marry? Kan je voor mij wat inkopen doen? Can you do some shopping for me? Can you do some shopping for me? Hatsjie! Achoo! Hatred! Er mag Essen wie Tacos oder Pizza. He likes such foods as tacos and pizza. He likes food like tacos or pizza. Ik ben nog nooit in een onderzeeër geweest. I've never been in a submarine. I've never been in a submarine before. Ek het oorsee gegaan om 'n nuwe lewe te begin. I went abroad to start a new life. I went overseas to start a new life. Ek het jou nodig om my met hierdie te help. I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me with this. Wem sagst du das! Tell me about it! Who are you saying that? Is dat een halsmisdaad? Is that a capital crime? Is that a necklace crime? Sie ist jung und begabt. She's young and talented. She's young and gifted. Ich bin Toms Zahnarzt. I'm Tom's dentist. I'm Tom's dentist. Wil je in Mumbai wonen? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? כ׳בין אַ פֿישער. I'm a fisher. Away a fisherman. Tom ist dort mit Maria und Johannes. Tom is in there with Mary and John. Tom is there with Mary and John. Unser Flugzeug hob exakt um 18 Uhr ab. Our plane took off exactly at 6 p.m. Our plane lifted off exactly at 6 p.m. In die landen is honger de regel. In these countries hunger is the rule. In those countries hunger is the rule. Een kleine kop koffie is twee euro. A small cup of coffee is two euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. Chönd ir mir hälfä? Can you help me? Can you help me? Ich kann euch nicht sagen, welche Arbeit besser ist als die andere. I can't tell which work is better than the other. I can't tell you which work is better than the other. אפשר זי קענט ענטפערן די פראגע. She may be able to answer the question. Saves you can answer the request. Wie isch er? What is he like? What's he like? װען ביסטו געבאָרן געװאָרן? When were you born? When are you restarted? Ech trauen keng Politiker. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust a politician. Wo sind deine Augen? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? Ga je vaak op je eentje wandelen? Do you often go for walks alone? You're going to walk on your own a lot? Ze heeft in het buitenland gereisd. She has traveled in foreign countries. She traveled abroad. Ich bin von ihrer Unschuld überzeugt. I am convinced of her innocence. I'm convinced of her innocence. Ich habe die Zimmernummer 5. My room number is 5. I got the room number 5. Ich bin am Verlieren. I'm losing. I'm losing. Ik verloor mijn evenwicht. I was losing balance. I lost my balance. Amüsiert ihr euch gut? Are you guys having any fun? Do you enjoy yourself well? Lass es aus. Leave it off. Leave it out. De Jung hett sien Verscheel nich ännert. The boy didn't change his opinion. The boy did not change his difference. Sie setzte sich ans Klavier und begann zu spielen. She took her seat at the piano and began to play. She sat on the piano and began to play. Hast du dich entschieden, ob du dein Haus verkaufst oder nicht? Have you decided whether or not you're going to sell your house? Did you decide whether you sell your house or not? Val me alsjeblieft niet in de rede. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me. אסתּר איז אַ העברעיִש־לערערין. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Osizer is a Hebrew teacher. Broscht! Cheers! Broscht! Ich erlebte einen rundherum wunderschönen Abend. Allerdings war es nicht dieser. I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. I experienced a wonderful evening all around. However, it wasn't this one. Tom ist gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom certainly isn't pleased. Tom is certainly not pleased. Die Ärzte waren machtlos. There was nothing that the doctors could do. The doctors were powerless. Wah yuh faada niem? What is your father's name? Wah yuh faada neem? Narr! Fool! Narr! Es ist schwierig, drei Sprachen zu sprechen. It's hard to speak three languages. It is difficult to speak three languages. Mensen in de steden zijn aangetrokken tot het plattelandsleven. People in towns are attracted by life in the country. People in the cities are attracted to rural life. Dat sünd nich dien Gaveln. These are not your forks. These are not your gavels. Gleich nachdem die drei Ärzte das Zimmer verlassen hatten, kam die Fee an Pinocchios Bett, berührte ihn an der Stirn und stellte fest, dass er glühendes Fieber hatte. As soon as the three doctors had left the room, the Fairy went to Pinocchio's bed and, touching him on the forehead, noticed that he was burning with fever. Right after the three doctors left the room, the fairy came to Pinocchios' bed, touched him at the forehead, and found that he had glowing fever. In diesem Hause wohnt niemand mehr. No one lives in this house anymore. No one lives in this house. Rasiert ihr euch jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Are you rushing every morning? Toms Restaurant ist immer voll. Tom's restaurant is full all the time. Tom's restaurant is always full. Tom hil ook van mie. Tom loved me, too. Tom, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Het is gloednieuw. It's brand new. It's brand new. Fabien, kom je zaterdagnamiddag met ons mee naar het zwembad? Fabian, are you going with us to the pool on Saturday afternoon? Fabien, are you coming to the pool with us on Saturday afternoon? Es ist schön, so viele gut unterhaltene Leute zu sehen. It's great to see so many people enjoying themselves. It's nice to see so many well maintained people. Sami vind altyd 'n weg deur. Sami always find a way through. Sami always finds a way through. ''Ga jij naar Toms feestje?'' ''Ik weet het nog niet.'' "You going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." "Are you going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." Kannst du en beten langsamer snacken? Can you speak more slowly? Can you speak a bit slower? Kin k zingen? Can I sing? Can you sing? Ich laufe nicht gern. I don't like running. I don't like running. Wêr komme jo wei? Where are you from? Where are you coming from? Het geluk staat de dapperen bij. Fortune favours the brave. Happiness helps the brave. Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a samurai. Er schrieb ihnen. He wrote to them. He wrote to them. Joe hielen van sukkeloa. You loved chocolate. Joe heels of sukkeloa. Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. Hier deugt iets niet. Something stinks. There's nothing wrong with this. Ich bezweifle, dass er qualifiziert genug ist, um so ein Team zu trainieren. I doubt he is qualified enough to manage such a team! I doubt he's qualified enough to train such a team. Er hat ein Ticket nach Paris gebucht. He booked a ticket for Paris. He booked a ticket to Paris. Sumatra ist eine Insel. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel. It's permissible to doubt. It's permissible to doubt. Gisteren heb ik voetbal gespeeld. I played soccer yesterday. Yesterday I played football. k Kin nait oamen. I can't breathe. k Can oam night. Hast du je einen Satz bei Tatoeba korrigiert? Have you ever corrected a sentence on Tatoeba? Have you ever corrected a sentence at Tatoeba? Sami droug n tulbaand. Sami was wearing a turban. Sami droug n turband. Er blies die Kerze aus. He blew out the candle. He blew out the candle. מתּיא איז אַ וועלטלעכער קריסט. Matthew is a secular Christian. MISCELLANEOUS is a secular Christian. Ik heff den Jung mit brune Schoh sehn. I saw the boy in brown shoes. I saw the boy with brown shoes. Tom hat Angst, die Wahrheit zu sagen. Tom is afraid to tell the truth. Tom is afraid to tell the truth. Ik heb nieuwe zinnen toegevoegd. I added new sentences. I've added new phrases. Zij landde. She landed. She landed. Nur wenige Menschen wissen, dass Herr Itsumi aus der Kansai-Region stammt. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. Few people know that Mr Itsumi came from the Kansai region. Bemerken Sie an Tom eine Veränderung? Do you notice anything different about Tom? Do you notice a change to Tom? Mijn vader gaat een wandeling maken in het park. My father is going for a walk in the park. My dad's going to take a walk in the park. Er zijn andere kanten. There are other aspects. There are other sides. Kip, alstublieft. Chicken, please. Kip, please. Voëls drink water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Ik werd verliefd op Maria toen ik haar het eerst zag. I fell in love with Mary the very first time I saw her. I fell in love with Maria when I first saw her. Honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet. Hunger is the best sauce. Hunger makes raw beans sweet. Laat uns Versteken spelen! Let's play hide-and-seek! Let's play hides! Tom könnte es machen. Tom could do it. Tom could do it. We hebben de hele dag geskied. We skied all day. We've been doing all day. Ik wilde dat niet. I didn't want that. I didn't want to. Bist du ein guter Tänzer? Are you a good dancer? Are you a good dancer? שלום־עליכם, מײַן קליינער קעצל־חבֿר! Hello, my little kitty friend! Hello, all right, all right? Ik heb een tijd in Frankrijk gewoond. I lived in France for some time. I've lived in France for a while. Es ist fast unmöglich, sich als Mangakünstler seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Making a living as a manga artist is almost impossible. It is almost impossible to earn his livelihood as a manga artist. De trein had vertraging wegens hevige sneeuwval. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was delayed due to heavy snowfall. Sein neuer Besitzer führte ihn auf eine hohe Klippe, die das Meer überragte, hing ihm einen Stein um den Hals, band ihm ein Seil an einen seiner Hinterläufe und gab ihm einen Stoß, dass er ins Wasser geschleudert wurde. His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water. His new owner led him to a high cliff that covered the sea, hung him a stone around his neck, tied him a rope to one of his backs, and gave him a shock that he was thrown into the water. Wel vil? Who fell? What the fuck? Hou die woordeboek by jou. Keep the dictionary by you. Keep the dictionary with you. Deze doos is leeg. Er zit niets in. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty. Tom moet heel moe zijn. Tom must be very tired. Tom must be very tired. Ik wüss nich, woneem ik hengahn oder wat ik doon schull. I didn't know where to go, or what to do. I didn't know where I was going or what I should do. Maria trägt keinen Lippenstift. Mary doesn't wear lipstick. Maria doesn't wear a lipstick. Ihr hättet zustimmen sollen. You should've said yes. You should have agreed. Ich lebe hier schon viele Jahre. I've been living here for many years. I've lived here for many years. Maria setzte sich auf den Fußboden und zog die Beine an. Mary sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. Mary sat on the floor and pulled the legs. Abraham þa het Isaac beran þone wudu to þære stowe, and he self bær his sweord and fyr. Abraham then ordered Isaac to bring the wood to the place, and he himself brought his sword and fire. Abraham þa het Isaac beran þone wudu to datre stowe, and he himself bær his brother and fyr. איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I don't feel well. I don't like myself well. איך װיל זיך לערנען אינדאָנעזיש. I want to learn Indonesian. I will teach myself indonesian. Ich möchte gern allein sein, wenn du nichts dagegen hast. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. De man waar ik mee aan het praten was is mijn leerkracht Engels. The man I was talking to is my English teacher. The man I was talking to was my teacher English. Tom mied Orte, an denen geraucht wurde. Tom avoided places where people smoked. Tom rents places where it was smoked. Ich schlafe nicht im Bett. I don't sleep in a bed. I'm not sleeping in bed. Wi gaht na School, üm to lehren. We go to school to study. We go to school to learn. Ich komme nicht öfter – nicht, weil ich nicht interessiert wäre, sondern weil ich die Zeit nicht erübrigen kann. I don't attend more often, not because I'm not interested, but because I can't find the time. I don't come more often - not because I'm not interested, but because I can't spend time. Da Thomas kunnt desmoi gwinna. Tom may win this time. Since Thomas could desmoi gwinna. Port Vila is de hoofdstad van Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Ek wil dit nie eet nie. I don't want to eat this. I don't want to eat it. Wenn du nicht verstehst, frage. If you don't understand, ask. If you don't understand, ask. Nem bilong mi Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name was Hashimoto. Airt for airt sake. Art for art's sake. Airt for airt business. Er zijn veel nieuwe straten in Parijs. There are a lot of new streets in Paris. There are many new streets in Paris. Ziehen Sie sich an! Get your clothes on. Pull yourself up! Lasst mich nachdenken. Let me think. Let me think. Du hättest das Bild sehen sollen. You should have seen the picture. You should've seen the picture. Hij heeft kort haar. He has short hair. He's got a short hair. Ik heb een foto van een luchthaven. I have a picture of an airport. I have a picture of an airport. Er zijn miljoenen sterren in het universum. There are millions of stars in the universe. There are millions of stars in the universe. Bananen sind belebend. Bananas are energizing. Bananas are invigorating. Warum habe ich nicht so einen Freund? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have such a friend? Toms vrouw kent Mary's man niet. Tom's wife doesn't know Mary's husband. Tom's wife doesn't know Mary's husband. Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! Schlaf ist die beste Meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Haben Sie ein paar Minuten Zeit für mich? Can you spare me a few minutes? Do you have a few minutes for me? Tom dog dat dit onregverdig was. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom thought it was unfair. Ik doop met water. I baptize with water. I'm getting baptized with water. Ich denke, wir müssen uns einfach gedulden. I think we just have to be patient. I think we just have to wait. Ich mag es scharf, aber nicht zu scharf. I like it spicy, but I don't like it too spicy. I like it sharp, but not too sharp. Heb je een vriendin? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend? Vecht! Fight! Fight! Wasser is leejve. Water is life. Water is leejve. Ik vraag me af waarom Tom beweerde Marie niet te kennen. I wonder why Tom said that he doesn't know Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't claim to know Marie. Tom het bleek gelyk. Tom looked pale. Tom looked pale. Deine Hündin scheint sich sehr für das Eichhörnchen zu interessieren, das da über den Rasen läuft. Ich hoffe, sie hat nicht vor, es anzugreifen! Your dog seems to be very involved in the progress of that squirrel across the lawn. I hope she's not planning to attack it. Your bitch seems to be very interested in the squirrel running over the lawn. I hope she doesn't want to attack it! Er trat gegen den Ball. He kicked the ball. He went against the ball. Natalia is de lieveling van de leraar, maar dat zal ze nooit toegeven. Natalia is the teacher's favourite, but she will never admit that. Natalia is the lover of the teacher, but she will never admit that. זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? do you see a difficult one? U bent me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Das Eis war dick genug, um darauf zu gehen. The ice was thick enough to walk on. The ice was thick enough to go on. געטרויט נישט קיין ווײַבער־שׂונאים. Don't trust misogynists. It is not believed to be part of the World Bank. Jij hebt vlees. You have meat. You got meat. Is dat Latien? Is this Latin? Is that Latin? Wir dachten, dass wir ihn nicht würden aufhalten können. We thought that we wouldn't be able to stop him. We thought we couldn't stop him. Er wohnt in New York. He lives in New York. He lives in New York. Ben je zelfs niet nieuwsgierig? Aren't you even a little curious? Aren't you curious? I schau ma gern Goifspün au. I love watching golf. I look like Goifspün au. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You guys are stronger than we are. you are a stork from us. Mijn broer zwemt niet. My brother doesn't swim. My brother doesn't swim. Dieser Laden ist außerordentlich teuer. That store is exceptionally expensive. This store is extremely expensive. Ich möchte immer lostanzen, wenn ich dieses Lied höre. I feel like dancing whenever I hear this song. I always want to loose when I hear this song. Tom sagt, Maria habe unrecht. Tom says Mary is wrong. Tom says Maria's wrong. Ich hoffe, dass du aus deinem Fehler etwas gelernt hast. I hope that you have learned something from your mistake. I hope you learned something from your mistake. Het ganse gezin lag ziek in bed. The whole family was sick in bed. The whole family was in bed sick. In de volgende lente wil ik naar Hawaï. Next spring I want to go to Hawaii. In the next spring, I want to go to Hawaii. Hai is n Saks. He's a Saxon. Hai is a bag. Du hast es möglich gemacht. You made it happen. You made it possible. Verkòcht! Sold! Son of a bitch! Was kostete das deinen Worten nach? How much did you say this cost? What did that cost you? Dit is het diepste meer van Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. U bent in gevaar. You are in danger. You're in danger. Wie viel Zeit verbringen Sie auf Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? Ek het nooit enigiets soos dit gesien nie. I've never seen anything quite like this. I never saw anything like it. Bitte nichts Papa sagen! Please don't tell Dad. Please don't tell Dad! Laten we even binnenspringen bij hem thuis. Let's drop by his house. Let's just jump in to him at home. Ik kann ahn Feernsehn nich leven. I can't live without TV. I can't live without television. Ich wusste, dass ich im Bus nicht würde schlafen können. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep on the bus. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep on the bus. Tom het reeds geëet. Tom already ate. Tom had already eaten. Ze keek naar hem op. She looked up at him. She looked at him. Jy is nie 'n dokter nie. You are not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Aadler un Dauve sin aarich scheene Diere. Eagles and doves are very beautiful animals. Adler and Dauve sin aarich apparent animal. Ich bin mir nicht hundert Prozent sicher. I'm not a hundred percent sure. I'm not a hundred percent sure. Farwol. Farewell. Farwol. Wir müssen sofort aufbrechen. We must leave right away. We have to break up right away. Holzauge sei wachsam! Keep your eyes peeled! Wooden eye be vigilant! Waarkst doe? Are you working? - Where are you going? Wie hebben ries. We have rice. Who's got giants. Tom werkt. Tom works. Tom works. Wir klauen Zeugs. We steal stuff. We're clawing stuff. Du musst stracks anfangen. You must start immediately. You have to start straight. My ma het skoon lakens op my bed gesit. My mother put clean sheets on the bed. Mother put clean sheets on my bed. "O jeetje..." zuchtte Al Sayib. "Nou, hoeveel heb je nodig? Er staat iets van 10 mille op mijn offshore rekening te staan." "Oh, boy..." Al-Sayib sighed. "Well, how much do you need? I've got about 10 grand just sitting in my offshore account." "Oh, you..." said Al Sayib. "Well, how much do you need? There's something of 10 miles on my offshore account." Ich möchte mir Skistiefel kaufen. I want to buy some ski boots. I want to buy ski boots. We hebben gisteravond een verschrikkelijke film gezien. We saw a terrible movie last night. We saw a terrible movie last night. Er ist der letzte Mensch, mit dem ich Skifahren gehen wollte. He is the last person I would want to go skiing with. He's the last person I wanted to go skiing with. Kirgizië wordt ''Kirgiziya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Kyrgyzstan is called "Kirgiziya" in Russian. Kyrgyzstan is called 'Kirgiziya' in Russian. Dat is nodig. It's necessary. That's necessary. Tom hat ungefähr vor einer Stunde zu Abend gegessen. Tom ate dinner about one hour ago. Tom ate dinner about an hour ago. Nou, ik ben klaar. Okay, I'm ready. Well, I'm done. Tom tat so, als sähe er nicht, was passierte. Tom pretended that he didn't see what was happening. Tom did as if he didn't see what was happening. Sla op de volgende hoek linksaf. Turn left at the next corner. Turn left on the next corner. Die Titanic het gesink op haar eerste vaart. Sy was 'n groot skip. The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage. She was a large ship. The Titanic sank on her first voyage. Wie, du weißt nicht?! What do you mean you don't know?! How, you don't know?! In de hel is er een speciale plek voor mensen die eten in de bioscoop. There's a special place in hell for people who eat in movie theaters. In hell there is a special place for people who eat in the cinema. Du süst mööd ut. Du schusst di en beten utrohn. You look tired. You should rest a little. You must quit. You will be better off. Maria sagte, dass sie glücklich sei. Mary said that she was happy. Maria said she was happy. Hoeveel verdient hij per maand? How much money does he make a month? How much does he earn a month? Reisen macht großen Spaß. It's a lot of fun going on a trip. Traveling is great fun. Wist je niet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Didn't you know that Tom was a dentist? You didn't know Tom was a dentist? Engeland is trots op zijn poëten. England is proud of her poets. England is proud of its poets. Deze vlag is erg mooi. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Wenn auch die Kräfte fehlen, so ist doch der Wille zu loben. Though strength fails, the will's to be praised. If the forces are missing, the will is to be praised. Ik heff nüms to’n Snacken. I have no one to talk to. I have nothing to talk about. Du hättest auf ihre Warnung hören sollen. You should have paid attention to her warning. You should have listened to her warning. ער רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. Hij haat verjaardagen. He hates birthdays. He hates birthdays. Der Doktor riet Herrn Smith, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. The doctor told Mr. Smith to give up smoking. The doctor told Mr. Smith to stop smoking. Sie kennt uns gut. She knows us well. She knows us well. Dröff ik disse Appelsien eten? Can I eat this orange? Do I eat these apples? Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom so lange braucht. I don't know what's taking Tom so long. I don't know why Tom needs so long. Neem toukommende autobus. Take the next bus. Take towering bus. Ik ben gevaarlijk. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. 1989 weer en swoor Johr. 1989 was a difficult year. 1989 was a difficult year. Zij zijn mijn favoriet. They're my favorite. They're my favorite. Niemand wilde mijn land vertrouwen. Nobody wanted to trust my country. No one wanted to trust my country. Ik wil ook gaan naar Beijing I also want to go to Beijing. I want to go to Beijing too. A wiss ye Happy Ne'er. I wish you a Happy New Year. And know you Happy Ne'er. Wo hod-der do die Brieftasch gefunn? Where did you find this wallet? Where did you find the letter bag? Melanie ist gerade beschäftigt. Melanie is busy right now. Melanie's busy right now. Dein Kopf sprudelte über vor neuen Ideen. Your head was bursting with new ideas. Your head spilled over from new ideas. Es ist niemand hier. There's no one here. There's no one here. Ich bin gegen Grippe geimpft worden. I was vaccinated against the flu. I've been vaccinated against Grippe. Ich bin sicher, dass er die nächste Prüfung bestehen wird. I'm sure he'll pass the next exam. I'm sure he'll pass the next test. Tom gaan nie so maklik oorreed word nie. Tom won't be that easy to convince. Tom is not going to be so easily persuaded. Egal was er dir sagte, es stimmt nicht. Whatever he told you, it's not true. No matter what he told you, it's not true. Tom hett mi vertellt, dat Hans em sien Broer wœr. Tom told me John was his brother. Tom told me that Hans was his brother. Der Unterricht begann um acht Uhr. The lesson started at eight o'clock. The class began at eight o'clock. Eten! Food! Food! Jy is die liefde van my lewe. You're the love of my life. You are the love of my life. Es ist so schön, wieder da zu sein. It's so nice to be back. It's so nice to be back. Dat weer so koold, dat ik nich slapen kunn. It was so cold that I couldn't sleep. It was so cold that I couldn't sleep. Sie erkältet sich leicht. She easily catches cold. It cools easily. Hoeveel keer per jaar gaat ge skiën? How often do you go skiing every year? How many times a year are you going skiing? Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg dauerte vier Jahre. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The American Civil War lasted four years. Säure greift Metall an. Acid attacks metal. Acid attacks metal. Bleibe gefasst, was immer er auch sagen möge! Don't lose your temper whatever he may say. Stay focused on whatever he may say! Waar hebt ge die schoenen gekocht? Where did you buy these shoes? Where did you buy those shoes? Deutsch ist keine einfache Sprache. German is not an easy language. German is not a simple language. Sie sind gleichaltrig. They are the same age. They're equally old-fashioned. Der Polizist blies in seine Trillerpfeie, damit der Wagen halte. The policeman blew his whistle for the car to stop. The policeman blew into his trills to keep the car. Frau Young hätte nichts dagegen, wenn ich unerwartet bei ihr hereinschneite. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Young would have no objection if I unexpectedly cut her in. Die Polizei sucht nach Zeugen des bewaffneten Raubüberfalls, der sich in der vergangenen Nacht um 11 Uhr auf einen Schnellimbiss ereignete. Police are seeking witnesses to the armed robbery of a fast food outlet at 11 o'clock last night. The police are looking for witnesses of the armed robbery that happened last night at 11 o'clock on a rapid bite. Miskien was al Tom se voorstelle nie dom nie. Maybe all of Tom's suggestions weren't stupid. Perhaps all Tom’s suggestions were not stupid. Die Zwiebeln keimen schon. The onions have already sprouted. The onions will germinate already. Waarom werkt Tom thuis? Why does Tom work at home? Why does Tom work at home? Wat heb je in je hand? What are you holding in your hand? What have you got in your hand? Er ist mehr oder weniger betrunken. He is more or less drunk. He's more or less drunk. Zai ging vot. She left. Zai went to vote. Wat hest du to de Tied maakt? What were you doing at that time? What did you do at the time? Geet dir mat? Are you going to come along? Are you going with me? De politie heeft Toms auto doorzocht. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Warum vergisst du es nicht einfach? Why don't you just forget it? Why don't you just forget? Sie erschien genau in dem Moment, als wir unsere Mahlzeit begannen. She turned up just as we were starting our meal. They appeared exactly at the moment we started our meal. Ik heb het raam geopend. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Er is hier niet genoeg ruimte voor veertig mensen. There isn't enough space here for forty people. There's not enough space here for forty people. Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow color? Wi bruukt Ehr Geld nich. We don't need your money. We don't need your money. Tom was toe hier. Tom was here then. Tom was here then. Dingen zouden zo simpel mogelijk moeten zijn, maar niet simpeler dan dat. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Things should be as simple as possible, but not more simple than that. Laten we onze overwinning vieren! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Ek is kwaad vir beide van julle. I'm mad at both of you. I am angry with both of you. Gibt es einen Herrenfriseur im Hotel? Is there a barber shop in the hotel? Is there a hairdresser in the hotel? Mach deine Augen auf. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Duitsland werd geëlimineerd door Zuid-Korea. Germany was eliminated by South Korea. Germany was eliminated by South Korea. Men kan deze machine niet vertrouwen. You can't rely on this machine. You can't trust this machine. Jeder hat das Recht, hin und wieder launisch zu sein. Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while. Everyone has the right to be lazy all the time. Persies! Exactly! Persians! k Was muide. I was tired. k Was muide. Ich fahre mit dir nach Hannover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going to Hanover with you. Es begab sich, dass wir zu der Zeit in London waren. It happened that we were in London then. It turned out we were in London at the time. Hij wil gewoon aandacht. He just wants attention. He just wants attention. Tom ist nicht schüchtern. Tom isn't timid. Tom's not shy. Kann ich das behalten? Can I keep this? Can I keep that? Tom sil foar alles betelje. Tom will pay for everything. Tom will pay for everything. זײַט איר אַ נודיסט? Are you a nudist? page you a noudist? וואס איז דאס? What is that? Who is this? Hai is doen. He is drunk. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Legg di op de linke Sied. Lie on your left side. Put you on the left side. Der Dieb verkleidete sich als alte Frau. The thief disguised himself as an old lady. The thief dressed up as an old woman. Is jy seker jy wil nie daai doen nie? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you do not want to do so? Es war die größte Freude, die ich je empfunden habe. It was the greatest joy that I have ever experienced. It was the greatest joy I've ever felt. Ich halte nichts von Gruppentherapie. I don't believe in group therapy. I don't like group therapy. Was jy gister besig? Were you busy yesterday? Were you busy yesterday? Sie hon wieder ferloer. They lost again. She lost it again. Hij is absoluut niet gelukkig. He is far from happy. He's absolutely not happy. Natuurlijk mag dat. Of course you can. Of course you can. Ik hou van katten. I like cats. I love cats. Hou de tassen in de gaten. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on the bags. Louisiana behoorde tot Frankrijk. Louisiana belonged to France. Louisiana belonged to France. ’Keen is he? Who is he? ‘ Isn't he? Dat grijze gebouw? That gray building? That grey building? Ik ben ook bang dus ik ga niet. I'm scared too, so I'm not going to go. I'm scared too, so I'm not going. De jongen is aan het schrijven. The boy is writing. The boy's writing. Aaah!! Mien Reekner is in ’n Dutt! Aaah!! My computer is broken! My computer is in a pit! Tom kan niet rijden. Tom cannot drive. Tom can't drive. Ich wollte Sie Tom vorstellen. I wanted to introduce you to Tom. I wanted to introduce you to Tom. S Buech isch alt. The book is old. S Buech is old. Het leven is een circus. Life is a circus. Life is a circus. Man sollte nie über Nacht geschminkt bleiben. You should never leave your makeup on overnight. You should never be mutilated overnight. Hebben jullie Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Kan jy my brief lees en die foute korrigeer, as daar is. Would you read my letter and correct the mistakes, if any? Can you read my letter and correct the mistakes, if there is. Ich spüre nichts. I can't feel anything. I don't feel anything. Ik heff vergeten, wat ik seggen wull. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what I wanted to say. Tom heeft een tijger gedood. Tom killed a tiger. Tom killed a tiger. Die Jungen lachten Tom aus. The boys laughed at Tom. The boys are laughing at Tom. Is je school ver weg van je huis? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far from your home? Ich mache mir große Sorgen um Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm really worried about Tom. Fast eine Milliarde Menschen auf der Welt haben keinen Zugang zu sicherem, sauberem Wasser. Nearly one billion people around the globe lack access to clean, safe water. Almost one billion people in the world have no access to safe, clean water. Alle haben Tom gesucht. Everybody was looking for Tom. Everyone was looking for Tom. Du musst darüber hinwegkommen. You need to get over it. You have to get over it. Du hest di gau verhaalt. You recovered quickly. You've been telling yourself quickly. Het zou me niet gelukt zijn zonder zijn hulp. I would have failed without his help. I wouldn't have succeeded without his help. Tom hiemt. Tom is panting. Tom's home. Ben je al weg? You're leaving already? Are you gone yet? Bist-du graad uffgewach? Did you just wake up? Are you in charge? דאס איז וואס איך פראביר דיר זאגן. That's what I'm trying to tell you. This is what I trial thee saying. Tom rief an, um mitzuteilen, dass er sich verspäten würde. Tom called to say he'd be late. Tom called to tell us he'd be late. Conchita fühlte sich schuldig, weil sie Toms und Marias Beziehung zunichte gemacht hatte. Conchita felt guilty for ruining Tom and Mary's relationship. Conchita felt guilty because she had destroyed Tom's and Mary's relationship. Sie sagt, dass sie Blumen mag. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. װילסט טרינקען? Do you want a drink? Want a drink? Ich spreche nicht gern über solche Dinge. I don't like talking about this kind of thing. I don't like to talk about such things. Hebt u een mobieltje? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איסלאַמאָפֿאָביש? Is Donald Trump Islamophobic? Is Donald Trump Islamic? Ik heff noch nie so en groten Waal sehn. I've never seen a whale that big. I have never seen such a big wave. ראַמאַדאַן מובאַראַק. Ramadan Mubarak. Ramadan Mubarak. Hat Tom sich letzte Woche frei genommen? Did Tom take last week off? Did Tom take himself free last week? Hien gesäit. Et ass Waasser. Hie laacht. Hien daucht. He sees. It's water. He laughs. He dives. He looks. It is water. He laughs. He dives. Je hebt brood gekocht. You bought bread. You bought some bread. Du hast das Treffen verpasst. You missed the meeting. You missed the meeting. Ich ziehe Äpfeln Apfelsinen vor. I prefer oranges to apples. I prefer apples apples. Ich habe meine Kraft verloren. I've lost my strength. I lost my strength. Ich spiele gern Basketball. I like to play basketball. I like playing basketball. Tom stahl das Geld. Tom stole the money. Tom stole the money. Tom hat sich erhängt. Tom hanged himself. Tom hanged himself. Hände weg! Hands off. Get your hands off! Ze is verslaafd aan winkelen. She's addicted to shopping. She's addicted to shopping. Der Winkel würde zu klein sein. The angle would be too narrow. The angle would be too small. Dat is dien Book. That is your book. This is your book. Tom öffnete die Käfige. Tom opened the cages. Tom opened the cages. Bis er sich an sie gewöhnt hatte, machte Tom auf seiner neuen Tastatur viele Tippfehler. Tom made a lot of typos on his new keyboard until he got used to it. Until he got used to her, Tom made many typing errors on his new keyboard. Een oude vriend kwam bij mij thuis op bezoek. An old friend came to my house for a visit. An old friend came to visit me at home. Da es kein Taxi gab, musste ich zu Fuß nach Hause gehen. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Ich bin dir nicht böse. I'm not angry with you. I'm not angry with you. Roop mi morgen fröh üm negen an! Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow early at nine! Man hat es bestätigt. It has been confirmed. You've confirmed it. Waorüm givs du mi nich, wat ik häbben wil? Why don't you give me what I want to have? Why don't you give me what I want to have? Im Allgemeinen mögen Kinder Süßigkeiten. In general, children are fond of candy. In general children like sweets. Tom hat Maria sitzenlassen. Tom stood Mary up. Tom let Maria sit. Ons het hierdie herfs baie tifone gehad. We've had lots of typhoons this fall. We had many tips this fall. Woveel Tied is vergahn? How much time has passed? How much time has gone by? Können Sie bitte dieses Päckchen zur Post bringen? Can you please take this package to the post office? Can you please bring this packet to the mail? Mijn excuses. Sorry... I'm sorry. Si ass Doktesch. She's a doctor. She's a doctor. Ek gaan nie my keuse verander nie maak nie saak wat jy sê nie. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. I'm not going to change my choice. It doesn't matter what you say. Ich wollte Sie nie in Gefahr bringen. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never wanted to put you in danger. Ich bin alt. I'm old. I'm old. Mijn anti-virus heeft een virus doorgelaten. My anti-virus let a virus through. My anti-virus has gone through a virus. Je zei dat al een uur geleden. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Hij is al een man. He's already a man. He's already a man. טאם איז געקומען קיין יאפאן על מנת צו לערנען יאפאניש. Tom came to Japan to study Japanese. Taman Tom came to Yopan El Monnet to learn Japanese. Sie sind nur ein Feigling. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. Moenie laat wees vir die trein nie. Don't be late for the train. Don’t be late for the train. Je bent grappig. You are funny. You're funny. Bill, falls du kënns mat mir, du schwiefs och. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. Bill, if you can do it with me, you'll do the same. Þū eart on Europan! You're in Europe! Diesū honors on Europan! Hij ging weg zonder dag tegen me te zeggen. He went out without saying goodbye to me. He left without saying day to me. Dank u, meneer. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Die Äerd is en Planet. Earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. Tom wöör buten. Tom was outside. Tom was outside. Das hier ist ein Adverb. This is an adverb. This is an adverb. Þu eart min freond. You are my friend. Heyu honours my friend. Ik werd rood. I turned red. I got red. Ek sal terugkom na jou in 'n ruk. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll come back to you in a while. Ich denke, dass sie die Wahrheit kennt. I think that she knows the truth. I think she knows the truth. Een leeuw is een dier. A lion is an animal. A lion is an animal. Meine Mutter starb, als ich ein Kind war. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. Wir müssen vor denen dort sein. We must get there before them. We have to be in front of them. Mit denen verbringst du mehr Zeit als mit mir. You spend more time with them than me. You spend more time with them than you do with me. Sein Herz schlug schneller bei der Nachricht. His heart beat fast at the news. His heart beat with the message faster. Mi stap gut. I'm fine. I was safe. די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman is reading. The question is read. אַלזשיריע שטייט נאָך בײַ פּאַלעסטינע. Algeria still supports Palestine. Alliery still at Palestine. Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. Mi stap long pos opis. I'm in the post office. I was on the post office. Dat ass ze schwéier fir mech. That's too difficult for me. That's too hard for me. Ik zou je graag om een gunst vragen. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you for a favor. Tom is nog niet terug. Tom isn't back yet. Tom's not back yet. Bestudeer deze zinnen. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Du bist acht Zentimeter größer als ich. You're three inches taller than I am. You're eight centimeters bigger than I am. Waarom spreken ze in het Berbers? Why are they speaking in Berber? Why are they talking in the Berbers? Ik ben ingenieur. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. Sami's ouders zijn moslim. Sami's parents are Muslim. Sam's parents are Muslim. Verheimlichst du mir etwas? Are you hiding something from me? Do you hide anything from me? Wenn ich spreche, habt ihr still zu sein und zuzuhören! When I speak, you be quiet and listen! When I speak, you have to be quiet and listen! Tom wollte mehr über Marias Familie erfahren. Tom wanted to know more about Mary's family. Tom wanted to learn more about Maria's family. Steek de kaarsen aan. Light the candles. Put the candles on. Kan jy my indruk? Can you squeeze me in? Can you impress me? Der binnen 187.888 meren ien Finlaand. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. There is one finlaand within 187,888. Tom fiel in Ohnmacht. Tom blacked out. Tom fell out of power. Ik bün dor wedder. I'm back. I'm back there. Hai kin Hongoars en zie kin Duuts. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Hai can be Hungarian and see Duuts. Der König hat immer eine Krone auf. The king always wears a crown. The king always has a crown. Tom houdt van tonijn. Tom likes tuna. Tom likes tuna. Hou je van blauwe kaas? Do you like blue cheese? Do you like blue cheese? Anscheinend mögen Sie Obst. You seem to like fruit. Apparently you like fruit. He wull in düsse Stadt blieven. He wanted to stay in this city. He wanted to stay in this city. Deze banaan is bijna helemaal zwart. This banana is almost completely black. This banana is almost completely black. Ich chumm us Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm humming us Saitama. Dat zullen jullie zelf moeten doen. You'll have to do that yourselves. You'll have to do that yourself. Mijn huis is verzekerd. My house is covered by insurance. My house is insured. Maria ist von ihrer Krankheit genesen. Mary recovered from her illness. Maria is cured of her illness. דער אמת איז ביטער; אַ שקר איז זיס. Truth is bitter; lies are sweet. The true is bitter; a shriek is sweet. Ik vraag me af waarom vrouwen langer leven dan mannen. I wonder why women live longer than men. I wonder why women live longer than men. Keine Sorge. Tsunamis sind sehr selten. Don't worry. Tsunamis are very rare. Don't worry. Tsunamis are very rare. Das Abendessen wird kalt. Supper's getting cold. Dinner's getting cold. Ik kan niet de piano spelen. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. Alle ihre Anstrengungen verliefen im Sande. All her efforts culminated in failure. All their efforts were in the sand. איך לערן כינעזיש. I teach Chinese. I learned Chinese. Hello, ma name is José Silva. Fit's yer name? Hello. My name is José Silva. What's your name? Hello, my name is José Silva. Fit's yer name? Das war ein ernsteres Problem als wir dachten. That was a more serious problem than we thought it would be. That was a more serious problem than we thought. En Elefant hett en lange Nees. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Zij was op de plaats delict. She was at the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Sie flüsterte ihm etwas ins Ohr. She whispered something into his ear. She whispered something into his ear. Ich habe kein Kopfweh mehr. My headache has gone. I don't have a headache anymore. Ich hoffe, es ist alles gutgegangen. I hope everything went well. I hope it all went well. Goejûn, hoe is 't mei jo? Good evening, how are you? Go ahead, how are you? Dat is een goed idee! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! Ze zochten allemaal naar het vermiste kind. They all searched for the lost child. They all looked for the missing child. Ik heb veel vrienden. I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of friends. Tom will ein neues Haarwaschmittel ausprobieren. Tom wants to try a new shampoo. Tom wants to try out a new hair washer. Der alte Mann ist gebrechlich. The old man is frail. The old man is fragile. Sie sind Anfang Mai in Osaka angekommen. They arrived in Osaka at the beginning of May. They arrived in Osaka in early May. Geloof me of niet, maar ik ben deze keer niet sarcastisch. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe me or not, but I'm not sarcastic this time. Ik ben mijn sleutel kwijtgeraakt. I lost my key. I lost my key. Tom haat huiswerk. Tom hates homework. Tom hates homework. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt. I am greatly impressed. I'm very impressed. Bill hat nicht weniger als sechs Dollar. Bill has not less than six dollars. Bill has no less than six dollars. Warum sagtest du nichts? Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you say anything? Ich bin nicht so reich, wie ich gerne wäre. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. I'm not as rich as I would like. Het kan morgen gaan regenen. It may rain tomorrow. It can be raining tomorrow. Der Arzt untersuchte das Baby. The doctor examined the baby. The doctor examined the baby. Es ist Zeit für Ihre Therapie. It's time for your therapy. It's time for your therapy. Beide Brüder leben noch. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers still live. Ik wil met hem spreken. I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him. We hebben geen wasdroger. We don't have a tumble dryer. We don't have a laundry dryer. ווי לערנט אַן עופֿעלע צו גיין? How does an infant learn to walk? How does an example learn to go? Darüber wollte ich mit Ihnen sprechen. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to talk to you about this. Waarom doen zij dat? Why do they do this? Why do they do that? Ich weiß nicht, was ich als Nächstes machen sollte. I don't know what the next step should be. I don't know what to do next. Russland is de gröttste Staat op de Welt un de Vatikaan is de lüttste Staat op de Welt. Russia is the biggest state in the world, and The Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Russia is the largest state in the world and the Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Dein Puls ist normal. Your pulse is normal. Your pulse is normal. Stiller! Quieter! Stiller! Kan ik daar lopen? Can I walk there? Can I walk there? Tom hat gestern ein neues Auto gekauft. Tom bought a new car yesterday. Tom bought a new car yesterday. Wie kam Tom nur auf den Gedanken, Maria müsste das nicht? I wonder what made Tom think Mary didn't have to do that? How did Tom just think that Mary wouldn't have to? Ihr müsst euch beeilen. You must hurry up. You must hurry. Ik blijf bij je tot zondagochtend. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. Lamberto is de naam van een grote hotelketen. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Harr ik ehr Adress weten, harr ik ehr schreven. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. Their I know their address, I have written to them. Ik ben koekjes aan het maken. I'm making cookies. I'm making cookies. Tom behauptete steif und fest, er habe nichts getrunken, aber sein Lallen und Schwanken verrieten ihn. Tom insisted he hadn't been drinking, but his slurred speech and unsteady gait gave him away. Tom firmly and firmly claimed he didn't drink anything, but his lads and limps betrayed him. Du bist am größten. You are tallest. You're the biggest. Tom erreichte ein Alter von siebenundneunzig Jahren. Tom lived to be 97 years old. Tom reached an age of ninety-seven years. Er ist ein Betrüger. He's a cheat. He's a cheater. Kennst du ein paar gute Filme, die man sich mal ansehen könnte? Do you know one or two good movies we could watch? Do you know some good movies you could watch? Dit lawaai is ondraaglijk. This noise is unbearable. This noise is unbearable. Dieser Tisch hat eine glatte Oberfläche. This table has a smooth surface. This table has a smooth surface. Die twee dorpe is geskei deur 'n rivier. The two towns are separated by a river. The two towns were separated by a river. Ik wil Korea bezoeken. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. Ken muss inzwischen zu Hause sein. Ken must be home by now. Ken's got to be home in the meantime. Guadn Dog! Good afternoon! Guadn Dog! Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass es ihnen gutgehe. Tom and Mary told John that they were OK. Tom and Mary told John it was good for them. Beide binne wij sykjend nei eat wat der net is. We are both looking for something that isn't there. Both of us are looking for food that is not there. Hoe durf jy oor my man op so 'n walglike manier praat! How dare you speak about my husband in that disgusting way! How dare you talk about my husband in such a disgusting way! Wat is de oorzaak van mijn aandoening? What's the cause of my condition? What's the cause of my condition? Boter, brood en groene kaas; wie dat niet zeggen kan, is geen oprechte Fries. Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian. Butter, bread, and green cheese; who can't say that, is not an upright Fries. Wit witon þe ᵹit lēoᵹaþ. We two know that you two lie. White's witon þæt lēoƿaþ. Ich habe mich entschlossen, mich von heute an jeden Tag zu wiegen. I have decided to weigh myself every day starting today. I decided to weigh myself from this day to day. Mien man is ook n leroar. My husband is a teacher, too. My husband is also a teacher. Maria keek in haar magische spiegel. Mary looked into her magic mirror. Mary looked in her magical mirror. Zij zijn verdwenen. They disappeared. They've disappeared. Ik hör Stimmen. I hear voices. I hear voices. Tom, könnte ich mal kurz mit dir sprechen? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, could I talk to you for a minute? Het was het mooiste gezicht dat hij in zijn leven gezien had. It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life. It was the most beautiful face he had seen in his life. Ist deine Schule weit von zu Hause entfernt? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far from home? Warum hast du heute keine Zeit? Why are you busy today? Why don't you have time today? Ik heff dat Auto köfft. I bought the car. I bought the car. הנשיא ווילסון זועזע. President Wilson was shocked. Hancha Wilsun See also: Hij heeft geen fiets. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Het is warm vandaag, dus je kunt in zee zwemmen. It's warm today so you can swim in the sea. It's hot today, so you can swim in the sea. Jong taikent. The boy draws. Young ticks. Voeg jy nie suiker by nie? Don't you add some sugar? Don't you add sugar? Wollen wir auf ihn warten? Should we wait for him? Do we want to wait for him? איך פֿאָטאָגראַפֿיר די פֿרױ I'm photographing the woman. I suggest the request Er ist hier, um uns auszuspionieren. He's here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Nächstes Jahr fällt mein Geburtstag auf einen Sonntag. Next year my birthday will fall on a Sunday. Next year my birthday falls on a Sunday. Sy het die ligte afgeskakel. She turned off the lights. She turned off the lights. Wie heißen deine Eltern? What are your parents' names? What's your parents' name? Ech iessen ze vill Fleesch. I eat too much meat. I eat too much meat. Ek wil 'n blou koek hê. I want a blue cake. I want a blue cake. Wenn etwas ein Android ist, ist es auch ein Roboter. If something's an android, it's also a robot. If something is an Android, it's also a robot. Wil je dat ik wegga? Do you want me to leave? Do you want me to leave? איך װעל טרינקען אַ גלאָז קאַװע. I'd like to drink a glass of coffee. I won't drink a glass of cow. Das ist ein Sklavenlohn. These are slave wages. That's a slave wage. Ek sien niks. I don't see anything. I don't see anything. Wer is eier Advogaat? Who is your lawyer? Who's egg advogate? Ik heb deze vraag al beantwoord. I've already answered this question. I have already answered this question. Wir sind in letzter Zeit viel zusammen. We've been spending a lot of time together. We've been together a lot lately. Mein Vater ist mit 65 Jahren in Rente gegangen. My father retired at the age of 65. My father retired at age 65. Zelfs kinderen kunnen dit boek lezen. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Tom wist dat hij de enige was die Maria zou vertrouwen. Tom knew that he was the only one that Mary would trust. Tom knew he was the only one who would trust Mary. Doe die sigaret uit. Put that cigarette out. Take off the cigarette. Solange ihn niemand ansprach, sagte er nichts. He did not speak unless spoken to. As long as nobody spoke to him, he didn't say anything. Þancie þé! Thank you! Dieancie þé! Tom war ungeheuer neugierig. Tom was incredibly curious. Tom was very curious. איך בין צופרידן אז דו ביסט נישט געווען דא. I'm glad you weren't here. I'm glad that you weren't here. He harr bi de Arbeid en Unfall. While working, he had an accident. He had an accident at work. Bist du sicher, dass das zu Toms Gunsten ist? Are you sure this is in Tom's best interest? Are you sure this is in Tom's favor? Es ist klein und beengt. It's very small and cramped. It's small and narrow. Ik heb echt een baan nodig. I really need a job. I really need a job. Laten we verder gaan. Let's move on. Let's move on. Ik kan het niet geloven! I can't believe it. I can't believe it! Wenn du das machst, schmeiße ich dich raus. You do that and I'll fire you. If you do, I'll throw you out. Ich öffnete die Dose, aber sie war leer. I opened the can, but it was empty. I opened the can, but it was empty. Atmen Sie bitte tief ein. Please take a deep breath. Please breathe deep. Tom vermoedt niets. Tom suspects nothing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. De populaire zangeres pleegde zelfmoord. The popular singer committed suicide. The popular singers committed suicide. Lasst uns essen gehen. Let's go to eat. Let's go eat. Ze hebben het brood geproefd. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. De telefoons doen het niet. The phones aren't working. The phones don't do it. Tom war froh, Maria allein vorzufinden. Tom was glad to find Mary alone. Tom was happy to find Mary alone. Du bass keng Fra. You're not a woman. You are not a woman. Hij is een astronomiekenner. He is an expert in astronomy. He's an astronomer. Wie lange braucht ein Tierarzt, um ein Pferd zu untersuchen? How long does it take for a veterinarian to examine a horse? How long does a veterinarian need to investigate a horse? Du und Tom seid füreinander geschaffen. You and Tom are made for each other. You and Tom are created for each other. Frag mich nicht, warum! Don't ask me why. Don't ask me why! Ik ben een student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Tom ergriff die Gelegenheit mit beiden Händen. Tom grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Tom seized the opportunity with both hands. Ik wüß nich, wat ik seggen schull, un sweeg. Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. I didn't know what to say, and weighed. Er bot mir ein Bier an, aber ich lehnte es ab. He offered me a beer, but I refused. He offered me a beer, but I refused. Betty hett em ümbröcht. Betty killed him. Betty wrapped him up. Natasha is en russ’schen Naam. Natasha is a Russian name. Natasha is a Russian name. Is Mary een echte blondine? Is Mary a real blonde? Is Mary a real blonde? Tom kwam gisteravond dronken thuis. Tom came home drunk last night. Tom came home drunk last night. He weet nich, wat he doon schall. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. He doesn't know what to do. Ik ben homo. I am gay. I'm gay. Er hat oft gesündigt, aber dennoch werde ich ihm vergeben. He has sinned a lot, and yet I shall forgive him. He has sinned many times, but yet I am forgiven him. Aua! Ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt! Ouch! I stuck my finger in the door! I put my finger in the door! Hai vloog. He flew. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Tom doet alles wat hij kan om geld te besparen. Tom is doing everything he can to save money. Tom does everything he can to save money. Hij was heel oud. He was very old. He was very old. Früher oder später musste das passieren. This was bound to happen sooner or later. It had to happen sooner or later. Ich kann mich nicht selber hören! I can't hear myself! I can't hear myself! Hai kwam n poar dagen loater. He came a few days later. Hai came for a couple of days of loater. Tamma des, derwei's nu frisch is. Let's do this while it's still cool. Tamma des, that's why it's fresh. As ek jy was, het ek onmidellik begin. Were I you, I would start at once. If I were you, I would have started immediately. Slaap sacht, Sean. Sleep tight, Sean. Sleep soft, Sean. Hiermee ben ik het met hen niet over eens. I can't agree with them on this matter. I don't agree with them. Ik protesteer! I protest! I protest! Was täte ich ohne euch? What would I do without you? What am I doing without you? Het is heel jammer dat je vrouw niet kon komen. It's an awful shame your wife couldn't come. It's a shame your wife couldn't come. Wie het jou dit geleer? Who taught you that? Who taught you this? Heb je condooms? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? Der Regen dauerte drei Tage. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. Nem bilong mi Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. My name was Yatarou. We hebben alles weggedaan. We got rid of everything. We've done everything away. Kin k noar boeten? Can I go outside? Can k noar fine? Tom ist ins Schwimmbecken gefallen. Tom fell into the pool. Tom fell into the swimming pool. Ek weet hoe jy oor ons gevoel het. I know how you felt about us. I know how you felt about us. Ik kan dat nu doen. I can do that now. I can do that right now. Toms Wohnung ist zwar klein, doch sehr gemütlich. Tom's apartment is small, but it's very cozy. Tom's apartment is small, but very cozy. As jy opstaan sal hy besig wees om te studeer. He will be studying when you get up. If you get up, he will be studying. Kan ik met di kwatern? May I have a talk with you? Can I go with you? De rooster werd herzien. The timetable has been revised. The schedule was revised. Der Lehrer hat uns dieses Wörterbuch empfohlen. The teacher recommended this dictionary to us. The teacher recommended us this dictionary. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ik begin moe te worden. I'm starting to get tired. I'm getting tired. Sein Vater wird nicht kommen: er ist sehr beschäftigt. His father will not come, he is very busy. His father will not come: he is very busy. Seine Firma ging Pleite und zu allem Übel hatte er einen Verkehrsunfall. His company went bankrupt, and to make matters worse, he met with a traffic accident. His company went to Pleite and to all evils he had a traffic accident. Kommt dir mat? Are you going to come along? Are you coming? אסתּרס משפּחה איז פֿון די תּימנער. Esther's family are Yemenite Jews. Osír's family is from the U.S. Mijn oor brandt. My ear is burning. My ear burns. Ich muss Japanisch lernen. I have to learn Japanese. I have to learn Japanese. Dat gifft Eilannen in de See. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Joe kòchten n pappegoai. You bought a parrot. Joe kisses a parrot. Goud is zwaarder dan zilver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Dat wordt aan het eind enigszins uitgelegd. That is somewhat explained at the end. This is explained somewhat at the end. Die Krawatte sieht genauso aus wie die, die Tom trägt. That tie looks just like the one Tom is wearing. The tie looks just like the one Tom wears. Tot ziens, Ian. Goodbye, Ian. Goodbye, Ian. Er zijn veel rivieren op dat eiland. There are many rivers on that island. There are many rivers on that island. Het eerste ding dat hij kocht was een wekker. The first item he bought was an alarm clock. The first thing he bought was an alarm clock. Die Sonne – in der Tat unser ganzes Sonnensystem – kreist um das Zentrum der Milchstraßengalaxie. The Sun—in fact, our whole solar system—orbits around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The sun, in fact our entire solar system, revolves around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Sami eet gain schink. Sami doesn't eat bacon. Sami eats fine ham. Dat zegt me iets. That rings a bell. That's what I'm saying. Tom hoffte, den ersten Preis zu gewinnen. Tom's hope was to win first prize. Tom hoped to win the first prize. Hij werd een stemacteur. He became a voice actor. He became a voice actor. Je bent een geweldige vriendin! You're a wonderful friend. You're a great friend! De prijzen stijgen. Prices are rising. Prices are rising. Mir tränen die Augen. My eyes are watering. I'll tear my eyes. Ik ben Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Er ist mein Intimfreund. He is my close friend. He's my intimate friend. Tom moet ervandoor. Tom needs to get going. Tom's got to get out of here. Kan je dat ding eten? Is this thing edible? Can you eat that thing? Ik begrijp eindelijk wat je me probeerde te zeggen. I finally understand what you were trying to tell me. I finally understand what you were trying to tell me. Ich weiß nicht, wo Maria wohnt. I don't know where Mary lives. I don't know where Maria lives. Wat voor een slechte film. What a bad film! What a bad movie. Ik ben geen leerlinge. I'm not a pupil. I'm not a student. Het is ijskoud. It is freezing cold. It's freezing cold. Tom en ik zijn uit elkaar. I broke up with Tom. Tom and I are apart. Ich will nicht ins Wasser. I don't want to get into the water. I don't want to go to the water. Maria putzte eilig ihr Zimmer. Mary cleaned her room in a hurry. Maria put her room in a hurry. Ich dachte, du wärest allein. I thought you'd be alone. I thought you were alone. Hat er das Geld vergessen? Did he forget the money? Did he forget the money? Daar is 'n voël hier. There is a bird here. There's a bird here. Ich habe einen Fehler begangen. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Stilte alstublieft. Quiet please. Shut up, please. Ek sal dit terug maak vir aandete. I'll make it back in time for supper. I'll make it back for dinner. פֿאַרגינט זיך! Have fun. forging! דער טײַוול איז טויט. The devil is dead. The devil is dead. Wiens schoenen zijn dit? Whose shoes are these? Whose shoes are these? Mach bitte das Licht aus. Please turn off the light. Turn off the light. Spreekt u Turks? