Du luktar gott. You smell nice. You smell good. Vinsamlegast finndu frakkann minn. Please find me my overcoat. Please find my coat. Hvor mange kumquat har du lige spist? How many kumquats did you just eat? How many kumquat have you eaten? Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. The common language of many Asians is English. English is a common language of many Asians. Er du single? Are you single? Are you single? Tom sad på en bænk og spiste noget der lignede et æble. Tom was sitting on a bench eating something that looked like an apple. Tom sat on a bench and ate something that looked like an apple. De vasker hendene. They're washing their hands. They wash their hands. Jeg kender nogen som kan gå på vandet. I know someone who can walk on water. I know someone who can walk on the water. Tom må være meget vred på Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. Her er et billede af Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Hun kunne ikke komme på grunn av sykdom. She was unable to come because of illness. She could not come because of illness. Biljetterna kostar 20 yen styck. The tickets cost 20 yen apiece. Tickets cost 20 cents. Jag tror inte att kärlek finns. I think love doesn't exist. I don't think love exists. Hún er eldri systir mín. She's my older sister. She's my older sister. Du kan ikke forlate oss. You can't leave us alone. You can't leave us. De bodde sammen i to år før de giftet seg. They lived together for two years before they got married. They lived together for two years before they married. Om någon är politiker är det han. He is a politician, if ever there was one. If anyone is a politician, he is. Han talar franska. He speaks French. He speaks French. Strumporna luktar illa. The socks smell bad. The socks smell badly. Hun er 31 år. She is thirty-one. She's 31 years old. Hvorfor gifte seg med en kvinne hvis du liker menn? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why marry a woman if you like men? Tom var lamslået. Tom was petrified. Tom was stunned. Hei alle sammen! Hello everyone! Hey everybody! Tom havde lyst til at danse. Tom felt like dancing. Tom wanted to dance. Toms bil har tonede vinduer. Tom's car has tinted windows. Tom's car has toned windows. Jeg havde ikke så meget tid, så jeg skimmede artiklen. I didn't have much time so I just skimmed through the article. I didn’t have that much time, so I made the article. Jeg har en kjedelig jobb. I have a boring job. I have a boring job. Algeriet er ikke et farligt land. Algeria isn't a dangerous country. Algeria is not a dangerous country. Eg eiga at fara heim. I have to go home. I have to go home. Eg spring kvar dag. I run every day. I run every day. Jeg vil huske dine ord. I will bear your words in mind. I will remember your words. Rökning är skadligt för din hälsa. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Tom tittade på Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Munkene mediterer. The monks are meditating. The monks meditate. Ef þú fylgir mér skal ég sýna þér leiðina á sjúkrahúsið. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. If you follow me, I will show you the path to the hospital. Det är min bok. The book is mine. That's my book. Jeg vil stå ved din side, uanset hvad. I will stand by you, no matter what. I want to stand by your side, no matter what. Tom har aldrig haft ett jobb. Tom has never had a job. Tom never had a job. Gjør det noe om jeg flytter bilen din? Would you mind my moving your car? Does it matter if I move your car? Han besøgte Frankrig tre gange. He visited France three times. He visited France three times. Jeg tjener hundrede euro om dagen. I make 100 euros per day. I make a hundred euros a day. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at oversætte denne rapport til fransk. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I want you to translate this report into French. Tom kan løbe stærkt. Tom can run fast. Tom can run heavily. Det sägs att han föddes i Tyskland. They say that he was born in Germany. It is said that he was born in Germany. Hefur íbúðin þrjú svefnherbergi? Has the flat got three bedrooms? Did the apartment have three bedrooms? Tom besvarede ikke Marys spørgsmål. Tom didn't answer Mary's questions. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. Han afstod fra at drikke for meget. He refrained from drinking too much. He refrained from drinking too much. Toms jobb er å selge bruktbiler. Tom's work is selling second-hand cars. Tom's job is to sell used vehicles. Han fortalte meg at han skulle dra til Amerika. He said he would go to America. He told me he was going to go to America. Du løy for meg. You hid the truth from me. You lied to me. Japan är ett vackert land. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Vill du att jag pratar på finska eller på engelska? Would you like me to speak Finnish or English? Do you want me to speak in Finnish or in English? John vil gerne spille skak. John wants to play chess. John wants to play chess. Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe? What action should we take? What measures should we take? Jag fick den av Tom. I got that from Tom. I got it from Tom. Jeg studerer ikke nå. I am not studying now. I'm not studying now. Ulven hyler. The wolf howls. The wolf's covering. Jag går och köper lite choklad. I'll go and buy some chocolate. I go buy some chocolate. Tom meldte sig selv til politiet tre dage efter at han havde dræbt Mary. Tom turned himself in three days after he'd killed Mary. Tom reported himself to the police three days after he killed Mary. Jeg har den samme ordboken som broren din. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Ge Sami en kyss. Give Sami a kiss. Give Sami a kiss. Jeg liker ikke å være alene hjemme. I don't like being home alone. I don’t like being alone at home. Glem hvad jeg sagde. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Jag är upprörd. I'm upset. I'm upset. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara ekki. She advised him not to go. She advised him not to go. Hvor lang tid, tror du, at det ville tage dig at male mit hus? How long do you think that it would take you to paint my house? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Det er åpenbart at han liker deg. It's very obvious that he likes you. It is obvious that he likes you. Tom vill ha vår hjälp. Tom wants our help. Tom wants our help. Tom sagde til mig at jeg gik som en pingvin. Tom told me I walked like a penguin. Tom told me I went as a penguin. Hon böjde sig ned. She bent down. She bent down. Tom har en benprotese. Tom has a prosthetic leg. Tom has a bone prosthesis. Våren är här. Spring has come. Spring is here. Alle hunde har brug for masser af kærlighed. All dogs need lots of love. All dogs need lots of love. Våra mammor är starka kvinnor. Our mothers are strong women. Our mothers are strong women. Kan vi hyra en av de här båtarna? Can we rent one of these boats? Can we rent one of these boats? Det sies at han skrev denne boken. It is said that he wrote this book. He said he wrote this book. Det var i alla fall inte tråkigt. At least it wasn't boring. At least it wasn't boring. Hjälper du fröken Hansson? Are you helping Miss Hansson? Are you helping Miss Hansson? Jeg skrev hans navn ned for at jeg ikke skulle glemme det. I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it. I wrote his name down so I wouldn't forget it. Vandrer du? Do you hike? Are you in trouble? Pil af! Why don't you get lost. Get off! Hvorfor var du ikke på arbejde i går? Why weren't you at work yesterday? Why didn't you work yesterday? Jeg har ikke lyst til å høre flere av de dumme vitsene dine. I don't want to hear any more of your stupid jokes. I don't want to hear more of your stupid jokes. Tom er ikke historielærer. Tom isn't a history teacher. Tom is not a story teacher. Jú meiri, jú betri. The more, the better. More, better. Jeg krever absolutt lojalitet fra alle mine ansatte. I require absolute loyalty from all my employees. I absolutely demand loyalty from all my employees. Vandet katten drak, var ikke salt. The water the cat drank was not salty. The water the cat drank was not salt. Jag sa till kungen: ers majestät, snälla förlåt mig! I said to the king: Your Majesty, please forgive me! I said to the king, “Son of majesty, please forgive me!” Tom har inte råd med bägge. Tom can't afford both. Tom can't afford both. Hvar er bókan? Where is the book? Where's the book? Denne fugl kan ikke flyve. This bird can't fly. This bird cannot fly. Jag hade det trevligt. I had a nice time. I had a nice time. Efter et koldt brusebad lagde jeg mig på sofaen. After a cold shower, I lay down on the sofa. After a cold shower, I put myself on the couch. Kristy Anderson er Larry Ewings hustru. Kristy Anderson is the wife of Larry Ewing. Kristy Anderson is Larry Ewing's wife. Politiet arresterede to mænd og to kvinder. The police arrested two men and two women. Police arrested two men and two women. Hvordan så hun ut? What did she look like? How did she look? Ikke drikk så mye! Do not drink so much! Don't drink so much! Du lyder træt. You sound tired. You sound tired. Fick han ett kvitto? Did he get a receipt? Did he get a receipt? Hun er i live! She's alive! She's alive! Du er luddoven. You are idle to the bone. You're Ludoven. Tom och Maria gifte sig i smyg. Tom and Mary got married secretly. Tom and Maria get married. Uden vand fandtes der intet liv på jorden. If it were not for water, there would be no life on the earth. Without water there was no life on earth. Jeg har efterhånden fået nok af krigere for social retfærdighed. I'm getting fed up with SJWs. I’ve had enough of the warriors for social justice. Það er áhugavert að enginn tók eftir þessum mistökum. It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake. It is interesting that no one noticed these mistakes. Hvilket album kan det være? Which album could it be? Which album could it be? Missade jag mycket? Did I miss much? Did I miss a lot? Jag berättar för Tom senare. I'll tell Tom later. I'll tell Tom later. Ho såg misnøgd ut med resultata. She seemed disappointed at the result. She looked unhappy with the results. Kan vi inte bara spankulera runt i parken? Can't we just stroll around the park? Can't we just span the park? Lokaðu dyrunum. Shut the door. Close the door. Generellt sett lever kvinnor längre än män. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. Generally, women live longer than men. I sin ungdom var min mor meget smuk. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. In his youth, my mother was very beautiful. Du kan se nå. You can look now. You can see now. Ég fór í uppáhalds kjólinn minn fyrir teitina. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I went to my favorite dress for the tea. Han tog til London for at lære engelsk. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. Bra jobbat, gubbar. Well done, guys. Good job, mobs. Er hans historie sand? Is his story true? Is his story true? Vi kan prata om det i framtiden. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about it in the future. Er døren lukket? Is the door closed? Is the door closed? Hann er ekki eins gáfaður og eldri bróðir hans. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. Alle universitetets studenter kan fritt benytte universitetsbiblioteket. All students are free to use the university library. All university students can freely use the university library. Vi har en ny granne. We have a new neighbour. We have a new neighbor. Andlit hans sýndi að hann var í fýlu. His face showed that he was annoyed. His spirit showed that he was in a hurry. Hon er ein sjúkrasystir. She is a nurse. She is a nursing home. Här är ett exempel. Here's an example. Here is an example. Glædelig jul og godt nytår til alle! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone. Happy Christmas and good New Year for everyone! Jeg går ikke tilbake. I'm not going back. I'm not going back. Jag behöver lite hjälp. I need a little help. I need some help. Gå till Toms hus. Go to Tom's house. Go to Tom's house. Du kan inte rädda mig. You can't save me. You can't save me. Der er intet at undskylde. There is nothing to apologize for. There's nothing to apologize. De oppdagelsesreisende fortsatte sin ferd. The explorers continued their journey. The explorers continued their journey. John borde vara här när som helst nu. John should be here any minute now. John should be here at any time. Tom är en mycket bra chaufför. Tom is an excellent driver. Tom is a very good driver. Jeg gikk meg vill, og for å gjøre det enda verre så begynte det å regne. I got lost, and to make it even worse, it then began to rain. I went away and to make it worse, it began to rain. Elefanter har to ører. Elephants have two ears. Elephants have two ears. Ni är allt som de har. You're all they have. You're all they have. Jeg læste bogen. I read the book. I read the book. Hon är en seriös person. She is a serious person. She's a serious person. Kan jag låna en penna? Can I borrow a pen? Can I borrow a pen? Din næse bløder. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose bleeds. Tom kan godt lide at snakke om sommerfugle. Tom likes talking about butterflies. Tom likes to talk about butterflies. Mange af fangerne overlevede ikke. Many of the prisoners didn't survive. Many of the prisoners did not survive. Vem vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Det är hans julklapp. It's his Christmas present. It's his Christmas present. Kan du gøre mig en tjeneste? Could you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? Børn er alle udlændinge. Children are all foreigners. Children are all foreigners. Du plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde du ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Ham og hans datter sms'ede ofte til hinanden inde i deres eget hus. His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home. He and his daughter often smsed to each other inside their own house. Jeg drikker kaffe. I'm drinking coffee. I drink coffee. Ryms båda de här resväskorna i bagageutrymmet? Will both of these suitcases fit in the trunk? Both of these suitcases in the luggage compartment? Jeg er ikke din hustru længere. Din hustru er Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! Hvornår er det Toms fødselsdag? When is Tom's birthday? When is Tom's birthday? Det er øyene i havet. There are islands in the sea. It's the islands of the sea. Hvornår har du sidst rigtigt kunnet græde ud? When was the last time you had a really good cry? When have you finally been able to cry out? Hun kunne ikke holde tårerne tilbage. She could not hold back her tears. She couldn't hold her tears back. Jeg gjorde som Tom ba meg. I did what Tom asked me to do. I did as Tom asked me. Hvorfor køber du ikke et køretøj? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? De er bange for dem. They're afraid of them. They're afraid of them. Minns du den gången vi åkte till Paris? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Vad föreslår du istället? What do you propose instead? What do you suggest instead? Ingen är upprörd. No one's upset. No one is upset. Vilken färg har ditt hår? What color is your hair? What color does your hair have? Lyssna inte på honom. Tom ljuger för dig. Don't listen to him. Tom is lying to you. Don't listen to him, Tom is lying to you. Vi var väldigt upptagna. We were very busy. We were very busy. Hur säger du det på italienska? How do you say that in Italian? How do you say it in Italian? De er bange for dig. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. Tom ska vara tillbaka idag på eftermiddagen. Tom is due back this afternoon. Tom will be back today in the afternoon. Navnene deres er Tom og Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Hun havde en sund baby. She had a healthy baby. She had a healthy baby. Det du ser med øjnene er nødvendigvis ikke sande. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily true. Jeg mater gullfisken. I'm feeding the goldfish. I eat the goldfish. Skriv adressen din her. Write your address here. Please enter your address here. Vad ska vi göra åt det? What will we do about it? What are we going to do about it? Fortæl os hvad vi bør gøre. Please tell us what we ought to do. Tell us what we should do. Talar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Do I talk too quickly? Jag tror att du har rätt. I think that you're right. I think you're right. Jag träffade Tom idag. I met Tom today. I met Tom today. La meg hjelpe deg på med kåpen. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you with the coat. Jeg er invitert til denne festen. I'm invited to this party. I'm invited to this party. Hur gjorde Tom det där? How did Tom do that? How did Tom do that? Spild ikke tid på bagateller. Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste time on backsellers. Jeg vidste hvad Tom mente. I knew what Tom meant. I knew what Tom meant. Hur kom du in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Tom dödade Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Hvordan var din uge? How was your week? How was your week? Vi har en pave! We have a pope! We have a Pope! Jag ska hämta upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'm gonna pick up Tom. Hvad gør jeg i mellemtiden? What do I do in the meantime? What do I do in the meantime? Det startade en kedjereaktion. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain reaction. Rökning dödar. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. De vet inte vem jag är. They don't know who I am. They don't know who I am. Jeg er en berliner. I am a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Hun købte forleden dag et nyt hus. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house. Gi meg brillene mine. Give me my glasses. Give me my glasses. Kom bort därifrån. Get away from there. Get away from there. Tom dödade spindeln. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Han er vekk He is gone. He's gone. Hvernig berðu þetta orð fram? How do you say this word? How do you ask this word? Fugle flyver sydpå om vinteren. Birds fly south in the winter. Birds fly south in winter. Tom var iført sin pyjamas da han åbnede døren. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Er dette godt fransk? Is this good French? Is this good French? Tom lover skotterne guld og grønne skove. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the Scots gold and green forests. Har du rökt? Have you been smoking? Do you smoke? Det er ingenting jeg liker så godt som å se baseballkamper på tv. I like nothing so much as to watch baseball games on television. There’s nothing I like to watch baseball games on TV. Alla goda ting är tre. All good things come in threes. All good things are three. Han mötte några svårigheter. He was confronted with some difficulties. He met some difficulties. Jeg tenker han har rett. I think he is right. I think he's right. Vi köpte en bit mark tillsammans. We bought a piece of land together. We bought a bit of land together. Hvem ellers har du fortalt det til? Who else did you tell? Who else have you told me? Vi sælger alt. We're selling everything. We sell everything. Hur ska jag tacka dig? How do I thank you? How should I thank you? Nancy er en habil sygeplejerske. Nancy is a capable nurse. Nancy is a habil nurse. Den gamle mannen hadde et edelt ansikt. The old man had a noble countenance. The old man had a noble face. Jag talar inte luxemburgiska. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I don't speak Luxembourgish. Såg du matchen? Did you watch the game? Did you see the match? Vi är flexibla. We're adaptable. We are flexible. Meinaru þetta? Did you mean this? Meinaru this? Tom lå vågen i lang tid og tænkte over hvad han burde gøre. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about what he should do. Tom lay awake for a long time and thought about what he should do. Är rummet tyst? Is the room quiet? Is the room quiet? Tycker du om lever? Do you like liver? Do you like living? Ester er jødisk amerikaner. Esther is a Jewish American. Esther is Jewish. Jag är gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. Han är min bror. He is my brother. He's my brother. Jeg venter her indtil hun kommer tilbage. I will wait here until she comes back. I'll wait until she comes back. Öl är gott. Beer's good. Beer is good. Þessir stólar eru í veginum. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are on the road. Paul kommer av prinsippet ikke for sent for en avtale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul comes from the principle not too late for a deal. Ska jag öppna den nu? Should I open it now? Should I open it now? Drengen er frisk som en fisk! The boy's as fit as a fiddle! The boy is healthy as a fish! Toms händer är mycket smutsiga. Tom's hands are very dirty. Tom's hands are very dirty. Tom er mínum húsbónda. Tom is my husband. Tom is my master. Regnet varte i tre dager. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. Var ligger den egyptiska ambassaden? Where is the Egyptian embassy? Where is the Egyptian Embassy? Sedd från flygplanet ser ön väldigt vacker ut. Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful. Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful. De smakar på riset. They're tasting the rice. They taste the rice. Ni kunde ha dött. You could've died. You could have died. Tom verkade inte så värst glad. Tom didn't seem that happy. Tom didn't seem so happy. Du veit at eg elskar Mary, ikkje sant? You know I love Mary, do you not? You know I love Mary, right? Vi slår mynt om det. Let's decide by coin toss. Let's beat coins about it. Tom så en cowboyfilm. Tom watched a Western. Tom saw a cowboy movie. Jag hade inga vidare förväntningar, så jag är inte vidare besviken. I didn't have any great expectations, so there are no big disappointments. I had no further expectations, so I am not disappointed. Þegar ég var kominn út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I got out, I threw the duck off. Hon sover redan. She is already sleeping. She's already sleeping. Enhver bilist skal respektere færdselsreglerne. Every driver must follow the traffic rules. Every driver must respect the rules of conduct. Er du klar til å ta over hvis Tom ikke kunne gjøre lenger? Are you ready to take over if Tom can't work anymore? Are you ready to take over if Tom couldn’t do anything anymore? Släpp inte taget. Don't let go. Don't let go. Quintilius Varus, skilaðu hersveitum mínum! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Quintilius Varus, give me my troops! Jeg hader vinteren. I hate winter. I hate winter. Jeg foretrækker kaffe med mælk. I prefer coffee with milk. I prefer coffee with milk. Min nye kollega er en robot. My new colleague is a robot. My new colleague is a robot. Tyskarna börjar att tvivla på Europa. The Germans are starting to have doubts about Europe. The Germans start to doubt Europe. Tom umgås med Mary nästan varje dag. Tom hangs out with Mary almost every day. Tom is about to go with Mary almost every day. Hjartet til Tom byrja plutseleg å slå fortare. Tom's heart suddenly began to beat faster. Tom's heart began suddenly beating faster. Jag var mycket imponerad. I was very impressed. I was very impressed. Jag sa åt dem att skicka mig en annan biljett. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no hurry. There is no need to hurry. Han greps för skattefusk. He was arrested on charges of tax evasion. He was arrested for tax fraud. Blanda salt, torrjäst och vetemjöl i en stor skål. Mix the salt, dry yeast and flour in a big bowl. Mix salt, dry yeast and wheat flour in a large bowl. Moskeen har et alarmsystem. The mosque has an alarm system. The mosque has an alarm system. Jag letar efter någon att förälska mig i. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. I'm looking for someone to love me. Það er mikilvægt að sameina eins marga verkamenn og hægt er. It's important to unite as many workers as possible. It is important to combine as many workers as possible. Det kan ikke være sandt. That can't be true. It can't be true. Jeg kunne ikke lide den film. I didn't like that movie. I didn't like that movie. Hvidt brød, tak. White bread, please. White bread, please. Det var ju ditt val. It was your choice. That was your choice. Bouteflika blev tvunget til at træde tilbage i 2019. Bouteflika was forced to step down in 2019. Bouteflika was forced to resign in 2019. Det är snö på marken. There's snow on the ground. It's snow on the ground. Træneren gav mig nogle råd. The coach gave me some advice. The coach gave me some advice. Sami har fått vad han ville ha. Sami has got what he wanted. Sami got what he wanted. Tom satte en ny rulle film i sit kamera. Tom put a new roll of film into his camera. Tom put a new movie in his camera. Hann ætti að koma aftur hvað úr hverju. He should be back any minute now. He should come back to see what happened. Tom har lige fortalt sin kone at han ville forlade hende. Tom just told his wife that he was leaving her. Tom just told his wife he wanted to leave her. Lad os byde det forlovede par, Tom og Mary, velkommen. Let's welcome the engaged couple: Tom and Mary. Let's welcome the promised couple, Tom and Mary. Menntun er lykillinn að velgegni. Education is the key to success. Education is the key to choosing. Ukrudt forgår ikke så let. Ill weeds grow apace. Weeds don't go so easy. Hvor lenge blir vi i Paris? How long will we remain in Paris? How long will we stay in Paris? Det er værd at gentage. That's worth repeating. It is worth repeating. Har du set hende? Have you seen her? Have you seen her? Jeg har ofte hørt om deg. I've often heard about you. I have often heard of you. Vi er på den forkerte vej. We're on the wrong road. We're on the wrong path. Han snakker flytende fransk. He is fluent in French. He speaks fluent French. Är du där ute? Are you out there? Are you out there? Ég er of þreytt til að hlaupa. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Mange europæere kender ikke det moderne Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Herom strides de lærde. On that point the learned disagree. Here they fought scholars. Hun gav ham et foragteligt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a terrible look. Jag var tvungen att fatta ett beslut. I had to make a decision. I had to make a decision. Det sker automatiskt. It happens automatically. It happens automatically. Sneen er endelig smeltet. The snow has finally melted. The nose is finally melted. Sjön hade frusit till, så vi gick över isen. The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice. The sea had been frozen, so we went over the ice. Jeg har kendt ham i mere end ti år. I have known him for more than ten years. I've known him for more than 10 years. Jeg hadde håpet vi kunne bli venner. I had hoped we might become friends. I had hoped we could be friends. De behandler mig som et barn. They are treating me like a child. They treat me as a child. Sveits ligger mellom Frankrike, Italia, Østerrike og Tyskland. Switzerland is situated between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Switzerland is located between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Jeg bliver hjulpet. I'm being helped. I'll be helped. Tusindvis af udlændinge rejser til Japan hvert år. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of foreigners travel to Japan every year. Er hann að drekka kaffi? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Toms hund nyder at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being hoovered. Tom's dog enjoys being vacuumed. Röker ni? Do y'all smoke? Are you smoking? Jeg kan ikke holde ud at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I can't stop working here. Vil dette blive et problem? Is this going to be a problem? Will this be a problem? Dette æble er gult. This apple is yellow. This apple is yellow. Fienden till bra är bättre. The enemy of "good" is "better". The enemy of good is better. Tom er meget forskellig fra hvad jeg forventede. Tom is very different from what I expected. Tom is different from what I expected. Toms tegnebog er næsten tom. Tom's wallet is almost empty. Empty wallet is almost empty. Ja. Nej. Måske. Jeg ved ikke. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. Prova den nu då. Go ahead, try it now. Try it now. Þetta er ástæðan fyrir því að ég kom aftur. This is why I came back. That’s why I came back. Hun faldt i søvn mens hun læste. She fell asleep while reading. She fell asleep while reading. Vad är alternativet? What's the alternative? What is the option? Jeg kan ikke huske sist jeg hadde så mye morro. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun. I can’t remember the last time I had so much morro. Doktor, mit navn er Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Får jag låna en linjal? May I borrow a ruler? Can I borrow a ruler? Tom og Mary har sex cirka en gang om ugen. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom samlade ihop alla sina saker. Tom gathered together all his belongings. Tom gathered all his stuff. Jeg hadde ingen problemer med å finne kontoret til Tom. I had no trouble finding Tom's office. I had no problem finding Tom's office. Tom ønskede ikke at bryde Marys hjerte. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Djävulen finns i detaljerna. The devil is in the details. The devil is in the details. Finns det många lagårdar i denna by? Are there many cowsheds in this village? Are there many farmyards in this city? Mary er enlig mor. Mary is a single mother. Mary is a single mother. Hun var både klog og smuk. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was both smart and beautiful. Tom forlod værelset. Tom left the room. Tom left the room. Hun bagte en kage til mig. She made me a cake. She baked a cake for me. Ved du hvor dine børn er? Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your children are? Det är deras rätt att rösta. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. Tom har bodd her i tre år. Tom has lived here for three years. Tom has lived here for three years. Jag lär mig svenska och tyska. I am learning Swedish and German. I learn Swedish and German. Tom har været i Boston i en uge. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Det var riktigt roligt. It was really funny. It was really fun. Hva skal du gjøre med alle pengene? What're you going to do with all that money? What are you going to do with all the money? Du måste välja ut en. You have to pick one. You have to select one. De kan lägga till en ordagrann översättning. They can add a literal translation. They can add a vocabulary translation. Amman er Jordans hovedstad. Amman is Jordan's capital. Amman is the capital of Jordan. Jag ska gå nu. I'm going to go now. I'll go now. Det var hans livs dröm. That was his life's dream. It was his dream of life. Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft mere tid. I would have done that if I'd had more time. I would have done it myself if I had more time. Jag trodde ni tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Tom er fremdeles utendørs. Tom is still outside. Tom is still outdoors. Denne væg føles meget kold. This wall feels very cold. This wall feels very cold. Tom undslap med nød og næppe. Tom had a narrow escape. Tom escaped with need and hardly. Hvad tid starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? What time does the rodeo start? Får jag be om matsedeln och vinlistan? May I have the menu and the wine list? Can I ask for dinner and wine list? Hvornår bliver jeg fri? When shall I be free? When will I be free? Hvor er vodkaen? Where's the vodka? Where is vodka? Säg vad problemet är. Tell me what the problem is. Tell me what the problem is. Du bor stadig hos dine forældre, gør du ikke? You still live with your parents, don't you? You're still living with your parents, aren't you? Er der en telefon her? Is there a telephone here? Is there a phone here? John og Eva er bedste venner. John and Eva are best friends. John and Eve are best friends. Du er overlegen. You're overconfident. You're superior. Tom sover ikke. Tom isn't sleeping. Tom doesn't sleep. Tom Jackson blev 93 år gammal. Tom Jackson lived to be 93. Tom Jackson was 93 years old. Du kan dra nå. You may leave now. You can go now. Tom og Mary offentliggjorde deres forlovelse i dag. Tom and Mary announced their engagement today. Tom and Mary published their engagement today. Týskland hevur tveir høvuðstaðir. Germany has two capital cities. Worried two-storey towers. Hun blev ikke betalt for det. She didn't get paid for it. She was not paid for it. Vi vil hjælpe jer. We'll help you. We'll help you. Jeg har mistet en værdifuld medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I lost a valuable medal. På amerikanske bakerier, er "baker's dozen" tretten og ikke tolv. In U.S. bakeries, a "baker's dozen" is 13, not 12. In American bakeries, the "baker's dozen" is thirteen and not twelve. Jag undrar om Tom och Mary är besvikna. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are disappointed. I wonder if Tom and Mary are disappointed. Jag ska spela fotboll efter skolan. I am going to play soccer after school. I'm going to play football after school. Tom berättade inte det för mig. Tom didn't tell me. Tom didn't tell me that. Hefur þú þekkt hana síðan nítjánhundruð og níutíu? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since the nineteenth century and ninety? Jag kan inte tänka på ett gott exempel. I can't think of a good example. I can't think of a good example. Det var en enda stor lögn. It was all a big lie. It was a big lie. Du pratar inte mycket. You don't talk a lot. You don't talk much. Hvis jeg var en rig mand, ville jeg købe dig en diamantring. If I were a rich man, I would buy you a diamond ring. If I was a rich man, I'd buy you a diamond ring. Vi tänker ge dig huset. We're giving you the house. We'll give you the house. Jag måste inte vara här. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Dette værelse er hyggeligt. This room is comfortable. This room is nice. Tokyo er en stor by. Tokyo is a big city. Tokyo is a big city. Jag skulle vilja be om en översättare. I would like to ask for a translator. I'd like to ask for a translator. Det har snødd i hele natt. It's been snowing all night. It's snowed all night. Hendes mand bor for tiden i Tokyo. Her husband is currently living in Tokyo. Her husband currently lives in Tokyo. Jeg fandt det let at finde bygningen. I found it easy to find the building. I found it easy to find the building. Canada er ikke et paradis. Canada is not a paradise. Canada is not a paradise. Sommaren är över. The summer is over. Summer is over. Jeg kan godt vente. I don't mind waiting. I can wait. Lad os gå denne vej. Let's go this way. Let's go this way. Du är en vacker flicka. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Tom sad på en træstamme. Tom sat on a log. Tom was sitting on a tree trunk. Tom spiser uhyggelig meget. Tom eats an awful lot. Tom eats so much. Eg ser ei løve. I see a lion. I see a lion. Enhver der kun kan finde på en måde at stave et ord på, mangler helt klart fantasi. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Anyone who can only find in a way to spell a word is clearly lacking imagination. Veiðar eru bannaðar á þessu svæði. Hunting is prohibited in this area. The roads are banned in this area. Tom kommer inte att få köra på ett tag. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Tom won't be driving for a while. Húsgögnin eru í eigu móður minnar. The furniture belongs to my mother. The furniture is in my mother's own house. Brug aldrig dine penge, før du har tjent dem. Never spend your money before you have earned it. Never use your money before you make them. Har hun børn? Does she have children? Does she have children? Fylla hann. Fill it up. Fill it. Det er dig der er ekspert. You are the expert. It's you who's an expert. Eg kjende igjen stemma di med ein gong. I recognized your voice right away. I knew again your voice immediately. Der er kun én bog på skrivebordet. There is only one book on the desk. There is only one book on the desk. Jag håller inte med. I beg to differ. I don't agree. Hun takler ikke stress. She can't cope with stress. She can't cope with stress. Zamenhof, skaperen av det konstruerte språket esperanto, var en øyelege. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist. Zamenhof, the creator of the designed language Esperanto, was an eye-catcher. De tror på Gud. They believe in God. They believe in God. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda matinn. She is busy cooking dinner. It is the island where we cook the food. Jag gör det ändå. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. Det er gratis. It is free of charge. It's free. Hvis jeg havde vidst det, var jeg ikke kommet. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come. If I had known it, I wasn't here. Der er stadig plads til forbedringer. There's still room for improvement. There is still room for improvement. Jeg oppdaget at sykkelen min var borte. I found my bicycle gone. I discovered that my bike was gone. Tom er Marys ældste søn. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Vil du have et æble til? Would you like another apple? Do you want an apple? Är han lärare? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Begravde du noe på den øyen? Did you bury something on that island? Did you see anything on that eye? Jeg kommer aldri til å glemme din barmhjertighet så lenge jeg lever. I will never forget your kindness so long as I live. I will never forget your mercy as long as I live. Jag vill ha mera mjölk. I want more milk. I want more milk. Det gør ondt lige her. It hurts right here. It hurts right here. Tom vil måske vidne. Tom might testify. Tom might want to testify. Kan du huske hr. Saito? Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Tom säger att Mary är förkyld. Tom says Mary has a cold. Tom says Mary is cold. Jag släckte elden. I put out the fire. I leaked the fire. Han svarede enhver sit. He paid everyone his due. He answered every one of them. Jeg ser frem til det. I look forward to it. I look forward to that. Sådan er livet. That's how life is. That's life. Sa jeg ikke det? Didn't I say that? I didn't say that? Eg hyggji at sjónvarpi. I'm watching television. I'd like to watch television. Jeg kan lide at vande haven. I like to water the garden. I like to have the garden. Hvorfor har du brug for en motorsav? Why do you need a chainsaw? Why do you need a motorsav? Regnet varte i en uke. The rain lasted a week. The rain lasted for a week. Jeg ville ønske, jeg ikke havde bedt Tom om hjælp. I wish I hadn't asked Tom for help. I wish I had not asked Tom for help. Jag gör det gladeligen. I'm happy to do it. I'll make it happy. Boken ligger på bordet. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Mindst 10 russere er omkommet i år mens de tog selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year taking selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year while taking selfies. Minns du det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? For lang tid siden var der en bro der. A long time ago, there was a bridge there. A long time ago there was a bridge there. Ég var að borða súshí og drekka bjór. I've just eaten some sushi and drunk a beer. I was eating chocolate and drinking beer. Hvorfor ler du? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Hver er uppáhaldsleikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor? What is your favorite game? Jag är berlinare. I am a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Jeg kigger efter T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. Hér eru bækurnar okkar. Here are our books. Here are our books. Hann kom með strætó. He came by bus. He brought the bus. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til fjölskyldunnar þinnar. Please say hello to your family. Please say goodbye to your family. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til hans. Please say hello to him for me. Please say goodbye to him. Jill er forlovet med Jack. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill is engaged with Jack. Du er bange for os. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of us. Jag har ett hjärta. I have a heart. I have a heart. Vinden avtog. The wind calmed down. The wind declined. Planet har nyss lyft. The plane has just taken off. The plan has a new lift. Den här maskinen går på elektricitet. This machine works by electricity. This machine goes on electricity. Vad tyckte de? What did they think? What did they think? Er hann Japani? Is he Japanese? Is he Japan? Du borde ha berättat för mig att du inte kan simma. You should have told me that you can't swim. You should have told me you can't swim. Att spela tennis är hans hobby. Playing tennis is his hobby. Playing tennis is his hobby. Maria er en ødeland når det gjelder penger. Mary is a big spender when it comes to money. Maria is a desert land when it comes to money. Mér fannst þetta vera góð bók en Jim var á annari skoðun. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Jim was in a different opinion. Hvorfor vasker du hænderne? Why are you washing your hands? Why do you wash your hands? Tom forlod Boston den 20. oktober. Tom left Boston on October 20th. Tom left Boston on October 20. Du måste gå. I need you to leave. You have to go. Tom vet inte om att jag är Marys pojkvän. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Alle er her. All are present. Everybody's here. Ikke alle er dumme svin. Not all are sons of bitches. Not everyone is stupid. John skriver til foreldrene sine en gang i måneden. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Tom kunne ikke få sin bil til at starte. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Du bør gå tidlig hjem. You should go home early. You should go home early. Sami satt och bad. Sami was praying. Sami sat and prayed. Vi gjorde ophold i Chicago. We had a layover in Chicago. We stayed in Chicago. Jag undervisar. I am teaching. I teach. Der en ingen stol i dette værelse. There is no chair in this room. There is no chair in this room. Det kan komma att göra ont. It may hurt. It can hurt. Jag funderade på planen. I was thinking about the plan. I was thinking about the plan. Prøv å ikke grine. Try to keep from crying. Try not to laugh. Hið þekkta þarf að greina frá hinu óþekkta. The known must be separated from the unknown. The unknown must be identified from the unknown. Dette vil koste €30. This will cost €30. This will cost €30. Jag ska kolla. I'll check. I'll check. Han är alltid glad. He is always happy. He's always happy. Får jag ett pris? Do I get a prize? Can I get a price? Jag mår bra, tack. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Du er et meget interessant menneske. You're a very interesting person. You are a very interesting person. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að taka leigubíl. I think you should go by taxi. I think you should take a taxi. Jeg er ateist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. En del döva personer väljer att inte använda teckenspråk. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language. Det vil ikke ske. That won't happen. It won't happen. Der er ingen post i postkassen. There's no mail in the mailbox. There is no post in the mailbox. Vejen er lang. The road is long. The road is long. Min søster er ældre end min bror. My sister is older than my brother. My sister is older than my brother. Tom spildte rødvin udover Marys hvide kjole. Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress. Tom played red wine beyond Mary's white dress. Denne hund er din. This dog is yours. This dog is yours. Jeg troede, at jeg hørte en stemme. I thought I heard a voice. I thought I heard a voice. Du er bare en gutt. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Hví? Why? Why? Du blødde neseblod. You had a nosebleed. You bleed the nose blood. Taler din kæreste fransk? Does your girlfriend speak French? Does your girlfriend speak French? Mary er meget smuk. Mary is very pretty. Mary is very beautiful. Ring ham hvis meldingen er så viktig. Call him if the message is important. Call him if the message is so important. Telefonen ringde igen. The phone rang again. The phone called again. Algeriet har brug for flere renseanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more cleaning facilities. Jag har precis ätit middag. I've just had dinner. I've just eaten dinner. Jag ringde i förväg. I called ahead. I called in advance. Understreg alle udsagnsordene i fremtid i denne tekst. Underline all the verbs in the future tense in this text. Underscore all statements in the future in this text. Betyder det att du går med på det? Does that mean you agree? Does that mean you're going to do it? Tom er forpustet. Tom is panting. Tom's incarcerated. Ertu þreytt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Jeg var på fjellet. I was on the mountain. I was on the mountain. Fortsätt söka. Keep searching. Continue searching. Bedstefar åbnede bilens vindue, og med geværet sigtede han på en fugl. Grandfather opened the car window and aimed the gun at a bird. Grandpa opened the car's window, and with the rifle he was aiming for a bird. Burj Khalifa er i dag den høyeste skyskraperen i verden. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is today the highest skyscraper in the world. Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hinna med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He went slow so that the child could take care of them. Du kan inte hoppa av. You can't back out. You can't jump off. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten minute break. Det er ikke en god ide at genbruge adgangskoder. It isn't a good idea to reuse passwords. It is not a good idea to recycle passwords. Jag önskar att jag kunde ta igen förlorad tid. I wish I could make up for lost time. I wish I could take back lost time. Hvor er du? Where are you? Where are you? Hann fyrirlítur fólk úr lægri samfélagsstéttum. He despises people of a lower social class. He’s a little bit of people from a lower social class. Jag blev just biten. I just got bitten. I was just bitten. Jeg rydder kontoret mitt. I am tidying my office. I clean my office. Jag kommer inte låta det här hända mig. I won't let this happen to me. I won't let this happen to me. Selv om Tom er i fyrrerne, bor han stadig hos sine forældre. Even though Tom's in his forties, he still lives at home with his parents. Even though Tom is in the past, he still lives with his parents. Han kalte meg for en tullebukk. He called me a joker. He called me a fool. Hon schickade mig sin adress för att jag kunde hitta hennes hus. She sent me her address so that I could find her house. She pulled me her address because I could find her house. Tom drikker sort kaffe uden sukker. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Jeg spurte ikke om hjelp. I didn't ask for help. I didn't ask for help. Han är talterapeut till yrket. He works as a speech therapist. He is a therapist for the profession. Jag förlorade medvetandet. I lost consciousness. I lost consciousness. Tom gik pludselig til angreb på Mary. Tom suddenly attacked Mary. Tom suddenly attacked Mary. Jeg er meget utålmodig. I'm very impatient. I am very impatient. Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ikke. I don't know whether he'll come or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Det spiller ingen rolle hvilket hold der vinder spillet. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn’t matter which team wins the game. Varför berättade du inte det här för polisen? Why didn't you tell this to the police? Why didn't you tell this to the police? Har du bestemt deg for å dra til Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Vill ni spela tennis med oss? Do you want to play tennis with us? Do you want to play tennis with us? Jeg vil ikke gøre det mere. I won't do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. Du hinner inte i tid till skolan. You are not going to make it in time for school. You don't have time for school. Hun kunne synge pent da hun var et barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She could sing pretty well when she was a child. Det sner. It's snowing. It's snowing. Noe skjedde. Something happened. Something happened. Kvinnorna arbetar. The women are working. Women work. Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don’t have much to do with Hollywood’s superhero movies. Vilket företag arbetar du för? What company do you work for? Which company do you work for? Åt Tom middag? Did Tom eat dinner? Oh, Tom dinner? Var inte så nyfikna! Don't be so nosy! Don't be so curious! Jeg får inntrykk av at han er ganske arrogant. I have the impression that he is quite arrogant. I get the impression that he is quite arrogant. Vi kjappet oss, så vi ikke gikk glipp av den siste bussen. We hurried, so we didn't miss the last bus. We left, so we didn't miss the last bus. Den här är inte bra. This one's no good. This is not good. De mødte Sveriges og Danmarks kronprinser. They met the crown princes of Sweden and Denmark. They met Sweden and Denmark's Crown Princes. Rör sig jorden från öst till väst eller tvärtom? Does The Earth move from East to West or vice-versa? Does the earth move from east to west or vice versa? Eg keiar meg. I am bored. I keiar me. Tom kan godt lide at vise sig. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show up. Pizzaen er her! The pizza's here! The pizza is here! Tom skakade Marys hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Hun er pålitelig, høflig og kunnskapsrik. She is reliable, polite and knowledgeable. She is reliable, polite and knowledgeable. Hendes måde at snakke på irriterer os. Her way of speaking irritates us. Her way of talking annoys us. Jag älskade att läsa då jag var liten. I loved to read when I was little. I loved reading when I was a kid. Presidenten är för närvarande i Miami. The president is presently in Miami. The president is currently in Miami. Jeg gemte mig under sengen. I hid myself under the bed. I hid under the bed. Han bodde i Azerbajdzjan i 4 år. He lived in Azerbaijan for 4 years. He lived in Azerbaijan for 4 years. Jeg byggede det. I built it. I built it. Tom klikket. Tom went bonkers. Tom clicked. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvordan. The difficult question is how. The difficult question is how. Jeg viste hende vejen. I showed her the way. I showed her the way. Han tørrede sveden fra ansigtet. He wiped the sweat from his face. He wiped the sweat from his face. Var ligger Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Tom må være gået denne vej. Tom must've gone this way. Tom must have gone this way. Hun fik drengene til at male huset. She had the boys paint the house. She got the boys to paint the house. Du bør slutte å røyke. You should give up smoking. You should stop smoking. Við gerum okkur ekki alltaf grein fyrir því að hversu miklu marki við stólum á aðra. We often fail to realize the extent to which we depend on others. We don’t always know how much we can do with others. Jag ljög aldrig för Tom. I never lied to Tom. I never lied to Tom. Vi støtte på mange vanskeligheter på ekspedisjonen. We encountered a lot of difficulties on the expedition. We support many difficulties on the expedition. Er sønnen god? Is the son good? Is your son good? Ge mig den där. Give me that thing. Give me that. Julia har mange roser og liljer i hagen sin. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Julia has many roses and lilies in her garden. Siden jeg kom for sent til toget, måtte jeg vente ca en time på det neste. As I missed the train, I had to wait for the next one for about an hour. Since I came late to the train, I had to wait about an hour for the next one. Vem pratade hon med? Who was she talking to? Who was she talking to? För mig är skidåkning mycket mer intressant än skridskoåkning. To me, skiing is far more interesting than skating. For me, skiing is much more interesting than snow skiing. Om du inte snart kommer på en ursäkt så blir det besvärligt. If you don't think of an excuse quickly, things will become awkward. If you don’t come to an excuse soon, it will be difficult. Tom sa ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. Tom er en hippie. Tom is a hippy. Tom is a hippie. Hun ga opp. She gave up. She gave up. Tom leste romaner. Tom read novels. Tom read novels. Herra Johnson er eldri en ég hélt að hann væri. Mr Johnson is older than I thought he was. Mr. Johnson is older than I thought he was. Jeg er allergisk over for katte. I am allergic to cats. I am allergic to cats. Tom hävdade, att han såg en man bli ätit levande av pirayor. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by piranhas. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by prayor. Harry blev allvarligt sjuk. Harry fell seriously ill. Harry was seriously ill. Jag tror att det är över. I think it's over. I think it's over. Vad är det med Tom? What's up with Tom? What's with Tom? Vil du lære å spille gitar? Do you want to learn to play guitar? Want to learn how to play guitar? Ég kem heim eins fljótt og ég get. I'll come back home as soon as I can. I'll be home as soon as I can. Tom är nedstämd. Tom is depressed. Tom's down. Smid de her rådne bananer væk. Throw away these rotten bananas. Put those bananas away. Du har rotet alt til. You have put everything out of order. You've messed everything. Jeg har skrevet en bog om Kina. I wrote a book about China. I have written a book about China. Den är läskig. It's scary. It's creepy. Kan jeg sove her? Can I sleep here? Can I sleep here? Yanni var usikker på benene. Yanni was unsteady on his feet. Yanni was unsure of his legs. Han prøvede at skjule sin vrede. He tried to hide his anger. He tried to hide his anger. Tom brødes med Mary. Tom wrestled with Mary. Tom broke with Mary. Vil du have østers, eller vil du hellere have muslinger? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Do you want oysters, or would you rather have clams? Tom er litt rar. Tom is a little weird. Tom is a little weird. Australien eksporterer en masse uld. Australia exports a lot of wool. Australia exports a lot of wool. Jag förtjänar inte att leva. I don't deserve to live. I don't deserve to live. Við gætum hitt Tom. We could see Tom. We could meet Tom. Du är tidig igen. You're early again. You're early again. Ikke bland Østerrike og Australia. Don't confuse Austria with Australia. Not among Austria and Australia. Får jag hjälpa? Can I help? Can I help? Ring meg opp! Call me! Call me up! Kommer jag att dö? Am I going to die? Will I die? Och vad gör vi nu? And what are we doing now? And what are we doing now? Jeg hater matematikk. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Jag skriver en mening på tyska. I'm writing a sentence in German. I write an opinion in German. Ekki hlaupa svona hratt. Don't run so fast. Don't run that fast. Tror du Tom lyver for os? Do you think Tom is lying to us? You think Tom's lying to us? Berätta bara inte för Tom. Just don't tell Tom. Just don't tell Tom. Tölvur forheimska fólk. Computers make people stupid. Computers for human beings. Man bør aldri se direkte på sola med det blotte øye. You should never look directly at the Sun with the naked eye. You should never look directly at the sun with the naked eye. Hon har mens. She has her period. She has while. Jeg fryser. I'm freezing. I'm freezing. Lad os snakke om det. Let us discuss. Let's talk about it. Þar sem við vissum ekki hvað við hvað við ættum til bragðs að taka, hringdum við á lögregluna. Not knowing what to do, we telephoned the police. Since we didn’t know what to do, we called the police. Jag bor i Kanton. I live in Canton. I live in Kanton. Hvem har fortalt dig historien? Who told you the story? Who told you the story? Hvordan udtales det? How is that pronounced? How do you pronounce it? Mary har fortalt mig at hun vil skrive en bog. Mary has told me she wants to write a book. Mary told me she wanted to write a book. Hun har avgått ved døden. She has passed away. She's gone to death. Hvordan var det? How was that? How was it? Hun fik elregningen i dag. She received the electricity bill today. She got the electricity bill today. Hon köper bröd. She buys bread. She buys bread. Hvorfor er munnen din åpen? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Har I noget imod at jeg slutter mig til jer? Mind if I join you guys? Do you mind that I will end up with you? Ønsker De at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Hon rörde om pulverkaffet och hällde i mjölk. She stirred the instant coffee and poured in milk. She touched the powder cake and poured into milk. Jag spelade tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Jag har hört att Tom hatar dig. I hear Tom hates you. I've heard Tom hates you. Är du min läkare? Are you my doctor? Are you my doctor? Ég rakst á gamlan vin minn í teiti um daginn. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I went to my old friend in tea the other day. Hvis jeg var en fugl, så kunne jeg flyve hen til dig. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I was a bird, I could fly to you. Jag är i Paris. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. Jeg er en vegetar som spiser masser af kød. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I am a vegetarian who eats lots of meat. Dette er et billede af Toms familie. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Tom har två söner. Båda av dem bor i Boston. Tom has two sons. Both of them live in Boston. Tom has two sons, both of them living in Boston. När frågade du Tom? When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than her. Vi ger upp. Let's give up. We'll give up. Jag fick inte ditt meddelande i tid, för när du skickade det till mig hade min mobiltelefon inget batteri. I did not receive your message on time because when you sent it to me my mobile had no battery. I didn't get your message in time, because when you sent it to me, my cell phone had no battery. Han får komma. He can come. He'll come. Det fortsatte att snöa i fyra dagar. The snow lasted four days. It continued to snow for four days. Fåglar flyger. Birds fly. Birds fly. Eg tenkjer ofte på mi avlidne mor. I frequently think about my mother who passed away. I often think of my deceased mother. Er hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. Tom faldt af sin cykel. Tom fell off his bicycle. Tom fell off his bike. John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Aldrig hade jag sett en sådan fridfull syn. Never have I seen such a peaceful sight. I had never seen such a peaceful vision. Det här är min häst. This is my horse. This is my horse. Hun havde ingen ide om, hvad jeg snakkede om. She had no idea what I was talking about. She had no idea what I was talking about. Tom vill vara med på festen. Tom wants to attend the party. Tom wants to join the party. Kan I huske Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Är det bacon jag känner lukten av? Do I smell bacon? Is that bacon I feel the smell of? Hun behandlede ham som en konge. She treated him like a king. She treated him like a king. Yanni gjorde en flicka med barn. Yanni got a girl pregnant. Yanni did a girl with children. Jag arbetade som pianostämmare i många år. I worked as a piano tuner for many years. I worked as a piano general for many years. Jag hör inte ett skvatt. I don't hear a thing. I don't hear a shot. Tom vandt Boston Marathon. Tom won the Boston marathon. Tom won Boston Marathon. Landmanden fodrer sine malkekøer med lucerne. The farmer feeds alfalfa to his dairy cattle. The farmer feeds his mammal cows with the lucs. Tom har været der i tre uger. Tom has been there for three weeks. Tom has been there for three weeks. Det er veldig vanskelig å spille Vivaldis fagottkonsert på saksofon. It's very hard to play Vivaldi's bassoon concerto on the saxophone. It is very difficult to play Vivaldi’s professional concert on saxophone. Bob og Mary spiller blokkfløyte. Bob and Mary play the recorder. Bob and Mary play the block whistle. Tom så ikke ud til at være glad. Tom didn't seem happy. Tom didn't seem to be happy. Du må føye deg etter reglene. You must conform to the rules. You have to feed yourself by the rules. Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about her childhood. Jag kommer aldrig att glömma den här dagen. I will never forget this day. I will never forget this day. Tom åbnede bagagerummet på bilen. Tom opened the trunk of the car. Tom opened the luggage room on the car. Hvor er hanskene? Where are the gloves? Where's the gloves? Hun bor i New York. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. Tom blev født den 20. oktober 2013. Tom was born October 20, 2013. Tom was born on October 20, 2013. Vet du hvor gammel frøken Nakano er? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Nakano is? Ønsker du virkelig at gå til fods? Do you really want to walk? Do you really want to go to the foot? Hesten er tørst. The horse is thirsty. The horse is thirsty. Min hund har spist mine lektier. My dog ate my homework. My dog has eaten my homework. Det är trist. That's sad. It's sad. Maðurinn var undrandi yfir fréttunum. The man was surprised at the news. The man was amazed at the news. Man kan ikke leve uten vann. You can't live without water. You can't live without water. Du är min pappa. You are my father. You're my dad. Jag har fyra datorer, men två av dem är så gamla att jag inte använder dem längre. I have four computers, but two of them are so old I don't use them anymore. I have four computers, but two of them are so old that I don’t use them anymore. Det var dengang, og det her er nu. That was then and this is now. It was then, and this is now. Jag köpte ett dussin ägg. I bought a dozen eggs. I bought a dozen eggs. Vem tog emot det? Who received it? Who received it? Jeg var i bad. I was in the shower. I was in the bathroom. Jeg børstede hendes hår. I brushed her hair. I brushed her hair. Husker du det? You remember it? Do you remember that? De har nu tre børn. They now have three children. They now have three children. Det er gratis. It's free. It's free. Athöfnin var einföld. The ceremony was simple. The crew was simple. Jane låtsades alltid att hon var väldigt rik. Jane always pretended that she was very rich. Jane always sang that she was very rich. Tom likte ikke skolen, frem til han startet på ungdomsskolen. Tom didn't like school until he entered junior high school. Tom didn't like school until he started school. Jeg kender jer ikke. I don't know you guys. I don't know you. Hvorfor hader teknologien mig? Why does technology hate me? Why does technology hate me? Jag vill bara ha roligt. I just want to have fun. I just want fun. Han reiser vel til Peru i morgen? Isn't he going to Peru tomorrow? He goes to Peru tomorrow? Månen er så lys! The moon's so bright. The moon is so light! Talar hann ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does he speak English, French or German? Does he speak English, French or German? Sumir mundu draga sanngildi slíkra sögusagna í efa. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some of them have the truth of such a story in doubt. Jag var på jobbet. I was at work. I was at work. Jag måste göra någonting. I must do something. I have to do something. Hun er en sild. She is a fox. She's a herring. Trotskij var bolsjevik. Trotsky was a bolshevik. Trotsky was a Bolshevik. Hvad tid begynder det? What time does it start? What time does it begin? Sverige har sitt eget språk. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. I burde være mere forsigtige. You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful. Tom avbröt mig. Tom interrupted me. Tom interrupted me. Bedstemor har sendt en kasse æbler til os. Grandmother sent us a box of apples. Grandma sent a box of apples to us. Världen är ond. The world is evil. The world is evil. Er Tom eitthvað betri? Is Tom any better? Is Tom any better? Smaklökar är väldigt användbara. Taste buds are very useful. Taste buds are very useful. En servitrice kom og spurgte dem hvad de ønskede. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. Jag kommer inte att behöva dig. I won't need you. I won't need you. Var student har sin egen dator. Each student has their own computer. Every student has his own computer. Det hoppas jag verkligen inte. I really hope not. I really hope not. Hun ble gift i en alder av søtten. She got married at the age of seventeen. She was married at the age of her sweet. Tom åbnede døren for hende. Tom opened the door for her. Tom opened her door. Eg eri ikki sjúkur. I'm not sick. I am not sick. Jeg hader ikke Tom længere. I don't hate Tom anymore. I don't hate Tom anymore. Tom talte fransk ret flydende. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Jeg holdt op med at ryge for seks måneder siden. I quit smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. Folket i landet ditt mangler mental disiplin. The people of your country have no mental discipline. The people in your country lack mental discipline. Pabbi minn lítur af og til inn til mín. My dad drops in on me from time to time. My dad looks at me sometimes. Jag är riktigt stolt över dig. I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you. Talar du japanska? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak Japanese? Jag är för gammal för den här världen. I'm too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. Hvad er navnet på det højeste bjerg i Tyskland? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What is the name of the highest mountain in Germany? Låt teet dra i minst fem minuter. Let the tea steep for at least 5 minutes. Let the tea go for at least five minutes. Þú ættir að biðjast afsökunar. You should apologize. You should apologize. Dømt til døden. Condemned to death. Killed to death. Vidste du ikke at Tom har masser af katte? Didn't you know Tom has lots of cats? Didn't you know Tom has a lot of cats? Það var mjög ánægjulegt að hitta gamla vin minn. Meeting my old friend was very pleasant. It was a pleasure to meet my old friend. Kvifor skjer de opp kjøtet? Why are they cutting up the meat? Why are they taking up the meat? Hvad spiste du til morgenmad i morges? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Hör du mig bra nu? Do you hear me well now? Do you hear me well now? Noget vidunderligt skete i dag. Something wonderful happened today. Something wonderful happened today. Ön ligger på ungefär två mils avstånd från kusten. The island is about two miles off the coast. The island is about two miles away from the coast. Þú hefðir átt að læsa, eða að minnsta kosti loka, öllum hurðunum. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have read, or at least close, all the doors. Kozue fannst fyrirlestur kennarans vera daufur, leiðinlegur og endalaus. Kozue thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless. Kozu was found to be the first teacher to be dead, boring and endless. "Jeg er sulten.", "Jeg også", "Skal vi spise?", "Ok." "I'm getting hungry." "Me, too." "Do you want to eat?" "OK." "I'm hungry." "I too," "Should we eat?", "Okay." Jeg har ikke radio på mit værelse. I don't have a radio in my room. I don't have a radio in my room. Jeg hjelper deg gjerne. I will gladly help you. I'd like to help you. Varför är du inte redan ombord på skeppet? Why aren't you already on board the ship? Why aren't you already on board the ship? Älskar du din mamma? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Det är skojigt. It's fun. It's funny. Staden förstördes under kriget. The town was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Den allerstørste gud har glemt at være Gud. The utmost God has forgotten to be God. The greatest god has forgotten to be God. Jeg har ikke penge, men jeg har drømme. I have no money, but I have dreams. I don't have money, but I have dreams. Gammal i skinnet men ung i sinnet. Old in body but young at heart. Old in the shine but young in the mind. Det är någon som saknas. Someone's missing. There's someone missing. Jag hatar regn. I hate the rain. I hate rain. Du sover ikke mye, gjør du? You don't sleep much, do you? You don't sleep much, do you? Jeg gikk ikke glipp av noe. I didn't miss anything. I didn't miss anything. Min jul er ødelagt nu. My Christmas is now ruined. My Christmas is ruined now. Vi har boet i denne by i tre år. We've lived in this town for three years. We have lived in this city for three years. Här är bussen. Here's the bus. Here's the bus. Er det noe jeg kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Is there anything I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Hvad ved du? What do you know? What do you know? Tala inte ens med mig. Don't even talk to me. Don't even talk to me. Eg bor ikke i Finland. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. Tom kan ikke tale fransk, kan han vel? Tom can't speak French, can he? Tom can't speak French, can he? Hana langaði til að skilja. She wanted to understand. He wanted to understand. Kan du göra det för mig? Can you do it for me? Can you do it for me? Det hade varit roligt. That would've been fun. It would have been fun. Algeriet er meget forskelligt fra USA. Algeria is very different from the United States. Algeria is very different from the United States. Vent venligst et øjeblik. Please hold on a moment. Please wait a minute. Mary hjälpte sin mor att laga mat. Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook food. Tom blev forvirret. Tom got confused. Tom was confused. Þú getur stólað á hana. You can rely on her. You can sit on it. Jeg er ikke en sladrehank. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a Sadrehank. Konst har inga gränser. Art has no limits. Art has no boundaries. Du bør ikke fortelle ham noe om kjæresten din. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. You shouldn't tell him anything about your boyfriend. Tom ble holdt nede. Tom was held down. Tom was held down. Håll dig i närheten. Stand by. Stay close. Hon hade inga pengar. She had no money. She had no money. Þar sem hún er skrifuð á einfaldri ensku er bókin auðlesin. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. As it is written in English, the book is easy. Får jag stiga upp nu? Can I get up now? Can I get up now? Min tante har gitt meg blomster. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt has given me flowers. Jeg begyndte at danse. I began to dance. I started dancing. Tom såg gammal ut. Tom looked old. Tom looked old. Moren min snakker ikke engelsk så særlig bra. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn’t speak English very well. Det er en flertrinnsprosess. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multi-stage process. Tom behøvde ikke å kjøpe den boken. Tom didn't need to buy that book. Tom didn’t want to buy that book. Kan jag tänka på det? Can I think about it? Can I think of it? Vi har lige mødt hinanden. We just met. We just met each other. Vad tror du på? What do you believe? What do you think? Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I have to admit you're right. I have to admit you're right. Jeg er hjemme. I'm home. I'm home. De första fyrtio minuterna gick allting bra. For the first forty minutes, everything went well. The first forty minutes went well. Tom lovede mig at han ville betale sin gæld. Tom promised me he'd pay his debts. Tom promised me he would pay his debt. Vi beställde ingenting. We didn't order anything. We ordered nothing. Toms morfar och Marys farfar slogs tillsammans i andra världskriget. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather were defeated together in World War II. Jeg liker virkelig lagkameratene mine. I really like my teammates. I really like my teammates. Tom har så mange penge at han ikke ved hvad han skal gøre med dem. Tom has so much money that he doesn't know what to do with it. Tom has so much money that he doesn’t know what to do with them. Prinsesse Diana døde i et bilulykke. Princess Diana died in a car crash. Princess Diana died in a car accident. Grinar du? Are you crying? Are you kidding me? I dag er det lørdag. Today is Saturday. Today is Saturday. Jag såg Tom falla. I saw Tom fall. I saw Tom fall. det är inte för att jag hatar honom, men för att jag älskar honom It is not because I hate him, but because I love him. It's not because I hate him, but because I love him. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you turn down the TV? Could you turn down for the television? Vad trodde du att jag skulle göra? What did you think I was going to do? What did you think I was going to do? Kan du inte se det? Can't you see it? Can't you see that? Har du något hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Tom är väldigt, väldigt bra. Tom's very, very good. Tom is very, very good. Hvordan er din nye lejlighed? How is your new flat? How is your new apartment? Kan du tilføje mig? Could you add me? Can you add me? Han havde vænnet sig af med at ryge. He got out of the habit of smoking. He had gotten used to smoking. Hvad betyder det? What does it mean? What does that mean? Hur länge ska du vara i Japan? How long are you going to stay in Japan? How long are you going to be in Japan? Er katten ute av huset, danser musene på bordet. When the cat is away, the mice will play. If the cat is out of the house, the mice dance on the table. Tom kan inte gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Det er for sent at lukke stalddøren efter at hesten er stukket af. It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. It's too late to close the stallion after the horse is stolen. Hon är aggressiv. She's aggressive. She's aggressive. Det var ikke uventet. It was not unexpected. It wasn't unexpected. Lyndon Johnson tók við forsetaembættinu þegar John Kennedy var myrtur. Lyndon Johnson took over presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson took office when John Kennedy was assassinated. Har du talt håndklæderne? Have you counted the towels? Have you spoken the towels? Apor är intelligenta. Apes are intelligent. Apor is intelligent. Kvar er utgangen? Where is the exit? What is the output? Tom har købt nye snørebånd til sine sko. Tom bought new laces for his shoes. Tom has bought new snowwear for his shoes. Jeg købte en billet. I bought a ticket. I bought a ticket. Þetta myndband er leiðinlegt. This video is boring. This video is boring. Jeg er et meget stabilt geni. I'm a very stable genius. I am a very stable genius. Jag drömde att jag flög. I dreamed I was flying. I dreamed I was flying. Var du fornøyd med resultatene? Were you happy with the results? Were you happy with the results? Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill steal the letter? Det var i det huset som jag föddes i. That house is the place where I was born. It was in the house that I was born in. Efter att ha gått ur duschen, så torkade Tom bort dimman från spegeln och rakade sig. After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved. After leaving the shower, Tom dried away the fog from the mirror and shaved. Bilurin er appelsingulur. The car is orange. The car is orange. Jag går nästan aldrig ut. I hardly ever go out. I almost never go out. Der er regn på vej. It's going to rain soon. There is rain on the way. IBM mener at svaret ligger i blockchain-teknologien. IBM thinks that the answer lies in blockchain technology. IBM believes the answer is in blockchain technology. Han ba meg om å ikke se bak meg. He told me not to look behind. He asked me not to look behind me. Jag läser en bok. I read a book. I read a book. Han har en utenlandsk bil. He has a foreign car. He has a foreign car. Jag tycker om ditt sätt att prata på. I like the way you talk. I like your way of talking. Jeg er her ofte. I'm often here. I'm here often. Kan I tale ladino? Do you guys speak Ladino? Can you talk to the lady? Vi har begge mistet vores telefoner. We both lost our phones. We both lost our phones. Det är inte mitt val. It's not my choice. It's not my choice. Við verðum að ná markmiði okkar sama hvað það kostar. We must achieve our aim at any price. We need to achieve our goal no matter what it costs. Det är mitt fel. I'm to blame. It's my fault. Hva svarte du? What did you answer? What did you say? Hun troede jeg var læge. She thought that I was a doctor. She thought I was a doctor. Hvad tror du, hun vil gøre? What do you think she is going to do? What do you think she'll do? Och? So? And? Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought a camera for her son. Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it a secret. I promised him to keep it secret. Se mig i ögonen. Annars betyder det ingenting. Look me in the eyes. Otherwise, it means nothing. Look at me in the eyes, otherwise it doesn't mean anything. Hon hade glömt sitt paraply, så jag lånade henne mitt. She had forgotten her umbrella so I lent her mine. She had forgotten her umbrella, so I borrowed her. Fyld blomstervasen med vand. Fill the flower vase with water. Fill the flower vase with water. Hennes arm är bruten. Her arm is broken. Her arm is broken. Tom tycker inte om vinter. Tom does not like the winter. Tom doesn't like winter. Er det langt til Tallinn? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is it far from Tallinn? Husk å få deg en god natts søvn. Make sure you get a good night's sleep. Remember to have a good night’s sleep. Góða nótt, öllsömul! Good night, everyone! Good night, everybody! Tom sa till mig att han var intresserad av att göra det. Tom told me that he was interested in doing that. Tom told me he was interested in doing it. Försök att övertyga honom att hjälpa oss. Try to convince him to help us. Try to convince him to help us. Hur reagerade hon på nyheten? What was her reaction to the news? How did she react to the news? Kog vandet. Boil the water. Kog the water. Jag vet att jag inte vet. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. Hur tog du dig dit? How did you get there? How did you get there? Var bodde ni? Where did you stay? Where were you living? Tom kender ikke engang Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom er allergisk over for pollen. Tom is allergic to pollen. Tom is allergic to pollen. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað. She advised him to go there. She advised him to go there. Han gick inte upp tidigt. He did not get up early. He didn't go up early. Hvorfor købte du denne cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Við keyptum pund af tei. We bought a pound of tea. We bought a pound of tea. Der er mange smukke parker i London. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Du kunne i det minste si takk! You could at least say "thank you". You could at least say thank you! Jag avskyr att ha med kräsna barn att göra. I hate dealing with children who are picky eaters. I hate to have kids do. Tom var nød til at løbe for at nå bussen. Tom had to run to catch the bus. Tom needed to run to reach the bus. Jeg kunne ikke dra til skolen på grunn av sykdom. Illness prevented me from coming to school. I couldn't go to school because of illness. Jag skulle vilja vara ensam. I would like to be alone. I wanted to be alone. Min födelsedag är den 22 mars. My birthday is on March 22. My birthday is March 22th. Ef svo er, hvað lásu þau? If so, what did they read? If so, what do they borrow? Jeg ved hvilken vej Tom gik. I know which way Tom went. I know what the way Tom went. Nu kan jag få tag i det. I can get a hold of it now. Now I can get it. At mestre et sprog er meget lettere sagt end gjort. Mastering a language is much easier said than done. To master a language is much easier said than done. Vær venlig ikke at sende pakken endnu. Please do not send the package yet. Please do not send the package yet. Jag kommer ihåg er. Vi träffades för tre år sedan. I remember you. We met three years ago. I remember you. We met three years ago. Tom kan godt lide sort lakrids. Tom likes black licorice. Tom likes black salmon. Ertu japönsk? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Jag vill inte att du skrattar åt mig. I don't want you to laugh at me. I don't want you to laugh at me. Hun bor i en leilighet over oss. She lives in an apartment above us. She lives in an apartment above us. Hvorfor snakker vi overhoved om det her. Why are we even talking about this? Why are we talking about this? Utan dig är jag ingenting. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Það var blóð út um allt gólf. There was blood all over the floor. There was blood all over the floor. Du gjør meg lykkelig. You make me happy. You make me happy. Tekniskt sett är hiragana en stavelseskrift, inte ett alfabet. Technically hiragana is a syllabary, not an alphabet. Technically, hiragana is a spelling script, not a alphabet. Vad kan jag göra för dig? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Tallinn er höfuðborg Eistlands. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Vi slog vores telt op i skyggen af et stort træ. We put up our tent in the shade of a large tree. We set our tent up in the shade of a large tree. Beklager, det var en skrivefeil. Sorry, that's a typo. Sorry, it was a write error. Kan jeg få en portion til? Can I have seconds? Can I get a portion for? At luft så vel som sollys er uunnværlig, sier seg selv. Air as well as sunlight is, needless to say, indispensable to our daily life. That air as well as sunlight is indispensable, says itself. Forskere antager at omkring 100 millioner kometer kredser om Solen. Scientists think that about 100 million comets orbit the Sun. Scientists believe that about 100 million comets are orbiting the Sun. Jag förstår. I got it. I understand. Kumelk smaker bedre enn soyamelk Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Camel milk tastes better than soy milk Jag har bott här hela mitt liv. I've lived here my entire life. I've lived here my whole life. Þú verður að ná betri tíma. You have to beat the time. You have to get a better time. Nu til dags er mobiltelefoner meget populære. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Today, mobile phones are very popular. Toget var så fullt at vi måtte stå heile vegen til Osaka. The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka. The train was so full that we had to stand all the way to Osaka. Du kan ikke overleve uden vand. You cannot live without water. You can't survive without water. Jag har aldrig ätit kinesisk mat. I have never eaten Chinese food. I have never eaten Chinese food. Jeg bliver vred når min fyr taler med andre piger. I get angry when my boyfriend talks to other girls. I get angry when my guy talks to other girls. Det är möjligt att Jane inte är hemma just nu. Jane may not be at home now. It is possible that Jane is not home right now. Han har lange ben. His legs are long. He has long legs. Hun synger falskt. She sings out of tune. She sings falsely. Åldras Algeriets befolkning? Is Algeria's population aging? The population of Algeria? Öl innehåller humle. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Hans frånvaro berodde på sjukdom. His absence was due to illness. His absence was due to illness. Den sitter på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Det är osäkert om brevet någonsin kom fram eller inte. It is uncertain if the letter ever came or not. It’s not sure if the letter has ever appeared or not. Kunne du lukket døren? Would you mind shutting the door? Could you close the door? Glöm inte att skriva under med ditt namn. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign in with your name. Þú verður að viðurkenna mistök þín. You should acknowledge your failure. You must admit your mistake. Sue tók blýant upp af gólfinu. Sue picked up a pencil off the floor. Sue took a quick look at the floor. Jeg har mavepine. I have a stomachache. I have my stomach. Jag kunde göra det igen. I could do it again. I could do it again. Fladdermusen är inte en fågel, utan ett däggdjur. A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. The turtle mouse is not a bird, but a mammals. För sent. Too late. Too late. Du har købt flere frimærker end nødvendigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You have bought more stamps than necessary. Om jag visste hennes namn och adress kunde jag skriva till henne. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. Nogle piger blev jagtet som kvæg. Some girls were chased like cattle. Some girls were hunted as cattle. Tom har på sig hatt nästan varje dag. Tom wears a hat almost every day. Tom has had almost every day. Jeg har levet her i tre hundrede år, og i al den tid har jeg ikke set et eneste menneske bortset fra dig. I have lived here for three hundred years, and all that time I have not seen a single human being but yourself. I've lived here for three hundred years, and for all the time I haven't seen a single person except you. Mary åbnede vinduet. Mary opened the window. Mary opened the window. Jag önskar att jag hade fler vänner. I wish I had more friends. I wish I had more friends. Tom sov på sofaen. Tom slept on the sofa. Tom slept on the couch. Der er flere måder, vi kan angribe dette problem på. There are several ways we could attack this problem. There are several ways we can attack this problem. Jeg sidder fast i en trafikprop. I'm in a jam. I'm stuck in a traffic call. Jeg holder aldrig op med at elske dig. I'm never going to stop loving you. I never stop loving you. Han var tvungen att gå dit. He had to go there. He had to go there. Jeg er sikker på jeg aldri har sett henne. I'm sure I've never seen her. I'm sure I've never seen her. Kan du dra rundt jorden på en dag? Can you go around the world in a day? Can you go around the world on a day? Det er hvad Tom ville gøre. That's what Tom would do. That's what Tom would do. Kirurgen glemte noget inde i patienten. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. Hann leggur hart að sér í vinnunni. He works very hard. He has a hard time at work. Glem det ikke! Don't you forget that. Don't forget! Tom besluttede sig for at ringe efter hjælp. Tom decided to call for help. Tom decided to call for help. Detta är en apelsin. This is an orange. This is an orange. Vad hjälper det? What help is that? What does it help? Ég er lögreglumaður. I'm a police officer. I'm a police officer. Du ser bleg ud. You look pale. You look pale. Sami och Layla har äktenskapsproblem. Sami and Layla have marital problems. Sami and Layla have marital problems. Det regnet etter at det hadde vært tørt i flere uker. It rained after it had been dry for many weeks. It was raining after it had been dry for several weeks. Du tror ikke virkelig at Tom prøvde å jukse, gjør du? You don't really think Tom tried to cheat you, do you? You don't really think Tom was trying to cheat, are you? Skipet seiler mot Honolulu i morgen. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship sails towards Honolulu tomorrow. Sköldpaddan dog. The turtle died. The turtle died. Toms kat reagerer ikke på katteurt. Tom's cat doesn't react to catnip. Tom's cat does not react to caturts. Min søster har været gift i tre år. My sister has been married for three years. My sister has been married for three years. Alla sittplatser var upptagna. Every seat was full. All seats were busy. Lærerern hoppet over oppgaven på side 21. The teacher skipped the exercise on page 21. The teacher jumped over the task on page 21. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful! Har du pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du hen? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them? Did you have a boy or girlfriend? Jeg beundrer hans mod. I admire his courage. I admire his courage. Fortæl os om din plan. Tell us about your plan. Tell us about your plan. Jeg har ikke møtt ham en eneste gang. I haven't met him even once. I haven't met him once. Jeg havde en hamster som hed Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Jeg forstod intet. I understood nothing. I didn't understand anything. Du må ikke gjøre det nå, må du? You don't have to do that now, do you? You don't have to do it now, do you? Jag älskar det här arbetet. I love this job. I love this work. Jag är på nätet. I am on the Internet. I'm online. Min kat lider under varmen. My cat is suffering from the heat. My cat suffers under the heat. Tom siger at hans lærer giver ham for mange lektier for. Tom says his teacher gives him too much homework. Tom says his teacher gives him too many lessons. Han var jättebra. He was great. He was great. Hvor meget skal du betale? How much will you have to pay? How much do you have to pay? Tom får inte skada mig. Tom can't hurt me. Tom can't hurt me. Vi fremstiller værktøjer. We make tools. We manufacture tools. Var är mina stövlar? Where are my boots? Where are my boots? Den är väldigt stor. It's very big. It's very big. Tom snakker aldri med Maria lenger. Tom never talks to Mary anymore. Tom never talks to Maria anymore. Tilraunin okkar mistókst í síðustu viku. Our experiment went wrong last week. Our experiment failed last week. Jeg oversætter ikke for dig! I don't translate for you! I'm not translating for you! Man bør børste sine tænder mindst to gange om dagen. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Spädbarnet log mot mig. The baby smiled at me. The baby smiled at me. Lyver! Liar! Lyver! Jeg har kommet for å si farvel. I've come to say goodbye. I've come to say goodbye. Jag är ledig. I'm free. I'm free. Jeg er sulten! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Tom är lyckligt lottad. Tom's lucky. Tom is happy lotteryd. Alle hønsene er allerede i hønsehuset. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All chickens are already in the chicken house. Mars er en stor sten med en tynd atmosfære. Mars is a large rock with a thin atmosphere. Mars is a large stone with a thin atmosphere. Ett språk är en dialekt med en radiostation. A language is a dialect with a radio station. A language is a dialect with a radio station. "Tom, hvad hedder din hund?" spurgte naboen. "Tom, what is your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. “What’s your dog called?” asked the neighbor. Chíleið brenndi mig á tungunni. The chili burnt my tongue. Ching burned me in the tongue. Hur fick Tom reda på det? How did Tom find out? How did Tom find out? Jeg ønsker at hjælpe hende, men jeg ved ikke hvordan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help her, but I don't know how. Hon vill arbeta igen efter föräldraledigheten. She wants to work again after maternity leave. She wants to work again after her parental leave. Hjælp! Help! Help! Vad fanns inuti? What was inside? What was inside? Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies several cities with electricity. De tændte stearinlys på deres værelse. They lit candles in their room. They turned candles in their room. Ge mig det där nu. Now give me that. Give me that now. Det regner. It is raining. It rains. Þú ættir að fara í regnkápu. You had better put on a raincoat. You should go to the rain. Byggdes denna mur för att hålla människor ute eller inne? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or inside? Jeg kan ikke forestille mig en dag uden dig. I can't imagine a day without you. I can't imagine a day without you. Tiden är inne. It's time. Time is in. De var meget tætte venner. They were close-knit friends. They were very close friends. Tom gav mig kikaren. Tom handed me the binoculars. Tom gave me the boxer. Kan jag ta med mig Tom hem? Can I take Tom home? Can I bring Tom home? Det tager meget lang tid at oplade elbilen. Charging the electric car takes a very long time. It takes a long time to charge the electric car. En dag kommer du att ångra det här. Someday you'll regret this. One day you will regret this. Jag fick B i fysik. I got a B in physics. I got B in physics. Jeg kan ikke skjule mig for evigt. I can't hide forever. I can't hide myself forever. Tom visade asken för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed the ashes for Mary. Jeg kan svømme veldig fort. I can swim very fast. I can swim very fast. Har du mødt nogen canadiere her i Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Tom tycker om bilar. Tom likes cars. Tom likes cars. Han blev slagen hårt i ansiktet. He was hit hard in the face. He was hit hard on his face. Åbn den for mig. Open it for me. Open it for me. Paula vasker bilen i morgen. Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paula washes the car tomorrow. Vad annat ser du? What else do you see? What else do you see? Du var selv ude om det. You had it coming. You were even out of it. Tom gick med på det. Tom bought it. Tom agreed. Tom spiser mere is end jeg. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more ice than I do. Hon hungrade efter närhet. He felt hungry for affection. She graduated after her proximity. Har du för kallt? Are you too cold? Are you too cold? De lo av meg. They were laughing at me. They laughed at me. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Ghana? What's the minimum wage in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Jeg elsker norsk! I love Norwegian! I love Norwegian! Tom var tvungen att fatta ett beslut. Tom had to make a decision. Tom had to make a decision. Advar Tom. Warn Tom. Advar Tom. Den cykel der er ikke hans. That bicycle isn't his. That bike is not his. Mary og Tom har en hestebil. Mary and Tom have a horse truck. Mary and Tom have a horse car. Han löste problemet utan ansträngning. He solved the problem effortlessly. He solved the problem without effort. Það breytir engu. That doesn't change anything. It doesn't change anything. Tom är väldigt modig. Tom is being very brave. Tom is very brave. Ok, I vinder. OK, you win. Okay, you win. Skura drabbades av missfall. Skura miscarried. The damage was caused by a miscarriage. Jag har väntat i hela mitt liv på den här dagen. I've waited all my life for this day. I’ve been waiting for my whole life on this day. Har du nogensinde overvejet at sige op? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever considered saying up? Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching television. Tom sees television. Jag vill dö med Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Gotter Jaani. Tom vidste ikke med sikkerhed hvornår han skulle ankomme. Tom didn't know for certain what time he should arrive. Tom didn't know with certainty when he was going to arrive. Gud skabte mennesket. God created man. God created man. John har drukket mange flasker vin. John drank many bottles of wine. John drank a lot of bottles of wine. Vi tog et fly fra Mexico til Madrid. We took an airplane from Mexico to Madrid. We took a flight from Mexico to Madrid. Der er seks fisk inde i konservesdåsen. There are six fish inside the tin can. There are six fish inside the conservatory. Jeg er ked af det der skete i går. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I'm sorry what happened yesterday. Tom lever i en fantasiverden. Tom lives in a fantasy world. Tom lives in a fantasy world. Barnið grét. The baby cried. The child cried. Det er natt. Familien spiser middag. It is night. The family is eating dinner. It's night. The family eats dinner. Jag köper de där båda. I'll buy both of those. I buy them both. Þetta er svæfandi tónlist. This music puts one to sleep. This is an unpleasant music. Sov du godt? Did you sleep well? Do you sleep well? Varför köpte ni en sköldpadda? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Jeg er enig. Agreed. I agree. Finns det ett apotek i närheten? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Jeg skulle ønske at du kunne lukke døra når du går ut. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I wish you could close the door when you go out. Hann er ríkur. Hann þarf ekki á peningum að halda! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He's rich, he doesn't need money. Han tog sin pen og begyndte at skrive. He took up his pen and began to write. He took his pen and began to write. Þú verður að búa um þitt eigið rúm hér. You have to make your own bed here. You have to live around your own bed here. Jeg er meget bekymret for min svoger. I'm very worried about my brother-in-law. I am very worried about my brother. Vi tilbragte hele dagen ved stranden. We spent the whole day at the beach. We spent the whole day at the beach. Jeg var hjemme. I was at home. I was home. Eg har vondt i augo. My eyes hurt. I have pain in my eyes. Allir í fjölskyldunni hans eru hávaxnir. Everyone in his family is tall. Everyone in his family is high. Det er ren tidsfordriv. That is a pure waste of time. It's pure time-driven. Jag kommer att vänta här. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Tom ønskede at synke i jorden af skam. Tom wished to sink into the ground for shame. Tom wanted to sink in the earth of shame. Mannen erkände slutligen vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally recognized what he had done. Dette er utroligt godt. This is incredibly good. This is incredibly good. Løverne er i buret. The lions are in the cage. The lions are in the cage. Vem har dött? Who died? Who's died? Það er of dýrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Tom fortalte reparatøren, hvad han mente, der skulle gøres. Tom told the repairman what he thought needed to be done. Tom told the repairer what he meant to be done. Hur ser den ut? What's it like? What does it look like? Jeg vil have dig til at være min træner. I want you to be my coach. I want you to be my coach. Jeg kører aldrig bil i alkoholpåvirket tilstand. I don't ever drink and drive. I never drive in an alcohol-induced state. Rummet är fullt av folk. The room is full of people. The room is full of people. Vad kan Tom göra? What can Tom do? What can Tom do? Toms mobil ringer. Tom's cellphone is ringing. Tom's mobile phone calls. Det var en varm dag. It was a warm day. It was a warm day. Jeg mistet kameraet mitt. I lost my camera. I lost my camera. Du trengte ikke skynde deg. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Jag tycker om schack. John likes chess. I like chess. Hur skulle det se ut? How would that look? What would it look like? Hann er þó nokkur fræðimaður. He is something of a scholar. He is a scientist. Säg till Tom att jag är sjuk. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tell Tom I'm sick. Alle mennesker er skabt lige. All humans are created equal. All people are created equally. Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I paint the garage. Við verðum að kaupa þau að utan. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them out. Det skjedde igjen. It happened again. It happened again. Du er tidendes beste pappa. You're the best dad ever. You're the best dad of the time. Hversvegna ætti Tom að fara? Why should Tom go? Why should Tom go? Slösa inte Toms tid. Don't waste Tom's time. Don't waste Tom's time. Fyrir hvaða tíma þarftu það? When do you need it by? For what time do you need it? Staden är vacker. The city is beautiful. The city is beautiful. Hvorfor rødmede tomaten? Fordi den så salatdressingen. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing. Why redmed the tomato? Because it saw the salad dressing. Tom har ødelagt noget igen. Tom has broken something again. Tom has ruined something again. Det här kommer att bli den varmaste sommaren på trettiosex år. This is going to be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. This will be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. Detroit är känt för sin bilindustri. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is known for its automotive industry. Hun jobber som sykepleier på det lokale sykehuset. She works as a nurse in the local hospital. She works as a nurse at the local hospital. Der var mange mennesker på stranden. There were a lot of people on the beach. There were many people on the beach. Vem har vi att tacka för penicillinets upptäckt? To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin? Who do we have to thank for the discovery of penicillin? Ken ákvað að fara til útlanda. Ken decided on going abroad. Ken decided to go abroad. Ég er of gömul fyrir það. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. I morgon är det den sjunde. Tomorrow is the seventh. Tomorrow is the seventh. Får jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do it today? Hun er veldig smart, ikke sant? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Ég er að leita mér að frönskum pennavini. I'm looking for a French penpal. I'm looking for a French pencil. Dit blodtryk er lidt højt. Your blood pressure is a bit high. Your blood pressure is a little high. Jag skrev ingenting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Dörren till huset stod på glänt. The door to the house was ajar. The door to the house was bright. Rygtet er ikke sandt. The rumor isn't true. The rumor is not true. Tom behöver hjälp. Tom needs help. Tom needs help. Sam var bara skinn och ben efter år av undernäring. Sami was reduced to skin and bones by years of malnutrition. Sam was just skin and legs after years of malnutrition. Jag röstade inte på någon. I didn't vote for anyone. I didn't vote for anyone. Tom søgte hjælp for ludomani. Tom sought help for problem gambling. Tom sought help for Ludomani. Þú varst svo almennilegur við mig og ég átti virkilega ánægjulega ferð. Þakka þér kærlega. You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much. You were so kind to me and I had a really pleasant trip. Thank you very much. Interoperabilitet betyr forenlighet med andre systemer. Interoperability means compatibility with other systems. interoperability means compatibility with other systems. Neste uke skal jeg besøke Nara. I will visit Nara next week. Next week I’ll visit Nara. Konkurrensen blir hårdare och hårdare. The competition is getting tougher and tougher. Competition becomes harder and harder. Hun vil slå mig ihjel. She's gonna kill me. She'll kill me. En kat kan se i mørke. A cat can see in the dark. A cat can see in the dark. Hva synes du om den nye leiligheten din? How do you like your new apartment? What do you think of your new apartment? Jag är motiverad. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Toms efternamn är Mary. Tom's last name is Mary. Tom's last name is Mary. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle dø. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want him to die. Jag glömde boken hemma. I forgot the book at home. I forgot the book at home. Tom blinkade med helljusen. Tom flashed his headlights. Tom blinked with the whole light. Hon försökte att inte gråta. She tried not to cry. She tried not to cry. Hvøm sást tú? Whom did you see? What did you see? Tom och de andra håller med. Tom and the others agree. Tom and the others agree. Min bror hjälper mig med läxorna ibland. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. My brother helps me with the homework sometimes. Hvor vover du at fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary? Jag känner mig väldigt olycklig. I feel very unhappy. I feel very unhappy. Jeg vil ikke ønske at være i hendes sko. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes. I don't want to be in her shoes. Jag hittade den precis. I just found it. I just found it. Tom solgte sit gamle køleskab til mig. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Tom sold his old refrigerator to me. Vad är syftet med dem? What's their purpose? What is the purpose of them? Var satte jag den? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Skolan ser ut som ett fängelse. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Toms morfar kände min farfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Mannen som leser avisen der borte er min onkel. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man who reads the newspaper over there is my uncle. En e-bog ligner meget en traditionel bog. Den skal have et omslag, en indholdsfortegnelse, særskilte kapitler og et indeks. An e-book is very much like a traditional book. It should have a cover, a table of contents, separate chapters and an index. An e-book looks very similar to a traditional book. It must have a cover, a table of contents, separate chapters and an index. Tänker du verkligen göra det? Are you really planning to do that? Do you really think about it? Han havde halvtreds dollar. He had fifty dollars. He had half a dollar. Jag behöver ett svar. I need an answer. I need an answer. Hur kan vi stå till tjänst? How can we help you? How can we stand for service? Maradona var en halvgud. Med bolden var han en gud. Uden bolden var han et menneske. Maradona was a demigod. With the ball, he was a god. Without the ball, he was human. Maradona was a half-god. With the ball he was a god. Without the ball he was a man. Klokken er næsten seks. It's nearly six o'clock. The clock is almost six. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are so bad. Si meg grunnen til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they are not present. Jag tycker om att vara här. I like to be here. I like to be here. Tom har grædt hele natten. Tom cried all night long. Tom has cried all night. Ákvörðun hans um að hætta í gömlu vinnunni og hefja eigin rekstur borgaði sig svo sannarlega. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business really paid off. His decision to quit the old job and start his own business was so real. Jag vill äta kinesiska nudlar. I want to eat Chinese noodles. I want to eat Chinese noodles. Mari og Maki er søstre. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mari and Maki are sisters. Sami sagde følgende til mig. Sami told me the following. Sami said the following to me. Tom kände att något illa skulle hände. Tom sensed that something bad was going to happen. Tom knew something bad was going to happen. Han studerade kinesiska i Beijing. He studied Chinese in Beijing. He studied Chinese in Beijing. Vilka är alla de här människorna? Who are all these people? Who are all these people? Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What is your blood type? Hun kunne lide den. She liked it. She liked it. Hur var din dag? How was your day? How was your day? Jeg kender ikke det latinske sprog. I don't know the Latin language. I don't know the Latin language. Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Vi gav Tom æblet. We gave Tom the apple. We gave Tom the apple. Næsten alle var glade. Almost everyone was happy. Almost everyone was happy. Jeg er mor. I'm a mother. I'm a mother. Tom är inte stor nog. Tom isn't big enough. Tom is not big enough. Hvorfor kan du ikke bare lade mig være i fred? Why can't you just leave me alone? Why can't you just leave me alone? Får jag ta Tom? Do you think I could take Tom? Can I take Tom? Jeg har lyst til å spise en mango. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat a mango. Jeg stiger alltid upp klockan 6 varje morgon. I always rise at six every morning. I always rise up at 6 a.m. every morning. Han endrer ofte mening. He often changes his mind. He often changes his mind. Jag har en fråga till. I have another question. I have a question. Jag är inte stolt över er. I am not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Hæ! Hvað segirðu? Hi! How are you? Hey, what do you say? Jag är vid mitt skrivbord. I'll be at my desk. I'm at my desk. Finns det mycket haj här i trakten? Are there lots of sharks around here? Is there a lot of shark here in the garden? Deres tur blev udsat på grund af regnen. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their trip was exposed due to the rain. Ingen kan lide Tom. Nobody likes Tom. No one likes Tom. Han spiser. He's eating. He's eating. Vart är vi på väg? Where are we heading? Where are we going? Garaget är dammigt. The garage is dusty. The garden is dusty. Lämna mig ifred. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Tom kommer tilbake neste uke. Tom will return next week. Tom will be back next week. Lufthavnen var lukket på grund af tågen. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed due to the train. Hvenær borðum við? Ég er svöng! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? I'm hungry! Kabylsk er mit modersmål. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Kabylsk is my native language. De flygtede fra den dødsdømte virksomhed som rotter der forlader et synkende skib. They fled the doomed company like rats deserting a sinking ship. They fled from the doomed business that rats leave a sinking ship. Við gistum á hóteli við vatnið. We stayed at a hotel by the lake. We stayed at the hotel with the water. Jeg blir fylt meg glede hver gang jeg ser deg. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I will be filled with joy every time I see you. Den er helt ny. It's brand new. It's completely new. I morgen er det tirsdag den tiende oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Jeg har købt de solbriller i Holland. I have bought those sun glasses in the Netherlands. I bought the sunglasses in Holland. Það er ekki hægt að dæma fólk eingöngu út frá útliti þess. One cannot judge people only by their outward appearances. People cannot be judged solely from their appearance. Vilka fina blommor! What pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! Forklaringen var ikke vanskelig at forstå. The explanation wasn't difficult to understand. The explanation was not difficult to understand. Tom och Mary är i stort sett gifta. Tom and Mary are practically married. Tom and Mary are generally married. Jag går som en pingvin. I walk like a penguin. I'm going like a penguin. Gå bort från det där. Get away from that. Get away from that. Niðurstaðan er enn óviss. The result is still in doubt. The outcome is still uncertain. Jeg trenger hjelp av deg til å flytte denne bokhylla. I need you to help me move this bookcase. I need help from you to move this book shelf. Mange tak for alt. Thank you very much for everything. Thank you very much for everything. Eg er svolten. I'm hungry. I'm sollow. Jag kände din pappa. I knew your father. I felt your father. Till hans förvåning stannade tåget till kort. To his surprise, the train made a quick stop. To his surprise, the train remained short. Vis mig hvor god du er. Show me how good you are. Show me how good you are. Jag skulle vilja äta frukost med dig. I'd like to eat breakfast with you. I'd like to eat breakfast with you. Håller inte Tom på att äta frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Don’t Tom eat breakfast? Bliv! Stay! Stay! Hun synger som en engel. She sings like an angel. She sings like an angel. Gengi erlendra gjaldmiðla breytist daglega. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. The exchange rate of foreign currency changes daily. Tom har to brødre. Den ene bor i Boston og den anden bor i Chicago. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Tom has two brothers, one living in Boston and the other living in Chicago. Åh, min Gud! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Hvis vi skubber sammen, så er jeg sikker på at den gamle vakkelvorne dør vil give efter. If we push together, I'm sure that old rickety door will break. If we push together, I'm sure the old adult door will give up. De är alla lika. They're all alike. They're all the same. Det har jeg aldrig sagt! I never said that. I've never said that! Du sa att Tom var annorlunda. You said Tom was different. You said Tom was different. Hvorfor kigger du hele tiden på dit ur? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Why are you constantly looking at your watch? Ned med korrupte politikere! Down with corrupt politicians! Down with corrupt politicians! En mand, der ville se dig, kom mens du var væk. A man who wanted to see you came while you were out. A man who wanted to see you came while you were gone. Jag kan inte behålla det här. I can't keep this. I can't keep this. Jeg er klar til at betjene dig. I am ready to serve you. I'm ready to serve you. Tom går ofte til skolen. Tom often walks to school. Tom often goes to school. De onanerede hinanden. They masturbated each other. They attacked each other. Áttu nokkur ódýrari herbergi? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have a more expensive room? Hún ráðlagði honum að spara. She advised him to save money. She advised him to save. Gör ett försök bara. Just give it a try. Just make a try. Hundurinn gelti eins og hann skildi hvað ég hafði sagt. The dog barked as if it understood what I'd said. The dog looked like he understood what I had said. Vilken stor katt! What a big cat! What a big cat! Du burde gøre noget ved det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should do something about the weed. Kan du forestille dig at være frugtar? Can you imagine being a fruitarian? Can you imagine being fruit? Mary forsøgte at forgifte Tom med et ukendt stof. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Hylla Gud. Praise God. Hylla God. Vi lagde en hvid dug på bordet. We placed a white tablecloth over the table. We put a white dug on the table. Många européer besöker Egypten varje år. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Han kan inte simma. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Hvordan smager en kumquat? What does a kumquat taste like? How does a Cumquat taste? Borgin okkar hefur fólksfjölda á við þriðjung Tókíó. Our city has one third as many people as Tokyo. Our city has a population of more than a third of Tokyo. Jeg var ikke med på samtalen. I wasn't following the conversation. I wasn't in the conversation. Ikkje gløym at me har skyldnadar. Don't forget that we have chores. Don't forget we have guilt. De plantede æbletræer. They planted apple trees. They planted apple trees. Hvorfor trenger vi den? Why do we need it? Why do we need it? Min far kan lide sit arbejde. My father likes his job. My father likes his work. Jag kan inte sova bara. I just can't sleep. I can't sleep just. Jeg er stadig chefen her. I'm still the boss here. I'm still the boss here. Tom forblev enlig hele sit liv. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained alone all his life. Har du noensinne spist på restaurant alene? Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone? Have you ever eaten at a restaurant alone? Jag talar svenska. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Jag såg Tom ge sig av. I watched Tom leave. I saw Tom get off. Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom is always complaining about me. Tom græd. Tom wept. Tom cried. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you spoken clearly now? Dette rejser et meget interessant spørgsmål: Hvor lang tid tager det at sulte ihjel? This raises a most interesting question: how long does it take to starve to death? This raises a very interesting question: How long does it take to starve to death? De här pannkakorna smakar gott. These pancakes taste good. These pancakes taste good. Vi holder tre hunde og en kat. We keep three dogs and a cat. We keep three dogs and a cat. Kvifor vart eg kasta ut? Why was I banned? Why was I thrown out? Hon behöver hjälp. She needs help. She needs help. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the café. She met him in the café. Tom er Marys ven. Tom is Mary's friend. Tom is Mary's friend. Jag måste hålla mig lugn. I have to stay calm. I have to stay calm. Jag äger den här affären. I own this store. I own this deal. Rør ikke ved min cykel. Don't touch my bike. Don't touch my bike. Jeg ønskede ikke at de skulle dø. I didn't want them to die. I didn't want them to die. Soldaten uppgav sitt namn. The soldier gave his name. The soldier named his name. Tom vandt Det Europæiske Melodigrandprix. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom won the European Melodigrandprix. Tom og jeg har kjent hverandre lenge. Tom and I've known each other for a long time. Tom and I have known each other for a long time. Jeg har bestemt meg for å gi Tom sparken. I've decided to fire Tom. I decided to give Tom fired. Toms fransk har blitt bedre. Tom's French has gotten better. Tom's French has improved. Þessi blekblettur næst ekki úr. This ink stain will not wash out. This ink doesn’t come out of it. Jeg kunne vært der innen 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could have been there by 2:30. Jeg har tænkt mig at gøre det. I'm going to do it. I've been thinking about doing it. Vi bruker mye vann hver dag. We use a lot of water every day. We use a lot of water every day. Jag har god syn. I have good eyes. I have good vision. Ingen är ferpekt. Nobody is ferpect. No one's crazy. Jag gillar inte att titta på tv. I don't like watching TV. I don't like watching TV. Hvis du tager eksprestoget, er du der på ingen tid. If you take the express train, you'll be there in no time. If you take the ex-preservation, you are there in no time. Tom har et blått øye. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a blue eye. Godnat, Tatoeba. Vi ses i morgen. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good night, Tatoeba. Hvis du vil stadig være min ven, kan du aldrig gøre det igen. If you want to still be my friend, you can never do this again. If you still want to be my friend, you can never do it again. Ulven åd kongen. The wolf ate the king. The wolf ate the king. Sjúklingurinn lá í rúminu með lokuð augun. The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed. The patient lay in bed with her closed eyes. Tom er faldet i søvn. Tom has fallen asleep. Tom has fallen asleep. Det var en stor flokk der. There was a large crowd there. It was a big group there. Jeg hørte nogen skrige. I heard someone scream. I heard someone scream. Rútan tekur þig niður í miðbæinn. The bus takes you down town. The bus takes you down to the center. Du kan parkere her. You may park here. You can park here. I dag är emellertid vädret allt annat än vackert. Today, however, the weather is anything but beautiful. Today, however, the weather is anything but beautiful. Bring mig venligst en kop kaffe. Bring me a cup of coffee, please. Bring me a cup of coffee. Jeg læste det i dagens udgave. I read it in today's edition. I read it in today's edition. Han brände hål i rocken. He burned a hole in his coat. He burned holes in the rock. Tom er ikke Marys barnebarn. Han er hendes nevø. Tom isn't Mary's grandson. He's her nephew. Tom's not Mary's grandson. He's her nephew. Er du stadigvæk gal på mig? Are you still mad at me? Are you still mad at me? Tom visste hur han skulle reparera datorn. