Du wirst rot wie ein Schulmädchen. You're blushing like a schoolgirl. You're gonna be red like a schoolgirl. IJsberen leven in het noordpoolgebied. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Iron bears live in the Arctic. Hoeveel koolstofatomen heeft methaan? How many carbon atoms does methane have? How many carbon atoms does methane have? Ik zie je morgen in de bibliotheek. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you in the library tomorrow. Dat is dat Dümmste, wat ik mien Leevdag seggt heff. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I said to my Leevdag. Dit horloge is waterdicht. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. Tom wull wat schreven. Tom wanted to write something. Tom seems to have written something. מסתמא איר זענט צו יונג צו פארשטיין וואס איז מעגלעך צו פאסירן נעקסט. You're probably too young to understand what is likely to happen next. You probably are to young to understand what is enabled to do. Bitte mich bitte nicht noch mal darum. Please don't ask me to do this again. Please don't ask me again. Wilt ge dat ik u help? Do you wish me to help? Do you want me to help you? Ze hebben het brood geproefd. They tasted the bread. They've tasted the bread. איך בין ניט קײן פֿאָגל, און קײן נעץ האָט ניט מיך אַרײַנגעקאַפּט; איך בין אַ פֿרײַער מענטש מיט אַן אומאָפּהענגיקן רצון. I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. I'm not a suggestr, and nothing has failed; I'm a free man with an independent request. Ek sou nie Tom blameer nie. I wouldn't blame Tom. I wouldn't blame Tom. Ik zit in de problemen. I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble. Ik bleef. I stayed. I stayed. Was glaubt Tom, wer gewinnen wird? Who does Tom think is going to win? What does Tom think will win? De oude man noemde de houten pop Pinokkio. The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio. The old man called the wooden doll Pinokkio. Tom heeft nooit iemand nodig gehad. Tom has never needed anybody. Tom never needed anyone. Dit was nie ware liefde nie. It wasn't real love. It was not true love. Woar? Where? What? Esperanto is een internationale plantaal. Esperanto is an international planned language. Esperanto is an international plantation. Wees nett to ole Lüüd. Be kind to old people. Be nice to old people. Ich freue mich, dich wiederzusehen. I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Wat is jouw lievelingsmerk? What's your favorite brand? What's your favorite mark? We waren lang op hem aan het wachten. We were waiting for him for a long time. We were waiting for him for a long time. De kinderen waren in de modder aan het spelen. The children were playing in the dirt. The kids were playing in the mud. Mein Messer schneidet nicht mehr. My knife has lost its edge. My knife doesn't cut anymore. Die mannen zijn doorgewinterde soldaten. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Those men are soaked soldiers. De lucht zal blauw zijn. The sky will be blue. The sky will be blue. דער איינציקער גוטער פֿאַשיסט איז אַ טויטער‎ פֿאַשיסט. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. The only good friend is a dead man. Es war das erste Mal, dass ich entlang des Mogami-Flusses ging. It was the first time I'd walked along the Mogami River. It was the first time I went along the Mogami river. Waarom zijn hier zoveel vliegen? Why are there so many flies here? Why are so many flies here? De Bangigkeid maakt den Wulf grötter as wat he is. The fear makes the wolf bigger than what it is. The Bangigkeid larger than what it is. לאמיר זיין פריינט אויף אייביג. Let's always be friends. You're right. You're right. You're right. Friþ ēow. Peace to you. Fri invalid o'ow. Tom zei dat hij niet meer in Australië wilde wonen. Tom said that he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Tom said he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Tom hett seggt, dat he mi Franzöösch bibringen wull. Tom said that he wanted to teach me French. Tom said he'd teach me French. Mach deine Augen auf. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Mein Fahrrad wurde gestohlen. My bicycle was stolen. My bike was stolen. En hell rode Goddskoh is op mien Fingerdopp lannt. A bright red ladybug landed on my fingertip. And bright red Goddskoh is running on my fingerdopp. Ze hebben geen enkele invloed op het milieu. They have no impact on the environment. They have no influence on the environment. Oude mannen zijn vergeetachtig. Old men are apt to forget. Old men are forgetful. Wir machen nichts. We're doing nothing. We don't do anything. Geroazie was leeg. The garage was empty. Geroazie was empty. Hast du je einen Arbeiter entlassen? Have you ever fired a worker? Have you ever released a worker? Bill ähnelt seinem älteren Bruder überhaupt nicht. Bill is completely unlike his brother. Bill doesn't look like his older brother at all. Ze hadden het naar hun zin op het feest. They enjoyed themselves at the party. They had a good time at the party. Wat leest doe? What are you reading? What do you read? Tom huet erausfonnt datt säi Papp war net säi richtege Papp. Tom found out his dad wasn't his real dad. We found that his father was not his correct father. Der Rechtsanwalt warnte seinen Mandanten eine Aussage zu machen, aber er tat es dennoch. The lawyer warned his client against testifying, but he did it anyway. The lawyer warned his clients to make a statement, but he did. „Das ist unmöglich.“ – „Da muss ich dir leider widersprechen. Es ist sehr wohl möglich.“ "That's impossible." "I must disagree with you. It's very much possible." “That’s impossible.” – “I’m sorry to contradict you. It’s very possible.” Hy is my buurman. He is my neighbour. He is my neighbor. Möchtest du, dass ich fahre? Do you want me to drive? Do you want me to drive? Se kann dat nich sülvs schreven hebben. She can't have written it herself. She cannot write it as it was. Ich wusste, dass du Tom darum bitten würdest. I knew you'd ask Tom to do that. I knew you'd ask Tom for it. Zai zwemt. She swims. Zai swims. Ik moet terug naar Boston. I need to go back to Boston. I have to go back to Boston. Deze machine maakt 100 kopieën in een minuut. This machine makes 100 copies a minute. This machine makes 100 copies in a minute. Ich komme im Juli. I'm coming in July. I'll be in July. Wi hebbt dat Speel wunnen. We won the match. We won the game. Doe laigst. You're lying. Don't worry about it. Dit is alles joune. It's all yours. It's all yours. Men kan deze machine niet vertrouwen. You can't rely on this machine. One cannot trust this machine. Sie hat auf ihn eingeredet, ein neues Haus zu kaufen. She talked him into buying a new house. She told him to buy a new house. Die Tür wird offen sein. The door will be open. The door will be open. Ic ne forstande. I don't understand. I'm no supporter. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen sorgfältig. Follow the instructions carefully. Follow the instructions carefully. Het gaat nu goed met Tom. Tom is fine now. Tom's okay now. Er verwechselte mich mit meinem Zwillingsbruder. He took me for my twin brother. He confused me with my twin brother. Ik denk dat jouw theorie niet steekhoudend is. I think your theory does not hold water. I don't think your theory is stingy. Ik heff nix nödig. I don't need anything. I didn't need anything. Sind Sie schlechter Laune? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? Bedankt, nu verstah ik. Thanks, I understand now. Thanks, now I understand. Sami ging naar een moskee. Sami went to a mosque. Sami went to a mosque. Tom raakt nooit in de problemen. Tom never gets in trouble. Tom never gets in trouble. די דרײַ חבֿרים וווינען אין דער זעלביקער דירה. The three friends live in the same apartment. The era of centuries lives in the same age. Tom war ein kränkliches Kind und wurde von seinen Eltern verhätschelt. Tom was a sickly child and was mollycoddled by his parents. Tom was a sick child and was embroidered by his parents. Meer dan de helft van de wereldbevolking leeft in steden. More than half the world’s population lives in cities. More than half of the world's population lives in cities. Hij heeft kort haar. He has short hair. He's got short hair. Bescherm jullie ogen. Protect your eyes. Protect your eyes. Hij is nog in leven. He is still alive. He's still alive. Waarom ben je zo verdrietig? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Houdt u van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? He spoort, dat he op de Universität gahn kann. He's saving up to go to university. He traces that he can go to the university. דאָס איז אַ פּען. That's a pen. It's a feel. Sobald ich ihn sehe, bringe ich ihn um. As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. גיטל איז אַ לינקע. Gittel is a leftist. The margin is the left. Er sollte sich seiner Ignoranz schämen. He ought to be ashamed of his ignorance. He should be ashamed of his ignorance. Ik ga jouw werk niet voortzetten. I'm not going to continue your work. I'm not going to continue your work. Wenngleich es sehr kalt war, ging ich aus. Even though it was very cold, I went out. Although it was very cold, I went out. Ik snack Fransch un Engelsch. I speak French and English. I'm getting French and English. Wer ist Ihrer Ansicht nach der Begabteste? Who's the most talented, in your opinion? Who do you think is the gift tester? Tom het sy hare donker bruin gekleur. Tom dyed his hair dark brown. Tom dyed his hair dark brown. It reint yn Nederlân. It rains in the Netherlands. It clears itself in the Netherlands. Hest du Nadel un Faden? Do you have needle and thread? Do you have needle and thread? Je gaat dat toch niet dragen voor het feest, toch? You're not wearing that to the party, are you? You're not gonna wear that for the party, are you? Egal ob du schnell oder langsam fährst, fahr vorsichtig. Whether you drive quickly or slowly, drive carefully. Whether you're driving fast or slow, drive carefully. Ik heb je bericht pas gisteren gekregen. I just received your message yesterday. I didn't get your message until yesterday. Musiek is my lewe. Music is my life. Music is my life. Ek drink water. I drink water. I drink water. Zai lagde. She laughed. Zai was lying. Das trug zu seinem Unglücklichsein bei. That added to his unhappiness. That contributed to his unhappiness. Die beiden Brüder sind gestorben. Both the brothers are dead. The two brothers died. Hoe groot is uw hond? De mijne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. How big is your dog? Ich stehe auf der Seite der Demokratie. I am on the side of democracy. I'm on the side of democracy. Ein Vogel flog hoch in der Luft. A bird was flying high up in the sky. A bird flew high in the air. Nicht nur ich bin der Ansicht, dass Tom und Maria übergewichtig sind. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom and Mary are overweight. Not only I believe that Tom and Maria are overweight. Ik bin sa ling as dyn. I'm as tall as you. I'm like a dynamite. Men zegt dat liefde blind is. They say love is blind. It's said that love is blind. Tom vertrouwt op mij. Tom relies on me. Tom trusts in me. Tom en ik hebben een sneeuwpop gebouwd. Tom and I built a snowman. Tom and I built a snow doll. Ik heb postzegels uit vele landen. I have stamps from many countries. I have stamps from many countries. Hai komt mit bus. He comes by bus. Hai's coming with a bus. Ik heff den Klock-7-Tog verpasst. I missed the 7:00 train. I missed the clock 7-hour. Tom lächelt nicht besonders oft. Tom doesn't smile very often. Tom doesn't smile very often. Is jy nie 'n bietjie skrikkerig nie? Aren't you being a little paranoid? Aren't you a little scared? Ik werd verliefd op Maria toen ik haar het eerst zag. I fell in love with Mary the very first time I saw her. I fell in love with Maria when I first saw her. I dinnae ken. I donʼt know. I don't know. Ek het van hulle vergeet. I forgot about them. I forgot about them. Tom gaf Maria Johns nummer. Tom gave Mary John's number. Tom gave Maria John's number. U zwemt. You swim. You swim. Mein Französisch ist, glaube ich, grottenschlecht. I think my French is really bad. My French is, I think, cave bad. He hett twee Katten kregen, een is witt, een is swart. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He got two cats, one is white, one is black. Ihr armen mutterlosen Kinder! Wie ich euch bedauere! Und doch kann ich nichts tun, um euch zu helfen. You poor motherless children! How I pity you; and yet I can do nothing to help you! You poor motherless children, how I regret you, and yet I can't do anything to help you. Hai is klouk. He's smart. Hai's crazy. Mein Bruder sandte mir letzte Woche einen Brief. My brother sent me a letter last week. My brother sent me a letter last week. Mayuko kwam de kamer binnen. Mayuko entered the room. Mayuko came in the room. Lächelt! Smile! Smile! Ich möchte mein Geld. I want my money. I want my money. Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. Wat goed is voor u, is goed voor mij. What is good for you is good for me. What is good for you is good for me. Tom war sehr gut. Tom was very good. Tom was very good. בײַ נאַכט ווערט ער אַ מאַזאָכיסט. At night, he becomes a masochist. At night he becomes a lucky man. ער איז נאָך קראַנק? Is he still sick? He's still ill? דו ביסט פארלוירען, יא? You're lost, aren't you? You're ahead of me, yes? Ist Tom interessiert? Is Tom interested? Is Tom interested? אין גרונט איז ציוניזם שטענדיק געווען אַן אַנטיסעמיטישער פּראָיעקט. Zionism has always been a fundamentally antisemitic project. In the beginning, work was always an anti-Semitic project. Ik heb ook in Hamburg gewoond. I also lived in Hamburg. I lived in Hamburg, too. Als ik alleen thuis ben, is het te stil in huis. When I'm home alone, the house is too quiet. If I'm home alone, it's too quiet in the house. Hat Tom das von dir verlangt? Did Tom ask you to do that? Did Tom demand that from you? Mein Name ist Mary und das ist Tom. My name is Mary and this is Tom. My name is Mary, and that's Tom. Verga is en beröhmten Schriever. Verga is a famous writer. The past is a well-known developer. Prate jo Folapúk? Do you speak Volapük? Do you talk to Folapuk? אייגנטום איז גניבֿה. Property is theft. Inigmentum is Günsmerium. Kun je me horen? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Sie ist operiert worden. She had surgery. She's been operated on. Ik spreek liever Luxemburgs dan Duits of Frans. I prefer speaking Luxembourgish to German or French. I prefer to speak Luxembourg rather than German or French. Ich kann meinen rechten Arm nicht heben. I can't lift my right arm. I can't lift my right arm. Als sie gerade beim Mahle waren, dabei jedoch begieriger, sich zu küssen, als zu speisen, erspähten sie ein Fischerboot, das an der Küste entlangfuhr. Whilst they were at their meal, more intent on kissing than on eating, they descried a fishing boat proceeding along the coast. When they were just at the meal, but they were more curious to kiss than to eat, they sprang up a fishing boat running along the coast. Wi hebbt noch veel Tied. We still have a lot of time. We have a lot of time left. Chan ich Ihnä hälfä? Can I help you? Can I hire him? Maria heeft een allergische reactie op iets dat ze heeft gegeten. Mary is having an allergic reaction to something she ate. Maria has an allergic reaction to something she ate. Ik kom út Fryslân. I'm from Friesland. I'm from Fryslân. He keem dör dat Finster rin. He entered through the window. Elevates inside the window. Weinig schatten zijn zoveel waard als een vriend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. ער האט באשלאסן צו אריינגיין אין צימער. He decided to enter the room. He decided to move into room. Mike zingt goed. Mike sings well. Mike sings well. Hij zal volgende maand naar New York gaan. He will go to New York next month. He'll go to New York next month. איך האָב געמיינט, אַז דאָס וואָלט געדאַרפֿט זײַן אַן ארץ זבת חלב ודבש. I thought this was supposed to be a land of milk and honey. I don't think this would mind being an instance of death in the Bible. Duutsland dailt n gruppe mit Nederlaand. Germany shares a border with the Netherlands. ==References====External links== Ik bün dor wedder! Oh? Hebbt wi en Gast? I'm back! Oh? Have we got a guest? Oh, do we have a guest? Een krokodil heeft zijn been afgebeten. A crocodile bit off his leg. A crocodile has worshiped his leg. Ech wunnen bei mengem Elteren. I live with my parents. I won while I was an elder. Laten we verder gaan. Let's move on. Let's move on. Ich bin in der Schule. I'm at school. I'm in school. Das ist ein hervorragender Wein. That's an excellent wine. That's an excellent wine. Jane war wie ein Mann angezogen. Jane was dressed as a man. Jane was dressed like a man. Ze hadden haar nodig. They needed her. They needed her. Maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag zijn de zeven dagen van de week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. נעכטן איך האב פארענדיגט לערנען עספעראַנטאָ אויף דואָלינגאָ. Yesterday I finished learning Esperanto on Duolingo. Ignore I have completed learning it perANTo on Duglingo. He müss een Week in ’t Krankenhuus blieven. He had to stay in hospital for a week. He would have to stay in the home for one week. Ich bin nicht Ihr Feind. I am not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. Es war ein heller, kalter Tag im April, und die Uhren schlugen gerade dreizehn. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. It was a bright, cold day in April, and the clocks just beat thirteen. Sie werden nach dir suchen. They'll come looking for you. They're gonna look for you. Ich bin deinetwegen gekommen. I came for you. I came for you. Als je het wilt, kan ik terug komen. If you want, I can come back. If you want it, I can come back. Ich habe eine Überraschung für dich, Tom. I've got a surprise for you, Tom. I have a surprise for you, Tom. Waar eet Tom ontbyt? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Ik bün keen Töverer. I'm not a magician. I'm not a sorcerer. Der Hund war tot. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. De Hund von mien Naver will keen Dröögfoder freten. My neighbor's dog won't eat dry dog food. The dog of my neighbor doesn't want to fries. De software vertraagt sneller dan de hardware aan snelheid wint. Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster. The software slows down faster than the hardware wins speed. Tom het nader gekyk. Tom looked closer. Tom's looking closer. Ġēolmōnaþ is se lætemesta monaþ þæs ᵹēares. December is the last month of the year. on the other hand, the text of the file to be printed is too. Is dat sukkeloa? Is that chocolate? Is that gooa? Vergeet jullie paspoort niet. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Jij bent de reden dat ik ben gekomen. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. Er stellte eine Frage darüber. He asked a question about it. He asked a question about it. Du musst mehr lehren. You must study more. You need to learn more. Ik ben gelukkig met mijn vriendin. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Ich wünschte, ich hätte mich weiter mit Französisch beschäftigt. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had continued to deal with French. Ich empfinde keine persönliche Abneigung gegen das System. I have no personal hostility to the system. I do not feel a personal aversion to the system. k Kom oet Noord-Hollaand. I'm from North Holland. K Come on north Hollaand. Daar hij moe was, zat hij in de sofa met gesloten ogen. Since he was tired, he was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed. Since he was tired, he was in the sofa with closed eyes. Ek gaan nie kan kom kuier vir 'n ruk nie. I won't be able to visit for a while. I'm not going to be able to visit for a while. Ich werde es Ihnen sagen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Ich wusste, was passiert war. I knew what had happened. I knew what had happened. Karaoke is goed voor de vermindering van stress. Karaoke is good for reducing stress. Karaoke is good for reducing stress. Wat is jullie lievelingssport? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Se versteiht di nu. She understands you now. She understands it now. אַרי איז אָנמיניק. Ari is agender. She was unique. Ich habe die Uhr verloren. I lost the watch. I lost the watch. Ik draag contactlenzen. I wear contact lenses. I wear contact lenses. Als een zin in het IJslands een vertaling heeft in het Engels, en als die Engelse zin vertaald is in het Swahili, dan hebben we indirect een vertaling in het Swahili voor de IJslandse zin. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. If a sentence in Icelandic has a translation in English, and if that English sentence has been translated into Swahili, then we have indirectly a translation into Swahili for the Icelandic sense. Ik ben mijn pincode vergeten! I forgot my PIN number! I forgot my pincode! Tom gaan nie hier wees vir 'n lang tyd nie. Tom won't be here for a long time. Tom won't be here for a long time. Mijn zus kreeg meer cadeautjes bij Kerst dan ik. My sister got more Christmas presents than me. My sister got more gifts at Christmas than I did. Tom kwam mit bus. Tom came by bus. Tom came with a bus. We wonen in de buurt van een grote bibliotheek. We live near a big library. We live near a large library. Bill hat nicht weniger als sechs Dollar. Bill has not less than six dollars. Bill doesn't have less than six dollars. Ek het heeltemal van hom vergeet. I completely forgot about him. I completely forgot about him. Ik heb aan ieder kind drie snoepjes gegeven. I have given every child three candies. I gave every child three sweets. Sie erwies sich als eine große Musikerin. She proved to be a great musician. She proved to be a great musician. Alice slaapt in haar kamer. Alice sleeps in her room. Alice's sleeping in her room. Luuster doe? Are you listening? Listen? Wat is mijn saldo? What is my balance? What's my balance? Sami heeft nooit over de islam gesproken. Sami never spoke about Islam. Sami never talked about Islam. Zu den Waffen! To arms! To the guns! Die guten alten Tage sind vergangen und kehren nie zurück. The good old days have gone, never to return. The good old days have passed and never come back. Ich habe mich gefreut, ihn zu sehen. I was happy to see him. I was happy to see him. Meine Telefonnummer lautet 789. My phone number is 789. My phone number is 789. Ik ging naar beneden met de lift. I took the elevator down. I went down with the elevator. Wie viel Menschå wissed, dass Siå läbad? How many people know you're alive? How much did Siå know? Wir können Tom nicht belügen. We can't lie to Tom. We can't lie to Tom. Ich möchte mir Skistiefel kaufen. I want to buy some ski boots. I want to buy my ski boots. Maria ist Anfängerin, aber sie lernt schnell. Mary's a beginner, but she's a fast learner. Maria is a beginner, but she learns quickly. Laat je haar knippen. Get a haircut. Let your hair cut. Er wordt vaak verwezen naar het werk van Feuerbach. The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to. The work of Feuerbach is often referred to. Tom had een glimlach op zijn gezicht. Tom had a smile on his face. Tom had a smile on his face. Vonden jullie deze video leuk? Did you like this video? Did you like this video? Detroit is voor zijn auto-industrie beroemd. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its automotive industry. Wie funktionieren Suchmaschinen? How do search engines work? How do search engines work? Hai smookt. He's smoking. Hai's smearing. Ik eet graag taart. I like eating cake. I like to eat cake. Tom verdient an uns. Tom is making money off us. Tom deserves us. Het is niet uit wanhoop. It’s not out of desperation It's not out of despair. Tom und Maria glauben, dabei ohne deine Hilfe auszukommen. Tom and Mary say they believe they can do that without your help. Tom and Maria believe they will come out without your help. Si kacht elo. She's cooking now. We're now going to look at that. Hij was gemarteld en vermoord. He was tortured and murdered. He was tortured and murdered. Wie hat Tom dich denn dazu gebracht, ihm beim Aufräumen der Garage zu helfen? How did Tom get you to help him clean the garage? How did Tom help you clean up the garage? Du brauchst nicht extra aufzustehen. You don't need to stand up. You don't need to get up. Hier wird kein Französisch gesprochen. They don't speak French here. There's no French spoken here. Hai is n mìnsk. He is human. Hai is a mìnsk. Das Kino ist eine der drei universellen Sprachen. Die anderen beiden sind die Mathematik und die Musik. Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music. The cinema is one of the three universal languages. The other two are mathematics and music. Wel is betunteld? Who is confused? What's going on? Ik wil niet gestoord worden. I don't like to be disturbed. I don't want to be disturbed. Es freut mich zu hören, dass es dir besser geht. I'm glad to hear you're better. I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Tom ist im Garten. Tom is in the garden. Tom's in the garden. Die Italiener trinken oft Kaffee. The Italians often drink coffee. The Italians often drink coffee. Tom is niet te vertrouwen. Tom isn't to be trusted. Tom can't be trusted. Ich fürchte, ich muss dich bitten, jetzt zu gehen. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. I'm afraid I have to ask you to go now. Römische Statuen sind oft nackt. Roman statues are often naked. Roman statues are often naked. Er is geen reden tot bezorgdheid. There's no need to worry. There's no cause for concern. Tom fährt gewöhnlich mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule. Tom usually goes to school by bicycle. Tom usually rides the bike to school. Onze buurman kwam net terug. Our neighbor has just come back. Our neighbor just came back. Vertel niemand over ons plan. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't tell anyone about our plan. Die Katze trinkt Milch. The cat drinks milk. The cat drinks milk. Podgorica is de hoofdstad van Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Habt ihr die vom Feld? You got those from a field? Did you get those from the field? Het is beter. It's better. It's better. Ik dacht dat je een Canadees was. I thought you were a Canadian. I thought you were a Canadian. Tom weiß, wie man mit Stäbchen isst. Tom knows how to eat with chopsticks. Tom knows how to eat with sticks. Wegen des Schnees fuhren die Züge nicht. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. Because of the snow the trains did not drive. Ik zat naast hem. I sat next to him. I sat next to him. Hij leest veel. He reads a good deal. He reads a lot. Worüm nich Esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Bleib ruhig! Du störst uns nicht! Don't go away. You're not bothering us. Don't bother us! Ich glaube nicht, dass du Tom irgendetwas erzählen musst. I don't think you need to tell Tom anything. I don't think you need to tell Tom anything. Tom ist nicht gefahren. Tom didn't drive. Tom didn't drive. Er wurde in Osaka geboren. He was born in Osaka. He was born in Osaka. Mensen hebben de neiging om emotioneel op gebeurtenissen te reageren. People tend to react emotionally to events. People tend to react emotionally to events. Zai holt van Tom. She loves Tom. Zai got it from Tom. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die meisten Amerikaner heute das Gleiche wie jene ersten Amerikaner wollen: ein besseres Leben für sich und ihre Kinder, ein Minimum an Staatsgewalt. I'm convinced that today the majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. I am convinced that most Americans today want the same as those first Americans: a better life for themselves and their children, a minimum of state power. Hij is niet gek. He is no fool. He's not crazy. Kiekst doe kiekkaast? Are you watching TV? Watch out for a checkout? U bent zwanger. You are pregnant. You're pregnant. Jy's 'n verraier. You're a traitor. You're a surprise. Wat is deze paddenstoel? What is this mushroom? What's this mushroom? Der Garten ist vor dem Haus. The garden is in front of the house. The garden is in front of the house. Si ass eng gutt Studentin. She is a good student. It's a good student. Wir haben uns vor etwa zehn Jahren auf einem Plaudersofa im Internet kennengelernt. We met in a chat room, around ten years ago. We met on a placeofa on the Internet about ten years ago. Sie heiratete im Alter von 25. She got married at the age of 25. She married at the age of 25. Deine Habe sei neu, deine Freunde seien alt. May your belongings be new, may your friends be old. Your hare is new, your friends are old. שמאָק, וואס איז עס מיט דיר? What the fuck is it with you? Mock, who is it with thee? איך בין אַ קריסט, אָבער איך עס נישט קיין חזיר־פֿלײַש. I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I'm not a scarf. Tom trok zijn nieuwe schoenen aan. Tom put on his new shoes. Tom put on his new shoes. Mi gefallt dit Hemd nich. Wies mi en anner. I don't like this shirt. Show me another. I don't think this shirt is falling. Show me another one. Tom kan spreken. Tom can talk. Tom can speak. Hast du ein Kind? Do you have a child? Do you have a child? Tom was nog niet klaar. Tom wasn't ready. Tom wasn't done yet. Je hebt zo weinig geduld met me. You're so impatient with me. You have so little patience with me. Maria was getraumatiseerd. Mary was traumatized. Maria was traumatized. Wanneer het jy laas gedans? When was the last time you danced? When did you last dance? De munt is goud. The coin is gold. The coin is gold. Laten we terugkeren en nog wat bijnemen. Let's go back and get some more. Let's go back and take some more. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't an Englishman. Tom's Gain Englishman. Dien antwoord is juust. Your answer is right. Your answer is yours. Woar is mien boksem? Where are my trousers? Where's my boxing? Das passt mir nicht, und ich weiß, dass es Ihnen auch nicht passt. I don't want that and I know you don't want that either. That doesn't fit me, and I know it doesn't fit you either. Das verstößt gegen meine Moral. It's against my morals. This violates my morals. Tom garnierte seine Suppe mit Sauerrahm. Tom garnished his soup with sour cream. Tom garnished his soup with sour cream. טאם האט עס מיר געגעבן בחינם. Tom gave it to me for nothing. Tham gave it to me Bani. Zai laigt. She lies. Zai's lying. Ik wil naar Bali gaan. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bali. Wanneer ben je getrouwd? When did you get married? When did you get married? Dit kind loste het gecompliceerde mathematische probleem eenvoudig op. This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily. This child solved complicated mathematical problem simply. Ich bat Tom, mich am Bahnhof abzusetzen. I asked Tom to drop me off at the train station. I asked Tom to drop me off at the station. Milch mit zwei Prozent Fett schmeckt besser als Magermilch. Two-percent milk tastes better than skim. Milk with two percent fat tastes better than skimmed milk. Tom draagt ​​nooit roze. Tom never wears pink. Tom never wears pink. Wij gebruiken woorden om te communiceren. We use words to communicate. We use words to communicate. Ik deel je gevoelens. I share your feelings. I'm sharing your feelings. Koerant verslaggewers was nie binne toegelaat nie. Newspaper reporters were not permitted inside. Newspaper reporters were not allowed inside. Wie auch immer, das ist jedoch nur etwas für hübsche Männer. However that's only for handsome men. Anyway, that's just something for pretty men. Ich mag Baseball. I like baseball. I like baseball. Veel bomen zijn omgevallen. Many trees fell down. Many trees have fallen down. Es ist viel wärmer geworden. It has become much warmer. It's become much warmer. פֿאַרװאָס? Why? Of course. Wie lange war Tom dort? How long was Tom there? How long was Tom there? Ik kijk op je neer. I look down on you! I'm looking down on you. Ik heb zoveel werk dat ik nog een uur blijf. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work that I've got an hour left. Trotz ihrer Beleibtheit war sie hübsch. In spite of being fat, she was pretty. Despite her contemplation, she was pretty. Amerikaners eet veel Fleesch. Americans eat a lot of meat. Americans eat a lot of Flesch. Die meisten Ausländer werden den Gebrauch der deutschen Modalpartikeln nie völlig beherrschen. Most foreigners will never fully master the use of German modal particles. Most foreigners will never fully control the use of German modal particles. איך רעדט רוסיש. I speak Russian. I speak Russian. Wat gaat het kosten? How much will it cost? What's the cost? Tom hat sein eigenes Zimmer. Tom has his own room. Tom has his own room. Moi apmoal. Hi, everybody. Moi apmoal. De ene is Japanner, de andere Italiaan. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese, the other is Italian. De Bahama's werden onafhankelijk in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. Tom versteckte sich hinter dem Duschvorhang. Tom hid behind the shower curtain. Tom was hiding behind the shower curtain. Sie werden ihn fragen müssen. You'll have to ask him. You'll have to ask him. Het is bijna drie. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three. Wanneer zal ik je morgen afhalen? When should I pick you up tomorrow? When will I pick you up tomorrow? Sie war entspannt. She was relaxed. She was relaxed. Waarom wil je Boston verlaten? Why do you want to leave Boston? Why do you want to leave Boston? Sie gab ihm eine Massage. She gave him a massage. She gave him a massage. Dunnerwedder! Blast! Donnerdender! We zijn klaar om te gaan. We're good to go. We're ready to go. Ich denke, wir müssen uns einfach gedulden. I think we just have to be patient. I think we just have to be patient. Tom hat genau das getan, was wir ihm angeschafft haben. Tom did exactly what we told him to do. Tom did exactly what we bought him. En Elefant hett en lange Nees. An elephant has a long nose. And elephant's got a long turn. Papa, ik ben zwanger. Hier is een lijst van de verdachten ... Dad, I am pregnant. Here is the list of the suspects... Dad, I'm pregnant, here's a list of the suspects... Ze pakt haar verjaardagscadeau uit. She unwraps her birthday gift. She's taking out her birthday present. Ich wollte Tom nicht zum Weinen bringen. I didn't mean to make Tom cry. I didn't want to make Tom cry. Linda eet graag chocolade. Linda likes eating chocolate. Linda likes to eat chocolate. Ich dachte, ich hätte Sie angewiesen, sich selber darum zu kümmern. I thought I told you to handle this yourself. I thought I had instructed you to take care of it myself. Ik heff dat Snuuvdook plätt. I ironed the handkerchief. I've done Snuuvdook. Es hat eine Kettenreaktion in Gang gesetzt. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain reaction. Kin k eten? May I eat? Can't you eat? Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom Französisch sprechen kann. I had no idea that Tom knew how to speak French. I didn't know Tom could speak French. Bass du zéng Joer al? Are you ten years old? Are you sure you've been doing this for ten years? Schriev dien Naam in Grootbookstaven. Write your name in capitals. Write your name in upper case. ווילסטו עפעס פון די זאכן? Do you want any of this stuff? Don't you want any of these things? Hoe voel jy nou oor haar? How do you feel about her now? How do you feel about her now? Het is niet ver van het hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Se swemmt in Geld. She's rolling in money. She's swimming in money. Ik heb geen geld om dat boek te kopen. I don't have the money to buy that book. I don't have any money to buy that book. Tom is een Kreeft. Tom is a Cancer. Tom's a Kreeft. Op het bordje in het park stond geschreven "Niet op het gras lopen!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the sign in the park was written "Don't walk on the grass!" Glaubt ihr im Ernst, das sei fair? Do you really think that's fair? Do you really think that's fair? Soll ich hier auf Sie warten? Should I wait for you here? Should I wait for you here? François, ist das deins? François, is this yours? François, is that yours? Sollen wir zusammen gehen? Shall we go together? Should we go together? Ich dachte, du wärest glücklich. I thought you were happy. I thought you were happy. Ek dink nie jou plan sal werk nie. I don't think your plan will work. I don't think your plan will work. Komt jou dat bekend voor? Does this ring a bell? Is that familiar to you? Du machst einen furchtbaren Fehler. You're making a terrible mistake. You're making a terrible mistake. Lag! Laugh! Laugh! Tom vermoedt niets. Tom suspects nothing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. Bestaan er pitloze watermeloenen? Do seedless watermelons exist? Is there any pitless watermelons? Hij won de loterij. He won the lottery. He won the lottery. Marco nahm seine Sachen und ging. Mark took his stuff and left. Marco took his things and went. Zijn vader is gestorven. His father passed away. His father died. Du musst dich nicht entschuldigen. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Du hast mir die Haut gerettet. You saved my hide. You saved my skin. Sie sah ihn das Fenster aufbrechen. She saw him break the window. She saw him break up the window. Tom blies in die glühende Asche, hoffend, das Feuer wieder zu entfachen. Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted. Tom blew into the glowing ashes, hoping to rekindle the fire. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Ich war nicht enttäuscht. I was not disappointed. I wasn't disappointed. Welke planeet staat het dichtst bij de zon? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is closest to the sun? Alice slaapt in mijn kamer. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice's sleeping in my room. Het eten van de hond is duur. The dog's food is expensive. The dog's food is expensive. Ik weet dat Tom in Australië heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Australia. I know Tom lived in Australia. Als tom hulp nodig heeft, kunnen we hem dat bieden. If Tom needs help, we can give it to him. If tom needs help, we can offer him that. Sie sind wirklich begabt. They're really gifted. You're really gifted. Begrijpt u? Do you understand? Do you understand? Ich möchte mit Tom gehen. I want to go with Tom. I want to go with Tom. װיפֿל איז דער זײגער? ס'איז צען אַ זייגער. "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." The number of days the clock is? It's between a clock and it. Allens, wat du doon musst, is dissen roden Knoop drücken. All you have to do is push this red button. All you need to do is press this red button. Er landet in einem Garten und klopft an die Tür. He lands in a garden and knocks at the door. He lands in a garden and knocks on the door. Was t dien faveriet? Was it your favorite? Was that farerish? Is dat wol goed? Is that okay? Is that wool good? Daniel bedankte sich bei den Polizisten. Daniel thanked the policemen. Daniel thanked the police. Ons het besluit om hulle nie te ontslaan. We've decided not to fire them. We decided not to release them. Hij zei mij dat hij de volgende dag zou beginnen. He told me that he would start the next day. He told me he'd start the next day. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan niet tegen natuurlijke dwaasheid op. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness. Artificial intelligence cannot resist natural folly. Willst du ihm sagen, du liebst ihn? Do you want to tell him you love him? You want to tell him you love him? Ich bin noch sehr müde. I'm still very tired. I'm still very tired. Bitte kommt her. Please come here. Please come here. Activisten proberen ziekte in arme landen te voorkomen. Activists try to prevent disease in poor countries. Activists are trying to prevent disease in poor countries. Er hat mich gerade angeschrieben. Ich glaube, er ist schon wieder betrunken. He just texted me. I think he's drunk again. I think he's been drunk again. Ik mag dan wel ongelukkig zijn, maar ik ben niet van plan mezelf te doden. Maybe I am unhappy, but I don't intend to kill myself. I may be unhappy, but I'm not going to kill myself. Ich bin Handelvertreter. I'm a salesman. I'm a trade agent. Fünf Jahre sind nun vergangen, seit sie nach Japan kamen. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Tom ontvoerde Maria. Tom kidnapped Mary. Tom kidnapped Maria. Was man bewältigen kann, das weiß man erst, wenn man es wagt. You never know what you can accomplish until you try. What you can handle, you don't know until you dare. Was Maria nait dien poedie? Wasn't Mary your girlfriend? Was Maria naïth serving poetry? Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What does this word mean? What does that word mean? Büst du för oder gegen dat Projekt? Are you for or against the project? Are you sure you want to run this project for or against? Komst doe? Are you coming? Come on? Sie bewaffneten sich mit Gewehren. They armed themselves with guns. They armed themselves with guns. Weer Tom dor? Was Tom there? Again, Tom? Heb je een kam? Do you have a comb? Do you have a comb? Ich brauche dir nicht zuzuhören. I don't have to listen to you. I don't need to listen to you. Lange nicht gesehen. Long time, no see. Don't be long. Niemand praat met me. Nobody speaks to me. No one's talking to me. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich sofort heimgehen. If I were you, I'd go home right away. If I were you, I'd go home right away. Ich erinnere mich an den Vorfall so deutlich, als wenn er erst gestern geschehen wäre. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident as clearly as if it had only happened yesterday. Wir alle waren mit dem System nicht zufrieden. All of us were not satisfied with the system. We were all not satisfied with the system. Wann gehen Sie los? When will you leave? When are you going? Het is geen noodgeval. It's not an emergency. It's not an emergency. Heb jij in Duitsland in een Mercedes gereden? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Did you drive into a Mercedes in Germany? Wie het die telefoon uitgevind? Who invented the telephone? Who found out the phone? װען ביסטו געבאָרן געװאָרן? When were you born? When do you really want to do something with them? Kan ik de tafel dekken? May I set the table? Can I cover the table? He füng dat Rennen an. He began to run. He's guessing that race. Wir mieteten einen Bus. We chartered a bus. We rented a bus. Dann küsste er ihn. Then he kissed him. Then he kissed him. Solcherlei Dinge interessieren mich nicht mehr. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. I don't care about things like this anymore. Tom sagte mir, dass er nicht mit leeren Händen nach Hause kommen wollte. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to come home empty-handed. U kan helpen. You can help. You can help. Wat hett Tom gägen mi? What's Tom got against me? What did Tom say to me? Ik lehn di mien Notizbook. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll give you my notebook. Das kann unmöglich hinhauen. It can't possibly work. That can't be possible. Ik zal het niet vergeten. I won't forget it. I won't forget. k Hol van die. I love you. k Hol from the one. Ich werde dir meine Rechnung schicken. I'll send you my bill. I'll send you my bill. Jill war ein großer Trost für mich, als ich krank war. Jill was a great comfort to me when I was ill. Jill was a great comfort to me when I was sick. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, dass Johannes ein gebrochenes Herz habe. Mary told Tom that she thought John was heartbroken. Maria said Tom, she believes that John has a broken heart. Tom hat das bestimmt nicht mit Absicht getan. It's not likely Tom did that on purpose. Tom probably didn't do that with intent. U hield van chocolade. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Hij begon te lachen. He started laughing. He started laughing. Miho ist Pianistin. Miho is a pianist. Miho is a pianist. Tom weiß nicht, was er will. Tom doesn't know what he wants. Tom doesn't know what he wants. Een wolk is gecondenseerde waterdamp. A cloud is condensed steam. A cloud is condensed water vapour. Tom und Maria sagten, sie hätten den Film schon dreimal gesehen. Tom and Mary told me that they've seen that movie three times. Tom and Maria said they'd seen the movie three times. Kinder sind grausam. Kids are cruel. Children are cruel. Der Gatte der Schwester meines Vaters ist mein Onkel. My father's sister's husband is my uncle. My uncle's husband's sister is my uncle. Wo ist das Wartezimmer? Where's the waiting room? Where's the waiting room? Ik schrijf een brief. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. דער זינגער האט א שיינעם קול. The singer has a beautiful voice. The singer has a voice. Ek sien niks. I can't see anything. I don't see anything. Er zijn geruchten dat hij ontslag zal nemen. There are rumors that he will resign. There's rumours he'll quit. Selbst nach seinem Tod hasste sie ihn noch. She still hated him, even after he died. Even after his death, she hated him. Ik heb daar geen enkel probleem mee. I don't have any problem with that. I have no problem with that. Aan wie hebt u het gegeven? To whom did you give it? Who did you give it to? Waar heeft ze mijn portemonnee gevonden? Where did she find my wallet? Where did she find my wallet? Mein Donnervogel sortiert Benachrichtigungsmails von Tatoeba in drei verschiedene Ordner, ohne dass ich ihn darum gebeten hätte. My Thunderbird sorts notification e-mails from Tatoeba into three different folders without my having asked it to do so. My thunderbird sorted notification emails from Tatuba into three different folders without asking for them. Laut ihr wird er nicht kommen. According to her, he won't come. According to her, he won't come. Tom möchte berühmt sein. Tom wants to be famous. Tom wants to be famous. Tom sah sich im Zimmer um und vergewisserte sich, ob alles in Ordnung sei. Tom looked around the room, making sure that everything was alright. Tom looked around the room and made sure that everything was fine. Sie tanzt mit einem anderen Mann. She's dancing with another man. She's dancing with another man. Ich fürchte, Sie haben sich verwählt. I am afraid you have the wrong number. I'm afraid you chose. יעדער איז מסכּים. Everybody agrees. each is named after the seas. Tom heeft de vorige nacht drie uur lang Frans geleerd. Tom studied French for three hours last night. Tom learned French for three hours last night. Menschen, die einen ähnlichen Charakter haben, empfinden Sympathie füreinander. People who have similar personalities feel sympathy for one another. People who have a similar character feel sympathy for each other. Tom isst gerne Schildkröten. Tom likes to eat turtles. Tom likes to eat turtles. Ik bün för di dor. I'm here for you. I'm gonna be there for you. Er lehrte sie, wie man Schiffe steuert. He taught them how to sail ships. He taught them how to control ships. Allerdeegs! Indeed! Allerdeegs! Ik las gisteren een artikel over zure regen. I read an article about acid rain yesterday. I read an article about acid rain yesterday. Tom ist vermutlich hungrig. Tom is probably hungry. Tom's probably hungry. We liegen allemaal. We all lie. We're all lying. Nach den Hausaufgaben habe ich Baseball im Fernsehen gesehen. I watched baseball on TV after I finished my homework. After the homework, I saw baseball on TV. Sie haben eine sehr seltsame Denkart. You have a very strange way of thinking. You have a very strange way of thinking. Tom leek nerveus. Tom looked nervous. Tom seemed nervous. Se kann mi nich ophollen. She can't stop me. It cannot stop me. Wi hebbt se teemlich goot kennt. We knew them very well. We knew it quite well. Mir hunn eng Fro. We've got a question. We have another question. Spring. Jump. Jump. Ič hæbbe catt and hund. Se catt is blæc and se hund is hƿīte. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. Ič hæbbe cat and Hund. Se cat is blæc and she Hund is h.īte. Vergeet me. Forget about me. Forget me. Tom ist mein begabtester Schüler. Tom is my most gifted student. Tom is my most talented student. Weet iemand hier hoe dit moet? Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone here know how to do this? Diese Brücke ist aus Stein. This bridge is built of stone. This bridge is made of stone. Ek het dit voorheen vir jou gesê, het ek nie? I've told you that before, haven't I? I told you before, didn't I? Kostenlos erhältlich. Feel free to take this. Available free of charge. Ons het reëls. We have rules. We have rules. Er gab mehrere Beispiele, wie wir die Dinge ändern könnten. He gave several examples of how we could change things. He gave several examples of how we could change things. Hoeveel penne het jy? How many pens do you have? How many pins do you have? Ik hou van knoflook. I like garlic. I love garlic. Tom fragte Maria nach dem Verkehrsunfall, in den sie mit fünf Jahren geraten war. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident she was involved in when she was five years old. Tom asked Maria about the traffic accident she had fallen into when she was five years old. Ich habe die Informationen direkt von ihm bekommen. I got the information from him directly. I got the information directly from him. Versnel. Accelerate. Hurry up. Schneiden Sie das in ganz kleine Stücke! Cut this into very fine pieces. Cut it into very small pieces! Håsch du ihm glaubd? Did you believe him? You believe him? Ik wil graag weten wat je aan het doen bent. I'd like to know what you're doing. I'd like to know what you're doing. Wie geht es dir und der Familie? How are you and the family doing? How are you and the family? Wat moet ons omternt hulle doen? What should we do about them? What should we do around them? Ik geloof in het christendom. I believe in Christianity. I believe in Christianity. Ich ließ ihn meine Armbanduhr reparieren. I had him repair my watch. I had him repair my watch. Hy het uiteindelik geld gemaak. He finally made money. Eventually, he made money. Es war nicht klar, was sie meinte. It wasn't clear what she meant. It wasn't clear what she meant. Koreaans leren is moeilijk. It's difficult to learn Korean. Learning Korean is difficult. Ik heff keen Geld. I have no money. I don't have any money. Es scheint, dass Tom hier gewesen ist. It seems that Tom has been here. It seems Tom's been here. Diese Frucht riecht unangenehm. This fruit smells nasty. This fruit smells unpleasant. Wenn du die Sonne am Himmel scheinen siehst, dann ist es Tag, und wenn nicht, dann ist es wohl Nacht. When you see the Sun shining in the sky, it is day, and when you don't it is night. If you see the sun shining in the sky, then it is day, and if not, then it is night. Ein Delphin ist genauso wenig ein Fisch, wie ein Hund es ist. A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. A dolphin is just as little a fish as a dog is. Kan ik die sinaasappel eten? Can I eat that orange? Can I eat that orange? Gäärn gscheh. You're welcome. Gäärn gscheh. Laat mij alleen! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Fisch leevt in de See. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the lake. Wenneer? When? Win? Es gibt niemanden, der sich keinen Frieden wünscht. There is no one who doesn't desire peace. There is no one who does not want peace. God maakt geen fouten. God doesn't make mistakes. God does not make mistakes. Ik ben er niet. I'm not in. I'm not here. k Mag Fraans. I like French. k Mag Fraans. "Tom, setz dich." "Ok." "Sit down, Tom." "All right." "Tom, sit down." "Ok." Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami's not married to Layla. Sie hat Brot gebacken. She baked bread. She baked bread. Ech sichen eng Steckdous. I'm looking for a power outlet. I'm gonna find a driver. Was für eine Art Person bist du? What kind of person are you? What kind of person are you? Tom ist froh, nicht in deiner Haut zu stecken. Tom is glad he isn't in your shoes. Tom is happy not to stick in your skin. Bob aß die Schnecke, dann erbrach er sich. Bob ate the snail, then vomited. Bob ate the snail, then he broke. Wie viele Hunde gibt es in deiner Wohngegend? How many dogs are there in your neighborhood? How many dogs are there in your residential area? Ik moet weten wat jij daarover weet. I need to know what you know about this. I need to know what you know about it. Ik bün keen Schöler. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Dat is keen Hebrääsch, man Jiddisch. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. That's not Hebrew, Jiddian. D Sunne isch am uufgah. The sun is rising. D Sunne is on uufgah. Dizze bloume is paars. This flower is purple. This blue is purple. Er hat es verdient, die Wahrheit zu erfahren. He deserves to know the truth. He deserved to know the truth. Was fressen Pelikane? What do pelicans eat? Were Pelicans eating? Segg mi nich, wat ik doon schall. Do not tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do. Archeologen vonden een ruïne van een oude stad met een oppervlakte van twaalf vierkante kilometer en groeven er een groot aantal voorwerpen op uit brons, jade en goud. Archaeologists discovered the ruins of an old city with a circumference of twelve square kilometers and a wide range of bronze, jade and gold objects. Archaeologists found a ruins of an ancient city with an area of 12 square miles and dug up a large number of objects from bronze, jade, and gold. איך ווייס נישט וואס איז געשיין מיט איר. I don't know what's got into her. I just don't know what happened to you. Voeg jy nie suiker by nie? Don't you add some sugar? Don't you add sugar? Volgens mij is Japan een zeer veilig land. I think that Japan is a very safe country. I think Japan is a very safe country. Laten we gaan. Let's go. Let's go. אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ. Work shall set you free. Make sure you work free. Burj Khalifa is nou hoogste wolkenkrabber ien wereld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is now the highest skyscraper of one world. Ik ben een nieuwe student. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. "Wist je dat de dochter van de buurman al getrouwd is?" "Je zegt niet! Ze is pas achttien!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" "Do you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You're not saying! She's just eighteen!" Sami's ouders zijn moslim. Sami's parents are Muslim. Sami's parents are Muslim. Ihr werdet reich belohnt werden. You will be rewarded handsomely. You will be richly rewarded. Mir hunn e grousse Gaart. We have a big yard. We also have a big Gaart. Er hielt mit ihr Schritt. He kept pace with her. He took her step. Ek wil niks hê om te drink nie. I don't want anything to drink. I don’t want anything to drink. Sei freundlich zu den Leuten um dich herum! Be kind to those around you. Be friendly to the people around you! Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema. I'd love to go to the movies. Wi föhrt all geern Fohrrad. We all like cycling. We're going to run all the wires. Moenie met Tom praat nie. Don't talk to Tom. Don’t talk to Tom. Ich werde nicht vergessen, was ihr getan habt. I won't forget what you did. I won't forget what you did. Wat is dien faveriete meziek? What's your favorite music? What is faverent mesy? Fröhliche Weihnachten! Have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas! Dat is een fout. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. Er is iets mis met de remmen. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Is dit jouw tas of de zijne? Is this bag yours or his? Is this your bag or his? Ria sä, dat se untofreden is. Mary said that she was discontented. Ria said that she was dissatisfied. Dat schall opminnst fiev Dollar kösten. It'll cost at least five dollars. That should cost at least five dollars. Een slapend kind lijkt op een engel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. Irgendwo muss man anfangen. You have to start somewhere. Somewhere you have to start. איך בין אַ ייִד אָבער נישט קיין רעליגיעזער. I'm a Jew, but not a religious one. I'm a pretty little, but no religion. Tom is jong. Tom is young. Tom is young. Das Lächeln, das Sie aussenden, kehrt zu Ihnen zurück. The smile you send out returns to you. The smile you send back returns to you. Het lievelingseten van mijn zoon is wafels met esdoornsiroop. Elke ochtend zegt hij dat ik dat moet maken, maar soms moet ik wel nee zeggen. My son's favourite food is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I should cook them, but sometimes I must say no. My son's favorite diet is waffles with maple syrup every morning he says I have to do that, but sometimes I have to say no. Mag ik je een indiscrete vraag stellen? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you an indiscrete question? Dat hólp. That helped. That hólp. Hij koopt sigaretten. He buys cigarettes. He's buying cigarettes. Ich habe es ein bisschen vereinfacht. I've simplified it a little bit. I made it a little easier. Mit einem Roman, der zum Verkaufsschlager wurde, verdiente er ein Vermögen. He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel. With a novel that became a sales hit, he earned a fortune. Nu dat je beslist hebt, moet je ook handelen. Now that you have made your decision, you must act. Now that you've decided, you've got to act, too. Hast du nicht gesagt, das Cello sei im Auto? I thought you said your cello was in the car. Didn't you say cello was in the car? In deze tijd van het jaar staan de bermen in volle bloei. Je vindt er bijvoorbeeld veel fluitenkruid, koolzaad en paardenbloemen. In this time of the year the roadsides are in full bloom. You can find there, for example, a lot of cow parsley, rapeseed, and dandelions. At this time of the year, the bears are in full bloom. For example, you will find lots of fluent herbs, colza and equestrian flowers. Jullie lijken haar niet leuk te vinden. You don't seem to like her. You don't seem to like her. Iedereen raakte in paniek. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. די תּלמידה לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The student learning. Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Boston zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like living in Boston. I don't think I'd like to live in Boston. Ik ben het niet met jou eens. My opinion is different from yours. I don't agree with you. Ik voel me niet schuldig. I do not feel guilty. I don't feel guilty. De Froo is naakd. The woman is naked. The Froo's naked. Ich habe hier eine Liste. I have a list here. I have a list here. Ik heff keen Radio höört. I wasn't listening to the radio. I didn't hear a radio. Dat gifft veel Steerns, de grötter as uns Sünn sünd. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Auf der Schachtel ist ein Aufkleber mit der Aufschrift „zerbrechlich“. There's a sticker on the box that says "fragile." On the box is a sticker with the label “breakable”. Gold is sworer as Sülver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is harder than Silver. Omhels me. Embrace me. Please, embrace me. Und nun ein paar Worte von unseren Sponsoren. And now, a word from our sponsors. And now a few words from our sponsors. Könntest du bitte das Licht anmachen? Could you turn on the light, please? Could you, please, turn on the light? Hai het n hond. He has a dog. Hai has a dog. Mein Bruder hat sich einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft; der war also nicht allzu teuer. My brother bought a used car, so it was not very expensive. My brother bought a used car, so he wasn't too expensive. Ich gehe gewöhnlich um fünf heim. I usually go home at five. I usually go home at five. Vandaag is Maria treurig. Maria is sad today. Today, Mary is sad. We zijn met de bus van Aken naar Luik gegaan. We traveled by bus from Aachen to Liège. We went from Aachen to Liège by bus. Hast du etwas für ihn besorgt? Did you get him something? Did you get anything for him? Man hat mir eine neue Jacke gegeben. I was given a new jacket. I was given a new jacket. Ik wil niet meer terug. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Ik weiger te antwoorden. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Ze ruimde de tafel af. She removed the dishes from the table. She cleaned up the table. Pak mijn hand. Grab my hand. Grab my hand. Wir sind daran schuld. That's our fault. We're to blame for that. Hij moet ongeveer veertig zijn. He must be about forty. He's got to be about forty. Ich kann es kaum glauben, dass ihr hier seid. I can hardly believe you're here. I can't believe you're here. Sami trouwde met een moslimmeisje. Sami married a Muslim girl. Sami married a Muslim girl. Du hest dat Book al leest? You've already read the book? You have already read the book? Ek wonder wat met Paul gebeur het. I wonder what happened to Paul. I wonder what happened to Paul. Es ist schwierig, diese Frage zu beantworten. This question is difficult to answer. It is difficult to answer this question. Hebben jullie een zaklantaarn nodig? Do you need a torch? Do you need a flashlight? Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. Ga niet naar buiten, het regent. Don't go out, as it's raining. Don't go outside, it rains. Ik heff en Poor Steveln köfft. I bought a pair of boots. I've opened the door to Poor Steveln. Langsam wird Tom besser. Tom is getting better. Slowly, Tom gets better. Je zou beter moeten weten nu je achttien bent. You should know better now you are eighteen. You should know better now that you're 18 years old. Ich schaffte es, mich auf Französisch zu verständigen. I managed to make myself understood in French. I managed to communicate in French. Tom ist zurück. Tom is back. Tom's back. Maria huilde op de terugweg naar huis. Mary cried on the way back home. Maria cried on the way home. Tom öffnete nervös die Tür. Tom nervously opened the door. Tom opened the door nervously. Heeft u reeds ontbeten? Have you already had breakfast? Have you already been praying? Greenpeace führt einen mühseligen Kampf, um die Umwelt zu retten. Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment. Greenpeace is fighting to save the environment. Tom wird nicht gestehen. Tom won't confess. Tom won't stand. לילע איז אַן איבערזעצערין. Layla is a translator. Lile is an example. Sie waren unzufrieden. They were not pleased. They were dissatisfied. טאם איז בלינד. Tom is blind. Tom is linked. Ik denk dat ik het niet met je eens ben. I guess I don't agree with you. I don't think I agree with you. Zij liepen in de tuin om aan die bloeddorstige honden te ontsnappen. They ran into the garden to save themselves from those blood-thirsty hounds. They walked into the garden to escape those bloodthirsty dogs. Ons almal lieg. We all lie. All of us lie. Tom zou trots zijn. Tom would be proud. Tom would be proud. Bitte komm in drei Tagen. Please come in three days. Please come in three days. Ik begrijp niet wat u bedoelt. I don't get what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. „Es muss eine logische Erklärung dafür geben.“ – „Nicht alles lässt sich mit Logik erklären, mein lieber Tom.“ "There must be a logical explanation for it." "Not everything can be explained through logic, my dear Tom." “There must be a logical explanation for that.” – “Not everything can be explained with logic, my dear Tom.” Die Kinder werden so schnell erwachsen. Children grow up so quickly. The children will grow up so fast. Tom gewann eine Trophäe. Tom won a trophy. Tom won a trophy. Laat Tom vrij. Set Tom free. Let Tom go. Der Junge änderte seine Meinung nicht. The boy didn't change his opinion. The boy didn't change his mind. Het is gevaarlijk. It's dangerous. It's dangerous. Wat we nodig hebben is niet een intelligente geest die spreekt, maar een geduldig hart dat luistert. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. What we need is not an intelligent spirit that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Ich will Schwimmen lernen. I want to learn how to swim. I want to learn swimming. Tom hat angefangen zu singen. Tom started singing. Tom started singing. Āgnung biþ nēr ðǣm, ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðǣm, ðe æftersprecþ. Possession is nearer to him who has than to him who claims. is not a regular file; rather, it is not a part of it; rather, it has no file. Wat moeten we doen? What do we need to do? What are we supposed to do? Vroeg of laat gaan we allemaal dood. We all die sooner or later. Sooner or later we all die. Hoeveel talen spreekt u? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Het maakt geen verschil! It makes no difference! It doesn't make any difference! Der Ideåreichdomm isch am greschda, wenn oinr auf domme Gedangå kommd. The wealth of human ideas is greatest when people come up with dumb ones. The Ideåreichdomm is on the greshda when it comes to stupid Gedangå. Ik heb in de brand mijn schoen verloren. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoe in the fire. Dien antwoord is goud. Your answer is right. Your answer is gold. Ich habe sie am Flughafen abgesetzt. I dropped them off at the airport. I dropped her off at the airport. Ik hoor stemmen. I hear voices. I hear votes. Datums zullen aangekondigd worden. Dates will be announced. Date will be announced. Ik ben gek op hem! I'm crazy about him! I love him! Wat wil je van me? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Ik bün jüst von de Post trüggkamen. I have just returned from the post office. I just got caught up in the mail. Der Atlantik trennt Amerika von Europa. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. The Atlantic separates America from Europe. Dainj, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Dainj, Yukina. Ek het gekom om met jou te praat. I've come to talk with you. I came to talk to you. Ik ga de trap af. I am going down the stairs. I'm going down the stairs. Dat restaurant is te duur. That restaurant's too expensive. That restaurant's too expensive. Es ist notwendig. It is necessary. It's necessary. Snap je wat ik bedoel? Do you understand what I am saying? You know what I mean? Januarie is die eerste maand op die kalender. January is the first month of the calendar. January is the first month on the calendar. De Froo is meist doov. The woman is almost deaf. De Froo is mostly deaf. Jy is dronk! You are drunk! You're drunk! Dat Verköpen von Zigaretten schull verbaden wesen. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. The sale of cigarettes should be prohibited. Tom wirkt sehr einsam. Tom looks very lonely. Tom's very lonely. Ich weiß nicht, wer das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt hat. I don't know who started that rumor. I don't know who put the rumor in the world. Willen joe goan? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Es tut furchtbar weh. It hurts terribly. It hurts a lot. Was ist die Preisvorstellung? What's the asking price? What is the price presentation? Ik heb die nacht helemaal niet geslapen. I never slept that night. I didn't sleep at all that night. Sami groeide op met de gedachte dat alle moslims terroristen waren. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. דאָס איז זייער גוט. That's very good. This is very good. Ik ween nich. I'm not crying. I'm not gonna be all right. Wat gebeurt er in Italië? What's happening in Italy? What's happening in Italy? Tom ziet er verschrikkelijk uit. Tom looks terrible. Tom looks terrible. Ich würde gern etwas mit euch besprechen. I'd like to have a word with you. I'd like to discuss something with you. Tom steht nicht im Telefonbuch. Tom isn't listed in the phone book. Tom's not in the phone book. Froulju en bern earst! Women and children first! Froulju and others first! De Schauspeler hett en grote Jacht. The actor has a large yacht. The actor's hat and big yacht. Er erfand eine gute Ausrede, warum er nicht zur Party kommt. He cooked up a good excuse for not going to the party. He invented a good excuse why he didn't come to the party. De tv werkt niet. The TV doesn't work. The TV doesn't work. Jy gaan nie die enigste een daar wees nie. You won't be the only one there. You're not going to be alone. Venetië, Italië is een van de wonderen van de wereld. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. Is Paris wied weg? Is Paris far away? Is Paris Wid off? Ik vermoed dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch zijn voor pinda's. I suspect Tom and Mary are both allergic to peanuts. I suspect Tom and Maria are both allergic to peanuts. Spaans is haar moedertaal. Spanish is her mother tongue. Spanish is her mother tongue. Ich darf mich nicht von der Polizei erwischen lassen. I can't let the police catch me. I can't get caught by the police. Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass Tom sich ändert. You can't really expect Tom to change. You can't expect Tom to change. Tom scheint genervt zu sein. Tom seems annoyed. Tom seems to be inherited. Es sieht albern aus. It looks ridiculous. It looks silly. Daai is redelik normaal. That's pretty normal. That is quite normal. Wat is in Paris Mood? What's in fashion in Paris? What's in Paris Mood? Tom heeft voor de spiegel geoefend. Tom practiced in front of the mirror. Tom trained for the mirror. Das Leben gehört den Lebenden an, und wer lebt, muss auf Wechsel gefasst sein. Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change. Life belongs to the living, and who lives must be changed. Marie ist gewachsen. Marie has grown. Marie's grown. Nimm es nicht so ernst! Don't take it seriously. Don't take it so seriously! Doe verkòcht koelkasten. You sold refrigerators. Do cooled refrigerators. Ik kan geen tequila drinken. I can't drink tequila. I can't drink tequila. Die gefällt mir nicht. Zeig mir eine andere. I don't like this. Show me another. I don't like them, show me another one. Ik heb vandaag geen huiswerk. I have no homework today. I don't have homework today. Ik hou van muziek, meer bepaald van klassieke muziek. I like music, particularly classical music. I love music, especially classical music. We hebben een nieuwe auto nodig. We need a new car. We need a new car. Mein Bruder ist letztes Jahr an Krebs gestorben. My brother died of cancer last year. My brother died of cancer last year. Lass Tom nicht weg, ehe ich da bin! Don't let Tom leave before I get there. Don't leave Tom until I get there! Ik spreek tegenwoordig bijna geen Frans meer. I hardly ever speak French nowadays. I don't speak French anymore today. Ik werd wakker van de koffiegeur. The smell of coffee woke me up. I woke up from the coffee flavor. k Hol van aaier. I like eggs. K Hol van weirer. Het was een drukte van je welste op straat toen de optocht voorbijkwam. There were lots of people on the street when the parade came by. It was a bustle of your best on the street when the procession passed. Heeft u de deur open gelaten? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? Mogadishu is de hoofdstad van Somalië. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Du schußt man dien Vadder helpen. You should help your father. You shoot your Vadder help. We hebben hem uit het land verbannen. We banished him from the country. We have banished him from the country. Quält es dich, das zu tun? Are you miserable doing that? Is it bothering you to do this? Ze zijn met de auto naar Chicago gegaan. They went to Chicago by car. They went to Chicago by car. Het is buiten pikzwart. It's totally dark outside. It's out there. Das ist nicht erlaubt. That's not allowed. That's not allowed. Si chunnt us Düütschland. She comes from Germany. She's taking advantage of Germany. Den Witz habe ich schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gehört. I haven't heard that joke in a long time. I haven't heard the joke for ages. Was möchten Sie trinken? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? איך בין אַ קריסטין, אָבער איך עס נישט קיין חזיר־פֿלײַש. I am Christian but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I'm not a scarf. Ik breng jullie naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Het is een moeilijke vraag. It's a difficult question. It's a difficult question. Ich habe von euch gehört. I've heard of you. I've heard of you. Warum sollte es mich kümmern, was die Gesellschaft denkt? Why should I care what society thinks? Why should I take care of what society thinks? Ech héieren Musek, an dir? I'm listening to music, and you? I'm listening, music, and you? Ik heb geleerd mijn pijn niet te negeren. I learned not to ignore my pain. I've learned not to ignore my pain. Die Passagiere schliefen in ihren Kabinen, als das Schiff mit einem riesigen Eisberg kollidierte. The passengers were asleep in their cabins when the ship hit a huge iceberg. The passengers slept in their cabins when the ship collided with a huge iceberg. Der Parkplatz vor der Bank war vollbesetzt. The parking lot in front of the bank was completely full. The parking lot in front of the bank was fully occupied. Hij is goed in wiskunde. He is good at mathematics. He's good at math. Sami überlebte. Sami survived. Sami survived. De Appel is noch nich riep. The apple is not yet ripe. The Apple has not yet been called. Ik denk dat ik ga skiën. I think I'll go skiing. I think I'm going skiing. Je hebt iets gevonden. You've found something. You found something. זײַנס איז געווען אַ נײַ היטל. His was a new cap. Korns was a new star. Du musst hier Französisch sprechen. You have to speak French here. You have to speak French here. Dat Leven is nich gerecht. Life isn't fair. Life is not just right. Hoe download ik het bestand? How do I download the file? How do I download the file? Wat för en Spraak warrt in Ägypten snackt? What language do they speak in Egypt? What kind of language is being sunk in Egypt? Ik ken Toms achternaam niet. I don't know Tom's last name. I don't know Tom's last name. Hy skop my! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! Haben Sie noch etwas anderes gefunden? Did you find anything else? Have you found anything else? Ich trage keine Brille mehr. I don't wear glasses anymore. I don't wear glasses anymore. Het is een te gemakkelijke opgave voor hem. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Wir müssen der Wiederholung eines solchen Vorfalls vorbeugen. We must prevent this type of incident from recurring. We must prevent the repetition of such an incident. Es ist eine fesselnde Geschichte. It's a riveting story. It's a captivating story. Ich wusste, Tom war nicht bereit aufzugeben. I knew Tom wasn't ready to quit. I knew Tom wasn't ready to give up. Vörherseggen is de Kunst to vertellen, wat passeren schall, un denn verkloren, worüm ’t nich passeert is. Forecasting is the way of saying what will happen and then explaining why it didn't. Foresight is to tell art what to do, and then to think about why it has not been done. Tom bat Maria, ihn später anzurufen. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Maria to call him later. Tom zee dat hai zol wachten. Tom said that he would wait. Tom's gonna see that shark's waiting. Hē ġeaf þæt þing þæm cyninge. He gave the thing to the king. The name of the icon from the icon theme Kau dien Eten good un denn sluck dat dal. Chew your food thoroughly, then swallow. Caught your food well, then swallow the valley. Er is niemand zoals jij. There's nobody like you. There's no one like you. Prate jo Japansk? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak Japanese? De kerkklokken luiden. The church bells are ringing. The church bells are ringing. Mario's Pub is waar het gebeurt. Mario's Pub is where the action is. Mario's Pub is where it happens. De hond blaft. The dog is barking. The dog barks. k Denk dat k kin. I think I can. K Think that's k kin. Ik mag dien Naam nich. I don't like your name. I don't like that name. Ich habe viele Freunde in Deutschland. I have a lot of friends in Germany. I have many friends in Germany. Tom zei dat Mary hem heeft geslagen. Tom said Mary hit him. Tom said Mary hit him. Darum habe ich es dir nicht gesagt. That's why I didn't tell you. That's why I didn't tell you. Am nächsten Morgen verließ Dima den Müllcontainer, musste aber feststellen, dass seine Kleidung jetzt nach Müll roch. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima left the trash container, but had to find that his clothes were now smelling like trash. Tom gab seinem Hund einen Knochen. Tom gave his dog a bone. Tom gave his dog a bone. Sy kan nogal 'n handvol wees. She can be a bit of a handful. She can be quite a handful. Er stellt seinem Vater Fragen. He asks questions to his father. He asks his father questions. Tom versucht, niemandem im Weg zu stehen. Tom is trying not to get in anybody's way. Tom's trying to keep no one in the way. Tom wurden viele Hindernisse in den Weg gestellt. Many obstacles were put in Tom's way. Tom was put in the way of many obstacles. Een democraat is een vrije burger die de wil van de meerderheid aanvaardt. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. A Democrat is a free citizen who accepts the will of the majority. Wann ist die Schule aus? When is school over? When's the school going out? Se mag korte Röck. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Tom is een slappeling. Tom is a weakling. Tom's a dormant. Buitenlanders maken me nieuwsgierig. Foreign people intrigue me. I'm curious about foreigners. Ik bün ut Ecuador. I am from Ecuador. I'm from Ecuador. Er ist Experte für Computer. He is a computer expert. He's an expert on computers. Der Mann da ist übel beleumundet. That man has a bad reputation. The man there is badly slandered. Mein Handy ist auf den Boden gefallen. My cellphone fell on the floor. My cell phone fell to the ground. Deze elektriciteitscentrale voorziet op haar eentje meerdere steden van elektriciteit. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant provides for its own several cities of electricity. Ik haat dat! I hate that! I hate that! Ik vrees dat het zal gaan regenen. I'm afraid it's going to rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. Ik föhr mit dat Rad na School. I go to school by bicycle. I'm running the bike to school. Kleine Ursachen haben oft große Wirkungen. Little things often have big consequences. Small causes often have great effects. Wij leren Engels op school. We learn English at school. We're learning English at school. Tom verläuft sich jedes Mal, wenn er keine Karte dabei hat. Tom always gets lost if he doesn't carry a map. Tom runs every time he doesn't have a card. Si ass meng Fra. She's my wife. We all know what you're thinking. Wie könnte ich es ändern? How could I help it? How could I change it? Bent u niet blij? Aren't you pleased? Are you not happy? Laten we sushi eten. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Was werdet ihr tun? What'll you guys do? What are you gonna do? Wees vriendelijk. Be friendly. Be kind. He is grötter as sien Broder. He is taller than his brother. He's bigger than Brother's. Ik check haar Facebookpagina voortdurend. I check her Facebook page constantly. I keep checking her Facebook page. Loaten wie aal noar Luna park goan. Let's all go to Luna Park. Locations were never Luna park goan. Heb je bier? Do you have beer? You got beer? Ich trage etwa nur einmal im Jahr einen Kimono. I only wear a kimono about once a year. I'm wearing a kimono only once a year. צי איז זי איטאַליעניש? Is she Italian? Is she an idiot? Bill is twee jaar ouer as ek. Bill is two years older than I. Bill is two years older than I am. Dit is Toms mes. This is Tom's knife. This is Tom's knife. Ze hebben gestemd. They voted. They voted. Wat is dien leevst Woord? What's your favorite word? What Is Served Best Word? איך האָב פֿײַנט און איך האָב ליב דעם אינטערנעט. I hate and I love the Internet. I'm going to wait... and I'm going to look at this interest. Ik ben dol op skiën. I'm fond of skiing. I love skiing. Citroenen groeien aan citroenbomen en sinaasappels aan sinaasappelbomen. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Regent het in jouw stad? Is it raining in your city? Is it raining in your city? Hij stak de sleutel in het slot. He inserted the key in the lock. He put the key in the lock. Ich weiß, dass du auch beschäftigt bist. I know you're busy, too. I know you're busy too. Ik zag een zwerm vogels vliegen in de lucht. I saw a flock of birds flying aloft. I saw a swarm of birds flying in the air. Kennen Sie jemanden, der meinen Kindern Französisch beibringen könnte? Do you know anybody who can teach my kids French? Do you know anyone who could teach my children French? Se hett mi ehr neet Auto wiest. She showed me her new car. It showed me no car. Ik heb mijn horloge verloren. I have lost my watch. I lost my watch. Die Sonne – in der Tat unser ganzes Sonnensystem – kreist um das Zentrum der Milchstraßengalaxie. The Sun—in fact, our whole solar system—orbits around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The sun – in fact our entire solar system – circles around the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. Tom trat uns bei. Tom joined us. Tom joined us. Tom holt van eerbaaien. Tom likes strawberries. Tom's coming from bays of honor. Leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Ich wiederhole das nicht, hören Sie also gut zu. I won't repeat this, so listen carefully. So I don't repeat that, you listen well. Tom is een ex-gedetineerde. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-Detinct. Dat is to düür! It's too expensive! It's too dark! Het dreigt te gaan regenen. It threatens to rain. It threatens to rain. Lucht is lichter dan water. Air is lighter than water. Air is lighter than water. Alles verandert. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Vertel haar waarom. Tell her why. Tell her why. Het was allemaal onze schuld. It was all our fault. It was all our fault. זײַן ברודער איז געוואָרן אַ מוסולמאַן. His brother became a Muslim. His brother was killed by a Muslim. Sie können mir nicht helfen. You can't help me. You can't help me. He hört geern Radio. He likes to listen to the radio. He's listening to yesterday's radio. Es wäre dumm abzulehnen. It would be stupid to say no. It would be stupid to refuse. Wo willst du hin? Where are you off to? Where are you going? Grüß deine Schwester von mir. Say hello to your sister for me. Say hello to your sister about me. Ze is boos op me. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. Sami ist groß. Sami is tall. Sami's big. Du hast den Überblick verloren, nicht? You lost count, didn't you? You lost the overview, didn't you? Er weiß nichts über Politik. He knows nothing about politics. He doesn't know anything about politics. Ich sehe ohne meine Brille nichts. I can't see without my glasses. I don't see anything without my glasses. Ick häb en Dochter. I have a daughter. Ick stick and daughter. Het is een schaduw. It's a shadow. It's a shadow. Wann kommst du morgen an? What time will you arrive tomorrow? When will you arrive tomorrow? Ze wilde niet betrokken raken. She didn't want to get involved. She didn't want to get involved. Dä Hund isch root. The dog is red. Your dog's red. Þancie þé! Thank you! The value of the id column for the active row Maria hat langes, goldenes Haar. Mary has long golden hair. Maria's got long, golden hair. Wir erhielten eine unmittelbare Antwort auf unseren Brief. We received an immediate answer to our letter. We received an immediate response to our letter. Seoul is heufdstad van Zuudkorea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Seoul is the city of Suudkorea. Einmal sagte Mahatma Gandhi zu mir: "Leben Sie, als müssten Sie morgen sterben. Lernen Sie, als würden sie ewig leben." Mahatma Gandhi once told me: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Once Mahatma Gandhi said to me, "Life as if you should die tomorrow, learn as if they were living forever." Wann hast du zuletzt ein Faxgerät benutzt? When was the last time you used a fax machine? When was the last time you used a fax machine? Er war zu müde um weiterzugehen. He was too tired to walk any further. He was too tired to continue. Er übersetzte einen japanischen Roman ins Französische. He translated a Japanese novel into French. He translated a Japanese novel into French. Volgens de krant was er gisteren een grote brand. According to the newspaper, there was a big fire last night. According to the papers, there was a big fire yesterday. Lima is de hoofdstad van Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Sie sah mich an und lächelte. She looked at me and smiled. She looked at me and smiled. Tom sagte, dass er gerne Französisch spreche. Tom says he enjoys speaking French. Tom said he likes to speak French. Wir haben diesen Stuhl umsonst bekommen, weil die Dame nebenan ihn nicht mehr wollte. We got this chair for nothing because the lady next door didn't want it anymore. We got this chair for nothing because the lady next door didn't want him anymore. Plant bomen! Plant trees! Plant trees! Tom hat mir ein paar französische Zeitschriften geschickt. Tom sent me some French magazines. Tom sent me some French magazines. Ik heff man dree Stünnen slapen. I only slept for three hours. I've got three hours of sleep. Het is meer dan 3 kilometer naar het station. It is more than 3 kilometers to the station. It's more than 3 kilometers to the station. Wat is die duurder een van die twee? Which is the more expensive of the two? What is the more expensive one of the two? Layla sah näher hin. Layla looked closer. Layla looked closer. Seien Sie sehr vorsichtig! Be very careful. Be very careful! Maak dien Mund dicht! Close your mouth! Shut your mouth! Ek hoop dit is nie 'n vout nie. I hope this isn't a mistake. I hope it's not a vout. Tom zegt dat hij niet degene was die het raam brak. Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he wasn't the one who broke the window. Toms Lieblingsdinosaurier ist der Stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus. Tom's favorite dinosaurier is the stegosaurus. Miene Kinner sünd in ’e School. My children are at school. My children are in school. War Tom da? Was Tom there? Was Tom there? Zai zingt. She sings. Zai sings. Hij verzorgt het vermaken van de buitenlandse gasten. He is in charge of entertaining the foreign guests. He takes care of the pleasure of the foreign guests. Tom sollte gehen und Mary helfen. Tom should go help Mary. Tom should go and help Mary. Tom spielte auf seinem neuen Waldhorn ein altes irisches Lied. Tom played an old Irish song on his new French horn. Tom played an old Irish song on his new forest horn. Mag se Appelsienen? Does she like oranges? May the Apples? Se is keen gode Person. She's not a good person. She's not a good person. Deze hond bijt. This dog bites. This dog bites. Isst du Fleisch, oder bist du Vegetarier? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Do you eat meat, or are you vegetarian? Snij alsjeblieft de wortels. Please cut the carrots. Please cut the roots. Wat doen hy hier? What's he doing there? What's he doing here? Sie hat mit mir Schluss gemacht. She dumped me. She broke up with me. Tom ist sich völlig sicher, dass er sich nicht irrt. Tom is positive that he isn't wrong. Tom's absolutely sure he's not wrong. Sue hett en dicken Achtersteven, aver dat maakt ehr nix. Sue has a big bottom, but she doesn't care. Sue has a thick background, but this does nothing. Was hast du dort sonst noch getan? What else did you do there? What else have you done there? Tom wull nich togäven, dat he en Fähler mookt harr. Tom did not want to admit that he had made a mistake. Tom wouldn't want him to mook a fan. Gott gab dir ein Gehirn und ein Gemächt, doch nur so viel Blut, jeweils eins von beidem zu betreiben. God gave you a penis and a brain, but only enough blood to run one at a time. God gave you a brain and a power, but only so much blood, each one of them. Voëls sing. Birds sing. Birds sing. Wir werden zu Fuß gehen. We'll walk. We're going to walk. Scēars sind on þǣm bēode. There is a pair of scissors on the desk. It does not appear to be a part of this class. Meiner ist schwarz. Mine is black. I'm black. Er ist zu nichts zu gebrauchen. He is good for nothing. He's too much to use. Veel steden waren vernietigd door bommen. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Is dat een slechte zaak? Is that a bad thing? Is that a bad case? The catt bith deed. The cat's dead. The cat bit did. Maria war hingerissen, als sie zum ersten Mal ein Eichhörnchen gesehen hatte, und fertigte viele Eichhörnchenbilder an. After Mary saw a squirrel for the first time, she was very excited and drew many pictures of squirrels. Maria was torn off when she first saw a squirrel and made many squirrels. Het is een goed idee. It's a great idea. It's a good idea. Hou daarmee op! Cut that out! Stop it! Niemand weiß, was aus ihr geworden ist. No one knows what has become of her. Nobody knows what has become of her. אונדזערע פֿערד זענען מיד. Our horses are tired. Our friends are soft. Ik heb geen geld bij. I have no money with me. I don't have any money. Ze zien er gelukkig uit. They look happy. They look happy. Du hest dat ook nich wüsst. You didn't know that either. You did not know that either. Hoe oud is hij? What is his age? How old is he? Jij bent mijn enige hoop. You are my only hope. You're my only hope. Al vlogen er varkens in de lucht, nog zou ik haar geloven. Even if pigs were to fly in the air, I would believe her. Even if there were pigs flying in the air, I would still believe her. Ik heb nooit in Australië gewoond. I've never lived in Australia. I never lived in Australia. ער איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון וואַרטן. He was tired of waiting. He was already tired of waiting. Tom ging naar school in Boston. Tom attended school in Boston. Tom went to Boston school. k Kin lopen. I can walk. K Kin is running. Toms Eltern haben jede Menge Geld. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Ich mag es überhaupt nicht. I don't like it at all. I don't like it at all. Sie haben Angst vor Tom. They're afraid of Tom. You're afraid of Tom. Nein, überhaupt nicht. No, not at all. No, not at all. Welk weren Buurn, welk weren Jägers. Some were farmers, some were hunters. Which are the neighbors, which are hunters. Ich kann die Tür nicht öffnen. Hast du den Schlüssel? I can't open the door. Do you have the key? I can't open the door. Bedankt voor het komen jongens! Ik zie jullie het volgende lesuur weer! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming guys! I'll see you next class again! Lit my gean! Let me go! Let me go! Er hielt eine derart lange Rede, dass wir alle uns langweilten. He made such a long speech that we all got bored. He made such a long speech that we were all bored. מיר האבן אזוי שטארק געוואונען, ווייל די אנדערע שפילערס זענען געווען שוואך. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We had strong knowledge of this, because the other players were weak. Niet elke lamp is een toverlamp. Not every lamp is magic. Not every lamp is a magic lamp. Du bist heute aber gut gelaunt. Ist etwas Schönes passiert? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? But you're a good man today. Stilte graag. Quiet, please. I'd love to be quiet. Stell dat Auto in ’e Garaasch. Put the car into the garage. Put that car in ’e Garaash. Manchmal spielen die Jungen dem Lehrer Streiche. Sometimes the boys would play a trick on their teacher. Sometimes the boys play strings to the teacher. Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now. I'm gonna bake a chocolate cake for my wife right away. Die Flüchtlinge sind knapp dem Tode entronnen. The refugees barely escaped death. The refugees have escaped near death. Tom wäre verletzt, wenn du das sagen würdest. Tom would be hurt if you said that. Tom would be hurt if you said that. In einigen Ländern Europas sind die Studierenden politisch bewusster eingestellt als in Großbritannien. Students in some European countries are more politically aware than those in the UK. In some countries of Europe, students are more politically conscious than in Britain. Der Plan wurde unter dem Druck der öffentlichen Meinung aufgegeben. The plan was given up under the pressure of public opinion. The plan was abandoned under the pressure of public opinion. S Büsi isch alt. The cat is old. S Büsi was old. Wenn du nicht ruhig bist, werde ich dich bitten zu gehen. If you're not quiet, I'm going to ask you to leave. If you're not quiet, I'll ask you to leave. Is doezend yen genog? Is a thousand yen enough? Is Stunning Yen Enough? Ik heb scheve tanden. I have crooked teeth. I've got shaved teeth. Ze was woedend. She was furious. She was angry. Dit Hemd passt mi nich an ’n Hals. This shirt doesn't fit me round the neck. This shirt does not suit my neck. Vergeet jouw geld niet. Don't forget your money. Don't forget your money. Dit was baie mooi. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful. Vader Tom is aan het bidden. Father Tom is praying. Father Tom is praying. Bus is noar knoppen! The bus is broken! Bus is now buttons! Bitte nichts Papa sagen! Please don't tell Dad. Don't tell dad! Tom will sich einfach nur mit dir anfreunden. Tom just wants to be friends with you. Tom just wants to be friends with you. Voëls drink water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Laat u niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. Se hett nüms to ’n Snacken. She has no one to speak to. She has no snacks. De sinne skynt al ieuwen oer ûs lân. The sun has been shining over our country for ages. Sentences already appear to be jumps over land. Die Kriminalitätsrate in Kanada sinkt. Canada's crime rate is decreasing. The crime rate in Canada is falling. Ich habe niemals ehrlich geglaubt, dass Tom Kanadier sei. I never actually believed Tom was a Canadian. I never honestly believed Tom was Canadian. Warum können Tiere nicht reden? Why can't animals talk? Why can't animals talk? Das passt mir gar nicht in den Kram. That's the last thing I want. That doesn't fit me in. Snackst du Araabsch? Do you speak Arabic? Are you in Arabic? Wir erwarten dieses Jahr eine gute Ernte. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect a good harvest this year. Ich putze mir grundsätzlich vor dem Zubettgehen die Zähne. I make it a rule to brush my teeth before I go to bed. In principle, I wash the teeth before going to bed. Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. Nobody wanted to remember my country. Gees du mat? Are you going to come along? Are you kidding? Zeit ist nicht Geld - Zeit ist Leben. Time is not money. - Time is life. Time is not money - time is life. Gibt es etwas, was du Tom sagen willst? Is there something you'd like to tell Tom? Is there anything you want to say to Tom? Dat ass ze schwéier fir mech. That's too difficult for me. That's too hard for me. Vergelijk uw vertaling met de zijne. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation with his. Du kennst ehr? Do you know her? You know it? Weet Tom hoe om te dans? Does Tom know how to dance? Does Tom know how to dance? Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? צי איז דאָס פֿראַנצײזיש? Is this French? Is this information relevant? Ich habe viele Freunde, mit denen ich reden kann. I have many friends I can talk to. I have a lot of friends I can talk to. Wer wird es machen? Who will do it? Who's gonna do it? Tom hätte schon vor Stunden von der Schule zurück sein müssen. Tom should've been home from school hours ago. Tom had to be back from school hours ago. Tom hat seinen Pick-up gebraucht gekauft. Tom bought his truck used. Tom bought his pick-up. Er ist der leibhaftige Teufel. He is the devil incarnate. He's the living devil. Ik wasch mi. I wash myself. I wash myself. Ič ne ƿiste, þe hē þǣr ƿæs. I didn't know that he was there. The maximum width of the cell, from 0 to 1. Was ich denke, tut nichts zur Sache. What I think doesn't matter. What I think doesn't matter. Als Plato einen Menschen als zweibeiniges Tier ohne Federn definiert hatte, rupfte Diogenes einen Hahn, brachte ihn in die Akademie und sagte „Das ist Platos Mensch,“, weswegen dieser Zusatz zur Definition hinzugefügt wurde: „Mit breiten, flachen Nägeln.“ Plato having defined man to be a two-legged animal without feathers, Diogenes plucked a cock and brought it into the Academy, and said, "This is Plato’s man." On which account this addition was made to the definition,—"With broad flat nails." When Plato had defined a human being as a two-legged animal without feathers, Diogenes pulled a cock, brought him to the academy and said, “This is Plato’s human being,” so this addition was added to the definition: “with broad flat nails.” Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hulle. Find out all you can about them. Find out everything you can about them. Bus was vol. The bus was full. Bus was full. Haben Sie keinen Stift? Don't you have a pen? You don't have a pen? Dat is nich mien Schuld. It's not my fault. That's not my fault. Wat is er gaande? What's up? What's going on? We dronken soju in de karaokebar. We drank soju at the karaoke bar. We drank soju in the karaokebar. Tom wusste nichts über Maria. Tom didn't know anything about Mary. Tom didn't know anything about Mary. Is dat een kat? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Frankenstein is een kunstwerk. Frankenstein is a work of art. Frankenstein is a work of art. ער ווילט אַ רויטע מאַשין. He wants a red car. He wants a raw car. Eine Brücke gewährt einen Zugang zur Insel. A bridge gives access to the island. A bridge provides access to the island. Öffnet bitte die Augen. Open your eyes, please. Open your eyes, please. Hij heeft een fabriek voor elektrische apparatuur. He has an electrical equipment factory. He's got a factory for electrical equipment. Tom geht gerade mit dem Hund Gassi. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's just going with the dog Gassi. Ik hou van je! I love you! I love you! Mien Süster is dree Johr öller as ik. My sister is three years older than I am. My sister is three years older than I am. א גוטן טאג, װי גײט עס? Hello, how are you? A good day, how power does it take? Er hat sich ob seiner Abwesenheit entschuldigt. He was apologetic for being absent. He apologized for his absence. De tijd ging erg langzaam voorbij deze week. Time passed very slowly this week. Time went very slowly past this week. Welke tand doet pijn? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? Schau her. Look here. Look here. Tom is een gepubliceerde schrijver. Tom is a published writer. Tom is a published writer. Kiek di üm. Look about you. Look around. Der Polizist verfolgte ihn. The policeman followed him. The cop was persecuting him. He keem dör ’t Finster rin. He entered through the window. It comes through the window. Wir waren eine große, glückliche Familie. We were one big happy family. We were a big, happy family. Eine Sicherung ist durchgebrannt. A fuse has blown. A backup's been burned. Ech besichen meng Groussmamm am Spidol. I'm visiting my grandmother in hospital. I'm gonna try it in a little bit. Ulaanbaatar is de hoofdstad van Mongolië. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ich benütze einen neuen Rechner. I'm using a new computer. I'm using a new computer. Der Weg zwischen unseren Häusern ist lang. It's a long way between our houses. The way between our houses is long. Ik heb genoeg van lezen. I'm sick and tired of reading. I've had enough of reading. Layla ist wieder da. Layla is back. Layla's back. Hulle het die dogtertjie aangeneem. They adopted the little girl. They accepted the little girl. Hoeveel bijen leven er in een bijenkorf? How many bees live in a hive? How many bees live in a beehive? Die Kronjuwelen werden hinter Schloss und Riegel aufbewahrt. The royal jewels are kept under lock and key. The crown jewels are kept behind castle and barn. Na alle moeite die we ervoor gedaan hebben om dat project op poten te zetten, kostte het ze maar een seconde het onderuit te halen bij de bijeenkomst. After all the trouble we went to in coming up with that project, it only took them a second to shoot it down in the meeting. After all the effort we made to put that project on hold, it only took a second to get it down at the meeting. Du hättest mit leichteren Fragen anfangen sollen. You should've started with simpler questions. You should have started with easier questions. Ich empfehle Ihnen, mit dem Zug zu fahren. I recommend you to go by train. I recommend you take the train. Ich habe laut gerülpst. I burped loudly. I smelled loud. זי איז אַ לעבעדיקער משל פֿון דער דאָזיקער פֿילאָסאָפֿיע. She is a living example of that philosophy. She is a living member of this Volosophie. Tom is met zijn zoon aan het spelen. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Wer behauptet, jetzt glücklicher als ich zu sein, der lügt. Whoever claims to be happier than I am now lies. Who claims to be happier now than I am? De Jung hett sien Verscheel nich ännert. The boy didn't change his opinion. The difference between the boy and the boy has not changed. Ik had niet eens een kaartje ontvangen. I didn't even get a postcard. I didn't even get a ticket. טאם וואוינט אליין אין א זעלבסט-געגזר׳טע גלות און כמעת קיין-מאל-נישט זייט ער קיינעם. Tom lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone. Tomi Waun Olyin in the same way as Gloto and Achmath no-mold-no since he kayah. Fijne vakantie. Happy holidays. It's a nice holiday. A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A nay is a dialect with an airmy and flow. Kann ich etwas Heißes zu trinken haben? Can I have something hot to drink? Can I have something hot to drink? He hett sik den Snappen in ’n Mau smeert. He wiped his nose on his sleeve. He smeared the beaks in a mau. Het ecosysteem bestaat voornamelijk uit lage bomen en struiken die een mechanisme hebben om aan het strenge klimaat te weerstaan. The ecosystem consists primarily of low trees and bushes that are built to resist harsh climate conditions. The ecosystem consists mainly of low trees and shrubs that have a mechanism to resist the severe climate. Er versprach, um 6 Uhr hier zu sein. He arranged to be here at 6. He promised to be here at 6:00. Zij heeft geen vijanden. She has no enemies. She doesn't have any enemies. מער פֿעלט מיר ניט. That's all I need. more than we do not. Tom hat etwas gesagt, aber ich konnte nicht hören, was. Tom said something, but I couldn't hear what he said. Tom said something, but I couldn't hear what. Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Reason is silver, silence is gold. Herrlich! Wonderful! That's great! ער איז אַ מאַטעמאַטיקער. He's a mathematician. He is a Mathematician. Er is niets dat je voor hem kan doen. There is nothing you can do for him. There's nothing you can do for him. Wer ist ihr Vater? Who is her father? Who's her father? Ik hou van zuurkool. I like sauerkraut. I love acid. Der Schwerpunkt sollte tiefer liegen, um eine größere Stabilität zu erreichen. The centre of gravity should be lower to obtain greater stability. The focus should be deeper in order to achieve greater stability. Wat hy gesê het het ons kwaad gemaak. What he said made us angry. What he said made us angry. Tom is vrij. Tom's free. Tom's free. Die Uhr geht nach. The watch is slow. The clock's going on. העברעאיש און פֿיניקיש זענען כּנענישע סעמיטישע שרפּאַכן. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. Hebrew and French are potentially semitrailers. Wat eet de pelikaan? What do pelicans eat? What's the pelican eating? k Bin gain oele! I am not an owl! K Bin Gain oele! Ons moet dit begin doen. We've got to start doing that. We need to start doing this. Das ist sehr ungezogen von dir. That's very naughty of you. That's very unmoved of you. Ga je vaak op je eentje wandelen? Do you often go for walks alone? You gonna walk on your own a lot? מער פֿעלט מיר נישט. It's all I need. more or less we don't. Habt ihr Tom gut gekannt? Did you know Tom well? Did you know Tom well? Maria gab Tom einen Kuss auf die Wange. Mary kissed Tom's cheek. Maria gave Tom a kiss on the cheek. Ik versta deze opgave echt niet. I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand this assignment. Spreek je Engels? Do you speak English? Are you speaking English? Mag ik uw instapkaart zien? May I see your boarding pass, please? Can I see your ticket? Uns best Fründ is en Dokter. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Wer ist das Mädchen an der Tür? Who's the girl at the door? Who's the girl at the door? Dat kann nich wesen. That can't be. Can not be done. Stirb nicht, Tom. Tom, don't die. Don't die, Tom. אסתּר איז אַ העברעיִש־לערערין. Esther teaches Hebrew. As a student, he has a higher education. די נאַטור שלאָפֿט אינעם ווינטער. Nature sleeps during winter. The property slaughter in the winter. Hij is helemaal voor jou. He's all yours. He's all yours. We hebben John als aanvoerder gekozen. We chose John to be captain. We chose John as a commander. Het zal de wond verergeren. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Ik hou van mijn vrouw. I love my wife. I love my wife. Die Zunge ist die Hebamme allen Unheils. The tongue is the midwife of all disasters. The tongue is the midwives of all evil. Sami is in 'n heeltemal ander land. Sami is in an entirely different country. Sami's in a totally different country. Lass uns noch mal von vorne anfangen! Let's start over again. Let's start again! Jeder hasst mich. Everyone hates me. Everyone hates me. Hou ons op de hoogte. Keep us updated. Keep us informed. Mevrouw! Ik voel me ziek. Miss! I feel sick. Ma'am, I feel sick. Ik ben een vrije mens. I'm a free man. I'm a free person. Wat moet ons omternt hom doen? What should we do about him? What should we do about him? Tom probeerde het ijs te breken. Tom tried to break the ice. Tom tried to break the ice. Ik wull jo helpen. I wanted to help you. I'd like to help you. Trinken Sie etwas. Have a drink. Have a drink. Scheikunde is een oude wetenschap. Chemistry is an old science. Chemistry is an ancient science. Waarom is ze gebleven? Why did she stay? Why did she stay? Tom introduceerde zichzelf. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Ze was een kind, maar ze was niet bang. She was a child, but she wasn't afraid. She was a child, but she wasn't scared. Tom stellt immer blöde Fragen. Tom is always asking dumb questions. Tom always asks stupid questions. Die Kutte macht nicht den Mönch. The cowl does not make the monk. The hat doesn't make the monk. Ek moes 'n kar huur. I had to rent a car. I had to rent a car. Ihr Kissen war tränenfeucht. Her pillow was wet with tears. Her pillow was wet. Ich trank aus der Flasche, und ehe ich mich’s versah, verwandelte ich mich in ein Kaninchen. I drank from the bottle and before I noticed, I turned into a rabbit. I drank from the bottle, and before I knew it, I turned myself into a rabbit. Tom erzählte Mary einen Witz, aber sie fand ihn nicht lustig. Tom told Mary a joke, but she didn't think it was funny. Tom told Mary a joke, but she didn't find him funny. Ze zette me bij mijn appartement af. She dropped me off at my apartment. She put me at my apartment. Zeg me niet dat Tom eindelijk ja heeft gezegd. Don't tell me Tom finally said yes. Don't tell me Tom finally said yes. Tom und Maria haben euch bestimmt nicht vergessen. I'm sure Tom and Mary haven't forgotten you. Tom and Mary certainly didn't forget you. איך וועל זיי נישט זאגן טאמע דו וועסט נישט. I won't tell them if you won't. I will not say that you will not. Taschkent ist Usbekistans Hauptstadt. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Tashkent is Uzbekistan's capital. Ik heet Robin. My name is Robin. My name is Robin. Dreck! Rubbish! You son of a bitch! Er ist mein Freund. He is my friend. He's my friend. Ek gee om oor hulle. I care about them. I care about them. Speelst du geern Volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you play volleyball? Darf ich meinen Sitz nach hinten verstellen? May I put my seat back? Can I move my seat to the back? װען זײַט איר געבאָרן געװאָרן? When were you born? What side do you want to do? Er hat meinen Cousin geheiratet. He married my cousin. He married my cousin. Warum habt ihr Deutsch gelernt? Why did you learn German? Why did you learn German? Meschain. Maybe. Mejain. Spreekt u Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Are you talking to Urdu? Hört auf so zu tun, als ob ihr nicht verstehen würdet. Stop pretending to not understand. Stop acting like you wouldn't understand. Sagt ihm bitte nichts! Please don't tell him. Don't tell him! Dat mutt wuschen warrn. It needs washing. It needs to be replaced. די געזעלשאַפֿט קען זיך בײַטן. Society can change. The social background can be changed. Ich hätte gerne diese Kamera. I would like to have this camera. I'd like this camera. Sie hat ihm nie zurückgeschrieben. She never wrote him back. She never wrote back to him. Tom sä, dat he na Boston will. Tom said he wanted to go to Boston. Tom said he wanted to go to Boston. Wir werden es genauso machen wie letztes Mal. We'll do it the same way we did it last time. We're gonna do it the same way we did last time. Soweit ich weiß, gibt es eine solche Funktion nicht. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Het postkantoor is recht tegenover de winkel. The post office is just across from the store. The post office is right in front of the store. Vermisst du mich? Do you miss me? Are you missing me? Ech ka Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I know Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I could Spanish, German, French and English. Ik heff Ann as Sekretär instellt. I made Ann my secretary. I set Ann up as Secretary. Sei vor ihm auf der Hut. Be on your guard against him. Be on the hat before him. De sneeuw is verdwenen. The snow has disappeared. The snow has disappeared. U is bang vir hom. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Ich mochte den Film. I liked the movie. I liked the movie. Elk land heeft een specifieke cultuur. Every country has a specific culture. Each country has a specific culture. De rekening, alstublieft. The check, please. The bill, please. Mach es mir einfach nach. Just follow my lead. Just do it to me. Villicht regent dat. It may rain. Maybe that's raining. סאַמי איז געװען גוטהאַרציק. Sami had a good heart. Sami was right there. Das Land ist einzigartig, grandios und gigantisch! The country is unique, grand and gigantic! The land is unique, magnificent and gigantic! Ich liib dich. I love you. I'll get you out of here. Gibt es in diesem Stadtviertel Gasanschluss? Is gas available in this neighborhood? Is there a gas connection in this district? Eet veel brood, drink een beetje wijn! Eat a lot of bread, drink a little wine! Eat a lot of bread, drink a little wine! Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ mīnes līfes. That was the best day of my life. The apologies ’ besta dæ, mīnes līfes. Dit is het begin van een nieuw tijdperk. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. D'Burj Khalifa ass derzeit den héchste Wollkekrazer vun der Welt. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. D'Burj Khalifa is currently the world's highest woolker. Æppel-trēow ᵹifeþ æppel. An apple tree provides an apple. Æppel-tr av , no æppel. Toms Spind steht neben Marias. Tom's locker is next to Mary's. Toms Spind is next to Marias. Woar is bus? Where is the bus? Where's bus? Mijn vader heeft als hobby het kweken van rozen. My father's hobby is growing roses. My father, like a hobby, has the growth of roses. Waar denk je dat Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? Tom wird, wenn wir ankommen, bereits schlafen. Tom will be asleep by the time we get there. Tom will already sleep when we arrive. Ich möchte von Ihnen baldmöglichst eine Antwort. I want an answer from you as soon as possible. I would like an answer from you as soon as possible. Da muss es doch einen Weg geben. There has to be a way. There must be a way. Se stünn dicht bi em. She stood close to him. You're close to em. קײנמאָל. Never. Never. Hij heeft een boom omgehakt in de tuin. He felled a tree in his garden. He cut a tree in the garden. Ek is regtig gevlei om dit te hoor. I'm really flattered to hear that. I was really flattered to hear that. Glaubst du, ich weiß nicht, worüber du und Tom gesprochen habt? Do you think I don't know what you and Tom were talking about? Do you think I don't know what you and Tom talked about? Maak de keuken schoon. Clean up the kitchen. Clean the kitchen. Denk jij ook dat basisschoolleerlingen tegenwoordig langer zijn dan vroeger? Don't you think elementary schoolers are taller these days? Do you also think that primary school students are longer these days than they used to be? In Hongarije spreken ze Hongaars. In Hungary they speak Hungarian. In Hungary they speak Hungarians. Tom plant eine Überraschung für Mary. Tom wants to surprise Mary. Tom's planning a surprise for Mary. Blijf positief. Stay positive. Stay positive. Deze fiets moet gerepareerd worden. This bike needs to be repaired. This bike must be repaired. Die Maschine generierte riesige Mengen an Elektrizität. The machine generated large amounts of electricity. The machine generated huge amounts of electricity. Schließt eure Bücher! Close your books. Close your books! Vrolijk kerstfeest en een gelukkig nieuw jaar! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Haijo holt van kadoaverstoaven. Haijo loves frikandels. Haijo's picking up cadover steaves. Ehr Romaan is op Japaansch översett worrn. Her novel was translated into Japanese. Your Roman was translated into Japanese. Tom rannte. Tom ran. Tom ran. Dä Hund isch schwarz. The dog is black. Your dog's black. כ׳בין אַ פֿישערקע. I'm a fisherwoman. You're gonna have a fish. Jeder hat das Recht, hin und wieder launisch zu sein. Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while. Everyone has the right to be lukewarm every now and then. Vrijheid voor Palestina! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Palestine! Ich meine, wir sollten jetzt darüber reden. I think we should talk about this now. I mean, we should talk about it now. Waarom zeg je dat je in het park wilt wandelen? Why are you saying you want to walk in the park? Why do you say you want to walk in the park? Chasch mir hälfä? Can you help me? Chasch me half? Ich sehe nicht schön aus, offensichtlich bin ich schön. I don't look handsome; apparently I am handsome. I don't look nice, obviously I'm beautiful. כ'האָב געקויפֿט זײַן נײַסטן ראָמאַן. I bought his latest novel. And his olympic layout was the most recent frame. Alle waren von der Nachricht schockiert. Everyone was shocked by the news. Everyone was shocked by the message. Hest du mi güstern avend anropen? Did you call me up last night? Did you call my avenue yesterday? Der Jäger zog dem Hirsch das Fell ab. The hunter was skinning the deer. The hunter pulled off the fur from the deer. Dat zullen jullie zelf moeten doen. You'll have to do that yourselves. You'll have to do that yourself. Mein Bruder wird mich noch mal umbringen. My brother's going to kill me. My brother will kill me again. Idioot! You idiot! Idiot! איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זײַט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you all weren't here. I'm related to the fact that your page wasn't here. Tom eet ijs. Tom is eating ice cream. Tom's eating ice cream. Ik heb Tom drie jaar geleden voor het eerst ontmoet. I first met Tom three years ago. I met Tom three years ago for the first time. Goeie. Hello! Good. Sie trafen sich heimlich. They met in secret. They met secretly. Hƿæt biþ ƿord? What is a word? H do you want to save the changes? Das geschah nicht, als ich Esperanto lernte. That didn't happen when I was learning Esperanto. That didn't happen when I learned Esperanto. Is het museum vandaag open? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? ער שרײַבט אַראַביש. He writes Arabic. He writes Arabic. Der Lehrer hat uns dieses Wörterbuch empfohlen. The teacher recommended this dictionary to us. Teacher has recommended this dictionary to us. Ich hasse dich immer noch. I still hate you. I still hate you. ''Woar komst heer?'' ''k Kom oet Paries.'' "Where are you from?" "I'm from Paris." ''Where come lord?' '' I'm come o' Paries.''' De acteurs verschenen in historische kostuums. The actors appeared in historical costumes. The actors appeared in historical costumes. Ich bin hier wahrscheinlich nicht der einzige, der das nicht kann. I'm probably not the only one here who can't do that. I'm probably not the only one who can't. Tom is niet heel jong. Tom isn't very young. Tom's not very young. Tom versteckte sich im Schuppen. Tom hid in the shed. Tom was hiding in the dandruff. זײַט איר אין בערלין? Are you in Berlin? Page you are in Berlin? Mäi Monni lieft zu New York. My uncle lives in New York. Mei Monni ran to New York. Tom hat eine dicke Haut. Tom has a thick skin. Tom has a thick skin. Franzöösch is ehr Moderspraak. French is her mother tongue. French is their modern language. Ich hielt sie für ihre Schwester. I took her for her sister. I thought she was for her sister. Tom hat die Geduld verloren. Tom lost patience. Tom lost patience. Ich fürchte nichts. I fear nothing. I'm not afraid of anything. Tom war definitiv beschäftigt. Tom was definitely busy. Tom was definitely busy. Je moet vertrekken. You must go. You have to leave. Ich war von Toms Rede sehr beeindruckt. I was very impressed by Tom's speech. I was very impressed by Tom's speech. Tom het 'n besering opgedoen. Tom got wounded. Tom suffered an injury. Warst du schon einmal am Schwarzen Meer? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Es war eine andere Zeit. It was a different time. It was another time. Hij kwam met een grote bos bloemen. He came bearing a large bunch of flowers. He came with a big forest of flowers. Ik heff twee Buddels Melk köfft. I bought two bottles of milk. I got two buddels of milk. Er sprach mit einer, für Südländer charakteristischen, Sanftheit. He spoke with a softness characteristic of southerners. He spoke with a gentleness, characteristic of southern countries. Ons gaan hierdie winter min sneeu hê. We will have little snow this winter. This winter we will have few snows. Ik bezoek mijn oma elke maandag. I visit my grandmother every Monday. I visit my grandmother every Monday. Mein Spielzeug ist kaputt. My toy is broken. My toy's broken. Tom sal nie oorgee nie. Tom won't resign. Tom will not surrender. Þǣr is æppel on þǣm bēode. There is an apple on the table. The WMF is the number of pages in the document. Tom schaute wütend. Tom looked angry. Tom looked angry. We moeten vlug zijn. We've got to hurry. We need to be quick. דארטען, וואו מיר לעבען, דארט איז אונזער לאנד. Our country is wherever we live. Doctors, where we live, here is our country. Wat is de moraal van dit verhaal? What's the moral of this story? What is the moral of this story? Iedereen is gelukkig. Everyone is happy. Everyone's happy. De Jung snackt as en grootwussen Minsch. That boy talks as if he were a grown up. The boy's banging ass and grotesque mansch. Ich muss Japanisch lernen. I have to learn Japanese. I need to learn Japanese. Warum habt ihr nicht einfach das getan, was ihr angekündigt hattet? Why didn't you just do what you said you'd do? Why didn't you just do what you announced? Ich habe den ganzen Tag auf dich gewartet. I've been waiting for you all day. I've been waiting for you all day. Lies den Titel. Read the title. Read the title. Tom hört nicht auf Maria. Tom doesn't listen to Mary. Tom doesn't listen to Maria. Es sieht so aus, als ob meine Methoden mehr auf dem Stand der Dinge sind. It seems that my methods are more up to date. It looks like my methods are more up to date. Bitte lass mich deine Schwester am Bahnhof abholen. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Ik zou graag met jou naar zee gaan. I'd like to go to the seaside with you. I'd like to go to the sea with you. Waarom kwam hij niet naar het feestje? Why didn't he come to the party? Why didn't he come to the party? Beleefdheid is een deugd. Kindness is a virtue. Courtesy is a virtue. Moenie jou geld mors deur dinge te koop wat jy nie nodig het nie. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Do not waste your money by buying things you do not need. Se hett em küsst. She kissed him. She kissed him. Tom grijnsde. Tom grinned. Tom grinned. Je had het me de eerste keer kunnen zeggen. You could have told me the first time. You could have told me the first time. Es wäre gescheiter gewesen, du hättest diese Pastete nicht gegessen. You better not have eaten that pie! You wouldn't have eaten those pastries. Ich benötige eine neues Auto. I need a new car. I need a new car. Het is twee mijl van hier naar het station. It's two miles from here to the station. It's two miles from here to the station. Tom belde me. Tom phoned me. Tom called me. Ik werd in de strijdkrachten ingelijfd. I was conscripted into the army. I was incarcerated in the armed forces. Elke fout maakt me sterker. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake makes me stronger. Wer ist hier der Schnellste? Who's the fastest one here? Who's the fastest here? Tom bleef stilstaan. Tom remained still. Tom stopped. k Kin winnen. I can win. k Kin win. Neefkes hollen van mie. Mosquitos love me. I don't know how to feel about me. Ich weiß, ihr habt es gut gemeint. I know you meant well. I know you meant it well. Blätter werden im Herbst braun. Leaves go brown in autumn. Leaves will be brown in autumn. Tom ziet rood. Tom sees red. Tom sees red. Seien Sie höflich, doch bestimmt. Be polite, but firm. Be polite, but I'm sure. Was für ein Schuss! What a shot! What a shot! Die Höhle ist einfach zu erreichen. The cave is easy to get to. The cave is easy to reach. Zijn jullie gisteren naar de dierentuin geweest? Did you go to the zoo yesterday? Have you been to the zoo yesterday? Zoals gewoonlijk was ze te laat. She came late as usual. As usual, she was too late. Tom viel op zijn hoofd. Tom fell on his head. Tom fell on his head. Eschdr hôd a Nommr an ihrem Arm. Esther has a number on her arm. Eschdr hôd a Nommr on her arm. Goeiedag eem! Good day! Good day. Dit is gevaarlik om op jou eie in daardie gebied in te gaan. It is risky for you to go into that area alone. It is dangerous to enter that area on your own. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put his socks on. Tom's wearing his socks. Nööm mi Ishmael. Call me Ishmael. Named Ishmael. Ik ben nog nooit in een onderzeeër geweest. I've never been in a submarine. I've never been to a submarine before. Wij hebben samen gewerkt. We worked together. We worked together. Dëst Land huet e strenge Klima. This country has a harsh climate. This country has a strong climate. דער אמת װעט תּמיד געווינען. The truth will always win. The true when referenced won. Europa bevindt zich in een crisis. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Je onderschat je belang. You underestimate your importance. You underestimate your interest. Foder den Vagel! Feed the bird! Or the bird! Voor de eerste keer in mijn leven heb ik Rome bezocht. I visited Rome for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I visited Rome. Ik weet zeker dat je je vergist. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're mistaken. Ik kom út Drinte. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drinte. Zijn moeder stierf vier jaar later. His mother died four years later. His mother died four years later. Hy het vir haar geskree om versigtig te wees. He shouted to her to be careful. He shouted to her to be careful. Verschweigen Sie uns etwas? Is there something you're not telling us? You're not telling us anything? Was bringt dich zum Lächeln? What makes you smile? What makes you smile? Muziek is universeel. Music is universal. Music is universal. Ich komme vielleicht nicht. I may not come. I may not be coming. Hier is mien Telefoonnummer. Here's my telephone number. Here's my phone number. De grootte maakt uit. Size does matter. The size doesn't matter. "Je hebt mijn hart gebroken", zei Mary. "You broke my heart", said Mary. "You broke my heart," said Mary. Hulle sal jou nie meer steur nie. They won't bother you anymore. They will no longer disturb you. Tom het tuten. Tom has chickens. Tom's doing it. Hij is allergisch voor latex. He's allergic to latex. He's allergic to latex. Ons wil dit terug hê. We want it back. We want it back. Ik kan me de eerste keer nog herinneren. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Ich soll den ganzen Nachmittag hier sein. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Er spielte Tennis. He played tennis. He played tennis. Ik werk weer. I'm working again. I'm working again. Maria houdt erg veel van melk. Mary likes milk very much. Maria loves milk very much. Der Hund rennt aus dem Haus. The dog runs out of the house. The dog runs out of the house. We hadden hem nodig. We needed him. We needed him. Dit maak nie saak waarvandaan kom hy nie. It doesn't matter where he comes from. It doesn’t matter where he comes from. Ich glaube Naomi nicht. Ich glaube, sie lügt. I don't believe Naomi. I think she's lying. I don't believe Naomi, I think she's lying. Tom band seinen Hund an einen Baum. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Joe zain der hail muide oet. You look very tired. Joe Zain the Hail Muide oet. Dit is nie 'n grap nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Ich werde Sie nicht brauchen. I won't need you. I won't need you. Warum hilft mir niemand? Why won't anybody help me? Why doesn't anybody help me? Hebt ge haar al horen zingen op een podium? Have you ever heard her sing on the stage? Did you hear her singing on stage? Deze druiven zijn heerlijk. These grapes are delicious. These grapes are delicious. Endelk! Finally! Let's go! Hoeveel bloemen koop je? How many flowers are you buying? How many flowers do you buy? Wanneer komt hij terug? When is he coming back? When's he coming back? Kin k doar lopen? Can I walk there? Can you run? Tom heeft lang blond haar en blauwe ogen. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom heeft een Pikachu-kussen. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Tom's got a Picachu pillow. Das ist ein mehrstufiger Prozess. It is a multi-stage process. This is a multi-stage process. Die siek persoon het die beste moontlike sorg gehad. The sick person had the best of care. The sick person had the best possible care. Ech sinn e Meedchen. I'm a girl. I'm a friend. Tom kwam gisteravond dronken thuis. Tom came home drunk last night. Tom came home drunk last night. Werk met ethisch inzicht! Work morally! Work with ethical insight! Ik heff in mien Goorn en Appelboom plant. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I plant in my Goorn and Appelboom. Haar puppy is schoon. Her puppy is clean. Her puppie's clean. Magst du das wirklich? Do you actually like this? Do you really like that? Ik geef nooit op. I never give up. I never give up. Sami las de Koran. Sami read the Quran. Sami read the Koran. Der Boden ist sehr glatt. The floor is very slippery. The floor is very smooth. Dat is waarom ze het gedaan hebben. That's why they did it. That's why they did it. Lass Tom los! Let go of Tom. Let go of Tom! Wo habe ich sie hingestellt? Where did I put them? Where did I put them? Kiek oet! Look out! Look! Sie ist vom Weg abgekommen. She lost her way. She's gone off the road. Hij ging met de auto naar Boston. He went to Boston by car. He went to Boston by car. Ich bin Toms Zahnarzt. I'm Tom's dentist. I'm Tom's dentist. Hij is golf aan het spelen. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Treffen wir uns am Sonntag! Let's meet on Sunday. Let's meet you on Sunday! Das war ein guter Witz. Erzähl uns noch einen. That was a good joke. Tell us another one. That was a good joke, tell us one more. Ik huil gemakkelijk. I cry easily. It's easy to cry. Er achtet die Gefühle anderer nicht. He pays no attention to others' feelings. He doesn't respect the feelings of others. Ik hou van Californië. I love California. I love California. Ich will Deutsch sprechen. I want to speak German. I want to speak German. Wir wissen beide, dass Tom und Maria unschuldig sind. We both know Tom and Mary are innocent. We both know that Tom and Maria are innocent. Hij houdt zich aan zijn woord. He keeps his word. He's sticking to his word. Pablo en Maria waren hier. Pablo and María were here. Pablo and Maria were here. Je mag niet binnenkomen. You may not come in. You can't come in. Het zou me niet gelukt zijn zonder zijn hulp. I would have failed without his help. I wouldn't have succeeded without his help. Hij helpt ons. He helps us. He's helping us. Macht es dir etwas aus, wenn ich mein Hemd ausziehe? Do you mind if I take my shirt off? Do you mind if I take off my shirt? Wir haben nichts mit ihnen zu tun. We have nothing to do with them. We have nothing to do with them. Ik ga bij mijn tante op Hawaï logeren. I am going to stay with my aunt in Hawaii. I'm going to stay at my aunt in Hawaii. Onthou jy haar naam? Do you remember her name? Do you remember her name? Om zich voor de politie te verstoppen, bracht Dima de nacht door in een vuilcontainer. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. To hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a dirty container. Misschien heeft hij de trein gemist. Perhaps he missed the train. Maybe he missed the train. Zijn naam is bekend bij iedereen. His name is known to all. His name is known to everyone. Ich stehe gerade auf dem Flughafen. Right now I'm at the airport. I'm at the airport right now. De rest is geschiedenis. The rest is history. The rest is history. De Schachtel is leddig. The box is empty. The box is empty. Mein Bruder ist reich. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Robert is Brasilianer. Sien Vader weer Kanadier. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert is Brazilian, see Father again Canadier. Ik wilde weglopen met Tom. I wanted to run away with Tom. I wanted to run away with Tom. Ik schreef hem voor iets totaal anders. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote him for something completely different. Hē hæfþ grēne ēagan. He has green eyes. %s has invalid width and/or height He drünk Beer. He drank beer. It's Drunk Beer. Ik ben de beste. I'm the best. I'm the best. Bin ich bereit? Am I ready? Am I ready? k Bin n vraauw. I am a woman. k I'm not in trouble. Vlees is schaars. Meat's scarce. Meat is scarce. Deze banaan is bijna helemaal zwart. This banana is almost completely black. This banana is almost totally black. Ze is zo actief als ze eruit ziet. She is as active as she looks. She's as active as she looks. Ich lerne Chinesisch. I'm learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. Waar zijn je manieren? Where are your manners? Where are your manners? Hij aarzelde om deel te nemen aan de vergadering. He hesitated to take part in the reunion. He hesitated to take part in the meeting. Im März ist das Erdreich noch zu kalt, um im Garten etwas anzupflanzen. In March, the ground is still too cold to plant anything in the garden. In March the earth is still too cold to plant something in the garden. Layla is vermoord. Layla has been murdered. Layla was murdered. We moeten het werk binnen een dag doen. We have to do the work in a day. We need to do the job within a day. Tom kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie. Tom couldn't answer all of the questions. Tom could not answer all the questions. Waarom dan? Why so? Then why? Tom ist ein fauler Hund. Tom is a lazy dog. Tom's a lazy dog. Hast du dir schon einmal einen Bart wachsen lassen? Have you ever grown a beard? Have you ever let a beard grow? Es tut mir leid, dass ich Sie enttäuscht habe. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I disappointed you. Wart ihr dort? Were you there? Were you there? Tom hat absichtlich ein falsches Gerücht in den Gesellschaftsklatsch der Stadt eingestreut, nur um zu sehen, wie schnell es sich verbreiten würde. Tom deliberately fed a false rumour to the town gossip, just to see how quickly it would spread. Tom deliberately spread a false rumor into the city's social class just to see how quickly it would spread. Ze schrijft constant brieven. She is constantly writing letters. She's writing letters all the time. Mama hett för mien Geboortsdag en Koken backt. Mom made a cake for my birthday. Mom baked a pie for my birthday. Was möchtest du in Boston noch besuchen? Where else in Boston do you want to visit? What else do you want to visit in Boston? Wi mööt rutfinnen, of Tom Franzöösch snacken kann. We need to find out if Tom can speak French. We need to find out if Tom can smell French. Het paar besloot een wees te adopteren. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Ik kleed me aan direct nadat ik heb ontbeten. I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I dress up right after I have breakfast. Meine Großmutter führt ihre gute Gesundheit auf eine aktive Lebensweise zurück. My grandmother attributes her good health to active living. My grandmother leads her good health back to an active way of life. De Jäger hett en Voss schaten. The hunter shot a fox. The Jäger has and Voss babys. Wie schpot iss es? What time is it? How farthest is it? Baie geluk! Congratulations! Congratulations! Es war ein Fehler, seine Hilfe abzulehnen. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was a mistake to reject his help. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes sei gesund. Mary told Tom that she thought John was healthy. Maria told Tom that she believed that John was healthy. צי ביסטו אַ נודיסט? Are you a nudist? Are you sure you want to do this? Ons het beide dieselfde probleem. We both have the same problem. We both have the same problem. Es wird einfach sein, einen Mieter für dieses Haus zu finden. It'll be easy to find a renter for this house. It will be easy to find a tenant for this house. Zij gingen samen. They went together. They went together. Tom und Maria fingen sofort an, sich zu küssen, als das Licht ausging. Tom and Mary started kissing each other as soon as the light was turned off. Tom and Maria immediately started to kiss themselves when the light went out. Es ist schwer, Wahrheit und Lüge zu unterscheiden. It is hard to distinguish truth from a lie. It is difficult to distinguish truth and lies. Si chommät us Beijing. They come from Beijing. You're chommät us Beijing. Tom sah sehr jung aus. Tom looked very young. Tom looked very young. Ik ben gewoon niet geschikt voor dit werk. I'm just not cut out for this kind of work. I'm just not suitable for this job. Ze zochten allemaal naar het vermiste kind. They all searched for the lost child. They were all looking for the missing child. Het is hun laatste film. It's their last movie. It's their last movie. Ik denk dat het te koud is om te zwemmen. I think it's too cold to swim. I think it's too cold to swim. Uf Widerluege. Goodbye! Uf Viderluege. Hast du heute Abend dienstfrei? Are you off duty tonight? Do you have any duty-free tonight? Ich habe es satt, darauf zu warten, dass etwas passiert. I'm tired of waiting for things to happen. I'm tired of waiting for something to happen. Maria schien nicht zu wissen, was sie tat. Mary didn't seem to know what she was doing. Mary didn't seem to know what she was doing. Moanden van t joar binnen: jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, dezember. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Months of tjoar within: jannevoarie, feberwoarie, volt, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Waar zijn jullie opgegroeid? Where did you guys grow up? Where did you grow up? Je kunt Tom vergeten. Forget about Tom. You can forget Tom. Ik ben een mens. I'm a human. I'm a human being. Tom kan nog niet autorijden. Tom isn't able to drive yet. Tom can't drive. Wi hebbt dree Kinner. We have three kids. We have three children. Ich will nicht darüber streiten. I don't want to argue about that. I don't want to argue about it. Mag ik even uitrusten? Can I rest a bit? Can I rest for a second? Wir haben eine ganze Menge Gemeinsamkeiten. We really have a lot in common. We have a lot of similarities. Studeert u Engels? Do you study English? Do you study English? Sie ist super geworden. It turned out great. She's become great. Ben je echt geïnteresseerd in mijn eerlijke mening? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Het is niet gezond om zoveel water te drinken als jij doet. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. Jeder macht, was er will. Everyone does what he wants. Everyone does what he wants. Tom begon de tafel af te ruimen. Tom started clearing the table. Tom started to clear the table. Tom und Maria gingen, obzwar es regnete, spazieren. Tom and Mary went for a walk even though it was raining. Tom and Maria went, although it rained, walking. Wokeen hett dat Universum schapen? Who created the universe? Who has that universe sheep? De politieagent schoot in de lucht. The policeman shot into the air. The cop shot in the air. Ich habe die Vordertür abgeschlossen. I locked the front door. I locked the front door. Du siehst nicht krank aus. You don't look sick. You don't look sick. דער קאָראָנאַווירוס איז געפֿערלעך. The coronavirus is dangerous. The corlony operation was successful. Ruf zuhause an! Call home! Call at home! Er hat nächste Woche eine Prüfung. He has a test next week. He's got an exam next week. Wie kann man mit Tom am besten in Verbindung treten? What's the best way to contact Tom? How can you best get in touch with Tom? Der Tom wuhnt auf die anneri Seit vun es Daal. Tom lives on the other side of the valley. The Tom has been growing on the others since it came down. Ek het oorsee gegaan om 'n nuwe lewe te begin. I went abroad to start a new life. I went overseas to start a new life. Er verriet Sie. He betrayed you. He betrayed you. Sie waren nicht dort. They weren't there. You weren't there. Wo ist das nächste Museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the next museum? Een kann keen twee Saken opmaal doon. You can't do two things at once. One cannot do two things. האָט איר אַ פֿרײַען צימער? Do you have a free room? Do you have a free room? Tom weer bannig bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Se wull nich, dat he Poker speelt. She didn't want him to play poker. It doesn't seem to be playing poker. Ich hätte gerne etwas anderes zu lesen. I want something else to read. I'd like to read something else. Ik leer hoe je moet typen. I'm learning how to type. I'm learning how to type. Tom könnte es machen. Tom could do it. Tom could do it. Kinnen joe ien t Italjoans tellen? Can you count in Italian? Are you sure you want to count one item? Hier wirst du viel lernen. You'll learn a lot here. You'll learn a lot here. Hoeveel kleuren zie je in de regenboog? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? באָריס זשאָנסאָן איז אַ ראַסיסט, אַן אַנטיסעמיט און אַן איסלאַמאָפֿאָב. Boris Johnson is a racist, an antisemite, and an Islamophobe. Boris Genonson is a Roman, an antisemit and an Authority. צי האָסטו אים געגלײבט? Did you believe him? Should it be free? Schrijf zijn adres op. Write down his address. Write his address. Ik wil geen risico nemen. I don't want to take risks. I don't want to take any risk. Se sint bange vüör em. They're afraid of him. She's afraid of him. Die Universitätsverwaltung senkte die Studiengebühren. The university administration lowered tuition. The university administration lowered the tuition fees. Ich habe zwei Fragen an Sie. I have two questions for you. I have two questions to you. Indien is 1947 von Grootbritannien unafhängig worrn. India gained independence from Britain in 1947. India is independent of Britain in 1947. Hij deed zijn bureaulamp uit. He turned off his desk lamp. He turned off his desk lamp. Misschien is het waar. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's true. Tom werkt niet zo hard als voorheen. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as before. Layla houdt van Disneyprinsessen. Layla loves Disney princesses. Layla loves Disney princess. Ik denk an mien Kinner. I am thinking about my children. I think I'm a kid. Wie hebben aaier eten. We ate eggs. Who's got a sower's food? Tom ist der dickste Mensch, den ich kenne. Tom is the fattest person I know. Tom is the fattest person I know. Ik ben van plan nooit meer te drinken. I plan to never drink again. I'm never going to drink again. De Elefant is grau. The elephant is grey. The elephant's gray. Hij wou zijn fotocollectie laten digitaliseren. He wanted to digitize his photo collection. He wanted his photo collection digitized. Nogmaals bedankt. Thanks again. Thanks again. Sie isst eine Birne. She's eating a pear. She's eating a pear. He is dor an togrunn gahn. It was his undoing. He's in there. Ze heeft een verslaving. She's addicted. She's got an addiction. Kataloans wor ien Andorra sproken. Catalan is spoken in Andorra. Catalan was one Andorran spoke. Se catt is blæc. The cat is black. Se cat is blæc. Vorerst möchte ich mich hierauf konzentrieren. For now, I'd like to concentrate on this. First of all, I want to focus on this. Tom konnte seine Brille nicht finden. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Es geht mir gut, danke. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. איך בין אין מיטן עפעס. קען איך דיר קלינגען צוריק? I'm in the middle of something. Can you call me back? I'm under less than that. Maybe I'll just ring back? Du brickst di den Hals! You’ll break your neck! You're breaking your neck! k Bin nou op t vlaigveld. I'm at the airport now. K I'm on a flat field now. Ik ben met pensioen. I'm retired. I'm retired. Sie kann gut auf Bäume klettern. She is good at climbing up a tree. It can climb well on trees. Dor is en Bookladen glieks üm ’t Eck. There is a bookstore just 'round the corner. There is and Booklade is also around the corner. Das Leben liegt noch vor dir. Life lies in front of you. Life is still ahead of you. Het is oké voor mannen om te huilen. It's OK for men to cry. It's okay for men to cry. Wann werden wir uns wiedersehen? When will we meet again? When will we see ourselves again? Wij waren samen. We were together. We were together. Je zei dat Tom me leuk vond. You said Tom liked me. You said Tom liked me. מיר קױפֿן עסן. We are buying food. We think it is. Het is ijskoud. It is freezing cold. It's cold. Wi verwacht en gode Oost dit Johr. We're expecting a good harvest this year. We expect and gods east this year. Andersen hatte auch Angst vor Hunden. Andersen was afraid of dogs, too. Andersen was also afraid of dogs. Viel Glück. Good luck. Good luck. Tom schien aufrichtig besorgt zu sein. Tom sounded genuinely concerned. Tom seemed sincerely concerned. Fast eine Milliarde Menschen auf der Welt haben keinen Zugang zu sicherem, sauberem Wasser. Nearly one billion people around the globe lack access to clean, safe water. Almost one billion people in the world have no access to safe, clean water. Das ist schlicht und einfach Opportunismus. That's opportunism pure and simple. This is simple and simple opportunism. Der Kandidat strebt das Amt des Bürgermeisters an. The candidate is running for mayor. The candidate seeks the mayor's office. Sagt Tom, wann ihr wieder da seid! Tell Tom when you'll be back. Tell Tom when you're back! Kaum hatte ich angefangen zu arbeiten, begann es zu regnen. I had hardly started to work when it began to rain. Hardly had I started to work, it started raining. Die Polizisten verlangten höhere Löhne. The policemen demanded higher wages. The police demanded higher wages. Koop twee eierdozen. Buy two egg boxes. Buy two egg boxes. Ihr Kopf sprudelte über vor neuen Ideen. Your head was bursting with new ideas. Her head was bubbling over in front of new ideas. Ich sagte ihr, dass ich verheiratet war. I told her I was married. I told her I was married. Das Auto verunglückte, weil der Fahrer unvorsichtig war. The car crashed because the driver was careless. The car failed because the driver was not careful. Ik reken op u. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. Tom weiß, dass Mary weiß. Tom knows Mary knows. Tom knows Mary knows. Ich lese gern die Nachrichten. I like to read the news. I like reading the news. Du kannst mien Wöörbook bruken. You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Waren jullie zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? De vergadering gaat niet door. The meeting has been canceled. The meeting won't continue. Wir haben getan, was wir konnten. We did all we could. We did what we could. Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. Sami deed de ghoesl. Sami performed ghusl. Sami did the ghusl. וויפל צייט האט טאם? How much time does Tom have? What time did you have totem? Tom maakte een road trip met zijn vrienden. Tom went on a road trip with his friends. Tom made a road trip with his friends. Ik vraag niet om jouw mening. I do not ask you for your opinion. I'm not asking for your opinion. Mijn anti-virus heeft een virus doorgelaten. My anti-virus let a virus through. My anti-virus has left a virus through. Ich esse eine Banane. I am eating a banana. I eat a banana. Worten, wohl gewählt, wohnt solch große Macht inne. Words, when well chosen, have such great force in them. Words, probably chosen, live in such great power. Tom wurde stark abgelenkt. Tom got very distracted. Tom was strongly distracted. Du büst jümmer bloot an ’t Murren. You are always complaining. You're just in the middle of a murren. Muss ich lernen? Do I have to study? Do I have to learn? Wanneer zal dat ophouden? When will it end? When will that stop? Du gehst besser nicht nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit. You had better not go after dark. You'd better not go after the dark break. Der Sturm wütete einige Tage lang. The storm raged for a few days. The storm raged for a few days. Mien moeke het n schiere klaid veur mie moakt. My mother made me a beautiful dress. I'm tired of the abrasion of my mouth. Ik bün keen Athener un keen Greek. I'm neither an Athenian nor a Greek. I'm not Athenian or Greek. Wat kan ik eten? What can I eat? What can I eat? Goedenacht! Goodnight! Good night! Zie wonen op Krim. They live in Crimea. See living in Crimea. Im Alter von 25 hatte sie schon in 5 verschiedenen Ländern gelebt. By the age of 25, she had lived in 5 different countries. At the age of 25, she had already lived in 5 different countries. Ik heb mijn been tijdens het skiën gebroken. I broke my leg while skiing. I broke my leg while skiing. Er reparierte den kaputten Tisch. He fixed the broken table. He repaired the broken table. Hai runt. He's running. Hai's running. Was dat te veel? Was that too much? Was that too much? Sie waren nach Westen unterwegs. They headed westward. They were on their way west. Ik zou graag in Europa willen wonen. I'd like to live in Europe. I would like to live in Europe. Dit was makkelijker dan ik dacht. This was easier than I thought it would be. This was easier than I thought. New York is een grote stad. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Ik ben werkloos. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Wil je een plastieken zak of een papieren zak? Would you like a plastic bag or a paper bag? Do you want a plastic bag or a paper bag? We konden de zonsondergang door het raam zien. We could see the sunset from the window. We could see the sunset through the window. Ich sagte Tom die Wahrheit. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. We hebben haar! We have her! We got her! Tom ist sehr großzügig. Tom is very generous. Tom is very generous. Es ist jetzt zu spät zum Umdrehen. It's too late to turn back now. It's too late to turn around now. Die wahren Helden sind wir. The real heroes are us. We are the true heroes. Ich mag Sie sehr. I really like you. I love you very much. Wir müssen diesen Bericht neu schreiben. We need to do this report again. We need to re-write this report. Ik heb u nooit gezien. I never saw you. I never saw you. Als ik je goed begrepen heb dan wil je het uitmaken met me! If I understood you right you want to break up with me! If I understand you well, you want to break up with me! Is er iets gebeurd? Did something happen? Did something happen? Mir geht es einigermaßen gut. I'm doing OK. I'm kind of fine. Tom is niet onmisbaar. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom's not indispensable. Is hier een geest? Is there a ghost in here? Is there a ghost here? Tot ziens! See you soon! Bye! Esther is een Holocaust-overlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther's a Holocaust surrender. Du siehst heute anders aus. You look different today. You look different today. Stimmt diese Antwort? Is that answer right? Is this an answer? Soll ich die Frage wiederholen? Do you wish me to repeat the question? Should I repeat the question? Tom wird bis Mittag zu Hause sein. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home until noon. Mijn oma vindt naaien leuk. My grandmother likes to sew. My grandmother likes sewing. Wir haben das schon durchgemacht. We've already been through this. We've already been through this. Ze vernielen de tuin. They are destroying the garden. They're destroying the garden. Je kunt dit bedrijf niet verlaten. You can't quit this company. You can't leave this company. Rosen müssen in jedem Frühling zurückgeschnitten werden. Prune roses every spring. Roses must be cut back every spring. Keulen ligt aan de Rijn. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Cologne's on the Rhine. Mijn land ligt in Noord-Afrika, ten zuiden van de Middellandse Zee. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean. Soðlice on Ledenspræce synd þreo and twentig stafa: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Now, in Latin there are twenty-three letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Unable to load file: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, l, m, o, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z. Vergiss vor allem nicht, mir zu schreiben! Above all, don't forget to write me. Don't forget to write to me! Tom nahm nicht zu. Tom wasn't gaining weight. Tom didn't grow. Meinen Sie, sie ginge mit mir aus? Do you think she'd go out with me? You think she went out with me? איך רוף איר, אבער זי קומט נישט. I'm calling her, but she's not coming. I call you, but she doesn't come. Du musst darüber hinwegkommen. You need to get over it. You need to get over it. Tom konnte seinen linken Schuh nicht finden. Tom couldn't find his left shoe. Tom couldn't find his left shoe. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Nice to see you. Nice to meet you. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Ich werde es für dich holen, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. I'll get it for you, Tom. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will wait for you. Tom's gonna wait for you. Je moet in alle richtingen kijken als je een weg oversteekt, zelfs bij een zebrapad en groene stoplichten. You need to look in all directions before crossing the street, even at a crosswalk when the light is green. You have to look in all directions if you cross a road, even at a zebra path and green stop lamps. Dat zou iets zijn wat ik zou moeten programmeren. It would be something I'd have to program. That would be something I should program. Tom is jonger dan Maria, nietwaar? Tom is younger than Mary, isn't he? Tom's younger than Maria, isn't he? Wahrlich, ich sage euch, was ihr dem geringsten meiner Brüder tut, das habt ihr mir getan. Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. I tell you what you do to the least of my brothers, you have done this to me. Für mich sieht Tom sieht gut aus. Tom looks fine to me. For me, Tom looks good. Ik heb zo veel geleerd. I've learned so much. I've learned so much. Kin k goan? Can I go? Kin k goan? Sie sind deine. They're yours. You're yours. Als ik je paspoort vind, zal ik je roepen. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you. Doe vloogst. You flew. Fly. Dit is in hynder. This is a horse. It's in hender. Da ich den ganzen Tag vor einem Computerbildschirm hocke, werde ich ganz schön von elektromagnetischen Wellen unter Beschuss genommen. I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves. Since I've been staring in front of a computer screen all day, I'm being shot quite nicely by electromagnetic waves. Se wull, dat he ehr Vader helpen deed. She wanted him to help her father. She'd like him to help their father. Loos! Go! Loos! Dein Hut passt klasse zu deinem Kleid. Your hat matches your dress marvellously. Your hat fits perfectly with your dress. Hou je van Indonesisch eten? Do you like Indonesian food? Do you like Indonesian food? De Kinner hebbt in ’n Dreck speelt. The children were playing in the dirt. The children played in a mess. Sie hat alles gesehen. She saw everything. She saw everything. Fahre geradeaus und biege dann nach rechts ab. Go straight, then turn right. Go straight and then turn right. Ich habe dieses Hemd gestern gekauft. I bought this shirt yesterday. I bought this shirt yesterday. Ich weiß nicht, wo sich Tom und Maria kennengelernt haben. I don't know where Tom and Mary met. I don't know where Tom and Maria met. Tom muss reich sein. Tom must be rich. Tom must be rich. Deze auto is de mijne. This car is mine. This car is mine. Tom is een brief aan Mary aan het schrijven. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom's writing a letter to Mary. Was bringt Menschen dazu, das zu tun? What makes people do that? What makes people do that? Ik begin Frans te leren. I'm starting to learn French. I'm starting to learn French. Ze is bewusteloos. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Die Mandantin sprach mit ihrem Anwalt. The client talked with the lawyer. The client talked to her lawyer. Wat is het vandaag heet, hè? It's hot today, isn't it? What's the name of today, huh? Hou de deur open. Keep the door open. Keep the door open. Ze beloven ons gouden bergen, maar ik heb zo het vermoeden dat we op de vervulling van die beloften kunnen wachten tot sint-juttemis. They promise us the moon, but I suspect we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises till hell freezes over. They promise us golden mountains, but I have the suspicion that we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises until St.-Jüttenmis. Ich möchte etwa 15 Kilo abnehmen. I'd like to lose thirty pounds. I want to lose about 15 pounds. אסתּר האָט געוואָרן אַ קאַץ. Esther turned into a cat. It said that a cat. Ik bün so hungerig, dat ik en Koh eten kunn. I am so hungry that I could eat a cow. I am so afraid that Koh and I can eat. Mien man holdt nait van mie. My husband doesn't love me. My husband's holding nait from mine. Tom sagte, er halte das nicht für möglich. Tom said he didn't think that it was possible. Tom said he didn't think that was possible. Er hielt Einzug in die Ruhmeshalle. He entered the hall of fame. He was inducted into the fame hall. Ze werd verliefd op één van haar leerlingen. She fell in love with one of her students. She fell in love with one of her students. Hij houdt een aardvarken als een huisdier. He keeps an aardvark as a pet. He likes a porpoise like a pet. Dat is swoor, dat Smöken optogeven. It is difficult to give up smoking. That's hard to give up smöks. Mir ist kalt. Mach mal bitte die Heizung an. I'm cold. Would you mind turning the heating on? I'm cold. Madrid, de hoofdstad van Spanje, is een prachtige stad. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a marvelous city. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a beautiful city. Vertaal dit voor me alsjeblieft. Please translate this for me. Please translate this for me. Wat doet je tante? What does your aunt do? What's your aunt doing? Jedem unterlaufen Fehler. Everybody makes mistakes. Any mistakes that have been made. Besorg mir die Zeitung. Get me the newspaper. Get me the paper. He is vondaag good tomood. He's in a good mood today. He's good tomood today. Doe bist old. You are old. You're old. Unser Flug wurde storniert. Our flight was canceled. Our flight was cancelled. Ik kon des te meer van mijn vrije dag genieten door met jou samen te zijn. I enjoyed the holiday all the better for being with you. I could enjoy the more of my day off by being with you. Sie fühlen sich einsam, nicht wahr? You feel lonesome, don't you? You feel lonely, don't you? Heb je het hem verteld? Have you told him? Did you tell him? Ik bruuk mehr Tied. I need more time. I'll take more time. Tom heeft een handtas gekocht voor Maria's verjaardag. Tom bought Mary a purse for her birthday. Tom bought a handbag for Maria's birthday. Ek kan oor die rivier swem. I can swim across the river. I can swim over the river. Niemand vroeg om mijn advies. Nobody asked for my advice. No one asked for my advice. Smartphones zouden tien jaar geleden net sciencefiction zijn. Smartphones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. Smartphones would be just science fiction ten years ago. Du weißt etwas, nicht wahr? You know something, don't you? You know something, don't you? Tom muss da nicht reingehen. Tom doesn't have to go in there. Tom doesn't have to go in there. Tom war von Hass zerfressen. Tom was consumed by hatred. Tom was eaten by hate. Daar kan ik met mijn verstand niet bij. That's too much for my little brain. I can't do that with my mind. Mi is jüst wat infullen. I just remembered something. I'm just a little involved. Dieser Baum wurde von meinem Vater gepflanzt. This tree was planted by my father. This tree was planted by my father. Ich denke an euch. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. Badajoz is in stêd yn Spanje. Badajoz is a city in Spain. Badajoz is a match in Spain. Tom was degene die mij het verhaal vertelde. Tom was the one who told me the story. Tom was the one who told me the story. זײַ אַזױ גוט און פֿאַרלעש דאָס ליכט. Please turn off the light. Please make sure that that's good and good with this light. Snijd de taart in punten. Cut the pie into slices. Cut the cake into dots. איך וויל זיי זען אלע. I want to see them all. I wanted them to see all. Ik dacht dat Tom in Boston woonde. I thought that Tom was living in Boston. I thought Tom lived in Boston. Ich wäre glücklicher gewesen, wenn ich eine Maske getragen hätte. I would have been happier wearing a mask. I would have been happier if I had worn a mask. Tom speelt meestal als een schurk. Dit is de eerste keer dat hij als een magiër speelt. Tom typically plays as a rogue. This is his first time playing as a wizard. Tom usually plays like a villain. This is the first time he plays as a magician. De Regen hett fiev Daag anhollen. The rain lasted five days. The lines have stopped five days. Je hoeft niet meer dan 400 woorden te schrijven. You don't need to write more than 400 words. You don't have to write more than 400 words. We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We are influenced by our environment. We're influenced by our surroundings. Zijn ziekte is het gevolg van slecht weer. His illness is caused by bad weather. His disease is the result of bad weather. Sy opinie tel nie. His opinion doesn't count. His opinion does not count. Leyla roch nach Alkohol. Leyla smelt like alcohol. Leyla smelled of alcohol. Worüm hest du mi anropen? Why did you call me? Why did you call me? Ek gaan niks koop nie. I'm not buying anything. I'm not going to buy anything. Tom mag nie dood gaan nie. Tom might not die. Tom must not die. Tom war früher eingebildet. Tom used to be conceited. Tom was educated earlier. Wir verstehen ja deinen Ärger. We understand your anger. We understand your trouble. In dissen Laden warrt keen Alkohol verköfft. Liquor is not sold at this store. No alcohol will be imported in this store. Wem sagst du das! Tell me about it! Who do you say that? Welli Sprooch schwetzt dihr am Heemet? What language do you speak at home? Welli language doesn't match this heemet? Mis je je kinderen? Do you miss your kids? Are you missing your kids? Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where is the closest metro stop? Where's the nearest metro station? Das Leben ist das, was man daraus macht. Life is what you make it. Life is what you make of it. Die Exosphäre ist die oberste Schicht der Atmosphäre. Sie reicht von oberhalb der Thermosphäre bis zu einer Höhe von 10 000 Kilometern. The exosphere is the highest layer of the atmosphere. It extends from the top of the thermosphere up to 10,000 kilometers. The exosphere is the top layer of the atmosphere. It ranges from above the thermosphere up to a height of 10,000 kilometers. Er kam trotz des schlechten Wetters. He came in spite of bad weather. He came despite the bad weather. Du schusst man na Huus gahn, ehr dat düüster warrt. You should return home before it gets dark. You take a shot at home before it gets dark. Sie arbeitete von morgens bis abends. She worked from morning till night. She worked from morning to evening. Wenn ich genug Geld gehabt hätte, hätte ich die Tasche gekauft. If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag. If I had enough money, I would have bought the bag. Ich habe ihm die Wahrheit nicht gesagt aus Angst, er würde wütend werden. I didn't tell him the truth for fear he would get angry. I didn't tell him the truth for fear that he would get angry. Ik ga vaak naar de bioscoop. I often go to the cinema. I'm going to the cinema a lot. En schööne Taag! Have a nice day. A nice day! Das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop sollte eigentlich im Jahre 1986 in den Weltraum befördert werden, die Explosion der Raumfähre „Herausforderer“ (engl. „Challenger“) verzögerte den Start jedoch bis zum 24. April 1990. The Hubble Space Telescope was originally due to be launched in 1986, but the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger delayed the launch until April 24, 1990. The Hubble space telescope was supposed to be transported to space in 1986, but the explosion of the “Harausforderer” space shuttle (“Challenger”) delayed the launch until 24 April 1990. Mem wie bang dat ik smoarch wurde soe. Mother was afraid I would get dirty. Mom, who's afraid I've been smoored. Wat doen ons omternt hulle? What do we do about them? What do we do around them? De Lamp is grau. The lamp is grey. The lamp's gray. Armstrong wurde in Anerkennung seiner Leistungen und seines Beitrags zum Weltraumprogramm mir der Freiheitsmedaille des Präsidenten (engl. Presidential Medal of Freedom) ausgezeichnet. Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his accomplishments and his contributions to the space program. Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his achievements and his contribution to the space program. Ik moet erheen. I need to go there. I've got to get there. זי איז אַ ספֿרדישער ייִד. She's a Sephardic Jew. She was a fisherman. Tom sagte, er sei in Boston aufgewachsen. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Ich werde mich um dich kümmern. I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you. Sie kauft Brot. She is buying bread. She's buying bread. Ik heb maar twee kinderen. I only have two children. I've only got two kids. Ik heet Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. Ich habe einen guten Arbeitsplatz. I have a good job. I have a good job. Hy is in Koreaan. He is a Korean. He is in Korean. Es ist sehr neu. It's very new. It's very new. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never been sick in his life. My dad's never been sick all his life. Contador won de gele trui in de ronde van Frankrijk. Contador won the maillot jaune in the Tour de France. Contador won the yellow sweater in the round of France. שטילקייט איז נישט אַלע מאָל‎ גוט. Silence isn't always good. Silence is not always good. Ge hebt uw man bedrogen. You deceived your husband. You cheated on your husband. Hai kin goud lezen. He can read well. Hai kin read gold. De klok is kapot. The clock is broken. The clock's broken. Du büst en goden Kock. You are a good cook. You are a good cookie. Ich dusche gewöhnlich abends. I usually shower at night. I usually shower in the evening. Sami had geen hekel aan moslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Tom is verrassend gevoelig voor de kou. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to cold. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to the cold. Tom het die ligbulb ingeskroef Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom Tombed the Lightbulb Ek gaan nie Tom oor die brug kan dra nie. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I'm not going to be able to carry Tom over the bridge. Worüm is Malteesch nich in ’e List mit Spraken mit in? Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese? Why is Maltese not included in the list of languages? Ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you happy Christmas. Mijn commentaar was sarcastisch. My comment was sarcastic. My comment was sarcastic. Ze heeft een jas nodig. She needs a coat. She needs a coat. Ein Wunder ist ein Ereignis, das von Leuten beschrieben wird, denen es erzählt wurde von Leuten, die es nicht gesehen haben. A miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by people who did not see it. A miracle is an event described by people it was told by people who haven't seen it. k Komm oet Grunnen. I'm from Groningen. k Come on. Ik heb gisteren net zo'n pen gekocht als jij hebt. I bought a pen like yours yesterday. I bought a pen like you did yesterday. Du bist betrunken! You are drunk! You're drunk! Tom het gesê dat hy nie Mary gesoen het nie. Tom said he didn't kiss Mary. Tom said that he had not kissed Mary. Vielleicht wird mein Enkel der erste Mensch sein, der den Mars betritt. Maybe my grandchild will be the first person to set foot on Mars. Maybe my grandson will be the first man to enter Mars. Ik ben gelukkig, want ik leer wat Nederlands. I'm happy, 'cause I'm learning some Dutch. I'm happy because I'm learning some Dutch. צי זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Do you want to replace the disc and continue? Es war ein Fehler, dir noch mal eine Chance zu geben. It was a mistake to get back together with you. It was a mistake to give you another chance. De Rosen in ’n Goorn rüükt good. The roses in the garden smell sweet. The roses in a garden smell good. Dat is de zijne. That's his. That's his. Ein Künstler muss ein Gespür für Farben haben. An artist must have an eye for colour. An artist must have a sense of color. Ik ben bang dat hij in gesprek is. I'm afraid the line is busy. I'm afraid he's in conversation. Doe bist nait meer mien vrund. You're not my friend anymore. Do a little bit more my vrund. Hest du de Telefoonnummer opschreven? Did you write down the telephone number? Did you write the phone number? Du fraagst beter Dr. Tanaka. You'd better ask Dr. Tanaka. You'd better ask Dr. Tanaka. Toms Beerdigung findet dieses Wochenende statt. Tom's funeral is taking place this weekend. Tom's funeral takes place this weekend. Ich habe dir bereits mitgeteilt, was ich denke. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. Ich ha es Velo. I have a bicycle. I got it, Velo. Amsterdam is de haadstêd fan Nederlân. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the largest city in the Netherlands. Hij houdt van honden. He loves dogs. He likes dogs. Ik kan niet fluiten. I can't whistle. I can't fly. Het is nogal logisch. That's quite logical. It's pretty logical. Geld kan nie geluk koop nie. Money can't buy happiness. Money cannot buy happiness. Ken je haar vader? Do you know her father? You know her father? Guid tae see ye ! Good to see you! Guid to see you ! Tom zorgt voor de kinderen op maandagmiddag. Tom takes care of the kids on Monday afternoons. Tom's taking care of the kids on Monday afternoon. Ik kon niet in slaap komen. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. He is jümmer praat. He is always prepared. He's been talking for a while. Geld beherrscht die Welt. Money rules the world. Money dominates the world. Heb je gisteren de zonsverduistering gezien? Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? Ein Mädchen stand weinend da. A girl stood there crying. A girl was crying. Holst doe van eerbaaien? Do you like strawberries? Holst do about bays? Mag ik een ander kanaal zetten? Can I change the channel? Can I set another channel? Schau es dir an. Look at it. Look at it. Ze huilde alleen maar de hele tijd. She did nothing but cry all the while. She was just crying all the time. Je moet geen mensen discrimineren op basis van hun gender. You should not discriminate against people based on their gender. You don't have to discriminate against people on the basis of their gender. Ech brauch Hëllef! I need help. I'm gonna need help! Hoe âld bisto? How old are you? How old bisto? Tom heeft geen broers. Tom has no brothers. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Ich habe mich entschlossen, Kanji zu lernen. I've decided to study kanji. I decided to learn Kanji. Bitte schriibe Sie das uf. Please write it down. Please shrivel it. Tom wartet darauf, dass Maria ankommt. Tom is waiting for Mary to arrive. Tom's waiting for Maria to arrive. He is dubbeld so oold as se. He is twice as old as she is. He's twice as old as she is. Von Leidenschaft angestachelt. - Ein Supertag! Passion spurs you on. A day of the best! Stirred by passion. Dieser Satz ist noch nicht übersetzt worden. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. This sentence has not yet been translated. Wie is de fotograaf? Who's the photographer? Who's the photographer? Ons ken mekaar nogal goed. We know each other pretty well. We know each other quite well. Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. I can't understand anything he's saying. I don't understand a word he says. Was täte ich ohne euch? What would I do without you? What am I doing without you? Tom ist nicht mehr mein Freund. Tom isn't my friend anymore. Tom's not my friend anymore. Warum vergisst du es nicht einfach? Why don't you just forget it? Why don't you just forget it? Ik moet voorzichtig zijn. I have to be careful. I need to be careful. Sie passte ihren Terminplan dem seinen an. She changed her schedule to match his. She adapted her schedule to his. Hoe meer men heeft, hoe meer men begeert. The more one has, the more one desires. The more one has, the more one desires. Ik bün Ungaar. I am Hungarian. I'm Ungaar. Was für schöne Augen du hast! What pretty eyes you have! What beautiful eyes you have! Meine Mutter starb, als ich ein Kind war. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. Maria ist eine erfolgreiche Schriftstellerin. Mary is an accomplished writer. Maria is a successful writer. Mir ist langweilig. Lass uns irgendwas machen! I'm bored. Let's do something. I'm bored, let's do something! Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland teruggekomen? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come back from Germany? Elektronische Bauteile können unter Verwendung reinen Isopropylalkohols gereinigt werden. Electronic components can be cleaned by using pure isopropyl alcohol. Electronic components can be cleaned using pure isopropyl alcohol. Je ziet er bleek uit vandaag. You look pale today. You look pale today. Ich arbeite als Busfahrerin. I work as a bus driver. I work as a bus driver. Ich finde den Wald im Winter genauso schön wie im Sommer. Er ist so weiß und still, als schliefe er und träumte süß. I really think the woods are just as lovely in winter as in summer. They're so white and still, as if they were asleep and dreaming pretty dreams. I like the forest in winter as well as in summer. He is as white and quiet as sleeping and dreaming sweet. Er was niemand thuis. No one was at home. There was no one at home. Tom wohnt in einem sehr großen Haus. Tom lives in a very large house. Tom lives in a very large house. We hadden plezier. We had fun. We had fun. Ich habe Ihr Schweigen als Zustimmung gewertet. I interpreted your silence as consent. I valued your silence as your consent. Moenie haar nou bel nie. Don't phone her now. Don't call her now. מײַן נאָמען איז דילשאַד. My name is Dilshad. Next name is broken. Meinen Bruder vor den ihn schikanierenden Bengeln zittern zu sehen machte mich gleichzeitig besorgt und wütend. Seeing my brother trembling before the urchins mocking him made me anxious and angered at the same time. To see my brother shuddering before him was at the same time worried and angry. Wie se seun is Tom? Whose son is Tom? Whose son is Tom? Ik hoop dat we dat kunnen oplossen. I hope we can fix that. I hope we can solve that. Tom sou nie so dom wees nie. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Tom would not be so stupid. Ich brauche nur mehr Zeit mit Tom. I just need more time with Tom. I just need more time with Tom. Können wir Amerika eine Absage erteilen? Can we say "No" to America? Can we cancel America? Ich habe morgen zu tun. I will be busy tomorrow. I have to do tomorrow. Musstest du lange warten? Did you have to wait long? Did you have to wait a long time? Kirgizië wordt ''Kirgiziya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Kyrgyzstan is called "Kirgiziya" in Russian. Kyrgyzstan is called 'Kirgiziya' in Russian. Jullie waren echt goed. You guys were really good. You guys were really good. Hoeveel verdient hij per maand? How much money does he make a month? How much does he earn a month? Ik bün beter as he. I'm better than him. I'm better off than he is. Ek het van hom gehoor. I heard about him. I heard about him. Deze stropdassen zijn niet van mij. These ties aren't mine. These shitties aren't mine. Tom ist sehr wahrscheinlich spät dran. Tom is very likely to be late. Tom's probably late. Het spijt me, maar Tom heeft gelijk. Sorry, but Tom's right. I'm sorry, but Tom's right. Sie brachte mir einen Brief, den ich übersetzen sollte. She brought me a letter to translate. She brought me a letter to translate. Sie ging auf den Markt, um frisches Gemüse zu kaufen. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. Tom giechelde. Tom giggled. Tom giggled. Paul eet. Paul eats. Paul eats. Schlaf ist die beste Meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. וווּ האָט איר זיך געלערנט רעדן שפּאַניש? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? He het 'n boek in sy hand gehad. He had a book in his hand. He had a book in his hand. בײַ קעץ זײַנען קעץ זייער חשובֿ. Cats are very important, according to cats. At jackets are their faults. Tom hat uns noch nicht mitgeteilt, was wir tun sollen. Tom hasn't yet told us what he wants us to do. Tom hasn't told us what to do yet. En Imm summt. A bee buzzes. An imm sums up. k Hol van Austroalië. I love Australia. K Hol van Austroalien. Ek is nie die Christus nie, maar ek is voor Hom uitgestuur. I am not the Christ but I am sent ahead of him. I am not the Christ, but I was sent before him. Veul haail en zegen ien t nijjoar! Happy New Year! Hail and bless one t newjoar! Se sünd von ’t Utstarven bedroht. They are in danger of extinction. They are threatened with extinction. Dat Speel weer traag un langwielig. The game was slow, and it was also boring. The game was slow and long-wheeled. Tom mochte es auch. Tom liked it, too. Tom liked it, too. Legg di op de linke Sied. Lie on your left side. Put the left side of the screen. Das Englisch in diesem Aufsatz ist zu gut. The English of this composition is too good. The English in this essay is too good. Er is geen rook zonder vuur. No smoke without fire. There's no smoke without fire. Sie kleidet sich immer ganz schlicht. She always dresses very simply. She's always dressed very simple. Is Tom doodgegaan? Did Tom die? Did Tom die? Der Misserfolg ist seiner Sorglosigkeit geschuldet. The failure is due to his carelessness. The failure is due to his carelessness. Kan ek my vriende bring? May I bring my friends? Can I bring my friends? We tennissen altijd op zaterdagochtend. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We're always tennis on Saturday morning. Bel uw broer. Call your brother. Call your brother. Lees hierdie boek. Read this book. Read this book. Ich habe eine Polin geheiratet. I am married to a Polish woman. I married a polyn. Tom komt binnenkort weer terug. Tom is going to be back soon. Tom's coming back soon. ’Keen singt dit Leed? Who sings that song? ‘ None does it sing song? Wie hast du es geschafft, dich so schnell umzuziehen? How did you change your clothes so quickly? How did you manage to move so fast? Úre líchoma wæs gesceapen of feówer gesceaftum, of eorþan and of fýre and of wætere and of lyfte. Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. Úre líchoma wæs emerald or feofer gesceaftum, or eornocan and of fýre and of wæfere and or hives. Hoeveel kinderen heb je? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? Bitte werfen Sie das weg! Please throw this away. Please throw this away! Spreek alsjeblieft zo duidelijk mogelijk. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak as clearly as possible. Muss ich auch die Vorwahl wählen? Do I have to dial the area code, too? Do I have to choose the choice? Dor stimmt wat nich. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. סאַמי טרינקט. Sami drinks. Simi Trinkt. Als je op de tekst van het liedje let, dan gaat het eigenlijk nergens over. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you look at the lyrics of the song, it's not gonna go anywhere. Ich habe das fehlende Glied deiner Halskette gefunden. I found the missing piece of your necklace. I found the missing link on your necklace. Tom musste mit den Folgen seiner Taten leben. Tom had to live with the consequences of his actions. Tom had to live with the consequences of his actions. Ik kan je niet zien zonder aan je moeder te denken. I can't see you without thinking of your mother. I can't see you without thinking about your mother. Ik heff düt Hemd gistern kofft. I bought this shirt yesterday. I've been deceiving shirts. Ich komme nicht mit dir. I'm not coming with you. I'm not coming with you. Tom beantwortete die Fragen des Lehrers. Tom answered the teacher's questions. Tom answered the teacher's questions. Hij laat geen onderbrekingen toe. He doesn't allow interruptions. He won't let any interruptions. Ik heb het in uw kamer gezet. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Je bent een slimme jongen. You're a smart boy. You're a smart boy. Österreich ist einer der größten Stromproduzenten Europas. Austria is one of the largest producers of electricity in Europe. Austria is one of the largest electricity producers in Europe. Un wat krieg ik dor för? And what do I get? And what do I get for it? Ik heb altijd geweten dat deze dag zou komen. I always knew this day would come. I've always known this day would come. Ik woon in een heel klein appartement. I live in a very small apartment. I live in a very small apartment. Ich war eine Zeitlang bei Tom in Boston. I spent time with Tom in Boston. I was with Tom in Boston for a while. Sag mir, was ich damit machen soll. Tell me what to do with it. Tell me what to do with it. In de teihn Johr na ’n letzten Zensus is de Inwahnertall üm 7,15% daalt. For the ten years since the last census the population has shrunk by 7.15%. In the 10th year after a last census, the number of consummates fell by 7.15%. Hij is niet jong maar oud. He isn't young but old. He's not young but old. Geef je over of sterf! Surrender or die! Give over or die! Ich brauche noch etwas Zeit. I need a little more time. I need some more time. Maak je zakken leeg. Empty your bags. Empty your pockets. Es war unmöglich, es zu verbergen. There was no way to hide it. It was impossible to hide it. Wie niet kan vragen, kan niet leven. He that cannot ask cannot live. Whoever can't ask, can't live. Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? What would you do in my place? What would you do in my place? Hij deed zich voor als een stomme man. He pretended to be a stupid man. He pretended to be a stupid man. De les begint om acht uur dertig. The class begins at 8:30. The lesson starts at eight o'clock. Ich hatte eine schöne Zeit. I had a wonderful time. I had a good time. Na mien Mann sien Dood bün ik rümlopen as so ’n Zombie. After my husband's death I walked around like a zombie. After my husband sees Death bouting like a zombie. Ich freue mich, dass du da warst. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Wir sind jetzt befreundet. We are friends now. We're friends now. Ik kon geen Frans spreken. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Si brauch Waasser. She needs water. You need Waasser. Waren die diejenigen, die hinten im Wagen gesessen haben? Were they the ones who were riding in the back of the car? Were those who were sitting in the back of the car? Hy behoort aan die Katolieke geloof. He belongs to the Catholic faith. He belongs to the Catholic faith. Joe kòchten n pappegoai. You bought a parrot. Joe came up with a pappegoai. Gaat het morgen regenen? Will it rain tomorrow? Is it raining tomorrow? „Wo ist Tom?“ – „Er hat es nicht geschafft.“ "Where's Tom?" "He didn't make it." “Where is Tom?” – “He didn’t do it.” Wir können Ihre Forderungen nicht erfüllen. We cannot meet your demands. We can't meet your demands. Tom rang Maria zu Boden und fraß ihr, was vom Käse noch übrig war, aus den Händen. Tom wrestled Mary to the ground and ate the last of the cheese from her hands. Tom took Maria to the ground and took her out of her hands what was left of the cheese. Geniet van de rest van het weekeind! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Ik ben gek op ijs met muntsmaak. I love ice cream with a taste of mint. I love ice with mint taste. Waarom huilt u? What are you crying for? Why are you crying? Ik mag hem wel. I rather like him. I like him. Engelsch warrt von veel Minschen bruukt. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. Mensen lijken me anders te behandelen vandaag. People seem to be treating me differently today. People seem to treat me differently today. Die Suppe ist heiß. The soup is hot. The soup is hot. Tom ist geschieden. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. Als je rechts afslaat, zal je een groot gebouw zien. If you turn right, you will see a big building. If you close right, you'll see a large building. Das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop verfügt über zwei Solarmodule der Größe 2,3 m mal 11,9 m. Diese Module wandeln das Sonnenlicht direkt in Strom um. Hubble has two solar panels which are each 2.3 meters by 11.9 meters in size. These panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. The Hubble Space Telescope has two solar modules of size 2.3 m times 11.9 m. These modules transform the sunlight directly into electricity. Tom overleed vanmorgen. Tom passed away this morning. Tom died this morning. Spielen Sie morgen mit mir? Will you play with me tomorrow? Are you playing with me tomorrow? Tom wilde nog een stukje watermeloen. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Wat betekent een naam? Dat wat wij een roos noemen zou met een andere naam net zo zoet geuren. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What does a name mean? That what we call a rose with another name would be just as sweet fragrances. Ze houden niet van katten. They don't like cats. They don't like cats. Beim Zeichnen musste Peter nie dem Mädchen helfen. Peter never had to help the girl with drawing. When drawing Peter never had to help the girl. Nicht die stärkste Spezies überlebt, nicht die intelligenteste, sondern diejenige, die am besten auf Veränderungen reagiert. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Not the strongest species survives, not the most intelligent, but those who respond best to change. Wat wilt u? What do you want? What do you want? Ek dog jy sou nuuskierig wees. I thought you might be curious. I thought you'd be curious. Mäi Schwoer ass Belsch. My brother-in-law is Belgian. Mai Schwor is Belsch. Fallt in ’n Stall de Aven ut, kummt de Melk in Stücken rut. When the heater in the barn fails, you get milk-flavoured ice cubes. When the avalanche falls, the milk comes out in pieces. Am 1. Januar 2019 flog die Raumsonde „Neue Horizonte“ (engl. New Horizons) an dem urzeitlichen Kuipergürtelobjekt Arrokoth vorbei. The New Horizons spacecraft flew past the ancient Kuiper Belt object Arrokoth on Jan. 1, 2019. On January 1, 2019, the space probe “New Horizons” (new Horizons) flew past the timeline Kuiper Belt Object Arrokoth. Kann ich mich zu Ihnen setzen? Can I sit with you? Can I sit with you? Het sneeuwt hier nooit. It never snows here. It never snows here. Ich will Tom nicht heiraten. I don't want to marry Tom. I don't want to marry Tom. Sie verbeugte sich stets, wenn sie jemanden begrüßte. She always bowed when she greeted someone. She always bowed when she welcomed someone. Wat is dien faveriete eten. What's your favorite food? What is serving faverites eating? Ik zit krap bij kas. I'm broke. I'm scratched at the closet. Dieses Buch gehört ihr. This book is hers. This book belongs to her. Kikkers binnen baange veur slaange. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Chickens inside orbit fire beats. Ze had hen nodig. She needed them. She needed them. Ich werde oft mit meinem Bruder verwechselt. I am often confused with my brother. I'm often confused with my brother. Wir haben eine Entscheidung getroffen. We made a decision. We made a decision. Käse lockt oft eine Maus in die Falle. Cheese often lures a mouse into a trap. Cheese often lures a mouse into the trap. זי וועט זי דערהרגענען. She'll kill her. She will die. Ze is alles behalve een zangeres. She is anything but a singer. She's nothing but a singer. Ek sal so gou as moontlik terugkom na jou. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll come back to you as soon as possible. Ruf mich an, wenn etwas passiert. Call me if something happens. Call me when something happens. Du hättest mir die Wahrheit sagen sollen. You should have told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Tom hält das für eine alberne Idee. Tom thinks it's a ridiculous idea. Tom thinks that's a silly idea. Ik kan hier niet werken. I can't work here. I can't work here. Ik praat gjin Japansk. I don't speak Japanese. I'm not talking Japanese. Weder Gerechtigkeit noch Freiheit sind möglich, wenn nur das Geld regiert. No justice or freedom is possible when money always takes the crown. Neither justice nor freedom are possible if only the money rules. Dit is mijn auto. This is my car. This is my car. Je moet iets vroeger opstaan. You must get up a little earlier. You've got to get up earlier. Tom scheint sehr starrsinnig zu sein. Tom seems very opinionated. Tom seems very rigid. Tom heeft geen spijt. Tom has no regrets. Tom's not sorry. Ich war auch von der Reinlichkeit der Schule und dem Stolz der Schüler darauf beeindruckt. I was also impressed with the school's cleanliness and the students' pride in it. I was also impressed by the cleanness of the school and the pride of the students. Tom ist gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom certainly isn't pleased. Tom's certainly not happy. Ich habe diesen Brief nicht geschrieben. I didn't write this letter. I didn't write this letter. Ik was pas thuis om twee uur dertig. I didn't get home until 2:30. I wasn't at home until two o'clock. Er kann weder lesen noch schreiben. He can neither read nor write. He can't read or write. Ik heb vandaag een dozijn potloden gekocht. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pencils today. De ole Trapper kennt den Sheriff. That old trapper knows the sheriff. The old trapper knows the sheriff. Die Tür schließt automatisch. The door closes automatically. The door closes automatically. Tom und Maria haben wenig Geld; daher essen sie nur selten außer Hauses. Tom and Mary don't have much money so they seldom eat out. Tom and Mary have little money, so they rarely eat out of their homes. Niemand wist dat. No one knew that. Nobody knew that. Verstaht se, wat he vertellt? Does she understand what he's saying? See what he's telling? Zij waren aan het daten. They were dating. They were dating. Ich will nicht über ihn sprechen. I don't want to talk about him. I don't want to talk about him. Ze droeg een lange, brede jas. She wore a long, loose coat. She was wearing a long, broad coat. He is op de Schell von en Banaan utglippt. He slipped on a banana peel. It's slippery on the shell of a banana. Jim fährt mit dem Bus zur Schule. Jim goes to school by bus. Jim's taking the bus to school. Schon beim bloßen Gedanken, Schnecken zu speisen, befällt mich Übelkeit. The very thought of eating snails makes me feel sick. When it comes to just thinking about eating snails, I feel sick. Ein kalter Wind wehte herein. A cold wind blew in. A cold wind was blowing in. Meid, wat heb je toch prachtig haar. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, you got a beautiful hair. Tom hat sich entschlossen, das nicht zu tun. Tom chose not to do that. Tom decided not to do that. Das sind nur zehn Minuten zu Fuß. This is just a ten minute walk. It's only ten minutes on foot. Israël heeft de Westelijke Jordaanoever nodig. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. Er wurde im Kampf verwundet. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded in the fight. Wat hest du vergangen Nacht maakt? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Dat is mi piepegal. We are not amused. That's mi piepegal. Nicht nur Tauben, sondern auch Touristen sind jeden Tag in Scharen auf dem Markusplatz zugegen. Pigeons as well as tourists flock to St Mark's Square every day. Not only doves, but also tourists are present every day in crowds on St. Mark's Square. Hände weg! Hands off. Hands away! Je zei dat bijna al je vrienden Canadees zijn. You said almost all of your friends were Canadians. You said almost all your friends are Canadians. Eigentum ist Diebstahl. Property is theft. Property is theft. Hij sprak Duits met me. He spoke German with me. He spoke to me German. Aufgrund der Inkompetenz von denen bin ich total gestresst. Because of their incompetence, I'm totally stressed out. Because of the incompetence of those, I am totally stressed. Tom wusste nicht mehr, was er eigentlich sagen wollte. Tom couldn't remember what he had intended to say. Tom didn't know what he was trying to say anymore. Hij is inspecteur. He is an inspector. He's a inspector. Heb je gewicht verloren? Have you lost weight? Did you lose weight? Zijn er bananen? Are there any bananas? Are there bananas? Ek weet alles van haar. I know all about her. I know everything about her. Sie war sehr unhöflich zu ihm. She was very rude to him. She was very rude to him. Sie ist eine Fanatikerin. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. דער מעסער איז נישט שארף. The knife isn't sharp. The series is not sharp. Welk geluid maken vleermuizen? What sound do bats make? What sound do bats make? Nach allem, was ich weiß, steht er zu seinem Wort. To the best of my knowledge, he is as good as his word. After everything I know, he stands to his word. Ik vervang de lamp. I'm replacing the lamp. I'm replacing the lamp. Wonach sollte ich suchen? What should I look for? What should I look for? De crimineel kwam het huis uit met zijn armen in de lucht. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal came out of the house with his arms in the air. Ič ne undernime. I don't understand. Ič ne unernime. n Tafel het vare pooten. A table has four legs. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Sprachen verändern sich mit der Zeit. Languages change over time. Languages change over time. Ik föhr mit ’t Rad na Arbeid. I bike to work. I'm running a bike after work. דער עפּל איז געל. The apple is yellow. The document was cancelled. Sami wist dat hij Layla pijn had gedaan. Sami knew he had hurt Layla. Sami knew he hurt Layla. Mien Auto is kaputt. My car is broken. My car's broken. Het is noodzakelijk een andere uitweg te vinden uit deze situatie. It is imperative that we find another way out of this situation. It is necessary to find another way out of this situation. Verdedig de kerk. Defend the church. Defend the church. Sie sind ein guter Tennisspieler. You are a good tennis player. You're a good tennis player. Se is twee Johr jünger as he. She's two years younger than he. She's two years younger than he is. Gibt es im Hotel einen Buchladen? Is there a book store in the hotel? Is there a bookstore in the hotel? Die Schweine sind nicht im Stall. The pigs are not in the pen. The pigs are not in the stable. Doe zigst ter hail muide oet. You look very tired. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. De dochter van een kind is een kleindochter. The daughter of a child is a granddaughter. A child's daughter is a granddaughter. Ik heb Tom zijn huiswerk ge-e-maild. I emailed Tom his homework. I emailed Tom's homework. Tom hat sich gewiss nicht erfreut. Tom was certainly not amused. Tom certainly didn't enjoy it. Was Tom gehospitaliseer? Was Tom hospitalized? Was Tom hospitalized? Vergleicht den Stil dieser Briefe! Compare the style of those letters. Compare the style of these letters! Hai kin nait zwemmen. He cannot swim. Hai can swim. De Romeinse Republiek werd gesticht in 509 voor Christus. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. Sie brach in Tränen aus. She burst out crying. She broke out in tears. Ek is bly dat dit jou gelukkig maak. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad it makes you happy. Men kan deze boeddhistische afbeelding niet helemaal juist dateren. This Buddhist image cannot be dated exactly. One cannot date this Buddhist image quite correctly. Herr Doktor, es juckt mich im Schritt. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Doctor, it's kicking me in step. Wir sahen Herrn Satō das Zimmer verlassen. We saw Mr. Sato leave the room. We saw Mr. Satō leaving the room. Mach dir nicht im Voraus Sorgen! Don't cross your bridges before you come to them. Don't worry in advance! Ik kan niets zien. I can't see! I can't see anything. Du alleen kannst dat doon, aver du kannst dat nich alleen doon. You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone. You can only do this, but you cannot do it alone. Hij is gewoon een betweter. He's just a know-it-all. He's just a disputer. Wie viel Jungs sind in dieser Klasse? How many boys are there in this class? How many guys are in this class? I benn nebrå fremdå Frau uffgwachd. I woke up next to a strange woman. I am nebrå alienå Mrs. uffgwachd. God zegene Amerika. God bless America. God bless America. Sami heeft een keukenmes. Sami has a kitchen knife. Sami's got a kitchen knife. Das gehört mir. That belongs to me. That's mine. Kom ons hou by die punt. Let's stick to the point. Let's stick to the point. Geh und weck Mary. Go and wake Mary up. Go and wake Mary. Mijn moeder maakt het ontbijt klaar. My mother is preparing breakfast. My mom's getting ready for breakfast. Het zonnetje schijnt en de vogeltjes zingen. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The sun shines and the birds sing. Wo wören diene Öllern? Where were your parents? Where do you want to serve? Wir gehen nicht nach Boston. We're not going to Boston. We're not going to Boston. Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? Ik wil Tom niet wakker maken. I don't want to wake Tom up. I don't want to wake Tom up. Du hast Sinn für Humor. You have a sense of humor. You have a sense of humor. Ik hou van wiskunde. I like maths. I love math. Tom handelte alleine. Tom acted alone. Tom acted alone. Müssen wir hier auf sie warten? Must we wait for them here? Do we have to wait for them here? Heb je al besloten waarover je je scriptie gaat schrijven? Have you already decided on your thesis topic? Have you decided what you're gonna write about? Se catt is dēad. The tom is dead. It's a cat. ער איז מזגם. He's exaggerating. He is stationed. Der Techniker kletterte auf den Telefonmast. The engineer climbed the telephone pole. The technician climbed on the phone mast. Volltanken, bitte. Fill it up, please. Fill it up, please. Tom zegt dat hij allergisch is voor school. Tom says that he's allergic to school. Tom says he's allergic to school. k Wait wat doe bedoulst. I know what you mean. Wait for what to do. Heeft u die fles? Do you have that bottle? Do you have that bottle? Ist das etwas Gutes oder etwas Schlechtes? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is this a good thing or something bad? Wir haben bis jetzt keinen Brief von ihm erhalten. We have not received a letter from him so far. We haven't received a letter from him until now. Ek onthou hoe ek van haar gehoor het. I remember hearing about her. I remember hearing about her. We hebben Russisch geleerd in plaats van Frans. We learned Russian instead of French. We learned Russian instead of French. Nichts kann uns mehr stoppen. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing can stop us anymore. Dis logies. That's logical. It's logical. Berlijn is de hoofdstad van Duitsland. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Ich wünsche euch beiden ein Leben voller Glück. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I wish you both a life of happiness. My oom is gediagnoseer met bloedkanker. My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia. My uncle was diagnosed with blood cancer. Endlich verstehe ich, was Maria mir sagen wollte. I finally understand what Mary was trying to tell me. Finally, I understand what Mary wanted to tell me. Wo hast du Blumen gekauft? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you buy flowers? De deur ging open. The door opened. The door opened. Hiereban! Come here! Here you go! Tom versuchte seine Spuren zu verwischen. Tom tried to cover his tracks. Tom tried to wipe his tracks. Er hat eine gute Aussprache. He has a good accent. He has a good debate. Ik schilde de wortels. I peeled the carrots. I'm shielding the roots. Du hast einen guten Plan. You have a good plan. You have a good plan. Tom stoort het niet Maria af en toe te helpen. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom's not bothering to help Mary occasionally. Der König hat immer eine Krone auf. The king always wears a crown. The king always has a crown on it. Er versuchte, mit uns Französisch zu reden. He tried to talk to us in French. He tried to talk to us French. Sie kennt eine Menge Volkstänze. She knows many folk dances. She knows a lot of folk dances. Tom is Muslim. Tom is a Muslim. Tom's Muslim. Ich habe beschlossen, Tom mitzuteilen, dass ich Maria liebe. I've decided to tell Tom that I love Mary. I decided to tell Tom that I love Mary. Ik studeerde hard om het examen te halen. I studied hard in order to pass the examination. I studied hard to get the exam. Verstaan jullie Frans? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Heb je Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Am 19. August 1960 trug das sowjetische Raumschiff Korabl-Sputnik 2 zwei Hunde mit Namen Belka (Eichhörnchen) und Strelka (Pfeil) ins Weltall und wieder sicher zurück zur Erde. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs—named Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow)—into space and returned them safely to Earth. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spaceship Korabl-Sputnik carried two dogs with names Belka (Eichhörnchen) and Strelka (Pfeil) to space and back to earth safely. Mien Puckel deit jümmer noch weh. My back still hurts. My puzzle is still hurting you. Waar zijn jouw honden? Where are your dogs? Where are your dogs? Ich weiß, dass die meisten hier das nicht gerne tun. I know most people here don't like doing that. I know most people here don't like to do this. Deze bloemen bloeien vroeger dan andere. These flowers bloom earlier than others do. These flowers bloom earlier than others. Tom gaan nie ons môre help nie. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom won't help us tomorrow. Jij bent een persoon. You're a person. You're a person. Sie lügt über ihr Alter. She is lying about her age. She's lying about her age. Hij stond aan de deur. He was standing at the door. He was at the door. Ik hou niet van oesters. I don't like oysters. I don't like oysters. Nachdem ich ein paar Blaubeeren gesammelt habe, mache ich eine Obsttorte. After I pick some blueberries, I make a tart. After I collect a couple of blueberries, I make a tortoise. Moet jouself nie ontstel nie! Don't disappoint yourself! Do Not Distress Yourself! Waarom zijn ze boos? Why are they angry? Why are they angry? Wilst doe meer schinken? Do you want some bacon? Want to sink more? Ich hätte meine Zeit nicht damit vergeuden sollen, das zu lesen. I shouldn't have wasted my time reading that. I shouldn't have missed my time reading that. Doe bist mien vrund. You are my friend. Do me a favor. Ik denk niet dat er nog meer studenten willen komen. I don't think any more students want to come. I don't think any more students want to come. Ik dacht dat Tom hier vandaag niet zou zijn. I thought Tom wasn't going to be here today. I thought Tom wouldn't be here today. Männer sind wie Bären: je hässlicher, desto attraktiver. Men are like bears - the uglier they are, the more attractive they are. Men are like bears: the more ugly, the more attractive. Mijn voorouders hoopten politiek asiel te vinden. My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. My ancestors were hoping to find political asylum. Ze draagt ​​rood. She's wearing red. She's wearing red. זיינע פריערערע פאעזיע שעפט אסאך פון זיינע איבערלעבונג און אנדענקן פון די קינדער-יארן. His early poetry draws heavily on his experience and memories of childhood. His previous pawsia sheep are from his survival and memory of the children's years. Ik zit vast in de file. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. I'm stuck in the file. Tom kreeg een telefoontje van het ziekenhuis. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a call from the hospital. Guet Nacht. Good night! Good night. Ich finde, Frankfurter haben viel mehr Geschmack als Wiener. I think Frankfurters have much more taste than Viennese. I think Frankfurters have a lot more taste than Vienna. Toms Temperament ist mit ihm durchgegangen. Tom lost his temper. Tom's temperament went through with him. Ich komme klar. I'm managing. I'll be fine. De Chineesch Müür is över 8.800 Kilometer lang. The Great Wall of China is over 5,500 miles long. The Chinese effort is over 8,800 kilometers (8,800 km) long. Ik heb deze week al geslapen. I've already slept this week. I've slept this week. Je hebt niets gezien. You didn't see anything. You didn't see anything. Tom war der einzige Bewerber für die Stelle. Tom was the only applicant for the job. Tom was the only candidate for the job. Er kann nicht zur Schule gegangen sein. He can't have gone to school. He can't have gone to school. Tom wohnt hier. Tom lives here. Tom lives here. Hang aan vir 'n oomblik. Hang on a moment. Hang on for a moment. We zullen je heel erg missen. We will miss you badly. We'll miss you very much. Zij is mijn vrouw. She's my wife. She's my wife. Der Raumanzug schützt den Astronauten vor den Gefahren im freien Raum. The spacesuit protects the astronaut from the dangers of being outside in space. The space suit protects the astronaut from the dangers in free space. De Laag is so al leeg noog. The situation is bad enough as it is. The layer is so bad enough. Mir sollen ganz virsiichteg virgoen. We should proceed with great caution. We're supposed to go for a little bit. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln? Can we change the subject, please? Can we change the subject, please? Ze hebben een goed curriculum bij die universiteit. They have a very good curriculum at that university. They have a good curriculum at that university. Ich brauche etwas frische Luft. I need to get some air. I need some fresh air. Goejûn, hoe is 't mei jo? Good evening, how are you? Thank you, how is it you? Tom hat dich gebraucht. Tom needed you. Tom used you. Ihr habt mich nicht verstanden. Ich meinte etwas anderes. You didn't understand me. I meant something else. You didn't understand me, I meant something else. Ze eet geen geen gebakjes om niet verder aan te komen. She does not eat cake, so as not to put on any more weight. She doesn't eat cakes so she can't get any further. Heeft u een Esperanto woordenboek? Do you have any Esperanto dictionary? Do you have a Esperanto dictionary? ער עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. He doesn't eat meat. He's not going to be a fictitious person. Ze is jong, misschien te jong. She's young, maybe too young. She's young, maybe too young. Meinen Sie, dass es möglicherweise kein Unfall war? Do you think it might not have been an accident? Do you think it might not have been an accident? Is er een witte aubergine? Is there a white eggplant? Is there a white eggplant? Es sieht leicht aus, wenn du es machst. It looks easy when you do it. It looks easy when you do it. Ik zal je morgen bellen. I will call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. מיר האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. We chatted for a while. We've collected a chunk of time. Habt ihr vor, ein Auto zu kaufen? Are you planning on buying a car? Are you planning on buying a car? Louisiana behoorde tot Frankrijk. Louisiana belonged to France. Louisiana belonged to France. Kamen ihre Kinder in Deutschland zur Welt? Were her children born in Germany? Did their children come to the world in Germany? Ik denk dat Tom kaal is. I think that Tom is bald. I think Tom's bald. Ik kan skiën. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Dies ist der Kaffee. This is the coffee. This is the coffee. Bedoeïenen wonen in de woestijn. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Ƿile ūser land nān-ƿiht būtan friþ. Our country wants nothing but peace. ]ile ūser land nān- aan būtan free. Mir hu keng Kanner. We don't have kids. There are no children. Ich bin sofort bei dir. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be with you right away. De zus van George smeerde enkele boterhammen voor me. George's sister buttered a few sandwiches for me. George's sister smeared some sandwiches for me. Wir freuen uns alle auf das Konzert. We're all looking forward to the concert. We are all looking forward to the concert. Mijn naam is Roemeens, de zijne is Amerikaans. My name is Romanian; his is American. My name is Romanian. His name is American. De lüttste Kontinent is Australien. The smallest continent is Australia. The smallest continent is Australia. In Mathematik war er allen anderen weit überlegen. In mathematics he was head and shoulders above all the others. In mathematics, he was far superior to everyone else. Tom spielte den Hamlet. Tom played the part of Hamlet. Tom played the Hamlet. Mir wurde die Leitung dieses Projektes übertragen. I've been put in charge of this project. I was entrusted with the management of this project. Si schreift. She's writing. She screams. Kom ons vergeet van hulle. Let's forget about them. Let us forget about them. Dat is mogelijk een nieuw record. That's likely a new record. That might be a new record. Sie stand auf einer Leiter und strich die Decke. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on a ladder and pulled the ceiling. Tom spielt in einem der örtlichen Orchester Cello. Tom plays the cello with one of the local orchestras. Tom plays in one of the local orchestra Cello. Lucy un ik hebbt üm un bi lieker veel Frünn. Lucy and I have about the same number of friends. Lucy and I have a lot of friends around the same time. Ik zou graag met u iets bespreken. I want to talk to you about something. I'd like to discuss something with you. De acteur van de reeks „Tom en Maria” spreekt de waarheid. The actor of the series "Tom and Mary" speaks the truth. The actor of the series ‘Tom and Maria’ speaks the truth. Speel dat liedje opnieuw. Play that song again. Play that song again. Wij koken water. We are boiling water. We cook water. A leid is a dialect wi an airmy an fleet. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A nay is a dialect with an airmy and flow. Meine Uhr ist gestohlen worden. My watch has been stolen. My watch has been stolen. Wir dürfen das Grundgesetz nicht verletzen. We must not violate the Constitution. We must not violate the Basic Law. Alle meine Verwandten sind größer als ich. All of my relatives are taller than me. All my relatives are bigger than I am. Wie hebben eten. We have food. Who's got food? Tom wou in Boston wonen. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Ze leek niet blij me te zien. She did not seem pleased to see me. She didn't seem happy to see me. Tom dreumt. Tom's dreaming. Tom dreumt. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat u voor ons hebt gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I'll never forget what you've done for us. Het is onmogelijk te winnen zonder dat een ander verliest. It is impossible to win without another one losing. It's impossible to win without losing another one. Ihr solltet es mir besser jetzt sagen. You had better tell me now. You better tell me now. „Ich liebe dich!“ flüsterte er. "I love you," he whispered. “I love you!” he whispered. Er sagte mir, dass dieses Leben ohne mich nichts Interessantes für ihn hätte. He told me that, without me, this life had nothing of interest for him. He told me that this life would have no interest in him without me. Bis schpööter! See you later! See you later. Hij is ook oud geworden. He's gotten old, too. He's grown old too. Ik eet om te leven. I eat to live. I eat to live. Am Strand wimmelte es von Touristen. The beach was packed with tourists. On the beach it was full of tourists. Hebben ze enig bericht ontvangen van het aantal slachtoffers van de aardbeving? Have they received any reports of lives lost in the earthquake? Have they received any message from the number of victims of the earthquake? Wir wollen hier wohnen. We want to live here. We want to live here. צי דער עפּל איז רױט? Is the apple red? Whether the sidebar includes a builtin shortcut to the Desktop folder איך ווייס נישט ווי צו דיר דאנקען. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to thank you. Was glaubst du, wer gewinnen wird? Who do you think will win? What do you think will win? Wiens woordenboek is dit? Whose dictionary is this? Whose dictionary is this? De school begint op tien april. School begins on April the tenth. The school starts on April 10. Een zekere mijnheer Brown is vanmorgen gekomen. A Mr Brown came this morning. A certain Mr Brown came this morning. Se versöcht so veel to sporen as man geiht. She is trying to save as much money as she can. It tries to track as much as possible. Wie alt wart ihr, als der Krieg ausbrach? How old were you when the war broke out? How old were you when the war broke out? Ich hoffe, mein Chef stimmt meinem Plan zu. I hope my boss agrees to my plan. I hope my boss agrees with my plan. Worüm fritt mien Hund keen Hunnfoder? Why won't my dog eat dog food? Why isn't my dog a Hunnfoder? Zai lazen. They read. Zai read. Jouw probleem lijkt op dat van mij. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem is like mine. Du hättest hier sein sollen. You should've been here. You should have been here. Wi hebbt en witte Katt. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. Ich muss dir die Wahrheit sagen. I have to tell you the truth. I have to tell you the truth. Aine het mien poaskaai eten. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Aine eat my paass key. Tom und ich arbeiten im selben Büro. Tom and I work in the same office. Tom and I are working in the same office. Tom wollte es nicht. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want it. Ik ben een reus! I am a giant! I'm a giant! Du warst eifersüchtig. You were jealous. You were jealous. Tom heeft een dik Schots accent. Tom has a thick Scottish accent. Tom's got a thick Scottish accent. Tom joagt geern. Tom likes to hunt. Tom jocht. Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and beautiful dreams. De eerste Utgaav is vör teihn Johr rutkamen. The first edition was published ten years ago. The first instance is ten years ago. Tom war wirklich schockiert. Tom was really shocked. Tom was really shocked. Helfen Sie mir mal mit diesem Kühlschrank. Give me a hand with this refrigerator. Help me with this fridge. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? You're not coming with me? Sogoor mien Oma kann SMS schrieven. Even my grandma can send an SMS. Sogoor my grandma can write SMS. Ich kann das nicht tun. I can't do this. I can't do this. Dra jy handskoene? Are you wearing gloves? Do you wear gloves? Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom sagt, dass er bereit ist, so ziemlich alles für mich zu tun. Tom says he's willing to do just about anything for me. Tom says he's ready to do pretty much everything for me. Was ist Ihr Spitzname? What is your nickname? What's your nickname? Eerlijkheid loont niet. Honesty doesn't pay. Honesty doesn't pay. Ich werde alles tun, was ich kann. I'll do everything that I can. I'll do everything I can. In einem großen Kessel kochte Suppe. Soup was boiling in a large cauldron. In a large boiler, soup cooked. Tom bat Mary, zu Hause zu bleiben, bis die Babysitterin eintreffen würde. Tom asked Mary to stay at home until the babysitter got there. Tom asked Mary to stay home until the babysitter arrived. Zijn hart is gebroken. His heart is broken. His heart is broken. Er würde es nicht wagen, sich hier wieder blicken zu lassen. He wouldn't dare show his face around here again. He wouldn't dare to let himself be looked back here. Doe hest dien knip valen loaten. You've dropped your wallet. Do your cut traps. Wie heeft tijd? Who has time? Who's got time? Tom is een pianist. Tom is a pianist. Tom's a pianist. Laat mi gahn! Let me go! Let go! Niue zählt gerade einmal 1400 Einwohner. The population of Niue is only about 1,400. Niue has just 1,400 inhabitants. Se is bloot en Kind. She is just a child. She's just, and she's a kid. Tom beachtete meine Warnung. Tom was mindful of my warning. Tom observed my warning. Gold is sworer as Iesen. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is harder than ice. We hebben twee kinderen. We have two kids. We have two kids. Sie hat das Problem endlich gelöst. At last, she solved the problem. She finally solved the problem. Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich mich Ihnen anschließe? Do you mind if I join you? Does it matter to you if I join you? Geef me je geld, of anders sla ik je in elkaar. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money, or else I'll beat you up. Mijn kamersleutel graag. My room key, please. I like my room key. Ik maak een grapje. I am joking. I'm kidding. Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Leg me je plan uit. Tell me about your plan. Just explain to me your plan. Ik heb een vriend nodig. I need a friend. I need a friend. Ek wens ek was meer spontaan. I wish I could be more spontaneous. I wish I was more spontaneous. Weet jy enige iets van ons? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Vertell keen Tüdelkraam, du weetst, dat dat nich geiht. Don't talk nonsense, you know that's impossible. Don't tell me you don't know how to do this. Die Medizin hatte eine wundervolle Wirkung auf ihn. The medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Medicine had a wonderful effect on him. Hij is een Nederlander. He is a Dutchman. He's a Dutchman. De bevolking van China is groter dan die van Japan. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. China's population is larger than Japan's. Tom braut Bier. Tom brews beer. Tom's brewing beer. U zult hard moeten werken, als u wilt slagen voor het examen. You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam. You'll have to work hard if you want to succeed in the exam. Ji sünd Düütsche, nech? You're Germans, aren't you? You are German, right? Hat Tom gegen Regeln verstoßen? Has Tom broken any rules? Did Tom violate rules? Ek sou nie so seker daarvan wees nie. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. We hebben deze film niet gezien. We didn't see this movie. We haven't seen this movie. Men moet voor zich zelf zorgen. One should take care of oneself. You have to take care of yourself. Tom benötigt etwas. Tom needs something. Tom needs something. Kann ich die Sonderausstellung mit diesem Ticket besuchen? Can I see the special exhibit with this ticket? Can I visit the special exhibition with this ticket? Tom hett nich noog Geld, üm sik en Huus to köpen. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a house. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a house. Ze pleegde zelfmoord. She committed suicide. She killed herself. Is deze zitplaats vrij? Is this seat free? Is this seat free? Warum fragst du mich? Why are you asking me? Why are you asking me? Tom und Maria spielten Dame. Tom and Mary played checkers. Tom and Maria played lady. זי קען שפּאַניש. She knows Spanish. She could be ridiculous. Tom hofft, dass er nicht von der Schule fliegt. Tom hopes he doesn't flunk out of school. Tom hopes he doesn't fly from school. Dat wist ik toen niet. I didn't know that at the time. I didn't know. איך בין מיד! I am tired! I'm tired! Ik heb vele jaren in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for many years. I lived in Boston for many years. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ פֿײַפֿט אױפֿן ייִדישן פֿאָלק. Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people. Stacked free space on the Thai proposal. Hest du de Nummer butenkopps lehrt? Have you learned the number by heart? Did you teach the number outheads? Deze vogel dreigt nu uit te sterven. That bird is now in danger of dying out. This bird is now threatening to die. „Seid ihr Vegetarier?“ - „Nein, du?“ "Are you a vegetarian?" - "No, are you?" “Are you vegetarians? ” - “No, you? ” Hail vrumd. Very strange. Hail frumd. k Kom oet Zeeilaand. I'm from Zeeland. - Come on, Zeeil night. Die Wahrheit kam schließlich bei seinem Prozess heraus. The truth finally came out at his trial. The truth finally came out in his trial. Hierdie is my rekenaar. This is my computer. This is my computer. Ik bün praat to starven. I am ready to die. I'm talking to die. Ich weiß nicht, ob Tom und Maria heute zu Hause sind. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are home today. I don't know if Tom and Maria are home today. Ich werde mit den Malerarbeiten bis Sonnenuntergang fortfahren. I shall keep on painting until the sun sets. I'm going to continue painting until sunset. Wie ist es so, Toms Freundin zu sein? What's it like being Tom's girlfriend? How's it going to be Tom's girlfriend? Ik woonde in Mongolië. I was living in Mongolia. I lived in Mongolia. Het is een woord waarvoor ik graag een vervanging zou vinden. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It is a word for which I would like to find a replacement. באָב האָט געזאָגט אַז משה־רבינו האָט געשריבן װעגן אים. Bob said that Moses wrote about him. Bobob said that Moshe Vilbie had been using about him. Jy het 'n groen boek. You have a green book. You have a green book. Mr hänn is schon lang nümme g'seh. Long time, no see. Mr. Hänn's a long time ago nomme g'seh. Weet jy wat hy gesê het? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? Ik ken hem al meer dan tien jaar. I have known him for more than ten years. I've known him for more than ten years. Ik verlööv dat nich. I don't allow it. I do not allow this. Spraak un Kultur laat sik nich vonenanner lösen. Language and culture can't be separated. Language and culture cannot be solved by one another. Zijn alle cafés gesloten? Are all the bars shut? Are all the cafés closed? Ik lehr Basksch. I'm learning Basque. I'm teaching Basque. זאג נישט קיין ״אבער״ צו מיין עצה. Don't say 'but' to my suggestion. Don't say anything... the way to my age. Dij man is n soldoat. That man is a soldier. Your husband is a soldoat. Ik weet dat je een leerkracht bent. I know that you are a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Ik vond per ongeluk de dildo's van mijn zus. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. Die Tage werden mit jedem Jahrhundert um etwa 1,7 Millisekunden länger, weil der Mond die Rotation der Erde bremst. Days get longer by about 1.7 millisecond per century because the moon is slowing the Earth's rotation. The days with each century are about 1.7 milliseconds longer, because the moon slows the rotation of the earth. Verskoon my?! I beg your pardon?! Excuse me! Kënns du mat? Are you coming along? Do you know what I'm saying? Tom kommt oft zu spät zur Schule. Tom is often late for school. Tom's often late for school. Bel een ziekenwagen. Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. Wie ben jij? Who are you? Who are you? t Wintert. Winter is coming. t Winter. „Ich halte das für keine so gute Idee.“ – „Ach, Unsinn! Was kann schon schiefgehen?“ "I don't think that's a good idea." "Nonsense! What could possibly go wrong?" “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” – “Oh, nonsense! What can go wrong?” Klop de eieren. Beat the eggs. Knock the eggs. Vergelijk de kopie met het origineel. Compare the copy with the original. Compare the original copy. Plötzlich tauchte sie auf. She burst into view. Suddenly she appeared. Ich bin nur froh dich zu sehen. I'm just happy to see you. I'm just glad to see you. U bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Ich brauche einen Übersetzer. I need a translator. I need a translator. Dein Telegramm kam gerade als ich dich anrufen wollte. Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you. Your telegram just came when I wanted to call you. Lach! Lol! Smile! Ik leet de Katt in miene Kamer. I let the cat into my room. I put the cat in my room. Man hat Tom noch nicht gefunden. Tom hasn't yet been found. You haven't found Tom yet. Welk merk en kleur heeft de auto van de directeur? What brand and what color is the director's car? What brand and color does the director's car have? Julius Caesar was een Romeinse keizer. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Is jy seker jy wil hê dat ek jou moet help met jou huiswerk? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Tun Sie das nicht wieder! Don't do that anymore. Don't do this again! Wat is de naam van haar leraar? What's her professor's name? What's her teacher's name? Jetzt schaut Tom fern. Tom is watching TV now. Now see Tom far away. Hy het gesterf gedurende sy terugkeer na Engeland. He died as he was returning to England. He died during his return to England. Ich kann mir kein neues Auto leisten, also werde ich mit diesem auskommen müssen. I can't afford a new car, so I'll have to make this one do. I can't afford a new car, so I'm going to have to get out with this one. Se weet nich, wat se seggen schall. She doesn't know what to say. You do not know what to say. Tom zei dat hij niets te maken had met wat er gebeurd was. Tom said he'd had nothing to do with what had happened. Tom said he had nothing to do with what happened. We hopen dat je van de voorstelling zult genieten. We hope you will enjoy the show. We hope you enjoy the performance. Wu kummscht du bei? Where are you from? What are you doing? Ik bliev dor bet Klock söss. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I stay there until six o'clock. Ich habe in einem kleinen Hotel in der Nähe des Sees gewohnt. I stayed at a small hotel near the lake. I lived in a small hotel near the lake. איך בין נישט פארשעמט, און דו זאלסט נישט זיין אזוי אויכעט. I'm not ashamed and neither should you be. I'm not ashamed, and you won't be so attached. Tom harr en poor Fragen. Tom had some questions. Tom Harr and some questions. Ik ben een slot zonder een sleutel. I'm a lock without a key. I'm a lock without a key. Kin k joen pèn broeken? Can I use your pen? Can you play pants? Doe bist n vraauw. You're a woman. Don't be mad. Waarom leer ik IJslands? Why am I learning Icelandic? Why do I learn Icelandic? Die Wissenschaftler sammelten Daten. The scientists gathered data. The scientists collected data. Tom danst en zingt graag. Tom loves to dance and sing. Tom dances and likes to sing. Ik heb deze vraag al beantwoord. I've already answered this question. I have already answered this question. Zeigen Sie es mir bitte noch einmal! Please show it to me again. Show it to me again! Mein Freund ist klug, hübsch und auch freundlich. My boyfriend is smart, handsome, and friendly too. My friend is smart, beautiful and friendly. Dit is een fout. This is a mistake. This is a mistake. Tom und Maria sind beide schwarzhaarig. Tom and Mary both have black hair. Tom and Maria are both black hairy. Nimmst du Medikamente? Do you take meds? Are you taking medication? Tom wilde Amerika bezoeken. Tom wanted to visit America. Tom wanted to visit America. Dat is mien boksem. Those are my trousers. That's my box. Wir müssen sofort aufbrechen. We must leave right away. We need to break up right away. Ich mache mir Sorgen um die Kinder. I worry about the kids. I'm worried about the kids. Mary hat zu ihrem Geburtstag eine Menge Geschenke bekommen. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary got a lot of gifts for her birthday. Disneyland is sleeten. Disneyland is closed. Disneyland's sloat. Het coronavirus kent geen grenzen. The coronavirus knows no borders. The corona virus has no limits. דו ביסט מיינע טאכטער. You are my daughter. You are my daughter. Moet niks glo van Tom vir jou vertel nie. Don't believe anything Tom tells you. Don't believe anything about Tom telling you. Hattest du wirklich Sex? Did you really have sex? Did you really have sex? Mercurius is de planeet die het dichtst bij de zon staat. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Mercurius is the planet closest to the sun. הער גאמעז האט מיר נישט געמוחלט פאר מיין טעות. Mr Gomez didn't excuse me for my mistake. Mr. Gamens didn't excuse me for my error. Ich habe genauso viel Geld wie er. I've got as much money as he has. I have as much money as he does. Wir haben gelernt, dass Englisch eine internationale Sprache ist. We learned that English is an international language. We learned that English is an international language. Er is niet veel te zeggen. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Dieses Problem zu lösen ist schwierig. The problem is difficult to solve. It is difficult to solve this problem. Du hest en Fehler maakt. You've made a mistake. You made a mistake. ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. It's not recommended how much beep or something else could be freed. Het verkeerslicht werd rood. The traffic light changed to red. The traffic light turned red. Hoe is deze banaan? What is this banana like? How is this banana? Die pakkie weeg meer as een pond. The parcel weighs more than one pound. The package weighs more than one pound. Ich weiß nicht, wo ihr arbeitet. I don't know where you work. I don't know where you work. t Binnen aaier. They're eggs. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tom starb bei dem Versuch, Maria zu retten. Tom died trying to rescue Mary. Tom died trying to save Mary. Holzgebäude geraten leicht in Brand. Wooden buildings catch fire easily. Wooden buildings are easily burned. Meine Eltern wohnen in einem Landhaus. My parents live in a cottage. My parents live in a country house. Der Richter hat ihn zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to a year in prison. Wir hoffen, uns im Laufe der Zeit zu steigern. We hope to improve with time. We hope to increase over time. Maria leerde. Mary learned. Maria learned. Cannst þú Enȝlisc? Do you speak English? The name of the icon from the icon theme Tom glimlacht vaak. Tom often smiles. Tom smiles a lot. Er war nicht imstande mir zu helfen. He was unable to help me. He wasn't able to help me. Na, it wisna you A wis talkin tae. No, it wasn't you I was talking to. Well, it wasn't you A. Mary is Tom se vrou. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom’s wife. Mit dir zu arbeiten war ein Vergnügen. It was a pleasure working with you. Working with you was a pleasure. Nee, dat is noog. Ik bün sadd. No, it is enough. I am full. No, that's enough. Kies! Choose! Choose! Waar zijn jouw spullen? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom gerade wohnt. I don't know where Tom is staying. I don't know where Tom lives right now. Wärest du so freundlich, mir dein Buch zu leihen? Would you be so kind as to lend me your book? Would you be so kind to lend me your book? Wir haben gelernt, dass sich die Erde um die Sonne dreht. We learned that the earth goes around the sun. We learned that the earth revolves around the sun. I schote. I shat. I shot. Polizisten dürfen im Dienst nicht trinken. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. Police are not allowed to drink at the service. Het ligt onder de stoel. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Ik besloot in het buitenland te studeren. I decided to study abroad. I decided to study abroad. Ist dieser Satz wahr, grenzt Deutschland an China. If this sentence is true, then Germany borders China. If this sentence is true, Germany borders China. דער סטודענט הערט זיך צו. The student is listening. The placenent listens to. Dit is het dorp waar hij geboren is. This is the village where he was born. This is the village where he was born. Jy het wyn. You have wine. You have wine. Iemand schreeuwde. Someone screamed. Someone yelled. Waar men niet over kan spreken, moet men over zwijgen. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. What we cannot talk about should be silenced. Hoi, kom binnen. Hi, come on in. Hey, come in. Ik voel me veel beter. I feel a lot better. I feel much better. Heb je je haren gewassen? Did you wash your hair? Did you wash your hair? Gefeliciteerd! Congratulations! Congratulations! Tom lag lange wach und dachte an Maria. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about Mary. Tom was awake for a long time and thought of Maria. k Ree. I drove. k Ree. De maan draait rond de aarde. The moon moves around the earth. The moon revolves around the earth. Wohin gehst du übermorgen? Where are you going the day after tomorrow? Where are you going this morning? Er is niets aan de hand. There aren't any problems. There's nothing going on. We gaan ervandoor. We're going. We're going away. Im Allgemeinen sind Männer größer als Frauen. In general, men are taller than women. Men are generally bigger than women. Open alstublieft het raam. Please open the window. Please open the window. Wie heißt das auf Māori? What's the word for that in Māori? What does that mean on Māori? Sy het groot blou oë. She has large blue eyes. She has great blue eyes. Die auto verkeert ongetwijfeld in een afschuwelijke toestand. That car is no doubt in an awful condition. No doubt that car is in a terrible state. Bitte stellt diese Stühle weg! Please put those chairs away. Please remove these chairs! Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie interessiert sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were interested. Tom and Mary told John that they were interested. דאָס איז נישט קיין אַרבעט. דאָס איז הנאה. That isn't work. That's fun. This is not a work. It's not a job. Et hät en lange Niërsen. She has a long nose. It's called long niches. Tom hield zijn adem in. Tom held his breath. Tom was holding his breath. De Krankheid hett bats anfungen. The disease began all of a sudden. The infirmity has started. Tom is een loodgieter. Tom is a plumber. Tom's a plumber. Tom hett al Middag eten. Tom has already eaten lunch. Tom's been eating midday. ער איז איר טאַטע. He's her dad. He's your tattoo. Die Geschichte war wahr. The story was true. The story was true. Tom ist der einzige hier, der Mary nicht kennt. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom is the only one who doesn't know Mary. איך פֿאָטאָגראַפֿיר די פֿרױ I'm photographing the woman. I'm gonna try it on the first hand Heb je gewoonlijk thee voor het ontbijt? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Tom will, während er mit dir spricht, nicht gesehen werden. Tom doesn't want to be seen talking to you. Tom doesn't want to be seen while he's talking to you. Tom sagte mir, was er wollte. Tom told me what he wanted. Tom told me what he wanted. Gleich nachdem die drei Ärzte das Zimmer verlassen hatten, kam die Fee an Pinocchios Bett, berührte ihn an der Stirn und stellte fest, dass er glühendes Fieber hatte. As soon as the three doctors had left the room, the Fairy went to Pinocchio's bed and, touching him on the forehead, noticed that he was burning with fever. Right after the three doctors left the room, the fairy came to Pinocchios bed, touched him at the forehead, and found that he had glowing fever. Ik ben in Australië geboren. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Tom schloss die Tür hinter sich. Tom shut the door behind him. Tom locked the door behind him. An ’n 14. Februar fiert de Amerikaners Valentinsdag. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, the Americans mark Valentine’s Day. Du schaust aber auch nicht schlecht aus! You don't look so bad yourself. You don't look bad either! Ik hou ook van jou. I love you, too. I love you, too. Bitte singe das Lied noch einmal. Please sing this song again. Please sing the song again. Schau dir dieses Bild gut an! Have a good look at this picture. Look at this picture! Kommen Sie nicht näher! Don't come any closer. Don't come any closer! Het oude kasteel staat op de heuvel. The old castle stands on the hill. The old castle is on the hill. Ich versprech's. I promise. I promise. Ich glaube, wir wissen beide, warum ich hier bin. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Das Kind tat so, als weine es, um Mitleid zu erhaschen. The child pretended to cry so it could get some sympathy. The child was like crying to feel pity. Houd vol! Hang in there! Hang on! Essen Sie, wenn Sie Hunger haben! Eat - if you are hungry! Eat when you're hungry! Hebben jullie haar vandaag gezien? Have you seen her today? Have you seen her today? Ik weet dat je rijkt wilt zijn. I know you want to be rich. I know you want to be rich. Klaar? Done? Ready? Geef mie vief dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. Ich mag Sport nicht. I don't care for sports. I don't like sports. Hoekom sê jy nie net vir ons wat op joy gedagtes is nie? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don’t you just tell us what’s on joy thoughts? Sie haben Tom damit glücklich gemacht. What you did made Tom happy. You made Tom happy with that. איר קענט זינגען. You know how to sing. you are not singing. Ich bin es, der für den Unfall verantwortlich ist. It is I that am responsible for the accident. It's me who's responsible for the accident. Jouw land is geweldig! Your country is amazing! Your country is great! Kan je met stokjes eten? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Can you eat with sticks? Vir wie werk jy? Who are you working for? Who do you work for? Maria hätte fast angefangen zu weinen. Mary almost began to cry. Mary would almost have started crying. De vogels vliegen hoog in de lucht. The birds are flying high in the sky. The birds fly high into the air. Wie zou de vissenkom gebroken kunnen hebben? Who could've broken the fishbowl? Who could have broken the fish basin? Maria ist Ärztin. Mary is a doctor. Maria's a doctor. Ein Pferd läuft schnell. A horse runs quickly. A horse's running fast. Ik bel je op wanneer ik bij het station aankom. I'll call you when I get to the station. I'll call you when I get to the station. Ik verwacht nix von di. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Maria weinte, als sie die Geschichte hörte. Mary cried when she heard the story. Mary cried when she heard the story. Warum wartest du nicht, bis Tom hier ist? Why don't you wait until Tom gets here? Why don't you wait until Tom's here? Ons sal nooit vergeet wat ons gesien het nie. We'll never forget what we saw. We will never forget what we have seen. Waarom logen jullie? Why did you lie? Why are you lying? Wat heb je gedaan? What did you do? What have you done? זי איז נישט אַזוי שיין װי איר מאַמע. She's not as beautiful as her mother. She's not so beautiful as her mom. Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? What're your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? Sicher mag ich Kartenspiele. Certainly, I like playing cards. I'm sure I like card games. Ek hoop die besigheidsreis na Frankryk was suksesvol. I hope your business trip to France was successful. I hope the business trip to France was successful. Tom kam auf einem Schiff zur Welt. Tom was born on a ship. Tom came to the world on a ship. Was ist Tom passiert? What happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Hoe ontleed je deze zin? How do you parse this sentence? How do you analyze this sentence? Hy kon nie kom nie, omdat hy siek was. He couldn't come because he was sick. He could not come because he was sick. Wir gehen um acht Uhr weg. We'll leave at eight o'clock. We're leaving at 8:00. Du darfst hier nicht parken. You mustn't park here. You can't park here. Was ihm fehlt, ist Mut. What he lacks is courage. What he lacks is courage. דאס איז א פרוכט. It's a fruit. This is a powerful. Tony was gelukkig. Tony was happy. Tony was happy. Tom bat Maria um Hilfe. Tom asked Mary for help. Tom asked Maria for help. Dit is uw land. This is your country. This is your country. MI6 is een Britse inlichtingsdienst. MI6 is a British secret service. MI6 is a British intelligence service. Dit huis is gebouwd in 1870. This house was built in 1870. This house was built in 1870. Ek het slegs 'n nuwe paar skoene gekoop. I just bought a new pair of shoes. I bought only a new pair of shoes. Tom stieg in den Zug ein. Tom got on the train. Tom got into the train. Mary heeft een telegram ontvangen van Tom. Mary received a telegraph from Tom. Mary received a telegram from Tom. Hebzucht is een van de zeven hoofdzonden. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Greed is one of the seven main sins. Je zal sterven. You will die. You'll die. In de Stadt gifft dat en oold Kino. There's an old movie theater in town. There is an old cinema in the city. Dainj! Thanks! Dainj! Wat sinn déng Conclusiounen? What are your conclusions? What are my conclusions? Tom heeft nu kinderen. Tom has kids now. Tom's got kids now. Ich habe keine Idee, warum das so ist. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why this is so. Het was me een genoegen met jou te kunnen praten. It's been a pleasure chatting with you. It was a pleasure to talk to you. Tom würde das tun. Tom would do that. Tom would. Jy sou nie my glo nie. You wouldn't believe me. You wouldn't believe me. Vertel me waarom ze huilt. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Ik ben twee keer in Kioto geweest. I've been to Kyoto twice. I've been to Kyoto twice. Sami se ouers het Layla absoluut gehaat. Sami's parents absolutely hated Layla. Sami’s parents hated Layla absolutely. De appels van onze eigen boom smaken veel beter dan de bespoten appels uit de supermarkt. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples of our own tree taste much better than the mocking apples from the supermarket. Wo Leben ist, da ist Hoffnung. Where there is life, there is hope. Where life is, there is hope. איך וויל זיך לערנען העברעיִש. I want to learn Hebrew. I wish to learn the above. Ich bin heute Morgen früh aufgewacht. I woke up early this morning. I woke up early this morning. ברעט סטיווענס איז אַ וואַנץ. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. Bret places is a match. Die waren zusammen Schlittschuh laufen. They went ice-skating together. They were running squirts together. Tom kann Vegetarier nicht ausstehen. Tom can't abide veggies. Tom can't stand vegetarians. Er macht nichts, außer den ganzen Tag Bücher zu lesen. He does nothing but read books all day long. He doesn't do anything but read books all day. Ich setzte mich neben ihn. I sat by his side. I sat next to him. Nicht nur Tom dankte mir. Tom isn't the only one who thanked me. Not only Tom thanked me. Zu meinem Erstaunen wurde der Anthropologe des Mordes angeklagt. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. To my amazement, the anthropologist of the murder was accused. Nix is as dat lett. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing looks like that. Er ist schon viel weiter als die anderen Schüler. He is far in advance of the other students. He's a lot more than the other students. Tom is intelligent. Tom is intelligent. Tom's intelligent. Ich hätte es ohne Euch nicht gekonnt. Danke. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't have known it without you. Hij zei dat hij hier morgen terug zou komen. He said that he would come back here tomorrow. He said he'd come back here tomorrow. Ich hatte mehrere Gelegenheiten, Englisch zu sprechen. I have had several occasions for speaking English. I had several opportunities to speak English. סאַמי האָט גערעדט אַראַביש. Sami spoke Arabic. Sami spoke Arabic. Es ist eine totale Katastrophe. It's a complete disaster! It's a total disaster. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk het die Turkse Republiek in 1922 verklaar. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declared the Turkish Republic in 1922. Maria keek in haar magische spiegel. Mary looked into her magic mirror. Maria looked into her magic mirror. טאָם האָט געשפּיגן. Tom spit. Tom has simplifyed. Hy kan 'n bietjie Engels praat. He can speak a little English. He can speak some English. Beholl dat Wesselgeld. Keep the change. It's okay with the changeover money. Dizze bloume is ros. This flower is pink. This blue is pink. Ik woon in Moskou. I live in Moscow. I live in Moscow. Lasst uns improvisieren. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Ze neuriede een liedje. She hummed a song. She made a song. Tom kiekt kiekkaast. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching checkout. Ik gebruik Twitter. I am using Twitter. I'm using Twitter. Du hättest nicht so zeitig kommen brauchen. You did not need to come so early. You didn't need to come that early. Ik huil de laatste tijd veel. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. Ich möchte immer lostanzen, wenn ich dieses Lied höre. I feel like dancing whenever I hear this song. I always want to loathe when I hear this song. Er hat das Augenlicht verloren. He lost his eyesight. He lost his eyesight. Mijn naam is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. Die Reise nach China war anstrengend, deshalb bin ich ziemlich müde. The journey to China was strenuous, so I'm rather tired. The trip to China was strenuous, so I'm pretty tired. Mijn leven is leeg zonder hem. My life is hollow without him. My life is empty without him. Geht weiter! Es gibt hier nichts zu sehen. Move along. There's nothing to see here. Go on, there's nothing to see here. Mijn ogen zijn een oceaan waarin mijn dromen weerspiegelen. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected. My eyes are an ocean that reflects my dreams. Er wurde an der Schulter verletzt. He was wounded in the shoulder. He was injured at the shoulder. Het is geen paard. It's not a horse. It's not a horse. Esst euer Gemüse! Eat your vegetables. Eat your vegetables! Hoe oud ben jij eigenlijk? How old are you anyway? How old are you? Bring Wein. Bring wine. Bring the wine. Sie wurde schwanger. She became pregnant. She got pregnant. Einhundert, zweihundert, dreihundert, vierhundert, fünfhundert, sechshundert, siebenhundert, achthundert, neunhundert, eintausend. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. די פּאַלעסטינערס פֿילן זיך גאָר אָנמעכטיק. Palestinians feel totally powerless. The puzzles play a gravitational role. Hier zijn je vrienden. Here are your friends. Here are your friends. De zieke was een en al botten waarover huid gespannen was. The sick person was only skin and bones. The sick person was one and all bones on which skin was strained. Die Phantasie allein ist die Grenze. The only limit is your imagination. The imagination alone is the border. De bloempot is stuk. The flower pot is broken. The flower pot is broken. Ik had het koud. I was cold. I was cold. Ich bin achtzehn Jahre. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen years old. Was ist der Schmelzpunkt von Wasser? What is the melting point of water? What is the melting point of water? Geef me deze hoed. Give me this hat. Give me this hat. Tom had een traumatische ervaring. Tom had a traumatic experience. Tom had a traumatic experience. Ik neem Tom niet terug. I won't take Tom back. I'm not taking Tom back. Open je mond niet! Don't open your mouth! Don't open your mouth! Sie war so verängstigt, dass sie nicht sprechen konnte. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She was so scared she couldn't speak. Wo soll ich’s hintun? Where do you want it? Where am I supposed to do it? Ze liet hem toe alleen te gaan. She allowed him to go alone. She let him go alone. Das Ergebnis war vorhersehbar. That result was predictable. The result was predictable. Se hett em allens lehrt, wat se wüss. She taught him everything she knew. She taught him all, what she knew. Mag ik nu gaan? Can I go now? Can I go now? Er sagte, es tue ihm leid. He said he was sorry. He said he was sorry. Portugal heeft het persoonlijk bezit van drugs gedecriminaliseerd. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Bill, falls du kënns mat mir, du schwiefs och. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. If you can join me, even if you'll see it on your own. Water bestaat uit waterstof en zuurstof. Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Das war alles, was er sich erhofft hatte. It was everything he hoped for. That was all he had hoped for. פארוואס האסטו עס נישט גענוצט? Why didn't you use it? Why doesn't it be used? He raseert sik elk Dag. He shaves himself every day. He races every day. Het is allemaal door jou. It is all because of you. It's all yours. Moeten we de Australische vlag veranderen? Should we change the Australian flag? Should we change the Australian flag? Mexico-Stad is de hoofdstad van Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Atooms sünd överall in. Atoms are in everything. Atoms are everywhere. Ze hield van poëzie en muziek. She was fond of poetry and music. She loved poetry and music. Haar vader is vorige week overleden. Her father passed away last week. Her father died last week. Blief hier! Stay here! Please, wait here! Es ist kochend heiß hier drinnen. It's boiling in here. It's hot in here. Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich mich zu Ihnen geselle? Do you mind if I join you? Does it matter to you if I call you? Er waren veel mensen die kwamen vragen naar de bekende actrice. There were a lot of people who came to ask after the famous actress. There were a lot of people who came to ask about the well-known actress. Nee, het zijn de tomaten. No, it's the tomatoes. No, it's the tomatoes. Ik heb geen geld. I do not have any money. I don't have any money. Mien poei holt van genoat. My cat loves shrimp. My poy's getting from the note. Tom braucht ein Rezept. Tom needs a prescription. Tom needs a recipe. Deutschland ist die größte und erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsmacht Europas. Germany is Europe's largest and most prosperous economy. Germany is Europe's largest and most successful economic power. Tom hat nicht mal hallo gesagt. Tom didn't even say hi. Tom didn't even say hello. Tom kam gerade erst nach Hause. Tom came home just now. Tom just came home. Hoi zäme! Hello everyone! Hi, come on! Anderen bedriegen is slecht, maar jezelf bedriegen is nog veel slechter. It's wrong to deceive people, but worse to deceive yourself. Deceiving others is bad, but deceiving yourself is much worse. Ik will nix mehr von dien Gejabbel hören. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining. I don't want to hear anything more from your Gejabbel. De hond die op het gras ligt is van mij. The dog lying on the grass is mine. The dog lying on the grass is mine. Hy is jonk. He is young. He is young. Een kat heeft negen levens. A cat has nine lives. A cat has nine lives. Se versöcht an ’n Ball to blieven, wat op de Welt so vör sik geiht. She tries to keep up with what is going on in the world. She tries to stay in a ball, which goes so far in the world. Tom wil naar Japan gaan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Jullie kunnen volgens mij maar beter even rusten. I think you had better take a rest. I think you'd better get some rest. Lopen! Walk! Run! Hou ermee op. Cut it out. Stop it. Morgen spiele ich Fußball. I'll play football tomorrow. I'll play football tomorrow. Vergleichen Sie den Schreibstil dieser drei Briefe. Compare the style of those three letters. Compare the style of writing these three letters. Hij was zwaar gewond. He was badly wounded. He was badly injured. Er ist zu alt für mich. He's too old for me. He's too old for me. Ich wünschte, ich hätte in meiner Jugend härter gelernt. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I had learned harder in my youth. Ze hoorde hem zingen. She heard him sing. She heard him sing. Der binne gjin domme fragen. There are no stupid questions. There is no such thing as a question. 't Is weer haafst. It's autumn again. It's hastened again. Ik nehm dat Book. I'm taking the book. I'll take that book. Met mij gaat het ook goed. I'm fine too. I'm fine, too. Tom had waarschijnlijk gelijk. Tom was probably right. Tom probably was right. Ik heff en Fischerboot üm un bi een Miel von de Küst af sehn. I saw a fishing boat about a mile off the shore. I saw a fisherman boat staring at a mile from the coast. פֿאַראַן אַ הײַזקע אונטער דער בריק. There is a hut below the bridge. For example, a hint under the bridge. Haar vader is Japanner. Her father is Japanese. Her father is Japanese. Ik weet dat Tom spaghetti aan het maken is. I know Tom is making spaghetti. I know Tom spaghetti is making. Breng mijn hoed. Bring my hat. Bring my hat. Vraag Tom om het uit te leggen. Ask Tom to explain it. Ask Tom to explain. Dat is al Klock teihn avends. It's already ten o'clock at night. It's already clocked. Verwacht niet dat anderen voor jou denken. Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you. Ich schwimme ein Mal pro Woche. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Doe dronkst. You drank. Do drunk. Doe bist mien faveriet. You're my favorite. Do my faveriet. Bist du heute in die Schule gegangen? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Kaum hatte es aufgehört zu regnen, da erschien ein schöner Regenbogen. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. Hardly had it stopped raining, there appeared a beautiful rainbow. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organization. Klären wir dieses Problem! Let's clear up this problem. Let us understand this problem! Se deed blangen em sitten un harr de Ogen slaten. She sat next him with her eyes closed. She was sitting next to him and shutting her eyes. שלום־עליכם! Hello! Hello, World! He seet blangen mi. He sat next to me. He's sitting down at me. Das ist eine sehr komplexe Angelegenheit. This is a very complex issue. This is a very complex matter. פֿאַרוואָס האָט ער נישט געזען טאָם? Why didn't he see Tom? What didn't he see Tom? Ik heb drie jaar in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Nüt z'dangge. You're welcome. Well, don't worry about it. Eine Gruppe europäischer Astronomen hat ein 1000 Lichtjahre von der Erde entferntes Schwarzes Loch entdeckt – das unserem Sonnensystem nächste, das bisher gefunden wurde. A team of European astronomers has discovered a black hole 1,000 light years from Earth, the closest yet found to our solar system. A group of European astronomers have discovered a 1000 light years from Earth, which is next to our solar system, which has been found so far. Ek het 'n droeë vel. I have dry skin. I have a sad skin. Tom war mit der Bezahlung, die er erhielt, nicht zufrieden. Tom wasn't satisfied with the pay he was getting. Tom was not satisfied with the payment he received. De hond die het kind had gebeten werd kort nadien gevangen. The dog that bit the child was caught soon after. The dog that asked the child was caught shortly afterwards. De muren waren wit geschilderd. The walls were painted white. The walls were painted white. Zij kunnen vissen. They can fish. They can fish. Zijn dit jouw potloden? Are these pencils yours? Are these your pencils? k Hoat t Fraans. I hate French. k Hoat t Fraans. Seit ich ihn kennengelernt habe, ist mein Leben nicht mehr das gleiche. My life hasn't been the same since I met him. Since I met him, my life is no longer the same. Tom hilft mir gewöhnlich bei den Hausaufgaben. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Tom usually helps me do homework. Haar verhaal bring herinneringe van my ouers terug. Her story brings back memories of my parents. Her story brings back memories of my parents. Wegen des dichten Nebels war die Straße kaum zu erkennen. Due to the thick fog, the road was difficult to see. Because of the dense fog, the road was hardly visible. Gold is sworer as Iesen. Gold is heavier than iron. Gold is harder than ice. Ik wacht op uw beslissing. I await your decision. I'm waiting for your decision. Froog Ria, of se noog Geld hett, üm sik dat to köpen, wat se brukt. Ask Mary if she has enough money to buy what she needs. Froog Ria, or she has enough money to buy it which she uses. Voëls is mooi. Birds are beautiful. Birds are beautiful. איך בין שפּאַניש. I am Spanish. I'm ridiculous. Tom fuhr mit dem Lesen fort. Tom resumed reading. Tom continued reading. Ich schätze, du kannst das aus dem Zitat entnehmen, aber dieses Buch ist in einem umgangssprachlichen Stil geschrieben. I expect you can tell from the quoted text, but this is a book written in a colloquial style. I guess you can pick this out of the quote, but this book is written in a language language style. Jiddisj wor mit t Hebreeuwse alfabet schreven. Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. Jiddish was written with Hebrew alphabet. Ik ben uw familienaam vergeten. I've forgotten your last name. I forgot your family name. Dir schwammt. You're swimming. You're swimming. Woneem kann ik telefoneren? Where can one make a phone call? Where can I make a phone call? דײַטשלאַנד איז אַ גרויס לאַנד. Germany is a big country. Germany is a large country. Das ist gar keine so schlechte Idee. That's not such a terrible idea. That's not such a bad idea. Wie lange, glaubst du, dauert es, nach Boston zu kommen? How long do you think it'll take to get to Boston? How long do you think it takes to get to Boston? Niemand weet dat wij nichten zijn. Nobody knows that we're cousins. Nobody knows we're cousins. Wat scheelt er met jullie? What's wrong with you, guys? What's wrong with you guys? Sie verstehen mich doch, oder? You do understand me, don't you? You understand me, don't you? Nehmt euch vom Kuchen! Help yourself to a piece of cake. Take the cake! Die kos het nie so sleg geproe nie. The food didn't taste that bad. The food did not taste so badly. Ik reisde door heel Nederland. I traveled all through the Netherlands. I traveled all over the Netherlands. Geef me nog een spijker. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Magdalena und Ania sind beide aus Polen. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Magdalena and Ania are both from Poland. Nach seinem erfolgreichen Flug ins All wurde Juri Gagarin mit einer sechsstündigen Parade auf dem Roten Platz und einer darauffolgenden Zeremonie am Leninmausoleum, bei welcher er von Generalsekretär Nikita Chruschtschow begrüßt wurde, offiziell von der Sowjetunion gedankt. After his successful space flight, the Soviet Union paid its official thanks to Yuri Gagarin. There was a six-hour parade through Red Square, followed by a ceremony at the Lenin Mausoleum where Gagarin was greeted by General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. After his successful flight to space, Juri Gagarin was officially thanked by the Soviet Union with a six-hour parade on Red Square and a subsequent ceremony at Leninmausoleum, in which he was welcomed by Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev. Tom vroeg waarom. Tom asked why. Tom asked why. Dat paard is wit. That horse is white. That horse's white. Ik heet Ricardo, en u? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, and you? Iedereen is gelukkig. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Warum rennst du? Why are you running? Why are you running? Tom had iets nodig. Tom needed something. Tom needed something. Simina geeft veel geld uit aan sigaretten. Simina spends a lot of money on cigarettes. Simina spends a lot of money on cigarettes. Ich werde nie vergessen, wie ich dich zum ersten Mal gesehen habe. I'll always remember the first time I saw you. I'll never forget how I saw you for the first time. Da ihre Unterhaltung auf Französisch war, konnte ich kein Wort verstehen. Since their conversation was in French, I couldn't understand a word. Since her conversation was in French, I could not understand a word. איך האָב‎ געגעסן אַ קאַץ. I have eaten a cat. I don't know what to do. I just forgot a cat. Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He worked all day. Uf Widerluegä! Goodbye! Uf Viderluegä! Wat för en Deert is groot? Which animal is big? What kind of diet is big? Wir diskutierten stundenlang, was wir schreiben sollten. We disputed for hours about what to write. We discussed for hours what we should write. Lass ihn in Ruhe. Get off his back. Leave him alone. Mein Vater ist mit 65 Jahren in Rente gegangen. My father retired at the age of 65. My father retired at age 65. Wacht op mij. Wait for me! Wait for me. Jim houdt van de dokter. Jim likes the doctor. Jim loves the doctor. Waarom vroeg ze deze vraag? Why did she ask this question? Why did she ask this question? Zwitserland is het land ten oosten van Frankrijk. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. Switzerland is the country east of France. Zij hebben twee casette-spelers. They have two cassette decks. They have two tape players. Du büst en beten besett. You are a bit fat. You are busy. De vraag is of hij de brief zal lezen of niet. The question is whether he'll read the letter or not. The question is whether he will read the letter or not. Waarom gebruiken zij dit woordenboek? Why do they use this dictionary? Why are they using this dictionary? Mein Großvater väterlicherseits wird morgen seinen achtundachtzigsten Geburtstag feiern. My grandfather on my father's side is celebrating his 88th birthday tomorrow. My grandfather, on the other hand, will celebrate his eighty-eightth birthday tomorrow. Ik verloor mijn evenwicht. I was losing balance. I lost my balance. Tom weiß nicht, was ich mache. Tom doesn't know what I do. Tom doesn't know what I'm doing. Werde nicht erwachsen! Das ist eine Falle! Don't grow up. It's a trap! Don't grow up, that's a trap! Das Risiko bin ich bereit einzugehen. I'm willing to take that risk. I'm willing to take the risk. Diese Pflanze ist essbar. This plant is edible. This plant is edible. Dat zou ons wat geld moeten besparen. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Es schien der beste Weg nach vorne zu sein. It appeared best to remain in front. It seemed to be the best way forward. Is dyn mem thús? Is your mum at home? Is your home folder? Goud doan! Well done! Gold Doan! לאז עס אין מיין הענט. Leave the matter to me. That is what I have in my hands. Tom heeft een tijger gedood. Tom killed a tiger. Tom killed a tiger. Ich fragte mich, warum die Leute mich anstarrten. I wondered why people were staring at me. I was wondering why people were staring at me. יעדער איז מסכּים. Everyone agrees. each is named after the seas. Möchtest du das so zurücklassen? Do you want to leave it like that? Do you want to leave it that way? Ek praat geen Japannees nie. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Vertraust du ihr noch? Do you still trust her? Do you still trust her? Er opferte sich selbst und verriet die Organisation. He sacrificed his life and betrayed the organization. He sacrificed himself and betrayed the organization. Die plan praat baie oor aktiewe burgerskap. Maar dit moet aktiewe en betrokke burgerskap wees. The plan talks a lot about active citizenship. But it must be active and engaged citizenship. The plan talks a lot about active citizenship, but it must be active and involved citizenship. Maria blafte. Mary barked. Maria barked. Nur für Erwachsene. Adults only. Only for adults. Tom sou dit nooit gedoen het nie. Tom never would've done that. Tom would never have done that. Op mij hoef je niet te rekenen. You needn't count on me. You don't have to count on me. Een waterval van zweet stroomde naar beneden over mijn gezicht. A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. A waterfall of sweat streamed down my face. Eines Tages werden Sie die Wahrheit kennen. You will know the truth some day. One day you'll know the truth. Ik kom út Oerisel. I'm from Overijssel. I'm from OK. די פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן זײַנען קיין מאָל נישט געווען קיין דעמאָקראַטישע געזעלשאַפֿט. The United States has never been a democratic society. The United States states have never been any democratic society. Die Zwiebeln keimen schon. The onions have already sprouted. The onions already germinate. Heb je Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Wir haben Tom gefunden. We found Tom. We found Tom. Drink kovvie. Drink coffee. Drink kovvie. Voor zover ik weet is het waar wat hij zei. As far as I know, what he has said is true. As far as I know, it's true what he said. Nun bin ich von meinem Vater unabhängig. I am now independent of my father. Now I'm independent of my father. Tom hat Arbeit. Tom has a job. Tom's got a job. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I have no clue. I don't have a fucking bang. Worüm kummt he nich trügg? Why doesn't he come back? Why is it that does not exist? טאם איז געקומען צו מיין קאבינעט אינדערפרי. Tom came to my office this morning. Tham came to my cabinet intel. Ik denk dat Tom niet de juiste persoon is voor dit werk. I think Tom isn't the right man for the job. I think Tom's not the right person for this job. Ik weet niet of het waar is. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. Hij is de vader van drie kinderen. He is the father of three children. He's the father of three children. Sie ging mir echt auf die Nerven. She really got on my nerves. She really got me on the nerves. Hát biþ monegum egeslíc æled. The dreadful fire shall be hot to many. No monegum egeslííled. Er hat seine Erbschaft sinnlos mit Schnaps und leichten Mädchen durchgebracht. He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women. He has spent his inheritance pointlessly with schnapps and light girls. Du musst genug Schlaf bekommen. You have to get enough sleep. You have to get enough sleep. Diese Medizin hat keine Nebenwirkungen. This medicine does not have side effects. This medicine has no side effects. Deze hond sprong. This dog jumped. This dog jumped. „Und die Krähe?“ fragte Gerda. – „Ach, die Krähe, die ist tot“, antwortete sie. "And the crow?" asked Gerda. "Oh, the crow is dead," she replied. "And the cranes?" said Gerda. "Oh, the cranes that are dead," she replied. Wann werdet ihr damit befasst sein? When will you be doing that? When will you be dealing with it? Bedankt, maat! Thanks, buddy! Thank you, buddy! Tom staarde naar zijn bord. Tom stared at his plate. Tom stared at his plate. Ik deed de deuren open. I opened the doors. I opened the doors. Keih geevt uns Melk. Cows give us milk. Keih gave us milk. Tony zei: "Ik hou ervan." Tony said, "I like it." Tony said, "I like it." Ich war der einzige Mann dort. I was the only man there. I was the only man there. Jy is mooi. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Bepaalde diersoorten zijn snel aan het verdwijnen. Certain animals are fast disappearing. Certain species of animals are rapidly disappearing. Wi köönt ehr villicht helpen. We might be able to help her. We may be able to help them. Hij begroette de dame. He greeted the lady. He greeted the lady. Wij leren Spaans. We are learning Spanish. We're learning Spanish. Endlich wurde uns die Wahrheit offenbart. At last, the truth was revealed to us. The truth was finally revealed to us. Het ontbijt is om half tien. Breakfast is at half past nine. Breakfast is at half past ten. Waarom heb je bloemen gekocht? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Hoeveel musea hebben jullie bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Wie hebben hom! We have him! Who got him! Ik kan niet helemaal volgen. I don't quite follow you. I can't follow completely. Ein Mathematiker würde so etwas nicht sagen. A mathematician wouldn't say such a thing. A mathematician wouldn't say anything like that. Ikarus wollte hoch emporfliegen und kam dabei der Sonne zu nah: die wächsernen Flügel schmolzen, und Ikarus fiel, seinem Tod entgegen, ins Meer. Icarus tried to fly too high and flew too near to the sun. The wings of wax melted and Icarus fell to his death in the ocean. Ikarus wanted to fly high and came close to the sun: the waxy wings melt, and Ikarus fell to meet his death into the sea. Tom ist nicht wohlhabend. Tom isn't wealthy. Tom's not wealthy. Das Baby wurde von seiner Großmutter versorgt. The baby was taken care of by its grandmother. The baby was cared for by his grandmother. Traditionele Japanse snoepjes gaan echt goed samen met Japanse thee. Traditional Japanese sweets really do go well with Japanese tea. Traditional Japanese sweets really go well with Japanese tea. Ik zal je alles geven behalve dit. I'll give you anything but this. I'll give you everything but this. Uw auto heeft een gebroken achterlicht. Your car has a broken taillight. Your car has a broken rear light. Hij is niet beschikbaar. He's not available. He's not available. Sie spricht fließend Französisch. She speaks French fluently. She speaks fluently French. Tom verließ das Büro, ohne auch nur auf Wiedersehen zu sagen. Tom left the office without even saying goodbye. Tom left the office without even saying goodbye. Tom kann dich auch nicht besonders gut leiden. Tom doesn't like you very much either. Tom can't suffer very well either. 't Is mien faveriete laid. It's my favorite song. It's my favely laid. ’Keen is he? Who is he? ‘ None is he? Ik ben een druk iemand. I'm a busy person. I'm a busy person. Het leven is een dodelijke seksueel overdraagbare ziekte. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Hast du Zahnseide? Do you have some dental floss? Do you have tooth silk? Ich spreche jeden Tag Französisch. I speak French every day. I speak French every day. Waarom bent u zo rijk? Why are you so rich? Why are you so rich? Mijn sokken zijn nog steeds vochtig. My socks are still damp. My socks are still moist. Hör nicht auf die! Don't listen to them. Don't listen to them! Du musst stracks anfangen. You must start immediately. You've got to start stracks. Jullie hebben allemaal goed werk verricht. All of you did good work. You've all done a good job. Warum sehen uns alle an? Why is everyone looking at us? Why are everyone looking at us? Ik ga zelden naar een restaurant. I go to a restaurant once in a blue moon. I rarely go to a restaurant. Was fer Zeit hemmer? What time is it? What time is hemmer? Hij houdt van reizen. Ik houd er ook van. He likes to travel. I do, too. He loves traveling, I love it, too. Water is swaarder as olie. Water is heavier than oil. Water is heavier than oil. Ich bin die Pflegeperson dieses Kindes, und es ist mein Pflegling. I am the caretaker of this child, and they are my care-receiver. I'm the nurse of this child, and it's my spat. Tom und Maria haben sich mehr als einmal geküsst. Tom and Mary have kissed each other more than once. Tom and Maria kissed more than once. Hy lees elke oggend die koerant. He reads the newspaper every morning. He reads the newspaper every morning. Wie war dein Aufenthalt? How was your stay? How was your stay? Tom mag keine leicht reizbaren Menschen. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. Tom doesn't like easily irritable people. Ich mag unsere Traditionen nicht. I don't like our traditions. I don't like our traditions. Lasst uns zusammen nach Boston fliegen! Let's go to Boston together. Let's fly together to Boston! Er fährt nur bis zur Main Street, aber ab da kannst du mit der Einunddreißig fahren. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. He's only going to Main Street, but from there you can drive with the thirty-one. D'kurdescht Alphabet besteet aus eenandrësseg Buschtawen: a, b, c, ç, d, e, ê, f, g, h, i, î, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, ş, t, u, û, v, w, x, y, z. The Kurdish alphabet consists of thirty-one letters: a, b, c, ç, d, e, ê, f, g, h, i, î, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, ş, t, u, û, v, w, x, y, z. The Kurdish alphabet consisted of one-andresseg Buschtawen: a, b, c, ç, d, e, e, f, g, h, i, î, j, k, l, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, ş, t, u, û, v, w, x, y, z. Bedankt voor de hulp. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the help. Hij verdient de kost met het geven van Engelse les. He earns his living by teaching English. He deserves the cost of giving English lessons. Darum bin ich hier. That's what I'm here about. That's why I'm here. Het spel werd spannend. The game became exciting. The game became exciting. Tom singt gerne. Tom likes singing. Tom likes singing. Ons moet uitvind wat dit is. We need to find out what it is. We need to find out what it is. Ek soek alles wat jy sopas gesê het in die kontrak. I want everything you just said written into the contract. I'm looking for everything you just said in the contract. Watse een is meer korrek? Which is more correct? What one is more correct? Wat een afschuwelijk weer! What awful weather! What a terrible weather! Wéini ass si gestuerwen? When did she die? (Let's go) Ze komen graag samen om iets te drinken. They like to get together and drink. They like to come together to have a drink. Rasierst du dich jeden Morgen? Do you shave every morning? Are you shaved every morning? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie Elke herrisch fänden. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was bossy. Tom and Mary told John that they could find every one of them. Wat heeft Tom meegebracht? What did Tom bring with him? What did Tom bring? De financiële situatie wordt met de week slechter. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. The financial situation is getting worse by the week. טאָם איז געווען זייער אַלט. Tom was very old. Tom was very old. Es war einfach für uns, Jane zu finden. It was easy for us to find Jane. It was easy for us to find Jane. Wenn du das machst, schmeiße ich dich raus. You do that and I'll fire you. If you do, I'll throw you out. Ich habe meinen Lehrer letztens auf der Straße getroffen. I met my teacher on the street the other day. Last time I met my teacher on the street. Ik had twee weken geleden een check-up. I had a checkup the week before last. I had a check-up two weeks ago. De piloot is 30 jaar oud. The pilot is 30 years old. The pilot is 30 years old. Bedankt, dat was het. Thanks, that's all. Thank you. That's it. Ek sal dit sommer vir die pret doen. I'll do it just for the fun of it. I'll do it for fun. דער עולם איז נישט קיין גולם. People aren't stupid. The solution was not a soul. Tom gewinnt. Tom is winning. Tom wins. Ik doe het in de la. I put it in the drawer. I'll do it in the la. Dit is een boek over Engeland. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. Gehst du mit? Are you coming along? Are you going with me? Ik heb een fles whisky. I have a bottle of whiskey. I got a bottle of whiskey. Ich habe mir ein Sandwich gemacht. I made myself a sandwich. I made a sandwich. Zou je graag beroemd willen zijn? Would you like to be famous? Would you like to be famous? Es gibt nur einen angeborenen Irrtum, und es ist der, dass wir da sind, um glücklich zu sein. There is only one inborn error, and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy. There's only one innate mistake, and it's the one that we're there to be happy. k Wil nait laanker dien vraauw wezen. I no longer wish to be your wife. K Wants nait laanker to be gluttonous. U mag gaan. You can go. You may go. Mien Unkel is doof. My uncle is deaf. My uncle is deaf. Die anderen hatten weniger Glück. The others weren't so lucky. The others had less luck. Hij houdt van brood en boter. He likes bread and butter. He likes bread and butter. Sie hat Gefallen am Yoga und am Hula-Hoop. She likes yoga and hula hooping. She liked yoga and hula hoop. U bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Mijn broer heeft autisme. My brother has autism. My brother has autism. Ich habe ein Haus gekauft. I bought a house. I bought a house. Kent er iemand Japans? Does anyone know the Japanese language? Does anyone know Japanese? Ik zal Tom vertellen dat je klaar bent. I'll tell Tom you're ready. I'll tell Tom you're ready. Hij gaf me een potlood. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. We zijn realistisch. We're realistic. We're realistic. Haben Sie eine Wohnung gemietet? Did you rent an apartment? Did you rent an apartment? Zet de radio zachter. Turn the radio down. Turn the radio softer. Ich habe es ein paarmal gemacht. I did it a few times. I've done it a few times. Hier habe ich viele Fische gefangen. Das ist ein hervorragender Angelplatz. I've caught a lot of fish here. It's a great fishing spot. I caught a lot of fish here, this is an excellent fishing spot. Ik gah jümmer to Foot na School. I always go to school on foot. I'm going to Foot to school. Tom draagt altijd een reddingsvest. Tom always wears a life vest. Tom always wears a life jacket. Dit is mien schoul. This is my school. This is my dick. Ben je bang om gewond te raken? Are you afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid to get hurt? Dies ist überraschend. This is surprising. This is surprising. Nehmen Sie diese Medizin und Sie werden sich viel besser fühlen! Take this medicine, and you'll feel a lot better. Take this medicine and you will feel much better! Hij zal een goede echtgenoot zijn. He'll become a good husband. He'll be a good husband. Bus is vol. The bus is full. Bus's full. De hoofdstad van Algerije is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. De klok op het raadhuis van Lviv is voor het eerst aangebracht in 1404. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. The clock on the Lviv councilhouse was first applied in 1404. Sie heiratete einen Seemann. She married a sailor. She married a sailor. Na Dag kummt jümmer Nacht. Night always follows day. Day will start at night. Er zijn veel nieuwe straten in Parijs. There are a lot of new streets in Paris. There are many new streets in Paris. Ik verfde het hek groen. I painted the fence green. I painted the gate green. Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. Your ad could be here. Here's where your advertising might stand. Noard-Koreä en Súd-Koreä syn buorlannen. North Korea and South Korea are neighbors. North-Korea and South-Korea's counties. Hernán Cortés vernietigde de Azteekse cultuur. Hernan Cortes destroyed aztec culture. Hernán Cortés destroyed Aztec culture. Ich glaube, du kannst uns helfen. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Wer ist der Herr, mit dem er spricht? Who is that gentleman to whom he is speaking? Who is the Lord he speaks to? Se is mit em gahn. She went with him. You are going with him. Goa! Go! Goa! Hai eet. He is eating. Hai eats. Brazilië is een groot land. Brazil is a big country. Brazil is a large country. הנשיא ווילסון זועזע. President Wilson was shocked. Henry Wilson Socieze. Jeder versucht sein Bestes. Everyone is trying his best. Everyone's trying his best. Nichts ist verspielter als eine junge Katze oder gravitätischer als eine alte. Nothing's more playful than a young cat, nor more grave than an old one. Nothing is more playful than a young cat or more serious than an old one. Ich weiß, dass Marko krank gewesen ist. I know that Marco has been sick. I know Marko's been sick. Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Het water was koud. The water was cold. The water was cold. Er kann lesen. He can read. He can read. Dit is Algeraai. This is Algeria. It's Algerian. Bruukst du Slötels? Do you need keys? Do you need keys? Was kosten die Apfelsinen? How much are the oranges? What's the cost of the apples? Ik woon in Boston. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. Vekaanzie is sikkom om. The vacation is close to an end. Vekanse is sichkomm um. Gott schließt nie eine Tür, ohne eine andere zu öffnen. God never closes a door without opening another. God never closes a door without opening another. Bei ihr ist Matthäi am Letzten. She's done for. With her, Matthaei is the last. Ich sehe dieses Tier zum ersten Mal. This is the first time I've seen this animal. I see this animal for the first time. Die Burj Khalifa is tans die hoogste wolkekrabber in die wêreld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is now the tallest skyscraper in the world. Du bist nicht glücklich, oder? You're not happy, are you? You're not happy, are you? Wer ist dein Chinesischlehrer? Who is your Chinese teacher? Who's your Chinese teacher? Ich weiß nicht mehr, wann ich Tom zum ersten Mal gesehen habe. I can't remember when I first met Tom. I don't remember when I saw Tom for the first time. „ווער האָט געשריבן די לידער?‟ - „איך האָב זיי געשריבן.‟ "Who wrote the poems?" "I wrote them." “Who wrote the rulers? Er wirkt wie ein seriöser Geschäftsmann, aber tatsächlich gehört er zur Mafia. He seems like a respectable businessman, but he's really part of the Mafia. He acts like a serious businessman, but in fact he belongs to the mafia. Veel geluk. Good luck. Good luck. Das Geräusch fliegender Korken ist das freudigste von allen. Corks popping are the happiest sound of all. The sound of flying cork is the most joyful of all. Ek het niks nodig nie. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Ich habe es heute eilig. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry today. Ek sal dit nie weer doen nie. I will not do it again. I won't do it again. Ek noem Boston my tuiste. I call Boston home. I call Boston my home. Tom en Mary zijn de enige overlevenden. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Wenn Du es nicht getan hättest, hätte es irgendein anderer getan. If you hadn't done it, someone else would have. If you hadn't done it, someone else would have done it. Ass dat ze schwéier fir dech? Is that too hard for you? Let's just -- Well, that's kind of hard on you. טאם האט געזאגט מערי׳ן אז ער גלויבט נישט אין אסטראלאגיע. Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology. Tom said Meri was told that he did not believe in Astrology. Sami reciteerde de Koran. Sami was reciting the Quran. Sami recovered the Koran. Wat bent u aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you reading? Ich kenne ihn, seit er ein kleiner Junge war. I've known him ever since he was a child. I know him since he was a little boy. We waren op huwelijksreis in Australië. We honeymooned in Australia. We were on a honeymoon in Australia. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is wrong. She's wrong. Hest du nu al en Partner funnen? Have you found a partner by now? Have you found a partner yet? Aber was bekomme ich, wenn ich dir das Spielzeug zurückgebe? But what will I get if I give you back your toy? But what do I get when I give you the toy back? Ik ett lever Fisch as Fleesch. I prefer fish to meat. I'm having fish as Fleesch. Hoera! Hurray! Hurtah! He is so groot as ik. He is as tall as I. He's as big as me. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Als ich Maria sah, erkannte ich sie sofort. When I saw Mary, I recognized her at once. When I saw Mary, I immediately recognized her. Der Nachrichtenbeitrag verbreitete sich landesweit. The news report spread all over the country. The news was spread throughout the country. Niemand antwoordde. No one responded. No one answered. Tom beefde. Tom shivered. Tom trembled. Mariana geiht nu mit Susana ehr Moder na Huus. Mariana is going home now with Susana's mother. Mariana is now going to Huus with Susana's mother. Ich möchte einmal Pilot werden. I would like to be a pilot in the future. I would like to become a pilot. Hij komt uit Wales. He comes from Wales. He's from Wales. Ech hunn e puer Saachen, déi ech maachen mussen. I have a few things I have to do. I have some stuff to do. Maciek is in December gestorven. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Ein Egoist ist ein Mensch mit wenig Geschmack, der sich mehr für sich selbst als für mich interessiert. An egotist is a person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. An egoist is a person with little taste who is more interested in himself than for me. Heute wissen wir, dass George Orwell ein Optimist war. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Today we know that George Orwell was an optimist. Vergessen Sie bitte, dass ich etwas gesagt habe! Please forget I said anything. Forget that I said something! Tom ging an Bord des Flugzeugs. Tom went on board the plane. Tom boarded the plane. Tom neemt niet zo veel mee als hij op reis gaat. Tom doesn't carry much with him when he travels. Tom doesn't take as much as he travels. 1998 überstiegen Japans Exporte die Importe um 77,8 Milliarden Dollar. Japan's exports exceeded imports by $77.8 billion in 1998. In 1998, Japan's exports increased by 77.8 billion dollars. Beth Jensen erlitt mit nur acht Jahren einen Schlaganfall, und obzwar sie überlebte, war sie daraufhin fast vollständig gelähmt und konnte nicht sprechen. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke when she was just eight years old, and though she survived, she was almost completely paralyzed and unable to talk as a result. Beth Jensen suffered a stroke at just eight years of age, and although she survived, she was almost completely paralysed and could not speak. Wij zijn Nederlands. We are Dutch. We're Dutch. Het is 7 uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's 7:00. Bitte unterstütze ihn etwas mehr! Please, lend him some more aid! Please support him a little more! Joe was mien faveriet. You were my favorite. Joe was my favorite. Tom hat mich auf den Mund geküsst. Tom kissed me on the lips. Tom kissed me. Ek wil jou baas sien. I want to see your boss. I want to see your boss. Wolkom! Welcome. Welcome! Hoeveel kamers zijn er in je huis? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? Ik ga naar de kerk met de auto. I go to church by car. I'm going to church by car. Versuch, großzügig zu sein, und vergib. Try to be generous and forgive. Try to be generous and forgive. Dat Dack leekt. The roof lets in rain. That dack looked like it. Daardie boek is myne. That book's mine. That book is mine. Das Gute wird letzten Endes das Böse besiegen. Good will ultimately triumph over evil. The good will end up defeating evil. Dit is duur om in Japan te woon. It is expensive to live in Japan. Living in Japan is expensive. Ze zijn niet groen. They're not green. They're not green. Vroeger waren we dikke vrienden. We used to be close friends. We used to be fat friends. Hört ji? Are you listening? Do you hear me? Bist du schon einmal von einem Freund betrogen worden? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Have you ever been deceived by a friend? Sie ist jung und begabt. She's young and talented. She's young and talented. Sami heeft veel kamelen. Sami has many camels. Sami has a lot of camels. Mijn grootvader had een brailleboek over Esperanto en Ido. My grandfather had a braille book about Esperanto and Ido. My grandfather had a Braille book about Esperanto and Ido. Ze kwam tijdig op school aan ondanks de sneeuwstorm. She arrived at school on time in spite of the snowstorm. She arrived in school in time despite the snowstorm. Wat is jullie kamernummer? What is your room number? What's your room number? Ich glaube, Tom ist zu schüchtern, um dich anzusprechen. I think Tom is too shy to talk to you. I think Tom's too shy to talk to you. Ik kan dit lawaai niet meer verdragen. I can't bear the noise any longer. I can't stand this noise anymore. Tom und ich werden das tun. Tom and I'll do that. Tom and I will. Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom's got to be over 30 now. Ich wünscht’, ich wär’ sein Geißelein, dass in die Arme er mich schließen möge! Would that I were his little kid that he might take me in his arms! I wish ‘I would’ his little bit that he could shut me down in the arms! Bret Stephens biþ a maddok. Bret Stephens is a bedbug. If you don't know what to do with Stephens, make sure you don't know what to do with a maddoc. Tom ging, ohne sich zu verabschieden, zur Tür hinaus. Tom walked out the door without saying goodbye. Tom went out to the door without saying goodbye. Heb je nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones? Amüsiert ihr euch gut? Are you guys having any fun? Are you having a good time? De meeste wortels waren ooit paars totdat de Nederlanders een oranje ras creëerden om de Prins van Oranje te eren. Most carrots were once purple until the Dutch created an orange cultivar to honor the Prince of Orange. Most roots were once purple until the Dutch created an orange race to honor the Prince of Orange. Doe bist nait old. You are not old. Don't be old. Ech gi mam Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. I'm gonna sit in Ricardo. Vir 'n oomblik het ek vergeet wat haar naam was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. For a moment I forgot what her name was. Tom versuchte, Maria dazu zu bringen, Johannes zu helfen. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Tom tried to get Mary to help John. Ich habe zwei Tüten Popcorn gekauft. I bought two bags of popcorn. I bought two bags of popcorn. Deze doos is leeg. Er zit niets in. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty, there's nothing in it. Ich würde gerne hören, was du dazu meinst. I'd like to hear what your opinion is. I'd like to hear what you mean. Amerikanen noemen het de Vietnamoorlog; de Vietnamezen noemen het de Amerikaanse oorlog. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. Danke, Tom! Das weiß ich zu schätzen. Thanks Tom, I appreciate it. Thank you, Tom, I appreciate that. Ich komme schon klar. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Tom deed het verkeerd. Tom did it wrong. Tom did it wrong. Tom wohnt jetzt bei seinem Vater. Tom now lives with his dad. Tom lives with his father now. Een kat slaapt op een stoel. A cat sleeps on a chair. A cat sleeps on a chair. Ek sal nie jou kan help nie. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. De Jung itt Brood. The boy eats bread. The Young Itt Bread. Tom ist heute etwas mürrisch. Tom is a little moody today. Tom's a little murky today. Darf ich dich mal unter vier Augen sprechen? Can I have a word with you in private? Can I talk to you under four eyes? Ech héieren Musek. I'm listening to music. I'm gonna listen to music. Wel is dien faveriet? Who's your favorite? What's your faverite? Die Heldin stürzte sich am Ende des Stücks von der Schlossmauer, um sich in ihrer Verzweiflung das Leben zu nehmen. The heroine hurled herself off the castle wall to kill herself in despair at the end of the play. The hero fell at the end of the piece from the castle wall to take her life in despair. Worüm warrt wi boren? Why are we born? Why are we drilling? Er zijn zaken die je beter niet weet. There are things you better don't know. There are things you'd better not know. Der binnen 187.888 meren ien Finlaand. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. Well, in 187.888, I think you're going to end up at one. Dat is jammer. That's too bad. That's a pity. Sie tat alles für sie. She did everything for them. She did everything for her. Wit witon þe ᵹit lēoᵹaþ. We two know that you two lie. The current value of the display. Wir sind stinkreich. We are filthy rich. We're smelly. In een schip zitten is in de gevangenis zitten, met de kans op verdrinken. Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. Sitting in a ship is in prison with the chance of drowning. Tom stellte seinen Wagen auf dem freien Parkplatz an Marias Haus ab. Tom parked his car in the vacant lot next to Mary's house. Tom placed his car in the free parking lot at Maria's house. Wij zijn hier lang genoeg geweest. We've been here long enough. We've been here long enough. „Willst du damit sagen, dass ich dich nicht anrufen soll?“ – „Aber nein! Bitte ruf mich an, wann immer du willst!“ "Are you saying you don't want me to call?" "No, not at all. Please call me anytime." “Do you want to say that I shouldn’t call you?” – “But no! Please call me whenever you want!” Man kann dadurch Energie sparen, dass man beim Verlassen eines Zimmers das Licht ausschaltet. You can save energy by turning off the lights when you leave a room. You can save energy by leaving a room, you can turn off the light. Waarom heeft ze slechts een handschoen aan? Why does she have only one glove on? Why is she wearing only a glove? Hebt ge een aansteker? Do you have a light? Do you have a lighter? Dankie en totsiens! Thank you and goodbye! Thank you and good-bye! Erinnerst du dich an das? Do you remember this? Do you remember that? Bedankt voor je cadeau. Thanks for the gift. Thanks for your gift. Heb je nooit les of zo? You never have class or what?! You never have a class or something? Ik heb de deur laten repareren. I had the door repaired. I had the door repaired. Der Laden verkauft allen möglichen Krimskrams. The shop sells all sorts of bric-à-brac. The store sells all kinds of criminals. Tom wurde berühmt. Tom became famous. Tom became famous. Boven alles hebben kinderen liefde nodig. Above all, children need love. Above all, children need love. Tom wurde gestern auf Bewährung freigelassen. Tom was paroled last month. Tom was released on parole yesterday. Worüm dröögst du di de Hoor? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you doing this for the audience? Das habe ich noch nie jemandem erzählt. I've never told anyone that before. I've never told anyone before. Der Valentinstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Sonntag. This year, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. Valentine's day falls on a Sunday this year. Wie lange musst du in Boston bleiben? How long do you need to stay in Boston? How long do you have to stay in Boston? k Droag voak stevels. I often wear boots. k Dry vowel boots. Minsk ist die Hauptstadt von Weißrussland. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Hij heeft alles gezien. He saw everything. He's seen everything. Tom zerriss den Brief. Tom ripped up the letter. Tom broke the letter. Is hierdie jou boek, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Ek weet hoe jy oor ons gevoel het. I know how you felt about us. I know how you felt about us. Ik heff een grölen höört. I heard someone shouting. I've heard a green one. k Hol van joe. I love you. K Hol van joe. Ik heb een laptop nodig. I need a laptop. I need a laptop. Es sind nicht meine Bücher. They aren't my books. It's not my books. Ik ben Frans aan het studeren. I'm studying French. I'm studying French. Zeg alsjeblieft. Say please. Say, please. Ich bin daran gewöhnt, die ganze Nacht zu arbeiten. I'm used to working all night. I'm used to working all night. Wat zól k eten? What should I eat? What kind of food? Es ist gedankenlos von ihr, so etwas zu sagen. It's thoughtless of her to say so. It's thoughtless of her to say something like that. Ich suche meine Uhr. I'm looking for my watch. I'm looking for my watch. Wat is mien Kamernummer? What's my room number? What's my room number? שװימען איז גרינג. It is easy to swim. Her name is grunting. Ek het dit verwag. I expected this. I expected it. Sage mir, wessen Hut das ist! Tell me whose hat this is. Tell me whose hat that is! Das Pantheon ist jetzt eine Kirche. The Pantheon is now a church. The Pantheon is now a church. Ich bin kurz vorm Durchdrehen. I'm about to lose my mind. I'm about to turn through. Wilst eten? Do you want to eat? Want to eat? Was sollen wir als nächstes machen? What should we do next? What are we gonna do next? Is daar water? Is there water? Is there water? Warum hast du mich verlassen? Why have you abandoned me? Why did you leave me? איר זענט אַ גרויסע משפּחה. You guys are a big family. you are a large family. Iss mäßig, aber regelmäßig! Eat moderately, but regularly. Eat moderate, but regular! Heeft u geholpen? Did you help? Did you help? Je hebt je portemonnee laten vallen. You've dropped your wallet. You dropped your wallet. Ik zag haar de straat oversteken. I saw her crossing the road. I saw her cross the street. Tom moet voorzichtiger zijn. Tom needs to be more careful. Tom must be more careful. Sy soek haar motorsleutels. She is looking for her car keys. She's looking for her car keys. Es git nüt bessers wie Zopf. There is nothing better than zopf. It's not much better than soup. Als de mensen u haten, wees dan goed voor hen. Do good to those who hate you. If people hate you, be good to them. Hij was een luiaard, die enkel leefde om te eten, te drinken, en kaart te spelen. He was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards. He was a sloth who lived only to eat, drink, and play card. Vertell keen Lögen. Don't tell lies. Don't tell any lies. Ik drink zelden bier. I seldom drink beer. I rarely drink beer. Ich spreche nicht gern über solche Dinge. I don't like talking about this kind of thing. I don't like to talk about things like this. Dit is wreed van jou om met haar fout te vind. It is cruel of you to find fault with her. It is cruel for you to find fault with her. Valt in de stal de verwarming uit, dan komt de melk in blokjes eruit. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. If the heating is in the stable, then the milk comes out in cubes. Heb je een pen? Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen verabschiedete die Waffenstillstandsresolution. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the cease-fire resolution. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the ceasefire resolution. Ik ga een keer per week naar de bioscoop. I go to the cinema once a week. I'll go to the cinema once a week. Ich wohne in Luxemburg-Stadt. I live in Luxembourg City. I live in Luxembourg City. Lucy is een Amerikaan. Lucy is American. Lucy's an American. Tom erkennt den Großen Wagen und den Orion. Tom can recognize the Big Dipper and Orion. Tom recognizes the big car and the Orion. The catt is deed. The cat's dead. The cat's done. Dat lijkt op thee. That looks like tea. That looks like tea. Kazan is de hoofdstad van Tatarstan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Hey, hier ist ein Gedanke. Hey, here's a thought. Hey, this is a thought. Misschien zie ik je nooit meer terug. Perhaps I will never see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again. Waarom raadpleeg je niet persoonlijk een advocaat? Why don't you consult an attorney in person? Why don't you consult a lawyer personally? Die Straße befindet sich im Bau. The road is under construction. The road is in construction. Vuur! Fire! Fire! Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, uw dienaar t’aller stond, de tirannie verdrijven die mij mijn hart doorwondt. That I may stay a pious servant of Thine for aye and drive the plagues that try us and tyranny away. That I may remain pious, your servant stood t’aller, dispel the tyranny that permeates my heart. Er ist kein Student. He is not a student. He's not a student. Ik heff nix in mien Tasch. I do not have anything in my bag. I didn't have anything in my bag. Thou art a knave. You're a boy. Hold art a knave. Et ass véier Auer. It's four o'clock. It's four o'clock. S Buech isch violett. The book is violet. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Heb je tijd gehad om het op te schrijven? Did you have time to write it down? Did you have time to write it down? Ich habe eine gute Nachricht. I have good news. I've got a good message. מײַק פּאָמפּעאָ טענהט אַז איראַן האָט געזונקען די אַמעריקאַנישע פּאַנצערשיף „מײן‟. Mike Pompeo claims that Iran sank the USS Maine. Meechék Pompeo theorists of the U.S.A. Toms hond viel Mary aan. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Hij gaf zijn bloed om zijn broer te redden. He gave blood in order to save his brother. He gave his blood to save his brother. ס'איז נישטאָ קיין גראַמאַטישער מין אין אונגאַריש. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. I'm not a gravitational woman in Hungarian. Die Ampel wurde rot. The traffic light changed to red. The traffic lights got red. Ik heff morgen keen Tied. I have no time tomorrow. I don't have time tomorrow. Ik stuur je wel een brief. I'll send you a letter. I'll send you a letter. Ben je kwaad? Are you mad? Are you angry? Bus was loat. The bus was late. Bus was cool. Scheer je weg! Get lost! Get out of here! Tom wordt kaal. Tom is going bald. Tom's going bald. Wir wollten Nachtisch. We wanted dessert. We wanted a night's table. Het is een Cubaanse sigaar. It's a Cuban cigar. It's a Cuban cigar. Tom is mien noaber. Tom is my neighbour. Tom's my noaber. Mien Blooddruck is 155 to 105. My blood pressure is 155 over 105. My blood pressure is 155 to 105. Het is veel te gevaarlijk. It's far too dangerous. It's far too dangerous. סטודענטן דאַרפֿן נוצן די ביכער אין דער ביבליאָטעק. Students should make use of the books in the library. Products need to be used in the library. Wir sollten schneller arbeiten. We should work faster. We should work faster. Viele Leute auf der Welt beklagen, dass sie keine Zeit zum Lesen haben. Many people in the world complain that they don't have time to read. Many people in the world complain that they don't have time to read. Ik kan niet zomaar hier blijven. I can't just stay here. I can't just stay here. קלאַסנקאַמף איז גוט, בפּועל. Class warfare is good, actually. Classroom is good, subject. Tom ist größer als sein Vater. Tom is taller than his father. Tom's bigger than his father. Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is completely nuts! This guy's crazy! Es sind ein paar Eier in der Schachtel. There are some eggs in the box. There's a couple of eggs in the box. Er ist nicht alt genug zum Wählen. He is not old enough to vote. He's not old enough to vote. Ik hou van Susan en van Betty, maar ik denk dat Susan de liefste van beide is. I like both Susan and Betty, but I think Susan is the nicer of the two. I love Susan and Betty, but I think Susan is the sweetest of both. Hoelang duurt dat? How long does it take? How long does that take? Ich hätte nicht so reagieren dürfen. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I shouldn't have responded like that. Laat me je voorstellen aan meneer Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Leg je bij de feiten neer! Face facts! Put the facts down! Ich denke, du wirst zustimmen. I think you will approve. I think you'll agree. Dat is een duur restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. Hit is Jones appel. It's John's apple. Hit's Jones apple. Is dat niet genoeg? Is that not enough? Isn't that enough? Om dit gerecht te maken heeft ze al haar talenten gebruikt. She used all her skills making this dish. To make this court, she used all her talents. Tom drink meer as enigiemand wat ek ken. Tom drinks more than anyone else I know. Tom drinks more than anyone I know. Verander nu niet van thema. Don't change the subject. Don't change theme right now. Teder legde hij zijn hand op haar schouder. He put his hand gently on her shoulder. Teder put his hand on her shoulder. Verhakstokken? Deal? Crochets? Ze kwam nooit meer het huis naar binnen. Never again did she enter the house. She never came in again. Hy was jaloers op my sukses. He was jealous of my success. He was jealous of my success. Mijn jongste broer is groter dan ik. My youngest brother is taller than me. My youngest brother is bigger than me. Hebräisch ist meine Muttersprache. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my mother tongue. En waarom is dat? And why is that? And why is that? Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow color? Tom is dik. Tom's fat. Tom's fat. Sie verwechselten ihn mit seinem Bruder. They mistook him for his brother. They confused him with his brother. Wat doe je in godsnaam, man? What the fuck are you doing? What the hell are you doing, man? Ich mag zwar ohne Abschluss sein, aber ich bin kein Vollidiot. I may not have a degree, but I'm not entirely stupid. I don't like to be finished, but I'm not a complete idiot. Onze kinderen zijn nog steeds in Boston. Our kids are still in Boston. Our children are still in Boston. Ich han Chopfweh. I have a headache. I'm on Chopfweh. Hai runt. He runs. Hai's running. Wat maak hy? What does he do? What does he do? Verjaardagen zijn belangrijk. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. Tom müsste jetzt müde sein. Tom must be tired now. Tom would have to be tired now. Ik heff anfungen, Esperanto to lehren. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I started teaching Esperanto. Wil je een schone vork? Do you want a clean fork? You want a clean fork? Hebt gij uw huiswerk al af? Have you finished your homework already? Have you finished your homework? Toen hij de laatste trein miste, was hij ten einde raad. When he missed the last train, he was at a loss. When he missed the last train, he was finally advised. Er lud mich zur Feier ein. He invited me to the party. He invited me to the party. Tom seet mit krüüzte Been an ’e Eer. Tom sat cross-legged on the floor. Tom, with cross - legged leg, is sitting on ‘e Earth. ’ Hij ging vorig jaar naar Amerika om zijn Engels bij te schaven. He went to America last year to brush up his English. He went to America last year to scrape his English. Daar is baie vure in die winter. There are a lot of fires in the winter. There are many fires in winter. Sami sal 'n nuwe musiekvideo op YouTube publiseer. Sami will be releasing a new music video on YouTube. Sami will publish a new music video on YouTube. Tom opende n bier. Tom opened a beer. Tom opened a beer. Dizze bloume is wit. This flower is white. This blue is white. 's Nachts zijn de straten niet veilig. The streets aren't safe at night. At night the streets are not safe. Maria sagte, sie sei nicht diejenige gewesen, die Tom dazu aufgefordert habe. Mary said she wasn't the one who told Tom to do that. Maria said she wasn't the one Tom asked for. Ik bün torüchkamen, üm jo to helpen. I came back to help you. I came back to help you. Doe wat je wil. Do what you want. Do whatever you want. Hest du sehn, woans se di ankeken hett? Did you see the way she was looking at you? Did you see how they looked at it? Wist je niet dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? You didn't know I used to live in Boston? Sie sieht noch genauso wie in der Schule aus. She looks exactly the same as she was at school. She looks just like she's in school. Ich würde lieber zu Hause bleiben. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Zij gingen naar de kerk. They went to church. They went to church. Ik mutt en Fehler maakt hebben. I must have made a mistake. I need to have made a mistake. As de Lööw de Köning von de Deerten is, so is de Aadler de Köning von de Vagels. As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds. If the Lööw de Köning is from the Deerten, so is the Aadler de Köning of the Vägels. k Bin 18 joar old. I'm 18 years old. k Bin 18 joar old. Bly in jou kamer totdat jou pa terug kom! Stay in your room until your father gets back! Stay in your room until your father comes back! Waarom kunnen we onszelf niet kietelen? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Laten we Tom vragen. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. Tom will zeichnen lernen. Tom wants to learn how to draw. Tom wants to learn how to draw. Dat is laat. It's late. That's late. Das ist meine größte Sorge. This is my biggest worry. That's my biggest concern. Wir schliefen beide ein. We both fell asleep. We both slept in. Tom moet ervandoor. Tom needs to get going. Tom's got to get out of here. Die Regierung sollte gezielte Maßnahmen zum Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit ergreifen. The government should take targeted measures to eliminate unemployment. The government should take targeted measures to reduce unemployment. Laten we het niet over religie hebben, oké? Let's not talk about religion, OK? Let's not talk about religion, okay? Ich bin fast 180 Zentimeter groß. I am almost 180 centimeters tall. I'm almost 180 centimetres tall. Hij spaart elke maand geld. He puts aside some money every month. He saves money every month. Is je mama thuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You guys are stronger than we are. you are powerful from us. Tom het nie geskied om dood te maak nie. Tom didn't shoot to kill. Tom did not happen to kill. Is het waar dat mannen een vettere huid hebben dan vrouwen? Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? Is it true that men have a fatter skin than women? Mary heeft moeite met het terugbetalen van haar studielening. Mary is struggling to pay back her student loans. Mary's having trouble paying back her student loan. Ab nächster Woche benutzen wir ein neues Lehrbuch. Beginning next week, we'll be using a new textbook. We'll use a new textbook from next week. Het officiële begin is op zaterdag. The official start is on Saturday. The official start is on Saturday. Du hast es bestimmt schon vergessen. You've probably forgotten about it already. You must have forgotten. Sami en Layla was gisteraand op televisie. Sami and Layla were on TV last night. Sami and Layla were on television last night. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? Ze bakte een cake voor mij. She baked me a cake. She baked a cake for me. Haben Sie einen Lieblingssänger? Do you have a favorite singer? Do you have a favorite singer? Sy nuwe motor is wonderlik. His new car is wonderful. His new car is wonderful. Wi sünd morgens Klock veer opkamen. We got up at four in the morning. We got up at four in the morning. Was dir fehlt, ist Ausdauer! What you lack is stamina. What you lack is endurance! De buitenlandse investeerders trokken hun geld uit de VS terug. Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. Foreign investors returned their money from the US. Hij heeft geklaagd over het lawaai. He complained about the noise. He complained about the noise. Ek gaan terug na my kantoor. I'm going back to my office. I'm going back to my office. Das war schnell. That was quick. That was fast. Gammel? Hungry? Gammel? Het ziet er goed uit. It looks good. It looks good. Haben Sie eine Antwort von ihm bekommen? Did you get an answer from him? Did you get an answer from him? Er zweifelte nicht daran, dass Ben in irgendeiner Beziehung zu dem Verbrechen stand. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He did not doubt that Ben was in any relationship with the crime. Zelfs het geringste dingetje irriteerde hem. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the slightest thing irritated him. Als we thuis ruzie hebben, kiest mijn man niet mijn kant maar altijd die van zijn moeder. When we have a family argument, my husband always sides with his mother instead of me. When we fight at home, my husband doesn't choose my side but always chooses his mother's. Tom goss kochendes Wasser in die Teekanne. Tom poured boiling water into the teapot. Tom goss boiling water into the teapot. Vielleicht mag Tom dich leiden. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom might like you to suffer. Bitte übermittle ihm meine besten Grüße. Please give him my best regards. Please send him my best greetings. Er versteht es, Leute zu verhören. He knows how to interrogate people. He understands questioning people. 1989 weer en swoor Johr. 1989 was a difficult year. 1989 again and hard year. Hest du al en Boort? Have you got a beard already? Have you got a burder yet? Tom schildert! Tom paints! Tom's painting! Ik heb een vriend die in Kioto woont. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. Kann ich dieses Ticket stornieren? Can I cancel this ticket? Can I cancel this ticket? Die Zukunft der Menschheit liegt in deinen Händen. The future of mankind rests in your hands. The future of humanity lies in your hands. Tom houdt van jou. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Kan je onze software updaten? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? Früher gab es hier eine Kirche. There used to be a church here. There used to be a church here. Tom kocht van Maria een camera. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom bought a camera from Maria. Weten is Macht. Knowledge is power. Knowing is power. Wie heeft jou geholpen? Who helped you? Who helped you? Der Februar hat nur 28 Tage. There are only 28 days in February. February only has 28 days. Hutt Dir mech net gesinn? Did you not see me? Did you just see me? Hij is van mening veranderd als gevolg van de bruiloft. He changed his mind in consequence of the marriage. He changed his mind as a result of the wedding. Er schickte seiner Tochter Obst und Gemüse. He sent fruits and vegetables to his daughter. He sent his daughter fruit and vegetables. Mijn zus heeft twee keer per week pianoles. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister has piano lessons twice a week. Ik hör nie wat. I never hear anything. I don't hear anything. He hett dat nich doon. He didn't do it. He is not busy. Jeden beeindruckte diese Maschine. This machine impressed everyone. Every one impressed this machine. Hoe bevalt deze stad u? How do you like this town? How does this city please you? איך בין אַ קאַץ. I am a cat. I'm a cat. Ik ben zeer dankbaar voor jouw hulp. I am very grateful for your help. I'm very grateful for your help. צי טאָם איז אַ גוטער קוכער? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a Good Cchercher? Wer sitzt hier? Whose seat is this? Who's sitting here? Ich habe gerade erfahren, dass du verhaftet werden sollst. I just found out that you're going to be arrested. I just learned you were supposed to be arrested. Se hett em mit en Küssen stickt. She suffocated him with a pillow. She sticked it with a kiss. Tom koestert een onwrikbaar vertrouwen in zijn kinderen. Tom has an unwavering confidence in his children. Tom has an unwavering confidence in his children. Dit boek is oud. This book is old. This book is old. Wer hat gejubelt? Who cheered? Who rejoiced? Deze banaan is geel This banana is yellow. This banana is yellow Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Mary arbeidt in’n Supermarkt. Mary works in a supermarket. Mary works in a supermarket. Wolkenkratzer sind schöne Bauwerke. Skyscrapers are beautiful structures. Cloudscrapers are beautiful buildings. Nai, pabbe. No, daddy. Nai, pabbe. Ik hou van aardbeien. I like strawberries. I love strawberries. Er hat alles versucht, um diesen Preis zu gewinnen. He tried everything to win this prize. He tried everything to win this prize. Ik heff mien PIN vergeten. I forgot my PIN number! I forgot my PIN. Tom un Ria säen, se wullen dat sülvst moken. Tom and Mary said they wanted to do that by themselves. Tom and Ria sow, they're trying to make it themselves. Ik tööv bet Klock veer. I'll wait until four o'clock. I'll wait until four. Ik gah geern mit mien Frünnen na ’t Kino. I like to go to the movies with my friends. I went to cinema with my friends. So was würde Tom nie tun. Tom would never do anything like that. Tom would never do that. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Ich hoffe, dass du aus deinem Fehler etwas gelernt hast. I hope that you have learned something from your mistake. I hope you learned something from your fault. Je bent fotogeniek. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Tom is warm. Tom is warm. Tom's hot. Tom was bang dat hij Mary gekwetst had. Tom was afraid he had hurt Mary's feelings. Tom was afraid he hurt Mary. Als sie mich verließ, sagte sie, dass sie mich niemals vergessen würde. As she was leaving me, she said that she would never forget me. When she left me, she said she'd never forget me. Doe joagdest. You hunted. Go ahead. אין שװײַץ קומט דער פֿרילינג אין מײַ. In Switzerland, spring comes in May. In Saturday, the Friday will be brought to my attention. Ria kennt mi. Mary knows me. Ria knows me. Ik zoek mijn sleutels. Heb jij ze gezien? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Ich habe des Vitamins C wegen eine frische Zitrone gegessen. I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C. I ate vitamin C because of a fresh lemon. Japansche Hüüs sünd lütt. Japanese houses are small. Japanese home is small. Enttäuscht uns nicht! Don't let us down. Don't disappoint us! Der Verkehr staute sich mehrere Kilometer weit, da zwei Fahrspuren wegen Straßenarbeiten gesperrt waren. The traffic banked up for several kilometres because two lanes were closed for roadworks. The traffic staggered several kilometers away, as two lanes were blocked due to road work. Bezwaar als ik me bij je voeg? Mind if I join you? Objection if I join you? Tom wurde begnadigt. Tom was pardoned. Tom was pardoned. Ich stolperte über einen Stein und verstauchte mir den Knöchel. I tripped on a stone and twisted my ankle. I stumbled over a stone and devoured my ankles. We hadden thuis moeten blijven. We should've stayed at home. We should have stayed home. Erzählen Sie uns was. Tell us something. Tell us something. סאַמי איז גוטהאַרציק. Sami has a good heart. As a result, I am very happy to see you later. So kamen Scott und seine Männer am Südpol an. This is how Scott and his men arrived at the South Pole. So Scott and his men arrived at the South. Wo ist meine Zeitmaschine? Where is my time machine? Where's my time machine? Er hat mich erpresst. He blackmailed me. He extortioned me. Tom ist mein Mündel. Tom is my charge. Tom's my mouth. Dit eten is knapperig. This food is crunchy. This food is pretty. Leider war Tom nicht allein. Unfortunately, Tom wasn't alone. Unfortunately, Tom wasn't alone. Er hat ein Waisenkind adoptiert. He received an orphan. He adopted an orphan. Tom heeft de begrafenis van Mary bijgewoond. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Hij slaagde erin om daar op tijd te zijn. He managed to get there in time. He managed to be there in time. De Koude Oorlog begon na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. The Cold War began after World War Two. The Cold War began after World War II. Es ist gefährlich da draußen. It's dangerous out there. It's dangerous out there. Tom kan nie swem nie. Tom can't swim. Tom cannot swim. Tom is een prins. Tom is a prince. Tom's a prince. Gespendetes Blut auf verschiedene Krankheiten zu untersuchen ist kostspielig, doch auch notwendig, um zu gewährleisten, dass die Versorgung mit Blut so sicher als möglich sei. The screening of donated blood for the presence of various illnesses is expensive, but is also necessary to keep the blood supply as safe as possible. Examining donated blood on various diseases is expensive, but also necessary to ensure that supply with blood is as safe as possible. Ik denk dat Tom en Mary verkering hebben. I think Tom and Mary are dating. I think Tom and Mary are up. Schäle bitte die Kartoffeln. Please scrape the skin off the potatoes. Swallow the potatoes, please. Hast du dich an den Protesten beteiligt? Did you take part in the protests? Did you take part in the protests? Worüm sünd wi hier? Why are we here? Why are we here? Layla kann es machen. Layla can do it. Layla can do it. Er sprach zwei Stunden lang über die unangenehme Geschichte. He spoke about the unpleasant story for two hours. He talked for two hours about the unpleasant story. Er ist ein sehr netter Student. He is a very nice student. He's a very nice student. Tom betrachtete das Bild. Tom looked at the picture. Tom looked at the picture. Ich weiß, an wen ihr denkt. I know who you're thinking about. I know who you're thinking about. Dat is niet waarom Tom ontslag nam. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom resigned. Er war zu jener Zeit mein Gefährte, und meinen Gefährten beleidigt, ob nun zu Recht oder zu Unrecht, niemand, wenn ich zugegen bin! He was my companion for the time, and no man shall insult my companion, right or wrong, while he is in my company. He was my companion at that time, and my companions insulted whether rightfully or unjustly, no one when I am present. Macht diese Übung als Wiederholung. Do this exercise as revision. Makes this exercise a repeat. ער שרײַבט אַ בריװ He is writing a letter. He write a letter Kannst du mi seggen, wat dit Woort bedüdt? Can you tell me what this word means? Can you say what this word means? Maak dit 'n bietjie groter. Make it a little larger. Make it a little bigger. Wo ist die Brücke? Where is the bridge? Where's the bridge? Woveel chineesche Frünn hest du? How many Chinese friends do you have? How many Chinese friends do you have? Ik heb diarree. I've got diarrhea. I've got diarrhoea. פונדעסטוועגן האָט איר ניט רעכט. You are wrong, however. You don't have the right balance. Alles is verkocht. All sold out! Everything's been sold. Du muss mir net hëllefen. You don't need to help me. You don't have to join me. Laat mij het uitzoeken. Let me look into it. Let me figure it out. Ik praat Grinslânsk. I speak Gronings. I'm talking to Grinslâsk. New York is een enorme stad. New York is a huge city. New York is a huge city. Wat is jullie thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Jy het my geskrik, Robert! You scared me, Robert! You scared me, Robert! We denken dat hij eerlijk is. We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. Beppe kiekt geern kiekkaast. Grandma likes watching TV. Bezel watches watch case. Ik voel me de laatste dagen niet zo goed. I've been feeling poorly for the last couple of days. I don't feel so good in the last few days. Ik heb geen ziekenwagen gebeld. I didn't call an ambulance. I didn't call an ambulance. Tom ne biþ Trump. Tom is not Trump. At least there is no Trump. Kennst du den Ünnerscheed twüschen Sülver un Tinn? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Do you know the separator between the silver and tin? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie meinten, dass Elke nicht eifersüchtig sei. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't jealous. Tom and Mary said that they thought that everyone was not jealous. Si ass Studentin. She's a university student. She is a student. Ga verder. Go on. Go on. Tom ziet er niet zo gezond uit. Tom doesn't look very healthy. Tom doesn't look so healthy. Ze juichten en klapten. They cheered and clapped. They cheered and slapped. Mien besten Fründ danst temlich good. My best friend dances really well. My best friend dances fairly good. Wie viele Geschwister hast du? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings do you have? Es wird ihm bestimmt gefallen. I'm sure he'll like it. He'll probably like it. Deze roman is vertaald uit het Engels. This novel was translated from English. This novel has been translated from English. Sally gab mir eine gute Information. Sally gave me a good piece of information. Sally gave me a good information. Ech hunn zwou Kazen. I have two cats. I'm going to have two bosses. Lincoln weer gegen de Slaveree. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln again against the Slavery. Je moet proberen beleefder te zijn. You should try to be more polite. You should try to be more polite. Spreekst Nederlaands? Do you speak Dutch? Do Nederlaands speak? Liebe tötet das Glück, Glück tötet die Liebe. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Love kills happiness, happiness kills love. Ik ben vandaag vrij. I have the day off. I'm free today. Ik ben niet kieskeurig. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. De kat miauwde. The cat meowed. The cat mowed. Doe mij een plezier en zwijg. Do me a favour and shut up. Do me a favor and keep quiet. גאָט איז גאָט און רעליגיע איז רעליגיע. God is God and religion is religion. God is God and religion is religion. Ich habe eine Menge Geld zusammengespart. I've saved a lot of money. I saved a lot of money together. Niemand heeft internet in mijn land. Nobody has Internet in my country. No one has internet in my country. און די ערד איז געװען װיסט און לײדיק, און פֿינצטערניש איז געװען אױפֿן געזיכט פֿון תּהום, און דער גײַסט פֿון גאָט האָט געשװעבט אױפֿן געזיכט פֿון די װאַסערן. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. And the earth was sweet and empty, and popular was beyond the head of death, and the spirit of God destroyed in the eyes of the Ocean. Wat is de Oorsaak? What's the cause? What is the Cause? Maria zog sich etwas Bequemeres an. Mary changed into something more comfortable. Maria was attracted to something more pleasant. Niemand will bei Tom sein. Nobody wants to be around Tom. Nobody wants to be with Tom. De melk was verdund met water. The milk was adulterated with water. The milk was diluted with water. Warum stellst du dich immer auf ihre Seite? Why do you always take her side? Why do you always put yourself on her side? Tom sagte, er glaube nicht, dass Maria das wirklich täte. Tom said he didn't believe Mary would really do that. Tom said he didn't think Mary was really doing that. Sie kam ins Zimmer. She came into the room. She came into the room. Ik heff Tom seggt, dat mi dat leed dee. It told Tom that I was sorry. I said Tom did that to me. In Sovjetrussland kickt de Feernseher na de Tokiekers! In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience! In Soviet Russia, the TV picks after the To Viewers! Ek is jammer om te sê, maar die diens is nie so goed nie. I'm sorry to say, but the service is not very good. I am sorry to say, but the service is not so good. Was ist eine Ionenbindung? What is an ionic bond? What is an ion bond? Hun kinderen zijn vegetarisch. Their children are vegetarian. Their children are vegetarian. Mijn broer is naar tv aan het kijken. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. לאָמיר זיך עפּעס לערנען, למשל, אַ נײַע שפּראַך! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Stop learning something, e.g., a new language! Mnr Mitchel het geeis dat ek die res van die geld voor die einde van die week oorbetaal. Mr Mitchel demanded that I pay the rest of the money by the end of the week. Mr. Mitchel admitted that I paid the rest of the money before the end of the week. Ik ontmoet Mihaela elke morgen in de metro. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I'll meet Mihaela every morning at the metro. Wat eten we vanavond? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we eating tonight? Neefkes leggen aaier. Flies lay eggs. I don't know. I don't know. De Blomen ruukt good. The flowers smell good. The flowers smell good. Es ist neun Uhr. It's nine o'clock. It's nine o'clock. De wind is gaan liggen. The wind has abated. The wind's gone down. Tom ist wirklich ein guter Arbeiter. Tom is a really good worker. Tom is really a good worker. Is Toms ziekte ernstig, dokter? Is Tom's illness serious, doctor? Is Tom's disease serious, doctor? Wie deed het? Who did it? Who did it? Weißt du, wie man das nennt? Do you know what it's called? Do you know how to call that? Dat kan je mij niet verwijten. You can't blame this on us. You can't blame me for that. Sami bestelde vier pizza's. Sami ordered four pizzas. Sami ordered four pizzas. Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven. I could not believe my own eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Ik ben zo stom... Ik probeer je dingen uit te leggen die ik zelf niet begrijp. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain things I don't understand myself. Wannehr hest du anfungen, Düütsch to lehren? When did you begin learning German? When did you start learning German? Wat is jouw favoriete kleur? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Isst man in Australien viel Fleisch? Do people in Australia eat a lot of meat? Do you eat a lot of meat in Australia? ס'איז יאַנס עפּל. It is John's apple. I'm afraid this whole thing is happening. k Verlait mien man. I left my husband. I'm sorry. Se hett nie mit em danst. She has never danced with him. She didn't dance with him. Morgen ga ik studeren in de bibliotheek. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'll study in the library tomorrow. ער וווינט אין נאגאסאקי. He lives in Nagasaki. He lives in Nagasakia. Die Einfachheit im Aufbau zieht die Anwender an. Simplicity in design attracts users. The simplicity in the structure attracts the users. Het ziet eruit als een sinaasappel. It looks like an orange. It looks like a orange. Hy is regtig dof vir swaarkry. He is really dull to hardship. He is really stupid for suffering. Deze broek is uit duurzame stof vervaardigd. These trousers are made of durable cloth. This pants are made of durable fabric. k Hol van mieghommels. I like ants. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Enkele mensen gaan de zondagmorgen naar de kerk. Some people go to church on Sunday morning. Some people go to church the Sunday morning. Er zieht zu seiner Freundin. He's moving in with his girlfriend. He's moving to his girlfriend. Es wird zwar etwas dauern, aber letzten Endes wird Tom schon über Maria hinwegkommen. It'll take Tom some time, but eventually he'll get over Mary. It's going to take some time, but last but not least, Tom's going to pass over Maria. Levensverwachting, seksuele discriminatie en sociaal systeem zijn de belangrijkste criteria waarmee de vertegenwoordigers hebben rekening gehouden bij het opstellen van het klassement. Life expectancy, gender discrimination and the social system are the main criteria the representatives have taken into account in drawing up the rankings. Life expectancy, sexual discrimination and social system are the most important criteria that representatives have taken into account in the preparation of the classification. Ik bün en Frömmen hier. I'm a stranger here. I'm bün and Frömmen here. Ik kom uit Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. Das Kleid passte ihr perfekt. That dress fit her perfectly. The dress was perfect for her. De dodentol bedraagt bijna vijf honderd. The death toll is nearly 500. The death toll is almost five hundred. Tom werkt. Tom works. Tom works. Het scheelde niet veel of ik was timmerman geworden. I almost became a carpenter. It didn't bother me much if I had become a carpenter. Goed gedaan! Well done! Well done! Wen achtest du am meisten in deinem Leben? Whom do you respect most in your life? Whom do you care most about in your life? Tom ist nicht Marias Vater. Tom isn't Mary's father. Tom's not Maria's father. Jy verwag te veel van haar. You are expecting too much of her. You expect too much of her. Hij zag het ongeval onderweg naar school. He saw the accident on his way to school. He saw the accident on his way to school. Die Jungen lachten Tom aus. The boys laughed at Tom. The boys laughed at Tom. Dor weren Schäpers, de op jemehr Hood oppassen deden. There were shepherds keeping watch over their flock. There were Schapers who were taking care of Hood. Ze had haar haar kort geknipt. She had her hair cut short. She cut her short. Warst du beim Haarschneider? Did you get a haircut? Were you with the haircut? Tom ist mittellos. Tom is stranded. Tom's mediocre. Tom is doodsbang voor spinnen, nietwaar? Tom is terrified of spiders, isn't he? Tom is scared to death for spiders, isn't he? Es ist Montag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Abraham þa aras on þære ilcan nihte, and ferde mid twam cnapum to þam fierlenan lande, and Isaac samod, on assum ridende. Abraham then arose in the same night, and went with two servants to the distant land, together with Isaac, riding on donkeys. The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the exam? Did he succeed in the exam? Ich konnte mich nicht bewegen. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, sie täten das gern. Tom and Mary told John that they liked doing that. Tom and Mary said that they liked to do that. Er hat mein Manuskript Korrektur gelesen. He proofread my manuscript. He read my manuscript correction. Hij heeft meer geld dan ik. He has more money than I have. He's got more money than I am. Tom ist vor zehn Minuten angekommen, aber ich habe ihn noch nicht gesehen. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't yet seen him. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't seen him yet. Bell vond de telefoon uit. Bell invented the telephone. Bell found out the phone. Schiet op en stap in. Hurry up and get in. Hurry up and step in. דאָס איז אַ גרויסע פּראָבלעם. That's a serious problem. This is a great problem. Er verlor das Gleichgewicht und fiel hin. He lost his balance and fell down. He lost balance and fell down. Ich machte mir Sorgen um dich. I was so worried about you. I was worried about you. Ik ben onder de boom. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. k Wil n moslim wezen. I want to be a Muslim. K Wants to be a Muslim. Ik heff dat Auto köfft. I bought the car. I got that car. Sobald sie mich sah, begann sie zu lachen. The moment she saw me, she began laughing. As soon as she saw me, she began to laugh. Sie warf ein Kissen nach ihm. She threw a pillow at him. She threw a pillow after him. Wat is jouw lievelingsmuziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Wat deist du? What are you doing? What are you doing? Mach's gut. Goodbye. All right, all right. Wat is de kleur van Tom zijn haar? What color is Tom's hair? What's the color of Tom's hair? Tom traf eine weise Entscheidung. Tom made a wise decision. Tom made a wise decision. Ich glaube, Tom schläft noch. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. De Mississippirivier mondt uit in de Golf van Mexico. The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River reaches the Gulf of Mexico. Ik heff en anner Verscheel as du. My opinion differs from yours. I have a different difference than you. Wil je erover praten of niet? Do you want to talk about it or not? Do you want to talk about it or not? Veel Vagels sitt op den Ast. Many birds are on the branch. A lot of birds are sitting on the branch. Sami gaat van het eten houden. Sami is going to love the food. Sami's gonna love food. Tom fand die Musik zu laut, war aber zu müde, um aufzustehen und sie leiser zu stellen. Tom thought the music was too loud, but he was too tired to get up and turn the volume down. Tom found the music too loud, but was too tired to get up and put it quieter. Hör op dien Hart! Listen to your heart. Listen to your heart! Tom weiß, was wirklich vor sich geht. Tom knows what's really going on. Tom knows what's really going on. Genau davor hatte Tom Angst. That's exactly what Tom was afraid of. That's exactly what Tom was afraid of. Baie verjaarsdagkaartjies sal binnekort arriveer. A lot of birthday cards will arrive soon. Many birthday tickets will soon arrive. Ich sehe fern. I watch television. I see far away. Mien allozie was stolen. I had my watch stolen. My allocia was cloning. Tom gab die falsche Antwort. Tom answered incorrectly. Tom gave the wrong answer. Er unterrichtet uns in Geschichte. He teaches us history. He teaches us history. Ik kan het niet zo mooi uitdrukken. I cannot put it so eloquently into words. I can't express it so well. Ich komme aus Norwegen. I'm from Norway. I'm from Norway. Kun jij omgaan met de manier waarop hij zich gedraagt? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you deal with the way he behaves? Im Bett ist er ein ganz Wilder. He's wild in bed. He's a wild man in bed. Tom is niet zo betrouwbaar, of wel? Tom isn't very trustworthy, is he? Tom's not so reliable, is he? My pen is nuut. My pen is new. My pen is new. De menigte groeide snel. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew fast. Ich werde einen Tag blaumachen. I'm going to take a day off. I'm gonna bluff a day. Het was beleefd van hem om zijn plek aan de oude man te geven. It was polite of him to offer his seat to the old man. He was polite to give his place to the old man. Hij is geopereerd aan het linkerbeen. He had an operation on his left leg. He's been operated on the left leg. מיר האָבן געהאַט אַ קאַץ. We had a cat. We have heard a cat. Ich konnte nicht warten. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait. De appel falt net fier fan de beam. The apple does not fall far from the tree. The apple does not run from the beam. Hast du daran gedacht, den Herd auszuschalten? Did you remember to turn the cooker off? Did you think you'd turn off the stove? Er soll noch am Leben sein. It is said that he is still alive. He's supposed to be alive. In der Kanne ist fast kein Kaffee mehr. There's almost no coffee left in the pot. In the cann is almost no more coffee. Die Börse ist mir Wurst. I don't give a damn about the stock market! The stock exchange is for me. Hoffnung ist nur aufgeschobene Enttäuschung. Hope is merely disappointment deferred. Hope is only disillusionment. Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika? What do they speak in America? What language is spoken in America? Is de brievendrager al gekomen? Has the postman been yet? Has the letter bearer come yet? k Roek schink. I smell bacon. Roek's shingle. Tom heeft een espressomachine. Tom owns an espresso machine. Tom's got an espresso machine. Picasso is een beroemd kunstenaar. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Ech wëssen net, ween meng Mamm ass. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know, because my mom is. Ik weet dat ze Spaanse is. I know that she is Spanish. I know she's Spanish. Kan jy n Engelse brief skryf? Can you write a letter in English? Can you write an English letter? De Sommer is vörbi. The summer is over. The summer is over. Maria gab ihrem Hund einen Knochen. Mary gave her dog a bone. Maria gave her dog a bone. Die Nacht war so schwarz, fast so schwarz wie ihr Herz. The night was so dark, almost as dark as her heart. The night was as black, almost as black as her heart. Daar zijn moeders voor. That's what mothers are for. That's what mothers are for. Ich möchte dich über Tom fragen. I want to ask you about Tom. I'd like to ask you about Tom. Ik was bezig. I was busy. I was busy. He hett di en Book schickt. He sent you a book. He sent you and Book. Was ist deine Lieblingsfernsehserie? What's your favorite TV series? What's your favorite TV? Wie heeft je Frans geleerd? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Wir dachten, dass du schliefst. We thought you were sleeping. We thought you were asleep. Tom tat so, als wäre er schwerhörig. Tom pretended to be hard of hearing. Tom acted like he was heavy. Hoe oud zie ik eruit? How old do I look? How old do I look? Dit is het beste woordenboek dat we verkopen. This is the best dictionary we sell. This is the best dictionary we sell. Hƿæt sæᵹde hē? What did he say? H. Het sæ a.d.? Ich wohne in der Nähe des Spielzeugladens. I live next door to the toy shop. I live near the toy shop. Mein Buch hat Ihnen nicht gefallen. You did not like my book. My book didn't like you. Er weiß, wie man Eier brät. He knows how to fry eggs. He knows how to fry eggs. Ek gaan voort om die los tand met my tong te wikkel. I keep wiggling the loose tooth with my tongue. I continue to strangle the loose tooth with my tongue. Tom dronk wodka. Tom drank vodka. Tom drank vodka. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. He sleeps like a bear in the winter. He's sleeping like a bear in winter. Durf je hem vragen te stellen over dat ongeval? Dare you ask him about the accident? Do you dare ask him about the accident? Ek het laas nag hier aangekom. I arrived here last night. I arrived last night. Tom wurde klar, dass er sich in Maria verliebt hatte. Tom realized that he had fallen in love with Mary. Tom realized he had fallen in love with Mary. Jy is dom. You are stupid. You're stupid. Schiet! Shit! Shoot! Er ist früh los, sonst hätte er den Zug nicht gekriegt. He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train. He's off early, otherwise he wouldn't have got the train. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom sings. Miskien moet jy eerder bestuur. Perhaps you'd better drive. Perhaps you should drive instead. Heeft Lucy al gebeld? Lucy called already? Has Lucy called yet? מ'איז שוין מיד געווען פֿון װאַרטן. We were tired of waiting. I've been warned by before. Dank je voor het diner, het is zo lekker! Thank you for the dinner, it's so delicious. Thank you for dinner, it's so good! Stiller! Quieter! Stiller! Dit is 'n bietjie koel. It's a bit chilly. It's a little cool. „Welchen Tag haben wir heute?“ – „Es ist Montag.“ "What day is today?" "It's Monday." “What day do we have today?” – “It’s Monday.” Raak dit niet aan! Don't touch this! Don't touch this! Ihre Rechnung, mein Herr. Here's your bill, sir. Your bill, my lord. Es war nicht so, dass er irgendein Gefühl, das dem der Liebe verwandt gewesen wäre, für sie empfand. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for her. It was not that he felt for them any feeling that had been related to love. Tom het my beseer. Tom hurt me. Tom hurt me. Poppeer warrt von Holt maakt. Paper is made from wood. Getting popper made by Holt. Ek sal liewer nie daar alleen gaan nie. I would rather not go there alone. I'd rather not go there alone. Ik geeuw van verveling. I'm yawning from boredom. I'm tired of boredom. Die Menge erhob sich begeistert von den Plätzen. The crowd burst into a standing ovation. The crowd rose enthusiastically from the squares. Maria wollte Tom nicht wissen lassen, dass sie ihr ganzes Geld verloren hatte. Mary didn't want to tell Tom that she'd lost all her money. Maria didn't want Tom to know she lost all her money. Hautpflege ist wichtig. It's important to take care of your skin. Skin care is important. Diese Briefe sind hauptsächlich von meiner Mutter. These letters, in the main, are from my mother. These letters are mainly from my mother. Ze heeft een slank figuur. She has a slender figure. She's got a slim figure. Ik zal een taxi nemen. I'm going to take a cab. I'll take a cab. Ik hou van mijn werk. I love my job. I love my work. Ek het 'n probleem met my motor. I have a problem with my car. I've got a problem with my car. Wie komt er met mij mee? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me? Tom macht das für Geld. Tom is doing that for the money. Tom's doing this for money. Wat is het verschil tussen deze en die? What is the difference between this and that? What is the difference between this one and that one? Ich war der Letzte, der sie gesehen hat. I was the last one to see her. I was the last one to see her. De toestand van Tom wordt gecompliceerder. Tom's situation is getting more complicated. Tom's condition is becoming more complicated. Hij keek in de doos. He looked into the box. He looked in the box. Ze wassen hun handen met zeep. They wash their hands with soap. They wash their hands with soap. Tom und Maria scheinen ihren Streit beendet zu haben. Tom and Mary seem to be done arguing. Tom and Mary seem to have ended their fight. Ik wil naar Tokio gaan. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Das Problem wird nicht aufkommen. You won't have that problem. The problem will not come up. Zai eet. She eats. Zai eats. Ich finde dich unwiderstehlich. I find you irresistible. I think you're irresistible. Waar ga je heen op vakantie? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? Tom ist wegen dringender Geschäfte nach Boston gefahren. Tom has gone to Boston on urgent business. Tom went to Boston for urgent business. Es ist besser, nicht zu fragen. It's best not to ask. It's better not to ask. Hij is niet langer hier. He is no longer here. He's not here anymore. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world without war. Imagine a world without war. Ich wollte nicht über Tom sprechen. I didn't want to talk about Tom. I didn't want to talk about Tom. Kunnen jullie alsjeblief ophouden met bekvechten? Will you guys please stop fighting? Can you stop fighting, please? Sie ist die Verkörperung dieser Lebensart. She is the embodiment of this way of life. It is the embodiment of this way of life. Die Sowjetunion startete Sputnik I im Jahre 1957. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957. Woveel hett de Brill köst? How much did the glasses cost? How much did the grill cost? Ich habe nicht vor, ihn zu bitten. I have no intention of asking him. I don't want to ask him. Unterstützen Sie Reparationen für Sklaverei? Do you support reparations for slavery? Do you support repairs for slavery? Papoea-Nij-Guinea was n Duutse kelonie. Papua New Guinea was a German colony. Papua New Guinea was a Dutse kelonie. Tom houdt niet van slakken. Tom doesn't like snails. Tom doesn't like snails. Ich liebe die Astronomie. I love astronomy. I love astronomy. Ik denk dat je Tom moet opbellen. I think you need to call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Maria sagte Tom, Johannes komme ihr verdächtig vor. Mary told Tom that she thought John was suspicious. Maria told Tom that John is suspicious of her. Het jy gister na skool reguit huis toe gegaan? Did you go straight home after school yesterday? Did you go straight home to school yesterday? Ek hou van worse. I like sausages. I like sausages. Hebben we hun hulp nodig? Do we need their help? Do we need their help? Kingston is de hoofdstad van Jamaica. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. De Ünnereerdschen sünd gode Smeedlüüd. The dwarves are great smiths. Subdivisions are good smiths. Ik woon nu in Australië. I now live in Australia. I'm living in Australia now. Tom weet hoe je spaghetti moet koken. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Er starrte ihr ins Gesicht. He stared her in the face. He stared her in the face. Laat maar! Never mind! Leave it! Het meer is berucht wegens de vervuiling. The lake is notorious for its contamination. The lake is notorious for its pollution. Eichhörnchen fressen gerne Nüsse. Squirrels like to eat nuts. You know, squirrels like to eat nuts. Ze is twee maanden oud. She is two months old. She's two months old. Ken jy die seun wat huil? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know the boy crying? Ik ben gestopt met koffie drinken. I stopped drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee. Lass das Feuer nicht ausgehen! Don't let the fire burn out. Don't let the fire go out! Tom schreef daarover in zijn dagboek. Tom wrote about that in his journal. Tom wrote about it in his diary. Het jy brood? I gaan die duiwe voed. Do you have some bread? I'm going to feed the pigeons. I'm going to feed the pigeons. Ik heb dit voor jou gedaan. I did this for you. I did this for you. Taro spreekt beter Engels dan ik. Taro speaks English better than I. Taro speaks English better than I do. Natuurkunde interesseert me voor geen meter. I'm not in the least interested in physics. I'm not interested in natural science for any meter. Als ge over zijn werk oordeelt, denk dan ook aan zijn gebrek aan ervaring. In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience. So if you judge his work, think of his lack of experience. Ik zie je na de voorstelling. I'll see you after the show. I'll see you after the show. k Kin n kikker nait van n porre onderschaaiden. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. k Kin a frog wet from a pore undershadowed. Wat studeerst du? What are you studying? What are you studying? „Weißt du, wo diese Kamera hergestellt wurde?“ – „Ich glaube, in China, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher.“ "Do you know where this camera was made?" "I think it was made in China, but I'm not sure." “Do you know where this camera was made?” – “I believe in China, but I’m not sure.” Könnten Sie mir das noch einmal erklären? Could you explain it to me again? Could you explain that again? Dein Freund Albert hat gerade ein Bild von dir von der Party letzte Nacht gepostet. Your friend Albert just posted a picture of you at last night's party. Your friend Albert just posted a picture of you from the party last night. Tom ist ein Trinker. Tom is a drunk. Tom's a drinker. Het is spijtig om dat te horen. I'm sorry to hear that. It's sorry to hear that. Ik heb geen moedertaal. I do not have a mother tongue. I don't have any native language. Hierdie is die tydskrif waaroor ek met jou gepraat het. This is the magazine I spoke to you about. This is the magazine I spoke to you about. Zijn jullie morgen vrij? Are you free tomorrow? Are you off tomorrow? Meines Vaters Haupt ist grau geworden. My father's head has turned gray. My father's head has grown gray. Het klimaat hier is zoals in Frankrijk. The climate here is like that of France. The climate here is like in France. Ik werd afgeleid en was de tijd vergeten. I got distracted and I lost track of time. I got distracted and was forgotten about time. De oorlog begon drie jaar later. The war began three years later. The war started three years later. Dat Baby slöppt noch. The baby is still sleeping. The baby's still sluggishing. Onze boot is aan het zinken. Our boat is sinking. Our boat is sinking. Waar is de afstandsbediening voor de tv? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the remote control for the TV? Ik ben niet bekend met dit onderwerp. I'm not familiar with this topic. I am not familiar with this subject. Ich werde schauen, dass so etwas nicht wieder vorkommt. I will see that such a thing does not come to pass again. I'll see that something like this doesn't happen again. אין אָנהײב האָט גאָט באַשאַפֿן דעם הימל און די ערד. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. God made the sky and the earth appear at first. Sami's interview ging heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's interview went very fast. De hitte Sünn hett de Eer utsoort. The hot sun baked the ground dry. The heat sun emitted the earth. Tom wird ungeschoren davonkommen. Tom will get off scot free. Tom's gonna get away with it. Ich werde nicht vergessen, was Sie getan haben. I won't forget what you did. I won't forget what you did. Ik ook. Me too. Me too. Welk antwoord heb jij bij vraag 3? What answer did you come up with for question three? What answer do you have on question 3? Wie können wir das beweisen? How can we prove that? How can we prove that? Wenn du vertrauenswürdig sein willst, sage den Menschen nur das, was sie glauben. If you want to be credible, tell people only what they believe. If you want to be trustworthy, just tell people what they believe. Ik at alleen. I ate alone. I ate alone. Het verhaal loopt goed af. The story ends well. The story's going well. Sie drehen mir das Wort im Munde herum. You're twisting my words. They're turning the word in my mouth. צי זענט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Are you a Czech? Niet alle mannen zijn wijs. Not all men are wise. Not all men are wise. De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek wordt ''République Centrafricaine'' genoemd in het Frans. The Central African Republic is called "République Centrafricaine" in French. The Central African Republic is called 'République Centraphricaine' in French. Sami verdween. Sami disappeared. Sami disappeared. De twee Bargen sünd lieker hoog. The two mountains are of equal height. The two bars are the same height. Im Schlamm zu spielen gefällt uns! We like playing in mud. We like to play in the mud! Madonna kan zingen. Madonna is able to sing. Madonna can sing. Hy sal my nooit weer glo nie. He will never believe me again. He will never believe me again. Chiqui is en Papagei, de Esperanto snackt. Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto. Chiqui's and Papagei, the Esperanto's cracking. Alle Pferde sind Tiere, aber nicht alle Tiere sind Pferde. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Sie sahen ihn nicht. You didn't see him. They didn't see him. Ik vraag me af waarom Tom geen labjas draagt. I wonder why Tom isn't wearing a lab coat. I wonder why Tom doesn't wear a lab coat. We hebben gisteravond een verschrikkelijke film gezien. We saw a terrible movie last night. We saw a terrible movie last night. Maria putzte eilig ihr Zimmer. Mary cleaned her room in a hurry. Maria quickly cleaned her room. Sami rookte wiet. Sami smoked weed. Sami smokes weed. Deze nacht was het heel warm en vochtig; daarom heb ik niet al te goed geslapen. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. This night it was very warm and damp, so I didn't sleep too well. Gaat het goed met Tom? Is Tom well? Tom's okay? Ik ben blij dat je hem leuk vindt. I'm glad you like him. I'm glad you like him. Die oog is die siel se spieël. The eye is the mirror of the soul. The eye is the mirror of the soul. Du bist nicht in Gefahr. You're in no danger. You're not in danger. Natasha is en russ’schen Naam. Natasha is a Russian name. Natasha is a Russian name. Ben je kwaad? Are you angry? Are you angry? Ich habe schon seit Juli nichts mehr von Tom gehört. I haven't heard from Tom since July. I haven't heard from Tom since July. Dat köst twee Euro. It costs 2 euros. That costs two euros. Alleen gelaten begon het kleine meisje te huilen. Left alone, the little girl began to cry. Just let go of it, the little girl started crying. Maria leert mij Noors. Maria teaches me Norwegian. Maria's teaching me Norwegian. Voeg veel ijs toe. Add lots of ice. Add a lot of ice. Tom weiß nicht, wo auf Mary zu warten ist. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Houdt u van wijn? Do you like wine? Do you like wine? Tom vindt u leuk. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Tom schickte Maria eine Nachricht. Tom sent a message to Mary. Tom sent Mary a message. Bitte sag ihnen, wohin sie gehen müssen. Please tell them where they need to go. Please tell them where to go. Das stimmt nicht. This is incorrect. That's not true. Tom kan mij beschermen. Tom can protect me. Tom can protect me. Waarom is dat interessant? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? We hadden de kat op een veganistisch dieet gezet. Ze werd klinisch depressief en stierf. We put the cat on a vegan diet. She became clinically depressed and died. We had put the cat on a vegan diet and she became clinically depressed and died. Mein Gepäck ging beim Transport verloren. My baggage was lost in transit. My luggage was lost during transportation. Geen land kan tippen aan kwaliteitswijn uit Frankrijk. No country can match France's good quality wine. No country can tap quality wine from France. Ich hasse Leute wie euch. I hate people like you. I hate people like you. k Gaf Maria sukkeloa. I gave Mary chocolate. k Gaf Maria Zukoa. Wir haben keine Seife mehr. We're out of soap. We don't have soap anymore. דאָס איז אַ בלײַער. That's a pencil. This is a public. Zij is onze docent. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Ech sinn Hollänner. I'm Dutch. I know what you're doing. Mijn vader is arts. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. „Ich liebe dich, Maria!“ – „Ich dich aber nicht.“ "I love you, Mary." "But I don't love you." “I love you, Mary!” – “But I don’t love you.” דער שד איז טויט. The devil is dead. The sword is dead. Ik ben nu een bad aan het nemen. I am taking a bath now. I'm taking a bath right now. Ze lieten Tom in de steek. They left Tom behind. They abandoned Tom. Es gab auf der Straße eine Umleitung. There was a detour on the road. There was a redirection on the street. Ich weiß, was dein erster Gedanke war. I know what your first thought was. I know what your first thought was. Er ging zur Kunsthochschule, um Malerei und Bildhauerei zu studieren. He went to art school to study painting and sculpture. He went to the Academy of Art to study painting and sculpture. Die Polizei glaubte ihre Geschichte nicht. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe her story. Wo oold weerst du, as du dien eerste Fründin harrst? How old were you when you had your first girlfriend? Where old were you when you were serving the first friend? Hij is altijd dronken! He is always drunk! He's always drunk! Se will mit em utgahn. She wants to go out with him. She wants to leave with him. Er is geen binnenweg naar boven, alleen naar beneden. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There's no way up there, just down. Tom war im Klassenzimmer, als ich ging. Tom was in the classroom when I left. Tom was in the classroom when I left. מיר לעבען אין אַ געזעלשאַפֿט. We live in a society. We live in a business environment. Het gevaar is minimaal. The danger is minimal. The danger is minimal. Hij probeerde uit alle macht, maar tervergeefs. He did his best, in vain. He tried out of power, but in vain. We hebben alles weggedaan. We got rid of everything. We've done everything we can. Tom trägt nur Markenkleidung. Tom only wears brand-name clothes. Tom's just wearing branded clothing. Villicht schullen wi Tom üm Raat fragen. Maybe we ought to ask Tom for advice. Maybe we should ask Tom for advice. Waarom doe je het niet voor me? Why won't you do it for me? Why don't you do it for me? Sami's favoriete eten is pasta. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Die Katze versucht, auf den Baum zu klettern. The cat is trying to climb the tree. The cat is trying to climb the tree. Ich wüsste gerne, warum Tom pleite ist. I wonder why Tom is broke. I'd like to know why Tom's pleaded. Se deed em övertügen, dat to doon. She persuaded him to do it. It's done thinking about it. Zijn ze vrienden? Are they friends? Are they friends? Italianen drinken altijd wijn. The Italians always drink wine. Italians always drink wine. De wind ging liggen. The wind has dropped. The wind went down. Ich möchte das nicht. I don't want it. I don't want to. Ich habe zwei Muttersprachen. I have two native languages. I have two mother tongues. Ich denke, Sie sollten sich setzen. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. Laat mi starven. Let me die. Let me die. Hai liekt gelukkeg. He seems happy. Hai likes lucky luck. Ek gaan nie lank hier wees nie. I won't be here long. I won't be here long. Ich muss mich verstecken. I have to hide. I have to hide. Die Räuber kamen hinter den Bäumen hervor und überfielen ihn. The robbers fell on him from behind the trees. The robbers came out behind the trees and attacked him. Ik heb helemaal geen angst. I'm not afraid at all. I don't have any fear at all. Hij overleefde een ernstige hartaanval. He survived a severe heart attack. He survived a severe heart attack. Jij bent moe en ik ook. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. Ik verwijt u dat niet. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Sy is jonk. She is young. She is young. Hebben we zijn hulp nodig? Do we need his help? Do we need his help? Studeerst doe? Are you studying? You're doing first? Hai is aaltied doen! He is always drunk! Hai's a good time to do it! Ek wou nie eintlik wen nie. I didn't really want to win. I didn’t really want to win. Waarom wil je verpleegster worden? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Wil je weten wie dat gedaan heeft? Do you want to know who did this? Do you want to know who did that? Vree. Peace. Fear. Dieses Angebot gilt nur kurze Zeit. This is a limited-time offer. This offer is only valid for a short time. Als we hier stoppen, moeten we helemaal opnieuw van nul beginnen! If we stop here, we'll be right back where we started! If we stop here, we'll have to start all over again from zero! אַנטיציוניזם איז נישט אַנטיסעמיטיזם. Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. Antialias is not antisemitism. Das Glas ist voll mit Milch. The glass is full of milk. The glass is full of milk. Wassermelonen zu bekommen ist in dieser Zeit des Jahres nicht leicht. It's not easy to come by watermelons at this time of year. Getting watermelons is not easy at this time of year. Hy het rassediskriminasie as 'n ewil veroordeel. He condemned racial discrimination as evil. He condemned racial discrimination as an appropriate one. Wat denkst du von em? What do you think of him? What do you think of em? Daardie is my suster se boeke. Those are my sister's books. Those are my sister's books. Is dat een draak? Is that a dragon? Is that a dragon? ער איז נישט מײַן טאַטע. He's not my father. He is not my wife. He is ganz un gornich perfekt. He is far from perfect. He's completely perfect. Er muss dies nicht tun. He does not have to do this. He doesn't have to do this. Deshalb mag Tom Maria nicht. That's why Tom doesn't like Mary. That's why Tom Maria doesn't like it. Ik kann snacken. I'm able to speak. I can sniff. Der Mann entschuldigte sich nicht einmal dafür, dass er mir auf den Fuß getreten war. The man did not so much as apologize for stepping on my foot. The man didn't even apologize for kicking on me. Hie sindon mine broðor. They are my brothers. Hie zenon mine broðor. De door mensen veroorzaakte klimaatverandering zorgt ervoor dat landijs smelt en dat zeewater uitzet. Human-caused climate change has caused land ice to melt and ocean water to expand. The climate change caused by humans causes land ice to melt and displaces seawater. Ik hou van koude pizza. I like cold pizza. I like cold pizza. Tom weet niet wanneer Marie zal komen. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come. Tom doesn't know when Marie will come. He is as Finanzminister insett worrn. He was appointed Minister of Finance. He was appointed Minister of Finance. Tom lijkt een vriendelijke persoon te zijn. Tom appears to be a friendly person. Tom seems to be a friendly person. Bananen sind belebend. Bananas are energizing. Bananas are invigorating. Tom stellte alles in Frage. Tom questioned everything. Tom put everything in question. Zwei kleine Kaninchen, ein weißes Kaninchen und ein schwarzes Kaninchen, lebten in einem großen Wald. Two small rabbits, a white rabbit and a black rabbit, lived in a large forest. Two little rabbits, a white rabbit and a black rabbit, lived in a large forest. Are ye Frensh or English? Are you French or English? Are you French or English? Du bist ein Feigling. You're a coward. You're a coward. Du schusst di den Verdrag dörkieken, ehrdat du em ünnerschriffst. You should look over the contract before you sign it. You'll scan the treaty before you sign it. Zéng, eelef, zwielef, dräizéng, véierzéng, fofzéng, siechzéng, siwwenzéng, uechtzéng, nonzéng, zwanzeg. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten, five, sloth, three, four, four, five, six, seven, twenty, ten, ten. Ik wil in Australië wonen. I want to live in Australia. I want to live in Australia. Tom sprach lauter als sonst. Tom spoke louder than usual. Tom spoke louder than usual. ''Ben je Nederlands?'' ''Ja dat ben ik.'' "Are you Dutch?" "Yes, I am." "Are you Dutch?" "Yes, I am." Tom heeft drie honden. Tom has three dogs. Tom's got three dogs. Ik weet gewoonweg niet wat te zeggen... I simply don't know what to say... I just don't know what to say... Ich heiße James. My name is James. My name is James. Sami had een voetbal. Sami had a soccer ball. Sami had a football. Wat hebben jullie de hele tijd gedaan? What have you been doing all this time! What have you done all the time? Er ist der Sohn einer reichen Familie. He is the son of a wealthy family. He is the son of a rich family. Is dat een nieuw badpak? Is that a new bathing suit? Is that a new bath suit? Al wandelende floot hij. He whistled as he walked. He's been walking. Sie können das Spiel nicht verloren haben. They can't have lost the game. You can't have lost the game. Ik praat gjin Japansk. I can't speak Japanese. I'm not talking Japanese. Tom was enigszins verbaasd door Mary's gedrag. Tom was a little surprised by Mary's behavior. Tom was somewhat surprised by Mary's behavior. „Ich werde ihn heiraten.“ – „Nein, das wirst du nicht“, sagte ihr Vater. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not," said her father. “I’ll marry him.” – “No, you won’t, ” her father said. Toms moeder gaf hem een knuffel. Tom's mother hugged him. Tom's mother hugged him. Herinner je je die keer dat we samen naar Boston gingen? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Do you remember that time we went to Boston together? Sie spielte die Heldin besser als ich. She played the heroine better than I. She played the hero better than I did. Ich weiß, wie glücklich du bist. I know how happy you are. I know how happy you are. Vielleicht sollten wir Tom fragen. Maybe we ought to ask Tom. Maybe we should ask Tom. Die Vögel flogen in den Süden. The birds flew to the south. The birds flew south. Tom hat ungefähr vor einer Stunde zu Abend gegessen. Tom ate dinner about one hour ago. Tom ate about an hour ago. Grob geschätzt vierzehn Prozent aller Menschen, die es gibt und jemals gegeben hat, sind am heutigen Tag am Leben. Roughly 14% of all the human beings that have ever existed are alive today. Grob estimated fourteen percent of all people who have existed and ever given are alive today. Katten köönt Water nich lieden. Cats hate water. Cats can't song water. Sie sollten Ihre Miete im Voraus zahlen. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Ik denk niet dat ik echt belangrijk ben voor u. I don't think I really matter to you. I don't think I'm really important to you. מיר האָבן אַ סטעגאָזאַווער. We have a stegosaurus. We have a state of affairs. Ek het twee koppies koffie gedrink. I drank two cups of coffee. I drank two cups of coffee. Nehmen Sie uns nächsten Sonntag zu einer Ausfahrt mit? Will you take us for a drive next Sunday? Do you take us to an exit next Sunday? Würdet ihr mir etwas Platz machen? Would you make room for me? Would you please make some room for me? Praten jullie tegen jullie hond? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören. He wouldn't listen to my advice. He didn't want to listen to my advice. Het Engels alfabet telt 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Dat is te djoer! It's too expensive. That's too much! Wat för en Film hebbt ji keken? Which film did you see? What kind of movie do you have? Weet u dat zeker? Are you positive? Are you sure? Tom mischte die Karten. Tom shuffled the cards. Tom was missing the cards. Ich wohne hier nicht mehr. I don't live here anymore. I don't live here anymore. Die Besucher der Galerie verursachten viel Lärm. The spectators in the gallery were making a lot of noise. The visitors to the gallery caused a lot of noise. Ik wil geen geslurp horen. I don't want to hear any slurping. I don't want to hear slurp. Hij die alleen voor zichzelf leeft, is dood voor anderen. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. He who lives alone for himself is dead for others. Hoekom doen beren winterslaap? Why do bears hibernate? Why do bears sleep in winter? Wir haben es eilig. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. De zomervakantie is voorbij. The summer vacation is over. The summer holiday is over. זי איז נישט משוגע געוואָרן. She hasn't gone mad. She is not published. Wo groot de Fleger is. How huge that airship is! Where the Flager is. Sami droeg witte sokken. Sami was wearing white socks. Sami wore white socks. איך האָב זיך פֿאַרקילט‎. I caught a cold. I don't know what I'm doing . Ik heb een foto van een luchthaven. I have a picture of an airport. I have a photo of an airport. Willst du noch eine zweite Meinung einholen? Ich kann jetzt sofort noch einen anderen Arzt herkommen lassen. Do you want a second opinion? I can get another doctor to come here right away. Do you want to get another opinion? I can now have another doctor come here immediately. Tom ging durch die Küche. Tom walked through the kitchen. Tom went through the kitchen. Ech hunn e Kaffiskichelche giess. I ate a Danish. I've had a great deal. Jij bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Ik heb vandaag nog geen voet buiten de deur gezet. I haven't set foot outside the house today. I haven't put a foot outside the door today. Help! Ek verdrink! Help! I'm drowning! I'm drowning! China is rijk aan natuurlijke grondstoffen. China is rich in natural resources. China is rich in natural raw materials. Sie wird sich auf amerikanische Geschichte spezialisieren. She will specialize in American history. She'll specialize in American history. Sie gewannen den Japan Cup in drei aufeinander folgenden Jahren. They won the Japan Cup three years in succession. They won the Japan Cup in three consecutive years. Kom hierheen, en snel een beetje! Get over here and be quick about it! Come here, and quickly! Hij is te moe om te studeren. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Je had dat best zelf kunnen doen. You could have done that on your own. You could've done that yourself. Zai wait. She knows. Zai wait. Er macht mich wahnsinnig. He drives me crazy. He's making me crazy. Tom arbeitet an der Wiederflachmachung seines Bauches. Tom is working on flattening his stomach. Tom works on reflating his stomach. Ich ertrage ihn nicht. I can't stand him. I'm not going to take him. Waar zijn de meisjes? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Tom is Maria iets meer dan een duizend dollars schuldig. Tom owes Mary slightly over a thousand dollars. Tom owes Mary a little over a thousand dollars. Wat voor huis heb je? What sort of house do you have? What kind of house have you got? Hij staat erop nog een spel te spelen. He insists on playing another game. He's about to play another game. Algerije werd een onafhankelijk land in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. זי איז אַ זונה. She is a harlot. She is a sun. Ich hoffe, du änderst deine Meinung nicht. I hope you don't change your mind. I hope you don't change your mind. Tom deutete auf die Überwachungskamera. Tom pointed at the security camera. Tom pointed to the surveillance camera. Was essen Sie gerne? What do you like to eat? What do you like to eat? Er hob seine Hand. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Was tun Sie, wenn Sie keine Zeit zum Mittagessen haben? What do you do when you don't have time to eat lunch? What do you do if you don't have time to lunch? Ich muss sofort mit Ihnen sprechen. I need to speak with you right away. I need to talk to you right away. Wie viele enge Freunde hast du? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Sie bekam das Ticket umsonst. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket for free. Ek sal moet terugkom na jou. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to come back to you. Da kommt sie. There she comes. Here she comes. Ich gehe nach draußen. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Ik wilde niemand beledigen. No offense was meant. I didn't mean to insult anyone. Du kennst Dich wirklich aus, Tom. You really know your stuff, Tom. You really know yourself, Tom. Ich mag Reggae. I like reggae. I like Reggae. Jullie zijn koud. You are cold. You're cold. iPhones hebben capacitieve aanraakschermen. iPhones have capacitive touchscreens. iPhones have Capacitive Touch screens. Wat ontbreekt er? What's missing? What's missing? Ik maakte thee. I made tea. I made tea. Es tut mir schrecklich leid. I'm terribly sorry. I'm so sorry. Luisterde er iemand? Was anyone listening? Did anyone listen? פּענס איז נאָר טראָמפּס לאַקיי. Pence is just Trump's lackey. Penns is just Trump's lady. Tom verhält sich merkwürdig. Tom is acting strange. Tom's acting strangely. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Ze hielpen Tom door de problemen heen. They saw Tom through the trouble. They helped Tom through the problems. Ik kan niet op mijn passen terugkeren. I can't backtrack. I can't go back on my pace. Ich bleibe, wenn du willst. I'll stay if you want. I'll stay if you want. Ik heb deze boeken nog niet allemaal gelezen. I haven't yet read all of these books. I haven't read all these books yet. Slaap je niet goed 's nachts? Don't you sleep well at night? Don't you sleep well at night? Ik wull, ik weer jung. I wish I were young. I mean, I'm young again. Hou je een droomdagboek bij? Do you keep a dream journal? Do you keep a dream diary? Alle Wege führen nach Rom. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Wij hebben een antwoord nodig. We need an answer. We need an answer. Hij houdt van vissen. He loves to fish. He likes fishing. Probeer het alsjeblieft. Please have a try. Please try. Das hättest du nicht zu tun brauchen. You didn't have to do that. You didn't need to do that. Hij drinkt bier. He drinks beer. He's drinking beer. Ik heb een dunne jas nodig. I need a light coat. I need a thin coat. Se is man en Kind. She's only a child. She's a man and a child. פארוואס קען איך נישט רעגיסטרירן פאר דעם קלאס? Why I can't register for that class? Why can't I register before the class? Du hättest die Rechnung nicht zahlen sollen. You shouldn't have paid the bill. You shouldn't have paid the bill. Ik ken mezelf erg goed. I know myself very well. I know myself very well. איך בין אַן אינזשעניר. I am an engineer. I'm an importer. Gelukkig Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Sikkom drije. Almost three. Sikkom drive. Vlinders leven niet lang. Butterflies have short life spans. Butterflies don't live long. Ič ƿille frician. I want to dance. Ič ,ille frician. Miene Tante tütt Tomaten in ehren Goorn. My aunt grows tomatoes in her garden. My aunt shows tomatoes in their garden. Oslo ist die größte Stadt Norwegens und hat eine Einwohnerzahl von 629 313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway and has a population of 629 313. Tom begint me te irriteren. Tom is starting to annoy me. Tom's starting to irritate me. Ob du es glaubst oder nicht, Tom ist 70 Jahre alt. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Whether you believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Ek is 'n vriend van Robert. I am a friend of Robert's. I'm a friend of Robert's. Ik ben klaar om te vertrekken. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to leave. Ik zal een ambulance bellen. I'll call for an ambulance. I'll call an ambulance. Wannehr bruukst du dat? When do you need it by? When do you use it? Ik heb geen zin tegen iemand te praten. I don't feel like talking to anybody. I don't want to talk to anyone. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes sei mit Elke verlobt. Mary told Tom that she thought John was engaged to Alice. Maria told Tom that she believed that John was engaged to everyone. Tom is waarschijnlijk hongerig. Tom is probably hungry. Tom's probably hungry. Schmerzt es, wenn du atmest? Does it hurt when you breathe? Does it hurt if you breathe? Es spielte Musik. There was music. It played music. Onderschat mijn kracht niet. Don't underestimate my power. Don't underestimate my strength. De industriële revolutie begon in Engeland. The Industrial Revolution began in England. The industrial revolution began in England. Iedereen schreeuwde. Everyone screamed. Everybody yelled. Gibt es irgendwelche Baken? Are there any landmarks? Are there any sheets? Tom ist entschlossen. Tom is resolute. Tom's determined. Ben je blij? Are you happy? Are you happy? Lasst uns den Weihnachtsbaum dort hinstellen. Let's put up the Christmas tree there. Let's put the Christmas tree there. Meteoroiden verbrennen in der Atmosphäre und fallen als Staub auf die Erde. Jeden Tag kommen so etwa 3 Kilotonnen staubigen Materials aus dem Weltall zusammen. Meteoroids burn up in the atmosphere and fall to the Earth as dust. Every day, approximately 3000 metric tons of dusty space material falls to Earth. Meteoroids burn in the atmosphere and fall to the earth as dust. Every day about 3 kilotonnes of dusty materials come from space. Gehen wir dort entlang! Let's go that way. Let's go over there! Heb je nog graag wat sinaasappelsap? Would you like some more orange juice? Do you like some orange juice? Tom wist dat hij de enige was die Maria zou vertrouwen. Tom knew that he was the only one that Mary would trust. Tom knew he was the only one who would trust Mary. Ik heb een vrachtwagen. I have a truck. I have a truck. Es ist nicht einfach, ein Gedicht in eine fremde Sprache zu übersetzen. It's not easy to translate a poem in a foreign language. It is not easy to translate a poem into a foreign language. Miskien was al Tom se voorstelle nie dom nie. Maybe all of Tom's suggestions weren't stupid. Perhaps all of Tom’s suggestions were not stupid. Nadem ik mit mien Fründin Analsex hatt heff, mööt wi uns jümmer good waschen. After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After having anal sex with my friend, we have to wash well. Mooi gedaan! Well done! Nice job! Ik bün nich trurig. I do not feel sad. I'm not being tricky. Tom bekam drei Geburtstagsgeschenke. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Tom got three birthday presents. Maciek ist im Dezember gestorben. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. She had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. She was in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. Heeft u niet-alcoholische dranken? Do you have any soft drinks? Do you have non-alcoholic drinks? Gib mir deine Autoschlüssel! Give me your car keys. Give me your car! דער מחבר האָט אַנטוישט אַ סך פֿון זײַנע אָנהענגערס מיט זײַן טראַנספֿאָביע. The author disappointed a lot of his fans with his transphobia. The author opposed a search of his beginnings with his transfer Maybe. Zet alsjeblieft wat kaarsen op de verjaardagstaart. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Als je opschiet kan je de trein nog halen. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. If you hurry, you can get the train. De heldin van dat verhaal is een klein meisje. The heroine of this story is a little girl. The hero of that story is a little girl. Ik heff en anner Verscheel as du. My idea is different from yours. I have a different difference than you. Niet schieten voor ik het zeg. Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot before I say it. Zijn stem is iel, hoewel hijzelf dik is. His voice is thin even though he is fat. His voice is yellow, although he is thick himself. Tom het 'n roeiboot. Tom has a rowboat. Tom's got a rowboat. Ich kann es selbst machen. I can do it myself. I can do it myself. Worüm wullt du dat weten? Why do you want to know that? Why do you want to know? Sie können bei dieser Prüfung ein Lexikon benutzen. You can use a dictionary for this exam. You can use a lexicon during this test. Ich würde gerne hören, was ihr dazu meinst. I'd like to hear what your opinion is. I'd like to hear what you mean. We zullen eerst de oorzaak van de ramp vaststellen. We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster. We shall first determine the cause of the disaster. Je zou in de hangmat kunnen slapen. You could sleep in the hammock. You could sleep in the hammock. Doe bist mien keunenk. You are my king. Don't worry about me. We wonen in een vrij land. We live in a free country. We live in a free country. Verkopen ze schriften in die winkel? Do they sell notebooks at that store? They sell letters in that store? Het nationale Brukenthal-museum is het eerste museum dat officieel in Roemenië werd geopend. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. The National Brukenthal Museum is the first museum officially opened in Romania. Hij schrijft mij eenmaal per week. He writes to me once a week. He writes me once a week. Kijk in de spiegel. Look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Du hast so weiche Haut! Your skin is so soft. You have so soft skin! Jeder hat seine Fehler. Nobody's perfect. Everyone has his faults. Ze is gaan winkelen. She went shopping. She went shopping. Ik bün vör twintig Johr boren. I was born 20 years ago. I'm drilling 20 years ago. Ihr habt es noch nicht einmal versucht. You haven't even tried. You haven't even tried. Hat Tom das ernst gemeint? Did Tom mean that? Did Tom mean that? 'n By het by die venster uitgevlieg. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out of the window. Tom isch an ons vorbeigsaut. Tom ran past us. Tom's going past us. Ik bün Ungaar. I'm Hungarian. I'm Ungaar. Tom ließ das Fenster auf der Beifahrerseite herunter. Tom rolled down the passenger side window. Tom dropped the window on the passenger side. Ik ben verbaasd dat je die prijs behaald hebt. I'm surprised that you have won that prize. I'm surprised you won that prize. Die Bäckerei ist geöffnet. The baker's is open. The bakery is open. Dit is 50 kilometers tot by Parys. It is 50 kilometers to Paris. It is 50 kilometers to Paris. Ich kann mich nicht selber hören! I can't hear myself! I can't hear myself! Hij is historicus. He's a historian. He's a historian. Ik wil het niet. I don't want it. I don't want it. Weet iemand dat je hier bent? Does anyone know you're here? Does anyone know you're here? "Wat moet ik doen, dan?" "Ik weet het niet. Doe iets." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." Sy het geglimlag en my geskenkie aanvaar. She smiled and accepted my little present. She smiled and accepted my gift. Toms huis heeft geen kelder. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Tom's house has no basement. Tom en Maria maken hun spaghetti pikant. Tom and Mary make their spaghetti spicy. Tom and Maria make their spaghetti pikant. Morgen wird es regnen. Tomorrow it will rain. It'll rain tomorrow. Und wie das Glück so spielt, war die Vorsehung auf meiner Seite. As luck would have it, Providence was on my side. And as luck plays, the providence was on my side. Goedemiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Ich hätte gern ein Bier. I'd like a beer. I'd like a beer. Dan deed niet eens de afwas. Dan didn't even do the dishes. Then didn't even do the washing. Ik kan niet de piano spelen. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. דער עפּל איז פֿאַר דיר. This apple is for you. The row around is out of range. Ik ben er al veel langer. I've been around a lot longer. I've been there a lot longer. Nur weil eine Aussprache nicht dem Standard entspricht, ist sie deswegen nicht minderwertig. Just because a pronunciation is nonstandard doesn't mean it's inferior. Just because a debate is not in line with the standard, it is therefore not inferior. Ieslaand is n aailaandstoat ien Noord-Atlantische Ozeoan tussen Gruinlaand, Fereurailanden en Noorwegen. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Ietsichend is an aislaandstoat one North Atlantic ocean between Gruinlaand, Ferreurai countries and Norway. Miskien fûn hy it wol in goed idee. Maybe he liked the idea. Perhaps he found it a good idea. Wir werden es uns ansehen. We'll take a look. We'll look at it. Wat moet ek omtrent haar doen? What should I do about her? What should I do about her? Nun bin ich gleicher Meinung. Now I feel the same. Now I'm of the same opinion. k Kin nait kloagen. I can't complain. k k nite claws. Kan jij fonetische tekens lezen? Can you read phonetic signs? Can you read phonetic characters? Ek is jou pa. I am your father. I'm your father. Belgien is nich so groot as Frankriek. Belgium is not as large as France. Belgium is not the size of France. Wi sünd buten Gefohr. We are out of danger. We're out of boot. Wat je ook beslist, ik vind het prima. Whatever you decide is fine with me. Whatever you decide, I like it. Laten we samen naar een concert gaan. Let's go to a concert together. Let's go to a concert together. Du hast das Treffen verpasst. You missed the meeting. You missed the meeting. Wie hebben heur! We have her! Who's here? De meeste Berbers zijn bergbewoners. Het ligt voor de hand: ze waren nooit bereid om in de identiteit van de indringers te verdwijnen. The majority of Berbers are mountain dwellers. It's obvious: they've never accepted to drown in the invaders' identity. Most Berbers are mountain dwellers. It is obvious: they were never willing to disappear into the identity of the intruders. Disse Appel is önnig rood. This apple is very red. This apple is very red. Mir ist nicht nach Feiern zumute. I don't feel like celebrating. I'm not good at celebration. Hij is niet volmaakt. He isn't perfect. He's not perfect. Ze vielen. They fell. They're many. Ich schaute nach, konnte aber nichts sehen. I looked but saw nothing. I looked at it, but I couldn't see anything. Es war einmal ein Mädchen, das trat auf einen Laib Brot, um sich nicht die Schuhe schmutzig zu machen, und die Missgeschicke, die ihm in der Folge widerfuhren, die sind gar wohlbekannt. There was once a girl who stepped on a loaf of bread to avoid soiling her shoes, and the misfortunes that happened to her in consequence are well known. It was once a girl who stepped on a loave of bread not to make the shoes dirty, and the miscarriage that subsequently opposed him, they are well known. Het bierglas is bijna nog groter dan jij. The beer glass is almost bigger than you are. The beer glass is almost bigger than you are. Tom begreep wat Mary probeerde te zeggen. Tom could understand what Mary was trying to say. Tom understood what Mary was trying to say. Ze zal zeker slagen. She'll succeed for sure. I'm sure she'll succeed. Sie sind der Beste. You're the best. You're the best. Erwarte nicht zu viel von mir. Don't expect too much of me. Don't expect too much from me. Manchmal ist er ein Blödmann. He's an idiot sometimes. Sometimes he's a stupid man. Kannst du uns hören? Can you hear us? Can you hear us? Se hett in’e School Latien lehrt. She learned Latin in school. She taught Latin School. Hij stond erop. Tom insisted. He was on it. Mir hu keng Televisioun. We don't have a television. We do not have a television. Dizze appel is zuit. This apple is sweet. This apple is sweet. Līf wæs betere geārdagum. Life was better in the olden days. Līf was better geārdagum. Deine Idee ist nicht völlig verrückt. Your idea is not entirely crazy. Your idea is not completely crazy. Maria setzte sich auf den Fußboden und zog die Beine an. Mary sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. Maria sat on the floor and put on the legs. Waarom vraag je? Why do you ask? Why are you asking? Sie ist das Jüngste meiner drei Kinder. She is the youngest of my three children. She's the youngest of my three children. Heb je de nieuwste versie? Do you have the latest version? Do you have the latest version? Sie trägt eine wertvolle Halskette. She is wearing an expensive necklace. She's wearing a valuable necklace. Ich höre, du hast dich mit Owen zerstritten. I hear you're on bad terms with Owen. I hear you broke up with Owen. Hy het nie jammer vir my gevoel nie. He didn't feel sorry for me. He did not feel sorry for me. Gewoonlijk lees ik terwijl ik eet. I usually read while I eat. I usually read while I eat. Stel hem niet teleur. Don't disappoint him. Don't let him down. Sie ist nicht genauso alt wie Mary. She's not the same age as Mary. She's not as old as Mary. Mir tut der Arm weh. My arm hurts. I'm hurting the arm. k Kin nait oetleggen. I can't explain. k Can drop next. Geef me de portemonnee, en niemand raakt gewond. Hand over the wallet, and nobody gets hurt. Give me the wallet, and no one gets hurt. Ich nahm an, dass Tom auf Maria wartete. I assumed that Tom was waiting for Mary. I assumed Tom was waiting for Mary. Tom en Maria gingen skiën in de Alpen. Tom and Mary went skiing in the Alps. Tom and Maria went skiing in the Alps. Mari arbeidt för en grote Firma. Mari works for a large firm. Mari works for a big company. Sami's gebed voor Layla was niet tevergeefs. Sami's prayer for Layla wasn't in vain. Sami's prayer for Layla was not in vain. Tom, de pizza is er. Tom, the pizza's here. Tom, the pizza's here. Je moet me nu meteen 500 dollar geven. You must give me 500 dollars right now. You gotta give me $500 right now. Ik kan niet zien zonder mijn bril. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. איין טאָג האָב איך אים געטראָפֿן One day I met him. One day before I leave him Du sagtest doch, Tom hätte keinen Hunger. You said that Tom wasn't hungry. You said Tom wasn't hungry. Er hatte noch nie eine Freundin. He's never had a girlfriend. He's never had a girlfriend before. Vergelijk nooit je vrouw met een andere vrouw. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Houdt u van Italiaanse muziek? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? As binnen bist, komst der nait meer oet. Once you're in, you can't get out. When inside, come the nait more oet. He mutt ut ’n Süden wesen. He must be from the South. He must be from a south. Tom hat nur zu besonderen Anlässen einen Anzug an. Tom only wears a suit on special occasions. Tom's only wearing a suit on special occasions. Mit anderen Worten, du bist ein Depp. In other words, you're a fool. In other words, you're a depp. Fang mich, wenn du kannst. Catch me if you can. Start me when you can. Tom liep naar het raam en keek naar buiten. Tom walked to the window and looked outside. Tom walked into the window and looked outside. Maria ist attraktiver als Elke. Mary is more attractive than Alice. Maria is more attractive than Elke. Ek weet alles van hulle. I know everything about them. I know everything about them. Is Tom dronken? Is Tom drunk? Is Tom drunk? Was sollen wir tun? What are we to do? What are we supposed to do? Den Vertrag nicht mit Bleistift unterschreiben! Don't sign the contract in pencil. Don't sign the contract with pencil! Tom deed mee met de race. Tom took part in the race. Tom took the race. דער װינט גײט קײן דָרום, און פֿאַרדרײט זיך קײן צפֿון, רונד אַרום, רונד אַרום גײט ער, און צו זײַנע געדרײען קערט זיך אום דער װינט. The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north. It turns around continually as it goes, and the wind returns again to its courses. The intensification of a wheel around him, and for that reason there's no hint, round around, round round round strength, and to his thoughts turn around the dinner. Ek wil nie vandag werk nie. I don't want to work today. I don’t want to work today. Schau dir die Frau an! Take a look at that woman! Look at that woman! Wie soll ich hereinkommen? How am I to get in? How am I supposed to get here? Maakt niet uit. Never mind. It doesn't matter. De oudste republiek in Europa heet San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is named San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is called San Marino. De gebouwen zijn klein vergeleken met de wolkenkrabbers in New York. The buildings are small in comparison with the skyscrapers in New York. The buildings are small compared to the skyscrapers in New York. Tom und seine Frau kommen aus Australien. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom and his wife come from Australia. Weet je het niet? Don't you know? Don't you know? Kann ich dir ein Lied vorspielen? Can I play you a song? Can I play you a song? Er findet dort einen Egmond und Oranien, die braven Krieger Kaiser Karls, so klug im Kabinett als fürchterlich im Felde. There will he find an Egmont and an Orange, the brave warriors of Emperor Charles, as wise in council as they are formidable in the field. He finds there an Egmond and Oranien, the brown warrior Emperor Karls, so cleverly in the cabinet as terrible in the field. De tijger lag in het midden van de kooi. The tiger laid in the middle of the cage. The tiger was in the middle of the cage. Heeft iemand je daar gezien? Did anyone see you there? Has anyone seen you there? Ik heb mijn woordenboek niet bij de hand. I haven't my dictionary at hand. I don't have my dictionary in hand. Ik wil geen suiker. I don't want any sugar. I don't want sugar. Er besuchte sie nie. He never visited her. He never visited her. Wir möchten euch nicht verletzen. We don't want to hurt you. We don't want to hurt you. Komt hij? Is he coming? Is he coming? Dat reckt nich, man een Spraak to könen. It's not enough to know only one language. This is not important, but it can be a language. Der Fluss fließt ins Meer. The river flows down to the sea. The river flows into the sea. Hē dranc bēor. He drank beer. H, dranc b'or. Mijn man zegt dat hij haar nodig heeft. My husband says he needs her. My husband says he needs her. Was ist Tom für dich? What is Tom to you? What is Tom for you? Soll ich das jetzt ausfüllen? Should I fill it in now? Should I fill this out now? Hij is goed gebouwd. He's well built. He's well built. Der Anwalt sagte, dass er im Namen von Herrn Smith sprechen würde. The lawyer said he would speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. The lawyer said he'd speak on behalf of Mr. Smith. Het is een grote vreugde om je eigen zinnen vertaald te zien in een groot aantal andere talen. It's a great joy to see your own sentences translated into a multitude of other languages. It is a great joy to see your own phrases translated into a large number of other languages. De twee broers waren partners. The two brothers were partners. The two brothers were partners. Das war ein sehr ungünstiger Zeitpunkt, um das Thema zur Sprache zu bringen. That was a very inconvenient time to bring up the subject. This was a very unfavourable time to talk about the subject. Deze jongen is mijn zoon. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Eine kleine Tasse Kaffee kostet zwei Euro. A small cup of coffee costs €2. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. De tentoonstelling blijft een maand langer open. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition remains open for a month. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom is not English. Tom's Gain Englishman. De conducteur is vergeten mijn kaartje te stempelen. The conductor forgot to punch my ticket. The conductor has forgotten to stamp my card. Pedro, hest du en Broder? Do you have a brother, Pedro? Pedro, do you have a brother? Dat is ons noaberske. That is our neighbour. That's our noaberske. Du hättest niemals hierherkommen sollen. You should've never come here. You should never have come here. Ich werde die Kühe melken. I am going to milk the cows. I'm gonna milk the cows. Wat biet joe? What's biting you? What does Joe say? Sy is in 'n slegte bui. She is in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. Ik vraag me af wat hem van gedachte heeft doen veranderen. I wonder what could have made him change his mind. I wonder what made him change his mind. Ze wond zich op over de veiligheid van haar zoon. She became agitated about her son's safety. She was upset by the safety of her son. Ek wil Mary nie verloor nie. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. Einfachheit ist Trumpf. Simplicity is the key. Simplicity is trump. Help me met mijn huiswerk. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. Was motiviert dich zum Lernen einer Fremdsprache? What motivates you to learn foreign languages? What motivates you to learn a foreign language? Wij eten niet. We're not eating. We don't eat. Wie ich zu meiner Schande gestehen muss, ich habe gelogen. As I must confess to my shame, I lied. As I have to face my shame, I've lied. Ik heff keeneen ümbröcht! I didn't murder anyone. I didn't miss anyone! Is kraanwater drinkbaar in Australië? Is tapwater drinkable in Australia? Is tap water potable in Australia? Ik ben vrachtwagenchauffeur. I'm a lorry driver. I'm a truck driver. Keine Sorge. Ich werde es ihnen nicht sagen. Don't worry. I won't tell them. Don't worry, I won't tell them. Se hett em drückt. She hugged him. She pushed him. Hou je er een andere mening op na? Do you have another opinion? Do you have a different opinion? Sla op de volgende hoek linksaf. Turn left at the next corner. Turn left on the next corner. Es gibt viele leichtgläubige Menschen. Es besteht also eine Chance, dass Tom gewählt werden wird. There are a lot of gullible people, so there is a chance that Tom will be elected. There are many people who believe in the light, so there is a chance that Tom will be elected. Zij zijn broers. They're brothers. They're brothers. Ich kann Ihnen keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich moe voelden. Tom and Mary said that they felt tired. Tom and Maria said they felt tired. Es ist fast unmöglich, sich als Mangakünstler seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Making a living as a manga artist is almost impossible. It is almost impossible to earn a living as a manga artist. En Swarm Peerhöörnken hett de Kinner angrepen. A swarm of hornets attacked the children. And the kid was attacked by Swarm Peerhunken. k Kin aal eten. I can eat anything. K Kin aal eats. Ik weet dat Tom in Boston heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Boston. I know Tom lived in Boston. Deze handschoenen zijn van Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves are Tom's. Je moet je handen wassen. You need to wash your hands. You need to wash your hands. k Bin old. I'm old. k Bin old. Ohne gehe ich nie aus dem Haus. I never leave home without it. I'll never leave the house without it. Er machte sich schleunigst aus dem Staub. He made a bolt for it. He quickly got out of the dust. Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, frag Tom! If you don't believe me, ask Tom. If you don't believe me, ask Tom! Ich möchte nichts mehr essen. I don't want to eat any more. I don't want to eat anything more. Schmeckt Ihnen Maisgrütze? Do you like grits? Are you tasted by cornroots? Ze ontkende mijn moeder te zijn. She denied that she's my mother. She denied being my mother. Ik was alleen maar met haar aan het praten. I was just talking with her. I was just talking to her. Mijn schuld. My fault. My fault. Hij weet niet wie ik ben. He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't know who I am. Tom hat auf dem Dachboden ein Grammophon gefunden. Tom found a gramophone in the attic. Tom found a grammophone on the attic. Tom hett mi vertellt, dat Hans em sien Broer wœr. Tom told me that John was his brother. Tom told me that Hans Em's brother was. Was dachtest du denn, dass ich täte? What did you think I would do? What did you think I was doing? Ik moet met Susan praten. I need to talk to Susan. I need to talk to Susan. Het oude paar gaf hun zoon op als vermist. The old couple gave up their son for lost. The old couple gave up their son as missing. Ik kan niet tegelijk mijn nagels knippen en de strijk doen! I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time! I can't cut my nails at the same time and do the iron! Help mie. Help me. Help me. Ik wil naar de hemel gaan, maar ik wil niet sterven om er te geraken! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! Waarom wilde ze met me praten? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Es gibt viele Sterne, die größer als unsere Sonne sind. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Een van de vleugels van de adelaar was gebroken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. Vergiss es. Never mind. Forget it. Überwachung ist Freiheit. Surveillance is liberty. Surveillance is freedom. De muzikant heeft veel vrienden. The musician has many friends. The musician has a lot of friends. Tom ging vor gut über einer Stunde nach Hause. Tom left for home well over an hour ago. Tom went home well over an hour ago. Als ik het wist, zou ik het u zeggen. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew, I'd tell you. Tom is veel grötter as du. Tom is much taller than you. Tom is much larger than you. Tom see nix. Tom said nothing. Tom sees nothing. Hast du irgendeine Erklärung? Do you have any explanation? Do you have any explanation? Dit is een feit. This is a fact. This is a fact. Hoe kan ik me ontspannen voelen, als jij zo naar mij kijkt. How can I feel relaxed, with you watching me like that? How can I feel relaxed when you look at me like that? Du bist immer beschäftigt. You're busy all the time. You're always busy. Eet sneeuw. Eat snow. Eat snow. Nem blong mi Jack. My name is Jack. Nem blong mi Jack. Warum ist das Meer salzig, die Flüsse, die hineinfließen, aber nicht? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salty, the rivers that flow in, but not? Das ist das Netteste, was je jemand zu mir gesagt hat! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. That's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me! ס'איז נישטאָ קיין גראַמאַטישער מין אין אונגאַריש. Grammatical gender does not exist in Hungarian. I'm not a gravitational woman in Hungarian. Het homohuwelijk moet legaal zijn. Gay marriage should be legal. The gay marriage must be legal. Ihr Plan scheint besser als meiner zu sein. Her plan seems to be better than mine. Your plan seems better than mine. Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen years old. Es gelang ihm nicht, Arbeit zu finden. He had no luck in finding work. He failed to find work. Ik kijk ernaar uit de film met haar te kijken. I'm looking forward to watching the movie with her. I look forward to watching the movie with her. Woar binnen mien stevels? Where are my boots? Where's my boots inside? Die Katze ist nicht tot. The cat is not dead. The cat is not dead. Hast du recht? Are you correct? Are you right? Ik zie geen enkele uitweg! I don't see a single way out! I don't see any way out! Sê my asseblief wat jy dink. Please tell me what you think. Please tell me what you think. Mi gefallt Frömdspraken! I like foreign languages! I'm flattering forewords! Tom war heute den ganzen Tag bei Maria zu Hause. Tom was at Mary's house all day today. Tom was at Maria's house all day today. Du weerst güstern to laat. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. איר זענט ווערטלאָז. You guys are worthless. you are words. Bent u Chinees, mijnheer? Are you Chinese, sir? Are you Chinese, sir? Waar kan ek 'n vuvuzela kry? Where can I get a vuvuzela? Where can I get a vuzela? Wat een verschrikking! What a nightmare! What a terror! Sommige boeken van hem zijn Engelse novels. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of his books are English novels. Diesmal seid ihr zu weit gegangen! This time, you've crossed the line! You've gone too far this time! Ik ben melk aan het drinken. I am drinking milk. I'm drinking milk. Tom wollte Maria seine Hausarbeit aufdrücken. Tom tried to get Mary to do his chores. Tom wanted to press Maria's homework. Es war schön, dich hier zu treffen! It was nice meeting you here. It was nice to meet you here! Sütt ut, as wenn Bikinis dit Johr in sünd. It seems that bikinis are "in" this year. Shows if bikinis is in this year. Die Halbwertszeit von Actinium-255 ist ungefähr zehn Tage. The half life of actinium-225 is approximately 10 days. The half-life of Actinium-255 is approximately ten days. Skryf met 'n pen, nie met 'n potlood nie. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Write with a pen, not with a pencil. Zijn mantel is versleten. His overcoat is worn out. His coat's worn out. Diere kan nie onderskei tussen reg en verkeerd nie. Animals cannot distinguish right from wrong. Animals cannot distinguish right from wrong. Tom het heeltemal van hulle vergeet. Tom forgot all about them. Tom completely forgot about them. Tom fährt seinen Wagen. Tom is driving his car. Tom's driving his car. Zeig mir, was du hast. Show me what you have. Show me what you got. Ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören. I can't quit now. I can't stop now. Ik ging dikwijls vissen in mijn schooltijd. I used to go fishing in my school days. I often went fishing in my school days. Ich habe wieder mit dem Gitarrespielen angefangen. I've started playing guitar again. I started the guitar game again. Maria is een erg knappe meid. Mary is a very pretty girl. Maria's a very pretty girl. Warum in aller Welt hast du ihm solch einen Namen gegeben? Why on earth did you give him such a name? Why did you give him such a name all over the world? Wenn die Leute aufhören, einem Komplimente zu machen, wie gut man doch Französisch spreche, kann man sicher sein, dass es wirklich gut ist. You know that your French is good when people stop complimenting you on how good your French is. When people stop making compliments, how well you speak French, you can be sure it's really good. De Jungs sünd na Noorden gahn. The boys have gone north. The boys have gone north. Die Äpfel, die er mir schickte, waren köstlich. The apples that he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Du bist nur ein gewöhnlicher Sterblicher, der eines Tages sterben muss und hier nicht mehr verweilen kann. You are only a common mortal, who will have to die one day, and you cannot stay here any longer. You're just an ordinary mortal who has to die one day and can't stay here anymore. Tom is die laaste. Tom is last. Tom's the last one. Ich bin heute melancholisch gestimmt. I have the blues today. I am a melancholic vote today. Eet al wat ge wilt. Eat whatever you like. Eat anything you want. Lass die Flasche los. Let go of the bottle. Let go of the bottle. Sie tötete sich im Alter von dreißig. She killed herself at the age of thirty. She killed herself at the age of thirty. Du und Tom seid füreinander geschaffen. You and Tom are made for each other. You and Tom are created for each other. Ich sah einen Jungen über die Straße gehen. I saw a boy crossing the street. I saw a boy walk across the street. De man had zijn vrouw al drie dagen niet gesproken. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. The man hadn't spoken to his wife for three days. Vo wo chunnsch? Where do you come from? - Where do you think you're going? Dit is mijn school. This is my school. This is my school. Het jy alles gelees? Did you read it all? Have you read everything? Hij heeft zijn leven gewaagd om haar te redden. He risked his life to save her. He risked his life to save her. Niemand is gewond geraakt. Nobody got injured. No one's got hurt. Wenn ich nach China gehe, dann um so viel wie möglich Chinesisch zu sprechen. If I go to China, it'd be to speak Chinese as much as possible. When I go to China, then to talk as much Chinese as possible. Dröff ik en Fraag stellen? Can I ask a question? Do I have to ask question? Meg is even groot as Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Meg is as big as Ken. Tom sagt, er habe mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Tom says he has nothing to do with the matter. Er is iets mis met deze tekstverwerker. Something is wrong with this word-processor. There's something wrong with this word processor. Beth hat eine ausgeprägte Angewohnheit, Leute beim Sprechen zu unterbrechen. Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking. Beth has a pronounced habit of interrupting people while talking. Bitte bedienen Sie sich beim Obst. Please help yourself to some fruit. Please use the fruit. Dalende rentevoeten hebben de automarkt gestimuleerd. Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market. Dwindling interest rates have stimulated the car market. Ien haarst valen bloadjen of. The leaves fall in autumn. One hair traps or. Tom schlug die Tür hinter sich zu. Tom slammed the door behind him. Tom hit the door behind him. איז דאס א יא אדער א ניין? Is that a yes or no? Is this a yes or a no? Du weißt, Tom mag Maria. You know Tom likes Mary. You know, Tom likes Maria. Ik wil bovenal gezond zijn. Above all, I want to be healthy. Above all, I want to be healthy. Ik wil de waarheid weten. I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth. Iek mai aal Dierte. I love all animals. I can't do it. Da Burj Khalifa isch jetzat da hegschde Wolkagratzr vo dr Weld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Da Burj Khalifa his jetzat there hoesch Wolkagratzr vo dr. Weld. Die woestijn doorkruisen is gevaarlijk. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Het lijkt erop dat de Algerijnse regering vastberaden is om economische diversificatie te bereiken. It seems that the Algerian government is determined to achieve economic diversification. It seems that the Algerian Government is determined to achieve economic diversification. Eén voor allen, allen voor één. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Waist doe dat ien mien toen praai, siepels, hoeslook en knoflook gruien? Do you know that in my garden grow leeks, onions, chives, and garlic? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Doe dus mee! So participate! So come on! Ik zal het je vertellen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Tom is geestig. Tom is funny. Tom is witty. Sie wohnt im Haus, in dem ihre Großeltern lebten. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. She lives in the house where her grandparents lived. Ek weet dat Tom en Mary meer as vriende was. I know Tom and Mary were more than just friends. I know that Tom and Mary were more than friends. Tom het skoon van hulle vergeet. Tom forgot all about them. Tom left them clean. Dat is glieks achter de Eck. It's just around the corner. That's the same thing behind the corner. Tom kocht een hoed. Tom bought a hat. Tom bought a hat. I see the white lioun. I see the white lion. I see the white library. Niemand gelooft dat. Nobody will believe that. Nobody believes that. He deed mien nee Auto bewunnern. He admired my new car. He did my no car hurt. Tom wusste, wo Maria wohnte. Tom knew where Mary lived. Tom knew where Maria lived. Ik had nooit gedacht dat het zo gemakkelijk zou zijn. I never thought it would be so easy. I never thought it would be so easy. Hij gaat mijn huis binnen. He enters my house. He's going into my house. Mijn broer spreekt helemaal geen Engels. My brother doesn't speak English at all. My brother doesn't speak English at all. Aarzel niet advies te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Do not hesitate to ask for advice. Ik realiseerde me niet dat je dat op je eentje zou doen. I didn't know that you were going to do that by yourselves. I didn't realize you'd do that on your own. De koelkast is leeg. The fridge is empty. The refrigerator's empty. Om misverstanden te vermijden, heeft hij het contract nog eens nagekeken. In order to avoid misunderstandings, they went through the contract again. To avoid misunderstandings, he checked the contract again. Hij spreekt 10 talen. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. Ein Apfel fiel vom Baum. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell from the tree. Waarom ben je gekomen? Why did you come? Why did you come? Herr Schmidt ist nun Präsident dieser Firma. Mr Smith is now president of this company. Mr Schmidt is now President of this company. Kan ik wat boter hebben? Can I have some butter? Can I have some butter? Er war unhöflich, um nicht zu sagen, grob. He was impolite, not to say rude. He was rude not to say, rough. Tom wischte sich den Lippenstift von der Wange. Tom wiped the lipstick off his cheek. Tom wiped the lipstick off the cheek. Ik zal geen steen op de andere laten tot ik gevonden heb wie dat gedaan heeft. I'll leave no stone unturned to find out who did this. I won't leave a stone on the other until I find who did that. Daardie maatskappy was nog baie suksesvol tot nou toe. That company has been very successful up to now. That company has been very successful until now. Ik kom uit Tokio, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Ons sien uit na die vakansies. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to the vacations. Mijn ouders waren geen goede mensen. My parents were not good people. My parents weren't good people. Diese Uhr ist teuer. This watch is expensive. This watch is expensive. Tom vertraute Maria nicht so viel, wie sie ihm vertraute. Tom didn't trust Mary as much as she trusted him. Tom didn't trust Maria as much as she trusted him. Dusende Frömme besöökt Japan elk Johr. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of floods visit Japan every year. Ik dacht dat hij onschuldig was. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Sie haben Tom verhaftet. They arrested Tom. You arrested Tom. איך האב געהאט א גוטע צייט נעכטן. I had a good time yesterday. I have a good date. Der Verdächtige wurde zuletzt mit einer blauen Jeans und einem orangefarbenen Pullover bekleidet gesehen. The suspect was last seen wearing blue jeans and an orange sweatshirt. The suspect was last seen dressed with a blue jeans and an orange sweater. En Tass Kaffe köst een Kroon. A cup of coffee costs one crown. And Tass Kaffe tastes a crown. Sie will Sie sprechen. She wants to talk to you. She wants to talk to you. Kannst du Tom sehen? Can you see Tom? Can you see Tom? Früher habe ich das oft gemacht. I used to a lot. I used to do that many times. He smöökt nich. He does not smoke. It's not a big deal. Wieso willst du im Ausland studieren? Why do you want to study abroad? Why do you want to study abroad? אַ קוואַדראַט האָט פֿיר זײַטן. A square has four sides. A square has four pages. Tom sah sich im Umkleideraum um. Tom looked around the locker room. Tom looked around in the changing room. Wilt u dansen? Do you want to dance? Would you like to dance? Tom had gepland om opslag te vragen aan zijn baas, maar hij krabbelde terug. Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he chickened out. Tom had planned to ask his boss for storage, but he scratched back. Es wird oft darauf hingewiesen, dass Rauchen die Gesundheit gefährdet. It is often pointed out that smoking is a danger to health. It is often pointed out that smoking endangers health. Wir wählten Herrn Jordan zum Vorsitzenden. We elected Ms. Jordan chairperson. We chose Mr Jordan as president. Wir sind noch immer der Hoffnung, dass sich Tom erholen wird. We are still hoping that Tom will get better. We're still hoping Tom will recover. De vis was heerlijk. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. Ik was ziek. Ik bleef thuis al de hele dag. I was sick; I stayed at home all day long. I've been at home all day. We moeten beslissen. We have to make a decision. We have to decide. Neen, ik ben Engels. No, I am English. No, I'm English. Dat is deagewoan. That's dead normal. That's deagevoan. Spaansch is ehr Moderspraak. Spanish is her native language. Spanish is the modern language. Wo oold is he? How old is he? Where old is he? Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This boy doesn't eat candy. Ich bezahlte fünf Dollar extra. I paid five dollars in addition. I paid five extra dollars. Hij boft maar. He's a lucky guy. He's lucky. Ek is nie seker of ek dit wil sien nie. I'm not sure I want to see this. I’m not sure I want to see it. Mary heeft heel veel tassen. Mary has a lot of bags. Mary's got a lot of bags. Mijn fiets is rood. My bicycle is red. My bike is red. Üm un bi twee Weken. Approximately two weeks. About two weeks. U loog tegen me. You lied to me. You lied to me. Sie ist ganz schön hässlich. She's pretty ugly. She's pretty ugly. Ich vermochte ihn nicht aufzuhalten. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I couldn't stop him. De man die we vanochtend zagen was meneer Green. The man we saw this morning was Mr. Green. The man we saw this morning was Mr. Green. אַ סך אַרבעט קען מען אויסמײַדן. A lot of work can be avoided. A job may be executed. Dat was niet zo aardig. That wasn't very nice. That wasn't so nice. U moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. Siehst du fern? Do you watch TV? You see far away? Anscheinend mögen Sie Obst. You seem to like fruit. Apparently you like fruit. Sami dronk bier. Sami drank beer. Sami drank beer. Tom wartete bang. Tom waited anxiously. Tom was waiting for fear. אַ גוטן ראַמאַדאַן. Happy Ramadan. A good balance. Moeke van ons kollegoa is oet tied kommen. Our colleague's mother has died. Moeke from our colleague has come a long time. Verdomme. Damn you. Damn it. Die Äpfel, die er mir schickte, waren köstlich. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Ek wil nie van hom hoor nie. I don't want to hear about him. I don't want to hear from him. Doe most liedzoam wezen. You have to be patient. You must be a song zoom. Ik eet kaas. I eat cheese. I eat cheese. Eure Frage lässt sich nur sehr schwer beantworten. Your question is very hard to answer. Your question can only be answered very hard. Ik wens dat hij in ons team was. I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team. Der Laden hat 2013 dichtgemacht. That store closed in 2013. The store closed in 2013. Bist du schon zu einer Entscheidung gelangt? Have you made your decision yet? Have you come to a decision? Een olifant heeft een lange neus. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father gives flowers water. Mach bitte das Licht aus. Please turn off the light. Please turn off the light. Einige der Bücher, die er hat, sind englische Romane. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of the books he has are English novels. 100 jaar wordt een eeuw genoemd. A hundred years is called a century. 100 years is called a century. Hij brak zijn bekken toen hij van de ladder viel. He broke his pelvis when he fell off the ladder. He broke his pelvis when he fell off the ladder. Komt alles goed met je? Are you going to be OK? Are you okay? Tokyo is grötter as Yokohama. Tokyo is larger than Yokohama. Tokyo is greater than Yokohama. Waar heeft ze mijn sleutels gevonden? Where did she find my keys? Where did she find my keys? Deze zin is ambigu. This sentence is ambiguous. This sentence is ambigu. Het is bewolkt. It's cloudy. It's cloudy. Erzähl Tom, was du neulich nachts getan hast! Tell Tom about what you did the other night. Tell Tom what you did last night! Sie tauschten während des Unterrichtes Zettel aus. They passed notes during class. They exchanged notes during class. Ik heff em mit en annere Fru sehn. I saw him with another woman. I saw him with another woman. Ik weet dat Tom allergisch is voor bijen. I know that Tom is allergic to bees. I know Tom's allergic to bees. Niemand had internet in mijn land. Nobody had Internet in my country. No one had internet in my country. Wohnten Sie hier? Did they live here? Did you live here? Burj Khalifa is momenteel de hoogste wolkenkrabber ter wereld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Wenn auch die Kräfte fehlen, so ist doch der Wille zu loben. Though strength fails, the will's to be praised. If the forces are missing, then the will is to be praised. In meinem ganzen Leben habe ich noch nie so viel gelacht. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I've never laughed so much in my whole life. Ich war von der Antwort überrascht. I was taken aback at the answer. I was surprised by the answer. Tom sieht müde aus. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Sie spricht Französisch. She speaks French. She speaks French. Ge zijt op de verkeerde weg. You're going the wrong way. You're on the wrong way. Ik word 's ochtends om half zes wakker. I wake up at half past five in the morning. I wake up at half past six in the morning. Das war eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. It was an unforgettable experience. That was an unforgettable experience. Die Luft in diesem Zimmer ist verbraucht. The air in this room is foul. The air in this room is consumed. Maria sagte, sie glaube, Tom sei enttäuscht. Mary told me that she thought Tom was disappointed. Maria said she thought Tom was disappointed. Die Frucht ist gelb. The fruit is yellow. The fruit is yellow. Ik kan niet komen. I can't come. I can't come. Kunt u mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? Hest witlook eten? Did you eat garlic? Eating hot white-look? Tom sagte, er würde es ansehen. Tom said that he'd look at it. Tom said he'd look at it. In Ordnung, nun drehen Sie sich nach rechts, noch ein bisschen, noch ein bisschen … gut. Bleiben Sie jetzt ruhig auf dem Rücken liegen. OK, now turn to your right, a little further, a little further... good. Now lie still on your back. All right, now turn right, a little bit, a little bit... good. Stay calm on your back now. Ik was me er niet van bewust dat Tom dat nog niet had gedaan. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't yet done that. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't done that yet. Zijn verhaal was interessant. His story was interesting. His story was interesting. Het sneeuwt hier vaak. It often snows here. It often snows here. טאם קיין מאל נישט וואשט זיין קאר. Tom never washes his car. Tom no lynches his core. Es ist schwierig, ein Gedicht in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen. It is difficult to translate a poem into another language. It is difficult to translate a poem into another language. Die meisten Leute werden sich weigern, zuzugeben, dass sie einen Fehler gemacht haben. Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake. Most people will refuse to admit that they made a mistake. Sami was een bekeerling tot de islam. Sami was a convert to Islam. Sami was a convert to Islam. Ik kan het voelen. I can feel it. I can feel it. Ik heb zin om naar buiten te gaan. I feel like going outside. I feel like going outside. Es ist schwer für mich, mit meinem kleinen Einkommen zu leben. It's hard for me to live on my small income. It's hard for me to live with my little income. Sēo cƿēn stōd be þǣm cynlinge. The queen stood beside the king. The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog De koudegolf hield Europa in zijn greep. A cold spell gripped Europe. The cold wave held Europe in its grip. Warum haben Sie mich geweckt? Why did you wake me up? Why did you wake me up? De zichtbare kleuren van de regenboog zijn rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw, indigo en violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Die Tiere sind gut versorgt. The animals are well cared for. The animals are well cared for. Ihr heißt Tom und Maria, stimmt’s? Your names are Tom and Mary, right? You're called Tom and Maria, right? Geef me de sleutel. Give me the key. Give me the key. Het Engels is niet mijn moedertaal. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my native language. Tom zal zich afvragen waar we zijn. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom ist toll. Tom's great. Tom's great. Die Venus ist insofern ungewöhnlich, als sie sich im entgegengesetzten Sinn als alle anderen Planeten dreht. Venus is unusual because it rotates in a direction opposite that of all of the other planets. Venus is unusual in that it rotates in the opposite sense as all other planets. Belgrado is de hoofdstad van Servië. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. טאם ווילט נישט גיין צו שולע. Tom doesn't want to go to school. At God's sake, don't go to school. Heeft Tom gisteren zijn moeder geholpen? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Maria sagte, sie hätte gern noch eine Tasse Kaffee. Mary said she'd like to have another cup of coffee. Maria said she'd like another cup of coffee. Ze hebben Toms lichaam opgegraven en gaven hem een waardige begrafenis. They dug up Tom's body and gave him a proper burial. They excavated Tom's body and gave him a worthy funeral. Doe hest dien buusdouk valen loaten. You dropped your handkerchief. Do your buusdouk valen. Dat gifft nix neet ünner de Sünn. There is no new thing under the sun. There is nothing wrong with the sun. Man kann sich erst sicher sein, eine Fremdsprache wirklich zu beherrschen, wenn man ein anständiges Gedicht darin verfassen kann. You know you've really mastered a foreign language when you can write a decent poem in it. You can only be sure to really master a foreign language if you can write a decent poem in it. Se kann wieder swemmen as ik. She can swim further than I can. She can swim again than I do. Du scheinst Spinat wirklich nicht zu mögen. You really seem to dislike spinach. You really don't seem like spinach. k Kin n kikker en n porre nait oetnander holden. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. k Kin n frog and hold a pore nait oetnander. Wo hast du den denn her? Where did you get that? Where'd you get this? Finland is een Noords land. Finland is a Nordic country. Finland is a northern country. Wie lange werdet ihr hierbleiben? How long will you stay here? How long will you stay here? Ich will, dass du bei ihr bleibst. I want you to stay with her. I want you to stay with her. Begrijpen jullie Latijn? Do you understand Latin? Do you understand Latin? Die mens is 'n produk van sy omstandighede. Man is a product of his circumstances. Man is a product of his circumstances. Tom bewe. Tom is trembling. Tom trembles. Mudder sütt jung ut för ehr Öller. Mother looks young for her age. Mudder supports young people for their age. Sy het selfmoord gepleeg. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Het leven is niet eerlijk. Life's not fair. Life's not fair. Augenblick - da ist einer an der Tür. Just a moment - there's someone at the door. Wait a minute - there's one on the door. De Grote Depressie was een moeilijke economische tijd in de Verenigde Staten. Families en gemeenschappen leden eronder. Veel mensen zaten zonder werk. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities suffered. Many people were without work. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities were under it, many people were out of work. Tom schloss Maria in die Arme und küsste sie. Tom took Mary in his arms and kissed her. Tom locked Maria in the arms and kissed her. Maria wäscht sich nur mit Quellwasser. Mary only washes in spring water. Maria only washes with spring water. Heb je vrienden in je klas? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have friends in your class? Ek geniet dit om in 'n winkel te werk. I enjoy working in a shop. I enjoy working in a store. Geef het aan wie je wilt. Give it to anyone you like. Give it to whoever you want. Tom hat uns angerufen. Tom called us. Tom called us. Ik ben ziek. I am sick. I'm sick. Wir sprechen fast alle Französisch. Almost all of us can speak French. We're talking almost all French. Blijf optimistisch. Stay positive. Stay optimistic. Vandaag is het koud. It's cold today. It's cold today. Fred vertellt jümmer Lögen. Fred is always telling lies. Fred's telling you he's lying. Ik vertrouw mijn vijanden meer dan mijn vrienden. I trust my enemies more than my friends. I trust my enemies more than my friends. גדלנות, גרויסהאַלטערישקייט און עגאָטיזם זענען די מהותן פֿון פּאַטריאָטיזם. Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. You may want to enter the name of this term. You may want to enter the name of this term. It is a list of these three types that you choose. You may want to enter the text, or you may enter the text otherwise. Note that this field may be accompanied by terms and conditions. Ik hou er niet van over bepaalde dingen te praten. I don't like to talk about certain things. I don't like talking about certain things. De goeden sterven jong. The good die young. The good ones die young. Hast du das wirklich getan? Did you really do that? Did you really do that? Hou kin k verlaizen? How can I lose? - Shut up! All Sucker is sööt. All sugar is sweet. All Sucker is sucker. Es fiel ihr schwer, sich zu konzentrieren. She found it hard to concentrate. It was hard for her to concentrate. Tom war wie immer in Schwarz gekleidet. Tom was dressed, as always, in black. Tom was dressed in black as always. Mijn broer gebruikt het. My brother uses it. My brother's using it. Hou old is joen koelkaast? How old is your refrigerator? How old is joen cool case? Das war reizend von dir. That was sweet of you. That was nice of you. In de volgende lente wil ik naar Hawaï. Next spring I want to go to Hawaii. In the following spring, I'd like to go to Hawaii. Hebt u een mobieltje? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Nachdem er drei alkoholische Getränke zu sich genommen hatte, wurde der Mann bewusstlos. After three drinks, the man passed out. After taking three alcoholic beverages, the man became unconscious. Tom hett nich wüßt, wat he seggen schall. Tom didn't know what to say. Tom didn't know what to say. Ik weet noch, wat he seggt hett. I remember what he said. I don't know what he said. Dort werde ich sein. That's where I'll be. I'll be there. Wat voor soort hond is het? What kind of dog is it? What kind of dog is it? Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hom. Find out all you can about him. Find out everything you can about him. Mīn brōþor leofaþ on Tokyo. My brother lives in Tokyo. Mīn Brunoor Leofa on Tokyo. Dit maak nie saak wat hy sê nie, moet hom nie vertrou nie. No matter what he may say, don't trust him. No matter what he says, do not trust him. Ič ne cnēƿ, þe hē þǣr ƿæs. I didn't know that he was there. The maximum width of the cell, from 0 to 1. Bitte tausche die leere Druckerpatrone aus. Please replace the empty printer cartridge. Please replace the blank printer patterns. De Präis ass niddereg, awer d'Qualitéit ass net ganz gutt. It's cheap, but the quality isn't that good. Price is required, but the quality is not completely good. Je bent trotser dan een pauw. You are prouder than a peacock. You're more proud than a peacock. Sneeuw is wit. Snow is white. Snow is white. Het meer is heel diep. The lake is very deep. The lake is very deep. Ich habe meine Schlüssel im Wagen gelassen. I left my keys in the car! I left my keys in the car. Wil je geen kopje thee? Don't you want a cup of tea? Don't you want a cup of tea? Warum haben Sie nur die Fremden angehalten? Why did you only stop the foreigners? Why did you just stop the strangers? Tom vroeg zich af hoeveel minuten het hem zou duren om naar de bushalte te rennen. Tom wondered how many minutes it would take him to run to the bus stop. Tom wondered how many minutes it would take him to run to the bus stop. Tom toog sik an. Tom put on some clothes. Tom is doing it. I turnede me to another thing, and Y siy vndur sunne, that rennyng is not of swift men, nethir batel is of stronge men, nether breed is of wise men, nether richessis ben of techeris, ne grace is of crafti men; but tyme and hap is in alle thingis. I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. I turned me to another thing, and Y siy vndur sunne, that racing is not of swift man, nether batel is, close to one, or was man, close richessis be or techis, ne grace is or crafti men; but thyme and hap is in all thingsis. Ik heet Tanaka Itsjiro. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Tanaka Itsjiro. Leyla bezahlte fürs Taxi. Leyla payed for the cab. Leyla paid for the taxi. Tom heeft het contract ondertekend zonder het te lezen. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Wohin bist du gegangen? Where have you gone? Where did you go? Ik heff Tom anropen. I called Tom. I called Tom. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Uhu und einer Schleiereule? What's the difference between an eagle-owl and a barn owl? What is the difference between a owl and a veil owl? Tom bemerkte, dass Maria keinen Ehering trug. Tom noticed that Mary wasn't wearing a wedding ring. Tom noticed that Mary didn't wear a wedding ring. Kairo is heufdstad van Egypte. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Cairo is hip city of Egypt. Tom ist nicht lebendig. Tom isn't alive. Tom's not alive. Bill weer in sien Slaapkamer. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill again in the bedroom. Ze heeft een kip gekocht. She bought a chicken. She bought a chicken. Auf der amerikanischen Flagge gibt es für jeden Staat einen Stern. On the American flag, there's a star for every state. On the American flag there is a star for every state. Sami dacht dat hij gay was. Sami thought that he was gay. Sami thought he was gay. Dat is splinternee. It's brand new. That's splinternee. Sie het ihn ginget. She kicked him. She was walking him. Ik heb een tijdje gewacht. I waited a while. I waited a while. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist braun. My favorite color is brown. My favorite color is brown. Haben Sie ein Zimmer, das etwas billiger ist? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Ich habe nichts, was ich dir geben könnte. I don't have anything to give to you. I don't have anything I could give you. Bleiben Sie doch ein paar Tage bei mir! Why don't you stay with me for a few days? Stay with me for a few days! Könnt ihr mich auslassen? Can you skip me? Can you let me out? Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thanks for coming. Lass den Scheiß! Cut the crap! Get the fuck out of here! Ukrainische Mädchen sind die schönsten Mädchen der Welt. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ik bün nich paranoid, de sünd worraftig achter mi her! I'm not paranoid, they really follow me! I am not paranoid, they are hot after me! Der Name von Toms Ehefrau ist Mary und der Name seines Sohnes ist Horace. The name of Tom's wife is Mary and his son's is Horace. The name of Tom's wife is Mary and his son's name is Horace. Gaat u ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? You're not going to introduce us? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said that you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Danke, dass Sie das erwähnt haben! Thank you for mentioning this. Thank you for mentioning that! Ek het heeltemal van haar vergeet. I forgot all about her. I completely forgot about her. Ik raad u aan met Tom naar Boston te gaan. I advise you to go to Boston with Tom. I advise you to go to Boston with Tom. Hebben jullie hen gezien? Have you guys seen them? Have you seen them? Wat u op dit moment aan het doen bent, is onbeleefd. What you're doing right now is impolite. What you're doing right now is rude. יעקבֿ איז אַן אַנטי-ציוניסט. Yankev is an anti-Zionist. It's an anti-alias. Sie hat mit dem Finger auf ihn gezeigt. She pointed her finger at him. She showed him the finger. Tom mag grelle Lichter nicht. Tom doesn't like bright lights. Tom doesn't like gruesome lights. Meine Frau leidet an einer Lungenentzündung. My wife is suffering from pneumonia. My wife is suffering from pneumonia. Dat hett güstern dull regent. It rained heavily yesterday. That rained darkly yesterday. מײַן טעלוגו איז טאַקע גאַנץ שרעקלעך. My Telugu is really pretty terrible. My Telugue is really quite awful. Doe bist nog n begunner. You're still a beginner. Do it. Do it again. U het hierdie boek geskryf? You wrote this book? You wrote this book? Ik heb helemaal geen honger. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Maak oop jou mond! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Islamofobie is heel reëel in Nederland. In the Netherlands, Islamophobia is very real. Islamophobia is very real in the Netherlands. Tom heeft me aan Mary voorgesteld. Tom introduced me to Mary. Tom introduced me to Mary. Du kannst gerne wieder zurück nach Boston ziehen. You're welcome to move back to Boston. You can move back to Boston. He deed, wat se em seggt hebbt. He did what they told him. He did what she said. Sēo catte is dēad. The cat is dead. S'o cate is d'ad. Technologie op zichzelf is zinloos tenzij het nuttig is voor de mensheid. Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind. Technology itself is pointless unless it is useful for humanity. De koningin woont in Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. The queen lives in Buckingham Palace. Zu jedem Warum gibt es ein Deswegen. Every "why" has its "because". For every reason, there is a reason. דער פאן איז זייר שיין. This flag is very pretty. The train is beautiful. Viele Menschen prangerten Präsident Wilson an. Many people denounced President Wilson. Many people implored President Wilson. Mir mussen erausfannen, wou et ass. We have to find out where it is. We have to figure out where it is. Er hatte Schwierigkeiten, zum Hotel zu finden. He had trouble finding his way to the hotel. He had trouble finding the hotel. Tom loog. Tom lied. Tom lied. For hwi ne fixast þu on sæ? Why don't you fish on the sea? The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog He kennt den Börgermeester. He is acquainted with the mayor. He knows the mayor. Veel vissen stierven. Many fish died. A lot of fish died. Es wird reichlich Elektrizität benötigt, um den Energiebedarf eines Landes zu decken. It takes a lot of electricity to power a country. There is plenty of electricity needed to meet the energy needs of a country. Hij werkt de gehele nacht en slaapt de gehele dag. He works all night and he sleeps all day. He works all night and sleeps all day. Er was een doodse stilte. There was a dead silence. There was a dead silence. Ik wil een tovenaar zijn. I want to be a magician. I want to be a sorcerer. Du solltest lieber gehen. You had better go. You'd better leave. Het eerste reuzenrad ter wereld werd gebouwd in Chicago. Het is genoemd naar zijn bouwer George Washington Gale Ferris jr. The world's first Ferris wheel was built in Chicago. It was named after its contructor, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. The first giant bike in the world was built in Chicago. It is named after its builder George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Niet schieten. Hold fire. Don't shoot. Ik praat nooit meer tijdens de les. I'll never talk during class again. I'll never speak in class again. Ik ben een nieuwe studente. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Vo wo sind Si? Where are you from? Vo Where are Si? Mijn broers zoon is mijn neefje. My brother's son is my nephew. My brother's son is my cousin. Veel restaurants zijn vandaag gesloten. Many restaurants are closed today. Many restaurants are closed today. Wat kin k zeggen? What can I say? What can k say? Tom weet, wat passert is. Tom knows what happened. Tom knows what's passed. Tom macht keine Witze. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. Maria stieg aus dem Schwimmbecken und trocknete sich mit einem Tuch ab. Mary got out of the swimming pool and dried herself with a towel. Maria got out of the pool and dried up with a cloth. Ik wil gewoon de planeet redden. I just want to save the planet. I just want to save the planet. דו ביסט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You're stronger than we are. You are powerful from us. Er machte glauben, er wäre Arzt. He made believe he was a doctor. He thought he was a doctor. Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? In jeder Herde gibt es ein schwarzes Schaf. There's a black sheep in every flock. In each flock there is a black sheep. Een jongen van zeventien is vaak even groot als zijn vader. A boy of seventeen is often as tall as his father. A 17-year-old boy is often as big as his father. זײַט איר אַ טערקישער? Are you Turkish? Do you page a diver? Ich muss etwas Persönliches mit dir besprechen. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something personal with you. Ik kan Papiaments spreken. I can speak Papiamento. I can speak to Papiaments. Ik ben verlegen. I'm shy. I'm embarrassed. Ich glaube, dass er morgen kommt. I believe he is coming tomorrow. I think he's coming tomorrow. Ik heb het werk afgemaakt. I finished the work. I finished the job. Während du fort warst, ist eine Menge passiert. A lot's happened while you've been away. While you were gone, a lot happened. Ich ha Durscht. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט קלײנע הענט. Donald Trump has small hands. Donald Trump has open hands. Wir können nicht voraussagen, wie Tom zumute sein wird. We can't predict how Tom is going to feel. We can't predict how Tom will be. Er is niet genoeg vraag naar dit product. There is not enough demand for this product. There is not enough demand for this product. Se hett ehren jüngern Broder bi de Huusopgaven hulpen. She helped her younger brother with his homework. She has helped younger Brother at the house jobs. Is dit 'n vlermuis? Is that a bat? Is it a bat? Ich werde es ihm erklären, bis er es versteht. I will explain to him until he understands. I'll tell him until he understands. Thomas kan beter zwemmen dan Maria. Tom can swim better than Mary can. Thomas can swim better than Maria. He köfft Kledaasch. He buys clothes. He's opening skins. פּאַסקודניאַק. Jerk. Pankudnik. Nou bin k betunteld. I'm confused now. Now it's k-throat. Das muss ein Geburtstagskuchen sein! It must be a birthday cake! It must be a birthday cake! Se hett en Katt un twee Hunnen. She has a cat and two dogs. It has a cat and two hands. Als ik je een spekje kon sturen, Trang, zou ik het doen. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a bacon, Trang, I'd do it. Vrouwen zijn er om bemind te worden, niet om begrepen te worden. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women are there to be loved, not to be understood. Gebruik je het? Will you use this? You use it? Studente moet gebruik maak van die boeke in die biblioteek. Students should make use of the books in the library. Students should make use of the books in the library. "Slapen vrienden met hun vrienden en vermoorden ze daarna?" vroeg Dima terug. "Do friends sleep with friends and then murder them?" Dima asked in return. "Sleep friends with their friends and kill them afterwards?" Dima asked back. Versuche nie, zu sterben. Never try to die. Never try to die. Dort hat Tom gewohnt. Tom lived there. Tom lived there. Er waren veel boten op het meer. There were a lot of boats on the lake. There were a lot of boats on the lake. Ich setzte mich wieder hin. I sat down again. I sat back. Tom en ik woonden in 2013 in Boston. Tom and I were living in Boston in 2013. Tom and I lived in Boston in 2013. Das ist unser Problem. That's our problem. This is our problem. Du solltest hinter seinem Rücken nicht über Jack reden. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. You shouldn't talk about Jack behind his back. Tom braucht das Geld. Tom needs the money. Tom needs the money. Tom hett dat Licht nich utmookt. Tom didn't turn the light off. Tom did not decode the light. Tom viel flauw. Tom blacked out. Tom was faint. Waar gehakt wordt, vallen spaanders. From chipping come chips. Where's chopped, spanders fall. Wie findest du deine Waschmaschine? How do you find your washing machine? How do you find your washing machine? Reisen Sie per Schiff oder fliegen Sie? Do you travel by sea or by air? Are you traveling by ship or flying? Is jullie broer skileraar? Is your brother a ski instructor? Is your brother a ski instructor? Meine Uhr wurde mir gestohlen. I had my watch stolen. My watch was stolen from me. Al wat jy moet doen is om jou naam en adres hier te skryf. All you have to do is to write your name and address here. All you need to do is write your name and address here. Als je hulp nodig hebt, wees dan zo vrij me op te bellen. If you need help, feel free to call me. If you need help, be so free to call me. An sich ist Müßiggang nicht Wurzel allen Übels, sondern ist, im Gegenteil, ein geradezu göttliches Leben, solange man sich nicht langweilt. In itself idleness is not the root of all evil. Quite the opposite, in fact, it’s a downright godly existence, as long as one isn’t bored. It is itself not the root of all evils, but, on the contrary, a precisely divine life as long as one is not bored. Sowohl Tom als auch Maria arbeiten als Modelle. Both Tom and Mary work as models. Both Tom and Maria work as models. Ich an deiner Stelle spräche nicht einmal mit Tom. I wouldn't even talk to Tom if I were you. I don't even talk to Tom on your own. Wie fandest du Toms Haus? What did you think of Tom's house? How did you find Tom's house? We kunnen geen verandering in ons programma aanbrengen. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our program. Seitdem wir neue, ultraleichte Materialien einsetzen, wiegt unser Produkt nur noch halb so viel wie vorher! As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before! Since we use new, ultra-light materials, our product has only weighed half as much as before! Weet een, wo Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Jullie zijn monsters. You're monsters. You're monsters. Volgende zomer wil ik naar Hawaï. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Wenn du dich nicht beeilst, kommst du zu spät zur Schule. Unless you hurry, you will be late for school. If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school. Von de Stad heff ik noch nie wat höört. I've never heard of that city yet. I've never heard of the town. Er schaute mich an und lächelte. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at me and smiled. Er ist immer noch im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen und körperlichen Kräfte. He is still sound in mind and body. He is still in full possession of his spiritual and physical powers. Mike speelt graag basketbal. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes playing basketball. Ich weiß nicht, wie du das essen kannst. I don't know how you can eat that. I don't know how you can eat this. Si chommät us Schweden. You come from Sweden. Si chumät us Sweden. Ich kann mich nicht einmischen. I can't get involved. I can't interfere. Om jou de waarheid te vertellen, ik ben jouw pen verloren. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. מיר זענען פֿישערס. We're fishers. We're Fishers. Der Prinz wartet. The prince is waiting. The prince is waiting. Goed, en met u? Fine, thank you. And you? All right, and with you? Ik ben pas aangekomen in het station. I've just arrived at the station. I just arrived at the station. Ich würze meine Spaghettisauce gerne mit Basilikum. I like to add basil to season my spaghetti sauce. I like to season my spaghetti sauce with basil. Dizze bloume is oraanje. This flower is orange. This blue is orange. Hebben jullie Netflix? Do you have Netflix? You guys got Netflix? Und sie heirateten nicht und lebten glücklich bis an ihr Lebensende. And so they didn't marry and they lived happily until the end of their lives. And they did not marry and lived happily until the end of their life. Ich bin von mir selbst überrascht. I'm surprised at myself. I'm surprised by myself. Wie kann ich dir sonst noch helfen? How else can I help you? How else can I help you? In der Kontroverse stellten wir uns auf seine Seite. We sided with him in the controversy. In the controversy, we put ourselves on his side. Englischsprechen macht Spaß. Speaking in English is fun. English speaking is fun. Wilt u een hamburger? Do you want a hamburger? Do you want a hamburger? Weißt du, ob Tom Französisch spricht? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom speaks French? Jedes Jahr organisiert die Organisation eine Reihe von Treffen Freiwilliger, die von Tür zu Tür gehen, um friesische Bücher zu verkaufen. Every year, the organisation organises a number of meetings of volunteers who go door-to-door to sell Frisian books. Every year the organization organizes a series of meetings of volunteers who go from door to door to sell Frisian books. He het þa þa stowe Dominus videt, þæt is 'God gesiehð', and giet is gesægd swa, In monte Dominus videbit, þæt is 'God gesiehð on dune'. He then named the place Dominus videt, that is, 'God sees', and yet said so, In monte Dominus videbit, that is, 'God sees on the mountain'. The name of the themed icon of the themed icon is not set, but it is corrupt. Nou is jy paranoïes. Now you're being paranoid. Now you are paranoid. Ze zei dat hij er knap uitzag. She said that he was handsome. She said he looked pretty. Er ist nach Tokio gezogen. He moved to Tokyo. He moved to Tokyo. Wie wird es gemacht? How is it made? How is it done? Kleine kinderen zitten graag overal aan. Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to sit on all over the place. Ik zal zelf rijden. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. Tom stootte tegen Mary aan en duwde haar bijna in het zwembad. Tom bumped into Mary and almost knocked her into the pool. Tom hit Mary and pushed her almost into the pool. Ze kwam elke keer als mijn zuster thuis was. She came every time my sister was home. She came home every time my sister was home. Ik heff mi ’n ganzen Dag in’n Woold versteken. I hid in the woods all day. I hid myself in a forest all day long. Woveel Stünnen hebbt Se düsse Week arbeidt? How many hours did you work this week? How many hours have you worked for this week? Tom hett al wunnen. Tom has already won. Tom has already won. Ich möchte lieber arm als reich sein. I'd rather be poor than rich. I'd rather be poor than rich. Die Fische beißen heute nicht. The fish aren't biting today. The fish don't bite today. Ich kann Ihnen diesbezüglich nicht zustimmen. I cannot agree with you on this. I cannot agree with you on this. Sie sind keine Kanadierin. You're not Canadian. You're not a Canadian. Betrüge ihn nicht. Don't cheat him. Don't cheat him. Ik zal je morgen bezoeken. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Ƿilcume on þā Engliscan Ƿikipǣdie. Welcome to the English Wikipedia. The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Beachtet mich gar nicht! Don't mind me. Don't pay attention to me! „Hest du mien Mobieltje sehn?“ „Dat liggt op ’n Disch.“ "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." “ Did you see my cell phone? ” “That’s on a table. ” Fernsehsendungen, die während der Hauptsendezeit ausgestrahlt werden, dürfen nichts enthalten, was für Kinder, die möglicherweise zuschauen, ungeeignet ist. Shows that are broadcast during prime time are not supposed to have content unsuitable for children who might be watching. Television broadcast during the main time must not contain anything that is inappropriate for children who may watch. In India zijn koeien heilige dieren. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, cows are sacred animals. Tom spielt dreimal in der Woche Tennis. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Tom plays tennis three times a week. Tom speelde piano en Mary zong. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. Tom played piano and Mary sang. Ich weiß nicht, warum Tom nach Boston gefahren ist. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. Wie speelt er gitaar? Who is playing the guitar? How's he playing guitar? Ik heb geen zoon. I have no son. I don't have a son. Ich kann es nicht leiden, wenn viele Leute da sind. I hate it when there are a lot of people. I can't suffer when a lot of people are here. Je probeerde het. You tried. You tried. Viele Menschen wandern ziellos durchs Leben. Many people drift through life without a purpose. Many people wander aimlessly through life. Het is een fraaie veronderstelling; dat verklaart veel dingen. It is a fine hypothesis; it explains many things. It's a beautiful assumption, which explains a lot of things. Ek sal nie die deur sluit nie. I'm not going to lock the door. I will not lock the door. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. Ze is een jurk aan het naaien. She is sewing a dress. She's sewing a dress. Waar is die ander meisies? Where are the other girls? Where are the other girls? Ich werde diesen Schrank ausräumen, damit du ihn verwenden kannst. I'm going to empty this cabinet so that you can use it. I'm gonna clear this closet so you can use it. Mach es gleich jetzt, bevor du es vergisst. Do it right now, before you forget. Do it right now before you forget it. Nächste Woche wird eine Familie einziehen. Next week a family will move in. Next week a family will move in. De Waterhahn löppt. The tap is running. The faucet is running. Ik denk nich, dat Tom un Ria dor al fardig mit sünd. I don't think Tom and Mary are finished doing that yet. I don't think Tom and Ria are ready for this. Legen Sie die Waffe nieder! Put your gun down. Put the gun down! Ek is baie groter as wat jy is. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm much bigger than you are. Das sieht ihr gar nicht ähnlich. This is not like her at all. That's not the same thing to her. Kunt ge het voorwerp beschrijven? Can you describe the object? Can you describe the object? Wacht even! Hang on a while! Wait a minute! Es war handgemacht. It was handmade. It was handmade. Ga alsjeblieft door. Please go on. Please go on. כ׳בין אַ פֿישערין. I'm a fisherwoman. She'd be a fisherin. Er hält immer Wort. He always keeps his word. He always keeps word. Wenn Tom mich wirklich mögen würde, hätte er das nicht getan. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have done that. If Tom really liked me, he wouldn't have. De natuurlijke logaritme van e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. די קאַץ איז טויט. The cat's dead. The cat has died. Tom is kleurenblind, toch? Tom is colorblind, isn't he? Tom's color blind, right? Ich erinnere mich an den Tag, an dem der Unfall geschah. I remember the day when the accident happened. I remember the day the accident happened. Maria heeft mij geholpen. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Ik hoop dat mijn wagen niet in panne valt en dat ik je op tijd bereik. I hope my car doesn't break down and I get to you on time. I hope my car doesn't fall into a pan and I'll reach you in time. Wanneer ben je gisteravond naar bed gegaan? When did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? Oan de ein fan it paad stie in brievebus. Op in dei lei der in spannende brief yn en dy wie foar my. At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me. At the end of the path set a brother-in-law. On one day an exciting letter was received and that was for me. Sami het dit verlede week reggemaak. Sami fixed that last week. Sami repaired it last week. Je maakt het al te gortig. That is going too far. You're making it too belty. Der tapfere Ritter rettete die holde Prinzessin vor dem bösen Drachen. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight rescued the hollow princess from the evil dragon. Wil je dit overhemd hebben? Do you want this shirt? Do you want this shirt? Mäin Buch ass hei. My book is here. My book is here. Ich langweile mich auf Feiern. Parties bore me. I'm bored. He lööp fiev Mielen. He ran five miles. He's gonna be a fiancée. Tom is in Boston getrouwd. Tom got married in Boston. Tom married in Boston. Herr Spencer arbeitet in einem Geschäft. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer works in a business. Du bist meine Partnerin. You're my woman. You're my partner. He hett sik as'n Fro antrocken. He dressed up as a woman. He just touched you as a question. Sie haben einen Sohn, stimmt’s? They have a son, don't they? You have a son, right? Tom rannte hinaus auf die Straße ohne nach rechts und links zu schauen. Tom rushed out onto the road without looking both ways. Tom ran out onto the street without looking to the right and left. Versuch’s doch mal! Give it a try. Try it! Ich bin Japaner, aber ich lebe nicht in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I'm not living in Japan. סטעלע איז אַן אשת־חיל. Stella is an ideal woman. Steele is a yeshivael. Doe most goan. You have to go. Do the goan. Was je gisteravond moe? Were you tired last night? Were you tired last night? De kinderen hebben geen school vandaag. The children don't have school today. The kids don't have a school today. Tom ist noch zu jung, um Bier zu trinken. Tom is still too young to drink beer. Tom's too young to drink beer. Ik at kipnuggets. I ate chicken nuggets. I ate chicken nets. Heb je iets te eten? Have you anything to eat? Do you have anything to eat? Es ist nicht so ein großes Problem, wie du denkst. It's not as big a problem as you think. It's not as big a problem as you think. Tom heeft het Eurovisie Songfestival gewonnen. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom won the Eurovision Song Festival. Nehmt ihr an dem Wettbewerb teil? Are you going to take part in the contest? Are you taking part in the competition? Ik weet dat je sterk bent, maar politieke druk is nog sterker. I know that you're strong, but political pressure is even stronger. I know you're strong, but political pressure is even stronger. Dit altaar is gewijd aan Jupiter. This shrine is sacred to Jupiter. This altar is dedicated to Jupiter. Laten we er één nemen. Let's get one. Let's take one. Ek het skoon van haar vergeet. I forgot all about her. I had forgotten her cleanly. In Bezug auf diese Frage gibt es drei Probleme. With respect to this question, there are three problems. There are three problems with this question. Ist Deutschland in der Nähe von Italien? Is Germany near Italy? Is Germany close to Italy? Tom hielt mich für meinen Bruder. Tom took me for my brother. Tom thought I was my brother. Ik hou van eiwit. I like the white of an egg. I love protein. k Lees. I'm reading. k Read. Ek het twee katte. I have two cats. I have two cats. Ich bin ein großes Risiko eingegangen. I've taken a big risk. I've taken a big risk. Ik leer Soemerisch. I'm learning Sumerian. I'm learning Sumerian. Den wären wir los! Good riddance! That's what we're going to do! Ich wohne im Erdgeschoss. I live on the ground floor. I live on the ground floor. אַלע װערטער װערן מיד, קײן מענטש קען עס ניט אַרױסרעדן; דאָס אױג קען זיך ניט אָנקוקן זאַט, און דאָס אױער קען זיך ניט אָנהערן פֿול. All things are full of weariness beyond uttering. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. All words Wednesday, no man can't brace it; this man can't wait a minute, and this can't happen again. Tom schrifft mi noch von Tied to Tied. Tom still writes to me from time to time. Tom's writing me from time to time. Maria arbeitet in einer Kunstgalerie. Mary works at an art gallery. Maria works in an art gallery. Tom brukt Antwoorden. Tom needs answers. Tom uses answers. Dit is net nie die moeite werd nie. It's just not worth it. It is just not worth the effort. Wann hast du das letzte Mal eine Spende entrichtet? When was the last time you gave charity? When was the last time you paid a donation? Ich denke, sein Vorschlag ist der Erwägung wert. I think that his proposal deserves some thinking. I think his proposal is worth considering. Du schusst dor man beter nich hengahn. You'd better not go there. You'd better not go there. Versucht es noch mal. Try again. Try again. Wat is jullie lievelingswoord? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Waarom ben je er nog? Why are you still here? Why are you still here? Tom warf sich das Geschirrtuch über die Schulter. Tom slung the towel over his shoulder. Tom threw the dishcloth over his shoulder. Da sucht Sie jemand. There is someone looking for you. Someone's looking for you. Tom zou dat nooit zo gedaan hebben. Tom would never have done that that way. Tom would never have done that. Vliegtuige vlieg bo ons. Airplanes fly above us. Planes fly above us. Mien Tog is Klock söven losföhrt un Klock teihn in New York ankamen. My train started at seven, arrived in New York at 10. My move has run seven times and arrived ten in New York. Zai zwom. She swam. That's right. Ik heb een cabrio. I have a convertible car. I have a cabrio. Jij bent een klein mens. You are a small person. You're a small person. Dafür wirst du bezahlen! You'll pay for that. You'll pay for that! Vind je het Engels moeilijk? Do you think English is difficult? You think English is hard? אַן‎ אַנדער וועלט איז מעגלעך. Another world is possible. Another world is enabled. Mijn broer heeft een grote vis gevangen. My brother caught a big fish. My brother caught a big fish. Ich han s Gschirr gmacht. I washed the dishes. I'm using Gschirr's guild. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, Johannes mache sich Sorgen. Mary told Tom that she thought John was worried. Maria told Tom that she thought John was worried. Ria weet nich, ’keen se fragen schall. Mary doesn't know who she should ask. Ria doesn’t know, ’ she wants to ask. שלמה ווילט זײַן אַ שרײַבער. Shlomo wants to be a writer. Now let's see. I'll tell you what he's gonna do. Schrijf op wat ik zeg, alsjeblieft. Please write down what I say. Write on what I'm saying, please. Hy haat spinnekoppe. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. Er kommt nicht zur Arbeit, weil er krank ist. He doesn't come to work because he's ill. He doesn't come to work because he's sick. Hast du Brot fürs Frühstück? Do you have bread for lunch? Do you have bread for breakfast? Wat hest du för ’n Bloodgrupp? What's your blood group? What do you have for a Bloodgroup? Tom un Ria seukt ehr Söhn. Tom and Mary are looking for their son. Tom and Ria see their son. עס איז גוט פֿאַר אונדז צו עסן וועדזשטאַבאַלז יעדער טאָג. It's good for us to eat vegetables every day. There is good for us to eat Luster goud. Listen up. Luster gold. Wie ist Ihre Mutter so? What's your mother like? How's your mother? Was machen Sie beruflich? What do you do for a living? What are you doing professionally? Mein Vater heißt Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. De dief was aan handen en voeten gebonden. The thief was bound hand and foot. The thief was tied to hands and feet. Hij heeft geen geld. He doesn't have any money. He doesn't have any money. Wat eetst? What're you eating? What's eating? Machen Schlangen dir Angst? Do snakes scare you? Do snakes scare you? Ich erhielt einen Brief von einem Freund. I got a letter from a friend. I received a letter from a friend. Ich hätte es nicht besser sagen können. I couldn't have said it better. I couldn't have said it better. Ik dacht dat jullie elk weekend samen tennis speelden. I thought you two played tennis together every weekend. I thought you were playing tennis together every weekend. Ich war neugierig auf das Ergebnis. I was curious as to the result. I was curious about the result. Dit is nou my huis. This is my home now. It's my house now. Ek weet alles van hom. I know all about him. I know everything about him. Ic þancie þé! Thank you! The name of the icon from the icon theme Worüm fraagst du nich dien Fründ? Why don't you ask your boyfriend? Why don't you ask your friend? Es ist Zeit zu gehen. It's time to leave. It's time to go. Laat u me het alstublieft zo snel mogelijk weten als u een deel van de conferentiezaal zou willen opzetten om uw producten te tonen. Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to set up part of the conference room to show your products. Ik ben alleen maar aan het kijken. I'm just looking around. I'm just watching. Der Händler häufte in der Nachkriegszeit einen enormen Reichtum an. The merchant accumulated tremendous fortune during the postwar era. The dealer accumulated enormous wealth in post-war times. Hock na! Sit down. Hock! Hoe ben je te weten gekomen dat ik hier ben? How did you know I was here? How did you find out I'm here? Der Ministerpräsident wird voraussichtlich zurücktreten. The premier is likely to resign. The Prime Minister is expected to withdraw. Wenneer kin k raaizen? When can I travel? Win, can you guess? Dat sünd keen Wöör. These aren't words. There are no words. Waar heb je ze uitgetrokken? Where did you take them off? Where did you pull them out? Er ist mein Ex. He's my ex. He's my ex-wife. Ik denk dat het klopt. I think it's OK. I think it's right. Eines Tages bekannte Mark Twain überraschend: "Ich bin nicht so jung, wie ich es vor einigen Jahren war..." One day Mark Twain surprisingly confessed: "I am not as young as I was several years ago..." One day Mark Twain was surprised: "I'm not as young as I was a few years ago..." Mein Geldbeutel ist verschwunden. My wallet's gone. My wallet has disappeared. Is het een wolf? Is it a wolf? Is it a wolf? Er is een groot verschil tussen een taal goed kunnen spreken, en een taal vloeiend kunnen spreken. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a great difference between a language can speak well, and a language can speak fluently. Sich zu verheiraten, ist eine ernsthafte Sache. Getting married is a serious matter. Getting married is a serious thing. Kijk naar me! Watch me. Look at me! ער איז ניט קיין צדיק אין פּעלץ. He isn't a hypocrite. He was no shame in felt. Gain probleem! No problem! Gain problem! Bewege deinen Hintern! Move your ass! Move your back! Nix is hillig. Nothing is holy. Nothing's hilarious. k Bin n Stadjer. I'm a Groninger. k Im a Stadjer. Er ist einer der beliebtesten Schüler seiner Klasse. He is one of the most popular students in the class. He is one of the most popular students in his class. Heeft Tom een paardenstaart? Does Tom have ponytail? Tom's got a horsetail? Das ist mein japanischer Freund. This is my Japanese friend. That's my Japanese friend. Tom hett Ria gistern besökt. Tom visited Mary yesterday. Tom visited Ria yesterday. Er bekannte seine Schuld. He confessed that he was guilty. He knew his fault. Schau mal! Der Zug ist da! Look! The train has arrived! Look, the train's here! My baas was tevrede met wat ek gedoen het. My boss was satisfied with what I did. My boss was satisfied with what I had done. De maan verscheen van achter de wolken. The moon came out from behind the clouds. The moon appeared from behind the clouds. Man muss eine Lüge nur oft genug wiederholen, und es wird eine Wahrheit daraus. Tell a lie often enough and it will become the truth. You only have to repeat a lie often enough, and it will be a truth from it. Tom kam her, um Französisch zu lernen. Tom came here to learn French. Tom came here to learn French. We zijn allebei uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Op zijn gezicht zag ik een blije glimlach. I saw a joyful smile on his face. On his face I saw a happy smile. Er kwam nooit iemand op mijn verjaardag. Nobody would visit me on my birthday. No one ever came on my birthday. זײַן האָר זײַנען גראָ. His hair is gray. It's pretty old, man. Du hättest es aufschreiben sollen. You should've written it down. You should've written it down. Ken je mijn broer Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Ik ben zeker dat hij zal slagen. I am sure that he will succeed. I'm sure he'll succeed. Zai binnen noaber. They are neighbors. Zai inside noaber. Se eet veel Ries. They eat a lot of rice. She eats a lot of Ries. Lass uns versuchen, das mit Tom zu tun. Let's try to do that with Tom. Let's try to do this with Tom. Ze werden nerveus. They became nervous. They got nervous. Se maakt ehr Moder blied. She makes her mother happy. She's going to make the most of it. מוכאמאד איז געבוירן געווארן אין מעקאַ. Muhammad was born in Mecca. Mohammad was born in Mawa. Dat Enn is nah. The end is nigh. The end is close. It Frysk, Sealterfrysk en Noardfrysk binne Fryske talen. West Frisian, Saterland Frisian and North Frisian are Frisian languages. It French, Serbian, and Northern French in French. Ich bin bedürftig. I'm needy. I'm in need. Luna is een betrouwbaar persoon. Luna is a reliable person. Luna is a reliable person. Ik ben aan het vertalen. I am translating. I'm translating. Wie heißen deine Eltern? What are your parents' names? What's your parents' name? k Zing. I am singing. k Zing. Möchtest du einen Apfel? Do you want an apple? Do you want an apple? Medelijden lijkt op liefde. Pity is akin to love. Confessions are like love. Ik heb er een geschilderd. I painted one. I painted one. Es kam näher und näher. It moved closer and closer. It came closer and closer. Büst du jümmer noch in Schottland? Are you still in Scotland? Are you still in Scotland? Darf ich mal kurz dazwischengehen? May I cut in? Can I go in between for a minute? Hij heeft een vingerhoedskruid gekocht. He bought a foxglove. He bought a gunpowder. Hoe meer je het boek leest, hoe minder je het zal verstaan. The more you read the book, the less you will understand it. The more you read the book, the less you will understand it. Het was zwaar, maar het was elke druppel zweet waard. It was tough, but worth every drop of sweat. It was heavy, but it was worth every drop of sweat. Ik denk dat Iers geen moeilijke taal is. I think that Irish is not a difficult language. I don't think Irish is a difficult language. Wat meenst du dor mit? What do you mean by it? What do you think about it? Iederen weet dat zij alles gedaan heeft wat ze kon voor haar kinderen. Everyone knows that she has done everything she could for her children. Everyone knows she did everything she could for her children. Zoek dat woord op in het woordenboek. Look up this word in the dictionary. Look up that word in the dictionary. Wat meenst du, wat he maakt hett? What do you think he did? What do you think he's doing? Wir alle sind Gefangene. We're all prisoners. We're all prisoners. Tom erhielt die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Tom gained American citizenship. Tom received American citizenship. Hoe oud is je broer? How old is your brother? How old is your brother? Geef me uw naam en telefoonnummer. Please tell me your name and telephone number. Give me your name and phone number. Tom zeigt keine Anzeichen von Hirnaktivität. Tom is showing no signs of brain activity. Tom shows no signs of brain activity. Du un Brenda, ji sünd nich hungerig. You and Brenda are not hungry. You and Brenda, you are not ready. Du liebst dieses Auto, oder? You love this car, don't you? You love this car, don't you? Het meisje dat met Tom spreekt, is Mary. The girl talking with Tom is Mary. The girl who speaks to Tom is Mary. Ik kann nix sehn! I can't see! I can't see anything! Ik noem dit schip ''de Koningin Elizabeth''. I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. I call this ship "the Queen Elizabeth." Seit wie vielen Jahren bist du schon Französischlehrerin? How many years have you been a French teacher? How many years have you been a French teacher? Tom und Maria umarmten sich und gaben sich gegenseitig einen Kuss auf die Wange. Tom and Mary hugged each other and kissed each other's cheeks. Tom and Mary hugged each other and kissed each other. Meinen Eltern missfällt meine Art, mich zu kleiden. My parents don’t like the way I dress. My parents have missed my way of dressing me. Das sieht nicht besonders lustig aus, was? It doesn't look very fun, does it? That doesn't look so funny, does it? גיטל איז אַ רעאַקציאָנערקע. Gittel is a reactionary. Gel is a triangle. Tom trägt neue Schuhe. Tom is wearing a new pair of shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. In het Portugees zeggen we doorgaans "alô" bij het opnemen van de telefoon. In Portuguese, we usually say "alô", when we pick up the phone. In Portuguese we usually say "alô" when recording the phone. Wenn die Zahl der Autos steigt, nimmt auch der Verkehr zu. If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic. When the number of cars increases, the traffic also increases. Het is etenstijd. Time for dinner. It's lunchtime. Ik kom út Grinslân. I'm from Groningen. I'm from Greece. Er betrog seinen Freund. He deceived his friend. He cheated on his friend. Tom scheint eingeschlafen zu sein. Tom seems to be asleep. Tom seems to have slept. Laurie ist eine sehr fleißige Schülerin. Laurie is a very hardworking student. Laurie is a very diligent student. „Warum habe ich nicht daran gedacht?“ – „Weil du ein Dummkopf bist!“ "Why didn't I think of that?" "Because you're an idiot." “Why didn’t I remember?” – “Because you’re a stupid head!” Ich möchte ein Bild von diesem Hund. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of this dog. Wenn auch krank, so tat ich doch mein Bestes. Although I was sick, I did my best. If I'm sick, I did my best. De proefpersonen voor het experiment waren toevallig uitgekozen. The people for the experiment were chosen at random. The subjects for the experiment were randomly chosen. De forensisch onderzoeker vond kruitsporen op de hand van het slachtoffer. The forensic technician found gunshot residue on the victim's hand. The forensic researcher found scrap marks on the basis of the victim. Jullie zijn aan het kijken. You're watching. You're watching. Bruuchsch en Ambulanz? Do you need an ambulance? Bruuchsch and Ambulance? Ik geloof niet in het bestaan van God. I do not believe in the existence of God. I don't believe in the existence of God. Kan je skaten? Can you skate? Can you skate? Wenn Tom das tut, fresse ich einen Besen. If Tom does that, I'll eat my hat. If Tom does, I'll eat a broom. Eerlijk gezegd denk ik dat hij een goede baas is. Frankly speaking, I think he's a good boss. Frankly, I think he's a good boss. Tom ist nicht mein Bruder. Tom isn't my brother. Tom's not my brother. Vul dit formulier in, alsjeblieft. Fill out this form, please. Please fill in this form. Zijn jullie ooit in Canada geweest? Have you ever been to Canada? Have you ever been to Canada? 't Is duudlijk dat Tom geliek het. It's obvious Tom is right. It's clear Tom called it. Wat is de relatie tussen politiek en oorlog? What is the relationship between politics and war? What is the relationship between politics and war? Ik heb je verraden. I betrayed you. I betrayed you. Ich frage mich, was passiert, wenn ich diesen Knopf drücke. I'm wondering what'll happen if I push this button. I wonder what happens when I push this button. Hij heeft gebrek aan ervaring. He is lacking in experience. He lacks experience. Sie hat die Kunst, mit schwierigen Kunden umzugehen, perfektioniert. She has perfected the art of handling difficult customers. She perfected the art of dealing with difficult customers. Sēo flyhthæfen is be-locen. The airport is closed. S'o flyhth contains be-locen. Was suchen wir? What are we looking for? What are we looking for? „Das ist höchst interessant“, sagte Holmes. "This is most interesting," said Holmes. “That’s very interesting,” Holmes said. Felesiteerd! Congratulations! Congratulations! Hij doet niets anders dan strips lezen. He does nothing but read comics. He's doing nothing but reading comics. Vertel het hem persoonlijk. Tell him in person. Tell him personally. Was werdet ihr bezüglich Tom unternehmen? What are you going to do about Tom? What are you gonna do about Tom? Wir werden das tun. We'll do that. We'll do that. Ik hoop dat je een spoedig herstel hebt. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you get a quick recovery. Hai kin zingen. He can sing. Hai kin sings. Ik tööv op mien Fründ. I'm waiting for my friend. I'm waiting for my friend. Ich sollte eigentlich ins Bett gehen. I really should be getting to bed. I was supposed to go to bed. Ik ben het er niet mee eens dat je Latijn moet leren om Engels beter te begrijpen. I don't agree with the theory that one should learn Latin in order to better understand English. I don't agree that you need to learn Latin to understand English better. Ik nader mijn bestemming. I approach my destination. I'm approaching my destination. Disse See is de deepste See in Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. This lake is the deepest lake in Japan. Ze zat naast me. She sat by my side. She was sitting next to me. Se catt is dēad. The cat is dead. It's a cat. Tom rook rook. Tom smelled smoke. Tom smokes smoking. Dis my vriend. This is my friend. It's my friend. Wi kennt em nich. We do not know him. We do not know him. k Kom oet Afrin. I am from Afrin. - Come on, let's go, Afrin. Wi hebbt dat Shampoo opbruukt. We used up the shampoo. We've been using shampoo. Er redet viel über seinen Vater. He talks a lot about his father. He talks a lot about his father. Waar is die PowerPoint-aanbieding wat julle my belowe het? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Tom will wissen, warum. Tom wants to know why. Tom wants to know why. Sie haben Tränensäcke unter den Augen. You've got bags under your eyes. You have tears under your eyes. Ein japanischer Geschäftsmann kaufte das Kunstwerk für 200 Millionen Yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. Tom rief an, um mitzuteilen, dass er sich verspäten würde. Tom called to say he'd be late. Tom called to tell me he'd be late. Se hett twee Katten, een is witt un een swart. She has two cats. One is white and one is black. It has two cats, one is white and one black. Maria gibt in London Französischunterricht. Mary teaches French in London. Maria's teaching French in London. Das ist meins, oder? This is mine, isn't it? That's mine, isn't it? Tom hat nie viel Geld gehabt. Tom has never had much money. Tom never had much money. Steek de kaarsen aan. Light the candles. Turn on the candles. Gib mir auch was davon. Get me some, too. Give me some of that, too. Das Abendessen wird kalt. Supper's getting cold. Dinner's getting cold. Hien huet e Schnauz. He's got a moustache. He gave a joke. Zijn dochter is een mooie vrouw geworden. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter has become a beautiful woman. Is dat een halsmisdaad? Is that a capital crime? Is that a neck crime? Schau dir das an. Look at this. Look at this. Nu mot ik gaon. I have to leave now. Now I'm going to go. Ist das dein ganzes Kleingeld? Is that all your small change? Is that your whole change? Der Soldat ist tot. The soldier is dead. The soldier is dead. De slapende stad is veranderd in een levendige stad. The sleepy town has been transformed into a bustling city. The sleeping city has changed into a lively city. Ik ben niet naïef. Ik ben alleen optimistisch. I'm not naive. I'm just optimistic. I'm not naive, I'm just optimistic. Er zerriss das Buch. He tore the book apart. He broke the book. Kijk in de doos. Look into the box. Look in the box. Ze wisselden groeten uit. They exchanged hellos. They exchanged greetings. Es ist alles vorbereitet. Everything's ready. It's all ready. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I always have a cup of coffee in the morning. Het is vier uur rijden van New York naar Boston. It is a four-hour drive from New York to Boston. It's four hours' drive from New York to Boston. Dis wat jy kry! That is what you get! That's what you get! Het is al 7 uur. It's already 7 o'clock. It's 7 o'clock. Hai kin Hongoars en zie kin Duuts. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. Hai kin Hongoars and see can Duuts. Sie wird mit jedem Tage hübscher. She gets prettier day by day. She's getting more beautiful every day. Heb je Russische kranten? Do you have Russian newspapers? Do you have Russian newspapers? Wie wäre es mit morgen Nacht? How about tomorrow night? How about tomorrow night? Ihr könnt ihm keinen Vorwurf machen. You can't blame him. You can't blame him. Ik denk dat wij goede vrienden zouden kunnen zijn. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. Es tut mir leid, dass ich dich hintergangen habe. I'm sorry for having deceived you. I'm sorry I left you. Kan ik alsjeblieft een kopje thee krijgen? Can I have a cup of tea, please? Can I please get a cup of tea? Es war sehr stickig. It was very stuffy. It was very sticky. Die Polizisten setzten gegen die protestierenden Schüler Tränengas ein. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. Je mag het boek geven aan wie het maar wil. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Ich bin Japaner. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. Ik heb het een beetje verleerd. I'm a little out of practice. I lost it a little. Zij is thee aan het drinken. She is drinking tea. She's drinking tea. Ik had u de brief al gestuurd, toen u belde. I had already sent you the letter when you called. I'd already sent you the letter when you called. Drinkt u bier? Do you drink beer? Are you drinking beer? Er waren veel islamitische kinderen op de school waar Sami naartoe ging. There were lots of Muslim kids at the school Sami attended. There were many Islamic children at the school that Sami was going to. Ich weiß, dass Sie Französisch nicht beherrschen. I know you can't speak French. I know you don't control French. Hij is gelukkig. He's happy. He's happy. כ'האָב געקויפֿט זײַן לעצטן ראָמאַן. I bought his last novel. Hugh appear to be the last frame. Amuseren jullie je? Are you having fun? Are you having fun? איך האב אוועקגעווישט דעם שמוץ פון מיינע הויזן. I wiped the dirt off my pants. I have followed the conversation of my houses. Sie ist die Älteste der drei Schwestern. She is the oldest of the three sisters. She's the elders of the three sisters. Hij deed zo zijn best dat hij er helemaal rood van werd. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He did his best to get him all red. Ik heb een paar duiten op zak deze maand. I have a little money this month. I've got a few points on my pocket this month. Ech hunn Honger. I am hungry. I have Hungary. Tranen die stromen zijn bitter, maar nog meer bitter zijn die die niet stromen. The tears that flow are bitter but still more bitter are those that do not flow. Tears that flow are bitter, but even more bitter are those that do not flow. Wer im Sommer singt, arbeitet im Winter. Who sings in the summer, works in the winter. Those who sing in the summer work in winter. Ich habe noch viel zu tun. I've still got a lot of work to do. I still have a lot to do. Die Polizei fasste den Dieb. The police caught the thief. The police caught the thief. Tom findet, dass Mary total arrogant ist. Tom thinks Mary is really stuck up. Tom thinks Mary's totally arrogant. Du bruukst nich bet to ’n Enn töven. You don't have to wait until the end. You do not have to wait until the end. U bent in gevaar. You are in danger. You're in danger. Wist je niet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Didn't you know that Tom was a dentist? You didn't know Tom was a dentist? Ik heff nix to seggen. I don't have anything to say. I didn't say anything. Hai is mien keunenk. He is my king. Hai's my honeymoon. Uns ging der Sprit aus. We ran out of gas. We went out of line. Kommt er mit dem Zug oder mit dem Bus? Is he coming by train or by bus? Is he coming by train or by bus? אן עלעפאנט איז א שטארקע בהמה. An elephant is a strong animal. An elephant is a starry beast. מיין שטוב איז בלויז א פינף מינוט שפאצירגאנג פון דער סטאנציע. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station. My torch is only a five-minute family of the station. Warum ist das wichtig? Why is that important? Why is that important? Echt? You don't say. Really? De Atoomtall von Iesen is 26. The atomic number for iron is 26. The Atomic Number of Iesen is 26. Kunt u mijn Engelse zinnen verbeteren? Can you correct my English sentences? Can you improve my English sentences? Zonder lucht en water zou niets kunnen leven. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, nothing could live. Ben je vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Tom is een aardappelboer. Tom is a potato farmer. Tom's a potato farmer. We hebben wat we nodig hebben. We've got what we need. We have what we need. De Eer is en Planeet. Earth is a planet. The Earth is and Planet. Ich brauchte keinen Schirm mitzunehmen. I didn't need to take an umbrella with me. I didn't need a screen. Bleib doch noch etwas! Why don't you stay a little longer? Why don't you stay here? In ’t Allgemeen sünd Deerns beter bi ’t Spraken lehren as Jungs. Generally speaking, girls are better at learning languages than boys. In general, animals are better taught in languages than boys. איך וויל בעסער פֿאָרן מיטן וועלאָ איידער גיין. I prefer biking to walking. I would like to suggest the same thing as before going. ער האט מיר געזאגט דער זעלבער. He told me the same thing. He told me the same thing. Whit did ye say? Say what? What do you want to say? 'n Kêrel het ek nie nodig nie. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need a boyfriend. Wist je niet dat Tom homo is? You didn't know Tom was gay? You didn't know Tom was gay? Mijn vaders spreken geen Nederlands. My fathers don't speak Dutch. My father doesn't speak Dutch. Hier is het het volledige jaar koud. It is cold all year here. Here's the whole year cold. Du kannst ruhig Deutsch sprechen, wenn du magst. Feel free to speak German. You can speak German quietly if you like. Kunt u ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian too? Ek het geweet Tom sou dit nie ordentlik gedoen het nie. I knew Tom wouldn't do it properly. I knew Tom would not have done so properly. Tom hett mi seggt, wat du daan hest. Tom told me what you did. Tom said you did. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. It's fun to play baseball. It's nice to play baseball. Hebben jullie een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Was wollte Tom? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lachen. I could not stop laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Du nimmst das hier. You take this one. You take this here. Dat huis staat te koop. The house is on sale. That house's for sale. Wann habt ihr Zapfenstreich? What time's your curfew? When did you cut the tapes? Hai kwam n poar dagen loater. He came a few days later. Hai came down for a few days. Tom zal niet kunnen doen wat we willen dat hij doet. Tom won't be able to do what we want him to do. Tom won't be able to do whatever we want him to do. Mien moeke het n schiere klaid veur mie moaken doun. My mother made me a beautiful dress. I'm tired of having a scissor in front of my mouth. Aardbevingen en overstromingen zijn natuurrampen. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Het ziet er goed uit. Things are looking good. It looks good. Herr Smith schull man de Wohrheid seggt hebben. Mr. Smith should have told the truth. Mr. Smith should have said the truth. Sie behandelt mich, als wäre ich ein Baby. She treats me as if I were a baby. She treats me like I'm a baby. Wi mööt nu wat doon. We have to act now. We need to do something now. Is er een bank niet ver van hier? Is there a bank near here? Isn't there a bank far from here? Treffen sich zwei Jäger: Beide tot. Two hunters meet: both are dead. Meet two hunters: both dead. Ik kom uit Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm from Saitama. Taro is gedurende drie dagen in Tokyo gebleven. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Jeder muss mit dem Weinen aufhören. Everyone needs to quit whining. Everyone has to stop crying. Sind Sie der Verfasser dieses Buches? Are you the author of this book? Are you the author of this book? Bleiben Sie hier und helfen Sie mir! Stay here and help me. Stay here and help me! Du warst im Koma. You were in a coma. You were in the coma. k Kin goan. I can go. k Kin goan. Artou Frensh or English? Are you French or English? Artou French or English? Bent u bang voor mij? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? k Heb gain geld. I don't have money. He's goin' money. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. I don't mind Tom coming with his new girlfriend. Waarom niet beide? Why not both? Why not both? Luisterde iedereen? Was everyone listening? Did everyone listen? Okay, los geht's. Okay, let's go. Okay, let's go. Tom kocht sich seine Mahlzeiten selbst. Tom cooks his own meals. Tom cooks his own meals. Kunt u dat herhalen, alstublieft? Could you please repeat that? Can you repeat that, please? דאָס איז זייער גוט. This is very good. This is very good. איך וועל זיי אפנעמען שפייטער. I'll pick them up later. I will even keep them alive. De weet all, dat ik Muslim bin. They all know I'm a Muslim. It all knows I'm Muslim. Bitte lass mich deine Tasche tragen. Please allow me to carry your bag. Please let me carry your bag. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't that obvious? Isn't it obvious? Tom drònk melk. Tom drank milk. Tom's milk. Es gefiel mir nicht sonderlich. I didn't like it much. I didn't like it very much. Dat is teihn Johr her, dat he dootbleven is. It has been ten years since he died. That's ten years ago, he's dead. װען ביסטו געפֿאָרן קײן רױם? When did you go to Rome? When there are no available things? Tom ist Anwalt. Tom is a lawyer. Tom's a lawyer. Ik heb het erg druk, reken dus niet op mij. I'm very busy so don't count on me. I'm very busy, so don't count on me. Kate muss krank sein, da sie bleich aussieht. Kate must be sick, for she looks pale. Kate must be sick because she looks pale. Wie heeft Hamlet geschreven? Who wrote Hamlet? Who wrote Hamlet? Nedderländsk is naig vöwant an Düütsk. Dutch is closely related to German. Dutch is nearersk to German. Ich werde hingehen und es ihr sagen. I'll go and tell her. I'll go and tell her. Ik laat deze radio morgen herstellen. I'll have this radio fixed tomorrow. I'll have this radio recovered tomorrow. Die Räuber kamen hinter den Bäumen hervor und überfielen ihn. The robbers appeared out of the shade and rushed him. The robbers came out behind the trees and attacked him. Waar is de Russische ambassade? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian Embassy? Hat dieser Mann euch bedroht? Was this man threatening you? Has this man threatened you? Dit is afzetterij. This is a rip-off. This is sales. Ich hasse dich so sehr. I hate you so much. I hate you so much. Man fing ihn schnell wieder ein. He was quickly recaptured. You quickly caught him back in. Du solltest dir einen Tag freinehmen. You should take a day off. You should take a day off. Wi hebbt twee Billy-Regaals von Ikea. We've got two Billy shelves from IKEA. We have two Billy rules from Ikea. Hest du Tom den Slötel gäven? Did you give Tom the key? Did you give Tom the key? Tom is beroemd. Tom's famous. Tom's famous. Wanneer komt zijn nieuwe roman uit? When will his new novel come out? When's his new novel coming out? Er spricht nur ein bisschen Englisch. He can only speak a little English. He's just talking a little English. Jij kijkt naar die boom. You look at that tree. You're looking at that tree. Ik hou van de zon. I like the sun. I love the sun. Weißt du, wo das Polizeirevier ist? Do you know where the police station is? You know where the police station is? Wo ist Toms Mutter? Where's Tom's mother? Where's Tom's mother? Gah nich över de Straat! Don't cross the street! Don't go over the street! Ich wüsste nicht, was ich von euch wollen sollte. I can't think of anything I'd want from you. I don't know what to do with you. Het is niet duidelijk of ze zal instemmen. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It's not clear if she'll agree. Muggen zijn insecten. Mosquitoes are insects. Muggen are insects. לערנט זיך ייִדיש. Learn Yiddish. Scientifically learnt. מערי האט געהאט מורא. Mary was afraid. More than one million people have been able to live there. Tom heeft drie jaar Frans gestudeerd. Tom studied French for three years. Tom studied French for three years. Wie wird Ihr Nachname geschrieben? How do you write your last name? How is your surname written? In der Bucht explodierte eine Erdölplattform. A petroleum platform exploded in the bay. A oil platform exploded in the bay. Ik weet niet of hij het weet. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. Maria ist eine Virtuosin. Mary is a virtuoso. Maria is a virtuoso. Tom und Mary standen nahe beieinander. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Tom and Mary were close. Het jy besluit om Japan toe te gaan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Macedonië wordt ''Makedonija'' genoemd in het Macedonisch. Macedonia is called "Makedonija" in Macedonian. Macedonia is called "Makedonija" in Macedonian. De Vagels weren hungerig. The birds were hungry. The vultures will be overturned. Dat weer Éamonn, de dat daan hett. The one who did it was Éamonn. That again, Éamon, that's what it is. Ik dacht dat je een grapje maakte. I thought you were kidding. I thought you were kidding. Layla kon geen kameel berijden. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Tom heeft een heel moeizame relatie met zijn vader. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Zij is mooi. She's pretty. She's beautiful. Ik heff di söcht. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for it. Vuile klootzak! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Hij is een vreselijke coach. He's a terrible coach. He's a terrible coach. Ich möchte in Würde altern. I want to age gracefully. I'd like to age. Disse CD höört mien Söhn to. This CD is my son's. This CD belongs to my son. Ik bün bang vör wille Deerten. I'm scared of wild animals. I'm afraid of Deerten's sake. Warum reden wir nicht in Ihrem Büro? Why don't we talk in your office? Why don't we talk in your office? In keap is in keap. It is no use crying over spilt milk. There's a monkey in the sheep. Ech hunn en Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. I have an apartment in the town. גאָט איז גיי? Is God gay? God has gone away? Tom war eins der Opfer. Tom was one of the victims. Tom was one of the victims. Jener Tag war ein wichtiger Meilenstein in unserem Projekt. That day was an important milestone in our project. That day was an important milestone in our project. Ek weet nie of dit waar is nie. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if that's true. Ik verstah dit Gedicht nich. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. Aaah!! Mien Reekner is in ’n Dutt! Aaah!! My computer is broken! My computer is in a dutt! Es wurde ein neuer Papst gewählt. A new pope has been elected. A new pope was elected. Woher wussten Sie, dass ich Kanadier bin? How did you know I was Canadian? How did you know I was Canadian? Er was een groot publiek in het theater. There was a large audience in the theater. There was a big audience at the theatre. Wurden Sie von einem herrenlosen Hund gebissen? Have you been bitten by a stray dog? Did you get bitten by a heartless dog? Ik heff Jane de Hand geven. I shook hands with Jane. I got Jane's hand. Ik ben knapper dan jij. I am more beautiful than you. I'm prettier than you. Zijn moeder had gelijk. His mother was right. His mother was right. Hē sealde eall ðæt hē āhte. He sold all that he owned. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die stropdas staat je erg goed. That tie suits you very well. That shit's really good for you. k Loof die. I believe you. k Praise that one. Dainj, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Dainj, Jim. Ekskuus! Mag ek 'n venster oopmaak? Excuse me! May I open the window? Can I open a window? Ich fürchte mich vor großen, schwarzen, haarigen Taranteln. I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas! I'm afraid of big, black, hairy Tarantels. Herfst is mijn favoriete seizoen. Autumn is my favourite season. Autumn is my favorite season. Wir können Ihnen helfen. We can help you. We can help you. Archäologen zufolge soll es Anhaltspunkte dafür geben, dass sich eine schätzungsweise 7000 Jahre alte, noch frühere Siedlung unter den Gebäuden von En Ensur befinde. Archeologists said there is evidence that an even earlier settlement, estimated to be about 7,000-years-old, exists below the buildings of En Esur. Archaeologists suggest that there is an estimated 7,000-year-old, earlier settlement among the buildings of En Ensur. Tom was reg van die begin af. Tom was right from the beginning. Tom was right from the start. Kein Kind sollte zurückgelassen werden. No child should be left behind. No child should be left behind. Luistert gij eigenlijk wel naar mij? Are you listening to me at all? Are you actually listening to me? Warum studierst du nicht Französisch? Why don't you study French? Why don't you study French? Maak het je gemakkelijk! Make yourself cozy! Make it easy! Het is een gemakkelijke keuze. It's an easy choice. It's an easy choice. Gelooft Tom in mirakels? Does Tom believe in miracles? Tom believe in miracles? Dat Kleed is ut Sied. The dress is of silk. The Kleed is from Sied. k Hol van eerbaaien. I love strawberries. k Get out of bays. Vergelijk uw antwoord met dat van Tom. Compare your answer with Tom's. Compare your answer with Tom's. Wilkomme. Welcome. Witchy. Ik wou niet meer tijd besteden aan het discussiëren met Tom. I didn't want to spend any more time arguing with Tom. I didn't want to spend any more time discussing with Tom. Neem n autobus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Ich komme aus Singapur. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. Der Wald steckt voller Leben. The forest is teeming with life. The forest is full of life. Waar werd dit boek gepubliceerd? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Kan je het naar New York versturen? Can you ship it to New York City? Can you send it to New York? Hoe laat begint het? What time does it start? What time does it start? k Kin rieden. I can drive. k May be. k Rook schink. I smelled bacon. smoke smoke. Ich hab jemanden getroffen. I came across one. I met someone. Nüms glövt mi. No one believes me. I don't know. De gewapende kapers joegen de passagiers angst aan. The armed hijackers terrified the passengers. The armed barbers led the passengers to fear. Tom was niet thuis voor middernacht. Tom didn't get home till midnight. Tom wasn't home by midnight. He hett mi ook Eten un Geld geven. He gave me food and money as well. He gave me food and money, too. Der Wettermann sagt für heute Abend Schnee voraus. The weatherman predicts snow for tonight. The weatherman predicts snow for tonight. Ik wist dat Tom laat zou zijn. I knew Tom would be late. I knew Tom would be late. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that's right. I think it's true. Bauern säen das Saatgut im Frühjahr aus. Farmers sow seeds in the spring. Farmers sow the seed in the spring. Waarom ga je niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Nu lees ik, lees jij en leest hij; wij lezen allen. Now I'm reading, you're reading and he's reading; we're all reading. Now I read, you read, and he read; we all read. Wi seht em elk Dag. We see him every day. We see him every day. In der Kathedrale befinden sich viele wertvolle Kunstwerke. The cathedral contains many valuable works of art. There are many valuable works of art in the cathedral. Ich sehe dieses Haus. I see this house. I see this house. Hett di de Film gefallen? Did you like the movie? Did you like the movie? Wie hebben kiekplaotjes. We have pictures. Who's got eyeballs? Yidir woont in Noorwegen. Yidir lives in Norway. Yidir lives in Norway. We vertrekken nu. We're leaving now. We're leaving now. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du mich Tom nennen würdest. I'd be happy if you'd call me Tom. I'd be happy if you'd call me Tom. Klavierspielen ist ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung. Playing the piano is her favorite pastime. Piano games is their favorite job. Het sneeuwt deze winter zelfs nog meer dan tijdens de laatste. It's snowing this winter even more so than last. It even snows even more this winter than during the last one. Ech sinn zu Iechternach gebuer. I was born in Echternach. I'm gonna feel bad to erase it later on. Hij is niet onze vijand. He isn't our enemy. He's not our enemy. Mien noaber was nait ien hoes dou de kadde kwam. My neighbor wasn't at home when the cat came. My noaber was naïth one cover dew the cadre came. Wat is jullie lievelingsvak? What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite thing? „Da fehlt ein Apostroph. Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen ‚it’s‘ und ‚its‘.“ – „Das weiß ich ja. Das war nur ein Tippfehler.“ There's an apostrophe missing. "It's" and "its" are different. -- I know. It was a typing error. “There is no apostrophe. There’s a difference between “it’s” and “its”.” – “I know that. That was just a typing mistake.” Goden Dag! Good day! Good day! Tom hat schon einige Zeit nicht mehr Tennis gespielt. Tom hasn't played tennis for a while. Tom hasn't played tennis for a while. Ich bin reich. I'm rich. I'm rich. Sami googelde Layla's naam. Sami googled Layla's name. Sami was the name of Layla. Ben je afgeslankt? Have you lost weight? Have you been slimed down? Wat hebben joe moakt? What did you make? What's up with Joe Moak? Tom werd erg jong kaal. Tom became bald very young. Tom became very young bald. Ehrlich gesprochen, glaube ich nicht, dass Sie das Zeug zum Lehrer haben. Frankly speaking, I don't think you have what it takes to become a teacher. Frankly, I don't think you have the stuff to teach. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich es getan habe. I'm really glad I did it. I'm very glad I did it. We hebben geen kinderen. We don't have kids. We don't have kids. In diesem Fluss leben keine Fische mehr. There aren't any fish living in this river anymore. Fish no longer live in this river. En wiesen Mann kann Gold sogoor ut Mateer winnen. A wise man can derive gold even from pus. A shown man can win gold so far from mater. Deze foto heb ik vorige week gemaakt. I took that picture a week ago. I took this picture last week. k Kin nait proaten. I can't talk. K Kin nait proate. Luister naar me alstublieft. Please listen to me. Please listen to me. Ik häb en Book bi Amazon.com bestellt. I've ordered a book from Amazon.com. I'll order Book bi Amazon.com. Wann beginnt deine Geschäftsreise? When does your business trip begin? When does your business start? Drinkst doe? Do you drink? Drink? Mama heeft de tafel gedekt. Mom set the table. Mom covered the table. Jim hou van die doktor. Jim likes the doctor. Jim likes the doctor. Ich bekam Briefe von einem Menschen, den ich nie zuvor getroffen habe. I got letters from a person I've never met. I got letters from a person I've never met before. Ek dog sit mag dalk ingewikkeld wees. I thought it might be complicated. My seat may be complicated. Wir klauen Zeugs. We steal stuff. We'll steal stuff. Sami holt van eerbaaien. Sami likes strawberries. Sami's going to pick up the bays. Ik denk dat uw brief onder dat boek ligt. I think your letter is under that book. I think your letter is under that book. Vraag maar aan Tom. Go ahead and ask Tom. Why don't you ask Tom? Ons sal nie kan ontsnap nie. We won't be able to escape. We will not be able to escape. De König is vonmorgen jagen gahn. The king went hunting this morning. The king was hunted this morning. Bring mich nicht in Verlegenheit! Don't embarrass me. Don't embarrass me! Ik kann dat nich sehn. I cannot see it. I can't see it. Waarom gilt u? Why are you screaming?! Why do you apply? Wie zal gaan? Who'll go? Who will go? Ik will di en goden Raad geven. I'll give you a good piece of advice. I want to give you and God's council. Ja, du darfst das Geschirr abwaschen. Nimm reichlich heißes Wasser, und achte darauf, dass du es gut abtrocknest! Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. Yes, you can wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and make sure you dry it off well! Deze vlag is heel mooi. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Is dit uw boek? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Moeke is oller as pabbe. Mom is older than Dad. Moeke is older than parrots. So pleite wie Tom bin ich nicht. I'm not as broke as Tom is. I'm not the way Tom pleads. Tom is mien kollegoa. Tom is my colleague. Tom is my colleague. Tom haat uien. Tom hates onions. Tom hates onions. Ik heb biologie altijd gehaat. I've always hated biology. I always hated biology. Je bofte dat je de trein kon pakken. It was lucky that you caught the train. You were lucky you could get the train. Ik wil jullie allebei op mijn kantoor zien. I want to see you both in my office. I want to see both of you in my office. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, hat er das gar nicht gesagt. As far as I remember, he didn't say that. As far as I can remember, he didn't say that at all. Ik heb echt jouw hulp nodig. I really need your help. I really need your help. Als der Kuchen so weit war, dass er gebacken werden konnte, legten sie ihn auf das Feuer und bedeckten ihn mit heißer Asche, bis er durchgegart war. When the cake was ready for baking they put it on the fire, and covered it with hot ashes, till it was cooked through. When the cake was so far that it could be baked, they put it on the fire and covered it with hot ashes until it was cooked through. We moeten elke dag ten minste acht uur slapen. We need at least eight hours of sleep each day. We have to sleep at least eight hours each day. Nu mot ik gaon. I've got to go now. Now I'm going to go. Dieses Gebiet leidet unter Wassermangel. This area suffers from a shortage of water. This area suffers from water shortages. Mensen leven maar ongeveer 70 jaar. Humans only live about 70 years. People live only about 70 years. Ich bin gekommen, um dir ein Angebot zu machen. I came here to make you an offer. I came to make you an offer. Wir blieben zu Hause, weil es sehr kalt war. We stayed at home because it was very cold. We stayed home because it was very cold. אין זייער רייד נאך נאכטמאל, זיי האבן גערעדט וועגן פאליטיק. In their discourse after dinner, they talked about politics. In their revision after night, they spoke about politics. Wir sind zusammen gegangen. We left together. We went together. Tom hat mich reingelassen. Tom let me in. Tom let me in. Dit maak nie regtig veel sin nie, doen dit? It doesn't really make much sense, does it? It doesn't really make much sense, does it? Als die Stadt befreit wurde, standen an den Straßen Reihen von Menschen, die Konfetti warfen. When the city was liberated, people lined the streets throwing confetti. When the city was liberated, there were rows of people throwing Confetti on the streets. Ik seeg den Fleger dat Gebüüd binnenstöten. I saw the plane hit the building. I saw the flatter invading the building. Ik kijk geen tv. I do not watch television. I don't watch TV. Hopelijk! Hopefully! I hope so! Das bildest du dir nur ein. You are imagining things. That's what you're doing. Hebben we de tijd dit af te maken voordat Tom komt? Do we have time to finish this before Tom gets here? Do we have time to finish this before Tom comes? Wann hat Herr Suzuki Japan verlassen? When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan? When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan? Dat sneet vondaag. It's snowing today. That sneeze today. De directeur van het bedrijf, aan wie ik u deze vrijdag heb voorgesteld, wil u weer spreken. The president of the company, to whom I introduced you last Friday, wants to see you again. The director of the company, whom I have proposed to you this Friday, wants to speak to you again. Vor langer Zeit war hier eine Brücke. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. אונדזער רעגירונג פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't care about us. Our recognization of friends on us. Kijk goed. Ik zal je laten zien hoe je dit doet. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. I'll show you how you do this. Tom is groter dan zijn moeder. Tom is taller than his mother. Tom's bigger than his mother. Twijfel er nooit aan. Don't ever doubt it. Never doubt it. Scheinbar komplizierte Probleme besitzen oft eine einfache Lösung. There's often a simple solution to what seems like a complicated problem. Apparently complicated problems often have a simple solution. Ik vraag me af waarom ik me zo eenzaam voel wanneer het koud wordt. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. Wat roar! How weird! How raw! Hier? Here? Here? Tom muss sich operieren lassen. Tom has to have surgery. Tom needs surgery. Je bent lief. You are adorable. You're sweet. Auf wessen Seite stehst du? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Genau genommen besteht das Chinesische aus hunderten von Dialekten. Strictly speaking, Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects. Actually, the Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects. Das ist eine Erklärung. That's one explanation. That's an explanation. De wind waait uit het oosten. The wind is blowing from the east. The wind blows from the east. Mir ist, als hättest du gesagt, du wollest mir einen ausgeben. I thought you said you were going to buy me a drink. I'm like you told me you wanted to give me one. Miene Süster is temlich plietsch. My sister is very intelligent. My sister's pretty smart. Er is te veel knoflook. There's too much garlic. There's too much garlic. Ik kijk elke avond ''The Walking Dead'' Every evening, I watch the "Walking Dead". I'm watching 'The Walking Dead' every night. Wir mussten den ganzen Weg zum Bahnhof laufen. We had to walk all the way to the station. We had to run all the way to the station. Ik ben allergisch voor analgetica. I am allergic to analgesics. I'm allergic to analgesics. Tom hielt den Wagen, den Maria fuhr, nicht für sicher. Tom thought the car Mary was driving wasn't safe. Tom didn't think that the car Maria drove was safe. דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ פּאַטאָלאָגישער ליגנער. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a patologic lying player. Ik heff in mien Leven noch nie en Witz vertellt. I've never told a joke in my life. I've never been in my life, I've told jokes. Wêr wennet dyn pake? Where does your grandpa live? Where does your suit come from? Ze huilde tot ze geen tranen meer had. She cried until she ran out of tears. She cried until she had no tears. Die ou man het op die grond geval. The old man fell down on the ground. The old man fell to the ground. Mijn broer is rijk. My brother is rich. My brother's rich. He is sien Fründ. He is his friend. He's his friend. Dat is een prachtig gedicht. That's a great poem. That's a beautiful poem. Nancy groette mij aan de overkant met een knik. Nancy greeted me with a nod from across the street. Nancy greeted me across with a nod. Ich bewundere ihren Einfallsreichtum. I admire their ingenuity. I admire their ingenuity. Ik haat je. I hate you. I hate you. Heeft Tom een sleutel van Mary's woning? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have a key to Mary's home? Ben je klaar om te vliegen? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? k Kin t mie nait heugen. I can't remember. k Kin t mie nait heugen. Ik ken geen van beide. I know neither of them. I don't know either one of them. Er hat das absichtlich gemacht. He did that on purpose. He made this clear. Ik ben het kwijtgeraakt. I've lost it. I lost it. Gib es mir nicht. Don't give me that. Don't give it to me. און די זון גײט אױף, און די זון גײט אונטער, און יאָגט צו איר אָרט אַװוּ זי גײט אױף. The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hurries to its place where it rises. And the son strength, and the son strength under, and yes contains to her place an application she strength. Das werde ich nie vergessen. I'll never forget that. I'll never forget that. Sy is 'n bietjie 'n handvol. She's a bit of a handful. She's a little bit a handful. Vroeg of laat gaan we dood. We will die sooner or later. Sooner or later we're gonna die. Ik mag je heel graag. I like you very much. I like you very much. Gebruik jij Facebook? Do you use Facebook? Do you use Facebook? Säin Haus ass kleng och ausserdeem al. His house is small and moreover it's old. His house is also smaller than that. Een andere factor waar rekening mee moet worden gehouden is, dat de huidige situatie gunstig is voor ons. Another factor to be taken into consideration is that the present situation is favourable to us. Another factor that must be taken into account is that the current situation is favourable to us. Um so ein teurer Wein zu sein, müsste er wirklich besser schmecken als dieser da. For being such an expensive wine, it really should taste better than this. To be such a expensive wine, he really would have to taste better than this one. Ons spreek wat ons weet en ons getuig van wat ons gesien het, en julle neem ons getuienis nie aan nie. We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. We speak what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, and you don't accept our testimony. Sind Bäume auf dem Berggipfel? Are there trees on top of the mountain? Are trees on the mountaintop? Tom komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Tom is originally from Australia. Tom's originally from Australia. די זאַך װאָס האָט מיך מערסטע אימפּאָנירט װעגן כינע, איז דאָס כינעזישע מאכל. The thing that left the biggest impression on me in China was the Chinese food. The thing that has allowed me most of the time to learn, is this ever-present. Geht und wartet draußen! Go wait outside. Go and wait outside! Ik hoop dat de nevel spoedig zal opklaren. I hope the fog will go away soon. I hope the mist will soon clear. Het is hier warm, nietwaar? It's hot in here, isn't it? It's hot here, isn't it? Het weer is prachtig. The weather is beautiful. The weather is beautiful. Niemand let op Tom. Nobody pays attention to Tom. No one's paying attention to Tom. Tom sah sehr müde aus, als ich ihn gestern sah. Tom looked very tired when I saw him yesterday. Tom looked very tired when I saw him yesterday. Tom heeft een minderwaardigheidscomplex. Tom has an inferiority complex. Tom has a inferiority complex. Am vierundzwanzigsten Dezember ist Heiligabend. December 24th is Christmas Eve. On the twenty-fourth of December is Christmas Eve. טאָם האָט ליב זײַן מאַן. Tom loves his husband. Tom has love for his mother. Blijf schrijven. Keep writing. Keep writing. Ries wasst in warme Länner. Rice grows in warm countries. Ries washes in warm countries. Die Unterweisungen meines Lehrers bringen die Sache immer auf den Punkt. My teacher's instructions are always to the point. My teacher's instruction always brings the matter to the point. Sehn dich schpeeder! See you later! Look at you! Ich kann kein Englisch – und Spanisch schon überhaupt nicht. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English – and Spanish isn't at all. Tom soek 'n maklike manier om gewig te verloor. Tom is looking for an easy way to lose weight. Tom is looking for an easy way to lose weight. Mijn vader is thuis. My father is at home. My dad's home. Ik hööp, dat ik di wedderseh. I hope to see you again. I heard I'm gonna see you again. Je mag me geloven. You can believe me. You can believe me. Sie macht meinen Tag so viel heller. She makes my day so much brighter. She's making my day so much brighter. Tom sagte, er habe nicht vor, das zu tun. Tom said that he wasn't planning to do that. Tom said he didn't plan to do that. Ik kom uit Engeland. I come from England. I'm from England. Maak je geen zorgen, ik ga alleen. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry, I'm going alone. Zai leest. She reads. Zai read. Tom hörte sich traurige Musik an. Tom listened to sad music. Tom listened to sad music. Der Räuber versuchte, ein Messer in den Jungen zu rammen. The robber tried to plunge the knife into the boy. The robber tried to ram a knife into the boy. Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Tom sagte sehr wenig. Tom said very little. Tom said very little. Ik bruuk faken SSH üm von annerwegens op mien Reekner roptokamen. I often use SSH to access my computers remotely. I often use SSH to get up on my computer from scratch. Sagen Sie mir Bescheid, wenn Sie sonst noch etwas brauchen! Tell me if you need anything else. Tell me if you need anything else! Tom stond op om zeven uur 's ochtends. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom got up at seven o'clock in the morning. Ein leichter Regen setzte ein. It started to rain a little. A light rain set in. Sie können uns nicht alle töten. You can't kill us all. You can't kill us all. Füllen Sie bitte diesen Meldezettel aus. Fill out this registration card, please. Please fill in this mailing list. De Hund sütt hungerig ut. The dog looks hungry. The dog loves theirs. De temperatuur is net boven het vriespunt. The temperature is just above freezing. The temperature is just above the freezing point. Alles kan. Everything is possible. Everything's possible. Dan is er niet in geslaagd al het biologische bewijs te verwijderen. Dan failed to remove all the biological evidence. Then it was not possible to remove all the biological evidence. Blijf vannacht bij ons. Stay with us tonight. Stay with us tonight. Haben Sie ein paar Minuten Zeit für mich? Can you spare me a few minutes? Do you have a few minutes for me? Hai is nog jong. He is still young. Hai is still young. Es wird uns Schaden zufügen. It will do harm to us. It'll harm us. Bitte sagen Sie das Ihren Eltern nicht. Please don't tell your parents this. Please don't tell your parents. Zijn vriendinnen noemden hem Ted. He was called Ted by his friends. His girlfriends called him Ted. Swevel warrt bruukt, üm Swevelsticken to maken. Sulfur is used to make matches. Swollen is used to make swivel sticks. Tom versuchte, die Puzzleteile mit Gewalt zusammenzustecken. Tom tried to force the puzzle pieces to fit together. Tom tried to put the puzzle pieces together with force. Ich fahre mit dir nach Hannover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going to Hanover with you. Sy is nie hier nie. She's not here. She's not here. Tom ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Berliner Vereins der Bienenzüchter. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin association of beekeepers. Hij stond achter de deur. He was standing behind the door. He was behind the door. Hast du schon zu Abend gegessen? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you eaten already? Wann würde es euch passen? When would it be convenient for you? When would it fit you? Sy is my meisie. She is my girlfriend. She's my girl. Mi fallt sien Naam jüst nich in. I can't think of his name just now. I just don't fall into the name. Wirf diese faulen Krummfrüchte weg! Throw away these rotten bananas. Throw away these lazy crumbs! מײַן טאַטע איז קראַנק. My father is sick. My tattoo is ill. Tom lebt in einem kleinen Städtchen in den Bayerischen Alpen. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Tom lives in a small town in the Bavarian Alps. Ich will mein Spanisch verbessern. I'd like to improve my Spanish. I want to improve my Spanish. Maria sagte, sie wolle nicht fahren. Mary said that she didn't want to drive. Maria said she didn't want to drive. Je kunt toch echt niet van mij verwachten dat ik nu naar huis ga. You can't seriously expect me to go home now. You can't really expect me to go home now. Dat kind heeft maar een paar vrienden. That child has few friends. That kid has only a few friends. Hast du dich entschieden, ob du dein Haus verkaufst oder nicht? Have you decided whether or not you're going to sell your house? Did you decide if you're selling your house or not? Er möchte mit uns ins Kino gehen. He would like to come with us to the movie. He wants to go to the movies with us. Suni speelt. Suni is playing. Suni plays. Die televisie kos meer as die sonbrille. The television costs more than the sunglasses. Television costs more than sunglasses. Tom rijdt wel degelijk. Tom does drive. Tom's driving. Mike mag Katzen. Mike likes cats. Mike likes cats. Tom had met ons moeten komen. Tom was supposed to come with us. Tom should have come with us. Alexander Graham Bell hett dat Telefoon utklamüsert. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell executed the phone. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Ik drink mijn koffie. I'm drinking my coffee. I'm drinking my coffee. Leider kann ich heute Abend nicht an der Versammlung teilnehmen. I'm afraid I won't be able to take part in the meeting tonight. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the meeting tonight. Dein Freund ist nebenan. Your friend's in the other room. Your friend's next door. Veel Lüüd hebbt ünner en Mangel an Eten to lieden. Many people are suffering from the lack of food. Many people are under a lack of food. Das würde etwa drei Minuten dauern. That would take about three minutes. That would take about three minutes. Tom gaf me een pop. Tom gave a doll to me. Tom gave me a doll. Tom ging raus. Tom walked out. Tom went out. Wat ontbreekt er? What is missing? What's missing? Ik kreeg kramp in mijn been tijdens het zwemmen. I got a cramp in my leg while swimming. I got cramp in my leg while swimming. Ȝe stinken. You guys stink. I don't know, but I don't know. Tom führte ein einfaches Leben. Tom led a simple life. Tom lived a simple life. Es isch fürchterlich chalt hüt. It's awfully cold today. It's terrible chout. Jy moes Kioto besoek het. You should have visited Kyoto. You must have visited Kyoto. Maria sagte, dass sie verärgert sei. Mary said that she was irritated. Maria said she was angry. Die Preise fossiler Brennstoffe gingen durch die Decke. Fossil fuel prices shot through the roof. The prices of fossil fuels went through the ceiling. Tom konnte die Schlüssel nicht finden. Tom couldn't find the keys. Tom couldn't find the keys. Mag ik uw woordenboek gebruiken? May I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Engelsch is en Spraak. English is a language. English is a language. Wanneer tennist u? When do you play tennis? When are you tennis? Dit was baie koud. It was very cold. It was very cold. Heb je een handdoek meegenomen? Did you bring a towel? You brought a towel? Hai is ien Berlien. He is in Berlin. Hai is one Berlien. Wat bedüüdt dit Woord? What is the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Tom ist ein Jediritter. Tom is a jedi. Tom is a Jediritter. Ik moet naar bed. I have to go to bed. I have to go to bed. Beabsichtigst du, deinen Sommerurlaub mit Tom zu verbringen? Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom? Are you planning on spending your summer vacation with Tom? Waarom ben je je handen aan het wassen? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? So reich er auch ist, er ist nicht glücklich. Rich as he is, he is not happy. As rich as he is, he's not happy. We hebben gasten. We have guests. We have guests. Ich bin froh, dass Sie da waren. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Ik ben op vakantie geweest. I've been on vacation. I've been on vacation. Kom ons wag tot hy kom. Let's wait till he comes. Let's wait until he comes. Sie stehen Finanzproblemen gegenüber. They are facing financial problems. They face financial problems. Nu al?! Already?! - Right now?! Halt durch, Tom! Jetzt dauert es nicht mehr lange. Hang on, Tom, it won't be long now. Now it won't take much longer. Sloapt hai? Is he sleeping? - Slope shark? Alle minsken wurde frij en gelyk yn weardigens en rjochten berne. Hja hawwe ferstân en gewisse meikrigen en hearre har foar inoar oer yn in geast fan bruorskip te hâlden en te dragen. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people are known to be free and equal to values and rights. They have known and certain people, and they need to be kept in aast of society and to carry one another. Ich denke, ich sollte im nächsten Jahr Französischunterricht nehmen. I'm thinking that I should take French next year. I think I should take French lessons next year. ’Keen hett dit Gedicht schreven? Who wrote this poem? ‘ None wrote it poems? Ben je daar vaak geweest? Were you there often? Have you been there a lot? Das kristallklare Wasser hatte eine sehr angenehme Temperatur. The crystal clear water had a very pleasant temperature. The crystal clear water had a very pleasant temperature. דאָס בוך איז אַ נײַער בוך. That book is a new book. A book is a new book. Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld. He was sentenced to death. He was sentenced to death. Probeer een beetje Engels te leren. Try to learn a little English. Try learning a little English. Ik heff in ’n Düüstern en Swevelsticken anstaken. I struck a match in the darkness. I lighted up in a dark and swivel sticks. Die meisjes zijn allebei verliefd op je. Those girls are both in love with you. Those girls are both in love with you. Laten we onze overwinning vieren! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Der Lehrer bat mich, mein Referat vor der Klasse vorzulesen. The teacher asked me to read my paper in front of the class. Teacher asked me to read my presentation in front of class. Laat niets anders ons afleiden. Don't let anything else distract us. Don't let anything else distract us. Sie beobachtet gerne Vögel. She likes birdwatching. She likes to watch birds. Moet nie aan die lekkergoed raak nie. Don't touch the candy. Don’t touch the candy. Würdest du das wirklich für mich tun? Would you really do that for me? Would you really do that for me? Bemerken Sie an Tom eine Veränderung? Do you notice anything different about Tom? Do you notice a change to Tom? Das ist der schönste Strauß, den ich je gesehen habe. This is the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. That's the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. Ik heff en Dochter. I have a daughter. I've got him and my daughter. Jy ken nie my pa nie, doen jy? You don't know my dad, do you? You don't know my dad, do you? Es ist Zeit zum Mittagessen. It's time for lunch. It's time for lunch. Is dat Latien? Is this Latin? Is that Latine? Tom ist ein warmherziger Mann. Tom is a warm-hearted man. Tom is a warmhearted man. Du wirst mich gar nicht bemerken. You won't even know I'm there. You won't notice me. Vergiss Tom nicht. Don't forget Tom. Don't forget Tom. Tom kan geen Frans spreken. Tom can't speak French. Tom can't speak French. Kan ik met di kwatern? May I have a talk with you? Can I do di quaterns? Tom hat sich entschlossen, morgen abzufahren. Tom has decided to leave tomorrow. Tom decided to leave tomorrow. Ze is mijn vriendin. She is my girlfriend. She's my friend. Ze staat naast het gele huis. She's standing next to the yellow house. She's next to the yellow house. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal etwas von Tom gehört? When did you last hear from Tom? When was the last time you heard from Tom? Ik heb u nodig. I need you. I need you. Ik lees graag over wetenschap. I like to read about science. I like reading about science. Waarom heb je zo'n haast? What's your rush? Why are you in such a hurry? We zijn hier een paar uur geleden aangekomen. We got here a couple of hours ago. We arrived here a few hours ago. Sie sagten, Sie hätten wichtige Neuigkeiten. You said you had important news. You said you had some important news. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט דיר. His older sister can't talk to you today. His older sister couldn't speak to her. Se is von Natur ut neeschierig. She's inquisitive by nature. It is by nature ninschievous. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie ihn für einen recht guten Tänzer hielten. Tom and Mary told John that they thought he was a pretty good dancer. Tom and Mary said that they thought him a pretty good dancer. Was hat es gekostet? How much was it? What did it cost? Wat kocht ze in die winkel? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy in that store? Ich habe ihm das Schwimmen beigebracht. I taught him how to swim. I taught him swimming. Glaubt ihr Tom noch? Do you still believe Tom? Do you still believe Tom? Das ist eine Erleichterung. It's a relief. This is a relief. צי זײַט איר אַ נודיסט? Are you a nudist? Do you want to delete this page? Wo hat Tom sich die Haare schneiden lassen? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom let her hair cut? k Hol van Tom. I love Tom. K Hol from Tom. Ek het vir haar om gegee. I cared about her. I cared about her. טאָם איז נאָכאַמאָל אין חד־גדיא. Tom is back in the can. Tomm is then in pedagogy. 't Kin mie niks verrekn. I could not care less. Can't screw me up. Ich gehe jeden zweiten Tag essen. I go to a restaurant every other day. I'm going to eat every other day. Der Schnellzug ist eine Stunde schneller als der Personenzug. The express train is an hour faster than the local. The express train is one hour faster than the passenger train. He hett en Överdosis Kokain nahmen. He OD'd on cocaine. He took an overdose of cocaine. ער האט צו פיל גאוה פון זיין אויסזען. He has too much pride in his appearance. He has too much faith of his appearance. Gefällt es dir wirklich? Do you really like it? Do you really like it? Uit welk land kom je? Which country are you from? Which country are you coming from? Vertrau der Frau ein Geheimnis, aber schneid' ihr die Zunge ab. Trust a woman with your secret, but cut off her tongue! Trust the woman a secret, but cut her tongue off. Ik woon niet hier in Australië. I don't live here in Australia. I don't live here in Australia. Ich bin sehr kälteempfindlich. Kann ich noch eine Decke haben? I'm very sensitive to cold. May I have another blanket? I'm very cold sensitive. Kan Mars gekoloniseerd worden? Can Mars be colonized? Can Mars be colonized? Wir haben noch nicht alle Notwendigkeiten erledigt. We haven't yet done everything we need to do. We haven't done all the necessary things yet. Seid ihr euch auch sicher, dass das hier eine Abkürzung ist? Are you sure this is a shortcut? Are you sure this is a shortcut? Die cd is van haar. This CD belongs to her. The CD is her. Maria bekniete ihren Vater, ihr ein neues Fahhrad zu kaufen. Mary begged her father to buy her a new bicycle. Mary begs her father to buy her a new Fahhrad. Er scheint reich zu sein. He seems to be rich. He seems to be rich. Kom snel terug. Hurry back. Come back soon. Sy lees elke oggend die koerant. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the newspaper every morning. Wanneer ze in gevaar zijn, vluchten ze. When they are in danger, they run away. When they're in danger, they run. Ein Herr Jones möchte Sie sprechen. A Mr Jones has come to see you. A gentleman, Jones, would like to speak to you. Sie dürfen sich hier nicht aufhalten. Dies ist Privatbesitz. You are not allowed here. This is private property. You can't stop here, this is private property. Wir bestreichen unser Brot mit Butter. We are applying butter on our bread. We pass our bread with butter. Als we hier blijven, zijn we misschien veilig. If we stay here, we might be safe. If we stay here, maybe we'll be safe. Ich lese sehr gerne Bücher. I love reading books. I love reading books. Ik wacht op je excuses. I'm waiting for you to apologize. I'm waiting for you to apologize. Tom isst Katzenfutter. Tom eats cat food. Tom eats cat food. Er hat mir die Angelegenheit erklärt. He explained the matter to me. He explained the matter to me. Mien tuut is hier. My chicken is here. My tattoo's here. Ech sinn e Pompjee. I'm a firefighter. I'm gonna feel bad to erase it. Ich habe noch nie eins gesehen. I've never seen one before. I've never seen one before. איז דאס זיס? Is that sweet? Is this sweet? Australië is geen Oostenrijk. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is no Austria. Ich werde aus ihr nicht schlau. I can't get my head around her. I don't get smart out of her. De schoonheid van de muziek bracht tranen in haar ogen. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. It is hjir noch krekt as eartiids. It's still just as before here. It's still close to being here. Glieks as he mi to sehn kreeg, lööp he weg. The moment he caught sight of me, he ran away. Just as he got me to see, he ran away. Er ist älter als ihr Vater. He's older than her father. He's older than her father. Ze heeft geen woord tegen me gezegd. Not a word did she say to me. She didn't say a word to me. Dat sünd nich dien Gaveln. These are not your forks. You are not welcome. Danach beginnt die Innentemperatur rasch anzusteigen. After that, internal temperature begins to climb rapidly. Then the internal temperature begins to rise rapidly. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is in the wrong. She's wrong. מײַן מאַמע האָט אַ נאָטבוק און אַ טעוועלע. My mother has a notebook and a tablet. My mom has a nunbuck and a television. Sie brannten vor Eifer. They were burning with enthusiasm. They burned with zeal. Ik woon in Colombia. I live in Colombia. I live in Colombia. Ik ben een chauffeur. I'm a chauffeur. I'm a driver. Smöökst du? Do you smoke? Do you like? דער אמת איז ביטער; אַ שקר איז זיס. Truth is bitter; lies are sweet. The true is bitter. A crack is sweet. Vul de emmer met water. Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water. Er musste sich das Hotelzimmer mit einem Fremden teilen. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. He had to share the hotel room with a stranger. Die Leute standen auf und begannen zu singen. The people stood up and began to sing. People got up and started singing. Ik nehm allens trügg, wat ik seggt heff. I'll take back everything I said. I take all the tricks I said. שנעל! Hurry up! Bullshit! Du kannst es nicht allen recht machen. You can't please everyone. You can't do it all right. די קאַץ איז גרויס. The cat is big. The cat is great. Zai binnen staark. They are strong. Zai inside stark. Lueg der die ah. Take a look at these. Lie the ah. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Some religious people can be very judgemental. Some religious individuals can be very judgmental. Zijn deze bananen rijp? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas ripe? Maria deed haar haar los en deed een knoop van haar bloesje open. Mary undid her hair and opened one of the buttons of her blouse. Maria loosened her and opened a knot from her blouse. Es ist Ewigkeiten her, seit ich dich das letzte mal sah. It's been ages since I saw you last. It's been ages since I saw you the last time. Dan is in dat kasteel geboren. Dan was born in that castle. Then was born in that castle. Man hätte eine Stecknadel fallen hören. You could've heard a pin drop. You'd have heard a pin fall. Bist doe vernuimd? Are you famous? Are you stupid? New Delhi is de hoofdstad van India. New Delhi is the capital of India. New Delhi is the capital of India. Bekleide dich! Put some clothes on. Dress up! Es geht mir gut. I feel fine. I'm fine. Tom kam unter dem Auto hervor. Tom got out from under the car. Tom came out under the car. Das Verfallsdatum dieser Milch ist abgelaufen. This milk's expiration date has come and gone! The expiry date of this milk has expired. Ik bün kaputt. I'm exhausted. I'm broken. Ze woont alleen. She lives alone. She lives alone. Sami verliet het gesprek glimlachend. Sami left the interview smiling. Sami left the conversation smiling. Er hat sich nicht die geringste Mühe gegeben. He didn't even try. He didn't make the least effort. De Brügg is binnen twee Johr boot worrn. The bridge was built within two years. The Brügg boat is available in two years. Welcher Teil der Reise hat dir am besten gefallen? What was your favorite part of the trip? Which part of the trip did you like best? Waarom werken we niet meer samen? Why don't we collaborate more? Why don't we work together? Welk theater is dat? Which theater is that? What theater is that? Ik wil niet gaan. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Je had het ons gewoon kunnen vertellen. You could have just told us. You could've just told us. Allens flütt, nix steiht still. Everything flows, nothing stands still. Everything is running, nothing is still. Der Dieb verkleidete sich als alte Frau. The thief disguised himself as an old lady. The thief dressed up as an old woman. Gewalt wird nicht geduldet. Violence will not be tolerated. Violence is not tolerated. Hierdie is dom. This is stupid. This is stupid. Ik heff Bus 61 nahmen. I took the 61 bus. I took Bus 61. Ik duusch elk Avend. I have a shower every night. I'm snooping every night. Misschien is het te laat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe it's too late. Tom zei dat Maria waarschijnlijk nog steeds in Australië was. Tom said Mary was probably still in Australia. Tom said Maria was probably still in Australia. Tot ziens, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Der Mann dort drüben, der gerade eine Zeitung liest, ist mein Onkel. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man over there who's just reading a newspaper is my uncle. Wo sind die Parkuhren? Where are the meters? Where are the parking watches? Sagt es Tom. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. De hoofdstad van Turkije is Ankara. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. Geben Sie ihr, was sie will! Give her what she wants. Give her what she wants! Mijn moeder was tot voor kort in het ziekenhuis. My mother has been in the hospital until recently. My mother was in the hospital until recently. Elkeen verdeent en twete Changs. Everyone deserves a second chance. Each disappears and the second Changs. Waarom zijn mooie dingen zo fragiel? Why are pretty things so fragile? Why are beautiful things so fragile? Een geactualiseerde versie van de encyclopedie zal de volgende maand verschijnen. An up-to-date edition of the encyclopedia will come out next month. An updated version of the encyclopedia will appear the next month. Warum fragst du mich das? Why are you asking me that? Why are you asking me this? Die Pizza wurde in einem Holzofen gebacken. The pizza was cooked in a wood-fired oven. The pizza was baked in a wood stove. Sie sollten lieber früh aufstehen. You'd better get up early. You'd rather get up early. Tom sieht aus, als stünde er kurz davor zu weinen. Tom looks as though he's about to cry. Tom looks like he's about to cry. Woar bist? Where are you? What's the matter? De rekening alstublieft. Check, please. Please pay the bill. Ik spreek Gronings. I speak Gronings. I'm talking to Groningen. De lucht werd al maar donkerder. The sky became darker and darker. The air was getting darker. Wat is jouw favoriete muziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Haal die doos weg! Take that box away! Get the box out! Is het geen prachtige dag voor een picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Ik zal ook gaan, tenzij het regent. Unless it rains, I will go, too. I'll go, too, unless it rains. Ich glaube es nicht: Tom ist auf unser Angebot eingegangen. I can't believe Tom accepted our offer. I don't think Tom has responded to our offer. Ik kom uit Malta. I'm from Malta. I'm from Malta. De panter is roze. The panther is pink. The panter is pink. Laten we beginnen. Let's begin. Let's get started. Ich habe gerade einen der schlimmsten Tage meines Lebens hinter mir. I have just had one of the worst days of my life. I just got one of the worst days of my life behind me. Das Motorrad kollidierte mit einem Auto. The motorcycle crashed into a car. The motorcycle collided with a car. Peter sieht, dass das Garagentor offen ist. Peter sees that the garage door is open. Peter sees that the garage gate is open. Hoe is het weer? How is the weather? How's the weather? Sie mag Tiere. She likes animals. She likes animals. Jesus hat Bauchmuskeln aus Stahl. Jesus has abs of steel. Jesus has belly muscles made of steel. Extreem harde muziek onderbrak hun gesprek. Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation. Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation. Ich möchte diese Frage lieber nicht beantworten. I'd rather not answer that question. I would rather not answer that question. דער ערגסטער ווירוס איז קאַפּיטאַליזם. The worst virus is capitalism. The Upper West is Baldthalizysm. It snijt yn Ruslân. It snows in Russia. It cuts in Russia. Sind Sie Taxifahrer? Are you a taxi driver? Are you a taxi driver? Ken je de hoofdstad van België? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Het zand was warm. The sand was warm. The sand was warm. Zai binnen nait old. They are not old. Zai inside nait old. Jouw gulp staat open! Your fly is open! Your gulp is open! Gaht de Kinner na School? Do the children go to school? Is the child going to school? Weißt du, was man hiermit macht? Do you know what to do with this? You know what you're doing with this? Tom ziet er jong uit. Tom looks young. Tom looks young. Ik bün Tourist. I am a tourist. I'm a tourist. Moi! Hey! Moi! Niemand van de leerkrachten heeft het vraagstuk kunnen oplossen. None of the teachers could solve the problem. None of the teachers have been able to solve the problem. Het was het mooiste gezicht dat hij in zijn leven gezien had. It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life. It was the most beautiful sight he had seen in his life. פּראַקטיש גערעדט איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ אַ פֿאַשיסט. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. Practically speaking, Donald Trump is a friend. ראָבערט איז פֿון די אַלטשטאַמיקע רײַכע. Robert is old money. Butt is of the old stuff. Maak u maar geen zorgen over mij. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Der Stromausfall wurde von einem Eichhörnchen verursacht. The power outage was caused by a squirrel. The power failure was caused by a squirrel. Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt. A danger foreseen is a danger avoided. Danger detected, risk banned. ער האט א קאַמעראָ. He has a camera. He went on to tell me he had a problem with Comero. Woneem is mien Auto? Where is my car? Where's my car? Tiene, twinteg, datteg, vatteg, viefteg, zesteg, zeuventeg, tachteg, negenteg, honderd. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Tenth, twinteg, dateteg, barrelteg, viepheg, zesteg, zeuventeg, cochteg, ninth, hundred. Ich erinnere mich an eine Zeit, da wir miteinander über alles reden konnten. I remember a time when we could tell each other anything. I remember a time when we could talk about everything. Tom schlief. Tom slept. Tom was asleep. Du hast den Bezug zur Realität verloren. You're out of touch with reality. You have lost the relationship to reality. Hoe lang is jouw broer? How tall is your brother? How long is your brother? Ze kwam altijd te vroeg. She always showed up too soon. She always came early. Nich to löven! Incredible! I can't believe it! Ik bin in helt. I'm a hero. I'm in hell. Wir müssen Tom helfen. We have to help Tom. We need to help Tom. Wer, denkst du, kennt sich mit dieser Angelegenheit aus? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who, do you think, knows about this matter? ’Keen bün ik? Wo kaam ik her? Gifft dat en Leven na ’n Dood? Wat is de Sinn von ’t Leven op Eern? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? What is the meaning of life on Earth? Weißt du, was wir jetzt tun sollen? Do you know what we're supposed to be doing now? You know what we should do now? Weißt du, wie viele Menschen auf der Welt jährlich verhungern? Do you know how many people in the world starve to death every year? Do you know how many people in the world starve each year? Tom zag een slang. Tom saw a snake. Tom saw a snake. Tom speelt met zijn zoon. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. Afrika is en Weltdeel, Gröönland nich. Africa is a continent; Greenland is not. Africa is a part of the world, not Greenland. Womit soll ich anfangen? Which shall I begin with? What am I supposed to do with? Het ijs is te dun om op te schaatsen. The ice is too thin to skate on. The ice is too thin to skate. Wer hat letzten Endes die Rechnung bezahlt? Who ended up paying the bill? Who paid the bill at the end of the day? Het hoost. It is raining hard. It's hot. Kin k t aanrouken? Can I touch it? Can you smoke? Herr Sato ist auf einer anderen Leitung. Würden Sie für eine Minute am Apparat bleiben? Mr Sato is on another line. Will you hold the line a minute? Mr. Sato is on another line. Would you stay on the machine for a minute? Ik heb mezelf aan wat gebroken glas gesneden. I cut myself on some broken glass. I cut myself to some broken glass. Hij eet een tomaat. He's eating a tomato. He's eating a tomato. Mir entschëllegen eis fir d'Verspéidung. We apologize for the delay. We're sorry for the visit. Ik heff nu keen Tied. I don't have time now. I don't have time right now. k Kom. I'm coming. k Come on. Ich habe heute dreimal eine Küchenspüle voller Geschirr abgewaschen. I washed a sink full of dishes three times today. I washed a kitchen sink full of dishes three times today. Hältst du es für angemessen? Do you think this is pertinent? Do you think it's appropriate? Es war nur ein Kuss auf die Wange. It was only a kiss on the cheek. It was just a kiss on the cheek. Ik hou van deze stoel. I love this chair. I love this chair. Wij zijn het volk. We are the people. We're the people. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Kun je deze sterren in Australië zien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can you see these stars in Australia? Ich hätte schwören können, dass sich etwas bewegt hat. I could have sworn something moved. I could have sworn that something was moving. Wi hebbt en halv Dutz Eier. We have a half-dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Wenn du eine Nachricht hinterlässt, melde ich mich telefonisch. Leave a message and I'll call you. If you leave a message, I'll call you. Kannst du das bitte noch einmal sagen? Could you repeat that, please? Can you say that again? Glaubst du, ich weiß nicht, warum du dich hast scheiden lassen? Do you think I don't know why you divorced? Do you think I don't know why you divorced? Ich habe einen Stiefbruder. I have a stepbrother. I have a step brother. Jy is bang vir hom. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Je kan maar beter uitkijken. You better watch your back. You better look out. Ons moet vinnig optree. We have to act quickly. We need to act quickly. Ain mieghommel beet mie. An ant bit me. Ain mieghtommel bites me. Sie brauchen sich nicht sofort zu entscheiden. You don't have to decide right now. You don't need to decide immediately. Praat asseblief harder. Speak louder, please. Please talk harder. Bei solchem Wetter gehe ich nicht nach draußen, wenn ich es nicht muss. I won't go outside in this kind of weather unless I have to. I don't go outside when I don't have to. Das Baby erstickte fast an einem Bonbon. The baby almost choked on a piece of candy. The baby almost suffocated on a bonbon. Hij zei dat hij arm was. He said he was poor. He said he was poor. Ne estu maldiligentaj! Don't be lazy! Ne estu maldiligentaj! Sie sind am Ziele angelangt. You have reached your destination. They have reached the target. Sophia Loren ehr echten Naam is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Fang sofort an, oder du verpasst den Bus. Go now, or you'll miss the bus. Start right away, or you miss the bus. Warum wurden Tom und Maria der Schule verwiesen? Why were Tom and Mary expelled from school? Why were Tom and Mary expelled from school? Darf ich dir meinen Bruder Tom vorstellen? I'd like you to meet my brother, Tom. Can I introduce my brother Tom to you? De Wecker klingelt. The alarm clock is ringing. The alarm clock rings. Tō-dæᵹ is Sunnan-dæᵹ. It's Sunday today. Tō-dæ, is Sunn-dæ. Der Regen peitschte gegen das Fenster. The rain whipped against the window. The rain plowed against the window. Tom passt anscheinend nicht auf. Tom doesn't seem to be paying attention. Tom doesn't seem to be looking up. De Achterbank von ’t Auto hett Platz för dree Lüüd. The back seat of the car will hold three passengers. The back seat of the car has room for three people. Ik heb 's middags een slaatje gegeten. I ate a salad for lunch. I ate a nap in the afternoon. Er staat melk in de koelkast. There is milk in the refrigerator. There's milk in the fridge. Tom is not an Englishman. Tom isn't an Englishman. Tom is not an Englishman. Wie viele Slipeinlagen brauchen Sie am Tag? How many sanitary towels do you need every day? How many slip inserts do you need on the day? Was für Gemüse baust du gewöhnlich an? What vegetables do you usually grow? What kind of vegetables do you usually grow? Bist du neidisch? Are you envious? Are you jealous? De Dezember hett 31 Daag. There are 31 days in December. December has 31 days. Sie fror beinahe zu Tode im Schnee. She almost froze to death in the snow. She freezes almost to death in the snow. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du das selbst gemacht hast. I can't believe you did this by yourself. I can't believe you did this yourself. Dröff ik fragen, wo oold du büst? May I ask how old you are? Do I have to ask where you're old? Wie is jouw lievelingsdichter? Who's your favorite poet? Who's your favorite poet? Ik ben geen dokter. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Dit is nie hoekom ek hier is nie. That is not why I am here. That's not why I'm here. Das Wasser stieg auf einen Pegelstand von zehn Metern. The water rose to a level of 10 meters. The water rose to a level of ten meters. Ich glaube nicht, dass du so viel Junkfood essen solltest. I don't think you should eat so much junk food. I don't think you should eat so much junk food. Die fabriek produseer speelgoed. This factory produces toys. The factory produces toys. Dat is jümmer goot, de Wohrheit to kennen. It is always good to know the truth. That's good for you to know the truth. Ek sal vir jou 'n bier koop. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Er schwimmt. He swims. He's swimming. אַ גוטע נאַכט! Good night! A good night! Ich möchte nicht mein restliches Leben damit verbringen, es zu bereuen. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend my rest of my life regreting it. Warum weinst du, Liebling? What are you crying about, sweetheart? Why are you crying, honey? Ich werde high. I'm getting high. I'm gonna be high. Ik dronk melk. I drank milk. I drank milk. Ik wil hem koste wat kost zien. I want to see him at all costs. I want to see him cost a little. Ich weiß fast nichts von dir. I know almost nothing about you. I don't know anything about you. Kun je voortzetten? Can you continue? Can you continue? איך האס דעם שפיטאל-עסן. I hate hospital food. I hate the mirror-ess. Wat is uw lievelingswijn? What's your favorite wine? What's your favorite wine? Wie heeft hem geholpen? Who helped him? Who helped him? Die Tür will nicht aufgehen. This door will not open. The door doesn't want to go up. Tom is echt een smeerlap. Tom is such a slob. Tom's really a mess. Er zit een kruimel in zijn baard. There is a crumb in his beard. There's a crumb in his beard. "Waar is je jas, vader?" "Ik heb hem verkocht." "Waarom heb je je jas verkocht?" "Hij was te warm." "Where's your coat, Father?" "I have sold it." "Why did you sell your coat?" "It was too warm." "Where's your coat, father?" "I sold him." "Why did you sell your coat?" "He was too hot." Toms haar is zwart Tom's hair is black. Toms' hair is black Ik spreek vloeiend Engels. I speak English fluently. I speak fluent English. Mary is geïnteresseerd in politiek. Mary is interested in politics. Mary's interested in politics. Darf ich Sie anrufen, falls ich noch weitere Fragen habe? If I have any others questions, may I call you? Can I call you if I have any further questions? Zwing mich nicht, das zu tun! Don't make me do that. Don't make me do this! Kannst du das für mich die Treppe hochtragen? Would you carry this upstairs for me? Can you take this up the stairs for me? Ich schwimme einmal pro Woche. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Ich brauche jetzt deine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit. I need your full attention now. I need your undivided attention now. Ik heb een tafel. I have a table. I have a table. Tom had rust nodig. Tom needed rest. Tom needed rest. Jo, Bob hett mi hulpen. Yes, Bob helped me. Jo, Bob helped me. Ik wull, ik weer güstern avend in ’t Theater gahn. I wish I had gone to the theater last night. I'd like to go back to the theater yesterday evening. Toms onverwachte dood maakte zijn werkcollega's overstuur. Tom's unexpected death devastated his work colleagues. Tom's unexpected death overturned his collegiate work. Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning on getting all her savings from the bank. Tom sal nee sê. Tom will say no. Tom will say no. Geschäft ist Geschäft! Business is business! Business is business! In letzter Zeit gab es viele Flugzeugunfälle. There have been a lot of airplane accidents recently. Recently, there have been many aircraft accidents. Das Leben wird nicht besser. Life doesn't get any better. Life won't be better. Ik kom uit Kabylië, Algerije. I'm from Kabylie, Algeria. I'm from Cabylia, Algeria. De burgemeester knipte het lint doormidden met een enorme schaar. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The mayor cut the ribbon in the middle with a huge scissors. "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was zo verbijsterd, dat hij zijn Fanta op zijn computer liet vallen en daarmee zijn jacht op noobs ruïneerde. "Dima?! Ben jij dat echt?!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so bewildered that he dropped his Fanta on his computer and thus ruined his hunt on noobs. "Dima?! Are you real?!" Is jy 'n meisie of 'n seun? Are you a girl or a boy? Are you a girl or a boy? De stad was verlaten door z'n inwoners. The town was deserted by its inhabitants. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants. Kolumbus entdeckte Amerika im Jahr 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We were partying until the little hours. Sami heeft die app gratis gedownload. Sami downloaded that app for free. Sami has downloaded that app for free. Zij gaf Tom een appel. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom an apple. Ich fühle mich etwas unsicher. I feel a little insecure. I feel a little insecure. Ik wil dat je beter werkt. I want you to work better. I want you to work better. Hoe zeg je XXX in het Engels? How do you say XXX in English? How do you say XXX in English? אסתּר איז אַ לעבן־געבליבענע פֿונעם חורבן. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. As a result, a female of the Holocaust is a native of the Holocaust. Der Zug kam pünktlich an. The train came on time. The train arrived on time. Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. He behaved badly. He's behaved badly. Steht ihr eurer Familie nahe? Are you close to your family? Are you close to your family? Halt! Stop! Stop! Es war sehr staubig im Haus. The house was very dusty. It was very dusty in the house. Können Sie mich jemandem vorstellen, der Französisch spricht? Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? Ze zijn creatief. They're creative. They're creative. Mache, was du willst. Do whatever you want. Do what you want. Woneem sünd mien Zigaretten? Where are my cigarettes? Where are my cigarettes? Tranen löpen över mien Backen. Tears ran down my cheeks. Run traps over my baking. Het feest eindigde om negen uur. The party ended at nine. The party ended at nine o'clock. Se kunn em nich övertügen, ehr en neet Auto to köpen. She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car. It could not be passed on to him before buying a next car. Ek het daar gegaan gisteraand. I went by there last night. I went there last night. Ich werde mich um die Katze kümmern. I'll take care of the cat. I'm gonna take care of the cat. k Holp Tom en Maria mit heur auto's wassen. I helped Tom and Mary wash their cars. k Holp Tom wash a Maria with her cars. Wult ji en Köpken Kofi? Do you want a cup of coffee? Wult ji and Köpken Kofi? Tom sal vir drie dae bly. Tom will stay for three days. Tom will stay for three days. Ich hoffe, ich kann Sänger werden. I hope to become a singer. I hope I can become a singer. איך בין גאר פארמישט. I am all mixed up. I'm afraid I'm mixed. Sie macht mich glücklich. She makes me happy. She makes me happy. Lernst du jeden Tag? Do you study every day? Are you learning every day? Zij studeert wiskunde. She studies mathematics. She's studying mathematics. Ik heb een vriend, wiens vader een beroemd pianist is. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Wolharige mammoeten wandelden ooit rond op aarde. Woolly mammoths once roamed the Earth. Cloudy mammoths used to walk around on earth. Das Mädchen hatte niemanden, an den es sich wegen eines Ratschlags hätte wenden können. The girl had no one to turn to for advice. The girl had no one to whom it could have turned because of a advice. Er wohnt in New York. He lives in New York. He lives in New York. Je lijkt moe. Je moet een uurtje of twee rusten. You look tired. You ought to rest for an hour or two. You've got to rest for an hour or two. Die Zeremonie war sehr beeindruckend. The ceremony was very impressive. The ceremony was very impressive. Wat hest du för Plään för vonavend? What are your plans for tonight? What kind of space do you have for last? Bekijk de slapende baby. Look at the sleeping baby. Look at the sleeping baby. Der Tom iss weeg. Tom is gone. The Tom's weight. Ik vind Duits niet moeilijk. I do not think German is difficult. I don't find German difficult. Þæt is mīn dōhtor. This is my daughter. The image format is mīn dōhtor. מעריס טאַטע איז רײַך. Mary's father is rich. Meris tattoo is rich. Ich werde mich auf meine Arbeit konzentrieren. I'm going to focus on my job. I'm going to focus on my work. Es ist aus feiner Baumwolle. It's made of fine cotton. It's made of fine cotton. דער גן־עדן איז אַנדערע מענטשן. Paradise is other people. The gen-eds are some people. Es fällt mir schwer zu glauben, dass Tom das nicht getan hat. I'm having a hard time believing Tom didn't do that. It's hard to believe Tom didn't do that. Ze zijn tien jaar getrouwd. They have been married for ten years. They're married for ten years. Uropa is n kontinent. Europe is a continent. Uropa is a continent. Ik heb een piano. I have a piano. I have a piano. Ik denk dat ik eindelijk een beetje begrijp hoe Tom zich voelde op dat moment. I feel like I finally have some understanding of how Tom felt in that moment. I think I finally understand a little how Tom felt at that time. Ik bün nu temlich mööd. I'm very tired now. I'm being courteous now. Ik heb niet veel geld. I haven't got much money. I don't have much money. Geef me een lift in uw auto. Give me a lift in your car. Give me a lift in your car. Dat was Chinees voor mij. That was double-dutch to me. That was Chinese to me. Zijn wens werd uiteindelijk vervuld. His wish was realized at last. His wish was finally fulfilled. Sēo heorte ǣnlīċe can wel sēon. Þæt weorþlīċe is ēaġum unġesewen. One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. The S'on's olympice is a river in the western part of the city. It is located in the southwestern part of the city, with an area of . Se sünd op en eensame Insel utsett worrn. They were marooned on a desert isle. They have been relocated to a lonely island. Der Firmenchef ist außer Haus. The president is out now. The head of the company is out of the house. Sie nahm unser Angebot trotzdem an. She accepted our offer notwithstanding. She still accepted our offer. Ik kan je nog geen antwoord geven. I can't give you an answer yet. I can't answer you yet. Ik heff dacht, du wöörst to Huus un lihrst. I thought you'd be home studying. I thought you were getting home and listening. Ist diese Kollegmappe Ihre? Is this your briefcase? Is this Colleague yours? Ich mag meinen blauen Stift echt gern. I really love my blue pen. I really like my blue pen. Er isst gerade zu Mittag. He's eating lunch now. He's just eating lunch. Mit der Ankunft des Frühlings erwachte das Gras zum Leben. The grass came to life with the coming of spring. With the arrival of spring, the grass awakened to life. Er brak een revolutie uit in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. Ze leven in voortdurende angst. They live in constant fear. They live in constant fear. צי האָט דו און טאָם הנאה געהאַט די פּיצע? Did you and Tom enjoy the pizza? Do you and Tom Hnoh match the pie? Tragen Sie sich ins Gästebuch ein! Sign the guest book. Sign up to the guest book! Wat hest du dien Fründ köfft? What did you buy your boyfriend? What did you do to your friend? Het gaat mij slecht. I'm not well. I'm bad. Bitte verstehe meine Position. Please understand my position. Please understand my position. Ich telefoniere praktisch niemals bis in die Nacht hinein. I rarely, if ever, talk on the phone till late at night. I'm practically never calling until the night. Er irrt sich vollkommen. He is entirely in the wrong. He's completely wrong. Je stinkt. You smell awful. You smell. Ik hou van zo'n soort momenten. I love such moments. I love such moments. Wer ist er und wie heißt er? Who is he and what's his name? Who is he and what is he called? Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, Johannes sei beschäftigt. Mary told Tom that she thought John was busy. Maria told Tom that she believed that John was busy. Zeg niets! Don't say anything. Don't say anything! Se mann is se cyning. That man is the king. His husband's cyning. Ik kan rennen. I'm able to run. I can run. We zijn allemaal vrienden. We're all friends. We're all friends. Essen Sie gerne Fisch? Do you like eating fish? Do you like to eat fish? Tom is drie jaar oud. Tom is three years old. Tom is three years old. Du maakst mi mall! You drive me nuts! You're making me mad! Papa moedigt hem altijd aan. Dad's always encouraging him. Dad always encourages him. Sie ist alles andere als eine Sängerin. She is anything but a singer. She's nothing but a singer. De koeien zijn gras aan het eten. The cows are eating grass. The cows are eating grass. Ich höre seinem Solovortrag zu. I am listening to his recital. I'm listening to his solo lecture. Isch's woar? Really? - What's going on? Tom sagte, er wolle nicht ins Bett. Tom said that he didn't want to go to bed. Tom said he doesn't want to go to bed. Ich glaubte ihm jedes Wort. I believed every word he said. I believed him every word. Tom geht in eine Schule für Gehörlose. Tom goes to a school for the deaf. Tom goes to a school for the deaf. Tom leende een auto van een vriend. Tom borrowed a car from a friend. Tom borrowed a friend's car. Hij was zich niet bewust van het gevaar. He was not aware of the danger. He wasn't aware of the danger. Tom is een zwakkeling. Tom is a wimp. Tom's a weak man. All Lichten sünd utgahn. All the lights went out. All lights have gone off. Hij ontwierp de auto. He designed the car. He designed the car. We hebben fruit. We have fruit. We have fruit. Ik eet peren. I eat pears. I eat pears. Watter een is meer korrek? Which one is more correct? Which one is more correct? Ik will dien Geld nich. I don't want your money. I don't want your money. Jack un Bill weren temlich gode Frünnen. Jack and Bill were very good friends. Jack and Bill were to be friends of some sort. We zullen dansen. We'll dance. We'll dance. Bist du wirklich krank? Are you really sick? Are you really sick? Maak iets op. Make something up. Get something up. Het was niet bepaald goed. It wasn't very good. It wasn't really good. Ik moet voor morgenmiddag om 2:30 uur in Boston zijn. I've got to be in Boston by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. I have to be in Boston for 2:30 a.m. tomorrow afternoon. Ze volgt de nieuwste rage. She follows the latest craze. She's following the latest rague. Tom is degene die me dit boek heeft gegeven. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Tom's the one who gave me this book. Wat is je geboortedatum? What is your date of birth? What's your birthdate? Als ik alles opnieuw moest beginnen, zou ik niets veranderen. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing. If I had to start all over again, I wouldn't change anything. Je moet het loslaten. You need to let go of it. You have to let it go. Tom ist nicht hier. Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. Der Mann bekam eine Gefängnisstrafe wegen Mordes. The man was imprisoned for murder. The man got a prison sentence for murder. Tom fuhr Maria zum Krankenhaus. Tom drove Mary to the hospital. Tom drove Maria to the hospital. In de zomerperiode logeer ik bij mijn tante. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. In the summer I stay at my aunt's house. Heute liegt die Temperatur bei 70 Grad Fahrenheit. The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Today, the temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Ich will ins Planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! I want to go to the planetarium! De stad is volledig verwoest. The city is completely devastated. The city is completely destroyed. Het maakt mijn natuurkundeleraar niet uit als ik de lessen verzuim. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. It doesn't matter to my science teacher if I fail to teach the lessons. Als jullie niet bezig zijn, kunnen jullie me dan helpen? If you're not busy, could you please help me? If you're not busy, can you help me? Ik eet altijd gezond. I always eat healthy. I always eat healthy. Ik wil niet dat Tom ziek wordt. I don't want Tom to get sick. I don't want Tom to get sick. Dat is een bloedsinaasappel. That's a blood orange. That's a blood orange. Tom heeft zijn haar geverfd. Tom dyed his hair. Tom painted his hair. Es ist Valentinstag. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you guys going? Where are you going? Sie war verzweifelt, als ihr Ehemann starb. She was in despair when her husband died. She was desperate when her husband died. Sowie Tom die Eingangstür hinter sich zugemacht hatte, fiel ihm ein, dass seine Hausschlüssel auf der Bank drinnen in der Wohnung lagen. As soon as Tom closed the front door behind him, he realised that his house keys were on the bench inside his apartment. As Tom had closed the entrance door behind him, his house key on the bank was in the apartment. Drink! Drink! Drink! איך האָב געגעסן‎ דעם עפּל. I've eaten the apple. I don't know what this means. Hij is in Berlijn. He is in Berlin. He's in Berlin. Er ist mittelgroß, weiß, hat braune Haare und braune Augen. He is average height, is white, has brown hair and brown eyes. He is medium-sized, white, has brown hair and brown eyes. Hoe lang is het van hier naar jouw huis? How long does it take from here to your house? How long is it from here to your house? Wie sehen die aus? What do they look like? What do they look like? Tom sal sekerlik gaan. Tom ought to go. Tom will surely go. Ze heeft een mysterieuze kant. She has a mysterious side. She's got a mysterious side. Passt es jetzt nicht? Is this not a good time? Doesn't it fit now? Tom is agressief. Tom is aggressive. Tom is aggressive. Je had gelijk. You were right. You were right. Er is geen zout meer. There's no more salt. There's no salt left. Herr Suzuki ist ein guter Wissenschaftler. Mr Suzuki is a great scientist. Mr Suzuki is a good scientist. Was zum Teufel versteht Tom davon? What the hell does Tom know about that? What the hell does Tom understand? Ik wilde niet in Australië wonen. I didn't want to live in Australia. I didn't want to live in Australia. Diese Frage lässt sich einfach beantworten. This question is easy to answer. This question can be answered easily. Ich finde, Tom sah besser aus, ehe er seinen Bart abrasierte. I think Tom looked better before he shaved off his beard. I think Tom looked better before he took his beard off. Sally is twee Johr öller as Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Sally is two years older than Ken. Darf ich mit ihm gehen? May I go with him? Can I go with him? Het klopt aan de deur. It knocks on the door. It's right at the door. Schoul begunt op vief april. School begins on April 5th. Educated on five April. Ik heb haar mijn kamer getoond. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. Wie binnen hail doen. We're quite drunk. It's the one who's inside. אַװדאי איז זי געװען אַ שײנע פֿרױ װען זי איז געװען יונג. She certainly was a beautiful woman when she was young. Also, she was a woman who was a woman when she was young. Glücklicherweise war es diese Woche warm. Luckily, it was warm this week. Fortunately, it was warm this week. Ik hou van die blauwe kleur. I like that blue color. I love that blue color. Ist das meins? Is that mine? Is that mine? Hij kwam veilig aan. He arrived safely. He arrived safely. Hilfe! Help! Help! מענאַד איז נאָך דאָ. Mennad is still here. Mannad is after here. Worüm hett he sowat daan? Why did he do such a thing? Why does he have something to do with it? Du solltest ein Buch schreiben. You ought to write a book. You should write a book. Misschien heb ik je hulp nodig. I might need your help. Maybe I need your help. Weet je zeker dat je zo'n ding niet in Boston kunt kopen? Are you sure you can't buy one of those in Boston? Are you sure you can't buy such a thing in Boston? Tom wurde reingelegt. Tom was framed. Tom's been put in. Ik ken een meisje van wie de vader advocaat is. I know a girl whose father is a lawyer. I know a girl whose father's lawyer. Deze doos is te zwaar voor mij om alleen op te tillen. This box is too heavy for me alone to lift. This box is too heavy for me to lift up alone. Er hat alles verloren, was er besaß. He lost everything he owned. He lost everything he had. Ich mache mir große Sorgen um Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm worried about Tom. Wie neemt nog tijd voor een lange brief aan een vriend? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who else takes time for a long letter to a friend? Sy het my vertel hoe verkeerd dit was om te steel. She told me how it was wrong to steal. She told me how wrong it was to steal. Het water werd gezuiverd. The water has been cleaned. The water was purified. Worüm is Tom nich kamen? Why didn't Tom come? Why didn't Tom come? Ik mutt an’n Sünndag arbeiden. I will have to work on Sunday. I have to work on a Sunday. Ik haat zelfbewuste vrouwen. I hate strong-minded women. I hate self-conscious women. Tom hob die Münze auf und betrachtete sie genauer. Tom picked the coin up and examined it more closely. Tom picked up the coin and looked at it more closely. זײַ געזונט. Farewell. Well done. Frag nicht, warum. Tu es einfach! Don't ask why; just do it. Don't ask me why. Veel Länner hebbt Probleems mit Armood. Many countries have problems with poverty. Many countries have problems with Armood. Zo joods ben ik ook weer niet. I'm not that Jewish. I'm not like that Jewish either. Je vergelijkt appels met peren! You're comparing apples and oranges! You compare apples with pears! Plots kwamen zij uit het niets te voorschijn. They suddenly appeared from nowhere. Suddenly they came out of nowhere. Tom hat eine Trophäe gewonnen. Tom won a trophy. Tom won a trophy. Kannst du ihr Alter schätzen? Can you guess her age? Can you appreciate her age? Roken jullie sigaren? Do you smoke cigars? Are you smoking cigars? Ik heb iets gevonden. I've found something. I found something. The men are irk. The men are tired. The men are iron. Ria sä, dat se dor nich noog Geld för hett, üm sik dat to köpen. Mary told me she didn't have enough money to buy that. Ria says that it does not have enough money to buy it. De jonge streake it famke om it kin en tute har op 'e wangen. The boy stroked the girl on the chin and kissed her on the cheeks. The young tighten it familiar to the chin and put it on 'e cheeks. Halte dich von meiner Tochter fern! Stay away from my daughter! Stay away from my daughter! Der Bus ist noch nicht gekommen. The bus hasn't come yet. The bus hasn't come yet. Die Rettungsschwimmer sind zu unserem Schutze hier. The lifeguards are here to protect us. The lifeguards are here for our protection. Unter Spaß verstehe ich etwas anderes. This is not my idea of fun. With fun, I understand something else. Ik heb een gloednieuw paar sokken. I have a brand new pair of socks. I have a brand new pair of socks. Es gibt keinen roten Faden. There is no leitmotif. There's no red thread. Das ist das billigste Geschäft in der Stadt. This is the cheapest store in town. This is the cheapest business in the city. Geh schon mal voraus, Tom! Ich hol dich schon ein. You go ahead, Tom. I'll catch up soon. Go ahead, Tom, I'll pick you up. Ik was vergeten dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. I forgot Tom used to live in Boston. Die stedelike bevolking in die meeste ontwikkelende lande neem baie vinnig toe. The urban population in most developing countries is increasing very fast. The urban population in most developing countries is growing very rapidly. Tom nahm Maria nicht ernst. Tom didn't take Mary seriously. Tom didn't take Maria seriously. Een kalkoen is iets groter dan een kip. A turkey is a little bigger than a chicken. A turkey is slightly larger than a chicken. Thomas houdt van schrijven. Tom likes to write. Thomas loves writing. Ehrlich gesagt, gefällt mir diese Vorstellung nicht. Frankly speaking, I don't like the idea. Frankly, I don't like this idea. Lassen Sie mich sehen. Let me have a look at it. Let me see. Deze beslissing zal niemand gelukkig maken. This decision won't make anybody happy. This decision will make no one happy. Der Winkel würde zu klein sein. The angle would be too narrow. The angle would be too small. Bist du für oder gegen diese Politik? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you for or against this policy? S Buech isch schwarz. The book is black. It's black. Ik kenn em nich. I don't know him. I don't know him. Tom probeert het onmogelijke te bereiken. Tom is trying to do the impossible. Tom's trying to reach the impossible. Ich freue mich wirklich darauf, Tom kennenzulernen. I'm really looking forward to meeting Tom. I'm really looking forward to meeting Tom. Doe de deur toe, a.u.b. Shut the door, please. Close the door, please. וואס פאר א חשיבות האט נאציאנאליזם? What importance did Nationalism have? What kind of summary did Nationalism have? Tom hat angefangen, eine neue Arbeitsstelle zu suchen. Tom has begun looking for a new job. Tom started looking for a new job. We redden het nooit op tijd. We're never going to make it on time. We'll never save it in time. Meine rechte Hand ist taub. My right hand is numb. My right hand is deaf. Ik kan het restaurant niet vinden. I can't find the restaurant. I can't find the restaurant. Durch tägliches Lernen stellte er sicher, dass er auf die Prüfung vorbereitet war. He made sure that he was ready for the exam by studying every day. Through daily learning, he made sure that he was prepared for the exam. Ich bin ihm gegenüber misstrauisch. I am suspicious of him. I'm suspicious of him. Ich bin neugierig, ob es in unserer Stadt schneien wird diesen Winter. I wonder if it will snow in our town this winter. I'm curious if it'll snow in our city this winter. Hebben joe n geroazie? Do you have a garage? Do you have a geroazie? Laat de hond niet op ons bed slapen. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep on our bed. Ich esse nicht mehr so viel Fleisch wie früher. I don't eat as much meat as I used to. I don't eat as much meat as I used to. Ich sah sie dort. I saw her there. I saw her there. איך האב מורא פון דעם וואס וועט פאסירן. I'm scared of what's going to happen. I have fear of this that will take effect. Jij schrijft. You're writing. You write. Ik heff mi ünner ’n Disch versteken. I hid under the table. I hid myself under a table. Darum geht es gar nicht. That's not the point. That's not the point. Sami is nu moslim. Sami is Muslim now. Sami's Muslim now. Waarom stopte ze? Why did she stop? Why did she stop? Wilt u iets om te eten? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there at the stadium? Tom het gedink dit was onregverdig. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom thought it was unfair. Tom lässt sich nicht gern wie ein Kind behandeln. Tom doesn't like being treated like a child. Tom can't be treated like a child. Deze bomen zijn door hen geplant. These trees were planted by them. These trees are planted by them. Letzte Nacht blieb ich zu Hause, um deinen Anruf empfangen zu können. I stayed home last night to be able to receive your call. Last night I stayed home to receive your call. Ik houd meer van appels dan van sinaasappels. I like apples more than oranges. I love apples more than oranges. Ik wil overnachten in het Hilton Hotel. I want to stay at the Hilton Hotel. I want to stay at the Hilton Hotel. Maria is de smuckste Deern in ehr Klass. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Maria is the most beautiful animal in their class. Mien Mudder backt elk Morgen Brood. My mother bakes bread every morning. My Mudder backs bread every morning. Könnt ihr eure Antwort erklären? Can you explain your answer? Can you explain your answer? Moest je van gedachte veranderen, laat het me weten. Should you change your mind, let me know. If you had to change your mind, let me know. Denkt u echt dat Tom gelukkig is? Do you really think Tom is happy? Do you really think Tom's happy? Wanneer zag je Tom voor het laatst? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Loop! Run! Run! Donar is hier nait aaltied. Thor is not always here. Donar's right here. Dit Gebüüd is ook en Bank. This building also is a bank. This building is also and Bank. Als kind ging ik dikwijls vissen met mijn vader. As a child I often went fishing with my father. When I was a child, I often went fishing with my father. Tom gaat te voet naar school. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom's going to school on foot. Alles moet weg! Everything must go! Everything has to go! Je moet je rol accepteren. You have to accept your role. You have to accept your role. Grüezi. Hello! Grüezi. Tom het 'n trui gedra. Tom was wearing a sweater. Tom wore a sweater. Vuurwerk is legaal. Fireworks are legal. Fireworks are legal. Joa! Yes! Joa! Der Senat verfügte, dass ein neuer Konsul gewählt und das Land von den Feinden befreit wird. The Senate decreed that a new consul be chosen and the country be delivered from the enemies. The Senate had chosen a new consul and freed the land from the enemies. Ich habe sehr wenig Geld. I have very little money. I have very little money. אַ גוטע נאַכט. Good night. A good night. Tom is een hertenjager. Tom is a deer hunter. Tom's a deer hunter. Mijn haar is zo vuil! My hair is so dirty! My hair is so dirty! Ich denke nicht, dass Sie Ihren Job aufgeben sollten. I don't think you should quit your job. I don't think you should give up your job. Das tut mir sehr leid. I feel very sorry about that. I'm very sorry. Er hat seinen Entschluss nicht verändert. He hasn't changed his mind. He didn't change his decision. Ik heff dat nich vergeten. I have not forgotten. I didn't forget it. Praat niet met een volle mond. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk to a full mouth. Gebruik voorlopig gewoon het mijne. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Sami is niet thuisgekomen. Sami didn't come home. Sami didn't come home. Ik ben het met u eens. I agree with you. I agree with you. Je moet naar de tandarts gaan. You must go to the dentist. You have to go to the dentist. Ik leev in ’e Stad. I live in the city. I live in a City. Er heerst paniek op de Titanic. Panic rules on the Titanic. There's panic on the Titanic. Ich suche meinen Schlüssel. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Ik moet naar Boston. I need to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. Jy is altyd te laat. You are always too late. You're always too late. Ich werde dir nicht helfen. I won't assist you. I won't help you. די פּאָליציי האָט אים געכאַפּט. The police caught him. The police attacked him. Dit was nie my skuld nie. It wasn't my fault. It wasn’t my fault. Wi hebbt en groot Problem. We've got a big problem. We have a big problem. Alle Studenten applaudieren. All the students applaud. All students are congratulating. Tom wull Geld. Tom wanted money. Tom's gonna have some money. Lig is die stimulus wat veroorsaak dat blomme oopgaan. Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open. Light is the stimulant that causes flowers to open. Er baute Kartoffeln in seinem Garten an. He grew potatoes in his garden. He built potatoes in his garden. Ich habe mir das Bein am Kaffeetisch gestoßen. I banged my leg on the coffee table. I hit the leg at the coffee table. Ik heb het boek net uitgelezen. I've just finished reading that book. I just read the book. Yenner, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Yuni, Yuli, Aaguscht, September, Oktower, November un Diesember sinn die zwelf Munet im Yaahr. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Yener, Hanning, Matz, Abrill, Moi, Yuni, Yuli, Aaguscht, September, Octower, November and Dember are the twelve Coints in Yaahr. Met deze ogen zal ik bergen zien branden. With these eyes, I shall see mountains burn. With these eyes I'll see mountains burning. Meine Katze schaut gerne aus dem Fenster. My cat likes to look through the window. My cat likes to look out the window. In einem Fahrstuhl dürfen Sie nicht rauchen. You may not smoke in an elevator. You can't smoke in an elevator. Ik heff en Hund. I have a dog. I'm hemping and dog. De appel is rood. The apple is red. The apple is red. Hij is sterker dan u. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Der graue Pulli gefällt mir mehr als der violette. The gray sweater I like more than the purple. I like the gray sweater more than the violet. Zai leven ien aarmoude. They live in poverty. Zai live an armaid. ’Keen wullst du dat verköpen? Who were you going to sell it to? ‘You don’t want to sell that? Wanneer begin ik? When do I get started? When do I start? Ich bin gegen Grippe geimpft worden. I was vaccinated against the flu. I was vaccinated against flu. Du solltest dort nicht alleine hingehen. You shouldn't go there by yourself. You shouldn't go there alone. Dit is ondraaglijk. This is intolerable. This is unbearable. Welkom om Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatuba. Ik bruuk en gode Sünnbrill. I need a good pair of sunglasses. I use a good sunglass. Tom reichte Maria ein Buch. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom gave Mary a book. Tom holte seine Pistole raus. Tom took out his gun. Tom pulled out his gun. Tom riet der Stellenbewerberin, ihren Lebenslauf neu zu schreiben. Tom advised the job applicant to redo her resume. Tom advised the job applicant to rewrite her resume. Ik ben ingenieur. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. Tom kook nooit. Tom never cooks. Tom never cooks. Darüber sind wir uns einig. On this, we agree. We agree. Ze is opgegroeid in de Duitse Democratische Republiek. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. Sie muss nachmittags zum Einkaufen gehen. She has to go shopping in the afternoon. She has to go shopping in the afternoon. Ik moet de huur betalen. I need to pay the rent. I have to pay the rent. Het kan duur zijn. It can be expensive. It could be expensive. Mayuko hett gode Ogen. Mayuko has sharp eyes. Mayuko has gods Ogen. Als ich zu Hause ankam, bemerkte ich, dass ich meine Brieftasche verloren hatte. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I arrived home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. Wir müssen dem Einhalt gebieten. We have to stop it. We have to stop. Habt ihr eine Antwort von ihm bekommen? Did you get a reply from him? Did you get an answer from him? Hij zei helemaal niets. He didn't say a single word. He didn't say anything. Die Gemeinschaft besteht aus Individuen. The community is made up of individuals. The community consists of individuals. Sami is geïnteresseerd in de Koran. Sami is interested in the Quran. Sami is interested in the Koran. Ek werk as 'n sekretaresse by 'n plaas. I work as a secretary on a farm. I work as a secretary at a farm. Hij was in een slecht humeur omdat zijn vriendin hem net eruit had geschopt. He was in a bad mood because his girlfriend had just thrown him out. He was in a bad mood because his girlfriend just kicked him out. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody went to my country. Nobody went to my country. Warum müssen Tom und Mary das machen? Why do Tom and Mary have to do that? Why do Tom and Mary have to do that? Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines. Here's looking at you, kid. Look me in the eye, little one. Jij bent de slechtste student in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. He hett dat mit alle Macht oplücht. He lifted it up with all his might. He picked it up with all his might. k Spreek gain Kataloans. I don't speak Catalan. k Speak gain Catalan. Tom sagte, er bereue das Geschehene. Tom said he regretted what had happened. Tom said he's regretting what happened. Ich soll am Montag nach Boston fahren. I'm supposed to go to Boston on Monday. I'm supposed to go to Boston on Monday. Tom heeft de boodschap zeker begrepen. Tom certainly got the message. Tom certainly understood the message. Tommy ist ein netter Mensch. Tommy is a nice man. Tommy is a nice person. איך קויף נישט קיין ברויט. I don't buy bread. I'm not cold any bread. Hy is my buurman. He's my neighbour. He is my neighbor. „Ich habe Tom und Maria gefragt, warum sie nie geheiratet hätten.“ – „Und was haben sie geantwortet?“ I asked Tom and Maria why they had never gotten married. And what did they say? “I asked Tom and Mary why they had never married.” – “And what did they answer?” Ik heb je avondeten voor je in de oven laten staan. I have left you your dinner in the oven. I left you your dinner in the oven. Ihre Bemerkung ging mir auf die Nerven. Her remark got on my nerves. Her remark was on my nerves. Tom wilde Mary's kamer zien. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Ik neem aan dat jullie weten wie Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. So lasse ich nicht mit mir reden! I won't let you speak to me that way. I'm not gonna talk to you like that! Echte mannen drinken thee. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Und was wollen Sie im Gegenzug von mir haben? And what do you want from me in return? And what do you want in return from me? Ben ik zwanger? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Du hest en Fehler maakt. You made an error. You made a mistake. Dat is een zonnebloem. This is a sunflower. That's a sunflower. Wat se annern vörswinnelt, fangt se sülvst to glöven an. They've started believing their own lies. What others guess is that they start playing themselves. Wir sind in letzter Zeit viel zusammen. We've been spending a lot of time together. We've been together a lot lately. מיר זענען פֿישערס. We're fishermen. We're Fishers. Mijnheer Suzuki heeft drie dochters. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Es würde mich glücklich machen, für euch zu singen. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would make me happy to sing for you. Se keek em bi ’t Dansen to. She watched him dance. See him at ’t Dansen. Ik heb het raam geopend. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Hierdie man skreeu vir my! This man's shouting at me! This man screams at me! Ik heff jo nich höört. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Das ist eine gute Übung. It's good training. That's a good exercise. Nu dat nix mehr to doon geev, hauen wi af. Since there was nothing left to do, we left. There was nothing more to do, try exiting. פֿאַראַן אַ הוט אונטער דער בריק. There is a hat underneath the bridge. For example, a dog under the bridge. Hij was zo boos dat zijn aderen opvielen. He was so angry that his veins stood out. He was so angry that his veins showed up. Waar is mijn thee? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Tom at alleen. Tom ate alone. Tom ate alone. Japanse snoep heeft minder calorieën dan westerse snoep. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese candy has less calories than Western candy. Schottisches Kochrezept für Tomatensuppe: Heißes Wasser in eine rote Tasse gießen. Scottish recipe for tomato soup: Pour hot water into a red cup. Scottish cooking recipe for tomato soup: pour hot water into a red cup. Tom wil zijn schulden afbetalen. Tom wants to pay off his debts. Tom wants to pay off his debts. לאָמיר זיך לערנען שפּראַכן! Let's learn languages! Mirror yourself learning spray! Dieses Fahrrad ist seit Beginn des Monats hier zurückgelassen worden. This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. This bike has been left here since the beginning of the month. Gib nicht mein Geheimnis preis! Don't give away my secret. Don't give me my secret. Tom heeft een litteken op zijn wang. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Tom's got a scar on his cheek. Ich versuche, das Ding zu reparieren, aber versprechen tu ich nichts. I will try to fix the thing but I don't promise to do so. I'm trying to fix this thing, but I promise I won't do anything. Der Polizeibeamte ist hier. The police officer is here. The police officer is here. Ich will Tom nicht sehen. I don't want to see Tom. I don't want to see Tom. Tom bidt. Tom is praying. Tom prays. Es dauert noch einmal zwanzig Minuten, bis Tom nach Hause kommt. Tom won't be home for another 20 minutes. It takes another twenty minutes until Tom comes home. Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd. Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it. Love his uncle, was wexd, whom Mr. S'vrschwend. איך האָב זיך אױסגעלערנט בערבעריש. I've learned Berber. I don't know what to do! I'm going to look like we're going to learn Berlin. Dat is hier noch krekt as ehrtieds. It's still just as before here. That's exactly what this is like. Das ist ein tropischer Sturm. Es wird bald vorbei sein. This is a tropical storm. It'll be over soon. This is a tropical storm. It'll be over soon. Je bent maar een jongen. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Tom stellt bei sich zu Hause seinen eigenen Wein her. Tom makes his own wine at home. Tom makes his own wine at home. Wie kann ich meinen Lebenslauf ausdrucken? How can I print my curriculum vitae? How can I print my CV? Hast du in letzter Zeit mit ihr gesprochen? Have you talked to her recently? Have you talked to her lately? דער בילד איז נישט אין פאקוס. The image is out of focus. The image is not infusk. Vanaf dit punt gaan we met de auto. From this point, we'll go on by car. From this point on, we're going by car. Ik zal je niet meer weerzien. I'm not going to see you again. I won't see you again. Tom sal nou trots op my wees. Tom will now be proud of me. Tom will be proud of me now. Willst du auf einem Einhorn zur Arbeit reiten? Ich schon. Do you want to ride a unicorn to work? Because I do. Do you want to ride to work on a unicorn? Hest du mi anropen? Did you phone me? Did you call me? Ich bin voller Bewunderung für Ihre Tapferkeit. I am filled with admiration for your bravery. I am full of admiration for your bravery. Kinner ünnerrichten geiht lichter as Grootwussene to ünnerrichten. Teaching children is easier than teaching adults. Teaching a child is more likely to be able to educationalise a child. Warum sind Tom und Maria in Boston? Why are Tom and Mary in Boston? Why are Tom and Mary in Boston? De hond ving het vlees. The dog caught the meat. The dog caught the meat. Lebe etwas unbeschwerter! Live life a little easier. Live a little more uncomfortable! Wir hatten in diesem Jahr eine Rekordernte. We had a bumper crop this year. We had a record harvest this year. Ich liebe dich, und ich will nicht, dass dir irgendetwas passiert. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Wie verstehst du dich mit deinen Eltern? How do you get along with your parents? How do you understand your parents? Ik kan u niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't fire you. Wie viel schulde ich euch für die Eintrittskarte? How much do I owe you for the ticket? How much do I owe you for the ticket? Wir können uns das jetzt nicht ansehen. We can't look at that right now. We can't look at this now. Tom verhängte das Fenster mit einem dunklen Vorhang. Tom hung a dark curtain over the window. Tom hung the window with a dark curtain. Er war außer sich. He was outraged. He was out of his mind. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren op. Please say the alphabet in reverse. Please tell the alphabet in retrospect. We hebben te veel lessen. We have too many classes. We have too many lessons. Bell woonde vroeger in Londen, of niet? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Hatte Marika Brieffreunde aus Japan? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have letters from Japan? Die Schweine sind nicht im Stall. The pigs aren't in the pen. The pigs are not in the stable. Ich kann seine Flegelhaftigkeit nicht länger ertragen! I can't put up with his rudeness any more. I can no longer bear his fragility! Die Schauspielerin lernt ihre Rolle. The actress is learning her part. The actress learns her role. Es ist interessant, Freundschaften mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern zu schließen. Making friends with people from other countries is interesting. It is interesting to close friendships with people from other countries. Tom verlangt naar aandacht. Tom craves attention. Tom demands attention. Wir werden London vor Anbruch der Dunkelheit erreichen. We will reach London before dark. We will reach London before the dawn of darkness. Singapore wordt ''Singapura'' genoemd in het Maleis. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malay. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malaysia. Het is niet mogelijk, nietwaar? It's not possible, is it? It's not possible, is it? איך בין אַן עספּעראַנטיסטקע. I'm an Esperantist. I'm an e-mail assistant. Gedenk dat gij stof zijt. Remember that you are dust. Remember that you are dust. Ik heff Tom al schreven. I've already written to Tom. I already wrote Tom. Hij is nogal levendig. He's a bit energetic. He's quite lively. John haalde een sleutel uit zijn zak. John took a key from his pocket. John pulled a key out of his pocket. Es war ziemlich kalt. It was very cold. It was pretty cold. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind reich an natürlichen Ressourcen. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Hij studeerde een wetenschappelijk vak op een universiteit. He studied a scientific subject at university. He studied science at a university. Eind goed, al goed. All is well that ends well. It's okay. It's okay. Bass du d'Mary? Are you Mary? Do you like d'Mary? Ik wilde gewoon niet gaan werken gisteren. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. Wir könnten Toms Hilfe gebrauchen. Könnten Sie ihn etwas bearbeiten? We could do with Tom's help. Could you work on him a bit? We could use Tom's help. Spreken joe Jiddisj. Do you speak Yiddish? Speak ye Jiddish. Wie oft habt ihr letzte Woche mit Tom gesprochen? How many times did you talk to Tom last week? How many times did you talk to Tom last week? Jij glimlacht niet dikwijls. You don't smile very often. You don't smile often. Null, eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten. Die wollten sie umbringen. They were going to kill her. They wanted to kill them. Ich denke, dass Einsprachigkeit eine starke Einschränkung darstellt. I think that monolingualism is very limiting. I think that agreement is a strong restriction. Er ist ein gutaussehender Mann. He's a good-looking guy. He's a good looking man. Waarom ga je niet naar de bank? Why don't you go to a bank? Why don't you go to the bank? דאָס פֿלעשל איז נישט פֿול. The bottle isn't full. The board is not off. We zijn al ons geld kwijt. We lost all of our money. We've lost all our money. Ik wilde een bus huren. I wanted to rent a bus. I wanted to rent a bus. Ik gebruik een elektrische tandenborstel. I use an electric toothbrush. I'm using an electric toothbrush. Tory gaat dood. Tory dies. Tory's going to die. Julle is tussen vriende. You guys are among friends. You're between friends. Ich habe jetzt keine Zeit dafür. I've got no time for that now. I don't have time for that right now. Se hett em en Naricht tostüürt. She sent him a message. You sent a message to him. Maria is nog altijd mijn vriendin. Mary is still my girlfriend. Maria's still my girlfriend. די קאץ איז אויף דעם דאך. The cat is on the roof. The cart is on the look here. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. Playing baseball is fun. It's nice to play baseball. Fallt in ’n Stall de Aven ut, kummt de Melk in Stücken rut. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. When the avalanche falls, the milk comes out in pieces. Wil je in Mumbai wonen? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Ek dink die meeste mense wil die regte ding doen. I think that most people want to do the right thing. I think most people want to do the right thing. Tom heeft daar nooit iets over gezegd. Tom has never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about that. We hadden geen benzine meer. We ran out of gas. We didn't have gas anymore. Ich möchte das in eine kleinere Größe umtauschen. I want to exchange this for a smaller size. I want to change this to a smaller size. Egels zijn alleseters. Hedgehogs are omnivorous. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tom bleef maar praten en liet Mary er geen woord tussen krijgen. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word in edgewise. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word in it. Sie haben uns nichts erzählt. They haven't told us anything. They didn't tell us anything. איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט. I'm not feeling well. I'm not gonna feel bad. Sind wir alle so weit? Are we all ready? Are we all that far? Ik bün allergisch gegen Fisch. I'm allergic to fish. I'm allergic to fish. Ik doe helemaal niets. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. מײַן טאָכטער איז בלויז פֿיר יאָר אַלט. My daughter is only four years old. My daughter is only four years old. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put on his socks. Tom's wearing his socks. Sie ist jung und tatkräftig. She's young and energetic. She's young and active. We moeten bij het vliegveld zijn. We need to get to the airport. We need to be at the airport. Plötzlich habe ich gemerkt, dass meine Uhr weg war. I suddenly realized that my watch was gone. Suddenly, I noticed my watch was gone. Ich hoffe, dass ich dich nicht störe. I hope I'm not interrupting you. I hope I don't disturb you. Leuk, hè? Isn't it neat? Nice, huh? Je moet gaan. You must go. You have to go. Er ist einer, auf den man zählen kann. He's a stand-up guy. He's one you can count on. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. It appears that he is honest. He seems to be honest. Dit boek is zwaar. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. מערי און אַליס האָבן געשמועסט אַ שטיק צײַט. Mary and Alice chatted for a while. Mary and Alice have gathered a chunk of time. Wer macht Witze? Who's joking? Who makes jokes? Mevrouw Jones doceert informatica. Mrs. Jones teaches computer science. Mrs. Jones is teaching informatics. Bitte ein Komma nach diesem Wort einfügen! Please add a comma after this word. Please insert a comma after this word! Harr ik ehr Adress weten, harr ik ehr schreven. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. If I knew their address, I would write it to her. „Möchtest du einen Drink?‟ - „Ich habe schon einen.‟ "Would you like a drink?" "I've already got one." “Do you like a drink?” Tom und Maria passten abwechselnd auf Johannes auf. Tom and Mary took turns taking care of John. Tom and Mary looked after John alternately. Sami wis n klain bietje over dat. Sami knew a little bit about that. Sami was a complain about that. Tom heeft het echt vermoord. Tom really killed it. Tom really killed it. Sie versuchte, ihren Vater zu überreden. She attempted to persuade her father. She tried to persuade her father. Tom sah auf seine Uhr. Tom looked at his watch. Tom looked at his watch. Wi köönt em nicht helpen. We can't help him. We can't help him. Hoeveel kost dit horloge? How much does this watch cost? How much does this watch cost? Wat eetst? What are you eating? What's eating? De Eyjafjallajökull is een IJslandse vulkaan. The Eyjafjallajökull is an Icelandic volcano. The Eyjafjallajökull is an Icelandic volcano. Zoals gewoonlijk kwam hij als laatste aan in het theater. As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theater. As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theatre. Ech brauch Hëllef! I need help! I'm gonna need help! Wiä gaats Ihnä? How are you? Who's going to be him? Wies mi dien wohr Gesicht! Show me your true face. Show me true face! Wat ass d'Haaptstad vu Finnland? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Woarom lagst? Why are you laughing? What was it that laughed? In was für einer schrecklichen Welt wir doch leben! What an awful world we live in! What a terrible world we live in! Tom hörte nicht, wie Maria ins Zimmer kam. Tom didn't hear Mary enter the room. Tom didn't hear Maria come into the room. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das will. I'm not sure I want that. I'm not sure I want to. Hij zou in de gevangenis gestopt moeten worden. He should be put in prison. He should be put in jail. Wer ist gekommen? Who came? Who came? Die Post kommt am Vormittag. The mail arrives before noon. The mail is coming in the morning. Goed, laten we beginnen met ons werk. Well, let's start our work. All right, let's start with our work. מעריס טאַטע־מאַמע זענען רײַך. Mary's parents are rich. Mieris's parent are rich. Mijn kat ziet er een beetje uit als een koekje. My cat kind of looks like a biscuit. My cat looks a little like a cookie. He is Amerika gahn üm amerikaansche Literatur to studeren. He went to America to study American literature. He's going to study America around American literature. Hij studeerde in het buitenland. He studied abroad. He studied abroad. Wir hörten das Echo unserer Stimmen von der anderen Seite des Tales. We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley. We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley. Wir müssen den ersten Schritt machen wollen. We have to be willing to take the first step. We need to take the first step. Ik kan je niet vertellen hoe het is gebeurd. I can't tell you how it happened. I can't tell you how it happened. Hoekom sal ek lieg? Why would I lie? Why would I lie? Ik heb een computer van de hoogste kwaliteit gekocht. I bought a computer of the best quality. I bought a high-quality computer. Tom moet heel moe zijn. Tom must be very tired. Tom has to be very tired. Mien schuld. My mistake. My fault. Disneyland is gebouwd in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Frag den Polizisten nach dem Weg. Ask the policeman the way. Ask the police about the way. Sami dacht dat terrorisme een onderdeel was van de islam. Sami thought that terrorism was part of Islam. Sami thought terrorism was part of Islam. Hoe heb je die blauwe plekken op je benen opgelopen? How did you get those bruises on your legs? How did you get those blue spots on your legs? Hiert Haus ass um Fouss vun engem Bierg. Her house is at the foot of a mountain. This house is about a beer. Ik geloof niet dat u Hebreeuws kunt spreken. I don't believe that you can speak Hebrew. I don't think you can speak Hebrew. Gib mir den Stift. Pass me the pen. Give me the pen. Elk von sien Kinner hett en egen Kamer. Each of his children has his own room. Each of his children has their own room. איך האָב געלײענט דעם בוך. I have read the book. I don't know how to open the book. Ik hoop dat ik snel veel meer dan een paar zinnen ken in het Nederlands. I hope that very soon I will know more than just a few sentences in Dutch. I hope I soon know a lot more than a few sentences in Dutch. Du hättest deinen Mann nie verlassen sollen. You never should've left your husband. You should never have left your husband. סאַמי האָט געקאַקט. Sami pooped. Sami has detected. De draak moet dood. The dragon must die. The dragon has to die. Ich schaue nur. I'm just looking around. I'm just looking. Ich wünschte, du würdest Tom nicht immer anschreien. I wish you didn't always yell at Tom. I wish you wouldn't always scream at Tom. Zij probeerde haar boosheid te verbergen. She tried to hide her anger. She tried to hide her evil. Ons voedsel raakte op. We ran out of food. Our food was running out. Kannst du deinen Urlaub um ein paar Tage verlängern? Can you extend your holiday by a few days? Can you extend your vacation for a few days? Hij had bleke lippen. He had pale lips. He had pale lips. Habt ihr früher geraucht? Did you use to smoke cigarettes? Did you smoke earlier? Ek en Sheila is ou vriende. Sheila and I are old friends. Sheila and I are old friends. Je kan geen bloeddonor zijn. You cannot be a blood donor. You can't be a blood donor. Zuik n lege flèze en vul t mit wotter. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Suck an empty fleece and fill it with votter. We hebben geen bewijs. We have no proof. We don't have any evidence. Ek is jou seun. I am your son. I'm your son. Lasst uns das doch morgen noch mal versuchen! Why don't we try doing this again tomorrow? Let's try this again tomorrow. Weißt du, Tom mag Autos. You know Tom likes cars. You know, Tom likes cars. Er hat an meiner Art, die Dinge anzufassen, immer etwas auszusetzen. He always finds fault with the way I do things. He's got something in my way of touching things, always putting things off. Ek is geen dokter. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Ein wichtiger Grundsatz des Internets ist die Netzneutralität. An important principle of the Internet is the network neutrality. An important principle of the Internet is network neutrality. Zowel Tom als Maria schijnen niet in staat om dat te doen. Tom and Mary both seem unable to do that. Both Tom and Mary don't seem able to do that. Blitsvinnig! Lightning-fast! Flashy! Diese Straße führt in die Stadt. This road goes to the city. This road leads to the city. De zee is groen. The sea is green. The sea is green. Kom naar hier en help mee. Come over and help out. Come here and help. Tom is ontsnapt naar Australië. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. Ich bin an einem Hut wie diesem interessiert. I'm interested in getting a hat like this. I'm interested in a hat like this. He hett lang Hoor. He has long hair. He's got a long horn. Ik heb geldproblemen. I have money problems. I've got money problems. Zij las de brief, en zo kwam ze te weten dat hij dood was. She read the letter, and so she came to learn that he was dead. She read the letter, and so she came to know he was dead. Eet snij. Eat snow. Eat. Tom hat zweifellos den Eindruck erweckt, dass er nicht vorhat, morgen zu kommen. Tom certainly gave the impression that he wasn't planning on being there tomorrow. No doubt Tom has given the impression that he does not intend to come tomorrow. Langweile ich euch? Am I annoying you? Am I boring you? Zai sprak. She spoke. Zai spoke. Beide binne wij sykjend nei eat wat der net is. We are both looking for something that isn't there. Both are searching for what is just what we are looking for. Ik heb een betere woordenboek nodig. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Ik heff twintig diesige Fotos maakt bet ik een harr, dat so üm un bi good weer! I made twenty blurry shots to have one almost correct! I've taken 20 these photos, I've got a hair that's so good again! Wi verköfft allens. We sell everything. We're gonna mess it up. Er ist besser als ich. He's better than I. He's better than me. Ist das Ihr Fahrrad? Is this your bicycle? Is this your bike? Ek moes myself voorgestel het. I should have introduced myself. I must have imagined myself. "Aha!" zullen ze zeggen. 'Aha', they will say. "Aha!" they will say. מיר האָבן אַ שנאָבל־חיה. We have a platypus. We have a kinship. D'Leit sinn hautdesdaags esou vill kompetitiv. People are so competitive nowadays. People are so competitive today. Tom en k binnen nou drij joar traauwd. Tom and I've been married for three years now. Tom and k in now you're saddening. We keken allemaal door het raam. We all looked out the window. We're all looking through the window. Wat ass déi richteg Äntwert? What's the correct answer? What was the correct answer? Hy is in hear. He is a gentleman. He's in trouble. Ik heb enkele eieren gekocht, en wat melk. I bought a few eggs and a little milk. I bought some eggs, some milk. Je moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. Maria zegt dat ze je kent. Mary says she knows you. Maria says she knows you. Es wäre gut, wenn mir bitte jemand helfen könnte. Someone help me, please. It would be good if someone could help me, please. Hat Tom euch das gesagt? Did Tom tell you that? Did Tom tell you that? Ich werde Ihren Koffer in Ihr Zimmer tragen. I'll take your suitcase to your room. I'll carry your suitcase into your room. Dit is 'n mooi huis. It's a pretty house. It's a nice house. Hoe schrijft men dat? How do you spell it? How is that written? Wir haben den ganzen Tag am Strand verbracht. We spent the entire day on the beach. We spent the whole day at the beach. Wat is dien faveriete slik? What's your favorite candy? What Is Serving Faverite Sick? Kopen! Buy! Buy! Dat is te duur! It's too expensive! That's too expensive! Kan je me naar huis voeren? Can you drive me home? Can you take me home? Tom vroeg aan Maria om hem een kop koffie te brengen. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Maria to bring him a cup of coffee. Ek hou van koue pizza. I like cold pizza. I like cold pizza. Ich war arm. I've been poor. I was poor. Tom hat noch immer nicht seine Rechnungen abbezahlt. Tom still hasn't paid all his bills. Tom still hasn't paid off his bills. Ich muss nur noch eine Sache erledigen. I only have one thing left to do. I just need to do one more thing. Misschien slaag je. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll succeed. Tom beanstandete es, dass er wie ein Kind behandelt wurde. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Tom claimed he was treated like a child. Ich kann ihr keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame her. I can't blame her. Moslims kieken kiekkaast. Muslims watch TV. Muslims are looking checkout. Die Raupen des Prozessionsspinners können Ausschlag und Atemprobleme hervorrufen. Processionary caterpillars can cause rashes and breathing problems. The caterpillars of the procession spider can cause rash and respiratory problems. Ik moet aan mijn kinderen denken. I have to think of my children. I need to think about my kids. Es wird Zeit, dass du dich endgültig niederlässt. It's about time you settled down for good. It's time you finally settled down. Zou ik eens kort met u onder vier ogen kunnen spreken? Can I talk to you in private for a minute? Could I speak to you briefly under four eyes? Herr und Frau Schmidt leben jetzt getrennt. Mr. and Mrs. Smith live apart from each other now. Mr. and Mrs Schmidt are now living apart. Ik hou ook van skiën. I like skiing, too. I love skiing, too. Ich ging nach Amerika um zu studieren. I went to America to study. I went to America to study. Es war dunkel, und ich konnte nichts sehen. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. It was dark, and I couldn't see anything. Ich rieche Blumen. I can smell flowers. I smell flowers. Ge kunt niet voor iedereen goed doen. Don't try to be all things to all men. You can't do good for everyone. Bestudeer deze zinnen. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Wat het Tom vir Mary gevra om te doen? What did Tom ask Mary to do? What did Tom ask Mary to do? Asseblief deel my sambreel. Please share my umbrella. Please share my umbrella. Wat maakst du vondaag? What are you doing today? What are you doing today? Ik heff keen Tohuus mehr. I no longer have a home. I haven't got Home anymore. Ze vertrouwt Tom. She trusts Tom. She trusts Tom. Ik woon momenteel in Australië. I currently live in Australia. I'm currently living in Australia. Ik bün bloot för teihn Minuten online wesen. I've only been online for ten minutes. I'm just going to be online for ten minutes. Wir mögen die gleichen Dinge. We like the same things. We like the same things. Sie war linkisch und zurückhaltend auf Partys. She was awkward and reserved at parties. She was left-handed and holding back on parties. Hij zal Berberse les geven. He is going to teach Berber. He'll teach Berberse. Hoe zou u aardappelen willen? How would you like potatoes? How would you like potatoes? Mag ik dit aanraken? Can I touch it? Can I touch this? De deur blijft open. The door stays open. The door is still open. Ik kan niet helpen, want ik ben bezig. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help 'cause I'm busy. Tom seufzte vor sich hin. Tom kept sighing. Tom sighed in front of him. דא איז א ביסל וואסער. Here's some water. Here is a bit of a water. Alens ging onmis. It all went wrong. Alens went unmissing. Hij heeft vijfhonderd duizend yen in aandelen geïnvesteerd. He invested 500,000 yen in stocks. He invested 500 thousand yen in shares. Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! My pa het onlangs na Japan teruggekeer. My father has recently returned to Japan. Father recently returned to Japan. Es gibt nur drei Mädchen in der Klasse. There are only three girls in the class. There are only three girls in class. Ich mag Pralinen, besonders solche mit Nüssen. I love chocolates, especially those with nuts. I like pralines, especially with nuts. Tom spricht sehr laut. Tom talks very loud. Tom's very loud. Tom is een zeer vriendelijke en edelmoedige man. Tom is a very kind and generous man. Tom is a very kind and generous man. Ons het in 2008 ontmoet. 'n Jaar later, het ons getrou. We met in 2008. A year later, we got married. We met in 2008. A year later, we married. Ik weet niet waar je het over hebt. I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're talking about. Hoe is het mogelijk? How's this possible? How is it possible? Het meer is compleet bevroren. The lake is completely frozen over. The lake is completely frozen. Mijn kamer is drie keer zo groot als de uwe. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times the size of yours. Layla liet Salima zien hoe ze haar islamitische hoofddoek moest dragen. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Muslim headscarf. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Islamic headcarf. In de straat waren de meeste winkels gesloten. The shops in the street were for the most part closed. In the street, most shops were closed. Ik bün mit mien Moder na Disneyland wesen. I went to Disneyland with my mother. I'm gonna be with my fashioner to Disneyland. Wilt u nog een beetje thee? Would you like some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Lincoln was tegen de slavernij. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. Hij ging naar daar in plaats van zijn vader. He went there instead of his father. He went there instead of his father. Heb ik je niet verteld dat ik allergisch was voor pinda's? Didn't I tell you that I was allergic to peanuts? Didn't I tell you I was allergic to peanuts? Tom en Mary werken beiden in Boston. Both Tom and Mary work in Boston. Tom and Mary both work in Boston. Speel niet met de bal in deze kamer. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play with the ball in this room. k Hol van brommels. I love blackberries. - Get out of the trash. Ik begryp it net. I do not understand. I don't understand. Bin het in Singapoer gebly. Bin lived in Singapore. Bin stayed in Singapore. Argleton ist eine Stadt in West Lancashire, England, die nur auf Google maps existiert. Argleton is a town in West Lancashire, England which exists only on Google maps. Argleton is a city in West Lancashire, England, located only on Google maps. Ich winsch dir en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you a Happy New Year. I'll win you a glick after Yaahr. Is er hier veel sneeuw in de winter? Is there much snow here in the winter? Is there a lot of snow here in winter? Sie nahm ein Sprudelbad. She took a bubble bath. She took a spa. Sag ihm dass er warten soll. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Tom hat mehr Geld als Maria. Tom has more money than Mary. Tom's got more money than Maria. Jy is nie 'n dokter nie. You are not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Se hett ehr best daan, em to redden. She did her best to rescue him. She did her best to save him. Ik had precies hetzelfde gevoel. I had the exact same feeling. I had exactly the same feeling. Ech kachen elo. I'm cooking now. Well, let's do it. דו ביסט זייער אַ גוט קעצל. You're a very good kitty. You are their good success. Het was verrassend te zien hoe snel het kind groeide. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew. Ik ben allergisch voor stof. I'm allergic to dust. I'm allergic to dust. Einmal ein Lehrer, immer ein Lehrer. Once a teacher, always a teacher. Once a teacher, always a teacher. Sie fuhr mit dem Auto zur Schule. She went to school by car. She drove the car to school. Es gelang mir, dem Lehrer meinen Gedanken zu erläutern. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. I managed to explain my thoughts to the teacher. Frankrijk is van Italië gescheiden door de Alpen. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. Er gab mir einen Tipp. He gave me a hint. He gave me a tip. We hebben een kano gehuurd. We rented a canoe. We rented a canoe. Je bent verdikt. You've grown fat. You're covered. Er ist doppelt so alt wie ich. He is twice as old as I am. He's twice as old as I am. Ik heb een kurkentrekker nodig. I need a cork screw. I need a cork tractor. Ik heb nu veel te doen. I have many things to do now. I've got a lot to do now. Rief dr Polizei! Call the police! Rief Dr. Police! Tom vertrou jou. Tom trusts you. Tom trusts you. De nieuwe belasting benadeelt arme mensen. The new tax marginalizes poor people. The new tax will harm poor people. Die Deutschlehrerin sah wie eine Deutsche aus. The teacher of German looked like a German woman. The German teacher looked like a German. Soms moet je falen voordat je kunt slagen. Sometimes, you must fail before you succeed. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. Waarom zou iemand Tom vermoorden? Why would someone kill Tom? Why would anyone kill Tom? Wer ist dein Englischlehrer? Who is your English teacher? Who's your English teacher? Se höör mit Smöken op. She stopped smoking. She's up with smöks. Bent u ooit in Rio geweest? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Was passiert morgen? What happens tomorrow? What happens tomorrow? כ'לערן זיך העברעאיש. I'm learning Hebrew. Hw'll learn Hebrew. Aine van zien kollegoas fluusterde. One of his colleagues whispered. Aine from seeing Colgoas fluttering. Ik mag den Smack von Tomaten nich. I don't like the flavour of tomatoes. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. Zij en haar vrienden zijn gek op muziek. She and her friends are mad about music. She and her friends love music. De band is lek. The tire leaks air. The tape's leaky. De wind waait. The wind blows. The wind blows. Iedereen heeft een hobby nodig. Everybody needs a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby. In der nächsten Stunde schreiben wir einen Deutschtest. Next period I take an exam in German. In the next hour we write a German test. Du wirst den Zug erreichen, wenn du gleich losgehst. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. You'll get to the train when you get out of here. Worüber lachst du? What makes you laugh like that? What are you laughing at? Es war ein trockenes Jahr, und viele Tiere verhungerten. It was a dry year, and many animals starved. It was a dry year, and many animals starved. In welk jaar bent u geboren? What year were you born? What year have you been born? Ich liebe Arabisch. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Hij eet. He is eating. He's eating. Ik eet tofu. I eat tofu. I eat tofu. Tom möchte Zeit mit Maria verbringen. Tom wants to spend time with Mary. Tom wants to spend time with Maria. Möchtest du tatsächlich warten, bis sich Tom blicken lässt? Do you really want to wait till Tom shows up? Do you really want to wait for Tom to look? Angewidert schreckte ich zurück. I recoiled in disgust. On the other hand, I was scared back. We zijn aan het dansen. We're dancing. We're dancing. אין אָנהײב האָט גאָט באַשאַפֿן דעם הימל און די ערד. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God made the sky and the earth appear at first. Goa. Go. Goa. Als ik een koptelefoon gebruik, hoor ik niks. When I'm using headphones I can't hear anything. If I use a headphone, I don't hear anything. Glaubst du, Tom wird sich damit einverstanden erklären? Do you think Tom is going to agree to this? Do you think Tom will agree? Tom het slegs drie dollar vir sy middagete uitgegee. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars on his lunch. Ik ben gek op gebarentalen. I love sign languages. I love sign languages. Waarom zijn ze aan het huilen? Why are they crying? Why are they crying? Findet ihr das gerecht? Do you think that that's fair? You think that's fair? Tom zou beter binnen een kijkje nemen. Tom should take a look inside. Tom would better take a look. Se is mit em in ’t Kino gahn. She went with him to the movies. She's going to the movies with him. Hij is dertig jaar oud. He is thirty years old. He's 30 years old. דאָס יז מײַן חבר טאָם. This is my friend, Tom. This makes the mother of her later. k Bin nait old. I am not old. K Bin nait old. Friþ-dōm ne is un-cēap. Freedom is not free. Frion-dōm ne is un-c ap. Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir viele verschiedene Strategien versucht. Over the years we have tried many different strategies. Over the years, we have tried many different strategies. Tom ging nicht ans Telefon. Tom didn't answer the phone. Tom didn't go to the phone. Zeg steeds de waarheid. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Ze zijn bang voor de dood. They are afraid of death. They're afraid of death. Hoe voel jy oor hulle? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about them? ער האָט געגעבן די זאַך דעם מלך. He gave the thing to the king. He gave the thing the King. Zij heeft jullie allemaal uitgenodigd. She has invited you all. She invited you all. Vertel me hoe je je voelt. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how you feel. Er zeigte ihr den Weg. He showed her the way. He showed her the way. Ik weer dwungen an ’n Sünndag to arbeiden. I was forced to work on Sunday. I was forced to work on a Sunday again. Waar zijn je kleren? Where are your clothes? Where are your clothes? Kin k noar boeten? Can I go outside? Can't you pay for it? Was ist dein Lieblingskochbuch? What's your favorite cookbook? What's your favorite cookbook? Lass mich nicht im Stich. Don't let me down. Don't let me down. Welke heb je liever, vlees of vis? Which do you prefer, meat or fish? Which one do you prefer, meat or fish? Tom war empört. Tom was outraged. Tom was angry. Hulle bly in die huis oorkant ons s'n. They live in the house opposite to ours. They're staying in the house across from ours. Na und? So fuckin' what. So what? Freitag der 13. gilt als Unglückstag. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. Friday, 13th is considered a day of unhappiness. Dit is veruit de beste. This is by far the best. This is by far the best. Je hoeft echt niet te schreeuwen. Yelling is completely unnecessary. You really don't have to scream. Wat zou je doen als je, laten we zeggen, tienduizend dollar had? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if you, let's say, had ten thousand dollars? Ik bün in’t Water fallen. I fell into the water. I'm falling into the water. Waar is mijn mantel? Where's my coat? Where's my coat? Er ist Euer Augapfel gewesen bisher, nun aber: ärgert dich dein Auge, sagt die Schrift, so reiß es aus. Es ist besser, einäugig gen Himmel als mit zwei Augen in die Hölle. He has till now been the apple of your eye; but if thine eye offend you, says Scripture, pluck it out. It is better to enter heaven with one eye than hell with two! He has been to your eyeball so far, but now that your eye is angry, says the Scripture, so take it out. It is better to go one-eyed to heaven than to hell with two eyes. Ik kan me geen nieuwe fiets veroorloven. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. I can't afford a new bike. Wir werden sehen. We'll see. We'll see. Astronomie is een dure hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Astronomy is a expensive hobby. Je was altijd goed in wiskunde. You always were good at math. You were always good at math. ער איז זייער טאַטע. He's their father. He is very tattooed. Ich bin heilfroh, dass Tom nicht zu Schaden gekommen ist. I'm just glad Tom wasn't hurt. I'm sorry Tom didn't get hurt. Luister goed naar mij. Listen closely. Listen to me very carefully. Tom woont in een sloppenwijk. Tom lives in a slum. Tom lives in a sloping area. Ek sou nie te seker wees daaroor nie. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn't be too sure about it. Het water van deze rivier is heel zuiver. The water in this river is very clean. The water of this river is very pure. Ich sehe nur aus wie Tom. Ich bin nicht Tom. I only look like Tom. I'm not Tom. I just look like Tom, I'm not Tom. Je lieflijke stem klonk me zeer aangenaam in de oren. Your lovely voice was very pleasant to my ears. Your lovely voice sounded very pleasant to me. Mein Leben war in Gefahr. My life was in danger. My life was in danger. Sie ist Fräulein Fehlerlos. She's Miss Perfect. She's a flawless woman. Zwarte stoffen absorberen het licht. Black cloth absorbs light. Black matter absorbs the light. מיין נאמען איז עמילי. My name is Emily. My name is immense. Vielleicht weiß sie die Antwort. Maybe she knows the answer. Maybe she knows the answer. k Luusterde. I listened. Cute. Ik heb een vrijwilliger nodig. I need a volunteer. I need a volunteer. Engels is een zustertaal van Duits. English is a sister language of German. English is a German sister language. Sie liest einen Roman. She's reading a novel. She's reading a novel. Hij lag op zijn rug. He laid on his back. He was lying on his back. Dat was een herder. That was a shepherd. That was a shepherd. Se möök em riek. She made him rich. They like to squirrel. Ze was blind, doof, en stom. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. She was blind, deaf, and stupid. Du büst en beten lütter as Tom. You're a bit shorter than Tom. You are a little smaller than Tom. Sie kann nicht krank sein. She can't be ill. She can't be sick. Is er leven op Mars? Is there any life on Mars? Is there life on Mars? Meine Schwester fährt oft mit dem Bus von Nimwegen nach Kleve. My sister often takes the bus from Nijmegen to Kleve. My sister often takes the bus from Nimwegen to Kleve. Fabrieksafval vervuilt soms onze rivieren. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. Factory waste sometimes contaminates our rivers. Zai villen. They fell. My god, I'm afraid... De kinderen vonden de film niet leuk. The children didn't like the movie. The kids didn't like the movie. Snidt d'eerdappels. Cut the potatoes. Snail apples. Er wurde von allen geliebt. He was loved by everybody. He was loved by everyone. k Vuilde hail bliede. I felt very happy. K Hidden hail flashes. Tom gab nur drei Dollar für sein Mittagessen aus. Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch. Tom spent only three dollars for his lunch. Aptiet kummt mit dat Eten, de Döst geiht mit dat Drinken. Appetite comes with eating, the thirst goes away with drinking. Aptit will come with the food you eat when you drink. Ich bin unterwegs zu einer Besprechung. I'm on my way to a meeting. I'm on my way to a meeting. Ik wil niet teruggaan. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. אויב איר קענט דאָס לייענען, גייט אַהיים! If you can read this, go home! If you don't know this, go ahem! Hij erfde het kasteel. He inherited the castle. He inherited the castle. Tom wirkte optimistisch. Tom seemed to be optimistic. Tom seemed optimistic. Verlass unser Haus! Leave our house. Leave our house! Wie haben Sie entschieden? What's your decision? How did you decide? Was findet ihr an ihm so interessant? What do you find so interesting about him? What do you think is so interesting about him? Toen ik hem zag, zat hij in de bibliotheek. He was sitting in the library when I saw him. When I saw him, he was in the library. Tom, könnte ich mal kurz mit dir sprechen? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, could I talk to you for a minute? Als je nog één keer zo'n grote mond geeft, lees ik vanavond geen verhaaltje voor. If you're cheeky once more, I won't read you a story tonight. If you give that big mouth once more, I won't read a story tonight. Diese Kiste enthält Äpfel. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Ich habe daran gedacht. I thought of that. I was thinking about it. Es nahm viel weniger Zeit in Anspruch, meinen Deutschen Schäferhund zur Stubenreinheit zu erziehen, als das bei meinem anderen Hund der Fall war. It took me a lot less time to housebreak my German shepherd than it took to housebreak my other dog. It took much less time to raise my German shepherd dog to the dust unit than was the case with my other dog. Ik dans geern. I love to dance. I'm dancing. Ik bün en Künstler. I'm an artist. I'm a man and an artist. Ik ben hier de hele tijd. I'm here all the time. I've been here all the time. Seit letztem Montag habe ich Tom nicht mehr gesehen. I haven't seen Tom since last Monday. I haven't seen Tom since last Monday. Ich denke, dass sie die Wahrheit kennt. I think that she knows the truth. I think she knows the truth. Hij verliest steeds zijn paraplu. He is always losing his umbrella. He always loses his umbrella. Das ist nicht normal. This ain't normal. That's not normal. Eent, zwee, dräi, véier, fënnef, sechs, siwen, aacht, néng, zéng. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten. Goeie môre. Good morning. Good morning. Ik ben een student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Guten Tag! Du bist doch Tom, oder? Wie lange haben wir uns nicht gesehen! Hi. You're Tom, right? It's been a while. You're Tom, right? Ik bün di dankbor för dien Hülp. I am grateful to you for your help. I am grateful for your help. Retten Sie sich selbst! Save yourself. Save yourself! Komt Tom? Is Tom coming? Is Tom coming? Ik stond op het punt mijn huis te verlaten. I was about to leave my house. I was about to leave my house. Welchen Namen hat dieser Vogel? What is this bird called? What name does this bird have? Nijlpaarden zijn gevaarlijke dieren. Hippopotamuses are dangerous animals. Nile horses are dangerous animals. דאָנאַלד טראַמפּ האָט קלײנע הענטעלעך. Donald Trump has small hands. Donald Trump has open notebooks. Spricht dein Freund Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Is your friend Esperanto speaking? Wat is stolen? What was stolen? What's stolen? Waar hebt ge die schoenen gekocht? Where did you buy these shoes? Where did you buy those shoes? Tom ist der Mann mit der blauen Krawatte. Tom is the man wearing the blue tie. Tom is the man with the blue tie. Ien haarst valen bloadjen of. Leaves fall in the autumn. One hair traps or. Hebt u geen e-mailadres? You don't have an email address? You don't have an email address? Sie haben hier keinen Zutritt! You aren't allowed in here. You don't have access to this place! Het licht is groen. The light is green. The light is green. Ek is in Tokio gebore en getoë. I was born and brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Tokyo and soaked. Hoeveel provincies heeft Canada? How many provinces does Canada have? How many provinces does Canada have? Teihn Mielen is keen korten Weg. Ten miles is not a short distance. Ten miles is not a short way. Ik weet waarom ze haar werk opgezegd heeft. I know why she quit her job. I know why she canceled her job. Ek wil haar nie ontmoet nie. I don't want to meet her. I don't want to meet her. Maria, was hast du denn heute bloß? Mary, what's wrong with you today? Maria, what's the matter with you today? Tom is hyperactief. Tom is hyperactive. Tom's hyperactive. Warum hilft mir niemand? Why doesn't anybody help me? Why doesn't anybody help me? Wat lezen joe? What are you reading? What do you read? Wullt du mit na mi kamen un Pannkoken eten? Wanna come over to my place for pancakes? Do you want to come and eat pancakes? Der Autor illustrierte sein Buch mit vielen Bildern. The author illustrated his book with a lot of pictures. The author illustrated his book with many pictures. Wir nahmen uns ein Taxi, um uns nicht zu verspäten. We took a taxi so as not to be late. We took a taxi so we wouldn't be late. In Kyōto gibt es viele alte Tempel. There are many old temples in Kyoto. In Kyōto there are many ancient temples. Herr Ikeda will sich ein neues Auto kaufen. Mr Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Mr. Ikeda wants to buy himself a new car. Ik verdeen hunnerd Euro an ’n Dag. I make 100 euros per day. I covered euro on a day. Jou yn it Ingelsk antwurd op de folgjende fragen. Answer the following questions in English. Enter an English response to the following question. Wo ist der Park? Where's the park? Where's the park? Het jy van hulle gehoor? Have you heard about them? Have you heard of them? Ze kwam niet opdagen totdat de vergadering was afgelopen. She didn't show up until the meeting was over. She didn't show up until the meeting ended. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Ik wil niet met u praten. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Wir wissen das. We know that. We know that. Se hund is dēad. The dog is dead. Se Hund's d'had. Wat bedüüdt dat? What's the meaning of that? What does that mean? Ich werde Tom nicht erlauben zu gehen. I won't allow Tom to go. I'm not going to allow Tom to leave. De vissers stonden op voor zonsopgang. The fishermen got up before dawn. The fishermen stood up for sunrise. Na de storm was de oceaan kalm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Du kannst nicht so tun, als wäre es nicht geschehen. You can't pretend that it didn't happen. You can't pretend it didn't happen. Tom hat mich vor etwa einer halben Stunde angerufen und gesagt, dass er unterwegs sei. Tom called me about thirty minutes ago and said he was on his way. Tom called me about half an hour ago and said he was on his way. Tom gaan nie gelukkig wees om jou te sien nie. Tom won't be happy to see you. Tom won't be happy to see you. Ik hou er niet van om voor mensen te spreken. I don't like to speak in front of people. I don't like talking to people. Tom werd verzocht dat niet hier te doen. Tom has been told not to do that here. Tom was asked not to do that here. Dit is mien Schrievdisch. This is my desk. This is my written text. Wir haben ihn dazu gebracht zu gehen. We made him go. We got him to go. װילסט טרינקען? Do you want a drink? Want drinks? Der Große Schneesturm von 1888 war einer der schwersten in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. The Great Blizzard of 1888 was one of the most severe blizzards in the history of the United States. The Great Snowstorm of 1888 was one of the most serious in the history of the United States. Gifft dat hier en Telefoon? Is there a telephone here? Is that your phone and your phone? Trier is die oudste stad van Duitsland. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Daar is hy. There he is. There he is. Waar is een vegetarisch restaurant? Where is a vegetarian restaurant? Where's a vegetarian restaurant? Warum gibst du es nicht Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Why don't you give it to Tom? Fragen Sie ihn doch! Why don't you ask him? Why don't you ask him? Jullie zijn Berber. You are Berber. You're Berber. De volgende zondag gaan we onze tante bezoeken. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. The next Sunday we're going to visit our aunt. Het was in het jaar tweeduizend. It was in the year two thousand. It was two thousand in the year. Sami is een bediende in een homobar. Sami's a waiter at a gay bar. Sami is a servant in a gay bar. Ik zal je toestemming geven om te gaan. I'll permit you to go. I'll give you permission to go. Ünner Europa sien Iesköst liggt villicht en Waterozeaan. Under Europa's icy crust might be water ocean. Under Europe's ice cost may be a Waterocean. Nul, aine, twije, drije, vare, vieve, zezze, zeuven, aachte, negen, tiene. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, aine, twig, dry, vare, veve, zezze, zeuven, granny, nine, ten. Wie ben ik om anderen te beoordelen? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? Tom vond vroeger dat Maria de mooiste vrouw op aarde was. Tom used to think Mary was the most beautiful woman in the world. Tom used to think that Mary was the most beautiful woman on earth. Ik hou meer van je dan van wie ook. I love you more than I love any other person. I love you more than anyone. Tom ist drinnen. Tom is inside. Tom's inside. Die film is het zien waard. That movie is worth seeing. That movie's worth seeing. Ich bin gerade mit dem Frühstück fertig geworden. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. Maauw. Meow. Maauw. Das Objekt flog nach Süden weg und gab dabei Lichtblitze ab. The object flew away to the south, giving out flashes of light. The object flew south, giving off flashes of light. Du hues näischt falsch gemaach. You've done nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. Wanneer het jy laas gebid? When was the last time you prayed? When did you last pray? Wannehr hest du swemmen lehrt? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn swimming? Het water is aan het vloeien. The water is flowing. The water's flowing. Tom was niet zo verrast als de anderen. Tom wasn't as surprised as everybody else. Tom wasn't as surprised as the others. Sie haben sehr starke Gefühle und neigen zur Eifersucht. Their feelings are intense and they tend to be jealous. They have very strong feelings and tend to jealousy. Ich liebe Weihnachten. I love Christmas. I love Christmas. Dit is myn computer. This is my computer. It's my computer. Hast du schon gegessen? Have you already eaten? Have you eaten? De draak kan verslagen worden. The dragon can be defeated. The dragon can be defeated. די מלוכה באַדריקט זײַן מיעוטים. The state oppresses its minorities. The Queen's attention is given to his parents. Tun Sie Tom bitte nichts! Please don't hurt Tom. Don't do anything to Tom! He deed snacken, as wenn he allens wüss. He speaks as though he knew everything. He would smell like he knew everything. Hallo allemaal! Hello everyone! I know, it's her last wish. Ich werde ihn erschießen. I'm going to shoot him dead. I'm gonna shoot him. Jullie waren aan het bidden. You were praying. You were praying. Joe binnen mien faveriet. You're my favorite. Joe inside my faverite. Was ist größer, Tokio oder Kobe? Which is larger, Tokyo or Kobe? What's bigger, Tokyo or Kobe? Joe binnen n vraauw. You are a woman. Joe inside a queue. Ik ben een loodgieter. I'm a plumber. I'm a plumber. Vielleicht bin ich etwas zu weit gegangen. Maybe I went a little too far. Maybe I went a little too far. Ik bin wurch. I'm tired. I'm squirrel. ייִדיש איז ייִדיש, ווײַל העברעאיש איז געווען וויכטיק צו זײַנע אָריגינעלע רעדערס. Yiddish is Yiddish because Hebrew was important to its original speakers. Bolivian, V.H.C., was important to its original sources. Diese Familie hat mich herzlich aufgenommen. This family gave me a warm welcome. This family has taken me up very warmly. Er machte seinen Weg durch Schwierigkeiten hindurch. He made his way through difficulties. He made his way through trouble. De meeste beren zijn omnivoren. Most bears are omnivores. Most bears are releveled. Möchtest du ein eigenes Restaurant eröffnen? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? Do you want to open your own restaurant? Se hett Ria heten. Her name was Mary. She's called Ria. Die Letzte, der ich ein Geheimnis anvertrauen würde, ist Maria. The last person I would trust a secret to is Mary. The last one I would trust in is Maria. Maria sagte, dass sie kitzlig sei. Mary said that she was ticklish. Maria said she's spicy. Ich bin zu Hause. I'm at home. I'm home. He harr sien Söcken verkehrt rüm an. He had his socks on inside out. He's got his socks wrong all over the place. Ungarn un de Slowakei sünd Navers. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbours. Ze vergeeft me nooit. She will never forgive me. She never forgives me. Es regnet wieder! It's raining again! It rains again! Tom glaubt an Gott. Tom believes in God. Tom believes in God. Dat sünd miene Böker. Those are my books. This is my books. Ich dachte, das gäbe es nur in Büchern und Filmen. I thought it only happened in books and movies. I thought it was only in books and movies. Bedankt voor uw geduld. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your patience. Op welke verdieping woont ge? Which floor do you live on? On what floor do you live? Tom het vir my gesê dat ek met jou Frans moet praat. Tom told me to speak to you in French. Tom told me to speak to you French. Sy is wel instaat om te lees. She is well able to read. She is able to read. Er spricht nicht nur Französisch, er spricht auch Spanisch. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. He not only speaks French, he also speaks Spanish. Gisternacht heb ik honden horen huilen. Last night, I heard dogs howling. Last night I heard dogs cry. Fadil hield van skiën. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved skiing. Seneca ermahnt uns: "Nicht weil es schwer ist, wagen wir es nicht, sondern weil wir es nicht wagen, ist es schwer." Seneca admonished us: "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." Seneca exhorts us, "Not because it's hard, we don't dare, but because we don't dare, it's hard." Warum steht Tom noch immer draußen im Regen? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Why is Tom still out in the rain? Ich bringe Kindern nicht gern das Schwimmen bei, wenn die Eltern in der Nähe sind. I don't enjoy teaching children to swim when their parents are around. I don't like teaching children swimming when the parents are nearby. Met die geld kon hy 'n nuwe motor koop. With the money he was able to buy a new car. With the money he could buy a new car. Deze twee bladeren lijken op elkaar. These two leaves look alike. These two leaves resemble each other. Die Schüler haben Zugriff auf diese Computer. Students have access to these computers. The students have access to this computer. Tom und ich haben zusammen Kaffee getrunken. Tom and I had coffee together. Tom and I drank coffee together. We hadden een lezing over milieuvervuiling. We had a lecture on environmental pollution. We had a lecture on environmental pollution. Die film is vervelend. This movie is boring. That movie's boring. Sie können das schneller als Tom. You do that faster than Tom. You can do it faster than Tom. Kopieer dit alstublieft. Copy this, please. Please copy it. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom have breakfast? Freit mi, di kennentolehren. Ik bün en Miegremenfreter. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Free me, you know what I'm doing, I'm bun and Miegremenfreter. Als hij groot is, wil Tom graag dokter worden. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. When he's big, Tom wants to be a doctor. Ek weet nie waar ons sal opeindig nie. I don't know where we will end up. I don’t know where we will end up. Ik wull lever doodblieven as dat to doon. I prefer to die than to do that. I'd like to live dead than to do it. Ich werde es in ein oder zwei Tagen fertigstellen können. I'll be able to finish it in a day or two. I will be able to finish it in one or two days. Hai wis nait wat hai mós zeggen. He didn't know what to say. Hai was after what shark had to say. העלפֿאַנדן עסן גראָז. Elephants eat grass. Well, let's do it. k Kom oet Engelaand. I come from England. K Come on angel evening. Das Meer kann von hier aus gehört werden. The sea can be heard from here. The sea can be heard from here. Se wull nich, dat he noch länger blifft. She didn't want him to stay any longer. It probably doesn't seem to exist. De kamer was zo donker dat we helemaal niets konden zien. The room was so dark that we could see nothing at all. The room was so dark that we couldn't see anything at all. Er wurde zum Bürgermeister gewählt. He was elected mayor. He was elected mayor. Es ist nur eine Kugel übrig. There's only one bullet left. It's just one bullet left. My hond Wolfgang slaap altyd langs my op 'n bank terwyl ek besig is met die rekenaar. My dog Wolfgang always sleeps beside me on the bench while I'm working at the computer. My dog Wolfgang always sleeps next to me on a couch while I'm busy with the computer. Ich gebe es auf. I'm giving up on it. I'll give it up. Hast du Hillarys Rede gehört? Did you hear Hillary's speech? Did you hear Hillary's speech? Kunnen jullie een geheim bewaren? Can you guys keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Brazilië was een Portugese kolonie. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. U moet de knoop strakker maken. You must tighten the knot. You've got to make the button tighter. Ihr hättet das eher sagen sollen. You should've said so earlier. You should have said that. Ich warte lieber draußen. I'm going to wait outside. I'd rather wait outside. Mach das Radio aus. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio. Moi. Hi. Moi. Ich möchte, dass du gewinnst. I want you to win. I want you to win. Ek het heeltemal van hulle vergeet. I forgot all about them. I completely forgot about them. Hoeveel vissen heb je gevangen? How many fish did you catch? How many fish did you catch? Tom hat nicht den leisesten Schimmer, wie es ist, verliebt zu sein. Tom has no conception of what it's like to be in love. Tom doesn't have the quietest shimmer like it's to be in love. Dat kann nich Ria sien. De liggt doch to Tied in’t Krankenhuus. That can't be Mary. She is in hospital now. It's not Ria's. It's in the sick's home at the time. Ich spreche gerade. I'm talking. I'm just talking. Bitte erinnere mich daran, den Bericht morgen zu verschicken. Please remind me to mail the report tomorrow. I would ask you to send the report tomorrow. Je hebt geen verhoging. You don't have a temperature. You don't have an increase. Hest du Geld? Do you have money? Do you have any money? Goden Morgen. Good morning. Good morning. Wie wäre es, wenn ich das tue? How about I do that? How about I do that? Is Duutsland zo schier as Nederlaand? Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands? Is Duutsland as shy as Nederlaand? Ich war mir nicht sicher, was ich tun sollte. I was not sure what to do. I wasn't sure what to do. Häng den Mantel an ’n Haken. Put the coat on the hanger. Hang the coat on a hook. All Övereenkumst mit echte Lüüd, levig oder dood, is reinen Tofall. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All coincident with real people, lewd or dead, is pure coincidence. Ich habe früher einmal Russisch gesprochen. I used to speak Russian once. I used to speak Russian once. k Kom oet Nederlaand. I am from the Netherlands. - Come on, Nederlaand. Mein Mann ist mit einer Jüngeren durchgebrannt. My husband ran off with someone younger. My husband was burned with a disciple. Dorup kann ick nich mit di tostimmen. I can't agree with you here. Dorup cannot match ick with you. Sie bewundern sich gegenseitig. They admire each other. They admire each other. Hwæt biþ word? What is a word? The image format Wilkumm bei Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Wilkum with Tatouba. איך האָב זיך אױסגעלערנט בערבעריש. I have learned Berber. I don't know what to do! I'm going to look like we're going to learn Berlin. איך בין באַשעפֿטיקט ביז פֿיר אַ זײגער. I'm busy until four. I'm aware of it until we get a clock. Toms Lehrerin hat angerufen, um mitzuteilen, dass Tom einige Kinder an der Schule drangsaliert habe. Tom's teacher called to say that Tom has been bullying a couple of kids at school. Tom's teacher called to tell us that Tom has forced some children to go to school. Wir verschwenden hier Zeit. We're wasting time here. We're wasting time here. Sie brauchen ein Auto. They need a car. You need a car. Fijn! Chill! Good! Se is mit em na Boston gahn. She went with him to Boston. You have to go to Boston with him. Wanneer kwam Tom terug? When did Tom get back? When did Tom come back? Wie viele Jahre hat es gedauert, die Pyramiden zu bauen? How many years did it take to build the pyramids? How many years has it taken to build the pyramids? Toms bedrijf doet het heel goed. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's company is doing very well. Seitdem Maria einmal gesehen hat, wie Thunfisch gefangen wird, isst sie keinen mehr. Mary no longer eats tuna now that she's seen how the fish are caught. Since Mary once saw how tuna is caught, she doesn't eat any more. Er trägt einen Hut. He's wearing a hat. He's wearing a hat. Zu Halloween passierte ein schädelförmiger Asteroid die Erde. A skull shaped asteroid flew by the Earth on Halloween. In Halloween, a skull-shaped asteroid happened to the earth. Ik heb de deur open gedaan. I opened the door. I opened the door. Tom hat aber wirklich ein Pech, oder? Tom is really unlucky, isn't he? Tom really has a bad luck, doesn't he? Kann ich mit Judy reden? Can I speak with Judy? Can I talk to Judy? Könnt ihr das reparieren, oder sollte ich einen Klempner rufen? Can you fix this or should I call a plumber? Can you fix that, or should I call a plumber? Das ist ein Sklavenlohn. These are slave wages. This is a slave wage. Wat is dien leevst Leed von ZZ Top? What's your favorite ZZ Top song? What is your favorite song from ZZ Top? Hij is lid van de golfclub. He's a member of the golf club. He's a member of the golf club. 'Ac þe wæs min ege mare þonne his lif, ic þe nu bletsie and þinne ofspring gemanigfealde swa swa steorran on heofonum and swa swa sandceosol on sæ.' But that your fear of me was greater than his life, now I bless you and your offspring, just so that they multiply like the stars in the heavens and just as grains of sand on the sea. The name of the icon from the icon theme Tom hat keine Chance. Tom doesn't stand a chance. Tom doesn't have a chance. Tom hat beinahe gelächelt. Tom almost smiled. Tom almost smiled. Waarom heeft ze een mes in haar hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Se deed em övertügen, dat to doon, ofschoonst se wüss, dat dat keen gode Idee weer. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. She did it again, doing it, even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. Ich komme nicht sehr oft hierher. I don't come here very often. I don't come here very often. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie glaubten, es würde Elke widerstreben, das zu tun. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice would be reluctant to do that. Tom and Mary said that they believed that it would disprove everyone to do so. Wir überprüfen das gesamte Gebiet. We're checking the whole area. We're checking the entire area. Du hest ölven Buddel Beer hatt! You’ve had eleven bottles of beer! You've got twelve Buddel Beer! Tom reed met de auto. Tom drove the car. Tom drove the car. Als je er een boeltje van maakt, ruim het op. If you make a mess, clean it up. If you make a lot of it, clean it up. Ik word boos. I'm getting angry. I'm getting angry. Bitte erzähle mir von deiner Reise. Please tell me about your trip. Please tell me about your trip. Jemand namens Müller will Sie sehen. A person named Miller wants to see you. Someone called Müller wants to see you. Ik hoopje ek op sinneskynwaar yn it wykein. I also hope for sunny weather at the weekend. I also hope for sensuality in the region. Niets nieuws onder de zon. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Die Arbeiter waren stolz auf ihr Werk. The workers were proud of their work. The workers were proud of their work. Hoekom sluit jy nie by ons aan vir aandete vanaand nie? Why don't you join us for dinner tonight? Why not join us for dinner tonight? Mach dir keine Sorgen, sei fröhlich! Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy. „Ich habe Lust, Karten zu spielen.“ – „Ich auch.“ "I feel like playing cards." "So do I." “I’m happy to play cards.” – “I’m too.” Dit was net die begin. It was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. Tom rijdt. Tom drives. Tom's driving. Aardappelen zijn groentes. Potatoes are vegetables. Potatoes are vegetables. Bel me morgen. Call me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. Ich werde alles tun, worum Sie mich bitten. I'll do anything you ask me to do. I'll do whatever you ask me to do. Tom spürt, dass seine Mannschaft das Spiel gewinnen wird. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Tom feels that his team will win the game. Jy het 'n groot neus. You have a big nose. You've got a big nose. Hij is in Tokio. He is in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Veel mensen zijn hypocriet. A lot of people are hypocritical. A lot of people are hypocrites. גוט שבת! Good Shabbos. Good Saturday! Je bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Ich erinnere mich nicht an sie. I don't remember them. I don't remember her. Wat een slechte film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Frag mich im Oktober noch mal. Ask me again in October. Ask me again in October. Die Nachricht ist von großer Bedeutung. The news is of great importance. The news is of great importance. "Was für ein Buch liest du gerade?" "Einen Roman." "What sort of book are you reading?" "A novel." "What kind of book are you reading?" "A novel." צי דאַרפֿט איר עס? Do you need it? Do you need it? Zag de auto er oud uit? Did the car look old? Did the car look old? פאַרלאָז זיך נישט אויפן וואָרט פֿון ווײַבער־שׂונאים. Don't trust misogynists. Don't abandon the word of the Wiver-schaunya. Wat is jou geliefkoosde wintersport? What's your favorite winter sport? What is your favorite winter sports? Ik begrijp kunst niet. I don't understand art. I don't understand art. Tom ist dabei, einen neuen Plan auszuarbeiten. Tom is working on a new plan. Tom is working on a new plan. Tom warf einen Blick auf die Uhr. Tom glanced at the clock. Tom threw a look at the clock. Ik ging de stad in om een goed restaurant te zoeken. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went into town looking for a good restaurant. Nur wenige Menschen wissen, dass Herr Itsumi aus der Kansai-Region stammt. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. Few people know that Mr Itsumi comes from the Kansai region. Sinds vanmorgen heb ik drie boeken gelezen. Since this morning I've read three books. Since this morning, I've read three books. Ich werde eines bekommen. I'll get one. I'll get one. Ek is verbaas daardie gebou staan nogsteeds. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I am still amazed at that building. טאם איז געקומען קיין יאפאן על מנת צו לערנען יאפאניש. Tom came to Japan to study Japanese. Tham came to Yafin El Marais to learn Yaan, Yaman. Niemand bleef in mijn land. Nobody stayed in my country. Nobody stayed in my country. Uiteindelijk bereikte hij het hotel. He finally reached the hotel. Eventually he reached the hotel. Ze is druk bezig geweest met het voorbereiden op haar reis naar de VS. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. She's been busy preparing for her trip to the US. Es könnte lange dauern, bis wir uns wieder treffen. It might be a long time before we meet again. It could take a long time to meet again. Mein Vater wird immer nervös. My father always gets nervous. My father's getting nervous. Ik kan het me niet herinerren waar ik het heb gekocht. I don't remember where I bought it. I can't reintroduce it where I bought it. Nach dem Unterricht spiele ich Gitarre. I play the guitar after school. After class, I play guitar. Hier komt nooit een eind aan. This is never going to end. This is never gonna end. Geef die man niet nog iets! Don't give anything more to that man! Don't give that man anything else! Selbstvertrauen ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Trusting yourself is the key to success. Self-confidence is the key to success. Er wird mein Stellvertreter sein, während ich weg bin. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my deputy while I'm gone. Ik wil dat hij daar naartoe gaat. I want him to go there. I want him to go there. Ich konnte gestern Abend kein Taxi finden. I couldn't find a taxi last night. I couldn't find a taxi last night. Wiä häissät Si? What is your name? Who is Si? Wiskunde is een gemakkelijk onderwerp voor mij. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Math is an easy subject for me. Tom schnarcht. Tom snores. Tom snores. Heeft iemand hier een kurkentrekker? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone here have a cork tractor? Allem Anschein nach war ich der Hauptgegenstand der Unterhaltung. From all evidence, I was the main topic of conversation. Apparently, I was the main object of the conversation. Das Geschäft schließt um elf Uhr. The store closes at eleven. The business closes at eleven o'clock. De lucht was rood. The sky was red. The air was red. צי איז דאָס אַ סטעגאָזאַווער? Is that a stegosaurus? Whether the sidebar includes a builtin shortcut to the Desktop folder Ik heb je nooit gezien. I never saw you. I never saw you. Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, right? You love each other, don't you? Sami doneerde zijn land aan de moskee. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. Sami donated his land to the mosque. Ik heb mijn portefeuille verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my portfolio. We plannen een trip naar New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We're planning a trip to New York. Steve sah sehr zufrieden aus. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very satisfied. Kom nooit meer aan dat flesje! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't ever touch that bottle again! En Golfball hett Tom dropen. A golf ball hit Tom. And Golfball has Tom dropped. Er löcherte sie mit Fragen. He pestered her with questions. He answered them with questions. Tom starb einen schnellen Tod. Tom died a quick death. Tom died a quick death. Wir müssen ermitteln, wer das Feuer gelegt hat, durch das Toms Haus niederbrannte. We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house. We need to find out who put the fire through Tom's house burned down. Der Feind nahm unser Schiff unter Torpedobeschuss. The enemy torpedoed our ship. The enemy took our ship under Torpedo fire. Je ziet er inderdaad moe uit. You do look tired. You look tired indeed. Waarom antwoorden jullie niet? Why aren't you answering? Why don't you guys answer? Ich will heute einfach noch nicht sterben. It's just that I don't want to die today. I just don't want to die today. Laat mij het woord voeren. Let me do the talking. Let me speak. Sie hat ihren Pullover angezogen. She put her sweater on. She put on her sweater. Ik heb besloten door te studeren. I've decided to continue studying. I decided to study. Zoek het op in je woordenboek. Look it up in your dictionary. Look it up in your dictionary. Jouw Frans is perfect. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. Ich schreibe, um mein Mißfallen auszudrücken. I write to express my discontent. I'm writing to express my abuse. Ik höör jüst dat ne’este Leed von Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm just listening to Björk's nesting song. Hij is Marokkaans. He is Moroccan. He's Moroccan. The hound is deed. The dog's dead. The hold is done. Hebben jullie de foto's uit Boston? Do you guys have the photos from Boston? Do you have any of the pictures from Boston? Nimm das Telefon! Take the phone. Take the phone! Hy kyk partymal TV. He sometimes watches TV. He sometimes watches TV. טאָם איז אַן אַנטי־פֿאַשיסט. Tom is an anti-fascist. Tom is an anti-aliased face-to-face. Se is nich minner smuck as ehr Süster. She is no less beautiful than her sister. It is not less beautiful than its summer. Jy is die meisie van my drome. You're the girl of my dreams. You're the girl of my dreams. Fidget spinners zijn populair bij leerlingen. Fidget spinners are popular with students. Fidget spiders are popular with students. Goeie moarn! Good morning! Good morning! Tom kann sowohl Französisch als auch Englisch unterrichten. Tom can teach both French and English. Tom can teach both French and English. So heiße ich nicht. That's not my name. That's not my name. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זײַט ניט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you guys weren't here. I'm related to the fact that your side wasn't here. Je zou beter moeten weten. You should have known better. You should know better. Tom is mien faveriet. Tom is my favorite. Tom's my favorite. Sie hätten in Boston bleiben sollen. You should've stayed in Boston. You should have stayed in Boston. Sami verliet de moskee. Sami left the mosque. Sami left the mosque. Dreum k? Am I dreaming? Drum k? Alle bussen zitten vol. All the buses are full. All buses are full. Zijn jullie niet zenuwachtig? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Hast du das Buch schon gelesen? Have you read this book yet? Have you read the book? We probeerden ze te waarschuwen. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Du verstehst nie irgendetwas. You never understand anything. You don't understand anything. Tom lädt sich oft Filme herunter. Tom frequently downloads movies. Tom often downloads films. Ech wunnen nach bei mengen Elteren. I still live at my parents'. I won after how many ages. Seid vorsichtig! Ihr stecht hier in ein Hornissennest. Be careful. You're going to stir up a hornet's nest. Be careful, you're in a horny nest here. Jack verzamelt postzegels. Jack collects stamps. Jack's collecting stamps. Wanneer kom je terug uit Boston? When are you going to return from Boston? When are you coming back from Boston? Das Ganze belief sich auf zehn Dollar. The total came to ten dollars. The whole thing was ten dollars. De schrijftafel zit onder het stof. The desk is covered with dust. The writing table is under the dust. Hoe goed ken jij Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Wir machen uns Sorgen um deine Gesundheit. We are anxious about your health. We're worried about your health. Die student is lui. This student is lazy. The student is lazy. Ik heb een hotdog gegeten als lunch. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I ate a hot dog like lunch. דו ביסט אַ ימח־שמוניק! You're a scoundrel! You're an impassioned man! Herkules, ein Held der griechischen Antike, der wegen seiner übermenschlichen Kraft gefeiert wurde, wurde Zeit seines Lebens vom Hass Junos, der Göttin der Geburt, der Ehe und der Fürsorge, von den Römern als Königin der Götter verehrt, verfolgt. Hercules, an ancient Greek hero celebrated for his superhuman strength, was pursued throughout his life by the hatred of Juno, the goddess of birth, matrimony and care, worshipped as queen of gods by the romans. Hercules, a hero of ancient Greece, celebrated for his superhuman power, was persecuted for his life by Hass Junos, the goddess of birth, marriage and care, by the Romans as queen of gods. Hou je van Italiaans eten? Do you like Italian food? Do you like Italian food? Dit Huus is temlich lütt. This house is very small. This house is fairly small. Is dat te koop? Is that for sale? Is that for sale? Gib mir bitte einen Rat, was ich tun soll! Please advise me on what to do. Give me a advice on what to do! Tom war nicht sehr erbaut. Tom wasn't very pleased. Tom wasn't very built. Ze gehoorzaamden hun ouders niet. They didn't obey their parents. They didn't obey their parents. Mir ist danach, heute etwas anderes zu tun. I feel like doing something different today. I'm going to do something else today. Du bist in Europa! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! וואס איז דאס? What is that? What is It? He is dat Gesett. He is the law. He's the law. Tom zat op de bank een sigaret te roken. Tom sat on a bench smoking a cigarette. Tom was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. Korrigeer die volgende sinne. Correct the following sentences. Correct the following sentences. Tom denkt er anders over. Tom believes otherwise. Tom's thinking about it differently. Tom genehmigte sich schnell einen Bissen. Tom ate a quick bite. Tom quickly approved a bite. Was ihr über mich gehört habt, stimmt nicht. What you've heard about me isn't true. What you've heard about me is wrong. Ich habe gerade einen Kunden. I'm with a client. I just got a client. איז דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איסלאַמאָפֿאָביש? Is Donald Trump Islamophobic? Is Donald Trump Pacific? Weet iemand hoe laat het is? Does anyone know what time it is? Does anyone know what time it is? Ich habe dich erwartet. I have been expecting you. I was expecting you. Es wird dir bald besser gehen. You'll get well soon. You'll be better soon. De Perfesser lehrt Tschechsch. The professor teaches Czech. De Perfesser teaches Czech. Gefällt euch eure neue Arbeit? Are you pleased with your new job? Do you like your new work? Es freut mich, zu sehen, dass es dir gut geht. I'm glad to see you're doing OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Tom haat huiswerk. Tom hates homework. Tom hates homework. Wat voor mooie ogen heb jij! What pretty eyes you have! What beautiful eyes you have! Ik zie hem morgennamiddag. I see him tomorrow afternoon. I'll see him tomorrow afternoon. Jij bent een hond. You're a dog. You're a dog. Tom is geen leugenaar. Tom isn't a liar. Tom's not a liar. Ich sagte, hier ist niemand. I said there's no one here. I said there's no one here. Der Englisch sprechende Junge da ist größer als ich. That boy who is speaking English is taller than I. The English speaking boy there is bigger than me. Oma kickt geern Feernsehn. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandma kicks TV. Ben je een acteur of een zanger? Are you an actor or a singer? Are you an actor or a singer? De auto is oud, maar wel goed. The car is old, but it is good. The car's old, but it's good. Maria is allergisch voor katten, toch? Mary is allergic to cats, isn't she? Maria's allergic to cats, right? Hij zat daar met een pijp in zijn mond. He was sitting there with a pipe in his mouth. He was sitting there with a pipe in his mouth. Misschien regent het vannacht. It may rain tonight. Maybe it's raining tonight. Wat is dien leevst Steernteken? What's your favorite constellation? What is the sweetest star sign? Ich möchte ein Buch in Schwedisch. I want a book in Swedish. I want a book in Swedish. Wat een prachtige stad! What a beautiful city! What a beautiful city! Tom zat op de bank te roken. Tom sat on the bench smoking. Tom was on the couch smoking. Hoe weet ge dat het van hem is? How do you know that it's his? How do you know it's from him? Er zijn nog geen opmerkingen. There are no comments yet. There are no comments yet. Ik kon niet anders dan verliefd op je worden. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Laggen dien gezwister geern? Do your brothers and sisters like to laugh? Swiftly laughed at you? Ze las het gedicht hardop voor. She read the poem out loud. She read the poem out loud. Goedenacht. Goodnight! Good night. Wie geht es der Familie? How's the family? How's the family doing? Tom sagte, dass er so voll sei, dass er für Nachtisch keinen Platz mehr im Magen hätte. Tom said he was so full he had no room left for dessert. Tom said he's so full that he doesn't have a place in his stomach for dessert. Praat met mij! Talk to me. Talk to me! Tom kijkt televisie. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching television. 'n Voël vlieg. A bird flies. A bird flies. Tom fand jemandes Visitenkarte in seiner Tasche, doch er konnte sich nicht besinnen, wo er diese herhatte. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but couldn't remember where he got it. Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but he couldn't remember where he got it. Dat zijn de duurste schoenen die ik ooit heb gezien. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. He is gau. He's fast. He's fast. Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht mehr Hilfe leisten kann. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sorry I can't afford more help. Tom heeft angst voor grote honden. Tom is afraid of big dogs. Tom's afraid of big dogs. Kannst du Gerste von Weizen unterscheiden? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? Can you distinguish barley from wheat? De hele natie wil vrede. The whole nation wants peace. The whole nation wants peace. מיר לערנען זיך אַראַביש. We are learning Arabic. We learn Arabic. Ich verspreche euch, dass ich das für euch tun werde. I promise you that I'll do that for you. I promise you that I will do this for you. Edik het n fenge smoak. Vinegar has a sharp taste. Edik has a fenge smoke. Sami droagt n tulbaand. Sami wears a turban. Sami saddens n turband. He hett em ümbröcht. He killed him. He changed his mind. De noodzaak van een theoretische en praktische voorbereiding ligt voor de hand. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. Picasso hat dieses Bild 1950 gemalt. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Gib Worte deinem Schmerz. Grimm, der nicht spricht, presst das beladene Herz, bis dass es bricht! Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart, and bids it break. Give words of your pain. Grimm who does not speak press the loaded heart until it breaks! Tom was baie verdraagsaam. Tom has been very tolerant. Tom was very tolerant. Dir schwammt. You swim. You're swimming. Ik kan er niet meer tegen! I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore! Mijn oom is niet jong, maar hij is wel gezond. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. My uncle's not young, but he's healthy. Seid ruhig und hört mir zu. Be quiet and listen to me. Be calm and listen to me. Ze heeft een dochter die pianiste is. She has a daughter who is a pianist. She's got a daughter who's a pianist. Ich habe einen Apfelbaum in meinen Garten gepflanzt. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. Worüber haben Sie gesprochen? What did you talk about? What did you talk about? Du hast keine Chance. You don't have a chance. You don't have a chance. רעדסטו ייִדיש? Do you speak Yiddish? You don't think that's right? Tom sagte, er hätte große Lust, seinen Job hinzuschmeißen und in Australien rumzutrampen. Tom said he had half a mind to throw in his job and hitchhike around Australia. Tom said he had a great desire to throw his job in Australia and spat in Australia. Ik hou van haar en zij houdt van mij. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. Wie viel Geld kostet ein solches Kellerfenster? How much money does a basement window like that cost? How much money does such a basement cost? Das beweist meine Theorie. This proves my theory. This proves my theory. רעדסטו טאַגאַלאָג? Do you speak Tagalog? Don't login? De Zoo hett twee Okapis. This zoo owns two okapis. The Zoo has two okapis. Dat weer pickdüüster. It was pitch-black. That's pick-up. Wenn ich kann, komme ich morgen wieder. I'll come back tomorrow if I can. If I can, I'll be back tomorrow. Het kasteel staat te koop. The castle is for sale The castle is for sale. Ik hoor door de muur wat zij spreken. I hear through the wall what they're saying. I hear through the wall what they speak. Ich möchte diese Jacke kaufen. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. Hij weet niet veel over Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. Dor sünd twee Bööd op ’n See. There are two boats on the lake. There are two shores on a sea. Das da sind meine Katzen. Those are my cats. These are my cats. מײַן פֿעטער האָט מיר געגעבן אַ בוך נעכטן, אָט איז דאָס. My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book. After five, I gave a book of grace, but this is. Laat me dat eens zien. Let me see that. Let me see that. Wanneer hebben jullie dat beslist? When did you guys decide that? When did you decide? Tom mag Maria nicht sonderlich. Tom doesn't like Mary very much. Tom doesn't like Maria. Oslo ist die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt Norwegens. Oslo is the most populous city in Norway. Oslo is Norway's most populous city. Ons gaan 'n probleem hê, gaan ons nie? We'll have a problem, won't we? We're going to have a problem, aren't we? Het is nieuw. It's new. It's new. Wo hoog is disse Toorn? How high is that tower? Where high is this tower? Ich habe eine bessere Idee. I have a better idea. I have a better idea. Ich bügele mein Kleid. I'm ironing my dress. I'm bubbling my dress. Welke slang heeft de langste giftanden? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest poison teeth? טאָם ווילט ווערן אַ רעפּער. Tom wants to become a rapper. Tom Wants to be a popper. Ik hou niet van wetenschap. I do not like science. I don't like science. Kinderen moeten hun ouders gehoorzamen. Children are to obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. Du schusst mien Raad annehmen. You should take my advice. You're going to take my council. Heeft iedereen een potlood? Does everybody have a pencil? Does everybody have a pencil? Vorbei ist der Frühling, der Sommer beginnt. Spring has passed and summer starts. By the way is the spring, the summer begins. De Mann itt Brood. The man is eating bread. The man's bread. Viele werden sterben. Many will die. Many will die. Hē dranc bēor. He drank a beer. H, dranc b'or. Tom was mien faveriet. Tom was my favorite. Tom was my faverie. Tom sprang über die Hecke. Tom jumped over the hedge. Tom jumped over the hedge. De kinderen pakten hun schaatsen en gingen richting de bevroren vijver. The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond. The children took their skates and headed for the frozen pond. Er ist schlauer als ich. He is more clever than I am. He's smarter than I am. Ik was mijn handen omdat ze vies zijn. I'm washing my hands because they're dirty. I was my hands because they're dirty. Denken Sie darüber nach, was Sie wollen. Think about what you want. Think about what you want. Alle hübschen Mädchen sind eine Falle – eine hübsche Falle –, und die Männer erwarten das auch von ihnen. All pretty girls are a trap, a pretty trap, and men expect them to be. All pretty girls are a trap – a pretty trap – and the men expect it from them too. Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to water the plants. Mijn moedertaal is Japans. My mother tongue is Japanese. My native language is Japanese. Der neue Plan funktionierte gut. The new plan worked well. The new plan worked well. Waarom moet ze altijd zo wreed zijn? Why does she always have to be so cruel? Why should she always be so cruel? Je zou het misschien moeten vragen. Maybe you should ask. You might have to ask. Ich liebe es, Golf zu spielen. I love to play golf. I love playing golf. Dit is een tijdelijk aanbod enkel voor nieuwe klanten. This is a limited time offer to new customers only. This is a temporary offer only for new customers. Tom sil foar alles betelje. Tom will pay for everything. Tom will count for everything. Natuurlijk dacht hij dat het een grap was en wimpelde hij het voorbij met een "hm?" maar hij zat er erg mee verveeld. Ik bedoel, zulke dingen zeg je niet ook al is het bedoeld als grap! Of course he thought it was a joke and let it slide with a "hm?" but he was seriously annoyed. I mean, just don't say things like that even as a joke! Of course he thought it was a joke and he swung it over with a "hm?" but he was very bored with it. I mean, you don't say such things even if it was meant to be a joke! Ån spräke as uler nooch. One language is never enough. Ån speakers as udder nooch. אסתּר איז אַ לעזביאַנישער ייִד. Esther is a lesbian Jew. As a result, a children's education is not possible. Ich weiß nicht, wo Tom seinen Koffer hingestellt hat. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. I don't know where Tom put his suitcase. מערי איז אַ רײַכע בחורטע. Mary is a rich girl. Marja is a rich culture. Das habe ich nicht geschrieben. I didn't write that. I didn't write that. Ek gee slegs vir haar om. I only care about her. I care only for her. Er versichterte sein Haus gegen Feuer. He insured his house against fire. He tried his house against fire. Kann ich mir eine Zigarette schnorren? Can I bum a smoke? Can I snort a cigarette? Mijn studenten hebben vol ongeduld zitten wachten op de testresultaten. My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results. My students are full of impatience waiting for the test results. Es gibt nichts mehr, worum wir uns Sorgen machen müssen. There's nothing left to worry about. There's nothing left to worry about. Tom deed de Baadwann schrubben. Tom scrubbed the bathtub. Tom was rubbing the Baywan. Doe luusterdest. You listened. Make the most of it. k Bin n wichtje. I'm a girl. K I'm not important. Dat komt aardig in de richting. That's more like it. That's gonna be nice in the direction. Þú meaht léogan ǽg-hƿǽm elles, ac þú ne meaht léogan þé sylfum. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. The number of pages in the document. דער סטודענט לערנט זיך. The student is learning. The first century as a whole. Tom sterft. Tom is dying. Tom's dying. Hilfst du mir denn? Will you help me then? Are you helping me? Ich möchte jetzt lieber nicht essen. I'd rather not eat right now. I'd rather not eat now. Da es kein Taxi gab, musste ich zu Fuß nach Hause gehen. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Since there was no taxi, I had to go home on foot. Deze appel is slecht. This apple is bad. This apple is bad. Is dit dien wien? Is this your wine? Is it serving who? Ruf mich an. Call me. Call me. Lincoln Park is en Naverschop in ’ Noorden von Chicago. Lincoln Park is a neighborhood on the North Side of Chicago. Lincoln Park is and Naverschop in ’ North of Chicago. Du schreifs. You're writing. You kicks. Pas op je hoofd! Watch your head! Watch your head! Er legte sich aufs Bett. He laid himself on the bed. He lay down on the bed. Tom verplaatste zich ongemakkelijk. Tom shifted uncomfortably. Tom moved uncomfortable. ער האט געקלעטערט צום שפיץ בארג. He climbed to the very top of the mountain. He widgeted down to the summit mountain. Hij speelt beter piano dan ik. He's better at the piano than I am. He's playing piano better than I am. Ik ben hier om je te beschermen. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. Laten we eens dichter bij gaan kijken. Let's get a closer look. Let's go closer. Die klok lui. The bell is ringing. The clock is ringing. Si liesen en Buch. They're reading a book. It's reading and book. Tom und Maria erzählten Johannes, dass sie Elke gebeten hätten, ihm das beizubringen. Tom and Mary told John they had asked Alice to teach him how to do that. Tom and Maria told John that they had asked each to teach him this. כ'האָב ליב טערקיי. I love Turkey. It's gonna be a little bit of a mystery. Tom kon de deur niet openen. Tom couldn't open the door. Tom couldn't open the door. Sie konnten den Kasten nicht aufbrechen, weil er zu verrostet war. They were unable to prise open the box because it was too rusty. They couldn't break up the box because he was too rusty. Mein Freund hat mich belogen. My boyfriend lied to me. My friend lied to me. Ich habe mich entschieden. I've made my decision. I decided. Ich sehe Tom nur noch selten. I rarely see Tom anymore. I can't see Tom. In het algemeen houden jongeren niet van formaliteit. In general, young people dislike formality. In general, young people do not like formality. Wie bestelde deze pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Hij veinsde de twee vreemdelingen niet op te merken. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. He felt like he didn't notice the two strangers. Niemand bestudeert mijn land. Nobody studies my country. Nobody's studying my country. Je stelt me teleur. I'm disappointed with you. You let me down. Tegucigalpa is de hoofdstad van Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Waar is mijn appelsap? Where's my apple juice? Where's my apple juice? Sy hardloop. She runs. She's running. Tom is gain Engelsman. Tom isn't English. Tom's Gain Englishman. Das ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. It's a step in the right direction. This is a step in the right direction. Sie hat den Nass-T-Shirt-Wettbewerb gewonnen. She won the wet t-shirt contest. She won the wet T-shirt competition. „Hest du Ria al mal sünner ehr Handtasch sehn?“ – „Ria? Ne, noch nie.“ "Have you ever seen Mary without her handbag?" "Mary? No, never." “Have you ever seen Ria’s handbag?” – “Ria? Ne, never.” Die Überlebenden gingen in Gefangenschaft. The survivors were marched in captivity. The survivors went into captivity. Ich bin früher mit ihm zur Schule gegangen. I used to go to school with him. I used to go to school with him. De trein had vertraging wegens hevige sneeuwval. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train had delays because of heavy snowfall. Europa is geen land. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Kook ain aai. Boil one egg. Cook ain'tin'. Gudde Moien. Good morning. Good morning. Wiederhol das nicht! Don't repeat that. Don't repeat this! Maria heeft een jong weeseekhoorntje gevonden. Mary found an orphaned baby squirrel. Maria found a young orphan squirrel. Ich verspreche, dass ich Ihnen helfen werde. I promise you I'll help you. I promise I'll help you. Af un to is en Zigarr eenfach en Zigarr. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Occasionally, a cigar is simply a cigar. We overleven wel. We'll survive. We'll survive. Hij ging de kamer op en neer. He walked up and down the room. He went up and down the room. Ik wil naar het buitenland. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Ze heeft in het buitenland gereisd. She has traveled in foreign countries. She traveled abroad. Ich dachte, du hättest heute frei. I thought you were off today. I thought you were free today. Vergiss nicht, den Sicherheitsgurt anzulegen. Don't forget to fasten your safety belts. Don't forget to make the safety belt. Ik ga me daar niet in mengen. I'm not getting involved. I'm not going to interfere with that. Wir konnten, weil sie von innen verschlossen war, die Tür nicht öffnen. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from the inside. We couldn't open the door because she was locked from the inside. Dieser Politiker hat jahrelang mit Drogen gehandelt. That politician has been trafficking in drugs for years. This politician has been dealing with drugs for years. Moet ik hier mijn schoenen uitdoen? Do I have to take off my shoes here? You want me to take off my shoes? Halten Sie diesen Platz für jemanden frei? Are you saving this seat for someone? You keep this place free for someone? Wir sind zu dem Schluß gekommen, dass er gefeuert werden sollte. We came to the conclusion that he should be fired. We have come to the conclusion that he should be fired. Tom und ich suchen nach Maria. Tom and I are looking for Mary. Tom and I are looking for Maria. Deze foto is wazig. This picture is blurry. This picture is blurry. Is daar iemand? Is somebody there? Is there anyone there? Hebbt ji mien Vadder kennt? Did you know my father? Did you know my Vadder? Waarom spreken ze in het Berbers? Why are they speaking in Berber? Why do they speak in the Berbers? Ik weet dat je uiteindelijk gelukkig zult worden. I know you'll find happiness eventually. I know you'll eventually be happy. Ik heff di en Breev tostüürt. I sent you a letter. I hoisted di and Breev. Ze is haar paraplu vergeten. She forgot her umbrella. She forgot her umbrella. Es schmeckt sehr gut. It tastes very good. It tastes very good. De raket ging omhoog. The rocket went up. The rocket went up. הייבט זיך אָן, דזשענטלמענער. Get started, gentlemen. Starts without yourself, gentleman. Koeien eten gras. Cows eat grass. Chickens eat grass. Ich bin mir nicht sicher. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Was Zeit iss es? What time is it? What time is it? Dies ist eine für die Zukunft unseres Landes wesentliche Entscheidung. This is a vital decision for the future of our country. This is an essential decision for the future of our country. Ik groeide op in de bossen. I grew up in the woods. I grew up in the woods. Tom wusste, dass es falsch war, was er getan hatte. Tom knew it was wrong to do what he did. Tom knew it was wrong what he had done. Jim keek links en rechts voor hij de weg overstak. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Weet je zeker dat je de laatste knop hebt ingedrukt? Are you sure you pressed the last button? Are you sure you pressed the last button? Er zerbrach das Fenster absichtlich. He broke the window on purpose. He deliberately broke the window. Mit ’keen hest du snackt? Who did you speak with? Is that what you've been talking about? Auf wen können Tom und ich bauen, wenn raue Zeiten kommen? Who are Tom and I going to lean on when the times get rough? On whom can Tom and I build when rough times come? Toms erste Frau kam aus Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Ik weet precies wat je ging doen. I know exactly what you were going to do. I know exactly what you're going to do. Ik heb diezelfde fout gemaakt. I've made that same mistake. I made the same mistake. Moarns wurd ik altyd om sân oere hinne wekker. In the morning I always wake up around seven o'clock. Tomorrow, I'll always be alarmed at hours. Tom ist sich noch immer unsicher, ob er studieren will oder nicht. Tom is still uncertain about whether to go to college or not. Tom is still unsure if he wants to study or not. Disse Schoh is een Grött grötter. This shoe is a size bigger. This son of a bitch is one size. Die Batterie ist leer. The battery is dead. The battery is empty. Haben Sie weitere Fragen? Do you have any further questions? Do you have any further questions? En Boord maakt noch keen Philosoof. A beard doesn't make a philosopher. And Bord doesn't make a philosopher yet. De vergadering is geëindigd. The meeting ended. The meeting ended. Ich bin hier, um zu tun, was ich kann. I'm here to do what I can. I'm here to do what I can. Tom darf sich jegliche Farbe aussuchen, die ihm gefällt. Tom may choose whichever color he likes. Tom may choose any color he likes. Das gehört alles dazu. That includes everything. That's all part of it. Es gibt in dieser Straße einige alte Häuser. There are some old houses on this street. There are some old houses on this street. Bananen zijn geel. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Ik eet hier vaak. I often eat here. I eat here a lot. Sie könnten uns die Wahrheit sagen. They might tell us the truth. They could tell us the truth. Es waren mindestens hundert Leute anwesend. At least 100 people attended. At least a hundred people were present. De Reuzen zijn gisteren in elkaar geslagen. The Giants got clobbered yesterday. The giants were beaten up yesterday. Tom sagte, er habe Marias Stimme gehört. Tom said he heard Mary's voice. Tom said he heard Mary's voice. Ik zal je missen wanneer je weg bent. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you when you're gone. Ich kann kein Deutsch. I cannot speak German. I can't German. Es ist mir egal, was ihr wollt. I don't care what you want. I don't care what you want. Wanneer ik contactlenzen draag, voelen mijn ogen droog aan en worden ze rood. When I use contacts, my eyes feel dry and become red. When I wear contact lenses, my eyes feel dry and turn red. Wie het hierdie lelike huis laat bou? Who had this ugly house built? Who had this ugly house built? In hierdie sop is te veel sout. There's too much salt in this soup. In this soup is too much salt. Watter huis is nuut? Which house is new? What house is new? Denk positief! Think positive! Think positively! Exgüüsi. Excuse me. Exgüssi. Die Jacksons gehen mit uns. The Jacksons are going with us. The Jacksons are going with us. Dou aaier in koelkaast. Put the eggs in the refrigerator. Dou sower in cold case. In het kort: dat is uw schuld. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, that's your fault. Es liegt ein weiter Weg vor uns. We have a long way to go. There's a way ahead of us. Zwischen moosbewachsenen Bäumen rauschte ein kleiner Waldbach dahin. A small forest brook flowed between the moss-covered trees. Between trees covered with moss, a small Waldbach ran out there. Das ist meine Theorie. That's my theory. That's my theory. He weer böös op sien Söhn. He was angry with his son. He was shot at his son. Hier leeft een pinguïnkolonie. A penguin colony lives there. There's a penguin colony living here. Ik heff keen Sweerd. I don't have a sword. I didn't have a sweat. Haben Sie das Buch durch? Are you through with the book? Did you go through the book? Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? Please give me a glass of water. Can I please get a glass of water? Zai liept. She cries. Zai ran. Frau Young hätte nichts dagegen, wenn ich unerwartet bei ihr hereinschneite. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind if I suddenly sneezed in with her. De koning regeerde veertig jaar over zijn volk. The king reigned over his people for forty years. The king ruled his people for forty years. Hou je werkelijk van mij? Do you really love me? Do you really love me? De man van mijn zus is mijn zwager. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. Ek weet nie. I don't know. I don't know. Dit is mijn paraplu. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Ik ben dankbaar dat er vakanties zijn. I'm thankful for vacations. I'm grateful there are holidays. Wo gehst du zur Schule? Where do you go to school? Where are you going to school? Tom kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Tom crawled out from under the table. Tom crawled out under the table. Jullie waren sterk. You guys were tough. You were strong. Tom had een geel shirt aan. Tom was wearing a yellow shirt. Tom was wearing a yellow shirt. Du hast dein Wechselgeld vergessen! You have forgotten your change. You forgot your change! Die Netznotizen meines Onkels über seine Reisen in Thailand erweckten mein Interesse an asiatischer Kultur. My uncle's blog posts about his travels in Thailand have piqued my interest in Asian culture. My uncle's net notes about his travels in Thailand aroused my interest in Asian culture. Tom bekam einen Anruf vom Krankenhaus. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a call from the hospital. Nimm das mit nach Hause. Take this home with you. Take this home. Mien Katt is güstern doodbleven. My cat died yesterday. My cat is dead yesterday. Jo, dat is mien Huus. Yes, that's my house. Jo, that's my Huus. Ir chommät us Schweden. You come from Sweden. I chommät us Sweden. Moarns let, de hiele dei let. If you are late in the morning, you will be late the whole day. Tomorrow let's do the whole day. Sy gaan 'n bietjie koffie maak. She's going to make some coffee. She's going to make some coffee. Duits is een erg interessante taal. German is a very interesting language. German is a very interesting language. געדאַנקען זענען חשובֿ. Ideas matter. Thoughts are most notable. Sami reed op een kameel. Sami rode a camel. Sami drove on a camel. Die doos daar is groter dan deze. That box is bigger than this one. That box there is bigger than this one. Tom hät es Velo. Tom has a bicycle. Tom said it was Velo. Was willst du wissen? What is it that you want to know? What do you want to know? Er wird leicht wütend. He easily gets angry. He's getting slightly angry. Ziehen Sie sich an! Get your clothes on. Put on! Tom het te veel geëet. Tom ate too much. Tom's eating too much. Sie können bei mir unterkommen. You can stay at my house. You can stay with me. Ze schrijft over Sri Lanka. She writes about Sri Lanka. She's writing about Sri Lanka. Hai runde. He ran. Hai round. Wat men net wit, dat deart jin net. Ignorance is bliss. That's what's just white, that dear jin is not. Ik mag Mahjong. I like mahjong. I like Mahjong. Dree Lüüd sünd noch jümmer misst. Three people are still missing. Three people are still missing. Ich lese keine Bücher. I do not read books. I don't read books. Es ist in Ordnung. It's OK. It's okay. Ik weet niet waarom ze dit doen. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. Wie kam diese Entscheidung zustande? How was that decision made? How did this decision come about? Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston heeft gewoond. I didn't know that Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Dit Auto is swart. This car is black. This car is black. Neem ons met je mee! Bring us with you! Take us with you! Tom ist oben und liest. Tom is upstairs reading. Tom's upstairs reading. Het is uiteraard niet de bedoeling dat je in je schoolboek schrijft. Of course, you are not supposed to write in your textbook. Of course, you're not supposed to write in your school book. Haar techniek is uitstekend, maar ze moet met meer expressie spelen. Her technique is superb, but she needs to play with more expression. Her technique is excellent, but she has to play with more expression. Leider! Unfortunately! Unfortunately! Ich dachte, du magst sie. I thought you liked her. I thought you liked her. Er stellte sich zur Wiederwahl. He was running for re-election. He was elected again. Tom het dit nie gedoen nie. Tom didn't do it. Tom did not. Warum fragst du sie nicht selbst? Why don't you ask her yourself? Why don't you ask her yourself? Deze bloem ruikt lekker. This flower smells nice. This flower smells good. Sie sind gegangen, noch bevor der Film zu Ende war. They left before the end of the movie. They left before the movie ended. Hai spreekt bekjegaauw. He speaks very fast. Hai's bubbling. Damit das klar ist, ich werde meine Meinung nicht ändern! I'd like to make it clear that I will not change my mind. So it's clear that I won't change my mind! Ich habe sofort gespürt, dass irgendetwas nicht stimmte. I sensed immediately that something was wrong. I immediately felt that something was wrong. Tom is een nieuweling. Tom is a beginner. Tom's a new one. Ik leev in Canton. I live in Canton. I'm lying in Canton. Tom melkt de Keuh. Tom is milking the cows. Tom's milking the cow. Tom is noch nich in Australien wäsen. Tom hasn't been to Australia yet. Tom hasn't been washed in Australia yet. Heb je de deur op slot gedaan? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? Wer hat mich gesehen? Who saw me? Who saw me? Se hebbt elk för sik betahlt. They each paid separately. They have all paid for them. Wir haben mit lauter Stimme gesungen. We sang in loud voices. We sang with a loud voice. Jesus kam an den Jordan, um sich von Johannes taufen zu lassen. Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized by John. Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized by John. Wannehr geihst du loos? When will you leave? When do you go loose? Ich habe Sie für Ihren Bruder gehalten. I mistook you for your brother. I thought you were your brother. Is er hier een jeugdherberg in de buurt? Is there a youth hostel near here? Is there a youth hostel around here? Wie, du weißt nicht?! What do you mean you don't know?! How, you don't know?! Am nächsten Morgen frühstückten wir zusammen. The next morning, we ate breakfast together. The next morning we had breakfast together. Mach eine Vorhersage! Make a prediction. Make a prediction! Hij ging skiën. He went skiing. He went skiing. Antares is een rode ster. Antares is a red star. Antares is a red star. Verspil je adem niet. Don't waste your breath. Don't waste your breath. Ons het daardie plan uitgevoer. We carried out that plan. We carried out that plan. Du redest aber nicht viel. You don't speak a lot. You don't talk much. Jane und ich spielen gut Klavier. Jane and I play the piano well. Jane and I are playing piano well. Ik lunchte in de cafetaria. I ate lunch in the cafeteria. I had lunch at the cafeteria. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata. Tom spielt gern Klavier. Tom enjoys playing the piano. Tom likes to play piano. Ich zahle voraus. I prepay. I'll pay in advance. Ik froog mi, wann dit huus es buet wodden. I wonder when this building was constructed. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mijn jongere zusje kan nu ook al boeken lezen. My little sister can read books well now. My younger sister can read books now. Ich habe gehört, dass sogar Taxifahrer oft die Orientierung verlieren in Tokio. I hear that even taxi drivers often get lost in Tokyo. I heard that even taxi drivers often lose their orientation in Tokyo. Ich besuchte Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Houveul krieg k? How much will I receive? Houveul gets k? Er zit een spin in de doos. There's a spider in the box. There's a spider in the box. Wir schwammen im Meer. We swam in the sea. We're swimming in the sea. Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. Mennad kan een vrachtwagen besturen. Mennad can drive a truck. Mennad can drive a truck. Tom hat es weggeworfen. Tom threw it away. Tom threw it away. De plicht roept me. Duty calls. The duty calls me. Tom bringt viel Zeit damit zu, nach seinen Autoschlüsseln, seinem Mobiltelefon oder seiner Brille zu suchen. Tom spends a lot of time looking for his car keys, mobile phone or glasses. Tom spends a lot of time searching for his car keys, his mobile phone or his glasses. Tom is al veur drij joar mien vrund. Tom has been my boyfriend for three years. Tom's already been on the run for three years. Dat sünd Tom siene Slötels. These keys are Tom's. There are Tom's keys. Hoe heb jij je vakantie doorgebracht? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your vacation? Welches ist neu? Which is new? What's new? Ik dacht dat Tom sliep. I thought Tom was asleep. I thought Tom was asleep. De nix waagt, winnt nix. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. Nothing is allowed to win. Ik wil met Martyna trouwen. I want to marry Martyna. I want to marry Martyna. Sie verschwenden unser beider Zeit. You're wasting both of our time. They're wasting our time. Tom het in koelkaast keken. Tom looked in the refrigerator. Tom's in a cold case. Woneem weren ji? Where have you been? Where are you? Kinder sollten ihren Eltern gehorchen. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Ik glööv, dat se noch nienich lagen hett. My belief is that she has never told a lie. I don't think she's ever been lying. Wat gebeurt er? What is happening? What's going on? Dat grijze gebouw? That gray building? The grey building? Maria ist stolz auf ihren Sohn. Mary is proud of her son. Maria is proud of her son. Ik ben echt blij dat je hier bent. I really am glad you're here. I'm really glad you're here. Jullie kijken echt zenuwachtig. You look really nervous. You're really nervous. Sie ging allein ins Kino. She went to the movies by herself. She went to the movies alone. Susan is vör een Stünn gahn. Susan left an hour ago. Susan is going for an hour. Das war großartig. That was great. That was great. Maria hat drei Bücher geschrieben. Mary has written three books. Maria wrote three books. Nur einer kennt die Antwort auf diese Frage. Only one person knows the answer to this question. Only one knows the answer to this question. איז עס ליבשאפט? Is it love? Is it important? In totaal waren er slechts vijf mensen aanwezig. There were only five people present altogether. In total, there were only five people present. Wanneer was het de laatste keer dat je je vrouw hebt gekust? When was the last time you kissed your wife? When was the last time you kissed your wife? Katten kunnen in het donker zien. Cats can see when it is dark. Cats can see in the dark. Das ist ungerecht. That is unfair. That's unfair. Kikkers zijn bang voor slangen. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Chickens are afraid of snakes. Ek het 'n kat en 'n hond. Die kat is swart en die hond is wit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. Der Zweite Weltkrieg begann 1939. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. The Second World War began in 1939. Iss keine Süßigkeiten zwischen den Mahlzeiten. Don't eat sweets between meal times. Do not eat sweets between meals. Ich muss auf diesen Brief antworten. I have to reply to this letter. I have to answer that letter. S Buech isch orange. The book is orange. It's pretty orange. Ek sou nie jou blameer nie. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Ik bel je wanneer ik klaar ben. I'll call you when I'm ready. I'll call you when I'm done. Warum sind Männer so blöd? Why are men so dumb? Why are men so stupid? דו ביסט אַ טײַערער. You're a dear. You are a fisher. Onmeugelk. Impossible. Unmeasurable. Weet je hoe je een degen moet hanteren? Do you know how to wield an épée? You know how to handle a dough? Tom betrat das Zimmer. Ihm folgten Johannes und Maria. Tom walked into the room, followed by John and Mary. Tom entered the room, followed by John and Mary. Londen is een van de grootste steden ter wereld. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Schiel nicht, sonst bleiben deine Augen so! Don't cross your eyes or they'll get stuck. Don't worry, or your eyes will stay like that! Voetballen jullie? Do you guys play soccer? Do you guys play football? Sien Engelsch is beter as mien. His English is better than mine. See English is better than mine. Ich muss es nicht kochen. I don't have to cook it. I don't have to cook it. Du darfst das gern tun, wenn du möchtest. You may do that if you'd like to. You'd like to do that if you like. Tom entkam. Tom escaped. Tom escaped. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es hier zukünftig einen U-Bahnhof geben wird. I expect a subway station will be here in the future. I assume there will be a subway station here in the future. Is dat de sleutel die je zoekt? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Maria schaute in den Spiegel, während sie sich das Haar bürstete. Mary looked into the mirror while she was brushing her hair. Mary looked into the mirror while brushing her hair. Könntest du bitte damit aufhören? Would you mind not doing that? Could you stop that, please? Ik zou graag vloeiend Engels spreken. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak fluent English. Dit slaat nergens op. This is nonsense. This doesn't make sense. Ich heisse der Tom. My name is Tom. I'm the one who's called Tom. Tom ist größer als alle anderen Jungs in seiner Klasse. Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. Tom is bigger than all the other guys in his class. Hartelijk dank. Many thanks. Thank you very much. Ech wunnen an engem Appartement an der Stad. I live in an apartment in the city. I won in an apartment in the city. De treinen reden niet wegens de sneeuw. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. The trains weren't due to the snow. איך רעד נישט קײן בענגאַליש. I don't speak Bengali. I was not speaking a pedigree. Kan je er ook één voor mij kopen? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one? Bist du impulsiv? Are you impulsive? Are you impulsive? Het jy 'n selfoon? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a cell phone? Ich bezweifele, dass Tom je wieder nach Hause kommen wird. I doubt that Tom will ever come back home. I doubt Tom's ever gonna come home. k Vuilde hail gelukkeg. I felt very happy. Stunned hail luck. Wêrom joust my net wat ik ha wol? Why don't you give me what I want to have? What do you want me to do, what do you want me to do? Er drückte mich an sich. He gave me a hug. He pushed me in. Wat krijgen we nou? What on Earth is this? What the hell are we gonna get? Tom ist nun in der fünften Klasse. Tom is now in the fifth year. Tom is now in fifth grade. Alle glücklichen Familien ähneln sich. Alle unglücklichen Familien sind auf ihre eigene Weise unglücklich. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. All happy families are similar. All unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. Ich werde das Buch lesen. I'm going to read the book. I'll read the book. Laat uns trügggahn. Let's turn back. Let's move. Dää Kölner Dom es dat, wat die Touriste en Kölle aanluure wulle. Cologne Cathedral is what tourists want to see in Cologne. Dää Kölner Dom it, which the tourists and Kölle adjure roll. Ik zal mijn best doen je niet lastig te vallen bij het studeren. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to bother you when I study. Ich war der Meinung, dass Tom noch im Gefängnis ist. I thought Tom was still in jail. I thought Tom was still in prison. Hou je van ananasdrankjes? Do you like pineapple drinks? Do you like pineapples? Waar kan ik een tolk vinden? Where can I find an interpreter? Where can I find an interpreter? Wir können das nicht richten, indem wir Sachen verkaufen! We can't fix this by selling stuff! We can't do this by selling things! Tom macht seine Hausaufgaben. Tom is doing his homework. Tom's doing his homework. Laten we dat waarmaken. Let's make that happen. Let's do that. Mit wem redest du? With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? Cockburn Town is de hoofdstad van de Turks- en Caicoseilanden. Cockburn Town is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Cockburn Town is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Maria sagte, jeder, den sie kenne, könne schwimmen. Mary said everybody she knows can swim. Maria said anyone she knows could swim. האָט ער געגעסן? Did he eat? Did he forget? Zweifelst du noch an dem, was ich gesagt habe? Are you still in doubt about what I have said? Do you still doubt what I said? Hebt ge hem zien buitengaan? Did you see him go out? Did you see him go outside? Hij werd aangevallen door een haai. He was attacked by a shark. He was attacked by a shark. En nee Schoolhuus warrt jüst boot. A new school building is under construction. A no school home is about to be booted. Leg die hamer neer. Put down the hammer. Put the hammer down. We hebben de hele dag geskied. We skied all day. We've been going on all day. De bandrecorder is een handig hulpmiddel in het onderwijs. The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. The tape recorder is a handy tool in education. Komaan! Je moet op z'n minst de nacht doorbrengen. We hebben je al zo lang niet meer gezien. Oh, come on! You gotta at least spend the night. We haven't seen you for so long. We haven't seen you for so long. Je gok is bijna goed. Your guess is almost right. Your guess is almost good. Ich habe den Zug gerade noch bekommen. I barely made the train. I just got the train. Ik zal overmorgen vertrekken. I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. I'll leave in the morning. מײַן טאַטע שפּאַצירט אין גאָרטן. Dad is taking a walk in the park. Next match moved in garden. k Komm oet Laiwoarden. I'm from Leeuwarden. Come on, Laivoarden. Tranen biggelden over haar wangen. Tears trickled down her cheeks. Tears at her cheeks. Ich bin gerade nach Zürich umgezogen und mache gerne viele Dinge. I have just moved to Zurich and enjoy doing many things. I just moved to Zurich and like to do a lot of things. Tom glaubt, dass sich die Sonne um die Erde drehen würde. Tom thinks that the sun revolves around the earth. Tom believes the sun would turn around the earth. Se hett mit em weddt. She made a bet with him. She bets with him. Se æppel ne is ᵹit rīpe. The apple is not yet ripe. Se æppel ne is in rīpe. Ich kann es einfach nicht. I just can't do it. I just can't. Wanneer komen ze? When are they coming? When are they coming? Dolfijnen zijn zoogdieren. Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are mammals. Ich mag die Art, wie du diese Dinge sagst. I love the way you say such things. I like the way you say these things. Kom binnen. Come in! Come in. Eisen ist das nützlichste Metall. Iron is the most useful metal. Iron is the most useful metal. Die Deutschen zeigen ein enormes Engagement für die Europäische Union und deren Institutionen. Germans show an enormous commitment to the European Union and its institutions. The Germans show a huge commitment to the European Union and its institutions. Smiet de Tiedschrift nich weg. Don't throw away this magazine. Do not delete the magazine. Hoe rustig! How peaceful! How calm! Het homohuwelijk is legaal hier. Gay marriage is legal here. The gay marriage is legally here. Gevuld met woede vermoordde Tom zijn eigen broer. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Filled with anger, Tom murdered his own brother. Sally gaf hem een ​​kerstcadeau. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Tom wil zijn CO2-voetafdruk verkleinen. Tom wants to reduce his carbon footprint. Tom wants to reduce his CO2 footprint. איר חוצפּה האָט נישט קיין גרענעץ. Her impudence knows no bounds. you have no border. Ik wil u weer zien. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Ik bün grötter as Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm gonna be greater than Tom. Wer hat dich angestellt? Who hired you? Who hired you? k Heb mien man verloaten. I've left my husband. I've lost my husband. Ich stecke in der Tinte. I am in the soup. I'm in the ink. "Hoe laat is het nu?" "Drie uur twintig." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it now?" "There are twenty hours." Het werd vreemd. Things got weird. It got weird. Hiermee ben ik het met hen niet over eens. I can't agree with them on this matter. I disagree with them. Dat is niet van mij. Het is van mijn vrouw. That isn't mine. It's my wife's. It's my wife's. Lernen wir Englisch! Let's study English. Let's learn English! Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What are these people doing? Wann seid ihr nach London gefahren? When did you go to London? When did you go to London? Ik let op de kinderen terwijl jij naar de winkel gaat. I'll look after the children while you go shopping. I'll watch the kids while you go to the store. Es war reiner Zufall. It was just a coincidence. It was just a coincidence. Na und? So what? So what? Onthoud het. Memorize it. Remember. Tom speelt geern Baseball. Tom likes to play baseball. Tom's playing baseball. Ik wil dat spelletje niet meer spelen. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to play that game anymore. Könnten Sie mir sagen, wie ich zum Bahnhof komme? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Iedereen houdt van ijs. Everyone likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Cricket ist ein Spiel, das Geschick erfordert. Cricket is a game that takes skill. Cricket is a game that requires skill. Was für ein schreckliches Wetter! What horrible weather! What a terrible weather! Mennad waarkt. Mennad works. Mennad is watching. Wir sind bereit zu lernen. We're willing to learn. We are ready to learn. Tom wünschte, er hätte etwas zu tun. Tom wished he had something to do. Tom wished he had something to do. Mien neet Kleed is rood. My new dress is red. My cousin Kleed is red. Rinleggt! Gotcha! Introduced! Ik kan het niet herinneren. I can't remember. I can't remember. Tom und Maria haben heute Hochzeitstag. It's Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary today. Tom and Maria have a wedding day today. אַ דאַנק, דאָס איז גענוג. Thanks, this is enough. A say, this is enough. Het is een oud stereotiep. It's an old stereotype. It's an old stereotype. Haben Sie an diesem Wochenende Zeit? Are you free this weekend? Do you have time this weekend? Warum haben Sie mich nicht gefragt? Why didn't you ask me? Why didn't you ask me? De zee was erg glad. The sea was very smooth. The sea was very smooth. Ek droom aanhoudend oor haar. I keep dreaming about her. I keep dreaming about her. Je slaat de spijker op z'n kop. You're exactly right. You put the nail on his head. Ik weet nich, worüm Tom un Ria hüüt nich hier sünd. I don't know why Tom and Mary aren't here today. I do not know why Tom and Ria are not here. Moet ik mijn dieet aanpassen? Do I need to change my diet? Do you want me to adjust my diet? Ik heb geen tijd om me druk te maken over zulke kleinigheden. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about such trifles. Das ist ungerecht! That's not fair! That's unfair! As jy iets vind waarmee jy goed is en wat jy geniet, dit is 'n wonderlike ding. When you find something that you are good at and that you enjoy, it's a great thing. If you find something you're good at and enjoy, it's a wonderful thing. Bedankt, dat is alles. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's all. Ek sal terugkom na jou in 'n ruk. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll come back to you in a while. Genog! Enough! Enough! t Snijt. Snow is falling. Cut it. Ich bin um sechs Uhr zurück. I'll be back at six. I'll be back at 6:00. Wat is jouw favoriete tv-serie? What's your favorite TV series? What's your favorite TV series? Olifauntes ete gras. Elephants eat grass. Olifauntes eat grass. Tom gaat graag naar Italiaanse restaurants. Tom loves going to Italian restaurants. Tom likes to go to Italian restaurants. אונדזער ממשלה פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't care about us. Our prayer for free on us. Wat wil je dat ik doe? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Zij maakten fouten. They made mistakes. They made mistakes. Ik ben in het huis. I'm in the house. I'm in the house. Ze zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. Bist du ein guter Tänzer? Are you a good dancer? Are you a good dancer? Ek wil haar vriend wees. I want to be her friend. I want to be her friend. Se geiht geern mit ehr Frünn loos dansen. She likes to go to dance with her friends. She's going to dance with her friend free. Tom is een kunstenaar. Tom is an artist. Tom's an artist. Ich beneide Tom. I envy Tom. I envy Tom. Ich beriet mich mit meiner Schwester über meine Hochzeit. I consulted with my sister about my marriage. I talked to my sister about my wedding. איך האב געמיינט אז מ׳וועט זיין מער באקוועם דא. I thought we'd be more comfortable here. I have thought that'll be more effective here. קיינער אינטערעסירט זיך נישט. No one is interested. Core interest is not. Er wurde überfahren, und war auf der Stelle tot. He was run over and killed on the spot. He was driven over, and was dead on the spot. Weißt du, wofür „PDF“ steht? Do you know what PDF stands for? Do you know what “PDF” stands for? Dor wahnt Tom un Ria. That's where Tom and Mary live. There's Tom and Ria. Dit is erg aardig van je. It's very kind of you. This is very nice of you. Dat is niet belangrijk. This is not important. That's not important. Im Frühling werden die Tage länger. In spring the days get longer. In spring the days will be longer. Ik eet vis. I eat fish. I eat fish. Der Druck des Wassers wird bei zunehmender Meerestiefe immer größer: 10 Meter bedeuten einen Zuwachs um 1 bar. The deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you. For every 33 feet (10 meters) you go down, the pressure increases by 14.5 psi. The pressure of the water increases at the depth of the sea: 10 meters mean an increase of 1 bar. Tom schläft samstags und sonntags gewöhnlich aus. Tom usually sleeps in on Saturdays and Sundays. Tom usually sleeps on Saturdays and Sundays. Hulle steek iets vir my weg. They're hiding something from me. They're hiding something from me. Tom vroeg Mary om hem ervoor te laten zorgen. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Man kann von hier aus das Meer hören. We can hear the ocean from here. You can hear from here the sea. Kan je een beetje van de prijs afdoen? Could you reduce the price a little? Can you do a little bit of the price? Het is altijd een genoegen geweest om met je te werken. It has always been a pleasure to work with you. It's always been a pleasure to work with you. Willkamen bi Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatuba. Ik heb hem een paar boeken gegeven. I gave him a few books. I gave him a few books. Steven Spielberg is een filmregiseur. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Ēalā gif þū wǣre hund! If only you were a dog! The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Ik begin pas. I'm just beginning. I'm just starting. Uns ist der Rotwein ausgegangen. We've run out of red wine. We've gone out of red wine. Wenn du gern Nachtisch isst, wirst du Großmutters Küche lieben! If you like dessert, you'll love Grandma's Kitchen! If you like to eat dessert, you will love Grandmother's cuisine! Ik heff em dat utdüüdt. I explained it to him. I did it for him. Du hest dat allens alleen boot? You built that all by yourself? You have that all by yourself? Tom bood Maria een drankje aan. Tom offered a drink to Mary. Tom offered Maria a drink. Das ist sicher alles ein Missverständnis. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. I'm sure that's all a misunderstanding. Tom un Ria segen sik in den Spegel, de an’e Wand hung. Tom and Mary saw themselves in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Tom and Ria are blessed by the mirror that hung on the wall. Boppe stienen fjouwer opmakke bêden, mar op trije waard noait sliept. Upstairs there were four made beds, but on three nobody ever slept. Top thirteen four formated bets, but on threes worth noait sleeps. De bus is kapot! The bus is broken! The bus's broken! Ich hätte es nicht gemusst. Dass Tom das weiß, ist mir bekannt. I know that Tom knows I didn't have to do that. I wouldn't have liked it, because Tom knows that, I know. k Mag dit verske nait. I do not like this song. k May it be different nait. Ich bin es müde, dein Sklave zu sein. I'm tired of being your slave. I'm tired of being your slave. Sie winkte mit beiden Händen, sodass er sie finden konnte. She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She waved with both hands so he could find them. We aten wat schildpadsoep. We ate some turtle soup. We ate some turtle soup. Se hett em üm en beten Geld beden. She asked him for some money. She slept with him and prayed for money. ווי פֿיל מענטשן ווייסן‎, אַז דו לעבסט? How many people know that you're alive? How many people do you know, that you live? ’keen glövt an Gott? Who believes in God? “ No One Is Shining to God? ” k Woon ien Grunnen. I live in Groningen. k Lives one round. Kan je dat ding eten? Is this thing edible? Can you eat that thing? De Brägen is blaot en vigeliensche Maschien. The brain is just a complicated machine. The leaves are pale and complex machines. Hör auf zu meckern und fang an zu arbeiten! Stop complaining and start working. Stop mickering and start working! Holden joe van eerbaaien? Do you like strawberries? Do you have any bays of honor? Hast du je eine Schusswaffe dazu verwendet, eine Fliege zu töten? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? Have you ever used a gun to kill a fly? Wat hest kòcht? What did you buy? What did you think? Het julle 'n kar? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Deze koffiemachine is in Italië gemaakt. This coffee machine was made in Italy. This coffee machine is made in Italy. Mijn paard is zwart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Das junge Mädchen schwieg. The young girl remained silent. The young girl was silent. Het is te groot. It's too large. It's too big. Ich sehen keinen Grund, ihr Angebot nicht anzunehmen. I see no reason why I shouldn't accept her offer. I don't see any reason not to accept their offer. Pua sjongt. Pua sings. Pua sucks. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will be waiting for you. Tom's gonna wait for you. Swarte Pyt is rasisme. Black Pete is racism. Black Pyt is racism. Gewuënhait häf graute Kraft. Habits are difficult to break. Chicken sharks hoof gray power. Ik ben ook leraar. I am a teacher, too. I'm also a teacher. Ik belde hem. I phoned him. I called him. Die Kinder saßen vor Tom auf dem Boden. The children were sitting on the floor in front of Tom. The kids were sitting on the floor before Tom. מיר זענען געגאַנגען. We went on foot. We were given. Tom huurde een auto bij de luchthaven en reed ermee naar het huis van Maria. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Mary's house. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Maria's house. Alle bladeren aan de boom werden geel. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All leaves on the tree were yellow. Tom wird nächstes Jahr zurück sein. Tom will be back next year. Tom will be back next year. Hat er das Geld vergessen? Did he forget the money? Did he forget the money? Em weer, dat dat ne’e Gesett sien Freeheid minnern schull. He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. Em, it was supposed to reduce the freedom of ne'em. Ze is een engel. She's an angel. She's an angel. Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a samurai. Tom het uit getrek. Tom has moved out. Tom pulled it out. Je ziet er bezorgd uit. You look worried. You look worried. Wo schrifft man Ehr Achternaam? How do you spell your last name? Where's your last name? Ik heb er genoeg van met u te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I'm tired of talking to you! Man het geliek. The man is right. Man was right. Kennt ihr eine gute Methode, um neue Wörter zu lernen? Do you know a good way to learn new words? Do you know a good way to learn new words? Ik ben kapot en moe I'm broke and tired. I'm broken and tired D Rächnig, bitte. The check, please. Mr. Rächnig, please. Ist Ihre Frau immer noch in Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Tom kennt den Keerl, wo Ria mit kamen is. Tom knows the man Mary came with. Tom knows where Ria came from. Niemand kan u helpen. Nobody can help you. No one can help you. Een von de Kuffers is ganz leddig. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the Cuffers is completely empty. Zai bleef. She stayed. Zai stayed. Der Reißverschluss von meiner Jacke hat sich verklemmt. The zipper on my jacket got stuck. My jacket's zipper's tightened up. Ik heff Tom und Ria froogt, worüm se nie heirodt hebbt. I asked Tom and Mary why they'd never gotten married. I took care of Tom and Ria why they've never been hereroded. Het bijhouden van een dagboek geeft ons ook de kans om op ons dagelijks leven te reflecteren. Keeping a diary also gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life. Keeping a diary also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our daily lives. Heb je wat karnemelk? Do you have some buttermilk? Do you have some carne milk? Was ist das Schlimmste, das passieren könnte? What's the worst thing that could happen? What's the worst thing that could happen? We werden door zombies aangevallen. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. Die Römer sind berühmt für ihre Aquädukte. The Romans are famous for their aqueducts. The Romans are famous for their aqueducts. Daardie boek behoort aan my. That book's mine. That book belongs to me. Uw hond is hier. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Mijn grootste verlangen was het ontmoeten van mijn biologische vader. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. Blijkbaar is Tom heel goed in skiën. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Sta op. Get up. Get up. Tom is kinderachtig. Tom is childish. Tom's childish. טאם האט געפלעגט מיר זאגן אז איך רעד צו פיל. Tom used to tell me that I talked too much. At that time we said that I was speaking too much. Se vertroot em mit ehr Geld. She trusts him with her money. You trust him with their money. Der Grund liegt auf der Hand. It's not hard to figure out why. The reason is obvious. Schalte das Licht nicht ein! Don't turn the light on. Don't turn on the light! Tot dusver gaat alles goed. So far everything has been going well. So far, everything's going well. מיר זענען די איינציגערס וואס גלויבן אז זי איז א שיינע פרוי. We are alone in believing that she is a beautiful woman. We are the only people who believe that she is a lovely woman. Tom sal nie verander nie. Tom won't change. Tom will not change. Ich winsch eich all en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I'm going to win all the gleaming after Yaahr. Mayuko war allein im Zimmer. Mayuko was alone in the room. Mayuko was alone in the room. Ik was op school. I was at school. I was at school. Sie verschwenden Wasser. You're wasting water. They're wasting water. Weet u hoe gevaarlijk dat is? Do you know how dangerous that is? Do you know how dangerous that is? Ek het 'n ou kar. I have an old car. I've got an old car. Welke auto bevalt u het meest? What car do you like more? Which car do you like most? Man sagt, es sei eine originalgetreue Übersetzung. That translation is said to be true to the original. It is said to be an original faithful translation. Tom wusste es. Tom knew. Tom knew. Wenn er das schafft, fresse ich einen Besen. If he can do that, I will eat my hat. If he does, I'll eat a broom. Wetenschappers hebben water op Mars gevonden. Scientists have found water on Mars. Scientists have found water on Mars. Het was donker en koud in de kamer. It was dark and cold in the room. It was dark and cold in the room. Er zijn andere kanten. There are other aspects. There are other sides. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres. There's nothing worse than that. There's nothing worse. Tom kwam net nadat jij wegging. Tom came just after you left. Tom came out just after you left. Tom bemerkte den Ehering an Marias Finger. Tom noticed the wedding ring on Mary's finger. Tom noticed the wedding ring on Maria's finger. Grote delen van de oceaan zijn vervuild. Large areas of the ocean are polluted. Large parts of the ocean are contaminated. Glaub mir, in deiner Brust sind deines Schicksals Sterne. Believe me, the stars of your destiny are in your bosom. Believe me, in your chest are your destiny stars. Zeigen Sie mir, wie man ein Kinderbett aufstellt? Will you show me how to set up a cot? Show me how to set up a cot? ער האָט אַ קאַץ. He has a cat. He has a cat. Wenn du mich nur gefragt hättest, dann hätte ich es getan. If you'd just asked me, I would've done it. If only you'd asked me, I'd have done it. Tom sang Maria in den Schlaf. Tom sang Mary to sleep. Tom sang Maria to sleep. Hƿæt is þis ƿord? What word is that? The name of the icon from the icon theme Zij zaten naast elkaar. They sat side by side. They sat next to each other. Nijlpaarden houden van water. Hippopotamuses love water. Nile horses love water. Die telefoon is in 1876 deur Bell uitgevind. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. The phone was invented by Bell in 1876. איטאַליענער עסן לאָקשן. Italians eat noodles. Ithurene eats locusts. Tom fragte Maria, ob sie wisse, mit wem Johannes verheiratet sei. Tom asked Mary if she knew who John was married to. Tom asked Maria if she knew who John was married to. Kovvie is kloar. Coffee is ready. Kovvie's cool. Tom und Maria wurde klar, dass sie kaum genug Zeit hatten, das Nötigste zu erledigen. Tom and Mary realized they barely had enough time to do what needed to be done. Tom and Maria realized that they had little time to do the most necessary. Ik ben tegen zessen opgestaan. I got up at about six. I got up against six. Het kan morgen gaan regenen. It may rain tomorrow. It could rain tomorrow. Mijn moeder haat het schrijven van brieven. My mother hates writing letters. My mother hates writing letters. ווער שפילט גאָלף? Who plays golf? Who Is Stealed Goalth? Hƿǣr ƿǣron ᵹē? Where were you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Het wordt minder. It's abating. It's getting less. Het was heet. En het was ook heel klam. It was hot, and in addition, it was humid. It was hot, and it was very damp, too. Hy wurdt mei koarten heit. He'll become a father soon. He will be with a short distance. Wie viele Jahren waren Tom und Maria in Boston? How many years were Tom and Mary in Boston? How many years were Tom and Maria in Boston? Tom zei dat hij van pizza houdt. Tom said he likes pizza. Tom said he likes pizza. Se wulf æt þone cyning The wolf ate the king. The value of the id column for the active row Ik ben trollen op Tatoeba zat. I’m tired of trolls on Tatoeba. I'm sick of Tatuba's trolling. Ik zal dat incident ophelderen. I will shed light on that incident. I'll clarify that incident. Er staan zoveel sterren aan de hemel, ik kan ze niet allemaal tellen. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. Ihr Vater war Architekt und ein begeisterter Leser. Her father was an architect and an avid reader. Her father was an architect and an enthusiastic reader. Ik heb echt een baan nodig. I really need a job. I really need a job. Spiel mir Chopin. Play Chopin for me. Play me Chopin. Miene Ogen doot weh! My eyes hurt! My eye hurts! Tom sagt, er macht so etwas nicht. Tom says he doesn't do that. Tom says he doesn't do that. "Hoe oud is jy?" "Ek is sestien." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Das ist unser Zug. That's our train. This is our train. Such in den gelben Seiten! Look through the yellow pages. Find in the yellow sides! Könntest du diesen Platz für mich freihalten? Can you save this seat for me? Could you keep this place for me? שלום! Hello. Hello! Dit is mijn laatste aanbod. Graag of niet. This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. This is my last offer. Zai binnen goie lu. They are good people. Zai inside goie lu. Se deed an nix Leegs denken. She thought no harm. She did nothing wrong thinking. Ze landden. They landed. They landed. Jede wett öppis. Everyone wants something. Every man's orphan's law. Die geretteten Flüchtlinge sehnten sich nach Freiheit. The rescued refugees were longing for freedom. The rescued refugees longed for freedom. Je mag hier niet roken. You're not allowed to smoke here. You can't smoke here. Tom pfiff ein Liedchen. Tom was whistling a tune. Tom picks up a song. Tom ist ziemlich wählerisch. Tom is quite picky. Tom's pretty picky. Naar het Hiltonhotel alstublieft. To the Hilton Hotel, please. To the Hilton Hotel, please. Tom behandelte mich wie eine Prinzessin. Tom treated me like a princess. Tom treated me like a princess. Bitte haltet mich auf dem Laufenden. Please keep me updated. Please keep me posted. Tom ist ein sehr rücksichtsvoller Mensch. Tom is a very thoughtful person. Tom is a very considerate person. Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the meters? Where are the parking meters? Ze zeggen dat hij erg rijk was. It is said that he was very rich. They say he was very rich. Het vuur is uitgegaan. The fire has gone out. The fire's gone out. Wird es nicht langsam mal Zeit, dass ihr euren Streit beendet und das Vergangene vergangen sein lasst? Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? Will it not be time for you to end your dispute and let the past end? Ik hou van katten. I like cats. I love cats. Niemand luisterde naar me. Nobody listened to me. No one listened to me. An welchen Strand möchtest du? Which beach do you like to go to? To which beach do you want? Jij zwom in de oceaan. You swam in the ocean. You swam into the ocean. Tom verstaat Frans. Tom understands French. Tom is French. Dou t wotter oet! Turn off the water! Do you know what it's like! Ik heb mijn software geüpdatet. I updated my software. I've updated my software. We hebben ons best gedaan. We tried our best. We've done our best. Ek is 'n brandweerman. I'm a firefighter. I'm a fireman. Die Garde stirbt, aber sie ergibt sich nicht. The Guard dies, but it does not surrender! The guard dies, but it doesn't turn out to be. Sie hatten letzte Nacht Sex. They made love last night. They had sex last night. Hebben jullie een lift? Do you have an elevator? Do you have a lift? Sie rannten nicht. They didn't run. They didn't run. Eindelijk was het tijd om de grondwet te ondertekenen. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Finally, it was time to sign the constitution. Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie genug Geld haben? Are you sure that you have enough money? Are you sure you have enough money? Ich bin in dich verliebt und will dich heiraten. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. Ich wollte nicht laut werden. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't want to get loud. Þæt cild arn on þæt hūs. The child ran into the house. The child is affected. צי רעדט ער פּאָרטוגעזיש? Does he speak Portuguese? Whether he is supported by himself? Da auf dem Tisch steht eine Flasche Wein. There is a bottle of wine on the table. There's a bottle of wine on the table. Tom ist der einzige Mensch, in den ich je richtig verliebt war. Tom is the only person I've ever really been in love with. Tom is the only person I've ever been in love with. Tom sien Vader is Schandarm. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is Schandarm. Hai bleef thoes. He stayed at home. Hai stayed horribly. Hij spreekt Engels met een Duits accent. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English with a German accent. Welke datum is het vandaag? What date is today? What date is it today? Wat dink jy moet gedoen word daaroor? What do you think should be done about it? What do you think you should be done about it? Gestern habe ich ein Buch gekauft. I bought a book yesterday. I bought a book yesterday. Weet iemand hoe je dit teken uitspreekt? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how you're expressing this sign? Weshalb verkauft ihr es nicht einfach? Why don't you just sell it? Why don't you just sell it? Zij is acht. She's eight years old. She's eight. Is deze zin correct, leraar? Is this sentence correct, teacher? Is this sentence correct, teacher? Diese Armbanduhr ist doppelt so teuer wie jene. This watch is twice as expensive as that one. This watch is twice as expensive as that. Tom opende koelkaast. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the refrigerator. De broer schrijft. The brother is writing. The brother writes. Könnten Sie bitte ruhig sein? Could you please be quiet? Could you be calm, please? Tom vertraut seinen Fähigkeiten. Tom is confident of his ability. Tom trusts his abilities. Ich weiß nicht, ob George kommen wird oder nicht. I don't know if George is coming or not. I don't know if George will come or not. Tom hett nich wüßt, woneem Ria weer. Tom didn't know where Mary was. Tom didn't know where Ria was. Morgen is mijn vrije dag. Tomorrow is my day off. Tomorrow's my day off. Er ist mir den ganzen Morgen auf den Wecker gegangen. He drove me up the wall all morning. He went to the alarm all morning. Tom heeft Maria verkeerd ingeschat. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misjudged Maria. Tom gab Maria eine Uhr. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Maria a watch. Ich bat ihn um Rat. I turned to him for advice. I asked him for advice. Ich komme jeden vierten Juli hierher. I come here every Fourth of July. I'm coming here every fourth July. Es ist ein Vergnügen, Zeit mit Jane zu verbringen. It is a pleasure to spend time with Jane. It's a pleasure to spend time with Jane. He hett twee Böker utlehnt. He borrowed two books. He borrowed two books. Waarom dromen we? Why do we dream? Why are we dreaming? De kinderen hebben een reusachtige sneeuwman gemaakt. The children made a giant snowman. The kids have made a huge snowman. Tom ließ seine Diener im Dunkeln essen. Tom made his servants eat in the dark. Tom made his servants eat in the dark. Ik wil niet scheiden. I don't want to get divorced. I don't want to divorce. Dit is en Bispeelsatz. This is an example sentence. This is a example set. De Sünn is groot. The sun is big. The sun is great. Sami ging Layla haar kantoor binnen. Sami went into Layla's office. Sami went into her office. Verhalte dich bitte ruhig! Please keep quiet. Be quiet, please! Hij vroeg om een salarisverhoging. He asked for a pay raise. He asked for a pay increase. We lunchen zo rond de middag. We have lunch about noon. We'll have lunch around the afternoon. Was er auch tut, das tut er gut. Regardless what he does, he does it well. Whatever he does, he does well. Meine Kreditkarte wurde vom Geldautomaten abgewiesen. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. Jij hebt kaarsen gekocht. I see that you bought candles. You bought candles. Is dat niet komisch? Isn't that funny? Isn't that funny? Dat vind ik leuk. I like that. I like that. Tom ist einer meiner engsten Freunde. Tom is one of my close friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Mien peerd vil ien revier en n krokodil beet mien bain deròf. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. My pears vile one area and n crocodile bites my bain deròf. Moak asjeblieft kovvie. Please make coffee. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Tom starb letztes Jahr. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Tom ist groß und stark. Tom is tall and strong. Tom is big and strong. Ik zal je helpen. I'll help you. I'll help you. Was brauchen Sie? What is it that you need? What do you need? Einige Menschen schlafen nur sechs Stunden oder sogar noch weniger und es geht ihnen trotzdem gut dabei. Some people sleep for only six hours or even less and yet they nevertheless feel fine. Some people sleep only six hours or even less, and they still have a good time. Vandaag is het de tweede januari. Today is the second of January. Today it is the second January. Wilt u dat ik de ramen opendoe? Do you want me to open the windows? Do you want me to open the windows? Ik had niet beseft hoe belangrijk dit voor je is. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. We hebben huiswerk. We have homework. We have homework. Es hat gestern nicht nur heftig gestürmt, sondern auch stark geregnet. Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily. Not only did it storm violently yesterday but it also rained heavily. Þa on þam þriddan dæge, þa hie þa dune gesawon þær þær hie to scoldon to ofsleanne Isaac, þa cwæð Abraham to þam twam cnapum þus: Then on the third day, when they saw the mountain where they had to go to slay Isaac, then Abraham said to those two servants thus: The name of the icon from the icon theme Tom hat eine Lernbehinderung. Tom has a learning disorder. Tom has a learning disability. Sie übersetzte es Wort für Wort. She translated it word for word. She translated it word for word. Wo ist es passiert? Where did it happen? Where did it happen? Goeie môre. Good morning! Good morning. Darf ich Sie etwas fragen? Do you mind if I ask you a question? Can I ask you something? Je zult het moeten oefenen. You'll have to practice it. You'll have to practice it. Wenn das grönländische Eisschild vollständig schmölze, stiege der Meeresspiegel auf der Welt dadurch um fünf bis sieben Meter. If Greenland's ice sheet were to melt completely, sea level all over the world would rise by 5 to 7 meters. When the Greenlandish ice shield melted completely, the sea level on the world increased by five to seven meters. „Liebt er dich?“ – „Ich glaube schon.“ "Does he love you?" "I think so." “Does he love you?” – “I think so.” Ik was blij met haar onverwacht bezoek. I was happy for her unexpected visit. I was happy with her unexpected visit. Ik geef je één laatste kans. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you one last chance. Wir brauchen nur Wasser. All we need is water. We just need water. Nach dem Unfall stellte selbst eine einzige Stufe eine körperliche Herausforderung für ihn dar. After the accident, he was physically challenged by even a single stair. After the accident, a single stage was a physical challenge for him. Wer ist Ihr Lieblingskomponist? Who's your favorite composer? Who is your favorite composer? Aalscholvers zijn watervogels. Cormorants are waterbirds. Aalscholvers are waterbirds. Trang is jüstso schöön as Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Trang is just as beautiful as Dorenda. Se ende is nēah. The end is nigh. Se Ende is n'ah. Ze profiteerde van mijn onwetendheid. She took advantage of my ignorance. She benefited from my ignorance. We kennt mehr as 100 Milljarden Galaxien. We know of more than 100 billion galaxies. We know more than 100 milliard galaxies. Tom heeft de keuken niet schoongemaakt. Tom didn't clean the kitchen. Tom didn't clean the kitchen. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Sie durchschwamm den breiten Fluss. She swam across the wide river. It swam through the wide river. Ik heb het gevecht gezien. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Tom kam endlich dazu, zum Zahnarzt zu gehen. Tom finally got around to going to the dentist. Tom finally came to go to the dentist. Es wäre besser gewesen, wenn du ihn gefragt hättest, welchen Weg du nehmen sollst. It would have been better, if you had asked him which way to go. It would have been better if you asked him which way you should take. Möchten sie mit mir schwimmen gehen? Would you like to go for a swim with me? Do you want to go swim with me? Vader stichtte zijn onderneming 40 jaar geleden. Father established his business 40 years ago. Father founded his business 40 years ago. Ik snack Sweedsch. I speak Swedish. I'm snacking Swedish. Tom bemerkte, dass jemand hinter Maria stand. Tom noticed that someone was standing behind Mary. Tom noticed someone was behind Mary. Du feierst zu ausgiebig. You party too hard. You're celebrating too much. Ihr gebt euch nicht genug Mühe. You're not trying hard enough. You don't have enough trouble. נו? Well? All right? Ik bakte boterkoekjes. I baked butter cookies. I baked butter cakes. איר זענט שטאַרקער פֿון אונדז. You guys are stronger than us. you are powerful from us. Die meisten Jungs mögen Baseball. Most boys like baseball. Most guys like baseball. Januari, februari, maart, april, mei, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, december. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Das Produkt ist hochpreisig. The product carries a high price tag. The product is high-priced. Ik hjit Robin. My name is Robin. I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm- Tom spürte die Gefahr. Tom sensed danger. Tom felt the danger. Er ist Ukrainer. He's Ukrainian. He's Ukrainian. Tom wartet seit langem. Tom has been waiting a long time. Tom's been waiting a long time. Stop met bijten op je nagels. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting on your nails. Er widersprach sich in seiner Aussage mehrfach selbst. He contradicted himself several times in his testimony. He contradicted himself several times in his statement. Hij heeft geluk zo'n goede vrouw te hebben. He is fortunate having such a good wife. He's lucky to have such a good wife. Je ziet er boos uit. You look angry. You look angry. Ik woon in Australië. I'm living in Australia. I live in Australia. Letzte Nacht gab es Frost. It frosted last night. Last night there was Frost. Wir können es nicht riskieren. We can't risk it. We can't risk it. An whaur's ma camera? And where's my camera? And where's the ma camera? Ik heb veel huiswerk. I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework. Die rekenaar is in die biblioteek. The computer is in the library. The computer is in the library. Helium ist ein Gas. Helium is a gas. Helium is a gas. Zij verveelt zich. She is bored. She's bored. Tom kann Mary seine wahren Gefühle nicht anvertrauen. Tom can't tell Mary his real feelings. Tom can't trust Mary's true feelings. Vraag Tom me te bellen. Ask Tom to call me. Ask Tom to call me. Gewoonlijk gaat ze om negen uur slapen. She usually goes to bed at nine. She's usually going to sleep at nine o'clock. Kijk me aan als ik tegen je praat. Look at me when I talk to you. Look at me when I talk to you. Mona hat noch Fieber und sollte zu Hause bleiben. Mona is still running a temperature and should stay at home. Mona still has fever and should stay at home. Se hett en Poor Stevel köfft. She bought a couple of boots. She's got it and Poor Stevel's got it. De politicus zei dat hij al zijn belasting had betaald en niets illegaals gedaan had. The politician said that he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal. The politician said he paid all his taxes and didn't do anything illegal. Ik zou graag Picasso zijn. I would like to be Picasso. I'd like to be Picasso. Wann hast du das bekommen? When did you get this? When did you get that? Wie ben ik om hem te bekritiseren? Who am I to criticize him? Who am I to criticize him? Hoeveel mensen zag je in het park? How many people did you see in the park? How many people did you see in the park? Tom het 'n vriend wat in Boston bly. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Tom has a friend who lives in Boston. Ik heb ontzettende hoofdpijn! I have a terrible headache. I've got sore headaches! Wo sitzen Sie gerade? Where are you sitting now? Where are you sitting? Wir haben keinen Trockner. We don't have a tumble dryer. We don't have a dryer. In diese Taschenlampe kommen zwei Batterien. This flashlight needs two batteries. Two batteries come into this flashlight. De hel, dat zijn de anderen. Hell is other people. Hell, that's the others. Kann ich mit diesem Handy Musik hören? Can I listen to music on this phone? Can I hear music with this cell phone? Ik fang an, mien Fründin to missen. I'm beginning to miss my girlfriend. I'm starting to miss my friend. Kan ek jou hand skud? Can I shake your hand? Can I shake your hand? Hast du Budweiser Lightt? Do you have Bud Light? You got Budweiser Lightt? Tom speelde de hobo en Maria begeleidde hem op de piano. Tom played the oboe and Mary accompanied him on the piano. Tom played the hobo and Maria accompanied him on the piano. Sie sind bestimmt sehr beschäftigt. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure they're very busy. Ich halte ihn für einen Freund. I consider him a friend. I think he's a friend. Tom verdient sich seinen Lebensunterhalt als Verkäufer. Tom makes a living as a salesman. Tom deserves his living as a seller. Wat is der te rêden? What's the matter? What's the matter? Heeft u de verduistering van gisteren gezien? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Have you seen yesterday's eclipse? Ich brauche einen Spachtel. I need a spatula. I need a spatula. Dat maakt momenteel niet uit. That's not important right now. It doesn't matter at the moment. Ik wil dat je naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. De jeugd van ons land interesseert zich niet voor politiek. The youth of our land are not interested in politics. Our country's youth is not interested in politics. Bums de Döör nich. Don't slam the door. Don't try this. Ik verstah di nich. I don't understand you. I don't understand. Ik zag een kans en ik nam ze. I saw an opportunity and I took it. I saw a chance, and I took them. Jane muss aufhören, ihrem Verlangen nach Schokolade nachzugeben. Jane must stop giving way to her desire for chocolate. Jane has to stop giving up her desire for chocolate. Hij woont hier. He lives here. He lives here. Tom droomt. Tom's dreaming. Tom's dreaming. רעדט איר לאַדינאָ? Do you all speak Ladino? Are you going to talk to Ladyno? Ek sal terugkom. I'll come back. I'll come back. Er kam gerade aus der Bibliothek zurück. He just came back from the library. He just came back from the library. Höör wieder to. Keep listening. It's going to be right over here. t Is diezeg. It is foggy. Is thiszeg. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Tom ist ein Rassist. Tom is a racist. Tom's a racist. Seiko hett kene Süstern. Seiko doesn't have sisters. Seiko has known Sisters. Sie sind kein Kanadier. You aren't Canadian. You're not a Canadian. Frans wordt niet alleen in Frankrijk gesproken. French isn't only spoken in France. French is not only spoken in France. Ich dachte, Tom hätte einen Tag frei. I thought Tom had a day off. I thought Tom had a day off. Ik heb een vriend die in Boston woont. I have a friend living in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Vergiss nicht, einen Regenschirm mitzubringen, für den Fall, dass es regnet. Don't forget to take an umbrella in case it rains. Don't forget to bring an umbrella in case it rains. Tom is al jümmer anners as de anneren Kinner wäsen. Tom was always different from the other kids. Tom is already hotter than the other children. Jane führte sich immer so auf, als ob sie reich wäre. Jane always behaved like she was very rich. Jane always showed up as if she were rich. Jy is nie 'n hond nie. Is jy 'n kat? You are not a dog. Are you a cat? You're not a dog. Hij loog gemakkelijk. He lied readily. He was easy to lie. Maria sagte, dass sie glücklich sei. Mary said that she was happy. Maria said she was happy. Ihr Traumtyp scheint so jemand wie der Ansager Azumi Shin’ichirō zu sein. Her ideal type seems to be someone like the announcer Shinichiro Azumi. Her dream type seems to be someone like Azumi Shin’ichirō. דאס איז נישט זייר נאנט. That's not very close. This is not their place. Bespaar me de details. Spare me the details. Save me the details. Zum Vergleich: Lava bei Vulkanausbrüchen kann zwischen 700 °C und 1200 °C heiß sein. For comparison, lava from volcano eruptions can be anywhere between 700 and 1,200°C. For comparison: Lava at volcanic eruptions can be between 700 °C and 1200 °C. Gestern war es bewölkt. It was overcast yesterday. Yesterday it was cloudy. We hebben echt honger. We really are hungry. We're really hungry. ווי לערנט אַן עופֿעלע צו גיין? How does an infant learn to walk? How do you learn an initial to go? Bis vorsichtig. Be careful. I'll take care of it. Kan iemand me helpen? Can anyone give me a hand? Can anyone help me? Ich weiß, dass du mich ansiehst. I know you're looking at me. I know you're looking at me. Meine Mutter hat mich zu dem gemacht, was ich heute bin. My mother has made me what I am today. My mother made me what I am today. ער איז אויף גרויסע צרות, צי ניין? He's in big trouble, isn't he? He's on a big deal, right? Ze leven continu in angst. They live in constant fear. They live in constant fear. Help! Help! Help! Geef Tom niets anders. Don't give anything else to Tom. Don't give Tom anything else. Ik heb gehoord dat het gras in Engeland zelfs groen is in de winter. I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England. I heard that the grass in England is even green in winter. Zijt ge niet gelukkig? Aren't you happy? Haven't you been happy? Fangen Sie Tom! Catch Tom. Catch Tom! Moi hè. Good day. Moi, isn't it? Reisen macht großen Spaß. Taking trips is a lot of fun. Travel is great fun. Die lug is blou, die see is ook blou. Die lug en die see is blou. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue. Was hast du geträumt? What did you dream? What did you dream? Ek haat dit om te bestuur. I hate driving. I hate driving. Ek sal hier wees wanneer jy terugkom. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you come back. De hond ging weg. The dog went away. The dog left. Dat Hauhn is in de Köök. The chicken is in the kitchen. That bunny's in the Köök. Hou je snavel! Shut your beak! Keep your beak! Tom is nu in Australië. Tom is now in Australia. Tom's in Australia now. Dat zou een geweldig cadeautje zijn. That would make a great gift. That would be a great gift. Mach das Licht aus, bitte. Please turn off the lights. Turn off the light, please. Guten Morgen, mein Schatz! Good morning, my love. Good morning, honey! Um wie viel Uhr bist du heute Morgen aufgestanden? What time did you get up this morning? How much time did you get up this morning? Tom is schattig. Tom is cute. Tom's cute. Tom sä, dat he lever in en Hotel bi’n Flaaghaven ünnerkamen will. Tom said he'd rather stay at a hotel near the airport. Tom said that he would like to enter a hotel at a airport. Glücklicherweise hat er den Unfall überlebt. Fortunately he survived the accident. Luckily, he survived the accident. אלע דריי מענער האבן געשמייכלט. All three men smiled. All three men were Allied. Ik höll Ann för ehr Süster. I took Ann for her sister. I've been holding Ann for her sore. Ons het in dieselfde kamer geslaap. We slept in the same room. We slept in the same room. Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. De vrouw spreekt Spaans. The woman speaks Spanish. The woman speaks Spanish. Hast du das je dem Lehrer gegenüber erwähnt? Have you ever mentioned this to the teacher? Did you ever mention that to the teacher? Ich gab dem Jungen ein Buch. I gave the boy a book. I gave the boy a book. Kunnen we Mars koloniseren? Can we colonize Mars? Can we colonize Mars? Die Koran is in vele tale vertaal. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Koran was translated into many languages. Het is apenvlees. It's monkey meat. It's ape meat. k Zonk. I sank. - Zonk. Wat ben je van plan om te doen? What do you plan to do? What are you going to do? De regering van Mexico weigerde te onderhandelen. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. The Mexico government refused to negotiate. Laat ons naar beneden gaan. Let's go down. Let's go down. Ek is 'n meisie. I'm a girl. I'm a girl. Dingen zouden zo simpel mogelijk moeten zijn, maar niet simpeler dan dat. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler than that. Pauls Kenntnisse in kreativer Buchführung waren das Geheimnis seiner Fähigkeit, all das Personal zu bekommen, das er braucht. Paul's knowledge of creative bookkeeping has been the secret of his ability to get all the staffing he needs. Paul's knowledge of creative bookkeeping was the secret of his ability to get all the staff he needs. Hier is bus. Here's the bus. Here's a bus. Tom zei dat Maria niet Canadees was. Tom said that Mary wasn't Canadian. Tom said Maria wasn't Canadian. Schwimmen macht Spaß. Swimming is fun. Swimming is fun. Op het Marktplein staan vier fonteinen met beelden van Neptunus, zijn vrouw Amphitrite, Diana en Adonis. There are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis in the Market Square. There are four fountains on the square with images of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis. Ik heff en Unfall hatt. I had an accident. I've got an accident. Was macht Ihr Sohn? What does your son do? What's your son doing? Ik wil niet dat je verandert. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Damals gab es Hass zwischen uns. There was hatred between us then. At that time there was hatred between us. Ich war nur einmal in Tokio. I have been to Tokyo only once. I was in Tokyo once. De agent redde het kind van de verdrinkingsdood. The policeman saved the child from drowning. The cop saved the kid from drowning death. Laat me alsjeblieft uitspreken. Hear me out, please. Please let me speak to you. Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Ich werde versuchen, eine andere Formulierung zu finden. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I have to think about it, and I'm going to try to find another wording. Du kannst nich wiedergahn. You cannot go any farther. You cannot proceed. Wie heeft dit venster gebroken? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? Lag nait. Don't laugh. Lag nait. Hij zei dat hij de kamer niet binnen geweest was: dat is een leugen. He said he hadn't been inside the room. That is a lie. He said he hadn't been into the room, that's a lie. Ze verdwenen. They disappeared. They're gone. Is er de ondertitelde versie? Is there the subtitled version? Is there the subtitle version? Hierna kom ik aan de beurt. My turn comes next. After that, I'll be on my way. Ich bin spät dran, nicht wahr? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Würdest du für mich auf die Kinder aufpassen? Will you look after my children for me? Would you take care of the children for me? Ich möchte mit dir nicht mehr reden. Verschwinde! I don't want to talk to you anymore. Go away. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Se stünn op. She stood up. They're getting up. Hoe was je dag? How was your day? How was your day? De Friddensnobelpräis gëtt zu Oslo iwwerreecht. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo. The Friddensnobelpreis is being handed over to Oslo. Zai hoatte fleddermoezen. She hated bats. Zai hoatte fleddermoes. איר זענט שטאַרקער ווי מיר. You guys are stronger than we are. you are stronger than me. En Peerd hett Tom träden. A horse kicked Tom. And Peert's been wearing Tom. Hier ist deine Bestellung. Here's your order. Here's your order. Wenn du ein wenig geduldiger gewesen wärst, hättest du es schaffen können. If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded. If you had been a little more patient, you could have done it. Niemand heeft gebeld. Nobody called. No one called. De twee vijanden stonden oog in oog. The two enemies were face to face. The two enemies were eye to eye. Dan nam vijf slaappillen. Dan took five sleeping pills. Then took five sleeping pills. Tom was er gisteren niet. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Maria liebt es zu lesen. Mary loves reading. Maria loves to read it. Hai is doen. He is drunk. Hai's done. S Huus isch root. The house is red. Huus is root. Se hett em rümsnackt, na dat Kunzert to gahn. She talked him into going to the concert. You grabbed him to go to that artist. Ek kan Turks verstaan, maar ek kan nie dit praat nie. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. I can understand Turkish, but I can't speak it. איך האָב אַ שטאַרקן קאָפּװײטיק. I have a bad headache. I don't know what to do when I look at. Waar zien we elkaar? Where will we meet? Where do we see each other? Eine Sache wollte ich dir schon seit Langem sagen: Deine zynischen Witze sind unerträglich. I've wanted to tell you this for a long time: Your cynical jokes are unbearable. One thing I've been trying to tell you for a long time: Your cynical jokes are unbearable. Die Namen sind alphabetisch geordnet. The names are in alphabetical order. The names are listed in alphabetical order. Hock na! Sit down! Hock! Sy het pragtig gelyk. She looked ravishing. She looked beautiful. Tom goss etwas Wein in ein Glas. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom goes some wine in a glass. Hij vergeleek de kopie met het origineel. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy with the original. Es ist viel passiert, während Sie weg waren. A lot has happened while you've been gone. A lot has happened while you were away. Tom is alleenstaand. Tom is single. Tom's alone. Hun hoofdstad was vele jaren Cuzco. Their capital was Cuzco for many years. Their capital city was Cuzco for many years. Ek is seker ons sal iets vind om te doen. I'm sure we'll find something to do. I'm sure we'll find something to do. Wenn ich das gewusst hätte, wäre ich nicht gekommen. If I had known, I would not have come. If I knew that, I wouldn't have come. Tom ist zum Gewinnen zu blöd. Tom is too stupid to win. Tom's too stupid to win. Ik volleybal veel. I play a lot of volleyball. I do a lot of volleyball. Donkere materie kan niet rechtstreeks gezien worden. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Wat is het telefoonnummer van de Tokyo Dome? What's the number for the Tokyo Dome? What's the Tokyo Dome phone number? Nancy speelt keen Tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Seine Freundin war auch da. His girlfriend was there, too. His girlfriend was there, too. Ostern ist ein wichtiges christliches Fest zum Gedenken an die Auferstehung von Jesus Christus. Easter is an important Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is an important Christian festival to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Tom greut sien Nover. Tom said hello to his neighbour. Tom greut's Nover. Ek weet nie waar ek is nie. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am. Ze brandden. They burned. They burned. Hij is nog steeds boos. He's still mad. He's still angry. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can let it go. So habe ich Tom sich nie benehmen sehen. I've never seen Tom act like that. I've never seen Tom behave like that. Weet u waar het is? Do you know where it is? Do you know where it is? Mijn droom is werkelijkheid geworden. My dream has come true. My dream has become real. Ich denke nicht. I don't think so. I don't think so. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten, Elke habe keinen Hunger. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't hungry. Tom and Mary said that they believed that each one had no hunger. טראָמפּ זאָגט און מאַכט נאַרישע זאַכן. Trump says and does foolish things. Trump ask and make nostrils. Kommt ihr aus Kyōto? Are you from Kyoto? You coming from Kyōto? Keiner hat es geahnt. Nobody saw it coming. No one knew. Ik wit it noch net. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Ek versoek een stempel, asseblief. I'd like one stamp, please. I request one stamp, please. Mary hat Tom einen Teller mit Keksen gegeben. Mary brought Tom a plate of cookies. Mary gave Tom a plate with biscuits. In Malta spreken ze Maltees. In Malta they speak Maltese. In Malta they speak Maltese. Ich weiß nicht, was ich damit anfangen soll. I don't know what to do with this. I don't know what to do with it. Hij boog naar mij terwijl hij voorbij kwam. He bowed to me as he passed by. He bowed to me as he passed by. Die Töchter erholten sich von dem Schock des Todes ihres Vaters. The daughters recuperated from the shock of the death of their father. The daughters recovered from the shock of her father's death. ווי מאַכן די בענק געלט? How do banks make money? How do the Mint money? Letztes Jahr kehrte ich nach Hause zurück und war überrascht, dass sowohl das Dorf als auch die Leute sich völlig verändert hatten. Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed. Last year I returned home and was surprised that both the village and the people had changed completely. Hutt Dir mech net gesinn? Didn't you see me? Did you just see me? Wann kommt Tom vorbei? When is Tom going to come over? When's Tom coming by? Dit restaurant is nooit gesloten. This restaurant never closes. This restaurant is never closed. Ich glaube, ihr habt das absichtlich getan. I think you did that intentionally. I think you've done this deliberately. Wieso machst du das nicht? How come you don't do that? Why don't you do this? Wir haben viele wichtige Tatsachen übersehen. We've overlooked many important facts. We have overlooked many important facts. De gevangene heeft een gat onder de gevangenismuur door gegraven. The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall. The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall. Het is gewoonweg tijdsverspilling. That is a pure waste of time. It's just a waste of time. Die Brigach und die Breg bringen die Donau zuweg. The Danube begins at the confluence of the Brigach and the Breg rivers. The Brigach and the Breg move the Danube. k Knovvelde Tom vot. I pushed Tom away. k Knovvelde Tom vot. We moeten intensiever en effectiever werken. We need to work more intensively and effectively. We need to work more intensively and effectively. Het is gevaarlijk om zo snel te rijden. It is dangerous to drive so fast. It's dangerous to drive so fast. איך בין צופֿרידן אַז איר זענט נישט געווען דאָ. I'm glad you guys weren't here. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, but you're not here. Hai smookte. He smoked. Hai smuggled. Du musst ophören mit Drinken. You need to stop drinking. You have to stop drinking. De Stad is 573 grünnt worrn. The city was founded in 573. The town is 573 green. Het is bijna voorbij. It's almost over. It's almost over. Tom schrieb seiner Freundin nach Hause. Tom wrote home to his girlfriend. Tom wrote his girlfriend home. Wie lagden. We laughed. How'd you laugh? Es war niemand zu Hause. No one was at home. It wasn't anybody at home. Vertel me wie we zijn. Tell me who we are. Tell me who we are. Dit is 'n perd. This is a horse. It's a horse. Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! It's even more beautiful now! Spreek je Hebreeuws? Do you speak Hebrew? Are you speaking Hebrew? Jim is geneigd om te ver te gaan. Jim tends to go too far. Jim tends to go too far. Dat doet de deur dicht! I am baffled. That's what closes the door! Ich hasse es zu tanzen. I hate dancing. I hate dancing. Mir gefällt der Klang meiner eigenen Stimme nicht. I don't like the sound of my own voice. I don't like the sound of my own voice. Mir wëllen komplett Sätz. We want complete sentences. We're gonna want to have a complete sentence. Heeft u het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? Haven't you told him yet? Hy praat nie net Frans nie, hy praat ook Spaans. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. Not only does he speak French but he also speaks Spanish. Ein Delfinarium ist ein Aquarium für Delfine. A dolphinarium is an aquarium for dolphins. A dolphinarium is an aquarium for dolphins. Zai verkòchten n koelkaast. They sold a refrigerator. Zai combed and cooled. פארוואס בלייבסטו נישט דא? Why don't you stay here? Why aren't you here? Sy het agter die boom weggekruip. She hid behind the tree. She hid behind the tree. Een vreemde taal leren is niet gemakkelijk. It isn't easy to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not easy. Kommen Sie spätestens um 6 Uhr. Come at least at six. Come at 6 a.m. at the latest. Se hett em in ’n Zoo mitnahmen. She took him to the zoo. She took him in a zoo. Muss Tom das auch tun? Does Tom have to do that, too? Do Tom have to do that, too? Un worüm dat? And why is that? And why? Ben je zelfs niet nieuwsgierig? Aren't you even a little curious? Aren't you even curious? Ich bedaure, aber im Moment habe ich zu tun. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, but I have to do it right now. Mijn mama werkt in een fabriek. My mom works in a factory. My mom works in a factory. Bes do jeck? Are you mad? Bes do jeck? Ich habe Magenkrämpfe. I have stomach cramps. I've got stomach spasms. Ek het 'n kat en 'n hond. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Manchmal muss man gar nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen, um sich zu verstehen. Sometimes you don't need to speak the same language in order to understand each other. Sometimes you don't have to speak the same language to understand. Mary speelt voetbal. Mary plays football. Mary's playing football. Tom is verlegen. Tom's shy. Tom's shy. Tom bemerkte Marias besorgten Gesichtsausdruck. Tom noticed that Mary looked worried. Tom noticed Maria's worried facial expression. Kannst du das Hühnchen tranchieren? Can you carve the chicken? Can you ranch the chicken? Cannst þú Enȝlisc? Do you know English? The name of the icon from the icon theme Dat engelsche Alphabet hett 26 Bookstaven. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Se hett twee Pund Botter köfft. She bought two pounds of butter. She's got two pounds of butter. Am Montag, dem 15. April, um 2.20 Uhr sank die Titanic. The Titanic sank at 02:20 on Monday, April 15th. On Monday, April 15th, at 2.20 pm, Titanic sank. Tom war de ganzen Dag lang vu sengem Kolleg gepéngegt. Tom was tormented by his coworker all day long. Tom was preached throughout the day by his colleague. Je bent echt heel dom. You're really quite stupid. You're really stupid. Nimm dieses Medikament, und du fühlst dich besser. Take this medicine, and you'll feel better. Take this medicine, and you feel better. Wij zoeken werk. We are looking for work. We're looking for work. Tom wurde von einem LKW überfahren. Tom was run down by a truck. Tom was crossed by a truck. Japaners sünd Asiaten. Japanese are Asians. Japanese are Asian. Ik heff güstern en rood Auto köfft. Yesterday, I bought a red car. I got güistered and red car köfft. Se schellt de Kartuffeln. She is peeling the potatoes. She's taking care of the cartbles. Ich höre nicht zu. I'm not listening. I'm not listening. Tom albert gerne herum. Tom likes to fool around. Tom albert likes to go around. Legen Sie es ins Nest zurück. Put it back in the nest. Put it back in the nest. Man könnte keine zwei verschiedeneren Menschen als Tom und Maria finden. You couldn't get two people more different than Tom and Mary. You couldn't find two different people than Tom and Mary. מען דארפט געבען וואסער צו די בוימן. We have to water the flowers. One or more buildings are built that go to the trees. Het was niet mijn bedoeling hem te slaan. I didn't mean to hit him. It wasn't my intention to hit him. Ich wollte Sie nie in Gefahr bringen. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never wanted to put you in danger. Öven is de beste Weg, dien Engelsch to verbetern. Practice is the best way to improve your English. Practice is the best way to improve English. Hättest du etwas dagegen, wenn ich heute hier schliefe? Do you mind if I sleep here tonight? Would you mind if I slept here today? Spreek niet tegen de bestuurder terwijl hij aan het rijden is. Don't speak to the driver while he is driving. Don't talk to the driver while he's driving. Das ist sehr charakteristisch für ihn. That's very characteristic for him. That's very characteristic of him. Damaskus is heufdstad van Syrie. Damascus is Syria's capital. Damascus is hip city of Syria. Tom spreekt een beetje Frans. Tom can speak a little French. Tom's talking a little French. Sie ist im Badezimmer. She is in the bathroom. She's in the bathroom. Waar woont gij eigenlijk? By the way, where do you live? Where do you live? Ich spreche Französisch und Englisch. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. k At dien eerbaaien. I ate your strawberries. k At serve bays of honor. Ich weiß, dass es nicht das ist, was du wolltest. I know this isn't what you wanted. I know it's not what you wanted. Ik kan het niet geloven dat ik dat Tom liet doen. I can't believe I let Tom do that. I can't believe I let Tom do that. De neus van Tom was rood. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Wat heb je gedaan? What have you done? What have you done? Ik hou meer van jou dan van haar. I love you more than I love her. I love you more than she loves. Waar houdt u van? What do you like? What do you like? Florence Foster Jenkins war eine der berühmtesten Sopranistinnen der Welt. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world. Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the most famous sopranos in the world. Se leornere cōm of Lundene. The student came from London. It's a liar cōm or Lundene. Wie zal het van Cynthia overnemen wanneer zij met pensioen gaat? Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires? Who will take over Cynthia when she retires? Ik ben je speeltje niet. I'm not your plaything. I'm not your little game. ער האט זיך נישט געפילט גוט. He was not feeling well. He didn't check himself out. Moment mal! Wait a sec. Wait a minute! Wat hett jo hier her bröcht? What has brought you here? What have you been doing here? In ’n Köhlschapp is Melk. There's milk in the fridge. In a manger is Milk. דריווש איז אַ סאָציאַליסט. Darius is a socialist. Drivsh is a socialist. Hij kon het probleem gemakkelijk oplossen. It was easy for him to solve the problem. He could easily solve the problem. Hebben jullie een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Hoe gaat het ermee? How are you doing? How's it going? Tom und Maria sind in Rente. Tom and Mary are retired. Tom and Maria are in retirement. Ich glaube, ich sollte sie allmählich nach Hause fahren. I think it's time for me to give her a ride home. I think I should drive her home gradually. Ik weet niet hoe ik met Tom moet omgaan. I don't know how to deal with Tom. I don't know how to deal with Tom. Tom is smui as n oape. Tom is as agile as a monkey. Tom's smui as a monkey. Se un ik, wi sünd in de sülve Klass. She and I are in the same class. So we and I, we are in the same class. Verklaar het volgende. Explain the following. Declare the following. Is dit jullie paraplu? Is this your umbrella? Is this your umbrella? Ik heb Sachiko liever dan Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I prefer Sakiko rather than Akiko. Tom braucht dich. Tom needs you. Tom needs you. Is Mary een echte blondine? Is Mary a real blonde? Is Mary a real blonde? Glenn hat zwei Freundinnen. Glenn has two girlfriends. Glenn has two friends. Als Tom u dat zag doen, zou hij beginnen te wenen. If Tom saw you doing that, he'd cry. If Tom saw you do that, he'd start to cry. Jupiter is ongeveer tien keer groter dan de aarde. Jupiter is roughly 10 times larger than Earth. Jupiter is about ten times larger than the earth. Hij sproeit de tuin eenmaal per week. He waters the garden once a week. He's spraying the garden once a week. Mary sagt, ihr Vater arbeite für die Stadtverwaltung. Mary said that her father worked for the city administration. Mary says her father works for the city administration. Unsere Fabrik baut einen neuen Schornstein. Our factory is building a new chimney. Our factory is building a new chimney stone. Vergeet de Fohrkoort nich. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the footcard. Er ist von Hause aus Franzose, aber jetzt ist er ein US-Bürger. He is French by birth, but he is now a citizen of the USA. He's from home from French, but now he's a U.S. citizen. Seinem scharfen Blick entging kein einziger Fehler. His sharp eyes never missed a mistake. His keen gaze did not escape any fault. Mijn beha is vies. My bra is dirty. My bra's dirty. Es ist das größte auf der Welt. It's the largest in the world. It's the world's largest. Meine Bemerkung löste einen Streit in der Gruppe aus. My comment sparked off an argument in the group. My remark triggered a dispute in the group. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir uns schon offiziell kennengelernt haben. I don't believe we've officially met. I don't think we've met officially. Ik ben al weer op zoek naar mijn bril. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm looking for my glasses again. Spreekt u Faeröers? Do you speak Faroese? Are you talking to Faeroe Islands? Tom kümmert sich um uns. Tom looks after us. Tom's taking care of us. Wat kin t wezen? What can it be? What's wrong with beings? Iedereen is over haar aan het praten. Everyone is talking about her. Everyone's talking about her. Ze hebben spaghetti gemaakt. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. Tom, wie konntest du mir so ins Gesicht lügen? Tom, how could you lie to me, right to my face, like that? Tom, how could you lie to me like that? Ik moet hem overtuigen. I must convince him. I have to convince him. Tom gaat ons morgen niet helpen. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not gonna help us tomorrow. דער עפּל איז געל. That apple is yellow. The document was cancelled. גיי און זוך טאם. Go and look for Tom. Find and find thetim. Sami zijn vriendin is schattig. Sami's girlfriend is cute. Sami's girlfriend's cute. „Andreas, wo ist die Karte? Hast du sie?“ – „Ich glaube, nicht.“ "Andrew, where's the map? Have you got it?" "I don't think so." “Andreas, where is the map? Do you have it?” – “I don’t think so.” Versuchst du, mir Angst einzujagen? Are you trying to scare me? Are you trying to scare me? Het duurde lang tot ik in slaap viel. It took me a long time to fall asleep. It took me a long time to fall asleep. Weet Tom van Mary? Does Tom know about Mary? Does Tom know about Mary? Er ist nicht vollkommen. He's not perfect. He's not perfect. Wir sind auf dem falschen Weg. We're going the wrong way. We're on the wrong way. Dat zou vreselijk zijn geweest. That would have been awful. That would have been terrible. Ech sichen eng Steckdous. I'm looking for a power point. I'm gonna find a driver. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. Waarom ben je zo onhandig? Why are you so clumsy? Why are you so clumsy? Versteihst du, wat he seggt? Do you understand what he's saying? Do you understand what he says? Hanengevechten zijn in veel landen illegaal. Cockfighting is illegal in many countries. Hanen fighting is illegal in many countries. Pass op, wat du deist! Watch what you're doing! Watch what you're doing! צי קען מען געטרויען טראָמפּ? Can Trump be trusted? Is it possible to trust De vogels vliegen. The birds fly. The birds fly. Tom is vorig jaar overleden. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Es besagte, dass die Leute zukünftig nicht mehr Fußball spielen dürften und dass jeder, der dieses Gesetz brechen würde, ins Gefängnis käme. It said that people could not play football in the future and that anyone who broke this law would be sent to prison. It said that people would no longer play football in the future and that anyone who would break this law would go to prison. צי ביסטו אַ טערקישע? Are you Turkish? Are you sure you want to overwrite it? Naar men zegt, zou zijn vader in het buitenland overleden zijn. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. According to them, his father would have died abroad. Ich will nicht ins Wasser. I don't want to get into the water. I don't want to go to the water. Ik zal geen schrik hebben. I will not be afraid. I won't be scared. Deze vogel wordt een meeuw genoemd. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a gull. Die Satellitenschüssel funktioniert nicht mehr. The satellite dish no longer works. The satellite committee is not working anymore. Ik ben benieuwd of ik een zin kan toevoegen. I wonder if I can add a sentence. I'm curious if I can add a sentence. Kun je iets beters bedenken? Can you think of something better? Can you think of something better? Je lijkt echt zenuwachtig. You look really nervous. You really seem nervous. Maria legte ihre Kleider ab. Mary took off her clothes. Mary put off her clothes. Was, wenn ich nein sage? What if I refuse? What if I say no? Ons sal hierdie verder bespreek. We will continue the discussion. We will discuss this further. Tom hat mich gefragt, ob ich hungrig bin. Tom asked me if I were hungry. Tom asked me if I was hungry. Wir werden uns später darum kümmern. We'll deal with it later. We'll take care of this later. Ik heb hetzelfde woordenboek als je broer. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Er konnte es nicht länger ertragen. He couldn't take it any longer. He couldn't bear it any longer. Als je die vaas laat vallen, zal ik het op je loon inhouden. If you drop that vase, I'll take it out of your wage. If you drop that vase, I'll put it on your paycheck. Wie schön du bist! How beautiful you are! How beautiful you are! Hij is agressief. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Ek werk by 'n bank. I work in a bank. I work at a bank. אסתּרס משפּחה איז אָרטאָדאָקסיש. Esther's family is Orthodox Jewish. Its family is orthodox. Möchtest du mit mir schwimmen gehen? Would you like to go for a swim with me? Do you want to go swimming with me? Dit is een probleem voor ouderen. This is a problem for elderly people. This is a problem for the elderly. Mike ist der Größte der drei. Mike is the tallest of the three. Mike is the largest of the three. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke allein sei. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was alone. Tom and Mary said that they did not believe that everyone was alone. Haar ogen vulden zich met tranen. His eyes filled with tears. Her eyes filled with tears. יעקבֿ איז אַן אַנטי-ציוניסט. Yankev is anti-Zionist. It's an anti-alias. Ik wist dat je Boston leuk zou vinden. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Tom und Johannes sind die Söhne Marias. Tom and John are Mary's sons. Tom and John are the sons of Mary. Iedereen weet dat Tom van Maria houdt. Everyone knows Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom loves Mary. Het u 'n oomblik? Have you got a moment? Do you have a moment? פארוואס האסטו עס נישט בלויז געזאגט צו טאם׳ן? Why didn't you just say that to Tom? Why doesn't it just say to Tom? ס'איז צײַט אַרױסצוגײן. It's time to leave. It's time to go. Se hett mi angluupt. She gave me the fish eye. She's got me angluupt. Hoeveel kleinkinderen hebben jullie? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Hij is verblind door de liefde. He is blinded by love. He's blinded by love. Seine Mutter ist gestorben, als er elf Jahre alt war. His mother died when he was eleven years old. His mother died when he was eleven years old. Dan ontmoette Linda in de kerk. Dan met Linda at the church. Then Linda met in church. Maakt di dat wat, wenn du nochmaal teihn Minuten töven musst? Would you mind waiting another ten minutes? Do you want to wait ten minutes again? Am meisten beschäftigt mich die Frage „Was ist Realität?“ My major preoccupation is the question, 'What is reality?' The most busy question is, “What is reality? ” Wir sind auf euch angewiesen. We depend on you. We rely on you. Layla heur man is ien Egypte. Layla's husband is in Egypt. Layla's husband is one Egypt. Ik heb Tom aangeraden dat niet te doen. I advised Tom not to do that. I've advised Tom not to do that. Ze slist een beetje. She has a slight lisp. They're slisting a little bit. Tatsächlicher Verlust der Freiheit bis zum Tod kann nur verhängt werden wegen eines heimtückischen Gewaltverbrechens. Actual life imprisonment can only be imposed because of a malicious violent crime. In fact, loss of freedom until death can only be imposed because of a devious crime of violence. Er lebt von der Hand in den Mund und spart nie einen Cent. He lives hand to mouth and never saves a cent. He lives by hand in his mouth and never saves a cent. Tom stopte. Tom stopped. Tom stopped. Hien ass Dokter. He's a doctor. He is a doctor. Ein Bypass ermöglicht einen höheren Blutfluss zum Herzen. A bypass allows more blood to flow to the heart. A bypass allows a higher blood flow to the heart. Jonathan Swift zou mij verdedigen. Jonathan Swift would defend me. Jonathan Swift would defend me. Ich war im Kino. I was at a movie theater. I was in the movies. Die Lohnkürzungen kamen bei der Belegschaft nicht gut an. The pay cuts didn't go down well with the company staff. The wage cuts did not arrive well at the workforce. Die Universität wurde im Jahr 1910 gegründet. This college was established in 1910. The university was founded in 1910. Was wirst du in Bezug auf Tom unternehmen? What are you going to do about Tom? What are you going to do about Tom? Nein, will ich nicht. Ich möchte einen Raum für diese Nacht. No, I don't. I want a room for tonight. No, I don't want a room for that night. Wat wullt du geern eten? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? Ich muss euch um einen großen Gefallen bitten. I have a big favor to ask. I have to ask you for a big favor. Füllen Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular aus und schicken Sie es bis zum 2. November zurück. Please fill in the application form and send it back by November 2nd. Please fill out the registration form and return it until November 2nd. As die idiote sou kompeteer sou jy tweede kom, omdat jy te dof is om eerste te kom. If the idiots would compete, you would be second because you are too idiot to be the first. If the idiots were to compete, you would come second, because you are too stupid to come first. ’Keen hett mehr Fans, Celine Dion oder Mariah Carey? Who has more fans, Celine Dion or Mariah Carey? ‘No one has more fans, Celine Dion or Mariah Carey? "Onze baas heeft aangedrongen op die prijs," legde de verkoopster uit. "Maar weet u, u hoeft me geen 0,99 in kopeken te betalen. U mag meer betalen als u wilt." "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." "Our boss has insisted on that price," explained the seller. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in cups. You can pay more if you want." Bei niedrigem Luftdruck fällt es den Menschen schwerer, genug Sauerstoff einzuatmen. Lower air pressure makes it more difficult for humans to breathe and get enough oxygen. With low air pressure, it is harder for humans to breathe enough oxygen. Hutt Dir en Nuesschnappech fir mech? Do you have a tissue for me? Are you sure you want to me? Wanneer was die laaste keer dat jy met Mary gepraat het? When was the last time you talked to Mary? When was the last time you spoke to Mary? Früher oder später werden wir sterben. We'll die sooner or later. Sooner or later we will die. Ik bruuk Geld. I'm in need of money. I use money. Op die muur was daar 'n bus skedule. There was a bus schedule on the wall. On the wall there was a bus schedule. Ich will nicht, dass Tom aufgibt. I don't want Tom to give up. I don't want Tom to quit. All Minschen sünd vör dat Gesett egaal. All men are equal according to the law. All human beings are equal to the law. Ik ben hier niet nodig. I'm unnecessary here. I'm not needed here. Er versteht keinen Sarkasmus. He doesn't understand sarcasm. He doesn't understand a sarcasm. Ich habe verdammt nochmal keine Ahnung, wie ich diesen Satz übersetzen soll. Übersetzt ihn selbst und kümmert euch um euren eigenen Scheiß! I fucking don't know how to translate this sentence, translate it yourself, everybody deal with their own shit. I don't have any damn idea how to translate this sentence again. Get him yourself and take care of your own shit! Dat is nu jüst en Johr, dat ik verheiraadt bün. It is just a year since I got married. That's just a year for me to be twilight. Verliere nicht den Mut, Tom! Don't lose heart, Tom. Don't lose heart, Tom! He deed en Poor Söcken utsöken, de to sien Antog passen deden. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. He chose a pair of socks that would match his approach. Meine Schwester hat dreimal so viele Bücher wie ich. My sister has three times as many books as I do. My sister has three times as many books as I do. Blijf hier en blijf kalm. Stay here and stay quiet. Stay here and stay calm. Wohin ist sie gegangen? Where has she gone? Where did she go? Sami heeft net wat domme dingen gedaan. Sami has just done some stupid shit. Sami just did some stupid things. Ik ben zwaar verkouden. I'm suffering from a bad cold. I'm very cold. Vertaal dit alsjeblieft. Please translate this. Please translate this. Was hat mich verraten? What gave me away? What betrayed me? Können Sie uns etwas über die natürlichen Gegebenheiten dieses Gebiets sagen? Can you tell us about some of the natural features of that area? Can you tell us something about the natural conditions of this area? Woans hest du dat daan? How did you do it? How did you do it? De toeristen bezoeken het museum. The tourists visit the museum. The tourists visit the museum. מײַן שוועסטער ווילט מאַכן אַ פֿאָר־נסיעה דורך אייראָפּע. My sister wants to go on a road trip across Europe. Next Sister Wants to make a preference through Europe. Heeft u tijd? Do you have time? Do you have time? Obwohl wir verlobt waren, wollte sie sich nicht von mir küssen lassen. Even though we were engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. Although we were engaged, she didn't want to let herself be kissed by me. Das ist auf meinem Mist gewachsen. This was my idea. It's grown on my shit. Je hoeft alleen maar je best doen. All you have to do is to do your best. All you have to do is do your best. Durch diesen Job komme ich in der ganzen Welt herum. This job carries me all over the world. I come around all over the world through this job. Ik heb veel dromen. I have a lot of dreams. I have a lot of dreams. Der Grund seines Todes bleibt noch ein Rätsel. The cause of his death still remains a mystery. The reason for his death remains a mystery. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. k Zaag bus. I saw the bus. k saw bus. Het huis is wit. The house is white. The house is white. We wisten niet welke bus we moesten nemen. We didn't know which bus we should take. We didn't know which bus to take. In ieder geval, ik moet dit werk morgen af hebben. At any rate, I must finish this work by tomorrow. Anyway, I've got to get this job done tomorrow. Het vlees is gaar. The meat is cooked. The meat is cooked. Tom lǣreþ ūs þā Frenciscan sprǣc. Tom is teaching us French. The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Hulle is saam weg. They left together. They are gone together. Wir müssen ihr sagen, was sie machen soll. We need to tell her what to do. We have to tell her what to do. Lasst mich nachdenken. Let me think. Let me think. Es ist brandneu. It's brand new. It's brand new. Das ist Perlen vor die Säue werfen. It is like casting pearls before swine. That's throwing pearls in front of the pillar. Tom ist immer noch zu Hause. Tom is still at the house. Tom's still home. Ich bin der gleichen Meinung. I have the same opinion. I'm of the same opinion. Säi Concert war gäil. His concert was great. Säi Concert was hot. Je bent laat. You're late. You're late. Het leven van een bankier is zwaar. A banker's life is hard. A banker's life is heavy. Accra is de hoofdstad van Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Dat is gevaarlijk. That's dangerous. That's dangerous. Ek is al gewoond daaraan teen nou. I'm used to it by now. I've been used to it by now. Ik ben trots op je. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Ze is verslaafd aan winkelen. She's addicted to shopping. She's addicted to shopping. Oorlog gaat ons allen aan. War concerns us all. War is going on for all of us. Ik wil niet dat Tom dit ziet. I don't want Tom to see this. I don't want Tom to see this. Dat is miene Muuschi. That's my pussy. That's my Muschi. טאָם איז מײַן באַליבסטער מענטש. Tom is my favorite person. Tom is my best friend. Hy het probeer ontsnap. He attempted to escape. He tried to escape. Geld groeit niet aan de bomen. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on the trees. Die Hälfte der Studenten fehlt. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students are missing. Ich habe mich entschlossen, mich von heute an jeden Tag zu wiegen. I have decided to weigh myself every day starting today. I decided to weigh myself every day from today. Wenn ich meine Prüfungen bestehe, werde ich lange Ferien machen. If I can get through with my exams, I'll take a long vacation. If I pass my exams, I'll take a long vacation. Ich wünschte, Tom wäre jetzt hier. I wish Tom were here now. I wish Tom was here now. Mag Tom Tomaten? Does Tom like tomatoes? Can Tom Tom Tom Tomate? Engels praten is niet eenvoudig, maar interessant. Speaking English isn't easy, but interesting. Talking English is not easy, but interesting. Tom war als Kind bis über beide Ohren in das Mädchen von nebenan verliebt. Tom had a massive crush on the girl next door when he was a kid. As a child, Tom was in love with the girl from next door, up to both ears. Ich werde dich holen, Tom. I'm going to get you, Tom. I'll get you, Tom. Weet je veel over kunst? Do you know much about art? You know a lot about art? Mary's vrouw is dokter. Mary's wife is a doctor. Mary's wife is a doctor. Ze heeft vier dochters, en ze zijn alle vier mooi. She has four daughters, and all four are pretty. She's got four daughters, and they're all four beautiful. Ik heb een aankondiging. I have an announcement. I have an announcement. Het is allemaal jouw schuld. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Zijn aanvraag werd afgewezen. His application was rejected. His application was rejected. Wir müssen diese Arbeit um jeden Preis fertigstellen. We must finish this work at any cost. We must complete this work at all costs. Het land heeft de oorlog verklaard aan zijn buurland. The country declared war against its neighbor. The country has declared the war to its neighbour. Sy weet nie eers dat ek bestaan nie. She doesn't even know that I exist. She doesn't even know that I exist. Ik heff Tom nix to seggen. I've got nothing to say to Tom. I didn't have anything to say to Tom. Dat Schipp is nu in ’n Haven. The ship is now in the harbor. That Ship is now in a Haven. Ik was mijn huiswerk aan het maken. I was doing my homework. I was doing my homework. Het meisje is lelijk. The girl is ugly. The girl's ugly. Tom rijdt in een Toyota. Tom is driving a Toyota. Tom's driving a Toyota. איך פֿאַרטשײ גאָר נישט. I don't understand anything. I'm not talking about what I'm doing. Niks. Nothing. Nothing. Ich brauche es heute. I need it today. I need it today. Een oude vijver. Een kikker springt erin. Het geluid van water. An old pond. A frog jumps in. The sound of water. An old pond, a frog jumps in it, the sound of water. 't Is veujoar. It's spring. It's veujoar. Ben je thuis? Are you home? Are you home? Ik heb twee oudere zussen. I have two older sisters. I have two older sisters. לויט קעץ זענען קעץ זייער חשובֿ. Cats are very important, according to cats. According to jackets, covers are very chasmous. Je bent te jong om alcohol te drinken. You're too young to have alcohol. You're too young to drink alcohol. Milaan is de modehoofdstad van Italië. Milan is Italy's fashion capital. Milan is the fashion capital of Italy. Hij leerde Berber op Skype. He learned Berber on Skype. He taught Berber on Skype. Sie riskierte einen Unfall. She ran the risk of having an accident. She risked an accident. Hij is bang voor honden. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen. I'm reading The New York Times. I'm reading the New York Times. Dis nie 'n grappie nie. This isn't a joke. It's not a joke. Dieser Stuhl ist sehr bequem. This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. Ich kann mich nicht an seinen Namen erinnern. I can't remember his name. I can't remember his name. Es tut mir leid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Dit is jullie land. This is your country. This is your country. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Jy is die pragtigste meisie ter wêreld. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. Er zijn drie intelligente soorten op de planeet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. Tom lijkt gelukkig. Tom appears to be happy. Tom seems happy. Er was goud ontdekt in Californië. Gold had been discovered in California. Gold was discovered in California. Ik miss di de ganze Tied. I miss you constantly. I miss you all the time. Hij hing een afbeelding aan de muur. He hung a picture on the wall. He hung an image on the wall. Wir haben eine Katze und einen Hund. We have a cat and a dog. We have a cat and a dog. Tom konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Tom couldn't believe his luck. Tom couldn't grasp his luck. Das ist ein unerhebliches Detail. That's a minor detail. That's an inconceivable detail. Þū eart on Europan! You're in Europe! Theū eart on Europe! Ihr seid jetzt sicher. You're safe now. You're safe now. Der Mann verdurstete in einem trockenen Gebiet. The man died of thirst in a dry country. The man drowned in a dry area. Diese Gitarre gehörte ursprünglich Tom. This guitar originally belonged to Tom. This guitar originally belonged to Tom. He seet op ’t Bedd. He sat on the bed. He's sitting on the bed. Die bakleiery het 'n week lank geduur. The fighting lasted one week. The fight lasted for a week. Ich bin es müde, Spiele zu spielen. I'm tired of playing games. I'm tired of playing games. Als ik jouw stem voor maar 5 minuten hoor, ben ik daarna 23 uur en 55 minuten gelukkig. When I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, I am happy afterwards for 23 hours and 55 minutes. If I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, then I'll be happy for 23 hours and 55 minutes. Ze zat naast me. She sat next to me. She was sitting next to me. Ihr werdet stolz auf mich sein. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Tom starb 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Ek is kwaad vir beide van julle. I'm mad at both of you. I am angry with both of you. Ik ben bekaf. I'm exhausted. I'm good. Ik kan sla niet verteren. I can't digest lettuce. I can't eat lettuce. Sami houdt van countrymuziek. Sami loves country music. Sami likes country music. Heb je ooit met Tom gepraat? Have you ever spoken to Tom? Have you ever talked to Tom? Belgen beweren dat frietjes niet Frans maar Belgisch zijn. Belgians claim that French fries are not French but Belgian. Belgians claim that fries are not French but Belgian. מיר האָבן אַ קיניגל. We have a bunny. We have a rabbit. Waarom zou hij weg moeten gaan? Why should he leave? Why should he leave? Wat mij betreft, ik heb op het moment niets te zeggen. As for me, I have nothing to say at present. As far as I am concerned, I have nothing to say right now. Ik wil in een grote stad leven. I wish to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Ik kon niet praten. I couldn't speak. I couldn't talk. Sie machte sich an einem Stück Papier zu schaffen. She fumbled with a piece of paper. She made herself on a piece of paper. Ik wist niet dat hij me leuk vond. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Ich füttere meinen Hund des Morgens nicht. I don't feed my dog in the morning. I'm not feeding my dog in the morning. Er is gisternacht een brand uitgebroken. A fire broke out last night. A fire broke out last night. Ik kann di nich mehr vertellen. Ik heff al toveel seggt. I can tell you nothing more. I've already said too much. I can't tell you more, I've said too much. Toegang is gratis. Admission is free. Access is free. Ik sla vör, dat ji jo mol mit Tom ünnerhoolt. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest you put your mole down with Tom. Wel, hier is ons! Well, here we are! Well, here we are! דאָס איז וואָס גלײַבן די אַנטיסעמיטן טאַקע. This is what antisemites actually believe. This is what gives the antisemitism really. Ek het jou meisie ontmoet. I met your girlfriend. I met your girl. Nee, ik wit it net. No, I don't know. No, I don't know. Vögel sind die natürlichen Feinde der Insekten. Birds are natural enemies of insects. Birds are the natural enemies of insects. Doe slaipst. You were asleep. Take it easy. Dieser Plan verdient es, ausprobiert zu werden. The plan is well worth trying. This plan deserves to be tried out. Waarom raakte hij betrokken? Why did he get involved? Why did he get involved? Jy was voorheen reg gewees. You were right before. You used to be right. Dat Ies smeckt good. Wullt du würklich nix hebben? This is very good ice cream. Won't you have some? The animal tastes good. Would you like it anyway? Hij heeft een hond en zes katten. He has one dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Wann denkst du, wirst du Tom sehen? When do you think you'll see Tom? When do you think you'll see Tom? Ich finde, Tom sollte anfangen, sich mit jemand anderem als Maria herumzutreiben. I think Tom needs to start hanging out with someone other than Mary. I think Tom should start driving around with someone other than Maria. Ihre Enttäuschung war für alle offensichtlich. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Her disappointment was obvious to all. Tom gebruikt Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Tom's using Google Maps. 'Fæder min, ic ascie hwær seo offrung sie; her is wudu and fyr.' My father, I ask where the offering is; here is the wood and fire. 'Fæder min, ic ascie hwær seo off she; here is wudu and fyr.' Tom ging das Benzin aus. Tom ran out of gas. Tom went out of gas. Brood wordt van meel gemaakt. Bread is made from flour. Bread is made from flour. Ich glaube, mir wurde mein Koffer gestohlen. I think my suitcase was stolen. I think my suitcase was stolen. Pedd nich op den Steen. Ans fallt he dal. Don't step on that rock. It's going to fall. Pedd not on the rock. At this point it falls down. Fadil werd smoorverliefd op een moslimvrouw uit Egypte. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadil fell in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Ik vervolg. I sue. I'll follow up. Worüm höörst du nich op mi? Why aren't you listening to me? Why don't you listen to me? Alle meine Kinder kamen in Boston zur Welt. All of my children were born in Boston. All my children came to the world in Boston. Wir müssen ermitteln, wer das getan hat. We have to find out who did this. We need to find out who did this. Die Nachricht erhöhte seine Angst. The news added to his anxiety. The news increased his fear. Ich habe keine Zeit für Besucher. I have no time for visitors. I don't have time for visitors. Tom wird sich bestimmt nicht von seiner kooperativen Seite zeigen. Tom won't likely be cooperative. Tom will certainly not show up from his cooperative side. "Met Dima!" riep Dima uit. "Werkt je nummerherkenning niet of zo?" "It's Dima!" Dima exclaimed. "Is your caller ID not working or something?" "With Dima!" said Dima. "Doesn't your number recognition work or something?" De arts gebruikte een tongspatel om de keel van de patiënt te onderzoeken. The doctor used a tongue depressor to examine the patient's throat. The doctor used a tongue spatula to test the patient’ s throat. Dit gesprek wordt opgenomen. This conversation is being recorded. This conversation is taking place. Ik zit in mijn auto. I'm in my car. I'm in my car. Kan ik een hapje? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Er rief: „Das ist gut!“ He cried, "That's good!" He cried: “That’s good! ” Ek was bekommerd oor hulle. I've been concerned about them. I was worried about them. Sie bat mich zu kommen. She begged me to come. She asked me to come. Tom lud uns auf ein Kostümfest ein. Tom invited us to a costume party. Tom invited us to a costume party. Heb je ooit Hokkaido bezocht? Have you been to Hokkaido? Have you ever visited Hokkaido? Wanneer eindigt het? When does it end? When does it end? Ich muss noch Besorgungen machen. I still have to run errands. I still have to make supplies. Eines Tages werde ich in dein Land kommen. I will come to your country some day. One day I'll come to your country. Ik heb jouw advies nodig. I need your advice. I need your advice. Bent u verdwaald? Are you lost? Are you lost? Halt den Mund und arbeite weiter! Just shut up and get on with your work! Keep your mouth shut and keep working! Sie hat ihre Augen geschlossen. She has her eyes closed. She closed her eyes. Willst du das riskieren? Do you want to risk that? You want to risk that? Ze droeg een blauwe mantel. She was wearing a blue coat. She was wearing a blue robe. Du hast ihr Herz gewonnen. You've won her heart. You won her heart. Ich bin gleich ins Bett gegangen. I went straight to bed. I just went to bed. Maria kaute nervös an ihren Nägeln. Mary chewed on her nails nervously. Maria chewed nervously on her nails. Ich bin hundemüde. I am as tired as a dog. I'm tired. Jullie weten toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know what his name is, don't you? Ik wil Tom mijn sleutel niet geven. I don't want to give Tom my key. I don't want to give Tom my key. Müssen wir Tom helfen? Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? Tom gaf Mary de aktetas. Tom handed Mary the briefcase. Tom gave Mary the briefcase. Da dieser Brief zu hastig geschrieben worden war, war er voller Fehler. This letter was full of mistakes because it had been written too hastily. Since this letter had been written too hatefully, he was full of mistakes. Du fraagst de verkehrte Persoon. You're asking the wrong person. You ask the wrong person. Kijk naar het huis met het rode dak. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at the house with the red roof. עס איז א בלגן דא. It's a mess in here. There is a bridge here. Tom hat keine Chance, sich davon zu erholen. Tom has no chance of recovering. Tom doesn't have a chance to recover from it. Ons sal niemand van hulle vertel nie. We won't tell anyone about them. We won’t tell anyone about them. Het kan me niet schelen of hij akkoord gaat of niet. I don't care whether he agrees or not. I don't care if he's agreeing or not. Es ist genau das, was ich wollte. This is just what I wanted. It's just what I wanted. t Stremlicht wer gruin. The traffic light turned green. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Ek wil nie onthou nie. I don't want to remember. I don't want to remember. Maria sah entsetzt aus. Mary looked appalled. Mary looked horrified. Is ontbyt ingesluit? Is breakfast included? Is breakfast included? Weil ich nicht mit dem Bus gefahren bin, bin ich noch nicht zu Hause. Because I didn't take the bus, I'm still not home. Because I didn't drive the bus, I'm not home yet. De Born is dor achtern. The fountain is over there. The source is behind it. Du hast deine Ansichten, denke ich, klar gemacht. I think you've made your point. You've made your views clear, I think. Gibt es einen Herrenfriseur im Hotel? Is there a barber shop in the hotel? Is there a hairdresser in the hotel? De Deern hett keen Moder. This girl has no mother. The Danes didn't have a modern. Es ist nicht einfach. It isn't easy. It's not easy. Das ist ausgeschlossen. That can't be. That's out of place. Ich wollte Tom guten Tag sagen. I wanted to say hello to Tom. I wanted to say good day to Tom. Et is ald widder esu wick. It's that time again already. It is old wide esu wick. Mit achtzehn heiratete er. When he was 18, he married. He married at the age of eighteen. Erinnerst du dich noch an Herrn Saitō? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saitō? Er stellte der Dame, die neben ihm stand, einige Fragen. He asked the lady standing next to him some questions. He asked the lady who was standing next to him some questions. Mary saß auf dem Sybian. Mary sat on the Sybian. Mary was sitting on the sybian. Gegen Dummheit gibt es keine Medizin. No medicine can cure folly. There is no medicine against stupidity. Die Soldaten marschierten und ihre Schwerter blitzten. The soldiers were marching with their swords shining. The soldiers marched and their swords flashed. Tom hat Marys Adresse vergessen. Tom forgot Mary's address. Tom forgot Mary's address. Tien dagen gingen voorbij. Ten days passed by. Ten days passed. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, Johannes sei nicht müde. Mary told Tom that she thought John wasn't sleepy. Maria told Tom she thought John wasn't tired. Reichen wir uns die Hände! Give me some skin! Let's reach our hands! Wêr komme jo wei? Where are you from? Where are you from? Sami vind altyd 'n weg deur. Sami always find a way through. Sami always finds a way through. Ik ben vies. I'm dirty. I'm dirty. Tom is jouw broer. Tom is your brother. Tom's your brother. Die beiden Männer wurden wegen rücksichtslosen Fahrens verhaftet. The two men were arrested for reckless driving. The two men were arrested for careless driving. Seien Sie mal nicht so gönnerhaft zu mir. Don't patronise me. Don't be so kind to me. Kann ich ein bisschen davon essen? May I eat a little of it? Can I eat a little of that? Wanneer gaan jy dit doen? When are you going to do that? When will you do that? Ich suche einen französischsprechenden Arzt. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'm looking for a French-speaking doctor. Griekelân is in âld lân. Greece is an old country. Greece is in old country. Tom ist vor drei Wochen verschwunden. Tom disappeared three weeks ago. Tom disappeared three weeks ago. Ik kenn en Keerl, de Smith heet. I know a guy named Smith. I know and Keerl, the Smith's name. Se hett söven Söhns. She has seven sons. She's got seven Söhns. Misschien heb ik ze beetgenomen. Maybe I fooled them. Maybe I bit them. Es ist so schön, wieder da zu sein. It's so nice to be back. It's so nice to be back. Tom sagte, ihr könntet vielleicht helfen. Tom said you might be able to help. Tom said maybe you could help. Ek sal my huiswerk doen. I will do my homework. I will do my homework. Vielleicht solltest du ihm die Wahrheit sagen. Maybe you should tell him the truth. Maybe you should tell him the truth. Ik leer. I'm learning. I'm learning. איך בין אַ מענטש, און די גאַנצע מענטשהייט פֿאַררעכען איך ווי איין משפּחה. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. I'm a man, and the whole human race favors I as one family. Gestern traf ich Marie. I met Mary yesterday. Yesterday I met Marie. Dat is to hitt. It is too hot. That's too hot. Duchelond is a grete contre. Germany is a big country. Duchelond is a great contre. Ich würde lieber etwas Einfaches essen. I'd rather eat something simple. I'd rather eat something simple. זי ווילט איינער. She wants one. She wants one. Woveel Biller hest du kofft? How many pictures did you buy? How many images did you get? Mannen huilen ook. Men cry too. Men cry, too. Moeke is aan t waark. Mommy's working. Moeke's on tow. Woneem sünd de Appels? Where are the apples? Where are the apples? Wo kennst du mien Naam von? How do you know my name? What do you know about my name? Gemäß dem Bayerischen Reinheitsgebot dürfen zum Bierbrauen nur Gerste, Hopfen und Hefe verwendet werden. According to the Bavarian Purity Law, only barley, hops, water and yeast may be used to brew beer. According to the Bavarian purity bid, only barley, hops and yeasts may be used for brewing. Auch in armen Ländern lebt ein Teil der Bevölkerung verhältnismäßig gut. Even in poor countries, there live some people who live relatively well. Part of the population also lives relatively well in poor countries. Ich werde für immer aufhören mit Rauchen. I will quit smoking for good. I'll stop smoking forever. Waarom zou u ons willen helpen? Why would you want to help us? Why would you like to help us? Ze heeft gisteren haar tante bezocht. She visited at her aunt's yesterday. She visited her aunt yesterday. Kannst du das Zeug hier mitnehmen? Can you take this stuff with you? Can you take the stuff here? De bladeren van de berk zijn al vergeeld. The birch leaves have already turned yellow. The leaves of the birch have already been gleaned. Du snackst. Ye speak. You're snacking. Ich akzeptiere das nicht. I don't buy that. I don't accept that. Ze waarschuwde hem niet tussen maaltijden te eten. She advised him not to eat between meals. She warned him not to eat between meals. Ik mag Kaffe nich allto geern. I don't care much for coffee. I don't like Kaffe all too much. איר טוישט זיך נישט ווי א גלח. You don't look like a priest. you do not change as a priest. Ich glaube, es ist an der Zeit, dass ich meiner Tochter einen anständigen Rechner kaufe. I think it's time for me to buy my daughter a decent computer. I think it's time I bought my daughter a decent computer. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody comes to my country. Nobody went to my country. Ich verstehe nicht, was dich umtreibt. I don't understand what's bothering you. I don't understand what's happening to you. He kummt in en poor Daag na Huus. He will come home in a few days. It takes a few days to home. Het is spotgoedkoop. It's dirt cheap. It's spot buy. Tom ließ es auf sein Glück ankommen. Tom was pushing his luck. Tom made it come to his happiness. Diese Arznei wird dir guttun. This medicine will do you good! This medicine will be good for you. Ik bün Klock acht bi di tohuus. I will be at your house at eight. I'm at 8 p.m. at home. Water is lewe. Water is life. Water is alive. Ik geloof dat Elvis nog leeft. I believe Elvis is still alive. I think Elvis is still alive. Hij werd verzorgd door een of andere jonge dokter. He was taken care of by a certain young doctor. He was cared for by some young doctor. Ik heb je brief in de brievenbus gevonden. I found your letter in the letterbox. I found your letter in the mailbox. Verheimlichst du mir etwas? Are you hiding something from me? Are you hiding something from me? Telegram is erg populair in de Esperantogemeenschap. Telegram is very populair in the Esperanto community. Telegram is very popular in the Esperanto community. Tom hat Maria im Krankenhaus besucht. Tom went to visit Mary in the hospital. Tom visited Maria at the hospital. דער טײַוול איז טויט. The devil is dead. The document was dead. Wiä häissisch zum Vornamä? What is your first name? What's up with the Vornama? פֿאַרװאָס פֿאַרשטײט איר ניט עס? Why don't you understand it? This means you don't understand it? S Buech isch alt. The book is old. It was too old. De rits zit vast. The zipper is stuck. The ride's stuck. Je blijft altijd in mijn geheugen. You remain always in my memory. You're always in my memory. Tom unterrichtet in Boston Französisch. Tom teaches French in Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Volgens de bijbel schiep God de wereld in zes dagen. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. Tom half mir, das Gepäck zu tragen. Tom helped me carry the baggage. Tom helped me carry the luggage. Ich habe eine Frage an euch. I have a question for you. I have a question for you. Man hat es bestätigt. It has been confirmed. They confirmed it. Die Farben der Flagge haben auch eine Bedeutung. The colors of the flag have meaning as well. The colors of the flag also have a meaning. Ich arbeite noch daran. I'm still working on that. I'm still working on it. Das steht nicht zum Verkauf. It's not for sale. That's not for sale. Du büst smuck. You're pretty. You are pretty. Ze is niet gesnapt. She didn't get caught. She didn't get caught. k Hoat snij! I hate snow! Knoat cut! Ik vroeg Tom niet hiernaartoe te komen. I didn't ask Tom to come here. I asked Tom not to come here. Der Gehörsinn eines Blinden ist oft sehr fein. A blind person's hearing is often very acute. The hearing of a blind person is often very fine. Das ist, was ich tun muss. This is what I have to do. That's what I have to do. Alice glimlachte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Tom starb an Tuberkulose. Tom died from tuberculosis. Tom died of tuberculosis. Ich habe mit Tom gesprochen. I talked to Tom. I talked to Tom. JST staat voor Japan-standaardtijd. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST stands for Japan standard time. Doe leerdest. You learned. Do what you learn. Tom weet niet wat er mis ging. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. t Is sikkom zummervekaanzie. It'll be summer vacation soon. It's sycoma. It's sycoma. Dit is mogelijk geen echte diamant. This might not be a genuine diamond. This may not be a real diamond. Ik maakte mijn huiswerk. I was doing my homework. I made my homework. Niemand hält dich auf. No one's stopping you. No one's gonna stop you. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren. Please say the alphabet backwards. Please go back to the alphabet. Bitte erinnere mich daran, das Referat einzureichen. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to submit the presentation. Het loont zich niet dat oude gebouw te renoveren. Het is beter het af te breken. This old building isn't worth fixing up. It would be better to tear it down. It doesn't pay to renovate that old building. It's better to break it down. Sy is twee jaar ouer as jy. She's two years older than you. She's two years older than you. Es ist erschreckend. It's terrifying. It's terrifying. Nach allem, was wir getan hatten, war er immer noch undankbar. After all we had done, he was still ungrateful. After everything we did, he was still ungrateful. Ik weet dat u vorige zomer in Boston was. I know you were in Boston last summer. I know you were in Boston last summer. Hoe oud ben je? Ik ben zesentwintig. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. I'm twenty-six. Die Forscher haben Affen ein Videospiel beigebracht. The researchers trained monkeys to play a video game. The researchers taught monkeys a video game. Veel Amerikanen gaven Spanje de schuld. Many Americans blamed Spain. Many Americans blamed Spain. Die Mutter von Alex fiel kurz vor dem Fall der Berliner Mauer ins Koma. Alex' mother lapsed into a coma not long before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Alex's mother fell into the coma just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tom ist gerade angekommen. Tom has just arrived. Tom just arrived. Deze hoeden zijn van jou. These hats are yours. These hats are yours. Er schlafwandelt, wenn er viel trinkt. He sleepwalks when he drinks heavily. He's sleeping when he drinks a lot. לאָמיר זיך לערנען אונגאַריש. Let's learn Hungarian. lor herself to learn Hungarian. Mien Kopp deit nich mehr weh. My headache has gone. My head won't hurt anymore. He hett minner Brood. He has less bread. He's got miner bread. Waarom zijn jullie zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Ik weet dat 't vroeg is, maar laten we naar huis gaan. I know it's early, but let's go home. I know it's early, but let's go home. Sie kroch aus dem Fenster. She crawled out of the window. She crawled out of the window. Hoeveel hamburgers heb je gegeten? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many hamburgers did you eat? Tom braucht Sie im Besprechungszimmer. Tom needs you in the briefing room. Tom needs you in the meeting room. Findet ihr es nicht merkwürdig, dass Tom nicht da ist? Don't you think it's strange that Tom isn't here? Don't you think it's strange that Tom's not here? Je zult vanaf nu harder moeten studeren. You'll have to study harder from now on. You'll have to study harder from now on. Hij huilde. He cried. He cried. Hat Tom sich letzte Woche frei genommen? Did Tom take last week off? Did Tom get out last week? t Koronavirus ontston ien Sina. The coronavirus emerged in China. Koronavirus invented one Sina. Elkeen hett sien Pries. Everyone has his price. Everyone has seen Price. Ik heb er niets mee te maken. I have nothing to do with that. I don't have anything to do with it. Sie ist schwanger und erwartet Zwillinge. She's pregnant with twins. She is pregnant and expects twins. Das ist die richtige Einstellung. That's the attitude. That's the right attitude. k Bin gain oele! I'm not an owl! K Bin Gain oele! Sami vond dat leuk. Sami liked that. Sami liked that. De mijnwerker vroeg de geest uit de lamp om een gelukkig leven. The miner asked the lamp spirit for a happy life. The miner asked the mind out of the lamp for a happy life. Zij deden hun sokken uit. They took off their socks. They took off their socks. Tom ging mit seiner Familie Einkäufe machen. Tom went shopping with his family. Tom went to make purchases with his family. De Comoren worden ''Komori'' genoemd in het Comorees. The Comoros is called "Komori" in Shikomoro. The Comoros are called "Komori" in the Comoros. Welk Lüüd möögt Kaffe un anner Lüüd möögt lever Tee. Some people like coffee and others prefer tea. Which people would like to have coffee and tea. Wir kamen dort vor der Mittagsstunde an. We arrived there before noon. We arrived there before noon. D'soldoat gaf mie wotter. The soldier gave me water. D'soldoat gave me my votter. Augenblickchen! Hang on a sec. Wait a minute! Twee gezinnen wonen in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Mijn oom stierf aan longkanker. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland weergekeerd? When did you come back from Germany? When did you return from Germany? Ik wol ien nije hûn. I want a new dog. I want to take a new stop. Ech hunn e Boot. I've got a boat. I'm gonna have 11 -- either way. Ons het hierdie herfs baie tifone gehad. We've had lots of typhoons this fall. We had many typhoons this fall. Ik wist niet dat je zou komen. I had no idea that you were coming. I didn't know you were coming. Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. De gijzelaars worden morgen vrijgelaten. The hostages will be released tomorrow. The hostages will be released tomorrow. Iemand duwde mij naar binnen. Someone pushed me inside. Someone pushed me inside. Tom is het soort man waarmee ik zou willen trouwen. Tom is the kind of guy that I'd like to marry. Tom is the kind of man I'd like to marry. Tom woont in een klein dorpje. Tom lives in a small village. Tom lives in a small village. Ik heb een plan bedacht, maar ik ga je hulp nodig hebben. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. k Kom oet Afrin. I'm from Afrin. - Come on, let's go, Afrin. Het is hoog tijd dat de communisten hun opvattingen, hun oogmerken, hun tendensen openlijk voor de gehele wereld ontvouwen en tegenover het sprookje van het spook van het communisme een manifest van de partij zelf plaatsen. It is high time that communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself. It is high time that the Communists openly unfold their views, their intentions, their trends for the whole world and, opposite the fairy tale of the ghost of Communism, place a manifesto of the party itself. Ze omhelsden hem. They hugged him. They hugged him. Er riecht die Suppe. He smells the soup. He smells the soup. Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep zo goed dat hij de baan kreeg. The interview went off so well that he got the job. The interview was so good that he got the job. Tom war letzte Woche in Boston, oder? Tom was in Boston last week, wasn't he? Tom was in Boston last week, right? Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. Zij is eerder een kennis dan een vriendin. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's a friend rather than a friend. Waarom heeft ze zo'n een hekel aan honden? Why does she hate dogs so much? Why does she hate dogs like that? Friedrich der Große hat die Kartoffel in Preußen eingeführt. Frederick the Great introduced the potato to Prussia. Friedrich the Great introduced the potato into Prussia. Het lawaai stoort me. The noise bothers me. The noise bothers me. Was u zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Niets zal hem tegenhouden. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Noch weiß Ming Xiao nicht, wo er nächstes Jahr hingehen wird. Ming Xiao doesn't know yet where he will go next year. Ming Xiao doesn't know where he's going next year. He will ehr küssen. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss them. Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel. It's okay to doubt. It's permissible to doubt. Jim kommt heute nicht. Jim will not come today. Jim's not coming today. Water alsjeblieft. Water, please. Water, please. Tom gebruikte een paar houten kisten als stoel. Tom utilized some wooden chests as chairs. Tom used a few wooden boxes as a chair. Het sneeuwt hier. It's snowing here. It's snowing here. Ich habe auch nichts verstanden. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand anything either. Zeg hem dat hij moet vertrekken. Tell him to leave. Tell him to leave. צי מעג איך זיצן הינטער אײַך? May I sit behind you? Whether to place an mark? Während ich auf die Straßenbahn wartete, wurde ich Zeuge eines Verkehrsunfalls. While I was waiting for the streetcar, I witnessed a traffic accident. While waiting for the tram, I witnessed a traffic accident. Hij dronk sinaasappelsap uit een fles. He drank orange juice out of a bottle. He drank orange juice from a bottle. Ik wou graag jullie postzegelverzameling zien. I'd like to have a look at your stamp collection. I'd like to see your stamp collection. Einige Menschen verhalten sich nicht ihrem Alter entsprechend. Some people don't act their age. Some people do not behave according to their age. Hij zal niet gaan. He will not go. He won't go. טאָם האָט געזונגען. Tom sang. Tomm had sung. Dat is moeilijk te zeggen. It's hard to tell. That's hard to say. Koeien leveren melk. Cows supply milk. Chickens provide milk. Wat wil Tom van ons? What does Tom want from us? What does Tom want from us? k Leer Skots-Goals. I'm learning Scottish Gaelic. k Learn Scottish-Goals. Es liegt daran, dass du ein Mädchen bist. It's because you're a girl. It's because you're a girl. Het spijt me zeer dat ik zo laat ben! Many apologies for being so late! I'm very sorry I'm so late! Wird Madonna je aufhören zu singen? Will Madonna ever stop singing? Is Madonna ever gonna stop singing? Er scheint uns zu kennen. He seems to know us. He seems to know us. Du kannst nicht mehr zurücknehmen, was du einmal gesagt hast. You cannot take back what you have said. You can't take back what you once said. Waar heeft ze dat boek gekocht? Where did she buy that book? Where did she buy that book? Kiek di de Katt op ’t Dack an. Look at that cat on the roof. Look at the cat on the dock. Tom lag bewusstlos auf dem Operationstisch. Tom was lying unconscious on the operating table. Tom was unconscious on the operating table. Ik dacht dat jullie zeiden dat Tom een ​​slager was. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. Ik mutt na de Bank gahn. I have to go to the bank. I need to go to the bank. Er wird nie zu Partys eingeladen. He never gets invited to parties. He's never invited to parties. Wir hatten nichts gemein. We had nothing in common. We didn't mean anything. We hebben het hout in de achtertuin opgestapeld. We piled the wood in the backyard. We stacked the wood in the backyard. Ik heb ze gezegd dat ze me een nieuw ticket moeten opsturen. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me a new ticket. Mijn kat houdt van garnalen. My cat loves shrimp. My cat loves shrimp. Water is een vloeistof. Water is a liquid. Water is a liquid. Du beschließt, noch eine Stunde zu bleiben. You decide to stay an extra hour. You decide to stay one more hour. Wat het oog niet ziet, het hart niet deert. Ignorance is bliss. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't die. In veel oude films is de heldin altijd degene die doodgaat. In many old movies the heroine is always the one to die. In many old movies, the hero is always the one who dies. Spanje wordt ''España'' genoemd in het Spaans. Spain is called "España" in Spanish. Spain is called 'España' in Spanish. Jill is plietsch un ook smuck. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill's smart as well. Das Vergnügen ist ganz meinerseits. The pleasure's all mine. The pleasure is all mine. Tom liebt das. Tom loves this. Tom loves that. Hai kwam. He came. Hai came. Bestoat hai? Does he exist? Has shark been owned? Woneem is dien Kamer? Where is your room? Where's your room? Die griechischen Banken werden möglicherweise bald kein Geld mehr haben. Greek banks could soon run out of money. The Greek banks may soon have no money. Maria schloss sich in ihrem Zimmer ein und weigerte sich, herauszukommen. Mary locked herself in her room and refused to come out. Maria locked in her room and refused to come out. Es ist schon dunkel. It is already dark. It's already dark. זי האָט אַ קאַץ. She has a cat. She has a cat. Ek twyfel dat sy jou liefhet. I doubt that she loves you. I doubt she loves you. Man kann dieses Buch in ein paar Tagen lesen. It is possible for you to read this book in a few days. You can read this book in a few days. Ik zal u helpen. I will help you. I'll help you. Ik wist niet dat je allergisch was voor walnoten. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. Ech hunn näischt gär. I don't like anything. I've chosen nothing. Tom geeft het meeste van zijn geld aan eten uit. Tom spends most of his money on food. Tom spends most of his money eating. Er benimmt sich manchmal seltsam. His behavior is sometimes strange. He sometimes behaves strangely. Das Schiff kam in Sicht. The ship came in sight. The ship came in sight. Es gibt viele ethnische Gruppen, die traditionellerweise als Hochzeitsgeschenk Geld verschenken. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. There are many ethnic groups that traditionally donate money as a wedding gift. Hebben jullie hier familieleden? Do you have relatives here? Do you have any family members here? Er gab sein Leben für sein Land. He gave up his life for his country. He gave his life for his country. Ik eet een banaan. I eat a banana. I'm eating a banana. Sie lag wegen ihrer Krankheit 6 Wochen im Krankenhaus. Her illness kept her in the hospital for six weeks. She was in the hospital for 6 weeks because of her illness. Tom küsst seine Gattin. Tom is kissing his wife. Tom kisses his wife. דו מעגסט האָבן אַ ביסל סאַלאַמי. You can have some salami. You can have a little Salami. Se hett mi opmaal en Kuss geven. She gave me a kiss suddenly. She ground me up and kiss me. Tue es bitte für mich! Please do this for me. Do it for me, please! Ze heeft geen fiets. She has no bicycle. She doesn't have a bike. Zij zijn thee aan het maken. They are making tea. They're making tea. Ja, ik spreek Spaans. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yeah, I'm speaking Spanish. Guder daag, wie bischt? Good day, how are you? Guys days, how bite? Er ist ungefähr so alt wie ihr. He's about the same age as you are. He's about as old as her. Mein Englisch ist schrecklich. My English is terrible. My English is terrible. Der Sieg war nicht vollständig. It was not a complete victory. The victory was not complete. Sind Mädchen im Gefängnis? Are there any girls in prison? Are girls in jail? Stop daar onmiddellijk mee! Stop it right now! Stop that immediately! Bist du 17 Jahre alt? Are you 17 years old? Are you 17 years old? Moi. Hey. Moi. Ich stelle mir ein Haus vor, in dem ich glücklich sein werde. I imagine a house where I'm happy. I imagine a house where I'm going to be happy. Hätten Sie Insektenspray? Do you have any bug spray? Did you have insect spray? Klabaster un Gizmo sünd Katten. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. „Wo ist Maria?“ – „Die arbeitet heute nicht.“ "Where is Mary?" "She's not working today." “Where is Mary?” – “It doesn’t work today.” "Ich habe sie vor fünf Tagen gesehen", sagte er. "I saw her five days ago," he said. "I saw her five days ago," he said. Medelijden staat dicht bij liefde. Pity is akin to love. Fellow feeling is close to love. Es mangelt Tom an Durchhaltevermögen. Tom lacks persistence. Tom lacks endurance. Denk je dat Tom ons echt zal helpen? Do you think Tom will actually help us? Do you think Tom will really help us? איך בין אַ מויז. I'm a mouse. I'm a mouse. Der Lehrer hat die neuen Schüler begrüßt. The teacher welcomed the pupils. The teacher welcomed the new students. Het is van mijn broer. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Ich bin nicht so reich, wie ich gerne wäre. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. I'm not as rich as I like. Is hierdie jou bier? Is this your beer? Is this your beer? Wir greifen bei Sonnenaufgang an. We'll attack at sunrise. We'll attack at sunrise. Ich liebe Baskisch. I love Basque. I love Basque. זײַן עלטערע שוועסטער קען נישט הײַנט רעדן מיט אײַך. His older sister can't talk to you today. His older sister couldn't speak to a mark. Ik harr geern en Bruus. I'd like a soda. I hate her and Bruus. k Gaf Tom n smok. I gave Tom a kiss. k Gaf Tom n smok. Jy drink water. You drink water. You drink water. Sidd dir midd? Are you guys tired? Are you in the middle? Beide Brüder von Tom können schwimmen. Both of Tom's brothers can swim. Both of Tom's brothers can swim. Das ist die falsche Antwort. That's the wrong answer. This is the wrong answer. Ik vermoed dat Tom allergisch is voor pinda's. I suspect Tom is allergic to peanuts. I suspect Tom's allergic to peanuts. Söökt de Froo! Look for the woman! Find the Froo! De Tom het mir gseit, er redi Französisch. Tom told me that he spoke French. The Tom did it to me, redi French. Sie dürfen schwimmen. You may swim. You're allowed to swim. Tom nam de afstandsbediening en zette de tv wat zachter. Tom picked up the TV remote and turned down the volume. Tom took the remote and put the TV a little softer. Wir werden Toms Hilfe benötigen. We'll need Tom's help. We'll need Tom's help. Haben Sie Bilder Ihrer Kinder bei sich? Do you have pictures of your kids with you? Do you have pictures of your children? Je moet zelf voor je hond zorgen. You must take care of your dog yourself. You have to take care of your dog yourself. די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman reads. The document is already read. פארוואס האט דיין ברודער מיר פיינט? Why does your brother hate me? Why did your brother me fond? Aus dem Zimmer von Tom kam Rauch. Smoke was coming out of Tom's room. Smoking came from Tom's room. Glaubst du, man wird uns retten? Do you think we're going to be rescued? You think they're gonna save us? Zij hadden niet genoeg goud. They did not have enough gold. They didn't have enough gold. דו גײסט. You're walking. You're kidding. Ist das nicht schön? Isn't that nice? Isn't that nice? Ik snack en beten Schottsch-Gäälsch. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I'm going to snack and pray Scottish-Gälsch. Ich möchte gerne mit Tom sprechen, wenn ich darf. I'd like to speak to Tom if I may. I'd like to talk to Tom if I may. Ik kan me de melodie van dat lied niet herinneren. I can't remember the tune of that song. I can't remember the melody of that song. Der Fußboden ist Lava! The floor is lava! The floor is lava! Toon mij andere. Show me some others. Show me others. Jy het altyd 'n keuse. You always have a choice. You always have a choice. Ich habe es gründlich satt. I'm fed up with it. I'm sick of it. Ich lerne viele Sprachen. I study many languages. I'm learning a lot of languages. Tom dacht dat ik mijn broer was. Tom thought I was my brother. Tom thought I was my brother. He is keen Döösbaddel. He's not an idiot. He's not a dutch. Ik stuurde haar een e-mail. I sent her an email. I sent her an e-mail. Texas grenzt an Mexiko. Texas borders on Mexico. Texas borders Mexico. We denken dat het mogelijk is. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Tom ist nicht beeindruckt. Tom isn't impressed. Tom's not impressed. Was für ein prächtiges Wetter. What marvelous weather. What a beautiful weather. Mijn zusje is te jong om naar school te gaan. My sister is too young to go to school. My sister's too young to go to school. זיי האבן געקריגט צווישן זיך. They quarreled among themselves. They were cracked between themselves. Der alte Mann wurde von allen wegen seiner Weisheit geachtet. The old man was respected by everyone for his wisdom. The old man was respected by all for his wisdom. Din kiek k kiekkaast. I was watching TV then. Well, let's see what you're looking at. Tom gaan nie meer hulp deur Mary verkry nie. Tom won't be getting any help from Mary. Tom is no longer getting help from Mary. Wann kommt Tom? When is Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Tom snoof. Tom sniffed. Tom snoof. Dieser Plan sollte durchgeführt werden. The plan should be carried through. This plan should be implemented. Mike hett en poor Frünnen in Florida. Mike has a couple of friends in Florida. Mike's got some friends in Florida. Er ist mein Intimfreund. He is my close friend. He's my intimate friend. Wir können uns mit einem so schwierigen Problem nicht befassen. We cannot deal with such a difficult problem. We cannot deal with such a difficult problem. Maria houdt niet van haar man. Mary doesn't love her husband. Maria doesn't like her husband. Du solltest nicht in einem so schummrigen Zimmer Bücher lesen. Do not read books in such a dim room. You shouldn't read books in such a dazzling room. Dies kann nicht brennen. This doesn't burn. This cannot burn. Tom koopt alleen scharreleieren. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom's just buying skeptical leeches. Das Ziel dieses Spiels ist, alle Bomben auf dem Bildschirm explodieren zu lassen. The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen. The goal of this game is to have all the bombs exploded on screen. Het is voor ons niet nodig aan de vergadering deel te nemen. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. It is not necessary for us to participate in the meeting. Pak maar wat je wilt. Take what you want. Just get what you want. Tom saß auf dem Boden und weinte. Tom sat on the floor and cried. Tom sat on the floor crying. Uw tijd is op. Your time is up. Your time is up. Mag dat wel? Can you do that? May I? Mehr und mehr Menschen suchen nach natürlichen Heilverfahren. More and more people look for natural treatments. More and more people are looking for natural healing methods. Maria heeft de kleren van haar vriendje in het vuur gegooid. Mary threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Maria threw the clothes of her boyfriend into the fire. Die Katze sonnte sich. The cat sunned itself. The cat sunk. Vindt u het erg als ik erbij kom zitten? Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I sit there? אונדזער רעגירונג פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't give a damn about us. Our recognization of friends on us. Tom hat sonderbare Vorstellungen. Tom has strange ideas. Tom's got strange ideas. Ik weet niet wat erger is. I don't know what is worse. I don't know what's worse. Ons het ook baie vrae. We have lots of questions, too. We also have many questions. Füür! Fire! Füur! Brazilië is een enorm land. Brazil is a huge country. Brazil is a huge country. Ek maak my huiswerk klaar. I'm finishing my homework. I finish my homework. De autoband heeft te weinig lucht. The tire is low. The car tire has too little air. ראטעוועט! Help! Routevet! Er wird nicht lange leben. He won't live a long life. He won't live long. Ich kann euch nicht sagen, welche Arbeit besser ist als die andere. I can't tell which work is better than the other. I can't tell you what work is better than the others. Kannst du mich jetzt hören? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Ik keek in de doos. I looked into the box. I looked in the box. Ich freue mich für euch alle. I'm happy for all of you. I'm looking forward to all of you. Man muss nicht alles mögen. You do not need to like everything. You don't have to like everything. Si kacht. She's cooking. You're mad. Wir sind gute Freunde, nichts weiter. We're good friends, nothing more. We're good friends, nothing else. Mein Haus wurde so designt, dass es einem Erdbeben standhält. My house is designed to withstand an earthquake. My house was designed to withstand an earthquake. Ehr Verhollen is nich normaal för en jung Deern. Her behavior isn't normal for a young girl. Their behaviour is not normal for a young animal. ער איז געקומען נעכטן צו דיר זען. He came to see you yesterday. He came to see thee. Ich habe beide Bücher gelesen. I've read both these books. I read both books. Karima hat den Brief noch nicht gelesen. Karima hasn't read the letter yet. Karima hasn't read the letter yet. Ik weet alles. I know everything. I know everything. Wie hältst du es aus? How are you holding up? How do you hold it? Ich lerne zu Hause Französisch. I study French at home. I'm learning French at home. ער שלאפט נישט. He doesn't sleep. He didn't sleep. Stel dat je een miljoen yen hebt, wat zou je daarmee gaan doen? If you had a million yen, what would you do with it? What if you have a million yen? What would you do with that? Die gewig neem af. The weight is decreasing. Weight decreases. Ik wull dat nich. I didn't want that. I don't want to. Waar heb je jouw sokken uitgedaan? Where did you take your socks off? Where did you take out your socks? Ich kann trotz seiner vielen Fehler nicht umhin, ihn zu mögen. I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults. Despite his many mistakes, I can't stand to like him. Tom weiß nicht, was er mit all seinem Geld anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know what to do with all his money. Tom doesn't know what to start with all his money. Ik heff düt Book vör en poor Johren läsen. I read this book a couple of years ago. I've read this book before a couple of years. Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She's done her homework. She made her homework. הײַנט איז געווען זײער הײס. Today was very hot. Increased text was labeled for %s. Tom gaf Mary een blaadje papier. Tom handed Mary a sheet of paper. Tom gave Mary a sheet of paper. Es ist nicht ohne Risiko, in diesem See zu baden. It is not without risk to swim in this lake. It is not without risk to bathe in this lake. Worüm höörst du nich op mi? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? Ich halte nichts von Gruppentherapie. I don't believe in group therapy. I don't like group therapy. Ik scheer het schaap. I am shearing the sheep. I shave the sheep. Sy het 'n huis by die see. She has a house by the sea. She had a house at the sea. Tom ist nervös. Tom is skittish. Tom's nervous. Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Very few people have no fear of death. Ik weet dat Tom niet weet dat hij dat hier niet zou moeten doen. I know that Tom doesn't know he shouldn't do that here. I know Tom doesn't know he shouldn't do that here. Wo lang deist du dat al? How long have you been doing this? How long have you been doing that? Quintilius Varus, geef mijn legioenen terug! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Ik äät keen Fisch. I don't eat fish. I don't eat fish. Se will mit em Golf spelen. She wants to play golf with him. She wants to play with the golf. Ik hou niet van het verkeer. I don't like the traffic. I don't like traffic. Er ist ein sehr pfiffiger Junge. He's a very clever boy. He's a very smart boy. Er steckt voller Potential. He is full of potential. He's full of potential. Ze is aantrekkelijk. She is attractive. She's attractive. Tom kwam net voor het avondeten. Tom came just before dinner. Tom just came for dinner. Dit is een foto van het vliegveld. This is a picture of the airport. This is a picture of the airport. Das sind alles Touristen. They're all tourists. These are all tourists. Doe alles wat nodig is. Do whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Myn namme is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Ich bewundere Sie für Ihren Mut. I admire you for your courage. I admire you for your courage. Daaraan twijfel ik niet. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. U hoeft niet te antwoorden. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. איר האָט אונדז נעכטן געזען. You saw us yesterday. you have seen us wrong. Tom und ich arbeiten manchmal zusammen. Tom and I sometimes work together. Tom and I sometimes work together. Wie sehen Sie diese Angelegenheit? How do you view this matter? How do you see this matter? Ek is nie heeltemal seker nie. I'm not quite sure. I’m not quite sure. Het is te lang. It's too long. It's too long. Een foto op het bureau van Tom trok mijn aandacht. A photo on Tom's desk caught my eye. A picture on Tom's desk caught my attention. Tom zaag bus. Tom saw the bus. Tom saw bus. Er ist sehr enthusiastisch. He has great enthusiasm. He's very enthusiastic. Tom sucht seine Geldbörse. Tom is looking for his wallet. Tom's looking for his wallet. Er zit een gat in uw sok. There is a hole in your sock. There's a hole in your socket. Das kommt schon eher hin. That's more like it. It's more important. Er is iets gebeurd. Something has happened. Something happened. Wer hat das Klemmbrett erfunden? Who invented the clipboard? Who invented the terminal? Er is droevig nieuws. There's sad news. There's sad news. Es ist nicht so schlimm, wie es aussieht. It's not as bad as it looks. It's not as bad as it looks. ווי שיין זי איז! How beautiful she is! how beautiful she is! Ik heb besloten hem te zeggen dat ik van haar hou. I decided to tell him that I love her. I decided to tell him I loved her. Es ging ihm nicht gut. He was not feeling well. He didn't go well. Spreken jullie Latijn? Do you speak Latin? Are you talking Latin? Es nutzt Sonnenenergie. It uses solar power. It uses solar energy. Drei Monate später heirateten sie. They got married three months later. Three months later, they married. In vier Jahren wirst du keine Konkurrenz mehr haben. Four years from now, you'll have no competition. In four years, you won't have any competition. Tom ist schon seit Jahren in dem Beruf. Tom has had that job for years. Tom's been in the profession for years. Ik heb de kaas opgegeten. I ate the cheese. I ate the cheese. Tom hat seine Aussage über mich zurückgenommen. Tom took back what he had said about me. Tom took back his statement about me. ווען מיר רעדן וועגן מלחמה, רעדן מיר טאַקע וועגן שלום. When we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. When we talk about mercy, we really talk about peace. Deshalb bin ich zu dir gekommen. That's why I came to you. That's why I came to you. Ich hätte gern eine 80-Yen-Briefmarke. Please give me one 80-yen stamp. I'd like an 80-Yen stamp. Meine beste Freundin ist an mir vorbeigelaufen und hat mich völlig ignoriert. My best friend walked by and totally ignored me. My best friend walked past me and completely ignored me. Er starb an einer Überdosis. He died of a drug overdose. He died of an overdose. Ongeacht waar jullie naartoe gaan, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. No matter where you're going, don't forget to write to me. k Hol van die! I love you! k Hol from the one! Auf der einen Seite haben wir zwar einen schweren Verlust erlitten, doch auf der anderen Seite hat uns diese Erfahrung auch vieles gelehrt. On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the one hand, we have suffered a severe loss, but on the other hand this experience has taught us much. Dat was een fluitje van een cent. It was child's play. That was a whistle of a penny. Ik blijf bij je tot zondagochtend. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. Hai kin runnen. He can run. Hai can run. Maria vond een klavertjevier. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Maria found a piano. Maria hat ihren Regenschirm verloren. Marie has lost her umbrella. Maria lost her umbrella. Willst du bestimmt nicht auf Tom warten? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Woar is mien boksem? Where are my pants? Where's my boxing? Sie sagt, dass sie glücklich ist. She says that she is happy. She says she's happy. Dieses Buch hat viele schöne Bilder. This book has many beautiful pictures. This book has many beautiful pictures. Sami wilde moslim worden. Sami wanted to become Muslim. Sami wanted to be Muslim. Zing alsjeblieft. Please sing. Sing please. Mein Computer muss mir zu etwas nützen. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computer has something to do with me. Worüm höörst du mi nich to? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you belong to me? Tom hat dich angelogen. Tom lied to you. Tom lied to you. Ich glaube, ich verstahs. I think I understand. I think I understand. Tom klopfte an die Tür, aber niemand reagierte darauf. Tom knocked on the door, but got no response. Tom knocked at the door, but no one responded. Ga weg. Ik heb het druk. Go away. I'm busy. I'm busy. Deze beslissing had belangrijke gevolgen. This decision had important results. This decision had important consequences. Tom hat mir ein Zauberkunststück gezeigt. Tom showed me a magic trick. Tom showed me a magic piece. Zij gaan altijd skiën in de winter. They always go skiing in the winter. They always go skiing in winter. Nach dem Frühstück arbeitete ich ein wenig und ging dann aus. I did some work after breakfast and went out. After breakfast I worked a little and then left. Der Junge gab seinem Vater Widerworte. The boy answered his father back. The boy gave a reply to his father. We zijn van verschillende leeftijd. Hij is ouder dan ik. We are different ages. He is older than me. He's older than me. Wullt du Geld? Do you want money? Do you want money? Tom heeft een iPhone. Tom has an iPhone. Tom's got an iPhone. Wel vil? Who fell? What the hell? Je moet je schulden aflossen. You must pay off your debts. You have to share your debts. Wenn es das Wetter erlaubt, werden wir morgens abreisen. We shall leave in the morning, weather permitting. If the weather permits, we'll leave in the morning. גוט שבת. Shabbat Shalom. Good Saturday. Esperanto is een nuttige taal. Esperanto is a useful language. Esperanto is a useful language. Bloadjen valen saars òf. The leaves fall in autumn. Bloading traps scarf or. Ik huil zelden. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Vroeg of laat komt de waarheid boven water. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Sooner or later, the truth comes above water. Ich kann verstehen, warum du Tom nicht magst. I can see why you don't like Tom. I can understand why you don't like Tom. Gooi. Throw. Roll. Het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat werkt aan de herinrichting van de straten en voetpaden om ze voetgangersvriendelijker te maken. The Department of Public Works is redoing the design of the streets and sidewalks in order to make them more pedestrian-friendly. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water State is working on the reconstruction of the streets and footpaths to make them more pedestrian-friendly. Woar proats over? What are you talking about!? What taste about? Het ziet er vreemd uit. It looks strange. It looks weird. Boeken binne bijen dy't stomoal fan it iene nei it oare ûnthâld drage. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are bees that carry static from one to the other memory. Wir haben keine Zeit, um darüber zu streiten. We don't have time to argue about this. We don't have time to argue about it. Ik denk dat Tom een student is. I think that Tom is a student. I think Tom's a student. We kozen een hotel dichtbij de musea. We chose a hotel near the museums. We picked up a hotel near the museums. Er erklärt unkompliziert und einfach. He gives plain, simple explanations. He explains uncomplicated and simple. In dieser Klasse sind vierzig Schüler. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are forty students in this class. Sing uns noch en Leed! Sing us another song! Sing to us! עמרי באַנוצט זיך נישט מיט פֿײסבוק. Omri doesn't use Facebook. This is not a widely used theme. Maria arbeitet in einem Reformhaus. Mary works at a health food store. Maria works in a reform house. Ik ga naar het buitenland. I am going abroad. I'm going abroad. Ek is bly jy het dit gemaak. I'm glad you made it. I'm glad you made it. Ik kan het je onmogelijk uitleggen. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We're listening to music. Heeft Tom zelfmoord gepleegd? Did Tom kill himself? Tom killed himself? Er is tijd genoeg om dit huiswerk af te maken. There is enough time to finish this homework. There's enough time to finish this homework. Ein Mann, den ich nicht kannte, ging vor meinem Hause auf und ab. A man I didn't know was walking back and forth in front of my house. A man I didn't know went up and down in front of my house. Tom waste zijn handen voor het eten. Tom washed his hands before eating. Tom washed his hands for dinner. Kinner läsen keen Beuker mehr. Kids don't read books anymore. Children are no longer leaving Beuker. Woar woonst? Where do you live? Where does it live? Vlees, alsjeblieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. Doe begreepst. You understood. Do understand. Hij is bang fouten te maken. He's afraid of making mistakes. He's afraid to make mistakes. Dor is keen Water in’n Emmer. There's no water in the bucket. There's no water in an Emmer. Mein BH ist schmutzig. My bra is dirty. My bra's dirty. He hett mi en korten Breev tostüürt. He sent me a brief letter. He torched me a short Breev. Wo ist dein anderer Bruder? Where's your other brother? Where's your other brother? Dat Äten warrt koolt. The food is getting cold. The etching is being cooled. Se hett em vergeven. She has forgiven him. She forgave him. Ik zou willen dat ik zo kon zingen als jij. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing as you did. Mijn baas nodigde me uit voor een etentje. My boss invited me to dinner. My boss invited me to dinner. Kaam trügg na Huus. Come back home. Chem move to Huus. In der Tokyoer Innenstadt gibt es viel Grün. There's a lot of greenery in Tokyo Midtown! There is plenty of greenery in downtown Tokyo. Beide kinderen werden gestraft. Both children were punished. Both children were punished. Ik weet het niet zeker. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure. Het aantal muffins dat je krijgt, zal omgekeerd evenredig zijn aan het aantal keer dat je op IRC praat. The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. The number of muffins you get will be reversed by the number of times you talk to IRC. Meine Frau hat gerade den Tisch abgeräumt. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just cleared up the table. Je moet je hier permanent vestigen voor je mag stemmen. You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote. You have to settle here permanently for your vote. Mama was bezig met haar naaiwerk. Mom was busy with her sewing. Mom was doing her sewing. Er schaute einen schwedischen Film. He watched the Swedish film. He was watching a Swedish movie. Guus Hiddink is Nederlaands. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is Nederlaands. Ek het dit terug gesit waar dit behoort. I put it back where it belonged. I put it where it belongs. In den Chroniken ist über die Flut von 1342 zu lesen, dass im Mainzer Dom einem Mann das Wasser bis zur Brust gestanden habe und dass man in Köln mit Booten über die Stadtmauern habe fahren können. The chronicles of the flood of 1342 say that the water in the Mainz Cathedral came up to a man's chest, while in Cologne, one could ride in a boat over the city walls. In the chronicles it is read about the flood of 1342 that in the Mainz Cathedral a man stood the water up to the chest and that in Cologne he was able to ride boats over the city walls. Maria en ik gaan trouwen. Mary and I are getting married. Maria and I are getting married. Du hättest sie um Hilfe bitten sollen. You should have asked her for help. You should've asked her for help. Niks zeggen! Don't say anything! Don't say anything! Sami ging om met blanke boerenkinkels. Sami hung out with white rednecks. Sami was dealing with white farmers' sickles. Je hebt gedronken. You have drunk. You drank. Vertel ons iets. Tell us something. Tell us something. Hier is het bijna middernacht. It's almost midnight here. It's almost midnight here. Hai is dien keunenk. He is your king. Hai's good. Doe't ik lyts wie, kamen pake en beppe noch om op te passen. Jûns op bêd lies beppe my foar. Of pake fertelde in ferhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. I do small ones, came packs and stuffed them, and then I go on top of them, and then I go for them, or I'm going to pack them up a little bit. Ich fürchte, das Buch übersteigt sein Verständnis. I'm afraid the book is beyond the reach of his understanding. I'm afraid the book exceeds its understanding. Je kan dit maar beter weggooien. You should throw this away. You better throw this away. Kyoto wird jedes Jahr von vielen Leuten besucht. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located on the Pinostraat. Wir wär’s, wenn wir’s auf später verschieben? How about a rain check? We'd do it if we moved it to later? Tom musste sich vor dem Konzert vor lauter Nervosität übergeben. Tom threw up before the concert because he was so nervous. Tom had to surrender before the concert in front of loud nervousness. Wees niet bang. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Ik wull geern en poor Böker över Lincoln lesen. I would like to read some books about Lincoln. I'd like to read some books about Lincoln. Ik heff de Reken betahlt. I paid the bill. I paid the Reken. Es ist kein Wasser mehr in der Flasche. There is no water left in the bottle. There's no more water in the bottle. De kat slaapt. The cat sleeps. The cat is sleeping. Man erzählt sich, dass sie sich um das Waisenkind kümmerte. It is said that she looked after the orphan. She was told to take care of the orphan. Ein Bauer wie ich wäre in einer so großen Stadt sicher verloren. A peasant like me surely would be lost in a city so big. A farmer like me would be lost in such a big city. Mien kadde holt van genoat. My cat loves shrimp. My cad was getting from enough. Wees niet onbezonnen. Don't do anything rash. Don't be unconcerned. Verlorene Zeit kommt nicht zurück. Lost time is never found again. Lost time doesn't come back. Ik heb het per post verzonden. I sent it by post. I sent it by mail. De winter is mijn lievelingsseizoen. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. Du büst mien Vader. You are my father. You are my Father. Je hoort nu te oefenen. You're supposed to be practicing. You're supposed to practice now. Dit is Tom, mien kollegoa. This is Tom, my colleague. This is Tom, my colleague. Ik ga vaak naar het buitenland. I often go abroad. I'm going abroad a lot. Habt ihr sie gesehen? Have you seen her? Have you seen her? Ellen war vom Schock ganz bleich. Ellen was white with shock. Ellen was quite pale from the shock. De top-naties zetten de vrijhandel bovenaan op de agenda. The summit nations put free trade at the top of the agenda. The top nations are putting free trade at the top of the agenda. Du darfst gerne nein sagen. Feel free to say no. You can say no. Überall in der Stadt sprach man davon. The word was all over the city. We talked about it all over the city. Tom sagte, dass es wahr sein könnte. Tom said that it might be true. Tom said it could be true. Vondaag bün ik froh opstahn. Today I got up early. I'm glad to be up today. Betty kwam als laatste. Betty arrived the latest. Betty came last. Wer scherzt? Who's joking? Who's shaved? Ik heb bij het lezen een regel overgeslagen. I skipped a line when I was reading. I missed a rule when reading. Tom ist der einzige Erwachsene im Zimmer. Tom is the only adult in the room. Tom is the only adult in the room. Waar is de ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Er waar een Dichder un een Diplomat. He was a poet and diplomat. There's a poet and a diplomat. Mook di keen Sorgen, aver denk dor över no! Don't worry but think about it! But don't worry about it now! Mag Toshio Sachiko? Does Toshio like Sachiko? Can Toshio Sachiko? Tom schildert! Tom paints. Tom's painting! Niet springen! Don't jump! Don't jump! Wir wohnten voher in Paris. We lived in Paris before. We lived in Paris. Ik gah na de Bank. I'm going to the bank. I'll go after the bank. Wablieft? Excuse me? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ik schrijf graag met een vulpen. I like writing with a fountain pen. I like writing with a filler. Wir dachten, ihr wüsstet es. We thought you knew. We thought you knew. Ne canst þu huntian butan mid nettum? Do you not know how to hunt with anything but nets? Could not allocate memory: %s Tom hielt sich die Waffe an den Kopf und drückte ab. Tom put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger. Tom held the gun to his head and pressed off. Tom leek boos. Tom looked cross. Tom seemed angry. Er ist ein Betrüger. He's a cheat. He's a cheater. Hoe gaat het met je gezin? How is the family doing? How's your family? Hest du güstern avend den Cowboy-Film in ’t Feernsehn sehn? Did you see the cowboy film on TV last night? Did you last see the cowboy movie on TV? Du büs ümmer to late. You are always late. You're too late. Er ging zur Schule, wenngleich er krank war. Even though he was sick, he went to school. He went to school, though he was sick. Ich habe es dir bereits gesagt. I've already told you that. I told you. Manche sagen, dass Reisen mit dem Flugzeug ziemlich ökonomisch ist. Some people say that traveling by plane is rather economical. Some say that traveling by plane is quite economic. Sami hatte sehr strenge Eltern. Sami had very strict parents. Sami had very strict parents. Er entdeckte einen neuen Stern. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Ich werde nicht verlieren! I won't lose! I'm not going to lose! Hij is gestorven op de leeftijd van 70 jaar. He died at the age of 70. He died at the age of 70. טאם האט געקוקט אויף מערי. Tom looked at Mary. Toom has looked at me. Zum Frühstück gab es Pfannkuchen mit Ahornsirup. We ate pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast. For breakfast there were pancakes with maple syrup. Ons het skoon van haar vergeet. We forgot all about her. We had forgotten her cleanly. Ich wollte eine Entschuldigung. I wanted an apology. I wanted an excuse. Ik kan niet goed schilderen. I can't paint very well. I can't paint well. Verliere nicht die Geduld! Don't lose your patience! Don't lose patience! Darüber werde ich noch einmal nachdenken müssen. I'll have to have a rethink about it. I'm going to have to think about that again. Bier besteht zu 90 % aus Wasser. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer is 90 % water. Ich sag' zu Caro: „Stachelbeermarmelade ist besser als Himbeer“. Und sie dann einfach so: „Nö.“ So I'm telling Caroline: "Gooseberry jam is better than raspberry." But she's just like "Nope." I say to Caro: "Brickberry marmalade is better than raspberry." And then she just says, "Now." Hest du Tom den Slötel gäven? Did you give the key to Tom? Did you give Tom the key? Wilt u iets drinken? Would you like to drink anything? Would you like a drink? ''A'', ''B'' en ''C'' binnen drij letters. "A", "B" and "C" are three letters. ''A', 'B' and 'C' in three letters. Ich gebe einfach mein Bestes. I'm just doing my best. I'm just giving my best. Binde die Schachtel mit Zierband zu. Do up the box with decorative tape. Connect the box with decorative tape. Ik heff sünnt. I have sinned. I've been sniffing. Dit is meer ellende dan ik kan verdragen. This misery is more than I can bear. This is more misery than I can bear. Een, drie en vyf is ongelyke getalle. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are uneven numbers. Se hett em mit en Scheer angrepen. She attacked him with a pair of scissors. She attacked him with a shear. Is biologisch eten wel zijn geld waard? Is eating organic food worth the money? Is organic food worth his money? Se hett em nie besöcht. She has never visited him. She did not visit him. Joune is daar anderkant. Yours is there on the other side. Yours is on the other side. Stephen King is een van mijn lievelingsschrijvers. Stephen King is one of my favourite writers. Stephen King is one of my favorite writers. Hy het nie eens 'n haar gedraai met die nuus van sy vrou se dood nie. He did not even raise an eyebrow at the news of his wife's death. He didn't even turn a hair with the news of his wife's death. Kann ik mien Dokter spreken? Can I talk to my doctor? Can I speak to my doctor? וואָס זײַנען פֿייגל? What are birds? What are friends? Wi stöört em. We are disturbing him. We will hear him. Zijn belangrijkste levensdoel was rijk worden. His main object in life was to become rich. His main purpose in life was to become rich. Ich muss dir noch etwas sagen. There's something else I have to tell you. I need to tell you something else. Hij kwam een half uur te laat opdagen. He turned up half an hour late. He showed up half an hour late. Ek het die reels van die spel aan hom verduidelik. I explained the rules of the game to him. I explained the rules of the game to him. Hij zal voor altijd van haar houden. He will always love her. He'll love her forever. Was möchtet ihr zu Mittag essen? What do you like to eat for lunch? What do you want to eat at lunch? Veel succes op je examen! Good luck on your test. Good luck with your exam! Zijn jullie ooit in Mexico geweest? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? U moet twee- à driemaal daags een tablet innemen met een glas water. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You should take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. Tom bat mich, ihm die Haare zu schneiden. Tom asked me to cut his hair. Tom asked me to cut his hair. As jy regtig sou wou weet moet jy net vra. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. If you really wanted to know, just ask. דאַעש איז באַזיגט געוואָרן אין איראַק. Daesh has been defeated in Iraq. Dasche is recognised as meaning that her job is not reintroduced. Dafür wirst du bezahlen, Tom! You will pay for this, Tom. You'll pay for that, Tom! Sein Bruder hat zwei linke Hände, aber er ist ein geschickter Chirurg. His brother is all thumbs, but he is a skillful surgeon. His brother has two left hands, but he's a clever surgeon. Wir müssen das jetzt tun. We must do this right now. We need to do this now. Hier is dat Book, na dat du söchst. Here is the book you are looking for. Here's the book you're looking for. "Wo sind Ihre Bücher?" "Sie sind auf dem Schreibtisch." "Where are your books?" "They are on the desk." "Where are your books?" "You're on the desk." Hij verloor een boek. He lost a book. He lost a book. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Are you free on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? דאָנאַלד טראָמפּ איז אַ ראַק אויף דער מענטשהייט. Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity. Donald Trump is a crack on the human race. Der Hund hat den Fisch ganz, samt Gräten und Schwanz, gefressen. The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all. The dog has eaten the fish all the time, including grasses and cock. De recente vooruitgang in de geneeskunde is opmerkelijk. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Ik ben bezig. I'm busy. I'm busy. Ken ik jou? Do I know you? Do I know you? Ken muss inzwischen zu Hause sein. Ken must be home by now. Ken has to be home in the meantime. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it obvious? De prijs is al jaren niet veranderd. The price has not changed in years. The price hasn't changed in years. Maria konnte ihr Versprechen nicht halten. Mary failed to keep her promise. Maria couldn't keep her promise. Eet smakelijk! Enjoy your meal. Eat delicious! Se mag keen Sushi. She does not like sushi. It can't be sushi. Als ik het geld had, zou ik een nieuw huis kopen. If I had the money, I would buy a new house. If I had the money, I'd buy a new house. Tom und Maria wohnen in einem Baumhaus. Tom and Mary live in a treehouse. Tom and Maria live in a treehouse. Nach Mitteilung der Polizei sprach der Motorraddieb mit starkem Akzent. Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent. According to the police, the motorcycle thief spoke with strong accent. Hij probeerde niet haar tegen te houden. He didn't try to stop her. He didn't try to stop her. ביטע בלויז זאג מיר וואס עס איז וואס דו ווילסט טאן. Please just tell me what it is you want to do. Let's just say it doesn't matter what you're doing. Toms Kaffee ist lecker. Tom's coffee is good. Tom's coffee is delicious. He is de Gröttste in de Klass. He is the tallest person in the class. He is the largest in the class. Ek dog jy sou hierin belangstel. I thought you might be interested in this. I thought you'd be interested in this. Ich sagte, ich würde darüber nachdenken. I said I'd think about it. I said I'd think about it. Hij koopt kleding. He buys clothes. He's buying clothes. Sie wuchs zu einer schönen jungen Dame heran. She has grown into a beautiful young lady. She grew up to be a beautiful young lady. Warum glaubst du ihr nicht? Why don't you believe her? Why don't you believe her? Oekraïne is een groot land. Ukraine is a big country. Ukraine is a large country. Vroeger heeft de monteur veel meer genomen. Previously the mechanic took a lot more. The mechanic used to take a lot more. Wie heeft het gebouwd? Who built it? Who built it? Maria sagte, Tom habe sie geküsst. Mary said that Tom kissed her. Maria said Tom kissed her. De volgende ochtend was hij weg. The next morning, he was gone. The next morning he was gone. Tom könnte tot sein. Tom could be dead. Tom could be dead. Se versteiht em. She understands him. She understands him. Tom ist klug. Tom is clever. Tom's smart. Sie werden es nie schaffen. They'll never make it. You're never gonna make it. Was hältst du von moderner Kunst? What do you think of modern art? What do you think of modern art? Hulle kook water vir tee. They are boiling water for tea. They cook water for tea. Dao künne ick kienen Tahn an setten. I could not bring myself to eat it. Dao can do icking. Dat is beter, Plastik-Eetsticken to bruken un jem to waschen, as Wegsmiet-Eetstickens to bruken. It's better to use plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks. It is better to use plastic-eat sticks and wash them as away-eat sticks. Tom unterrichtet Französisch. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Tom is populair op Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Tom's popular on Instagram. Haben Sie kurz Zeit? Do you have a minute? Do you have a short time? Du sollst im Klassenzimmer keinen Lärm machen. You must not make noises in the classroom. You're not supposed to make any noise in the classroom. Ek wil nie hê jy moet dit doen nie. I don't want to do that. I don't want you to do that. Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt? How large is the population of this city? How many inhabitants does this city have? Schließlich gab er ihre Zukunftspläne preis. At last he unfolded his plans for their future. Finally, he gave prize to her future plans. Dis die lewe. That's the way the cookie crumbles. It's life. Water bevriest bij 0 graden Celcius. Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celcius. Ik heff en Granaat. I have a grenade. I've got grenade and pomegranate. Ik kom uit de toekomst. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Tom hat das Gebäude verlassen. Tom has left the building. Tom left the building. Das Hotel kann sogar 400 Gäste beherbergen. The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests. The hotel can accommodate even 400 guests. Ik mutt nu weg. I have to go now. I have to leave now. Tom hat es möglich gemacht. Tom has made it happen. Tom made it possible. Ben jij een Choctaw? Are you Choctaw? Are you a Choctaw? Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain it. I can't explain. װי שפּעט איז דאָס? "What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty." How this is affects? Tom kan niet met zekerheid zeggen wanneer Maria zal aankomen. Tom can't say for sure when Mary will arrive. Tom can't say for sure when Mary will arrive. Bestaat hij? Does he exist? Is he? Op wat för ’n Stohl hest du dat Book packt? Which chair did you put the book on? What kind of stohl did you pack the book? Dit is een boom. This is a tree. This is a tree. Dopamine is een chemische stof in de hersenen. Het is verantwoordelijk voor het verzenden van signalen tussen zenuwcellen of neuronen. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. It is responsible for sending signals between nerve cells, or neurons. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. It is responsible for sending signals between nerve cells or neurons. Was gibt es bei euch heute zum Abendessen? What will you have for dinner tonight? What's with you for dinner tonight? Bent u allergisch voor bepaalde medicijnen? Are you allergic to any medications? Are you allergic to certain medicines? Tom was niet gewond geraakt bij het ongeluk. Tom wasn't hurt in the accident. Tom wasn't injured in the accident. Sie müssen die Tontaube treffen. You need to hit the clay pigeon. You need to meet the tontoube. דער קאָראָנאַווירוס איז אַ סכּנה. The coronavirus is dangerous. The Coron Bay is a place to rise. Blief! Stay! Please! In den besten Hotels steht einem immer jemand voll und ganz zur Verfügung. At the best hotels, there is always someone at your beck and call. In the best hotels there is always someone full at your disposal. Zit Tom in de problemen? Is Tom in trouble? Tom's in trouble? Kikkers eten mugge. Frogs eat flies. Chickens eat mosquitoes. Du solltest dein Versprechen halten. You should keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Is dat witt? Is it white? Is that white? Mijn zus liet me een nieuw horloge zien. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. Hé! wacht even! Hey! Wait! Hey, wait a minute! It coronafirus ûntstie yn Sina. The coronavirus emerged in China. The coronafius program in Sina. Aber er hatte Glück. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. Hij heeft én kennis, én ervaring. He has knowledge and experience as well. He has knowledge and experience. Tom hilft mir oft bei den Hausaufgaben. Tom often helps me with my homework. Tom often helps me with homework. Oost west, thuis best. There is no place like home. East West, I'm good at home. Reagier nicht darauf. Don't respond. Don't react to that. Ek kan sien dat jy vir hom om gegee het. I can tell you cared about him. I can see that you cared about him. Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Hē wasċode his handa and his fēt. He washed his hands and his feet. H the ode was his handa and his f. Ich werde Sie morgen früh anrufen. I will call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you in the morning. Das Glück lieget nicht in den Dingen. Es liegt in den Seelen der Menschen, die sie betrachten oder damit umgehen. Happiness does not lie in things. It lies in the souls of people who reflect upon or contemplate them. Happiness is not in things. It is in the souls of the people who look at them or deal with them. Woarom ik? Why me? What do I do? Mainstekaans nait. Probably not. Maintektan nait. Tom weiß nicht, wo er anfangen soll. Tom doesn't know where to begin. Tom doesn't know where to start. Herkent iemand dit? Does anybody recognize this? Does anyone recognize this? Tom und Maria sagten mir, sie hätten sich geirrt. Tom and Mary told me they were mistaken. Tom and Maria told me they were wrong. Dat is vreemd. That's odd. That's weird. אַ דאַנק, כ'האָב עס פֿײַנט. Thanks, I hate it. A let's see it down. Waarom zijn jullie getrouwd? Why are you married? Why are you guys married? Pack dich! Beat it. Get the fuck out of here! Tom vertrou haar. Tom trusts her. Tom trusts her. k Heb n kadde. I have a cat. k Heb n kadde. Sei bitte achtsam, was ich sage! Please pay attention to what I'm saying. Be careful about what I'm saying! Waarmee hebt ge het geopend? What did you open it with? What did you open it with? Wo haben Sie Ihre Brille abgesetzt? Where did you take your glasses off? Where did you drop your glasses? Das Problem besteht darin, dass Tom nicht neben Maria sitzen will. The problem is that Tom doesn't want to sit next to Mary. The problem is that Tom doesn't want to sit next to Maria. Ze is naar een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis gestuurd. She was sent to a mental hospital. She was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Ik kan tegen een rommelig huis, maar ik houd er niet van als het vies is. I can put up with a house being untidy, but I don't like it to be dirty. I can fight a messy house, but I don't like it when it's dirty. Wenn du Journalist sein willst, musst du aufmerksam sein. If you want to be a newspaperman, you have to be observant. If you want to be a journalist, you need to be attentive. Dieser Sack ist zu schwer. This bag is too heavy. This bag is too hard. Kein Maß an Alkohol vermochte Toms gebrochenes Herz zu heilen. No amount of alcohol could repair Tom's broken heart. No amount of alcohol could cure Tom's broken heart. Das haben Sie mit Absicht gemacht. You did that on purpose. That's what you've done with intent. Je bent net als je vader. You are just like your father. You're just like your father. Tom is zelden laat. Tom is seldom late. Tom's rarely late. Tom moedigde me aan om Frans te leren. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Ik bün sünndaags nich tohuus. I'm not home on Sundays. I'm not home today. Ik probeer te werken. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. De pijnappelklier scheidt melatonine af. The pineal gland secretes melatonin. The pineapple gland separates melatonin. שרײַבט אָן אַ באַריכט. Write a report. Done without a report. Haben Sie Getränke ohne Alkohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Sie wussten nicht einmal, wohin sie gehen sollten. They didn't even know where to go. They didn't even know where to go. Hij vroeg om veel geld. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. De dokter heeft haar een aantal tabletten gegeven om de pijn weg te nemen. The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain. The doctor has given her a number of tablets to remove the pain. איך בין זייער אַ סטאַבילער גאון. I'm a very stable genius. I'm very a standard guest. Er is een kasteel op de achtergrond van de foto. There is a castle in the background of the picture. There's a castle in the background of the picture. ער רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש. He speaks Portuguese. He seems to be supporting himself. Tom machte einen Einkaufsbummel. Tom went on a shopping spree. Tom was shopping. Einige Lieder stammen aus Schottland. Some songs come from Scotland. Some songs come from Scotland. Sünd ji all Kanadiers? Are all of you Canadians? Are you all Canadians? Wir gehen ihnen aus dem Weg. We're avoiding them. We'll get them out of the way. Tom het skoon van my vergeet. Tom forgot all about me. Tom left me clean. Horen jullie dat? Do you hear that? You hear that? Es ist ein Bub. It's a boy. It's a bub. Bes do jeck? Are you crazy? Bes do jeck? Ik warr faken mit miene Bröder vergleken. I'm often compared to my brothers. I'm talking fakes with my brothers. Der Film räumte beim Filmfestival in Cannes drei Preise ab. The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival. The film won three prizes at the Cannes Film Festival. איר דארפט א הענטאך, יא? You need a towel, don't you? You need a parent, yes? De mensen in Taiwan werken hard. People in Taiwan work hard. The people in Taiwan are working hard. Het spijt me echt. I really am sorry. I'm really sorry. Versuch es noch einmal. Give it another shot. Try again. Ich werde mich in diesem Kapitel mit dem Problem befassen. I'm going to deal with the problem in this chapter. I will deal with the problem in this chapter. Het is mogelijk. It is possible. It's possible. Zuerst kamen die Kelten im Jahre 600 v. Chr. First came the Celts in 600 B.C. First came the Celts in 600 B.C.E. De eerste vrouw, die Esperanto als moedertaal sprak, werd in 1904 geboren; vandaag zijn er meerdere duizenden Esperanto-moedertaalsprekers. The first native speaker of Esperanto was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. The first woman, who spoke Esperanto as a native language, was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. Eens, zwee, drei, vier, fimf, sechs, siwwe, acht, nein, zehe. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, no, seven. Gaat ze volgend jaar naar de Verenigde Staten? Will she go to the United States next year? Is she going to the United States next year? Ist Tony da? Is Tony there? Is Tony here? Waar zijn jullie? Where are you guys? Where are you? Sagt mir, wann es sich ereignet hat! Tell me when it came about. Tell me when it happened! Haar auto is twee jaar oud. Her car is two years old. Her car is two years old. Ik ben niet ontslagen. Ik heb mijn ontslag gegeven. I wasn't fired. I quit. I didn't get fired. Das Eis war dick genug, um darauf zu gehen. The ice was thick enough to walk on. The ice was thick enough to go on it. 't Is nog gain lìnte. It's not spring yet. It's still gainin'. Tom war bereit, alles zu versuchen. Tom was willing to try anything. Tom was ready to try everything. De vergadering is afgelopen. The meeting ended. The meeting ended. De boom is gestopt met groeien. The tree stopped growing. The tree has stopped growing. Es war ein voller Erfolg. It was a complete success. It was a full success. Er ist alt genug, um in die Schule zu gehen. He's old enough to go to school. He's old enough to go to school. Wir begeben uns 60 Jahre in die Vergangenheit. We go back 60 years. We're going into the past for 60 years. ער איז קליין. He is small. He's little. Ich gehe oft ins Kino. I often go to the movies. I often go to the movies. Dat weer stickendüüster. It was pitch-black. That's embroidered. Albert Einstein wurde in Deutschland geboren. Albert Einstein was born in Germany. Albert Einstein was born in Germany. Waarom ben je boos? Why are you angry? Why are you angry? Hƿonne cymest þū hām? When are you coming home? The name of the icon from the icon theme Ik bün keen Hex. I am not a witch. I'm not a witch. Si ass eng gutt Studentin. She is a good student. It's a good student. Poolsche Nagels sünd dürer as chineesche. Polish nails are more expensive than the Chinese ones. Polish nails are darker than Chinese. Yn 'e keamer stie in piano, mar der wie nimmen dy't derop spile. In the room there was a piano, but there was nobody who played it. In the kitchen there is a piano, but you too do it. Je zou naar me moeten luisteren. You should listen to me. You should listen to me. Die große Wäld stôhd bletzlich still, weil å kloiner Virus dees so will. Suddenly the great world stands still because a little virus wants it so. The Great Forest is blasphemous, because å cloiner Virus dees wants to do so. Tom hett sik antogen. Tom put on some clothes. Tom has his approach. Het kan ons niet schelen. We don't care. We don't care. Bent u echt geïnteresseerd in mijn eerlijke mening? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Daran bin nicht ich schuld. That's not my fault. I'm not to blame for that. Tom bemerkte, dass Maria Johannes ansah. Tom noticed that Mary was looking at John. Tom noticed that Mary looked at John. Is dat en allgemeen Bruuk in dien Land? Is it a general custom in your country? Is that a general use in this country? Du bist doch ein Trottel! You must be a fool. You're a fool! „Tom würde nie lügen.“ – „Wenn du wüsstest, mein Lieber, wenn du wüsstest.“ "Tom would never lie." "If you knew, my dear, if you knew." “Tom would never lie.” – “If you knew, my dear, if you knew.” מיר האָבן זיך אַוועקגעצויגן קיין אַלזשיר. We moved to Algiers. We didn't move anywhere. Er hob einen Stein auf. He picked up a stone. He raised a stone. Die Atmosphäre des Uranus besteht aus Wasserstoff, Helium und Methan. Uranus' atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. The atmosphere of the uranium consists of hydrogen, helium and methane. Laat mij mijn advocaat opbellen. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Es hat Spaß gemacht, euch beim Tanzen zuzuschauen. I really liked watching you dance. It's been fun to watch you dance. Wilcume be Tatoeba Welcome to Tatoeba. Wilcume be Tatuba We moeten ze boycotten. We have to boycott them. We have to boycott them. Ik woon nog niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia yet. I haven't lived in Australia yet. Gib niemals auf! Never give up! Never give up! Ik heff von di dröömt. I dreamed about you. I'm the one who's over. Tom trat seine Schicht um 12 Uhr an. Tom began his shift at noon. Tom started his shift at 12 a.m. Ik bün dor von övertüügt, dat he unschüllig is. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Der alte Mann entfloh aus dem Altersheim. The old man escaped from the nursing home. The old man escaped from the old man's home. Ik bün güstern Klock teihn na Bedd gahn. I went to bed at ten yesterday. I'm gonna go to Bed at night. Sie wurde bei einem Autounfall verletzt. She was injured in a car accident. She was injured in a car accident. Es könnten Diebe, Fälscher, Perverse oder Mörder in den sozialen Netzwerken sein. Zu deiner Sicherheit solltest du ihnen nicht glauben. There may be thieves, fakers, perverts or killers in social networks. For your security, you shouldn't believe them. It could be thieves, fakes, perverses or murderers in social networks, and you shouldn't believe them for your safety. Angst ist ein schlechter Ratgeber. Fear is a bad counsellor. Fear is a bad counselor. Huilend zocht het meisje naar haar moeder. Crying out, the little girl was looking for her mother. Howling was the girl looking for her mother. Wir hätten die Flugtickets gekauft, wenn der Preis etwas niedriger gewesen wäre. We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower. We would have bought the tickets if the price had been slightly lower. Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I'm not married to Tom anymore. Se hebbt den Krieg an de Oostfront verloren. They lost the war on the eastern front. She lost the war on the east front. k Hoat neefkes. I hate mosquitoes. k hoat neeknijk. Zij lachten over zijn fout. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed at his mistake. Tom stopfte einen Lappen ins Loch. Tom stuffed a rag in the hole. Tom put a hole in the hole. My sister is 'n goeie tikster. My sister is a good typist. My sister's a good ticker. Ik hâld fan dy. I love you. I'm afraid I'm from that. Ich bin schöner als Sie. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Wir möchten auf alle Fälle, dass Sie die Arbeit bis zum Ende dieser Woche erledigen. We'd like you to finish the job by the end of this week by all means. We would like you to do the job until the end of this week. Tom hat sich den Kopf am Autodach gestoßen. Tom bumped his head on the ceiling of the car. Tom hit his head at the roof of the car. Gaan Tom sterf? Will Tom die? Tom's dying? Tunesië wordt ''Tunes'' genoemd in het Berber. Tunisia is called "Tunes" in Berber. Tunisia is called 'Tunes' in the Berber. Du hättest gestern kommen sollen! You should have come yesterday. You should have come last night! Ik wull lever dood wesen as di to freen! I'd rather die than marry you! I'd be dead if you were to be friends! Sie gehen zum Schloss Himeji. They go to Himeji castle. You're going to Himeji Castle. Der Sturm blies und heulte, als wenn er alte Lieder sänge. The storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. The storm blew and howled as if he were singing old songs. Hij is er nog niet. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. Ik bel je morgen. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Ich bin ein totes Kaninchen auf der Autobahn. I'm a dead rabbit on the freeway. I'm a dead rabbit on the highway. Ik hou niet meer van je. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. Alles leek fout te gaan bij mij. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Ich fehle zum ersten Mal. This is the first time I've ever been absent. I'm missing for the first time. k Kin t vuilen. I can feel it. k Kin's dirty. Was Tom vorausgesagt hatte, ist eingetreten. What Tom predicted would happen has happened. What Tom predicted has happened. Tom wollte mit Mary lernen. Tom wanted to study with Mary. Tom wanted to learn with Mary. Du seggst mi nie, dat du mi leef hest. You never tell me you love me. You don't tell me you're alive. Wir sollten schlafen gehen. We should go to sleep. We should go to sleep. Wir können dir helfen. We can help you. We can help you. Tom ist nicht so viel jünger als Maria. Tom isn't that much younger than Mary. Tom's not much younger than Maria. Ik las dat de president van Brazilië een vrouw is. Ze heet Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that Brazil's president is a woman called Dilma. Men zegt dat golf erg populair is in Japan. They say that golf is very popular in Japan. It is said that golf is very popular in Japan. Seine Freundin mit einem anderen Mann zu sehen war Folter für ihn. It was torture for him to see his girlfriend with another man. His girlfriend with another man was torture for him. Whit a bonnie day tae be oot an aboot. What a beautiful day to be out and about. We don't have to be out and about. Meer mensen wonen in het noordelijke gedeelte van de stad. More people live in the northern part of the city. More people live in the northern part of the city. איך בין אַ קינד. I'm a kid. I'm a child. Alles bij elkaar genomen, is hij een goede leerkracht. All things considered, he is a good teacher. Everything taken together, he's a good teacher. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, Tom sagen gehört zu haben, dass er nicht bereit sei, das zu tun. I'm fairly certain I heard Tom say he wasn't ready to do that. I'm pretty sure Tom said he's not ready to do that. Jeminee! Holy cow! Jeminee! Vandaag is het woensdag. Today is Wednesday. Today's Wednesday. Ich hoffe, es ist alles gutgegangen. I hope everything went well. I hope everything went well. Geihst du faken na Kark? Do you often go to the church? Are you going to Kark often? Ik heb je nummer niet. I don't have your number. I don't have your number. Ich bin blau. I'm drunk. I'm blue. איך אַרבעט מיט דיר. I work with you. I'm gonna work with thee. Het Engels wordt in veel delen van de wereld gesproken. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English is spoken in many parts of the world. Ek het oor hom gedroom. I was dreaming about him. I dreamed about him. Man sagt, du verstehest dich auf dein Handwerk. I hear that you're very good at what you do. They say you understand your craftsmanship. Die Erdoberfläche ist zu siebzig Prozent von Wasser bedeckt. The surface of the earth is 70% water. The earth's surface is covered by seventy percent of water. Ich möchte euch um einen Gefallen bitten. I want to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you for a favor. Du hast sie gefunden. You've found them. You found her. Het lijkt buiten warm te zijn. It seems warm outside. It seems to be warm outside. Tom gaf toe dat hij het gedaan heeft. Tom admitted that he did that. Tom admitted he did it. Vind je dit meisje leuk? Do you like this girl? Do you like this girl? We hebben gele appels. We have yellow apples. We have yellow apples. Sloapst doe, Tom? Are you sleeping, Tom? Do it, Tom? Zij heeft een leuke persoonlijkheid. I like her personality. She's got a nice personality. Toen ik zag dat het regende, heb ik mijn paraplu gepakt. When I realized it was raining, I took my umbrella. When I saw it raining, I took my umbrella. IJzer is harder dan goud. Iron is harder than gold. Iron is harder than gold. 3 vermenigvuldigd met 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. Water verandert in stoom. Water changes into steam. Water turns into steam. Wir hatten keine Ahnung, was Tom und Maria vorhatten. We had no idea what Tom and Mary were going to do. We had no idea what Tom and Maria were up to. Ik deed geern en Auto hüren. I would like to rent a car. I've been gnawing, and I've been holding a car. Meine Herren! Strewth! Gentlemen! Jedem Jeck jefällt sing Mötz. Every maniac likes his hat. Any Jeck ever likes to sing Mötz. Tom geht nicht. Tom won't leave. Tom's not going. Das ist das Haus, in dem ich geboren wurde. That is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Woraus ist Asphalt gemacht? What's asphalt made of? What is asphalt made of? De radio staat een beetje hard. The radio is a bit loud. The radio's a little hard. Mijn vader heeft de brievenbus rood geverfd. My father painted the mailbox red. My father painted the letterbox red. Het is aan jou om te besluiten wat te doen. It's up to you to decide what to do. It's up to you to decide what to do. Er zijn ook leveranciers die Linux ondersteunen. There are also vendors who support Linux. There are also suppliers that support Linux. דאס איז דער דארף, אוואו דער פאעט איז געבוירן געווארען. This is the village where the poet was born. This is the property, where the place was born. Deze fout zou je leven kunnen kosten. This error could cost you your life. This mistake could cost you life. Ich will noch einmal jung sein. I want to be young again. I want to be young again. איך קען נישט עסן מער. I cannot eat any more. I couldn't do it more. Aladdin vond een wonderlamp. Aladdin found a magic lamp. Aladdin found a miracle lamp. Je at. You were eating. You ate. Wanneer heeft u voor het laatst een ventilator gebruikt? When was the last time you used a fan? When was the last time you used a fan? Er ist dem Baseballklub beigetreten. He joined the baseball club. He joined the baseball club. Könntet ihr bitte aufpassen? Can you pay attention, please? Can you watch out, please? Ek weet jy gaan nee sê. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. Sommige mensen zijn allergisch voor tarwe. Some people are allergic to wheat. Some people are allergic to wheat. Het is een mobieltje. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Nancy schall woll nienich mit mi utgahn. Ik speel nich in ehr Liga. Nancy will never go on a date with me. She's out of my league. Nancy should never leave with me. I do not play in his league. Ze hadden het over politiek. They talked politics. They were talking about politics. Du musst ihm ein paar neue Sachen kaufen. You need to buy him some new clothes. You have to buy him some new stuff. Wenn ich voriges Jahr so Spanisch gelernt hätte wie in den letzten Monaten, würde ich es jetzt viel besser sprechen. If I had studied Spanish last year as I am doing these months, I would speak much better now. If I had learned as Spanish last year as in recent months, I'd talk a lot better now. Warum hast du mir das nicht gesagt? Why didn't you tell me that? Why didn't you tell me that? Wie oft hast du das schon gemacht? How many times have you done this? How many times have you done that? Tom ist nicht einfältig. Tom isn't naive. Tom's not stupid. Ik wuifde terug naar hem. I waved him back. I waved back to him. Ik weet niet waar te beginnen. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. De weg splitst zich hier in tweeën. The road divides here into two. The road is divided into two. Tom wusste, dass Maria zu tun hatte. Tom knew that Mary was busy. Tom knew Mary had to do. Ik ben niet zeker of het een jongen of een meisje is. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. Wat is di wichtig? What is important for you? What's important to you? Overal was er rommel. Garbage was everywhere. There was mess everywhere. We hebben jullie hulp nodig. We need your help! We need your help. Tom was baie bang. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. Das Transportwesen in dieser Stadt ist recht gut. The transportation system in that city is quite good. Transport in this city is quite good. Ik ga biologie en Spaans studeren. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. Er macht Physik. He is doing physics. He's making physics. Mijn tas is heel zwaar. My bag is very heavy. My bag is very heavy. Maria ist nicht Toms Feindin. Maria isn't Tom's enemy. Maria's not Tom's enemy. "Mag ik telefoneren?" "Ja, doe maar." "May I use the phone?" "Please feel free." "May I call?" "Yes, do." Op daardie stadium was ek oorsee. I was overseas at the time. At the time, I was overseas. Er is in mijn stad geen school om Esperanto te leren. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. There's no school in my city to learn Esperanto. He hett veel Böker över Geschicht. He has a lot of books on history. He has many books about history. Ik zou willen opnieuw jong zijn. I wish I were young again. I'd like to be young again. Ik zou graag in Boston willen wonen. I'd like to live in Boston. I'd like to live in Boston. Nai! No! Nai! Misschien had je gelijk. Maybe you were right. Maybe you were right. Ich schäme mich. I am ashamed. I'm ashamed. Die Taschentücher liegen in der Schublade. The handkerchiefs are in the drawer. The handkerchiefs are in the drawer. Am Ende lag sie an der Spitze. She came out on top. In the end, she was at the top. Waarom doe je dit als ik vragen mag? Why are you doing this, if I may ask? Why do you do this if I can ask? Er macht ein Gesicht wie drei Tage Regenwetter. He’s making a face like three days of rainy weather. He makes a face like three days of rain. Ik bel je zodra ik vrij ben. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Ik ben hier om hem te redden. I'm here to rescue him. I'm here to save him. Du seggst mi nie, dat du mi leef hest. You never tell me that you love me. You don't tell me you're alive. We zullen je niet lastig vallen. We won't bother you. We won't bother you. Nee, papa. No, daddy. No, Daddy. Wo waren Sie? Where've you been? Where were you? Den Dësch ass gedeckt. The table is set. The spelling is covered. Doe haar de groeten als je haar ziet op het feest. Please say hello to her if you see her at the party. Give her the greetings when you see her at the party. Ik hoop wel dat je het begrijpt. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand. Stop! Stop! Stop! Ik vond het moeilijk me in dat lawaai verstaanbaar te maken. I found it difficult to make myself heard because of the noise. I found it hard to make myself understood in that noise. Ik wil een paar dagen blijven. I want to stay for several days. I want to stay a few days. Mag ik de tafel klaarzetten? May I set the table? Can I finish the table? Ek gaan nie uittree nie. I'm not backing out. I'm not going to quit. Bent u een priester? Are you a priest? Are you a priest? Ze werd heel ziek. She became very ill. She got very sick. De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. Tom gaf mie n pobbe. Tom gave me a doll. Tom gave me a pobbe. Heb je een Engels-Vietnamees woordenboek. Have you got an English-Vietnamese dictionary? You have an English-Vietnames dictionary. Dein Kopf sprudelte über vor neuen Ideen. Your head was bursting with new ideas. Your head was bubbling over in front of new ideas. Het weer was prachtig. The weather was gorgeous. The weather was beautiful. Sie hätten nicht so früh kommen müssen. You need not have come so early. You shouldn't have come this early. Hy was 'n goeie koning. He was a good king. He was a good king. Is allens trech? Is everything ready? Is everything tricky? Doe het licht aan. Ik zie niks. Turn on the light. I can't see anything. Put the light on, I don't see anything. Kom met me dansen! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! t Frais, Selterfrais en Noordfrais binnen Fraise toalen. West Frisian, Saterland Frisian and North Frisian are Frisian languages. Frais, Selterfrais and Noordfrais in Fraise toals. Ich denke du könntest Recht haben. You could be right, I suppose. I think you might be right. Een ijsbeer kan tot 500 kilometer zwemmen. A polar bear can swim up to 500 kilometers. A polar bear can swim up to 500 kilometers. Halt die Klappe und küss mich. Shut up and kiss me. Shut up and kiss me. He hett en groten Pesel. He has a huge cock. He's got a big pesel. Heelwat huise is weggespoel met die vloed. A lot of houses were washed away by the flood. Many homes were washed away with the flood. Ik vond jou. I found you. I found you. „Spielst du Fußball?“ – „Nein, aber ich spiele Tennis.“ "Do you play football?" "No, but I play tennis." “Do you play football?” – “No, but I play tennis.” Vraag Tom hoe je dat moet doen. Ask Tom how to do that. Ask Tom how to do that. Tom is een bofkont. Tom is a lucky bastard. Tom's a lucky boy. Gehen wir an die Arbeit. Let's go at our work. Let's go to work. Ik denk dat ik alleen maar uitgeput ben. I think that I'm just exhausted. I think I'm just exhausted. Ik wil een kop koffie. I would like a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Die Baseball-Saison hat angefangen. The baseball season has opened. The baseball season started. Köönt wi snacken? Can we talk? Can we talk? Niemand will, dass du das tust. Nobody wants you to do that. Nobody wants you to do this. Tom steht des Morgens meist vor Sonnenaufgang auf. Tom gets up before dawn most mornings. Tom usually gets up in the morning before sunrise. Hij is mijn stiefbroer. He's my stepbrother. He's my step brother. Tom kon nooit de verschrikking van de oorlog vergeten. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horror of the war. Deine Idee klingt gut. Your idea sounds like a good one. Your idea sounds good. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are things? How's it going? Tom was niet veilig. Tom wasn't safe. Tom wasn't safe. Jullie eten. You eat. You're eating. Wat maakst du? What are you doing? What are you doing? Hierdie meisie kom van Japan. This girl comes from Japan. This girl comes from Japan. Wat is jouw lievelingsfilm? What is your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie? Sein Sohn stürzte vom Felsenriff. His son fell over the cliff. His son fell from the rock reef. Jim keem liesen in de Kamer, dat he dat Baby nich opwaken deed. Jim entered the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby. Jim was reading in the room he didn't wake up the baby. Gaat u alstublieft zitten en wacht. Please take a seat and wait. Please sit down and wait. איך ווייס נישט וואס צו טאן וועגן זיינען געשעפטיגען גניבה׳שען-שטיק. I don't know what to do about his shoplifting. I don't know what to do about his business Genibah's chunk. Tom riss das Pflaster ab. Tom ripped off the band-aid. Tom took off the patch. Er ermutigte seinen Sohn, mehr zu lernen. He encouraged his son to study harder. He encouraged his son to learn more. Spreekst doe Galizjoans? Do you speak Galician? Is Galizjoans speaking? Langsam verliert Tom den Mut. Tom is beginning to get discouraged. Slowly, Tom loses courage. Tom doet me lachen. Tom makes me laugh. Tom's making fun of me. פֿאַרפּעסטיקונג איז אַ װאַקסנדיק‎ער פּראָבלעם. Pollution is a growing problem. Expanding is a growing problem. Woneem hest du de Schoh köfft? Where did you buy the shoes? Where did you open the son of a bitch? Toms Restaurant ist immer voll. Tom's restaurant is full all the time. Tom's restaurant is always full. Vielleicht schneit es. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it's snowing. Voed die voël! Feed the bird! Feed the Bird! Zwarte feestjurken staan haar erg goed. She is very becoming in a black party dress. Black party dresses are very good to her. Ik heb veel boeken nodig. I need a lot of books. I need a lot of books. Es gibt keinen Gott, es sei denn, du erfindest ihn. There is no God, unless you invent Him. There is no God unless you invent him. Hai kin t beter doun. He can do better. Hai can do better. Ich bin nie mit ihr gegangen. I've never dated her! I never went with her. Kommst du aus Australien? Are you from Australia? Are you from Australia? טאָם שרײַבט קיינמאָל נישט. Tom never writes. And home doesn't contain that. Sy is in Koreaan. She is a Korean. She's in Korean. Hij wil gewoon aandacht. He just wants attention. He just wants attention. Hoera voor Italiaanse vrouwen! Hurray for Italian women! Whora for Italian women! Misschien kan je me niet horen. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. Dieses Buch ist nicht so interessant wie das. This book isn't as interesting as that book. This book is not as interesting as that. Hij vroeg me waarom ik lachte. He asked me why I was laughing. He asked me why I laughed. Het is een mummie! It's a mummy! It's a mummy! Machen Sie es gleich fertig! Get it ready at once. Get it done! Tom erkannte, dass er sich getäuscht hatte. Tom realized that he was wrong. Tom realized that he had deceived himself. Ik zal het u tonen. I'll show you. I'll show you. Heb je een tweelingbroer? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? Wij wonen in Noorwegen. We live in Norway. We live in Norway. Je ziet er nog steeds boos uit. You still look angry. You still look angry. Wie gebruikt Tatoeba? Who uses Tatoeba? Who uses Tatuba? Die Mutterkatze zog aus, Vögel zu jagen. The mother cat went out hunting birds. The mother cat pulled out to hunt birds. Er mag Chemie. He likes chemistry. He likes chemistry. Tom en Maria zijn heel hechte vrienden. Tom and Mary are very close friends. Tom and Maria are very close friends. Het is heel storend. It's very disturbing. It's very disturbing. Guter Meister, was muss ich tun, dass ich das ewige Leben ererbe? Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Good master, what do I have to do to inherit everlasting life? Se kaakt för em. She is cooking for him. It's a crack for him. Tom hat seine Ziele erreicht. Tom has achieved his goals. Tom has achieved his goals. Tööv op mi! Wait for me! Wait for me! Junge Menschen neigen dazu, Dinge zu weit zu treiben. Young people tend to take things too far. Young people tend to drive things too far. Dat Problem is, dat ik nich noog Geld heff. The problem is that I don't have enough money. The problem is, I don't have enough money. Wer gibt die Feier? Who will host the party? Who gives the celebration? Ik heff twee Döchter un twee Söhns. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. Het was tachtig meter lang. It was eighty meters long. It was 80 meters long. Was willst du, dass geschehe? What do you want to happen? What do you want that to happen? Ik gah trügg. I'm going back. I'm going to sweat. Jy kan eet wat jy wil. You can eat whatever you like. You can eat whatever you want. Ja, man kann es tun, aber man sollte es nicht. Yes, it can be done, but it shouldn't be. Yeah, you can do it, but you shouldn't. Tom speelt piano. Tom plays piano. Tom's playing piano. Wat fir eng Faarf huet Äre Mantel? What color is your coat? What color does your shell have? Ich habe gesehen, wie du Tom das Leben rettetest. I saw how you saved Tom's life. I saw you save Tom's life. Toch? Right? Is that right? Dir kacht. You're cooking. You're moaning. Auf der letzten Seite schrieb Maria: „Das Raumschiff brennt.“ On the last page, Mary wrote: "The spaceship is on fire." On the last page, Maria wrote: “The spaceship is burning. ” Ek ken al hulle name. I know all their names. I know all their names. Helaas regent het vandaag. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Sami sal die reëls verduidelik. Sami will explain the rules. Sami will explain the rules. Er zijn veel sloppenwijken in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. There are a lot of sloping areas in Mexico. Laten we oefenen. Let's practice. Let's practice. Ze werd gediskwalificeerd van de race wegens twee valse starts. She was disqualified from the race for two false starts. She was disqualified from the race for two false starts. Se hett ehren Vader en Pullover knütt. She knitted her father a sweater. She brought a sweater to honor the Father. Ich danke euch von ganzem Herzen. I thank you with all my heart. Thank you very much. Het was een koude zomer dit jaar. It was cold in the summer of this year. It was a cold summer this year. Ihr könnt hier lernen. You can study here. You can learn here. Ich frage mich, wer sie ist. I wonder who she is. I wonder who she is. Ik heb geen vriend nodig. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need a friend. Ik kan niet ademen. I can't breathe! I can't breathe. Ich dachte, Tom gefielen Rätsel. I thought Tom liked riddles. I thought Tom liked puzzles. Man empfängt den Mann nach dem Kleide und entlässt ihn nach dem Verstande. A good dress is a card of invitation, while a good mind is a letter of recommendation. One welcomes the man after the dress and leaves him after the mind. Mach das, was du musst. Just do what you've got to do. Do what you need. Versäume es nicht, bis um fünf herzukommen. Don't fail to come here by five. Don't miss coming up to five. Ek sou nie verbaas wees as Tom vroeg verlaat het nie. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom left early. Du hest dat överdreven. You've overdone it. You overpowered it. Maak me niet boos. Don't make me angry. Don't make me mad. All Tibeters, de öller as 25 sünd, hebbt dat Recht, sik för dat Exil-Parlament von de Tibeters opstellen to laten. All Tibetans over 25 years of age, have the right to run for office for the Parliament of exiled Tibetans. All Tibetans, older than 25, have the right to let themselves be created by the Tibetans for the exile parliament. Hij lijkt het land verlaten te hebben. He seems to have left the country. He seems to have left the country. Tom ist nicht alt genug, um alleine hinzugehen. Tom isn't old enough to go there by himself. Tom's not old enough to go alone. Diese durchsichtige Flüssigkeit enthält eine Art Gift. This transparent liquid contains a kind of poison. This transparent liquid contains a sort of poison. Dat kan niet! No way! Can't do that! Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Would you like my email address? Villicht weet se de Antwoord. Maybe she knows the answer. You may know the answer. Ech kann elo net krank ginn, meng Vakanz fänkt muer op! I can't get sick now, my vacation starts tomorrow! I cannot be sick now, my father will start again! Dat kan niet waar zijn! It can't be! That can't be true! Hier? Here? Here? Laten we een bandje oprichten. Let's start a band. Let's set up a tape. Denken Sie nicht darüber nach! Tun Sie es! Don't think about it. Do it. Don't think about it! Mäi Meedchen huet muer Rendez-vous beim Zänndokter. My daughter has a dental appointment tomorrow. Mei Meidchen has his rendez-vous at the culprit. קיינער האָט נישט געוואָלט אונדז העלפֿן. Nobody wanted to help us. Cores didn't want us to help. Houden zij van sinaasappels? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? Se mööt dor dat dubbelte von eten. They need to eat double that amount. You have to eat the double of it. Tom schenkte Maria Blumen. Tom gave flowers to Mary. Tom gave Mary flowers. Nog één uur en de kalkoen is klaar. One more hour and the turkey will be ready. One more hour and the turkey is ready. Ik blijf sceptisch. I remain skeptical. I stay skeptical. Maai komt noa april. May comes after April. Mai's coming no. April. Dit is sy foto. It is his photo. It's his picture. Tom hat mir nie gesagt, dass du so schön bist. Tom never told me that you were so beautiful. Tom never told me you were so beautiful. איך עס אסאך פלייש. I eat a lot of meat. I'm gonna have to live with that. I'm gonna have to follow it up to you. Tom hat sich voriges Jahr das Leben genommen. Tom committed suicide last year. Tom took his life last year. Sie sollten es zu Fuß innerhalb von 5 Minuten erreichen. You should get there in five minutes walking. You should reach it on foot within 5 minutes. Tom hat sich erhängt. Tom hanged himself. Tom hanged himself. Dieses Buch handelt von Tatsachen. This book deals with facts. This book is about facts. Sami leerde het Arabisch om de Koran beter te begrijpen. Sami learned Arabic to understand the Quran better. Sami learned Arabic to understand the Koran better. Het vliegtuig vertrok op tijd. The airplane took off on time. The plane left in time. He hett sien Ogenlicht bi en Unfall verloren. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost sight of eyelight in an accident. Ik wil met Tom gaan skiën. I want to go skiing with Tom. I want to go skiing with Tom. Tom sliep. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. Spellingwedstrijden zijn onnozel. Spelling bees are stupid. Spelling matches are stupid. Tom sit by venster besig om 'n boek te lees. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom is sitting on window reading a book. Millionen von Farmern mussten sich nach einer anderen Arbeit umsehen. Millions of farmers had to look for other work. Millions of farmers had to look around for another job. Tom spreekt nauwelijks Frans. Tom can barely speak French. Tom hardly speaks French. Dis net nie die moeite werd nie. It's just not worth it. It's just not worth the effort. די פֿרױ לײענט. The woman is reading. The document is already read. Het was niet de mijne. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. Ich habe jetzt eine andere Arbeit. I have another job now. I've got another job now. Laat me gewoon maar alleen! Just leave me alone. Just leave me alone! Ben je ooit naar de opera geweest? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? Heeft u een aansteker? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? "Nee," antwoordde Dima, "om me te helpen deze Armani te kopen. Ik ben smerig, weet je nog?" "No," Dima replied. "To help me buy this Armani. I'm dirty, remember?" "No," said Dima, "to help me buy this Armani. Jy sal nie glo wat ek gevind het nie. You won't believe what I found. You won't believe what I found. Tom weiß, wie man Witze erzählt. Tom knows how to tell jokes. Tom knows how to tell jokes. Er schrieb ihnen. He wrote to them. He wrote them. We wassen met zeep. We wash with soap. We wash with soap. Dat Huus is man lütt, aver för uns reckt dat. The house is small, but it's enough for us. The house is small, but for us it's easy. Ich habe mit Tom zusammen zu Mittag gegessen. I ate lunch with Tom. I ate lunch with Tom. Mag ek 'n dag verlof neem? Can I take a day off? May I take a day's leave? Ich gebe Ihnen dafür dreißig Dollar. I'll give you thirty dollars for that. I'll give you thirty dollars for that. De financiële vooruitzichten zijn geweldig. The financial prospects are excellent. The financial perspective is great. Matthew wordt met de dag ouder, weet je - hij is zestig - en hij is niet meer zo kwiek als vroeger. Matthew is getting up in years, you know—he's sixty—and he isn't so spry as he once was. Matthew gets older the day, you know -- he's 60 -- and he's not as hard as he used to be. איך רעדט פּאָרטוגעזיש װי אַ װאַסער. I speak Portuguese fluently. I might think of it as an American. Meine Sachen passen mir alle nicht mehr. None of my clothes fit anymore. My things don't fit me anymore. Wann wirst du zurück kommen? When will you return? When will you come back? Seid ihr sicher, dass ihr nicht mit uns schwimmen gehen möchtet? Are you sure you don't want to go swimming with us? Are you sure you don't want to swim with us? Worin liegt der Unterschied zwischen einem All-you-can-eat-Laden und einem gewöhnlichen Lebensmittelgeschäft in Deutschland? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat convenience store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany? What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat store and an ordinary food store in Germany? Dat is geen kat. Dat is een hond. That's not a cat. That's a dog. That's not a cat. Ich glaube, ich lege mich wieder schlafen. I think I'll go back to sleep. I think I'm gonna sleep again. Nach hundert Jahren befand sich der Sohn des nun regierenden Königs, der stammte aus einer anderen Familie als die schlafende Prinzessin, in jenem Teile des Landes auf der Jagd und fragte, was das für Türme seien, die er inmitten eines großen, dichten Waldes sehe. After a hundred years the son of the King then reigning, who was of another family from that of the sleeping Princess, was a-hunting on that side of the country, and he asked what those towers were which he saw in the middle of a great thick wood. After a hundred years, the son of the reigning king, who came from a family other than the sleeping princess, was hunting in that part of the country and asked what was for towers he saw in the midst of a large, dense forest. De herenhemden bevinden zich op de tweede verdieping. Men's shirts are on the second floor. The men's shirts are on the second floor. Er is veel sneeuw gevallen. It snowed a lot. There's been a lot of snow falling. My perd is swart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Autofahren habe ich von meinem älteren Bruder gelernt. My older brother was the one who taught me how to drive. I learned driving from my older brother. Nooit iets veranderen! Never change anything! Never change anything! Ik weet dat je een leerkracht bent. I know that you're a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Die Amischen sprechen zu Hause Pennsylvaniadeutsch, auf der Arbeit Englisch und in der Kirche Hochdeutsch. The Amish people use Pennsylvania German at home, English for business, and High German in church. The Amisches speak at home PennsylvaniaGerman, at work English and in the church Hochdeutsch. Der Wirt dachte: „So ein Koch wäre in meiner Gaststätte von Nutzen!“ The landlord thought: "A chef like that would be useful in my pub!" The host thought: “Such a cook would be beneficial in my restaurant! ” Je hebt er het raden naar wanneer ze zal komen. It's anybody's guess when she'll come. You've guessed when she'll come. Zet het uit, en doe het daarna weer aan. Turn it off, then turn it back on. Turn it off, then put it on again. Das ist genug für mich. This is enough for me. That's enough for me. Ik kan niet geloven dat ik daaraan zelfs niet gedacht heb. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. I can't believe I didn't even think about it. Wisst ihr etwas über eure Familie? Do you know anything about your family? Do you know anything about your family? Mir kam ein interessantes Gerücht zu Ohren. I heard an interesting rumor. An interesting rumor came to my ears. Sy is twee jaar ouer as jy. She is two years older than you. She's two years older than you. Hij zal zeker slagen. He'll succeed for sure. I'm sure he'll succeed. Ich mag dir so etwas gesagt haben, aber ich kann mich überhaupt nicht mehr daran erinnern. I may have told you such a thing, but I don't remember it at all. I like to tell you something like that, but I can't remember it at all. Tom trat von der Tür weg. Tom stepped away from the door. Tom left the door. איך האָב ניט קיין זון. I have no son. I don't look at any son. Ek het briewe ontvang van 'n persoon wat ek nog nooit ontmoet het nie. I got letters from a person I've never met. I received letters from a person I've never met before. Christoph Columbus war berüchtigt dafür, wiederholt die Schlummerfunktion seines Weckers mit der Faust zu schlagen. Nur leider war sein "Wecker" für gewöhnlich sein erster Offizier. Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate. Christoph Columbus was notorious for repeatedly beating the sleeper function of his alarm clock with the fist. Only, unfortunately, was his "Wecker" usually his first officer. Ons het meer onderwyseresse soos u nodig. We need more teachers like you. We need more teachers like you. Het is in Europa. It's in Europe. It's in Europe. Das Foto-Shooting machte Spaß. The photo shoot was fun. The photo shooting was fun. Dit is geen spin, het is een monster! This is not a spider, it's a monster! This isn't a spider, it's a monster! Sie half dem alten Mann über die Straße. She helped the old man across the street. She helped the old man across the street. Een gitaar heeft gewoonlijk zes snaren terwijl een basgitaar gewoonlijk vier snaren heeft. A guitar normally has six strings, while a bass guitar normally has four strings. A guitar usually has six strings while a bass guitar usually has four strings. He wüss dat nich. He didn't know that. He didn't know. Tom heeft diabetes. Tom has diabetes. Tom's got diabetes. Dienstliche Angelegenheiten sind niemals dringend. Official business is never urgent. Service matters are never urgent. Ray war bereit, Garys Geschichte zu bestätigen, aber die Polizei war immer noch nicht überzeugt, dass einer von den beiden die Wahrheit erzählte. Ray was willing to corroborate Gary's story, but the police were still unconvinced that either of them were telling the truth. Ray was willing to confirm Gary's story, but the police were still not convinced that one of the two was telling the truth. Tom isst viel ungesunde Schnellgerichte. Tom eats a lot of junk food. Tom eats a lot of unhealthy quick dishes. Toms vriendin dreigde ermee hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom is heel erg allergisch voor gras. Tom is severely allergic to grass. Tom is very allergic to grass. Wannehr hest du dien Auto köfft? When did you buy your car? When did you open your car? Mir fehlt dafür die Geduld. I don't have the patience for this. I lack patience. Maria, komm mit mir zurück nach Paris! Mary, come back to Paris with me. Maria, come back to Paris with me! Ich kann es nicht ganz verstehen. I can't quite understand. I can't quite understand. Ist sie immer so? Is she always like that? Is she always like that? Ich au. Nice to meet you too. I'm right. Allemans vriend is niemands vriend. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Everybody's friend is nobody's friend. Ich weiß, wie sie sind. I know what they're like. I know how they are. Beproef je geluk! Try your luck! Test your luck! Volstrekt onmogelijk. Absolutely impossible. It's absolutely impossible. Tom ging ins Krankenhaus, weil er krank war. Tom went to the hospital because he was sick. Tom went to the hospital because he was sick. Ik bün ut Columbia. I am from Columbia. I'm from Columbia. Unser neuer Lehrer hat gerade erst sein Studium beendet. Our new teacher is fresh out of college. Our new teacher just finished his studies. Schrijf jullie naam in hoofdletters. Write your name in capitals. Write your name in capital letters. Goeiedag! Good day! Good day! Zuerst brauchen wir einen Plan. We need a plan first. First we need a plan. Het is hier te rokerig voor mij. It's too smoky here for me. It's too smoky here for me. Hij bewaart zijn jeugdigheid door te joggen. He keeps his youth by jogging. He keeps his youth by jogging. Ich hatte einfach keine Lust aufzustehen. I just didn't feel like getting up. I just didn't want to get up. Was die Welt verändert, ist Kommunikation, nicht Information. What changes the world is communication, not information. What changes the world is communication, not information. De apen vlooien elkaar. The monkeys are grooming each other. The monkeys flea each other. Ik heb een partner nodig. I need a partner. I need a partner. 'Ic swerie þurh me selfne, sægde se Ælmihtiga, nu þu noldest arian þinum ancennedan suna,' I swear to me himself, said the Almighty, now that you would not spare your only begotten son, The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Tom koopt alleen eieren van scharrelkippen. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys eggs from scarves. Jullie huis is groot. Your house is big. Your house is big. Kin k kommen? Can I come? Kin k coming? Es isch fast Sechsi. It's almost six. It's almost six. Huel méng Liiblingsrevuen am Geschenkgeschäft. Pick up my favorite magazines at the gift shop. Give me my Liblings Revuen at the gift shop. Es gibt ein weltweites Verständigungsproblem. There's a global problem of comprehension. There is a global problem of understanding. Ik heb gehoord dat ze een beroemde actrice is. I hear she's a famous actress. I heard she's a famous actress. Dat kan ons geen moer schelen. We don't give a fuck. We don't care. Tom heeft dat niet gezegd. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't say that. Was iss dei Naame? What is your name? What is the name of the day? Hier drin hielte ich es stundenlang aus. I could spend hours in here. I kept it in here for hours. פֿאַראַן דאָ אַ כּהן? Is anyone here a cohen? For now? Heb je koorts? Do you have a temperature? Do you have fever? In Wittrussland gifft dat Anhängers von allerhand verscheden Religionen. Adherents of various religions live in Belarus. In Belarus there are followers of all kinds of religions. Halt! Stop! Stop! Sie ist fünf Jahre jünger als er. She's five years younger than he is. She's five years younger than him. Tom kan in mijn kamer slapen. Tom can sleep in my room. Tom can sleep in my room. Wie könnt ihr so viel essen? How can you eat so much? How much can you eat? Warum hältst du nicht die verfickte Klappe? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why don't you shut up? Het is zo duidelijk dat het een leugen is! It's so obvious that it's a lie! It's so clear that it's a lie! Wat is de Ünnerscheed twischen en Hund un en Wulf? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? What is the split between a dog and a Wulf? Wir sind in unserer Familie zu fünft. There are five people in our family. We're five in our family. Ich will nicht einmal daran denken, dass dir so etwas passieren könnte. I don't even want to think about something similar happening to you. I don't even want to think that something like this could happen to you. Es kostet die Steuerzahler Unmengen an Geld. It's costing taxpayers tons of money. It costs taxpayers a lot of money. Een glimlach is de mooiste ronding op het lichaam van een vrouw. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. A smile is the most beautiful round on a woman's body. Tom hat gestern ein neues Auto gekauft. Tom bought a new car yesterday. Tom bought a new car yesterday. Het zou gestoord zijn om dat nog een keer te doen. It would be crazy to do that again. It would be crazy to do that again. Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done is done. What happened, it happened. Leest du noch wat anners as de Biebel? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything else than the Bible? An jedem neuen Tag fühlst du dich gut. Every new day you feel good. Every new day you feel good. ik heff miene Süster en ne’en Hoot köfft. I bought my sister a new hat. I've opened my little Soister and ne'en Hoot. Hoeveel belegde broodjes zijn er nog over? How many sandwiches are there left? How many more besieged sandwiches left? U bent een wiskundeleraar. You're a math teacher. You're a math teacher. Helfen Sie mir, das zu zerlegen. Help me take this apart. Help me break this up. Ek wil nie daans nie. I don't want to dance. I don't want to go there. Paarden zijn nuttige dieren. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Dat is geen woordenboek. That's not a dictionary. That's not a dictionary. איך קען א מענטש וואס קען אונז העלפן. I know somebody who can help us. I could help a person who could help us. Laat ons oefen. Let's practice. Let's practice. De geiser spuit om de twee uur heet water. The geyser goes off with hot water every two hours. The geiser syringe is hot water every two hours. Ek kan nie nou aan sy naam dink nie. I can't think of his name just now. I can't think of his name now. Wat is Tom toch een sloddervos. Tom is such a slob. What a slodder vos. Ik ben 20 jaar oud. I am 20 years old. I'm 20 years old. Die perd is nie wit. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Sie gab nur vor, zu schlafen. She was only pretending to be asleep. She only pretended to sleep. Dann warf sich das Monster mit einem letzten, schrecklichen Aufschrei vom Berg hinunter, um auf den Felsen unten zu Tode zu kommen. Then, with a final, terrible scream, the monster flung itself off the mountain to its death on the rocks below. Then the monster threw himself down from the mountain with a last terrible cry to die on the rock below. Ik weet dat ik het heb ingepakt. I know I packed it. I know I packed it. Dankie! Cheers! Thank you! "Zal het regenen?" "Ik hoop van niet." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Shall it rain?" "I hope not." Die Atomnummer für Wasserstoff ist 1. The atomic number for hydrogen is 1. The atomic number for hydrogen is 1. We hadden een verhitte discussie. We had a heated discussion. We had a heated discussion. Dit is 'n grap. It's a joke. This is a joke. Ik ben getrouwd met Lori. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Weet hij dat je van hem houdt? Does he know that you love him? Does he know you love him? Ich war mit meinem Latein am Ende. I was at my wit's end. I ended up with my Latin. Tom tut nichts, ohne vorher Maria zu fragen, ob sie einverstanden ist. Tom doesn't do anything without first asking Mary if it's OK. Tom doesn't do anything without asking Mary if she agrees. Er ist im Ausland. He is abroad. He's abroad. Wat is jouw baan? What's your job? What's your job? Tom het weg getrek. Tom moved away. Tom pulled it away. Asto no seist: "Ik hâld fan dy," dan sis ik dat ek tsjin dy. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. As soon as I say, "I think of that," I say so too. Ganse vlieg in 'n V-vorm. Geese fly in a V shape. Ganze's flying in a V-form. Het ziet er naar uit dat het gaat regenen. It is likely to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. We moeten de regels volgen. We must observe the rules. We need to follow the rules. Ze zat op een leeg strand naar de één voor één aanspoelende golven te kijken. She sat on the empty beach watching the waves roll in one after the other. She was sitting on an empty beach watching one by one washed waves. Haben Sie eine Antwort von Tom erhalten? Did you get an answer from Tom? Did you get an answer from Tom? דאָס ברויט איז טײַער. The bread is expensive. This brother is labeled. Woveel Tied is vergahn? How much time has passed? How much time has gone? Zij weet wellicht het antwoord. Maybe she knows the answer. She may know the answer. Kinderen hebben een hekel aan irritante leraren. Children hate annoying teachers. Children hate annoying teachers. We drinken water. We drink water. We drink water. Tom is veel lütter as Ria. Tom is much shorter than Mary. Tom is much smaller than Ria. Ik lees. I'm reading. I read. Gudde Mëtteg. Good afternoon. Gudde Wendteg. Fürchte dich nicht vor Änderungen. Don't be afraid of change. Don't worry about any changes. Solange ihn niemand ansprach, sagte er nichts. He did not speak unless spoken to. As long as no one spoke to him, he didn't say anything. In Schwein ist viel Fett. Pork has a lot of fat. There's a lot of fat in pig. Schrief! Write! Write! Tom sagte, er habe schon seit unserem Kennenlernen etwas für mich empfunden. Tom told me that he had feelings for me since he first met me. Tom said he's felt something for me since we met him. Ich bin untalentiert. I'm untalented. I'm untalented. Vier gezinnen kwamen om in de brand. Four families were killed in the fire. Four families died on fire. Kommt Dir mat? Are you going to come along? Are you coming with us? Die meiden zijn aangekomen. Those girls arrived. Those girls have arrived. Ben je niet bang om dood te gaan? Aren't you afraid to die? Aren't you afraid to die? De citroen heeft een eigen smaak. The lemon has a flavor all of its own. The lemon has its own taste. Hai kin lopen. He can walk. Hai can walk. Wat doot Se? What are you doing? What the fuck? כ'בין נישט קיין קאָטער. I'm not a tomcat. You're not a commercial. De Tied warrt knapp. Time is getting short. The time is getting close. Ik ben online. I am online. I'm online. דוד איז אהיים. David is at home. You are heaven. Een Jung is grötter as de annere. One boy is taller than the other. One young is greater than the other. Ich sagte dir doch, dass du im Wagen bleiben sollst! I told you to stay in the car. I told you to stay in the car! Es tut mir leid – ich hab’s vergessen. I'm sorry. I forgot about this. I'm sorry – I forgot. Hij houdt van eten. He has a good appetite. He likes food. Ik heb zusters. I have sisters. I have sisters. Ich werde in zehn Minuten da sein. I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll be there in ten minutes. Sy het haarself vermoor. She killed herself. She murdered herself. Tom braucht sich um nichts Sorgen zu machen. Maria wird sich um alles kümmern. Tom doesn't need to worry about a thing. Mary will take care of everything. Tom doesn't need to worry about anything. Maria's gonna take care of everything. Waarom zou ik Frans leren? Why should I learn French? Why should I learn French? Is de Butenminister al ankamen? Has the Foreign Secretary arrived yet? Has the Foreign Minister arrived yet? Zijn toestand had erger kunnen zijn. His condition could have been worse. His condition could have been worse. Ik ben naar muziek aan het luisteren. I'm listening to music. I'm listening to music. Hulle is vermoor. They were murdered. They were murdered. Ihr tut mir sehr leid. I'm very sorry for you. I'm very sorry. Zwei Monate sind es nun schon, seit er nach Frankreich gezogen ist. Two months have passed since he left for France. It's been two months since he moved to France. זײ לעבן אױף דער אַנדערער זײַט פֿונעם טײַך. They live on the other side of the river. Pixels of blanks on some side of the mark. Zeehonden eten vis. Seals eat fish. Sea dogs eat fish. He hett markt, dat ik dor bün. He noticed my presence. He's got the market, that I'm in there. מיר האבן איר געזעהן אריינגיינדיק אינעם פארק. We saw her enter the park. We've been giving you laws entry into the tank. Wie eten aaier. We eat eggs. Who's eating a sower? Zo heeft hij de machine uitgevonden. That's how he invented the machine. That's how he invented the machine. Wat moet dit voorstellen? What in the world is this? What is this supposed to be? Dieser Schriftsteller war mehrere Jahre bei den Truppen im Feld. This writer spent several years in the field with the troops. This writer was with the troops in the field for several years. Kinner bruukt Leevd. Children need loving. Child needs leevd. טאָם זעט זײַן ברודער נישט אָפֿט. Tom doesn't see his brother often. Totem see his brother doesn't look too hard. Das war deren Schuld. It was their fault. That was their fault. Tom sagte Maria, sie solle später wiederkommen. Tom told Mary to come back later. Tom told Maria to come back later. Hij kan hun vragen niet beantwoorden. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. Kool en aardgas zijn natuurlijke brandstoffen. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Se deed blangen em kneen. She knelt beside him. She was kneeling him. Sie hätte sich nie träumen lassen, dass sie den ersten Preis gewänne. Little did she dream that she could win first prize. She would never have dreamed of winning the first prize. We hebben daden nodig, geen woorden. We need actions, not words. We need actions, not words. Het is een Roemeense naam. It's a Romanian name. It's a Romanian name. Dizze bloume is rood. This flower is red. This blue is red. Tom zette ons noamen op lieste. Tom put our names on the list. Tom put our noamen on it. Mein Vater wird mir das Fell über die Ohren ziehen. My father is going to kill me. My father's gonna pull the fur over my ears. Tom und Maria verspäten sich. Tom and Mary are late. Tom and Maria are late. k Kom oet Finlaand. I'm from Finland. - Come on, Finlaand. Eet Schiet — Milljonen Flegen köönt nich verkehrt liggen. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat Shoot — Millions of flying cannot be wrong. Ihr seid Idioten. You guys are idiots. You're idiots. Je lijkt wel gek. You must be crazy. You look crazy. Blumen sind gelb. Flowers are yellow. Flowers are yellow. Dieses Bild ist wirklich sehr schön. This painting is really very nice. This picture is really very beautiful. וועגן וועמענס הונט רעדט איר? Whose dog are you talking about? about who the hell are you talking about? Ik ben een Franse prins. I am a French prince. I'm a French prince. Jullie zijn mij een zoen verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Weet je dan niet wat er is gebeurd? Don't you know what's happened? Don't you know what happened? Tom hörte sich eine alte Schallplatte auf seinem Plattenspieler an. Tom listened to an old vinyl record on his turntable. Tom listened to an old sound record on his record player. We gaan het proberen. We're going to try. We're gonna try. Niemand weet dat wij neven zijn. No one knows we're cousins. Nobody knows we're cousins. Ik kann keen Spaansch, aver mit de Hülp von en Spaansch-Düütsch-Wöörbook heff ik dien Breev en beten verstahn. I don't know Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish-German dictionary, I nevertheless understood your letter to some extent. I can't understand Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish German dictionary I have served Breev. Tom was niet al te voorzichtig. Tom wasn't too careful. Tom wasn't too careful. Hadden ze het? Did they have it? Did they have it? Tom lyk altyd of hy dieselfde ding dra. Tom always seems to be wearing the same thing. Tom always seems to be wearing the same thing. Enttäuschen Sie mich jetzt nicht! Don't disappoint me now. Don't disappoint me now! Das ist das letzte Mal, dass ich diese Salbe auf meine Haut auftragen werde. This is the last time I'll apply this ointment on my skin. That's the last time I'm gonna put this ointment on my skin. Setz dich! Sit down! Sit down! Hij is een stamgast in de barren en kroegen hier. He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here. He's a tribal guest in the storks and pubs here. Tom kam zu spät zur Arbeit. Tom was late for work. Tom came to work too late. Tom sah sich nach beiden Seiten um, bevor er die Straße überquerte. Tom looked both ways before crossing the street. Tom looked around for both sides before crossing the street. Ich habe nicht den Wunsch, dorthin zu gehen. I have no desire to go there. I don't want to go there. Maak dat Door dicht. Close the gate. Close that door. Tom mag geern engelsche Litteretur lesen. Tom likes reading English literature. Tom is allowed to read English literature. Toms Humor gefällt mir nicht. I don't appreciate Tom's humor. I don't like Tom's humor. Mien kadde is swaart. My cat is black. My cadre is heavy. Ze wist dat John van haar hield. She knew that John loved her. She knew John loved her. An ye, hou's aw wi ye? And you, how's everything with you? And you actually know how to do that? Wat ben je godsnaam aan het doen? What on earth do you think you're doing? What the hell are you doing? He deed bilütten oold warrn. He was getting old. He just turned out to be old. איך בין כינעזיש. I am Chinese. I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm aware of what you might want to do. Tom miste zijn vrienden. Tom missed his friends. Tom missed his friends. Er ist etwas älter als ich. He's a bit older than me. He's a little older than me. Bedankt voor het helpen. Thank you for the help. Thank you for helping me. Waar koop je groenten? Where do you buy vegetables? Where are you buying vegetables? Zult ge hem daarover spreken als hij thuiskomt? Will you tell him about it when he comes home? Will you talk about it when he comes home? Ik ben een yoghurt voor kinderen aan het eten. I'm eating a yogurt for children. I'm a yogurt for children eating. Hai wachtte. He waited. Hai was waiting. Ik woon niet meer in Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. k Hol van slik. I like sweets. k Get from silt. Könnt ihr später noch mal kommen? Can you come back later? Could you come back later? Maria strich sich den Sand von den Beinen. Mary wiped the sand from her legs. Mary drew the sand from the legs. Sie wurde in einem Restaurant mit ihrem Liebhaber gesehen. She was seen at a restaurant with her lover. She was seen in a restaurant with her lover. Ik heb een scherp mes. I have a sharp knife. I've got a sharp knife. Ich dachte, Tom wäre Marias Freund. I thought Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I thought Tom was Maria's friend. Welkom op de webstek van het Tatoeba-project. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the website of the Tattooa project. Schier! Pretty! -Shrew! -Shrew! Ihre Freunde waren eifersüchtig. Her friends were jealous. Her friends were jealous. Waarom ben je godverdomme altijd zo trots op jezelf? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? Why are you always so proud of yourself? Rookt uw vader? Does your father smoke? Does your father smoke? Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren. They said that they were colorblind. They said they were color blind. k Woon ien Stad. I live in Groningen. k Living one city. Bin ich dick? Am I fat? Am I fat? Was willst du noch? What more do you want? What else do you want? Tom rühmte sich dessen. Tom bragged about it. Tom was famous for that. Ihr müsst damit anfangen. You have to start doing that. You've got to start with that. Ze is een goede studente. She is a good student. She's a good student. Ein Mädchen ist gestern im Teich ertrunken. A girl drowned in the pond yesterday. A girl was drowned in the pond yesterday. Ik hou erg van koffie. I like coffee very much. I love coffee very much. Voeg wat melk toe. Add a little milk. Add some milk. Hun auto nam deel aan een van de zwaarste races ter wereld. Their car entered one of the toughest races in the world. Their car participated in one of the toughest races in the world. Tom is arm, maar hij is gelukkig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor, but he's happy. Ich habe das für dich getan. I did this for you. I did this for you. Es könnte sich in der Tat um einen Fehler handeln. It may, indeed, be a mistake. It could actually be a mistake. Er waren toen nog maar weinig wegen in Noord-Amerika. Few roads existed in North America at that time. There were few roads in North America at that time. Ik wou u gewoon enkele vragen stellen. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. I just wanted to ask you some questions. Bitte sie zu kommen! Ask her to come. Please come! Ist die Prüfung gut gelaufen? Did you do well in the exam? Did the test run well? Er is een vrouw in de kamer. There's a woman in the room. There's a woman in the room. Dröff ik dien Naam weten? May I have your name? Do I know that name? Zai kwam! She came! Zai came! Wir wohnten in einem billigen Hotel. We stayed at a cheap hotel. We lived in a cheap hotel. Oké. Okay. Okay. בנימין נתניהו איז אַ שאַנדע פֿאַר די גויים. Benjamin Netanyahu is a shande. Benjamin Netanyahu is aack for the body. Der Polizist leuchtete dem Betrunkenen mit der Taschenlampe ins Gesicht. The officer shone his flashlight in the drunken man's face. The police lighted the drunk with the flashlight in the face. Schiet op. Hurry. Hurry up. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. We're very happy with the results. We are very pleased with the results. Neem autobus. Take the bus. Take a bus. Ich suchte nach einer Arbeit. I looked for a job. I was looking for a job. Er leefde eens een arme man en een rijke vrouw. Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman. There once lived a poor man and a rich woman. Ik heff den Satz verbetert. I've improved the sentence. I've improved the sentence. Tom sal nie omgee nie. Tom wouldn't care. Tom won't care. Ist Tom krank? Is Tom ill? Is Tom sick? Er fährt einen pinken Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He's driving a pink Cadillac. Du lies. You're reading. You read. ער האָט אויסגעשאָסן מײַן קאַץ, דער משוגענער! He shot my cat, that lunatic! He threw out my cats, the user! Blijf gewoon op dit pad. Just stay on this path. Just stay on this path. Hallich Neiyaahr! Happy New Year! Hallich Neiyahar! Mien tannen binnen wit. My teeth are white. My teeth inside white. Je bent een goede vent. You're a good guy. You're a good guy. Zijn plotselinge verschijning verraste me. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. His sudden appearance surprised me. Tom ist nicht zu Hause. Tom isn't at home. Tom's not home. Hebben jullie het raam dichtgedaan? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Er war in einen Skandal verwickelt. He was involved in a scandal. He was in a scandal. Mijn dokter heeft me aangeraden om de inname van dit geneesmiddel te staken. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine. My doctor advised me to stop taking this medicine. Ik vertaalde. I translated. I translated. ראַמאַדאַן קאַרים. Happy Ramadan. YAMADAIN CURRlS. Nutella ist in Japan nicht sehr verbreitet. In Amerika und Europa jedoch ist es ein bekannter Brotaufstrich und man kann Gläser in unterschiedlichen Größen in vielen Lebensmittelgeschäften und Supermärkten aufgereiht finden. Nutella is not very well known in Japan. However in the United States and Europe, it's a popular spread and various sized jars of Nutella may be seen lined up inside many grocery stores and supermarkets. Nutella is not very common in Japan. In America and Europe, however, it is a well-known spread of bread and can be found in various sizes in many grocery stores and supermarkets. De Amerikaanse film was een groot succes. That American movie was a great success. The American film was a great success. Es scheint, dass ich meine Schlüssel verloren habe. It seems that I have lost my keys. It seems I lost my keys. The hound bith deed. The dog's dead. The hold bit did. Ik ben voorzichtig. I'm careful. I'm careful. Ist Tom im Baseball zu gebrauchen? Is Tom any good at baseball? Is Tom to be used in baseball? Ik zeg tegen jou dat de kaart naar hier verwijst. I am telling you that the map points here. I'm telling you the map refers to here. Tom kann mich nicht dazu bringen, es zu tun. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't make me do it. Es ist nicht Tom. It isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Tue es, Tom. Go for it, Tom. Do it, Tom. Maria hat ein kostenloses Auto gewonnen. Mary won a free car. Maria won a free car. Es liegt an dir, es zu tun. It's up to you to do it. It's up to you to do it. Da ich sehr müde war, ging ich früh ins Bett. Since I was really tired I went to sleep early. Since I was very tired, I went to bed early. Ich will nicht, dass du mit Tom ausgehst. I don't want you going out with Tom. I don't want you to go out with Tom. Hij was te moe om te studeren. He was too tired to study. He was too tired to study. Mary schonk haarzelf wat ontbijtgranen in. Mary poured herself some cereal. Mary gave herself some breakfast grains. Könntest du den Fernseher leiser drehen? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn the TV a little quiet? Wie konntest du nur? How could you? How could you? Ik weet niet juist waar ik geboren ben. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know where I was born. Sami herkende Layla niet met de hijaab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hijab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hyabab. Warten Sie - ich übernehme das. Wait. I will pay for this. Wait, I'll take it. Wer steht noch auf der Liste? Who else is on that list? Who's still on the list? „Wie gut kennen Sie Tom?“ – „Ich bin ihm erst einmal begegnet.“ "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." “How well do you know Tom?” – “I first met him.” 't Is mien faveriete eten. It's my favorite food. It's my favorite food. Dat zegt me iets. That rings a bell. That's what I'm saying. Ich möchte meine Reservierung stornieren. I'd like to cancel my reservation. I want to cancel my reservation. Ik wull keen Melk. I didn't want milk. I don't want a milk. Tom doodde Maria. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Maria. זי האָט זײער גוטע באַציונגען מיט אירע סטודענטן. She has a very good relationship with her students. She has quoted good relations with her students. Het kind tekende een bolvormige driehoek. The child drew a spherical triangle. The child drew a ball-shaped triangle. Ik hou van koken. I love cooking. I love cooking. Wir verstehen kein Französisch. We don't understand French. We don't understand French. Ik bün grötter. I am taller. I'm bigger. Ik zal je het geld morgen teruggeven. I'll give you back the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. Elkeen Voss laavt sien Steert. Every fox praises its tail. Each Voss loads the Diet. Ich bin Tom eigentlich egal. Tom doesn't really care about me. I don't really care about Tom. Kunt u me deze foto's laten zien, alstublieft? Please, show me these photos. Can you show me these pictures, please? We zijn omringd door zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. Zwaartekracht is een natuurkracht, waardoor dingen elkaar aantrekken. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is a natural force, making things attract one another. Een piano is duur. A piano is expensive. A piano's expensive. Koelkaast was leeg. The refrigerator was empty. Fridge was empty. Ik voel me niet goed. I'm not feeling well. I don't feel right. Wil iemand een pizza? Does anybody want a pizza? Anyone want a pizza? Hij schudde de hand van de beroemde zanger. He shook hands with the famous singer. He shook the hand of the famous singer. Tom wil bewonderd word. Tom wants to be admired. Tom wants to be admired. Kan ek u 'n voorstel maak? Can I make you a proposal? Can I make you a suggestion? Wi kunnen nix sehn as Mist. We could see nothing but fog. We can't see anything like shit. Ich glaube, wir sind irgendwo falsch abgebogen. I think we made a wrong turn somewhere. I think we're wrong somewhere. קיינער קען זי נישט זען. Nobody can see it. Stones could not see them. Ik dacht dat je in Boston woonde. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Roek k schink? Do I smell bacon? Roek kink? Kinst lopen? Can you walk? Can you run? Uns Huus hett söven Kamern, de Stuuv mittellt. Our house has seven rooms including the dining room. Our house has seven rooms, the Stuuv is melded. Hij was gisteren niet op school. He was absent from school yesterday. He wasn't at school yesterday. Tom möchte, dass wir ihm folgen. Tom wants us to follow him. Tom wants us to follow him. Dit is normaal. This is normal. This is normal. Ich werde den nicht unterschreiben. I won't sign this. I won't sign it. Wat is het dagmenu? What's today's menu? What's the day menu? Teak is een tropisch donker hout dat gebruikt wordt om meubelen te maken. Teak is a tropical dark wood used for making furniture. Teak is a tropical dark wood used to make furniture. Wat wil je voor het ontbijt? What do you want for breakfast? What do you want for breakfast? Leef in het moment, leef in de eeuwigheid! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Und Feminismus? Was denkst du über den Feminismus? And feminism, what do you think about feminism? What do you think about feminism? „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. “123456” is a frequently used password. Waarom springt u? Why are you jumping? Why are you jumping? Waarom is het restaurant gesloten? Why's the restaurant closed? Why is the restaurant closed? Bent u Amerikaans? Are you American? Are you American? Hij heeft opgehangen. He hung up. He hung up. Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. She cares for her sick mother. She's taking care of her sick mother. Het gebouw werd tot puin herleid. The building was reduced to rubble. The building was reduced to rubble. Dat boek is klein. That book is small. That book's small. Raad je dit restaurant aan? Do you recommend this restaurant? Do you recommend this restaurant? Tom is alleen geïnteresseerd in knappe meiden. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in pretty girls. k Wait da's riek bist. I know that you are rich. Wait over there. Gab es ein Erdbeben? Was there an earthquake? Was there an earthquake? Hij is aan het eten. He is eating. He's eating. Tom glimlachte. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Kin er Fraans spreken? Can he speak French? Can he speak to Fraans? Tom verließ seine Familie. Tom has left his family. Tom left his family. Dat Baby hett en nüüdlich Gesicht. The baby has a cute face. That baby has a wet face. שרעק איז נישט קיין גוטער עצה־געבער. Fear is not a good advisor. Bark wasn't a good updateer. Houveul köst kilo praai? How much is the kilo of leek? Houveul costs kilos guessing? Tom zegt dat hij nooit sushi heeft gegeten. Tom says he's never eaten sushi. Tom says he never ate sushi. Omdat hij me uitnodigde. Because he invited me. Because he invited me. Dizze bloume is gries. This flower is gray. This blue is grey. Waarom kom je niet een beetje na tien uur? Why don't you come by sometime after ten? Why don't you come a little after ten o'clock? Jy is verkeerd. Ek is nie pessimisties nie, maar skepties. You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but sceptical. I'm not pessimistic, but skeptical. Was braucht ihr? What is it you need? What do you need? Tom war bei der Berufsberatung. Tom spoke to a career advisor. Tom was in career counseling. Ich komme mit dir mit, wenn ich mein Mittagessen aufgegessen habe. I will go with you after I have eaten my lunch. I'll come with you when I eat my lunch. Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Niemand sagt, dass es leicht sei. Nobody says it's easy. Nobody says it's easy. Ich wohne hier. I live here. I live here. Ik heb een kat en een hond. De kat is zwart en de hond is wit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog, and the cat is black and the dog is white. Déi Fra ass Léierin. This woman is a teacher. This question was learnable. Het loopt tegen zessen. It's almost six. It's about six. Ik ben sceptisch. I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical. Tom siene ierste Fru keem ut Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Sie mag keinen Fisch. She doesn't like fish. She doesn't like fish. Du solltest eigentlich Tom helfen. You were supposed to be helping Tom, you know. You should help Tom. Sie trägt einen Pulli aus Wolle. She wears a woolen sweater. She's wearing a sweater of wool. Ich will nicht, dass sie stirbt. I don't want her to die. I don't want her to die. דו ווילסט נישט גיין אין טארמע, יא? You don't want to go to prison, do you? You don't want to go to Tarm, do you? Ik bruuk en Löpel, en Gavel un en Mest. Wees bedankt. I need a spoon, a fork, and a knife. Thank you. I use and spoon, and Gavel and Mest. Meenst du dat eernst? Are you being serious? Are you serious about that? Ik wenje yn Grins. I live in Groningen city. I'm gonna win in Grins. Du kennst ehr? You know who she is? You know it? De oude man zit. The old man is sitting. The old man's sitting. Het probleem is opgelost. The problem is solved. The problem has been solved. Ich bin etwas eingerostet. I'm a bit rusty. I'm a little rusty. Schrijf nooit woorden "borsjtsj" en "sjtsji" in het Duits! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write words "borshch" and "shchi" in German! Tom kann Ria nich vergeten. Tom can't forget Mary. Tom cannot forget Ria. יעדער אײנער איז מסכּים. Everyone agrees. One is named after another. k Wait wat joe bedoulen. I know what you mean. What do you think you're doing? Die sproeier skiet 'n stroom water oor die gras. The sprinkler is shooting out a stream of water onto the grass. The sprayer shoots a stream of water over the grass. Was hat dich angetrieben? What motivated you? What driven you? Tom was baie bang gewees. Tom was very scared. Tom was very scared. װוּ ביסטו? Where are you? Where? Ich habe keine Feinde. I don't have any enemies. I don't have any enemies. Es ist schwierig, gut Französisch zu sprechen. It's hard to speak French well. It's hard to speak good French. Ich heiße Luis. My name is Luis. My name is Luis. Ek het dit nooit gesê nie. I never said that. I never said that. Hai is op vekaanzie. He is away on holiday. Hai's on purgatory. Ich denke, dass ich das tun werde. I think that I'll do that. I think I'm gonna do that. Was ist da oben? What's up there? What's up there? Je to vlk samotář. He's a lone wolf. You to vlk samotář. Weet je het zeker? Are you sure? Are you sure? Ik ben niet tevreden met wat ge gedaan hebt. I am not pleased with what you have done. I'm not satisfied with what you did. Man kann nichts verkehrt machen, wenn man eine Sprache lernt. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. You can't do anything wrong when you learn a language. De grootste deur is naast het raam. The biggest door is next to the window. The biggest door is next to the window. Wel wil ter sukkeloademelk? Who wants hot chocolate? What would you like for the mercano milk? Heeft u mijn tandenborstel gebruikt? Did you use my toothbrush? Did you use my toothbrush? Ich hatte keine Wahl. I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a choice. Ik weet dat ik ongelijk heb. I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Grötter is nich jümmer beter. Bigger is not always better. Greater than usual. Wie niet waagt, niet wint. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. Who doesn't dare, doesn't win. ער לערנט זיך רוסיש. He studies Russian. He learns Russian. Et sinn Inselen an deem Mier. There are islands in the sea. There are islands that Mier. Ech sichen no enger Steckdous. I'm looking for a socket. Well, I'm gonna find an article right now. Ik heb een goed Mexicaans restaurant gevonden. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. Gréng Idien ouni Fuerw schloofen rosend. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Green I don't know what to do when it's going to be. Je moet naar school. You need to go to school. You need to go to school. Weet je wie het reuzenrad heeft uitgevonden? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Do you know who invented the giant wheel? As ik de earmen wat te iten jou, neame se my in hillige. As ik se freegje wêrom't de earmen neat te iten hawwe, neame se my in kommunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. If I ask the poor what to eat, it'll give me a happy name. If I ask them what it is to eat the poor, it won't hurt me. En schöönen Aabig. Have a nice evening. A lovely abbig. Niet lang daarna kwamen we elkaar weer toevallig tegen. It was not long before we met again by chance. Not long after we met again by chance. Als Gott sah, dass der Weg zu lang, der Hügel zu steil, das Atmen zu schwer wurde, legte er seinen Arm um dich und sprach: "Komm heim." When God saw that the way was too long, the hill too steep, the breathing too heavy, he put his arm around you and said: "Come home." When God saw that the way was too long to steep the hill, the breathing became too heavy, he put his arm around you and said, "Come home." איך האָב אַ קאָפּװײטיק. I have a headache. I don't know what to do. Männer wurden von ihr angezogen wie die Motten vom Licht. Men were attracted to her like moths to a flame. Men were attracted by her like the moths of light. Hit bith Jones appel. It's John's apple. Hit bit Jones apple. Zet het volume wat zachter alsjeblieft. Please turn down the volume. Put the volume a little softer please. Wij versnelden. We accelerated. We accelerated. Bent u nog altijd gehuwd? Are you still married? Are you still married? Ze heeft hem verleid. She tempted him. She seduced him. Meng Boma huet keen Internet. My grandma doesn't have the internet. My Boma has no Internet. Wie lange haben Sie geöffnet? How late do you stay open? How long have you opened? Jana fragte Maria, ob sie bei ihr übernachten wolle. Jane asked Mary whether she'd like to stay at her place for the night. Jana asked Maria if she wanted to stay with her. Wo ist der Bus, der in die Stadt fährt? Where's the bus for the city? Where's the bus going to town? Ik slaap graag in een zacht bed. I like to sleep on a soft bed. I like sleeping in a soft bed. Ich bin im achten Stockwerk. I'm on the eighth floor. I'm on the eighth floor. Ik heb spataderen. I've got varicose veins. I've got varicose veins. Spreekt u Romani? Do you speak Romani? Are you talking to Romani? Toms vriendin dreigde hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Ik wil mijn tas. I want my bag. I want my bag. In nood leert men zijn vrienden kennen. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In need they get to know their friends. Goud is kostbaarder dan zilver. Gold is more precious than silver. Gold is more precious than silver. Tom hat drei Hunde. Tom has three dogs. Tom's got three dogs. Wij waren getuigen van het ongeluk. We were witnesses of the accident. We were witnesses of the accident. De kinderen speelden met magneten. The children played with magnets. The kids played with magnets. Die Strahlen der Morgensonne entfachen das Feuer meiner Seele. The rays of the morning sun spark the fire of my soul. The rays of the morning sun ignite my soul's fire. Tom het vir homself nog 'n glas wyn van die bottel geskink. Tom poured himself another glass of wine from the bottle. Tom gave himself another glass of wine from the bottle. Das Gerücht kann nicht wahr sein. The rumor cannot be true. The rumor cannot be true. Jedenfalls können Sie ganz beruhigt sein. In any case, you don't need to worry. At any rate, you can be very calm. Mien Opa weer Buur. My grandfather was a farmer. My grandpa again. Ik beloof dat het niet lang gaat duren. I promise it won't take long. I promise it won't take long. Waar gaat u heen? Where are you going? Where are you going? Ich bin hier schon drei Tage lang gewesen. I've been here for three days. I've been here for three days. k Leer. I'm learning. K Learn. Wir bekommen ein Kind. We are going to have a baby. We'll have a child. Hoe denkt u nu over hen? How do you feel about them now? How do you think about them now? Hij verschijnt wel. He does appear. He'll appear. יענער מענטש איז אין אָרדענונג? Is that person okay? Every man is in organization? Tom hat in Android-tillefoan. Tom has an Android phone. Tom's in Android cell phone. De kat slaapt op de tafel. The cat is sleeping on the table. The cat is sleeping on the table. Die Rosen dort sind nicht so schön wie die hier. Those roses aren't as beautiful as these. The roses there are not as beautiful as those here. Dat is drie dagen geleden gebeurd. That happened three days ago. That happened three days ago. Hēo hæfde ān swīþe ǣnliċ wīf. She had a very beautiful wife. He has had ān swī wīf. Door overzee te studeren kunnen studenten met andere gewoonten en zeden in contact komen. By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs. By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other habits and morals. Ik was er niet. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. ר'איז גײ. He's gay. I'm gonna have 11 -- either way. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass es ihnen peinlich sei. Tom and Mary told John that they were embarrassed. Tom and Mary said it was embarrassing to them. Het is hoog tijd plaats te maken voor jongere mensen. It's high time to make room for young people. It's high time to make room for younger people. Sie haben den Kampf verloren. They lost the battle. You lost the fight. Wie viele Fotos sind in diesem Album? How many photos are in this album? How many photos are in this album? Wie rücksichtsvoll von dir! How considerate of you! How considerate of you! Tom wollte vor Scham im Boden versinken. Tom wished to sink into the ground for shame. Tom wanted to sink to the ground from shame. Weet iemand waar Tom woont? Does anyone here know where Tom lives? Does anyone know where Tom lives? Stell mir keine blöden Fragen! Don't ask me stupid questions. Don't ask me stupid questions! Ich kann dir nicht sagen, wo Tom wohnt. I can't tell you where Tom lives. I can't tell you where Tom lives. Spinnen bouwen webben. Spiders spin webs. Spiders build weaves. Ik heff mien Slötel vergeten. I lost my key. I forgot my key. Je ziet beter dan ik. You have better sight than me. You see better than I do. Ik kiek geern Lesbenpornos. I like watching lesbian porn. I'm watching Lesbenpornos. Heb je de aankondiging gelezen? Have you read the notice? Did you read the announcement? Tom antwortete Maria nicht. Tom didn't answer Mary. Tom didn't answer Maria. Je bent geen kind meer. You are no longer a child. You're not a child anymore. מעריס עלטערן זענען רײַך. Mary's parents are rich. Marshall's parents are rich. Zij hielp ons. She helped us. She helped us. Ik heb van niemand toestemming nodig. I don't need anybody's permission. I don't need permission from anyone. Ich habe ihnen nichts gegeben. I didn't give anything to them. I didn't give them anything. Also, ich sehe fern, mache ein Nickerchen, oder gehe im Park nebenan spazieren. Well, I watch television, take a nap, or take a walk in the park nearby. So, I see far away, make a nap, or walk in the park next door. Tom werkt voor de Australische ambassade. Tom works for the Australian embassy. Tom works for the Australian Embassy. Gisteren was u niet op school. You were absent from school yesterday. You weren't at school yesterday. Ik zal jouw grootste nachtmerrie zijn. I'll be your worst nightmare. I'll be your biggest nightmare. Iedereen vraagt me hoe het is om kleurenblind te zijn. Everyone asks me what it's like to be colour-blind. Everyone's asking me what it's like to be color blind. We moeten iets doen, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. We need to do something, Tom. Tom gaan nie afstaan nie. Tom won't back down. Tom's not leaving. Denke daran, dass heute das Morgen ist, über das du dich gestern sorgtest. Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Remember, this morning is the morning you took care of yesterday. Ik oefen niet meer. I don't practice anymore. I don't practice anymore. Gelukkige verjaardag, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Überprüfe deine Antworten mit denen von Tom. Check your answers with Tom's. Check your answers with Tom's. Dieser Lärm ist unerträglich. This noise is unbearable. This noise is unbearable. Een dichter bekijkt de wereld zoals een man kijkt naar een vrouw. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman. Wie mòtten knooien. We must work hard. Who's tossing? De katten rusten in de zon. The cats are relaxing in the sun. Cats rest in the sun. Se helpt em. She is helping him. She's helping him. Ze wonen elke les bij. They attend every class. They attend every class. Mōnandæᵹ, Tīƿesdæᵹ, Ƿōdnesdæᵹ, Ðunresdæᵹ, Frīᵹedæᵹ, Sæternesdæᵹ, and Sunnandaᵹ sind seofan þāra daga ƿice. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Mōnandæ a.k.a., Tī a.k.a., a.k.a. Haben Sie Fische im Fluss gefangen? Did you catch any fish in the river? Have you caught fish in the river? Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar voorbijgegaan. Three years have passed since then. Three years have passed since then. Het hai geliek? Is he right? Did you like shark? Ek het terug na my sitplek gegaan. I went back to my seat. I went back to my seat. Tom wäre fast erwischt worden. Tom almost got caught. Tom would almost have been caught. Ik heb in uw melk gekakt. I shat in your milk. I cracked in your milk. Ze verhuurde de kamer op de bovenverdieping aan een student. They rented the upstairs room to a student. She rented the room on the upper floor to a student. Deine Antwort ist bei Weitem nicht perfekt. Your answer is far from perfect. Your answer is not perfect at Weitem. Sie hat ihm etwas zu essen gegeben. She gave him some food. She gave him something to eat. Ik harr geern dree von disse. I'd like three of these. I'm supposed to be three of these. Is dat jouw mama? Is that your mummy? Is that your mom? Sie wären gut beraten, ihm das im Voraus mitzuteilen. You would do well to tell it to him in advance. You would be well advised to inform him in advance. Es regnete heftig, und infolgedessen wurde das Baseballspiel abgesagt. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It rained violently, and as a result, the baseball game was canceled. Wat is er met al de pindakaas gebeurd? What happened to all the peanut butter? What happened to all the peanut butter? Goede tradities moeten behouden worden. Good traditions should be preserved. Good traditions must be preserved. Entleere das Portemonnaie in diesen Beutel! Empty the purse into this bag. Clear the wallet in this bag! איך בין א ביסל משוגע. I am a bit crazy. I'm a bit of a problem. שלום־עליכם, מײַן קליינע קעצל־חבֿרטע! Hello, my little kitty friend! Hello, thank you very much. - Hello! Hij staat op goede voet met meneer Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's on good foot with Mr. Brown. Ze zijn heel gevaarlijk. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. Ich habe gestern Abend darüber gesprochen. I was talking about it last night. I talked about it last night. Ik heb twee uur in de sneeuw gewacht op de bus. I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours. I waited two hours in the snow on the bus. Hierdie sanza is regtig goed! This sanza is really good! This sanza is really good! Het is van ons. It's ours. It's ours. Möchtest du nicht erfahren, worum es sich hier alles handelt? Don't you want to know what this is all about? Don't you want to know what this is all about? Ik heb hem heel lang geleden voor het laatst gezien. It's been a very long time since I saw him last. I've seen him a long time ago. אַ דאַנק דיר אין פּופּיק. Thank you for nothing. A behind thee in pup. אסתּר איז אַ העברעיִש־לערערין. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. As a student, he has a higher education. Wir sprechen alle Englisch. We all speak English. We all speak English. Roker of niet-roker? Smoking or non smoking? Smoker or non-smoking? Ich dachte, sie würden dich nicht mögen. I thought they wouldn't like you. I thought they wouldn't like you. Es waren zweihundert Leute in dem Raum. There were two hundred people in the room. There were two hundred people in that room. Ek is bly dat ons dit agter ons gesit het. I'm glad we put all that behind us. I’m glad we put it behind us. Het spijt me dat ik je hierbij betrokken heb. I'm sorry that I got you involved in this. I'm sorry I got you involved. Tom was woedend. Tom was furious. Tom was angry. Wer sein Werkzeug beschuldigt, ist ein schlechter Handwerker. It's a poor workman who blames his tools. He who accuses his tool is a bad craftsman. Paul war nicht mit Mary zusammen, als ihre Geldbörse gestohlen wurde. Paul wasn't with Mary when her purse was stolen. Paul wasn't with Mary when her wallet was stolen. Ik nehm mien Book mit. I'm taking my book with me. I'll take my Book with me. דער קאָטער איז טויט. The tomcat is dead. The court was dead. Tom gaan nie volgende maand hier wees nie. Tom won't be here next month. Tom won't be here next month. Ik ben de beste. I am the best. I'm the best. Een, twee, dree, veer, fief, söss, söven, acht, negen, tein. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hij komt dikwijls te laat. He often comes late. He often comes late. Tom is nooit aangekomen. Tom never arrived. Tom never arrived. Hij zei dat hij zijn portemonnee thuis had laten liggen. He said that he had left his wallet at home. He said he left his wallet at home. Doe die sigaret uit. Put that cigarette out. Take off the cigarette. In den Tropen gibt es nur zwei Jahreszeiten. There are only two seasons in the tropics. There are only two seasons in the tropics. We doen alles wat we willen. We do anything we want. We do everything we want. Er lief zu schnell für mich, um mithalten zu können. He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. He ran too fast for me to be able to keep up with me. Tom sagte, er habe gedacht, Maria hätte verstanden. Tom said that he thought Mary understood. Tom said he thought Mary understood. Ik heb vreemde persoonlijkheden altijd interessant gevonden. I always liked strange personalities. I've always found strange personalities interesting. Tom rettete sie aus dem Feuer. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Ik wens je veel succes. I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck. Ich weiß schon, dass du dich sehr anstrengst. I know you're trying very hard. I know you're working very hard. Haal man ehr Medizin un en Glas Water. Go get her medicine and a glass of water. You can get their medicine and a glass of water. Manche Kinder mögen kein Gemüse. Some children do not like vegetables. Some children don't like vegetables. Tom is dik. Tom is fat. Tom's fat. Kom snel! Come quick! Come quickly! Der Zug kam nicht pünktlich an. The train did not arrive on time. The train didn't arrive on time. Ik ga gewoonlijk om tien uur naar bed. I usually go to bed at ten. I usually go to bed at 10:00. Tom hat das gerochen. Tom smelled it. Tom smelled it. Tom heeft alle foto's van zijn ex-vriendin verbrand. Tom burned all the pictures he had of his ex-girlfriend. Tom burned all the photos of his ex-girlfriend. k Wil snij. I want snow. K Want to cut. Wir jagen einem idealen Leben hinterher, weil wir in uns den Anfang und die Möglichkeit dazu haben. We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and the possibility for it. We pursue an ideal life, because we have in us the beginning and the opportunity to do so. Mein Vater bot einem bekannten Handelshaus seine Dienste an. My father offered his services to a well-known trade company. My father offered his services to a well-known trading house. Drinken en roken zijn beide slecht voor je gezondheid. Both drinking and smoking are bad for your health. Drinking and smoking are both bad for your health. Mein Großvater schenkte mir etwas zum Geburtstag. My grandfather gave me a birthday present. My grandfather gave me something for my birthday. Korrigiert bitte diesen Satz. Please correct the sentence. Correct this sentence. Er ist der Größere der beiden. He is the taller of the two. He's the bigger of the two. Goa noar geroazie. Go to the garage. Goa noar geroazie. Tom is gezond, toch? Tom is healthy, isn't he? Tom's healthy, right? Kann ich Sie alleine sprechen? May I speak to you alone? Can I talk to you alone? We moeten hen vertrouwen. We have to trust them. We need to trust them. Tom kauft fast nie Schokoladeriegel. Tom almost never buys chocolate bars. Tom almost doesn't buy chocolate bars. Snack luder. Dien Opa höört nich mehr so good. Speak louder. Your grandfather's hearing isn't so good. Talk louder. Your grandfather is no longer so good. Er spielt gut Golf. He is good at golf. He's playing well golf. Schall ik jo dat verkloren? Would you like me to explain it to you? Do you want me to fuck that up? Wir haben eine Falle gelegt, um einen Fuchs zu fangen. We set a trap to catch a fox. We laid a trap to catch a fox. Dat Schipp is dörtig Meter lang. The length of this ship is 30 meters. The ship is 30 feet long. Ik gooide de schoenen uit het raam. I threw the shoes out the window. I threw the shoes out the window. In dem Anzug siehst du gut aus. You look good in that suit. You look good in that suit. Wir brauchen eine Presse, die nicht durch Zensur seitens der Regierung behindert wird. We need a press unhampered by government censorship. We need a press that is not hindered by the government by censorship. Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Such thing can't be true. That can't be true! װאָס ער טוט, איז אומלעגאַל. What he is doing is illegal. What he does is global. Hy kan nie veel Engels praat nie. He can't speak much English. He can't speak much English. Tom nahm seinen Ehering ab und warf ihn in den Teich. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took his wedding ring and threw him into the pond. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien nicht verheiratet. Tom and Mary told John they weren't married. Tom and Mary said that they were not married. Zij is niet onbemiddeld. She's not penniless. She's not mediocre. Ich muss meinen Koffer auspacken. I have to unpack my suitcase. I have to take out my suitcase. My vriend het vir my 'n brief geskryf om uit te vind hoe ek was. My friend sent me a letter to find out how I was. My friend wrote me a letter to find out how I was. הייבט זיך אָן, הערן. Get started, gentlemen. Go away, hear. Dat is en Boom. That's a tree. That's a boom. Vergiss nicht, fehlerhafte Sätze mit dem Änderungsetikett zu versehen! Don't forget to add the tag "@change" to incorrect sentences. Don't forget to provide incorrect sentences with the change label! Ons sal u skakel wanneer u tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We will call you when your table is ready. Hij heeft niet eens afscheid van me genomen. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even say goodbye to me. Wat doe je, papa? What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Daddy? Kannst du ehr finnen? Can you find her? Can you find it? Graag morgen het huiswerk inleveren. Please turn in your homework by tomorrow. You're welcome to hand in the homework tomorrow. Ich möchte nur wissen, auf was ich mich da einlasse. I just want to know what I'm getting into. I just want to know what I'm letting in. Ik maak en beten Kaffe. I will make some coffee. I'm making and praying Caffe. Ik spreek Spaans tegen mijn kat. I'm speaking Spanish to my cat. I speak Spanish to my cat. Tom hat mir gerade das Leben gerettet. Tom just saved my life. Tom just saved my life. Passen Sie auf die Fußgänger auf! Watch out for the pedestrians. Watch out for the pedestrians! Zijt gij Tom niet? Aren't you Tom? You're not Tom? Ik heb geen auto. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Tom ist einer der Brüder von Maria. Tom is one of Mary's brothers. Tom is one of the brothers of Mary. Het spel werd wegens de regen uitgesteld. The game was postponed due to rain. The game was postponed because of the rain. Du brauchst nicht so hart zu arbeiten. You don't have to work so hard. You don't need to work so hard. Tom het aanhou probeer. Tom kept trying. Tom kept trying. Dat is wat je nodig hebt. That's what you need. That's what you need. Kann ik mit Kreditkoort betahlen? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay with credit card? Ik heb een dollar op straat gevonden. I found a dollar in the street. I found a dollar on the street. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is proud of you. Tom is proud of you. Zout is een onmisbaar ingrediënt om te koken. Salt is an indispensable ingredient for cooking. Salt is an essential ingredient for cooking. Ik heff mi föhlt, as wenn söven Sünnen in mi opgahn sünd. I felt like seven suns have risen inside of me. I felt like I had seven suns going up in me. Ons is beide van Boston. We are both from Boston. We're both from Boston. Hij wist te ontsnappen. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. Sie telefonierten miteinander. They spoke to each other on the phone. They were calling each other. Ek alleen kon die vraag reg antwoord. Only I could answer the question correctly. I alone could answer the question correctly. Tom rief Maria an, um zu fragen, ob alles in Ordnung sei. Tom called Mary to ask if everything was OK. Tom called Maria to ask if everything was okay. Ik ben niet jouw vriend. I'm not your boyfriend. I'm not your friend. Heeft Tom geholpen? Did Tom help? Did Tom help? London ist eine der größten Städte auf der Welt. London is one of the largest cities in the world. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Das Leben zu lieben heißt, gut zu leben. To love life means to live well. To love life means to live well. Ich bin meiner Arbeit müde. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my work. k Luuster. I'm listening. Cheers. Der Krieg ist der Vater aller Dinge. War is the father of all. The war is the father of all things. Du musst mit dat Smöken ophören. You must quit smoking. You've got to stop smokeing. Toms Töchter sind alle drei hübsch. All of three of Tom's daughters are beautiful. Tom's daughters are all three beautiful. Tom führt ein ruhiges Leben. Tom leads a quiet life. Tom's leading a quiet life. Het spreekt voor zich dat onze plannen afhangen van het weer. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. Dit boek is van mij. This book is mine. This book is mine. Dröff ik dat Telefoon bruken? May I use the telephone? Do I use that phone? Schneeschippen ist harte Arbeit. Shoveling snow is hard work. Snowshoes is hard work. Laten we trouwen! Let's get married! Let's get married! Selli sinn meene Schuhe. Those are my shoes. Selli mean shoes. Jeder macht mal einen Fehler. Deswegen werden Bleistifte mit Radiergummis versehen. Everybody makes mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils. Everyone makes a mistake, so pencils are fitted with erasers. Dat ruikt naar een val. It smells like a trap. That smells like a trap. Maar hij had een job nodig. But he needed a job. But he needed a job. Tom is een veroordeeld misdadiger. Tom is a convicted felon. Tom's a condemned criminal. Tot morgen in de bibliotheek. See you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you in the library until tomorrow. Wir werden dich beobachten. We'll be watching you. We'll watch you. Dat Leven is hart. Life is hard. That life is heart. Katten köönt Stoffsugers nich af. Cats hate vacuum cleaners. Cats are unable to kill fabric mammals. Hij heeft enkele dagen in een hotel gelogeerd. He stayed at a hotel for a couple of days. He's been in a hotel for a few days. Ik heff nich wüßt, dat Tom so oolt is. I didn't know Tom was so old. I didn't know Tom was so old. Er liebt es, über Politik zu sprechen. He loves talking about politics. He loves to talk about politics. Tom sagte, er sei erschöpft. Tom said he was exhausted. Tom said he was exhausted. Hij studeert geschiedenis aan de universiteit. He is studying history at the university. He's studying history at the university. יענער מענטש איז בסדר? Is that person okay? Any man is in order? Martha is 'n uitstekende pianis. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha is an excellent pianist. Het was aangenaam en warm in huis. It was nice and warm inside the house. It was pleasant and warm in the house. Welches möchtest du lieber, dieses oder jenes? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which would you rather, this or that? Glaubst du, das wird irgendetwas ändern? Do you think that will change anything? You think that's gonna change anything? Ik heb je verzocht om te luisteren. I have asked you to listen. I asked you to listen. דאָס איז מײַן באַליבסטע אָרט אויף דער וועלט. This is my favorite place on Earth. This is my most popular space on the world. Wie hebben vievenvattig. We have forty-five. Who's flawed. Zijn jullie boos op Tom? Are you mad at Tom? Are you mad at Tom? Tom verontschuldigde zich om naar de wc te gaan. Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tom apologized to go to the bathroom. Ik kom út Noard-Koreä. I am from North Korea. I'm from North Korea. Tom kauft nicht. Tom isn't buying. Tom's not buying. Groen staat je erg goed. Green suits you very well. Green is really good for you. Es regnete noch stärker. The rain fell even harder. It rained even more. Er waren veel mensen in het park. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Beleidige Tom nicht. Don't insult Tom. Don't insult Tom. Mien Broder speelt Gitarr. My brother plays the guitar. My brother plays Guitarr. Het betekende veel voor me. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. We zullen u roepen wanneer uw tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We will call you when your table is ready. Hier is autobus. Here's the bus. Here's a car. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where's the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest metro station? Sie sagte das. She said this. She said that. Se hett em en Auto köfft. She bought him a car. It's got it and it's a car. Seine Geschichte muss wahr sein. His story must be true. His story must be true. װער װילט זיך לערנען יאַפּאַניש? Who wants to learn Japanese? Open do you want to learn Spanish? Die Vernunft und die Liebe sind erklärte Feinde. Reason and love are sworn enemies. The reason and love are declared enemies. Was backen Sie denn da? What're you baking? What are you bakein'? Sein neuer Besitzer führte ihn auf eine hohe Klippe, die das Meer überragte, hing ihm einen Stein um den Hals, band ihm ein Seil an einen seiner Hinterläufe und gab ihm einen Stoß, dass er ins Wasser geschleudert wurde. His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water. His new owner led him to a high cliff that crossed the sea, hung him a stone around the neck, tied him a rope to one of his backwalks and gave him a blow that he was dragged into the water. Ihnen läuft die Zeit davon. You're running short of time. You're running out of it. Zijn we gewoon vrienden? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Im Alter von fünfundsechzig Jahren verstarb er plötzlich. He died suddenly at the age of 65. He died suddenly at the age of sixty-five. Gestern lief ich Yamada über den Weg, den ich seit Jahren nicht gesehen hatte. Yesterday I ran into Yamada, whom I hadn't seen in years. Yesterday I walked Yamada over the road I haven't seen for years. Je vrienden zullen je missen. You'll be missed by your friends. Your friends will miss you. Tom hat Angst, die Wahrheit zu sagen. Tom is afraid to tell the truth. Tom's afraid to tell the truth. De premier is opgestapt. The Prime Minister has resigned. The Prime Minister's gone up. Tom sieht gern fern. Tom likes watching TV. Tom likes to look far away. Es war einmal ein großer König, der lebte in Griechenland. Once upon a time, there lived a great king in Greece. It was once a great king who lived in Greece. Der Hund folgt mir überall hin. The dog follows me wherever I go. The dog follows me everywhere. Es ist wahnsinnig heiß heute. It's insanely hot today. It's crazy hot today. Het is wreder de dood te vrezen, dan te sterven. It is more cruel to fear death than to die. It's more cruel to fear death than to die. Blijf rustig. Keep calm. Stay calm. Ek moet nou gaan. I must go now. I have to go now. Tom trug für einige Monaten eine Halskrause, nachdem sich er bei einem Autounfall eine Peitschenschlagverletzung zugezogen hatte. Tom wore a neck brace for several months after receiving a whiplash injury in a car accident. Tom wore a collar for a few months after he had contracted a whipping injury in the event of a car accident. Jammer... Sorry... Sorry... Du weißt doch, dass ich dir nie weh täte. You know I would never hurt you. You know I never hurt you. Wie gut kennen Sie Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Ich habe angefangen, das Buch zu lesen. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. Sami is veganist. Sami is vegan. Sami is vegetarian. Hij viel in slaap achter het stuur en had een ongeval. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. Meine Mutter sagte, dass es ihr gutginge. My mother said that she was all right. My mother said she was okay. Ze bewerken Wikipedia. They edit Wikipedia. They edit Wikipedia. Junko is en smucke Deern. Junko is a beautiful girl. Junko is and fancy Deern. China is dat gröttste Land in Asien. China is the biggest country in Asia. China is that largest country in Asia. Het werkt hetzelfde in elk land. It works the same way in every country. It works the same way in every country. Welche Schuhgröße habt ihr? What's your shoe size? What shoe size do you have? Tom kann auch noch Französisch sprechen. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can also speak French. Iemand is in mijn kamer geweest. Someone has been in my room. Someone's been to my room. Lies solche Bücher, die dir Nutzen bringen. Read the kind of books that are useful to you. Read such books that benefit you. Anyi und Asun sind Brüder. Anyi and Asun are two brothers. Anyi and Asun are brothers. Ich hasse dich, du Mistkerl! I hate you, creep! I hate you, you son of a bitch! De bomen waren erg schaars. The trees were very scarce. The trees were very scarce. Het Latijn is een Indo-Europese taal. Latin is an Indo-European language. Latin is an Indo-European language. Onze echtgenoten zijn Canadezen. Our husbands are Canadians. Our wives are Canadians. Drink jy koffie of tee? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Do you drink coffee or tea? Zijt ge bezet morgennamiddag? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you occupied tomorrow afternoon? Holzauge sei wachsam! Keep your eyes peeled! Wood eye be alert! Hallo! Hello! Here, I found it. He lives in Wannlake. As ik de Döör apen maken deed, deed se naakd utrekelt op ’t Sofa liggen. When I opened the door, I found her naked, stretched on the sofa. If I did open the door, she would leave naked squirrelt on the sofa. Sind alle Sprachen verwandt? Are all languages related? Are all languages related? Tom wird erschöpft sein. Tom will be exhausted. Tom's gonna be exhausted. Dizze bloume is broen. This flower is brown. This blue is brown. Tom hat drei große Brüder. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three big brothers. Hebt ge de laatste tijd nog iets over haar gehoord? Have you heard anything about her recently? Have you heard about her lately? Tom keek. Tom looked. Tom looked. Sechzig Delegierte wurden gewählt. Sixty delegates were elected. Sixty delegates were elected. Se is bang vör Hunnen. She's scared of dogs. It's afraid of dogs. Zij kocht een nieuwe tandenborstel voor zichzelf. She bought herself a new toothbrush. She bought a new toothbrush for herself. Probeer zoveel als je kunt te onthouden. Try to memorize as much as you can. Try to remember as much as you can. Ik geloof dat aliens bestaan. I believe aliens exist. I believe alien exists. Tom ist oben. Tom's upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Ik kaam vondaag nich. I am not coming today. I'm not ashamed of today. Het dit nou net klaargemaak. Just finished it. Just finished it. Dat was een leugen. That was a lie. That was a lie. Hoeveel kost het? How much is it? How much does it cost? Deze cd is van mijn zoon. This CD is my son's. This CD is my son's. בנימין נתניהו איז אַ שאַנדע פֿאַר די גויים. Benjamin Netanyahu is a disgrace to the Jewish people. Benjamin Netanyahu is aack for the body. Wie do arbeits, esu möch ich minge Urlaub verlevve. The way you work, so I would like to spend my vacation. Like do work, esu möch minge holiday experience. Tom is op zijn hoede. Tom is wary. Tom's on guard. דער טעאַטער איז געװען פֿול געפּאַקט. The theater was too crowded. The theatre was read from. Tom begann zu weinen. Tom started to cry. Tom started to cry. Tom komt met me mee naar Boston. Tom is coming with me to Boston. Tom's coming with me to Boston. זי עסט נישט קיין פֿלייש. She doesn't eat meat. She's not going to be a fictitious person. Hest du Poppeer? Do you have paper? You're a popper? Nonsens! Nonsense! Nonsens! Ich fühle mich nicht so gut. I don't feel so good. I don't feel so good. Wi hebbt grade teemlich wat üm’e Hand. We're pretty busy right now. We have quite a little bit by hand. Vielleicht könnten Sie das eine oder andere von ihm lernen. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from him. Maybe you could learn this from him. Kann ich bitte ein Glas Milch bekommen? Can I have a glass of milk, please? Can I get a glass of milk, please? Ik wil updates. I want updates. I want updates. Hat sich das Klima verändert? Has the climate changed? Did the climate change? Tom harrte erwartungsvoll aus. Tom waited expectantly. Tom was expecting. Ich frage mich, ob das Liebe ist. I wonder if this is love. I wonder if love is. k Woon ien Uropa. I live in Europe. k Living one Uropa. Ik heff in mien Goorn en Peerschboom plant. I planted a peach tree in my garden. I plant in my Goorn and Peerschboom. Tom heeft foto's van de kinderen van Maria genomen. Tom took pictures of Mary's children. Tom took pictures of Maria's children. Er könnte genau der Mann sein, den ich brauche. He may be the very man that I need. He could be exactly the man I need. Ik ben ziek. I'm ill. I'm sick. Ik ben echt blij dat je hier bent. I'm really glad you're here. I'm really glad you're here. Kennst du die Hauptstadt von Belgien? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? De school begint in de lente. School begins in spring. The school starts in the spring. Waarom schrijf je met een potlood? Why are you writing with a pencil? Why do you write with a pencil? Wie hast du geantwortet? How did you reply? How did you answer? Ben je vergeetachtig? Are you forgetful? Are you forgetful? Ik speel korfbal. I play netball. I'm playing baseball. Maria und ihre Schwester haben eine ähnliche Frisur. Mary and her sister have a similar hairstyle. Maria and her sister have a similar hairstyle. Es ist schwer eine Frau zu sein. Man muss wie ein Mann denken, sich wie eine Dame benehmen, wie ein Mädchen aussehen und wie ein Pferd arbeiten. It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse. It's hard to be a woman. You have to think like a man, behave like a lady, look like a girl and work like a horse. Tom macht sowas, wenn er traurig ist. Tom does that when he's sad. Tom's doing something like this when he's sad. Mijn jongere zus is beroemd. My younger sister is famous. My younger sister is famous. k Wil Tom terog. I want Tom back. K Wil Tom toog. Ze gingen naar Nieuw-Zeeland. They went to New Zealand. They went to New Zealand. Ik geloof je. I believe you. I believe you. „Wo ist dein Cousin?“ – „Der ist gerade gegangen.“ "Where's your cousin?" "He just left." “Where's your cousin?” – “He just left.” Wie dumm er ist! How stupid he is! How stupid he is! Het is makkelijker veel uit te geven dan een beetje te sparen. It's easier to spend a lot than to save a little. It's easier to spend a lot than to save. k Kin nait. I can not. K Kin nait. Ich habe ihn heruntergeladen. I downloaded it. I downloaded it. זײ לױפֿן. They run. You have just opened the sidebar. Ik sprak traag, opdat ze me konden verstaan. I spoke slowly so that they could understand me. I spoke slowly so that they could understand me. Tom is gek geworden. Tom has lost his mind. Tom's gone crazy. Je bent me een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Ich habe zwar viel Zeit, aber ich habe nicht genug Geld. I have plenty of time, but not enough money. I have a lot of time, but I don't have enough money. Tom löschte das Feuer. Tom extinguished the fire. Tom cleared the fire. Ze dronk koffie. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. Mathematik ist für mich ein einfaches Fach. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Mathematics is a simple subject for me. Je moet naar huis gaan. You've got to go home. You have to go home. Die schnellsten Meteoroiden bewegen sich mit etwa 42 Kilometern pro Sekunde. The fastest meteoroids move at about 42 kilometers per second. The fastest meteoroids move at about 42 kilometers per second. Ich musste mich verteidigen. I had to defend myself. I had to defend myself. Ik zou graag golf spelen. I would like to play golf. I'd like to play golf. De oude man zag er wijs uit. The old man looked wise. The old man looked wise. Ich kam bei der Buchhandlung vorbei und kaufte ein interessantes Buch. I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. I passed the bookstore and bought an interesting book. Wat voor een slechte film. What a bad film! What a bad movie. Hett ik dat ehr wüßt, hett ik dor wat doon kunnt. Had I known earlier, I could have done something about it. If I knew it, I could do something about it. Ein Taifun hielt uns von unserem Ausflug nach Okinawa ab. A typhoon prevented us from going on our trip to Okinawa. A taifun stopped us from our trip to Okinawa. Ich dachte, ich hörte einen Schrei. I thought I heard a scream. I thought I heard a scream. Tom ist in diesem Hause nicht gerne gesehen. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom's not happy to be seen in this house. Ich hab dafür gesorgt, dass er geht. I made him go. I made sure he was leaving. Je bent niet getrouwd, of wel? You're not married, are you? You're not married, are you? Das ist nicht deine Entscheidung. It isn't your decision. That's not your decision. Mein Zug fuhr um sechs los und kam um zehn Uhr an. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train took off at six and arrived at 10 a.m. Dit gebeurde niet per ongeluk. This didn't happen by accident. This wasn't happening by accident. Nancy speelt geen tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Wat is jouw voorstel? What is your suggestion? What's your proposal? Tom is ongeduldig, niet? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Tom's impatient, isn't he? Het spijt me van gisteren. I apologize for yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Ik will Swemmen lehren. I want to learn how to swim. I want to teach swimming. Ze ving een glimp van hem op terwijl hij door de menigte liep. She glimpsed him running through the crowd. She caught a glimpse of him while he was walking through the crowd. Ich habe deinen Mut nicht. I don't have your courage. I don't have your courage. Kinder spielen richtig gerne am Strand. Children really like playing on the beach. Children really like to play on the beach. Maria bereitete den Geiseln Brote zu. Mary made sandwiches for the hostages. Mary prepared the hostage bread. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wensdenken. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wishful thinking. That Esperanto will become the European language tomorrow is wishful thinking. Tom bestuur soos 'n maniak. Tom drives like a maniac. Tom's driving like a maniac. Mi name isch Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Tom ist Schauspieler und Liederschreiber. Tom is an actor and a songwriter. Tom is an actor and songwriter. Laten we beginnen. Let's start. Let's get started. Sie war noch nie auf Besichtigungsreise in New York gewesen. She had never seen New York before. She had never been on a tour in New York. Das ist eine brillante Idee. That's a brilliant idea. That's a brilliant idea. Ik wist dat Tom Maria niet zou helpen. I knew that Tom wouldn't help Mary. I knew Tom wouldn't help Maria. Honden binnen klouk. Dogs are smart. Dogs in the cuckoo. He is lütter as ik. He's shorter than I am. He's smaller than me. Hest du di vondaag duuscht? Did you take a shower today? You're stupid today? Se sei dat se net ynteressearre wie om him te treffen. She said that she wasn't interested in meeting him. She said she wasn't interested in who to meet him. Het is een computer. It's a computer. It's a computer. Tom zou huilen. Tom would cry. Tom would cry. Mijn moedertaal is het Frans. My native language is French. My mother tongue is French. Ik ben eraan gewend om een vrachtwagen te besturen. I'm used to driving a truck. I'm used to driving a truck. Tom schien sehr beschäftigt gewesen zu sein. Tom seemed to have been very busy. Tom seemed very busy. Seine Lehrer soll man achten. One's teachers should be treated with respect. His teachers should be respected. Wanneer keer je terug? When will you return? When are you going to return? Toms Sandburg wurde von dem Sturm zerstört. Tom's sandcastle was destroyed by the storm. Toms Sandburg was destroyed by the storm. Ich halte Tom für normal. I think Tom is normal. I think Tom's normal. Kan jy so lank wag? Can you wait that long? Can you wait that long? „ווער האָט געשריבן די ביכער?‟ - „איך האָב זיי געשריבן.‟ "Who wrote the books?" "I wrote them." “Who wrote the beekeeper? Tom hatte einen trockenen Husten, eine Folge jahrelangen schweren Rauchens. Tom had a raspy cough, the result of years of heavy smoking. Tom had a dry cough, a result of years of heavy smoking. Wat is passeert? What happened? What's passed? Ik voelde me een beetje stijf. I felt a little stiff. I felt a little stiff. Hallo! Goedemorgen! Hello! Good morning! Good morning! Ich bin Toms Opa. I am Tom's grandfather. I'm Tom's grandpa. Moanden van t joar binnen: jannewoarie, feberwoarie, meert, april, maai, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november en dezember. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Months of tjoar within: jannevoarie, feberwoarie, volt, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. De Schandarm nehm ’n Jung dat Mest af. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The schandarm takes a boy off that manure. Dat tütt. There's a draught in here. It's good. Das Zusehen schmerzte. That was painful to watch. The incident hurt. Ga toch iemand anders kussen! Go kiss someone else. Why don't you go kiss someone else? Wanneer ben je klaar om te vertrekken? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to leave? Es sind noch vier Tage bis Weihnachten! There are four days left till Christmas! There are four days to Christmas! Dat was vernietigd. That was destroyed. That was destroyed. Is Tom 'n goeie vent? Is Tom a good guy? Is Tom a good guy? Ik kon je niet bellen. De telefoon was kapot. I couldn't call you; the telephone was out of order. I couldn't call you.