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Wann werden wir uns wiedersehen? When will we meet again? When will we see each other again? Meine Mutter hat zwei Flaschen Orangensaft gekauft. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. דארטען, וואו מיר לעבען, דארט איז אונזער לאנד. Wherever we live, that's our country. Here, where I live, there is U.S.A. Ik probeer elke dag minstens een uur te trainen. I try to exercise at least an hour every day. I'm trying to train at least an hour each day. Wir werben im Fernsehen für unsere Produkte. We advertise our products on TV. We cast for our products on TV. Je had het me de eerste keer kunnen zeggen. You could have told me the first time. You could have told me the first time. Tom het in koelkaast keken. Tom looked in the refrigerator. Tom looked at it in cold cheese. Er is niet veel te zeggen. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Das Ziel dieses Spiels ist, alle Bomben auf dem Bildschirm explodieren zu lassen. The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen. The aim of this game is to let all bombs on the screen explode. Das Video ist langweilig. This video is boring. The video is boring. Ich habe einen Termin beim Zahnarzt. I have a dentist appointment. I have an appointment with the dentist. Er versuchte, mit uns Französisch zu reden. He tried to talk to us in French. He tried to talk to us French. Und es gibt nicht einmal genug Wasser. And there is not even enough water. And there's not even enough water. Warum tust du das, was du tust? Why do you do what you do? Why are you doing what you're doing? De kinderen speelden met magneten. The children played with magnets. The kids played with magnets. Ons laifde is wederzieds. Our love is mutual. Our rags are mutual. Het is mijn baan. It's my job. It's my job. Wo ist der Strand? Where's the beach? Where's the beach? Hast du eine Schuluniform? Do you have a school uniform? Do you have a school uniform? Ich werde dich holen, Tom. I'm going to get you, Tom. I'll get you, Tom. Snackst du Bulgorsch? Do you speak Bulgarian? Do you speak Bulgarian? Atlantische ozeoan schaaidt Amerika van Uropa. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. Atlantic Ocean shakes America from Uropa. Ich sagte, hier ist niemand. I said there's no one here. I said no one's here. Waarom willen jullie mijn hulp? Why do you want my help? Why do you want my help? Tom sagte, er habe heute Morgen keine Zeit zum Zeitunglesen gehabt. Tom said he didn't have time to read the newspaper this morning. Tom said he didn't have time to read the newspaper this morning. Am Morgen hat es stark geregnet. It rained heavily in the morning. In the morning it rained heavily. Tom sal dit nie waag nie. Tom won't risk it. Tom won't dare. Es hat nicht funktioniert. It didn't work. It didn't work. Chönd Si langsamer redä? Can you speak more slowly? Chönd Si slower rede? Wil je een plastieken zak of een papieren zak? Would you like a plastic bag or a paper bag? You want a plastic bag or a paper bag? Tom ließ es auf sein Glück ankommen. Tom was pushing his luck. Tom let it get to his luck. איך האף אז טאם ווייסט וואס ער טוט. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. I have run That tam knows what he is doing. Wil je een schone vork? Do you want a clean fork? You want a clean fork? Ik heff en groten Pint! I've got a big dick! I have a big pint! Tom wurde von einem Krokodil gefressen. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Tom was eaten by a crocodile. Tom was tv aan het kijken. Tom was watching TV. Tom was watching TV. Warum ziehst du dich aus? Why are you undressing? Why are you going out? Ik heb u enkele berichten achtergelaten. I left you a couple messages. I left you some messages. מיר זענען רייכע. We're wealthy. We're clean. Ič eom þā-ᵹīet on līfe. I'm still alive. Ič eom þā- -īet on līfe. Tom konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Tom couldn't believe his luck. Tom couldn't take his luck. Wir möchten euch nicht verletzen. We don't want to hurt you. We don't want to hurt you. Een goede leraar moet geduldig zijn met zijn leerlingen. A good teacher must be patient with his students. A good teacher must be patient with his students. April is the cruelest moneth. April is the cruelest month. April is the coolest moneth. Sami reist nooit zonder een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Quran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Qur'an. Leck mich aam Aarsch. Kiss my ass. Leak me aam aarsch. Tom is nog nooit in Engeland geweest. Tom has never been to England. Tom's never been to England before. Er soll noch am Leben sein. It is said that he is still alive. He's supposed to be alive. Ge ziet er helemaal uit als uw moeder. You look just like your mother. You look like your mother. Belgen beweren dat frietjes niet Frans maar Belgisch zijn. Belgians claim that French fries are not French but Belgian. Belgen claims that fries are not French but Belgian. Er könnte genau der Mann sein, den ich brauche. He may be the very man that I need. He could be exactly the man I need. Ich bin sofort bei dir. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be with you right away. Ich soll den ganzen Nachmittag hier sein. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Je wordt dunner van dat dieet, maar word je ook gezonder? That diet makes you thinner, but does it also make you healthier? You're getting thinner from that diet, but are you getting healthier? Er scheint uns zu kennen. He seems to know us. He seems to know us. Toms bedrijf doet het heel goed. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's company is doing very well. Ek weet alles van hulle. I know everything about them. I know everything about them. Ze helpen niet. They don't help. They're not helping. Heb je ooit met Tom gepraat? Have you ever spoken to Tom? Have you ever talked to Tom? צי ביסטו אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Are you a tougher person? Tom sal nie oorgee nie. Tom won't resign. Tom will not give up. Den Vertrag nicht mit Bleistift unterschreiben! Don't sign the contract in pencil. Do not sign the contract with pencil! Tom schwimmt im Geld. Tom has piles of money. Tom swims in the money. Ein Herr West hat während Ihrer Abwesenheit angerufen. A Mr West called in your absence. A Mr West called during your absence. Du weißt, Tom mag Maria. You know Tom likes Mary. You know, Tom likes Maria. Dieser Mann ist in Panik. That man is in a panic. This guy's in panic. Tom hat Marys Adresse vergessen. Tom forgot Mary's address. Tom forgot Mary's address. Ik heff en Leed för di schreven. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Ik kan me geen nieuwe fiets veroorloven. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. I can't afford a new bike. Mag ik je een indiscrete vraag stellen? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you an indiscrete question? We kunnen niet slapen vanwege het lawaai. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Dieser Politiker hat jahrelang mit Drogen gehandelt. That politician has been trafficking in drugs for years. This politician has dealt with drugs for many years. U moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. Tom is mien bruier. Tom is my brother. Tom is my brute. Du bist meine Partnerin. You're my woman. You're my partner. Tom wird sich nie ändern. Tom will never change. Tom will never change. Kan je een beetje van de prijs afdoen? Could you reduce the price a little? Can you take a little off the price? He seed ehr, dat se recht harr. He told her that she was right. He said to her that she was right. Wem sind wir Geld schuldig? Who do we owe money to? Who do we owe money to? און איך האָב אָפּגעגעבן מײַן האַרץ צו פֿאַרשטײן חכמה, אױך פֿאַרשטײן משוגעת און נאַרישקײט – בין איך געװאָר געװאָרן אַז דאָס אױך איז װינטיאָגעניש. I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing after wind. And I have declined meaning heart to understand sin, a personal understanding of dawn and stupidity--I fear that this is very serious. Naar men zegt, zou zijn vader in het buitenland overleden zijn. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. According to them, his father would have died abroad. Duitse soldaten marcheerden door Frankrijk. German soldiers marched through France. German soldiers marched through France. Ob Tom das wohl wirklich ernst meinte? I wonder if Tom really meant what he said. Did Tom really mean that? Neem een ​​bus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Veel junge Römers sünd na Grekenland gahn. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. We moeten dat geheim houden. We have to keep this secret. We need to keep that secret. Vroeger waren we dikke vrienden. We used to be close friends. We used to be fat friends. Ik wist niet dat hij me leuk vond. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Dat fallt mi swoor, dat Woord uttospreken. It is difficult for me to pronounce the word. I find it difficult to pronounce the word. Hy weet hoe om in Japannees te sing. He knows how to sing in Japanese. He knows how to sing in Japanese. Het kan vanavond sneeuwen. It may snow tonight. It can snow tonight. De dochter van een kind is een kleindochter. The daughter of a child is a granddaughter. A child's daughter is a granddaughter. Er ist der neue Praktikant. He's the new intern. He's the new practitioner. Tom trägt fast jeden Tag einen Anzug. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Tom wears a suit almost every day. Der Bildhauer schnitzte aus Holz ein Bildnis des Buddha. The sculptor carved wood into an image of Buddha. The sculptor carved a statue of the Buddha from wood. זי האָט זײער גוטע באַציונגען מיט אירע סטודענטן. She has a very good relationship with her students. She has filled good statements with her studs. Hit is Jones appel. It's John's apple. Hit's Jones apple. Conchita voelde zich schuldig dat ze Toms en Mary's relatie had verpest. Conchita felt guilty for ruining Tom and Mary's relationship. Conchita felt guilty for ruining Tom's and Mary's relationship. Ik wil gewoon de planeet redden. I just want to save the planet. I just want to save the planet. Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the exam? Did he pass the exam? Dat is makkelijk voor jou om te zeggen. That's easy for you to say. That's easy for you to say. Ze zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. די פּאַלעסטינערס פֿילן זיך גאָר אָנמעכטיק. Palestinians feel totally powerless. The Palestinians feel completely powerless. Wat doe je hier? Waarom ben je niet thuis? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at home? What are you doing here? Ist es Geld, was du willst? Is it money you want? Is it money you want? Ik liet Tom niet mijn tandenborstel gebruiken. I didn't let Tom use my toothbrush. I didn't let Tom use my toothbrush. Ik will in ’t Butenland studeren. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Ik kom út Flevolân. I'm from Flevoland. I came from Flevoland. We moeten een uniform dragen op school. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We have to wear a uniform at school. Wil je dit overhemd hebben? Do you want this shirt? Do you want this shirt? Maria hat drei Bücher geschrieben. Mary has written three books. Maria wrote three books. Ik ben een mens. I'm a human. I'm a human being. Unsere Fabrik baut einen neuen Schornstein. Our factory is building a new chimney. Our factory is building a new chimney. De zieke was een en al botten waarover huid gespannen was. The sick person was only skin and bones. The sick person was one and all bones that had been stretched over the skin. Leuk, hè? Isn't it neat? Nice, huh? Tom ist ein Komasäufer. Tom is a binge drinker. Tom's a coma saucer. Mijn dokter heeft me aangeraden om de inname van dit geneesmiddel te staken. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine. My doctor advised me to stop taking this medicine. De kinderen zaten in de modder te spelen. The children were playing in the dirt. The kids were in the mud to play. Sami is een heel jaar moslim geweest. Sami has been a Muslim for a whole year. Sami's been Muslim for a whole year. דו ביסט מיינע טאכטער. You are my daughter. You are my daughter. Hoe is deze banaan? What is this banana like? How's this banana? Heb je er ooit eerder zo een gezien? Have you ever seen one of these before? Have you ever seen one like that before? Hou old is joen koelkaast? How old is your refrigerator? Keep old is join cold cheese? Ik heb mijn software geüpdatet. I updated my software. I've been using my software. k Kin nait zain. I can't see. k Kin night zain. Deine Eltern sind gekommen, um dich abzuholen. Your parents are here to pick you up. Your parents have come to pick you up. Seine Theorie basiert auf vielen Fakten. His theory is based on many facts. His theory is based on many facts. Das ist für Sie. This is for you. That's for you. Tom und ich suchen nach Maria. Tom and I are looking for Mary. Tom and I are looking for Maria. Yoda sien Grammatik lehrt du hest. Yoda's grammar learned you have. Yoda's grammar you have learned. Feindesfeinde sind nicht immer Verbündete. Enemies of enemies aren't always allies. Enemies are not always allies. Na regen komt zonneschijn. After rain comes fair weather. After rain comes sunshine. Tom war der einzige Betrunkene auf der Feier. Tom was the only one drunk at the party. Tom was the only drunk on the party. Er schluckte den Köder nicht. He avoided the bait. He didn't swallow the bait. Dit was baie mooi. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful. Tom lebt irgendwo in Australien. Tom lives somewhere in Australia. Tom lives somewhere in Australia. Seit wann duzt ihr beide euch? Since when are you two on a first name basis? How long have you both been putting up with each other? זי רעדט רוסיש. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Ik ben aan het testen of de taalherkenning weer werkt. I'm testing whether the language detection works again. I'm testing if the language recognition works again. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom sings. Se hett ehr best daan, em to helpen. She did her best to help him. She did her best to help him. Hien huet e Schnauz. He has a moustache. He has a snout. Ik mag den Smack von Tomaten nich. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. I don't like the flavor of tomatoes. Tom en Maria maken hun spaghetti pikant. Tom and Mary make their spaghetti spicy. Tom and Maria make their spaghetti piss. Ken je dat jongetje dat aan het huilen is? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know that little boy crying? Dat is beter, Plastik-Eetsticken to bruken un jem to waschen, as Wegsmiet-Eetstickens to bruken. It's better to use plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks. It is better to use plastic food sticks and wash them than to use road rental food sticks. Ich fühle mich wie neugeboren. I feel like a brand new person. I feel like a newborn. Meine Kamera nehme ich überallhin mit. I take my camera wherever I go. I'm taking my camera everywhere. Durch tägliches Lernen stellte er sicher, dass er auf die Prüfung vorbereitet war. He made sure that he was ready for the exam by studying every day. Through daily learning, he made sure that he was prepared for the exam. Das war deren Schuld. It was their fault. That was their fault. Lincoln is in 1865 oorlede. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. De Vörhang hett Füür fungen. The curtain caught on fire. The curtain acted fire. Het weer is plots omgeslagen. The weather changed suddenly. The weather has suddenly been turned upside down. Müssen wir Tom helfen? Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? Vroeg of laat gaan we dood. We will die sooner or later. We'll die early or late. Yenner, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Tschunn, Tschulei, Aaguscht, September, Oktower, Nofember un Diesember sinn die zwelf Munet im Yaahr. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Yenner, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Tschunn, Tschulei, Aagush, September, Octower, Nofember and Diesmber are the twelve coins in Yaahr. Maria zog sich etwas Bequemeres an. Mary changed into something more comfortable. Maria drew a little bit more comfortable. Wie ist der Name deines Vaters? What's your dad's name? What's your father's name? Ich sehen keinen Grund, ihr Angebot nicht anzunehmen. I see no reason why I shouldn't accept her offer. I see no reason not to accept her offer. Seid ihr der Ansicht, dass Handfeuerwaffen verboten werden sollten? Do you think that handguns should be made illegal? Are you thinking that handguns should be banned? Gefällt es dir denn? Do you like it then? Do you like it? Wenn man nicht machen kann, was man will, macht man, was man kann. When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. If you can't do what you want, you can do what you can. Tom is met zijn zoon aan het spelen. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. ער נױטיקט זיך אין געלט. He needs money. he needs to stay in cash. We zaten in het midden van de kamer. We sat in the center of the room. We were in the middle of the room. Ik ga iets te drinken halen. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm gonna get something to drink. Mayuko war allein im Zimmer. Mayuko was alone in the room. Mayuko was alone in the room. S Büsi isch härzig. The cat is adorable. S Büsi is hardy. Schrijf alstublieft met een pen. Please write with a pen. Please write with a pen. Ich sag' zu Caro: „Stachelbeermarmelade ist besser als Himbeer“. Und sie dann einfach so: „Nö.“ So I'm telling Caroline: "Gooseberry jam is better than raspberry." But she's just like "Nope." I said to Caro: "Steelberry jam is better than raspberry." And then she just said, "No." Dit is een verslavend spel. This is an addicting game. This is an addictive game. Wollt ihr noch einen von denen? Do you want another one of these? Do you want one more of them? Hien huet eng Fro. He's got a question. He has a question. Ič hæbbe catt and hund. Se catt is blæc and se hund is hƿīte. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. Ič hæbbe catt and dog. She catt is blæc and she dog is hƿīte. Vorgestern habe ich meine Arbeit an den Nagel gehängt. The day before yesterday I quit my job. Last night I hung my work on the nail. Wo hat man dir das beigebracht? Where did they teach you that? Where did they teach you that? Ich hasse diesen Film. I hate this film. I hate this movie. Es fällt mir schwer. It's not easy for me. It's hard for me. Hij doet niets anders dan strips lezen. He does nothing but read comics. He's doing nothing but reading comics. Deine Antwort ist bei Weitem nicht perfekt. Your answer is far from perfect. Your answer is not perfect at Weitem. Ich möchte gerne sehen, was du da in der Hand hast. I'd like to see what you have in your hand. I'd like to see what you have in your hand. Chunnsch us Tokio? Do you come from Tokyo? Chunnsch us Tokyo? Heb je hem geen brief geschreven? Didn't you write a letter to him? You didn't write him a letter? Hoe ver is het van het vliegveld naar het hotel? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? Nog steeds? Still? Still? Wiens auto is dat? Whose car is that? Whose car is that? Tom weet niet wat er mis ging. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Laat me de foto zien. Show me the picture. Show me the picture. Wees alsjeblieft beleefd. Please be polite. Please be polite. Ik ben Toms kamergenoot. I'm Tom's roommate. I'm Tom's roommate. 'n Groen piesang is nie ryp genoeg om te eet nie. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. Die perd is in die bos. The horse is in the forest. The horse is in the woods. Maria braucht nicht zu singen, wenn sie nicht will. Mary doesn't have to sing if she doesn't want to. Maria doesn't need to sing if she doesn't want to. Sami is veganist. Sami is vegan. Sami is vegan. Die Polizei nahm von Tom Fingerabdrücke. Tom was fingerprinted by the police. The police took fingerprints from Tom. Ek eet worse. I'm eating sausages. I eat sausages. Ik ben blij dat je me uitgenodigd hebt. I'm glad you invited me. I'm glad you invited me. Antimateer is temlich instabil. Antimatter is highly unstable. Antimatter is rather unstable. Ik sla vör, dat ji jo mol mit Tom ünnerhoolt. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest that ji yo mol is under-hoold with Tom. אין אָנהײב האָט גאָט באַשאַפֿן דעם הימל און די ערד. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. At start, mattered the sky and the ground. Doe wat je wil. Do what you want. Do what you want. Wie is de kapitein van dit schip? Who's the captain of this ship? Who's the captain of this ship? Hai is dien keunenk. He is your king. Hai is your chicken. Tom heeft drie auto's in zijn garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Heb je Tom vermoord? Did you murder Tom? Did you kill Tom? Kun je goed skiën? Can you ski well? Can you ski well? Ik heb een oom die in Kyoto woont. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. Wees niet onbezonnen. Don't do anything rash. Don't be careless. Om jou de waarheid te vertellen, ik ben jouw pen verloren. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. Aangezien ik verkouden was, ging ik niet naar school. Since I had a cold, I didn't go to school. Since I was cold, I didn't go to school. טאָם איז מײַן באַליבסטער מענטש. Tom is my favorite person. Tom is the best man. Zai binnen nait old. They are not old. Zai in the middle of the night. Mijn huis is op het platteland. My home is in the country. My house is in the countryside. כ'בין אַ קינד. I'm a kid. Get a child. Naar wie kijkt Tom? Who's Tom looking at? Who's Tom looking at? Tom sou nie pla om te jok nie. Tom wouldn't bother to lie. Tom would not be bothered about joking. Ik bün allergisch gegen Fisch. I'm allergic to fish. I am allergic to fish. Sommige mensen zijn mooi. Some people are beautiful. Some people are beautiful. Sie brannten vor Eifer. They were burning with enthusiasm. They burned before zeal. Ek waag jou om oor die lyn te trap. I dare you to cross this line. I dare you to step over the line. Wir mieteten einen Bus. We chartered a bus. We rented a bus. Deit mi leed! Sorry! Sorry! Kinder sollten ihren Eltern gehorchen. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Elkeen verdeent en twete Changs. Everyone deserves a second chance. Each defends a second change. Roker of niet-roker? Smoking or non smoking? Smoker or non-smoker? Alles werd donker. Everything went dark. Everything got dark. Versuch’s doch mal! Give it a try. Try it! Ich besuchte Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Tom wurde zu drei Jahren im Bundesgefängnis verurteilt. Tom was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Tom was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Wann hast du dein Zimmer das letzte Mal aufgeräumt? When was the last time you tidied your room? When was the last time you cleaned up your room? Betty kon beter zingen. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. Das werde ich nie vergessen. I'll never forget that. I'll never forget that. Schneit d'Gromperen. Cut the potatoes. Cut the growers. Das kann schon nächste Woche passieren. That may happen next week. That can happen next week. Ik heb een vakantie nodig. I need a holiday. I need a vacation. Und niemand hat dir geholfen? And nobody helped you? And no one helped you? Mijn man heet Tom. My husband's name is Tom. My husband's name is Tom. De man en zijn vrouw hielpen elkaar. The man and his wife helped each other. The man and his wife helped each other. Wie heeft dit venster gebroken? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? Tom sagte, er würde es ansehen. Tom said that he'd look at it. Tom said he'd look at it. אַ דאַנק דיר אין פּופּיק. Thanks for nothing. A thank you in public. סיאַטל איז אַן עיר־מקלט. Seattle is a sanctuary city. Syntax is an escape cycle. ער האָט געהאַלטן זײַן װאָרט. He kept his word. There has been value. Tom war sehr gut. Tom was very good. Tom was very good. Goedemorgen iedereen. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Ich finde, dass ich eine ziemlich gute Schriftstellerin bin. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a pretty good writer. Eerlijkheid loont niet. Honesty doesn't pay. Honesty doesn't pay. Ek weet nie waar ons sal opeindig nie. I don't know where we will end up. I don't know where we'll end up. Omdat hij me uitnodigde. Because he invited me. Because he invited me. Ik moet rusten. I must rest. I have to rest. Æt þearfe man sceal freonda cunnian. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Æt þearfe man ceal freunda cunnian. t Kin vraizen en t kin deuen. It might freeze, it might thaw. t Kin fraizen and t can die. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט אײַך. His older sister can't talk to you today. Being an elder sister may not refer to a mark today. He is na Australien utwannert. He emigrated to Australia. He migrated to Australia. Sikkom. Almost. Sikkom. k Zing. I'm singing. k Zing. Vielleicht ist Tom gegangen. Perhaps Tom left. Maybe Tom's gone. Wir haben es eilig. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Ek is lief vir my ma. I love my mum. I love my mother. Welke dag zijn we vandaag? What day are we on? What day are we today? Wek me morgenochtend om zes uur alsjeblieft. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Wake me up at six o'clock tomorrow morning, please. Ik drink nich so veel Beer. I don't drink that much beer. I don't drink so much beer. קוק אויף דעם. Look at that. Look at this. Si kachen. They're cooking. They're cooking. Tom zei dat Mary klaar is. Tom said Mary is done. Tom said Mary's done. Ze kweekt veel soorten bloemen. She grows many kinds of flowers. She's growing a lot of flowers. Ik harr geern, dat du dit Book leest. I want you to read this book. I would like you to read this book. Moanden van t joar binnen: jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november en dezember. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Months of the year: Janneworie, feberwoarie, meert, April, maai, June, July, August, September, October, November and thismber. 't Is mien faveriete laid. It's my favorite song. It's my favorite lady. Maria weiß mehr darüber, als sie zugibt. Mary knows more than she's letting on. Maria knows more about it than she admits. Du hast aber ein schönes Profilbild, Sami! Your profile picture is beautiful, Sami. But you have a nice profile picture, Sami! Ben je de wedstrijd aan het kijken? Are you watching the game? Are you watching the game? Veel restaurants zijn vandaag gesloten. Many restaurants are closed today. Many restaurants are closed today. Ich war nur einmal in Tokio. I have been to Tokyo only once. I was only once in Tokyo. Ik wist niet dat het een groot geheim was. I didn't know it was a big secret. I didn't know it was a big secret. We gaan het proberen. We're going to try. We're gonna try. Worin liegt der Unterschied zwischen einem All-you-can-eat-Laden und einem gewöhnlichen Lebensmittelgeschäft in Deutschland? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat convenience store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat-charge and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? Ek wil haar nie ontmoet nie. I don't want to meet her. I don't want to meet her. Een kalkoen is iets groter dan een kip. A turkey is a little bigger than a chicken. A turkey is slightly bigger than a chicken. De mist komt op. The fog rises. The fog's coming up. Zij heeft jullie allemaal uitgenodigd. She has invited you all. She invited you all. Waar is mijn appelsap? Where's my apple juice? Where's my apple juice? Moi hè! Good day! I'm sorry! Zij gingen naar de kerk. They went to church. They went to church. Tom het weg getrek. Tom moved away. Tom moved away. Er zal voor vermaak gezorgd worden. Entertainment will be provided. Entertainment will be taken care of. Wat moet dit voorstellen? What in the world is this? What does this mean? דער סטודענט הערט זיך צו. The student is listening. The stutterer listens to. Ik geeuw van verveling. I'm yawning from boredom. I'm tired of boredom. "Ik kan niet zeggen dat ik dat een erg leuke keus vind," zuchtte Dima. "Om eerlijk te zijn, is het de hele tijd al wazig in mijn hoofd sinds ik vanochtend wakker werd in een vuilcontainer..." "I can't say I much like that choice," Dima sighed. "To be honest, my head's been all blurry ever since I woke up in a dumpster this morning..." "I can't say that I find that a very nice choice," said Dima. "To be honest, it's all the time in my head since I woke up this morning in a dirty container..." Tom ist freundlich zu mir. Tom is nice to me. Tom is kind to me. Er hatte an die Vorstellung geglaubt, dass das Gehirn sein eigenes Bewusstsein schaffe. He had bought into the idea that the brain creates its own consciousness. He had believed in the idea that the brain could create its own consciousness. Mein Herz ist grün und gelb. My heart is green and yellow. My heart is green and yellow. Mir ist Seife in die Augen geraten! I got soap in my eyes. I've got soap in my eyes! Das Leben in Boston gefiel Tom. Tom liked living in Boston. Tom liked life in Boston. Kioto is een voormalige hoofdstad van Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kioto is a former capital of Japan. Eisen ist das nützlichste Metall. Iron is the most useful metal. Iron is the most useful metal. Se sünd von ’t Utstarven bedroht. They are in danger of extinction. They are threatened by ’t extinction. De krekels tsjilpen. The grasshoppers are chirping. The creeks wheels. Ik mag Sachiko mehr as Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I like Sachiko more than Akiko. Tom wird es dir erklären. Tom will explain it to you. Tom will explain it to you. Im Bett ist er ein ganz Wilder. He's wild in bed. He's a wilder man in bed. Iedereen is ontsnapt. Everyone escaped. Everyone's escaped. Is allens trech? Is everything ready? Is everything tricky? Wolven eten geen sla. Wolves don't eat salad. Wolves don't eat snails. Das Mädchen, das am Klavier sitzt, ist meine Tochter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl who sits on the piano is my daughter. Ik kan deze herrie niet langer verdragen. I can't stand that noise any longer. I can't tolerate this noise anymore. Ruhe in Frieden! Rest in peace! Rest in peace! Ik weet sien Naam nich mehr. I can't remember his name. I don't know his name anymore. Er fährt einen pinken Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He's driving a pink Cadillac. Der Prinz wartet. The prince is waiting. The prince is waiting. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom is not English. Tom's a great Englishman. Ik bün beter as he. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Rasierst du dich jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Are you rushing every morning? Das Mädchen hatte niemanden, an den es sich wegen eines Ratschlags hätte wenden können. The girl had no one to turn to for advice. The girl had no one to turn to for advice. Toen ik zag dat het regende, heb ik mijn paraplu gepakt. When I realized it was raining, I took my umbrella. When I saw it raining, I took my umbrella. Ich möchte, dass du aufhörst, mich zu nerven. I want you to get off my back. I want you to stop me from nervous. Tom kam bald zurück. Tom came back soon. Tom came back soon. Wat is het telefoonnummer van de Tokyo Dome? What's the number for the Tokyo Dome? What's the Tokyo Dome's phone number? Sy kan jou vraag beantwoord. She is able to answer your question. She can answer your question. Ik bleef. I stayed. I stayed. Das ist nicht für mich. This isn't for me. That's not for me. Na, wo geiht di dat? Hi, how are you? Where are you going? Leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Zai laigt! She lies! Zai laughs! Ik heb het gevoel dat jij een heel goede advocaat zult zijn. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I feel like you're gonna be a very good lawyer. Hast du ein Brecheisen in deinem Werkzeugkasten? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a break in your toolbox? Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland weergekeerd? When did you come back from Germany? When did you return from Germany? Wie wurde Tom ermordet? How was Tom killed? How was Tom murdered? Hij zal niet langer dan vier dagen blijven. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich mich zu Ihnen geselle? Do you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you? Was machen Sie beruflich? What do you do for a living? What are you doing? Das Gerücht kann nicht wahr sein. The rumor cannot be true. The rumor cannot be true. Dizze bloume is wit. This flower is white. This flower is white. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world with no war. Imagine a world without war. Diese Kiste enthält Äpfel. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Ich esse net gern Kees. I don't like cheese. I don't like eating kees. Kinderen moeten hun ouders gehoorzamen. Children are to obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. k Spreek gain Kataloans. I don't speak Catalan. k Speak Gain Catalan. Was willst du wissen? What is it that you want to know? What do you want to know? Ƿilcume on þā Engliscan Ƿikipǣdie. Welcome to the English Wikipedia. . . . ilcume on . . . English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Er fiel einer tödlichen Krankheit zum Opfer. He fell a victim to a deadly disease. He fell victim to a fatal disease. Viele Kinder spielten in dem Park. Many children were playing in the park. Many kids played in the park. Het betekende veel voor me. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. Ik kan de computer niet herstellen. I cannot fix the computer. I can't recover the computer. Hij werd beschuldigd van moord. He was accused of murder. He was accused of murder. Das ist der schönste Strauß, den ich je gesehen habe. This is the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. This is the most beautiful bouquet I've ever seen. Deze huizen zijn vijfhonderd jaar oud. Those houses are 500 years old. These houses are five hundred years old. Is dat Toms vader? Is that Tom's father? Is that Tom's father? Er ist für den Rest seines Lebens ruiniert. He will be ruined for life. He's ruined for the rest of his life. Gib acht was du sagst; denn er ist leicht zu verärgern! Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed. Give eight things that you say; for he is easy to anger. Singapore wordt ''Singapura'' genoemd in het Maleis. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malay. Singapore is called 'Singapura' in Malaysia. Hoekom het jy by die weermag aangesluit? Why did you join the Army? Why did you join the army? Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to give the plants water. Der Virus fängt an zu mutieren. The virus is starting to mutate. The virus begins to mutate. Es ist jetzt zu spät zum Umdrehen. It's too late to turn back now. It's too late to turn around now. Jullie weten toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know what he's called, don't you? Wie lange haben Sie geöffnet? How late do you stay open? How long have you been opening? „Ich liebe dich!“ flüsterte er. "I love you," he whispered. “I love you!” he whispered. De Deern hett keen Moder. This girl has no mother. The girl has no mother. Ik wil iets lekkers eten. I want to eat something good. I want to eat something nice. Mir jucken die Augen. My eyes feel itchy. I juggle my eyes. Simmer verlore? Are we lost? Seems lost? גאָט איז גיי? Is God gay? God is true? Dat Kleed is ut Sied. The dress is of silk. The cloth is made of silk. Ik kan niet geloven dat je al je geld gaat weggeven. I can't believe you're going to give away all your money. I can't believe you're gonna give away all your money. Maak oop jou mond! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! צו אַל די רוחות! מײַן פֿרײַנדינע איז שוין צוריק! װאָס זאָלן מיר מאַכן? Crap! My girlfriend is already back! What should we do?! Too many details! Means your experience is already back! What should we make? Iedereen wenst voor geluk Everybody wishes for happiness. Everyone Wants Happiness Na sien Vader sien Dood hett he sik üm dat Geschäft kümmert. He took care of the business after his father's death. After his father's death, he took care of the business. Ihr Zimmer hat rote Wände. Her room has red walls. Your room has red walls. Woar binnen eerbaaien? Where are the strawberries? What's inside ere Bays? Ain mieghommel beet mie. An ant bit me. Ain mieghommel beet mie. Jessica deed en Leed singen. Jessica was singing a song. Jessica did sing a song. En nee Schoolhuus warrt jüst boot. A new school building is under construction. A new school house is just going to be built. As jy regtig sou wou weet moet jy net vra. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. If you really wanted to know, just ask. Er mag keinen Fisch. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Er wartete, bis sie gekommen war. He waited until she came. He waited until she came. Nach allem, was ich weiß, steht er zu seinem Wort. To the best of my knowledge, he is as good as his word. After everything I know, he stands by his word. Dizze bloume is sangen. This flower is purple. This flower is singing. Er versteht keinen Spaß. He can't take a joke. He doesn't understand any fun. Se hett Ria heten. Her name was Mary. She called ria. Zai zingt. She sings. Zai sings. Hoeveel vrienden hebben jullie op Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? Tom leek nerveus. Tom looked nervous. Tom seemed nervous. Du bist nicht in Gefahr. You're in no danger. You're not in danger. Tom und Maria erörterten das Für und Wider einer Mindestlohnerhöhung. Tom and Mary were discussing the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. Tom and Maria discussed the for and against a minimum wage increase. Tom viel in slaap in de bioscoop. Tom fell asleep at the cinema. Tom fell asleep in the cinema. צי זײַט איר רוסיש? Are you Russian? Do you have a Russian page? Tom houdt van vissen. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom likes fishing. Glimlachend begroette ze de heer Kato. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. Laughing, she greeted Mr. Kato. Sind das alle Größen, die Sie haben? Are these all the sizes you have? Are these all the sizes you have? Niemand kent de toekomst. Nobody knows the future. No one knows the future. Maakt niet uit. Never mind. It doesn't matter. Der Kriminalroman ist so hart, dass ich ihn nicht mag. The mystery story is so hard that I don't like it. The criminal novel is so hard that I don't like him. Ich glaube dir nicht. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. Ek dog jy sou nuuskierig wees. I thought you might be curious. I thought you'd be curious. Hoe voel jy oor hom? How do you feel about him? How do you feel about him? Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a power point. I'm looking for a plug-in. Ich überlege, eine Auszeit von einem Jahr zu nehmen, um mich zu entwickeln und mein Selbstbewusstsein zu steigern. I'm considering taking a gap year to develop myself and increase my self-confidence. I consider taking a break of one year to develop myself and increase my self-awareness. Ich schäme mich dessen, was gestern passiert ist. I am ashamed about what happened yesterday. I'm ashamed of what happened yesterday. Ich möchte wissen, warum Sie mich angelogen haben. I want to know why you lied to me. I want to know why you lied to me. Dä Hund isch schwarz. The dog is black. Your dog is black. Ich kann es kaum erwarten. I can hardly wait. I can't wait for it. Je lieflijke stem klonk me zeer aangenaam in de oren. Your lovely voice was very pleasant to my ears. Your lovely voice sounded very pleasant in my ears. Wat een rotzak! What an asshole! What a son of a bitch! We kunnen geen verandering in ons programma aanbrengen. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our program. Hai speulde. He played. Shark sprinkling. The hound is deed. The dog's dead. The keep is done. De wind waait. The wind blows. The wind blows. Burj Khalifa is momenteel de hoogste wolkenkrabber ter wereld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Mogadishu is de hoofdstad van Somalië. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Lächelt! Smile! Smile! Geef me de sleutel. Give me the key. Give me the key. Ich kann Ihnen keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. Ich habe überall nachgesehen. I looked everywhere. I've been looking everywhere. Het is precies half negen. It's exactly half-past eight. It's exactly half nine. Doe hest dien potlood valen loaten. You dropped your pencil. Do your pencil vale lot. Sie sollten in Kontakt bleiben mit Herrn Smith. You should keep in touch with Mr Smith. You should stay in touch with Mr. Smith. Wat is Tom toch een sloddervos. Tom is such a slob. What a sloadervos Tom is. Jij schrijft. You're writing. You write. Woar proats over? What are you talking about!? What pros over? Tom beter dit nie gedoen het nie. Tom had better not do that. Tom should not have done so. Wie viel kostet das teuerste Auto? How much is the most expensive car? How much does the most expensive car cost? Sie sahen ihn nicht. You didn't see him. They didn't see him. Dat Speel weer traag un langwielig. The game was slow, and it was also boring. The game was slow and boring. Ik wil mijn tas. I want my bag. I want my bag. Schneiden Sie das in ganz kleine Stücke! Cut this into very fine pieces. Cut it into very small pieces! Was ist der wahre Grund dafür, dass du das nicht willst? What's the real reason you don't want to do that? What's the real reason you don't want that? Ze kan drie talen spreken. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. Er kommt aus Genua. He comes from Genoa. He's from Genoa. Tom und ich werden nach Boston gehen. Tom and I'll go to Boston. Tom and I will go to Boston. Hat hier jemand einen Korkenzieher? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone have a corkscrew here? Tom war beängstigend. Tom was scary. Tom was scared. In vier Jahren wirst du keine Konkurrenz mehr haben. Four years from now, you'll have no competition. In four years you'll be out of competition. Hij ging door met zingen. He went on singing. He continued singing. Deshalb bin ich nicht gekommen. That's not why I came. That's why I didn't come. Warum fahren Sie nicht mit dem Taxi? Why don't you take a taxi? Why don't you drive the taxi? Ik ben de stiefbroer van Tom. I'm Tom's stepbrother. I'm Tom's step brother. Komm und treffe alle! Come and meet everyone! Come and meet everyone! Ik ben een vrouw, ik heet Eva. I am a woman, my name is Eva. I'm a woman, my name is Eva. Warum haben Sie uns nicht früher davon erzählt? Wir wären in der Lage gewesen, etwas dagegen zu tun. Why didn't you tell us about this earlier? We'd have been able to do something about it. Why didn't you tell us earlier about it? We would have been able to do something about it. Unterstützen Sie Reparationen für Sklaverei? Do you support reparations for slavery? Do you support repairs for slavery? איר חוצפּה האָט נישט קיין גרענעץ. Her impudence knows no bounds. you adult has no limit. Se is keen gode Person. She's not a good person. She is not a good person. Je ziet er bleek uit vandaag. You look pale today. You look pale today. Was die Welt verändert, ist Kommunikation, nicht Information. What changes the world is communication, not information. What changes the world is communication, not information. k Spreek al Italjoans. I already speak Italian. k Speak al Italian. Ons ken mekaar nogal goed. We know each other pretty well. We know each other quite well. Tom is nooit aangekomen. Tom never arrived. Tom never arrived. Ich bin kein Krimineller. I'm not a criminal. I'm not a criminal. Häts da es Spitaal i de Nööchi? Is there a hospital nearby? Did it have Spitaal i de Nöööchi? Kanst du morgen een Stünn fröher as ans in ’t Büro kamen? Is it possible for you to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? Can you come to the office an hour earlier tomorrow than ans? Spanje is een toeristisch land. Spain is a tourist country. Spain is a tourist country. Ze luistert niet naar hem. She doesn't listen to him. She's not listening to him. Es fing alles an einem stürmischen Tag an. It all started on a stormy day. It all started on a stormy day. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We listen to music. Ek beter terug kom by my lessenaar. I'd better get back to my desk. I better come back to my desk. Tom en Mary het albei baie min vriende. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Sie brauchen nicht zu schreien. Ich kann Sie hören. You don't have to shout. I can hear you. You don't need to scream, I can hear you. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, hat er das gar nicht gesagt. As far as I remember, he didn't say that. As far as I can remember, he didn't say that. Wo ist der Bahnhof? Where is the railway station? Where's the station? Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie interessiert sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were interested. Tom and Mary have told John that they are interested. Em weer, dat dat ne’e Gesett sien Freeheid minnern schull. He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. He was to reduce the new law's freedom. En waarom is dat? And why is that? And why is that? Lasst nicht zu, dass Tom das isst. Don't let Tom eat this. Don't let Tom eat that. Ich liebe meine Geschwister. I love my siblings. I love my siblings. Verliere nicht den Mut, Tom! Don't lose heart, Tom. Don't lose courage, Tom! Die klok lui. The bell is ringing. The bell's ringing. Het is je plicht om te studeren. It is your duty to study. It's your duty to study. איך בין אַ קריסט, אָבער איך עס נישט קיין חזיר־פֿלײַש. I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I it's not a Person. Das Konzert ist aus. The concert's over. The concert is over. איך וועל פּרוּוון עפּעס נײַס. I am going to try something new. I will try something new. Iedereen weet het. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows. Ja! Yes! Yes! Tom zei dat Mary hem heeft geslagen. Tom said Mary hit him. Tom said Mary hit him. Ech sinn daf. I am deaf. I am deaf. Wir verstehen ja deinen Ärger. We understand your anger. We understand your trouble. Kijk geen televisie. Don't watch TV. Don't watch television. We hebben een nieuwe auto nodig. We need a new car. We need a new car. Tom hat beinahe gelächelt. Tom almost smiled. Tom almost smiled. Was hast du zu verlieren? What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? Mir hom imma nu a Gaudi. We're still having fun. We him imma nu a Gaudi. As jy nie daarvan hou nie kan jy opgee. If you don't like it then you can quit. If you don’t like it, you can give up. Tom hatte nie Zweifel. Tom never had doubts. Tom never doubted. Geniet van de rest van het weekeind! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Waar kan ik bellen? Where can I make a phone call? Where can I call? Sie ist nicht zu Hause, sondern in der Schule. She is not home, but at school. She's not at home, she's in school. Dat is vreemd. That's strange. That's weird. Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Australië zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like to live in Australia. I don't think I would like to live in Australia. Ik heff vör en halv Johr mit Smöken ophöört. I quit smoking half a year ago. I quit smoking a half year ago. Tom hat sich voriges Jahr das Leben genommen. Tom committed suicide last year. Tom took his life last year. Tom schloss die Haustür auf. Tom unlocked the front door. Tom locked the door. Ik wil weten of jij weet wie hem vermoord heeft. I want to know if you know who killed him. I want to know if you know who killed him. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are things? How's it going? Teak is een tropisch donker hout dat gebruikt wordt om meubelen te maken. Teak is a tropical dark wood used for making furniture. Teak is a tropical dark wood used to make furniture. So sy ouer geword het het sy moeier geword As she grew older, she grew prettier. As he grew older, his tiredness grew. Das Maß der Liebe ist maßlos zu lieben. The measure of love is to love without measure. The measure of love is to be loved without measure. Ist Deutschland in der Nähe von Italien? Is Germany near Italy? Is Germany near Italy? Forscher vom „Düsentrieblabor“ (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) der NASA ließen von einer künstlichen Intelligenz betriebene Drohnen gegen menschliche Berufspiloten antreten. Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory raced drones controlled by artificial intelligence (A.I.) against a professional human pilot. Researchers from NASA’s “Dusentrieblabor” (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) had drones run by artificial intelligence against human professional pilots. Komt hij? Is he coming? Is he coming? Des kunntatn s' nia tuan. They could never do that. des kontatn s' nia tuan. Tom bakte brood. Tom baked bread. Tom baked bread. Ich komme zurück. I'm coming back. I'll be back. Ik kom uit Engeland. I am from England. I'm from England. Hast du je einen Arbeiter entlassen? Have you ever fired a worker? Have you ever let a worker go? Ik weet niet waarom ze dit doen. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Ich möchte etwa 15 Kilo abnehmen. I'd like to lose thirty pounds. I'd like to lose about 15 pounds. Hij houdt een aardvarken als een huisdier. He keeps an aardvark as a pet. He likes a hog like a pet. Kiek. Look. Look. Es is en Eichhernche. It's a squirrel. It is a oak. Blijf in je kamer tot dat je vader terugkomt! Stay in your room until your father gets back! Stay in your room until your father comes back! Welke taal wordt er gesproken in de Verenigde Staten? What language is spoken in the USA? What language is spoken in the United States? Hij bleef in het hotel. He stayed at the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Al mijn lessen zijn in het Frans. All of my classes are in French. All my lessons are in French. Mi a 18. I'm 18 years old. I am 18. Niemand weet dat wij neven zijn. No one knows we're cousins. Nobody knows we're cousins. Bloumen bluien. Flowers bloom. Flowers blue. Jill is plietsch un ook smuck. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill is delicious and beautiful as well. Ik kan je maar niet vergeten. I just can't forget about you. I can't forget you. Ein Mensch kann nur empfangen, was ihm vom Himmel gegeben wurde. A man can receive only what is given to him from heaven. A human being can only receive what has been given to him from heaven. Equatoriaal-Guinea wordt ''Guinea Ecuatorial'' genoemd in het Spaans. Equatorial Guinea is called "Guinea Ecuatorial" in Spanish. Equatorial Guinea is called 'Guinea Ecuatorial' in Spanish. Tot dusver gaat alles goed. So far everything has been going well. So far, everything's fine. Wir müssen ihr sagen, was sie machen soll. We need to tell her what to do. We have to tell her what to do. Ik kan liefhebben. I can love. I can love. In Kanada betrug die Arbeitslosenquote im Oktober 2015 7 Prozent. The Canadian unemployment rate was 7 percent in October of 2015. In Canada, the unemployment rate was 7 percent in October 2015. Zuerst brauchen wir einen Plan. We need a plan first. First, we need a plan. D'smook lait ons ogen troanen. The smoke made our eyes water. The smoky light our eyes thrones. שלמה ווילט זײַן אַ שרײַבער. Solomon wants to be a writer. llamon If you want to run it. Ik wou niet meer tijd besteden aan het discussiëren met Tom. I didn't want to spend any more time arguing with Tom. I didn't want to spend more time discussing with Tom. קלאַסנקאַמף איז גוט, בפּועל. Class warfare is good, actually. Classroom is good, globe. Wat deist du? Du kannst hier nich kamen! What are you doing here? You can't come in here! What are you doing? You can't come here! Tom leunde naar voren. Tom leaned forward. Tom leaned forward. Mien Dochter geiht to School. My daughter goes to school. My daughter goes to school. Lesen ist leichter als schreiben. Reading is easier than writing. Reading is easier than writing. Ich wohne im Erdgeschoss. I live on the ground floor. I live on the ground floor. Yidir woont in Marokko. Yidir lives in Morocco. Yidir lives in Morocco. Ze kwam elke keer als mijn zuster thuis was. She came every time my sister was home. She came every time my sister was home. Je kan niet meer lezen? You can't read anymore? You can't read anymore? Hij werkte anderhalf jaar in Nederland. He worked for one and a half years in the Netherlands. He worked in the Netherlands for a year and a half. Gud Mawnin. Good morning. God mawnin. Mariana geiht nu mit Susana ehr Moder na Huus. Mariana is going home now with Susana's mother. Mariana now goes home with Susana's mother. Mir kachen. We're cooking. I'm cooking. Es is net autentisch, Tom. It's not authentic, Tom. It's not authentic, Tom. Tom ist immer noch zu Hause. Tom is still at the house. Tom's still at home. Hest du Tom den Slötel gäven? Did you give Tom the key? Did you give Tom the key? Ich werde dich nächsten Sonntag besuchen. I will come to see you next Sunday. I'll see you next Sunday. Er ist eigensinnig. He's pig-headed. He's crazy. Ik heb spataderen. I've got varicose veins. I've got spatters. Het is tijd om te gaan voor ons. It's time for us to go. It's time to go for us. Tom werd bewusteloos. Tom passed out. Tom became unconscious. Die Zeitbombe explodierte mit einem lauten Geräusch. The time-bomb exploded with a loud noise. The time bomb exploded with a loud noise. Die Süßigkeiten verkaufen sich gut. The sweet treats are selling well. The sweets sell well. Niemand hat ihre Katze je gefunden. Nobody ever found her cat. No one ever found her cat. Wie gut kennen Sie Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Ich brauche nur mehr Zeit mit Tom. I just need more time with Tom. I just need more time with Tom. Hij heeft zijn zin vertaald. He translated his sentence. He's translated his mind. Wanneer ben je opgestaan? When did you get up? When did you get up? Begrijpen jullie Latijn? Do you understand Latin? Do you understand Latin? Goed dat jullie de olifant hebben opgemerkt! It's good that you've noticed the elephant! Good thing you noticed the elephant! De zon kwam te voorschijn en het ijs smolt. The sun came out and the ice melted. The sun appeared and the ice melted. Sy het haarself aan die taak aangespreek. She addressed herself to the task. She addressed herself to the task. Tom konnte sich nicht entscheiden, wen er wählen sollte. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who to choose. Als je wil, zal ik je leren om te schaken. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you want, I'll teach you to shake. Jack un Bill weren temlich gode Frünnen. Jack and Bill were very good friends. Jack and Bill are rather good friends. Niemand weiß, was aus ihr geworden ist. No one knows what has become of her. No one knows what came out of her. Die Legende kam aus alten Zeiten in diesen Bezirk. The legend has come down in this district from olden times. The legend came from ancient times in this district. Wo wied is dat na Brno? How far is it to Brno? Where is it to Brno? Ek het gedink iets was vreemd. I thought something was strange. I thought something was strange. Gammel? Hungry? Gamble? Ik heb vandaag vier lessen. I have four lessons today. I have four lessons today. Tom hilft mir oft bei den Hausaufgaben. Tom often helps me with my homework. Tom often helps me with homework. Mach dir nicht im Voraus Sorgen! Don't cross your bridges before you come to them. Don't worry in advance! Ik mutt nu weg. I have to go now. I have to go now. Hebben we zijn hulp nodig? Do we need his help? Do we need his help? Lang schall de Sowjetunion leven! Long live the Soviet Union! For a long time, the Soviet Union should live! Was ist der Schmelzpunkt von Wasser? What is the melting point of water? What is the melting point of water? Der Ätna ist ausgebrochen und überschüttet Sizilien mit vulkanischem Gestein. Mount Etna has erupted, showering Sicily in volcanic rock. The Etna broke out and crossed Sicily with volcanic rock. Bitte sage mir, dass das keine Bombe ist. Please tell me that's not a bomb. Please tell me this isn't a bomb. We zijn hier een paar uur geleden aangekomen. We got here a couple of hours ago. We arrived here a few hours ago. Wat is de moraal van dit verhaal? What's the moral of this story? What is the morale of this story? Ik ben Iers. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Maakt di dat wat, wenn du nochmaal teihn Minuten töven musst? Would you mind waiting another ten minutes? Are you sure you want to wait another ten minutes? Tom was bijna dertig jaar lang leraar. Tom was a teacher for nearly thirty years. Tom was a teacher for almost thirty years. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father gives flowers water. Ik hoop dat je naar mijn verjaardagsfeestje zal komen. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. Wer ist Ihr Freund? Who is your friend? Who's your friend? Das chan ned wahr sii. That can't be true. That chan ned true sii. Braand! Fire! Braand! k Run. I run. k Run. Heb je met haar onlangs gesproken? Have you talked to her recently? Have you talked to her recently? Dann machen Sie es ordentlich sauber! Then clean it really well. Then clean it up properly! Das Glas ist voll mit Milch. The glass is full of milk. The glass is full of milk. Plak deze sticker op uw koffer. Put this sticker on your suitcase. Place this sticker on your suitcase. Hy is 'n man van geloof. He is a man of faith. He is a man of faith. Man könnte keine zwei verschiedeneren Menschen als Tom und Maria finden. You couldn't get two people more different than Tom and Mary. You couldn't find two different people like Tom and Maria. Se seed, dat se in Osaka leevt. She said that she's living in Osaka. They say they live in Osaka. Ich kann und will nicht gehen. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't and don't want to go. Joe binnen nait old. You are not old. Joe in the middle of the night. Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage. To be or not to be, that is the question. Being or not being, that's the question here. צי פֿאַרשטײסטו פּאָרטוגעזיש? Do you understand Portuguese? Do you understand Portuguese? 'n Hond het agter die kat aan gehardloop. A dog was running after a cat. A dog ran after the cat. לאמיר זיין פריינט אויף אייביג. Let's always be friends. Lamir's friends on the U.S. צי איז זי איטאַליעניש? Is she Italian? Is she intolerable? Vielleicht könnten Sie das eine oder andere von ihm lernen. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from him. Maybe you could learn from him. Sy het 'n huis by die see. She has a house by the sea. She had a house by the sea. Hij studeerde in het buitenland. He studied abroad. He studied abroad. Zombies eten hersens. Zombies eat brains. Zombies eat brains. Ich hoffe, dass das kein Fehler ist. I hope this isn't a mistake. I hope that's not a mistake. Een stervende oude man is als een brandende bibliotheek. A dying old man is like a burning library. A dying old man is like a burning library. Seine Lähmung schreitet fort, und bald wird er nicht mehr aufstehen können. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis continues, and soon he will not be able to rise. Maria vertraut dir. Mary trusts you. Maria trusts you. „Unsinn!“ lachte Anne fröhlich. „Das ist kein Opfer; denn nichts wäre schlimmer, als Green Gables aufzugeben – nichts könnte mir größeren Schmerz bereiten!“ "Nonsense!" Anne laughed merrily. "There is no sacrifice. Nothing could be worse than giving up Green Gables—nothing could hurt me more." “Don’t worry!” Anne laughed cheerfully. “This is not a sacrifice; for nothing would be worse to give up than Green Gables - nothing could cause me greater pain!” Meer mensen wonen in het noordelijke gedeelte van de stad. More people live in the northern part of the city. More people live in the northern part of the city. Tom glimlacht vaak. Tom often smiles. Tom smiles a lot. My vriend het vir my 'n brief geskryf om uit te vind hoe ek was. My friend sent me a letter to find out how I was. My friend wrote me a letter to find out how I was. Wenn es an uns wäre zu entscheiden, würden wir nein sagen. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If it were for us to decide, we would say no. Hij veinsde de twee vreemdelingen niet op te merken. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. He didn't notice the two strangers. Ik weet dat Tom allergisch is voor bijen. I know that Tom is allergic to bees. I know Tom's allergic to bees. Ik bün Klock acht bi di tohuus. I will be at your house at eight. I'm at eight at home. Ik kann snacken. I'm able to speak. I can speak. Du solltest meinen Rat annehmen. You should take my advice. You should accept my advice. Tom hat alte Bilder von seinen Großeltern auf dem Dachboden gefunden. Tom found an old picture of his grandparents in the attic. Tom found old pictures of his grandparents on the rooftop. Ich möchte jetzt lieber nicht essen. I'd rather not eat right now. I'd rather not eat now. Ze droeg een witte jurk. She wore a white dress. She wore a white dress. Der Vorteil an Freiberuflichkeit ist, dass man sich seine Arbeitszeit frei einteilen kann. Der Nachteil ist, dass man eigentlich rund um die Uhr arbeiten muss. The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock. The advantage of freelance is that you can freely divide your working time. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock. Hoe ben je te weten gekomen dat ik hier ben? How did you know I was here? How did you know I'm here? Se is von Natur ut neeschierig. She's inquisitive by nature. It is by nature from novelty. Laten we hopen dat Tom niet dood is. Let's hope Tom isn't dead. Let's hope Tom isn't dead. Ich muss den Hund von den Kindern fernhalten. I have to take the dog away from the children. I have to keep the dog away from the kids. Ik ken de inhoud van de doos niet. I don't know the contents of the box. I don't know the contents of the box. Is jullie broer skileraar? Is your brother a ski instructor? Is your brother a ski teacher? Wat zijn jullie plannen voor het avondmaal? What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? What are your plans for the evening meal? Zéng, zwanzeg, drësseg, véierzeg, fofzef, siechzeg, siwwenzeg, achtzeg, nonzeg, honnert. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifteen, seventy, seventy, seventy, eighteen, ninety, one hundred. אַ מאָל — ס'איז ווי אַ נס — וועט עס נעלם ווערן. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear. A time — it's like a ns — it'll be nelm. Laten we onszelf nu niet in de maling nemen. Let's not kid ourselves. Let's not fool ourselves now. Ik heb geen vriend nodig. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need a friend. Jeden beeindruckte diese Maschine. This machine impressed everyone. Everyone impressed this machine. Ik hou ook van appels. I also like apples. I like apples, too. Geef je over of sterf! Surrender or die! Give up or die! Het oude zomerhuis had slechts één bed, daarom sliepen we er om de beurt in. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. The old summer house had only one bed, so we slept in it in turn. Ich nehme den Elfuhrzug. I'm catching the 11:00 train. I'll take the eel train. Het bleef drie dagen regenen. It kept raining for three days. It stayed raining for three days. Bedankt voor uw e-mail! Thanks for your email! Thank you for your email! Darf ich sehen, was sich in dem Paket befindet? May I see the contents of the package? Can I see what's in the package? Das Hausprojekt ist flach gefallen. The housing project has fallen flat. The house project fell flat. Mein Name ist Tom, und das ist Maria. My name is Tom, and this is Mary. My name is Tom, and that's Maria. Hƿæt sæᵹde hē? What did he say? Hƿæ sæ'de hē? Hij vroeg om veel geld. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. Hij heeft vijf fouten gevonden in evenzoveel regels. He found five mistakes in as many lines. He found five mistakes in just as many rules. Dit is de fabriek waar Tom en Maria werken. This is the factory where Tom and Mary work. This is the factory where Tom and Maria work. Vanmiddag ga ik met Naoko spelen. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. Ik heb mijn portefeuille verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my portfolio. Ehrlich gesprochen, glaube ich nicht, dass Sie das Zeug zum Lehrer haben. Frankly speaking, I don't think you have what it takes to become a teacher. Honestly speaking, I don't think you have the stuff to teach. Angela Merkel wurde in Ostdeutschland geboren. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Tom stopfte einen Lappen ins Loch. Tom stuffed a rag in the hole. Tom put a lap into the hole. U had het kunnen doen. You could have done it. You could have done it. די זאַך װאָס האָט מיך מערסטע אימפּאָנירט װעגן כינע, איז דאָס כינעזישע מאכל. The thing that left the biggest impression on me in China was the Chinese food. The thing that has made me most imponed about thin, is the Chinese market. Ihre Freunde waren eifersüchtig. Her friends were jealous. Her friends were jealous. Je moet geen mensen discrimineren op basis van hun gender. You should not discriminate against people based on their gender. You shouldn't discriminate against people based on their gender. דאס איז נישט זעהר א גרויסע חידוש. That's not very original. This is not See a Great Hasidusian. Tom heeft ook hier geholpen. Tom helped here as well. Tom also helped out here. Ich bi ledig. I am single. I'm sorry. Heeft iemand iets vreemds opgemerkt? Did anyone notice anything unusual? Did anyone notice anything strange? De Mann is oold. The man is old. The man is old. Een man is niet oud zolang hij kan werken. A man is not old as long as he can work. A man is not old as long as he can work. Tom stemde. Tom voted. Tom voted. Ek dink nie jou plan sal werk nie. I don't think your plan will work. I don't think your plan will work. Kannst du dich noch daran erinnern, als du zum ersten Mal die Beatles gehört hast? Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Can you remember when you heard the Beatles for the first time? Wie zal gaan? Who'll go? Who's gonna go? Ihr hättet das eher sagen sollen. You should've said so earlier. You should've said that. זיי װילן אַוועקגיין. They want to leave. They want to go away. וואו גייט די לבנה ווען עס איז נישט אין דער הימל? Where does the moon go when it's not in the sky? Where does the run when it is not in the sky? Blief oamen. Keep breathing. Please oamen. Tom sal jou help. Tom will help you. Tom will help you. Wir klatschten in die Hände. We clapped our hands. We claped our hands. Tom tat sich Salat auf den Teller. Tom put some salad on his plate. Tom did salad on the plate. Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom alleine ist. I wonder why Tom is alone. I like to know why Tom is alone. Bitte werfen Sie das weg! Please throw this away. Please throw this away! Darf man innerhalb dieses Gebäudes Fotos machen? Is it all right to take pictures in this building? Can you take photos inside this building? Deze prinses is in het kasteel. This princess is in the castle. This princess is in the castle. Lass uns gehen! Let's go! Let's go! Ik heff sehn, woans he di ankeken hett. I saw the way he was looking at you. I've seen where you've been looking. Goejûn. Good evening. Good-bye. Wie seid ihr an diese seltenen Bücher gekommen? How did you come by those rare books? How did you get to these rare books? Þǣr is æppel on þǣm bēode. There is an apple on the table. yynƿr is æppel onȝȝm bēode. Ze is twee maanden oud. She is two months old. She's two months old. Die Türe verriegelt die Innenseite. The door bolts on the inside. The door locks the inside. Ich kann gerade nicht sprechen. Es ist zu viel los bei mir. I can't talk now. I'm too busy. I can't talk right now, it's too much going on with me. Carlos Slim ist der zweitreichste Mann der Welt. Carlos Slim is the world's second richest person. Carlos Slim is the second largest man in the world. Eet! Eat! Eat! Ben ik knap? Am I pretty? Am I pretty? Sie wurden von der Polizei abgeführt. They were carried away by the police. They were led off by the police. Ji seggt, dat is joon Bruuk, Widdfroon to verbrennen. Good. Wi hebbt ook en Bruuk: Wenn Keerls en Froo lebennig verbrennt, binnt wi en Reep üm jemehr Häls un hängt jem op. Boot joon Brandstapel; dor blangen boot mien Timmerlüüd en Galgen op. Ji dröfft joon Bruuk nagahn. Un denn wi uns. You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours. Ji says it is joon use to burn wide-froon. Good. We also have a use: if keerls burn a woman alive, we bind a rope around their heels and hang them up. Boot joon fire pile; there blow my carpenters up a gallow. You can follow joon use, and then we will. Wou hues du studéiert? Where did you go to university? Where did you study? ער איז נישט קיין צדיק אין פּעלץ. He's not a hypocrite. He is not a miserable one. De zon aan de horizon is prachtig. The sun on the horizon is wonderful. The sun on the horizon is beautiful. Viele Menschen prangerten Präsident Wilson an. Many people denounced President Wilson. Many people denounced President Wilson. Die Tiere sind gut versorgt. The animals are well cared for. The animals are well supplied. Es git nüt bessers wie Zopf. There is nothing better than zopf. It's better than Zop. Het lijkt erop dat de strijd tussen Microsoft en Apple nooit zal ophouden. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. It seems that the struggle between Microsoft and Apple will never stop. Seid ihr gut auf die heutige Prüfung vorbereitet? Are you well prepared for today's exam? Are you well prepared for today's test? Was sollen wir als nächstes machen? What should we do next? What are we supposed to do next? Wie schön du bist! How beautiful you are! How beautiful you are! Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is completely nuts! That guy's crazy! Spricht dein Freund Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Met die son gesak het hulle hul werk verlaat. The sun having set, they left off their work. With the sun set, they left their jobs. Gewuënhait häf graute Kraft. Habits are difficult to break. Conspiracy has grey force. Heb je deze film al eens gezien? Have you ever seen this movie before? Have you seen this movie before? Se tütt sik jümmer swart an. She always dresses in black. It always touches black. My oupa het sy eie meubels gemaak. My grandfather used to make furniture for himself. Grandfather made his own furniture. Tom isst Katzenfutter. Tom eats cat food. Tom eats cat food. Hoe denkt u nu over hen? How do you feel about them now? How do you think about them now? Der Autor hat das Buch seiner Schwester gewidmet. The author dedicated the book to his sister. The author dedicated the book to his sister. Ek sou nie verbaas wees nie. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Tom ließ sich von Maria beim Schnüren seiner Schuhe helfen. Tom had Mary help him tie his shoes. Tom was able to help Mary wear his shoes. Ik kan niet stoppen met denken aan wat er gebeurd is. I can't stop thinking about what happened. I can't stop thinking about what happened. Waar is die PowerPoint-aanbieding wat julle my belowe het? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where is the PowerPoint presentation that you promised me? Könnten Sie mir ein Taxi bestellen? Can you call me a taxi? Could you order me a taxi? אסתּר האָט איבערגעלעבט דעם חורבן. Esther survived the Holocaust. Osizer survived the Holocaust. Tom heeft mij verlaten. Tom left me. Tom left me. Ze heeft niet lang meer te leven. She won't live much longer. She doesn't have to live long. Wo haben Sie Ihre Brille abgesetzt? Where did you take your glasses off? Where did you turn off your glasses? Ik zal het niet vergeten. I won't forget it. I won't forget. Wilst eten? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Jij was mijn verlosser in tijden van nood. You were my savior in times of need. You were my deliverer in times of need. Moeke is oller as pabbe. Mom is older than Dad. Moke is more old-fashioned than pabbe. Ik kan het niet geloven dat ik dat Tom liet doen. I can't believe I let Tom do that. I can't believe I let Tom do that. Die Rate der Waffenbesitzer in den U.S.A. ist die höchste der Welt. The U.S. gun ownership rate is the highest in the world. The rate of gun owners in the U.S.A. is the highest in the world. Er is aarich sexy. He's very sexy. There's a lot of sexy. Ich bin sicher, dass ich die richtige Nummer habe. I'm sure I have the right number. I'm sure I have the right number. Ali is mijn broer. Ali is my brother. Ali is my brother. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Uhu und einer Schleiereule? What's the difference between an eagle-owl and a barn owl? What is the difference between a Uhu and a mucous membrane? Ich wohne hier nicht mehr. I don't live here anymore. I don't live here anymore. Ik heb een muis van Microsoft gekocht. I bought a Microsoft mouse. I bought a mouse from Microsoft. Waar is de ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Et ass néng Auer. It's nine o'clock. It is nine o'clock. Die Erde dreht sich um die Sonne. The Earth rotates round the Sun. The earth revolves around the sun. Man sollte nie bei der Sicherheit sparen. You should never cut corners on safety. You should never save at safety. Ik woon in Nederland. I live in the Netherlands. I live in the Netherlands. Weet je het zeker? Are you sure? Are you sure? Ik heb een paar duiten op zak deze maand. I have a little money this month. I've got a few dikes on my pocket this month. דער עפּל איז פֿאַר דיר. This apple is for you. The apple is for you. קיינער קען זי נישט זען. No one can see it. Chickens can't see it. Hij sloeg de deur toe. He slams the door shut. He hit the door. Hulle kan hul vrees oorwin. They can overcome their fear. They can conquer their fear. Dat Dack leekt. The roof lets in rain. The roof leaks. Maria bat Tom, sie nach dem Abendessen anzurufen. Mary asked Tom to call her after dinner. Maria asked Tom to call her after dinner. Jullie verdienen de prijs. You deserve the prize. You deserve the price. Se hett em mit en Küssen stickt. She suffocated him with a pillow. She stuck him with a kiss. Rookt Sami? Does Sami smoke? Smoking Sami? Dieser Artikel wurde auf Englisch verfasst. That article was written in English. This article was written in English. איך בין נישט קיין נביא. I am not a prophet. I'm not a nabie. Dat mag niet. That isn't allowed. You can't. k Hol van brommels. I love blackberries. k Hol van brommels. Dat is geweldig! That's great! That's great! Welke is nieuw? Which is new? Which one's new? Ik hou van tomaten kweken. I love growing tomatoes. I like to grow tomatoes. Ik heff tolüüstert, aver ik heff nix höört. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. I have listened, but I have heard nothing. Pferde können Angst wittern. Horses can sense fear. Horses can get scared. Wanneer zag je Tom voor het laatst? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? To-dæg is Frig-dæg. Today is Friday. To-H:%M is Frig-H:%M. Iedere kamer heeft een bed. Every room has a bed. Every room has a bed. Dit is geen spin, het is een monster! This is not a spider, it's a monster! This isn't a spin, it's a monster! Können Sie mir eine Karte von Ihrer Straße zeichnen? Can you draw me a map of your street? Can you draw me a map of your street? Hoe zeg je ''Liefde'' in het Portugees? How do you say "Love" in Portuguese? How do you say "Love" in Portuguese? Waar het jy dit geleer? Where did you learn this? Where did you learn it? Ich habe so vieles, was ich Ihnen anvertrauen möchte. I have so many things I want you to know. I have so much I want to trust you. Wie weet er nou eigenlijk echt waarom? Who really knows why? Who really knows why? Ze hebben gestemd. They voted. They voted. Zai laigt! She's lying! Zai laughs! Wie heeft Tom gedood? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? Wéi vill Leit liewen an denger Stad? How many people live in your city? How many people live in your city? Fries is mijn moedertaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Fries are my native language. Moeke van ons kollegoa is oet tied kommen. Our colleague's mother has died. Moeke from our colleague came for a break. Ik probeerde met je te praten. I was trying to talk to you. I was trying to talk to you. Mäin Buch ass hei. My book is here. My book is here. Warum willst du das wissen? Why do you want to know that? Why do you want to know? Waarom gaat u niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Ich werde ihnen ein Geschenk geben. I'll get them a present. I'll give them a gift. Dor weren Schäpers, de op jemehr Hood oppassen deden. There were shepherds keeping watch over their flock. There were shepherds who were careful about their hood. Valt in de stal de verwarming uit, dan komt de melk in blokjes eruit. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. Valt out the heat in the steel, then the milk comes out in blocks. Wat een prachtige stad! What a beautiful city! What a beautiful city! Dieser Schriftsteller war mehrere Jahre bei den Truppen im Feld. This writer spent several years in the field with the troops. This writer was with the troops in the field for several years. Ik kan geen tequila drinken. I can't drink tequila. I can't drink tequila. Was möchten Sie von mir? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? De bus is kapot! The bus is broken! The bus's broken! Ich werre immer hier sin. I'll always be here. I'll always be here. Tom wird nächstes Jahr zurück sein. Tom will be back next year. Tom will be back next year. D'Schilddrüs ass eng endokrine Drüs. The thyroid is an endocrine gland. The thyroid is an endocrine gland. Die Kinder fahren mit ihren Fahrrädern. The children are riding their bikes. The children drive their bicycles. Je kunt water drinken, maar dat kun je ook laten. You can drink water, but you can also let it be. You can drink water, but you can let that go. Anderen bedriegen is slecht, maar jezelf bedriegen is nog veel slechter. It's wrong to deceive people, but worse to deceive yourself. To deceive others is bad, but to deceive yourself is much worse. Waar zien we elkaar? Where will we meet? Where do we see each other? Waar ben je al die tijd geweest? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Bliw dao bi denne. Don't touch that. Bliw dao at dine. Daarna ontmoetten ze elkaar iedere middag op de kade, ontbeten samen, dineerden, wandelden en bewonderden de zee. Since then, they met up every afternoon at the pier, had breakfast together, had dinner, took walks and admired the sea. After that, they met each other every afternoon in the cadre, prayed together, dined, walked, and admired the sea. איר זײַט ווערטלאָז. Y'all are worthless. your page vertloes. Tom wird vermissen das zu tun. Tom is going to miss doing this. Tom's gonna miss doing that. Ik heb voor Kerstmis een E-Book-Reader gekregen. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Haben Sie Getränke ohne Alkohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Oft on sotigum bylige searoƿa licgað. In a dirty bag treasure often lies. Often on sotigum bylige searoƿa licgað. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr Murata, he's my boss. Die Polizisten nahmen die Waffen herunter. The police lowered their weapons. The police took the weapons down. Gebb meer en Abrass. Hug me. Give more and abrass. Laat me alsjeblieft uitspreken. Hear me out, please. Please let me say good-bye. Ik wil naar Tokio gaan. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Waarschijnlijk slaapt hij. He's probably sleeping. He probably sleeps. Ich dachte, du wärest glücklich. I thought you were happy. I thought you were happy. Kennen joe dizze noaberschop. Do you know this neighbourhood? Know joe this novice. אָקלאַנד איז אַן עיר־מקלט. Oakland is a sanctuary city. Occlumency is an iron cycle. Stop daar onmiddellijk mee! Stop it right now! Stop that right away! Spellingwedstrijden zijn onnozel. Spelling bees are stupid. Spelling games are stupid. Ons het oral gekyk. We've looked everywhere. We looked everywhere. k Denk dat Tom geliek het. I think that Tom is right. k Think Tom looked like it. Wat is het verschil tussen deze twee? What's the difference between these two? What's the difference between these two? Sami und Layla entschieden sich dafür, einen Partnerschaftsberater zu besuchen. Sami and Layla decided to see a couples counselor. Sami and Layla decided to visit a partnership advisor. Tom draagt zijden stropdassen. Tom wears silk neckties. Tom wears silk straps. עס איז יאַנס עפּל. It is John's apple. It is Jan's apple. IK kom uit Israël. I'm from Israel. I come from Israel. Sein Neffe lebt in Amerika. His nephew lives in America. His nephew lives in America. Es war eine andere Zeit. It was a different time. It was another time. וואָס איז דער קאָראָנאַווירוס? What's coronavirus? What is the coronirus? Ich werde nicht vergessen, was Sie getan haben. I won't forget what you did. I won't forget what you did. Hast du mal einen Euro für mich? Can you give me a euro? Do you even have a euro for me? Eet smakelijk! Bon appetit! Eat tasty! Wat bent u aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you reading? Ich mag solche Dinge. I like to do things like that. I like such things. Villicht schull ik Düütsch lehren. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I should learn German. Tom wird dich nicht mögen. Tom won't like you. Tom won't like you. Morgen ben ik jarig. Tomorrow is my birthday. Tomorrow's my birthday. טאָם האָט געשפּיגן. Tom spat. Tom has smitten. Was ist Tom passiert? What happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Ich war bei der Versammlung nicht anwesend. I wasn't present at the meeting. I was not present at the assembly. Ich möchte etwas Koreanisches essen. I want to eat something Korean. I want to eat something Korean. Wer ist der Junge, der an der Tür steht? Who's that boy standing at the door? Who is the boy standing at the door? Zijn moeder stierf vier jaar later. His mother died four years later. His mother died four years later. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes mache sich Sorgen. Mary told Tom that she thought John was worried. Maria told Tom that she believed John was worried. Hij schreeuwde: "Help!" He cried: "Help!" He shouted, "Help!" Die Regierung sollte gezielte Maßnahmen zum Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit ergreifen. The government should take targeted measures to eliminate unemployment. The government should take targeted measures to reduce unemployment. Ik kon niet ophouden ernaar te staren. I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't stop staring at it. Zai lazen. They read. Zai reading. Er hob seine Hand. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Wil er iemand nog wat taart? Does anyone want some more pie? Anybody want some more cake? Ich kann mit meiner Zeit Besseres anfangen, als hier zu sitzen und mir dein Gemecker anzuhören. I've got better things to do with my time than to sit here and listen to you complain. I can start with my time better than sitting here and listening to your gemecker. Levensverwachting, seksuele discriminatie en sociaal systeem zijn de belangrijkste criteria waarmee de vertegenwoordigers hebben rekening gehouden bij het opstellen van het klassement. Life expectancy, gender discrimination and the social system are the main criteria the representatives have taken into account in drawing up the rankings. Life expectancy, sexual discrimination and social system are the main criteria that the representatives have taken into account when drawing up the classification. Hy is my buurman. He's my neighbour. He's my neighbor. Vertraust du ihr noch? Do you still trust her? Do you still trust her? Je kunt Tom vergeten. Forget about Tom. You can forget Tom. Rufen Sie den Sicherheitsdienst! Call security! Call the security department! Doe smooktest. You smoked. Do a smoker test. Tom sucht eine größere Wohnung. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Tom is looking for a bigger apartment. Ik wist dat Tom de doos niet kon open doen. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to get the box open. I knew Tom couldn't open the box. Tom schaut oft Horrorfilme an. Tom often watches horror movies. Tom often watches horror movies. Are ye i Berlyn? Are you in Berlin? Are you Berlin? Blijkbaar is Tom heel goed in skiën. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Apparently Tom is very good at skiing. Ab wann brauchst du es? When will you need it? From when do you need it? Was ist mit ihm los? What's the matter with him? What's wrong with him? Ik zag hem huilen. I saw him cry. I saw him crying. Warte einen Moment. Ich rufe mal Jimmy. Hang on a minute. I'll call Jimmy. Wait a minute, I'll call Jimmy. Alle glücklichen Familien ähneln sich. Alle unglücklichen Familien sind auf ihre eigene Weise unglücklich. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. All happy families are similar. All unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. Ich fürchte, Sie haben recht. I'm afraid you're right. I'm afraid you're right. Ek drink tee. I drink tea. I drink tea. ס'איז נישטאָ קיין גראַמאַטישער מין אין אונגאַריש. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. It's not a whimsical mine in Hungarian. Der alte Mann entfloh aus dem Altersheim. The old man escaped from the nursing home. The old man escaped from the old man's home. Du und David solltet unbedingt das Stück lernen und nächstes Jahr bei der Talentshow aufführen. You and David should totally learn that piece and play it at the talent show next year. You and David should learn the piece and perform next year at the talent show. Tom hätte etwas sagen können, doch er ließ es. Tom could've said something, but he didn't. Tom could have said something, but he let it. Der Schnellzug ist eine Stunde schneller als der Personenzug. The express train is an hour faster than the local. The speed train is one hour faster than the passenger train. Ik mutt mien Geldbüdel in ’n Supermarkt verloren hebben. I must have lost my purse in the supermarket. I must have lost my bundle of money in a supermarket. Ich werde alles tun, worum Sie mich bitten. I'll do anything you ask me to do. I'll do everything you ask me to do. Ik heff fröher op’n Dörpe wahnt. I used to live in a village. I used to wake up on a village. Niemand houdt van mijn land. Nobody likes my country. No one loves my country. Tom heeft zijn haar geverfd. Tom dyed his hair. Tom painted his hair. אונשולדיגט, וויפל קאסטן די? Excuse me, how much are these? UNESCO, how much can this be? Gib mir diese Tasche. Hand me that bag. Give me this bag. Keiner will, dass ihr das tut. Nobody wants you to do this. No one wants you to do that. Januarie is die eerste maand op die kalender. January is the first month of the calendar. January is the first month on the calendar. Der Grund liegt auf der Hand. It's not hard to figure out why. The reason is on hand. Wird Tom das noch tun? Will Tom be doing that anymore? Will Tom do that? In der Wikingerzeit war Grönland viel grüner als heute. In Viking times Greenland was greener than today. In the Viking era Greenland was much greener than today. Wann wurde sie fertiggestellt? When was it finished? When was she finished? Waarom zijn jullie ongelukkig? Why are you unhappy? Why are you unhappy? In meist all Lääner, buten de araabschen Länner un Israel, sünd Sünnavend un Sünndag as Wekenenn defineert. In most countries, with the exception of the Arab countries and Israel, Saturday and Sunday are defined as the weekend. In almost all countries, outside the Arab countries and Israel, Sunday and Sunday are defined as weekends. Tom wusch seine Brillengläser mit warmem Seifenwasser und trocknete sie mit einem Tuch ab. Tom washed the lenses of his glasses with warm, soapy water and dried them on a cloth. Tom washed his glasses with warm soapy water and dried them with a cloth. Woar is bus? Where is the bus? Why is bus? Dit wordt geweldig. This is going to be spectacular. This is gonna be great. Ik zag een mooi meisje met zwart haar in het park. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. I saw a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. We hebben Russisch geleerd in plaats van Frans. We learned Russian instead of French. We learned Russian instead of French. Ich wusste nicht, was ich zuerst tun sollte. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. Ons land heeft een glorieuze geschiedenis. Our country has a glorious history. Our country has a glorious history. Das wird sehr bald eintreten. That's going to happen very soon. It'll be very soon. Het is een pop. It's a doll. It's a doll. Ze wond zich op over de veiligheid van haar zoon. She became agitated about her son's safety. She was wondering about the safety of her son. Spensers Mutter überprüft oft jeden kleinen Fehler, den er macht. Spenser's mother often scrutinizes him for every small mistake he makes. Spenser's mother often checks every small mistake he makes. Tom stieg in den Zug ein. Tom got on the train. Tom entered the train. Tom wordt rood. Tom is turning red. Tom's getting red. Het zou gestoord zijn om dat nog een keer te doen. It would be crazy to do that again. It would be crazy to do that again. Die Katze trinkt Milch. The cat drinks milk. The cat drinks milk. Wisst ihr etwas über eure Familie? Do you know anything about your family? You know something about your family? Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd. Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it. Dear isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, whom mr s'vrschwendåd. Wat zou je doen als je, laten we zeggen, tienduizend dollar had? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if you, let's say, had ten thousand dollars? Se geiht geern mit ehr Frünn loos dansen. She likes to go to dance with her friends. She enjoys dancing with her friend. Het ligt op het puntje van mijn tong. It's on the tip of my tongue. It's on the tip of my tongue. Nachdem er drei alkoholische Getränke zu sich genommen hatte, wurde der Mann bewusstlos. After three drinks, the man passed out. After taking three alcoholic beverages, the man became unconscious. Eines ist gleich hinter dir! There's one right behind you! One is right behind you! Het blijkt dat dit een zeer gunstige factor is voor ons project, dat juist als doel heeft in samenwerking een netwerk te scheppen van vertalingen in zoveel mogelijk talen. It has become evident that this is very favorable for our project, which aims precisely at creating jointly a network of translations in as many languages as possible. It appears that this is a very beneficial factor for our project, which aims to create a network of translations in as many languages as possible in cooperation. Sami's gesprek verliep heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sam's conversation was very fast. Het is veel te koud om te zwemmen. It's much too cold to swim. It's a lot too cold to swim. Ik weet niet waar te beginnen. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. די תּלמידה לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The student learns. Tom bewarf Marie mit einem Ei. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom besiegs Marie with an egg. Diese Flüssigkeit hat einen eigenartigen Geschmack. This liquor has a taste all of its own. This liquid has a peculiar taste. אַנטיציוניזם איז נישט אַנטיסעמיטיזם. Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. Antisemitism is not antisemitism. Ik krijg wat ik wil. I get anything I want. I get what I want. Jullie zijn mij een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Ik heff em dat utdüüdt. I explained it to him. I have interpreted it. Wir spielten am Strand. We were playing on the beach. We played on the beach. Ik heb een kurkentrekker nodig. I need a cork screw. I need a cork tractor. Wie war dein Aufenthalt? How was your stay? How was your stay? Ik heb dezelfde mening over jou. I feel the same way about you. I have the same opinion about you. Hij wil graag wat Engelse liedjes leren. He wants to learn some English songs. He likes to learn some English songs. Tom kann auch noch Französisch sprechen. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can still speak French. Tom fährt in letzter Zeit mit dem Bus zur Arbeit. Tom has been riding the bus to work. Tom has recently been driving the bus to work. Tom komt met me mee naar Boston. Tom is coming with me to Boston. Tom's coming with me to Boston. Kann ik mit Bill snacken? Can I speak with Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Kan jy vir my 'n kopie maak? Can you make me a copy? Can you make me a copy? Mein Französischlehrer ist kein Kanadier. My French teacher isn't a Canadian. My French teacher is not a Canadian. Na, es wird schon spät. Lass uns jetzt gehen. Well, it's getting late. Let's go now. Well, it's gonna be late. We hebben daden nodig, geen woorden. We need actions, not words. We need deeds, not words. Tom het nie die kans gehad wat jy en ek gehad het nie. Tom wasn't given the chance you and I were. Tom didn't have the chance that you and I had. Tom heeft een heel moeizame relatie met zijn vader. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Leyla roch nach Alkohol. Leyla smelt like alcohol. Leyla smells like alcohol. Tom ist einer der Brüder von Maria. Tom is one of Mary's brothers. Tom is one of Mary's brothers. Vertue deine Zeit nicht in einer Beziehung, die zum Scheitern verurteilt ist! Don't waste your time in a dead-end relationship. Do not put your time in a relationship condemned to failure! Kinst doe mie leren gappen? Can you teach me how to steal? Can you do mie learn to gape? פֿאַראַן אַ הײַזקע אונטער דער בריק. There is a hut below the bridge. Foran a pass under the bridge. Eine Katastrophe wurde abgewendet. A catastrophe has been averted. A disaster was averted. Tom is stoned. Tom's stoned. Tom is stoned. Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like going to the cinema. I like going to the cinema. Ich schaue nur. I'm just looking around. I'm just looking. Ich mache zu viele Fehler. I am making too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Wir sind stinkreich. We are filthy rich. We're stinky. Cricket ist ein Spiel, das Geschick erfordert. Cricket is a game that takes skill. Cricket is a game that requires skill. Ze houdt van hem. She loves him. She loves him. Ik realizeerde me niet dat je allergisch was voor pinda's. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. Wer kontrolliert das Internet? Who controls the internet? Who controls the Internet? Ik hou niet van het verkeer. I don't like the traffic. I don't like traffic. Iedereen houdt van zijn land. Everybody loves his country. Everyone loves his country. Volgens mijn horloge is het vier uur. It's four o'clock by my watch. My watch says it's four o'clock. Mir ist danach, heute etwas anderes zu tun. I feel like doing something different today. I'm after doing something different today. Sie ist Schauspielerin. She is an actor. She's an actress. Dat was een herder. That was a shepherd. That was a shepherd. Behaupten Sie, dass ich lüge? Are you suggesting I'm lying? Do you claim I'm lying? Ich brauche auch ein Kissen. I also need a pillow. I need a pillow, too. Wat scheelt er met jullie? What's wrong with you, guys? What's wrong with you guys? „Wo ist Maria?“ – „Die arbeitet heute nicht.“ "Where is Mary?" "She's not working today." "Where is Mary?" "She doesn't work today." Hoeveel betalen jullie? How much are you guys paying? How much do you pay? Wo ist deine Verabredung heute Abend? Where's your date tonight? Where's your date tonight? Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ on mīnum līfe. That was the best day of my life. The þæs se besta dæ - on mīnum līfe. Heb je alles voor morgen voorbereid? Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow? Did you prepare everything for tomorrow? זײַן טײַסטער איז ליידיק. His wallet is empty. To be honest is to say: “I am sorry. ” Als jij nou zegt: "Ik hou van jou," dan zeg ik dat ook tegen jou. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say, "I love you," I'll tell you. De toekomst van de man, is de vrouw. The future of man is woman. The future of the man, is the woman. He hett en witte Katt. He's got a white cat. He has a white cat. Diese Straße wird dich zum Flughafen führen. This road will lead you to the airport. This road will lead you to the airport. Tom ist heute etwas mürrisch. Tom is a little moody today. Tom's a little murky today. Ich bilde mir ein, dieses Gefühl der Erleichterung zu kennen. I fancy I know this feeling of relief. I imagine knowing this feeling of relief. Ich esse so nur, wenn ich niedergeschlagen bin. I only eat like this when I'm miserable. I eat that only when I've been knocked down. Waarom ben je zo onhandig? Why are you so clumsy? Why are you so clumsy? Tom ist in den letzten paar Jahren ein gutes Stück reifer geworden. Tom's matured a fair bit in the last few years. Tom has become a good piece of mature in the last few years. Hij controleerde de duurzaamheid van het huis voordat hij het kocht. He checked the durability of the house before buying it. He checked the durability of the house before he bought it. Tom macht seine Hausaufgaben. Tom is doing his homework. Tom is doing his homework. Wir möchten den Urlaub an einem ruhigen Ort verbringen. We want to spend the holidays in a quiet place. We want to spend the holiday in a quiet place. Ek gaan niks koop nie. I'm not buying anything. I'm not going to buy anything. Lass ihn nicht die Lampe anschalten! Don't let him switch on the lamp. Don't let him turn on the lamp! Es geht mir gut. I feel well. I'm fine. Wil je eerst? Do you want to go first? Do you want to go first? Deze zin is ambigu. This sentence is ambiguous. This sentence is ambigu. Ik heb mijn horloge verloren. I have lost my watch. I lost my watch. Hest du en Föön mitnahmen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you take a phone with you? Het zal ongetwijfeld gaan regenen. It'll rain for sure. It will no doubt be raining. Dit is erg aardig van u. That is very nice of you. This is very nice of you. Ria hett teemlich lange Hoor. Mary has very long hair. Ria has relatively long hearing. Ik ben in het huis. I'm in the house. I'm in the house. Nancy speelt geen tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Denken Sie nicht darüber nach! Tun Sie es! Don't think about it. Do it. Don't think about it! Dat maakt mi neeschierig. This makes me curious. That makes me curious. Waar heeft u de jongen gezien? Where did you see the boy? Where did you see the boy? Ihr miassts ihr höfn, und zwoa gschwind! You must help her, and soon! You're mishaping her head, and you're gushing! Ik heb gisteren een kat in de zak gekocht. I bought a pig in a poke yesterday. I bought a cat in the bag yesterday. Morgen ist der 20. Oktober. Tomorrow is October 20th. Tomorrow is October 20. Snackt he Engelsch? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? כ'לערן זיך העברעאיש. I'm learning Hebrew. Let's learn hebraic. Ich wollte dich nicht beleidigen. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to insult you. אַלע קעץ זײַנען שיין. All cats are beautiful. all coats are fine. Wat is het minimumloon in Namibië? What's the minimum salary in Namibia? What is the minimum wage in Namibia? Disse Schoh is een Grött grötter. This shoe is a size bigger. This shoe is one size larger. Die Vögel singen draußen. The birds outside are singing. The birds sing outside. Er was een rare, stinkende, bruine vloeistof in de vuilnisbak. There was a strange, foul-smelling brown liquid in the waste basket. There was a weird, stinking, brown liquid in the garbage bin. Tom hat Mary zum Abendessen eingeladen. Tom treated Mary to dinner. Tom invited Mary to dinner. We wachtten. We waited. We waited. Manchmal muss man gar nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen, um sich zu verstehen. Sometimes you don't need to speak the same language in order to understand each other. Sometimes you don't even have to speak the same language to understand yourself. Dat weer güstern koold. It was cold yesterday. It was cool yesterday. Ik heb betaald. I paid. I paid. Leest du noch wat anners as de Biebel? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything other than the Bible? Ab nächster Woche benutzen wir ein neues Lehrbuch. Beginning next week, we'll be using a new textbook. From next week we will use a new textbook. Misschien zou ze er echt niet zijn? Maybe she really won't be there? Maybe she wouldn't be there? Blijf rustig. Keep calm. Stay calm. Ik ontmoette hem op weg naar huis. I met him on my way home. I met him on my way home. Mein Vater fährt zur Arbeit. My father drives to work. My father's going to work. Was bringt Menschen dazu, das zu tun? What makes people do that? What makes people do that? Wo ist die Bushaltestelle? Where's the bus stop? Where's the bus stop? ער שרײַבט אַראַביש. He writes Arabic. He lives Arabic. Pua sjongt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Hoe meer men heeft, hoe meer men begeert. The more one has, the more one desires. The more you have, the more you desire. Da du jetzt die Wahrheit kennst, ist dir vielleicht wohler zumute. Now that you know the truth, perhaps you'll feel better. Now that you know the truth, you might be better off. Volgens de langetijdsvoorspelling schijnt er een zachte winter aan te komen. According to the long-term forecast, a mild winter seems to be ahead. According to the long-term forecast, there seems to be a soft winter. Mach den Mund auf. Open your mouth. Open your mouth. Guada Morga! Good morning! Guada Morga! Ga zitten! Sit down! Sit down! Seid Maria und du Geschwister? Are you and Maria siblings? Are Maria and you siblings? Als ich aufwachte, lagen zehn Zentimeter Schnee. When I woke up, there were four inches of snow on the ground. When I woke up, there were ten centimeters of snow. Wo hat Tom sich die Haare schneiden lassen? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom cut his hair? Woneem is dien School? Where's your school? Where is your school? Alle wegen leiden naar Rome. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Ik heff twee Büxen köfft. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two bushes. לאָמיר זיך לערנען שפּראַכן! Let's learn languages! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hulle bly in die huis oorkant ons s'n. They live in the house opposite to ours. They stay in the house beyond ours. Nein, Papa! No, Dad! No, Dad! Hast du schon gegessen? Have you already eaten? Have you eaten? Lernen wir Englisch! Let's study English. Let's learn English! Ik oefen niet meer. I don't practice anymore. I don't practice anymore. Tom gaan nie gelukkig wees om jou te sien nie. Tom won't be happy to see you. Tom won't be happy to see you. Waarom hebben jullie een hamer nodig? Why do you need a hammer? Why do you need a hammer? Ik ben maar één werkdag weggeweest vanwege een verkoudheid en er liggen stapels papier op mijn bureau. I only missed one day of work because of a cold and my desk is piled high with papers. I just disappeared one working day because of a cold and there are piles of paper on my desk. Hoe download ik het bestand? How do I download the file? How do I download the file? Vertel hem dat je van hem houdt voordat het te laat is! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Spreekt u Hindi? Do you speak Hindi? Do you speak Hindi? Warum seid ihr so arm, wenn ihr so klug seid? Why are you so poor when you're so smart? Why are you so poor when you're so smart? Ich schaffe das nicht allein. I can't do this alone. I can't do this on my own. Ik heb snel geluncht. I ate a quick lunch. I've paid for it quickly. Ik kann di nich noog danken. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Hij is altijd dronken! He is always drunk! He's always drunk! Hij haastte zich om de bus te halen. He hurried in order to get the bus. He rushed to get the bus. Tom ist nicht so dumm, wie er aussieht. Tom isn't as stupid as he looks. Tom's not as stupid as he looks. Kom snel! Come quick! Come quickly! Jullie zijn mij een zoen verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Tom klapperte Sehenswürdigkeiten ab. Tom went sightseeing. Tom folded sights. Tom was baie bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Toms Entscheidung, sich zu verheiraten, überraschte seine Familie. Tom's decision to get married surprised his family. Tom's decision to get married surprised his family. Tom is bunzelachteg. Tom is nervous. Tom is bunny. Guder daag, wie bischt? Good day, how are you? Good day, how boisterous? Macht diese Übung als Wiederholung. Do this exercise as revision. Do this exercise as repetition. Dat is te djoer! It's too expensive! That's too expensive! Tom war der einzige Bewerber für die Stelle. Tom was the only applicant for the job. Tom was the only candidate for the post. Der Rock gefällt mir. I like that skirt. I like the skirt. Als ik jou was, zou ik zoiets niet doen. Were I you, I would not do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Tom ist ein Yogi. Tom is a yogi. Tom is a Yogi. Brûk Facebook. Use Facebook. Use Facebook. Het is ongelooflijk! It's incredible! It's incredible! Sein Lebensziel war es, ein berühmter Arzt zu werden. His aim in life was to become a great doctor. His life goal was to become a famous doctor. Jammer nich. Don't complain. Sorry, I'm not. Wag, moenie skiet nie! Wait, don't shoot! Wait, don't shoot! Den Jungen auf der Straße hat meine Mutter nicht gesehen. My mother didn't see the boy on the street. My mother didn't see the boy on the street. Tom sollte einen besseren Lohn erhalten. Tom should be getting paid more. Tom was supposed to get a better pay. Ihr gebt euch nicht genug Mühe. You're not trying hard enough. You don't give yourself enough trouble. Se is bleek, wieldes ehr Broder temlich düüster utsütt. She's got a fair complexion while her brother is very dark. She is pale while her brother rather faints. Tom eet ijs. Tom is eating ice cream. Tom eats ice cream. Ich hätte mich verletzen können. I could have been hurt. I could've been hurt. So pleite wie Tom bin ich nicht. I'm not as broke as Tom is. I'm not as pleading as Tom is. Vertel ons iets. Tell us something. Tell us something. Je vloog. You flew. You flew. וואָס זײַנען פֿייגל? What are birds? What are birds? He weet nich veel över Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. Musiker sind im Allgemeinen kritikempfindlich. Musicians are usually sensitive to criticism. Musicians are generally critical. Tom is heel erg allergisch voor gras. Tom is severely allergic to grass. Tom is very allergic to grass. Villicht weet se de Antwoord. Maybe she knows the answer. Maybe she knows the answer. Ik wil graag een afspraak met Dr. King maken. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. King. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. King. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass ich den Brief abgeschickt hätte. I don't remember mailing the letter. I can't remember sending the letter. Ich kann es nicht einmal ansehen. I can't even look at it. I can't even see it. De Jungs sünd na Noorden gahn. The boys have gone north. The boys went north. Woneem hest du de Schoh köfft? Where did you buy the shoes? Where did you buy the shoe? Tom zou beter binnen een kijkje nemen. Tom should take a look inside. Tom would better take a look inside. Mien Hund is witt. My dog is white. My dog is white. Ons het baie hieroor gepraat. We've talked a lot about this. We talked a lot about this. Wanneer ben je uit Londen teruggekomen? When did you get back from London? When did you come back from London? De Froo is naakd. The woman is naked. The Froo is naked. Ist es das, woran Sie denken? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you're thinking? Vandaag is het de tweede januari. Today is the second of January. Today it is the second of January. Vagels fleegt faken tohoop. Birds often fly together. Birds often fly together. Ze wilde niet betrokken raken. She didn't want to get involved. She didn't want to get involved. Pak mijn hand. Grab my hand. Get my hand. Du hast die Prüfung bestanden. You've passed the exam. You passed the test. Wat gebeurt er met je? What's happening to you? What's happening to you? Slöppst du? Are you sleeping? Do you sleep? He het þa þa stowe Dominus videt, þæt is 'God gesiehð', and giet is gesægd swa, In monte Dominus videbit, þæt is 'God gesiehð on dune'. He then named the place Dominus videt, that is, 'God sees', and yet said so, In monte Dominus videbit, that is, 'God sees on the mountain'. He het þa þa stowe Dominus videt, That is 'God serehð', and goest is sægd swa, In monte Dominus videbit, That is 'God serehð on dune'. Vandaag wil ik iets lichts eten. Today I want to eat something light. Today I want to eat something light. Ik begryp it net. I do not understand. I don't understand it. Ich erführe gerne den Grund für Ihre Verspätung. I'd like to know why you were late. I'd like to give you the reason for your delay. Tom lijkt bijna op een meisje. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom almost looks like a girl. Jo, Bob hett mi hulpen. Yes, Bob helped me. Yes, Bob helped me. אונדזער פֿרײַנד װעט זײַן אונדזער װעגװײַזער. My friend will be our guide. Our enemy will be our mount indicator. Het wordt gezegd dat hij heel rijk is. They say he's very rich. It's said he's very rich. Tom ist mit dem legendären Orientexpress von Paris nach Istanbul gefahren. Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Tom drove to Istanbul with the legendary Orient Express from Paris. Er is nog een ander alternatief. There's another option. There's another alternative. Versucht nicht, mich reinzulegen! Don't try to trick me! Don't try to get me in! Hoe schrijft men dat? How do you spell it? How do you write that? Tom drinkt sap. Tom drinks juice. Tom drinks juice. Das waar gut gschriwwe. That was well writ. That's good writing. די רעאַליטעט איז שיין. Reality is beautiful. The re level is equal. Ist es in Ordnung, das hier zu tun? Is it OK to do that here? Is it all right to do this here? Sorry voor mijn slechte Esperanto. Pardon my poor Esperanto. Sorry for my bad Esperanto. Laten we het vandaag hierbij houden. Let's call it a day. Let's keep it up to date. Woar is mien swieniegel? Where is my hedgehog? Why is my piggy angel? Rosen müssen in jedem Frühling zurückgeschnitten werden. Prune roses every spring. Roses must be cut back every spring. Ass dat ze schwéier fir dech? Is that too hard for you? Is that too hard for you? Tom joagt geern. Tom likes to hunt. Tom is jogging. We kunnen geen melk drinken. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. Ek gee om oor hom. I care about him. I care about him. Jüst dat heff ik bruukt. I needed just that. I just used it. Ik fertelde har datst do in aardich famke bist. I told her that you're a nice girl. I told her that you're a kind girl. Nimm den Apfel und halbiere ihn. Take the apple and divide it into halves. Take the apple and halve it. Bescherm me! Protect me! Protect me! Beantwoord de vraag. Answer the question. Answer the question. זײַן ברודער איז געוואָרן אַן אימאַם. His brother became an imam. Clear brother has been an embossed one. k Mag bier. I like beer. k May beer. Ik woonde twee maanden in Vancouver. I lived in Vancouver for two months. I lived in Vancouver for two months. Heff ik dat richtig verstahn? Did I understand that correctly? Did I understand that correctly? I ha Di gärn. I love you. I liked you. Ek kan Turks verstaan, maar ek kan nie dit praat nie. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. Wij waren samen. We were together. We were together. Tom heeft dat niet gezegd. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't say that. Er kann kaum seinen Namen schreiben. He can scarcely write his name. He can hardly write his name. Ik heb iemand nodig die mij begrijpt. I need someone to understand me. I need someone who understands me. Dor sünd nich noog Stöhl, dat wi all sitten köönt. There are not enough chairs for us to sit on. There are not enough chairs that we can all sit down. Ich habe wieder mit dem Gitarrespielen angefangen. I've started playing guitar again. I started playing guitar again. Ze is niet gesnapt. She didn't get caught. She's not screwed. Wo lang deist du dat al? How long have you been doing this? How long have you been doing that? Ich habe ihn gestern getroffen. I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday. Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. Schrief! Write! Write! א-וווּ האסט-דו איר געטרעפן? Where did you meet her? A-where did you find hist-du? Gelukkige verjaardag! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! Ik ben een meeuw. I am a seagull. I'm a cougar. Maria heeft hoop. Mary has hope. Maria has hope. Ich fragte mich, warum die Leute mich anstarrten. I wondered why people were staring at me. I was wondering why people stared at me. Welche Schuhgröße habt ihr? What's your shoe size? What shoe size do you have? Ik kan het je onmogelijk uitleggen. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Alle Probleme des Lebens löst die Wissenschaft nicht. Science does not solve all of life's problems. All problems of life do not solve science. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I will play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm going to play with Naoko. Mijn paard viel in de rivier en een krokodil beet mijn been eraf. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. Sie mag es, über sich zu sprechen. She likes to talk about herself. She likes to talk about herself. Sami hatte so starkes Nasenbluten. Sami was bleeding so much from his nose. Sami had such strong nose bleeding. Hierdie boek behoort nie aan Tom nie. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This book does not belong to Tom. Ik denk, dat ze dit verhaal heeft verzonnen. I think she made up that story. I think she made up this story. In dit geval, honderd euro alstublieft. In this case, 100 euro please. In this case, a hundred euros please. Ze zijn na de film in slaap gevallen. They fell asleep after the movie. They fell asleep after the movie. Ek gaan beide van julle skiet. I'll shoot both of you. I'm gonna shoot both of you. Dit touw is stevig. This rope is sturdy. This rope is solid. Ik ben met mijn kinderen aan het zingen. I'm singing with my children. I'm singing with my kids. Ech kachen. I'm cooking. I'm cooking. Men zegt dat hij kan spreken zonder notities te gebruiken. He is said to be able to speak without using notes. They say he can speak without using notes. Ik ben hersteld. I recovered. I've been restored. En Mann mit een Klock weet jümmer, wat de Tied is. En Mann mit twee Klocken is nie nich wiss. A man with a watch knows what time it is, a man with two watches is never sure. A man with one clock always knows what the time is. A man with two clocks is never known. Ik heb het voor 600 euro verkocht. I sold it for 600 euros. I sold it for 600 euros. Spanje ranselt Nederland af. Spain wallops Netherlands. Spain is running down the Netherlands. Ik ben erg gevaarlijk. I am very dangerous. I'm very dangerous. Es freut mich, zu sehen, dass es dir gut geht. I'm glad to see you're doing OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Ich bin überrascht, dich hier in diesem Hotel zu sehen. I am surprised to see you here in this hotel. I'm surprised to see you here at this hotel. Wenn du die Sonne am Himmel scheinen siehst, dann ist es Tag, und wenn nicht, dann ist es wohl Nacht. When you see the Sun shining in the sky, it is day, and when you don't it is night. If you look at the sun in the sky, it's day, and if not, it's night. Hallo, alle miteinander! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Tom bat Maria, ihn später anzurufen. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Maria to call him later. Uf Widerluege. Goodbye! Uf contradictions. Tom houdt van jou. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Tom machte Seifenblasen. Tom blew soap bubbles. Tom made soap bubbles. Ich habe schon begonnen, dieses Buch zu lesen. I've already started reading that book. I've already started reading this book. Hoeveel personages zijn er in je verhaal? How many characters are there in your story? How many characters are there in your story? Schwimmt Tom gern? Does Tom like to swim? Tom likes to swim? Tom hat mir ins Bein geschossen. Tom shot me in the leg. Tom shot me in the leg. Niet waar! No way! Not true! Hij heeft zichzelf gegoogeld. He googled himself. He gambled himself. Diana kam in 𝑖ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑚 zweitbesten Kleid vorbei und sah genauso aus, wie es sich ziemt, wenn man zum Tee geladen wird. Diana came over, dressed in HER second-best dress and looking exactly as it is proper to look when asked out to tea. Diana came by in her second-best dress and looked just like it attracts when you get to the tea. An sich ist Müßiggang nicht Wurzel allen Übels, sondern ist, im Gegenteil, ein geradezu göttliches Leben, solange man sich nicht langweilt. In itself idleness is not the root of all evil. Quite the opposite, in fact, it’s a downright godly existence, as long as one isn’t bored. In itself, fatigue is not root of all evil, but, on the contrary, is an exact divine life, as long as one does not become bored. Ek het vergeet om die seël aan die brief te plak voordat ek dit gestuur het. I forgot to stick the stamp to the letter before sending it off. I forgot to put the seal on the letter before I sent it. Dat is Tied to slapen. It's time to sleep. It's time to sleep. Ze kwam niet opdagen totdat de vergadering was afgelopen. She didn't show up until the meeting was over. She didn't show up until the meeting was over. Kann sein, dass du gebraucht wirst. You may be needed. Could be that you're needed. Hai blift nooit laang. He never stays long. Hai never blows long. De jonge streake it famke om it kin en tute har op 'e wangen. The boy stroked the girl on the chin and kissed her on the cheeks. The young stripe the girl around the can and tute her on the cheeks. Ich rutschte am Seil hinunter. I slid down the rope. I slid down the rope. Se is mit em na Boston gahn. She went with him to Boston. She went to Boston with him. Ik heff von di dröömt. I dreamed about you. I dreamed of you. Vertel niemand over ons plan. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't tell anyone about our plan. Tom heeft het contract ondertekend zonder het te lezen. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Der Kamo fließt durch Kyoto. The Kamo runs through Kyoto. The kamo flows through Kyoto. Sie war verzweifelt, als ihr Ehemann starb. She was in despair when her husband died. She was desperate when her husband died. דער אוניווערס איז אַ מיסטעריע. The Universe is a mystery. The Univers is a mystery. Tom starb an einem Schlangenbiss. Tom was killed by a snakebite. Tom died of a snake bite. Waar kwamen ze vandaan? Where did they come from? Where did they come from? He kunn nich kamen, ümdat he krank was. He could not come because he was ill. He couldn't come because he was sick. Ik heb geen echtgenoot. I don't have a husband. I don't have a husband. Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Woveel Inwahners hett New York? What is the population of New York? How many inhabitants does New York have? Sami en Layla zijn moslims. Sami and Layla are Muslims. Sami and Layla are Muslims. Mi nuh hab it. I don't have it. Mi nuh hab it. Het is een prachtig land. It's a lovely country. It's a beautiful country. Wir werden verhungern. We'll starve. We're going to starve. Je gaat morgen voetballen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're going football tomorrow. Tom baande zich een weg door de menigte. Tom made his way through the crowd. Tom made his way through the crowd. Die Universität vergab im letzten Jahr an fünfhundert Studenten den Abschluss. The university graduated 500 students last year. The university awarded five hundred students a degree last year. Jy het my geskrik, Robert! You scared me, Robert! You scared me, Robert! Tom kauft nicht. Tom isn't buying. Tom doesn't buy. מיר האָבן אַ סטעגאָזאַווער. We have a stegosaurus. We have a sticker. Ek is seker ek gaan nie van veel hulp wees nie. I'm sure I won't be of much help. I'm sure I'm not going to be of much help. Viele Leute auf der Welt beklagen, dass sie keine Zeit zum Lesen haben. Many people in the world complain that they don't have time to read. Many people in the world complain that they don't have time to read. En Imm summt. A bee buzzes. An imm sums up. Die Räuber kamen hinter den Bäumen hervor und überfielen ihn. The robbers fell on him from behind the trees. The robbers came out behind the trees and overlaid him. Ik kom uit Tokio, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Het meisje is lelijk. The girl is ugly. The girl's ugly. Die Garnison wurde zum Aufgeben gezwungen. The garrison was forced to surrender. The garrison was forced to give up. Ping pong word ook tafeltennis genoem. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Waarom bent u zo rijk? Why are you so rich? Why are you so rich? Du hättest mir die Wahrheit sagen sollen. You should have told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Tom is op zijn hoede. Tom is wary. Tom's on guard. De Garcías sünd noch nich ankamen. The Garcías have not arrived yet. The Garcías have not yet arrived. דאָס איז מײַן באַליבסטע אָרט אויף דער וועלט. This is my favorite place on Earth. The place that was most popular was on the world. Die zehn weltweit wärmsten verzeichneten Jahre gab es alle nach 1998. Globally, the 10 warmest years on record all occurred since 1998. The 10 hottest years in the world were all after 1998. Kan jy n Engelse brief skryf? Can you write a letter in English? Can you write an English letter? Tom hod has gemaald. Tom painted this. Tom hod has milled. Dankuwel voor uw e-mail. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your email. Mijn vader heeft de brievenbus rood geverfd. My father painted the mailbox red. My father painted the mailbox red. Mijn leven is leeg zonder hem. My life is hollow without him. My life is empty without him. Tom liep naar het raam en keek naar buiten. Tom walked to the window and looked outside. Tom walked to the window and looked out. Ich bin um sechs Uhr zurück. I'll be back at six. I'll be back at six o'clock. Kikkers binnen baange veur slaange. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Chickens hit inside orbit fire. Alle menslike wesens word vry, met gelyke waardigheid en regte, gebore. Hulle het rede en gewete en behoort in die gees van broederskap teenoor mekaar op te tree. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free, with equal dignity and rights, having reason and conscience and should act in the spirit of brotherhood toward one another. Meine Mutter hat meinem kleinen Bruder einen gelben Regenschirm gekauft. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Ich verletzte meinen Daumen bei einem Handstandüberschlag. I hurt my thumb doing a handspring. I broke my thumbs at a handcuff. Unterbrich nicht. Don't interrupt. Don't interrupt. Dafür brauchen wir drei, vielleicht vier Wochen, wenn’s hoch kommt. It'll take us three, maybe four weeks at the most. For that we need three, perhaps four weeks, when it comes up. Gott steckt im Detail. God is in the detail. God is in detail. Tot gauw! See you soon. See you soon! Ik heff en Granaat. I have a grenade. I've got a grenade. Ich glaube, er interessiert sich für mich. I think he's interested in me. I think he's interested in me. Tom antwortete Maria nicht. Tom didn't answer Mary. Tom didn't answer Maria. Leugender! Liar! Liar! Het is een mobieltje. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Ik bün in’t Water fallen. I fell into the water. I fall into the water. Ik spreek tegenwoordig bijna geen Frans meer. I hardly ever speak French nowadays. I almost no longer speak French today. Dainj, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Dainj, Jim. Cannst þú Enȝlisc? Do you speak English? Cannstƿú Enƿlisc? Wir haben Tom gefunden. We found Tom. We found Tom. Ik ben Antonio. I'm Antonio. I'm Antonio. Wat betekent een naam? Dat wat wij een roos noemen zou met een andere naam net zo zoet geuren. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What does a name mean? That what we call a rose would smell with another name just as sweet. מײַן ברודער איז איצט אָן באַשעפֿטיקונג. My brother has no occupation now. Mean brother is now without justification. Tom lädt sich oft Filme herunter. Tom frequently downloads movies. Tom often downloads films. Heeft u geholpen? Did you help? Did you help? Ik wil bruine schoenen, geen zwarte. I want brown shoes, not black ones. I want brown shoes, not black ones. Hoeveel hebt ge nodig? How many do you need? How much do you need? Bij binnenkomst horen we onze schoenen uit te doen. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. Upon arrival, we're supposed to take off our shoes. Hier komt nooit een eind aan. This is never going to end. This never comes to an end. Tom brengt veel tijd door met het spelen van voetbal. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Tom miste zijn vrienden. Tom missed his friends. Tom missed his friends. Hoekom praat jy nie met my daaroor nie? Why don't you talk to me about it? Why don't you talk to me about it? Hebt u condooms? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? Tom ist drinnen. Tom is inside. Tom's inside. Du schullst dat beter nich maken. You'd better not do it. You should not do this better. Ruf mich, wenn du Hilfe brauchst! Call me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need help! Sei nett zu den anderen! Be kind to others. Be nice to the others! Meine Uhr ist gestohlen worden. My watch has been stolen. My watch has been stolen. Würdest du für mich auf die Kinder aufpassen? Will you look after my children for me? Would you take care of the kids for me? He hett sik as'n Fro antrocken. He dressed up as a woman. He was attracted to me as a woman. Alle minsken wurde frij en gelyk yn weardigens en rjochten berne. Hja hawwe ferstân en gewisse meikrigen en hearre har foar inoar oer yn in geast fan bruorskip te hâlden en te dragen. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people are born free and equal in values and rights. They have distance and certain fellows and want to be able to keep and carry on for each other in a spirit of brotherhood. Ik leer Soemerisch. I'm learning Sumerian. I'm learning Sumerian. Daar is baie vure in die winter. There are a lot of fires in the winter. There are many fires in winter. Latien is en dode Spraak. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Ik eet en Gurk. I am eating a cucumber. I eat and Gurk. Zai binnen noaber. They are neighbours. Zai within noaber. Franzöösch is ehr Moderspraak. French is her mother tongue. French is her native language. Tom stand sehr nahe bei Maria. Tom stood very close to Mary. Tom was very close to Maria. Lasst uns den Weihnachtsbaum hier aufstellen. Let's put up the Christmas tree here. Let's set up the Christmas tree here. Mevrouw! Ik voel me ziek. Miss! I feel sick. Ma'am, I feel sick. Wir haben alle Zeit der Welt. We have all the time in the world. We have all the time of the world. Hoe groot is uw hond? De mijne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. - How big is your dog? Wil je erover praten of niet? Do you want to talk about it or not? Do you want to talk about it or not? Er musste sich das Hotelzimmer mit einem Fremden teilen. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. Kan iemand me helpen? Can anybody help me? Can anyone help me? Kook wat water. Boil some water. Cook some water. Dat zou iets zijn wat ik zou moeten programmeren. It would be something I'd have to program. That would be something I should program. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew that Tom and Maria were allergic to peanuts. Er zijn geen stoelen in deze kamer. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Komaan! Je moet op z'n minst de nacht doorbrengen. We hebben je al zo lang niet meer gezien. Oh, come on! You gotta at least spend the night. We haven't seen you for so long. You have to spend at least the night, we haven't seen you for so long. Ich bin Japaner. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. Mary heeft gelogen over haar leeftijd. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. John wilde volledig onafhankelijk zijn van zijn ouders. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. Ik weet dat Tom niet kan wachten. I know Tom can't wait. I know Tom can't wait. In ein paar Tagen ist schon Halloween. Halloween is just a few days away. In a few days, Halloween is already. Er ist klug und fleißig. He's smart and hardworking. He's smart and diligent. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody comes to my country. No one went to my country. Tom hat mir erzählt, dass er und Maria den Sommerurlaub am Strand verbracht haben. Tom told me that he and Mary spent their summer vacation at the beach. Tom told me that he and Maria spent the summer vacation on the beach. Ich denke, dass ich nichts Verkehrtes gemacht habe. I think that I didn't do anything wrong. I don't think I did anything wrong. Dat water smaakt goed. That water tastes good. That water tastes good. Wir müssen die Ampel beachten. We must pay attention to traffic signals. We need to pay attention to the traffic lights. Ik kan je niet zien zonder aan je moeder te denken. I can't see you without thinking of your mother. I can't see you without thinking about your mother. Das sind mein Cousin und meine Cousine. They're my cousins. These are my cousin and my cousin. Tom heeft een stijve nek. Tom has a stiff neck. Tom has a stiff neck. Woarop wachst doe? What're you waiting for? War call is growing? Tom wil het niet uitmaken met Mary. Tom doesn't want to break up with Mary. Tom doesn't want to end up with Mary. Wie lange braucht ihr, um morgens fertig zu werden? How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? How long do you need to get done in the morning? He deed bilütten oold warrn. He was getting old. He did become illiterate. פּראַקטיש גערעדט איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ אַ פֿאַשיסט. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. Practical speech is Donald Trump a fang. Stell dat Auto in ’e Garaasch. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in a garage. Volgende zomer wil ik naar Hawaï. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Ien taal is nea genôch. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Is dat niet van hen? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? Das Motorrad kollidierte mit einem Auto. The motorcycle crashed into a car. The motorcycle collided with a car. Die landskap is awemrowend. This scenery is magnificent. The landscape is awe - inspiring. Kunt u langzamer spreken alstublieft? Speak more slowly, please! Can you speak more slowly, please? Bevor ich hätte Widerrede leisten können, war ich bereits in Handschellen und auf dem Weg ins Gefängnis. Before I could protest, I was handcuffed and was on my way to prison. Before I could have resisted, I was already in handcuffs and on my way to prison. טאם איז א בעסערער פירער פון מיר. Tom is a better driver than I am. Tom is a better leader of me. Se deed em övertügen, dat to doon. She persuaded him to do it. She convinced me to do so. Waarom hebben jullie geen vriendin? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Zij is mijn vrouw. She's my wife. She's my wife. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes sei mit Elke verlobt. Mary told Tom that she thought John was engaged to Alice. Maria told Tom that she believed John was engaged to Elke. Wij koken water. We are boiling water. We're cooking water. Er macht sich nichts aus Geld. He doesn't care about money. He doesn't make any money. Ons sal vermoedelik voor donker daar aankom. We are likely to get there before dark. We will probably arrive before dark. In der Pfalz geht der Pfarrer mit der Pfeife in die Kirche. In the Palatinate the pastor goes to church with a pipe. In the Pfalz, the parish priest goes to the church with the pipe. Gebruik je het? Will you use this? Are you using it? Heb je enig idee waar Tom zich zou kunnen verschuilen? Do you have any idea where Tom might be hiding? Do you have any idea where Tom could hide? Ich bin viel älter als du. I'm much older than you are. I'm much older than you. Belgien is nich so groot as Frankriek. Belgium is not as large as France. Belgium is not as big as France. Ik weet niet waar je het over hebt. I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're talking about. Ik hou van je! I love you! I love you! Wie soeckt Peert of Wijf sonder gebreecken, die magh het werck wel laten steecken en bedencken dat hij bed en stal voor eeuwigh ledigh houden sal. He who seeks a flawless horse or flawless wife, may rest assured that even if his work he did forsake, nor bed nor stable would he ever fill. Who sucks Peert or Wijf without broken, who let the magh stick the rug and think that he will keep bed and stable forever. Deed ik dat? Did I do that? Did I? Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. She cares for her sick mother. She's taking care of her sick mother. Ik denk dat je Tom kent. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. Liebe tötet das Glück, Glück tötet die Liebe. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. צי רעדט איר פּאָרטוגעזיש? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Tom maakt geregeld fouten. Tom frequently makes mistakes. Tom makes mistakes on a regular basis. Verander niet van onderwerp. Don't switch the subject. Don't change subject matter. Es geht mir gut, danke. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Tom hett keen Reekner. Tom doesn't have a computer. Tom has no computer. Het is niet gemakkelijk de jongste in het gezin te zijn. It's not easy being the youngest in the family. It is not easy to be the youngest in the family. Ich bin so müde, dass ich nicht mehr weitergehen kann. I'm so tired that I can't walk any longer. I'm so tired that I can't go on anymore. Der Tom wuhnt auf die anneri Seit vun es Daal. Tom lives on the other side of the valley. Tom lives on the other side Since it's down. "Stil!", fluisterde hij. "Be quiet," he whispered. "Silence!" he whispered. Tom is te jong om auto te rijden. Tom is too young to drive a car. Tom's too young to drive. En Elefant het en langi Nase. An elephant has a long nose. And elephant has a long nose. Frankenstein is een kunstwerk. Frankenstein is a work of art. Frankenstein is a work of art. Ek het heeltemal van hulle vergeet. I forgot all about them. I completely forgot about them. Koerant verslaggewers was nie binne toegelaat nie. Newspaper reporters were not permitted inside. Newspaper reporters were not allowed. Bitte. Please. Please. Wir haben nichts zu trinken. We have nothing to drink. We have nothing to drink. Tom gab mir die Schuld daran. Tom blamed it on me. Tom blamed me for that. Er machte glauben, er wäre Arzt. He made believe he was a doctor. He made him believe he was a doctor. Tom heeft daar nooit iets over gezegd. Tom has never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about it. Laten we Tom applaus geven. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Let's give Tom applause. Was ist mit eurem Auto passiert? What happened to your car? What happened to your car? Hoe drink jy jou koffie? How do you like your coffee? How do you drink your coffee? Ik lag een week in het ziekenhuis. I was in hospital for a week. I was in the hospital for a week. Tom möchte Sie kennenlernen. Tom wants to get to know you. Tom wants to meet you. Ik bün Ungaar. I am Hungarian. I am Hungarian. Ik bün Susan Greene. I'm Susan Greene. I'm Susan Greene. Veul zegen! Happy New Year! Veul blessing! Hij kwam een half uur te laat opdagen. He turned up half an hour late. He came up half an hour late. Ich sehe deine Katze im Garten. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. Seid ihr euch auch sicher, dass das hier eine Abkürzung ist? Are you sure this is a shortcut? Are you sure this is an abbreviation? Findet ihr es nicht merkwürdig, dass Tom nicht da ist? Don't you think it's strange that Tom isn't here? Don't you think it's strange that Tom isn't here? Wie heeft hem geholpen? Who helped him? Who helped him? Wo essen wir heute Abend? Where are we eating tonight? Where do we eat tonight? Hij heeft nieuwe handschoenen gekocht. He bought new gloves. He bought new gloves. Wéini ass hie gestuerwen? When did he die? What is it that you're in charge of? De plysjemannen wiene tefreden. The officers were satisfied. The policemen were satisfied. Ek is jammer om te sê, maar die diens is nie so goed nie. I'm sorry to say, but the service is not very good. I'm sorry to say, but the service isn't that good. איך דארף אז דו וועסט פארשטיין וואס איז דער אמת וועגן וואס איז געשיין מיט טאם. I need you to understand what really happened to Tom. I ought that you know what is the truth about who is born with tam. Hier drin hielte ich es stundenlang aus. I could spend hours in here. This is where I held it for hours. Leipzig ist eine alte Stadt. Leipzig is an ancient city. Leipzig is an old city. צי מעג איך זיצן הינטער אײַך? May I sit behind you? Do I read behind an image? Das war nie ein Problem. That was never an issue. That was never a problem. Miene Öllern sünd all beid dood. Both of my parents have passed away. My parents are both dead. Maria ist nicht so groß wie ihre Mutter. Mary isn't yet as tall as her mother. Maria is not as big as her mother. Niemand kent zoveel verhalen als de god van de slaap. Nobody knows as many stories as the god of sleep. No one knows as many stories as the god of sleep. Ich kann trotz seiner vielen Fehler nicht umhin, ihn zu mögen. I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults. Despite his many mistakes, I can't help but like him. ער שטודיִערט כינעזיש. He studies Chinese. He trusts Chinese. Bus was loat. The bus was late. Bus was loose. Whit's this ? What's this? What is this ? Hat dieser Mann euch bedroht? Was this man threatening you? Did this man threaten you? Meine Schwester ist eine gute Klavierspielerin geworden. My sister has become a good pianist. My sister has become a good piano player. Kennt ihr Tom gut? Do you know Tom well? Do you know Tom well? Sie hat mit mir Schluss gemacht. She dumped me. She ended with me. זײַט אַזוי גוט, רעדט אַ ביסל פּאַמעלעכער. Please speak a bit more slowly. Page so good, cost a bit of money. Tom folgte Mary nach Hause. Tom followed Mary home. Tom followed Mary home. Deze bus brengt je naar het museum. This bus will take you to the museum. This bus takes you to the museum. Oude mannen zijn vergeetachtig. Old men are apt to forget. Old men are forgetful. Tom schloss die Tür hinter sich. Tom shut the door behind him. Tom locked the door behind him. Sie trug einen schwarzen Hut. She was wearing a black hat. She wore a black hat. Tom, bitte lass mich in Ruhe! Tom, please leave me alone. Tom, please leave me alone! אייגנטום איז גניבֿה. Property is theft. Eugentum is a county located in the eastern part of the city of Ghenibah. Ich glaube, es ist Zeit, dass wir gehen. I think it's time for us to leave. I think it's time we go. Ich werde versuchen herauszufinden, wo Tom wohnt. I'll try to find out where Tom lives. I'll try to find out where Tom lives. We leren niet voor het leven, maar voor school. Not for life, but for school do we learn. We learn not for life, but for school. Ria hett Tom mit Wiendruven fodert. Ria fed Tom with grapes. Ria fed Tom with wine grapes. Dat heff ik vergeten. I forgot. I forgot that. Ik bün dor wedder! Oh? Hebbt wi en Gast? I'm back! Oh? Have we got a guest? I am there again! Oh? Do we have a guest? Ik will Tom beseuken. I want to visit Tom. I want to visit Tom. Mir hunn e grousse Gaart. We have a big garden. We have a great garden. Der Parkplatz vor der Bank war vollbesetzt. The parking lot in front of the bank was completely full. The parking lot in front of the bank was fully occupied. Wie viel Jungs sind in dieser Klasse? How many boys are there in this class? How many boys are in this class? Tom muss auf uns hören. Tom has to listen to us. Tom needs to listen to us. Niemand erhob die Hand. No one raised their hand. No one raised his hand. Een von Jesus sien Apostels hett Paulus heten. One of Jesus' disciples was named Paul. One of Jesus ’ apostles called Paul. Tom is grötter as ik. Tom is bigger than me. Tom is bigger than I am. Ik ben bezorgd over uw veiligheid. I'm worried about your safety. I'm worried about your safety. Sind Tom und Maria alle beide in Australien auf die Welt gekommen? Were both Tom and Mary born in Australia? Did Tom and Mary all come to the world in Australia? Goedemorgen dames. Good morning, ladies. Good morning, ladies. Sie nennt mich Kenji. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. Dis baie belangrik dat ek met Tom praat. It's very important that I talk to Tom. It's very important that I talk to Tom. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, Johannes sei nicht müde. Mary told Tom that she thought John wasn't sleepy. Maria told Tom that she thought John was not tired. Tom hat gute Aussichten, die Stelle zu bekommen. Tom has a good chance of being hired for the job. Tom has good prospects to get the job. Ich habe zehn Jahre lang im Ausland gelebt. I lived overseas for ten years. I lived abroad for ten years. Tom wusste, dass Mary das wahrscheinlich nicht tun würde. Tom knew Mary wasn't likely to do that. Tom knew Mary probably wouldn't. Tom ist von seinem Pferd gefallen. Tom fell off his horse. Tom fell off his horse. Mein Freund hat mich belogen. My boyfriend lied to me. My friend lied to me. Mijn jongere zus is beroemd. My younger sister is famous. My younger sister is famous. Sie tötete sich im Alter von dreißig. She killed herself at the age of thirty. She killed herself at the age of thirty. Art thou Frensh or English? Are you French or English? Art thou French or English? Ich denke, wir können wettbewerbsfähig sein. I think we can be competitive. I think we can be competitive. Ek is in 'n toneelstuk. I am in a play. I'm in a play. Maria wird Ihnen doch dabei helfen, oder? Mary is going to help you do that, isn't she? Maria will help you with that, will she? Tom scheint sehr starrsinnig zu sein. Tom seems very opinionated. Tom seems to be very staring. IJsland behoorde tot Denemarken. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Ich bin nicht mehr ich selbst. Ich bin eine lächerliche Karikatur meines eigentlichen Selbsts geworden. I am not myself anymore. I've become a laughable caricature of my deepest self. I am no longer myself. I have become a ridiculous cartoon of my own. Warum schaust du so verärgert drein? Why do you look so angry? Why do you look so angry? Was Maria nait dien poedie? Wasn't Mary your girlfriend? Was Mary serving poetry at night? Sie isst eine Birne. She's eating a pear. She eats a pear. Hy lees elke oggend die koerant. He reads the newspaper every morning. He reads the newspaper every morning. Heeft u mijn tandenborstel gebruikt? Did you use my toothbrush? Did you use my toothbrush? Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. Körperlich fehlt dir nichts. There's nothing physically wrong with you. You don't miss anything physically. Dat ruikt naar een val. It smells like a trap. That smells like a trap. Ek wil haar vriend wees. I want to be her friend. I want to be her friend. Tom zog den Reißverschluss seiner Jacke hoch. Tom zipped up his coat. Tom pulled up the zipper of his jacket. Es besteht dringender Bedarf an Trinkwasser. There is an urgent need for drinking water. There is an urgent need for drinking water. Ik word niet wakker zelfs al gaat het alarm af. I won't wake up even if the alarm rings. I don't wake up even if the alarm goes off. Ek het net gewonder of jy 'n plek om te bly nog kon vind. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I just wondered if you could find a place to stay. Ik ben mijn inspiratie kwijt. I lost my inspiration. I lost my inspiration. Ze hebben de hele dag geskied. They skied all day long. They took place all day. Wie kalt ist es in Kanada? How cold is Canada? How cold is it in Canada? Tom pakte een biertje uit de koelkast en gaf het aan Mary. Tom took a beer out of the fridge and handed it to Mary. Tom took a beer from the fridge and gave it to Mary. Tom braut Bier. Tom brews beer. Tom brews beer. Ich kann mir kein neues Auto leisten, also werde ich mit diesem auskommen müssen. I can't afford a new car, so I'll have to make this one do. I can't afford a new car, so I'm going to have to get out of this. Der Ideåreichdomm isch am greschda, wenn oinr auf domme Gedangå kommd. The wealth of human ideas is greatest when people come up with dumb ones. Ideåreichdomm isch am greschda when oinr comes to stupid Gedangå. Sie het wiiter gschaffet. She kept on working. She's witer gschafet. Ek wonder of jy my dalk sal kan help. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you might be able to help me. Echti Männer trinked Tee. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Die idee is omstreden. This idea is controversial. The idea was disputed. Eines Tages werde ich in dein Land kommen. I will come to your country some day. One day I'll come to your country. Das ist sein Geschäft. That's his business. That's his business. Ik heb geen badpak. I don't have a bathing suit. I don't have a bath suit. Waren die diejenigen, die hinten im Wagen gesessen haben? Were they the ones who were riding in the back of the car? Were those who sat in the back of the car? Er is een gat in het plafond. There's a hole in the ceiling. There's a hole in the ceiling. Ich werde Sie nicht brauchen. I won't need you. I won't need you. Tom liebt Maria mehr, als ich es tue. Tom loves Mary more than I do. Tom loves Maria more than I do. Er zijn eilanden in de zee. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Hört auf, ihn zu ärgern! Stop teasing him. Stop making him angry! Tom deed alsof hij het niet zag. Tom pretended that he didn't see it. Tom pretended he didn't see it. Laten we met de metro gaan. Let's go by metro. Let's go with the subway. Du solltest die Verkehrsregeln beachten. You should obey the traffic rules. You should take into account traffic rules. Die Taube und der Strauß sind beide Vögel; der eine kann fliegen, aber der andere nicht. The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot. The dove and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly, but the other cannot. Wir haben uns vor etwa zehn Jahren auf einem Plaudersofa im Internet kennengelernt. We met in a chat room, around ten years ago. We met some ten years ago on a Plaudersofa on the Internet. Tom wollte mir nicht glauben. Tom wouldn't believe me. Tom didn't want to believe me. ער ווילט אַ רויטן אויטאָ. He wants a red car. He wanted a red auto. Ich weiß, dass du mich ansiehst. I know you're looking at me. I know you're looking at me. װער רעדט רוסיש? Who speaks Russian? Are Red Russians? Ich bin so groß wie du. I'm as tall as you. I'm as big as you. Ik vergat om mijn medicijnen in te nemen. I forgot to take my medicine. I forgot to take my medication. De nieuwe belasting benadeelt arme mensen. The new tax marginalizes poor people. The new tax is harming poor people. De zomerartikelen zijn nu te koop. The summer goods are now on sale. The summer items are now for sale. Tom kam dem nur allzu gerne nach. Tom was happy to oblige. Tom just came after that all too much. Ik zal de vissen in leven houden. I will keep the fish alive. I'll keep the fish alive. Was glaubst du, wer gewinnen wird? Who do you think will win? What do you think who will win? Heeft u Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Tom half mir, das Gepäck zu tragen. Tom helped me carry the baggage. Tom helped me carry the luggage. Een sneeuwvlok landde op het puntje van Toms neus. A snowflake landed on the tip of Tom's nose. A snowflake landed at the tip of Tom's nose. Doe wat je wil. Do what you wish. Do what you want. Jy is bang vir hom. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Aus der Ferne betrachtet, ähnelte die Insel einer Wolke. Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud. From a distance, the island resembled a cloud. Kom ons vergeet van hulle. Let's forget about them. Let's forget about them. Tom is nog steeds in het ziekenhuis. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom's still in the hospital. Waarom werd je zo boos? Why did you get so angry? Why did you get so angry? Het zal de wond verergeren. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Het is nogal logisch. That's quite logical. It's pretty logical. Zij vulden hun tas met walnoten. They filled their bags with walnuts. They filled their bag with walnuts. Christoph Columbus war berüchtigt dafür, wiederholt die Schlummerfunktion seines Weckers mit der Faust zu schlagen. Nur leider war sein "Wecker" für gewöhnlich sein erster Offizier. Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate. Christoph Columbus was notorious for repeatedly beating the slummer function of his alarm clock with the fist. Unfortunately, his "weather" was usually his first officer. Ich gebe John den Apfel. I give John the apple. I'll give John the apple. Als der König ihr die Flügel streichelte, verwandelte sie sich in eine wunderschöne Frau, und er erkannte in ihr seine liebe Gemahlin. As the king stroked her wings she was changed into a beautiful woman, and he recognised his dear wife. When the king strangled her wings, she turned into a beautiful woman, and he recognized in her his dear wife. Wir sind ungewöhnlich. We're unusual. We're unusual. איך רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש װי אַ װאַסער. I speak Portuguese fluently. I read Portuguese as a yester. Ich werde in vier Stunden ankommen. I will arrive in four hours. I'll be coming in four hours. Ek dink ek mag dalk uit 'n werk wees. I think I might be out of a job. I think I may be out of work. איך בין געבוירן אין סקאָטלאַנד. I was born in Scotland. I am born in Scotland. Kan jy so lank wag? Can you wait that long? Can you wait so long? Ik opende de pot. I opened the jar. I opened the pot. Sie hat den ersten Schritt getan. She made the first move. She took the first step. Tom geht manchmal zu Fuß zur Arbeit. Tom sometimes walks to work. Tom sometimes walks to work. We zijn allen trots op jou. We're all proud of you. We're all proud of you. Hij probeerde zelfmoord te plegen. He attempted suicide. He tried to kill himself. Tom riet der Stellenbewerberin, ihren Lebenslauf neu zu schreiben. Tom advised the job applicant to redo her resume. Tom told the applicant to rewrite her resume. Tom macht mich immer ärgerlich. Tom always makes me angry. Tom always makes me angry. Ik weet dat. I know that. I know. Hēo hæfde ān swīþe ǣnliċ wīf. She had a very beautiful wife. Hēo hæde ān swīþ þiȝ wīf. Pas vooral op voor zakkenrollers. Above all, beware of pickpockets. Take special care of pocket rollers. De Präsident hett sien Besöök in Japan afseggt. The president put off visiting Japan. The president adjourned his visit to Japan. Tom rasiert sich den Bart. Tom is shaving his beard. Tom shaves the beard. Guster vil der snij. Yesterday snow fell. Guster vil der cut. Ik heb het overleefd. I survived. I survived. Dieses Gebiet leidet unter Wassermangel. This area suffers from a shortage of water. This area suffers from water shortages. Ek wil vir jou iets wys in my kantoor. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. He is dubbeld so oold as se. He is twice as old as she is. He is twice as old as she is. Kann ich mit euch reden? Can I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Du kannst nicht so tun, als wäre es nicht geschehen. You can't pretend that it didn't happen. You can't do it like it didn't happen. Warten Sie darauf, dass ich es tue? Are you waiting for me to do it? Are you waiting for me to do it? Tatsächlicher Verlust der Freiheit bis zum Tod kann nur verhängt werden wegen eines heimtückischen Gewaltverbrechens. Actual life imprisonment can only be imposed because of a malicious violent crime. In fact, loss of freedom to death can only be imposed because of an indictable crime of violence. Is dit te laat? Is it too late? Is it too late? Sie ist sehr neugierig. She's very curious. She's very curious. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I don't have a clue. I don't know what to do. Er was geen begroting beschikbaar. No cost estimate was available. No budget was available. Haal man ehr Medizin un en Glas Water. Go get her medicine and a glass of water. Get your medicine and a glass of water. Ik heff een grölen höört. I heard someone shouting. I heard one grueling. דער גן־עדן איז אַנדערע מענטשן. Paradise is other people. The opposite is some people. Unsere Besucher sitzen im Wohnzimmer. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Het is niet de eerste keer dat ik die zin zie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I see that sentence. Er starb an einer Überdosis. He died of a drug overdose. He died of overdose. "Maakt u zich geen zorgen," probeerde Dima de vrouw gerust te stellen. "Het is niet van mij." "Don't worry," Dima attempted to put the woman at ease. "It's not mine." "Don't worry," Dima tried to reassure the woman. "It's not mine." Heeft iedereen een potlood? Does everybody have a pencil? Does everyone have a pencil? Hest du güstern avend den Cowboy-Film in ’t Feernsehn sehn? Did you see the cowboy film on TV last night? Did you see the cowboy movie on TV yesterday evening? Ik wull dat nich. I didn't want that. I don't want it. Das rote Kleid stand ihr gut. The red dress looked good on her. The red dress was good for her. De Hund weer von Kopp bet Foot mit Mudd vullkleit. The dog was covered in mud from head to foot. The dog was full of mud from head to foot. Mir wurde die Tasche gestohlen. My bag was stolen. I was stolen. Kan je morgen komen? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Spielst du gut Tennis? Do you play tennis well? Do you play good tennis? Werkt Tom? Does Tom work? Tom works? Wanneer begin ik? When do I get started? When do I start? De toeristen moesten de stad voor zonsopgang verlaten. The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. The tourists had to leave the city before sunrise. Du bist mit deinem Scherz zu weit gegangen. You went too far in your joke. You went too far with your scar. Tom kwam net voor het avondeten. Tom came just before dinner. Tom came just before dinner. דער אמת װעט תּמיד געווינען. The truth will always win. The true will win mid-term. Dank u. Thanks. Thank you. Das Problem ist gelöst. The problem has been solved. The problem is solved. Du brauchst nicht so hart zu arbeiten. You don't have to work so hard. You don't need to work so hard. Ze houdt van de jongen alsof het haar eigen kind was. She loves the boy as if he were her own child. She loves the boy as if it were her own child. We hebben een romanschrijver en een poëet uitgenodigd voor het feest. We invited a novelist and poet to the party. We invited a novelist and a poet for the party. Mike mag Katzen. Mike likes cats. Mike likes cats. Sage mir, wessen Hut das ist! Tell me whose hat this is. Tell me who this hat is! Wenneer kin k raaizen? When can I travel? When can k guess? Kin k t aanrouken? Can I touch it? Can kt touch? He is stärker as du. He's stronger than you. He is stronger than you. Ik bün mit en sehr Strott opwaakt. I woke up with a sore throat. I wake up with a very straw. Ik kan niet zien zonder mijn bril. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Je kan hem vertrouwen. You can trust him. You can trust him. Wird Madonna je aufhören zu singen? Will Madonna ever stop singing? Will Madonna ever stop singing? Meine Meinung über Tom hat sich nicht geändert. My opinion about Tom hasn't changed. My opinion of Tom has not changed. Ons weet wat gaan gebeur. We know what's going to happen. We know what will happen. Hē is ġeong. He is young. Hē is ƿeong. Mehr und mehr Menschen suchen nach natürlichen Heilverfahren. More and more people look for natural treatments. More and more people are looking for natural healing procedures. Wer ist hier der Schnellste? Who's the fastest one here? Who's the fastest here? Das ist so langweilig. This is so boring. It's so boring. Nederlaand is ien twaalf pervinzies verdaild. The Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces. Nederlaand is one 12 pervinzis digested. Gib Worte deinem Schmerz. Grimm, der nicht spricht, presst das beladene Herz, bis dass es bricht! Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart, and bids it break. Give words to your pain. Grimm, who doesn't speak, pushes the loaded heart until it breaks! Ik weet gewoonweg niet wat te zeggen... I simply don't know what to say... I just don't know what to say... Ek dog jou sou uittree. I thought you might back out. I thought you would step out. Da Tom hot si aufgregt. Tom got upset. Since Tom hots her up. Mein Vater reist manchmal ins Ausland. My father sometimes goes abroad. My father sometimes travels abroad. Is dit 'n vlermuis? Is that a bat? Is it a bat? Wat is dien faveriete meziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite medicine? Laat deze kans je niet voorbij gaan. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Don't let this chance pass you. Halten Sie diesen Platz für jemanden frei? Are you saving this seat for someone? Do you keep this space free for someone? Ik had nooit gedacht dat het zo gemakkelijk zou zijn. I never thought it would be so easy. I never thought it would be that easy. Wovon träumen Eichhörnchen? What do squirrels dream about? What are dreams of squirrels? Im Reifen steckte ein Nagel. We found a nail stuck in the tire. There was a nail in the tire. Tom verhängte das Fenster mit einem dunklen Vorhang. Tom hung a dark curtain over the window. Tom hung the window with a dark curtain. Tom, und nur Tom, kennt die Wahrheit. Tom and only Tom knows the whole truth. Tom, and only Tom, knows the truth. Het loopt tegen zessen. It's nearly six o'clock. It's against six. Verstaat u Italiaans? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? Mien schuld. My bad. My fault. Ferkeard. Wrong. Wrong. Ze huilde de hele nacht. She cried all night. She cried all night. רודי דזשוליִאַני, וואָס איז ניט קיין ייִד, זאָגט, אַז ער איז ייִדישער פֿונעם חורבן־לעבן־געבליבענעם דזשאָרזש סאָראָס, ווײַל סאָראָס „גייט ניט צו קירך.‟ Rudy Giuliani, who is not Jewish, claims he's more Jewish than Holocaust survivor George Soros because Soros "doesn't go to church." Lady Julyany, who was no yewd, said, that he was Jewish of the Holocaust life-placed George Soros, wu'all Soros not to church.' China is dat gröttste Land in Asien. China is the biggest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. טאָמס טאַטע־מאַמע זײַנען רײַך. Tom's parents are rich. Tom's mother is wealthy. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass Elke ihnen nicht verdächtig vorkomme. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was suspicious. Tom and Mary told John that Elke did not appear suspicious to them. Veel mensen zouden het met u eens zijn. Many people would agree with you. Many people would agree with you. Wi lehrt Araabsch. We are learning Arabic. We learn Arabic. Ich mag diese Leute nicht. I don't like those people. I don't like these people. Wil jij alsjeblieft opletten? Will you pay attention, please? Would you please pay attention? Du hest dat ook nich wüsst. You didn't know that either. You didn't know either. Mien man is n leroar. My husband is a teacher. My husband is a teacher. Hoor ik te stoppen? Am I supposed to stop? Do I hear I stop? Japan is vol verrassingen! Japan is full of surprises! Japan is full of surprises! Mijn vader is voor het ogenblik in de tuin. Father is in the garden now. My father's in the garden right now. Ihr sagtet doch, das sei nicht ansteckend. I thought you said it wasn't contagious. You said it wasn't contagious. Tom unterrichtet Französisch. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Het lawaai stoort me. The noise bothers me. The noise disturbs me. Tom hat drei Französischwörterbücher. Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionaries. Anders als mein Bruder kann ich nicht schwimmen. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. Unlike my brother, I can't swim. מיין ברודער איז יעצט אין אסטראליע. My brother is now in Australia. my brother was killed in Austria. Du hörst nicht zu. You're not listening. You don't listen. Diese Sitte ist den Japanern ziemlich fremd. That custom is quite foreign to the Japanese. This practice is quite alien to the Japanese. Die Maschine generierte riesige Mengen an Elektrizität. The machine generated large amounts of electricity. The machine generated huge amounts of electricity. Tom het my reeds gedank. Tom has already thanked me. Tom had already thanked me. Hemeltjelief, dat wist ik niet! OMG! I didn't know that! Heavenly love, I didn't know that! Sami docht dat Layla moslim was. Sami thought Layla was Muslim. Sami did that Layla was Muslim. De Brägen is blaot en vigeliensche Maschien. The brain is just a complicated machine. The bridge is sheeted a complex machine. Ik heb nooit gerookt. I have never smoked. I never smoked. Ik heff keeneen ümbröcht! I didn't murder anyone. I haven't touched anyone! Waar zijn de meisjes? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Hij omhelsde haar. He took her in his arms. He hugged her. Bums de Döör nich. Don't slam the door. Don't bump the door. Hij heeft de laatste tijd enkele heel goede resultaten bekomen. He's had some very good results lately. He has achieved some very good results lately. Tom ist ein guter Schwimmer. Tom is a good swimmer. Tom's a good swimmer. Ein hübscher Sonnenuntergang, nicht wahr? A beautiful sunset, isn't it? A beautiful sunset, isn't it? Kou bölkte. The cow mooed. Cold bulbs. Ek moet gaan. I must go. I have to go. Wenn ik dit Leed höör, denn denk ik an de Tied as ik jung weer. When I hear that song, I think about when I was young. If I heard this song, then I think of the time when I was young. Sie ist ihre Freundin. She is her friend. She's her girlfriend. Würden Sie bitte mal herkommen? Would you please come over here? Would you come here, please? איר קען קומען ווענימער ס'איז גוט פאר אייך. You can come whenever it is convenient for you. You could come whose son's is good for you. Moeke is aan t waark. Mommy's working. Moeke's working on t. Ek hou van worse. I like sausages. I like sausages. Wat is passeert? What happened? What happened? Tom hett den Verstand verloren. Tom has lost his mind. Tom has lost his mind. Wanneer was dat? When was that? When was that? Ic nelle to þære scole. I don't want to go to school. Ic nelle to nagere scole. k Eet voak tuut. I often eat chicken. k Eat voak tuut. Sie ist Fräulein Fehlerlos. She's Miss Perfect. She's a woman who's faultless. אויב דו קענסט דאָס לייענען, גיי אַהיים! If you can read this, go home! If you can find this place, follow it! Vor Spielbeginn richtete der Trainer aufmunternde Worte an seine Mannschaft. The coach gave his team a pep talk before the game started. Before the start of the game, the coach addressed words of encouragement to his team. Koelkaastdeur was open. The refrigerator door was open. Bullet door was open. Er stellte eine Frage darüber. He asked a question about it. He asked a question about it. Deze roman is vertaald uit het Engels. This novel was translated from English. This novel is translated from English. Ik heb een duidelijk bewijs. I have an evident proof. I have a clear proof. Wat zou er gebeuren als je morgen niet naar school zou gaan? What would happen if you didn't go to school tomorrow? What would happen if you weren't going to school tomorrow? Mein Handy ist auf den Boden gefallen. My cellphone fell on the floor. My cell phone fell to the ground. Ik heff mi in ’n Finger sneden. I've cut my finger. I cut me in a finger. Es ist schwer eine Frau zu sein. Man muss wie ein Mann denken, sich wie eine Dame benehmen, wie ein Mädchen aussehen und wie ein Pferd arbeiten. It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse. It's hard to be a woman. You have to think like a man, behave like a lady, look like a girl and work like a horse. Het water was blauw. The water was blue. The water was blue. Wah yuh name? What's your name? What is your name? Wir werden nie erfahren, wie er sich fühlt. We will never know how he's feeling. We'll never find out how he feels. Wannehr geiht Sita na Eluru? When will Sita go to Eluru? When does Sita go to Eluru? Ich weiß, dass du auch beschäftigt bist. I know you're busy, too. I know you're busy too. Kannst du mi seggen, wat dit Woort bedüdt? Can you tell me what this word means? Can you tell me what this word means? Sütt dat slimm ut? Does it look bad? Does it look smart? Danke für die Auskunft. Thanks for the information. Thank you for the information. Dafür könnten wir ins Gefängnis kommen. We could go to prison for doing this. We could get to jail for that. Woar bist? Where are you? Why are you? זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט דיר. His older sister can't talk to you today. Being an older sister may not speak to you today. Tom arbeitet schnell. Tom works fast. Tom works fast. Wanneer zal ik je morgen afhalen? When should I pick you up tomorrow? When will I pick you up tomorrow? Wie bestelde deze pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Who ordered this pizza? דו קענסט באשלאסן, וואס אימער דו ווילסט. You may choose whichever you want. You can decide, which means you want. Kijk naar me! Watch me. Look at me! Du willst es mir offensichtlich unbedingt erzählen. You're obviously dying to tell me. You obviously want to tell me. Tom wollte seiner Freundin etwas ganz Besonderes schenken. Tom wanted to give a very special present to his girlfriend. Tom wanted to give his girlfriend something very special. Haar moeder roept je. Her mother is calling you. Her mother's calling you. Hij stopte met roken en begon met hardlopen. He stopped smoking and started running. He stopped smoking and started running. Leg die hamer neer. Put down the hammer. Put the hammer down. Hij heeft opgehangen. He hung up. He hung up. Si ass Studentin. She's a student. She is a student. איך בין אַן אינזשעניר. I am an engineer. I'm an engineer. Toms manier van praten werkt op mijn zenuwen. Tom's way of talking gets on my nerves. Tom's way of talking works on my nerves. ער האָט אַ קאַץ. He has a cat. He has a cat. Moet niks glo van Tom vir jou vertel nie. Don't believe anything Tom tells you. Don't believe in Tom telling you. Kaam mit dien Oors ut ’e Puuschen! Get your arse into gear! Come with your oar out of your way! Der Fußboden ist Lava! The floor is lava! The floor is lava! Tom at alleen. Tom ate alone. Tom ate alone. Wat was Tom precies aan het doen? What was Tom doing exactly? What exactly was Tom doing? Darf ich vorangehen? May I go first? May I move forward? Lass ihn in Ruhe. Get off his back. Leave him alone. Wer, denkst du, kennt sich mit dieser Angelegenheit aus? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who, do you think, is familiar with this matter? Gestern war es bewölkt. It was overcast yesterday. It was cloudy yesterday. Wil je nog een beetje appelsap? Would you like some more apple juice? Would you like a little more apple juice? De Perfesser lehrt Tschechsch. The professor teaches Czech. The professor teaches Czech. Zo iets doen, zou onproductief zijn. It would be counter-productive to do such a thing. Doing something like that would be unproductive. Ze hadden hem nodig. They needed him. They needed him. Wie binnen sikkom kloar. We're almost done. Who's inside of you? Jy is die meisie van my drome. You're the girl of my dreams. You're the girl of my dreams. Ich bin es nicht gewohnt, Reden in der Öffentlichkeit zu halten. I'm not used to making speeches in public. I'm not used to speaking in public. De Kinner hebbt in ’n Dreck speelt. The children were playing in the dirt. The children played in a trash. Tom woont in een sloppenwijk. Tom lives in a slum. Tom lives in a slum neighborhood. Je moet hier blijven totdat we terugkomen. You are to stay here until we come back. You have to stay here until we get back. Wie hebben hom! We have him! Who's got him! Das Kind glaubt, die Erde sei eine Scheibe. The child believes that the earth is flat. The child believes the earth to be a disk. Advogaate sin all Liehner. Lawyers are all liars. Advogate sin alle liehner. Du kannst nicht einfach so verschwinden! You can't disappear like that. You can't just disappear like that! Waarom ben je er nog? Why are you still here? Why are you still here? Ik kan het voelen. I can feel it. I can feel it. Ik eet jüst. I'm eating now. I'm just eating. Tom gaf Mary de aktetas. Tom handed Mary the briefcase. Tom gave Mary the briefcase. Ik ben Spaans. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Ik heb twee vrienden die in Duitsland wonen. I have two friends who live in Germany. I have two friends living in Germany. Is dit joen wien? Is this your wine? Is this joen who? Tom heeft Maria gedumpt. Tom dumped Mary. Tom dumped Maria. Zult u een woordje met hem wisselen? Will you have a talk with him? Will you exchange a word with him? De appel is rood. The apple is red. The apple is red. Tom lebt derzeit allein in einer kleinen Wohnung. Tom currently lives alone in a small apartment. Tom currently lives alone in a small apartment. סאַמי טרינקט. Sami drinks. . . . I'm drinking. Ozeane teilen die Welt nicht so sehr, wie sie sie vereinen. Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. Oceans do not share the world as much as they unite. Vermeiden Sie es, nachts allein auf den Straßen zu sein. Avoid walking on the streets alone at night. Avoid being alone on the streets at night. Bent u vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Hoe werken de hersenen? How does the brain work? How does the brain work? Ek het my hande in my sakke gesteek. I shoved my hands into my pockets. I put my hands in my pockets. Waarom viel je haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Tom glimlachte. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Zu den Waffen! To arms! To the guns! Wannehr sünd wi dor? When do we arrive? When are we there? Dit Gebüüd is ook en Bank. This building also is a bank. This building is also Bank. Ik heb hier een heleboel vrienden. I have a lot of friends here. I have a lot of friends here. Sehrt Minschen sehrt Minschen. Hurt people hurt people. Very human beings are very human. Wir sind mit dem Regen gegangen, aber mit der Sonne angekommen. It was sunny when we arrived, but rainy when we left. We went with the rain, but we arrived with the sun. Ich glaube es nicht: Tom ist auf unser Angebot eingegangen. I can't believe Tom accepted our offer. I don't think so: Tom went to our offer. Mien kollegoa het n kollegoa. My colleague has a colleague. My colleague has a colleague. Dieses Puzzle hat fünfhundert Teile. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle has five hundred parts. Tom verschüttete beinahe seinen Kaffee. Tom almost spilled his coffee. Tom almost spilled his coffee. Die Wirkung der Medizin nahm allmählich ab. The effects of the medicine were wearing off. The effect of medicine gradually declined. Ze stonden recht tegenover elkaar. They stood face to face. They were standing right in front of each other. Ich bin noch sehr müde. I'm still very tired. I'm still very tired. Sie hätten es mir überlassen sollen. You should've left it to me. You should have left it to me. Ik zou graag een klacht indienen. I would lodge a complaint. I'd like to file a complaint. k Hol van slik. I like sweets. k Hol van slik. Der Test war zum Ankreuzen. The test was multiple choice. The test was for checking. Ich kann es nicht leiden, wenn viele Leute da sind. I hate it when there are a lot of people. I can't suffer when a lot of people are here. Raad eens wie er achter je staat. Guess who's behind you. Why don't you guess who's behind you? Tegen wie had je het? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? Ich will da nicht hin. I don't want to go there. I don't want to go there. Das würde ich gerne mit Ihrem Vorgesetzten besprechen. I'd like to discuss this with your boss. I'd like to discuss this with your superior. Ons kon net niks kry nie. We just couldn't find anything. We just couldn't find anything. He kummt mit Herrn Brown good torecht. He gets on well with Mr. Brown. He comes well with Mr. Brown. De König is vonmorgen jagen gahn. The king went hunting this morning. The king went hunting this morning. Warum haben Kaninchen lange Löffel? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long spoons? Hoi zäme! Hello everyone! Hey, hey, hey! Ik sta gewoonlijk op om 6 uur. I usually get up at 6:00. I usually get up at 6:00. Vergiss nicht, den Sicherheitsgurt anzulegen. Don't forget to fasten your safety belts. Don't forget to put on the safety belt. Was backen Sie denn da? What're you baking? What are you baking? Ich bewundere Tom sehr. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom very much. Ik leer hoe je moet typen. I'm learning how to type. I'll learn how to type. Liefde is klote. Love sucks. Love is fucking. Zwischen moosbewachsenen Bäumen rauschte ein kleiner Waldbach dahin. A small forest brook flowed between the moss-covered trees. Between moose-grown trees, a small Waldbach dived there. בנימין נתניהו איז אַ שאַנדע פֿאַר די גויים. Benjamin Netanyahu is a disgrace to the Jewish people. Benjamin Notanyahu is a sin for the physical. Scheikunde is een geweldige wetenschap. Chemistry is a marvelous science. Chemistry is a great science. Wie viele Sterne gibt es in unserer Milchstraße? How many stars are there in our galaxy? How many stars are there in our Milky Way? Sie sind nahe am Verhungern. They are on the border of starvation. They're close to staring. Aus dem Jungen ist ein berühmter Wissenschaftler geworden. The boy grew up to be a famous scientist. From the boy has become a famous scientist. Ek moes myself voorgestel het. I should have introduced myself. I must have imagined myself. Mijn tand doet pijn. My tooth hurts. My tooth hurts. Wir hätten heiraten sollen. We should have gotten married. We should've married. Ik dronk melk. I drank milk. I'm drinking milk. Ik wilde niemand beledigen. No offense was meant. I didn't mean to insult anyone. Tom was te beleefd om neen te zeggen. Tom was too polite to say no. Tom was too polite to say no. Mary hat ein paar Monate lang in einem Konvent gelebt. Mary lived in a convent for a few months. Mary lived in a convention for a few months. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één motor. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one engine. Zum Glück wurde Tom nicht ernsthaft verletzt. Fortunately, Tom did not get seriously hurt. Fortunately, Tom was not seriously injured. Hebbt ji mien Vadder kennt? Did you know my father? Did you know my father? Het Erechtheion is een tempel op de Akropolis van Athene. The Erechtheion is a temple located inside the Acropolis of Athens. Erechtheion is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Wies mi noch en annere Kamera. Show me another camera. Show me another camera. Erst dann wurde es mir klar. Only then did I realize it. Only then did I understand. Is deze auto van jou? Is this your car? Is this car yours? Ich will en Advogaat. I want a lawyer. I want an advogate. Ihr werdet stolz auf mich sein. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Kinderen hebben een hekel aan irritante leraren. Children hate annoying teachers. Children hate irritating teachers. He is keen Dokter. He is not a doctor. He is not a doctor. Sie tanzt mit einem anderen Mann. She's dancing with another man. She dances with another man. Dat is mien Puus. That's my pussy. This is my pous. Dat is miene Süster. This is my sister. This is my sister. Es ist Valentinstag. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. U zult lachen. You will laugh. You'll laugh. Tom woont aan de andere kant van het eiland. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Dat Hart is dor üm Blood to pumpen. The heart serves to pump blood. The heart is there to pump blood. Geld beherrscht die Welt. Money rules the world. Money dominates the world. Sie haben dich verraten. They betrayed you. They betrayed you. Sie hat uns gestern gesehen. She saw us yesterday. She saw us yesterday. "Wie bischt du?" "Ich bin gut, danke." "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." "How do you bite?" "I'm good, thank you." Hoe hoor ik mezelf te kleden? How am I supposed to dress? How should I dress myself? Ich bin mir nicht sicher. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. ‘123456’ is a frequently used password. Mieghommels hollen van sukker. Ants like sugar. Mieghoms like sugar. Ich habe unsere Verlobung gelöst. I have broken off our engagement. I resolved our engagement. Papa moedigt hem altijd aan. Dad's always encouraging him. Dad always encourages him. Daar is hy. There he is. There he is. Sien leevste Baseball-Mannschop sünd de Giants, man he mag de Lions ook. His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he likes the Lions, too. His favorite baseball team are the Giants, but he likes the Lions as well. Joa! Yes! Joa! Ich habe erbrochen. I threw up. I broke up. Er is een groot verschil tussen een theorie en een idee. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There's a big difference between a theory and an idea. k Kin mie nait heugen woar k auto loaten heb. I don't remember where I left the car. k Kin mie night heugen where k has car loaten. Kijk me aan als ik tegen je praat. Look at me when I talk to you. Look at me when I talk to you. Ze heeft geen vijanden. She doesn't have any enemies. She has no enemies. Der Druck des Wassers wird bei zunehmender Meerestiefe immer größer: 10 Meter bedeuten einen Zuwachs um 1 bar. The deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you. For every 33 feet (10 meters) you go down, the pressure increases by 14.5 psi. The pressure of water is increasing with increasing depth of sea: 10 meters mean an increase of 1 bar. "Was für ein Buch liest du gerade?" "Einen Roman." "What sort of book are you reading?" "A novel." "What book are you reading?" "A novel." Hier komt bus. Here comes the bus. This is the bus. Rettungstrupps aus aller Welt sind zum Flug nach Japan gerüstet. International rescue teams are at the ready to fly to Japan. Rescues from all over the world are equipped to fly to Japan. Ich mag dein Haar. I love your hair. I like your hair. Ik heb zo'n honger! I'm so hungry! I'm so hungry! Aber was bekomme ich, wenn ich dir das Spielzeug zurückgebe? But what will I get if I give you back your toy? But what do I get if I give you the toy? Waarom kwam hij niet naar het feestje? Why didn't he come to the party? Why didn't he come to the party? Die Sonne wurde von dichten Wolken bedeckt. The sun was hidden by thick clouds. The sun was covered by dense clouds. Ek drink water. I drink water. I drink water. Ich kann es nicht fassen, dass Sie mir das angetan haben! I can't believe you did this to me. I can't believe you did this to me! Er drückte mich an sich. He gave me a hug. He pushed me on. Wie lange lernt Tom schon Französisch? How long has Tom studied French? How long has Tom been learning French? Es tut mir leid, euch so spät in der Nacht anzurufen, aber ich brauchte wirklich jemanden zum Reden. I'm sorry to call you this late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to call you so late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. אַ שידוך זאָל מען טאָן אין דער היים, אַ גניבֿה אין דער פֿרעמד. Get married close to home and go far away to steal. A song should be done in the frank, a gnuff in the frank. IJsberen leven in het noordpoolgebied. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Ice bears live in the Arctic. Is hierdie jou bier? Is this your beer? Is this your beer? Geh und warte draußen! Go wait outside. Go and wait outside! Het water was koud. The water was cold. The water was cold. Lehne dich nicht an die Mauer an! Don't lean against the wall. Don't lean on the wall! Er widersprach sich in seiner Aussage mehrfach selbst. He contradicted himself several times in his testimony. He contradicted himself several times in his statement. Ich konnte es nicht ertragen, dass mein Haus zerstört wurde. I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't bear my house being destroyed. Ech sichen eng Steckdous. I'm looking for a socket. I'm looking for a plug-in. We hebben extra tandenborstels. We have extra toothbrushes. We have extra toothbrushes. Zijn mantel is versleten. His overcoat is worn out. His coat is worn out. Ech kann elo net krank ginn, meng Vakanz fänkt muer op! I can't get sick now, my vacation starts tomorrow! I can't get sick right now, my vacation is starting tired! Er hat sich versehentlich selbst in das Bein geschossen. He shot himself in the leg accidentally. He accidentally shot himself in the leg. Ik bün en Frömmen hier. I'm a stranger here. I am a stranger here. Ga niet naar buiten, het regent. Don't go out, as it's raining. Don't go outside, it's raining. טאם וואוינט אליין אין א זעלבסט-געגזר׳טע גלות און כמעת קיין-מאל-נישט זייט ער קיינעם. Tom lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone. Tom lives Elien in a self-greased glass, and Khmat no-mal-wood has been cast by him. Déi Fra ass Léierin. This woman is a teacher. That woman is a teacher. Kom naar mijn huis op het einde van de maand. Come to my house at the end of this month. Come to my house at the end of the month. U weet toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know what he's called, don't you? In het Portugees zeggen we doorgaans "alô" bij het opnemen van de telefoon. In Portuguese, we usually say "alô", when we pick up the phone. In Portuguese, we usually say "alô" when recording the phone. Polen is en groot Land. Poland is a big country. Poland is a large country. Tom hat mich nicht gesehen. Tom didn't see me. Tom didn't see me. Müssen Sie das tun? Do you have to do that? Do you have to do that? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie glaubten, es würde Elke widerstreben, das zu tun. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice would be reluctant to do that. Tom and Mary said to John that they believed it would contradict Elke to do so. Tom heeft drie honden. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. In elk geval wil ik het feit duidelijk maken dat dit geen normale mensen zijn. In any case I just want to make clear that the fact that these are not normal people. In any case, I would like to make it clear that these are not normal people. Versuch mal, dich in die Lage deiner Mutter zu versetzen. Try putting yourself in your mother's shoes. Try to put you in your mother's position. Sie nenne do där Planet "Äerd". They call this planet 'Earth'. They call that planet "earth." Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Sie so gut Französisch können. I didn't know you were so good at French. I didn't know you could be so French. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, warum ich dort war. I can't remember why I was there. I can't remember why I was there. Hai is op vekaanzie. He is away on holiday. Hail's on vecansia. Tom doet me lachen. Tom makes me laugh. Tom makes me laugh. Kommst du aus Australien? Are you from Australia? Are you from Australia? Wir sind über die Entscheidung der Kommission noch nicht informiert worden. We haven't yet been informed of the committee's decision. We have not yet been informed of the Commission's decision. Katten köönt Stoffsugers nich af. Cats hate vacuum cleaners. Cats are unable to detach dust suckers. Hƿȳ bohton ᵹē hit? Why did you buy it? H- bohton -ē hit? De invoer was groter dan de uitvoer vorig jaar. Imports exceeded exports last year. Imports exceeded exports last year. Larim mi. Leave me alone. Let me go. Se hett mi inladen. She invited me. She invited me. Die Einfachheit im Aufbau zieht die Anwender an. Simplicity in design attracts users. The simplicity of the design attracts users. Ich versprech's. I promise. I promise. Deze morgen was het bitter koud. This morning it was very cold. This morning it was very cold. Er zijn 3 slaapkamers, een keuken, een eetkamer, een salon en een badkamer. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and a bathroom. There are 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a lounge and a bathroom. Ik schreef haar een lange brief. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. Zij doucht. She showers. She dives. Tom spielt mit seinem Jo-Jo. Tom is playing with his yo-yo. Tom plays with his Jo-Jo. Ohne gehe ich nie aus dem Haus. I never leave home without it. I never get out of the house. Tom is niet bang voor spinnen. Tom isn't afraid of spiders. Tom's not afraid of spiders. Ze profiteerde van mijn onwetendheid. She took advantage of my ignorance. She benefited from my ignorance. Wir sind nicht alle so beschäftigt wir ihr. We're not all as busy as you are. We're not all so busy with her. Ech wunnen nach bei mengen Elteren. I still live at my parents' house. I still wonder at my parents. Hē wasċode his handa and his fēt. He washed his hands and his feet. Hē wasƿode his handa and his fēt. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. He seems honest. He seems to be honest. Sie war linkisch und zurückhaltend auf Partys. She was awkward and reserved at parties. She was left-wing and restrained from parties. Moest je van gedachte veranderen, laat het me weten. Should you change your mind, let me know. If you have to change your mind, let me know. Ek het skoon van haar vergeet. I forgot all about her. I left her clean. Ik heb veel gewerkt deze week. I worked a lot this week. I worked a lot this week. Am nächsten Morgen verließ Dima den Müllcontainer, musste aber feststellen, dass seine Kleidung jetzt nach Müll roch. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima left the garbage container, but found that his clothes now smelled like garbage. איך קען פֿראַנצײזיש. I know French. I can fire-sixth. Ik wil hierover niet discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't want to discuss this. We komen eenmaal per jaar bijeen. We get together once a year. We meet once a year. Du kennst ehr? Do you know her? You know her? We hebben gele appels. We have yellow apples. We have yellow apples. Wiä häschs? How are you? Wie haschs? Ik kan me niet al hun namen herinneren. I can't recall all their names. I can't remember all their names. Ik besloot in het buitenland te studeren. I decided to study abroad. I decided to study abroad. Ik gaf mijn zus een woordenboek. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. In diesem Dorf blieb nur eine Familie zurück. In that village only one family remains. In this village, only one family remained. Haben Sie Fische im Fluss gefangen? Did you catch any fish in the river? Did you catch fish in the river? Warum lächelst du? Why are you smiling? Why are you smiling? Vielen herzlichen Dank! Thank you ever so much. Thank you so much! Dieses Haus ist nicht besonders groß. This house is not very large. This house is not particularly large. Welke misdaden hebben jullie begaan? What crimes have you committed? What crimes did you commit? Der Englisch sprechende Junge da ist größer als ich. That boy who is speaking English is taller than I. The English-speaking boy there is bigger than I am. Groen staat je goed. Green suits you. Green is good for you. Normaal gesproken is ze vroeg wakker. In general, she is an early riser. Normally she wakes up early. Tom tat es mit einem Lachen ab. Tom just laughed it off. Tom did it with a laugh. De schoonheid van de muziek bracht tranen in haar ogen. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. Dat is onmogelijk! That can't be! That's impossible! Und nun ein paar Worte von unseren Sponsoren. And now, a word from our sponsors. And now a few words from our sponsors. Tom stellte alles in Frage. Tom questioned everything. Tom questioned everything. Es ist so verdammt kalt! It's so fucking cold! It's so fucking cold! Zijn jullie morgen vrij? Are you free tomorrow? Are you guys free tomorrow? Haar vrienden wachtten op haar bij de poort. Her friends waited for her by the gate. Her friends were waiting for her at the gate. Du musst ophören mit Drinken. You need to stop drinking. You have to stop drinking. Ik heb geen idee hoe ze dat voor elkaar gekregen hebben. I don't know how they did it. I have no idea how they got that for each other. פֿאַדיל רעדט אַראַביש. Fadil speaks Arabic. Faadil Red arabic. Ik heb Frans geleerd in plaats van Duits. I learned French instead of German. I learned French instead of German. Der tapfere Ritter rettete die holde Prinzessin vor dem bösen Drachen. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight saved the fetched princess from the evil dragon. Ek druk 100 bladsye. I'm printing 100 pages. I print 100 pages. טאָם איז נאָכאַמאָל אין חד־גדיא. Tom is back in the can. Tom is Nochami in India. Een, drie en vyf is ongelyke getalle. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three, and five are odd numbers. Tom hat dich wahrscheinlich schon vergessen. Tom has probably already forgotten about you. Tom probably already forgot you. Ich bin gekommen, um dir viel Glück zu wünschen. I came to wish you good luck. I have come to wish you good luck. Julius en Cornelius gaan an hul huise. Julius and Cornelius are going to their houses. Julius and Cornelius go to their homes. t Was aarg muilek. It was very difficult. t Was aarg muilek. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie Elke herrisch fänden. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was bossy. Tom and Mary said to John that they found Elek heretic. Was er auch tut, das tut er gut. Regardless what he does, he does it well. Whatever he does, he does well. Ik rookte. I smoked. I was smoking. k Heb gain sinten. I don't have money. k Heb goin cents. Familie wees is baie dieper as dit. Being a family is much deeper than this. Being a family is much deeper than that. Wie is die vrouw? Who's that woman? Who's that woman? Taschkent ist Usbekistans Hauptstadt. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Kijk in de doos. Look into the box. Look in the box. De dagpauwoog (Inachis io) is een mooie en gemakkelijk te herkennen vlinder. The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly. The Day Pauwoog (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easy to recognize butterfly. Beethoven ging naar de piano, zette zich, en begon te spelen. Beethoven went over to the piano, sat down and began to play. Beethoven went to the piano, sat down, and began to play. Hältst du es für angemessen? Do you think this is pertinent? Do you think it's appropriate? Es wäre dumm abzulehnen. It would be stupid to say no. It would be stupid to refuse. Sie ist kein solches Mädchen, wie du glaubst. She's not the kind of girl you think she is. She's not such a girl as you believe. Und was wollen Sie im Gegenzug von mir haben? And what do you want from me in return? And what do you want in return for me? Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. I can't understand anything he's saying. I don't understand any word of what he says. Ist das Toms Auto? Is that Tom's car? Is that Tom's car? Hai kin kommen. He can come. Hai can come. Dreh dich bitte um und sieh mich an. Please turn around and look at me. Turn around, please, and look at me. Er war sichtlich nervös. He was visibly nervous. He was obviously nervous. Sie ist selbständig. She's self-employed. She's independent. Als ik alleen thuis ben, is het te stil in huis. When I'm home alone, the house is too quiet. If I'm home alone, it's too quiet in the house. Maria deed haar sokken uit. Mary removed her socks. Maria took off her socks. Ich hasse dich so sehr. I hate you so much. I hate you so much. Goed dat hij de hele waarheid sprak. Good thing he spoke the whole truth. It's good that he spoke the whole truth. Lassen Sie mich es reparieren. Let me repair it. Let me fix it. Tom ist nicht so viel jünger als Maria. Tom isn't that much younger than Mary. Tom isn't as much younger than Mary. Gibt es Platz für mein Gepäck? Is there any space for my luggage? Is there room for my luggage? Ich bin gerade zur Post gegangen. I have just been to the post office. I just went to the post office. Dat klinkt mooi. That sounds beautiful. That sounds beautiful. Jezus liep op water. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on water. Zij vertelde me dat ze hem niet leuk vond. She told me that she didn't like him. She told me she didn't like him. De bossen branden gemakkelijk. Woods burn easily. The forests burn easily. Geef je over aan de vijand. Surrender to the enemy. Give it to the enemy. In der Ehe mag kein Frieden sein, regiert darin das Mein und Dein. In marriage there will be no peace if "mine" and "yours" rules. In marriage there may be no peace, it governs Me and Yours. Wie is die vrouw? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? Sie könnten uns die Wahrheit sagen. They might tell us the truth. They could tell us the truth. Tom is dik. Tom's fat. Tom's fat. Das geht. That is all right. That's right. Een van de appels viel op de grond. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell on the ground. Du kannst dich auf sie verlassen. You can rely on her. You can rely on her. U bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Wat doet Tom daarbinnen? What's Tom doing in there? What's Tom doing in there? Se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares is se æftera Ġēola. The first month of the year is January. Se forma monþ þæs ƿēares is se kottera ƿēola. Tom hört nicht auf Maria. Tom doesn't listen to Mary. Tom doesn't listen to Maria. Wir wollen den König sehen. We want to see the king. We want to see the king. Ik kan niet zonder toestemming van mijn ouders trouwen. I can't get married without my parents' permission. I can't marry my parents without my permission. Ik heb het boek net uitgelezen. I've just finished reading that book. I just read the book. Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom seinen Koffer hingestellt hat. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. Tom blies in die glühende Asche, hoffend, das Feuer wieder zu entfachen. Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted. Tom blew into the glowing ashes, hoping to defuse the fire again. Ich bin sicher, dass Tom gute Gründe hatte, das zu tun. I'm sure Tom had good reasons for doing that. I'm sure Tom had good reasons to do so. Se mann is se cyning. That man is the king. Its man is its cyning. Onthou jy haar naam? Do you remember her name? Do You Remember Her Name? Kool en aardgas zijn natuurlijke brandstoffen. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Dein Freund Albert hat gerade ein Bild von dir von der Party letzte Nacht gepostet. Your friend Albert just posted a picture of you at last night's party. Your friend Albert just posted a picture of you from the party last night. Er is geen roos zonder doornen. There is no rose without thorns. There's no rose without doors. Tom heeft lang blond haar en blauwe ogen. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Hij werd beroofd van al zijn geld. He was robbed of all his money. He was robbed of all his money. Meine Frau hat gerade den Tisch abgeräumt. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just cleaned the table. De Schölers estemeert jemehr Schoolmeester temlich. The students hold their teacher in high regard. The students estimate their teacher is tempting. Ze houden van dat lied. They love that song. They love that song. Ich wiederhole das nicht, hören Sie also gut zu. I won't repeat this, so listen carefully. I don't repeat that, so listen to me. Tom wischte sich den Lippenstift von der Wange. Tom wiped the lipstick off his cheek. Tom erased the lipstick from the cheek. Brasilien ist das Land der Zukunft. Brazil is the land of the future. Brazil is the country of the future. Wir können sofort damit anfangen. We can do it right now. We can start right away. Ik heb een dollar op straat gevonden. I found a dollar in the street. I found a dollar on the street. Ik zie een leeuw. I see a lion. I see a lion. Tom spricht gar kein Französisch. Tom doesn't speak French at all. Tom doesn't speak French at all. Unser Müll wird jeden Montag abgeholt. They collect our garbage every Monday. Our garbage is collected every Monday. Trotz des heftigen Regens besuchte er seinen Freund im Krankenhaus. In spite of the heavy rain, he visited his friend in hospital. Despite the heavy rain, he visited his friend in the hospital. Es war falsch, was er getan hat. What he did was wrong. It was wrong what he did. Bedankt voor uw mooie prentbriefkaart. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for your beautiful print postcard. So schnell! So quick! So fast! Ich habe eine Milchallergie. I have an allergy to milk. I have a milk allergy. Ik heff twee Döchter un twee Söhns. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. Iemand is in mijn kamer geweest. Someone has been in my room. Someone's been in my room. Wir diskutierten offen über das Problem. We discussed the problem freely. We discussed the problem openly. Sie liebt Katzen. She loves cats. She loves cats. Bring mich nicht in Verlegenheit! Don't embarrass me. Don't embarrass me! Tom werd kwaad. Tom got angry. Tom got angry. Maria sagte, dass sie verärgert sei. Mary said that she was irritated. Maria said she was upset. Tom is gezakt voor zijn rijexamen. Tom failed to pass his driving test. Tom's failed for his driving examination. Laat Tom vrij. Set Tom free. Let Tom go. Er gab mir einen Tipp. He gave me a hint. He gave me a tip. Tom hat Maria auf einen Drink ausgeführt. Tom took Mary out for a drink. Tom put Maria on a drink. איך בין אַ קאַץ. I am a cat. I'm a cat. Danke, mir gaats guet. Thanks, I'm fine. Thank you, I'm good. Sie freundete sich mit ihnen auf dem Schulfest an. She made friends with them at the school festival. She was friendly with them at the school party. Ich möchte einmal Pilot werden. I would like to be a pilot in the future. I'd like to be a pilot. Ich vergaß, die Schlüssel zu nehmen. I forgot to take the key. I forgot to take the keys. Sami moet gewag het. Sami should have waited. Sami must have waited. Er weiß, wie man angelt. He knows how to fish with a fishing rod. He knows how to go fishing. Niemand stelde vragen over mijn land. Nobody asked questions about my country. No one asked questions about my country. Tom ist nicht sehr weit gekommen. Tom didn't get very far. Tom didn't come very far. Wil je dat ik de politie bel? Do you want me to call the police? Do you want me to call the police? Ik heb haar ontmoet tijdens mijn verblijf in Mexico. I met her during my stay in Mexico. I met her during my stay in Mexico. Tom is met zijn vrienden. Tom is with his friends. Tom's with his friends. Tom haat uien. Tom hates onions. Tom hates onions. Ek is regtig gevlei om dit te hoor. I'm really flattered to hear that. I was really flattered to hear it. Het jy besluit om Japan toe te gaan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Lass uns Klartext reden. Let's talk turkey! Let's talk clearly. Alle unsere modernen Gesundheitsprobleme haben ihren Ursprung in der Erfindung der Landwirtschaft. All our modern health problems come from the invention of agriculture. All our modern health problems have their origin in the invention of agriculture. Geef mie n smok. Give me a kiss. Give me a cigarette. באָב האָט געזאָגט אַז משה־רבינו האָט געשריבן װעגן אים. Bob said that Moses wrote about him. People said that Moshe's account has been written about it. Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht mehr Hilfe leisten kann. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sorry I can't help anymore. Verstehst du nicht, warum? Don't you understand why? Don't you understand why? Warum hältst du nicht die verfickte Klappe? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why don't you hold the fuckin' clapp? Wo host-du do die Brieftasch gefunn? Where did you find this wallet? Where did host-du do the letter bag found? Güstern morgen heff ik en Waffel eten! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! Ma, ik heb honger. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Mijn zus liet me een nieuw horloge zien. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. Ich ließ ihn den Boden fegen. I made him sweep the floor. I let him go to the ground. Ich freue mich sehr für dich. I am very happy for you! I'm very happy for you. Ik heb het deze week erg druk gehad. I have been very busy this week. I've been very busy this week. Wat is dien faveriete slik? What's your favorite candy? What is faverite slick? Verget dat. Forget it. Forget it. Ich frage mich, ob Tom Heimweh hat. I wonder whether Tom is homesick. I wonder if Tom has homesickness. Mary ist ein Proll. Mary is a chav. Mary's a fool. Tom machte Kaffee. Tom made some coffee. Tom made coffee. Af un to drööm ik von tohuus. I sometimes dream of home. Every now and then, I dream of at home. De Katt is bruun. That cat is brown. The cat is brown. Maak je geen zorgen. Don't worry about it. Don't worry. Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. No one wanted to remember my country. Hoe werken computers? How do computers work? How do computers work? Tom verdient an uns. Tom is making money off us. Tom deserves us. Sie will nicht mehr zur Schule gehen. She doesn't want to go to school anymore. She doesn't want to go to school anymore. Die beiden Männer wurden wegen rücksichtslosen Fahrens verhaftet. The two men were arrested for reckless driving. The two men were arrested for ruthless driving. Sie ist nicht meine Freundin. She's not my friend. She's not my girlfriend. Ich will ins Planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! ער קען רעדן יאַפּאַניש. He can speak Japanese. . . . . . He could speak . . . . . Es geht mir gut. I feel fine. I'm fine. Wat gaan we tegen hem zeggen? What are we going to say to him? What are we gonna say to him? Wo Leben ist, da ist Hoffnung. Where there is life, there is hope. Where life is, there's hope. Reiben sind gut für Käse, Kartoffeln, Ingwer und andere Dinge, von denen man kleine Schnitzel brauchen könnte. Graters are good for cheese, potatoes, ginger, and other things you might need little shreds of. Mourning is good for cheeses, potatoes, ginger and other things that you might need little sniper. Ich mag es, Leute glücklich zu machen. I like to make people happy. I like making people happy. Tom zal betalen. Tom'll pay. Tom's gonna pay. Ich trage keine Brille mehr. I don't wear glasses anymore. I'm not wearing glasses anymore. Ik kan 's nachts niet rijden. I can't drive at night. I can't drive at night. Ech iessen all Dag Uebst. I eat fruit every day. I eat fruit every day. Hou je snavel! Shut your beak! Keep your beak! Wo waren deine Eltern? Where were your parents? Where were your parents? Doe je iets speciaals? Are you doing anything special? Are you doing something special? Dit was nie baie goed nie. It wasn't very good. That was not very good. Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom at all gumming. Kokain ist eine Droge. Cocaine is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. Ik heff di söcht. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Tom werd in 2013 vrijgelaten. Tom was released in 2013. Tom was released in 2013. Kannst du kochen? Can you cook a meal? Can you cook? As 'n sieke duisend papierkraanvoëls vou, sal haar wens waar word. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a diseased thousand paper cranes fold, her wish shall be fulfilled. Wie lange war Tom dort? How long was Tom there? How long was Tom there? Moeder maakte ons middageten klaar. Mother prepared us lunch. Mother prepared our lunch. Ben je vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Ik deed de deuren open. I opened the doors. I opened the doors. Se is mit em in ’t Kino gahn. She went with him to the movies. She went to the cinema with him. We geloven in God. We believe in God. We believe in God. Hier sind 10,00 $. Here's $10.00. Here's $10.00. Er fährt nur bis zur Main Street, aber ab da kannst du mit der Einunddreißig fahren. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. He's just going to Main Street, but from there you can drive thirty-one. Ik lees graag Amerikaanse romans. I like reading American novels. I like to read American novels. Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushrooms. Tom en Maria zullen zichzelf pijn doen als ze niet wat voorzichtiger zijn. Tom and Mary are going to hurt themselves if they're not a little more careful. Tom and Maria will hurt themselves if they're not a little more careful. Het is woensdag. It is Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Dit boek is van mij. This book is mine. This book is mine. Ihr plötzlicher Sinneswandel hat mich völlig überrascht. I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind. Your sudden change of mind completely surprised me. Ik heb ontzettende hoofdpijn! I have a terrible headache. I have a great headache! Ich habe mich gefreut, ihn zu sehen. I was happy to see him. I was glad to see him. Poppeer warrt von Holt maakt. Paper is made from wood. Poppy is made by wood. Du hättest nicht so zeitig kommen brauchen. You did not need to come so early. You didn't need to come so early. Stimmt diese Antwort? Is that answer right? Is this answer correct? Sami bracht vele weken door in het gezelschap van moslims. Sami spent many weeks in the company of Muslims. Sami spent many weeks in the company of Muslims. Ich glaube nicht, dass du Tom irgendetwas erzählen musst. I don't think you need to tell Tom anything. I don't think you have to tell Tom anything. Gold glänzt, aber es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. Gold glitters, but not all that glitters, is gold. Gold shines, but it's not all gold that shines. Ik wist niet dat u hooikoorts had. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom must be over thirty right now. Es wird uns Schaden zufügen. It will do harm to us. It'll hurt us. Wat hett se mit all dat Geld maakt? What did she do with all the money? What did she do with all that money? Wat hebben jullie vandaag gedaan? What were you doing today? What have you done today? Mijn vriend wil in Azerbeidzjan wonen. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. Das is en Abscheilichkeet. This is an abomination. This is a deplorable thing. Het is bijna drie. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three. Ik ben blij dat alles voorbij is. I'm glad it's all over. I'm glad everything's over. „Und was ist in dem Gebäude auf der anderen Seite des Hofes?“ — „Im Erdgeschoss sind Ställe und darüber Heuböden.“ "And what's in the building on the other side of the yard?" "There are stables on the ground floor and haylofts above them." “And what is in the building on the other side of the courtyard?” — “On the ground floor are stables and hay soils.” Ik voel me alsof ik dertig jaar oud ben. I feel like I'm thirty years old. I feel like I'm thirty years old. Ihr Plan scheint besser als meiner zu sein. Her plan seems to be better than mine. Your plan seems to be better than mine. Sie wären gut beraten, ihm das im Voraus mitzuteilen. You would do well to tell it to him in advance. They'd be very advised to inform him in advance. Jij bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Hier is 'n brief for jou. There is a letter for you. Here's a letter for you. Hai lait zien potlood valen. He dropped his pencil. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Ich wollte angeben. I was trying to show off. I wanted to give up. Laat mi gahn! Let me go! Let me go! Ik ben trollen op Tatoeba zat. I’m tired of trolls on Tatoeba. I'm sick of trolls on Tatouba. Hij zond zijn bagage vooruit. He sent his luggage in advance. He sent his luggage ahead. גוט שבת. Good Shabbos. Good Saturday. Gaat u ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you going to introduce us? Jûns gean ik om tsien oere op bêd. In the evening, I go to bed at ten. I'm going to bed at ten o'clock. Dat argert mi. That makes me angry. That's what scares me. Begrijpt iedereen het? Does everybody understand? Does everyone understand? Du hast vergessen, Tom für das Geschenk zu danken. Stimmt's? You forgot to thank Tom for the present, didn't you? You forgot to thank Tom for the gift. We moeten hen vertrouwen. We have to trust them. We need to trust them. Cild sind þá blóstmas úrera lífa. Children are the flowers of our lives. Cild are þá blóstmas úrera lífa. Ič hæbbe dōhtor. I have a daughter. Ič hæbbe dōhtor. De herinneringen beginnen naar boven te komen. I am beginning to remember it. The memories start coming up. Jack vit altijd op anderen. Daarom mijdt iedereen hem. Jack always finds fault with others. That's why everybody avoids him. Jack's always on others, and that's why everyone's avoiding him. Kommt Dir mat? Are you coming along? Are you coming? Sie bekam das Ticket umsonst. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket for nothing. k Zonk. I sank. k Zonk. Ik ben bezig. I'm busy. I'm busy. Hy het die bal geskop. He kicked the ball. He kicked the ball. Mook to! Ik heff nich den ganzen Dag Tiet. Make it quick, will you? I haven't got all day. Look at it! I don't have all day time. Wer ist der Autor dieser Erzählung? Who's the author of this story? Who is the author of this narrative? Ik wit net wat it is. I don't know what that is. I don't know what it is. װאָס ער טוט, איז אומלעגאַל. What he is doing is illegal. that he does, is non-legal. Woneem is dien Fründ von af? Where is your friend from? Where is your friend from? Üm dree kann ik kamen. I can come at three. I can get around three. Sie hat das Bild, das an der Wand hängt, gemalt. She painted the picture which is on the wall. She painted the picture hanging on the wall. In der Kathedrale befinden sich viele wertvolle Kunstwerke. The cathedral contains many valuable works of art. There are many valuable works of art in the cathedral. Iedereen kan spelen. Everyone can play. Everyone can play. Tom gaf toe dat hij het gedaan heeft. Tom admitted that he did that. Tom admitted he did it. Das ist eine glücklich aussehende Familie. That's a happy-looking family. This is a happy looking family. Tom wurde gestern auf Bewährung freigelassen. Tom was paroled last month. Tom was released on trial yesterday. Ich habe es überhaupt nicht eilig. I'm not in any hurry. I'm not in a hurry at all. Tom ist der Größte. Tom is the greatest. Tom is the largest. Dit is een foto van het vliegveld. This is a picture of the airport. This is a picture of the airport. Ik mag em giern, aver he weet noch nich mol, dat dat mi gifft. I love him, but he doesn't even know I exist. I like to date, but he doesn't know yet that I exist. Tom will en Breef schrieven. Tom is going to write a letter. Tom wants to write a letter. Beinahe hätte ich einen Fehler gemacht. I nearly made a mistake. I almost made a mistake. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wo der Fehler ist. I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm not sure where the mistake is. Zieh dir die Schuhe aus! Take your shoes off. Take off the shoes! Ik praat nooit meer tijdens de les. I'll never talk during class again. I never talk again during class. Ek was jammer om van hom te hoor. I was sorry to hear about him. I was sorry to hear about him. Zij scheert het schaap. She is shearing the sheep. She shaves the sheep. Ik kom út Grinslân. I'm from Groningen. I came from Greenland. Mijn sweater is paars. My sweater is purple. My sweater's purple. Men mag die twee totaal verschillende instanties niet met elkaar verwarren: de „Europese Raad” bestaat uit de staats- en regeringshoofden van de Europese Unie. In de „Raad van Europa” zetelen 47 staten, waaronder Rusland en de Kaukasische republieken. There should be no confusion between these two completely different institutions: the "European Council" comprises the heads of state and government of the European Union. In the "Council of Europe" there are 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics. These two bodies must not be confused: the ‘European Council’ consists of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union. The ‘Council of Europe’ consists of 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics. Ich habe mit Tom zusammen zu Mittag gegessen. I ate lunch with Tom. I ate lunch with Tom. Ek het nie geweet jy kan so goed Frans praat nie. I didn't know that you could speak French so well. I didn't know you could speak French so well. װוּ ביסטו? Where are you? Where are you? We hopen dat je van de voorstelling zult genieten. We hope you will enjoy the show. We hope you will enjoy the performance. Dat sünd nich miene Slötels. These aren't my keys. These are not my keys. Der Arzt kämpft gegen die Krankheit. The doctor is fighting against the disease. The doctor is fighting the disease. Tom hett seggt, dat he mi Franzöösch bibringen wull. Tom said that he wanted to teach me French. Tom said he wanted to bring me French. Tom liest jeden Morgen die Zeitung. Tom reads the paper every morning. Tom reads the paper every morning. Ik vind Duits niet moeilijk. I do not think German is difficult. I don't think German is hard. Nehmt die Straße links. Take the road on the left. Take the road to the left. Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika? What do they speak in America? What language is spoken in America? Deze huismuis is grijs. This house mouse is grey. This house mouse is gray. Is kraanwater drinkbaar in Australië? Is tapwater drinkable in Australia? Is tap water drinkable in Australia? Ich glaube, dass er morgen kommt. I believe he is coming tomorrow. I think he's coming tomorrow. Tom hat sich den Kopf am Autodach gestoßen. Tom bumped his head on the ceiling of the car. Tom hit his head at the car roof. Ich hoffe, dass ich dich nicht störe. I hope I'm not interrupting you. I hope I don't bother you. Goedenacht! Goodnight! Good night! Geef me je geld, of anders sla ik je in elkaar. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money, or else I'll beat you up. Sami zijn vriendin is schattig. Sami's girlfriend is cute. Sami's girlfriend's cute. Solcherlei Dinge interessieren mich nicht mehr. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. I don't care about things like that anymore. Tom is een veroordeeld misdadiger. Tom is a convicted felon. Tom is a convicted criminal. Er versteht es, Leute zu verhören. He knows how to interrogate people. He understands to interrogate people. Deze feiten zijn zeker. These facts are certain. These facts are certain. Sie kann ihn nicht aufhalten. She cannot stop him. She can't stop him. Tom hatte einen Moscow Mule. Tom had a Moscow Mule. Tom had a Moscow mule. Tom sollte schon längst im Bette sein! It's well past Tom's bedtime. Tom should have been in bed for a long time! Durch die Installation zweier Vergaser frisierte der Rennwagenliebhaber seinen Motor ganz beträchtlich. By installing two carburetors that racing-car enthusiast souped up his motor considerably. As a result of the installation of two gassers, the race car driver freezes his engine quite considerably. Ik höör jüst dat ne’este Leed von Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I just heard the newest song by Björk. Entleere das Portemonnaie in diesen Beutel! Empty the purse into this bag. Unload the wallet into this bag! Hij aarzelde om deel te nemen aan de vergadering. He hesitated to take part in the reunion. He hesitated to participate in the meeting. Der Fahrer behielt eine hohe Geschwindigkeit bei. The driver maintained a high speed. The driver maintained a high speed. k Kais joe. I choose you. k Kais joe. Dieser Plan verdient es, ausprobiert zu werden. The plan is well worth trying. This plan deserves to be tried. Ich werde das vermissen. I'll miss that. I'm gonna miss that. Ik spreek heel goed Deens, Italiaans, Portugees. I speak Danish, Italian, Portuguese very well. I speak very well Danish, Italian, Portuguese. Was het slechts een droom? Was it just a dream? Was it just a dream? Wann kommt Tom? When is Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Der Saturn hat viele Monde. Saturn has a lot of moons. Saturn has many moons. Bitte mich bitte nicht noch mal darum. Please don't ask me to do this again. Please don't ask me about it again. Ek is nie so slim soos jy nie. I'm not as smart as you. I'm not as smart as you are. די אַלוועלט איז אַ מיסטעריע. The Universe is a mystery. The allele is a mystery. New York strotzt vor hoch aufragenden Gebäuden. New York bristles with towering buildings. New York is strangling against tall buildings. Tom kan nog niet autorijden. Tom isn't able to drive yet. Tom can't drive yet. מער פֿעלט מיר ניט. That's all I need. More completely, we don't. My seuns is soldate. My sons are soldiers. My sons are soldiers. Könnten Sie mir Bescheid sagen, wenn ich aussteigen soll? Would you please tell me when to get off? Can you tell me when to get out? Doe vloogst. You flew. Make a flight. Sy kry goeie punte in Engels. She gets good marks in English. She gets good grades in English. Du hast deine Ansichten, denke ich, klar gemacht. I think you've made your point. You made your views clear, I think. צי איז דאָס פֿראַנצײזיש? Is this French? Is this French? Je höher er gesellschaftlich aufstieg, umso bescheidener wurde er. The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became. The higher he rose socially, the lower he became. Tom heeft niet veel tijd. Tom doesn't have much time. Tom doesn't have much time. We willen alleen maar dat je blij bent. We just want you to be happy. We just want you to be happy. Dat is mien boksem. Those are my trousers. That's my boxem. Ich verstehe deine Frage nicht. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. We have an interesting book in German. We have an interesting book in German. Ik will en Inschenör wesen. I want to be an engineer. I want to be an innkeeper. Sie war vor ihrer Heirat eine Braun. She was a Brown before she got married. She was a brown before her marriage. Die Polizei fand Toms Leiche auf dem Küchenboden. The police found Tom's body on the kitchen floor. The police found Tom's body on the kitchen floor. Toms Eltern leben in einem alten Wohnwagen. Tom's parents live in an old trailer. Tom's parents live in an old trailer. We hebben haar! We have her! We got her! Se kann dat nich sülvs schreven hebben. She can't have written it herself. She may not have written it herself. Es ist nicht recht zu lügen. It's wrong to lie. It's not right to lie. Rotwein bitte. Red wine, please. Red wine, please. עטלעכע קינדער שװימען אינעם ים. Some children swim in the sea. Some children scheme in the sea. Ik kunn dat nich tügen, mi en Fohrrad to köpen. I could not afford to buy a bicycle. I couldn't move it to buy me a bicycle. Probeer zoveel als je kunt te onthouden. Try to memorize as much as you can. Try to remember as much as you can. Mary hat zu ihrem Geburtstag eine Menge Geschenke bekommen. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary got a lot of gifts for her birthday. Ich hon en geguckd. I looked at him. I hon en gucked. Ik heff mi slecht föhlt. I felt bad. I felt bad. Ik kan niet goed schilderen. I can't paint very well. I can't paint well. Tom hat mir gerade das Leben gerettet. Tom just saved my life. Tom just saved my life. Waarom ben je zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Ik had moeten weten dat er iets aan de hand was. I should have known something was up. I should have known there was something going on. Ik heb uw bescherming niet nodig. I don't need your protection. I don't need your protection. Ballen zijn rond. Balls are round. Balls are round. Tom wirkte optimistisch. Tom seemed to be optimistic. Tom was optimistic. Ik vind hem leuk. I like him. I like him. Ik kann di nich mehr vertellen. Ik heff al toveel seggt. I can tell you nothing more. I've already said too much. I can't tell you anymore. I've already said too much. Stil! Quiet! Shut up! Es ist sehr nett von Ihnen, mir den Weg zu zeigen. It is very kind of you to show me the way. It's very nice of you to show me the way. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't English. Tom's a great Englishman. Un worüm fraagst du? And why do you ask? And why are you asking? Ik hou van komkommers. I like cucumbers. I love cucumbers. Wanneer ben je in München? When are you in Munich? When are you in Munich? Geef mij dat maar. I'll take that. Give me that. Spanje wordt ''España'' genoemd in het Spaans. Spain is called "España" in Spanish. Spain is called 'España' in Spanish. Streng dich an, wie du willst, aber du kannst niemandem einen Glauben aufzwingen, geschweige denn dir selbst. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Strive as you please, but you can't force anyone to believe, let alone yourself. Ik gah na Arbeid. I go to work. I'm going to work. Ik heet Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. Ich bin froh, dass Sie da waren. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Mijn zus heeft twee keer per week pianoles. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister has piano lessons twice a week. Die meisten Amerikaner befürworteten die Entscheidung. Most Americans supported the decision. Most Americans advocated the decision. Wat is jullie thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Wat is het verschil tussen deze en die? What is the difference between this and that? What's the difference between these and those? Tom zei dat hij van pizza houdt. Tom said he likes pizza. Tom said he likes pizza. אויף וויפֿל איך ווייס‎, איז ער געווען אַ גוטער תּלמיד. As far as I know, he was a good student. On the last day I knew , he was a good student. Tom vraagt niet graag om hulp. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Wo sind Toms Schlüssel? Where are Tom's keys? Where's Tom's key? Wo hoog is disse Toorn? How high is that tower? How high is this tower? Wir wollen leben. We want to live. We want to live. De weg is lang. The road is long. The road is long. Tom keek in koelkaast. Tom looked in the refrigerator. Tom was looking at a fridge. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming. Ik heet Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Jij bent groter dan ik. You are taller than me. You're bigger than me. Achte mal darauf, wie der Spieler seine Ellbogen einsetzt. Notice how the player uses his elbows. Take care of how the player uses his elbow. Tom verhält sich merkwürdig. Tom is acting strange. Tom behaves strange. k Kin lopen. I can walk. k Kin walk. Heurst mie? Do you hear me? Heurst mie? Du bist dran mit singen. It's your turn to sing. You're about to sing. Lettst du mi dat ees noch wedder versöken? Will you let me try once more? Do you let me try that again? Ich habe zwei Autos. I own two cars. I have two cars. Tom hätte es ohne Maria nicht gekonnt. Tom couldn't have done it without Mary. Tom wouldn't have known without Mary. Hoe zeg je dat best in het Frans? What's the best way to say this in French? How do you say that in French? Wir haben eine ganze Menge Gemeinsamkeiten. We really have a lot in common. We have a lot of commons. Ik kom niet uit Europa. I'm not from Europe. I don't come from Europe. De Europese Unie heeft 23 officiële talen die in theorie gelijke rechten hebben, maar in de praktijk slechts 3 werktalen: Engels, Frans en Duits. The European Union has 23 official languages, theoretically with the same rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. The European Union has 23 official languages that have equal rights in theory, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. Ze hebben het hek groen geverfd. They painted the fence green. They painted the gate green. Setzts eich hi. Take your places. Sit down. Macht es dir etwas aus, wenn ich mein Hemd ausziehe? Do you mind if I take my shirt off? Do you mind if I pull out my shirt? Tom verdient niet veel. Tom doesn't make much money. Tom doesn't deserve much. Am 27. Januar 1945 wurde Auschwitz von der Roten Armee befreit. On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. On 27 January 1945 Auschwitz was freed from the Red Army. Zijn dokter raadde hem aan te stoppen met roken. His doctor advised him to quit smoking. His doctor advised him to stop smoking. Kun jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Heeft u die fles? Do you have that bottle? Do you have that bottle? Maria is een goudzoeker. Mary is a gold digger. Maria's a gold seeker. Denk je dat het morgen mooi weer wordt? Do you think tomorrow will be a nice day? Do you think it's gonna be nice tomorrow? Die Regierung hat Maßnahmen zur Förderung der heimischen Industrie eingeleitet. The government has taken measures to promote domestic industry. The government has launched measures to promote domestic industry. Wo ist der Bahnhof? Where is the railroad station? Where's the station? Tom is geen leugenaar. Tom isn't a liar. Tom's not a liar. ’Keen kummt mit mi? Who's going with me? ‘No one comes with me? Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich mich Ihnen anschließe? Do you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you? Mi nidim halivim bilong yu. I need your help. I need your hive. Chönd Si mir hälfä? Can you help me? Can you help me? Tom spricht sehr laut. Tom talks very loud. Tom speaks very loudly. t Paarzekboomke komt oet Duutsland. Little Peach Tree is from Germany. t Paarzekboomke comes oat Duutsland. Es war wirklich ganz reizend. It was really sweet. It was really exciting. Das ist ein alter Apparat. This is an old device. This is an old device. Tom was niet thuis voor middernacht. Tom didn't get home till midnight. Tom wasn't home before midnight. We moeten opschieten als we op tijd bij het station willen aankomen. We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. We have to hurry if we want to arrive in time at the station. Das findet meine Zustimmung. This has my approval. That's my consent. Zaterdag is zijn vrije dag. Saturday is his day off. Saturday's his day off. Kunnen jullie schaatsen? Can you skate? Can you shoot? Jeder Dummkopf, der mit einem „Fröhliche Weihnachten!“ auf den Lippen herumzieht, sollte mit seinem eigenen Pudding gekocht und mit einem Stechpalmenpflock durchs Herz begraben werden! Every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas,' on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. Every stupid head that moves around with a “frozen Christmas!” on the lips should be cooked with its own pudding and buried with a puddle pad through the heart! Ik ben allergisch voor stof. I'm allergic to dust. I'm allergic to dust. Verkoopt u wijn? Do you sell wine? Are you selling wine? Er is te veel knoflook. There's too much garlic. There's too much garlic. Ek is om verlief te val op jou. I'm falling in love with you. I am to fall in love with you. De Lüüd hebbt in Dörper wahnt. People used to live in villages. People woke up in villages. Ze wist dat John van haar hield. She knew that John loved her. She knew John loved her. Ons weet dat sy in Kanada gebore is. We know that she was born in Canada. We know that she was born in Canada. Ik heb een woordenboek. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. För mi is dat keen Probleem. For me, this is not a problem. For me, this is not a problem. Er is iets mis met de remmen. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Ik ben allergisch voor schaaldieren. I'm allergic to shellfish. I'm allergic to crustaceans. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז איר לעבט? How many people know that you're alive? How many people do you know, that you live? Tom is n blikjewaarper. Tom is a vlogger. Tom is a lightning-warper. Tom mag Schach. Tom likes chess. Tom likes chess. Ek sal dit sommer vir die pret doen. I'll do it just for the fun of it. I'll do it for fun. Sie ist vom Weg abgekommen. She lost her way. She got off the road. Haijo holt van kadoaverstoaven. Haijo loves frikandels. Haijo gets from kadoavestoven. Ze vond een zakdoek. She found a handkerchief. She found a handkerchief. Ich komme nach Hause. I'm coming home. I'm coming home. Vader stichtte zijn onderneming 40 jaar geleden. Father established his business 40 years ago. Father founded his company 40 years ago. k Hol van Tom. I love Tom. k Hol from Tom. Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste. Discretion is the better part of valor. The mother of the porcelain lankiste is careful. Wann kommt Tom vorbei? When is Tom going to come over? When's Tom coming by? Ich möchte mich nochmals bei Ihnen bedanken. I want to thank you again. I would like to thank you again. Nogmaals bedankt. Thanks again. Thank you again. Tom a 30. Tom is 30 years old. Tom and 30. Wat doen ons omternt hulle? What do we do about them? What are they doing? Lerne ein paar Sätze, die dir in bestimmten Situationen weiterhelfen, auswendig. Learn a few sentences, which help you in certain situations, by heart. Learn a few sentences that help you in certain situations. He hett mi sien neet Auto wiest. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. Muss ich auch die Vorwahl wählen? Do I have to dial the area code, too? Do I have to choose the preferred one? Ik moet toegeven dat ik geïnteresseerd ben. I have to admit I'm interested. I have to admit I'm interested. Ich habe die Geduld mit ihm verloren. I lost patience with him. I lost patience with him. Warum ist Maria Ihnen böse? Why is Mary mad at you? Why is Mary evil to you? Es sind ein paar Eier in der Schachtel. There are some eggs in the box. There's a couple of eggs in the box. Jij bent mijn enige hoop. You are my only hope. You're my only hope. Ich werde Sie morgen früh anrufen. I will call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Tom hat angefangen zu singen. Tom started singing. Tom started singing. Ich kann nicht weiterkämpfen. I can't fight any longer. I can't go on fighting. Je moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. Se wulf æt þone cyning The wolf ate the king. They will type Was man bewältigen kann, das weiß man erst, wenn man es wagt. You never know what you can accomplish until you try. What you can cope with, you only know when you dare. Slaap je niet goed 's nachts? Don't you sleep well at night? You don't sleep well at night? Ik heff Tom anropen. I called Tom. I called Tom. Ich bestelle Pizza. I order pizza. I order pizza. De kamer is nogal klein. The room is rather small. The room is very small. Vergelijk uw vertaling met de zijne. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation with his. Gestern habe ich eine tolle Geschichte gehört. I heard an awesome story yesterday. I heard a great story yesterday. Ellen war vom Schock ganz bleich. Ellen was white with shock. Ellen was very pale from the shock. Ik heb gewoon opgegeven. I just gave up. I just gave up. „Wo ist dein Cousin?“ – „Der ist gerade gegangen.“ "Where's your cousin?" "He just left." "Where's your cousin?" "He's just gone." Thou art a knave. You're a boy. Thou art a knave. Is dit warm daarso? Is it hot over there? Is that hot? Leider habe ich schon etwas anderes vor. I'm sorry, but I already have other plans. I'm sorry, I've got something else going on. Ich habe verdammt nochmal keine Ahnung, wie ich diesen Satz übersetzen soll. Übersetzt ihn selbst und kümmert euch um euren eigenen Scheiß! I fucking don't know how to translate this sentence, translate it yourself, everybody deal with their own shit. I fucking don't know how to translate this sentence again. Translate it yourself and take care of your own shit! Wees niet zo naïef. Stop being so naive. Don't be so naive. Waarom ben je gekomen? Why did you come? Why did you come? Se will mit em utgahn. She wants to go out with him. She wants to go out with him. Je moeder is erg mooi! Your mother is very beautiful! Your mother is very beautiful! Er hat nicht das Geld für ein neues Auto. He can't afford a new car. He doesn't have the money for a new car. Liefde doet pijn. Love hurts. Love hurts. Praten jullie tegen jullie hond? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Ik heb de deur laten repareren. I had the door repaired. I let the door be repaired. Wat maakte haar zo kwaad? What made her so angry? What made her so angry? Ek is al gewoond daaraan teen nou. I'm used to it by now. I've been used to it now. De lucht zal blauw zijn. The sky will be blue. The sky will be blue. Heb je een tweelingbroer? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? Zij hebben twee casette-spelers. They have two cassette decks. They have two tape players. Hast du zufälligerweise irgendwelche Fotos von Tom? Do you happen to have any photographs of Tom? Do you happen to have any photos of Tom? Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Es hat viel geschneit. It snowed a lot. It snowed a lot. Ich habe angeboten, ihr bei den Hausaufgaben zu helfen. I offered to help her with her homework. I offered to help her with the homework. Sy steek iets vir my weg. She's hiding something from me. She hides something from me. Die Suchmaschine "Yandex" unterstützt nun auch Tatarisch. “Yandex” search engine started supporting Tatar language too. The search engine "Yandex" now also supports Tatarisch. Föhrst du mit ’n Bus na Tokyo? Will you go to Tokyo by bus? Do you take a bus to Tokyo? Tom sagte, ihr könntet vielleicht helfen. Tom said you might be able to help. Tom said you might be able to help. Het spijt me, maar Tom heeft gelijk. Sorry, but Tom's right. I'm sorry, but Tom's right. Se catt is dēad. The tom is dead. They cat is dēad. Meine Schwester sah es mit eigenen Augen. My sister saw it with her own eyes. My sister saw it with her own eyes. k Was nait bunzelachteg. I wasn't nervous. k What a bunny night. Heeft hij u aangeraakt? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? Du kannst meinen Schreibtisch benutzen, wenn du willst. You can use my desk if you want. You can use my desk if you want. Vörherseggen is de Kunst to vertellen, wat passeren schall, un denn verkloren, worüm ’t nich passeert is. Forecasting is the way of saying what will happen and then explaining why it didn't. Predictors are to tell art what should happen, and then explain why ‘t didn't happen. De Mann itt Brood. The man is eating bread. The Man eats Bread. Niamh nervt es, wenn man ihren Namen falsch schreibt. Niamh gets annoyed when people misspell her name. Niamh is nervous about misspelling their name. Ich möchte das in eine kleinere Größe umtauschen. I want to exchange this for a smaller size. I would like to change this to a smaller size. Wenneer goan joe noar Uropa? When are you going to Europe? If you go joe noar uropa? Hai leerde. He learned. Hai learned. Tom schreef daarover in zijn dagboek. Tom wrote about that in his journal. Tom wrote about this in his diary. Ich werde nicht vergessen, was ihr getan habt. I won't forget what you did. I won't forget what you did. Mir hunn e grousse Gaart. We have a big yard. We have a great garden. k Kin springen. I can jump. k Kin jumps. Mijn favoriete kleur is oranje. My favorite color is orange. My favorite color is orange. Het bierglas is bijna nog groter dan jij. The beer glass is almost bigger than you are. The beer glass is almost even bigger than you. Er hät es Velo. He has a bicycle. He hates it Velo. Wie lange brauchen wir? How much time do we need? How long do we need? Der Wievielte ist heute? What's the date today? How much is today? We keken naar de hemel maar konden geen sterren zien. We looked at the sky, but couldn't see any stars. We looked at the sky, but we couldn't see stars. Doe hest sikkom geliek. You're almost right. Make sure you equalize. Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! Even more beautiful now! Vom Himmel aus sah der Fluss wie eine riesige Schlange aus. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake. From heaven, the river looked like a huge snake. Vier gezinnen kwamen om in de brand. Four families were killed in the fire. Four families died in the fire. Nebenan probt ein Streichquartett. A string quartet is rehearsing in the next room. Next door, try a string quartet. Heeft Tom geleden? Did Tom suffer? Tom? Dank u wel dat u mij wilde ontmoeten. Thanks for meeting me. Thank you for wanting to meet me. Hij eet een tomaat. He's eating a tomato. He eats a tomato. Ik wil een tovenaar zijn. I want to be a magician. I want to be a magician. Het is eindelijk voorbij. It's finally over. It's over at last. Ik ben voortdurend aan het studeren. I'm constantly studying. I'm constantly studying. Es isch fürchterlich chalt hüt. It's awfully cold today. I'm afraid it's cool. Tom bezorgt pizza's. Tom delivers pizzas. Tom gets pizzas. Sami heeft een enorme kameel. Sami has a huge camel. Sami has a huge camel. Tom braucht dich. Tom needs you. Tom needs you. Ik heb geen moedertaal. I do not have a mother tongue. I don't have a mother tongue. Ik versta deze opgave echt niet. I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand this task. Tom lächelte nur selten. Tom seldom smiled. Tom rarely smiled. Ik heff güstern en rood Auto köfft. Yesterday, I bought a red car. I bought a red car yesterday. Als hij groot is, wil Tom graag dokter worden. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. If he's big, Tom likes to be a doctor. Se hett mi angluupt. She gave me the fish eye. She smiled at me. Deze hond sprong. This dog jumped. This dog jumped. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht verheiratet seien. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary told John that they were not married. Tom bekam drei Geburtstagsgeschenke. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Tom got three birthday presents. Eet my. Eat me! Eat me. Das ist in Ordnung. This is fine. That's fine. װײַן איז געמאַכט פֿון װײַנטרױבן. Wine is made from grapes. Mo_ve is enabled by either side. Dit potlood is wit. This pencil is white. This pencil is white. He leevt buten de Stad. He lives outside the city. He lives outside the city. Trinken Sie etwas. Have a drink. Drink something. Leef in het moment, leef in de eeuwigheid! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Live at the moment, live in eternity! Hoe bent u hier terechtgekomen? How did you happen to end up here? How did you get here? Ek sal saam met jou kom. I will join you. I'll come with you. Gebb Tom en Abrass. Hug Tom. Give Tom an abrass. Tom dreumt. Tom is dreaming. Tom dreams. t Is ien keuken. It is in the kitchen. Is one kitchen. Da sucht Sie jemand. There is someone looking for you. There's someone you're looking for. Tom spält ok goot Schach. Tom is also good at chess. Tom also plays good chess. Er hat alles verloren, was er besaß. He lost everything he owned. He lost everything he owned. Hoe dikwijls gaat u uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often are you going to eat? Slichtpuut! Idiot! Light-put! Hilfst du mir denn? Will you help me then? Will you help me? Ich habe noch viel zu tun. I've still got a lot of work to do. I still have a lot to do. Wie is er gekomen? Who has come? Who came? Diese Bücher gehören meiner Schwester. Those are my sister's books. These books belong to my sister. Du darfst das gern tun, wenn du möchtest. You may do that if you'd like to. You can do that if you want. Ich werde schauen, dass so etwas nicht wieder vorkommt. I will see that such a thing does not come to pass again. I'll see that such a thing doesn't happen again. Ik bün mit mien Moder na Disneyland wesen. I went to Disneyland with my mother. I am with my mother to Disneyland. Ik was blij met haar onverwacht bezoek. I was happy for her unexpected visit. I was happy with her unexpected visit. De Morales sünd in de Stuuv. The Morales are in the living room. The morals are in the stub. Wanneer is de volgende bus naar Park Street? When is the next bus to Park Street? When's the next bus to Park Street? Tom deed zijn labjas uit en hing het over de stoel. Tom took off his lab coat and hung it over the chair. Tom took off his labjas and hung it over the chair. Ik heb deze boeken nog niet allemaal gelezen. I haven't yet read all of these books. I haven't read these books all yet. He hett en witte Katt. He has a white cat. He has a white cat. Het is zichtbaar met het blote oog. It is visible to the naked eye. It's visible with the naked eye. Sie sah ihn das Fenster aufbrechen. She saw him break the window. She saw him break the window. Ik haat dat! I hate that! I hate that! Si kacht. She's cooking. She cooks. Das lässt sich nicht leugnen. That cannot be denied. It can't be denied. Die Frage ist, wer entscheidet, was getan werden muss. The question is who decides what needs to be done. The question is, who decides what needs to be done? Wir spielen oft Schach. We often play chess. We often play chess. "Kan je me een plezier doen?" "Dat hangt ervan af." "Can you do me a favor?" "It depends." "Can you do me a favor?" "It depends." Ich wüsste nicht, was ich von euch wollen sollte. I can't think of anything I'd want from you. I don't know what to want from you. קאַנאַדע איז ניט קיין גן־עדן. Canada's no paradise. Cadade is not a gegen-eden. Rustig aan. Take it easy. Take it easy. Over het algemeen weet men maar weinig over niet-lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen van de tweede orde. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations. In general, there is little knowledge of non-linear differential comparisons of the second order. Ik hoor zelden van hem. I seldom hear from him. I rarely hear from him. Uit welk station vertrekt de trein? From which station does the train leave? What station does the train leave? Wir säen. We're planting seeds. We sow. Het kan moeilijk zijn om een appartement te vinden. Finding an apartment can be difficult. It can be difficult to find an apartment. Einfach sind die Freuden des gemeinen Volks. Little thing please little minds. The joys of the common people are simple. Rasierst du dich jede halbe Stunde? Do you shave every thirty minutes? Do you shave every half hour? Het huis is wit. The house is white. The house is white. Tom legde de map op de tafel. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the folder on the table. Männer wurden von ihr angezogen wie die Motten vom Licht. Men were attracted to her like moths to a flame. Men were dressed by her like the moths of light. Bukarest ist die Hauptstadt von Rumänien. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Tom fing an, Hunger zu verspüren. Tom was beginning to feel hungry. Tom began to feel hungry. Schwätzt dir Lëtzebuergesch? Do you speak Luxembourgish? Do you know burgers? Tom drink meer as enigiemand wat ek ken. Tom drinks more than anyone else I know. Tom drinks more than anyone I know. De Kamer weer warm. The room was warm. The room was warm again. Tom machte einen deprimierten Eindruck. Tom looked like he was depressed. Tom made a depressed impression. Dat is waarom ik hier ben. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. Tom zegt dat hij van plan is om in Australië te blijven. Tom says he plans on staying in Australia. Tom says he intends to stay in Australia. Er stellte der Dame, die neben ihm stand, einige Fragen. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. Er benimmt sich manchmal seltsam. His behavior is sometimes strange. He sometimes behaves strangely. Ik will nix mehr von dien Gejabbel hören. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining. I don't want to hear anything more about that Gejabbel. Ik was te laat op de vergadering met als gevolg dat ik het belangrijkste deel gemist heb. I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part. I was late for the meeting because I missed the most important part. Sag mir, was du darüber weißt! Tell me what you know about this. Tell me what you know about it! מיר לעבן נאך. We're still alive. we're alive now. Toms Töchter sind alle drei hübsch. All of three of Tom's daughters are beautiful. Tom's daughters are all three pretty. Sie sah sehr jung aus. She looked very young. She looked very young. Zover ik weet heeft ze niets te maken met dat schandaal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. As far as I know, they have nothing to do with that scandal. Tom lyk baie verlig. Tom looks very relieved. Tom seems very relieved. Ik wist dat je Australië leuk zou vinden. I knew that you'd like Australia. I knew you'd like Australia. זי ווילט איינער. She wants one. She wanted one. Du darfst gerne nein sagen. Feel free to say no. You're welcome to say no. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. Sami kon met het verlies van zijn vrouw en kinderen leven. Sami was OK with losing his wife and children. Sami was able to live with the loss of his wife and children. Die Unterweisungen meines Lehrers bringen die Sache immer auf den Punkt. My teacher's instructions are always to the point. The teachings of my teachers always bring the matter to the point. Bitte leih mir das Video, wenn du es angesehen hast. Please lend me the video when you have seen it. Please give me the video if you've seen it. Het is misleidend. It's misleading. It's misleading. Kiek! Look! Look! דו ביסט אַ טײַערער. You're a dear. You are a foreigner. Ples bilong yu we? Where are you from? Where did you live? Ik heb geen flauw benul. I have no clue. I don't know what to do. איך האָב אַ שטאַרקן קאָפּװײטיק. I have a bad headache. I have a strong head record. Kan ik u met iets helpen? Can I help you with something? Can I help you with something? Tom heeft het echt vermoord. Tom really killed it. Tom really killed it. Wat deedst du an mien Steed? If you were in my place, what would you do? What did you do in my place? Nun bin ich gleicher Meinung. Now I feel the same. Now I feel the same way. Waar gaan we nu heen? Naar het theater of de bioscoop? Where are we going now? To the theatre or the cinema? Where are we going now? Ich hätte gerne gewusst, ob Tom denn singen wollte? I wondered whether or not Tom wanted to sing. I'd like to know if Tom wanted to sing? He spoort, dat he op de Universität gahn kann. He's saving up to go to university. He traces that he can go to university. Tom het sy regter flikkerlig aangesit. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom flickered his right. Weet jy enige iets van ons? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Het water hier is levensgevaarlijk. The water is extremely dangerous around here. The water here is life-threatening. Ik zie vuurwerk. I see fireworks. I see fireworks. Red' nicht um den heißen Brei herum; sag mir, wer schuld ist. Don't beat around the bush; tell me who is to blame. Don't talk about the hot breeze; tell me who's to blame. Tom is een pianist. Tom is a pianist. Tom's a pianist. Taiken n leutje cirkel. Draw a small circle. Taiken n leutje circle. Sommige mensen zijn zo naïef als kinderen. Some men are as naïve as infants. Some people are as naive as children. Israel is man en lütt Land. Israel is a very small country. Israel is but a small country. Ze hebben met elkaar van plaats gewisseld. They switched places with each other. They've changed place with each other. Robert is Brasilianer. Sien Vader weer Kanadier. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert is Brazilian. His father was Canadian. Herrlich! Wonderful! Wonderful! Ich benütze einen neuen Rechner. I'm using a new computer. I'm using a new computer. Maria hoestte. Mary coughed. Maria coughed. Wat ben je aan het wassen? What are you washing? What are you washing? k Kin runnen. I can run. k can run. Welke auto bevalt u het meest? What car do you like more? Which car do you like the most? Laat genezing van de zieke de opperste wet zijn! The patient's interests must always come first! Let healing of the sick be the supreme law! Bedankt voor uw geduld. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your patience. Tom kauft fast nie Schokoladeriegel. Tom almost never buys chocolate bars. Tom almost never buys chocolate bar. Tom ist geschieden. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. קיינער האָט נישט געגלייבט אַז אַזאַ זאַך קען פּאַסירן. No one believed such a thing could happen. Kidneys have not believed that such thing may happen. Kom, Emilia! Je vader wacht op jou. Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Your father is waiting for you. Sie brauchen diese Frage nicht zu beantworten. You don't need to answer that question. You do not need to answer this question. Morgenochtend om negen uur heeft u een gastroscopie, eet of drink daarom alstublieft niets meer vanaf negen uur vanavond. You're having a gastroscopy at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so please don't have any solid food or liquids from nine o'clock tonight. Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock you have a gastroscopy, eat or drink therefore no more from nine o'clock tonight. Ze haatte hem. She hated him. She hated him. Eichhörnchen fressen gerne Nüsse. Squirrels like to eat nuts. The squirrel likes to eat nuts. Zou je me kunnen helpen? Could you help? Could you help me? Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Tom het vir homself nog 'n glas wyn van die bottel geskink. Tom poured himself another glass of wine from the bottle. Tom gave himself another glass of wine from the bottle. Dieses Auto fährt mit Gas. This car runs on natural gas. This car's driving with gas. Was kostet ein Kilo Ananas? How much does a kilogram of pineapples cost? What does a kilo of pineapple cost? Welke planeet staat het dichtst bij de zon? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is closest to the sun? Tom omhelsde Maria. Tom hugged Mary. Tom embraced Maria. לאז עס אין מיין הענט. Leave the matter to me. Leave it in my hands. Kin k doar lopen? Can I walk there? Can k just walk? Tom sieht schläfrig aus. Tom looks sleepy. Tom looks sleepy. Ek is nie seker of ek dit wil sien nie. I'm not sure I want to see this. I’m not sure I want to see it. Genau davor hatte Tom Angst. That's exactly what Tom was afraid of. Right before that, Tom was scared. Deze bomen zijn door hen geplant. These trees were planted by them. These trees were planted by them. Alles wat ons, ons kan indink is werklik, maar wat rerig werklik is, is die werklike vraag. Everything we can imagine is real, but what is really real is the real question. Everything we can imagine is real, but what is real is the real question. Tom wollte nur lustig sein. Tom was just trying to be funny. Tom just wanted to be funny. Ik ben niet kieskeurig. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. Hest du en Fraag? Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Sie möchten, dass du ihnen hilfst. They are looking to you for help. They want you to help them. Das betrifft dich. This concerns you. That's up to you. Ze is werkelijk een heks! She is a true witch! She's really a witch! Waar zijn jouw spullen? Where are your things? Where are your stuff? Bitte schwätz langsamer. Speak more slowly, please. Please speak slower. Verschweigen Sie uns etwas? Is there something you're not telling us? Do you have anything to do with us? Wie denken jullie dat de gouden medaille zal winnen? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Einmal sagte Mahatma Gandhi zu mir: "Leben Sie, als müssten Sie morgen sterben. Lernen Sie, als würden sie ewig leben." Mahatma Gandhi once told me: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Once Mahatma Gandhi said to me, "Life as if you had to die tomorrow. Learn how to live forever." Laat ons nu weggaan vooraleer iemand van gedacht verandert. Let's leave now before anyone changes their mind. Let's leave now before someone changes his mind. Zij is acht. She's eight years old. She's eight. Ik ben blij dat jullie nog hier zijn. I'm glad you guys are still here. I'm glad you're still here. Hy vooroordeel jazz He has a prejudice against jazz. He's prejudice jazz. Mag hier gerookt worden? Is smoking allowed here? Can you smoke here? Wij gebruiken woorden om te communiceren. We use words to communicate. We use words to communicate. Sie ist das Jüngste meiner drei Kinder. She is the youngest of my three children. She's the youngest of my three children. Hij is hier gekomen om mij te helpen. He came here to help me. He came here to help me. Hast du irgendeine Ahnung, wo Tom hingegangen ist? Do you have any idea where Tom went? Do you have any idea where Tom went? Weet een, wo Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Goemoarn allegear. Good morning, everybody. Goemourn all. Hierdie potlood is wit. This pencil is white. This pencil is white. Unser Großvater hat fünf Sprachen gelernt, als er Kind war. Our grandfather learned five languages ​​as a child. Our grandfather learned five languages when he was a child. Skateboard niet hier. Don't skateboard here. Do not skateboard here. Se is bang vör Katten. She is afraid of cats. She is afraid of cats. Het is goedkoper deze per dozijn te bestellen. It's cheaper if you order these by the dozen. It is cheaper to order this per dozen. Ze gaat een beetje melk drinken. She's going to drink some milk. She's going to drink a little milk. Doesjanbe is de hoofdstad van Tadzjikistan. Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. Doeshanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. Es ist schwer für mich, die Frage zu beantworten. It is difficult for me to answer the question. It's hard for me to answer the question. Ik denk, dorvon bün ik. I think, therefore I am. I think that's what I'm talking about. Ein Kamel ist, sozusagen, ein Wüstenschiff. A camel is, so to speak, a ship on the desert. A camel is, so to speak, a desert ship. Kan je skaten? Can you skate? Can you skate? Tom denkt dat Maria naar Australië is gegaan. Tom thinks that Mary went to Australia. Tom thinks Maria went to Australia. Maria is de smuckste Deern in ehr Klass. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Maria is the most beautiful girl in her class. Tom zou dat nooit zo gedaan hebben. Tom would never have done that that way. Tom would never have done that. Tom fühlte sich besser. Tom felt better. Tom felt better. Niemand weet hoe Tom eruit ziet. No one knows what Tom looks like. No one knows what Tom looks like. Iss keine Süßigkeiten zwischen den Mahlzeiten. Don't eat sweets between meal times. Don't eat sweets between meals. ער רעדט ווי אַ חכם. He speaks wisely. He speaks as a shoal. Hij verliet de Mexicaanse hoofdstad om terug te keren naar Texas. He left the Mexican capital to return to Texas. He left the Mexican capital to return to Texas. Sie konnte ihr Lachen nicht zurückhalten. She couldn't hold back her laughter. She couldn't hold back her laughter. אַ גוטע נאַכט! Good night! A good night! Ich habe das für dich getan. I did this for you. I did that for you. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Are you free on Tuesday? Do you have Tuesday time? Haar teen bloedt. Her toe bleeds. She's bleeding. Ik heff jüst Sushi eten un Beer drunken. I just ate sushi and drank beer. I just ate sushi and drank beer. Sein Großvater ist für sein Alter noch sehr rüstig. His grandfather is still very healthy for his age. His grandfather is still very well equipped for his age. Tom bemerkte, dass Maria Johannes ansah. Tom noticed that Mary was looking at John. Tom noticed that Mary saw John. Waarom heb je bloemen gekocht? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Hat Tom angerufen? Did Tom call? Tom called? Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that's right. I think it's true. Wat is Tom daar aan het doen? What's Tom doing over there? What's Tom doing there? אַ גוטע נאַכט. Good night. A good night. Wie hebben t! We have it! Who got t! Kann ein zwei Jahre alter Junge so schnell rennen? Can a two-year-old boy run that fast? Can a two-year-old boy run so fast? Iedereen heeft hulp nodig. Everybody needs help. Everyone needs help. Irgendwo hier habe ich meinen Schlüssel verloren. I lost my key around here. I lost my key somewhere here. Dit alles is vast maar een misverstand. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. All of this must be a misunderstanding. Miho ist Pianistin. Miho is a pianist. Miho is a pianist. Es freut mich, dass ich dir letzte Woche helfen konnte. I'm glad I was able to help you last week. I'm glad I could help you last week. De meeste mensen houden van pizza. Most people like pizza. Most people love pizza. Einmal ein Lehrer, immer ein Lehrer. Once a teacher, always a teacher. Once a teacher, always a teacher. As ek 'n vöel was, sou ek na jou toe kon gevlieg het. If I were a bird, I would have been able to fly to you. If I were a foal, I could have flew to you. Wullt du gahn? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Sami werd rood. Sami turned red. Sami got red. Tom trug Maria den Koffer aufs Zimmer. Tom carried Mary's suitcase to her room. Tom carried Maria the suitcase to the room. De plicht roept me. Duty calls. The duty calls me. ייִדיש איז ייִדיש, ווײַל העברעאיש איז געווען וויכטיק צו זײַנע אָריגינעלע רעדערס. Yiddish is Yiddish because Hebrew was important to its original speakers. Yiddish is Yiddish, when Hebrew was important to its original readers. Ich weiß, dass Sie es waren. I know it was you. I know it was you. Wi hebbt jem gahn sehn. We saw them leave. We have seen them go. Kunt ge het voorwerp beschrijven? Can you describe the object? Can you describe the object? Was t dien faveriet? Was it your favorite? Was t your favorite? De Wehdaag weer nich uttohollen. The pain was unbearable. The woes were not to cease. Wir kämpfen gegen einen Feind, den wir nicht kennen. We are fighting an enemy we don't know. We're fighting an enemy we don't know. Er zijn heel wat boeken over het onderwerp. There are books and books on the subject. There are a lot of books on the subject. Er sagt, er kenne dich. He says that he knows you. He says he knows you. Damit verdienen Tom und Maria sich ihren Lebensunterhalt. This is what Tom and Mary do for a living. This makes Tom and Maria earn their living. Ik kan je niet dwingen om te getuigen. I can't force you to testify. I can't force you to testify. Het is niet gezond om zoveel water te drinken als jij doet. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. Das ist kein Blut, sondern Tomatensauce. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood, it's tomato sauce. Se kunn em nich övertügen, en Reed to hollen. She couldn't convince him to give a speech. She could not convince him to hold a reed. Tom war absolut von sich selbst überzeugt. Tom was absolutely sure of himself. Tom was absolutely convinced of himself. So reich er auch ist, er ist nicht glücklich. Rich as he is, he is not happy. As rich as he is, he's not happy. Zou iemand mij alsjeblieft kunnen helpen om dit te vertalen? Could someone please help me translate this? Could anyone please help me translate this? Lebst du in der Großstadt? Do you live in the big city? Are you living in the big city? Traditionele Japanse snoepjes gaan echt goed samen met Japanse thee. Traditional Japanese sweets really do go well with Japanese tea. Traditional Japanese sweets go really well with Japanese tea. In den meisten Fällen wird Modernisierung mit Verwestlichung gleichgesetzt. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases modernisation is equated with Westernization. איך גײ הײַנט אין שפּיטאָל. I'll go to the hospital today. I don't know. I'm in hospital. Die tyd sal leer. Time will tell. Time will tell. Het is gevaarlijk. It's dangerous! It's dangerous. Tom kan spreken. Tom can talk. Tom can speak. Eerst Gott, dann Esse. First God, then food. First God, then Essence. Dit was 'n vogtige, grou somer dag aan die einde van Junie. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a humid, rough summer day at the end of June. Tom steckte ein paar Blumen in die Vase. Tom put some flowers in the vase. Tom put some flowers in the vase. Maria hat ihren Regenschirm verloren. Marie has lost her umbrella. Maria lost her umbrella. Sie wurde schwanger. She became pregnant. She got pregnant. Geiht dor ans noch een hen? Is anyone else going? Is there another one going there? Und Ine? What about you? And Ine? Hie wollt ëmmer an L.A. goen. He always wanted to go to L.A. He always wanted to go to L.A. Þú bist eall tó mé. You are everything to me. Theú is all to mé. Die meisten Ausländer werden den Gebrauch der deutschen Modalpartikeln nie völlig beherrschen. Most foreigners will never fully master the use of German modal particles. Most foreigners will never completely control the use of German modal particles. Ze is net twaalf jaar oud geworden. She has just turned twelve. She's just 12 years old. העברעאיש און פֿיניקיש זענען כּנענישע סעמיטישע שרפּאַכן. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. Hebrew and Finnish are ordinary semitics. Ich werde das Mädchen einstellen, weil sie Französisch kann. I will employ the girl, because she can speak French. I'm gonna set the girl up because she can be French. Was macht deine ältere Schwester gerade? What's your older sister doing now? What's your older sister doing right now? Hij is lid van de golfclub. He's a member of the golf club. He's a member of the golf club. Dit is Tom, mien kollegoa. This is Tom, my colleague. This is Tom, my colleague. Er zijn veel grijstinten. There are many shades of gray. There's a lot of greys. Hij heeft alles gezien. He saw everything. He's seen everything. Layla liet Salima zien hoe ze haar islamitische hoofddoek moest dragen. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Muslim headscarf. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Islamic head towel. Tom hat sich zu einem Französischkurs angemeldet. Tom signed up for a French class. Tom signed up for a French course. Mijn vader houdt elke dag een dagboek bij. My dad keeps a journal every day. My father keeps a diary every day. Ich kann mir meine Haare nicht färben. Meine Mutter würde mich umbringen! I cannot dye my hair. My mother would kill me! I can't color my hair, my mother would kill me! Glaubst du an Wunder? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? Ik mis jullie allemaal. I miss you all. I miss you all. Hoscht du en Maschien? Do you have a car? Do you have a machine? In meinem Leben ist viel Mist passiert. A lot of shit has happened in my life. A lot of shit happened in my life. Tom interessiert sich sehr dafür, Französisch zu lernen. Tom is very interested in learning French. Tom is very interested in learning French. Tom ist nicht gierig. Tom isn't greedy. Tom's not greedy. Waar zijn je broers? Where are your brothers? Where are your brothers? k Bin nou n moeke. I'm a mom now. k I'm now tired. Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is much shorter than Mary. Tom is much smaller than Ria. Zes keer drie is achttien. Six times three is eighteen. Six times three is eighteen. Gude. Hello! Gode. De oude man noemde de houten pop Pinokkio. The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio. The old man called the wooden doll Pinokkio. Zai sloapen. They sleep. Zai sleep. Die Männer da sprechen Französisch. Those men are speaking French. The men there speak French. Men zegt dat liefde blind is. They say love is blind. It is said that love is blind. Tom mag nie dood gaan nie. Tom might not die. Tom must not die. Wir bitten im Voraus um Verzeihung. We apologise in advance. We ask for forgiveness in advance. Der Kunde hat immer recht, selbst wenn er im Unrecht ist. The customer's always right, even when they're not. The customer is always right, even if he is wrong. Das Vieh ist mit Brandzeichen gekennzeichnet. The cattle are marked with brands. The cattle is marked with a sign of fire. U zwemt. You swim. You swim. Tom ist freundlich. Tom is friendly. Tom's friendly. Hat es Ihnen Freude gemacht? Did you enjoy it? Did it make you happy? Het regent. It's raining. It's raining. Kleine Ursachen haben oft große Wirkungen. Little things often have big consequences. Small causes often have great effects. Wil je het koekje daar niet opeten? Aren't you going to eat that cookie? Don't you want to eat the cake there? Wünschen Sie ein Gratismuster? Would you like a free sample? Do you want a free pattern? COVID-19 is de ziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door het coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. Ik hield van dat boek! I loved that book! I loved that book! Tom dehyah? Is Tom here? Tom dehyah? Des is mei jingara Bruada. This is my younger brother. Des is with jingara Bruada. Ik bün so hungerig, dat ik en Koh eten kunn. I am so hungry that I could eat a cow. I'm so hungry that I could eat Koh and Koh. Mein Vater ging geschäftlich nach Hongkong. My father went to Hong Kong on business. My father went to Hong Kong business. Er hörte einen Schrei. He heard a shout. He heard a scream. De Koude Oorlog begon na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. The Cold War began after World War Two. The Cold War began after World War II. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can also let it run. Tom, bist du hier? Tom, are you here? Tom, are you here? Er spielte Tennis. He played tennis. He played tennis. Ich fühle mich heute seltsam, und ich verstehe nicht, warum. I feel strange today and I don't understand why. I feel strange today, and I don't understand why. Ich habe deinen Brief gestern erhalten. I received your letter yesterday. I received your letter yesterday. Wat dochsto? What do you do? What stillto? Mijn ogen zijn een oceaan waarin mijn dromen weerspiegelen. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams reflect. Sei vor ihm auf der Hut. Be on your guard against him. Be in front of him on the hat. Die Apotheke ist in der Fresno-Straße. The pharmacy is on Fresno Street. The pharmacy is located on Fresno Street. Waarom zijn jullie getrouwd? Why are you married? Why are you two married? Ist es so einfach, dich unsicher zu machen? Is it this easy to make you unsure? Is it so easy to be insecure? Hai bleef thoes. He stayed at home. Hai stayed thoes. Hij heeft vijfhonderd duizend yen in aandelen geïnvesteerd. He invested 500,000 yen in stocks. He invested five hundred thousand yen in shares. Wilkomme. Welcome. Welcome. איך האב א ווייב און קינדער. I have a wife and kids. I have a wife and children. Tom is hier om ons te helpen. Tom is here to help us. Tom's here to help us. ווי לאנג ביסטו געווען דא? How long have you been in here? How long were you here? Es ist ein Vergnügen, Zeit mit Jane zu verbringen. It is a pleasure to spend time with Jane. It's a pleasure to spend time with Jane. Welches möchtest du lieber, dieses oder jenes? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which would you prefer, this or that? Tom wird zuhören. Tom will listen. Tom's gonna listen. Wat krijgen we nou? What on Earth is this? What the hell are we gonna do? Mein Vater wird mir das Fell über die Ohren ziehen. My father is going to kill me. My father will pull the coat over my ears. Ik ben dankbaar voor mijn kinderen. I'm thankful for my children. I'm grateful for my children. Tom is noch nich in Australien wäsen. Tom hasn't been to Australia yet. Tom is not yet wet in Australia. Hij zegt dat hij gisteravond een ufo heeft gezien. He says he saw a UFO last night. He says he saw a ufo last night. A gied him twa pund. I gave him two pounds. And gave him two pounds. Se wull nich, dat he mit annere Froonslüüd utgeiht. She didn't want him to go out with other women. She doesn't want him to go out with other women. Meine Mission ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit. My mission is of critical importance. My mission is of utmost importance. Tom kann sowohl Französisch als auch Englisch unterrichten. Tom can teach both French and English. Tom can teach both French and English. Ik begrijp het meer of minder. I understand it more or less. I understand more or less. An Ihrer Stelle empfände ich genauso. I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. At your place, I feel the same way. Ich mochte den Film. I liked the movie. I liked the movie. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat jullie voor ons hebben gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I'll never forget what you did for us. Er zweifelte nicht daran, dass Ben in irgendeiner Beziehung zu dem Verbrechen stand. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He did not doubt that Ben was in any relationship with the crime. Wat kocht ze in die winkel? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy in that store? Ik hou van friet met ketchup. I love french fries with ketchup. I love fries with ketchup. Ik onderwijs. I teach. I'm teaching. Tom stopte om zijn schoenen aan te trekken. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Mag ik jouw woordenboek gebruiken? May I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Du muss mir net hëllefen. You don't need to help me. You don't have to help me. Dit restaurant is nooit gesloten. This restaurant never closes. This restaurant is never closed. Gees du mat? Are you coming along? Are you going with me? Waar moeten we heen? Where do we need to go? Where are we supposed to go? Probeer dit. Try this. Try it. Wir kamen zu dem Schluss, dass jedenfalls der Preis von 5.000.000 Yen zu hoch war. We concluded, however that the price of 5,000,000 yen was too high. We concluded that at least the price of 5,000,000 yen was too high. Glücklicherweise hat er den Unfall überlebt. Fortunately he survived the accident. Fortunately, he survived the accident. De epicykel maakte het de Grieken mogelijk de beweging van de planeten uit te leggen. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the planetary movements. The epic made it possible for the Greeks to interpret the motion of the planets. Ik heb wat koffie nodig. I need some coffee. I need some coffee. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We're partying until the little hours. Enttäuscht uns nicht! Don't let us down. Don't disappoint us! Ich dachte, sie würden dich nicht mögen. I thought they wouldn't like you. I thought they wouldn't like you. Verstaan jullie Frans? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Tom ist nicht lebendig. Tom isn't alive. Tom's not alive. Vree. Peace. Fear. Wie viele Frauen arbeiten hier? How many women work here? How many women work here? Wat hest du dien Fründ köfft? What did you buy your boyfriend? What did you buy your friend? Hij twijfelde er niet aan dat Ben iets te maken had met de misdaad. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He didn't doubt that Ben had anything to do with the crime. Du darfst hier nicht parken. You mustn't park here. You can't park here. אונזערע עלטערן וואוינען קעגן דעם גאס פון אונס. Our parents live right across the street from us. until the end of the 20th century, U.S.A. and U.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A. Tom ist nur ein Klugscheißer. Tom is just a know-it-all. Tom's just a smartman. Twa plus twa is fjouwer. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. Dä Hund isch schöön. The dog is beautiful. Your dog is beautiful. יענער מענטש איז בסדר? Is that person okay? Your person is in order? Sta op. Get up. Get up. Hest du nich twee Computers? Don't you have two computers? Don't you have two computers? Der Mann entkam aus der Stadt. The man got away from the city. The man escaped from town. Sie haben hier keinen Zutritt! You aren't allowed in here. You don't have access here! Tom is nu mijn vriendje. Tom is my boyfriend now. Tom's my boyfriend now. Tue es bitte für mich! Please do this for me. Please do it for me! Ik bün keen Schöler. I'm not a student. I am not a student. Ich werde dir helfen, so gut ich es vermag. I will do whatever I can to help you. I'll help you as well as I can. Ik woonde in Mongolië. I was living in Mongolia. I lived in Mongolia. Hij haat zijn buurman. He hates his neighbour. He hates his neighbor. Nem bilong mi Henry. My name is Henry. My name was Henry. Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there in the stadium? k Hol van joe. I love you. k Hol van Joe. Ik hou niet van muziek. I do not like music. I don't like music. Gees du mat? Are you going to come along? Are you going with me? Maria zat alleen op de sofa. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Maria was just on the sofa. Das is Tom sein Auto, gäll? That's Tom's car, isn't it? That's Tom's car, all right? Tom is seker Marie se kêrel. Tom must be Mary's boyfriend. Tom is surely Marie's boyfriend. מער פֿעלט מיר ניט. It's all I need. More completely, we don't. Laten we dat waarmaken. Let's make that happen. Let's do that. Ik heb een kat en een hond. De kat is zwart en de hond is wit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black, and the dog is white. I schote. I pooped. I shot. Swemmen is hier verbaden. Swimming is prohibited here. Swimming is banned here. Tom hat uns angerufen. Tom called us. Tom called us. Je hebt een zonnige toekomst in het verschiet. You have a bright future. You have a sinful future in store. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? Aren't you coming with me? Mijn commentaar was sarcastisch. My comment was sarcastic. My comment was sarcastic. Kijk me aan. Look at me. Look at me. Komm morgen wieder! Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow! Woveel Böker hest du leest? How many books have you read? How many books have you read? Er hat auch eine. He has one too. He's got one, too. Ik kon niet anders dan verliefd op je worden. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Ik kan niet ademen. I can't breathe! I can't breathe. ווי אלט ביסט דו געווען, ווען דו האסט געלערנט ווי צו פארן א ביציקל? How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle? How old are you, when do you have learned how to run a bicycle? Hebt u een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Das Geschäft musste die Preise reduzieren. That store had to reduce their prices. The business had to reduce prices. Worten, wohl gewählt, wohnt solch große Macht inne. Words, when well chosen, have such great force in them. Words, probably chosen, live in such great power. He arbeidt as Översetter. He works as a translator. He works as a translator. Oké, hoe kan ik u helpen? OK, how can I help you? Okay, how can I help you? Du musst mir zuhören. You have to listen to me. You have to listen to me. Ek wil nie hê jy moet verander nie. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Das hätte ich ahnen können. I should've foreseen this. I could have known. Ich kann nimmand heit hellfe. I can't help anybody today. I can take the light. Das Problem ist nicht unsres. The problem isn't ours. The problem is not ours. Mi no gat pukpuk. I don't have a crocodile I had no crocodiles. Ik kan dit lawaai niet meer verdragen. I can't bear the noise any longer. I can't tolerate this noise anymore. k Woon ien de Stad. I live in Groningen. k Woon one the city. Tom und Maria hielten an und nahmen einen Autostopper mit. Tom and Mary stopped and picked up a hitchhiker. Tom and Mary stopped and took a car stopper. Tom kennt sien Navers nich. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom does not know his neighbors. k Hol van aaier. I like eggs. k Hol van auer. Tom heeft Maria verkeerd ingeschat. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misjudged Maria. Het ziet ernaar uit dat het straks gaat opklaren. It looks like it's going to clear up soon. Looks like it's gonna clear up later. De kamer was zo donker dat we helemaal niets konden zien. The room was so dark that we could see nothing at all. The room was so dark that we couldn't see anything. „צי גלייבסטו אין גאָט?‟ - „איך גלייב אין אין־סוף.‟ "Do you believe in God?" "I believe in the Eyn Sof." ‘Do you have faith in God?' - I believe in in prayer. - Warten Sie bitte auf mich! Please wait for me. Please wait for me! Geht weiter! Es gibt hier nichts zu sehen. Move along. There's nothing to see here. Go on, there's nothing to see here. Was genau möchtet ihr denn eigentlich, dass ich tue? What is it you'd like me to do exactly? What exactly do you want me to do? Ich habe mein Ladegerät zu Hause liegenlassen. I've left my charger at home. I left my charger at home. Ich hatte eine Unterhaltung mit Tom. I had a talk with Tom. I had a conversation with Tom. Worüber streitet ihr beiden euch? What are you two fighting about? What do you two argue about? איך בין א ביסל משוגע. I am a bit crazy. I'm a little busy. Maria heeft een jong weeseekhoorntje gevonden. Mary found an orphaned baby squirrel. Maria found a young orphan horn. Wie lange dauert es, die Arbeit zu beenden? How long will it take to finish the work? How long does it take to finish work? Weck die Kinner. Wake the kids. Wake up the kids. Darwin verändert die Art, wie wir die Welt sehen. Darwin changed the way we see the world. Darwin is changing the way we see the world. Tom warf einen Blick auf die Uhr. Tom glanced at the clock. Tom took a look at the clock. Ich will, dass du bei ihr bleibst. I want you to stay with her. I want you to stay with her. Wie heeft tijd? Who has time? Who's got time? Hebräisch ist meine Muttersprache. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my native language. Ik hou van haar en zij houdt van mij. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. טאם איז בלינד. Tom is blind. Tom is blind. Ik wilde Tom nooit kwetsen. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never wanted to hurt Tom. Tom is als gelukkig mens gestorven. Tom died happy. Tom died as a happy person. Zijn jullie gelukkig? Are you guys happy? Are you happy? Jemanden verschwinden zu lassen ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Forced disappearance is a crime against humanity. To let someone go is a crime against humanity. Tom viel flauw. Tom blacked out. Tom fainted. Die fabriek produseer speelgoed. This factory produces toys. The factory produces toys. Technologie op zichzelf is zinloos tenzij het nuttig is voor de mensheid. Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind. Technology in itself is pointless unless it is useful to humanity. Du glaubst die Geschichte doch wohl nicht etwa? You don't actually believe that story? You don't believe the story? עס מאַכט מיר אַ קאָפּװײטיק. That gives me a headache! It makes me a headache. Was kost en Kilo Annas? How much is the kilo of pineapple? What's the cost and Kilo Annas? Ich bin im Zug eingeschlafen. I fell asleep on the train. I'm sleeping in the train. Dree Beer un en Tequila harr ik geern. Three beers and a tequila please. Three bear and a tequila I would like. Se geev em en beten Eten. She gave him some food. She gave me a nice meal. Weil er unaufmerksam war, konnte der Fahrer nicht rechtzeitig anhalten. Not being watchful, the driver failed to stop in time. Because he was careless, the driver couldn't stop in time. Keine Sorge. Ich werde es ihnen nicht sagen. Don't worry. I won't tell them. Don't worry, I won't tell them. Sy is trots om nog nooit laat vir skool te gewees het nie. She is proud of never having been late for school. She is proud never to be late for school. De helft van de appels is rot. Half of the apples are rotten. Half the apples are dirty. Ik moet het mijn vrouw vragen. I must ask my wife. I have to ask my wife. Er gab ihr eine Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung. He gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He gave her a mouth-to-mouth breath. Was meinen Sie dazu? What's your opinion on that? What do you mean? Tom is mijn vriend. Tom is my boyfriend. Tom's my friend. De Mann hett dat Brood eten. The man ate the bread. The man ate the bread. Waarom bent u ongelukkig? Why are you unhappy? Why are you unhappy? He klamüser en ne’e Idee ut. He thought up a new idea. He climbs out a new idea. "Wu wuhnscht du?" "Ich wuhn in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Wu wuhnst thou?" "I wuhn in Tokyo." גוט שבת! Shabbat Shalom! Good Saturday! Der Junge fing einen großen Fisch. The boy caught a large fish. The boy caught a big fish. Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Australië. I'm originally from Australia. I originally came from Australia. Tom hat alles gepackt und ist abmarschbereit. Tom is all packed and ready to go. Tom has packed everything and is ready to march. Ich muss mit dem Rauchen aufhören. I have to quit smoking. I have to stop smoking. Bij deze hitte van vandaag heb ik geen zin om te studeren. As it is very hot today, I don't feel like studying. In today's heat, I don't want to study. Wanneer was die laaste keer dat jy met Mary gepraat het? When was the last time you talked to Mary? When was the last time you spoke to Mary? Er war nicht imstande mir zu helfen. He was unable to help me. He wasn't able to help me. Mijn huis was aan het branden. My house was on fire. My house was burning. Beide griffen nach demselben Buch. They both reached for the same book. Both grappled with the same book. Kin ik mei in kreditkaart betelje? Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay with a credit card? Het regende hard. It rained cats and dogs. It rained hard. Uitsluitend personeel. Staff members only. Only staff. Wie is de oudste? Who is the oldest? Who is the oldest? גוט שבת. Good Shabbos! Good Saturday. Ze respecteren hem. They respect him. They respect him. Sie warf ein Kissen nach ihm. She threw a pillow at him. She threw a pillow after him. Wir stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand. We have our backs to the wall. We stand with the back to the wall. Erkennen Sie eines dieser Schmuckstücke wieder? Do you recognize any of this jewelry? Do you recognize any of these jewelry again? Wie konntest du nur? How could you? How could you? דער סטודענט לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The stutterer is learning. Ik spreek niet goed Mandarijns. I cannot speak Mandarin well. I'm not speaking very well of Mandarin. Duudlek. Obviously. Duudlek. Wer hat euch das gegeben? Who gave that to you? Who gave you that? Vind je dit een mooie kleur? Do you like this color? Do you think this is a beautiful color? Tom mist nooit Taco-dinsdagen. Tom never misses Taco Tuesdays. Tom never misses Taco Tuesdays. Sie stand auf einer Leiter und strich die Decke. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on a ladder and stretched the ceiling. Heeft iemand anders een raadgeving? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have any advice? Sehen wir uns einen Gruselfilm an! Let's watch a horror movie. Let's look at a funny movie! Dans! Dance! Dance! Wat gaat de tijd snel. Time goes very swiftly. What's the time going on? We zijn aan het dansen. We're dancing. We're dancing. We hebben wat we nodig hebben. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wo ich hinsoll. I have no idea where to go. I have no idea where to go. Tom wist toen nog niet dat een bommoeder een bewust ongehuwde moeder is. Tom didn't know at the time that a Choice Mom was a Single Mothers by Choice. Tom didn't know that a bomber was a consciously unmarried mother. Tom half seinen Freunden, eine Wohnung zu finden. Tom helped his friends find a place to live. Tom helped his friends find an apartment. Ik heb een sneeuwman gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Tom wist niet dat appelbomen uit zaden groeien. Tom didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. Tom didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. Ik ben thuis gebleven. I stayed at home. I stayed home. Heeft iemand je daar gezien? Did anyone see you there? Has anyone seen you there? Voëls vlieg. Birds fly. Birds fly. Ik maakte een typefout. I made a typing error. I made a type mistake. Tom weiß, dass Mary weiß. Tom knows Mary knows. Tom knows Mary knows. Ons stel voor alle kontak met die rebelle word afgesny. We recommend cutting off all further contact with the rebels. We suggest cutting off all contact with the rebels. Mach das, was du musst. Just do what you've got to do. Do what you have to do. Se hett vergeten, em to schrieven. She forgot to write him. She forgot to write it. Du bist net Gott. You're not God. You're just God. Ik had mijn twijfels. I hesitated. I had my doubts. Ik ben een nieuwe student. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Je moet alleen hard werken. You only have to work hard. You just have to work hard. Ons condoom ging kapot. Our condom broke. Our condom broke down. Tom hat sich gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom was certainly not amused. Tom certainly didn't enjoy it. Daaraan kan je je verwachten. You can expect that. You can expect that. Velen Dank! Many thanks. Thank you so much! Sie ist eine Fanatikerin. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Ich möchte heute ins Kino gehen. I want to go to the movies today. I want to go to the cinema today. Hij ving het lieveheersbeestje. He caught the ladybug. He caught the ladybird. Riechst du das? Do you smell that? Are you smelling that? Heb je Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Do you have a telegram? Tom sal sekerlik gaan. Tom ought to go. Tom will surely go. Ik studeer Chinees in Beijing. I study Chinese in Beijing. I'm studying Chinese in Beijing. Hij verzorgt het vermaken van de buitenlandse gasten. He is in charge of entertaining the foreign guests. He's making fun of the foreign guests. Zwei Menschen kamen in Rio beim Zusammensturz eines erhöhten Fahrradweges ums Leben. Two persons were killed when an elevated bike path collapsed in Rio. Two people were killed in Rio in the collapse of an increased cycle path. Es ist schwierig, gut Französisch zu sprechen. It's hard to speak French well. It's hard to speak French. Lies den Titel. Read the title. Read the title. The hound bith deed. The dog's dead. The keep bit did. Aine, twije, drije, vare, vieve, zezze, zeuven, aachte, negen, tiene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Aine, two, three, vare, vie, zez, zeuven, eight, nine, ten. Waar men niet over kan spreken, moet men over zwijgen. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. What one cannot talk about should be kept silent. Ulaanbaatar is de hoofdstad van Mongolië. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Dieser Sack ist zu schwer. This bag is too heavy. This bag is too heavy. Nu mot ik gaon. I've got to go now. Now I'm gonna have to go. Tom spricht doch Französisch, oder? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Tom is speaking French, isn't he? Is dat witt? Is it white? Is that white? Sie küsste die Krähe und drückte sie in ihrer Freude fast zu Tode. She kissed the crow, and hugged him almost to death with joy. She kissed the crows and pressed them almost to death in her joy. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Some religious people can be very judgemental. Some religious persons can be very judgmental. Ich habe das Buch gekauft. I bought the book. I bought the book. Warum gibst du es nicht Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Du solltest hinter seinem Rücken nicht über Jack reden. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. Zij koken. They're cooking. They're cooking. Bi ’t Skiföhren heff ik mi mien Been braken. I broke my leg while skiing. During my skiing ride, I broke my leg. "Moment mal", sagte Dima, indem er sein Telefon herausholte. "Ich kenne jemand, der mir etwas Geld leihen könnte." "Hold on," Dima said, taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." "Once again," said Dima, picking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." Das Objekt flog nach Süden weg und gab dabei Lichtblitze ab. The object flew away to the south, giving out flashes of light. The object flew south and gave off flashes of light. Dieses Buch ist das ihre. This book is hers. This book is her. Tom kon Mary's adres niet herinneren. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Je zou beter moeten weten. You should have known better. You should know better. Ich stecke in der Tinte. I am in the soup. I'm in the ink. ער עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. He doesn't eat meat. he doesn't eat no meat. Da ist deine Tasche. There is your bag. There's your bag. Het is nieuw. It's new. It's new. Was sollen wir tun? What are we to do? What are we supposed to do? Ik kon niet praten. I couldn't speak. I couldn't talk. Sami's interview heeft een kwartier geduurd. Sami's interview lasted fifteen minutes. Sami's interview lasted a quarter of an hour. Tom heeft een espressomachine. Tom owns an espresso machine. Tom has an espresso machine. Fadil bekeerde zich stiekem tot de islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadil slowly converted to Islam. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind reich an natürlichen Ressourcen. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Tom wacht me elke ochtend op bij de bushalte. Tom waits for me at the bus stop every morning. Tom's waiting for me at the bus stop every morning. Ek wil jou nie seermaak nie. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Ich bot ihm fünfzig Pence und er willigte ein. I offered him fifty pence and he accepted. I offered him fifty pence and he agreed. Ik glimlach elke keer als ik haar zie. I smile every time I see her. I smile every time I see her. Frag den Polizisten nach dem Weg. Ask the policeman the way. Ask the policeman for the way. Het is hoog tijd dat de communisten hun opvattingen, hun oogmerken, hun tendensen openlijk voor de gehele wereld ontvouwen en tegenover het sprookje van het spook van het communisme een manifest van de partij zelf plaatsen. It is high time that communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself. It is high time that the communists openly unfold their views, their intentions, their trends for the whole world, and against the fairy tale of communism a manifesto of the party itself. Ich wünschte, ich hätte auf deinen Rat gehört. I wish I had listened to your advice. I wish I had heard your advice. Ich kann nirgends hingehen. I have nowhere to go. I can't go anywhere. Niemand vertel my wat om the doen nie. No one tells me what to do. No one tells me what to do about the. Deze webstek is waardeloos. This website is useless. This website is useless. Hij heeft een hond en zes katten. He has one dog and six cats. He has a dog and six cats. Ik heb veel ambitie. I have a lot of ambition. I have a lot of ambition. Niet nodig dat je opstaat. You need not stand up. You don't need to get up. and swā forþ et cetera and swā in Ek het opgestaan toe dit nog donker was. I got up while it was still dark. I got up when it was still dark. Ik heb een dunne jas nodig. I need a light coat. I need a thin coat. Sie behandelt mich, als wäre ich ein Baby. She treats me as if I were a baby. She treats me like I'm a baby. Ich werde high. I'm getting high. I'm gonna be high. Angst ist ein schlechter Ratgeber. Fear is a bad counsellor. Fear is a bad counselor. Öffne die Tür! Es läutet! Open the door. They are ringing the bell. Open the door! Ich bin der gleichen Meinung. I have the same opinion. I'm the same opinion. Gott kann alles mache! God can do anything! God can do everything! Ik ben Tom aan het troosten. I'm consoling Tom. I'm comforting Tom. Zie ik eruit alsof het me wat uitmaakt? Do I look like I care? Do I look like it's something to me? Waar is de Russische ambassade? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian embassy? Des kunntatn s' mochn. They could do that. des kontatn s' mochn. פֿאַרוואָס טוען‎ מיר גאָרנישט? Why don't we do anything? Why do we do nothing? k Kin nog aal vechten. I can still fight. k Can still fight ale. Tom ist oben. Tom's upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Heb je ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Tom geht gerade mit dem Hund Gassi. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's just going with the dog Gassi. Ik ben van plan om een brief te schrijven naar Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. Sy't vandag sy middagete gebring. She brought his lunch today. She brought his lunch today. Enkel mensen van een aanzienlijke verwaandheid schrijven boeken. Only men of considerable vanity write books. Some people of a considerable preoccupation write books. Gerade das habe ich gebraucht. I needed just that. That's exactly what I need. Sluit de deur alsjeblieft. Please close the door. Please close the door. Tom heeft de hik. Tom has hiccups. Tom's got the cock. Jij bent een klein mens. You are a small person. You're a little person. Dit woord staat niet in het woordenboek. This word is not in the dictionary. This word is not in the dictionary. k Kin t mie nait heugen. I can't remember. k Kin t mie night geheugen. De lucht werd al maar donkerder. The sky became darker and darker. The air got darker. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich sofort heimgehen. If I were you, I'd go home right away. If I were you, I'd go home immediately. Fährst du mit dem Bus nach Tokio? Will you go to Tokyo by bus? Are you going to Tokyo by bus? Reagier nicht darauf. Don't respond. Don't react to it. Ich kann es mal versuchen. I can try it. I can try. Das ist sehr detailliert. That is very detailed. That's very detailed. Ech hunn zwou Kazen. I have two cats. I have two cases. Ich werde das für Tom tun. I'll do that for Tom. I'll do that for Tom. Tom hat Nachtschicht. Tom works the night shift. Tom's got a night shift. צי קען מען אימפּיטשן טראָמפּ? Can Trump be impeached? Whether the trump can be implied? Je onderwees. You taught. You taught. Dor stimmt wat nich. Something's not right. There's something wrong. Ein Mädchen stand weinend da. A girl stood there crying. A girl stood there crying. Het is een te gemakkelijke opgave voor hem. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Doe slaipst. You were sleeping. Go to sleep. Wie rücksichtsvoll von dir! How considerate of you! How considerate of you! Das Leben ist das, was man daraus macht. Life is what you make it. Life is what is made of it. Mach das Licht aus. Ich kann net inschlofe. Turn the light off. I can't fall asleep. Turn off the light, I can't sleep in. Eindelijk was het tijd om de grondwet te ondertekenen. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Ik ben het kwijtgeraakt. I've lost it. I lost it. Schoolkinderen in Tsjechië hoeven geen schooluniform te dragen. Schoolchildren in Czechia don't have to wear a school uniform. Schoolchildren in the Czech Republic do not have to wear school uniforms. Wir sind auf euch angewiesen. We depend on you. We depend on you. t Was een sladderge, graauwe zummerdag ien ind juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. t Was a badgerge, grey summer day one in June. Dieser Mann ist Pedro. This man is Pedro. This man is Pedro. Ze rende naar hem toe. She ran up to him. She ran to him. Hr. Darcy ist mit meiner Tochter verlobt. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Tom versuchte, Maria einzuschüchtern. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Wer ist dein Chinesischlehrer? Who is your Chinese teacher? Who is your Chinese teacher? Wir waren so glücklich, wie wir es nie für möglich gehalten hätten. We were happier than we had ever believed possible. We were as happy as we would never have thought it possible. Ik föhr morgen na Tōkyō. I am going to Tokyo tomorrow. I'll take you to Tōkyō tomorrow. Er is een kasteel op de achtergrond van de foto. There is a castle in the background of the picture. There's a castle in the background of the photo. Anyi und Asun sind Brüder. Anyi and Asun are two brothers. Anyi and Asun are brothers. Warum hast du es mir gezeigt? Why did you show it to me? Why did you show it to me? Jy sal daarvoor betaal. You will pay for it. You will pay for it. Ik heb een cactus gekocht. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Sami wist niet wat het betekende om een moslim te zijn. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. En Peerd hett Tom träden. A horse kicked Tom. A horse trodden Tom. Wir sind beeindruckt. We're impressed. We're impressed. Kan ik die sinaasappel eten? Can I eat that orange? Can I eat that orange? Es könnte sich in der Tat um einen Fehler handeln. It may, indeed, be a mistake. It could actually be a mistake. Wie do arbeits, esu möch ich minge Urlaub verlevve. The way you work, so I would like to spend my vacation. As you work, I'll be able to live my holiday. We moeten iets doen, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. Ich sollte versuchen, Tom dazu zu bewegen. I should try to get Tom to do that. I should try to move Tom. Hij ging daar naartoe om Engels te leren. He went there to learn English. He went there to learn English. Wij zullen je bezoeken. We will visit you. We'll visit you. טאָם און מערי האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. Tom and Mary chatted for a while. Tom and Marry have chatted a chunk of time. Mien moeke het n schiere klaid veur mie moakt. My mother made me a beautiful dress. I'm tired of the sheer claw fire moaking. Rate, wie alt ich bin. Guess how old I am. Rate how old I am. Haaien staan bekend om hun bloeddorstig karakter. Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures. Sharks are known for their bloodthirsty character. Guten Tag! Du bist doch Tom, oder? Wie lange haben wir uns nicht gesehen! Hi. You're Tom, right? It's been a while. You're Tom, aren't you? Onthoud het. Memorize it. Remember it. Tom ist vor drei Jahren nach Boston gezogen. Tom moved to Boston three years ago. Tom moved to Boston three years ago. Beabsichtigst du, deinen Sommerurlaub mit Tom zu verbringen? Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom? Do you intend to spend your summer vacation with Tom? Persoonlijk deel ik zijn mening. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. Personally, I share his opinion. Jy het reeds vergeet. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. Verliere nicht die Geduld! Don't lose your patience! Don't lose patience! Ich weiß nicht, wer das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt hat. I don't know who started that rumor. I don't know who put the rumor into the world. Worüm hest du versöcht wegtolopen? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to walk away? Ich kann dich lehren, wie man betet. I can teach you how to pray. I can teach you how to pray. De jongen gooide een steen. The boy threw a stone. The boy threw a stone. Waarom huilt u? What are you crying for? Why are you crying? Machen Schlangen dir Angst? Do snakes scare you? Are you scared of snakes? Tom wilde nog een stukje watermeloen. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Wo befindet sich der nächste U-Bahnhof? Where's the nearest tube station? Where is the nearest subway station? Überall in der Stadt tratscht man über uns. Everyone in town is gossiping about us. Everywhere in town you come across us. איך גלױב אַז מיר מוזן פּרובירן נאָן אַ מאָל. I think we should try again. I bl'b that we must try after a time. Ich bin nicht vom Fach. That is not my line. I'm not a specialist. Bist du mit Maria befreundet? Are you friends with Mary? Are you friends with Mary? Het sy daardie katjie seergemaak? Did she hurt that kitten? Did she hurt that little cat? De Kassen is leddig. The box is empty. The cashier is empty. Wi schöölt em dat Lesen un Schrieven lehren. We will teach him to read and write. We should teach it reading and writing. Waarom werken we niet meer samen? Why don't we collaborate more? Why don't we work together anymore? Waarom heeft ze zo'n een hekel aan honden? Why does she hate dogs so much? Why does she hate dogs like that? Ik heb geen zoon. I have no son. I don't have a son. He harr sien Söcken verkehrt rüm an. He had his socks on inside out. He had his socks wrongly turned on. Ich bin in einen Regenguss geraten und bis auf die Knochen nass geworden. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. I got into a rain casting and got wet up on the bones. Tom wirkt nicht erfreut, euch zu sehen. Tom doesn't look happy to see you. Tom doesn't seem pleased to see you. Ich dachte, Tom wäre Marias Freund. I thought Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I thought Tom was Maria's friend. Mach dein Bett! Make your bed. Make your bed! Es ist die Liebe, die die Welt regiert. It is love that rules the world. It is the love that governs the world. Um wie viel Uhr bist du heute Morgen aufgestanden? What time did you get up this morning? How much time did you get up this morning? Sie ist operiert worden. She had surgery. She's been operated. Stop met studeren! Stop studying! Stop studying! Wil iemand een pizza? Does anybody want a pizza? Anybody want a pizza? Tom bat Maria, nichts zu tun. Tom has asked Mary not to do anything. Tom asked Maria not to do anything. Wie viele Geschwister hast du? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings do you have? Bist-du Advogaat? Are you a lawyer? Are you advogate? Hij keek uit het raam. He looked out of the window. He looked out the window. Ich werde dir meine Rechnung schicken. I'll send you my bill. I'll send you my bill. Dat is ons noaberske. That is our neighbour. That's our cousin. Fröhliche Weihnachten! Have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas! Du bist in Europa! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! Ik heff nich wüßt, dat Tom so oolt is. I didn't know Tom was so old. I have not known that Tom is so old. Tom kan in mijn kamer slapen. Tom can sleep in my room. Tom can sleep in my room. איך װער פֿאַרדאגהט װאַרטנדיק אױף מײַן חבֿר צו לאַנג I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time. I am supposed to wait on meaning sin too long Meg is even groot as Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Meg is the same size as Ken. Trollen ist eine Sünde. Trolling is a sin! Trolling is a sin. Hij werd heel gevaarlijk. He became very dangerous. He got very dangerous. Wi hebbt Biller. We have pictures. We have pictures. Tom öffnete die Tür, und der Hund lief hinaus. Tom opened the door and the dog ran out. Tom opened the door, and the dog ran out. Als ich zu Hause ankam, bemerkte ich, dass ich meine Brieftasche verloren hatte. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. Es geschah am 1. Mai. It happened on the 1st of May. It happened on May 1. Welk theater is dat? Which theater is that? What theatre is that? So kommt man gut ins Gespräch. It's a good conversation starter. That's how you get into a good conversation. כ'פֿײַף אויף יאָשקען. I don't give a fuck about Jesus. Off to Yoshken. Ik heb het werk afgemaakt. I finished the work. I finished the job. Ich habe das Mädchen letztens im Park getroffen, und ich habe sie wiedergesehen. I met the girl in the park the other day, and I saw her again. I met the girl in the park last time, and I saw her again. Entschuldigen Sie! Ich habe meine Stäbchen fallenlassen. Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks. I dropped my sticks. Er starrte ihr ins Gesicht. He stared her in the face. He stared her in the face. Nem bilong mi Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Tom reichte Maria ein Buch. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom gave Maria a book. He kann nu Auto föhren. He can drive a car now. He can now drive car. Het avondeten is bijna klaar. The dinner is almost ready. The dinner's almost ready. Tom is jullie oom. Tom is your uncle. Tom's your uncle. Het lijkt erop dat meneer Brooke een eerlijk persoon is. It seems that Mr. Brooke is an honest person. Looks like Mr. Brooke is an honest person. דער ציל פֿון מאַמע איז געווען א דיפּלאָם אָבער דער ציל פֿון טאַטע איז געווען מאַמע. Mom’s goal was to graduate college but dad’s goal was mom. The target of the parent was a split but the purpose of the was parent. Tom hat uns noch nicht mitgeteilt, was wir tun sollen. Tom hasn't yet told us what he wants us to do. Tom hasn't told us what to do yet. Der Hund ist des Menschen bester Freund. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is the best friend of man. Habt ihr vor, ein Auto zu kaufen? Are you planning on buying a car? Do you guys want to buy a car? Tom sal vir drie dae bly. Tom will stay for three days. Tom will stay for three days. k Lait n vörk valen. I dropped a fork. k drop lait n fork. Wie viele Menschen befinden sich derzeit im Weltall? How many people are in space right now? How many people are in the world today? Tom unterrichtet in Boston Französisch. Tom teaches French in Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Schoul begunt op vief april. School begins on April 5th. School awarded on vief April. Setzen wir ein Meeting Anfang nächster Woche an. Let's schedule a meeting sometime early next week. Let's start a meeting at the beginning of next week. Die Batterie ist leer. The battery is dead. The battery is empty. Dat is alles wat ik nu kan zeggen. That's all I can say at the moment. That's all I can say right now. Ik kann nich flegen. I can't fly. I can't fly. Zij werkt als au pair in Duitsland. She works as an au pair in Germany. She works as an au pair in Germany. Und damit basta! And that's it! And with that basta! Wij wonen in Belfast. We live in Belfast. We live in Belfast. He deed kort antern. He answered in brief. He did respond briefly. Geef mie vief dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. Die rekening asseblief. The bill, please. Please see the account. Wir machen nichts. We're doing nothing. We're not doing anything. Mi gaan! Good-bye! I'm leaving! Joe binnen n vraauw. You're a woman. Joe inside a rag. Ich glaube, ich kann dabei helfen. I believe I can help with that. I think I can help. Die plan praat baie oor aktiewe burgerskap. Maar dit moet aktiewe en betrokke burgerskap wees. The plan talks a lot about active citizenship. But it must be active and engaged citizenship. The plan talks a lot about active citizenship, but it must be active and involved. Hai is mien noaber. He's my neighbour. Hai is my noaber. Es ist Zeit zu schlafen. It's time to go to sleep. It's time to sleep. Tom trug für einige Monaten eine Halskrause, nachdem sich er bei einem Autounfall eine Peitschenschlagverletzung zugezogen hatte. Tom wore a neck brace for several months after receiving a whiplash injury in a car accident. Tom wore a necklace for a few months after he committed a car accident. Du bist mir im Weg! You're in my way! You're in my way! Wie is dat? Who is that? Who's that? Tom konnte nicht an der Sitzung teilnehmen, weil er krank war. Tom couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. Tom could not attend the meeting because he was sick. Diese Familie hat mich herzlich aufgenommen. This family gave me a warm welcome. This family has taken me very much. Ek het dit nooit gesê nie. I never said that. I never said that. Tom sah, wie Johannes und Maria Händchen hielten. Tom saw John and Mary holding hands. Tom saw John and Mary holding hands. דאס וואס איך האב געטאן איז נישט געווען ריכטיג. What I did was wrong. That which I have done was not correct. Er ist mittelgroß, weiß, hat braune Haare und braune Augen. He is average height, is white, has brown hair and brown eyes. It is medium-sized, white, has brown hair and brown eyes. Ich verspreche euch, dass ich das für euch tun werde. I promise you that I'll do that for you. I promise you that I will do this for you. Kais. Choose. Kais. „Der Satz ist schon wieder etwas lang geraten.