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Enhver flod har to sider. There are two sides to each river. Every river has two sides. Ammoniak är en bas. Ammonia is a base. Ammoniak is a base. Það er erfitt að elska þegar maður veit ekki hvort maður er elskaður jafn mikið og maður elskar. It's hard to love someone when one doesn't know whether one is loved as much as one loves. It’s hard to love when you don’t know if you’re loved as much as you love. Það er maður kominn til að hitta þig. There is a gentleman to see you. It's a man to meet you. Den här kostar ingenting. This costs nothing. This doesn't cost anything. Jeg ønsker du kunne komme tidligere. I wish you'd come sooner. I wish you could come earlier. Hva? Hva sa du? What? What did you say? What did you say? Hve heppin við erum að hafa fengið tækifæri til að vinna með þér! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! How lucky we are to have a chance to work with you! Jeg tog hjulene af min cykel. I took the wheels off my bicycle. I took the wheels off my bike. Langt nord der jeg bor vil jeg danse for Solen. Far north where I live I want to danse for the Sun. Long north where I live, I want to dance for the sun. Ken hevði ongantíð verið í Nýjorvík. Ken has never been to New York. The news was new in recent years. Hun holder af fuglekigning. She likes birdwatching. She's holding a bird's eye. Mit ur er ti minutter bagefter. My watch is ten minutes slow. My clock is ten minutes later. Jeg kan ikke køre hjem. I can't drive home. I can't drive home. Mit barn bliver pottetrænet. My kid is being potty trained. My child will be potted. Min lærer beskyldte mig for at have plagieret. My teacher accused me of plagiarism. My teacher accused me of plagiarism. Jeg spørger ham i morgen. I will ask him tomorrow. I'll ask him tomorrow. Hvad betyder »Tatoeba«? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does “Tatoeba” mean? Ég vil að mömmu minni batni skjótt. I want my mother to get well soon. I want my mom to shoot. Jeg har stadig hovedpine. I still have a headache. I still have headaches. En flaske rose, tak. A bottle of rosé, please. A bottle of rose, please. Jag kunde ställa upp på det. I'd be up for that. I could set it up. Hej! God morgon! Hi! Good morning! Hey! Good morning! Tom savnede sin kone og deres børn. Tom missed his wife and their children. Tom missed his wife and their children. Tom frågade Mary varför hon var så arg. Tom asked Mary why she was so mad. Tom asked Mary why she was so angry. Det har jeg gjort mange gange. I have done that many times. I've done it many times. Det er min hustru. That's my wife. That's my wife. Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe end sort te. I like coffee better than black tea. I like coffee better than black tea. Vi kan alle lide at cykle. We all like cycling. We all like to cycle. Tom er en tusindkunstner. Tom is a jack-of-all-trades. Tom is a thousand artist. Jag skrapade knät. I scraped my knee. I scratched my knee. Líttu á myndina þarna. Look at that picture. Look at the movie there. Det gläder mig att ni minns. I'm glad you remember. I am glad you remember. Jeg får fri fra arbejdet klokken halv seks. I get off of work at 5:30. I'll be free from work at half six. Sov ikke for tungt. Don't sleep too deeply. Do not sleep too heavy. Tom er en talentfuld sangskriver. Tom is gifted songwriter. Tom is a talented songwriter. Tom anlände trettio minuter sent. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Klokken er næsten 12. It is almost 12 o'clock. The clock is almost 12. Tyfonen ødelagde mange huse. The typhoon destroyed many houses. The typhoon destroyed many houses. Mina planer misslyckades rejält. My plans failed miserably. My plans failed very much. Jeg merket at boksen var tom. I found the box empty. I noticed the box was empty. Jeg lurer på hvilken vei jeg skal gå. I wonder which way to go. I wonder what way to go. Er det OK at jeg drar hjem nå? Is it OK if I go home now? Is it OK to go home now? Vent venligst her indtil han kommer. Please wait here until he comes. Please wait until he arrives. Jeg elsker jer! I love you guys! I love you! Jag skaffade en åt oss. I got one for us. I got one for us. Jeg syntes synd på henne og lånte henne pengene. I took pity on her and lent her the money. I felt sorry for her and borrowed her money. Jeg vil ha den største kaken. I want the biggest cake. I want the biggest cake. Det er telefon til deg. You are wanted on the phone. That's the phone for you. Stör inte Tom medan han läser. Do not interfere with Tom while he is reading. Don't worry about Tom while he reads. Viltu ekki annan bjór? Wouldn't you like another glass of beer? Don't you want another beer? Moren kildede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. Her mother had a baby with a feather. Det er umulig for oss å fortelle sannheten til ham. It is impossible for us to tell him the truth. It is impossible for us to tell the truth to him. Jeg har en hund og en kat. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. Eg er klar om ti minuttar. I'll be ready in ten minutes. I'm ready in ten minutes. Vejret er skyet. The weather is cloudy. The weather is cloudy. Borde vi sälja den lilla bilen och börja ta bussen till jobbet istället? Should we sell the small car and start taking the bus to work instead? Should we sell the little car and start taking the bus to work instead? De gikk rundt. They walked around. They went around. Tom er ganske lykkelig. Tom is quite happy. Tom is quite happy. Slepptu handleggnum mínum! Let go of my arm! Let go of my arm! Den lilla pojken är klyftig. The little boy is crafty. The little boy is funny. Disse støvlene er fra Australia. These boots are from Australia. These boots are from Australia. Sami går med paryk. Sami is wearing a wig. Sami goes with paralysing. Jeg viste ham vejen. I showed him the way. I showed him the way. Noget gik helt galt. Something went terribly wrong. Something went wrong. For få dage siden flyttede min veninde Sophie fra Edmonton, Alberta til Victoria, Britisk Columbia. A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. A few days ago, my friend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. Til salg. For sale. For sale. Tom sad på molen med fødderne i vandet. Tom sat on the pier with his feet in the water. Tom sat on the molar with his feet in the water. Spädbarnet döptes till Alfred efter sin morfar. The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather. The infant was named Alfred after his grandfather. Tog du til Boston eller Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Jeg kan ikke læse hendes pokeransigt. I can't read her poker face. I can't read her poker face. Borde du inte använda handskar? Shouldn't you wear gloves? Shouldn't you use gloves? Jeg svømmede i havet. I swam in the sea. I was swimming in the sea. Tom er den yngste af de fire. Tom is the youngest of the four. Tom is the youngest of the four. Förlåt, jag tror inte att jag kan. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. Jeg har alltid ønsket å treffe deg. I've always wanted to meet you. I always wanted to see you. Min engelsklärare rekommenderade mig att läsa dessa böcker. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher advised me to read these books. Maria nikket. Mary nodded. Maria nude. Toms bøger er blevet oversat til mange sprog. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom’s books have been translated into many languages. Skjegg gjør en ikke til filosof, og heller ikke en billig frakk. A beard doesn't make a philosopher, nor does wearing a cheap coat. I don’t make a philosopher, nor a cheap coat. Det är faktiskt mycket enklare än vad det ser ut. It's actually a lot of easier than it looks. It’s actually much easier than what it looks like. Han svarede ikke på mit spørgsmål. He didn't respond to my question. He did not answer my question. Vet du varför vårrullar kallas vårrullar? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Vi skattade oss lyckliga som överlevde. We esteemed ourselves happy to have survived. We were lucky to have survived. Jeg liker å få brev fra venner. I like to receive letters from friends. I like to receive letters from friends. Jeg har invitert alle vennene mine. I've invited all my friends. I have invited all my friends. Var är era barn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Tom tycker om dig. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Får jag se något ID-kort? Can I see some ID? Can I see an ID card? Det var en vacker tjej med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. It was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Döm inte andra efter dig själv. Don't judge others by yourself. Do not forget others after yourself. Jeg er lige begyndt på at lære esperanto. I just started to learn Esperanto. I just started learning Esperanto. Hämta hit min väska. Bring me my bag. Get here my bag. Faren min døde før jeg ble født. My dad died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Han er bange. He is afraid. He's scared. Stop med at ryge. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Til min fødselsdag fik jeg en spilledåse. For my birthday I got a music box. For my birthday, I had a playoff. Hun har god smak. She has good sense. She has a good taste. Það er synd að ekki sé hægt að kaupa kraftaverk eins og maður kaupir kartöflur. It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes. It’s a shame that you can’t buy a miracle like you buy potatoes. Jag hatar reklaminslag. I hate commercials. I hate advertising. Ikke slå opp med meg. Don't break up with me. Don't come up with me. Det tårn, du ser derovre, er Eiffeltårnet. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. The tower you see there is the Eiffel Tower. Tom sa at det er greit at jeg ikke deltar på møtet i kveld. Tom said it would be OK if I didn't attend this afternoon's meeting. Tom said it's okay that I don't attend the meeting tonight. Ti stille og lad mig tænke. Be quiet and let me think. Ten quiet and let me think. Jag tycker att du borde komma och stanna hos mig. I think you should come stay at my place. I think you should come and stay with me. Det er ikke en god ide at genbruge passwords. It isn't a good idea to reuse passwords. It’s not a good idea to recycle passwords. Hele byen stod i flammer. The whole city was in flames. The whole city was in flames. Detta är huset han bor i. This is the house that he lives in. This is the house he lives in. Hur stora var de? How large were they? How big were they? Noen spiller piano. Somebody is playing the piano. Some play piano. Jeg besøkte henne i Tyskland. I visited her in Germany. I visited her in Germany. Jeg er meget glad for at se dig. I am very happy to see you. I am very happy to see you. Översättning är, som bäst, ett eko. Translation is at best an echo. Translation is, as best, an eco. Det er slett ingen kunst å greie det. It's actually very easy to do. There is no art to do it. Hvor vover du at sige sådan noget til mig? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say something like that to me? Jag tror att jag gillar dig. I think I like you. I think I like you. Jag kanske inte återvänder. I may not return. I may not return. Far alt fyri eitt, annars verða tú ov sein. Go at once, otherwise you will be late. All too late, or all else too late. Mary ville ikke sælge sin bil. Mary didn't want to sell her car. Mary didn't want to sell his car. Jeg er oppvokst på landsbygda. I grew up in the country. I grew up in rural areas. Hun gjorde sin mor lykkelig. She made her mother happy. She made her mother happy. Hvor er du tapper! How brave you are! Where are you braves! Unnskyld meg, hvor er postkontoret? Excuse me, which way is the post office? Excuse me, where is the post office? Hun var forelsket i sin lærer. She had a crush on her teacher. She was in love with her teacher. Jeg er omgivet af idioter! I'm surrounded by fuckwits! I'm surrounded by idiots! Han er ikke sig selv i dag. He is not himself today. He's not himself today. Kunne jeg få den pakket ind som gave? Could you gift wrap it? Can I get that package in as a gift? Det var mørkeblåt. It was dark blue. It was dark blue. Vi trenger en blodprøve. We need to get a blood sample. We need a blood test. Lad os se fjernsyn. Let's watch TV. Let's see television. Han er ovglad i barnebarnet sitt. He dotes on his grandson. He's forgotten in his grandson. Han er meget klog og alligevel ikke arrogant. He is very smart and yet not arrogant. He is very smart and yet not arrogant. Jeg kan lide at spille piano. I like playing the piano. I like playing the piano. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. Hur mår Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary? Snubben som står i hörnet där borta kan röka upp en cigarett på mindre än en minut. That guy standing in the corner over there can finish a smoke in less than a minute. The snubb that stands in the corner where away can smoke a cigarette in less than a minute. Jag ser ett mönster. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. Tom er en mye sterk mann. Tom is a very strong man. Tom is a very strong man. Fang tyven! Get the thief! Catch the thief! Du är oberäknelig. You're unpredictable. You're inconspicuous. Hvis det regnet, går jeg ikke. In case it rains, I won't go. If it rains, I'm not going. Jeg fant pengene. I found the money. I found the money. Men den stakkels ælling, som sidst var kommet ud af ægget, og så så fæl ud, blev bidt, puffet og gjort nar af, og det både af ænderne og hønsene. But the poor duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry. But the poor donkey, which had finally come out of the egg, and then fell out, was boughd, puffed, and made thorns off, and both the eagles and the fowls. Du kan avbryta sökandet. You can call off the search. You can cancel the search. Jag har massor av pengar. I have lots of money. I have a lot of money. Jag behöver en bok att läsa. I need a book to read. I need a book to read. Jeg besluttede at spise ude i aften. I decided to eat out tonight. I decided to eat out tonight. Hun hader gulerødder. She hates carrots. She hates carrots. Lad mig tænke. Let me think. Let me think. Jag behöver ett svar nu. I need an answer now. I need an answer now. Hann er hræddur við pabba. He is afraid of Father. He's scared of Dad. Við fórum snemma til að tryggja að við gætum fengið sæti. We went early to make certain that we could get seats. We went early to make sure we could get a seat. Var ligger den finska ambassaden? Where is the Finnish embassy? Where is the Finnish Embassy? Där fanns inte en levande själ så långt ögat kunde nå. There wasn't a living soul as far as the eye could see. There was no living soul as far as the eye could reach. Hvordan blev han dræbt? How was he killed? How was he killed? Jag kan inte förstå allt. I can't quite understand. I can't understand everything. Det vil ikke vare længe, ​​før han vender hjem. It won't be long before he returns home. It won’t be long before he returns home. Dörren är öppen nu. The door is open now. The door is open now. Jeg synger. I sing. I sing. Telefonen är trasig. The telephone is broken. The phone is broken. Hvad er der sket? What's happened? What happened? Seriøst? Are you serious? Seriously? Han kunne ikke forstå sætningen. He couldn't understand the sentence. He couldn't understand the sentence. Mary kysste honom på munnen. Mary kissed him on the mouth. Mary kissed him on his mouth. Är ni säkra på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Ég ferðaðist einn. I traveled by myself. I traveled alone. Det är en jättebra sång. It's a great song. It's a great song. Det är ett av mina favorituttryck. That's one of my favorite expressions. This is one of my favorite expressions. Det er problemet, ikke sandt? That's the problem, isn't it? That's the problem, isn't it? Han sprang av. He legged it. He ran off. For et fint hus! What a nice house! What a nice house! Góða nátt Tatoeba. Vit síggjast í morgin. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good morning, Tatoeba. Hvem er sliten? Who's tired? Who's tired? Jeg lærte hende at cykle. I taught her to ride a bicycle. I taught her to cycle. Nä, säger du det? You don't fucking say. You say that? Skarstu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Jag känner mig bara nere. I'm just feeling down. I just feel down. De forsøk tre ganger. They've taken three shots at it. They try three times. Jeg er ofte her. I'm often here. I'm often here. England och Skottland är grannar. England and Scotland are neighbours. England and Scotland are neighbors. Jeg forstår. I understand. I understand. Det kostade mig skjortan. It cost me a bundle. It cost me the shirt. Fattige er ikke dem som har lidt, men dem som har brug for meget. The poor are not those who have little but rather those who need much. Fatty is not those who have little, but those who need a lot. Jeg er gift og har to barn. I am married and have two children. I'm married and have two children. Har du några syskon? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any siblings? Tom är fortfarande min vän. Tom is still my friend. Tom is still my friend. Solen gløder, fordi temperaturen er ca. 5.500 grader Celsius. The sun glows because its temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. The sun glows because the temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. Han var barfodet med nøgen overkrop. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was barefoot with naked overcrowds. Tom har sex med Mary. Tom has sex with Mary. Tom has sex with Mary. Det er klart som mudder. It's as clear as mud. It's clear as mud. Skit. Shit. Shit. Ég veit að ég veit ekki. I know that I don't know. I know I don't know. Det håp kan de skyte en hvit pinne etter så lenge de ikke klarer å presse bedriften til de nødvendige erkjennelse. Unless they manage to force the company to make the necessary concessions, they should give up hope. It hopes they can shoot a white stick after as long as they can’t push the company to the necessary recognition. På tal om tv, vilket är ditt favoritprogram nuförtiden? Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays? Talking about TV, which is your favorite program nowadays? Hvor gamle var dine børn, da du flyttede til Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your children when you moved to Boston? Jeg kan ikke drikke den her kaffe. I can't drink this coffee. I can't drink this coffee. Jeg vil ikke finde mig i det her. I'm not going to put up with this. I don't want to find myself in this. Det er forferdelig. How horrible! It's awful. John þekkir til fyrirtækisins. John is familiar with the business. John knows about the company. Min bror vil dræbe mig. My brother will kill me. My brother will kill me. Hvis det regner i morgen, vil turen blive aflyst. If it rains tomorrow, the tour will be cancelled. If it rains tomorrow, the trip will be cancelled. Jeg boede i Boston for tre år siden. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Hennes förklaring var inte övertygande. Her explanation was not convincing. Her explanation was not convincing. Gætir þú sent það á þetta heimilisfang? Could you send it to this address? Can you send it to this address? Har du hørt det? Have you heard that? Have you heard that? Ég er ekki lengur kennari þinn. I'm not your teacher anymore. I'm no longer your teacher. Mary är attraktiv. Mary is attractive. Mary is attractive. Jeg rejser til Hawaii med skib. I'm going to Hawaii by ship. I travel to Hawaii by ship. Jeg genkendte hende ved første blik. I recognized her at first glance. I recognized her at first glance. Mener du det seriøst? Are you joking or are you serious when you say this? Are you serious? Jeg er ikke færdig med at betale af på mit lån. I have not finished paying off my loan. I'm not finished paying off my loan. Ræk mig kartoflerne. Pass me the potatoes. Get me the maps. Tom valde att inte kommentera saken. Tom declined to comment on the matter. Tom chose not to comment on the matter. Bliv ikke beruset! Don't get drunk. Don't be drunk! Jag är ett stort fan. I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan. Jeg tænker hele dagen på Tom. I think about Tom all day. I think all day at Tom. Tom kom tilbage til Boston i sidste uge. Tom came back to Boston last week. Tom returned to Boston last week. Jeg ser hen til at høre fra Dem. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I look forward to hearing from you. Ég er á sjúkrahúsinu. Það laust eldingu niður í mig. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital, and I'm in a hurry. Disse æbler er rådne. These apples are rotten. These apples are advice. Esperanto er en enorm utvidelse av horisonten min. Esperanto is a huge expansion of my horizon. Esperanto is a huge expansion of my horizon. Han er uberegnelig. You never know where you have got him. He's erratic. Ég keypti bók um dýr. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book about animals. Denne mand er kriminalbetjent, ikke en kriminel. This man is a police officer in the crime squad, not a criminal. This man is a criminal, not a criminal. Þegiðu meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Keep quiet while I’m talking. Tom stal era pengar. Tom stole your money. Tom stole your money. Við ræddum margt. We talked of many things. We talked a lot. Vi må klippe håret vårt. We must get our hair cut. We have to cut our hair. Jag ska hämta min jacka. I'll get my coat. I'll get my jacket. Tom tog tag i Marys hand. Tom grabbed Mary's hand. Tom took Mary's hand. Vi må advare dem. We must warn them. We need to warn them. Tom ser ung ud af sin alder. Tom looks young for his age. Tom looks young from her age. Tað er lýtt. It is warm. It's all right. De har etablert en Flyvåpnenes Felleskommando hvor sjefen og stabssjefen var fra henholdsvis Sjøforsvaret og Hæren. They have established an Air Force Joint Command where the manager and chief of staff come respectively from the Navy and the Army. They have established a Flyvåpne's Common Command where the boss and chief of staff were from the Sea Forces and Army respectively. Hon vill döda mig. She wants to kill me. She wants to kill me. Jeg kan lide at skrive på fransk. I like to write in French. I like to write in French. Det er godt at være hjemme. It's good to be home. It's good to be home. Fulgte nogen efter dig? Did anyone follow you? Did someone come after you? De var någon annanstans. They were somewhere else. They were somewhere else. De gik lige i seng. They went straight to bed. They went to bed. Toms efternamn är Jackson. Tom's last name is Jackson. Tom's last name is Jackson. Tryllekunstneren spurte etter frivillige blant publikum. The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience. The drummer asked for volunteers among the audience. Var generösa. Be generous. Be generous. Varför undrar du? Why do you ask that? Why are you wondering? Tom elsker Australien. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Jag kan inte se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Tom overleves af tre børn. Tom is survived by three children. Tom is survived by three children. Ludvig den fjortende, kendt som Solkongen, skabte det franske enevældes guldalder. Louis the 14th, known as the "Sun King", brought about the golden age of the French absolute monarchy. Louis the fourteenth, known as the Solkongen, created the golden age of the French Empire. Bilurin er ringur. The car is bad. The car is in a ring. Supermarkedene er stengt nå, så vi må klare oss med det som er igjen i kjøleskapet. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. Supermarkets are closed now, so we have to cope with what’s left in the refrigerator. Det er første gang nogensinde jeg har talt dansk. This is the first time I've ever spoken in Danish. This is the first time I've ever spoken Danish. Tom bad Mary om at holde op med at ryge. Tom asked Mary to quit smoking. Tom asked Mary to stop smoking. Denna kvinna har två väskor. This woman has two bags. This woman has two bags. Nästa år ska jag åka till Amerika. Next year I'm going to America. Next year I'm going to America. Bildet henger opp ned. The picture is hung upside down. The picture hangs up. Er Tom hos deg? Is Tom at your place? Is Tom with you? Mange venner kom for at vinke farvel til mig. A lot of friends came to wave goodbye to me. Many friends came to say goodbye to me. Han besluttede sig for at blive advokat. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. Min far älskar min mor. My father loves my mother. My father loves my mother. Någon saknas. Someone's missing. Someone is missing. Han tog sin hat på. He put on his hat. He took his hat. Tom gav mig lov til at køre hans bil. Tom gave me permission to drive his car. Tom allowed me to drive his car. Velkomen til Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Vad konstigt. That's weird. That's weird. Skynda! Hurry! Hurry! Hur ska det sluta? How will it end? How is it going to stop? Tom håller på att söka efter ett bättre jobb. Tom is looking for a better job. Tom is looking for a better job. Jag kan vara misstänkt. I could be a suspect. I can be suspicious. Har Tom någonsin bett dig ljuga för honom? Has Tom ever asked you to lie for him? Has Tom ever asked you to lie to him? Prøv å meditere noen minutter om dagen noen dager. Det hjelper meg masse. Try meditating a few minutes a day once in a while. Honestly, it helps me a lot. Try to meditate a few minutes a day a few days. It helps me a lot. Varför kommer hon inte? How is it she does not come? Why doesn't she come? Hann beið í tíu mínútur. He waited ten minutes. He waited for ten minutes. Kan du lære meg korleis eg speler sjakk? Will you teach me how to play chess? Can you teach me how to play chess? Må jeg bruge denne ordbog? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Tom er aggressiv. Tom is aggressive. Tom is aggressive. Vad berättade han för er? What did he tell you? What did he tell you? Við hlökkum til að hitta þig bráðlega. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. We look forward to seeing you soon. Alla verkar gilla golf. It seems that everybody likes golf. Everyone seems to like golf. Hæld lidt koldt vand ud over dit hoved. Pour some cold water over your head. A little cold water over your head. Vi er meget glade for det. We're very happy about it. We are very happy about it. Þýskaland kom á fót velferðarkerfi á níunda áratug nítjándu aldar. Germany adopted a social security system in the 1880's. Germany came on a road ride in the nineties of the nineteenth century. Jeg er en fri mann. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Kan du klare dig uden bilen i morgen? Jeg skal nemlig bruge den. Can you do without the car tomorrow? I need it. Can you do it without the car tomorrow? I need it. Du måste öva dig att skriva svenska. You must practice writing Swedish. You have to practice writing Swedish. Det är ingen mening med att försöka lösa det här problemet. It is no use trying to solve this problem. There is no point in trying to solve this problem. Hún er hörmuleg að elda. She is an appalling cook. It's hard to cook. "Denne samtale har aldrig fundet sted." - "Hvilken samtale?" "This conversation never occurred." - "What conversation?" "This conversation has never taken place." - "What conversation?" Vis mig dine dokumenter. Show me your documents. Show me your documents. Jeg kan godt lide det kurdiske sprog. I like the Kurdish language. I like the Kurdish language. Människor dör varje dag. People die every day. People die every day. Dyrenes liv er ikke vært noe mindre enn det våres liv er. Animals lives are no less valuable than our lives are. The lives of animals are no less than the lives of our lives. Hér kemur strætóinn. Here comes the bus. Here's the bus. Skoene er slidte. The shoes are worn out. The shoes are worn. Min favoritdans är tango. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. Jeg hører, at dette er den koldeste vinter, vi har haft i de sidste ti år. I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years. I hear this is the coldest winter we’ve had in the last ten years. Vi har pratat färdigt. We're done talking. We've talked done it. Hej. Hi. Hey. Han pluggar alltid. He is always studying. He always plugs. Visst, jag förstår. Of course, I understand. Sure, I understand. Jeg tror jeg har forstået alt hvad Tom sagde, men jeg er ikke helt sikker. I think I understood everything Tom said, but I'm not absolutely sure. I think I've understood everything Tom said, but I'm not sure. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kan göra för att få det här att fungera. I don't know what else I could do to make this work. I don't know what else I can do to make this work. Det finnes ikke noen svar på hva som er best da det vil altid være individuelt og situasjonsavhengig. There is no answer to what is best, as it will always be dependent on the individual and the situation. There is no answer to what is best since it will always be individual and situation-dependent. Det är rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. It's pure Greek. Hva gjør du for å få tiden til å gå? What do you do to pass the time? What are you doing to get the time to go? Og vi fik en gratis pizza. And we got a free pizza. And we got a free pizza. Vi står over for et vanskeligt valg. We are faced with a difficult choice. We are faced with a difficult choice. Hvernig fékkstu það? How did you get it? How did you get it? Tom føntørrede sit hår. Tom blew his hair dry. Tom dried his hair. Tom kunde ha räddat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could have saved himself. Vi står. We're standing. We're standing. Han hejste flaget. He raised the flag. He greeted the flag. Hun ble på hotellet. She stayed at the hotel. She was at the hotel. Ge dem pengar. Give them money. Give them money. Ni är inte hundar. You're not dogs. You're not dogs. Hunden blöder. The dog is bleeding. The dog bleeds. Finns det en tvättmaskin i huset? Is there a washing machine in the house? Is there a washing machine in the house? Jeg deler ikke din mening. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. Nogen ringede. Somebody called. Someone called. Det är inte ett jättebra jobb, men det betalar räkningarna. This isn't a great job, but it helps pay the bills. It’s not a great job, but it pays the bills. Han tog av sig skjortan. He removed his shirt. He took off the shirt. Kannski kemur hann. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Du hjalp meg ikke. You didn't help me. You didn't help me. Ég heyrði börnin syngja saman. I heard the children singing together. I heard the children sing together. Har du kranglet med Ken? Did you have a fight with Ken? Did you argue with Ken? Paul kommer af princip ikke for sent til en aftale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul, of course, does not come too late for an agreement. De kunne ikke reise fordi det hadde støtt til et problem. They couldn't travel because a problem occurred. They could not travel because it had encountered a problem. Ég er búinn með peningana. I've run out of money. I've got the money. Jeg møtte foreldrene dine i går. I met your parents yesterday. I met your parents yesterday. Det kan jeg ordne med det samme. I can take care of that immediately. I can do it immediately. Tom sover. Tom's sleeping. Tom sleeps. Han kolade vippen. He croaked. He cleaved the wing. Ein fugl kan flyge. A bird can fly. A bird can fly. Gå inte nära dem. Do not go near them. Don't go close to them. Við erum svöng. We are hungry. We are hungry. Såg ni min son? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Jeg må hellere skynde mig i bad. I should hurry and take a shower. I better hurry in the bathroom. Du är fortfarande ung. You're still young. You're still young. Hun taler engelsk flydende. She speaks English fluently. She speaks English fluently. Tom är norrman. Tom is a Norwegian. Tom is Norman. Er det ikke imod reglerne? Isn't that against the rules? Isn't that against the rules? Ekki lesa svona bók. Don't read such a book as this. Don't read such a book. Kan du ride? Do you know how to ride a horse? Can you ride? De som forener sig, er ikke bange. Those who unite are not afraid. Those who unite are not afraid. Eg haldi, tað er ein ávaring. I think it is a warning. I think I'm a warner. Jag har saknat dig. I've been missing you. I missed you. John tycker om sjuksköterskan. John likes the nurse. John likes the nurse. Tom sa aldri at han hadde lyst til å gå. Tom never said that he wanted to go. Tom never said he wanted to go. Vær så snill og vis omsorg. Please show some consideration. Please and show care. Jag ska ta min kappa. I'll get my coat. I'll take my coat. Jag träffade honom precis. I just met him. I just met him. En for alle og alle for en, det er ekte lagarbeid. All for one, and one for all. That's team play. One for everyone and for one, it’s real teamwork. Til den store åbningfest planlagde butiksejerne at udlevere gratis gaver til de første tredive kunder i køen. For their grand opening, the store owners were planning giveaways for the first thirty customers in line. For the big opening party, shop owners planned to provide free gifts for the first thirty customers in the queue. Eg kan kje tru at han Tom åt alt saman. I can't believe Tom ate the whole thing. I can feel that he Tom ate everything. Vem träffar du? Who are you meeting? Who do you meet? Harer og kaniner ser meget ens ud for mig. Hares and rabbits look very similar to me. The sharks and rabbits look very similar to me. Du har akkurat blitt skutt. You just got shot. You've just been shot. Vi tog en promenad. We went for a walk. We took a walk. Har du sett Tom än? Have you seen Tom yet? Have you seen Tom yet? Har jeg ingen rettigheter? Don't I have any rights? Do I have no rights? Se upp för ficktjuvar. Look out for pickpockets. Look up for pocket items. Vi har ikke et fjernsynsapparat i vores hus. We don't have a TV in our house. We don’t have a television camera in our house. Hans fru är svenska. His wife is Swedish. His wife is Swedish. Þú sefur í gestaherberginu. You'll sleep in the guestroom. You sleep in the guest room. Du har ret. You're right. You're right. Ibland känner jag mig ledsen. I feel sad every now and then. Sometimes I feel sorry. Keiro er størsti býur í Afrika. Cairo is the biggest city in Africa. Keiro is one of the largest in Africa. Tom går sommetider med solbriller indendørs. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. Tom goes sometimes with sunglasses indoors. Tom blev forelsket i en smuk pige. Tom fell in love with a beautiful girl. Tom fell in love with a beautiful girl. Hetta er eitt ross. This is a horse. Rose is a rose. Dette er virkelig nemt. This is real easy. This is really easy. Du kan snakke så mye du vil. You may talk as much as you like. You can talk as much as you want. Det norske flagg har et mørkeblått Nordisk kors med hvite kanter på rød bunn og det er fra 1821. The Norwegian flag has a dark blue Nordic cross with white border on a red background, and it is from 1821. The Norwegian flag has a dark blue Nordic cross with white edges on the red bottom and it is from 1821. Þeir stríddu mér. They bullied me. They fought me. Hvor meget koster det at leje en sejlbåd? How much does it cost to rent a sailboat? How much does it cost to rent a boat? Tom använder tandtråd minst en gång om dagen. Tom flosses his teeth at least once a day. Tom uses dental floss at least once a day. Ett av dem var mitt. One of them was mine. One of them was mine. Pink er ikke kun for piger. Pink is not just for girls. Pink is not just for girls. De är skådespelare. They are actors. They're actors. Børn har brug for meget søvn. Children require much sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Glöm inte biljetten. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Hún elskaði mig sem og ég hana. She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me as well as me. Jeg kommer fra Thailand. I'm from Thailand. I'm from Thailand. Ge Tom lite tid. Give Tom some time. Give Tom some time. Kan eg fáa matseðilin? May I have the menu, please? Can I get some food? Jeg modtog et brev fra Tom. I received a letter from Tom. I received a letter from Tom. Var är din soptunna? Where is your garbage can? Where's your soprano? Han frågar alltid dumma frågor. He's always asking silly questions. He always asks stupid questions. Hur ska jag någonsin kunna återgälda min mor? How can I ever repay my mother? How can I ever return my mother? Försökt inte att fly från ansvar. Do not try to avoid responsibility. Don’t try to escape from responsibility. Vi betalar. We're paying. We pay. Mötesrummet är på nedervåningen. The meeting room is downstairs. The meeting room is on the ground floor. Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Rumænien! Happy Birthday, Romania! Happy birthday, Romania! Gid han var på vores hold! I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team! Jeg kan ikke lide at du bander. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you bands. Klä på dig snabbt. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed quickly. De har dannet en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. Lad være med at afsløre over for Elizabeth at jeg har købt en guldhalskæde til hende til hendes fødselsdag. Please don't spill the beans to Elizabeth that I bought her a gold necklace for her birthday. Don’t let me reveal to Elizabeth that I bought a gold necklace for her for her birthday. Jag var med om en allvarlig olycka. I had a serious accident. I was involved in a serious accident. Jeg har fået nogle nye oplysninger. I've got some new information. I got some new information. Hun drak for meget. She drank too much. She drank too much. Yutaka á tvo eldri bræður. Yutaka has two elder brothers. The two older brothers. En ny filial åbner i Chicago i næste måned. A new branch will be opened in Chicago next month. A new branch opens in Chicago next month. Den kortklipte plenen er vakker sett med øynene til et folk med en nedarvet tendens til å finne glede ved tanken på et velholdt beitelandskap. The close-cropped lawn is beautiful in the eyes of a people whose inherited bent it is to readily find pleasure in contemplating a well-preserved pasture or grazing land. The short-cut lawn is beautiful set with the eyes of a people with a downward tendency to find joy at the idea of a well-maintained grazing landscape. Kaffen kunne godt være en smule stærkere. The coffee could be a bit stronger. The coffee could be a little stronger. Jeg er ikke bange. I am not afraid. I'm not scared. Hun er stærk. She is strong. She's strong. Havde han prøvet én gang til, ville det være lykkedes for ham. Had he tried it once more, he would have succeeded in it. If he had tried again, he would have succeeded. Vad är det med dig? What is it with you? What's wrong with you? Eg eri ikki lækni. I'm not a doctor. I am not a cure. Ég skal kaupa handa þér bjór. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy for you beer. Vi ser en ny film. We are watching a new film. We see a new movie. Jag vet inte precis när jag ska vara tillbaka. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'm going to be back. Við vonumst til að sjá þig aftur. We hope to see you again. We hope to see you again. Jag kommer att stanna. I'm going to stay. I'll stay. Ég þurfti ekki að læra í gær. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn’t have to learn yesterday. Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hrædd? Do you say that because you're afraid? Do you say that because you're scared? Jag kände mig skräckslagen. I felt terrified. I felt terrified. Bara följ ditt hjärta. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. Mange hajarter er truet af udryddelse. Many shark species are threatened with extinction. Many sharks are threatened by extinction. Vær forsiktig der inne. Be careful in there. Be careful inside. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. När jag kom hem, upptäckte jag att jag hade tappat bort min plånbok. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Jeg kunne godt lide at vide om Tom savner mig. I wonder whether Tom misses me. I like to know if Tom misses me. Han steg upp klockan fem som han brukar. He got up at five as usual. He rose up at 5 o'clock as he uses. Hvor ofte kommer Tom her? How often does Tom come here? How often does Tom come here? Det är jättefint! That's wonderful! It's great! Har du Whatsapp? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have Whatsapp? Han håller på att bli skallig. He's going bald. He's going to be bald. Tom er ikke længere patient her. Tom is no longer a patient here. Tom is no longer a patient here. "De er bange for mig fordi jeg er så styg." sagde han. "They are afraid of me because I am ugly," he said. "They're afraid of me because I'm so ugly." he said. Jeg er en mand. I'm a man. I'm a man. Denna salen tar 2000 personer. This hall is capable of holding 2,000 people. This hall takes 2,000 people. Sov! Sleep! Sleep! Jag vill fortfarande gå. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom gråter. Tom is crying. Tom is crying. Husker du Tom? Do you remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Hun har syv sønner. She has seven sons. She has seven sons. Husk på at du er gravid. Remember, you're pregnant. Remember that you are pregnant. Hvis du tager eksprestoget, kan du være der på ingen tid. If you take the express train, you'll be there in no time. If you take the ex-pregnancy, you can be there in no time. Jag sköt upp mitt hushållsarbete några timmar. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I took up my household work a few hours. Stattu á fætur! Stand up! Get up! Hon sprider osanna rykten. She's spreading false rumors. She spreads the rumors of the oceans. Jag har redan sagt det till dig. I already told you. I've already told you. Jag hatade det först. I hated it at first. I hated it first. Man bör vara välklädd. One should dress well. You should be well dressed. Jag läser inte. I do not read. I don't read. Jag vill resa utomlands. I want to travel abroad. I want to travel abroad. Hun arbejder i et callcenter. She works in a call center. She works in a call center. Hvernig get ég sofið? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Når har du sist lånt bøker fra biblioteket? When was the last time you borrowed books from the library? When did you last borrow books from the library? Tack. Thanks. Thank you. Taket er laget av halm. The roof is made of thatch. The roof is made of straw. Förstår du dig på den här rapporten? Does this report make any sense to you? Do you understand this report? Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom learns English. Tom gik bananas. Tom went bananas. Tom went bananas. Dette site indeholder seksuelt eksplicit materiale og er kun beregnet for voksne. This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. Jag måste ändra den. I have to change it. I have to change it. Luk dine øjne. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Mor er mer nervøs for eksamensresultatet enn jeg er. Mother is more anxious about the result of the examination than I am. My mom is more nervous about the exam results than I am. Tag venligst dine sokker af. Take off your socks, please. Please take your socks off. Det måste vara jag. It has to be me. I have to be. Jag skulle vilja prata med Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. I wanted to talk to Tom. Ja. Yes. Yeah. Golvet är halt, så var försiktig. The floor is slippery, so be careful. The floor is limp, so be careful. Det bliver kun værre nu. It's only going to get worse now. It's getting worse now. Jeg liker ikke å jobbe i banken. I don't like working at the bank. I don't like working in the bank. Kan vi laga den här? Can we fix this? Can we fix this? Hvad er der mon sket mellem hende og Tom? I wonder what happened between her and Tom. What happened between her and Tom? Jeg går. I'll go. I'm leaving. Vill du ha skjuts? Do you want a ride? Do you want to shoot? Tom kom sig hurtigt. Tom recovered quickly. Tom got up quickly. Jeg er kanadisk også. I'm Canadian, too. I'm Canadian, too. Þótt þetta sé mjög erfitt verk mun ég gera mitt besta. Although it is a very difficult task, I will do my best. Although this is a very difficult job, I will do my best. Hvor ofte sker det? How often does that happen? How often does it happen? Omkring! About face! Around! Berätta för mig vad Tom sa. Tell me what Tom said. Tell me what Tom said. Den är inte där nu. It's not there now. It's not there now. Han är duktig med kort. He's good at cards. He's good with cards. Du betaler renter på penge som du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on money that you borrow. Jag vill åka dit en gång till. I want to go there once again. I want to go there once again. Du kan låne bilen min når som helst. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car at any time. Er Tom Jackson dit rigtige navn? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Hvad er den længste flod i Australien? What's the longest river in Australia? What is the longest river in Australia? Det är obotligt. That's incurable. It's disgusting. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan jeg får barna mine til å slutte å krangle. I wish I could figure out how to stop my children from fighting. I wish I could figure out how to make my kids stop arguing. De smilte. They smiled. They smiled. Vi må alltid gjøre vårt beste. We must always do our best. We must always do our best. Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig, I thought I'd lost you. I thought I lost you. Italiensk er mit modersmål. Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my native language. Det var begyndt at regne. It had started to rain. It was starting to rain. Ingenting kan gå fel. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing can go wrong. Jag känner tjejen som spelar tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I feel the girl playing tennis. Hur skulle jag kunna trösta dig? How could I comfort you? How could I comfort you? Bilen krasjet inn i veggen. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. Jag behöver säkra bevis. I need solid proof. I need safe evidence. Der utfører de stabiliserende kirurgi og behandle kritiske skader, slik at pasientene kan forflyttes til sykehus med kapasitet til ferdigbehandling. There they perform stabilizing surgery and treat critical injuries, so that patients can be moved to a hospital with capacity for the remainder of their treatment. It performs stabilizing surgery and treats critical injuries so that patients can be transferred to hospital with capacity for finishing. Glöm vad jag sa. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Giv os det vi ønsker. Give us what we want. Give us what we want. Stundum þegar það er mjög kalt get ég ekki komið bílnum mínum í gang. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car to start. Sometimes when it’s cold, I can’t get my car started. Det er varmt i dag. It's warm today. It's hot today. Tom kom på toget. Tom got on the train. Tom got on the train. Vi är i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni. He had the presumption to reject my proposal. He was so inconvenient to reject my order. Man kan inte leva utan att mänskligt tal förskönar, och inte heller plocka rosor utom räckhåll för taggar. One can’t live unless human speech adorns, / Nor gather roses past the reach of thorns. You can't live without human numbers biasing, nor pick roses out of the reach of tags. Hele verden er blevet vanvittig. The whole world has gone crazy. The whole world has become crazy. Ta appelsinene ut av kjøleskapet. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the oranges out of the refrigerator. Jeg vil gerne låne omkring tre hundrede tusinde dollar. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. I would like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. Du har mitt ord på det. I give you my word. You have my word on it. Giv mig en hånd. Give me a hand. Give me a hand. Han du en? Do you have one? You got one? Hun er Allans kone. She is Alan's wife. She's Allan's wife. Hun kan godt lide at gøre sig vigtig. She likes to show off. She likes to be important. Jag ska hämta nycklarna. I'll get my keys. I'll get the keys. Kig dig omkring og sig hvad du ser! Look around yourself and say what you see. Look around and see what you see! Tom holdt meningen sin for seg selv. Tom kept his opinion to himself. Tom kept his mind for himself. Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom nu. I'd like to see Tom now. I wanted to see Tom now. Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Er der liv etter døden? Hva er betydningen med livet på jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? La oss sitte på benken. Let's sit on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. Du har et problem. You've got a problem. You have a problem. Jeg bor ikke i Helsingfors. I don't live in Helsinki. I don't live in Helsinki. Jag måste jobba idag. I have to work today. I have to work today. Jeg har aldrig set et blåt køleskab. I have never seen a blue fridge. I've never seen a blue refrigerator. Jeg har lige taget brusebad. I was just in the shower. I just took a shower. Hun havde brug for pengene. She needed the money. She needed the money. Såvitt jag vet är det den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. As far as I know, this is the only possible translation. Tom lo højt. Tom laughed out loud. Tom laughed loudly. Hun tjener 30 dollar om dagen. She earns 30 dollars per day. She earns $30 a day. De her æbler er endnu ikke modne. These apples aren't ripe yet. These apples are not mature yet. Jeg sælger tøj på internettet. I sell clothing online. I sell clothes on the internet. Dette vil ta tid. This will take time. This will take time. Liker dere svarte katter? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Vad finns i garderoben? What's in the closet? What's in the closet? Har du kondom? Do you have a condom? Do you have condoms? Jeg elsker den slags musik Tom spiller. I love the kind of music Tom plays. I love that kind of music Tom plays. Tom köpte Mary lite choklad. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Han var så upptagen att han skickade sin son istället för att gå själv. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going by himself. Gør det rent. Clean it up. Make it clean. Jeg er sikker på at der findes en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I am sure there is a very reasonable explanation. Hvem er forvirret? Who's confused? Who is confused? Mens jeg har gått nedover gaten som en helt vanlig fotgjenger, så jeg min forgjenger i en limousin. While I was walking down the street as an ordinary pedestrian, I saw my predecessor in a limousine. While I have gone down the street as a normal pedestrian, I saw my predecessor in a limousine. Jag är för ung. I'm too young. I'm too young. Jag öppnade dörren. I opened the door. I opened the door. Han sælger sko. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. Hvad gik der galt her? What went wrong here? What went wrong here? Norges hovedstad er Oslo. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. The capital of Norway is Oslo. Ni hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You're not helping. Island hörde till Danmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland heard of Denmark. Kun en tåbe frygter ikke havet. Only a fool doesn't fear the sea. Only a fool does not fear the sea. Tom ville sannsynligvis ha gjort det. Tom would likely agree to do that. Tom would probably have done it. Vil du være en av dem? Do you want one of them? Do you want to be one of them? Jag klarar mig. I'll get by. I'll be fine. Europa är en kontinent. Europe is a continent. Europe is a continent. Om jag då hade kunnat tala franska, hade jag inte fått några problem. If I'd been able to speak French then, I wouldn't have gotten into trouble. If I could speak French, I would not have had any problems. Rotta er lítið dýr með langar, oddmjóar tennur og langan hala. A rat is a small animal with long, pointed teeth and a long tail. The root is a small animal with a wild, odd teeth and a long tail. Tom är tävlingslysten. Tom is competitive. Tom is the contestant. Tom är vansinnig. Tom is demented. Tom is insane. Fortsätt arbeta. Keep working. Keep working. Gid jeg ikke havde bedt Tom om hjælp. I wish I hadn't asked Tom for help. I didn't ask Tom for help. Komdu heim fyrir myrkur. Come home before dark. Come home for darkness. Da jeg ankom på flyplassen, hadde flyet allerede lettet. The plane had already taken off when I reached the airport. When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already been relieved. De giftede sig juleaften. They married on Christmas Eve. They married Christmas Eve. Hvem kommer hurtigst derhen? Who'll get there the quickest? Who's coming as soon as there? Jeg leser denne boken. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Jag bor i Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. Hundurinn leit niður í vatnið. The dog looked into the water. The dog looked down in the water. Døde din familie i Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Hvad? Koster denne T-shirt 3000 yen? Det er ågerpris! What! This T-shirt is 3,000 yen? This is a rip-off! What? Koster this T-shirt 3000 yen? It's the hill price! Vi hoppas att det här stämmer. We hope this is true. We hope this is true. Hvad skyldes trafikproblemet? What's the hold up? What is the problem of traffic? Sonur minn hefur lent í vondum félagsskap. My son has got into bad company. My son has been in a bad company. Vi stormer Kongressen; det er en revolution! We're storming the Capitol; it's a revolution! We are storming Congress; it is a revolution! Jag känner mig sårbar. I feel vulnerable. I feel vulnerable. Hiroshi er að saga viðinn niður í fjalir. Hiroshi is sawing the wood into boards. Hiroshi is going to talk to me down. Det vi gjør er fullstendig lovlig. What we're doing is perfectly legal. What we do is completely legal. Hittade du din handväska? Did you find your purse? Did you find your handbag? Gi meg et stykke pai. I want a piece of pie. Give me a piece of pie. Röker ni? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Vores verden er kun en lille del af universet. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is only a small part of the universe. Tom ankom til Boston for mindre end tre uger siden. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Må jeg låne din blyant? Can I borrow your pencil? Can I borrow your pencil? Hvorfor falder du ikke bare død om? Why don't you just drop dead? Why don't you just fall dead? Hún er farin í ferð. She's gone on a trip. She's gone on a journey. Jag ger en del av min lön till mina föräldrar för att hjälpa dem att betala räkningarna. I give part of my paycheck to my parents to help them pay the bills. I give a portion of my salary to my parents to help them pay the bills. Håll dig borta! Be gone! Stay away! Vet ni var vi är? Do you know where we are? You know where we are? Jag har sådan otur. I have such bad luck. I've got such an ot. Universet er omkring 13,75 tusind millioner år gammel. The universe is about 13.75 thousand million years old. The universe is about 13.75 million years old. Du burde ikke se ned på ham. You shouldn't look down on him. You shouldn't look down at him. Hvor viktig? How important? How important? Taler de engelsk? Are they speaking English? Do they speak English? "Er du alvorlig?" "Jeg er dødsens alvorlig." "Are you serious?" "I'm absolutely serious." "Are you serious?" "I'm serious." Gaden var crowded. The street is crowded. Gaden was crowded. Du är ny, eller hur? You're new, huh? You're new, aren't you? Den var ikke større end en fodbold. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It wasn’t bigger than a football. De lakerede deres tånegle. They painted their toenails. They laid their toenails. Jag vet exakt var Tom är. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Google er lygari. Google is a liar. Google is a liar. Jeg har vært her i tre måneder. I've been here for three months. I've been here for three months. Dette er ikke så ualmindeligt. This isn't so uncommon. This is not so unusual. Det er ikke besværet værd. It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the effort. Já, það kemur öðru hverju fyrir. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, that's different for me. Til að vera á réttum tíma hljóp ég. To be on time, I ran. To be at the right time, I ran. Jag trodde att Tom skulle stanna lite längre. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. Tímea är en ungrare som bor i Polen. Tímea is a Hungarian living in Poland. Time is a Hungarian who lives in Poland. Jeg heter Jack. My name's Jack. My name is Jack. Du kan tro nej! No way! You can believe no! Hun liker russisk popmusikk. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop music. Chris tilintetgjorde vampyrridderen! Chris defeated the vampire knight! Chris destroyed the vampire knight! Jeg vil tage en taxi. I'll go by taxi. I'll take a taxi. Eldgosið virðist vera að réna. The eruption seems to be waning. The fire seems to be on the tree. Jag trodde att Tom hade stuckit. I thought Tom had left. I thought Tom had stolen. Skildpadden døde. The turtle died. The turtle died. Jag fattar vad du menar. I get your drift. I know what you mean. Tom er enebarn. Tom is an only child. Tom is one child. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde bedre hukommelse. I wish I had a better memory. I wish I had better memory. Håll ett öga på den. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Vi skulle ha hjälpt till, om ni hade bett om det. We would have helped, if you had asked. We would have helped if you asked for it. Hun lider af anoreksi. She is suffering from anorexia. She suffers from anorexia. Han betalte kun ti dollars for skjorten. He only paid ten dollars for that shirt. He only paid ten dollars for the shirt. Kan jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do it today? Glædelig køb-ingenting-dag! Happy Buy Nothing Day! Happy purchase-nothing-day! Hunden er ikke i haven. The dog is not in the garden. The dog is not in the garden. Dere blødde neseblod. You had a nosebleed. You bleed the nose blood. Hjälp! Help! Help! Det er et kæmpe træ. It is a huge tree. It's a huge tree. Tom alltid på sig en hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Døren åbnes nu. The door is opening now. The door is open now. Han vil bli en tennisspiller. He wants to be a tennis player. He will be a tennis player. Hvem banker på min dør? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on my door? Kan jeg låne telefonen din? May I use your telephone? Can I borrow your phone? Tennis er veldig populært blant studenter. Tennis is very popular amongst students. Tennis is very popular among students. Tom sitter bakom Mary på fransklektionerna. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom sits behind Mary in the French lessons. Jeg kan lide hunden. I like the dog. I like the dog. Jag skulle vilja skicka ett rekommenderat brev. I'd like to send a registered letter. I would like to send a recommended letter. Jag är inte det minsta intresserad av kemi. I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. I'm not the least interested in chemistry. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, så jeg fjernsyn. Having done my homework, I watched television. After I made homework, I saw television. Ingen kunde förklara hur saken var gjord. Nobody could explain how the thing was made. No one could explain how the case was done. Hvem kyssede du? Who did you kiss? Who kissed you? Jeg har ingen naboer. I have no neighbors. I don't have neighbors. Sammenlignet med kineserne er japanerne dårlige lingvister. Compared with the Chinese, the Japanese are poor linguists. Compared to the Chinese, the Japanese are poor linguists. Jag lovar att vi ska lyssna på allting du säger. I promise that we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise we will listen to everything you say. Læs denne bog. Read this book. Read this book. Jag vill äta glass. I want to eat ice cream. I want to eat glass. Tom backade inte ut. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't back out. Jeg glemte at sætte et frimærke på konvolutten. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Han kom til meg om natta. He called on me at night. He came to me at night. Väntar du på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? John er strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina. John is the boy who is reading the book. John is the guy who reads the book. Han driver mange hotell. He runs a lot of hotels. He runs many hotels. Du kommer tidligt. You're here early. You're coming early. Eg gleði meg til jóla. I am looking forward to Christmas. I rejoice in Christmas. Han er ikke den rigtige mand for dig. He's not the right man for you. He's not the right man for you. Jeg gjør dette for Tom. I'm doing this for Tom. I'm doing this for Tom. Føler du deg trøtt? Are you feeling tired? Do you feel tired? Jeg gav ikke op. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Hvor er min lommelygte? Where's my flashlight? Where's my flashlight? Jeg forstår ikke de oversættelser. I don’t understand those translations. I don't understand the translations. Vår personlighet påverkas av omgivningen. Our character is affected by the environment. Our personality is affected by the environment. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka fyrstu lestina um morguninn. She advised him to catch the first train in the morning. She advised him to take the first train in the morning. Ég kemst ekki burt. I can't get away. I can't get out of here. Dette bord vakler. This table is wobbling. This table wakes up. Jeg skal lage deg litt kaffe. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Tom lejede et par skøjter. Tom rented a pair of ice skates. Tom rented a pair of shoes. Jeg kan ikke koble meg til internett. I can't connect to the Internet. I can't connect to the internet. Hon är frånvarande för att hon är sjuk. She's absent because she's sick. She's absent because she's sick. I Sydafrika må hekse flyve på kosteskaft, men ikke højere end 150 meter. In South Africa, witches can fly on broomsticks, but they cannot fly above the 150 metres limit. In South Africa, witches have to fly on a cost scale, but not more than 150 meters. Møtet er i morgen. The meeting is tomorrow. The meeting is tomorrow. Tom drak en masse til festen og endte med at gøre sig selv til grin. Tom drank a lot at the party and ended up making a fool of himself. Tom drank a lot for the party and ended up making herself laugh. Er Hr. Brown kennari? Is Mr Brown a teacher? Is Mr. Brown a teacher? Någonting hemskt kommer att hända. Something terrible will happen. Something terrible will happen. Det er ingen tvil. There's no doubt. There is no doubt. «Søren! Jeg glemte paraplyen min på toget.» «Din rotekopp!» "Damn it! I forgot my umbrella on the train." "Scatterbrain!" "Son! I forgot my umbrella on the train." "Your mess!" Jeg studerer matematikk. I study mathematics. I'm studying mathematics. Kør videre. Drive on. Go ahead. Hvor mange æg er der? How many eggs are there? How many eggs are there? Ég hef ekkert að segja þér sem stendur. I have nothing to tell you for the moment. I have nothing to say to you that stands. Der er en have foran huset. There is a garden in front of the house. There's a garden in front of the house. John vill ekki svara spurningunni. John will not answer the question. John does not want to answer the question. Hej, mit navn er Tom! Hi, my name's Tom! Hi, my name is Tom! Vi var väldigt ledsna. We were very sad. We were very sad. Jeg tror at ​​det er et grantræ. I think that it's a fir tree. I think it's a tree. Hun sælger en ny hat. She is selling a new hat. She sells a new hat. Ingen av eleverna var sen till skolan. None of the students were late for school. None of the students were late to school. Solen gemmer sig bag skyerne. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Mitt barn vill tala. My baby wants to talk. My child wants to talk. Tom lærte Mary mundaflæsning. Tom taught Mary how to read lips. Tom learned Mary’s mouth reading. Glöm det! Forget it. Forget it! Jag vill inte spela. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Han är inte snäll mot henne. He is not kind to her. He's not kind to her. 'I dag' er det 'i morgen' vi bekymrede os om i går. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. "Today, it's 'in the morning' we were worried about yesterday. Har du den her i min størrelse? Do you have this in my size? Do you have this in my size? Jeg liker ikke varme vintre. I don't like warm winters. I don't like hot winters. Tom är mycket vältränad. Tom is very fit. Tom is very well-trained. Jag kommer att gå först. I'll go first. I'll go first. Hon räddade mig från faran. She saved me from danger. She saved me from the danger. Við getum ekki breytt dagskránni okkar. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our agenda. Tom greb et brækjern for at bruge det som våben. Tom grabbed a crowbar to use as a weapon. Tom grips a brawl to use it as a weapon. Vem mer är där inne? Who else is in there? Who else is in there? De erbjöd hjälp. They offered assistance. They offered help. Titta inte. Don't look. Don't look. Det jag skrev är inte engelska. What I write is not English. What I wrote is not English. Tom är frånvarande. Tom is absent. Tom is absent. Han sammenlignede kopien med originalen. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy with the original. Jeg googler alle jeg har til jobsamtale. I google everyone that I interview for a job. I google all I have for job calls. Tom lurade mig. Tom ripped me off. Tom fooled me. Tror du jeg er en idiot? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm an idiot? Nederlandsk er nært beslektet med tysk. Dutch is closely related to German. Dutch is closely related to German. Jag tar dina väskor. I'll grab your bags. I'll take your bags. Boken kostar fem dollar. The book costs five dollars. The book costs five dollars. Vi snakket om mange ting. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Under ingen omstændigheder! No way! In no circumstances! Oroa dig inte. Det är enkelt. Don't worry. It's easy. Don't worry, that's easy. Hvar eru foreldrini hjá tær? Where are your parents? Where are the parents of her parents? Tom hefur búið í Chicago í ár. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom has lived in Chicago this year. Disse pengesedler er ægte. These bank notes are genuine. These banknotes are real. Jag kunde inte stoppa Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. Solsystemet har nu kun otte planeter da Pluto, som var den niende, er blevet omklassificeret som en dværgplanet. The Solar System has only eight planets now as Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. The solar system has now only eight planets when Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. Han åbnede døren. He opened the door. He opened the door. Översätt inte den här meningen! Do not translate this sentence! Do not translate this sentence! Den här hemlösa mannen spelar piano vackert. This homeless man plays piano beautifully. This homeless man plays piano beautifully. Dan gick ut som näst bäst i sin årskurs. Dan graduated second in his class. Dan went out as best in his annual course. Jeg har ikke lyst til at arbejde der mere. I don't want to work there anymore. I don't want to work there anymore. Du måste lämna Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Hvordan fandt hun ud af det? How did she find out about that? How did she find out? Så kan Tom inte göra. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Jag vet var han bor. Men det är en hemlighet. I know where he lives. But it is a secret. I know where he lives, but it's a secret. Vilka vill ni prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hon hjälpte den gamla mannen över vägen. She helped the old man cross the road. She helped the old man across the road. Tom är ängslig. Tom is anxious. Tom is blind. Hon kan inte stoppa mig. She can't stop me. She can't stop me. Eg høyrde at du var oppteken heile ettermiddagen. I heard that you were busy all afternoon. I heard you were busy all afternoon. Tom undrade om han någonsin skulle få se Maria igen. Tom wondered if he'd ever see Mary again. Tom wondered if he would ever see Maria again. Hun var kledd i rødt. She was dressed in red. She was dressed in red. Dette er en betalt annonce. This is a paid advertisement. This is a paid ad. Är du säker på att det här är Toms kontor? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Jeg ønskede ikke at lave mad. I didn't want to cook. I didn't want to cook. Mary er aldrig nogensinde blevet inviteret ud på en date. Mary has never ever been asked out on a date. Mary has never been invited out on a date. Det er en rimelig pris. This is a reasonable price. It's a reasonable price. Tom er ekki sonur minn. Tom is not my son. Tom is not my son. Skriv inte så där. Skriv så här. Don't write like that. Write like this. Don't write like this. Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Jeg er gravid. I'm expecting. I'm pregnant. Dette skal nok muntre dig op. This ought to cheer you up. It's going to get you up. København er en cykelvenlig by. Copenhagen is a bike-friendly city. Copenhagen is a bicycle-friendly city. Vilken är din favoritsaga? What's your favorite fairy tale? What is your favorite story? Tom var veldig pysete, og besvimte bare av synet av blod. Tom was very squeamish and would pass out at the sight of blood. Tom was very pysote, and only fainted from the sight of blood. Tom är illa ute. Tom is in trouble. Tom's bad out. Latin er et dødt sprog. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Hun er fra Frankrig. She is from France. She's from France. Við vorum allir þreyttir. We were all tired. We were all tired. Denna förordning träder i kraft från och med nästa år. This regulation will take effect from next year. This Regulation shall enter into force on the next year. Jag lyckades! I did it! I managed! Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að halda sig heima. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him that he should stay at home. Skriv på annenhver linje. Write on every other line. Write on any other line. Ikke alle læger tjener en masse penge. Not all doctors make a lot of money. Not all doctors earn a lot of money. Slog I ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Det var ikke mig der oversatte det. It wasn't me who translated this. It wasn't me who translated it. Geturðu hugsanlega hjálpað mér? Can you possibly help me? Can you help me? Ó vissulega. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Tom hatar att dansa. Tom hates dancing. Tom hates dancing. Tilbake, tilbake! Get back, get back! Back, back! Hvad blev der stjålet? What was stolen? What was stolen? Ég hitti hann í gær þegar hann sagði mér fréttirnar. I met him yesterday, when he told me the news. I met him yesterday when he told me the news. Tom tar en promenad varje eftermiddag. Tom goes for a walk every afternoon. Tom takes a walk every afternoon. Pappa skriver i dagboken sin hver dag. My father writes in his diary every day. My dad writes his diary every day. Hans kone er fransk. His wife is French. His wife is French. Vi associerar Egypten med Nilen. We associate Egypt with the Nile. We associate Egypt with the Nile. Jag blir galen. I'm going crazy. I'll be crazy. Goddag! Hvordan går det? Good day, how are you? Hello! How's it going? Gör det nu, Tom. Do it now, Tom. Do it now, Tom. Sami lytter kun til klassisk musik. Sami only listens to classical music. Sami only listens to classical music. Det er faktisk et spørgsmål, jeg tit får. That's actually a question that I get a lot. This is actually a question that I often get. Jag kan fortfarande klara det. I can still make it. I can still do it. Ímyndaðu þér að þú sért með tímavél. Imagine that you have a time machine. Imagine you have a time machine. Halló heimur! Hello, world! Hello home! Godt nytt år! Happy New Year! Good New Year! Har du sett oppskriftsboka jeg skrev? Have you seen the recipe book that I wrote? Have you seen the recipe book I wrote? Du behøver ikke komme og hente mig. I don't need you to come and get me. You don't have to come and get me. Tom slog Mary. Tom hit Mary. Tom beat Mary. Hon är utom sig av glädje. She is beside herself with joy. She's out of joy. Tom har ingen sociale færdigheder. Tom has no social skills. Tom has no social skills. Jag satte upp en liten koja i trädgården. I put up a small hut in the backyard. I set up a small cow in the garden. Hun er stofafhængig. She's addicted to drugs. She's a drug addict. Jeg fyldte badekarret. I filled the bathtub. I filled the bathtub. Dette forklarer alt! This explains everything! This explains everything! Øvelse gjør mester. Practice is the best teacher. Exercise makes champions. Hur vet du om någon är en löpare? How do you know someone is a runner? How do you know if someone is a runner? Jag gjorde ingenting. I did nothing. I did nothing. Vad är de gjorda av? What are they made of? What are they made of? Hvis bare jeg kunne hjælpe dig. I wish I could help you. If only I could help you. Tom kan inte höra dig. Tom can't hear you. Tom can't hear you. Har ni förutfattade meningar? Are you biased? Have you ever had meanings? Morðinginn var fundinn sekur og dæmdur til lífstíðarfangelsis. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The murder was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Ég er hraustur. I'm healthy. I'm scared. Jeg går til skolen på lørdag. I go to school on Saturday. I'm going to school on Saturday. Oslo är Norges huvudstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Giv mig den billigste af de to. Please give me the cheaper one. Give me the cheapest of the two. ”Jag väljer dig.” ”Varför mig?” "I choose you." "Why me?" “I choose you.” “Why me?” Jeg drak ikke kaffe. I didn't drink coffee. I didn't drink coffee. Jag skickar en faktura. I'll send you a bill. I'll send you an invoice. Din er større end min. Yours is bigger than mine. Yours is bigger than mine. Hun kan lide at se på fugle. She likes birdwatching. She likes to look at birds. Jeg ønsker aldrig at se dig igen. I never want to see you again. I never want to see you again. Jag sade att jag inte var upptagen. I said I wasn't busy. I said I wasn't busy. Dette er selvforklarende. This is self-explanatory. This is self-explanatory. Jag vet inte exakt vilken tid hon kommer. I don't know exactly what time she's coming. I don't know exactly what time she's coming. Jeg kan ikke takke dig nok. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Tom er en psykopat. Tom is a psychopath. Tom is a psychopath. Den är tom. It's empty. It's empty. Jeg havde hjemve. I was homesick. I had a home. Mér tókst að ljúka við bókina. I managed to finish the book. I finished the book. Jeg underviser. I am teaching. I teach. Hon förklarade ett skämt. She explained a joke. She explained a joke. Jag hatar alla slags insekter. I hate insects of all kinds. I hate all kinds of insects. Ég á hund og kött. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. Jag såg dig där. I saw you there. I saw you there. Alle heste er dyr, men ikke alle dyr er heste. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are expensive, but not all animals are horses. Vi kan! We can! We can! Á morgun verð ég að leggja fyrr af stað. Tomorrow I must leave earlier. Tomorrow I’ll have to leave. Varje familj har ett skelett i garderoben. Every family has a skeleton in the closet. Each family has a skeleton in the closet. God tur. Safe journey. Good luck. Du kan gå hjem hvis du vil. You may go home if you want to. You can go home if you want. Jeg ønsker å lære sannheten om sønnens død. I want to know the truth about my son's death. I want to learn the truth about the death of my son. Jag kan inte stå ut med ljudet. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand out with the sound. Hvað kostar þetta? How much does this cost? How much does it cost? For nylig er jeg blevet vant til hans måde at tale på. Recently, I've gotten used to his way of speaking. Recently I’ve been used to his way of speaking. Hør på ditt hjerte, for det lyver aldri. Listen to your heart, because it never lies. Listen to your heart, because it never lies. Ég fékk nýja myndavél. I got a new camera. I got a new camera. Jeg har en ordbog. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Stundom vurderer eg å skilja meg frå han. Now and then I think of divorcing him. Stundom I'm considering separating myself from him. Han eksploderte av latter. He burst into laughter. He exploded by laughter. Dette kraftværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies several cities with electricity. Jag måste jobba ikväll. I must work tonight. I have to work tonight. Jeg har tænkt mig at kalde ham Tom. I'm going to name him Tom. I'm going to call him Tom. Situasjonen virket håpløs. The situation seemed hopeless. The situation seemed hopeless. Peter sýndi kennaranum sínum tilhlýðilega virðingu. Peter showed due respect to his teacher. Peter showed his teachers respect. Tom lagde plastfolie over maden. Tom put a plastic wrap over the food. Tom made plastic foil over the food. Vi kan skaffa hjälp åt dig. We can get you help. We can get help for you. Du har blivit tjock. You've grown fat. You've become thick. Det er et problem du selv må løse. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. This is a problem you have to solve yourself. Medicinen var en brun væske. The medicine was a brown liquid. The medication was a brown liquid. Jag älskar den affären. I love that store. I love that deal. Bárðarbunga er i udbrud i Island. The Bárðarbunga is erupting in Iceland. Bárðarbunga is an outbreak in Iceland. Skal eg fortelje deg ein vits? Do you want me to tell you a joke? Should I tell you a joke? Hva slags hjelp trenger du? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Jeg hørte et interessant rygte. I heard an interesting rumor. I heard an interesting rumor. Jeg taler allerede fransk. I already speak French. I am already speaking French. Helen Keller var blind, døv og stum. Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute. Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute. Släpp min hand. Let go of my hand. Drop my hand. Vad sägs om den här röda mössan? How about this red hat? How about this red mouse? Eg er ganske god til å spela golf. I'm a pretty good golfer. I'm pretty good at playing golf. Hur gick det på din intervju? How did your interview go? How did it go on your interview? Er din hund døv? Is your dog deaf? Is your dog deaf? Sami sendte en e-post til sjefen. Sami e-mailed his boss. Sami sent an email to the boss. Ringede du efter en ambulance? Did you call an ambulance? Did you call an ambulance? Hur använder man ätpinnar? How do I use chopsticks? How to use ätpinner? Varje gång jag sätter på mikrovågsugnen så slutar mitt Wi-Fi att fungera, det är extremt irriterande. Every time I use my microwave oven, my Wi-Fi stops working, it's extremely irritating. Every time I put on the microwave, my Wi-Fi will stop working, it is extremely annoying. Kom, så går vi! Let's go! Come on, let's go! Það er ekkert alvarlegt. It's nothing serious. There's nothing serious. Tom kom tillbaka till Boston. Tom came back to Boston. Tom came back to Boston. Han såg genom fingrarna med det. He turned a blind eye. He looked through his fingers with it. Min lillebror ser fjernsyn. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother sees television. Jeg tænker for meget. I think too much. I'm thinking too much. Hon hatar spindlar. She hates spiders. She hates spiders. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundefoder. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he never tried to eat dog food. Tom studerer på Harvard. Tom is studying at Harvard. Tom is studying at Harvard. Jeg kan ikke stoppe. Bremserne... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. Nå alt er klart. Everything makes sense now. Now everything is clear. Jag har inte ätit någonting på sex dagar. I haven't eaten anything in six days. I haven't eaten anything in six days. Tom er allerede her, men Mary er ikke kommet ennå. Tom is already here, but Mary isn't here yet. Tom's here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Akta er! Look out! Act is! God eftermiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Dom här skorna är dyra, och dessutom är dom för små. These shoes are expensive, and what is more, they are too small. These shoes are expensive, and they are also too small. Alle innbyggerne i byen kan anvende byens biblioteker. All the citizens of the city have access to the city library. All residents of the city can use the city's libraries. Det er tydelig at han gjorde en stor tabbe. It is clear that he made a big mistake. It is obvious that he made a big loss. Vi lyssnar på musik. We listen to music. We listen to music. Jeg forventer at han kommer. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Det blev der talt om. That was being talked about. It was talked about. Jeg drikker enten kaffe eller te hver morgen. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. I drink coffee or tea every morning. Hon erövrade guldmedaljen. She took the gold medal. She won the gold medal. Vel, det skjer. Well, it happens. Well, it's happening. Hvem banker på døren? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on the door? Vent til i morgon. Wait until tomorrow. Wait until tomorrow. Jag ska göra som du säger. I'll do as you say. I'll do what you say. Jag vill inte ens ha er här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Jeg sagde noget. I said something. I said something. Jag är bekväm med det I'm confident in that. I'm comfortable with it. Toms forældre har masser af penge. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Tom's parents have lots of money. Kaffe, kød, kartofler, frugt, nødder, ost og en bog. Hvad mere har man brug for? Coffee, meat, potatoes, fruit, nuts, cheese, and a book. What more do you need? Coffee, meat, potatoes, fruit, nuts, cheese and a book. What more do you need? Æblet faldt ned fra træet. The apple fell from the tree. The apple fell from the tree. Det beror på stolens storlek. It depends on the size of the chair. That depends on the size of the chair. Du har felstavat mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You've misunderstood my name. Tsúbasa lestin er mjög hraðskreið. The Tsubasa is a very fast train. The bus train is very fast. Komið mér í burtu. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Hvem bestilte pizza? Who ordered pizza? Who ordered pizza? Jeg ønsker ikke jeres hjælp. I don't want your help. I don't want your help. Jeg har en ny e-postadresse. I have a new email address. I have a new email address. Jag tycker också om godis. I also like candy. I also like candy. Det var omöjligt att finna ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Jag vill köpa en tjeckisk tröja. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech shirt. Vi planerar en resa till New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We plan a trip to New York. Tom hadde knapt nok penger til å betale regningene sine forrige måned. Tom had barely enough money to pay his bills last month. Tom hardly had enough money to pay his bills last month. Jag går till jobbet klockan sju. I go to work at seven o'clock. I'm going to work at seven o'clock. Jeg ved, at hun har haft travlt. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. Der er en slange i haven. There's a snake in the garden. There's a snake in the garden. Hun er en grimrian. She's a dog. She's a granny. Du behøver ikke at ringe til mig. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. Økologiske grønsager er populære fordi de er sikre og velsmagende. Organic vegetables are popular because they're safe and tasty. Organic vegetables are popular because they are safe and tasty. Han vil komme til festen. He will be coming to the party. He'll come to the party. Vad är er fars namn? What's your father's name? What is your father's name? Ge mig de där pappren. Hand me those papers. Give me those peppers. Jag rörde ingenting. I didn't touch anything. I didn't touch anything. At hjælpe andre er aldrig spild af tid. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never wasted time. Toms fransk er fremragende. Tom's French is excellent. Tom's French is excellent. Det räcker! Enough! That's enough! Tom sa att han inte var intresserad av Mary, men det verkade som att han alltid tittade åt den del av rummet som hon var i. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he was not interested in Mary, but it seemed like he always looked at the part of the room that she was in. Det finns en smörgås här. There's a sandwich here. There's a sandwich here. Mor dig godt i Italien! Have fun in Italy! Mom, you're good in Italy! Jeg burde have taget mine øjendråber med mig. I should have taken my eye drops with me. I should have taken my eye drops with me. Tak for i dag. Thank you for today. Thank you today. Tom är uppe på vinden. Tom is in the attic. Tom is up on the wind. Går alt bra her? Is everything alright here? Is everything okay here? Jeg bryder mig ikke om at blive gjort til grin. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being made laugh. Den här möjligheten kan inte uteslutas. This possibility cannot be ruled out. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Det er så keisamt. It is so boring. It's so awkward. Er det vanskelig å spise med spisepinner? Is it difficult eating with chopsticks? Is it hard to eat with dinner sticks? Kælderen er fuld af vand. The basement is full of water. The basement is full of water. Tom dro ned elven på en gummiflåte. Tom went down the river on a rubber raft. Tom went down the river on a rubber plate. Hun er tiltrukket af asiatiske fyre. She's attracted to Asian guys. She is attracted to Asian guys. Jeg keder mig. I am bored. I'm sorry. Jag läser inte så många böcker som jag gjorde tidigare. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don’t read as many books as I did before. Jag tror att hon är ärlig. I believe that she is honest. I think she's honest. Jeg er interessert i fjellklatring. I am interested in mountain climbing. I'm interested in mountain climbing. I dag er det den første dag i resten af dit liv. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Today is the first day in the rest of your life. Hun var min kollega før de sa henne opp. She was my colleague before they fired her. She was my colleague before they said her up. Jag visste att vi skulle vinna. I knew we were going to win. I knew we were going to win. Katten fangede en mus. The cat caught a mouse. The cat caught a mouse. Er romanen min god? Is my novel any good? Is my novel good? Katten fangede rotterne. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Brott lönar sig inte i längden. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Broken ones don't pay in length. Drengen har mistet sit øre i en gadekamp. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. Etter at jeg hadde gjort leksene mine kunne jeg endelig se på TV. Having done my homework, I could finally watch television. After I had done my homework, I could finally watch TV. Jag tror att jag svimmade. I think I fainted. I think I was sweating. Ingen kjenner meg i Boston. Nobody knows me in Boston. Nobody knows me in Boston. Tom har lagt mere brænde på ilden. Tom put some more wood on the fire. Tom has put more fire on the fire. Auðveldara sagt en gert. Easier said than done. It was easier to say than done. Varorna som beställdes från England förra månaden har inte anlänt än. The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet. The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet. Hvad kan du lære mig? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? Stå ansigt til ansigt. Stand face to face. Stand face to face. Mary borde inte göra det. Mary shouldn't do that. Mary shouldn't do it. Jeg spiser meget kød. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. Jeg har dræbt dem begge to. I killed them both. I killed them both. Har du været væk? Have you been away? Have you been away? Denne by kaldes det japanske Danmark. This city is called the Japanese Denmark. This city is called Japanese Denmark. Har ni träffat alla här? Have you met everyone here? Have you met everyone here? Varför dansar hon inte? Why isn't she dancing? Why doesn't she dance? Du är annorlunda. You're different. You're different. Jeg kan ikke sove om natten. I can't sleep at night. I can't sleep at night. Tom ryckte på axlarna. Tom shrugged. Tom jumped on his shoulders. Sami har blivit lurad. Sami has been fooled. Sami has been deceived. Han bröt reglerna. He broke the rules. He broke the rules. Jag hindrar dig inte. I'm not stopping you. I'm not stopping you. Ég ætla með þér til Hanover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going with you to Hanover. Jeg har det bedre i dag, men jeg er ikke rask nok til at arbejde. I feel better today, but I am not well enough to work. I feel better today, but I’m not quick enough to work. Stäng din bok. Close your book. Close your book. "Tycker ni om ormar?" "Självklart inte." "Do you like snakes?" "Obviously not." “Do you think of snakes?” Livet er en dødelig seksuelt overførbar sykdom. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Är det sant? Is that so? Is that true? Kan jeg ta en beskjed? May I take a message? Can I take a message? Jag försökte att övertyga henne. I tried to convince her. I tried to convince her. Jag bär aldrig kostymer. I never wear suits. I never wear costumes. Jag pratar med läraren. I will speak with the teacher. I'm talking to the teacher. Min bror har boet i London i mange år. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has lived in London for many years. Tom ville ikke hoppe over grøften. Tom didn't want to jump across the ditch. Tom didn't want to jump over the ditch. En hund skäller. A dog is barking. A dog is eating. Boten skall betalas i kontanter. The fine shall be paid in cash. The property must be paid in cash. Sami luftede hundene. Sami walked the dogs. Sami aired the dogs. Ég var svo fúll. I was so unhappy. I was so ugly. Din cykel är mycket nyare än min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much more recent than mine. Jeg har en hund. I have one dog. I have a dog. Han slo meg to ganger. He hit me twice. He hit me twice. Barnen är blommorna i våra liv. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Ni måste göra som jag säger. You must do as I say. You have to do what I say. Var þér ekki kennd almenn skynsemi rétt eins og vélritun í skólanum sem þú sóttir? Didn't they teach you common sense as well as typing at the school where you studied? Were you not familiar with common sense just like a programming at the school you were attending? Det är olagligt att jaga giraffer. It's illegal to hunt giraffes. It is illegal to hunt giraffes. Bjørnedyr er henrivende. Tardigrades are adorable. Bears are hanged. Algeriet er ikke et vestligt land og bliver det heller ikke. Algeria is not a Western country and will not become a Western country. Algeria is not a Western country, nor will it be. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til tannlæknis en hann sagðist ekki hafa nægan tíma til þess. She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. She advised him to go to the dentist, but he said he didn’t have enough time for it. Han heldt fingeren opp mot leppa for å bede om togn. He put his finger to his lips as a sign to be quiet. He held his finger up against the lip to ask for the train. Tom var ikke vred. Tom wasn't upset. Tom wasn't angry. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said that you would come. Tom said you'd come. Hann liggur á sjúkrahúsinum. He is in hospital. He's in the hospital. "Tammi" med to m'er. Altså T-A-M-M-I. 'Tammi' with two m's. So that's T-A-M-M-I. "Tammi" with two m's, i.e. T-A-M-I. Kaffen faldt ikke rigtig i min smag. The coffee was not much to my liking. The coffee didn’t really fall in my taste. Ska vi gå hem? Are we going home? Shall we go home? Tom, Mary og John legede tagfat i skolegården. Tom, Mary and John were playing tag on the playground. Tom, Mary and John played tagfat in the schoolyard. Ingen är för gammal för att lära sig. Nobody is too old to learn. No one is too old to learn. Vi borde studera. We should study. We should study. Min farmor liker te-seremonien veldig mye. My grandmother likes the tea ceremony a lot. My grandmother likes the tea ceremony very much. Mary har allerede begynt. Mary has already started. Mary has already begun. Når drar tom til Boston? When will Tom leave for Boston? When is the time to go to Boston? Jag tror att jag missade min buss. I think I missed my bus. I think I missed my bus. Det här borde hjälpa. This ought to help. This should help. Hefði ég ekki sofið yfir mig hefði ég verið á réttum tíma í skólann. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. If I hadn’t slept over, I would have been at the right time at school. Enkelhet er nøkkelen. Simplicity is the key. The simplicity is the key. Hørte du brølet fra løverne? Did you hear the roar of the lions? Did you hear the roar from the lions? I går blev jeg fanget af en regnskylle på vej hjem. Yesterday I was caught in a shower on my way home. Yesterday I was caught by a rainstorm on my way home. Han forlangte at den vilde hund skulle holdes bundet. He demanded that the savage dog be kept tied up. He demanded that the wild dog be kept tied. Klag ikke. Don't complain. Don't blame. Mina skor måste lagas. My shoes will have to be mended. My shoes have to be made. Jeg fikk ikke beskjed. I wasn't told. I was not told. Hissa seglen! Hoist the sails! Hissa the sail! En dårlig håndværker giver værktøjet skylden. A bad tradesman blames his tools. A bad craftsman gives the tool the blame. Hvem i din klasse kan løbe hurtigst? Who can run fastest in your class? Who in your class can run the fastest? Jag köper båda de där. I'll buy both of those. I buy both of them there. Jeg sover i en stor seng. I sleep in a big bed. I sleep in a big bed. Hon försökte. She tried. She tried. Jag kunde äta en häst. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. Toms föräldrar är lärare. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Han stjæler alt muligt. He half-inches all sorts. He steals everything possible. Her er din hund. Here is your dog. Here's your dog. Vi är inte ansvariga. We're not responsible. We are not responsible. Der findes mange amerikanere som kan tale japansk. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. There are a lot of Americans who can speak Japanese. Jag åkte till Kyushu med flygplan. I went to Kyushu by airplane. I went to Kyushu with aircraft. Er dette bussen til Park Ridge? Is this the bus for Park Ridge? Is this the bus to Park Ridge? Hvar vorum við? Where were we? Where were we? Julemanden kommer med gaver til børnene til jul. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa brings gifts to the kids for Christmas. Find et arbejde! Find a job! Find a job! Det var min fejl. This was my mistake. That was my mistake. Jeg kan ikke li' at studere. I don't like studying. I can't lie to study. Det ser ud til at Tom lyver. It seems that Tom is lying. It seems Tom is lying. Er at spise økologisk pengene værd? Is eating organic food worth the money? Is eating organic money worth it? Jag har inte ätit soppan och jag kommer inte att göra det. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't do it. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í sjónvarpsgláp? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why spend so much time on television? Det hadde vært fint om Tom kunne sluttet å komme med unødvendige bemerkninger. It would be nice if Tom didn't keep making unnecessary remarks. It would have been nice if Tom could stop making unnecessary remarks. Europeerne fikk seg et overtak over alle andre sivilisasjoner for 500 år siden. Europeans gained an advantage over all other civilizations 500 years ago. The Europeans gained an excess of all other civilizations 500 years ago. Vad säger han? What does he say? What does he say? Han sitter oppe langt ut på nettene. He sits up till late at night. He sits up far on the nets. De är där inne allesammans. They're all in there. They're in there all together. Du måste lita på mig. You have to trust me. You have to trust me. Han gråter alltid när han är full. He always cries when he is drunk. He always cries when he is drunk. Tom glemte at sende et julekort til Mary. Tom forgot to send Mary a Christmas card. Tom forgot to send a Christmas card to Mary. Det engelske hold slog det brasilianske hold i den internationale fodboldturnering. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. Jeg skal reise til Boston for å treffe Tom. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'm going to Boston to see Tom. Tom är hög. Tom's stoned. Tom's high. Det er overstået. It's over. It's over. Jeg kan ikke tro mine egne øyne. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my own eyes. Smakar soppan gott? Does the soup taste good? Tastes the soup well? Ég veit ekki hvernig þú gast gert okkur þetta. I don't know how you were able to do this to us. I don't know how you made this happen. Det var urettferdig. It was unjust. It was unfair. På söndag ställer vi fram klockan. On Sunday we put the clock forward. On Sunday, we'll set off the clock. Når begynte du å lære latin? When did you start studying Latin? When did you start learning Latin? Tanzanias president var tillsammans med sin fru på statsbesök i Finland år 1998. The president of Tanzania was on a state visit to Finland in 1998 together with his wife. Tanzania's president was together with his wife on state visits in Finland in 1998. Jag borde aldrig ha börjat röka. I should never have started smoking. I should never have started smoking. Køer forsyner os med god mælk. Cows provide us with good milk. Meats supply us with good milk. Min fru är läkare. My wife is a physician. My wife is a doctor. Damen har to viktige spørsmål å spørre: Hva har jeg på meg? Og hva lager jeg til middag. The woman has two important questions to ask: What am I wearing? and what am I cooking? The lady has two important questions to ask: What do I have on me? and what do I do for dinner. Kristus är uppstånden! Christ is risen! Christ is the Resurrection! Tom er talentfuld. Tom is gifted. Tom is talented. Stoppede du for rødt? Did you stop at the red traffic light? Did you stop red? De tok oss fort igjen. They caught up with us quickly. They took us fast again. Kan du uttala de här orden? Can you pronounce these words? Can you speak these words? Jag har din nyckel. I have your key. I have your key. Min bedstefar var overtroisk. My grandfather was superstitious. My grandfather was superstitious. Ingen kan finde ud af hvor mange penge vi ødsler bort på et år. No one can determine the amount of money we waste in a year. No one can figure out how much money we spend in a year. Väck Tom och säg att frukosten är färdig. Go wake Tom up and tell him breakfast is ready. Wake up Tom and tell me breakfast is finished. Dette stykke land er mit eje. This land is my property. This piece of land is my own. Tom spekulerede på, hvor dyb floden var. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Lagnerne var gennemblødt af sved. The sheets were soaked with sweat. The layers were soaked with sweat. Han taler ikke kun fransk, han taler også spansk. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. He does not speak French, he also speaks Spanish. Har de vapen? Do they have weapons? Do they have guns? Krigen brød ud i 1939. The war broke out in 1939. The war broke out in 1939. Jeg gjorde noget lignende. I did something similar. I did something similar. Hun bed i æblet. She bit into the apple. She was in the apple. På begge sider af vejen er der kirsebærtræer. On both sides of the road there are cherry trees. On both sides of the road there are cherry trees. Jeg er en kineser. I am Chinese. I'm a Chinese. Tom og Mary har en lille gård. Tom and Mary have a small farm. Tom and Mary have a small farm. I en vellykket forhandling vinner gjerne begge parter, og ingen handler på måter som skader egne langsiktige interesser, selv om det finnes ofte en liten margin som en kan forhandle om. In a successful negotiation both parties usually win, and no one acts in a way that damages their own long-term interests, even though there is often a small margin that one can negotiate about. In a successful negotiation, both parties win, and no trades in ways that harm their own long-term interests, although there is often a small margin that one can negotiate. Tom går aldrig til fods i skole. Tom never walks to school. Tom never goes to school. Det er kaker i ovnen. There are cookies in the oven. There are cakes in the oven. Dyrnar opnuðust. The door opened. The animals opened up. Det skete i oktober sidste år. It happened last October. It happened in October last year. Vi gör ost och smör av mjölk. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter of milk. Han festar för mycket. He parties too much. He's partying too much. Ég get ekki fengið mig til að gera svona lagað. I cannot bring myself to do such a thing. I can't get myself to do this. Jag mjölkade kon. I milked the cow. I milked a wife. Hallo. Hello! Hello. Vem är han? Who is he? Who is he? Jeg har en time hos øyelegen. I have an eye appointment. I have an hour at my eyebrow. Mary siger, at hun aldrig har set dig før. Mary says she's never seen you before. Mary says she's never seen you before. När jag föddes var min mamma bara femton. When I was born, my mom was just fifteen. When I was born, my mother was only fifteen. Jeg går. I'm going. I'm leaving. Jeg kender hendes hemmelighed. I know her secret. I know her secret. Klubben har trettio medlemmar. The club has thirty members. The club has thirty members. Jeg har en stor bogsamling med amerikansk litteratur. I have a large library on American literature. I have a large book collection with American literature. Inrättningen måste skyddas. The institution must be protected. The rights must be protected. Það kann að vera að hann muni aldrei verða frægur. It may be that he will never be famous. It may be that he will never be famous. Der er ikke mere toiletpapir. There is no TP left. There is no more toilet paper. Det er for farligt! It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous! Oscar var min mors hund. Oscar was my mum's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. Jeg tror ikke på skæbnen. I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in fate. Tom vet att det är sant. Tom knows that's true. Tom knows it's true. Tom dricker inte så mycket. Tom doesn't drink much. Tom doesn't drink so much. Varför kom du inte hem igår kväll? Why didn't you come home last night? Why didn't you come home last night? Jeg var ikke forsiktig. I wasn't careful. I wasn't careful. Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl who is playing tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's have a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten minute break. Han ændrede pludselig sin holdning. He changed his attitude suddenly. He suddenly changed his attitude. Hvis jeg havde muligheden så ville jeg ganske bestemt rejse til Peking. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely travel to Beijing. Han vägrade stänga dörren. He refused to close the door. He refused to close the door. Det är ett av mina favoritord. That's one of my favorite words. This is one of my favorite words. Jag läste din rapport. I read your report. I read your report. Jeg har ting, som jeg gerne vil gøre. I have things I want to do. I have things I want to do. Hvert år er anderledes ... nogle år fanger man en masse hummere, andre år gør man ikke. Every year is different … some years you catch a lot of lobsters, some years you don't. Every year is different... a few years you catch a lot of lobsters, another year you don't. Det skete den 20. oktober. That happened on October 20th. It happened on October 20. De drømmer om den dag hvor de svømmer i penge. They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money. They dream of the day when they swim in money. Är du utom fara? Are you safe? Are you out of here? Papiret er hvidt. Paper is white. The paper is white. Jeg vil bare være med deg. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Jag älskar min mamma. I love my mother. I love my mom. Der er læbestift på din skjorteflip. There's lipstick on your collar. There's lipstick on your shirt lip. Har du en ordbok? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Tom! Vad håller du på med? Tom! What are you doing? Tom! What are you doing? Jag kan bekräfta det där. I can verify that. I can confirm that. Það var ekki eins kalt í dag eins og í gær. It is less cold today than it was yesterday. It wasn’t as cold today as yesterday. Lag A tapte kampen mot lag B. Team A lost the game against team B. Team A lost the game against team B. Välkommen till helvetet! Welcome to hell! Welcome to Hell! Vad ska du göra ikväll? What are you going to do this evening? What are you going to do tonight? Det var ikke større end en fodbold. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It was no bigger than a football. Han er gladast når han er med barneborna sine. He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren. He's happy when he's with his children. Jeg måtte løbe til stationen. I had to run to the station. I had to go to the station. Det kom att betyda mycket för byn. It will mean a lot for the village. It would mean a lot for the village. Hon har en stuga vid havet. She has a cottage by the sea. She has a cottage at the sea. Hvor enn du går, vil du aldri finne et bedre sted enn ditt eget hjem. Wherever you may go, you will not find a better place than your home. Wherever you go, you will never find a better place than your own home. Nú man ég. Now I remember. Now I remember. Han är bara en nybörjare. He is just a beginner. He's just a beginner. Vi har tiden på vår sida. Time's on our side. We have time on our side. Han skubbede mig væk. He pushed me away. He pushed me away. Tom hadde på seg en svart hatt. Tom was wearing a black hat. Tom was wearing a black hat. Vi løb tør for penge. We ran out of money. We ran out of money. Okay. Undskyld. Okay. Sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. De hører ikke på meg. They don't listen to me. They don't listen to me. Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálf? Did you do your homework by yourself? Do you need your own home? Vi träffar Tom senare. We'll meet Tom later. We'll meet Tom later. Vi ligger efter i tid. We're behind schedule. We're in time. Man inviterede ham ikke. He was not invited. You didn't invite him. Hversu gömul er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Han förstår Er inte. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Det här är bilden som jag tog på Toms hus. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took at Tom's house. Det er deilig å spasere om natten. There's something wonderful about night walks. It's nice to walk at night. Tom använde inte ordet ”omöjligt”. Tom didn't use the word "impossible." Tom didn’t use the word “unfortunate.” Tar ni emot dricks? Do you accept tips? Do you accept drinking? Han sa att han har älskat mig sedan mellanstadiet. He told me that he loved me since middle school. He said he loved me since the middle stage. Jeg var ret afslappet. I was pretty relaxed. I was pretty relaxed. Der ligger nogle bøger på Toms skrivebord. There are some books on Tom's desk. There are some books on Tom's desk. Tom sa at han ikke visste hvorfor Mary ville slå opp med ham. Tom said he didn't know why Mary wanted to break up with him. Tom said he didn't know why Mary would beat up with him. Hvem var på festen utenom Jack og Mary? Who was at the party beside Jack and Mary? Who was at the party except Jack and Mary? Hans første militære erfaringer fandt sted i krigen mellem det britiske kolonirige og boerne, som ønskede uafhængighed. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence. His first military experience took place in the war between the British colonial and the settlers who wanted independence. Pappír brennur auðveldlega. Paper burns easily. Paper burns easily. Han er redd. He is afraid. He's scared. Vil De have hvidvin eller rødvin? Would you like white wine or red? Do you want white wine or red wine? Kan jag tänka på saken? Can I think about it? Can I think of it? Penge er ikke alt. Money isn't everything. Money is not everything. Hon har marginaliserat sig själv. She has marginalized herself. She has marginalized herself. Och vad sa de till mig? And what did they tell me? And what did they say to me? Kvinnor vill också ha sex. Women want to have sex too. Women also want sex. Han tycker mycket om musik. He is very fond of music. He likes music. Tom så Mary i det fjerne. Tom saw Mary in the distance. Tom saw Mary in the distance. Det er to jenter i lekeplassen. There are two girls in the playground. There are two girls in the playground. Jag såg en vit hund hoppa över staketet. I saw a white dog jump over the fence. I saw a white dog jumping over the fence. Han är min bror, inte min far. He is my brother, not my father. He's my brother, not my father. Detta är ett gott tecken. This is a good sign. This is a good sign. Vi er veldig glade for å ha henne her. We are very pleased to have her here. We are very happy to have her here. I går var det søndag, ikke lørdag. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Jag önskar bara att jag kunde hjälpa er alla. I only wish I could help all of you. I just wish I could help you all. Én, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Vi anbefaler på det sterkeste å benytte en av tre forhåndssatte modusene for å oppnå optimale resultater. We highly recommend using one of three preset modes to achieve optimal results. We recommend using one of three pre-set modes to achieve optimal results. Naboens hund gør hele tiden. The dog next door is always barking. The neighbor’s dog does all the time. Eyðið peningum og njótið lífsins! Spend money and enjoy life! Spend money and enjoy life! Jag försöker lära mig engelska. I'm trying to learn English. I try to learn English. Han prøvde å slutte å røyke flere ganger, uten hell. He tried to give up smoking several times, but failed. He tried to stop smoking several times, without success. Bilurin er bláur. The car is blue. The car is blue. Din ætt skal ta sine fienders porter i eie, og i din ætt skal alle jordens folk velsignes, fordi du lød mitt ord. 'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.' Your family will take the gates of your enemies in your own land, and in your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you sounded my word. Tom kan inte ersättas. Tom can't be replaced. Tom cannot be replaced. Tom liker indisk mat. Tom likes Indian food. Tom likes Indian food. Tom är inte på. Tom's not in. Tom's not on. Nesten river ingen mann fra hesten. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Almost no one gets rid of the horse. Hva skal du gjøre i sommerferien? What're you going to do during your summer vacation? What to do in the summer vacation? Tom gav ikke tegn, før han skiftede vognbane. Tom didn't signal before changing lanes. Tom didn't give a sign until he changed the carriage path. Mér finnst gaman að ferðast og kynnast nýju fólki. I like to travel and meet new people. I like to travel and meet new people. Jag måste säga någonting. I must say something. I have to say something. Jag kommer att skjuta dig. I'll shoot you. I'll shoot you. Hún fylgdi honum til Japan. She accompanied him to Japan. She followed him to Japan. Jag är inte bra på att dansa. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not good at dancing. Gør det til en delt mappe. Make that a shared folder. Make it a shared folder. Kossan säger ”mu”, tuppen säger ”kuckeliku”, grisen säger ”nöff, nöff”, ankan säger ”kvack, kvack” och katten säger ”mjau”. The cow goes "moo," the rooster goes "cock-a-doodle-doo," the pig goes "oink, oink," the duck goes "quack, quack" and the cat goes "meow." Kossan says “mu”, the tip says “kuckelíku”, the pig says “neföff, öffff”, the duck says “quack, quack” and the cat says “mjau”. Tom snavade och föll. Tom tripped and fell. Tom sneaked and fell. Jag har mitt eget jobb. I have my own job. I have my own job. Et, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Brug GNU/Linux. Use GNU/Linux. Use GNU/Linux. Danmark er det sydligste af de nordiske lande og ligger sydvest for Sverige og syd for Norge. Denmark is, among the Nordic countries, the southernmost, and is to the southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Denmark is the southernmost of the Nordic countries and is located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Det tager os fem minutter at gå igennem tunnelen. It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. Sami blev jätte aggressiv. Sami got extremely aggressive. Sami became very aggressive. Tom hefur staðið sig vel. Tom has done well. Tom has gone well. Rygning er ikke tilladt i denne bygning. Smoking isn't allowed in this building. Smoking is not allowed in this building. Fandt Tom dem? Did Tom find them? Did Tom find them? De som var til stede var veldig glade for nyhetene. Those who were present were very glad at the news. Those who were present were very happy with the news. Han stoppade näsduken i sin ficka. He tucked the handkerchief in his pocket. He stopped his nose in his pocket. Viltu einfalda eða tvöfalda? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want to simplify or double? Jeg hader cigaretrøg. I hate cigarette smoke. I hate cigarette smoke. Jag behöver de här pengarna. I need this money. I need these money. Tom trodde på allt som Maria sa. Tom believed everything that Mary said. Tom believed in everything that Mary said. Hvor er det forfærdeligt. How horrible! That's terrible. Jag skadade min vänstra arm. I hurt my left arm. I hurt my left arm. Pas på hunden! Beware of the dog! Watch the dog! Har du en bedre pris å tilby? Can you give me a better price? Do you have a better price to offer? De gav Maria smeknamnet Nyckelpigan, eftersom hon som barn var pytteliten och mycket livlig. They nicknamed Mary 'Ladybug' because when she was little, she was very tiny and active. They gave Maria the nickname Keypigan, because she as a child was a petite and very lively. Ég trúi því ekki að þú hafir aldrei heyrt um hana. I don't believe I've ever heard of her. I can't believe you've never heard of it. Jeg mistede alt hvad jeg havde. I lost everything I had. I lost everything I had. Hesin bilurin er vakrari enn tykkara. This car is prettier than yours. Caterpillars are much shorter than males. Jag försöker att få tag i Tom. I'll try to reach Tom. I'm trying to get Tom. Han mødte sin ven medens han badede i havet. He met his friend while bathing in the sea. He met his friend with him bathing in the sea. Mig langar að fara út með þér í kvöld. I want to go with you tonight. I want to go out with you tonight. Hon rörde om i kaffet med en sked. She stirred her coffee with a spoon. She touched the coffee with a spoon. Det är okej med mig. I'm fine. It's okay with me. Ég er ekki fæddur í gær. I wasn't born yesterday! I was not born yesterday. Vad säger de? What are they saying? What do they say? Jag har många samtal att ringa. I have a lot of calls to make. I have a lot of conversations to call. Det är min brors. It's my brother's. That's my brother's. Hvem er mannen som spiller violin? Who's the man playing the violin? Who is the man who plays violin? Hvornår har du sidst hørt fra Tom? When did you last hear from Tom? When did you last hear from Tom? Jag var med någon. I was with someone. I was with someone. Hvem er min lærer? Who's my teacher? Who is my teacher? Den är konstig. It's strange. It's weird. Vad är problemet med det? What's the problem with that? What is the problem with that? Jag ångrar att jag inte åkte dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I regret not going there. Tom är neurolog. Tom is a neurologist. Tom is neurologist. Jag återlämnade den. I gave it back. I returned it. Alle lo af min idé. Everyone laughed at my idea. Everyone laughed of my idea. Titta på hajarna. Look at the sharks. Look at the sharks. Dette er virkelig sjokkerende. This is really shocking. This is really shocking. Jag sov väldigt bra. I slept very well. I slept very well. Það er ekki skrítið að börnum fækki líka. It isn't strange that the number of children decreases, too. It’s not funny that children are born too. Synes du virkelig at Tom og Mary er pålitelige? Do you really think Tom and Mary are trustworthy? Do you really think Tom and Mary are reliable? Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. You don't have to do it right away. Der er ingen hund i haven. There's no dog in the yard. There is no dog in the garden. I løbet af natten stak en hveps mig i tindingen. During the night, a wasp stung me in the temple. Throughout the night, a peep struck me in the tin. Varför går inte människor i ide? Why don't people hibernate? Why don't people go into ideas? Å være, eller ikke være, det er spørsmålet. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be, or not to be, that is the question. På grensen ble jeg bedt om å vise pass. I was asked to show my passport at the border. On the border, I was asked to show passports. Glem ikke at tage skraldet ud! Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take the garbage out! Døren ble åpnet av en høy mann. The door was opened by a tall man. The door was opened by a high man. Hann tók þunga kassann niður af hillunni. He took the heavy box down from the shelf. He took the heavy box down the hill. Tom var min hjälte. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. Jag åker till Boston nästa månad. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Varje mening som är närvarande på Tatoeba är en lögn. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Every opinion present in Tatoeba is a lie. De kommer att leta efter hjälp. They'll be looking for help. They will look for help. Løva et kjøtt. The lion eats meat. Eat a meat. Tom dog ensam. Tom died alone. Tom died alone. Mina fingrar har domnat. My fingers are numb. My fingers have passed. Prisene vil fortsette å stige. Prices will continue to rise. Prices will continue to rise. Hvad er årsagen? What's the cause? What is the reason? Jorden adskiller sig fra de andre planeter ved at der findes vand på den. The earth is different from the other planets in that it has water. The Earth is different from the other planets in that there is water on it. I går kveld høyrde eg på radio. I listened to the radio last night. Last night I heard on radio. Det er mange steder å se her i området. There are a lot of places to see around here. There are many places to see in this area. Tom river bladene sammen i haven. Tom is raking the leaves together in the garden. Tom rips the leaves together in the garden. Du behöver bara be om den. You only have to ask for it. You just need to ask for it. De var sårbara. They were vulnerable. They were vulnerable. Nu när du är vuxen borde du veta bättre. Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better. Now that you are an adult, you should know better. Får jag komma med? Can I join in? Can I come with you? Den var svart. It was black. It was black. Men hva gjør du hvis han ikke kommer? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what do you do if he doesn't come? Jag satte den tillbaka. I put it back. I put it back. Annað hvort okkar verður valið. You or I will be chosen. Either of us will be chosen. De skal emigrere til USA. They are going to emigrate to America. They're going to emigrate to the United States. Tom er nonbinær. Tom is nonbinary. Tom is nonbinary. Vi lukkede kufferten. We closed the suitcase. We closed the suitcase. Hun så aldrig sin far igen. She never saw her father again. She never saw her father again. Fortæl mig hvor filerne skal sendes hen. Tell me where to send the files. Tell me where the files are to be sent. Du håller på att kväva mig. You're choking me. You're breaking me. Regningen, tak. The bill, please. The rules, please. Við höfum ekki tíma. We don't have time. We don't have time. Jag vill att du berättar allting som hände. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell everything that happened. Er alle søstrene dine eldre enn deg? Are all of your sisters older than you? Are all your sisters older than you? Drik ikke så mange øl. Go easy on the beer! Don't drink so many beer. Tom är inte tjock. Tom's not fat. Tom is not thick. Tom var den ende som inte kunde franska. Tom was the only one who didn't know how to speak French. Tom was the only one who could not French. Jag skulle vilja pröva det här. I'd like to try this. I'd like to try this. Hann er hennar vinur. He is her friend. He's her friend. Velkomin til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berbisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood Berbian. Þau búa í nýju húsi nærri almenningsgarðinum. They live in a new house near the park. They live in a new house near the public park. Straumurinn er til suðurs. The drift of the current is to the south. The stream is to the south. Det regnede. It rained. It rained. Tag en pause. Take a break. Take a break. Tom þekkti Mary. Tom knew Mary. Tom knew Mary. Jeg er ikke stærk nok. I'm not strong enough. I'm not strong enough. Vores flag er rødt og sort. Our flag is red and black. Our flag is red and black. Jeg så et til-salg-skilt på Toms hus. I saw a for sale sign on Tom's house. I saw a sale sign on Tom's house. Jag vill be dig om en tjänst. I want to ask a favor of you. I want to ask you for a favor. Tom är ledsen. Tom's sad. Tom's sorry. Han Tom er sjuk. Tom's sick. He Tom's sick. Tom, Mary og Alex lever i et polyamorøst forhold. Tom, Mary, and Alex are in a polyamorous relationship. Tom, Mary and Alex live in a polyamorous relationship. Tom besøker aldri Maria lenger. Tom never visits Mary anymore. Tom never visits Maria anymore. Jeg har glemt hans navn. I forget his name. I forgot his name. Tom är skild. Tom's divorced. Tom is different. Jag behövde det här. I needed this. I needed this. När jag frågade honom efteråt verkade det som han inte hade menat det som ett skämt. When I asked afterwards it seems he hadn't said that as a joke. When I asked him afterwards, it seemed like he didn’t mean it as a joke. Jeg har tre stykker bagage. I have three pieces of baggage. I have three pieces of luggage. Ég bankaði á hurðina en enginn kom til dyra. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked the door, but no one came to the door. Min kone er polak. My wife is Polish. My wife is Polak. Det er ikke min feil. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Kast anker! Drop the anchor! Roll anchor! Deltager du i maratonet? Do you participate in the marathon? Are you participating in the marathon? Jeg er dårlig til å svømme. I'm bad at swimming. I'm bad at swimming. Algeriet er plaget af korruption. Algeria is plagued by corruption. Algeria is plagued by corruption. Det er en høflig måde at sige nej på. It's a polite way of saying no. It's a polite way to say no. Hun taler arabisk. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Jag kan få in oss. I can get us in. I can get in. Jeg har lest denne boken før. I have read the book before. I've read this book before. Spiser du ikke til aften sammen med os? Won't you join us for dinner? Don't you eat tonight with us? Jag skrev över bilen på min make. I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse. I wrote over the car on my husband. Har du billigere siddepladser? Do you have any cheaper seats? Do you have cheaper seats? Tom tycker att jag har rätt. Tom thinks I'm right. Tom thinks I'm right. Vejen er glat. Kør langsomt! The road is slippery. Drive slowly. The road is smooth, run slowly! Jeg ville gerne se dig før jeg tager af sted til Europa. I'd like to see you before I leave for Europe. I wanted to see you before I go to Europe. Har du besøkt Roma? Have you ever visited Rome? Have you visited Rome? Det är inte Toms fel. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Jeg har skrevet ferdig rapporten. I've finished typing the report. I've finished the report. Tom cykler til skole. Tom goes to school by bicycle. Tom bikes to school. "Den Nye Aftale" er Bibelens anden del. "The New Testament" is the second part of the Bible. “The New Agreement” is the second part of the Bible. Gummihandskerne ligger under vasken. The rubber gloves are under the sink. Rubber gloves are under the sink. Sikke et vejr. What weather ! What a weather. Sumatra er en ø. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Varför tog du med den? Why did you bring it? Why did you take it? Er einhver þarna? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Fuglen var halvt så stor som en høg. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half as big as a tall one. Jag gick inte, utan stannade hemma. I didn't go, but stayed at home. I didn't go, but I stayed at home. Bíllinn bilaði. The car broke down. The car was parked. Tom har hjulpet. Tom helped out. Tom has helped. Han tog hen til isenkræmmeren efter en skovl. He went to the hardware store to get a shovel. He went to the ice chauffeur after a forest. Hun avviste forslaget hans. She turned down his proposal. She rejected his proposal. Ég fæ mér morgunmat klukkan sjö. I have breakfast at seven. I'll have breakfast at seven o'clock. Jag har mer än nog. I have more than enough. I have more than enough. Tom fortalte alle at han ikke kendte Mary. Tom told everyone that he didn't know Mary. Tom told everyone he didn't know Mary. Det tog ham tre måneder at lære at cykle. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn to cycle. Någon fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's been taken. Låt oss hålla kontakten med varandra. Let's keep in touch with each other. Let's stay in touch with each other. Jag kan stå upp för mig själv. I can handle myself. I can stand up for myself. Verdens ressourcer er begrænsede. The world's resources are limited. The resources of the world are limited. Jeg reiste til Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Ferdigmatprodusenter gir konsumentene inntrykk av at de forbereder maten selv. Pre-cooked food manufacturers give the consumer the impression that they themselves prepare the food. Skilled manufacturers give consumers the impression that they prepare their food themselves. Har du någonsin sett Buckingham Palace? Have you ever seen Buckingham Palace? Have you ever seen Buckingham Palace? Skulle du kunna skriva ner länken till den sajten? Would you be able to write down the link to the site? Could you write down the link to that site? Hvilken farve har din kones øjne? What color are your wife's eyes? What color does your wife’s eyes have? Vi är båda mycket äldre nu. We're both a lot older now. We are both much older now. Jim er að vökva garðinn. Jim is watering the garden. Jim is watering the garden. Jeg har ikke søstre. I don't have any sisters. I don't have sisters. Rumrejser ansås for at være umuligt. Space travel was thought to be impossible. Space travel is considered impossible. Han gav mig ett exempel. He gave me an example. He gave me an example. Kirsebærtræerne blomstrer. The cherry trees are in bloom. The cherry trees bloom. Det er en skør idé. This is a crazy idea. It's a crazy idea. Jeg deler lejlighed med Tom. I share an apartment with Tom. I share an apartment with Tom. Jeg kan ikke. Det er for tungt. I can't. It's too heavy. I can't. It's too heavy. Köpte du den på svarta marknaden? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper does not absorb ink. Jag är inte på väg någonstans. I am not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. Elizabeth blev udsat for tåregas. Elizabeth got maced. Elizabeth was exposed to tear gas. Jeg elsker at gå i biografen. I love going to the cinema. I love going to the cinema. Vi var nødt til at blive inde på grund af regnen. We couldn't go out because of the rain. We had to stay inside because of the rain. Kofferten min er ødelagt. My suitcase is broken. My suitcase has been destroyed. Alexa er en politibetjent. Alexa is a cop. Alexa is a police officer. Dei vaskar hendene. They're washing their hands. They wash their hands. Udbred esperanto! Spread Esperanto! Spreaded Esperanto! Den her nederdel er lidt for stram. This skirt is a little too tight. This skirt is a bit too tight. Tom ser alldeles skräckslagen ut. Tom looks absolutely terrified. Tom looks completely terrified. Mary har blomster i sit hår. Mary has flowers in her hair. Mary has flowers in her hair. Jeg sagde godnat til ham. I told him good night. I said good to him. De der forener sig, er ikke bange! Those who unite are not afraid. Those who unite are not afraid. Du har ødelagt alt. You've ruined everything. You've ruined everything. Du blev tillsagd att stanna på skeppet. You were told to stay on the ship. You were told to stay on the ship. Ég veit það ekki. I don't know. I don't know. Hilsener! Greetings! Greetings! Ingen har en fastnettelefon i dag. Nobody has a landline these days. No one has a fixed phone today. Ég hef verið kvíðinn yfir heilsufari þínu. I have been anxious about your health. I was worried about your health. Vill ni äta något? Do you want something to eat? Do you want to eat something? Du ser så blek ut. You look very pale. You look so pale. Vær ikke selvisk, unge pige! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, young girl! Jeg har ingen kærlighedsproblemer. I don't have any love problems. I have no love problems. Du har beskyldt ham for at have stjålet cyklen. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You've accused him of stealing the bike. Bill stod opp tidlig for å nå det første toget. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Bill came up early to reach the first train. Jeg er sikker. I'm certain. I'm sure. Kan jeg snakke med deg alene et øyeblikk? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a moment? Tom viste sig at være spion. Tom turned out to be a spy. Tom turned out to be a spy. 40 dollar for syv dage. 40 dollars for seven days. $40 for seven days. Regnið fylgir mér hvert sem er! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain follows me wherever it is! Du kan læse fransk, ikke sandt? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? Jeg har en venn. I have a friend. I have a friend. Hur mår du nu? How are you now? How are you now? Kan vi använda den här? Can we use this? Can we use this? „Mun hann koma?“ „Nei, það held ég ekki.“ "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." “Does he come?” “No, I don’t think so.” Jag kommer snart träffa honom I'll go meet him soon. I'll see him soon. Líkurnar eru að frumvarpinu verði hafnað. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. It is believed that the radio will be rejected. Það er þér fyrir bestu að fylgja ráðleggingum læknisins. It would be best for you to follow the doctor's orders. It is best to follow your doctor’s advice. Är du upptagen? Are you busy? Are you busy? Det här borde inte vara så svårt. This shouldn't be too hard. This should not be so difficult. Jag ser henne två, tre gånger i månaden. I see her two, three times a month. I see her two, three times a month. Tom er den der gjorde det. Tom is the one who did that. Tom is the one who did it. Tom taler ikke meget fransk. Tom doesn't speak much French. Tom doesn't speak very French. Jag håller inte med, det är inte rasistiskt att använda ordet ”ras”. I disagree. It's not racist to use the word "race." I don't agree, it's not racist to use the word "ras." Det är något fel på honom. There's something wrong with him. There's something wrong with him. Den hund sprang. That dog jumped. That dog ran. Enig. Agreed. Enig. Tom købte en rød bil. Tom bought a red car. Tom bought a red car. Hvis du ikke bryder dig om moderne musik, så er denne koncert ikke noget for dig. If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert. If you don’t like modern music, this concert isn’t for you. Jeg vil ha mer detaljert informasjon. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. Hallo verden! Hello, world! Hello world! Talentfulde mennesker bliver født hver dag. Talented people are born every day. Many people are born every day. Må jeg stille dig et spørgsmål? Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question? Jörðin er um sex sinnum stærri en tunglið. The earth is about six times as large as the moon. The Earth is about six times larger than the Moon. Det er irriterande å jobbe med Tom fordi han innrømmer aldri feila sine. Tom's an irritating person to work with because he'll never admit it when he's made a mistake. It is annoying to work with Tom because he never admits his mistakes. Tom blev nervøs. Tom became nervous. Tom got nervous. Gjorde jag allt det där? Did I do all that? Did I do all that? Ha en fin kveld. Have a nice evening. Have a nice night. Tom kan godt lide lakrids. Tom likes licorice. Tom likes salmonrids. Det høres ganske bra ut. That sounds pretty good. It sounds pretty good. Man skal lære så længe man lever. You never stop learning. You have to learn as long as you live. Han tog hævn. He took revenge. He took revenge. Den här staden är vacker året runt. This town is pretty year-round. This city is beautiful all year round. Jeg leger med min kat. I'm playing with my cat. I play with my cat. Eg vart sett stygt på då eg spurde etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I was seen sick when I asked for my prescription at the local medical office. Phoenix er höfuðborg Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Þú gerir mig hamingjusama. You make me happy. You make me happy. Jeg husker at hun hadde på seg en grønn hatt. I remember that she wore a green hat. I remember having a green hat. Nej, jag tittar inte på CNN. No, I don't watch CNN. No, I'm not looking at CNN. En bläckfisk har tio armar. A squid has ten arms. A hatchfish has ten arms. Jeg prøver at levne plads til dessert. I'm trying to save room for dessert. I'm trying to live a place for dessert. I Europa startar skolorna i september. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe, schools start in September. Muren er dækket af graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. Den är gjord av skinn. It's made of leather. It is made of leather. Det där är en bit paj. That's a piece of pie. That's a bit of a pie. Það er stórt gat í sokkabuxunum þínum. There is a big hole in your stocking. There's a big hole in your socks. Er det fransk de taler? Are they speaking French? Is the French they speak? Tom sagde til mig at jeg skulle have sagt ja. Tom told me that I should have said yes. Tom told me I should have said yes. Hvor tog du dine sko af? Where did you take your shoes off? Where did you take your shoes off? Han skar det med kniven som han havde fået som gave fra sin bror. He cut it with the knife that he received as a present from his brother. He cuts it with the knife he had received as a gift from his brother. Jeg har nu et andet arbejde. I have another job now. I now have another job. Hun sparede op til trange tider. She saved money for a rainy day. She saved up to tight times. Tom fyldte det tomme glas med is. Tom filled the empty glass with ice. Tom filled the empty glass with ice. Jeg vejer mig. I am weighing myself. I'm going. Ég kann ekki að syngja. I can't sing. I can't sing. Tom har en stor hund. Tom has a big dog. Tom has a big dog. Ég ætla að kveðja hana á flugvellinum klukkan tvö. I'm going to see her off at the airport at 2:00. I'll say goodbye to her at the airport at two o'clock. Jag är kvinna. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Ge din sittplats till Tom. Give Tom your seat. Give your seat to Tom. Den här tanden sitter löst. This tooth is wobbly. This tooth is loose. Har du set mine nøgler? Jeg troede, jeg havde lagt dem på spisebordet. Have you seen my keys? I thought that I left them on the dining room table. Have you seen my keys? I thought I had put them on the table. Ikke besvim. Don't pass out on me. Don't faint. Tom døde i en brand. Tom died in a fire. Tom died in a fire. Jag tycker fortfarande inte om det. I still don't like it. I still don't like it. Tom kan inte se dig. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Vi vill ha en sak. We want one thing. We want one thing. Gudskelov! Thank God. God's Law! Hvenær hittirðu hann? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Jeg mødes med Tom i morgen. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. Jag skulle inte göra det. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. Jag arbetar här nu. I'm working here now. I'm working here now. Båda mina föräldrar var arbetslösa, men det hindrade dem inte från att ta väl hand om mig och mina 23 syskon. Both of my parents were unemployed, but they didn't let that stop them from properly looking after me and my 23 brothers and sisters. Both my parents were unemployed, but it did not prevent them from taking care of me and my 23 siblings. Jeg har livsforsikring. I have life insurance. I have life insurance. Jeg tror vi har funnet ut av det nå. I think we've got it figured out now. I think we've found out of it now. Jeg skipper nogle gange morgenmaden. I sometimes skip breakfast. I sometimes skip the breakfast. För mig är det mycket mer intressant att åka skidor än att åka skridskor. To me, skiing is far more interesting than skating. For me, it’s much more interesting to ski than to go skiing. Jag oroar mig inte så mycket om mitt CV. I don't worry so much about my resume. I don’t worry much about my CV. Det var et stort jordskjelv i går natt. There was a big earthquake last night. It was a big earthquake last night. Skrev du under det? Did you sign it? Did you get under it? Det er meget farligt. That's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Dei andre kjem om nokre få minutt. The others will arrive in a few minutes. The others come in a few minutes. Er virkilega hægt að spá fyrir um jarðskjálfta? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Is it really possible to predict the earthquake? Sumarið virðist loksins vera komið. Summer seems to have come at last. The summer seems to have finally arrived. Hun er en berømt sopran. She is famous as a soprano. She's a famous soprano. Jeg har brug for palliativ behandling. I need palliative care. I need palliative treatment. Må jeg åbne vinduerne? May I open the windows? Can I open the windows? Du behöver inte göra det där nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do that now. Han startar alltid till jobbet kl. 8.00. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always starts at work at 8 p.m. Þess vegna var ég seinn í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That’s why I was late yesterday. Tom ville gerne se Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. På grund av den dåliga skörden har vetepriset gått upp de senaste sex månaderna. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months. Due to the bad harvest, the winter price has risen in the last six months. Jeg holdt op med at ryge. I stopped smoking. I stopped smoking. Jag bad honom att koka lite té. I asked him to warm up some tea. I asked him to cook a bit. Skibet gik op i flammer. The ship went up in flames. The ship went into flames. Hyggelig å treffe deg, fru Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones. Han har en stor restaurang nära sjön. He has a big restaurant near the lake. He has a large restaurant near the lake. Du er en meget heldig mand. You are a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Sauron vil have hver en hobbit til at frygte ham. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Jeg tok en drosje for å nå toget. I took a taxi to reach the train. I took a taxi to reach the train. Ni är så heta. You're so hot. You're so hot. Blandt deltagerne glimrede præsident Shimon Peres ved sit fravær. Among the participants, President Shimon Peres was conspicuous by his absence. Among the participants, President Shimon Peres smiled at his absence. Tom började prata. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. En minderårig är beroende av sina föräldrar. A minor is dependent on his parents. A minor is dependent on his parents. I tillegg til å vera ein god lærar, var ho òg ein flittig student. In addition to being a good teacher, she was a great scholar. In addition to being a good teacher, she was also a diligent student. Við komumst inn í húsið gegnum gluggann. We gained access to the house through the window. We get into the house through the window. Hun købte et armbåndsur til mig. She bought me a wristwatch. She bought a bracelet for me. Undskyld! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Indtil i går havde jeg aldrig set Tom danse. Until yesterday, I had never seen Tom dance. Until last night I had never seen Tom dance. Du skulle inte njuta av det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't enjoy it. Förstår ni? Understand? Do you understand? Var kan man köpa bussbiljetter? Where do you buy bus tickets? Where to buy bus tickets? Jeg læser ofte. I often read. I often read. Jeg forlod Australien den 20. oktober. I left Australia on October 20th. I left Australia on October 20. Härlig! Wonderful! Lovely! Han försökte få mig att skratta. He tried to make me laugh. He tried to make me laugh. Tog du med frallor? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring a call? Marys hund er meget lydig. Mary's dog is very obedient. Mary's dog is very obedient. Hvor er nærmeste bank? Where is the nearest bank? Where is the nearest bank? Tom är halsstarrig. Tom's headstrong. Tom's a scarf. Mayday, mayday! Mayday, mayday! Mayday, mayday! Hva er det du vil vite? What is it you want to know? What do you want to know? Hun tok seg av barnet. She looked after the child. She took care of the child. Jeg har brug for en hammer. I need a hammer. I need a hammer. Dette er mitt råd. This is my advice. This is my advice. Han drog sit sidste åndedrag. He breathed his last breath. He pulled his last breath. Tom flyktet fra fangenskap flere ganger. Tom fled from captivity several times. Tom fled captivity several times. Eg lagar frukost no. I'm making breakfast now. I make breakfast now. Sverige är Skandinaviens största land. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is Scandinavia’s largest country. De leker gärna i snön. They like to play in the snow. They would love to play in the snow. Han köpte nya handskar. He bought new gloves. He bought new gloves. Tom har ofta på sig en hatt. Tom often wears a hat. Tom often wears a hat. Jeg ønsker du skal dø. I want you to die. I want you to die. Han er omtrent på din alder. He is about your age. He's about your age. Ég hitti hana einstaka sinnum á skemmtistaðnum. I meet her on occasion at the club. I met her on a few occasions at the amusement park. Han er en idiot. He is an idiot. He's an idiot. Dine drømme er næsten lige så forvrængede som mine mareridt. Your dreams are almost as twisted as my nightmares. Your dreams are almost as distorted as my nightmares. Hur lång tid har vi? How long have we got? How long do we have? Tom satte et loppehalsbånd på sin hund. Tom put a flea collar on his dog. Tom put a flea collar on his dog. Han frågade mig om jag gillade matte. He asked me if I like maths. He asked me if I liked math. Vejret er flot, så vi kan godt gå en tur, ikke? The weather is beautiful, so we can go for a walk, can't we? The weather is nice, so we can go for a walk, right? Hans rum är alltid i ordning. His room is always in good order. His room is always in order. Er du på Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Hann er frá Genf. He comes from Geneva. He's from Genf. Mary læser den. Mary is reading it. Mary reads it. Den ser ut som en kaktus. It looks like a cactus. It looks like a cactus. Tom höll med om allting Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom was talking about everything Mary said. Datamaskinen min lager en skikkelig rar lyd. My computer makes a really weird noise. My computer makes a real noise. Ta hit deras vapen. Get their weapons. Take their weapons here. Det er for sent for ham. It is too late for him. It's too late for him. Vi tycker att ni borde komma in. We think you should come in. We think you should come in. Himlen tager ikke fejl. The heavens do not err. Heaven is not wrong. Tom klatrede over muren. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom ønsker at købe en drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it secret. I promised him to keep it secret. Det gjelder mannen min, doktor; han sover dårlig. It's about my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly. This is the case with my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly. Hører du hvor hurtig han taler? Do you hear how fast he speaks? Do you hear how fast he speaks? Er du stadig fuld, eller er du fuld igen? Are you still drunk or are you drunk again? Are you still drunk or are you drunk again? Alle lo, og Tom lo højest af alle. Everybody laughed, Tom loudest of all. Everyone laughed, and Tom laughed at everyone. Var är dina barn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Det är bra med hans familj. His family is doing fine. It's good with his family. Hver angriber havde en kniv i hvert hånd. Each attacker had a knife in both hands. Each attacker had a knife in each hand. Han duer ikke. He is good for nothing. He doesn't do it. Det är irrelevant. That's unrelated. It's irrelevant. Góðan daginn. Good morning. Good morning. Hvert kongresmedlem kunne stemme. Each congressman could vote. Each member of Congress could vote. Hún eyddi Facebook síðunni sinni. She deleted her Facebook account. She spent her Facebook site. Jag önskar dig allt väl. I wish you well. I wish you all well. Jeg ville heller ikke have stolet på Tom. I wouldn't have trusted Tom either. I didn't want to trust Tom either. Är jag för krävande? Am I too demanding? Am I too demanding? Jeg havde blot brug for lidt luft. I just needed some air. I just needed some air. Hvilket slips går best med denne skjorten, synes du? Which tie do you think goes best with this shirt? Which tie goes best with this shirt, do you think? Góðan bata! Get well soon! Good bat! Kasta inte bort den här tidningen! Don't throw this paper away! Do not throw away this magazine! Kor mange ljodbøker har du på iPod-en din? How many audiobooks do you have on your iPod? How many loopbooks do you have on your iPod? Läraren hatade mig innerligt. The teacher hated my guts. The teacher hated me in an intelligible way. Við höfum notið friðar í meira en fjörtíu ár. We have enjoyed peace for more than 40 years. We have had peace for more than 40 years. Lad os gå et sted hen hvor det er varmt! Let's go someplace warm. Let's go somewhere where it's hot! Kanntu að keyra bíl? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Han bruger næsten aldrig sin telefon. He almost never uses his phone. He almost never uses his phone. Jeg tror, at alle ved det. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows that. Tom äter. Tom is eating. Tom eats. Jag uppfattade inte riktigt namnet på den där designern. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn’t really understand the name of that designer. Hon bor i en annan stad. She lives in another city. She lives in another city. Har jag inte rätt? Aren't I right? Am I not right? Tom tabte sin nye smarttelefon. Tom dropped his new smartphone. Tom lost his new smartphone. Jag är kall. I am cold. I'm cold. Snart vil du høste gevinsten av din innsats. Soon you will reap the fruits of your efforts. Soon you will reap the gain of your bet. Hr. Brown er faðir hennar. Mr Brown is her father. Mr. Brown is her father. Jag fick en läsplatta i julklapp. I received an e-Reader for Christmas. I got a Christmas plate. Tom og Mary hævdede at de havde set en ufo. Tom and Mary claimed to have seen a UFO. Tom and Mary claimed they had seen a UFO. Prinsessen er ubeskrivelig smuk. The princess is indescribably beautiful. The princess is indescribable beautiful. Jag är tacksam för din hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I am grateful for your help. A Airlines fly 112 til Tokyo vil bli forsinket med 30 minutter. A Airlines flight 112 bound for Tokyo will be delayed 30 minutes. A Airlines flight 112 to Tokyo will be delayed by 30 minutes. Tjenestepigen serverede teen. The maid served the tea. The restaurant served the tea. Laurie älskar mig. Laurie loves me. Laurie loves me. Jeg ved at Tom gjorde det med vilje. I know Tom did it on purpose. I know Tom did it intentionally. Han må være vanvittig når han siger sådan noget. He must be crazy to say such a thing. He must be crazy when he says something like that. Livvagten gik med øresnegl. The bodyguard was wearing an earpiece. The guard went with ear snails. Du må ikke spise noget i et par dage. You must not eat anything for a few days. Don't eat anything for a couple of days. Ég vildi óska að fólk mundi hætta að segja hluti á vegu sem rústa ungum draumum. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I wanted people to stop saying things in ways that ruin young dreams. Kan du spise rå østers? Can you eat raw oysters? Can you eat raw oysters? Tom havde blå øjne. Tom had blue eyes. Tom had blue eyes. Det finns runt tretusen moskéer i Istanbul. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. Kjøleskapsdøren stod åpen. The refrigerator door was open. The refrigerator door was open. Han satt och läste en bok. He sat reading a book. He sat and read a book. Han bruger for mange penge. He spends too much money. He spends too much money. Þú ert að spurja ranga manneskju. You're asking the wrong person. You are talking about the wrong person. Kan du tro att detta faktiskt händer? Can you believe this is actually happening? Can you believe this actually happens? Har du taget en hårtørrer med? Did you bring a hair dryer? Have you taken a hair dryer? Vi vil hellere spise indendørs. Det er for koldt udenfor. We'd rather eat indoors. It's too cold outside. We'd rather eat indoors. It's too cold outside. Jag trodde att Tom skulle dyka upp. I thought Tom would show up. I thought Tom would come up. Hvad sagde piloten? What did the pilot say? What did the pilot say? Verðið á gulli flöktir daglega. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The price of gold floats daily. Vart fan ska du? Where the hell are you going? Where the hell are you going? Tom verkar veta vem den där kvinnan är. Tom seems to know who that woman is. Tom seems to know who the woman is. Tom drömmer ofta om sin flickvän. Tom often dreams of his girlfriend. Tom often dreams about her girlfriend. Har I hørt noget fra Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Denne bil er ikke min. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This car is not mine. It's Toms. Spørgsmålet nu er hvordan. The question now is how. The question now is how. Sittu vinsamlegast kyrr. Please remain seated. Please sit still. Tom går ikke lenger. Tom doesn't walk anymore. Tom is no longer going. Hesten måtte ha snublet og ridderen har falt framover. The horse must have stumbled and have toppled the knight. The horse had to have stumbled and the knight has fallen forward. Tom drikker meget. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Við munum ræða vandamálið við þau. We will discuss the problem with them. We will discuss the problem with them. Hon har en papegoja som husdjur. She keeps a parrot as a pet. She has a parrot as a pet. Hva er forskjellen på religion og filosofi? What's the difference between religion and philosophy? What is the difference between religion and philosophy? Tina blev snart van vid japanskt mat. Tina soon got used to Japanese food. Tina soon became accustomed to Japanese food. Eg nýti róma út í mínum kaffi. I put cream in my coffee. I have a fresh coffee in my coffee. Har Hendes Højhed sovet godt? Has her Highness slept well? Has her height slept well? Öppna fönstret. Open the window. Open the window. Klipptirðu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Cut the paper? Jag sa god morgon. I said good morning. I said good morning. Naturen är full av mysterium. Nature is full of mystery. Nature is full of mystery. Jeg savner mine forældre. I miss my parents. I miss my parents. Tom, vågn op! Det er sent! Tom, wake up! It's late! Tom, wake up! It's late! Jag ska hämta min kappa. I'll get my coat. I'm gonna get my coat. Alla tvekade. Everyone hesitated. Everybody hesitated. Fargeløse grønne ideer sover rasende. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Gjorde ni det? Did you do it? Did you do that? Det ligger en bok på bordet. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. Ég á ekki mikinn pening. I don't have much money. I don't have a lot of money. Det är något fel på dig. There is something wrong with you. There's something wrong with you. Jeg har bygget det. I built it. I've built it. Godmorgen, min solstråle. Good morning my sunshine. Good morning, my sunshine. Det er jeg bange for. I fear so. I'm afraid. Era skor är här. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Jag minns inte hur gammal jag var när jag för första gången träffade Tom. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first met Tom. I don’t remember how old I was when I first met Tom. Jeg faldt i søvn på hendes skulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. Det är faktiskt inte sant. That's actually not true. It's actually not true. Var finns närmaste toalett? Where's the nearest bathroom? Where's the nearest toilet? Billedet er ikke skarpt. The picture is not sharp. The picture is not sharp. Han uppnår lycka genom yoga. He attains happiness by means of yoga. He achieves happiness through yoga. Kvifor overser du meg? Why are you ignoring me? Why are you ignoring me? Þjófarnir opnuðu allar skúffurnar í leit að peningum. The thieves pulled open all the drawers of the desk in search of money. The fans opened all the bags in search of money. Tom tog sig faktisk tid til at tale med os. Tom actually took the time to talk to us. Tom actually took time to talk to us. Tom såg sig omkring. Tom looked around. Tom looked around. Tom bor ikke længere her. Tom doesn't live here anymore. Tom no longer lives here. Det här liknar trakasseri. This seems like harassment. This is similar to harassment. Jeg jakter elg på fritida. I hunt elk in my leisure-time. I'm hunting elgs on the free time. Yanni blev udskrevet fra hospitalet. Yanni was released from the hospital. Yanni was discharged from the hospital. Tom verkade vilse. Tom seemed lost. Tom seemed lost. Vinsamlegast lokaðu dyrunum. Close the door, please. Please close the door. Jag skulle inte ljuga för er. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Enhörningen är ett fantastisk monster. The unicorn is a fabulous monster. The hearing is a great monster. Hún bauð vinkonum sínum í mat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends to dinner. Vet du hvor mye dette betyr for meg? Do you know how much this means to me? Do you know how much this means to me? Ingen medicin kan bota denna sjukdom. No medicine can cure this disease. No medicine can cure this disease. Matchen blev uppskjuten på grund av regn. The game was postponed due to rain. The food was raised due to rain. Þú mátt gista í nótt ef þú vilt. You can spend the night if you want to. You can stay overnight if you want. Jag gav dem lite mat. I gave them some food. I gave them some food. Ég hef það fínt, þakka þér fyrir. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you. Tænk på de ægyptiske pyramider. Hvordan blev de bygget? Think of the Egyptian pyramids. How were they built? Think of the Egyptian pyramids. How were they built? Jeg er i samme båd som dig. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in the same boat as you. Jeg kalte katten «Tama». I called the cat "Tama". I called the cat "Tama". Er du et vidunderbarn? Are you a wunderkind? Are you a grandchild? Pludselig begyndte det at regne meget kraftigt. Suddenly, it started to rain very hard. Suddenly, it began to rain very strongly. Han kliver upp tidigt. He's getting up early. He climbs up early. Även idag är temperaturen under noll. Even today the temperature is below zero. Even today, the temperature is below zero. Den bog er meget gammel. That book is very old. The book is very old. Jag förälskade mig i en kvinna. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. Vi er alle svindlere. We're all swindlers. We're all scammers. Betty kör snabbt. Betty drives fast. Betty is driving fast. Paris är Frankrikes huvudstad. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Det er ikke til at tro at hun gjorde det mod mig - hun viste sig at være en rigtig frenemy. I can't believe she did that to me - she turned out to be a real frenemy. It's not to believe that she did it against me - she turned out to be a real frenzy. Jag är inte bra för dig. I'm no good for you. I'm not good for you. Av frustrasjon over europeiske språk, som han syntes var «for kjedelige», oppfant Kristoffer Columbus «columbisk», et språk som var så innviklet at bare han kunne snakke det. Frustrated with the European languages, which he considered "too boring", Christopher Columbus invented "Columbian", a language so complicated that only he could speak it. By frustration over European languages, as he seemed to be "too boring", Kristoffer Columbus invented "columbian", a language that was so intricate that only he could speak it. Få ham ud herfra! Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Du borde ha besökt Kyoto. You should have visited Kyoto. You should have visited Kyoto. Jag kunde knappt säga vem som var vem. I could hardly tell who was who. I could hardly say who was who. Vad ska jag göra sedan? What do I do then? What should I do then? Þú ættir að gefa drykkju upp á bátinn. You should give up drinking. You should drink up on the boat. Jeg har to telefoner: den ene er en mobiltelefon, den anden en fastnettelefon. I have got two telephones: one is a mobile phone, another is a landline. I have two phones: one is a mobile phone, the other a fixed phone. Hvad synes at være problemet i dag? What seems to be the problem today? What does it seem to be the problem today? Snúðu aftur á byrjunarreit. Get back to where you started. Turn back to the starting point. Hun mangler almindelig sund fornuft. She is lacking in common sense. She lacks common common sense. Ingen brådska. Take your time. No advice. Jeg tog min temperatur hver sjette time. I took my temperature every six hours. I took my temperature every six hours. Tom bagte en æblekage. Tom baked an apple pie. Tom baked an apple cake. Dette forklarer alt! This explains everything! This explains everything! Tom ville sidde ved siden af Mary. Tom wanted to sit next to Mary. Tom would sit next to Mary. Kik ikke gennem nøglehullet. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look through the key hole. Ef þig vantar blýant skal ég lána þér. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. If you need a pencil, I will borrow you. Tom drikker som en svamp. Tom drinks like a fish. Tom drinks like a sponge. Man behöver kramsnö för att göra bra snöbollar. You need wet snow to make good snowballs. You need a hug in order to make good snowballs. Marsvin er søde. Guinea pigs are cute. Marsh is sweet. Har du et kronometer? Do you have a chronometer? Do you have a crownometer? Hatta ljóðar ikki so gott. That doesn't sound good. Don't sound good enough. Priserne er høje. Prices are high. Prices are high. Selvom huset havde 15 etager, havde det ingen elevator. Although the house had 15 floors, it had no elevator. Although the house had 15 floors, there was no lift. Vill du ha de där pralinerna? Do you want those chocolates? Do you want those prairies? Bli inte arg! Don't be mad! Don't be angry! Kände ni Tom väl? Did you know Tom well? Did you know Tom well? Tegnet viser at svaret er riktig. The sign means that the answer is correct. The sign shows that the answer is correct. Får jag ta den? Can I have it? Can I take it? Varför bestämde du dig för att prata om det nu? Why did you decide to speak about that now? Why did you decide to talk about it now? Jeg har ikke feber. I don't have a fever. I don't have a fever. Hann lá á grasinu. He was lying on the grass. He lay on the grass. Tom har aldrig gjort det før. Tom never did that before. Tom never did it before. Han kommer nog inte. He probably won't come. He's probably not coming. Populisterne har vundet. The populists won. The populists have won. Uden tvivl! Without a doubt! Without doubt! I morgen skal jeg ud og shoppe. Tomorrow I am going shopping. Tomorrow I'll go shopping. Vilket stort hus du har! What a big house you have! What a big house you have! Spindeln är död. The spider is dead. The spider is dead. I dag er det juni den 18. og det er Muiriels bursdag. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today it is June 18 and it is Muiriel's birthday. Við munum gera undantekningu í þínu tilviki? We will make an exception of your case. Will we make an exception in your case? Han jaktet på svartbak. He hunted gulls. He hunted for black back. Han likte ikke å synge, men de tvang ham til å synge. He didn't like to sing but they made him sing. He didn’t like singing, but they forced him to sing. Detta är konstigt. This is weird. This is weird. Öppna era ögon. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Du fick betalt, eller hur? You got paid, didn't you? You got paid, right? Jeg kan lide at købe tøj. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. Tom var på rätt ställe vid rätt tidpunkt. Tom was at the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Vi behöver fler arbetare. We need more workers. We need more workers. Mit mål i livet er at blive statsminister. My goal in life is to be Prime Minister. My goal in life is to become Prime Minister. Tom er en af ​​Marys forskningsassistenter. Tom is one of Mary's research assistants. Tom is one of Mary’s research assistants. Þið eruð ungir strákar. You are young boys. You are young boys. Tom inviterede mig ikke. Tom didn't invite me. Tom didn't invite me. Jeres hus er stort. Your house is big. Your house is big. Du måste förbereda dig för det värsta! You must prepare yourself for the worst. You have to prepare for the worst! Jag gjorde ett försök att simma över floden. I attempted to swim across the river. I made an attempt to swim across the river. Sa Tom varför? Did Tom say why? Tell Tom why? Gresset er alltid grønnere på den andre siden av gjerdet. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Han rakte ud efter æblet. He reached for the apple. He went out after the apple. Jeg har villet møte deg lenge. I've wanted to meet you for a long time. I've wanted to meet you for a long time. Det er hvad jeg har set. That's what I saw. That's what I've seen. Det var det jag tänkte säga. That's what I was about to say. That's what I was going to say. Han gillade inte att straffas. He didn't like to be punished. He didn't like to be punished. Jeg kan ikke takke dig nok for din venlighed. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Er ég ólétt? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Hur länge tänker du stanna här? How long will you stay here? How long are you going to stay here? Skynda er! Hurry up! Hurry! Jeg håber det var en spøg! I hope it was a prank! I hope it was a joke! Svans! Faggot. Sponge! Hvorfor gikk du dit da? Why did you go there? Why did you go there? Skipið var upp á náð hafsins komið. The ship was at the mercy of the sea. The ship was up to the sea. Vem körde likbilen? Who was driving the hearse? Who drove the car? Kolla in den, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Jeg er gift. I am married. I'm married. Han er afroamerikaner. He's an African American. He's African American. Ligg nu bara stilla. Now just lie still. Now just sit still. Tom blev stukket af en hveps. Tom got stung by a wasp. Tom was stabbed by a wheat. Jag gick aldrig och lade mig. I never went to sleep. I never went and let me. Jeg er ved at spise en pære. I am eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Appelsiner indeholder meget C-vitamin. Oranges contain lots of vitamin C. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. När kan vi äta? When can we eat? When can we eat? Tom begynner å få viker. Tom's hairline is receding. Tom's starting to make jokes. Hun blev en berømt maler. She became a famous painter. She became a famous painter. Sami gjorde tjeneste i Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Det var meningen Tom skulle beskytte oss. Tom was supposed to protect us. Tom was supposed to protect us. Ertu hér til að hjálpa mér? Are you here to help me? Are you here to help me? Vi ses! I'll see you around. See you! Jag skulle vilja tala ett slag med Tom mellan fyra ögon. I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment. I wanted to talk to Tom between four eyes. Ég er hættur störfum. I've retired. I'm in danger of work. Det röda paraplyt påminde henne om sin mormor. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Jason var en tystlåten typ, så det var alltid en överraskning när han sa någonting. Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything. Jason was a silent type, so there was always a surprise when he said something. Fordi batteriet i mit ur er meget lille, kan jeg ikke selv udskifte det. Because the battery of my watch is very small, I can't change it by myself. Because the battery in my watch is very small, I can’t even replace it. Vissa saker säger man inte ens på skämt. Some things you shouldn't even say jokingly. Some things you don’t even say about jokes. Hur kom ni in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Der har tidligere været en kaffebar nær ved parken. There used to be a coffee shop near the park. There was a coffee bar nearby at the park. Det verkar ta en evighet och tre dagar. It seems like it'll take forever and three days. It seems to take an eternity and three days. De har en orangefarvet kat. They have an orange cat. They have an orange-coloured cat. Till och med under arbetstid ger jag i lönndom efter för mitt internetberoende. Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction. Even during working hours, I give in pay for my internet addiction. Vilt þú te eða kaffi? Do you want tea or coffee? Do you want tea or coffee? Professionelle oversættere specialiserer sig ret ofte kun inden for ét område, for eksempel jura eller medicin. Professional translators quite often specialize in just one field, for example law or medicine. Professional translators often specialize only in one area, such as jura or medicine. "Hvordan kommer Jim i skole?" "Han tager bussen." "How does Jim go to school?" "He goes by bus." “How does Jim go to school?” he takes the bus. Du kunne klart det. You could have done it. You could do it. En ängslig mor har skarpa ögon. An anxious mother has sharp eyes. A single mother has sharp eyes. Det är för att du inte vill vara ensam. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Det er uklart, hvem der stod bag angrebet. It's unclear who was behind the attack. It is unclear who was behind the attack. Jeg hater vinter. I hate winter. I hate winter. Jeg havde svært ved at finde hans hus. I had a hard time finding his house. I had difficulty finding his house. Ég hef dregið mig í hlé. I've retired. I've taken a break. Hun vidste at hendes reaktion havde været dum. She knew her reaction had been stupid. She knew her reaction was stupid. Det var ingen jordbävning. That was not an earthquake. There was no earthquake. Mary har allerede dratt. Mary has already left. Mary's already gone. Jag hatar annonser. I hate advertisements. I hate ads. Já, ég held það líka. Yeah. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so too. Berätta för Tom vad du vill göra. Tell Tom what you want to do. Tell Tom what you want to do. Hver er uppáhalds Bítillinn þinn? Who's your favorite Beatle? What is your favorite book? När jag pratar tyska är det bara Tom som förstår mig. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. When I speak German, it’s just Tom who understands me. Orð þín jafnast á við ofbeldi. Your words are as good as violence. Your words are similar to violence. Det her er Toms motorcykel, tror jeg. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. Det er mulig at Tom er gal. Tom could be insane. It is possible that Tom is crazy. Jag träffade aldrig Tom. I never met Tom. I never met Tom. Eg har noko viktig å snakke med deg om. I've got something important to discuss with you. I have something important to talk to you about. Det er sket med dig. Your number is up. It's happened to you. Ni har felstavat mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You have misnamed my name. Det här är en bild på Toms familj. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Ge mig en till spik. Give me another nail. Give me a drink. Jag vill vinna. I want to win. I want to win. Jeg synes, at det er forkert. I think that is wrong. I think it's wrong. Hunden grävde en grop. The dog was digging a hole. The dog dug a pit. De senaste medicinska framgångarna är anmärkningsvärda. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The latest medical success is remarkable. Han vil ha et glass med kaldt vann. He wants a glass of cold water. He wants a glass of cold water. Vær ikke så hård ved dig selv! Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself! Haglélið gerði sprungu í gluggann. The hail cracked the window. The rifle made a crack in the window. Det er jeg som betaler. It is me who is paying. I'm the one who pays. Ge mig tre minuter. Give me three minutes. Give me three minutes. Jag åt upp alla. I ate them all. I ate all of them. Var är fjärrkontrollen till tv:n? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where is the remote control to the TV? Han er tre år ældre end hende. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than her. Jeg skal være her hele eftermiddagen. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm gonna be here all afternoon. Är du okej? Are you alright? Are you okay? Jag kom från Kina. I came from China. I came from China. Rommet var fullt med folk. The room was packed with people. The room was full of people. Hvad læser du? What are you reading? What do you read? Broren min dro til Italia. My brother went to Italy. My brother went to Italy. Hva ville du at hun skulle gjøre? What did you want her to do? What would you want her to do? Jeg er lei av å spise fast food. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of eating solid food. I går var jeg syg. Yesterday I was sick. Yesterday I was sick. Vi ses! See you. See you! Vem går på vakt? Who's on watch? Who's on guard? Hon hjälpte de fattiga. She helped the poor. She helped the poor. Jeg lurer på hva som har skjedd. I wonder what happened. I wonder what happened. Tom tog fram en penna och började skriva. Tom took out a pencil and started to write. Tom took a pen and started writing. Má ég bjóða þér eitthvað meira? Can I offer you anything else? Can I offer you something more? Nazisterne gav kommunisterne skylden for Rigsdagsbranden. The Nazis blamed the Reichstag fire on the Communists. The Nazis blamed the Communists for the Rigsdagbrand. Så sulten er jeg ikke. I'm not that hungry. I'm not hungry. Han har brug for noget at drikke. He needs something to drink. He needs something to drink. Hun synger og danser veldig bra. She sings and dances very well. She sings and dances very well. Vi får nya. We'll get new ones. We'll get new ones. Hvilken kopp ser du? Which cup do you see? What cup do you see? Han tittade på en svensk film. He watched a Swedish movie. He looked at a Swedish film. Det giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. It makes no sense. Eg dugi eitt sindur av fronskum. I speak a little French. Eugrew has one of the African elephants. Två tredjedelar av eleverna kom till mötet. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Det er et godt spørsmål. It is a good question. That's a good question. Kan någon bevisa det? Can anyone verify that? Can anyone prove it? Er dere begge klare til å gå? Are both of you ready to go? Are you both ready to go? Hvor kan vi købe det? Where can we buy it? Where can we buy it? Jeg bor på andre siden av gaten. I live across the street. I live on the other side of the street. Tom er kosmonaut. Tom is a cosmonaut. Tom is cosminaut. Tom är min förstfödde. Tom is my firstborn. Tom is my first-born. Det er etter dette ikke urealistisk at det høye utdanningsnivået hans studenter har, har hatt avgjørende betydning for det gode resultatet de oppnår når det gjelder inversjon. Thus, it is not unrealistic to claim that the high level of education of his students has been crucial in their learning how to use inversion so well. It is after this not unrealistic that his high level of education has had crucial importance to the good result they achieve in the inversion. Hon är yogalärare. She's a yoga teacher. She is a yoga teacher. Jeg tager til Danmark den 20. maj. I am going to Denmark on the 20th of May. I'm going to Denmark on May 20. Ég á smá pening. I have a little money. I have a little money. Giv mig fem minutter til at færdiggøre de sidste justeringer. Give me five minutes to finish the last adjustments. Give me five minutes to complete the last adjustments. Hvor mange mennesker med navnet Tom kender du? How many people do you know who are named Tom? How many people with the name Tom do you know? Ge den till mig bara. Just give it to me. Just give it to me. Kan du fortælle præcist hvad der skete? Can you give an exact report of what happened? Can you tell us exactly what happened? Hvad var det du sagde du gav hende til hendes fødselsdag? What did you say you gave her for her birthday? What did you say you gave her to her birthday? Jag kommer tillbaka i tid. I'll be back in time. I'll be back in time. Publikummet bestod hovedsagelig af studerende. The audience consisted mainly of students. The audience consisted mainly of students. For Gud er alle mennesker like. In the sight of God, all men are equal. For God is all the same. Hvorfor er livet så vanskeligt? Why is life so difficult? Why is life so difficult? Hversvegna spurðir þú? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Jeg har kolossale problemer. I am faced with a mountain of problems. I have huge problems. Ekki reiða þig um of á aðra. Don't depend too much on others. Don’t worry about others. Jag är en stor beundrare. I'm a big fan. I'm a great admirer. Jeg tog det billede for en uge siden. I took that picture a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. Nederländerna är ett litet land. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Det är tomt. It's empty. It's empty. Jag mår inte alls bra. I don't feel well at all. I don't feel good at all. Kongen er død; længe leve kongen! The king is dead, long live the king! The king is dead; long live the king. Ég sýndi dyraverðinum miðann minn og fór inn í leikhúsið. I showed my ticket to the doorman and went into the theatre. I showed my room and went to the theatre. Ta bort lådan. Take that box away! Remove the box. Bílnum mínum var stolið í nótt. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Få studenter kan forstå latin. Few students understand Latin. Few students can understand Latin. Hvorfor prøver vi ikke at finde noget skygge? Why don't we try and find some shade? Why don't we try to find a shadow? Jeg mente det ikke. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Tom sade att jag skulle göra det. Tom told me to do it. Tom said I'd do it. Jag är inte så säker nu. I'm not so sure now. I'm not so sure now. Tom sin tale var temmeleg interessant. Tom's speech was quite interesting. Tom's speech was theatrically interesting. Hún réðst á hann með skærum. She attacked him with a pair of scissors. She attacked him with a cut. Jeg har en bog i min hånd. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my hand. Hún er með sólgleraugu. She's wearing sunglasses. She has sunglasses. Ég sá hann synda yfir ána. I saw him swim across the river. I saw him swim on the river. Han sover under dagarna och jobbar under nätterna. He sleeps during the day and works at night. He sleeps during the day and works during the nights. Varför dricker du kaffe vid midnatt? Why are you drinking coffee at midnight? Why do you drink coffee at midnight? Fick du träffa någon läkare? Och vad sa hen i så fall? Were you able to see a doctor? If so, what did she say? Did you see a doctor? And what did you say in that case? Hun ligner veldig på sin bestemor. She strongly resembles her grandmother. She looks very similar to her grandmother. Tom sidder fast i en trafikprop. Tom is stuck in a traffic jam. Tom is stuck in a traffic call. Ursäkta mig en sekund. Excuse me one second. Excuse me for a second. Jeg har cool tøj og cool solbriller på. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I have cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I stedet for at vente på en kontrakt, kan vi klare det over telefonen. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Jeg er sulten. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Vad gjorde Tom här? What was Tom doing here? What did Tom do here? I Ming-dynastiet (tidlig 15. århundre) var den Forbudte Byen i sentrum av Beijing. In the Ming Dynasty (early 15th century) the centre of Beijing was the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty (early 15th century), the Forbidden City was in the center of Beijing. Han är i femtioårsåldern. He's in his fifties. He's at the age of fifty. Mange folk kom på konserten. There were a lot of people at the concert. Many people came to the concert. Kaptajnen stod til søs som nittenårig. The captain went to sea when he was nineteen. The captain was at sea as a nineteen-year-old. Vi var nästan färdiga. We were almost done. We were almost done. Ég les gjarnan bækur. I like reading books. I love reading books. Det er hans problem, ikke mit. It's his problem, not mine. It's his problem, not mine. Hans telefon har været optaget i en time. His phone has been busy for an hour. His phone was busy for an hour. Det gör ont i mitt ben nu. My leg hurts now. It hurts in my leg now. Jag klarar det inte i dag. I can't do it today. I can't do it today. Toms hus hjemsøges. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's house is haunted. Ideer tilhører ingen, de flyter i luften. Ideas do not belong to anyone, they float in the air. Ideas belong to no one, they float in the air. Det är bäst att vi inte åker fast. We'd better not get caught. It's best not to go fast. Vill du ha en skvätt mjölk i teet? Would you like a dash of milk in your tea? Do you want a splash of milk in the tea? De trenger dette. You need this. They need this. Brændt barn skyr ilden. A burnt child dreads fire. Burned children fire. Det var til at forudse. That was predictable. It was to predict. Jag övergav Tom. I let Tom down. I abandoned Tom. Den här är väldigt billig. This is very cheap. This is very cheap. Hon slängde ut sin supande man ur huset. She booted her boozing husband out of the house. She pulled out her soup man out of the house. Það er ofgnótt af laxi í þessu vatni. This lake abounds in trout. It’s a lot of lax in this water. Hun har en smuk kjole på. She's wearing a beautiful dress. She has a beautiful dress. Eg fari at leiga ein bil. I will rent a car. I'm going to rent a car. Planet gjorde en perfekt landning. The plane made a perfect landing. The plan made a perfect landing. Det tok meg tre dager å lese denne boken. It took me three days to read this book. It took me three days to read this book. Eftersom bussen var sen kom jag hem efter klockan nitton. Since the bus was late I came home after seven p.m. Since the bus was late, I came home after nine o'clock. Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How will you not buy a blue? Kom och hämta mig. Come pick me up. Come and get me. Tyskland og Norge tog torsdag officielt et søkabel mellem de to lande i brug i et projekt, der understøtter Europas bestræbelser på at skifte fra fossile brændstoffer til vedvarende energi. Germany and Norway on Thursday officially launched an undersea power cable between the two countries in a project that aids Europe’s effort to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Germany and Norway officially took a searchable between the two countries in use in a project that supports Europe’s efforts to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Hvad ryger vi? What do we smoke? What do we smoke? Har du forstået hvad han sagde? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Tom er veldig rask. Tom is really fast. Tom is very fast. Búist er við því að eitt hundruð og fimmtíu þúsund pör muni gifta sig í Sjanghæ árið tvö þúsund og sex. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006. It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand couples will marry in the year two thousand and six. Jag är bra på att köra bil. I'm a good driver. I'm good at driving a car. Vegurinn til Nagano er lokaður umferð. The road to Nagano is closed to traffic. The road to Nagano is closed. Hvilken hylde er den på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is it on? Kolera er ikke almindelig i Japan. Cholera is uncommon in Japan. Kolera is not common in Japan. Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi. He put milk in his coffee. He made milk in his coffee. Kan han prata japanska? Can he speak Japanese? Can he speak Japanese? Det här är huset som han bor i. This is the house that he lives in. This is the house he lives in. Það var árið 1912 sem Titanic sökk á sinni fyrstu ferð. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage. It was founded in 1912 as Titanic's first voyage. Jag kommer att sakna dig, Tom. I'm going to miss you, Tom. I'll miss you, Tom. Vi ses til jul. See you at Christmas. See you for Christmas. Mina ögon gör ont. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Tom er omtrent på Marys alder. Tom is approximately Mary's age. Tom is about Mary's age. Vi ved begge hvad du laver. We both know what you're doing. We both know what you're doing. Trestolen er kostbar. The wooden chair is expensive. The chair is expensive. Å lære engelsk er hardt arbeid. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Fler och fler studenter ansluter sig till protesterna. More and more students are joining the protests. More and more students join the protests. Från och med 1950 börjar en rad europeiska länder samarbeta ekonomiskt och politiskt för att bevara freden. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. From 1950 to 1950, a number of European countries will cooperate economically and politically to preserve peace. Han spurte meg om alle var der. He asked me if everyone was there. He asked me if everyone was there. Vi forsøger at holde os ajour. We're trying to stay up to date. We're trying to keep us happy. Ég er laus í nótt. I'm free tonight. I'm free tonight. Tom gör 50 armhävningar varannan morgon. Tom does 50 push-ups every other morning. Tom does 50 arm rescues every morning. Jeg ønsker ikke at du skal tabe. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Tom är listig. Tom is crafty. Tom is cunning. Vilket land kommer du ifrån? Which country are you from? Which country do you come from? Jag blöder om knät. My knee is bleeding. I'm bleeding about my knee. Lad os slå plat og krone! Let's flip a coin. Let's beat the plate and crown! Hur tror du att jag känner? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Följ med Tom. Go with Tom. Come with Tom. Algeriet er et land der er plaget af korruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Jag mår ganska dåligt. I feel quite bad. I'm pretty bad. Er dette 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Jag vet inte vem min mor är. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mother is. Det är precis det det handlar om. That's precisely the point. That's exactly what it's about. Ni skrämmer mig inte. You don't scare me. You don't scare me. Farbror kom innom i går. My uncle dropped in on me yesterday. Uncle came in yesterday. Sviss er ekki Svíþjóð. Switzerland isn't Sweden. Switzerland is not Sweden. Jeg er begyndt på at læse bogen. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. Det er en aftale! It's a deal! It's a deal! Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde blitt lenge nok til å møte foreldrene dine. I wish that I had stuck around long enough to meet your parents. I wish I had been long enough to meet your parents. Han bærer altid mørke briller. He always wears dark glasses. He always wears dark glasses. Denne støvsuger støjer forfærdeligt. This vacuum cleaner is awfully loud. This vacuum cleaner sounds terrible. Vi har ingen mat. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Hun kalte meg mange forferdelig ting. She called me many terrible things. She called me a lot of terrible things. Ken er like høy som Bill. Ken is as tall as Bill. Ken is just as high as Bill. Jag är trettio år gammal. I'm thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Du var inte borta länge. You weren't gone long. You weren't gone for a long time. Hann hevur lisið bókina úti. He has read the book outside. He studies the book outside. Superman kan se gennem vægge. Superman can see through walls. Superman can see through walls. Hvis jeg havde muligheden så ville jeg ganske bestemt rejse til Beijing. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely travel to Beijing. Det här är en trollstav. This is a magic wand. This is a spell. I de flesta fall likställs modernisering med västernisering. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernization is similar to Westernization. Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Hvar fann hann peningana? Where did he find the money? Where did he find the money? Tom har fri. Tom is off duty. Tom is free. Jeg har ikke en kæreste. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. Nepp. Nope. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Jeg har aldrig hørt min mor synge. I've never heard my mother sing. I've never heard my mother sing. Huset ved havet tilhører mig. The house by the sea belongs to me. The house of the sea belongs to me. Australien är inte Österrike. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Det fanns ingen i rummet. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Ég hata að taka áhættu. I hate taking risks. I hate taking risks. Unnskyld! Jeg mente det ikke. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Sorry, I didn't mean it. Din telefon ringer, Tom. Your telephone's ringing, Tom. Your phone calls, Tom. Vad patetiskt! How pathetic! What pathetic! Han er ombord på skipet. He is on board the ship. He's on board the ship. Telefonen ringer. The phone is ringing. Phone calls. La oss ta kaffepause. Let's take a break for coffee. Let's take a coffee break. Jag har inte pratat med Tom om det än. I haven't spoken to Tom about that yet. I haven't talked to Tom about it yet. Dette er ikke det bedste eksempel. That's not the best example. This is not the best example. Jag fick en uppenbarelse. I had a revelation. I got a revelation. Vi har to hunde; den ene er sort og den anden er hvid. We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. We have two dogs; one is black and the other is white. Sami bestilte en pizza klokken seks om morgenen. Sami ordered a pizza at six in the morning. Sami ordered a pizza at six in the morning. Eldre menn er vanligvis veldig vise. Older men are usually very wise. Older men are usually very wise. Ge mig mikrofonen. Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone. Han nød de besøg. He enjoyed those visits. He enjoyed them visiting. Julenissen bur på Nordpolen. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus lives on the North Pole. Dina pengar eller ditt liv! Your money or your life! Your money or your life! Tom á enga bræður. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Tom has no brothers. Det där är min pappa. That's my dad. That's my dad. Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget gravitationsbølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Jag ska läsa boken. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Tom vet var Mary är. Tom knows where Mary is. Tom knows where Mary is. Tyst! Silence! Tyst! Min moster opdragede mig efter at mine forældre døde i et flystyrt. My maternal aunt brought me up after my parents died in a plane crash. My aunt raised me after my parents died in a plane crash. Man kan ikke sælge koen og drikke mælken. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can’t sell the cow and drink the milk. Kýótó fær mikið af ferðamönnum hvaðanæva úr heiminum. Kyoto gets lots of visitors from all over the world. A lot of travelers from all over the world. Jeg er i lufthavnen nu. I'm at the airport now. I'm in the airport now. Dette kommer til at koste tredive euro. This is going to cost thirty euros. This is going to cost thirty euros. Tom var godt skåret for tungebåndet. Tom had the gift of the gab. Tom was well cut for the tongue band. Der findes sikkert en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. There is certainly a reasonable explanation. Hvad er dagens suppe? What's the soup of the day? What is today's soup? Det har været en god dag. It's been a good day. It's been a good day. Hun likte ikke å bo i byen. She didn't like living in the city. She didn't like living in the city. Er der en bus der kører til butikscentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus that runs to the mall? Det skete omkring kl. halv fem. It happened at about half past four. It happened at about half five. Jag kan inte tänka mig något annat. I can't think otherwise. I can't imagine anything else. En ny filial åbner næste måned i Chicago. A new branch will be opened in Chicago next month. A new branch opens next month in Chicago. Tom betalte ikke Mary hvad han havde lovet at ville betale hende. Tom didn't pay Mary what he promised he'd pay her. Tom didn't pay Mary what he promised to pay her. Tom är Marys protegé. Tom is Mary's protege. Tom is Mary's protégé. Det gör ont i knät när jag böjer på det. My knee hurts when I bend it. It hurts in my knee when I bend it. Ser jag ut som Tom? Do I look like Tom? Do I look like Tom? Sami började lära sig köra när han var 33. Sami started driving when he was 33. Sami began to learn to drive when he was 33. Når jeg lukker mine øjne, forestiller jeg mig at jeg er en fugl og kan flyve. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine I am a bird and can fly. Läste du någonsin några romaner av Agatha Christie? Have you ever read any novels by Agatha Christie? Did you ever read any novels by Agatha Christie? Ge henne det här brevet när hon kommer. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her this letter when she comes. Var försiktig! Be careful! Be careful! Jeg har hørt den franske version af denne sang. I've heard the French version of this song. I have heard the French version of this song. Jeg gav ham et kæmpe knus. I gave him a huge hug. I gave him a huge kiss. Det har jeg gjort mange ganger. I have done this many times. I've done it many times. Vilken skitstövel! What an asshole! What an asshole! Jag tar ett bad varannan dag. I take a bath every other day. I'll take a bath every two days. Han er fotogen. He's photogenic. He's the photogenic. Hversu djúpt er vatnið? How deep is the lake? How deep is the water? Har du melk? Do you have some milk? Do you have milk? Øll hava krav um rættindi og frælsi, sum eru nevnd í hesi yvirlýsing, uttan mun til ættarslag (rasu), húðarlit, kyn, mál, átrúnað, politiska ella aðra sannføring, tjóðskaparligan ella samfelagsligan uppruna, ognarviðurskifti, føðing ella aðra støðu. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. It is a common misconception that all forms of worship, self-esteem, self-esteem, or self-esteem, should be taken into account when dealing with, or if appropriate, a form of belonging to, one's own resources. Vælg en. Choose one. Choose one. Der er ingen sukker i min te. There's no sugar in my tea. There is no sugar in my tea. I efteråret kom altid brændehuggerne og fældede nogle af de største træer, det skete hvert år, og det unge grantræ, som nu var ganske godt voksent, skælvede derved, thi de store, prægtige træer faldt med en knagen og bragen til jorden; grenene blev hugget fra. In the autumn woodcutters always came and felled a few of the largest trees; that was done this year too, and the little Fir Tree, that was now quite well grown, shuddered with fear, for the great stately trees fell to the ground with a crash, and their branches were cut off. In the autumn, the woodcuts always came and fell some of the greatest trees that happened every year, and the young tree, which was now quite well grown, trembled thereby, for the great, splendid trees fell with a knead and bran to the earth; the branches were carved from. Om du tror att det var mitt fel är du inne på fel spår. If you think it was my fault, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you think it was my fault, you are in the wrong track. Hur långt borta är Tom? How far away is Tom? How far away is Tom? Ég hélt það. I thought as much. I thought so. Mina ansträngningar producerade inga resultat. My efforts produced no results. My efforts produced no results. Han beundrade min nya bil. He admired my new car. He admired my new car. Jag är rörd. I'm touched. I'm touched. Varför är du så trött idag? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Hanka på koppen har falt av. The handle of the cup has broken off. The cake on the cup has fallen off. Man tvang mig til at komme herhen. They made me come here. You forced me to come here. Jag har några idéer. I have a few thoughts. I have some ideas. Hei, hva er dette? Hey, what's this? Hey, what is this? Vad har Tom hittat? What's Tom found? What has Tom found? Enginn hljóp fram úr honum. No one ran ahead of him. No one ran out of him. Den har ingen streckkod. It isn't barcoded. It has no barcode. Joe Biden er den første amerikanske præsident, der har udsendt en erklæring, der formelt beskriver massakren på armeniere i 1915 som et folkedrab. Joe Biden has become the first US president to issue a statement formally describing the 1915 massacre of Armenians as a genocide. Joe Biden is the first American president to release a statement that formally describes the massacre of Armenians in 1915 as a genocide. Vi overnattede i Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We stayed in Hakone. Jag ringer en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a taxi. Hvad helvede laver du her? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Det här är en väldigt tidsödande uppgift. This is a very time-consuming task. This is a very time-consuming task. Ring doktorn! Call the doctor! Call the doctor! Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Tom og Mary kan ikke udstå hinanden. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Sami er en berømt youtuber. Sami is a famous YouTuber. Sami is a famous YouTuber. Já. Yes. Yeah. Jag vill bara att människor ska vara försiktiga. I just want people to be careful. I just want people to be careful. Jeg bestilte de bøkene fra Tyskland. I ordered those books from Germany. I ordered the books from Germany. Jag ska vara snäll mot Tom. I'll be good to Tom. I'll be kind to Tom. Der var få mennesker på stranden. There were few people on the beach. There were few people on the beach. Vad kostar en öl? How much does a beer cost? How much does a beer cost? Denne byen er kald og ensom uten deg. This city is cold and lonely without you. This city is cold and lonely without you. Hvorfor var du ikke med til formiddagsmødet i dag? Why did you miss this morning's meeting? Why didn't you join the morning meeting today? Jeg hørte en hund gjø i det fjerne. I heard a dog barking in the distance. I heard a dog fish in the distance. Hur kan du stå ut med den där killen? How can you put up with that guy? How can you stand out with that guy? Jæja, ég mun vissulega spurja aftur á ný. Well, I'll surely ask again. Well, I'll be back again. Verðið á þessari bók hefur verið lækkað um helming. The price of this book has been reduced by half. The price of this book has been reduced by half. Það er kominn tími til að þú farir í skóla. It is about time you went to school. It’s time for you to go to school. Liker du golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Snälla gå ut härifrån genast. Please get out of here immediately. Please get out of here immediately. Åbningen af ​​landet havde stor indflydelse på den japanske civilisation. The opening of the country had a great influence on Japanese civilization. The opening of the country had a great influence on Japanese civilization. Jeg vil leke. I want to play. I want to play. Hvad sagde I til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you say to Tom? Denne sang er en klassiker. This song is a classic. This song is a classic. Mary har mistet sin yndlingspen. Mary lost her favorite pen. Mary lost her favorite. Jag får inte upp den här burken. I can't open this jar. I can't get up this cage. Fluerne samler sig omkring skraldeposen. The flies are gathering round the rubbish bag. The flies gather around the peel bag. Det er utrolig. It's unbelievable. It's amazing. Knuffas inte. Don't push. I don't know. Han kuttet den med kniven. He cut it with the knife. He cut it with the knife. Ég er á móti giftingunni. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the poison. Hvordan går det? How are you doing? How's it going? Tom dukade för middag. Tom set the table for supper. Tom didn't eat for dinner. Hvilken te drikker du? Er citronte okay? What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay? What tea do you drink? Skriv til mig! Write to me. Write to me! Jag har precis ätit lunch. I've just had lunch. I've just eaten lunch. Tom begynte å brette ut papirlappen som Mary gav ham. Tom started to unfold the piece of paper Mary handed him. Tom began to fold out the paper patch that Mary gave him. Tom är blyg och feg. Tom is shy and cowardly. Tom is shy and beautiful. Jag tycker att Marys kjol är för lång. I think Mary's skirt's too long. I think Mary's dress is too long. Þú verður að gera það sjálf. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. Du hører ikke efter! You don't listen! You're not listening! Jeg viser dig det kun en gang. I'm only going to show you once. I'll show you it only once. De er evakuert til et amerikansk feltlasarett. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They are evacuated to an American field law. Kommer du klokken seks eller klokken syv? Are you coming at six or at seven? Will you be at six or seven o'clock? Græsset må ikke betrædes. Keep off the grass. The grass must not be worn. Það er í um átta kílómetra fjarlægð. It's about 8 kilometers away. It's about eight miles away. Okej allesamman, hör på nu. OK people, listen up. All right, all right, listen to me now. Museet er lukket nu. The museum is closed now. The museum is closed now. Jag tror att han heter Tom. I think his name is Tom. I think he's called Tom. Eg flúgvi til Hanoi í morgin. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. I flew to Hanoi in the morning. Altso, problemið hjá mær er, at eg kan ikki lesa hard. You see, my problem is that I am not able to read aloud. Even so, my problem is that I can't read anything. Þú þarft ekki að fara í teitina nema þú viljir. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don’t have to go to the theater unless you want. Vi visste alla om den. We all knew about it. We all knew about it. En som går fort kan gå seks kilometer i timen. A fast walker can walk six kilometers in an hour. One who goes fast can walk six miles per hour. Bob er venen min. Bob is my friend. Bob is my friend. Hur svårt kan det vara? How hard can it be? How difficult can it be? De måtte sove i kulden. They had to sleep in the cold. They had to sleep in the cold. Tom fer av Kobe fyrramorgin. Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom goes to Kobe the first morning. Tom spiste en halv pose chips. Tom ate half a bag of potato chips. Tom ate half a bag of chips. Han har fornærmet Gud. He insulted God. He insulted God. Jag tycker fortfarande om Tom. I still like Tom. I still like Tom. Mary fortalte politiet at hun havde set Tom. Mary told the police that she had seen Tom. Mary told the police she had seen Tom. Jeg liker bilen din. I like your car. I like your car. Júlía er trúlofuð Jakobi. Jill is engaged to Jack. Juliet is married to Jacob. Det er bortkasta å lata jorda liggje uutvunnen. It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle. It is discarded to let the earth lie unveiled. Vinsamlegast málaðu dyrnar hvítar. Please paint the door white. Please paint the door white. Jag håller på att bli uppraggad. I'm being picked up. I'm getting excited. Norsk ligner svensk og dansk. Norwegian is similar to Swedish and Danish. Norwegian is similar to Swedish and Danish. Han har en stor familie. He has a big family. He has a big family. Jeg giver mig selv skylden. I blame myself. I give myself the guilt. Butikken er lukket om mandagen. The store is closed Mondays. The store is closed on Monday. Når jeg er i dårlig humør, begynner jeg å synge. When I'm in a bad mood, I start to sing. When I’m in a bad mood, I start singing. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle tage afsted. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to leave. Jeg ved hvordan det skal gøres. I know how to do it. I know how to do it. Jag hatar arbete. I hate work. I hate work. Jag tål inte golf. I can't stand golf. I can't stand golf. Jag har redan berättat för Tom vad han borde göra. I've already told Tom what he ought to do. I've already told Tom what he should do. Eg var i fjella. I was up in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Jag läser den här tidningen. I'm reading this newspaper. I read this newspaper. Dette mysteriet er løst. This mystery is solved. This mystery has been solved. Denne fugl er ikke i stand til at flyve. This bird cannot fly. This bird is unable to fly. Jag vill inte se henne naken. I don't want to see her naked. I don't want to see her naked. Hans nye arbejde gav ham en pæn indkomst. His new job brought him a handsome income. His new work gave him a good income. Jag väntar på dig. När är du klar? I'm waiting for you. When are you ready? I'm waiting for you. When are you ready? Nemendurnir eru uppteknir við undirbúning undir prófið. The students are busy preparing for the examination. Students are invited to prepare for the test. Du er gammel nok til at vide bedre. Opfør dig ordentligt. You are old enough to know better. Behave yourself. You're old enough to know better. Mary knäböjer. Mary is kneeling. Mary knees. Hon kittlade honom tills han tjöt av skratt. She tickled him until he shrieked with laughter. She hugged him until he pulled off the laugh. Tom är inte en bra kock. Tom isn't a good cook. Tom is not a good cook. Er der sket noget mellem dig og Tom? Did something happen between you and Tom? Something happened between you and Tom? Tomtenissar är jultomtens små hjälpredor. Elves are Santa's little helpers. Tomtenissar is the little helper of Christmas. Er du parat til at få sandheden at vide? Are you ready for the truth? Are you ready to know the truth? Lad os tale fransk. Let's speak French. Let's speak French. Jeg liker utfordringen med å oversette det uoversettelige. I like the challenge of translating the untranslatable. I like the challenge of translating the insurmountable. Var snäll och säg svaret på frågan. Please tell me the answer to the question. Please tell the answer to the question. Vad kallade ni mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Hvis vi havde arbejdet hårdere, ville det være lykkedes for os. If we'd worked harder, we would've succeeded. If we had worked harder, we would have succeeded. Henni finnst gaman að taka ljósmyndir. She likes taking pictures. She likes to take photographs. Hvor er din datter nu? Where is your daughter now? Where is your daughter now? Ég fór í göngutúr. I took a walk. I went for a walk. Det värsta med sommaren är hettan. The worst thing about summer is the heat. The worst thing about summer is the heat. Jeg ønsker ikke at købe denne skjorte. I don't wish to buy this shirt. I don't want to buy this shirt. Du skal give mig 500 dollars lige nu. You must give me 500 dollars right now. You're gonna give me $500 right now. Jag står inte ut med oljudet längre. I can't put up with the noise any longer. I don't stand out with the noise anymore. En skola i Storbritannien har frångått läroböcker till förmån för iPads i klassrummet. One school in the U.K. has abandoned textbooks in favour of iPads in the classroom. A school in the UK has departed textbooks for the benefit of iPads in the classroom. Sig det på russisk! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian! Hvor har jeg lagt bilnøglen? Where did I put the car key? Where did I put the car key? Alle de bøkene er mine. All those books are mine. All the books are mine. Ring venligst til mig før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Please call me before you arrive. Jeg har to katte. I have two cats. I have two cats. Han er meget ensom. He's very lonely. He's very lonely. Du skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. You don't have to hurt me. Det er min intention. That's my intention. That's my intention. Du har nådd bunnen. You've reached the bottom. You've reached the bottom. Det är Babas röst. It's Baba's voice. That's Baba's voice. En af mine kusiner er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Hämta! Fetch! Get out of here! Jag hatar måndagar. I hate Mondays. I hate Mondays. Jeg var ikke stærk nok. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough. Åt du frukost? Did you eat breakfast? Did you eat breakfast? Ég gefst upp. I give up. I'll give up. Sluta att bita på naglarna. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting the nails. Jag ringer efter en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a taxi. Maria satte ild til sit hus. Mary set fire to her house. Mary set fire to his house. Undskyld at jeg lod jer vente. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I'm sorry I let you wait. Er det skydevåben ladt? Is that gun loaded? Is it firearms charged? Om du äter tre maltider om dagen så ska din kropp ha energin den behöver. If you eat three meals a day, your body will find the energy it needs. If you eat three times a day, your body should have the energy it needs. Han matade kycklingarna med hirs. He fed the chickens millet. He fed the chickens with hirs. Vis mig! Show me. Show me! Jag är nöjd här. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Tom tager til Australien til oktober. Tom goes to Australia in October. Tom goes to Australia to October. Vet du hvem som oppfant kruttet? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the chain? Jeg er et ansvarlig menneske. I'm a responsible person. I am a responsible person. Stäng av radion. Shut off the radio. Turn off the radio. Det er noe jeg må fortelle deg. There's something I need to tell you. There's something I need to tell you. Jeg kan ikke spise æblet. I can't eat the apple. I can't eat apple. Það er orðið nokkuð áliðið. Ég held ég þurfi að fara að koma mér. It is getting rather late. I think I must be going now. It's been a bit of a surprise, I think I need to get there. Sig mig, hvem er denne unge mand? Tell me; who is this young man? Tell me who is this young man? Den amerikanske regering har altid betragtet England som Amerikas kæledyr. The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet. The U.S. government has always considered England as America's pet. Sygeplejersken tog sin temperatur. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse took his temperature. Kan jag få din uppmärksamhet? May I have your attention? Can I get your attention? Sættum okkur við það; þetta er ómögulegt. Okkur mun aldrei takast það. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let’s face it; it’s impossible. We’ll never deal with it. Tom er fattig, men han er lykkelig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor, but he is happy. Jag föredrar franska filmer. I prefer French movies. I prefer French films. Tom vander græsplænen hver dag. Tom waters the lawn every day. Tom waters the lawn every day. Tom hejsede flaget. Tom raised the flag. Tom cheered the flag. Og jeg er din træner. And, I'm your coach. And I'm your coach. Tom lét af störfum. Tom retired. Tom left work. Har du en hund? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? Elefantbetar består av elfenben. Elephant tusks consist of ivory. Elephantbetes are made up of ivory. Älskar du din mor? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Tom har små hænder. Tom has tiny hands. Tom has small hands. Bystyret vedtok å bevilge én million kroner til forprosjektering av nytt teater i Bergen. The City Council voted to grant one million for the preliminary engineering work on the new theater in Bergen. The city council decided to grant one million dollars for the construction of new theaters in Bergen. Krig er ikke uundgåelig. War is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. Hon åt ett äpple. She ate an apple. She ate an apple. Det är inga problem. It's no trouble. It's not a problem. Tom sa det var dårlig. Tom said it was bad. Tom said it was bad. Jeg svømmer næsten hver dag. I swim almost every day. I am swimming almost every day. Jeg spiller fiolin. I play the violin. I play violin. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Jeg er Thomas Jacksons genfærd. I am the ghost of Thomas Jackson. I'm Thomas Jackson's genius. Det är min replik. That's my line. That's my replica. En ulykke kommer aldrig alene. Misfortunes never come single. An accident never comes alone. En 90-gradig vinkel kallas en rät vinkel. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. A 90-degree angle is called a straight angle. Hver gang Toms forældre skændtes, græd han. Whenever Tom's parents argued, Tom would cry. Every time Tom's parents were injured, he cried. Ef þú vilt ekki setja á þig sólarvörn þá er það þitt vandamál. Komdu bara ekki kvartandi til mín þegar þú brennur. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don’t want to put on your sunscreen then it’s your problem. Just don’t complain to me when you burn. Tom slukkede branden. Tom put out the fire. Tom turned off the fire. Mange børn kan ikke lide grøntsager, men min lillebror elsker dem. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Many kids don’t like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Det var väldigt svårt. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Han gav det til mig. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Tom är en usel styvfar. Tom is a terrible stepfather. Tom is a thief. Printeren har papirstop. The printer is jammed. The printer has papertops. Tager du ofte til Boston? Do you go to Boston often? Do you often go to Boston? Hur övertygade du honom? How did you convince him? How did you believe him? Det her er et fotografi af mit maleri. This is a photograph of my painting. This is a photograph of my painting. Det populäraste spelet i världen görs av svenskar. The most popular game in the world is made by Swedes. The most popular game in the world is made by Swedes. Varför vill du ha den här? Why do you want this? Why do you want this? Træet, der er i haven, er et gammelt egetræ. The tree that is in the garden is an ancient oak. The tree that is in the garden is an old oak. Det är rätt beslut. It's the right decision. That's the right decision. Hun synes, at det er spild af tid. She thinks it's a waste of time. She thinks it's a waste of time. Jag vet hur svårt det är att göra så. I know how hard it is to do that. I know how hard it is to do that. Kva treng eg? What do I need? What do I need? Tom dro til Australia sist sommer. Tom visited Australia last summer. Tom went to Australia last summer. Hun har bolle i ovnen. She is pregnant. She's got a ball in the oven. Ekki hafa þetta eftir mér. Don't quote me on this. Don't have this after me. Den som går till kyrkan tror på Gud. Whomever goes to church believes in God. The one who goes to the church believes in God. Mobbning är så klart ett allvarligt problem, men samtidigt måste vi inse att en nollvision här är omöjlig. Bullying is a serious problem, but we have to understand that setting out to eliminate it entirely isn't a realistic proposition. Mobbing is such a serious problem, but at the same time we must realize that a zero-vision here is impossible. Det her er ikke hekseri. This is not witchcraft. This is not witchcraft. Hun ville ikke snakke med ham. She wouldn't speak to him. She didn't want to talk to him. Är det bra för hälsan att äta en vitlöksklyfta om dagen? Is eating a clove of garlic every day beneficial to your health? Is it good for health to eat a garlic diet a day? Vi skal på kjøpesenteret. We're going to the mall. We're going to the mall. Det var helt tilfeldig at han vant kampen. It was pure chance that he won the game. It was a coincidence that he won the game. Jag gick vilse i Boston. I lost my way in Boston. I went wild in Boston. Jag tyckte om att simma. I enjoyed swimming. I liked swimming. Din cykel er bedre end min. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Jag antar att det inte kan hjälpas. I guess it can't be helped. I guess it can't be helped. Familien min bor i det huset. My family live in that house. My family lives in that house. Mary sprang. Mary ran. Mary ran. Han tjänar inte mer än femtio dollar i veckan. He earns not more than 50 dollars a week. He doesn’t earn more than fifty dollars a week. Hva studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist research? What is studying a Sovietologist? Mötet avslutades vid lunchtid. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting ended at lunchtime. Jag hade lite problem. I had some trouble. I had a little problem. De fik ham. They got him. They got him. Hún ráðlagði honum að léttast. She advised him to lose weight. She advised him to be relieved. Hur länge blev du kvar? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Jag kommer att gå av vid nästa hållplats. I am going to get off at the next stop. I'll get off at the next stop. Pigen redte håret på sin dukke. The girl combed her doll's hair. The girl rode her hair on her doll. Jeg kan ikke længere holde hendes dovenskab ud. I'm fed up with her laziness. I can no longer keep her dove out. Jag måste göra det nu. I have to do it now. I have to do it now. Komum við heima hjá honum. Let's drop by his house. We came home with him. De, som bor i glashuse, burde ikke kaste med sten. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stone. Du trenger å trene mer. You need to exercise more. You need to exercise more. Det er et smukt sværd. That's a beautiful sword. It's a beautiful sword. Jeg har ikke peiling på hva jeg vil bli. I have no idea of what I want to become. I don't have any bearing on what I want to be. Ég þurfti að ýta hjólinu mínu af því að það sprakk á hjá mér. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because it was on my side. Du har fået et blåt øje. You've got a black eye. You've got a blue eye. Han snakka med stor entusiasme om teaterforestillinga. He spoke with great enthusiasm of the theatrical performance. He talked with great enthusiasm about the theatrical performance. Tom har øje for moderne kunst. Tom has an eye for modern art. Tom has an eye on modern art. Vi fremstiller mursten. We make bricks. We make the brick. Jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska förvänta mig. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Är det någon hemma? Is anybody home? Is there anyone at home? Här är vi igen. Here we are again. Here we are again. Han læste brevet igen og igen. He read the letter over and over. He read the letter again and again. Hva gjør du og kjæresten din vanligvis som forspill? What do you and your boyfriend usually do for foreplay? What do you do and your boyfriend usually do as a play? Mina nycklar är borta. My keys are gone. My keys are gone. Människan är det enda djuret som kan använda elden. Humans are the only animals that can use fire. Man is the only animal that can use the fire. Du var bange. You were scared. You were scared. Ég nenni ekki að gera það í dag. I don't feel like doing it today. I don't want to do it today. Hun lever under fattige kår. She lives in poor circumstances. She lives under poor conditions. Ett glas kallt vatten, tack! A glass of cold water, please! A glass of cold water, please! Tom är en hipster. Tom is a hipster. Tom is a hipster. Tom slutade aldrig leta efter Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. Det er normalt å gjøre feil. It's normal to make mistakes. It's normal to make mistakes. Han tittar på dinosaurier. He's looking at dinosaurs. He's looking at dinosaurs. Hvad synes I, piger? What do you think, girls? What do you think, girls? Tom er vant til at få sin vilje. Tom is used to getting his way. Tom is used to getting his will. Hva mener du om saken? What is your opinion on the matter? What do you think of the matter? Med dig er det sommer hele året rundt. With you it's summer all year round. With you, summer is all year round. Jeg ser jenta. I see the girl. I see the girl. Yanni dræbte sine egne børn. Yanni killed his own children. Yanni killed his own children. Tom är fortfarande vaken. Tom is still awake. Tom is still awake. Jeg lærte af mine fejltagelser. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Hvad slags hjælp har du brug for? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Det är mitt beslut. It's my decision. That's my decision. Vi drack lite vin. We drank some wine. We drank some wine. Det er ikke første gangen du kommer for sent. This isn't the first time that you've been late. It's not the first time you're late. Jag har fortfarande några lektioner den här eftermiddagen. I still have a few more classes this afternoon. I still have a few lessons this afternoon. Tom genkendte Mary så snart han så hende. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Vil du med hen til akvariet? Would you like to go to the aquarium with me? Do you want to go to the aquarium? Tom så en western. Tom watched a Western. Tom saw a western. Han kände i fickan efter sin tändare. He felt in his pocket for his lighter. He felt in his pocket after his teeth. Nå er det nok! Enough, already! Now it's enough! Økonomisk udvikling er vigtig for Afrika. Economic development is important for Africa. Economic development is important for Africa. De är korta och smala. They are short and thin. They are short and narrow. Det ska du ha jävligt klart för dig! Let's make that much very fucking clear! You're going to be very clear for you! Har du varit en stygg pojke? Have you been a bad boy? Have you been an ugly boy? Jeg leste boken hans. I read his book. I read his book. Hun har ingen brødre. She doesn't have any brothers. She has no brothers. Ikke mindre enn hundre folk var tilstede på møtet. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. Not less than a hundred people were present at the meeting. Vilken är din favoritsvordom? What's your favorite curse word? What is your favorite property? Har Tom mottatt en invitasjon ennå? Has Tom received an invitation yet? Has Tom received an invitation yet? John ætlar að segja Lucy frá uppruna ruðnings. John is going to tell Lucy about the origin of rugby. John is going to tell Lucy about the origin of the scene. Hun er tæt på de tres. She is close to sixty. She's close to the three. Jag vill bara vara med dig. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Hon är lika lång som sin mor. She is as tall as her mother. She's as long as her mother. Þér er frjálst að nota þetta herbergi hvernig sem þér sýnist. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You are free to use this room as you can. Jag är inte din bror. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother. Du har gode indfald. You have good ideas. You're welcome. Katte kan se i mørke. Cats can see in the dark. Cats can see in the dark. De tog i biografen i går aftes. They went to the movies last night. They went to the cinema last night. Det er mit, ikke hendes. It's mine, not hers. It's mine, not her. Jeg har en fætter og en kusine. I have two cousins. I have a cousin and a cousin. Jag sa åt Tom att han inte skulle komma idag. I told Tom not to come today. I told Tom he wouldn't come today. Vi går i biografen. We are going to the cinema. We go to the cinema. Tom spillede fodbold i går. Tom played soccer yesterday. Tom played football yesterday. Der boede en gammel mand i et gammelt hus. There lived an old man in the old house. There was an old man living in an old house. Titta inte ut genom fönstret. Don't look out of the window. Don't look out through the window. Denne gang undgår du ikke din straf. This time, you won't avoid your punishment. This time you will not avoid your punishment. Láttu eins og þú sért heima hjá þér. Please make yourself at home. Do as you are at home. I Sverige godkändes pronomenet "hen". The pronoun "hen" has been approved in Sweden. In Sweden, the pronoun "then". Tom kan ännu vara vid liv. Tom might still be alive. Tom can still be alive. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important! It's not important! Mér til undrunar var mannfræðingurinn sakaður um morð. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. For me, the engineer was accused of murder. Tom vart ven med ho Mary. Tom became friends with Mary. Tom was friends with her Mary. Se på det tårn som står på bakken. Look at that tower standing on the hill. Look at the tower standing on the ground. Venter du på noe? Are you waiting for something? Are you waiting for something? Schweiz har brug for bedre æbler. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. Har du läst Sagan om ringen-trilogin? Have you read the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Have you read the story of the ring trilogy? Sami var så ked af det. Sami was so upset. Sami was so sorry. Hans bror kan inte sjunga. His brother can't sing. His brother can't sing. Kan vi åka nu? Can we hit the road, please? Can we go now? Tom fortalte Mary hvor gammel han var. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary how old he was. Jag tar hand om den här. I'll handle this one. I'll take care of this. Ni skulle ha gillat det. You would've liked it. You should have liked it. Likar du Seinfeld? Do you like Seinfeld? Do you like Seinfeld? Du måste ta buss nummer 12. You have to take bus number 12. You have to take bus number 12. Han vande sig snart vid det kalla vädret. He soon accustomed himself to cold weather. He soon got into the cold weather. Hún æfir sig alltaf á píanóið fyrir matinn. She always practices the piano before dinner. He always wears the piano for the food. Tom kunde knappt gå. Tom could hardly walk. Tom could barely go. Hun sendte meg et brev. She sent me a letter. She sent me a letter. Hun vågnede af sig selv. She woke up on her own. She woke up by herself. Stórir menn eru ekki endilega sterkir menn. Big men are not necessarily strong men. The big men are not strong men. Jeg er bedre. I am better. I'm better. Jag kan köra dig. I can drive you. I can drive you. Din måte å se på noe er situasjonavhengig. Your way of looking at something depends on your situation. Your way of looking at something is situation-dependent. Hun var deprimeret. She felt blue. She was depressed. Dei driv og grev eit hol. They're digging a hole. They drive and count a hole. Han er i ferd med å gå. He's about to go. He's about to go. Er du nogensinde blevet bidt af en hund? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Tom er ikke god til at synge. Tom can't sing well. Tom is not good at singing. Tom er ikke bange for slanger. Tom isn't scared of snakes. Tom is not afraid of snakes. Jag är faktiskt väldigt lycklig. I'm actually very happy. I'm really very happy. De gick hand i hand. They went hand in hand. They went hand in hand. Tom kom løbende med et brev fra Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came up with a letter from Judy. Jeg er ikke dum! Jeg er ordblind. I'm not dumb! I'm dyslexic. I'm not stupid! Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvors tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvorn ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are advantages and disadvantages to the opinions of both of you so I will not decide immediately where I will support. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you. Hvad hedder du? What's your name? What's your name? Mari och Maki är systrar. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mari and Maki are sisters. Rettferdigheten må skje fyllest. Justice must be done. Justice must be filled. Han studerer amerikansk historie. He studies American history. He is studying American history. Jag kom ihåg Tom. I remembered Tom. I remember Tom. Det er en skam at Tom har så dårligt et helbred. It's a pity that Tom is in such poor health. It is a shame that Tom has such a bad health. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn down for the television? Við skulum ekki taka neinar ákvarðanir í flýti. Við skulum sofa á þessu. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. Let’s not make any decisions in a hurry. Let’s sleep on this. Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Hur många språk vill du lära dig? How many languages do you want to learn? How many languages do you want to learn? Inget av detta är verkligt. None of this is real. None of this is real. Hvor mange tænder har en ko? How many teeth does a cow have? How many teeth does a cow have? Han visade mig en massa vackra bilder. He showed me a lot of beautiful photos. He showed me a lot of beautiful pictures. Kan du ge mig en filt? Could you bring me a blanket? Can you give me a file? Hvor mye betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Tjek denne oversættelse med originalen. Check this translation with the original. Check this translation with the original. Du bør stille os spørgsmål. You should ask us questions. You should ask us questions. Fyrst þú ert kominn gætum við allt eins byrjað. Since you're here, we might as well begin. First of all, we could all get started. Tom frågade mig vad som hände. Tom asked me what happened. Tom asked me what happened. Tom fortæller mig ingenting. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Han er en mann av tradisjoner. He is a man of tradition. He is a man of traditions. Hvernig var stærðfræðikeppnin? How was the math test? How was the math contest? Lad os håbe det virker. Let's hope it works. Let's hope it works. I er ikke sjove. You guys are no fun. You're not funny. Tom er en uhelbredelig optimist. Tom is an incurable optimist. Tom is an unbreakable optimist. Jeg er arbeidsløs. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Tom liker å fiske. Tom likes to fish. Tom likes fishing. Tom låg vaken länge och tänkte på vad han borde göra. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about what he should do. Tom lay awake for a long time and thought about what he should do. Först trodde jag att han var lärare, men det var han inte. At first, I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't. At first I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn’t. Jag bor i Qatar. I live in Qatar. I live in Qatar. Tom stör Mary. Tom is disturbing Mary. Tom disturbs Mary. Jag trodde du hatade rödvin. I thought you hated red wine. I thought you hated red wine. Han forlot kontoret i all hast. He left the office in great haste. He left the office in a hurry. Om vinteren har vi meget sne. We have a lot of snow in the winter. In winter we have a lot of snow. Jeg ved, at du ikke har penge. I know you don't have money. I know you don't have money. Simbabve var eitt sinn bresk nýlenda. Zimbabwe was once a colony of Britain. Simbabve was once a British New Yorker. Min onkels hund bed mig. My uncle's dog bit me. My uncle's dog asked me. Jeg drikker ikke meget øl. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Hun kan lide ham. She likes him. She likes him. Vi visste allt om det. We knew all about it. We knew everything about it. Vandet frøs. The water was freezing. The water is seeds. Håret ditt er for langt. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. Tom drömmer. Tom's dreaming. Tom dreams. Hann hætti að reykja. He stopped to smoke. He stopped smoking. Jag vill inte fria till dig! I don't want to propose to you! I don't want to free you! Ég er líklegast týnd. I am probably lost. I'm probably lost. Låt oss anordna en fest. Let's have a party. Let's organize a party. Dette er helt forkert. This is all wrong. This is completely wrong. Romerne ville aldri hatt nok tid til å ta over verden hvis de måtte lære seg latin først. The Romans would never have had enough time for conquering the world if they had first been required to study Latin. The Romans would never have enough time to take over the world if they had to learn Latin first. Er du sikker på at du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Tom är inte glad. Tom isn't happy. Tom is not happy. Brødet var muggent, men Tom spiste det alligevel. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. The bread was dirty, but Tom ate it anyway. Tony er en høflig dreng. Tony is a polite boy. Tony is a polite boy. Vi njöt av att simma i sjön. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. Det var en ond kanin. That was an evil bunny. It was a bad rabbit. Tom, har du fodret Cookie? Tom, did you feed Cookie? Tom, did you feed Cookie? Du brøt loven. You broke the law. You broke the law. God tur. Have a good trip. Good luck. Vi kan ikke ha uendelig vekst på en begrenset planet. We cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. We cannot have infinite growth on a limited planet. Tom är road. Tom is amused. Tom is calm. Lad os gå en tur, når det holder op med at regne. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Let's go for a walk when it stops raining. En hund løber efter en kat og katten efter en mus. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog runs after a cat and the cat after a mouse. Jeg leser ikke så mange bøker som jeg gjorde tidligere. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don’t read as many books as I did before. Denne medisinen er en naturlig gift. This medicine is a natural poison. This medicine is a natural poison. Jeg håber at du har det godt. I hope you're well. I hope you're fine. Jag måste gå. I have to go. I have to go. Jag vet vad det heter. I know what it's called. I know what it's called. Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You can't be too careful when driving. You can’t be too careful when you’re driving. Han talar inte engelska. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Du kan regne med hende. You can count on her. You can count on her. Hun forblev ugift hele livet. She remained single all her life. She remained unmarried throughout her life. Du vil kunne kjøre bil etter noen dager. You'll be able to drive a car in a few days. You will be able to drive a car after a few days. Är du färdig ännu? Are you finished yet? Are you done yet? Bliv nu ikke oppe hele natten. Don't stay up all night. Don't stay up all night. Jeg ved ikke hvad der kunne være sket. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. Jag har glömt bort hans namn. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Jag var i Boston. I was in Boston. I was in Boston. Min søster er vakker. My sister is pretty. My sister is beautiful. För mig är det rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. For me, it is the pure Greek. Så tragiskt! How tragic! That's so tragic! Min onkel spiller guitar. My uncle plays guitar. My uncle plays guitar. Jeg har købt blondegardiner til vinduet i soveværelset. I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window. I bought blonde curtains for the window in the bedroom. Pas på! Det er ikke et legetøj! Be careful. It's not a toy. Watch it! It's not a toy! Það hefur fengið lánað mörg orð frá erlendum tungumálum. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. There have been a lot of words from foreign languages. Mary har konstiga bröst. Mary has weird breasts. Mary has strange breasts. Jeg så din ven her i går. I saw your friend here yesterday. I saw your friend here yesterday. Tom er skabsbøsse. Tom is a closet case. Tom is a closet. Jeg har aldri vært der før. I've never been there before. I've never been there before. Skulle jag kunna få ett glas öl, tack? May I have a glass of beer, please? Could I have a glass of beer, please? Jeg mistet skriveblokken min i dag. I lost my notebook today. I lost my writing block today. Store mengder regn og oversvømmelser forekommer årlig i store deler av Kina på denne tiden av året. Heavy rain and flooding hits much of China this time every year. Large amounts of rain and flooding occur annually in large parts of China at this time of year. De har snød fortsatt i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. They have snowed for four days. Ég er svo heimskur... Ég er að reyna útskýra fyrir þér hluti sem ég skil ekki sjálfur. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things I don't understand myself. Er du sikker på at hans navn er Tom? Are you sure his name is Tom? Are you sure his name is Tom? Tom är alltid full av idéer. Tom is always full of ideas. Tom is always full of ideas. Din fortælling er kedelig. Your story is boring. Your story is boring. Sånn er livet. Accidents are inevitable. That's life. Hendes læber var bløde. Her lips were soft. Her lips were soft. Vissa fiskar kan byta kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change sex. Hatten är din. The hat is yours. Hat is yours. Allt ordnade sig. It all worked out OK. Everything arranged. Hvem taler du om? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? Afsakið, þú ert með vitlaust númer. Sorry, you have the wrong number. Sorry, you have a wrong number. Jeg vidste ikke du talte fransk. I didn't know you spoke French. I didn't know you spoke French. Jag var väldigt glad. I was very happy. I was very happy. Du er verdens dårligste løgner. You're the worst liar in the world. You are the worst liar in the world. Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg glemte det. I can't believe I forgot about that. I can't believe I forgot about it. Vad är det som tar en sådan tid? What's taking so long? What takes such a time? Han sprang ud af sengen. He jumped out of bed. He ran out of bed. Oslo er Norges hovedstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. De här pannkakorna är utsökt goda. These pancakes are delicious. These pancakes are excellent. Tom havde intet at læse. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Tom og Mary var ment til å gjøre det alene. Tom and Mary were supposed to do that by themselves. Tom and Mary were meant to do it alone. Jeg elsker oksitansk språket. I like the Occitan language. I love the Occitan language. Tom løste knuden og fjernede knebelen. Tom untied the knot and removed the gag. Tom solved the knot and removed the knee belt. Lægen sagde: "Der er ikke noget der er værre for dit helbred end tobak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said, “There’s nothing worse for your health than tobacco.” Frykt er skummelt. Fear is scary. Fear is scary. Hon säljer en ny hatt. She is selling a new hat. She sells a new hat. Kom ut med oss. Come out with us. Come out with us. Tom er Marys svoger. Tom is Mary's brother-in-law. Tom is Mary's brother. Du borde inte gå ut. You'd better not go out. You shouldn't go out. Jeg hørte at Tom ikke var en god lærer. I heard that Tom wasn't a good teacher. I heard Tom was not a good teacher. Eg er best. I am the best. I'm best. Han har alltid tyckt om kvinnor. He's always liked women. He has always thought of women. Hon skulle ha gjort det redan. She would have done it already. She should have done it already. Vad är det som låter? What is that sound? What sounds like? Det begynder at regne. It's starting to rain. It starts to rain. Sluta vara så dramatisk. Stop being so dramatic. Stop being so dramatic. Stolen din er helt lik min. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is just like mine. Vi är kvinnor. We are women. We are women. Hendes far er brandmand. Her father is a firefighter. Her father is a firefighter. Det var inte en tävling. It wasn't a race. It wasn't a competition. Kor mykje kosta den? How much did it cost? How much does it cost? Yanni kørte længere østpå til den algeriske grænse. Yanni drove further east to the Algerian border. Yanni drove further east to the Algerian border. Jeg drikker ikke så mye øl. I don't drink that much beer. I don't drink so much beer. Du anstränger dig inte ens. You don't even try that hard. You don't even have to do it. Jeg har lært af mine fejltagelser. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Jeg elsker at læse bøger. I love to read books. I love reading books. Jeg kan lide din artikel. I like your article. I like your article. Má ég sitja við hliðina á þér? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Tom kunde ha gjort vad än han ville. Tom could've done anything he wanted. Tom could have done whatever he wanted. Yanni förlorade synen. Yanni lost his sight. Yanni lost sight. Jeg tror Delbert er gal. I think that Delbert is crazy. I think Delbert is crazy. Skadades någon? Did anybody get hurt? Is anyone hurt? Kan jag inte stanna här med dig? Can't I stay here with you? Can I stay here with you? Tom är skadad. Tom's hurt. Tom is injured. Deres arbejde er at malke køerne. Their job is to milk the cows. Their work is to grind the cows. Du kan bli så lenge du vil. You can stay as long as you like. You can stay as long as you want. Ég get kennt þér hvernig á að þýða. I can teach you how to translate. I can teach you how to translate. Jeg er sikker på at Tom fortalte deg det. I'm sure Tom told you that. I'm sure Tom told you. Grattis på bröllopsdagen! Happy anniversary! Happy Birthday! Jeg stiger af her. I get off here. I'm going out of here. Kan du skydda mig? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Liker du film? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Jeg købte den billigste. I bought the cheapest one. I bought the cheapest one. Ja, jeg er enig med dig. Det er også det. Yes, I agree with you. It's also that. Yes, I agree with you, too. En dag kommer du att få lön för mödan. Your efforts will bear fruit someday. One day you'll get a salary for your mothers. Det är första gången jag parkerar min bil i skogen. This is the first time I've ever parked my car in the woods. This is the first time I park my car in the woods. Vi gjorde ikke noget forkert. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Vi har en halv times ophold i Paris. We have a stop for half an hour in Paris. We have a half hour stay in Paris. Denne statue er lavet af massivt guld. This statue is made of solid gold. This statue is made of massive gold. Vad har du hittat? What've you found? What have you found? Vi kommer inte att sälja den. We're not going to sell it. We will not sell it. Vi tager ikke imod drikkepenge her. We do not accept tips. We don't accept drinking money here. Jeg ønsker ikke at han går. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to go. Nú eða aldrei. It's now or never. Now or never. Varför är jag den enda de klagar på? De gör bara ett exempel av mig och använder mig som syndabock. Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat. Why am I the only one they complain about? They only do an example of me and use me as a sin-abock. Vekk meg klokken syv i morgen, er du snill. Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning. Wake me up at seven o'clock tomorrow, please. Det træ er meget smukt. That tree is very pretty. The tree is very beautiful. Jeg er så tykk. I'm so fat. I'm so thick. Du måste ha tålamod. You have to be patient. You have to be patient. Gå och hämta din bil. Go get your car. Go get your car. Det er et godt spørgsmål. It is a good question. That's a good question. Jeg købte en pen, men jeg mistede den. I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen, but I lost it. Hvordan drepte du kakkerlakken? How did you kill the cockroach? How did you kill the cockroache? Han ankom forpustet til stationen. He arrived at the station out of breath. He arrived at the station. Tom har nogle nysgerrige naboer. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom has some curious neighbors. Du måste hem. You must go home. You have to go home. Han er nysgjerrig på alt mulig. He is curious about everything. He's curious about everything possible. 'Den gamle mand og havet' er en meget spændende bog. The Old Man and the Sea is a very exciting book. “The old man and the sea” is a very exciting book. Kriget var slut, men inte mardrömmarna. The war was over. The nightmares weren’t. The war was over, but not the nightmares. Ge Tom ett handtag. Give Tom a hand. Give Tom a handle. Tom spände sina armar. Tom flexed his arms. Tom turned his arms. Jeg tror at nogen har spædt punchen op. I think that somebody spiked the punch. I think someone's been picking up the punch. Mars er den røde planet. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the red planet. Tom var en fiasko som far. Tom is a failure as a father. Tom was a failure as a father. Ég þarf að koma barninu í rúmið. I have to put the baby to bed. I need to bring my child to bed. Gå och byt om. Go get changed. Go and change. Ibland är en mening värd mer än ett ord, och ibland är ett ord värt mer än en mening. Sometimes a sentence is worth more than a word, and sometimes a word is worth more than a sentence. Sometimes a meaning worth more than one word, and sometimes a word is worth more than one meaning. Tycker du om Earl Grey-te? Do you like Earl Grey tea? Do you like Earl Grey-te? Montana grænser op til Canada. Montana borders Canada. Montana borders Canada. Borgermesterens datter har blitt kidnappet. The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped. The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped. Den här skjortan behöver tvättas. This shirt needs washing. This shirt needs to be washed. Hvor gammel er den eldste? What is the age of the oldest? How old is the oldest? Jeres bil er hurtig. Your car is fast. Your car is fast. Jeg venter på bussen. I'm waiting for the bus. I'm waiting for the bus. Jag vet inte varför Tom gjorde som han gjorde. I don't know why Tom did what he did. I don't know why Tom did what he did. Ingen visste vart han hade tagit vägen. Nobody knew where he went. No one knew where he had taken the way. Du kan regne med mig, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. Det ville overraske mig hvis det skete. I'd be surprised if that happened. It would surprise me if it happened. Se till att tina upp kycklingen före tillagning. Make sure to thaw the chicken before cooking. Make sure to pick up the chicken before cooking. Ég tók því sem gefnu að þú mundir koma. I took it for granted that you would come. I took what I gave you to come. Tom ringede på dørklokken et par gange. Tom rang the doorbell a couple of times. Tom called the doorbell a couple of times. Jag ska försöka att fixa det här, men det kan hända att jag inte lyckas. I'll try to fix this, but there's a chance that I won't be able to. I'll try to fix this, but I can't succeed. Han är på tåget. He's on the train. He's on the train. Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. I bought a cake of tomatoes. Jag kan känna det. I can feel that. I can feel it. Du er for tynd. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Sami och Layla är nygifta. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Sami and Layla are newly married. Vänligen stör inte. Please don't disturb. Please don't bother. Hon är på intet vis självisk. She is by no means selfish. She's not selfish. De elsker denne kabylske kjole. They love this Kabyle dress. They love this cabal dress. Du ringede altid til mig fra hendes hus. You always called me from her house. You always called me from her house. Trodde du på Tom? Did you believe Tom? Did you think of Tom? Nu ved jeg alt. I know everything now. Now I know everything. När ska uppsatsen lämnas in? When is the paper due? When should the rate be submitted? Gör det på måndag. Do it Monday. Do it on Monday. Vi samles her en gang i uken. We gather here once a week. We'll be here once a week. Det är dyrt. It's expensive. It's expensive. Det er blevet varmere i dag. It's got warmer today. It has become warmer today. Kan du tale fransk? Are you able to speak French? Can you speak French? Har du allerede pakket dine kufferter? Have you already packed your suitcases? Have you already packed your suitcases? Tom er endnu ikke teenager. Tom isn't a teenager yet. Tom is not a teenager yet. Er dere klar? Are you all ready? Are you ready? Hon frågade honom varför han grät. She asked him why he was crying. She asked him why he was crying. Det lønner seg ikke å spise tastaturet. Eating the keyboard doesn't help. It doesn’t pay for eating the keyboard. Hur länge har Tom varit här? How long has Tom been here? How long has Tom been here? Han skänkte bort alla sina gamla möbler. He gave away all his old furniture. He gave away all his old furniture. Hon räckte upp handen för att få bussen att stanna. She raised her hand for the bus to stop. She pulled up her hand to get the bus to stay. Jag ville att Tom skulle sticka iväg och lämna mig i fred. I wanted Tom to go away and leave me in peace. I wanted Tom to leave and leave me in peace. Finnes vannmeloner uten frø? Do seedless watermelons exist? Are watermelons without seeds? Sommerfugle er smukke. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflys are beautiful. Mary är nybliven mamma. Mary is a new mom. Mary is a new mother. Han var i flåden. He was in the Navy. He was in the Navy. Snefnuggene blev større og større, til sidst så de ud, som store hvide høns. The snow-flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens. The snowflakes grew larger and larger, eventually they looked like large white chickens. Der var en dyb dam der for ti år siden. There was a deep pond there ten years ago. There was a deep dam ten years ago. Ég þekki stelpuna sem er að spila tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who is playing tennis. Kommer I stadigvæk sammen? Are you guys still dating? Are you still coming together? Han er en af mine gamle venner. He is one of my old friends. He's one of my old friends. Hvað er að frétta? Do you have any news? What is news? Vi stod ved døren og ventede. We stood at the door and waited. We stood at the door and waited. Det här bordet är vitt. This table is white. This table is white. Det är utan tvekan en av de värsta idéer jag någonsin hört. That is without a doubt one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. It’s definitely one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard. Skaðinn af völdum flóðsins nemur tíu milljónum dollara. Damages from the flood amount to ten million dollars. The damage caused by the flood amounted to $10 million. Og så gik ællingen; den flød på vandet, den dykkede ned, men af alle dyr var den overset for sin grimhed. So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. Then the donkey went, and the water was flowing, and it was cut down, but of all animals it was over for its glory. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You didn't need to come so early. You wouldn’t have to come so early. Mary tog Tom i at grine. Mary caught Tom laughing. Mary took Tom to laugh. Såg Tom okej ut? Did Tom look OK? Is Tom okay? Þau eru gott fólk. They are good people. They are good people. Mér finnst það fyndið. I find that funny. I think it's funny. En åpen diskusjon med en ateist fant sted nylig i en moské i Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. Lad os hvile her indtil Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here until Tom picks us up. Hvorfor ville du til Armenien? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Why would you go to Armenia? Der er en god chance for at han vil blive valgt. There's a good chance that he'll be chosen. There is a good chance that he will be elected. Jeg hater lukten av hvitløk. I hate the smell of garlic. I hate the smell of garlic. Fugle synger her og der i parken. Birds are singing here and there in the park. Birds sing here and there in the park. Det här landet heter Ryssland. This country is called Russia. This country is called Russia. Jeg kender ingen af jer. I don't know any of you. I don't know any of you. Ikke våg å svare på det. Don't you dare answer that. Don't dare to answer it. Jag tar chansen. I'll take the chance. I'll take the chance. Han unnskyldte seg, så jeg ønsket ikke å lage et stort nummer av det. He apologized, so I didn't want to make a big deal about that. He apologized, so I didn’t want to make a big number of it. Hvordan kan man slutte å prokrastinere? How to stop procrastinating? How can you stop procrastinating? Ég verð að viðurkenna að ég hrýt. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit that I am afraid. Gid mine forældre havde ladet være med at fortælle at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. My parents had let me tell you that I was an accident. Hvor svømmer de? Where are they swimming? Where do they swim? Dette er mitt tredje ekteskap. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Jeg skjulte mig på loftet. I hid in the attic. I hid in the air. De tog i hand. They shook hands. They took their hand. Jeg skal være læge. I'm going to be a doctor. I'm going to be a doctor. Han forstod ikke hendes joke. He did not understand her joke. He didn't understand her joke. I den store have stod æbletræerne i blomst, og de duftende sirener bøjede deres lange grønne grene ned imod de bugtede kanaler. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. In the great garden the apple trees stood in flower, and the scented sirens bent their long green branches down against the bayous canals. Älskar du mig inte längre? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Hvor er biblioteket? Where is the library? Where is the library? Mørke er fravær af lys. Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is the absence of light. Jón vonast til að vera óháður foreldrum sínum. John hopes to be independent of his parents. He hopes to be independent of his parents. De flesta gillar inte söndagar, men det gör jag. People don't tend to like Sundays, but I do. Most people don’t like Sundays, but I do. Han vet hur man flyger en helikopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. Jag tvättade medan spädbarnet sov. I did the washing while the baby was sleeping. I washed while the infant slept. De kommer til å gjøre feil. They're going to make mistakes. They're going to make mistakes. Jag är i Ryssland. I am in Russia. I'm in Russia. Ikke kunne ha forutsett dette. No one could've predicted this. Couldn't have predicted this. Tom har allereie gjeve Maria det ho spurde etter. Tom has already given Mary what she asked for. Tom has already given Maria what she asked for. Jeg har skrevet en roman akkurat slik jeg ønsket å skrive den. I wrote a novel exactly as I wanted to write it. I have written a novel just as I wanted to write it. Hon blev exkommunicerad. She was excommunicated. She was excommunicated. Han er meget bange for døden. He's very afraid of death. He is very afraid of death. Meddela Tom när du är klar. Tell Tom when you're ready. Share Tom when you're ready. Du drikker te. You drink tea. You drink tea. Vinsamlegast komið inn einn af öðrum. Please come in one by one. Please come in one of the others. Tom studerer ikke fransk mer. Tom doesn't study French anymore. Tom doesn’t study French anymore. Tom følte sig som et nyt menneske. Tom felt like a new man. Tom felt like a new man. Kassen var åben og tom. The box was open and empty. The sauce was open and empty. Tom ville ikke gøre sig selv til grin. Tom didn't want to make a fool of himself. Tom didn’t want to make herself laugh. I den där affären säljs köksredskap. That store sells kitchen-ware. In that store, kitchen utensils are sold. Någon har ätit upp mitt påskägg. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Someone has eaten my Easter egg. Jag har aldrig sett så många stiliga män på ett ställe. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Tom får gode karakterer i fransk. Tom gets good grades in French. Tom gets good grades in French. Jag älskar dig, Spanien. I love you, Spain. I love you, Spain. Han frågade mig om jag gillade matematik. He asked me if I liked mathematics. He asked me if I liked mathematics. Þú leist á mig. You looked at me. You're renting me. Jag är inte trött. I am not tired. I'm not tired. Guldpriset fluktuerar dagligen. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The gold price fluctuates daily. Tom kan ikke sove uden sin teddybjørn. Tom can't sleep without his teddy bear. Tom can't sleep without her teen bear. Tom troede ikke på Mary. Tom didn't believe Mary. Tom didn't believe Mary. Han gav mig et stort knus. He gave me a big hug. He gave me a big kiss. Eg drakk mjólk. I drank milk. I drank milk. Jeg tenkte det kunne være til nytte. I thought it might be of some use. I thought it could be useful. Jeg skylder dig ti dollar. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you $10. Jag har inte ont någonstans. I'm not in any pain. I don't have hurt anywhere. Har du sightseeing-turer i denne byen Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town? Do you have sightseeing tours in this city Jeg synes det smager godt. I think it tastes good. I think it tastes good. Hvenær á bróðir minn afmæli? When is my brother's birthday? When is my brother's birthday? Hver er uppáhalds þátturinn þinn? What's your favorite television program? What is your favorite show? Du har gjort det meget godt. You've done it very well. You've done it very well. Sami og Layla var næsten uadskillelige. Sami and Layla were almost inseparable. Sami and Layla were almost inseparable. Hvorfor spilder vi vores tid med dette? Why are we wasting time with this? Why do we play our time with this? Tom spurgte Mary om vej. Tom asked Mary for directions. Tom asked Mary about her way. Jeg er fra Portugal. I am from Portugal. I'm from Portugal. Når drar du? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Jeg hater kjemi. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Ok. Jeg bøjer mig. Okay. I give in. Okay, I'm fine. Den pige dér er Mary. That girl is Mary. That girl there is Mary. Den største strømmen av innvandrere kom fra og hørte til den skandinaviske gren av den germanske folkgruppen. The largest flow of immigrants came from and belonged to the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic people group. The largest stream of immigrants came from and heard the Scandinavian branch of the German people group. Uhell skjer kvar dag i denne sporten. Accidents happen every day in this sport. Uhell happens every day in this sport. Hva koster det? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Sami kiggede sig omkring og der var ingenting. Sami looked around and nothing was there. Sami looked around and there was nothing. Jeg betaler gjerne kontant. I would like to pay with cash. I'd like to pay cash. Vent venligst i venteværelset. Please wait in the waiting room. Please wait in the waiting room. Hvor mange hustruer har du haft? How many wives have you had? How many wives have you had? Jag gör det, fast på ett villkor. I will, but on one condition. I do it, stuck on a condition. Jeg vil ikke skuffe mine venner. I don't want to disappoint my friends. I don't want to disappoint my friends. Kom tillbaks in i skåpbilen. Get back in the van. Get back into the car. Ingå i en överenskommelse med mig och bli en ung magisk flicka! Enter in a contractual agreement with me and become a young magical girl! Get into an agreement with me and become a young magical girl! Tom kommer ikke til å være der på møtet i dag. Tom isn't going to be at today's meeting. Tom will not be there at the meeting today. Hún eldar ekki vel. She isn't a good cook. She doesn't cook well. Jag har en akademisk examen. I have a diploma. I have an academic degree. Håll dig borta. Stay away. Stay away. Jeg tror præsidentens tweet taler for sig selv. I think the president's tweet speaks for itself. I think the president's tweet speaks for himself. Du skal tro på alt hvad kirken lærer, og følge alle dens anvisninger. Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and shalt observe all its directions. You must believe in everything the church teaches, and follow all its instructions. Mennesker var aldri ment for å leve evig. Humans were never meant to live forever. Humans were never meant to live forever. Jag vill gå till stan. I want to go to town. I want to go to town. Vi byggde ett sandslott. We made a sand castle. We built a sand castle. Jag var på väg ut. I was going out. I was on my way out. Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn? Would you lend me your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Det är allt ni får. That's all you get. That's all you get. Politiet handsama Tom som om han var ein alminneleg kriminell. The police treated Tom like a common criminal. Police treated Tom as if he was an all-time criminal. Jag hämtade lite vatten åt Tom. I got Tom some water. I got some water for Tom. De er et par. They're a couple. They're a couple. Vi spiste akkurat middag. We just ate dinner. We ate just dinner. Det är möjligt. It's possible. That's possible. Jeg bor i Norge nå. I live in Norway now. I live in Norway now. Alle vidste at han var en bogorm. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everyone knew he was a bookworm. Efter den avis har der været et jordskælv i Mexico. According to the newspaper there was an earthquake in Mexico. After that, there has been an earthquake in Mexico. Það var ekki fyrr en að ég las bókina að ég vissi af því. It was not until I read the book that I knew about it. It wasn’t until I read the book that I knew about it. Jag väntar på min tur. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Ikke døm etter utseende. Don't judge by appearances. Do not judge by appearance. Der er ikke nogen her. There's no one here. There's no one here. Jeg har en lastbil. I have a truck. I got a truck. Du är fin i håret. Your hair is pretty. You're fine in your hair. Han tvingar mig att ge besked. He's forcing me to decide. He's forcing me to give a message. Flyger du ofta? Do you fly frequently? Do you often fly? Varför har du inte klänning på dig? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? Der er ingen grund til at være uhøflig. There's no need to be rude. There is no need to be rude. Tom løb hen imod duerne. Tom ran towards the pigeons. Tom ran against the pigeons. Ég mun fylgjast með þér. I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. Var är dina barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Vi må holde op med at narre os selv. We can't keep on fooling ourselves. We have to stop fooling ourselves. Heste har tre gangarter: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three gang species: Skritt, busy and galop. Det här är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Tom er i lufthavnen. Tom is at the airport. Tom's in the airport. Vann ni? Did you win? Do you have any water? Jeg nød hver dag af min ferie. I enjoyed every day of my vacation. I enjoyed every day of my vacation. Det måste inte göras nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. It must not be done right away. Tom er kommet tilbage. Tom has come back. Tom has come back. Jeg er ikke ansvarlig for det Tom gjorde. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. Det gick inte. It wasn't working. It didn't go. Jeg er færdig. I'm finished. I'm done. Jag kommer tillbaka snart. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Tom smelte igjen soveromsdøren sin. Tom slammed his bedroom door closed. Tom melted his bedroom door again. Tom har mistet interessen for at studere fransk. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Han åbnede buret og slap fuglene fri. He opened the cage and set the birds free. He opened the cage and escaped the birds. Foreldrene til Tom lever ikke lengre. Tom's parents aren't living anymore. Tom's parents are no longer alive. Hún er meiri kunningi en vinur. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She is more knowledge than a friend. Jeg bad Tom om at holde op. I asked Tom to stop. I asked Tom to stop. Smickra inte dig själv. Don't flatter yourself. Don't hug yourself. Kommer ni ihåg det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Jag överlevde. I survived. I survived. Jag ser huset. I see the house. I see the house. Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki. Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products. Foreigners in the country are giving out products in the highest quality category. Solbrillerne koster tyve euro. The sunglasses cost twenty euros. The sunglasses cost twenty euros. Jag kan hjälpa dig. I can help you. I can help you. Denne bog er lille. This book is small. This book is small. Hen grät. She cried. He's crying. Varför tror du att jag tänker på dig? Why do you think that I'm thinking about you? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Han valde dem på måfå. He picked them at random. He chose them in vain. Mary er på badet i timevis. Mary spends hours in the bathroom. Mary's in the bathroom for hours. Kan jeg købe en billet i bussen? Can I buy a ticket on the bus? Can I buy a ticket on the bus? Det kan du vara säker på. You can be sure of that. You can be sure. Donna ble født med sølvskje i munnen. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Min flickvän är helt tokig i Forever 21, men det är åtminstone billigt. My girlfriend is crazy over Forever 21, but at least it's cheap. My girlfriend is absolutely crazy in Forever 21, but it’s at least cheap. Det märkte jag aldrig. I never noticed that. I never noticed that. Gid mine forældre havde afholdt sig fra at fortælle mig at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. My parents had kept telling me I was an accident. Vart är smöret? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Han ryster på hovedet som om han havde vand i ørerne. He's shaking his head as if he had water in his ears. He shakes his head as if he had water in his ears. Varför ser du så ledsen ut? Why are you looking so sad? Why do you look so sad? Mary hader Tom som pesten. Mary hates Tom's guts. Mary hates Tom as the plague. Såg du blicken han gav mig? Did you see how he looked at me? Did you see the look he gave me? Hva i alle verden er det ? What in all the world is that? What in all the world is that? Jag hatar verkligen det här. I really hate this. I really hate this. Tom är inte så stark. Tom isn't that strong. Tom is not so strong. Tom är väldigt rik, eller hur? Tom is very rich, isn't he? Tom is very rich, right? Har du en Facebookkonto? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Publiken såg uttråkad ut. The audience looked bored. The audience looked bored. Det röda paraplyet påminde henne om hennes mormor. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandma. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Min far er holdt op med at ryge. My father gave up smoking. My father stopped smoking. Tom er clairvoyant. Tom is psychic. Tom is clairvoyant. Vi ventede på dig hele dagen. We waited for you all day long. We waited for you all day. Han er komen heilt frå London. He came here all the way from London. He's coming all the way from London. Tom fikk en parkeringsbot i går ettermiddag. Tom got a parking ticket yesterday afternoon. Tom got a parking lot yesterday afternoon. Var kan jag köpa äpplen? Where can I buy apples? Where can I buy apples? Washington er höfuðborg Bandaríkjanna. Washington is the capital of the United States. Washington is the capital of the United States. Det var mitt fel. I was to blame. It was my fault. Tom læser biblen. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom reads the Bible. Først i går fik vi det at vide. It was not until yesterday that we knew about it. First of all yesterday we got to know. Hvor mange dage gammel var jeg da dette billede blev taget? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? How many days were I when this picture was taken? Jag har bara gjort detta en gång innan. I have only done this one time before. I've only done this once before. Siden sin barndom ønskede han at blive pilot, og han blev det. He wanted to become a pilot ever since he was a child, and he did. Since his childhood, he wanted to be a pilot, and he became it. Han gör aldrig andningspauser när han pratar. He never stops to take a breath when he speaks. He never does breath breaks when he speaks. Polisen häktade ett flertal misstänkta för förhör. The police detained several suspects for questioning. The police arrested a number of suspects for questioning. Hvordan kan jeg være til hjelp? How can I be of help? How can I help? Jag går inte ut. I'm not going out. I'm not going out. Jeg vil have en guitar. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Nogle kvinder barberer ikke deres ben. Some women don't shave their legs. Some women don’t shave their legs. Tom er sandsynligvis den ældste på kontoret. Tom is probably the oldest person in the office. Tom is probably the oldest in the office. Tom kan være skræmmende til tider. Tom can be very scary sometimes. Tom can be scary at times. Tom är beväpnad med en blåslampa. Tom is wielding a blowtorch. Tom is armed with a blue lamp. Är du där uppe? Are you up there? Are you up there? Han kunne ikke lide at være fattig. He didn't like being poor. He didn't like being poor. Jeg vil skrive mange setninger. I want to write a lot of sentences. I want to write many sentences. Portugal er ein republikk. Portugal is a republic. Portugal is a republic. Tom har kommit. Tom has arrived. Tom has arrived. Situationen var yderst farlig; det var et spørgsmål om liv og død. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. Det er helt tydeligt at du ikke ønsker at gøre dette for mig. It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me. It is obvious that you do not want to do this for me. Igen? Again? Again? Jeg er døv. I am deaf. I'm deaf. Katter er smarte. Cats are smart. Cats are smart. Var är Tom född? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? När man talar om trollen står de i farstun. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. When you talk about the troll, you are in a fart. Jag hoppas kunna vara med. I hope to be there. I hope I can join you. Du äger en bil, eller hur? You've got a car, right? You own a car, right? Skrik inte. Don't scream. Don't fuck. Fru Smith har født sit barn nummer to. Mrs. Smith gave birth to her second child. Mrs. Smith has born his child number two. Knappliga leyp Tom á føtur. Tom sprang to his feet. Stylish Tom on the Tomb. I begyndelsen skabte Gud himlen og jorden. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Det är tomt. It's blank. It's empty. Denne fabrik producerer cd-afspillere. This factory produces CD players. This factory produces CD players. Teheran ligger i Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Situationen är mycket värre än vi föreställt oss. The situation is a lot worse than we imagined. The situation is much worse than we imagined. Ge Sami skjuts till busshållplatsen. Give Sami a ride to the bus stop. Give Sami to the bus stop. Der er nogle ting som jeg ikke forstår. There are some things that I don't understand. There are some things I don't understand. Der var stille i huset. It was quiet in the house. There was quiet in the house. Dette er første gang nogensinde at jeg har plantet et træ. This is the first time I've ever planted a tree. This is the first time I’ve ever planted a tree. Tror du på skytsengle? Do you believe in guardian angels? Do you believe in patronage? Jeg er ikke stolt af dig. I am not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Jeg ser et gyldent kors. I see the golden cross. I see a golden cross. Ha ett bra liv. Have a nice life. Have a good life. Hun smilte og sa farvel. She smiled and said goodbye. She smiled and said goodbye. Han savner familien sin. He misses his family. He misses his family. Det må I ikke glemme! Don't you forget that. Don't forget that! Min far købte bogen til mig. My father bought me the book. My father bought the book for me. Tom är redan hemma. Tom is already home. Tom is home already. Tom spiller ikke efter reglerne. Tom is not playing by the rules. Tom does not play according to the rules. Gå och borsta håret. Go brush your hair. Go and brush your hair. Hvor tit sker det? How often does that happen? How often does it happen? Jag undrar varför. I wonder why. I wonder why. Elbonien er en slyngelstat. Elbonia is a rogue state. Elbonien is a snail state. Du har hjelmen min. You've got my helmet. You've got my helmet. Vilkendera är tyngre? Which is the heavier of the two? Which ones are heavier? Det är genomförbart. That's doable. It's feasible. Du gör mig besviken. You disappoint me. You make me disappointed. Det här kommer aldrig att ta slut. This is never going to end. This will never end. Det er ikke Toms skyld. It's not Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. I dag er det den 20. oktober. Today is October 20th. Today is October 20. Jag kommer hit varje dag. I come here every day. I'm coming here every day. Hvorfor er det så svært at beherske det franske sprog? Why is it so difficult to master French? Why is it so hard to master the French language? Det är deras angelägenhet. That's their business. That's their concern. Jag frågade honom vad han hette. I asked him for his name. I asked him what his name was. Tom tittade framåt. Tom looked ahead. Tom looked forward. Er hesten din svart? Is your horse black? Is your horse black? Visste du att jag skulle få sparken? Did you know I was going to be fired? Did you know I'd be fired? Tom väntar på er. Tom is waiting for you. Tom is waiting for you. Dette æble er rødere. This apple is redder. This apple is red. Var du i hæren? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Mit blodtryk er ret højt. My blood pressure is quite high. My blood pressure is quite high. Vissa läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. Some people read books to kill time. Some people read books to beat a lifetime. Hvem har oversat det her? Who translated this? Who translated this? Ta en kaka. Have a cookie. Take a cake. Guld är mer värdefullt än silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. Hvor meget bliver det? How much does that come to? How much will it be? När kan vi flytta in? When can we move in? When can we move in? Der er ikke luft nok i dette dæk. This tire doesn't have enough air in it. There is no air in this deck. Jag har fler kjolar än min storasyster. I have more skirts than my big sister. I have more dresses than my big sister. Þið eruð öll iðin. You are all diligent. You're all gone. Du har brug for dette. You need this. You need this. Tom puttede salt i sin kaffe i stedet for sukker. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Jeg liker røde frukter veldig godt. I like red fruits a lot. I like red fruits very well. Hvem snakker jeg med? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Jeg har været i Boston siden oktober. I've been in Boston since October. I've been to Boston since October. Jag sjunger en vacker sång. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a beautiful song. Jeg vil gerne have en kop iste. I want a cup of iced-tea. I want a cup of ice cream. Han prøvde å gå ned. He tried to reduce his weight. He tried to go down. Stormen roet seg. The storm abated. The storm calmed. Ja, jag förstår. Tack. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yeah, I understand. Har I nogensinde været gift? Have you ever been married? Have you ever been married? Tom försökte väcka Mary. Tom tried to wake Mary up. Tom tried to wake Mary. Reikninginn, takk. The check, please. Reputation, please. Min bedstefar blev dræbt under anden verdenskrig. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Það var þorp hérna áður en stíflan var byggð. There used to be a village here before the dam was made. There was a village here before the dam was built. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee meets twice a month. Ved du hvem Tom har dræbt? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who Tom has killed? Jeg leverte inn klokken til reparasjon. I put my watch in for repair. I got in the clock for repair. Bob tok oppvasken da. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob took the dishwasher then. De ser förvirrade ut. They look confused. They look confused. De är så irrelevanta. They are so irrelevant. They are so irrelevant. Hur mycket såg du? How much did you see? How much did you see? Hun gav Tom et tilbud han ikke kunne afslå. She made Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. She gave Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. Hvis du støtter Trump, er du et dårligt menneske. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. If you support Trump, you are a bad person. Jeg har en returbillet til Tokyo. I have a return ticket to Tokyo. I have a return ticket to Tokyo. Det er i dag lørdag den syvende oktober. Today is Saturday, the seventh of October. Today is Saturday, October 7th. Ta på dig en klänning då. Why don't you wear a dress? Take a dress. Gør ikke dette. Don't do this. Don't do this. Tom lod som om han ikke forstod fransk. Tom pretended not to understand French. Tom sold as if he didn’t understand French. Ertu fokking heimskur? Are you fucking stupid? Are you stupid? Musen kiggede ud af hullet. The mouse peeked out of the hole. The mouse looked out of the hole. Formelt antrekk kreves. Formal dress must be worn. Formal outfits are required. Allt í lagi. Ég þýði fimmtán setningar í viðbót á þýsku og fer svo. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All right, I mean, I'm going to have fifteen sentences in addition to German and then I'm going to go. Hur svarade Tom? How did Tom reply? How did Tom respond? Fortæl ham ikke at du er betjent. Don't tell him you're a cop. Don't tell him you're a cop. Hann ger ting truplari uttan orsøk. He is making things more difficult for no reason. He could do anything for himself with an axe. Det er et levende væsen, så selvfølgelig skider det. It's a living being, so of course it shits. It's a living creature, so of course it's shit. Jag vet inte vad rätt svar är. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know what the right answer is. Åbn ikke de der vinduer. Do not open those windows. Do not open those windows. Hun oversatte et digt. She translated a poem. She translated a poem. Vandhanen drypper. The faucet is dripping. The waterhan drips. Vi åt sverdfisk. We ate swordfish. We ate swordfish. Vil du låne mig din cykel? Would you lend me your bicycle? Would you like to borrow me your bike? Jag har mina egna problem. I have my own problems. I have my own problems. Er du klar for å dra hjem? Are you ready to go home? Are you ready to go home? Tom är road. Tom's amused. Tom is calm. Det tok tid. It took time. It took time. Giv hende det. Give it to her. Give her that. Hur firade du din födelsedag? How did you celebrate your birthday? How did you celebrate your birthday? Mønten er af sølv. The coin is silver. The mouth is of silver. Du måste återbetala dina skulder. You must repay your debts. You have to repay your debts. Tom fer ekki á markaðinn. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom's not going to the market. Tom dricker inte rödvin. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Den smukke pige derovre med det sorte hår, er Toms kæreste. That beautiful girl with black hair over there is Tom's girlfriend. The beautiful girl derovre with the black hair is Tom's girlfriend. Livet i fängelse är värre än ett djurs liv. Life in prison is worse than the life of an animal. Life in prison is worse than an animal's life. Det här är mycket allvarligt. This is very serious. This is very serious. Det hände egentligen inte. That didn't really happen. It really didn't happen. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne et godt svar på det spørsmålet. I wish I could come up with a good answer to the question. I wish I could find a good answer to that question. Prinsen forelsket seg i en tømmerhugger sin datter. The prince fell in love with a woodcutter's daughter. The prince fell in love with his daughter. Låsen er blevet udskiftet. The lock has been changed. The lock has been replaced. Jag vet allt detta. I know all this. I know all this. Det här är inkorrekt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Tom kjem att neste veke. Tom will return next week. Tom will be back next week. Tom fortalte mig at han ikke ønskede at komme tomhændet hjem. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to go empty home. "Brann" ropte han. "Fire!", he cried. “Brand,” he shouted. Han godtgjorde den tapte tida ved å løpe fort. He made up for lost time by running fast. He accepted the lost time by running fast. Det er en katt. It is a cat. It's a cat. Jeg bryder mig ikke om fyrværkeri. I don't like fireworks. I don't like fireworks. Jeg kommer til å spørre tom om han kan gi meg litt penger. I'll ask Tom to give me some money. I'm going to ask empty if he can give me some money. De fleste huse blev totalt ødelagt. Most houses were destroyed to pieces. Most houses were completely destroyed. Vi har en stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. We have a steposasaurus. Jeg har smurt syltetøj på min sandwich. I put jam on my sandwich. I have dirty jams on my sandwich. Hade du kul på turnén? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you have fun on the tour? Jag har nyss ätit lunch. I've just had lunch. I've eaten lunch. Tom har på sig en svart hatt. Tom is wearing a black hat. Tom is wearing a black hat. Öga för öga. An eye for an eye. Eye pain. Tom och jag, vi båda saknar dig väldigt mycket. Tom and I both miss you very much. Tom and me, we both miss you very much. Hvis ikke jeg dumper, kan jeg tage kørekortet i år. If I don't fail, then I can get my driving license this year. If I don't dump, I can take the driving licence this year. I tager altid tingene alt for alvorligt. You always take things too seriously. You always take things too seriously. Du hatar Tom, eller hur? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, right? Jag blev bortförd av rymdvarelser. I was abducted by aliens. I was abducted by space creatures. Skatten var gravet ned på øen. The treasure was buried on the island. The treasure was dug down on the island. Du trenger ikke studere i dag. You don't need to study today. You don’t need to study today. Tom jobbet for eit byggjefirma i Boston. Tom worked for a construction company in Boston. Tom worked for a construction firm in Boston. Þú ættir að læra að nota orðabókina þína. You should learn how to use your dictionary. You should learn how to use your dictionary. Hvilket språk snakker de i Korea? What language do they speak in Korea? What language do they speak in Korea? Jeg har ikke stjålet den. Du må gerne tjekke min lommer. I didn't steal it. You can check my pockets. I haven't stolen it, please check my pockets. Man har brug for en god hjerne, hvis man vil skrive gode fortællinger. You need a good brain if you want to write good stories. You need a good brain if you want to write good stories. Eg eri róligur. I'm quiet. I'm all right. Jag går till kyrkan. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Måste ni gå nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Jeg vil ikke se dette igjen. I don't want to see this again. I don't want to see this again. Jeg vil prøve at betale hans regninger i morgen. I'll try to pay this bill tomorrow. I'll try to pay his bills tomorrow. Har du förrått oss? Have you betrayed us? Have you been mad at us? Eftersom han ljög straffades han. Because he lied, he was punished. Because he was lying, he was punished. Gå! Go. Go! Jag såg henne simma. I saw her swim. I saw her swim. Den här boken tillhör mig. This book belongs to me. This book belongs to me. Jag hårdkokte ett ägg. I hard-boiled an egg. I boiled an egg. Denne ordboken har tolv bind. This dictionary has 12 volumes. This dictionary has 12 volumes. Tom sover ikke. Tom isn't asleep. Tom doesn't sleep. Tom hadde ikke renset tastaturet sitt på flere måneder, og det var fullt av støv, matrester, og gudene vet hva mer. Tom hadn't cleaned his keyboard for months, and it was clogged with dust, food particles, and God knows what else. Tom had not cleaned his keyboard for several months, and it was full of dust, food debris, and the gods know what else. Det tror jeg ikke. I don't believe it. I don't think so. Tom är för ung. Tom is too young. Tom is too young. Langar þig í meira salad? Would you like some more salad? Do you want more salad? Berätta för mig varför han gråter. Tell me why he is crying. Tell me why he is crying. Jag är ingen profet. I am not a prophet. I am not a prophet. Tom måste inte gömma sig. Tom doesn't have to hide. Tom must not hide. Ved du hvem denne bil tilhører? Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know who this car belongs to? Hämta en shot av det här. Get a shot of this. Get a shot of this. Jeg forbereder meg på det verste. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm preparing for the worst. Han är smart. He's smart. He's smart. Jag gillar inte huset. I do not like the house. I don't like the house. Jeg kunne svare på spørsmålet hans. I could answer his question. I could answer his question. De gick in i djungeln. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Att hjälpa andra är aldrig slöseri med tid. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never waste time. Jag betalar på mitt eget sätt. I'll pay my own way. I pay in my own way. Jeg så hvad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Hvis en fyr har en buket blomster i hånden, betyder det, at han har planer om at engagere sig, ikke i botanik, men i anatomi. If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy. If a guy has a bouquet of flowers in his hand, it means he has plans to engage, not in botany, but in anatomy. Vart är du på väg? Where are you headed? Where are you going? De andra barnen kallar henne Nasse. The other children call her Piggy. The other kids call her Nasse. Gjør som han sier. Do whatever he tells you. Do as he says. Du er grusom. You are cruel. You're cruel. Det kan vi inte göra. We cannot do that. We can't do that. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at det er sandt. I can't imagine that's true. I can't imagine it's true. Militæret knuste opstanden i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military crushed the uprising within a few hours. Viltu vinna í Þýskalandi? Do you want to work in Germany? Want to work in Germany? Hur kan jag stoppa Tom? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? Sjúklingurinn mun brátt ná sér af veikindum sínum. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon get sick. Kys det. Kiss it. Kiss it. Tom ønskede lidt mere albuerum. Tom wanted some more elbow room. Tom wanted some more elbows. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne bli noen timer til. I wish I could've stuck around for a few more hours. I wish I could be a few hours. Har du borstat tänderna? Did you brush your teeth? Do you have brushed your teeth? Du tycker inte ens om choklad. You don't even like chocolate. You don't even like chocolate. Det var hundrevis av flåtter i pelsen dens. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. Lad os gå et andet sted hen. Let's go someplace else. Let's go somewhere else. Hann drakk ein øl. He drank beer. He drank a beer. Skulle ni hellre stanna här? Would you rather stay here? Would you rather stay here? Dette er stedet hvor hendelsen fant sted. This is the place where the incident took place. This is the place where the incident took place. Fékkstu það lánað? Did you borrow it? Did you get that loan? Jag brukade ofta leka med dockor då jag var en liten flicka. I used to play with dolls a lot when I was a little girl. I often used to play with dolls when I was a little girl. Var är hennes bild? Where is her picture? Where's her picture? Jag kommer hem halv tre. I'm coming home at half two. I'll be home half three. Vi kan ændre det. We can change that. We can change it. Hvor mange sprog er der i Europa? How many languages are there in Europe? How many languages are there in Europe? Inte en chans! Fat chance. Not a chance! Vi kan ikke dræbe Tom. We can't kill Tom. We can't kill Tom. Jeg tror ikke at hun vil komme. I don't think that she will come. I don't think she'll come. Jag hämtar din kappa. I'll get your coat. I'll get your coat. Layla havde en lesbisk affære. Layla had a lesbian affair. Layla had a lesbian affair. Må jeg skrive med blekk? Must I write in ink? Can I write with ink? Tom har undantagsrätt. Tom has immunity. Tom has an exception law. Ég skrifa þetta bréf til konu minnar. I write this letter to my wife. I write this letter to my wife. Håret hennes er så langt at det når bakken. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. Her hair is so far that it reaches the ground. Har du ingenting å fortelje han? Do you not have anything to tell him? Do you have nothing to tell him? Med så mange arbejdsløse, kan mange ikke betale deres realkreditlån. With so many unemployed, many can't pay their mortgages. With so many unemployed people, many cannot pay their mortgage loans. Hun var kledd i sort. She was dressed in black. She was dressed in black. Tom arbeider for eit stort selskap. Tom works for a large company. Tom works for a large company. Varför kom du förbi? Why did you stop by? Why did you come by? Jag såg honom där. I saw him there. I saw him there. Det er en lille hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Tom råkade ta sönder sin favoritkopp. Tom accidentally broke his favorite coffee mug. Tom broke her favorite cup. Det er ikke det samme. It isn't the same. It's not the same. Jeg har slået Toms græsplæne. I mowed Tom's lawn. I've beaten Tom's lawns. Han drak tidligere. He used to drink. He drank earlier. När katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When the cat is gone, the rats dance on the table. Mange børn går i jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Many children go to jeans. Giv mig mine penge tilbage! Give me my money back. Give me my money back! Tom ägnade hela sitt liv åt att studera hajar. Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks. Tom devoted his entire life to studying sharks. Transplantationer räddar liv. Transplants save lives. Transplants save lives. Læknirinn ráðlagði að þú ættir að hætta reykingum. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. Your doctor suggested you should stop smoking. Tom forstår kritikken. Tom understands the criticism. Tom understands the criticism. Hvor lenge vil dette tauet holde? How long will this rope hold? How long will this rope hold? Tom ser ut att ha en dålig dag. Tom looks like he's having a bad day. Tom seems to have a bad day. Hon hade ont i fötterna. Her feet ached. She was in pain in her feet. Priserne på japanske biler er stadig relativt høje. The prices of Japanese automobiles are still comparatively high. The prices of Japanese cars are still relatively high. Hvor meget har det kostet? How much did it cost? How much does it cost? Nej, det er secondhand. No, it's second hand. No, it's second hand. Tom är vänsterhänt, men han skriver med höger hand. Tom is left-handed, but he writes with his right hand. Tom is left-handed, but he writes with his right hand. Alt jeg har er dit. Everything I have is yours. Everything I have is there. Vi väntar oss många besökare till ceremonin. We're expecting a lot of people to attend the ceremony. We are waiting for many visitors to the ceremony. Nemandinn hefur þegar leyst allt dæmið. The student has already solved all the problems. The man has already solved all the examples. Jeg ved præcis hvordan du føler dig. I know exactly how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. Jag skulle vilja följa med Tom. I'd like to go with Tom. I wanted to go with Tom. Hun giftede sig igen da hun var i midten af fyrrerne. She remarried when she was in her mid-forties. She married again when she was in the middle of the past year. Hun er meget sparsommelig, for ikke at sige nærig. She is very frugal, not to say stingy. She's very sparse, not to say close. Jag tycker om det jobbet. I like that job. I like that job. Nyheten fyllde alla med fruktan. The news made everyone afraid. The news filled everyone with fruit. Det ser ud til regn i dag. It looks like rain today. It looks like rain today. Hvilket sprog taler man i Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? What language do you speak in Mexico? Þú ættir að taka regnhlíf með þér. You had better take an umbrella with you. You should take the rain with you. Sæt det på din træskoliste. Put that on your bucket list. Put it on your wooden shoe list. De første få sætninger af hans tale kunne jeg forstå, men resten forstod jeg ikke et muk af. I could understand the first few sentences, but the rest of his speech was all Greek to me. The first few sentences of his speech I could understand, but the rest did not understand a muk of. Jeg synes ikke at jeg burde måtte tåle dette støyet. I shouldn't have to put up with this noise. I don't think I should be able to withstand this noise. Ég er svolítið þreyttur. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Alla såg den. Everyone saw it. Everyone saw it. Gaden var menneskefyldt. The street is crowded. The street was human. Maten blir kald. The food is getting cold. The food is cold. Fortæl altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Tom var den eneste mand i værelset. Tom was the only man in the room. Tom was the only man in the room. Onanerar tjejer också? Do girls also masturbate? Ordinary girls, too? Det finns en park i centrum. There is a park in the middle of the city. There is a park in the center. Kan du sätta på tv:n? Will you turn on the TV? Can you put on TV? Vent her, dere. You guys wait here. Wait here, you. Þetta er eins konar ástarbréf. This is a kind of love letter. This is a kind of bond. Jeg har ikke noget imod at tage opvasken. I don't mind doing the dishes. I don't mind taking the laundry. Ég skal sækja hann. I'll get it. I'll get him. Har Tom berättat för Mary? Has Tom told Mary? Did Tom tell Mary? Vi ger tillbaka den. We'll give it back. We'll give it back. Ja, det er sket igen. Yes, that happened again. Yeah, it's happened again. Vi har lukket ræven ind i hønsehuset. We have let the fox in the hen house. We closed the fox into the chicken house. Vi är inte ens gifta ännu. We're not even married yet. We're not even married yet. Jeg tog en taxi så jeg tidsnok kunne komme med toget. I took a taxi so I'd be in time to catch the train. I took a taxi so I could get by the train. Jeg kom forbi for at vande Toms planter. I came by to water Tom's plants. I came by to water Tom's plants. Op med humøret! Alt vil snart være godt. Cheer up! Everything will soon be all right. Get up with the mood! Everything will soon be good. Sparka så hårt som du kan. Kick as hard as you can. Kick as hard as you can. Det är någonting lurt på gång här. Something is going on here. There's something good going on here. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki ein. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Jeg gad vide hvor Tom gemte sin nøgle. I wonder where Tom hid his key. I was wondering where Tom saved his key. Uighurisk er et tyrkisk sprog. Uyghur is a Turkic language. Uighurisk is a Turkish language. Vi hade roligt på stranden i går. We had a good time at the beach yesterday. We had fun on the beach yesterday. Jeg vil gerne se Dem igen i næste uge. I'd like to see you again next week. I want to see you again next week. I slutändan är det ändå talangen som räknas i musikens värld. After all, it is talent that counts in music. In the end, it’s still the song that counts in the music world. Hun er bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's bodybuilder. En krokodille spiste Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. Jeg siger dette ud fra egen erfaring. I say this from my own experience. I say this out of my own experience. De hadde ikke kommet veldig langt da de møtte en gammel mann. They had not gone very far when they met an old man. They had not come very far when they met an old man. Han er både høj og fed. He's both tall and fat. He's both high and fat. Reikningurinn nemur fimmtíu dollurum. The bill amounts to fifty dollars. That's 50 dollars. Varför dröjer Tom? What's keeping Tom? Why is Tom drinking? Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work by motorcycle. Tom commuter for work on motorcycles. En kopp te, tack. A cup of tea, please. A cup of tea, please. Det var en fugtig, grå sommerdag i slutningen af juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Var bor ni nu? Where do you live now? Where are you living now? Du har vist mine sko på. I think you're wearing my shoes. You've shown my shoes. Tom er en af Marys naboer. Tom is one of Mary's neighbors. Tom is one of Mary's neighbors. Har du forældre? Do you have parents? Do you have parents? Jag drack inte te igår. I didn't drink tea yesterday. I didn't drink tea yesterday. Dugir tú enskt? Do you speak English? Do you have English? Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend’s life. Margir drekka vatn úr eldhúsvaskinum. Many people drink water out of the kitchen faucet. Many people drink water from the kitchen sink. Jeg har ikke nogen børn endnu. I don't have any children yet. I don't have any children yet. Jeg kan ikke. I can't. I can't. Hvor mange gæster inviterede du? How many guests did you invite? How many guests did you invite? Han taler ungarsk, og hun taler tysk. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. He speaks Hungarian, and she speaks German. Hvor er din mor? Where is your mother? Where's your mother? Jeg har altid ret. I'm always right. I'm always right. Tom tok det rette valet. Tom made the right choice. Tom took the right choice. Jag tog bort den. I deleted it. I took it away. Dette er et billede af min mor. This is a picture of my mother. This is a picture of my mother. Det er på tide å gå. It's time to go. It's time to go. Jag ska göra det för dig. I'll do it for you. I'll do it for you. Jeg håper vi møtes igjen. I hope to see you again. I hope we meet again. Denne berømte skuespillerinde var også en modeikon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. This famous actor was also a fashion icon. Sami var en framgångsrik affärsman. Sami was a successful businessman. Sami was a successful businessman. Jeg fikk maskinen til å starte. I got the machine running. I got the machine to start. Han går. He is walking. He's leaving. Sømmet gik gennem væggen. The nail went through the wall. The sea went through the wall. Latterligt! Ridiculous! That's amazing! Jeg gik over stregen. I went over the top. I went over the street. Ég þarf að skrifa bréf. Ertu með pappír? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I need to write a letter, do you have a paper? Du gjorde en glimrende jobb. You did an excellent job. You did an excellent job. Mor er eldre enn far. My mum is older than my dad. Mother is older than father. Vad skrattar du åt? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? En förbipasserande filmade polisens våld med sin mobiltelefon. A bystander videotaped the police beating using their cell phone. A passing filmed police's violence with his cell phone. Kate drekkur mikið af mjólk á hverjum degi. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Det er ti dager siden kjæresten min ble satt i fengsel. It's been 10 days since my boyfriend went to jail. It's been ten days since my girlfriend was in jail. Tom gick ner på knä för att se bättre. Tom knelt down for a better look. Tom went down his knees to see better. Føler noen seg dårlig? Does somebody feel unwell? Does anyone feel bad? Jeg har fått nok av deg. I've had it with you. I've had enough of you. Jeg har desperat brug for hjælp. I'm in desperate need of help. I desperately need help. Hvorfor giver du hende ikke nogle blomster? Why don't you give her some flowers? Why don't you give her some flowers? Jeg har ingen øl. I don't have any beer. I don't have any beer. Hvad har du spist? What did you eat? What have you eaten? Jeg bliver fyldt med glæde hver gang jeg ser dig. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I am filled with joy every time I see you. Sitrón er súrur. Lemon is sour. Sitrena is a snout. Ég rak vitlausabeinið mitt í borðröndina. I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table. I ran my wrong leg on the table. Tom är dyblöt. Tom is drenched. Tom is deep. Jag valde att inte åka. I chose not to leave. I chose not to go. Denne sanger er meget populær blandt unge. This singer is very popular with young people. This song is very popular among young people. Ser jag trött ut? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a taxi. Jobben går for det meste ut på å fjerne kratt og rydde søppel. The work mostly consists of removing undergrowth and clearing away litter. The job is mostly to remove debris and clean garbage. Jeg burde have sagt ja. I should have said yes. I should have said yes. Han er min biologiske far. He's my biological father. He's my biological father. Jeg mente ikke å gjøre det. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do it. Jag är yngre än John. I am younger than John. I'm younger than John. Disse grønne blade bliver røde eller gule om efteråret. These green leaves turn red or yellow in fall. These green leaves become red or yellow in the autumn. Jag går och hämtar min bil. I'll go get my car. I'll go get my car. Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you, I understand everything. Hann er kurteis gagnvart yfirmönnum sínum. He behaves respectfully toward his superiors. He is polite to his bosses. Tom bor nu sammen med sin mor. Tom now lives with his mom. Tom now lives with his mother. Jag hatar att stryka. I hate to iron. I hate to shut up. Tom är tokig. Tom's crazy. Tom's crazy. Dette års mode er helt forskellig fra sidste års mode. This year's fashions are completely different to last year's. This year’s fashion is completely different from last year’s fashion. Tænk over det! Think about it. Think about it! Hemmeligheden sivede ud. The secret leaked out. The secret went out. Sånt skjer. It happens. That's what happens. Deilið kökunni meðal ykkar þriggja. Divide the cake among you three. Share the kitchen among your three. Tom är den ende man som Mary någonsin har älskat. Tom is the only man that Mary has ever loved. Tom is the only man that Mary has ever loved. Jag har fakturan. I have the invoice. I have the invoice. Jag har alltid velat göra det. I always wanted to do that. I've always wanted to do it. Tom var berfættur. Tom was barefoot. Tom was drunk. Jeg går i seng nu. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed now. Det regner kraftigt. It is raining heavily. It rains heavily. Jeg tager til udlandet denne sommer. I'm going abroad this summer. I'm going abroad this summer. Du bør tage et andet slips på. You should change your tie. You should take another tie on. Kan du gå, Tom? Could you leave, Tom? Can you go, Tom? Hvilke filmer går nå? Which films are showing now? What movies are going on now? Tom klarade provet galant. Tom passed the test with flying colors. Tom prepared the test galant. Livet är inte lätt. Life ain't easy. Life is not easy. Du och din familj kan dra åt helvete! You and your family can go to fucking hell! You and your family can go to hell! Käften! Shut up! Shit! Það var árið 1912 sem Titanic sökk á jómfrúarferð sinni. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage. It was founded in 1912 as Titanic's expedition. Du har en sønn, ikke sant? You have a son, don't you? You have a son, right? Jeg er holdt op med at ryge for et år siden. I quit smoking a year ago. I stopped smoking a year ago. Oslo er den største by i Norge med en befolkning på 629 313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629 313. Jeg tror det å elske penger, er noe vi alle har til felles. I think the love of money is common to us all. I think loving money is something we all have in common. Älskar du honom fortfarande? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Mannen erkände till sist vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally recognized what he had done. Pratar någon här ryska? Does anyone here speak Russian? Does anyone speak here Russian? Jag har gott om tid, så kan jag sova en stund? I have plenty of time, so I can sleep for a while? I have plenty of time, so can I sleep for a while? Jeg ønsker ikke at han tager afsted. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to leave. Tom blev jaloux da han så Mary med en anden mand. Tom became jealous when he saw Mary with another man. Tom was jealous when he saw Mary with another man. Det där var väldigt hänsynsfullt av Tom. That was very considerate of Tom. That was very considerate of Tom. Trump blev fanget på bånd da han forsøgte at presse Georgias statssekretær til at begå valgsvindel på vegne af Trump. Trump was caught on tape trying to pressure Georgia's Secretary of State into committing voter fraud on his behalf. Trump was caught on tape when he tried to push Georgia's Secretary of State to commit election fraud on behalf of Trump. Jag måste hjälpa till. I have to help. I need to help. Min kat har kræft. My cat has cancer. My cat has cancer. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kunde säga. I have no idea what else I could say. I don't know what else I could say. Hvar getum við hist? Where can we meet? Where can we meet? Jeg ved at dette er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að skrifa móður minni annað bréf. I think it's time for me to write my mother another letter. I think it’s time to write my mother another letter. Teknisk set er det her ulovligt i Algeriet. Technically, this is illegal in Algeria. Technically, this is illegal in Algeria. Det är ingen vid dörren. There's nobody at the door. There's no one at the door. Den gamle fyr er lige så sund og stærk som en eg. The old fellow is as healthy and as strong as an oak. The old guy is as healthy and strong as I am. Mér er sama þótt þú reykir. I don't mind if you smoke. I don't care if you smoke. Hun er en smuk pige. She is a pretty girl. She's a beautiful girl. Ni har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown up. Nogen har stjålet min frokost. Somebody stole my lunch. Someone stole my breakfast. Jag kan knappt se honom. I can hardly see him. I can barely see him. Vi är inte i fara nu. We're in no danger now. We're not going now. Det var inte förrän i går som jag nåddes av nyheterna. It was not until yesterday that I got the news. It wasn’t until yesterday that I was reached by the news. Min storasyster är bra på att sjunga. My older sister is good at singing. My big sister is good at singing. Þú verður að skila honum bókinni. You must return him the book. You have to give him the book. Jag kan springa lika snabbt som Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. Vi så tv da klokken ringede. We were watching TV when the bell rang. We saw the TV when the call was called. Du vill ha dom här grejerna, inte sant? You want this stuff, don't you? You want these stuff, right? Det är någonting som inte stämmer här. Something isn't right here. It's something that's not right here. Det æble dér er stort. That apple is big. The apple there is big. Jeg synes svømming er gøy. I find swimming fun. I think swimming is fun. Hjälp mig att bli flytande i ditt språk. Help me become fluent in your language. Help me get fluent in your language. Vinsamlegast útskýrðu af hverju þú getur ekki komið. Please explain why it is that you can't come. Please explain why you can’t come. Hvor meget har du betalt for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Ved du, hvad der forårsagede problemet? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? Hvorfor ikke bare gi opp? Why don't you just give up? Why not just give up? Hunden min later ofte som den sover. My dog often pretends to be asleep. My dog often leaves like it sleeps. Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal tolke orda hans. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Du er virkelig en idiot. You really are an idiot. You're really an idiot. Mine forældre blev født i Australien. My parents were born in Australia. My parents were born in Australia. Tom kunde inte lista ut hur han skulle öppna lådan. Tom couldn't figure out how to get the box open. Tom couldn't figure out how to open the box. Jag var inte medveten om att du mådde så dåligt. I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad. I wasn't aware you were so bad. Jeg vil gøre alt hvad I siger! I will do anything you say! I will do everything you say! Du tar ham snart igjen hvis du løper. You will soon come up with him if you run. You'll take him back soon if you run. Konan er ikki vøkur. The woman is not beautiful. The woman is not alone. Jag tycker om choklad. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. Ta inte av er handskarna. Don't take your gloves off. Don't take off your gloves. Stúlkan brast í grát. The girl burst into tears. The girl is crying. Computere er komplicerede maskiner. Computers are complicated machines. Computers are complicated machines. Hann var hræddur þegar apinn hoppaði að honum. He was scared when the monkey jumped at him. He was scared when the monkey jumped to him. Den är second hand. It's second-hand. It's second hand. Jag måste gå nu. I must go now. I have to go now. Ingen vil skade deg. Nobody is going to hurt you. No one will hurt you. Tom er min fætter. Tom is my cousin. Tom is my cousin. Jag har varit sämre. I've been a lot worse. I've been worse. Jag vill inte prata om henne. I don't want to speak about her. I don't want to talk about her. Du vet att det här är annorlunda. You know this is different. You know this is different. Derefter fortsættes rejsen gennem tunnelen under den Engelske Kanal til Frankrig, Karl den Stores og Napoleons land. Then the journey is continued through the tunnel under the English Channel, to France, the land of Charlemagne and Napoleon. Then the journey is continued through the tunnel under the English Channel to France, Charles the Greats and Napoleon's land. Tom lå og sov. Tom was sleeping. Tom lay and slept. Vi kan inte vara utan vatten ens för en dag. We cannot do without water even for a day. We can't be without water even for a day. Jeg sendte det til dig for to dage siden. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. Hvad er klokken på dit ur? What time is it by your watch? What's the clock on your watch? Ingen er i stand til at forudsige fremtiden. Nobody can predict the future. No one is able to predict the future. Denne boken skal hjelpe deg å skrive effektivt. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write effectively. Silvía átti strangan föður sem hældi henni aldrei. Silvia had a stern father who never praised her. She had a strong father who never gave her. Det trækker her. There is a draught in here. It pulls here. Det var i sidste uge. It was last week. It was last week. Jeg er bedre end dig. I am better than you. I'm better than you. Jeg håber, at Tom stoler på mig. I hope Tom trusts me. I hope Tom trusts me. Först visste jag inte vad jag skulle ta mig till. At first, I didn't know what to do. First, I didn't know what to do. Hørte du hva vi sa? Did you hear what we said? Did you hear what we said? Kan vi inte göra någonting? Can't we do anything? Can't we do anything? Kunne jeg få telefonnummeret ditt? May I have your phone number? Can I get your phone number? Alla skrattade. Everybody laughed. Everybody laughed. Det er fem år siden vi flyttet hit. It is five years since we moved here. It's been five years since we moved here. Ikke tro på media. Don't believe the media. Don't believe in the media. Denne hest er hvid. This horse is white. This horse is white. Æbler er normalt grønne, gule eller røde. Apples are usually green, yellow, or red. Apples are usually green, yellow or red. Løb for livet! Run for your life! Run for life! Tom var der før os. Tom was there before we were. Tom was there before us. Forbudt for grilling her. Grilling prohibited here. Prohibited for barbecue here. Jeg liker ikke å gå på skolen. I don't like school. I don't like going to school. Tom sms'er til Mary. Tom is texting Mary. Tom sms's to Mary. Hver planaði þetta? Whose plan is it? Who planted it? Städa ditt rum. Clean your room. Stand up for your room. Bróður mín er ikki her í dag. My brother isn't here today. My brother is not here today. Tom är en idrottskille. Tom is a jock. Tom is an athlete. Man bör klä sig väl. One should dress well. You should dress well. Jeg har vondt i halsen min. My throat hurts. I hurt my throat. Giv mig den der. Give me that one there. Give me that. Begge mine forældre lever ikke længere. Both of my parents are no longer living. Both my parents no longer live. Veriði komin heim fyrir sex. Come home before six. Come home for six. Hon bytte ämne. She changed the subject. She changed the subject. Jeg vil ikke melde meg for politiet. I don't want to turn myself in. I don't want to report to the police. Jeg ville aldrig såre dig. I never would have hurt you. I'd never hurt you. Trottoarerna var blöta efter regnet. The sidewalks were wet after the rain. The Trottos were bleeding after the rain. Eg veit ikkje, eg jo. I told you I don't know. I don't know, I do. Hvordan siger man "dampede ris" på vietnamesisk? How do you say "steamed rice" in Vietnamese? How do you say "damped rice" in Vietnamese? Vad var det du stal? What did you steal? What was that you stole? Sykkelen din ligner på min. Your bicycle is similar to mine. Your bike looks like mine. Jag skriver ett brev. I'm writing a letter. I write a letter. Ég elska hana vegna þess að hún er þolinmóð. I love her because she is patient. I love her because she is patient. Hold op med at betragte mig som en "normal" person! Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Stop looking at me as a “normal” person. Han er stadig meget forelsket i dig. He's still very much in love with you. He is still very in love with you. Mange mennesker taler kun et sprog. Many people only speaks one language. Many people speak only a language. Bägge skrattar. They're both laughing. Both laugh. Hun er varm på dig. She has a crush on you. She's hot on you. Han är inte arg. He is not mad. He's not angry. Gå och gör popcorn. Go make popcorn. Go and make popcorn. Kan jeg bruke din penn? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? Forresten, hvor mange af jer skriver dagbog? By the way, how many of you keep a diary? By the way, how many of you write a journal? Vi kan ikke gøre andet end at vente. We can't do anything but wait. We can't do anything but wait. Hún ráðlagði honum ekki að gera það. She advised him not to do that. She did not advise him to do so. La oss sette oss på den benken. Let's sit down on that bench. Let's put ourselves on that bench. Kön till provhytterna ringlade sig genom butiken. The queue to the fitting rooms was winding through the store. Sex to the prosthetics ringed through the store. Jeg låner deg noen av broren min sine bøker. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll borrow you some of my brother's books. Tom sang, mens han arbejdede. Tom sang while he worked. Tom sang while he worked. Jeg har nogle få franske bøger. I have a few French books. I have a few French books. Vi måste ta oss härifrån nu! We need to get out of here now! We need to get out of here now! Var trevligare mot er syster. Be nicer to your sister. Be more pleasant to your sister. Jag gillar verkligen hårdkokta ägg. I really like hard boiled eggs. I really like hard-cooked eggs. Mördaren dumpade kroppen i sjön. The murderer dumped the body in the lake. The killer dumped the body in the lake. De valgte hende til præsident. They elected her president. They chose her for president. Jeg ved hvor det er. I know where it is. I know where it is. Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I’m going to merge this word into the dictionary. Eg havi tvær kettur. I have two cats. It has two bays. Det her sker ikke. This isn't happening. This is not happening. Ingen bortset fra Tom overlevede. No one but Tom survived. No one except Tom survived. Tom købte tre kilo æbler. Tom bought three kilograms of apples. Tom bought three kilos of apples. Hun skulle til å begynne. She was about to start. She was going to start. Brevet har nyss kommit fram. The letter has just arrived. The letter has just arrived. Eg er best. I'm the best. I'm best. Jag vägrar arbeta. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. Selvfølgelig ikke! Of course not! Of course not! Ingen kan göra det så bra som Tom kan. None can do it as good as Tom can. No one can do it as good as Tom can. Det er ikke ret godt. It's not very good. It's not quite good. Er det det han vil? Is that what he wants? Is that what he wants? Bill bor nära stranden. Bill lives near the beach. Bill lives near the beach. Jag hoppas att du kommer fram med en bättre plan. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvorfor. The difficult question is why. The difficult question is why. Jeg skal klippes på onsdag. I'm getting a haircut on Wednesday. I'll be cut on Wednesday. Vi tager til Ibiza. We are going to Ibiza. We're going to Ibiza. Jag behöver svar. I need some answers. I need answers. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your granddaughter? Where's your grandson? Kennarinn getur séð þig. The teacher can see you. The teacher can see you. Teven var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The tea was all the time. Tom snakket med Mary hele tiden. Tom used to talk about Mary all the time. Tom talked to Mary all the time. Tom har færre venner enn meg. Tom has fewer friends than I do. Tom has fewer friends than me. Mange amerikanere er interesseret i jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Vi insåg inte att vi var så högljudda. We didn't realize we were being so loud. We didn’t realize we were so loud. Jag ligger i luftvapnet. I'm in the air force. I'm in the air force. Er du gal? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Vi behøver mere talentfulde mennesker. We need more talented people. We need more talented people. Varför ljuger du? Why are you lying? Why are you lying? Hvað felst í því? What does it involve? What's wrong with that? Du må ikke spise for meget is og spaghetti. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. Do not eat too much ice and spaghetti. Du ønsker at se en fransk film, gør du ikke? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? You want to see a French movie, don't you? Jeg vil skrive et brev til Judy. I will write Judy a letter. I want to write a letter to Judy. Hur lång tid tar det att hårdkoka ett ägg? How long does it take to hard boil an egg? How long does it take to harden an egg? Jeg er min egen chef. I'm my own boss. I'm my own boss. Jeg fulgte Tom. I followed Tom. I followed Tom. Vi har alle gjort det. We've all done that. We've all done it. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Var vänlig, men bestämd. Be gentle, but firm. Please, but determined. Jeg vil ikke snakke med deg. I don't want to speak with you. I don't want to talk to you. Nå, hva blir det til? So, what's it gonna be? Now, what's going on? Þetta fiskabúrslíf er allt sem ég þarf. This fishbowl life is all I need. This aquarium is all I need. Du har vore gjennom mykje. You've been through a lot. You've been through a lot. Nederland er et lite land. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Vinsamlegast gefðu mér brauðbita. Please give me a piece of bread. Please give me a toast. Välkommen tillbaka. Vi har saknat dig! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we missed you! Sælger I brugte computere? Do you sell second-hand computers? Do you sell used computers? Kan jeg låne din pen? Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Vad är minimilönen i Ghana? What's the minimum salary in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Hesten er min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Hur kan ni inte tycka om honom? How can you not like him? How can you not like him? Einhver er að kalla á hjálp. Someone is calling for help. Someone is calling for help. "Det er krig", sagde manden med leen og satte leen til side for at komme op i mejetærskeren. "It's war," said the Grim Reaper and put his scythe aside to get onto the combine harvester. "It's war," said the man with the lean and put the smile aside to get up in the dairy crop. Snertu þessa flösku aldrei aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Never touch this bottle again! Jeg nåede lige akkurat toget. I barely managed to catch the train. I just reached the train. Gör bara som jag gjorde. Just do what I did. Just do what I did. Hils dine forældre fra mig. Say hello to your parents from me. Tell your parents from me. Tæmdu úr skúffunum. Empty the drawer of its contents. Let's get the fuck out of here. Djevelen er en ekorn. The devil is a squirrel. The devil is a squirrel. Hvor blev du af?" "Jeg tog hen til togstationen for at sige farvel til en ven." "Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to see a friend off." Where did you get off?" "I went to the train station to say goodbye to a friend." Gid jeg var rig! I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich! Kan jeg komme til at tale med oversygeplejersken? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the nurse? Han er her for at udspionere os. He is here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Ho har ein katt. Katten er kvit. She has a cat. The cat is white. It has a cat. The cat is white. Jeg vil gerne invitere dig på en tur som du aldrig vil glemme. I would like to invite you to a ride which you will never forget. I want to invite you on a trip that you will never forget. Jeg vet alt. I know everything. I know everything. Virkelig? You don't say. Really? Jeg vil gerne have dig til at tage skraldet ud. I want you to take out the garbage. I want you to take the garbage out. Hur var det idag? How was it today? How was it today? Og nu et ord fra vor sponsor. And now a word from our sponsor. And now a word from our sponsor. Þú ferð ekki í skólann á sunnudögum, er það nokkuð? You don't go to school on Sunday, do you? You don’t go to school on Sunday, are you? Takk! Thanks! Thank you! Importen av brittiska varor ökade. Imports of British goods increased. Imports of British goods increased. Hun ønsker ikke at sælge sin bil. She doesn't want to sell her car. She doesn’t want to sell her car. Du verkade lycklig här. You seemed happy here. You seemed happy here. Du sagde du ikke røg. You said you didn't smoke. You said you didn't smoke. Kvinnan är naken. The woman is naked. The woman is naked. Du måste ha blandat ihop mig med någon annan. You must have me confused with someone else. You must have mixed me with someone else. Der er mange taxier i byen. There are many taxis in town. There are many taxis in the city. Ingen er så irsk som Barack Obama! There's no one as irish as Barack Obama! No one is as Irish as Barack Obama! Jag trodde att Tom var död. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Tom, få os ud herfra! Tom, get us out of here! Tom, get us out of here! At forelske sig i Tom var nok den største fejltagelse hun nogensinde havde lavet. Falling in love with Tom was probably the biggest mistake that she had ever made. To fall in love with Tom was probably the biggest mistake she had ever made. Hvornår spiser I morgenmad? At what time do you eat breakfast? When do you eat breakfast? Han besøkte henne aldri. He never visited her. He never visited her. Vi er sikker på at det ikke var en ulykke. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Jeg har en sort hund som hedder Tiki. I have a black dog named Tiki. I have a black dog called Tiki. Han kan mycket väl ha rätt. He may well be right. He can very well be right. Vi bør ikke se ned på andre mennesker. We shouldn't look down on other people. We should not look down at other people. Kunne du oversætte denne sætning for mig? Could you translate this sentence for me? Could you translate this sentence for me? Hon är ungefär i min ålder. She's about the same age as me. She's about in my age. Stick härifrån! Get out of here! Get out of here! Jag är trött, så stick iväg och stör någon annan. I am tired so go and bother someone else. I'm tired, so stick away and disturb someone else. Skjut inte! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Jeg tænkte på om du vidste hvor Tom var. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. Vi tog varandra i handen på det. We shook on it. We took each other in the hand. Jeg latet ikke som å være din venn. I didn't pretend to be your friend. I didn't pretend to be your friend. Fordi det havde regnet, var der ikke mange mennesker på stranden. Not many people were at the beach because it had been raining. Because it had rained, there were not many people on the beach. Flyet Tom skal ta til Boston drar kl. 14.30. Tom's plane leaves for Boston at 2:30 p.m. The plane Tom is scheduled to take to Boston at 2:30 p.m. Den er tung som bly. This is as heavy as lead. It's heavy as a lead. Hvilken vin går bedst til rødt kød? Which wine goes best with red meat? Which wine is best suited to red meat? Du har förlorat koncentrationsförmågan. You've lost the ability to concentrate. You've lost concentration. Det regnet i timesvis. It rained for hours and hours. It rained for hours. Tom tror at Jorden er flad. Tom believes that the Earth is flat. Tom thinks the Earth is flat. Tom og Mary er biavlere. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Doktorn funderar noggrant innan han bestämmer sig för vilken medicin han ska ge. The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine to give. The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine he should give. Jeg leder efter en læbestift der passer til denne neglelak. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that fits this nail. Han så til højre og gik. He looked right and left. He looked to the right and went. 1. verdenskrig varede fra 1914 til 1918. WW1 lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. Hur länge har de varit här? How long have they been here? How long have they been here? Jag kunde knappt prata. I could barely speak. I could hardly talk. Det betyder at han kan lide dig. It means that he likes you. That means he likes you. Hún ráðlagði honum að hlusta á lækninn sinn. She advised him to listen to his doctor. She advised him to listen to her doctor. Jeg har en god idé. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Vil Algeriet udvikle sig til et velkonsolideret demokrati? Will Algeria become a consolidated democracy? Will Algeria develop into a well-consolidated democracy? Jeg er blind, ikke døv. I'm blind, not deaf. I'm blind, not deaf. Þessi bíll tilheyrir honum. That car is his. This car belongs to him. Hun har en smal talje. She has a small waist. She has a narrow waist. Jag är farligast om natten. I'm most dangerous at night. I'm most dangerous at night. I øjeblikket skriver du dine sætninger på det forkerte sted. Du skal vælge "Contribute" i toppen af siden og så "Add sentences". At the moment, you are entering your sentences in the wrong place. You should select "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentences". Currently you type your sentences in the wrong place. You have to choose "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentiments". Hun er en stille kvinne. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Barn dricker mer vatten, äter mer mat och andas mer luft per kilogram kroppsvikt än vuxna. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram of body weight than adults. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram body weight than adults. Jag gillar färgerna. I like the colors. I like the colors. Velkominn heim. Welcome home. Welcome home. Søndag er ikke en almindelig dag for mig. Sunday is not an ordinary day to me. Sunday is not a regular day for me. Det oroar mig mycket. This worries me a lot. It worries me a lot. Mjölken blev sur. The milk turned sour. The milk became acidic. Tyget är väldigt mjukt. This fabric is very soft. The fabric is very soft. Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I even go with designer clothes. Jag tycker om tennis. I like tennis. I like tennis. Flýtið ykkur! Tónleikarnir eru að byrja. Hurry up! The concert is starting. Hurry up! The games are starting. Han er ikke så energisk som han engang var. He isn't as energetic as he once was. He's not as energetic as he once was. Mary kysste sin mans kind. Mary kissed her husband's cheek. Mary kissed her husband's cheek. Jeg kender ikke hans virkelige navn. I don't know his real name. I don't know his real name. Hvað kom svona nokkurri hugmynd í kollinn á þér? What put such an idea into your head? What happened to such an idea in your head? Du bør gå tidligt hjem. You had best go home early. You should go home early. Det kommer det att finnas mycket tid till senare. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There will be a lot of time later. Varför är han så tyst? Why is he so quiet? Why is he so quiet? Hvilken film har dere sett? Which film did you see? What movie have you seen? Hvordan kommer jeg meg til busstasjonen? How do I get to the bus station? How do I get to the bus station? Tom satt över tre år i fängelset. Tom spent more than three years in jail. Tom spent three years in prison. Du er gammel nok til at kunne opføre dig ordentligt. You are old enough to behave yourself. You're old enough to be able to behave properly. Har de to sætninger virkelig den samme betydning? Do the two sentences really have the same meaning? Do they really have the same meaning? Hvor mange gange skal jeg sige det til dig? How many times do I have to tell you? How many times should I tell you? Jeg vasker op. I'm doing the dishes. I'll wash it up. Du måste följa reglerna. You have to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Han är bara en flyktigt bekant. He is only a passing chance acquaintance. He's just a fleety acquaintance. Jeg har time hos legen. I have an appointment with the doctor. I have an hour at the doctor. Tom vil ikke have børn. Tom doesn't want kids. Tom doesn't want children. Vem går först? Who's first? Who goes first? Jeg er 18 år gammel. I am 18 years old. I am 18 years old. Hann langar að hitta þig. He wants to meet you. He wants to meet you. Tom á tvo bræður sem búa í Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Tom has two brothers living in Boston. Der bor mange rige mennesker i det her kvarter. Many rich people live in this neighborhood. There are many rich people living in this neighborhood. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í að glápa á sjónvarpið? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why spend so much time staring at the TV? Jeg er nødt til at gøre et forsøg. I have to try. I have to make an attempt. Dyrnar voru allan daginn áfram lokaðar. The door remained closed all day. The animals were closed all day. Það eimir enn eftir af þessari hjátrú meðal þeirra. This superstition still lingers on among them. It still remains of this concept among them. Jeg kan håndtere dette. Det er let nok. I can handle this, no problem. I can handle this. It's easy enough. Bomull absorberar vatten. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. Tom mistede hurtigt interessen. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom quickly lost interest. Jag ska hämta bilen. I'll get the car. I'll get the car. Jag vill dansa. I want to dance. I want to dance. Rydd rommet ditt. Put your room in order. Clean your room. Jawbreaker er et rundt flersjikts sukkertøy slik som det er en perle. A jawbreaker is a round candy, multi-layered like a pearl. Jawbreaker is a round multi-layered sugar cloth as it is a pearl. Varför förvånas jag inte över det? Why am I not surprised by that? Why am I not surprised about it? Tom har en sølvpapirshat på for at beskytte hjernen mod skadelig stråling. Tom wears a tinfoil hat to protect his brain from harmful radiation. Tom has a silver paper hat to protect the brain from harmful radiation. Det er mandag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Tom er den eneste der går med alpehue. Tom is the only one wearing a beret. Tom is the only one who goes with alpehue. Hann tók hattinn ofan. He took off his hat. He took his hat down. Jeg har kun smør i køleskabet. I only have butter in the refrigerator. I only have butter in the refrigerator. Det er noen i dette rommet. There is someone in this room. There's someone in this room. Han har skrevet et brev. He wrote one letter. He wrote a letter. Vi havde ikke hørt denne nyhed. We hadn't heard this news. We had not heard this news. Det er menneskelig å feile. To err is human. It's human to be wrong. Hur långt skulle Tom gå? How far would Tom go? How far would Tom go? Det trodde jag aldrig om dig. I never thought that about you. I never thought of you. Jag har inte druckit kaffe än. I haven't had a coffee yet. I haven't drank coffee yet. Försöket misslyckades. The attempt failed. The attempt failed. Er du sikker på du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Ni ska tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You're going to speak Swedish. Vanligvis går hun til skolen. She usually walks to school. She usually goes to school. Jag väntar på dig. I'll wait up for you. I'm waiting for you. Vi kan ikke blive ved med at narre os selv. We can't keep on fooling ourselves. We can't keep fooling ourselves. Geden spiste af hendes hånd. The goat ate from her hand. The goat ate off her hand. Tom er ikke vant til å kjøre på venstre siden av veien. Tom isn't used to driving on the left side of the road. Tom is not used to driving on the left side of the road. Hvis jeg var rig, ville jeg købe det. If I were rich, I would buy it. If I was rich, I would buy it. Svolten sannkjenner inga lov. Hunger knows no law. The sword does not acknowledge any law. Han bor med sina föräldrar. He lives with his parents. He lives with his parents. Bill er besti vinur minn. Bill is my best friend. Bill is my best friend. Indenfor ét år brød aktiemarkedet sammen. Within one year, the stock market collapsed. Within a year, the stock market broke together. Jag vill inte bli vuxen. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to be an adult. Jag minns inte exakt vem som sa det till mig. I can't remember exactly who told me that. I don’t remember exactly who told me. Jeg har aldrig forstået det her. I've never understood this. I've never understood this. Jeg er lidt øm i halsen. My throat is a little sore. I'm a little sore in my throat. Hjartað mitt slær svo hratt! My heart's beating so fast! My heart breaks so fast! Jag tackade Tom för hans hjälp. I thanked Tom for his help. I thanked Tom for his help. Vi ville ha Tom. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. Rita en liten cirkel. Draw a small circle. Draw a small circle. Endelig knagede det ene æg efter det andet: "pip! pip!" sagde det, alle æggeblommerne var blevet levende og stak hovedet ud. At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, "Peep, peep." Finally, one egg cried after another: "pipe! beep!" said it, all the egg yolks had become alive and pulled their head out. Det är gratis. It's free. It's free. Jeg forlod Australien den tyvende oktober. I left Australia on October twentieth. I left Australia on the twentieth of October. Låt mig hjälpa dig upp. Let me help you up. Let me help you up. Jag kommer att sakna det. I'll miss that. I'll miss it. Att vara söt har också nackdelar. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being cute also has disadvantages. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka peningana. She advised him to take the money. She advised him to take the money. Ikke dra en forhastet konklusjon. Do not draw hasty conclusions. Don't draw an enchanted conclusion. Denne flod løber ud i Stillehavet. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. Jeg vidste ikke at Mary var Toms kæreste. I didn't know Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I didn't know Mary was Tom's boyfriend. Jeg har trodd på Kylie Minogue siden 12. juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I have believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Läkarna säger att det var ett mirakel att Tom överlevde natten. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom made it through the night. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom survived the night. Hun er en intelligent ung kvinde. She's an intelligent young woman. She is an intelligent young woman. Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka. I have no idea how long it will take. I don't have a bearing on how long it's going to take. Nogen skreg. Someone screamed. Someone screamed. Tom är en bra person. Tom is a good person. Tom is a good person. Jeg skjønner ingenting av noe du sier eller gjør. I can make nothing of what you do or say. I don’t know anything you say or do. Eg er utsliten! I'm tired! I'm the look! Jeg har aldri før sett en så stor vannmelon. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big watermelon before. Tom åkte för tio minuter sedan. Tom left ten minutes ago. Tom went 10 minutes ago. Dyrnar eru stundum opnar. The door is sometimes open. Animals are sometimes open. Jeg vil alltid elske deg, uansett hva som skjer. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I will always love you, no matter what happens. Tom kom nærmere. Tom got closer. Tom got closer. Vent lidt! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Jag träffar honom då och då. I see him from time to time. I'll meet him then and then. Jeg er vant til lave temperaturer. I am used to low temperatures. I'm used to low temperatures. Jag älskar dina ögon. I love your eyes. I love your eyes. Han har brunt hår. He has brown hair. He has brown hair. Mary er Toms svigermor. Mary is Tom's mother-in-law. Mary is Tom's mother-in-law. Lad os prøve endnu en gang. Let's try once again. Let's try again. Jag har biljetterna. I have the tickets. I got the tickets. Jeg har været i flere end ti fremmede lande indtil nu. I have been to more than ten foreign countries so far. I have been in more than ten foreign countries until now. Hvorfor arbejder du ikke hårdere? Why don't you work harder? Why don't you work harder? Den var ikke låst. It wasn't locked. It wasn't locked. Hvad er den længste flod i Tyskland? What's the longest river in Germany? What is the longest river in Germany? Boðið verður upp á kvöldmat um borð í flugvélinni. Dinner will be served on board the plane. They will be at dinner on board the plane. Toga held fram sjølv med all denne snøen. The trains are running in this snow. Trains continue even with all this snow. Jeg har sagt alt hvad du behøver at vide. I've told you all you need to know. I've told you everything you need to know. Jeg tror du vet hvorfor. I think you know why. I think you know why. Taler du ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Are you talking to Ladino? Du har aldrig tid til de vigtige ting! You never have time for important things! You never have time for the important things! Hun anvendte et zoomobjektiv. She used a zoom lens. She used a zoom lens. Vi är inte gudar, utan bara män. We're not gods, but mere men. We are not gods, but only men. Jag vill ha en advokat. I want an attorney. I want a lawyer. Jeg har reddet jer. I saved you. I saved you. I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced Tom was innocent. At first we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. Það er sagt að honum muni líklega mistakast. It is said that he is likely to fail. It is said that he is likely to lose. Han uppför sig som ett barn. He behaves like a child. He behaves like a child. Det er ikke blod. Det er tomatsovs. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood, it's tomato. Ikke bli sint. Don't get angry. Don't be angry. Hvem har opfundet telefonen? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Luft er usynlig. Air is invisible. Air is invisible. Hvis mobiltelefon er den her? Whose cell phone is this? If your cell phone is this? Jeg kan ikke tage telefonen lige nu. I can't answer the phone right now. I can't take the phone right now. Vi har hinanden. We've got each other. We have each other. De är unga. They're young. They're young. Har du designat den här? Did you design this? Have you designed this? At have ubeskyttet sex er farlig. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Ingen är där. No one is there. Nobody's there. Der er et rygte i min mors landsby om at vi har japanske forfædre. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal mene om det. There's a rumor in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors. I don't know what to make of it. There's a rumor in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors. I don't know what to say about it. Stígurinn milli húsanna tveggja var tepptur af snjó. The path between the two houses was blocked by snow. The gap between the two houses was made of snow. Brunnen har sedan länge sinat. The well has long since dried up. The Brown has long been. Det er en dejlig dag. It's a nice day. It's a nice day. Tom hadde tenkt å be sjefen om en lønnsøkning, men han ombestemte seg. Tom intended to ask his boss for a raise, but he reconsidered. Tom intended to ask the boss for a pay search, but he changed. Jag vill veta vad det är som är roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's funny. Efter dig. After you. After you. Tom vaknade när han hörde någon knacka på dörren. Tom woke up when he heard someone knocking on the door. Tom woke up when he heard someone knocking at the door. Verden er uretfærdig. The world is unfair. The world is unfair. Jeg ville overraske hende. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to surprise her. Jag hörde ett ljud. I heard a noise. I heard a sound. Hann hittir kærustuna sína á laugardögum. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. Någon stal mitt körkort. Someone stole my driver's license. Someone stole my driving licence. Hennes dröm är att besöka Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Han behandler hende som en ting. He treats her as a thing. He treats her as a thing. Jag måste bege mig nu. I've got to go now. I have to go now. Det var roligt att höra! That's wonderful! It was fun to hear! De bliver gift i morgen. They are going to get married tomorrow. They're getting married tomorrow. Om du talar om ditt namn för mig, talar jag om mitt för dig. If you tell me your name, I can tell you mine. If you talk about your name for me, I'll talk about you. Jag måste skynda mig! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Jag vill bara ha den. I just want it. I just want it. Móðir mín var dansari. My mother was a dancer. My mother was a dancer. Min kone har lavet en lækker æblekage til mig. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. My wife made a delicious apple cake for me. Tom og Mary hævdede at have set en ufo. Tom and Mary claimed to have seen a UFO. Tom and Mary claimed to have seen a UFO. Sätt dig inte! Don't sit down! Don't move! Kommer du med oss? Are you coming with us? Will you come with us? Jeg var i gang med at male. I was painting. I was starting to paint. Tom og Mary hadede hinanden. Tom and Mary hated each other. Tom and Mary hated each other. Jeg har brændt mine fingre. I burned my fingers. I burned my fingers. Vi måste gå med en gång. We must leave right away. We have to go right away. Cyklisterne var trætte men lykkelige. The cyclists were tired, but happy. The cyclists were tired but happy. Jeg skal drikke en øl. I'm going to drink a beer. I'll drink a beer. For himlens skyld. For heaven's sake. For the sake of heaven. Det är mitt. That is mine. It's mine. Jag är trettio år gammal. I am thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Jag borde inte ha ringt. I shouldn't have called. I shouldn't have called. Hún fór að gráta strax og hún yfirgaf herbergið. She began to cry as soon as she left the room. She started crying right away and she left the room. Hvilket språk snakker de i USA? What language do they speak in the United States? What language do they speak in the United States? Har du en stoppeklokke? Do you have a stopwatch? Do you have a stopwatch? Alle levende væsner på Jorden indeholder kulstof. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All living creatures on Earth contain carbon. Dette er en ny modell. This is a new model. This is a new model. Tom var i virkeligheden ikke så fuld som han foregav at være. Tom wasn't really as drunk as he was pretending to be. In fact, Tom was not as drunk as he pretended to be. Jeg har et krav til. I have one more demand. I have a requirement. Hun tiltrak mig ved første øjekast. She attracted me at first sight. She attracted me at first sight. Tom er ikke Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom is not Trump. Vi begynner alltid med de vanskeligste oppgavene. We always begin with the hardest problems. We always start with the most difficult tasks. Jag är en hundmänniska. I am a dog person. I'm a dog human. Tør dine tårer, mit barn. Dry your tears, my child. Dry your tears, my child. F i det hexadecimale system er lig med 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in the hexadecimal system is equal to 15. Jeg møtte min venn som jeg ikke hadde sett på tre år. I met a friend I hadn't seen for three years. I met my friend who I hadn’t seen in three years. Tom köpte lite choklad till Mary. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought some chocolate for Mary. Jag kan inte hitta min mobil. I can't find my mobile. I can't find my mobile. Jag är lite uppskakad. I'm a little shook up. I'm a little upset. Vi kan se tusentals stjärnor på himlen. We can see thousands of stars in the sky. We can see thousands of stars in the sky. Hvor arresterede du dem? Where did you arrest them? Where did you arrest them? Jeg er blottet for penge. I'm broke. I'm naked for money. Vi måste hitta den. We need to find it. We have to find it. Hvor mange kilo vejer du? How many kilograms do you weigh? How many pounds do you weigh? Jag pratar svenska. I speak Swedish. I'm talking Swedish. Denne te kaldes grøn te. This tea is called green tea. This tea is called green tea. Jeg har ondt af dem, der ikke kan lide ham. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I'm sorry for those who don't like him. Jenny dansar samba. Jenny dances the samba. Jenny dances samba. Tom behövde egentligen inte åka till Boston. Tom didn't really need to go to Boston. Tom didn’t really have to go to Boston. Vin lages av druer. Wine is made from grapes. Wine is made from grapes. Tom ville ikke ha oss på festen sin. Tom didn't want us at his party. Tom didn't want us at his party. Når kommer du hjem? When will you come home? When do you come home? Hvor mange menn tar det å erstatte en oppbrukt toalettrull? Ingen vet, for det har aldri hendt. How many men does it take to replace an empty toilet roll? No one knows, it's never happened. How many men do it take to replace a used toilet roll? No one knows, because it has never hanged. Nogle mennesker køber kun økologiske fødevarer; de tror ​​at deres krop så ikke beskadiges af forurenende stoffer. Some people only buy organic food; they think that in this way their body will not be damaged by pollutants. Some people only buy organic foods; they think their body is not damaged by pollutants. Jeg hjelper noen ganger mine foreldre i butikken etter skolen. I sometimes help my parents in the shop after school. Sometimes I help my parents in the store after school. Betjenten bad mig om at oplyse mit navn. The police officer asked me what my name was. The officer asked me to inform my name. Douglas Engelbart, oppfinneren av datamusen, var født på denne dagen i 1925. Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, was born on this day in 1925. Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, was born on this day in 1925. Rätt! Correct! Right! Min katt dog igår. My pet cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Man gör leksaker i den här fabriken. They make toys at this factory. You do toys in this factory. Jag har lagat radion åt honom. I've fixed the radio for him. I made the radio for him. Tror du verkligen på spöken? Do you really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? Der er noget galt med denne vaskemaskine. Something is wrong with this washing machine. There's something wrong with this washing machine. Geturðu leyst vandamálið? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve the problem? Hvilke sprog tales i Amerika? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Tom er som en søn for mig. Tom is like a son to me. Tom is like a son for me. Jag står inte ut med Laylas tjat mycket länge till. I can't put up with Layla's nagging much more. I don't stand out with Layla's for a long time. I min erfaring, kommer sykdom ofte av søvnløshet. From my own experience, illness often comes from sleeplessness. In my experience, illness often comes from insomnia. Stol aldrig på en statistik du ikke selv har forfalsket. Don't trust any statistics you did not fake yourself. Never trust a statistic you don’t have forged yourself. Tänker du berätta för Tom vad jag har gjort? Are you going to tell Tom what I did? Do you think you're telling Tom what I've done? Det där är inte en kniv. Det HÄR är en kniv! That isn't a knife. THIS is a knife! It's not a knife, it's a knife! Jeg vet at noen av dere ønsker å gå tilbake til slik ting var før, men det kommer ikke til å skje. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but that's not going to happen. I know some of you want to go back to such things before, but it won’t happen. Han drukner. He is drowning. He's drowning. Den lille kat vil sove. The little cat wants to sleep. The little cat will sleep. Enten han eller jeg skal deltage i mødet. Either he or I am to attend the meeting. Either he or I will attend the meeting. Jag har bara en önskan. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Þessir fuglar fljúga ekki vel en þeir eru frábærir hlauparar. These birds don’t fly well but they are excellent runners. These birds don’t fly well, but they are great runners. Hun var lige ved at miste et øje. She almost lost her eye. She was just losing an eye. Ingen är odödlig. No one is immortal. No one is immortal. Tom og Mary danser. Tom and Mary are dancing. Tom and Mary dance. Jag bryr mig inte ett skit. I don't give a shit. I don't care a shit. En tredjedel af Jordens overflade er ørken. One third of the earth's surface is desert. One third of Earth's surface is desert. Jeg bruger Windows for Workgroups 3.11 som operationssystem på min computer. I use Windows for Workgroups 3.11 on my computer as an operating system. I use Windows for Workgroups 3.11 as an operating system on my computer. Hvorfor indrømmer du ikke bare at du ikke ved hvad du taler om? Why don't you just admit you don't know what you're talking about? Why don't you just admit that you don't know what you're talking about? Det var nemt at finde Toms hus. It was easy to find Tom's house. It was easy to find Tom's house. Komælk er til kalve og indeholder væksthormoner som de har brug for. Jeg er ikke en kalv og ikke ønsker at vokse op som en. Cow's milk is for calves and contains growth hormones which they need. I am not a calf and do not want to grow up like one. Milk is for calves and contains growth hormones that they need. I'm not a calf and don't want to grow up like one. Kusingifte ökar risken för ärftliga sjukdomar. Cousin marriage increases the risk of hereditary disease. Cusin poisoning increases the risk of hereditary diseases. Jag minns den första gången. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Jag ska aldrig gå och handla med Jason igen. I will never go shopping with Jason again. I'll never go shopping with Jason again. Alle ved at det ikke var Tom. Everybody knows it wasn't Tom. Everyone knows it wasn't Tom. Hun er solist. She's a soloist. She's a soloist. Følg reglene. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Jag vill vara en ärlig person. I want to be an honest person. I want to be an honest person. Tak for din forklaring. Thank you for your explanation. Thank you for your explanation. Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Denne kuffert har en overvægt på fire kilogram. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This suitcase has a weight of four kilograms. Tom drunknar. Tom's drowning. Tom drowns. Jeg liker å vanne hagen. I like to water the garden. I like watering the garden. For noen rare folk blir vitenskap av et språk holdt hemmelig. Some strange people keep knowledge of a language secret. For some strange people, science of a language is kept secret. Den er for stor. It's too big. It's too big. Bag-in-box vin er normalt ikke ret god. Boxed wine isn't usually very good. Bag-in-box wine is usually not quite good. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne snakke engelsk. I wish I could speak English. I wish I could speak English. Vi er alle enige med deg. We all agree with you. We all agree with you. Varför skulle man gifta sig med en kvinna om man gillar män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Ég hlakka til að heyra í þér bráðlega. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to hearing you soon. Du har ikke set noget. You didn't see anything. You haven't seen anything. Dags att stiga upp. Time to get up. It's time to rise up. Jeg reiser ofte mellom Roma og Milano. I often travel between Rome and Milan. I often travel between Rome and Milan. Jeg liker ikke dette kameraet. I don't like this camera. I don't like this camera. Tom och Mary sa till John att han inte behövde vänta på dem. Tom and Mary told John that he didn't have to wait for them. Tom and Mary told John that he didn’t have to wait for them. Én gang i året skader ikke. Once a year does not hurt. Once a year does not hurt. Tom blev ført til forhørslokalet. Tom was taken to the interrogation room. Tom was taken to the interrogation room. Min søster er en meget smuk pige. My sister is a very beautiful girl. My sister is a very beautiful girl. Hvad sker der i dit land? What happens in your country? What's going on in your country? Jag är helt ensam nu. I'm all alone now. I'm all alone now. Tom har købt et meget billigt fotografiapparat. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap photography device. I skolan blev Tom ofta mobbad. In school, Tom was often bullied. In school, Tom was often bullied. Hun skrev ét brev. She wrote one letter. She wrote one letter. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. It's a lot of fun. Låt mig ta en titt. Let me take a gander. Let me take a look. Batman og Robin er de eneste helte i Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Du giver mig ikke noget valg. You leave me no choice. You don't give me any choice. Geislunin lak úr kjarnorkuverinu. The radioactivity leaked out of the nuclear power plant. Geslein leaves the nuclear power plant. Megi Guð vera með okkur. May God be with us. May God be with us. Tom er kommunistur. Tom is a communist. Tom is a Communist. Vad tyckte du? What did you think? What did you think? Det var precis vad jag behövde. That's just what he needed. That was exactly what I needed. Du bör alltid tänka innan du talar. You should always think before you speak. You should always think before you speak. Det värker i benet. My leg is aching. It warms in the leg. Engelska är svårt, eller hur? English is difficult, isn't it? English is difficult, right? Jag ska betala dig. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Eg var heime. I was at home. I was home. Det vet du inte. You don't know that. You don't know. Jeg var dårlig i engelsk. I was poor at English. I was bad in English. Sami bar Layla. Sami carried Layla. Sami wore Layla. Hvem er læreren din? Who is your teacher? Who is your teacher? Det er ikke Toms idé. That isn't Tom's idea. It's not Tom's idea. Han tabbade sig på jobbet och fick sparken. He goofed on the job and got fired. He grabbed himself at work and was fired. Tom är bara rädd. Tom is just frightened. Tom is just scared. Mér til mikillar undrunar höfðaði lagið mitt til margra ungra. Much to my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. I have a lot of surprises for my song to many young people. Har du overhovedet læst den? Did you read it at all? Have you ever read it? Det er mørkt. It's dark. It's dark. Her er min bagage. Here is my baggage. Here's my luggage. Jag kan inte bryta mig loss. I can't break free. I can't break myself off. Du har allerede betalt. You already paid. You've already paid. Hans hår er gråt. His hair is gray. His hair is gray. Har du allerede spist middag? Have you already eaten dinner? Have you already eaten dinner? Jeg kommer hen til dig, John. I'll call on you, John. I'm going to you, John. Jag är hälsosam. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Jeg syntes ikke, det var sjovt. I didn't find that funny. I didn't think it was fun. Tom lader som om han ikke engang ved hvem Mary er. Tom acts like he doesn't even know who Mary is. Tom pretends he doesn’t even know who Mary is. Jeg leser ikke. I do not read. I don't read. Jag köpte en chokladask på arbetsresan som present åt mina kollegor. I bought a box of chocolates on the way to work as a gift for my colleagues. I bought a chocolate box on my work trip as a gift to my colleagues. Jeg elsker dig stadigvæk. I still love you. I still love you. Jeg vil holde øje med jer. I'll be watching you. I want to keep an eye on you. Jag har ingen statistik. I have no statistics. I have no statistics. Hvor mange kumquatter har du lige spist? How many kumquats did you just eat? How many kumquatters have you eaten? Vill någon ha en öl? Does anyone want a beer? Does anyone want a beer? Tydligen inte. Evidently not. Apparently not. Ned med Amerika! Down with America! Down with America! De lider av malaria. They're suffering from malaria. They suffer from malaria. Vilken är din favoritsuperhjälte? Who's your favorite super hero? What is your favorite super hero? Vi er naboer. We're neighbours. We're neighbors. Hvorfor er himmelen blå? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Jag gick ofta på bio med pappa. I often went to the movies with dad. I often went to cinema with my dad. Hon tycker om den ljusgröna behån. She likes the light green bra. She likes the bright green behån. Jeg er sikker på at Tom vil hjelpe deg. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Sjön var tillfrusen. The lake was frozen. The sea was the Virgin. Ge mig en dollar för boken. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Áttu hús á Ítalíu? Do you own a house in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? Jag har en kommentar. I have a comment. I have a comment. Stop. Det gør ondt. Stop. It hurts. Stop, it hurts. Hun var forelsket i meg, men jeg var ikke forelsket i henne. She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. She was in love with me, but I was not in love with her. Tror du på det här? Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Du ser upptagen ut. You look busy. You look busy. Jag såg meddelandet. I saw the message. I saw the message. Lycka till. Good luck! Good luck. Det fanns lite dagg imorse. There was some dew this morning. There was a little day this morning. Han foretrækker at sove på gulvet. He prefers sleeping on the ground. He prefers to sleep on the floor. Kan du hjälpa mig att bära de här resväskorna till bilen. Can you help me carry these suitcases to the car? Can you help me carry these suitcases to the car? Han har en temperatur på 38,9 °C. He has a fever of 102 degrees. He has a temperature of 38.9 °C. Jag hoppas att ingen såg mig dansa. I hope no one saw me dancing. I hope no one saw me dancing. Jag har hört den låten sjungen på franska. I have heard that song sung in French. I heard that song singing in French. Se saker som de är. See things as they are. Look at things like they are. Tur-retur? Bare en vei. Return? Just a single. Tur-retreur? Just a way. En förbipasserande bil körde i en vattenpöl och stänkte ned hela mig. A passing car hit a puddle and splashed water all over me. A passing car was driving in a water pit and splashing down all of me. Det veit ikkje du. You don't know that. You don't know. Lad os besøge Boston igen. Let's visit Boston again. Let's visit Boston again. Allt är tillgängligt. Everything is available. Everything is available. Läs inte vad som är i brevet. Bara ge det till Tom. Don't read what's in the envelope. Just give it to Tom. Don't read what's in the letter, just give it to Tom. Jeg oversætter sætninger på Tatoeba i min fritid. I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time. I translate sentences in Tatoeba in my spare time. Jag kan bara tala för mig själv. I can only speak for myself. I can only speak for myself. Hvad har Tom for? What's Tom up to? What's Tom doing? Kyoto er berømt for sine gamle templer. Kyoto is famous for its old temples. Kyoto is famous for its ancient temples. Ni är monster. You're monsters. You're monsters. Fem tusen dollar er mye penger. Five thousand dollars is a large sum of money. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. Moderen ammede sit barn i bussen. The mother breastfed her child on the bus. Her mother breastfed her child in the bus. Han var synligt nervøs. He was visibly nervous. He was visible nervous. Det var en dröm. It was a dream. It was a dream. Hva er evig i naturen når alt er så forgjengelig? What is eternal in nature when everything is so ephemeral? What is eternal in nature when everything is so perishable? Jag önskar att Tom var här med oss idag. I wish Tom was here with us today. I wish Tom was here with us today. Var är hon? Where is she? Where is she? Tom kan köra bil. Tom can drive a car. Tom can drive. Vi måste hitta det. We must find it. We have to find it. Hun er ikke gammel nok til at få kørekort. She isn't old enough to get a driving licence. She's not old enough to get a driving license. Försvinn från min gräsmatta! Get off my lawn. Get out of my lawn! Det var Toms mamma. That was Tom's mother. It was Tom's mom. Jag visste att du skulle trivas här. I knew you'd be happy here. I knew you were going to thrive here. Hun er en kjær og elskverdig kvinne som jeg aldri vil glemme. I will never forget that kind, loving woman. She is a loving and loving woman that I will never forget. Du almægtige! Jeg kommer for sent til undervisningen. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. I'm late for teaching. Hún ráðlagði honum að tala um líf sitt í Ameríku. She advised him to talk about his life in America. She advised him to talk about her life in America. Jag anlände i går kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. Hur hänger dessa händelser ihop? How are these events connected? How are these events connected? Han har en utländsk bil. He has a foreign car. He has a foreign car. Du köpte något till Mary. You bought something for Mary. You bought something for Mary. Vi måste ringa Tom. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. Lengi lifi Sovétríkin! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Jag köpte den här åt dig. I got you this. I bought this for you. De vet hva som skjer. They know what's happening. They know what's going on. Vi tager afsted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Helen er að leika sér í garðinum. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen is playing in the garden. Det armenske folkemord efterlod halvanden million døde, herunder mænd, kvinder og børn. The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children. The Armenian genocide left half a million dead, including men, women and children. Tom glemte at vandene blomsterne. Tom forgot to water the flowers. Tom forgot to water the flowers. Kontakt med numret ni har valt fås ej. The number chosen can't be contacted. Contact with the number you have chosen is not available. Jag har alltid föredragit mysteriösa karaktärer. I always liked mysterious characters more. I have always preferred mysterious characters. Soldaterna var utrustade med vapen. The soldiers were equipped with weapons. The soldiers were equipped with weapons. Af hverju viltu ekki hlýða rödd skynseminnar? Why will you not listen to reason? Why don't you listen to the voice of reason? Det var bare et kyss. It was just a kiss. It was just a kiss. Det skulle sitta fint med en öl. I could use a beer. It would be nice to have a beer. Det är långt ifrån sommar än. Summer is still a long way away. It's far from summer. Tom ved ikke, hvordan man spiller golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom doesn’t know how to play golf. Hvilket yrke har du? What's your profession? Which profession do you have? Vi taler flydende tysk. We're talking German fluently. We speak fluent German. Tom er ikke autoriseret. Tom isn't licensed. Tom is not authorized. Jag måste avbryta. I have to cancel. I have to cancel. Jeg har en bil, en motorcykel og to cykler. I have a car, a motorcycle, and 2 bicycles. I have a car, a motorcycle and two bicycles. TV:n var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was on all the time. Jag bor med Tom. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Hvem er den nye cheftræner? Who's the new head coach? Who is the new manager? Tom behöver en hobby. Tom needs a hobby. Tom needs a hobby. Lad os forsvinde herfra før Tom ser os. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. En fremmed som bor i nærheten er bedre enn en slektning som bor langt vekk. A stranger living nearby is better than a relative living far away. A stranger who lives near is better than a relative who lives far away. Det är ditt val, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. Er hún Japani? Is she Japanese? Is she Japan? Jag skulle ha gjort exakt det som du gjorde. I would've done exactly what you did. I should have done exactly what you did. Ett stort djur rymde från zoo. A big animal ran away from the zoo. A large animal space from the zoo. Forurensing er eit alvorleg problem. Pollution is a serious problem. Pollution is a serious problem. Mér þætti gaman að heyra hvað þú hefur um þetta að segja. I'd like to hear what you have to say on this. I’m glad to hear what you have to say about it. Jeg reiste til Norge. I went to Norway. I went to Norway. Er det ikke på tide at I begraver stridsøksen og lader fortiden være fortid? Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? Isn’t it time for you to bury the dispute and let the past be past? Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He hit him in his face. Var det du som gjorde det här? Did you do this? Was that you who did this? Tom ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom was waiting. Jag känner inte någon här. I don't know anybody here. I don't know anyone here. Häng din hatt på kroken. Hang your hat on the hook. Hang your hat on the hook. Hvis du ikke holder dine løfter, vil folk ikke tage dig alvorligt. If you don't keep your promises, people won't take you seriously. If you don’t keep your promises, people won’t take you seriously. Vem som än använder den här tandborsten är inte min mor. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Anyone who uses this toothpaste is not my mother. Jeg købte en rød bil. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. Telefonbøger er fascinerende. Phonebooks are fascinating. Phone books are fascinating. Är ni hungriga ännu? Are you hungry yet? Are you hungry yet? Du döljer någonting för mig. You're hiding something from me. You're hiding something for me. Jeg intervjuet en kvinne som jobber for å beskytte miljøet. I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment. I interviewed a woman who works to protect the environment. Tom taler fransk lige så godt som dig. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you. Der var blod på Toms skjorte. There was blood on Tom's shirt. There was blood on Tom's shirt. Það þarf að vökva blómabeðið. The flower garden needs watering. It needs to be watered. Eg vil at de skal bli hos meg. I want them to stay with me. I want them to stay with me. Jeg kan ikke se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Kiks kan indeholde nødder eller peanuts, selv om det ikke indgår i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Kinks may contain nuts or peanuts, although it is not included in the ingredients list. Hvis bil er den her? Whose car is this? If a car is here? Skrub af! Why don't you get lost. Screw off! Tycker du om rödvin? Do you like red wine? Do you like red wine? Varför tog ni med Tom hit? Why did you bring Tom here? Why did you take Tom here? Jeg så din far. I saw your father. I saw your father. Damerne havde aftenkjoler på. The ladies were in evening dress. The ladies had evening dresses. Att tala utan att tänka är som att skjuta utan att titta. Speaking without thinking is like shooting without looking. Talking without thinking is like shooting without looking. Segelfartyget kastade ankar i viken. The sailing ship dropped anchor in the bay. The ship threw anchors in the bay. Hvordan kan du finde dig i ham? How do you put up with him? How can you find him? Hvor satte dere rakkere stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did you put my coat? Kanntu að synda? Can you swim? Can you swim? Tom arbejder i en lokal cykelforretning. Tom works at a local bike shop. Tom works in a local bicycle shop. De kommer hit någon enstaka gång. They come here occasionally. They come here sometime. Jag tycker om den här koppen. I like this cup. I like this cup. Han har ikke hode til hoderegning. He's doesn't have a head for numbers. He doesn't have a head to head. Han er storebror min. He's my older brother. He's my big brother. Man ska inte döma folk efter utseendet. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You should not judge people by appearance. Har du någonsin haft de här symtomen tidigare? Have you ever had these symptoms before? Have you ever had these symptoms before? Nej. No. No, no. Læser du ikke tabloidaviserne? Don't you read the tabloids? Don't you read tabloid newspapers? Jeg er lubben. I'm chubby. I'm the chubby. Det høres enkelt ut, jeg vet. It sounds simple, I know. It sounds simple, I know. Jag vill inte förråda dig. I won't betray you. I don't want to betray you. De köpte något till Mary. They bought something for Mary. They bought something for Mary. I front av huset mitt var det et stort tre. There was a tall tree in front of my house. In front of my house, there was a big tree. Þótt Jane sé ekki góður hlaupari syndir hún hratt. Though Jane is not a good runner, she can swim very fast. Although Jane is not a good runner, she quickly sins. Það er fótboltaleikur á morgun. There's a soccer match tomorrow. It's a football game tomorrow. Jag fattar. I get the idea. I got it. Jag kommer att undersöka denna fråga mer. I'll look into this issue more. I will examine this question more. Varför behöver jag hjälp? Why do I need help? Why do I need help? I dag skal jeg besøke graven til bestefaren min. Today I'm going to visit my grandfather's grave. Today I will visit the tomb of my grandfather. Borde vi inte säga någonting? Shouldn't we say something? Shouldn't we say nothing? Jag förstår mig inte på det här. This doesn't make any sense. I don't understand this. Min mor er bange for elevatorer. My mother is afraid of elevators. My mother is afraid of elevators. Hun ser ut til å hate deg. She seems to hate you. She seems to hate you. Dette fjellet er dekket av snø hele året. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Så vitt jag vet är han inte lat. As far as I know, he isn't lazy. As far as I know, he's not lazy. Hans önskan blev slutligen uppfylld. His wish was finally fulfilled. His desire was finally fulfilled. Tom taler kun fransk. Tom only speaks French. Tom speaks only French. Mennad er ránsmaður. Mennad is a robber. Mendance is a rapist. Fadil älskade att skida. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved skiing. Hjälp oss, Tom. Help us, Tom. Help us, Tom. Kven ville teke vare på borna mine om eg døydde? Who would look after my children if I died? Who would preserve my children if I died? Han undervisar i arabiska. He teaches Arabic. He teaches in Arabic. Vad är allt detta? What is all this? What is all this? Ring meg! Call me! Call me! Jeg ble nesten påkjørt av en lastebil. I was nearly run over by a truck. I was almost hit by a truck. Jag känner mig inte sjuk. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. Jag har känt Tom sen vi var barn. I've known Tom since we were children. I've known Tom since we were a child. Kom tilbake! Come back. Come back! Ég verð að þvo þvott á meðan sólskinið varir. I have to do laundry while it's still sunny. I have to wash my laundry while the sunshine lasts. Jeg vil gjerne ha to enveisbilletter fra A til B. I'd like two one-way tickets from A to B. I would like to have two one-way tickets from A to B. Ég þekki ekki konuna sem er að tala við kennarann okkar. I do not know the woman talking to our teacher. I don’t know the woman who is talking to our teacher. Ég vil ekki að vinna við þessar aðstæður. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don’t want to work in these situations. I er for ærlige. You're being too honest. You're too honest. Hvilen farge har huset ditt? What color is your house? The wild color has your house? Sólin kemur upp í eystri og setur í vestri. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun rises to the west and falls to the west. Det är kul att besöka gamla vänner. It's fun to visit old friends. It's nice to visit old friends. Jeg elsker dig som du er. I love you the way you are. I love you as you are. Vi er militærnægtere. We're conscientious objectors. We're military spies. Tom kom för att hjälpa. Tom came to help. Tom came to help. Berätta för mig hur man gör. Tell me how to do it. Tell me how to do it. Ég hlakka til að sjá athugasemdirnar þínar við skýrsluna. I look forward to your comments on the report. I look forward to seeing your comments on the report. Han fortalte hende aldrig hvor han skjulte diamanterne. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. Jeg tog det foto for en uge siden. I took that photo a week ago. I took that photo a week ago. Þannig smjaður gagnast þér ekkert. That sort of flattery will get you nowhere. That’s how you don’t feel. Hele byen ligger i dyp søvn. The whole town lay sleeping. The whole city is in deep sleep. Jag fick ett annat jobb. I got another job. I got another job. Tom sover ikke. Tom's not asleep. Tom doesn't sleep. Jeg er gift og har to børn. I am married and have two children. I'm married and have two children. Vad bevisar det? What does that prove? What does that prove? Tom tror att han vet allt. Tom thinks he knows it all. Tom thinks he knows everything. Heste og æsler er forskellige. Horses and donkeys are different. Horses and donkeys are different. John sitter vid Jack. John sits by Jack. John sits at Jack. Han är sällan hemma. He is seldom home. He is rarely home. Tom är knubbig. Tom is chubby. Tom's funny. Tvätta ditt ansikte. Wash your face. Wash your face. Klarar du dig på egen hand? Can you manage alone? Can you do it on your own? Klokken elleve passer mig fint. Eleven o'clock is good for me. At 11 o'clock I'm fine. Byg og hvede vokser på markerne rundt om landsbyen. Barley and wheat grow in the fields around the village. The village and wheat grow on the fields around the village. Hendes tilstand vendte sig til det værre i går. Her condition turned for the worse yesterday. Her condition turned to the worse yesterday. Mit navn er ikke Tom. My name isn't Tom. My name is not Tom. Tom var en hängiven och hårt arbetande polisman, omtyckt och respekterad av sina kolleger. Tom was a dedicated and hardworking policeman, liked and respected by his colleagues. Tom was a devoted and hard-working police officer, surrounded and respected by his colleagues. Pas på, den fyr har et jagttegn! Be careful, this guy has a shooting license! Look, that guy has a hunting sign! Vi bør respektere hverandres tro. We should respect each other's beliefs. We should respect each other’s faith. Kína er stærra en Japan. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Vi lever i et berbisktalende samfund. We live in a Berber-speaking society. We live in a bible-speaking society. Der er et hår i min suppe. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. La meg spise i fred. Let me eat in peace. Let me eat in peace. Det finns mat på bordet. There's food on the table. There is food on the table. Tom kör elbil. Tom drives an electric car. Tom drives a car. Den kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the tip of a jet fighter. Hvem tror du, du er? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Till jul har vi känt varandra i tre år We will have known each other for three years next Christmas. For Christmas we have known each other for three years. Det är bäst att jag stannar hemma. I'd better stay home. It's best that I stay at home. Jag gick inte och la mig. I didn't go to sleep. I didn't go and let me. Hun havde ren samvittighed. She had a clear conscience. She had a clean conscience. Jag är säker på att det skulle vara ett misstag att berätta för Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. Þar til hvenær verðurðu í Japan? Until when will you be in Japan? When will you stay in Japan? Han døde for ti år siden. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Kor äter gräs. Cows eat grass. Where to eat grass. Han friede til sin kæreste med en ring han havde stjålet i en lokal smykkebutik. He proposed to his boyfriend with a ring he had stolen from a local jewelry store. He freed his girlfriend with a ring he had stolen in a local jewelry store. Han kommer att älska henne för alltid. He will love her forever. He will love her forever. I sin ungdom var min mor veldig vakker. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. In his youth, my mother was very beautiful. Var ligger utgången? Where is the way out? Where's the end? Jag har en båt. I've got a boat. I have a boat. Ring til mig. Call me. Call me. Tom är inte bra på att ljuga. Tom isn't good at lying. Tom is not good at lying. Hvorfor går du til fods, når du har en bil? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why do you go on foot when you have a car? Det fanns ingenting i lådan. There was nothing in the box. There was nothing in the box. Har du ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you eaten breakfast? Han skrev ner det för att inte glömma det. He wrote it down lest he should forget it. He wrote it down to not forget it. Han delte sin suppe med mig. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Jag kan vänta här ute. I can wait out here. I can wait here. Det är min häst. It's my horse. That's my horse. Tom plystra på ein song medan han gjekk langs elva. Tom whistled a tune as he walked along the river. Tom lit on a song while walking along the river. Tom ligger i koma. Tom is in a coma. Tom's in here. Ni känner inte mig över huvud taget. You don't know me at all. You don't know me at all. Jag såg er aldrig. I never saw you. I never saw. Tom har aldri vært punktlig. Tom has never been punctual. Tom has never been pointless. Ég opnaði augun. I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes. Tom måtte ikke vente længe. Tom didn't have to wait long. Tom didn't have to wait long. Algeriet er et land i Nordafrika. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Hun taler kinesisk. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. La barna gå av bussen først! Let the kids off the bus first! Let the kids get off the bus first! Var är din bil, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Så fort jeg hadde forlatt huset begynte det å regne. No sooner had I left the house than it started to rain. As soon as I left the house, it began to rain. Hvem oversatte Koranen til hebraisk? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Dette er et historisk øjeblik. This is an historic moment. This is a historic moment. Hann samþykkti hugmyndina mína. He accepted my idea. He accepted my idea. Her er din hund. Here's your dog. Here's your dog. Hvad diskuterer de? What are they discussing? What are they discussing? Stanken gör mig illamående. The stench is making me sick. The smell makes me sick. Jag har läst ut boken. I've finished reading the book. I've read the book. Ulve angriber normalt ikke mennesker. Wolves don't usually attack people. Ulve usually does not attack people. Kan I lide sorte katte? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Jag är bara ärlig. I'm just being honest. I'm just honest. Det er en holdindsats. It's a team effort. It's a team effort. Farið og athugið hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go and see who this is. Det canadiske sundhedssystem betales over skatterne. The Canadian health care system is paid for by tax revenue. The Canadian health system is paid over taxes. Det verkar som om du lärde dig mycket. It seems you learned a lot. It seems like you learned a lot. Hvem tog pengene? Who took the money? Who took the money? Han var syg sidste uge. He was sick last week. He was sick last week. Jag tar danslektioner. I take dance lessons. I'll take dance lessons. Mary är ganska bekymrad. Mary is quite concerned. Mary is quite worried. Tom vågnede tidligt i morges. Tom woke up early this morning. Tom woke up early this morning. Vi blev väldigt besvikna över att höra nyheterna. We were very disappointed to hear the news. We were very disappointed to hear the news. Vad ska jag säga till Tom? What do I tell Tom? What should I say to Tom? Skru ned volumet. Turn down the volume, please. Decrease the volume. Vet du vart din pappa gick? Do you know where your dad went? You know where your dad went? Varför köpte du det där? Why did you buy that? Why did you buy it? Hur knäckte du den? How did you break it? How did you crack it? Mér þykir auðveldast að muna orð með gagnyrtum skilgreiningum. I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember. I find it easier to remember words with useful definitions. Kan du inte stanna en stund till? Can't you stay a while longer? Can't you stay for a while? Hvor langt er det fra her til Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? Hans nye bog sælger godt. His new book is selling well. His new book sells well. De erbjöd gästerna lite kaffe. They offered the guests some coffee. They offered the guests some coffee. Den forelesningen stimulerte meg virkelig. That lecture really stimulated me. That lecture really stimulated me. Tom säger att han är hungrig. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Jag skulle vilja ställa en fråga. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask a question. Jeg tog til Norge. I went to Norway. I went to Norway. Er du sliten? Are you tired? Are you tired? Sami måste följa med mig. Sami has to come with me. Sami has to go with me. Hans barnslige latter er sjarmerende. His childlike laugh is charming. His childish laughter is charming. Jag håller inte med. I disagree. I don't agree. Ursäkta, kan du sänka rösten lite? Excuse me, can you lower your voice a little bit? Excuse me, can you lower your voice a little? Pass på å sjekke inn senest 45 minutter før avgang. Be sure to check in at least 45 minutes prior to departure time. Make sure to check in no later than 45 minutes before departure. Jag har fortfarande mycket att lära. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Mina föräldrar dog när jag var mycket ung. My parents died when I was very young. My parents died when I was very young. Han är lagkapten. He's the captain of a team. He's the team captain. Det är en god idé att dricka flaskvatten. It's a good idea to drink bottled water. It is a good idea to drink bottled water. Tom sneg sig ubemærket ind i klassen. Tom slipped into the classroom unnoticed. Tom sneaks unnoticed into the class. Jeg lærer vestfrisisk. I'm learning West Frisian. I learn Western Frisian. Skynd jer! Toget kører snart. Hurry up! The train is about to leave. Hurry up! The train is running soon. Hvor er din frakke? Where is your coat? Where's your coat? Frumvarpið var samþykkt af litlum meirihluta tíu atkvæða. The bill passed by a small majority of 10 votes. The vote was approved by a small majority of ten votes. Jeg hadde jobben i 3 år, det vil si, frem til jeg var 20 år gammel. I was engaged in it for three years, that is, till I was twenty years old. I had the job for 3 years, that is, until I was 20 years old. Sommerfugl er et veldig vakkert ord. Butterfly is a very nice word. Butterfly is a very beautiful word. To plus to giver fire. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two give four. Tom telefonerede. Tom phoned. Tom phoned. Jeg er omgivet af katte! I'm surrounded by cats! I'm surrounded by cats! Tag trappen! Enter by means of the staircase! Take the stairs! Er Tom også en amerikaner? Is Tom an American too? Is Tom also an American? Den brune hatten er gammel. The brown hat is old. The brown hat is old. Han vann matchen tack vare sin starka vilja. He won the game thanks to his strong will. He won the match thanks to his strong will. Sex þeirra snúa aftur. Six of them return. Six of them return. Tom stannade i ett billigt hotell. Tom stayed at a cheap hotel. Tom stayed in a cheap hotel. Hann er vinur hennar. He's her friend. He's her friend. Jeg har købt en flaske solbærsirup i dag. I bought a bottle of black currant syrup today. I bought a bottle of sunberry syrup today. Kan du komma närmre? Can you come closer? Can you come closer? Vem? Who? Who? Jag åt färdigt. I finished eating. I finished. Diktatorn hade den absoluta lojaliteten av alla hans medhjälpare. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his helpers. Jag har pyjamasen på mig. I'm in my pajamas. I have the pajamas on me. Hvad er dette hotels faxnummer? What's the fax number for this hotel? What is this hotel's fax number? Det er ikke så slemt. It's not that bad. It's not that bad. Er denne vaccine effektiv? Is this vaccine effective? Is this vaccine effective? Ved brand alarmér 119. In case of fire, call 119. At fire alarm 119. Ja, det er det jeg sagde. Yeah, that's what I said. Yeah, that's what I said. Köpte du läkemedlet? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the medicine? Tom fyldte tredive den 20. oktober. Tom turned thirty on October twentieth. Tom filled thirty on October 20. Tom kaldte Mary en forræder. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom ventede i hulen. Tom was waiting in the cave. Tom waited in the cave. Tom er ældre end mig. Tom is older than I am. Tom is older than me. Hefurðu nokkurtíma komið til Hawaii, Takuja? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya? Have you ever arrived in Hawaii, Takuja? Du er en meget heldig mand. You're a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Jeg gir meg ikke! I'm not giving up. I'm not giving me! Vejret er blevet varmere. The weather has become warmer. Weather has become warmer. Elsker du din mor?‎ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Når man forteller at man er deprimert, så antar de naivt at du er lei deg eller opprørt, når de da mislykker å forstå hvor omfattende depressjon egentlig er. When you tell people you're depressed, they foolishly assume that you're sad or upset, failing to comprehend how profound an emotion depression truly is. When you tell that you are depressed, they assume that you are bored or upset when they fail to understand how extensive the depression really is. Tom ble jaget av moren sin mens han løp naken rundt i lobbyen. Tom's mother chased Tom as he ran naked around the lobby. Tom was chased by his mother while running naked around the lobby. Mosjon er godt for helsen. Exercise is good for your health. Exercise is good for health. Tom sover, men Mary är vaken. Tom is asleep, but Mary is awake. Tom sleeps, but Mary is awake. Jeg har otte søskende. I have eight siblings. I have eight siblings. Paret hade ett lyckligt liv. The couple led a happy life. The couple had a happy life. Det finns några undantag. There are some exceptions. There are some exceptions. Jeg er slet ikke med. I am lost. I'm not with you at all. Jag hittade din dagbok. I found your diary. I found your diary. Jeg står i gæld til dig. I'm indebted to you. I'm in debt to you. Hon avskyr honom. She despises him. She disgusts him. Rådhuset ligger ikke langt herfra. The city hall isn't far from here. The city hall is not far from here. Jeg vil ha to pølser med masse pepper. I want two hot dogs with lots of pepper. I want two sausages with lots of pepper. Den här föreningen grundades för etthundraelva år sedan. This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. This association was founded one hundred years ago. Denne tank rummer tredive liter. This tank holds thirty liters. This tank contains thirty litres. Hann hitti markið. He hit the mark. He met the mark. Tom har aldrig klippet et får. Tom has never sheared a sheep. Tom never cut a sheep. Tom og Mary elsker ikke hinanden mere. Tom and Mary don't love each other anymore. Tom and Mary don’t love each other anymore. Han har alltid något fuffens för sig. He is always up to no good. He always has something for himself. Du høres ikke veldig overrasket ut. You don't sound very surprised. You don't sound very surprised. Jeg hørte deg ikke helt. I didn't quite hear you. I didn't hear you completely. Vi er ni personer i min familie. There are nine people in my family. We are nine people in my family. Dette er Copacabana! This is Copacabana! This is Copacabana! Jag trodde att du åkt. I thought you'd left. I thought you were hanging out. Tom vill inte prata med dig. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Þú ert enn of ungur til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You are too young to get a driving license. Það er í þína eigin þágu að fara. It's in your interest to go. It’s in your own way to go. Spiller du et musikkinstrument? Do you play a musical instrument? Do you play a musical instrument? Kan du lide golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Jeg vidste du var skør, men jeg vidste ikke at du var så skør. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were this crazy. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were so crazy. Jeg er borger i Sapporo. I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm a citizen of Sapporo. Det er noget, der er værd at diskutere. That's something that's worth discussing. It's something worth discussing. Hann er að læra við skrifborðið sitt. He is studying at his desk. He is learning from his desk. Jeg var lige ved at lave en fejl. I nearly made a mistake. I was just making a mistake. Jeg har ikke bestilt fisk. I didn't order fish. I haven't ordered fish. Þú ættir að fara í regnfrakka. You had better put on a raincoat. You should go to the rain. Jag öppnade den precis. I just opened it. I just opened it. Ég er að þýða þessa setningu úr ensku yfir á íslensku. I'm translating this sentence from English into Icelandic. I’m going to translate this phrase from English into English. Er drikke gratis? Are drinks free? Is drinking free? Ég þvæ sokkana mína. I wash my socks. I wash my socks. Det er lange køen her så du må trekke kølapp. It's a long queue so you must take a number. There's a long queue here so you have to pull the queue. Kan du laga den? Can you fix it? Can you make it? Äckligt! Disgusting! Oh, dear! Var snäll och ge oss två knivar och fyra gafflar. Give us two knives and four forks, please. Please give us two knives and four forks. Skrattar du någonsin? Do you ever laugh? Do you ever laugh? Var ligger damernas? Where is the ladies' room? Where are the ladies? Hvor mange gæster har du inviteret? How many guests did you invite? How many guests have you invited? Var är ditt rum? Where is your room? Where's your room? Jag fick inget svar från någon. I got no response from anyone. I didn't get any answers from anyone. Dette vand er godt at drikke. This water is good to drink. This water is good to drink. Ég þarf pappír. I need some paper. I need paper. Följ reglerna. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Tom visade mig brevet som han fick av Mary. Tom showed me the letter he got from Mary. Tom showed me the letter he received from Mary. Tom siger at han har et hemmeligt våben. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Tom och Mary väntade inte på John. Tom and Mary didn't wait for John. Tom and Mary did not wait for John. Tom har gått bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone. Jeg har læst mange af hans romaner i oversættelse. I have read many of his novels in translation. I have read many of his novels in translation. Frukt og grønt er sunt, men vi vet ikke hvorfor. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but we don't know why. Fruit and green are healthy, but we don’t know why. Jag har en familj. I have a family. I have a family. Dette er alt hvad jeg ved. This is all that I know. This is all I know. Jag fick lön igår. I got paid yesterday. I got a salary yesterday. Jeg har læst bogen. I have read the book. I read the book. Til højre side er der en bygmark, mens der til venstre er en hvedemark. On the right, there is a field of barley; while on the left, there is a field of wheat. On the right side there is a town mark, while on the left is a wheat field. Ég fór að heiman klukkan sjö. I left home at seven. I went home at seven o'clock. Är du tvåspråkig? Are you bilingual? Are you bilingual? Jeg trodde det var mulig. I thought it was possible. I thought it was possible. Kan du visa mig en billigare kamera än denna? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Can you show me a cheaper camera than this? Tom höll med om allt Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Hur mycket kostar apelsinerna? How much do the oranges cost? How much does the oranges cost? Alle eggene i boksen var knuste. All the eggs in the box were broken. All the eggs in the box were crushed. Hvor ble du av? Where did you go? Where did you get off? Jag föreställde mig det. I imagined that. I imagined it. Gi meg nummeret. Give me the number. Give me the number. Vi såg inget konstigt. We saw nothing strange. We didn't see anything strange. Hun ringte psykiateren. She phoned the psychiatrist. She called the psychiatrist. Til sidst valgte hun en anden killing. Finally, she chose another kitten. Eventually, she chose another kitten. Tyska är inte ett enkelt språk. German is not an easy language. German is not a single language. Hitta någonstans att sitta. Find yourself a seat. Find somewhere to sit. Regntiden starter mer eller mindre på slutten av juni. The rainy season starts more or less at the end of June. The rainy season starts more or less at the end of June. Hvordan udtaler man hendes navn? How do you pronounce her name? How to pronounce her name? Hade du drömmar? Did you have dreams? Did you have dreams? Släpp mitt hår. Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair. Jag är glad att du gillar Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. Han dør ikke. Han er stærk som en okse. He is not going to die. He is as strong as a bull. He doesn't die, he's strong like a bull. Þrátt fyrir að hann hefði tekið út sína refsingu í fangelsi fyrirgaf almenningur morðingjanum aldrei fyllilega. Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime. Although he had taken his sentence in prison, the general public would never be filled. Jeg vil gerne have en flaske hostesaft. I would like a bottle of cough mixture. I want a bottle of cough juice. Jag ska av på nästa station. I'll get off at the next station. I'll get off to the next station. Jag skickade ett mejl till dig. I sent you an e-mail. I sent you an email. Ég fór til Ecuador þegar ég var átta ára gömul. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Endast kärlek kan krossa hjärtat. Only love can break your heart. Only love can crush the heart. Du behöver bara vara lite kreativ. You just have to be creative. You just need to be a little creative. Hæren blev uventet angrebet. The army was unexpectedly attacked. The army was unexpectedly attacked. Ulver angriper ikke vanligvis folk. Wolves won't usually attack people. Wolves do not usually attack people. Hvilken vej skal jeg gå? Which way should I go? What way should I go? Tom blev mobbet i skolen. Tom was bullied at school. Tom was bullied at school. Af einhverri ástæðu komst ég ekki í tölvupóstinn minn. For some reason I couldn't access my e-mail. For some reason, I didn’t get into my email. Tom kunne gjerne ha spist kjøtt og poteter hver dag i uken. Tom wouldn't mind eating meat and potatoes every day of the week. Tom could have eaten meat and potatoes every day a week. Hun klædte sig som en dreng. She dressed like a boy. She dressed herself like a boy. Ge den ett ögonblick. Give it a moment. Give it a moment. Gi oss et øyeblikk alene. Give us a moment alone. Give us a moment alone. Jag vill egentligen bara skaffa vänner. I really just want to make friends. I really just want to get friends. Du hade mardrömslika drömmar. You had nightmarish dreams. You had nightmares. De sad fast i en trafikprop i timevis. They were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. They were stuck in a traffic call for hours. Dere er sprø. You guys are nuts. You're crazy. Jeg efterlod min telefon i mødelokalet. I left my phone in the conference room. I left my phone in the meeting room. Hvor lenge varer vårferien? How long does the spring break last? How long does our holiday last? Jeg laver te. I'm making tea. I'm making tea. Göngin hrundu vegna jarðskjálftans um daginn. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The tunnel crashed due to the earthquake on the day. Det regnede i aftes. It was raining last night. It rained last night. En bi fløj ud af vinduet. A bee flew out of the window. A bi flew out of the window. Ho lever eit ulukkeleg liv. She is living an unhappy life. She lives an inexplicable life. Vil du have kød eller fisk? Would you like meat or fish? Do you want meat or fish? Vem är jag? Var kommer jag från? Finns det liv efter döden? Vad är meningen med livet på jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where am I from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Jeg har tabt ansigt. I lost face. I lost my face. Forholdene blev bare ved med at gå ned ad bakke derfra. Things just kept going downhill from there. The team was just going down the hill from there. Släpp in lite frisk luft. Let in some fresh air. Let go of some fresh air. Naturlige teakskove forekommer kun i fire lande: Indien, Laos, Burma og Thailand. Natural teak forests occur in only four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Natural teakskove occurs only in four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Du må lære å gå før du kan løpe. You've got to walk before you can run. You have to learn to go before you can run. En god mandellikör skulle allt sitta bra nu. I sure wouldn't mind a sip of some fine almond liqueur right now. A good mandrift would all sit well now. Mange steder er det ulovligt at gå tur med hunden på stranden. In many places it isn't legal to walk a dog on the beach. In many places it is illegal to walk with the dog on the beach. Tom är en hemmaman. Tom is a househusband. Tom is a homeman. En vandmelon er fuld af vand. A watermelon is full of water. A watermelon is full of water. Han bor ensam. He lives alone. He lives alone. Hann keyrir ákaflega hratt. He drives very fast. He runs very fast. Jag följde inte med Tom. I didn't go with Tom. I didn't follow Tom. Det var en båttävling igår kväll. There was a boat race last night. It was a boat race last night. Luk jeres beskidte næb, I forbandede fugle! Shut your filthy beaks, you fucking birds! Close your dirty nights, you cursed birds! Huvudstaden i Ukraina är Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Jag tittar alltid på dokumentärer. I always watch documentaries. I always look at documentaries. Mary fødte en dreng. Mary gave birth to a boy. Mary gave birth to a boy. Jeg glemte at Tom var lærer. I forgot Tom was a teacher. I forgot Tom was a teacher. Jag skördar råg. I am harvesting rye. I'm harvesting raw. Tom er multimillionær. Tom is a multi-millionaire. Tom is multimillionaire. Det såg billigt ut. It looked cheap. It looked cheap. Tom kan godt lide heste. Tom likes horses. Tom likes horses. Jeg er en kat. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Jag kommer ihåg det nu. I remember it now. I remember it now. Undskyld, hvad er klokken? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what's the clock? Bra. Good. Good. Hvað kostar það? What does it cost? How much does it cost? Jeg har for mange ting i hovedet for tiden. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have too many things in my head at the moment. Hvem er yngst, din mor eller din far? Who's younger, your mother or your father? Who is the youngest, your mother or your father? Tom är väldigt hemlighetsfull. Tom is being very secretive. Tom is very secretive. Hun sang bedre enn vanlig. She sang better than usual. She sang better than usual. Vi har stadig det bedste til gode. You ain't seen nothing yet. We still have the best for good. De är inom hörhåll. They are within earshot. They are within hearing. Jag vill köpa en svart. I want to buy a black one. I want to buy a black one. Tom vet sannsynligvis ha vi må gjøre. Tom will probably know what we need to do. Tom probably knows we have to do. Nästa konsert kommer att hållas i juni. The next concert will take place in June. The next concert will be held in June. Har du dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Eg ser boka. I see the book. I see the book. En nyfödd baby är benägen att bli sjuk. A newborn baby is liable to fall ill. A newborn baby is likely to get sick. Hvem kommer til å være her? Who's going to be here? Who's going to be here? Ut med dig! Get out! Get out of here! Jag ser ingen. I don't see anyone. I don't see anyone. Selvom Tom er lingvist, taler han ingen fremmedsprog. Although Tom is a linguist, he does not speak any foreign language. Although Tom is a linguist, he does not speak a foreign language. Det stinker verkligen härinne. It really stinks in here. It really stinks in here. Han drikker for meget øl. He drinks too much beer. He drinks too much beer. Jag skulle vilja gå in. I'd like to go inside. I'd like to go in. Hun taler meget. She talks a lot. She speaks a lot. Hvilken er dyrest av de to? Which is the more expensive of the two? What is the most expensive of the two? Tíminn flaug. Time flew. Time flew. Tom blev nysgerrig. Tom became curious. Tom became curious. Og hvem var den andre? And who was the other? And who was the other? Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið að nota salernið hjá þér? Can I use your toilet, please? Can I use the toilet with you? Tom ser utmattad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Jag kan inte låta dem fånga dig. I can't let them catch you. I can't let them catch you. Tom önskar att han inte hade gjort det han gjorde. Tom wished he hadn't done what he did. Tom wants him not to do what he did. Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Dette er til min ven. This is for my friend. This is for my friend. Hva synes Tom om Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? Jag gillar inte den här boken. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Jeg reddede dit liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Jeg har altid villet skrive en børnebog. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I always wanted to write a children's book. Jeg takker dig på forhånd for din hjælp. Thank you in advance for your help. I thank you in advance for your help. Du bor på den andre siden av gaten, ikke sant? You live across the street, don't you? You live on the other side of the street, right? Låt mig vara. Get off me. Let me be. Han forklarede detaljeret, hvad han havde set. He explained in detail what he had seen. He explained detailed what he had seen. Það geta ekki allir verið skáld. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Talaðu hægar. Talk slower. Speak slow. I går var jeg syg. Yesterday I was ill. Yesterday I was sick. Jeg er ked af det, men jeg har allerede en kæreste. I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend. I'm sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Sluta prata med mig. Stop talking to me. Stop talking to me. Tom er sannsynligvis enlig med deg. Tom would likely agree with you. Tom is probably alone with you. Økonomien var i en elendig forfatning. The economy was in miserable condition. The economy was in a miserable constitution. Var alt tilfredsstillende? Was everything satisfactory? Was everything satisfactory? Der er et reservehjul i bagagerummet. There's a spare tire in the trunk. There is a spare wheel in the luggage compartment. Jag dödade mössen. I killed the mice. I killed the mess. Hans værelse ligner altid en slagmark. His room is always a tip. His room always looks like a battlefield. Tom går på skolen for grafisk formgivning. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Jag svimmade. I fainted. I was swimming. Tom är en haj. Tom is a shark. Tom is a shark. Jag ska ringa. I'll call. I'll call you. Er det noko å drikke i kjøleskapet? Is there anything to drink in the fridge? Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator? Ég kom til Tókýó í gær. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I came to Tokyo yesterday. Deras son har autism. Their son has autism. Their son has autism. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who said I stole the money? Who said I stole the money? Din kost vil virkelig blive uafbalanceret, hvis det eneste du spiser er hamburgere. Your diet is going to be really unbalanced if all you eat is hamburgers. Your diet will really be unbalanced if the only thing you eat is hamburgers. Var hurðin opin? Was the door open? Was the door open? Hvað er allt þetta? What's all that? What is all this? Sjúklingnum batnaði smám saman. The patient got better little by little. The patient gradually recovered. Jag har för avsikt att göra det. I intend to do that. I intend to do it. Denne beholderen er fullstendig vanntett. This container is completely watertight. This container is completely waterproof. Vi har prøve i morgen. We have a test tomorrow. We'll try tomorrow. Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken ringe. I didn't hear the doorbell ring. I didn't hear the call. Burde vi være bekymret? Should we be worried? Should we be worried? Jag är belåten. I'm satisfied. I'm sorry. Hann spilaði á píanóið og hún söng. He played the piano and she sang. He played the piano and she sang. Hur klarade de sig? How did they do? How did they get ready? Eg er Gregor. I am Gregor. I'm Gregor. Hun er ikke smuk. She is not beautiful. She's not beautiful. Tom fikk håret sitt klipt i går. Tom had his hair cut yesterday. Tom got her hair cut yesterday. Vad tyckte Tom? What did Tom think? What did Tom think? Jag åker om tio minuter. I'm leaving in ten minutes. I'll go in ten minutes. Historien likner vals: den følger evig de tre trinnene krig, fred og revolusjon. History is like a waltz, eternally following the three steps of war, peace and revolution. History resembles elections: it follows eternal three stages of war, peace and revolution. Katten har lemlæstet tre egern. The cat maimed three squirrels. The cat has mutilated three squirrels. Jag hoppas att ni tycker om att vara här. I hope you like being here. I hope you enjoy being here. Hunden åt upp min sko. The dog ate my shoe. The dog ate my shoe. Du er bange for dem. You're afraid of them. You're afraid of them. Jeg er ikke så god i engelsk ennå. I'm not good at speaking English yet. I'm not so good in English yet. Du sier myggen fra og sluger en kamel. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You say the mosquito from and swallow a camel. Tom købte sin billet for tyve minutter siden. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Þú veist talsvert mikið um súmóglímu. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about chocolate. Tom er i stand til at gøre det. Tom is capable of doing it. Tom is able to do it. Stop. Jeg bløder. Stop. I'm bleeding. Stop, I'm bleeding. Den här ordboken kan komma till användning. This dictionary might come in handy. This dictionary can be used. Når begynte Tom å jobbe her? When did Tom start working here? When did Tom start working here? Se nu hvad du har gjort! Look at what you've done! Look at what you've done! Du overraskede alle. You surprised everybody. You surprised everyone. Har du noen gang skremt vekk en hund? Have you ever scared a dog away? Have you ever intimidated a dog? Hur stavar man ert efternamn? How is your surname written? How do you spell your surname? Du gjorde at jeg ble sen. You made me late. You made me stay late. Sami luftede sine hunde. Sami was walking his dogs. Sami aired his dogs. Du har mistet dine paraplyer. You've lost your umbrellas. You lost your umbrellas. Hvaða hluta Boston ertu að fara til? Which part of Boston are you going to? What part of Boston are you going to? Der er noget galt. There's something wrong. There's something wrong. Kan jeg komme inn? Might I come in? Can I come in? Er det din bog, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? Tycker ni att jag är larvig? Do you think I'm silly? Do you think I'm lazy? Vad annat saknar du? Who else do you miss? What else do you miss? Jeg har ikke vært noen av de to stedene. I've been to neither of those places. I haven't been any of the two places. Jeg kommer sandsynligvis. I'll probably come. I'm probably coming. Tannlegen ba meg åpne munnen. The dentist told me to open my mouth. The dentist asked me to open my mouth. Má ég nota á klósettið? May I use the toilet? Can I use the toilet? Du känner honom bättre än jag. You know him better than I do. You know him better than me. Þú komst ekki í skólann í gær, er það? You didn't come to school yesterday, did you? You didn't get to school yesterday, are you? Jeg ved, hvad der er rigtigt. I know what's right. I know what's right. Hvis du noen gang kommer til Boston, er du velkommen til overnatte hos oss. If you ever come to Boston, you're welcome to stay with us. If you ever come to Boston, you are welcome to stay with us. Hesten er træt. The horse is tired. The horse is tired. Han gick långsamt så att barnet kunde följa med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He went slowly so that the child could follow. Jeg er ikke enig med ham. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Jeg var ikke så stærk som min far. I was not as strong as my father. I was not as strong as my father. Jag sitter och studerar på biblioteket. I'm studying in the library. I sit and study at the library. Tom står inför några allvarliga problem. Tom is facing a few serious problems. Tom faces some serious problems. Hur länge har du stått och väntat? How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting and waiting? Hvor er nord? Where's the North? Where is the North? Hva med 12:45? How about 12:45? What about 12:45? Tom er dygtig til fransk. Tom is proficient in French. Tom is skilled in French. Det tror jeg ikke. I don't believe this. I don't think so. Hvor vaskede du dem? Where did you wash them? Where did you wash them? Min far är på promenad i parken. My father is taking a walk in the park. My father is walking in the park. Det holdt op med at regne. The rain stopped. It stopped raining. Ken fyller 15 neste år. Ken will be 15 next year. Ken will be 15 next year. Tom ringer nog. Tom'll call. Tom's gonna call. Jeg vil kjøpe tilbake sykkelen min. I want to buy my bike back. I want to buy my bike back. Glem ikke bøllehatten. Don't forget the sunhat. Don't forget the bell hat. Mary er Toms stedsøster. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Mary is Tom's sister. Veiki maðurinn þarfnaðist stöðugrar umönnunar. The sick man required constant attention. The man needed constant care. Min bror er rig. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Hun bor kun en stenkast fra skolen. She lives within a stone's throw of the school. She only lives a stone throw from school. I disse dager, dersom en gutt ikke mister jomfrudommen sin innen han fyller 18, vil han mest sannsynligvis bli traumatisert. Nowadays, if a boy doesn't lose his virginity by the age of 18, he'll most likely be traumatised. In these days, if a boy does not lose his virginity before he fills 18, he will most likely be traumatized. Nancy er úr London. Nancy is from London. Nancy's a friend of London. Næste morgen var Tom død. The next morning, Tom was dead. The next morning, Tom was dead. Vertu viss um að taka afrit af öllum skjölunum þínum. Make sure to back up all your files. Be sure to take a copy of all your documents. Jag stannar kanske. I might stay. I might stay. Tom har mødt sin nabo på gaden. Tom met his neighbor in the street. Tom has met his neighbor on the street. Vad är Finlands huvudstad? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Finns det många ladugårdar i denna by? Are there many cowsheds in this village? Is there a lot of barnyards in this city? Jag har gjort det i tre och ett halvt år. I've been doing that for three and a half years. I've done it for three and a half years. Meg er forvitin að vita allt um Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. I’m curious to know everything about Japan. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne dra på festen med deg. I wish I could go to the party with you. I wish I could go to the party with you. Slå plat eller krone. Flip a coin. Beat platinum or crown. Toms hus har store vinduer. Tom's house has large windows. Tom's house has large windows. Det är inte vad jag ville höra. That's not what I wanted hear. That's not what I wanted to hear. Sluta försöka. Stop trying. Stop trying. Ég er mjög undrandi yfir því að hún hafi orðið þingmaður á japanska þinginu. I am very surprised that she became a Diet member. I’m so surprised that she became a senator in the Japanese parliament. Jag vet vad jag vill ha. I know what I want. I know what I want. Eg má tosa við teg. I have to speak with you. I can talk to you. Tom lånte os sin nye bil. Tom lent us his new car. Tom borrowed us his new car. Hvis du kan, så åbn det vindue. If you can, open that window. If you can, open that window. Fyrirtækinu er stýrt af eldri bróður mínum. The company is managed by my older brother. The company is controlled by my older brother. Jeg bruger den kniv du gav mig, ret tit. I use the knife that you gave me quite often. I use the knife you gave me, quite often. Jag skulle säga att du gjorde dig förtjänt av det. I'd say you earned it. I'd say you earned it. Jag är arbetslös. I am out of work. I'm unemployed. Hur tidigt går du upp om morgnarna? How early do you get up in the morning? How early do you get up about the mornings? Beklager, men du kan ikke gifte deg med Susanne. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. Sorry, but you can't marry Susanne. Við stundum viðskipti við mörg lönd. We are doing business with many countries. Sometimes trading with many countries. Det vet jag redan. I already know that. I already know that. Jeg har en kuglepen, men jeg vil gerne have en anden. I have a ball-point pen, but I want another. I have a bullet, but I want someone else. Han tog dette foto. This picture was taken by him. He took this photo. Þú þarft ekki að vera svona formlegur. You don't have to be so formal. You don’t have to be so formal. Jeg troede Tom var rig. I thought Tom was rich. I thought Tom was rich. Kampen er snart over. The game's almost over. The fight is soon over. Det er en liten hund. It is a small dog. It's a small dog. Hon gjorde så gott hon kunde. She did the best she could. She did as good as she could. Hur länge har det snöat? How long has it been snowing? How long has it snowed? Lyd trenger materie å forplante seg i, men kosmisk støy eller elektromagnetisk stråling trenger det ikke. Sound needs matter to propagate through. However, cosmic noise and electromagnetic waves don't. Sound needs matter to propagate, but cosmic noise or electromagnetic radiation do not need it. Hans handstil är oläslig. His handwriting is unreadable. His style of hand is inseparable. Kaptenen satte segel. The captain made sail. The captain set a sail. Han lot oss vente i mer enn en time. He kept us waiting for more than an hour. He let us wait for more than an hour. Ring mig op før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Call me up before you arrive. Vi sulter. We're starving. We're starving. Lisa fortalte mig at hun havde spist nattō. Lisa told me that she has eaten natto. Lisa told me she had eaten the night. Men när jag försökte vrida duschkranen rann en svart, bubblig vätska ut. But when I tried to turn the shower faucet, this black bubbly liquid came out. But when I tried to twist the shower crane ran a black, bubbley liquid out. Han er ikke grei mot henne. He is not kind to her. He's not good at her. Á fætur með þig! Stand up! Get up with you! Du bør ikke parkere foran en brandhane. You shouldn't park in front of a fire hydrant. You should not park in front of a firefighter. Tom sagde at han var ved at spise. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Tom mejlade mig precis. Tom just sent me an email. Tom just emailed me. Vilken sorts produkter gör ert företag? What kind of products does your company make? What kind of products do your company do? Min motorcykel havarerede undervejs. My motorcycle broke down on the way. My motorcycle landed along the way. Kan du ta över? Can you take over? Can you take over? Han lignede en læge. He looked like a doctor. He looked like a doctor. Tom si yngre dotter er gift. Tom's younger daughter is married. Tom's younger daughter is married. Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Tom är kärleksfull. Tom is affectionate. Tom is loving. Det måste göras omgående. It must be done immediately. It must be done immediately. Reykháfurinn er gerður úr múrsteinum. The chimney is made of brick. The smoke is made from bricks. Jag har inte borstat tänderna på tre dagar. I haven't brushed my teeth in three days. I don't have brushed my teeth in three days. Jag kan överleva ensam. I can survive alone. I can survive alone. Hann var fjarverandi þann ákveðna dag. He was absent on the particular day. He was absent that day. Jeg krydser fingre. My fingers are crossed. I cross my fingers. Det var kun for sjov. It's a joke, of course. It was just for fun. Får jag lov? May I? Can I promise? Det kunde inte vara någon annan än Tom. It couldn't be anyone else but Tom. It couldn’t be anything other than Tom. Jag kan inte se något med mitt högra öga. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything with my right eye. Jeg har tre gange været i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been in Australia three times. Inbillar jag mig det här? Am I imagining this? Am I imagining this? Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne en akkurat som den. I wish I could find one just like it. I wish I could find one just like that. En katt har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Hun lot vinduet stå åpent. She left the window open. She let the window open. De kom inn; den ene etter den andre. They came in one after another. They came in, one after the other. Det er så sandelig tid for at "tørlægge sumpen" i Washington DC! It is indeed time to 'drain the swamp' in Washington D.C.! It’s such a real time to “dry the swamp” in Washington DC! Jag trodde att Tom skulle tala bättre franska än Mary. I thought Tom would speak French better than Mary. I thought Tom would speak better French than Mary. Vores kat er sådan en diva. Our cat is such a drama queen. Our cat is such a diva. Når man først har fått en dårlig vane, er det ikke lett å bli kvitt den. Once you've formed a bad habit, you can't get rid of it easily. Once you have a bad habit, it is not easy to get rid of it. Jeg har brug for lidt alenetid. I need some alone time. I need a little time alone. Jeg vil gerne tale fransk flydende. I'd like to speak French fluently. I would like to speak French fluently. Vil du bli med? Do you want to come along? Do you want to join? Jeg forventet det! I was expecting it! I expected it! Jeg hadde en valp da jeg var en gutt. I had a puppy when I was a boy. I had a puppy when I was a boy. Detta handlar inte om dig. This isn't about you. This is not about you. Hvussu eita tygum? What is your name? What's Wrong with a Nut? Nej virkelig? Really? No, really? Hur kan jag lösa detta problem? How can I solve this problem? How can I solve this problem? Ryg og rejs! Get lost! Run and ride! Hvem er han? Who's he? Who is he? Han døde for fem år siden. He died five years ago. He died five years ago. Hvor ligger Kabylien? Where's Kabylia? Where is Kabylien? Jag trodde att Tom skulle plantera de där blommorna nära eken. I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak tree. I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak. Kan du lære meg kunsten å gjenkjenne matsutake-sopparter? Can you tell me the art of recognizing matsutake mushrooms? Can you teach me the art of recognizing matsutake species? Bogen er pinkfarvet. The book is pink. The book is pink-coloured. Min tante gav mig en bog til jul. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. Spana in vår hemsida! Check out our website! Get in our website! Er du her for å forhandle? Are you here to negotiate? Are you here to negotiate? Du får inte gå ut dit. You can't go out there. You can't go out there. Er de amerikanske? Are they American? Are they American? For nylig er vi kommet ind i hundedagene. Lately, we've entered the dog days of summer. Recently, we have entered the dog days. Du milde Moses! Holy cow! You gentle Moses! Tom var ikkje klar for å døy. Tom wasn't ready to die. Tom was not ready to die. Berings sund avskiljer Asien från Nordamerika. The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America. Bings healthy separates Asia from North America. Den ensomme pige spiser en klæg sandwich. The lonely girl eats a soggy sandwich. The lonely girl eats a chicken sandwich. Han gik amok. He went ballistic. He went amok. Lad os prøve! Let's try it. Let's try! Allt virðist ganga vel. Everything appears to be going well. Everything seems to go well. Tack för att ni kom. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Eg har ikkje lese alle desse bøkene enno. I haven't yet read all of these books. I haven't read all these books yet. Lad os gå ud og spise middag sammen fra tid til anden. Let's go out and eat dinner together from time to time. Let's go out and eat dinner together from time to time. Jag är på din sida. I'm on your side. I'm on your side. Jag kan ha fel. I could be mistaken. I might be wrong. Jeg synes at jogging er god motion. I think jogging is good exercise. I think jogging is a good exercise. Tom är inte riktigt säker. Tom isn't really sure. Tom is not really sure. Ord kan ikke beskrive det. Words can't describe it. Words cannot describe it. Gullet er kongenes konge. Gold is the king of kings. The gold is the king's king. Er mor di heime? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Jag älskar Polska! I love Polish! I love Polish! Vi ventede. We waited. We waited. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að við komumst að samkomulagi. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. I think it’s time for us to get together. Vill du äta? Do you want to eat? You want to eat? Tom gjorde som Mary ba han gjøre. Tom did what Mary asked him to do. Tom did what Mary asked him to do. Det er for meget! That's too much! It's too much! Jag skrev inte någonting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Det er ikke umuligt. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. Dette er det billede, jeg malte i går. This is the picture that I painted yesterday. This is the picture I painted yesterday. Naoko simmar. Naoko swims. Naoko Sims. Det vil ikke hjælpe dig. It won't help you. It won't help you. Riffillinn minn er tómur. My rifle's empty. My rifle is empty. Jeg læser en bog om USAs historie. I'm reading a book on American history. I read a book about the history of the United States. Jag hatar lögnare. I hate liars. I hate liars. Personligen tycker jag att det är väldigt obehagligt. I personally find that very offensive. Personally, I think it’s very unpleasant. Jeg har et æg. I have an egg. I have an egg. Tom är säker. Tom is certain. Tom's safe. Jeg kan høre noget. I can hear something. I can hear something. Det säger en hel del om dig. That says a lot about you. It says a lot about you. Fortsätt springa. Keep running. Keep running. Barnið þarfnast móður sinnar. The baby needs its mother. The child needs his mother. Vem talar? Who's speaking? Who's talking? Tom og Mary vil holde deres løfte. Tom and Mary will keep their promise. Tom and Mary will keep their promise. Skibets skrog er beskadiget. The ship's hull is damaged. The screws are damaged. Tom drack en alkoholfri öl. Tom drank a non-alcoholic beer. Tom drank an alcohol-free beer. Tom lade ned boken. Tom put the book down. Tom let down the book. Tom dog i december. Tom died in December. Tom died in December. Byggeholdet bliver nødt til at arbejde hele natten for at færdiggøre opgaven til tiden. The construction team will have to work through the night to finish the job on time. The construction team will have to work all night to complete the task at the time. Han er lille af sin alder. He's small for his age. He's small of his age. Ni kommer att behöva en nyckel. You will need a key. You will need a key. Sami tog til Egypten. Sami went to Egypt. Sami went to Egypt. Bra fråga. Good question. Good question. Skulle det smaka med lite te? How about some tea? Would it taste a little tea? Jeg havde tidligere en sejlbåd. I used to have a sailboat. I had a boat before. En af æblerne faldt på jorden. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell on the ground. Computeren er ny. The computer is new. The computer is new. Jeg vil ikke starte rykter. I don't want to start rumors. I don't want to start rumors. Det regnade i går. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Tom vil beholde den. Tom wants to keep it. Tom wants to keep it. Jeg er en viking. I am a Viking. I'm a Viking. Hann keyrir mjög hratt. He drives very fast. He runs very fast. Ställ er upp, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Sit up, everybody. Keyrum. Let's go by car. Keyrum. Når ble boken levert til deg? When was the book delivered to you? When was the book delivered to you? Det gör säkert ont. I'll bet it hurts. It certainly hurts. Papir er hvidt. The paper is white. Paper is white. Vi så mange skibe i havnen. We saw many ships in the harbor. We saw so many ships in the port. Rostov og Rostov-on-Don eru tveir ymiskir býir, sum eru rættuliga langt burtur frá hvørjum øðrum. Rostov and Rostov-on-Don are two different cities located quite far from each other. Rostov and Rostov-on-Done are two of the most famous villages in the world, although there are several notable villages. Hun blir skremt av høye lyder. She's frightened by loud noises. She gets scared of loud sounds. Keiar du deg her? Are you bored here? You mean you're here? Hvad synes du om reggae? What do you think of reggae? What do you think of reggae? Huset var tyst. The house was silent. The house was quiet. Tom og Mary kommer ikke altid for sent, men tit. Tom and Mary aren't always late, but they often are. Tom and Mary are not always late, but often. Tom är orolig. Tom's worried. Tom is worried. Det er fordi du er en pige. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. "Hvad er du for én?" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. "Du er inderlig styg!" sagde vildænderne, "men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!" "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family." “What are you for one?” they asked, and the donkey turned to all sides, and greeted them so well. “You are very ugly!” said the lovers, “but it can be us the same when you don’t marry you into our family.” Det finnes ingen dumme spørsmål. There are no stupid questions. There are no stupid questions. Dugir tú føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? Do you need to show up? Kosta vad det kosta vill. Cost what it may. Cost what it costs. Maten er billig i Tyskland. Food is cheap in Germany. The food is cheap in Germany. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að leggja þetta á þig. You needn't have gone to the trouble. You wouldn't have to put it on you. Politibetjenten gjorde tegn til at jeg skulle stoppe. The policeman signaled me to stop. The police officer made signs that I should stop. Jag spisar inte modern jazz. I don't dig modern jazz. I don't eat modern jazz. Tom är rädd. Tom is scared. Tom's scared. Tag mig ikke for givet. Don't take me for granted. Don't take me for granted. Vill du se ett magitrick? Want to see a magic trick? Want to see a magic trick? Jeg bor i byen. I live in the city. I live in the city. Ha en bra dag. Have a good day. Have a good day. Vi hade en lång period av fint väder. We had a long period of good weather. We had a long period of nice weather. Fra et lille agern vokser der et højt egetræ. From a small acorn grows a tall oak tree. From a small eagle, there is a high self-esteem. Hún ráðlagði honum að koma fyrir klukkan 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. She advised him to arrive at 2:30 p.m. Jag kände mig väldigt illa till mods. I felt very uneasy. I felt very bad about courage. Det tog en månad för min förkylning att gå över. It took me a month to get over my cold. It took a month for my cold to go over. Jag såg slagsmålet. I saw the fight. I saw that kind of thing. Min far er bøsse. My father is gay. My father's fine. Hvor stirrer du på mig på den måde? Why are you staring at me like that? Where are you staring at me that way? Det er ikke alt sammen guld, det der glimrer. All that glitters is not gold. It’s not all gold that glitters. Tom var tørstig. Tom was thirsty. Tom was thirsty. Halvstyv snö som delvis bär, skrovlig och hård skare, lätt och luftig liggande snö. För alla dessa och ytterligare några hundra snöförhållanden, finns ord på samiska. Semisolid snow that will barely hold a person, coarse snow with a hard, rugged crust and light, fluffy lying snow. There are Sami words for these and hundreds more types of snow. Half-step snow that partially carries, fragile and hard skates, light and airy lying snow. For all these and another a few hundred snow conditions, there are words in Sami. Lad være at stirre på mig. Don't stare at me. Don't be staring at me. Det finns ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There is a piano in the room. Sitt inte ner på soffan. Don't sit down on the sofa. Don't sit down on the couch. Hun satte ringen på sin finger. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Hvis du trenger litt penger, jeg vil låne deg litt. If you need any money, I'll lend you some. If you need some money, I'll borrow you a little. Han vill vara anonym. He wants to be anonymous. He wants to be anonymous. Ég kann vel við ensku en ég get ekki talað hana vel. I like English, but I cannot speak well. I know English, but I can't speak it well. Åbn aldrig døren på en bil der er i bevægelse. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the door on a car that is in motion. Jeg liker også å skrive. I also like writing. I also like to write. Han försökte inte ens. He didn't even try. He didn't even try. Tom kan ha vært syk. Tom may have been sick. Tom could have been sick. Hvor er printeren? Where is the printer? Where's the printer? For guds skyld, sig ikke det! For goodness' sake, don't say that! For God's sake, don't do it! De gjorde honom till klubbens ordförande. They made him the chairman of a club. They made him the president of the club. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Har du sovit? Have you slept? Do you have so much sleep? Han är varken för eller emot förslaget. He's neither for nor against the proposal. He is neither for nor against the proposal. Vi er alle i samme båd. We're all in the same boat. We're all in the same boat. Vi har en beholdning af toiletpapir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a stock of toilet paper. Du forklarte det bra. You explained that well. You explained it well. Tyckte du om föreställningen? Did you enjoy the show? Did you like the show? Vi måste få hjälp. We need to get help. We need help. Tom hjälper sina föräldrar varje dag. Tom helps his parents every day. Tom helps his parents every day. Judy smilte til mig. Judy smiled at me. Judy smiled at me. Bilurin er svartur. The car is black. The car is black. Hann mun gera sitt besta. He will do his best. He will do his best. Jag hämtar dig efter jobbet. I will pick you up after work. I'll pick you up after work. Det sneede den dag, jeg blev født. It was snowing the day I was born. It snowed the day I was born. Om du inte går härifrån omedelbart blir jag tvungen att kalla på ordningsvakterna. If you don't leave immediately, I'll have to call security. If you don't get out of here immediately, I'll have to call the order guards. At bruge tid sammen med sin familie bør have første prioritet. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spending time with your family should be the first priority. Jeg drømte at jeg spiste en æblekage. I dreamed I was eating an apple pie. I dreamt that I ate an apple cake. Mary er en klog pige. Mary is a smart girl. Mary is a smart girl. Han jobbar för mycket. He works too much. He works too much. Jag är inte så synisk. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that psychic. Tom sa at han var utslitt. Tom said he was exhausted. Tom said he was exhausted. Det är inte möjligt. It's impossible. It's not possible. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the cafe. She met him in the café. Skibet vil krydse ækvator i aften. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Jag är änka. I am a widow. I'm widowed. Vi har vært igjennom tykt og tynt. We've been through a lot together. We've been through thick and thin. Det är någonting som gör att dörren inte går upp. Something is making the door stick. It's something that makes the door not go up. Hvorfor går bjørne i hi? Why do bears hibernate? Why do bears go in hi? Jag kan förklara det där. I can explain that. I can explain that. Vi diskuterar det. We're discussing that. We'll discuss it. Alle ved at I er nogle racistiske bøller. Everyone knows you're racist punks. Everyone knows you're some racist bells. Jag är mycket förtjust i svensk mat eftersom jag växte upp med det. I am very fond of Swedish food because I grew up with them. I am very fond of Swedish food because I grew up with it. Jeg skipper sommetider morgenmaden. I sometimes skip breakfast. I usually skip the breakfast. Var bor du? Where do you live? Where are you living? Det är väldigt varmt i dag. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Det är din först arbetsuppgift. This is your first assignment. It's your first task. Bomuldsvanter forhindrer babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face. Cotton mushrooms prevent the baby from scratching in the face. Jag var på banken. I went to the bank. I was at the bank. Tom håller med om mycket av det som Mary sa. Tom agrees with a lot of what Mary said. Tom agrees with a lot of what Mary said. Jag kan göra det själv! I can do it myself! I can do it myself! Mín kona doyði ikki. My wife didn't die. Düsseldorf did not live there. Vel, det er alt jeg har. Well, that's all I've got. Well, that's all I have. Kan vi bevisa det? Can we prove it? Can we prove it? Hun er langt fra ærlig. She is far from honest. She's far from honest. Han hällde vatten över sig själv. He poured water over himself. He poured water over himself. Tror du på älvor? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in love? Hun spiller fodbold i morgen. She's playing football tomorrow. She plays football tomorrow. Þekkiði hann? Do you know him? Do you know him? Det är inte säkert att köra bil utan bilbälte. It isn't safe to drive without a seatbelt. It is not safe to drive a car without a car belt. Han sparker meg! He's kicking me! He kicks me! Jag skulle behöva en. I could use one. I'd need one. Du kan ikke bevise noget. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Planen vår mislykkes. Our plan was unsuccessful. Our plan fails. Jeg fikk influensa-vaksine. I had a flu shot. I got the flu vaccine. Hvad er der i tasken? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Vi kan ikke være for forsigtige. We can't be too careful. We can't be too careful. Är du säker på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Dette er den mest interessante boken jeg noen gang har lest. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read. Nederländskan är nära besläktad med tyskan. Dutch is closely related to German. The Dutch are closely related to the German. Vad gör dig så överlägsen? Just what makes you so high and mighty? What makes you so superior? Peter hefur ákveðið að fara á morgun. Peter has decided to leave tomorrow. Peter has decided to go tomorrow. George er fattig, men han er altid glad. George is poor, but he's always happy. George is poor, but he is always happy. Den følte sig ordenlig glad over al den nød og genvordighed, den havde prøvet; nu skønnede den just på sin lykke, på al den dejlighed, der hilste den. He now felt glad at having suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him to enjoy so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him. It felt pleasantly pleased by all the need and pleasure that it had tried; now it looked at its happiness, on all the sweetness that greeted it. I Rotterdam tog en annan besättning över fartyget. In Rotterdam another crew took over the ship. In Rotterdam, another crew took over the ship. Tom är bra på att spela piano. Tom plays the piano well. Tom is good at playing piano. Detta är hans bil, tror jag. This is his car, I think. This is his car, I think. Körsbärsträden blommar i april. The cherry blossom is in April. The cherry tree blooms in April. Det var en misforståelse. That was a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding. Mary gillar att titta på tv. Mary likes watching TV. Mary likes to watch TV. Jeg vil ikke have din medlidenhed. I don't want your pity. I don't want your compassion. Min søster stryger mine bukser. My sister irons my pants. My sister's getting my pants. Det här var första gången någonsin Tom hade sett ett skrotbilsrally. This was the first time Tom had ever seen a demolition derby. This was the first time Tom had seen a junk car rally. Du blev meget fuld. You got very drunk. You became very drunk. Jeg beliter meg ikke! I'm not giving up. I don't trust me! Ni måste alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You always have to do the right thing. Jeg kan lide dine øjne! I like your eyes! I like your eyes! Hvað ertu að læra af kennaranum? What are you learning from the teacher? What are you learning from the teacher? Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Do not forget your time. Nafn mitt er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Den här kameran är liten, men mycket bra. This camera is small, but very good. This camera is small, but very good. Det er en vanskelig situation. This is a difficult situation. This is a difficult situation. Jag har redan sagt åt Tom att inte göra det där igen. I've already told Tom not to do that again. I've already told Tom not to do it again. Disse sko er hendes. These shoes are hers. These shoes are hers. Jag antar att Tom har rätt. I guess Tom is right. I guess Tom is right. Tom har svært ved at passe ind. Tom has trouble fitting in. Tom is hard to fit in. Hún lifði einmannalegu lífi. She lived a lonely life. She lived a single life. Jag ska arbeta under sportlovet. I'm going to work during the spring vacation. I'm going to work under the sport law. Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. Varför är hunden här? Why is the dog here? Why is the dog here? Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. He has no doubt much better than you. John hljóp inn í herbergið. John ran into the room. John ran into the room. Plötsligt kysste hon mig. She kissed me all of a sudden. Suddenly she kissed me. Viltu gjöra svo vel að kalla á leigubíl fyrir mig? Will you please call me a taxi? Would you like to call a taxi for me? Uden fingeraftryk havde politiet ikke noget at gå efter. Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go on. Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go after. Jeg skulle gjerne ha oversatt alt det der, men jeg kan ikke nederlandsk. I'd be happy to translate all that, but I don't know Dutch. I'd like to have translated all that, but I can't Dutch. Var inte så negativ. Don't be so negative. Don't be so negative. Det er nok. That's enough. That's enough. Din pande er temmelig varm. Jeg tror du har feber. Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever. Your pan is pretty hot. I think you have a fever. Jeg har mistet en verdifull medaljong. I lost a valuable medal. I lost a valuable medal. Tom kommer for at besøge mig næsten hver dag. Tom comes to see me almost every day. Tom comes to visit me almost every day. Han lykkes endelig med å skaffe seg jobb. He finally succeeded in getting a job. He finally succeeds in obtaining a job. Tom vet nok hva som må gjøres. Tom will probably know what needs to be done. Tom knows what has to be done. Er det et luftkastel? Is it a pipe dream? Is it an aircast? Ekki dæma fólk af útliti þess. Don't judge a person by his appearance. Do not judge people of their appearance. Alla tavlor i rummet hängde på sned. All the paintings in the room hung crooked. All silences in the room hung on the sink. Bruket av kondom ved vaginalt og analt samleie og ved munnsex er det beste forebyggende tiltaket. The use of a condom during vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse is the best preventive measure. The use of condoms by vaginal and anal intercourse and by mouth sex is the best preventive measure. "Jag är kär i dig." "Säg inte det." "I'm in love with you." "Don't say that." "I'm in love with you." "Don't tell me." Denne hjemmeside indeholder seksuelt eksplicit materiale og er kun beregnet for voksne. This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. This website contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. Du är livrädd, eller hur? You're scared to death, aren't you? You're terrified, aren't you? Pigen han taler til er Nancy. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. Jeg siger altid ja! I always say yes! I always say yes! Är det vad du vill? Is this what you want? Is that what you want? Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálfur? Did you do your homework by yourself? Do you need your own home? I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is October twentieth. Today it is the 20th of October. Hvorfor kjøper du ikke et kjøretøy? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Tom er veteran fra flåden. Tom is a Navy veteran. Tom is the veteran of the Navy. Nej, inte för mycket. No, not too much. No, not too much. Hvor mye koster en inngangsbillett? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much does an entrance ticket cost? Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at tage svævebanen, men jeg er bange for højder. I'd like to ride the cable car, but I'm afraid of heights. I could think of taking the web, but I'm afraid of heights. Vi ska slutföra det här. We're going to finish this. We're going to finish this. Tom synes at Mary stak halen mellem benene. Tom thinks Mary chickened out. Tom seems to have cut her tail between her legs. Du är på min plats. You are in my spot. You're in my place. Han har lite erfaring i å undervise. He has little experience in teaching. He has little experience in teaching. Fingrene væk fra min cykel! Keep your hands off my bicycle. The fingers away from my bike! Jag är lite tokig. I am a bit crazy. I'm a little crazy. Målet til marketingavdelingen og salgsavdelingen er ikke nødvendigvis det samme. The objectives of the marketing department and the sales department are not necessarily the same. The goal of the marketing department and the sales department is not necessarily the same. Siden jeg blev muslim, er to af mine niecer også blevet muslimer. Since I became a Muslim, two of my nieces have become Muslim, too. Since I became a Muslim, two of my nieces have also become Muslims. Tiden läker alla sår. Time heals all wounds. Time heals all wounds. Jag tror att Mary tycker om mig. I think Mary likes me. I think Mary likes me. Af hverju ertu að þurrka á þér hárið? Why are you drying your hair? Why do you wipe your hair? Jeg er nu så fuld, at jeg ser to tastaturer. I'm so drunk now that I'm seeing two keyboards. I am so full that I see two keyboards. Maten blir kald. The food becomes cold. The food is cold. Hver er uppáhalds áhorfsíþróttagreinin þín? What's your favorite spectator sport? What is your favorite audience? Min mor kender Toms mor. My mother knows Tom's mother. My mother knows Tom's mother. Einmitt! Exactly! Right! Jag vet att du fortfarande älskar mig. I know you still love me. I know you still love me. Är du avundsjuk? Are you envious? Are you jealous? Snakk tydelig. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Jeg har lige talt med Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just talked to Tom. Har I nogen i blå? Do you have any in blue? Do you have anyone in blue? Okay. Okay. All right. Jeg kan læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I can read French. Mary är ganska rastlös. Mary is quite restless. Mary is quite furious. Jag lånade Toms cykel. I borrowed Tom's bike. I borrowed Tom's bike. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Jeg skammer meg over sønnen min sin latskap. I am ashamed of my son's laziness. I'm ashamed of my son's latency. Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg har tid til det. I'm not sure I have time for that. I'm not sure I have time for it. Han gispede efter vejret da han løb. He was gasping for breath as he ran. He was in the mood when he ran. Var ligger den portugisiska ambassaden? Where is the Portuguese office? Where is the Portuguese Embassy? Jag träffades. I got hit. I met. Min mor er sådan en hykler. My mom is so hypocritical. My mother is such a hypocrite. Har du flere tricks i ærmet? Do you have any more tricks up your sleeve? Do you have more tricks in your sleeve? Ég hitti hann í fyrsta skipti í gær. I met him yesterday for the first time. I met him for the first time yesterday. Jag kan inte göra det nu. I can't do that now. I can't do it now. Hvárt er hann úlfr? Is it a wolf? Where is he a wolf? Jag tycker om din sjal. I like your scarf. I like your rarely. Misslyckandet beror på hans vårdslöshet. The failure is due to his carelessness. The failure depends on his carelessness. Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. Natural soils are indispensable for good harvest. Katten overraskede mig! The cat caught me by surprise! The cat surprised me! Tom hittade Mary gråtandes i badrummet. Tom found Mary crying in the bathroom. Tom found Mary crying in the bathroom. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnir fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We are as good as ready for the cold winter. Till hela stadens förvåning, arresterades borgmästaren. To the astonishment of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. To the surprise of the city, the mayor was arrested. Jeg har allerede valgt min efterfølger. I've already picked my successor. I have already chosen my successor. Til jul sender vi julekort til vore venner. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. For Christmas, we send Christmas cards to our friends. Tom fortalte mig at han og Mary har været kærester. Tom told me that Mary used to be his girlfriend. Tom told me that he and Mary were girlfriends. Tom er danselærer. Tom is a dance teacher. Tom is a dance teacher. Jeg undslap med nød og næppe. I had a narrow escape. I escaped with need and hardly. Gillar du lever? Do you like liver? Do you like to live? Hvar er París? Where is Paris? Where is Paris? Jag tar hand om min morfar. I take care of my grandfather. I'll take care of my grandfather. Sverð minn er líf mitt. My sword is my life. My beauty is my life. Det er et løfte. That's a promise. It's a promise. Eg standi og hugsi um mínum børn. I am thinking about my children. I stand up and think about my children. Uddannelse består ikke blot i at lære en masse fakta. Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts. Education is not just about learning a lot of facts. Mamma arbeider. Mum's working. Mom's working. Hun er bange for katte. She is afraid of cats. She's afraid of cats. Jeg er liderlig. I am horny. I'm suffering. Vad gör du med dyngan? What are you doing with the manure? What are you doing with the dynasties? Der er nogle æbler i kurven. There are some apples in the basket. There are some apples in the basket. Jag behöver verkligen din hjälp. I really need your help. I really need your help. Jag kommer nog över det. I'll get over it. I'll probably get over it. Tack för att du tog hand om min hund. Thanks for taking care of my dog. Thank you for taking care of my dog. Han skulle hellre dö än att gå upp tidigt varje morgon. He would sooner die than get up early every morning. He would rather die than go up early every morning. Den her kaffe er for tynd. This coffee is too weak. This coffee is too thin. Skal vi stikke å kjøpe den? Should we go and buy that? Should we run to buy it? Vi er ikke læger. We aren't doctors. We're not doctors. Jag gav tillbaka hennes ordbok I gave her her dictionary back. I gave back her dictionary Hun ville at jeg skulle komme. She wanted me to come. She wanted me to come. Katrine og Martine er venninner. De bor i Oslo og studerer språk på universitetet. Katrine and Martine are friends. They live in Oslo and study languages at the university. Katrine and Martine are friends. They live in Oslo and study language at the university. Tom har boet her i tre år. Tom has lived here for three years. Tom has lived here for three years. Lægen gav mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Låt inte folk göra dig galen över pengar, hår och kläder. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Don’t let people make you mad about money, hair and clothes. Tom kommer ikke til at løbe på ski med os, kommer han vel? Tom won't be skiing with us, will he? Tom won't go skiing with us, will he? Det er for varmt. It's too hot. It's too hot. Det är ett rökmoln över provinsen. There is a smoke cloud over the province. It's a smoke cloud across the province. Jeg kjører henne. I'll drive her. I'm driving her. Segði og fór avstað. Said and left. He said and went away. Vi skiftedes til at køre. We took turns with the driving. We were changed to drive. Gå hjem! Go home! Go home! Hur säger man ”adjö” på tyska? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say “adjö” in German? Hade Marika brevvänner från Japan? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have letters from Japan? Tom så ikke trøtt ut, spør du meg. Tom didn't look tired if you ask me. Tom didn't get tired, you ask me. Kan du slå lidt af på prisen? Could you knock a little off the price? Can you take a look at the price? Vi har fået det. We got it. We got it. Jeg ønsker jer en glædelig jul. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I want you a happy Christmas. Jag hatar mig själv. I hate myself. I hate myself. Skulle jag kunna få prata med dig en stund? Can I speak to you for a moment please? Could I talk to you for a while? Den mannens kropp har fortfarande inte hittats. That man's body still hasn't been found. The man’s body has not yet been found. Det var ikke nemt at finde Toms hus. It wasn't easy to find Tom's house. It was not easy to find Tom's house. Min bror er en idiot. My brother is an idiot. My brother is an idiot. Jeg har glemt at købe en blomst til Eva. I forgot to buy a flower for Éva. I forgot to buy a flower for Eve. Houston, vi har et problem. Houston, we have a problem. Houston, we have a problem. Øl består af 90 % vand. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90% water. Tom er muligvis okay. Tom might be all right. Tom may be okay. Sommeren er forbi. The summer is over. Summer is over. Jeg håber du ikke lider af klaustrofobi. I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. Sami var en youtuber. Sami was a YouTuber. Sami was a YouTuber. Det faktumet at du ikke greier å føle medlidenhet viser at du er helt klart en psykopat. The fact that you're unable to feel compassion indicates clearly that you're a psychopath. The fact that you do not manage to feel compassion shows that you are clearly a psychopath. Denne vælger, Mary Johnson, viste sig at være en demokrat. That voter, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a Democrat. This election, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a Democrat. Det gjorde så vondt at jeg kunne ha hylt, men jeg gnisset tenner og holdt modig ut smerten. It hurt so much I could have screamed, but I gritted my teeth and bravely bore the pain. It hurt so much that I could have covered, but I rubed my teeth and held bravely out the pain. Jag är bara lat. I'm just lazy. I'm just lazy. Har du et brækjern i din værktøjskasse? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a tray in your toolbox? Ertu upptekinn? Are you busy? Are you busy? Floden er ikke mere så ren som den engang var. The river is no longer as clean as it used to be. The river is no longer as clean as it once was. Jag åt ingenting annat. I didn't eat anything else. I ate nothing else. I har begge to ret. Both of you are right. You have both right. Det her vil blive en barneleg. This will be a walk in the park. This will be a child. Du är farlig. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Min veninde aborterede, og jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg trøster hende. My friend had a miscarriage and I don't know how to comfort her. My friend abortiond, and I don't know how to comfort her. Hún fór þangað í gær. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Layla går med hijab. Layla is a hijabi. Layla goes with hijab. Hawaii har fint väder året runt. Hawaii enjoys good weather the year round. Hawaii has nice weather all year round. Tom tar en snabb joggingtur runt kvarteret varje morgon innan frukost. Tom takes a quick jog around the block every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a quick jogging tour around the neighborhood every morning before breakfast. Tom lagar mat. Tom's cooking. Tom cooks food. Når våren kjem, vert dagane lenger. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring arrives, the days are longer. Du har många vänner. You have many friends. You have a lot of friends. Skod dine cigaretter. Put out your cigarettes. Shoot your cigarettes. Har ikkje du noko å gjera? Don't you have some work to do? Don't you have anything to do? Sendu mér besta starfsfólkið sem hægt er að fá. Peningar skipta þar engu. Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object. Send me the best staff you can get. Money doesn't change there. Það var smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was a little milk in the bottle. Af hverju ertu svona reiður? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Katter är rädda för hundar. Cats are afraid of dogs. Cats are afraid of dogs. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I have to go now. I have to give myself off now. Jeg vil registrere en klage. I want to file a complaint. I'll register a complaint. Ord må ordnes i rett rekkefølge og grammatikkregler må overholdes for å få en setning akseptert som en naturlig setning. Words must be arranged in the proper sequence and the rules of grammar must be followed for a sentence to be accepted as a natural-sounding sentence. Words must be arranged in the right order and grammar rules must be observed to get a sentence accepted as a natural sentence. I er bange for hende. You're afraid of her. You're afraid of her. Hun giftet seg med ham i fjor. She married him last year. She married him last year. Æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen. The apple does not fall far from the trunk. The apple does not fall far from the tribe. Vi er de eneste der kan redde dem. Only we can save them. We are the only ones who can save them. Jeg er en helt. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Jeg har glemt min pinkode. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my pincode. Vem slutade? Who quit? Who stopped? Jeg holder på å lære meg norsk. I am learning Norwegian. I want to learn Norwegian. Måste jag skynda mig? Do I need to hurry? Do I have to hurry? Jag önskar att jag ringt Tom. I wish I'd called Tom. I wish I called Tom. Tom satte sig i förarsätet och körde iväg. Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off. Tom sat in the driver's seat and ran away. Du bør ikke prate med munnen full ved bordet. You shouldn't speak with your mouth full at table. You should not speak with your mouth full of the table. Tom og jeg har spilt poker sammen mange ganger. Tom and I have played poker together many times. Tom and I have played poker together many times. Jag tror att jag kommer att kunna träffa dig snart. I think that i will be able to meet you soon. I think I'll be able to meet you soon. Ryom-Verzeichnis, et katalog over Antonio Vivaldis værker, er opkaldt efter Peter Ryom, en dansk musikolog. The Ryom-Verzeichnis, a catalogue of the works of Antonio Vivaldi, is named after Peter Ryom, a Danish musicologist. Ryom-Verzeichnis, a catalogue of Antonio Vivaldi's works, is named after Peter Ryom, a Danish musicologist. Det er et fint flagg. It's a pretty flag. It's a nice flag. Cyklen ved døren er min. The bicycle by the door is mine. The bike at the door is mine. Varför vill du ha det där? Why do you want that? Why do you want that? För Guds skull. For heaven's sake. For God's sake. Hovedkontoret vårt er i Osaka. Our main office is in Osaka. Our head office is in Osaka. Har Tom stadig forhøjet temperatur? Does Tom still have a temperature? Does Tom still have an elevated temperature? Hun begynte å synge. She began to sing. She started singing. Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. Dette skilt siger: "Dyrene må ikke fodres!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals!" This sign says, “You must not be fed!” Hun har bolle i ovnen. She's pregnant. She's got a ball in the oven. Jeg kaldte katten "Tama". I named the kitten Tama. I called the cat “Tama.” Þekkiru þetta? Do you know this? Do you know this? Du gjorde mig forskrækket! You startled me. You made me mad! Du passar bra i kort hår. You look nice with your hair short. You fit well in short hair. Del og hersk. Divide and conquer. Del and heresy. Tom skulle aldrig tillåta det. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never allow it. Græd ikke over spildt mælk. Don't cry over spilt milk. Do not feed on wasted milk. Han tok ikke rådet mitt. He disregarded my advice. He did not take my advice. Han er så gammel at han ikke kan gå fort. He is so old that he cannot walk quickly. He's so old he can't go fast. Vad gör du där? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Mark tog sina saker och gick. Mark took his things and left. Mark took his stuff and went. Tú skal lesa bókina. You must read this book. You need to read the book. Jeg er straks tilbake. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Besvar spørgsmålet. Answer the question. Answer the question. Har brevbäraren redan kommit? Has the mailman already come? Has the letter carrier already arrived? Det såg jag till. I saw to that. I saw it. Förklara det för mig. Explain that to me. Explain it to me. Ni kan stanna. You may stay. You can stay. Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work on a motorcycle. Tom commuter for work on motorcycles. Min puls er høj. My pulse is fast. My pulse is high. Hann leit eftir börnunum meðan þau voru að synda. He watched after the children as they were swimming. He looked after the children while they were swimming. Hvor længe har du boet i Japan? How long have you been living in Japan? How long have you lived in Japan? Vi har en beholdning af wc-papir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a stock of wc paper. Det är dags att gå till gymmet. It's time to go to the gym. It's time to go to the gym. Jeg drakk. I drank. I drank. Jag har två biljetter. I have two tickets. I have two tickets. Jag vet inte vad som kommer att hända. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Det var begripligt. It was understandable. It was understandable. Vad har vi här? What do we have here? What do we have here? Alice smilte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu komin. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street and when you walk through the traffic lights you have arrived. Jeg har lige solgt det. I just sold it. I just sold it. Varför sa vi det där? Why did we say that? Why did we say that? Tom bad mig gå. Tom asked me to leave. Tom asked me to go. Vi er ikke der det er meningen vi skal være. We aren't where we are supposed to be. We are not where we are supposed to be. Vi må bytte ut dette møllspiste teppet. We must replace this moth-eaten carpet. We have to replace this furniture-eated carpet. Du borde ha bett om ursäkt till henne. You ought to have apologized to her. You should have apologized to her. Du burde spise langsommere. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. Moren kildrede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. My mother killed her child with a fourth. Jeg besluttede mig for at fortælle hende, at det var hende, jeg elskede. I decided to tell her that it was her that I loved. I decided to tell her that it was her I loved. Tycker du om att springa? Do you like running? Do you like running? I er bange for dem. You're afraid of them. You're afraid of them. Hold øje med børnene. Keep an eye on the kids. Keep an eye on the kids. Du har en timme på dig. You've got one hour. You have an hour on you. Tom är ensam. Tom's lonely. Tom is alone. Það er erfitt að lifa á lágum launum. Living on a small income is hard. It’s hard to live on low lanes. Jeg er nødt til at lære fransk. I have to learn French. I need to learn French. Han tog en bog frem og læste. He got out a book and read. He took a book forward and read. Þetta var fögur sjón. It was a beautiful sight. It was a pretty big sight. Hun er mest lykkelig når hun er hjemme. She is happiest when she is at home. She's most happy when she's home. Tom spiste med Mary. Tom ate with Mary. Tom ate with Mary. Jeg har ingen steder at sove. Kan jeg overnatte på din sofa? I have nowhere to sleep. Can I crash on your sofa? I have no place to sleep, can I stay on your couch? Þú munt ekki ná í skólann á réttum tíma. You won't be in time for school. You won’t get to school at the right time. Vi er vidende om Algeriets vandbehov. We are aware of Algeria's water needs. We are aware of the needs of Algeria. Jeg troede du var en anstændig pige. I thought you were a decent young woman. I thought you were a decent girl. Jeg har diarre. I have diarrhea. I have a distraction. Det her er kød. This is meat. This is meat. Denne website bruger cookies. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Ethvert menneske har sin pris. Every man has his price. Every man has his price. Hvordan forventer du at jeg skal få barn når jeg ikke har en livmor? How do you expect me to have children when I don't have a uterus? How do you expect me to have children when I don’t have a mother? Det är ingen leksak! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Kven skal du gi boka til? To whom are you going to give that book? Who are you going to give the book to? Du har det med at komme for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You have to get too much sugar in your tea. Har du stadig brug for en babysitter for mandag aften. Do you still need a babysitter for Monday night? Do you still need a babysitter for Monday night? Ég þekki hann mjög vel. I know him very well. I know him very well. Maður giftist ekki einhverjum sem maður getur lifað með — maður giftist manneskjunni sem maður getur ekki lifað án. You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without. You don’t marry someone you can live with — a married person who can’t live without. Glædelig mors dag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Ville du have noget imod at jeg satte mig her? Would you mind if I sat here? Would you mind putting me here? Men det är ju absurt. But that's absurd. But it's absurd. Denne bog er for vanskelig for mig at forstå. This book is too difficult for me to understand. This book is too difficult for me to understand. Canada er et stort land. Canada is a large country. Canada is a big country. Jag hittade min bok. I found my book. I found my book. Du SMS'ede til mig, ikke sandt? You texted me, didn't you? You SMSed me, right? Þeim þótti spennandi að spila körfubolta á leikvellinum. They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground. They were very excited to play basketball at the playground. Polismannen bär en gasmask. The policeman carries a gas mask. The policeman wears a gas mask. Tom var inte särskilt upptagen. Tom wasn't very busy. Tom was not particularly busy. Der var skjulte kameraer overalt. There were hidden cameras everywhere. There were hidden cameras everywhere. Hej! Hi! Hey! Tú hevur veruliga hjálpt okkum nógv. You've really helped us a lot. Famous people have a difficult time with help. Ekki minna en þrjú hundruð dollara þurfti fyrir verkið. No less than three hundred dollars was needed for the work. Not less than three hundred dollars needed for the work. Hvor er din skole? Where is your school? Where's your school? Kan du vakta ungarna? Can you watch the kids? Can you guard the kids? Vad sa du? Jag är ledsen, jag var försjunken i tankar. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was the start of thoughts. Om ni inte vill säga någonting, behöver ni inte det. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. Kan du lide Marys nye halloweenkostume? Do you like Mary's new Halloween costume? Do you like Mary's new Halloween costume? Tom skal have sig et pas. Tom needs to get a passport. Tom's gonna have a passport. Jeg ved det heller ikke. I don't know either. I don't know, either. Jeg sigter på den and. I am aiming at that duck. I'm wearing it and. Jeg vil snart tilmelde mig et tyskkursus. I'll soon register for a course in German. I'll soon sign up for a German course. Passer den her? Does this fit? Is this fit here? Ekkert gæti verið nytsamlegra en ljósritunarvél. Nothing could be more useful than a copying machine. Nothing could be more enjoyable than a photocopying machine. Nyt måltidet ditt. Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your meal. Tom forlod Australien for tre år siden. Tom left Australia three years ago. Tom left Australia three years ago. Jag samåker med Tom. I carpool with Tom. I'm interacting with Tom. Jag fick säga upp mig. I had to resign. I got to tell you. Pressade Tom dig? Did Tom push you? Did Tom push you? Tycker du inte om mig? Don't you like me? You don't like me? Fyrirgefðu ástin. Ég er ennþá fastur á skrifstofunni. Sorry honey, I'm still stuck at the office. I'm sorry, but I'm still stuck in the office. Tom var klädd helt i svart. Tom was dressed all in black. Tom was dressed in black. Hvis du har fler teblader i kannen, smaker teen bedre. If you put more tea-leaves in the teapot, the tea will taste better. If you have more tea leaves in the oven, the tea tastes better. Det var bara en tursam gissning. It was just a lucky guess. It was just a lucky guess. Tom tog afsted til skole ved daggry. Tom left for school at the break of dawn. Tom went to school at dawn. Kunden har ikke altid ret. The customer is not always right. The customer is not always right. Jag hade ingen aning om att Tom inte var lycklig här. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. Vi lyssnar med öronen. We hear with our ears. We listen to our ears. De har en orange kat. They have an orange cat. They have an orange cat. Kven snakkar russisk? Who speaks Russian? Who speaks Russian? Jeg ved ikke hvad du mener. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Det där är boken som jag vill läsa. That is the book I want to read. This is the book I want to read. Jeg havde en motorcykel. I used to have a motorcycle. I had a motorcycle. Du må hellere komme til læge. You'd better see a doctor. You better come to a doctor. Mange elever har købt bogen. Many students bought the book. Many students bought the book. Tom har fräknar. Tom has freckles. Tom has calculators. Bet Tom dig? Did Tom bite you? Bet Tom you? Tatoeba er tilbake, men ikke alt vil fungere perfekt. Tatoeba is back, but not everything will be working perfectly. Tatoeba is back, but not everything will work perfectly. Det finns ett glas här. There's a glass here. There's a glass here. Hur skiljer sig din åsikt från hans? How does your opinion differ from his? How does your opinion differ from his opinion? Jeg giver ikke op. I'm not giving up. I don't give up. Vi ved alle at hunde godt kan lide at gnave kødben. We all know that dogs like to gnaw on bones. We all know that dogs like to grab the meat. Jeg forstår ikke fransk. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Það er það sem fólk segir. That's what people say. That's what people say. Det var en fuktig, grå sommardag i slutet av juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a humid, gray summer day at the end of June. Jeg vil sove. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Jag tänker inte gifta mig med dig. I'm not marrying you. I'm not going to marry you. Vem gav den till mig? Who gave it to me? Who gave it to me? Jag vill äta något som inte är sött. I want to eat something that isn't sweet. I want to eat something that is not sweet. Bor ni här? Do you live here? Are you living here? När var första gången du träffade henne? When was the first time you met her? When was the first time you met her? Dans er ingen forbrydelse. Dancing is not a crime. Dancing is not a crime. Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I will definitely visit France, but I just don’t know exactly when. Ikkje eg heller. Nor am I. Neither do I. Jeg ser næsten aldrig fjernsyn. I almost never watch TV. I almost never see television. Min katt dödade den här musen. My cat killed this mouse. My cat killed this mouse. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúin fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We are as good as ready for the cold winter. Vi fløj over Atlanterhavet. We flew across the Atlantic. We flew across the Atlantic Ocean. Hvordan gik det til? How did it happen? How did it go? Það er í lagi. It's OK. It's okay. Varför sa du nej? Why did you say no? Why did you say no? Han är något av en musiker. He is something of a musician. He is one of a musician. Man bör vara välklädd. One should be well dressed. You should be well dressed. Toms seng er tom. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. Glöm inte vad jag sa till dig nyss. Don't forget what I just told you. Don't forget what I told you news. Tom brændte tungen på den varme ost. Tom burned his tongue on the hot cheese. Tom burned the tongue on the hot cheese. Han blev ditsatt för mord. He was framed for murder. He was put down for murder. Følg hans eksempel. Follow his example. Follow his example. Den yngste var den smukkeste af dem allesammen, hendes hud var så klar og skær som et rosenblad, hendes øjne så blå, som den dybeste sø, men ligesom alle de andre havde hun ingen fødder, kroppen endte i en fiskehale. The youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all together, her skin was as clear and cut as a rose leaf, her eyes looked blue as the deepest lake, but like all the others she had no feet, her body ended in a fishtail. Tom har ikke hørt fra Mary i over en uge. Tom hasn't heard from Mary in over a week. Tom hasn't heard from Mary for over a week. Børn elsker at lege med legoklodser. Children love playing with Lego. Children love playing with legocards. Stäng av vattnet. Turn off the water. Turn off the water. Han gör inte en fluga förnär. He wouldn't harm a fly. He's not doing a flight. Jag avskyr skräckfilmer. I hate horror movies. I hate horror films. Jag körde bilen. I drove the car. I drove the car. Jeg driller dig bare, Tom! I'm just teasing you, Tom. I'll just drown you, Tom! Oddsen för att Reds vinner är 2 mot 1. The odds are two-to-one that the Reds win. The odds of Reds winning are 2 to 1. Hon talar aldrig illa om andra människor. She never talks bad about other people. She never speaks bad about other people. Vad hände i Boston? What happened in Boston? What happened in Boston? Jeg kender Moskva godt. I know Moscow well. I know Moscow well. Vil du have en kop te mere? Would you like to have another cup of tea? Do you want a cup of tea? John har en bil der er fremstillet i Japan. John has a car made in Japan. John has a car manufactured in Japan. Min bedstefar var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Ingen stillede spørgsmål. Nobody asked any questions. No questions asked. Jag antar att du har rätt. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Lad mig præsentere mig selv. Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself. Dækket taber luft. The tire leaks air. The tire loses air. Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call a taxi for you. Du betaler renter på penger du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on money you borrow. Hon skrev så många som tio böcker. She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote as many as ten books. Mary røg en cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Mary smokes a cigarette. Jag tog mig friheten att ringa henne. I took the liberty of calling her. I took the freedom to call her. Efter jer. After you. After you. Fyrir hvað er það? What is it for? What is it? Tom og Mary har ikke råd til å kjøpe hus. Tom and Mary can't afford to buy a house. Tom and Mary can’t afford to buy a house. Sælger du sportssko? Do you sell sport shoes? Are you selling sports shoes? Vi kaller New York "the Big Apple". We call New York the Big Apple. We call New York the Big Apple. At lære esperanto er meget interessant. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. Learning Esperanto is very interesting. Forstod du det? Did you understand it? Did you understand that? Der er ikke nok vand. There's not enough water. There's not enough water. Þið eruð öll iðin. All of you are diligent. You're all gone. Vi har inte gjort någonting. We haven't done anything. We haven't done anything. Göm er alla! Everybody hide! Gummy is everyone! I morgon kommer jag att veta vem som är den nya presidenten. Tomorrow, I'll know who the new president is. Tomorrow I will know who is the new president. Það var ekki alltaf svona. It was not always this way. It wasn't always that way. Efter at en tandlæge havde dræbt Zimbabwes berømteste løve, var dyrerettighedsaktivister vrede over at han planlagde at sætte løvens hoved og glatte, buskede manke op på en kontorvæg. After a dentist killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion, animal-rights activists were angry that he planned to mount the lion's head and sleek, bushy mane on an office wall. After a dentist had killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion, animal rights activists were angry that he planned to put the lion's head and smooth, shrubled manke up on an office wall. Der er ingen trafikpropper. There's no traffic jam. There are no traffic plugs. Hon stängde försiktigt ytterdörren. He closed carefully the front door. She gently closed the front door. Strengt tatt er tomat en frukt. Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit. Strictly speaking, tomato is a fruit. Jag är inte intresserad av Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Mørke er fravær av lys. Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is the absence of light. Jeg drar hjem igjen i morgen. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll go home tomorrow. Jag hoppas att jag kan göra det. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do it. Jeg blev gift da jeg var 19 år gammel. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I was married when I was 19 years old. Nogle gange laver vi fejl. We sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes we make mistakes. Lova mig att inte skratta. Promise me you won't laugh. I promise not to laugh. Hon gråter alltid när han är full. She always cries when he is drunk. She always cries when he is drunk. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at soccer. He is good at playing football. Om soppan får dra en stund så smakar den bättre. If the soup can sit for a while, it'll taste better. If the soup gets to take a while, it tastes better. Tal for dig selv. Speak for yourself. Talk to yourself. Vi overnattet i Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We stayed in Hakone. Jeg kører over den bro hver eftermiddag på vej hjem fra arbejde. I drive across that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. I'm running across that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. Efnahagsleg þróun gekk hægt áfram. Economic development proceeded slowly. Economic development continued. Vi måste komma bort. We need to get away. We have to get away. Var kom det ifrån? Where did it come from? Where did it come from? Det er lige det vi har drømt om hele tiden. It's what we've always dreamed of. That's exactly what we've dreamed of all the time. Hvad i helvede laver du? What the devil are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Har du noen gang lurt på hvor mange stjerner det er på himmelen? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in heaven? Dette blir som å spørre en forelder om hvilket barn de liker best. This question is like asking a parent which child they love the most. This is like asking a parent what children they like best. Bron byggdes av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Hun gør en fjer til fem høns. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She makes a fourth to five chickens. Tom ødelagde sin nye smartphone. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. Hun spiller tennis daglig. She plays tennis daily. She plays tennis daily. Han lyver aldri. He never lies. He's never lying. Tom er holdt op med at ryge. Tom quit smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You will not be able to get so fast through the book. Tom vilar på sina lagrar. Tom is resting on his laurels. Empty rests on their stores. Är du rädd nu? Are you scared now? Are you afraid now? Jeg har forsøgt at stoppe med at ryge. I've been trying to quit smoking. I tried to stop smoking. Vill ni att jag ska berätta en historia för er? Do you want me to tell you a story? Do you want me to tell you a story? Der er ingen ko på isen. There is no cause for concern. There's no cow on the ice. Hur kom Tom hem? How did Tom get home? How did Tom get home? Jeg håper du er ikke sint på meg. I hope you're not mad at me. I hope you're not angry with me. Taget på mit hus er rødt. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. I dag er det koldt. It is cold today. Today it's cold. Frankrig er et levende demokrati. France is a vibrant democracy. France is a living democracy. Du är så het. You're so hot. You're so hot. Hennes ögon blir runda av förvåning. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes are rounded by surprise. Toms kone er norsk. Tom's wife is Norwegian. Tom's wife is Norwegian. Paradisfugle er smukke. Birds-of-paradise are beautiful. Paradise birds are beautiful. Öðru hverju stoppaði hún og leit í kringum sig. From time to time she stopped and looked round. She stopped and looked around. Du måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work quickly. Tom var yr. Tom was dizzy. Tom was a prisoner. Jag mår bra, tack för att du frågar! I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you for asking! Hunden skrämde katten. The dog scared the cat. The dog scared the cat. Forfatteren har en smuk stil. The author has a beautiful style. The author has a beautiful style. Jag gillar ingenting. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Eg har laga ei liste over matvarer eg ikkje kan ete. I've made a list of foods that I can't eat. I've made a list of foods I can't eat. Tom datt av lastebilen mens han foret reinsdyrene. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. Tom fell off the truck while riding the reindeer. Jag beställde kinesisk mat. I ordered Chinese food. I ordered Chinese food. Jeg skal sove. I have to sleep. I'm gonna sleep. Jag är kanske galen, men inte dum. I might be crazy, but not stupid. Maybe I'm crazy, but not stupid. Jag skojar bara med er. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding with you. Það skiptir mig ekki máli. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Jag är väldigt orolig för din skull. I'm very worried for your sake. I'm very worried about you. Fantasi är viktigare än kunskap. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Fantasy is more important than knowledge. Du slap billigt. You got off easy. You slept cheaply. Har Tom slutat röka? Has Tom quit smoking? Has Tom stopped smoking? Tom brækkede døren op med et brækjern. Tom pried open the door with a crowbar. Tom broke the door with a braid. Lunchen är klar. Lunch is on. The lunch is ready. Jeg har bodd i Kobe før. I've lived in Kobe before. I've been living in Kobe before. Vem upptäckte Amerika? Who discovered America? Who discovered America? Ikke heng deg opp i dine tidligere feil! Don't dwell on your past mistakes! Don't hang up in your previous mistakes! I kan ikke sparke Tom ud af klubben. You can't kick Tom out of the club. You can't kick Tom out of the club. Hvar er vesi? Where is the toilet? Where's the weather? Den sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's sitting on your bench. Tom gik ind uden at banke på. Tom entered without knocking. Tom went in without knocking. Heima er best. There is no place like home. Home is best. Pluggar du kemi? Do you study chemistry? Do you smell chemistry? Min søster er bange for små mus og edderkopper. My sister has a fear of little mice and spiders. My sister is afraid of small mice and spiders. Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The current building is the Burdj Khalifa. Den som kommer først til mølla får først male. First come, first served. Anyone who comes first to the mill must first paint. Skipsskroger er ødelagt. The ship's hull is damaged. Ship hooks are destroyed. Hann kemur ekki í tímann á morgun. He won't come to class tomorrow. He won't be in the time tomorrow. Hvor kan jeg købe printere? Where can I buy printers? Where can I buy printers? Det er ikke mulig! It can't be! It's not possible! Kan du gøre dig forståelig på engelsk? Can you make yourself understood in English? Can you make it understandable in English? Sommetider går jeg i biografen. I sometimes go to the cinema. Sometimes I go to the cinema. Han boede i en lille by i nærheden. He lived in a small town nearby. He lived in a small town nearby. Du ljuger ju bara. You're just lying. You're just lying. Jeg elsker at tage til stranden. I love going to the beach. I love going to the beach. Thai er det offisielle språket i Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Hvis jeg har forstået det rigtigt, så er jeg blevet taget ved næsen. If I understand correctly, I've been taken for a ride. If I understand it right, I've been taken by my nose. Jag fyller år i november. My birthday is in November. I'll fill up this year in November. Hvad spurgte du hende om? What did you ask her? What did you ask her about? Svarta katter betyder otur. Black cats are bad luck. Black cats mean ot. Hvor betalte du dem? Where did you pay them? How did you pay them? Denne bogs forfatter er stadig ung. The author of this book is still young. This book's author is still young. Jeg vet ikke. Dunno. I don't know. Jag sjunger en skön sång. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a nice song. Hvad? Jeg kan ikke høre jer. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you. Han kan godt lide at spille fodbold med sine venner. He likes to play soccer with his friends. He likes to play football with his friends. Tom måste ha haft en nyckel. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Min ekskone ønsker at ødelægge mit nye forhold. My ex-wife wants to ruin my new relationship. My ex-wife wants to destroy my new relationship. Har du en elsker? Do you have a lover? Do you have a lover? Min motorsåg är trasig. My chain saw is broken. My engine saw is broken. Är en av er Tom? Is one of you Tom? Is one of you Tom? Hvernig líður Mary? How is Mary? How does Mary feel? De er ikke mine. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Tom sad og ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom sat and waited. Det är där jag sitter. That's where I sit. That's where I'm sitting. Hann lærði frönsku þegar hann var ungur. He acquired French when he was young. He learned French when he was young. Har du studerat utomlands? Have you studied abroad? Have you studied abroad? Það er utan sérfræðisviðs míns. That's outside my area of expertise. It's outside of my field of expertise. Bröd bakas i en ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread back in an oven. Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely freed from the aim of him. Jag skämtar med dig bara. I'm just kidding you. I'm just joking with you. Jeg har ikke set en hetero i over en uge. I haven't seen a straight person in over a week. I haven't seen a hetero for over a week. Jag tvekar lite. I hesitate a little. I hesitate a little. Tom er stenet. Tom's stoned. Tom is the stone. Jeg reiser til Chicago neste lørdag morgen. I'm leaving for Chicago next Saturday morning. I'm going to Chicago next Saturday morning. Tom är en sympatisk kille. Tom's a likable guy. Tom is a sympathetic guy. Tom er syg. Tom is sick. Tom's sick. Vad mer kan vi göra? What more can we do? What else can we do? Jag känner mig helt hjälplös. I feel completely helpless. I feel completely helpless. Han svävar i livsfara. His life was in danger. He hovers in his life. Tom kom nærmere. Tom came closer. Tom got closer. Hvilke gjenstander er i rommet? Which objects are in the room? What items are in the room? Að foreldrum hans undanskildum mundi enginn verja hinn ákærða. Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. In the absence of his parents, no one would defend the accused. Vem sitter vanligtvis på åsnebänken? Who usually sits on the bench of disgrace? Who usually sits on the ridge bench? På klare dager kan man se Fuji-fjellet. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji. In clear days you can see the Fuji Mountain. Jag ska ta med er till mitt palats imorgon. I will take you to my palace tomorrow. I'll bring you to my palace tomorrow. Jeg har set dig gøre det. I've seen you doing that. I've seen you do it. Om hvad? About what? About what? Det er svært at sige, fordi det er hverken fugl eller fisk. It's hard to say because it's neither fish nor fowl. It’s hard to say because it’s not a bird or fish. Það er vindur í dag. It is windy today. There is a wind today. Peige er sikkert den som vil fullføre arbeidet. Peige is probably the one who'll finish the work. Peige is certainly the one who will complete the work. Tom tycker inte riktigt om Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. En taxi står och väntar. A cab is waiting. A taxi is waiting and waiting. Jeg har aldrig sagt, at du løj. I never said you were lying. I never said you lied. Du bliver nødt til at være høflig You have to be polite. You have to be polite. Alla mina grejor är här. All my stuff is here. All my stuff is here. Min familie er fra Boston, men jeg har boet i Chicago hele mit liv. My family is from Boston, but I've lived in Chicago my whole life. My family is from Boston, but I've lived in Chicago all my life. Jeg ved det allerede. I already know that. I know it already. Sami kan ikke lide hunde. Sami doesn't like dogs. Sami doesn't like dogs. Tom brækkede døren op med et koben. Tom forced open the door with a crowbar. Tom broke the door up with a cow. Så vart ska ni? So where're you going? So where are you going? Billedet hænger på væggen. The picture is on the wall. The picture depends on the wall. Priserna höjdes. Prices went up. Prices are heightened. Du burde komme. You should come. You should come. Min far døde af lungekræft. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. Við ættum að senda Jordan á sjúkrahús. We ought to send Jordan to the hospital. We should send Jordan to the hospital. Du kunde ha stuckit. You could've gone. You could have stolen. Jeg vil ikke have en sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. Hva er brevet om? What is the letter about? What is the letter about? Jordskalvet skakade husen. The earthquake shook the house. The Earthquake shook the house. Denne gesten er verdt mer enn tusen ord. This gesture is worth more than a thousand words. This gesture is worth more than a thousand words. Jeg blev i sengen hele dagen i stedet for at gå på arbejde. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. Ensambarn är ofta bortskämda. Single children are often spoiled. Children are often spoiled. Britiske videnskabsmænd har godtgjort at hvis man vender det japanske flag omvendt, får man det japanske flag. British scientists have established that if you turn the flag of Japan upside down, you get the flag of Japan. British scientists have agreed that if you turn the Japanese flag in reverse, you get the Japanese flag. Han gav hunden et ben. He gave the dog a bone. He gave the dog a leg. Jeg burde være gået i seng noget før. I should've gone to bed earlier. I should have been in bed before. Vad vann jag? What did I win? What did I win? Jag stannar här. I'm staying here. I'll stay here. Snaggra aðgerða er þörf. Prompt action is necessary. Sneakers are needed. Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Har algerierne adgang til rent vand? Do Algerians have access to clean water? Does the algae have access to clean water? Køer giver os mælk. Cows give us milk. Cows give us milk. 'A' kommer før 'B' i alfabetet. 'A' comes before 'B' in the alphabet. 'A' comes before 'B' in the alphabet. Ta veien til høyre. Take the road on the right. Take the road to the right. Skam dig! Shame on you! Shame on you! Vilken usel dag! What a lousy day! What a bad day! Hvornår slutter denne krise? When is this crisis going to end? When does this crisis end? Tom hørte et skud. Tom heard a shot. Tom heard a shot. Husker du hva Cathy gikk med på festen? Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Do you remember what Cathy went to the party? Kan du skilja på vete och korn? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you understand wheat and grains? Det är bara ett talesätt. That's nothing but a figure of speech. It's just a speech. Ingen bryr sig om vad du tycker. Nobody cares what you think. No one cares about what you think. Är du tillräknelig? Are you sane? Are you sure? Jeg kan ikke bruge denne maskine. I can't use this machine. I can't use this machine. Drømmen hans er å dra til Sveits. His dream is going to Switzerland. His dream is to go to Switzerland. Vær forsigtig med, hvad du ønsker dig. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful what you want. Fargen går ikke bort. The color will not go off. The color doesn't go away. Han hade få tänder. He had few teeth. He had teeth. Jeg håper de er vennlige. I hope they're friendly. I hope they are friendly. Slap af! Calm down. Relax! Efter den kvällen blev de ökända i hela staden. After that night they became infamous in the entire city. After that night, they became infamous throughout the city. Hvad mener du om ham? What do you make of him? What do you think of him? Vi lærer fransk i skolen. We learn French at school. We learn French at school. Der er en hund der følger efter os. There's a dog following us. There is a dog that follows us. Han lyg aldri. He never lies. He never listens. Läs detta först. Read this first. Read this first. Du skulle vært her innen 2:30 You were supposed to be here by 2:30. You would be here by 2:30 Hun viste mig sin nye bil. She showed me her new car. She showed me her new car. Dette er sjølvmord! This is suicide! This is suicide! Er du trøtt? Are you tired? Are you tired? De er nogle hårde fyre. They're tough guys. They're some tough guys. De gror blomster i hagen. They grow flowers in the garden. They grow flowers in the garden. Du måste ta med dig ditt pass till banken. You must bring your passport with you to the bank. You have to take your passport to the bank. Kan du e-maile det? Can you send that by email? Can you email it? Tom har planer. Tom has plans. Tom has plans. Sveriges huvudstad är Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Gid jeg havde lært fransk da jeg var barn! I wish I had learned French when I was a kid. I wish I had learned French when I was a child. Nancy vil ha et par røde sko. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Nancy wants a pair of rough shoes. Avbryt inte Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Ingen såg någonting. No one saw a thing. No one saw anything. Du er en generende person. You're a nuisance. You're a generous person. Tom friede til Mary foran kirken. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Tom freed Mary in front of the church. Vores projekt faldt til jorden. Our project collapsed. Our project fell to the ground. Ingen är så lycklig. No one is that lucky. No one is so happy. Sami verkade full. Sami appeared to be drunk. Sami seemed full. Du tappade din blyertspenna. You dropped your pencil. You lost your pencil pen. Det kan jag respektera. I can respect that. I can respect that. Ved I hvad UNESCO står for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Þú ert vinur Toms, ekki satt? You're a friend of Tom's, eh? You're a friend of Tom, right? Skynda på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Det är inte färdigt än. It's not done yet. It's not finished yet. Har du nogen kæledyr? Do you have any pets? Do you have any pets? Jag simmar nästan aldrig. I hardly ever swim. I almost never swim. I skulle alle skamme jer. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You would all be ashamed. Upp med dig! Get up! Get up! Låt mig leva. Let me live. Let me live. Tom har solgt sin sjæl. Tom sold his soul. Tom has sold his soul. Engelsk er et sprog der tales over hele verden. English is a language spoken all over the world. English is a language spoken worldwide. Hans konvertering til islam var den bedste beslutning, han nogensinde havde taget i sit liv. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever made in his life. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever taken in his life. Kan du hjälpa mig att laga min punktering? Can you help me fix my flat tire? Can you help me make my point? Ég á ánægður að við hittumst. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Þetta eru mér nýjar fréttir. This is my new news. This is my new news. Jag vill inte gifta mig. I don't want to get married. I don't want to get married. I er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Jeg vil give dig mit hjerte for evigt. I want to give you my heart for ever. I will give you my heart forever. Alla höll sig lugna. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone was calm. Jeg bor i Boston nu. I live in Boston now. I live in Boston now. Tom bor med Mary i Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Kom och prata med mig. Come talk to me. Come and talk to me. Vilken tunnelbanelinje går till centrum? What subway goes to the center of town? What subway line is going to the city centre? Kom och sätt dig. Come and sit down. Come on, come on. Giv mig en chance til. Give me another chance. Give me a chance. Jeg ringte og spurte Tom om han visste når Mary skulle ankomme. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would be arriving. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would arrive. Jeg cyklede. I rode a bicycle. I cycled. Jeg var lei meg. I was sorry. I was sorry. Jeg har på det seneste taget på. I've put on weight recently. I've been on the last one. Din idiot! You idiot! You idiot! Han skriv rett engelsk. He writes correct English. He writes the correct English. Atomenergi kan användas för fredliga ändamål. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful purposes. Denne verden styres af ondsindede kræfter. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is governed by evil forces. Hvordan udtaler man det? How do you pronounce that? How do you pronounce it? Jeg kan ikke lide at blive behandlet som et barn. I don't like being treated like a child. I don't like being treated like a child. Min tvillingbror är så godtrogen. My twin brother is so gullible. My twin brother is so good. Natten är ju ganska lång, eller hur? Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? The night is pretty long, isn't it? Tom prøvde sitt beste å hjelpe Mary. Tom tried his best to help Mary. Tom tried his best to help Mary. Jag har fått nog! I have enough! I've had enough! Toms familj bor i Australien. Tom's family lives in Australia. Tom's family lives in Australia. Ken er glad. Ken is happy. Ken is happy. Tom kunde inte komma på hur han skulle få lådan öppnad. Tom couldn't figure out how to get the box open. Tom couldn't get to know how to open the box. Han spiller golf, selvom det regner. He'll play golf even if it rains. He plays golf, although it rains. Tom är förlovad. Tom's engaged. Tom is engaged. Jag behöver en taxi! I need a taxi! I need a taxi! Det holder meg våken om natten. It keeps me up at night. It keeps me awake at night. Við erum öll ófullkomin. Við getum ekki búist við fullkominni ríkisstjórn. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect the perfect government. Jag älskar den här bilen. I love this car. I love this car. Hún er þögull kvenmaður. She is a quiet woman. She's a silent woman. Jeg er klar over faren. I'm aware of the danger. I'm aware of my father. Jag är trött på det här. I'm sick of this. I'm tired of this. Hvad mere vil du gerne se? What else would you like to see? What else do you want to see? Hun var alene med babyen sin i huset. She was alone with her baby in the house. She was alone with her baby in the house. Tom døde næsten med det samme. Tom died almost instantly. Tom almost died immediately. Hun spiste æblet. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. Tom ble nesten oppsagt. Tom almost got fired. Tom was almost dismissed. Ég fer oft að sigla um helgar. I often go sailing on weekends. I often go for a weekend. Jag kom tidigare än vanligt. I came earlier than usual. I came earlier than usual. Had mig ikke! Don't hate me! Don't hate me! Såg du det där, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Jeg glemte din paraply i bussen. I left your umbrella on the bus. I forgot your umbrella on the bus. Hvad er der bag muren? What's behind the wall? What's behind the wall? Det er nederen at være alene. Being alone sucks. It's down here to be alone. Er allt í lagi með þig? Are you all right? Are you okay? Hvorfor bruger du Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? Why use Tatoeba? Livet er ikke en dans på roser. Life is not a bed of roses. Life is not a dance on roses. Jeg har glemt at låse døren. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. Vill du lära dig japanska så rekommenderar jag dig att besöka Japan. You want to learn Japanese, so I suggest you visit Japan. If you want to learn Japanese, I recommend you to visit Japan. Vi erbjuder inte den boken. We don't have that book on offer. We do not offer that book. Vi mistede begge vores telefoner. Both of us lost our phones. We both lost our phones. Jeg hørte det i radioen. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tom tænkte det samme som mig. Tom thought the same thing I did. Tom thought the same thing as me. "Bedre død end rød" var en populær sætning under "Den Kolde Krig". "Better dead than red" was a popular phrase during the "Cold War". "Better death than red" was a popular sentence under "The Cold War." Jag var hungrig. I was hungry. I was hungry. Vær høflig over for dine forældre. Be polite to your parents. Be polite to your parents. Basketlaget tränar inte på måndagar. The basketball team doesn't practice on Monday. The basketball team is not training on Mondays. Tom tror ikke at han er så kreativ som Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Jeg har tabt min nøgle. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Kokken kom hen til vores bord. The chef came over at our table. The kitchen came to our table. Han foregav at være læge. He pretended to be a doctor. He pretended to be a doctor. Tom begynte å knyte opp skoene sine. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom began to tie up his shoes. Hämta mat. Bring food. Get food. ”Föddes du i Boston?” ”Nej, jag föddes i Australien.” "Were you born in Boston?" "No, I was born in Australia." “Did you live in Boston?” “No, I was born in Australia.” Atlantis blev ødelagt. Atlantis was destroyed. Atlantis was destroyed. Å være ung innebærer at man må gå på skole. Being young means you have to go to school. Being young means you have to go to school. Drikker fisk vand? Do fish drink water? Drinking fish water? Skulle jag kunna få ett glas mjölk, tack? May I have a glass of milk, please? Can I get a glass of milk, please? Hann kann ekki að synda. He can't swim. He can't swim. Við fórum ekki langt. We didn't go very far. We didn't go far. Jeg går på skole fordi jeg ønsker å lœre. I go to school because I want to learn. I go to school because I want to lie. Þessi kassi mun þjóna sem borð. This box will serve as a table. This box will serve as a table. Det er absolutt ingenting å bekymre seg for. That's certainly nothing to worry about. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Hvad er det I går og laver, børn? What are you kids doing? What are you doing, kids? Har du andre lyse ideer? Do you have any other bright ideas? Do you have any other bright ideas? Hvordan kommuniserer de? How do they communicate? How do they communicate? Hvornår starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? When does the rodeo start? Det kompliserer saken. That's complicating the matter. It complicates the matter. Jeg har netop modtaget Deres brev. I just received your letter. I just received your letter. Det är vackert väder idag. It's beautiful weather today. It's beautiful weather today. Hvis ikke hun havde lavet ballade, havde hun aldrig fået sine penge tilbage. If she hadn't made waves about it, she never would have got her money back. If she hadn’t made the ball, she would never have gotten her money back. Jeg kjøpte ny datamaskin forrige måned. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she serves. Takk for forklaringen! Den hjelper å forstå setningen riktig. Thanks for your explanation. It helps to understand the sentence correctly. Thanks for the explanation! It helps to understand the sentence correctly. Er det dækket af min forsikring? Is that covered by my insurance? Is it covered by my insurance? Åbn dørene! Open the doors. Open the doors! Tom tog av sig sin rock och sina handskar. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Tom took off his rock and his gloves. Vil du at jeg tar hånd om hunden din? Do you want me to take care of your dog? Do you want me to take care of your dog? Du skulle kunna bli smittad. You could get infected. You could be infected. Många unga i Japan äter bröd till frukost. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Är ni roade av detta? Are you enjoying this? Are you calmed by this? Da følte den sig ganske undseelig og stak hovedet om bag vingerne, den vidste ikke selv hvad! Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do. Then it felt quite inconvenient and knocked its head around behind the wings, it didn’t even know what! Svaret missar poängen. The answer misses the point. The answer misses the point. Er dette en hingst eller en hoppe? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a stallion or a jump? Jag gillar det inte. I don't like that. I don't like it. For lang tid siden var der en bro her. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago there was a bridge here. I er mine tre bedste venner. You're my three best friends. You are my three best friends. Jag skulle dubbelkontrollera det. I'd double-check that. I'd double-check it. Är du en idiot? Are you an idiot? Are you an idiot? Det var så bullrigt därinne. It was so noisy in there. It was so noisy in there. Hun bør ikke gå alene. She shouldn't go by herself. She should not go alone. Sami försökte leva två olika liv. Sami was trying to live two different lives. Sami tried to live two different lives. Trúirðu á guð? Do you believe in a god? Do you believe in God? Ingen har bedt om din hjælp! Nobody asked for your help. No one has asked for your help! Ett högt träd kastar sin långa skugga på vattnet. A tall tree projects its long shadow on the water. A tall tree throws its long shadow on the water. Det är roligt att spela baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun to play baseball. Var hänsynslösa. Be ruthless. Be ruthless. Hjúkrunakonan huggaði grátandi barnið. The nurse soothed the crying child. The nurse stabbed the baby. Man skal spise for at leve og ikke leve for at spise. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You have to eat to live and not live to eat. Vi har viktigere ting som må gjøres. We have more important things that need to be dealt with. We have more important things to do. Takk for informasjonen. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Kennarinn fylgdist með mér af því að hún hélt að ég væri að svindla. The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was cheating. The teacher followed me because she thought I was cheating. Hvorfor blev de forskrækket? Why were they scared? Why did they become dissatisfaction? Gefðu mér vinsamlegast annað tækifæri. Please give me another chance. Please give me another chance. Han innså til slutt at Mary hadde gjort ham til latter. He finally realized that Mary had made a fool of him. He finally realized that Mary had made him laugh. Jag är gammeldags. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. Hvorfor skulle jeg adlyde dig? Why should I obey you? Why should I obey you? Där är en katt i köket. There is a cat in the kitchen. There is a cat in the kitchen. Vi ses i eftermiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. See you this afternoon. Han slog hunden med en kæp. He beat the dog with a stick. He hit the dog with a jaw. Tom og hans bror bor sammen. Tom and his brother live together. Tom and his brother live together. Kanske jag kan hjälpa dig. Maybe I can help you. Maybe I can help you. Övernaturliga väsen finns. Supernatural beings exist. Supernatural beings are present. Jag har ett bra arbetslag. I have a good crew. I have a good team of work. Jag hoppas att vi kan hjälpa. I hope we can help. I hope we can help. Tom läser en bok med noveller. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom reads a book with short stories. Jag spelade schack med Tom igår eftermiddag. I played chess with Tom yesterday afternoon. I played chess with Tom yesterday afternoon. Man har oändliga möjligheter som artist. You have infinite possibilities as an artist. You have endless opportunities as an artist. Ég drekk ekki mikinn bjór. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink a lot of beer. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semesterdagar som slöseri med tid. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Employees see holiday days as waste time. Tom kjøpte den bilen fordi kona hans likte den. Tom bought that car because his wife liked it. Tom bought that car because his wife liked it. Hann sat á rúminu. He sat on the bed. He sat in bed. Det är väldigt snällt av er att säga det. That's very kind of you to say that. It's very nice of you to say that. Landsbyen er isoleret fra resten af verden. The village is insulated from the world. The village is isolated from the rest of the world. Jag ropade efter hjälp. I yelled for help. I cried for help. Er de her canadiske penge? Is this Canadian money? Are they Canadian money? Jag har känt Tom rätt så länge. I've known Tom for quite some time. I've known Tom right so long. Tom tryckte sig fram genom folkhopen. Tom pushed his way through the crowd. Tom pushed through the crowd. Denne fugl kan flyve. This bird can fly. This bird can fly. Når man taler om solen, så skinner den. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. When you talk about the sun, it shines. Hur hamnade du här? How did you end up here? How did you get here? Skibet blev ramt af en stor bølge. The ship was hit by a big wave. The ship was hit by a big wave. Det fanns ingen kärlek i Fadils hem. There was no love in Fadil's home. There was no love in Fadil's home. Jeg er ikke bange. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Det gik helt galt. Things went terribly wrong. It all went wrong. Lad ikke ilden gå ud. Don't let the fire die down. Don't let the fire go out. Tom og Mary er i samme båd. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Han gik rundt og spredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He went around and spread lies about her. Hun bor langt fra meg. She lives far from me. She lives far from me. Jeg kender nogle af disse piger. I know some of these girls. I know some of these girls. Hun flyttet til Paris i 1966. She moved to Paris in 1966. She moved to Paris in 1966. Dei sel sukker og salt i den butikken. They sell sugar and salt at that store. They sell sugar and salt in that store. Jeg liker kort hår. I like short hair. I like short hair. Tom spilder masser af penge. Tom wastes a lot of money. Tom plays a lot of money. Det ligner en maskinoversættelse. It looks like a machine translation. It looks like a machine translation. Han är inte tysk, utan österrikare. He's not German, but Austrian. He's not German, but Austrian. Hún málar á hverjum degi sama hversu upptekin hún er. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. Every day she paints no matter how busy she is. Der er et stort tæppe på gulvet. There's a large carpet on the floor. There is a large carpet on the floor. Jag kommer att vara ensam. I'll be on my own. I will be alone. Jag tar det här paraplyet. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Uansett er det også den beste følelsen. However that's also the greatest feeling. Either way, it is also the best feeling. Hvad er der i posen? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Jeg elsker julemusik. I love Christmas music. I love Christmas music. Hon lever ett bekymmerslöst liv. Her life is carefree. She lives a troubled life. Skriv meg en melding. Write me a message. Write me a message. Tom har ikke kommet tilbake ennå. Tom has not come back yet. Tom hasn't returned yet. Vit eru lidnir. We're ready. We're all dead. Hvorfor snakker du om ham som om han var en gammel mann? Why do you talk about him as if he were an old man? Why are you talking about him as if he was an old man? Jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at spise det. I could not bring myself to eat it. I couldn't get myself to eat it. Jag förstår dig! I understand you! I understand you! Jeg sier ikke at det hun gjorde var riktig. I'm not saying that what she did was right. I'm not saying that what she did was right. Hvernig segirðu „takk“ á japönsku? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say “thank” in Japanese? Kan du fortælle mig, hvad det her er? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? Rör inte mina prylar. Don't touch my stuff. Don't touch my gadgets. Ég var eina barnið sem fór í háskóla. I was the only child to enroll in college. I was the only child who went to college. Marys meningar är lätta att översätta. Mary's sentences are easy to translate. Mary's opinions are easy to translate. Læn dig ikke mod muren! Don't lean against the wall. Don't lie to the wall! Dit navn er ikke Tom, er det vel? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Your name is not Tom, is it? Det er ikke let at skrive et kærestebrev på engelsk. It's not easy writing a love letter in English. It is not easy to write a love letter in English. Kjør over hvilken som helst forhindring med denne monster lastebilen! Run over any obstacle with this monster truck! Drive over any obstacle with this monster truck! Jeg mangler ord. Words fail me. I lack words. Jeg vil egentlig bare gå og sove. I just want to go to sleep. I just want to go to sleep. Det är så vi brukar göra. That's how we do it. That's how we usually do. Det er sygt. It's sick. It's sick. Það virðist vera að enginn viti sannleikann. It seems that no one knows the truth. It seems that no one knows the truth. Jeg har allerede skrevet til Tom. I've already written to Tom. I've already written to Tom. Han knäckte nötter. He cracked nuts. He broke nuts. Problemet er ikke her. The problem's not on our end. The problem is not here. Du tappade din penna. You dropped your pencil. You lost your pen. Kan du læse fransk? Can you read French? Can you read French? Det forekommer mig at han er ærlig. It seems to me that he is honest. It seems to me that he is honest. Han er min stedbror. He's my stepbrother. He's my uncle. Jeg kunne ikke gå ut på grunn av det dårlige været. I couldn't go out on account of the bad weather. I couldn't go out because of the bad weather. Livet är vackert. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Jag måste hjälpa honom. I must help him. I need to help him. Hans far er brandmand. His father is a firefighter. His father is a firefighter. Åbn jeres øjne! Open your eyes, people! Open your eyes! Alla jämrar sig. Everybody groans. Everyone is all right. Tom är snabb. Tom's fast. Tom is fast. Tom kunde inte hacka sig in i den. Tom couldn't hack it. Tom couldn't hack into it. Lögnare! Liar! Lawyers! Er du træt af den daglige trummerum? Are you tired of the daily grind? Are you tired of the daily drum? Det er meget farligt at svømme i denne flod. This river is very dangerous to swim in. It is very dangerous to swim in this river. Studentens bil er gammel. The student's car is old. The student's car is old. Tom har åkt. Tom's gone. Tom's gone. Jeg tror du har rett. I think you're right. I think you're right. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne slutte å røyke. I wish I could give up smoking. I wish I could stop smoking. Jag skulle vilja låna den här. I'd like to borrow this. I would like to borrow this. Linda bad Dan krama henne hårt. Linda asked Dan to embrace her tightly. Linda asked Dan to hug her hard. Tom forstår meg ikke. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Jag tror inte att Tom skulle hålla med. I think Tom would disagree. I don't think Tom would agree. Þið verðið að leggja hart að ykkur við námið og læra margt. You must study hard and learn many things. You have to be hard to learn and learn a lot. Har du nogensinde røget? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever smoked? Hún verður í sjónvarpinu í kvöld. She is appearing on TV tonight. She will be on TV tonight. Hur kallt är det? How cold is it? How cold is it? Du er sjarmerende i dag. You're charming today. You're charming today. Jeg kan anbefale et godt hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. Mor köpte två flaskor apelsinjuice. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Hun så meget smuk ud i sin nye kjole. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. She looked so beautiful in her new dress. Det kan väl inte hjälpas. I guess it can't be helped. It can't be helped. Hvad sker der herinde? What's going on in here? What's going on here? Jeg troede at du havde ret. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Jag har inte ett öre. I don't have a cent. I don't have an ear. Gi meg litt vann, og det i en fei! Give me some water, and make it quick! Give me some water, and it in a celebration! Jag bestämt mig för att aldrig göra det där igen. I've decided never to do that again. I decided to never do it again. Ikke bry deg om hva Tom sa. Ignore what Tom said. Don't worry about what Tom said. Tom begik et bankkup. Tom committed a bank robbery. Tom took a bank break. Månen är mycket vacker i kväll. The moon is very beautiful this evening. The moon is very beautiful tonight. Vores lærer tager til USA i næste måned. Our teacher is going to the USA next month. Our teacher takes to the United States next month. Han er tre år ældre end jeg er. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than I am. Hans motorcykel er den nyeste model. His motorcycle is the latest model. His motorcycle is the latest model. Hann á sitt eigið hús. He has a house of his own. He has his own house. Tom er sikkert OK. Tom should be OK. Tom's probably OK. Mit kørekort udløber i slutningen af denne måned. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driving licence expires at the end of this month. Det stör inte Tom. That doesn't bother Tom. It doesn't bother Tom. Det er unormalt å spise så mye. It is abnormal to eat so much. It’s unusual to eat so much. Hvem gjorde det? Who did it? Who did it? Det er regnvejr i dag. It is raining today. It's raining today. Du må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You'd better see to get out of here. Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. He did it anyway. Ég rölti um göturnar til að drepa tímann. I strolled along the streets to kill time. I talked about the streets to kill the time. Det är enormt. It's huge. It's huge. Jeg elsker lukten av kaffe om morgenen. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Han hadde dessverre gått fra å være allmektig Gud til å bli et avmektig, skittent, lite og ubetydelig individ i en avkrok i en liten provins i et gigantisk imperie. Unfortunately, he had gone from being omnipotent God to being a powerless, dirty, small and insignificant man in a corner of a small province in a giant empire. Unfortunately, he had gone from being Almighty God to becoming a demeanor, dirty, little and insignificant individual in a desecration in a small province in a giant empire. I forgårs kvittede jeg mit arbejde. Two days ago I quit my job. Yesterday, I got rid of my work. Låt oss glömma alltsammans, okej? Let's forget the whole thing, OK? Let's forget everything, okay? Här anrikar man malm. Ore is enriched here. This is where you paint. Ertu búinn með hann? Have you finished it? Have you done it? Hvor skal du? Where are you going? Where are you going? Det er min CD. That's my CD. That's my CD. Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Vi har endnu ikke opgivet håbet. We haven't given up hope yet. We have not yet given up hope. Fantasien påvirker alle sider av livene våre. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. Fantasy affects all aspects of our lives. Han innrømmet at han stjal gullet. He admitted that he stole the gold. He admitted he stole the gold. Spørg ikke hvorfor; bare gør det. Don't ask why, just do it. Don’t ask why; just do it. Vi är sena. We're running late. We're late. Faktisk vil jeg sige det stik modsatte. In fact, I'd say just the opposite. In fact, I would say the opposite. Gør jeg det her forkert? Am I doing this wrong? Am I doing this wrong? Jeg bebrejder mig selv. I blame myself. I blame myself. Har alla i Sverige blont hår och blå ögon? Does everyone in Sweden have blonde hair and blue eyes? Do you all have blue hair and blue eyes? Han er syg. He is ill. He's sick. Hvad skjuler du? What are you hiding? What are you hiding? Hun har mistet en bog. She lost a book. She lost a book. Var god och tag plats! Please take a seat! Be good and have a place! Ég var svolítið svangur. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Hur hittar vi Tom? How do we find Tom? How do we find Tom? Hvis du kører nu, er jeg sikker på du vil blive fanget i en trafikprop. If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. If you're driving now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic call. Var bor din morbror? Where does your uncle live? Where's your uncle? Hvad tid ankommer du i morgen? What time do you arrive tomorrow? What time do you arrive tomorrow? Du må ta telefonen! Answer the telephone, will you? You have to take the phone! Jag kunde inte lägga band på mig själv. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't put ties on myself. Han har to katte. He has two cats. He has two cats. Skal jeg lave en kop kaffe til dig? Should I make you a coffee? Should I make a cup of coffee for you? Jag är ett spädbarn. I am a baby. I'm a baby. Katten er i kassen. The cat is in the box. The cat is in the box. Tom gik på pension den 20. oktober 2013. Tom retired on October 20, 2013. Tom retired on October 20, 2013. "Hvornår er du tilbage?" "Det afhænger af vejret." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Jeg har ikke så mye penger som du tror. I don't have as much money as you think. I don't have as much money as you think. Tom ser ut til å ha gjort seg opp en mening om noe. Tom seems to have made up his mind about something. Tom seems to have made up a sense of something. Han bodde i London da krigen brøt ut. He was living in London when the war broke out. He lived in London when the war broke out. När behöver jag lämna tillbaka bilen? When should I return the car? When do I need to leave the car? Jeg gav ham det lille av penger jeg hadde på meg. I gave him what little money I had with me. I gave him the little money I had on me. Vill du ha fler kakor? Would you care for more cookies? Do you want more cookies? Tom börjar bli frusen. Tom's getting chilly. Tom is getting frustrated. Jeg købte en dukke til hende. I got her a doll. I bought a doll for her. Vi hadde ikke noe sted å bo. We had nowhere to live. We had no place to stay. Vi älskar picknickar. We love picnics. We love picnics. Við töluðum hvor við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other about the phone and the other. Vi måste skjuta upp vår avresa. We have to postpone our departure. We have to shoot our departure. Hon studerar filosofi på landets förnämsta universitet. She studies philosophy at the country's most prestigious university. She is studying philosophy at the country’s earliest university. Vi jobber aldri på søndag. We never work on Sunday. We never work on Sunday. Eg las aldri boka. I never read the book. I never read the book. Jag ringer dig så snart jag kommer till stationen. I'll call you as soon as I get to the station. I'll call you as soon as I get to the station. Sådan er loven. This is what the law says. That's the law. Maria bor i Helsingfors. Maria lives in Helsinki. Maria lives in Helsinki. Jeg vil købe en sølvhalskæde. I want to buy a silver necklace. I want to buy a silver necklace. Hvad vil du skrive i dette brev? What will you write in this letter? What do you want to write in this letter? Jag tycker att du borde komma och stanna hos mig. I think that you should come and stay at my place. I think you should come and stay with me. Jag hämtar det. I'll get it. I'll get it. Jag kan ta itu med det. I can deal with it. I can deal with it. En million mennesker mistet livet i krigen. One million people lost their lives in the war. A million people lost their lives in the war. Góða þakkargjörðarhátíð! Have a nice Thanksgiving! Good Thanksgiving! Han är alltid sen till lektionen. He's always late for class. He is always late to the lesson. Vad älskar du? What do you love? What do you love? Spiser hun æblet? Does she eat the apple? Does she eat apple? Tom sa att han inte kunde gå. Tom said he couldn't walk. Tom said he couldn't go. Jag tror att vi borde åka. I think we should go. I think we should go. Må jeg tage i biografen i aften? May I go to the movies tonight? Can I go to the cinema tonight? Gud har en plan for dig. God has a plan for you. God has a plan for you. Hvilke språk snakker du? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? Är detta din hund? Is this your dog? Is this your dog? Han bad om min hjälp. He asked for my help. He asked for my help. Svaraðu spurningunni. Answer the question. Answer the question. Du elskar kona di, ikkje sant? You love your wife, right? You love your wife, don't you? Tom trodde att Mary kanske inte kände John. Tom thought Mary might not know John. Tom thought Mary might not know John. Jag gillar den långsamma rytmen i den där sången. I like the slow rhythm of that song. I like the slow rhythm of that song. Hva gjør du der oppe? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Alkohol løser ingen problemer. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at football. He is good at playing football. Han er biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. Din kone er sint på deg. Your wife is mad at you. Your wife's angry at you. Den øyen ble en gang i tiden styrt av Frankrike. That island was governed by France at one time. The island was once ruled by France. Jag ska ringa några samtal. I'll make a few calls. I'll call you a few calls. Þú þarft bara að fylgja fyrirmælunum. You only have to follow the instructions. You just have to follow the instructions. Jag tvivlade aldrig på det. I never doubted it. I never doubted it. Jeg er overrasket over at Tom gav bort klarinetten sin. I'm surprised Tom gave his clarinet away. I am surprised that Tom gave away his clarinet. Jeg har et godt liv nå. I have a good life now. I have a good life now. Jeg kommer helt klart til å savne dem. I will surely miss them. I will definitely miss them. Tom är en av mina närmsta vänner. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Den næste dag var juledag. The next day was Christmas Day. The next day was Christmas Day. Det ved jeg ikke; det har jeg aldrig spurgt ham om. I don't know, I never asked him about that. I don't know, I never asked him. Er hesten din svart? Is your horse black? Is your horse black? Ved du hvad hastighedsgrænsen er? Do you know what the speed limit is? Do you know what the speed limit is? Jeg er arkeolog. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Smaka på de här fikonen. Taste these figs. Beautiful on these figs. Tom og María eru það par bankaræningja sem hvað mest er leitað að í heimsálfunni. Tom and Mary are the most wanted pair of bank robbers in the continent. Tom and María are a couple of bankers who are most looking for in the world. Tom har sagt at han er bange for at hans telefon er klogere end han er. Tom said he's scared his phone is smarter than he is. Tom has said he's afraid his phone is smarter than he is. Tom ankommer den 20. oktober. Tom will arrive on October 20th. Tom arrives on October 20th. Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe et kjøleskap. I'd like to buy a refrigerator. I want to buy a refrigerator. Dette var hans eneste håb. This was his one and only hope. This was his only hope. Tom hejste flaget. Tom hoisted the flag. Tom's the biggest flag. Kursen är uppdelad i fyra mindre delar. The course is divided into four smaller units. The course is divided into four smaller parts. Du är längre än mig. You are taller than me. You're longer than me. Tiden är ute. Lämna in era uppsatser. Time is up. Hand in your papers. Time is out, leave your rates. Tom märkte inte att Mary satt ensam. Tom didn't notice that Mary was sitting by herself. Tom didn't notice that Mary was alone. Hans cykel er blå. His bicycle is blue. His bike is blue. Han behöver en stege. He needs a straight. He needs a ladder. Jeg foreslår at vi begge går nå, og lar Tom og Mary diskutere dette problemet på egen hånd. I suggest we both leave now and leave Tom and Mary to discuss this problem on their own. I suggest we both go now and let Tom and Mary discuss this problem on their own. Hun sagde ja. She said yes. She said yes. Klaveret er dyrt. The piano is expensive. The meat is expensive. Han kom med bussen. He came by bus. He came with the bus. Tom ventet til Mary var ute av syne. Tom waited until Mary was out of sight. Tom was waiting for Mary to be out of sight. Jag åkte till Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Gi mat til de hjemløse. Give food to the homeless. Give food to the homeless. Du skuffet Tom. You let Tom down. You disappointed Tom. Det är nog nu! Enough is enough! It's probably now! Du kommer att tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Segðu mér hvað þú vilt að ég geri. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want me to do. Solen skiner från en blå himmel. The sun is shining from a blue sky. The sun shines from a blue sky. Tom kan stadig vinde. Tom can still win. Tom can still win. Tom var alene på den tomme strand. Tom was alone on an empty beach. Tom was alone on the empty beach. Et hjems utsmykning er vennene som kommer på besøk. Friends who pay a visit are an ornament to the home. A home decoration is the friends who come to visit. Hvor mange gange har Tom gjort det selv? How many times has Tom done that by himself? How many times has Tom done it himself? Jeg vet ikke men jeg har tid før det. I don't know, but I've got time before that. I don't know, but I have time before that. Jeg har tænkt mig at tage nogle billeder. I'm going to take some pictures. I'm going to take some pictures. Om du verkligen vill lyckas måste du tycka om att äta gift. To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison. If you really want to succeed, you have to like to eat poison. Jeg har ledt efter dig overalt. I've been looking for it everywhere. I've been looking for you everywhere. Det er politiet! Smid våbnene! Police! Drop your weapon! It's the police! Han spiller tennis hver dag. He plays tennis every day. He plays tennis every day. Han kan tala franska och engelska. He can speak French and English. He can speak French and English. Arbeidsledigheten økte til fem prosent. The unemployment rate went up to 5%. The unemployment rate increased to five percent. Tom har vært overalt. Tom has been everywhere. Tom has been everywhere. Han sagde farvel til familien. He said good-bye to the family. He said goodbye to his family. Alla studenterna i klassen gillar herr Smith. All the students in the class like Mr. Smith. All students in class like Mr. Smith. Katten sov på bordet. The cat slept on the table. The cat slept on the table. Tom er ofte våken hele natten. Tom often stays up all night. Tom is often awake all night. Bill tók yfirlýsingu mína sem sanna. Bill accepted my statement as true. Bill took my statement as true. Denna byggnad håller på att rasa samman. This building is about to collapse. This building is raging together. Hvad kan I give os? What can you give us? What can you give us? Ni är tidiga igen. You're early again. You're early again. Tom må være der før kl. 2.30. Tom has to be there by 2:30. Tom must be there before 2:30 p.m. Jeg trenger en taxi! I need a taxi! I need a taxi! Hur gamla var ni när ni slutade tro på tomten? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in the land? Gulrót eða banani? Carrot or banana? Yellow or banana? Jeg har slettet appen. I've deleted the app. I deleted the app. Tom og Mary forlangte bedre arbejdsbetingelser. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Det er bare et af vores mange problemer. That's just one of our many problems. It's just one of our many problems. Pua kommer til å synge i kirken. Pua is going to sing at church. Pua will sing in the church. Jeg ønsker, at hun ville holde op med at ryge. I wish that she would stop smoking. I want her to stop smoking. Jag tittade på tv när telefonen ringde. I was watching TV when the telephone rang. I watched TV when the phone called. Äger du ett eldhandvapen? Do you own a handgun? Do you own a firearm? Toms firma importerer te fra India. Tom's company imports tea from India. Tom's company imports tea from India. Tom tog det forkerte tog. Tom took the wrong train. Tom took the wrong train. Folkets stemme er Guds stemme. The voice of the people is the voice of God. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Jeg er højrehåndet. I'm right-handed. I'm the right hand. Pennen din er bedre enn min. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Vad har jag missat? What have I missed? What have I missed? Hvilken algerisk by er vi i? What Algerian city are we in? Which Algerian city are we in? Hen grät. She was crying. He's crying. Vi ska hitta ett botemedel. We're going to find a cure. We'll find a cure. Tom har paraplyen min fortsatt. Tom still has my umbrella. Tom still has my umbrella. John har en bil der er lavet i Japan. John has a car made in Japan. John has a car made in Japan. Jeg troede ikke at det ville ske. I didn't think that would happen. I didn't think it would happen. Tom kan ikke lide irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Tom tycker inte om Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Der var intet badeværelse. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. De ser alla glada ut. They are all happy. They all look happy. Han skulle arresteres. He should be arrested. He was supposed to be arrested. Skolen vår er nær stasjonen. Our school is near the station. Our school is close to the station. Vi er i samme klasse. We're in the same class. We're in the same class. Vad hände med dem? What became of them? What happened to them? Berätta för mig varför hon gråter. Tell me why she is crying. Tell me why she is crying. Tom kommer på besøk i morgen. Tom is coming over tomorrow. Tom will visit tomorrow. Jeg hadde ikke råd til det - med andre ord, var jeg for fattig til å kjøpe det. I couldn't afford it. In other words, I was too poor to buy it. I couldn't afford it - in other words, I was too poor to buy it. Ingenting saknas. Nothing is missing. Nothing is missing. Du vet ingenting om basketball, eller? You don't know anything about basketball, do you? You don't know anything about basketball, do you? Það skiptir ekki máli ef það verður mikið af fólki. It doesn't matter if there's a crowd. It doesn’t matter if there are a lot of people. Du treng ikkje seie opp jobben. It is not necessary for you to quit the job. You don't have to say up the job. Ni vet att jag älskar er båda. You know I love you both. You know I love you both. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið reikninginn? May I have the check, please? Can I get the account? Det er ikke muligt. No way! It's not possible. Eru þetta bíllyklarnir þínir? Are these your car keys? Is this your car keys? Jeg kan ikke indkredse problemet. I can't pinpoint the problem. I can't identify the problem. Jag skulle vilja spela tennis. I'd like to play tennis. I would like to play tennis. Finska är ett ganska konservativt språk. Finnish is a pretty conservative language. Finnish is a rather conservative language. Ekki labba svona hratt. Don't walk so fast. Don't let go so fast. Faen! Jeg har punktert! Shit! I've got a flat. Fuck you! I've pointed out! Vad är detta? What's this? What is this? Jeg tror at du hellere må holde lav profil indtil hun tilgiver dig. I think you'd better lie low until she forgives you. I think you better keep a low profile until she forgives you. Jeg har ikke spist suppen og jeg vil ikke. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I don't want to. Jeg setter meg realistiske mål. I set myself realistic goals. I set realistic goals. Det ser ud til at jeg er kommet her for tidligt. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I've come here too early. Stranden var full av turister. The beach was crowded with tourists. The beach was full of tourists. Den där är en av mina. That's one of mine. That one is one of mine. Tom er fortsatt jomfru. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still a virgin. Hr. Jordan settist við hliðina á honum. Mr Jordan sat down beside him. Jordan sat next to him. Hvað með það ef ég er samkynhneigður? Er það glæpur? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I am gay? Is it a crime? Det var söndag i går, inte lördag. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. It was Sunday yesterday, not Saturday. De har fortjent det. They deserved it. They deserve it. Taliði þýsku? Do you speak German? German? Jeg vokste opp på landsbygda. I grew up in the country. I grew up in rural areas. Jeg har et møde med professoren kl. 13:30. I have an appointment with the professor at 1:30. I have a meeting with the professor at 13:30. Sjön ser ut som ett hav. That lake looks like an ocean. The lake looks like a sea. Hold op med at dagdrømme og kom ned fra træet! Stop daydreaming and come down from your tree! Stop dreaming and come down from the tree! Jeg kan bare google det. I can just google it. I can only google it. Hvor ville Tom lære fransk? Why did Tom want to learn French? Where would Tom learn French? Slaget varte en uke. The battle lasted a week. The battle lasted a week. Fodrer I nogensinde omstrejfende hunde? Do you ever feed stray dogs? Have you ever seen dogs? Det stör mig mycket. It bothers me a lot. It bothers me a lot. Jag ljög för dig. I lied to you. I lied to you. Jeg har ikke tid til å oversette denne teksten. I don't have time to translate this text. I don’t have time to translate this text. Har du mødt Toms kone? Have you met Tom's wife? Have you met Tom's wife? Jag är beredd att dela. I'm willing to share. I'm ready to share. Min far, farfar, farfars far och farfars farfar hade alla samma namn som jag. My father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather all had the same name as I have. My father, grandfather, father and grandfather had all the same names as me. Kvadratroden af ​​3 er √3 eller -√3. The square root of 3 is √3 or -√3. The square root of the 3 is -3 or -3. Jeg har lånt et bord. I've borrowed a table. I borrowed a table. Till och med mamma vet om det. Even my mom knows it. Even my mom knows about it. Ég horfði á sjónvarpið í gærkveldi. I watched TV last night. I watched the TV last night. Hon har tio barn. She has ten children. She has ten children. Du verkar ledsen. You seem sad. You seem sorry. Har du bil? Do you have a car? You got a car? När kan jag träffa Tom igen? When can I see Tom again? When can I meet Tom again? Hun sang bedre enn han. She sang better than him. She sang better than him. Bestefaren min var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Jag lärde mig att cykla när jag var sex år gammal. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to cycle when I was six years old. Tror du e-bøger vil fortrænge papirbøger? Do you think that e-books will replace paper books? Do you think e-books will distort paper books? Det ser ut til at han kommer hit neste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Jeg er enig med dig. I agree with you. I agree with you. Han skriver sjældent til sin far. He rarely writes to his father. He rarely writes to his father. Det kommer ikke til at gøre ondt. It isn't going to hurt. It won't hurt. Tæl til tredive. Count up to thirty. Count to thirty. De tre av oss spiste pølser med potetsalaten. The three of us ate hot dogs and potato salad. The three of us ate sausages with the potato salad. Jeg må hellere gå nu. I'd better go now. I better go now. Hon är stolt över sin dotter. She takes pride in her daughter. She's proud of her daughter. Du måste förstå problemets omfattning. You need to understand the magnitude of the problem. You need to understand the scope of the problem. Kunne jeg få lov til at se dit kørekort? Please show me your driver's license. Can I see your driving licence? Vi har et stort problem. We've got a big problem. We have a big problem. Är Tom stor nog att dricka alkohol? Is Tom old enough to drink? Is Tom big enough to drink alcohol? Jag är sen. I'm late. I'm late. Þeim er veitt fjárhagsaðstoð. Financial support is given to them. They are provided with financial assistance. Gentag hver sætning efter mig. Repeat each sentence after me. Repeat each sentence after me. Jag är rädd att jag åt något dåligt. I am afraid I ate something bad. I'm afraid I ate something bad. Har du et juletræ? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Ikke glem Tom. Don't forget about Tom. Don't forget Tom. Eg mátti fara til Boston. I had to go to Boston. I could go to Boston. Den smukke pige med det sorte hår var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful girl with the black hair was in the park. Se. Watch. Look. Ingen kulturell bakgrunn er nødvendig for å forstå kunst. No cultural background is necessary to understand art. No cultural background is necessary to understand art. Både pojkar och flickor borde studera hemkunskap. Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school. Both boys and girls should study home knowledge. Det finns mycket mer att se. There's a lot more to see. There is much more to see. Hon gav mig de här gamla mynten. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. Jeg så slet intet. I saw nothing at all. I didn't see anything. Han ger ut böcker i Italien. He publishes books in Italy. He publishes books in Italy. Tom är kosmonaut. Tom is a cosmonaut. Tom is cosminaut. Tom og Mary vinna á sömu skrifstofunni. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Du er ikke lenger bare et barn. You are no longer a mere child. You're no longer just a child. Det kommer det att finnas mycket tid för senare. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There will be a lot of time later. Ta hand om Tom. Take care of Tom. Take care of Tom. Den här metoden är långsam men säker. This method is slow but sure. This method is slow but safe. Han tog en taxa til hospitalet. He took a taxi to the hospital. He took a taxi to the hospital. Jag är alldeles ensam nu. I'm all alone now. I'm just alone now. Jeg falder let i søvn når jeg ser fjernsyn. I fall asleep easily while watching television. I fall asleep when I see television. Du själv borde veta. You yourself should know. You should know yourself. Den är ungefär så här stor. It's about this big. It's about this big one. Jeg fik et A i fransk. I got an A in French. I got an A in French. Han småsov hele tiden. He dozed all the while. He's got little shit all the time. Tom sagde ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. Hun venter. She is waiting. She's waiting. Higgsbóseindin hefur verið kölluð Guðeindin. The Higgs boson has been called the God particle. The Lord’s Son has been called the Goddess. Jag vet inte när jag kommer att kunna hjälpa dig. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. Eg ringjer han seinare. I'll call him later. I'll call him later. Vem arbetar vi för? Who are we working for? Who are we working for? Tom slo opp med Mary i dag. Tom broke up with Mary today. Tom broke up with Mary today. Eg tenkte eg ville komme innom og ønskje deg lukke til. I thought I'd stop by and wish you luck. I thought I would come in and wish you close to. Fengselsvaktene vil streike i tre dager fra midnatt. The prison guards will strike from midnight in three days. Prisoners will strike for three days from midnight. Jag älskar detta jobb. I love this job. I love this job. Det er en ufærdig roman. It's an unfinished novel. It's an unfinished novel. Cristiano Ronaldo er en af verdens bedste fodboldspillere. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best soccer players. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best football players in the world. Jag hittade dem alldeles nyss. I just found them. I found them very fresh. Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn í sund. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You’re not old enough to go alone. Jag har köpt lite aspirin till dig I brought you some aspirin. I bought some aspirin for you. Jeg kan ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Han sov. He was sleeping. He slept. Det skete for tre år siden. That happened three years ago. It happened three years ago. Jeg begynner å lure på om det feiler meg noe. I'm slowly starting to wonder if I still have all of my marbles. I'm starting to wonder if it's wrong with me. Jeg ble forbløffet over resultatene. I was amazed at the results. I was amazed at the results. För tillfället har jag inte nog med pengar. I don't have enough money at the moment. At the moment, I don’t have enough money. Vi har to døtre og to sønner. We have got two daughters and two sons. We have two daughters and two sons. Mary er tekstilkunstner. Mary is a textile artist. Mary is a textile artist. Jeg tror, nogen har spædet punchen op. I think someone spiked the punch. I think someone's been picking up the punch. Hva gjør du på fritiden? What do you do in your spare time? What are you doing in your free time? De sad i sofaen i vores stue. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They sat in the couch in our living room. Tala långsammare. Talk slower. Speak slower. Kan du lide heste? Do you like horses? Do you like horses? Roy behövde inte skynda sig till flygplatsen för att möta hans föräldrar. Roy needn't have hurried to the airport to meet his parents. Roy didn’t have to hurry to the airport to meet his parents. Det var et vindu Tom ødela i går. It was a window that Tom broke yesterday. It was a window Tom destroyed yesterday. Tom drog for å fiske, men han fekk ikkje noko. Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything. Tom went to fish, but he got nothing. Han älskar tåg. He loves trains. He loves trains. Tom hørte en kat mjave i træet. Tom heard a cat meowing in the tree. Tom heard a cat in the tree. Jeg har ikke lyst til at spise sushi. I don't feel like eating sushi. I don't want to eat sushi. Sa de hur? Did they say how? Did they say how? Tom är en mäktig man. Tom is a great man. Tom is a powerful man. Jag var älskad. I was loved. I was loved. Ni måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work quickly. Alt hvad Tom sagde, var løgn. Everything Tom said was a lie. Everything Tom said was a lie. Kan vi bara gå hem? Can we just go home? Can we just go home? Hunden løp etter katten. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran after the cat. Jag var ironisk. I was being ironic. I was ironic. Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom cannot drive. Tom can't drive. Tom sprang med full fart. Tom ran at full speed. Tom ran at full speed. Jeg er begyndt på at lære esperanto. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I started learning Esperanto. Tom är en bra grabb. Tom is a great kid. Tom is a good boy. Vi har et kumquat-træ i haven. We have a kumquat tree in our yard. We have a kumquat tree in the garden. Vad är problemet? What's the problem? What is the problem? Bíllinn er tilbúinn. The car is ready. The car is ready. Alla överlevde. Everyone survived. All survived. Han hadde ikke hatt på. He had no hat on. He didn't wear it. Tom er ikke Marys sønnesøn eller dattersøn. Han er hendes nevø. Tom isn't Mary's grandson. He's her nephew. Tom is not Mary's son-in-law or daughter-in-law. He's her nephew. Det är därför jag är här, faktiskt. That's why I'm here, actually. That's why I'm here, actually. Förlåt för att jag stör, men min bil är trasig, skulle du kunna hjälpa mig? Sorry to trouble you, but my car is broken, can you help me? I'm sorry for disturbing, but my car's broken, could you help me? Tom flyttede. Tom relocated. Tom moved. Det kommer ikke til å bli lett å velge. It's not going to be easy to decide. It won’t be easy to choose. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre lenger. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Tom lekte med sina katter. Tom played with his cats. Tom played with his cats. Jag älskar att prata med er. I love talking to you. I love talking to you. Han berättade sanningen. He told the truth. He told the truth. Jeg fik det for næsten ingenting. I got it for next to nothing. I got it for almost nothing. Jeg bliver hjemme i dag. I'm staying home today. I'm staying home today. Kom du ensam? Did you come alone? You alone? Jag var i området, så jag tänkte komma förbi. I was in the area, so I thought I'd drop by. I was in the area, so I thought I'd come by. Jeg er trøtt. I'm tired. I'm tired. Man har set dem gå ud. They were seen to go out. You've seen them go out. Tyskland og Norge tog torsdag officielt et undersøisk elkabel mellem de to lande i brug i et projekt, der understøtter Europas bestræbelser på at skifte fra fossile brændstoffer til vedvarende energi. Germany and Norway on Thursday officially launched an undersea power cable between the two countries in a project that aids Europe’s effort to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Germany and Norway officially took an underground electricity cable between the two countries in use in a project that supports Europe’s efforts to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Tom sköt mig i benet. Tom shot me in the leg. Tom shot me in the leg. Jeg kan bedre lide Los Angeles. I like L.A. better. I like Los Angeles better. Det her ur ser ikke ud til at virke som det skal. This clock seems to be malfunctioning. This watch doesn't seem to seem like it should. En retur til Birmingham, tak. A return ticket to Birmingham, please. A return to Birmingham, please. Ta anteckningar. Keep notes. Take notes. Tom er sexolog. Tom is a sexologist. Tom is a sexologist. Varför följer ni efter mig? Why are you following me? Why are you following me? Tom är gammal nog att dricka alkohol. Tom is old enough to drink. Tom is old enough to drink alcohol. Hon vill ha en fjärde generationens iPad. She wants a fourth generation iPad. She wants a fourth generation iPad. Jag litade aldrig på dem. I never trusted them. I never trusted them. Hvað finnst þér um tillöguna hans? What do you think of his suggestion? What do you think of his proposal? Kan du vara snäll och torka händerna. Det finns en handduk där. Could you please dry your hands? There's a towel over there. May you be kind and dry your hands. There is a towel there. Håll den åt mig. Hold it for me. Keep it for me. Kärlek och hosta kan inte döljas. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Tom gick tillbaka. Tom went back. Tom went back. Tom blev bortvist fra skolen for at overtræde skolens ordensregler. Tom was expelled from school for breaking school rules. Tom was expelled from school to violate the school's rules of order. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? Which house are you staying in? What house do you rent? Vi taler tit om vejret. We often talk about the weather. We often talk about the weather. Hun ønsker at gå tilbage til college. She wants to go back to college. She wants to go back to college. Tom hatar insekter. Tom hates insects. Tom hates insects. Jeg trøstede ham med hans livret. I consoled him with his favorite food. I comforted him with his life. Titta bort. Look away. Look out. Jeg har ikke vasket håret mitt. I haven't washed my hair. I haven't washed my hair. Emily ska berätta det för Melanie. Emily will tell it to Melanie. Emily is going to tell me about it for Melanie. Du kanske kan föreslå något vi kan göra imorgon. Perhaps you could suggest something we can do tomorrow. Maybe you can suggest something we can do tomorrow. Det er en kvinne i rommet. There is a woman in this room. It's a woman in the room. Eg keiar meg. I'm bored. I keiar me. Hún hélt áfram að vinna. She kept working. She continued to work. Barnet slutade gråta. The baby stopped crying. The child stopped crying. Þannig er það. That's the way it is. That's how it is. Jag kommer att skära ner på kött. I'm going to cut down on meat. I'm going to cut down on meat. Gæti ég fengið sneið af ostaköku? Could I have a slice of cheesecake? Could I have snowed off the ocean? Kan jeg få låne radioen din? Can I borrow your radio? Can I borrow your radio? Ég verð að biðja Ann afsökunar. I must apologize to Ann. I have to apologize to Ann. Jeg er på listen. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. Älskar ni Tom? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? Tom var i virkeligheden ikke så beruset som han lod som om han var. Tom wasn't really as drunk as he was pretending to be. In fact, Tom was not as drunk as he was. Jeg vet ikke helt hvor jeg er. I don't know where I am exactly. I don't know where I am. Han fortryller mig med sine gennemtrængende øjne. He enchants me with his piercing eyes. He is enchanting me with his pervasive eyes. Behöver du något? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Tom talte. Tom spoke. Tom spoke. Han har en hund og seks katte. He has a dog and six cats. He has a dog and six cats. Undskyld, hvem er denne kvinde? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? Einungis fáir mættu á fundinn í gær. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Only a few people attended the meeting yesterday. Kan du ikke snakke engelsk? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Det var dig der begyndte! You started it! It was you who started! Hvorfor kjøpte du en skilpadde? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Hun kaldte sin bjørn Ted. She called her bear Ted. She called her bear Ted. Vad studerar en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What is studying a Sovietologist? Stands bilen. Stop the car. Stand the car. Heimurinn okkar er bara einn smár hluti alheimsins. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is just a small part of the universe. Tom cykler. Tom rides a bicycle. Tom bicycles. Jeg ønsker ikke at arbejde under disse betingelser. I don't want to work under these conditions. I do not want to work under these conditions. Eg kjem til å hugse denne hendinga for alltid. I'll remember this incident for good. I'm going to remember this event forever. Antingen talar vi kinesiska, eller så talar vi inte alls. Let’s either speak Chinese, or not speak at all. Either we speak Chinese, or we don’t speak at all. Hun er ateist. She is an atheist. She's an atheist. Jeg vil gerne have et værelse med aircondition. I would like an air-conditioned room. I want a room with air conditioning. Mina föräldrar är väldigt stränga. My parents are very strict. My parents are very strict. Och vad sade de till mig? And what did they tell me? And what did they say to me? Hva vil du gjøre mens du er her? What do you want to do while you're here? What do you want to do while you're here? Jag skämtar inte. I'm not joking. I'm not joking. De her er svære at få fat på. These are hard to get a hold of. These are hard to get on. Det är gammal skåpmat. That's old news. It's old cabinet food. De der sko er slidt ned. Those shoes are worn out. Those shoes are worn down. Den var högljudd. It was noisy. It was loud. Är du på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Den kvinnelige studenten som satt foran læreren er fra Tyskland. The female student that sat in front of the teacher is from Germany. The female student who sat in front of the teacher is from Germany. Jeg kan godt lide den T-shirt. I like that T-shirt. I like the T-shirt. Mary sagde at hun ikke havde tilladelse til at gøre det. Mary said she didn't have the permission to do that. Mary said she had no permission to do so. Hún á enga bræður. She doesn't have any brothers. She has no brothers. Låt honom inte ta den. Don't let him take it. Don't let him take it. Tom vekket meg ikke. Tom didn't wake me up. Tom didn't wake me up. Tom skulle ynskje at han var betre i fransk. Tom wishes that he could be a better French speaker. Tom would wish he was better in French. Selv om vi gjør dette blir det seksti år før det antarktiske ozonlaget er reparert. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Although we do this, it will be sixty years before the Antarctic ozone layer has been repaired. Vi skyndte oss til togstasjonen. We hurried to the train station. We rushed to the train station. Vänta, skojar du? Varför skulle vi vilja åka till en sådan avlägsen plats? Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location? Wait, are you kidding? Why would we want to go to such a remote place? Katten sover på stolen. The cat is sleeping on the chair. The cat sleeps on the chair. Säg åt Tom att vänta. Tell Tom to wait. Tell Tom to wait. Vil du være så venlig at lukke vinduet? Can you please close the window? Would you be so kind to close the window? Bob har været forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Jag känner din mamma. I know your mother. I know your mom. När jag springer, blir jag svettig. When I run, I get sweaty. When I run, I get sweating. Du lytter ikke! You don't listen! You're not listening! Tom er alene. Tom is alone. Tom is alone. Hraðbrautin var lokuð sökum meiriháttar slyss. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The crash was due to a major accident. Lägg tillbaka boken där du fann den. Put the book back where you found it. Put the book back where you found it. Ég vissi að þú kæmir til að bjarga mér. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you were coming to save me. Tom borde ha följt Marys råd. Tom should have followed Mary's advice. Tom should have followed Mary's advice. Ring honom i kväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Algeriet er en stærk nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Jag är Lin. I am Lin. I'm Lin. Hér er svalt og notalegt. It is nice and cool here. Here is cool and useful. Det sneede den dag, jeg blev født. It was snowing the day that I was born. It snowed the day I was born. Du lyt ikkje li i togn. You needn't suffer in silence. You didn't listen to the train. Loksins gerði hann sér grein fyrir því að hann hafði rangt fyrir sér. At last he realized that he was mistaken. He finally realized that he was wrong. Hundene begyndte at gø ad Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. The dogs began to feed Tom. Hvað ætti Tom að gera? What should Tom do? What should Tom do? Du borde ha kommit med oss. You should have come with us. You should have come with us. Vi har et problem med overvektige i dette landet. We have an obesity problem in this country. We have a problem with overweight in this country. Jag vill inte lägga mig i. I don't wish to interfere. I don't want to put myself in. Jag måste byta om nu. I need to change now. I have to change now. Tom sagde at Mary var genert. Tom said that Mary was shy. Tom said Mary was shy. Ekki gleyma farmiðanum þínum. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your dad. En gång räcker inte. Once is not enough. Once enough. Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you please give me your cellphone number? Could you please let me get your mobile phone number? Kender vi hinanden? Have we met? Do we know each other? Der er kun en dag tilbage. There's just one day left. There's only one day left. Og så hørte jeg, at man spiser blåskimmelost på brunkager i Sverige. Kan det være rigtigt? And then I heard that they eat blue cheese on thin ginger cookies in Sweden. Can that be right? And then I heard that you eat blue-smoked on brown cakes in Sweden. Can it be right? De stod af ved det følgende busstoppested. They got off at the next bus stop. They were at the following bus stop. Vandamálið er að ég er ekki með neinn pening á mér. The trouble is that I have no money with me. The problem is that I don’t have any money on me. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvorrar tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvora ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are advantages and disadvantages to the opinions of both of you so I will not decide immediately where I will support. Vi vet ingenting. We know nothing. We don't know anything. Tom er gartner. Tom is a gardener. Tom is a gardener. Tom är en alv. Tom is an elf. Tom is an alve. Det är mina order. Those are my orders. That's my orders. Eg trudde Tom hadde hund. I thought Tom had a dog. I thought Tom had a dog. Ett år senare föddes Paul. One year later, Paul was born. One year later, Paul was born. Rensdyrene græssede fredeligt. The reindeer grazed peacefully. The reindeer were grassed peacefully. Jag är inte någon expert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Han kløede sin arm med neglen. He scratched his arm with the nail. He scratched his arm with his nail. Tom går altid i sort tøj. Tom always dresses in black. Tom always wears black clothes. Tom läser nästan inga böcker alls. Tom reads almost no books at all. Tom doesn’t read any books at all. Är Tom galen? Is Tom crazy? Is Tom crazy? Var hälsad, gillesbroder. Hail, guildbrother. Be healthy, gillesbroder. Jag hade det trevligt. I was enjoying it. I had a nice time. Den här hunden räddade flickans liv. This dog saved the girl's life. This dog saved the girl's life. Jag måste göra klart läxan innan middagen. I must finish my homework before dinner. I have to make clear the lesson before dinner. De här kängorna tillhör henne. These boots belong to her. These girls belong to her. Du är Toms favorit. You're Tom's favorite. You're Tom's favorite. Ég skal passa barnið þitt í kvöld. I will look after your child this evening. I'll take care of your baby tonight. Jeg må sige at jeg misunder dig. I have to say I envy you. I have to say I'm misunderstanding you. Gå in nu. Now go on inside. Go in now. Hon vaknade. She woke up. She woke up. Jeg jobber som pianostemmer i mange år. I worked as a piano tuner for many years. I work as a piano voter for many years. Tom, titta på mig! Tom, look at me! Tom, look at me! Passer det for deg hvis jeg kommer klokken seks om ettermiddagen? Is it convenient for you if I come at 6 p.m.? Is it appropriate for you if I arrive at six o'clock in the afternoon? Jeg var i Australien hele sidste år. I was in Australia all last year. I was in Australia last year. Så modig du är! How brave you are! How brave you are! Hann fann mér leigubíl. He found me a taxi. He found me a taxi. Tom lever fra hånden og i munden. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives from his hand and in his mouth. Tom er ikke ret god til at lave mad. Tom doesn't know how to cook very well. Tom is not quite good at cooking. Skildpadder har ikke tænder. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles do not have teeth. Du er en god mand. You are a good man. You're a good man. Kva treng du? What do you need? What do you need? Jag ska gå och hämta Tom. I'll go and get Tom. I'm gonna go get Tom. Þegar ég spyr fólk hverju þau sjá mest eftir úr framhaldsskóla segja nær allir það sama: að þau hafi sólundað of miklum tíma. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When I ask people what they see most after high school, everyone says the same thing: they have sung too much time. Någon har stulit min cykel. Somebody's stolen my bicycle. Someone has stolen my bike. Ekki hafa svona hátt. Don't make so much noise. Not that way. Jeg vil lære å svømme. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn how to swim. Jag känner för att vara ensam. I feel like being alone. I feel like being alone. Tusinder af udlændinge besøger Japan hvert år. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Jag visste ingenting. I didn't know anything. I didn't know anything. Tom er horvin. Tom has disappeared. Tom is a whore. Ni behöver inte komma. You don't have to come. You don't have to come. Tom studsade tillbaka. Tom bounced back. Tom bounced back. Kunne du gitt meg noe å drikke? Will you give me a drink? Could you give me something to drink? Han studerar juridik på Harvard. He is studying law at Harvard. He studied law at Harvard. Okej! Förstår alla? Okay! Do you all understand? All of you understand? Jeg ønsker en mp3-afspiller! I want an MP3 player! I want a mp3 player! Min far var ett träd. My father was a tree. My father was a tree. Hvad skal vi have til middag i aften? What are we having for dinner tonight? What do we have for dinner tonight? Hun undslap med nød og næppe. She had a narrow escape. She escaped with need and hardly. Jag hoppas att jag hinner med ett tidigt tåg. I had hoped to catch an earlier train. I hope I can get to the other with an early train. Stol ikke på din hukommelse. Don't trust your memory. Don't trust your memory. Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. De har ingenting felles med oss. They have nothing in common with us. They have nothing in common with us. Desto mer man äter, desto mer vill man ha. The more one eats, the more one wants. The more you eat, the more you want. Mary er dialogbetjent. Mary is a dialogue police officer. Mary's a police officer. Hästar är farliga djur. Horses are dangerous animals. Horses are dangerous animals. Jeg tror det regner i morgen. I think it'll be raining tomorrow. I think it rains tomorrow. Dumme svin! Son of a bitch! Stupid bastard! Behärska er. Control yourselves. The master is. Han pratade aldrig om det. He never talked about it. He never talked about it. Han dutter ikke. He is good for nothing. He's not playing. Jag kommer att vara med dig inom fem minuter. I'll be with you in five minutes. I will be with you within five minutes. Tom var ekki góður. Tom wasn't good. Tom wasn't good. Ta inga risker. Don't take any chances. Do not take risks. Hans mor lever helt alene på landet. His Mum lives all by herself out in the countryside. His mother lives alone in the country. Jag har skaffat mig en hårtrimmer för att spara in på frisörutgifter. I got a hair-clipper to save myself from spending money on a hairdresser. I've got a hair dryer to save on hairdressing expenses. Hvor ofte vasker du op? How often do you wash the dishes? How often do you wash up? Hva skal jeg kjøpe? What should I buy? What should I buy? Der var ingen i lokalet udover Mary og John. There was no one in the room besides Mary and John. There was no one in the room beyond Mary and John. Hvor var alle? Where was everyone? Where was everyone? Visste du inte det? Didn't you know that? You didn't know that? Vi köpte en tidning. We bought a newspaper. We bought a newspaper. Stelpan sem vinnur í bakaríinu er sæt. The girl who works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works in the bakery is cute. Jeg vil at Tom skal bli lykkelig. I want Tom to be happy. I want Tom to be happy. Du har brug for en tolk. You need an interpreter. You need an interpreter. Det gläder mig att ni kommer ihåg. I'm glad you remember. I am glad you remember. Jeg er ved at miste tålmodigheden. I'm running out of patience. I'm losing patience. Tom grät. Tom cried. Tom cried. Jag oroar mig över hans hälsa. I'm worried because of his health. I worry about his health. Äpplena han skickade mig var utsökta. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apple he sent me was exquisite. Fattigdommen har lært ham at stå på egne ben. Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. Poverty has taught him to stand on his own legs. Har du varit i Boston? Have you been to Boston? Have you been to Boston? Tigre er ikke husdyr. Tigers aren't pets. Tigre is not livestock. "Hvor kyssede han dig?" "På munden." "Nej, jeg mener, hvor var du, da han kyssede dig?" "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?" “Where did he kiss you?” “No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?” Du klager alltid. You are always complaining. You always complain. Kan du bevisa det? Can you prove it? Can you prove it? De kalder mig Bob. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Fuglene lægger æg. Birds lay eggs. Birds lay eggs. Dette er hendes hus. This is her house. This is her house. Jag är inte hemma nästa söndag. I'm not in on Sunday. I'm not home next Sunday. Mine karakterer i skolen var gennemsnitlige. My school marks were average. My grades in school were average. Drogens effekter är intensiva men kortvariga. The effects of the drug are intense but brief. The effects of Drogen are intense but short-term. Gör det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Hur är den? What's it like? How is it? Klarar du att lyfta den här lådan? Can you manage lifting this box? Can you lift this box? Jeg har brug for det. I need that. I need it. Gi meg et stykke pai, er du snill. I want a piece of pie. Give me a piece of pie, please. Vit halda hetta loyndarmálið okkara millum, takk. Please keep this secret. Thank you so much for sharing your speech, thank you. Sjølv om eg finn meg ei anna å liggje med føre midnatt, kjem eg aldri til å gløyme kor kjærleg du var. Even if I go make love with some girl before midnight, I will never forget your kindness. Although I find myself another to lie with leading midnight, I'm never going to forget how dear you were. Vi ses nästa vecka! See you next week! See you next week! Håll still. Keep still. Hold on. Släpp det. Let it go. Let it go. Det kanske inte spelar någon roll. Maybe it won't make any difference. It may not matter. Mig dreymdi góðan draum í nótt. I had a good dream last night. I dreamt of a dream last night. Han er min oldefar. He is my great-grandfather. He's my great-grandfather. Jag gjorde dig en tjänst. I did you a favor. I did you a favor. Tom är bekymrad. Tom is concerned. Tom is worried. Kan vi prata med dig en sekund? Can we talk to you for a second? Can we talk to you for a second? Det er ikke noe sjeldent å leve over nitti år. It is not rare at all to live over ninety years. There is nothing rare to live over ninety years. Han har målat en stor hund på väggen. He has painted a big dog on the wall. He painted a large dog on the wall. Fortell meg hva du finner ut. Tell me what you find out. Tell me what you find out. ”Tack.” ”Varsågod.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." “Thank you,” “good.” Jag hoppas verkligen att du har rätt. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. Jeg har ikke råd til å kjøpe et kamera til over 300 dollar. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can’t afford to buy a camera for over $300. Pabbi minn fór að veiða. My father went fishing. My dad went fishing. Jeg er en sulten edderkop. I am a hungry spider. I'm a hungry spider. Vår lärare skrattar sällan. Our teacher seldom laughs. Our teacher rarely laughs. Sex er vigtigt for mig. Sex is important to me. Sex is important to me. Vatten, tack. Some water, please. Water, please. Jeg snakket med skuespillerinnen i egen person. I spoke to the actress herself. I spoke to the actor in his own person. Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Hvorfor var du i fængsel? Why were you in prison? Why were you in prison? Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Hva snakket Tom med Mary om? What did Tom talk to Mary about? What did Tom talk to Mary about? Jag måste lämna dig. I have to leave you. I have to leave you. Hon var väldigt rädd för honom. She was very afraid of him. She was very scared of him. Ég fór yfirleitt í bíó á sunnudögum. I usually went to the movies on Sunday. I usually went to the movies on Sundays. Hvordan skrev du dit navn på arabisk? How did you write your name in Arabic? How did you write your name in Arabic? Vi är föräldrar. We're parents. We are parents. Han feirer navnedagen sin. He's celebrating his name day. He celebrates his name day. Er der ellers andet, Tom og Mary har brug for? Do Tom and Mary need anything else? Is there anything else, Tom and Mary need? Bussen standsede for at optage passagerer. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped to capture passengers. Lige et øjeblik. Just a moment. Just a minute. Det er på høje tid at anskaffe sig en motorcykel. It's high time to get a motorcycle. It’s time to buy a motorcycle. Tom förstår inte vad du säger. Tom doesn't understand what you're saying. Tom doesn't understand what you're saying. George giftede sig med min søster. George married my sister. George married my sister. Jeg kan ikke finde mine bukser. I can not find my pants. I can't find my pants. Er ikke du Mary sin ektemann? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Använd apostlahästarna! Walk! Use the post-posters! Jag åt kaviar. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Ja ba älskar såna saker. I just love that kind of stuff. Yes, you love such things. Jag trodde att Tom skulle vara på baren. I thought Tom would be at the bar. I thought Tom would be on the bar. At tale fransk er let for mig. Speaking French is easy for me. Speaking French is easy for me. Sami och Layla hade ett affärsmöte. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Fågeln är i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Tom behöver sannerligen inte mer pengar. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. Tom really doesn’t need any more money. De er evakuert til et amerikansk felthospital. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They are evacuated to an American field hospital. Vad är jag här för? What am I here for? What am I here for? Mine forældre er ikke hjemme. My parents aren't home. My parents are not home. Får jeg hvad jeg ønsker? Will I get what I want? Can I get what I want? Kom in här. Come on in here. Come in here. Du bør holde dit løfte. You ought to keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Han fikk lommeboken sin stjålet. He had his wallet stolen. He got his wallet stolen. Det känns som om jag har sett den här filmen förut. I feel like I've already seen this movie. I feel like I’ve seen this movie before. Vad köpte Tom till dig? What did Tom get you? What bought Tom for you? Kan du tvinge deg selv til å sove? Can you will yourself to fall asleep? Can you force yourself to sleep? Jag hade inte bråttom. I wasn't in any hurry. I didn't have a sudden. Det kunne jeg godt tænke mig at prøve. I'd like to try it. I think I could try it. Lad os komme i gang. Let's get the show on the road. Let's get started. Tom er sandsynligvis bare et eller to år yngre end Mary. Tom is probably just a year or two younger than Mary. Tom is probably just one or two years younger than Mary. Jag tänkte precis på dig. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Jag gjorde det! I did it! I did it! Jeg har aldrig set en giraf. I've never seen a giraffe. I've never seen a giraffe. Du kan inte göra det längre. You can't do that anymore. You can't do it anymore. Toms forudsigelse var korrekt. Tom's prediction was correct. Tom's prediction was correct. Det är för barnen. It's for the children. It's for the kids. Hvor skjulte du dem? Where did you hide them? How did you hide them? Við njótum þess að ræða saman. We enjoy talking. We enjoy talking together. Man lærer sjelden av historien. One never learns from history. You rarely learn from history. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á sjónvarpinu. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. Jag kommer till saken. I'll get to the point. I'm coming to the matter. Tom er den ældste elev i vores klasse. Tom is the oldest student in our class. Tom is the oldest student in our class. Hon är min typ. She's my type. She's my type. Jeg ville ikke ha lykket uten hans hjelp. I wouldn't have succeeded without his help. I didn't want happiness without his help. Jag hoppas att du njuter av din vistelse här. I hope you're enjoying your stay here. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Du vil takke mig senere. You'll thank me later. You want to thank me later. Hun gråt krokodilletårer da han gikk. She cried crocodile tears when he left. She cried crocodiles when he left. Neymar er brasiliansk. Neymar is Brazilian. Neymar is Brazilian. Það er bráð vöntun á kennurum með bakgrunn í vísindum. There is an urgent need for teachers with science backgrounds. It’s a great deal of excitement with a background in science. Titta på hur jag gör det. Watch how I do it. Look at how I do it. Min mor har aldrig lært mig at vaske tøj. My mother never taught me how to do laundry. My mother never taught me to wash clothes. Hur kan jag hjälpa Tom? How can I help Tom? How can I help Tom? Penge åbner alle døre. Money opens all doors. Money opens all doors. Himmelen er blå. The sky is blue. Heaven is blue. Hon kom först i tävlingen. He came first in the competition. She first came to the competition. De sårede ble fraktet med sykebil. The injured were transported by ambulance. The wounded were carried by a sick car. Jag ser fram emot i eftermiddag. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I look forward to this afternoon. Toms meninger har ikke særlig betydning her. Tom's opinions don't carry much weight around here. Tom's opinions don't matter very much here. Tom trodde faktiskt på dig. Tom actually believed you. Tom actually believed in you. Jeg vil ikke bo i en stor enebolig. I don't want to live in a big mansion. I don't want to live in a big home. Jeg har aldri sagt det til deg. I never said that to you. I never told you. Það er auðveldara að reyna við fólk á internetinu en á götunni. It is easier to hit on people on the Internet than in the street. It’s easier to try people on the internet than on the street. Indonesia er et enormt stort land bestående av mer enn 17 000 øyer, 300 stammer og 700 språk. Indonesia is an enormous country which consists of more than 17,000 islands, numbering over 300 tribes and over 700 languages. Indonesia is a vastly large country consisting of more than 17,000 islands, 300 tribes and 700 languages. Skoleåret begynner den 10. april. The school year begins on the 10th of April. The school year begins on April 10. Du er ganske klog. You're quite smart. You're pretty smart. «Jeg er sulten,» sa den lille hvite kaninen, så de stoppet og åt blomsten av en stor hyasint. "I'm hungry," said the small white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower from a large hyacinth. "I'm hungry," said the little white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower of a large hysaint. Du kan klæde dig på nu. You can get dressed now. You can dress up now. Jag gillar dina speglar. I like your mirrors. I like your mirrors. Alla visste. Everybody knew. Everybody knew. Politiet troede ikke på hendes historie. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe in her story. Burde du ikke gøre det? Shouldn't you be doing that? Shouldn't you do that? Tom borde uppmuntras. Tom should be encouraged. Tom should be encouraged. Jeg tror at det er det rette å gjøre. I think that's the right thing to do. I think it's the right thing to do. Jeg er ked af det, men du kan ikke gifte dig med Susan. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. Tom er god til fodbold, er han ikke? Tom is good at soccer, isn't he? Tom's good for football, isn't he? Ég man daginn sem við hittumst fyrst. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. Jeg tenker du skjønner hva jeg mener. I think you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean. Ég fann jörðina skjálfa. I felt the earth shake. I found the ground screen. Tom forstår fransk. Tom understands French. Tom understands French. Tilkall en lege. Please call me a doctor. Call a doctor. Tak for din indsats. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your effort. Skapet ditt er allerede fullt. Det må gjøres plass til de nye klærne dine et annet sted. Your closet is already full. Space will have to be freed up somewhere else for your new clothes. Your closet is already full. There must be room for your new clothes somewhere else. Þetta er ekki mín gerð. This is not my type. It's not my job. Eru aðrir alheimar utan okkar eigin? Are there other universes outside our own? Are there other universes outside of our own? Er dette din bil? Is this your car? Is this your car? Kvinden er smuk. The woman is beautiful. The woman is beautiful. Mary var majet ud. Mary was dressed to kill. Mary was Mayn out. Skjer dette noen gang med deg? Does that ever happen to you? Does this ever happen to you? Vi bor i nærheden af skolen. We live in the neighborhood of the school. We live near school. Jeg har ingen sønn som heter Tom. I don't have a son named Tom. I have no son named Tom. Det är alltid mörkt där. It's always dark there. It's always dark there. Eg er veldig trist. I'm very sad. I'm very sad. Han skød sig selv på grund af ugengældt kærlighed. He shot himself because of unrequited love. He shot himself because of his weekly love. Stirra inte. Don't stare. Don't dare. Jag dricker alltid två koppar kaffe varje morgon. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I always drink two cups of coffee every morning. Da jeg var ti år gammel, tænkte jeg, at når jeg blev seksten, ville mit liv blive cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I would be sixteen, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I got sixteen, my life would be cool. Gleðileg jól! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! Vi bør respektere hverandres synspunkter. We should respect each other's beliefs. We should respect each other’s views. Tom er prestur. Tom is a pastor. Tom is a priest. Jag minns ingenting. I can't remember anything. I don't remember anything. Varför? Why? Why? Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the raw machine. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sjálfur. Please help yourself. Please get yourself. Sa jag för mycket? Did I say too much? Did I say too much? Kaptenen lättar ankar. The captain is weighing anchor. The Kapten is easily anchored. Hann braust inn. He broke into a house. He went in. Du må bruge min plæneklipper, hvis du vil. You may use my lawnmower if you want to. You need to use my lawn mower if you want. Tom drikker æblejuice. Tom is drinking apple juice. Tom drinks apple juice. Der er mange gamle templer i Kyoto. There are many old temples in Kyoto. There are many ancient temples in Kyoto. Sex ára gamall hafði hann lært að nota ritvél og sagði kennaranum að hann þyrfti ekki að læra skrift. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. At the age of six, he had learned to use a calculator and told the teacher that he didn’t have to learn writing. Apple er et amerikansk firma. Apple is an American company. Apple is an American company. Säkerheten förhöjdes i staden. Security was increased in the city. Security was elevated in the city. Dette er begyndelsen på en ny æra. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Tom blev avvisad. Tom was turned down. Tom was rejected. Hvor er badeværelset? Where's the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Tom verkar ikkje å ha særleg mange vener. Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. Tom doesn't seem to have very many friends. Bussen går hvert tiende minutt. The buses run every ten minutes. The bus runs every ten minutes. Är du präst? Are you a priest? Are you a priest? Håll utkik efter en skallig och svettig kille. Look for a bald and sweaty guy. Keep looking for a scalable and sweaty guy. Tom trodde ikke Maria kunne svømme. Tom didn't think that Mary knew how to swim. Tom didn't think Mary could swim. Maten är färdig. The food is ready. The food is finished. Jeg er stolt over at jeg aldri har kommet for sent til skolen. I'm proud to think that I have never yet been late to school. I’m proud that I’ve never been late to school. Þessir bitar munu ekki halda þyngd þaksins. These beams will not carry the weight of the roof. These pieces will not keep the weight of the roof. Vand indeholder nul kalorier. Water has zero calories. Water contains zero calories. Jeg samler på sjældne mønter. I collect rare coins. I collect rare coins. Eld ska väl göra susen! I guess fire should do the trick! Fire is going to make the soup! Jag stavade ordet fel. I misspelled the word. I spelled the word wrong. Har du någonsin varit på Koreahalvön? Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula? Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula? Í neyðartilvikum, skal hringja í lögregluna. In case of an emergency, call the police. In an emergency, call the police. Jag känner mig inte särskilt lycklig. I don't feel very happy. I don't feel very happy. Tom stirrade på dokumentet. Tom stared at the document. Empty dashed on the document. Tom kemst ekki burt. Tom won't go away. Tom can't get away. Han tog en rövare. He made a bold attempt. He took a robber. Kan du være så snill og kjøre meg hjem? Could you please drive me home? Can you be so kind and drive me home? Gatorna är översvämmade. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. Jag förstår vad problemet är. I see the problem. I understand what the problem is. Det är rätt åt honom. That serves him right. That's right for him. Forurening er et voksende problem. Pollution is a growing problem. Purification is a growing problem. Hun gjorde værelset rent. She cleaned the room. She did the room clean. Hun behandlede blomsterne med sprøjtemidler. She sprayed pesticide on the flowers. She treated the flowers with sprayers. "Vil du køre, eller skal jeg." "Det er lige meget. Hvad foretrækker du?" "Begge dele er OK for mig." "Nå, så vil jeg køre. Så får du mulighed for at hvile en smule på turen." "Would you like to drive, or shall I?" "Oh, no matter. What's your preference?" "I don't mind; either way is fine." "Well, then, I'll drive. That'll give you a chance to rest a bit on the way." "Do you want to drive, or I'll." "It's just a lot. What do you prefer?" "Make parts are OK for me." "Now, then I'll drive. So you get the opportunity to rest a bit on the trip." Hon måste hjälpa honom. She needs to help him. She needs to help him. Att lyssna på klassisk musik och att studera kompletterar varandra. Listening to classical music and studying complement one another. Listening to classical music and studying complements each other. Jag har hört många ursäkter förut, men din tar priset. I've heard many excuses before, but yours takes the cake. I've heard a lot of excuses before, but your take the price. Tåken har lettet. The fog has lifted. The fog has eased. Ég sá ekkert. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. Han liker sladder. He is fond of gossip. He likes gossip. Det tog næsten tre år at bygge den bro. That bridge took nearly three years to build. It took almost three years to build that bridge. Jag har allt jag ville. I have everything I wanted. I have everything I wanted. Han dækkede bordet med kopper, underkopper, tallerkner og dækketallerkner. He set the table with cups, saucers, plates and service plates. He covered the table with cups, subcups, plates and covered balconies. Hur dags gick du och lade dig igår? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? How time did you go and let you go yesterday? Han er ikke en mand der spilder tiden. He's not a man to waste time. He is not a man who plays the time. Det er alt jeg har. That's all I've got. That's all I have. Jeg har øvd lenge for dette. I've been practicing a long time for this. I've been practicing for a long time for this. Självfallet! Of course! The self-fall! Jag trodde att Tom skulle gripas av panik. I thought Tom would panic. I thought Tom was going to be caught by panic. Han har et hus i Kabylien, Algeriet. He has a house in Kabylie, Algeria. He has a house in Kabylien, Algeria. Han blev meget beruset. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Du har stadigvæk ikke nok erfaring. You still don't have enough experience. You still don’t have enough experience. Kunne du lide cyklen? Did you like the bicycle? Do you like the bike? Det här är verkligen inte rätt tillfälle. This is really not the time. This is not really the right time. Það breytir engu. That changes nothing. It doesn't change anything. Det hände så snabbt. It happened so fast. It happened so quickly. Aldrig har jeg set sådan en smuk scene. Never have I seen such a beautiful scene. I have never seen such a beautiful scene. Språkdrakten endres over tid. The form of language ​​changes over time. The language theme changes over time. Jag kommer börja grina! I am about to cry! I'm going to start laughing! Gå upp för den här trappan. Go up these stairs. Go up for this stairs. Jeg er ikke ferdig med å vanne blomstene. I've finished watering the flowers. I haven't finished watering the flowers. Jag måste sova. I have to sleep. I have to sleep. Tom kan lide spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. Han er fortsatt på arbeid. He's still at work. He's still at work. Han dur ikke. He is good for nothing. He doesn't. Läraren skrev någonting på svarta tavlan. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something on the black board. Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga. She asked him some questions. He asked a few questions. Globaliseringen ødelægger den sproglige diversitet. Globalization destroys the diversity of languages. Globalization destroys the linguistic diversity. Han vill fortfarande komma. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Jag betalade mina räkningar. I paid my bills. I paid my bills. Det var en jevn økning av innbyggere. There was a steady increase in population. It was a steady increase in the population. Hversu hár er mánaðarlegi gasreikningurinn ykkar? How much is your monthly gas bill? How high is your monthly gas bill? Emily er bange for edderkopper. Emily is afraid of spiders. Emily is afraid of spiders. Den står i garaget. It's in the garage. It's in the garage. Dette faktum beviser hans uskyld. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. Hun var gået ind i værelset og havde lagt sig på sengen. She went into the room and lay on the bed. She went into the room and had stayed in the bed. Vi havde en behagelig aften. We had a pleasant evening. We had a pleasant evening. Ég er að fara úr fötunum. I'm undressing. I'm going out of the clothes. Jag skulle vilja träffa dig igen nästa vecka. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to meet you again next week. Vi tror ikke på din gud. We don't believe in your god. We don't believe in your god. Får den här lådan plats i skåpbilen? Is there place for this box inside the van? Is this box located in the car? Giv mig dine penge eller jeg tæsker dig. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll count you. Det vi inte kan göra. That we are not able to do. What we can't do. Tom arbeider frå ni til fem. Tom works from nine to five. Tom works from nine to five. Byen blev forsvaret af en stor hær. The town was defended by a large army. The city was defended by a large army. Tom är sträng. Tom's strict. Tom is strict. Tom trodde att du var full. Tom thought you were drunk. Tom thought you were drunk. Er pennene på skrivebordet? Are there any pens on the desk? Are the pens on the desk? Nej, jag lider inte av astma. Jag stönar av lust! No, I'm not suffering from asthma. I'm moaning in lust! No, I don't suffer from asthma. I'm upset by lust! Tom blev arresteret. Tom got arrested. Tom was arrested. Jeg tjener 100 euro om dagen. I make €100 a day. I earn 100 euros a day. Það er orðið mjög hlýtt. It has become very warm. It's been very loud. Jeg er vred fordi nogen har stjålet min cykel. I'm angry because someone stole my bicycle. I'm angry because someone stole my bike. Jag har fortfarande inte hittat det jag letar efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Du er på rett spor. You're on the right track. You're on the right track. Det är inte lätt att lösa problemet. It's not easy to solve the problem. It is not easy to solve the problem. Folk vil oversette ting som er mer interresant. The people want to translate things that are more interesting. People will translate things that are more interstellar. Alle elsker vinnere. Everyone loves winners. Everyone loves winners. Jane är fet, ohövlig och röker för mycket. Men Ken tycker att hon är förtjusande och härlig. Det är därför de säger att kärleken är blind. Jane is fat and rude, and smokes too much. However, Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind. Jane is fat, disgusting and smokes too much. But Ken thinks she is adorable and lovely. That's why they say that love is blind. Aftensmaden er klar. Dinner is ready to eat. Dinner is ready. Tycker du om vin? Do you like wine? Do you like wine? Har du ein hobby – måling, til dømes? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? Do you have a hobby - measurement, for example? Alla stannade. Everybody stayed. Everyone stopped. Tänker du följa med? Are you going along? Do you think you're going with me? Ég ákvað að koma til Japans í fyrra. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to go to Japan last year. Vi har to sønner. We have two sons. We have two sons. Eg ivi at hann er sakførari. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I think he's a cop. Branden var på første sal. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. Mina vänner svek mig inte under rättegången. My friends stood by me during the court case. My friends didn’t bother me during the trial. Vi daser i sommersolen. We are basking in the summer sun. We live in the summer sun. God nat. Good night. Good night. Kan du skicka mig den där grunkamojen? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you send me that suspect? Se i spegeln! Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror! Jag fick dig att skratta, eller hur? I made you laugh, didn't I? I made you laugh, right? Hun venter barn til juni. She is expecting a baby in June. She's waiting for children until June. Eitt af öðru stóðu þau upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of them stood up and went out. Jeg var ikke lenge der. I didn't stay there very long. I wasn't long there. Tom er mangemillionær. Tom is a multi-millionaire. Tom is a multimillionaire. Jag har planterat ett träd. I planted a tree. I've planted a tree. Det er meget mere værd end hvad Tom forlanger for det. It's worth a lot more than what Tom is asking for it. It’s much more valuable than what Tom demands for it. Jeg måtte gå gennem ild og vand for at få mit kørekort. I had to go through hell and high water to get my driver's licence. I had to go through fire and water to get my driving license. Tom er akkurat ferdig med å vaske rommet sitt. Tom has just finished cleaning his room. Tom is just finished washing his room. Blomman är röd. The flower is red. The flower is red. Han strøg en tændstik. He struck a match. He beats a switch. Du känner antagligen till det som Tom gjorde. You probably know about what Tom did. You probably know what Tom did. Jeg kan godt lide din ny frisure. I like your new hairstyle. I like your new hairstyle. Jag har kaffe, te, vatten och färsk fruktjuice. I have coffee, tea, water, and fresh fruit juice. I have coffee, tea, water and fresh fruit juice. Du verkar gilla det här lika mycket som jag. You seem to be enjoying this as much as I am. You seem to like this as much as I do. Tornet är trehundratjugoen meter högt. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tower is three hundredth century meters high. Jag har familj. I have a family. I have family. Tom hjälpte oss mycket. Tom helped us a lot. Tom helped us a lot. Af hverju ertu svona sein? Why are you so late? Why are you so late? Är du allvarlig? Are you serious? Are you serious? Det var en tæt kamp. It was a tight contest. It was a close fight. En to meter lang levende krokodille ble funnet i et drivhus i en hage i Sveriges tredje største by - Malmö. A two-meter-long live crocodile has been found in a garden greenhouse in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö. A two-meter-long living crocodile was found in a greenhouse in a garden in Sweden's third largest city - Malmö. Det vidste han ikke. He didn't know that. He didn't know. Du måste höra på. I need you to listen. You have to listen. Allir voru glaðir. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. Linealen er kort. The ruler is short. The line is short. Er det ikke Toms skyld? Isn't it Tom's fault? Isn't that Tom's fault? Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think Tom is stubborn. I think Tom is alone. Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you getting married? When are you going to get married? Han är lite blyg. He's a bit shy. He's a little shy. Vill du ha mer kakor? Would you care for more cookies? Do you want more cookies? Vi steg upp tidigt så att vi kunde se soluppgången. We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. We rose up early so we could see the sunrise. Jag tog Tom till sjukhuset. I took Tom to the hospital. I took Tom to the hospital. Jag skulle inte ljuga för dig. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Charles levede et udskejende liv da han var ung. Charles lived a life of debauchery when he was young. Charles lived an outstanding life when he was young. Tom avskyr att dansa. Tom hates dancing. Tom refuses to dance. Hún lokaði öllum gluggunum á herberginu. She closed all the windows in the room. She closed all the windows in the room. Det smakar som skit. It tastes like shit. It tastes like shit. Kabylerne er berbere. The Kabyles are Berbers. The crabs are beers. Det är verkligen inte mödan värt. It's really not worth the effort. It's not really worth the mothers. Han komponerar vackra dikter. He composes beautiful poems. He composed beautiful poems. Mor har nettopp gått for å handle. Mum's just gone shopping. Mom has just gone to shop. Tom är ute och går med hunden. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom is out and goes with the dog. Jag hoppas att jag överlever. I hope I survive. I hope I survive. Kattungen leker i regnet. The kitten is playing in the rain. Kattungen is playing in the rain. Kan du läsa det? Could you read it? Can you read it? Du kanske inte tittar så mycket på TV? Maybe you don't watch TV that often? Maybe you don’t look so much at TV? Speedometret viste 153 km/h. The speedometer was indicating 95 mph. Speedometret showed 153 km/h. Far kjøpte boken til meg. Father bought me the book. Dad bought the book for me. Är någon sugen på fika? Anyone want coffee? Is there a suction on the figs? Kom og varm dig ved ilden. Come and warm yourself by the fire. Come and warm yourself at the fire. Esperanto skrives fonetisk ved hjælp af et alfabet på 28 bogstaver. Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters. Esperanto is written phoneticly using an alphabet of 28 letters. Om morgenen begyndte fuglene at synge. In the morning, the birds started to sing. In the morning the birds began to sing. Holder bussen her? Does the bus stop here? Is the bus here? Exakt vad är det där? What exactly is that? Exactly what is that? Er det vigtigt? Is it important? Is it important? Tom ryckte till sig sin väska. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom jumped to his bag. Der er ikke nok appelsiner. There are not enough oranges. There are not enough oranges. Tom hatar tv. Tom hates TV. Tom hates TV. Tom svedte. Tom was sweating. Tom svedte. Tom säger inte varför. Tom isn't saying why. Tom doesn't say why. Tom går på en promenad varje morgon med sin hund. Tom goes for a walk every morning with his dog. Tom goes for a walk every morning with her dog. Læknar eru almennt ekki þjálfaðir í uppeldi. Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. Doctors are generally not trained in the studio. Disse handsker holdt hendes hænder varme. These gloves kept her hands warm. These gloves kept her hands warm. Tom er ganske ondskabsfuld. Tom is quite mean. Tom is quite evil. Barn behöver en lycklig hemmiljö. Children need a happy home environment. Children need a happy home environment. Jeg vil gerne lære dig, hvordan du gør det. I want to teach you how to do that. I want to teach you how to do it. Jeg vil vædde på at det har ingen tænkt på før. I bet you no one's thought of this before. I'd bet there's no thought about it before. Vi var inte roade. We weren't amused. We weren't calmed. Ge mig den där flaskan. Give me that bottle. Give me that bottle. Min lägenhet är i närheten. My apartment is near here. My apartment is nearby. Ingången till tunnelbanan ligger vid hörnet. The subway entrance is on the corner. The entrance to the subway is at the corner. Vad fick du i julklapp? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Hva spiste du? Fisk eller kjøtt? What did you eat? Fish or meat? What did you eat? Fish or meat? Kven vil reise til Filippinane? For eit tropisk paradis! Who wants to visit the Philippines? It is such a tropical paradise! Who will travel to the Philippines? For a tropical paradise! Jeg kan kun tale fransk. I can only speak French. I can only speak French. Jeg har faktisk googlet det. I did google it, actually. I actually googled it. Hvis flere havde stemt, ville vi have vundet valget. If more people had voted, we would have won the election. If more people voted, we would have won the election. Jeg surmuler ikke. I'm not sulking. I don't surf. Hallå, lyssna på mig. Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. Vad berättade han för dig? What did he tell you? What did he tell you? Hvor mange stjerner er synlige med det blotte øye fra jorden? How many stars are visible with the naked eye from earth? How many stars are visible with the naked eye from Earth? Vi behöver några minuter. We need a few minutes. We need a few minutes. Tom har meget mere travlt i denne uge, end han havde i sidste uge. Tom is a lot busier this week than he was last week. Tom has a lot more busy this week than he had last week. Jag sov inte bra i natt, så jag har inte så mycket energi i dag. I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have much energy today. I didn’t sleep well tonight, so I don’t have much energy today. Dette er rett dag. This is the right day. This is the right day. Hvor lenge kommer du til å bli i London? How long will you remain in London? How long will you stay in London? Skulle jag kunna få ett glas vin, tack? May I have a glass of wine, please? Could I have a glass of wine, please? Molly har et stort ur. Molly has a large clock. Molly has a big watch. Það var barnalegt af honum að haga sér þannig. It was childish of him to behave like that. It was a child of him to behave like that. Vänta ett ögonblick. Hold on a moment. Wait a minute. Þú mátt nota nýja bílinn minn. You may use my new car. You can use my new car. For at gøre tingene værre begyndte det at regne. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it began to rain. Vi ska söka genom hela skeppet. We're going to search the whole ship. We're going to search through the entire ship. Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas tank nearby? Du måste städa ditt rum. You have to clean your room. You have to clean your room. Ég líka. Me, too. I too. Jeg ønsker at rejse med fly. I want to travel by airplane. I want to travel by plane. Mina föräldrar älskar varandra. My parents love each other. My parents love each other. Lægen rådede mig til at tabe mig. The doctor advised me to lose weight. The doctor advised me to lose me. Nästa gång ska jag anstränga mig mera. Next time, I'll try harder. Next time, I’ll try more. Jag tänker inte ha på mig den där. I'm not wearing that. I don't think I'm going to wear that one. Du er nødt til at forbedre din kysseteknik. You need to improve your kissing technique. You have to improve your kissing technique. Her er et stort kart over Tyskland. Here's a big map of Germany. Here is a large map of Germany. Han har skaffat sig vanan att stoppa händerna i fickorna. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He has had the habit of stopping his hands in his pockets. Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken. I didn't hear the doorbell. I didn't hear the call clock. Er du klar for sengen? Are you ready for bed? Are you ready for bed? Boken din er på pulten. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the desk. Hun besøgte ham i Boston. She visited him in Boston. She visited him in Boston. Jag förstår inte. I do not understand. I don't understand. Jag gillar bowling. I like bowling. I like bowling. Jeg har endnu ikke spist. I haven't eaten yet. I haven't eaten yet. Snälla ge mig ett plåster och lite medicin. Please give me a Band-Aid and some medicine. Please give me a patch and a little medicine. Jeg forventet aldri at Tom skulle slippe ut av fengsel. I never expected Tom to get out of prison. I never expected Tom to get out of jail. Databaseserveren din sin konfigurasjonsfil ligger i denne mappa. The configuration file for your database server is located in this directory. Your database server's configuration file is located in this folder. Herren tog sine handsker og sin cylinderhat af. The gentleman took off his gloves and top hat. The Lord took his gloves and his cylinder hat off. Slå det opp i ordboken. Look it up in your dictionary. Look it up in the dictionary. Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He is, without doubt, much better than you. He has no doubt much better than you. Tom säger att han är upptagen. Tom says he's busy. Tom says he's busy. Wow! Tusindvis af fisk! Wow! Thousands of fish! Wow! Thousands of fish! Jag presenterade mig på mötet. I presented myself at the meeting. I presented myself at the meeting. Du är en bra sångare. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. Jeg ønsker at købe en bil. I want to buy an automobile. I want to buy a car. Ringið eftir løgregluni. Call the police. Call for instructions. Egern er hurtige til at tage ved lære. Squirrels are quick learners. Eggs are quick to learn. Jeg blev 45 dage længere i landet end hvad mit visum gav mig ret til. I overstayed my visa for more than 45 days. I was 45 days longer in the country than what my visa gave me the right to do. Det er de dyreste sko jeg nogensinde har set. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. These are the most expensive shoes I’ve ever seen. Hvem snakker dere om? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Kråkor är fåglar. Crows are birds. Cows are birds. Røverne stak af med alle pengene fra bankboksen. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. The robbers pulled off with all the money from the bank box. Det er ikke en undskyldning. That's no excuse. It's not an excuse. Vi fremstiller motordele. We make engine parts. We manufacture engine parts. Du må gjøre nøyaktig som jeg sier. You will do exactly as I say. You have to do exactly what I say. Tom kan undværes. Tom is expendable. Tom can be lost. Jón var með slæmt kvef í síðustu viku. John had a bad cold last week. Jón had a bad cold last week. Grannhunden skäller alltid. The dog next door is always barking. The puppy always blames. Jag måste lösa problemet på egen hand. I have to solve the problem myself. I have to solve the problem on my own. Hon har tagit på sig alltför mycket arbete. She has undertaken too much work. She has taken on too much work. Jag har fått höra att jag inte behöver göra det. I've been told that I'm not required to do that. I've heard that I don't have to do it. Hun bagte en æblekage til sin mand. She baked her husband an apple pie. She baked an apple cake to her husband. Bär den här. Carry this. Bring this one. Tom mumlede. Tom mumbled. Tom mummled. Du är pålitlig. You are reliable. You're reliable. Du vet, gjør du ikke? You know, don't you? You know, don't you? Det er virkelig nemt for mig at gøre det. It's really easy for me to do that. It’s really easy for me to do it. Jeg forstår ikke. I don't understand. I don't understand. Du var inte här då. You weren't here then. You weren't here then. Indenfor et år brød aktiemarkedet sammen. Within one year, the stock market collapsed. Within a year, the stock market broke together. Du underskrev ikke alle dokumenterne. You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Den der butik sælger herretøj. That store sells men's wear. The shop sells men's clothing. Jeg venter her. I'll wait here. I'm waiting here. Har du læst Toms bog? Have you read Tom's book? Have you read Tom's book? Tom lo højt. Tom laughed aloud. Tom laughed loudly. Varför valde du mig? Why did you pick me? Why did you choose me? Det er gledestårer. They are tears of joy. It's a pleasure. Tror ni att det kommer att regna idag? Do you think it'll rain today? Do you think it will rain today? Jeg hilste på Betty, men hun ignorerede mig. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. Min kat og min hund kommer ud af det med hinanden. My cat and dog get along. My cat and my dog come out of it with each other. Jag sov mycket gott. I slept very well. I slept very well. Manden bagpå pickuppen begyndte at skyde efter os. The man in the back of the pickup truck started firing at us. The man behind the pickup truck started shooting after us. Hon slöt ögonen, putade med läpparna och lutade sig fram för en kyss. She closed her eyes, pursed her lips and leaned forward for a kiss. She broke her eyes, sat with her lips and leaned up for a kiss. Tíkin mín lést á miðvikudaginn var. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My wife died on Wednesday, and she was sixteen years old. Han er en barndomsven. He is a childhood friend. He's a childhood friend. Hun var majet ud. She was dressed to kill. She was May out. Jeg gjorde ikke noget ulovligt. I didn't do anything illegal. I didn't do anything illegal. Soldaten slog samman klackarna. The soldier clicked his heels together. The soldier broke the bars. Jag behöver mina tabletter. I need my pills. I need my tablets. De är homosexuella. They're homosexual. They are gay. Hvis det regner i morgen, så skipper jeg mødet. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going to the meeting. If it rains tomorrow, I'll ship the meeting. Slysið svipti hana einkasyni sínum. The accident deprived her of her only son. She took her own personality. Alt i alt så var det en hyggelig fest. All in all, this was a nice party. All in all, it was a nice party. Bussen er lige kørt. The bus has just left. The bus is just cool. Undertrykker islam kvinder? Does Islam oppress women? Is Islam oppressing women? Kristoffer Columbus gjekk ein gong på McDonald's og bad om Happy Meal. Han vart ikkje glad, men han likte leika. Christopher Columbus once walked into a McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal. It did not make him happy, but he liked the toy. Kristoffer Columbus once attended McDonald's and asked for Happy Meal. He wasn't happy, but he liked playing. Ég elska að lesa bækur. I love reading books. I love reading books. Hun samlede på frimærker. She collected stamps. She gathered on stamps. De är barfota allihop. They're all barefoot. They're barefoot all. Tatsuya á vini sem búa í New York. Tatsuya has some friends who live in New York. Tatsuya has friends living in New York. Vold er det eneste språket de forstår. Violence is the only language they understand. Violence is the only language they understand. Hvor længe har du været ryger? How long have you been a smoker? How long have you been smoking? Hvor er du modig! How brave you are! How brave you are! Min farbror är en usel bilförare. My uncle is a lousy driver. My uncle is a car driver. Jag var närvarande i skolan igår. I was present at school yesterday. I was in school yesterday. Ingen forstår mig. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. Kom i overmorgen. Come the day after tomorrow. Come on in the morning. Jeg har leid et rom i Paris for en måned. I've rented a room in Paris for a month. I have rented a room in Paris for a month. Din födelsedag närmar sig. Your birthday is drawing near. Your birthday is approaching. Mine æbler er væk. My apples are gone. My apples are gone. Við biðum fyrir utan. We waited outside. We wait outside. Tom fortalte Mary at han ikke kunne lide hendes sans for humor. Tom told Mary that he didn't like her sense of humor. Tom told Mary he didn't like her sense of humor. Kung George tog kontroll över kolonin 1752. King George took control of the colony in 1752. King George took control of the colony in 1752. Jeg ønsker å kjøpe denne klokken men dessverre er den altfor dyr. I would like to buy this watch, but unfortunately it's just too expensive. I want to buy this watch, but unfortunately it’s too expensive. Jeg har drukket for meget øl; jeg er nødt til at få pisset af. I’ve had too much beer, I have to take a whiz. I've been drinking too much beer; I have to get pissed off. Jeg har en hund og to katte. I have a dog and two cats. I have a dog and two cats. Vet du varför vårrullar kallas för vårrullar? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Jeg er fire måneder yngre end dig. I am four months younger than you. I'm four months younger than you. Han skød sig selv på grund af ulykkelig kærlighed. He shot himself because of unrequited love. He shot himself because of unhappy love. Kvinnan fastnade på något sätt mellan sin egen bildörr och något annat på uppfarten. Somehow the woman got stuck between her car door and something in the driveway. The woman somehow stuck between his own car door and something else on the driveway. Jag gillar te. I like tea. I like tea. Hann er myndarlegur maður. He is a handsome man. He's a handsome man. Jeg gjorde alt som Tom ba meg gjøre. I did everything Tom asked me to do. I did everything Tom asked me to do. Det var inte planen. That wasn't the plan. It wasn't the plan. Du må holde op med at lyve over for dig selv. You need to stop lying to yourself. You have to stop lying to yourself. Tom knäppte sin skjorta. Tom buttoned his shirt. Tom broke his shirt. Må Gud forbarme sig over os alle. May God have mercy on us all. May God bless us all. Det här är ett postkontor och det där är en bank. This is a post office and that is a bank. This is a post office and this is a bank. Jeg kjøpte meg denne superraske popkornmaskinen i julepresang. I bought the really quick popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I bought this super-fast popcorn machine in Christmas presang. Hon hade en aprikosfärgad klänning på sig. She wore an apricot-colored dress. She had an apricot-colored dress. Ertu með sektarkennd? Do you feel guilty? Do you have guilt? Vi er af forskellig alder. Han er ældre end mig. We are different ages. He is older than me. We are of different age. He's older than me. Det var många människor i rummet. There were a lot of people in the room. There were a lot of people in the room. Visste inte du att Tom inte gillade Maria? Didn't you know that Tom didn't like Mary? Didn't you know Tom didn't like Mary? Jag äter ris. I eat rice. I eat rice. Det gör ont att behöva säga det här, men det är sanningen. It pains me to have to say this, but it's the truth. It hurts to have to say this, but it’s the truth. Vi er folket. We are the people. We are the people. Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom is not able to drive a car. Tom can't drive. Skórnir þínir passa ekki við jakkafötin. Your shoes do not go with the suit. Your shoes don’t fit with your jackets. En katt låg och sov i bastrumman. A cat was sleeping in the bass drum. A cat lay and slept in a bastrumman. Ingen blev träffad. No one was hit. No one was met. Hr. Sato stillede mig mange spørgsmål om valget. Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election. Mr Sato asked me a lot of questions about the election. Kan du spela gitarr? Can you play guitar? Can you play guitar? Enginn kom. Nobody came. No one came. Jag tror bara att Tom var full. I just think Tom was drunk. I just think Tom was drunk. Han erkände att han hade tagit emot mutor. He confessed that he had taken bribes. He admitted that he had received mutants. Ég er þyrst. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Din nya frisyr gör att du ser äldre ut. Your new hair style makes you look older. Your new hairstyle makes you look older. Vi kan inte bevisa att Tom ljuger, men vi är ganska säkra på att han gör det. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove Tom's lying, but we're pretty sure he's doing it. Jeg vet ikke men jeg har tid før det. I don't know, but I've got time before it. I don't know, but I have time before that. Hvem sitt rom er dette? Whose room is this? Who's this room? Hur gammal är din morbror? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Dit ur er fem minutter bagefter. Your watch is five minutes slow. Your clock is five minutes later. La meg spise først. Let me eat first. Let me eat first. Varje del av ön har blivit utforskad. Every part of the island has been explored. Every part of the island has been explored. Jag måste åka med min son till läkaren. I have to take my son to the doctor. I have to go with my son to the doctor. Jag raderade det. I deleted it. I deleted it. Låt oss spatsera litet på stranden. Let's walk a little on the seashore. Let's put a little on the beach. Vet du ens var skolan ligger? Do you even know where the school is? You know where the school is? Chiqui er en papegøje der taler esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot who speaks Esperanto. Ungt fólk lagar sig að hlutum hraðar en það eldra. Youth adapt to things more quickly than the elderly. Young people are making things faster than the older ones. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I've seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Tom kan ikke lide at hænge ud med Mary. Tom doesn't enjoy hanging out with Mary. Tom doesn't like hanging out with Mary. Hun var enda svak etter sykdommen. She was still weak after her illness. She was still weak after the disease. Si til ham at jeg vil se telegrammet han sendte. Tell him that I want to see the telegram that he sent. Tell him I want to see the telegram he sent. Alessia kan ikke snakke engelsk. Alessia cannot speak English. Alessia can't speak English. Snørebåndene på dine sko er gået op. Your shoes are untied. The snowbands on your shoes have gone up. Fuglen er i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Sluta gnäll! Stop your bellyaching. Stop crying! Vi är din familj. We're your family. We're your family. Jeg tror at nogen har spædet punchen op. I think that someone spiked the punch. I think someone's been picking up the punch. Tað var eitt meistaraverk, teir ofta tosaðu um. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. During the tour, many titles were asked to be dealt with, and many more were asked to do so. Þessir stólar eru fyrir. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are for. Eller hur, Tom? Isn't that right, Tom? Or how, Tom? Vi börjar mötet när Bob kommer. We will begin the meeting when Bob comes. We start the meeting when Bob arrives. Vi har nyckeln. We've got the key. We have the key. I Amerika er der højrekørsel. In America traffic keeps to the right. In America, there is a right-hand drive. Du är en sådan flörtis. You're such a flirt. You're such a flirt. Tom sade att han gick dit för ett jobb Tom said he went there for a job. Tom said he went there for a job. Vad är din nationalitet? What is your nationality? What is your nationality? Oro gjorde mig sömnlös igår natt. Worrying deprived me of sleep last night. Oro made me sleepless last night. Dette er kød. This is meat. This is meat. Jeg heter ikke "du"; jeg heter Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name's not "you"; I'm Ricardo. Hun gav ham et olmt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him an ugly look. Tom är inte småaktig. Tom isn't petty. Tom is not small. Kveðjur eru grundvöllur góðra mannasiða. Greetings are the basis of good manners. People are the foundation of good people. Det överraskar mig inte. That doesn't surprise me. It doesn't surprise me. Femyen-mynten er laget av messing og tiyen-mynten er laget av bronse. The 5 yen coin is made from brass and the 10 yen coin is made from bronze. The Feyen coin is made of brass and the tiyen coin is made of bronze. Du behöver den här. You need this. You need this. Vaskemaskine er et must i et hus. A washing machine is a must for a house. Washing machine is a must in a house. Jeg ønsker at tjekke noget. I want to check something. I want to check something. Hun tjener til livets opphold ved å selge maleriene sine. She earns a living by selling her paintings. She serves for her life by selling her paintings. Er du fra USA? Are you from the United States? Are you from the United States? Jeg har købt en rød bil. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. En frø i en brønd kender ikke verdenshavet. A frog in a well doesn't know the ocean. A seed in a well does not know the ocean. Jeg er medlem af tennisklubben. I'm a member of the tennis club. I am a member of the tennis club. Hvordan kan det være? How can it be? How can it be? Jag känner inte honom. I don't know him. I don't know him. Hann var fyrsti maðurinn til að fljóta um úti í geimi. He was the first man to float in space. He was the first man to escape into space. Jeg kan godt lide boxernes korte snude. I like the short snout of boxers. I like the boxers' short spins. Jag skulle aldrig ha litat på Tom. I never should've trusted Tom. I would never trust Tom. Är det inte alltid så? Isn't it always like that? Isn't that always that? Jeg læste mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Jag tycker inte om att jobba på helger. I don't like working on weekends. I don't like working on weekends. Tom säger att han inte har lust att dricka öl i kväll. Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight. Tom says he doesn’t want to drink beer tonight. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go and change. Australien er en marionetstat. Australia is a puppet state. Australia is a puppet state. Jeg drikker ikke så mye øl. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink so much beer. Nästa sången jag ska sjunga är en som jag skrev igår natt. The next song I'm going to sing is one I wrote just last night. The next song I will sing is one that I wrote last night. Hald opp med å berre skrive kødd. Stop publishing bullshit. Keep up by just writing meat. Aldrig i livet! Never in a lifetime! Never in life! Det finns ingen tvål. There's no soap. There is no soap. De gifte sig, trots att de knappt talade varandras språk. They married, even though they barely spoke each other's language. They married, even though they hardly spoke each other’s language. Margir nemendur líta upp til herra Browns. A lot of students look up to Mr Brown. Many students look up to Mr. Browns. Hvem er du? Who are you? Who are you? Hon hatar honom. She hates him. She hates him. Runt staden flyter en flod. Around the city ran a river. The city flows a river. Jeg har gått og tenkt på det i hele dag. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I've been thinking about it all day. Tom har lyst til å bli en tolk. Tom would like to become a simultaneous interpreter. Tom wants to be an interpreter. Tom har hjälpt till mycket. Tom has helped a lot. Tom has helped a lot. Jag hittar inte mina skor. I can't find my shoes. I can't find my shoes. Det tog os tre timer at komme til denne konklusion. It took us three hours to come to this conclusion. It took us three hours to get to this conclusion. Familien hans flyttet rundt en hel del. His family moved around a lot. His family moved around a lot. Tom er egyptolog. Tom is an Egyptologist. Tom is an Egyptian. Tom berättade inte sanningen. Tom didn't tell the truth. Tom didn't tell the truth. Hur är det med din pappa? How is your dad? How's your dad? Sover du någonsin? Do you ever sleep? Do you ever sleep? Hur kunde du gissa? How did you guess? How could you guess? Det skete den 20. oktober. It happened on the 20th of October. It happened on October 20. Kontrasten mellan himlen och berget är slående. The contrast between the sky and the mountain is striking. The contrast between heaven and mountain is striking. Jeg troede, at jeg var den eneste. I thought I was the only one. I thought I was the only one. Tom og Mary tog på biltur rundt i Europa. Tom and Mary went on a road trip around Europe. Tom and Mary were driving around Europe. Fotball er favorittsporten min. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Du ser ut som en liten flicka i den klänningen. You look like a little girl in that dress. You look like a little girl in that dress. Jeg køber kun blødt wc-papir. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft wc paper. Vad kallade du mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Denne fest er kedelig. This party is dull. This party is boring. Tom åkte tillbaka. Tom went back. Tom went back. Du er veldig vakker. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Hon bor ensam. She lives alone. She lives alone. Jeg tror denne boken vil være til stor hjelp for dere. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I think this book will be helpful to you. Eg et brød. I am eating bread. I eat a bread. Han skyldte henne mye. He owed a lot to her. He owed her a lot. Eg såg det aldri eingong. I never even saw it. I never saw it alone. Mér líkar mun betur við hann sökum þess. I like him all the better for it. I like it better because of it. Tom ville vite når Mary skulle komme hjem. Tom wanted to know when Mary would get home. Tom wanted to know when Mary came home. Allt blev svart. Everything went black. Everything was black. Jag tror inte att det här är Toms paraply. I don't think this is Tom's umbrella. I don't think this is Tom's umbrella. Ni tusind ni hundrede og nioghalvfems plus én er ti tusind. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one is ten thousand. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-five plus one is ten thousand. Han døde etter tre dager. He died three days after. He died after three days. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle dø. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want her to die. Hvordan var skuespillet? How was the play? How was the play? Tom spillede Hamlet. Tom played the part of Hamlet. Tom played Hamlet. Tom kan inte ställa sig upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Varför gjorde Tom det? Why did Tom do it? Why did Tom do that? Det var hende der anmodede om skilsmissen. She was the one who demanded the divorce. She was the one who asked for the divorce. Du hade mardrömmar. You had nightmares. You had nightmares. Kan du lide laks? Do you like salmon? Do you like salmon? Tom kom fram bakom gardinen. Tom came out from behind the curtain. Tom came behind the curtain. Hvad koster denne smarttelefon? How much does this smartphone cost? How much does this smartphone cost? Hun ser veldig glad ut i dag. She looks very happy today. She looks very happy today. Hon kunde inte tänka sig att träffa honom igen. She couldn't imagine meeting him again. She couldn't imagine seeing him again. Hvorfor kom du for sent til timen? Why were you late for class? Why did you come late to the hour? Tom var ikke særlig energisk. Tom was not very energetic. Tom was not very energetic. Hvad gør du når du bliver syg? What do you do when you get sick? What do you do when you get sick? Ge mig den där pistolen. Give me that gun. Give me that gun. Er det derfor Tom ønskede at tale med dig? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Regeringen ændrede forfatningen. The government amended the constitution. The government changed the constitution. Vi bør ta oss av våre foreldre. We should look after our parents. We should take care of our parents. Þögn er sama og samþykki. Silence gives consent. Silence is the same as consent. Detta är inget misstag. This is not a mistake. This is not a mistake. Så hadde hans kone fortalt at hun var gravid. And then his wife said that she was pregnant. Then his wife told me she was pregnant. Det är något fel på min bil. There is something wrong with my car. There's something wrong with my car. Gorillan var ett år gammal vid det tillfället. The gorilla was one year old at the time. Gorillan was a year old at that time. Tom river bladene sammen i haven. Tom's raking the leaves together in the garden. Tom rips the leaves together in the garden. Og hvad nu? And now what? And what now? Hun holdt en paraply. She was holding an umbrella. She kept an umbrella. Mor jer godt i Boston! Have fun in Boston. Mother, you're good in Boston! Við höfum upplifað margar breytingar á síðasta áratugi. We have experienced many changes over the last decade. We have experienced many changes in the last decade. Jag menade inte något av det. I didn't mean any of it. I didn't mean anything of it. Tåget avgår om tio minuter. The train leaves in ten minutes. The train departs in 10 minutes. Bifreiðin hefur breytt lífi okkar. The automobile has changed our life. The car has changed our lives. Jag har inte hört någonting. I've heard nothing. I haven't heard anything. De er tvillinger. They're twins. They're twins. Kortet er på væggen. The map is on the wall. The card is on the wall. Tom tackade ja till erbjudandet. Tom accepted the offer. Tom thanked you for the offer. Skulle ni kunna ta en titt på mitt första inlägg och berätta vad ni tycker om det? Please, take a look at my first post and let me know what you think about it. Would you like to take a look at my first post and tell me what you think of it? Tom kan komma på vår fest i morgon. Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. Tom can come to our party tomorrow. Vi døypte båten "Halvmånen". We named the boat the Half Moon. We killed the boat "Half Moon." Disse målene er en viktig del i den regionale utviklingsstrategien. These aims are an important part of the regional development strategy. These goals are an important part of the regional development strategy. Jag skulle vilja ha en stek I'll take a steak. I would like to have a piece Det er ingen hemmelighed at Tom ikke kan lide Maria. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Mary. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Maria. Það var stór gullstjarna á hurðinni. There was a big gold star on the door. There was a big star on the door. Var är dina nycklar? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Använd en skalpell, inte en yxa. Use a scalpel, not a hatchet. Use a scalpel, not an axe. Augu hennar voru full sorgar. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were full of sorrow. Hon har små bröst, men jag har inget emot det. She has small breasts, but I don't mind. She has little breasts, but I have nothing against it. Fuglarnir syngja. The birds are singing. The birds sing. Vi bor tæt på skolen. We live close the school. We live close to school. Har du provat det här? Have you tried this? Have you tried this? Pengarna kom ifrån Algeriet. The money was coming from Algeria. The money came from Algeria. Það er erfitt fyrir útlendinga að ná tökum á japönsku. It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. It’s hard for foreigners to take on Japanese. Hvilken CD vil du høre på? Which CD do you want to listen to? Which CD do you want to hear? Ég fann fyrir kuldahrolli þegar fór út úr húsinu. I felt a chill when I went out of the house. I felt cold when I got out of the house. Helbredet betyder alt. Health means everything. Healing means everything. Nogle mennesker siger at Japan er et mandsdomineret samfund. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say that Japan is a man-dominated society. Du kan alltid räkna med honom i en nödsituation. You can always count on him in any emergency. You can always count on him in an emergency. Jag gjorde den här själv. I made this myself. I did this myself. Ek em. I am! Oh, my God. Inga skämt, tack! No jokes please! No jokes, please! Fader! Tilgiv dem, thi de ved ikke, hvad de gør. Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Þú keyptir matinn svo ef ég kaupi vínið jafnast það út. You bought the food, so if I buy the wine that will even things up. You bought the food, so if I buy the wine, I'll get it out. Det skulle inte spela någon roll ändå. It wouldn't make any difference anyway. It wouldn’t play a role anyway. Jeg kan ikke fordra rå fisk. I can't stand raw fish. I can't hurt raw fish. Jeg kunne lide denne film. I liked this film. I liked this movie. Hans bærbare computer er allerede fem år gammel. His laptop is already five years old. His laptop is already five years old. Ta med noen flasker vann til møterommet. Take some bottles of water to the meeting room. Bring some bottles of water to the meeting room. Er faxen en moderne udgave af telegrafen? Is the fax a modern form of the telegraph? Is the fax a modern version of the telegraph? Hun vil gerne være sanger. She wants to be a singer. She wants to be a singer. Han gør aldrig noget uden at hun får færten af det. He never does anything but she smells it out. He never does anything without getting the ferry off of it. Er du hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Are you home tonight? Tom er en sterk type. Tom is a strong guy. Tom is a strong type. Råttor förökar sig fort. Rats breed rapidly. Rats are disappearing fast. Vi har alle engang været børn. We were all children once. We've all been children once. Tom legede med sine katte. Tom played with his cats. Tom played with his cats. Gå på offensiven. Go on the offensive. Go on the offensive. De var begge berusede. They were both drunk. They were both drunk. Jeg fryser. I am cold. I'm freezing. Tom gik udenfor for at ryge. Tom went outside to smoke. Tom went outside to smoke. Ponera att det är sant. Let's say that it's true. Don't think it's true. Kan du skrive med venstre hånd? Can you write with your left hand? Can you write with your left hand? Jag hör skratt. I hear laughing. I hear laugh. Vi trenger flere opplysninger om dette. We need more information about this. We need more information about this. Pengene var ikke anskaffet på ærlig vis. The money was not honestly come by. The money was not acquired in an honest way. "Känner du igen den här mannen?" "Nä, det kan jag inte säga att jag gör." "Do you recognize this man?" "Can't say I do." "Do you recognize this man?" "No, I can't say I'm doing it." Om jag vore du, skulle jag lyssna på Toms råd. If I were you, I'd listen to Tom's advice. If I were you, I would listen to Tom's advice. Dette er ikke første gang jeg kører på cykel. This is not my first time riding a bicycle. This is not the first time I ride a bike. Dyrnar opnast ekki. The door won't open. Animals are not opened. Lort! Shit! Lot! Jeg har ikke hørt fra Tom i temmelig lang tid. I haven't heard from Tom in quite some time. I haven't heard from Tom for quite a long time. Jeg drak en kop kaffe for at holde mig vågen. I drank a cup of coffee to stay awake. I drank a cup of coffee to keep me awake. Det glæder mig at se dig igen. I'm glad to see you again. I look forward to seeing you again. Efter den här filmen får jag säkert mardrömmar. I'll surely have nightmares after this movie. After this movie, I'm sure I'll have nightmares. Hon hjälpte honom. She helped him. She helped him. Jeg bemærkede at Tom havde beskidte fødder. I noticed that Tom's feet weren't clean. I noticed that Tom had dirty feet. Hun er sparsommelig, for ikke at sige nærig. She is frugal, not to say stingy. She's sparse, not to say close. Han är tillbaka om tio minuter. He will be back in ten minutes. He's back in 10 minutes. Beijing är större än Rom. Beijing is bigger than Rome. Beijing is bigger than Rome. Öll dýr eru jöfn. All animals are equal. All animals are hunters. Það er bráð þörf á samfélagslegum breytingum. There is an urgent need for social change. We need a social change soon. Bid i det sure æble! Swallow your pride! Bid in the acidic apple! Han kommer ikke, så vidt jeg vet. As far as I know, he won't come. He's not coming, as far as I know. Jeg har tre hunde. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. Der er ikke nok mangoer. There are not enough mangoes. There are not enough mangos. De har läst en intressant bok. They have been reading an interesting book. They have read an interesting book. En dag fann jag en bok där. One day I found a book there. One day I found a book there. Tom og Mary blev gift i en lille kirke. Tom and Mary got married in a small church. Tom and Mary were married in a small church. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading books is interesting. Tom försvann just. Tom just disappeared. Tom just disappeared. Har jag missat mycket? Have I missed much? Have I missed a lot? Tom sa til Mary at han ville flytte til Boston. Tom told Mary he wanted to move to Boston. Tom told Mary he wanted to move to Boston. Vad ska vi säga till Tom? What do we tell Tom? What are we going to say to Tom? Vi ser sjældent Tom cykle. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom cycle. Jeg ser rosen. I see the rose. I see the rose. Der må være en løsning på problemet. There must be some solution to the problem. There must be a solution to the problem. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami emerged from his coma. Sami woke up from coming. Ta det lugnt. Pace yourself. Take it easy. Det är en timmes promenad till stationen. It's an hour's walk to the station. It's an hour walk to the station. Jeg har brug for en ny cykel. I need a new bicycle. I need a new bike. Bill tændte for fjernsynet. Bill turned on the television. Bill turned on the television. Gå före du, Tom. Go on ahead, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Företaget jag arbetade för höll på att skära ner. Olyckligtvis förlorade jag jobbet. The company I worked for was downsizing. Unfortunately, I lost my job. The company I worked for kept cutting down. Unfortunately, I lost my job. Om det inte låter engelskt är det inte engelska. If it doesn't sound English, it's not English. If it doesn’t sound English, it’s not English. Var på din vakt. You've got to be on your toes. Be on your guard. Du vet ikke hva du vil, ikke sant? You don't know what you want, do you? You don't know what you want, right? Pengar är guden av den mänskliga rasen. Money is the god of the human race. Money is the god of the human race. Sami gav Layla et lift hjem. Sami gave Layla a ride home. Sami gave Layla a life home. Hun er vakker. She is beautiful. She's beautiful. Äntligen! Finally! Finally! De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV device with a new one. Vi ved hvem han er. We know who he is. We know who he is. Jeg er lei av de lange talene hans. I'm fed up with his long talks. I'm tired of his long speeches. Jeg tar ikke feil. I don't make mistakes. I'm not wrong. Vertu blessaður. Goodbye! Be blessed. Jeg spiller på klaver. I play piano. I play at piano. Hvem bor i værelset nedenunder? Who lives in the room below? Who lives in the room below? Vill du gifta dig först eller skaffa barn först? Do you want to get married first or have a child first? Do you want to get married first or have a baby first? Han hadde et solid alibi. He had a strong alibi. He had a solid alibi. Mary gillar verkligen Tom. Mary really likes Tom. Mary really likes Tom. Han valde dem på måfå. He chose them at random. He chose them in vain. Du är gammal nog att förstå. You're old enough to understand. You're old enough to understand. Han var sjuk i söndags. He was ill on Sunday. He was sick on Sunday. Har du pratat med någon om de här sakerna? Have you ever talked to anyone about these things? Have you talked to someone about these things? Alla gick. Everybody left. Everyone went. Hvorfor liker du ikke meg? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Ingen skrek. No one shouted. No one screamed. Må jeg se dit kørekort? Can I see your driving license? Can I see your driving licence? Tránum er plantað með þrjátíu metra millibili. The trees are planted at intervals of thirty meters. The shoulder is planted at thirty meters apart. Emily stillede mig et spørgsmål. Emily asked me a question. Emily asked me a question. Ég hélt að hann væri upptekinn en þvert á móti var hann ekki að gera neitt. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he was idle. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary, he wasn’t doing anything. Þolirðu það hvernig hann hagar sér? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Do you know how he behaves? Luften ble kaldere da jeg kom hjem på sykkelen min. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air was cold when I got home on my bike. Ljusen såg ut som eldflugor. The lights seemed like fireflies. The light looked like lightning flies. Snorre Sturlasons historier forteller blant annet om at kristendommen ble fordelt i Norge med makt. Snorri Sturluson's stories tells, among other things, how Christianity was spread in Norway by force. Snorre Sturlason’s stories tell, among other things, that Christianity was distributed in Norway with power. Hvem taler jeg med? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Jeg er led og ked af at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I'm sorry to work here. Antalet människor som röker ökade under de senaste tio åren. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. The number of people smoking increased over the past 10 years. Ég er að leita að fastri vinnu. I'm looking for some regular work. I am looking for a firm job. Ta god tid på dig. Take your time. Take a good time. Denne by er kold og ensom uden dig. This city is cold and lonely without you. This city is cold and lonely without you. Vi ved alle at hunde godt kan lide at gnave kødben. We all know dogs like to gnaw on bones. We all know that dogs like to grab the meat. Jeg taler kabylsk, fransk, engelsk og arabisk; så jeg er flersproget. I speak Kabyle, French, English, and Arabic, so I am multilingual. I speak Turkish, French, English and Arabic; so I am the multilingual. Försöker du blåsa mig? Are you hustling me? Are you trying to blow me? Är du snickare? Are you a carpenter? Are you a carpenter? Hvis en samtale ikke går så bra, prøv en annen fremgangsmåte. If a conversation is not going all that well, try another approach. If a conversation doesn’t go so well, try another method. Efter en kall dusch lade jag mig på soffan. After a cold shower, I lay down on the sofa. After a cold shower, I put myself on the couch. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "Get me salted, thank you." Hun er ingen helt. She's no heroine. She's not a hero. Þú hefðir getað gert það. You could have done it. You could have done it. Ingen lege kan forklare det. No doctor can explain that. No doctor can explain it. Kor mye er det verd? How much is it worth? How much is it worth? Han ved hvordan man får kvinder til at græde. He knows how to make women cry. He knows how to make women cry. Vi kan inte dödas. We can't be killed. We can't be killed. Barnen var rädda för vatten och kunde inte simma. The children were afraid of water and could not swim. The children were afraid of water and couldn’t swim. Tom stiger upp före gryningen på de flesta morgnar. Tom gets up before dawn most mornings. Tom rises up before the dawn of most mornings. Lad os købe denne her til hende. Let's buy her this one. Let's buy this for her. Alla applåderar. Everybody claps. All applause. Tom líkar ekkert alltof vel við Maríu. Tom doesn't like Mary very much. Tom doesn’t like anything much about Mary. Tom sa att du lät det hända. Tom says you let it happen. Tom said you let it happen. Jeg har et billede af min kæreste på min natbord. I have a photo of my girlfriend on my nightstand. I have a picture of my girlfriend on my night table. Fuglene gemte sig blandt bladene og begyndte at synge. The birds hid themselves among the leaves and started to sing. The birds hid among the leaves and began to sing. Vi er ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel. We are not ready to throw the towel in the ring. Jeg taler kun fransk. I can only speak French. I only speak French. Tom masserar tinningarna med sina fingrar. Tom massages his temples with his fingers. Tom massages the tints with his fingers. Denne gamle bil er din hvis du vil have den. This old car is yours if you want it. This old car is yours if you want it. Vi fruktar. We're afraid. We fear. Norge heter "Norge" på norsk. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway is called "Norway" in Norwegian. Jag har gjort allt jag kan för dig. I've done what I can for you. I've done everything I can for you. Jag steg upp tidigt i går. I got up early yesterday. I stepped up early yesterday. Jag går inte på mötet. I'm not going to the meeting. I'm not going to the meeting. Ég er ekki ennþá búin að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Jag njöt av det. I was enjoying it. I enjoyed it. Effektene av klimaendringene er langt mindre tydelige i Antarktis enn i de nordlige polarområdene. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effects of climate change are far less apparent in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Jag vill dricka något kallt. I want to drink something cold. I want to drink something cold. Jeg har sluttet å spise kjøtt. I've given up eating meat. I stopped eating meat. Jeg er fransklærer. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Har ni fördomar? Are you biased? Do you have prejudice? Han så tyndere ud dag for dag. He appeared thinner every day. He looked thinner today for the day. Du står fritt til å reise hvor du vil. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You are free to travel wherever you want. Simpansar eru gáfaðar skepnur, færar um að leysa einföld vandamál. The chimpanzee is an intelligent creature, capable of solving simple problems. Simpans are smart creatures, capable of solving a simple problem. Det er kun alt for sandt. It is only too true. It's just too true. Kan jag hämta dig? Can I pick you up? Can I get you? Alle av oss er meir eller mindre kunstinteresserte. Every one of us is more or less interested in art. All of us are more or less art-interested. Vi reste tillsammans. We traveled together. We traveled together. Har det nogen betydning? Does it matter? Does it matter? Han døde i går. He died yesterday. He died yesterday. Tom sin død kom brått. Tom's death came as a surprise. Tom's death came suddenly. Jeg er ikke en fan av postmodernismen. I'm not a fan of postmodernism. I'm not a fan of postmodernism. Vi så hende ikke. We didn't see her. We didn't see her. Går detta att utföra? Can this be done? Is this going to be done? Det er en løgn! That's a lie! It's a lie! Vår tid er begrenset. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Er det det hun vil? Is that what she wants? Is that what she wants? Ta min. Take mine. Take mine. Ge oss tre minuter. Give us three minutes. Give us three minutes. John tilstod, hvad der angik ham. John testified concerning him. John knew what happened to him. Uret er ti minutter bagefter. The clock is ten minutes slow. The clock is ten minutes later. Det här är den bild jag målade i går. This is the picture that I painted yesterday. This is the picture I painted yesterday. Jag är inte stolt över dig. I'm not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Nogen åbnede vinduet. Someone opened the window. Someone opened the window. Mannen dro fra restauranten uten å betale regningen. The man left the restaurant without paying his bill. The man went from the restaurant without paying the bill. Mér til undrunar var hann með fallega rödd. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. He had a beautiful voice. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge og drikke. I stopped smoking and drinking. I stopped smoking and drinking. Du trenger godt utstyr for å bestige det fjellet. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. You need good equipment to climb the mountain. Jeg leser denne avisen. I'm reading this newspaper. I read this paper. Var inte arg. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Så praktiskt! So practical! So practical! Köpte ni medicinen? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the medicine? Han är välavlönad. He is well paid. He's well-seeded. Synes du virkelig det er passende å legge inn en setning som det på Tatoeba? Do you really think it's appropriate to put a sentence like that on Tatoeba? Do you really think it’s appropriate to enter a sentence like that in Tatoeba? Hvad tog tager du? What train you are going to take? What train are you taking? Allir geta orðið vinir, jafnvel þótt tungumál þeirra og siðir eru ólík. All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different. Everyone can become friends, even if their language and language are different. Jag vill veta exakt vad det är som händer. I want to know exactly what is going on. I want to know exactly what happens. Jag tror att jag är kär. I think I'm in love. I think I'm in love. Døde hunde kan ikke bide. Dead dogs cannot bite. Dead dogs can't bite. Þú verður að gera það undir eins. You must do it at once. You have to do it under the same. Þau rifust. They quarreled. They were torn. Hun er allerede gift. She's already married. She's already married. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I have seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Det är inte värt besväret. It's not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Finns det någon som kan svara? Is there anyone who can answer? Is there anyone who can answer? Fuglene sang i træerne. The birds used to sing in the trees. Birds sang in the trees. Tom har mistet sin hat. Tom lost his hat. Tom has lost his hatred. Ég steig út úr leigubílnum. I got out of the taxi. I'm going out of the taxi. Rumrejser er farlige. Space travel is dangerous. Space travel is dangerous. Jeg laver rav i den. I'm going to rock the boat. I'll make a fuck in it. Hagen hennes er et kunstverk. Her garden is a work of art. Her garden is a work of art. Tom er begyndt på at gå med slips på arbejdet. Tom has started wearing a tie to work. Tom is starting to wear slips at work. Allt i denna värld är blott en dröm. Everything that is in this world is but a dream. All in this world is just a dream. Førerkortet ditt har gått ut. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's card has expired. Það er rétt! That's right! That's right! Tom har en pige derhjemme. Tom has a girl back home. Tom has a girl at home. Alt forandres svært fort og den fordrer et nytt tankesett blant dagens ansatte. Everything changes very quickly, which calls for a new mindset among today's employees. Everything changes very quickly and it brings about a new mindset among today’s employees. Tom vert tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom will be thirty in March. Den funkar. It's working. It works. Tom sa alltid att han ville lära sig spela mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn how to play mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn how to play mahjong. Klósettið sturtar ekki almennilega niður. The toilet doesn't flush properly. The dress doesn’t fall down properly. Restauranten er fuld. The restaurant is full. The restaurant is full. Clyde var utilfreds med sit butikskøbte teleskop og besluttede at bygge ét selv. Clydes far tog et ekstrajob for at betale for de materialer, der var nødvendige for at bygge det. Clyde was dissatisfied with his store-bought telescope and decided to build one for himself. Clyde's father took a second job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Clyde was dissatisfied with his shop buying telescope and decided to build one himself. Clyde's father took an extra job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Det er et stort privilegium at være med dig i Tatoeba. It is a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. It is a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. Tror du det var ham der smadrede vinduet? Do you think he is the guy that broke the window? Do you think it was him who broke the window? Allt sem má misskilja verður misskilið. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. Du kan inte följa med oss. You can't go with us. You can't come with us. Ég er að frjósa. I'm freezing. I'm going to freeze. Jeg bor nær sjøen, så jeg får ofte dratt til stranden. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I live near the sea, so I often go to the beach. Jag skämdes. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. Du har ett meddelande här. You have a message here. You have a message here. Jeg venter barn på nyåret! I'm expecting a baby in the new year! I'm waiting for a baby in the New Year! Du har inget val. You don't have a choice. You have no choice. Hon tittade på några klänningar och valde ut den dyraste. She looked at a few dresses and picked the most expensive one. She looked at some dresses and selected the most expensive. Det hela är nytt för mig. It's all new for me. It's all new to me. Tornet kommer att rasa. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will rage. Jeg tror, nogen har spædet punchen op. I think that someone spiked the punch. I think someone's been picking up the punch. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've been very good. Det glæder mig at se dig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I look forward to seeing you, Tom. Menar du allvar? Are you serious? Are you serious? Jeg har sagt noget. I said something. I said something. Jeg må indrømme at jeg aldrig har hørt om ham. I must admit that I've never heard of him. I have to admit I've never heard of him. Framtiden ser mørk ut for Edmond Dantès etter han har blitt utsatt for et komplott, han ble dømt for forræderi og satt i fengsel på livstid. The future looked bleak for Edmond Dantes after he became the victim of a conspiracy, and he was convicted for treason and imprisoned for life. The future looks dark for Edmond Dantès after he has been subjected to a plot, he was convicted of treason and put in prison for life. Jeg bad Tom om at gå til læge. I told Tom to see a doctor. I asked Tom to go to the doctor. Mamma arbeider. Mummy's working. Mom's working. Du har taget fejl. You're barking up the wrong tree. You've been wrong. Min cykel behöver lagas. My bicycle is in need of repair. My bike needs to be made. Jag varnade honom för faran. I warned him of the danger. I warned him of the danger. Alt sker af en grund. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Enligt upphovsmännen till Oxford English Dictionary finns det över 800 000 ord i det engelska språket. According to the makers of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. According to the authors of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. Jeg var ikke på festen. I was absent from the party. I wasn't at the party. Ég er mjög svöng. I'm very hungry. I am very hungry. Jeg ville ikke tro Mary over en dørtærskel. I wouldn't trust Mary an inch. I didn't want to believe Mary over a doorway. Lad nu være, vil du ikke nok? Give me a break, will you? Let's go, don't you? La meg hjelpe deg. Let me help you. Let me help you. Er katteurt sikkert for killinger? Is catnip safe for kittens? Are cats safe for kittens? Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, fik jeg en snak med mor. Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom. After I made homework, I had a conversation with my mother. Jeg vil være bodyguard. I want to be a bodyguard. I want to be a bodyguard. Toms begravelse er i dag. Tom's funeral is today. Tom's funeral is today. Jeg fikk det ikke med meg. I couldn't get what you said. I didn't get it with me. Han skrattade sig fördärvad. He died laughing. He laughed corruptly. Hvad sagde jeg! Den Europæiske Union har netop pålagt en af vores store virksomheder, Google, en bøde på fem milliarder dollar. De har virkelig udnyttet USA, men ikke ret meget længere! I told you so! The European Union just slapped a Five Billion Dollar fine on one of our great companies, Google. They truly have taken advantage of the U.S., but not for long! What I said! The European Union has just imposed one of our big companies, Google, a fine of five billion dollars. They have really exploited the United States, but not much longer! Um hvern ertu að tala? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? Og tjenestekarlen kom og huggede træet i små stykker. And the servant came and chopped the Tree into little pieces. And the servant came and pondered the tree in small pieces. Jag önskar bara att jag kunde vara så lycklig som du verkar. I only wish I could be as happy as you seem to be. I just wish I could be as happy as you seem. Mor lavede frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made breakfast for us. Har du en anelse om hvem som er i naborommet? Do you have any idea who's in the next room? Do you have any idea who's in the neighborhood? Han er stærkere end nogensinde. He is stronger than ever. He is stronger than ever. Hann sefur eins og barn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a child. Hvordan skete det? How did it happen? How did that happen? Han er altid ked af det. He's always sad. He's always sorry. Við höfum enn hvort annað og það er aðalatriðið. We've still got each other, and that's the main thing. We still have each other and that’s the main thing. Talarðu arabísku? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? Köp inga fler presenter åt mig. Don't buy me any more presents! Do not buy any more gifts for me. Vi är försenade. We're behind schedule. We're delayed. Hvor er dine nøgler? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Put den i en papirspose. Put it into a paper bag. Put it in a paper bag. Kan du reparera detta? Can you repair this? Can you repair this? Mary ble begravet i denne byen. Mary was buried in this city. Mary was buried in this city. Du bør besøke tannlegen. You ought to see a dentist. You should visit the dentist. Jeg går sammen med henne. I'm walking with her. I'm going with her. Han løb hjemmefra tre gange før han var ti. He ran away from home three times before he was ten. He ran from home three times before he was ten. Jeg møter ham etter jeg kommer tilbake. I will see him after I get back. I'll meet him after I get back. Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg skal begynde. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Hvad fandt du? What did you find? What did you find? Tak fordi du er min ven. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being my friend. Spelade du in det? Did you record it? Did you play it? Tom har kanske rätt. Tom might be right. Tom may be right. Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I want an apple. I want an apple. Vent på mig ved indgangen. Wait for me at the entrance. Wait for me at the entrance. Tom fick det att se så lätt ut. Tom made it look so easy. Tom made it look so easy. Hur lång är den där bron? How long is that bridge? How long is that bridge? Det er åbenlyst for enhver at han er forelsket. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It is obvious to anyone that he is in love. Det var ikke en let beslutning. It was not an easy decision. It was not an easy decision. Tom kan ikke holde tritt med Maria. Tom can't keep up with Mary. Tom can't keep up with Maria. Dette vannet er et av de dypeste i landet. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This water is one of the deepest in the country. Han sagde, at hvis han havde kendt hendes adresse, ville han have skrevet til hende. He said that if he knew her address, he would write to her. He said that if he had known her address, he would have written to her. Han har ikke noe til felles med henne. He has nothing in common with her. He has nothing in common with her. Min korttidshukommelse bliver kortere og kortere. My short-term memory is getting shorter and shorter. My short-term memory will be shorter and shorter. Jag spelade fotboll. I played football. I played football. Tom har et farve-tv. Tom has a color TV. Tom has a color TV. Borde inte ni gå hem? Shouldn't you go home? Shouldn't you go home? Jag flyttade inte på någonting. I didn't move a thing. I didn't move on anything. Hvad lavede du i går? What were you doing yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Vi döpte min son efter min farfar. We named my son after my grandfather. We named my son after my grandfather. Det vil intet ændre. That won't change anything. There will be no change. Tom er meteorolog. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom is meteorologist. Kom og se oss spille. Come to watch us play. Come and see us play. Jeg vil gerne sidde her for en stund. I'd like to sit here for a while. I want to sit here for a while. Jag kan inte vänta längre. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait anymore. Tom og Mary åbnede deres julegaver. Tom and Mary opened their Christmas presents. Tom and Mary opened their julies. Al-Mutanabbi dog med svärdet i hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with his sword in his hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with the sword in hand. Det är alltid mörkt under oljelampan. It is always dark beneath the oil lamp. It is always dark under the oil lamp. Hendes forældre elskede mig. Her parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Tom så Mary. Tom saw Mary. Tom saw Mary. Manstu? Do you remember? Do you remember? Jag undrar om Tom talar sanning. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I wonder if Tom is talking truth. Jeg har købt et hus med de penge som jeg arvede efter min bedstefar. I bought a house with the money that I inherited from my grandfather. I bought a house with the money I inherited after my grandfather. Jeg vet ikke om du er klar til å se det jeg har lyst å vise deg. I don't know whether you are ready to see what I want to show you. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you. Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som dig. I'm almost as old as you are. I'm almost as old as you. De förökar sig som kaniner. They're multiplying like rabbits. They eat like rabbits. Jeg regnede med at jeg måske kunne finde dig her. I figured I might find you here. I thought maybe I could find you here. Hun taler tre sprog. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. Jag skall gå till stranden. I'll go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. Gå tillbaka upp dit. Get back up there. Go back up there. Taler du portugisisk? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Hele verden er blevet skør. The whole world has gone crazy. The whole world has become crazy. Besøker du ofte postkontoret? Do you go to the post office often? Do you often visit the post office? Tónlistin sem við hlustuðum á í gær var yndisleg. The music we listened to last night was wonderful. The music we listened to yesterday was wonderful. Tom brændte et seddelbundt. Tom burned a wad of bills. Tom burned a billboard. Kom i gang! Get started. Come on! Varför svarar du inte? Why don't you answer? Why don't you answer? Jeg kunne ikke ringe deg. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. Har du läst den? Have you read it? Have you read it? Jón ræsti bílinn. John started the car. Jón the first car. Jag vet exakt vad du menar. Föräldrar kan vara riktigt jobbiga. I know exactly what you mean. Parents can be really annoying. I know exactly what you mean. Parents can be really difficult. Säg till Tom att jag är färdig. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm done. Är du galen? Are you mad? Are you crazy? Tom vann inte tävlingen. Tom didn't win the contest. Tom did not win the contest. Jeg er et barn. I am a child. I'm a child. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There is little chance that she can reach. Hun hater ham. She hates him. She hates him. Varför åker inte Tom? Why won't Tom leave? Why don't Tom go? Jag tror jag aldrig har sett dig så full förut. I think I've never seen you so drunk before. I don't think I've ever seen you so full before. Sami var också hungrig. Sami was hungry as well. Sami was hungry too. Tyfonen Megi går på land i Filippinerne. Typhoon Megi makes landfall in the Philippines. The typhoon Megi is on land in the Philippines. Jeg har skrevet denne sang kun for dig. I wrote this song just for you. I wrote this song only for you. Jag undrar hur det gick till. I wonder how that happened. I wonder how it went. Han er en velinformeret person. He's a well-informed person. He is a well-informed person. Jeg må huske at poste brevet. I must remember to mail the letter. I have to remember to post the letter. Ekorrar älskar ekollon. Squirrels love acorns. Chocolates love chocolate. Jeg er totalt smadret. I'm completely knackered. I'm totally broken. Jag hämtar Tom åt dig. I'll get Tom for you. I'll get Tom for you. Ikke alle tyskere kan lide at drikke øl. Not all Germans like to drink beer. Not all Germans like to drink beer. Tjener, tre kaffe, tak! Waiter, three coffees, please. Serve, three coffee, please! Jeg kunne ikke høre hva som ble sagt. I couldn't hear what was being said. I couldn't hear what was said. Vi kan inte låta Tom dö. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. Jeg tror Mary har en affære. I think Mary is having an affair. I think Mary has an affair. Jeg hader dette sted. I hate this place. I hate this place. Hunden er sulten. The dog is hungry. The dog is hungry. Mandag er en hård dag. Monday is a hard day. Monday is a hard day. Mit sværd er mit liv. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Fönstret är öppet. The window is open. The window is open. Jag är utled på det. I'm fed up with it. I'm out of it. Jag gjorde det redan. I already did it. I did it already. Du där, kom tillbaka. Hey, come back here. You there, come back. Noe rart foregår. Something strange is going on. Something strange happens. Sunnudagur er síðsti dagur í vikuni. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the final day of the week. Det finns också en toalett på fjärde våningen. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. Jag äter ett äpple. I eat an apple. I eat an apple. Bemærk at du har et ekstra mellemrum mellem disse to ord. Note that you have an extra space between these two words. Please note that you have an extra space between these two words. Vem bryr sig? Who cares? Who cares? Jag ska inte dö. I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die. Kan vi prata på insidan? Can we talk inside? Can we talk to the inside? Kan ni höra mig? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Tom svømmer. Tom's swimming. Tom swims. Jag tycker inte om att se Tom ledsen. I don't like seeing Tom sad. I don't like seeing Tom sorry. Är det för svårt? Is that too hard? Is it too difficult? Begge ben er svage. Both legs are weak. Both legs are weak. Tom skadade sig. Tom injured himself. Tom hurt himself. Jag ser ett hus. I see a house. I see a house. Jeg kan bake brød. I can bake bread. I can bake bread. Skulle du kunna ta den här, tack? Could you take this, please? Could you take this, please? Denne te er for bitter. This tea is too bitter. This tea is too bitter. Loksins tókst Mario að vinna ástir prinsessunnar. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love. Mario finally managed to win the love of the princess. Manden, der skød haren, er jæger. The man who shot the hare is a hunter. The man who shot the tail is a hunter. Jag vill kunna läsa japanska. I want to be able to read Japanese. I want to read Japanese. Må jeg bruge din telefon? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Pigen tror stadig på julemanden. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. Ég borgaði um fimmtíu dollara. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid $50. Den står på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your table. Det sluttet å snø for en time siden. It stopped snowing an hour ago. It stopped snowing about an hour ago. När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked in a factory. Seier og tap er ikke avgjort kun på størrelsen av hæren din. Victory and defeat aren't solely decided by the size of your army. Victory and loss are not determined only on the size of your army. Tom tillsatte några intressanta kryddor i stuvningen. Tom added some interesting spices to the stew. Tom added some interesting spices in the living room. Ingen vinter varar för alltid. No winter lasts forever. No winter lasts forever. Ved du hvad UNESCO står for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Ég náði ekki alveg nafni þessa hönnuðar. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn’t get the name of this designer. Jeg tror du tar feil. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Jag har lust att vara ensam. I feel like being alone. I want to be alone. Det är ganska kallt. It is pretty cold. It's pretty cold. Er der noget andet, vi kan gøre for Tom? Is there something else we can do for Tom? Is there anything else we can do for Tom? Toms bil blev totalkvaddad. Tom's car was totalled. Tom's car was completely cleared. Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Noen av vennene mine snakker engelsk bra. Some of my friends can speak English well. Some of my friends speak English well. Jag ska vänta en vecka. I'll wait a week. I'll wait a week. Självklart inte! Of course not! Of course not! Vad söt! How cute! What a sweet one! Tänk på Algeriet. Think of Algeria. Think about Algeria. Tom købte drinks til alle. Tom bought drinks for everybody. Tom bought drinks for everyone. Han har två bilar. He's got two cars. He has two cars. Við erum ekki hræsin í svefni. We are not hypocrites in our sleep. We're not scared in sleep. Tom lämnade tv:n på hela natten. Tom left the TV on all night. Tom left the TV all night. Hvor er mine benvarmere? Where are my leg warmers? Where are my leg warmers? Jag skulle vilja lära mig finska. I'd like to learn Finnish. I would like to learn Finnish. Jeg er arkæolog. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Jeg må snakke med deg om noe personelig. I need to talk to you about something personal. I need to talk to you about something personal. Om du inte studerar mer så kommer du helt säkert att misslyckas. If you don't study harder, you'll fail for sure. If you don’t study more, you will certainly fail. Ge mig en pistol. Give me a gun. Give me a gun. Hvis du ikke er fornøyd, slutt. If you're not happy, quit. If you are not satisfied, end. Har du reserveret? Do you have a reservation? Have you booked? Vi vil høre det hele. We want to hear everything. We want to hear it all. Tom er meddeler for forbundspolitiet. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom is sent to the Federal Police. Hun fortalte meg hemmeligheten sin. She told me her secret. She told me her secret. Kanskje jeg skal ta med meg en paraply for sikkerhets skyld. Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case. Maybe I should bring an umbrella for safety. Där såg han det han hade drömt om. He saw there what he had dreamed about. There he saw what he had dreamed of. Jeg likte å svømme i elva. I enjoyed swimming in the river. I enjoyed swimming in the river. Ja, så vitt jag vet. Yes, as far as I know. Yeah, so white I know. Hvorfor bekymre sig om Tom? Why worry about Tom? Why worry about Tom? Jeg så en jumbojet lette. I saw a jumbo jet take off. I saw a jet light. Sami och Layla har olika smak när det kommer till musik. Sami and Layla have different tastes when it comes to music. Sami and Layla have different tastes when it comes to music. Tom har tre ekskoner. Tom has three ex-wives. Tom has three excons. Har jag glömt nåt? Have I forgotten anything? Have I forgotten something? Prisen ændrer sig med efterspørgslen. The price varies with demand. The price changes with demand. Den skutan är en tremastare. That sailing ship is a three-master. That shot is a three-masser. Har du nøkkelene til dette rommet? Do you have the key to this room? Do you have the key to this room? Var alle medlemmene til stede på møtet? Were all the members present at the meeting? Were all members present at the meeting? Hon sitter i fängelse. She's in prison. She's in prison. Farvæl! Farewell! Come on! Han stack ett strå i en myrstack. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He put a straw in a dark spot. I skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. You don't have to hurt me. Jeg har det godt. I'm fine. I'm fine. Det är jättestort. It's huge. It's great. Han är din vän. He's your friend. He's your friend. Skriv in ditt användarnamn följt av ditt lösenord. Enter your username, followed by your password. Enter your username followed by your password. Det är dags att gå. It's time to go. It's time to go. Hønen havde ganske små lave ben, og derfor kaldtes den "Kykkelilavben;" den lagde godt æg, og konen holdt af den, som af sit eget barn. The hen had very short legs, so she was called "Chickie short legs." She laid good eggs, and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child. The chicken had quite small low legs, and therefore it was called the "Kykelilavbe;" it laid good eggs, and the woman held by it as of his own child. Jag kommer att göra det. I'll do it. I'll do it. Tør dine tårer. Dry your tears. Dry your tears. Jeg ga Tom en klem. I gave Tom a hug. I gave Tom a hug. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg vente og se, hvad der sker. If I were you, I'd wait and see what happens. If I were you, I'd wait and see what's going on. I teorien er det ingen forskjell mellom teori og praksis. Men, i praksis er det. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, it is. Jag behöver också förbättra min engelska. I also need to improve my English. I also need to improve my English. Hvis det ikke findes i Tatoeba, så er det ikke en sætning. If you can't find it on Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. If it doesn’t exist in Tatoeba, it’s not a sentence. Hun skrudde ned radioen. She turned down the radio. She screwed down the radio. Du bør slå dette ord op. You should look up this word. You should beat this word up. Hun blev testet for hiv. She got tested for HIV. She was tested for HIV. Það birti yfir himninum. The sky brightened. It appeared in the sky. Hvis er denne cykel? Whose is this bicycle? If is this bike? Jag jobbade sent. I was working late. I worked late. Jeg kan ikke lide hvad jeg ser. I don't like what I see. I don't like what I see. Jag gick längs huvudgatan. I walked along the main street. I went along the main street. Vi har styrede missiler og vildledte mennesker. We have guided missiles and misguided men. We have guided missiles and wild people. Tom har dårlig konsentrasjonsevne. Tom has a short attention span. Tom has poor concentration ability. Hver person betalte tusind dollar. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Every person paid a thousand dollars. Jeg blev gift for 8 år siden. I married eight years ago. I was married 8 years ago. Hans lønn kan ikke holde følge med inflasjonen. His salary can't keep pace with inflation. His salary cannot follow inflation. Jag hörde någon skrika alldeles nyss. I just heard someone scream. I heard someone screaming very well. Hun er for gammel til dig. She's too old for you. She's too old for you. Tölvur eru vélar. Computers are machines. Computers are machines. Grytan var min. The pot was mine. Grytan was mine. Mannskapet er opptatt med å forberede reisen til det ytre rom. The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space. The crew is committed to preparing the journey to outer space. Huset omgavs av en stenmur. The house had a stone wall around it. The house was surrounded by a stone wall. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor folk er bange for nye ideer. Jeg er bange for de gamle. I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones. I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas, I'm afraid of the old ones. Líttu á þennan. Look at that one. Look at this. Min mor kjøpte to flasker med appelsinjuice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Vi må samarbeide for å gjøre verden til et bedre sted. We need to work together in order to make the world a better place. We need to work together to make the world a better place. Lommekalkulatorer er like billige å kjøpe som et par sokker, og like viktig for tusener av britiske skolebarn som blyant og viskelær. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser. Lombard calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as important for thousands of British school children as pencils and erasers. Rhinen renner mellom Frankrike og Tyskland. The Rhine runs between France and Germany. The Rhine flows between France and Germany. Japan är fullt av vackra landskap. Japan is rich in beautiful scenery. Japan is full of beautiful landscapes. Er katten ute av huset, danser musene på bordet. When the landlord's away, the tenants will play. If the cat is out of the house, the mice dance on the table. Hvor savede du dem? Where did you saw them? Where did you sweat them? Hvor kan jeg møde Tom? Where can I meet Tom? Where can I meet Tom? Jeg vil heller ikke være her. I don't want to be here either. I don't want to be here either. Giv mig et kram! Give me a hug. Give me a hug! Tom går till skolan till fots. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Hann braust inn í hús. He broke into a house. He went into a house. Vad har Tom sagt? What has Tom said? What did Tom say? Vil du danse med mig? Do you want to dance with me? Do you want to dance with me? Vi hører dig ofte synge. We often hear you sing. We often hear you sing. Hún getur skautað. She is able to skate. She can hurt. Kan jag träffa dig där? Can I meet you there? Can I meet you there? Ligger skolen din langt fra der du bor? Is your school far from your home? Is your school far from where you live? Mine råd ble ikke fulgt. My advice was not followed. My advice was not followed. Tom spiste alle vingummibamserne. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the gums. Jag gillar inte din attityd. I don't like your attitude. I don't like your attitude. En av Toms plikter er å rake løv. Tom's duties include raking the leaves. One of Tom's duties is to shave the lion. I går har de ikke spillet tennis. They didn't play tennis yesterday. Yesterday, they don’t play tennis. Tom liker å bokse. Tom likes to box. Tom likes to box. Slutt å vere så snill. Stop being so nice. Stop being so kind. Ég syndi í sjónum á hverjum degi. I swim in the sea every day. I swim in sight every day. Hun har aldrig fortalt mig at hun havde en kat. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Jeg er ikke skaldet. I'm not bald. I'm not bald. Skolen begynner i april. The month when school begins is April. School begins in April. "Ved du hvor Lapland er?", spurgte hun rensdyret. "Do you know where Lapland is?" she asked the reindeer. “Do you know where Lapland is?” she asked the reindeer. Hvornår vil sneen smelte? When will the snow melt? When will the snow melt? Jag är medveten om dina problem. I'm aware of your problems. I'm aware of your problems. Tom hittade inte vad jag gömde. Tom didn't find what I hid. Tom couldn't find what I was hiding. Har du levert inn stilen? Have you turned in your report? Have you entered the style? John er góður vinur minn. John is a good friend of mine. John is my good friend. Tom stod inte ut med det. Tom couldn't stand it. Tom didn't stand out with it. Jeg er i den syvende himmel. I'm in seventh heaven. I am in the seventh heaven. Han er vant til å sitte lenge oppe om nettene. He is used to sitting up late at night. He’s used to sitting up for a long time. Hendes liv ebbede ud af hende gennem hendes sår. Her life ebbed away from her through her wounds. Her life ebbed out of her through her wounds. Hvorfor har I ikke fortalt mig at I ikke ønskede at tage på campingtur? Why didn't you guys tell me you didn't want to go camping? Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to go camping? Veistu hvar frú Hudson býr? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Kom hen til mig i eftermiddag. Come to my house this afternoon. Come to me this afternoon. Lokale partimedlemmer prøver å få valgkretsene for distriktet lagt slik at det gavner deres parti. Local party members are trying to gerrymander the district. Local party members are trying to get the constituencys for the district laid so that it benefits their party. Vi måste försvara vårt land till varje pris. We have to defend our country at any cost. We must defend our country at all costs. Du borde sova. You should sleep. You should sleep. Jeg følte mig dårlig. I felt bad. I felt bad. Jag är inte ett dugg trött. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired. Der er noget galt med motoren. Something is wrong with the engine. There's something wrong with the engine. Hur pass noggrann är den? How accurate is it? How careful is it? Sjung med. Sing along. Sing with me. Her er boken. Here is the book. Here is the book. Ég tók klukkutíma. It took an hour. I took an hour. Ræk mig den hammer. Pass me that hammer. Bring me that hammer. Det var inte fantastiskt. It wasn't sensational. It wasn't amazing. Mördade du Tom? Did you murder Tom? Did you see Tom? Hvem reparerede dit køleskab? Who repaired your fridge? Who repaired your refrigerator? Marika var galen etter meg, og eg... ja, man kan seie at eg var galen etter ho au. Marika was crazy about me, and I... well, you could say I was crazy about her, too. Marika was crazy after me, and I... yes, you can say that I was crazy after she au. Hon vill hålla honom på avstånd. She wants to keep him at a distance. She wants to keep him away. Tom köpte lite grekisk yoghurt. Tom bought some Greek yogurt. Tom bought some Greek yogurt. Förväntade du dig något annat? Did you expect something different? Did you expect anything else? Jeg måtte holde på min hund da en kat krydsede vores græsplæne. I had to hold my dog back when a cat crossed our lawn. I had to keep my dog when a cat crossed our lawn. Några meningar är för långa. Some sentences are too long. Some opinions are too long. Tom tycker att danska är världens vackraste språk. Tom thinks that Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Tom thinks that Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Kom hit en sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Hún gekk tuttugu mílur á dag. She walked twenty miles a day. She went twenty miles a day. Eg er heime. I am at home. I'm home. Jeg læser mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Tom rødmede pludselig og så væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Tom blushed suddenly and then gone. Vänta, skjut inte! Wait, don't shoot! Wait, don't shoot! Hold op med at kalde mig karl smart. Stop calling me Miss Smarty-pants. Stop calling me a man smart. Vi befinder os i en blindgyde. We're in a blind alley. We are in a blind alley. Jeg er på toilettet. I'm in the toilet. I'm on the toilet. Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer jer om jeres arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window. Tokyo station er det tredje stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo station is the third stop. Slap af, det er bare et fugleskræmsel. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Relax, it's just a bird scare. Hvorfor skjærer du opp kjøttet? Why are you cutting up the meat? Why are you cutting the meat? Jag säger åt dig att hålla käft. I'm telling you to shut up. I'll tell you to keep your mouth shut. Jag skrattade mycket. I laughed a lot. I laughed a lot. Han är säker på att det är curry. He is sure of it being curry. He's sure it's curry. Tom förlovade sig. Tom got engaged. Tom engaged. Politibilen kørte med forholdsvis høj fart. The police car was driving at fairly high speed. The police car ran at relatively high speed. Du er ikke fattig som jeg er. You're not poor like I am. You're not poor as I am. Lite högre. A little louder. A little higher. God tur. Have a pleasant trip. Good luck. Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt. Starting is half the task. Good start is half finished. Jag ska berätta för de andra. I'll tell the others. I'll tell the others. Det finns så mycket kvar att göra. There's so much left to do. There is so much left to do. Fastän de ser ut som det är Carlos och Juan inte enäggstvillingar, bara bröder. Even though they look like it, Carlos and Juan are not identical twins, only brothers. Although they look like it's Carlos and Juan not a beard-village, only brothers. Hun ville hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. „Kærar þakkir“, sagði hún með bros á vör. "Thank you very much", she said with a smile. “Thank you,” she said with a smile. Santa Ana boede i eksil i Cuba. Santa Ana was living in exile in Cuba. Santa Ana lived in exile in Cuba. Vem bor här? Who lives here? Who lives here? Barnet følte seg redd når han så et spøkelse. The child felt scared when he saw a ghost. The child felt scared when he saw a ghost. Jeg har haft en god sommerferie. I had a good summer vacation. I had a good summer vacation. Hvor har du lært latin? Where did you learn Latin? Where have you learned Latin? Jeg fór vild. I got lost. I went wild. Ég á fimm syni. Tveir þeirra eru verkfræðingar, einn er kennari og hinir eru í námi. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, another is a teacher and the others are students. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, one is a teacher and the others are in school. Løven spiser kjøtt. The lion is eating meat. The lion eats meat. Vores tog kørte igennem en lang tunnel. Our train went through a long tunnel. Our train ran through a long tunnel. Hvem skal betale for alt det her? Who's going to pay for all of this? Who will pay for all this? Dette matematikproblem fatter jeg ikke. This math problem beats me. I don't understand this math problem. Han er en stor dreng. He's a big boy. He's a big boy. Tom begår altid de samme fejl. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en uheldig dag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is an unfortunate day. Hun er min drømmepige. She is my dream girl. She's my dream girl. Han misslyckades med att försöka simma över floden. He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. He failed to swim across the river. Tom ville kalla sin son Gandalf. Tom wanted to call his son Gandalf. Tom would call his son Gandalf. Rommet mitt er en svinesti. My room is a pigsty. My room is a scam. Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu. I want to work with your company. I want to work with your company. Tomten bor inte på Nordpolen, utan i Finland. Santa doesn't live at the North Pole, but in Finland. The plot does not live on the North Pole, but in Finland. Jeg vil ikke spille dette spillet. I don't want to play this game. I don't want to play this game. Vi laver mursten. We make bricks. We're making the brick. Det overrasker mig ikke. It doesn't surprise me. It doesn't surprise me. Vi kommer att vara tillsammans. We're going to be together. We will be together. Jag kan svara på det. I can answer that. I can answer that. Låt mig förklara. Allow me to explain. Let me explain. Han återvänder till sitt hem. He returns to his home. He returns to his home. Av ren nyfikenhet, vad skulle du göra? Just out of curiosity, what would you do? Of pure curiosity, what would you do? Hjälp mig bygga färdigt den här sorkstegen så ska jag bjuda dig på middag. Help me finish building this vole ladder and I'll treat you to dinner. Help me build this so I'll invite you to dinner. Jeg vil gerne tale med oversygeplejersken. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I want to talk to the nurse. Undskyld, jeg bliver nødt til at gå. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry, I have to go. Hur varmt blir det? How hot will it get? How hot will it be? Du og jeg er gode venner. You and I are good friends. You and I are good friends. Hun gjorde meg til stjerne. She made me a star. She made me a star. Jag har andra planer. I have other plans. I have other plans. Jeg savner ord. Words fail me. I miss words. Vem jobbar vi för? Who are we working for? Who are we working for? Jag trodde att du tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Hon tycker om att hugga ved. She likes to chop wood. She likes to remember. Det är lätt att glömma att mikrofonen är påslagen. It's easy to forget that the microphone costs extra. It’s easy to forget that the microphone is on board. Jag är så trött på dig. I'm so tired of you. I'm so tired of you. Tom er med meg nå. Tom is with me now. Tom is with me now. Flygplan landar på flygplatser. Airplanes land at airports. Airplanes land at airports. Tom klarar sig nog. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna be okay. Jeg tvivler på, Tom forstår, hvad vi taler om. I doubt that Tom understands what we're talking about. I doubt Tom understands what we are talking about. Jeg kunne ikke holde ud at se dig græde. I couldn't stand to see you cry. I couldn't stop seeing you crying. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Jeg har en katt og en hund. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Er det din telefon? Is this your phone? Is that your phone? Hunden bet min hand. The dog bit my hand. The dog asked my hand. Tom har ikke te. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom doesn't have tea. Det er min CD. It's my CD. That's my CD. Jeg synes at Tom er meget sej. I think Tom is very cool. I think Tom is very cool. For å kunne bli bedre trenger vi et speil. For our improvement we need a mirror. In order to be better, we need a mirror. Það er engin fyrirhöfn. Í alvörunni. It's no trouble. Really. There's no chance, really. Hon hade redan somnat. She had already fallen asleep. She had already fallen asleep. Det här är en trevlig plats. This is a nice spot. This is a nice place. De lufter deres hund. They're walking their dog. They're airing their dog. Tom måste komma med mig. Tom has to come with me. Tom must come with me. Hanteras varsamt! Handle with care! Managed gently! Vi glemmer ikke. We don't forget. We don't forget. Tom ser så glad ut. Tom looks so happy. Tom looks so happy. Det stod i tidningen att ännu ett krig har brutit ut i Afrika. The newspaper said another war broke out in Africa. It was in the newspaper that another war erupted in Africa. Denne tank rummer tredive liter. This tank holds thirty litres. This tank contains thirty litres. Det er koldt. It is cold. It's cold. God jul till er alla! Merry Christmas to all! Merry Christmas for everyone! Hold det her! Hold this. Hold this! Tom var den eneste der ikke lo ad Marys joke. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Tom was the only one who didn’t read Mary’s joke. De har stemt. They voted. They voted. Lad være at fejre det for tidligt. Don't celebrate too early. Don’t celebrate it too early. Buksene dine er skitne. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Tom gat ekki hjálpað. Tom couldn't help. Tom couldn't help. Det är ett otroligt resultat. This is an incredible result. This is an incredible result. Jag överlever nog. I'll live. I'll survive. Uden at kende hendes telefonnummer, kunne jeg ikke ringe til hende. Not knowing her telephone number, I couldn't call her. Without knowing her phone number, I couldn’t call her. Jeg visste at han var forskjellig. I knew he was different. I knew he was different. Det finns ett fel i meningen. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's an error in the sentence. Jeg har aldrig set ham i cowboybukser. I've never seen him in jeans. I've never seen him in cowboy pants. Du har ett stort hål i strumpan. There is a big hole in your stocking. You have a big hole in the pan. Banken åpner klokken 9 og stenger klokken 15. The bank opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. The bank opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 15 p.m. Hans måde at tænke på er meget barnlig. His way of thinking is very childish. His way of thinking is very childish. Jag trodde att Tom var i skolan. I thought Tom was in school. I thought Tom was in school. Behold skoene på! Keep your shoes on. Keep your shoes on! Jeg kan ta vare på Tom for deg i morgen ettermiddag. I should be able to take care of Tom for you tomorrow afternoon. I can take care of Tom for you tomorrow afternoon. Inledningsvis hatade jag det. I initially hated it. Initially, I hated it. Jag kommer att vänta. I will wait. I'll wait. Barna var på randen av å gråte. The children were on the verge of crying. The children were on the verge of crying. Han gir henne alltid en gave på fødselsdagen. He never fails to give her a birthday present. He always gives her a gift on his birthday. Det er takket være min bror at jeg klarte å fullføre høyskolen. I owe it to my brother that I was able to finish college. It is thanks to my brother that I was able to complete the college. Jag reser ofta. I often travel. I often travel. Hur mycket älskar du Tom? How much do you love Tom? How much do you love Tom? Tom er gået bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone. Jeg kan bedre lide svag kaffe end stærk. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like weak coffee better than strong. Jag har en vän som bor i Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend living in Boston. Vilka vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Han bor alene. He lives by himself. He lives alone. Tom og Mary er tvillinger. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Mary are twins. Kven skal du gjeve boka til? Whom are you going to give that book to? Who are you going to give the book to? Verden udenfor er meget skræmmende. The world outside is very scary. The world outside is very scary. Jag sov inte bra. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well. Allting var förberett långt i förväg. Everything was prepared well in advance. Everything was done far in advance. Du kan spørge mig om alt hvad du vil. You can ask me about anything you want to know. You can ask me anything you want. Jag tänkte på det. I thought about it. I thought about it. Din far elsker dig. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. Vi er alle hustlers. We're all hustlers. We are all housetlers. Hon grät sig till sömns. She cried herself to sleep. She cried to sleep. Tom sagde at han gerne ville være en fisk. Tom said that he'd like to be a fish. Tom said he wanted to be a fish. Der er kun to uger til jul. Christmas is only two weeks off. There are only two weeks for Christmas. Mállæran er sera torfør. Grammar is very complicated. The cutoff is a tortoise. Sådan er livet. Shit happens. That's life. De kysset hverandre. They kissed each other. They kissed each other. Vi var väldigt lyckliga. We were very happy. We were very happy. Vi har alltid varit vänner. We've always been friends. We've always been friends. Vad har du? What have you got? What do you got? Har du allerede spist kage? Have you already eaten some cake? Have you already eaten cake? Är någonting av detta sant? Is any of this true? Is anything of this true? Hann var nógu hugrakkur til að koma upp um hneykslið. He had the courage to expose the scandal. He was brave enough to come up with the scandal. Tvätta händerna innan du äter. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before you eat. Din katt är svart. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Jeg ejer to katte. I have two cats. I own two cats. Får jag kyssa dig? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Bid i det sure æble. Bite the bullet. Bid in the acidic apple. Jeg har ikke snekæder til min bil. I don't have chains for my car. I don't have snowshoes for my car. Fører du et dobbeltliv? Are you leading a double life? Do you have a double life? Frihed er altid frihed for de anderledestænkende. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. Freedom is always freedom for the different thinking. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can you not speak English? Can't you speak English? Fólki líður best þegar það er heima hjá sér. People feel most at ease when they are at home. People feel better when they are at home. Når begynner filmen? When does the movie start? When does the film begin? Han kan ingenting om anatomi. He knows nothing about anatomy. He can't do anything about anatomy. Man behandler mig altid som et barn. I'm being treated like a child. You always treat me as a child. Sami stalker piger. Sami stalks girls. Sami stole girls. Jeg ringer så snart jeg er i lufthavnen. I'll call as soon as I am at the airport. I'll call you as soon as I'm in the airport. Parkering förbjuden! Parking prohibited! Parking prohibited! Internet är en mötesplats för folk med gemensamma intressen. The Internet is a meeting point for people with common interests. Internet is a meeting place for people with common interests. En bold fløj ind gennem vinduet. A ball flew in through the window. A ball flew through the window. Jeg liker ikke kaker. I don't like cookies. I don't like cakes. Kom ut därifrån nu. Come on out of there. Get out of here now. Dine øjenlåg er lukkede, men jeg ved at du er vågen. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you're awake. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you are awake. Kan du säga namnet på en av deras låtar? Can you name one of their songs? Can you say the name of one of their songs? Det kan man sandelig godt sige. Yes indeed, it certainly is. You can honestly say that. Hver leikmaður gerði sitt besta. Each player did his best. Each player did his best. Han holdt mig med selskab. He kept me company. He kept me with company. Okej allihopa, hör på. OK people, listen up. All right, everybody, listen to me. Du må ikke svømme i dammen. You mustn't swim in the pond. Don't swim in the pond. I dag er det den 11. oktober. Today is October 11th. Today it is October 11th. Bladen är gula. The leaves are yellow! The leaves are yellow. Det er tid at gå i skole. It is time to go to school. It's time to go to school. Det är väldigt varmt idag. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Han spelade piano. He was playing the piano. He played piano. Vi tager til Californien. We're going to California. We're going to California. Jeg er ikke overbevist. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. De snakket om politikk. They talked about politics. They talked about politics. Er du her sammen med nogen? Are you here with anyone? Are you here with someone? Vad stal du? What did you steal? What did you steal? "Dårlig hårdag". "Bad hair day". "Dreamy Hard". Behöver du paraply? Do you need an umbrella? Do you need an umbrella? Här är ert kvitto. Here is your receipt. Here's your receipt. Tom malkede koen. Tom milked the cow. Tom grounded the cow. Jag uppskattar hjälpen. I appreciate the help. I appreciate the help. Vi har adopteret et barn. We adopted a child. We have adopted a child. Læreren så over eksamenspapirene. The teacher looked over the exam papers. The teacher looked over the exam papers. Han tegnede et æble. He drew an apple. He drew an apple. Det er moskito selv i Hellas. There are mosquitoes even in Greece. It is Makito itself in Greece. Við söknuðum þín öll. We all missed you. We all searched for you. Jag måste iväg. I've got to run. I gotta go. Nej tak. No, thanks. No thanks. Det finnes noen tilfeller der denne regelen ikke gjelder. There are some cases where this rule does not apply. There are some cases where this rule does not apply. Ég fór á útsölu með mömmu minni í gær og suðaði í henni að kaupa handa mér kjól. I went to a sale with my mother yesterday and kept hounding her to buy me a dress. I went out with my mom yesterday and sold her to buy for my dress. Vi ses! See you! See you! Han studerer fransk og webdesign. He studies French and web design. He studied French and web design. Min mor kjøpte to flasker appelsinjuice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Hvad slags bil kører Tom i? What kind of car does Tom drive? What kind of car does Tom drive? Takk! Thanks! Thank you! Tom är vaken. Tom's awake. Tom's awake. Jeg klarer ikke bestemme meg for hva jeg skal gjøre. I can't decide what to do. I can't decide what to do. Når jeg kom, skyndet de seg ut av huset. When I arrived, they quickly cleared out of the house. When I came, they rushed out of the house. Hún söng ansi vel. She sang pretty well. She sang pretty well. Jeg er munk. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Vem berättar för Tom? Who'll tell Tom? Who's telling Tom? Inget är så enkelt som det verkar. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as simple as it seems. De fjernede en nyre. They removed a kidney. They removed a kidney. Vit tendraðu sjónvarpið. We turned on the TV. You see, I watched the TV. Tom trener på et treningssenter nært huset hans. Tom works out in a gym near his house. Tom trains at a gym near his house. Haltu bátnum stöðugum svo við komumst örugglega um borð. Steady the boat so we can get on safely. Keep the boat steady so we can get on board. Hun efterlod sin paraply i bussen. She left her umbrella in the bus. She left her umbrella on the bus. Hvorfor bliver du ved med at give ham penge? Why do you keep giving him money? Why do you keep giving him money? Tom är förtjusande. Tom is adorable. Tom is enchanting. Følg simpelthen ditt hjerte! Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart! Mary hjalp sin mor med at pynte juletræet. Mary helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree. Mary helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree. Jag fick dig att känna dig obekväm, inte sant? I made you feel uncomfortable, didn't I? I made you feel uncomfortable, right? Augun hennar urðu kringlótt af undrun. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes were surrounded by wonders. Ég er þýðandi. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Skal vi gå og spise ramen sammen en gang? Should we go have ramen together again? Should we go and eat together once? Ombord på vilket skepp var du? What ship were you on? On which ship were you? Jeg klarer dette. I'm handling this. I'll do this. Hva er populært nå? What is popular now? What is popular now? Jeg skulle ønske Tom var død. I wish Tom were dead. I wish Tom was dead. Jag kan inte komma ihåg den låtens melodi. I can't remember the melody of that song. I can't remember the song's melody. Det er indlysende at du fortalte en løgn. It's evident that you told a lie. It is obvious that you told a lie. Jeg er ret sikker på at Toms plan ikke kommer til at virke. I'm pretty sure that Tom's plan isn't going to work. I'm pretty sure Tom's plan won't work. Jeg bor i Akasaka i Tokyo. I live at Akasaka in Tokyo. I live in Akasaka, Tokyo. Hann er alltaf hjá mér. He is always with me. He's always with me. Jag fick min välförtjänta lön. I sure had my due reward. I got my deserved salary. Förhandlingarna ska ta upp problemet om miljöförorening. The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. Negotiations should address the problem of environmental pollution. Gud vil vise dig vejen. God will show you the way. God will show you the way. Du ser pragtfuld ud i den kjole. You look gorgeous in that dress. You look gorgeous in that dress. Jag tycker om att sjunga och spela gitarr. I like singing and playing the guitar. I like singing and playing guitar. Jag skakade hand med Jane. I shook hands with Jane. I shook my hand with Jane. Har du et ledig rom? Do you have a vacancy? Do you have a free room? Jeg låner dem fra stadsbiblioteket. I borrow them from the city library. I borrow them from the city library. Han forstod ikke begrebet "differentialligninger". He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He did not understand the concept of "differential equations". Jeg regner med jer. I'm counting on you guys. I'm counting on you. Mår han bra? Is he all right? Is he okay? De færreste elefanter ville frivillig flyttet til Europa. Few elephants would volunteer to move to Europe. The fewer elephants would volunteer to move to Europe. Hur överlevde Tom? How did Tom survive? How did Tom survive? Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before you go in the way. Du vil bli vant til å bo alene veldig raskt. You'll get used to living alone very fast. You will be used to live alone very quickly. Dine sko er her. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Jag fick ett brev från min vän. I got a letter from my friend. I received a letter from my friend. Jeg har en tudse i halsen. I've got a frog in my throat. I have a tush in my throat. Kan jeg løpe med deg? May I run with you? Can I run with you? Jeg laver sjældent fejl. I seldom make mistakes. I rarely make mistakes. Kan man betale med bankkort? Can I use a credit card for payment? Can I pay with a bank card? Hún eldar illa. She is a poor cook. She cooks badly. Jag heter Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Om jag vore ett djur skulle jag vara en katt. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. Hver er det Tom kigger på? Who's Tom looking at? Who is Tom looking at? Það segja það allir. They all say that. Everyone says that. Han slutade dricka. He stopped drinking. He stopped drinking. Vi skojade bara. We were just joking. We were just kidding. Håll ett öga på min väska ett slag. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Keep an eye on my bag a blow. Tom visade lådan för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed the box for Mary. Jeg er dyrlæge. I'm a veterinarian. I'm a veterinarian. Jeg stoler ikke på nogen. I don't trust anyone. I don't trust anyone. Jeg gad vide om Tom kan lide kinesisk mad eller ej. I wonder whether Tom likes Chinese food or not. I wonder if Tom likes Chinese food or not. Skynda dig, tåget stannar bara här en kort stund. Hurry up, the train only stops here for a short while. Hurry up, the train just stays here for a short time. Är det dags? Is it time? Is it time? Ég tala á spænsku við Guð, á ítölsku við kvenfólk, á frönsku við karlmenn og á þýsku við hestinn minn. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak in Spanish with God, in Italian with women, in French with men and in German with my horse. Børn nyder at lave en vandplasker, når de kommer ned af en vandrutsjebane. Children enjoying making a splash in water as they come off a waterslide. Children enjoy making a water bottle when they come down from a water slide. Snøen fortsatte å falle i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. Snow continued to fall for four days. Såg ni min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Jeg vet ikke om jeg får tid. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I get time. Ni är arroganta. You're arrogant. You're arrogant. Fra et praktisk synspunkt er der mange mangler i hans plan. From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. From a practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. Hvad ville din far tænke? What would your father think? What would your father think? Hann er mjög hrifinn af vísindaskáldsögum. He's very fond of science fiction. He likes science fiction. Hvad kan du bedst lide: forår eller efterår? Which do you like better, spring or fall? What do you like best: spring or autumn? Hvorfra afgår busser der kører mod centrum? Where do the buses headed downtown leave from? From where do buses go to the city centre? Þau vinna ekki hót. They are not working even a bit. They don't work. Vinden har roet seg. The wind calmed down. The wind has calmed. Jag provade det där redan. I already tried that. I tried it already. Min mor sa det med et smil. My mother said it with a smile. My mother said it with a smile. Jag har haft en jobbig eftermiddag. I've had a tough afternoon. I've had a busy afternoon. Der er ingen tvivl om, at universet er uendeligt. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Hämta lite mat åt Tom. Get Tom some food. Get some food for Tom. Jeg putter ikke sukker i min kaffe. I don't put sugar in my coffee. I don't put sugar in my coffee. Er du forberedt til i morgen? Is everything ready for tomorrow? Are you prepared for tomorrow? Tom är inte fransman. Tom's not French. Tom is not a Frenchman. Har du glömt? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten? Tom är deprimerad. Tom is depressed. Tom is depressed. Marie har mistet sin paraply. Marie has lost her umbrella. Marie has lost her umbrella. Han har ry for at være en don juan. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a don juan. Hvor mange katte har I? How many cats do you have? How many cats do you have? Jag kan inte läsa skrivstil, så kan du vara snäll och texta? I can't read cursive, so could you write in block letters, please? I can't read writing style, so can you be kind and text? Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That was the case. Hvor vover du fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary? Vi går tillbaka till skeppet. We're going back to the ship. We go back to the ship. Jag har varit till Hong Kong en gång. I've been to Hong Kong once. I've been to Hong Kong once. Tom og jeg drak kaffe sammen. Tom and I had coffee together. Tom and I drank coffee together. Alexa er en betjent. Alexa is a cop. Alexa is a cop. Ég kem fyrir tíu. I'll come by 10. I'll be here for ten. Jag fick en rutten en. I got a bad one. I got a route one. Tom hjälper. Tom's helping. Tom helps. Jeg leder efter en lejlighed tæt på skolen. I want to find an apartment close to school. I'm looking for an apartment close to school. Við hvíldum okkur eitt á eftir öðru. We took a rest one after the other. We rest one after another. Tom var framgångsrik. Tom was successful. Tom was successful. Du burde ringe politiet. You should call the police. You should call the police. Varför skulle man gifta sig med en kvinna om man tycker om män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Hann er mikill vísindaskáldsöguaðdáandi. He is a big science fiction fan. He is a great scientist. De træer skjuler landskabet. Those trees hide the landscape. The trees hide the landscape. Hurra! Hurray! Hurra! Han är en vettig person. He is a reasonable person. He's a wise person. Tom är skyldig Mary trehundra dollar. Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars. Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars. Yndæll dagur, ekki satt? Hví ekki að fara í göngutúr? A nice day, isn't it? Why not go out for a walk? A good day, right? Why not go for a walk? Jeg gav Mary en bog. I gave Mary a book. I gave Mary a book. Han ble vant til å være våken langt ut på natta. He fell into the habit of keeping late hours. He was used to being awake far out at night. Jag vill gå dit en gång till. I want to go there once again. I want to go there once more. Ég hef engann tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. I have no time to explain this in detail. I have no time to explain this to them. Hún fer sjaldan út. She seldom goes out. She rarely goes out. Tom liker ikke sjokolade. Tom doesn't like chocolate. Tom doesn't like chocolate. Krakkar, hlustið! Kids, listen! Kids, listen! Dette er første gang nogensinde at jeg har slået min hund. This is the first time I've ever beaten my dog. This is the first time I've ever hit my dog. En av tigrarna rymde från djurparken. One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo. One of the tigers spaced from the zoo. Det er mitt sete. That's my seat. That's my seat. Borde du inte ta en paus? Shouldn't you take a break? Shouldn't you take a break? Jeg vil ha min. I want mine. I want mine. Fortalte Tom Mary hvor mange æbler hun skulle købe? Did Tom tell Mary how many apples to buy? Did Tom Mary know how many apples she would buy? Få bort Tom härifrån. Get Tom away from here. Get Tom out of here. Hvad forventer du at finde i Toms kælder? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? Det er en tiltrekkende tanke. The idea is very attractive. It's an attractive thought. Vi klarar oss utan tv, eller hur? We can do without a television, can't we? We can do it without TV, right? Jeg trenger et frimerke. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. Den grimme ælling blev til en smuk svane. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. The ugly donkey turned into a beautiful swan. Hvor druknede du dem? Where did you drown them? Where did you drown them? Jag kan hämta den. I can bring it. I can get it. Han gik rundt og udbredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He walked around and widespread lies about her. Hon bifogade ett foto. She enclosed a photo. She attached a photo. Mary drepte kakkerlakken med en sko. Mary killed the cockroach with a shoe. Mary killed the cockroach with a shoe. Hon spelar hockey på helgerna. She plays hockey on the weekends. She plays hockey on weekends. Kodeordet er "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The code word is "Muiriel". Toms katt fick nio kattungar. Tom's cat had nine kittens. Tom's cat got nine kittens. I vanliga fall, vilket diskussionsforum brukar franskt folk använda för att prata om politik och liknande? Normally, which discussion forums do French people use to talk about politics and similar things? In common cases, what discussion forums use French people to talk about politics and the like? Jag skulle vilja lägga undan mina ägodelar. I'd like to put my belongings away. I would like to leave my possessions. Tom er en skørtejæger. Tom is womanizer. Tom is a crazy hunter. Måske er tiden inde til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. Maybe it's time to throw the towel in the ring. Hemmeligheten som leder til et lengre liv ligger i mine hender. I have in my hands the secret to a long life. The secret that leads to a longer life lies in my hands. Hans indflydelse i komiteen blev mindre og mindre. His influence in the committee became weaker and weaker. His influence in the committee became less and less. Tom sa att du tycker om hundar. Tom told me you liked dogs. Tom said you like dogs. Båten din er ikke stor. Your boat is not big. Your boat is not big. En mystisk legende er overleveret om denne sø. A mysterious legend has been handed down about this lake. A mysterious legend is handed over to this lake. Tom besökte Boston förra månaden. Tom visited Boston last month. Tom visited Boston last month. Eldri bróðir minn fékk stöðu í stóru fyrirtæki. My older brother got a position in a big business. My older brother got a position in a big company. Dagarna blir längre och längre. The days are getting longer and longer. Days are getting longer and longer. Sólin skínur. The sun is shining. The sun shines. Ein, tveir, tríggir, fýra, fimm, seks, sjey, atta, níggju, tíggju. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, five, five, five, five, five, seven, seven, nine, nine. Noen av oss synes slike synspunkter er det glade vanvidd. Some of us find such views to be sheer madness. Some of us think such views are happy. Åbn flasken. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Hun rev i stykker brevet. She tore up the letter. She broke the letter. Jeg vil se hva som skjer. I want to see what happens. I want to see what's going on. Margir Asíubúar hafa ensku að sameiginlegu tungumáli. The common language of many Asians is English. Many Asians have English in common language. Jeg har været i Boston. I've been in Boston. I've been in Boston. Toms hustru är norska. Tom's wife is Norwegian. Tom's wife is Norwegian. Brúðkaupsferðin er búin. The honeymoon is over. The wedding is over. Jag ville att Tom skulle skriva mig en rekommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. Hun oversatte brevet fra japansk til fransk. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. She translated the letter from Japanese to French. Nu för tiden får man betala trettio kronor för en ynka liten kopp kaffe. Nowadays you get to pay thirty crowns just for a small cup of coffee. Now you have to pay $30 for a small cup of coffee. Vi har en travel dag foran oss. We have a busy day ahead of us. We have a busy day ahead of us. Ekki eyðileggja matarlystina. Don't spoil your appetite. Don’t waste your appetite. Ham har vi som nabo. He lives next door to us. He has us as a neighbor. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á sjúkrahúsið. She advised him to go to the hospital. She advised him to go to the hospital. Jag är på fel buss. I'm on the wrong bus. I'm on the wrong bus. "Tom kan lide Mary." "Fortæl mig noget jeg ikke ved." "Tom likes Mary." "Tell me something I don't know." "Tom like Mary." "Tell me something I don't know." Hvussu gongur tað? How are you? What's the matter? Vi har alla våra hemligheter. We all have our secrets. We all have our secrets. Jeg trodde vi ville være komfortable her. I thought we'd be comfortable here. I thought we would be comfortable here. Vi skulle vilja ha en flaska rosé. We'd like a bottle of rosé. We wanted a bottle of rose. Tom bär alltid hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears hats. Jeg hænger ud med mine venner. I'm hanging out with my friends. I hang out with my friends. Ekki ganga svona hratt. Ég get ekki haldið í við þig. Don't walk so fast. I can't keep up with you. Don't go that fast. I can't hold on to you. Tack för informationen. Thanks for the information. Thank you for the information. Han er næsten seks fod høj. He is almost six feet tall. He's almost six feet tall. Tom fortalte ikke Mary alt. Tom didn't tell Mary everything. Tom didn't tell Mary everything. Tom hatar er. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Vi har large, medium och small. Vilken storlek vill du ha? We have large, medium, and small. What size do you want? We have large, medium and small. What size do you want? Jag skickade hem Tom. I sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Jag är stolt över er. I'm proud of all of you. I'm proud of you. Du kommer att klara dig. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. Boken handlar om en kvinna som går i kloster. The book is about a woman who enters a convent. The book is about a woman who goes to a monastery. Dei sameinte statane grensar opp til Canada. The United States borders Canada. United States branches up to Canada. Jeg har noget som jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. Min far glemmer alt. My father forgets everything. My father forgets everything. Nogen kørte forbi vores hus og råbte: "Bøssekommunistsvin!" Somebody drove by our house and yelled, "Faggot commies!" Someone ran past our house and yelled, "Bøsse communicator disappears!" Jag gillar yoghurten utan konserveringsmedel. I like the yogurt without preservatives. I like yoghurt without preservatives. Tom är erfaren. Tom is experienced. Tom is experienced. Håret mitt har samme lengde som Janes. My hair is the same length as Jane's. My hair has the same length as Janes. De her er skumfiduser. These are marshmallows. These are foam-fiddies. Var de goda? Were they good? Were they good? Jeg så naboens hund løbe rundt i haven. I saw my neighbor's dog running around in the yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running around the garden. Naturligvis kan du ikke sige at det intet er værd, fordi det ikke er perfekt, ligeledes betyder det ikke at GTD er nyttesløst. Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless. Of course, you can’t say that it’s nothing worth because it’s not perfect, also it doesn’t mean that GTD is useless. Hämta vin. Bring wine. Get wine. Jag gjorde ett dåligt misstag på provet. I made a bad mistake on the test. I made a bad mistake on the test. Tom berättade för mig att vi har slut tid. Tom told me that we're out of time. Tom told me we've finished time. Jag kom med Tom. I came with Tom. I came with Tom. Jeg har købt en T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Den nærmeste bensinstasjon er bare hundre kilometer mot nord. The nearest gas station is only one hundred kilometers to the north. The nearest gas station is only one hundred kilometers to the north. Han veit veldig godt korleis ein lurar folk. He knows very well how to deceive people. He knows very well how to fool people. Jag är på sidan tre. I'm on page three. I'm on the side of three. Ser du TV? Are you watching TV? Do you see TV? Hún söng vel sem barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She sang well as a child. Gud är död. Vi dräpte honom. God is dead. We killed him. God is dead. We killed him. Hreimurinn hans bendir til að hann sé útlendingur. His accent suggests he is a foreigner. His voice suggests he is a foreigner. Det ska bli kallare och snöa senare idag. It's supposed to get colder and snow later today. It will be colder and snow later today. Vi er fra Russland. We are from Russia. We are from Russia. Klukkan er næstum tólf. It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost 12 o'clock. Undskyld, noget er gået galt. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something's gone wrong. Þetta er orðabókin sem ég nota á hverjum degi. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Fyrsten og hofnarren havde meget til fælles. The prince and the jester had a lot in common. The first and the master had a lot in common. JavaScript er et programmeringsspråk. JavaScript is a programming language. JavaScript is a programming language. Ingenting kan inte existera, för om det gjorde det så skulle det vara någonting. Nothing can't exist because if it did it would be something. Nothing can exist, because if it did, it would be something. Jeg står til Deres tjeneste. I am ready to serve you. I stand at your service. Jag har aldrig sett ett rött kylskåp. I've never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red refrigerator. Du kan slutte nå. You can stop now. You can stop now. Kate vart tvingt til å lesa boka. Kate was forced to read the book. Kate was televised to read the book. Min vän är sjutton år. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is seventeen years old. Mary er en rig pige. Mary is a rich girl. Mary is a rich girl. Tom fortalte mig, at han ikke vil have det. Tom told me he doesn't want that. Tom told me he doesn't want it. Gå aldri til en lege som har latt sine kontorplanter dø. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. Never go to a doctor who has let his office plants die. Tom sier han må vente på Maria. Tom says he has to wait for Mary. Tom says he must wait for Mary. Vad saknas? What is missing? What is missing? Jeg har slægtninge i Milano. I have relatives in Milan. I have relatives in Milan. Det er vigtigt at vide, hvad der skal gøres. It's important to know what has to be done. It is important to know what to do. Jeg ble så skuffet over at ingen spiste den dyre sushien som jeg hadde servert. It was disappointing that nobody ate the expensive sushi I had served. I was so disappointed that no one ate the expensive sushi I had served. Ég beraði henni sál mína. I bared my soul to her. I offered her my soul. Han tog sin tid. He took his time. He took his time. Det er for dyrt. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Noreg heiter "Norge" på bokmål. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway is called "Norway" in the book. Dessa fabriker förorenar miljön. These factories are polluting the environment. These factories pollute the environment. Jeg rettet kameraet mitt mot henne. I pointed my camera at her. I directed my camera to her. Jag undrar vem som namngav detta skepp. I wonder who named this ship. I wonder who named this ship. Jag måste studera nu. I have to study now. I have to study now. Mitt hus är hemsökt. My house is haunted. My house is haunted. Æblerne er snart modne. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples are soon ripe. Har alla gjort sin läxa? Did everyone do their homework? Did everyone do their homework? Hvorfor snakker du ikke bare med Tom om det? Why don't you just talk to Tom about it? Why don't you just talk to Tom about it? Det kommer an på kontekst. It depends on the context. It depends on context. Jeg tvinger mine børn til at bruge berberisk derhjemme. I force my kids to use Berber at home. I force my children to use Berber at home. Má ég nota ritvélina þína. Can I use your typewriter? I can use your calculator. Det er en blindvei. It's a dead end. It's a blind road. Det er en bedrøvelig historie, men jeg har følelsen av at den nå får en lykkelig slutt. That's a sad story, but I have the feeling that it now is heading toward a happy ending. It’s a sad story, but I feel like it’s now getting a happy ending. Hon är gift med en utlänning. She's married to a foreigner. She is married to a foreigner. Hun pleide å spille basketball. She used to play basketball. She used to play basketball. Han gick långsamt upp för trappan. He went slowly up the stairs. He went slowly up the stairs. Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they will accept these conditions. I don't think they accept these terms. Det land afbrød de diplomatiske forbindelser med nabolandene. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries. The country interrupted diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries. Armenien hedder "Hayastan" på armensk. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. Militæret knuste oprøret i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military crushed the rebellion within a few hours. Jag har blivit ombedd att informera dig om att din far har dött i en olycka. I was told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident. I have been asked to inform you that your father has died in an accident. Jeg taler tysk. I speak German. I speak German. Jag hjälpte Tom en gång. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom once. Jeg ved at det ikke er sandt. I know that's not true. I know it's not true. Tom håber at se dig i oktober. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom hopes to see you in October. Jim så seg til høyre og venstre før han gikk over veien. Jim looked right and left before he crossed the road. Jim looked to the right and left before he passed over the road. Han är sjuk. He is ill. He's sick. Jag har bara varit där en gång. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Jag tror inte att jag ska gå på college. I don't think I'll go to college. I don't think I'm going to college. Jeg er glad i dag. I'm happy today I'm happy today. Jeg tror ikke du ville være enig i måten Tom har oppført seg. I take it you don't approve of the way Tom's been behaving. I don't think you would agree with the way Tom has behaved. Ta på deg skoene dine. Please put on your shoes. Take your shoes. Mary blev mor i 2013. Mary became a mother in 2013. Mary became a mother in 2013. Naboen min totalrenoverte huset sitt. My neighbor renovated his house completely. My neighbor completely renovated his house. Eleverna lyssnar på en historieföreläsning. The students are listening to a history lecture. Students listen to a story lecture. Tom ble til ved et ulykkestilfelle. Tom was made by accident. Tom was in an accident. Vil du danse? Would you like to dance? You want to dance? Klockan är sju. It's seven o'clock. It's seven o'clock. Tom var ude på altanen og kiggede på solnedgangen. Tom was on the balcony, looking at the sunset. Tom was out on the balcony and looked at the sunset. Jeg troede at Tom ikke drak. I thought Tom didn't drink. I thought Tom didn't drink. Tom lärde mig att köra bil. Tom taught me how to drive. Tom taught me to drive a car. Jag ska gå med Tom. I'll go with Tom. I'm going to go with Tom. Ho har lyst på katt. She wants to keep a cat. She wants a cat. Han drak én øl færdig og bestilte endnu én. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another. He drank one beer and ordered another. Det är inte så illa. It's not so bad. It's not that bad. Kan jag få listan? Can I have the list? Can I get the list? I dag har jeg set en stjerne. I saw a star today. Today I have seen a star. Það skiptir engu hvort liðið vinnur leikinn. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn’t matter if the team wins the game. Jeg gemte mig under sengen. I hid under the bed. I hid under the bed. Han var en formidabel motstander. He was a formidable opponent. He was a formidable opponent. Må jeg bede om en kop kaffe mere? I'd like to have another cup of coffee. Can I ask for a cup of coffee more? Vi gör ingenting. We aren't doing anything. We're not doing anything. Dörren öppnades långsamt. The door opened slowly. The door was opened slowly. Jeg drikker for at slappe af. I drink to relax. I drink to relax. Hvad er der galt med dig? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Bilal är utbildad. Bilal is educated. Bilal is trained. Vi följer med. We'll go with you. We're going with you. Han skrev en bok bara genom att använda sin fantasi. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. Du bør sove. You should sleep. You should sleep. Jag tror inte jag skulle kunna göra vad Tom gör. I think I couldn't do what Tom is doing. I don't think I could do what Tom does. Jag börjar känna mig trött. I'm starting to feel tired. I'm starting to feel tired. Penge er magt. Money is power. Money is power. Jeg er enig. I'd agree. I agree. Hvaða ávöxtur er grænn? What fruit is green? What fruit is green? Hej! Howdy! Hey! Det var en rapport fra naboene fordi fylliken lagde bråk i parken. Da politiet ankom stedet var Kusanagi alene, dødsfull og helt naken. There was a report from the neighbours because a drunkard was making noise in the park. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Kusanagi was alone, dead drunk and completely naked. It was a report from the neighbors because the fillet made noise in the park. When the police arrived the place was Kusanagi alone, deadly and completely naked. Du är en tålmodig man. You are a patient man. You're a patient man. Jeg trodde du ikke ville gi opp. I thought you wouldn't give up. I thought you wouldn't give up. Taushet er gull. Silence is golden. Taushet is gold. Er I for eller imod forslaget? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you too or against the proposal? I denne tid med postfaktuel politik er det nemt at håndplukke data og komme til hvilken som helst konklusion man ønsker. In this era of post-truth politics, it's easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire. In this time of post-marketing policy, it is easy to pick data and get to any conclusion you want. Tom åndede ind i et alkometer. Tom breathed into the breathalyzer. Tom breathed into an alkometer. Musen blev lokket ind i fælden med et stort stykke ost. The mouse was lured into the trap by a big piece of cheese. The mouse was lured into the trap with a large piece of cheese. Tom ville ikke ha et dyrt kamera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tyskland ligger mitt i Europa. Germany is in the middle of Europe. Germany is in the middle of Europe. Låter det vettigt? Does that make sense? Does it sound scary? Hur ser Tom ut? How does Tom look? What does Tom look like? Jag vet att det gör ont. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Han er fotogen. He is photogenic. He's the photogenic. En kop kaffe koster én krone. A cup of coffee costs one crown. A cup of coffee costs one crown. Tom fick mig att göra det. Tom made me do that. Tom made me do it. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance! Tom ser utrolig godt ud. Tom is incredibly good-looking. Tom looks very good. Jag är glad att jag gjorde det. I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I did it. Skriv det ned før du glemmer det. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget it. Etniska minoriteter kämpar mot fördomar och fattigdom. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty. Ethnic minorities are fighting for prejudice and poverty. Hvordan kan det være at du kan fransk så godt? How come you know French so well? How could it be that you can French as well? Djævelen er død. The Devil is dead. The devil is dead. De älskar varandra väldigt mycket. They love each other deeply. They love each other a lot. Skoene er nedslidte. The shoes are worn out. The shoes are broken. Jag är homosexuell. I'm a homosexual. I'm gay. Hann er lærari. He is a teacher. He is a teacher. Du skal overholde loven. You must observe the law. You must comply with the law. Hur når jag NHK? How do I get to NHK? How do I reach NHK? Jag kan äta den här inne. I can eat it in here. I can eat this inside. Dette er den korteste vej til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest way to Paris. To kopper te og to kopper kaffe, tak! Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please. Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please! Kan du låsa dörren är du snäll? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door, please? I sælger sko. You sell shoes. You sell shoes. Såg du verkligen att Tom hjälpte Mary? Did you actually see Tom helping Mary? Did you really see that Tom helped Mary? Den smukke enke stod ved kisten med tåreslørede øjne. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin, her eyes veiled with tears. The beautiful widow stood at the chest with tearless eyes. Þetta er mjög vandræðalegt. This is really awkward. This is very difficult. Tom er allerede her, men Mary er ikke kommet ennå. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't gotten here yet. Tom's here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Du har hjemve, har du ikke? You're homesick, aren't you? You have a home, don't you? Jag hoppas att vi hittar Tom. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Jag bor i Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. Två gånger sju är fjorton. Two times seven is fourteen. Two times seven is fourteen. Jeg drikker ikke, og jeg ryger heller ikke. I neither drink nor smoke. I don't drink, and I don't smoke either. Jag är här. We're right here. I'm here. Nancy er fra London. Nancy is from London. Nancy is from London. Dette er gratis. This is "free of charge". This is free. Du sade till honom. You told him. You said to him. Det er enklare enn eg trudde. It's easier than I thought. It's easier than I thought. Om en rig mand, der var karrig, sagde han: "Den mand ejer ikke sin ejendom, men hans ejendom ejer ham." Of a rich man who was niggardly he said, "That man does not own his estate, but his estate owns him." If a rich man who was charrified, he said, "The man does not own his property, but his property owns him." Hvis du ikke opfører dig ordentligt, kommer julemanden ikke. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you don't behave properly, the Santa Claus won't come. Jeg har bestilt deg litt dessert. I've ordered you some dessert. I ordered you a little dessert. Jeg har kendt ham i mere end ti år. I've known him for more than ten years. I've known him for more than 10 years. Merket du noen endring? Did you notice any change? Did you notice any change? Jag är inte alls romantisk. I am not romantic at all. I'm not romantic at all. Jag vet att du måste ha fullt upp. I know you must be busy. I know you have to have full up. Jeg kunne ikke se Tom sitt ansikt. I couldn't see Tom's face. I couldn't see Tom's face. Tom og Mary flúgva til Boston í morgin. Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow. Tom and Mary fled to Boston in the morning. Kylian Mbappé är bara nitton år gammal. Kylian Mbappé is only 19 years old. Kylian Mbappé is only nineteen years old. Hann á sitt eigið herbergi. He has his own room. He has his own room. Du sammenligner æbler og appelsiner! You're comparing apples and oranges! You compare apples and oranges! Hvor meget kostede det? How much did it cost? How much did it cost? Tom købte et meget billigt fotografiapparat. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap photography device. Kan jag få en? Can I have one? Can I get one? Algeriske arabere har tortureret tusindvis af kabylere siden 1962. Algerian Arabs have tortured thousands of Kabyle people since 1962. Algerian Arabs have tortured thousands of Kabylers since 1962. Du har inget bra minne. You do not have a good memory. You don't have a good memory. Der er masser af æg i den kasse. There are lots of eggs in that box. There are plenty of eggs in that box. Sama hversu langan tíma það tekur mun ég ljúka verkinu. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the work. Lyt til følgende replikskifte mellem kollegaer! Listen to the following exchange between colleagues! Listen to the following change between colleagues! Jeg rev i stykker alle brevene du skrev meg. I tore up all the letters that you wrote to me. I broke all the letters you wrote me. Tom er en verdensberømt dirigent. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Så snart jeg har det, vil jeg videresende det til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. Du tilbad afguder. You worshipped idols. You worship idols. Jag trodde att jag förlorat er. I thought I'd lost you. I thought I lost you. Mary har redan gått. Mary has already left. Mary has already gone. Jeg bor i Moskva. I live in Moscow. I live in Moscow. Hvad planlægger du? What are you planning? What are you planning? Jag måste leva som jag lär. I need to walk the talk. I have to live as I learn. Jeg hjalp min mor i køkkenet. I helped my mother in the kitchen. I helped my mother in the kitchen. Tom er ikke god til at læse mellem linjerne. Tom isn't good at reading between the lines. Tom is not good at reading between the lines. Tom låtsades inte höra Mary ropa hans namn. Tom pretended that he didn't hear Mary calling his name. Tom was not allowed to hear Mary cry his name. Það er ekkert vatn eftir í flöskunni. There is no water left in the bottle. There is no water left in the bottle. Drømmen min har blitt virkelighet. My dream has come true. My dream has become reality. Du er her! You're here. You're here! Faðir minn er mér reiður. Father is angry with me. My father is angry. Þú verður að sjá heimilið hennar. You've got to see her home. You need to see her home. Ken sluttet å snakke og begynte å spise. Ken stopped talking and began to eat. Ken stopped talking and started eating. Hvad skal du i aften? What are you doing this evening? What are you going to do tonight? Tom vil huske dette hele sitt liv. Tom will remember this his whole life. Tom will remember this all his life. Tom ljög för dig, eller hur? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Tom lied to you, right? Tom bad Mary att hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary to help him. Tom asked Mary to help him. Hvad? What? What? Det är vanligt. It's normal. It's common. Han blev meget fuld. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Jag är gammal. I'm old. I'm old. Stilla. Be still. Configure. Jeg er meget ked af det. I am very sorry. I'm very sorry. Dette land er rigt på kul. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in fun. Hos dig eller hos mig? Your place or mine? With you or with me? En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euro. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. En paraply er nyttig i let regn, men når det styrtregner, er en paraply ikke til megen hjælp. An umbrella is useful in a mild rain, but when it rains cats and dogs an umbrella is of little help. An umbrella is useful in light rain, but when it rains, an umbrella is not helpful. Stöðin er nærri. The station is near at hand. The station is close. Jeg sa til Tom at jeg ville bli sen. I told Tom that I'd be late. I told Tom I wanted to be late. Jag förstår det inte heller. I don't understand either. I don't understand it either. Du tager gas på mig. You're pulling my leg. You take gas on me. Lad os hvile her til Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here to Tom catch us. Mér finnst að páfinn ætti að selja eitthvað af feiknalegum eignum kirkjunnar til að fæða sveltandi fátæklinga. I think the pope should sell off some of the vast holdings of his church to feed the starving poor. I think the Pope should sell something of the sacred property of the Church to feed the poor poor. Jag kände mig väldigt lättad när jag hörde nyheten. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. Tel til tretti. Count up to thirty. Count to thirty. Men varför? But why? But why? Kom præcis klokken ti. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come on exactly at 10 o'clock. Hun lovet å møte ham i kaffebaren. She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. She promised to meet him in the coffee bar. Ég þoli þennan sársauka ekki lengur. I can't stand this pain any more. I don't like this pain anymore. Det är ingen här som heter så. There is no one here with that name. There's no one here who's called that. Det er et blåt hus. That's a blue house. It's a blue house. Tyvärr, jag har ingen aning. I'm sorry, I have no idea. Sorry, I have no idea. Hans nya film är sevärd. His new film is worth seeing. His new film is worth it. Kapteinen var den siste personen som forlot det synkende skipet. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. Tom lufter hunden. Tom walks the dog. Tom airs the dog. Jeg mener de tar feil. I think they're wrong. I mean, they're wrong. Det er umulig å leve uten vann. It is impossible to live without water. It is impossible to live without water. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to a boil. Bring the water into the keg. Han bærer briller. He is wearing glasses. He wears glasses. Lugna ner dig. Calm down. Calm down. Han er ikke det værd. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. Han har ti børn. He has ten children. He has ten children. Tom gjorde en dårlig jobb. Tom did a bad job. Tom did a bad job. Dessverre var vi ikke i stand til å registrere din deltakelse. Dette kan skyldes at du allerede har deltatt i denne undersøkelsen, eller det kan skyldes mistanke om brudd på våre vilkår og betingelser. Du vil bli videreført til ditt panel. Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform. Unfortunately, we were unable to register your participation. This may be because you have already participated in this survey, or it may be due to suspicion of breach of our terms and conditions. You will be forwarded to your panel. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I must be going now. I have to give myself off now. Mary er venstrehåndet. Mary is left-handed. Mary's left hand. Min far, som nå jobber i USA skrev et brev til oss forrige uke. My father, who is now working in the United States, wrote us a letter last week. My father, who is currently working in the United States, wrote a letter to us last week. Tom är min hjälte. Tom is my hero. Tom is my hero. Vad är skillnaden mellan en tidskrift och en dagstidning? What's the difference between a magazine and a newspaper? What is the difference between a journal and a daytime? Du hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You don't help. Det er derfor jeg fyrede Tom. That's why I fired Tom. That's why I fired Tom. Sidder du bekvemt? Are you sitting comfortably? Do you sit comfortably? Den här stolen är ful. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. Uttalar jag ert namn korrekt? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Do I speak your name correctly? Ingen ved, hvad morgendagen vil bringe. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Sami försökte kyssa mig. Sami tried to kiss me. Sami tried to kiss me. "Hvor var du?" "Hos en ven." "Where were you?" "I was at a friend's house." “Where were you?” said a friend. Han er lige nu i gang med at lave lektier. He is doing his homework now. He's just starting to make homework. Jeg har også modtaget det. I've received it too. I've also received it. Jeg har holdt vekten lav selv om mange av mine venner har gått opp i vekt når de har blitt eldre. I've kept my weight down even though many of my friends have gained weight as they've grown older. I’ve kept the weight low even though many of my friends have gone into weight when they’ve grown older. Jeg spiste det sidste stykke pizza. I ate the last slice of pizza. I ate the last piece of pizza. Jeg har ikke bedt Tom om at gøre noget. I didn't ask Tom to do anything. I haven't asked Tom to do anything. Hvis Marys mors sønn er min bror, da er Mary søsteren min. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. Blóman er reyð. The flower is red. Blomman is red. Hún tekur gagnrýni frá öllum nema foreldrum sínum. She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents. She takes criticism from everyone except her parents. Barnið grætur. The baby is crying. The child is crying. Jeg vil virkelig gerne til stranden denne sommer. I really want to go to the beach this summer. I really want to go to the beach this summer. Hent meg litt kaldt vann. Bring me some cold water. Get me some cold water. Dörrarna var låsta utifrån. The doors were locked from the outside. Doors were locked from the outside. Är Tom så usel? Is Tom that bad? Is Tom so ill? Afrikanske elefanter har mindre hårvækst end asiatiske elefanter. African elephants have less hair than Asian elephants. African elephants have less hair growth than Asian elephants. Han skrev ner sina tankar i sin anteckningsbok. He put down his thoughts in his notebook. He wrote down his thoughts in his notebook. En dag kommer det nya forskningsarbetet att bli färdigt. Someday the new research work will be completed. One day, the new research work will be completed. Denne virus er et problem over hele verden. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a problem all over the world. Jeg er bange for kakerlakker. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of cockroaches. Ikke tenk. Don't think. Don't think. Hva er dette? Spurte Tony. "What's this?" asked Tony. What is this? Spurte Tony. Den kvinde har en mund. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Jag undrar vad som kommer att hända. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what will happen. Jeg vil fortelle deg sannheten. I'd like to tell you the truth. I want to tell you the truth. Det er blevet varmere i dag. It's become warmer today. It has become warmer today. Tom er god til at lave mad. Tom is good at cooking. Tom is good at cooking. Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. People in Brazil were proud of him. Hun har haft to ulykker inden for et år. She had two accidents within a year. She has had two accidents within a year. Jeg vedder på at Dave betalte ganske mye for den nye bilen sin. I bet Dave paid a pretty penny for his new car. I know Dave paid a lot for his new car. Jag tycker att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. Hur kan Tom göra så? How can Tom do that? How can Tom do that? Kan du tala högre? Can you speak up? Can you speak higher? Mig vantar poka til að bera það í. I need a bag to carry it in. I need a bag to carry it in. Hvorfor er du så ængstelig? Why are you so troubled? Why are you so anxious? Hvor mange lande er medlem af De Forenede Nationer? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are a member of the United Nations? Ge mig en servett. Hand me a tissue. Give me a napkin. Jeg tror det vil regne i morgen. I think it'll be raining tomorrow. I think it will rain tomorrow. Jag gick en konstkurs i fjol. I took an art class last year. I went an art course last year. Vi har masser af tid. We've got plenty of time. We have plenty of time. Ég er hrygg. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Det där är din sida och det här är min. That's your side and this is mine. That's your side and this is mine. Jag kan gå till skolan på tio minuter. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can go to school in ten minutes. Hvad mener du med det? What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? Hur kan det vara sant? How can this be true? How can it be true? Það er hávaðasamt í íbúðinni við hliðina. It's noisy next door. It is very comfortable in the apartment next door. Bränt barn skyr elden. A burnt child dreads the fire. Kids fire the fire. Tom har vært konsistent. Tom has been consistent. Tom has been consistent. Tom har for nylig mistet sit arbejde. Tom recently lost his job. Tom recently lost his job. Livet er kort men årene lange. Life is short, but the years are long. Life is short but years long. Hun er ikke sygeplejerske, men læge. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, but a doctor. John skriver til sin forældre en gang om måneden. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Layla är en fantastisk kock. Layla is a wonderful cook. Layla is a great cook. Låt oss göra det någon annan gång. Let's make it some other time. Let's do it another time. Tom har betett sig väldigt konstigt. Tom has been acting very strange. Tom has behaved very strangely. Du er forelsket. You're in love. You're in love. Det er ekstremt dyrt. It's extremely expensive. It's extremely expensive. Jeg holder meget af pizza. I like pizza very much. I have a lot of pizza. Jeg hadde på meg solbriller. I was wearing sunglasses. I was wearing sunglasses. Hún á enga vini. She doesn't have any friends. She has no friends. Jag har haft kul. I have had fun. I've had fun. Vad jag heter är inte viktigt. My name isn't important. What my name is is not important. François, är detta ditt? François, is this yours? François, is this yours? Jeg har været over hele verden. I've been all over the world. I've been around the world. Inuktitut er et vanskeligt sprog. Inuktitut​ is a difficult language. Inuktitut is a difficult language. Han uttrykte alltid sine egne antagelser som om de var uimotsigelige fakta. He would always project his own suppositions as undeniable facts. He always expressed his own assumptions as if they were irresistible facts. Vær på stationen præcis klokken elleve. Be at the train station at eleven sharp. Be on the station exactly at 11 o'clock. Disse ege er over hundrede år gamle. These oaks are over a hundred years old. These oaks are over a hundred years old. Har du en e-post-addresse? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an email address? Vi kommer i problemer. We'll be in trouble. We're in trouble. Jeg foretrækker stadigvæk at skrive breve i hånden. I still prefer to write letters by hand. I still prefer to write letters in my hand. Tom sa han trodde piloten var full. Tom said he thought the pilot was drunk. Tom said he thought the pilot was drunk. Mary er nu blevet mor. Mary is now a mother. Mary is now a mother. Rør ikke ved kameraet. Don't touch the camera. Do not touch the camera. Jag minns detta ord. I remember this word. I remember this word. Man har brug for mad, tøj og et hjem for at kunne leve. We need food, clothes and a home in order to live. You need food, clothes and a home to live. Han är inte vad han utger sig för. He is not what he seems. He's not what he's doing. Tom vil garantert drage til Boston i sommar. Tom will visit Boston this summer for sure. Tom will be guaranteed to go to Boston this summer. Jag vill bli läkare. I want to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Ljudet väckte mig från min sömn. The noise awoke me from my sleep. The sound awakened me from my sleep. Það er mjög leiðinlegt að vera veikur. Being sick is very boring. It’s very boring to be sick. Bill blev dræbt af den mand. Bill was killed by that man. Bill was killed by that man. Gomorron! Morning! Gomorron! Det er grunden. That's the reason. That's the reason. Vi vil holde Tom ansvarlig. We will hold Tom accountable. We will keep Tom accountable. Hans penge er i banken. His money is in the bank. His money is in the bank. Tom siger han er meget rig. Tom says he's very rich. Tom says he's very rich. Hon antydde att hon kanske skulle studera utomlands. She hinted that she might study abroad. She suggested that she might be studying abroad. Tom ville ha mistet toget om han hadde stoppet for å kjøpe en sjokolade. Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have lost the train if he had stopped buying a chocolate. Tom klatrede op ad stigen og plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Jag bjuder. It's on me. I'll offer you. Det huset tilhører meg. That house belongs to me. That house belongs to me. Hvad tænker du på? What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about? Ge mig en dag eller två. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Ekki tala svona hratt. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. Tom hade en benägenhet att titta bort när han blev tilltalad. Tom had a propensity for looking the other way when spoken to. Tom had a tendency to look away when he was charged. I mitt land tål man inte dem som är intelligentare än en själv. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, you can’t tolerate those who are smarter than yourself. Vi har et kort. We have a map. We have a card. Jeg talte fra min sjel. I spoke from the heart. I spoke from my soul. Tom är inte så galen. Tom isn't that crazy. Tom is not so crazy. Jeg skulle ikke ha puttet den bærbare datamaskinen min så nærme bordkanten. I shouldn't have put my laptop so close to the edge of the table. I wouldn't have put my laptop so close to the table edge. På grund af sygdom måtte han holde op med at ryge. Due to illness, he had to give up smoking. Because of illness, he had to stop smoking. Rør ikke knappen. Don't touch the button. Do not touch the button. Onkur fortaldi mær tað. Someone told me that. Abandoned Legs. Jag trodde att du slutat. I thought you quit. I thought you stopped. Sommetider er det meget vanskeligt at forklare sin ide. It is sometimes very hard to put your idea across. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain its idea. Hvorfor er Tom ikke her? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Tom dukade bordet för kvällsmaten. Tom set the table for supper. Tom threw the table for dinner. Hon gick ut. She went out. She went out. Tom er sjaldan seinn. Tom is rarely late. Tom is rarely late. Gerir þú þér grein fyrir því hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you know how much she loves you? Det kan ikke være. That can't be. It can't be. Jeg regner med det. I'm counting on it. I'm counting on it. Memorera dikten till nästa vecka. Memorize the poem by next week. Memorera poems for next week. Det er så mange selvgode mennesker. There are so many smug people. There are so many self-sufficient people. Kroatien heter ”Hrvatska” på kroatiska. Croatia is called "Hrvatska" in Croatian. Croatia is called “Hrvatska” in Croatian. Hann er engu meira flón en þú. He is no more a fool than you are. He's no more complicated than you. Jag klarar inte av synen av blod. I can't stand the sight of blood. I can't handle the vision of blood. Réttur einstaklingsins eru mikilvægustu réttindi í frjálsu samfélagi. The rights of the individual are the most important rights in a free society. The right of the individual is the most important right in a free society. Min far är rik. My father is rich. My father is rich. Babyen sover. The baby's sleeping. The baby sleeps. Faren min har en bra jobb. My father has a good job. My father has a good job. Jag var mycket artig. I was very polite. I was very polite. Läraren underströk vikten av att föra anteckningar. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. The teacher stressed the importance of drawing notes. Jeg har ingen kontanter på mig. I don't have any cash on me. I don't have any cash on me. Har du någonsin snarkat? Have you ever snored? Have you ever been quick? Vad tänker du på just nu? A penny for your thoughts! What are you thinking about right now? Vi är studenter. We are students. We are students. Min mormor tycker om att sy korsstygn. My grandmother likes doing cross-stitch. My grandmother likes sewing a cross-stitch. Jeg drømmer hver nat om hende. I dream about her every night. I dream every night about her. Vinsamlegast vaknaðu klukkan sjö. Wake up at seven, please. Please wake up at seven o'clock. Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. You can’t take unnecessary conclusions. Låt mig gå! Let me go! Let me go! Det är svårt att säga. It's hard to tell. It's hard to say. Dan tok et bilde av registreringsnummeret. Dan took a picture of the license plate. Dan took a picture of the registration number. Jag kommer att börja äta mindre kött. I'm going to cut down on meat. I will start eating less meat. Ég get ekki samþykkt þessa kenningu. I can't accept this theory. I can't accept this theory. I dag er det koldt. It's cold today. Today it's cold. Han er en smule bedugget. He's a bit tipsy. He's a bit betrayed. Hann fer aldrei út eftir myrkur. He never goes out after dark. He never goes out after darkness. Den saken bekymrer meg ikke i det hele tatt. That doesn't worry me at all. That thing doesn't worry me at all. Húsið þitt er þrisvar sinnum stærra en mitt. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. Hun er en sød pige. She's a sweet girl. She's a cute girl. I retrospekt, skulle Tom ønske han hadde brukt mer tid på å studere. In retrospect, Tom wishes he had spent more time studying. In retrospect, Tom would wish he had spent more time studying. E.T., ring hjem! E.T. phone home. E.T., call home! Sami var ikke til å stole på. Sami wasn't trustworthy. Sami was not able to trust. Jeg elsker jer begge af hele mit hjerte. I love both of you with all my heart. I love both of my heart. Den som intet våger, intet vinner. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Whoever does not dare, no winner. Det bliver varmt. It'll be hot. It'll be hot. Vem är först i tur? Who's first? Who is first in turn? Allir vita að tveir plús tveir eru fjórir. Everyone knows that two plus two equals four. Everyone knows that two plus two are four. Kan du skriva det med hiragana, är du snäll? Can you write that in hiragana please? Can you write it with hiragana, please? Det är hans sätt att säga tack. It's his way of saying thank you. That's his way of saying thank you. Tom gav mig ikke noget til jul. Tom didn't give me anything for Christmas. Tom didn't give me anything for Christmas. Jeg snakker ofte med Tom. I frequently talk to Tom. I often talk to Tom. Det är en världsdel täckt med is. It is a continent covered with ice. It's a world-famous covered with ice. Hon såg mer vacker ut än någonsin förrut. She looked more beautiful than ever. She looked more beautiful than ever before. Tom är lång och smal. Tom is lean and tall. Tom is long and narrow. Torden er blevet forklaret videnskabeligt, og folk tror ikke længere at det er et tegn på at guderne er vrede på dem, så også torden er blevet en smule mindre frygtindgydende. Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening. The order has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe that it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so the thunder has become a little less fear-indulging. Þær sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They fished fish down into the dead. Kan du stanna länge? Can you stay long? Can you stay for a long time? Jeg ser at mannerene dine ikke akkurat har forbedret seg de siste tjue årene. I see that your manners haven't exactly improved in the last twenty years. I see that your men have not just improved in the last twenty years. Ég er seinn, ekki satt? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, right? Jag har några till. I've got a few more. I have a few more. Jeg brente alle brevene som du skrev til meg. I burned all the letters that you wrote me. I burned all the letters you wrote to me. Vi hade stora svårigheter att hitta busshållplatsen. We had much difficulty in finding the bus stop. We had great difficulty finding the bus stop. Bilen derovre er min. The car over there is mine. The car there is mine. Det kan bruges som en kniv. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. Vi har hjulpet Tom med at luge haven. We helped Tom weed the garden. We've helped Tom to luke the garden. Maria vet at hennes viktigste våpen, et vakkert ansikt og en ung kropp, er forgjengelig verdi. Mary knows that her main weapons, a beautiful face and a young body, are of transient value. Maria knows that her most important weapon, a beautiful face and a young body, is a perishable value. Tom är extremt lat. Tom is extremely lazy. Tom is extremely lazy. Jag köpte en grön soffa igår, men den gick inte in genom dörren, så jag fick lämna tillbaka den. I bought a green couch yesterday, but I couldn't fit it through the door, so I had to return it. I bought a green sofa yesterday, but it didn't go through the door, so I got back it. Meg er lige så høj som Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. I'm as high as Ken. Det er et almindeligt navn. It's a common name. It's a common name. Kan jag fråga varför? Can I ask you why? Can I ask why? Gjør det du synes er rett. Do what you think is right. Do what you think is right. Hvor er jeres forældre? Where are your parents? Where are your parents? Mary følte det som om at Tom klædte hende af med øjnene. Mary felt like Tom was undressing her with his eyes. Mary felt like Tom dressed her with her eyes. Slå på tråden før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Turn on the thread before you arrive. Oljetillgångarna är inte oändliga. Supplies of oil are not infinite. Oil assets are not infinite. Vi viser nå hvordan dette lemmaet kan brukes til å bevise hovedteoremet vårt. Now, we show how this lemma can be used to prove our main theorem. We now show how this smile can be used to prove our maintheorem. Jag observerade att hans händer var ostadiga. I observed that his hands were unsteady. I observed that his hands were inconvenient. Hun fortsetter med å klage over at hun ikke har tid. She keeps moaning that she has no time. She continues to complain that she doesn’t have time. Jeg arbejder lige nu. I'm working right now. I'm working right now. Hun kopierede en sætning. She copied a sentence. She copied a sentence. Jag är inte säker på att det kommer att hända när som helst snart. I'm not sure that's going to happen anytime soon. I'm not sure it will happen anytime soon. Tom är inte särskilt upptagen, eller hur? Tom isn't very busy, is he? Tom is not particularly busy, right? Jeg har ikke brug for dine penge. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Vi ska mötas på stationen klockan nio. We're meeting at the station at nine o'clock. We'll meet at the station at nine o'clock. Er du klar for å gå? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Jeg har spist en kat. I have eaten a cat. I've eaten a cat. Hører du noe? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Tokyo er levende. Tokyo is bustling with life. Tokyo is alive. Tom så vred ud. Tom looked angry. Tom looked so angry. Jag ska laga den. I'm going to fix it. I'll fix it. Toms stue var smakefullt innredet. Tom's living room was tastefully furnished. Tom's living room was tastefully decorated. Hún frátók herbergi. She reserved a room. She from a room. Fletta upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Merge the word into the dictionary. Vi åker hem, Tom. Let's go home, Tom. We're going home, Tom. De glemte min fødselsdag. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Skoðaðu síðuna mína á Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Check out my Facebook page. Kan jag göra det för dig? Can I do it for you? Can I do it for you? Jag gillar honom. I like him. I like him. Jeg kunne ikke tro mine øyne. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Vilken station är det här? What station is it? Which station is this? Kanske borde jag hitta ett nya jobb eller en interessant hobby för att behålla mig motiverad. Perhaps I should find a new job or an interesting hobby to keep me motivated. Maybe I should find a new job or an interesting hobby to keep me motivated. Tom kan ikke lide at skifte tøj foran sin mor. Tom doesn't like changing clothes in front of his mother. Tom doesn’t like changing clothes in front of her mother. Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova till mitt på dagen. I thought Tom would sleep until noon. I thought Tom would sleep in the middle of the day. Ég vonast til að valda jákvæðum breytingum á heiminum. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to make a positive change in the world. Han er FBI-agent. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. Bland deg ikke i andres affærer! You should mind your own business. Don’t mix yourself in the affairs of others! Tom har aldrig set Mary uden makeup. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these conditions. I don't think they accept these terms. Tom har svimmat. Tom's fainted. Tom has a swimmer. Han bankede på døren. He knocked at the door. He was knocking on the door. Bli inte så defensiv. Jag skyller inte på dig. Don't get defensive. I'm not blaming you. Don't be so defensive, I don't blame you. De bor tæt på lufthavnen. They live close by the airport. They live close to the airport. "Gud bevare os!" skreg frøknerne og slukkede hurtigt ilden. "Heaven preserve us!" cried the young ladies; and they hastily put the fire out. "God preserves us!" cried the frogs and quickly extinguished the fire. Tom bor ud til en jordvej. Tom lives on a dirt road. Tom lives out to a ground road. Joe var talinn hafa skotið fangann. Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner. Joe was shot dead. Jeg ser hva du gjorde der. I see what you did there. I see what you did there. Jeg kan næsten ikke sove om natten. I can scarcely sleep at night. I can hardly sleep at night. Sami skikka ein e-post til sjefen. Sami e-mailed his boss. Sami properd an email to the boss. Legen kom i siste øyeblikk. The doctor arrived in the nick of time. The doctor came at the last moment. Ønsker du den? Like it? Do you want it? Var ligger flygplatsen? Where's the airport? Where's the airport? Jag undrar vem som dödade Tom. I wonder who killed Tom. I wonder who killed Tom. Vi har set hende danse. We saw her dance. We've seen her dance. Udfyld nedenstående formular for at finde ud af hvem du kunne have været i et tidligere liv. Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life. Fill out the form below to find out who you could have been in a previous life. Glem ikke at poste dette brev. Don't forget to mail this letter. Do not forget to post this letter. Fái meg ikki at trúgva, at eg umsíðir hitti teg. I can't believe I finally managed to meet you. Can't believe it would make sense to just sit down on the floor. Jeg vil skrive en bog. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Tom kastede æblet over til mig. Tom chucked me the apple. Tom threw the apple over to me. Tom havde i sinde at lyve, men endte med at snakke over sig. Tom was going to lie, but he ended up spilling the beans. Tom had in mind to lie, but ended up talking about himself. Han er en mann av bred erfaring. He is a man of wide experience. He is a man of broad experience. Du använder verkligen mycket smör. You sure do use a lot of butter. You really use a lot of butter. Fuldmånen kan ses i aften. A full moon can be seen tonight. Full moon can be seen tonight. Vi er imot deg. We oppose you. We are against you. Afsakið, ertu með eld? Excuse me, have you got a light? Sorry, do you have fire? Han var inte anträffbar. He was not available. He wasn't exceptional. Hva er fornavnet ditt? What's your first name? What is your first name? Jeg sverger; det var ikke meg! It's not me, I swear! I swear it wasn't me! Jag vet inte riktigt än. I don't quite know yet. I don't really know yet. Tom kan inte tala franska. Mary kan inte heller tala franska. Tom can't speak French. Mary can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French, but Mary can't speak French either. Ved første øjekast syntes spørgsmålet at være ligetil. At first glance, the question seemed easy. At first glance, the question seemed to be straightforward. Hold op med at gøre dig selv til grin. Alle griner ad dig. Stop making a fool of yourself. Everyone is laughing at you. Stop making yourself laugh. Everyone laughs at you. Vær så snill og kom. Jeg vil veldig gjerne møte deg. Please come. I really want to meet you. Please come and I'd love to meet you. Ég fór í veisluna bara til að sýna smá félagslyndi. I attended the party just to be sociable. I just went to the party to show a little socialism. Hun er bange for ham. She's afraid of him. She's scared of him. Jeg kaldte katten "Tama". I called the cat "Tama". I called the cat “Tama.” Tom underviser i fransk i Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Han griner. He smiled. He laughs. Hvor kan jeg købe cigaretter heromkring? Where can I buy cigarettes around here? Where can I buy cigarettes? Der er et overforbrug af antibiotika. Antibiotics are overused. There is an overuse of antibiotics. Innan jag kom till Berlin hade jag ett mycket litet intresse för tysk historia. Before coming to Berlin, I had very little interest in German history. Before I arrived in Berlin, I had a very small interest in German history. Han oppdaget en ny stjerne. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Han sitter oppe langt ut på natt for å studere. He sits up studying till late at night. He sits up at night to study. Få bort dem. Get rid of them. Get them off. Han løftet hatten sin. He raised his hat. He lifted his hat. Om jag var ett djur skulle jag vara en katt. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. If I was an animal, I would be a cat. Jeg har mye å gjøre. I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot to do. Endelig har vi alle feltnavn på norsk og det skal være til stor hjelp for våre brukere. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally, we have all the field names in Norwegian and there will be great help for our users. Kvinden læser. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Alkohol er forbudt i mange muslimske lande. Alcohol is forbidden in many Muslim countries. Alcohol is banned in many Muslim countries. Foreldrar Johns virtust því fegin að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. John’s parents were glad to hear that he was safe. När var senaste gången Tom pratade med dig? When was the last time Tom talked to you? When was the last time Tom talked to you? Det regnar i Sverge. It rains in Sweden. It rains in Sverge. Rygning er ikke tilladt inde i elevatoren. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Jeg ser katten din i hagen. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. Hvis noget er et æble, så er det enten rødt eller grønt eller måske begge dele. If something is an apple, then it's either red or green, or possibly both. If something is an apple, it is either red or green or maybe both. Jeg er tredive år gammel. I am thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Det ska vi tala om snart. We'll talk about that soon. We'll talk about it soon. Tom är vänlig. Tom's friendly. Tom is friendly. Dei hundre vanlegaste orda i engelsk er anglosaksiske ord. The 100 most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words. The hundred most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words. Det vil måske regne i nat. It may rain tonight. Maybe it will rain tonight. Små børn holder ofte af bøger om drager og andre monstre. Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Small children often hold books about dragons and other monsters. Jag är nykter. I'm sober. I'm sober. Ég var að spá hvort þú myndir vilja borða með mér kvöldmat annað kvöld. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. I was wondering if you would like to eat with me dinner the other night. Tom sov på en oppustelig madras. Tom slept on an inflatable mattress. Tom slept on an amazing mattress. Njuter ni av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you enjoying this? Hold nesen din for deg selv. Mind your own business! Keep your nose for yourself. De her farver harmonerer meget godt. These colors harmonize very well. These colors have a lot of harmony. Stöðin er langt í burtu héðan. The station is far from here. The station is far away from here. Tom klättrade ner. Tom climbed down. Tom climbed down. Vad orsakade strömavbrottet? What caused the power failure? What caused the power disruption? Hun lovte å skrive til meg hver uke. She made a promise to write to me every week. She promised to write to me every week. Han hældte mælk i sin te og rørte rundt. He put milk into his tea and stirred it. He poured milk into his tea and touched. Det sidste tog er allerede kørt. The last train has already gone. The last train has already been run. Toms familie bor i Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Kan begge de her to kufferter være i bagagerummet? Will both of these suitcases fit in the trunk? Can both of these suitcases be in the trunk? Kunne du ha hjulpet oss? Could you help us? Could you have helped us? Þeir gengu um. They walked around. They went around. Fortsätt med ditt arbete. Go on with your work. Continue with your work. Tom så på meg og smilte. Tom looked at me and smiled. Tom looked at me and smiled. Reykingar valda miklum skaða en engu góðu. Smoking does much harm but no good. Smoking causes a lot of damage, but nothing good. Hans nya film är värd att se. His new film is worth seeing. His new film is worth watching. Tom holdt op med at tale da han så Mary træde ind i rummet. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary enter the room. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary step into the room. Det finns ännu några vilda folkstammar på den där ön. There are still some savage tribes on that island. There are still some wild people on that island. Ingen bad om min mening. No one asked for my opinion. No one asked for my opinion. Et år senere blev Paul født. One year later, Paul was born. A year later, Paul was born. Tom syntes ikke det var morsomt. Tom didn't think it was funny. Tom didn't think it was funny. Jag tycker inte om dig längre. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Har du sett Tom? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Snakker dere om oss? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Jeg håber ikke at jeg forstyrrer dig. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I hope I don't disturb you. Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Jeg kan lide både katte og hunde. I like both dogs and cats. I like cats and dogs. De er bange for jer. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. Toms pappa, som sitter i fängelse, skriver aldrig till honom. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to him. Tom's father, who's in prison, never writes to him. Tom prøvde å drepa oss. Tom tried to kill us. Tom tried to kill us. Jeg lovte deg aldri noe. I never promised you anything. I never promised you anything. Jag hatar överraskningar. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Toms frygt blev til virkelighed. Tom's fear came true. Tom’s fear became reality. Jag hade ingen aning om vad jag skulle göra. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to do. Tom samlade på kaffekoppar. Tom collected coffee cups. Tom gathered on coffee cups. De sælger sko. They sell shoes. They sell shoes. Den lyser i mørket. It glows in the dark. It shines in the dark. Tom vidste ikke hvorfor. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Það væri erfitt. That would be difficult. It would be difficult. Tom fortsatte klättra. Tom kept climbing. Tom continued to climb. Hurra för italienska kvinnor! Hurray for Italian women! Hurricane for Italian women! Tom har besøkt Boston. Tom has visited Boston. Tom has visited Boston. Tommelfingerneglen min ble revet av. My thumbnail ripped off. My thumb was torn off. Vi kommer att behöva ett lån. We're going to need a loan. We will need a loan. Jeg snakker ikke fransk like bra som Tom. I can't speak French as well as Tom. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Jeg gad vide hvilket land der som det første vil censurere Tatoeba. I wonder which country will be the first to censor Tatoeba. I guess I know what country there will be as the first censor Tatoeba. Jeg så ham med mine egne øyne. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw him with my own eyes. Det er irriterende å ikke kunne finne feilen i kalkulasjonen min. It's annoying not being able to find the error in my calculation. It's annoying not to find the fault in my calculation. Har du syrisk pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? Do you have Syrian passports? Jag läste hans bok. I read his book. I read his book. Varför uppför sig män som apor, och vice versa? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do men behave like monkeys, and vice versa? Bob har vært forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Min bedstefar blev dræbt under 2. verdenskrig. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Ut ur min säng innan jag dödar dig. Get out of my bed before I kill you. Get out of my bed before I kill you. Jag vill inte leka. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Hvilken internetudbyder bruger du? What ISP do you use? Which internet provider do you use? Kan du över huvud taget simma? Can you swim at all? Can you over the head swim? Kan man se skillnaden? Can one see the difference? Can you see the difference? Dette æble er sødt. This apple is sweet. This apple is sweet. Vores rejse afhænger af vejret. Our trip is dependent on the weather. Our journey depends on the weather. Når kan du komme? What time can you come? When can you come? Vi bliver nødt til at arbejde hurtigere. We should work faster. We need to work faster. Jeg er 30 år gammel. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Har de gjort det? Have they done it? Did they do it? Tom kunne ikke tro at Maria virkelig hadde kysset ham. Tom couldn't believe that Mary had actually kissed him. Tom could not believe that Mary had really kissed him. Ge mig en till. Give me one more. Give me one more. Han klagede over at suppen var for varm. He complained that the soup was too hot. He complained that the soup was too hot. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi viðskipta. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I'm sorry for my time as a regular business. Tom handler på nettet. Tom shops online. Tom is trading online. Min morfar dog för 10 år sedan. My grandfather on my mother's side passed away ten years ago. My grandfather died 10 years ago. Vattnet frös till is. The water turned to ice. The water freezes to ice. Tom ønsker at købe en gave til Mary. Tom wants to buy a present for Mary. Tom wants to buy a gift for Mary. Gör er av med Tom. Get rid of Tom. You're done with Tom. Jeg er glad for, at vi var i stand til at svømme. I'm happy that we were able to swim. I am glad we were able to swim. Uansett hvor rasjonellt hva du sier høres ut, kommer noen alltid til å motsi deg. No matter how rational your words may sound, someone will always contradict you. No matter what you say, someone always comes to contradict you. Den här ölen har hög alkoholhalt. This beer contains a high proportion of alcohol. This beer has high alcohol content. Tom ønsker at sove på stranden. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Dette er en træstol. This is a wooden chair. This is a wooden chair. Katte kan se, selv på mørke steder. Cats can see even in dark places. Cats can see, even in dark places. Tom är inte otrevlig. Tom isn't rude. Tom is not inconvenient. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let the dog in. Open the door and put the dog in. Hils ham fra meg. Please say hello to him for me. Tell him from me. Jeg visste allerede sannheten. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Jeg liker ikke bortskjemte barn. I don't like spoiled children. I don't like spoiled children. Tom græder meget. Tom cries a lot. Tom is crying a lot. Stör inte, är du snäll. Please don't disturb. Don't worry, please. En hund sprang. A dog was running. A dog ran. Det er den fineste gaven jeg noen gang har fått. That's the most beautiful gift I've ever received. This is the best gift I’ve ever received. Jag gjorde illa foten. I hurt my foot. I did a bad foot. Eg har svarte augo. I have black eyes. I have black eyes. Han kler seg godt. He dresses himself well. He's wearing well. Jag fick din lapp. I got your note. I got your note. Vad har din avföring för färg? What color are your bowel movements? What does your stool have for color? Hvert værelse har eget bad. Each room has its own bathroom. Each room has a private bathroom. Vad kände du? What did you feel? What did you know? Jag gav den tillbaka. I gave it back. I gave it back. Jeg spurgte Tom om hvad han ønskede til jul. I asked Tom what he wanted for Christmas. I asked Tom what he wanted for Christmas. Jag visste att det där skulle hända. I saw that coming. I knew that would happen. Jeg snakket med Tom i går. I talked to Tom yesterday. I talked to Tom yesterday. Jeg begriper ikke hvordan hun gjorde det. Det var et mirakel. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. I don't understand how she did it. It was a miracle. Ert tú inni? Are you at home? Are you in there? Jag kan fortfarande kämpa. I can still fight. I can still fight. Jeg var lamslået. I was dumbfounded. I was stunned. Tom elskede Mary, men hun kunne slet ikke lide ham. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Pulver kan løses opp i vann. Powder is soluble in water. Powder can be dissolved in water. Hvornår var det at Tom besøgte Mary på hospitalet? When was it that Tom visited Mary in the hospital? When was Tom visiting Mary in the hospital? Mænd er så nytteløse! Men are so useless. Men are so useless! Tom gillar det hett. Tom likes it hot. Tom likes it hot. Lad mig vide, hvis du har brug for hjælp. Let me know if you need any help. Let me know if you need help. I Tyskland betaler spøkelser ikke skatt. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany, ghosts don’t pay taxes. Kunne du tatt å poste dette brevet for meg? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Could you post this letter for me? Driver du med mig? You have got to be kidding me. Are you driving with me? Ring 119 i tilfælde af brand. In case of fire, call 119. Call 119 in case of fire. Han översatte Homeros från grekiska till engelska. He translated Homer from the Greek into English. He translated Homeros from Greek to English. Hvorfor lærte du fransk? Why did you learn French? Why did you learn French? Er det det, Tom ønskede at vide? Is that what Tom wanted to know? Is that what Tom wanted to know? Hva er det du snakker om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Ég finn Tim hvergi. Er hann þegar farinn? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I find Tim nowhere, is he already gone? Mange mennesker har en drøm. Many people have a dream. Many people have a dream. Jeg har en overraskelse til dig. I've got a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Hvad sker der derinde? What's going on in there? What's going on in there? Vet du varför han skolkade idag? Do you know the reason why he cut class today? Do you know why he went to school today? Alexander begår fejl. Det beviser at han ikke er en robot. Alexander makes mistakes. It proves he's not a robot. Alexander makes mistakes. That proves that he is not a robot. Undskyld! Jeg troede du vidste det. I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Sorry, I thought you knew that. Tom sagde at han ville gøre det. Tom said that he would do that. Tom said he wanted to do it. Tom vil bevise for oss at de vet alt. Tom wants to prove to us that they know everything. Tom will prove to us that they know everything. Denne kniv skærer ikke godt. This knife doesn't cut well. This knife doesn't cut well. Passaðu höfuðið! Watch your head! Watch your head! Jeg skulle ønske vi ikke måtte gjøre dette mer. I wish we didn't have to do this anymore. I wish we didn't have to do this anymore. Fuglen er i himmelen. The bird is in the sky. The bird is in heaven. Patricia kommer att hålla i turneringen. Patricia will organize the tournament. Patricia will be in the tournament. A-kraft er dyr og farlig. The atomic energy is expensive and dangerous. A-power is expensive and dangerous. Hvis en samtale ikke går så bra, prøv en annen fremgangsmåte. If a conversation is not going too well, try changing tack. If a conversation doesn’t go so well, try another method. Alice har fantastiska ben. Alice has stunning legs. Alice has amazing legs. Jeg er ikke din søn. I'm not your son. I'm not your son. Projektet blev afbrudt. The project was aborted. The project was interrupted. Ég er frá Ástralíu. I come from Australia. I'm from Australia. Tom grep tag i sin väska. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom took hold of his bag. Kan du forestille deg hvordan livene våre hadde vært uten elektrisitet? Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Can you imagine how our lives had been without electricity? Tysk er et germansk sprog. German is a Germanic language. German is a Germanic language. Hur tog du dig in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Hvem lærte dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you to play guitar? Vi har fortsatt en gammel rør-TV. We still have an old tube television. We still have an old tube TV. Varför vill du sälja det? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? Jag känner inte Tom längre. I don't know Tom anymore. I don't know Tom anymore. Algeriet er Afrikas største land. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. De er misundelige over vores succes. They are jealous of our success. They are unhappy about our success. Kör försiktigt. Drive carefully. Be careful. Jeg sætter mig ikke urealistiske mål. I don't set myself unrealistic goals. I don't set unrealistic goals. Jeg har boet her hele mit liv. I've been living here my whole life. I've lived here my whole life. Vad vill ni ha att dricka? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What do you want to drink? Tilgiv Tom! Forgive Tom. Forgive Tom! Ursäkta? Pardon me? Excuse me? Tom er skilt. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. Fransk er ikke mit modersmål. French isn't my first language. French is not my native language. "Af hverju getur þú ekki verið líkari mér?" "Ég vil ekki vera eins og þú!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" "Why can't you be a model?" "I don't want to be like you?" De här är mycket ömtåliga. These are very fragile. These are very fragile. Vi går ut nu. We're going out now. Let's go. Lägg dina böcker i ditt skåp. Put your books in your locker. Put your books in your cabinet. Jeg kan huske, hvordan det føltes. I can remember what it felt like. I can remember how it felt. Jag blev förvånad när Tom berättade det där för mig. I was surprised when Tom told me about that. I was surprised when Tom told me that. Vem är allsångsledare i år? Who's the lead singer of the group this year? Who is an all-time leader this year? Ikke svar. Don't respond. Don't answer. Han godtgjorde den tapte tida ved å laupa fort. He made up for lost time by running fast. He accepted the lost time by laupa fast. Við vorum einmitt að tala um þig þegar þú hringdir. We were just talking about you when you called. We were talking about you when you called. Þau báðu Kate um að passa barnið sitt. They asked Kate to baby-sit for their child. She asked Kate to take care of her child. Vem är den killen? Who is that boy? Who is that guy? Les instruksjonene nøye. Read the instructions carefully. Read the instructions carefully. Han behandler mig altid som et barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me as a child. Jag önskar dig en trevlig resa. I wish you a good trip! I wish you a nice trip. Jag kommer inte att vara tyst. I didn't come to be silent. I won't be quiet. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You did not need to come so early. You wouldn’t have to come so early. Trevlig resa! Godspeed! Nice trip! Jag har tre barn. I've got three kids. I have three children. Ta lite åt mig också. Get me some, too. Take me a little bit too. Jeg er en helt. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Du kan gå inn nå. You may enter now. You can go in now. Din guitar er bedre end min. Your guitar is better than mine. Your guitar is better than mine. Är den här buren hajsäker? Is this cage shark-proof? Is this cage safe? Jeg var minearbejder i to år. I was a miner for two years. I was a miner for two years. Þessi börn eiga engan að. Those children have no one to care for them. These children don’t have to. Frankrike, Østerrike og Russland formet en allianse mot Preussen. France, Austria and Russia formed an alliance against Prussia. France, Austria and Russia formed an alliance against Prussia. Tom kom för att be oss om hjälp. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came to ask us for help. Hann las fljótlega í gegnum útdrættina til að finna greinina sem hann var að leita að. He quickly read through the abstracts to find the paper he was looking for. He quickly read through the press to find the article he was looking for. Ég á vin sem elskar mig. I have a friend who loves me. I have a friend who loves me. Det här fungerade inte. This wasn't working. This didn't work. Þetta er strætóstoppustöðin. That is the bus stop. This is the bus stop. Katedralen dominerer bybildet. The cathedral dominates the cityscape. The cathedral dominates the cityscape. Vær forsigtig med hvad du siger offentligt. Det kan få konsekvenser. Be careful what you say publicly. It may have consequences. Be careful with what you say in public. It may have consequences. Mine forældre har lige haft sølvbryllup. My parents just had their silver wedding anniversary. My parents just had a silver wedding. Idrett har gjort ham til den han er. Sport has made him what he is. I've made him the one he is. Det lille huset var rent og ryddig. That small house was clean and tidy. The small house was clean and tidy. Newton troede at verden var blevet skabt i år 4000 før Kristus. Newton thought the world had been created in 4000 BC. Newton believed that the world had been created in the year 4000 before Christ. De trenger denne. You need this. They need this. Jag är en plattjordare. I'm a flat-earther. I'm a flatterer. Gör det någon annanstans. Do it somewhere else. Do it anywhere else. Kald hundene til dig! Call off your dogs. Call the dogs for you! Jeg er ikke sikker på udtalen af ordet. I am not sure how to pronounce the word. I'm not sure about the pronunciation of the word. Kör fortare. Drive faster. Drive faster. Har du nogensinde været i Rio? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Har du någonsin blivit bestulen? Have you ever been robbed? Have you ever been the best? En sætning er aldrig uskyldig. A sentence is never innocent. A sentence is never innocent. Tom landede på havet. Tom landed on the sea. Tom landed on the sea. Tigern rymde från djurparken. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Tiger space from the zoo. Tom er en hengiven lærer. Tom is a dedicated teacher. Tom is a devoted teacher. Du kan godt komme ind. You can come in. You can come in. Hun er FBI-agent. She's an FBI agent. She's an FBI agent. Jeg synes Mary er smukkere end Alice. I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice. I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice. Jóhanna af Örk neitaði að afneita þeirri trú sinni að röddin sem hún heyrði væri frá Guði og engum öðrum. Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other. Jóhanna of Örk refused to deny her belief that the voice she heard was from God and no one else. Jeg ringer deg en annen gang. I'll call you some other time. I'll call you another time. Det är bättre. That's better. It's better. Havet kan man høre herfra. The sea can be heard from here. The sea can be heard from here. Jeg gav hende en lillebitte spilledåse. I gave her a tiny musical box. I gave her a little bit of play. Dette er hesten min. It's my horse. This is my horse. Du har ikke et hjerte. You don't have a heart. You don't have a heart. Nogle dage kræver mere kaffe end andre. Some days require more coffee than others. Some days more coffee is needed than others. Jeg er veganer. I am vegan. I'm vegans. Affind dig med det. Deal with it. Get rid of it. Fadil var tio år äldre än Layla. Fadil was ten years older than Layla. Fadil was 10 years older than Layla. Trädet brinner. The tree is burning. The tree burns. Dårlig vær forhindret dem fra å seile. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Poor weather prevented them from sailing. Tom er marsboer. Tom is a Martian. Tom's a marcher. Al intellektuel ejendom er tyveri af offentlig ejendom. All intellectual property is theft from the public domain. All intellectual property is theft of public property. Vaskemaskinen slutter ikke å gi meg problemer. This washing machine hasn't stopped giving me problems. The washing machine does not stop giving me trouble. Eg segði tað, at hann ikki skuldi havt nakað. I said that he should not have anything. I told him that he had no choice. Det är dags att öppna den tredje garderoben. It's time to open the third wardrobe. It’s time to open the third wardrobe. Är jag misstänkt? Am I a suspect? Am I suspected? Det er en slags orange. It is a kind of orange. It's a kind of orange. Det regnar inte. Det snöar. It's not raining. It's snowing. It's not raining, it's snowing. Är det säkert? Are you sure? Is that safe? Tom er besat af Pokémon Go. Tom is obsessed with Pokémon Go. Tom is obsessed with Pokémon Go. Gomorron, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Gomorron, Mike. Tom, Mary, John og Alice bor alle i Boston. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all live in Boston. Tom, Mary, John, and Alice all live in Boston. Medicinen var hennes sista utväg. She relied on the medicine as a last resort. The medicine was her last resort. Jeg er jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said you would come. Tom said you'd come. Jag avskyr min bror. I hate my brother. I hate my brother. Det har varit en hemsk dag. I had an awful day. It's been a terrible day. Han luftede sine tre hunde hver dag. He walked his three dogs every day. He aired his three dogs every day. Sami læste Bibelen på arabisk. Sami read the Bible in Arabic. Sam read the Bible in Arabic. Det är min hund. That's my dog. It's my dog. Kvar er naudutgangen? Where's the emergency exit? What is the naut exit? Hårt arbete lönar sig. Hard work pays off. Hard work pays off. Tom er en bonderøv. Tom is a redneck. Tom is a farmer. Tom skriv ned alt slik at han ikkje gløymer det. Tom writes everything down so he won't forget it. Tom writes down everything so he doesn't forget it. Hun kan ikke lide sin egen mand. She doesn't like her husband. She doesn't like her own husband. Jeg har brug for en sav. I need a saw. I need a saw. Han er ikke algerisk. He is not Algerian. He's not Algerian. När han kom tillbaka hem, sov barnen redan. When he returned home, the kids were already asleep. When he returned home, the children already slept. Det blåser fra vest. The wind is blowing from the west. It blows from the west. Han ønsker at sælge sin bil. He wants to sell his car. He wants to sell his car. Jag önskar att Tom var här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom was here. Jag är också lärare. I'm also a teacher. I am also a teacher. Hans hus ligger precis över gatan. His house is just over the road. His house is right across the street. Låt oss bryta mönstret. Let’s break the pattern. Let's break the pattern. Är vi trygga än? Are we safe yet? Are we safe yet? Mary satte några blommor i vasen och ställde sedan vasen på bordet. Mary put some flowers in the vase and then put the vase on the table. Mary put some flowers in the water and then put the water on the table. Tom sagde nej. Tom said no. Tom said no. Hun nektet å ta imot pengene. She refused to take the money. She refused to accept the money. Jeg føler mig overophedet. I feel overheated. I feel overheated. Hun fik foretaget en abort. She had an abortion. She made an abortion. Han har hår på bröstet. He has a hairy chest. He has hair on his chest. Tom sov igen for længe. Tom overslept again. Tom slept again for too long. Hún var nógu snjöll til að láta hann ekki blekkja sig. She was clever enough not to be deceived by him. She was smart enough to let him not fool himself. Befolkningstallet i denne by er faldet. The population of this city has decreased. The population of this city has fallen. Er dette et trickspørgsmål? Is this a trick question? Is this a trick question? Hur mår du? How're you feeling? How are you? Han la ifrån sig mobilen när han var på stan. He put away his cellphone when he was in town. He left his cell phone when he was in town. Kan du hjælpe mig med at finde mine nøgler? Can you help me find my keys? Can you help me find my keys? Det har sneet hele natten. It's been snowing all night. It snowed all night. Har du slukket for komfuret? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn off the stove? Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It isn't safe to text while you drive. It is dangerous to sms'e during the queue. Tom gør alt. Tom does everything. Tom does everything. Jeg sov godt i natt. I slept comfortably last night. I slept well last night. Vi tilstod at vi havde dræbt Mary. We confessed that we had killed Mary. We knew we had killed Mary. Jag hämtar lite is. I'll get some ice. I'll get some ice. De snakker. They're talking. They're talking. Jag låg i koma i tre år. I was in a coma for three years. I was in a coma for three years. Hvad er der galt nu? What's wrong now? What's wrong now? Få mig inte att skada dig. Don't make me hurt you. Don't let me hurt you. Det støvregnede. It was drizzling. It's dusty. Det har varit varmt de senaste dagarna. It's been warm the last few days. It has been hot in the last few days. Håll dig till sanningen. Go with the truth. Hold on to the truth. De kan ikke få nok af hinanden. They can't get enough of each other. They can't get enough of each other. Vi kørte en tur. We went for a drive. We drove a ride. Det kostede en halv bondegård. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost half a farm. Jag köper möbler från Ikea. I buy furniture from IKEA. I buy furniture from Ikea. Min fars mor är min farmor. My father's mother is my paternal grandmother. My father's mother is my grandmother. Tom er ude at lufte hunden. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's out to air the dog. Tom er rigtig sej. Tom is really cool. Tom is really cool. De blev avbrutna av en knackning på dörren. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. They were interrupted by a crack on the door. Jag älskar den sången. I love that song. I love that song. Tom har åkt fast för rattfylleri två gånger. Tom has two DUIs. Tom has been stuck for wheel filling twice. Han er stærk. He's strong. He's strong. Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Hvad har inspireret dig til at skrive denne sang? What inspired you to write this song? What inspired you to write this song? Nancy, her er et brev til dig. Nancy, here's a letter for you. Nancy, here's a letter to you. Tom kan ikke gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Der er en trafikprop på motorvejen. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's a traffic call on the highway. Hollænderne er de højeste mennesker i verden. The Dutch are the world's tallest people. The Dutch are the highest people in the world. Det sidste fly til Osaka er blevet annulleret. The last flight for Osaka has been canceled. The last flight to Osaka has been cancelled. John var upptekinn við að undirbúa ferðina sína. John was busy preparing for his trip. John was busy preparing his trip. Tilmelding starter 20. oktober. Registration starts October 20th. Registration starts on 20 October. Han er oppslukt med å lære latin. He is absorbed in the study of Latin. He is excited to learn Latin. Vi har igen sovet for længe! We've overslept again! We've slept again for a long time! Jag tror att vi fortfarande är i Polen! I think we are still in Poland! I think we are still in Poland! Tom prøvede bogstavelig talt at bryde isen. Tom tried to literally break the ice. Tom literally tried to break the ice. Jeg er redd for hunder. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Hur fick du tag i den här? How did you get this? How did you get this? Skibet vil krydse ækvator i nat. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Kor gammal er du, forresten? By the way, how old are you? How old are you, by the way? Det er fornuftigt. It makes sense. That's reasonable. De besøkte musikkfestivalen. They went to the music festival. They visited the music festival. Regner det nu? Is it raining now? Is it raining now? I er ikke gravide. You are not pregnant. You're not pregnant. Hvad måned er vi i? What is the current month? What month are we in? Ved bilvaskehallen ved siden af indkøbscenteret. At the car wash next to the shopping mall. At the car wash hall next to the shopping center. Dan fick jobb som säkerhetsvakt. Dan got a job as a security guard. Dan got a job as a security guard. Han mistede livet ved en ulykke. He lost his life in an accident. He lost his life by an accident. Hvorfor kunne han ikke komme? What prevented him from coming? Why couldn't he come? Välj ett nummer. Pick a number. Choose a number. Layla tager sin hijab af derhjemme. Layla takes her hijab off at home. Layla takes his hijab off at home. Þau eru að bora holu. They are boring a hole. They are living holes. Jeg er for lille. I'm too small. I'm too small. Idag är det onsdag. Today it's Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Ta på denne genseren. Put on this sweater. Take this sweater. Jeg har mine egne problemer som må løses. I've got my own problems to take care of. I have my own problems that need to be solved. Etter lang betenkning, ender jeg opp med å lage ting på slump. After long reflection, I decided to take things as they come. After long betting, I end up making things at random. Hvad er din mening om sagen? What is your opinion on the matter? What is your opinion on the matter? Það kom á óvart. It was a surprise. It surprised me. Toms far var veteran fra 2. verdenskrig. Tom's father was a World War II veteran. Tom's father was the veteran of World War II. Huset som Tom bygget er fantastisk. The house Tom built is wonderful. The house that Tom built is amazing. Tom blev generad. Tom got embarrassed. Tom was embarrassed. Det här körsbäret är mörkrött. This cherry is dark red. This cherry is dark red. La oss høre på litt musikk. Let's listen to some music. Let's listen to some music. Hun liker potetsalat. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Toms firma borer etter olje. Tom's company is drilling for oil. Tom's company is drilling after oil. Tom har været her siden 2013. Tom has been here since 2013. Tom has been here since 2013. Egentligen inte. Not really. Actually not. Disse billeder blev taget i Kabylien i Algeriet. These pictures were taken in Kabylie, Algeria. These pictures were taken in Kabyli, Algeria. Du har tabt dig, har du ikke? Spiser du ordentligt? You've lost some weight, haven't you? Are you eating properly? You've lost yourself, haven't you? Den står på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Ikke si det ordet igjen. Don't say that word again. Don't say that word again. Jag skulle vilja prata med dig igen. I would like to talk with you again. I'd like to talk to you again. Tom flipper ud når han finder ud af det. Tom will flip his lid when he finds out. Tom flips out when he finds out. Ikke hør på denne mannen. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this man. Jag föreslog honom att hon skulle bli inbjuden till festen. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party. I suggested him that she would be invited to the party. Du lär dig arabiska. You are learning Arabic. You learn Arabic. Varför är du hemma? Why are you home? Why are you at home? Ég mun fylgjast með ykkur. I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. Det gjorde mig virkelig ked af det. It made me really sad. It really made me sad. Ups, jeg gjorde det igen. Oops, I did it again. Ups, I did it again. Vil du være hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Do you want to stay home tonight? Ni är överkänsliga. You're overemotional. You're insensitive. Áhöfnin er upptekin við undirbúning fyrir ferðina út í geiminn. The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space. The crew is busy preparing for the journey into space. Ertu með eða á móti stríðinu? Are you for or against the war? Are you with or against the war? Vet någon var jag kunde hitta en sådan? Does anyone know where I could find one? Does anyone know where I could find one like that? Nú er søgan øll. Now the story is over. Now the beer is beer. Hun arbejdede i Belgien. She worked in Belgium. She worked in Belgium. Þau eru með mjög skemmtilega verönd. They have a very nice veranda. They have a very pleasant terrace. Jeg svømmer en gang i uken. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Der dør mennesker hver dag. People die every day. People die every day. Det er eit nydeleg flagg. It's a beautiful flag. It's a delicious flag. Han gør en myg til en elefant. He makes a mountain out of a molehill. He makes a myth to an elephant. Läraren demonstrerade idén med ett experiment. The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. The teacher demonstrated the idea of an experiment. Visst älskar jag Finland, men jag står inte ut med finnarna. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. I love Finland, but I don’t stand out with the Finns. Varför lämnade du oss? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave us? Okkar er ánægjan. It's our pleasure. Our pleasure is pleasure. Ikke alle svaner er hvide. Not all swans are white. Not all swans are white. Tänk på din framtid. Think about your future. Think about your future. Vad behöver du veta? What do you need to know? What do you need to know? Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Jeg går i kirke om søndagen. I go to church on Sundays. I go to church on Sunday. Jag skulle vilja att du betalar i förskott. I'd like you to pay the money in advance. I would like you to pay in advance. Mit land ligger i Nordafrika, syd for Middelhavet. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is located in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. Jag har något i ögat. I have something in my eye. I have something in my eye. Jeg giftede mig med en canadier. I married a Canadian. I married a Canadian. Lyt ikke til dem. Don't listen to them. Don't listen to them. Jag ska precis till att skriva en mening på tyska. I am about to write a sentence in German. I'm just going to write an opinion in German. Ertu með vekjaraklukku í herberginu þínu? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have an alarm in your room? Sommeren er omme. Summer is over. Summer is about. Tom havde en konvolut i sin venstre hånd. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. Tom had a convolut in his left hand. Jag har inte sett honom på några år. I haven't seen him in a few years. I haven't seen him in a few years. Jag kan inte ens göra en omelett. I can't even cook an omelet. I can't even make an omelet. Þú gætir þekkt Tom. I may know Tom. You could know Tom. Jeg ved ikke hvad der sker. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Vi savner virkelig vores hustruer. We really miss our wives. We really miss our wives. In i bilen med dig. Get in the car. Get in the car with you. Það var erfitt. It was tough. It was difficult. Tom snakker ikke mye fransk. Tom doesn't speak much French. Tom doesn't speak much French. Vad vill du berätta för oss? What do you want to tell us? What do you want to tell us? Carlos klättrade upp för berget. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed up the mountain. Jag har inga pengar men jag har drömmar. I have no money, but I have dreams. I have no money, but I have dreams. Hvert ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Where did you get here first? Mig langar ekki í meira! I don't want any more! I don't want any more! Det råder ingen tvekan om att hon älskar honom, men hon vill inte gifta sig med honom. No doubt she loves him, but she won't marry him. There is no doubt that she loves him, but she does not want to marry him. Kommer skovmurmeldyret til at se sin skygge? Will the groundhog see his shadow? Will the forest mold look its shadow? Våran har kommit. Spring has come. Our friends have arrived. Jeg har ikke sett ham på lenge. I haven't seen him in a long time. I haven't seen him for a long time. Jeg troede, at du muligvis har brug for det. I thought that you might need this. I thought you might need it. Jag höll mig för mig själv. I kept to myself. I kept myself. Toms bil har orangetonede ruder. Tom's car has orange-tinted windows. Tom's car has orange-toned rubles. Du bør dobbelt-sjekke det. You should double-check that. You should double-check it. Jeg troede at du var Toms ven. I thought you were Tom's friend. I thought you were Tom's friend. En student vill träffa dig. A student wants to see you. A student wants to meet you. Jeg begynner å gå tom for ideer. I'm running out of ideas. I'm starting to go out for ideas. Tom kan inte vägra. Tom can't refuse. Tom can't refuse. Tom er fransklærer. Tom is a French teacher. Tom is a French teacher. Jag har ingenstans att sova idag. I don't have anywhere to sleep today. I have nowhere to sleep today. Jeg har brug for smertelindrende behandling. I need palliative care. I need pain relief treatment. Vår butik är stor. Our store is large. Our shop is big. Hur kommer vi in? How can we get in? How do we get in? Det er en vinstok. That's a grapevine. It's a win hook. Det här är dåligt för miljön. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. Vilken rörig dag. What a chaotic day. What a moving day. Ni får inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Hvem står der? Who is standing there? Who's there? Han har många böcker. He has many books. He has many books. Hvað heitir pabbi þinn? What's your dad's name? What's your dad's name? Det er en underdrivelse. That's an understatement. It's an understatement. Det går faktiskt att säga precis samma sak på svenska. It is actually possible to say exactly the same thing in Swedish. In fact, you can say the same thing in Swedish. Jag kan inte låta er göra det. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do that. Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål. He's always asking silly questions. He always asks stupid questions. De behandler mig som et barn. They're treating me like a child. They treat me as a child. De vil købe alt muligt. They'll buy anything. They will buy everything possible. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not going to shut down on his plan. Interlingua är ett modernt redskap för internationell kommunikation. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Jeg ville være takknemlig hivs du kjøpte et brød på veien tilbake. I'd be grateful if you'd buy some bread on the way back. I would be grateful if you bought a bread on the way back. Jeg har et forslag. I have a suggestion. I have a proposal. Tom býr nær við skúlan hann gongur á. Tom lives near the school he goes to. Tom lives near him. Tom er ikke her. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Det jeg skal til å fortelle deg, er helt uoffisielt. What I'm about to tell you is strictly off the record. What I'm going to tell you is totally unofficial. Elsker du ham stadig? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Du er tre år yngre end Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Vem dödade henne? Who killed her? Who killed her? USA og Cuba ønsker at etablere diplomatiske forbindelser efter et halvt århundredes fjendskab. The United States and Cuba wish to establish diplomatic relations after a half century of enmity. The United States and Cuba want to establish diplomatic relations after half a century of hostility. Hur gjorde vi det? How did we do that? How did we do that? I dag er det fredag, og jeg har gjort det jeg gjør nesten hver fredag. Today is Friday, and I've done what I do almost every Friday. It’s Friday and I’ve done what I do almost every Friday. Jag behöver inte mera hjälp. I don't need any more help. I don't need any more help. Eg eri muslimur. I am a Muslim. I am a Muslim. Det giver ingen mening. That doesn't make any sense. It makes no sense. Takk, það er allt. Thanks, that is all. Thank you, it's all. I er ikke så hurtige som jeg er. You all aren't as fast as I am. You're not as fast as I am. Hún labbaði stöðugt um herbergið. Hún virtist of óróleg til að sitja kyrr. She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still. She stuck constantly around the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still. Du må gjøre dette. You've got to do this. You have to do this. Systemet er ferdig flikket på etter tre års dugnadsinnsats. After three years of work by volunteers, the system has been fully repaired. The system is finished chipping on after three years of hard work. Tom och Mary sa att de inte är trötta. Tom and Mary say they aren't tired. Tom and Mary said they are not tired. Tom är väldigt entusiastisk. Tom is very enthusiastic. Tom is very enthusiastic. Italienska är enligt många världens vackraste språk. Many consider Italian to be the world's most beautiful language. Italians, according to many of the world’s most beautiful languages. Pass, takk. Your passport, please. All right, thank you. Det ene øje er dilateret. One eye is dilated. One eye is dilated. Jag ger dig mitt ord. I give you my word. I give you my word. Hvad koster en øl? What is the cost of a beer? How much does a beer cost? Jeg er den eneste i min familie der ikke kan tale fransk. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. Jeg stjal den ikke. Jeg lånte den kun. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it. Han bestämde sig för den röda bilen. He decided on the red car. He decided for the red car. Jeg er ved at lære at køre bil. I'm learning how to drive. I'm learning to drive a car. Jag måste bege mig nu. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. Det berbiske sprog forener os. The Berber language unites us. The Berbian language unites us. Är det där hälsosamt? Is that healthy? Is that healthy? De svømmede med delfinerne. They swam with the dolphins. They swim with the dolphins. Jeg liker ikke kaffe. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Dette er Ken. Han elsker sin hund. This is Ken. He loves his dog. This is Ken, he loves his dog. Det var mørkt under broen. It was dark under the bridge. It was dark under the bridge. Der var ikke nogen i værelset. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Jeg tror det er noe du ikke forteller meg. I think there's something you're not telling me. I think there's something you don't tell me. Nogle mennesker kan ikke lide kylling. Some people don't like chicken. Some people don’t like chicken. Denne cykel er min, ikke Toms. This bicycle is mine, not Tom's. This bike is mine, not Toms. Släpp Tom. Get off of Tom. Let go of Tom. Vi behöver hjälp. We need help. We need help. Jag är tacksam för er hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I am grateful for your help. Du gjorde ett jättebra jobb. You did a great job. You did a great job. Han har sålt sin bil, så han tar tåget till kontoret. He has sold his car, so he goes to the office by train. He sold his car, so he takes the train to the office. Koko är en gorillahona. Koko is a female gorilla. Koko is a gorillahona. Jag har en annan plan. I have another plan. I have another plan. Jeg har aldrig forstået dig. I've never understood you. I've never understood you. Jag ska fråga honom om det imorgon då. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. I'll ask him tomorrow. Jag vill köpa en ordbehandlare. I want to buy a word processor. I want to buy a word processor. Lova mig att du inte berättar för henne. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you don't tell her. Stjärnorna blinkade på himlen. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars flashed in the sky. Du borde verkligen inte dricka kranvattnet. You'd better not drink the tap water. You really shouldn't drink the tap water. Tom sluttet å røyke. Tom quit smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Det här är allt jag vill ha. This is all I want. This is all I want. Hon borde ha gjort klart sina läxor. She ought to have finished her homework. She should have made clear her homework. Jeg gav ham et svært spørgsmål. I asked him a difficult question. I gave him a difficult question. January är årets första månad. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. Jeg må legge meg. I have to go to sleep. I have to put myself. Det är en månad tills min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month until my birthday. Vi tror ikke på jeres gud. We don't believe in your god. We do not believe in your god. Hvilket sprog er verdens sværeste? Which is the most difficult language in the world? Which language is the most difficult of the world? Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom. I've never spoken to Tom. I've never talked to Tom. Blommerne var modne. The plums were ripe. The flowers were ripe. Kanada producerar bra vete. Canada produces good wheat. Canada produces good wheat. Ned med korrupte politikere! Down with corrupt politicians. Down with corrupt politicians! Soldaten bøtet med livet for å redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier waved with life to save his friend's life. Var ligger den nederländska ambassaden? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Dutch Embassy? Glödlampor förbrukar el. Lightbulbs consume electricity. Glow lamps consume electricity. Svenskans sj-ljud kan uttalas på flera olika sätt. The Swedish "sj" sound can be pronounced several different ways. The Swedish ssh sound can be pronounced in several different ways. Er du allergisk overfor dette medikament? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this drug? De store svaner svømmede rundt omkring den og strøg den med næbbet, som en velkomst. The great swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck with their beaks, as a welcome. The large swans swim around it and sprinkle it with the beak, as a welcome. Nej, han har inte sagt någonting om det. No, he hasn't said anything about it. No, he hasn't said anything about it. Problemet är att vi inte har någonstans att vara ikväll. The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight. The problem is that we have nowhere to be tonight. Det vil måske regne i eftermiddag. It might rain this afternoon. Maybe it will rain this afternoon. Jeg har hodepine. My head aches. I have a headache. Næsten hver dag er der mennesker der mister livet på motorvej A2. Almost every day, people lose their lives on highway A2. Almost every day, there are people who lose their lives on the A2 motorway. Jag köpte den här kameran för 35 000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Önska dig nånting först. Make a wish first. Wish you something first. Datorn är en komplicerad maskin. Computers are complicated machines. The computer is a complicated machine. Hur många flickvänner har Fadil? How many girlfriends does Fadil have? How many girlfriends have Fadil? Tom studerade juridik på Harvard. Tom studied law at Harvard. Tom studied law at Harvard. Tom er en gourmet. Tom is a foodie. Tom is a gourmet. Du burde ha på deg en jakke. You should wear a coat. You should wear a jacket. Han græder altid når han er fuld. He always cries when he is drunk. He always cries when he is drunk. Áttu fjölskyldu? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Tom drukknaði ekki. Tom didn't drown. Tom didn't drink. Tom købte nye handsker. Tom bought new gloves. Tom bought new gloves. Tom kom til at skyde sig selv i foden. Tom accidentally shot himself in the foot. Tom came to shoot himself in the foot. Hún fékk stöðuhækkun. She was promoted. She got a promotion. En grupp maskerade män attackerade Tom. A group of men wearing masks attacked Tom. A group of masked men attacked Tom. Jeg kan håndtere dette. Det er ikke noget problem. I can handle this, no problem. I can handle this. It's not a problem. Jag har ingen aning om hur man spelar golf. I don't have a clue how to play golf. I have no idea how to play golf. Måske er det for sent. Perhaps it's too late. Maybe it's too late. Tom inviterte Mary på date, men hun sa nei. Ett år senere var de gift. Tom asked Mary out on a date, but she said no. A year later they were married. Tom invited Mary on a date, but she said no. A year later they were married. Kan du høre katten? Hun vil ind. Can you hear the cat? She's wanting in. Can you hear the cat? Hun ønskede at sælge sin bil. She wanted to sell her car. She wanted to sell her car. Næstum öllum var boðið. Almost everybody was invited. Almost everyone was invited. Håll ut dina händer. Hold out your hands. Hold out your hands. Ställ inte till en scen. Don't make a scene. Don't go to a scene. Hon började springa. He began running. She started running. Vi burde bygge broer og ikke mure. We should build bridges, not walls. We should build bridges and not walls. Tom ved ikke hvorfor Mary og John ikke kan lide hinanden. Tom doesn't know why Mary and John don't like each other. Tom doesn’t know why Mary and John don’t like each other. Er du gal? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Tom överlever nog. Tom'll survive. Tom survives. Tom býr nær við skúlan sum hann gongur á. Tom lives near the school that he goes to. Tom lives near him. Hun lever! She's alive! She's alive! Jag ser silver, men jag ser inte guld. I see silver, but I don't see gold. I see silver, but I don't see gold. Eg spilte tennis da eg var student. I played tennis when I was a student. I played tennis when I was a student. Jag talade om allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I talked about everything for Mom. Se till att Tom håller sig borta från min dotter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Ge den åt Tom. Give it to Tom. Give it to Tom. Það er bók hérna. There's a book here. There's a book here. Ég hef gert mitt besta. I've done my best. I've done my best. Vi tilføjer lange eksempler. We add long examples. We add long examples. Hennes tal tråkade ut mig. Her speech bored me. Her speech pushed me out. Jag måste gå och handla. Jag är tillbaka om en timme. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'm back in an hour. Tom visade oss hur. Tom showed us how. Tom showed us how. Gid jeg var anderledes! I wish I were different. I wish I was different! Jag har köpt en bil. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Birken har hvid bark. The birch has white bark. The bird has white bark. Har du noget imod at fortælle mig hvad du laver? Would you mind telling me what you're doing? Do you mind telling me what you're doing? Jeg fandt hendes mor død. I found her mother dead. I found her mother dead. Tom visste. Tom knew. Tom knew. Tom var själv inte så säker. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Tom wasn't so sure. Hvorfor måtte han forlate huset sitt og flykte midt på natta? What made him leave his home and run away late at night? Why did he have to leave his house and flee in the middle of the night? Det skjer fortsatt. It still happens. It's still happening. Jag vet inte. I don't know. I don't know. Jeg lurer på hvor han er nå. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he is now. Han har en joker. He's got a joker. He has a joker. Vis mig det. Show me that. Show me that. Tom lärde sig inte att simma förrän han var 13. Tom didn't learn to swim until he was 13. Tom did not learn to swim until he was 13. Alice har en blomst i håret. Alice has a flower in her hair. Alice has a flower in her hair. "Jeg vil købe ting", sagde drengen. "I want to buy things," the boy said. “I want to buy things,” the boy said. Makaroni og ost er Toms livret. Mac and cheese is Tom's favorite food. Macaroni and cheese are Tom's life. Det siler ned. It is raining heavily. It's slowing down. Jeg har glemt hvor jeg har lagt mit pas. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I forgot where I put my passport. Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Hvað finnst þér um hann? What do you think of him? What do you think of him? Tom måste stoppas. Tom must be stopped. Tom must be stopped. Tycker du om sommar? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Lad være med at gøre det! Please don't do it. Don't do it! Jeg troede at fjenden havde dræbt Tom. I thought the enemy had killed Tom. I thought the enemy had killed Tom. Hur illa är det? How bad is it? How bad is it? Hun er ikke gammel nok til at få kørekort. She's not old enough to get a driver's license. She's not old enough to get a driving license. Sandheden gør ondt. The truth hurts. The truth hurts. Vad betydde det? What did it mean? What did that mean? Vad för fråga är det där? What kind of question is that? What question is that? Denne rose er meget smuk. This rose is very beautiful. This rose is very beautiful. Hon talar inte engelska. She doesn't speak English. She doesn't speak English. Berätta för mig om Tom. Tell me about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Jeg genkendte hr. Jones ved første øjekast. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. I recognized Mr Jones at first sight. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act fast. We need to act quickly. Hringið á lögregluna! Call the police! Call the police! Der er en mand ved døren. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Hur är ditt liv som gift? How's your married life? How is your life married? Rør ikke ved min cykel. Keep your hands off my bicycle. Don't touch my bike. Kan du köra ännu? Can you still drive? Can you run yet? Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. It has been created in Switzerland. Tom tog sig af Marys katte, mens Mary var i Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while she was in Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while Mary was in Boston. Jeg tror du skal bruge et brækjern til at åbne den kasse. I suppose you'll need a crowbar to open that crate. I think you'll need a shrimp to open that box. "Oh gud ske lov!" sukkede ællingen, "jeg er så styg, at selv hunden ikke gider bide mig!" "Oh," sighed the duckling, "how thankful I am for being so ugly; even a dog will not bite me." "Oh god is going to be law!" sighed the donkey, "I'm so ugly that even the dog didn't bite me!" Kunne du ikke ha fortalt meg om det i går? Couldn't you have told me about that yesterday? Couldn't you tell me about it yesterday? Ég vil að þú komir hingað. I want you to come here. I want you to come here. Vi är i en recession. We're in a recession. We're in a recession. Jeg vidste slet ikke at du boede så tæt på mig. I had no idea you lived so close to me. I didn't know you lived so close to me. Jag har en överraskning för dig. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Bill geigaði á fyrsta boltanum. Bill missed the first ball. Bill scored the first ball. Þú verður að fara að heiman klukkan sex. You have to leave home at six. You have to go home at six o'clock. Pludselig begyndte en hund at gø. Suddenly, a dog began to bark. Suddenly, a dog began to swallow. Jag känner inte riktigt för att dansa. I don't really want to dance. I don't really feel like dancing. Jag tror det är dags för mig att dra. I think it's time for me to split. I think it's time for me to leave. Jag är ursinnig. I'm furious. I'm insane. Det er et meget lille træ. That's a very small tree. It's a very small tree. Hvor skal du i ferien? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? Jag är kittlig. I'm ticklish. I'm a bitch. Kan du passa barnen? Can you watch the kids? Can you fit the kids? Snälla rätta mig när jag gör fel. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please correct me when I'm wrong. Här, använd min penna. Here, use my pen. Here, use my pen. Tom cykler til stranden hver weekend. Tom rides his bicycle to the beach every weekend. Tom bikes to the beach every weekend. Lad hende ikke gå ud når det er mørkt. Don't let her go out after dark. Don't let her go out when it's dark. Á sunnudaginn vorum við á ströndinni að fljúga flugdreka. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. On Sunday we were on the beach flying. Jag kunde inte sova. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. Tom sjöng för Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Det er vår plikt å hjelpe hverandre. It is our duty to help one another. It is our duty to help each other. Hunden var i ei eske under bordet. The dog was in a box under the table. The dog was in a box below the table. Hvilke sprog taler de i Australien? What languages do they speak in Australia? What languages do they speak in Australia? Ingen ord kan mindske din dybe tristhed. No words can lessen your deep sadness. No words can reduce your deep sadness. Frem til hvilket klokkeslett kan jeg sjekke inn? How late can I check in? For what time can I check in? Det er for tidligt at gå i seng. It's too early to go to bed. It's too early to go to bed. Det er utroligt kedeligt. It's incredibly boring. It's incredibly boring. Det skulle kunna vara kul. It could be fun. It could be fun.