“ – „Dann nimm doch ein paar der Nebensätze heraus.“ "The sentence has got too long again." "Then just take out a few of the subordinate clauses." “The sentence has already been a bit long.” “Then take out some of the additions.” Ze spoorde het kind aan voorzichtiger te zijn. She admonished the child to be more careful. She encouraged the child to be more cautious. Die Sonne scheint hell. The sun is shining brightly. The sun shines bright. Ik ging tot aan de post. I went as far as the post office. I went up to the post. Das hier ist der Fotoapparat, den ich gestern kaufte. This is the camera I bought yesterday. This is the camera I bought yesterday. Opstunns bruuk ik keen Geld. I don't need money at present. I don't currently need any money. Ik zal wachten aan de bushalte. I'll wait at the bus stop. I'll wait for the bus stop. איך האָב געלײענט דעם בוך. I have read the book. I have read this book. Tom zei dat Maria niet Canadees was. Tom said that Mary wasn't Canadian. Tom said Maria wasn't Canadian. Er sang weiter. He kept singing. He continued to sing. Je hoort nu te oefenen. You're supposed to be practicing. You should practice now. Maria sagte, jeder, den sie kenne, könne schwimmen. Mary said everybody she knows can swim. Maria said anyone she knew could swim. Se deed ehr Shirt plätten. She ironed her shirt. She plyed her shirt. De auto is oud, maar wel goed. The car is old, but it is good. The car's old, but it's good. Better in blyn hynder as in leech helter. Half a loaf is better than none. Better a blean below than a low helter. Malé is de hoofdstad van de Malediven. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Het is van mijn broer. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Je lijkt wel gek. You must be crazy. You seem crazy. Mag ik je een kus geven? Can I kiss you? Can I give you a kiss? Ik ben hier om je te beschermen. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. Tom fragte Maria nach dem Verkehrsunfall, in den sie mit fünf Jahren geraten war. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident she was involved in when she was five years old. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident in which she was five years old. זײ זענען גנבֿים. They are thieves. Are you gnappy? De vlucht was overboekt. The flight was overbooked. The flight was overbooked. Mijn moeder kijkt niet graag tv. My mother does not like watching the television. My mom doesn't like watching TV. Ek het 'n plek om te bly gesoek. I looked for a place to stay. I've got a place to stay. Ik kom út Drinte. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drinte. Ze schrijft constant brieven. She is constantly writing letters. She's writing letters all the time. Tom öffnete die Tür des Konferenzsaales. Tom opened the conference room door. Tom opened the door of the conference hall. דו ביסט אַ ימח־שמוניק. You're a scoundrel. You are a famous speaker. Reen ass rar an dësem Land. Rain is scarce in this country. Rain is rare in this country. Dinsdag was het immers koud. Tuesday was certainly cold. After all, Tuesday was cold. Sicher mag ich Kartenspiele. Certainly, I like playing cards. I'm sure I like card games. Het ziet er goed uit. It looks good. It looks good. Geef me de portemonnee, en niemand raakt gewond. Hand over the wallet, and nobody gets hurt. Give me the wallet, and no one gets hurt. Ik heb een zeer mooie hond. I have a very beautiful dog. I have a very beautiful dog. Das Pferd ist weiß. The horse is white. The horse is white. Ik weet van niks. I don't know anything. I don't know anything. Ik hoop dat de dingen beter zullen gaan. I hope things will get better. I hope things will go better. Se deed de Eier kaken. She boiled the eggs. They cooked the eggs. Ich habe seit sechs Tagen nichts gegessen. I didn't eat anything for six days. I haven't eaten anything for six days. Ich habe keine Feinde. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemies. Dizze bloume is oraanje. This flower is orange. This flower is orange. Si chommät us Schweden. You come from Sweden. She chummet us Sweden. Herr Ikeda will sich ein neues Auto kaufen. Mr Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Mr Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Die Polizisten verlangten höhere Löhne. The policemen demanded higher wages. The police demanded higher wages. Tom beschloss, barfuß zu gehen. Tom decided to go barefoot. Tom decided to go barefoot. דער פאן איז זייר שיין. This flag is very pretty. The fan is their eyebrows. Se smöökt nich. She does not smoke. It does not taste. De volgende ochtend was hij weg. The next morning, he was gone. The next morning, he was gone. Ich war nicht enttäuscht. I was not disappointed. I wasn't disappointed. De boerderij kweekt aardappelen. The farm grows potatoes. The farm grows potatoes. Du weetst nich, wat dat heet, arm to wesen. You don't know what it is to be poor. You don't know what it means to be poor. Ik heb een nieuwe vriendin. I have a new girlfriend. I have a new girlfriend. Deine Aussprache ist großartig. Your pronunciation is superb! Your debate is great. Maria hett blaue Ogen. Maria has blue eyes. Maria has blue eyes. Ech schwätze kee Lëtzebuergesch. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I don't speak Luxembourgish. Meine Kreditkarte wurde vom Geldautomaten abgewiesen. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. Is dit jouw tas? Is this your bag? Is this your bag? Ich war eine Zeitlang bei Tom in Boston. I spent time with Tom in Boston. I was with Tom in Boston for a while. Eid Moebarak. Eid Mubarak. Eid Moebarak. Wat is mien Kamernummer? What's my room number? What is my room number? Heur toon bluidt. Her toe bleeds. He's sounding loud. De zomervakantie is voorbij. The summer vacation is over. Summer vacation's over. ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. Its important is not read as a lot of bookshaughty language, just as bookshaughty language has been read. Seine Lehrer soll man achten. One's teachers should be treated with respect. You should pay attention to your teacher. Ik weet zeker dat je je vergist. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. Tom komt hier bijna dagelijks. Tom comes here nearly every day. Tom's coming here almost daily. Ik heff mi föhlt, as wenn söven Sünnen in mi opgahn sünd. I felt like seven suns have risen inside of me. I have felt as if seven suns were going up in me. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie durstig sind. Tom and Mary told John they were thirsty. Tom and Mary told John that they're thirsty. Ich möchte gerne mit Tom sprechen, wenn ich darf. I'd like to speak to Tom if I may. I'd like to talk to Tom if I'm allowed. Warme melk voor het slapen gaan helpt echt om goed te slapen. Drinking warm milk before going to sleep helps you sleep well. Warm milk for sleeping really helps to sleep well. Spraak un Kultur laat sik nich vonenanner lösen. Language and culture can't be separated. Unable to solve language and culture from one another. De vis was heerlijk. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. Het nationale Brukenthal-museum is het eerste museum dat officieel in Roemenië werd geopend. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. The National Usethal Museum is the first museum officially opened in Romania. Tom will weten, worüm du dat doon hest. Tom would like to know why you did that. Tom wants to know why you did this. Er is tijd genoeg om dit huiswerk af te maken. There is enough time to finish this homework. There's plenty of time to finish this homework. Allo, wach uff. Come on, wake up. Allo, wake up. Tom ist bei seinem Onkel und seiner Tante groß geworden. Tom was brought up by his aunt and uncle. Tom grew up with his uncle and aunt. "Hoe oud is jy?" "Ek is sestien." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Ik ben in verwachting. I am pregnant. I'm expecting. Kom met ons mee. Join us. Come with us. Eerst moeten we al die zaden planten. First of all, we have to plant all these seeds. First we need to plant all these seeds. Der neue Jet umrundet die Erde in vierundzwanzig Stunden. The new jet circles the globe in twenty-four hours. The new jet orbits the earth in twenty-four hours. Mag ik nu gaan? Can I go now? Can I go now? צי ביסטו אַ נודיסט? Are you a nudist? Are you a stupidist? Wat sünd dat för welk? Who are they? What are they for which? My seun glo nogsteeds in Kersvader. My son still believes in Santa Claus. My son still believes in Santa Claus. Tom würde dich gerne treffen. Tom would like to see you. Tom would like to meet you. Unser Jachtklub hat zehn Mitglieder. Our yacht club has ten members. Our hunting club has ten members. Er trug sein Hemd verkehrt herum. He had his shirt on inside out. He was wearing his shirt in the wrong way. Lebe etwas unbeschwerter! Live life a little easier. Live a little more carelessly! Tom war neugierig. Tom was curious. Tom was curious. Sie sind in einem hervorragenden Zustand. They are in great condition. They are in an excellent condition. Darf ich ihn mit nach Hause bringen? Can I take him home? Can I take him home? איך אומרים "איך וויס נישט" בעברית? - לא יודעת. לכל הרוחות, כל מי שאני שואלת לא יודע! What's the English for "Ich weiß nicht"? - I don't know. - What the hell, whoever I ask doesn't know! I term "I know not" Bebriet? - Lo Youth. Findet ihr das nicht etwas übereilt? Don't you think that's a little premature? Don't you think that's a mistake? Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. Moenie te hard werk nie. Don't work too hard. Don’t work too hard. Kannst du das für mich die Treppe hochtragen? Would you carry this upstairs for me? Can you carry this for me up the stairs? Lass es bitte. Please stop it. Please leave it. Sie haben zu viele Fehler gemacht. You've been making too many mistakes. You made too many mistakes. Deshalb bin ich zu dir gekommen. That's why I came to you. That's why I came to you. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. Her illness kept her in the hospital for six weeks. She was hospitalized for 6 weeks because of her illness. Wist je niet dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? You didn't know I used to live in Boston? Ik ben uw familienaam vergeten. I've forgotten your last name. I forgot your family name. Deze thee smaakt goed. This tea tastes good. This tea tastes good. De prezident zal later op de dag een persconferentie geven. The president will hold a press conference later today. The president will give a press conference later on the day. He is in ’t Öller von 54 Johr doodbleven. He died at age 54. He died at the age of 54. Tom sagte, er komme aus Australien. Tom said he was from Australia. Tom said he came from Australia. Mir war todlangweilig. I was bored to death. I was too late. Zij is uw koningin. She is your queen. She's your queen. Es ist ein Wunder, dass Tom noch am Leben ist. It's a miracle that Tom's still alive. It's a miracle that Tom's still alive. Spreekst Nederlaands? Do you speak Dutch? Do you speak Dutch? Sami hasst es. Sami hates it. Sami hates it. Ik ken Tom en Mary. I know both Tom and Mary. I know Tom and Mary. Swevel warrt bruukt, üm Swevelsticken to maken. Sulfur is used to make matches. Swivel is used to make swivel sticks. Ek neem aan dit gaan nie 'n probleem wees nie. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I assume it won't be a problem. Ich habe das Flugzeug nur knapp verpasst. I missed the airplane by a minute. I just barely missed the plane. Ich dääd gern Franzeesisch lerne. I'd like to learn French. I like to learn French. Hij heeft zijn schuld erkend. He confessed his guilt. He acknowledged his fault. Tom weckte Maria um sechs Uhr dreißig, und sie war davon nicht begeistert. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 and she wasn't happy about that. Tom awakened Mary at 6:30 a.m., and she wasn't excited about it. Ich muss etwas Persönliches mit dir besprechen. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to talk to you personally. Zij studeert wiskunde. She studies mathematics. She's studying mathematics. Du höörst di an as Eco. You sound like Eco. You belong to it as Eco. Moi! Hey! Moi! Er hat an meiner Art, die Dinge anzufassen, immer etwas auszusetzen. He always finds fault with the way I do things. He always has something to do with my way of touching things. Mir schreiwen. We're writing. We write. Het oude paar gaf hun zoon op als vermist. The old couple gave up their son for lost. The old couple gave up their son as missing. Mir mussen erausfannen, wou si sinn. We have to find out where they are. We need to find out where they are. Auf wen können Tom und ich bauen, wenn raue Zeiten kommen? Who are Tom and I going to lean on when the times get rough? Who can Tom and I build on when rough times come? Ich habe gehört, dass sogar Taxifahrer oft die Orientierung verlieren in Tokio. I hear that even taxi drivers often get lost in Tokyo. I have heard that even taxi drivers often lose orientation in Tokyo. Ich weiß nicht, warum meine Freundin will, dass wir warten. I don't know why my friend wants us to wait. I don't know why my girlfriend wants us to wait. Het is een geest, en ik ben de enige die met hem kan praten. It's a ghost, and only I can speak to him. It's a ghost, and I'm the only one who can talk to him. Tom ist verwirrt. Tom is disturbed. Tom's confused. Volgens sommige geleerden kan er op elk moment een grote aardbeving plaatsvinden. According to some scholars, a major earthquake could occur at any moment now. According to some scholars, a great earthquake can take place at any time. Helden kommen immer zu spät. Heroes always arrive late. Heroes always come too late. Es ist schade, dass er nicht kommen kann. It is a pity that he can't come. It's a shame he can't come. Ich habe daran gedacht. I thought of that. I thought about it. Marco nahm seine Sachen und ging. Mark took his stuff and left. Marco took his things and went. Håsch du ihm glaubd? Did you believe him? Do you believe him? Dieses Bild sticht durch seine sich beißenden Farben hervor. The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out. This image shines through its biting colors. Aarzel niet advies te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Do not hesitate to ask for advice. Botter is week. Butter is soft. Butter is soft. Si wunnen an der Krim. They live in Crimea. They win in crime. מיין שטוב איז בלויז א פינף מינוט שפאצירגאנג פון דער סטאנציע. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station. my dust was only a five minute drive from the station. Het vliegtuig heeft een perfecte landing gemaakt. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane has made a perfect landing. Des hob i net tau. I haven't done that. des hob i not tau. Die Flasche ist aus Glas. The bottle is made of glass. The bottle is made of glass. Hij stopte om te roken. He stopped for a smoke. He stopped smoking. Tom weiß nichts über Mary. Tom knows nothing about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. Hattest du wirklich Sex? Did you really have sex? Did you really have sex? איך האָב צװײ ביכער. I've got two books. I have two books. זײ האָבן גערעדט פֿראַנצײזיש. They spoke French. Being spoken French. Ich weiß, dass es unmöglich ist. I know it's impossible. I know it's impossible. Was wirst du in Bezug auf Tom unternehmen? What are you going to do about Tom? What are you going to do about Tom? U weet dat ik getrouwd ben. You know I'm married. You know I'm married. Ons het reëls nodig! We need rules! We need rules! Moak asjeblieft kovvie. Please make coffee. Moak please kovvie. Wie war es mit deiner Vorlesung? How did your speech go? How about your lecture? Sie fror beinahe zu Tode im Schnee. She almost froze to death in the snow. She almost froze to death in the snow. Sami reed van Caïro naar Alexandrië. Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria. Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria. Ich bin es gewohnt, für mich selbst zu kochen. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm used to cooking for myself. Die Arbeiter verbreitern die Straße. The workers are expanding the road. The workers spread the street. Welke van de twee is het duurst? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which one of the two is the most expensive? Wie ist es so, Toms Freundin zu sein? What's it like being Tom's girlfriend? How is it to be Tom's girlfriend? Dizze bloume is geel. This flower is yellow. This flower is yellow. Tom hat Maria zugezwinkert. Tom winked at Mary. Tom forced Maria. Laat mij alleen! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Hij haat wortelen. He hates carrots. He hates roots. Ik wull geern en poor Böker över Lincoln lesen. I would like to read some books about Lincoln. I would like to read some books about Lincoln. Hebben we de tijd dit af te maken voordat Tom komt? Do we have time to finish this before Tom gets here? Do we have time to finish this before Tom comes? Wir werden uns darum kümmern. We'll see to it. We'll take care of it. So habe ich Tom sich nie benehmen sehen. I've never seen Tom act like that. I never saw Tom behave like that. Mij is iets anders geleerd. I was taught something different. Something else has taught me. Een muis is geen groot dier. A mouse is not a large animal. A mouse is not a big animal. Meine Katze schaut gerne aus dem Fenster. My cat likes to look through the window. My cat likes to look out the window. Vertel me het verhaal. Tell me the story. Tell me the story. Worüm büst du hier so tiedig herkamen? What did you come here so early for? Why did you come here so deep? Wat denkt je vrouw erover? How does your wife feel about it? What does your wife think about it? "⁊ hƿæt drincst þu?" "Ealu, ᵹif ic hæbbe, oþþe ƿæter ᵹif ic næbbe ealu." "Ne drincst þu ƿin?" "And what do you drink?" "Ale if I have it, or water if I don't have ale." "Don't you drink wine?" ' hƿæd drincstƿu?" "Ealu, 'if ic hæbbe, orþþ þæter 'if ic næbbe ealu." "Ne drincstƿu ƿin?" De patiënt zal vlug herstellen van zijn ziekte. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will quickly recover from his illness. Tom ziet er moe uit. Tom does look tired. Tom looks tired. Wat wil je dat ik vanavond kook? What do you want me to cook for dinner tonight? What do you want me to cook tonight? Wie wil eerste wees? Who wants to go first? Who wants to be first? Ik weet niet waar we zijn. I don't know where we are. I don't know where we are. Ruf mich an, wenn etwas passiert. Call me if something happens. Call me when something happens. Het is hier warm, nietwaar? It's hot in here, isn't it? It's hot here, isn't it? Ich werde hier essen. I'll eat here. I'm gonna eat here. Ik ben een monnik. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Der Laden wurde 2013 geschlossen. That store closed in 2013. The store was closed in 2013. Ich werde es nochmal versuchen, danke. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. Sie gewannen den Japan Cup in drei aufeinander folgenden Jahren. They won the Japan Cup three years in succession. They won the Japan Cup in three consecutive years. Ik had de bloemen geen water hoeven geven. Ik was er maar net klaar mee, of het begon te regenen. I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining. I didn't have to give the flowers water. I was just done with it, or it started to rain. Wat een afschuwelijk weer! What awful weather! What a horrible weather! Ich habe gestern Abend darüber gesprochen. I was talking about it last night. I talked about it last night. Das passiert häufig. Mach dir nichts draus! That happens often, so don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Tom gehört ins Gefängnis. Tom belongs in jail. Tom's in jail. Welk antwoord heb jij bij vraag 3? What answer did you come up with for question three? What answer do you have at Question 3? Op de markt kost zulke kaas maar vijf euro zoveel per kilo. At the market such cheese costs only five euro something per kilo. In the market, such cheese costs only five euros per kilo. Ich darf mich nicht verspäten. I can't be late. I mustn't be late. Tom und seine Frau kommen aus Australien. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom and his wife come from Australia. Das ist alles, was ich wissen muss. This is all I need to know. That's all I need to know. Er is veel water nodig. Much water is needed. A lot of water is needed. Ik was op school. I was at school. I was in school. Hij bezit veel dure schilderijen. He has quite a few valuable paintings. He owns many expensive paintings. Ik woonde drie jaar geleden in Japan. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. Se wull nich, dat he doodblifft. She didn't want him to die. She doesn't want him dead. Tom heeft de hele nacht geen woord gezegd. Tom didn't speak a word all night long. Tom didn't say a word all night. Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ mīnes līfes. That was the best day of my life. The þæs se besta dæ - mīnes līfes. ער פֿאַרשטײט פֿראַנצײזיש. He understands French. He understands frankly. Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is located in Europe. Hij ging naar daar in plaats van zijn vader. He went there instead of his father. He went there instead of his father. Er was een groot publiek in het theater. There was a large audience in the theater. There was a large audience in the theater. Sie erwies sich als eine große Musikerin. She proved to be a great musician. She was a great musician. Tom is niet bevoegd. Tom is unqualified. Tom's not authorized. Lihrst du Düütsch? Are you learning German? Do you love German? Ze is altijd trots op haar academische achtergrond. She always prides herself on her academic background. She's always proud of her academic background. Er starb bei etwas, was er gern tat. He died doing what he loved. He died with something he liked. Tom is een idioot. Tom is an idiot. Tom's an idiot. Heb je me bedrogen? Did you cheat on me? Did you cheat me? Sami ist groß. Sami is tall. Sami's big. Tom wollte vor Scham im Boden versinken. Tom wished to sink into the ground for shame. Tom wanted to sink from shame in the ground. Waarom wil je verpleegster worden? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Mustafa Kemal Ataturk het die Turkse Republiek in 1922 verklaar. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declared the Turkish Republic in 1922. We werden niet toegelaten tot het gebouw. We weren't allowed into the building. We were not admitted to the building. Tom ziet er altijd blij uit. Tom always looks happy. Tom always looks happy. Tom gaat ons morgen niet helpen. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom won't help us tomorrow. Hooi is voor paarden. Hay is for horses. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he Ich wollte nicht laut werden. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't want to be loud. אירלאַנד און ענגלאַנד זײַנען צעשײדט דורך אַ ים. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. Island and England are minimised by a sea. Was je toen op school? Were you at school at that time? Were you at school then? 'Anbidiað eow her mid þam assum sume hwile. Ic and þæt cild gað unc to gebiddenne, and we siððan cumað sona eft to eow.' 'You wait here with the donkeys for a while. I and the child will go to pray and we will come again immediately to you.' 'Anbidiað eow her mid þam assum sum hwile. Ic and meaning child gað unc to praydenne, and we siððan cumað sona eft to eow.' Die Straße befindet sich im Bau. The road is under construction. The road is under construction. Mijn vriend spreekt Nederlands van nature. My friend speaks Dutch natively. My friend speaks Dutch by nature. Unser Onkel hat uns Kinokarten gekauft. Our uncle bought us movie tickets. Our uncle bought us cinema cards. Tom un Ria säen, se wullen dat sülvst moken. Tom and Mary said they wanted to do that by themselves. Tom and Ria say they want to mog it on their own. k Bin n Stadjer. I'm a Groninger. k Bin n Stadjer. Het ontbijt is gereed. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast's ready. Was brachte dich auf den Gedanken, dass Tom das getan hat? What made you think Tom did that? What made you think Tom did that? Mary hat Tom einen Teller mit Keksen gegeben. Mary brought Tom a plate of cookies. Mary gave Tom a plate of cookies. Dit is Tom zijn woordenboek. This is Tom's dictionary. This is Tom's dictionary. Ich habe immer so meine Zweifel, wenn jemand von sich behauptet, mehr als fünf Sprachen fließend zu beherrschen. I'm skeptical when I hear someone claim to speak more than five languages fluently. I always have my doubts when someone claims to speak more than five languages fluently. Mijn zusters zijn allebei ongehuwd. Both of my sisters are not married. My sisters are both unmarried. Auf der ganzen Welt schätzt man würziges Essen. Many people around the world love spicy food. It is estimated that there is spicy food all over the world. Blief! Stay! Please! Ze ontkende mijn moeder te zijn. She denied that she's my mother. She denied being my mother. Er macht mich wahnsinnig. He drives me crazy. He makes me mad. Momenteel werk ik in Tokio. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm currently working in Tokyo. Zeg haar dat ge haar graag ziet. Heb geen schrik. Ze zal u niet bijten. Tell her you like her. Don't be afraid. She won't bite you. Tell her that you like to see her, don't be scared, she won't bite you. De Brügg is binnen twee Johr boot worrn. The bridge was built within two years. The bridge was built within two years. Hulle het na 'n huwelik van 7 jaar geskei. They broke up after 7 years of marriage. They divorced after a marriage of seven years. Is jy nie 'n bietjie skrikkerig nie? Aren't you being a little paranoid? Aren't you a little scared? Ik heb gekeken, maar niets gezien. I looked, but I didn't see anything. I've been watching, but I haven't seen anything. Se is bang vör Hunnen. She's scared of dogs. She is afraid of dogs. איך האָב געמיינט, אַז דאָס וואָלט געדאַרפֿט זײַן אַן ארץ זבת חלב ודבש. I thought this was supposed to be a land of milk and honey. I have thought, that this would be kind to an Art. Zai is ons noaberske. She's our neighbour. Zai is our cousin. Toen ik mijn ogen weer open deed, stond er ineens een onbekende dame voor mijn neus. When I opened my eyes again, all of a sudden an unknown lady was standing right in front of me. When I opened my eyes again, there was suddenly an unknown lady in front of my nose. Gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Easier said than done. It's easier said than done. Ik föhr mit ’t Rad na Arbeid. I bike to work. I'm driving my bike to work. Als sie mich verließ, sagte sie, dass sie mich niemals vergessen würde. As she was leaving me, she said that she would never forget me. When she left me, she said she would never forget me. k Bin klouk. I'm smart. k Bin klouk. Ich glaube, ich verstahs. I think I understand. I think I understand. Ich sin net dein Fraa. I'm not your wife. I'm not your wife. Wat söchst du? What're you looking for? What are you looking for? Tu so, als ob du etwas weißt. Pretend you know something. Do something as if you know something. Tom versuchte seine Spuren zu verwischen. Tom tried to cover his tracks. Tom tried to blur his tracks. Psychologie ist die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der geistigen Vorgänge. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind. Psychology is the scientific investigation of mental processes. Wat is er mis met je hond? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? Ich stehe noch immer unter Schock. I'm still in shock. I'm still in shock. Herinner je je die keer dat we samen naar Boston gingen? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Soll ich die Frage wiederholen? Do you wish me to repeat the question? Should I repeat the question? Hoe oud zijn jullie? How old are you guys? How old are you? Iedere nacht zong een nachtegaal liedjes voor ons. Every evening, a nightingale would sing us songs. Every night we sang a nocturnal song. Er ist ein bisschen verrückt. He's a little crazy. He's a little crazy. Wat is jou gunsteling ontspanningsaktiwiteit? What's your favorite leisure activity? What is your favorite leisure activity? Tom had waarschijnlijk gelijk. Tom was probably right. Tom probably was right. Möchten sie mit mir schwimmen gehen? Would you like to go for a swim with me? Do they want to swim with me? Tom heeft gebeld om te zeggen dat hij te laat zal zijn. Tom called to say that he'd be late. Tom called to say he'd be too late. Mijn zusje is te jong om naar school te gaan. My sister is too young to go to school. My sister is too young to go to school. Ik zag een zwerm vogels vliegen in de lucht. I saw a flock of birds flying aloft. I saw a swarm of birds flying in the air. "Spreekt u Frans?" - "Nee." "Do you speak French?" "No, I don't." "Do you speak French?" - "No." Maria ist eine Leseratte. Mary is a heavy reader. Maria is a reader. Wir sind daran schuld. That's our fault. We owe it. Tom lud uns auf ein Kostümfest ein. Tom invited us to a costume party. Tom invited us to a costume party. Ik woon niet hier in Australië. I don't live here in Australia. I don't live here in Australia. Voor Dan heb ik een stropdas gekocht, voor Elena koop ik een sjaal. I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena. For Dan, I bought a straw, for Elena, I buy a scarf. Ich muss meinen Koffer auspacken. I have to unpack my suitcase. I need to unpack my suitcase. Hij stond aan de deur. He was standing at the door. He was standing at the door. האָסט עפּעס צו זאָגן? Do you have nothing to say? Does something have to say? Ek het van hom vergeet. I forgot about him. I forgot about him. Haar schoonheid was onbeschrijfelijk. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. Het was allemaal onze schuld. It was all our fault. It was all our fault. Chönd Si das wiederholä? Can you repeat that? Chönd Si that repeat? Die lug is blou, die see is ook blou. Die lug en die see is blou. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue, and the sky and the sea are blue. Sie spricht fließend Französisch. She speaks French fluently. She speaks French fluently. Het klopt aan de deur. It knocks on the door. It's right at the door. Oceanen verdelen de wereld niet zozeer, als dat ze deze verenigen. Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. Oceans do not divide the world as much as they unite it. Ein Künstler muss ein Gespür für Farben haben. An artist must have an eye for colour. An artist must have a feeling for colors. Tom sagte, er habe nicht gewusst, dass Maria Französisch spreche. Tom said that he didn't know that Mary could speak French. Tom said he didn't know Maria was speaking French. Ich hatte kaum meine Mahlzeit beendet, als mein Freund mich anrief und mich einlud, zum Abendessen auszugehen. I had hardly finished my meal when my friend phoned me and invited me out for dinner. I had hardly finished my meal when my friend called me and invited me to go out for dinner. Heeft u het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? Haven't you told him yet? Noorwegen verraste me. Norway surprised me. Norway surprised me. Het leven is geen exacte wetenschap. Het is een kunst. Life is not an exact science, it is an art. Life is not an exact science, it's an art. Er wurde enttäuscht. He was disappointed. He was disappointed. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. I don't mind Tom coming with his new girlfriend. Ik heb niets met die zaak te maken. I have nothing to do with this matter. I have nothing to do with that case. Vogels drinken water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Roken is in de lift niet toegestaan. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Smoking is not allowed in the elevator. Ik bruuk en Löpel, en Gavel un en Mest. Wees bedankt. I need a spoon, a fork, and a knife. Thank you. I need a spoon, a fork, and a mast. Be thankful. מיר געפֿעלן ביכער. I like books. We found some biker. We hebben minder dan drie uur. We have less than three hours. We have less than three hours. Jullie beslissen. You decide. You decide. We hebben een zeer beperkte voorraad. We have a very limited stock. We have a very limited stock. Die Soldaten marschierten und ihre Schwerter blitzten. The soldiers were marching with their swords shining. The soldiers marched and flashed their swords. Ik bün Student. I'm a student. I am a student. Heb je Tom gedood? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ik weet dat Tom mij gered heeft. I know that Tom rescued me. I know Tom saved me. Warum gehst du nicht hin und sprichst mit ihr? Why don't you go talk to her? Why don't you go and talk to her? Er macht ein Gesicht wie drei Tage Regenwetter. He’s making a face like three days of rainy weather. He makes a face like three days of rain. Ze kon zijn onbeleefd gedrag niet uitstaan. She couldn't do with his rude behavior. She couldn't stand his rude behavior. Ik eet tomaten. I'm eating tomatoes. I eat tomatoes. Hij lijkt gelukkig. He seems happy. He looks happy. Er zijn zeldzame dieren in Australië. There are rare animals in Australia. There are rare animals in Australia. דאָס איז אַ בלײַער. That's a pencil. Is allowed. ער האט א קאַמעראָ. He has a camera. Mizrachi has a cohero. Avendeten is trech. Dinner's ready. Evenings are trekking. Wat is uw thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Tom stopte. Tom stopped. Tom stopped. Laat je oom erover nadenken. Let your uncle think about it. Let your uncle think about it. We waren zo opgewonden dat we niet stil konden zitten. We were so excited that we couldn't sit still. We were so excited that we couldn't sit still. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één fiets. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Ik hou er niet van over bepaalde dingen te praten. I don't like to talk about certain things. I don't like talking about certain things. Wat? What? What? Wiä häissisch zum Vornamä? What is your first name? Wiä häissish zum Vornamä? Hij werd een burger van de Verenigde Staten. He became a citizen of the United States. He became a citizen of the United States. Je kan je eigen conclusies trekken. You can draw your own conclusions. You can draw your own conclusions. Meine Mutter hat mich zu dem gemacht, was ich heute bin. My mother has made me what I am today. My mother made me what I am today. Ich höre seinem Solovortrag zu. I am listening to his recital. I listen to his solo lecture. We zullen u roepen wanneer uw tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We'll call you when your table is ready. Mijn fiets is gisteren hersteld. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. My bike was restored yesterday. Tom heeft bijna niets in zijn portemonnee. Tom has next to nothing in his wallet. Tom has almost nothing in his wallet. Ik heb één enkel boek gekocht, dat ik aan een student gegeven heb. I bought only one book which I gave to a student. I bought a single book that I gave to a student. Du snackst, as wenn du de Baas weerst. You talk as if you were the boss. You talk as if you were the boss. Das muss sehr schwer für euch gewesen sein. It must've been very difficult for you. It must have been very hard for you. Wijze woorden! Wise words! Wise words! Dem Mutigen gehört die Welt. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to the brave. Ik kleed me aan direct nadat ik heb ontbeten. I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I'm dressed right after breakfast. Mir tuans mitanaund. We're doing it together. Me tuans mitanaund. Wi löpen in ’n Park. We ran in the park. We run into a park. Wat hest du disse Week daan? What did you do this week? What did you do this week? Ukrainische Mädchen sind die schönsten Mädchen der Welt. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ich würde das nicht tun, wenn ich du wäre. I wouldn't do it if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Ik kom niet uit Afrika. I'm not from Africa. I'm not from Africa. ער איז אַ מאַטעמאַטיקער. He's a mathematician. He is a matchmaker. Hier is bus. Here's the bus. Here's a bus. Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie. Tom did not wear socks. Tom did not wear socks. Der Grund für seine Verspätung bestand darin, dass er den Bus verpasst hatte. The reason for him being late was that he had missed the bus. The reason for his delay was that he missed the bus. Hij deed alsof hij me niet had opgemerkt. He pretended he didn't notice me. He pretended he didn't notice me. Morgen zullen we van Frankfurt naar München gaan. Tomorrow we shall go from Frankfurt to Munich. Tomorrow we will go from Frankfurt to Munich. Goeiedag eem! Good day! Good day eem! Möge, wenn du an einen Gott glaubst, dieser deiner Seele gnädig sein. May whatever god you believe in have mercy on your soul. May if you believe in a God who is gracious to your soul. Se hebbt twee Söhns un een Dochter. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Woneem bün ik? Where am I? Where am I? Wirf diese faulen Krummfrüchte weg! Throw away these rotten bananas. Throw away these lazy crumbs! Seitdem sind Tom und Maria zusammen. Tom and Mary have been together ever since. Tom and Maria have been together since then. Lass mal wieder von dir hören! Don't be a stranger. Let's hear from you again! Einige der Schüler kamen zu spät zur Schule. Some of the students were late for school. Some of the students came to school late. Tom maakt me altijd aan het lachen. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Ik verstah nich. I don't understand. I don't understand. Wat is je geboortedatum? What is your date of birth? What's your date of birth? Ik ga gewoonlijk om tien uur naar bed. I usually go to bed at ten. I usually go to bed at ten o'clock. Er ist nach Tokio gezogen. He moved to Tokyo. He moved to Tokyo. Sie wurde von den Vereinten Nationen mit der Friedensgoldmedaille ausgezeichnet. She received the United Nations Gold Medal of Peace. She was awarded the gold medal of peace by the United Nations. Kann sein, dass du mir vor langer Zeit davon erzählt hast. You might have told me about it long ago. Could be that you told me about it a long time ago. Ik heb toevallig uw moeder gezien in de bibliotheek. I ran across your mother in the library. I happened to see your mother in the library. Hij woont hier. He lives here. He lives here. Ik heb een kaartje nodig. I need a ticket. I need a ticket. Wie wird Ihr Nachname geschrieben? How do you write your last name? How is your surname written? k Wil nait laanker dien vraauw wezen. I no longer wish to be your wife. k Would you like a night lanker? Bent u een priester? Are you a priest? Are you a priest? Tom moes gaan. Tom needed to go. Tom had to go. מיר האָבן זיך אַוועקגעצויגן קיין אַלזשיר. We moved to Algiers. We have gone no more. Tom konnte seinen linken Schuh nicht finden. Tom couldn't find his left shoe. Tom couldn't find his left shoe. Du brauchst darüber nicht zu sprechen, wenn du nicht willst. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to. De Schandarm nehm ’n Jung dat Mest af. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The disgraced arm takes a boy off the mast. De strijd gaat verder! The fight continues! The battle continues! Elkenain wachtte. Everybody waited. Every one waited. Dit bericht maakte Al-Sayib zo woedend, dat hij nogmaals Fanta morste. This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta. This message angered Al-Sayib so much that he would kill Fanta again. Sie wohnt allein in dem Zimmer. She lives alone in the room. She lives alone in the room. Die Sonne hat ihre Haut gebräunt. The sun has bronzed her skin. The sun has browned her skin. Tom starb bei dem Versuch, Maria zu retten. Tom died trying to rescue Mary. Tom died trying to save Mary. Maria gibt in London Französischunterricht. Mary teaches French in London. Maria teaches French in London. Ze zijn nog steeds op zoek naar de misdadiger. They are still looking for the criminal. They're still looking for the criminal. Mir gaats nöd so guet. I don't feel well. I'm not going to be so good. Daar is waarskynlik 'n maklike oplossing vir dir probleem. There is probably an easy solution to the problem. There is probably an easy solution to your problem. Was ist in den Kisten da? What's in those boxes? What's in the box? Könntest du herkommen und mir helfen? Can you come over here and help me? Could you come here and help me? We hebben genoeg geld om deze cd te kopen. We have enough money to buy this CD. We have enough money to buy this CD. Leihst du mir mal deinen CD-Spieler für eine Stunde? Will you lend me your CD player for an hour? Do you even lend me your CD player for an hour? Dat is geen kat. Dat is een hond. That's not a cat. That's a dog. That's not a cat. Hij hunkert altijd naar ruzie. He is always spoiling for a fight. He always yearns for a fight. Zai houstte. She coughed. Zai hustte. Wie alt waren deine Kinder, als du nach Boston gezogen bist? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? Sami heeft racisme meegemaakt alleen maar door een moslim te zijn. Sami has gone through racism just for being Muslim. Sami suffered racism only by being a Muslim. Ik kan niet staan. I can't stand. I can't stand. Europeanen drinken graag wijn. Europeans love to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Ich kann gut kochen. I'm good at cooking. I can cook well. Du hast es bestimmt schon vergessen. You've probably forgotten about it already. You must have forgotten. Wie hebben aaier eten. We ate eggs. Who ate ain't got it. Tweelingen zijn klonen. Twins are clones. Twins are clones. Bent u allergisch voor bepaalde medicijnen? Are you allergic to any medications? Are you allergic to certain medicines? Hat euch der Film gefallen? Did you enjoy the movie? Did you like the movie? Wat is hier leuk om te doen? What is fun to do around here? What's fun to do here? Tom trieb es zu weit. Tom was overdoing it. Tom drove it too far. איך מיין נישט. I didn't think so. I mean not. Eens, zweu, drei, fier, finnef, sechs, sieve, acht, nein, zehn. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, fine, six, seven, eight, no, ten. Sami gaat niet naar de kerk omdat hij moslim is. Sami doesn't go to church because he's Muslim. Sami doesn't go to church because he's a Muslim. Zij zaten naast elkaar. They sat side by side. They were next to each other. Maria huilde op de terugweg naar huis. Mary cried on the way back home. Maria cried on the way back home. Tom moedigde me aan om Frans te leren. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Ek het perongeluk koffie op die mat gemors. I accidentally spilled coffee on the mat. I spilled coffee on the mat. Ik heb niets gezegd dat zijn gevoelens zou kwetsen. I didn't say anything to hurt his feelings. I didn't say anything would hurt his feelings. Das ist das Haus, in dem ich geboren wurde. That is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Sēo flyhthæfen is be-locen. The airport is closed. Sēo flyhth haten is be-locen. Tom het sy foon in die kar gelos. Tom left his phone in his car. Tom left his phone in the car. Treffen sich zwei Jäger: Beide tot. Two hunters meet: both are dead. Meet two hunters: both dead. As ek maar net vlerke gehad het. If only I had wings! If only I had wings. מיר לעבען אין אַ געזעלשאַפֿט. We live in a society. We live in a business environment. Ic nelle to þæm larhuse. I don't want to go to school. Ic nelle to am larhuse. Ik bün mit de Noot op mien Mathetest tofreden. I am satisfied with the result of my math test. I am satisfied with the need for my math test. Seit der Einführung von vollautomatischen Melksystemen ist das Leben einiger milchproduzierender Landwirte um vieles leichter geworden. The life of some dairy farmers has gotten a lot easier since the introduction of robots to milk the cows. Since the introduction of fully automatic milking systems, the lives of some milk-producing farmers have become much easier. He is vondaag good tomood. He's in a good mood today. He's good tomood today. Isst du Fleisch, oder bist du Vegetarier? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Do you eat meat, or are you vegetarians? Wel? Who? Well? Drinken oder nich drinken - dat is de Fraag. To drink or not to drink - that is the question. Drink or don't drink - that's the question. Tom zei dat hij niets te maken had met wat er gebeurd was. Tom said he'd had nothing to do with what had happened. Tom said he didn't have anything to do with what happened. Se hett em eerst nulest drapen. She met him only recently. She killed him zeroest first. Vier jij de Dag van de Aarde? Do you celebrate the Earth Day? Do you celebrate Earth's Day? Hij boft maar. He's a lucky guy. He's lucky. Wer ist der Junge, der Peter Pan spielt? Who is the boy acting the part of Peter Pan? Who is the boy who plays Peter Pan? Wanneer hebben jullie dat beslist? When did you guys decide that? When did you decide? Sami het dit nie opgemerk nie. Sami hasn't noticed that. Sami did not notice. Tom en ik hebben geknuffeld. Tom and I hugged. Tom and I got used to it. Latain is nait muilek. Latin is not hard. Latain is muilek at night. Ze heeft mij meermaals opgebeld. She called me many times. She called me several times. Das Spiel war unentschieden: zwei zu zwei. The game was a tie, 2-2. The game was undisputed: two to two. Kann ik dien Wöörbook bruken? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Woar binnen d'olders? Where are the parents? Why within the ages? Tom sal nie omgee nie. Tom wouldn't care. Tom will not care. Mäi Papp lieft a schafft zu Tokio. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. Ik ben ook leraar. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. Water is leven. Water is life. Water is alive. He sprook keen Engelsch. He spoke no English. He didn't speak English. Hoe goed ken jij Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Tom hat Maria davor gewarnt. Tom warned Mary about that. Tom warned Maria about it. Tom is arm, maar hij is gelukkig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor, but he's happy. Sie verstehen mich doch, oder? You do understand me, don't you? You understand me, don't you? Dit artikel is goedkoop. This article is cheap. This article is cheap. Ich habe vor, dort eine Woche zu bleiben. I plan to stay there one week. I'm planning on staying there for a week. Maak de keuken schoon. Clean up the kitchen. Clean the kitchen. Es gab auf der Straße eine Umleitung. There was a detour on the road. There was a redirect on the street. Ich muss mich um ein paar Sachen kümmern. I've got some things to take care of. I have to take care of a few things. Ich glaube, Tom wird nicht weinen. I don't believe Tom will cry. I think Tom won't cry. אסאך איז געשען. A lot has happened. The kingdom of Israel was established. Haben Sie schon über eine Therapie nachgedacht? Have you considered therapy? Have you thought about a therapy? De Chineesch Müür is över 8.800 Kilometer lang. The Great Wall of China is over 5,500 miles long. The Chinese wall is over 8,800 kilometers long. Woneem is Joe hengahn? Where did Joe go? Where did Joe go? Er drückt sich sehr korrekt aus. He expresses himself very correctly. He expresses himself very correctly. Er kann lesen. He can read. He can read. De trein zal voor 12 uur aankomen op het station. The train will arrive at the station before noon. The train will arrive at the station for 12 hours. Het is een computer. It's a computer. It's a computer. Tom sal pret hê. Tom will have fun. Tom will have fun. Ik wil kinderen, maar mijn man niet. I want kids, but my husband doesn't. I want kids, but my husband doesn't. Er entdeckte einen neuen Stern. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Wie siehst du diese Angelegenheit? How do you view this matter? How do you see this matter? Ik heff Tom nix to seggen. I've got nothing to say to Tom. I have nothing to say to Tom. Man hat Sie entdeckt. You have been spotted. You've been discovered. Etwas an Ihnen gefällt mir nicht, und ich mag Ihre Gesellschaft nicht länger ertragen. There's something about you I don't like and I can't bear your company any longer. I don't like anything about you, and I can't bear your company anymore. Ich kann nicht gut schwimmen. I am poor at swimming. I can't swim well. Layla houdt van Disneyprinsessen. Layla loves Disney princesses. Layla loves Disney princess. Ich möchte meine Reservierung stornieren. I'd like to cancel my reservation. I want to cancel my reservation. De Goorner hett uns nich verlöövt, op dat Gras to lopen. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The gourd didn't allow us to walk on the grass. Hou is Azie? How is Asia? How's Azie? Heb je Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Bent u van plan deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Are you planning to participate in the meeting? Tom sagte, er halte das nicht für möglich. Tom said he didn't think that it was possible. Tom said he didn't think it was possible. פארוואס האסטו עס נישט גענוצט? Why didn't you use it? Why doesn't you use it? Tom was de enige die lachte. Tom was the only one who laughed. Tom was the only one who laughed. Een enkele straal zonlicht scheen door een spleet in het gesloten raam. A single ray of sunlight shone through a chink in the shuttered window. A single beam of sunlight appeared through a split in the closed window. Tom heeft me aan Mary voorgesteld. Tom introduced me to Mary. Tom introduced me to Mary. Dit is en snaakschen Satz. This is a strange sentence. This is a strange sentence. Was fer Zeit hawwe mer? What time is it? What time do we have? Die Raupe verwandelte sich in einen wunderschönen Schmetterling. The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. Mach es gleich fertig! Get it ready at once. Finish it right now! Tom woont hiernaast. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Es is neechst Hallebnacht. It's almost midnight. It's near Hallebnacht. Guck, en Akassje! Look an acacia! Guck, and Akassie! Wenn es donnert, geh ins Haus! When thunder roars, go indoors! If it thunders, go to the house! De Atoomtall von Iesen is 26. The atomic number for iron is 26. The atomic number of iron is 26. Wat is je grootste angst? What do you fear the most? What's your greatest fear? De Baum isch umgheit. The tree fell down. The tree is surrounding. Obwohl er zeitig von zu Hause wegging, kam Tom zu spät zur Arbeit. Even though Tom left home early today, he was late for work. Although he left home in time, Tom came to work late. Ich habe einen guten Arbeitsplatz. I have a good job. I have a good job. Ich könnte Sie dafür entlassen. I could fire you for that. I could get rid of you for that. Tom toste het muntstuk en zei: „Kop of munt?” Tom flipped the coin and said, "Heads or Tails?" Tom tossed the coin and said, "Cop or coin?" Ik bün dor von övertüügt, dat he unschüllig is. I am convinced that he is innocent. I am convinced that he is unscrupulous. Sami woont in een islamitisch land. Sami lives in a Muslim country. Sami lives in an Islamic country. Das ist ihr Buch. This is her book. This is her book. Mi no inap painim rot bilong mi. I'm lost. I could not find a way. Diese Medizin hat keine Nebenwirkungen. This medicine does not have side effects. This medicine has no side effects. Tennis speel is sy stokperdjie. Playing tennis is his hobby. Tennis is his hobby. Ich dachte nicht, dass du es schaffen würdest. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you'd make it. Irgendjemand soll den Mund aufmachen! Someone should open their mouth! Someone's supposed to open his mouth! We spreken later verder. We'll talk afterwards. We'll talk later. Tom is al de hele dag bij Mary. Tom has been with Mary all day. Tom's been with Mary all day. Er ist größer als ich. He's taller than me. He's bigger than me. Er ist soeben gegangen. He just left. He just left. Ek het heeltemal van haar vergeet. I forgot all about her. I completely forgot about her. Die Sonne ist ein Stern. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Aine van zien kollegoas fluusterde. One of his colleagues whispered. Aine of seeing colleague whispered. Waar is jouw huiswerk? Where is your homework? Where's your homework? Hoe oud zijn jullie kinderen? How old are your children? How old are your children? דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ פּאַטאָלאָגישער ליגנער. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathogen. Verlorene Zeit kommt nicht zurück. Lost time is never found again. Lost time doesn't come back. קינדער און נאַראָנים זאָגן דעם אמת. Children and fools tell the truth. Children and narratives say the truth. Jullie zijn aan het zwemmen. You are swimming. You're swimming. Se kunn nich löven, wat se sehn deed. She could not believe what she saw. She could not believe what she saw. Sien jüngsten Söhn is fiev Johr oold. His youngest son is five years old. His youngest son is five years old. Entschuldige das Durcheinander! Sorry about the mess. Excuse me. Tom wird dir keine Schwierigkeiten mehr bereiten. You won't have any more trouble with Tom. Tom won't make you any more trouble. Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and beautiful dreams. Auge in Auge mit einem Dinosaurier zu sein war ein lustiges Erlebnis. Coming face to face with a dinosaur was a funny experience. Being eye in eye with a dinosaur was a fun experience. עס איז אלע געווען א גרויסער ליגן. It was all a big lie. It was all a great lie. Warst du schon mal in Indien? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? Toms Temperament ist mit ihm durchgegangen. Tom lost his temper. Tom's temperament went through with him. Is dat een nieuw badpak? Is that a new bathing suit? Is that a new bath suit? De dokter heeft haar een aantal tabletten gegeven om de pijn weg te nemen. The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain. The doctor gave her a number of tablets to remove the pain. Ik kann dat nich sehn. I cannot see it. I can't see it. Willen jullie wat glühwein? Do you want some mulled wine? Do you want some light wine? Kinne jo stadicher prate asjebleaft? Speak more slowly, please! Can you speak slower than you please? Ich wohne hier. I live here. I live here. Sie ist nicht meine Freundin. She is not my friend. She's not my girlfriend. Canada is geen paradijs. Canada is not a paradise. Canada is not a paradise. Ngerulmud is de hoofdstad van Palau. Ngerulmud is the capital of Palau. Ngerulmud is the capital of Palau. Die Farben der Flagge haben auch eine Bedeutung. The colors of the flag have meaning as well. The colors of the flag also have a meaning. Es waren mindestens hundert Leute anwesend. At least 100 people attended. At least a hundred people were present. Sie parken in zweiter Reihe. You're double-parked. You're parking in second row. Ich erwiderte, dass ich keine Eltern mehr hätte. I replied that I didn't have parents any more. I replied that I no longer had parents. Französisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache. French isn't my first language. French is not my native language. De Krieg güng toenn. The war ended. The war went on. Tom muss reich sein. Tom must be rich. Tom must be rich. Gibt es etwas Besonderes, was du tun möchtest? Is there anything in particular you want to do? Is there something special you want to do? Sie arbeitet als eine Bürodame. She works as an office lady. She works as an office lady. Die Schauspielerin lernt ihre Rolle. The actress is learning her part. The actress learns her role. Der Wasserhahn in der Küche tropft. The tap in the kitchen is dripping. The faucet in the kitchen drops. Ik wil met Martyna trouwen. I want to marry Martyna. I want to marry Martyna. Tom hett dat Licht nich utmookt. Tom didn't turn the light off. Tom did not exhale the light. We hebben morgen geen school. We don't have school tomorrow. We don't have a school tomorrow. Sie hängen in allen Bereichen an ihren alten Sitten. They stick to old customs in everything. They hang on their old seats in all areas. Wie niet kan vragen, kan niet leven. He that cannot ask cannot live. Who can't ask, can't live. Tom versuchte, mir an allem die Schuld zu geben. Tom tried to blame me for everything. Tom tried to blame me for everything. Zeig mir, was du hast. Show me what you have. Show me what you have. Ich habe vorgeschlagen, er solle sofort da hingehen. I suggested that he go there at once. I suggested that he go right there. Maria strich sich den Sand von den Beinen. Mary wiped the sand from her legs. Mary stripped the sand of her legs. Een driehoek heeft 3 hoeken en een zeshoek heeft 6 hoeken. A triangle has 3 corners, and a hexagon has 6 corners. A triangle has 3 angles and a hexagon has 6 angles. Wees voorzichtig. Het is glad. Be careful. It's slippery. Be careful, it's smooth. He lööp fiev Mielen. He ran five miles. He ran five miles. Een dichter bekijkt de wereld zoals een man kijkt naar een vrouw. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. A poet watches the world as a man looks at a woman. Je bent waarschijnlijk allergisch voor pollen of stof. Probably you are allergic to pollen or dust. You're probably allergic to pollen or dust. Wir machen uns Sorgen um deine Gesundheit. We are anxious about your health. We're worried about your health. Hij is gewoon een betweter. He's just a know-it-all. He's just an opponent. Gebruik voorlopig gewoon het mijne. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for the time being. Dat hier is Japan. This is Japan. That's Japan. Jo. Nee. Villicht. Ik weet nich. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. Ein japanischer Geschäftsmann kaufte das Kunstwerk für 200 Millionen Yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. In Japan verwendet man Namensstempel, statt der im Ausland üblichen Unterschrift. Seals are used like this in Japan, but abroad signatures are the rule. In Japan, the name stamp is used instead of the signature used abroad. Über Musik zu sprechen ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. Schrijf zijn adres op. Write down his address. Write down his address. Kerstmis komt er snel aan. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is coming soon. Wil je nog wat thee? Would you like some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Sami het orals gebloei. Sami was bleeding everywhere. Sami bloomed everywhere. Mein Werkzeugkasten enthält nur eine Zange, einen Hammer und einen Schraubenzieher. My toolbox contains only pliers, a hammer, and a screwdriver. My toolbox contains only one tongue, a hammer and a screwdriver. Hett Tom Süstern? Does Tom have any sisters? Do you have Tom Sisters? Tom schickte mir einen fiesen Blick rüber. Tom gave me a dirty look. Tom sent me a nice look over there. Geschieht auch etwas, davon man sagen möchte: Siehe, das ist neu? Es ist zuvor auch geschehen in den langen Zeiten, die vor uns gewesen sind. "Look," they say, "here is something new!" But no, it has all happened before, long before we were born. Something is also happening, of which one would like to say, "Behold, this is new?" It has also happened before in the long times that have been before us. Ik kom elke dag langs die kerk. I go by that church every day. I come to that church every day. Tom speelde piano en Mary zong. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. דו מעגסט האָבן אַ ביסל סאַלאַמי. You can have some salami. You may have a bit of room. Ich habe euch husten gehört. I heard you coughing. I heard you guys. Skius. Excuse me. Skius. וועגן וועמענס הונט רעדט איר? Whose dog are you talking about? About whose dog are you? ווילסטו מאכן עס נאכאמאל? Do you want to do it again? Do you want to make it even? Wie binnen noaber. We're neighbours. As in noaber. Als ik mijn best had gedaan, was het me misschien gelukt. If I had done my best, I might have succeeded. If I had done my best, I might have been able to. Seit wann interessiert dich, was uns geschieht? Since when do you care about what happens to us? Since when have you been interested in what happens to us? Tennis spelen is gemakkelijk. It is easy to play tennis. Playing tennis is easy. Tom scheint genervt zu sein. Tom seems annoyed. Tom seems nervous. Dä Hund isch root. The dog is red. Your dog is red. Mir hu keng Kanner. We don't have children. We don't have children. We zullen zien. We shall see. We'll see. Wat Tom gesê het is 'n leuen. What Tom said was a lie. What Tom said is a lie. Du hast den Bezug zur Realität verloren. You're out of touch with reality. You lost the connection to reality. Ze heeft een tatoeage van een hagedis op haar dij. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. Wir gehen um acht Uhr weg. We'll leave at eight o'clock. We're leaving at 8:00. Tom sagte, er wolle nicht ins Bett. Tom said that he didn't want to go to bed. Tom said he didn't want to go to bed. Een voetbalteam bestaat uit elf spelers. A soccer team consists of eleven players. A football team consists of eleven players. Wat fir eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? What colour is your coat? What color does your coat have? Hai kin zwemmen. He can swim. Hai can swim. Wil je dat ik je help? Do you want me to help you? Do you want me to help you? Vampieren leven eeuwig. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. Godd is de Anfang von allens. The One is the beginning of all things. Godd is the beginning of everything. ’Keen hett dit Gedicht schreven? Who wrote this poem? ‘No one wrote this poem? De functie heeft geen neveneffecten. The function has no side effects. The function has no side effects. Wir sind in unserer Familie zu fünft. There are five people in our family. We're five in our family. Tom hat sich den Zeh gestoßen, als er in der Nacht aufstand, um sich zur Toilette zu begeben. Tom stubbed his toe when he got up in the night to go to the toilet. Tom hit the toe when he got up at night to go to the toilet. Vroeg of laat gaan we allemaal dood. We all die sooner or later. We all die early or late. Diebe plünderten das Museum. Thieves plundered the museum. Thieves looted the museum. Tag, die Damen! Hello, ladies. Hello, ladies! Wie kann man mit Tom am besten in Verbindung treten? What's the best way to contact Tom? How can you best get in touch with Tom? Vielleicht würdest du bereit sein, dich freiwillig um die Kinder zu kümmern. Perhaps you'd be willing to volunteer to take care of the children. Maybe you'd be willing to volunteer to take care of the children. Sie müssen die Tontaube treffen. You need to hit the clay pigeon. You have to meet the Tontaube. Het is ook geen sinaasappel. That is not an orange, either. It's not a orange either. Habe ich lange geschlafen? Was I asleep for long? Did I sleep for a long time? Is het jouw of onze schuld? Is it your fault or ours? Is it your or our fault? Blijf gewoon op dit pad. Just stay on this path. Just stay on this path. Een derde van het aardoppervlak is woestijn. One third of the earth's surface is desert. A third of the earth's surface is desert. Hätte ich damals gewusst, was ich jetzt weiß, hätte ich gar nicht erst eingewilligt, dies zu tun. If I'd known as much about it then as I do now, I wouldn't have agreed to do it in the first place. If I had known what I now know, I wouldn't have agreed to do so at all. Wat is dien leevsten Romaan? What's your favorite novel? What is your favorite Roman? Palestina wordt in het Arabisch "Filastin" genoemd. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Du musst einen Fehler gemacht haben. You must have made a mistake. You must have made a mistake. k Heb gain faveriete laid. I don't have a favorite song. k Heb gain faverite laid. Waar is mijn doos bonbons? Where's my box of chocolates? Where's my box of beans? Lass Tom nicht weg, ehe ich da bin! Don't let Tom leave before I get there. Don't leave Tom before I get there! Die großbusige Blondine da ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh. That big busted blonde is as dumb as a rock. The big-busy blonde there is stupid like bean straw. Dieser Film ist ein Kultklassiker. This film is a cult classic. This film is a cult classic. Ich habe Sie beim Lernen beobachtet. I've been watching you study. I watched you learn. Ehr Verhollen is nich normaal för en jung Deern. Her behavior isn't normal for a young girl. Her behavior is not normal for a young girl. Er hat mein Manuskript Korrektur gelesen. He proofread my manuscript. He read my manuscript correct. Ik bün nee hier. I'm new here. I'm not here. Se deed blangen em kneen. She knelt beside him. She bled him knees. Die Chancen stehen günstig für ihn. The odds are in his favor. The chances are good for him. We hebben John als aanvoerder gekozen. We chose John to be captain. We chose John as our commander. Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done is done. What happened has happened. Die Weltwirtschaft ist jetzt in einer Rezession. The world economy is in recession now. The world economy is now in recession. Es liegt an dir, es zu tun. It's up to you to do it. It's up to you to do it. Ik draag mijn badpak onder mijn kleren. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clothes. I'm wearing my bath suit under my clothes. Tom sal nie verander nie. Tom won't change. Tom will not change. Tot ziens, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko! Jullie leken gelukkig. You seemed happy. You looked happy. Wi kennt noch jümmer nich de Wohrheid. We still don't know the truth. We still don't know the truth. De verpleegster is in het wit gekleed. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse's dressed in white. Tom glimlachte en zwaaide naar Maria. Tom smiled and waved at Mary. Tom smiled and waved to Maria. Hai kin goud lezen. He can read well. Hai can read gold. Deze bloem is zwart. This flower is black. This flower is black. Tom zei dat hij niet meer in Australië wilde wonen. Tom said that he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Tom said he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Die schöne französische Sprache ist verloren. The beautiful French language is lost. The beautiful French language is lost. Schließe die Türe. Close the gate. Close the door. We zijn net klaar met het verven van het huis. We just finished painting the house. We're just finished painting the house. Manche Mädchen sind von Natur aus schön. Some girls are naturally pretty. Some girls are beautiful by nature. ווען מערי איז אריינגעקומען אינעם צימער, דזשעק האט פלוצלינג אפגעשטעלט רעדן. When Mary entered the room, Jack suddenly stopped talking. When Merey arrived in the room, Geck had flown over and over again. Der Turm ist über einhundert Meter hoch. The height of the tower is above 100 meters. The tower is over a hundred meters high. Toms Humor gefällt mir nicht. I don't appreciate Tom's humor. I don't like Tom's humor. Ik kan mij niet veroorloven een dure auto te kopen. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. Sy het my vertel hoe verkeerd dit was om te steel. She told me how it was wrong to steal. She told me how wrong it was to steal. De motor werkt niet goed. The engine doesn't function properly. The engine doesn't work well. De enige vingerafdrukken die de politie op de deurknop vond waren die van Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only fingerprints the police found on the door button were Tom's. Ich hätte dich warnen sollen, dass das passieren kann. I should've warned you that this might happen. I should have warned you that this could happen. S Büsi isch alt. The cat is old. S Büsi is old. U heeft een fout gemaakt. You made an error. You made a mistake. Tom un Ria sünd mit John befründt. Tom and Mary are friends with John. Tom and Ria are friends with John. Ik woon op Tahiti. I live in Tahiti. I live on Tahiti. Wij zijn water aan het koken. We are boiling water. We're boiling water. Es könnte nicht besser sein. It could not be better. It couldn't be any better. Mir hu keng Televisioun. We don't have a television. We don't have a television. De Kinner hebbt in ’n Park speelt. The children were playing in the park. The children played in a park. We hebben uw hulp niet nodig. We don't need your help. We don't need your help. Der Zug fuhr mit Getöse durch den Tunnel. The train roared through the tunnel. The train drove through the tunnel with gunpowder. Ik moet vandaag de lunch bereiden. I have to make lunch today. I have to prepare lunch today. Ich habe ihn letztes Jahr auf einer Party kennengelernt. I met him last year at a party. I met him at a party last year. Ich weiß nicht, was ich erwidern soll. I don't know what to answer. I don't know what to answer. Dieser Kuss war wunderbar. That kiss was amazing. This kiss was wonderful. Kaam un help uns. Come and help us. Cam and help us. Alles leek fout te gaan bij mij. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Hij houdt van vissen. He loves to fish. He likes fishing. Ich brauche keinen Rollstuhl. I don't need a wheelchair. I don't need a wheelchair. Het is moeilijk voor buitenlanders om Japans te leren. It's hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. It is difficult for foreigners to learn Japanese. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik verkies katten. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our children love dogs, but I prefer cats. Ich kann es selbst machen. I can do it myself. I can do it myself. Tom verriet mir, warum er nicht gehen wollte. Tom told me why he didn't want to go. Tom told me why he didn't want to go. We zullen er later over praten. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Tom sagt, er habe mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Tom ist ausgegangen. Tom has gone out. Tom left. Ik zou me graag bij jullie groep aansluiten. I'd like to join your group. I'd like to join your group. Letzte Nacht blieb ich zu Hause, um deinen Anruf empfangen zu können. I stayed home last night to be able to receive your call. Last night I stayed home to receive your call. Benehm di as en jungen Mann. Behave yourself like a young man. Take you as a young man. Raak dit niet aan! Don't touch this! Don't touch this! ביטע דערמאן מיר צו אריינגעבען דעם פאפיר. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please let me enter the character. Tom reed met de auto. Tom drove the car. Tom was driving the car. Ich war schon immer eine Einzelgängerin. I was always a loner. I've always been an individual. Ihre Mitschüler schätzen sie nicht. Her classmates do not appreciate her. Her fellow students don't appreciate her. Bent u verdwaald? Are you lost? Are you lost? Die Frage ist, was das bedeutet. The question is what does it mean. The question is what that means. Du konntest mit zwei Jahren bis zehn zählen. You knew how to count to ten when you were two years old. You could count from two years to ten. Ik vond het moeilijk me in dat lawaai verstaanbaar te maken. I found it difficult to make myself heard because of the noise. I found it difficult to understand that noise. Ik ben verdwaald. Kunt u mij de weg wijzen naar het station? I'm lost. Could you direct me to the station? Can you show me the way to the station? Zou u me kunnen vertellen hoe ik bij het station kom? Could you please tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how I got to the station? Habt ihr früher geraucht? Did you use to smoke cigarettes? Did you smoke earlier? Hy wurket by in wittenskiplik ynstitút dêr't taalkundigen, letterkundigen, histoarisy, sosjologen, ekonomen en oare wittenskippers ûndersyk dogge nei alles wat mei kabouters te krijen hat. He works at a scientific institute where linguists, literature scholars, historians, sociologists, economists, and other scholars investigate everything that has to do with gnomes. He works at a scientific institution where linguists, linguists, historians, sociologists, economists, and other scientists do research on everything related to quadrants. Voor wie is deze doos? Who's this box for? Who's this box for? יעקבֿ איז אַן אַנטי-ציוניסט. Yankev is an anti-Zionist. Eekb __________________________________________ Heb je vrienden in je klas? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have friends in your class? Wer’s gefunden hat, der darf’s behalten! Finders keepers! Who found it, who can keep it! Julius Caesar was een Romeinse keizer. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Wil je iets fris? Would you like a soda? You want something fresh? Wenigstens ist die Arbeit getan. At least the work is done. At least the work is done. Tööv op mi! Wait for me! Wait for me! Er möchte mit uns ins Kino gehen. He would like to come with us to the movie. He wants to go to the cinema with us. Vervelen jullie je? Are you bored? Are you bored? Ich mag Kunst. I like art. I like art. Diese Sitzplätze sind für alte und kranke Leute reserviert. These seats are reserved for old and sick people. These seats are reserved for old and sick people. Layla kon geen kameel berijden. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Ek was bekommerd oor hulle. I've been concerned about them. I was worried about them. De volgende zondag gaan we onze tante bezoeken. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. Next Sunday we're going to visit our aunt. Rustig maar! Chill out! Calm down! Sinaasappelsap, alsjeblieft. Orange juice, please. Orange juice, please. Wo warrt dien Tonaam schreven? How is your last name written? Where is your last name written? Sami heeft die app gratis gedownload. Sami downloaded that app for free. Sami downloaded that app for free. Neefkes leggen aaier. Flies lay eggs. Neighbors lay awl. Es hagelt. It's hailing. It's hailing. k Heb gain geld. I don't have money. k Got some money. Mary loopt een jaar achter op school. Mary is a year behind in school. Mary's been in school for a year. Tom hat 30 kg abgenommen. Tom lost 70 lbs. Tom took 30 kg. Niet doen, Sam! Sam, don't! Don't do it, Sam! Weinig schatten zijn zoveel waard als een vriend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Little treasures are worth as much as a friend. Glaubst du, Tom wird sich damit einverstanden erklären? Do you think Tom is going to agree to this? Do you think Tom will agree? Der Hund folgt mir überall hin. The dog follows me wherever I go. The dog follows me everywhere. Ich wünschte, du würdest aufhören, mich Tom zu nennen. I wish you'd stop calling me Tom. I wish you would stop calling me Tom. Doe atst. You were eating. Atst. Wullt du lever en Sitt an ’t Finster oder an ’n Gang hebben? Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat? Do you want to have a seat at ‘ window or ’? Het zou je goed doen om hem te verlaten. You will do well to leave him. It would do you good to leave him. Sei flexibler. Be more flexible. Be more flexible. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! De beer at een appel. The bear ate an apple. The bear ate an apple. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Nice to see you. Nice to meet you. נעם אַ בוך און לייען אים. Take a book and read it. Be a bow and lie to him. Tom ist sich noch immer unsicher, ob er studieren will oder nicht. Tom is still uncertain about whether to go to college or not. Tom is still unsure whether he wants to study or not. Iek mai aal Dierte. I love all animals. Iek mai ale animale. Seid ihr sicher, dass ihr das tun wollt? Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to do that? Ik hou meer van je dan van wie ook. I love you more than I love any other person. I love you more than anyone. Ik kan het ook niet helpen als meisjes met me willen flirten. I can't help it if girls want to flirt with me. I can't help if girls want to flirt with me. Fürchte dich nicht vor Änderungen. Don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid of changes. Waar gaat de os naartoe? Where is the ox going? Where's the east going? Toms Mutter ist am Muttertag gestorben. Tom's mother died on Mother's Day. Tom's mother died on Mother's Day. Ich weiss naett. I don't know. I know nothing. Der Große Schneesturm von 1888 war einer der schwersten in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. The Great Blizzard of 1888 was one of the most severe blizzards in the history of the United States. The Great Snowstorm of 1888 was one of the most serious in the history of the United States. Wie hebben gain sukker. We have no sugar. Who's got some fuckin' sucker. Doa. Bye. Doa. Lass uns weitergehen und die nächste Stadt anschauen. Let's keep going and see the next town. Let's move on and take a look at the nearest city. Tom wurde bezichtigt, seine Kolleginnen sexuell belästigt zu haben. Tom was accused of the sexual harassment of his female colleagues. Tom was accused of sexually harassing his colleagues. Er spricht nicht nur Englisch, sondern auch Deutsch. He can speak not only English but also German. He speaks not only English, but also German. Dieweil sie sich auf Französisch unterhielten, verstand ich nicht ein Wort. As their conversation was in French, I could not understand a word. Because they talked in French, I did not understand a word. Aus welchem Teil von Kanada kommt ihr? What part of Canada are you from? What part of Canada are you from? Tom het vroeg op gestaan. Tom got up early. Tom stood up early. Ik kan niet koken. I don't know how to cook. I can't cook. Wer ist er und wie heißt er? Who is he and what's his name? Who is he and what's his name? Tranen löpen ehr Backen dal. Tears were rolling down her cheek. Trains run down their backs. Ich mag Sport nicht. I don't care for sports. I don't like sports. Er ist kein Heiliger. He is no saint. He's not a saint. Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. He behaved badly. He's behaved badly. Ons sien uit na die vakansies. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to vacations. Wo is dein Beckerei? Where's your bakery? Where's your pelvis? Der Gang war so überfüllt, dass man nicht hindurchkommen konnte. The corridor was so crowded that we couldn't walk. The corridor was so crowded that you couldn't get through. Ich spreche ständig mit mir selbst. I talk to myself all the time. I always talk to myself. Er ging in die Luft. He went ballistic. He went into the air. Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom pleite ist. I wonder why Tom is broke. I'd like to know why Tom is pleading. Wenn du gern Nachtisch isst, wirst du Großmutters Küche lieben! If you like dessert, you'll love Grandma's Kitchen! If you like to eat nightly, you will love grandmother's kitchen! Het is een beetje koud. It is a little cold. It's a little cold. He sat bestriën üöwer de Niendüör. He sat astride over the main door. He sat striated over and over again the Niendüur. Wanneer was het de laatste keer dat je je vrouw hebt gekust? When was the last time you kissed your wife? When was the last time you kissed your wife? Hij is Spaans. He is Spanish. He's Spanish. Laten we een bandje oprichten. Let's start a band. Let's set up a band. Er lief zu schnell für mich, um mithalten zu können. He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. He ran too fast for me to keep up with. Ik ging met mijn broer naar de bioscoop. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the cinema with my brother. Ich hoffe, es geht ihm bald besser. I do hope that he will get well soon. I hope he'll get better soon. Dieses Wasser ist zum Trinken nicht geeignet. The water is not fit to drink. This water is not suitable for drinking. Er ist immer noch im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen und körperlichen Kräfte. He is still sound in mind and body. He is still in full possession of his spiritual and physical powers. Er heerst een redelijk optimisme dat de economie zal verbeteren. There is considerable optimism that the economy will improve. There is a reasonable optimism that the economy will improve. Dit is nie reg nie. This isn't right. That's not right. Laten we verdergaan waar we gisteren waren gebleven. Let's continue where we left off yesterday. Let's move on where we stayed yesterday. Het leven is niet eerlijk. Life's not fair. Life is not fair. Iedereen raakte in paniek. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Onze boot is aan het zinken. Our boat is sinking. Our boat is sinking. Woneem sünd mien Zigaretten? Where are my cigarettes? Where are my cigarettes? Zijn broer is altijd tv aan het kijken. His brother is always watching television. His brother's always watching TV. Der neue Plan funktionierte gut. The new plan worked well. The new plan worked well. Was hast du geträumt? What did you dream? What did you dream? Als Kind hat Tom immer die Zigarettenstummel seines Vaters gesammelt, bis er genug Tabak hatte, um sich selbst eine Zigarette zu drehen. When Tom was a kid, he used to collect his father's cigarette butts until he had enough tobacco to roll a cigarette for himself. As a child Tom has always collected his father's cigarette stem until he had enough tobacco to turn himself a cigarette. Maria hatte Angst, dass die Leute schlecht über sie sprächen. Mary was afraid that people were going to say bad things about her. Maria was afraid people would talk bad about her. Tom haat groene paprika's. Tom hates green peppers. Tom hates green paprika. Gaat u alstublieft zitten en wacht. Please take a seat and wait. Please sit down and wait. Hilfst du mir beim Abwasch? Will you help me wash the dishes? Are you helping me wash up? Wi mööt rutfinnen, of Tom Franzöösch snacken kann. We need to find out if Tom can speak French. We need to figure out whether Tom can speak French. De Ring hett dree Demanten, elk von en Teihntel Karaat. The ring sports three diamonds, each equaling one tenth of a carat. The ring has three demants, each of a tenth carat. 'n By het by die venster uitgevlieg. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out the window. Dit is sy foto. It is his photo. It's his picture. Ich habe zehnmal so viele Bücher wie du. I have ten times as many books as you have. I have ten times as many books as you. Ze slaapt met twee kussens. She sleeps with two pillows. She's sleeping with two pillows. Ik zie je morgen in de bibliotheek. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you in the library tomorrow. Toen ik bij het station was aangekomen, stapte ik uit de bus. As I reached the station, I got off the bus. When I arrived at the station, I got out of the bus. Bell erfand das Telefon. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. Tom trägt dasselbe wie gestern. Tom is wearing what he wore yesterday. Tom wears the same as yesterday. Tom het slegs drie dollar vir sy middagete uitgegee. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars on his lunch. Ik praat voortdurend met mezelf. I constantly talk to myself. I'm talking to myself all the time. De Eer is en Planeet. Earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. Werk met ethisch inzicht! Work morally! Work with ethical insight! Er verließ die Firma aus persönlichen Gründen. He left the company on account of personal reasons. He left the company for personal reasons. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will be waiting for you. Tom's gonna wait for you. Hast du schon diesen neuen Salat probiert? Have you tried this new salad yet? Have you tried this new salad? Dat köst twintig Euro. It costs twenty euros. It costs 20 euros. We moeten vlug zijn. We've got to hurry. We need to be quick. Ik lehn di mien Notizbook. I'll lend you my notebook. I lend you my notebook. Het is een fraaie veronderstelling; dat verklaart veel dingen. It is a fine hypothesis; it explains many things. It's a nice assumption; that's a lot of things. Treck dien Schoh ut. Take off your shoes. Pull out your shoe. Daaraan twijfel ik niet. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. Je bent geen kind meer. You are no longer a child. You're not a kid anymore. Tom is een geweldige man. Tom is a wonderful man. Tom's a great man. Was versuchst du zu tun? What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Sy was voorheen 'n klerk by die bank. She was formerly a bank clerk. She used to be a clerk at the bank. Vergelijk uw antwoord met dat van Tom. Compare your answer with Tom's. Compare your answer with Tom's. k Bin. I am. k Bin. Water bestaat uit waterstof en zuurstof. Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Er war ganz allein in dem Haus. He was all alone in the house. He was all alone in the house. De wasmachine is kapot. The washing machine has broken down. The washing machine's broken. k Kom oet Nederlaand. I am from the Netherlands. k Come and eat low. Bist du da? Are you there? Are you there? De Ammel weer vull mit Water. The bucket was full of water. The ammel was full of water. Ich komme aus Norwegen. I'm from Norway. I'm from Norway. Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? ’Keen sien is dat? Whose is it? ‘ Does anyone see that? Tom schrieb seiner Freundin nach Hause. Tom wrote home to his girlfriend. Tom wrote his girlfriend home. Ek weet nie waar ek is nie. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am. Ich hätte nicht so reagieren dürfen. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Wilt u nog een beetje thee? Would you like some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Die Rosen dort sind nicht so schön wie die hier. Those roses aren't as beautiful as these. The roses there are not as beautiful as those here. Tom is zijn auto aan het wassen. Tom is washing his car. Tom's washing his car. U moet voorzichtig zijn. You must be cautious. You should be careful. He deed en Poor Söcken utsöken, de to sien Antog passen deden. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. He did choose a pair of socks that suited his suit. Er ermutigte seinen Sohn, mehr zu lernen. He encouraged his son to study harder. He encouraged his son to learn more. Das Kleid kostet fünfzehn Euro. The dress costs fifteen euros. The dress costs fifteen euros. Man kann kein Meerwasser trinken, weil es zu salzig ist. You can't drink seawater because it's too salty. You can't drink sea water because it's too salty. Ik denk niet dat arm zijn iets is om je voor te schamen. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. I don't think poor being is something to be ashamed of. Maai komt noa april. May comes after April. May come now April. Tom sagte, er habe schon seit unserem Kennenlernen etwas für mich empfunden. Tom told me that he had feelings for me since he first met me. Tom said he's felt something for me since we got to know him. Hij zei dat hij hier morgen terug zou komen. He said that he would come back here tomorrow. He said he'd come back here tomorrow. Tom is nu dertien jaar oud. Tom is now thirteen years old. Tom is now thirteen years old. Verstaht se, wat he vertellt? Does she understand what he's saying? Do they understand what he is telling? Dat hett dat Regen anfungen. It has started to rain. This started the rain. Du musst gar nichts sagen, wenn dir nicht danach ist. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you're not after that. Je zult niet blij zijn ongeacht wat ik doe. You won't be happy no matter what I do. You won't be happy no matter what I do. Du würdest Tom mögen. You'd like Tom. You'd like Tom. Seggwöör sünd vull Wiesheid. Proverbs are full of wisdom. Say words are full of wisdom. Die Kinder machten Skulpturen aus Draht. The children made sculptures out of wire. The children made sculptures of wire. Hoe meer contact tussen de mensen, hoe meer misverstanden. The more contact there is between people, the more misunderstandings there will be. The more human contact, the more misunderstandings. We vertrekken nu. We're leaving now. We're leaving now. Waarom willen sommige mensen geen kinderen? Why do some people not want children? Why don't some people want kids? Ik heb zin om naar buiten te gaan. I feel like going outside. I like going outside. Das ist mein Koffer. That's my suitcase. That's my suitcase. איך ווייס נישט וואס איז געשיין מיט איר. I don't know what's got into her. I know not what is happening to you. Wie kommst du darauf, dass es bei euch zu Hause spukt? What makes you think that your house is haunted? How do you make sure it spills at home? Kun je vis bereiden? Do you know how to cook fish? Can you prepare fish? Du büs ümmer to late. You are always late. You're too late. ס'איז נישטאָ קיין גראַמאַטישער מין אין אונגאַריש. Grammatical gender does not exist in Hungarian. It's not a whimsical mine in Hungarian. Was genau willst du machen? What exactly do you want to do? What exactly do you want to do? Woneem weren ji? Where have you been? Where are you? Begin. Start. Start. Tom rief Maria an, um zu fragen, ob alles in Ordnung sei. Tom called Mary to ask if everything was OK. Tom called Maria to ask if everything was all right. Hē ġeaf þæt þing þæm cyninge. He gave the thing to the king. Hē þeaf þæt þing þing þem typeninge. Uw fiets is beter dan de mijne. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Du könntest das tun. You could do that. You could do that. Wat is jullie kamernummer? What is your room number? What's your room number? Tom ist reicher als jeder andere in der Stadt. Tom is richer than anybody else in town. Tom is richer than anyone else in town. Ik weeg al genoeg. I already weigh enough. I've weighed enough. Haal je spullen. Get your things. Get your stuff. Tom ist mein Mündel. Tom is my charge. Tom's my mouth. Toms Bemerkung war taktlos und unsensibel. Tom's remark was tactless and insensitive. Tom's remark was tactless and insensitive. Boxen ist definiert worden als die Kunst zu treffen, ohne getroffen zu werden. Boxing has been defined as the art of hitting without being hit. Boxing has been defined as meeting art without being hit. Tom mag es nicht, mit leerem Magen zu arbeiten. Tom doesn't like working on an empty stomach. Tom doesn't like working with an empty stomach. Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This boy doesn't eat candy. Die rekenaar is in die biblioteek. The computer is in the library. The computer is in the library. Langsam verliert Tom den Mut. Tom is beginning to get discouraged. Slowly, Tom loses his courage. Ich muss auf diesen Brief antworten. I have to reply to this letter. I have to answer to this letter. k Kin aal oetleggen. I can explain everything. k Kin alt oot oot oot oot oot oot oot oo Tom waar kanonefoll. Tom was sloshed. Tom where cannonfoll. Glaubst du, es bereitet Schwierigkeiten, das Buch in einer Woche durchzulesen? Do you think it is difficult to finish reading this book in a week? Do you think it's hard to read through the book in a week? Luster goud. Listen up. Listen to gold. Ik heb het woord een aantal keer voor haar herhaald. I repeated the word several times for her. I have repeated the word several times for her. Tom und Maria glauben, dabei ohne deine Hilfe auszukommen. Tom and Mary say they believe they can do that without your help. Tom and Maria believe it without your help. Das reicht für uns gerade so zum Leben. This just barely covers our living expenses. That's enough for us to live like that. Huiswerk maken is extreem saai. Doing homework is extremely boring. Making homework is extremely boring. Ek het 'n bietjie van 'n koors. I have a slight fever. I've got a bit of a fever. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln? Can we change the subject, please? Can we change the subject, please? Du bruukst nich bet to ’n Enn töven. You don't have to wait until the end. You don't need to wait until you finish. מיר האָבן הײַנט אַ שײנער װעטער. We have nice weather today. We have stayed a bit a bit longer. Die Medizin hatte eine wundervolle Wirkung auf ihn. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Ze was een kind, maar ze was niet bang. She was a child, but she wasn't afraid. She was a kid, but she wasn't scared. Ik haat werken. I hate working. I hate working. Ek het skaars aan die slaap geraak toe die telefoon gelui het. I had hardly fallen asleep when the telephone rang. I barely fell asleep when the phone rang. Se is bloot en Kind. She is just a child. She is merely a child. Si hunn eng Fro. They've got a question. You have a question. Tom hett Ria versproken, dat he ehr jümmer tru sien wull. Tom promised Mary that he'd always be faithful to her. Tom promised Ria that he would always want her to be. Dit is gain Hebreeuws. t Is Jiddisj. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. This is Gain Hebrew. t Is Yiddish. Ik wist wel dat Tom dorst zou hebben. I knew Tom would be thirsty. I knew Tom would be thirsty. Je bent een grappig meisje. You're a funny girl. You're a funny girl. Tom gaan nie volgende maand hier wees nie. Tom won't be here next month. Tom won't be here next month. Si schwëmmt. She's swimming. She swims. Der Unfall geschah gestern Morgen. The accident occurred yesterday morning. The accident happened yesterday morning. Ik heb je nooit gezien. I never saw you. I never saw you. Normalerwies bruukt se en Nagelscheer. She usually uses nail scissors. Usually they use a nail shear. Daniel wurde in der Kirche festgenommen. Dan was arrested at church. Daniel was arrested in the church. Ik denk dat hij onschuldig is. I believe him to be innocent. I think he's innocent. Er is niemand gekomen. No one came. No one came. Tom hod die Teekann uff de Disch gestelld. Tom put the teapot on the table. Tom hod the tea can uff the dish set. Sie war nicht willens, ihren Namen zu sagen. She was unwilling to tell her name. She didn't want to say her name. Tom bat Maria, vor der Bibliothek auf ihn zu warten. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Maria to wait for him before the library. Is dat de echte reden? Is that the real reason? Is that the real reason? Tom lädt Spiele herunter. Tom is downloading games. Tom downloads games. Mensen vertellen barmannen vaak hun hele levensverhaal. People often spill their guts to bartenders. People often tell bartenders their whole life story. I bin da Henry. My name is Henry. I am there Henry. טאָם פֿירט נאָר אויס באַפֿעלן. Tom is just following orders. Tom is just playing out commands. Sie trug einen roten Schal um den Hals. She wore a red scarf around her neck. She wore a red scarf around her neck. Is dit echt wat zij wil? Is this really what she wants? Is this really what she wants? k Bin n Grunneger. I'm a Groninger. k Bin n Grunneger. Mag ik een ander kanaal zetten? Can I change the channel? Can I set another channel? Ik will dat nich. I don't want it. I don't want it. Hij gaf ons niet alleen kleding, maar ook wat geld. He gave us not only clothes but some money. He not only gave us clothes, but also some money. In deinem Alter solltest du etwas vernünftiger sein! You should be a little more sensible at your age! At your age, you should be a bit more reasonable! De onderzeeër kwam eindelijk aan het oppervlak. The submarine finally came to the surface. The submarine finally came to the surface. Ik heb liever voetbal dan baseball. I prefer football to baseball. I'd rather have football than baseball. Miene Süster is temlich plietsch. My sister is very intelligent. My sister is rather pliable. Tom wou in Boston wonen. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Tom en ik woonden in 2013 in Boston. Tom and I were living in Boston in 2013. Tom and I lived in Boston in 2013. מיר זענען געגאַנגען. We went on foot. We were met. Er chunnt us Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. Er chunnt us Hangzhou. Im Alter von fünfundsechzig Jahren verstarb er plötzlich. He died suddenly at the age of 65. He died suddenly at the age of sixty-five. Du weißt doch, dass ich dir nie weh täte. You know I would never hurt you. You know I never hurt you. עס זײַנען נישטאָ קיין נאַרישע שאלות, נאָר נאַרישע פֿראַגעס. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. It's not any foolish questions, it's just foolish questions. Tom hat vom Programmieren keine Ahnung. Tom doesn't know the first thing about programming. Tom has no idea how to program. מיר האבן באשלאסן צו בלייבן. We decided to stay. We had plans to fly. Sie haben einen Sohn, stimmt’s? They have a son, don't they? You have a son, right? Hoe groot is het? How large is it? How big is it? Bei niedrigem Luftdruck fällt es den Menschen schwerer, genug Sauerstoff einzuatmen. Lower air pressure makes it more difficult for humans to breathe and get enough oxygen. At low air pressure, people are more likely to breathe enough oxygen. Leg je bij de feiten neer! Face facts! Put the facts down! Tom draagt nieuwe schoenen. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Mein Vater und ich gehen ab und zu fischen. My father and I go fishing once in a while. My father and I go fishing and fishing. Sie sehen großartig aus. They look great. You look great. Prate jo Italiaansk? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? Tom vertelde me dat Maria in Boston was. Tom told me Mary was in Boston. Tom told me Maria was in Boston. Ich habe um halb zwei einen Termin beim Professor. I have an appointment with the professor at 1:30. I've got an appointment with the professor at half two. Wat hett Tom Ria geven? What did Tom give Mary? What did Tom Ria give? In de Nederlandse stad Maastricht zouden er 53 kerken moeten zijn; enkelen daarvan worden inmiddels als winkel, café of museum gebruikt. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there must be 53 churches; at times, some of them are used as stores, bars or museums. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there should be 53 churches, some of which are now used as shops, cafés or museums. Ik ging dikwijls vissen in mijn schooltijd. I used to go fishing in my school days. I often went fishing during my school time. Dit medicijn is zeer effectief. This medicine is very effective. This medicine is very effective. Ich habe viel gelernt. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot. Ek is besig om te bespaar sodat ek Australië toe kan gaan. I'm saving up so that I can go to Australia. I am saving myself so that I can go to Australia. Hij kan hun vragen niet beantwoorden. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. Schau mal! Der Zug ist da! Look! The train has arrived! Look, the train's here! Wil je echt gaan? Do you really want to go? Do you really want to go? Ich möchte nicht mehr in Boston wohnen. I no longer want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston anymore. Dat hett för en Reeg Daag stedig sneet. It snowed for many days together. It has been snowing continuously for a number of days. Ich besuche die Stadt jedes Jahr. I visit the city yearly. I visit the city every year. Toms Strategie geht auf. Tom's strategy is working. Tom's strategy's going on. Het is heel slecht. It's very bad. It's very bad. Unsere Truppen besetzten die Stadt. Our forces occupied the city. Our troops occupied the city. Ein Vogel flog hoch in der Luft. A bird was flying high up in the sky. A bird flew high in the air. Kun je me horen? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Tom wollte es nicht. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want it. Ze keken Tom allemaal aan. They all looked at Tom. They all looked at Tom. אסתּרס משפּחה איז אָרטאָדאָקסיש. Esther's family is Orthodox Jewish. Osír's family is Orthodox. Ich bin nur zu froh, dir bei deiner Arbeit zu helfen. I am only too glad to help you with your work. I'm just too glad to help you with your work. Ich wusste nicht, dass Tom nicht Französisch sprechen konnte. I didn't know Tom couldn't speak French. I didn't know Tom couldn't speak French. Wir müssen sehr vorsichtig sein. We need to be very careful. We need to be very careful. איר זײַט אַן אַלקאָהאָליקער. You're an alcoholic. you page an official. Maria ist stolz auf ihren Sohn. Mary is proud of her son. Maria is proud of her son. Ik voel me hier alsof ik jullie eigen kamer binnendrong. Here I feel like I have entered your own room. I feel like I'm entering your own room. War es wirklich bloß ein Missverständnis? Was it really just a misunderstanding? Was it really just a misunderstanding? Jullie zijn studenten, toch? You're students, aren't you? You're students, right? Hij heeft én kennis, én ervaring. He has knowledge and experience as well. He has both knowledge and experience. לײַלאַ איז אַ זונה. Layla is a whore. Reading is a Sunday. Toms huis heeft geen kelder. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Die Unterhaltung begann mit einem freundlichen Wortgeplänkel, endete dann aber mit blauen Flecken. The conversation started with friendly banter but ended in bruises. The conversation started with a friendly word plank, but then ended with blue spots. Tom heeft nooit een potlood bij zich. Tom never has a pencil with him. Tom never has a pencil. He is mien Naver. He is my neighbour. He is my neighbor. Ik kan Papiaments spreken. I can speak Papiamento. I can talk to Papiaments. Meneer Brown heeft altijd een boek bij zich. Mr Brown always carries a book with him. Mr. Brown always has a book with him. Ich habe ihre Faulheit satt. I'm fed up with her laziness. I'm tired of her cowardice. Da Tom hod koa Hemmad au. Tom doesn't have a shirt on. Da Tom hod koa Hemmad au. Hebben jullie al een appartement gevonden? Have you found a flat yet? Have you found an apartment yet? Wenn ich bei besserer Gesundheit wäre, könnte ich meinem Studium nachgehen. If I were in good health, I could pursue my studies. If I were with better health, I could pursue my studies. Wi hebbt ehr en poor Appels geven. We gave her some apples. We have given her some apples. Mozart is vör 200 Johr doodbleven. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart died 200 years ago. Ik weer an ’t Söken. I have been looking for you. I was looking for it. Spricht Tom jemals über seine Arbeit? Does Tom ever talk about his work? Does Tom ever talk about his work? Wat is jullie lievelingswoord? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Zulke oppervlakkige vrienden heb ik niet nodig. I don't need such superficial friends. I don't need such superficial friends. Dat rode Kleed lett good an ehr. That red dress looks good on her. The red dress looks good to her. Deze dienst is tijdelijk buiten gebruik. This service is temporarily out of order. This service is temporarily out of use. Zij houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Toen ik klein was, kwamen opa en oma nog om op te passen. 's Avonds op bed las oma me voor. Of opa vertelde een verhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was little, Grandpa and Grandma came to watch. Sami en Layla was gisteraand op televisie. Sami and Layla were on TV last night. Sami and Layla were on television last night. Es hat Spaß gemacht. It's been fun. It was fun. Wi weren bi de Möhl, dicht bi ’t Hempfeld. We were at the mill, near the hemp field. We were at the mill, near ’t Hempfeld. דער קאָראָנאַווירוס איז געפֿערלעך. The coronavirus is dangerous. The coronirous was miscellaneous. Ria sä, dat se dor nich noog Geld för hett, üm sik dat to köpen. Mary told me she didn't have enough money to buy that. Ria says she doesn't have enough money for it to buy. Dat is niet waarom Tom ontslag nam. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom resigned. Blötschkopp! You blockhead! Blowhead! Tom sagte, er würde sich gern mit dir anfreunden. Tom said he wants to be your friend. Tom said he'd love to be with you. Tom is waarschijnlijk hongerig. Tom is probably hungry. Tom's probably hungry. Er hat das Augenlicht verloren. He lost his eyesight. He lost sight. He is ut Georgien. He's from Georgia. He is from Georgia. Wat is er met het boek gebeurd dat ik hier gisteren heb neergelegd? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I put down here yesterday? Ik ha toarst. I'm thirsty. I've got a toast. Hƿǣr ƿǣre þū? Where have you been? Mr. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Niemand heeft internet in mijn land. Nobody has Internet in my country. No one has internet in my country. Wie heesd mein Dokter? What's the name of my doctor? How did my doctor go? De kostenramingen zijn verfijnd. Cost estimates have been refined. The cost estimates have been refined. Wil jij spaghetti of hamburgers als avondeten? Do you want spaghetti or hamburgers for dinner? Do you want spaghetti or hamburgers for dinner? Se schullen Gummistevel hebben. They should have wellies. They should have rubber stem. Steven Spielberg is een filmregiseur. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Tom ist der einzige Erwachsene im Zimmer. Tom is the only adult in the room. Tom is the only adult in the room. Wann kommt dein neuer Roman heraus? When will your new novel come out? When's your new novel coming out? Ich weiß, dass Marko krank gewesen ist. I know that Marco has been sick. I know Marko was sick. Broeders! Brothers! Brothers! Ik seeg den Fleger dat Gebüüd binnenstöten. I saw the plane hit the building. I saw the pilot pushing the building inside. Met die geld kon hy 'n nuwe motor koop. With the money he was able to buy a new car. With the money he could buy a new car. Sie wollte unbedingt nach Hause gehen. She was eager to go home. She just wanted to go home. Ech wunnen an der Stad. I live in Luxembourg City. I won in town. Bus is vol. The bus is full. Bus's full. Ik zei je toch dat het niet zou lukken. I told you it wouldn't work. I told you it wouldn't work. Er hält sich für den Mittelpunkt des Universums. He considers himself the center of the universe. He sees himself as the center of the universe. De deur sluit automatisch na het buitengaan. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door locks automatically after exit. De zoon van een tante is een neef. The son of an aunt is a cousin. The son of an aunt is a cousin. Ich schlief, während Tom und Maria damit beschäftigt waren. I was sleeping while Tom and Mary were doing that. I slept while Tom and Maria were busy. Maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag zijn de zeven dagen van de week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. John hat ein Auto aus Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Gaat het goed met Tom? Is Tom well? Is Tom okay? Gott liebd Sami. God loves Sami. God love Sami. Het is heel storend. It's very disturbing. It's very disturbing. Tom versteckte sich hinter dem Duschvorhang. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom ist toll. Tom's great. Tom's great. De Fleger is vör teihn Minuten loosflagen. The airplane took off ten minutes ago. The flyer is loose ten minutes ago. Ist John endgültig nach Amerika zurückgekehrt? Has John returned to America for good? Did John finally return to America? Je hebt het beste gedeelte gemist. You missed the best part. You missed the best part. Erwarte nicht zu viel von mir. Don't expect too much of me. Don't expect too much of me. Un so hett Ria Tom kennenlehrt. And that's how Mary met Tom. And so Ria met Tom. Ze juichten en klapten. They cheered and clapped. They cheered and clapped. Tom fluistert iets tegen Mary. Tom is whispering something to Mary. Tom whispers something against Mary. Ich vertraue deinem Rat. I trust your advice. I trust your advice. Hättest du etwas dagegen, wenn ich heute hier schliefe? Do you mind if I sleep here tonight? Would you mind if I slept here today? He is riek, aver unfründlich. He is rich, but he is unkind. He is rich, but unfriendly. Ik zet wat koffie. I'll put some coffee on. I'm gonna put some coffee. Jy het 'n groen boek. You have a green book. You have a green book. Ich dachte nicht, dass du noch kommen würdest. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you'd come yet. Dat Leven is to kort üm sik to argern. Life is too short to be mad. Life is too short to be angry. Wapen bringt keen Minschen üm. Minschen bringt Minschen üm. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Weapons don't kill people. Humans kill people. Sie hätte sich nie träumen lassen, dass sie den ersten Preis gewänne. Little did she dream that she could win first prize. She would never have dreamed of winning the first prize. אונדזער ממשלה פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't care about us. Our courage falls on us. Ek was bekommerd oor hom. I've been concerned about him. I was worried about him. Zai is aacht joar old. She is eight. Zai is eight years old. We moeten Mars koloniseren. We must colonize Mars. We need to colonize Mars. Ik heb hier nooit om gevraagd. I never asked for it. I never asked for this. A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A suffer is a dialect we an airmy and float. Ik gah jümmer to Foot na School. I always go to school on foot. I always go to foot after school. Das ist gar keine so schlechte Idee. That's not such a terrible idea. That's not such a bad idea. Ich bin praktisch bereits erwachsen. I'm practically already an adult. I'm a little old-fashioned. Tom ist nicht zu Hause. Tom isn't at home. Tom's not home. Tom kam zu spät zur Arbeit. Tom was late for work. Tom came to work late. Jy was nie so sleg nie. You weren't that bad. You weren't that bad. Ze zullen morgen de winnaar bekend maken. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. Sie sah feinen Schnee auf die Oberfläche des Sees fallen. She was looking at the fine snow falling on the lake. She saw fine snow falling on the surface of the lake. Als je iets nodig hebt, geef dan een gil. If you need anything, just give me a holler. If you need anything, give it a gill. Ich bin überrascht, dass du dich nicht daran erinnern konntest. I'm surprised you couldn't remember that. I'm surprised you couldn't remember. Ich bin gerade nach Zürich umgezogen und mache gerne viele Dinge. I have just moved to Zurich and enjoy doing many things. I just moved to Zurich and like to do a lot of things. k Zing. I am singing. k Zing. Ich öffne das Paket. I'm going to unwrap the package. I'll open the package. Tom schilde de wortels. Tom peeled the carrots. Tom shields the roots. Schier! Pretty! Shit! He hett en Överdosis Kokain nahmen. He OD'd on cocaine. He took an overdose cocaine. Wil je meer ijs? Do you want more ice? Do you want more ice? Entschuldigen Sie mich für einen Augenblick. Excuse me for just one second. Excuse me for a moment. Wo ist das nächste Museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the next museum? Tom kon dood gegaan het. Tom might've died. Tom could have died. Ich bin gesehen worden. I've been seen. I've been seen. Ek is jammer dat nie van meer hulp kan wees nie. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I am sorry that no more help can be provided. Tom versuchte, Maria dazu zu bringen, Johannes zu helfen. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Dieses hölzerne Möbelstück ist zu sperrig. This wooden piece of furniture is too bulky. This wooden piece of furniture is too bulky. Maria hat ein kostenloses Auto gewonnen. Mary won a free car. Maria won a free car. Sorry voor het lawaai. I'm sorry about the noise. Sorry for the noise. Ik zou graag met u iets bespreken. I want to talk to you about something. I'd like to discuss something with you. Tom wartet vor der Schule. Tom is waiting in front of the school. Tom's waiting in front of school. Mijn broer heeft autisme. My brother has autism. My brother has autism. Mien Naam is Sascha. My name is Sascha. My name is Sascha. Versuch, großzügig zu sein, und vergib. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be generous and forgive. Tom lächelte. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Hoeveel kamers zijn er in je huis? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? Meneer Green, er is telefoon voor u. Mr. Green, you are wanted on the phone. Mr. Green, there's a phone for you. Er lauschte der Musik mit geschlossenen Augen. He listened to the music with his eyes closed. He listened to the music with closed eyes. Ik was bezig. I was busy. I was busy. Tom is jouw broer. Tom is your brother. Tom is your brother. Sie ist zwölf. She's 12 years old. She's twelve. Ik ben zeker dat je gelijk hebt. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. Ich bin überrascht, dass du und Tom euch nicht mögt. I'm surprised you and Tom don't like each other. I'm surprised you and Tom don't like you. Vuurwerk is legaal. Fireworks are legal. Firework is legal. איך וועל לערנען דייטש. I'll learn German. I will learn German. He raseert sik elk Dag. He shaves himself every day. He breeds every day. Dit is 'n bietjie koel. It's a bit chilly. It's a little cool. Tom weint. Tom is crying. Tom's crying. Een zeshoek heeft zes zijden. A hexagon has six sides. A hexagon has six sides. Tom zei dat hij het niet gedaan heeft. Tom said that he didn't do it. Tom said he didn't. Lig is die stimulus wat veroorsaak dat blomme oopgaan. Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open. Light is the stimulus that causes flowers to open. Heute haben Tag und Nacht die gleiche Länge. The lengths of day and night are the same today. Today, day and night have the same length. k Mag dit verske nait. I do not like this song. k May it be fresh night. De Tom isch scho da, aber d Mary isch noned aacho. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't gotten here yet. Tom is already there, but d Mary is not aacho. Wir schaffen es. We can do that. We'll do it. Tom had met ons moeten komen. Tom was supposed to come with us. Tom should have come with us. Doe joagdest. You hunted. Get out of here. Tom kann nicht Auto fahren. Tom can't drive a car. Tom can't drive a car. Mijn moeder spreekt traag. My mother speaks slowly. My mother is slow to speak. Sy het wyn. She has wine. She has wine. Wisst ihr, ob Tom und Maria vorhaben, nächstes Wochenende nach Boston zu fahren? Do you know whether or not Tom and Mary plan to go to Boston next weekend? Do you know if Tom and Maria are planning to go to Boston next weekend? Wir werden uns später darum kümmern. We'll deal with it later. We'll take care of it later. Die Zeremonie war sehr beeindruckend. The ceremony was very impressive. The ceremony was very impressive. Ons weet dit gaan nie werk nie. We know it's not going to work. We know it won't work. Bus is stokkend! The bus is broken! Bus is stoking! Sie haben vergessen, Tom für das Geschenk zu danken. Stimmt's? You forgot to thank Tom for the present, didn't you? You forgot to thank Tom for the gift. Das ist nicht normal. This ain't normal. That's not normal. Mein Bruder wird mich noch mal umbringen. My brother's going to kill me. My brother's gonna kill me again. Obwohl Tom meist nur Schnellgerichte zu sich nimmt, wird er kaum krank, und sein Körpermasseindex liegt im normalen Bereich. Even though Tom eats mostly junk food, he rarely gets sick and his BMI is in the normal range. Although Tom usually only takes quick dishes, he hardly gets sick, and his body mass index is in the normal range. Heeft u geen zin in een beetje thee? Wouldn't you like to drink some tea? Don't you feel like a little tea? Er hat mir gegen den Kopf geschlagen. He hit me on the head. He hit me on the head. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das geschafft habe. Die Hauptsache ist, dass ich’s überhaupt geschafft habe. I don't know how I managed to do that. The main thing is that I was able to do it at all. I don't know how I did that. The main thing is that I did it at all. Wie weet waar Tom gebore is? Who knows where Tom was born? Who knows where Tom was born? Mag ik uw instapkaart zien? May I see your boarding pass, please? Can I see your boarding card? Uns ging der Sprit aus. We ran out of gas. We went out of the spray. "Bist du hetero oder lesbisch?" "Ich bin hetero." "Are you hetero or lesbian?" "I am hetero" "Are you hetero or lesbian?" "I am hetero." Ist das meines? Is this mine? Is that mine? Muiriel is nu 20 jaar oud. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now 20 years old. De Mona Lisa is geschilderd door Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa is painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Ik eet een appel. I'm eating an apple. I eat an apple. Was hast du so gemacht? What have you been up to? What did you do like that? Allem Anschein nach hat Tom Sinn für Humor. Tom certainly seems to have a sense of humor. Tom seems to have some sense of humor. Vergeet het kaartje niet. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the card. Sami is zo gestoord. Sami is so fucked up. Sami's so upset. Ze bezit niet veel boeken. She doesn't own many books. She doesn't own a lot of books. Ich dachte, du würdest das gerne sehen. I thought you'd like to see this. I thought you'd like to see that. צי איז גאָט גיי? Is Allah gay? Is God called? Ich möchte eine Zweizimmerwohnung mieten. I want to rent an apartment with two rooms. I want to rent a two-room apartment. Iohannes ġeaf Marian þone æppel. John gave Mary the apple. Iohannes þeaf Marianȝone æppel. Wir reparieren hier alle Arten von Uhren. We fix all kinds of clocks here. We repair all types of watches here. Wat willen jullie? What do you guys want? What do you want? Sie bewunderten vom Hügel aus den phantastischen Ausblick. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They admired the fantastic view from the hill. Kent zij uw telefoonnummer? Does she know your phone number? Does she know your phone number? Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done cannot be undone. What happened has happened. Möchtest du das so zurücklassen? Do you want to leave it like that? Do you want to leave that behind? Tom sagte, dass er Maria liebte. Tom said that he loved Mary. Tom said he loved Mary. Hest witlook eten? Did you eat garlic? Did Whitelook eat? Wie viele Löffel Zucker tust du normalerweise in deinen Tee? How many spoonfuls of sugar do you usually put in your tea? How many spoonfuls of sugar do you usually do in your tea? Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema. I like going to the cinema. Du machst einen furchtbaren Fehler. You're making a terrible mistake. You're making a terrible mistake. Voeg wat melk toe. Add a little milk. Add some milk. Ich habe Ihr Schweigen als Zustimmung gewertet. I interpreted your silence as consent. I've rated your silence as consent. דאָס ברויט איז טײַער. The bread is expensive. The bread is red. Wat eetst? What are you eating? What do you eat? Was ist hier drin, Tom? What's in here, Tom? What's in here, Tom? Ge kunt niet voor iedereen goed doen. Don't try to be all things to all men. You can't do good for everyone. Je bent trotser dan een pauw. You are prouder than a peacock. You're prouder than a peacock. Frankrijk is een West-Europees land. France is a Western European country. France is a Western European country. Tom spielt Xylophon. Tom plays the xylophone. Tom plays Xylophone. Jy lyk dom. You look stupid. You look stupid. Wat is dien leevst Leed? What's your favorite song? What is your favorite song? Kijk daar! Look there. Look there! We zouden beter een kijkje nemen. We'd better take a look. We'd better take a look. Sami holt van eerbaaien. Sami likes strawberries. Sami gets from erebaais. מיין נאמען איז עמילי. My name is Emily. my name is emely. Je kijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You look nervous. Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Dit is een goede kans. This is a good opportunity. This is a good chance. Heeft Tom een sleutel van Mary's woning? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Tom has a key to Mary's residence? Ich mag meinen blauen Stift echt gern. I really love my blue pen. I really like my blue pen. Dopamine is een chemische stof in de hersenen. Het is verantwoordelijk voor het verzenden van signalen tussen zenuwcellen of neuronen. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. It is responsible for sending signals between nerve cells, or neurons. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. It is responsible for sending signals between nerve cells or neurons. Je had Toms gezicht moeten zien toen ik het hem vertelde. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when I told him. You should have seen Tom's face when I told him. Wenn ich Ihre Telefonnummer gewusst hätte, hätte ich Sie angerufen. If I'd known your telephone number, I would've called you. If I knew your phone number, I'd have called you. Daar is eilande in die see. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Es kommt billiger, Bestellungen duzendweise aufzugeben. It's cheaper to order things by the dozen. It's cheaper to give up orders thousands of times. Welkom! Welcome! Welcome! Zai is sikkom zesteg. She is close to sixty. Zai is sikkom zesteg. Überprüfe deine Antworten mit denen von Tom. Check your answers with Tom's. Check your answers with Tom's answers. Es war ein voller Erfolg. It was a complete success. It was a full success. Meteoroiden verbrennen gewöhnlich in der Atmosphäre und erreichen nie den Boden. Ein Meteorit ist ein Bruchstück von Material, welches den Boden doch erreicht. Usually, meteoroids burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is the chunk of material that does reach the ground. Meteoroids usually burn in the atmosphere and never reach the ground. A meteorite is a fraction of material that reaches the ground. Se catt is dēad. The tomcat is dead. They cat is dēad.